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A | Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast, where we discuss science and science based tools for everyday life. I'm Andrew Huberman and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine. Today, my guest is Doctor Peter Attia, his second time on the podcast. Doctor Peter Attia is a medical doctor who did his training at Stanford School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and the National Institutes of Health. He is a world expert in all things related to health span, vitality, and longevity. In this episode, we focused on many topics, focusing mainly, however, on health span and longevity and mental health. Health span and longevity, of course, relate to how long one lives and Doctor Attia goes systematically through the seven major causes of death worldwide, beginning with cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease. Also cancer, also accident related deaths, dementia, deaths of despair, and in every case explains the three or four major levers that one can employ in order to offset that is to prevent those major causes of death. What follows is an incredibly informative and actionable set of tools for anyone, male, female, young or old. He explains the behavioral, nutritional, supplementation based, and prescription drug based approaches that one can use in order to extend health span and longevity. Doctor Attia explains the key tests and markers that we should all pay attention to if our goal is to extend our health span and how to do so while maximizing our vitality. This is something that not a lot of people think about when they think about health span and longevity. But as doctor Attia illustrates, for us, emotional health has everything to do with our physical health and vice versa. And he shares quite openly about his own experiences in pursuing ways to improve emotional health and thereby health span, lifespan and vitality. Doctor Attia is quite open about his own experiences, exploring different practices to improve emotional health as ways not just to improve healthspan longevity and vitality, but of course also to derive the most meaning and satisfaction from life. Throughout today's discussion, we also discuss Doctor Attia's newly released book, which is entitled the Science and Art of Longevity. This is a phenomenal book. I've read it cover to cover now three times. I have extensive notes written throughout, and the book of course focuses on longevity and health span and also has an extensive section on emotional health. It gets quite detailed into Doctor Attia's personal experiences with emotional health and tools to improve emotional health that are very actionable for anybody to use. I think the best way for me to summarize my feelings about the book would simply be to read the back jacket quote, which I provided. So I read. Quote finally, there is a modern, thorough, clear and actionable manual for how to maximize our immediate and long term health. Firmly grounded in data and real life conditions, this is the most accurate and comprehensive health guide published to date. Outlive is not just informative, it is important. And indeed, Outlive is an important book, as is the discussion that Doctor Tia so graciously provided us in today's episode. Outlive is released on March 28, 2023 and is available for pre order prior to that date. You can find a link to where it sold in the show. Note captions before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford. It is, however, part of my desire and effort to bring zero cost to consumer information about science and science related tools to the general public. In keeping with that theme, I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast. Our first sponsor is element. Element is an electrolyte drink with everything you need and nothing you don't. That means plenty of salt, magnesium, and potassium, the so called electrolytes, and no sugar. Salt, magnesium and potassium are critical to the function of all the cells in your body, in particular to the function of your nerve cells, also called neurons. In fact, in order for your neurons to function properly, all three electrolytes need to be present in the proper ratios. And we now know that even slight reductions in electrolyte concentrations or dehydration of the body can lead to deficits in cognitive and physical performance. Element contains a science back to electrolyte ratio of 1000 milligrams. That's 1 gram of sodium, 200 milligrams of potassium and 60 milligrams of magnesium. I typically drink element first thing in the morning when I wake up in order to hydrate my body and make sure I have enough electrolytes. And while I do any kind of physical training and after physical training as well, especially if I've been sweating a lot, if you'd like to try element, you can go to drink element. That's lmnt.com huberman to claim a free element sample pack with your purchase. Again, that's drinkelement. Lmnt.com huberman and now for my discussion with doctor Peter Attia. Doctor Attia Peter, welcome back. |
B | Thanks man. Good to be back and sounding better this time. |
A | Looking forward to talking about a number of important topics with you that you cover in your book. Maybe we could start off by trying to set the frame for what people should be thinking about in terms of vitality and especially longevity. |
B | So, I mean, I think you have to be mindful of how you define these terms, and I'm not going to suggest that the way I define them is the only way or necessarily the best way, but I think from a clinical perspective, it's the way that makes the most sense to me, having thought about this for the better part of a decade. So it involves some bifurcation between lifespan and health. Spanish lifespan is very easy for people to understand. It is binary, you are alive or you are not alive. And clearly part of longevity is about how long you live. Now, I think for a lot of people that tends to be where the discussion ends, that tends to be the focus of it. It's sort of like longevity somehow implies living for 100 years, 120 years, something like to that extent. We talk a lot about maximum lifespan, even in laboratory experiments with mice. That's sort of one of the metrics that's discussed is what's maximal lifespan of the animals. But there's an equally, if not slightly, I think potentially more important part of longevity, which is healthspan. And healthspan is squishier, and I think it requires some definition. Now, the medical definition of health span is the period of time by which you are free from disability and disease. I find that to be a not particularly helpful definition because by that definition, you and I have the same health span today that we did 30 years ago. But I know you pretty well. You know me pretty well. 30 years ago, we were twice the men we are now, based on what we believe our health span is right in terms of our cognitive function, our physical performance and things like that. So ive clearly experienced the deterioration of my physical function, as im sure you have, going back to when you were a teenager, late teenager, early twenties, and I think that needs to be captured somehow in health span. So the way I think of health span really is along these three dimensions, physical, cognitive and emotional. Again, not necessarily suggesting that thats the only way to do it, but I do think that clinically it makes the most sense. Therefore, anything that really becomes a question of longevity has to address all of these issues. Lifespan, physical health, beyond that of just straight up disability and disease. Cognitive health, independent of and separate from pathology, such as dementia and emotional health, which of course is by far the most complicated of all of these because we have no biomarkers for it. It's not like you can get a scan on somebody and determine the state of this, but nevertheless it's important and it dramatically factors into quality of life preston. |
