diff --git "a/Resources/utterances.txt" "b/Resources/utterances.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/Resources/utterances.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,13814 @@ +He is a success story by any standard. +It's about my time as a guitarist. +This is bound to happen. +This isn't a gimmick. +It's just not funny ! +This could be her way forward. +These take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above, and these two ends apparently beyond the horizon. +Have a look at this lot. +My life is going to go on. +Then it was the turn of the carnival. +January is a bad time of year. +Downing Street will make the second appointment in the Scotland Office today. +She is obviously very disappointed. +It's not a holiday time for football players. +All businesses continue to trade. +The insurance company is only interested in your profits. +What will happen to them today? +Our policy is clear. +Harry Potter has lost his magic. +When she returned, it was a wreck. +It was an odd affair, in many respects. +They will run a mile. +He quit in October. +I am about protecting the state pension. +It's the same with cinema. +There will be tough opponents to this report. +So I am going in the right direction. +That's a trend which will be encouraged. +The package is a changing one. +I want to keep playing. +The president will not be removed from office. +He was prepared for this. +It's always somebody else's. +I'm very happy indeed to be almost redundant. +There are not too many like him. +It is best value.The package was expected to be launched within the next three months. +It starts with the script. +He will not be coming back. +I couldn't honestly tell you. +It is hard to tell. +Sandy was very active. +The Treasury confirmed that the latter was correct. +This is a disaster averted for Scotland. +Well, there you go. +They are still in shock.Can you believe it? +The people will come. +Commitment is released on Liberty. +However, the referee was not in the giving vein. +Britain may now be forced to listen. +We are so, so lucky, so many people have died. +It is the loss of my name. +Then there's one where people play for fun.No decision has yet been made. +Is it a warning to parents? +According to criteria, he is qualified for Scotland. +Thomson and his family left court without comment. +Look at the table. +Both sides will be aware of this. +Tomorrow will be a different game entirely. +We don't need to change the law. +Were they under-age? +They may be wrong. +They said they would. +Our season is not over. +They are now out in the cold. +We are keen to have him back. +That got me out of jail. +It's quite a line-up! +But who gets on the tube? +He has the courage of the unaware. +There was a tremendous amount of anger and frustration in that music. +We said, What do you mean? +But who is the killer? +It's too horrible to think. +We are going to go about our lives. +Taxation should be simplified. +They are to ensure information reaches as many members as possible. +It is a flexible concept. +Surely it can't get any worse. +However, the snow was welcomed by some. +It's an option, but I can't really comment. +Our approach will be different. +But once again it was not converted. +I'm afraid to say anything. +Others get through it. +Do you think we are a top nation? +The second is freedom. +But they add up. +His condition was described as serious last night. +Thus the story will continue to thrive. +Is that a serious question? +I found a fault and it worked at it. +That was a disgraceful performance. +If you're going to do it, do it right. +I could have been killed on that day. +I get on him, he gets on me. +But a solution has been found. +It's hard enough for a father, anyway, and I was forever grateful. +He really played us into a corner. +He is not a pathetic figure. +I don't want to hear any excuses. +There wasn't a goal. +It could be done by experts and lawyers. +So far, it is no more. +He's not perfect. +They like big name players. +Then in came a succession of signings. +They had not been handcuffed. +I don't have any regrets about the edit. +It sounds a lot of money. +I hadn't had that before. +It took two minutes to respond. +No such remedy has ever been pursued. +Prime minister Blair is not that way. +Here is a question for you. +I told him I was a long time ago. +It aims to produce its report before Christmas. +People buy everything with cash. +My wife is totally behind me on this. +I think it must be the uniforms. +They were that poor. +But the main issue will be the sale of Burger King. +I was quietly confident about getting the win. +Six men will take the decision. +For the moment, our position remains the same. +There is a lot of heroin about. +I have a good feeling about this. +The concept is simple. +I thought it was a great game. +I wanted to put myself on the line. +I think that he got the message. +Sentencing is also being considered in that review. +I chose to make a film. +We remain confident that Danny is still alive. +You find it bizarre? +I understand the medical concerns. +The strong pound also took its toll. +And sooner than we may think. +There is good quality. +But they miss the whole point. +I didn't play badly. +I am an actor. +Phase one was a shambles. +People have a wish to charge twice. +But we are severely limited in funds. +But they will not be compelled to join. +However, he will now have to wait for his chance to impress. +I'm the one who has to suffer. +They are never here. +A lot of things can go wrong. +He is very fast all right. +I could not believe what they were saying. +Scotland needs this award. +I think I was about four years old. +It must not happen. +I'd love to do another Olympics. +That is a lot of writing. +We want to ensure that the process is entirely transparent. +Promises were not kept. +Parliament was evenly divided on the issue. +How do you get it back? +That was not due to me. +That just wasn't good enough. +There was someone on the floor. +He thought he had a month to cross the street. +The cost of this failure will not hit the Commission. +It is never an easy game. +If the red of the second bow falls upon the green of the first, the result is to give a bow with an abnormally wide yellow band, since red and green light when mixed form yellow.They must be on commission. +It will vote with the US. +It was a classic. +That is a personal matter. +They would love to do more films. +I'm sure everyone will be delighted for them. +It seems a little short to me. +Now, she will not be running at all. +It means it is difficult. +With this line-up, they didn't need to be.It is my nature. +Did you get the script? +He is walking free. +There will be two other areas of contention. +She collapsed and died a day later. +There is still a long way to go. +Is that too much to ask? +Both reports appeared in the British Medical Journal. +People can get them if they want. +I wanted the illusion of space and depth. +We know about the crisis in cattle. +They are looking for profit. +A warning may be sufficient to reform behaviour. +He could not be contacted for further comment yesterday. +This isn't something the Labour Government has invented. +However, we will have to wait and see. +That can happen so easily. +It took a month and a half to film. +The memory is there. +Scottish fishermen comended the decision. +If so, we want to hear from them. +No-one thought about this. +The task is enormous. +Nobody wants to stop people enjoying themselves. +The award was a lifeline for me. +There isn't the seriousness of other businesses. +We all knew they could do it. +He has a wealth of experience. +Or it would have been. +You have to wait. +Something is going to have to give. +It would be very dangerous. +And what was that like, as an experience? +Locally, too, the MP is under fire. +I live for today. +And then he