# This scripts generates a self-contained dataset relase that can be uploaded to the HF-Hub or distributed as an archive file # Apart from pip-installable packages this file should be self-contained for reproducibility import json import re import shutil from pathlib import Path import jinja2 import pandas as pd import uroman as ur from unidecode import unidecode from lnn.utils import load_audio from tqdm.auto import tqdm # Define some variables NAME = "SpeechTaxi" VERSION = "0.0.1" HOMEPAGE = "github.com/LennartKeller" CITATION = "TODO" DESCRIPTION = "TODO" SAVE_DIR = Path("/hdd/lennart/datasets") # Define some arguments and 'constants' # TODO think about ways to avoid having to do this REWRITE_PATHS = ( "/Volumes/SanDiskData/bible-audio-scraper-data/processed", "/hdd/lennart/bible-audio-scraper-data/processed", ) REWRITE_MASS_PATHS = ("/Volumes/SanDiskData/", "/hdd/lennart/") ALIGNED_TABLES_DIR = Path("aligned_tables") INCLUDE_MASS_LANGUAGES = True MASS_LANGUAGES = ("eng", "rus", "spa", "ron", "eus", "fra") SKIP_LANGUAGES = ("ron", "eus", "spa", "hau", "bdv", "nep", "ben") SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = Path("SpeechTaxi.py.jinja") def rewrite_path(p: str | Path) -> str | Path: if REWRITE_PATHS: if isinstance(p, str): p = p.replace(*REWRITE_PATHS) p = Path(str(p).replace(*REWRITE_PATHS)) return p def rewrite_mass_path(p: str | Path) -> str | Path: if REWRITE_MASS_PATHS: if isinstance(p, str): p = p.replace(*REWRITE_MASS_PATHS) p = Path(str(p).replace(*REWRITE_MASS_PATHS)) return p # Define a 'filter_instances' function that holds the selection logic # for selecting instances that shold end up in the final dataset def filter_instances( df: pd.DataFrame, table_file_path: str | Path = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: df = df.copy() # Avoid warnings # Some mass tables do not have them... if "alignment_score" not in df.columns: df["alignment_score"] = 1.0 df = df.query("score == 1.0 and alignment_score >= 0.8") return df def render_script_template(**kwargs): templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( searchpath=SCRIPT_TEMPLATE.parent.as_posix() ) templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader) template = templateEnv.get_template(SCRIPT_TEMPLATE.name) return template.render(**kwargs) # BEGIN LIB: # Define libs that are used to create the dataset. # Do not change stuff here unless you really want to. BOOK_ABBREVIATIONS = { "Matthew": "MAT", "Mark": "MRK", "Luke": "LUK", "John": "JHN", "Acts": "ACT", "Romans": "ROM", "Corinthians": "COR", # Can be used as "1COR" or "2COR" based on context "Galatians": "GAL", "Ephesians": "EPH", "Philippians": "PHP", "Colossians": "COL", "Thess": "THS", # Can be used as "1THS" or "2THS" based on context "Timothy": "TIM", # Can be used as "1TIM" or "2TIM" based on context "Titus": "TIT", "Philemon": "PHM", "Hebrews": "HEB", "James": "JAS", "Peter": "PET", # Can be used as "1PET" or "2PET" based on context "Jude": "JUD", "Revelation": "REV", } BOOK_ABBREVIATIONS_FR = { "Matthieu": "MAT", "Marc": "MRK", "Luc": "LUC", "Jean": "JHN", "Actes": "ACT", "Romains": "ROM", "Corinthiens": "COR", # Can be used as "1COR" or "2COR" based on context "Galates": "GAL", "Éphésiens": "EPH", "Philippiens": "PHP", "Colossiens": "COL", "Thessaloniciens": "THS", # Can be used as "1THS" or "2THS" based on context "Timothée": "TIM", # Can be used as "1TIM" or "2TIM" based on context "Tite": "TIT", "Philémon": "PHM", "Hébreux": "HEB", "Jacques": "JAC", "Pierre": "PIE", # Can be used as "1PIE" or "2PIE" based on context "Jude": "JUD", "Apocalypse": "APO", } BOOK_ABBREVIATIONS |= { unidecode(k): unidecode(v) for k, v in BOOK_ABBREVIATIONS_FR.items() } MASS_LANGUAGE_IDS = [ "FRNTLSN2DA", "ENGESVN1DA", "RUSS76N2DA", "SPNBDAN1DA", "EUSEABN1DA", "RONDCVN1DA", ] def parse_reference_from_mass_file(filename: str | Path, language_id: str = ""): filename = Path(filename).name book_num, rest = filename.split("___", 1) book_num = int(book_num.replace("B", "")) chapter_num, rest = rest.split("_", 1) chapter_num = int(chapter_num) if language_id: rest = rest.replace(language_id, "") else: # rest = "_".join(p for p in rest.split("_") if not p.endswith("DA")) for language_id in MASS_LANGUAGE_IDS: rest = rest.replace(language_id, "") rest = rest.replace("_one_channel.wav", "") book_ref, verse_ref = re.split(r"_+", rest, 1) book_num = "" if book_ref[0].isdigit(): book_num = book_ref[0] book_ref = book_ref[1:] try: book_ref = BOOK_ABBREVIATIONS[book_ref] except KeyError as e: print(book_ref) print(filename) raise e if book_num: book_ref = book_num + book_ref verse_num = int(verse_ref.split("_")[-1]) complete_ref = f"{book_ref}.{chapter_num}.{verse_num}" return complete_ref def copy_self(dst: str | Path) -> None: dst = Path(dst) path_to_self = Path(__file__) dst = dst / path_to_self.name dst.write_text(path_to_self.read_text()) def copy_bible_scrape_audio(file: str | Path, root: str | Path) -> Path: file, root = map(Path, (file, root)) copied_file = ( root / file.parts[-4] / file.parts[-3] / file.parts[-2] / file.parts[-1] ) copied_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) shutil.copy(file, copied_file) return copied_file def copy_mass_audio(file: str | Path, root: str | Path) -> Path: file, root = map(Path, (file, root)) copied_file = root / file.parts[-2] / file.parts[-1] copied_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) shutil.copy(file, copied_file) return copied_file uroman = ur.Uroman() def read_mass_instance(audio_file: str | Path) -> dict: audio_file = Path(audio_file) audio_file = rewrite_path(audio_file) if not audio_file.exists(): raise ValueError(f"Audio file {audio_file} does not exist.") verse_ref = parse_reference_from_mass_file(audio_file) transcription_file = ( audio_file.parent / f"{audio_file.stem.removesuffix('_one_channel')}.txt" ) transcription = transcription_file.read_text() machine_generated_transcriptions = {} machine_generated_transcription_files = audio_file.parent.glob( f"{audio_file.stem}-*-transcript.txt" ) for machine_generated_transcription_file in machine_generated_transcription_files: # Get transcription key key = machine_generated_transcription_file.stem.split("_one_channel-")[-1] key = key.removesuffix("-transcript") # print(audio_file, "|", machine_generated_transcription_file, "|", key) machine_generated_transcriptions[f"transription_{key}"] = ( machine_generated_transcription_file.read_text() ) data = { "verse_ref": verse_ref, "transcription": transcription, "transcription_romanized": uroman.romanize_string(transcription), } | machine_generated_transcriptions return data def read_bible_scrape_instance(audio_file: str | Path) -> dict: """ Given the file to a verse this function loads all available metadata from disk. And ensure that the audio files exists... """ audio_file = Path(audio_file) audio_file = rewrite_path(audio_file) if not audio_file.exists(): raise ValueError(f"Audio file {audio_file} does not exist.") # 1. Load all avaiable transcriptions transcription_file = audio_file.with_suffix(".json") transcriptions = json.loads(transcription_file.read_text()) # Filter to only texts try: verse_ref = transcriptions.pop("verse_ref") transcriptions = { bible_id: content["content"] for bible_id, content in transcriptions.items() } except Exception as e: print(transcriptions) print(e) # 2. Look for audio alignement scores alignment_file = audio_file.parent / f"{audio_file.stem}-alignment-scores.json" alignment_scores = json.loads(alignment_file.read_text()) # 3. Select the transcription with best audio alignment score best_bible_id = max(alignment_scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[-1])[0] transcription = transcriptions[str(best_bible_id)] # 4. Load all available machine generated transcriptions machine_generated_transcriptions = {} machine_generated_transcription_files = audio_file.parent.glob( f"{audio_file.stem}-*.txt" ) for machine_generated_transcription_file in machine_generated_transcription_files: # Get transcription