A | So, with all of that in mind, what are the major exit points for people along the lifespan route? Let's just start with the binary one. Dead or alive. Most everyone who's healthy would like to be alive rather than dead. So what are the typical ways that people exit from alive to dead? And how can people stay on the freeway of life, so to speak? |
B | So this is, again, a great analysis. We internally, in our practice, call this the death bar analysis. And it's a surprisingly trivial analysis that I'm just surprised the death bars aren't plastered front and center on every doctor's office. So if you simply just look at actuarial data, which are readily available through the CDC and do a little bit of data manipulation and analysis, you can pretty quickly realize what the horsemen of death are, because there's largely speaking four horsemen of death. The first and most consequential in terms of the numbers is the diseases of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease being the lion's share of that, but also cerebrovascular disease. So anything that has to do with atherosclerosis rises to the top. Now, that's true in the United States, but it's even more true outside of the United States. It's even more true globally. So, in other words, when you look at the relative difference between the number one cause of death in the US and number two, which is cancer, um, the gap is actually smaller in the US than globally. Globally, it's enormous. We're talking about 18 to 19 million people a year that are dying of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in the world, whereas number two is cancer, at about 11 million. |
A | How does the number change when you include cerebrovascular disease? |
B | Yeah, it adds. It adds a bit to it. Cerebrovascular disease has. There's largely speaking, you can die sort of through embolic events, which are the majority of them. |
A | Can you explain for people what embolic events are? |
B | Yeah. So, taking a step back, what does the brain need more than anything? It needs blood flow. Anything that interrupts blood flow to the brain that results in ischemia is devastating, and it's devastating in a more readily apparent fashion than virtually any other organ. So one way that that can happen is if a clot or disruption of blood flow occurs through obstruction of blood flow. So that can occur through a clot. So, for example, if a person has atrial fibrillation and a blood clot gets festering in the right atrium, and they happen to have a hole in between the atria of their hearts, called a patent foramen ovale. And a clot goes from right to left. It can make its way up into the arterial circulation and happen that way. Where you occlude blood flow, the much more common way it occurs is the same way it occurs in the heart, which is you have plaque buildup, and that plaque becomes unstable, that plaque ruptures, and the rupture of that plaque results in an immediate attempt by the body to fix the problem. But in doing so, it walls off the artery, meaning the blood flow distal to that point, so that now blood is acutely being robbed of that. However, there are other ways that people can have this problem. You have the whole hemorrhagic side of this, so you can have blood vessels, small blood vessels in the brain, that will rupture as a result of high blood pressure, for example. So hypertension factors into both sides of this equation, both in the heart and in the brain. The majority of these are embolic, however. So don't quote me on this exactly, but call it four or five to one strokes result from an embolic phenomenon, as opposed to a hemorrhagic phenomenon, a bleeding phenomenon. |
A | I don't want to take us too far off on a tangent, but as long as we're here talking about bleeds versus clots, what are some of the major risks for bleeds? I mean, I know some people out there have genetic predispositions for being bleeders, as they're sometimes called, or clotters. So things like factor five leiden mutations, which can be exacerbated in women, for instance, by taking certain oral contraceptives. And there's huge lists. If people are interested in them, they can look up, what are the factors controlling bleeding and predisposed people to be in clotter? But for the typical person out there who feels healthy but might do well to know whether or not they are predisposed to be a bleeder or a clotter, what sorts of things rise to the top of that list and that people might want to check into? |
B | Well, I mean, there might be sort of two different things going on in that question, but I think if your question is, when we look at the subset of people who are at highest risk for hemorrhagic strokes, the far more germane question is not underlying coagulopathy. The far more germane question really comes down to blood pressure. Blood pressure would be the first, second, and third driver of that. So hypertension is hands down the leading driver of hemorrhagic stroke phenomenon. |
A | Okay, so I'll just briefly interrupt and ask. Since sometimes your recommendations deviate from the. The standards that one would find online or in the typical doctor's office, at what point do you get concerned? |
B | Well, I actually find myself quite in line with the most recent available data on blood pressure, and this has been obviously a topic that's of high concern to any doctor who's taking care of patients, who even pays a fraction of attention to the available literature, which is that basically, with each subsequent blood pressure trial, the data are becoming clearer and clearer that the more aggressively you manage blood pressure to be within the 120 over 80 range, the better. So there's a recent study that even looked at going from what used to be considered acceptable, which was 130 to 135 over 80 to 85, we used to basically say that's the first level of hypertension. And we would say, well, do you really need to be better than that? And the answer turns out to be, yes, you do. If you want to reduce heart attacks and strokes, it's better to be 120 80 than 135 over 85. Now, this is a whole other rabbit hole that we don't need to go down, but it's a total obsession of mine, which is, how do you measure a person's blood pressure? I think this is potentially, I'd have to give it thought, but honestly, I could say top three under diagnosed, fixable problems in the United States today, and probably globally. In other words, there are too many people walking around with high blood pressure who don't know it. And I think part of the problem is it's something that is mostly done in the doctor's office, and the readings that you get in the doctor's office can be often misleading. You've heard of this phenomenon of white coat hypertension. So you go to the doctor, your blood pressure is virtually never measured correctly in the doctor's office. |
A | That cuff they put on and that squeeze bulb. |
B | Yeah. If you look at the rigor with which you need to measure a person's blood pressure, the right way to do it is the person has to be sitting like this for five minutes doing nothing. |
A | Okay, folks, so when you go to the doctors now, you don't let them. |