laughs. +He also has a house in Italy. +Stewart will travel with some confidence. +I'm not a diva. +He has something in common with the Wallabies. +The appeal is impartial. +That doesn't happen in Europe. +We have to win every game. +We have to recognise that he is an elusive character. +People have no choice. +But the damage had been done. +I never want to have any children. +It is a difficult thing to explain. +This year I understood. +If you can work, you should work. +It also opened a branch in Livingston. +Some of their movement was excellent. +It will be a great night. +Neither man has been charged. +It is believed she had serious head injuries. +He's got a great chance of making it. +We should not be surprised at that. +He really has everything, including a beautiful swing. +He has been campaigning for change for years. +Labour has been found out on public spending. +We'll have to be satisfied with it. +There was no question of him not impressing. +I am proud of my team. +Dewar was certainly under attack from within his own party. +I am the leader.Funding would come from both Scotland and Northern Ireland. +That will help my case a bit. +It's to do with play. +We were under a bit of pressure. +I'm a bit annoyed. +Both will be heard at Glasgow Sheriff Court. +There is bound to be a formal complaint. +Everything is up for grabs. +The outcome is not in doubt. +My aim is a top six finish. +I let go the telephone and ran. +The following year, they asked him again. +They've been here before. +It could well be the case. +It will be retained as part of the group. +I'm really excited about the album. +It's a drop in the bucket. +Hopefully they will just give me the degree. +Sex is fun? +His commitment, on the other hand, is clear. +The whole thing in general is moving on. +I can live here without a problem. +The role was perfect for Russell. +Finally action had been taken. +I'm very tired, but it was worth it. +We just try to make great records. +The first was excluding Sinn Fein. +This is not a struggle against Islam. +I'm very happy to be here. +The tournament has now been cancelled. +We have the easy part. +They would have been forgiven for doing so. +We are going for it.Emergency services were also on stand-by outside. +We used to live with dignity in our country. +He confirmed that there had been no warning. +They don't work anymore anyway. +There are no easy solutions to this problem. +It's really nothing new. +She has a little boy. +We lost out a little bit. +No person has been charged. +It was a unanimous decision. +This was a lot of numbers. +By social devices, the two groups are coming together. +United were in control without always being dominant. +Even then he wanted to deflect attention. +That is the only way to rate players. +He is slightly confused. +It was good fun. +Sadly, the surface was a nightmare. +We have a training class. +There was a vacuum. +It should be scrapped. +His remarks were disgraceful. +If we don't do it, someone else will. +I have never felt so well. +Fine, said the press officer. +The firm was down and almost out. +Is a drug dealer? +There is great potential on this river. +It's just not funny! +That should be fun. +Instead they were openly attempting to be helpful. +His son is a local legend. +Bottling is now the core business. +I can't see him reversing that. +They do not work for Glasgow City Council. +Miss Jackson was not present to put her case. +Arnie ignores the suggestion that he has ever been anywhere else. +They are already on the way there. +The best defence is a good offence.I feel it is very irrational. +I saw one body. +I expected a victory, the pain is enormous. +He declined to give any details. +By then, however, both men were already in the US. +It's like a basketball. +There's a pause. +This is wrong, but that's believed. +Yes, it gave me a lot of confidence. +Now he is trying to downgrade the media. +Neil has worked hard throughout his career. +I need them to set my career. +Neither has gone to war.The singer is expected to be in hospital for several days. +It always had to be about the gym. +The force is with them. +I would say so. +Yet it is unlikely to be either full, or final. +I'm going to see my friend. +They've just got to believe in themselves. +Something has to give sometime. +I am just trying to do my job. +That's when the story first appeared. +This is a terrible tragedy. +This is a special place for me. +Well, what do you know? +No-one from the Fire Brigades Union was available for comment yesterday. +It will always be the highlight of my career. +It was a terrible combination of factors. +It also makes a habit of collecting people. +We're all paying for it. +We can all understand that. +He said it was the worst possible result. +That is surely worth a try. +The festival runs until Tuesday. +Here is a weather forecast for the weekend. +And Rangers think they have problems. +You have to ask whether they have really thought through these issues. +I just have no maternal instincts. +You might even have seen him. +But he insisted that victory was possible. +It's in the eyes. +We have worked well with them for years. +This is a major property in Edinburgh. +It is a terrible loss. +That is exactly right. +I'm not interested in money. +I found the course inspiring. +It is a cause for concern. +You need a long-term strategy in football. +It wasn't really like that at all. +I've done nothing wrong, and that's the truth. +That has been described in some quarters as nonsense and arrogance. +Your father was a good man. +Hopefully, it will bring new customers. +We're still the only ones in the High Street. +What you sow, you have to reap. +These days are past. +He was in a great deal of pain. +No-one has used it since then. +Motherwell took them from half chances. +This club is perfect for me. +But then they scored their fourth. +The performance was really, really immense. +But it would change the context. +Now that business is banned. +I can't believe it's all gone. +It's unlikely to be renewed. +The scheme was simple but extremely effective. +The composer therefore believes he can do it. +Liberal Democrat leader makes the hash of it. +It was served by sheriff officers, not by the council. +There is a pause.It is a vote of confidence in the skills in Scotland. +The staff are as good as any staff in the city. +No other vehicle was involved in the incident. +It is not the message alone. +The Commons is too outdated. +It's a mixture of everything. +I am really, really happy. +We're trying to get rounded performers. +But one shouldn't go by that. +My first concern is for the safety of the public. +There was no bad behaviour. +O Neill is caught between a rock and a hard place. +Perhaps it will happen again. +Clearly the impact is going to be negative. +Glasgow then took control. +She became very good at it. +We never said that we would walk through the third division. +She said the charity would continue to monitor the case. +They have now been banned from Celtic Park for life. +What happens when the funding is exhausted. +But let's not go down that road. +Good records have also been recognised by successful farmers. +The answer was up there on the stage. +You feel the pride. +He was pronounced dead in hospital. +I grew up with them. +What do they pay to join the club? +We are going through difficult times. +Buying our way out is not an option. +The airport was even different. +We lost to a poor team. +So, how will it be received in the US? +Here are some possible solutions. +It appears that it was just a genuine mistake. +It is just a statement of fact. +I've had to take time off work today. +The players were under pressure. +Alex is a big part of that future. +They are a good team. +WHO would have thought it? +Tony Blair said as little.That is why it is so lyrical. +It certainly is cause for concern. +Its