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dill-0.3.8-py3-none-any.whl (116 kB)\n","\u001b[2K \u001b[90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━\u001b[0m \u001b[32m116.3/116.3 kB\u001b[0m \u001b[31m16.1 MB/s\u001b[0m eta \u001b[36m0:00:00\u001b[0m\n","\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: pandas in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets) (1.5.3)\n","Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.19.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets) (2.31.0)\n","Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.62.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets) (4.66.2)\n","Collecting xxhash (from datasets)\n"," Downloading xxhash-3.4.1-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (194 kB)\n","\u001b[2K \u001b[90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━\u001b[0m \u001b[32m194.1/194.1 kB\u001b[0m \u001b[31m25.1 MB/s\u001b[0m eta \u001b[36m0:00:00\u001b[0m\n","\u001b[?25hCollecting multiprocess (from datasets)\n"," Downloading multiprocess-0.70.16-py310-none-any.whl (134 kB)\n","\u001b[2K \u001b[90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━\u001b[0m \u001b[32m134.8/134.8 kB\u001b[0m \u001b[31m16.3 MB/s\u001b[0m eta \u001b[36m0:00:00\u001b[0m\n","\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: fsspec[http]<=2024.2.0,>=2023.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets) (2023.6.0)\n","Requirement already satisfied: aiohttp in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets) (3.9.3)\n","Requirement already satisfied: huggingface-hub>=0.19.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets) (0.20.3)\n","Requirement already satisfied: packaging in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets) (23.2)\n","Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml>=5.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from datasets) (6.0.1)\n","Requirement already satisfied: aiosignal>=1.1.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets) (1.3.1)\n","Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets) (23.2.0)\n","Requirement already satisfied: frozenlist>=1.1.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets) (1.4.1)\n","Requirement already satisfied: multidict<7.0,>=4.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets) (6.0.5)\n","Requirement already satisfied: yarl<2.0,>=1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets) (1.9.4)\n","Requirement already satisfied: async-timeout<5.0,>=4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from aiohttp->datasets) (4.0.3)\n","Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>= in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from huggingface-hub>=0.19.4->datasets) (4.10.0)\n","Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->datasets) (3.3.2)\n","Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->datasets) (3.6)\n","Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->datasets) (2.0.7)\n","Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->datasets) (2024.2.2)\n","Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas->datasets) (2.8.2)\n","Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas->datasets) (2023.4)\n","Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.8.1->pandas->datasets) (1.16.0)\n","Installing collected packages: xxhash, dill, multiprocess, datasets\n","Successfully installed datasets-2.18.0 dill-0.3.8 multiprocess-0.70.16 xxhash-3.4.1\n"]}],"source":["import json\n","import pandas as pd\n","!pip install datasets"]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["from datasets import DownloadManager\n","import json\n","\n","# Initialize the DownloadManager\n","download_manager = DownloadManager()\n","\n","url = 'https://yelpdata.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/yelp_academic_dataset_business.json'\n","\n","# Use DownloadManager to download the file\n","downloaded_file_path = download_manager.download(url)\n","\n","business_data = []\n","with open(downloaded_file_path, 'r') as file:\n"," for line in file:\n"," business_data.append(json.loads(line))\n"],"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","height":49,"referenced_widgets":["367dcd92f77242e18c5fdbb348a6e336","e406c8172bea4848a6e8da3ffb0b6ae4","ef9065461dc14ca1b074b0ed6f392638","a15d848adebb49bfbd7bd11893580c39","9bdca34ac88d4057b43710ecf555e640","8f34e5a5cc2d43528714fd139e9206dc","45e7c712f867479d9860bcdc8121c102","a82ec5c2a46f40ee889439ea699f7e01","0213eff2b18a4d19847ba7b4f26e8a84","cc79b7abc1bd404487595c8677c2a639","3d97c946ba594102b25fd97157185c71"]},"id":"tTCj6H5x8MKt","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1710289597805,"user_tz":420,"elapsed":8952,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}},"outputId":"3d7cacca-3bca-4fbc-ea9e-0b5a6d0ecae5"},"execution_count":2,"outputs":[{"output_type":"display_data","data":{"text/plain":["Downloading data: 0%| | 0.00/119M [00:00, 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...]"]},"metadata":{},"execution_count":3}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["df_bus = pd.DataFrame(business_data)\n","\n","# Print the DataFrame\n","df_bus.head()"],"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","height":556},"id":"v44eROFXeM_Q","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1710289605961,"user_tz":420,"elapsed":1012,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}},"outputId":"bfa302a8-bef9-4e31-b98e-4de26dd60ef7"},"execution_count":3,"outputs":[{"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":[" business_id name \\\n","0 Pns2l4eNsfO8kk83dixA6A Abby Rappoport, LAC, CMQ \n","1 mpf3x-BjTdTEA3yCZrAYPw The UPS Store \n","2 tUFrWirKiKi_TAnsVWINQQ Target \n","3 MTSW4McQd7CbVtyjqoe9mw St Honore Pastries \n","4 mWMc6_wTdE0EUBKIGXDVfA Perkiomen Valley Brewery \n","\n"," address city state postal_code \\\n","0 1616 Chapala St, Ste 2 Santa Barbara CA 93101 \n","1 87 Grasso Plaza Shopping Center Affton MO 63123 \n","2 5255 E Broadway Blvd Tucson AZ 85711 \n","3 935 Race St Philadelphia PA 19107 \n","4 101 Walnut St Green Lane PA 18054 \n","\n"," latitude longitude stars review_count is_open \\\n","0 34.426679 -119.711197 5.0 7 0 \n","1 38.551126 -90.335695 3.0 15 1 \n","2 32.223236 -110.880452 3.5 22 0 \n","3 39.955505 -75.155564 4.0 80 1 \n","4 40.338183 -75.471659 4.5 13 1 \n","\n"," attributes \\\n","0 {'ByAppointmentOnly': 'True'} \n","1 {'BusinessAcceptsCreditCards': 'True'} \n","2 {'BikeParking': 'True', 'BusinessAcceptsCredit... \n","3 {'RestaurantsDelivery': 'False', 'OutdoorSeati... \n","4 {'BusinessAcceptsCreditCards': 'True', 'Wheelc... \n","\n"," categories \\\n","0 Doctors, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturop... \n","1 Shipping Centers, Local Services, Notaries, Ma... \n","2 Department Stores, Shopping, Fashion, Home & G... \n","3 Restaurants, Food, Bubble Tea, Coffee & Tea, B... \n","4 Brewpubs, Breweries, Food \n","\n"," hours \n","0 None \n","1 {'Monday': '0:0-0:0', 'Tuesday': '8:0-18:30', ... \n","2 {'Monday': '8:0-22:0', 'Tuesday': '8:0-22:0', ... \n","3 {'Monday': '7:0-20:0', 'Tuesday': '7:0-20:0', ... \n","4 {'Wednesday': '14:0-22:0', 'Thursday': '16:0-2... "],"text/html":["\n","
\n"," \n"," \n"," | \n"," business_id | \n"," name | \n"," address | \n"," city | \n"," state | \n"," postal_code | \n"," latitude | \n"," longitude | \n"," stars | \n"," review_count | \n"," is_open | \n"," attributes | \n"," categories | \n"," hours | \n","
\n"," \n"," \n"," \n"," 0 | \n"," Pns2l4eNsfO8kk83dixA6A | \n"," Abby Rappoport, LAC, CMQ | \n"," 1616 Chapala St, Ste 2 | \n"," Santa Barbara | \n"," CA | \n"," 93101 | \n"," 34.426679 | \n"," -119.711197 | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 7 | \n"," 0 | \n"," {'ByAppointmentOnly': 'True'} | \n"," Doctors, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturop... | \n"," None | \n","
\n"," \n"," 1 | \n"," mpf3x-BjTdTEA3yCZrAYPw | \n"," The UPS Store | \n"," 87 Grasso Plaza Shopping Center | \n"," Affton | \n"," MO | \n"," 63123 | \n"," 38.551126 | \n"," -90.335695 | \n"," 3.0 | \n"," 15 | \n"," 1 | \n"," {'BusinessAcceptsCreditCards': 'True'} | \n"," Shipping Centers, Local Services, Notaries, Ma... | \n"," {'Monday': '0:0-0:0', 'Tuesday': '8:0-18:30', ... | \n","
\n"," \n"," 2 | \n"," tUFrWirKiKi_TAnsVWINQQ | \n"," Target | \n"," 5255 E Broadway Blvd | \n"," Tucson | \n"," AZ | \n"," 85711 | \n"," 32.223236 | \n"," -110.880452 | \n"," 3.5 | \n"," 22 | \n"," 0 | \n"," {'BikeParking': 'True', 'BusinessAcceptsCredit... | \n"," Department Stores, Shopping, Fashion, Home & G... | \n"," {'Monday': '8:0-22:0', 'Tuesday': '8:0-22:0', ... | \n","
\n"," \n"," 3 | \n"," MTSW4McQd7CbVtyjqoe9mw | \n"," St Honore Pastries | \n"," 935 Race St | \n"," Philadelphia | \n"," PA | \n"," 19107 | \n"," 39.955505 | \n"," -75.155564 | \n"," 4.0 | \n"," 80 | \n"," 1 | \n"," {'RestaurantsDelivery': 'False', 'OutdoorSeati... | \n"," Restaurants, Food, Bubble Tea, Coffee & Tea, B... | \n"," {'Monday': '7:0-20:0', 'Tuesday': '7:0-20:0', ... | \n","
\n"," \n"," 4 | \n"," mWMc6_wTdE0EUBKIGXDVfA | \n"," Perkiomen Valley Brewery | \n"," 101 Walnut St | \n"," Green Lane | \n"," PA | \n"," 18054 | \n"," 40.338183 | \n"," -75.471659 | \n"," 4.5 | \n"," 13 | \n"," 1 | \n"," {'BusinessAcceptsCreditCards': 'True', 'Wheelc... | \n"," Brewpubs, Breweries, Food | \n"," {'Wednesday': '14:0-22:0', 'Thursday': '16:0-2... | \n","
\n"," \n","
\n"],"application/vnd.google.colaboratory.intrinsic+json":{"type":"dataframe","variable_name":"df_bus"}},"metadata":{},"execution_count":3}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["url2 = 'https://yelpdata.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/yelp_academic_dataset_review.json'\n","\n","# Use DownloadManager to download the file\n","downloaded_file_path2 = download_manager.download(url2)\n","\n","data_review = []\n","with open(downloaded_file_path2, 'r') as file:\n"," for line in file:\n"," data_review.append(json.loads(line))"],"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","height":81,"referenced_widgets":["23c1a57abe5d4f188bc212b043beb154","c9dd315eff574a5386217579049b9975","d592397a846b4e13893350b9866a22ae","04ceb014bcb1440ca5c1bc5a833cafec","4aa961ca56e24328be6d7f7db1136d1b","53f006287cf34d089d816a3105e0e87c","e29bdac4d0614a2d86d7e96df89c9dc5","44349a48564a47bca322dfd552f07ee8","eb8843e7c0ac4762841844b2a162014b","7539df2894b34a718c33686b565175ad","8fa2778cbd054d7ea2f014c6075c4d5b","f8abf200a5754dc181f806f6bb24bfba","1cb9a87ba5a847a6880736e774929b7d","b5f8fcced8044ceab3f5764834e5453e","4729c28feed847a49caab3f9b8baae49","043ebc7944c64d10840b7ea4dfb6925c","a6ccb2a8d4c142e59b0014194f0aed7f","f6d2766c03b84a18bf5929df0a5ed3cb","ed7d3c1f01594544be38cffd4ac690f6","99a7a103e0714327804b8d673cc288d4","8e12d93fd72e46c79811d5873c3d540a","6dfd8deed689427c826164860b1e1ab2"]},"id":"toAL6vVI-caE","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1710289822563,"user_tz":420,"elapsed":214015,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}},"outputId":"a69f07ef-86cf-4379-ffba-0357048cf4d8"},"execution_count":4,"outputs":[{"output_type":"display_data","data":{"text/plain":["Downloading data: 0%| | 0.00/5.34G [00:00, ?B/s]"],"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json":{"version_major":2,"version_minor":0,"model_id":"23c1a57abe5d4f188bc212b043beb154"}},"metadata":{}},{"output_type":"display_data","data":{"text/plain":["Computing checksums: 100%|##########| 1/1 [00:16<00:00, 16.74s/it]"],"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json":{"version_major":2,"version_minor":0,"model_id":"f8abf200a5754dc181f806f6bb24bfba"}},"metadata":{}}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["data_review"],"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"id":"WRAW1hRUFX6O","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1708346869144,"user_tz":300,"elapsed":589,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}},"outputId":"e410aeaa-dba3-4b95-d9f2-bbf3d931984b"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":["[{'review_id': 'KU_O5udG6zpxOg-VcAEodg',\n"," 'user_id': 'mh_-eMZ6K5RLWhZyISBhwA',\n"," 'business_id': 'XQfwVwDr-v0ZS3_CbbE5Xw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"If you decide to eat here, just be aware it is going to take about 2 hours from beginning to end. We have tried it multiple times, because I want to like it! I have been to it's other locations in NJ and never had a bad experience. \\n\\nThe food is good, but it takes a very long time to come out. The waitstaff is very young, but usually pleasant. We have just had too many experiences where we spent way too long waiting. We usually opt for another diner or restaurant on the weekends, in order to be done quicker.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-07-07 22:09:11'},\n"," {'review_id': 'BiTunyQ73aT9WBnpR9DZGw',\n"," 'user_id': 'OyoGAe7OKpv6SyGZT5g77Q',\n"," 'business_id': '7ATYjTIgM3jUlt4UM3IypQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I've taken a lot of spin classes over the years, and nothing compares to the classes at Body Cycle. From the nice, clean space and amazing bikes, to the welcoming and motivating instructors, every class is a top notch work out.\\n\\nFor anyone who struggles to fit workouts in, the online scheduling system makes it easy to plan ahead (and there's no need to line up way in advanced like many gyms make you do).\\n\\nThere is no way I can write this review without giving Russell, the owner of Body Cycle, a shout out. Russell's passion for fitness and cycling is so evident, as is his desire for all of his clients to succeed. He is always dropping in to classes to check in/provide encouragement, and is open to ideas and recommendations from anyone. Russell always wears a smile on his face, even when he's kicking your butt in class!\",\n"," 'date': '2012-01-03 15:28:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'saUsX_uimxRlCVr67Z4Jig',\n"," 'user_id': '8g_iMtfSiwikVnbP2etR0A',\n"," 'business_id': 'YjUWPpI6HXG530lwP-fb2A',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Family diner. Had the buffet. Eclectic assortment: a large chicken leg, fried jalapeño, tamale, two rolled grape leaves, fresh melon. All good. Lots of Mexican choices there. Also has a menu with breakfast served all day long. Friendly, attentive staff. Good place for a casual relaxed meal with no expectations. Next to the Clarion Hotel.',\n"," 'date': '2014-02-05 20:30:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'AqPFMleE6RsU23_auESxiA',\n"," 'user_id': '_7bHUi9Uuf5__HHc_Q8guQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'kxX2SOes4o-D3ZQBkiMRfA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Wow! Yummy, different, delicious. Our favorite is the lamb curry and korma. With 10 different kinds of naan!!! Don't let the outside deter you (because we almost changed our minds)...go in and try something new! You'll be glad you did!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-01-04 00:01:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Sx8TMOWLNuJBWer-0pcmoA',\n"," 'user_id': 'bcjbaE6dDog4jkNY91ncLQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'e4Vwtrqf-wpJfwesgvdgxQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Cute interior and owner (?) gave us tour of upcoming patio/rooftop area which will be great on beautiful days like today. Cheese curds were very good and very filling. Really like that sandwiches come w salad, esp after eating too many curds! Had the onion, gruyere, tomato sandwich. Wasn't too much cheese which I liked. Needed something else...pepper jelly maybe. Would like to see more menu options added such as salads w fun cheeses. Lots of beer and wine as well as limited cocktails. Next time I will try one of the draft wines.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-01-14 20:54:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JrIxlS1TzJ-iCu79ul40cQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'eUta8W_HdHMXPzLBBZhL1A',\n"," 'business_id': '04UD14gamNjLY0IDYVhHJg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I am a long term frequent customer of this establishment. I just went in to order take out (3 apps) and was told they're too busy to do it. Really? The place is maybe half full at best. Does your dick reach your ass? Yes? Go fuck yourself! I'm a frequent customer AND great tipper. Glad that Kanella just opened. NEVER going back to dmitris!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-09-23 23:10:31'},\n"," {'review_id': '6AxgBCNX_PNTOxmbRSwcKQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'r3zeYsv1XFBRA4dJpL78cw',\n"," 'business_id': 'gmjsEdUsKpj9Xxu6pdjH0g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Loved this tour! I grabbed a groupon and the price was great. It was the perfect way to explore New Orleans for someone who'd never been there before and didn't know a lot about the history of the city. Our tour guide had tons of interesting tidbits about the city, and I really enjoyed the experience. Highly recommended tour. I actually thought we were just going to tour through the cemetery, but she took us around the French Quarter for the first hour, and the cemetery for the second half of the tour. You'll meet up in front of a grocery store (seems strange at first, but it's not terribly hard to find, and it'll give you a chance to get some water), and you'll stop at a visitor center part way through the tour for a bathroom break if needed. This tour was one of my favorite parts of my trip!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-01-03 23:21:18'},\n"," {'review_id': '_ZeMknuYdlQcUqng_Im3yg',\n"," 'user_id': 'yfFzsLmaWF2d4Sr0UNbBgg',\n"," 'business_id': 'LHSTtnW3YHCeUkRDGyJOyw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Amazingly amazing wings and homemade bleu cheese. Had the ribeye: tender, perfectly prepared, delicious. Nice selection of craft beers. Would DEFINITELY recommend checking out this hidden gem.',\n"," 'date': '2015-08-07 02:29:16'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ZKvDG2sBvHVdF5oBNUOpAQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'wSTuiTk-sKNdcFyprzZAjg',\n"," 'business_id': 'B5XSoSG3SfvQGtKEGQ1tSQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This easter instead of going to Lopez Lake we went to Los Padres National Forest which is really pretty but if you go to white rock the staff needs to cut down all the dead grass that invades the rock and the water. I would wish the staff would also clean or get rid of the dead grass that's also living by the water. The water is really green and dirty. Los padres national forest staff need to work hard to maintain this forest looking pretty and not like a dumpster. Even Cachuma lake looks like they put a bit more effort.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-03-30 22:46:33'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pUycOfUwM8vqX7KjRRhUEA',\n"," 'user_id': '59MxRhNVhU9MYndMkz0wtw',\n"," 'business_id': 'gebiRewfieSdtt17PTW6Zg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Had a party of 6 here for hibachi. Our waitress brought our separate sushi orders on one plate so we couldn't really tell who's was who's and forgot several items on an order. I understand making mistakes but the restaraunt was really quiet so we were kind of surprised. Usually hibachi is a fun lively experience and our cook said maybe three words, but he cooked very well his name was Francisco. Service was fishy, food was pretty good, and im hoping it was just an off night here. But for the money I wouldn't go back.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-25 07:31:06'},\n"," {'review_id': 'rGQRf8UafX7OTlMNN19I8A',\n"," 'user_id': '1WHRWwQmZOZDAhp2Qyny4g',\n"," 'business_id': 'uMvVYRgGNXf5boolA9HXTw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My experience with Shalimar was nothing but wonderful. \\nI wanted to get my engagement ring sized and was told over the phone that it could probably be done within the day. \\nWhen I brought it by, the team confirmed that the jeweler would be able to accommodate my same-day request and that it would be around $40 (simple band, decrease by three full sizes).\\nI checked my size one more time, confirmed, and left to let them do their thing.\\nWhen I came to pick up later that afternoon, the ring was too small. It's very important to note that Shalimar sized the ring perfectly, but that I made a mistake and should've gone up a half-size.\\nThe Shalimar group were completely understanding and accommodating, even resizing my ring back up and getting it back to me within an hour at no charge! Even though it was my mistake!\\nThe associates' attitudes in dealing with what was a pretty embarrassing situation instantly earned my satisfaction and loyalty as a customer. Very grateful for such a wonderful experience.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-06-21 14:48:06'},\n"," {'review_id': 'l3Wk_mvAog6XANIuGQ9C7Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'ZbqSHbgCjzVAqaa7NKWn5A',\n"," 'business_id': 'EQ-TZ2eeD_E0BHuvoaeG5Q',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Locals recommended Milktooth, and it's an amazing jewel of Indianapolis. I'm glade I had the chance to experience this.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-08-19 14:31:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'XW_LfMv0fV21l9c6xQd_lw',\n"," 'user_id': '9OAtfnWag-ajVxRbUTGIyg',\n"," 'business_id': 'lj-E32x9_FA7GmUrBGBEWg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Love going here for happy hour or dinner! Great patio with fans to beat the StL heat! Also...very accomodating at this location. I like the Veal Milanese but with mixed greens instead of pasta! they'll modify the menu to suit your taste!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-06-27 22:44:01'},\n"," {'review_id': '8JFGBuHMoiNDyfcxuWNtrA',\n"," 'user_id': 'smOvOajNG0lS4Pq7d8g4JQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'RZtGWDLCAtuipwaZ-UfjmQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Good food--loved the gnocchi with marinara\\nthe baked eggplant appetizer was very good too\\n\\nThe service was very slow, but despite this, I'd go back, the food is just that good\",\n"," 'date': '2009-10-14 19:57:14'},\n"," {'review_id': 'UBp0zWyH60Hmw6Fsasei7w',\n"," 'user_id': '4Uh27DgGzsp6PqrH913giQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'otQS34_MymijPTdNBoBdCw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The bun makes the Sonoran Dog. It's like a snuggie for the pup. A first, it seems ridiculous and almost like it's going to be too much, exactly like everyone's favorite blanket with sleeves. Too much softness, too much smush, too indulgent. Wrong. It's warm, soft, chewy, fragrant, and it succeeds where other famed Sonoran Dogs fail. \\n\\nThe hot dog itself is flavorful, but I would prefer that it or the bacon have a little more bite or snap to better hold their own against the dominant mustard and onions. \\n\\nI'm with the masses on the carne asada caramelo. Excellent tortilla, salty, melty cheese, and great carne. \\n\\nSuper cheap and you can drive through.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-10-27 17:12:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'OAhBYw8IQ6wlfw1owXWRWw',\n"," 'user_id': '1C2lxzUo1Hyye4RFIXly3g',\n"," 'business_id': 'BVndHaLihEYbr76Z0CMEGw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great place for breakfast! I had the waffle, which was fluffy and perfect, and home fries which were nice and smashed and crunchy. Friendly waitstaff. Will definitely be back!',\n"," 'date': '2014-10-11 16:22:06'},\n"," {'review_id': 'oyaMhzBSwfGgemSGuZCdwQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'Dd1jQj7S-BFGqRbApFzCFw',\n"," 'business_id': 'YtSqYv1Q_pOltsVPSx54SA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Tremendous service (Big shout out to Douglas) that complemented the delicious food. Pretty expensive establishment (40-50$ avg for your main course), but its definitely backs that up with an atmosphere that's comparable with any of the top tier restaurants across the country.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-06-24 11:21:25'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LnGZB0fjfgeVDVz5IHuEVA',\n"," 'user_id': 'j2wlzrntrbKwyOcOiB3l3w',\n"," 'business_id': 'rBdG_23USc7DletfZ11xGA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The hubby and I have been here on multiple occasions and we have loved every part of the meal, every single time. Everyone from the servers to the bartender is very knowledgable about the menu and was able to immediately recommend items I could eat as-is, substitute or delete to make something safe for this Celiac girl to eat. The wine and cocktail menus are spot on. The food divine. My only wish is that they would have a gluten-free dessert, we've always had to go elsewhere for something sweet. But that is not a big deal and I still want to go here time and time again.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-08-10 19:41:43'},\n"," {'review_id': 'u2vzZaOqJ2feRshaaF1doQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'NDZvyYHTUWWu-kqgQzzDGQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'CLEWowfkj-wKYJlQDqT1aw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'I go to blow bar to get my brows done by natalie (brow specialist) which i highly recommend she is great does a great job on my eyebrows! But then i got a blow by victoria!! Wow i was impress i have thin, straight, dead hair and she left me with the biggest volume ive ever had!!! Tried another girl but didnt like it as much so victoria will be my girl for ever; very beautiful clean place!!!',\n"," 'date': '2016-03-07 00:02:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Xs8Z8lmKkosqW5mw_sVAoA',\n"," 'user_id': 'IQsF3Rc6IgCzjVV9DE8KXg',\n"," 'business_id': 'eFvzHawVJofxSnD7TgbZtg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My absolute favorite cafe in the city. Their black and white latte is probably the best I've ever had (not too sweet and just the right amount of foam), soups are always really good (even for non-soup people) and there's just a lot of space to do work. The noise level is perfect, the music is at a perfect level, and I always enjoy when patrons bring their dogs. I'll keep giving them my business for as long as I can.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-11-12 15:30:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'vBK79c3_1Ff_oqkh5VpfGg',\n"," 'user_id': 'Ohhrhu1RkqfVciIVx_W5HQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'nRKndeZLQ3eDL10UMwS2rQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 5,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"HOLY SMOKES!\\n\\nactual pumpkin pie mixed in with the frozen custard......are you kidding me? Why hasn't this become a huge sweep the nation treat. \\n\\nThe best part was the chunks of pie crust. Like finding a diamond inside another diamond. Super yummy.\",\n"," 'date': '2009-10-13 19:49:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ZVvhc3Go7v5I8XTiVoWmqQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'WBpQDAZymU0dhIqXcACGNw',\n"," 'business_id': 'ut6fi2W2YaipNOqvi7e0jw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Upland is a brewery based out of Bloomington, Indiana that has become popular enough to open up a couple additional locations in central Indiana. All of their beers are very good, and I am also a fan of their burgers and tenderloins. Therefore, I was excited to try their pizza, but I don't think it ended up being on par with these other items. My margherita pizza had a cracker-like crust and was pretty light overall. The cheese was good, but none of the other toppings added much flavor. There was no red sauce as is typical for a true margherita pizza. My opinion is that Upland's pizza might serve as a nice appetizer for a group, but I'll be sticking with their burgers or tenderloins as my meal of choice on future visits.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-11-12 14:12:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'J-4NdnDZ0pUQaUEEwDI9KQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'vrKkXsozqqecF3CW4cGaVQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'rjuWz_AD3WfXJc03AhIO_w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': 'I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Chill way to spend a Friday night.',\n"," 'date': '2012-12-04 16:46:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'eCiWBf1CJ0Zdv1uVarEhhw',\n"," 'user_id': 'OhECKhQEexFypOMY6kypRw',\n"," 'business_id': 'vC2qm1y3Au5czBtbhc-DNw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Yes, this is the only sushi place in town. However, it is great when you're craving sushi and don't have time to go somewhere else. The salmon is probably the best fish they have, so we always order salmon. We also love their spicy edamame, tempura, ocean salad, and cabbage salad. Service has always been friendly and quick!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-09-04 03:48:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lUUhg8ltDsUZ9h0xnwY4Dg',\n"," 'user_id': 'RreNy--tOmXMl1en0wiBOg',\n"," 'business_id': 'cPepkJeRMtHapc_b2Oe_dw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I was really between 3 and 4 stars for this one. I LOVE the 96th street Naked Tchopstix so I was very excited to see this one which is closer to my house.\\nThe vibe is totally different as this is geared more to take out although they do have a decent size dining area. You order at the counter and they deliver it.\\nMy daughter and I tried the sushi bowl. You pick up a piece of paper and select from a choice of proteins, vegetables, rice and toppings. I like the fact that it is on paper and you don't have to guess what things are or have to shout over the counter to tell the server what you want. The sushi bowl was good but not wonderful. The choices particularly of the vegetables seemed a little too limiting and I felt I had more rice than other food items. The sauces were tasty. My husband ordered the Maui roll which is my favorite roll at the 96th street location and this just was not up that standard. It was good but the quality and consistently was not as good as at 96th street. I would go back though and I think a lot of people would be happy with the sushi bowls. I do want to make a comment about the low reviews that people have given the place because of service. People - it is a sushi place - it isn't McDonalds- so it will be a bit slower. You are not going to order and get out of there in five minutes even though it is called express. As a healthy alternative to fast food in the area, it is worth the wait. Oh and try the bubble tea. I had the strawberry and it was quite yummy. Next time I am going to try the vanilla chai.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-07-17 03:30:07'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qS6kE7CDoDagyPZwmueJaQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'zoBajEyVA0z4IjbFsMJksg',\n"," 'business_id': 'c-IgS6Pk6vMyax7Rbr38eA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Went for lunch. Beef brisket sandwich was awesome. So juicy and tender. Pulled pork was was just as good!',\n"," 'date': '2015-06-08 19:45:48'},\n"," {'review_id': 'G_5UczbCBJriUAbxz3J7Tw',\n"," 'user_id': 'clWLI5OZP2ad25ugMVI8gg',\n"," 'business_id': 'x4XdNhp0Xn8lOivzc77J-g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Best thai food in the area. Everything was authentic and delicious. Will definitely be back again and again.',\n"," 'date': '2013-08-15 15:27:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'z0osLHDvXvzfm57D4DmD2Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'xVKE_HJ2pwUtTdLbL3pnCg',\n"," 'business_id': 'S2Ho8yLxhKAa26pBAm6rxA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Service was crappy, and food was mediocre. I wish I would have picked some other place for my last dinner in town.',\n"," 'date': '2016-11-22 00:22:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'DyrAIuKl60j_X8Yrrv-kpg',\n"," 'user_id': 'mNsVyC9tQVYtzLOCbh2Piw',\n"," 'business_id': 'MWmXGQ98KbRo3vsS5nZhMA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I recently had dinner here with my wife over the weekend and could not have been more pleased! \\n\\nOur meal was excellent! My wife and I were astounded by how quickly our food came out! Everything tasted fresh and homemade which we both appreciated. \\n\\nThe only problem was trying to pick something from the menu as there were too many delicious sounding items to choose from. We will definitely be returning to try more items! Can't wait to see what the next chef specials will be!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-10-27 02:47:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'elqRpX9T3YwL07uLNtN3Bg',\n"," 'user_id': '-sryo4gDYxbZ1T5Bz4l5Bw',\n"," 'business_id': 'ltBBYdNzkeKdCNPDAsxwAA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I at least have to give this restaurant two stars due to the decent food. But while on a dinner meeting and after spending $100 on entrées and appetizers, I had to flag down the assistant cook, (the guy in bright red baggy pants watching TV), to see if I could get more avocado for my tuna entrée. He made it very apparent and direct that he could not help me with that situation and I would have to flag down my waitress so she could bill me for the four dollar avocado.',\n"," 'date': '2015-02-02 04:29:13'},\n"," {'review_id': '-P5E9BYUaK7s3PwBF5oAyg',\n"," 'user_id': 'Jha0USGDMefGFRLik_xFQg',\n"," 'business_id': 'bMratNjTG5ZFEA6hVyr-xQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"First time there and it was excellent!!! It feels like your are entering someone's home. The waiters there funny and nice. The food come out very quickly and it is phenomenal!!! Definitely will be going back to this place.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-02-19 13:32:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YbMyvlDA2W3Py5lTz8VK-A',\n"," 'user_id': '4hBhtCSgoxkrFgHa4YAD-w',\n"," 'business_id': 'bbEXAEFr4RYHLlZ-HFssTA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great burgers,fries and salad! Burgers have a hint of salt and pepper flavor.\\n\\nThis location is very quaint. They only have outdoor seating\\n\\nFriendly staff.\\n\\nStreet parking as well as parking lot in the back.',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-02 03:17:34'},\n"," {'review_id': '40thYphUgIfvJq17QCfTwA',\n"," 'user_id': 'QzCEzH3R7Z6erOGLr3t55Q',\n"," 'business_id': '0pMj5xUAecW9o1P35B0AMw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Great staff always helps and always nice. Always clean and huge store size. Stays stocked with everything you need. The staff always helps make my custom breakfast bagel',\n"," 'date': '2017-05-26 13:10:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'xdQe2E8jR6pLA07p1aYtKA',\n"," 'user_id': 'yFuE8SPF-d1GXJUWYgKtzg',\n"," 'business_id': 'X8lfGPagfLzfOsx0k08NRQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Took my vehicle here for some work a few years ago for a manufacturer recall. Problem went away and then started hearing another noise which I thought was related, but turned out was a completely different issue. Kevin and his mechanic lifted my car right up and fixed the issue FREE OF CHARGE even though I told them I'd pay. Outstanding individuals for doing that. Highly recommend!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-13 14:15:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'p198qZsKOMCUhgdtRWsOKQ',\n"," 'user_id': '3MpDvy5gEdsbZh9-p92dHg',\n"," 'business_id': '8QnuWGVNBhzyYXGSeRdi4g',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"After my ROTD yesterday of a different Sweet CeCe's location, I realized that I had never reviewed my local source! Anyway, I love the product. Love love love. And I usually like their selection of toppings - good mix between healthy and not-so-healthy. Sometimes the girls working there aren't really paying attention or are nowhere to be found. Sometimes you have to remind them of their deals (like $5 Friday). But I can't give it less than 4 stars because I just love it so much.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-10-24 19:24:33'},\n"," {'review_id': 'L0jv8c2FbpWSlfNC6bbUEA',\n"," 'user_id': 'bFPdtzu11Oi0f92EAcjqmg',\n"," 'business_id': 'IDtLPgUrqorrpqSLdfMhZQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'What a great addition to the Funk Zone! Grab a bite, grab some tastings, life is good. Right next door to the Santa Barbara Wine Collective, in fact it actually shares the same tables. We had a fabulous savory croissant.',\n"," 'date': '2016-10-13 22:50:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'rj0asGlfKjlXH6iEgu-jdw',\n"," 'user_id': 'wA7V8Ijgbv-16rmnwW-hjA',\n"," 'business_id': 'LfYUOclwLs_SPrNAdKMjsw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Nice relaxing place to get a massage! Same day appointments are easy to come by! I have never been disappointed with any therapist I have had at the Center!',\n"," 'date': '2013-11-14 04:02:52'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pHwbdway4yeI-dSSmZA7-Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'qEEk0PuoH1dVa619t8fgpw',\n"," 'business_id': 'PY9GRfzr4nTZeINf346QOw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We checked in around 2:30 pm. Check-in was quick and easy with complimentary valet parking (always appreciated). The Peppermill is huge and reminded us of the Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. They have around eight restaurants on site offering almost any type of food you could want. The casino area is huge, rivaling almost anything you could find in Las Vegas. One thing we noticed is that many of the slot machines were noted as being penny machines, but when you actually started to play them you realized they had minimum bets of anywhere from 30 cents to $5. Talk about false advertising! We were in the Tuscany Tower on the 12th floor. Our room had a nice view of the huge pool area. Our room was large and featured free WiFi (likewise always appreciated), a huge bathroom area with large shower (with two shower heads), TV, a large jetted bathtub and a phone next to the commode. There were dual sinks and lots of counter space. Plenty of towels were supplied. The roomy main area had a king bed with night stands, closet, TV, mini fridge, dresser with two drawers, a safe, table for computer or writing, complimentary bottles of water, and three nicely upholstered chairs and table. The thermostat did a good job controlling the temperature and keeping it comfortable. Staff were all courteous and helpful. A very nice place and we enjoyed our stay.',\n"," 'date': '2017-09-20 16:16:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JBWZmBy69VMggxj3eYn17Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'aFa96pz67TwOFu4Weq5Agg',\n"," 'business_id': 'kq5Ghhh14r-eCxlVmlyd8w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My boyfriend and I tried this deli for the first time today. I had a turkey, avocado & bacon panini and he ha a buffalo chicken wrap. We will definitely be returning. The wait for food wasn't too long, which is always appreciated during lunch hour. There was SO much to choose from. They have salads, soup, macaroni, sandwiches and hot food. I love a deli that has many options to choose from!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-08-23 21:39:38'},\n"," {'review_id': 'E9AB7V4z8xrt2uPF7T55FQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'iYY5Ii1LGpZCpXFkHlMefw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Zx7n8mdt8OzLRXVzolXNhQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Amazing biscuits and (fill in the blank). Great cocktails too. Highly recommended. A bit busy though.',\n"," 'date': '2018-04-27 23:03:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'mO398Ed5dpv1H5ZsKc8KXw',\n"," 'user_id': 'yobeeTUBfaTBcnk26mXNuA',\n"," 'business_id': 'hKameFsaXh9g8WQbv593UA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Food was good- atmosphere/decor is like a fishing lodge- menu is someplace between outback & bonefish. Went on a Groupon & all 3 of our meals & calamari appetizer that we ordered were cooked perfectly- we will def be back.',\n"," 'date': '2015-04-15 15:30:48'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RB8UpF_kT2xoOC51OzXEeA',\n"," 'user_id': 'EZjT2qJN0mOXypMAqZdSrQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'A2q7d-CBM2-81tVkmS4JMw',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Straight to the point, it's cheap, it tastes and feels cheap\\n\\nThe good: price, location, dessert (edible food items are: baked chicken, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, Salad bar lol, meat and cheese bar, ravioli, pizza) also our waitress was bomb af\\n\\nThe meh: behind counter meat slicing station, shrimp (not even deveined), Mexican station\\n\\nThe bad: breakfast -worst eggs ever, actually worst, eggs. Le Benedict can't even cut through ham or English muffin (tried on all 3 occasions), steak, shrimp again, hell breaded items can't even, don't even. Decor it's the 1970 nightmare you can imagine\\n\\nTried 3 times and failed\",\n"," 'date': '2017-07-08 18:58:42'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YcLXh-3UC9y6YFAI9xxzPQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'G0DHgkSsDozqUPWtlxVEMw',\n"," 'business_id': 'oBhJuukGRqPVvYBfTkhuZA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The only reason I didn\\'t give this restaurant a 5 star rating, is because of one single pretentious waiter. As a 4 night guest at Hotel Palomar, the location of the restaurant is an obvious plus. The first night of my stay, I met a coworker in the restaurant for a cocktail. When we arrived, the host staff were busy and not available, so we just walked in. The restaurant was not too busy, so we just looked at a small table next to the bar and proceeded to take a seat. A waiter came by and I quickly asked if we could have a seat, before sitting down and told him we\\'d only be having cocktails. He stumbled on his reply, and in an irritated/in-convinced tone, told me \"I guess it would be fine\" and basically just kept walking mid sentence. My guest and I brushed it off, and started having a conversation while looking at the drink menu. To make a long story short, he was distant and we both got the \"couldn\\'t be bothered\" vibe from him. When it came to the bill, we asked if it could be split due to company transaction policies, and you would have thought asked him for some inconceivable task. We basically spent the rest of our night and elevator ride to our room in shock of the rudeness we had just experienced. \\n\\nAlthough that situation left a bad taste in our mouth, and the night before we decided to avoid the restaurant, we decided to grab another cocktail and give this place one more try. After looking around and ensuring \"last nights waiter\" wasn\\'t on shift, we walked over to the bar and started looking over the menu. Instantly, the bartender greeted us with pleasant small talk and made us feel 100% welcome. He asked about our day, recommended cocktails and was a completely genuine person. This guy (I think his name was Ben) is an absolute star! He gave us lessons on Whiskey, described how to make classic cocktails, and was 100% invested in our experience. This is exactly what a bartender at a 4/5 star establishment should be - actually he exceeds that. He was kind, funny, friendly and completely redeemed this restaurant/bar from our terrible experience the night before. \\nI also ordered room service last night from this restaurant, and it was amazing. The bacon wrapped dates and chocolate cake are to die for! Great restaurant and amazing bartender(s). Too bad one bad egg could have spoiled this experience.',\n"," 'date': '2015-03-05 03:37:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qGQvUHmC02PAZW3H1WTIfw',\n"," 'user_id': 'RRTQpg8hutdimzAYuP_Hbw',\n"," 'business_id': 'eaJCpC6IhYphj7bwCDHTwQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Stopped by after a Sunday morning walk in the park - great food, coffee customer service - love the vibe in here',\n"," 'date': '2015-08-30 13:41:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'jC-fGfx-YLqxVBcyTAd4Pw',\n"," 'user_id': 'EBa-0-6AKoy6jziNexDJtg',\n"," 'business_id': 'W4ZEKkva9HpAdZG88juwyQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'In a word... \"OVERRATED!\". The food took forever to come out. The burger was WAY overcooked (Especially when I ordered it Medium Rare) and the Seafood Jumbalaya was Decent. Not worth the price. There are better places to eat in the french quarter. It was not horrible, but for everything that we had heard about this place, I would have expected much better.',\n"," 'date': '2013-12-29 02:37:42'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ra9fNjYUumKp_iaqv-jjDg',\n"," 'user_id': 'l_izt6hn7oTxalU06mSyqg',\n"," 'business_id': 'jTI5Xjk27An8ceJ6VwpXiQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Comfortable bed, good breakfast, fast internet, great location, and low price. Overall I was really impressed with this place. However, if you stay on the top floors you may be waiting up to 15 minutes for an elevator in the morning.',\n"," 'date': '2013-08-15 15:57:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ki90-hauSIfW_7sBuBBqfA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Z2cOL3n9V8NoguJ-uU_Nvw',\n"," 'business_id': 'j8JOZvfeHEfUWq3gEz6ABQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 3,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"NEVER AGAIN. This is a so called restaurant that does nothing that a restaurant should other than prepare food, because the rest is done by the patron. Want water? Get up and go across the yard to get it. Want a drink, walk up a flight of stairs and pay cash. Want to sit in a dirty yard in dirty lawn chairs, enjoy yourself. The wait staff is mildy helpful in that they bring you your food after you go to the window and pay cash for it...kind of like New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood, but dirty and with live music (which is nice). It's a one in a lifetime experience for me...just once.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-06-11 14:55:14'},\n"," {'review_id': 'TcCcHzc3L6Aboq3DteEfZA',\n"," 'user_id': 'OuatwND396ZQxm2zK8WlUQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'jNL5KUPz2-tHUJM__ysSaw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'If you want to pay for everything a la carte this is the place for you. \\nFood wasn\\'t terrible not impressive.\\nThey brought a basket of chips and some tomato sauce which I asked politely for something spicier and some pico de gallo. She brought them happily to me and the salsa was much better. When asked what we would like to drink I asked for a coke and she brought out a bottle which I stated I wanted the fountain drink. She said \"oh that\\'s only Pepsi\". Never mentioned that they only had bottle drinks for coke. \\nWe ordered our food which was reasonably priced, asked for sour cream and also to put cheese on the taco. She let us know cheese was extra. \\nIt was $2.50 extra for another basket of chips. \\nWhen I received the bill we paid more for the condiments then the actual food. Side of sour cream 2.00, pico de gallo 2.50, salsa 2.00, chips 2.50, cheese 1.00 and the bottled coke that we didn\\'t want 5.00. \\nJust a suggestion...when you order anything make sure to ask if there is an extra charge.',\n"," 'date': '2014-08-24 20:14:12'},\n"," {'review_id': 'A4n4YaE-owOVgTQcrVqHUw',\n"," 'user_id': 'S7bjj-L07JuRr-tpX1UZLw',\n"," 'business_id': 'I6L0Zxi5Ww0zEWSAVgngeQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The cafe was extremely cute. We came at 8am and they even had a jazz band playing at that time. I got the breakfast sandwich and it was delicious. I loved how they rolled the egg and put the bacon pieces inside. Great price for a filling breakfast!',\n"," 'date': '2018-07-07 20:50:12'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cvQXRFLCyr0S7EgFb4lZqw',\n"," 'user_id': 'ZGjgfSvjQK886kiTzLwfLQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'EtKSTHV5Qx_Q7Aur9o4kQQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"On a scale of one to things that are awesome, this place is the bomb. \\n\\nI was drawn in by the promise of the duckfat frenchfries. Took the boy for his birthday and put our name in, had a drink around the corner while we waited and were given seats at the bar after about 45 minutes. \\n\\nWe were waited on by Keith, the bartender, who was congenial, knowledgeable about his whiskeys and an all-around cool guy. We started with 3 cape may salts (two for me, one for the boy) and tater tots, both of which made me happy.\\n\\nFor dinner, I got Kentucky Fried Quail (stellar, though the succotash was not as exciting as I wanted it to be) and the boy got the 24$ Fois Gras burger, which was incredible. Worth every penny. The duckfat fries were pretty yummy, but not even the best part of the meal. I could've done without the cheese sauce, but as it was on the side I wasn't deterred.\\n\\nI look forward to coming back here, with everyone I know.\",\n"," 'date': '2009-10-14 01:15:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'yCbzm_d4cHpfUX00Ljvgmg',\n"," 'user_id': 'bHSoye7R5cL-LVWLxtaxMg',\n"," 'business_id': 'SSZDGl2J-CEyIzuIbEiYNQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We started with the artichoke dip, big mistake. It was cold and the chips were stale. Mentioned to our waitress, but nothing came of it. We ordered a large pizza, thin crust which after adding toppings it was a bit pricey for pizza. Pizza was ok, not great. Except for not being our advocate our server was good. I have been here before for Cardinals game, it was better then. Will try another venue next time.',\n"," 'date': '2017-09-08 23:20:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'r2IBPY_E8AE5_GpsqlONyg',\n"," 'user_id': 'IKbjLnfBQtEyVzEu8CuOLg',\n"," 'business_id': 'VJEzpfLs_Jnzgqh5A_FVTg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"It was my fiance's birthday and he decided he wanted a good, laid back Thai restaurant for dinner. Yelp steered us in the Jasmine Rice direction, and it was definitely a good decision. We wanted the summer rolls, which were on the menu, but apparently will not be available until summer, so we settled on the pan-fried dumplings. The flavor was good, but I don't think we'd order them again. We got the green curry fried rice with duck and chicken pad thai. Both of those dishes were great, but the duck stole the show. That was some the of tastiest duck I've ever had. The pad thai was a bit sweet for us, so I think we'd try a different noodle dish when we return. But it was still very good, especially with some chili sauce mixed in. Our service was good, but other people had issues. One table was rushing to get to a show at the Kimmel Center and waited quite a while for their meal (and were going to be late). Another person who got take-out was missing one of their items (but the owner realized it and called him and walked the dish to his house, which was very nice). Overall, good quality Thai! We would definitely go back.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-04-01 13:05:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cejwyz1Hn1yQ-v2m9PAovQ',\n"," 'user_id': '9ZLpaBGl-udvS-niR3Y_ow',\n"," 'business_id': 'GILL0ZkvVXJaNQzYRXfMQw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I absolutely love Courtney! She is hands down the best hairstylist I have ever had. The reason I think she is so great is that she knows what will look best on me and over the past year has understood my limits for styles. I always go into the salon and tell her to cut my hair how she thinks will look best, and I always leave blown away at what she does. You know you have a great stylist when you don't have to specify what you want done, but instead they see what needs to be done. Great stylist, great personality and very knowledgeable. I would highly recommend her to anyone who wants to look their best.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-10-08 19:32:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'QDY_xE91MY9O-nzn56yHxQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'enaHB1e956thdnafcHVAig',\n"," 'business_id': 'TyOe_EcbyAWMmPgg_ILwHQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I've been to this location many times when I lived in the area and although it is a chain and not exactly sexy, it does the job on many occasions. If you need an oil change, this place is ok, if you need a state inspection this place does it. The key is getting there when they are not busy or else you will wait. \\n\\nAgain, nothing fancy here a pep boys is a pep boys but all in all decent stuff.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-05-29 12:16:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'rV6AWGN4rYORMQY8dVP41g',\n"," 'user_id': 'dKoIp8vsKFH4cbmGSYy2IQ',\n"," 'business_id': '0ICfbEImE0gUZc4kSZ7QHg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Replaced 2 old 70s lennox with 2 new ones. They did a great job and have been runnong for 3 years now.',\n"," 'date': '2013-11-14 04:58:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EoN2xyKvTTn9B-z1grhYxw',\n"," 'user_id': 'DBYhpb5hrAYgQjQaMhNYyQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'oJ4ik-4PZe6gexxW-tSmsw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I love the Brewpub for their variety of dishes. Nachos, pizza and sandwiches. Variety of beers to choose from crafted right on sight. \\n\\nEvery time we go, the service is slow. I think it's just the pace of the restaurant. It's never a quick beer and a bite of food. Instead, enjoy the patio and friends, savor that time. \\n\\nKid and dog friendly environment. Also great for your vegetarian and vegan friends. \\n\\nMy go to is a half order of the nachos or fish & chips. \\n\\nTried their Pumpkin Seasonal Beer and it's on par with some of my favorite pumpkins.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-10-26 15:29:56'},\n"," {'review_id': '2u5Skti5mZam_-XTKPelvA',\n"," 'user_id': 'IMd3NQbclta91pFKk3AJZg',\n"," 'business_id': 'qO9dNNIvNbCBd8ZgjxMxgQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Farmhouse, rustic, chic.Helpful staff with great ideas to decorate your home. Prices reasonable. Store has items from Joanna Gaines ( Fixer Upper) and much more. Finally a good home store in SB with reasonable prices.',\n"," 'date': '2017-04-08 00:33:11'},\n"," {'review_id': 'mCVyppNwK2qPOJHXgs0p2Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'mNITUu6B2wUKBOa4NmUHJg',\n"," 'business_id': 'NQSnr4RPUScss607oxOaqw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My brother came to visit and we wanted to pick up a six pack of good beers for a night in. Ended up staying and having a few while playing their Nintendo 64 (Super Smash Brothers, which the owner said was donated by fellow patrons). It's a great place with good food and genuinely nice people. Should be a staple in the Northeast.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-05-19 06:10:14'},\n"," {'review_id': 'dzNxNW9XpJiECE-bKATezw',\n"," 'user_id': 'NUtIAX-ygn474tDg5nmesg',\n"," 'business_id': '6LCZLGa09Qifn6rG7-DNrg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"My go to menu is coconut soup and pad thai with protein. I tried same menu here. \\nActually really like their coconut soup. They used enough amount of coconut milk that soup was really creamy and wasn't over powering with herb. I am so used to Americanized thai cuisine that I prefer less herb on my dish except cilantro.\\nPat thai was great too. Liked the amount of peanut they used, noodle was chewy and perfect and not too sweet. They gave me generous amount of chicken and white meat wasn't dry so I was very happy with my meal.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-02-16 07:20:16'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nAE4IGJMRxDfas0qYabMWw',\n"," 'user_id': 'GtqEcbHF-WTfKlms9250ZQ',\n"," 'business_id': '7wQEzj-0yOpLiANNLuUflQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Excellent service! Great diner food and breakfast is served all day. Came here for lunch- they were busy but very friendly and hospitable. Easy to get to off the 295.',\n"," 'date': '2016-10-26 16:35:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'DWbmJF84jRrGaJRmlSSnYQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'aWlojpSpzEICTza3RgGJgg',\n"," 'business_id': 'SIoCIxjn4jLt2O-4DajWJw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My go-to spot on a Saturday night! I was real bummed that lucys closed, but was pleasantly surprised by this bar just across the street!\\nTheir food is better than expected. I always get wings and fries. (be careful of the wtf sauce though) Sometimes it takes a real long time to get the bartenders attention, but the place is usually packed. And if you're lucky the always sunny crew will pop in!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-11-18 17:47:29'},\n"," {'review_id': '4zopEEPqfwm-c_FNpeHZYw',\n"," 'user_id': 'JYYYKt6TdVA4ng9lLcXt_g',\n"," 'business_id': 'SZU9c8V2GuREDN5KgyHFJw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We were a bit weary about trying the Shellfish Company on the Wharf as more often than not, many places like these (see Cannery Row, Monterey) feast on a captive audience and provide sub-standard fare at high prices.\\n\\nHowever, emboldened by the perennial good reviews on Yelp, we suppressed our initial observations and went ahead with the trying it out. The place is small, so definitely plan ahead. You will have to wait, so either you know, just do so, or perhaps try to visit outside of peak hours. Luckily, our wait was only about 20 minutes as the dinner rush was just leveling off.\\n\\nThe special was the local rock crab - $25 for 3 lbs of California Rock Crab, salad, and your choice of soup/chowder. After taking a look at a few trays of rock crab being served out, the wife and I both opted for it, as it looked awesome. \\n\\nThe salad/chowder combo was great as you actually received hearty portions of each, so it was a good start. As much as I liked the chowder however, the Shrimp Bisque the wife ordered was amazing, so I would recommend that going forward. \\n\\nBut enough of prattling on about side dishes: the rock crab tasted just as glorious as it looked. Juicy, buttery chunks of white crab meat await you, just a few cracks away. While the rock crab shells are pretty thick, once cracked, they splinter and separate easily, a good sign they are cooked to perfection. The rock crabs provided a great amount of meat for what I felt to be the least amount of work you're going to do for crab, King or otherwise. \\n\\nWe were thoroughly satisfied with our meal and along with the special being an overall great value, devouring the Rock Crab at SBSC turned out to be one of the favorite meals on the trip. I think ordering crab here is a safe proposition indeed.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-05-31 02:14:54'},\n"," {'review_id': '-7LkjSPzfVgnVpuVuRuOow',\n"," 'user_id': 'uAu772KpSkb-tPFgZmU-lA',\n"," 'business_id': '2GYg3liJ9-m6Z67L_4_BRQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 7,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 3,\n"," 'text': 'I LOVE Weaver\\'s Way and really disagree with some of the content in previous reviews. WW is not necessarily meant for convenience shopping. I am a single woman and I find that I have no trouble shopping at the co-op, during peak times or otherwise. I actually find the co-op to be a great place to shop if you live alone because I can get smaller quantities of items than if I shop at the corporate stores like Acme. I also enjoy the work hours - I\\'ve worked throughout the store, but most recently, I have been getting in my hours by participating in the membership committee. I wouldn\\'t say that the community is necessarily made up of \"tree huggers\" and \"earth children\", though. The community is made up of a variety of similarly-minded folks from different backgrounds. I enjoy having a place to go to where I can obtain locally grown produce, a place that offers more natural, wholesome, and preservative-free foods than chain stores with prices way below that of Whole Foods. I enjoy interacting with other members and contributing to my local and global community. I don\\'t find the membership fee or the work hours to be prohibitive being a single person vs. a family. I don\\'t think that membership in a co-op is for everyone and, if you aren\\'t single, it\\'s definitely not a solo decision. If you\\'re keen on being committed to the Weaver Way values, you couldn\\'t find a better place to shop. If not, stick to the chain stores or just pay the 10% visitors\\' fee to pop in once in a while.',\n"," 'date': '2008-12-03 04:13:43'},\n"," {'review_id': '67cGcRrS0jTvB8p7rpaPew',\n"," 'user_id': '8YSxVaD203mE_9FR4nCEVA',\n"," 'business_id': 'oQ5CPRt0R3AzFvcjNOqB1w',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Honestly the food doesn't knock my socks off but other people seem to love this place. I go because my husband likes it as for me I'd rather go to a different BBQ spot. I guess it also depends on what you order.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-01-17 13:26:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qdzNocGBnh8U-cvE_N8qbA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Fq7d14GDAsGjDoojP_ygOQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'pAgtmlIGqFYaWdBoCUeitw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The TV shows are $4.99 and they have commercials! What a cheesy way to make money and a sign of a less than classy hotel, particularly when you pay more than $150 a night. And there is NO complimentary breakfast, just an overpriced buffet, something even the cheapest hotels in California provide.',\n"," 'date': '2012-12-04 02:40:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ti6y48ya3syOndm7teSjcg',\n"," 'user_id': 'NGTzj_44YDnPDmsD45HWeg',\n"," 'business_id': 'O8BBn8lry8lLoIFmChceGg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I stopped here because it was by the hotel I was staying in. The guys working at the shop were super nice and friendly. I really like the buy one get one deal they do. I also ordered some hot wings and they were pretty good. They had a ton of sauce on them which is awesome. Next time I come back to town I will be sure to stop here for some more pizza!',\n"," 'date': '2014-08-10 23:56:17'},\n"," {'review_id': '4KpIldEM-tdnrJLqYzRfZQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'Z5j9Xw_G0c7M2b1-iS67wg',\n"," 'business_id': 'HTqXI5S2XcSlh_ylx9sE6g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I've only had the cannolis here but they are awesome! They're freshly filled when ordered and the filling is phenomenal. Not too sweet, it's perfect. If you like cannoli, if you don't think you like cannoli, you should definitely get one from Termini Bros.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-03-23 14:35:33'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ad91EzbAGRCR1SwkPfZJKg',\n"," 'user_id': 'LWTvg7RlyNLXIf482tXBPw',\n"," 'business_id': 'WCVFqK84i2H5EClSoow7ZA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Traveling through in our RV, stopped over in Granite City. Found this little gem of a cafe. Upon entering, the staff was very sweet and friendly. This is like home cooking. We ate here twice and all our food choices were fresh, delicious and like we would fix at home. Yum.',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-21 17:41:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'fGYcFOHfQL4stYPdD3J47g',\n"," 'user_id': 'CgyCtH9CbLO7J_uO3cL7OA',\n"," 'business_id': 'PzhPMkaNYiKDTHoTG0r8rw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"After 3 weeks of working in the area I finally found a place off of Magazine that is not overrated. Friendly staff! Y'all know I love Phò so it's pretty damn good!\",\n"," 'date': '2016-09-18 22:43:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Lk21QNbrI_e3nf0GvWSPww',\n"," 'user_id': 'bCla27ma_6i_QFrGkILKrQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'sLgnx_WFCjEoPsS6NwU70Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Our family returned for breakfast again this weekend and the food and service was again impeccable ... Highly recommend',\n"," 'date': '2014-10-27 16:31:37'},\n"," {'review_id': 'HuWEnZr7-0HveaqXxyywgg',\n"," 'user_id': 'Eb8LgZArKmW0KgW6lTni-w',\n"," 'business_id': 'YbnJYHNp_fHbI-hcFg48vQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"The kayaking tour at the Santa Cruz Island was great. My husband and I had a wonderful time. Jen, our tour guide, was helpful and informative. We had a lot of fun exploring the caves. We didn't expect much but this tour definitely exceeded our expectation.\",\n"," 'date': '2009-08-03 21:55:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'aAcQibR3zWOvk4atbCM3SA',\n"," 'user_id': '7P9w2PrP4ZcJyDFwch51Ig',\n"," 'business_id': 'Zi-F-YvyVOK0k5QD7lrLOg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Definitely recommend for anyone looking for a delicious meal at a reasonable price. The shrimp and goat cheese crepes are a must have!',\n"," 'date': '2016-09-18 17:05:23'},\n"," {'review_id': '-up4mW6WdqzGrRh7t_pLmA',\n"," 'user_id': 'xbybLiQockAzC4xAlzFrGg',\n"," 'business_id': 'EpREWeEpmR8f1qLHzzF0AA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"After living in the STL area for way over 10 years now, I am both ashamed and remorseful to admit that I ate here for the FIRST time just a few weeks ago. I am ashamed because it's a St. Louis tradition and remorseful because I missed out on it for so..many...years! \\n\\nThis place is amazing. What is not to love! It's a factory where you can get a tour (Friday-Sunday, noon-5pm on the hour), there's a shop, bar, and dining area. They also host many event with live music on the weekends. It's fun to just kind of wander and look around - don't worry, you'll get a chance because there will likely be a wait before you dine. The beer is, of course, amazing. The Hefeweizen is my personal favorite and a great start for anyone who is not a huge beer drinker (like myself). Additionally, the food is homegrown and damn good. I had the pizza (recommendation from my server) and it was really spectacular, though I'm admittedly a pizza connoisseur so I enjoy a good pizza pie more than most probably ;P My date had a bison burger which was also really good. \\n\\nMore fun info: the service is great! I think they tend to hire more funky and alternative people (like tattoo parlor staff) which I support. The quality is what makes this place stand out along with the emphasis on local food and brewery. \\n\\nIt is a little on the pricier side but for all the experience you get and the quality, it is worth it. I will go again and again and you probably should, too!\",\n"," 'date': '2011-11-30 06:58:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PDHRlnEdkEcwATry4w71PQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'UsBxLh14sUpO8SdeqIiGOA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Wy8Hswf2cLQGRZN6armkag',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"If I could give it a zero, I would. I order a plain hamburger, and realized they put bacon in it (which I am allergic to and unable to eat) after two bites. When I went back to the drive-through window to complain (didn't realize the actual restaurant was open--it was almost 2 after all...), the guy took back the burger, said nothing, and disappeared. After 2 minutes of awkwardly making conversation with the next people in line in their car, he came back and rudely told me I had to go inside to get my food. Which I did. And still did not get an apology.\\n\\nI refuse to go back there after that ordeal, which is a shame, because it's nice to have a variety of places to go to after DT. Guess Freebirds it is!\",\n"," 'date': '2011-08-24 23:07:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EZarjNNbO_2yH1Xbizog9g',\n"," 'user_id': 'R_W9WlKiA56VzVbRzTULQQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'pR8u8hXf1vvzoAGOoKHQqQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'First time here and they did a great job, very satisfied with the car wash and the service I received. Thank you',\n"," 'date': '2016-08-25 17:17:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ymhbOMW63B_vGaRFR3XT0A',\n"," 'user_id': 'yZdAhQ_KmKuCZmbBy9YDQg',\n"," 'business_id': '5Ce3lZksYVkCbrihqylVHQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I just started going to Sushi Nara this month (they opened just a short time ago). I love this place; it is clean, the staff are friendly and acommodating, and the service is fast. The sushi is always delicious ((I've been here 3 times) and the prices are reasonable. In fact, this week my husband stopped in for take out, bought 4 sushi rolls and the total was $24. That is amazing. \\n\\nI love the freshness of the food and there's a huge selection to choose from.\\n\\nEveryone on the eastside, check this place out!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-07-25 17:56:26'},\n"," {'review_id': '5GGfWhVGmubQLmbVbye8vw',\n"," 'user_id': 'B6G4f3UX1Z5_CpyV1xXm8Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'AgbRp5NLsP1-J1fdg6Hdcw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Awesome little shop. The owner really knows his stuff and you can tell he loves his work. They have tires and other parts you won't find anywhere else.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-13 17:15:09'},\n"," {'review_id': '_UYXYxRRnZtH-dNJZEkMQQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'wp-uX1pnNjAIDBNnQxz1ZQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'lpfrjbjIWC0BNZThaSDMLw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Been here so many times before and all I can say is the food is really good. A hidden gem in Florissant, it has the best Panang curry around. Haven't been to their sister restaurant yet, but I can't seem to want to move on when I am always so satisfied with their fare here.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-12-21 00:17:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zRIH5eDA2GbynjZPrk8dDg',\n"," 'user_id': '07aVWNhBhpwqW3MdqoKDKQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'jLerIZFpe25jOUf722qzBA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'My food only merited maybe two stars but I will give an extra star because I like the menu (and will try more of it) and their design and concept. Sadly though, my tomato-basil soup tasted kind of like a weak marinara and my tuna melt type sandwich had a very sharp, off-putting flavor. It was citrusy, for sure, and I love lemon in a tuna melt but perhaps this was lemon zest or something just way too overpowering? I think next time I will focus on the dishes with cured Italian meats, mortadella and prosciutto. And also the baked goods, those sounded pretty good, especially the Nutella bruschetta!',\n"," 'date': '2011-03-20 12:44:20'},\n"," {'review_id': '5obXxR0b94b5q6j1zYCAzw',\n"," 'user_id': '3inG_FUhm28tUJc0zZ2fCg',\n"," 'business_id': 'aY_n9RSaD2Yw09jSFFePew',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We visited once and were very disappointed in my veggie pizza and my husband's sub sandwich. The tomato sauce was not tasty, and they did not use enough cheese on my pizza. The dough looked and tasted like it was prepared by a machine. Perhaps they have improved, but we are not in any rush to try a second time.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-08-16 15:43:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RGV9GWhAAfAAlYyd4vho7g',\n"," 'user_id': 'Zs8Zk3sgh5JxRmoZW4PJcg',\n"," 'business_id': '3ZynJ94VpIdDlaArmEp2Rg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"A couple friends and I stopped by for some late night milkshakes and found ourselves at More Than Just Ice Cream. Well, we just got ice cream...not fully taking advantage of what the name implies, but maybe next time.\\n\\n3 milkshakes: 1 coffee, 1 chocolate, and 1 black&white malt. \\n\\nAll were pretty good. Definitely satisfied the ice cream craving. I thought my coffee milkshake could have been thicker, same goes for the chocolate. The black&white was plenty thick and was probably the best of the three. Unfortunately, I did not order that one so I settled for my not so creamy coffee.\\n\\nI did sample some ice cream flavors before setting on a milkshake. I tried the pumpkin pie which was AMAZING. I don't know why I didn't just get this. Maybe a milkshake isn't the way to go here.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-10-03 16:24:30'},\n"," {'review_id': '7rCsR3SARVF3vXNiw_Csgg',\n"," 'user_id': 'mmdf_Fi-Hh_3uZN5zE164A',\n"," 'business_id': '9gObo5ltOMo6UgsaXaHPWA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My husband and I took my mother here for her 100th birthday!\\nWe can\\'t say enough about the treatment we received: from a great table and view, to delicious \"compliments of the chef\" extra dishes, to a beautifully decorated cake plate, to the warm and attentive servers. It was much more than we expected, even for this very special occasion. For us, it was a wonderfully memorable experience.',\n"," 'date': '2016-09-06 03:04:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'DOeEDBfsrNph0ktNkYYFnQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'qVYilGRmY6uemAy_tDpfuA',\n"," 'business_id': '9OtFX3YzG5keaUMOWU1imA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Man. This place is nice. The bartender was awesome. Try the burger. It's fresh with all local ingredients. The plates of food I saw come out looked amazing as well. \\n\\nThe beer is cold. The drinks are mixed perfectly. This is not a chain restaurant but a dedicated local place with good employees.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-05-26 01:56:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JzBhoRVecH9pO0BBiJNQqw',\n"," 'user_id': 'Pbry-b9xBgHlWlbGlYbTZg',\n"," 'business_id': 'b7V_5q22_eTeHlYzq1bpFw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I visited this restaurant 4 times during my 5 days stay. Crazy, right? Here are a list of reasons/pros:\\n\\n- We were staying a nearby hotel.\\n- The restaurant opens 11 - 10:30 pretty much every day including new year's day so it fits into our schedule.\\n- If you are a party of two, chances are you get seated right away.\\n- $9 per dozen of oysters which is a really great deal by any standard!\\n- They have a seafood shop next door that sells boiled and fresh seafood to- go.\\n- Our server (same) is very friendly and recognized us every single time.\\n\\nNow I want to talk about the reasons why I only give it 3 stars.\\n\\n- We tried a bunch of stuff which are all pretty mediocre. Raw oysters are not cleaned well. So if your schedule is flexible, go to Superior Seafood during their happy hours for their 50 cents/oyster - better quality and cheaper. Turtle soup has a strange taste so I definitely prefer Felix's. A portion of my boiled shrimps are always mushy somhow, maybe boiled for too long?...\\n- The ambient is inviting but not comfortable so we basically just finished our food and go. \\n- Clean the bathroom!!\\n\\nWill probably visit again if we stay in the area next time or simply just pick up some seafood quickly.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-01-02 04:12:17'},\n"," {'review_id': 'meGaFP7yxQdjyABrYDVeoQ',\n"," 'user_id': '_jaJDV-qTBafatbObmtzpA',\n"," 'business_id': 'cg4JFJcCxRTTMmcg9O9KtA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Skip this train wreck if you are looking for dinner. Our server was clueless...like we seriously thought she was lost in the restaurant. Had to ask for setups, water refills, etc. Ordered chicken parmesan and got eggplant parmesan instead with a fish bone in it. The drinks were good.',\n"," 'date': '2018-02-11 03:11:20'},\n"," {'review_id': '5M9fBQINWamyQPdJ7OQkeA',\n"," 'user_id': 'kHmXUEOAsIbguUrPoX6Tkg',\n"," 'business_id': 'iD25g7vUG3asELjXtMGF9w',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Meh is all I can say for TDS. The restaurant itself is just cold.... not literally, but figuratively. There was no decor, no menu boards, stainless steel prep tables as dining tables, no soda machines, staff EVERYWHERE with no identification (shirts, nametags, etc). The food is reasonably priced and most of it was quite good, but what really irked my party was the fact that they charge for extra salsa!!! We ordered a salsa trio (which included 3 samples of the various salsas, in 2oz glass prep bowls), and when my brother asked for more salsa for his tacos (mind you, we ordered one of ever taco, three burritos and guacamole), he was told he'd have to buy the trio again! Really!!??? We spent over $40 on food, drinks and apps, too. Even though the food was decent, I wouldn't return as the atmosphere is just blah and you can't get extra salsa for your damn tacos!\",\n"," 'date': '2012-12-04 02:14:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gmVABJ9ctuispKPC7S1AeQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'XN1ms_EBRYMF5GYSjfUHDQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'rJzLJL33mFyrM_90kAQKuw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I'm so incredibly happy with our pictures! Angela Clifton Photography have worked with us 3 times and we have been happy with every single picture that was taken! Not only are the photos fabulous, but we had such a fun experience. The price is extremely reasonable and the pictures will be a keepsake we will cherish forever!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-12-02 18:40:48'},\n"," {'review_id': 'tXHWJWnTdrraHGUqaPWj3g',\n"," 'user_id': 'zKAHSNzqvwsyoFCw3QpafA',\n"," 'business_id': 'S2Ho8yLxhKAa26pBAm6rxA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Enjoyed my fish out at a sidewalk table. A bit pricey but food was good. Go to Side street in French quarter if u want quieter dining outside.',\n"," 'date': '2018-05-19 01:14:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GK5JEpizD-nDGXsJUYVLTg',\n"," 'user_id': '9QpNZ4-0gJow6xj-6OZe8Q',\n"," 'business_id': '6JFTijOMHB46yBoyVOjPCA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The court house is very old and the art is great. The spiral staircase is funny. One can get view of entire city from 5th level. The tower clock room is really surprising with all mechanical gears inside!! You need a prior appointment to get into clock room. Worth spending 2 to 3 hours of time here.',\n"," 'date': '2015-08-30 16:48:31'},\n"," {'review_id': 'r1tPwFMILy0COeEQ-B3YLw',\n"," 'user_id': '3M1_pyDSgMP6sRMz564eJw',\n"," 'business_id': '8xM8akbQhHDQdJO1sPMB1A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I had the pleasure to meet with Ann today and not only was she extremely helpful and so positive, she went above and beyond to make my 1st experience here amazing and made it a absolute regular customer from this day forward. Thanks girlie!!',\n"," 'date': '2018-07-26 09:15:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'byblHsbxiqb1pC1cuSfslA',\n"," 'user_id': 'C_2mNjl-doRVvsL03_T57Q',\n"," 'business_id': '18eWJFJbXyR9j_5xfcRLYA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 7,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This is the first time I tried this place and I was surprisingly surprised. I had a combination dinner pad Thai and coconut soup. The soup was very tasty as I never had coconut soup before. The pad Thai was exactly what I was expecting and it did not disappoint. The restaurant had great Thai decor and music. The staff and service was top notch. For a town with not much selection for food, this was a great change of pace. This may become my go to place in Carp.',\n"," 'date': '2011-10-28 03:43:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'xumAI7br1X67OY_bU_Yqhg',\n"," 'user_id': 'jEmClJb6wjfDUksVMO_Jjg',\n"," 'business_id': 'X_E7U2lVNEwbH_gpOBmAHQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This place was so chill and relaxing. When I come back it\\'ll definitely be in my list if stops. Not to mention the artist performing was fun and eclectic (I mean really, a country version of \"Let It Go\", what\\'s not to love?)',\n"," 'date': '2017-06-17 17:46:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'fC415u9adP0Xtamme7hcCw',\n"," 'user_id': 'mEOMAeEonZoUx2nPM3v6fg',\n"," 'business_id': 'f-WhNOSwN1aB4nRFekf01g',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Id you haven't been to the Smoothie King center since it was know as the New Orleans Arena, you are in for a nice surprise. The arena has had a face lift and, while the seats are the same, everything else has been refreshed. \\n\\nMost importantly, the food options are far more varied and appeal to many tastes. The quality of the food is very good and significantly improved from a few years back. The drink options are much improved as well and include full service bars, spiked lemonade, bottled and draft beer and of course, smoothies. There is even a spot for sweets. You can get funnel cake, cotton candy, and all kinds of delicious things I was too full to take in. \\n\\nThe venue finally feels a bit swanky and top notch. We are moving on up!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-03-19 00:30:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'onlgwy5qGDEzddsrnIvtWg',\n"," 'user_id': 'pYXeL0RCqus2IfhthYCOyA',\n"," 'business_id': 'W7NxQw8UYFR0HLPrI08tvw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Don't know what it is but If my tummy's feeling icky, I can count on Chipotle's stake to fix me up. I just have to remember not to go during full on lunch time. I usually go between 2 & 4 when it's peaceful and calm. Busy or not the service is always friendly and fast!\",\n"," 'date': '2012-02-01 14:21:25'},\n"," {'review_id': 'FMFZoES5LfumuwhsZbIDlQ',\n"," 'user_id': '4ubLHlnMFFw4JikcXr-F4w',\n"," 'business_id': 'f4PA-f1tcN1bIpZJLdFsQQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I must admit, I wasn't expecting much. This place totally blew us away. This has to be one of the best Indian restaurants in the Tampa Bay. The ambience is wonderful including white table linens. The best part was the food, OMG. The chicken 65 was to die for, and the hot sour soup was rich and flavorful. The waitress (Angel) was friendly, attentive and very pleasant. They opened just a week ago. I'm sure this will soon be the place foodies seek out for real Indian food.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-26 02:32:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'QS7CuOtFLuS3dnwKHRtSYQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'PBnEwGVCBL0N-bET6ZI6kQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'm5-FtgWRd4qA7j0vaOXiXQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Had to wait until my third trip to NOLA to actually get in the door. First two times I tried waiting in line, this time around we got smart and bought reserved seats so we could be on the benches. Well worth the extra $20 to not hassle with waiting in line for an hour. It goes toward the preservation of Jazz so it's a good cause...just splurge.\\n\\nThe show was fantastic. True musicians and great personalities to boot. I can only imagine that this is what concerts were like 50 years ago. The band members were dapper, engaging and insanely talented. It's in a tiny hole in the wall space that only holds maybe 200 people? So it's very intimate and nice to see the smiles on the faces of the musicians as they share their craft with you. This is a must do while in NOLA!\",\n"," 'date': '2016-11-10 20:56:13'},\n"," {'review_id': '4PHFo_GRG4FEk1q4X7xQVQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'jbsCBG0A-3wVDjrKar-0Wg',\n"," 'business_id': 'X63jIMRHYBvKKQDuJTRiQQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'A GREAT EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!! I was a completely new customer. I did not have an appointment because my other plans got rained out and my dealership was too busy to take me. I needed a PA State & Emissions inspection which I dread because they can be a total ripoff at some places when they add things on and I just wanted to get it over with. I saw that this place had much better reviews on Yelp than many other shops in the area. Keystone Discount Tire took my 2008 Pontiac Torrent in for inspection while I waited and had some free coffee. I only had to get up once to look at some irregular outer front tire wear on my car when it was on the rack during inspection. I always appreciate it when the technician lets me look at the problem. It was nothing major. Easily correctable with an alignment sometime in the future. Bill was very friendly, knowledgable, and straightforward with his overall analysis of my car. My car was fully inspected and stickered in less than an hour without my bill being jacked up with add-ons. I recommend getting on their mailing list for their coupons!!!!!!!!!!',\n"," 'date': '2014-10-11 13:55:05'},\n"," {'review_id': '1c6sgLe07HAhipebsQ1wgA',\n"," 'user_id': 'ZRXvbrutBBULaFS6T9NCwA',\n"," 'business_id': 'HnhxO2cpa15AHI1456Pl6Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Wow! I never thought my sons phone could be repaired after he dropped it but it is and it took less than a half an hour! Very professional and excellent service! I'm thrilled!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-10-17 00:55:35'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PPgbLBvi34A6m7bKJfTwhw',\n"," 'user_id': '3TL6HZ1JrKcNTvGDWKlrow',\n"," 'business_id': 'GyC36Pn0Q1-qHnqXys6yFg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Service and management terrible... After messing up all 4 of our orders the waiter got mad and started cursing... The manager offered our drinks to be free.. What a mess. The food was cold and nasty didn't even eat half of it and waited over an hour... I will never dine in any cracker barrel again after this experience...\",\n"," 'date': '2013-12-07 13:17:13'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gImS1dtA_TixEouDfp2o4g',\n"," 'user_id': 'xE7AXFF9wVaN6id6OCtH3Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'D5V0Fawd6ODVgqCY8xngsw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': 'I have been to a number of dog friendly hotels...just not in the city and did not know what to expect. Usually they are motel like. This one was in the heart of the city.\\n\\nI walked tentatively into the hotel lobby as i have a labrador/golden mix who is not easy to hide.\\n\\nWe got to the front desk to register and i was still feeling uneasy although my bf had assured me it was a dog friendly hotel. Reception was so nice immediately putting us at ease. As we checked in an attendant asked if Bentley could have treats which she fullly enjoyed. The Reception person also asked if we would like a welcome kit for Bentley. Holy moly. Of course. Dog dishes, a mat, treats, etc. I was blown away. \\n\\nPlus the guests at the hotel all stopped to compliment and pet \"queen Bentley\". Our room was on the top floor. Awesome!\\n\\nEven when i went to walk her the car attendants greeted her by name. We were so impressed with the service we decided to come back an extra night. \\n\\nThank you Loews. I didnt realize a hotel could be so dog friendly especially to a big dog.',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-14 21:05:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'jSoo6p_GpvYRHG2QK6WE2g',\n"," 'user_id': 'EfG0nInFMbiO9Hy7A6B2cQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'fGYnHzFr1z2kv7bPRW6VMA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Sometimes this food is very very good. Unfortunately it's not consistent. Ordered something I've been getting for years and every other time it tastes incredible. It's like they have different people in the kitchen and you don't know who you will get. So 50 % of the time it's excellent. UGH.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-08-08 01:37:37'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pl5AjpEcFxFTltkBvHjsRA',\n"," 'user_id': 'YjS6MDNwGbueb5WtALIJ2A',\n"," 'business_id': 'EBn3U4mpnIRLIy2lKuilRQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Been to this location twice and will never go back again!!!!\\n\\nFirst time was mediocre, the second time was so very disappointing it beggars belief. I ordered some ribs and had to send them back because one half was warm and the other half was refrigerator cold. They came back and one side was really hot and the other side was still cold, third time it was edible. The manager came over the third time to apologize, never once offered to comp anything. I'm not the kind of guy to cause a fuss to get something comped, but to send something back three times to get it cooked properly and only get an insincere apology really pisses me off, enough for me to write this review.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-11-06 18:54:49'},\n"," {'review_id': '8GZbCEMxrbqmRinDbfHWVQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'OkjeFppodgJP_CvB84cJYw',\n"," 'business_id': 'FHNIvNgh3fS7VZQq2Y3dsA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"After trying a few ramen places with crazy variety in their selections and stellar broth, I was not too excited about the ramen I got at Cheu. Maybe it's a matter of taste, but personally, I was not a fan of their thick noodles, and extremely salty broth. \\n\\nThe service was great, and they had a nice selection of beers! The friend I went with loved it, and has been many times. Honestly, I'm just sorry I wasn't a bigger fan. But I hope others try it for themselves. I might just be an oddball out on this one.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-07-13 18:28:58'},\n"," {'review_id': 'D3GVEsKHghesOV5wdZOwRQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'Zp1o52IRl92dunmsfiT96g',\n"," 'business_id': 'gGyqnAlpFrka_qzpO7j4lQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Federal Doughnuts is a new concession at the ballpark -- who doesn't love some doughnuts and fried chicken? \\n\\nAlso, there is now a concession stand near 136 that is gluten-free dedicated. They offer pizza, cheesesteaks and even brownies and cookies.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-04-11 04:12:06'},\n"," {'review_id': 'L0E_Ld__jIATsQ1vA7ZGZw',\n"," 'user_id': 'Cvi8nZTwDVaQkqmmgQwQMw',\n"," 'business_id': 'D4DZztR7vkbiED6txGUYFg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Looks like there is a second Red Kings restaurant in Chinatown and it did not disappoint! Since this place just opened yesterday, I'm not exactly sure if it's replacing the other Red Kings down the street, or if it is just a second helping of spicy, Szechuan food.\\n\\nWe ordered takeout and picked up the Dan Dan Noodles and a shredded Pork in Garlic sauce dish. The spice level in both dishes was perfect. Extremely mouth-burning, but with delicious flavors that were sweet, earthy, and fresh. The portions were very generous and will make for great leftovers for us. I can't wait to try some of the other dishes and come back here for a sit-down dinner. They also have karaoke rooms upstairs, plus they are BYOB.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-06-24 13:15:21'},\n"," {'review_id': '9IG9eB3K-RdIonPBuZ0psw',\n"," 'user_id': 't2IL-HIXQKd6iZ6cIY8kcg',\n"," 'business_id': 'jOOOrH5n2ijnsZKxzPSAiw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This is one of the busiest Chick fil A's I've seen but they always manage to be quick and have exceptional service! I seriously don't know how they can be so quick and great all the time! One of my favorite places!\",\n"," 'date': '2016-04-23 15:13:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'OlaSUt3bA66VcCbVHhR0oA',\n"," 'user_id': 'CbJ3Z5iL58ufqDhYWJFDtA',\n"," 'business_id': 'UEgiQRvpAeaq-QyEvm7Ysw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Best place for salads! I go there every time I'm in town for lunch. It's fast and veggies are always fresh.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-11-06 21:59:14'},\n"," {'review_id': 'QsuwAldo7cc94nJxu6xKWQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'U0aN9ar9YI24Oc9JshTrDQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'dyCfFIt1XIA8lIpuWaW2eQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My parents and I took the Oak Alley and Laura Plantation tour on September 26th, 2015. I forgot the name of our driver-he was very informative on our drive to the plantations. The schedule is perfect! We were dropped off where we had time before and after the tour for free time to walk around the properties. They are very flexible with drop off locations on the return drive. We got off near Jackson Square and got to enjoy the rest of the afternoon in the French Quarter.',\n"," 'date': '2015-10-08 01:06:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'yyrMqY7sNp5gT7KJ1AaYWA',\n"," 'user_id': 'pitYOVSsF8R1gWG1G0qxsA',\n"," 'business_id': 'GBTPC53ZrG1ZBY3DT8Mbcw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We have been here twice for brunch and have enjoyed it immensely. Everything we have tried has been delicious, particularly the grits with scallions and sour cream. But the room is always freezing so be sure to bring a sweater!',\n"," 'date': '2016-03-07 17:25:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'OJO7m2zn3LAr011J1I7ppQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'JriXL8qqw_tJ1mpwtlBabg',\n"," 'business_id': '1QVB0_-piu0GXes87BXeGw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Love this place...best hot dogs and chili dogs around...i go here as many times as i can..yum',\n"," 'date': '2017-10-11 01:27:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'SpmKsFnwg35PTgCVujOOJA',\n"," 'user_id': 'RiQWbgwR-asiU_mA7s8gpg',\n"," 'business_id': 'pUVRCYL8rT4I5Ry5FYkRsA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Sweet spot in the Waterline. Came for some live music with friends on Saturday. Very cool. Best local beer in town by far. Seems like the concept is a few notches up from Fig Mountain. Definitely prefer Topa. Even cooler is that you can order incredible food from the Nook Restaurant, and walk two feet into Lama Dog which is part of the Waterline. I love it!!',\n"," 'date': '2016-12-19 22:58:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Bf4LKkVzGvEKM-rOyc8M_A',\n"," 'user_id': '3rSKIFAWcJ-0jkRJcJgX1g',\n"," 'business_id': '9GiEYlSeM4Csc8Isp5PzPw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great customer service! We were a little out of their pick up area but they were very accommodating and came and got our group of 7. When we got there we realized we were billed for 8 instead of 7. I called and he refunded my money for the extra ticket in minutes!\\n\\nThe tour itself was SO much fun! We were laughing and smiling and our tour guide was funny! We saw lots of alligators! From babies swimming in the water to full grown ones! We saw turtles and birds too! Our tour guide had a baby alligator we could hold that he\\'s raising until it\\'s a little bigger since it was a late hatch that would have died because of when it was born. The ride back was fun too because we went fast and the guide did some \"tricks\" with the boat! I highly recommend this tour!!!',\n"," 'date': '2016-04-11 21:17:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'f1rzB39-cvLf0ZUgLbgQGA',\n"," 'user_id': 'kzxwFrLA0fyhP7qKzkRopw',\n"," 'business_id': 'IfcJZKQiBKf_9yq784qbww',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Westfall replaced our roof in April. We could not be more pleased with the entire process. Quality roof, excellent communication and excellent follow up. Very happy we chose this company to replace our roof.',\n"," 'date': '2017-08-29 00:22:41'},\n"," {'review_id': '3dVcGYz6GokuEytLrfG8bA',\n"," 'user_id': 'FEI0XkOrUHufSW_rfOTPAA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Dv6RfXLYe1atjgz3Xf4GGw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Good food, reasonably priced, and nice staff. Not ideal for eating in, but since they are going for a fast food approach to vegan food, that makes a lot of sense. I know the buffalo bella is the dish that they push the hardest, but for my money the Cheesesteak is the way to go. And pro-tip: Get the sweet potato fries.',\n"," 'date': '2012-12-04 23:58:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'I1rcoz7_p4z2hXjpno5RHw',\n"," 'user_id': 'xjDZnGhK76PQkcVzO3dcWw',\n"," 'business_id': 'uaipZDBSvzDzUUlazpyGCg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The ramen is okay, nothing spectacular. Service is okay. Good place for a quick stop but wouldn't go if there were other choices. Been here twice, will continue to go.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-01-04 07:26:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zcj7iTXdSz0GCBOReMTeiQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'X8XCFMZN8pFlWEZcKuKzZw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Zx7n8mdt8OzLRXVzolXNhQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"A menu that satisfies everyone's cravings! Clean, trendy, and delicious! I definitely recommend going early (before 9 am) as the wait tends to get longer after 9 am! But honestly, it is soooo worth the wait. You will leave there feeling so incredible satisfied!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-01-21 17:12:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'bed0N65L9E1GyiNsI7BOqg',\n"," 'user_id': 'c7g5fn6R9TfPECxFrpwT_w',\n"," 'business_id': 'OlcuZ9sWonCsSSGuHxb6yw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Had the brisket sandwich with two sides and a drink for 9.99 - Great barbecue at an affordable price. Wonderful side such as potato casserole cream spinach baked beans green beans',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-14 21:34:25'},\n"," {'review_id': 'uGJubhANtj6sfP_xz8LeLQ',\n"," 'user_id': '1EecTw-Iojid62ySMMl5gA',\n"," 'business_id': 'xR3inMR2KceU3b9dhkz_tw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The food and service was amazing! I only wish they had any vegetarian/vegan options. Can't wait to come back!\",\n"," 'date': '2016-01-30 04:15:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'vZNDuj4a8cFQV9t6-FijSQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'N0T91y4L4Sou249K9uO_2A',\n"," 'business_id': 'nYRFGR2C-OOhRvO8rvI4qw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great food. Terrible customer service. I've been three times and I've had two different older waitresses. Not pleasant to deal with whatsoever. The owner on the other hand is lovely.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-01-30 15:10:41'},\n"," {'review_id': 'S4nZgOgiv9w8MOiaWTpwBQ',\n"," 'user_id': '8fPlzYWo0j_nQrJMeyF0Fw',\n"," 'business_id': 'pSmOH4a3HNNpYM82J5ycLA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I first heard about this place on the plane ride over from a Franklin local. He recommended that we brave the line and try one of Nashvilles best breakfast spots. HE WAS RIGHT. Holly cow this place kicked butt and we didn't even have to wait in line!! We were lucky to miss the rush said our waitress. I had this super savory corn pancake with bacon, salsa, and sour cream. So good. This place will always be a stop when I get back to the south~~~\",\n"," 'date': '2015-06-08 21:11:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'xS4qtB70SM-q7kX7smKlRg',\n"," 'user_id': '_Y7-za074Q1sx6t6EucTwA',\n"," 'business_id': 'zt2JwrXrou8PyDELJOOA_w',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"OMG!!! I can't believe this kind of service exists! My husband called to make an appointment for full detailing for next Sat with Michael, he called again to confirm on Fri before we head there since it's a distance from our home. Michael said he didn't know we wanted to do full detailing thou we specifically mentioned that. He advised us to come the following sat instead. We agreed and we reached there at 8am on the following week. Guess what? Nobody is at the workshop, it's closed! We called him and he said he is busy and will call back.. We waited for half an hour in our car and there is still no call from him. We headed for our breakfast and came back again at 9:30am hoping to give him another chance. Here comes Alex, his partner opening the shop at 9:30am! 1.5 hours away from our appt time and still no sight of Michael. Alex tried calling Michael and couldn't get hold of him. We gave up!!! What a horrendous experience!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-06-28 19:44:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'jazQvYxoflZm6BBjmh1gZg',\n"," 'user_id': '_e2wv_nRna0sZrk-Wqd48Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'YNm4WrEHejsVIEfkZ0MZFQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I had numerous things happen during my move and required additional services from this office. The guys in this office are top notch and are very trustworthy. I'd say more about how they took great care of me, but they may have gone above and beyond what they should have and afraid to say too much. I would recommend this office to my mother!\",\n"," 'date': '2010-11-22 15:05:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'O2QGOa66t5BCYDvxLiOtbA',\n"," 'user_id': 'ysU9kNZiFXY7MrFWVIUaTg',\n"," 'business_id': 'cB_9eHHfo9me96cZup-lZQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We stayed at The Saint last year for a girl\\'s trip. The lobby is lovely, they have a cool bar and restaurant that you can\\'t help but to \"ohh and ahh\" over when you walk in. All the things I\\'m accustomed too when I stay at a hotel anywhere...ambiance, a little sexy but not overkill! Everyone is so friendly, etc. I\\'m thinking \"oh shhhh this is going to be a great weekend!\" I checked in a few hours before my girl arrived because I had a ton of work i needed to do. So I set up my laptop ordered some room service and worked for about 4 hours straight. Left out to buy a bottle and get a mani/pedi. My girl arrives...its about to be some trouble in NOLA... the two of us and no supervision...we pop out for dinner, come back in giggling as usual and we see it...a HUGH flying roach. I\\'m freaked out. I literally walk right out of the room down to the front desk. I CANNOT!!!! They tell me they\\'re sending a maintenance worker to handle it. NOT GOOD ENOUGH! If there\\'s one that\\'s bold enough to show itself, he has other cohorts that prefer to live behind the scenes. They give us another room but tell me they can\\'t do more until 8am. No the room the move us too also has small spiders and other dead small bugs in the corners of the window. The TV doesn\\'t work and one of the lamps doesn\\'t have bulbs in it! COME ON! At this point its about 3am and I know I\\'m not staying here past 8:15am. I dont want to sit my purse let alone my luggage in this hotel! I go online to my normal go to hotel, The W and book us there for the rest of the trip! 8am comes and goes no manager comes to our room. I go down and demand to see someone immediately. This younger gentlemen comes out and apologizes. I thank him for his apology and politely request ALL of my money back immediately. He obliged and asked if I would consider coming back after changes have been made! Bless his heart. NO dear!',\n"," 'date': '2017-04-19 14:16:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'suMtrxm_nUiAQMu6ZfG5Wg',\n"," 'user_id': '0Igx-a1wAstiBDerGxXk2A',\n"," 'business_id': 'actDmpJyaQPnkds6knMdKA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Say you decide that you need a new door...and you only have $35. Where do you go? the Green Project. \\n\\nOr you have a bunch of left over building supplies, random bits of lumber, some roofing materials, maybe even some paint? Where can you bring it so it doesn't end up in a landfill? Again, the Green Project.\",\n"," 'date': '2009-03-01 05:30:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'e4H9r1BSvBGAVQ-HvelnhA',\n"," 'user_id': '1wN_Q-1fg46ZomOzf2tg5w',\n"," 'business_id': '6p07zfmJWvytr0paqpyvbg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Worst place I've ever visited. The bouncer was rude and he didn't have to be. This place thinks just cause your on broadway you can treat people bad and over charge. \\n I'm not a tourist I live here and will never visit or recommend\",\n"," 'date': '2017-10-11 03:53:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'quiZPC8t-iZs1uiMA1ovEQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'TTibuRAx2gxu-nVAymFijQ',\n"," 'business_id': '-ikBycdroyTLDBHR9aC3HA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Stopped in for the lunch menu with my girlfriend, place was extremely clean, food was ON POINT! And AFFORDABLE Can't wait to go back!!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-09-25 18:36:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zM7u3iffMjniyvQAaN9Tnw',\n"," 'user_id': 'QacYrFyCrFLmC726YEEBsA',\n"," 'business_id': '29YqJwOGEuAWqlHZxMc1OA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"So disappointing on so many levels. Have been coming here for years - and the quality of food has fallen off a cliff. Strike one - we shared an artichoke to start - and clearly it had been prepared beforehand (eg, cold on the inside - but the flesh was cooked through) Strike two - my wife had a Greek salad - and it clearly all came from a bag and was extremely overdressed with tasteless dressing. Strike three - I had grilled yellowtail which was basically execrable - could not even finish it (overcooked and an inferior-frozen piece of fish - unacceptable for SB). \\n\\nIn short - great setting, good service - but with such horrible food - not worth the visit. This place really needs to up the quality of food - or it's going to end up just another lower State dive for the tourists.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-05-29 03:51:08'},\n"," {'review_id': '940tqxFO4Pwg_KMg4Y4Z5g',\n"," 'user_id': 'O6wkgoJqU7KMjleSlCDGaA',\n"," 'business_id': 'EQ-TZ2eeD_E0BHuvoaeG5Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Milktooth is the place to go if you want a good breakfast cocktail and a twist on traditional brunch. At first glance of the menu, you may think you've never heard of any of these foods for breakfast, and you may be right. I guarantee no matter what you order, you're going to enjoy it. \\n\\nMilktooth is one of the most popular brunch places in Indy, which means you will typically have a wait. Trust me, it's worth the usual 30 minute wait (on weekends). To make it go by a little faster, they've got a walk up bar for their coffee drinks and pastries. Snack on one of those to give you a preview of the amazing meal you're about to have.\\n\\nTheir menu changes from time to time but they have a few things that stay one the menu but change ingredients. I love all of their variations on a Dutch pancake, and their raclette grilled cheese is to die for. If you're making this a boozy breakfast, don't pass up on the michelada. And sit outside if it's warm enough!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-01-10 01:48:58'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LDuli7valYv5N5RVFWb70w',\n"," 'user_id': 'gBMkHgFw89N2cxkgPk0kPA',\n"," 'business_id': 'M0c99tzIJPIbrY_RAO7KSQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The bar and staff are AMAZING. we got a room upgrade for have been being on our honeymoon and the view was gorgeous. But, the room was not any better than a hilton. It had rust in the tub floor, and some weird stains on the tile. But this was only in the bathroom, so i give it 4 stars! Great staff, but too much for valet so we parked a couple streets down. That was the only other con I would say. \\n\\nWould recommend if you want to be literally in the working downtown area of st. louis. Lots of cool bars and restaurants on a friday night.',\n"," 'date': '2018-04-04 10:50:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'r-PjI5sBvNoBekk5mURNww',\n"," 'user_id': 'uzy_KYIZx65cp7Yh8_seeQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'ZuM1vcZ_ObCjCCGweYzItg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 15,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"I took the beginning class there, and I loved it. It was perfectly paced, and though the moves weren't difficult, they really stretched me in places I didn't know existed! I even broke a small sweat! But I felt great afterwards! The studio is clean, and I like that I can buy some Beyond Organic food items there too.