B | Don't let them take your blood pressure. |
A | Out of the gate sitting for five minutes, and that doesn't include in the waiting room, because if you get up and walk over. Right, okay, so make them stand there. |
B | Right. So you. You want to be sitting there like this. A manual cuff is better than an automated cuff, but not enough people use manual blood pressure. So a manual blood pressure means they put a cuff on you and they actually put a stethoscope on the brachial artery, and they're using the human ear to listen, which, believe it or not, you would think a machine is better, but it's not. The machine can be misled by different sounds. Now, I don't want to suggest that automated cuffs are useless. They're not. But when an automated cuff gives you an answer that is, you know, potentially suspect, always back it up with a manual. I'm pretty relentless about checking my blood pressure, and so I'll do side to side, manual versus automated every day. And there's easily a ten to 15 point difference between them. |
A | Maybe this is a silly question, but can people check their own blood pressure? |
B | Meaning manually? |
A | Yeah. Just, could I get a coffee and a bulb and learn how to do it? |
B | Yeah, I think so. I mean, I can do it, but honestly, I usually have my wife do it. She's a nurse. But it's not rocket science to check blood pressure. I guarantee you there's a great video on YouTube that explains the physiology of it. And if you're willing to splurge on a good enough stethoscope and cuff, like, the cuff I have is really easy to use. Like, it's. Once you put it on, you know, it's in a single thing. I'm squeezing the bulb and looking at the pressure gauge while I've got the, you know, um, stethoscope on my artery. |
A | I mean, given the importance of blood pressure and this arteriosclerosis being at the top of the list of, uh, risks for, um, dying, um, it seems to me it might be worth the expense. What. What's a typical range of costs for. For the quality? |
B | It's not inordinate. I feel like my blood pressure cuff is $40 and the stethoscope is a couple hundred bucks if you're getting a good one and a good automated cuff. I have no affiliation with any of these companies. I use two automated cuffs. One's called withings, and the other one's made by a company called Omron. Omron. And they're both decent, but again, they tend to run high. And I have yet to find a credible explanation from cardiologists as to why. Everybody acknowledges that the manual one, when done correctly, is the answer. But I've heard wonky answers about why automated ones are sometimes incorrect. And again, it's just made me realize we're not checking blood pressure often enough on people. We're overly relying on blood pressures in the doctor's office, which are not being done correctly. So we basically have our patients do this relentlessly. |
A | So how often? Let's say someone buys this? Because I think for $240. I mean, I realize that's prohibitive for some people, but given the cost of some of the other things that are discussed on this and many other podcasts. |
B | First of all, I would just have people start with an automated cuff to begin with and just start with there. We generally have people do it for two weeks. We give our patients a little spreadsheet that automatically calculates averages and stuff like that, tells them what to record and where, and we just say, look, for two weeks, we want to see two recordings a day, and do an morning and an afternoon pm recording twice a day for two weeks, and let us see those numbers and we'll scrutinize them further. And if those numbers come in, fine, let's revisit in a year. |
A | Will a day ever come when a watch or a wristband can do this really well? |
B | So I hope so. And I'm investigating it. I'm actually going to be trying one out in a couple of weeks with a company that I tried two years ago. Two years ago, when I tried it, I was not impressed, so I kind of punted on it. The company, which I guess I'll not share the name of the company just yet, but they claim that it's significantly better. So I'm going to put it to the test again. And it's basically a continuous monitor. So it's a wrist device that about every 15 minutes throughout the course of the day will check your blood pressure. To me, this would be honestly probably more important. You know how much emphasis I place on CGM as a great thing to be able to test glucose monitoring. Right. I would argue this would be more important when the day comes that we can continuously assess people's blood pressure. It would be an integral part of a person's health checkup. Once a year, do two weeks of continuous blood pressure monitoring. Right. Now, to do that, which I've done as well, is so cumbersome that it borders on absurd. You actually have to wear a blood pressure cuff that is attached to a clumsy device that goes through the whole insufflation exercise every 15 minutes, including while you're sleeping. You know, it provides some insight, but it's so disruptive that it's not what we really want. The dream would be like a patch that you could put a, I don't know, over your chest that can somehow impute changes in blood flow or something like that and regulate, but we'll see between optical sensors and things like that, I hope that we're getting closer to having something. |
A | So I don't want to stroke, I don't want to bleed in the brain. I don't want to clot. As long as we're at this number one on the list, arterial sclerosis being the number one killer, what are the major ways to prevent it? |
B | Yeah, so there's three big ones that stand out top and center, and then there's kind of a fourth one that I think is the foundational piece. So the three big ones we've talked about, one blood pressure. So if your blood pressure is 120 over 80 or better, that's important. The second is not smoking. So it turns out that smoking and blood pressure are both devastating for arteries, but for different reasons. Smoking is devastating from a chemical perspective. It's completely irritating to the endothelium. The endothelium, as you know, is the single cell lining that is the innermost part of the arterial and arterial wall. This is a pretty special organization. Again, it's a bit naive, but understandable that people just think of arteries as tubes. They're much more complicated than that. They have many layers to them. But this particular layer is unusually important. It has an outsized importance because it is the one that's in contact with the luminal side, where the blood is flowing in the tube, and anything that injures that has significant consequences. Smoking is irritating to that in a chemical way, and blood pressure is irritating to that in a mechanical way. So those two things, basically, you just want to. That's the low hanging fruit in my world, right? You just don't want to have those things causing irritation to the endothelium, because that renders you now susceptible to the third factor, which is apob bearing lipoproteins. |
A | I want to talk about APOB in depth, but as long as don't smoke is the second recommendation on the list, can we better define smoking and what's being smoked? So assume nicotine. What about cannabis? And what about vaping of nicotine in cannabis because vaping has become so much more common? |