failure is no surprise. +The number never came. +Dunfermline deserved a goal for their hard work. +Tony Blair, can you see her face? +We have been extremely lucky this time. +He may be ready for first team action in March. +Sub Not Used, McCormick. +It would be easy to think so. +These elements are in the book. +Manchester United are the classic example. +That's an equally important factor. +No other job in world football can compare to this one. +It will take several days. +It's very nice. +We are both very confused and extremely angry. +He is only now regaining his confidence. +And also, whatever he does, can he really win? +All the employees are redundant. +As if that is an achievement. +That was the first step. +There is no shortage of farmers. +He added, however, that all options are under review. +I have played really well all year. +This is as bad as it gets. +It is best value. +I will not take you out of context. +They don't know how to do it. +Darren is very, very good. +Is that an issue? +This kind of traffic is commonplace. +I'm totally horrified by the sentence. +It is part of their job. +There are two things we have to do. +And the top prize draw award is certainly impressive. +From that day on we started to look for another full back. +I always wanted her to be happy. +People realise we have a job to do. +I really couldn't believe it had actually happened. +Freedom from Serbia is a growing objective. +Together, we can make a difference.The people around me were fantastic. +THE atmosphere was electric. +Trevor has been great. +Do you know who we are? +We could not have asked for any more. +I had no experience at all. +I couldn't have asked for better. +What kind of a man does that, Mr Dick? +It was even worse than at home. +Clearly, the IRA has got away with murder. +These take the shape of a long round arch, and its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. +We need to know more about her. +If you're a national company, you must provide it all. +We are looking for a good performance and a good result. +There can be no compromise on that demand. +We are a husband and wife team. +But he is something special, is he not? +Many complicated ideas about the rainbow have been formed.It is a love affair. +The report will be launched in Glasgow today. +I started on a fire a couple of times. +It will be all about the Olympics. +It doesn't always work that way. +He is a reporter for us. +They will always be in our hearts and in our minds. +This was a rationing decision. +His son has been travelling with the Tartan Army for years. +It plainly does not work. +He looked on the deal as a merger rather than a takeover. +The pain was almost too much to bear. +She is deeply distressed. +Why should we have been asked to share? +Government sources said, It is building up. +You'd think there was a match on today. +It's not their fault.And there is another problem. +I cannot wait to get started on it. +You have obviously got an answer to it. +It was the train coming. +We then went to see the headmaster. +The red card was okay. +Are we going to stay up? +There are plenty examples. +We can get back on track with that. +He is the man to beat. +The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of super-imposition of the number of bows. +I do not think this family will ever get over this. +But could it afford to run it? +Every aspect of our play was first class. +I made a mistake. +He says that he is no different from any other man. +This is the biggest surprise of my life. +It's totally double standards. +I am a drug addict. +That will be the office.It is too pretty, it is too small. +The long-term trend is certainly moving towards a balance. +You do that because you want to win. +You have no chance of planning permission. +He has been under great pressure. +I got dropped for that game. +Its first awards will just do that. +I'm so looking forward to it. +He phoned the number in the brochure. +It is also very valuable. +We are committed to urgent action. +These findings would be made public. +John Reid, the Northern Ireland secretary, yesterday appealed for restraint. +It would be difficult to argue with that. +Actually, he thinks he has had it pretty good. +THE Paragon Ensemble is back. +He added, The old system has reached its limits. +John Lennon is a very large industry. +Here, the fans have been fantastic. +ALL IS busy but not much is happening. +Sure, this is a very important event for me. +The decision was designed to shock investors. +It will take a few years before we see the full benefit. +There were no casualties. +You are a gambling man. +The board meetings will be held in Edinburgh. +The United Nations must act. +They're just different. +Which is fair enough. +But he is caught between a rock and a hard place. +They told us about it the next day. +The euro is your money, it is our money. +But he seemed to enjoy the challenge. +Rather than answer, she resigned. +This was a good performance. +He was a member of the Tartan Army. +We were leading by two goals. +But a final decision will not be taken until after the elections. +What's the big idea? +Which may be the same thing. +They did not replace it with a conviction for culpable homicide. +I wanted to drop out. +And that culture is everywhere In Dublin. +But we have learned that it doesn't. +No date has been fixed for his return. +There was no energy behind it.This will be no easy option. +You do need a check and a balance. +I wish I could say something. +He is in the US. +It's better to be happy. +I expected these kind of questions. +There is a spring in the step. +But I hope the referee can now go back on his decision. +The New Deal will constantly be improved. +But we are not immune to the problem. +This is already happening. +She took them for a term. +I had been hoping for justice. +Several other countries are also reported to be interested in the format. +I am not ready for Lennox Lewis. +He did a good job. +It could have taken another two months. +We have to be very, very careful. +It's just gotten too big. +I can't remember a lot of it. +Although, you never know. +And they were being paid? +He will consult the right people. +Don't get me wrong. +We were upset about the referee. +This is slightly negative for inflation. +It looks like a hit. +His condition was serious but stable. +It happened on average once a week this year. +It was an adventure. +Now they have to do something about it.New Zealand rugby is totally different. +He certainly didn't say he was a journalist. +It's never the same problem. +But now it's back to golf. +This is the real thing now. +The people have been really friendly. +The statement was a lie. +The power of religion is so strong. +You can't have it both ways. +That's just the way the game is evolving. +Her advice for Glasgow is just be visionary. +She was very different. +But he is revelling in the big stage. +She is a veteran in the Balkans. +I will work on her. +I will not be pressured. +We've got the bronze. +Lead feet were the order of the day. +New York is my home. +But the government has so far failed to listen. +You can take it almost anywhere and practise.She is having an affair with his partner. +My future is in the marathon. +This view was echoed by the other Scottish analyst. +Equipment is also a problem. +From our point of view, it is the right time. +This is not a Scottish problem. +It was like a dream to be here. +My players are precious to me. +There is no easy answer. +I made my mind up before we came on tour. +I have always believed in myself. +My ambitions are still with football. +This produces exactly the opposite effect. +It seemed a logical expansion. +He was always Scottish Labour, or simply Labour. +Her grand-daughter was uninjured. +At first, the youngster was not keen. +The doctors are quite positive about my progress. +I might also