key key = ( machine_generated_transcription_file.stem.removeprefix(audio_file.stem) .removesuffix("-transcript") .strip("-") ) # print(audio_file, "|", machine_generated_transcription_file, "|", key) machine_generated_transcriptions[f"transription_{key}"] = ( machine_generated_transcription_file.read_text() ) data = { "verse_ref": verse_ref, "transcription": transcription, "transcription_romanized": uroman.romanize_string(transcription), } | machine_generated_transcriptions return data def is_audio_valid(audio_path: str | Path): audio_path = Path(audio_path) if not audio_path.exists(): return False try: wv, sr = load_audio(audio_path, return_tensor="torch") wv = wv[0].reshape(-1) except Exception: return False # We need *at least* one second of audio return wv.numel() >= sr # Main logic if __name__ == "__main__": dataset_root = SAVE_DIR / NAME # Setup the output directory (-ies) if dataset_root.exists(): raise ValueError( f"Dataset-Root-Directory {dataset_root} already exists, please remove manually to continue!" ) print(f"Creating dataset release in {dataset_root}") dataset_root.mkdir(parents=True) data_dir = dataset_root / "data" data_dir.mkdir(parents=True) table_dir = dataset_root / "tables" table_dir.mkdir(parents=True) # Copy this script to dataset dir for reproducibility copy_self(dataset_root) # Create language datasets and copy the data to the dataset directory # Load and filter alignment tables language_tables = sorted( [f for f in ALIGNED_TABLES_DIR.glob("*.tsv") if f.stem not in SKIP_LANGUAGES] ) # Write code file success_languages = [] pbar = tqdm(language_tables, desc="Creating dataset...") invalid_counter = 0 for alignment_table in pbar: df = pd.read_table(alignment_table) try: df = filter_instances(df, alignment_table) except Exception as e: print(alignment_table) raise e if not len(df): continue success_languages.append(alignment_table) final_table_data = [] for _, row in df.iterrows(): if alignment_table.stem not in MASS_LANGUAGES: audio_file = rewrite_path(Path(row["audio_path"])) if not is_audio_valid(audio_file): invalid_counter += 1 continue copied_audio_file = copy_bible_scrape_audio(audio_file, root=data_dir) english_text = row["en_text"] try: data = read_bible_scrape_instance(audio_file) except Exception as e: print("Error reading file", audio_file) print(e) print("_"*30) continue # Files that can't be read have zero alignment scores anyways so in most cases this isn't an issue data = ( {"verse_ref": data.pop("verse_ref")} | {"text_en": english_text} | {"split": row["split"], "label": row["label"]} | data | {"audio": copied_audio_file.relative_to(data_dir).as_posix()} ) final_table_data.append(data) elif INCLUDE_MASS_LANGUAGES: audio_file = rewrite_mass_path(Path(row["audio_path"])) if not is_audio_valid(audio_file): invalid_counter += 1 continue copied_audio_file = copy_mass_audio(audio_file, root=data_dir) try: data = read_mass_instance(audio_file) except Exception as e: print("Error reading file", audio_file) print(e) print("_"*30) continue # Files that can't be read have zero alignment scores anyways so in most cases this isn't an issue data = data | { "split": row["split"], "label": row["label"], "text_en": row["en_text"], "audio": copied_audio_file.relative_to(data_dir).as_posix(), } final_table_data.append(data) pbar.set_description(f"{str(alignment_table)} | Total invalid: {invalid_counter}") final_table = pd.DataFrame.from_records(final_table_data) final_table.to_csv(table_dir / alignment_table.name, index=False, sep="\t") # Now render dataset loading script and write to dataset dir code_file = dataset_root / f"{NAME}.py" code_file_content = render_script_template( languages=[f.stem for f in success_languages], version=VERSION, homepage=HOMEPAGE, citation=CITATION, ) code_file.write_text(code_file_content) # Zip data and tables dir shutil.make_archive(dataset_root / "tables", "zip", table_dir) shutil.rmtree(table_dir) shutil.make_archive(dataset_root / "data", "zip", data_dir) shutil.rmtree(data_dir)