B | Yeah, it's a great question, and it's sadly something we don't have a great answer for. So I can certainly tell you that there's no reason to believe that smoking cannabis is somehow better than smoking cigarettes, but the dose seems to be significantly lower. In other words, let's consider a person who smokes a pack a day for 20 years. We call that a 20 pack year smoker. Someone who smokes two packs a day for 15 years is a 30 pack year smoker. That's a person who's dramatically increased their risk of many cancers, including lung cancer, and also their risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Again, I'm not a THC guy, so I can't necessarily speak for the habits of people that are smoking marijuana. I can't imagine they're smoking that much. |
A | Probably not. |
B | Yeah. So while on a joint to cigarette basis, they're probably equivalent in terms of harm, I don't know. Let's say a person smokes a joint a day. That would be like smoking a cigarette a day. That's a 20th of a pack. Again, I don't want to say that there's no downside to that, but it's probably significantly less. So I don't think the risk fully tracks. I think the same is probably true for vaping, and I want to be clear, I don't think vaping is a good idea. The last time I looked at the data on this, it was surprisingly sparse. But to me, the only advantage I could see to vaping was if it was the only way a person would stop smoking. So there was, you know, I sort of looked at it as it was definitely the lesser of two evils. But by far the better scenario was not to do any of these things. If nicotine is what you're after, there are better ways to get nicotine, for example, through lozenges and gum and things like that, so that you shouldn't be turning to those things to do it. But. But if it was like, if gum is here and cigarettes are here, you know, vaping was probably here, but, boy, I don't know. |
A | For those listening, Peter spaced his hands far apart for gum and smoking and put vaping about a third of the way from gum toward smoking. In other words, vaping isn't good for you, but it's not as bad as smoking. |
B | That would be my. That would be my. I mean, do you have a. You've probably looked into this as well. |
A | We did an episode on Nicotine. I did an episode on Cannabis. And, you know, the discussion around cannabis gets a little contentious for reasons that aren't important. It's kind of funny, people, the moment someone starts to confront cannabis as a potential health harm, people say it's not as nearly as bad as alcohol, which is a crazy argument, right? Getting hit by a boss isn't nearly as bad as getting hit by a motorcycle in most cases, but sometimes, you know, so that's just kind of silly. Yeah. And clearly cannabis has medical applications. Clearly. And then it becomes an issue of the ratio of THC to CBD, pure CBD forms actually being quite effective for the treatment of certain forms of epilepsy, so called Charlotte's web. That's actually what it's called. Very high THC containing cannabis clearly predisposes, especially young males, to later onset psychosis. Those data are starting to become clear, clear enough to me, anyway, that people ought to be aware of them, at least, and maybe make decisions on the basis of those. When it comes to the smoking versus vaping, it's just very, very apparent that the chemical constituents of the vape and what people are inhaling are terrible for people and are loaded with carcinogens and a bunch of other stuff, many of which cross the blood brain barrier. So that's what worries me the most. You know, obviously I'm not a clinician, but anytime I hear about small molecules, you know, these small inorganic molecules getting across the blood brain barrier and then being maintained in neurons for many, many years, I worry because the experiment is ongoing, mostly in young people. So, anyway, without going too far down that track, I think if people can avoid smoking and vaping, they should. And as you mentioned, there are other delivery devices for nicotine and cannabis, tinctures and patches and gums and things that. Edibles that if people choose to use those substances, they doctor. |
B | Yeah. I think sometimes people would benefit to imagine what the surface area of the lung is. If you took the alveolar air sacs of the lungs and spread them out, you would easily cover a tennis court. |
A | Remarkable. |
B | So just think about anytime you inhale something you are exposing, your body is so adept at absorbing it. I mean, we have this unbelievable system for gas exchange that was designed for gas exchange, and anytime you're putting something else in that wake, you're doing a really good job of getting it into your body. So be mindful of what that is. Um, and that look, that applies to pollution, too. I mean, the. The pm 2.5 data is pretty good. I think once you so particulates that are less than 2.5 microns are getting straight into the body, which is a great argument for avoiding air pollution. I always find it funny not to get off on this tangent, but to me, the most compelling arguments around cleaner energy have nothing to do with greenhouse gases. They have to do with air pollution. I promise you, more people are dying from the particulate matters in air that result from burning coal than are ever going to die from the CO2 emissions that result from that. And I would argue that's going to be two orders of magnitude. It's not even in the same zip code. |
A | It makes sense during the fires, which seemed to follow me because when I was in northern California, there were a bunch of fires and we were constantly looking. Wake up in the morning, everything was covered with ash. My dog was having trouble breathing. I was having trouble breathing. Everyone was suffering. But there are websites that one can go, you can just look at air pollution and we tend to only do this during fires. And then when I'm in southern California, there tend to be fires here. So it's correlation, not causation. But for sure, I didn't set those fires, folks. But it's clear that it disrupts your breathing for a very long period of time. But it's the long tail of that that we're really talking about here, the very small particulate that we know firefighters, for instance, in certain industrial workers can end up with that stuff embedded in their brain tissue for extremely long periods. That's just not good. You make a really interesting point about the call for cleaner energy. Can we run that one up to Washington or settle some of the debates about climate change just by getting straight to help? I feel like bypass all the garbage that's being spewed back and forth and basically get to the issue at hand. |
B | Yeah, just, just make it better for people to not die from the direct consequence. |
A | I'd like to take a quick break and acknowledge one of our sponsors, athletic greens. Athletic greens, now called ag one, is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink that covers all of your foundational nutritional needs. I've been taking athletic greens since 2012, so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast. The reason I started taking athletic greens, and the reason I still take athletic greenshouse once or usually twice a day, is that it gets me the probiotics that I need for gut health. Our gut is very important. It's populated by gut microbiota that communicate with the brain, the immune system and basically all the biological systems of our body to strongly impact our immediate and long term health. And those probiotics and athletic greens are optimal and vital for microbiotic health. In addition, athletic greens contains a number of adaptogens, vitamins and minerals that make sure that all of, all of my foundational nutritional needs are met and it tastes great. If you'd like to try athletic greens, you can go to athleticgreens.com huberman and they'll give you. Five free travel packs that make it really easy to mix up athletic greens while you're on the road, in the car, on the plane, etcetera. And they'll give you a year's supply of vitamin d. Three k, two again, that's athleticgreens.com huberman. To get the five free travel packs and the year's supply of vitamin d. Three. So, trying to avoid such a difficult word to say, especially for a neuroscientist. Arterial sclerosis, did I get right? |