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-10-24 16:40:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LnKr0hwejzl71QmoQyTRDQ',\n"," 'user_id': '7RU_xK1tEGlUvXfe0GvtEg',\n"," 'business_id': 'hAmuto6UndVroyd_DaD-TA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Not sure why it took until now for us to find this place. We started out going to the chain lobster restaurant but wanted something more authentic. A friend recommended Lobster Haven and I checked it out online. Looked like a type of place we would eat at in Massachusetts when we visit family. We were not disappointed! Service was great, fast and very friendly. Huge selection of all of the favorites. You have to visit this place if you want authentic New England seafood. You can also purchase live lobster and fresh seafood to go and cook it yourself.',\n"," 'date': '2018-03-04 00:20:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'VDn0TqsdpxbNUBZEXkakUQ',\n"," 'user_id': '16_EZvrDyxjDgxq6OUdbhQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'WaRZsQEcEHwRk0T2dJ-cuA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Fabulous! Best happy hour, fresh menu, Delish- drinks, if I had the time, I'd come here every day!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-02-24 03:20:20'},\n"," {'review_id': '1sZkJCitG9-XSlZQJJRs-g',\n"," 'user_id': 'OkN7YI--lQnQhJNdpNubFQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'C7ZNfxgDQWinNzRfTkevxg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 4,\n"," 'cool': 3,\n"," 'text': 'Men\\'s clubs is the tits, plain and simple. All the barbers got skills enough to hook it up fresh. Been coming here for 3 years and I\\'ve never had any problems. Except for maybe that one time when this dude tried to steal my cut. Tim kept it real though and said \"I can\\'t give you the same cut as Ryan.\" Thanks Tim.',\n"," 'date': '2014-03-14 22:11:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RMho6HMpdec1YgIypwWQrQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'SNngOVGTkD34B3FAFnMv5A',\n"," 'business_id': 'ab3pRv-b0o-BwMK2jVbH3Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My husband and I come here often. We love the food here, it's always fresh and the service is great. We highly recommend this place to anyone who loves sushi & hibachi.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-08-24 00:52:13'},\n"," {'review_id': 'mSggForidMf0eUaK-Qnnvg',\n"," 'user_id': 'x-LrGPXN7WFX15Qk9B6_YQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'eMiN8nm70jjKg8izikVWDA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Oh Chickie's and Pete's, you are the perfect place to watch some sports and indulge. \\n\\nNo doubt this is not the best food I've ever had but, if you can get a seat, grab some beer with mussels red and crab fries, there's no way not to thoroughly enjoy this place during a game or any time you're down by the stadiums. \\n\\nMy favs are the crab fries, mussels red (white is overloaded with garlic that I can't always take it), the spicy pull and peel shrimp, steamers, and if the mood is right the blue crabs (it's a lot of work but tasty). This place also makes getting down and dirty with your food easy. There are sinks all over so you can rinse the mess off your hands once you're done....good touch.\\n\\nTo sum it up, Chickie's and Pete's is a Philadelphia institution and always a good time. I strongly suggest going at least once to enjoy the experience. \\n\\nPlease note: Make sure to remember two things before coming during major sporting events. 1. You'll never get a table and 2. You'll deal with a ton of drunk people. I've absolutely been one of these people before and we can get annoying unless you're in the right frame of mind. :)\",\n"," 'date': '2012-07-16 13:25:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'WHBZtv1ZabwX0r-alDjA3g',\n"," 'user_id': 'x1qKiRxnPLf3JvOsUAsv_Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'GgGfhKUGusCbP-rvjHiS3A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Prompt and professional. On a Saturday.\\nSimple mirror fix, but they made it easy for me. I have used them in Charlotte and they were great then, too.',\n"," 'date': '2016-01-17 18:07:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'rGI8UdsEGiGeETFiu1VK1w',\n"," 'user_id': 'WJnyWEe_YK7JO47fcovBVw',\n"," 'business_id': 'hRHhP3fhMy3LktPyQa3s_A',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Good choice in Union Station St. Louis. I had the Ponchartrain (server said it is same as Tilapia, though that was also on the menu, so why two names for the same fish, I have no clue). The Ponchartrain was quite good with mushrooms and a cream sauce. We also had the shrimp cocktail and lump crab cake appetizers....both fine, but not wonderful. Drinks and service were perfectly acceptable. We dined outside on the patio since the weather was nice - inside looks comfy and a bit less casual.',\n"," 'date': '2008-08-20 08:07:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'UrGHZY5-pDs4uOP8SFPg-w',\n"," 'user_id': 'Nsm9V1s8JQyuYsShtiwplg',\n"," 'business_id': 'eUO4QA6nL2XdCeWuD7tkww',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I stopped in for a drink yesterday and have to say the atmosphere gets an A+ from me. Such a unique concept for the St. Pete area. The attention to detail with the remodel was outstanding, it almost feels like you are in a Harry Potter movie or something. There is background music that is set at a low volume so you can clearly hear your friends or not have to shout for them to hear you - perfect for the old library-esque environment. Working behind the bar were Michael and Peggy - both couldn't have been more friendly and were overall just interesting people to talk to. I had eaten dinner already before I came so can't speak on the food but will definitely be back to try - the prices for meat/cheese trays are much better than comparable places in the area. I would definitely recommend checking this place out...\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-26 10:53:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zqmkEnp1kfU2vosDcG2kMg',\n"," 'user_id': 'KqKXOl0PMlZGBMlw8OUpyA',\n"," 'business_id': '-If0ps0QhOLCYVWQWs9RYg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"Yes! I love this place! Maple Street Patisserie is the bomb.com! I've never been disappointed. Best blueberry muffin I've ever had in my whole entire life. Delicious breakfast and lunch spot. They also do specialty cakes so swing by during Mardi Gras and grab a king cake. Also the owner, Ziggy, is the man. He's always running around working crazy hours to make all these scrumptious baked goods. Can't beat this place :)\",\n"," 'date': '2013-05-28 21:37:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'WcCEk3Q7bgIynzgq0dgTNA',\n"," 'user_id': 'n6rI5T6klu0KCz0q2tS9Ng',\n"," 'business_id': 'c5QMFe_yhgksThaR2a6rtg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Really good burger. I had the Bourbon Black and Bleu. It was cooked like I wanted and very tasty. \\n\\nI gave them 3 stars for the wait. We had a big party - 4 adults and 5 kids - and it took over an hour to get our food. Shouldn't have taken that long, regardless of how many people were at our table.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-07-28 02:02:00'},\n"," {'review_id': '27CYrDqJIUjbOLNeKTfjDg',\n"," 'user_id': 'k3Q0ZcVuMdvA_9iDcSDWIA',\n"," 'business_id': 'pym7c6ZFEtmoH16xN2ApBg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"It seems to me that whenever we have out of towner guests, our go to place is consistently Katie's. The variety of food wonderfully prepared is 2nd to none. Reasonably priced and delicious, Katie's never disappoints. Whether you choose the grilled ersters, the shrimp and grits, the Cuban sandwich, pizza, or soup & salad you will be very pleased and have a great meal. Daily specials hi-lite local seasonal offerings that keep things fresh. The service staff are warm and friendly. On Sunday's, you will want to time your arrival before church let's out or you will have a bit of a wait. That said, you can always manage while enjoying bottomless Mimosas!\",\n"," 'date': '2016-06-22 20:10:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'M2uQZs0rnlUijHSmGx4zHA',\n"," 'user_id': 'o4tYl3Hz0oDfpNn4k02DCw',\n"," 'business_id': 'AzseSGgDC6bVtMPEYo1CNQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 4,\n"," 'text': \"Came in after attending the Zurich Classic golf tournament. It was a warm and a bit humid so what tastier then a ice cream cone? I lucked out and found a parking space on the street. The interior is quite cute and comfy.\\n\\nThe selection here is crazy huge but after sampling a couple of unusual flavors I went with the scoop of cookie monster ice cream on a cone. The ice cream hit the spot and I enjoyed it BC it wasn't overly sweet.\\n\\nCreole Creamery was definitely worth checking out!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-05-07 02:01:15'},\n"," {'review_id': '1TsJMk7OT7MUSNLQoFc2wA',\n"," 'user_id': '8dpPXJj1JlOE4acEcowUfQ',\n"," 'business_id': 's3FRhtaNU8dt-mKkLKUQaQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'I LOVE this place! I have been coming here for a few years now. Its a little funky, and I would never order say the escargot, for safety reasons, but when it comes to lots of Saki, great rolls, and mountains of rice and Sashimi, this is the way to go. Young atmosphere, loud dance music, and SAKI!',\n"," 'date': '2012-06-26 19:54:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Gczff1Qxg4WVmlBLPrZwzQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'cpp89UW0imv45y3a_O444w',\n"," 'business_id': '34Eqv8jXgxg_EEwcsNgeeg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We absolutely love everything we have tried here. Our favorite thus far has been the Backyard Bowl, although there are several more that we still need to try. My husband and I are always full after we each get a kids size, or split a large. The ingredients are good quality, filling foods. For the quality of ingredients, the price is very reasonable. It can get pretty busy here, but have patience, it is worth the wait.',\n"," 'date': '2014-05-25 22:33:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'k7HWRysS3ICXxzhbddCemw',\n"," 'user_id': 'Vn8iqqu3T8QkmOlyH82zDA',\n"," 'business_id': 'a1u9Bxrq_fZxl2pgqQUcJA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"It's was okay service was a bit on the interesting side as the person was new. Food presentation was good though they need to either add rice or more potato salad to the gumbo. Sprite was flat but I didn't need it anyways.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-07-17 00:10:34'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pJRn59F_lyNO1zT3TCVd0Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'TGgfqWnUaCf6DM7TLuNhDQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'pSmOH4a3HNNpYM82J5ycLA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This is a pretty good pancake place, but it's a little disorganized in the way it's run when it's really busy. The pancakes are pretty good but super sweet, so you have to be in there. Good price point. Serves breakfast all day so that's definitely a plus, but not anything particularly special that you couldn't get anywhere else.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-03-04 00:07:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'WSeO-PP8yxmUs8ts2myRzA',\n"," 'user_id': 'W7c1eS1WpxGC5295iJpuTQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'RfkaKLn494TKC943fJhKOw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great finds and wonderful staff! \\nLOVE our finds and will definitely be back!!!',\n"," 'date': '2013-09-04 14:41:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ypFqmURIY41F4pWaMW1VrQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'hToW2eoTAYlOcuNz7I73Cg',\n"," 'business_id': '7L1kXfwU5XM6f6Jxo_L7Yg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We've been coming here since I was a kid. The staff has watched me and now my kids grow up. They're personable and so nice. They're also very prompt with service. Yoli and frank are the absolute best! The food is amazing! I absolutely love their shredded beef burro and cheese crisp. I feel they have true authentic Mexican food.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-07-03 22:36:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'HME_ksGph3se7Aze5hxa-Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'kSMOJwJXuEUqzfmuFncK4A',\n"," 'business_id': 'kxX2SOes4o-D3ZQBkiMRfA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Dine-in gets 2 stars. Disappointing service & venue falls short. \\n\\nThe food was ok; so if you were to do take out, maybe this place would get 3 stars. \\n\\nI ordered the lamb kebab, which tasted ok; but it was very plain. No sauces, lettuce or anything - just meat.',\n"," 'date': '2014-07-13 17:25:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Rtw--aLDMSvk4y_WxV-ZUg',\n"," 'user_id': '-4qgRjqx6fdCAeewTBEWbw',\n"," 'business_id': '7wpTBtY2kiMXmW42zvL-fw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The best middle eastern restaurant in this area!! Food is great and consistent!! Makes my tummy happy!!!',\n"," 'date': '2017-07-28 18:11:37'},\n"," {'review_id': '2EjmDJnE2z5_lAWyV1rd4g',\n"," 'user_id': '7Ie0VmQtnGYUVq2YW4dTVw',\n"," 'business_id': 'xruWHK8Z5N0JWyQubLHjgA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I cannot even believe someone gave this place one star. Here's the scoop. They have the BEST cannoli in the city. Termini's are no where NEAR as good, and Isgro's is far too hyped up for the quality. Potito's is my go to for cannoli, i wouldn't even THINK about going anywhere else. I'm there every xmas eve, and will be for the rest of my days. I stood in line for isgros for TWO HOURS this year for a tirimisu, i walked right into potito's and picked up my bambino cannoli stuffed cannoli. it's as good as it sounds, trust me.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-02-14 16:56:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'HpwQOIy5IgQwHaFAZVUrKw',\n"," 'user_id': 'EwoCJoV29tB-yAWJnZqJZA',\n"," 'business_id': 'G-zzByEfv2oqjcxYmPsjtA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Truly, I cannot say enough good things about this tiny, authentic, perfectly delicious eatery! Growing up in the panhandle of Texas, we had plenty of authentic Mexican food in our home, and I'm always searching for good Mexican restaurants. El Limon is the best I've ever had in the state of Pennsylvania! Sopes, tostadas, enchiladas, fajitas, burritos, fish tacos....all excellent and sooooo reasonable! Waitstaff is always pleasant and attentive. Best two features: homemade tamales and free margaritas!! Bring the entire family for an amazing Mexican feast! Ole!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-04-07 23:14:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'UD0AKHQQHSzYsbCkdM7Xrw',\n"," 'user_id': 'Au2RZKzmrr75h2bBpb60oA',\n"," 'business_id': 'tJCnUtGdyPyOGt5kudLrTA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I'm giving this joint 4 stars because they have earned it, but they are definitely 5 star material, if they work out a few kinks. Granted, they just opened, so some of the errors I've experienced (I work in the area, so I've been there several times) will probably get worked out and they are more than willing to make corrections and accommodations when they mess up. \\n\\nBut over all, the food is REALLY good. Unlike my fellow Yelp-ers, I would say that ther pizza is not their strong suit - its kinds greasy and not sure if they use 100% mozzarella - tastes like its cut with something cheaper. However, so far I've had: \\n\\nThe Quaker (Chicken version) - Delicious. They make their chicken steaks with the chunky chicken, which I like much more than the shredded version. They could season the chicken more, but the cheese was melted perfectly and the veggies were fresh. \\n\\nThe fries - crisp and flavorful. I didn't even need ketchup, and I always eat ketchup on my fries\\n\\nThe onion rings - a little greasy, but very tasty and crisp. The onions stayed in the breading and didn't slide out when you bit them (which I hate). \\n\\nSpanakopita - mine was a little over cooked, but the flavors were really good\\n\\nBaklava - VERY GOOD! \\n\\nSignature Salad - The veggies they use are very fresh which will make or break a salad. Their balsamic is great too!\\n\\nThe (turkey) Greek Burger - one of the best turkey burgers I've ever had! The patty was moist and flavorful all on its own, but then they top it with what must be homemade tzatziki. I could eat a bowl of that stuff! My burger had romaine instead of the advertised arugula, but it was very fresh, so I didn't mind as much. I also asked for feta, which I didn't get, but that sauce made me forget all about it. \\n\\nOverall, this place is great! Provided they don't stray from the high quality standard they are setting, I will keep going back.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-03-30 20:57:29'},\n"," {'review_id': '-pBDXBop_8v1dKk-BBpyzQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'YW0CUT7vA7pqn2f6aL8rlg',\n"," 'business_id': 'vPlhhf6CcB5dzQv1sEwlvg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Planet fitness gets four stars just because it is open 24 hours. If you are looking at cheapest it's cheapest best bang for your buck . Not much motivation since bodybuilders don't go there much mostly big women . No pun intended . No discrimination I myself used to be big, although I changed that . \\nTanning bed and massage chairs and a sculpt machine and everything. Else for 20.00 a month . 9.99 - the massage and stuff and can't bring friends . All the employees are polite and helpful .\",\n"," 'date': '2014-09-25 11:44:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'bi6GaeWDGceGv62lXTIKQA',\n"," 'user_id': 'RgtbLaiU22zqaCk20HgbiQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'bjhCtlYHrkgA5Ku8l-rB3g',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Very disappointed. We went to eat at 2:15 on Saturday and were told the kitchen closed at 2. Their website says: Sat & Sun all day. Their website claims that they are open until 5.\\nI\\'m always a bit suspect of places that can\\'t manage simple details like their hours on their website. It makes me wonder about the awareness to quality and other \"small\" items.',\n"," 'date': '2015-01-04 02:26:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'rHrhsfMGmYfCGiN8Ul02qQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'x67HAnA_-ukgw9qwyMVOhQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'Cu8ysHKiZmJKRY9nF3Hzsw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'These guys do good work, on time, and warranty their work. I would highly recommend them!',\n"," 'date': '2016-10-26 15:25:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'hOwlMPilziEHtyuKpf4Rlg',\n"," 'user_id': 'ubOMW9s0Bhi_GGPeG8Uq7g',\n"," 'business_id': 'hy5GpGXAna-5qrb3zNub6g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Eat here at least 2 times a week. Servers are always friendly and the food is amazing. I never leave disappointed & always leave with a full stomach',\n"," 'date': '2017-03-27 03:03:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'TgDp1TErom3UNglKhDy2uw',\n"," 'user_id': 'zUB7xoTlhbg7_ofHg8Qp0w',\n"," 'business_id': 'W8Z4rXYkmZlEVSaxIVjyvg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'A truly delightful find! This is the transformed Carrow\\'s Restaurant on Plumb and Kietzke that was saved by the wrecking ball by its beautiful redwood beams and fascia. The food was fantastic. My wife had the tri-tip salad -- greens on one side of the plate with a balsamic vinagrette balanced by four good-sized slices of medium-rare tri-tip and potato \"croutons\" --\\nlittle heavenly bits of crunchy potatoes. I had the tri/tip/chicken combo, selecting the fresh corn salad and potato salad as my two sides. It was so good that we ordered dessert as well (not something I do regularly). The offering was lemon meringue, mudd pie, apple pie, and ice cream. We shared the first -- again delicious, with real, perfectly set and browned meringue. The prices were very reasonable for the quality of food and the experience. We\\'ve already recommended to family and friends locally, and expect to return soon. Well done!',\n"," 'date': '2017-08-16 16:44:52'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LF5UQBZuqjU5B4kTVSIKGg',\n"," 'user_id': 'FsvBdHsES26G0LB2MQZcUg',\n"," 'business_id': '_agzW_0F9uSJ7i6EJ9ufeg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Rebecca didn't Doula my birth. BUT, she was our nanny to our first born daughter. Over the months of her being in my home, I realized that I looked forward to talking to her before & after work. I was big & pregnant with Baby #2, and her information & suggestions hit home with this expectant Momma! She was always easy to talk with, yet honest and extremely truthful! (A trait I LOVE!!!). She loves the special role she plays as Doula to laboring woman!! She finds beauty and strength in that magical time.\\nBec would be a great addition to your support team!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-01-04 01:42:59'},\n"," {'review_id': 'A6RyprhBtUtanSuzPfa0wg',\n"," 'user_id': '88Z1DbloWrT7g8GA5qOrng',\n"," 'business_id': 'CmjvsiafnWH60fuYz2LCmA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Recently had my car tinted by Orange Tint and Tune and had fantastic service. They offer a car pick up service if you live within 4 miles of their shop which is extremely convenient. Carlos was my technician and went over all the tint options with me and even adjusted the grade of the tint after I expressed the look that I was trying to achieve. That's the kind of customer care that deserves 5 stars. In addition, the receptionist was very pleasant and the owner Dustin even followed up to see how my service was.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-11-18 22:25:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Lj1TAURE_hYtPW3IlhKWMg',\n"," 'user_id': 'tWJoKvHynA8h8dFXUExekw',\n"," 'business_id': '9xm4aIAT_xwRoTxc0_8AWQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Stayed here three nights on business. The property is located very close to the airport but you really don't hear it. The rooms are standard TownePlace Suite rooms with a refrigerator, stove, etc.. The area in which the hotel is located is quiet with a combination of other hotels and office buildings. It's about a 20 minute drive to the downtown or university area. About 5-10 minutes from Pima Air Museum. There are not too many restaurants close by but there are some fast food options and a sandwich place called Baggins that was really good and within walking distance. The staff of the hotel was really friendly and helpful. The breakfast is standard continental with a couple of hot options. They also have a reception on weekday evenings. My only complaint is that the food and drink go quickly so get there early. You could use this as a dinner if you wanted. I got there about 45 minutes after it started and although there was food left there were very few soft drinks left (no diet). They could improve by keeping the area stocked throughout the period. Anyway, the rooms are nice, beds are comfortable and area is safe.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-02-16 14:00:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'wsFRDsHxz2mM_Ettgn1qQg',\n"," 'user_id': 'x8ErSBur0SsnL1lZwP5o4Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'qf4LecJDQWIt0gt6VJWFPw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We got diverted to Tampa and decided to make the drive to Orlando but first we needed somewhere to eat. Wanting to avoid chain restaurants, yelp steered us towards this little local gem!\\n\\nThe ladies had the 7 oz. Tampa strip and the gents both had a 14 oz. ribeye. They grill their steaks over oak and citrus Wood and the smoky flavor is to die for! We are big fans of our smoker back home and cook our steaks this way as well, it's rare to find steak cooked over woodsmoke in most places and this was worth the side trip! Sides were veggies and sweet potatoes. The wines on offer were so reasonably priced- most under $20 a bottle but a decent selection. They just don't mark them up 5x like most places! \\n\\nOur waitress Lisa also made great recommendations and her service was welcoming, friendly, and excellent. We are so glad we went local instead of to a chain. Bookmarking this place for a return trip next time I am in Tampa for sure!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-06-28 01:07:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'd9j7KC7FTOkoI_L-iPIsDg',\n"," 'user_id': 'E-2aaJTr0Lup35NGhV5k8A',\n"," 'business_id': 'yQhu3LbnB2gQgrquHZ_S6Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The owner of this location (and two others including Southampton) reached out to me after my previous review. We ended up talking for half an hour and I was very impressed with his approach to business... he's definitely the type of person I want to do business with. I returned to Saladworks on two separate occasions and the service had vastly improved. The new summer salads are wonderful!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-07-08 18:38:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'xilt6zGZ3Nqo2_fogn3jjA',\n"," 'user_id': 'u1cvQWB0lB4YsIbtSlUR7g',\n"," 'business_id': '_aKr7POnacW_VizRKBpCiA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"By far the best deli I have ever been to in the US. YEP, the US. Lots of crazy choices and oh it is hard to pick!! The Muffalata is so big 4 people can share. It is so tasty and amazing! Go on Saturday or Thursday night when they have live music! The special is always a good pick and don't worry there are plenty of sides to choose from. Great Chili, potato salad and of course chips. GO NOW...\",\n"," 'date': '2013-05-29 03:12:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Kyv0fqRZTR1lKJ7YafBsIg',\n"," 'user_id': 'anHIxWzKb0mwOWTTfk8OcA',\n"," 'business_id': 'aZyCHVqXnz81fW1_KbFq0w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My dad and I are on a cross country trip and one of our first stops was Saguaro National Park. \\nWe did a quick tour with Park Ranger Carolyn and loved it. She was incredibly enthusiastic and passionate about her studies on the saguaro and she was very knowledgeable. Definitely recommend both the tour and Carolyn.',\n"," 'date': '2017-02-09 14:35:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'hVs0KrkaRNaxmH2GQm2qLA',\n"," 'user_id': 'jcJGCNrEgPHsl7zkvumq2Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'QUEWdnmVCv2Ri8xJATTrIQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Came here after my husband bought home their lemon pepper wings. They have plenty of flavors. Ranging from ones you've heard of (lemon pepper, mild) to New Orleans flavors (yaka mein, noonie bird). They also have their drinks. The watermelon is to die for. I don't know what they put in it but lord help them. The location isn't the best but they're trying to put something back in the community. It's in the same section with the daiquiri shop so it's really not that bad during the day. I probably wouldn't come at night by myself. Definitely give this place a try. Hey you might even see Skip.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-06-11 22:14:35'},\n"," {'review_id': '0-lnwfRh1GA1Lvu5RRC9Cg',\n"," 'user_id': 'xXYNgEWnjaim2byFGLex-w',\n"," 'business_id': '7WZ5EGb-Xk_uxQTWc52P4w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Back to Tom Jones and time to update my review. I didn\\'t see that odd ATM type machine that only lets you withdraw money to apply to your check. It\\'s no longer there-used to be next to restrooms. There is still a payphone back there which I love. There are now ATM\\'s at front entrance.\\n The blue ribbon is now $3.79, but still a bargain since it includes everything: pancakes, 2 eggs, toast, sausage, bacon,juice & coffee. I ate here with my kids. My daughter\\'s choice. Says she \"loves Tom Jones\". Our meals included blue ribbons, french toast, chicken, club sandwich & baked potato . Everyone gets what they like. \\n I don\\'t smell stale smoke and would not call it dirty. I like the \"loud\" orange booths. I feel like I went back in time with these and the payphone. Service is always fast and I always seem to get a different waitress. Don\\'t know where they find these young ladies but they\\'re good. I\\'ve seen different managers there and they are all quick and on top of things-which makes a good manager.\\n Since it\\'s my daughter\\'s fave I\\'m bumping it up from 4 to 5 stars.',\n"," 'date': '2012-06-26 02:49:39'},\n"," {'review_id': '-b1TKCO3GfYyXXvtDQq7qA',\n"," 'user_id': 'cD2kobXH5ozNOjAMS5yuvQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'fWbQiSAErNcznezzkfCdvg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I am an amateur athlete. I first met Dr. Ferrel when I was playing softball. He was watching my game when I was severely injured. He treated me on the field by relocating my ankle and then told me to come to his office for treatment. I told him I could not afford that as a single mom on a teacher's salary. Instead, I saw a physician. He said it would be months before I would play again. Depressed and without much hope, I reached out to Dr. Ferrel again. He did treat me as he promised. Not only did he treat me, he healed me within weeks instead of months. Over the years Dr. Ferrel has worked on me with amazing results each time. He will always be my hero...\",\n"," 'date': '2015-04-28 19:27:58'},\n"," {'review_id': '_yfUDZFGYfc4Lmq2l-U7ZA',\n"," 'user_id': 'jVVNbLCq2PaxMYtdNkxWGA',\n"," 'business_id': 'VO5Jphyqmoa62lbA7-vzpQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Always fun to go to their shows. Entertaining and relaxed atmosphere. For a good time and good food at a fair price this is the place to go.',\n"," 'date': '2013-05-07 15:19:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LO2C_mywzQy5BvdEeONR1A',\n"," 'user_id': 'jvURGq9nyZkTF1KuSaZC_g',\n"," 'business_id': 'CYwC5OjwCN6ib_AQDxi3Ow',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Love in n out. There's just a mood for in n out that you have to fulfill sometimes.\\n\\nWhat can I say. 4 patties animal style bruh\",\n"," 'date': '2016-08-12 21:30:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'UanAtEVU2kZ5hYu9h41MLg',\n"," 'user_id': 'mpqQv4T4iDJRVr4a2tZdHw',\n"," 'business_id': 'iVegX9epKU8R0eRAEwQ6Yg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Cindy is the best! Great food and service. Food is authentic and so is the staff. Everything is made fresh and you can taste the difference from other Mexican restaurants at first bite. I would recommend to anyone that enjoys Mexican cuisine.',\n"," 'date': '2018-09-22 01:41:14'},\n"," {'review_id': 'q22lpVDGRGiglEUqjdbA4A',\n"," 'user_id': '8BWSevPgwWzMwqu_K-AdfA',\n"," 'business_id': 'P10BsKUeoeCeVoK4BS2u0w',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I\\'ve been wanting to try Trust Me BBQ for over a year now. I stopped in there about 3 months ago and waited in line for 10 minutes with no service and left. After reading reviews, I figured I\\'d give it a chance again just to see what all the fuss is about. The food was 50/50 but the service was horrible so I\\'ll likely never return. The gentleman behind the counter didn\\'t speak, smile or engage with us at all, I felt like I was at a vending machine. Once we finally ordered, he didn\\'t even listen to the order and put the wrong sides in our meals, we had to correct him while he was serving. All in all, I will just stick with Down to the Bone BBQ\\n\\nPros: BBQ Sauce is delicious, macaroni salad was different and interesting, \"pulled\" pork was moist.\\n\\nCons: Chicken was more dry than a sheet of paper, inedible even with the BBQ Sauce. Mac & Cheese was served from a pan that has probably been on the steam table for 2-3 days. Collard Greens were very mildly flavored.',\n"," 'date': '2012-05-28 17:55:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nYFpOY84gzeAz7ujVP8oaw',\n"," 'user_id': '_AKBxw2s3A-8Y8HC0jJRCw',\n"," 'business_id': 'kPG6r0h73sPgXBei0MyzYg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Was in town for a week and came by this little hole in the wall. The pa nang chicken was excellent. I ordered one star spicy and it came quick. Will definitely return.',\n"," 'date': '2017-05-26 00:44:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'p3UM6VOJOGuY0iTxD-Topw',\n"," 'user_id': 'amIUTkKQlA4464-lJlwlaQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'oRZzKWdyMQld6N_y4UWkAg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Cinco de mayo means margaritas and sangria and all things fried... this great place does a nice job with combining flavors of several different ethnicities and backgrounds and develops recipes that are unique. Although not touted as a \"Mexican\" destination they know how to rock the rock salt and pour that tequila. They also just opened a wine bar a couple doors down for overflow and specialty bottles. A high five for the on the rocks margaritas and house made white or red sangria - definitely worth the trip!',\n"," 'date': '2013-05-07 16:54:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RdeS7gqrmVs5kJtazzVr3A',\n"," 'user_id': '_cdKam8UxhoPni6YwP1LQw',\n"," 'business_id': 'J55AT36H5EeJ9ey8etGjHA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 14,\n"," 'funny': 6,\n"," 'cool': 9,\n"," 'text': \"This small little donut bakery is located in one of Hermitage's oldest shopping centers! \\n\\nI can imagine baking donuts is a hard job, let alone running the business...it's one of those jobs that starts in the wee hours of the morning so that the donuts are freshly made daily!\\n\\nYeu, the owner, serves not only your common popular donuts, but he also serves donuts with bacon on top, apple fritters, pigs in a blanket, breakfast pastries, and kolaches....in addition to these yummy treats...he makes doughssants....they are what seems to be a scandalous marriage of a donut and a croissant...!!!!!!!! Need I say more? Yeah...you heard me. A doughssant! Worth the trip just to eat one of these! \\n\\nPrices are considerably cheap! The doughssants are only $1.99 each! The regular donuts are about $.60 each! \\n\\nThese sweet donuts are my favorite treats to buy for my kid's school teachers...and they love them! \\n\\nCoffee also served here!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-01-17 05:36:14'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ki8OQZ-R7aift5Bh_jKdDA',\n"," 'user_id': 'rwkX4RSRUUnyckMNXtQcDA',\n"," 'business_id': 'f-WhNOSwN1aB4nRFekf01g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We have had a blast to each event we've been to. We've been to concerts and basketball games and other were a lot of fun. The food is really good, also. A lot of local favorites are offered.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-05-19 13:14:42'},\n"," {'review_id': 'x-1wBBwja9l2Hr5bgqsG0A',\n"," 'user_id': 'L-2Qdi16eMRbATGDP6ADHg',\n"," 'business_id': 'mQvRi0nm84Www71d4qOheQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Excellent food. We tried three appetizers and five entries and all of them were a hit. This prices are reasonable and the service is good. I'd go back again and again.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-03 21:13:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cCs7yPSyk8NdA-Ufoz_7hw',\n"," 'user_id': 'FodM8aoGMQO2zsQCQxBTYQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'v5ktgWMAARaczTMh2rAJKg',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The service here has gone down. We used to go here a lot but now we go to another one. The service was slow and forgotten about.',\n"," 'date': '2017-12-27 02:57:57'},\n"," {'review_id': '_-D9UYciNNTIe6amQAsJUg',\n"," 'user_id': 'MVuNw-mO5on8PpO_I6QtKg',\n"," 'business_id': 'o7cD_sDA-Evj3Oh0zeH9nQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Hands down the worst chicken and rice plate I've ever had. When I ordered I was told there was no sauce on the chicken (as I wanted, healthy). I ordered to go, by the time I reached the car the bag was full of oil spilling out of the container. There was easily 5-7 tablespoons of oil on the dish. Not what I was told and not what anyone would ever want to eat. Horrible. Their slogan even has the word healthy in it. What a joke.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-03-18 18:28:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LLzom-2TITa4gasV7_fCCA',\n"," 'user_id': 'jrOeN_F9lz5415C8JLUKNg',\n"," 'business_id': 'XTQ3iEaLMUbJg2DrcodslA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great experience purchasing a washer and dryer. I just bought a new home and needed all new appliances. Iam so glad I decided to go even though the reviews were not great which I don't understand since I had no issues whatsoever. There was an excellent selection, knowledgeable salespeople and timely delivery. The level of service we received was beyond expected! I really felt like they were working hard to give me the best price and offered many options to stay in my budget They even took the time to check if there were any additional sales prices or discounts they could offer me. I was given honest feedback and all of my questions were answered. I am very happy with Sears and I would highly recommend!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-08-07 19:51:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EPhqAu_YQLJEvKox6WrzDw',\n"," 'user_id': 'SKdBREFOemB3ORmzeDJ3GA',\n"," 'business_id': 'F3n0sB5Dqn-N2fAA5TgmFQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The food here is great. They're quick and the staff is so nice, seriously. I always feel welcome when I place my order here.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-26 01:19:52'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qsjMCjaEW9UWyzAw4ujWcw',\n"," 'user_id': 'PCBxQaoILfrsmEg9kpd64A',\n"," 'business_id': 'HrIbP2-jdRJAU92yqyDmyw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I finally got to try them. Wow..they did a great job with the remodle. I loved the mushroom cheese steak',\n"," 'date': '2016-03-07 03:19:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'H4mSxGeKTv4VFcc9YUmtpQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'oGV84fsuRbLQRRQ6ZZC1dA',\n"," 'business_id': '-kY_HDP7IMvGl-kBIZVU4A',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The espresso here is excellent. My favorite place to come for an Americano. The staff is polite and friendly and vibes are mellow. It is important to know that there is no access to power outlets, but unlimited wifi access. The bathrooms and the rest of the establishment are always clean.',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-14 19:43:42'},\n"," {'review_id': 'a5JHzBrWxRd_OmIvV7znDA',\n"," 'user_id': '04JlTjJRbcv_kS9xVPhOdg',\n"," 'business_id': 'WM3q-7scdPUei6fu4SJFYw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Went here based on the high ratings and raves from people. The entire experience was underwhelming from start to finish. Their website which is fairly useless if you want to figure out the menu before going, you have to pick your location choice out of 3 locations and then drill down to the bottom to see the weak descriptions of their menu offering, no explanations and no price, just this\\n\\n Roast Beef\\n Roast Beef Combo\\n Roast Pork\\n Roast Pork Combo\\n Baked Ham\\n Baked Ham Combo\\n Roast Turkey\\n Roast Turkey Combo\\n Broccoli Rabe\\n Broccoli Rabe Combo\\n\\n\\nNo explanation of whats in a combo (its just where they add cheese by the way)\\n\\nThe table placecard (instead of menu) had a more detailed description than the website. \\n\\nWhen I walked in, its more bar than restaurant, no big deal, but there were tables. Since I couldnt decide and the sandwiches werent too expensive at $6.85, I got the roast beef and roast port combos.\\n\\nI got my two sandwiches fast enough, but the roast beef was cold and the roast pork was hot. Not sure how a cook (for lack of a better word) could serve 2 things at the same time with such a temperature differential, one was obviously sitting for awhile. I asked the waitress to reheat the roast beef while I finished the roast pork, and supposedly it was reheated, since it was warmer, but it was still cold-ish compared to my roast pork I had just finished. The waitress did offer to replace it when she inquired, but I was in a hurry and didnt really care for a hot version of this sandwich.\\n\\nThe sandwiches were very skimpy on meat, but they \"made up for it\" by adding too much gravy to make it overly messy and the bread was disintegrating. The menu place card mentions the \"wet meat\" option where you get less gravy, I strongly recommend you get it that style, especially if the gravy overpower the meat and structural integrity of the sandwich.',\n"," 'date': '2014-11-12 12:41:29'},\n"," {'review_id': '-xM8cH4AeVzgTJBQHlxfUQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'ZaMB7VbOwaARjxdhXjODxA',\n"," 'business_id': 'EtKSTHV5Qx_Q7Aur9o4kQQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Picked up takeout from Village Whiskey (so I can't review the actual restaurant). The Whiskey Burger is pricy ($26) but is amazing if you're ok with a greasier burger. Super tender, the bacon is awesome and it's pretty big. If you can get past the price then highly recommend it. The Duck Fat fries are also rich and delicious.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-11-30 01:55:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'M7h8K7PrLrN8yQb3RhHLdA',\n"," 'user_id': 'CysTz612pTix75Fye6-D4Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'WLiqfxv_GhFFA5sm878a2w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Blew $80 on food for the family was worth it food was hot and orange chicken best I've tasted in a awhile..now it will be the place we get Asian food!!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-12-29 03:15:34'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Pl-2SFJtkiYnzWN9IOW2jQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'zbeZ2JsL3Klt3HhNzQam2A',\n"," 'business_id': 'ELKgARoj5UNjQXUkX8T8KQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I typically do my laundry at my boyfriend's house, but I had family who recently stayed with me and had a bunch of towels, sheets, and comforters to wash. I was searching for a laundry mat that would be safe, clean and not full of questionable people. I was so happy to find this facility. It is clean, well-lit, and the staff is so friendly and helpful. I was amazed at the speed of the laundry and dryer. I completed 4 oversize loads ( probably equal to 8 regular loads) in just under 2 hours!\\n\\nThis place has security cameras, flat screen T.V's, magazines, wi-fi, clean bathrooms, vending machines. It is a wonderful atmosphere to do your laundry. It was not overly busy, there are plenty of washers and dryers. I am so happy that I found this place. Thank you LAUNDROMAT!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-05-07 01:56:59'},\n"," {'review_id': 'tsK04dlK87ia08UxWQk3Tw',\n"," 'user_id': 'pR4DDFXqNylSNAcmTaPMyQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'hRHhP3fhMy3LktPyQa3s_A',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We ran in for a late night dinner last night. The prices are definitely high. Both couples decided to split a plate (you could tell the annoyed our server), and the food was good- but not worth the price for sure.\\nI will say the garlic bread they bring out before the meal was AH-MAZING! I could have probably eaten my weight in just the bread. \\n\\nOverall - I probably wouldn't eat there again myself. But it could have been an off night. There is just too much competition in the food world around St Louis!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-01-21 14:07:35'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NvusujU9_5pIUbn9SZ6hMA',\n"," 'user_id': 'nbVYXmDUO6XH-wvhY62uvg',\n"," 'business_id': 'XMGjDIAFbu9VSmWDs-Ev5w',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Stopped by to munch a burger during today's Seahawks/Saints game, and the place was, unsurprisingly, packed. For good reason, too: the Haven burger I ordered was fantastic.\\n\\nI sat right next to the door, so I didn't get the chance to get more than six feet into the place; as soon as I got my meal, the place started getting busier and busier until I had to work my way through the World's Shortest People Maze to get out. Guess that means I wasn't the first person to hear about the place.\\n\\nI will be going back to the Haven. Might go for, say lunch on a Tuesday, so it's less busy.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-01-08 23:52:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'vdtWa5Ym9ImeMMOHwnIfrw',\n"," 'user_id': 'YRFeRq--jTV6G3HMgesSEg',\n"," 'business_id': 'wqj6JquckEOs1h7rs376kQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I can only comment on the vermicelli bowls because I have never had the Pho. \\n\\nThe vermicelli are a decent size and a fair price. Conveniently located if you live in the Alberta Ave neighbourhood, my orders have always been ready in 15 minutes - even on a Friday night.',\n"," 'date': '2013-01-27 18:10:56'},\n"," {'review_id': 'X-ibMbsz1nWAcetMERluBQ',\n"," 'user_id': '6M7PMBWbBcp5VZ84AY3EFA',\n"," 'business_id': 'mLNSOU8Ki0Fm09xd6ZKkcA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I had the Chicken Marsala recommended by our waiter. The chicken was very thin, tough, and dry. The pasta was under cooked and stuck together. There was absolutely no flavor. My friend ordered the lasagne and did not like it all. There was only a thin layer of pasta and no flavor. My other friend was still eating her dinner and they cleared her plate when she went to the restroom, after she told the waiter she was not finished. They did bring her a new meal in a doggie bag. The positives are a Great atmosphere and live music. I enjoyed dancing with my husband. However, very expensive for awful food.',\n"," 'date': '2015-01-18 19:04:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pBN8yjaejKMzIWQs1zIyzQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'ZPYPQvM1DMZB39oQ9WlDgw',\n"," 'business_id': 'QvjY9esYNRMe_5kvT6TC5g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This place is a gem.Attractive space, great location near Broad Street line, plenty on street parking. BYOB. I've been twice and enjoyed every dish. Highlights were the chaats, beef short ribs, lamb vindaloo, beet salad, breads/pickles, and chai. We got the chocolate cake for the table to share each time and everyone loved it. Can get takeout beer at the corner bar. We'll be back.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-12-20 19:40:06'},\n"," {'review_id': 'dEVDg2FyOR2sJnbR_JcivQ',\n"," 'user_id': '7zJVt_Bl1h5hLjhxl2c1PQ',\n"," 'business_id': '3YERGr7UbpSpddqL0Eiu5g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'This is my favorite restaurant! I always order their ceviche, which is delicious. The atmosphere is fun, and the service is great. Alex was our server, and he was friendly, attentive and thoughtful.',\n"," 'date': '2017-12-16 00:18:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'AzdHQW8XWh50wDxryBby2A',\n"," 'user_id': 'lj49AbM3BGC5Z_eyVRMnlA',\n"," 'business_id': '6dDC5PSmPEoJYuM8r8dN_A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Love this store! Who doesn't! The salad bar is fresh and they have all types of ethnic food to try. N-JOY\",\n"," 'date': '2012-06-26 20:39:04'},\n"," {'review_id': '_u331rYIp7qJ7aWvLup9Ug',\n"," 'user_id': 'BUpAhzsbbKbTqyBjT8YnNQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'wa_bwyY57etHjtJ2Fw0E3g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Called in a Mediterranean chicken shawarma. Good flavor and they were generous with the amount of chicken in the pita. The food was ready to go when I arrived. Good service. I would revisit the next time I am in the area.',\n"," 'date': '2014-04-01 05:00:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'c9uUji8cUjVqkMisIfHjyg',\n"," 'user_id': 'zMeM0HTnNfjBffhgm-3EBA',\n"," 'business_id': 'dBCNUSbz5-8nQNrxWo5deg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I love this place. The food is great and the space and staff are very pleasant. Highly recommended for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike.',\n"," 'date': '2011-05-27 17:36:12'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ZNZMWPfPdbbM7dhZlIpoFA',\n"," 'user_id': 'zq2nd0H1dVzi3bta4Zepuw',\n"," 'business_id': 'JvawJ9bSr22xn4R9oLvl_w',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Took a while to get actual service but once we did I was happy. The gumbo was awesome and loved the chicken & waffles. Friendly staff and right on Bourbon St for good people watching!',\n"," 'date': '2015-05-26 06:01:17'},\n"," {'review_id': 'IJCYT9dRjuBvY-BJufFnNg',\n"," 'user_id': 'hWDybu_KvYLSdEFzGrniTw',\n"," 'business_id': 'roc-xyyzN5b_nImb0NdRLQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 6,\n"," 'funny': 5,\n"," 'cool': 5,\n"," 'text': \"As airport grab-and-go restaurants are, Earl does a decent job with a variety of sandwich options including turkey, tuna and even a Hawaiian. But today I could smell the roast beef and so I got that one. Yum. Good portion of sliced beef that was beyond medium cooked with cheddar cheese and a yummy horseradish sauce. Nope, don't get lettuce or tomatoes on it. It's perfect the way it is.\\n\\nAnd since it's right between the security station and the top of the D gates (right near the Delta SkyClub!), it's easy to get and eat at the gate or on board.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-01-03 23:16:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'clKHv1f5cIsaJVJPdKKHZg',\n"," 'user_id': 'f0fqCwb_QAJUPm-K95Mk2g',\n"," 'business_id': 'NdqATFd0JsFzEOD8Z8pa5w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'WOW! What a fantastic place! Food A+, Service A+++ We started with an appetizer of cheese curds served with a red pepper jelly. LOVED IT! I ordered the fish tacos and the wife ordered a beer brat for dinner. We both thoroughly enjoyed what we ordered! The portions were huge and priced just right for the portion size. Our server was on it! Very attentive and was very knowledgeable about the menu and made us feel very welcomed. The manager stopped by and asked how everything was. I let him know that I am pretty sure I have found a cool new place to hang out, have a beer and watch football. He said they have great deals on game days and let us know about their brunch on the weekends. Everyone said goodbye as we walked out and reminded us to grab a rootbeer candy on our way out. I will be back!',\n"," 'date': '2014-08-25 00:52:32'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cOcKS8BQ7yjOJPatqK2OOQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'Lc5U0qetusunJZ0NgNO_Iw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Y2rYM2crYfTC25y6iquPgw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I stopped in for dinner and a drink & was thoroughly pleased! I rarely order a burger when I go out to eat, because why order \"out\" what you can make easily a home, right? Well..... when I go back I\\'ll have a hard time NOT getting another burger. Oh, they also have a decent beer selection and the wait staff/bartenders made me feel very welcomed too. My food was prepared exactly as I ordered and was served quickly. The restaurant has a nice atmosphere and the restrooms were clean. All in all I was very happy!\\n.',\n"," 'date': '2015-08-30 16:34:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'HSjRz31mvRBQRo8deXrr_w',\n"," 'user_id': 'K-3kF5Wc3b8cOHTAJpV9tA',\n"," 'business_id': 'ORL4JE6tz3rJxVqkdKfegA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Too big, too expensive and too far from Downtown. \\n\\nI was here for a conference, which seemed like an awesome idea. It wasn't. I'm in Direct Sales and (like most people at this conference) don't have tons of extra money to spend on mediocre meals when I'm traveling. $10 for a slice of generic pizza, small side salad and a soda for lunch. I understand it's a hotel but there weren't any options close by. Just getting your car from valet was a hassle and took a lot of time. Being such a big property, it made getting to restaurants off the property really time intensive. Since you're so far out of Nashville (out near the airport), the good little holes you find when you're in a city are pretty nonexistent. \\n\\nThe property itself was great. The hotel is HUGE but really pretty. I enjoyed walking around but was really happy when I found what I didn't know existed...a shortcut between my room and the Convention Center. It took my 10-15 minute walk down to about 3 minutes! BONUS! Like I said, this place is ginormous. \\n\\nRoom: Our room was great. I shared a wonderful suite in the Garden Conservatory with 2 other girls. We were under a group rate and my friend was quoted $200/night, which is awesome for the space we had. We had a large room (probably used as a hospitality suite for groups) for socializing. It had a great bar area set-up and a nice big fridge and lots of drawer space. Our bedroom was separated by doors that could be locked from either side (like an adjoining room), so it looked like the hospitality suite could be reserved without reserving the room. It was different than what I was expecting, but whatevs. It was fine. So, I wasn't there at check-in. The girl who reserved the room checked in a couple days earlier than my friend and I. So, Sunday comes, and the bill was waiting for us when we woke up. Our friend was charged $1200 for one room (I'm guessing the suite) and $1400 for the other room. YEP. She reserved what she thought was a 2 room suite for $200. The bedroom door was closed when she got there and she asked them to open it up. It was all arranged by the bellman. She was never told that the bedroom wasn't included....kind of necessary if you're staying over for 6 nights, dontcha think??? So, she's being charged $2600 for what was supposed to be $1200. Last I heard, the Gaylord's legal department was investigating what she was told, what she wasn't told and if they should charge her the entire amount. \\n\\nCheckout: A FREAKING NIGHTMARE. Between the money situation, which was not resolved as of late this week, and the 45 minute wait for a cart (in a hotel that holds thousands of people, you'd think they'd be plentiful and they aren't) and a 25 minute wait for the car, my friend and I decided to sweat it out and schlep our goods to the door where our car would be delivered to us. It was not a short walk and we had a TON of stuff, which meant multiple trips. UGH.\\n\\nI'm sure I'll be back for another conference (I am pretty sure my company has booked this for at least one more year....) but I'm not going to be happy about it. I might even consider driving down, staying in a hotel somewhere downtown and driving out to the Conference stuff.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-08-03 16:26:48'},\n"," {'review_id': 'kj5pjfid6pUP818rF0q6GQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'dWTrJdEPoZB8LkOPv_jxsA',\n"," 'business_id': 'cg4JFJcCxRTTMmcg9O9KtA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This was my first time dining at Ava and I enjoyed most of it. We ordered the Ricotta cheese & toasted bread and although the flavor was excellent, I thought the bread to cheese ratio was off quite a bit. The ricotta came in a tiny ramekin typically reserved for flavored butters, so I expected more for an appetizer. \\n\\nThe two pizzas split among a couple of people were the sausage and the potato with rosemary. They were both tasty but I think they forgot the Rosemary on ours. Still yummy, tho! Another entree was the grouper w/Israeli couscous. Scrumptious!\\n\\nDessert was a must and the zeppoles, or sugared donuts, were amazing. The cherry tart a little less so, but one person at our table loved it, so maybe it was just not my cup of tea. The cherries were a sort of candied cherry-interesting, but sweet with a very dense crust. Again, just not my personal fave. \\n\\nI will definitely return to try other menu items that looked great-like the pastas made in-house daily...that's next!!\",\n"," 'date': '2016-01-04 04:06:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JH6ICJPlTj0ASN2THlnP0A',\n"," 'user_id': '_bWkbDmhgFURzQ6VsULgtQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'LnQRfj3pPz0369stRnwUWw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': '1st time eating here. Very clean, nice folks and very good sushi. Would and will go back. Service was spot on, sushi was very fresh and reasonably priced .',\n"," 'date': '2016-08-12 21:55:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pNvatA_7ffu_G6wETx8ELw',\n"," 'user_id': 'NTNitC54luCRbsr0w1W9Ew',\n"," 'business_id': 'QUEWdnmVCv2Ri8xJATTrIQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"This place is just the best. If you really have to ask why it's all in the name itself. If u don't like chicken then don't come here bc their birds are fly! Don't forget to try their fried corn on the cobs. It's dank!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-08-10 21:54:14'},\n"," {'review_id': 'MyGhCZTxjVx9izvW4vIHwg',\n"," 'user_id': 'QJ-ikvhuRcigSCAWJTrnqQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'pSmOH4a3HNNpYM82J5ycLA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'REALLY below average food. Akin to waffle house. I wanted this to be good based on the reviews but not so. The pancakes tasted like a frozen processed version, \"homemade\" maple syrup was watery/sugary with fake flavoring. Trees make authentic syrup, not people. The hash browns were greasy and fairly tasteless. The bacon overcooked, hard and chewy. Obviously had been sitting awhile. Overall, very uninspired food. Unfortunately, this is one of those places that is living on an outdated \"must go\" reputation. There are much better offerings in Nashville.',\n"," 'date': '2015-08-30 14:30:56'},\n"," {'review_id': 'sOIEFZMEzb055tCO_tBSvQ',\n"," 'user_id': '1xS8Jj23zHx8axIVopG3wA',\n"," 'business_id': 'W4ZEKkva9HpAdZG88juwyQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Excellent. Went there for lunch (the budget option). Prix fixe menu was tempting. Wife had the prime rib po'boy with the soup of the day (tomato fennel). Both were excellent (the po'boy being an upscale interpretation, with gruyere and a really good horseradish sauce). I had the seafood jamabalaya and seafood gumbo, also excellent (probably the best I've had).\",\n"," 'date': '2011-01-09 03:52:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'VJlQHciG-ygKNX2zjOgz6A',\n"," 'user_id': '0axTR4jAVbgBZmH-V12TlA',\n"," 'business_id': 'etzkwuhZGHUXJhdPC_y4pA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'We recently used Pure Design for a large event in a nearby hotel. Pure staff met with me to discuss my budget and offered beautiful, unique flower and arrangement selections. Their estimate came in well within my budget. Their staff was always professional and their expertise was obvious. The day of the event, they created such a gorgeous space with all the beautiful arrangements - our guests raved about them, even days after the event was over! I was also able to take home/give away the arrangements, which is not always the case with other florists. And the flowers lasted several days after the event.\\n\\nI would highly recommend Pure for a large event.',\n"," 'date': '2013-01-02 20:26:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'WPQ9Wiah4w38a6SDCPCOlA',\n"," 'user_id': 'EOnpy7DASmh3S7HkgqyhmQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'W0vdz23JQtVQX5vJkiCj3g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'My husband and I are not \"spring chickens\", but we love to Par-Tee. The server immediately welcomed us and asked about our drink preferences. He was very knowledgeable and helpful. The beer selection was wonderful, the liquor selection divine. The bar food, even though it was a small selection, was excellent. I had never wanted to try pork bellies (the name turned me off.) Dan ordered it, I tried it,and we now have a convert. WE highly recommend their pork belly sliders! I hope they continue to add a few more delicious tapas. These folks have it together and are very engaging. We\\'ll be back often.',\n"," 'date': '2014-02-23 23:37:54'},\n"," {'review_id': '651IreQ5u5j2WiVID_HK6A',\n"," 'user_id': 'Zn8uhC3DjoKjjwBiuM8oQg',\n"," 'business_id': 'M0r9lUn2gLFYgIwIfG8-bQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Average or slightly above, despite the hype. On the expensive side. For $10 or $12 you should get fries with your burger, not a large to share for $8. I had a bison burger. that was the only reason I went there. Seems we had 1 beer, 1 iced tea, 1 burger, 1 bison burger and split a large fry, for about $37. Rather ridiculous. And they try to hard to be different or interesting, but ruin a good meal. The bison burger was tainted with unnecessary slaw and BBQ on it to call it a Carolina bison burger. Not worth $12 on its own.\\n\\nBeen there. Done that. No reason to go back. Next...',\n"," 'date': '2015-11-06 02:27:35'},\n"," {'review_id': 'dUkUiVjwb9xCF1kMqjT6nA',\n"," 'user_id': 'EDPlya2Sfu0teqreA3rlZw',\n"," 'business_id': 'FnEkr6LzjuGsg93Z7fkl7Q',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Before I share the main issue, I want to share the reason I give any stars is because of our awesome server, LaToya. She was thoughtful and engaging! \\n\\nThe black bean burger was dry. Sweet potato fries were good. \\n\\nToday while at lunch with a group of colleagues the most disturbing thing happened. I noticed the manager in a green sweater lingering around the entrance and then two cop cars with lights flashing pulled up and 3 officers rushed in walked to the table next to us that the manager was pointing to and one of the officer's proceeded to pull out their handcuffs and tell the guy delivering food to put food down at the table and hands behind his back. They escorted him near the front door and had him sit down for a moment before taking him outside in freeZing cold with no jacket where he stood for a few minutes while cops came in and out of restaurant. \\n\\nThis entire thing was poorly handled, disturbing and unsettling not only to the customers but the other staff. They should have had the cops walk back away from where customers were and deal with it there. Then all the managers disappeared not available to talk to any of the customers let alone apologize or acknowledge people being unsettled. \\n\\nNo one needs to know why the arrest happened but there needed to be more care for customers and staff in how it was handled. \\n\\nNot ok!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-12-29 20:44:06'},\n"," {'review_id': '77s6wkAr2F7ZQ00NYuzsvw',\n"," 'user_id': 'ftRgzVFzv6-TOCBXEOdWeQ',\n"," 'business_id': '8uF-bhJFgT4Tn6DTb27viA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Fantastic sliders!! Perfect size that you can try more than one! Fried chicken slider, BLT slider, monte cristo and Cuban were all fantastic! Now for Donuts to go!!',\n"," 'date': '2016-03-30 23:31:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RgonT2qGpUte6RFpoSSxuQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'iaLZ0oJ3sqCpnW-PY5_i4w',\n"," 'business_id': 'dygflr6j51vf3-lM5pUIkw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'They reopened up derived new management.. this was our 3rd time there. They have daily specials, which is a pretty good price, $7.95 for a plate, ice-tea and soup. Todays (Friday)special, they had Carne Asada with rice n beans, fried fish plate and 2 chicken enchiladas with rice n beans, all come with tea n soup. \\n\\nWe both had the Carne asada plate but they let me substitute my rice n beans for a salad. Steak was pretty good. \\n\\nI think their specials are different everyday. So for the most part it was good all around. Oh service was good n attentive.',\n"," 'date': '2017-04-07 21:52:05'},\n"," {'review_id': '3TN94zDi9V9U2jsljdxAew',\n"," 'user_id': '7NHf3QgyGlZ_9pwdWLFdhA',\n"," 'business_id': 'QcuTCSfnI6WqKpuDL_a0OA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Love this little shop so much for so many reasons. First off, whenever I'm on my way to Sweet Divas, I can smell the spices wafting from this little, inviting shop. Second, they have such a large range of spices that you can smell, taste a little, and purchase. Yes, there's a large overwhelming variety of spices, but fear not! Their knowledgeable staff is available and more than happy to assist you in finding the right spice you are looking for all your cooking needs. Over the years I've purchased many items from here and I can attest that they do last a long time (about a year, year and a half, including some stuff I use often!). I see all kind of specialty salts for example (onion salt, celery salt) as well as sugars and powders (lavender vanilla sugar, vanilla bean powder). Their products even seem to taste fresher (I can taste a difference between their cinnamon and nutmeg and what I can get at a dollar store, for example). The prices aren't too bad and they last long. My three bottles pictured cost about $19, but that will last a good year, so its worth it to me.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-11-22 05:02:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Oqh_qiy0kUEYY0IScSYTaQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'dCOonQ7Md1ooief37g1SHw',\n"," 'business_id': 'rrD5LY3nkyKMg1CYKKZomQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Steve & his partner are the best! Love that he'll do a bunch of demo racquets! Great prices with lots to choose from. If you're a player this is the place to go!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-11-06 16:49:25'},\n"," {'review_id': 'VE11x_UNVxri3ZHTzcG2jw',\n"," 'user_id': 'R1GU5Q3aw7Vkw5HvqnGSfQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'ugNplY4SZqIfP417oUxahQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"We went around 6 and it was more packed than I expected. I knew it would be busy but I was surprised. The staff was amazing. We waited in line for about 8 minutes regardless of it being a huge line going out side. Found a table and had our food in less than five minutes. Even with the amount of people they had, it ran so smoothly. One sandwich was messed up but it was very loud in there so I don't think she heard me correctly but someone came to our table and had a new correct sandwich almost immediately. I love that they made time to go around asking if we needed refills and how the food was. So glad to have a chick fil a in Reno. They upheld the chick fil a standards even with all the chaos of opening day.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-26 04:51:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YS8WO_OW6oYFQhH85aRXew',\n"," 'user_id': 'I7ugU8kU4bPh4UL90yJanQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'eL4lyE7LNoXEMvpcJ8WNVw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great, beautiful spot to do wine tasting. I loved all the wines I tried, great prices as well as service. I had a good',\n"," 'date': '2016-12-04 16:55:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'g7MfpJGKQUGowCvIcrB91A',\n"," 'user_id': 'ci7Q6NvXQ8UZrBHusVX18g',\n"," 'business_id': 'V6Om7YZhlRQRU7WfuxHq8Q',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"A wee bit pricey for the portions they serve. I come to Beck's for their gator gumbo over jambalaya. The whole thing is just so savory and the spices are just right. It's not overly spicy and not too salty as well. It's a great meal. The gator is in a sausage form. All chopped up into the gumbo. During this visit, I had to order their pasta. Chicken alfredo, for my 2 year old son. It was alright. The whole pasta tasted a bit dry. It's something I wouldn't get twice.\\n\\nVerdict - Gator gumbo, end of story.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-07-08 21:23:54'},\n"," {'review_id': '4VBh_hoFiDly0vJffgV_JQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'XLd5uU0OLOnogy_kefXslw',\n"," 'business_id': 'fjAbzsW03bW3EvC4-e184g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'I was a little worried about seeing the reviews but everything. Was great! Not long wait time. Staff was nice from walking in the lobby and asking which way to the office, to the office staff.',\n"," 'date': '2016-01-04 14:33:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ep8FfviAfqHNyhpW6MQ2jA',\n"," 'user_id': 'n-lBS02-3yvlY5Q91mmwDA',\n"," 'business_id': '2S_CEQYBbp8RO1bJm_1mng',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 3,\n"," 'cool': 4,\n"," 'text': \"Hipsters unite! I've never had a good time at The Taint, despite several people's attempts top tell me otherwise. I'm not impressed by the apathy here, or the dirty-headed Garden District crapfest of regular clientele. Boo.\",\n"," 'date': '2005-07-10 17:20:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'N_Wx1OLMrj219D5nUMqtQQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'dEvFqqQImRAaE1dT5wYMJg',\n"," 'business_id': 'h3aPn7WjxYMu_DJqXCUAjQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Yea! Another Chick-fil-A!\\n\\nJust happened to be driving down (up?) Bloomingdale looking for a new spot to eat, and saw this. OK, it's not new food, but it is a new location (opened yesterday).\\n\\nThe parking lot is crazy, like many in FL, but the staff outside kept the drive-thru lanes flowing. I was in line for less than ten minutes. *Every* last employee I talked to, and I talked to six, were pleasant and welcoming, just like every Chick-fil-A I've ever been to.\\n\\nThe food was good of course, although the fries could have been cooked a bit longer. Chick-fil-A sandwhcih was on poojnt, and so was the sweet tea.\\n\\nWelcome to Bloomingdale CFA!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-01-27 19:00:33'},\n"," {'review_id': 'BVJysQgBmQlEFCP8ySHGjw',\n"," 'user_id': '0rZEWmL2rccd-N5VMzKLiQ',\n"," 'business_id': '7T1VAYHIS3cgsDj3iS6JWQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': 'Cute lil spot on Germantown Ave. I came in craving something sweet and they did not disappoint. There was an array of cookies and bars to choose from, if my memory serves me right. Behind the display of goodies there was a table with clear plastic cups filled with yumminess, labeled \"cake scrapple\" I was intrigued. They were different kinds of cakes and icings, most likely left over from a bake. There were about 5 different flavors to choose from and I went with my favorite Red Velvet with cream cheese frosting. I also ended up with an M&M cookie, my other fave! It was a nice day so I sat outside on their bench and had a couple bites of goodness! The cookie was great, soft & chewy with those hard candies for texture. The cake was also delicious and moist!',\n"," 'date': '2017-05-26 16:48:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'mUMveMkONaNYXmNig65xhQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'iwxNSCgu-lEXtLSdPI4EyA',\n"," 'business_id': 'EDjEVzmoQVHzboFqC-M6Ew',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Lots of improvements to this place. Much more comfortable environment now. The chairs could be a bit more comfortable as it'd be nice to sit through an entire football game. Otherwise, this place has really improved.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-11-18 20:45:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'BiETNEHMCcmUWQDJMHQQqA',\n"," 'user_id': 'GNPPfbW6VzB3wjo5vPO5ug',\n"," 'business_id': 'kgeiJzWSiXPnf-3wx7LHIQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Three stars not because of food, the food is good but, the service is slow. I think they need 1 or 2 more people up front when placing an order if your waiting and not using the kiosk to order.',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-28 01:42:58'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PvZvLfodXgbqqZT2q65HwA',\n"," 'user_id': 'h7GOqt1KOIoZhhaaIh6zbw',\n"," 'business_id': 'p3XlbP2aZa-NBRqJ4p3KLw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Went here when they first opened. They only had one flavor... it wasn't that great. Everything was overpriced and we left spending about 70-80 dollars for three people and it wasn't filling. \\n*it is not Cajun style seafood. The sauce tastes like a mixture between buffet style sauces with fish sauce. \\nGiving them a solid three because there are better places to eat at\",\n"," 'date': '2017-06-06 23:43:20'},\n"," {'review_id': '09vSgWVConpnldqbvNkIRQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'QWaO0rnhQ73oDaxiE4YnAw',\n"," 'business_id': 'h8iDZcXLDicI_Wg8fwl-ig',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 3,\n"," 'text': 'My mother, aunt and myself went on this walking tour of Ybor with stops for good food. What a nice time! Our guide, Raymond was very knowledgeable and friendly. \\nIt was about 3 hrs long, we passed that 3 hr mark because we were sidetracked a few times and chit chatted quite a bit, lol. \\nWe learned great details and background about the early days of tampa, the culture, people and ybor in general, very informative! Along the way we stopped for food tastings . Everything was great, especially the stone soup company Cuban sandwich! I would recommend everyone to go on this tour, visiting or lived here for years this is a fun adventure. And for the step counters we chalked up over 5000 steps ! It will help offset all the wonderful calories you take in on the tour haha',\n"," 'date': '2015-04-28 20:48:41'},\n"," {'review_id': 'i8nVcu3u2-e0szyCS7PY1g',\n"," 'user_id': 'tGMnQ1EnvZqpn_jAuN8VsA',\n"," 'business_id': '7sKfrJmjG6unAQeWdQUe2w',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Love the sweet spiral plain pies at Franzones. Can't go wrong with plain. I tried the white pizza with onions in addition and it was a pleasant surprise. The onions were a great addition to the pizza. Same Franzone's as the Bridgeport one I grew up with.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-10-23 19:16:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'er-igpuhBprkQPfct63ktA',\n"," 'user_id': '4mbLmbA-thaDIZTlgxsaCQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'q0Fi4n7shUTmlxl-mMPVXA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My18 year old daughter had a severe soar throat. We had seen another fast clinic in a CVS. A few days earlier and recieved a miss diagnosis of a fungus infection. She was prescribed an oral medication that made the condition much worse. We were the only patients at this clinic the entire visit and it took us over 1 hour. The staff were very robotic like in there behavior. I tried to ask a question on the way out and was told I was not aloud to be there. Very strange since I was already there. It felt like I was being hurried out the door. Keeping in mind there were no other patients in the facility during our visit I was confuses about the wait time and gruf behaviour. I found the experience to be very unfriendly. It is best to have a good primary care physician and avoid these places at all cost.',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-04 00:46:43'},\n"," {'review_id': 'spcIXDKR5BV5QCI4GjjEeg',\n"," 'user_id': '4aM21WsPaP8SUmx9PB-6aw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Mha77MN_BYGB-w7DONZ5YA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The chicken sandwich was phenomenal. Great food for a very industrial area.',\n"," 'date': '2013-05-29 13:31:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'fgreXhTAyKbGiC0f9ZLd0A',\n"," 'user_id': '0VMuCPgwZliInxGWfJnxKQ',\n"," 'business_id': '25Uww0C0wvF9CZ_3B6vWtA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We set up an online appt, meeting and transaction was very simple and painless. We opted for a 2hr side by side ride where we had a four-seater with our guide Matt (who by the way was super awesome and informative). Throughly enjoyed our ride with some superb views.',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-04 00:23:48'},\n"," {'review_id': 'mMwnX1vc3tQUeDNS2wiKFw',\n"," 'user_id': 'f10WH1fXhy-68r4AEEhAWA',\n"," 'business_id': '9OG5YkX1g2GReZM0AskizA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great bar Happy Hour 4-7 every day. Wine & Drafts $3, $5 pizza, $4.50 apps. To-go Dinners and lunches are very reasonable and fast. Staff are as friendly as it gets.',\n"," 'date': '2016-01-30 03:16:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lt-tsizQin_wNCkQv71YPQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'qWSAH4MzFbHV6UsseJVlZg',\n"," 'business_id': 'dUctvEfHQccW_uxtRup2QQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I had a horrible experience here. The waiter was great but as I got my appetizer, there was it has a hair in it.\\nNext the noodles came out mine was fine but my friend has a huge hair in his. I thought he was joking until he told me. After that it ruined my appetite, I gave the noodles back and they didn't even give me a new one, I thought I should've got the food for free at that point.. never eating here again\",\n"," 'date': '2015-12-20 20:36:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'XDvCtch6U43HUNuMLHSxHA',\n"," 'user_id': 'AGyh5jnM0zrIElY7aZQafQ',\n"," 'business_id': '5ezrDoezdUlJpUa5Jg6dUQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Went here with a friend after having an incredible experience at Laurel and was hoping for more of the same at a slightly less bulgy pricepoint, and oh my, is it worth it... ITV is the kind of place that i dream about, beautiful small room, dimly lit but you can see ( as opposed to some places) and you want to see everything. Everything in the room is beautiful including a lot of the staff, (im trying to give you the full picture here). First thing to hit the table (or bar in this case) was a three dollar beef fat biscuit that was the best thing ive eaten in this city all year. I verbally communicated that message to Chef Nick Elmi who graced us with his presence in the dining room (just as before at Laurel). We went on to eat many more things which i will try to name now... Stars were Foie with Apricot Miso, Pork Cheeks with some insanely good vegetables, trout pumpernickel soldiers and one of the best cocktails ive had in a damn long time, the ouroboros. The are playing around with cold smoking things in there and on their BAR MENU! Honestly, place is just terrific and i meant to write this review sooner but hey... better late than never. Now that i think of it, im getting hungry... maybe ill head to East Passyunk for some of the best this city has to offer!',\n"," 'date': '2017-06-06 21:42:37'},\n"," {'review_id': 'dQ3EU6cevDqHAr_ygy1O8A',\n"," 'user_id': 'CNyXcn0c0V5CFmigqqw-Xg',\n"," 'business_id': 'oY5LFo6Yxxf32ePna6mEUQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I absolutely love this place!\\n\\nGreat hours, impeccably clean, so relaxing.',\n"," 'date': '2014-12-30 17:55:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JfFODAip9Xsz-eXKLSjwZA',\n"," 'user_id': '0XmgOinrZWNO15DlimRQeg',\n"," 'business_id': 'PpZqlVUAP2i8_hNfpQyKhg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Buckingham Pizza makes the best pizza around, particularly its plain pizza and a few of its specialities -- try the cool ranch pizza. This is a pizza parlor. Don't get fancy....order the pizzas and maybe some sides. While some of the entrees are good (chicken piccata), stay with the pizza and you'll love it.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-03-01 02:28:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'u0uSYPl0hYpNLGKKeINvKA',\n"," 'user_id': '42ZID-0WVKEX1QFMEIp09Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'I6L0Zxi5Ww0zEWSAVgngeQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Best iced latte and beignet we tried. The live music also creates a great atmosphere. We also visited Cafe du Monde but in our opinion Cafe Beignet is much better. The service is also very good and there are hardly ever lines.',\n"," 'date': '2017-11-06 18:09:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'vqmhsvXK9z4TTvnVDNpPDQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'ziNigH8BY9gRDvrmSsJTOw',\n"," 'business_id': 'ICqgjbOpBD9SUtE5PQC9sA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Fun, no-frills atmosphere, right on the water, where you can watch passersby and dolphins alike, while enjoying great food and accommodating service.\\n\\nMembers of our dining party ranged from a picky 7 year old, to two 40 somethings and a 72 year old grandmother. Captain Bill's had menu choices for everyone in our party, and they even made some ingredient substitutions for us. \\n\\nThe food arrived hot, fresh, and exactly to our specifications. Wait service and wait time were on point, and we all left the restaurant satisfied and having enjoyed the experience. We'll be back to Captain Bill's next time we visit John's pass. I hope you consider it too!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-02-23 23:06:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'sNm9Z4zILQ8HoSiYis-1kA',\n"," 'user_id': 'FqnSr3rWenjnF9taWyiHTQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'LnQRfj3pPz0369stRnwUWw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Very good sushi. The peanut avocado roll is a must try. Delicious! I ordered the Volcano roll as well and it was amazing. The service was also great, very friendly customer service. I will definitely visit again even though it's far from where I live. If you find yourself near Valrico, then definitely visit this restaurant. You will not regret it.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-04-11 17:26:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'WaeKsvHUJ8whjBlWjl0kaQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'yyxEa8y4HGij_m7g1wDKWg',\n"," 'business_id': 'Jc6MxMyCLp4DMfN4C1t1aQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"It's really a run of the middle as far as Cuban food goes. Not bad but not great either. I work close by so I end up there for lunch quite a bit. It's definitely worth checking out for lunch as their specials change every day and prepared freshly.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-04-15 14:50:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'xqp0pnO0PfBkaFRNaVImYw',\n"," 'user_id': 'c35f8FumQy5045zFbIir6w',\n"," 'business_id': '_uyLoz0BbrQIVmUEm_td1Q',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My husband had the 6 oz pepperloin meal and was very happy with it. I had the shrimp kabob meal. There were only 4 shrimp and they were more then well done and very small. The service was good. The restaurant was not busy.',\n"," 'date': '2018-06-09 01:10:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cC79tWLtH1U1n-oi7EozMw',\n"," 'user_id': 'FNf6kM1wfeBeB2UW6pif7g',\n"," 'business_id': 'qdpdUjdkEUpzYDdce2yZng',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The line was out the door, but I had a sandwich in my hands 7 minutes later, and I\\'m guessing it took longer because I didn\\'t know what I wanted right away. In fact, I felt a little rushed. All the locals were running in, saying hi to the owner and ordering up their usual\\'s. No place for a rookie, but they were extremely patient with us and a few others that wandered in not knowing what they were doing either.\\n\\nAs soon as you cross the threshold, you know you have made a good choice, the smell makes your mouth water. The Punk agreed so we decided to sit inside (everyone else was outside).\\n\\nTypically, I would never ever order pastrami, but the menu said it was lean, so I tried something different for me. Lean indeed. Best pastrami I have had in a very long time. In fact, maybe ever. \\n\\nThe punk was amazed at all the bottle caps glued to every surface in the place. It is a visual feast to keep you busy and entertained while you eat, if you choose to eat inside. You cannot see the walls for all the nostalgic fodder.\\n\\nShe was especially thrilled when they brought out her sandwich. When he set it down she exclaimed with delight, \"He knew exactly what I wanted!\"',\n"," 'date': '2016-11-09 19:58:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'w3w9VSu2MGL-hI7rZxjZQQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'jlT1qbzpfPQ9xRI_CBw6PA',\n"," 'business_id': 'jX8i0O2x-koganf8WwHXdA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Can't tell you how happy I was to see see Heather finally open a shop...I've followed her as a client for years. She is a color wizard, a genius at crafting a look with flair just for you, and can make a tasteful and creative suggestion if you're stumped, or roll with your personal vision. On top of that, Heather has created a shop vibe that is unstuffy, chill, and totally comfortable. I trust her and the staff she hires when I recommend friends and family, and love that she's made a home in the heart of E. Passyunk. Ask her for tips on caring for cactus houseplants, or chat about vintage bikes when you visit.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-01-27 18:44:43'},\n"," {'review_id': 'uIH6VgS_CzqyRrcoOPTZKg',\n"," 'user_id': '4hO4sWWd6Y8BisPg8Pj_SA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Sll5oe2S8-V3DzFLDOrzxw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I like that Sally\\'s has more options for hair supplies than any other beauty store in the area. The staff is nice and friendly and everything is usually well stocked. Sally\\'s is my go to when I feel like experimenting with my hair due to the wide array of products they carry. I do wish the staff was a little more knowledgable on what they carry but I understand that that\\'s a lot to ask. I also wish that the store was bigger, brighter and cleaner. The cramped aisles, dust bunnies and flickering, yellow fluorescent lights don\\'t exactly give that same \"beauty/trendy\" feeling that other beauty stores have. If I could give one piece of advice to management it would be to work on the appearance of the store, other than that I\\'m pretty happy with Sally\\'s.',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-14 18:46:52'},\n"," {'review_id': '6I8MMW6gsBWSWNXFf3MUdg',\n"," 'user_id': 'kQWfYLrDdaIJ4KBV4BrrIQ',\n"," 'business_id': '5MIiTuQP0fkAz43aQEBrWA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 4,\n"," 'text': 'Let me preface by saying that I have been getting my hair cut by a guy in Austin for seven years, even though I\\'ve lived in other cities for half that time. He is that good. The couple of times that I\\'ve strayed, I have been severely disappointed in the outcome. But I wasn\\'t planning a trip back to Austin for a while and badly needed a cut, so I decided to bite the bullet.\\n\\nMy friend walks in a few weeks ago with *srsly* the cutest short hair cut. And so I ask her who and where, and she says Rodney Mitchell. I figured that this place would be too expensive, but she corrected my thinking on the matter. So I called to make an appointment with her guy (whose name I sadly cannot remember at the moment) and Rodney answered the phone. Turns out the guy my friend had seen didn\\'t do morning appointments and all my afternoons were filled, so Rodney said \"look, I\\'m the owner, I can absolutely vouch for Allison who has several openings in the next few days.\" So I thought, alright, he\\'s the owner so he knows his stuff--I\\'ll do it.\\n\\nAllison absolutely did not disappoint. First off, she\\'s a total sweetheart, but not super chatty (I appreciate stylists who can be content to both hold and not hold a convo while working) so there was no pressure there. I came in with my laptop and several photos I\\'d found that approximated what I wanted in a haircut, as I couldn\\'t find exactly the right one. We talked about it a bit, discussed front and back length, bangs, etc. and she said alright and went to it. What she gave me was the cutest damn shaggy bob that I never thought possible. I seriously can\\'t wait to go back.\\n\\nOne of the other awesome things about RMS is that they give you a discount for your first visit and I believe they have some kind of discount for students and teachers. They also will give you *another* discount when you refer people. So I got my friend a discount, and then referred a friend, so I\\'ll get another discount when I go back for my next cut. All good things when you\\'re trying your best to be a frugal grad student.',\n"," 'date': '2011-04-23 20:36:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'uwPhE21CZLlp1kkSMPvvYw',\n"," 'user_id': '5OnQqP3q2_9auNdDKpLdsw',\n"," 'business_id': 'WKMJwqnfZKsAae75RMP6jA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"So much to like about this place--the beautiful Mercer Building location, the spaciousness, the lovely, friendly baristas. But there are a couple of important cons for me. Biggest being, the music is constant and too loud, ruining everything you go to a coffee shop to do: read, work, reflect, or enjoy a good conversation. When I asked for it to be turned down, they told me they can't--it just plays at one level all the time, and the speakers are everywhere so you can't get away from it. It sucks.\\n\\nSecondly, if you're a tea drinker, you're out of luck. They don't serve the tea in pots, but huge, sloppy individual filters--it makes your beverage totally ungainly, hard to drink and is really off putting.\\n\\nPros: gluten free goodies and yummy Italian sodas. I'd love to spend more time here, but the music usually drives me out after 10 minutes.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-11-06 23:35:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'J4bewYavb3HEhYkEOc3QFQ',\n"," 'user_id': '6n4rordXMXornGniNGppkQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'ehnMcJZlx29XMroxMd3-mQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Spice n Grill has the best Indian food in St. Louis. We had the beef nihari, palak paneer, and naan. The palak and beef were perfectly spiced, adequately spicy, and crave-worthy. I've never had a nihari dish before and I will be sure to try it again. \\n\\nThe restaurant doesn't have great seating in the store, so I will take food to go next time. The owner served us and he was very nice, but I don't think people eat in the restaurant very often. \\n\\nI was so excited to see that the previous owners of 'Indian Food' have opened a new restaurant and I would recommend it if you're in the mood for delicious take-out.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-12-29 18:26:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'mRnYZes0nj4sr8DsE_gWMQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'FuTJWFYm4UKqewaosss1KA',\n"," 'business_id': 'fgTOJRkc703E4XRdcr5zRA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I\\'ve come from Cali where boba is very common there. However I was thinking this place would have had the same feel. After being told this place branched off from California, I was disappointed. \\n\\nI\\'m more of a natural person. I enjoy real flavor, real fruits, and of course the perfect boba. I notice that some flavors were used by real fruits but others were just powder which I could definitely taste the different. Especially the taro flavor, being one of my favorites. \\n\\nBut, if you\\'re not too concern about natural vs powder flavor then this place could be good for you. They ask what level you would like you sweetness and any additional add-ons you would like. I always get boba but sometimes the grass jelly is pretty good too! I\\'d recommend you try. \\n\\nThis is also a good place to catch up, talk, play board, card games and even do homework. I know it\\'s always busy with students from the U of A and being told from them it\\'s a nice area to just hang out, that\\'s a pretty good sign. \\n\\nMaybe I\\'m just too picky, but I think it could be better. \\n\\n\"See it, taste it, Yelp it\"',\n"," 'date': '2016-01-30 01:59:11'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Zb_27vX8weaYyDn-_2ZhVA',\n"," 'user_id': '5C_C7bd6rZYgiP4puQxESQ',\n"," 'business_id': '0Kn5W22UmxOqPj2cjouFNA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This is an updated review. I've been ordering from silver mine's at the same location for the last 4-5 years and they have only gotten progressively worse. Don't ask for anything to be added to your soup or chili; they'll charge you for the additions but will not include them in the order. They'll also most likely to include the free side such as the bread. It literally takes at least an hour to get your food delivered, maybe they should call Jimmy Johns and ask the what their secret is. This business is in major trouble with all of the other options available. The service is worse than if you had a bunch of kindergarteners running the business, at least they would be nice. You guys are right next to Eller Business School, why don't you ask them how you can improve??? Currently, this place is an embarrassment to their industry, and a waste of space on University Blvd. NEVER ORDERING FROM THIS PLACE AGAIN.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-10-08 04:32:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'QgWZ1JJwSUUtakVoaLD9Gg',\n"," 'user_id': 'L-FS5xwHyvJINnt-QvuR2Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'y7qvy9LcyK2hr_VcPBiPaQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Bought my beautiful new bike from this shop a few weeks ago then promptly crashed it (curse you, trolley tracks!). I brought it back to the shop this afternoon to see if there was any way they could try to fix the front basket, which was pretty mangled, and to give the bike a once-over to make sure it was safe to ride. I was expecting to have to leave the bike with them for a few days, but the whole process took less than a half hour. Not only did they fix the basket (not perfect, but pretty damn close), but they also fixed the gear shifter that was a little out of whack... FOR FREE. I couldn't believe it. \\n\\nI also want to note that everyone in the shop- from the owners, to the sales people on the floor, to the mechanics, to the dog that greets you at the door- is so friendly and welcoming. I am so happy I found them.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-12-05 19:57:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ZvBuRS1nyS3F6nYFBKNNpQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'vlXbmvWwU1X52LHCEmjYyQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'LWDktsosohdLy4iI2pIOOQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I love going in there just to look around. The prices are a bit high, but the store is like a Disneyland for adults. I LOVE IT!',\n"," 'date': '2016-12-19 20:36:16'},\n"," {'review_id': 'fN61JUR5bM1NBXWYczJ4aA',\n"," 'user_id': 'h_WJ9jf22thDw10b1KL-cg',\n"," 'business_id': 'aOJdNN7IsxR7xy9H_bJuLQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Underrated burger alert!!\\n\\nRandomly came into Pag's during a stroll around Doylestown. The menu wasn't super appealing, actually, so I just went with a cheeseburger. Legitimately, one of the best cheeseburgers I've had in a while! Tasted like a quality Big Mac! Patty wasn't too thick, bun didn't overshadow the burger and whatever sauce they used - YUM.\\n\\nWe were in the wine bar section - ambiance is really nice; def not very kid friendly (we had our son with us.) but staff was friendly and accommodating.\\n\\nWe will totally be back next time we are in the mood for a good burger!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-05-13 01:52:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Vou3XAgjYJBuCO_-h1OQaA',\n"," 'user_id': 'M-00xuAOYLeaGEhPmmKjfg',\n"," 'business_id': 'eaDZlSuVS0EY67Ke6pRP6Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Absolutely wonderful food & service! Go there for lunch/dinner with my boyfriend at least once every two weeks. Prices are very much reasonable. Weekends get pretty packed so may have to wait a little bit but that's never an issue for us. Always get the Indian Pancake & the Hainanese Chicken or Curry Chicken. Other dishes are delicious as well. Never get tired of it!\",\n"," 'date': '2011-04-23 00:52:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'bVgpM_sA9AMAlL2R5TPNAQ',\n"," 'user_id': '8DSuxkm7SyX9fgQTw2tuaw',\n"," 'business_id': 'dz_aIFbATP2PLWQSOBnMfw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Pretty slow service and the waitresses aren't very kind. I guess I was expecting something different at a diner with high ratings but I understand it's in the middle of a tourist area. However, service should be a priority. Something that really bothered me was how much trash was left on the floor of the outside deck- it all has the potential to blow right into the ocean. NOT OKAY. I had to stand up several times to grab straw wrappers and napkins before they blew into the water. If you're going to have a waterfront/beach front business, be responsible about it. It would be a very easy fix-just a screen on the bottom of the fence. The food was good but I won't be back.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-13 16:53:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ymir0baPnU0rYEo_VBZxvA',\n"," 'user_id': 'duJnzlaILBFufu1wjyu-Bg',\n"," 'business_id': '-ATiAtTikuGuqvaW2O6tNA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I recently had the pre fixe meal for $22 and I enjoyed the combination of tastes on my plate. The chicken was moist my veggies were tasty but a little too greasy....overall is was a great meal. \\n\\nI also use them for take out/delivery. I have always enjoyed the way the package their food, in plastic containers that I use over and over again until they look too worn out and I recycle them. I hate take out places that use so much boxes and cups and card board - it's extremely eco-unfriendly. \\n\\nThe food here is never spectacular but is a good standby you will always come away enjoying. The prices seem a little steep but the restaurant atmosphere is contemporary, the service has always been splendid and the food is dependable.\",\n"," 'date': '2009-08-04 19:09:02'},\n"," {'review_id': '6QT1guUN1loMKUYBoV0RrA',\n"," 'user_id': 'lbDYppQgGowSJIeD3xS4eA',\n"," 'business_id': 'W2mcChlYqeVirWSWSLgoDA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"It's no different than any other Chinese place. Same menu, etc. this place does have some good lunch specials though, and the food is always ready when I go to pick it up.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-01-17 20:40:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Rm43fkKvgdpi6C3e8FyrzA',\n"," 'user_id': 'eHIDCdEzbZW4tHk4Iegwag',\n"," 'business_id': 'kKPJLiHIr9Gd9sYs3GhxDQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Finally got to eat here last night. Eclectic foodie menu. I had their onion tart as an app and Kerry had the veal meatballs with sauce on polenta, very delicious. The red gravy tasted like my own. We both ordered the special of citrus short ribs with fat noodles and brussel sprouts, peas. couldn't finish we will be back to try other interesting items. Small crowded but great friendly atmosphere\",\n"," 'date': '2015-10-17 12:27:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YmDYCDkRl3cof1yGdllW2Q',\n"," 'user_id': '9oHOoqk-HlwDS2DlHLi_0g',\n"," 'business_id': 'TttFjRQ-8Iz8by4hsD7iOQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Last night we tried to get into the oldest Italian Restaurant in South Philly. Thankfully, they couldn't fit us in, so our son said lets try Angelina's so we walked around the corner and into a small Italian Restaurant. Immediatly we felt at home. Angelina is cooking in the front of the resaurant and her husband is servicing. There were 3 of us and we started off with Eggplant and roasted pepper appetizer. One bite and we were hooked. We ordered the Veal Osso Bocca, Carbonara and lasagna. Everything was absolutly DELISH!! Can't wait to go back!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-11-06 17:26:43'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Oc7hdAWcXum2mRgb5f5NNw',\n"," 'user_id': 'i1jYqpHfyu2LB9c5zezLEQ',\n"," 'business_id': '9gObo5ltOMo6UgsaXaHPWA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'great food, great view. Try the lobster mac and cheese',\n"," 'date': '2012-09-11 11:56:59'},\n"," {'review_id': '6odPSjoPWOyeDQpgJbdGaA',\n"," 'user_id': 'jLr7vcDg43TqS2OK4ROvPQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'oaboaRBUgGjbo2kfUIKDLQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Super tasty and enormous portions. Some unique flavors too. Not much else to say but an amazing ice cream store that others should try to emulate.',\n"," 'date': '2016-03-30 23:22:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'b8-_q_gr-5zplgCwNhvSNw',\n"," 'user_id': 'wXDx8h3Onte6NbhX4KxHXg',\n"," 'business_id': 'Y2rYM2crYfTC25y6iquPgw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The food is average. Drink specials are great but the place is rarely crowded. Last time I was there it was a Friday night at 10 pm. There were maybe 3 other parties at the bar. About 5 minutes after ordering our first drink, they announced it was last call...at 10:15 PM on a Friday night! Needless to say we left for a different bar in the area and have removed it from our options of places to go past 6 pm for drinks.',\n"," 'date': '2013-10-03 15:39:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'AdGd-xcpJF4C-zYduRM03Q',\n"," 'user_id': '2XBcnIVhp_pEeer-asuxHA',\n"," 'business_id': 'bUnqKEP7h48ePxHMXV0fNw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'A good place to order from when its late and you have the muchies... for whatever reason ;-)',\n"," 'date': '2016-04-23 08:13:00'},\n"," {'review_id': '9YtDeiEdfrnRj1ykyp7Utw',\n"," 'user_id': 'FP7w-DB7x_cFovMdRbVCNw',\n"," 'business_id': 'JCWwQuH9pEHg-yTj4-D_ow',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 3,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'You think Value City, you think cheap value, right? Wrong! \\n\\nThink Rothman prices with Ashley Furniture pieces. Not a Broyhill in sight. \\n\\nNegatives:\\n- Entertainment centers and TV stand selection is small, and over priced selection.\\n-Their \"Clearance\" section is laughable and not much of a sale. No one is going to pay $299 for a nicked up coffee table that was originally $350. Go lower. \\n- Sectionals by themselves average around $1,000 by brands I\\'ve never heard of. \\n- The staff hangs out like a clique chatting in the middle of the store rather than helping customers. \\n-Dining sets are nothing special and overpriced as well. I\\'ve seen the same selection everywhere else at a lower price. \\n-5% military discount? Ooooh you\\'re going to knock $20 off my sofa! \\n\\nOnly Positive:\\n-They have a few modern pieces. \\n\\nOverall:\\n\\nI think they\\'re high for low quality-mediocre furniture. Shop around town. Or if you do find something you must have here, wait for a holiday sale.',\n"," 'date': '2012-03-30 05:25:31'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gbK7d1rp0tLKPS8oMpKFNg',\n"," 'user_id': 'oMNtNOXYFN0qdSCSfOfTOg',\n"," 'business_id': '7sKfrJmjG6unAQeWdQUe2w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I really like Franzone's. The owner is typically around, super friendly, and seems to really care about the product. While I'm not a big fan of sweet sauce, they also do a decent cheesesteak, fries, etc. Honestly, they may have been closer to a 4 if not that it's always just a really pleasant experience going in, which boosts their rating for me.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-14 23:24:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'KZaBBKr4uWWK1TpqiBMUMg',\n"," 'user_id': '2khAy7DTp3dUmeDJ4ZYw6Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'cBp1fn2LXpSHe4VbTXLYEw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Finally had the chance to stop by Bab Cafe...what took us so long! Both of us being Asian food fanatics, we are so happy to have Bab Cafe part of our ever expanding culinary experience here in Reno.\\n\\nWith the guidance of the very friendly and knowledgeable staff, we quickly got a hang of what to order, though there will be many more choices on our future visits. Liking things a little spicy, we both ordered the Jeyuk Top-Bab (spicy pork). What incredible flavor! There is nothing that compares to this place in Reno. The sauce bar gives you the opportunity to mix things up and the included miso soup is a definite bonus. Great value for such a fresh, enjoyable meal. Convenient downtown location to take away, dine in or have it delivered via UberEats.',\n"," 'date': '2018-08-23 21:52:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'wEfzqOfbwn4Ohe2ZDOLAzw',\n"," 'user_id': 'VMtyZjaEJB9nfmjr4xdVlw',\n"," 'business_id': 'GBTPC53ZrG1ZBY3DT8Mbcw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"First meal in New Orleans. I had the $15 lunch special, a seafood stew (with oyster meat, crab claws, shrimp, and redfish) that came with a surprisingly thoughtful salad. Yeah, it's weird: I'm not even a fan of seafood and, to be honest, I wasn't even really that hungry. Still, before I knew what I was doing I had wolfed down the entire thing. The spice, consistency, tenderness of the meat -- all was precisely just right. Well worth your while.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-11-06 22:28:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qlR5VtoMmpOLr_rGPFooAg',\n"," 'user_id': 'waeBiwKzNlxZtKcv2Er9VA',\n"," 'business_id': 'wzE61ThXOdrSegvwSOzf5w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Totally worth the wait despite the heat! I had the Vegan grits with a biscuit on the side. OMG! So good. My 3 sisters each enjoyed their choices as well. Caution, the bloody Mary's are spicy! The service was excellent. Really considering the wait was 45 mins, the line moved fast and then there was no long wait for our food. They have their process perfected! Thanks Biscuit Love for a Delish breakfast!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-09-03 13:46:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GY2rCySJI41AXWMXvrDTJg',\n"," 'user_id': 'nnImk681KaRqUVHlSfZjGQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'nFjk0xVI9fNiVN__5g-m8Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 6,\n"," 'text': \"Ichicoro Ane gets lots of things right and the best part about it is the combination of the ambiance with the food choices and whiskey selection. I'm very happy with this location and the servers I have encountered so far have been helpful and pleasant.\\n\\nThe katsu is great and I highly recommend it to people looking for a more filling dish on the menu. The bao buns were also good for a lighter fish. I haven't had anything I really regretted trying, but definitely ask your server about the portion sizes of each dish since they vary across the menu.\\n\\nThe cocktail selection is excellent. I even had a special Japanese Old Fashioned last time which was a little expensive, but well worth it for some quality Japanese whiskey. \\n\\nI'm looking forward to exploring the menu little by little. The best way to experience this is in a group setting so you can try more things and it really reminds me of Izakayas or Japanese pubs I visited in Japan and Korea.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-02-23 22:49:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Bs-7mL55P6zwtc1wqmWE5w',\n"," 'user_id': '_plGpsYWXJI6ikZKhkPVWQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'SheKIt6Z_h-yzbkU8yjoPA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Love this bakery!! Great breakfast sandwiches, coffee, and donuts! My friend and I love coming on weekend mornings',\n"," 'date': '2017-12-02 19:14:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'UqZyX64mgw1vJ1ffnxODjA',\n"," 'user_id': 'cARxOd_5yKCgsCbUZ5ED4Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'EtKSTHV5Qx_Q7Aur9o4kQQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"There is a great selection of whiskey/bourbon to suit anyone's taste. We had burgers with the fried egg on it and it was soo good and probably one of the best burgers I've ever had. The duck fries are a MUST if you come here. It is a cute atmosphere although we went with a party of 4 and it was a tad awkward the way our seating was and made it difficult to have conversation with everyone at our table. Overall, a nice place to go. We will be going back.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-10-11 12:54:43'},\n"," {'review_id': 'W67uN2nO0Tp22YMoano4JA',\n"," 'user_id': 'uk3BRgBic8h6rekz76xxAg',\n"," 'business_id': 'ejEVU5o5F56e7XIO07xpcA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"A++ for ambience. Very cozy English pub feel. Great drinks too - the bartenders here know how to mix 'em. That being said, the prices are steep (I paid $7 for a standard mixed drink) and the seating is limited.