completely change the routine. +I've done it all. +A killer is also on the loose. +That would be a big step forward. +The work with Alison was a great experience. +It has been a great success. +Our numbers are small. +The settlement could run to millions. +It's part of the end game. +Holyrood is just a part of the jigsaw. +So what's wrong with Scotland? +I would be prepared to go anywhere. +They hit me in the head. +The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of super-imposition of a number of bows.However, they continued in their pursuit of victory. +It's not one for the purist. +It is actually building on the existing business. +Firstly, we don't know we can do this. +He was determined to write a novel. +There's a danger. +We have them in offices all over. +Anyway, she is playing a lesbian. +There's the mix. +I only found out about it this morning. +You need a reason for staying. +It was a great experience. +Two charges of threatening crew members were dropped. +They were the acts of men. +We are a grandmother. +We'll have to think about it. +I didn't do too badly myself. +The package of measures and extra cash are a major step forward. +And the funny thing is, they usually do. +But not every story is a success story. +His place in central defence was taken by John Anderson. +A lot of people were in tears. +Is it in the right place? +The rear of the plane was on fire. +You did not change overnight. +The commission is not the only loser. +The balance isn't there at EMI. +I'm so proud of my team. +Our traditions and cultures remain the same. +This is the time to use it. +He has an equity stake in the investment house. +I believe that so strongly. +But he was far from alone. +But opinion was divided. +I am considered a teenager. +There is no pressure on us. +I saw the explosion and panicked. +No one person or small group could be singled out. +Of course we aren't. +They made it very difficult for us. +The board do not own the company. +The City welcomed the brighter outlook. +This is not a small amount of money. +I'm just enjoying every match. +Further growth will be funded from cash flow. +She was just that sort of person. +It was quite rigorous. +It is a policy which has the full support of the minister. +I will be having talks with the workforce. +Paterson can afford to be generous. +But there was no going back. +We are going to listen to Britain. +Is it a warning to parents?And therein lies the problem. +It was just an accident of birth. +I'll take it as it comes. +They are very happy with the new settlement. +We have taken steps to rectify it. +The support of Britain is assumed. +The children continue to talk to us. +Aristotle thought that the rainbow was caused by reflection of the sun's rays by the rain.It may prove to be his last involvement with the club. +They played it like a cup final. +Everything else is the same. +It has until Saturday. +I am not retiring. +The site has been fully recorded and surveyed. +Well, there is a bed. +Moreover, it must be for all sports. +I am still very much a director.But the price has been very high. +He will be difficult to replace. +He is under no illusions. +Since then it has become a tradition. +Nato will prevail. +Walker declined to put a figure on losses. +Today's meeting was open and friendly. +It has certainly paid off for him. +I WAS certainly wrong with my prediction of the result. +It was a nightmare. +The compromise is entirely on the arrival at that position. +I shall be voting Yes to support him. +Or have they? +The medal itself is not that important. +This is a business. +The only plus point is the reduction in crime. +He asked how they were doing. +But there are problems, such as retraining new staff. +If you can get away with it, you do it. +We can take the city. +We will see how he is after treatment. +However, he emphasised the bank was satisfied with progress. +Lord Sainsbury is not a newcomer. +It is truly fields of miracles. +But it has been an amazing experience. +Allen is strong in every shape and form. +He has created the confusion. +We are all very proud of her. +We were very unhappy with the incident. +We've always had something to do. +He just carried on filming. +I am ready for that. +I'm a bit annoyed.I am not obsessed with sex. +What do we do for an encore? +He added that public transport improvements must also be maintained. +I'm confident of the outcome this week. +I'm really proud of my young players. +It is not real life. +Employees are entitled to follow their contract to the letter. +I thought the game was very poor. +Sure, we have problems. +We discovered that for ourselves. +Or it's not really for us, if you like. +He urged people to forgive. +I hope they will understand the reasons. +It's fantastic to have finally won. +We shall not be moved. +Mixing drugs and alcohol can be extremely dangerous. +There's only one team in Ayrshire. +Fewer people are being killed in accidents. +This year the exercise is being repeated. +You can be sure we will have problems. +The place became a war zone. +Now we need to keep our heads up. +It's good for the city. +Anything is possible in football and we can beat Celtic again. +This is a wonderful honour for me. +It is too much for me. +The main concern is that it could interfere with air traffic. +Neither of them was badly hurt. +It seemed the tough times were behind him. +He also called in at another farm. +We're very interested in opening up in Germany. +I see no reason for them to be. +At the moment, it is very difficult to know. +They never gave up hope. +I have good memories of Glasgow. +This has gone on too long. +A spokeswoman for Edinburgh City Council confirmed its support for the company. +There was a battle there. +I will not allow the destruction of the Scottish fishing industry. +It was all very proper and civilised. +To the Hebrews it was a token that there would be no more universal floods. +Bill is a mentor. +It's very good. +We are going for it. +That's not the way to think. +Of further privacy, he had no need. +But they cannot go on ignoring the truth. +They certainly do not socialise. +There could still be some to come forward. +I cannot speak on behalf of the IRA. +It is a new company for Scotland. +The criteria were laid down at the beginning of the season. +This film will be totally awesome. +The property is owned by Glasgow City Council. +The following year was a miserable time for Mr Dewar. +Ferguson had done his homework. +There's nothing natural left. +It's very odd. +The days of empty promises are over. +I think we'll just keep it. +In fact, it might just be the beginning. +Last night, Mr Robertson said he was delighted. +It is just part of modern day life. +The sun is worth a million dollars. +The timing is wrong. +But it is all by design. +I'm delighted, and the players were brilliant. +I didn't mean to kill her. +The picture is the same across Scotland. +The film is about the cost of genius. +It would still have been a good film, but very different. +It didn't get any better. +He's in his element and the audience is delighted by him. +The existing structure is in trouble. +Another difference is the cost. +I said he was set to retire. +Was it a signal? +I am confident that the estate workers will have a secure future. +That will be the key to success. +There were no proposals on the table. +One MP said he feared the job losses were only the beginning. +People like to talk about these things. +I am extremely sad. +That wasn't an outstanding performance from Celtic. +That, though, was just the start of it. +The Cup has come home. +Mr Blair had done well. +She is still very poorly. +This election is far from over. +We had never seen him before.Violence and threatening behaviour has no place in a school. +Sadly, they don't seem to know. +It simply doesn't happen. +The referee didn't do his job. +I want to deliver