B | Well, it's athero, which is easier because. Yeah. |
A | Atherosclerosis. Oh, there. |
B | Yeah. |
A | I've been making life more complicated for myself. Typical of me. Okay, so blood pressure, keeping it 128, 120 over 80 or better. Don't smoke. Let's just throw in, don't vape. |
B | Sure. |
A | I'm going to just plant my flag on it. Just don't vape. There are other ways to get those things in your system if you really want to get nicotine or cannabis into your system. Apob. What's the story with APOB? |
B | Okay, so to explain this, you have to tolerate a little bit of chemistry. So everybody's heard of cholesterol, and I certainly devote quite a bit of time in the book to explaining this because it is so important. Um, and it's definitely one of those areas where I initially received a lot of pushback from the editor, and there was a thought that, hey, this is a bit more technical than it needs to be, but I I think that sometimes you do need to resort to longer dissertations to dispel mythology. So, cholesterol is a lipid. It is a molecule that the body synthesizes. It is a molecule that is essential for life. So if you cannot synthesize cholesterol, you can't live. You'll die in utero. So there are rare genetic conditions that prevent the successful synthesis of cholesterol. Embryos that have those mutations do not survive. Okay, so why do we need this stuff? So, we need this stuff primarily for two reasons. First, it makes up a very important structural component of cell membranes. So, as you know, a cell is a sphere. We look at them and think they're circles, but they're spheres and they're fluid, right? They aren't just, like, little perfect big bowling balls or balloons. They actually morph and shape and move in these paths. And this is what allows cells to be next to each other and all sorts of things. They also have channels across all of them. And those channels are held in place by, among other things, cholesterol and phospholipids. The second thing that makes cholesterol so important, it is the precursor to some of the most important hormones in our body. So our sex hormones, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, in addition to glucocorticoids. If you look at them, it's really funny. You know, people, if you're looking at, if you google, like, give me the structure of these things, you're kind of like, wow, they're all basically the same. They all look really similar, and they're all pretty much just templates of cholesterol. So, understandably, when it's something that's that important, the body would leave nothing to chance. We make all of our own cholesterol. The cholesterol that you eat in food, largely irrelevant. It's esterified cholesterol. So it means it has an ester side chain. It's too bulky to absorb in the gut. So most cholesterol that you eat in food just goes out your GI tract. Okay? So we have this super important molecule that every cell in the body makes. But there's a bit of a problem. There's actually two problems. The first problem is not every cell can make as much as it needs all the time. So you have this demand problem. So, for example, if you're sick, you're going to need to make far more glucocorticoids. Your body's response is going to be to ramp up cortisol production, to mobilize fuel, and do a whole bunch of other things. And certain cells, like the adrenal glands, are going to be called on to rise to a higher level of performance, and they're not going to be able to make enough cortisol. So they're going to have to borrow or take cholesterol from other cells in the body. In fact, one of the things we used to notice in the ICU, I never knew why it was happening. I now know, is the few times I would accidentally order the wrong set of labs on a patient in the ICU and also order, like, a lipid test or something, you would always notice their cholesterol levels were dropping, you know, serum cholesterol levels. And I now realize why, because they were basically just funneling cholesterol to the adrenals to make more of the cortisol that they needed to combat whatever they were in the ICU for, which is usually the most severe form of stress the body is under. So you have to be able to transport this stuff. And then the second problem is, as you know, cholesterol being a lipid, is not water soluble. So the most dominant highway in the body is the circulatory system. We can use the lymphatic system and things like that, but for the most part, we use our circulatory system as the highway to move stuff around. And the highway is made up of water. Plasma, which is what is the liquid component of your blood, is water. And therefore, things that are water soluble move easily. So glucose, sodium, electrolytes, all of those things are dissolvable in water, and therefore they don't need a carrier. You just dissolve them in the water and they can go. So that's why your liver can make glucose that your brain can easily get. And there doesn't need to be a carrier or an intermediary or anything like that. But unfortunately, with cholesterol being a lipid, we can't do that. Just as water and oil don't mix, cholesterol and plasma don't mix. So the body had to come up with a trick. And the trick was designing a vehicle that was water soluble on the outside and fat soluble on the inside that you could bury the cholesterol inside along with triglycerides. And on the outside, it was covered in protein, which is water soluble. And that's the thing that moves around. And that thing is called a lipoprotein. And as its name suggests, it's part lipid, part protein, lipid on the inside, protein on the outside. And those lipoproteins come largely in two different families. One family comes from a lineage called apob. The apob family, which is short for apolipoprotein B 100, is a family that is derived from the liver. And each of those lipoproteins has one and only one, apolipoprotein B 100 on it. We shorten it and just call it apob, because we don't really worry about apolipoprotein B 48, which is attached to chylomicrons that are responsible for fat absorption in the gut. They're very short lived. They don't really factor into atherosclerosis. So we're going to just for the purists out there, there's an APOb 48. We're not going to talk about it. So when I say apob, what I'm talking about is a protein that wraps around a subset of these lipoproteins. There's another family of lipoproteins called apoa, or apolipoprotein a. This is a much more complicated family. And I'm not going to talk about it here because we would take an hour to just explain how the apolipoprotein a family works. But I'll give the punchline is there are many apolipoprotein a's, there's variable numbers of apoas on those proteins, and they are all part of a family called high density lipoproteins. Back to the apob, guys. They are of the low density lipoprotein lineage. So you've heard the term ldl and hdL. What is it referring to? It's basically referring to the relative concentrations of protein and lipids in the lipoproteins. And not surprisingly, based on their names, the hdls are higher density, more protein, less lipid. The ldls, low density lipoproteins and vldls, very low density lipoproteins, and idls, intermediate density lipoproteins are all lower density, which means more lipid to protein. There are different sizes, there's a whole bunch of other things going on. Most important fact in all of this is that the apobs are atherogenic. So what we're about to talk about next is perpetuated by lipoproteins that have an apob on them. So everything in the story right now is just about how do you get. |