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-01-27 21:32:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Mjbwb8HzZvq1m-0-PH0SJw',\n"," 'user_id': 'uBb5_DPYAXPYXvs9uhmGzg',\n"," 'business_id': 'tzVLTQNUtiCAxUZmEuF0vQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Very cozy place to have a drink with friends. The drinks were tasty and were served in very pretty glasses reminiscent of those some of our grandmothers had in their china cabinets. On the downside, all of the drinks seemed to have some combination of ginger, lime, and honey with the main difference being the kind of liquor you wanted in your drink. So the choices felt limited. I ordered the bacon wrapped dates, and have to admit that I was choking them down because I was hungry. They tasted like they were double dipped in sugar. Also, once another 10 or so people came in, it was very hard to hear each other because the noise level skyrocketed, which is surprising with so much fabric in the room. The servers were nice and left us alone except to check on us every so often. I don't recall being offered a second drink when my glass was taken away.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-04-01 17:53:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PVHbmXoXeuiO5n5hRJJ_pw',\n"," 'user_id': 'pC5grBgbiPIE0sa_z-NAwA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Zdw5rbtAWguwcT9h_X4xRA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This place always delivers. Yet another great year with hayrides, pumpkin picking, and lots of other activities.',\n"," 'date': '2012-11-06 17:39:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'B_O-c_YGiNRXFk3yGzYhyQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'LNHVcCbz5L5IfzR6aI67Dw',\n"," 'business_id': 'dxNmbVCP-HGrDkPi4lqKDw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Called in to get service information on my 2015 $110K AMG. Was told since I didn't purchase the vehicle at their dealership that I would have to pay for a loaner car for warranty work. Will be staying far away from here.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-12-18 19:55:37'},\n"," {'review_id': '8AgD3lw9bQUjxO4l86ErsQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'Dhx8SumsYQ0Tw0Zjsplafw',\n"," 'business_id': 'cvHY1RTAPSoH94ysP2_eyQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Like wholefoods but much smaller. They have all sorts of stuff from Salad bar, to a small selection of fresh fruits, juice bar. Great lil grocery store. Couldn't really find any other in the city. They have a parking lot. Great walking, just a couple blocks from clothing stores\",\n"," 'date': '2017-04-30 09:49:31'},\n"," {'review_id': 'SsR30MKLikZUazS1L2ADfA',\n"," 'user_id': 'fS6uDSnfwYNHkMOWXQmzJw',\n"," 'business_id': 'j8JOZvfeHEfUWq3gEz6ABQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I absolutely love coming here. Great outdoor place with a wine selection you can't find anywhere else (not your typical wines you find in the grocery). The live music today was fabulous - and on a Thursday afternoon! Come here, get a few cheeses and wine and you will be satisfied. Oh, and the regular menu is crafty and artistic. It's a beautiful place with ambiance and on the palate.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-07-16 17:52:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 'SFy1mkQaiYFrWqoeBXHr-A',\n"," 'user_id': '5iLTCZo9-YJgdwvk7iM84Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'bMVgakLiCEA6LWRUEoB3wQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I love coming here to do my smog on my cars great service and chipper then most!!! I totally recommend this place.',\n"," 'date': '2015-05-12 17:42:56'},\n"," {'review_id': 'E1MoAVCzLAnJX-rYwE-Rtg',\n"," 'user_id': 'iZqgOItc6CcSApUsidKKhg',\n"," 'business_id': 'MaYb7qMN6BomP1zQGj3Wjg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Outstanding! They have great gluten-free and vegan options too. The salad, pizza, and root beer were just perfect.',\n"," 'date': '2013-05-29 16:26:46'},\n"," {'review_id': '4B1yYB3bozpSl4OqqhhbxA',\n"," 'user_id': 'TzLHcrnsLraxCPQ3Nv0eKg',\n"," 'business_id': 'VRGYwKE_Z77frm5NwLvJhw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My group of 6 all got burgers and were very satisfied. Very clean and nice place. Sweet potato tots are a must.',\n"," 'date': '2017-10-25 01:51:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'CdasgDuJmAJYRb50sgzQEQ',\n"," 'user_id': '2DhNGmmyDmnZdZps49U9VQ',\n"," 'business_id': '68ThEdiK0eWCEgGEmV9Tng',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'out of ten -- ten being best\\n\\nfood: 7.8\\n\\nlighting: 10\\n\\nnoise: 10\\n\\nenvironment: 8.5\\n\\nstaff: 9',\n"," 'date': '2016-01-30 16:34:41'},\n"," {'review_id': '-Lkjo_vV2DEemMpMBlbeHA',\n"," 'user_id': 'g9fWvUzGBsKtovXrHM02uA',\n"," 'business_id': '_ReMedGR8eDM5AgdRK0jCw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"This is a convenience store deli, so don't expect a neat restaurant setting or drink service (that's the only reason I give 4 stars instead of 5). I've had a Cuban press one time, and a breakfast sandwich at another time. Sandwiches are prepared upon your order and I was very happy with the food. Delicious! There are some tables inside and some outside on the dock, overlooking ocean. There is a more popular breakfast place (Maggie Mae's) in the same strip mall but taste-wise I must say I like this deli much better.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-05-26 14:45:13'},\n"," {'review_id': 'yRFEfsJxqHMA0DMgTCL1Xw',\n"," 'user_id': 'FLGFtGbXaUo0obR6lnZA1Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'SlLfWzeYOrVBxCd-0QILZQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'My 2nd experience here was even better than the first. I do believe there were some kinks during the grand opening. This time around they seemed to have more than 1 beer bottle opener, and the portion size of the garlic noodle did improve. \\nThe place still looked like it would get drafty at certain tables but we were seated at a better table this time around and I was not bothered by it. Food was amazing as ever and I am looking forward to my next visit!\\nWe had no problem getting seated on a sat evening at 5pm. So glad to have these guys in the local neighborhood. :D',\n"," 'date': '2017-02-19 21:43:00'},\n"," {'review_id': 't3SWA33VyH353uoE6UAe2g',\n"," 'user_id': 'E2CuwvUZdhvrAvvNdmmN8A',\n"," 'business_id': 'eS4billU3Yd9hoVUFfZFbA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I love Skyline Chili. I first had this stuff in Cincinnati, and I was thrilled to when a location opened in Clearwater. \\n\\nThis particular Skyline, however, is not great. The service is generally poor, and the food comes out very slowly. It seems like every time that I go, they are \"out\" of something, or some equipment isn\\'t working. Sometimes it\\'s baked potatoes, sometimes it is french fries, sometimes it is something else.\\n\\nLove the cheese coney hot dogs all the way!\\n\\nI hope this location can get their act together.',\n"," 'date': '2012-12-04 03:39:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'eBrVkzHhHKZxyVS1SPKbJw',\n"," 'user_id': '1PJ-RjMqXHeymSkLRzuIdA',\n"," 'business_id': 'nOyphAl0JQ8JrvNi93pclQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"So I no longer go here which is a shame because The eyebrow waxing here is fantastic. I am giving this 2 stars because when I have contacted for an appointment via the phone, it usually has taken days for me to get a response. The online booking is useless because I rarely have found appointments within 2 weeks of when I need it (and I'm very flexible with time of day). \\n\\nI give up on this place. Unless you book out weeks in advance, you will not get an appointment. I'm now paying $10 more elsewhere which sucks but I'm able to get seen when I need to be seen.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-10-28 13:58:00'},\n"," {'review_id': '2gVVkSbDtMuorKG9q7kSQw',\n"," 'user_id': 'KhHwhL89YnbEw8RNM03C4A',\n"," 'business_id': 'oLc7k78_YcDMnMCdbC-h1A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"great taco's, nacho's, atmosphere and margarita's. wednesday is triple special day.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-04-01 23:43:52'},\n"," {'review_id': 'C63d7kiqdlTya-2pfKmong',\n"," 'user_id': '5zVOhYaGoCadhC55eJ2r7Q',\n"," 'business_id': '7ENaqdbPmYGSFaa8tXZzFA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I don\\'t think they have enough staffs here. Always you can see customers waiting. It took them about an hour and more to have my car ready. Even worse, in the next morning before I was gonna take my family out for a trip, I found my car had no wiper fluid; hence I had no choice but went back and waste another hour waiting them to refill it.\\n\\nThe car was not thorough cleaned (either outside or inside). I rent the car on May 18th, extremely close to my 25th birthday (June 6th), and still, I was still charged for underage fee, which is extremely expensive -- $20 BEFORE TAX PER DAY. There was just no way to waive it. I should have gone for, and I will recommend others in the future to find another rental company such as Hertz, at which you can always find codes to waive this crazy fee.\\n\\nThe last thing is DO NOT buy the fuel option. Although it claims $1.99 per gallon, this is before tax. You will find the price after tax to be very closed to what you can find outside. And, you will NEVER return the car on empty. This is nothing good but a trick for rental companies to steal 3- to 4-gallon sales from you.\\n\\n\\n*** Final note:\\nNot about this location but where I returned my car.\\n\\n\"Return Location Address and Phone Number :\\nPORT JEFFERSON STATION\\n320 ROUTE 112\\nPORT JEFFERSON STATION, NY 11776-1010\\nTel.: (631) 474-2100\"\\n\\nThis address is totally WRONG!!! I kept asking people around this address for the right location and wasted another hour when returning my car!',\n"," 'date': '2015-05-26 14:50:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'rAPjnkSsC1ryIPILxMWAfw',\n"," 'user_id': 'QaUCU7y3lk0UEpa1I_x8-A',\n"," 'business_id': 'VCbUVUzENG46pFUOg4g3iw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Thanks yelp reviewers...you didn\\'t let me down! And neither did Todd and Roberta! They just left my house and I am in awe of what an amazing job they did! Carpet and couch looks great...spots where my dog a some accidents the other day are all gone! Everything just smells fresh...no chemicals to inhale and nothing has that \"wet\" smell. And I can\\'t believe how dry it all is so soon after! Plus they are the\\nNICEST people with tons of knowledge and tips on how to care for your home. Worth every penny and not only recommending them but definitely will be using them in the future!!!',\n"," 'date': '2015-07-03 19:36:25'},\n"," {'review_id': 'N4ENha1fR96wkGPlftezPg',\n"," 'user_id': 'w-rWlc4l1T6Q1GKzdNZrcA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Jx2AoB_IQOUrZ3s6fdAUSA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Love it here! Their sips mocha is my go-to. Staff has always been so nice! Absolutely love that they have a drive thru too, helps not to unload my kiddos. Oh and their cakes are amazing too!',\n"," 'date': '2018-07-07 22:20:02'},\n"," {'review_id': '91uC4f0aX4ycQTDL5Hq7Mw',\n"," 'user_id': 'huHPQSQgw4kFakc0Vq7TDA',\n"," 'business_id': '_D7QoWuQKMXk0mEE7r_Ftw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'I have been a fan of Chateau La Vin for a few years. It has been fun to watch the place evolve. At first it was more of a wine store with only a few tables. Now it has been transformed into a wine bar. He offers cheese and crackers and people order from the local restaurants and some of them even deliver. He had two guys playing music. He offers so many different wines and is willing to share his knowledge. My friend is a beer drinker and he has a nice variety for them as well. He does have a few tables out in front. This is a great place.....',\n"," 'date': '2014-03-14 13:55:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'fwkS8EOq6mS5Jf_OYf5fZw',\n"," 'user_id': '62chMGLC5sW48gDBsm_aSw',\n"," 'business_id': 'N2i1U4Z6GHEw9V02N2u6JA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We used The Hollander Hotel for our wedding hotel and it was an absolutely incredible experience. I will never get tired of raving about our experience. We were honored to use the Hollander not only for our room block and wedding night suite, but we also used the Tap Room as our after-party location and we hosted a brunch for our guests on the beautiful patio on Sunday morning after the wedding. Everything was perfection and if we could do it all over again, we wouldn't change a thing!\\n\\nThe hotel property is absolutely charming. The décor in the lobby is beautiful, eclectic, and very welcoming. The Tap Room is a great place for people to gather with intimate booths and large tables for bigger parties. The Bar has an amazing selection of local and craft beers and the servers and bartenders are all professional and fast! We were able to use the Lobby and Tap Room for some of our wedding photographs too, and they all look wonderful!\\n\\nThe rooms are very pleasant and quaint and our guests all complimented on how clean and cozy they were. The prices were also wonderful and our guests were able to enjoy downtown St. Pete because of the great location. The shuttle is also very convenient and a great experience for guests!\\n\\nThe brunch was perfect. Not only was the price great for an all-you-can-enjoy feast, but the food is delicious and homemade. The wonderful gentleman who makes the omelets is friendly, fast, and takes great pride in his work. He is also a talented baker and I couldn't get enough of the chocolate muffins he made! The service at the new coffee/dessert café was wonderful! The Patio was a great place to visit with our guests and enjoy the beautiful St. Pete weather. We look forward to many more brunches there in the future! \\n\\nFinally, the best part of all is the management and team at the Hollander. Nick and Will treated us like their own family. They went above and beyond to ensure that each of our guests felt like they were at home and comfortable. Zach at the front desk was so friendly and patient with me as I called checking on our room block. The entire team was just a delight and so very accommodating. They take great pride in ensuring that every guest has a wonderful experience. We just adore everyone there! I absolutely loved working with them and would recommend this beautiful hotel to anyone!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-03-14 16:57:14'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RC8D-iY19aZFHXUHaS8xLg',\n"," 'user_id': '11xwVSDv1ytjcyvUiyBWaw',\n"," 'business_id': '-OIUunijjcq_ZzyyQhPPFQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I got the gyro \"platter\" for lunch, which was dry, uninspired, and nothing like a deconstructed gyro. Worst of all, it came with \"vegetables\" which looked more like poop. Tasted that way, too. There are better places in Fairmount for lunch, and they won\\'t serve you poop, either.',\n"," 'date': '2012-09-10 17:07:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LQO-g1dRDTzdX6Yxr_RTig',\n"," 'user_id': 'Wbuln6K4xlwyj5WMoYdjNw',\n"," 'business_id': 'gK9CdFaCXmHoW8aLfXiSqg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I went there for drinks and found the environment really nice with the brewery right there. The beer was good and the waiter was very knowledgable and kind',\n"," 'date': '2016-09-18 18:18:33'},\n"," {'review_id': '2_NKFcHlU7MAeWeGksTLKg',\n"," 'user_id': 'BBTexIhkFIYnS0rd56vsKQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'W4ZEKkva9HpAdZG88juwyQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"OMG! What an amazing dinner experience. A friend recommended this place and it was incredible. We had two of their signature dishes -- the BBQ shrimp and bread pudding. This is a fantastic restaurant with great ambience and fantastic service. Highly recommend it if you're visiting New Orleans. Their fried green tomato appetizer was a great way to kick off the meal.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-10-24 22:39:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'dTr-7y6FCf-EUgvAt-XYEQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'JW_742Kc_BeN-tvACR88ew',\n"," 'business_id': 'f06mf_7bT8FibS2UejNrfg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Great store. Insane selection. Incredible customer service.\\n\\nWish they could come to Ft. McMurray. \\n\\n:(',\n"," 'date': '2012-06-26 05:06:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ydXJhVuaE6r7kN1niSqA1w',\n"," 'user_id': 'iyocBf1XVHvsr3SZMpfSnA',\n"," 'business_id': 'BMMcP9fBunmTyYY6XdtQtw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'LYING SCAMMERS. BAIT AND SWITCH. Will try and take advantage of you! Online coupon says 15$ for unlimited tanning any bed for a week for first time customers. Went to Chippewa location, The lady behind the desk acted like she had no idea what I was talking about. Then I pulled up the coupon and she said it\\'s only for students and that I needed a student ID. However the coupon said nothing about this. Then she switched to saying the coupon is expired, yet it\\'s still on YELP and they\\'re website. She also said they won\\'t honor the $75 for 45$ coupon you can literally purchase on yelp either. Just bullshit line after bullshit line. I then left And called creve coeur location and the lady there says, \"yes you can still use that coupon, but you must go to the same location each time for that week once you choose a location.\" I knew this as my girlfriend used it last week. DO NOT GO TO THIS PLACE!!!!',\n"," 'date': '2018-01-10 01:35:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NyJwwd6Ylajd9sVAaIZ9Iw',\n"," 'user_id': 's2Bm2i1w24_xgBhPw9xzlA',\n"," 'business_id': 'gZqFuqTjtN4Bfh-_fO315w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Very impressed with this place! The food was amazing. Quick service chipotle style line ordering but with high-quality Indian food. Also the staff was super helpful in helping me decide what to get since I'm an Indian food newbie. Can't wait to eat there again!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-06-19 15:52:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lLc72XgWAGoWXVI3iGydRw',\n"," 'user_id': 'vr-Rw3nMKIgGrVNT6A7p9g',\n"," 'business_id': 'tQYOAfl33tmP4oWpfyRr6g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Although there are countless little Mexican places below Washington Avenue, I never get sick of them and always look forward to trying the new kid on the block. This time it was El Sabor Poblano on Federal, which could not look less special if it tried.\\n\\nI liked that there were 3 fish tacos on the menu. I picked the fried and battered version, though the tortilla chip covered fish could have been awesome. I was instantly impressed when I opened one of my three and found that El Sabor puts an entire filet of fish in each taco! The flakey meat had no fishy taste. These tacos came with the more American toppings of lettuce and, tomato, and cheese. I bet I could have gotten cilantro and onion if I asked. The sole staff member in the place seemed happy to accommodate us- well, we were the only ones dining in.\\n\\nAnother taco filling option that comes with more traditional toppings is the super crispy chorizo, only $8 for 3. There was no detectable gristle here, something I have often come across at this little places.\\n\\nAs unassuming as it looks, this particular South Philly Mexican place is worth stopping by.',\n"," 'date': '2014-10-27 15:39:17'},\n"," {'review_id': 'BIrLDhcGSnGoj7tRz4pC4w',\n"," 'user_id': 'u8YXsT2UCNlIlGHS3LAmPg',\n"," 'business_id': 'iI090K0JMViyPPh7Viovrg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I met a buddy mine at this spot that I have always wanted to go to, but have never had the time. I walked in and sat at the bar. The police were investigating a burglary from the overnight it seemed some dirt bags broke in on a side door and stole a bunch of liquor from the bar. The bartender was great and service was prompt. I ordered a pint of dark ale and my buddy and I split a order of wings. The beer was cold and the wings were very tasty. I remembered meeting the owners of the establishment at the last Italian Fest at the Farmers Market so I really wanted to like this place as they were very friendly folks. I will continue to patronize this spot as it was a great spot close to home and work. I also like the locally non franchised making it work attitude that this place gives. I really was very comfortable at this establishment and well tell the rest of fellow Yelpers to hit this spot!!!',\n"," 'date': '2016-12-04 04:05:44'},\n"," {'review_id': '1WSjTfpqwIDCbnmzgeeXcQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'Q8NWwNvFIXv3ssBIqElJiw',\n"," 'business_id': '_aKr7POnacW_VizRKBpCiA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Found this place on Yelp. The reviews speak for themselves and are so true. The sandwiches are really tasty. Definitely worth the wait in line. Fast and friendly service. We waited about 15 minutes in line, ordered 4 different sandwiches, filled up our sodas, walked out to our table, and our sandwiches were delivered to us as we say down. We enjoyed our meal.',\n"," 'date': '2017-08-16 19:39:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'AFBxqbyqu_rWk9Ax_-zesg',\n"," 'user_id': 'd0FbFaZuJWfai0RYsUS7qw',\n"," 'business_id': 'N9-NRK8PPvi73tduxoPKbA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"By far some of the most comfy theater recliners. My only complaint is that you have to put your feet down if someone wants to pass by you on the aisle. The bartender at the little lounge next to the theaters is a delight. And being able to drink in the theater is a nice plus. The drawback comes with concessions. At a peak time on a Saturday, there were 5-6 employees at the counter but utter disorganization and no hustle whatsoever. The popcorn was also burnt. Next time I'll eat beforehand and stick with the bar.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-06-17 20:08:16'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NzvlG7XNjk5cKaCPtZa-eA',\n"," 'user_id': '3F9mJBT6zQz9CaNo4bAr7g',\n"," 'business_id': 'P61ecBVVPgBm-zH_SYq8FA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This is one of the best hotels I have ever stayed at. Clean, polite staff, nice pool and grand entrance. I can't wait until next year to come back.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-08-30 17:27:44'},\n"," {'review_id': '22n_UbOS_iqKKR3IrYhNGw',\n"," 'user_id': 'N1gb_Cx98QrcfA4CPrkY2w',\n"," 'business_id': 'QkyEr9j7il9lJqseTbPe5w',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I went here when if first opened, and have never desired to go back again, I was so very disappointed at the quality and the taste of the food. I would absolutely not recommend dining here.',\n"," 'date': '2013-05-29 02:17:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'IJu7uqPm3fqt80QZuyvi_w',\n"," 'user_id': 'jZBLCGC77S5y8xDEnHc0jA',\n"," 'business_id': 'b2IDM2SC0HkcflLl_nSTrA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Went on a Sunday afternoon and there were only a handful of people there. We sat at the bar and were greeted by a bartender who started by telling us they were out of most food items. No worries, we just wanted a couple of beers. We sampled several varieties, all of which were average. Nothing memorable about any of the six styles we tried.\\n\\nUnfortunately, the staff was in a snit because their relief was late. I get it, but they were having a full blown discussion behind the bar which all patrons could hear. Kind of put a damper on things.\\n\\nCool location and cool place, but not sure we would go back based on this visit as there are better options near by.',\n"," 'date': '2016-04-23 12:54:45'},\n"," {'review_id': '5wPq_FqKNx4NSdjW4MDCRQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'jHcTMCmyetM7HSC7weQTlg',\n"," 'business_id': 'y44MbCvvtmg1FpkNGSWisw',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Hate to be harsh but dang! After having a limited selection at terminal F I finally decided to go with Tony Luke's. I was looking forward in trying there Philly Cheese Steak been in Philly and all. So I unraveled the sandwich and to no surprise the sandwich I got didn't look nothing like the picture on the overhead display of the sandwich. The part that got me even more was the meat. I don't know what it taste like to eat dog food, but I am sure I just paid $10 for it.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-08-30 19:38:26'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Vb_BsacvTvDXEZiWVE6Thg',\n"," 'user_id': 'Eux0pgbEJeeVGaJiTbJeoA',\n"," 'business_id': 'O0k_pEr2UR6iEX2nv2Bbpg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Love this place. Best kept secret in Creve Couer. 9 hole course - affordable\\nStaff is helpful',\n"," 'date': '2018-09-14 03:10:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Is_4BTKGJTHxLGKRxLD_DQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'V8P2-U2IINNHzALqjaN3gQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'GyC36Pn0Q1-qHnqXys6yFg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"It's my first time here and the service is slow. The employees don't have good attitude but the food it's good.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-01-30 05:24:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'n2YTTgxIdIPWxz_jp3d3Xg',\n"," 'user_id': 'WBR41ZUpnl4hW5stYd5E2A',\n"," 'business_id': 'ncxN9II-MeXRudUrE3GVsA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I was here a few times before and didn't review. I come here for the food, NOT the service. The establishment is lacking in its service. Their food is always great though! Very delicious for a dive bar.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-01-04 03:15:21'},\n"," {'review_id': '9y_jTV777V7ptMMP5fJroQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'DVhrMMjptaGyUYxyNj9gtQ',\n"," 'business_id': '6x6rR-SErwOo3xF2AzXVHA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"I've been to many art museums and was surprised to see a museum this beautiful with such a great collection to be FREE! I was so happy to have had discovered this museum in my short time in Indianapolis. I loved the African Art and the Modern Art sections (although I did make a mistake taking out my camera for the Modern Art museums.. that's a no no). The outdoor sculpture garden and gift shop was awesome as well. Highly recommended!\",\n"," 'date': '2009-10-14 17:28:48'},\n"," {'review_id': '1nwMNWObHn1Aq-Yv2LTJQw',\n"," 'user_id': 'lEyAWBqX2Plyz041C09P5w',\n"," 'business_id': 'q72up2Av5yNNVPk7vdKg9w',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"You would think from the size of the place it would be good for groups, but in my experience with 9 people on Saturday at 11am it was about a very hungry, tiring wait to get a seat. \\n\\nWe tried to make reservations, but they do not take them. And I think we were too small to be put in the side meeting room. So hangry we stood, hoping for just the right table to leave.\\n\\nThe manager was nice enough to offer to fill cups of coffee for us while we waited. But I thought it was odd that they just didn't refill the pot for everyone who was waiting. \\n\\nNow for the food...They have these 1/2 and 1/2 combos. Which I love! I got a turkey Reuben and salad. I asked for lots of sauerkraut, and they charged $0.50 for it.. Which is no biggie but I'd expect a lot of kraut. Sadly there was not a lot of it.. But it was still a delicious sandwhich. :) My friend got the sunrise chile rellenos. If I come back with a smaller party, that is what I would get.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-05-31 18:08:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nyRUZ8E-kl_lAQuTNODqjw',\n"," 'user_id': 'PqTi2vqgxjT98oqFhZ1Uig',\n"," 'business_id': '4XLfecBXJ9itm4MMStGfWg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'The Shop is an amazing space! Their attention to detail and services are unbelievable. Plenty of places to have private meetings as well as post up and get work done.',\n"," 'date': '2018-09-25 16:34:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'IWflChcWypgf2Vlsm1WT5A',\n"," 'user_id': 'q3NoRGSIqKxdrmzNzURXeQ',\n"," 'business_id': '4FaYG9qKDpDyr68bKmaIEw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My husband took me here for our Anniversary and it was such a delight! Hats off to the chef for the amazing dinner that melted in my mouth. And the customer service was top notch. Definitely will be back!',\n"," 'date': '2018-02-02 02:16:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'X-CWXNjxwaqHwSME0Q3KpA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Jed-PEquPj78qyejkevQyQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'k6XrnjX2TBM_nDzD_XA9NQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Terrace Lounge appears to want to have a great cocktail venue, but they fall short. One bartender didn't even know there was a new cocktail menu. The cocktail was weak and watery, and the liquors they have here and throughout Peppermill are the most unfortunate corporate types. The service is also very spotty. It confounded me how four bartenders could not seem to handle about 45 customers. They didn't have any bar areas, so they all floated around the circle, but then they'd stop, often just short of me and go to the waitress stations to fill their orders. You can't really build up any rapport with four bartenders floating around trying to serve everyone. I also hated the people there. Sorry, but many were your run-of-the-mill casino gamblers. Why don't you just sit at a machine and play? You didn't come here for the drinks or to smooze with the bartenders, so seriously, go sit at a machine. One just sat next to me and lite up a cancer stick and the smoke just blew in my face. Look, if I walk into a bar and sit next to someone, it's their turf. They can smoke, fart, vomit on themselves, if I don't like it I can leave. But if I'm there, it's my turf. Don't come sit next to me and smoke, fart, or vomit all over yourself. Or at least be frickin thoughtful and if you see your smoke wafting in my face, put your cancer stick and tray on the other side of the bar so it wafts in your face. Oh, you don't like smoke in your face??? Me neither moron. Your life revovles around throwing away your pension money in a mindless electronic game of cards and killing yourself with carcinogens and toxins, well go kill yourself in private, seriously. You don't see me walking up to a bar and slitting my wrists and burning my money. It's gross. I probably just realized this, but I really enjoy Cin Cin not only because they have the best cocktails in town, but they have no machines at the bar. Peppermill, if you want to create a cool cocktail bar, ditch the machines, train your staff, or hire bartenders with better service skills, and buy some independent liquors.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-08-04 00:44:00'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qM-E-ae8CI1Yp0wJiq0jhg',\n"," 'user_id': 'sHm9bRvQ2QFL7teGnHiGEA',\n"," 'business_id': 'LktIfbmd3k0kDiWibGw7DQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Awesome service (ask for Amanda, resident comedian); very friendly staff. Food was really good and beer was cold.',\n"," 'date': '2013-12-07 21:31:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'SWUQy9DeRedDiESnQ9UScA',\n"," 'user_id': '0VI899Sc4Bwkm1BsRk3ZzA',\n"," 'business_id': 'TyxDzw8S02endZrrSHu_xQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This is my favorite nail shop in the city I've been going here for years....I enjoy the quiet serene atmosphere...the staff is very friendly and efficient....the price of $25.00 for a pedicure in the South....you can't beat it!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-06-24 17:43:13'},\n"," {'review_id': '0trQZcvI12ONojsrEOnIHQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'pr2GemKrmZ84T9bZS8D2xQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'WAPhi7JdwIvdTBgM9KsxHA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Thank you for a lovely morning! I was in NJ early and decided to stop in for a delicious diner breakfast. I got a taylor ham, egg, and cheese and a short stack of blueberry pancakes (I simply couldn't decide between sweet or savory, plus leftovers are never a bad thing). \\n\\nThe egg sandwich was fantastic. I was nervous when they said they didn't have kaiser rolls so I went with a hamburger roll. It was an excellent decision. The roll was excellent - not just an average cheap hamburger roll. They layered the cheese on the sandwich, which to me is a must for a true egg sandwich. It was served with home fries, which were sauteed with large slices of peppers and onions. I'm not the biggest breakfast potatoes fan, but these were great and I appreciated that they didn't clearly just scoop some food from a huge pile of pre-cooked home fries.\\n\\nThe pancakes were great and fluffy. My one gripe was their use of smuckers pre-packaged syrup. I realize that if they put syrup in a container, it probably wouldn't be real maple syrup, but I sort of wish I didn't know that they were giving me sub-par syrup.\\n\\nThe server was friendly and very attentive. The coffee refills were constant, and the coffee was actually good (so many diners fail at coffee). Bonus points for the server agreeing not to judge my decision to get two breakfasts.\\n\\nAll around, I loved this place and hope to go back soon. Long live the Jersey diners!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-02-21 20:40:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NUqNm6gqj-iOWo30r_iFrA',\n"," 'user_id': 'ynmWePv8_bHKn_E5Ghns3w',\n"," 'business_id': 'EbTJAD4R68mbRLapvF0skA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Our server was awesome. Very tentative and extremely nice! That is the only thing saving this place plus the maple wings were delicious. Now for the bad part. We paid 35 dollars for the \"piano guys\" to sing a song to the birthday girl. We had 3 options of songs that we wanted to hear. They called our birthday girl on stage and began to sing a rendition of Aladins whole new world. (Which was not one of the songs we had picked) The song quickly turned to a absolutely disgusting remake. The piano guy sang so our birthday girl about opening her thighs,tying her up, filling holes, splurging on her face, and cumming in her hair. It was even worse than that. Her husband and family including parents were in the crowd but luckily couldn\\'t hear to well because the sound system is terrible. Our birthday girl even stopped the piano man and told him to stop and he continued and made it even dirtier. It was disgusting, offensive, and embarrassing. Trust me we are not prudes by any means but this was way too far. It completely ruined the experience and we all immediately left. We spent our time and money there only to have the birthday ruined. Also for 35 dollars we paid we only heard 1 of the songs which they only sang part of.',\n"," 'date': '2016-03-07 02:39:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'hozoa1DsTCjpz4UC8YGsNw',\n"," 'user_id': 'ndgHYecgAWEqtjnjE7LtfA',\n"," 'business_id': 'MMRRS6YhVRx_iN5-JhMRYg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The new Han Dynasty took over the spot where the old Mid-Atlantic restaurant (with the unchanging menu) was. I like the Han Dynasty here a lot more than the one in Olde City even if I give both 4*. Maybe I'm biased, because I love the service here. They've always been very nice, and came over to check in with me and just make some small conversation when they heard I had a peanut allergy (even though they had no peanuts in any of the dishes I ordered; I think it was Han's sister?). I've been to this Han Dynasty more times in a month than the number of times I've been to the other.\\n\\nNote though, that the different branches have different specialties. I heard the dan dan mian in Olde City is the best, but the one in UC isn't so good (I wouldn't know since it has peanuts). Overall, I think it;s okay food wise, still not spicy enough as with the other branch. But I like the layout and atmosphere a lot more.\\n\\nNext, if you go during lunch, you can ask for lunch portions, that are smaller than the dinner portions, and half the menu price! So it's a great lunch place too, alone, or in a group of 2 or 3.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-10-08 15:29:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zNpUe13rw7XqnhlCKRBz_A',\n"," 'user_id': 'PzMj0rifbr_iUV2LWv6lOg',\n"," 'business_id': '77drWZJuh-a1osUOrd7oQw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We went to Carisma Restaurante again tonight. It has become our \"go to\" spot. The food is excellent and the service was great. The owner Jose is very friendly and tries to visit every table to make sure everyone is satisfied. Tonight we had 2 Paellas, salmon and a filet mignon. Everything was made to order, cooked to perfection and came out hot. \\n\\nThe family also opened a cafe in front of the restaurant. Jose gave us a tour and introduced us to his daughter that runs the cafe. The baked goods and coffees at the cafe are just as good as the meals at Carisma. Good, fresh food prepared and served by nice people. Try Carisma, it\\'s so much more than just the normal tacos and burritos. You wont be disappointed!',\n"," 'date': '2017-10-11 05:04:48'},\n"," {'review_id': 'j4zxVT-GhVJ3a1YEskkSww',\n"," 'user_id': '8EMU7d4pCkdqUnvlIW40CA',\n"," 'business_id': '9PCPV34KV1B_E3v1IUi4tQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This is a small hole in the wall in the African section of Woodland Avenue. Though it might not look like much, there is some good food coming out of its kitchen representing Senegal and West Africa. I enjoyed the national dish of Senegal - Thiboudienne - although note that here they do a version without the usual tomato sauce. I also took home a Jollof Rice which is often called the mother dish of Jambalaya. There are a few hightop tables inside for dining or you can order the food to-go. Either way, service is friendly.',\n"," 'date': '2015-12-05 13:36:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YQtuP2OsLItDgSyEu5wfHA',\n"," 'user_id': 'm2BVQanoUOrtJc5_GYch2w',\n"," 'business_id': 'lwdkX7KcibM4mDqpDfK7JA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Had a falafel wrap here a few years ago. Not bad, so tried it again today. No flavor, except extreme saltiness! The falafels & pita = no flavor. I was hoping the tzatziki sauce would pull it all together, nope! It had no flavor either. It wasn't like the sauce you'd imagine, but more like a thin tasteless glue. Only good part about the wrap were the fresh diced cucumber & tomato, too bad that was underneath the icky white sauce that doesn't even deserve to be called tzatziki : (\",\n"," 'date': '2017-09-20 16:49:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'v6VgR-I99slQPt_b4lbxuQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'n_KXdXJb1bFP8lmQ91hSpw',\n"," 'business_id': 'fa6InRseC0Uxnt5d90E3LQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Exactly as bougie and casual at the same time as you need it to be. Come with your Gucci bag or in your yoga pants and slam a delicious cocktail or three.',\n"," 'date': '2018-08-23 23:54:07'},\n"," {'review_id': 'WuyNRwsB41cf2BJQL2DbRQ',\n"," 'user_id': '0nOrJJ4gN5BxYIyxWcJaGA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Mha77MN_BYGB-w7DONZ5YA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Our group of 6 decided to try something different. So, we gave this place a shot. Very happy with our decision. \\n\\nThe wife and I shared the special, which was a massive amount of food for the two of us. It was a great sampling of all their food options. \\n\\nThe chicken, steak and rice/beans were pretty amazing. I could do without the egg, but it was easy enough to push over to the side. I'm not a fan of Yuca, but this wasn't bad. The plantains were delicious. I didn't try the salad... Just wasn't in the mood for it. \\n\\nAll in all, the place is a must visit if you are up for trying something new.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-09-30 19:29:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GVoXS_AdNzSUbyNcoErdZQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'rqYkeGG9PBAdMRDvTMCmfw',\n"," 'business_id': 'MVmJuns9ZD9QLGltc0Am8g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Out lunch today was pulled pork, smokehouse bowl, and delicious sides of sweet potato casserole and red beans and rice. Red beans and rice was spicy but good. Sweet potato casserole yummy and meat was smoky juicy and plentiful. Definitely a must.',\n"," 'date': '2015-11-18 18:51:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'CEcndvfWE_kA6gPtJOZRYw',\n"," 'user_id': 'tcT7C-lixeyg19jbuAR0jw',\n"," 'business_id': 'UYxGgnJ4Z2lOehK23HSIlw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Awesome detailing job. My car was DIRTY. Hadn't washed it in months. Got the executive detailing option now look at me.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-01-27 20:05:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'QS3gJVX4WAfk0Chd4W3zIw',\n"," 'user_id': 'HzX3oBnPUEImHhsdxCu0Aw',\n"," 'business_id': 'ZGD4WacjO1v4Ath3Qil-Sg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'We belong to lifetime in another state and were visitingvisiting from Colorado to buy a potential second-home in the area. First Jen The front desk person was so nice and very helpful. She speaks so highly of the club and all of the amenities that it offers. I also met Joe the general manager what a terrific guy. The club is much smaller than other lifetimes however very full service for those who want The next level and service. The bathrooms are fantastic and for the men fully stocked with shavers, shaving cream and lotions. You need absolutely no toiletries all provided. Great location next to the mall. Highly recommend.',\n"," 'date': '2015-10-23 13:44:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EYtd1U-fzMWpo-zxMuI5Tw',\n"," 'user_id': 'ChoyWqiqMfKDYuqMKycnpw',\n"," 'business_id': 'yN6jZyG1G1FG_HCZQlJZ1g',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Tried the pulled pork, green beans, Mac n cheese and cornbread. It was all pretty mediocre barbecue. Not bad, not great. The pork was a little overdone/dry, but had a nice smoky flavor. The original bbq sauce is pretty sweet/syrupy. Ill probably go back, but I wouldn't if there was a better option as close to my house.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-05-07 02:53:59'},\n"," {'review_id': 'upZ4kUcTgNnpeCp9ijUgIQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'FnrhqXJXR9xnYe6vgrKoCw',\n"," 'business_id': 'b7V_5q22_eTeHlYzq1bpFw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Husband and I made a mistake and came here on a Lenten Friday. The wait was forever. But since we were already there, might as well suck it up and see what's it all about. We ordered the blackened alligator and oysters for appetizers, the alligator came out within 15 minutes, and it was alright. A bit too greasy. Then another 15 minutes later, our raw oysters came out, I wanted mine char grilled but the waitress didn't mention they don't have char grilled oysters and still took my order, so I thought I was waiting for mine to be cooked the entire time. When she brought out the two half-dozen raw oyster trays, that's when she told me they only have raw oysters there. SMH. I have sensitive stomach so I only had 3 then gave the rest to my husband. Regardless, the oysters were really fresh. We waited for at least another 20 minutes later for our entrees to come out. At this point, I was really hungry and had hoped we were at home eating ramen noodles instead. My husband had the roast beef po-boy, and I had the tuna and shrimp kabob. My husband told me his roast beef was really salty and while ironically, my kabob was very bland. The kabob came with exactly 3 pieces of cubed tuna, 2 medium size shrimp with plenty of bell peppers and onions in between, and baby shrimp creole with rice. For the ok price, I shouldn't complain too much about this place. Didn't try their seafood boil, but it looked like that would have been a better choice.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-03-18 21:33:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'INSGnYhsLHPc7v0VjuNxzw',\n"," 'user_id': 'oQLVpszk6Bz5zEwZSrEY-g',\n"," 'business_id': '0ol0GxG-mp_ZZlrSlXFeWA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'im going to have to give this place one star for its horrible customer service:\\n\\ni called in to ask about the 50% off for tulane students they were advertising, the woman assured me if i came with an id it would be half off and made an appointment for me, only once i got there did they tell me it\\'s only on certain days, \"it says it right on the sign,\" i was perturbed by the inconvenience and said so you\\'re not going to honor it even though you just made an appointment with me and told me it would be 50% off, they said no flat out at first even though the error was blatantly on their side, after my nagging, she eventually called john jay himself and he told the woman that he would not honor what i was told even though i had been inconvenienced by someone in HIS staff because it might cause a \\'domino effect,\\' i said how will there be a domino effect unless you continue to give people incorrect information, there will be no other \\'dominoes\\' as long as you remember what day it is from now on... they began to treat me somewhat patronizingly as i explained that usually businesses make concessions when they are the one at fault, that the customer is supposed to always be right, yadda yadda yadda, i left pretty upset and with ~45 minutes of my life having been wasted - empty handed but for a lame excuse from someone who owns at least 3 businesses over 10 dollars...\\n\\ni have not received a haircut from them so if you\\'re one of those people who ONLY cares about the product and you think you\\'ll get a good cut go right on ahead, but if you\\'re like me (principled) and you don\\'t like handing profits to people who care nothing about their customers this is a good place to skip next time you need a cut',\n"," 'date': '2013-07-12 20:44:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'tfucaiy6lG5UbvbmTD4STg',\n"," 'user_id': 'wABHp4fGUC-0acRKhmQO2A',\n"," 'business_id': 'MMRRS6YhVRx_iN5-JhMRYg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Awesome food, great place to split a bunch of delicious spicy, ultra flavorful dishes with a large group. It's the Chinese restaurant a lot of people know about for good reason - I haven't had a single bad dish here, and it's always a crowd-pleaser.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-03-07 00:22:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'dFgGps6gQQbWoKOR60X72w',\n"," 'user_id': 'SD2wTe9oVhG4j2fAwo1yhg',\n"," 'business_id': 'dIpTuL2T1L98GQGU17IeSw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'My friend and I visited Tampa for a concert, and about ten minutes away from the Atlanta airport he realized that he had purchased tickets for the wrong day. We had already made hotel reservations and bought the concert tickets, so he just had to pay same-day price for airfare: all in all about $800 more. \"It was totally worth it,\" he later told me, \"Because I got to have the best sandwich of my entire life.\"\\n\\nAll because we randomly picked the Bricks of Ybor from Yelp. I can\\'t vouch for the peanut butter or meatless menu, but the meat sandwiches that we bought were absolutely phenomenal. I had the pulled pork, which was flavored with ponzu and served on Hawaiian sweet bread. It was one of the best meals I\\'ve had in a long time. We spent a few hours hanging out and drinking, during which time Brian, the owner, came out and talked to us, comped us a drink, let us try new appetizers he was developing (all for free) and generally made us feel really welcome. \\n\\nI kept my eyes open to the kind of crowd that came in and out of the restaurant. It seemed to draw everything from hipsters to geriatrics and strait-laced families with young kids. I think it speaks to both the diversity of the menu and the pleasant environment. We went back for drinks before and after the concert. It got very crowded but we still received excellent food, drinks and service. I give this restaurant my strongest recommendation, and it\\'s the first place I\\'m going when I next visit Tampa.',\n"," 'date': '2012-03-02 03:16:56'},\n"," {'review_id': '-7wZLHrckzyOr-fX_CiT4A',\n"," 'user_id': 'bme7nh1NwRfF4U34TXFK2Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'pSmOH4a3HNNpYM82J5ycLA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"So worth the wait! The crepes are amazing! I also loved the grits, which is rare. Tried my hubby's pancakes....awesome!\",\n"," 'date': '2012-08-15 16:05:01'},\n"," {'review_id': '-RsFYcZz0HeSrAhu5xDWBg',\n"," 'user_id': '-cb2SLDoCysQFxbDDf_0pg',\n"," 'business_id': 'Q1HHAb4FzrzfnnrRyA8fgg',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My sister-in-law and I visited this restaurant on 8/28/15 mid afternoon. We were seated after requested 3 times that the hostess speak a little louder because we couldn\\'t even hear her with the background music. We were seated in a booth with a never ending Larry King vitamin commercial on the TV - really? Our waitress introduced herself and a new trainee and then we never saw her again. Two other wait staff seemed to be sharing our table, but no idea who was responsible for our table. We got our drinks and ordered, but food took forever considering there was not more than 15-20 filled tables in the entire restaurant. Burgers were not bad - I ordered the blue cheese burger and it would have been better with less blue cheese, way too much! Fries and onion sticks were very good. But no one came to see if we were satisfied, needing anything, etc and took two requests and waiting to get a carry out box. There was a family seated across the aisle from us when we arrived and we assumed they had finished their meal and were \"hanging out\". Only after we received our food did we understand they had already ordered and still did not have their food! I doubt I will return to this restaurant in the future.',\n"," 'date': '2015-08-30 15:35:41'},\n"," {'review_id': 'juzhoSPzFupje-RYJ4VPpQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'SXfDfVltyy6uI4vDgzDlvw',\n"," 'business_id': '9V0LMtO1riRw9-pUuG4NFg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"In short, the food was decently good, but completely overpriced. The guacamole and my Mojito were probably the highlight of the meal. I had the peach pork medallions, which were nicely cooked, but lacked flavor. I tried the corn cakes with Barbacoa and that was pretty good. \\n\\nThe atmosphere was inviting with a hip feel if that's what you're looking for. What was really annoying was the parking situation. For a place with price points such as these and limited parking spaces, a valet service should be provided either at a cost or complimentary. Don't even try and park in the back of the building, it's tight and dangerous even getting there and back. I ended up parking three blocks away and broke a sweat walking in the dead of summer to the front entrance.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-06-28 18:40:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'tNhXpFVKYXjJx5mipbc_7A',\n"," 'user_id': 'PxvX4g3RCzvRZ87vkA6Sag',\n"," 'business_id': 'BjBDHqHhMXSxgyVipccznQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Had dinner Saturday night for the first time at rusty pelican. Called ahead and made a reservation and requested a table next to the window overlooking the water. Hostess went to seat us away from the window, when we questioned her she huffed off and left us staying in the middle of the dining room!! She did return and sat us by the window. The rest of the evening was great, drinks, food and wait staff was excellent. Liz was our server and went above and beyond. Still have to say the hostess was very disappointing!',\n"," 'date': '2015-06-09 00:19:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'dpgq69tsI2f_GpRH71hQsA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Uk3X2AypU8AqvcYEVf7s6Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'eL4lyE7LNoXEMvpcJ8WNVw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This was a tough one! On the merits of the wine, fairly average... I understand that the winery has more than one lable and other label is their premium wines. I look forward to when that is available (I went two weeks ago so maybe it already is) Location.. what's not to like? On the pier! A wonderful outdoor patio, couldn't have a nicer setting to enjoy your tasting.... The staff were super, super nice, I would give them an A+! \\n\\nSo why only three stars? It is because of the wine club! Very expensive for the quality of the wines and stingy as HELL with the benefits to the members.. Most wine clubs will give you a free tasting every time you come in (after all, we are your best customers... we are the ones who buy your wine time and time again). Some wineries will give their members a complimentary glass in leau of a tasting (Carr). Most wineries allow you to bring guests which is how you get new wine club members. This system works folks! The way this wine club works is that you are given a very limited number of passes per quarter, five as I recall. If I come with my wife once a month we wouldn't even be covered... let alone if we bring a guest! \\n\\nSo go to this winery if you want to enjoy a tasting in one of the most beautiful settings on earth. But avoid the wine club! For that you can pretty much go to any of the other wine tasting rooms on the Urban wine trail.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-08-25 16:14:24'},\n"," {'review_id': '_Nh5Ru8Xk6He598uOMjlTw',\n"," 'user_id': 'jRdjx0aHuXeBnfhoo8AKTQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'oh2wCX3pzTTEYaynLgmMQw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I got a cheap haircut in NY for next to nothing and what do you know. it looks like some crazy chimp chewed up my hair and spat it back on my raw scalp.\\n\\nSince I'm going for job interviews, I needed to look better and went to Domenick's. The guys were great, Robert cut my hair and did a clean job. Bill came out to $35. I'd give it a 4, but it was a little pricy for my taste, but I look human again. Don't know what you guys in Philly normally pay for a haircut.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-01-04 06:04:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nCbPmH8TTnk42YvWCthLLg',\n"," 'user_id': 'Abd2njl3OX5qb3SnSj0ENw',\n"," 'business_id': 'HV0RS_cHVHatqYwC1j_qsw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Very unhappy, you lost a valued customer. We had a problem where Monro Muffler underfilled our engine by 3 quarts of oil and caused damage to the engine. Monro's insurance company said they would pay for damages if we brought to the dealer, we were frequent customers of Bergeys so we brought it here. They discovered the timing chain needed to be replaced, a chain that lasts the life of the car unless you don't change the oil or have low oil pressure the tensioner can lock and stretch the chain. Joe the service associate that took the car in specifically said I told the insurance company as little as possible and told them he couldn't tell if it was from the oil and there was no way to tell. And on top of that, was extremely rude and unprofessional to my wife bringing her to tears the way he spoke to her. My wife and I just bought a house in the area, only 26 years old and you lost a life long customer. Over the past year we spent about $7000 in repairs here, and Joe went out of his way to be unhelpful and leave us in a terrible spot. I brought it to another mechanic who was able to help us prove more it was from the oil and do what Joe told us and the insurance company they could not do. So on top of losing a service customer, I'm on the market for a new car and can tell you for sure where I will not be getting it.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-06-19 19:56:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YpDx1X1OvnwUgdkHeZNvWw',\n"," 'user_id': 'OfhZlqYMrCVAhM-bt_cQug',\n"," 'business_id': 'J-ciDDEdIHMcChGIyKZnOg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Beautiful clean shop with knock your socks off Everything ...\\nHomemade breakfast tarts and chicken pot pies .\\nAll sweets looked well beyond beautiful and delish.\\nI felt some of the items were a tad pricey considering the sizes being on a smaller size. But I know premium quality costs more .. \\nIt's a great place for locals and worth a trip if traveling from center city etc .\\nI found counter staff to be most friendly and engaging \\nWill be back and certainly will recommend\",\n"," 'date': '2017-02-09 15:35:11'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pASf53j-2Fc4MWcx2uLibA',\n"," 'user_id': 'HVl561l9Y3jwMKNKnoxOyg',\n"," 'business_id': 'pSmOH4a3HNNpYM82J5ycLA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Definitely get in line before 8:30am. We waited about 30 minutes. Pancakes were fine. My friends got the raspberry pancakes, the sweet potato pancakes and the san antonio. I got the sugar and spice pancakes. All were well and fine, a bit dry. I don't understand the hype, but if the line isn't too long it's not bad for normal breakfast food. If the line is longer I would highly recommend skipping this place and heading down the street to Fido - insanely good coffee and great breakfast food.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-01-02 16:32:14'},\n"," {'review_id': '2zN9R1C5RTZ9oxuQ1uhP6Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'hDvvt85_jRElidmq5nvJ4Q',\n"," 'business_id': '8zvsq2duG2u0rB7R8ZDeMg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"They have the WORST service advisors! Used to be good before Kelly and her team left. Unfortunately, it's convenient to work if I need oil change before I can make it to another Honda dealer.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-07-28 20:29:37'},\n"," {'review_id': 'MxQpzn4DLrQ6XuhEHkVvIw',\n"," 'user_id': 'QuZKJnltihmZ8jhwfxPeJA',\n"," 'business_id': 'QWqKTWQ2OiDgo3dzNkpung',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The best soon-dubu in the city! This place is tucked away and once you walk in, it's like you've stepped into a Korean home. Very welcoming, warm and inviting.\\n\\nIt's very vegetarian friendly! The soft tofu is stewed and put into the dol sot pots which each and every stew feels like it's custom made for you. \\n\\nYou can select from beef, seafood or mixed meats (seafood & beef), mushroom, and just plain. They can adjust the spice as needed too. I always get the extra hot with the hot temperature, can't beat it. The rice also comes in a dol-sot which is great if you leave it in for a while, it burns the rice into a nice crispy shell. DROOL.\\n\\nJust thinking about this place makes my mouth salivate! \\n\\nIf you're not into tofu, they also offer korean bbq meats (cooked in the back), with other soup/stew items.\\n\\nLove this place!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-05-07 20:13:19'},\n"," {'review_id': '_9vmN7JQg7gezvlMTu35cA',\n"," 'user_id': 'z497rLw1L767W-9Umwgt1g',\n"," 'business_id': 'Zcc12beUPFCe2U0DizJUNg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'As motels go this one is very nice for the rate. Clean, comfortable and well-managed. You get what you pay for so the breakfast buffet is just OK. The pool is too small to swim laps (disappointing). The lobby area is spacious and comportable. \\n\\nIf you are looking for a moderately priced place to sleep that is clean and comforable this will suit you just fine.',\n"," 'date': '2011-11-30 14:57:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NU4_03KfndoUcE8mDNIErw',\n"," 'user_id': 'IUCPIxJDRZj9zXc1fIVHkw',\n"," 'business_id': 'WJ17PIWEaqrNZ07uncG8JQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The only reason I mentioned the media or attorney was out of frustration after he would not provide the owner's contact info so I could appeal to her about keeping the area clean and cleaning or painting the columbarium. That older area that is out of sight has been that way for years but we finally got tired of it and complained. He never admitted it could be cleaned up. As for the vase, I didn't demand just one for my Dad. I stated he should replace the cheap plastic vases on ALL the niches as they were falling off and disintegrating. There are not very many of them. I simply thought it would be the right thing to do. \\n\\nIf there was empathy, I did not hear it.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-07-17 08:37:06'},\n"," {'review_id': '2fD2Do7xBjoahST3FmiwcQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'avQwKRvXc21koLCbahFEig',\n"," 'business_id': 'AY1SyySRyTnBwBdf7qfGxQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"From the second you walk in the door, you're greeted by the adorable woman at the counter. It seems if you come in here more than once a week, she'll know you're name but I haven't been so lucky since my visits are a bit more sporadic.\\n\\nMy most recent discovery are the vegetarian breakfast sandwiches, which are served all day! I particularly enjoy veg. sausage w/ havarti on an everything bagel. I could actually go for one right about now... I've also had the veggie club sandwich and my other half has enjoyed the chicken cheesesteak hoagie and the chicken salad on a croissant. Everything always taste fresh, they are priced really well (I think my favorite bagel sandwich I mentioned is $2.09-2.99- cheaper than wawa!). The people at the deli are super helpful, offering menus if you can't read the one on the wall and will make great suggestions and accommodations to your needs and want.\\n\\nDon't forget to grab a really great snack too while you're there- they have amazing chocolate bars, an incredible drink case, tons of chip varieties and those addictive hi-chew candies in every flavor.\\n\\nI know i'll be back here, who doesn't like fast / delicious / attentive service?\",\n"," 'date': '2009-08-04 18:04:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'As1_aGyTE-Sh3jGwh3vG0Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'QvIZleI1KG46yFMRSWrYcQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'DsKzHnkLKnxZTVsFpts4oA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We stopped in for brunch and we weren't expecting the food to be so delicious. The 3 meat hash was amazing, as was the turkey sandwich and bagel/salmon. The employees were very friendly and accommodating. A little pricey, but well worth. We will visit again if in the area.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-03 23:45:16'},\n"," {'review_id': 'FpWzaYsVDGrU8w3134s1jg',\n"," 'user_id': '1HQ3yuhqVJPqjCz1P6fDeA',\n"," 'business_id': 'VVvUBlc_WIEb8obKGq39dA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': 'Nice little bar located at the very far end of Terminal E and Tampa International. The airport recently added several new restaurants with a \"local vibe\" and this is one of them. There isn\\'t a ton of seating but it also isn\\'t close to the TSA area so it\\'s a bit hidden. Hey have TVs if you wanna catch a game while you wait for your flight. Food is very reasonably price for the portion size. Appetizers run from $5-$10 and majority of sandwiches are $12. I didn\\'t order any food but it looked amazing! Drinks are tasty and Prices are not terrible. Think 22oz Jai Alai for $8.50. You cannot take alcoholic beverages into the terminal (Columbia does this I think). I had a Manhattan for $11 and it was very tasty. Staff is attentive and friendly. I know my new spot when I\\'m waiting on a Delta flight!',\n"," 'date': '2016-10-13 22:00:07'},\n"," {'review_id': '6etKnG-31gbxxAnJgsSQ5g',\n"," 'user_id': 'BKPvdN72wJL6q75R4d2zZQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'TDKBPcViJQDMrdUm6a9XZA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'The depot burger is so delicious along with the shishito peppers! Perfect food, perfect atmosphere, perfect drinks!',\n"," 'date': '2015-01-04 03:07:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Q7sc8JXBOfA0gqKObNWsnA',\n"," 'user_id': '8pk7pUCfB7D_wQqDUO34bw',\n"," 'business_id': 'kk_oEw1j3xQ-cJaAII8A0Q',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Quality of this store has gone downhill over the past few years. In the past, I was able to easily choose from a wide selection of food at reasonable prices any time of day. I have noticed recently that the produce is not as fresh, but more expensive, and the prices of the organic foods are more expensive than Whole Foods. This morning I debated on going to Wegmans or going to this store. I only had to get a few items so I decided on this Giant since it was closer. Big mistake. I have seen on average at least 3 or 4 people shopping around 5 a.m. In the past but today just me. They had all of the store roped off where it was impossible to get to certain aisles and very difficult to get to the register. In my frustration I went under a rope to get soup. I was then berated by a number of people who were supposed to be cleaning the floors but some were just standing around doing nothing. I couldn't even walk out of the closest door because that was blocked off. If they needed to clean the floor they should have closed the store for a few hours. It would have taken less time at Wegmans which is where I will shop for now on.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-11-14 10:28:34'},\n"," {'review_id': '17HtUNovDJr3hZerXmlrMg',\n"," 'user_id': 'dXgGp-vjO_TSIvLgNz5uaw',\n"," 'business_id': 'o3RGMdSY37_PX1k1vZsXpA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This place is a hidden gem. It is located in a strip mall, but this restaurant is anything but a strip mall restaurant. My husband took me here for my birthday and I was blown away with the whole experience. It's a very modern, romantic atmosphere. The food is excellent. I was shocked by the Fois gras-amazing. I had the prix fixe menu and I loved ordering 3 courses. The short ribs were great, but I want to try something new next time. The desserts were awesome. I usually take caramel, but there was a caramel tart that was to die for. Can't wait to go back!!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-11-14 01:18:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qeSxL-POvGLZD6aQ5O9kvw',\n"," 'user_id': '4JrKQ9JqjYLk15dKQF9Gkg',\n"," 'business_id': 'yE1raqkLX7OZsjmX3qKIKg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"--------DINNER REVIEW----------\\n\\nI rarely write reviews, but this honestly was one of the worst group dining experiences I've ever had. It was objectively a horrible experience, even without comparing it to the hype it receives, and ruined what was supposed to be a nice birthday dinner celebration. \\n\\nWe had a group of 8 that had a reservation made well in advance. Short wait, but not too bad. Keep in mind, it seemed like a normal Friday night, but weren't super busy or at-capacity.\\n\\nIt was a birthday dinner, so I told the hostesses that it was her birthday, and asked if they could bring out something for her at the end of the meal, which was acknowledged. Pretty standard stuff, whether at a Applebee's or the French Laundry. We were sat at a booth right next to the Maitre D' stand, and next to all the wait staff's home base, so pretty much no excuse for not getting any attention. \\n\\nAfter getting us waters, it took them a LONG time to even come by and acknowledge us. After ordering wine, it took them another good 15-20 minutes to even bring us our wine, and no one even checked in on us! (hint: if you're running a restaurant, wine is your profit center and doesn't take any work other than taking a bottle off a shelf and opening it. bring it out ASAP...). \\n\\nAfter ordering food, it was more of the same...a long wait for food to start coming out and no one checking in on us AT ALL. We drank the bottles we ordered and had to get up and flag someone down to get another wine order. A couple of us even got up during the meal to remind them to bring out something for birthday girl at the end of the meal. \\n\\nOnce our meal was done and taken away, we were given dessert menus and the server disappeared for 10-15 minutes... AGAIN. After coming back, he asked what dessert we wanted, so we ordered some coffees... and waited... and waited. Eventually we got up and asked him what was going on and if they were going to bring anything out like we asked multiple times. \\n\\nThey finally brought out a couple of cookies with a candle...\\n\\nIn summary, the food was pretty hit or miss, pretty mediocre for this price point. Whipped feta, like other reviews have said, was amazing, and the Braised Lamb was really good. But the Sirloin was chewy and bland and the Grilled Caesar tasted like a soggy, luke-warm, wilted mess (two orders were left untouched by a group of 8). Atmosphere was nice and trendy. But the service, which is a huge reason to spend your hard-earned $ at a restaurant, was absolutely horrendous. \\n\\nI really love going to cool, popular restaurants and having a great time, and I hate writing such a negative review, but I had to share my experience, especially for a restaurant that is getting an awful lot of (undeserved) hype.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-09-09 00:09:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'mcl6XhpC7hoUqkTJcmUpkw',\n"," 'user_id': 'ZjzvfgBP9F3hfGMpHsCozw',\n"," 'business_id': 'WO5nr-4sjVs506BdCLL0aA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great food for the price. \\nTender steak and perfectly cooked shrimp. \\nWould certainly come back.',\n"," 'date': '2016-11-09 23:40:11'},\n"," {'review_id': '6d9hz8LsjvkXjViPW4xaRA',\n"," 'user_id': 't77iaBQb3pyj2rtwffiLEg',\n"," 'business_id': 'ZnAr0AxYpEYK1ZHNc4fk7g',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We stopped at Tako due to the positive reviews on yelp. We brought a bottle of white wine with us, the staff did not bring a ice or a chill bucket for us. It took 45 minutes for our appetizers to come out. The edamame was over cooked and mushy while the spring roll did not look appetizing almost like it was frozen. I could buy better spring rolls from trader joes.\\nNext we moved on to our sushi which was sat on the sushi bar for 15 minutes before it was brought to us. The sushi it self was good, but not the best I have ever had,\\nIf I came here again I would not buy any appetizers. The service was slow',\n"," 'date': '2014-02-23 23:59:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'M8CKU1cEoc7AG-n148uhDA',\n"," 'user_id': 'fZMPvpzg8mvWdq0nrOLz3w',\n"," 'business_id': 'OINbC0rpDVJ5bfxt3LO9fw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The catfish, chicken, gumbo and mac &a cheese are all to die for. We are the lunch buffet and everything was piping hot and fresh. This place was recommended by a local in the neighborhood we are staying in and it was so worth it!',\n"," 'date': '2016-09-30 19:26:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 's9ieTQEl3ImVSkTRrP4-3g',\n"," 'user_id': 'fr1Hz2acAb3OaL3l6DyKNg',\n"," 'business_id': 'T3muepcwD45gHLWcpaNNDQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 7,\n"," 'text': \"See's candies is California base bakery reach Florida. I know about this candies when my wife living in California. Their chocolate is very soft and tasty. \\n\\nIn Tampa, the International Plaza Mall has this temporary store from Thanksgiving to Easter. They located very close to H&M clothing store. You can have samples before you buy it. I got the lollipop candies. I also bought one assorted chocolate candies. They are very good. The store clerk was kind enough to let us try their assorted chocolate other their typical sample candies. \\n\\nYou can go with chocolate with nut, mint, toffee, milk, white or dark chocolate. All are good. Guilty pleasure with a touch at sweet side. Mail order through the web also available. If you close to the mall, just go to buy one without shipping.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-12-04 05:36:48'},\n"," {'review_id': 'FTax2GLIJRbHbEBUE82_pA',\n"," 'user_id': 'JggphOM7FIbvUyPcsfcNTw',\n"," 'business_id': '9gObo5ltOMo6UgsaXaHPWA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"Second stop for Center City Restaurant Week: R2L, dinner for $35 each. \\n\\nOn the 37th floor of Two Liberty Place is a very fancy-cool restaurant/lounge where you can get a bird's eye view of the city! Group of us went to dinner here together after a day of meetings. Didn't get one of the tables facing the windows, but still had great views of the sunset and city by night. Again, multiple choices for the three courses, but I chose to start with the crisp peas/ham/garlic risotto [balls]. Main course was the Butcher's Filet (braised short rib + Steuben bean chili, potato/farm veg slaw and basil), which was quite heavy since there was also meat in the chili as well. The dazzling dessert to finish it off was the milk chocolate + hazelnut pudding served with salted caramel and coffee to melt the chocolate, and candied almonds on the side. A bottle of wine for the table as well. Food was great, waiter was awesome (making sure to warn me that the risotto came in ball form rather than a bowl, for instance), very classy experience.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-09-24 00:57:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PCxW8IqqvCODd9Tr_XFjlQ',\n"," 'user_id': '_LG_1zjLB8gWjN294Xjc5Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'WmzwJXyBdqsZCZ254XDrtQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Becca is an awesome bartender. They have awesome happy hour specials including land shark. The food menu is somewhat limited but the service at the bar is great. We hope they can keep up the business and attract more locals.',\n"," 'date': '2016-08-03 22:50:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'a32cWIjFXAuKHz1hP_kkFA',\n"," 'user_id': 'dMrmnopCJ0xxEuG7WMCtWw',\n"," 'business_id': '_TANOcxwIOmQhk1mnXaj7w',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Bummer, just moved to this area and this was my first visit to this location. I didn't receive my change or receipt, it was just change but I asked for it and she said she gave it to me, um no. Was in a hurry so I didn't wanna argue. And no spoon for my chili. Cheese on my burger was old, which means my burger wasn't freshly made. Tasted ok but won't return.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-04-15 17:11:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'aJBV9CklyQQ0mH-tKg_oGw',\n"," 'user_id': '3x69a8OGyReKirigOk8Nww',\n"," 'business_id': 'WW8WN8J89M3U4z1xP4MhnA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"They have great prices if you order family style. We tried the pot roast and it was just as good carry out as it would have been at the restaurant. They packaged everything nicely and it stayed warm after the 30 min car ride. There was definitely enough for a family of 4. The green beans were amazing! I would definitely recommend. It's nothing special, just a good family restaurant\",\n"," 'date': '2017-06-28 00:33:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ULzbgT5SPThiMOoo4a_Adw',\n"," 'user_id': 'veBX5roHQLNnQ1rTtNh_gg',\n"," 'business_id': 'aJvxWyQIG5OLfBw3qAe8xA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Ordered Caramel frappe at Drive thru, BIG MISTAKE! Took 30 min and there were only 2 cars in front of me.',\n"," 'date': '2017-12-29 19:38:31'},\n"," {'review_id': 'k8JV9gw_XKGF17UigEo52g',\n"," 'user_id': 'nvoyRuO4r0RPoeCGZdTGbQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'YUUMXtU66B4rxwJohSQm7A',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This place is amazing! The pizza cookies are a must. It came hot, soft, and crazy delicious. \\n\\nWe tried the Peanut butter pizza cookie and the Oreo cookies, and both were perfection. I'm very eager to try other flavors. Also, being open until 3am is the smartest decision of any bakery in America. \\n\\nThe only reason I'm not giving a 5 is because of the prices. But, to be honest, those late nights when all I want is a fresh baked cookie pizza, I'd be willing to pay $50.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-03-07 06:36:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nDH6ctdQskr7_V_ot3_mVw',\n"," 'user_id': 'mzXDuhZBPdHfMIk1YXP0mQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'mUIBtlWNPD7sz3rGGWQ1RA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I moved from Chicago to Philadelphia over a year ago. Everybody here raves about the restaurants, but I have yet to find many that deserve five stars, or even four. This is the best restaurant I have eaten in in Philadelphia. \\n\\nTahini and bread arrived at the table, and I thought, hum, plain but I'm hungry. They must put crack in that Tahini. I wanted to lap it out of the bowl like an uncouth dog. The bread is excellent too.\\n\\nI love a menu with many organic meat choices. How often can you order an organic beef shishkabob? It was superb. The meat done perfectly, the onions nearly caramelized but not quite so they still had some substantive crunch. The purslane salad tasted like I was eating a plant in the middle of a garden. It is not often that I dream about a salad but I do dream about this one\\n\\nMy husband had a chicken dish with black eyed peas and green peas and fantastic rice. I won't begin to describe the flavoring; it is beyond my culinary vocabulary. We asked what spices they use, and in addition to traditional zatar, they use their own blend of spices. I don't even need to know what is in it just so long as we can keep coming back and ordering it again and again.\\n\\nI was so full but ate dessert none the less, which I usually don't do. But when a diner is this good, I had a feeling the desserts would be too and I just needed to find out. Pistachio creme brulee. It could have come out over the top, but no indeed. It was pure pistachio heaven in s super light yet rich custard. Heaven. Heaven.\\n\\nOur service was superb. The squeezed us into a last minute Friday night reservation with the caveat that we would need to get through our dinner in an hour and 15 minutes in order to accommodate a reservation made prior to us. Given the time constraints they never made us feel rushed and timed the meal perfectly. Then my husband left to go to the restroom, the waiter picked up his napkin and refolded it nicely on the table. Do I care about the napkin placement in the middle of a meal? Not really, but it is a sign that the waitstaff is incredibly attentive and extremely well trained. \\n\\nMy eating out plan for Philly might just be to skip eating most everywhere most of the time so I can frequent this expensive, though appropriately priced restaurant. Kudos to the chef.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-08-03 15:34:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'y1CYqccQLsn8GGXYS4q6tQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'BmThnFPDalpbC1x98aXKaw',\n"," 'business_id': 'VbItL6RDULtnw4YvB6EhVg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 4,\n"," 'cool': 3,\n"," 'text': \"They served me a frozen pizza and skunked beer. 'Nuff said.\",\n"," 'date': '2008-04-30 14:54:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'OMUO1w4zd02SWAtdPOOmDw',\n"," 'user_id': 'V5N8EVTjBlCiUzD72Rov2Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'V378VWx4D8BstWNRFwDULg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Whole family got sick after eating here. The frozen yogurt was pretty but did not taste good. Would not go here again or recommend it.',\n"," 'date': '2018-07-08 01:39:26'},\n"," {'review_id': '2xlNGuN8naQTHO3_xY0lGw',\n"," 'user_id': '8rrmvJ7W3ujplXuOhjE2Hg',\n"," 'business_id': 'yDiWYpuzRxcTgSi_O4JZpQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This is the place for authentic Indian street food. I've been here multiple times ordering different things ranging from bhel puri, pav bhaji, vada pav, deconstructed samosa and aloo tikki, dabeli, kulfi and more. Everything was made exceptionally well.\\n\\nI regret not having found this place sooner.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-03-27 13:27:52'},\n"," {'review_id': 'v6wULImVULtf6ZfFljX_4Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'ovUBZdJI16y-qasoqnGt5Q',\n"," 'business_id': '2S_CEQYBbp8RO1bJm_1mng',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 11,\n"," 'funny': 12,\n"," 'cool': 6,\n"," 'text': 'Uhhhhh.... Not sure how to quantify or qualify my experience here. Let\\'s start with back story: \\n\\nMy sister was visiting for the weekend, so I wanted to show her a solid night on the town that lasted till the wee hours of the morning. We started on Frenchmen, but for whatever reason it was dead. \\nDeciding to adventure Uptown we proceeded on a respectable bar crawl, including Delachaise, Columns, and St. Joes, however, at 3 AM the usual Uptown culprits start to raise their heads. A summary of the following dialogue:\\n\\nFriends \"Let\\'s go to FMs\" \\nMe: \"No, too much broken glass\"\\nFriends: \"Let\\'s go to Snake and Jake\\'s\"\\nMe: \"Eh....\"\\nFriends: \"Brothers 3?\"\\nMe: \"I\\'m afraid I\\'ll hit my head on the ceiling\"\\nFriends: \"The Saint!!\"\\nMe: \"I suppose I haven\\'t been there before, I\\'m curious.\"\\n\\nAfter entering the Saint the look on my sisters face was priceless, akin to a deer in headlights look. I kept my countenance, and we ordered a round. Things proceeded as expected ... unwanted dance grinding advances, check! uber drunk guy talking your ear off, check! Big Buck Hunter, CHECK!!! Overall I\\'m glad I moderately traumatized my sister and sated my curiosity in the same night. \\n\\nHelpful hint: They have outdoor seating, surprisingly, which is very good to escape the smoke',\n"," 'date': '2012-12-05 02:29:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'eY8zc9p7Kiv9ATEtNqAdaw',\n"," 'user_id': 't4pFEaPnTGlShIEaa7y9pg',\n"," 'business_id': 'dDn_NVOQh9F-t153S035Ew',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The food here is so great and fresh. I don't shy away from my kids favorite Wonton Soup because i know they take the time to cook it.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-09-09 02:04:25'},\n"," {'review_id': '_Dkml_CfMMb_wWeGpFtczg',\n"," 'user_id': 'TRFTDMJegE6DituEKBpEKQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'W6S482dRQ_9nCcLjfv8VNg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Food was great. But very disappointed with the hospitality. We entered the restaurant at 9:15 pm but was denied dine in and was told that though the restaurant closes at 10 pm they won't let us dine in and can give only to go. They saw that there were two pregnant women and a kid with us and I explained that our home is a hour drive from there and yet they denied for no reason. I had to drive back to home and make everyone eat. Very disappointed with such attitude towards customers. Never going back here. Let them try to forgive them self for denying dining for pregnant women.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-04 04:17:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ZsT686nR-w3vAG_hyaSWMA',\n"," 'user_id': '1gnzSS6JZNeMQyDa7kWUeA',\n"," 'business_id': 'v72HalBu5fQIFTD-oqhSgQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This place surpassed our expectations! The steak is far superior to any steak house I have been too. The staff flows together like a well trained team, the hostess Mallory, our waiter Max, and the busboy all keep things moving smoothly and leave you never wanting for anything. Honestly the whole experience was amazing and we will be back for more. Love this place!',\n"," 'date': '2014-07-28 14:05:35'},\n"," {'review_id': '6-uhn-jmZI6wHhsD8aGTOw',\n"," 'user_id': 'Gkemhtz87WhB5Uvc-1uLTQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'rQ2CSHRkZSn5WCu7OfVI-Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The service is super friendly! During my exam, Dr. Dinh was very kind and addressed my concerns. Also, I am very picky when it comes to choosing frames so it was a good thing they had a nice selection to choose from. The receptionist was also very helpful and patient with me during the process haha. Overall experience was great and I will definitely come back for my yearly exam.',\n"," 'date': '2014-07-14 01:27:10'},\n"," {'review_id': '_1rme3go3F96nwAexBZEGw',\n"," 'user_id': 'ZEpBNNP_btQrZ5qaByoZkg',\n"," 'business_id': 'LGqiubTmpJ-A1L5n7dmc6g',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"When I ordered my pizza for me and my friends , he pizza was so small and this delivery girl took forever and she was rude and didn't want to give me my change back and she said she thought I gave her a tip no ! And she didn't even give me the right change and it was all coins ! This place sucks ! DONT EAT HERE !!!!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2016-08-25 20:28:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'jlvaJo1I56NrZ1Q1CUuuRw',\n"," 'user_id': '17jzGkFYCvB5Q0fjJEzVAA',\n"," 'business_id': 'otQS34_MymijPTdNBoBdCw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I was told this place is a must for a Sonoran hot dog. I was visiting from out of town and had never had one. It was good, but the whole Sonoran hot dog isn't really my thing (too many components for me) so I can't say it was great. The guacamole on the other hand, was great! I also had the taco combo - the chicken and carne asada were very good but the cabeza was slimy. BK has a salsa bar that allows you to help yourself to your own toppings and I appreciated that. Service was good, food arrived quickly. It was pretty packed during lunch on a weekday.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-06-17 17:17:29'},\n"," {'review_id': '82lJQteTxdxQVXfm-RU_tw',\n"," 'user_id': 'av5_rihz1f5DLEIt5NrtNA',\n"," 'business_id': '9gObo5ltOMo6UgsaXaHPWA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Walked into the restaurant, with reservations, and many open tables. I asked the manager for a window table and was responded with \"they are all reserved.\" Two hours later, when we left, still many open tables next to the windows.\\n\\nOverall food was good.\\nI had the filet and she had the salmon.\\nThe bottle of wine that was recommended was $75 and was not told prior to ordering it, just that it was the last bottle.',\n"," 'date': '2013-02-21 22:42:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'T3Rcd5y51bm_6A6_4DN79Q',\n"," 'user_id': '8mF7MMTeVQXxIlcmgZeR0Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'SwWfW3vBn5QkDE7T3urGAg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Best Indian I have ever had! The food was fresh and delicious. Staff are very friendly and attentive and restaurant is clean and welcoming. The paleek paneer and briyani were amazing!',\n"," 'date': '2015-10-17 03:02:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'b1GkT5ojVlMCM6jdwPi3wQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'JcUxoKPqBBRaMcHaQOYFlg',\n"," 'business_id': '_v3DcLatG70adfYzWTd-CQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Best smoothies in the whole world. And fresh bread is amazing. Very knowledgeable staff.',\n"," 'date': '2018-04-04 00:31:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'vSuwwwi5wcMlhRJaTgNCkw',\n"," 'user_id': '0NMzKcYr2noVeBIT9leL-w',\n"," 'business_id': 'R1u7FrIllyD8OAWcFxzQGA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I stopped by Bell Meade during a recent visit to Nashville. The best way for me to describe my experience is to say that the next time I go to Nashville I will go out of my way to make sure I return to Bell Meade.\\n\\nOn my travels, I tend to stop from time to time to see if I can find specific bourbons that may be out locally. At this time of year, I did not expect any great finds because many of the items for which I look have their annual release later in the year so it's a surprise to find any of them on the shelf. For example, Elmer T Lee is a favorite of mine so it was one that I asked about.\\n\\nDespite the fact that I walked away without Elmer T, I still had a great time. I enjoyed a few tastes at the tasting bar and even better I had a great conversation with Max. He is one of the reasons I will return.\\n\\nI did walk out with a bottle of Tennessee whiskey cream that is not sold locally and there was a bottle on the shelf that I have not seen locally that I need to investigate. As I said I will return and a five star rating from me should say at all.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-04-01 15:45:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'OYrtEEEu0qLiTdwlPm9egQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'LcqNuhqaYt5ekKzaRirmIg',\n"," 'business_id': 'SZU9c8V2GuREDN5KgyHFJw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'I love trying fresh seafood on piers, wharfs and seaside markets. Most of the time, it is a disappointing experience but this place is not. The food is legitimately fresh and prepared well. The gorgeous view is just a cherry on top of nature\\'s beautiful sundae. I have been here before but ordered the \"wrong\" thing (cioppino). That wasn\\'t very good when I had it a couple of years ago here. \\n\\nWe came for a late lunch/early dinner on a Monday. Even at 4pm, there was a wait! We waited about 25 minutes and got a table outdoor. While it wasn\\'t ideal that we sat right in the sun with no shelter other than our sunscreen and sunglasses, the view was worth it. \\n\\nWe got the local crab special which was a steamed 3-lb. crab served with a salad and soup for $26. I thought this was quite the steal because the crab was huge, delicious and meaty. The garden salad was fresh as simple as it was. The lobster bisque we got was pretty good. (The other options were Caesar salad and clam chowder). They topped off the crab with a couple of onion rings and cups of cocktail sauce and drawn butter. Yum!\\n\\nWe also got the fried platter of shrimp, oysters, calamari and scallops for $12.95. It came with cole slaw, onion rings, tartar sauce and cocktail sauce. As greasy of a meal as this made, it was one of the better fried platters I\\'ve had anywhere. The seafood was just really fresh including the sometimes-feared fried oyster. :)\\n\\nThe ice in our iced teas melted away in the sun. Our waitress was so cool and brought us lots of extra ice and an extra iced tea in case we needed it (we did because it was hot out!). She was just friendly and good at her job - five stars for her!\\n\\nBy the time we left at about 6, there were so many people waiting. Make sure you sign up for a seat on the clipboard right when you get there. The restaurant is the last one at the very end of the pier. Parking on the pier is free for 90 minutes but it looks like a drive that will upset tires. I parked in the large lot south of the pier and walked 15 minutes up and onto the pier. It was free on a Monday late afternoon.',\n"," 'date': '2015-08-19 04:11:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'amIMShQBXjITXiYG6gyiaA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Q1WRnsP8net9hJ-IkU9-4A',\n"," 'business_id': 'SuQgcpL-aZeuyRjBdA0pHw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'What a disappointment. This place was not good I would suggest you think twice before selecting this option. The manager and wait staff may possibly be the worst I have ever encountered, rude and definitely not focused on customer service. The manager is a very angry hostile fella I asked if I could get brown rice instead of white and he blasted me...I offered to pay extra and he stormed off? Do not know what the deal was but this is just plain unprofessional and creepy behavior. The waitresses will smack into you while you are eating...man what a mess this place is from top to bottom.\\nThe food just OK at best! I am seriously complimenting them here... you can do better at home than here. Seriously I am not going to go into you have been warned just yuk...OK? these other folks with the positive reviews for this place must burn off their taste buds with adult beverages. (Didn\\'t try the sake it may be the high point of the joint...but why would I want to expose my taste buds to a substandard meal to enjoy some rice wine? I can do this at home.\\n Here is something I am not sure of, I have only lived here a few months now, is it customary to charge for each soda every time you get a refill here? I was charged for each I asked why they said \"This is how we do it here.\" So at $2 bucks per 6-8 ounces of beverage you may want to go with water at this place...but smarter yet! Go elsewhere.\\nI will not be returning to this establishment.\\n\\nWorst yet.',\n"," 'date': '2012-12-04 02:33:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lrZiB0XfNZjk8zfYDx_TPA',\n"," 'user_id': '29UB_wrnUIdsxV2ZmrlZSg',\n"," 'business_id': 'S2Ho8yLxhKAa26pBAm6rxA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I was happy his was my first experience with Nola food and not my last, started on a low point. First, I understand it was Sunday night before Fat Tuesday and our waitress was working back to back 12 shifts. However, my drink order was forgotten, and my friends plate was mixed up. For my food, I had the po'boy shrimp and was underwhelmed, there was a hardy serving of shrimp but there was minimal lettuce or sauce and the fries were weak, many soggy. Needless to say, we didn't go back. From other reviews seems like we caught them on an off-day but unfortunately the result is a lack luster review.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-02-11 22:56:22'},\n"," {'review_id': '5GNDjFV7Vi7Uganf6OlAbg',\n"," 'user_id': '7OUAzKZj6LUrQ3G7g7yUSw',\n"," 'business_id': 'S3Kl763P-wKnDLFy0iirqA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Let's be honest, this place needs a face lift. It's starting to feel shady, I wouldn't even feel comfortable taking my small children here (if I had any, which I don't). The service is mediocre and everything looks tired. The comedy club doesn't feel cheerful or fun, it just feels like the back hallway of a banquet room.\\n\\nGreat parking and good location though. Please owners, please put some money into this place. It really needs it.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-11-30 00:39:26'},\n"," {'review_id': '3Qwi1Q4ea7OJPpueQVEoBQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'wDZvwI8xAS9Lyq-tjDoEoA',\n"," 'business_id': 'ERzdjrvXG3R6cjPnEYc7gQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I stayed at the Orange St location from Friday to Monday.\\n\\nArrival: I already read plenty of reviews about no signs marking the location therefore, I looked for Starbucks. I parked in a spot in front of the multi business complex. I went inside to find a guard at a desk that said we have been contracted to hand guests their keys and room number and nothing more. He advised me there was a phone that was on the wall that I could make a call to someone if I needed to. He also stated that the very few parking spots in front were free* only on the weekend.\\n\\nThe Room: This wasn't a room, this was an apartment and I absolutely loved it. It was very spacious and had everything I sought* after for that weekend, such as: fully stocked kitchen, a desk, lots of space, king bed, huge table, nice living room, lots of closets. My only complaint is that I could not open any windows for fresh air...they are nailed/screwed shut. There was also a small welcome bag w cookies and water and papers letting you know where all the food delivery locations and numbers.\\nThere wasn't maid service knocking loudly or trying to barge in early in the morning. This place is more of a long term setting and I'm sure the maids come around during the week Monday-Friday if you desire. I was only here for 3 days and I was fine with that. I went shopping at Shoprite and filled my fridge with water and breakfast to cook.\\n\\nOverall: This place is awesome, I had a huge living room to entertain my guests when they visited, and a nice desk to study my Anatomy notes. I forgot to mention how quiet** this place is. I loved it. I felt as if no one was there except me. Very quiet* which worked for me on Sunday bc I had lots of studying to do and two TV's to watch The Walking Dead on. Lol! I would most definitely stay here again. Very spacious and updated. Loved it!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-11-18 18:35:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'x-AK0qSJmd9KzXBpEiY-Gg',\n"," 'user_id': 'HORYfQgazSLzkg096Va7rA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Hcn6gI1MLg4tUJ9SfdUVqg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Awesome location, good service is why I have been eating there for the past 15 years off and on. Mostly the excuses about the steak is why I have to write the review. I am happy to pay more for good quality steak but don't blame the poor guy that sold it to you !\",\n"," 'date': '2014-04-19 13:35:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 's41Y0IQGQqyzuwITwP_37A',\n"," 'user_id': 'P6f_pFhxb0jwtA1JmjHmJw',\n"," 'business_id': 'uyQGW7kZKk90vEwGo8A7mA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I had the worst experience of my life and it's not over yet. I made a mistake in purchasing a vehicle that is out of my budget on a Friday afternoon. By Sunday after review of my budget I realized I was unable to afford the car. I called the salesman and tried to explain my situation at 11:30am. He stated he would speak with his manager and call me back. At 3:30 after no return call, I called him again, no answer. I left a voicemail and still no call at closing time. Monday morning I arrived at the dealership as they were opening. I asked Stephen, the salesman what they determined. He instructed me to have a seat and he would talk to his management team. One hour + later, I was called into a cubicle and told my loan had been funded and the title had been changed. Therefore, I would have to sell the car back to the dealership as a used car. I would lose a lot of money in doing this. This morning, Bill head of finance advised that the bank had questions about funding the loan. I received a call from the bank stating the loan had NOT been funded and they would be unable to okay the loan. I have left numerous messages with the dealership and have yet to receive a callback. I contacted an attorney and per his review I again called the dealership and asked for a time to return the vehicle and take back my trade. Still no response! These people will lie to your face, avoid this dealership!!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-04-28 21:51:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'rJ2fUIf-Q7AGx79thOUjMg',\n"," 'user_id': 'BOM58nAhmaoOC_Si4u4lOw',\n"," 'business_id': '8-j10_I745ITrczbkfD-Pw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I have been a patron of Desi Village in West Philly for years. After moving the suburbs, we saw the KOP Desi Village and finally tried it. We were skeptical having also tried Mood Cafe (owned by the W.Philly folks), and it wasn't as good. But the KOP location is actually very comparable to the West Philly location. \\n\\nThere is no ambiance or atmosphere here. The strip mall where it's located is pretty depressing. Desi Village may be the only active store in it. And its decor is tired and old. It is a big space and it appears they do a big lunch buffet but I'm curious if it's ever full. So don't go for the ambiance.\\n\\nBut the food is good. We ordered some Keema Naan, Samosas, Saag Paneer, and Lamb Biryani. All of it was really good. Perfectly seasoned, not too oily, and appropriately spicy. I have a nut allergy and made them aware of that and they did not screw it up (most Indian restaurants do). So we'll definitely be back. It would be great if they moved into nicer digs but the food is what is most important.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-08-25 13:50:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'MWUGmzyXVIlG2NwvzX0q4Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'Xw7ZjaGfr0WNVt6s_5KZfA',\n"," 'business_id': 'i-tDq8zC7ZmSqSbg_7oddA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 11,\n"," 'funny': 5,\n"," 'cool': 8,\n"," 'text': 'What an AMAZING occurrence that we ended up here after another barbecue place ran out of food!\\n\\nSo yeah, we started out at another spot and they were out of food when we got there. Super bummed and still in the mood for barbecue, we started wandering around Mid City and my trusty Yelp app guided me to this place. We were greeted by the super nice woman working the counter and she explained the whole process.\\n\\nI decided to get the one-meat plate with \"wet\" pulled pork, grits and potato salad, I also got a medium mac and cheese, because I can. My boyfriend got the two-meat plate with brisket and pulled chicken with potato salad and fries. The food blew us both away! It was delicious from beginning to end. The pulled pork was perfect and had the perfect amount of sauce without being drenched. I could tell that if I hadn\\'t ordered it wet it still would have been able to stand on it\\'s own. The mac and cheese was incredible, and after the pork, was my favorite part of the meal. The stone ground grits had a different type of flavor (almost smoky) that I enjoyed and the potato salad was served cold and had that nice crunch that I like in potato salad,\\n\\nWe both agreed that the food was excellent, and a good deal to boot, and that we would both make the trip back out to Earhart, just to have more of this delicious food. The owner himself was bringing the food out to folks and he was really friendly and made sure that we were happy with everything. I like when the owners take the time to make sure that everything is okay. The atmosphere is casual and comfortable and the entire process was a breeze. I will definitely return to LA Smokehouse and I\\'ll be adding it to my \"BBQ Favorites\" list for future reference.',\n"," 'date': '2016-11-21 20:04:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'e4e1OLjmdLfYET_v3nEHvw',\n"," 'user_id': 'VvKepoJdgaLfc1nUsJE9ZQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'JcP1z6eZBgTIcxWlyxSw0g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"After today's lunch, Iris has moved to the top of my New Orleans favorites lists--no small feat in a city where restaurants are numerous and culinary competition is fierce. Iris excels in every area: food, drinks, service, atmosphere, location, music and overall graciousness. I made the reservation for 10-15 people, not knowing exactly how many in my party would show up. Iris pulled out all the stops to make sure everyone had comfortable seating and even prepared an overflow table for us. At no time did we feel jostled or rushed, which is a common fine dining concern. \\n\\nThe layout of the restaurant allowed diners to move freely to and from the table and to exchange seats as needed. The music selection was fun and unique, ranging from the Magnetic Fields to Johnny Cash. It was also quiet enough to be enjoyed while allowing conversation to flow unimpeded. Our waiter had excellent timing and anticipated our every need. \\n\\nThough they don't have a full drink menu for lunch (I hear they have an amazing mixologist for the dinner hour) they do offer a selection of martinis and wines. One of the guests has accounts with several high-end bars in the Quarter, and the drink list passed his muster. Our table settled for Chardonnays, Perseco and chilled shots of Chartreuse, though I hear they have several types of absinthe as well. \\n\\nOur group began with slices of warm, heavenly bread that Iris bakes in house. We continued with an assortment of salads--I had the Hollygrove arugula with warm goat cheese, niçoise olives and balsamic vinaigrette. It was fresh perfection. A few of us opted for the mussels, which I heard were delicious. For my main course, I had a wonderful drum with onions prepared in a tangy soy reduction, which was an elegant complement for the fish. I also heard rave reviews about the gnocci and chicken. \\n\\nAll the entrees were creatively arranged and selected, and at no point did I feel overwhelmed or that any fuss or pretense had gone into the food. I also appreciated that the portions were European-sized (it always makes me laugh when other Americans list too-small portion size as a complaint even when the food is well-prepared!). Iris prepares a lot of their basic ingredients in-house, and I appreciate that the kitchen makes a point of incorporating gulf fish and produce purchased from local, farmer-friendly markets. \\n\\nWe settled on the prix fixe menu, which was $20 a person for appetizer, main course and the dessert of the day (the best strawberry sorbet I have had yet). With the added drinks and tip it came out to under $35 a person, which is an excellent price for such a delicious white-linen lunch. No matter the size of my group, I will definitely be returning!\",\n"," 'date': '2010-05-14 22:21:21'},\n"," {'review_id': '2xIYKNiMuDpF2wWjT1RIKg',\n"," 'user_id': 'isilLts_tupKm4-pN2FAFQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'o2ETM4XZXENkzuAaYT2GIg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great atmosphere and decor. Super friendly staff seat you right away. I stopped once for lunch and one time for dinner. They have some lunch specials one of which was Pad Thai. I order with chicken as the protein but they have the typical options for this . The portion was good for lunch and had good flavor.\\n\\nFor dinner I ordered the chicken satay to start and the Panang Curry with chicken for main course. I was very disappointed in the satay being that you only get two small skewers. The flavor and peanut dipping sauce were very good but they give a few more skewers. The Panang was good and you get a good size portion of rice.\\n\\nOn a side note, I was disappointed they do not have Pad See Ew. Still some other options on the menu I will return to try.\\n\\nThe staff and manager really know customer service. Look forward to returning soon!',\n"," 'date': '2018-04-15 14:49:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NeTum-oNTUbCwMKxh1aQag',\n"," 'user_id': 'LuT_KrlWPv3QsW6JGHBIrA',\n"," 'business_id': 't-bcEvAM8oE92tm9HBr7wQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We randomly decided to look for middle eastern food. Came up with Petra Restaurant near our home. Tried it with my family and liked it quite a bit. Try their Friday and Saturday special rice (it actually test like Indian fried rice) with lamb. Really tasty. Other things are very good too. Don't be discouraged with the location of the place, but food is good and inside of the restaurant is quite nice. Service is good too.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-05-24 19:02:05'},\n"," {'review_id': '0UnK7dQKT3ogC2sBCeYWLA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Rhk8owk3uhFTvzJdYbQ6Xg',\n"," 'business_id': 'vje0KIiE7vtpx7JzmBx5LQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I went to the pearl for my birthday and every detail of the experience was awesome! The food, the wine and the service were all impeccable! We didn't realize the time and were chatting away after closing time and the staff never made us feel rushed.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-10-08 13:21:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'i6qS_PlGj4kl_2u55WKa5Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'gasLVm0KRwrVhPGRcqATjw',\n"," 'business_id': 'CHh0ZFrQcsk4boOItr2Zuw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"I stopped in because I was hungry for some snacks. Browsed the store since I had some spare time and found it to be clean and well stocked. Wide isles, good selection of bakery stuff, flowers and all your usual groceries. I like that they had some locally made snacks too like California Kettle Corn and Taco Works (out of SLO). Found the semi-unusual chips I wanted that other stores don't always carry, grabbed a Diet Coke by the checkout and I was happy. Convenient parking lot and the staff was friendly and helpful. Thanks Albertsons!