a learning society. +There are two options. +They have been very lucky with the ice. +That includes the equipment? +This is a historic agreement. +And that was the adults. +My ambition is to tell a good story. +If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. +I should not be able to stand. +Mr Marshall is expected to join the council of Europe. +For one veteran, the memories remain vivid. +I will tell you. +But was it really so big? +They have learned from that. +I'm just looking to take my chances. +That would be poetic, wouldn't it? +I will wait until later. +That is a trend which will be encouraged. +There is great relief at this point. +I lost my head. +This one was supposed to be so different. +It goes in cycles. +Still, the experience was amazing, she says. +So, did she meet him? +But it might have done. +We should have known. +It's been a good year. +I will be trying to do better tomorrow. +It's wonderful to have won. +It's difficult to predict the future. +Further expansion has been achieved in Germany and Italy. +The pension levels will remain the same. +There is a growing anger among the group.We all knew it could not be true. +The chief constable is right. +Who has the second highest? +Tony Blair has had a good conference. +How much of a cop out is that? +We should have been rewarded for producing. +Many, many people don't know who he is. +He would be with his peers. +It can be very worrying. +No details of the talks were given. +I'm so pleased the show has won a prize. +There is a cup final at stake. +When we looked at the company. +We don't even know his name. +They just thought it was extremely good acting. +And we were very lucky. +Then there's the casting. +What is the new religion? +But this isn't a play about The Troubles. +Three senior officials were dismissed last week. +The single currency could well lead to a single tax policy. +I'm sure you all can relate to that. +I always felt that I was in control of the match. +A Scotsman has to defend his castle. +But, of course, it isn't. +There may be some work in construction, but not enough. +But he will do anything.The irony was not lost. +This time, there were no such rewards. +That has to take its toll. +We cannot ask for them back. +Commercial producers were present in large numbers. +The rise in retail sales was the first since August. +There will be widespread support on all sides. +I don't care to recall it. +I can't wait for the season to end. +Raised the way you want it. +She always put the party first. +The interim dividend has been passed. +Neither could be contacted last night. +He took away my childhood. +The company won the first round but lost on appeal. +You are not long home from work. +Clearly, we could go on like this all day. +Domestic Disturbance is currently on general release. +I can live with that. +This is a big step up. +See it while you can. +It seems so long since I did the exams. +But nothing happened. +All is now forgiven. +This makes no sense! +Sure, that already happens in New Zealand. +It is a disaster area. +Look at the turn-out. +We are in the hat. +It is dangerous and it is a lie. +It is a good lifestyle. +And who would argue with that? +Inventories are coming under control. +I love the spectacle of cinema. +I believe in God. +We have to find a way to put that right. +It will be extremely difficult for him. +Since then, they have fallen by more than two thirds. +The judge was really nice. +Since then physicists have found that it is not a reflection, but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows. +But it can happen for Tiger. +That's no bad thing. +Or is he? +There were no reported casualties on the ground. +For sure we want to win it. +This time, it will have opened up the field a little bit. +Visitors are directed instantly to the shop. +But the German product failed safety tests. +I want an answer from the British Government. +The call was ignored. +I love the thought of having a crack at the defending title. +It opened last month. +I waited and waited. +This reason is to do with the nature of the Scotland manager. +He is at peace with himself. +We talk about Mr Michael Johnson, and he is awesome. +It is the same old story. +I am confident of the outcome this week. +Who wants to be a millionaire? +He was released in March this year. +We know we have done wrong. +He explained to his audience. +We must not give in to bastards. +The island will never recover. +It's an idea. +The best team won. +I'm very passionate about my country. +On the night, it was not enough. +My whole life has changed. +A copy of the report will be sent to the them. +We know the goals will come. +It's worth it, though. +FIRST, we had the Battle of Britain. +Next league matches, Motherwell - Dundee United. +Everything depends on the weather. +After this, the exercise was due to begin. +The major championships will always have a special place. +A week is a long time in politics. +The oil companies would be asked to contribute. +And we are doing it. +I'm not sure. +The Edinburgh audience was able to understand the dialogue. +It had happened on average once a week this year. +Then there's one where people play for fun. +Everyone has his share of trouble. +Even the winning club was within seconds of disaster. +It was important to win the singles. +I feel sorry for the Reds. +Reaction to the device was mixed. +His massive advantage was never under threat yesterday. +Jock Brown is appointed as general manager. +It was visibly on fire. +I love you so very much. +Insurance will perhaps reduce. +This has been blown out of all proportion.We should be able to cope. +I find the whole affair disturbing. +They were in good humour, too. +If there is default. +Services are being expanded, too. +There was pressure from elsewhere too. +However, the ball refused to sit for the Frenchman. +He will suspend it on Thursday afternoon. +Pupils will be the losers. +It will be easier for us. +I would rather say nothing at the moment. +It was, for me, like a week in heaven. +It was a policy they were against. +There will be no backing down. +He is in a lot of pain, it is very distressing. +He was as good as his word. +So, how did this happen? +I am saddened to hear of the accident.An appeal was made to the presiding officer. +Early warnings could help, but it's a scary thought. +There is no doubt there's room for us. +Yet it does not lose appeal. +Winning a medal is a dream. +This was the classical period of Beethoven. +He added, We are full of anger. +I wanted to have a go. +The ethos of the school was outstanding. +He has never let them down. +I am proud of those guys. +However, there is great potential in this right. +The problem is not confined to Glasgow. +We could have got three medals. +It is a very special city. +Is it all real? +I didn't feel under any pressure. +Broomfield was the centre of the town. +There are other things going on. +The baby deserves the credit. +Stardom is a funny thing. +They need to look after themselves. +There is a subtle difference. +That decision was applauded by Williamson. +It's an absolute nonsense. +It's been such a waste of money. +We talk about effective military action.There could be a possible connection. +The attitude was good today. +Bombing slaughter rejected +It is a performance. +If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be? +It's not even finished. +However, Walker remains determined to fight the proposals. +It is a pity, but you can't have everything. +What makes a house a home? +And he listens to his artists as well. +For all his successes, he is accustomed to waiting for fulfilment. +We have clearly become well established. +It will not be easy for him. +Mr Hall is believed to have a broken leg. +Last week, he was taken into hospital. +He now describes himself as Scottish Labour. +They are unable to say anything. +No injuries