A | Cholesterol around the body and these proteins that have lipid in the middle. So let's just take apob, for example, many, many billions of them, floating around in our body, even in the healthiest of people, and they're being shuttled to tissues that need them, like the adrenals, muscle, heart, et cetera. What sets the demand for these things? So, for instance, could somebody have relatively high ldl, maybe even higher than high end of chart or even above high end apoB, but theres some sort of metabolic demand, or theyre weight training a lot, or theyre running marathons. And so they need a lot of ldl. The reason I ask this is because its so easy for the uninformed person, which I include myself in that group, to just hear, oh, ldl, bad, cholesterol, bad apob, bad, when in fact, you very graciously spelled out the fact that these things actually perform a functional role in the healthy body. So before we get into why they are or can be bad, why would you want a low density lipoprotein? What is that doing for somebody? And is there any circumstance where the way people are exercising or thinking or not sleeping or sleeping too much? It's that a higher level actually reflects a healthy metabolic need. |
B | We don't have any evidence of that to date. All of the functions that I described can be done by the HDL. So the high density lipoproteins, the apoas can do all of it. |
A | So ApOb and low density lipoproteins are just. They're just the necessary. |
B | We don't waste. I mean, no, we don't understand why we have them. Andrew, this is the part that's really interesting to me. Most species do not even have apob, and as a result of that, most species are chemically incapable of atherosclerosis. |
A | So if someone could zero out their APOB and their LDL, we assume they would function just fine. |
B | We know they would, because we have certain people who walk around with genetic mutations that render them that way. |
A | Wow. |
B | Furthermore, we also know that there's a bit of a myth out there that cholesterol, the cholesterol you measure in your blood, is essential for brain health, for example. That's an understandable thing, right? You can speak to this very eloquently, the role of cholesterol in the brain. |
A | Yeah, I wrote down when I was a postdoc at Stanford, so I always point out I was born in Stanford, training at Stanford, where he said I'd probably die at Stanford. Hopefully a long time from now, you'll tell me how long, for you. |
B | Well, we're going to do the Charlie Munger thing and make sure that you never go back to Stanford so that, like, you can't die there, there. |
A | Exactly. We cured already. When I was a postdoc, I worked with a guy named Ben Barris, who I know, you know, probably as a different person then for reasons that people can look up Ben's name. Anyway, incredible scientist. But there was someone in his lab that discovered that cholesterol is a critical component of the synaptogenesis process, the formation of connections between neurons in the developing brain. And then that went on to lead to the discovery of things like thrombospondins being important for synaptogenesis, et cetera. But cholesterol sits central in the brain development mechanisms. You want cholesterol around for brain development? In fact, I think very low fat diets and very low cholesterol diets during early development can really impair brain development, as I understand. |
B | Yeah. It's not entirely clear why, but here's what we know. When you're born, your serum cholesterol levels are very low. So children, infants and children have very low levels of cholesterol. They would have and I should explain one thing that's important. |
A | They're not myelinated yet, right? I mean, they're. Sorry to interrupt, but myelin, of course, the sheathing around neuronal axons, which accelerates the propagation of nerve signals and which is deficient in things like multiple sclerosis, is essentially fat made up of phospholipid and requires cholesterol for synthesis. But young children are not very, well, myelinated. I mean, the spinal cord is myelin. You know, spinal tracts are myelinated. Right? |
B | So this is what's interesting, right? We would all agree to that. Cholesterol is more important to infants and children than to anybody else. It would be the most important substrate for CN's development. And yet infants and children have virtually unmeasurable levels of cholesterol. It really starts to take off in your teenage years, right? So cholesterol, basically, serum cholesterol levels rise basically monotonically throughout life. Women get a big bump at menopause, so it really goes up for them. But what's interesting is how is it, how do we reconcile the fact that infants and children have really low levels of serum cholesterol, yet clearly undergo Cn's maturation without any problems? And it basically comes down to the following. What you measure in the serum is but a fraction of the total body pool of cholesterol. So we get a little bit of the light under the, you know, the. What's the, you know, the street lamp under the drunk? Under the drunk or the street lamp. Just because we're looking there, we tend to think that that's what we're seeing. But if you took the entire circulatory pool of cholesterol, it's about 10% of your total body cholesterol. It's a tiny fraction of it. So it's what we measure because that's all we have access to, but it really represents virtually none of it. I do want to say something because you mentioned LDL. I want to tie this back to the reader or the listener. Rather. ApoB refers to the lipoprotein, the singular lipoprotein wrapped around an LDL particle. If you happen to be lucky enough that your doctor measures an ApoB level, it's a blood test. It says Apob X, number of milligrams per deciliter. That's measuring the concentration of that protein. It is a direct measurement of the concentration of LDL and VLDL particles. When you have a blood test that says LDL, it usually doesn't say ldl. It usually says LDL C or LDL cholesterol, because LDL is not a laboratory measurement. LDL cholesterol is a laboratory measurement, and it's just taking the total number of LDL particles, breaking them apart, and measuring how much cholesterol is in them. So LDL C measures the total concentration of cholesterol in the ldls. ApOB measures the number of them, and they're different, but one of them is far superior at predicting risk. In its Apob, the number of particles is much more predictive of risk than the amount of cholesterol contained within them. |
A | Fascinating. First time I've understood HDLDL and these lipoproteins in a way that makes sense. So thank you. I'm sure others feel the same way. What APOB level is your red flag cutoff? Right. I actually had my APOB measured recently, and I'm definitely above the high end. |
B | We'll be discussing this over dinner on Saturday night. |
A | And just to tie this back, I hope that's a steak dinner and that should be fine, given the fact that dietary cholesterol has no direct link to APOB and LGBT. |