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-06-09 03:30:56'},\n"," {'review_id': '4hi2jgnEhwaKfFiZ_Tz4Hw',\n"," 'user_id': 'VOWlOVEBg9LoHykSBue7EA',\n"," 'business_id': '6kPHr6gZaU9732ptn9gJrA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'New owners turned it into a double threat: Bad food AND bad service. Shame. I loved this place.',\n"," 'date': '2014-07-28 08:24:51'},\n"," {'review_id': '2epU691r0mnuct0ThnSJKg',\n"," 'user_id': '6LYVWmmUMgyZYnvKhobgXg',\n"," 'business_id': 'RPxrAiJ3krxtv-UQmt0RlQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We see Dr. Gloudemans, and she\\'s a wonderful doctor. Friendly, upbeat, up on the most recent research, and pro-vaxx (hooray!!). She\\'s proactive about problems after making sure things are worth worrying about-- \"let\\'s keep an eye on this, and if there\\'s still a problem in a month or two, come back in and we\\'ll see about a referral to a specialist.\"\\n\\nAs others have mentioned, we\\'ve had a few billing hiccups. We received a bill saying we were past due on 3 appointments\\' fees, despite paying all copays in the office. Luckily it was all straightened out after a phone call, but it\\'s been frustrating on that front.',\n"," 'date': '2016-09-06 15:24:43'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ff3TuHm6j-7ik-eONaYz-g',\n"," 'user_id': 'o2BGAiWVNp-ZVe7I0Ddf0w',\n"," 'business_id': 'NK9wtI7bMlO3WBjYzhpFAQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I attended a meeting for the homebuilders Association of New Orleans here. The food was good and they took good care of the patrons. I had a mimosa which was good. I had a small cup of corn and crab soup which is fantastic but the portion was quite small. I had the grits and grillades and it was fantastic! The portion same grade on this one. The price was around $10. I've included a photo of the menu for your convenience. I didn't get a chance to test the Wi-Fi but I would say given the ambience and the quality of the food it's a repeat\",\n"," 'date': '2018-06-26 20:55:58'},\n"," {'review_id': '2UFbolHl7Kj1jYYn0eYBWQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'UV6kQ5MqadMq9SaVv35fqg',\n"," 'business_id': 'JhrvtLpCEQcYrZLbb6CZGw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I work at the Frist and I don't eat at the cafe much, since I like to leave the building and go home for lunch. But once in a blue moon on a really dreary day like today, I stay in and have the Cobb Salad. It's a go-to for gluten free noshers like me. Add an extra egg for extra protein punch (as if all the meat wasn't enough already) and oil and vinegar dressing and i'm doing ok. A lot of museum visitors and local employees come for the cheap prices and quick bites. Beware of Senior Mondays (every 3rd Monday of the month) and weekends at lunchtime- it's usually busiest at 1130-noon.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-03-18 20:15:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'f7fAYGJpd4gZAoJxuJcciw',\n"," 'user_id': 'LpZfJekvMo5S61UBAmuyHw',\n"," 'business_id': 'cXAKeC-EgVChIxhS7fscmw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The food at Ghini's is just delicious. Everything for French breakfast imaginable, and more. I highly recommend the eggs provencale, not something you can get anywhere else. Two eggs basted with a sliced hot house tomato, thyme, garlic and herbs de provance. Get the baguette toast and add the great hashbrowns for a mere dollar.\\nMy personal favorite are all the crepes, both sweet and savory. Especially recommend the spinach and swiss.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-05-27 15:44:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'BOL3hGWiZpzay3FcghAVww',\n"," 'user_id': 'IxFPfRyZofZJsmH10xUKHA',\n"," 'business_id': 'o1bd3WLl4McflqjDTJTdHQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This was such a unique spot, from the graffiti style art on the walls to the delicious food options and special hummus flavors. Good prices, great portion size. I had the greek steak pita with guac hummus. Will definitely be back!',\n"," 'date': '2017-04-08 00:26:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'b0AI6U9CCWpFKI3iPLYiow',\n"," 'user_id': '_l0csyXqNIcb3vG-1qR8DQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'UCMSWPqzXjd7QHq7v8PJjQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I really like Prep & Pastry - we have been twice in the last two months on a Sunday. The best trick I learned is to put your name on the waitlist BEFORE YOU ARRIVE. As long as you are within 5 miles of the restaurant, you can be added. It is a great service.\\n\\nI have tried a number of things for brunch and all have been excellent - even their sweets. I think my favorite is the breakfast sandwich. I am not a big drinker, so I usually order the ice team and it really is better than almost anything else I have tried. \\n\\nStaff is really, really nice. I highly recommend a visit if you are in town.',\n"," 'date': '2017-09-20 18:19:33'},\n"," {'review_id': '_NAJ4K52B44-pXfrg3EylA',\n"," 'user_id': 'q5bEuV2_PMI0yul7DHk5TA',\n"," 'business_id': 'QKFojAIRYfQQzwssuoKjzw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Another great annual festival Edmonton has to offer.\\n\\nThe Fringe is over two weekends and the joining week full of performances. There's a variety of venues and plays to watch, street performers and musicians. There's a schedule online to find show times, buy tickets and learn more about the artists. \\n\\nHalf of 104th closes down to add space for a variety of food vendors and artisan vendors (art, jewelry, clothing, etc.).\\n\\nGood tip: there's a gourmet mini donut truck off behind the farmers market a bit tucked away. Amazing!\\n\\nIt's nice to take an hour or two before or after a show to walk around and casually stumble on other street performances. Or even go without seeing a play just to snack and shop at the vendors.\\n\\nThe location is absolutely fabulous.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-08-29 00:55:57'},\n"," {'review_id': '1KPGzX7SK6-F1AuLCOZvbw',\n"," 'user_id': 'KWLxxZKAcdUOBqBLMPW22w',\n"," 'business_id': 'wa_bwyY57etHjtJ2Fw0E3g',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Wow have things changed at this location. I used to come here on a regular basis with a friend. I haven't been back in over a year and so couldn't wait to have lunch today. I was surprised at the deterioration in customer service...,.our server didn't smile, was unwilling to give a recommendation and didn't offer us a tea to go. When I used to come, every server was friendly, gave suggestions and always offered a tea to go. \\n\\nThe food was okay and probably would have been better if we had been treated better. I noticed there was tape on the benches where the leather/vinyl is wearing out; this looks tacky.\\n\\nThis used to be my favorite lunch spot; this is no longer the case. I will not be back.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-26 21:44:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'o_NE6d5LmUEfP-TMZx5IZg',\n"," 'user_id': '_BcWyKQL16ndpBdggh2kNA',\n"," 'business_id': 'tD_2Pw2kiUGE-lIkFTQKLw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Got an estimate but went with another plumber as this was the highest quote of the 3 plumbers we interviewed for the job.\\nVery prompt communication though.\\n\\nWill re-consider for future jobs. Seems reliable (and often you get what you pay for!)',\n"," 'date': '2015-02-02 17:43:00'},\n"," {'review_id': 'eP-S5CuNNVdGsfmVc5BXpg',\n"," 'user_id': 'jDLeW4d-8WqMkikCTHFJ5g',\n"," 'business_id': 'kJpoduG3wdA35WzOF_T1Aw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Only the best Mexican food in Florida!!!! Since the first day I tried it I love it I keep coming back!!!',\n"," 'date': '2016-04-23 18:01:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'jAhIJTYtHsZKSvGknSwMcg',\n"," 'user_id': 'yv-x6ga91bklbhrHFPoRYA',\n"," 'business_id': '18eWJFJbXyR9j_5xfcRLYA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Real Thai food and they'll make it spicy if you ask for it pet pet. I really like both their soups. The curries have excellent flavor but they can seem runny if you're not used to Thai curries. I'm not super thrilled with the eggrolls but my girlfriend always gets the veggie ones. Perhaps the meat ones are better.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-02-15 04:43:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'xoZmWuioJtp1Jw1WSqT-7A',\n"," 'user_id': '2QDiMTrheevtsKETQ0TPdQ',\n"," 'business_id': '13UbOVDFdxloxaient5XWA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"Last May, my wife and I used Jump on the School Bus to take our wedding guests on a winery and brewery tour. They were just amazing, the perfect choice for our pre-wedding wine and beer tour and for wedding transportation between Goleta and the Circle Bar-B Ranch for our guests who stayed in town. Darin and Sierra did a wonderful job communicating with us in Washington, DC as we planned our wedding itinerary. They were flexible about trip times and made last minute adjustments when the number of in-town guests changed suddenly. \\n\\nDarin and Sierra have such attention to detail and quality that Darin even stopped by one of the wineries to meet us and to ensure that everything was as expected. Our driver was also extremely knowledgeable about the area and had many good suggestions throughout the day.\\n\\nWe couldn't have picked a better choice for a winery, brewery day tour and wedding day transportation than Jump on the School Bus! I highly recommend them to everyone!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-06-28 02:34:58'},\n"," {'review_id': '3aCWNBbYgO6dv1MjUEVL0g',\n"," 'user_id': 'E1olskL76b9TrcClgD9oBw',\n"," 'business_id': 'M0r9lUn2gLFYgIwIfG8-bQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"A great spot to take out-of-town guests. I take all my Chicago friends here and they fall in love. The burgers are incredible and the boozy shakes are like no other. The first time I had horchata shake I honestly had dreams about it for like a week. It's also super centrally located, a quick walk from Wash Ave and other downtown attractions. Great vibe, although I always prefer to get a table upstairs than sit at the community tables on the ground floor.\\n\\nThe burger selection is really, really great. You can pretty much get whatever your heart desires. I've had mac n cheese patties on my burger, you can get a bison burger, turkey burger, literally anything. I have tried a ton and have never been let down by the flavor combinations. The waiters are always super honest, in a good way. If you ask them what's better, X or Y, they're not going to jerk you around and say they're equally good. They'll give you their honest opinion. LOVE that. \\n\\nAnother unique aspect about Bailey's Range is that they have a burger showdown (can't remember their technical term for it) where last week's featured burger goes up against a new burger recipe. It's a cool call-out that you don't see at a lot of other restaurants. \\n\\nThe only reason I gave it a 4/5 star instead of 5/5 is because I've had a couple of instances (out of MANY visits, so it's really not alarming or anything) where I requested my burger medium or medium-rare and it turned out a little well done. I still ate it, but it wasn't really what I expected.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-06-22 21:47:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LFpaQzYkP5Pzm5lEjJpTRw',\n"," 'user_id': 'Ttb21DpWqphQMNSS5TXgMA',\n"," 'business_id': 'IDtLPgUrqorrpqSLdfMhZQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Possibly the best breakfast sandwich EVER. On a biscuit! Oh my gosh, it was so good!',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-15 00:36:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'u211-bNGLOwYeI8kAi2ddg',\n"," 'user_id': 'fr3zIEDdv2nagOdOt1jBOw',\n"," 'business_id': '0Kn5W22UmxOqPj2cjouFNA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This place sucks! The one up on oracle and wetmore is where I usually go, however, I moved and the university location is closer. Sorry Silver mine you have lost my business forever.\\n\\nFirst, I ordered two sandwiches a large homesteak with no green onions. I accidentally typed onions instead of peppers that come on the sandwich. These bozos still proceed to put the greens on it and the manager laughs it off like no big deal. \\nSecond, my hot homesteak sandwich was as cold as if had been sitting out for an hour. You guessed right it took an hour to get my food and then the hot sandwich was not wrapped in the proper wrapping to keep it warm.\\nLastly, the employee got rude with me when I was checking to see what time my order would be done. He proceeded to scold me about how he only got it two minutes ago and it will be done when its done. Not how you talk to a customer buddy!\\n\\nGoodbye Silver mine!',\n"," 'date': '2015-05-12 22:44:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JJgPXqfCfY-prfVUoS2Elw',\n"," 'user_id': '2Pqs3nedztBqwQE7zO5yiQ',\n"," 'business_id': '4-CxVJ9n6TPPAmKV7DEOlQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My first time here! Grace did my hair....and it's FABULOUS! (And my hair is very difficult---super long and super thick). Great atmosphere, too--modern and clean, and no snobbiness. Totally reasonable pricing! Highly recommend!\",\n"," 'date': '2011-07-29 11:24:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'rPMm8KdzE9cLHlwvt-IqgA',\n"," 'user_id': 'OB-Esbd_hAJP4yrznWqF8Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'OINbC0rpDVJ5bfxt3LO9fw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Food was good, we took advantage of the Sunday Buffet it included fried chicken, greens, smother steak, corn, cabbage. It was so much more It was very,very cozy. You would actually think you were eating at your grandmother's house. This is not a fine dining establishment. The price was fair, was highly recommended by locals. It's was worth any wait. This place exceeded my expectations.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-14 00:55:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GM8nbwQ4m1rWAIF_P5FN6Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'W1tLvceQ3fy7ckQyjliLbQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'QZIcM5_vqVgIQj9z8J0a5g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Ordered a Passion Passport, I love the name! It contains Passion Fruit Juice Blend, Bananas, Pineapple Mango Juice Blend, Papaya Juice Blend, and Raw Cane Sugar. It was delicious and refreshing!',\n"," 'date': '2018-08-14 12:54:50'},\n"," {'review_id': '89SF8MFoiY4mIhOgzAMVhA',\n"," 'user_id': 'S8rqFLdHCFAeibs52a4QpQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'kKk_2OAnCRbxX5rLqQYBHg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Thoroughly enjoyed our private tour today with Carrie (it was very rainy so not too many visitors). Her knowledge and passion about the Civil War was captivating. The Battle of Franklin deserves such a memorial.',\n"," 'date': '2015-03-05 04:53:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'VOwUVGul2OD0jZWYG1Nf1g',\n"," 'user_id': 'aCBypLi8VsUdVERTQWbjZg',\n"," 'business_id': 'kf4tZnNr7Jdl9BaqNl5dmw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Best service in town and best prices. Even the phone call just felt good. I called fast glass and they wanted to charge me 200$! About 80$ more than last time. So i looked around and found these guys. Called them and from the moment someone picked up i was treated wonderfully, they charged 165$ and it was worth the price too. I chip in my windshield spidered out and i was worried about a ticket, they fit me in that day. They vaccumed, wiped down the inside of my car and washed the windows. Waiting area is cozy and has tea, water and free suckers. They all treated me like a person, not a dumb girl like fast glass does. Ill definitely be going back.',\n"," 'date': '2015-05-12 23:24:56'},\n"," {'review_id': 'OiiUQHpUPSIw592zKebnTg',\n"," 'user_id': 'Wshkpj8aHWuzIeca1QxWTA',\n"," 'business_id': 'R-HCwu9UbasUudG1yTM1Ow',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 13,\n"," 'funny': 19,\n"," 'cool': 6,\n"," 'text': 'I am positively LIVID.\\n\\nI went to check my account balance and what do I see? An overdraft fee of $220.\\nHow could this happen? My card was never declined and there are two large fees deducted from my account.\\n\\nI called TD and sat on hold for 45 MINUTES. I don\\'t have that kind of time. Granted, the guy that was with me was nice and helpful, but never mentioned anything about the wait time until I brought it up. I asked about these fees and he said \"Just so you are aware, TD Bank\\'s new policy is that when you have insufficient funds, your card will not be declined. It will be run through, and you will be charged an overdraft fee.\"\\nOH THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME NOW, JERK.\\n\\nI have too many salty words that are unacceptable in the public domain, so I\\'ll stop now.\\n\\nNeedless to say, I am switching banks.\\n\\nSort of UPDATE:\\nI thought you Yelpers would like to know that last night, when I was depositing the cash that I didn\\'t have into my account via ATM, I flipped off the cameras.\\nTAKE THAT, TD.',\n"," 'date': '2009-10-15 00:08:18'},\n"," {'review_id': '3JzKv_IHQrpUCysAY9lsgg',\n"," 'user_id': '8FPlMYqDg1fyuwXwY8iPDg',\n"," 'business_id': 'oPzSiJdl9Lg1rB_7bL06qg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We stayed at the Four Points for 3 nights in November, while here on business. Nice hotel, and a good experience. \\n\\nCheck in was a breeze. We had a good price on the room via my Sheraton/SPG member and AAA discount, which included the free breakfast. The hotel is literally 5 minutes from the airport, and there are several other hotels right on the same block.\\n\\nStaff was friendly and helpful. Room was fine, parking easy, quiet at night.',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-28 01:38:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NbT7iIVr8rz6tglE7tYTAg',\n"," 'user_id': 'H4JNrBAoyCk_ZMZWbAf8OA',\n"," 'business_id': 'oEbpO3vmcrGDW2mtb_s8cQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Located right at the Union Station Metro stop (walking distance to all of downtown but metro-able too), this place was a good deal on the weekend. Prices spike during the week when business-peeps fly in and their companies are paying the bill. The room was clean, the bed was super comfy with TONS of pillows (one sure way to my heart). The bathroom was large with a tub and too many white towels for two people. Subtracted one star cause the coffee machine in our room sucked and the door was thin so you could hear people/children in the hall at WAY too early in the morning. The main lobby is really a cool place tho. Definitely worth checking out if you're in the area.\",\n"," 'date': '2007-05-23 08:03:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'chtDBb_3unH0Wcs3W2Iahw',\n"," 'user_id': 'gSp5C3BfIVAHdH27rzoCDQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'RhuYqAT45uIR2NNdDsolXQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Some of the finest Mexican food I've had. The fried fish taco is WONDERFUL, as is all of the other food. My biggest regret is not buying their red sauce and birria to take home. \\n\\nAlso-there is no air conditioning. They do have ceiling fans, but we all know those aren't necessarily helpful in the monsoon season. The food is definitely worth the trip though!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-07-18 18:47:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'STW1-gisRSWoRjqILGOHqg',\n"," 'user_id': 'qm6WVOID2j4qJ_M-BrrgHg',\n"," 'business_id': 'fHZ2uY8mRnouJ_mMiciylw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'As an active runner my shoes are my life force. Endurance House has a fantastic selection of shoes for all runners. The staff are always nice and helpful. What sets them apart from other stores is how they check for what shoe will best suit your stride and reduce injury. I will happily keep coming back and know that I will get a good price, a great pair of shoes, and have personalized help.',\n"," 'date': '2018-03-23 13:50:41'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nCdhMSQA0apDuB_oho5ang',\n"," 'user_id': '2dyfZNhtyuHdestczTgWjQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'Dv6RfXLYe1atjgz3Xf4GGw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"Super lunch option\\nWatch out for the yoga mats\\nYou won't miss the meat\\n\\nLunch has been very strange for me since HipCity opened. Because here's the thing: I am a meat eater. I mean like my last meal on earth would be a burger. Or, just maybe, the fajita wrap. Because it's that good.\\n\\nHaven't had everything on the menu yet, but everything I have had has been great. The buffalo bella and crispy hipcity ranch are amazing sandwich alternatives, especially paired with the green lemonade. The groothie is also delicious, and can stand on its own to get you through an afternoon if you only want to spend a few bucks.\\n\\nOkay suffice it to say that the food is great. The staff is also very friendly, and when they get busy someone will come out along the line and take orders so congestion doesn't get too bad at the register itself.\\n\\nMy only issue with HipCity is that it is at times nearly impossible to figure out where to stand when you're waiting to order or waiting for your food. People kind of convene everywhere and it can get awkward when there's a line out the door. In such a small space it's hard to rectify, but if I see a line out the door I tend to walk on by not because it's a long wait (they're really efficient), it's just difficult to navigate the interior.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-08-15 19:17:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'S79tU1cnlxnYhm8zfb8LyA',\n"," 'user_id': 'ybnpLuqHe1RCKfzqAGy8gg',\n"," 'business_id': 'r2cjbHG_WGWUkaPCbLpo-A',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This place\\'s posted hours include a 10PM closing time. \\n\\nI walked in at 8:30 and, as soon as I got to the counter, the guy said to me \"kitchen\\'s closed.\" The grill, fryers, etc were all being covered up. \\n\\nFirst of all, if your kitchen is closed, why is the door to your restaurant unlocked? \\n\\nSecondly, I could see this being the case if I walked in at, say, 9:55PM. But 8:30? That\\'s ridiculous.',\n"," 'date': '2015-08-06 22:35:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ijG3hyvzneIplamARXzfEg',\n"," 'user_id': 'TDGx8YhxmF3OP0XH3dYsXw',\n"," 'business_id': 'SoJwDKedR7SJh7-G69C38A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'no contest best Chinese good in the area. owners are incredibly nice and the wontons while you wait for take out are a treat.',\n"," 'date': '2016-11-09 23:41:55'},\n"," {'review_id': '0NC0xZyq4EQgUZvvWiFraQ',\n"," 'user_id': '6cY9ygsa2cZ5RW2LrBBZPA',\n"," 'business_id': '1_nd9Hcswx4K4FmZZQPMVw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Rosemary's Grill is my favorite resaurant. My wife and I take my Mother in law to Rosemary's Grill often for many reasons. Their menu is extensive. You can get Classic American food in many categories prepared fresh and delicious with great care and attention to detail that is lacking in common chain restaurants. You can also get traditional Turkish cuisine that is the very best kebab that I ever had. Rosemary's is a family owned business and they treat you like you are part of that family. We are making Rosemary's our Saturday night place. last weekend my wife and I took my. Mother in law to Rosemary's Grill for dinner. It was even better that the time before. I tried the Mixed grill kebab platter. Lamb, Chicken, Adana, and gyro kebab meats, so tender and expertly spiced and grilled, along with a shepherds salad, grilled half tomatoes, rice, and of course flat bread. The Adana kebab was particularly tender, juicy, and tasty. I had never had Adana kebab before and will be ordering it again. I shared a taste with my Mother in law and she loved it too! mom in law had crab cakes and she enjoyed them very much. My wife had the French onion soup, which she raves about and always orders. She also had the roast turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and corn. She loved everything on that platter. She commented that the gravy was especially good. The portion sizes are huge and we love to have the left overs again at home. I have honestly not been to a restaurant in the area that has such good quality in all there entrees, sides, salad bar, and drinks, and you have to try the rice pudding. We have eaten a few times here for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and it continues to be our very favorite place. The waitstaff and owners make you feel right at home and are warm, welcoming, and friendly. I can not say enough good things. \\n\\nSent from my iPad\",\n"," 'date': '2014-02-24 11:13:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cvL4g3ycHGJIA2azYMnkHw',\n"," 'user_id': '-u1pc6o7QmtdrN5i23CIng',\n"," 'business_id': 'oLc7k78_YcDMnMCdbC-h1A',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Very friendly staff and nice environment although the crowd was light surprisingly the both times I went there. Get yourself a $3.50 margarita after 4 on Tuesdays, they are pretty good.',\n"," 'date': '2017-04-19 12:08:34'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lAjAKzVgkUHcq1aLHzDBDA',\n"," 'user_id': 'd9enV9vczP57YFObuHTn_g',\n"," 'business_id': 'KIph7iH97vnDrgcdaqEMFQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I can walk here and won't go back even if they were the only place open at 2am. I got the basic general tso's and it didn't come close to passing the test. Go to East Cuisine.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-03-19 03:14:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'oAQ2yhFonFh0P1Df-fzYNg',\n"," 'user_id': '5irvqJS4pq27rOYLyjzBDA',\n"," 'business_id': 'N5ekxQd7wGHWJJK-p9qqXw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'If not for the pretentious, haughty, superior attitude of our waiter, I would have given this place four stars or possibly more... Seriously. That kind of attitude is exactly why I left New York. We wanted to order a bottle of wine, asked for his suggestion, and he answers with, \"How much do you want to spend?\" Ummm... Excuse me? How about, \"I\\'m happy to make some recommendations. Let\\'s find a price point you\\'re comfortable with...\" He didn\\'t smile ONCE during the meal service and also found it necessary to correct us on several points of preference. Snob. The food is GOOD. The only thing that was great was the blueberry lasagna. And it is superb. So was the chocolate confection for dessert. I\\'d say go. And I hope you don\\'t get that waiter.',\n"," 'date': '2014-06-28 14:54:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'I647uOIzj5JVUVlBvulliw',\n"," 'user_id': 'b-DA7VhnYRLg6q5jIK3RNw',\n"," 'business_id': 'AzseSGgDC6bVtMPEYo1CNQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The flavors continue to surprise me. I had Bananas Foster, Pear Champagne Sorbet, Blueberry Fig Sorbet, and Cassis sorbet. All flavors were good but the Cassis started off quite subtly and then the flavor gradually made itself known; the more I ate of it the better it tasted. It was well worth coming back with another group of friends to sample some frozen happiness.',\n"," 'date': '2014-02-24 22:11:41'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LkXdUnLG55HUqClm5C-FRQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'Bcwv94u7FgNCpCoJLmSsaA',\n"," 'business_id': 'l4aS1QVy_bGnwUXSJzpbsw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Best pizza ever... hands down.\\n\\nLove the peeps running the place - former hockey player (ask him to pop his nose) and adorable, but tough as nails wife... very funny.\\n\\nThey make their own sausage and mozzarella here. And God help you if you mispronounce Ricotta!!\\n\\nAny of the pizzas are fab... we even eat the crusts - which is a rarity in our family. Just dab it in the olive oil, and mayb ask for some of their viniagrette to dip too!',\n"," 'date': '2009-08-04 22:21:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'jkLPFuv5qP53H2k1IeSA5A',\n"," 'user_id': '05796MJj-TwACdzscsqpKg',\n"," 'business_id': 'onFzWveuDXbSOmq9CdBfPQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Friendly sales staff ; ) mike was very helpful ! Took us for a ride in one if the Razors ; ) never know we might get 1 ; )',\n"," 'date': '2012-04-28 19:06:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Gyw77tgrqdHnDBI6WfFjMw',\n"," 'user_id': 'JYxJUad4GtKZdZhoTXTKZw',\n"," 'business_id': 'qLrTiIPDlnNX6FYTs29rmg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I actually eat here at least once a month . The food is good and the service compliments it. You will fall in love with there zucchini muffins. I always leave with some stashed in my purse, you know for later. The prices are cheap and they have a fantastic frozen yogurt bar . with unlimited toppings. Have fun !! yum yum',\n"," 'date': '2009-10-13 19:50:52'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pgESDcC7eDx4z_epqon4_Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'KhAqHRXgVhSClw_Y2ayEqg',\n"," 'business_id': 'plobBsTtVUODb353xxFT_g',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Came for all-you-can-eat, and ended up waiting for over half an hour to get our order in. The servers completely ignored us, while taking orders from the tables around us. And on top of that, all of the rolls contain \"extras\" not listed on the menu. One roll surprised us by having sweet mustard sauce on it, which did NOT taste very good....\\nOn the bright side, once we actually got our orders in they didn\\'t take all that long to make them.',\n"," 'date': '2014-10-27 01:53:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'HyD8P-CcFU3FR75T0dJAhA',\n"," 'user_id': 'YsaJXW7VWV2bhoN5tokKrg',\n"," 'business_id': 'HCqmx4ENAZ76SAjoalj-MQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The restaurant was very nicely decorated , and clean. There were six of us and everyone enjoyed their meals . I had the fried green tomatoes. They were perfectly seasoned and the sauce served with them was delicious. The down side is they arrived after everyone else had their meals . My friends had the chicken salad , the fried bologna sandwich and a cheeseburger. We shared the peach cobbler dessert and were not disappointed, get it with the ice cream !!',\n"," 'date': '2017-03-03 21:37:52'},\n"," {'review_id': 'S1sW-mCzdO1Qhb4Fq7ZKoA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Qg8sepNIyYyicni1a7jnaA',\n"," 'business_id': 'AWJyivVwe3t9BO-k8D0ynQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Food is good, but the cafe itself is extremely dirty. I will probably not return unless they clean the place up.',\n"," 'date': '2017-06-17 18:53:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'W1feLyzh7XPyHrgU-tOXPA',\n"," 'user_id': 'tVMwKnashaK7V00XIRjtgw',\n"," 'business_id': 'sLgIenN5t-fFALQUkOvCyQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We really liked this place. Everything we had was delicious. Portions were big. Chicken parm was so yummy. Can't wait to go back and try more stuff !\",\n"," 'date': '2018-02-01 22:44:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'sgvNB37eQ9wJYOBv1lmwDA',\n"," 'user_id': 'DU_duJ_ZqG17lsZWGaIOuw',\n"," 'business_id': 'ziFtaIQdzQfFL79iLTq_zQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"not a bad little burger joint. i got the bacon cheeseburger. bacon was cooked perfect and had the perfect thickness. bun had a really great toasted crust. fries were good, as well as the chocolate shake I had. 3 complaints, i wish the burger was more juicy, I wish I wasn't paying so much for the tiny burger portion I was served, and I wish I didn't leave the place smelling like burger grease.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-11-10 00:35:28'},\n"," {'review_id': '2o29ryFidt0awbmqdVSjpg',\n"," 'user_id': 'zgtJEQ6bUCTWNaZcqKkcTw',\n"," 'business_id': 'kGMDSF0YpNwJ-c2BN5yBpw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"So I decided to give this place a shot after reading all the reviews on yelp. The place was dead but I have it a shot. The food was okay at best. I actually left there and went across the street to Charlie's. The place was packed and one bite of the redtop pizza and I cursed myself for not coming here first. If you want a sit down meal this place is nice. If you want good pizza go to Charlie's.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-12-07 13:56:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'k841fO30xGewmdE0xPitOg',\n"," 'user_id': '63-2PK0__Z3Zr1X-2mu1wQ',\n"," 'business_id': '0vCsslN-TYnDeOSNT4rIfg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"We've been shopping here since this location was a Wild Oats. Perhaps I'm just imagining things, but I'd swear it has gotten better since the merger of these two chains.\\n\\nI love the produce, seafood and cheese here. But it's the personal care section with tons o' natural cosmetics, handmade soaps and the like that brings us in most often. Well, that and the salad bar. In the cooler months, nothing beats hitting Whole Foods for a post-yoga lunch of soup and salad or the deli salad sampler plate. The Carrot Ginger, Split Pea and Corn Chowder soups are the best! Other sure bets: the curried tofu salad (or pretty much any of the deli-made tofu items), sushi to-go boxes and the everything cookies. My most recent find: lavender soda - kinda' dry and really does relax you :-)\",\n"," 'date': '2008-08-18 17:21:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LUsxbDfNYFTrX6y_Ist3Pw',\n"," 'user_id': 'DtxpEKBjSfTFPHCf_YOYCA',\n"," 'business_id': 'eJYvM2Zy5BloOYGldWmAVw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'OMG the Mediterranean chicken quesadillas what awesome sauce. Definitely recommend to anyone who enjoys fresh Greek food',\n"," 'date': '2018-08-14 05:08:59'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JkYTzPrQdVYtkdmkcRPinQ',\n"," 'user_id': '_WEZMOBfFxTQSrt7FL4sCw',\n"," 'business_id': '-nJtYj93GiX1N615LlNOrQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"So so in love with this place & it is gorgeous. A very spacious & modern design & most of all CLEAN!!!! Love Will, Amanda & Sal! I have made several purchases to include some mods and atty's and being a newbie I have issues from time to time with the devices. Not because the devices aren't working but I may take something apart and can't figure out how to put it back together (newbie ish) lol They always help me and get me back to vaping!!! They have a wide variety of juices, mods, atty's and i'm always in there tasting something. You've got to try it! You will not be sorry! In love with this spot!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-12-23 21:44:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'M4zS53PfEzODW1P2U9JUig',\n"," 'user_id': 'DEiAhP-xb4i-71foPKSqxQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'cXSyVvOr9YRN9diDkaWs0Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"So this is what you need to know. Everything taste great, well at least what I had. I practically tried everything for breakfast and have come to the conclusion that this is the spot for breakfast. I have one gripe though, the monte cisto is not worth the price and is way over priced. I know truffle oil is used but that should not be the reason its so damn expensive. one egg, one piece of toast and some sauce. Don't ever order it, not worth it unless they drop the price $5. everything else is worth it taste great. Jebbs open face and the huevos rancheros are my favs. Enjoy. oh and the coffee is addicting. Also there are no reservations, so get there early or go about 30 min before u think u may be hungry.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-08-06 23:20:25'},\n"," {'review_id': 'wDSBFWfvuv9GpUX32_6nEw',\n"," 'user_id': '1Lj6Ra9quyrH1gIxACliPw',\n"," 'business_id': 'KSP4BhUnu-skBxlRT9MLRQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Only had one experience with this place and it will be my last. I called in the night before to ask if they sell deboned duck and the man on the phone said they could but I would have to request it the day of. I called the following morning to ask to pick up a plain deboned duck and whoever the incompetent girl who answered had trouble getting my order clear. I picked up my order and came home to find that not only did they gave a whole duck with stuffing I never asked for. I called the place back and thy never offered any compensation of any sort except a trade in right as it's a hour before dinner time and the butcher shop is more than thirty minutes away for me. Shame that food from this place is overshadowed by their terrible customer service.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-05-07 21:41:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'vaPZLs3eL9GdweSyl1DXhA',\n"," 'user_id': 'oFAbGl-xoiODXsX3oQ1IXA',\n"," 'business_id': 'sk2lZI4zmuGAccd3DLCnBw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Visited the preserve today based on reviews and was VERY pleased. \\n\\nThe hikes are great! Lots of wildlife and nature to see on clearly marked paths. \\nThe birds of prey aviary is wonderful and the learning center not only presents educational information in a beautiful manner, but the AC was a nice break after the hike. \\n\\nIf you make your way over in the mid afternoon you may be lucky enough to see the birds up close with the handlers. \\n\\nAll the staff and volunteers are friendly and helpful.',\n"," 'date': '2017-07-18 22:13:07'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EmLTCw2p9BhOwnzHFXgGaQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'glO-c9FC0RaY2GyiamCQFA',\n"," 'business_id': 'OlOVRlcEstxKK_6hMjy63A',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"One of the few diners in North Wilmington, and the only one that probably isn't really bad. I've had totally ordinary diner fare here, and used to come by after swim meets. Nothing particularly good or bad about this place.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-08-25 03:05:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'b22OR-MNCZ-TOf6XIbkg6w',\n"," 'user_id': 'nGO8Re5IpOosHdWPqn8vWQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'Uc6PdjT_MO5bRPQsUUEy5Q',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We loved the food, service and decor! The minute we walked in for a late lunch we were greeted with a huge smile and a warm welcome from the manager. Our server, Christina (i think that was her name) was delightful. The beer selection was great. We had the chicken rabe sandwhich and pepperoni pizza. The sandwhich was very good, on tasty foccacia bread. The pizza was superb! We love the \"well done\" taste. We will definately be back. One problem we may have is our 7 year old is very picky and we didn\\'t see a chidren\\'s menu.',\n"," 'date': '2012-10-08 22:39:38'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qjdMlELzt7SzneQFfwe7HA',\n"," 'user_id': 'FncS5xs9sE1weGrYV4aJgg',\n"," 'business_id': 'eaV07HGOcyb27XobHVl8LQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I regularly go to student salons for hair cuts and styling. \\n\\nI have long, fine, mostly straight Asian hair, and have had mixed results from the Aveda Institute -- to be expected considering I had a different stylist in every case.\\n\\nJust know that if you haven't had a student stylist before, don't expect perfection. Do expect the cut to take an inordinately long time compared to a seasoned professional -- most of my cuts/styles have taken around 2 hours. The basic cut price includes massaging wash, cut, and blowdry style, plus the stylists do take the time to check in with their teachers and make sure the cut is going the way you want it to. Another plus: all of the stylists I've had at the Aveda Institute have been professional and committed to their service, which isn't always the case at other schools. And the prices are right.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-11-30 05:17:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'sz6FAS903ogJy9keBfFdNw',\n"," 'user_id': 'HorseRJgeUwJTBmZD_hXDg',\n"," 'business_id': 'TSgZB6PkWFjmasewVkySjA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Good food friendly folks\\nDon't come in full.\\nQuick and good portions\\nGet the tips seating outside\",\n"," 'date': '2018-05-29 00:15:56'},\n"," {'review_id': '8PQcD-TECxxGUnGNV83QZQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'wW9SywjWgtjAMveKR0r3lA',\n"," 'business_id': 'sLgnx_WFCjEoPsS6NwU70Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great food and friendly service. I will definitely be back. Menu variety is great. I had the Monte Cristo crepes, absolutely amazing',\n"," 'date': '2014-06-28 15:44:10'},\n"," {'review_id': '3djwsoWuYzfE8VD3jlNd8Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'WDtfOTjdeTgsjqVwFAeqIw',\n"," 'business_id': 'I6L0Zxi5Ww0zEWSAVgngeQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"A nice alternative to Cafe du Monde, the beignets were as good if not better. But the real kicker was NO line! \\n\\nIt was a calm little oasis on Bourbon St. Granted at 8:30 am the street is empty besides garbage men & street washers.\\n\\nWe were there early on a holiday, so we didn't get to experience any live music, sadly.\\n\\nWe did have a full breakfast as well, sharing a crawfish omelet & Cajun hashbrowns. Neither was anything to write home about, but really when your name has Beignet in it, does the other stuff really matter?\",\n"," 'date': '2015-07-17 00:12:43'},\n"," {'review_id': '0PF3_gnx3oI48Q4xi3D0uA',\n"," 'user_id': '__GHy1xxetn0SBqP4b_odA',\n"," 'business_id': 'L3V21nAe-CicW2bvtNWa0g',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Not the best prepared sushi inthe city by a longshot, but for quick (and I mean quick), cheap sushi with a long menu, Mixx is great.',\n"," 'date': '2010-08-22 00:01:33'},\n"," {'review_id': '2gVhwj83q3wKF2-Jvcv6cw',\n"," 'user_id': 'Lj4gnAE2MgjJEQf0b5QSNw',\n"," 'business_id': 'u-eaBrfpqjXTS2TD_cTioA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Completely unprofessional and pathetic. I called last week to get price quotes on a battery and brakes. I spoke to someone very nice- he gave me two quotes, fairly low but close to other shops. I call today to schedule a time to come in and the prick who answers the phone, his name is either Mike or Nick (and quite frankly I don\\'t care what he\\'s called), tells me there is no battery even close to that price. He \"blames\" the quote on me, saying \"I don\\'t know how you came up with that price?\" Then I told him I\\'d like to speak to someone else and he says \"no, we won\\'t do a battery for that price, so bye-bye\" and he HUNG up the phone. NEVER NEVER call these people. I can go to Walmart before I deal with these assholes.',\n"," 'date': '2016-10-14 00:16:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'IgfUV2Ggcl36kS7mv8wsaw',\n"," 'user_id': 'v-B443ErZ1P12acLQMgHEA',\n"," 'business_id': 'MkJ5kdhX3Jl48ykeMEVVIw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I would NOT recommend this place to anyone. Their biggest mistake is not having a customer service department. They rely on their sales team to provide customer service meaning every time you call in to try and get something done, you get put into a voicemail because the sales guy is out selling - which should be their only job. This left me on numerous occassions incredibly frustrated that I could not get an answer. I even left the manager a voicemail (big surprise I couldn\\'t get them to answer) and they never had the decency to call me back - Just made my sales person call me back.\\n\\nI purchased my car last July and was promised numerous things would be done to the car before I purchased it. One of which being the tint on the rear window would be removed as the view out of the back was blurry. Somehow, that passed thru inspection and when I came to sign the papers, I noticed that it was still on the back windshield. I was told that they would have it removed by the time we were done the paperwork. Also, I was told that the price was going to be higher than the original agreement because the sales manager did the math wrong the previous day when we ran numbers. I told him that wasn\\'t my fault and I would only pay the agreed upon amount and he spoke with the manager and got it sorted out. \\n\\nAfter sitting in the office for 2.5 hours, they finally told me that they were unable to even start taking off the tint and I would have to bring the car back. I dropped it off that Friday and let them keep it for the weekend. My sales guy called me on Saturday night to tell me that they never got to finish it and I would have to bring it back again and leave it. I live 45 minutes from the dealership so this isn\\'t something I can easily do. I insisted on them giving me a loaner car for whatever day they would do this as I was sure this wouldn\\'t be a one day process from my previous experience. 2.5 weeks later they were able to provide me with said car and I dropped off my vehicle. When I went to pick up my \"finished car\" there was still tint left on the bottom of the windshield. \\n\\nAfter all of that I knew I would never bring my car back for service there if that\\'s the kind of service they provide. Now with all the rain we\\'ve been having, my trunk is leaking and when I called to check with the service department to see if it would be covered under warranty, I got the same run around with the service department who just said \"I don\\'t know\" - OK well give me someone who will be able to tell me. Once they forwarded me to the correct person, I again got \"I don\\'t know\". We need you to bring it in and look at it then submit to our warranty company to see if it gets accepted. No thanks after my previous experience of bringing my car in there to get \"serviced\". \\n\\nInvest in a customer service department to handle complaints in a professional and timely matter. This should not in any way be left upon the sales department to do. My sales guy did the best he could and I appreciated the help he gave me, but no one else would help me throughout the entire process. Not a good look on managements part.',\n"," 'date': '2014-05-08 13:41:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Tbo55fN5ZNBLQ6ue78hd6Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'hPVeIiJxQwwcvp6CUXk_UA',\n"," 'business_id': 'R77LwVI3wPAFmDLrXt3zZA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I love this restaurant. The owners are the nicest family. The food is delicious!!. My favorite is bacon pizza. I love that there is a play room for my kids to play while we wait for our food.',\n"," 'date': '2018-04-15 15:46:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'vwhFwlc4FTBApcNM4uqx_A',\n"," 'user_id': 'JL9FyzCSk7rui5wcI_RbHw',\n"," 'business_id': 'IbndcMURguByburM72o3SA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Omg this is sooooo good, the fried rice is gorgeous, Good price good food, one of the best Asian restaurant on the town.',\n"," 'date': '2018-01-21 17:21:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PRAsITyAFOrVM_YcbJA5QA',\n"," 'user_id': 'gv0coNUFY-fibRwP8IKqPA',\n"," 'business_id': 'qdL-EbgoA7Gq_2u4e4YvLw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Harry's blue bell is a nice spot. We stopped a few days ago for a quick dinner. It's tucked in the corner of a shopping center and it's very easy to miss. It was packed and seemed like the place to be for locals. The inside is nice but small, only a few tables in the entire place. The service was just okay. \\n\\nThe beer selection is very good as are the prices on the beer. The food menu was a bit limited with you're basic bar food. The wife went with the bbq pulled pork and I went with the chicken and honey mustard wrap. The bbq pork was good, the bun was nicely toasted but the sauce was overly sweet for our liking. The wrap was fresh and good but nothing spectacular. The fries were hot and crispy. The kale slaw was fantastic but a very small portion.\\n\\nOverall it was a decent meal. I wouldn't go out of my way to go back. If I were in the area I'd stop though. Solid 3 stars.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-03-24 02:08:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RIqChRQI9qL2BKKVETJX1g',\n"," 'user_id': 'nyjj6EHn29se2IE8c_Wq4A',\n"," 'business_id': '2K75poiMupFTvpQq5REWTA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"Just an update regarding the only complaint in my first review of Kajuns: the smoke. They've since installed a couple of smoke eaters that have made the air extremely breathable for people who, like me, have sensitivities to cigarette smoke. I previously would get headaches because of the smoke if I stayed at Kajuns too long, as I am wont to do, but now I can hardly notice that people are smoking while I'm sitting inside the bar! (When I leave, it's a different story as my clothes still smell like smoke, but that's a compromise I am willing to make.) Just goes to show you how dedicated the Kajuns staff is to improving the experiences of their customers. Thank you Kajuns!\",\n"," 'date': '2012-06-26 03:19:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gTBmyv_0E8LaCujbzP_oOw',\n"," 'user_id': '5h9JA231vPilNAIjHxwGng',\n"," 'business_id': 'lj-E32x9_FA7GmUrBGBEWg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My friends at work (connoisseurs of good food in the St. Louis area) introduced me to yet another very nice restaurant and that's Brio's!! I like everything about it - starting from the complimentary bread and chips to the bruschetta, pasta and salads !! Beautiful place.. The service adds to the charm !!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-08-24 19:24:26'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pGKizwLILA_HafLj0b6CsQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'whbmSeWV7onskC6aT5k77w',\n"," 'business_id': 'GlYN-RJyL_YwxIqsSDo1ag',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'One of the worst places in Tucson! Cold food , rude service. They have the right idea but fail to deliver',\n"," 'date': '2016-05-07 03:31:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'XZl9M7HrwqqQUEOUu4azkA',\n"," 'user_id': '16yfdXvoj6ra0hqFjLu2cQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'DRnvSL_I8MLuTLhl6O4JBQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I am a huge fan of Gennaro's. It's got a thin crust, sweet and rich tomato sauce along w fresh mozzarella cheese. Also, the meatballs are excellent. Can't say enough about how much I love it here. Also, the decor is vintage and adorable. \\n\\nI have yet to be disappointed with Gennaro's\",\n"," 'date': '2016-02-23 17:51:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'M_JypFlbEUklwMGoyVknFQ',\n"," 'user_id': '_kp3hr0ohALINduHTERs9Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'z680Aylt8wN2KAeFM1hy-A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Stopped in on a Monday around 7pm and the place was pretty full. The bartender was friendly and attentive. The bar seemed well stocked, not a drinker so take that as you will. Now the food...THE FOOD was fantastic! I ordered the Pear Gorgonzola Melt. How they fit all that amazingness on one plate is impressive. The clientele is all ages and backgrounds, which is great.\\n\\nNutshell: Definitely check this place out for a good sandwich at a good price (~$10) and to catch up on the footy games.',\n"," 'date': '2015-07-03 21:07:59'},\n"," {'review_id': 'bcNhedsG9dRWiIeV_-cGUQ',\n"," 'user_id': '7HOTNEzVwtJQK6iwC6XVJA',\n"," 'business_id': '-ATiAtTikuGuqvaW2O6tNA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great atmosphere, service was very friendly and prices were very reasonable however I found the food a bit bland, not bad just bland. My husband and I were starving after a long drive to Philly and this filled the spot but it wasn't overly enjoyable and we most likely won't be back.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-07-03 22:10:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'TW4DXj74C82qhGjOgnmjyQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'W_VNrooLU3h_r-Iw5HLo_w',\n"," 'business_id': 'rKlPSPn0wF5tkCrWZzBnbA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great place for a drink, nice friendly staff. Didn't eat there though and would be hesitant to as it doesn't look to be the cleanest place.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-11-06 18:03:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'DIRohs5uJ5kqBtSwZDZ1_w',\n"," 'user_id': 'JTbWKeaQLH0w2TWCiRjq4g',\n"," 'business_id': 'F_wIC6i5y4zdQyp99R7PdQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Freedom toast = check, freedom fries = check, awesome breakfast food = check.\\n\\nThe is a greek owned pancake house (hence the over doing it on naming the food) and is a great alternative to your larger chain pancake houses such as Robert Evans, IHopity hop, and Mr. Dennys. \\n\\nWe eat here every new years day, typically around 2 pm when we drag ourselves out of a drunken slumber to brave the bitter cold. They never have a problem seating our group of about 12-15 and are pleasant and quick service. \\n\\nThe energetic owner likes to roam around making sure everything is going well. In my opinion, the food is also better than the chains. The secret ingredient is love.',\n"," 'date': '2012-01-03 16:29:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'J96EFyLE15P-VH5kCyxGWA',\n"," 'user_id': 'ifbY7DlrQep2hxR8WBGQbw',\n"," 'business_id': 'gwNlSSV0hGgNgTqPprj4FQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 7,\n"," 'funny': 5,\n"," 'cool': 8,\n"," 'text': 'After going there several times going to Fresh I am sad to report my last visit was not up to par. I went with a group of people and the service / product was not how it used to be and the price was outrageous to say the least. I entered and was not greet by the staff and I do understand that the group I was meeting with was taking up most the inside of Fresh, but a little acknowledgement would have went a long way. Also, I ordered the Vienna Latte with an extra shot. It not only was one of the worst espresso based drinks I have ever had, but it was EXPENSIVE $7+ for a coffee?!?! After realizing the price for the drink I was put off by ordering any products.\\n\\nI really love Fresh and obviously from prior posts I do praise their products, but this time it was one of the worst experiences I have had.',\n"," 'date': '2012-08-15 11:39:43'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nhfB-ssDwJxbpAUjlE889A',\n"," 'user_id': 'fr1Hz2acAb3OaL3l6DyKNg',\n"," 'business_id': 't-bcEvAM8oE92tm9HBr7wQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 8,\n"," 'funny': 3,\n"," 'cool': 9,\n"," 'text': 'We have big group of 12 for the office outing lunch. I would said for the number of people we have, the service is not the best but good enough. Only one of our members get the food late. The close out may need to work on it. Tip was added since we have large group which may my bill easy. \\n\\nI have order the lamb kebab (Shish Kebab) plate. It come with two choices of side. I got the rice and the babaghanoush. The rice was well cook and nice aroma. The babaghanoush was well prepared and great with extra olive oil. The presentation of the dish is pleasant. However, the meat did not measured up. It was too dry and the marinated is not over the top. They need to improve on this area. \\n\\nI have been here several time. My previous experience is better. During the month of Ramadan, they serve the buffet that are plenty of choices and attractive. I would said try them during this time. The buffet of Ramadan usually start at 8:30. Go early because is a lot of customers.',\n"," 'date': '2017-05-26 03:20:52'},\n"," {'review_id': '7QLCrFsbfHLHMTrYuDTKyA',\n"," 'user_id': 'kKLdiuoR2ED3SPwAEjqI0w',\n"," 'business_id': 'XQLdTCJvjoxxqrYGiE-YYQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This was a cool place to stop by and check out the birds on a Sunday morning. \\n\\nMy daughter and I have stopped in here a couple of times so she can look at the birds. Very friendly staff.\\n\\nIf you're a bird person this is the place to go.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-02-13 21:42:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'mOKsN2CQU08yQWx1lh-v9w',\n"," 'user_id': '3YHb2sYWYUM7dI7EGFKoEw',\n"," 'business_id': 'vh6YOciEM3M4zi2FGp-b5Q',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"So it's an old club and I think it still maybe a club at night but me and my family including our 5 year old went there for dinner! The food was good we received a sashimi plate and was very pleased with it. My some received a burger and fries which he ate and was happy with. But my biggest complaint is the SERVICE it was horrible. I had to get my own plates, sauce bowls and napkins, they bought out two glasses but didn't bring my son one. I had to request one for him, I don't know maybe they thought he was invisible. I had a groupon certificate so it was a good dinner I would come back if someone was treating.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-10-27 15:03:13'},\n"," {'review_id': '0aC3eVgDQFE6gH2Fk-MrDg',\n"," 'user_id': 'gL0PnnFMmJbWphaOh_6BsQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'Mha77MN_BYGB-w7DONZ5YA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"This review is mainly chicken talk as Cuenelli's Peruvian Style Rotisserie Chicken brings to the table. Pollo a la brasa.... Rotisserie chicken.... Whatever you wanna call it.... I call it a technique done here with love and pride. Lets be clear, you will find no comparison coming from your grocer deli section or at the checkout isle.\\n\\nWhy do I think this chicken have some TLC put into it? On biting down of this chicken you can note seasoning flavors down to the bone. This is an inclination that prior to even getting into the rotisserie oven, these birds spend some time in some form of marinating process. Building flavor, the chicken also has a seasoning rub all over the skin.\\n\\nLets go to this rotisserie oven. Another unique element is this oven has a charcoal or grill like component. This gives the chicken a smoky element in the flavor build. As these birds turn in this oven, they keep moist from the natural drippings dropping from bird to bird as they rotate through this oven. In turn, this a reason why some people may note some pieces the skin end up dry and crispy and others get moist or soggy skin on their chicken In the end, you end up with this tender, smoky, well seasoned, fall off the bone goodness. Wait.... how can they add more flavor? Cuenelli's serves it with two dipping sauces, a chimichurri which gives a herbaceous and slightly spicy flavor, and an aioli which has a garlicky - lemony element.\\n\\nRound out this meal with some solid sides. Must haves for me would be the cilantro rice. Another herbaceous addition that works well with this meal. I got to use the word herbaceous a few times in this review, it has reflects such great imagery for food talk:) Must have beans with rice no? I pick the spicy pinto beans over the black beans at this establishment but lets be clear these beans are pretty spicy. I also love the maduros here. These sweet plantatains are cooked to perfection where the outsides has this caramelization from the natural sugar of the sweet plantain, leaving you with this toffee-like, stick to your tooth exterior and soft and sweet interior. \\n\\nWash all down with Inca cola or a bottle of chicha limena. Inca cola is almost like a cola champagne or a cream soda type of drink. Chicha Limena I say is Christmas in a bottle. This juice has a floral base blended with cinnamon and cloves.\\n\\nThough Cuenelli's Peruvian Style Rotisserie Chicken have many other notable Latin dishes, the one thing that comes to mind to me is this chicken made with love. This chicken gives new meaning to all who thought they knew what rotisserie chicken is. I say, go to Cuenelli's and taste again for the very first time.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-11-14 01:23:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RNf8aUDzK2wzzO7sVzIkbQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'xjQSpme1Z7Xw8XehRLpYuA',\n"," 'business_id': 'EtKSTHV5Qx_Q7Aur9o4kQQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"fuck yes. meat, bourbon libations, and a salad (to round things out aka make myself feel better about ingesting the aforementioned two items.) i took myself on an early birthday date with myself and was not disappointed (neither in the food nor the company). i had a medium rare plain burger to see if it was worth all the fuss...no cheese, bacon, dressing, etc to disguise the quality of the meat. (of course, no bread either since i'm gluten free.) the burger was great - perfectly cooked and seasoned... though, i felt like a bit of a freak sitting at the bar eating my burger with a knife and a fork. i'd like to come back to try a fancypants burger since the extras look pretty tasty. the salad was so-so; it was no frills with the perfect amount of dressing. the bartender-cum-waiter was super attentive but not cloyingly so. he made delicious sazeracs to accompany my repast.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-06-26 03:28:25'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PoPM0iRZacrnbq6WpDi-yA',\n"," 'user_id': 'mC-khOW9EOrKHTeXkrb5rg',\n"," 'business_id': '7L1kXfwU5XM6f6Jxo_L7Yg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Came here on a Monday at lunch time. I sat at the bar and received fast service. Ordered their carne asada taco lunch special which were better than average. More than pleased with this place',\n"," 'date': '2017-08-07 19:52:42'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EMkIwb1whDSGlvEWsnId3w',\n"," 'user_id': 'CePuKN0wwl5CW-58rkt3-w',\n"," 'business_id': '1ScZ3h0kIT_DGCVlP-aDSA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I love these guys. Tony is one of big help. Had flat tire and he got it fixed less that what his estimation expectation. \\n\\nThank you!',\n"," 'date': '2018-02-01 19:49:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gaI5Vcq8Is3tM074QlNWkA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Q9k86VEch13kfZt1k_KxFw',\n"," 'business_id': 'RSAcMSbxpxskQ6dIIN6QUw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My hairdresser was very thorough in getting details of what I wanted. Then she checked frequently during the haircut to make sure I liked it. I did!',\n"," 'date': '2017-09-09 00:04:42'},\n"," {'review_id': '_O20AUGJuC-anAOpST96mw',\n"," 'user_id': 'kBPBo94HVqNTw_ctdiFJHA',\n"," 'business_id': 'dpwkz52tHB2MCPv53I2aRA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Sweet and sour chicken and chicken chow mein were both excellent. I like the chicken cuts in the chow mein. Have also tried the sushi a few times and enjoyed it. A little pricey, but at least it's great food.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-05-07 04:06:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'tw0NxpoMUREsk2MPLPSx7A',\n"," 'user_id': 'RycuS3TlPJKYCN6jaqgc7w',\n"," 'business_id': 'kTLHh3e_59XZduNwydxuAw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Here\\'s an update for my further Comcast experience. Our bill was increased to 250.00 a month. We called and removed some luxery items which brought our bill to 225.00 a month. Called 4 time a to see how we could get our bill lowered, as we have been a loyal customer for 14 years. \"Nothing we can do\" was all I heard. We decided to no longer be raped by this company and set up service with Verizon. Called Comcast to cancel once we got hooked up with Verizon. All of a sudden, they can do better and reduce my bill to 140.00 a month....which I would have been extremely happy with. Unfortunately, it should have been offered the four previous times I called. I have Verizon now and have been quite happy with the installation, customer service, and overall product. I wish Comcast would go under because they don\\'t care about quality customer service. They could offer me a years free of service, yet I wouldn\\'t take it on principle. Screw you Comcast!',\n"," 'date': '2014-10-11 15:29:16'},\n"," {'review_id': '4oVBzRVdXH3XMGiTutkcdQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'WQhgAg8ovchnA1FZCpbyWA',\n"," 'business_id': 'ISBBeqLeERHiKfqa7PZkuA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"This place is a little harder to find but worth the hunt. B's Diner is a little hole-in-the-wall joint populated by neat antiques, funny posters, and the warmth and personality of their staff. They do incredible work in the community and they are worth supporting.\\n\\nIf you are looking for an affordable meal or are looking to have a hearty bite at somewhere chill- this is your spot. It's got that great diner feel and the personality is all in the food.\\n\\nI think part of the fun is the people-watching at this joint. Whyte ave bar staff the morning after, hipsters, musicians- never a dull moment.\\n\\nI've heard the Elk sausage and perogie poutine is amazing, but I've yet to try it.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-01-08 22:16:07'},\n"," {'review_id': 'hgah1g29AmdWrp3QPhEbPA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Q9t5Z5_ZGn-5KUNjElNZWw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Ym8E4Lgi3IfH53YuG5WxIg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I'm not sure what changed over the last year at this restaurant, but now it's just terrible food. Before, when I first started coming, it was decent: nothing fancy, but filling and palatable. Now, though, the food is disgusting. 90% of their buffet offerings are WAY too salty. The pulled turkey was tough, the fish tasted like licking a bottle of meat tenderizer, and the vegetables cooked to a putty-like state. The only thing vaguely edible was the corn pudding and mashed potatoes. The desserts are ok, almost store-bought quality. \\n\\nThe service at least was good. Our waitress refilled our drinks promptly and removed plates often. The only good I saw all night.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-02-02 15:53:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'HHmH0sczDaXK5-iKA3Q9dw',\n"," 'user_id': 'BiD10AVyLSU4ZugC-0zi8Q',\n"," 'business_id': '0cB1kDuZCvSwpJrNdtQP8Q',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Last time: This is the second and last time my wife and I visit this place. We were the ONLY table, yet it took the waitress at least 15 minutes to get our order. From then our pizzas took about 45 minutes (they were both small).\\n\\nWhile waiting for our pizza I had to move us to the bar are a. I couldn't stand listening to one of the other waitresses bitching about the place non-stop while our waitress was sweeping. Her bitching was amplified in that echo chamber.\\n\\nAnd after all that waiting my pizza was barely warm.\\n\\nThis place has now earned a spot on my short list of PLACES TO AVOID.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-03-23 19:31:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zHqZ1ym04EB_4IXppIX5Eg',\n"," 'user_id': 'mrV0BOkFOnMWzgYJrS3i0g',\n"," 'business_id': 'c7OfNRMIqAhtNOMEat3Rbg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The long and the short of it: A romantic little BYOB in Newtown Square that hits the mark in several areas. Big portions at decent prices. You won't leave hungry!\\n\\nAnd now for a full review:\\n\\nI have been to this Fellini's Cafe and the one in Bryn Mawr several times and each time I've visited there have been some memorable moments...and there have been speed bumps that keep this place from reaching its full potential.\\n\\nOn my latest visit this past Friday night, I made reservations for 730. My beautiful wife and I arrived right at 730. Although there were two vacant tables available, it took them at least 10 minutes or so to seat us. And when they did, they broke up a table for 6 instead of putting us at the 2 seater. Odd.\\n\\nBeing out and away from the kids for a few hours, we wanted at least a little bit of privacy, instead of sitting next to (pretty much connected to) a table of four. We asked the manager if we could be moved to the 2 seater...he said fine. Another 5-10 minutes (too long!) later a member of the wait staff came and, without any indication as to his intentions, whisked up our bottle of wine and silverware and ran off to the other table. Not a problem, but some eye contact and a simple 'follow me please' with even a hint of a smile would have been lovely. We shrugged and just rolled with it.\\n\\nThe interior is quaint, and the lighting is dim. It's a nice place for a romantic meal. But it is LOUD. So loud I would say this place is kid friendly despite being in such close quarters with your neighbors. Not sure if we'd ever try taking our four kids there (actually I'm certain we won't) but one or two can be done without much trouble.\\n\\nOur waitress was extremely polite and offered the energy and enthusiasm that our other friend lacked.\\n\\nFor dinner, we ordered a caesar salad to share and for our main courses my wife opted for her usual tagliatelli with mushroom cream sauce and i had what i always have, the tortellini pasticiatti.\\n\\nComplimentary with the meal were two pieces of bruschetta (very nice) and a small loaf of crusty Italian bread, which is served with butter packets (which perhaps only I find strange for an Italian restaurant?). \\n\\nOverall the food was delicious, except for a few somewhat minor hiccups: \\n\\n1. The caesar salad was served on a warm plate. The salad was excellent and would have been legendary had it been served on a chilled (or at least not warm!) plate.\\n\\n2. I am pretty sure they used frozen peas in the tortellini dish, which is fine with me as long as you make sure the peas are thawed before you serve it! Only a few peas were not quite thawed, but it marred what was otherwise a perfectly crafted masterpiece of a dish.\\n\\nWhen we paid, the manager allowed us to use an expired gift card. That was a very nice gesture and one that required no push from us to induce.\\n\\nAll in all, I'll keep visiting Fellini because it's relatively inexpensive and they do most everything well.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-07-16 17:27:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GXlrpVd8rnL8gMgxczbd1g',\n"," 'user_id': 'q-EBNzv_YO5CE0Q_Ln7D5Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'vOgQnvKbE4nMopFTjoL8Gg',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Pretty bummed I didn't try out the Catbird Seat, because this place was totes underwhelming. When you enter, there is a large, awkward entrance and you have to go upstairs to be seated. It was probably only half full, but since it was strange weather, we decided to sit indoors. I'll just say again, walking up towards the hostess as she watches you approach just feels....weird. \\n\\nOur server was nice, and we joked with him about the silly flower in a very knock-over-able vase. We got two drinks--julep and one of their other ones with gin, both of which were utterly average to bad. \\n\\nThe crowd was sort of stuffy. The bread was blah. The food was pretty forgettable. The tenderloin was good because it was a good cut of meat. The Amish chicken was pretty average, with a not so flavorful and slightly MSG-y twang jus. Their signature grits was underwhelming as well. \\n\\nAll in all, stuffy and so overpriced. Bummed out!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-05-29 18:36:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 'KLxHEsW1beqLqyrrNUuRqg',\n"," 'user_id': 'RcCjQK7exVgSO2xskd54mw',\n"," 'business_id': 'HTqoEYWlJkEXNEmHtKCPIA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This review is LONG overdue! I visited Stitch-It in June 2013\\n\\nIn brief: Stitch it did an EXCELLENT job on my dress and I was extremely pleased. I needed it done in a rush and they were able to accommodate me. Given the tight turnaround, and the work that needed to be done, I didn\\'t mind paying a premium. The service and results far exceeded my expectations.\\n\\nComplete Experience: I was attending a convention in Nashville, TN and had ordered an evening gown online a week before (admitted procrastinator tendencies). The gown was a navy blue Tadashi Shoji evening gown with sequins and an intricately designed lace and sheer layered bodice. The gown was a tad bit too long and there was a bulge in the back. The dress arrived a few days before I was scheduled to fly out to Nashville and I knew I wouldn\\'t have time to get it tailored before leaving. I found a few Nashville area tailor shops on Yelp, read the reviews and decided I might try Stitch-It. I also saw a few cleaners that advertised they performed tailoring services, but they (quite frankly) didn\\'t give me the warm and fuzzies. \\n\\nStitch-It was about a 30 minute drive from the Gaylord Hotel where I was staying, so before taking a taxi that far, I decided to check with the hotel to see if they had an in-house tailor. When I took the dress to the Gaylord tailor/seamstress (who was the nicest lady ever), she looked at the gown and said \"I can hem the bottom....I\\'d have to do it by hand. The top part though....I won\\'t touch that with a 10ft. pole!\" I laughed, but appreciated her honesty in not being able to handle the work that I needed done. \\n\\nI contacted Stitch-It and sent pictures of the dress via text message to a nice young man who\\'s name I can\\'t remember (I think it was Cameron...I could be wrong). They assured me that they should be able to accommodate me, so I hopped a cab and visited Stitch-It. When I arrived I was greeted by courteous and professional staff. I was shown to the dressing room and changed into my gown. My personal tailor was Maggie O\\'Neill and she was AWESOME! After the fitting and pinning, I left the gown and picked it up in two days. It fit perfectly and was well worth the fee. If I lived in Nashville, I would DEFINITELY use Stitch-It on a regular basis.',\n"," 'date': '2014-05-26 17:53:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zoKFjcYPeQm7lT9TPqCIuQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'ZDUCfIgyPVG7HhFDWhK7kQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'EneM1oBFxncaR1nQCD3gYA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This place is nothing short of astounding. I went in for my first Brazilian and decided to get a blow-out as well. These women are incredible in every way, from their work to their personalities. I've never felt more comfortable and relaxed under such intimidating circumstances (THANKS JENNE!). Oh, and they're both comedians, so be ready to laugh the whole time you're here :) Can not wait to go back!\",\n"," 'date': '2012-11-07 15:22:34'},\n"," {'review_id': '0kMlS1dVfIw1bH1jK5q9Pw',\n"," 'user_id': '3n_QYiWlZdt5C9ogbsLEdA',\n"," 'business_id': 'wP9Cx-jxLflhv6c1mGIjYA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I will get straight to the point..... If you are ever anywhere near Camden NJ, In fact if you are anywhere in the State of NJ, get to Santana's for breakfast and pastries. Their coffee puts Starbucks, DD, Micky D's and all the rest to shame!! Their pastries are INCREDIBLE!! You would have to fly to Boricua ( Puerto Rico) to even come close!! My business is in neighboring Pennsauken, and we are there every morning!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2011-08-25 15:42:07'},\n"," {'review_id': 'sqr0RQ1UmstPWpXRvbASeQ',\n"," 'user_id': '3TW9UF4V_hBduHcBvUbDVw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Zi-F-YvyVOK0k5QD7lrLOg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'This place was so yummy and decently priced. I felt that the escargot would have been better as traditional escargot but the playing was nice. You can dine with the ghost (former owner of the mansion who killed himself on their 2nd floor) for an additional $50. The table is by itself in a cold dungeony room.',\n"," 'date': '2015-12-05 20:02:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zKZAppIn3yZVp7sTw-8ZLw',\n"," 'user_id': 'au30JemWvCjjTp5vWdOLow',\n"," 'business_id': 'Gw7UW0E2BguzL9suQnwDeg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"One of the best burgers in Philly!\\n\\nLow key joint with just a few tables and the kitchen in the dining room. But, don't let the modest face fool you, this place rocks!\\n\\nMenu is creative and fully customizable. Burgers are cooked on a flattop, perfectly seared, juicy, slightly charred. Fries are hand cut, fried fresh, perfectly crispy and salty. What more could you ask for from a burger place? \\n\\nPro tip - Download the SPOT app for a rewards program and some good coupons (aka free fries!).\",\n"," 'date': '2017-08-28 23:42:14'},\n"," {'review_id': '8z3Pg6eksz8TAYAPLxJWIQ',\n"," 'user_id': '3TlGZhQjrEvacyHhGxdKxA',\n"," 'business_id': '14JwHj1Cxs5bkkJg5iuPog',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 5,\n"," 'text': 'I really like these guys! I needed to get replacement keys made for my car since the existing ones were worn and not opening the doors consistently. I was referred by my mechanic, who said \"go see these guys. They\\'ll take good care of you\". He was right!\\n\\nMy car has transponder keys that cost a mint if you get them from the dealership, or a lot less from eBay (always go eBay). While evaluating my key, they made a test copy before risking cutting on the blanks I brought them. I appreciated that caution. Even after cutting the keys, he checked that they both worked in all doors and the trunk before giving them to me. Very thorough job and great attitude. Highly recommended.',\n"," 'date': '2016-05-19 05:23:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'H9_TfnzLl9lN_VZ5ND5_fw',\n"," 'user_id': 'RymcQDC9ywDYuv9Dz31Tgw',\n"," 'business_id': 'TxhE4pldRCFHpupFzi1PSQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This is the most beautiful salon I have ever seen. It very clean an organized with an amazing friendly staff. I was given a tour by the owner Doug he is one cool dude.\\n\\nDoug has an extensive resume of accomplishments as a stylist, he teaches and trains all over the world and brings his expertise and share with his salon staff by holding a weekly training in his salon to ensure his staff is up to date with the latest technique and fashions. If I would trust anybody with my hair it would be here at this place.\\n\\nI would recommend this place to anybody local or is from out of town.',\n"," 'date': '2011-03-20 19:53:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'wAM66UfeH6U3pJxuZwWzIA',\n"," 'user_id': 'eGZvv1U1tRoV2UJqv4AIhg',\n"," 'business_id': 'cBp1fn2LXpSHe4VbTXLYEw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'So delicious! I am so happy Reno is getting more variety in it\\'s restaurants. \\nBab Cafe has a great menu, service was quick even during the lunch rush. \\nI had the Dak-Galbi Bibim-bab \"teriyaki chicken.\" The meat was tasty, veggies were fresh, sauces were awesome. I also ordered a side of potstickers (because I can never resist potstickers) and they were so great. \\nOnly wish it were a little easier to get to, being downtown parking can be a challenge.',\n"," 'date': '2017-06-06 23:22:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'm6EMoIqkLWn01UrqVOI2yA',\n"," 'user_id': '86Fgk1s0tAVioJtVnJeBHg',\n"," 'business_id': 'W4ZEKkva9HpAdZG88juwyQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"If you're looking for a great brunch place in New Orleans, definitely come here!\\n\\nMy boyfriend and I had brunch here on Sunday, and we loved it! We both started with the Brandy Milk Punch, which was divine. If you are of age, order this drink! It is an alcoholic milkshake, and I could literally go here just to drink that because it is so good. \\n\\nThey bring out fresh bread and butter, and then my boyfriend and I ordered the trio of appetizers. The trio is quite small, but it includes a duck springroll, fried chicken livers and a fried oyster. The duck springroll came with a wonderful tangy sauce, which I greatly enjoyed. My boyfriend enjoyed the fried chicken livers and the fried oyster, but those are not two of my favorite things.\\n\\nFor my entree, I ordered the shrimp and grits. Oh my goodness... so good! The shrimp are bacon-wrapped, and the grits are true Southern grits. I will definitely order this dish again when I get the chance to return. My boyfriend ordered the fish of the day, which was blackened Mahi Mahi, and he loved it. \\n\\nDefinitely go to Mr. B's!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-03-14 04:21:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'uFpxiHXl9-mflLuZ0z0Pzw',\n"," 'user_id': 'NyUuEF18_9trHBZpR9H4PA',\n"," 'business_id': 'I8eSWVzc_y9ORuKWgl07Tw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Came there again because of yelp reviews!\\nJust want to tell you the way the salon looks like already giving you feeling that they know what are they doing! Very clean, simple, professional. Two ladies met me at the front room, ask me about my preferences, tell me about the packages and prices they have - very understandable. They put some information about me in the computer and i am all set for waxing! They goes by appointments - always!! \\nI did my armpits - to give it a try) My specialist were Despina! Really really nice lady i've been pleased talking to her while she was easy with no pain taking off the hair which were really hard cause for 3-4 month i used shaving and the hair got really thick! Still it wasn't so painful cause she used the hard wax which i Loved immediately! Great job - very clean - fast and easy! And price was just 16$ which were really good deal for this quality of waxing! \\nShe asked me when i would like to come back for armpits an we scheduled apointment in 3 weeks! But I might go earlier for bikini! I believe it wouldn't be so painful like it was before! So i will go for it! \\nAs well i bought there a treat for ingrown hair! We will see how it works)\\nThank you Very much for great service! And great atmosphere! You can trust them!\\n***** little addition********\\nDid a bikini today! Never was painless than today! ! Next time I will do full bikini! \\nAgain thank you Despina!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-02-06 05:58:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'wR6Bl-Vywqd56UaogCcWNg',\n"," 'user_id': '_mLEJyBITb35hF-av1Q09Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'rQW9iupvhk6ScPn2VPNLVQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': 'After trying twice unsuccessfully to get there early enough to get a meal within 20 minutes, I finally was able to break away from work and was 5th in line. I had heard of the \"food truck nazi\" and that it was the best in town and found Gus, the falafel nazi, as he called himself, lived up to his reputation and more. \\nAs my turn came up, I approached the cart tenuously, for I did not want to blow it by asking too many questions. He immediately recognized me as a new customer and told me all about the fresh ingredients he uses.\\nChicken is cooked over coal and was tender on the inside and perfectly cooked on the outside. Falafel was delicious, as were the grapes and his homemade pasta that went along with it.\\nThere was enough food for 2 people.\\nWell worth the wait!',\n"," 'date': '2016-10-26 15:50:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'e_f_4_U6Hlr0znVQfUbzEg',\n"," 'user_id': '6mnrwzi5HM-WMUfXL7EYgg',\n"," 'business_id': 'cdqTpsr110wSNPMtLCPh7A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'SRS is truly an exceptional management company. They have been extremely accommodating with very specific requests that I have made. Recommend.',\n"," 'date': '2016-11-22 03:53:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Zssrl36KBW-QMHsa8G9a_w',\n"," 'user_id': 'zcYZgNeJHpKCSBRwh6WskQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'SbdL-8NSmTWgSwdGZBa7WQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Another five-star dining review! Fresco serves-up wonderful fresh and tasty pizza. We tried this store as a change in our usual fare when we visit Tucson during the gem shows. For what you get, their prices are very reasonable. My husband and I were new, and the friendly young man behind the counter told us about their pizza, how it is made from all fresh ingredients, etc. The restaurant was very clean and inviting. We ordered the meat-special pizza, which included chunks of chicken besides the usual sausage, pepperoni, ham and bacon. The pizza was GREAT! Crispy AND tender crust, plenty of toppings, and a \"multiple-napkiner.\" We also had a nice talk with the young owner, and you can tell his business is his passion and only wants to serve the best and highest quality food to his customers. We will definitely return next year! Do I recommend Fresco?...YOU BETCHA I DO!!!',\n"," 'date': '2015-02-24 04:27:38'},\n"," {'review_id': 'yx1IGiMSFDeuosuoRE1gpQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'EYg-VaZlk13-blZxyohLDg',\n"," 'business_id': 'JUlsvVAvZvGHWFfkKm0nlg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We went to this restaurant after running in the Philadelphia marathon. We had a large group (12) with us including kids (ages 10-14), parents and grandparents. The place is very clean and looks fairly new or at least newly decorated. The service was excellent and friendly. The food was very good for the parents but everything was on the spicy side which was not so great for the kids and grandparents. The lighting was very dim which was an issue for the grandparents reading the menu. \\n\\nThe Veggie wings were great as were the cactus and sweet potato burritos. The guacamole was very good although the spicy chips were a little too much.\\n\\nThey offer pitchers of margaritas which was great for our large group.',\n"," 'date': '2010-11-23 13:45:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'h67ml8WCL7N5yhSBJtdoPw',\n"," 'user_id': '8bKjmdE9h9Jc8hzCO7EJsQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'j5U5O3scMvPe67jzJcWFug',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'First of all, I think this might be my first Yelp review about \"fast food.\" It\\'s not a genre I ever eat unless I\\'m forced to on a road trip. However, I am from Buffalo, NY, and am a chicken-finger connoisseur, so I decided to give this place a chance. Additionally, it was on a road trip of sorts. We had been at the beach all day and were halfway back home to central Tampa.\\n\\nThe service is amazing! I have never seen fast-food workers who take so much pride in their jobs. These people were drinking the Zaxby\\'s cool-aid! They seemed more like Disney employees than fast-food workers. Both a female counter gal and a male (possible the manager/franchisee) went out of their way to make sure we liked everything. \\n\\nThe food was a solid 4 stars, but my review overall is rounded up for the above mentioned points. We had the chicken finger sandwiches on Texas toast. While the chicken fingers themselves were super juicy and moist, the Texas toast was too greasy to eat them on. I love sauce and enjoyed the variety. We tried the Zax, hot honey mustard, insane hot and ranch. What is missing from the sauce variety, for me, is a spicy bbq and blue cheese. Serving ranch with hot sauce is an insult to the folks in Buffalo that created the cuisine. Aside from the bread and sauce small issues, I really enjoyed our meal. Additionally, it was so cheap!! $12 and change for 2 meals with drinks. \\n\\nI am a fan! This place doesn\\'t quite hit all the marks of Buffalo-Inspired food, but it does a pretty good job of putting a southern twist on chicken fingers!',\n"," 'date': '2017-08-16 15:51:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lZQ_PekQKGo9HaAPgbRQbA',\n"," 'user_id': 'MzNDYesEiI-A8B3mRSmxqg',\n"," 'business_id': 'GnaqAXKMD912QaP14fi9HQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I can't say enough great things about the baked goodies that come out of this kitchen. I have YET to have anything that is 'subpar'. Everything comes out with full flavor and with the right texture! Then the delicate and decorative detailing--just phenomenal. You can tell that TIME and LOVE goes into each piece of goodness!! I love all of the signature flavors. I am a 'classic' cupcake person- and absolutely love her signature cream cheese frosting. Talk about melt in your mouth! If you are looking for any sort of cake, cupcake, pie, cookie, or ALL THE ABOVE...do yourself a favor and treat yourself and loved ones to Sugar Coated! (no pun intended!) =)\",\n"," 'date': '2013-11-14 22:33:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'xz7n9r3Y1856-T3Xrbhs3w',\n"," 'user_id': 'yLt1pqbQsRXMguOIId_aGA',\n"," 'business_id': 'SVV1VmybJGXGge6nFuHy_A',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'It is unfortunate that with such a unique location and such a brand and product offering this specific store offers such lousy service. The wait is endless, no one is available to help and at Christmas time getting a gift wrap is act of God that requires endless wait. I bought gifts and knew that the wait for wrapping would be long SO I even left my items at the store to be gift wrapped at their leisure. They were not even moved from the counter where I bought them when I returned almost two hours later ready for pick up. This was a gift that needed to be given and The staff COMPLETELY \"dropped the ball\" on my time constraints! \\n\\nI love their stuff, but today was my last shopping experience at this location: couldn\\'t get a gift wrapped after being assured that it could be done in a timely fashion??? I\\'ll cancel my card, do everything online and try not to go there if I can. It\\'s really a shame!',\n"," 'date': '2017-12-02 21:45:32'},\n"," {'review_id': 'WqsuFJU7wqu5nSOGDdh-tQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'mGUYWSFpmVvDQTLDvkzk4w',\n"," 'business_id': 'Ir4-CFGZDfloJkUMax13Og',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"They have a couple of really nice ladies, that go out of their way to help you. But there's one that will rip your head off if you're not careful. It won't take ya long to figure this out on your own though. Jus' sayin'......\",\n"," 'date': '2013-05-08 13:48:00'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GBvYiI1S_1gK-aZKwTpkQQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'ws72yrj8GmNE9Wjmyyr0IA',\n"," 'business_id': '0wQCEcpZ57TmTm6EmEDsIw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Hendricks is a must try in St.Louis. The meats,sauces,and sides are better than most barbecue places.Onion rings are huge and the coleslaw is tasty and finely shredded. Service is good and very friendly. Takes awhile to get the meal,but it gives you time to check out the unique decor.',\n"," 'date': '2016-06-11 23:57:11'},\n"," {'review_id': 'jS3mcIVCbLPLebnaLhk5gw',\n"," 'user_id': 'G4W6jE-LtRXSwe0B5fZRyg',\n"," 'business_id': 'vVvtWcFResspvcMMNRbYWA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Found there to be a good variety of food for a late night dinner with young kids. Wish we had one this good near us in upper PA. Person that rang us in was friendly and helpful. Two things made our experience top notch. First was out waiter Eric, who was friendly, observant, went out of his way to get odd requests, and quick to getting back to us. Eric is the type of waiter you would find a quality sit down restaurant. The other were the 2 people at the grill house station. When I asked to have shrimp not basted due to a pepper allergy that offered to get different tings to remove them from the grill. I appreciated their thoughtfulness.',\n"," 'date': '2017-12-30 00:59:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'i_fJQ_-9S9qhH2hl5bMIiw',\n"," 'user_id': 'FBRjdSizGuMyxQuSSwzarg',\n"," 'business_id': 'htO_nlxkEsYHzDrtbiUxew',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"i was looking forward to a new coffee spot, but this won't be it for me. they dont have a menu first off, and im not a coffee connoisseur, so i was a little thrown off. i kept it simple, asked for an iced tea, but they did give me hot tea w/a cup of ice. v. artsy crowd here, great for people watching, but not for studying. its a little loud, my headphones were not enough to block out the noise, so i was stuck listening to watever they chose, which wasn't my preference. the servers were all really nice, and they kept cleaning the tables quite often. all in all it wasnt a bad experience, but not one to keep me coming back either...\",\n"," 'date': '2006-05-02 22:18:26'},\n"," {'review_id': 'VN0oJh0TD2yKWUg0EN6IzA',\n"," 'user_id': 'ZihW6-M7xOl6v_fkkuv61Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'Zx7n8mdt8OzLRXVzolXNhQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"lit!!!!! just wanna give a shoutout to my g, kyle. he was such a chill waiter and deserves a raise or somethin. he recommended me the honey hot sauce and it was some of the best hot sauce i had eaten in ages. kyle from milk and honey changed my life and i will forever owe him. also the biscuits brought me to heaven. i didn't even order one i just stole from my friends but they were just that. good. so yeah def come here and ask about kyle. tell him i miss him and that i hope we get reunited soon.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-10-11 01:54:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'xZ-hLh7lC1lX-pC8rW3HlA',\n"," 'user_id': 'qebLK4vwNUmv-Bqk3b2hTg',\n"," 'business_id': 'c8rjE6NcfeyzLB_aU1GdMA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Went here before a show we were seeing in the University City area. It is just across the street from 30th Street Station, and just down the street from Drexel University. We we able to get street parking about 2 blocks down the street, so that is always a plus. \\n\\nService was sufficient for dinner. We tried the mac and cheese appetizer that had just the right amount of breadcrumbs on it. It was served hot, but with average taste. We also tried the cheeseteak egg rolls - decent, but not a lot of meat in them. Some of the bites I had of the egg roll were merely the fried dough without getting to any of the cheese and meat. They were served with ketchup and a special mustard that had some horseradish in it for a bit of a kick! I must say, it is a neat thing for a Philadelphia Pub to have on a menu. \\n\\nFor our main entrees, we both had the chicken pot pie. The vegetables were plentiful, and the chicken was all white meat, though there was not that much of it. The crust was somewhat flaky, but there was a section of my pot pie crust that didn't seem like it was cooked all the way through. \\n\\nDessert portion sizes were huge! We had the bread pudding which was average in taste, and served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The brownie was served ala mode with vanilla ice cream as well. The brownie was definitely dry and lacking in taste, though I consider myself to be a brownie snob, so maybe I'm being overly picky.\",\n"," 'date': '2009-10-13 23:05:04'},\n"," {'review_id': '2DTSLWrxArBe6iNGTJhRZQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'PyYBky3iWH9Fo_bUxoYyDQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'n-iPn34tLaqnq-dI8m8Bkw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Went for a bachelorette party on a Saturday night in April. Definitely try to arrive on the earlier side! We got there at 8 and there was no line (by the time we left at around 11 there was a line down the street). The cover band is awesome. There were at least 10 other bachelorette groups there and a few 50th birthday parties too. Their signature cocktails are great but overpriced in my opinion. I would go back though for another bachelorette party or birthday. Probably wouldn't try if it was any regular night out. Gets very crowded.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-04-11 17:33:05'},\n"," {'review_id': '5I7qACNaxm0PBdpgaMeQ5w',\n"," 'user_id': '8sHWQwfi9blO7fdpHMVfsw',\n"," 'business_id': 'CjkxTRergWcYWb4SVW3gxw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Hands down best fall off the bone BBQ I've ever had.Excellent pulled pork everything had that great smoky flavor.Very creamy mac and cheese.Service was fast and friendly. Dessert was equally as good walnut brownie and ice cream delight.Such a great find.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-06-06 19:22:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'yFV9UnuTR3wqCVRwkeYGxA',\n"," 'user_id': 'tgZ0r69ap3_-sNBgLPZsPw',\n"," 'business_id': 'C_EtrXTygRX5RTUOKtO6Dg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"It's a good thing I've had a few weeks to cool off from my experience at Copabanana before writing this review or it might not have been pretty. Anyhow, I came during university city restaurant week and will never return. We sat outside and there were kids playing football right near the tables and being loud. We moved to the other side of the restaurant (still outside) and the kids made there way over to us and continued playing. We couldnt get away. We went to a table inside. Food was terrible. Steak was fatty and overcooked and mashed potatoes werent fresh. The waitress was about the only thing good about this place. She agreed on the steak and took it back. Came back with chicken as I asked for and it was like biting into rubber bands. All in all it was a disaster and I'll never return. 1 star for the waitress.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-08-25 18:34:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'WZIOWWb6xVwCA2-uJ47m8Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'XeS-0ONS5uoR_OfgZQebrA',\n"," 'business_id': 'vN6v8m4DO45Z4pp8yxxF_w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Best shrimp and grits in NOLA! Delicious fresh juices too. This is my fiance's second time here in two years and he still thinks it's the best he's tried.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-01-02 14:24:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'VCVG7lbohvbWQ_lUt714RQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'hWm_vdsBr8lxE_On2eQXqw',\n"," 'business_id': 'euu_JA0YFf63f75uaVSyng',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Finally! A good tapas place in Nashville. Friendly staff, nice open kitchen, delicious food. I can't wait to go back and try more.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-07-03 19:34:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Mvrz4XjLAyQYxSqtZ_j-ig',\n"," 'user_id': 'Q_ixtOGUKUbCQ_sXThQAwA',\n"," 'business_id': 'SZU9c8V2GuREDN5KgyHFJw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Super delish!! No frills! Just great sea food, sour dough bread was great! And I loved the 80s music playing!!',\n"," 'date': '2014-05-08 04:14:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'DivPlXLvBcH0N9z1y1K7MQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'rp8AfN3VT2I6nykW6FWqkw',\n"," 'business_id': '-02xFuruu85XmDn2xiynJw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Dr. Curtis Dechant has an excellent chair-side manner, and he establishes a good rapport with his patients. The office is very comfortable, and the latest high-tech equipment makes eye appointments much easier to bear. I also appreciate their selection of eyeglass frames and the friendly staff.',\n"," 'date': '2012-07-16 17:03:37'},\n"," {'review_id': '0oB9jIpB5eKvOnqDcXYRhg',\n"," 'user_id': 'OXdp673IwpF56oYs705JPQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'Pr_Mlt9FqdcW7WCFGJmozA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Very cute place and good food. Pear cider beer was really good the service was really good and great ambiance and the price was very reasonable',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-03 22:22:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'e8u5K7rpzWt3CEoGmqYZNA',\n"," 'user_id': 'TkFfkUhNLczx5LB-uR9qaw',\n"," 'business_id': '7EhTT4iEuA7JaaWA-eI3Qw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 7,\n"," 'funny': 5,\n"," 'cool': 7,\n"," 'text': 'I really enjoy this little restaurant full of goodness. Primarily a dessert place, Seasons also serves up some wonderful food dishes which are largely modernized updates on traditional classics. \\n\\nI always enjoy the shaved ice when I come here. The kind Seasons offers is a different type of dessert that I haven\\'t seen anywhere else. The variety of boba tea that they have is also very \\ngood. Among my favorite shaved ice are the hula and the koko loco. If you want half and half flavors of shaved ice in your cup there is an additional $1.50 charge for a large size. There are pre-designed concoctions or you could create your own configurations of toppings and flavors. The pre designed concoctions are a better deal.\\n\\nSeasons is situated on the end of a strip mall (across from a large shopping plaza with Regal Cinemas and Marshalls) with plenty of parking. The store itself is clean, bright, and modern and is kid-friendly as there are high hairs available for use. \\n\\nThe service has always been friendly, fast, and efficient. Seasons employs an order at the counter, take number, and food is borough out to you when ready model. \\n\\nI can\\'t comment on the food exactly but my boyfriend loves the quail and our friends enjoy the chicken wings which Boon touts as \"the best food item\" there. The quail is small and very flavorful and the wings are a good size and seasoned with five spice which was enjoyed by all. \\n\\nI look forward to many more visits with friends at this location. Check Seasons out and enjoy!',\n"," 'date': '2016-01-04 04:42:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ndy1YoqgJ6BXsqPvFs9mkg',\n"," 'user_id': '3Co7fpeBhUJGFJKbh1JAkw',\n"," 'business_id': 'B7nlRFe3EeQwAWpUpefGHA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Overpriced for what you get. I think this is a cute spot to meet up with a friend, but that's about it. I prefer my own homemade coffee to be honest. Adorable concept, just could use some improvement to products offered and prices.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-08-28 22:34:34'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qSCCNv6JsHpQL8_uJoL9zQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'Ta5JmqbaPH-ACuPBJ0Jybw',\n"," 'business_id': 'zSqTndm5Alq9dW1PyzbdTA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'This place was absolutely awesome. 75 cent oysters. After 2 dozen I moved to the excellent cheesy grits. Great place to eat. Even better during happy hour.',\n"," 'date': '2017-07-18 23:49:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ygMbam6uaFGXxvSKj-q51A',\n"," 'user_id': 'ilfplhKvXs1w4v4YeiC-lA',\n"," 'business_id': '4u4njx79dMrXNhbRFHjG8A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Love it!! I go to this place whenever I am in town and have NEVER been disappointed. The food is organic, fresh and delicious. I love that they buy from local farmers and fishermen. They also grow a lot of their own veggies! You can't get much fresher than that. There's lots of variety so I haven't even come close to trying everything. My favorite breakfast item is Carly's breakfast. Avocado on sourdough toast with a fried egg and sweet potatoes. Sooo good! Highly recommend this place!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-02-09 17:13:17'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ii4RHFJZ3srDe5XlCKEaIQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'cWAKzsMt0iMjBNPuNJVgDQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'M0r9lUn2gLFYgIwIfG8-bQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The burgers were very good very flavorful. I had the El Mariachi. As with what other reviewers have said the portion is not big. But I believe it makes up in flavor. I also have salted caramel ice cream it was very good homemade style. I do recommend the rooster sauce.',\n"," 'date': '2016-08-03 22:45:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'VD_BQsEKAIAzy82CI0RZhg',\n"," 'user_id': 'dEXDFQs_mLhhbXBkFlj8MA',\n"," 'business_id': 's3FRhtaNU8dt-mKkLKUQaQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Just had a late dinner there on a Sunday night and was really surprised at how good the sushi was and how low my ticket was. I had a plate full of sushi and it cost me $13.00. The staff seems to be having a good time too. Very friendly place. I really enjoyed it and will be back soon!',\n"," 'date': '2011-03-21 04:10:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'tGzobhc7MyMSej6gVdv3Pw',\n"," 'user_id': 'gSEhdaQNcewg-ob6xSgleQ',\n"," 'business_id': '1NCUTTp6rIyXpwUDVv9qOA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I had to write an order after coming here a couple of times because this place is just terrible. I tried their hoagies and they are so greasy i got nauseous after eating them... Then yesterday i accidently ordered from here instead of angelinos and i got the buffalo chicken sandwhich and it was just covered in blu cheese and greasy sauce it was so Disgusting. All their food is terribly greasy and over seasoned its too much.. Back off on it a little and use freasher ingredients it will be much better!\\n\\nIll also add that their desserts suck, taste bland and a waste of money. Their sodas are usually expired and flat. I hate everything about this place!',\n"," 'date': '2016-06-22 21:51:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'MtZJKwddFSyBB0QHXQRtZQ',\n"," 'user_id': '_cdp1FAjIT2paX8s8H3GUw',\n"," 'business_id': 'ZdHf2EkMQPV2OBNgGhMAKQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Paid for non-smoking room but there was a smell and ashtrays in the room. Since all we were doing was sleeping there we didn't say anything. Shower was crazy slow to drain. Pillows were so lumpy that I woke up with a migraine. Room was clean and staff was nice. Free wifi but wouldn't connect.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-07-28 00:27:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'OPfhVmoRPBBp8nyJ8wAb0Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'hNiK3aCOoS9Y7ndiZs_KgQ',\n"," 'business_id': '5GQPM14khrarsrlID5s2LA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Maybe caught the staff on a bad day, but the people in the pharmacy were not friendly. Was told my prescription be ready in 15, when i showed up 20 minutes later they said it would be ready in a half hour. If your in a hurry dont bother filling up your prescription here. Might as well go next door to Walmart!',\n"," 'date': '2015-10-17 01:24:43'},\n"," {'review_id': '7ouwt0DtmhHxjQpDwDkN7Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'dme9K6sQrgpojAay5r8IAA',\n"," 'business_id': 'JUlsvVAvZvGHWFfkKm0nlg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I loves me some seitan, and that's why I keep going to El Camino. The seitan wings & seitan nachos are so good! Unfortunately, the service is not. It can be extremely slow. On one occasion it took them so long to get my seitan nachos out to me that they had to give them to me on the house. All of my friends were done eating and ready to leave and I was JUST getting my food! \\n\\nAs for the rest of the food at El Camino, the only other thing I've tried would be the fried pickles. I have to say, I was not impressed. I love both pickles and fried things but these were not good. The coating was too grainy and I just didn't like the taste. \\n\\nThe seitan is so good that it keeps me coming back. And the margaritas are pretty good too.\",\n"," 'date': '2010-03-12 23:41:38'},\n"," {'review_id': 'P7okF5jBUnQ0Ng1dOShJyg',\n"," 'user_id': 'OR5Zm8Wt-nceHN1hx1qJUw',\n"," 'business_id': 'u-w0dEUZAUF3JyGS_-KiTQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Excellent place to get a tattoo. I have had two done at B13 and am really pleased with both. One was with a group of people and the owner was able to fit all 4 of us in with a great sketch on really short notice. If you aren't sure who to go to, I've seen especially awesome work by Amanda, though everyone is great I'm sure.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-03-18 23:48:26'},\n"," {'review_id': 'l6NxhAWgZoww3mKKjpFdXg',\n"," 'user_id': 'wpXPaiDFVl_DCF64IPLOLw',\n"," 'business_id': 'NcO-pWiZmNM5zBg8H9zB6Q',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We went on a Friday night and the place was full, but even so there was only a 20 minute wait. \\nThe service was ... Hit and miss. I don't want to rip on our server too much because our server was obviously trying but just not hitting the mark. The food was Ok, but I don't believe I'll be back. It just wasn't great.