were reported. +This is very good news. +If that is not a warning, what is it? +I'm not looking forward to it. +It's the only thing. +We should do everything at a stroke. +We don't want to be too intrusive. +It took around three minutes from beginning to end. +I don't want to go anywhere. +Scotland is the home of golf.I told him to stop.They are a very powerful and tasty side. +We're in England for the time being. +They are a perfectly good thing in principle. +We need to be looking to the future. +A film is different from a book. +I hope we can still find a solution.Friends said he had suffered a blackout two weeks ago. +He will have it within two weeks. +We are still getting signals. +It has been well worth it. +He repeated his call for an inquiry into the police response. +This is a new beginning. +The first eviction takes place on Sunday. +They prefer the short, intensive session. +I was close enough. +It may not be life long. +Does it work, is it safe, and is it right? +I know the worry over Iraq. +That first victory made a huge difference to my career. +He has been chosen as captain because of the person he is. +Similar increases have been experienced by the medical defence unions. +We won't go down without a struggle. +Where was their passion, the power and feeling? +I haven't made the donation yet. +Previously, they were raised in the European Court of Human Rights. +A small number of new jobs will also be created. +That's the truth. +They were good years for him. +This is normal for him now. +The bottom line is that this must stop. +I've been there. +It is having a big impact. +The whole thing is utterly transparent. +This time, for Rangers, it is certainly the latter. +If so, how does it intend to achieve this result? +That's the danger when you have to play too many young players. +It's time to move on. +One of them, a woman, is in serious condition. +At this level, you have all to perform well. +Council officials are involved, along with the transport industry. +It needs somebody to give way. +I bought a flat six years ago. +They need the money. +Now the door has opened. +Many other areas are coming up. +For me, any manager is good. +It will concentrate on the Thames Valley. +What kind of person is he? +Form and structure are his music. +We want to keep the pound.We must keep our feet on the ground. +Find them somebody they deserve. +That only came out during a radio interview. +They were only there for three weeks. +This happened on three days inside a week. +We just do not do it. +The results are expected within days. +But, even so, you always want to try something new. +And she got it. +I had too much to drink. +It might have been a satanic ritual. +Michael, he is running! +They've got to get better. +In my opinion, any transfer to a foreign club will help him progress. +This was not helpful. +Police are treating the incident as attempted murder. +We have to get this sorted out. +Hopefully, the goals will return on Wednesday. +Costs have got to be controlled. +There is no change in principle from the White Paper. +Instead, it is back to the drawing board. +I have been there many times. +If it's going in, it goes in. +I knew he would play two weeks ago. +You should feel involved in their lives. +I was close enough.In the end, we did not spend a penny on him. +It was his job to check. +We are working on it. +Everyone can have their opinion. +I have been thinking about that this week. +The answer I hope includes the Government - Holyrood and Westminster. +Insurance will be covered by the receiving galleries. +I fell into it by accident. +By all accounts he was delighted. +There have been so many. +We need a new kind of theatre. +It's a real challenge. +Who did it doesn't really matter.These days are over. +There can be no two ways about it. +Merger would be entirely logical. +He was seen as the enemy. +It doesn't make me feel any better. +The performance, for this listener, didn't come off. +Such as it is. +He now lives in Fenwick in Ayrshire. +This is a major step forward for carers. +I'd rather have been playing. +It wasn't about her singing, though. +This has got to stop. +On the contrary, some of the music is very expensive. +This will impact on us. +You can't believe a word. +The opposite is the case.His job was not advertised. +She died a few days later. +We have to reduce the number of plastic bags. +It will have to ratify the deal. +It's like a garage. +I'm so proud to be Scottish tonight. +Ministers received the report with frosty reticence.We did something about it. +Hopefully, everything is for the best. +We should not be complacent. +He also has a Scottish grandfather. +It was a kind of contempt. +If it doesn't, it doesn't. +Surely it should be the other way round. +The executive has so far not offered any immediate prospect of major change. +This is a possible way forward. +This is as bad as it can get. +You took the law into your own hands. +He has a point. +I think it was his parents. +However, BBC Scotland was not interested in his work. +Getting new people interested in this music is the real reward. +That didn't happen for two reasons. +They are ready. +Tony Blair's official spokesman said. +He is too weak to move. +She has insisted she did nothing wrong. +It divided audiences at Cannes. +It makes no sense. +That's all I can say. +It really has not been their season. +Good records have always been recognised by successful farmers. +These awards will deliver improvements on the ground. +We regret that they were brought in the first place. +He has not been named. +There was just fire all around me. +It is full-scale. +Then there's the problem of sympathy. +Yet it is all for two good causes. +This has been carried out. +I just saw them for a few minutes. +On the other hand, the poster did not help. +There is no deal as yet. +This was the perfect setting. +The Greeks used to imagine that it was a sign from the gods to foretell war or heavy rain.One day, he threw the baby against a wall. +They deserved the win. +Last night, the company could not be contacted. +The figures are bad, but not that bad. +Martin O Neill called this game almost exactly right. +They have admitted they cannot meet that outlay. +He was always nice to me. +This would provide a significant and welcome boost for local employment. +It is a great honour and a privilege. +But there was a heavy price to pay. +I love the tradition of vaudeville. +This is a total mystery. +Little girls are his victims. +It is just a matter of time. +I am really ready for it now. +His three-year appointment begins on Monday. +He's very young and very keen to do well. +Tiger is the exception. +It was a cry for help. +The rise has come too late for some. +I love it here. +The Farmer is called an idiot. +He must have something up his sleeve. +A thousand years ago the church was a powerful force in Europe. +When it comes down to it, this is a job. +We cannot lose it. +This will be just another tax on motorists. +She looked very settled. +He also seems to have been around forever.It expected this trend to continue. +We knew nothing about it. +He made no comment. +It's a metaphor for consumption. +Around the building, the atmosphere is brittle and hung over. +Police were also perplexed. +It's the best of both worlds. +It was a lot of hard work, but it wasn't difficult. +It is an amazing response. +It's getting to me. +Absences should be carefully monitored. +But we will not be scared. +The law has got to be upheld. +It's their moment of choice. +Buildings are about people. +Well, it won't. +The first four teams were all inside the previous record. +Yet the consensus is, it's worth it. +We welcome the proposals, but they must get on with it. +I think it has worked. +The only answer is a public inquiry. +Visiting fans were banned from attending the game. +I've never felt affection for Emu. +They