B | That's true, but dietary saturated fat does. |
A | Okay, so, which is not to say. |
B | We'Re not gonna have a steak. |
A | We will, but not necessarily one of the fattier cuts, although probably will be for me. So what's the high end that you high end flag? At what point do you start saying, ah, we need to do something, and then we'll talk about what people can do? |
B | Yeah. So this is a complicated question because it depends on so many factors. The first factor it depends on is, what is your objective? And I do pose this question directly to a patient. Right. So I say, look, we've got this disease. That's the number one cause of death. Now, you can die with it or you can die from it. Those are your choices. Statistically speaking, more people will die from it than anything else. But if you live long enough, we will all die with it to some extent. So if youre me and I come from a family history, as you know, I write about this in the book, where basically every man in my family except one has died of atherosclerosis, and they have all done so very prematurely. My dad lost brothers in their forties and fifties. By some miracle, my dad is still alive at 86. But I think that's in large part because he at least had the good sense to listen to doctors and take medication to lower his cholesterol and blood pressure. If your objective is to not die from heart disease, and only to die with it, then you want apob as low as possible. Now, how low you go depends on when you start, because one way to think about this is it's an area under the curve problem. The longer you wait to start doing something about this, the more aggressively you need to do something about it. I think a better way to think about this, though, is to go back to what we talked about with smoking. So would you agree that smoking is causally related to lung cancer? |
A | Yes. |
B | So just to be clear, Andrew, you do not think that it's just an association that smokers get more lung cancer? |
A | No, I do not. |
B | In other words, you believe that smoking causes lung cancer, then, yes. Okay. |
A | I mean, there are a number of memoristic steps in between. I mean, if somebody was really wanting to get to drill into the logic, they could say, okay, it's not actually the smoking. It's a. Some disruption of the endothelial cell lining that led to. |
B | But smoking triggers that triggers that. |
A | I assume so. |
B | And I agree with you, by the way. I think the data are very clear. |
A | I'm very relieved to hear that. |
B | Yeah. But I'm going someplace very important here, because if there's one topic that doesn't get enough attention in medicine, it's causality. And causality is an obsession of mine, like, most of the day, on some level, I sit around thinking about causality, and I think the hardest part about studying medicine with respect to human beings is how difficult it is to infer causality for most things that we do. So if you believe that smoking is causally related to lung cancer, then smoking cessation reduces the probability of lung cancer. That is a logical equivalency. There can be no debate about that. What if I said to you, Andrew, this is going to be our new philosophy around smoking cessation. I'm going to anoint you the czar of smoking cessation. So if people pick up smoking, no problem, we're gonna let them smoke. But we're going to assess their risk for lung cancer using a model that predicts when their ten year risk of lung cancer gets above a certain level. We're going to recommend that they stop smoking. So we're going to look at their age, their sex, their family history, some biomarkers that might help us. We're going to even do scans of their lungs. And once we think they cross a threshold where their risk of lung cancer is high enough, let's just say it's 25%. Boom. You make them stop. You tell them it's time to stop. Is that a logical approach to treating smoking and lung cancer? Or would it be better to say, given that we know cigarettes are causally related to this, how about you never start smoking and the minute you do, we pull the cigarette out of your mouth and explain to you that you're doing something that is causally related? Of course, it would be the latter, not the former. It would be idiotic to suggest that we endorse smoking until you cross a certain threshold. Well, this now becomes the german question. There is no ambiguity that APOB is causally related to atherosclerosis. You know, how can I tell you that? I can tell you that looking at all of the clinical trial literature, all of the epidemiologic literature, and perhaps even most importantly, the mendelian randomizations. All of these things tell us because. |
A | By the way, Mendelian randomizations, meaning genetic mutants, humans out there that make very little apob or. |
B | And very much exactly. So we have a whole gradient. |
A | So you can say if you make very little, you aren't going to die as quickly in your life as if you make too much. |
B | That's right. So mendelian randomization is such an elegant tool where you basically let genes do the randomization. And as you said, there is a gradation of LDL concentration, or APOB concentration, that occurs from insanely low to insanely high. And this is a wildly polygenic, polymorphic set of conditions. And we can look at the outcomes of those people based on the random sorting of those genes. And there's no ambiguity. LDL is causally related. LDL cholesterol or ApOb causally related to atherosclerosis. Well, if that's true, and I haven't seen a credible argument that it's not, there are people who argue that it's not, by the way, but they just don't have credibility in their arguments. Then you have to say that what we're doing in medicine today is very backwards, because what we're doing in medicine today is the following. We're saying, I'm coming at this in a long way, but your question is so important that I want to answer it this way. We're answering your question today as follows. We're saying, andrew, let's do a ten year risk calculation of your risk of mace. Mace stands for major adverse cardiac event. It is the metric we use in medicine. So a major adverse cardiac event is a heart attack, stroke or death, basically resulting from these things. And we have calculators that are pretty good at predicting your ten year event risk. They'll look at your cholesterol levels, your blood pressure, they'll ask if you smoke, they'll ask some family history questions and they'll spit out a number. Now, we should do yours after the fact. Um, and I don't know if we did it for a person who's, as you know, you're in your mid forties. Like, it would probably spit out less than 5% risk for a major adverse cardiac event in the next ten years. In fact, the models don't even work if age is below 40. So the first time I went to do one of these tests, when I was in my mid thirties, I couldn't do it. Like, the algorithm breaks. That's sort of like, just doesn't work. So the implication there is, if your mace risk is less than 5%, the thinking is you do not need to treat ldl or apoB. I argue that that makes absolutely no sense. It's just as idiotic as the analogy I used around smoking. If a risk is causal and it is modifiable, it should be modified regardless of the risk tail in duration. So then the question becomes to what level? And again, the earlier you start, the less aggressive you need to be, the less damage that's there already. So, for example, we do CT angiograms on our patients. If the CT angiogram shows no evidence of calcification, no evidence of soft plaque, that means grossly, their coronary arteries are still normal. Histologically they're probably not, because nobody probably makes it to our age with histologically perfect coronary arteries, we might be satisfied with a person's apob being at the fifth percentile of the population, which would be about 60 milligrams per deciliter. But if we have any other factors, meaning we're starting later in life, or a person already has gross evidence of disease calcification, soft plaque, family history is significant. Any other risk factors are present, we'll treat APOB to 30 to 40 milligrams per deciliter, which is probably the first percentile. |