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-12-05 19:10:58'},\n"," {'review_id': 'OMrx6DooSYePjc0WerIKFw',\n"," 'user_id': 'kbx5teHlHE1D0WMtpUsuZA',\n"," 'business_id': 'x-SCuOwghy4GlZdVOKjt4g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I would recommend Twisted Twig to everyone - excellent service, very friendly, and create amazing arrangements!\\n\\nYou will not regret working with Jen! I reached out to a few different florist 2 weeks before my wedding. I was frantic my wedding was only 2 weeks away and didn't have a florist, even though it was a small wedding. I got a hold of Jen, who I might say was very responsive.\\n\\nI got on the phone with Jen and she was so nice and very genuine. We spoke about what I was looking for and I texted her some pictures of inspiration and my dress. She asked me if there were certain flowers I was looking for and my budget. I didn't have any flowers in mind, as long as the colors are what I wanted and told her my budget. She sent me a quote, staying within my budget, noting the flowers she would use for the bouquet, boutonniere, and floral arrangements for the arch I had. It was nice that Jen works with you to stay in your budget yet still get what you want.\\n\\nOn the wedding day, Jen arrived at my hotel door right on time with my beautiful bouquet. The floral arrangements at the site was gorgeous also. Jen really hit the mark on what I wanted for my wedding. She also was very sweet and added some roses on the chairs by the aisle to my surprise, which was not on the quote. That was very special because it pulled the whole ceremony look together and I felt Jen really wanted everything to look perfect for me.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-04-07 23:30:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 't4vzUBVfAPfg7i1EB9Y_6Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'vFd8aBLg1kFcd0kCkoi-xw',\n"," 'business_id': 'GUMVStVaJfWmCIpQA4TtHg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': 'I deducted one star because the service was not great. Our waiter wasn\\'t friendly at all. The first question was \"soup or salad \". I wanted to order appetizer and lunch special, but he assumed we were having lunch. Seaweed salad was really good. Shiomay was small but good. The sashimi was fresh. Banzai roll was great and unique. Raw salmon and white fish with avocado and fish egg wrapped in cucumber with some sweet sauce. Perfect for those who is looking for no-rice roll. Salad dressing was more like carrot purée.',\n"," 'date': '2018-03-15 20:24:34'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NYxYahcPBsyVSE88IHNivA',\n"," 'user_id': 'JDBlafv8p0UBtVFZ4LnRhw',\n"," 'business_id': 'GOSVLhjUT6TnrPhkkmDOpw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I honestly didn't know this place existed until my friend suggested it for brunch over the weekend. I can't believe I live four blocks away and haven't been here before! I ordered the honeybee crepe and an almond croissant. I'm one to typically bring leftovers home but the food was so delicious there was nothing left to take much to the surprise of my friends. There is a small seating area downstairs and some window seating on the first floor. I'd recommend getting there on the earlier side if you're with a group and want to sit. I'd also recommend this for smaller groups. Will definitely be going back.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-10-14 03:31:17'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cINASoUyZbUcmat0TloJag',\n"," 'user_id': '0q4JN-oyb_wYV1UyQPrdJw',\n"," 'business_id': 'R07rb3FN2QoRIbB6r6HDxQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This is the best location EVER. The donuts are made to order I believe after 5pm. They are always super hot you can barely eat them . Even the next day they are delicious.',\n"," 'date': '2018-07-17 01:08:07'},\n"," {'review_id': 'SEtOk5e9-wDEDDRnuaUnnw',\n"," 'user_id': 'TvXx5vpqpiyg-PjRC_XZLw',\n"," 'business_id': 'CPFKi2lZJazP6IdtCdDDyg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This place is super cute! I love how sustainable they are. Definitely recommend. The people are awesome and pretty! Not to mention the food and coffee are extraordinary!',\n"," 'date': '2017-07-18 18:28:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lYm3GHTfCllq1Kpj5oeLeg',\n"," 'user_id': '7BMnjLvDVozj0eiqEl3adw',\n"," 'business_id': 'WecgAHgzAPLOmM-6-Iga2A',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Food is terrible and too expensive for how bad it is. Took over 2 hours for delivery. Rude on the phone when we called to see about our order status. Terrible decision to order from this place, never again.',\n"," 'date': '2015-12-20 21:20:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'S8jdwyhSsz30eNegDFkObA',\n"," 'user_id': '86WYiv6T14Fbf2x0yGP8jA',\n"," 'business_id': 'B91yBSPvAz5O_t9JFafN1Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I absolutely love EVAN he's the best guy ever. If he wasn't the door guy I don't know what people would do with themselves!!! He is one of the most awesome\\nPeople that I Know !!! If It wasn't for Evan I probably wouldn't come to OMALLZ\",\n"," 'date': '2016-05-31 04:46:41'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zyWcynpTTkXaM3bfyALlBg',\n"," 'user_id': 'fPmWOEvI5SipdVav3fcIqA',\n"," 'business_id': 'NT5S6JV5wPwKOd3s3Yh1zQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Ew. I don't know what upsets me more, the borderline gross food or how much I had to pay for it. We waited forever to get into this place which served me a relatively tasteless burger on an incredibly soggy McDonald's quality bun and the saltiest fries I have ever eaten. Yes, truffle oil is delicious, but pouring it over burned, greasy fries does not a delicious, 16 dollar meal make. We won't be back.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-04-19 17:34:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'bjBfJVb8Ikpz2Lbx-S-gyg',\n"," 'user_id': 'f3LI3ld5tNxXrMUU69v7wA',\n"," 'business_id': 'mcr1lAEdvGLMJhuPwI3I2A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Pleasantly surprised to find Taiwanese restaurant in Reno. Convenient to all of the hotels. Solid boba tea and authentic Taiwanese food if you know what to order',\n"," 'date': '2016-12-04 02:58:26'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nAP-pjVWSCjTM2eCf-5FwA',\n"," 'user_id': 'qPORuflcC27780nm7s2UUg',\n"," 'business_id': 'V9XlikTxq0My4gE8LULsjw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 7,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': 'Overpriced mediocrity. Please don\\'t waste your money here. My family has eaten here twice and both times \"corporate\" has refunded the price of our meals because it has been so appalling.\\n\\nThis corporation/restaurant has no clue. Please don\\'t be ripped off.',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-25 05:28:31'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JaGqBpLhxvC27juhu0lGwA',\n"," 'user_id': 'n2pX5Ae8xCUi2_WlwcTkXQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'M0r9lUn2gLFYgIwIfG8-bQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I loved this place. Walking by, I almost didn't go in, because Im a vegetarian and it looked like there was only meat on the menu. I'm glad that I looked closer. They have an excellent veggie burger, a terrific selection of local microbrews and they even make their own ice cream. I would definitely go back here again the next time I visit St. Louis.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-08-03 18:25:32'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EJWyA5wpdVMji1j4TwSZqQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'mqBWACmaHflW4eh_Ofp16Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'kxX2SOes4o-D3ZQBkiMRfA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 13,\n"," 'funny': 6,\n"," 'cool': 5,\n"," 'text': 'After a long hiatus from reviewing I have awaken from my 6 mouth yelp hibernation and my tummies a grumbles with an insatiable hunger for the cacophonous symphony of flavor that is Indian food. Like an all too familiar pattern, I go back to Mohammad Butt, my main man for marsala.\\nBut whats this? \\nThere are whispers that he no longer cooks for \"Best Taste of Asia,\" that he is gone, never to return; some sort of falling out.\\n\\nNo.\\nNo, it can\\'t be! \\nI need to score - one .. final .. hit..\\n\\nLife ceases to have meaning, existential murmurings dog the mind. Who am I?\\nWhy am I here?\\nWhat is Cheeze Wiz?\\nIts done, over, a round falls into the chamber and just as I prepare to end it all and pull the trigger- steps in ZAIKA.\\n\\nZaika - meaning the art of taste - stays to to its name. This is a place where the Paneer (cheese) is made fresh in house, resulting in a cheese that\\'s silky in texture. Especially when in contrast to the prepackaged rubbery bone-white LEGO blocks most small Indo-Pak places purchase from Indian Grocers in attempts to reduce prep-times. While at Zaika such shortcuts are not taken, the Chef takes the extra steps needed to ensure a dish comes together as a whole. For example, the Chicken Makhani uses Smokey Tandoori Chicken, which I have never seen done before but it certainly aids the chicken to cut though the rich buttery tomato sauce and elevates the dish as a whole. Even entrées like Dall Fray or Palak Paneer have so much flavor that they will leave you not missing animal protein in the least should you choose to go the vegetarian route. \\n\\nZaika \\'s appetizers, like the Veggie Samosa and Aloo Tikki, (spiced potato patties) are generally large, peppery and well spiced - the latter of which remind me of something my own mother would make. Though I must warn others to avoid the items that occasionally pop-up as specials like the potato stuffed chili peppers, unless they have a iron stomach or are a gluten for punishment. These peppers are spicy, not deveined or even seeded. Further, I find the fish pakora to be far too fishy.\\n \\nI\\'ve become rather taken by Zaikia. Even the simply things such as the naan are good there. Just right in elasticity, the bread does not have too much give and yet isn\\'t too soft. It\\'s nothing elaborate, just properly risen with a light texture and no egg or yeast flavor. The only complaint being that it lacked that signature faint sweetness naan has. But hey, I use it mostly for mopping up the other good stuff on the plate anyway and the sweetness gets lost in the mix, so I don\\'t mind at all.\\n\\nThe menu has nearly 120 different items, all numbered to order by, making take-out phone orders convenient and should eliminate any fears anyone should have of a language barrier problem. Furthermore, it has short descriptions of each dish - something all ethnic places like this should have.\\nThough some items like Lassie (a frothy yogurt drink) do not appear on the menu, that too is offered - both a salty and sweet mango verities. \\nThe head chef speaks English quite well and should be easy to deal with should you want to inquire more or want to setup large orders.\\n\\nI have already noticed parties negotiating catering for Ramadan as I anxiously awaited my own order.\\n\\nThe bottom line here is this, Mohammad Butt has expanded on the menu he once created for \"Best taste of Asia,\" and taken an all HALAL meat approach. \\n\\nOnly good things can come of this, only good things.\\n\\nP.S.\\nZAIKA is right behind Nifty Fifties on Grant Ave., so you are all set for dessert should you want a milkshake. \\nHowever, I would suggest getting the Ras Malai if available. These riccotta cheese dumplings flouting in soaked in sweetened, thickened milk are delicately flavored with cardamom, a very some amount of rose water and then garnished with pistachios. They are ungodly good.',\n"," 'date': '2010-08-20 19:16:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'S-H-Ao17MEYH9cLpvevbnQ',\n"," 'user_id': 's03ZJhgJki5i89d93-9keQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'EQ-TZ2eeD_E0BHuvoaeG5Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Busy place, but we were offered extra- special coffee while we waited. No sooner than it was ready, so was our table. The server was welcoming and offered suggestions for us after we made her aware of some dietary restrictions. My daughter and I shared a salad, entree, and Special grits. Every bite was delicious, beautifully presented, and reasonably priced as downtown prices go. We like this restaurant a lot.',\n"," 'date': '2016-06-11 21:41:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Iy3lxDiV3RIPKUSGm1ZjOA',\n"," 'user_id': 'RBsuA0KHqbQIgQMNH8rDUw',\n"," 'business_id': 'mtGTna-hyFhErb4Zma32IA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I love this place. Super friendly staff. Great with kids. And the food is amazing. Especially the hash browns. You can also get tomatoes and grits on the side. Yum! And on top of it all it's not hard on the wallet.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-12-05 05:09:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'p8y5nanIxGGzAAqiCuxBdA',\n"," 'user_id': 'CysTz612pTix75Fye6-D4Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'EqEcDeXqIq1YwnzHg_ZUFw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Similar experience at this place ..gelato is great...service sucks.a friend from out of town came to visit and we decided it would be cool to go here since they never had gelato..boy what a mistake..day staff cool..night staff not so much..they acted like we were an annoyance then a customer then whispering and laughing ..made my friend feels uncomfortable..so the young manager pops out from the back and I'm thinking cool though s guy will make them act more respectable,again wrong..he actually joined in.this place had great service not even a year ago..don't know what happened\",\n"," 'date': '2016-06-11 20:57:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'SiazHJtfovy9nwDFfICdwA',\n"," 'user_id': 'ao-AH4CKrHlJLdrxYm9reg',\n"," 'business_id': 'Z9QN-2Sg0pD0AAaiMl9oHA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great hiking, biking, running spot. Lots of well maintained paths. Beautiful views and spots with shade which is great when you're hiking in the heat. Only complaint is that people don't follow the dogs on leash rule and I came across at least 6 dogs off leash and away from their owners. Just follow the rules or they will make it a no dog spot!!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-06-27 23:44:16'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PxOffHd66JalAmafv6mZsw',\n"," 'user_id': 'GHH2KwW7FLBZPXERaCS4dQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'QLUUaTj034zYVWiVl9tNvA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Like many other reviewers I passed by this place a number of times before looking it up on Yelp and realizing that I really did need to give it a shot...\\nWow... I was not disappointed!\\nWe started out with the crab cake appetizer- it was very well portioned (2 large crab cakes) and the sauce with it had an interesting hint of dill (just lovely and refreshing and a little different).\\nWe were feeling like comfort food and had the chicken tenders- The portions were very generous and the food was just solid. Not fussy or stuffy or trying hard... just good, wholesome and good to eat.\\nThe service was fine- however there is only one waitress for the tables and the bar, so i can imagine that if it is full that would cause some delays. Overall it was just a lovely meal and the prices were unbelievably reasonable (most places have crabcakes 1/2 that size for twice that price)...\\nThe ambiance is nice, nothing crazy but it is just a very nice option with reasonable prices and lovely food!',\n"," 'date': '2016-03-07 01:32:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'umG23_QBjaAAWv-Bc3CZLw',\n"," 'user_id': 'GH5wuJoc4K515SOfM_CE_g',\n"," 'business_id': 'plobBsTtVUODb353xxFT_g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Always excellent service and amazing food. The staff is is always friendly and there are many promotions that always keep us coming back. The quality of the fish is amazing and the perfect portion size of the rolls allows you to try many different kinds. Out favorite sushi in town!',\n"," 'date': '2013-12-29 00:45:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'fFX81fVi2KpnlR7CN7ht_A',\n"," 'user_id': 'Tf9sX1pSq5auLh3CAT9TaQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'ZpXZgnBrNodHH8pKpOK_Kg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My boyfriend and I both decided to try Jesse's for the first time after we'd both grown up in the Brandon area and neither of us had ever been, and really hadn't heard much about the restaurant. \\n\\nWe dined on a Saturday night and even though the parking lot and restaurant was packed, we were sat right away at a 2-top next to a window facing SR-60. \\n\\nOur server, Nikki, greeted us in a reasonable amount of time. We ordered our beverages and she brought them shortly after that. Something I did not like was there was not a drink menu on the table, but Nikki was able to tell us what beers were on draft and non-alcoholic drinks. She took our appetizer and entree order all at once. \\n\\nWe ordered crab stuffed mushrooms and a French onion soup to share. These items came out together. The crab stuffed mushroom was basically a giant thing of crab stuffing on a TINY mushroom, which was almost laughable, but had a good flavor nonetheless. The French onion soup had a great flavor and wasn't scalding hot, which was super nice to eat right away. \\n\\nAfter our appetizer came out and we finished it, our Caesar salads came out as well as a loaf of bread and some butter. This was also really great pacing of our meal! Nikki never let empty plates sit on our table, was very attentive, and always made sure we had drinks in front of us. The Caesar salads were good. I gave the bread two chances... once dipped in the French onion soup and once just with butter on it... the bread could have definitely been better - it just didn't have a good flavor to it. \\n\\nI ordered the 6 oz filet and he ordered the 16 oz Delmonico - both cooked medium rare. The steaks are served with sautéed mushrooms, your choice of side, and a salad or soup of the day, which isn't mentioned anywhere on the menu. I got broccoli as my side and my boyfriend got a sweet potato with all the fixings. I saw three tables sat after us receive their entrees before us - I don't know if it was a kitchen issue or something else, but we were sat at least five minutes before each of those tables - I tried to make sense of the delay, but it honestly wasn't a big deal to me. Our steaks came out on hot metal plates that were inserted into a cooler outer shell. My filet was nice and thick and cooked perfectly and the broccoli was steamed very tenderly, but there were not enough sautéed mushrooms on the plate, in my opinion. If I had known it would have been like five mushrooms with the steak, I totally would have gotten them as a side. My boyfriend's steak was cooked perfectly as well, but being on the hot metal dish led the steak to cook more at the table, which he wasn't particularly pleased with. He enjoyed his sweet potato with butter, but it didn't come out with cinnamon on it like he requested. \\n\\nAnyway, I am sure we will return! Our server, Nikki, was fabulous. She was extremely attentive, had a great attitude, and was knowledgeable!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-04-15 13:21:32'},\n"," {'review_id': '815IYDMwX84gQIj_uo7Scg',\n"," 'user_id': 'vvXj8kYtU4LB2FS-jqnlKA',\n"," 'business_id': 'xbE59o8d_8N72T0WMW1I8A',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Friendly staff, good selection, fair prices.',\n"," 'date': '2016-01-04 02:47:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'jF3ZlgxpM88UjKymEfSJmQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'CtRP-ARklDGTJ8aVji47Ug',\n"," 'business_id': 'ompDR5sUDpoI6gnTldmneQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This was my very 1st time in New Orleans. It\\'s been an amazing experience and so far, every single place I\\'ve eaten at has been AMAZING. So... I took a chance with The Praline Connection and walked in. Why? The ambiance and the restaurant, overall, looked nice. \\nHowever... I would NEVER return to this place again, nor would I Ever RECOMMEND it to Anyone. \\n\\nAPPETIZERS:\\nI ordered the BBQ Oysters and..wow.. fucking wow...1st of all the oysters not in their shells. Instead they placed in a soup cup filled with \"BBQ sauce\" that tasted like cheap Ketchup and Chef Boyarde! Disgusting! The oysters themselves were gooey.\\n\\nThe garlic bread was God awful! It tasted like stale frozen garlic bread. To make matters worse, when I received these appetizers, they were cold.. It tasted and looked like they had been microwaved and left out. \\n\\nI also ordered the Chicken wings. They were under cooked, cold and the sauce was nasty. \\n\\nThe other members of our party ordered entrees. They all said, \"This Sucks!\"\\n\\nPROS: The service was great. The servers were all very polite and attentive. \\nRestaurant was clean, nice tables, nice ambiance.',\n"," 'date': '2017-05-26 01:49:08'},\n"," {'review_id': '12WmsX0EwwDlQyGXAgtkww',\n"," 'user_id': 'xUhG4eI0M1KRvucUn0t19w',\n"," 'business_id': 'QSA-x2bb3kum9QLFpy7vUg',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This is the McDonalds closest to my home, but I will forever drive any distance to find another bc it\\'s a terrible restaurant. Even though it\\'s not politically correct to say \"I love McDonalds\", every now and again and during lent we go to McDonalds and this one is really bad. Bad food, always cold or wrong items. Bad service, and no offense to anyone but I cannot even communicate with most employees bc they don\\'t speak any ENGLISH!! I do not know much Spanish either but when I\\'m trying to spend my money in Fishers Indiana at a business I at least expect to be able to communicate in some way! Their service is the slowest from any McDonalds in this area! My advice: pass on this location unless you have allot of time and can speak Spanish !!!!',\n"," 'date': '2017-03-27 02:34:49'},\n"," {'review_id': '-M6y-yFPKVouD2NNOKcT_w',\n"," 'user_id': 'OKMj2PnkGITjSuNByUN_Vw',\n"," 'business_id': '8eDkw7CE0NKqMknPIu26fw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Very good breakfast. Within walking distance of our hotel. Had the crepes with fruit. Would get again for sure. Not sure about the tea. Had a hint of fennel seed to it.',\n"," 'date': '2016-09-18 17:04:25'},\n"," {'review_id': 'L7Z2Re-8aFOZFhfMZbt44A',\n"," 'user_id': 'QASqmFDB1pIBF7xSp1PVeg',\n"," 'business_id': 'SlZJATE_TGUU8X34UJNi4g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Holy Mole!\\nThat was good. \\n\\nEnjoyed a wonderful evening here as part of a Yelp Elite event. Got to sample a wide variety of their food, and each dish was better than the next. The cocktail -- created special for the event, I think -- was fantastic (and I'm not usually a cocktail kind of guy...). The manager and staff are as attentive, knowledgeable, and friendly as could be. \\n\\nBasically, I consider the whole event an enticing appetizer for a much-anticipated main course: coming back for a full meal!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-11-06 01:35:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'yqQmwEhvkAySMyGrRsRjQw',\n"," 'user_id': 'XTWdXSOoUJnIMiVSA-1gDg',\n"," 'business_id': '_RwlMTw9uFeOkfX9Ctf1HA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 3,\n"," 'text': 'Ick. That sums up my experience at Dinardo\\'s in one \"word.\" Dinardo\\'s gave me that \"Ick\" vibe the minute I set my foot in the door. THough we were greeted by a very friendly hostess, the place looked like a run down diner on the interior--and it wasn\\'t very clean or charming. This would have been fine because a lot of times the \"run down\" places have the best \"authentic food,\" but this was not the case at Dinardo\\'s. At Dinardo\\'s you do not get what you pay for as the prices are rather high and the food quality is rather low. Our server hated his life and made snarky, mean comments throughout our time there which, though entertaining, was kind of unwelcome and unpleasant. My friend had the mussels which were puny and in an unimpressive sauce--unimpressive being the general adjective I would use to describe any given dish my party ordered. I had a soup which was extremely salty and bland beyond that and the broiled flounder and \"seafood imperial\" dishes were OK at best. \\n\\nI\\'d say if you\\'re looking for good seafood you\\'d be better off at any BYOB; little fish, audrey claire, ANYWHERE but Dinardo\\'s. I don\\'t understand how this place is still in business, to be honest.',\n"," 'date': '2008-05-02 19:07:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RXqhxbAuPPSNs-oyJJyOgw',\n"," 'user_id': 'zZygOZLNyJX5nDqKrwa4HQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'MjZQqZAmJeMco_Vq-Y9h-g',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Drum-roll please! Review #100 coming right up! \\n\\nI chose to review Starbucks as my 100th review because it is a guilty pleasure. Something that I only allow myself once a week. But something that I crave everyday! \\n\\nThis particular Starbucks is great. The baristas are always friendly and welcoming. The drinks are made correctly and quickly. I usually go with a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate or Mocha. I also occasionally order the White Mocha. If you can't tell, I enjoy coffee that doesn't taste like coffee! In the summer their iced teas are the perfect thirst quencher! Their breakfast pastry items are always delicious. Try the Cranberry-Orange Scone and you will not be disappointed! Their breakfast sandwiches are unique and pretty tasty as well.\\n\\nI always choose to go in and place my order over sitting in the drive thru. The line for their drive thru is always ridiculously long. It's usually quicker to go in!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-02-05 19:38:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'TynNY8E0l0qIjSLzxT_MJg',\n"," 'user_id': '9iEnY-s5NIxajMYXQPk30A',\n"," 'business_id': 'UhjfJpaAzgSYrTZ_dMMF1Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My wife and I loved everything about this diner. The decor is lovely & the food was great. I had the cheese steak and it was much better than Geno's. Our server was awesome\",\n"," 'date': '2015-09-24 01:36:34'},\n"," {'review_id': '0bT9gQpQO6MX3KVv5jrtdg',\n"," 'user_id': '9wvR3a-jGWmth9rgttgU2w',\n"," 'business_id': '4SneIG3-02kRCgQx-hu51Q',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Don't judge a book by it's cover. Looked like a any similar bar food type chain like Friday's, Bennigan's, or Ruby Tuesdays... JB Dawson's is far better.\\nAwesome experience from the second we stepped in, hostess greeted us with a smile and time to table waiting expectation. We were promptly seated, and tended to right away with a smile and good attitude by a server, Nancy, who helped us with a beverage and app order. \\n\\nFor our app we shared the twisted shrimp as it was Twisted Tuesday. Nancy told us this dish far surpassed Bone Fish's Bang Bang Shrimp, to our surprise, it clearly did. Our beverage and app shortly followed. \\n\\nShortly there after another server stopped by, Kyle, who was our designated server. Boy, smile, great greeting, great attitude, engaging. We talked a bit, figured our way through the menu and placed our order.\\n\\nFor our dishes, my wife selected the Four Cheese Mac & Cheese side -- Sharp Cheddar, Pepperjack, Mozzarella & Reggiano dusted with bread crumbs with cornbread as she had large lunch. Very good. Unexpected, light, not overly creamy, not burnt, just right. And the corn bread with maple butter..... ahhhhhh that was really nice.\\n\\n I ordered the fish tacos-- 3 Flour tortillas, seasoned tilapia, chimichurri sauce, mango cilantro salsa & a lime cream drizzle. Passed on starch sides and had their asparagus that was cooked to perfection. To my surprise the they were filling, nice size portion (see photo) not a two bite app. Very moist and super fresh fish.\\n\\nGreat first experience all around expect one key aspect. Their so called craft beer menu was really limited and did not contain a variety of types; focused more on IPAs. Limited thinking for the bar manager I must say. Kyle our waiter also bar-tends. We got to talking and he offered with no questions to swap out my beer for another option --- Stoudts Scarlet, which is a reddish beer. For my beer palette it was better then the others limited options had a nice taste at the swallow then waned off. Kyle informed us that they buy for all 4 restaurants and try to find a middling that works across the 4 guest demographics. Not a great decision honestly. There are so many great craft brewers in the Bucks County region and even Bristol area that should be showed cased and tested through. For me a bad or poor beer selection stunts the overall experience.\\n\\nWe'll be back but I may need to sneak in my own beer selections from my craft collection.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-26 01:02:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'W2btfi-4gtoDDOQkZysdAw',\n"," 'user_id': 'nlCZQEELgzkIma8ZLG9Sug',\n"," 'business_id': 'vF32KjPs8BgltSa484P1Yg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Stopped here for lunch on the way to drop some people off at the airport. It's a bit unexpected and a tiny bit off the beaten path on a residential street just behind a business district.\\n\\nI chose the vegetarian plate and a Greek salad. The salad was the absolute best I've ever had. The cheese was absolutely fresh, the vegetables were fresh and chopped just for the salad, and the dressing and seasoning was perfect. The salad was quite large on its own and could easily make a light lunch by itself.\\n\\nThe vegetarian plate came along with their fresh pita-like bread that is baked fresh every morning, seasoned, pan fried vegetables, rice, and a tzatziki-like sauce drizzled on top. The flavors were astounding, and despite a lack of desire to stuff myself silly, I did anyway. Plenty of food for lunch and very reasonably priced.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-01-17 01:25:31'},\n"," {'review_id': 'abKghvZEZue9xTHBRpZFAw',\n"," 'user_id': 'mLtqw04f9aYwz35NPU2j3Q',\n"," 'business_id': '4WdDY97x4GdMYtyk1KQMnw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Again for those that see my review I only give 5 stars after multiple trips. This local pho shop has an eclectic regular clientele that is loyal for a reason. Great food and very nice staff. \\n\\nThe ingredients are so fresh. I had bun beef because I was not phongry. That is pho hungry. \\n\\nHighly recommend stopping in.',\n"," 'date': '2013-11-14 01:20:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zCch4eTBh27jRAFN8TXFQw',\n"," 'user_id': 'u4wPqOuzG0kh8RwvKggf2A',\n"," 'business_id': '54XgUhaR0kDqw8bgbAEAtg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great food love the atmosphere in the place. . . the carne asada tacos are just like back home !!!',\n"," 'date': '2016-03-31 00:12:46'},\n"," {'review_id': '1z8mbdO4WAA1xplhixA5VQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'kMGGxl5wIq36Etd3XBkkCw',\n"," 'business_id': 'SlGNxQI23jc9iTZNTs_I3g',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 9,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Every time we go to this place, we go because of the enticing beer selections, but time after time we leave disappointed by a complacent bar staff that makes you feel like an inconvenience. It's such a shame. The beer selection is second to none, but this time we had one drink and decided to spend our money elsewhere for dinner. This place has been consistent for sure, every time we go, we get a miserable bartender who seems like they'd rather be working on a slow night when they don't have to talk to people. All of the enticing beer in the world won't bring us back. \\n\\nThe owners brother has a great place a few miles away, Brickside Grill, we went there instead...good beer, excellent food and the staff is consistently friendly and engaging!\",\n"," 'date': '2012-07-16 00:44:37'},\n"," {'review_id': '6j7TrxqNC9FtcRIPrDpRqQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'UYU71DRx-UDAee-eFOFfWw',\n"," 'business_id': 'hUX1yAimviBIhb21D_KtcQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My friend and I came here around 2pm on a Monday. It happened by default, as most of the restaurants on Main Street were closed. We sat ourselves down at the bar and got to drinking. After a few drinks, I ordered the pulled pork tacos and my friend had a burrito. Not bad, not stellar. Just a standard very place to drink and eat Mexican food. It's got a very college feel even in the middle of the day, so keep that in mind if that's not your thing.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-03-17 16:00:31'},\n"," {'review_id': '5X3RdarK-hkjLR6jqZFjzw',\n"," 'user_id': 'nPQIiqZAhdsu5HOxOCnNVA',\n"," 'business_id': '6exYCuj4iSl1Hd6hb0C_Bg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Wow!! That really sums up, in a very good way, my interactions with Delicious Designs and Leigh Anne! Our wedding was only planned two months out and was supposed to be very very small so no cake was needed. As the weeks went by, the guest list increased, so I decided I wanted a cake. With probably less than a weeks notice, Leigh Anne stepped up and made the exact cake I had in my head. I asked for a simple two tier lemon cake with no decorations. Not only did she make this happen beautifully, she made chocolate vegan cupcakes for my daughter at the last minute. I\\'m attaching a picture of the cake \"table\". My daughter did the decorating and I must say, for someone with not much in the decorating department, everything came out better than I could ever imagine. And not only was the cake perfect, it was yummy delicious. I can\\'t wait for my one year anniversary to dig in to that top layer! \\n\\nIf you are in need of any bakery needs in Reno and you don\\'t use Leigh Anne with Delicious Designs, well then all I can say is I\\'m sorry!',\n"," 'date': '2017-08-07 19:55:16'},\n"," {'review_id': 'w5aB9esyhoCh0cNnltqv_w',\n"," 'user_id': '0yBBVHdbfBC14E3c3FdeJg',\n"," 'business_id': 'arpAjDjebOzjwwysIGIwAg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I have been going to this nail salon for years off and on. I came here back when it was called Tropical Nails and Tom was the owner. Now its Grant Nails and has a different owner. When I started getting my nails done again I lucked out and found an experienced technician named Amy. I stuck with her because she did good nails. Then about 2 months ago Amy left. So I let the owner Angela do my nails. The first time was ok. Then the second time she did them the gel polish (which she talked me into getting instead of regular polish) started to chip within a day. I called and complained, she redid the polish and again within one or two days it was chipping. Now my nails look at mess. I don't trust her to correct the problem. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to find a new nail place. Very upsetting and disappointing.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-09-30 20:00:58'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Bhn9WcAe2rO26HT-TLKK_Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'D546DQFUUZk-DGsBJeqAbg',\n"," 'business_id': 'dJfkfBbJz7wi0RgW-ph_Eg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Awefull!!!! \\nIf I could give zero or negative stars I would!\\nI\\'ve never wrote a review before, but I am going out of my way to say that I had the absolute worst dining experience at the Sake House!! \\nAnd esp families, stay clear! \\nSo first off, I decided to take my 15 month old son out on a sushi date. We arrive at the Sake House at 4pm. There is only one other table and they were closing out. We sit down, and I immediately ask for a simple ice water with lemon. Waiter comes back 20 minutes later (no water). I order a simple roll for my son, to get him started and a cold Sake. I said I will wait to order mine to get him settled. Another 30 min later, still no water, no food. Waiter comes back with hot Sake, instead of cold. 20 minutes later, the roll for my son (not how I asked) finally some cold Sake, then I have to request water, and then only one cup for my son, no lemon. When I see 2 going on a third table had come in and ordered, and a \"to go\" order is being placed, all with food and water, I became perturbed. The waiter never came back to see what I wanted. Never came back to check on the order. Finally after nearly 2 hours of waiting and trying to deal with my antsy son, who waited so long to be served, and seeing one chef trying to make everyone\\'s order I decided it was time to go. Finally after waiting another 5/10 minutes I had to walk up and ask for my check , which was only a $6 drink. Which I reluctantly paid. After being in the hospitality industry for years, I know what to expect, and I know what to forgive. I also know that English being a second language must be tough...BUT since he was able to wait in other tables i know that wasn\\'t the issue. After 2 hours of waiting, and dealing with a fussy/hungry toddler as a single mother I feel like the least they could have done is offer a free drink, to say \"we understand we couldn\\'t accommodate you, but we tried.\" It\\'s principal above all else. ...I just waisted 2 hours! And had to leave and take my baby somewhere else. Time is money! And I waisted 2 hours here! \\nTime that is rare and I had to plan being a busy mother.\\nI should have listened to the other reviews about the shitty service here. \\nDon\\'t waste your time or money!!!\\nStay away! Any other place is better than here!',\n"," 'date': '2017-10-02 22:59:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Bz1DS2J28EzTLJHsaTyM7g',\n"," 'user_id': 'EROW4chFZQF1E-eZVpYAAA',\n"," 'business_id': 'diwwt5QBU3-Thig9SVlsOA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The only good part.... \\n\\nTheir stage is really cool! Raised up, lights that move around, good sound system, a fog machine, and a pretty big dance floor. \\n\\n\\nBut their food service.... crappy both times Ive been there. \\n\\nThe last time I was there I walked in, hadn't been greeted by anyone at the empty front podium, and just found a table. I figured once I sat down Id wait for an employee to get back to the menus and go up and ask for one. So I saw a lady working up at the front and went up and asked her. She said that they stopped serving food at...... I cant remember if it was 9 or 10 pm.... but she gave me a certain time that the kitchen closed. I went back to my table and looked at the time. It was 10 minutes before the time she told me the kitchen closed. I thought that was kinda dumb, but oh well.... maybe they stopped taking orders 10 minutes ahead or something. The next thing I see the SAME EXACT LADY seat four people RIGHT NEXT to our table and give them menus. Then she takes their order, and brings out their food. All I wanted were some freakin french fries and I had to sit there and watch the people who got there long after me eating french fries instead. RUDE!\",\n"," 'date': '2009-08-05 04:46:06'},\n"," {'review_id': 'uUNxMvlGR6eA8o_yD3kVJQ',\n"," 'user_id': '9CeEcqR2tr4XD9CWo_CgiQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'KKeItUB89NrvWF6E2sohGA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My hair is a work in progress. I have been trying to get an A-line bob for a bit over a year now with little success until today! Jenna Moore was referred by a friend and on my god I'm so glad she did. Jenna is amazing. She listen to everything I had to say and told me what she was going to do to make sure we were both on the same page. Not only did she listen but she delivered too! I know my hair needs some healing, Jenna doing the healing, and growing to get where I want to be but I actually see it in the future now thanks to Jenna. HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-12-29 20:59:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 'F_qeQJ7BH1mmxoI_l1WuMA',\n"," 'user_id': '1M1HMZO1_TuTS5tQbHKIgg',\n"," 'business_id': 'jULIPydhMj18KOI5OHTwfA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Fast. Fresh. The carne was very good. So was the guacamole. Wish there was the ability to customize taco toppings. The tortilla chips were too thick. The dulche de leche soft serve ice cream was amazingly delicious. Wish that there was more seating. Wish that table clean ups were more timely and more thorough.',\n"," 'date': '2017-05-14 12:06:06'},\n"," {'review_id': 'jOpJBXl6goiRYvsS8Oeriw',\n"," 'user_id': 'Qj-H-iwy4iD9K2qzexHRqQ',\n"," 'business_id': '2oij3AB1we03O7_H29iJ9g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Would it be weird if I wanted to move in and permanently live here!? The style of this salon is impeccable. The color palette and decor they chose makes it feel like you're in a Restoration Hardware magazine...in France...surrounded by heirloom antiques. I didn't know what to expect when arriving but I was pleasantly surprised with their upscale polish options like Chanel and many others I actually didn't know I needed in my life until I arrived. \\nService was prompt and I especially enjoyed the extended massage. Most importantly the tools she used were brand new/ had been sterilized. I watched her open the fresh package up, that made me feel good about cleanliness and safety. I don't know if all nail salons have cute gold tips on their nail trimmer tools but now I want them for my own collection. \\n\\nI picked a gray color for my toes and did OPI Funny Bunny gel on my nails. So far I'm loving both! \\nSo nice to see a high end nail salon finally making its way to Nashville. I've gone to others in Nashville that seem to be high end, but it just ends up like a VIP club on the Vegas strip with loud music and sparkles just waiting for a Justin Bieber song to come on. \\nCURED was not only high end, but it was classic. Like The Hamptons type of classic but with a comfortable low key brunch with girlfriends mimosa type of vibe. I think it would be amazing for a bridal party with so many photo opportunities. I felt comfortable with their prices, competitive to anywhere else I've gone in Nashville worth mentioning. \\n\\nI didn't know where to park so I parked on the side in a random parking lot. Looks like there's a lot of up and coming businesses beside them under construction. So I'm assuming once those are complete, parking will be pretty straight forward? \\n\\nWhen my Mom & Sister come into town next I'm going to take them here & go to Local Honey for lunch since it's so close. \\n\\nCan't wait to go back. Welcome to the neighborhood!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-08-05 08:02:11'},\n"," {'review_id': 'bu0BUkenT8c8nnyKUaF0-A',\n"," 'user_id': 'qmpRRF4HAKuGJEujoK-IdQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'eaDZlSuVS0EY67Ke6pRP6Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I've been coming to this place for years now, and even though I now live in Colorado, I come back here every time I'm in Philadelphia for work (which is often). I've tried many items on the menu and many were great, portions are generous, and prices are low. My go to item - Indian Mee Goreng, I can eat that every day of the week if I could, it's that good. Maybe one day I can get the recipe from the manager so I can actually do that on days I'm in CO.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-02-24 14:34:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'O9--fIsyIjBhSB8OIwW_QQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'KMwv6qK14VZvC-We6l9LCg',\n"," 'business_id': 'wxNrsZt7towVK4LgjjEo1g',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'not impressed!..... the service was great but the pizza i ordered was not good. i love Stella and Trenos pizza so i wast expecting the same type. no desire to return again',\n"," 'date': '2014-09-26 03:15:35'},\n"," {'review_id': '-nQRvxUGWYUBqTZdcyvprQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'kCZCIJwvyDqt08mJSF0K7g',\n"," 'business_id': 'I2Yt74AzSQFfyQqgN7PSEg',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Stayed for one week post Christmas. Unless you take adjoining rooms as a family, strangers conversations/coughs/clearing throats/fights/dogs barking etc feel as if they are in your bed with you. Only slept two out of seven nights after hotel cleared out after New Years. Connecting doors are very poorly insulated. Staff at hotel is superior...really excellent but Starwood needs to do something about insulating those doors. Have stayed many places with connecting doors and never experienced anything as bad. Poor materials used????',\n"," 'date': '2012-01-04 17:43:13'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Z_tQ-hruQRU45Rg3XglyJQ',\n"," 'user_id': '9wymgENHBBOm9Tlx7xHy7A',\n"," 'business_id': 'HZtkTPfSshfRjpQR7x1Raw',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I didn't really like my sandwich I got here. I got the jalapeño cheese bread and it was tasteless and dry. I could tell it was old. Also I got tomatoes and cucumbers which were mush because they were overripe. Usually they're a lot better than this but today wasn't it. The staff is very friendly though.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-03-14 23:13:32'},\n"," {'review_id': 'yjQIyHFpnUKh49X4HYJuSQ',\n"," 'user_id': '0BSbvM-aROa5l-8mN4yayQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'WQ832PDnsDshhbQFm83ISg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We love this movie theater/ bar/ restaurant. Great drinks, friendly service and good food. We can only recommend this place!!',\n"," 'date': '2016-10-13 20:38:11'},\n"," {'review_id': '9iSPQRg-oE525tze73mx4w',\n"," 'user_id': 'm9M_VU5Q3JpgrP9NFZFkQg',\n"," 'business_id': 'SDF1usj2mnUNqbIy4JBQTQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Ordered an iced mocha and an iced white chocolate mocha and they were both was awful. They had NO coffee flavor or chocolate flavor at all, very watered down. Even went back and asked the girl to add another shot and why. I think she remade them, instead of just adding another shot. Still had NO flavor. Not even sure how you could make it that bad. We both ended up throwing them away on the way out. So sad, not even worth drinking.',\n"," 'date': '2014-08-11 00:51:07'},\n"," {'review_id': '8y9euenMquO7i6gDAsj8Pw',\n"," 'user_id': 'wo1qycEKVbUYhezpmialJA',\n"," 'business_id': 'N-MVwAcmsQDZCxbZjZhPDA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Few years ago this used to be the best. Wasnt that price they had a ton of stuff staff always helpful and friendly. I bough a part once it was faulty returned it they gave me my money back no question about it. Another time I bough a part I didnt need returned that too money in hand no question. Starting to go down now but still pretty decent place',\n"," 'date': '2012-09-11 02:37:42'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qqwFmxlMyUqsFxb7DtU4NQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'OgpIQ6TidzIF-wLl3hYdGQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'ZXKBVg-5drZ37wnwVEZe-A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This has fast become one of my favorite New Orleans gems! Enter over at the bridge on Peters near Elysian Fields or a little way up on Piety, either way, if you like breezes and city views, your efforts will be rewarded. The path stretches about a 1.25 miles from close to Elysian Fields over to the area near the old Navy installation. Along the way are various art installations, a dog park, and a wonderful walk along the mighty Mississippi River. If you time it just right, you might catch one of the spectacular sunsets. A beautiful way to end any day in NOLA!',\n"," 'date': '2017-11-07 00:36:35'},\n"," {'review_id': 'vHOeBa7aMA_na4rfS2Db5A',\n"," 'user_id': 'QmPSBBPFVj3_G2MceMttDg',\n"," 'business_id': '0z45rM2paE-O-6w63GEi6g',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Yelp doesn\\'t allow to leave 0 star review, so that is why you see one star. Me and my wife are moving from NY to South California, and we contacted 5 different moving companies. I sent my initial email to United Van Lines on 05/02/2018, and soon I got email back with Virtual Survey confirmation for 05/10. The lady that did virtual survey was very meticulous and professional and we \"screened\" through the whole apartment in 15 minutes. No one contacted me after that, so I sent a second email almost a month after, on 06/05 asking if everything is ok, and if I can get the quote. I don\\'t need to mention that other 4 companies sent their quotes in less than 48 hours. Since no one replied til today, I called the direct phone and I left the message on the answering machine. No one called me back. I hope everything is ok, and that no one is hurt, because I don\\'t see any other reasonable explanation why they are avoiding me. Very, very unprofessional.',\n"," 'date': '2018-06-09 01:37:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'UdKXbsNyrbUMKm3ou4B4Rw',\n"," 'user_id': 'SUFd_R_9HzYq5Ykv65sDiA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Dtuf4vD0znzwJW9vk3iTNw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Excellent price for sushi and I love their specialties sushi menu. Snow mountain and Volcano sushi are remarkable sushi!',\n"," 'date': '2015-02-16 18:33:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'B64w3FRqtalYlf2JQyqSEw',\n"," 'user_id': 'RDKpadmqI2CpSvRUy_sorQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'I1h0GRYp86eX-XqwVXsSGA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'THE BEST place to go for gyros! The quality of their food is amazing. I always get chicken gyros here but they have all kinds of goodies. My daughter loves their burgers. And the thick, perfectly seasoned steak fries are the bomb! Always hot and fresh. \\n\\nThe only thing I did not care for was the baklava. They make it with pistacios.',\n"," 'date': '2015-02-16 21:55:00'},\n"," {'review_id': 'B-7TUHzZyMUsmt5dbUUxlw',\n"," 'user_id': 'RaC8QCJGJu0K3uPsDE0TKg',\n"," 'business_id': 'mcr1lAEdvGLMJhuPwI3I2A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"In Reno for the night. Was a bit skeptical because well..it's Reno, but this place far exceeded expectations. Very good Taiwanese food compared to most places I've tried in different cities. My recommendations: 三杯鸡, oyster omlet, and scallion pancake. \\n\\nThere are many other dishes I wish I could try. Will definitely miss this place once I leave.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-01-04 04:40:12'},\n"," {'review_id': 'rE4CB9_glMM2ZhKBEeyKWA',\n"," 'user_id': 'MCTozYpoezrFbbpHOOqmSw',\n"," 'business_id': 'dMhslmjZ0dJov0sMCxf39Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Good, authentic food. Nice, clean environment. Good service. Not a significant beer selection but all in all a great first experience. We will return.',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-15 14:07:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'DkrsmadeZJj_GERNMIBxVg',\n"," 'user_id': 'LqC5hNXcFVY-jcbyxi-tuQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'Q-prSTdggNlxAEFV88BZOw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Came here for lunch with my fiancee and friend, found a small table by the window. they have a great and varied wine selection. I got a bubbly and my fiancee got some Italian orange soda. We got the lamb sausage, potato chips, and crab stuffed peppers as \"snacks\" then i got the mozzarella with prosciutto bacon bits sandwich which was delicious and savory while being light and healthy. service was prompt and polite. rustic, intimate, and cozy wine lounge atmosphere with low to medium noise level. bathroom door lock and handle are kind of confusing to use at first. would definitely recommend for lunch!',\n"," 'date': '2013-12-28 20:23:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lEdYIh_Pd3g5oPCy8MNL6Q',\n"," 'user_id': '3rtbUppa8N2ixowxdMPebA',\n"," 'business_id': 'jxfAi7UDmtbhyPw7ZsfKVw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This is my first choice whenever we decide to go out to dinner! They have a huge selection of foods that will fit any type of person who will be dining there. Their staff is super nice and will accommodate to whatever your needs may be! The restaurant itself is beautiful and very relaxing. In my opinion, Fellinis of media has the best Italian cuisine around.',\n"," 'date': '2017-11-06 20:39:41'},\n"," {'review_id': 'FUxvrj8f5YQdAJrUzZFdSQ',\n"," 'user_id': '7PzSDwOmU6wQd9aKX3-NRg',\n"," 'business_id': 'BJphaOPeTtqUFF5pauQEhw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"This place is game changer for the neighborhood. We got some take out tonight and the food was absolutely delicious. I'm really stoked they moved in and I'm newly smitted by southern Latin food. The family who owns it also seem very sweet! \\nI think this place is exactly what the neighborhood needed!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-09-10 00:54:33'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Blzra0ClBO8mORAnUCk5Xg',\n"," 'user_id': '6Mhbp06FEhD9uxUGCCUmKA',\n"," 'business_id': 'fBNjTSdPJ1mtTzIHYpQnDw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"ZERO STARS!! This place is dirty and disorganized. There were yellowed OLD newspapers piled on top of a dusty fake tree in the waiting area. Jenna did my nails so poorly I had to return TWO times in one week for repairs while she scolded and argued with me the whole time. \\n I see no FUTURE for this place or in MY FUTURE. Don't waste your time or money. This is the Lehigh Acres location.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-09-03 13:04:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'oto8Mqazg6SV63g2hJx7LQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'zDWhnidBcEok7Vqnu-AnMg',\n"," 'business_id': 'oBhJuukGRqPVvYBfTkhuZA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'was here twice -- first for a nightcap at the bar -- the drinks really were some good stuff and i tried a the lemon hummus and pita -- that was the best hummus ive ever had!\\n\\nthe next morning we came in for brunch, which was pretty much terrible. first of all, it took us 45 minutes to get our food for brunch....and it came out cold and we found a hair. the manager did comp our check though. overall, the bar is great, but i would skip breakfast. what a disappointment for a kimpton restaurant.',\n"," 'date': '2010-05-16 23:19:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pIFGqL210EybhN6t0Jtzjw',\n"," 'user_id': 'DB5uuOamJ5N2RZ5ylqOFQw',\n"," 'business_id': 'OfI4DC1DVCJ92XcLdFBMFg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I really enjoy this theater! It is always clean and the staff is always friendly. the reason I am giving them for star in that V is because they haven't done some of the necessary updates that other theaters have done by updating the seating offering wait staff service excetera. You can go to the Roadhouse theater for $11 with a student discount or 12 bucks, which is all required liners and heated seats and they have wait staff with a chef. The pricing is nearly the same at this theater but it doesn't have all the same perks. I believe they may have one or two theaters with upgraded seats but they really need to go through the entire theater and update it.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-07-17 16:13:00'},\n"," {'review_id': '5zWhnq05f3r6ntTqHUF5LA',\n"," 'user_id': 'onQsolCnpHwtOZCIuI91vQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'DTIKGgzoKGLCNw2dNKfHZg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': '4-5 stars, this is just after one visit so far, worth a try if you\\'re a thai fan. I liked the food, but you always have to have the first visit to see \"how they do things\" and figure out what your preferences will need to be.\\n\\nI did use their living social deal so I brought my dad in when he came in from out of town to try it out with me. I like the set up, the quaint house is cute (and well, quaint), but I can see how it wouldn\\'t be ideal it if was jam packed. I imagine you could potentially do family style for some of the pub height tabletops. I did call ahead to make sure that I didn\\'t need to print out the coupon and it could be used from my ipod and to make sure they were open, as the website said to just double check.\\n\\nWe started with shrimp spring rolls, probably the best I\\'ve had, the ingredients seemed fresher, and crispier. No shredded lettuce here. Simple and loosely wrapped, but you could taste the individual components. The peanut sauce was tasty too, though they don\\'t have sirracha (spelling?) to add to it, just dried pepper flakes. \\n\\nWe then got the tom yum (gai?) with shrimp. I know it is hot (because of the name, duh), I usually prefer it a little less spicy (I am white), though I still got a good sour flavor (for instance at Thai chili it\\'s too hot for me, I don\\'t taste any sour). I usually get my tom yum without meat or seafood because I feel the meat gets dried out, but the server assured me the shrimp wouldn\\'t be overcooked, and they weren\\'t. I think they are making sure to use fresh ingredients, but I do prefer straw mushrooms (I think they are usually canned) over the button mushrooms they used. Next time I am probably going to try out a veggie version (i love the soup with the cabbage, and broccoli). The owner did tell me they are trying to be authentic and so maybe button mushrooms and less veggies is more authentic?\\n\\nWe then got shrimp pad thai and chicken pad keo mao (drunken noodle) minus the red pepper. Both were tasty, the portions were probably a little less than other places in Reno (not sure if just lunch sized portion now that I think about it).\\n\\nLike Ernie said, the pad thai noodles were a little soft, overdone, and its not the \\'orange-y\\' sauce like other pad thai\\'s, but there was still flavor there. The shrimp were also tasty in this dish. The drunken noodles was done exactly how I like them, lots of baby corns and the noodles covered in the sauce and of course spicy. \\n\\nMy dad and I talked outside for a while and the husband did come out and talk with me about the food, and asked if I was happy (we were outside a while). I hope the living social deals bring in some business, and I do plan on coming back, it is just hard because I don\\'t live in the area. I also asked about the cooking classes (they are a steal at $65), and on facebook it said they are looking to improve and give some focus to that side of the business. The owner did say that they use just a regular kitchen so no woks or anything like that (meaning what they teach us can actually be done at home), I wonder if that is why the pad thai noodles are that way? Regardless, they seem to pride themselves on authentic and quality food and service.\\n\\nI did include pictures. Oh I did try a thai iced tea for the first time too, pretty tasty, reminded me of chai tea. \\n\\nI didn\\'t get to see the bill closely, but it was $24 and some change after the living social deal (takes $20 off), I didn\\'t think that was too bad for 2 for lunch (the total cost), with an appetizer and soup and a drink.',\n"," 'date': '2013-06-24 09:58:07'},\n"," {'review_id': 'MIvAWbDNBsj5veOvsftNgw',\n"," 'user_id': '758g6NGLp9deCbvowz62Ww',\n"," 'business_id': 'z6SVTb9eFIcWVpKXIfFEvQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Sometimes I just head on over to Kingsway if I need a little shopping fix, instead of battling the crowds at West Ed. They've got lululemon, Jacob, Danier, Gap, Club Monaco, American Eagle, and a variety of other shops that work for me, and it's never so busy you have to brush past people in the halls. \\n\\nI sometimes just go for the food -they've got New York Fries, Orange Julius, Poppin' pop corn, Booster Juice, Extreme Pita, Bad Ass Jack's and other choices. \\n\\nThe food court has a ton of seating. It's never completely full. There's a Zellers and a dollar store and a Sears. I just wish they had a Bay and a movie theatre to round it out a bit. Otherwise, Kingsway is as good a mall as I need.\",\n"," 'date': '2008-12-03 20:05:18'},\n"," {'review_id': '8KsAOhkgxmRVL_xqcOh0oQ',\n"," 'user_id': '5LBa1w6O84T4wk4JU1l5Hw',\n"," 'business_id': 'VeqkfRUzZAKlQer3npXPdQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'So my favourite Indian in St Louis is still Spice and Grill on Olive, Husband said lets have a change so we tried out Indias Kitchen this evening and ordered a portion of the goat curry.\\n\\nSorry to say this curry was not great, the sauce was very heavy on the salt and tomato and the goat was tough as an old boot, the naan bread was below mediocre. Only nice thing was the rice. Very Very dissapointed',\n"," 'date': '2013-09-04 00:59:33'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Sk9DcKI55f0s_253vc50Ig',\n"," 'user_id': 'ZINyxsYek_RF6jrUmQ_zDw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Es39sSDXiReBthHLBSD_Xw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Yes, it's a little pricey, but it was darned near worth it. \\nIt certainly didn't seem a priority to get us our menus, but once they did, the service was pretty on point. The bread was good. I ordered a chopped salad and a crab cake, and the hub got a crab cake sandwich with fries. We had water to drink, no appetizers-walked out for $45 with tip. The food came quickly. My food was great-and I'm no salad eater. The crab cake was quality, fries were good. \\nAnother drawback is that we had to sit in the bar area bc it was after 9. The table was the size of a chair, 3 plates were too much.\\n\\nP.S. i used my bank card, and noticed that I was charged significantly more than I agreed to, so I called the restaurant. The manager said it's a banking glitch, and should correct itself before the money comes out of my account... It better.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-02-14 03:34:58'},\n"," {'review_id': '-gByzTOEA54VenG3s3EqRA',\n"," 'user_id': 'xy73BfEs7UKuT1PImQWM1g',\n"," 'business_id': 'WIv5kTb_P3jnngPkMeRRNw',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I am sort of a sushi snob. \\n\\nI\\'m going to be honest. This was literally the worst sushi Ive ever had. It was warm... WARM! (and NO! it wasn\\'t tempura).\\n\\nI also paid $3 for a side salad which was literally iceberg lettuce. \\n\\nNope... no spring mix...no romaine...no iceberg with slivers of carrots or even purple cabbage... LITERALLY just iceberg. I was puzzled and then angry and then i had to smirk and whisper, \"well played my friend... well played\".\\n\\nI will never be back..\\n\\nCheck and Mate.',\n"," 'date': '2013-10-03 20:21:34'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GHyyQunPh8YubLtk6FlftQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'Yr7tRi9b5-Na2FWP5ihG2A',\n"," 'business_id': 'gCcJTKC40CL0XtYYGfcXDw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My partner and I split the vegetarian platter and left stuffed! Delicious food, very kind and attentive staff. Will help you make decisions on ordering and certainly won't take advantage of you. Will definitely be back.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-10-24 02:26:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'XHFOnP_cEiqRRc8_i1rJtQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'gqgX3uu-9-3MJzLdOH8ZtA',\n"," 'business_id': 'cB_9eHHfo9me96cZup-lZQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I have never stayed at a hotel so ghetto. Sure the atmosphere is great and very classy looking. However the staff is the opposite. First of all, my friend booked us a suite for the bachelorette party she was planning. They gave us two separate rooms and my friend had to beg for them to be at least next door to each other since they ran out of suites. Then to make up for it, they threw in free valet. The next day her car had been keyed on her door when the valet brought it from the parking garage. Seriously? Worst experience and I certainly won't ever be back.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-01-18 18:05:56'},\n"," {'review_id': 'WwdgjZvARA-p7IU4I4Iqbw',\n"," 'user_id': '1cFrIQsRvzrsqn-1zs_0Fg',\n"," 'business_id': '_IYHl6J9iB3lbeJq27pbsg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I've been to this place in numerous occasions and I have never been disappointed! My friend and I are traveling to Puerto Rico and my mother in law wanted Tamales! They were very accommodating and gave us free samples and offer to cook them and pack them for us! Great place and very friendly staff!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-08-30 17:20:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'hoFBjn6qNY1V4_ZT9gJB3g',\n"," 'user_id': 'AXBsPgSbyjGkAqPLSwiTYg',\n"," 'business_id': 'P50W1jWWLTFjuEUdkGZJdA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Wish I had read the reviews before we stopped for dinner. When we arrived there were only two other tables of patrons and a handful of people at the bar. They promptly took our food order, but we waited 50 minutes for it to be delivered. It was only a burger and a pork tenderloin sandwich. Not sure why we didn't leave other than the fact we were watching football. Food was just ok.\\n\\nThe people at the bar were so loud, offensive and obnoxious that I felt uncomfortable for an older couple that was dining. What kind of management allows this kind of behavior? \\n\\nThis place won't last.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-11-30 02:13:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gJvP54OrwhunN3v_fYch4w',\n"," 'user_id': 'oxRTQG2dgff8benlkytpdg',\n"," 'business_id': '6kAXOzE7fqaBZINQV_-_mg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"i enjoyed the experience eating here and will definitely go back.\\n\\nfirst of all, there are vegetarian options on the menu. we started with the veggie spring rolls which were hot, crisp, and delicious. my husband had the duck and rice vermicelli soup which we both agreed was great in a yummy, savory broth. i had the beef pho which i didn't care for because the meat was a bit grisly and i'm not a fan of tripe. i've not eaten a lot of pho and wasn't sure what to order, though. they offer several different beef cuts and i should have picked a different one. next time. also, the regular serving size was way more than enough. i don't think either of us could have come close to finishing the largest bowls.\\n\\nthe restaurant was clean and quiet with a sparse, yet very 80s decor. the server was quick and attentive.\",\n"," 'date': '2010-01-09 21:53:11'},\n"," {'review_id': 'K7W2UaUGJvpbqiqObRhQQQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'Xj4NPAq2efs4mzS4kFHGyQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'eMiN8nm70jjKg8izikVWDA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"3.5 stars.\\n\\nChickie's and Pete's is a friendly sports bar, particularly for women, and it has lots of seating for Sunday games. I appreciate the sound booth in the sky, as it means that (admittedly bad) music is played during the commercials, along with special themes for Eagles fans. And, the place seems to be smoke free.\\n\\nBut, I am not impressed by the famous crab fries, which are crinkled, lightly fried, and seasoned with garlic, chili pepper, and salt. Something about the congealed cheese sauce detracts from the entire experience, and I also prefer my fries to be piping hot. However, there are towers of beer available (complete with taps), which is pleasantly tacky. \\n\\nWith loads of space, booming sound, cute servers, and rowdy fans, Chickie's and Pete's is a perfect place to catch a game.\",\n"," 'date': '2009-10-14 15:05:13'},\n"," {'review_id': 'XZklVaG-Lt4rJMe3ahxERg',\n"," 'user_id': 'RHpCcdTbnBkgpdTYvbbTcw',\n"," 'business_id': 'pSmOH4a3HNNpYM82J5ycLA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Pancake Pantry is an institution in Nashville. A place to see country stars and have a great breakfast. Pancakes are good. It's a thing to do in Nashville. Plan to stand in line and enjoy the conversation.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-04-22 02:14:00'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qvCNnSkDqjg3oCexS1-juQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'MBqmvYqNnq6OmQQYqivHeQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'qq6vsh6ZEshfv4mTdrjA0g',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I have been a loyal customer at Magasin Cafe for years, it's what made me fall in love with Vietnamese food. Since Magasin Cafe has closerd for renovations I came to Magasin Kitcheb to curb my weekly pho cravings. The food and service were good- even the chopped was seasoned better than the other location. However, paying more money for the same meal and the restaurants atmosphere deters the ranking. Quality food and service will continue to keep me a loyal customer.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-08-16 19:14:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'vNt56WcULXzTbuHwUlMG3Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'MLjsIHbz1UWQ65wGSs0Cqw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Wr2k0Vz8RbcumYulp-jIrA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I love this place...stop whenever I can; either at this location or the Philadelphia one. I could eat the cumin style lamb every day of the week. But honestly, all of their food is good. I'm definitely a fan of their rabbit appetizer. People can argue about how authentically Sichuan it is...whatever. The only place I've actually had Sichuan food taste exactly like they serve in Sichuan Province was when I went to Chengdu. This place is well worth eating at.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-05-12 18:07:21'},\n"," {'review_id': '0-8YJMqAill6hdhjlQfkbA',\n"," 'user_id': '5W6Vqa03AyAurgiaDwTVfA',\n"," 'business_id': '2l8WHcEiwFW0wEvopwa8_A',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 6,\n"," 'cool': 3,\n"," 'text': 'A quasi political rant and a store review all wrapped in one, so enjoy. \\n\\nEver since Target hit the scene I really have to ask, \"Who even goes to Kmart anymore?\" I asked this to myself out loud the other day as I had to get my meds filled due to a sinus infection. No one looked at me odd, as there seemed to be several people talking to themselves. I now go here because of the stolid contractual war between Express Scripts and Walgreens. Thanks you two....idiots.....qausi-political rant over.\\n\\nThis store is harshly bright, rather dingy, and the selections, especially in the electronic section, are on the cheaper end. On top of that, I\\'ve found the mainstream DVD and Blu-Ray movies are overpriced. I laughed at the men\\'s area, especially the young man\\'s department, as they had a tv with music videos playing. I laughed because it just seemed a lame attempt to be cool and creating a shopping experience that you will find at a department store like Macy\\'s or Dillard\\'s. This is hard to create when everything is whitewashed. You will feel like you are in that August Burns Red\\'s \"Whitewashed.\" The best WTF moment is discovering the opportunity to purchase Joe Boxer male thongs. Who knew that Kmart cared about male panty line?\\n\\nOne great tip is you can find patio furniture cheap during the off season and clearance days. I bought a great patio table for under $50. So, keep that in mind.\\n\\nThe extra star is for the pharmacy, as they filled my prescription out efficiently and with the greatest of ease. The hours are little later than Target. No problems there and credit when credit is due!\\n\\nThe later 80s quote, \"K-Mart sucks\", remains as true as ever and who knows, you may even bump into someone who still dresses from that Tom Cruise era who cares about male panty line. One never knows?',\n"," 'date': '2012-03-31 12:55:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'OC5nTy1jWjlz5_FiKFbU0Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'DKnsz2rmUkAs0jZ7Qd61WA',\n"," 'business_id': 'oQ5CPRt0R3AzFvcjNOqB1w',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The Tuck Special. So good I would drive all the way back out to Nashville from TX just to have it again. It's a mix of strange ingredients- brisket, egg, pimento cheese but combined they are an amazing flavor combination. My husband didn't care for the BBQ sauce on the table, but meat was pretty good. I can see how this place gets crowded, but if you have patience and look up the menu ahead of time, it should be manageable.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-09-06 18:30:56'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gPphW4O_XNsmqhqRAQ6qBw',\n"," 'user_id': 'ijfCVc5I5AGDbAq6RCaj6Q',\n"," 'business_id': '8G4mt9y5mRg161XBs-hePw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The restaurant smelled like a toilet. I couldn't stand it. My daughter and I got the meals to go and the guy put them in the same box. She doesn't eat fish and that is what I got. I know it's a sushi restaurant but she likes the California rolls. I got the spicy tuna roll. It was mediocre. My daughter did enjoyed hers. Will not be going back.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-03-05 00:30:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JdKl3gf7xLkxwn2uUrMmgg',\n"," 'user_id': 'TmdJhSSDABdUwuci8HhbBw',\n"," 'business_id': 'cXSyVvOr9YRN9diDkaWs0Q',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Love the food. Big portions, interesting and ever changing menue. The only issues i have are that the seating is cramped, too loud for conversation and the coffe is not as good as Sabrina's.\\n\\nThe latkas are always perfect and the bacon is the best I ahve had in Philly.\",\n"," 'date': '2008-05-06 18:40:32'},\n"," {'review_id': 'r34W_h6NEMvBIpT2h53GQw',\n"," 'user_id': 'p0tP-O8y7rhJKd1iFirgwQ',\n"," 'business_id': 't0XZeA0MP0P66QyLQn_NUw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This is a must get when you come to Reno is Yellow Subs. Ask for the sprouts on your sub and you won't regret it. It is way better then anywhere I've ever been. The people are totally down to earth and always are nice and Stack your sub with only the best. Only the best and I recommend this to anyone who loves subs and loves food. Oh and there Tank Tops and T-shirts, priceless, I have a tank myself and represent it anywhere I go. Will be going there again in the future. 5 stars because the service was fast, people were nice, food was amazing, seating made you feel closer to your peers with more conversation movement back and forth and a great environment.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-15 07:24:31'},\n"," {'review_id': 'fD6OZa4gKbYQ3KXBL05B6Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'nNwt6CpVXwprulh_v5CPzg',\n"," 'business_id': 'ySSOZ_fz7wMhfjhWKzdR-w',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Tina I believe was our waitress.. I'm not sure if I want to give 3 or 4 stars. Its just that the initial wait was kinda long. But it was my first time eating the food and I thought it was pretty good. I liked my side salad too!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-01-03 07:11:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cuBwtPrWFwo7VWRNHXlySQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'WSnkenwrfdhW0eM_vs2Iqw',\n"," 'business_id': 'wnjFEC-w0qWnyDnO8k1RpA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Love!! Our new favorite local spot. We've gone a few times since they opened and it's always a good ambiance, and great food. The drinks are great, the salsa is super yummy, and the salads are very much entree sized. Bring your friends, sit outside, grab a margarita and enjoy!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-07-08 17:33:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'psxbpQH6lDnBpXli53uxIw',\n"," 'user_id': 'HlSzWDRcShtuUHImvGzq2g',\n"," 'business_id': '7R_LxvRPu3qMc8xMhP0POw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great service, food was ok.. Wish the soups were served warmer, and my steak was cooked well done, when requested medium. \\n\\nHowever the service was excellent.',\n"," 'date': '2014-11-30 00:22:05'},\n"," {'review_id': '_UJt6A57MmdanQoYr4dx2A',\n"," 'user_id': 'kfiBpwAZFxAo_RcrBmQjbA',\n"," 'business_id': 'bdth7r1brx9yRU7sYwF9jQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Despite it's great reviews by other Yelpers, I was not that blown away by Nippon Tei. \\n\\nMy roommate and I were craving sushi and were recommended to come here by Yelp and a friend so we decided to give it a shot. \\n\\nFirst off, they get bonus points for serving FREE edemame as an appetizer. I usually pay $4 to $5 for it at other sushi restaurants. The mango sake drink I have was alright, but not worth the price I paid for it. \\n\\nOn to the main event...SUSHI! We had the philly roll, tempura roll, tuna roll, and california roll. They were all yummy, but I would have to say I have had better. Actually, out of the hand-full of sushi restaurants I have tried, this was the worst sushi I have tried, but I cannot say the sushi was bad by any means. Don't get me wrong, it was still tasty. \\n\\nThe other big thing was that the rolls were actually falling apart. I have never had this happen. Therefore, I can say that the presentation and the ability to get the sushi from the plate to my mouth without falling apart did make me unhappy. \\n\\nI am willing to come back to Nippon Tei, but I have to say I already have my other favorites. The prices were average compared to other sushi bars, so that won't really help them out either when it comes to bringing me back. We will see!\",\n"," 'date': '2010-08-22 04:33:06'},\n"," {'review_id': '0gFENhAB6mfMwL1V0Z2fWw',\n"," 'user_id': '6O_FYCuqBqsTcWGGTvvjSQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'WQ832PDnsDshhbQFm83ISg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Went to see Star Wars Rogue One yesterday in 3D. Buying the tickets was a breeze, and the atmosphere was inviting. Found the comfortable seats with no problem and ordered right away before the movie began. I ordered pretzel sticks - food was hot, prompt & delicious. I was excited for the movie to begin. Once the advertisements were done and the movie started, that\\'s when I noticed something wasn\\'t right. The entire screen was so dark that I was not able to make out the faces of the actors on the screen. I kept lifting up the 3D glasses to see if it made a difference - nope. The two people seated next to me were noticing the same and complaining. I thought that maybe this is how the movie was filmed? Then it got worse. Even with the 3D glasses on, the shadows in the background on the screen were double and there was no discerning most actors\\' faces at all. I got up and went to the lobby and asked for the manager. The gentleman wore a blue shirt, middle age with a beard, said that this was the 3D experience, it was a \"closed-system\" and there was nothing he could do. I simply asked him to come with me into the theater to see with his own eyes how dark it was. He would not and did not. I suspect this wasn\\'t the first time he\\'s heard this from a customer. I\\'ve seen normal movies at this location before, but this was my first, and last experience with their 3D in room #1.',\n"," 'date': '2016-12-19 16:42:59'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Kj7HMhdzGih7D7FCL13OOw',\n"," 'user_id': '2uEiUCdT57UeaVkL8mjIqg',\n"," 'business_id': 'HcEOK1WiOpHvhZtp7PkRmg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Overpriced for average food served warm (not hot) by servers who had trouble saying the names of the dishes and seemed in a rush to give us our bill when the place was more than half empty (on a Saturday night). When one of the servers came over to check on the $23 pork chop (which was not listed in the menu - $18 price was), my spouse commented there was a lot of fat....she seemed baffled by his comment, then walked away! The \"ropa vieja\" dish was good, but overpriced for being served in moderate portion. The menu prices did not reflect the ambiance (random plastic container boxes placed on a nearby table nor the sagging knitted item hanging over our table - it looks like there should\\'ve been a lamp in it).',\n"," 'date': '2013-05-29 03:08:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lyHHV0jehKe34uwm1rAVsw',\n"," 'user_id': 'GZkFjlhsCmIxkxPywouEKQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'ZhCnKe7U1TsHWnAlXl8Isw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Should have listened to other reviews--we were kind of disappointed. The layout of the restaurant is interesting in that it's made to look sort of like the inside of a chicken coop (made for people). However, the food was overpriced and underwhelming. We ate from the Sunday brunch menu--only decent value on the menu is the chicken strips and fries. My wife ordered the seasonal salad, which was comically small and was way short on the actual lettuce (and not cheap either). Chicken was good, but nothing better than Raising Canes in my opinion. Service and food seemed on the slow side, especially with the small crowd.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-03 21:55:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'wUHUieO_gckt0HcrrI63PQ',\n"," 'user_id': '5ucOKo929N6dPfNjLuFoEA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Dv6RfXLYe1atjgz3Xf4GGw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Wow. I am not a vegetarian, nor am I a health-food nut (except for my random \"diet\" binges) but this place is awesome. A co-worker talked me into trying it out one day (by going there and getting me something and putting it in front of me) and she created a monster. I may not order every day but I sure do think about them. And their delicious salads! Every time I go there I am greeted with a smile and there are tons of other people waiting for their food, as well. Good company =)',\n"," 'date': '2013-02-22 00:48:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'AjH2OSOcGUrTf__5eRVVjw',\n"," 'user_id': 'CfPivYrFhdhm6o7a8g0RMg',\n"," 'business_id': 'BJsImYl47kF-98HWXm0Dvg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Only giving a 1 because there is nothing lower!!! Angie\\nGave me the worst haircut I've ever had!!! I came in with 2 photos of the cut I wanted came out with my hair looking NOTHING like the photos!! Even when pointed out to her she didn't not pay attention to what she was doing. Came out basically having a mans flattop! Would never go to this place again!!! Nothing like going into the Holidays with a crappie haircut. Thank you!! Angie and Regis Hair salon!!\",\n"," 'date': '2016-11-22 00:51:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Zu6bgZauDRpbjosFFO7p2w',\n"," 'user_id': '9yxxvX5ySJSylQk3LMWzIQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'vD2jzpPv4iyOLKzITscGvA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Perfect place for a date night. The sweet potato nachos and the \"breakfast\" we\\'re to die for! Really everything we tried was delicious...I can\\'t wait to go back again.',\n"," 'date': '2013-01-28 05:44:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'c-usX9SzJAC5BA0R6iNNJw',\n"," 'user_id': 'wi3Z-T067mYLoiK2DQWRMw',\n"," 'business_id': 'quCIR7UcrMmpaKXYwet8pw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We had dinner at Convivio right after it opened and we will definitely go back. There were a few minor quirks with the service and with wine being out of stock, but I'm chalking it up to the fact that it just opened and they were working out the kinks. The owner visited our table and he could not have been nicer or more gracious. The food was excellent...nothing to change there! I had the tortelloni pansotti, and i think it was the best pasta I've ever had. I'm sure we will be frequent diners .\",\n"," 'date': '2016-12-19 23:56:46'},\n"," {'review_id': '4MsqB18bYyuf0JnDzhKEsg',\n"," 'user_id': 'fYdZBNP2UMn19O5KaI4CGg',\n"," 'business_id': 'TghRoAMx43V-9l7mH-SENg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"After driving pass all the seafood restaurants around Clearwater Beach, I knew wanted seafood right there and then. I wasn't familiar with the area and did not do any yelping before hand, so was pretty hesitant to just blindly pick a restaurant. Finally, after a long day at the beach, we made a quick walk across the street to all the restaurants and thats when we stumbled into Crabby Bill's. We ordered the $25 bucket of steamed seafood. It was decent, not necessarily the best fresh seafood. This was just a quick snack that I shared with one other person to keep us going before our big dinner at Bern's Steak House that we had reservation for a couple hours later.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-09-11 04:15:20'},\n"," {'review_id': '7Ki1tkHP23P2i--9qsTRdg',\n"," 'user_id': '-G7Zkl1wIWBBmD0KRy_sCw',\n"," 'business_id': 'IbndcMURguByburM72o3SA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 9,\n"," 'funny': 6,\n"," 'cool': 4,\n"," 'text': \"Just finished a State Street Kitchen, Grilled Chicken, Spinach, Swiss and Honey Mustard Sub. To kick it up a notch I stuffed in Jalapeno Chips for a spicy crunch. \\nIt was great on an afternoon when autumn is starting to assert itself with bluster. \\n\\nThis excellent local establishment continues to turn out first rate creative dishes thanks to the ever-present Micha, and her friendly staff. It has become my most constant breakfast companion, and often my lunch date, as well. \\n\\nIf you have not been in for a taste of home cooking with a Korean flare, you don't know what you are missing. \\n\\nFind a way to get there. Sit down and become part of the family.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-10-24 18:13:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NqLiYY3UYyMJMMf8HL6zdw',\n"," 'user_id': 'N3INEKpg6VVVeHBBld8Gtw',\n"," 'business_id': '5v9Voa4a5MON7mAQO3gV3A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'awesome place. good food. nice people. rotating specials. all home made. what else do you want? Chicken salad is a great pickup to make sandwiches at home.',\n"," 'date': '2018-07-17 14:35:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'au9AZ-eeVBJ_3KcB05jCrg',\n"," 'user_id': 'c-1P_Hx6J-Dr8UzpRMwO3Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'WecgAHgzAPLOmM-6-Iga2A',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I\\'m rating this based on the service and not the food. I am a sales administrator at a hotel. Typically, many places offer a hospitality discount because we do refer guests different places. Front desk told me I should try this place as they give a decent discount. I called to place my order and wasn\\'t really able to say what I liked b/c the girl who answered would cut me off to finish my statement.(she wasn\\'t in the best mood) We get to the end of the order and she asks me am I a guest or an employee. I told her an employee. She asked my title. I told her. She gives me a total and I asked her about the discount. She says it\\'s only for front desk. I\\'m shocked that this is a departmental thing 1 and 2 I\\'m thinking to myself, \"I\\'m in sales. I get groups of people here. They ALWAYS asked for recommendations.\" I said well should I hang up and have front desk place my order? She huffed and puffed and then said \"well i\\'ll give it to you this time but please dont abuse it.\" I was so shocked at how rude she was. So when I finally got my food, I tipped the driver and gave him their menus back and said we will no longer be doing business with you guys. She didnt know SALES is in charge of who the front desk can recommend. Her name was Neisha.The food was good though.',\n"," 'date': '2015-09-24 19:21:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'xTjq12ca41rbsIJVnYgZiQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'GdxMEY3xa3C_w-yfSRxEdw',\n"," 'business_id': 'cdstmGcsGhFunXColCUhuA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Always the sweetest ladies! Appointments never take forever and barely any wait time!',\n"," 'date': '2018-06-19 12:55:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'MJjWo6VjPZbpwDrAy1Uf0w',\n"," 'user_id': 'uxSJNuWrpb1mNePNnHF_wA',\n"," 'business_id': 'NV6zZPb5OGVpyX4JrSzUPg',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We won't be back. We got the Brussel sprouts and they tasted like pure salt. Our server sent them back and we got another batch and they tasted exactly the same. My husband got the burger and it was okay but the fries that came with it tasted like pure salt also. Maybe the cook working this night was just a little heavy handed on the salt, I don't know. I got the flank steak and it was okay. I wouldn't rave about it or ever get it again. Our cocktails were good and the atmosphere was nice, but we were really disappointed with the food :(\",\n"," 'date': '2017-12-16 02:30:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lQF3kV6JazQ8chYr4ZKG4w',\n"," 'user_id': 'LXvn-Wl2Sjzvl_7TxK-x6g',\n"," 'business_id': 'gGyqnAlpFrka_qzpO7j4lQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I love going to Phillies games sooo much and this stadium definitely adds to the experience. I was never a big baseball fan until about a couple of years ago, when my bf introduced me to the wonder that is the Phils- instant love. Sure,my first Phils game was the 10, 000 loss but whatever. The places has a open feeling, and never feels clausterphobic. The only time i've felt that I had bad seats was when we sat right under neath the scoreboard, and I had to keep on looking up. I like how you can wander about and watch the game from the lower levels, and that despite it's a sold out game, it never feels cramped or you're really aching to get around the stadium. They have a lot of great food (lots of variety) and the facilities are always clean- both are numerous, so I'm never waiting in line. I am missing baseball season and I cannot wait until April! Go Phillies!\",\n"," 'date': '2008-12-03 16:13:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pPKI8l5FuX3aOHCQAlsfsg',\n"," 'user_id': '5MLTOOiFGu_-PIyjhHIs-g',\n"," 'business_id': 'rVhsjZWk_u20TDcvwhbdyQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"My boyfriend and I decided to stop by for lunch yesterday, and I am so glad we did. I ordered a side of beans, chips and salsa, and guacamole. He ordered two steak tacos and a side of rice. The beans are hands down my favorite I've had from a mexican restaurant. My only complaint is that, unfortunately you do not get a very big portion. The salsa is so fresh tasting and delicious-very cilantro forward, and the chips were nice, thick and crunchy without being oily at all. Take note though, chips and salsa are not included with your purchase and must be bought separately. Now let me get to the best part-the made to order, chunky guacamole. The hardy chips would definitely withstand this heavy duty guac, but I opted instead for tortillas as my vessel to stuff it with along with my beans and salsa. The hot sauces were anything but, though admittedly my tolerance to spices may be higher than the average persons. While I had a great eating experience, my boyfriend did not. He said the meat was of low quality and quite flavorless. He did say he would give it another shot though!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-06-08 18:10:38'},\n"," {'review_id': 'raMmqAddReOruHYmUTdT9Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'o72LSEPHKu1oQcpXeIVlag',\n"," 'business_id': 'qdpdUjdkEUpzYDdce2yZng',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I love this place. It's been in La Cumbre Plaza for I don't know how long now. If you are looking for a good sandwich look no further. All of the ingredients taste fresh, and their bread rolls are amazing. They are nice and soft, not with that cut the roof of your mouth crust. Being born and raise in Santa Barbara, actually just down the street, I have been coming here for some years now. I've tried probably over half of their sandwiches and all have been good, so good it's hard to pick a favorite. In addition, I cannot forget to mention their awesome soda selection, so awesome I cannot hesitate to try something different with every visit. You won't find anything super fancy or exotic, like a roasted duck pastrami sandwich here, but if you're a local or just passing through and feel like having a great sandwich with good fresh ingredients swing by Plaza Deli and grab a bite.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-13 04:43:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'VSUoe2zIkrYYZySztDA_Lg',\n"," 'user_id': 'A3gEkJ0lvC1-37KPMNTehg',\n"," 'business_id': '5_sby6qh9I6rwnSuoURSaQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I think this Nordstrom's shoe department is better than other locations. There was a lot of variety and they carry some higher end lines here. The sales professionals were very good. A gentleman named Erwin helped me locate two pairs of shoes throughout the Nordstrom's network AND price matched them to Bloomingdale's clearance sale price. And no charge for shipping and handling. Nordstrom's has won my loyalty due to the very high level of customer service!\",\n"," 'date': '2009-03-01 01:54:35'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YPrUSWTzdbOQnRShO8caPw',\n"," 'user_id': 'Q503wfkVgYYRisTYSyWYww',\n"," 'business_id': 'oha2U5XJzc6IQdenpsxN1Q',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'A small aquarium that is interesting mainly for kids. They have a shark feeding show and stingrays that you can pet and buy food to feed. It is not the first place i would go in Tarpon Springa, but it is ok, small children seem to like it.',\n"," 'date': '2008-12-06 04:05:35'},\n"," {'review_id': 'KEY5K6jrl18LLtyZ8bfDxg',\n"," 'user_id': '_2kdAzmaR6KrWzjBMLoiog',\n"," 'business_id': 'KgozvZ1UFfXuJToqe8CfQg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Nothing extraordinary, but if you want some simple Chinese takeout, this is the best place around. The food seems less greasy than you sometimes find and the people are super nice.',\n"," 'date': '2015-11-06 00:02:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'wJW1E6IBVWpVf3w50DfCKg',\n"," 'user_id': 'xGxrRm_FfCLd7NXwKEzshw',\n"," 'business_id': 'qdL-EbgoA7Gq_2u4e4YvLw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Quaint place with great ambience, food and service. I had the Shrimp Po Boy. It was delicious. The fries and cole slaw were perfect side dishes. This was my first visit. Definitely not my last.',\n"," 'date': '2015-10-23 16:31:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'QXh4TqGlBYz_raDaCXMlOg',\n"," 'user_id': 'L1ayZt4pBRKhO00OhUaLAw',\n"," 'business_id': 'neWdmzHgbpqSx62jynDd7A',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Broussard's was pretty good when I went there a few weeks ago. I had a Groupon that was about to expire so I took my parents out to dinner. I knew going in that Broussards is a very old skool New Orleans restaurant, and it is very nice when you walk in to see the old tile on the walls in the foyer of the building. The courtyard is beautiful and I just had to turn into a tourist and take a picture in front of the fountain with my mom. We were seated and very promptly greeted by the drink guy. He brought us our water and told us about the extensive wine list, but they were of course out of the Pinot Grigio that I ordered. He successfully suggested a Chardonnay for me instead and I was happy. The head waiter came out and explained with great detail the specials for the night, but I went for menu regulars, the maytag blue cheese salad and the pecan crusted drum. I wanted more salad, it was so good, I ate it up so fast. The drum was excellent too. It had this soy butter sauce on it that was so good and topped with crawfish. I was definitely happy with my meal and glad I had the experience. What makes me knock off two stars is that though the foyer's vintage appeal is nice and the courtyard is beautiful, I feel like the dining room needs an upgrade. The chandeliers on the walls in the main dining room are very reminiscent of the hallways of my grandmother's assisted living home. I think its just one of those places I am glad to say I've been to, but I don't think I will choose to go there again.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-08-14 23:47:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'XT_3UpEhO5eJIFxevnv_Yw',\n"," 'user_id': '0WqEkKMu03irkMiEtsFxZg',\n"," 'business_id': 'GBTPC53ZrG1ZBY3DT8Mbcw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Service is excellent. Atmosphere is great. The raw bar was fantastic. Those were the best Alaskan crab legs I\\'ve had. Well worth splurging for them. \\n\\nMy friends were drawn in by the awesome looking burger they had, and indeed the burgers were all they hoped for. It came with a generous portion of crispy fries. But if you want anything else besides the $17 burgers, expect to spend over $30 for your entree. While the ambience feels and looks casual, it is fine dining.\\n\\nUnfortunately, the waiter did sell the shrimp and grits with the additional crab as \"heaven in his mouth\", but that it was not. I\\'ve had better shrimp and grits in Atlanta, and there is no reasonable way you should be paying $30 for shrimp and GRITS. Without the crab, it was still over $20.\\n\\nBut everything else was great. Drinks were delicious. Everything came out pretty quickly. Oh, when we mentioned we were visiting from out of town, the waiter was nice enough to give us a complimentary appetizer of the cool pizza to start. It was great but the name is hard to say or remember. And the rabbit and chicken liver pate was super worth since it comes in a huge mason jar.\\n\\nI recommend sticking to the drinks, appetizers, and burgers and you\\'ll be a pretty happy camper.',\n"," 'date': '2015-02-02 07:25:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'xuo21L3XGyoITxQwsllEZQ',\n"," 'user_id': '7QeQxjJ1lY6HKqWNqD9L8w',\n"," 'business_id': 'fdjzXyPw1Zt2avRokULJOw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I love Doan\\'s. It\\'s the kind of place you have a \"usual\" and every time you have it, it\\'s just as good as the last time. They staff is friendly and speedy so if you don\\'t have a long lunch it\\'s a great place to go.',\n"," 'date': '2015-03-19 06:40:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GnuFKewHFclApqd_yXnnjw',\n"," 'user_id': 'JW5W4OZCohTvZlRF1jzrTg',\n"," 'business_id': 'u7_3L1NBWgxhBM_B-cmmnA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This amazing brick oven pizza joint gets better every time I go. The last I time I went I got a Rotolo and a prosciutto pizza. The Rotolo is dough wrapped around mortadella and ricotta cheese and topped with pistachios and oil. It is so good. I order it every time. It's about the size of a bun and cost $5. The pizza was amazing. The prosciutto was incredibly tasty. The dough is divine. The service is always great and the beer selection is good. Definitely one of the best pizza places in Philly.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-04-30 15:00:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'O9TaIPdLrZ_VnQzwFtNv7A',\n"," 'user_id': 'OIDpKC2p61qVO_spPqw1qA',\n"," 'business_id': 'SKW1zA4nY_SPKkQPmXNHoA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 4,\n"," 'cool': 3,\n"," 'text': 'Amazing pizza. AMAZING! After my first bite, I felt like that Oprah Winfrey meme, where her head is thrown back, her mouth is agape and her arms are open wide, and she\\'s screaming, \"You get a car!\" Except it\\'s not Oprah, it\\'s me. And I don\\'t get a car -- I get a pizza. But I felt that excited. \\n\\nThis is basically the pizza I have been looking for since moving to the Indianapolis area. It\\'s a whole lot of nothing: It\\'s not cut into square pieces. It\\'s not crispy and thin. It\\'s not redolent of oregano. It\\'s thick and chewy, cheesy, greasy, wonderful -- it tastes the way pizza is supposed to taste! I have found my new pizza home.',\n"," 'date': '2015-09-25 01:25:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'njO5cv6jDieJ9FFPN3DStg',\n"," 'user_id': 'GSKPa1JkF9UwfakvNyIv7A',\n"," 'business_id': '5rryuz2myZJI0EfWtrTMxw',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Waited 27 minutes for three teas (no one else was in the store when we came in and ordered). NO tea is worth that long of a wait, especially in Chinatown.',\n"," 'date': '2018-01-21 17:12:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'j1HO0xopMX8sWX84UNiRfQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'oP3oYmqGyylvHxZR8ejGQg',\n"," 'business_id': '72Y65Cg8MO1t9cWCHpwEQQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I grew up eating beef sandwiches in Chicago, and this place makes the best beef I've ever had outside of the city. \\n\\nCouple of suggestions: Offer a third sandwich size option (bigger!), get sweet peppers, serve fries(!!!), keep the main location off of Mass Ave open year-round, and have longer hours!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-09-09 18:22:33'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Rzxws4o77wDp3dGw7Y1V0A',\n"," 'user_id': '_kcHxYPXRYjU4hk2xtCO0w',\n"," 'business_id': 'jtsckI_01hlbGLpEFwJu0A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"We came here for an early mothers day celebration as we were on the quest to find a nail salon that could accommodate 4 pedicures at the same time. They were very friendly and even though they didn't have 4 pedicurists on the schedule that day they added one to accommodate us. That was really nice of them as they could have easily told us no. \\n\\nThe place itself is decorated very modern and offers a very clean, minimalist atmosphere. Upon walking in we were immediately greeted and after we checked in with the front desk we were asked what we wanted to drink. They had complimentary mimosas, wine and champagne, the perfect way to begin to unwind. Once we picked out our polish colors we were well on our way to getting our pedicures. Everyone was so nice and made us feel comfortable and welcomed. My polish never chipped the whole time I had it on. I will definitely be back. \\n\\nThe only downside is that its street parking only, which isn't something that they can control. They told us most of their business comes from people who work in the CBD so parking probably isn't an issue for their regular customers. Aside from parking being an issue I would definitely go to Buff again.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-06-09 16:39:35'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ya17EU5By7NiwiA7YOV34A',\n"," 'user_id': 'WGF29O7lJKb8sgKqtAmS1g',\n"," 'business_id': 'WRMlifrYLjRY8q5YUUbfZA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great spot for pho! Broth is very good. I ordered No. 51 (small) and it was filling. Would definitely come back again when I'm in Philly.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-09-09 16:33:59'},\n"," {'review_id': 'p87acJKiGDY07_njsTefLg',\n"," 'user_id': 'qjfMBIZpQT9DDtw_BWCopQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'KhBUg5QhBYuK8RZAe5gDMQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I love the concept of this place. One half of it a café that serves different types of coffees and teas, and breakfast type items, and the other world where it serves bar type apps, salads, and sandwiches, Can't forget that they also serve a wide variety of beers that they serve on tap, bottled, or in can. \\n\\nThis place is pretty darn casual, and one can hang out here for hours with their friends. Reminds me of the good ol' college days when no time could pass especially on a chill out Sunday Fun day.\\n\\nBring your four legged friend too. They are totally welcome.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-02-02 20:15:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'wNwmhzPerLLWzsAovkFKGQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'f92JypFgJ3RQcVIPE0Wz1Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'G84WORbq6Muqq2SIthWOeQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My husband reserved a Corolla-sized car over the internet ten days ahead of time. When we arrived at Avis Rent A Car at the Reno airport I asked if the rental could be upgraded to a Camry-size vehicle. They offered us two different kinds of cars and finally we got the Camry we wanted. The man was very professional and in the end told us the rental would be $800.00 for five days. I felt the price was very high, however we had gone through most of the paperwork. I had already selected to get the $25.00 a day insurance which came to $150.00 with tax. We were very happy with the car and had no problems with it. During our vacation I decided to talk to an Avis representative when we dropped the car off. I asked her if a weekly rate would be less expensive. She said it would be $15.00 more. She said the upgrade cost an extra $20.00 a day. I will not rent from Avis any more. Next time I will go to Hertz or Dollar and make the reservation over the phone. Looking back, i would not have gotten the extra insurance. My personal insurance covers everything.',\n"," 'date': '2018-05-19 04:57:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'DTvOLEwJ56p-_9y0sxs_XA',\n"," 'user_id': 'p7CjOex3xddrbHYpawKt6Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'F4zL3RYWlEhGLsns1xRR-A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great customer service! Love my new car! Highly recommend to anyone who's trying to buy a new used car in good shape! Talk to Andy if you want some good help!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-10-04 16:18:51'},\n"," {'review_id': '5LRp4IsgdoOv3cWn7vI9aA',\n"," 'user_id': 'tNFuy5dJBB4Si4DLeMuL-g',\n"," 'business_id': '5Y_TiS_KJAgJMf9ZiKutEQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"After moving to the area, Jungle Prada Tavern was one of the first places a friend took me. The bartender made a great recommendation based on a beer I told her I liked and I loved it! Now for the food- I LOVE seafood, so I am leary of ordering from places that don't do it justice, but alas, they impressed me thoroughly with all the seafood options I chose!! The scallops prosciutto app, del mar pizza with crab and scallops, and crab stuffed portabella app (comes with a crab and lobster bisque- YUM) are all delicious!! I also love the roasted portabella app- for a vegetarian option, it is delicious and was recomended by someone who isn't. I've actually gone back several times since then just to eat (obviously, I also drank ;) and took my sister when she was in town visiting (and is a seafood fanatic). So all in all, give this place a chance!! You will not be disappointed with the options!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-06-06 20:52:21'},\n"," {'review_id': '_EfDCNHPjkZ7c4yyHJuLtQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'PoBREaclFKDkqOQ5Ap5wng',\n"," 'business_id': 'ZswVKOCuIcgh50eYtif_5g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'This is one of my favorite bead stores in Nashville, walls and walls of seed beads and glass strands!',\n"," 'date': '2011-05-27 13:29:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ZSDnT-TxnDOXfed43-2Ryw',\n"," 'user_id': '4SQ-coMQkDT63eYyvksYXg',\n"," 'business_id': 'WRMlifrYLjRY8q5YUUbfZA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 9,\n"," 'funny': 3,\n"," 'cool': 3,\n"," 'text': 'Went here for dinner on opening day and was SO HAPPY I DID!! Great atmosphere, lovely staff, and food on fleek!! Green tea (PHO PHREE) was so satisfying, summer rolls and spicy peanut sauce were DELISH, and pho was PHONOMENAL! Definitely making this one of my regular hot spotz as I eat my way through Fairmount!',\n"," 'date': '2016-02-24 00:07:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'HgcTd6tWUELE57FK7Amx0g',\n"," 'user_id': 'Badan9zPMOxHgTCwl3C2EA',\n"," 'business_id': 'ZnxGRJpKHRQ0SAYSJk4SFw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Don't let the outside fool ya or even the initial impression when you walk in because they food here is really good! When ya walk in this place it's like stepping back into the 1950's. It's kinda awesome. Definitely a small-town, homey feel that serves good ole family cookin'. They had a iceskates up on the wall and a Christmas tree in the corner. How precious. \\nDon't come here expecting the best food in the whole wide world. It is great for grandma's greasy cooking. I've only eaten breakfast here but it's been amazing everytime. I got pancakes and they are so fluffy and light and awesome (esp if you add a little butter). The bacon was nice, thick, large slices; slightly overcooked maybe but super good cuz I love bacon! :)\\nThe prices are reasonable and the service is great. This is a great place for a quick delicious home cooked breakfast!