had no children. +Things fall a little flat elsewhere, however. +Henry was strong and talented. +We must recognise that this outfit is unique. +There were no passengers on board. +We were given a warm and friendly reception. +He changed my life. +For example they could be in school uniform.I'm back playing football, which is what it's all about. +Last week, he was taken to the hospital. +Everything is so commercial. +He was just like a godfather to it. +He is not the only one. +His season started this afternoon. +Frankly, we were lucky to get second. +You would fall over, he said. +Both of them have looked good. +He has a lot of experience as a captain in his career. +I believe in the Church. +People are on the alert. +The whole experience has left me bitter. +The Chancellor will deal from a position of strength. +Allison is not convinced. +On the contrary, it was actually very funny. +He had played well in that central role. +The loss of a company to the industry is a blow. +I wish it wasn't so, but it is. +The arrangement will avoid any conflicts of interest. +It is planned for London in the spring. +Both watched her win yesterday. +The search is due to be completed today. +It was my own fault and I lost a lot of belief. +Could they perhaps be related? +It wasn't an easy decision. +They just would not have run away. +That will alter the dynamics of Scottish politics. +But that night they killed her housekeeper. +You can't do one without the other. +Tell you the team he picked? +I know when my time is, it doesn't bother me. +It was typical. +Which he can do. +They must act now to tighten the rules.This might seem like an outrageous assertion. +That has been the easy part. +We are not collecting. +Blood samples were taken.It was a miserable afternoon in Fife. +Is that such a bad thing? +We should recognise others have done a good job. +I, like many others, will consider where we go from here. +It was considered to be topical. +He said police inquiries should not be conducted as political opportunism. +Top-up fees are not on the agenda. +He completely loses control. +This event allows us to emphasise the positive. +It's up to Ann. +This is the interesting part. +It's a sensible management decision. +It's part of your life. +Scottish public finances emerge from this review enhanced. +I came into this world with nothing. +Football is very easy, you have to work for the team. +It's an amazing landscape ! +Then it developed into civil and criminal. +It has still to be recovered. +That comes at a cost. +The move was also welcomed by the National Union of Journalists. +What is going on? +Maloney was asked. +He also received a medal of honour. +It's a problem but it cannot become an excuse. +Diving is no part of football. +That, however, can only be achieved by constant investment. +This is it finally finished. +You've got it coming Kabul. +I recommend a tour. +Celtic are simply trying to buy time by not paying the money. +There's no support for it at all. +I've come here for the jersey. +I thought he did very well. +I certainly think it's very short-sighted. +It is a crisis, without a doubt. +Have we not had the rainy season already? +The might be rolled out. +However, a year ago things looked so different. +There was no need for such a hostel.You have to think not. +The petition was formally presented at Downing Street yesterday. +That was the theory, anyway. +I did not vote either way. +We all started running forward. +Someone who cares +They will be dealt with. +A crucial moment has arrived. +It is par for the course, of course. +I called it right. +I'm looking forward to coming home. +I really want to win in Glasgow. +We need a much wider debate. +We don't do this for everyone, of course. +It was set in a cafe. +My ambition is to make the cut. +I can't believe anyone would agree with it. +They will be up for it for sure. +If so, they were wrong. +Aristotle thought the rainbow was caused by reflection of the sun's rays by the rain. +But no party would win overall control of Scotland. +I learned a lot from her. +They will not be able to come back, in my opinion. +The rescue package is public money. +From there, they can go anywhere. +It's a true story. +There were also some interesting questions and answers. +No, because they look good boys. +Health care workers and labourers followed. +I get the bus. +It's not just a challenge for us. +It has made a difference. +Yet, for the money, he was not the man of the match. +I was fighting for my life, I thought. +It's very difficult and very worrying. +My game is coming back. +The British public is nothing if not fickle. +Nato was not a love affair. +However, the players should have a voice in these matters. +Norman was not doing so bad, either. +It worked, up to a point. +We just want to get stuck in now. +It is good news for us. +I have had a good life. +That was something else. +People come into the Borders for the beauty of the background. +Glasgow University declined to comment. +There was only one hole in it. +The shift in public perception about the disease is amazing. +They are being deported from their homes. +Or so it seemed. +Changes need to be made. +If they don't, they should say so. +They were part of our own family. +A judicial review is also being considered. +You encourage them - you can do it. +He was happy, the BBC was happy, the listeners were happy. +They're going to open in early summer. +It's not that clear-cut. +He was not alone. +So now this series has had its day. +These people were my friends. +Even the one she loved. +The investment will be in the food. +It is not a road of life. +Gordon is also highly rated. +He said the matter had been neglected in the past. +We have to go for it. +But the law is very clear on this. +It was a massive error of judgment. +The growth potential is enormous. +Indeed he has a lot of output. +Who honestly expected anything else? +This will secure the future of our industry. +The court had a number of empty seats. +In fact, he is very much a Kilmarnock man. +This is yet another example of double standards from headquarters. +We're all in a state of shock. +Head injuries are the leading cause of death. +It is still under discussion with the board. +We are seeking a meeting with the Minister. +Nobody else is at risk. +You can't take a chance. +There was a rush of water. +When will you listen? +Famously, though, there was a catch. +There were no reports of casualties. +It was worth a photograph. +Well, there can be no complaints about this one. +Not everyone, however, was pleased with the proposed changes. +He is still in shock. +Six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a sack for her brother Bob. +They were not seeking the right to strike. +I can feel the sound inside. +It's that sort of night. +Her mother said, She didn't look very well at all. +We defended well, but couldn't do much in attack. +I was just a kid. +I didn't play well last year. +He is a young man with a new deal. +THE boy in The Sixth Sense is not alone. +But there's an upturn in the sector. +Does a firefighter have to be killed? +A recording contract is on the horizon. +And we might go back. +Any error is severely punished. +THE Farmer wants a new campaign. +But they are a good team. +Sentiment was helped by the sharp fall in debt. +In fact, they have the opposite effect. +The whole nation will be delighted. +That would concern me lot. +Our biggest threat is the BBC. +It is about investing in the future. +It would appear to be a good time to invest. +In the meantime, you just have to get on with it. +I must take a seat. +There will be good prospects ahead. +I am not a doctor. +He could face a jail sentence. +I am looking forward to getting home. +I don't have a problem with it. +We hope this scheme will change that. +It's so special. +He was due to retire in December. +I have not