A | And if somebody's sitting up in the, say, low 130s, where does that, what kind of flag does that raise for you? I realize it's highly contextual, age, etcetera. |
B | No, no, it's a huge red flag. Again, just because something is causal doesn't mean you're guaranteed to get it. There are smokers who don't get lung cancer, so there's going to be somebody listening to this who says, my grandmother's 95 years old, her cholesterol is sky high, and she's alive and well. And I will say, absolutely. There are a lot of people walking around that way, just as there are a lot of smokers walking around who don't get lung cancer. You can't impute these things on an individual basis. You basically have to ask the question, how do I make the best judgment about an individual from heterogeneous population data and based on what are causal and non causal inferences around risk? So, to me, if a person has very high apob and they do not want to be treated for it, then the best we would do is say, lets at least establish that there are no other risk factors present and lets at least do the most investigation we can around the existing damage. If that person has a perfect CT angiogram, im going to push less hard than if they have a devastating angiogram. And by the way, devastating in my book is just any amount of calcification or soft plaque. Anything that shows up grossly that you can see on a CT scan, means that you've got a decade plus of really bad histology building up to it. |
A | This issue of causality, I think, now becomes very clear as to why that is so crucial. And I really appreciate the way you spelled that out. So let's say somebody's apob is 8100, let's say 130. Um, for example, what sorts of things can they do to reduce that number? Is this always going to be prescription medication? And if so, what are the more common forms of prescription medication that work best? What are their side effect profiles and so on? |
B | So, yeah, usually once you want to start getting down into the 30 to 60 range, you're going to require pharmacotherapy. Um, but, you know, usually we want to see how far we can get with nutrition. So fixing insulin resistance in an insulin resistant person will bring this down. Right. So one of the hallmarks of insulin resistance is elevated triglycerides. They haven't. We haven't talked about triglycerides, but they, they warrant some attention because I mentioned it earlier. But one of the other things that the lipoproteins carry is triglycerides. So you're carrying fat and cholesterol, and if you recall, apobtainous represents the number of particles. So the purpose of them is to be carrying around mostly cholesterol. But if you have a high amount of triglyceride, you're basically using up cargo space on the ships. And so you need more ships. So if a person has elevated triglycerides, and I consider anything over 100 to be elevated. Even though most laboratory tests would consider normal to be up to 150 milligrams per deciliter, we would want to fix their insulin resistance, bring the trigs way down. I would want to see trigs no more than two times the hdl cholesterol. So if their hdl cholesterol is 60 milligrams per deciliter, I consider 120 to be through the roof high. And ideally, we want trigs at or below hdl cholesterol. |
A | Triggs being triglycerides. That's right. But does that mean lowering dietary fat? |
B | No, actually, it's most easily accomplished through carbohydrate restriction. Yeah, carbohydrate triglycerides, in some ways are kind of an integral of carbohydrate consumption. Um, any energy restriction will get it for you. Um, but it's most sensitive to, um, to restriction of, of even. Even under EU caloric conditions, carbohydrate restriction will lower triglycerides. So, again, energy restriction would be kind of first order of business. Um, but within that, carbohydrate restriction will probably get you there quicker. So, you know, you sort of take the, the low hanging fruit off the table. |
A | And where does exercise come, um, play a role, minimal role for improving insulin sensitivity? |
B | No, no, no. I'm sorry. For improving, uh, lipids in general. Yeah. |
A | But it can improve insulin? |
B | Absolutely, yeah. |
A | Especially combinations of resistance training and cardiovascular exercise, correct, yeah. |
B | So once it comes down to pharmacotherapy, you basically have several classes of drugs. So the most obvious and the one that most people are aware of are called statins. So statins work both directly and indirectly on the problem. So directly they work by targeting an enzyme very high in the synthetic pathway of cholesterol production. Enzyme is called HMG CoA reductase. And I think it's the second committed step. I could be wrong on that. I don't think it's the first committed step, but that enzyme gets targeted ubiquitously throughout the body. And in response to that, the liver senses a reduction in the body's pool of cholesterol, and the liver really tries to regulate this. So the liver, in response to that, increases its expression of LDL receptors. So the liver itself has LDL receptors on its surface. And as the body's pool of cholesterol goes down, the liver senses this reduction and says, I want to bring more cholesterol in, more ldl receptors go up, and more apob particles are coming out of circulation. So that's really the dominant way that they work, and in fact, that's kind of the dominant way that all of these drugs work. So another class of drug is called ezetimibe. It works by blocking. We could get as technical as you want on this. It's called the niemannpic c one. Like one transporter in the enterocyte. I like to explain this. I borrow this explanation from Tom dayspring, but the enterocyte is obviously the luminal gut side cell that is responsible for absorption of cholesterol. Remember I said earlier, most of the cholesterol you eat you don't absorb. The reason you can't absorb it is an esterified cholesterol molecule cannot come in the Niemann Pixi one. Like one transporter, it's physically too large. But the cholesterol that you synthesize, which once it makes its way back to the liver, gets secreted in bile down the intestine that is un esterified and readily fits into that transporter. So I kind of describe that guy as the ticket taker at the bar. He lets everybody in as long as they fit through the door. Theres a checkpoint inside the bar that basically says, do we have too much cholesterol? If so, spit it out. And theres another door that acts more like the bouncer, and he's called the ATP binding cassette g he spits excess cholesterol out. And if that system is working fine, everything is great. But in a lot of people, that ATP binding cassette doesn't work very well, and it can't properly regulate the total body pool of cholesterol. So there's a drug called ezetimibe that simply blocks the ticket taker. |
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