\",\n"," 'date': '2012-12-04 04:26:21'},\n"," {'review_id': '48Mv4oT4Q8MdbFV0CXi3cQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'x7H8hr5q6XWUEw1zDWDKKg',\n"," 'business_id': 'SlGNxQI23jc9iTZNTs_I3g',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Tried this place out after many suggestions from friends. We went in one night about an hour or so before closing just to find that they were only serving a partial menu - we're not talking that late, it was like, 9:30 on a weekend. There was no mention of going down to a bar menu on the website so I was a bit annoyed by that. Something about 'surprise disappointments that could be totally avoided' really bother me. So, the dish I had picked out online wasn't available and I ordered a burger instead. The server seemed to have a very hard time understanding my burger and suggested that modifications couldn't be made? I told him I'm sure removing a single topping wouldn't cause the kitchen staff any issues... The rest of the meal we were generally ignored and the service wasn't great. I found the food to be overpriced for the quality. Unless there is a special reason to attend, I don't think we'll be going back.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-08-30 14:15:43'},\n"," {'review_id': 'MA5iblOZ4FWIQ_B3UBKKMA',\n"," 'user_id': 'HYvQKlH_LaPG8-FuJqTw1w',\n"," 'business_id': 'FHNIvNgh3fS7VZQq2Y3dsA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Second visit even better than the first!! Loved the butternut squash and goat cheese Rangoons, and the delightfully filling mushroom yakisoba. Amazing flavor, and a smoky , meaty feel though it is meatless. Then came the coconut curry ramen. Heaven in a bowl. \\nMy only complaint is when you have to wait for seating there is no way to hang by the bar without constantly feeling you are in The servers' way as they breeze by with deliciousness in bowls and plates. So worth the wait before heading to the theater. Plus, food comes out very quickly so we made the curtain, just barely, but with really happy tummies.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-01-27 21:37:20'},\n"," {'review_id': '5s2dsOLWfGEbk8LztH3uNQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'dZpGKP00UuG4b5P9aOVDYQ',\n"," 'business_id': '8QJTzIaR5FceGds8HBSIig',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I cannot comment on the food as I had only a couple beers. I did have the white IPA and a red ale which were good but not blow me away. I might be spoiled having 2 friends who brew professionally but the beers were good, not outstanding. The location is kind of far from other stuff which normally wouldn't bother me but everything around is seriously industrial and scenery does make a better place. They do discount the beer $1 when a train comes by and maybe that's the best they can make of a meh location. Probably give it more like a 3.5 stars. It does say something that there was a loyal following at 4pm on a Sunday.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-04-01 05:30:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'TunQqLbhPJDpncASCgkxmA',\n"," 'user_id': '22MQF_kXWsFHvY76DaUKSQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'jtsckI_01hlbGLpEFwJu0A',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I first found out about this adorable little salon here on yelp while looking for a place to get a manicure downtown/ CBD. I visited on 3/8/13 and got their \"Mini Manicure\"- it\\'s only $15! I chose an OPI polish and the nail technician did a GREAT job! So great in fact, that today on Monday, 3/18/13- I did not have ONE CHIP! This is amazing for polish! My nails looked fabulous! The technician was friendly, as were the other stylists. I\\'m not sure if it was the manager or the owner that was working the front desk- but she came over as well and was super friendly and welcoming. The salon looks amazing, trendy, and peaceful. It has a great vibe.\\n\\nI was so happy with my first appointment- that I went back today, and left disappointed. I went to the same nail techinician- and we talked as she worked on my nails. The person working the front desk (seemed like an owner/ manager- although different from my first visit) was SO nice, welcoming, and talkative. This time though I needed a gel manicure, in french- as I am in a wedding this weekend. I explained that I was in the wedding, assuming the technician would know that this more special than just an everyday manicure The technician stated after she started my nails, that she did not have the proper brush that she needed in order to do the manicure. So like most places- they paint the white, and then go back later with a brush to create the crisp, perfect line. Since she did not have the brush to do that- she used a q- tip. So obviously the lines are not perfect or even. Along with the lines being uneven- some are thicker than others, and the edges go up, instead of down. My nails are not at all filed and shaped pretty either. For $40 (+ a tip)- I really expect them to look right. I went during my lunch hour, and it was supposed to be 30 minute appointment, but the appointment took a little bit over an hour. I understand that french takes a little extra time- but this seemed like quite a bit extra. I was late for work, and had to hurry out of there when she was finished and did not want to be even more late to work to stay there to make a complaint. I wish I would have- but I also felt bad because the technician was trying so hard- but they are just not up to par.\\n\\nI\\'m conflicted, but I don\\'t know that I\\'ll return. I loved it to so much the first time, I even sent friends over there. But after this time- I am not happy with the product. I wish it wasn\\'t gel- because I can\\'t even take the polish off myself. So I\\'m forced to have nails that I am unhappy with, or go to somewhere else and pay to have this taken off, and then pay to have them re done- all before a 6am flight on Wednesday morning, and it\\'s Monday afternoon....',\n"," 'date': '2013-03-18 20:32:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'DhA2QaUSdz2m9GirtOrzJA',\n"," 'user_id': 'AkH0edUmxPnieWabfJQIBA',\n"," 'business_id': '1ys1jf1-4EuiHONfpHWdwg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'A bit off the beaten path for most tourists, as it is in the Marigny, but worth the trip. Sure, the place is not perfect, but there are ultra-expensive restaurants in the FQ that are also not perfect. Look, cheap food, especially food this good, gives \"wiggle\" room for imperfections.\\n\\nBreakfast served all day is a bonus. Sometimes you just got to have a lox omelet (under $10) late in the day. The restaurant boasts vegetarian and *gasp* vegan dishes, but someone needs to tell them that cheese doesn\\'t fit into either of those categories. That aside, the french fry poboy, and the mac \\'n cheese sandwiches are amazing. So is the Saturday Blue Plate of BBQ Chicken legs. \\n\\nEvery entree is under $10, well except for the Friday Blue Plate, but why quibble? And who can argue with $5 Bloody Mary\\'s, especially ones that are this good?',\n"," 'date': '2008-12-05 04:04:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'mRCzX9gvXXdQfTfldPWOKw',\n"," 'user_id': 'LAZsJ_F38Ged_PRLksVH-A',\n"," 'business_id': 'sWCCxY1-9B1FGlSVeQvnHg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Awesome sangria. Rotating craft beers. Pizza and calzones keep me coming back',\n"," 'date': '2013-01-28 00:51:59'},\n"," {'review_id': 'vO3U8-c5_vxRQ1hIrNeeOw',\n"," 'user_id': 'xd8dyISjf_tKU2oPxTIARg',\n"," 'business_id': 'k6XrnjX2TBM_nDzD_XA9NQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"First off, it is a bar through and through. The alcohol selection is good and the drinks well mixed. It is also a casino bar, so you'll be paying higher than average prices. There is a small food menu, but the selection isn't that great. To add insult to injury the food made me ill. The reviews about service aren't exaggerations. We, too, practically had to tackle our server to order food and drinks many of times. Not my preferred place to go when there are so many better options in Reno.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-02-16 16:18:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'OsFuXoyrQwmIwj6Yz7QK8w',\n"," 'user_id': 'J2sFnwMsDGREmCFkuI-B3Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'dLMA55z9wdDkUIO-rnhOmw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Rude and unprofessional staff. I called today to find out if they had availability over the Thanksgiving holiday and the staff was short and basically said no then hung up the phone. I will take my business elsewhere.',\n"," 'date': '2015-11-18 21:55:05'},\n"," {'review_id': '9kB_3ZwSjvz22matz8L1hw',\n"," 'user_id': 'MyLGJPkC8q5sKTNImKBb9Q',\n"," 'business_id': '8FALz8g6oaTca0ufiUuF6w',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Went there due to having a gc, and was suprised at the great food! Had the sauteed stirfry over spinach, and my gf had the abundant pile of nachos. They have a pretty decent selection of other delectables, and the day time bartender was very pleasant. I would recommend to someone who wants a friendly atmosphere with decent food in a sports bar setting. They actually do have sports playing on the tvs.',\n"," 'date': '2011-10-27 23:30:47'},\n"," {'review_id': 'CQ-dwNoxvYTOD5-HNJEjeA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Sg6nAp9Ru1a2axJACwjNsA',\n"," 'business_id': 'YeMouev-sLfAxykmcANNoQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Horrible experience, pizza was soggy and cold when I received it, took 2 hours until I actually received my order as well. Absolutely no communication on my order, even after calling twice. Once I finally received the pizza I called to get my money back, which was communicated that I would not be charged, soon to find out that I was charged the very next day. I highly recommend never ordering from here, service was horrible and they were extremely rude. I won't be ordering from here again and either should you.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-04-29 03:17:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cApCuVIQdSmCryjmTiSELA',\n"," 'user_id': 'jVMvuv2SlzIf5JOUEbi0tQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'D3DMIr-I0AKzlIKdErxHGg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Incredible service and incredible food! The black bean ravioli is succulent! The bone-in steak was flavorful and amazingly juicy and delicious. And the best of all, service was perfect. From the friendly hostess to the waiter to the chef who personally came over to make sure we enjoyed our food, everyone really made us feel at home. \\n\\nAs an added bonus, the ambiance is beautiful. Decor, lighting, and fireplace makes the place very homely. \\n\\nHighly recommended. I went as a group of four and had an excellent time.',\n"," 'date': '2013-12-29 05:21:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'uzcuenhBRkoqAdQsmFV7mg',\n"," 'user_id': 'XTtQ0vfwjiswCj2sGMolCQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'F2T2Ef5kcZuyTyUcJyh0rQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I've been driving by this location for several weeks anticipating their opening. With the established Legends Sports Bar directly across the street I thought this place must have something very special to feel they can compete.\\n\\nThey took over the building that was prevriously used by the Ruby River Steakhouse. The owners apparently opted not to change a thing about the indoor seating. Gone are all the cowboy boots, up are various team jerseys. It looks like somebody went to Pro Image at the mall to decorate the place. Nothing appears to be autographed or evoke a sense of authenticity.\\n\\nVideo games are available for the kids, so bring your quarters. No dart boards, shuffleboard, air hockey or pool tables. This is pretty much a dine and drink only establishment.\\n\\nMore TV's in the place than I could count (I figure at least 20), all tuned to ESPN or ESPN2. No clue at this time if they are choosing to use Direct TV, Dish, or Cable One for their service. However, they already have made one of the biggest mistakes I think most wannabe sports bars make; they broadcast music rather than sound from a live sporting event. With live sporting events available almost everyday from 12pm - 12am, you would think they would want to try to emphasize that rather than muzak (tuned to a country station; still feels like the Ruby River).\\n\\nA word of advice here, if you want people to stay and eat and drink, you gotta give them something on which to focus their attention. The sounds of the game will get their attention. They came to a sports bar to think about sports, not Conway Twitty.\\n\\nTypically, when I see the word pub in a restaurant name, I think it is just beer and wine, but it looks like Timeout has a full bar with several specialty drinks. With a designated driver, it may be fun to experiment.\\n\\nThe food is typical sports bar fare; salads, burgers, pasta. Most items will cost $9 - $11, with entrees running more. A few twists on their offerings will ensure that I stop in to try something different, but unless the atmosphere improves, I think I will always leave a little disappointed. \\n\\nThose staying at the nearby motel may like the proximity, but I think they might find the walk across the street to Legends worth the extra steps.\\n\\nHappy Hour 2pm - 6pm Monday - Friday; Late Happy Hour 10pm - close Monday - Thursday. Happy Hour all day Sunday.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-06-29 01:46:56'},\n"," {'review_id': 'N6yfnUjRQb5T29E45Dy0AQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'TcH5GdL7p0QY_Du-tqTijg',\n"," 'business_id': 'oThWInL6gUCt2d98fSIAfA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'If you like onion rings order them here. Some of the best I have ever have. I also had a Reuben which was very good also.',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-28 01:31:24'},\n"," {'review_id': '5saZgdwtsXa9u0gBhEHgbQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'bijmaAxNTJ60aWhBxqc3EQ',\n"," 'business_id': '5TzAmqzksrUBB2tdHDQAUA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The cutest and definitely the friendliest coffee shop in Boise! The coffee is great but the staff is even better. Love this place!',\n"," 'date': '2017-08-29 00:31:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NDZ6O3b3eCjFk2Yg5k01MA',\n"," 'user_id': 'LhaYPYXDepWLBzeX5mNTxw',\n"," 'business_id': 'ffvS2BlFwQra5FTPNk5N2g',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 3,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Hubby and I were eager to try this establishment due to a rave review from some close friends. We decided for our date night we would give it a try on Saturday. We pulled up about 8pm and the open sign was turned off. We thought maybe the light was burnt out or someone just forgot to plug it in. So we proceeded to the door. There were people inside and the sign said open till 11pm, so we walked inside. It was like walking into the Twlight Zone, everyone stopped and stared at us. The woman behind the bar came over and told us they were closed. HUH! Ok.... so we left. It was very akward and unpleasant. If they were closed then the door should of been locked or a sign on the door stating private party or something. \\nNot sure if we will attempt to try to dine there again.',\n"," 'date': '2013-01-27 20:52:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'AjFLTLBbVJOuN_JFzSE4OA',\n"," 'user_id': '5tszDG6pGIu47nQzbustsg',\n"," 'business_id': '1T9F7iLDFAYWJvif1RKneg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Awesome food! It was so fresh and delicious. The papaya salad was delicious! Try the curry..simply spicy and beautiful. The service was great too! They have take out!!!',\n"," 'date': '2016-05-31 18:09:48'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JjaYSiafHTLkeqO4hBcLoA',\n"," 'user_id': 'PghWPvdANK-mBh1xv3ugfA',\n"," 'business_id': '6VsOcLvDttT2BsCttVHoUw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I have new dental insurance and had to find a dentist in network and came across Music City Dental. Dr. Spurlin and her staff are great! They are very gentle and make sure the patient is comfortable at all times. I had to get a filling and am terrified of shots. I didn't even feel when Dr. Spurlin gave me my shot. I was offered a pillow, blanket and choice of watching a movie or listening to music. I had a pleasant experience and am definitely a permanent patient!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-06-08 22:33:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pQI_GEr0fOd3cq48-7-f5w',\n"," 'user_id': 'gHMNLiwpn0SJEN-EG6mDnQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'mcr1lAEdvGLMJhuPwI3I2A',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The beef noodles was a bit too salty and the fried rice was a bit oily. But overall they are good. We liked the shrimp spring rolls a lot. It is one of the best we have tried. \\n\\nThe place could have earned higher points. But I have to give it a three stars because of the chaotic seating arrangement. The owner gave tables to people behind us despite we reminded the him and the staff. Perhaps that is what you get when you go to a teeny tiny Chinese restaurant during a long weekend.',\n"," 'date': '2013-02-21 20:40:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'w5cgOrokBLhgnBA8V9yFDA',\n"," 'user_id': '2-Bo0sktJE5wEnmXBixaHA',\n"," 'business_id': 'NT5S6JV5wPwKOd3s3Yh1zQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 4,\n"," 'cool': 4,\n"," 'text': \"Great community vibe... i've run into friends and struck up conversation with new ones each time i've been in. Its nice to have new hang within walking distance of my house. I've stuck to the classic burger and love it... everything from the buns to the ketchup is made in-house and has unique taste. The bar had pretty much whatever i wanted... last night the bartenders made some homespun watermelon concoction.\\n\\nTo touch on some other reviews... i understand everyone has a different experience, but to say the place is 'too hipster' seems like someones still jaded from feeling left out in high school... and personally attacking the owner is tasteless and has no place in a review. We should be glad we don't all have someone looking over our shoulder attacking our motives. I like what Burger Up is trying to do and i like that they hired a bunch of folks representative of our Nashville community... if you need a non-musician wait staff who dresses just like you and takes you to prom, you're probably in the wrong town.\",\n"," 'date': '2010-05-14 19:57:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gMhwE86Ef-mkYMtUxrDtlg',\n"," 'user_id': 'LcVPBNUeENzPlXNbZ2jTQw',\n"," 'business_id': 'U30ggGzFpXvc2NZYwOW3qg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I am not an indian food type of person but this place lives up to the hype. When you go, just let Hassan make something for you, don't try and overwhelm yourself with the different options. Make sure to get a chaat and a lassi as the two really complement one another.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-05-07 19:25:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Bh1cIMh_mZArniNQoCwZaA',\n"," 'user_id': '0MeivhX0kZCfV3zMtHtk9Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'W4ZEKkva9HpAdZG88juwyQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Excellent food, good service, great location. \\n\\nMy wife had shrimp and grits, I had the barbecued shrimp -- both were outstanding. The appetizers were good. The bread pudding was a tad dry in the city that is supposed to be the mother lode of bread pudding. \\n\\nMr. B came close to snagging the fifth star but the service could have been more attentive and the place is freezing - - in July in New Orleans. Wear long sleeves or bring a jacket.',\n"," 'date': '2009-08-03 23:14:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'mi4bOYBYSxdCi24HrAROHA',\n"," 'user_id': '0FSUz6LDUil2y9yjhwkFFw',\n"," 'business_id': 'hS6KNGCQVTYUdLb2edt58g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Wow. We visited NOLA last week and took the truly awesome and informative Steamboat Natchez trip on March 30. Can't tell you how interesting it was and pleasant. Plus these people are so well-organized and nice. JoJo reserved us a window seat - just could not believe the kind and excellent service. \\nVery very nice. Recommend!!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-04-07 21:26:40'},\n"," {'review_id': '2wKZZmCeM8mSbMGzdTfXrw',\n"," 'user_id': 'qCGEcUohmw5-1RV2WK2a5A',\n"," 'business_id': '6xrDP4-S2mky3wOprv686A',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Quite possibly the perfect business model to fail if it wasn\\'t for a sequestered clientel? We visit New Orleans often, and it is an activity of ours to bet on how many beers or ingredients they are out of. Bartenders rude and swearing. It\\'s almost comical, we sit and listen to patrons asking for draft beers and mixed drinks and getting responses \"can\\'t do that\". They said \"No mules\", to at least 5 people as we sat for about 30 mins today. 2 out of 4 taps not working. What an absolute waste of opportunity.',\n"," 'date': '2017-08-28 21:42:48'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Y_WqdodRGucYECLUbWBGRw',\n"," 'user_id': 'afX9bbJ01xYU4L3qKbACUA',\n"," 'business_id': 'W4ZEKkva9HpAdZG88juwyQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We had a mixed experience at Mr. B's. We started at the bar for drinks and a starter due to table wait. Bar was nice for a busy night. Our table was ready early so the bar staff transferred our starter to the table and things went down hill quickly. Starters were delivered and then we were ignored for over 45 minutes. No drinks, water etc. Finally a waiter in another section took out order. We ordered BBQ shrimp (best thing on our table), rabbit and wood plank grilled fish. Fish was a very small piece and not worth the $$$. Rabbit was good! Hit and miss service ruined the experience.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-01-09 00:26:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'IfjrWZaCo2MUgzjeXdvhLQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'UIXCajaEKgTiRCriAS8pmQ',\n"," 'business_id': '7EhTT4iEuA7JaaWA-eI3Qw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"This place is so cute. The interior is adorable and casual. There's some small booths and chairs and tables for hanging out and enjoying your food/drinks. It's all so clean, too, which is a huge plus.\\nThere's a little section with baked goods, some Asian and some more American. They have mostly Vietnamese food, but I also saw some other types of food (e.g bulgogi).\\nI came in with two friends and the woman who helped us was really personable and friendly. We ordered banh mi and boba tea, and sat down waiting for our food to be brought to us. The banh mi was really yummy, especially the bread. I had boba milk tea, which was as good as any milk tea I've had before. \\nThey have a drink card which you can get stamped to receive a free tenth drink. Definitely an incentive to return. Also, their hours are awesome, which is a huge plus.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-03-30 04:23:31'},\n"," {'review_id': '4NlHWuh192f4Z-6FIxgxGQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'Um5bfs5DH6eizgjH3xZsvg',\n"," 'business_id': '8tnwneWHXWLUvIc5zz__5A',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I stopped at Walgreens in hopes of seeing the new ELF Villain's collection. Sometimes Walgreens gets them before the holidays. Sometimes they don't. This particular one doesn't ever get them according to their cosmetics person. SAD. Really sad. I suppose I'll have to skulk other Walgreens to find them.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-10-08 04:51:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'aJYdgmaY3EwC-SpkfzgOag',\n"," 'user_id': 'zMeKAYMj32OIMPiyIdIw3w',\n"," 'business_id': 'NcO-pWiZmNM5zBg8H9zB6Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"This is the best Italian food I've ever had. Very small elegant restaurant, entrees were really good and very tasty cheesecake. To top it off, the entire staff was super friendly. Highly recommended for date night.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-12-20 23:52:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'oQ2wM3ibdAnCMBmhfwAi9A',\n"," 'user_id': 'D7weAtcvX8_I_ULfyuy83w',\n"," 'business_id': 'C1D2o1VV2TDjpkG3BsdseA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This is my favourite place to get fish tacos! It's all I ever order, along with the occasional queso or beans which are also delicious. My friend was visiting from out of town and he ordered the beef taco and chicken fajitas and thought they were pretty average. However, he agreed that the fish tacos were amazing. Since 2 full me up and they're only like $2.60 each it's a pretty happy visit all round for me! Plus the interior and patio are awesome\\n(And there's Ben and Jerry's right next door for dessert)\",\n"," 'date': '2016-05-31 04:49:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'hONoNzvKbDWlB2AlAF-6vw',\n"," 'user_id': 'gj2a3Pdr85S476EDcVtr2A',\n"," 'business_id': '50Q2uIgwUqmWGLjn_1HSlg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Replaced a dive watch battery in less than 5 minutes for a very reasonable fee. Prompt, friendly service. Plenty of staff. Convenient location.',\n"," 'date': '2015-06-08 18:04:32'},\n"," {'review_id': 'u4as3T1vLQSX1KFssFDiOg',\n"," 'user_id': '4P_GCHFMV0mF2SqEWwWgtQ',\n"," 'business_id': '0qu0fNTOsSmuREYVIMPuIQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Stopped here last week while in the area from Burbank. Had read about it on Trip Advisor. It is in a great location, quiet, peaceful and cool under the shade of the big old trees. For its location and it being noon on a Thursday we were surprised to find there was literally only one table open when we walked in. Food is served pretty quick though so it didn't seem anyone was really waiting. \\nBased on reviews we had read, my hubby had the tri-tip sandwich. I ordered the buffalo burger. I have to say that was one of the best burgers I have ever had in my life. As usual, we traded tastes of our orders. My hubby was so jealous of my buffalo burger and I heard about it several more times throughout the day, that he should've got the burger. The tri-tip was quite dry, and it was literally just the meat on bread, big bread. The horseradish sauce (served on the side) was very tasty though.\\nFor the tri-tip, I give a 3, hubby gives a 4. We both give the buffalo burger a definite 5++.\\n\\nEither way, worth checking out if you want something with a unique atmosphere and that is away from town but not a long drive. Very peaceful.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-07-28 00:23:51'},\n"," {'review_id': '-aUWPP2tzV8li0uvYpaY1g',\n"," 'user_id': 'K17847uudqPFPIjSPgxs2A',\n"," 'business_id': 'iDtIMWJVIGYspg5JvJKaOw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I have frequented the Mad Mex, University City location for years. I was pleased to see this new location which is closer to my home and I don't have to deal with the obnoxious students. I have been here for Happy Hour and just for dinner at another time. It has been busy both times and it seems that the staff need to be trained a little more in chaos and crowd management. The best deals are during Happy Hour - the $3, $5 & $7 Margarita's. I also believe wings are 1/2 off. My friends seemed to enjoy their orders of Burritos, Gaucamole and enchiladas. \\n\\nThe food is average and for the price of drinks - it would be a great place to hang if the service improves.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-10-27 01:49:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'TtVxGfc-KMnwWkxGCDXlsw',\n"," 'user_id': 'FI_UbbF0sZ1Bkxnp80vF_g',\n"," 'business_id': 'SYy81zP4MPF4DtOqjRq4qg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"I brought my boyfriend here on a Saturday for a tour and beer sampling since Yuengling is one of his favorite beers. We never knew it was so close!\\n\\nBe sure to look on their website for tour times before going and read the FAQ's. \\n- First note: There were many people wearing flip flops on our tours vs. the insisted closed toe shoe policy, but that could be because of the next note.\\n- Second note: There is no production/brewing on Saturdays so the brewery is quiet and empty.\\n\\nWe looked around the main waiting/lobby area and gift shop waiting for our 12p tour to begin. We had quite a large group, which had to split into two smaller ones. The tour lasted about 40 minutes, starting with a ten minute video of the history of Yuengling and the rise to present day. Next, the guide takes you out to the brewery, and into the kettle room, around through the lab, the bottle line, and the holding tanks. The tour was informative and hands on. Our guide was informative and knew quite a lot about the history and brewing process. She did a great job!\\n\\nOnce done, you loop back into the lobby where the tasting room is and it's drinks galore. The BEST PART? FREE. Tips are encouraged! ;)\\nWe tried the Premium Lager, Lager, and Black and Tan. Sadly they were out of the Lord Chesterfield this day and the Premium Light is not available here in FL.\\n\\nOverall, a great tour and I will be revisitng with my parents when they are in town!\",\n"," 'date': '2012-05-28 17:47:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'VJxazz5W7xzOw-MylSeQCA',\n"," 'user_id': 'oQUyojSOb6rdMnusw0M5lg',\n"," 'business_id': '-ATiAtTikuGuqvaW2O6tNA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Really disappointed. I\\'ve been to the Marathon at 18/Spruce and had excellent service, drinks and food. Thought that would transfer to this location - not at all.\\n\\nTo sum it up, our server was extremely energetic, but not in a good way. More like a frantic energy. I was there to enjoy a few drinks and dinner with a friend who was visiting (AKA looking to spend money AKA you will get a larger tip if you let us stay longer) and we were rushed out. Server brought boxes for food we were still eating, without asking if we wanted them. A few minutes later he physically put the food in the boxes at the tableside while mumbling something like \"I don\\'t like food sitting on the table.\" .....we didn\\'t even want to take it home. Next, when we said we were having another friend join for another round or two of drinks he told us we couldn\\'t stay at the booth we were at and we needed to go to the bar. What? I point blank asked him if he was kicking us out of the booth and he said \"yes!\" energetically. There was no one waiting for tables and there were numerous open tables/booths around the restaurant. I felt extremely uncomfortable and wanted to leave immediately. Our friend joined after all this happened, and when the server came over to ask if they wanted a drink, he seemed surprised when we told him we were just going to leave. YOU LITERALLY just told us we couldn\\'t sit at this table any longer!! We then left.\\n\\nI worked in restaurants for a long time and I\\'m pretty easy to please when it comes to restaurant service. I was not pleased at all during this visit.\\n\\nOn another note, the food was not that great.',\n"," 'date': '2016-01-17 05:29:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'xhhmoxmvIJp16ozmxBuZZg',\n"," 'user_id': 'iiRTJ3x2Z4S3d5ZZ24vmdA',\n"," 'business_id': 'yE1raqkLX7OZsjmX3qKIKg',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We arrived for lunch at 12p on a Friday - wasn't busy at all. It took FOREVER to get anything. We were really pleasant and kind but we had to complain several times to get any beverages that we ordered. It took them 40 minutes to let us know that a beer we ordered was no longer available. The food was great, but not worth the lengthy wait and slow service.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-04-27 19:33:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'olE4krXhdHesUI6vBM-DNg',\n"," 'user_id': '2DOVDCbzd2X1cxs0YeFdrg',\n"," 'business_id': '2er_V-oAd7IbQ5YTY56r7A',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Walked by this place and decided to check it out. Great beer and burger place, made even better knowing many things were organic. You can order from the menu, or create your own burger. They also have rotating beers and specials. Nice atmosphere and staff. Burgers don't come with anything, so order from the sides if you want some fries. (There's also sandwiches and salads if you don't want a burger) Vegetarian friendly.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-12-04 03:22:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Peh0HfcHatme02FWQTa8Zw',\n"," 'user_id': 'jVSDkxfr66ar4_HRArsT9Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'YgMZm_alGFUeQO4hz9X9VA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"First time I went to Earl's new American kitchen I liked the food it was good wasn't great but it was a ok \\n service not so great sat at the bar did not really care for a bartender tried it again second time bartender was really rude I would never go back there or Recommend it to anyone\",\n"," 'date': '2018-06-26 18:38:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EwCPJIjWnOWw09N7keBtCA',\n"," 'user_id': 'NEVXtJ4YzoUT6alIo6qEZQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'At6iwGTy6bDxc7PUEOTvQw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I visited Jake's for the first time after learning that the small diner I used to go to in Delaware as a kid had become a franchise. I was so excited to experience the delicious burgers and fries that I craved as a kid.\\n\\nI walked into the establishment and was frankly unimpressed by the ambiance. The restaurant was moderately clean and very open. The menu actually reminded my of a Five Guys. You get to choose your own toppings (all free) to put on 1, 2, or 3 patties.\\n\\nI ordered the regular cheeseburger with a ton of toppings and a regular size french fry to share with my boyfriend. The burgers were delicious. The bread was soft and tasty and the burgers were succulent and juicy. The fries were disappointing. McDonalds fries taste better and usually aren't even as cold as Jake's were.\\n\\nMan oh man, Jake's. I'll go back for the burgers, maybe, but I definitely will stick to the original location for a better experience.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-01-02 15:47:38'},\n"," {'review_id': 'VPWWK2vJefD3wrscKta-mQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'J6BxAGvz_RlO5pjkDqwdnQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'ZAPCUuZBUKbhLF5tiyxDig',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'I think its funny that my car needed a jump infront of their shop on broad street and i was told No because of not being able to leave the store. When asked if another employee could help he said no he is about to leave. I then asked if he can give me a jump when he leaves and i also got a NO. Funny how theycservice cars, help people with cars but cant even give me a jump. Lame service. Not customer oriented at all. Typical fat guy behind the counter surfing the web and playin on his phone. The worst',\n"," 'date': '2016-09-30 22:33:32'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Cum9y9Vw0kY4YDvjmgTxBw',\n"," 'user_id': '1DuUJT5NEEE_JWe6iBPjqA',\n"," 'business_id': 'oQ5CPRt0R3AzFvcjNOqB1w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I ordered the Pulled Pork Nachos. They were delicious! Instead of tortilla chips they are served with potato chips...perfect to share with a Beer or Bloody Mary',\n"," 'date': '2014-12-17 17:33:58'},\n"," {'review_id': '-5k_80Y-C0TYXkkUd_tjRw',\n"," 'user_id': 'Ivs--Rfty8hpZ-Jf63D6AQ',\n"," 'business_id': '_W9lITxMHNInaS2Lv2XoUw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This place was cute and was in a great location! It is one block up from the beach and wharf, two blocks over from State Street. Parking was convenient, and our room was a King overlooking the courtyard and spa on the ground floor. If there were people in the spa, they could be heard, but the noise didn't bother since the spa closed at 9pm. The room was clean with a nice couch to lounge on, a refrigerator, a nice fireplace, ample closet and counter space, and a nice bathroom. The wine and cheese at 5 was a nice touch as well. Although this place didn't have a lot of extras, it was a pleasant stay, friendly and helpful staff, a good price, perfect location, and suited our needs just fine for a place in Santa Barbara. My only complaint was that the room got a little stuffy, but was fine once we opened the windows and used the ceiling fan to air it out. Would consider staying here again.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-04-22 18:25:26'},\n"," {'review_id': 'FiBTxmPrJ1RDouZ38GDQqA',\n"," 'user_id': 'q0maahM5jLGufHhN6kR8Xg',\n"," 'business_id': 'x483GUYbdSgjaX9Xi3nOUA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I've been to Mirna's about four times over the past few years and never been disappointed. The portions are HUGE, especially for the modest price tag. Do yourself a favor and get a pasta dish, I can assure you that you'll be glad you did. I've had fish there too, which wasn't bad by any means, but the pasta plates are definitely their specialty. A couple of the times I've been there they treated us to free hummus and pita, which is always a plus. BYOB!\\n\\nOnly knock on the place is that it's pretty small, so make sure to call ahead to reserve a table or check for a wait.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-02-29 23:50:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YFp9hHkElfJGvvdo5T9MuA',\n"," 'user_id': '98jv8gu7kAwa2WzIPdw6-w',\n"," 'business_id': '_RwlMTw9uFeOkfX9Ctf1HA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"While I generally support independent restaurants over chain places,I still don't buy into the overpriced center city Phila hype. The place was actually roomier than the south Philly closets we usually take my mother in law for her birthday,but the prices were jaw dropping...quite different from the online menu. The food and portions were ok,and the dessert was something different than the average places. The bus help was a bit out of sync with the waiter,as they were asking us if we were done with our plates just as the waiter was telling us the desserts,and as the Philly standard the bathroom was a bit small to accomodate the size of the place.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-01-04 00:57:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'M29Xyh1yMp4mul8m64BJdg',\n"," 'user_id': 'CkY8j94rBlZ8YATXdtSpuQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'tFh0DrDMTom4B3pHpDpRNQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Platoon is awesome and you definitely want Steve C as a trainer. When I started platoon, I was going once a week and attending a different group exercise class the other days of the week. After a few months, I was only coming to platoon 3-5 days a week. I loved how my workouts were customized to what I could do and wanted to do instead of a group workout that was impossible to complete. Steve is a great listener and motivator and sets realistic goals. The staff at platoon are very nice and accommodating. I never had a problem with billing or scheduling.',\n"," 'date': '2015-08-30 16:30:48'},\n"," {'review_id': '9sLlVcXiFQJfZDJpLmBTJQ',\n"," 'user_id': '0gVnzSVGYouf7OH6szCGKA',\n"," 'business_id': 'VRGYwKE_Z77frm5NwLvJhw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The Tater-Tots were good but not anything I haven't had before. Burger was satisfactory. Quick stop for lunch. Staff was helpful with providing directions to local attractions.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-08-28 23:03:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EbtqfxRiY6nUmSQA-pIPMQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'bhAB5wo9iLsaExSw4apR4g',\n"," 'business_id': 'l3pO6YTjFUgVoXgm3gfUag',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"As a frequent customer who has come since the place opened, I had previously rated this place higher, based on a recent experience decided to downgrade.\\n\\nMyself and both in-laws had visited, one of which was senior. Had a mail coupon for $5 off, which had no disclaimer. I wanted to apply this to our party of three (2 adults, 1 senior). Cashier gave us a hard time stating that her management dictated that she wasn't allowed to apply the coupon if we were combining it with a senior discount. What logic is that? How would it be any different if I had paid for myself and my mother in law, applied the coupon. Then told my father in law, the senior, to pay on his own. Seriously, Retarded. \\n\\nThis is on YOU management not that poor girl. Either for not creating a better customer experience or poorly training your staff.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-13 15:16:19'},\n"," {'review_id': '_qA6-L34QD8ruHD7xRI0Yg',\n"," 'user_id': 'ADsAwRQC3nvNvo4Qdvu2HQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'bQKqeYwaHNal7JFAXzCMFg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Our 1st visit here. We went through the drive thru & ordered 4 Chicago dogs. The total bill was $10. The Chicago Dogs were great & the only place in a 28 mile radius that you can purchase one. The only 2 things missing were a poppyseed bun & celery salt. My last attempt for a Chicago dog locally was Sonic (yuck). SuperGyro uses 100% beef hot dogs, that neon green relish, sport peppers, onions, dill pickle tomatoes & onion. I'll be back for more & also to try the other menu items.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-06-21 04:03:17'},\n"," {'review_id': '8x4WVgu2t2MD48_ftQXrLw',\n"," 'user_id': '4KNOhaUhegpmZ6sWwJtRTw',\n"," 'business_id': 'ppFCk9aQkM338Rgwpl2F5A',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Wawa is like a beacon in a cold, dark world. I grew up around Sheetz locations, but I have to admit that I prefer Wawa. The sandwiches are really good, and they have the typical snacks/drinks you would expect from a convenience store. This particular location is not quite as friendly as the one I go to near the office, but whatever. I can still walk out with all of my snacking requirements.',\n"," 'date': '2014-01-17 15:12:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'DpECmhxXb4oaeS-60j0J8A',\n"," 'user_id': 'Y_2jMUKz6pvJ0JSWG3u10A',\n"," 'business_id': 'grjFEAN9gXOKQFEta4yBJg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'My dad and I stopped in on the way back to the hotel because we wanted a 2nd drink after being disappointed with our first at another place. We ordered the hand grenades rather than pore over the menu. There was a band playing so we decided to sit for a bit Holy cow on those drinks!! They were $9 each (with souvenir cup) and we were really feeling it towards the end of the drink. It was during the day and we were enjoying the nice weather and band playing. This place was on the corner of Bourbon, close to Jackson Square and there was lots of open air coming through. We were singing along with the band which is an indication of how good that drink made us feel, lol. We had a lot of fun, good atmosphere in that bar.',\n"," 'date': '2015-05-12 16:35:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'utPJTkDMGQ_KhtbQSbFrRQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'PEdnj5gXWxOSQvcP6q15UA',\n"," 'business_id': 'CasqUlQ4Dbs9sczZzuep0g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I went to this location because it's easy to get in and out even tho it is a busy corner. This is my second visit. My first visit was mediocre. The woman who assisted me was not really friendly (sorry I didn't get names at either visit) but was helpful and professional. My second visit I was assisted by a different woman who was also helpful, knowledgeable and professional. I realized the women were not being rude; they are just quiet. Neither woman made small talk but answered every question I had. \\nNow my second visit deserved 5 stars. I normally pack things myself and just need it shipped, but I was shipping a skateboard and could not box it correctly. The woman went above and beyond to help me and she offered more assistance than was professionally required. I will return to this location for all my shipping needs.\\nThe store is clean, and packs (no pun intended) a lot of product into a small space. The staff is knowledgeable. They have boxes, packing materials, and offer copying services. You may not get a big smile and a lot of small talk, but you will get the highest level of service. In my opinion.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-04-19 13:19:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'MSZuaItS46OO_47XmktjcQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'BO1xi6vjg46qcwIfJDGIAg',\n"," 'business_id': 'kGNzqiYKDns-IU80uHF4sw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I had chicken BBQ burritos with all kinds of stuff that I like. I love the it ! Good place to sit down with family & had a meal. I wish they had a place for kids to play that would be even better !',\n"," 'date': '2014-09-25 15:08:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LuMkMBAUV1B-2dm2pqSBWw',\n"," 'user_id': '0SpK7eVn5TrpyQKPaohVBw',\n"," 'business_id': 'u7MJKcNdZXYyTeb67vD5jw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We stopped here for my Chai and Hubby's coffee and caffeine mania. The line went quite fast, they're quick with the service especially not a lot of people at the time. My Chai came out good, awesome! One thing I forgot to do is to purchase more coffee for the house. They have lots for sale. But not too worry because we still have plenty of Starbucks coffee at home. What would life be without Starbucks?\",\n"," 'date': '2017-02-09 04:35:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pki36UXpStFmbPXNfGnW5A',\n"," 'user_id': 'mfh0N8JSVtLudPZ_tC_Ofg',\n"," 'business_id': 'n7NVodmVYXPRrHomw8tU7Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"It's a young start up company. Patience is a virtue.\\nMany in the gun community lack this virtue, so be it.\\nOwner seems to be a stand up guy and has stood by his word in my dealings with him.\\nI met the owner, Jacob, at a gun show in Las Vegas where I purchased a Cerakoted billet lower.\\nPretty quality work on the machining and Cerakote job.\\nTraded emails with the owner and always got a quick response with the information I requested.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-01-03 22:50:16'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qS7BFEqhbnd27HV_eDcurg',\n"," 'user_id': 'mCWR0MzqZE3sKB0mwLjLTw',\n"," 'business_id': 'hqm2zJ1WY5UaVGZ6j07NNA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Very impressed with this place, particularly the menu (amazing) and the food. We ordered the fruit bruschetta (yum, what an awesome idea!) and the Popeye skillet and the Roadhouse sw. Great food, creative options! Couple areas of critique: it was FREEZING (every woman had a sweater on in July) and lack of ambiance. The latter could be easily remedied with some decent background music, and better lighting? (Overhead office lighting is a drag, but large windows a plus) Customer service was good not great, tad disconnected...but it was a holiday weekend. Overall, a keeper. I'll def be back!\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-03 17:36:30'},\n"," {'review_id': '55IZAOQHh7XgmVW3-UTt4w',\n"," 'user_id': 'W8fpRnEkikq9OGWFsAbFIg',\n"," 'business_id': '_v5iAERdNNh5G9NBL-EelA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great job on my fill and gel pedicure. Even though it was close to closing, they took their time and even accommodated every request I had (I'm VERY particular). Clean environment and very friendly staff. Way more than I could have expected for a nail salon in a mall. P.S. My foot and hand massages afterwards were heavenly. I will DEFINITELY be back!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-06-09 03:42:34'},\n"," {'review_id': '8w2nbjeJ1cKbBBMjDmgHpA',\n"," 'user_id': 'vnTFuHAXiEWW7Bq_iIpwBA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Z5po0aTuzKKblek5y6Sp8Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I can't recall the day I went but it was a memorial resturant experience. I was greeted by an incredibly nice cashier. After a hard decision I ordered a Devils delight and the girl giggled ( of course I was confused) She explained it was Dev's Delight and named after her because it was her idea for a burger and me calling it Devils delight was a bit funny because her friends call her Devil Dev ( hard to believe such a nice girl could aquire such a nickname but cute). After she took my thorough of a medium burger, and truffle fires i didn't have to wait very long. Even before I ate the burger the smell it self had my mouth watering. The burger was cooked to perfection and what was on the burger was amazing! This burger was a standard beef foundation with mozzarella cheese tomato basil and a portobello mushroom, what great idea for a burger! For a mushroom lover this with a side of the delicious truffle fries is perfect. Excellent quality and service, a bit expensive but worth every penny. No question about it I will be a return customer!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-09-25 17:51:26'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GWjTumbjnJfPKqgFuM0lDg',\n"," 'user_id': 'bqmbKKNZnutdZuvzxifTBA',\n"," 'business_id': '2er_V-oAd7IbQ5YTY56r7A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I was trying to find a decent place for dinner tonight for my moderately health conscious self when I came across this place. After figuring out what I wanted and put the Be My Bison burger in my cart for the online order, I realized it would be over a two mile round trip excursion from my job. Defeated, I started to search elsewhere but I could not get that burger off of my mind. I came back a few hours later and submit my order. I hiked it there and it just came out of the kitchen as I walked in. I grabbed my burger and continued on my way back to work. O-M-G! Absolutely in love with this place. It has been quite the task to try and find healthy places that fit my diet but this is a dream come true! Thank You!',\n"," 'date': '2015-11-18 22:35:12'},\n"," {'review_id': '81QT9uJgY_dQuD1sLF6psA',\n"," 'user_id': 'cbwA1FlBQbaF0P1UISFVOw',\n"," 'business_id': 'BIW1SKq5ItkA9gP6-FhSkA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'this place was awful. the first time my mother and I went we were very excited because everyone had been talking about it and we want to support local business. The day we went it happened to be pouring raining. So we are standing there at the hostess stand cold and wet waiting to be seated. Not only was the hostess not there, no one even acknowledged that we were there. The bartender who was right next to he stand was on his blue tooth and only looked our way to flirt with me. My mom was so annoyed we just left. \\n\\nThe second time we went was because we were going to be in the area and we decided to give it a second try. We were seated right away and the music was really good. The waiter could have cared less about our table. he acted like we were doing him a favor by even coming to the table. The menu was thin and nothing to really choose from. when he eventually brought the food it was decent. My mom hated her salmon cakes because they were overly breaded and poorly season. it honestly looked like two pieces of bread. \\n\\nIt was overpriced for what we had. I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND THIS PLACE. The take out makes great dog food though.',\n"," 'date': '2014-06-28 01:38:14'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YwwXtjCW2r4tlodyzUfzKA',\n"," 'user_id': '-5X3pQ0XrdZqNU1LHQPnpg',\n"," 'business_id': 'TFnGJlA5l_HDdzGDkNTdTA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Service was good. Mesquite wings are very good best to share or save some don't be greedy like me and try.and go back to work. Only downside was the weak lemonade. It was the weakest I ever had.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-08-16 17:56:57'},\n"," {'review_id': '2DOqm6Rrc7ui41a9xPKwOw',\n"," 'user_id': 'nl7tnEi-e-g-0QSF8vW44g',\n"," 'business_id': 'gC8i-lxwvGhVpOXM5eYdtA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I don't know how I lucked out with having this taqueria in our neighborhood, but this is the best Mexican food you'll get in New Orleans.\\n\\nWe discovered Taqueria Guerrero after finding that burrito joint down the street was packed, had a line wrapping around the buidling (you know which one!).\\n\\nAfter finding street parking near the mattress store, we plopped down and ordered the 3-taco plate (al pastor, mmmm) with beans and rice on the side and a burrito (barbocoa). I am a creature of habit and order the same tacos, but the bf has ventured out to get other dishes such as the fajita plate or the really spicy shrimp (camarones del diablo?). All very tasty.\\n\\nThe rest is history. It's embarrassing how often I suggest this place when we want to go out/get take out.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-05-28 22:01:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'F2RmAvlZ_y4we5mS0Jtp7w',\n"," 'user_id': 'kN09afMzQcuEoMtYRRIu4g',\n"," 'business_id': 'Vnob_w_Aohf7ZDqxcJ9z2A',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Came here with a group of 15 people on a Tuesday night. We had reserved a space in advance. \\nWhile the food was good, what was lacking was good service and cleanliness. We sat down at our table and it was sticky, and there was a dirty and also sticky fork still on it...so the assumption was that the table simply hadn't been wiped down all the way. Yuck. \\nWe ordered and the food took a fair amount of time, understandable because of such a large party. Problem was, when the food came out, no server knew what we'd individually ordered, so it became a huge mix up with people eating others' food. \\nI ordered the pork belly tacos which had a great caramelization on the outside and tender inside. I also ordered the spicy beef pho, which was perfectly balanced with flavor after adding the accompanying bean sprouts and limes. \\nThe wait for the check and processing payment was long and arduous, a problem again because we had a Lyft driver waiting outside for us. \\nAll in all, go for the food, not for the service.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-03-15 15:24:30'},\n"," {'review_id': '3B41BdxNIENFP1EsCCybnw',\n"," 'user_id': 'B0fzg0eUWplNBzfSJsCFDg',\n"," 'business_id': 'VUOD8yD1jwq_pqRP8EETBQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Second time's the charm. Stopped by once to have a duplicate key made only to find that their hours were not at my convenience. My bad I guess. Stopped by a second time a week or so later - (it's close to home, so why now swing by?) - this time they were open and they proved to be very helpful.\\n\\nPleasant encounter with the gentleman behind the counter who quickly cut several odd-shaped keys for me that the big box stores could not duplicate.\\n\\nQuick, polite, efficient, and cost-effective.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-03-15 20:45:43'},\n"," {'review_id': 'H-U9CQy1f8PTgXRIXZ8tkg',\n"," 'user_id': 'hJCKum4UGiHYlnA7KpMd6w',\n"," 'business_id': 'DRNbPNYCvCGAtBTzfCLTTA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"If you want shotty work and bad attitudes, this is the place for you. Mediocre for toes and poor for fingers. And don't try to make any suggestions or corrections without getting an attitude in returned and then talked about in another language.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-10-11 19:26:17'},\n"," {'review_id': 'kLgcYk9TxIjLe6y6eChetg',\n"," 'user_id': 'g7B4nU8SiXjir8NjCYY2Rg',\n"," 'business_id': 'SeAF6UA88vWbKFkZ7iQRhA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Unfortunately, I\\'m NOT happy after coming to this salon yet again. I got a message from the owner saying he\\'d like to have me come in to receive a FREE service because they previously ruined my hair. So, I thought since he\\'s the owner my hair would turn out good but I was wrong. I\\'m really unhappy with this whole experience. I showed him multiple photos on google of what I wanted done to my hair which was a lot of blonde. I told him I do not want any ORANGE in my hair as I wanted a \"white blonde\". He said you won\\'t have any orange in your hair. I have a message from him the OWNER saying I would receive a FREE service if I deleted my previous review. He should of NEVER offered a free service if it wasn\\'t really free! So, I said how much because I thought I was getting my hair done for free. He said since your hair is long and thick you\\'ll have to pay for the hair color and \"medicine\" but he won\\'t charge me for his time. I said ok how much he said $80. He said it would cost me $180 if he didn\\'t give me a discount which is very pricey. He put a lot of highlights on my hair and worked quickly as he seemed to want to rush on my hair which I do not like. My hair is important to me, I don\\'t want my hair to fall out. He said this medicine he\\'s gonna put on my hair is $50 for a treatment and that I needed it because of the blonde going on my hair which I know any coloring is damaging and blonde is very damaging but he said he charges everyone who gets hair color for this so called medicine which they mix into the color you dye your hair. You can purchase the entire set online (3 bottles) for $75 which is supposed to give you like 15 applications so he\\'s definitely charging a lot of money! He only put No.1 on my hair and not No.2 or No.3. He also had a lady (the receptionist) wash out my hair? Ok, even though she was nice why would he have her do that when she said she knows nothing about hair because I asked if she\\'s styling my hair and she said she doesn\\'t do hair and I wouldn\\'t want her to do my hair. As I was waiting there was a lady next to me, she got her hair cut and a perm. She was done but she wasn\\'t happy, she told the lady she didn\\'t like the hair cut and she had her style it more and trim off a little more but the lady still wasn\\'t happy. The girl told the client when she washes her hair it will be better.. um how? I know she left very unhappy! Also the lady behind me was getting her hair cut and when he (the owner) was done cutting her hair she looked in the mirror and wanted it different and styled different so that made me have to wait longer but 2 clients were not happy and also myself. That\\'s not a good look TJ nail and spa! I had a towel on my head and waited about 30 mins just to get my hair blow dried because he was cutting another clients hair. I seen orange roots, I was mad!!! He finally came over and I said I don\\'t like the orange color on my roots, can you put a toner on my hair and he said it\\'s not orange it\\'s the lighting. The lighting?! It wasn\\'t the lighting! He proceeds to blow dry hair and then starts straighten it without asking me if I wanted it straightened or curled, you are supposed to pick how you want your hair styled. At that point I knew my hair wasn\\'t what I wanted and it wasn\\'t gonna be fixed even if I wanted it too. I just sat there in the hair, mad and yet again very disappointed! I looked in the mirror and seen my hair damaged and brittle, orange and brassy and not even close to what I wanted. There goes my money down the drain, yet again. I will not be back to get my hair ruined and he made me delete my previous review which was also 0-1 stars before I left his salon but I had to write this one, this is real, this is honest, beware of getting your hair completely ruined and nothing close to what you want! Like I said I showed the OWNER multiple photos and I stated I did NOT want any orange on my hair but I did have orange on my hair, I didn\\'t get what I wanted like he said, he said he doesn\\'t mess up, he\\'s been doing hair for years. As a salon owner I think he should take the time to really do what the client wants and achieve what the client wants done to their hair, if the workersowner would do that then there shouldn\\'t be any bad reviews but there is so that shows you they do not care, not even the owner cares. They just want to rush and get done to get paid, they don\\'t care if the customer is happy or not. There are more bad reviews from people going to this salon and having horrible experiences but he is bribing people to delete their bad reviews because he told me the bad reviews is hurting his business which is why people do reviews, to let people know this place is awesome or this place is horrible, beware, stay away. I do reviews to let people know the good, the bad and the ugly. I do reviews anywhere and I\\'m always 100% honest. So, if bad reviews hurt his business that is all on him and his employees not me or anyone else.',\n"," 'date': '2018-02-11 04:01:35'},\n"," {'review_id': '5Ord-c6rkWrbWWz39i6J5g',\n"," 'user_id': 'v89gB-GD6AAflPtVL-4iDw',\n"," 'business_id': 'k3lTRgvPvYUI-cX7_TAqNA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I am so glad we had our wedding here!!! I cannot say enough what a pleasure it was to work with Breanna, the venue manager and Eli, the food and beverage director. Our wedding here was a destination wedding, so we were very concerned about making sure all of our family and friends that travelled a long way to get to our wedding had a good time. Being a couple straight out of grad school, we were also very concerned with keeping the cost manageable. Everything worked out on all accounts! \\n\\nWe first picked the venue for two reasons: the price was right and the venue is GORGEOUS. The pricing was very straightforward, which we really appreciated, and when looking at other options in the Santa Barbara area, the Riviera mansion was pretty comparable with other venues which are not all inclusive (ones where you have to find your own caterer, rent linens, etc etc). Planning a wedding without a coordinator and from across the country, it was also definitely worth it for us to go with a venue that minimized the amount of details we would have to think about.\\n\\nThe looks and layout of the place are what sold us though. With people coming from the east coast and middle of the country, we wanted something that would really showcase Santa Barbara's cool architecture and vibe. The mansion is exactly that. The layout is also pretty perfect for a multigenerational wedding. We were able to enjoy the California weather for our ceremony and cocktail hour outside, then go inside for dinner, avoiding the cooler night air. Later, we could turn up the party in the bar/dance floor area, while the older folks talked and relaxed on the couches in the living room. It really has something for everyone.\\n\\nWhat I didn't realize when we picked it was how absolutely awesome all the staff would be to work with. Breanna was super helpful, answering all my questions promptly and pleasantly, and accommodating my sometimes short notice visits to the area. When we did our walkthrough a couple of days before the wedding, Breanna and Eli paid attention to every detail and made sure we were taken care of, as they did the day of the wedding too. Eli was incredibly attentive and easy to work with! My dad is in the restaurant industry and was in charge of setting up desserts (we had family make some traditional desserts, as well as got some cupcakes from Enjoy Cupcakes- also a great idea!). Eli worked with him to get whatever he needed, risers, tablecloths, etc and was really sweet about it. \\n\\nThe attention to bartending at the Riviera Mansion deserves a paragraph of its own. Breanna worked with me and the bartender (who's name I forget but has worked there for 20 years and is also incredibly awesome) to create a peach moscow mule as our signature drink (our colors were peach and green) and get it to taste just right. She even arranged it so we had fresh peaches! At the wedding, everyone raved about them, even guests who usually prefer something more manly sounding. The staff had all drinks ready to go for our cocktail hour, and also passed trays of drinks, so there was never a line at the bar (something guests also specifically mentioned that they appreciated). Hell, Eli even followed me with my drink for a couple of minutes around dinner since my hands were full of other things! Really spectacular and attentive service.\\n\\nFive stars all around. It was absolutely a joy to have our wedding here.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-12-20 21:47:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'XDAv3vVYTwCOhGAeeNLXsg',\n"," 'user_id': 'w90KNnzS6Ao3k-njRlCEeA',\n"," 'business_id': '2bl6G1zgXUHbMGwEocqMSg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Dave was very nice and explained the menu, the dogs were whipped up fast and were delicious, hit the spot. Dave's special, pizza dog and a custom creation were all excellent and he threw in some grilled jalapeños too. Santa Barbara desperately needs more late night food carts like this.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-01-17 06:59:35'},\n"," {'review_id': 'dhAiK5f4zNBdG7cBTXJ0gg',\n"," 'user_id': 'KGXEzZqlm9TrO1bLpkgShw',\n"," 'business_id': 'zwfN21b6gN2XGjNG6MYNzQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'First time at Wolfgang. Crowded, dirty floors, poor service, it has it all. Only redeeming factor was the excellent crisp Chardonnay.',\n"," 'date': '2015-11-05 22:58:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PlYifdeyiixRZkymbUNqVQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'cFaHx-FkCnzdfF8BccukIg',\n"," 'business_id': 'DAcqRGI_u8yNCcUIczfNxA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Yeah, I know what you're thinking. One Wawa store is pretty much the same as another, so why even bother writing a review? But I think we have a winner here.\\n\\nWhen this Wawa store opened for business, gas prices at gas stations all along Concord Pike fell by 30 cents per gallon just to compete with them. Sure, this Wawa store could've followed the general pricing in the area and lowered prices just a few cents, keeping the bulk of the profit. But no, they'll have none of that. I love a store that is on the side of my wallet!\\n\\nSecondly, I love the automatic start/stop digital air pump. So far, I've only seen that at BJ's Wholesale and Sheetz. It's a snap to use and I get the exact tire pressure every time.\\n\\nAs for service, they seem nice and relatively efficient. The internal layout of the store is the new style that I first saw in Newark. Having separate non-cigarette cashier lines may speed things up in peak periods, although I've never been there during the day, so I wouldn't know.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-12-07 01:28:16'},\n"," {'review_id': 'jTNgPylmvp37sZ4fWDYX7A',\n"," 'user_id': 'CuqniMUTttHueDc9mGRazA',\n"," 'business_id': 'WbA5ud4InNWkizW7HE5kRQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Mediocre food. very slow service , our food came one by one Within 10 to 15 minutes of each other. Rude servers and took us a long time to get our bills with lots of mistakes. Overall very bad experience',\n"," 'date': '2016-12-04 05:57:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EyKE4PxF1DocfP2cCCD8qQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'v8aeoMqdrClqfZxNB4lWCA',\n"," 'business_id': 'SZU9c8V2GuREDN5KgyHFJw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'For a seafood restaurant at the edge of pear expectations should be set high. My wife and I have come here 3 times now and ordered different plates off the menu each time. This last time we ordered cioppino, clam chowder, and a crab salad sandwich;\\n*Good - clam chowder (excellent flavor and consistency) would order again.\\n*Not great - cioppino (lacked flavor & a variety of sea food/lack there of) would not order again\\n*Pass - crab salad sandwich (lacked flavor, mayo was overpowering, crab flavor was almost non-existent, side of onion rings too greasy) - would not order again \\nThe overall experience is okay, better if seated outside right on the pear overlooking the ocean, inside is very small. Service is good but be prepared to wait a bit to be seated. \\nIs it worth a visit? Yes, but be selective of what you order as the menu tends to be a hit and miss.',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-14 20:15:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'dwgJ7B_r3iuIqX0VpCoRTA',\n"," 'user_id': 'qfm3p0svZIueCPof6Lgjkw',\n"," 'business_id': 'vfBzDd-ceWnCrKqHdZwMSg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'We went there with several family members and had a good afternoon. The staff was friendly and helpful. It was a fun activity!',\n"," 'date': '2013-12-28 23:24:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Dkv4YJVG3vOg12i3GJxc-g',\n"," 'user_id': '5kcLlhJPLJL_GLwrAdbZAA',\n"," 'business_id': 'NMtUD873aWrNjljt3VOcFA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Chef Kevin Sbraga knows fried chicken. My first exposure to his succulent birds was the hot chicken at The Fat Ham. Lo and behold, his lavender honey fried chicken tops its spicy cousin. The chicken is brined in buttermilk, dredged in seasoned flour and sits for ten minutes. It's then coated with a second round of flour and dropped into the fryer. The chicken (breast, wing, thigh, drumstick) is drizzled with lavender honey and sprinkled with salt and ground pink peppercorns. It comes with a buttermilk biscuit, whipped honey-thyme butter, and red bliss potato salad. It is some of the best fried chicken I've eaten in a long time. Crunchy, crispy coating on the outside with a juicy, moist inside. The sweet honey glaze is truly outstanding and finger lickin' good. The biscuit is awesome. I would definitely order this dish again and again. I got the salty but delicious fried smelts with chili pepper aioli as an appetizer. My friend Chris W got the filet mignon and butter poached king crab surf and turf. For dessert, I had a slice of salted pecan pie and he had the ice cream sundae. Every dish at Juniper Commons was top-notch. Chef Sbraga does it again!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-04-28 19:43:37'},\n"," {'review_id': 'hhNzXq6QnYQUYaBvFL8ggQ',\n"," 'user_id': '7ktyPHE-NGnWxarOqjIQiQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'CinrOH8rMB2hEvPY_iFOHA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 4,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I really wanted to like Casselli's, but it wasn't in the cards. Maybe I just caught them on a bad night, but I didn't really enjoy much about my visit. The waiter was very unpleasant - was banging down the plates and glasses on the table when he delivered them. Maybe he was having a bad day, but I still would have expected better. \\n\\nWe had mixed experiences with the food. Mine and our friends' was OK, but my wife's baked ravioli would have been more use to a hockey team for use as pucks. They were really overdone - woefully overdone. \\n\\nThe worst part was that our table was next to the opera singer guy. He was singing extremely loudly and it was nigh impossible to maintain a conversation - especially coupled with how close we were to the table next to us and their attempts to speak over Opera Guy.\\n\\nPart of me wants to give them another chance (since I hate writing bad reviews) and the other part is annoyed over the waiter's attitude. I probably will not go back. There are so many good Italian restaurants worth visiting that the opportunity cost of returning to Casselli's seems too high.\\n\\nOn the upside, they have somewhat convenient parking in the lot behind the restaurant (near the Shawmont School).\\n\\nNote: cash-only.\",\n"," 'date': '2009-03-02 02:05:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'c_9bgCWqAfHXLBJNtUVKhA',\n"," 'user_id': 'NfoAmvEZ3NVTAtOEshCvwQ',\n"," 'business_id': '5bCsL-Z3QnuBmJQtIt8qyw',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My wife bought a car here. I handled the negotiations. \\n\\nOur salesman was friendly and helpful. Once the negotiations began however, our salesman left the picture and we were left to deal with the manager. This experience was annoying. I had done my research and shopped around. The manager must not be accustomed to dealing with informed shoppers because he was obviously lying to me on a number of fronts. Had my wife not needed the car immediately - and wanted a color that was only available this dealer - I would have moved on to another dealership. \\n\\nMy advice would be that if you have to come here be armed with knowledge and info on pricing from other dealers but in general I would probably buy from a different dealer if I had to do it over.',\n"," 'date': '2012-11-06 15:23:41'},\n"," {'review_id': 'alP0N_bFRdeV1oVeKzvlZQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'tAVuWx4pgvXn5WrRWUljkA',\n"," 'business_id': 'SwBhaxfQPbyhsi0QHUAN0A',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I've only been to their casino and I love that its only an hour away from Orlando yet it feels so far. The atmosphere is typical of most casinos with the exception of over priced burgers and fries at the Hard Rock Cafe. \\n\\nI had some luck on the Breakfast at Tiffany's slot machine and as a lover of the movie, it was a fun one to play.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-10-08 19:34:31'},\n"," {'review_id': 'AKqi6mgoYb2Enn7yqjAyCA',\n"," 'user_id': 'yH9--fgjVBQjxQ1vcZYTtA',\n"," 'business_id': 'vSZRxp9u-zR5hEvOj4J5zA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I've used Merrigans several times for work on both a 2012 RV and a vintage 1984 Dolphin. They aren't the best at always answering the phones or calling back but they are the best at fixing what's wrong at a fair price. Your patience will be rewarded with a quality repair at a fair price. It's an honest mom and pop shop that has an eclectic collection of parts for older RV's along with the know-how and experience to fix anything. Definitely the place in Tucson where you won't get ripped off for work on your RV. If you want it done right and still have money left in your travel fund, go to Merrigans. They also have a FREE 24 hr. dump station WITH water.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-08-08 02:04:44'},\n"," {'review_id': '7P2APt0QnU-nnn-JC4Httg',\n"," 'user_id': 'HIpn9Nwdod31e4vEshxfkw',\n"," 'business_id': '8yDgFRYjTYdtBH9PVk9E_w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Lisa is the best at what she does. See her on TV:\\nhttps://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=748903991831120&set=vb.283845548336969&type=2&theater',\n"," 'date': '2014-10-11 04:22:11'},\n"," {'review_id': 'kSLjPYN-Di6Mwe-Up_JrhA',\n"," 'user_id': 'lYB2BjAf3cqtOl_i3HOLKg',\n"," 'business_id': '-e9MepGs8piOYdwuP5x7tw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Tasty brunch, extremely friendly staff, great cocktails, and cute and comfy design. I love having a lesbian bar in the neighborhood. I will be returning with my mom for Mothers' Day. I'm so happy this place exists.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-05-07 06:33:39'},\n"," {'review_id': '6PN2cvx6cCrEXGibVmdhnw',\n"," 'user_id': '-OCbPl8jDXA-RzGjaQdEQA',\n"," 'business_id': 'p7C2l6MyJLq9lKMmUhjqMg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I will not return to this location. I contacted the manager in regards to a poorly made pizza I received, he replied to my online inquiry but never followed through on taking care of things. I even sent a photo to prove that the appearance of the pizza was not acceptable, and I never heard back from him.',\n"," 'date': '2018-05-28 20:34:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'MCsvM0AX9l-UG641iQKacA',\n"," 'user_id': 'M-ioj0zpryMKwY98qCEatg',\n"," 'business_id': 'j8JOZvfeHEfUWq3gEz6ABQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Amazing food!! and the whole experience is great there every time. I suggest going there with a group of about 6 people so it doesn't totally break the bank but if you've got the money then who cares! Have fun!\\n\\nFirst you enter in and select the wine you would like. The staff is helpful and knowledgeable about their stock. (And if for some reason at the end you didn't finish your bottle they will cork it back up for you to take.) Then select your cheese platter. Lots of yummy stinky cheese to select from and prosciutto. I wish they had more cured meats but it's all yummy anyway. You pay for the wine and cheese there. Which in a large group one or two people can take care of this part. \\n\\nThen going to get a seat can be difficult but just be patient. There's outdoor seating that's very nice and always a live band playing. Inside upstairs is nice as well. Once you're all set with your wine and group it's time to order. Go to the window and play your order. Definite things you must get.... the bacon wrapped dates stuffed with chorizo and the goat cheese and mushroom dish....AMAZING! Although everything I've ever had here is great. \\n\\nThen just wait for your cheese platter, food and enjoy!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-03-18 18:00:12'},\n"," {'review_id': '5TN1g0CQ2WQi-Yg1BSFImQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'QrVzVbFQ7vyePxrowVSe4w',\n"," 'business_id': 'PYUI1OJVksGUbCrteU68bw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Came to see my son's band Last Frontier. The staff and food here is top notch! Had the porkbelly and fish nachos. Awesome. Great selection of whisky. Great sound system for the band.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-02-12 02:26:16'},\n"," {'review_id': 'DkP5rndjNG34M739vR1t8g',\n"," 'user_id': 'iIMs--XG4bKVI9V55ZUNbw',\n"," 'business_id': 'xHUTCaGGn5jQkbs-q1trXg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I have never had any issues with this place and we have been here many times. This is the only paint store I have ever been to besides places like Home Depot or Lowes...so as far as a paint places goes it ranks high on my list. Not only do they sale paint but also everything that you need to get the job done. Everyone is extremely friendly and helpful. They keep your paint information on file so you don't have to remember it if you need to purchase more. I normally go when there is a sale on paint...keep an eye out for 30% off....we buy interior Super Paint which was a part of the deal.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-05-26 13:46:09'},\n"," {'review_id': '8KDl6ZlqXL4zlM8ptQWUMg',\n"," 'user_id': '0O5O06pC4YgqnLVm5MznJg',\n"," 'business_id': 'V8H6z5ulGJEkaFUyRfmLKw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The food was great, the service excellent. Had dinner outside on the deck, saw lots of dolphins. Will come back for sure.',\n"," 'date': '2015-06-21 01:54:07'},\n"," {'review_id': '4zpACJ-dd3A_rxv-qo62LA',\n"," 'user_id': 'ZuyxS4F2zdBMjghIj1auAA',\n"," 'business_id': '6dDC5PSmPEoJYuM8r8dN_A',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I find it hugely ironic that WF is trying to reposition itself as a 'value' food store right now when others (i.e. Trader Joe's up the street) have been doing that for years. For value, go elsewhere. For pretty food, lovely store displays and a feeling of smugness, check out Whole Foods.\\n\\nDespite my snark, I have to admit that it's nice to see an enormous, clean and well stocked yuppie market in Reno finally. Now that this town has been rated by National Geographic as a top outdoors place to live in, it needs the retail to support that (and I don't mean another REI). For myself, I'm too cheap to look seriously at this place for my regular shopping needs, but for lunch and the odd stopover, it's awesome. Beautiful produce, drool inducing cheese selections and a bakery that would break my budget if I bought everything that struck my fancy.\\n\\nPlus it's proximity to the freeway (for those of us who do our shopping based on distance from the 395 or 80) makes it an ideal stop to/from the airport.\",\n"," 'date': '2008-08-18 21:11:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ZBx_hZHW_eLHdDJHX_GBIg',\n"," 'user_id': 'Hv9siU3zfE1zJ-GyBxOQKg',\n"," 'business_id': '35GCFtezJ3upyqGf-zJ8MA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great service and awesome food!!!! We go here all the time. Each time it is excellent! Very very Stellar',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-27 23:10:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'mx_r8EYx8JooAHa63maSBg',\n"," 'user_id': 'zBWSORvlWDmwtcx6627qWQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'gwNlSSV0hGgNgTqPprj4FQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Monthly lunch with my fellow colleagues the other day and the person assigned to get lunch ordered from Fresh and had it delivered. \\n\\nMy selection was the Chopped Italian salad. The salad consists of mixed greens, salami, smoked turkey, tomato, garbanzo beans and parmesan cheese served with the house vinaigrette. The salad was lacking for me. I think such a salad would be so much better with a few more Italian-esque ingredients in it, perhaps a little more anitpasto like. I know, it's not advertised as antipasto but c'mon....this salad was boring. Throw in a couple of olives, some artichoke hearts, some sliced pepperoncinis. Maybe my tastebuds were having an off day but the salami wasn't very flavorful either. Charge a couple dollars more for a more inventive salad. Please!\\n\\nI do want to give them another chance since so many reviews on here are glowing. Maybe I need to stick with a panini or something but I really do love salads for summer lunches.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-07-12 20:30:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'OLZynK9C-Er-Oc-zsptu8A',\n"," 'user_id': '7a2mU2XJr8YQDMg9Z7wvaA',\n"," 'business_id': 'H_myjugKRTnMs3agPOet5w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Tyson is on point, sharp and follows through on his word. I brought an RV with a ford front end to him not only did he get me in right away but he finished ahead of time. Parts were ordered and in shop and the guys were working on it next day. I had my RV bumper replaced on the ford front end in 3 days and back on the road. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Only place I will take my vehicles, as a business owner it's important for great service. Manny and Tyson are great!\",\n"," 'date': '2016-06-22 20:33:52'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gftnbgFGjd2hPAdpZTQ09A',\n"," 'user_id': 'OsXAZT67V7SST7YHk4Ou3g',\n"," 'business_id': 'ySSOZ_fz7wMhfjhWKzdR-w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We sat at a pretty hectic lunch at Johnny rockets in the casino. Our server was Lyndel! She was awesome! Helped us at every needy request lol... Good was good, too! I'm too full\",\n"," 'date': '2017-01-14 23:00:14'},\n"," {'review_id': 'hdasy3L9uoUCydCiJMbahQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'cYDHDB5n8PRDYTCqeVWzVA',\n"," 'business_id': '9_m_iA3VAqGBJEW5XLc-5w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This place is fantastic. The food is exceptional and the service couldn't be better. Very nice and generous people with a cool atmosphere. I eat here almost every weekend. Can't beat the Cuban espresso!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-04-15 17:30:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'wNeJFtvJRAOTLNePJVTmKg',\n"," 'user_id': 'K6ouCoiLDaiu5EMYm9SpTQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'DTuAFwqf2lknagHDT4pUMA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great pizza! The owner Pete is usually there and he's a great guy. They have lots of fantastic pizzas, but my favorites are the California (white pizza with pieces of breaded chicken cutlet, bacon, and tomatos, and ranch dressing instead of red sauce), Meatlovers (5 meats, but the sausage is the kind that does not have fennel in it, so more points for that), Veggie pizza (they saute the veggies first before they go on the pizza, and instead of using green peppers, they use sweet peppers). \\n\\nUnfortunately, the shop was damaged by a fire in the next door laundry mat and they've been closed for a few weeks, but I can't wait for their doors to open again soon. I miss the lunch special, 2 slices and a self serve soda for $3.99. Best local pizza you'll find in the Hatboro area.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-10-08 12:46:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'QHNTGvt6_JBe3RBQ3YLwSQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'sNYK8_kyxap1klofJnDqHg',\n"," 'business_id': 'bj-_vwEXLa7ECiHZhoOmFg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Buffalo chicken cheese dip is amazing. Friendly wait staff and prices are reasonable.',\n"," 'date': '2011-09-26 01:55:49'},\n"," {'review_id': '7yZn4_F0oZG0oJLgGI1C0g',\n"," 'user_id': '3t2hth7NFZ21lQOHXeQTvw',\n"," 'business_id': 'ZWRgvtyHRobwpi4G-Z4STQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Pizza was so good! First time trying today and ordered online. A little mess up with their system so they didn't get my order in time. The guy called me back, told me he was making the pizza in a rush and wasn't charging me for it. 20 minutes later he came to the door himself with my Fresh, hot pizza and 2 brownies all for free. \\nHe was very apologetic. Customer service was fantastic and food was awesome. This is my new go to delivery joint.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-11-18 21:44:34'},\n"," {'review_id': 'itYosAiMADdpOutGI908rw',\n"," 'user_id': 'RhqQNwLWCHArpTwhlaiM9A',\n"," 'business_id': '9gObo5ltOMo6UgsaXaHPWA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Came here for my 21st birthday dinner with my family and had a great experience! The food and drinks were to die for, but they were extremely overpriced. Even though the quality of food was good, I still don't think it was worth what we paid for. I recommend getting the lobster mac and cheese as an appetizer, it was probably the best mac and cheese I've ever eaten. At the end of the meal, they gave us some small complimentary desserts, even though we ordered a bunch of desserts to top off our meal. Had a great time, but definitely overpriced.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-05-31 15:16:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qx-EmVNPINe_3eDMEDUAeA',\n"," 'user_id': 'qsKXDTwhbsZtogfaKIyfoQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'DsKzHnkLKnxZTVsFpts4oA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I like this place a lot. I stopped in once with friends for drinks and was eager to return for food. We finally did over the weekend. \\n\\nThe ambience is very nice -- somehow ideal for both a fun date as well as for a beer and sports crowd. \\n\\nI love the open kitchen. \\n\\nGreat beer selection. \\n\\nI'll definitely return for the rosemary fries, and my fiancée will return for the very good house burger.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-06-08 23:25:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ycnrk17MxCkAsjKocEg3bg',\n"," 'user_id': 'ekHqweyORBYqSou6pOl2uQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'HCbJPXWXvwN-C7XfmVy3gA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'If you are going for the food, I would give it 5 stars, but since this is a brewhouse, I only gave it 3. \\n\\nI ordered the light flight since we went for lunch and I wasn\\'t looking for a heavy meal. The beer was OK at best. It was bland, a little strange in after taste and uninspired. Light beers dont have to equal tasteless. My boyfriend had a \"hoppy beer with citrus undertones\". He could taste neither the hops or the citrus (disclaimer - we are from VT and are used to very hoppy beers!) \\n\\nNow the food - that was great. We went at lunch time and was able to get a soup and salad for 8.95. We both had the same thing - Chicken Bruchetta salad and French Onion Soup. The portion was fantastic for a lunch size and the soup really flavorful! \\n\\nFor a lunch downtown it was great, but I would go for the brews...',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-02 21:08:51'},\n"," {'review_id': '7ym4hsISxBUwa3ugL7cL9Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'SEPSy_TUicGdTg-_72aOmQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'IwqFmo-RJs15WvA8PVHFnA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"This place just opened up near rivers edge apartments. It's a boutique style taqueria with a menu that anyone can enjoy. The head chef was nominated for a James Beard Award and it shows in his flavorful and diverse menu choices! The restaurant has both an outdoor and indoor setting with double doors that allow access to both, with a bar around the corner. \\n\\nI personally have tried every taco on the menu as well as the appetizers! Each taco uses fresh local ingredients with an option for vegetarians and meat eaters like myself. My two favorites are the mushroom taco and the short rib taco, both have unique and fantastic flavors. But I would recommend trying them all, you will not be disappointed! Overall a great place for lunch or dinner! I will definitely be going back soon!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-05-19 15:04:56'},\n"," {'review_id': 'QsD2ddaJ1c7JPcMPI0QTpA',\n"," 'user_id': 'vqaJs9VyVLkbixSetsVKyQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'rVfe1LHo55A2fworkm_jVw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Originally, our little group headed to Franklin Fountain and the line was around the block-- Capofitto was only a few steps away with no line (and bonus--cheaper/better dessert treat!). We only popped in for gelato, but I would love to come back for the pizza! It looked and smelled really good. Gelato was amazing, as capogiro gelato always is. Highly recommend chocolat scurio and pera as a combo--it was perfect!',\n"," 'date': '2017-04-30 20:36:07'},\n"," {'review_id': '7rNRbcMhxSnfOOaYiDgNBw',\n"," 'user_id': 'bbcO-pphyABr7uyGWCMzxQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'InbkcStjSbpQEK5JGsy8ZA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This hospital is by far the best for families on the East Coast. They make seeing multiple MDs on the same day very easy and the quality of care is incredible. The renovated wing is fantastic with good accommodations for caregivers and friendly and attentive staff. I wholeheartedly recommend A.I. DuPont and will continue to travel from NY for my child's care.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-10-25 02:06:06'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Eb1OSTtYfY-Et9Sa42g8QA',\n"," 'user_id': 'qz1XgXvvtRR8WKyWUXSJig',\n"," 'business_id': 'wUnLSg_GKfEIQ5CQQ770_g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I highly recommend this place! This was our first \"Chef Tasting\"! It was exquisite!! We had 9 courses and all were truly delicious. Wine was amazing. If you are in Philly, I highly recommend Vetri.',\n"," 'date': '2017-02-20 02:14:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YdpWZq5fu85qyrrIyiL-_Q',\n"," 'user_id': '0JZrLZafhNxLJZ9nnZ2jSA',\n"," 'business_id': 'KZe5kpIHWVuJl6WgNYzceg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I'm pretty sure this place has been open since before I was born and it's no surprise as to why. \\n\\nThe absolute classic of an American diner, polite and attentive waitresses and most of their food made entirely from scratch. I would definitely say their fried chicken is the best I've had before, and fresh! Bottomless coffee too, for $1.75 which I think is quite reasonable. Nice pie, too :)\",\n"," 'date': '2015-10-17 17:05:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Dr2fI8BfdVyasSDG_pnBYA',\n"," 'user_id': 'toGVC_glKwl1oL5fE1odmg',\n"," 'business_id': 'YFMYMfz9L3Wraqb9I9TnfA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Don't go here. They gave me grief over the groupon then didn't bother to actually change my oil filter or tell me that they hadn't changed it so I drove 5k miles on an old filter. Crappy customer service, rude attitude, find somewhere better.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-11-07 00:08:32'},\n"," {'review_id': '9IwAYLrVTzcRnLmmAGvDVQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'saQQmDQQJ14BVkm_sg53UA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Uc6PdjT_MO5bRPQsUUEy5Q',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I attended the #welldoneTBO tweet-up at Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza last week and had a great time. The folks at Anthony's were amazing with the customer service. We got to try so many menu items, and all were amazing. The Philly Cheesesteak Pizza was my 10 year old's favorite. I loved the Cauliflower pizza...so buttery and garlicky and delicious (vegetarian). We also got to try the carmelized onion-smothered wings which were out of this world. Also tasted: meatballs, ribs, salad...all very good. We ordered off the menu a half and half pizza with pepperoni, sausage and mushrooms. So good. If they had liquor on the menu I would have given them five stars (I'm just not a beer or wine person). Thanks for a great evening Anthony's! We'll be back.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-06-26 14:47:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'QOvpBY03WUgMRypyC_r2zA',\n"," 'user_id': 'PInbvS6NEEHP7J2sDApVMw',\n"," 'business_id': 'WO5nr-4sjVs506BdCLL0aA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Awesome service and food. Served with a dry ice fog thing that add a layer of coolness to the whole experience.',\n"," 'date': '2016-10-26 21:11:58'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Wd1N0MxCvwA9EHH7pkon8A',\n"," 'user_id': 'zOXz1t2VdJUpeE9d1thrgQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'OINbC0rpDVJ5bfxt3LO9fw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Come here for delicious, home style New Orleans cuisine. We went in the afternoon, and although it was full, we were lucky and a table was ready right away. We did the a la carte as opposed to the buffet. It was our favorite meal of the trip!',\n"," 'date': '2018-02-11 05:12:52'},\n"," {'review_id': 'g8bYpcVdj3tItU7v3ntOzQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'KfOG8p1WKeKpud3TzNGnmg',\n"," 'business_id': 'Zx7n8mdt8OzLRXVzolXNhQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'A great restaurant to take people visiting from out of town. Very popular for breakfast/brunch on the weekends. Should expect to wait at least an hour any time after 9:30 AM and service takes a little while. But great menu options and delicious food. Also a great bakery, coffee and gelato counter that offers instant service or items to enjoy while waiting to get called.',\n"," 'date': '2018-05-28 20:45:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nAx6LHi2qcvh1Rg9MaqckA',\n"," 'user_id': 's_tmMM7ZV6LyRosVL0UyhA',\n"," 'business_id': 'jxfAi7UDmtbhyPw7ZsfKVw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The food is really good!! The service is less than average; I felt very rushed, unimportant, and cheated. Was shocked that the waitress withheld my coins when she gave me my change! Do they withhold change from all of their customers?!! Very disappointed. Would she have done that to a well known food critic?\\n\\nWill probably go back one more time eventually but will have lots of change with me to pay the EXACT amount! When it came time to give her tip, I applied the coins she withheld from me -they became part of her tip. Also, her tip dropped from my standard 25% to 15%. Flabbergasted.',\n"," 'date': '2018-08-04 20:20:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'A-AIvNIGCwUplBhjd2OMhg',\n"," 'user_id': 'DAXuBz8W8I0P6Fqden3kjA',\n"," 'business_id': 'kZtl_NJjUnlIQgzFrBhXyQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Their sushi is pretty good. Mesa rolls are my fav here. They would be 4stars if they gave better estimations for pick ups. It is typical that they lag a lot and they seem to make it after you show up.',\n"," 'date': '2017-02-19 15:57:00'},\n"," {'review_id': '4euQ70qJhaHbkG_iiAEDiA',\n"," 'user_id': 'A9Q-_QpJy1mHjlwwP2RwJg',\n"," 'business_id': 'EtKSTHV5Qx_Q7Aur9o4kQQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'If you want The Best burger in Philly, this is the right place to come. The bread was fresh, meat was nothing but juicy, service was a amiable, price was descent and affordable to everybody!',\n"," 'date': '2017-07-08 18:20:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'bd5QvdMJJYPWK535BMJp1w',\n"," 'user_id': 'na0A2eutW2NtTdu7xMk2uw',\n"," 'business_id': 'j8JOZvfeHEfUWq3gEz6ABQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great hangout for wine, cheese, and some music outside. Tried some of the food - bacon-wrapped dates & brussel sprouts - all unmemorable. Also tried the sardines which smelled and tasted past their prime - sent back.',\n"," 'date': '2014-11-12 15:38:32'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NhbTHrDA_z1QF6L6BhmFiA',\n"," 'user_id': 'P7UyZFw5ynnueQoF0YDEkg',\n"," 'business_id': 'TLZ3-eDPLhUzfsWO4ad6Ug',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Excellent tasting Po-Boys but it could have had mire catfish, pretty skimpy.\\nService, very good.',\n"," 'date': '2018-08-23 21:00:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NCz3xcKkrU6-da8YJXGq9g',\n"," 'user_id': 'SkEIG415vLKFIjbTEVtUSA',\n"," 'business_id': 'kqAa2CtPGA-QsZhhbzpzUQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 6,\n"," 'funny': 4,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': 'Define the worst Mediterranean food I have ever had. The hummus appeared to have a good texture, that is the little bit I could see under the ocean of olive oil. The pita bread was burned- not just over toasted, but black on the majority of the wedges. I went home and was sick the rest of the evening from the amount of oil it had in it. \\n\\nThe manager was probably the worst of the experience. He told my gf he would \"upgrade her hummus for no charge, because normally it\\'s $1.00\" but said it as if he was doing us this huge favor. He then continued to yell at us from across the restaurant after we sat down (instead of coming up to our table and actually having a conversation) and says, \"please let me know how your food is because that\\'s the only way I can know if we are doing a good job or not is when customers tell me.\" But we agreed that the vibe he gave off would not be that of open mindedness and gratitude if we were to say anything about his plate of olive oil, er I mean hummus. There is also a sign that advertises the \"cleanest bathroom in town\".... Ehhhh ok, good to know for our next road trip.',\n"," 'date': '2016-03-17 15:19:59'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RyVVYd322gIrHk2EGZM5-g',\n"," 'user_id': 'IJJETLhfEVvuUF_UfA7Hug',\n"," 'business_id': 'G6kRQylkjNNE-yUXM2muBg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Great bagels! I wish they stayed open later in the day though. Staff not very friendly but the bagels are worth it!',\n"," 'date': '2013-10-03 12:26:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gF2MHTRq7XqH_t3XNk9HpA',\n"," 'user_id': 'm3XeAlZN5mBjp7ynqe8_XQ',\n"," 'business_id': '_d5OAxaxRPsivgYbBq7U1A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This hotel was fantastic. I was in town for a week, working at my company's PA office in Wayne. Great location and easy to get in and out. Hotel staff was very friendly. Room was immaculately cleaned and very spacious for just one person. Kitchenette was fully stocked with dishes, silverware, utensils, a small dishwasher and a full size fridge. Windows surrounding the king size bed were great- lots of natural light. I liked that opting out of housekeeping got me a $5 credit at the restaurant. \\n\\nThe pool is small but no one was there the two times I went to use the hot tub. The bar has a decent drink selection, although I was bummed they were out of mint and couldn't make a mojito (which was on the drink menu). Burger was okay. Dessert was mediocre (but free with my $5 credit, so nbd). Omelet station was a nice touch in the AM. Coffee frequently had coffee grounds in it/was very weak, but the breakfast spread overall was nice.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-07-03 22:33:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'FbHTJfPbg5I_YPBQYooACQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'g2GDpnMMXO9s0-JVIJnfzQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'gCcJTKC40CL0XtYYGfcXDw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Decent falafel wrap...but not exactly cheap. And the cave-like sitting area was cold and uninviting. There are better choices in Manayunk.',\n"," 'date': '2014-03-14 17:59:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'V64jmILpu6ZGEv_vN_9cuQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'X6IsF3GWKr09aQlbrd4xOA',\n"," 'business_id': '-DXNvQLhKwunHzg8OjkwXA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This place was awesome! I am driving cross country and hit a busted tire on the road and something came off the bottom of my car. I called and Brian told me to come in and he would take a look. They put my car up right away and patched things up. He was really nice and had me on my way in less than 30 minutes. Definitely recommend this place.',\n"," 'date': '2015-08-19 13:50:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'bgwswvl0rI72YMB7a2rTkA',\n"," 'user_id': 'zEiYkOxDzMEQCAHzEB3Yyw',\n"," 'business_id': 'ompDR5sUDpoI6gnTldmneQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Friday, July 22 we decided to give this eatery a try. It is definitely in a great location especially if you want to explore the Quarter afterwards. We were a party of 8 people and out of the 8 dishes ordered only 2 were really good --the jambalaya and file gumbo were very tasty. The other dishes --red beans/rice, meatloaf, Mac and cheese, shrimp po boy, and chicken wings were bland and a waste of money. The staff was nice but overall the food was mediocre.',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-25 15:42:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GSyttRJvd5VqKK6O0WV1Eg',\n"," 'user_id': 'KLS_AWthM9n6KLcBTCF_RQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'SZU9c8V2GuREDN5KgyHFJw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"According to my experience, there is just one place in Tokyo at the fish market where you get your seafood a little fresher. Here in Santa Barbara, it does not get any fresher. Right from the fish tank in the cooking pot on your plate. Don't expect a fancy restaurant with a nice ambiance because this is not the reason you come here (though the outside seating has a nice ocean/harbor view). It is the variety of fresh shellfish prepared according to your appetite and taste buds. The wait can be long during peak hours but it is worth it. Put your name down and take a walk on the peer to free-up some extra room in your stomach - you'll need it!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-12-29 17:57:00'},\n"," {'review_id': 'yCNf7tWAahLZVULW9dEhMw',\n"," 'user_id': 'BdWc0IO_lEjV7FlKv_4oZg',\n"," 'business_id': '6N9T23_iXkcOCh6boAXpIg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I've always had good experiences here. The food is creative and tasty and the house wines are decent. Their cocktails are well made but small. I've never had a problem with service but also haven't been here during a super busy time. The patio is a great spot to hang out with friends.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-08-30 19:50:43'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LNmNpXH-tHa736y2NkibBw',\n"," 'user_id': 'tat7n8XnUBvZYFeB0FSzvg',\n"," 'business_id': 'D2kZP7jvrWTuRzcPY6NbqA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"tldr; Huge plates of food. Cheap. Delicious. Get the banana pecan pancakes.\\n\\nSkyway Jacks is now Skyway Cafe. Same great food and service. I love the bovine decor. It really makes it feel homey. This is the kind of place that you think about when you imagine a local diner (at least my opinion of one). Everything I've eaten has been awesome. The service is good and the coffee keeps coming. \\n\\nThey have a morning breakfast deal between 7 and 830 am. $2.89 for 5 different combinations such as 2 eggs, pancakes and sausage (when you buy a beverage). I might have to start grabbing a little breakfast before work!\\n\\nSeriously, though.... get the banana pecan pancakes. You can thank me later.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-10-24 19:39:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'MLBz8yi-26Dez0wpuEyvtQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'oe96IfuI5SCR5y0VWq4fkg',\n"," 'business_id': 'crRUwlg4u4VLLnGcOe9Ang',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Worst experience ever!!!! \\n\\nI stood in line today for 1 hour and 20 minutes for 1 shot. They the walked up in front of me and closed the line. Told me they were done and leaving. There were 60 people behind me outraged as well. F*** this place',\n"," 'date': '2018-04-15 17:14:07'},\n"," {'review_id': '9eeoAUQEJDw0KYV5NPYH-A',\n"," 'user_id': '-qoyKSF2G3PkR_7XNoJfpQ',\n"," 'business_id': '0ZETsmrLSGWaBu1NNdcmYw',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Good luck finding anyone to help you. Poor poor customer service.',\n"," 'date': '2005-05-18 15:44:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'rnyCUpFeNzS7J0ojgbDKdA',\n"," 'user_id': '0EgbVtQfdNQq3Tapxwl_sw',\n"," 'business_id': 'VCjvaX_78oEKG3I9oTJEag',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'On my first day in New Orleans, I walked to Fair Grinds for a caffeine boost. It was a beautiful afternoon, and a handful of people were scattered around the shop and the outdoor seating area, working on laptops and visiting with friends. \\n\\nI ordered a small cold brew with vanilla, easy on the ice. I added a hunk of gluten free zucchini bread (the bread butt; the best part!) to my order and paid with a credit card. They have a fancy touchscreen register that lets you add tip to your card purchase. \\n\\nI topped off my drink with whole milk -- which in itself was a real treat. It\\'s so rare to see whole milk at the mixing station! \\n\\nBefore leaving, I asked what else they had in the way of a GF offering, and the young man behind the counter said \"just the zucchini bread.\" That\\'s a real bummer; the zucchini bread is great but I\\'d love to have more than one option. \\n\\nMy drink was smooth and had a perfect flavor. I was happy with my choices. \\n\\nIf I lived in the neighborhood, I\\'d be here all the time. I like the hipstery feeling of this place, and everything I\\'ve ordered has been delightful.',\n"," 'date': '2017-03-03 23:37:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 'H9qRr0lRUG-Bmol-Lw2Iiw',\n"," 'user_id': 'njh1nsVTKP2gCfUvbnCn8w',\n"," 'business_id': 'qEBL7U0kW4lkptcd_4wWbg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This place is so lovely! I went for a sweet and was amazed at the variety. The gooey butter cookies were awesome and the German chocolate cupcake simply amazing!',\n"," 'date': '2017-07-08 19:35:16'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Wx2ORaa8QFmCQd6IxtSeDA',\n"," 'user_id': '_RamAYhTCx3icKGk32tgYQ',\n"," 'business_id': '5S3Cc7EsEo66BSL7s6iF-w',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Decent frozen yogurt with a lot of options for toppings. They have about 8 different froyo flavors to chose from. Lots of possible combinations. However, it can get expensive pretty quickly when you weigh the cup. \\n\\nThere's not a lot of seating inside. Staff is friendly but not very active. I do want to try their bubble tea, but j wasn't very impressed.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-06-22 20:20:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'hVMnaP76DTPsqg9ujXHoog',\n"," 'user_id': 'ElXv0T5jNFHbtDM7nJvGsw',\n"," 'business_id': 'mcr1lAEdvGLMJhuPwI3I2A',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I loved this place! We drove down from Tahoe just to eat here! The 90 miles round trip was worth it! The food was that good! The Chicken Basil was the best! And they have good Boba Tea!\\n\\nDon't believe the nay-sayer about this place. The food was pretty authentic Taiwanese. Try it and see for yourself!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-01-17 18:57:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nH-TalVeXXW2GgFc71fWrQ',\n"," 'user_id': '2b_ok2fil-4teqRDQC9Yrg',\n"," 'business_id': 'qppGA9vCUPfw9ngOy_R90w',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Cru is such a cute quaint wine bar! In the front is a wine store and in the back ins the wine bar. The wine bar area is small but had a very modern atmosphere.\\n\\nI started off with the Vina Vino wine flight and my friends ordered The Bold and the Beautiful. Both came on a cute wood/chalkboard board with the wine written in chalk. All the wines were very tasty but the Vespucci Primitivo and the Il Fauno di Arcanum were my favorite.\\n\\nWe then ordered the fig jam and prosciutto, bleu cheese, arugula flatbread. A little heavy on the blue cheese for my liking but overall was really good. We also ordered the Farmers Platter. You can choose anything from 1-7 items and build your plate from a variety of cheese and meats. We selected the Brillat-Savarin, Cypress Grove \"Purple Haze\", Blue Brie, Spressata and the Italian Speck. The farmers plate also came with jam, mustard, caramelized nuts and crostini. The Farmers plate by far was my favorite!\\n\\nOverall I really liked CRU. Its cute, quaint and cozy. Can\\'t wait to come back!!',\n"," 'date': '2014-01-17 10:41:12'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PAA9HCjWlYRgG-A7hl5EMA',\n"," 'user_id': 'boC2VXdYY0bs4vOw_jD4bQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'kkcQYuF3w5iHnHMf0EnRhQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great spot I've been coming here for years. Top 3 steaks in the city! Nothing has changed even after the name change. Try a chicken cheesesteak for something different\",\n"," 'date': '2017-09-20 18:33:37'},\n"," {'review_id': 'KwgjCrWHjSN_UpFApvgwdg',\n"," 'user_id': 'j6auVeGydK6FavvcyHu_Zw',\n"," 'business_id': 'qot32tHVWZpiJibLTwQGyw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Pina's is easily one of the mroe underated places to eat in Roxborough. They have great stromboli (which are HUGE) and thier sicilian pie is the best I have every had. Sandwiches and pizza are just ok. \\n\\nI stopped ina two occassions for a sit down dinner and came away very stisfied and full. Ordered the chicken park with was a huge chickem covered in cheese and sauce. Excellent.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-03-20 20:28:14'},\n"," {'review_id': 'CHo2CsqbukzKhTBag244AQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'WVEkcqTB9MC3evztC6EnKA',\n"," 'business_id': 'DNkz1z53dS2CUUWI1Skg2g',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"It may be a bit pricey, but it's good food in the cafe and a good selection in the grocery. I love their vegan sandwich and tofu melt and they always have a great selection of vegan sweets.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-02-13 20:27:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'BYWRwOtiLsmABTG2yIHUMg',\n"," 'user_id': 'BAs-S9XcYddgiasMT0-LXw',\n"," 'business_id': 'sdFJSq-EgmtplIwUamRwTQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"These guys are awesome! Best burger restaurant in New Orleans. Service was on point, they made sure we had our food in a timely manner and food is fresh. We flew in from Atlanta, And this is the first place we went to. And we will definitely be back before we leave. \\n\\nMy friends ordered the Gator burger and the deer burger. I personally ordered the buffalo wings, which was very good. We left super happy! Btw they're drinks are very good too!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-12-05 03:52:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gj_usrjf1TIkh73H-QO3uw',\n"," 'user_id': 'nBUnQnecIYYWuxk0g5njhw',\n"," 'business_id': 'j99PtxlKTW_u5alE4jiqHQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Went here with my boyfriend and we loved it!\\nOld school feeling, with 3 floors!!\\n\\nWe have been here twice, and each time was great!\\nThe food was amazing, I got the veal since it had been recommended to me, as well as the clams casino, mussles, pasta with oil and garlic, and the home-made garlic bread. Staff was nice and helpful!\\n\\n...Went here again recently while in the area and had this new dish of gnocchi with gorgonzola sauce in it, and it was delicious!!!!! My new favorite dish as this place. \\n\\nMUST EAT!!!',\n"," 'date': '2011-10-27 21:45:26'},\n"," {'review_id': 'fQfAfRvLDSUrnDoh0ByBKA',\n"," 'user_id': 'HuoP7ejN-LSwkO1UIgmtaw',\n"," 'business_id': 'zVoxVPHEt11_0GzqNuT2ZQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': 'First impression:\\n\\nHome Wine Kitchen\\'s \"No Menu Monday\" is a must-try for anyone interested in the St. Louis fine dining scene or good food more generally. We came prepared with reservations, but the restaurant actually began quieting out while our delicious meal was ramping up; the tables offer more elbow room than the photographs online belie. As the name of the evening suggests, no menu is in play here; you\\'ll let your friendly server know if you have any food allergies or particular preferences, and before long watch your customized meal unfold. That\\'s a three-course meal, $30, plus $12 for three half-glass wine pairings.\\n\\nAs starters, we were served lamb meatballs -- likely the favorite of the night -- and goat cheese-stuffed poblano peppers. The peppers had a good bit of spice offset by the chalkiness of the goat cheese, making an excellent pairing for my Soave (white wine). The mains were a corvina fish delicately cooked in wax paper and a swordfish steak served over asparagus with homegrown tomatoes and \"love sauce.\" The corvina came out on the rarer side, perhaps a little too complex for this Midwesterner\\'s palate, but the hearty swordfish was some of the best seafood I\\'ve tasted in Missouri. Dessert comprised a champagne gelatin and a chocolate tart, both of which were topped by fluffy homemade whipped cream and quickly eaten.\\n\\nThe staff at Home Wine Kitchen made our visit pleasant, acting casual yet professional during our meal. The restaurant patrons seemed to be largely industry types that oohed and aahed about the cuisine (perhaps a trifle self-importantly, but this Yelper is no saint himself). I was surprised to note that other diners were served the same courses as we were (albeit in different configurations), when I was under the assumption there would be a little more variation; however, I can only imagine the challenge such an endeavor would pose to the talented kitchen. The interior, lighting, and volume here were all very good.\\n\\nBy the end of the evening, we realized that putting yourself in the hands of the chef is not for the faint of heart, as evidenced by one conversation near us during the meal that all but stopped when a beautiful whole fish was served to the table. Leaving the restaurant, I was glad that I had tried No Menu Monday, but did wonder what the meal would have been like had I ordered off the menu. I guess that calls for a return visit, don\\'t you?',\n"," 'date': '2011-08-25 01:22:34'},\n"," {'review_id': 'XiAI47_GWuqV0cxwuYB3Bw',\n"," 'user_id': 'zg2FNzIq6s7n41H1E5NnWg',\n"," 'business_id': 'DsKzHnkLKnxZTVsFpts4oA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Went here with a few friends as the place to have our reunion dinner. We hadn't seen eachother since elementary school and got reacquainted through Facebook so this was a pretty special dinner. \\n\\nThe restaurant is very swanky and the prices show this. I do think the food was worth the price although all of my party thought it was very expensive. I ordered the lobster bake which was delicious. It was not fantastic and there wasn't alot of seafood but it was adequate for me. I also ordered a Neopolitan Old Fashion which was made perfectly. \\n\\nMy friends ordered the fritters, carpaccio, crab cake and fries. Plus 2 shots of tequila, a lemonade and 2 more old fashions. Bill was $170 which is not bad but some of my friends weren't expected it. \\n\\nAnd I must say something about our waiter. Unfortunately, I didn't remember his name but he was fantastic! Very attentive, nice and even bought out a dessert because it was also one of my friend's bday. He was just real cool. \\n\\n5 stars for service\\n3 stars for food\\n4 stars for ambience \\n2 stars for price. \\n\\nBut I was satisfied.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-05-28 20:37:32'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ly4PZdIlbIhLZO6WdDAaPg',\n"," 'user_id': 'uAu772KpSkb-tPFgZmU-lA',\n"," 'business_id': 'aZNiVR6oAMQX5__yGPvYsg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"My first trip to Susanna Foo was at 6 months old when the restaurant was still a hole-in-the-wall takeout joint owned by Susanna's parents. My parents have been taking my brother and I ever since. I have many fond memories of Susanna fashioning dolls for us out of the linen napkins and preparing Chicken with Cashew Nuts when we refused to eat anything else. The food has always been reliable, but now that I am an adult, I find it lacking excitement. The service is always impeccable and I have never been disappointed by the overall decor or ambience. I'd like to see Susanna improve upon some of her traditional recipes by either adding new flavors or perhaps returning to her Chinese roots with a more ethnic menu. I'm hoping there will be a revitalization and that I will come to love Susanna Foo as much as I did as a child.\",\n"," 'date': '2008-12-03 04:24:16'},\n"," {'review_id': '9mPq8hoJjmu2HQ9rgG3WAQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'GCNt4madLDcdTLstIz66kQ',\n"," 'business_id': '-K0zTgGyxo-AeSkcV0IVaA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I am from California and was looking for something besides the hotel dining room to have dinner at. I usually use the Yellow Pages to find restaurants and judge them by the size of their ads. Spiro's jumped out at me, not because of the size of their advertisement (small) but Greek food just sounded good to me tonight. I wasn't disappointed at all. The Greek lemon soup was excellent and I liked the Moussaka, although the waiter suggested the Sea Bass. All in all, the dinner was terrific and if I am back in this area, I will head to Spiro's again. Thanks Neil for the wonderful service!\",\n"," 'date': '2011-04-22 01:00:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'j1eC52fAQFNqk0ZzSxyq6g',\n"," 'user_id': 'k5Lv0ZcY4R-uLsBbbqsP_w',\n"," 'business_id': 'LT4A5jVMURvH_DKdr7A91w',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I'm a Barbecue judge and this ain't barbecue. Not in Texas, not in the southeast. Not in KC. An earlier reviewer nailed it perfectly. The brisket is fatty pot roast. No evidence of smoke. Mushy texture like long braised meat. My sandwich was 75 percent fat. Big meatless chunks of fat. Either the owner doesn't care or he's left the place in the hands of employees who don't know any better. Sorry. But you can do much better elsewhere.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-09-23 23:59:01'},\n"," {'review_id': '9qCZxJnJTSm1rvrAj2O6Og',\n"," 'user_id': 'ftXAwWq5_3AMSzVviheQSQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'gKPWC7F219oEbu5NXPzH4g',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Our second favorite place to watch a sunset. It's way north of Tampa, so a bit of a drive. We love to join everyone to clap when the sun goes down...a wonderful way to end the day. \\n\\nThe music is lively, as are the patrons. Don't expect to swim in the water, it's a rocky beach, not much sand. Have been taking our boys since they were babies...are fifteen now. The food and drinks don't make an impression either way, it's the view and atmosphere that draws you in. \\n\\nNever disappoints.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-07-03 22:49:14'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NgMX1BwJd5meAWEqXVC_OQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'e9pCi-A2zVniFyNqVzBzpA',\n"," 'business_id': '_KSRzh-ZxwKB3YcRlZQsGA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Obviously they are doing something right since they have been around since 1958. Great soft serve and scooped ice cream cones, boats, floats and sundaes.\\nPrices great too. Enjoy!',\n"," 'date': '2018-07-07 20:29:58'},\n"," {'review_id': 'iMVBioN1wwtXH7E43PQB_Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'PDTLA3gggc62G0V9XamwFw',\n"," 'business_id': '0JPi9cyV9i3_kDPj049_qQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I decided to stop by since I was in the area and craving some authentic Mexican cuisine. I was literally by myself (late lunchtime on a tues) and really excited to try the pazole!! It was delicious ( granted my first and only time) I believe it's pork and has hominy, lettuce, radishes,onions and they give you a small container of dried oregano. Not the biggest fan of the lettuce cause it's gets all wilted but add some hot sauce and it's a meal in itself!!! I got also got the taco lunch special (2 pork tacos and rice) and that was good. Besides the amazing service from the sweet lady, the salsa was way sweet! Wasn't the biggest fan but everything is def fresh! And the pineapple water is a must. I don't like pineapples but I read reviews and just had to try it and thank u guys! Great reviews :) I'm excited to come back to try the burritos esp since I come out here for Costco shopping (soooo close by!) pretty dangerous when I find good food cause then I get cravings :/ enjoy this gem and eat up!!!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-10-15 17:52:34'},\n"," {'review_id': '4PRGgyiaeTuiNeG8fSTPhg',\n"," 'user_id': 'be1dU739NLAFbLw2S4RPhA',\n"," 'business_id': '7lwe7n-Yc-V9E_HfLAeylg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': 'by 3 stars, i really mean 3.5-\\n\\nwhite brick walls, cool rustic furniture, seasoned, attractive employees. and the lighting is lovely.. nay, PERFECT. probably good for a blind date. and service is good and timely.\\n\\nbut 3.5 could\\'ve been 4 if it wasn\\'t so expensive for what i\\'m getting. and if the kitchen was more accommodating.\\n\\nthe first time i ever ate there, (around when it first opened), i ordered ravioli and received 3 or 5 pieces for $11-13. another time i visited, i tried substituting a salad for fries with my burger. and my server said, \"no, sorry, the kitchen won\\'t do that.\" \\n\\nare you $^%ER@# kidding me??? it wasn\\'t a super modification. it\\'s not as if i asked for a burger with only one bun, no tomato, half piece of lettuce, two onion rings, and love. it wasn\\'t like i wanted to substitute lobster for fries!!! needless to say, this is the first time i\\'ve been unable to substitute. i\\'m usually really easy to please, but this is the first time i\\'ve ever felt difficult. at least in my head. is this in my head?\\n\\nunforgivable.',\n"," 'date': '2010-05-14 15:28:59'},\n"," {'review_id': '5QXoOzlXejer6vBhLWkrbw',\n"," 'user_id': 'MEyPvp4jfT0qwsbR2kNepg',\n"," 'business_id': 'NT5S6JV5wPwKOd3s3Yh1zQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I would eat here again, but mostly because it is an interesting destination in a town with a lot of bad restaurants. Great decor, noisy atmosphere, and funky vibe. Servers seem hip, but we were rushed through an inattentive service. (One of those dinners where you better ask for the check when you can because you don't know when you will see the waiter again). Note to Gluten Free folks, this place is not completely safe or knowledgeable and the GF buns were awful. The house catsup, which is apparently a thing here, is not GF. Note to anyone with a car: parking sucks.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-10-11 12:10:26'},\n"," {'review_id': 'IZtEteas_Oruk0skO4BaSA',\n"," 'user_id': 'DUgvASMlwPxHKe6LZSmO4w',\n"," 'business_id': 'OHzX-ZD9qyoeoxR8Z0dlIA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Good drinks and food. Had the pulled pork and fried chicken po boy. Mac and cheese was amazing. Very reasonable for the price. Great draft list as well. Serves food till1am.',\n"," 'date': '2015-06-21 04:46:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'b7-Wi55KPnDFiDbQ3nUgFQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'q5g3dj7DJAPks8p4vZUsHA',\n"," 'business_id': '3SHw4aZW_muE1kRSLQQjjA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"If you like to wait while several tables are open, terrible service, a dirty restaurant, and very mediocre food that is overpriced for breakfast then you'll love this place! This was one of the worst breakfasts I've ever had. With First Watch around the corner and Pinky's up the street don't waste your time here. I know what you're thinking...but Todd First Watch and Pinky's are way more expensive....Bullsh#t. don't waste your time on this old broken down dump.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-11-06 14:52:07'},\n"," {'review_id': 'fO9s27ydvmpHuW7V6g7n6g',\n"," 'user_id': 'Snibkmu9icOiNSKvnQEFNA',\n"," 'business_id': '5FDt7sy-70y4_37Dh2qcbw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'So, I went back to El Arado on Monday with a group of six people. The staff seemed shocked about our 6 pm arrival, and \"sanitized\" a large table for us quickly. Yes, the table smelled like dirty sanitized rags, ugh, but, once you got buzzed on...I mean beyond, the smell, your waiter will appear and take your drink orders. \\n\\nWe got beers and margaritas. The margarita drinker in the group declared that it \"was good.\" The prices for drinks weren\\'t that bad. ($2.95 for Mexican beers). \\n\\nWe all ordered our food, which was brought out at a good time, fresh, and hot. Everyone snarfed - it was good and tasty and all our needs were met attentively by the quiet waiter. \\n\\nAll of us were let satisfied, and our specific requests (i.e. \"no beans\" \"light on the cheese\") were met by the kitchen staff with no problems. We left with full bellies then went to the Red Garter for a mind-numbing strip club experience. \\n\\nWhat a way to wrap up a review..\\n\\nEl Arado has gotten a bad wrap - but, the staff is decent, the food wasn\\'t too shabby and the drink prices are cheap. A good place to start out for affordable and filling eats before a night out in Fountain Square (or to strip clubs).',\n"," 'date': '2010-01-09 21:29:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'k6gumFSqSexf_8pnrJ9JJQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'gg1-g0_SMysNfkb-nx4x0A',\n"," 'business_id': 'D5V0Fawd6ODVgqCY8xngsw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The Loew's hotel is very clean and looks very nice. The service is amazing. My family and I wanted to stay for a whole month. The breakfast there is fantastic! My son said it looked like it was the future. That's how nice it was! The rooms were nice size and the parking is convenient. That's why I give the Loew's hotel 5 stars.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-08-10 21:34:42'},\n"," {'review_id': 'XM01lQSsLHQhtrCg1bbkDw',\n"," 'user_id': 'XuhpPK0bZgVenkGBh7KA6w',\n"," 'business_id': '2FnoLyEO0nq7g2Wz8x7Z5A',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Yayyy for honeygrow ! I honestly can 't believe it took me so long to try this place. It's awesome ! It is in the same complex as my gym and I always said I would give it a shot but didn't seem to make it over there. \\n\\nWell this past Tuesday it happened and I have a new spot to grab a healthy meal. I ordered the Sour Cherry BBQ stir fry with chicken instead of pork and parsley instead of shallots and it was amazing. Low calorie and OO so filling. While the line was long it went very quickly and my food was ready shortly after that. I love that you can order and pay right on the kiosk. \\n\\nThe employees were friendly and efficient and all went smoothly. I'll definitely go back.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-08-25 20:40:48'},\n"," {'review_id': 'g4ujvqodo1km7BbG8F0QOw',\n"," 'user_id': '1q46zMl7G6TAJ_1Ky5tfCQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'NMtUD873aWrNjljt3VOcFA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Pros:\\n\\n-Superb cheeseburger - thick, evenly cooked, (almost) medium rare, nice sauce, soft bun\\n-Tasty (complimentary) zucchini bread\\n-Good service\\n-Good G+T selection\\n-Cool ambience\\n-Downstairs from my apartment\\n\\nCons:\\n\\n-Expensive\\n-Per wife, the waitress \"seemed disappointed\" that we only ordered cheeseburgers (this was not verified, status as a \"con\" is under review)\\n\\nLooking forward to going back.',\n"," 'date': '2015-01-04 01:01:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zZyWqG7EiPqC9iB-NnUYXQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'LJ4nZDrT5w4VDV8JhtqALw',\n"," 'business_id': 'SwBhaxfQPbyhsi0QHUAN0A',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Smokey (to be expected - minus a star as a non smoker with allergies), several dining options (prices varies), beverages (all sorts for a nominal fee, of course), hotel (pricey), parking (FREE), entertainment (various), ATM (scared for some people who may not have self control), and yes gambling (tip: don't gamble if you're bit willing to lose it). Have fun even if you are an observer (like me).\",\n"," 'date': '2014-08-25 01:53:29'},\n"," {'review_id': '28F7TeJvaB2FP1vf1Xr9tQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'l7SMiYxyws04BiuR2fVyPw',\n"," 'business_id': 'VRGYwKE_Z77frm5NwLvJhw',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This place is disappointing for a 4.5 star rating. The burgers were so-so. The vibe felt very much like a chain restaurant like Red Robin. We did go on a Tuesday night so perhaps it's better on the weekends? Either way, we won't be back.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-14 21:48:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'C9Bu77mOcT8O5M1YaTlDAQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'aLfEj-T5HyjbMyFVSFoaIQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'sB45WFgysT617bKWP_WJwA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This is hands down my favorite brewery in The world!! My husband is from STL and every time we go back to visit his family we visit the brewery! Most recently, we didn\\'t\"Beer School\" with some of our friends and it was AWESOME!! I would definitely recommend it! & if it\\'s your first time visit do the Brewery tour first because seeing the Clydesdales and the ends and outs of this brewery was amazing!!! I can\\'t wait to go back and do the \"Brew Master\"!! Until next time, Budweiser!',\n"," 'date': '2017-06-28 03:17:25'},\n"," {'review_id': 'TP0HYy4GqYtrWMlFIhxw3A',\n"," 'user_id': 'YRsNXrlyvjnr7NLSDwen0Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'LHSTtnW3YHCeUkRDGyJOyw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We arrived a few minutes early for a 7pm reservation. When we asked for our table, both hostesses looking at their paper, then said they\\'d have to go check and would be back. 5 minutes later, they returned and did not acknowledge us. Meanwhile, another large party arrived without a reservation and were told it would be a 40 minute wait. We then heard one hostess say to the other that she didn\\'t want to seat them soon because the kitchen was backed up and people were waiting 40 minutes for their appetizers. So unprofessional.\\nWe walked up again, after they continued to ignore us, and asked about our table. They weren\\'t apologetic when they told us that the girl we spoke to earlier that day was new and never recorded our reservation. They continued to tell us that it would be at least a 20 minute wait before they could put our table together. We got a smug \"I\\'m sorry, but she was new\" and they brushed us off.\\nI really understand that sometimes things just don\\'t go the way they were supposed to and that people make mistakes. However, a little customer service would have gone a long way. Offer us some water, or a seat at the bar or say that you\\'re doing everything you can to get us in as soon as possible. They basically blew us off and blamed it on the new girl. \\nNeedless to say we left and I will not be returning.',\n"," 'date': '2016-05-31 01:58:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ZyfCRiRf1uLimxm7IXnwQA',\n"," 'user_id': 'CmyqjRa5bICBV9mHgFjyrw',\n"," 'business_id': 'C4lZdhasjZVQyDlOiXY1sA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Food was excellent but when asked to honor their yelp offer of 10% off our bill for checking in and reviewing their business, We were told that they would not honor the deal until our next visit even though the yelp countdown said we had 4 hours to redeem the deal. Great food, but bad business practice :(',\n"," 'date': '2017-07-08 23:10:13'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ZozhWmePmadCZaBrDPWyeQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'OH6KVbvDnGs0zWhYj5A9Yg',\n"," 'business_id': 'xZcUgkmAWTeS0F7K92eglg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'I have only been here on a few occasions, mostly to send the random package, I like that this location has one of the automated machine (the post office closest to me does not...)\\n\\nBut what I wanted to highlight was the fantastic customer service my husband and I experienced when we went here to get our passport applications submitted, the representative we worked with was awesome. She was fast, friendly and knew exactly what needed to be done so we were in and out super quick! She even gave me the follow up forms and explained what I would need to do once I changed my name, perfect. I hope every experience here in the future is just as good. She should train everyone.',\n"," 'date': '2013-10-03 15:19:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qQ6B7a5b8dtZlg7n0LBOuw',\n"," 'user_id': 'yXS3NQ9r2eb-uvPhdvfOWQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'QlvRwArDzGNRT_0FAsOSnw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Oh my goodness if you ever want to start on a health \"trip\" this is the place to start. They have so many different vitamins (hence the name), healthy dietary supplements, beauty products and homeopathic items as well. The staff was super helpful in assisting me find some of the items i needed to make my very own moisturizer. They helped me locate the items they had and provided suggestions for items they did not have. They also have a rewards program for frequent shoppers - LOVE THAT! And they accept digital coupons- LOVE THAT TOO!',\n"," 'date': '2014-06-28 04:26:22'},\n"," {'review_id': '_1CdSipAK1mysZXfSf2gOA',\n"," 'user_id': 'yBHMWksiTkRNjmMEW5t9Mg',\n"," 'business_id': '2zocwC7qMq3LsivPn9Z-Eg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I love this shoppe. I have been here a few times, but I have been coming more regularly. The staff is AWESOME and the atmosphere GREAT. THey have healthy tasty treats which is nice and a host of croissants and other tasty treats. They also have food for lunch and breakfast. I havent had anything here that wasnt fantabulous.',\n"," 'date': '2013-03-18 20:11:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zBrO_zs81k9U-ZpyR_p8fw',\n"," 'user_id': 'FsbQY_iNJPm4xAZ9vERCBw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Jx2AoB_IQOUrZ3s6fdAUSA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great Cranberry Orange Muffin and Caffe Latte on a Saturday morning. Great ambience and fast service.',\n"," 'date': '2017-05-13 13:05:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'QEuRWU5UR6_z8hSs4pjjEA',\n"," 'user_id': 'jG-t2tqFuZLdqRHNn_y9bQ',\n"," 'business_id': '7UxNDF6ZpabC3O0-Qbg3Xw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My favorite place to eat sushi and the nicest people I know that work there! It'll always be my first choice and they have a great menu! It's always more than just good when you eat from there!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-11-14 00:58:34'},\n"," {'review_id': 'yyAycjhj9pBUWYlZd75IZg',\n"," 'user_id': 'rZ4rHwgqTnP4NUcpG_MQvw',\n"," 'business_id': 'bTve2mwLk5Zc01vRKqc2KQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This might be my favorite coffee shop in the city. The food is unbelievable. Anything I have ordered has been fresh, delicious and so enjoyable. The place has a cool edgy vibe and lots of comfy seating and some great seats outside when the weather is nice. Definitely worth checking out especially if you want a some food as well.',\n"," 'date': '2016-05-07 01:15:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'BMeYOL1Qj95QTb_XU3u-aw',\n"," 'user_id': 'nZ1bQi8LqaDk9a2oyoA7pg',\n"," 'business_id': 'Jn_F3hYqknRTepCg6om04Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I absolutely love this place and think is easily the best burrito shop in town. Great salsas, relaxed atmosphere, excellent service and price, Most importantly the burritos are delicious. The chicken and chorizo combo is my personal favorite but the smoked brisket is great as well. The medium burrito is plenty unless you are training for an eating event. Family owned, not a chain and it shows in the attention to flavor. Highest recommendation if you are interested in good, healthy food (unless you eat yourself into oblivion) at a reasonable price.',\n"," 'date': '2013-07-12 22:39:58'},\n"," {'review_id': 'uIYhNWj3-OsSLH6efqbnRQ',\n"," 'user_id': '5NXzzCTDza-fBO0jEuhKCA',\n"," 'business_id': 'YGdUUAqeRT5Z7fYkpevEyA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This review is for their lunch menu as I have not tried their other offerings yet. If you are lucky enough to have lunch there during their 11-2 sandwich times, you are in for a real treat! The two sandwiches I have tried (the grinder and the southwesterner) were absolutely delicious! There wasn't a single taste bud that wasn't satisfied. It is pricey and sandwiches are a little on the small side but it is well worth it. \\n\\nCan't wait to try (afford) their steaks!!\\n\\nFood: 5/5\\nService: 5/5\\nPrice: 4/5 - A little high but great quality\",\n"," 'date': '2014-11-12 19:34:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'QS_m_ymnK6WT-LMnnkF-jA',\n"," 'user_id': 'GU_4tHnCYE6aKGU2XH-zkA',\n"," 'business_id': 'UCMSWPqzXjd7QHq7v8PJjQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Tasty selection and very preppy! \\n\\nOne cannot go wrong with the What's Up Doc omelet. One complaint with the omelets is the actual size, they seem to fluctuate. Clearly a difference in 4-5 extra bits worth of omelet. \\n\\nIf you have a sweet tooth, any of french toasts are great! Fancy Breakfast Sandwich is great! I substituted the prosciutto with bacon and got great results! Great mimosas!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-11-18 20:39:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'bIFYvAi3D5HdSvOjTI63GQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'A95oGBHdDNsE6vHwiwLufA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Af2UlNzQSiZCapJ6qtwu6g',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great store if you like 50's-Midcentury modern! The prices are a little high compared to my favorite stores in STL, but this store is one of a kind thats for sure!\",\n"," 'date': '2012-06-26 13:22:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'du1YuJ9Bwrz60HYvdHxGZQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'ZK3fSe-RvUft4DY_apaTiA',\n"," 'business_id': 'GhBVWW32PVRmBwetZWIHnA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"STAY AWAY! I am a gold member, so I stay at Hamptons frequently. I have stayed here before, and it seems to be under constant construction. My room was dirty. I came back to give them another chance as it is close to my appointments. I show up for a four night stay, and they send me away because they are booked, but tell me I can come back tomorrow night. Seriously? I couldn't believe that. I wont be back.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-08-14 05:11:58'},\n"," {'review_id': 'DAzApIcAqWgDGTuAzfZt7Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'Loe7kgm7UurfezQEMfeYLw',\n"," 'business_id': '6kAXOzE7fqaBZINQV_-_mg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The best fried rice ever! Also the best Pho I had while in Nashville. I'm from Seattle so I'm a little spoiled in that department. If you're looking for a good place to try it for the first time or just looking for a good Vietnamese restaurant, GO!\",\n"," 'date': '2011-11-30 05:53:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Took2Zx2nfXjtOfLhQI9tA',\n"," 'user_id': 'INUDMj7EmrLlTh6qDNprAg',\n"," 'business_id': '8uF-bhJFgT4Tn6DTb27viA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Walked here from our condo and found this awesome place! Delicious sliders...donuts...unique drinks... Awesome atmosphere and the staff was sooooooo friendly! Will definitely be back!!!!!',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-03 17:03:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Pgh9POx-bH7JFggKXqXWMQ',\n"," 'user_id': '8fL5qUckzt_nAC1uwvbr0w',\n"," 'business_id': 'uW8L6awmCyjovD9OhWPo7g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'As far as I know, this is the best video rental store in existence. The staff is knowledgeable and friendly, but the selection really sets it apart. Suppose you want to rent the newest release and a VHS of the best hockey fights of the 1970s...They would probably have both available at a very low cost. I only wish that there was a place like Casa Video in Chicago.',\n"," 'date': '2008-04-30 15:49:16'},\n"," {'review_id': '1CvkiydhF66ha7G6BG2moQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'B-s-8VUnuBjGTP3d01jsyw',\n"," 'business_id': 'm1EGAIfFEN9nG2_bJqnAcQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 4,\n"," 'text': \"That horrible angst - you want sushi, but you're not SO hungry that you can do AYCE or want to spend $25 for lunch. So we popped in on a weekend for a late lunch and decided to order a la carte. I ordered a long roll and a hand roll, a drink and a chocolate mochi (OMG, I am officially in love with these things) and the total cost came to just under $20 with tip. It filled my belly enough so that I was satisfied. Had I gone for just one more roll, I probably would have broke even with the AYCE, but I probably would've been so stuffed to the point where I wouldn't have needed to eat anything else all day - not the plan for this particular day.\\n\\nThe rolls tasted fresh and delicious, but the surprise was definitely the mochi - so creamy and tasty.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-04-01 18:19:11'},\n"," {'review_id': 'fZEWAKvwfbWYHP6ZJRPiVw',\n"," 'user_id': 'hwzrnwUiqJUHSN_Gmpp4pA',\n"," 'business_id': 'TldgQUtim0bm5VZr-Rpqfw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Not too sure why all the negative reviews. I was in and out within 5 mins. Maybe it was because I wasn't looking for something elaborate, who knows. Anyways, I got exactly what I needed and the employees were courteous. The store was organized, well stocked and clean. Unfortunately for this area however, I don't see them staying in business. So many other places near by closed.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-02-24 01:30:33'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PP1zi-lfIa0kiwQjPNpDTA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Fh7_muexMO4zJmo3sEFD1w',\n"," 'business_id': 'Y0JF1UN7pfWJ-GuzuVXM0g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Best Pizza period. Love the staff and the beer is always cold and the taps are always maintained. If you want fresh beer and a slice it's only 5 bucks.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-09-30 20:27:37'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pcXlNwB-MNugVS7I0vBp_A',\n"," 'user_id': 'KhhlZrnwPbJsgLN5tNrIFQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'Oun4NN-u5yiHIxDqtJnxgA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"All of hype about Federal Donuts made me a little worried it wouldn't live up to it's reputation. But, it absolutely did. I'm a vegetarian so I can only personally comment on the donuts and coffee; however, my husband is obsessed with the chicken. His favorite is the buttermilk ranch.\\n\\nThe donuts are pretty amazing. Paired with an iced coffee and it doesn't get any better. The staff couldn't be nicer- even when they're busy.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-04-11 00:18:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'h0N47vwJhQMBH9mscX9zhw',\n"," 'user_id': '11jQWQYTJkzIE6o3s5ID4Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'hn3Rg2JrhQoDJBEhrpuwWg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Three chances and they are out! We tried to like this place as the location is easy and convenient. The bar is great, the staff friendly, but there is not a dish I have tried that is passable (although the asian shrimp wasn't bad, but very sweet). First visit we wrote off as a new restaurant working out the bugs. On our second visit I ordered a turkey burger and received a dry turkey patty. No one informed me that they were out of buns, but they could have at least tried to dress it up. It was seriously a lone piece of ground meat (to their credit, the manager did comp that meal). Today we received fish and chips that had to come out of a box and chicken salad that could have greased my axles!\\n\\nWe won't be back.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-12-06 23:35:16'},\n"," {'review_id': '39n06H82AMK1_bOPGJJHug',\n"," 'user_id': 'Y1T7sd4TKOe4utqV5hFdMQ',\n"," 'business_id': '7UtzYHLViVa5WJW992f3fg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I could say that this is a touch of Italy in a strip mall, but even I recognize that is a little too precious. Stepping into the dark, cool interior of Sapore made for a refreshing change after the sweltering July heatwave. It was no problem for our party of three to be seated; the fact that we had a reservation helped, I am sure. We started out with drinks--bellinis for my two dinner companions and a classic vodka martini for me. I appreciated being able to customize my drink with a blue-cheese-stuffed olive and an anchovy. I would never have thought to put an anchovy in a martini, but it looks like this will be a new obsession for me. \\n\\nOn to the food. We opted to skip the appetizers and go straight to soup/salad and entrees (all the better to save room for dessert). My mom went with the Italian soup and my other dining companion and I split the Caprese salad, a solid presentation that did not blow me away, but certainly does not provide grist for anything like the negative reviews of this establishment that I have seen on yelp. I didn't know what to expect in terms of pasta portions here, so I went with the Chicken Marsala. It might have been nice to have pasta to pick up some of the sauce, but I appreciated that the dish was hot by temperature and I even had enough for leftovers (to which I added pasta, in the comfort and convenience of my home).\\n\\nThe dessert selection was excellent. We went with the tiramisu. I understand Sapore also has an excellent cannoli which I would like to try on a future visit. I would be tempted to come back, if only for another excellent martini, appetizers, and another run through the dessert menu.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-07-16 13:31:34'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cgppGTg8LpqZObn_k69w2Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'TSxzAqKzU2OvjWSLoSU8dA',\n"," 'business_id': 'skN2XhKXlcjf53uIwzAedw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Due to it's location in a strip mall near Cool Springs, this version of the Twelve South hipster gourmet Burger Up is certainly not as trendy. But it makes up for it by delivering the goods. Awesomely tasty and messy burgers with fresh meat and fixings. The regular fries are delicious... until you try the truffle fries. They are truly outstanding, not greasy and finished with paresan cheese. The metaphorical cherry-on-top was the chocolate milkshake (which actually had no cherry on top). The shake was nothing fancy, but perfectly made, creamy, not too sweet or over-chocolatey. \\nIf you want your upscale burger experience but still want your burger-fries-shake holy trinity, come here.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-03-07 01:47:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'WsEr-kocvUQIp111wssxZA',\n"," 'user_id': 'prWt3CRF5IaV_vgI_lNWaQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'SjnbzWbNLAxLOFVIyFKMXA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I dropped my car off first thing in the morning for a simple \"check engine\" light appointment. I was told at the end of that day that my car had not been looked at and would not be ready until the following day. What was the point of making an appointment, if they didn\\'t even touch my car? The next evening when I came to pick it up, after they called me to tell me it was ready, I waited for a full hour before my car was given to me. They had parked so many cars in front of it they couldn\\'t get it out. That is an hour of my life I will never get back, all because someone called and told me to come pick up my car (...which was there for two full business days, unnecessarily. For the record, there was nothing wrong with the car. It needed no repair and no maintenance). There was a kind woman who asked how they could make it up to me, but I had to tell her that I will likely never return, so it wasn\\'t worth her time.',\n"," 'date': '2018-02-23 22:23:42'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Q8hKGUqd-lNtLDc-d2vMjQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'wLFuvZ59HGUJZ3QBgqlmAg',\n"," 'business_id': 'r43DrfYAbAgifsYyNkljZw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'For many years, RH&B was the place to go in south Jersey for great BBQ and blues. Sadly, after a recent sale, the restaurant has decided to cancel all live music. The food was decent at best, and in the absence of live music offerings I can no longer recommend this restaurant. The only aspect I will miss are the people who worked there.',\n"," 'date': '2018-09-25 13:10:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'vyKiIvMR6aQ5QddXcFJ5yA',\n"," 'user_id': '_Bc_E_368qHBi70LAWx0mQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'aw5GN4yk6r0r9e_5TdiLFQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This use to be a reliable place for sandwiches but the last two were not good at all. Cheesesteak was light on the meat. There are so many good rolls to pick from in the Philly area but this roll was one of the worst and stale.\\n\\nHopefully it was just an off night. I'll try again but not for awhile.\",\n"," 'date': '2010-11-22 05:10:35'},\n"," {'review_id': '2QMIwxBiLWoNrtqrucrDKQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'MIUELcIEodpQuSMtwyKayA',\n"," 'business_id': 'zJErbOQMKX-MwHs_ulV7DA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Maybe I just had bad luck at this property but I am a SPG gold member... quickly approaching platinum and made a reservation at this property. I payed a good amount for my room and when I asked for a larger room they told me they where all the same. I asked did every room have adjoining doors and was told yes. I then told the front desk clerk that I could hear EVERYTHING going on next door including sneezing and even AC talking on CNN 360 very clearly. He told me to come down and get a new key and move to a room there was nobody in. They did not offer to bring me a key or help me move. When I got to the lobby the line was at least 10 people deep and there was only ONE person there. I just gave up and dealt with the noise and a few hours later they finally turned off the TV and I could sleep. There is nothing fancy about this hotel and the service for sure needs improvement!',\n"," 'date': '2009-10-14 05:29:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'sBV7e0ZWpgSFDs8_-ZZh1g',\n"," 'user_id': 'Qn6Rtn8JbsFiniy_4dA7bw',\n"," 'business_id': 'CA5BOxKRDPGJgdUQ8OUOpw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Food was fresh and tasted great, nothing amazing but price was fair and staff was very helpful and nice.',\n"," 'date': '2015-04-01 15:38:03'},\n"," {'review_id': '41b2ucn68EX9cM13ZV903Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'Kw8tMujemhHpVB_RHwmE3g',\n"," 'business_id': '8E-FdOGepjxkEk-mP21rbA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Its a hotel and you can stay there.\\n\\nAfter a couple of stays here I find it is not bad. \\n\\nIts definitely more of a business traveler kind of place than a tourist kind of place.\\n\\nPros\\nThe rooms have the essentials. The beds are quite comfortable.\\nThe cafe isn't bad although it is a little foggy as to what comes with the room. Apparently its one entree and one beverage. Not a bad deal.\\n\\nCons\\nHallways are a bit shaggy. NBD since I am not staying in the hallway.\\nRoom cleaning dropped the ball on my last stay. The room was clean, but I found a bag from BK in my mini fridge ... eeeew!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-02-22 03:04:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'AbSXiVHrNquCbR1JvIy0ew',\n"," 'user_id': '2bj1PF5a2UurpJ60TS9__A',\n"," 'business_id': 'osOONoA8wMF5ZpLWUS7VOw',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I recently moved in a few blocks away from Henry's and was looking forward to having a neighborhood coffee spot not far from my house. So, on a beautifully humid August morning I walked over to check it. \\n\\n1) The atmosphere is pretty standard. Open space with the coffee bar in the back left corner and ordinary tables and chairs scattered throughout. No college coffee shop couches or armchairs but no industrial airbnb chic vibe either. Lacked uniqueness. \\n\\n2) The name Henry reminds me of Thomas the tank engine. Was there a train named Henry on there or not? If so, was he chill or not. Could add one star for chill train association. \\n\\n3) The coffee was not good. I got an iced coffee (STFU) and it was super bitter. The amount of ice in it wasn't obscene so it had that going for it but other than that idk.\\n\\nI'm coming back to try some hot coffee or espresso on a cooler day but damn Henry :((( not a great first impression.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-08-25 15:00:59'},\n"," {'review_id': '_pYWxZrAWBSaF0_OXIS20w',\n"," 'user_id': 'oQL3rYrmWJc2ll-NWfUvEw',\n"," 'business_id': 'jlPB8Fx-xS2PW8Ni9NU3fw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We were thoroughly impressed with this hotel! Upon arriving, you are immediately welcomed with the scent of fresh baked cookies. Walking up to the desk we were greeted by Valorie who informed us that cookies and water were complementary to guests and that we were more than welcome. Across from the desk we noticed a book shelf. This is not the kind of book shelf where rejected leftovers were placed but rather, a wide range of books by well known authors. The name of the program was called Read it and Return. In essence, you can borrow a book for the duration of your stay and if you don't finish it you can return it the next time you stay at the hotel at any of the Carlson hotels who have the same program! ( what!?! Cookies and books!?! YES!) Right off the bat, we felt like we were right at home.\\n\\n Arriving at our room, we noticed that everything was extremely clean and there was a refrigerator (with a small freezer) , a microwave, a coffee maker, and a well working A.C. (you know, the kind that you don't have to yell over to have a conversation). The bathroom was stocked with brand name shampoo, conditioner, and lotion.\\n\\n Our next stop was the smoking area. Normally, smokers feel as though they have been marooned to a small place behind the dumpster...but not here! Provided was 2 sets of swinging benches; set far enough away so that it did not disturb the guests in rooms around the area but no a 10 mile hike for those adults who enjoy the pleasure. Did I also mention they have smoking rooms available?\\n\\nIn the morning, feel free to partake in a complimentary breakfast (NOT CONTINENTAL)-I mean a real breakfast which changes daily; anything from fresh made waffles to eggs, sausage, and bacon! Also, cold cereal, juices, and coffees have options! Coffee is available 24/7 as well! \\n\\nThe hotel also has a pool and hot tub which I personally observed them clean daily!\\n\\nOn our last night we got back late and I was going to ask the desk for a late check out, but there was no need! Their check out time is 12:00 Pm as opposed to the hotel usual of 11:00 Am. That worked out well for us.\\n\\nAt checkout we were asked if there was anything we would change about the hotel or our stay. I made small suggestions which I thought would help them, but definitely nothing major. The desk person wrote down what I said and said she would pass it on! I was impressed with that, because we've been asked about our stay at other places, but it seemed more out of routine than actual interest. Here, she seemed genuinely interested. We don't usually do reviews, so I'm sorry for the long review. However, we wanted you to get a real feel for this wonderful hotel and hope that you enjoy it as much as we did! Thanks for reading and safe travels. J & Niki.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-08-24 23:19:52'},\n"," {'review_id': '77AdIZqrL9rUHkCOrONhUA',\n"," 'user_id': '9N694i72zxH1nzoBqhuurA',\n"," 'business_id': 'ujN8QWiLDqNhcu4LQ3f3nQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Let me start by saying buying a car is an intimidating process. I feel like I am playing poker with someone who can see all of the cards while I can only see my cards. I felt well prepared and needed to use all of my preparation to get what I considered to be a fair deal (time will tell whether I really got a fair deal) on a used (pre-owned is what they like to say) car. Do your homework (KBB.com, Edmunds.com etc) As long as the car performs like I expect it to over time, I will be happy. Sam Ladd was the salesman who always treated me courteously and let me drive lots of cars while I was deciding what vehicle I wanted. I drove everything from subcompacts to full sized SUVs. I visited many dealerships I chose Toyota of Santa Barbara because they ultimately had the vehicle that I wanted. I bought what I believe will meet my families needs. The negotiation process was business like and I believe that Frank Flores the sales manager was up front with me and answered my concerns. Be prepared and stick to your position throughout the process.',\n"," 'date': '2012-04-28 16:26:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RqMow_Q_lqybL3x-P9ArrQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'e455EQQdYK7PNaOI3iAiow',\n"," 'business_id': 'WF_KgJ1tuhz6rMI4_xZSRw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Great bar and atmosphere. Bartenders are very friendly as well as the owner. Mixed crowd and staff makes everyone feel welcomed and right at home! The BBQ truck parked outside is excellent!!',\n"," 'date': '2015-11-20 23:26:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'c_OmzmaAvChkyZM3LTcuBQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'zZV0NpSoWe4pBoyRzhZRJA',\n"," 'business_id': 'WLrFLRE9uvqj9ahrEjevYw',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Really nice staff but mediocre Italian food served luke warm. We went here for a large group dinner around Christmas mostly because it was a BYOB and there was no fixed menu for a group of 10. We ordered numerous appetizers including, fried gnocchi, calamari, garlic pizza bread, fried zucchini. It was all just ok. The main courses were unadventurous Italian American selections. The sauces were just meh. Three of us ordered 3 different chicken dishes and they all came out with the same sauce. Boring. Although the staff was very accommodating, the food was too lack luster to return.',\n"," 'date': '2016-01-30 03:01:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'sALG0BJfS_RbDAXTuSvzcQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'N3udcZJAoPzkKkGFt2vHTA',\n"," 'business_id': 'gyUBYwpUO_u0nqZdre4l1g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'One of the best and friendliest Chinese places to grab something tasty. Try the double treasure.',\n"," 'date': '2015-04-15 13:45:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'oWOoki0rpO08d4eMqGFWEg',\n"," 'user_id': 'JC8mflT4OZZtnNYF36L7QQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'YOEsOaiV0AznLshMDg5bJw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We have used Reno Vulcanizing for several years now and will not take a vehicles to anyone else. Ken, Bruce and all the other staff I have dealt with are always honest, courteous and helpful.',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-14 21:39:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gWU2Yko2aFH00jcFVYsquA',\n"," 'user_id': 'JmyTJnk4MFKjGeiYeyuLAA',\n"," 'business_id': 'UUpwoAAZcJyUWOqp81_3mA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"3 separate reviews:\\n\\nCITY TOUR: 1 STAR -Not worth the time or money. We never got a confirmation email when booking over the phone. Then during the tour we had to wait and be hassled over payment that was already cleared on our account. Don't do this tour if you get carsick easily. It was full and we had to sit in the back. You can't see anything on the tour through the tinted windows and you only stop at two places that I never would have stopped at on my own. \\n\\nThe only intriguing part was the Katrina history during the visit the the 9th ward. Do yourself a favor and take the green street cars, save your money and REALLY see things on your own time. We couldn't get pictures of anything and wish we would have done a walking tour instead or tried the red bus tours.\\n\\nPLANTATION TOUR: 5 STARS! Our driver Stacie gave us a history of the surrounding area and a lot of cool information on our way to the plantation. Laura Creole plantation had an amazing history. Our guide there was Ethan and he did a really good job explaining about the owners journey to this land and how the slaves were treated and also their journey. We felt that it was a balanced historical view of the plantation in general. After that tour we went to the Oak Alley plantation. The grounds alone are worth the trip. The tour guides really focus on the landowners and not so much on the lives of the slaves living there. But you have some time after the tour to visit the slave quarters on your own. But we wished that there would have been a more balanced explanation of both experiences like at the Laura Plantation. The buses are big and you can recline and take a nap on your way back to the hotel. (No car sickness) \\n\\nSWAMP TOUR: 4 STARS and we didn't even see any alligators! This would have been a five-star tour if we would have seen alligators. But our guide Henry was very thorough and explained a lot of great details about the surrounding area. We got to see some boars, raccoons, and birds. It started to rain with thunder and lightning so we did not see any alligators because we had to go back for safety reasons. We did try to see some alligators but they don't come out if it's cold. Don't book your tour if it's cold or storming and I'm sure it will be a 5 star tour for you. The buses are big and you can recline and take a nap on your way back to the hotel. (No car sickness)\",\n"," 'date': '2016-03-30 21:56:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'bg3TAimbMppppLUTfN46nA',\n"," 'user_id': 'R9VOYcIWbNA3Q3qiWF2SsQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'EIlFs8kybcG-l60GJjNUIA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"AVOID AT ALL COSTS\\nBy far the worst pizza I've had. Thin crust was not crunchy, olives were junk and salad was $6 for bad strands of lettuce and minimal cheese which looked horribly powdered. It came in a prepacked divider. Rip off. Not worth more than a dollar. \\n\\nTheir knots were ok, and extremely unhealthy, but rest was crap.\\n\\nI normally don't order from them or anyone else but good pizza like Grimaldi's, BJs or Mellow Mushroom but I hadn't gone grocery shopping and normally stock up on organic pizza from Publix or whole foods which btw is cheaper and tastier. But, this was the only place opened late. \\n\\nI never want dominoes again. It's just a reminder that corporate chains need to fall and get out the way. I rather pay for quality. Not preservatives and poison. \\n\\nNever Again!!! \\n\\nCalling card tomorrow to get refund! Waste of $30.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-02-09 06:35:49'},\n"," {'review_id': '7nm3cQS0XGRLtsLGwvuYfg',\n"," 'user_id': '_YABpjeI9VP3NCCQSuliWA',\n"," 'business_id': 'aKOdfQcjDG2NQtIEmq21ew',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'No dark beer in February??? Nice looking place and nice folks... summer beer in February was a disappointment...',\n"," 'date': '2018-02-01 21:27:35'},\n"," {'review_id': 'USQoa-DdoBJaEdB1s726Ug',\n"," 'user_id': 'q5UZGdBhfSe_RlYJWyMtLg',\n"," 'business_id': '5xokROlB8Zo5T-_qbHzsrQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Quick Read: Aside from the parking and occasional crowds -- this place is fantastic.\\n\\nThankfully, Buddy Brew is expanding -- a move that I hope will relieve some of the terrible parking issues. This place is a must-try in Tampa. The baristas are friendly, knowledgable, and efficient. The breakfast and lunch options are solidly tasty. The coffee is roasted with a level of care that I'm glad to see in Tampa. One of my absolute favorite places on the planet.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-12-21 00:10:40'},\n"," {'review_id': '5-jOuGmG3pR-tV4t-Z_ZEA',\n"," 'user_id': 'xWo5LSE7Tv3gNp-rGE9qZw',\n"," 'business_id': 'u7_3L1NBWgxhBM_B-cmmnA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Overrated. This place is ok, often the crust is burned...maybe our pallets aren't sophisticated enough to appreciate that taste but it's not our thing. We enjoyed the cauliflower salad and the fried dough ball dessert is delish\",\n"," 'date': '2017-06-07 01:16:56'},\n"," {'review_id': '7JKo522z7Fx6VfU27am4Rg',\n"," 'user_id': 'sHfY5a4-HPa9dhSSBvQK6Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'jQBPO3rYkNwIaOdQS5ktgQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Got a gift certificate to this place over 6 months ago and just last month FINALLY had the GREAT pleasure of going!! Perfect spot for lunch. I'm in love with the mixed salad salad sandwich!! One sandwich that I will actually crave:-) yummy homemade ice cream that you won't be able to get enough of! We will be back.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-04-23 00:18:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'is9Cja3-8vMjdNmbdcQ8uw',\n"," 'user_id': 'FktJOJIp7b2L4XfpHW79cQ',\n"," 'business_id': '5cz1XbgalpQ89gsNQwneVQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I love Italian food and with this being so close to home, I gave it a shot. Not only did they exceed my expectations in food quality and quantity, but every time we order pick up, or dine in the girls treat us amazing (You rock Alexa!) Thank you for being awesome.',\n"," 'date': '2018-02-11 14:25:15'},\n"," {'review_id': 'itD1_4Pg64fqHcHDZs7yxQ',\n"," 'user_id': '2_RUpJjj9GcuCr3G-8kk5w',\n"," 'business_id': 'JcP1z6eZBgTIcxWlyxSw0g',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We ate at the bar on a Friday night, where the extremely charming bartender made us the best Manhattans I've ever had, using Carpano Antica Formula vermouth. We ordered the lamb meatballs, which were okay, and the spring rolls, which were excellent. \\n\\nThis is a perfect place to stop for a drink in the Quarter, if you need a nice civilized break. The drinks were extremely expensive, but well worth it for the occasional night out.\\n\\nThe manager, Eric, could not have been more professional and friendly. We will definitely go back.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-07-16 15:27:08'},\n"," {'review_id': '-a1oXSx2ryjhABWgRmbGMQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'nO7W9zBspe2yBwpLtw18lA',\n"," 'business_id': '0wQCEcpZ57TmTm6EmEDsIw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I used to go here all the time for the lunch special, and it was a great deal. We've been only a few times in the last year because my husband isn't a fan, but I enjoy it. The prices do seem to have gone up a fair bit in recent times, but it's still never a disappointing meal.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-08-28 21:12:29'},\n"," {'review_id': '5ghupdwitZYbNbR9SBuMCg',\n"," 'user_id': 'dp7c_5dy60HfVewu9PQj1g',\n"," 'business_id': 'VRGYwKE_Z77frm5NwLvJhw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'I had the classic burger and fries. Overall pleased with my experience. The burger was well seasoned and the fries were pretty tasty. The service was on point. Also had to have a spiked milkshake....my choice the Bananas Foster.',\n"," 'date': '2018-03-16 00:47:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 'S31KpJsHYnBX9Qv5qG1LJA',\n"," 'user_id': 'aAf7ZX3xU4ciPSs-yMFZGA',\n"," 'business_id': 'w5DsFKVqKcKXm509vjinqw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Never been to this location before, never had a problem with any other location. It was almost full but there were a handful of tables open. We began to seat ourselves and was told we could sit anywhere. They came and took our drink order pretty quickly and we received them within a few minutes, the girl who delivered our drinks said they would be back to take our order. I'd say it was almost 10 minutes before they finally came and took out order. I started to wonder who our waitress was because 2 different females took the drink order and delivered them. Finally, one of the females came and took our order, so we must have been there for 15 minutes at least before our food order was taken. 10 minutes had gone by and a lady got sat in the booth next to us. Another 10 minutes later, she got her food before we did. So she got there after us, ordered after us, but received hers before us. Our waitress refilled my husband's coffee twice the whole time and she asked if I wanted a refill on my soda, I shook my head no and she could tell we were wondering where our food was, she says your food is almost ready, the kitchen is overwhelmed right now. But there was only maybe one new customer that came in since we had been there. I told my husband if we didn't get our food in the next 5 minutes, we would just leave. So, 40 minutes and no food, we walked to the register and asked if we could pay for our beverages and our waitress said our food was almost ready. I said that we didn't want to wait anymore and she said we didn't have to pay for our drinks and we left. No apology, nothing. Im thinking either our waitress forgot to enter our order, or, the 3 cooks in the kitchen just wasn't concerned about how fast the food was being cooked. They did not look flustered, so I honestly don't know what the issue was. Won't be returning. Waste of our time.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-04-01 21:09:58'},\n"," {'review_id': 'f6NTrovoOD4C2ZDUNN2Uww',\n"," 'user_id': 'uG-tg4wzF7DyCm6vWiZAYQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'MgezKZ0Fp250omk3EAgnjw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"AMAZING!!! I just got back from the bakery. I ordered tres leche, hubby got chocolate dipped cannoli with original filling, we also got Italian wedding cookies, and dark chocolate florentine cookies. The tres leche taste just like my grandma used to make it minus the Malibu liquor. The cannoli was delicious. The Italian wedding cookies was a little crunchy yet still delicate, it also had the perfect amount of Anise flavor. The dark chocolate florentine is so yummy, that says a lot because I don't like coconut. The chocolate to coconut ratio is perfect. We will definitely be going back.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-12-04 01:45:34'},\n"," {'review_id': '5TWmP6zi4aWQygfOC6b9wg',\n"," 'user_id': 'hlqeMCnDH5FkX4TmpRdPeA',\n"," 'business_id': 'ZXt0zo8liURaAEKD47zDRQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'De vacaciones y sin ganas de cocinar, decidimos (x8) pedir pizzas en este lugar para retirar y comer en el lugar en el que nos estábamos hospedando, que quedaba a 500 metros. Así que, un jueves de verano, las fuimos a buscar cerca de las 21.30 horas.\\nEntramos y nos pareció muy ameno, limpio y confortable para comer ahí. Nos atendió un hombre muy amable y atento.\\nPedimos los siguientes sabores:\\n- prosciutto (jamón crudo);\\n- ham (jamón cocido);\\n- pepperoni;\\n- cebolla;\\n- hongos;\\n- anchoas y\\n- albahaca y tomate.\\n\\nLas pizzas tardaron 25/30 minutos. Todos sus gustos -de los cuales subo foto- estuvieron deliciosos. El estilo de pizza fue a la piedra, con salsa de tomate y queso muzzarela en una cantidad ideal.\\nSi bien este comentario parece limitarse únicamente a una estricta relación precio-calidad, no menos verdad es que, en mi opinión, la calidez con la que fuimos recibidos reflejó cómo hubiera sido el trato de haber decidido cenar ahí mismo.\\nNo dudo en valorar a este lugar con cinco estrellas.',\n"," 'date': '2017-07-28 20:31:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'fMGOJq3i_DUUukBg7QU9SA',\n"," 'user_id': 'o6UJMpHcpLJEvmKLrxLS3w',\n"," 'business_id': '0qu0fNTOsSmuREYVIMPuIQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"So it is a good friends birthday today and we all met up here. This place has a great, homey feel. It wasn't crowded at all. \\n\\nThe service was prompt and friendly, my burger was good, not great. Menu said it's charbroiled...seemed more like pan fried, and the meat was well done / dry. Oh well. My buds and I were all having a good time.\\n\\nWent down to the river and actually found some water!\\n\\nGood times on Paradise road.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-10-14 03:44:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'i7wu9qHYX5tGzffCYb56GQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'qms0w0pmjjjaeNojF3-qxQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'b7V_5q22_eTeHlYzq1bpFw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I read at least 30 reviews before I decided to eat here. The only thing that was good was the oysters because it's raw. Everything else was dry and tasteless. The space is cramp. We had people on our backs coughing on us while sitting at the bar trying to enjoy it. Let's just say the 2 half and half baskets that my boyfriend and I ordered was not worth $60.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-02-16 18:03:07'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pIyQ9YmxoQ-UrIs-ANTi8Q',\n"," 'user_id': '7ktyPHE-NGnWxarOqjIQiQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'EtKSTHV5Qx_Q7Aur9o4kQQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 3,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Dearest Reader,\\n\\nPlease allow me to hereby confirm the rumors: Village Whiskey does, in fact, have the best burger in Philadelphia. And, I should note, some of the best bartenders. \\n\\nAs my wife and I sat at the bar waiting for our friends to arrive, I marveled at the infinite selection of whiskeys and bourbons. I decided that this, self, is the day you will begin liking whiskey. So I petitioned the bartender to \"make me something awesome with whiskey in it.\" \"What kind of drink do you want?,\" he inquired. \"I have no idea, good sir. You see, I am a neophyte, a tyro, and fledgling when it comes to spirits such as these.\" (Perhaps my banter wasn\\'t quite at this level at the time; I was already a few drinks in from my visit to Franklin Mortgage, but this is how I remember it going.) So, he thought about it for a while and proceeded to mix up the craziest drink I had ever seen -- it had whiskey, orange bitters, an egg white, Portuguese red wine, and other stuff in it! The verdict: delicious. I also had the \"The Commodore\" off the drink menu, and it was very good, too. The drinks are a little pricey here, and they will set you back around $11 or $12 each.\\n\\nWhen our friends arrived, we were seated outside and I got to try to village burger and the short-rib and cheddar duck-fat fries. The burger, which comes with an artfully restrained dollop of homemade thousand island dressing, was unbelievable. The applewood bacon and the dressing served the elevate the already-incredible taste of the meat. I can\\'t wait to come back and order another one. As for the fries, they were very good, but I think next time I will stick with the plain duck fat fries. Our friends ordered those, and they were super crispy and delicious.\\n\\nWarning: this place gets insanely busy, so you might have to wait a pretty long time for a table. \\n\\nAll in all, the drinks were great, the food was delectable, and the staff was very knowledgeable and personable. I would totally come back.\\n\\nStill dreaming of that burger,\\nChris M.',\n"," 'date': '2010-08-22 01:09:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'AVcIzk8W04_Au135kR1Qlg',\n"," 'user_id': 'bNkwYxdm9gFBQuqdf0Jb6Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'plobBsTtVUODb353xxFT_g',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I\\'ve had better, but pretty good for a neighborhood sushi joint. I\\'ll go back, sure. \\n\\nRoll menu fairly limited, but my guess is they\\'d accommodate most any request. Service was attentive and speedy. All staff was eager to please. Other reviewers are right: Service is thoughtful and attentive. \\n\\nI thought the rolls were all fine (Mariner, Rose #1, San Francisco), but nothing like \"aw damn!\" good. I really can\\'t complain, except to be honest, I have had more memorable sushi. Still though, competent and perfectly acceptable. \\n\\nI never knew this was here, so I\\'m glad I found it. For a quick pop in for sushi near the house, this can\\'t be beat.',\n"," 'date': '2011-09-27 03:13:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'SIfeHZB6LSwUauyrJe6F8A',\n"," 'user_id': 'zix4Lki-HrcVxvCQlwmSyw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Hh-LHf0bUYoyOnm3DITuXw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We were vacationing in the French Quarter for a few days and stumbled into Flanagan's Pub. Our first stop was about 11am and there were just a few people, probably regulars by how the bartender greeted them. We loved the place so much that we ended back in there 3 times in one day!\\n\\nWe talked with the bartenders, locals and tourists all just hanging out having a nice drink and listening to some punk rock music. It was a nice change from the over-the-top bars on Bourbon St.\",\n"," 'date': '2010-10-07 21:34:07'},\n"," {'review_id': 'hG9RTxxivb0ZXzEk4JXTXA',\n"," 'user_id': 'PuvfPONWyhdtRVPWu7kLpQ',\n"," 'business_id': '-bGw8ARHQucKWEHEkxpGFw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I find it hard to believe there are so many people with such low standards when it comes to the Daily Bread.\\n\\nIt is a ripoff of St. Louis Bread Co/Panera Bread, which in of itself I don't mind at all. I have eaten multiple times at the Daily Bread and have yet to have an enjoyable experience. The food is so-so at best. Their sandwiches are basic and lack any real flavor. I also tried the BBQ Chicken pizza and it was okay. \\n\\nI certainly wouldn't steer anyone away from this place based on the food. The food is basic and simple, not bad but also nothing great.\\n\\nMy biggest qualm with the Daily Bread is the service. The majority of the workers seem utterly uninterested in helping out. There was a line of about 6 people and one person at the register. There was no sense of urgency to help any of the customers in line. We waited for a good 5-6 minutes to put an order in. After receiving our cups to get our drinks we looked for a clean place to sit and eventually settled on a table top that was the least dirty of the tables available. There were plenty of open spots but it just appeared as though there was lots of trash left behind. Does anyone bus these tables?\\n\\nI anticipate that people are responsible for cleaning up after themselves, but it appeared as though the tables hadn't been effectively cleaned in a while. There was also some trash on the floor that hadn't been addressed as well.\\n\\nThe order number was called and the order was only halfway completed. When we asked which sandwich was ours, we were basically ignored as the girl put up two more orders. After another few minutes the rest of the order came up and we began to eat. I tried both items and as I stated before, both were okay. The problem is that the food was just unable to make up for the lack of organization, the slow speed at which we were served, or the cleanliness of the restaurant.\\n\\nAfter 3 attempts, I'm writing the Daily Bread off and won't return. I'd rather go to St. Louis Bread Co, get the same level of food, but in a clean environment and a timely setting.\",\n"," 'date': '2010-03-13 22:33:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EmJdOOhAdc7La5y37EBqxw',\n"," 'user_id': 'jytULgxk9gDRuZQy0AyusQ',\n"," 'business_id': '-Fka99c-tJ-epWYNIobqyQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"I ordered delivery online through Yelp, and the food took about 45 minutes to get to my door.\\nThe delivery driver was friendly.\\nI ordered a bbq chicken pizza and it was really good. They spread the good stuff out over top of most of the crust which was awesome. I also ordered mozzarella sticks, and they were not really what I was expecting--they weren't breaded, they were deep fried. They were good, just not what I was expecting. They also gave me two free cookies with my order and I have to say they were SO good. They were a little undercooked so they were perfectly chewy and they were almost the best part of my meal (and a nice little surprise). The price was fair and I would order here again for sure, although the wait was a little long.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-01-18 00:09:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'svljeCrxYjRHnc3obmRu3Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'RNWJx8g-TIMVn1fpNFOCvA',\n"," 'business_id': '5kZtETKu37RuwHATrB4a5g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"This is a fabulous gym. Considering the cost, it provides a lot of fitness opportunities. I look for a gym that has a lot of classes at various times so that I can fit in exercise before or after work. As my work start and end times change from day to day, though, I need a gym that has classes at various times throughout the early morning and mid to late afternoon. I found that the class schedule here meets that need. The trainers are excellent. The spin and row teachers are really exceptional. Try the We-Fit class, but expect a huge challenge, even if you are fit. The facility is very clean, but this is a new enterprise, so time will tell if the business will continue to keep things clean and fresh. I love that the women's locker room contains a blow dryer and extra hair ties. These little things make a huge difference. Thanks for thinking of them.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-08-16 01:36:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ulk36r__RoJhfyDVTexo_A',\n"," 'user_id': 'BBQT4vT6z7sQdWoLyNnaEg',\n"," 'business_id': 'NYYPj2WpUuIz2mP6YBWKnA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 9,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'If you are in a hurry and don\\'t have time to read my entire review, here\\'s the bottom line: this place is FANTASTIC!\\n\\nAfter my 3 month old car got rear ended TWICE inside of TWO weeks at the end of October, I took my dealership\\'s recommendation and ended up bringing it in to Prestigious for repairs. I am really glad I chose them.\\n\\nFirst off their place is really clean and professional, you feel more like you are in a bank or a business office than a body shop. I don\\'t mind the typical \"shop\" feel of most of these places, but the experience at Prestigious is a notch above that and I appreciated it.\\n\\nNext off, they assigned a specific advisor, Juan Mendez to work with me from start to finish through my repair. He was really knowledgeable and provided detailed information to me about how they were going to diagnose everything and ensure that all of the various components of the damage were fixed correctly. There was an added challenge in my case because I was hit in nearly the same place by two different drivers: one submitted a claim through insurance and the other asked to pay outside of insurance. I explained all of this to Juan and he came up with a forensically defensible way to determine the value of the damage caused by each of the accidents so that the costs could be assessed fairly and accurately.\\n\\nJuan set up my rental for me and kept me updated regularly throughout the repair process, which in my case took a while due to the insurance company requiring additional evaluations etc. and the Thanksgiving holiday. Detailed updates, and the fact that these came to me without me having to ask for them, made it a lot less stressful during the time my car was in the shop. Juan (and I believe all the other staff who hold similar positions over there) also clearly understands all of the procedures, and deviations that can occur from these procedures, that are related to processing insurance claims and he was always able to answer any questions I had.\\n\\nI got the vehicle back yesterday and the quality of the work is 1st class. There is no way to tell that anything ever happened to the back of my car...it looks exactly as it did when I purchased it in late July. I was particularly concerned about paint matching because all of the exterior damage was to the bumper (a plastic part) which had to be matched to the car body panels (metal parts). Anyone who knows anything about paint and body work knows that it is a challenge to match paints on different substrates, and most body shops, even Prestigious, have disclaimers about this that are plainly visible in their offices. I told them up front I was really concerned about this, and they said not to worry. They were right....they did a dead-perfect color match in my case. I have mild OCD and I notice even the smallest differences and defects in things, and I was 100% satisfied with the paint match, as well as the gap tolerances etc. on my repair. If a place can meet my standards, it is going to far surpass most people\\'s standards.\\n\\nIt sucked to get hit twice in two weeks, in a brand new car....but I am thrilled that I found this place as part of the deal. I would take my vehicles here from now on and recommend them to anyone who wants a top quality job with serious attention paid to fit and finish.',\n"," 'date': '2013-12-06 23:51:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 's_X5uNLjLSgK_itDNFiadg',\n"," 'user_id': 'NZdASLiCRqQI1yIl9MIY5w',\n"," 'business_id': 'MbzgGsMQpGyVrUJXi_Jw0Q',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I am from Colorado and am visiting Santa Barbara and let me tell you... what a great place to eat. The food was quality, but the customer service was even better. Also, I thought the price was really good for the amount of food you get. Food came out fast as well. Overall, I'd say it's a great breakfast place if you are in Santa Barbara\",\n"," 'date': '2018-03-15 19:16:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'BSi8nK7H-dWrcIY17K2MqQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'e98b_pMiub6xxUPTLzkeJw',\n"," 'business_id': 'voAosWO5yGhvppHRKm-7mQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I stopped in for lunch one day after years of, 'I really need to try that place.' I really like their layout. They have an uncrowded floor of tables and booths and a lunch counter along one side. The counter faces the cooks' area, which I like because the bustle of multiple grills, fryers, and prep areas serves as a good distraction, not to mention you get frequent interaction with the staff. They were busy and getting everything done, but they weren't rude or frazzled, and I had a real sweet waitress.\\n\\nI ordered the fried shrimp po boy dressed, and asked for a side of rebbeans instead of fries. I almost had second thoughts on that because the burgers that they were cooking right in front of me looked and smelled so good. I really have a difficult time resisting the grill.\\n\\nThe food was average and is what you would expect in a tourist spot in the Quarter. They may get another star if I go back for one of them burgers.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-04-22 13:46:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'KAD7AekVYfOAFzQnuy-rAg',\n"," 'user_id': 'X5EAMkKCHTpmso9ILIFRUg',\n"," 'business_id': '6jgRI0lDt48CY8j1GAGuKQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"these people are great.\\nthrough the years we've experienced everything and seen probably every doctor. these are true animal people, through and through, and you can always count on them for the best. not much else to say!\",\n"," 'date': '2007-05-17 20:41:04'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nZyvS000DGcy6Ilv41SSSQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'dQIwtDf6XZ5fipGcNpzsNA',\n"," 'business_id': 'ompDR5sUDpoI6gnTldmneQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great family restaurant feel. Po boys had the perfect bread. We had 3 different kinds and all were tasty. Mac 'n Cheese was good and a little spicy. Really fabulous service.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-06-27 23:33:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ifa0h4i6zA7f0t-ZFdL8tw',\n"," 'user_id': '1Y38tVMSPH8jwIGw_y_E3g',\n"," 'business_id': 'W4ZEKkva9HpAdZG88juwyQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This place was definitely the best dining experience I had in NOLA during my week-long trip! My husband and I walked in without reservations during their Sunday Jazz Brunch. We waited about 40 minutes, but we had the music and ambience to keep us occupied. \\n\\nDespite the place being ridiculously busy, our server didn't rush us at all. He encouraged us to take our time browsing the menu and placing our orders- definitely one of the friendliest servers I've encountered. \\n\\nThe food here was absolutely amazing! The complimentary bread and butter was very nice. My husband and I started off with the seafood gumbo, and it was delicious! Both of us had a sea bass entree and it was definitely the best fish I've ever had. The fish came with a side of green beans and this DELICIOUS sauce that could make anything taste great. We finished off with chocolate orange ice cream and creme brûlée for dessert. The next table over was raving about their bread pudding, so I'm guessing dessert is usually a hit all around at this place. \\n\\nThe coolest bit about my experience here was that my husband and I got seated where Ronald Reagan sat on his two visits to Mr. B's (far left corner)- Reagan just so happened to visit on my birthday! \\n\\nOur bill came out to be $100+ but it was worth every penny. If I'm in NOLA again, I'm definitely revisiting Mr. B's.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-01-17 03:06:58'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GnloZSSEp60TE6YcR_cszg',\n"," 'user_id': '7rVlXbma0CkPRMsKg5DBPg',\n"," 'business_id': 'goexJ699bcLWGtL0E1G_GA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': 'If you are visiting Indianapolis, I highly suggest this hotel. My boyfriend and I went just for one night and used his AAA discount which saved us a lot. They have a parking structure attached to the hotel for $20 a night. Starting at the garage they had such cool urban art that continue throughout our stay. The check in was an easy process and the service was amazing. Everywhere you turn there is another interesting piece of art work to look at. Our room was very nice, keurig coffee machine,large luxurious shower, comfy robes, and comfortable california king. We had tickets to the Pacers game which worked out perfectly. We had drinks and dinner before the game at Plat 99 which is in the hotel- again more great decor. They had a whole timeline of cocktails and complementary truffle popcorn. (they also had a really cool outdoor rooftop seating area for the bar, but was too cold and snowy to go out on) Bankers Field house was maybe 1 minute away walking. After the game we came back and got some drinks at Plat 99 again, it was pretty crowded, fun environment. For breakfast we ate at the Market Place downstairs, it was one set price for a buffet and had a lot of good food.\\n\\nWe checked out at 11am- very easy and the concierge was friendly and helpful. Before we left we spent about 30 minutes just walking around the hotel looking at all the art work, it is like a modern art museum. \\n\\nOverall we loved this hotel, for a quick getaway to Indianapolis, especially if you are going to a Pacers or Colts game, is was fantastic. Next time I go back to Indianapolis I will be staying here again.',\n"," 'date': '2014-02-05 18:17:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'yRJkUOmrNhpOOn0-FgnqCQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'w8xOsHgh3xi4pHKO1Fs5Dw',\n"," 'business_id': 'jmwasbZfgj3honf79qKsnA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Cashier was trying to put a beer on my to go order and I did not get the fish taco I ordered.\\n\\nThey have nice setting and the establishment seems to be fairly nice, it has got tvs, a bar, a number of tables in various sizes, and a downtown street patio complete with fire heaters for cold nights.\\n\\nI had the sonoran dog and received two beef tacos that I did not ask for. The tacos has scraps of beef with cilantro and onion. They also have the regular styled tacos with tomatoes and lettuce. The dog was the last one sitting the bin and a bit soggy. Compared to truck dogs, it does not compare. The tacos were simply bits of beef with onion and cilantro, nothing impressive and nothing like what is seen in the pictures.\\n\\nPerhaps, my disappointing experience was due to how the place was packed, had a line out the door by the time I left, and was somewhat loud, but that is no excuse for the terrible eating experience. They were starting to run out of the beef and dog that I ordered when I got in at the end of a fairly short line, i would hate to think how much worst if I came in a bit later for the dinner rush.',\n"," 'date': '2016-12-04 02:31:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PcB61RR_VL8Bf5uNFM54Pg',\n"," 'user_id': 'T9AtZPYC4W81rylyvOOmQQ',\n"," 'business_id': '_owHO6DTYU-XVP8jAcgZFw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"When I was preparing to write this review and give Sam's a particular number of stars, I encountered a dilemma. Should my star rating be based upon comparing Sam's to all Sports Bars in which I have ever been? Or, should it be a comparison to Nashville Sports Bars?\\n\\nI chose the former: compared to everywhere - because if you're from out of town that only seemed fair. The sad news is that for a vibrant southeastern city where we have two professional sports teams, our sports bars kinda suck.\\n\\nSam's is honestly one of two great sports bars in the city. I really like Sam's and I really like the patio in Spring, Summer, and early Autumn. But, when compared to so many sports bars across the country in other cities of comparable size with their own sports' teams... Sam's is just mediocre. \\n\\nThe service is always a toss up, and the ladies dressed in those referee outfits - could you not find some attractive Southern women to put on those booty shorts and v-cut referee shirts? Some of the regular old-time employees who have been there since I was in undergrad - a decade ago - really should not be wearing tight clothes. Wow. That was just really mean. I'm sorry.\\n\\nThe food is on the better side of bar fare. But their beer selection could want for some better beers and a wider variety of selection. The mixed drinks tend to be a bit weak, in my opinion.\\n\\nBut, hey, it's a bar. It has lots of TVs and they play the game commentary over the speakers throughout the bar. All and all, if you want to watch sports at a bar, then I would recommend Sam's.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-01-09 03:26:00'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qMVwOQNDqYzwodlFJ81GNw',\n"," 'user_id': 'pqlLJVba9KAtahkjvNINYg',\n"," 'business_id': 'Dv6RfXLYe1atjgz3Xf4GGw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great location, great food, and friendly staff! There are only a few seats and the store gets pretty crowded with people waiting for their food. I saw a lot of online order ready to go at the counter and think that would be the smart move the next time I want to come during a weekday lunch rush. Weather permitting, it's great to grab some HCV and eat it in Rittenhouse Square across the street! I've come a few times with friends and coworkers and no one has complained about their choices (vegetarians and meat eaters alike)!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-07-26 12:37:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JqFt66fEtRl8l1kmMC61_A',\n"," 'user_id': 'v2M0VXEMBt8LGFAHyKIiVw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Bg3xluNKVnqotkukgreP_Q',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 6,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Absolute garbage company. Trying to get from Indy to Chicago and they are more than an hour late, did not inform me of the delay, and their entire customer policy (feel free to read it on the website) consists of \"we cannot be held responsible for anything.\" Sitting at a bus stop with 20 people whom are all having their time wasted with absolutely no recourse.',\n"," 'date': '2015-08-06 21:46:07'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JEP_e5vAKDv5z0-IwS82Yw',\n"," 'user_id': 'SUAuGsOSKJqDnUmaFfM2IQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'uI15YInpDsGBUZcNfm_TfQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I'm glad that Michael & Lucy found a way to open up another family restaurant after years at Tony's on Linden (now closed following an ugly family dispute). The food is good and the prices are reasonable (ask about the slice and salad special). The Tuscany design is pleasant as are the owners (Lucy is always sweet and friendly). They have local beer on tap (Figueroa, Island Brew and others), 3 HD sports TVs inside, one HD sports TV outside for patio diners, a TV dedicated to surf videos and a TV dedicated to kids shows (and a classic old family friendly Ms Pac-Man game that was a hit with 2 kids when I was there). It's a tough location but I hope they make it work. Santa Claus Lane seems to be having a bit of a Renaissance after many years of being known mostly for outdated kitschy roadside attractions. Good luck!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-10-17 01:24:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EEJ1VuPJ4l77ihnaweHgPQ',\n"," 'user_id': '2LhPO9L8RoO2_2sa-nEn8A',\n"," 'business_id': 'i7syG2Gyr_qVPR1GwehzuA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Don't let the shopping center location deter you! Amazing place and even a more amazing staff. Curtis is the true epitome of great service. Loves his job and wants nothing more than for you to enjoy your dining experience. Try the scallops small plate, you won't regret it, but the whole dining experience is top notch.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-02-24 01:45:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nkjr-JtsZIeUvbX41_NNiw',\n"," 'user_id': 'I-wqWdMhZ-cgT4YPxY20gA',\n"," 'business_id': 'vN6v8m4DO45Z4pp8yxxF_w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Awesome! Loved this place. Great little breakfast joint easy walk south of route 90. Easy walk from French Quarter and surrounding areas. We got the bananas foster and it was incredible. Great decorations and colorful setting that feels like how you'd expect New Orleans to feel. Highly recommend.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-06-26 17:21:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Sq_HqVfziIs-NeOAhIUfQg',\n"," 'user_id': 'plMCdb4MQdFIUJ2k2Yndpg',\n"," 'business_id': '8zfkMJ0JkW8OnGTK0Pgabw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great birthday cakes...I mean it.\\n BUT: The cupcakes and cookies out front tend to be stale at times...although when I have complained they made good on everything. \\n I will go back!',\n"," 'date': '2015-10-23 14:56:06'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EHEnA6AIWMSkz44UFuOpPw',\n"," 'user_id': 'H-kSAP2ZjKWGZR9Icj09OA',\n"," 'business_id': '9dm_v79s9-pefMahqp1SkA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Service was a bit slow for Saturday lunch but not unacceptable. Understandable as a new place gets its feet under it. I tried to go Friday night and it was a total mess. Long line and nobody taking names. We left. \\n\\nThe margarita was great. I had the cilantro chicken enchiladas. Also great! The outdoor seating area was very pleasant under the umbrellas on a lovely Saturday afternoon. \\n\\nOverall, I liked it. They just need a bit more time to figure out the flow. I\\'m thrilled to see something affordable move into my neighborhood. The prices are very reasonable and this place isn\\'t trying to be \"casual fancy\" like the last two train wrecks that occupied this space.\\n\\nHope Loco thrives for years to come!',\n"," 'date': '2018-07-07 20:42:49'},\n"," {'review_id': 'BUZbFa_TeoThHW1hwCRfmQ',\n"," 'user_id': '6w1WssQzBfdckDr2rUOXLg',\n"," 'business_id': 'sr9RI_LHMXGZfpDApPsDEw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I've been going here now for a couple of months. I have never received more compliments on my nails then I have since seeing Nary! \\n\\nI love all the girls that work there, and we all banter amongst each other, and the other clients as well. No more sitting in silence while I get my nails done!! Yay!\\n\\nI recommend making an appointment! This is not a dime a dozen nail salon! They offer the newest designs and jewels that so many others don't, and because of that, it's busy. You can walk in, but prepare to sit and wait. And if you want crazy encrusted nails, you can get them here! But you'll pay for what you want, so if you're on a budget throw out your number from the beginning so you aren't shocked at check out. \\n\\nSee you ladies in 2 weeks!!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-09-09 19:02:00'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cIY-1dh_AggHAseMnMQkng',\n"," 'user_id': 'd8z61FRYZzvEqjWNqS8Xlw',\n"," 'business_id': 'ICqgjbOpBD9SUtE5PQC9sA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"A definite go-to place if you're in Treasure Island! Love the char-grilled oysters! Great staff! Big outdoor seating area and best yet, it's pet friendly so bring your pup!!! Coming from Austin where pets are accepted everywhere this is a real bonus for me!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-02-01 21:12:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RcsyeHfZqpGdb9z-AkUdSA',\n"," 'user_id': 'iUeZhkI0OK0BisakOkb3pQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'xJ3NSwE0xhdtA-tB_y_rNQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Lots and lots of mostly fried seafood. Surprisingly expensive for a working class joint. It's the kind of place a dock worker would take his family for a fancy meal and not feel out of place. And it's definitely a New Orleans sort of experience. But the food isn't that great.\",\n"," 'date': '2005-05-11 13:51:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'OJ4DSE87REOqg_I8uQvE2w',\n"," 'user_id': 'GmSbKlsp0ITmTWO8MIoPGw',\n"," 'business_id': 'AWnzFqIrlkLAKTc46_zmEg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This place came highly recommended from some family that has been here many times. Service was fast and friendly even though they were extremely busy. Food was very tasty with mostly basic fare for breakfast. The Cajun tasso omelet was fantastic. Not too spicy but just enough. Hash browns were fluffy and delicious. Other food at the table was French toast and eggs over medium. Everybody left satisfied and full. Will def come back for more next visit.',\n"," 'date': '2018-03-23 14:01:38'},\n"," {'review_id': '0oN6AFhkj2IOf9gGpfZtxA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Mj8mM0pGHEsTLn5uuU9mdw',\n"," 'business_id': 'FHNIvNgh3fS7VZQq2Y3dsA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I came here with a group of four and had a great experience. There are tons of interesting appetizers to try--we had dumplings with corn and mushrooms, wings, and some specials that are escaping me. Each of us also got an order of noodles. These are not chinatown noodle house portions, but they also aren't chinatown noodle house ingredients. Interesting, fresh, and tasty. Plus its a great deal and BYO to boot. Great addition to 10th street!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-08-03 13:52:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'D4UUwqW7jnKX-dXfoOpmAQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'RgXJC2QHvCMYBhwEvbtBZw',\n"," 'business_id': '_aKr7POnacW_VizRKBpCiA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Best sandwiches in St.Louis! Could eat here everyday. Always a very friendly crowd when I come and eat here.',\n"," 'date': '2018-05-28 20:23:24'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ssMrjqKRJxH-Rag5pPT5oQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'H2WhI7u2Zc-ozPnKBvhWwQ',\n"," 'business_id': '-hVMfjPPEsSnga_gnYJx2w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"A great lunch or dinner stop in Reno, NV. \\n\\nWe've had some fine meals in this establishment......Tyler (manager) does a great job with his staff, and it shows in the overall results.\\n\\nThey are also a pub, so its got a great selection of beers and wines too!\",\n"," 'date': '2007-12-08 19:17:57'},\n"," {'review_id': 'U-Y5nGkhbVsTWCEGqLibZA',\n"," 'user_id': 'eMHDd029OvjzUhtFPxr5iw',\n"," 'business_id': '47oPgHNdVR5x_oFNbauNug',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 3,\n"," 'text': \"As a childless woman I wasn't sure how I was going to enjoy my experience here but I give the good folks at Chuck E Cheese credit....they do run a fairly tight ship. There are lots of staff running around both on the floors and behind the counters so whether you need to order another sample platter or get a refund after a machine ate your token you will never be stuck waiting too long. There is also staff at the door and they do stamp the kids to make sure they don't wander away on their own or with somebody they do not know.\\n\\nI like that all the games here are just one token. There are also quite a few different types of games available from Arcade style to games of chance. One thing I did notice is that the game area is larger then the play area which means your kiddo's are more likely to want to spend their time here and your likely going to be reaching for your wallet on more then one occasion.\\n\\nThere was a decent amount of food sent to our birthday party table and even with six kids and five adults there was still pizza left over. I did find the birthday area to be a little crowded and we did on more then one instance accidentally back our chairs into people from the neighboring party table. \\n\\nThe staff here were great and very attentive making sure all the special birthday rock stars were well looked after. I don't know how many times I would really need to come into a place like this as I don't have that many friends with kids but it was great to see them enjoying themselves as well as reliving some fond memories from my own trips to Chuck E Cheese as a little girl.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-12-07 20:41:00'},\n"," {'review_id': '7vcenpX_SdNZep-k-LUBPA',\n"," 'user_id': 'G9FNs3NkjdO8dCwnsgmJ2Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'AaWmckcT3O1iQSAIUmzwUA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This was such a nice change from the other restaurants. Simple fresh organic food. Full coffee, latte, etc options. Sasquatch brew is delicious. Also, very nice ambiance. Casual, relaxed, and comfortable. The owners are amazing and friendly.',\n"," 'date': '2017-06-17 17:45:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'opz0Wckh9unHzfhuKPGr7Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'NA4Z_bDbGC59Ihm4MV7xsQ',\n"," 'business_id': 's7MaEXwDnzUcqG16pG7Wfg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Delicious! Best place around for ice cream . Everything is made fresh from cows without hormones and antibiotics . It's cash only, but it's worth the trip to the ATM.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-15 00:28:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YpHIixkA2K96wFLbI6FHkQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'tt2qIFKZumubxk_UwXhijA',\n"," 'business_id': 'GBTPC53ZrG1ZBY3DT8Mbcw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This was our second choice after finding out Rio Mar was closed for Mardi Gras week. We had a hell of a time getting here since it was on the other side of the parade from where we were staying.\\n Nonetheless, we had a great meal. \\n Service was spot on. Professional but not overbearing or obvious. \\n A little disappointed that they were out of two ingredients for one of their signature cocktails, but it WAS the day before Mardi Gras.\\n The bread and butter at the table was excellent. Crunchy outside, soft inside.\\n The beets salad was so much better and different from similarly named items at other restaurants. The greens literally tasted like they had been picked from a sun warmed field minutes before.\\n G's Choucroute was a meaty fiesta. He loved it. My crab ravioli was lovely with a delicate Meyer lemon sauce. \\n Bread pudding for dessert was just how we like it - sans raisins.\\n Truly a memorable meal. Way better than most hotel restaurants.\",\n"," 'date': '2009-03-01 00:24:17'},\n"," {'review_id': 'CCbESGbnZ7PhNZhktuW7lQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'IVq314m087_O-9ooLhWLMw',\n"," 'business_id': 'iDGohK_mkqnAfLeWC4P4TQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Found 51st Deli on Uber Eats and we loved it!!! I can't wait to check it out in person!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-01-14 21:23:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YJU56J3q7mWp89xZ4H51tQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'JPhPZcdUXSSeplvPfW7Auw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Nd_3fSvYDCjM8YJdBx4Y9w',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The Honey Apple grilled cheese sandwich is totally to die for! I never been more happy to eat a grilled cheese sandwich in my life! The staff is friendly, the decor is cool and hip, and the food is great. The Meltdown in Montgomeryville does not compare. The service is rude and the decor is too futuristic/weird. I had my server throw my sandwich at me and splash another customer with soup at Montgomeryville. Regardless of then other shops, I love meltdown it really helps a cheese lover out!',\n"," 'date': '2013-08-15 17:31:18'},\n"," {'review_id': '5A4UeqNs0RJ91tKuIIA9pw',\n"," 'user_id': 'WuiEYopWZOWOuWQD87fVSw',\n"," 'business_id': 'WIv5kTb_P3jnngPkMeRRNw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"They have combination deals that make rolls and sushi super cheap! The rolls are definitely on the smaller side, so you'll need to order up on the combination deal if you want to get full. Sashimi was actually more fresh than I thought it would be, considering the price! \\n\\nAlso, the joint is sort of small, and the service is slow, but the place is BYO, so you can just head downstairs and bring up some beers while you're waiting.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-02-29 21:46:26'},\n"," {'review_id': '_Y1tXKfLmIINKh5hiGhtQA',\n"," 'user_id': '7GxRNw03EPMNdZ-JnrbFfw',\n"," 'business_id': '6kAXOzE7fqaBZINQV_-_mg',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'The food was good, service was horrible. I ordered orange juice for my kids and waited till we were almost done eating then finally got the juices. They take cash or checks only. Everything else was OK, but they could do a little bit better on their service.',\n"," 'date': '2015-07-28 15:17:35'},\n"," {'review_id': 'd-fLREorT830s70gy_NKOA',\n"," 'user_id': '5l4d8Ul81LRwAB1RdP4GBA',\n"," 'business_id': 'ERl6OCSEIFBOqfjai_jIUg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"After coming here for many years, I was very disappointed by my last trip. The one place you never cut corners is in the food, and that's exactly what they did. 2 of the 3 salsas were so watery that you didn't get any tomatillo or tomato on your chip, at all. The third salsa, the pics de gallo, was the worst chop job I've ever seen in a restaurant. Huge pieces of Serrano pepper with varying sizes of everything else, and in stark contrast to the other 2, completely dried out. \\n\\nWithout even looking at the menu, I know what I want... #15. That decision hasn't changed for over 10 years. Today I should have made a different choice. I'm not sure if they recently went thru a purveyor change but the quality of everything on the plate was horrible. \\n\\nI used to love the rice, it changed. I used to love the chicken quesadilla, now it's flavorless and covered in 2 lbs of cheese for 1/2 a breast.\\n\\nPlease go back to your old ways and cut costs elsewhere, other than the food.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-03-07 02:42:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RZq-EioVPJpBgwbN2aFmVw',\n"," 'user_id': 'xdI0pQeg5GF_3fP31T2fPA',\n"," 'business_id': '2lQrzb0WPexs7oPdAPpQFw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Just got 2 tattoos at Stigma today and I am so happy! I went there because they have good reviews and their website is good. I got a cluster or roses on my shoulder with some \"brush strokes\" of color on them. My tattoo artist is Eddie. He is very friendly and fun! He did exactly like I asked. He is a very good artist. His line work is perfect and so I will be going back to him for more. I have a bad back (bulging and hemorrhaged discs) and sometimes I can\\'t sit in the same place for long periods of time. Eddie was very helpful and accommodating with that. While I was there I talked to pretty much every employee there. The entire staff are really friendly. It\\'s a cool place to be. I did a Yelp check-in and got $10 off! How cool is that?! On the website I saw that the owner, Chino developed his own tattoo ointment. He said that he just wasn\\'t very happy with the other stuff that\\'s out there because they are petroleum product so he did a ton of research and developed his own. It has ingredients like sunflower and soybean oil, lavender, beeswax, vitamin E, Shea and cocoa butter. I bought some and it is indeed very soothing. If you are looking to get inked, go here. You will be in good hands with some great artists and you will be just as happy as I am right now.',\n"," 'date': '2015-10-07 22:45:17'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JydEVCXZA93L0Mec1Fi4fg',\n"," 'user_id': 'l0EEhwwewEh1utchSKgKuA',\n"," 'business_id': 'vh6YOciEM3M4zi2FGp-b5Q',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This place is a lot of fun. I like that there is a outdoor patio with hip hop music and indoor dance area with salsa . If you need a change in tunes or scenery , just move !',\n"," 'date': '2017-06-17 16:48:13'},\n"," {'review_id': 'oiDwM8swNfCgBW0jaz9xvg',\n"," 'user_id': 'YcJILUiAH5bjiHjkX1y-hw',\n"," 'business_id': 'bb76HnMUTA-qg2UbFa9dYA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Had not been for years.\\n\\nWe went for lunch. Great decor. Great wait staff. Personable and on the ball.\\n\\nMy bud had the fish special, serving was a bit small but delish he said.\\n\\nI had the fattoush salad with chicken. Spicing was everything it should be. The chicken was good, just that. The lettuce was limp and so was the pita. Not an olive in sight.\\n\\nPricey, especially for lunch. We will not be rushing back.',\n"," 'date': '2015-03-18 23:26:16'},\n"," {'review_id': 'grUyLOxISGxC65W0gEJplA',\n"," 'user_id': 'dt0hWaknVSf6ceSv-MNr6w',\n"," 'business_id': '0CMmdGACj_gM8GSTOjhpWQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Our animals are an extension of our family. So, we aren't going to take them to any old place for boarding, grooming and medical examinations. I'm a big fan of the Animal Clinic because they treat the pets as if they were their own pets. You can't ask for any more. I would have given them 5* but the location is a little difficult to get out of when leaving.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-01-02 20:49:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ax8lbP7yYV_Ag2JwK-LorQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'EJqV61HlYmFEmzcIaRVVOw',\n"," 'business_id': 'tpSeNezanZDvsXWR7Hhi1w',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Literally, the worst Taco Bell I have ever been to. The restaurant is filthy, the service is awful, and they didn't make any of our order correctly, and really, how hard is that? I won't be back and if I were you I would find a different place to go.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-09-18 17:59:11'},\n"," {'review_id': 'XJwl30x7X22v2aKH4Q7GBQ',\n"," 'user_id': '_BcWyKQL16ndpBdggh2kNA',\n"," 'business_id': 'bJAY2baMKSTlWRc-QZGopQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I like the Neuvo-Latino-Americano grub here. The place has moved locations and is now a bit larger. Chips & Salsa are always fresh 7 tasty, too.\\n\\nI wish I could give a more substanital review but I ate here so long ago - and at the old location - so I'd better just keep my mouth shut.\",\n"," 'date': '2008-12-04 13:49:58'},\n"," {'review_id': '68gtY300yDEp4Frpa3NO7A',\n"," 'user_id': 'hwKBB5PVOtD5KAfT_ucsYw',\n"," 'business_id': 'Uj2LpQ5Hni4kQPC-jt9JPA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Found Player's while driving by. Everyone is very friendly. The service is great. Atmosphere is very relaxed. Great experience overall. Oh and a great shave and cut for a great price!\",\n"," 'date': '2016-02-23 18:57:58'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ycg99K9o-rTbfA5BSZa0yg',\n"," 'user_id': 'rLTcaXXv-r8ziqFw_elaMQ',\n"," 'business_id': '3wogQmKw729tKKWaVbZvbg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'terrible food and the manager was shockingly rude when I tried to return my food. I had the frogs legs and they were rubbery and tasted awful. I was disgusted by her behavior and she should be ashamed of herself. I have never been treated more horribly by someone.',\n"," 'date': '2013-12-07 04:17:06'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JKyXUO-ewDNACZQUag5sqw',\n"," 'user_id': 'UxCu8MMi3gUK-HEz0afwDQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'xvdsyHdYsEbm_Cqs0BgdEw',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The location is pretty random (at the end of a long winding road with a bunch of other hotel off of the highway with no food nearby) and the building has seen better days. \\n\\nMy room featured an unclean floor, torn wallpaper, dusty bathroom vents, and water spots in the bathroom. The hallways might remind one of \"red rum\" and the building itself is ugly showing it\\'s age as a product of the 70s (as am I so I can judge).\\n\\nThe bed was comfortable and the room serviceable but it was disappointing as I have grown accustomed to a higher level of quality in my Doubletree experience throughout the country.',\n"," 'date': '2013-05-07 13:00:17'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GRCHq50ZC53E6RuWx2ktqA',\n"," 'user_id': 'iSaBsAbSKN6G2r6c-FGuWQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'TsZEKqs0wzP3WHnPkV0Eig',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The hotel is beautifully done. It has a boutique feel and not like just a normal hotel like the Hilton. I had my birthday party there at the restaurant and it was so very nice. The service was wonderful and the rooms are beautiful. The air conditioner was pretty loud in our room but that is my only complaint. It's very close to Printers Alley which is so cool! \\nI would definitely stay in this hotel again!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-05-08 18:20:24'},\n"," {'review_id': '_WBtTTBflD9r1fPIxcX-Ag',\n"," 'user_id': 'uJM_dR32MnrPztZZaC1rSQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'EtKSTHV5Qx_Q7Aur9o4kQQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Cool spot in a great location.\\nWe got there early, so didn't have the same crushing crowds others have talked about.\\nThe bartenders are awesome.\\nMade me a Perfect Rye Manhattan on the rocks, never had one before...I'm hooked.\\nEasily the best burger I've ever had!\\nWill absolutely be back\",\n"," 'date': '2013-04-10 23:01:48'},\n"," {'review_id': '2hRjKO-1tOfZ0zL8C6CHkA',\n"," 'user_id': 'rSeQlwsBuWzKZYKac7r8Gw',\n"," 'business_id': 'bRRlWJeuPtmI3UuGhh43Wg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Excellent food and excellent service! My new favorite breakfast place. I loved the biscuits and gravy, extra crispy bacon, sausage links and challah French toast!',\n"," 'date': '2016-12-04 17:29:41'},\n"," {'review_id': 'vs1f5Rpg2TwRfqvQpZJoEg',\n"," 'user_id': 'HwlZoi3J7UKTvqyVfUXr2A',\n"," 'business_id': 'URGUfDvDj32V6Ot3lQYK_g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We hired Terra as the florist for our wedding and were very pleased with her work. We liked that she took the time to run through the venue with my husband and really tried to understand our needs and accommodate our budget. The florals for the wedding came out beautiful and we loved the draping for the ceremony and the reception. The only concern we had was that some of flowers in the bride's and the bridesmaids' bouquets started wilting during the day, but we understand that it is because the flowers were in full bloom and it could also have been due to the heat. Overall, we were happy we found Terra for our wedding!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-08-19 05:40:06'},\n"," {'review_id': 'tse0qavwbKNnnlsdZkpL2g',\n"," 'user_id': 'iMcfYOgyAhQlkjr_xi830g',\n"," 'business_id': '98mYebjHN_VXZapVm8Nmqg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Excellent healthy options for NOLA dining with lots of to go choices. I had turkey meatballs and spaghetti. It is a wonderful lunch place.',\n"," 'date': '2017-02-19 17:59:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'MDd6ndWo-NKn4sMy6UvgnQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'g2PdtlXNcAf6OFTp1rGLZQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'hoYHhfn4w0mVjI60eHDHzA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This is everything I want in take out food - fresh, yummy, and relatively healthy. I also love that there is a good to go place in Northern Liberties that is convenient - there is not enough of that!',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-14 19:14:25'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lhmu20G7vcQs9oaNb4bPUg',\n"," 'user_id': '-qvGATv6LBELWruF24z3-A',\n"," 'business_id': 'tzVLTQNUtiCAxUZmEuF0vQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We had an alumni event here and I really enjoyed it. It's dimly lit, very cozy inside - it's decorated kind of like an old library. It was a great quiet,casual spot if you're looking for a low key place to have good drinks. \\n\\nThey have a few beers and wines, but we focused mostly on the happy hour cocktails - moscow mules, old fashioneds, etc. Everyone loved theirs, no complaints!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-03-14 13:33:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'yBcQi45-vXf9MeZS9ZXBmw',\n"," 'user_id': 'WGuhb1GYI_13pX_e92A7zg',\n"," 'business_id': 'VeFfrEZ4iWaecrQg6Eq4cg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The burgers are amazing! French fries are decent (so get the onion rings).',\n"," 'date': '2012-11-07 02:38:30'},\n"," {'review_id': 'UqUIu24POjFJZ8v57ntYbQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'ekg1bpZjHhHXvSlLWUsfOw',\n"," 'business_id': 'v72HalBu5fQIFTD-oqhSgQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Ive eaten there twice and both times it was terrible. Steak was salty, fish dry, my salad was frozen , service awful. . Im really not sure how this place gets any good reviews.',\n"," 'date': '2014-11-30 03:17:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'VFFr-s2HPJBtBRyyBJVWaQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'vtPlEX3-xWqYyo3xaIrnMQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'GV-e7Op4aU98xkjjoKlRhA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Even after finding many great Spanish restaurants in the country (mostly NYC), Modesto is still one of my favorite Spanish place to eat. This place is really good! Too bad I don't live near St. Louis anymore since this is one of the places that I miss.\",\n"," 'date': '2009-08-03 23:52:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lq_0rwoH_wW_BhczRNx7iA',\n"," 'user_id': 'HifUywUObRg2Wp1zvupwwA',\n"," 'business_id': 'CuLjXvcxP_3_oKhSyq5UkA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Wow what a terrible spa. I can only speak for the manicure/pedicure aspect because I did not get a massage. Typically, you go to a spa to escape and relax - you can not do that here. It is small, dirty, and the staff is terrible. \\n\\nI walked in and the receptionist was on the phone - he did acknowledge that I was standing there, but several staff walked by and did not offer to assist. Finally, after two other guests came in behind me, someone came up and took me back - just to get me out of the way. Asked what my name was and left. Did not offer me water/refreshments of any kind. I\\'ve had better reception at the local nail salon. Then I had to wait for 10-15 minutes for my technician to finish up her current client, which I didn\\'t mind because I leisurely picked out my color. When it was my turn, the nail technician was shaky and rushed. She cut my cuticle and I bled. She was sick and kept blowing her nose into her shirt (gross!!) and took time outs to really blow/dig in her nose with a tissue right in front of me! Lady, you are touching my hands with yours, you are blowing bacteria into the air, if you are that sick don\\'t come to work - *Management, if your employee is that sick do not make them come in! You will lose clients. \\n\\nShe gave me the worst hand/arm massage I have ever had (that is usually everyone\\'s favorite part, and the technician\\'s opportunity to shine!). No pressure was applied, and she just basically rubbed lotion into my skin and made a snarky comment about how my skin was so dry is was just \"drinking up all the lotion.\" Yes, I realize it\\'s dry, probably due to the 20 degree weather and wind outside, but thank you for making me feel self-conscious. \\n\\nWhen I went to leave the receptionist was on the phone again, but did actually put them on hold to get me out of there. I opted to put everything on my room charge, which resulted in extra fees but I didn\\'t care. There was a blaring sign saying how they preferred cash gratuity and that there would be extra fees associated with putting services on your room. Yes, everyone prefers cash gratuity - but how tacky can you be?!! \\n\\nOverall, it was an extremely disappointing experience. I have been wanting to stay at the Monteleone for years and made it a priority to experience their salon. My gel nail polish is already chipping and it hasn\\'t even been a week. Spa Aria definitely needs a overhaul and I would recommend you go anywhere else but here.',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-14 22:16:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'IDLGZOMnn6JTFXAZ3k8l6Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'x_NfifOcHluxCC84iC-0Rg',\n"," 'business_id': 'uW2oyOCEN3RgS7j2MfUIkg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'I got the hot shave and it did not disappoint. They do 6 towels and a facial massage with oils in between. Great shave, great environment.',\n"," 'date': '2018-06-09 02:37:37'},\n"," {'review_id': 'rIJDL05VdmSgnTDeqOJV7g',\n"," 'user_id': 'E3emexIUWqPX6zUsLSZ5Xw',\n"," 'business_id': 'OUuUc_qERdvTrnpj1vSLaw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'We\\'ve been going to this place since it opened and it\\'s always decent, not to mention super fast! TdM is owned by Subway and has a similar feel to it, but I think the quality is much better than Subway. It\\'s a build-your-own burrito and taco place and the ingredients are always fresh and well-stocked. I usually eat vegetarian, so there are plenty of options for me to eat. I always get a veggie burrito and load it up with lots of veggies! I also like their chips and \"medium\" salsa. If ever around Delgado, check out Taco del Mar!',\n"," 'date': '2014-04-20 01:11:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nFmRdU0dv-RE-058dz1ZaQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'bOei0iogihBsoGwcBlEvmA',\n"," 'business_id': 'O286wXm4mcznQn_1JieD1g',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I only go here when I need something that Trader Joes doesn't carry. They are overpriced, and understaffed. Not a fan.\",\n"," 'date': '2010-11-23 21:29:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Frcb69sNncBiSZ6V120IEg',\n"," 'user_id': 'R-c5M0iJkMxxTxIqTQQZ8w',\n"," 'business_id': 'pPFv6CTFK5i8FNj8f3_pVg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Listen up, people! Fall off the bone mushy ribs are not what you get at a proper barbeque joint! If you want that stuff, then go elsewhere. Smoked ribs are meant to be a little tough.',\n"," 'date': '2013-02-22 01:14:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pLffaOqWKZ0nmkNQWz3-rQ',\n"," 'user_id': '2LFCUbzjMQJenKgzZclmpA',\n"," 'business_id': 'U30ggGzFpXvc2NZYwOW3qg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Amazing place for lassi and chaat. The chaat is elegantly presented and tastes like traditional Karachi chaat. However, the chaat isn't as nearly as good as the lassi. It is soft and creamy and sweetened beautifully. Will be coming back for sure next time I'm in the area.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-25 19:22:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'xgiQAlpYkBDjd7Bn_UhIXg',\n"," 'user_id': '9bibIDm_avdRNs1kjWBRyA',\n"," 'business_id': 'F0AAzMdhv2RyjwHVned5bQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"My husband and I held our wedding reception at Hendel's Cafe and it was gorgeous, just a beautiful night and a perfect place in which to spend with our closest friends and family!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-01-04 03:53:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ZgYaqbKAbDYnWuxG6-wJUw',\n"," 'user_id': 'CjIpmIHt8Ue14czGQo98cQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'n5P6-HWN3kFSYBxfVfDxEg',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Cockroach in my room, wifi is slower than aol in 1996, private beach costs $10 a chair. I'll never come here again.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-03-07 02:14:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ac6jcBuWfzs5JYejC45OhA',\n"," 'user_id': 'G282guQMQe6sVzKhK85u0Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'kSQNBSWTLlo-SwR6IcpvHA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Our first visit to El Sol was to celebrate my daughter's birthday. Needless to say, we were all BLOWN AWAY! Our waiter was so attentive and polite, the pina colodas, margaritas and food was to die for, and at the end of the meal the whole staff came out with a very large cake, a desert for my daughter, sombreros and FIREWORKS!! Birthday songs were played on the televisions and it was very festive. \\nI'm so happy this gem is close enough to make regular dinner visits. I'm also happy that an order of fajitas will feed me for dinner an lunch the next day. \\nGood job, guys!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-11-15 14:29:17'},\n"," {'review_id': '3lwAyxwk0zxKI8JkINtXXQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'BlJg3Lj8wRBLs71LmAsjEQ',\n"," 'business_id': '3yI-7C8JzbG-ZaSqAGHMAQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"What a hidden gem of a restaurant. While everyone else go to Taco Bus and stands in long lines I'll come here to Taco Son and get just as good of food without the lines. Everything here is made from scratch and you can taste the freshness of the ingredients. The portions are big so you get your monies worth. Oh and their breakfast burritos are killer grab you one after a long night.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-07-16 19:54:00'},\n"," {'review_id': 'BAe2yGGtKYS2cuC77dyuIw',\n"," 'user_id': 'XsDKAtfmf2Q8M_9zHvwnOA',\n"," 'business_id': 'YxhdfdhRZjJHPFxaADnNVg',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 7,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'We recently purchased a used car for my son, it was a 2006 and of course comes with no warranty because of the age, but I expected them to send it home with us in a safe condition. It was supposedly just inspected and had a brand new PA state inspection and oil change sticker from Conicelli. Needless to say we got it home and the next day the front left tire blew . It was completely dry rotted on the backside and the tire shop ended up replacing both front tires for $450. Money is one thing but after seeing how the tire just shredded we could have been killed on I95 on the way home. The tire just entirely fell apart. Never would recommend them now.',\n"," 'date': '2016-12-19 18:49:34'},\n"," {'review_id': 'IbOd5J6jv2y9qUylovHqwA',\n"," 'user_id': 'tp8Hka1k8dVzhLwhYFVClA',\n"," 'business_id': '0zH0l4Jbf-oove3cLvrFOg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Food is on point. I am deducting 1 star for the condition of the bathrooms on the Friday night I went.. Toilet didn't flush, no toilet paper or paper towels and overall gross.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-25 20:30:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ARaxXz4N90ew6wG-g5HLYg',\n"," 'user_id': 'TAI2byXVLAam6uB8fao3pw',\n"," 'business_id': 'mQvRi0nm84Www71d4qOheQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great food, awful service. I ordered online at 6:20, site said it would be ready at 6:40. I get there at 6:37 and i expected to wait a couple minutes but not the entire 20 minutes it takes to cook my food. They didn't even start cooking it till i got there. I leave at 7. They did nothing for the inconvenience and still made me pay full. Honestly, I'm so upset with how the whole situation was handled. Where is the customer service??\",\n"," 'date': '2018-02-02 00:14:00'},\n"," {'review_id': 'jZ-VRHMJgWv6eNOdN-7Kzw',\n"," 'user_id': 'i_J86e4f0BCRPFlWGdnl7w',\n"," 'business_id': '8LonS_bxNmCDk3FWiG9lzA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Cute Japanese restaurant in Old City. Fresh sushi and amazing ramen. Wonderful customer service! This is my new favorite go to for sushi and ramen. There is a great selection on the menu.',\n"," 'date': '2018-10-03 14:55:20'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JjzsXc2o_u0CbfKeJQPTNw',\n"," 'user_id': '5BL_mcIfYvU9L08syGCfEg',\n"," 'business_id': 'PY9GRfzr4nTZeINf346QOw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': 'Loved the abvionce.. got pampered and relaxed. It was hard to get a drink order place. Was the only reason I did not give them a 5. Had to ask 4 people before I was told to go call roommservice on the white phone.',\n"," 'date': '2017-04-19 19:58:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'PUyYGCPFUVy7AHVqlI2-aQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'vFZUDAxiFZlEQgkV3VSsBA',\n"," 'business_id': '7-Vu4z0QdhCFizP-bHxoxQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Doctor Jeffers is one of the best vets I have ever dealt with, she shows compassion for all animals and can tell you within hours of literally anything that is wrong, plus very reasonable prices.\\n\\nDr Jeffers even accepts reptiles so being able to get that kind of service locally is great considering another vet on street road gouges you big time for just a vitamin shot ( 105.00 minimum charge )\\n\\nPlus the practice has just about every type of machinery to insure that they know exactly what is going on with your pet. She even has animals for adoption. \\n\\nOne great vet, as good as Dr Pol.',\n"," 'date': '2014-04-19 23:46:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'RQ1MSJ6Rn4AZ2IJqEc6_vQ',\n"," 'user_id': '9FKK21qKSxYoAIBUs4HzvQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'Sw7qcWQ5_iOUjBZMhSxyOQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Mahi Mahi was great, large portion. You could split a meal.You must like smoked fish. Server was pleasant.',\n"," 'date': '2015-11-18 23:48:27'},\n"," {'review_id': '35I5ZE_kWNVWy93K3Qb0rg',\n"," 'user_id': 'rfvy5rlM-hauLAu5O0hLsg',\n"," 'business_id': 'jeizWBHYh9bYkf-rey3Ekw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Melissa is by far the BEST! I've gone to two other lash lounges and I will tell you Melissa outdoes them all. She knows her craft. She doesn't double or triple stack lashes. She gets you in and out. 100% recommend going to Melissa.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-05-26 20:05:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'JFjQ5RntPGhsNO2agAEYtg',\n"," 'user_id': 'c8qFkI_VusWo0xZvkjfBWQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'PY9GRfzr4nTZeINf346QOw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Best casino in Reno. 4 deck and 2 deck blackjack, real drink glasses (no plastic fratboy cups), amazing decorum that will burn your retinas, and the restaurants inside are better the big casinos on the strip by a factor of a thousand.\\r\\nThe rooms are stellar for the price. Get a hot tub and chilllllll.',\n"," 'date': '2005-05-15 00:39:29'},\n"," {'review_id': '1Ejkx1stGB11yYfU17UQCA',\n"," 'user_id': 'SVTrj5zc7REiktlcwa-z7Q',\n"," 'business_id': '6iqDIQCE8sq7Xq1xvhG1Tg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"My wife and I had been wanting to go here but just hadn't made it a priority. \\n\\nI had the fish and chips. The batter wasn't thick, and it has a crispiness to it that was a great contrast to the moistness and juiciness of the fish. I have to admit, when I'm not sure what to get I think of getting a burger or fish & chips, and there weren't any burgers on the dinner menu. The serving size was 3 cod pieces, approx 4-6 oz, along with a generous serving of fries. Additionally, the tartar sauce appeared to be made in house, had a great flavor. So, if you're in the mood for fish and chips, I would highly recommend getting them here...because while the serving size isn't as big as Great Basin's, it tastes way better.\\n\\nMy wife had the salmon tacos, and for the side she had the chicken tortilla soup. While the tacos had some great flavors the salmon was a bit overcooked, thus making the tacos a bit overshadowed by the soup. Similar to the fish & chips above, the serving size wasn't large, only 2 tacos, but again, the flavors were very good.\\n\\nIf you're starving and want a large meal with leftovers I'd recommend other places, but if you want a satisfying meal that's an appropriate size this place is very good.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-05-31 13:45:57'},\n"," {'review_id': '6QY0KfUbIMSbVVNnSSes-g',\n"," 'user_id': 'kp0VIIHduhfVQSvsgRtskg',\n"," 'business_id': 'J-ciDDEdIHMcChGIyKZnOg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The Lemon Cake is as good as it is heavy. It was my second visit to Cake Life and I only chose not to get cupcakes because it would have been pure gluttony. They ROCK! Many more visits to come.',\n"," 'date': '2017-09-21 00:06:12'},\n"," {'review_id': 'wAcqPJ0fA--rGQ9Mvj63tg',\n"," 'user_id': 'xBNoFLK5NXzME_kV_ixfdg',\n"," 'business_id': 'IL4q5kYnSLSuhjlyxKuNMw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"They sat us within 5 minutes and then took 40 minutes to even bring out sodas. The table next to us had the same server and got their good before their beverages came out. After almost an hour there with no drinks we tracked down a manager who told us our good never even got entered. I'm on my honeymoon and the friend we were there with had a date to make. Appetizer was the only thing to make it out and was decent boneless wings. Even with the manager begging us to let her get our food together free and not walk out, the service was beyond dismal and slow. First and last time coming to a Beef's. Made us all late. If we had waited at our table for the food we would have made our year anniversary before it came out. Better choices for food elsewhere. Avoid this place at all costs\",\n"," 'date': '2015-09-10 02:34:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'GNRfE14cCOBA3XasHftbDA',\n"," 'user_id': 'OqEP5BAqe599Fxra7Xe_bw',\n"," 'business_id': 'JQz0_R70G3bjQ5dRqrhxKQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 7,\n"," 'funny': 5,\n"," 'cool': 12,\n"," 'text': \"Wildflower is a super scrum, cute little restaurant. I've been here twice now for lunch, unfortunately I am always too late for breakfast. Fortunately though, their lunch is delicious! I took my mum here for her birthday for lunch and we were both so pleased!! \\n\\nSad to say, but due to some health issues, I've had to really change my diet around. This was my first time going out to eat since being on this new regimen. I'm definitely limited, which is too bad, and there was a lot I couldn't have. The menu has good selections, but there is a lot with meat, and I've been a vegetarian for years. Regardless, they serve great food, I just like big menus. Everything is made in house and they use fresh and local ingredients. My mum got the Vermonter salad, which she LOVED!!! It had mixed greens, Vermont cheddar, applewood smoked bacon, pecans, and dried cherries. The dressing was a home made honey vinaigrette I believe. It came with two delicious pieces of muesli bread with a home made honey butter. YUM!! I had the tuna plate, which was great too. It had a very good portion of tuna salad, mixed greens, mixed veggies, and came with a biscuit with that delicious honey butter. It also came with a fresh fruit bowl!!!! I couldn't have the biscuit so I traded for muesli and man that stuff was delicious. My mum loves the biscuit too. Everything is definitely made with love and happiness here!!!\\n\\nThe patio is so cute, 4 tables on a nice little deck with fans and hanging lights. Our server was wonderful, SO kind and adorable. She even brought my mum\\na homemade red velvet cupcake with a candle, which LOOKED amazing, and she thought was delicious. Another win at Wildflower, would love to come back for breakfast sometime.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-09-24 22:16:52'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pD3eUWVZh7BRrj-ldf4LoA',\n"," 'user_id': 'u3QY-afIktF3iUYHiKYT0g',\n"," 'business_id': 'y44MbCvvtmg1FpkNGSWisw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Worst roast pork sandwich I've ever had. The broccoli rabe was lifeless and freezing. It was so cold my cheese didn't melt. The bread was soggy and wet. Horrible. If I wasn't in an airport, I'd bring this back.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-07-14 00:13:21'},\n"," {'review_id': 'g734ECK2zY-JrGmvzom10g',\n"," 'user_id': 'qwV1iiQRv6VukrUeirqToQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'eaDZlSuVS0EY67Ke6pRP6Q',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I always walk pass this place but decided to finally give it a try because of the reviews and the price. Overall, as someone already stated they have great apps but the entrees are left to be desired.\\nConsidering each entree costs ~$8, you get what you pay for. I ordered the Pad Thai and it was bad. Way too sweet with no spicy kick to it. We also ordered the Seafood Crispy Noodles, Pearl Noodles, and a Beef rice dish. All were really mediocre. The Indian pancakes and chicken satay apps were great though. Idk why the entrees were so lackluster. I'm sad I didn't enjoy it more but I'm glad the total was cheap for a night out.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-25 07:41:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YM47FT1FlrhTqBPUI4_KvQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'pjIgWQ_x3zdJEjN35nARWA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Ph6-SNyEK_CIOzARiJhG6A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Oh man! This is the spot right here! Everything is made to order and sooo worth the wait. I'm from Chicago and have been a self proclaimed sandwich expert for most of my life...this place deserves every bit of those 5 stars! Well done guys!\",\n"," 'date': '2013-12-29 01:51:38'},\n"," {'review_id': 'tQ0XA97ameRN3UBxEdbsgg',\n"," 'user_id': '1Y6JyxClyJyJoEqn2Goi_Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'vCHNWdW-ys-nWUx3Cpvk8Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Outrageous birthday cake! We chose the Devils Food Cake - with vanilla buttercream icing. It was delicious beyond words! 12 adults who typically shy away from high calorie sweets - ate every last bite! The staff were super friendly & accommodating (we probably could have ordered a bit more advanced) - can't say enough positives about our experience. So glad to know I also have a location closer to me in Old City. Wish I could have another piece of that cake!!\",\n"," 'date': '2016-09-18 16:50:37'},\n"," {'review_id': '82O69BTaAmwLGb4z20wUiA',\n"," 'user_id': 'FeATs94eA1qDqoJR3nF67Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'tFUJRLtNgIGg8ifaDtM_Kg',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great talent but that is not important when time\\nIs more valuable. Sitting here on 3/23/18 at 11:28am. Supposedly opened at 11am. There are 5 of us waiting but no employee to provide service. Tsk, tsk Perfect Arch!',\n"," 'date': '2018-03-23 15:30:29'},\n"," {'review_id': 'eR2WN8v6l52W0jJ3NJIv-Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'iXzIbm_zyZ6tZUM3amuJNQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'QkyEr9j7il9lJqseTbPe5w',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Had a great dinner at Spasso. My parents always request Oana and she is an awesome server-- answers questions, gives suggestions, and really knows the menu. We were quoted an hour wait, but were able to grab a high top in the bar area with no wait (they are full service).\\n\\nSpasso is Italian, but has its own little spin; it's not just the classic dishes of a typical Italian restaurant.\\n\\nThey start you off with bread and this delicious eggplant/pepper topping that is so refreshing. I typically love oil for bread, but love this alternative.\\n\\nI started with a Caesar salad which was perfect; just enough dressing, super fresh and I love the shaved Parmesan on top. For dinner I had pappardelle porcini which I think is the best item on the menu, it is thick pasta with sundried tomatoes, mushrooms and chicken with light sauce. It is totally delicious, and I had leftovers to have for lunch the next day.\\n\\nSpasso is definitely recommended for a great dinner in Media!\",\n"," 'date': '2018-04-27 20:08:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qHU0E4AMN9kTGAgfVZQSGQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'JjX-bYG0O5B21fklcZhmog',\n"," 'business_id': 'PGDRRyplRKHAixBZSBLseA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My business, my parents, my ex-husband, my son and myself have accounts with this credit union. We have been with them for about 4 years and have been quite satisfied. With this many accounts and this many people there have been some errors however we go directly to the branch to have them corrected. So far that has worked out great for us.',\n"," 'date': '2017-10-24 21:01:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'EWmkTBDTjOQpckZtyMudIQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'IZ6HdSnPbJqvvG4S6GBaWg',\n"," 'business_id': 'oqP1oQEycpp4J6u5YebRoQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'After numerous visits here, we really wanted to like this place but each time there has been a number of issues, many repeating. No matter the time of day, it seems to get pretty rowdy and my friends and I have had drinks spilled on us on multiple occasions. Almost every time I have been here with my fiancé or friends, it has taken an abnormally long time to get service whether it be inside, outside at a table or bar. The food is mediocre for the price and a few times the food took MUCH longer to come out than what we were told, and when asking management what was going on, we were told that the estimate was wrong and it was \"too bad\". Staff is rude and far from attentive, though it seems like this place is always over-staffed when we have been here. Amazes me that management allows such a huge lack in customer service. No longer wasting our time and money here, and we advise our friends and family to do the same. It is too much of a hit-and-miss to come here and attempt to have a good time.',\n"," 'date': '2018-07-26 14:21:11'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ira2eu1GBLZhSF3U89lhNA',\n"," 'user_id': 'vuy4owE3qqM-VZ20AkIipw',\n"," 'business_id': 'UUOOjXAyk7dBpwTtKCnwyg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 4,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Let me start by saying that the food here is by far the best Mexican I have had in St Pete. It's nothing fancy and very small but if your looking for some good food and a beer this is the place to go to. Weekend nights do get a little hectic so I would recommend going on a weekday night or during the day so you can skip the long wait to place your order. For the meat lovers out there you can't go wrong with a chorizo taco and for the seafood junkies the fish tacos are amazing!\",\n"," 'date': '2011-11-29 22:39:37'},\n"," {'review_id': '2-gsHxBhcJ8ISR3ExmZ88w',\n"," 'user_id': 'FfqnMS16PhYcXucWnIscgA',\n"," 'business_id': 'oThWInL6gUCt2d98fSIAfA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Wings Wings and more Wings! Chatham Tap is my favorite place to get wings in the Indianapolis area. They are meaty, the sauce is great, and I usually always have to take some home for the next day. I went with a fairly large group and got to sample different things on the menu. I highly recommend the onion rings! They have a large selection of beer as well. Since I heard they were a \"soccer bar\" I did not know what to expect when I first arrived. However, the atmosphere is great. It is full of fans of all different sports and the staff is willing to show whatever sport you want to watch on TV. The service was excellent. No one in my group had to ask for one thing while we were there. I highly recommend this place to anyone who is up for a great meal, great service and a great time with friends.',\n"," 'date': '2016-06-23 00:30:29'},\n"," {'review_id': '8N3IPLBJ5MH74NKfU-yayw',\n"," 'user_id': 'PEAKaHUmII5hoOBNcRgdCw',\n"," 'business_id': '1Pxg1AMf0rEn9QF__ZYoWw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Very tasty sushi and very reasonably priced. Service was quick. 1 specific suggestions for improvement: menu photos\\n\\nAuthentic flavor and ultra healthy',\n"," 'date': '2016-03-07 05:25:32'},\n"," {'review_id': '5JjukJUjOScwDBcFRmUYag',\n"," 'user_id': 'NhrE1Sbr8Zb5mWmWb7j_LQ',\n"," 'business_id': '1bJxvwuMTyXmQGu90WLPhA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'First time tonight. We enjoyed our evening with a great server, Alison. She knew we had not been here before and helped us through everything. Most of all we spent a lot of time catching up with old friends, and we never felt hurried.\\n\\nThe food was great, and we tried everything from steaks to meat loafs. All was prepared to our request and the meals were great.\\n\\nLook forward to coming back. Hope it is just as good next time.',\n"," 'date': '2017-03-15 02:23:08'},\n"," {'review_id': 'nxaau-glIc1QSYHHN1dbiA',\n"," 'user_id': 'DD9G_OSTN2xCjOBxHozTIA',\n"," 'business_id': 'Up0a_4ZYoU5tTN6HXq59Lw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I have been going to this dive bar for years. Jonny's has a great happy hour everyday and it's very laid back. The food is always on point though. You may think that a dive like this wouldn't have the best options but you are wrong my friend. They make all of their dough from scratch and their naked wings keep me coming back every time. Their Jon's salad with grilled chicken is also a staple of mine along with their pizza.\\nThey also offer games such as trivia and even bingo. They are all free to play and you win some great stuff like gift certificates and even 1 cent pitchers of beer! Can't go wrong with that. \\nIt is a smoking bar so be aware of that and it gets pretty bad when they are busy. It does get crowded on game days or nights. Overall it's a great place to grab a few cheap beers with friends and a half-price pizza (did I mention they have 1/2 off pizza on certain days?)\",\n"," 'date': '2016-08-25 14:59:32'},\n"," {'review_id': 'P6Kbftcn5GwvIo2xQyXFBg',\n"," 'user_id': 'fSR8LJJ0Aa3w8HoaGyXYCA',\n"," 'business_id': 'UX3eq0WsVva-cqlVrzyzFg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Yummy food, they will veganize things for you as well. The servers are friendly and the restaurant is spacious and has a bar and a stage area. We have had our work Holiday party here for the past couple years, both parties turned out great. The guacamole is awesome!',\n"," 'date': '2013-12-28 22:22:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lqEa3ctJXMfAlA6RPiGrPA',\n"," 'user_id': 'NPlCYdlumqM_Qgsi3Z_zaQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'dERS4qwl9v-Gwft-Ug8APA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"West Ave. Grill- Its a happy place in Jenkintown with a lot of locals eating outside under umbrellas with their dogs at their feet and kids on their lap. Inside their is a large and small area with a bar to eat and look past the parking lot to nicer part of Jenkintown town square. The wait staff is always nice and the owner is often around to talk to. Free dum dum lolly pops at the counter as you walk out and news papers to read if you are eating alone or want to check in on the Phillies.\\nFood- always good. Great pancakes that are fluffy and crispy on the edges. Kansas City is a great breakfast too- for the most part great.\\nBig salads could have more Stuff in them- more of the things that are supposed to be there- as described etc. But a complaint is readily heard and they always try to make you happy. It's Nice- try it.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-06-29 14:38:42'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Tk9jatdQqzbiZd3e_HcZoA',\n"," 'user_id': '_MQIjNg1lyNFuHYXXYzQ9Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'oQ5CPRt0R3AzFvcjNOqB1w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'First time visit the other day, amazing!!!! Best hot chicken anywhere!!! Will def be a must stop every time we come to Nashville!!!',\n"," 'date': '2017-01-02 05:09:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ttN6B9kanqlxOK-CbU3BLg',\n"," 'user_id': 'rdReTdv-T1008_0aTZATqg',\n"," 'business_id': 'DNkz1z53dS2CUUWI1Skg2g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This was hands down the best tuna melt I have ever had. Very clean! This was also the best service I have ever had at a cafe. Awesome service and really on top of things. It's crazy because it is inside the grocery store! They should expand this cafe without the store attached!!! It would be amazing!!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-06-11 17:42:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'A5RRp6HJOmoUKMfQFe0UNg',\n"," 'user_id': 'GwQEC1pEtRGMyhOCEizlLg',\n"," 'business_id': 'jLaPtjlLfRSaoBWIcHcSQg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Finally there is a place in Stl to eat sautéed seafood in plastic bag! The sauce is a big plus. Good service.',\n"," 'date': '2017-09-09 06:06:05'},\n"," {'review_id': 'E-yGr1OhsUBxNeUVLDVouA',\n"," 'user_id': 'MfDqmwzf1WxvJFtiRKi4Sg',\n"," 'business_id': 'kgMEBZG6rjkGeFzPaIM4MQ',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'I know I shouldn\\'t expect much but everything I asked for that was on the drive thru menu was not available. I was actually afraid of what I was going to get once I did get it. I saw the movie \"waiting\". Word of advice stay clear of this arch. Just so you know I was only trying to order a beverage how pathetic is that.',\n"," 'date': '2012-05-28 22:52:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'O-mQDmlUSDBURgiSTn75eg',\n"," 'user_id': '5Fk3pRHy5iqu3Bvo_zj5DA',\n"," 'business_id': 'SIoCIxjn4jLt2O-4DajWJw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This place has a few good things going for it: \\n\\n1. REALLY good gravy fries...seriously, if you haven't had them yet - you haven't lived\\n2. The staff here is friendly and entertaining! Don't let it alarm you if a waitress and a member of the kitchen staff randomly have a lover's quarrel...its all part of the character of the place! lol!\\n3. It is the perfect bar to watch ANY Philly sports team...but especially the Phillies. \\n4. Pretty good beer selection, too!\",\n"," 'date': '2011-04-23 14:00:35'},\n"," {'review_id': '4xWhGHrlX_F-lr0-JhyFTw',\n"," 'user_id': '6jna5W1aqs4amKwBoCH2YQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'YgMZm_alGFUeQO4hz9X9VA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'My wife and I stoped in for a couple of glasses of wine in the bar area. It was a nice festive atmosphere. Santa and Mrs. Clause even made a brief appearance. The service was a little slow but we were ok with it because we wanted to take our time anyway. We had a good time and the ambience is nice for a drink or 2.',\n"," 'date': '2016-12-04 12:17:15'},\n"," {'review_id': '3JPkxBo5HZBqsEfkNALKhg',\n"," 'user_id': 'd_fc9n5mQFFdoUxrOSeMAQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'Wd9JBLjCCh5yTF0vPAxCAA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"We found ourselves in South Tucson needing a good meal from somewhere other than the kitchens of the chain hotels surrounding the airport. Thank you Yelpers for delivering another great place!\\n\\nA reconverted 1960's era A & W chain fast food stand [I can detect those old bone shards still!], we enjoyed a wonderful meal at a reasonable price.\\n\\nI had the catfish smothered in poblano sauce and melted cheese. They told me it was farm catfish but it tasted like the catfish I used to catch out of a lake near my house as a little kid. Farm fish never tastes this real.\\n\\nMy wife had chile relleno - fresh peppers, not surprising this time of year but definite kudos to the chef.\\n\\nThe late-stage adolescents with us enjoyed their enhiladas and chimichangas too.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-02-01 21:42:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ssfv4gZ_xynqi8ipfzAs3Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'yPdPATvZ95l366Pp8nVzLQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'cx2fwY66_xTNFo0p2EEC4g',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I recently went here with the hubby and a friend and we got the vegetable pakora to start- which was like veggies and hushpuppies all in one- YUM! Then we each got an entree: chicken tikki masala, lamb roganjosh, and lamb vindaloo. Each dish was superb, authentic, and exactly what it should be. The sauces for each were so good I wanted to drink them. Had I saved any room in my tummy, I just might have! \\n\\nThe place was reasonably priced and the staff/service was just okay. All-in-all, a great addition to Media's varied dinner spots. The lunch buffet looked promising, too, and is only $9.95 on weekdays, $10.95 on wknds.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-09-26 15:58:02'},\n"," {'review_id': 'VQw3NHNQrJoxKpv-7Z8W2g',\n"," 'user_id': '3V_eOrneBc8Y0HmxKys6Yg',\n"," 'business_id': 'VcTddMHnMZeKibhRFWuqVw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 5,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 3,\n"," 'text': \"Howard's the man for all things VW. It can take a few weeks to make an appointment, but he's thorough, reliable, knowledgeable and efficient.\",\n"," 'date': '2009-05-23 12:21:25'},\n"," {'review_id': 'QYulveDJFu7Qnl7EQKjG0w',\n"," 'user_id': 'YnT7fzXSQRHOuCKZTwkQVw',\n"," 'business_id': 'jQBPO3rYkNwIaOdQS5ktgQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Best desserts ever! Dark and sinister is AMAZING. Really anything with that uses the chocolate ice cream is my favorite.',\n"," 'date': '2018-02-11 05:52:56'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gnEmBGyBs7DOtIXGmJQdKQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'XuadFePn8P6l5epbEFnfKw',\n"," 'business_id': 'GBTPC53ZrG1ZBY3DT8Mbcw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great oyster happy hours that go on from 5-7pm! My boyfriend and I shared a dozen oysters and a glass of champagne. Our tab was $24 with tip. Great value! I hear they have the best to-go cups in town, and we totally missed out on that. The staff were very nice and attentive. We almost felt too casual but we felt at home! I'd definitely go back :)\",\n"," 'date': '2015-08-19 18:35:37'},\n"," {'review_id': 'o0RrxYEdVcKZtYKAEJCUNA',\n"," 'user_id': 'CJ1qOThxVs_V6VTYRL4Eaw',\n"," 'business_id': 'UCMSWPqzXjd7QHq7v8PJjQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'If you want to eat at Prep & Pastry on the weekends, go right when it opens or before it closes. There is always a long wait because of how busy it gets - but the wait is always worth it. The food there is absolutely amazing. I go there often and love the green eggs & ham, bloody marys, and mimosas! They gave me a free pastry on my birthday once, it was delicious! I wish I remembered what it was called. \\n\\nI also love that they serve EXO coffee here (a local coffee) - nothing better than a great breakfast with great coffee to go with it!',\n"," 'date': '2016-01-04 18:36:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'BSX4AOxPmMXTrgaqJJwt-w',\n"," 'user_id': 'OSJ72ePGrAYxNN_dUIxZoQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'GaktVVj3HWX0sVMlCXCWZw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great variety of coffees and teas. My current favorite is the iced dirty chai. The staff is very nice and acknowledges your existence without making a person feel rushed. Table sizes for everyone! They also feature local artists art to purchase. I enjoy the vibe.',\n"," 'date': '2017-06-27 23:30:38'},\n"," {'review_id': 'I7XGtAW-KkzVDvtCvXAY0g',\n"," 'user_id': 'ulSJonL748r7a1W-t53z9w',\n"," 'business_id': 'jsUzVBGEIoer6l_fxbad2A',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 6,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The worker was awesome; this is a review for the company. The price paid isn't in alignment to the service provided, it is just expensive. The worker is still paid hourly, which motivates him/her to work the hours. I believe it is a better way to hire someone off craigslist and pay them to do a service, rather than hourly.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-03-15 02:46:41'},\n"," {'review_id': 'wXcsMgO27jDlr_8xuhn-pQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'CqRAt1eogaHCBBtF_shemg',\n"," 'business_id': 'ruFtZKwlJASx5BTk1dh5AQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"The new Bacon-Bleu cheeseburger is excellent! Probably one of the best fast food burgers I've had in a while! Dave Thomas would be proud!\",\n"," 'date': '2010-03-14 05:14:25'},\n"," {'review_id': 'srw8FcuizFYyHRWnLsYVOQ',\n"," 'user_id': '7BXXIL5yqKE-lk_uuq8wHA',\n"," 'business_id': 'sr-5EY6bmp4jINhea06MjA',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Have only been once a couple of months ago, so maybe this was a one-off experience...Ordered a piece of carrot cake, which tasted fine. Certainly not the best I\\'ve ever had but good enough. The to go packaging was a bit overkill just for that one slice of cake, as was the $10 price tag. That being said, I\\'m sure the \"fanciness\" of the place is what makes it so appealing to folks. It really is quite unique and cute for our area and would be a good place to go with the gals (rather than my husband who hates all things trendy, lol). \\n\\nMy problem, though, was with the service. We placed our order for the carrot cake with a nice young teenager, and then waited. And waited. I could see the carrot cake just sitting in the pretty covered cake stand, and I felt really tempted to just slice it myself. After a bit (felt like 10 minutes, although I\\'m sure it was more like 5 or 6), another employee came and sliced the carrot cake, setting the slice on the back counter with the ticket. And then we waited. And waited some more. After about another 5 to 10 minutes, I flagged the teenager down and asked if he could box up the cake for us. He seemed confused, and it took an awkward minute-long exchange for him to understand we hadn\\'t yet received our order. He did apologize for the wait, which I do appreciate, boxed up the cake, and then we were on our way.\\n\\nI should clarify that we did not go into the shop at a busy time. It was a relatively cool day and not many people were out. While there were maybe 2 to 3 tables seated, we were the only ones at the counter ordering. And while I\\'m sure the wait staff who repeatedly walked by our lonely piece of carrot cake sitting on the back counter had many important tasks...I just wanted to eat my $10 cake.\\n\\nFour stars for the cake. Two stars for the service.',\n"," 'date': '2016-06-11 21:09:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'aQrkqLr6ualAe94-YwYXiQ',\n"," 'user_id': '2yow2jF1U5s2Mv-5aeLhWg',\n"," 'business_id': 'tQ6VNQ9ezkxRE4bvu9WShQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Excellent tasting food and great service. Best burgers and pulled pork we have had in reno/sparks area. It will now be our new spot',\n"," 'date': '2015-01-04 01:11:28'},\n"," {'review_id': 'iuwbcokeZwBNOnU1F3DI-w',\n"," 'user_id': 'Fdrt8GUWl1jyN6EWS7mW2A',\n"," 'business_id': '9V0LMtO1riRw9-pUuG4NFg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'The Smoked Salmon Frittata came with the smoked salmon, egg, potato, red bell peppers, goat cheese, horseradish -dil crema & fresh fruit. And it was as good as it sounded \\n\\nA very good mod dat brunch, dinner, and private dining spot.',\n"," 'date': '2017-05-13 17:25:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'AoK4JBbc8_4H8sMGyInY_w',\n"," 'user_id': 'SAcg8qt12JKyN5yLDjniaw',\n"," 'business_id': 'qDkbudGRfmJvf7trQZea4g',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Dinner for 9 was just fantastic. We celebrated a 70th birthday and received first class treatment all the way. Sure it was very expensive but our steaks and entrees were outstanding. Great service, great food and great ambiance.',\n"," 'date': '2014-05-26 01:25:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lu5_R05VXvKpHCIH_bPolw',\n"," 'user_id': 'Q8t6yZx8N6jea41GYwlIQw',\n"," 'business_id': '8gV3YUl8uqHnA-wZ3UZ5Dg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'The food is amazing! Fried pickles and the smash fries are so good!! The customer service was horrible though.',\n"," 'date': '2017-10-24 20:39:17'},\n"," {'review_id': 'NElfLcKdeTwS86PTPEkWjw',\n"," 'user_id': 'H8NDL9vdqls0s48aHj7sSg',\n"," 'business_id': 'EDjEVzmoQVHzboFqC-M6Ew',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I heard a number of good things about this place ,but I was very disappointed. Parking is terrible which isn't a huge deal but be prepared to spend a few minutes looking for a parking spot. We ordered 5 tacos total and it took about 30 minutes to get them. It seemed a little ridiculous for a few tacos, plus they weren't even hot. Slightly warm at best. Taste was ok, but wasn't anything special at all. Buffalo chicken wasn't great, the Bbq and Korean were decent and the shrimp was mediocre. Overall, I gave it a shot and it wasn't worth the wait and effort parking so I don't see us going back.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-01-30 04:38:48'},\n"," {'review_id': 'oyPscvzbdr9Cs2Q4fJlPCw',\n"," 'user_id': 'SNeyQTRtCwow-8eS-RalZQ',\n"," 'business_id': '5kZtETKu37RuwHATrB4a5g',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 6,\n"," 'funny': 3,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'The gym part of City Fitness is better than most, good equipment, clean, variety, it\\'s a nice gym. I find the rates reasonable and have been a member since they opened and will continue to be a member. So, for the rating I give the gym at CF a 3.5 star, I give MBSC a 1.5 star for an overall 2.5 star rating.\\n\\nMBSC review: I thought I would kick it up a notch so joined the MBSC thrive program at CF on South Street and tried it for three months. Trainers really aren\\'t \"personal\" trainers. They have a set program that they put people through and you have very little to say about what you like/don\\'t like. The trainers work with several people in a session so depending on how many people are in a session you could be waiting for the trainer to get back to you or waiting for the person in front of you to finish. One of the things that frustrated me is they want you to push through the routine they have come up for you in the hour\\'s time. The sessions are hard with ropes, sleds, balls, bands, cables, weights and the most uncomfortable stationary bike I\\'ve ever had to sit on (and they make you end every session on the thing). No two sessions are alike - so if you like variety then great, if you like consistency or at least enough repetition to get the moves and form down then not so great. I seldom found a session to be fun or enjoyable, rather I often felt like I was a contestant on the Biggest Loser. They also play hip-hop all day long and you either like it or you don\\'t. The environment and training is designed (in my opinion) to appeal to 20-30yo demographic.\\n\\nIf you really want to push yourself beyond your limits and don\\'t care how you get there then you might really enjoy the MBSC program. If you want a professional personal trainer to spend quality time with you in achieving your goals and if you want a training program that you actually learn what muscle groups you are working and not just to be pushed through a routine then you probably won\\'t like MBSC. Definitely do a introductory program because the usual 30 day notice from the contract date applies if you cancel and it\\'s $200+/mo program.',\n"," 'date': '2014-01-17 17:38:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cp12LEo_c7SNbpscnbYjfA',\n"," 'user_id': '1sgV5TOLiKCCi84No37qCA',\n"," 'business_id': 'qONvIS94nZhXYm-jccXyuw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Four stars for price. \\nI drive truck, so I've eaten bbq all over America. This place is better than most, but it's certainly not 4 star worthy. I'd say the food is more like 2.5 star. \\nThe cheeseburger was quite large and the meat was tasty. (Be advised: if you don't stop them they'll automatically put that disgusting invention called mayonnaise on it.) I got it plain so I can't comment on their lettuce/tomato game. \\nThe pork bbq sammich was soggy on the bottom. Moist is good, but this was just plain wet. The meat itself was bland but not bad. \\nThe bbq sauce is pretty good but not great. \\nThe Mac & Cheese tasted ok but the noodles were way overcooked. It'd be much better if it were baked and had a little crustiness to it. \\n\\nIf I lived local I'm sure I'd come here occasionally.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-03-15 20:12:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'k5foen6qbRssONseGEc0aw',\n"," 'user_id': 'GZkFjlhsCmIxkxPywouEKQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'VeqkfRUzZAKlQer3npXPdQ',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'This is a nice Indian buffet with a pretty wide selection. There is nothing that will make you say \"wow\", but many good Indian dishes for a very reasonable price. Would return again.',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-03 21:20:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'kaig0jLD975wUkXCHwSsnw',\n"," 'user_id': '3JuwxZpmcmlkR3sHM9SLig',\n"," 'business_id': 'G0xz3kyRhRi6oZl7KfR0pA',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Staff member wouldn't let us use guest pass on our first time there. He said our only option was to buy at least a one day pass for $15/person. LOL. Went to Retro fitness for free trial; better equipment and environment:)\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-13 14:32:45'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ly8zfN5hp4s57_MfL6sOEA',\n"," 'user_id': 'IlizsR-UvmFa1V9iskTYjg',\n"," 'business_id': 'geUiM_VTRmUz6dViO7E-jg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"I'm picky when it comes to pizza, and Brixx is a win every time! I love that their menu incorporates gluten-free options and perfectly sized lunch options. The wrap around bar also makes it the perfect stop to unwind after work, but arrive early, their patio fills up quickly!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-07-18 22:48:44'},\n"," {'review_id': 'FNvdUOSG54IXzTXTYT6F9Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'J4U35rKMJu91Y2R9orntIg',\n"," 'business_id': '1lXdhiMNyUxtBlEAeRYCvQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I've been a few times and I haven't been disappointed yet. Its for meat eaters, vegetarians, and vegans. It's nice to have a healthy place to go to.\",\n"," 'date': '2018-01-21 16:52:55'},\n"," {'review_id': 'UVyf-nDeSNrpJsDpbHJZGg',\n"," 'user_id': 'wMRABJye-vljUZxI2y7YTA',\n"," 'business_id': '3pCdFDNxXEKCW0Y_r77Qpg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'the best frozen yogurt i have found in the central bucks area (at the time of the initial review). everyone is super friendly and the flavors are good. but i have since found another location that is a rival. :-0',\n"," 'date': '2012-12-04 22:35:11'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lNioGFDOBciKxNd2ScWz7w',\n"," 'user_id': 'hV2sAyRMoR8nl4QKooT-oA',\n"," 'business_id': 'k2SEley3DZTGb2RpnYr7Rw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Simply put .. Awesome . Surrounded by lakes , the apartment complex has very peaceful environment . The staff of the leasing office are very helpful and friendly. I had very nice experience staying here and would recommend the apartment to anyone who is looking for peaceful stay in St. Petersburg,FL.',\n"," 'date': '2016-02-11 23:11:50'},\n"," {'review_id': 'LyvpeUzOTmdPcg0VreiNIQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'OsAl8AbQMzOkqp2OMTvZww',\n"," 'business_id': 'JLixvCikc5JYGcnvaqHoJg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"You must stop here while in NOLA. It's a small place, but you feel like you just stepped into a bar during prohibition. While we were there, there was an amazing Jazz band. There is also a small room off to the side where you can sit on a coach and sip your cocktail.\\n\\nThe Vieux Carre was excellent here!\",\n"," 'date': '2015-09-09 18:49:01'},\n"," {'review_id': 'kyjaqazHasxVAweZG2xxPw',\n"," 'user_id': 'jqTa-RtGU26q3TFTmMZOAw',\n"," 'business_id': 'P8QLcGZZOPgl9w_3ARBKiQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"So we've been wanting to try the sushiritos since they opened up a location closer to us and we finally tried it last Friday. \\n\\nI got the slammin' salmon and my wife got the crunch. I'd say they both definitely had fresh ingredients, and definitely tasted fresh, but I think the balance of flavors wasn't quite right for the slammin' salmon. Way too heavy on the sauce, completely overpowering the crisp fresh veggies and salmon. \\n\\nWe tried the Japanese fried chicken. Sauce is a little sweet and sour. And the chicken was a little dry. \\n\\nWe also tried their green tea and lemonade, which were pretty good, but you don't come to a place like this because their green tea and lemonade are their best things on the menu. \\n\\nOverall, you pay a high premium for a gimmicky meal. With this location being essentially at a revolving door of new customers on the corner of Penn's campus, I think they have the potential to do well. But I don't think I'll be coming back. We'll take our $34 elsewhere.\",\n"," 'date': '2015-03-05 01:59:10'},\n"," {'review_id': 'YsO0W7CJVDwDyD4rLJXT2w',\n"," 'user_id': 'T4ZUbz-rN5Lue9oJ5z8SMw',\n"," 'business_id': 'kQANkgj6vHc1xCmxfNBNjA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I definitely preferred the pizza from nabruzzi, but Enzo's is still a good take out option in the area. I recommend their meatball sub and garlic knots. The meatballs taste homemade and of good quality. We'll continue to get food from here, but I do wish they would still offer the pizzas they had when it was nabruzzi\",\n"," 'date': '2017-06-17 19:41:34'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cQfnW8ICklfTjsZg7a7Wwg',\n"," 'user_id': '9n--D6pBfsJM7UJuZMVzAA',\n"," 'business_id': '2er_V-oAd7IbQ5YTY56r7A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Stopped for a very healthy burger while visiting Philly after performing a nearby Prince tribute show; discovered one of the greatest burger places on planet earth! Thank you Alya & company at Bareburger!! \\n(-: \\n\\nAndrew von Gregor \\nPro Session & Touring Guitarist \\nLos Angeles',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-03 20:14:37'},\n"," {'review_id': 'mO5ORZk4nlKLtMI0PHMHtw',\n"," 'user_id': 'yiKkxcuQdB04PVUW7OgtNw',\n"," 'business_id': 'NeY1bH6IKJxnn4YAixibsQ',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I've only eaten at Cosi when I travel. I've eaten at this location a few times. I like their flatbreads and salads. \\nThere bbq chicken Flatbread is good. It's a pretty good portion size too.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-09-30 20:34:26'},\n"," {'review_id': 'REBUkv1sD96KNEc9-GmtgA',\n"," 'user_id': 'OGWgaedcQxTPH6jnShdbjg',\n"," 'business_id': 'dJUXONEvGDoxM3EPTzfY7g',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This place has went down hill to me. At first, when it was just the owner at the one store on linbergh, the food was amazing. It seems since he started branching out, the service and food has not been up to par. I think they lost my service.',\n"," 'date': '2017-12-29 17:09:35'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ci4-cJGw2rSEawQKaL0oTw',\n"," 'user_id': 'IoJCMMA9fNaSZ_WXGpnwbw',\n"," 'business_id': 'kimOwpoIWzJJx7NHTAj74Q',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Hated this place I went in to try an egg roll and get a sushi roll and both were bad the egg was horrible and the sushi was chewy so I wasnt surprised that I was the only one there',\n"," 'date': '2011-10-28 03:48:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 'jHQiGVYdbT-9lQJmSg5rWQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'KepicN2NnZ5aPXVlBypHOQ',\n"," 'business_id': '2myVMP_l-9f9JIZewm19Cg',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Great place to stay if you want to be on Bourbon street. The staff is really hospitable and didn't fail me on food choices. The room is nice and big. However, I stayed in room 263 and thought it was perfect because it was not a room that faced Conti. I was wrong because it was closer to the vending and ice machines. The door/wall was thin enough that I heard conversations in the hall next to the vending machines.\\n\\nI would have rated the hotel with 4 stars if it wasn't for the thin walls.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-10-28 02:09:13'},\n"," {'review_id': '2sS7PKfT06YeX-KJkgC-gQ',\n"," 'user_id': '5_vnXPI9dVsWuhkbBfNyHg',\n"," 'business_id': 'eS5KCIrpEB1Bp-uU1JJYyw',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Went to ocharleys on a Sunday afternoon, it wasn't too busy but I guess our server was overwhelmed. He forgot our bread and butter. Forgot my fries multiple times, I was halfway done with my sandwich when my fries finally arrived. We got my son Sprite refilled at the bar after waiting so long for our waiter. We had a coupon that we told the server to add to our bill. Well he forgot to ring it up correctly, he got the manager to fix it. I might give ocharleys another try for lunch instead of dinner.\",\n"," 'date': '2016-04-11 22:59:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'uQgLKU8M6k5O809xc97EyQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'v62bgesQ-CSGDS1rNqXZsw',\n"," 'business_id': 'GBTPC53ZrG1ZBY3DT8Mbcw',\n"," 'stars': 1.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'this place SUCKS. Terrible service and overpriced mediocre food. This is my second time with the same results. I gave them the benefit of the doubt -perhaps having an off night the first time I went, but it was the exact same the second time around. Nothing innovative. They churn tables out and could care less that you are spending upwards of $150 for two. Save this one for the tourists.',\n"," 'date': '2014-10-11 23:43:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ssHxl6hukWdxl3CMgs4zyQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'yEBHkmp0qGax6d-gk0Wr9A',\n"," 'business_id': '2dlQX5sP9X6Dlm1MmNOlSw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Is there a 12-step program to help manage a Reanimator Coffee problem? If so please share.',\n"," 'date': '2016-02-23 19:45:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Ug7X5xfd3YsnZwniqZ2HkQ',\n"," 'user_id': '-THLGnsYKu3yQAsy_tt1fw',\n"," 'business_id': 'qs9d6iGos9UO4BzhVmJ9UA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"They just opened today and WOW! Aren't we lucky to now have 2 meaderies within a mile or two of each other. \\nMead is a type of fermented honey beverage. The ABV (alcohol percent) is generally 10-14% so more along the lines of wine than beer there. \\n\\nWe tried Goober Vitis (peanut butter and jelly), Suzy's Cherry Pie, and the coffee one. All were PERFECT. Flavors are pure, beautiful nose, all around great. \\n\\nThe space is very nice, nice big tables that seat 6-8 easily, an L-shaped bar, a stand-up bar around the tanks, then there are picnic tables outside.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-07-08 18:57:48'},\n"," {'review_id': 'qBJlgEwSLoW1WYFc7qOONw',\n"," 'user_id': '4fuO9GqV6ldWqorzo6AbYA',\n"," 'business_id': 'qot32tHVWZpiJibLTwQGyw',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I eat at Pina's or take-out about once a month. My favorites includes their dinner specials, cheesesteaks, calzones, and seafood dishes. The shrimp scampi appetizer (sans linguini) and steamed clams are excellent inexpensive. Service is always flawless. For casual dining this place is very good.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-07-28 11:59:39'},\n"," {'review_id': '3EW04QGhYTskWEzKDewhoA',\n"," 'user_id': 'EMtkhNu-zv7QxokNRUB7Kg',\n"," 'business_id': 'z680Aylt8wN2KAeFM1hy-A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Great place to watch footy. I was visiting town for work and needed a place to watch my blues take on barfalona and came across Chatham. It was a Tuesday so they had $4 Guiness and Black and Tans. Had their fish and chips which was new experience for me. Never had fish that was so soft after being fried, but I really enjoyed it, almost the texture of a donut. Saw my team win and had a great time at this pub.',\n"," 'date': '2012-04-28 17:46:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'cbYsdDN5bomxCXCNnMps6g',\n"," 'user_id': '-FFgJuDZLmcZtrxDTRC7sg',\n"," 'business_id': 'my0bmPD5dgDFE1ia__LNlw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This is the place we have been searching for! My friend and I have tried several nail salons in Tampa and nobody could do designs and stuff like how we wanted so we found this place on Instagram and we will never go anywhere else again! We drive almost an hour to get here but it is so worth it! I have had 2 different people who both did exactly what I wanted and are extremely talented! Thank you Pamela and Steven! You all do amazing work!!!',\n"," 'date': '2018-08-23 22:28:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'ac8npV9fJuZ0eCUwZZ7Muw',\n"," 'user_id': 'owTo8BNa8A3jT8bnU4Tb0A',\n"," 'business_id': '3rgOVhF4xTn9obQ5tIe0AA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I can't say enough about Belinda and Jerry! They were so helpful and kind. I am a travel nurse and was leaving my car in Boise for the winter. I came in on a snowy December evening and Balinda reassured me that she would stay and wait for me and Jerry even drove me to my storage shed and helped me with my luggage.\\nI am so happy with storage experiemce here and with the service I received. I highly recommend!!\",\n"," 'date': '2017-04-07 22:12:18'},\n"," {'review_id': 'XcH0DTa6rc6OBm5kNci3BA',\n"," 'user_id': 'QD0DRN_ZY5czjHjzopEZzw',\n"," 'business_id': 'tkFXSTpI-JmDgzhPU8ZsVA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 3,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Unique is very professional and, based on my experience, operates with the utmost of integrity.\\nResponsive, transparent, honest are a few words that come to mind . There technicians were efficient, clean and pleasant. Their pricing was extremely fair. I can state all of this with the highest degree of confidence because it is based on direct experience, not conjecture or inference. The sales person I dealt with (Mike P) and manager Chris are both top notch. \\nThe house was left spotless, the work was performed to the highest standards. I recommend them highly. I also encourage you to compare their prices to outfits of similar size and stature.',\n"," 'date': '2018-01-09 22:21:22'},\n"," {'review_id': 'oVSmMGam9q_oh2XMNjDCcw',\n"," 'user_id': '2vvGv46x-nHQyk8GxJ23PA',\n"," 'business_id': '1NCUTTp6rIyXpwUDVv9qOA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This is our go-to takeout place. It has great food and exceptionally fast service. I live at 2601 Parkway and they deliver right to the door of my condo which many delivery places don't do. Their staff is friendly, make great pizza, and generally run such a business as best you can.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-11-12 17:51:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'UzY0Z5Mb-ynGtwdAjCygAQ',\n"," 'user_id': '4-A1SpF3lN-bXP_e54gAew',\n"," 'business_id': 'jmwasbZfgj3honf79qKsnA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Top notch street tacos, great service and hand made horchata made this a top notch stop',\n"," 'date': '2018-03-15 20:36:09'},\n"," {'review_id': '-cHtqHUY02Wq3GfA-WQ2tg',\n"," 'user_id': 'gXa1HYlzq63Y3AF8X2Qj0w',\n"," 'business_id': 'eaV07HGOcyb27XobHVl8LQ',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I went in for a mani and pedi. My student was a nice person and we chatted. However it took 3 hours and my hands just look terrible. The feet are fine and feel great. Hands, just terrible. No one came and checked in if the work was done properly. I'm fine that it takes longer, they are there to learn. However, I shouldn't have been charged for the manicure (pedicure yes) or at least have someone else redo my nails. See the pictures for yourselves, this is 15 minutes out!\\n\\nEdit: just wanted to add that when I removed my shoes, my pedi was ruined. I asked if it was ready to put shoes on and I was told yes. 2 stars only because at least my student was nice but 0 for the service (34$!)\",\n"," 'date': '2017-01-27 20:42:36'},\n"," {'review_id': 'pvM11aNlL7Di1m4Ce8Vc1Q',\n"," 'user_id': '3KQPKFsnNdeAOqo5f8vTfw',\n"," 'business_id': 'dpwkz52tHB2MCPv53I2aRA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 2,\n"," 'cool': 2,\n"," 'text': \"Very nice, quiet and dark restaurant. Chinese and sushi offered. Had szechuan chicken, hot and sour soup, and steamed rice. Hubbie had the prime rib and shrimp hot pot. Just the right amount of food. Didn't have to take any home. Service was excellent.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-03-03 23:50:03'},\n"," {'review_id': 'gciXwamF0DoYp7WFqwl1vA',\n"," 'user_id': 'tZuBp2yXvyS0l7bnyBNSfA',\n"," 'business_id': '4UtvsfTmnEuvQTwPcNq71Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Frank is a great dentist and a very nice guy. He has a gentle manner, takes a sincere interest in his patients and in general is a top quality dentist and person. If you are in the market for a dentist he is an excellent choice. I've gone to him for years and know many others who have as well.\",\n"," 'date': '2011-01-08 23:18:31'},\n"," {'review_id': 'yEs51XOFi4dmEfBAkCAFPQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'PTVLT2wEUrFgr_hT5uldoA',\n"," 'business_id': 'JOvNunKJlWhwJRwLmUR9ZA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 2,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'This was a nice spot with sidewalk lounge seating. Even had a DJ outside Friday night. There was a walk up bar outside too. The decor inside was pretty sweet. We tried a few appetizers and they were both good! It is located in a trendy waterfront area.',\n"," 'date': '2016-09-06 04:30:22'},\n"," {'review_id': '_zfr4ImlsKPKO7NClwlDvA',\n"," 'user_id': '1OkMhU3AfrTGiXmq-q0AiA',\n"," 'business_id': 'skJ1w8B5YusIibyxH4ohxQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': \"Our office went today for Friday's happy hour special. Such a great deal, and it wasn't packed. Didn't expect it, but the food and drinks on their specials-amazing! Usually the happy hour offerings wouldn't be. Definitely try the pork sliders and the beignets for dessert. Really fun time and great atmosphere.\\n\\nStaff was very friendly too!\",\n"," 'date': '2014-10-11 04:56:46'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lkdzFSsG-W1v7pP3nFMrGQ',\n"," 'user_id': '9a3N79voBcU4H9XQ8Ddb_Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'USekrAG0-4tJUs9V2gBBOQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Stopped in tonight for a light bite to eat. I was so impressed! Great service, great fresh, fresh food and beautiful atmosphere- we sat outside in the warm October evening air. Lisa was a great host, explaining the menu and checked in with us frequently - we ended up chatting with her quite a bit and that only made the whole evening more enjoyable. What a wonderful place- we will certainly be back for more!',\n"," 'date': '2016-10-14 01:12:42'},\n"," {'review_id': 'DJYMt0yId5Xm_ntDDSlCcQ',\n"," 'user_id': '8C8XSxu9iGIRzFncKcUsrg',\n"," 'business_id': 'J1O2KJ57jnAZlsdaNQCyCQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I've been to Lush in Arizona, S.F., San Jose and Maui. The one in New Orleans is My favorite one. I love how you can smell a Lush store from a block away. :) I've been to this one a few times, Always on Halloween. Always a fun time :)\",\n"," 'date': '2010-03-13 04:20:17'},\n"," {'review_id': '8YLmnA2LuDj_XqEkc_GnzQ',\n"," 'user_id': '4qEBMFM2SiGe3oHCRfyNwQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'tYCok-NtWvg8_k7woeB83w',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Love love love this place for HH n dinner is good too! Its ok for brunch, not as great as what people praise it to be. The Asian Nachos are the dish to get for HH. Its an entree itself! The other HH dishes are great too. The creme brulee is amazing as with their other desserts. The blueberry mojito is awesome along with the mango sling. Great place to celebrate birthdays and such. Nice feel to it. Bar area gets crowded as it gets later for HH. As usual around the mall, finding parking sux!',\n"," 'date': '2017-08-07 23:48:51'},\n"," {'review_id': 'B94MdZHqZrfbefh5puju_w',\n"," 'user_id': 'b5o-ElYdBPZKix1oOhPoiw',\n"," 'business_id': '5TVWytR2oNbSKYgfxypuBw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Delicious top shelf pastries. I am outraged at the poor ratings. If you're looking for cheapness over flavor then go to Panera. Service has always been exceedingly pleasent when I go, and I am an obnoxious needy customer. We are so excited to have them make macaroons for our wedding.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-08-03 14:48:54'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Hvw1Hxmla7phoWVpyxBCHQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'ncWuUSITGNp8Q2-WHjtCLw',\n"," 'business_id': 'u7_3L1NBWgxhBM_B-cmmnA',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I could be craving pizza and be walking by and STILL not go in again. I will say the ingredients are definitely fresh and service was great however the pizza is just plain not good. The crust is so thin that the pizza is cold within a few minutes and it was just a little floppy and bland. I wanted to love this place but with so many other pizzerias in the area I won't be going back.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-11-12 18:28:06'},\n"," {'review_id': 'FEcORupb9Fep465-KFUKcw',\n"," 'user_id': '6AYTZLiwTHIn4gTbCl7JMA',\n"," 'business_id': '7clCBgNbd-x2Wj96lZ6Mjw',\n"," 'stars': 3.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Love the tap room, but I can't seem to get the hours of business right. My first visit was a kinda a let down. I had heard that bier was the place to go for great beers in Indianapolis, but I only found 2 that I liked and only 1 was memorable. However, bier rotates their taps weekly and does not seem to have any regular taps, I like this because it means that they are constantly challenging themselves to create a better beer. The tap room is a lot of fun too with people constantly revolving around the taps to taste and find their favorite for the week and then relaxing and talking in the lounge area. I only gave them 3stars this time but I look forward to improving their score after future visits.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-12-04 02:39:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'o8Amz_DLuluPmF6HD9Lesg',\n"," 'user_id': 'sws7O4Ek6gq6fTRA5d-rWw',\n"," 'business_id': 'g5ogvPhw3PSobtaZFkdEXg',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Beautifully sweet ending to a sweet trip to NOLA with the girls. We stumbled upon this after a delicous savory lunch nearby at Cochon (review to follow). Sweet Confections is on Magazine St, around corner from the art gallery strip on Julia St. We had a sampling of cupcake (chocolate with mocha filling) and truffles (raspberry, creme brulee, and orange). Cupcake was good, mocha filling best part. Rasberry truffle was my fav, love the dark chocolate so it's not cloyingly sweet. The coffee was a wonderful chaser, not overly burnt, smoky, or acidic... I usually have coffee with milk n sugar, forgot this time, but I didn't even need it! Seating was nice, with a few cafe tables inside. Enough for our 6-girl troop. And service was great, helpful with flavor suggestions and labelling. Gave 4 of 5 stars because maybe they could benefit from one more equally gracious staff person.\",\n"," 'date': '2012-04-28 13:09:12'},\n"," {'review_id': 'zQ-WQotzv7NtuKxfMfpDKQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'PAB1PweErWD3J82ccNRvdg',\n"," 'business_id': 'ONKvCIc4eIXG3nutUAFe3w',\n"," 'stars': 2.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Pulled pork sandwich was Delicious .. BUT! The lucky bun (Asian fusion style ) burger . Was a disappointment for the sole purpose of them using a frozen beef patty :/ the bread was good .. The toppings and sauces were great .. But just killed the flavors with a processed frozen beef patty .. If used a fresh ground meat .. It would have been a great gourmet burger ..',\n"," 'date': '2013-09-04 01:30:09'},\n"," {'review_id': 'z9s96krlSZRoN0XKzCVbAA',\n"," 'user_id': 'Dg2AUgE5DeN9MzAbVk40Vg',\n"," 'business_id': '8hgo446H2HoYlZocEi1SJw',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"This is a great place to bring the kids to. They can have juice, a slice of cake, and homemade popsicles. They think it is a tea party. I have tried everything once and my favorites are the homemade doughnuts filled with read bean, the popsicles, the patbingsu, and even the good ol' coffee cream and sugar.\",\n"," 'date': '2013-01-27 18:29:40'},\n"," {'review_id': '8mdUFkIoMxInUUOz_Z_jiw',\n"," 'user_id': '9-T_Oy39g2KGAo5SyotUeQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'F1xE--Gb4rNFAwHkNkV31A',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Always awesome! Best crust ever and super Fresh ingredients and nice staff. Lots of yummy toppings that aren't offered at other pizza places. Great salads too! Patio area is a cool place to kick back,have a beer or glass of wine and savor the best pizza in town.\",\n"," 'date': '2017-05-26 02:08:27'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Hl1Br1bfe4L1LsS-zTI0wA',\n"," 'user_id': 'sdOaLa_5SmjyAcOX8UaHgQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'WoI4kF2nFFu2Nl8mhFQOcQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I love this gas station. I work at a hotel on the beach and send guests here just about every day. Also it's the only one on Clearwater Beach that's open 27/7\",\n"," 'date': '2016-07-25 08:31:31'},\n"," {'review_id': 'WgOgzilNuRmJn4rlGvBdmg',\n"," 'user_id': 'qW-tsQxYUqLb1gx_Uj-MrQ',\n"," 'business_id': 'L-YdO_NODKXXT3bkS0nUpg',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Holy bat crap, this place is amazing. Go to place in St. Pete, anything on the menu was good. Food coma!',\n"," 'date': '2018-07-17 00:22:35'},\n"," {'review_id': 'V8dVnEHMdDNxCX6yFFam2Q',\n"," 'user_id': 'HjMKmLryj5emWPXcpBvt6Q',\n"," 'business_id': 'L7i_5DydYEKwPLfcDBRYDA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This Chipotle location was great! I wanted to thank Chipotle for recognizing teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week! \\nThe line was very small and they served quickly as a pose to another location that had the line wrapped around the store! \\nTheir food is always fresh, tasteful and fulfilling! \\nMy go to is always the bowl with white cilantro lime rice,black beans, steak and all the toppings! \\nMust eat with a bag of fresh tortilla chips!!',\n"," 'date': '2017-05-13 14:09:53'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Y-FxkPJQiAkgC5-WummstA',\n"," 'user_id': 'vx0Hkm2dPnawQBGCso3__w',\n"," 'business_id': 'pk7E-3G7Ij39h9HifNz0TA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'Standard Jimmy Johns fare: nothing especially good or bad about this one. Restaurant was very clean.',\n"," 'date': '2013-09-04 02:05:40'},\n"," {'review_id': 'XMWg7adwVBKqIl_e_TTtuA',\n"," 'user_id': 'syyKcKPFILDysHWmtka-aA',\n"," 'business_id': '1_hDCN3iioFR3XnUr32ZtA',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"I Recently vacationed in St. Petersburg with my family. Dooners was definitely my favorite meal of the trip. Great food and incredibly helpful and friendly staff. Would definitely recommend to anyone, and wouldn't hesitate to go again.\",\n"," 'date': '2014-06-28 03:00:56'},\n"," {'review_id': 'BGZ3GtcXhtIEPIkyLVuKDQ',\n"," 'user_id': '_lgLNzpzf3qmbwySBakxEw',\n"," 'business_id': '5RzJ2bjU8bLSaN5SuiUpYA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 1,\n"," 'text': 'Very cool bar attached to the Alexander Hotel. Several vintage cocktails from pre-prohibition are on the menu. None cooler than \"The Elephant in the Room\" a bourbon cocktail which comes in its own decanter filled with cherrywood smoke. You decide how long to let it infuse. Lots of comfortable seating and when it warms up a touch a large beautiful deck with seating and heating overlooks the street life. As an added bonus you can relax and watch people work out through the glass of the new CityWay YMCA. \\nAnd yes the truffle oil and sea salt popcorn that greets every patron is as good as it sounds. Get a beer and start collecting bags, once you start you can\\'t stop.',\n"," 'date': '2016-01-17 16:45:19'},\n"," {'review_id': 'lm7Q8pH26kqx1gbjCJ16ZQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'Sh_vUlHHY2Kuj14eF8NYZQ',\n"," 'business_id': 's1PNBO9o5jIgNd5YWUDLXQ',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 1,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'This hotel is a gem in the heart of Philadelphia.\\n\\nIt\\'s a cozy, quaint, and charming property. The rooms are spacious, modern and gorgeous. \\nThe decor is chic and attractive: big wooden desk, hardwood floors, couches and throw pillows: Looks more like a friend\\'s apartment than a hotel. \\n\\nFree breakfast is always a plus for those of us with limited time. It\\'s not a hot breakfast (I\\'ve had so many mass-produced bad ones, so I\\'m not complaining) but greek yogurt, a huge croissant, an orange and some cranberry juice hits the spot! They leave it at your door though, instead of ringing your bell to wake you. So if you ask for it to be delivered at 7 a.m., check outside your door; by 7:01 it WILL be there. \\n\\nCoffee, a variety of teas, cold and hot water, as well as ice and a bowl of assorted fruit are available 24/7 in the lobby. There are doorbells for each room, and the hotel can only be accessed after hours if you have a key card. Floors are acessible with a keycard as well, for extra protection. The staff is very polite: one of the few places in Philly where someone will actually say \"good morning\" to you (No, seriously. I lived there for 5 years, so trust me on that). They\\'re also extremely helpful. When I checked in the night before, the gentleman at the reservation desk called to make sure I had a cab waiting for me at 8:15 the next morning so that I could make my speaking engagement on time. While I was getting my clothes ready, my iron was making more wrinkles than it was taking out, so I asked them for a new one and within 30 seconds, I had a brand new model with all the bells and whistles.\\n\\nI\\'ve read a few reviews talking about the noise level of this place. My room was closest to the reception desk and I never heard a peep. There were people out and about, but I didn\\'t hear a thing. And I\\'m a very light sleeper...\\n\\nA few things to note:\\nIts location on a tight, one way street can cause a little difficulty if you\\'re traveling solo, but if you have one person to unload the car while someone else parks, you should be fine. The parking garage they use is about half a block from the hotel, but you have to drive in a big rectangle to get there. \\n\\nThere\\'s a stand-up shower instead of the traditional bathtub/shower combo. It fits one comfortably enough... provided that you\\'re not too far from average height and build. (My boyfriend is 6\\'2 with a football player build and he made out okay.)\\n\\nDon\\'t expect much of a view. The view from our room was of the side of another building. But that\\'s what the city is for... go out there and see something!\\n\\nOverall, this was an excellent trip and a great find. I highly recommend this hotel to anyone.',\n"," 'date': '2016-02-23 21:31:39'},\n"," {'review_id': 'Lo2giVeSNDvatEAGZRikWQ',\n"," 'user_id': 'YwMD-AVT67fmYRGxnlRSPA',\n"," 'business_id': 'alUk6OwNhofyc90NDMDY-Q',\n"," 'stars': 5.0,\n"," 'useful': 7,\n"," 'funny': 1,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': \"Was taken here today by a Colombian friend who needed to satisfy a craving for something cheap and delicious. This place reminds me of Nanzhou, a Yelp favorite, because of the heaping helpings you get for next to nothing. \\n\\nI got the oxtail soup (Sancocho) with extra rice and plantains to see how it would differ from the Korean-style stuff I was used to at home. Aside from a thicker, stew-like broth and beefier potatoes, it was just as delicious. My friend got a flat steak (Carne Asada) that I think he ate in just under 10 seconds. \\n\\nRemember Yelp, you're missing out on a lot if you don't visit NE philly once in a while, especially this place.\",\n"," 'date': '2010-08-22 01:54:23'},\n"," {'review_id': 'HBCwI0ahXuni3x030HGKFA',\n"," 'user_id': 'WKe2b_EeLBnZ3lZV5WKYGQ',\n"," 'business_id': '-Or44IdY51Ukd618kikmtA',\n"," 'stars': 4.0,\n"," 'useful': 0,\n"," 'funny': 0,\n"," 'cool': 0,\n"," 'text': 'My friends and I all got one of each that were available to try out. I love the many fun donut flavors they have there. The thing that stood out to me was their fried chicken. I got the chicken sandwich and it was SO GOOD. I highly recommend it.',\n"," 'date': '2016-07-25 06:28:49'},\n"," ...]"]},"metadata":{},"execution_count":6}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["df_rev = pd.DataFrame(data_review)\n","\n","# Print the DataFrame\n","df_rev.head()"],"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","height":678},"id":"MTalAGIRGrCu","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1710289844190,"user_tz":420,"elapsed":21630,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}},"outputId":"553ecfcd-b7d6-4e80-e054-4c875339a856"},"execution_count":5,"outputs":[{"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":[" review_id user_id business_id \\\n","0 KU_O5udG6zpxOg-VcAEodg mh_-eMZ6K5RLWhZyISBhwA XQfwVwDr-v0ZS3_CbbE5Xw \n","1 BiTunyQ73aT9WBnpR9DZGw OyoGAe7OKpv6SyGZT5g77Q 7ATYjTIgM3jUlt4UM3IypQ \n","2 saUsX_uimxRlCVr67Z4Jig 8g_iMtfSiwikVnbP2etR0A YjUWPpI6HXG530lwP-fb2A \n","3 AqPFMleE6RsU23_auESxiA _7bHUi9Uuf5__HHc_Q8guQ kxX2SOes4o-D3ZQBkiMRfA \n","4 Sx8TMOWLNuJBWer-0pcmoA bcjbaE6dDog4jkNY91ncLQ e4Vwtrqf-wpJfwesgvdgxQ \n","\n"," stars useful funny cool \\\n","0 3.0 0 0 0 \n","1 5.0 1 0 1 \n","2 3.0 0 0 0 \n","3 5.0 1 0 1 \n","4 4.0 1 0 1 \n","\n"," text date \n","0 If you decide to eat here, just be aware it is... 2018-07-07 22:09:11 \n","1 I've taken a lot of spin classes over the year... 2012-01-03 15:28:18 \n","2 Family diner. Had the buffet. Eclectic assortm... 2014-02-05 20:30:30 \n","3 Wow! Yummy, different, delicious. Our favo... 2015-01-04 00:01:03 \n","4 Cute interior and owner (?) gave us tour of up... 2017-01-14 20:54:15 "],"text/html":["\n"," \n","
\n"," \n"," \n"," | \n"," review_id | \n"," user_id | \n"," business_id | \n"," stars | \n"," useful | \n"," funny | \n"," cool | \n"," text | \n"," date | \n","
\n"," \n"," \n"," \n"," 0 | \n"," KU_O5udG6zpxOg-VcAEodg | \n"," mh_-eMZ6K5RLWhZyISBhwA | \n"," XQfwVwDr-v0ZS3_CbbE5Xw | \n"," 3.0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," If you decide to eat here, just be aware it is... | \n"," 2018-07-07 22:09:11 | \n","
\n"," \n"," 1 | \n"," BiTunyQ73aT9WBnpR9DZGw | \n"," OyoGAe7OKpv6SyGZT5g77Q | \n"," 7ATYjTIgM3jUlt4UM3IypQ | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 1 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 1 | \n"," I've taken a lot of spin classes over the year... | \n"," 2012-01-03 15:28:18 | \n","
\n"," \n"," 2 | \n"," saUsX_uimxRlCVr67Z4Jig | \n"," 8g_iMtfSiwikVnbP2etR0A | \n"," YjUWPpI6HXG530lwP-fb2A | \n"," 3.0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," Family diner. Had the buffet. Eclectic assortm... | \n"," 2014-02-05 20:30:30 | \n","
\n"," \n"," 3 | \n"," AqPFMleE6RsU23_auESxiA | \n"," _7bHUi9Uuf5__HHc_Q8guQ | \n"," kxX2SOes4o-D3ZQBkiMRfA | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 1 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 1 | \n"," Wow! Yummy, different, delicious. Our favo... | \n"," 2015-01-04 00:01:03 | \n","
\n"," \n"," 4 | \n"," Sx8TMOWLNuJBWer-0pcmoA | \n"," bcjbaE6dDog4jkNY91ncLQ | \n"," e4Vwtrqf-wpJfwesgvdgxQ | \n"," 4.0 | \n"," 1 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 1 | \n"," Cute interior and owner (?) gave us tour of up... | \n"," 2017-01-14 20:54:15 | \n","
\n"," \n","
\n"],"application/vnd.google.colaboratory.intrinsic+json":{"type":"dataframe","variable_name":"df_rev"}},"metadata":{},"execution_count":5}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["merged_df = pd.merge(df_bus, df_rev, on='business_id', how='inner')"],"metadata":{"id":"fXaMUmxSG_s1","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1710289870611,"user_tz":420,"elapsed":22645,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}}},"execution_count":6,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["merged_df.head()"],"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","height":603},"id":"h9g2kGedHOcm","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1708346912587,"user_tz":300,"elapsed":22,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}},"outputId":"7bb3adde-f89e-422c-866f-13980e7e6663"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":[" business_id name address \\\n","0 Pns2l4eNsfO8kk83dixA6A Abby Rappoport, LAC, CMQ 1616 Chapala St, Ste 2 \n","1 Pns2l4eNsfO8kk83dixA6A Abby Rappoport, LAC, CMQ 1616 Chapala St, Ste 2 \n","2 Pns2l4eNsfO8kk83dixA6A Abby Rappoport, LAC, CMQ 1616 Chapala St, Ste 2 \n","3 Pns2l4eNsfO8kk83dixA6A Abby Rappoport, LAC, CMQ 1616 Chapala St, Ste 2 \n","4 Pns2l4eNsfO8kk83dixA6A Abby Rappoport, LAC, CMQ 1616 Chapala St, Ste 2 \n","\n"," city state postal_code latitude longitude stars_x \\\n","0 Santa Barbara CA 93101 34.426679 -119.711197 5.0 \n","1 Santa Barbara CA 93101 34.426679 -119.711197 5.0 \n","2 Santa Barbara CA 93101 34.426679 -119.711197 5.0 \n","3 Santa Barbara CA 93101 34.426679 -119.711197 5.0 \n","4 Santa Barbara CA 93101 34.426679 -119.711197 5.0 \n","\n"," review_count ... categories hours \\\n","0 7 ... Doctors, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturop... None \n","1 7 ... Doctors, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturop... None \n","2 7 ... Doctors, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturop... None \n","3 7 ... Doctors, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturop... None \n","4 7 ... Doctors, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturop... None \n","\n"," review_id user_id stars_y useful funny cool \\\n","0 9vwYDBVI3ymdqcyJ5WW2Tg e0imecnX_9MtLnS2rUZM-A 5.0 3 2 1 \n","1 OXgg1LdxHDv3CBU5-xi2lA _Q0fdLVoTnlNkEypUvNkHA 5.0 1 0 0 \n","2 DG64cjud9cWB4fANskVxSw ycUooVIDWPgXPf6niW-FWQ 4.0 2 0 0 \n","3 hzvRRb40oPttxAdyr7kfow CiwVvb7jWijWB5jkmatzKA 5.0 0 1 0 \n","4 xUkBPk-QfcW4i3MRU5TeXw QkCbMKBktkrkOFJugHvY6w 5.0 0 0 0 \n","\n"," text date \n","0 I've had acupuncture treatments with Abby over... 2012-05-02 18:07:38 \n","1 Abby is an amazing practitioner. In a treatmen... 2013-03-01 06:11:05 \n","2 I went to see Abby for some digestive issues. ... 2013-01-17 00:05:43 \n","3 Abby helped me with some longstanding issues, ... 2015-03-16 03:43:08 \n","4 Recently, I referred a patient of mine with mu... 2013-03-05 18:45:07 \n","\n","[5 rows x 22 columns]"],"text/html":["\n"," \n","
\n"," \n"," \n"," | \n"," business_id | \n"," name | \n"," address | \n"," city | \n"," state | \n"," postal_code | \n"," latitude | \n"," longitude | \n"," stars_x | \n"," review_count | \n"," ... | \n"," categories | \n"," hours | \n"," review_id | \n"," user_id | \n"," stars_y | \n"," useful | \n"," funny | \n"," cool | \n"," text | \n"," date | \n","
\n"," \n"," \n"," \n"," 0 | \n"," Pns2l4eNsfO8kk83dixA6A | \n"," Abby Rappoport, LAC, CMQ | \n"," 1616 Chapala St, Ste 2 | \n"," Santa Barbara | \n"," CA | \n"," 93101 | \n"," 34.426679 | \n"," -119.711197 | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 7 | \n"," ... | \n"," Doctors, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturop... | \n"," None | \n"," 9vwYDBVI3ymdqcyJ5WW2Tg | \n"," e0imecnX_9MtLnS2rUZM-A | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 3 | \n"," 2 | \n"," 1 | \n"," I've had acupuncture treatments with Abby over... | \n"," 2012-05-02 18:07:38 | \n","
\n"," \n"," 1 | \n"," Pns2l4eNsfO8kk83dixA6A | \n"," Abby Rappoport, LAC, CMQ | \n"," 1616 Chapala St, Ste 2 | \n"," Santa Barbara | \n"," CA | \n"," 93101 | \n"," 34.426679 | \n"," -119.711197 | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 7 | \n"," ... | \n"," Doctors, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturop... | \n"," None | \n"," OXgg1LdxHDv3CBU5-xi2lA | \n"," _Q0fdLVoTnlNkEypUvNkHA | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 1 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," Abby is an amazing practitioner. In a treatmen... | \n"," 2013-03-01 06:11:05 | \n","
\n"," \n"," 2 | \n"," Pns2l4eNsfO8kk83dixA6A | \n"," Abby Rappoport, LAC, CMQ | \n"," 1616 Chapala St, Ste 2 | \n"," Santa Barbara | \n"," CA | \n"," 93101 | \n"," 34.426679 | \n"," -119.711197 | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 7 | \n"," ... | \n"," Doctors, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturop... | \n"," None | \n"," DG64cjud9cWB4fANskVxSw | \n"," ycUooVIDWPgXPf6niW-FWQ | \n"," 4.0 | \n"," 2 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," I went to see Abby for some digestive issues. ... | \n"," 2013-01-17 00:05:43 | \n","
\n"," \n"," 3 | \n"," Pns2l4eNsfO8kk83dixA6A | \n"," Abby Rappoport, LAC, CMQ | \n"," 1616 Chapala St, Ste 2 | \n"," Santa Barbara | \n"," CA | \n"," 93101 | \n"," 34.426679 | \n"," -119.711197 | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 7 | \n"," ... | \n"," Doctors, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturop... | \n"," None | \n"," hzvRRb40oPttxAdyr7kfow | \n"," CiwVvb7jWijWB5jkmatzKA | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 1 | \n"," 0 | \n"," Abby helped me with some longstanding issues, ... | \n"," 2015-03-16 03:43:08 | \n","
\n"," \n"," 4 | \n"," Pns2l4eNsfO8kk83dixA6A | \n"," Abby Rappoport, LAC, CMQ | \n"," 1616 Chapala St, Ste 2 | \n"," Santa Barbara | \n"," CA | \n"," 93101 | \n"," 34.426679 | \n"," -119.711197 | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 7 | \n"," ... | \n"," Doctors, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturop... | \n"," None | \n"," xUkBPk-QfcW4i3MRU5TeXw | \n"," QkCbMKBktkrkOFJugHvY6w | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," Recently, I referred a patient of mine with mu... | \n"," 2013-03-05 18:45:07 | \n","
\n"," \n","
5 rows × 22 columns
\n"],"application/vnd.google.colaboratory.intrinsic+json":{"type":"dataframe","variable_name":"merged_df"}},"metadata":{},"execution_count":9}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["merged_df.info()"],"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"id":"-7rPayV0HSXi","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1708346912746,"user_tz":300,"elapsed":178,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}},"outputId":"78c60d2f-cc18-4e7e-e33b-538925778510"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"stream","name":"stdout","text":["\n","Int64Index: 6990280 entries, 0 to 6990279\n","Data columns (total 22 columns):\n"," # Column Dtype \n","--- ------ ----- \n"," 0 business_id object \n"," 1 name object \n"," 2 address object \n"," 3 city object \n"," 4 state object \n"," 5 postal_code object \n"," 6 latitude float64\n"," 7 longitude float64\n"," 8 stars_x float64\n"," 9 review_count int64 \n"," 10 is_open int64 \n"," 11 attributes object \n"," 12 categories object \n"," 13 hours object \n"," 14 review_id object \n"," 15 user_id object \n"," 16 stars_y float64\n"," 17 useful int64 \n"," 18 funny int64 \n"," 19 cool int64 \n"," 20 text object \n"," 21 date object \n","dtypes: float64(4), int64(5), object(13)\n","memory usage: 1.2+ GB\n"]}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["restaurant = merged_df[merged_df['categories'].str.contains('restaurants', case=False, na=False)]"],"metadata":{"id":"uXH_QCvfHXEY","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1710290491542,"user_tz":420,"elapsed":9789,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}}},"execution_count":9,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["rest = restaurant.head(100)"],"metadata":{"id":"2-aDSJ-9QeMq","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1710290535132,"user_tz":420,"elapsed":2,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}}},"execution_count":12,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["rest.to_parquet('yelpdata.parquet', engine='pyarrow')"],"metadata":{"id":"ipjMswPSQoxZ","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1710369458715,"user_tz":420,"elapsed":134,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}}},"execution_count":14,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["restaurant.head()"],"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","height":603},"id":"gJi0cNATHgts","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1708346931380,"user_tz":300,"elapsed":17,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}},"outputId":"58d66936-d98e-4c56-d845-8b298129a425"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/plain":[" business_id name address city \\\n","46 MTSW4McQd7CbVtyjqoe9mw St Honore Pastries 935 Race St Philadelphia \n","47 MTSW4McQd7CbVtyjqoe9mw St Honore Pastries 935 Race St Philadelphia \n","48 MTSW4McQd7CbVtyjqoe9mw St Honore Pastries 935 Race St Philadelphia \n","49 MTSW4McQd7CbVtyjqoe9mw St Honore Pastries 935 Race St Philadelphia \n","50 MTSW4McQd7CbVtyjqoe9mw St Honore Pastries 935 Race St Philadelphia \n","\n"," state postal_code latitude longitude stars_x review_count ... \\\n","46 PA 19107 39.955505 -75.155564 4.0 80 ... \n","47 PA 19107 39.955505 -75.155564 4.0 80 ... \n","48 PA 19107 39.955505 -75.155564 4.0 80 ... \n","49 PA 19107 39.955505 -75.155564 4.0 80 ... \n","50 PA 19107 39.955505 -75.155564 4.0 80 ... \n","\n"," categories \\\n","46 Restaurants, Food, Bubble Tea, Coffee & Tea, B... \n","47 Restaurants, Food, Bubble Tea, Coffee & Tea, B... \n","48 Restaurants, Food, Bubble Tea, Coffee & Tea, B... \n","49 Restaurants, Food, Bubble Tea, Coffee & Tea, B... \n","50 Restaurants, Food, Bubble Tea, Coffee & Tea, B... \n","\n"," hours review_id \\\n","46 {'Monday': '7:0-20:0', 'Tuesday': '7:0-20:0', ... BXQcBN0iAi1lAUxibGLFzA \n","47 {'Monday': '7:0-20:0', 'Tuesday': '7:0-20:0', ... uduvUCvi9w3T2bSGivCfXg \n","48 {'Monday': '7:0-20:0', 'Tuesday': '7:0-20:0', ... a0vwPOqDXXZuJkbBW2356g \n","49 {'Monday': '7:0-20:0', 'Tuesday': '7:0-20:0', ... MKNp_CdR2k2202-c8GN5Dw \n","50 {'Monday': '7:0-20:0', 'Tuesday': '7:0-20:0', ... D1GisLDPe84Rrk_R4X2brQ \n","\n"," user_id stars_y useful funny cool \\\n","46 6_SpY41LIHZuIaiDs5FMKA 4.0 0 0 1 \n","47 tCXElwhzekJEH6QJe3xs7Q 4.0 3 1 2 \n","48 WqfKtI-aGMmvbA9pPUxNQQ 5.0 0 0 0 \n","49 3-1va0IQfK-9tUMzfHWfTA 5.0 5 0 5 \n","50 EouCKoDfzaVG0klEgdDvCQ 4.0 2 1 1 \n","\n"," text date \n","46 This is nice little Chinese bakery in the hear... 2014-05-26 01:09:53 \n","47 This is the bakery I usually go to in Chinatow... 2013-10-05 15:19:06 \n","48 A delightful find in Chinatown! Very clean, an... 2013-10-25 01:34:57 \n","49 I ordered a graduation cake for my niece and i... 2018-05-20 17:58:57 \n","50 HK-STYLE MILK TEA: FOUR STARS\\n\\nNot quite su... 2013-10-25 02:31:35 \n","\n","[5 rows x 22 columns]"],"text/html":["\n"," \n","
\n"," \n"," \n"," | \n"," business_id | \n"," name | \n"," address | \n"," city | \n"," state | \n"," postal_code | \n"," latitude | \n"," longitude | \n"," stars_x | \n"," review_count | \n"," ... | \n"," categories | \n"," hours | \n"," review_id | \n"," user_id | \n"," stars_y | \n"," useful | \n"," funny | \n"," cool | \n"," text | \n"," date | \n","
\n"," \n"," \n"," \n"," 46 | \n"," MTSW4McQd7CbVtyjqoe9mw | \n"," St Honore Pastries | \n"," 935 Race St | \n"," Philadelphia | \n"," PA | \n"," 19107 | \n"," 39.955505 | \n"," -75.155564 | \n"," 4.0 | \n"," 80 | \n"," ... | \n"," Restaurants, Food, Bubble Tea, Coffee & Tea, B... | \n"," {'Monday': '7:0-20:0', 'Tuesday': '7:0-20:0', ... | \n"," BXQcBN0iAi1lAUxibGLFzA | \n"," 6_SpY41LIHZuIaiDs5FMKA | \n"," 4.0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 1 | \n"," This is nice little Chinese bakery in the hear... | \n"," 2014-05-26 01:09:53 | \n","
\n"," \n"," 47 | \n"," MTSW4McQd7CbVtyjqoe9mw | \n"," St Honore Pastries | \n"," 935 Race St | \n"," Philadelphia | \n"," PA | \n"," 19107 | \n"," 39.955505 | \n"," -75.155564 | \n"," 4.0 | \n"," 80 | \n"," ... | \n"," Restaurants, Food, Bubble Tea, Coffee & Tea, B... | \n"," {'Monday': '7:0-20:0', 'Tuesday': '7:0-20:0', ... | \n"," uduvUCvi9w3T2bSGivCfXg | \n"," tCXElwhzekJEH6QJe3xs7Q | \n"," 4.0 | \n"," 3 | \n"," 1 | \n"," 2 | \n"," This is the bakery I usually go to in Chinatow... | \n"," 2013-10-05 15:19:06 | \n","
\n"," \n"," 48 | \n"," MTSW4McQd7CbVtyjqoe9mw | \n"," St Honore Pastries | \n"," 935 Race St | \n"," Philadelphia | \n"," PA | \n"," 19107 | \n"," 39.955505 | \n"," -75.155564 | \n"," 4.0 | \n"," 80 | \n"," ... | \n"," Restaurants, Food, Bubble Tea, Coffee & Tea, B... | \n"," {'Monday': '7:0-20:0', 'Tuesday': '7:0-20:0', ... | \n"," a0vwPOqDXXZuJkbBW2356g | \n"," WqfKtI-aGMmvbA9pPUxNQQ | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 0 | \n"," A delightful find in Chinatown! Very clean, an... | \n"," 2013-10-25 01:34:57 | \n","
\n"," \n"," 49 | \n"," MTSW4McQd7CbVtyjqoe9mw | \n"," St Honore Pastries | \n"," 935 Race St | \n"," Philadelphia | \n"," PA | \n"," 19107 | \n"," 39.955505 | \n"," -75.155564 | \n"," 4.0 | \n"," 80 | \n"," ... | \n"," Restaurants, Food, Bubble Tea, Coffee & Tea, B... | \n"," {'Monday': '7:0-20:0', 'Tuesday': '7:0-20:0', ... | \n"," MKNp_CdR2k2202-c8GN5Dw | \n"," 3-1va0IQfK-9tUMzfHWfTA | \n"," 5.0 | \n"," 5 | \n"," 0 | \n"," 5 | \n"," I ordered a graduation cake for my niece and i... | \n"," 2018-05-20 17:58:57 | \n","
\n"," \n"," 50 | \n"," MTSW4McQd7CbVtyjqoe9mw | \n"," St Honore Pastries | \n"," 935 Race St | \n"," Philadelphia | \n"," PA | \n"," 19107 | \n"," 39.955505 | \n"," -75.155564 | \n"," 4.0 | \n"," 80 | \n"," ... | \n"," Restaurants, Food, Bubble Tea, Coffee & Tea, B... | \n"," {'Monday': '7:0-20:0', 'Tuesday': '7:0-20:0', ... | \n"," D1GisLDPe84Rrk_R4X2brQ | \n"," EouCKoDfzaVG0klEgdDvCQ | \n"," 4.0 | \n"," 2 | \n"," 1 | \n"," 1 | \n"," HK-STYLE MILK TEA: FOUR STARS\\n\\nNot quite su... | \n"," 2013-10-25 02:31:35 | \n","
\n"," \n","
5 rows × 22 columns
\n"],"application/vnd.google.colaboratory.intrinsic+json":{"type":"dataframe","variable_name":"restaurant"}},"metadata":{},"execution_count":12}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["restaurant.info()"],"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"id":"iK3setg3Qn0f","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1708346931380,"user_tz":300,"elapsed":6,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}},"outputId":"bdb8b942-9003-43c8-c8c4-e81579b91dd3"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"stream","name":"stdout","text":["\n","Int64Index: 4724471 entries, 46 to 6990218\n","Data columns (total 22 columns):\n"," # Column Dtype \n","--- ------ ----- \n"," 0 business_id object \n"," 1 name object \n"," 2 address object \n"," 3 city object \n"," 4 state object \n"," 5 postal_code object \n"," 6 latitude float64\n"," 7 longitude float64\n"," 8 stars_x float64\n"," 9 review_count int64 \n"," 10 is_open int64 \n"," 11 attributes object \n"," 12 categories object \n"," 13 hours object \n"," 14 review_id object \n"," 15 user_id object \n"," 16 stars_y float64\n"," 17 useful int64 \n"," 18 funny int64 \n"," 19 cool int64 \n"," 20 text object \n"," 21 date object \n","dtypes: float64(4), int64(5), object(13)\n","memory usage: 829.0+ MB\n"]}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["restaurant.to_csv('yelp_dataset.csv', index=False)"],"metadata":{"id":"3XUeT490MKJ_"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["dt = pd.read_csv('yelp_dataset.csv')"],"metadata":{"id":"zVR8flU9UhwO"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["import numpy as np\n","\n","np.random.seed(42)\n","\n","# Shuffle the dataset\n","dt_shuffled = dt.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)\n","\n","# Calculate split index\n","split_ratio = 0.8 # 80% for part1, 20% for part2\n","split_index = int(dt_shuffled.shape[0] * split_ratio)\n","\n","# Split the dataset\n","train = dt_shuffled[:split_index]\n","test = dt_shuffled[split_index:]\n","\n","# Output the sizes of the splits\n","print(\"Part 1 size:\", train.shape[0])\n","print(\"Part 2 size:\", test.shape[0])\n"],"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"id":"_RooYkHx3bs0","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1708355209264,"user_tz":300,"elapsed":22438,"user":{"displayName":"Johnny Ye","userId":"16268450102215689935"}},"outputId":"567589ee-180a-46af-ee79-00547a3a0999"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"stream","name":"stdout","text":["Part 1 size: 3779578\n","Part 2 size: 944895\n"]}]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["# Convert to csv file\n","train.to_csv('yelp_train.csv', index=False)"],"metadata":{"id":"N3VVRZBa5GUh"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["test.to_csv('yelp_test.csv', index=False)"],"metadata":{"id":"CyfasfE35JyE"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["# Download dataset\n","from google.colab import files\n","files.download('yelp_train.csv')"],"metadata":{"id":"keLmGwxp5WG9"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"code","source":["from google.colab import files\n","files.download('yelp_test.csv')"],"metadata":{"id":"ggLhdWKA5X7t"},"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]}]}