come in to take over. +The selection process is still at a very early stage. +They won the trophy in the Hoops. +He dismissed the action. +This week is a perfect example. +What's it got to do with art? +It has really been quite appalling.Over time, with patience and precision, the terrorists will be pursued. +Not so, he insisted. +It is a dangerous trip to make for these people. +They would now be able to look forward with confidence. +And the results were impressive. +Chairman Sir Alistair Grant will remain on the board as deputy chairman. +Was all this really just five months ago? +Why did it take a concerted campaign? +This is totally untrue. +The next one comes up. +In the past few years, they have started to fight back. +Phil Mickelson did that last year. +I want to concentrate on the real issues. +That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. +They have not changed at all. +My body is a wreck. +Darrell was, however, adamant. +It is just like the stock market. +Craig is still suffering seizures. +The company's in good shape. +That is the key message. +She was married with one son. +This influence, to the audience, is like an arrow. +It was not a difficult decision, he said.Next year it plans to open an office in Tokyo. +The senior management team will be drawn from both companies. +But there are signs of a revival. +Children are using books in a terrible condition. +It's not only my respect for them. +I am also delighted for all the players. +We live on an island. +It could be argued that the council was pushed to the brink. +We believe in the medium term. +It's like English in its underwear. +My son was too young to die. +Further heavy charges are expected this year. +We just did not want to believe it. +However, he stressed that no decision had yet been made. +I feel as if I can hole everything now. +He also insisted that no concessions had been made to the French. +No company would want to put their people at risk. +England could only play the other team on the park. +It all happened so quickly. +Anything that can be done, the Government will do. +All films open tomorrow +We've got good options. +The tickets are on their way. +Our dispute is with the company, not with the travelling public. +Two goals in nine minutes wasn't bad. +It can all be done over the phone. +He is very much in our thoughts. +This performance has given my confidence a boost. +The German had a point to make. +A statement is expected in April. +He was extremely ill. +It was too soon. +A number of people could not speak English. +He will be fine. +Stagecoach is seeking a new finance director. +This may help in the short term but not beyond March. +It is so easy to be negative. +We wanted to run away with her. +Who does he think will win? +We hope he will do until he finally does the double. +I've already done that. +I have to hand it to the bank. +An English Parliament was never a serious option. +I would think about the end of January, the beginning of February. +I think the Scottish bid is very strong. +There was no trouble. +We didn't enjoy the first game, but today they were excellent. +Which perhaps is just as well. +I love the Scottish and the Irish people. +She failed to win another game.It's not the tour. +Saddam Hussein is a devil. +The pressure on the aid agencies is immense. +I think the shares are good value. +The pressure is enormous. +He was jailed for four years. +In just a fortnight, however, everything has changed. +Jim Leighton will play in the Scottish Cup final. +However, we have to be cautious. +I have had no social life at all. +He had no problems with discipline. +They are not the answer to staff shortages. +This was not an easy meeting for me. +We actually had a laugh about that. +I don't like to fail. +But everywhere the problems are the same. +They are not falling now. +We are confident of taking that back. +The decision is purely down to the clinic. +He was overwhelmed by the response. +A spokeswoman for the Law Society of Scotland said. +Our customers come first. +She is living proof of their expertise. +So what did he do? +One would not want to go there anyway. +There's still plenty time left. +We are not doing the Today programme. +I was first in the door. +Their conclusions were never published. +Clearly we were looking at this very carefully. +There is no hiding place. +The price cuts are really exciting. +It was support as it should be. +It is three years at present. +They said so that I would look good in uniform. +A fiver and I'll tell. +Recent reports suggested it might be sold off. +It decided to blame the media. +The rubble was right up to the ceiling. +We have other options. +No sport needs that sort of thing. +Today is the first step in that process. +We are in shock. +It was a lovely experience. +And if he hasn't become a musician? +A hostile bid is prevented for another nine months. +They're already booked for next year. +The police are hopeless. +It is a mark of respect from the inmates. +Mr Cook, a left-winger from Britain, would be ideally replaced. +But the Foreign Secretary can cope. +I was a little surprised. +I'd like to report a murder. +This is the greatest moment of our lives. +Do you think they would do any better? +This season has been a nightmare. +Is that where we are? +You will never forget the clutching horror. +Things are moving together. +Hitches can be expected. +We know the quality of life goes up. +But it could prove disastrous. +He was part of South Africa. +Finally, he paid for the movie. +A decision is expected tomorrow. +JOHN Anderson, the former Scottish national coach, is still unearthing talent. +I've never seen anything like it. +There's been a wake up call for the sector this week. +I spoke with just one player, but not the others. +There is no such thing. +I'm looking forward to that. +It was then into overtime.We've taken steps to rectify it. +It will carry on. +It does not even have a staff shortage.Why is this? +Everyone agrees with that. +We've just decided to do something about it. +Her experience is certainly limited. +Maybe they will see sense. +Initial reports said the aircraft had experienced a loss of power. +The latter option was chosen. +I said, What does this mean? +He wants to talk a lot. +It intends to do so on Wednesday. +Horses are not affected. +Someone came down and said, Can you read a script? +It is likely the rest of the market will follow suit. +I wouldn't even respond to that question. +I saw one man vote five times. +They must be kept on the ground. +Among them is his beloved teacher. +They will pass it on to Jim Wallace, the justice minister. +They were never seen again by friends or relatives. +Did he trip? +We have seen a copy of the report.I would love to think that she could win. +The signs are positive. +Nothing is going right at the moment.I'm so grateful for that. +This much I can tell you. +His mother refuses to believe that she is dead. +The whole system is too complex. +A revival is under way. +This wasn't something we wanted to rush into. +Long-term, it was the right thing to do. +He promised to lead from the front in battle for entry. +Is he going to look after them? +It was a long process, but we got there. +I wonder if Rangers do that? +Folk music is in her blood. +And they went on to win the title. +I would rather look at him. +Despite Labour's recent problems, it has not been able to do that. +Henman is taking nothing for granted. +I think it is totally wrong. +He was obviously very genuine. +His body was found in May. +The feeling is awesome. +Saturday is gone. +Will they fall out? +It is the same with Barry. +It's not Big Brother at sea. +Anything would be better than this retirement.He is particularly happy with the size of the gallery. +A lot has been written. +Everything in the world was focused on London. +I'll go out and be aggressive. +The company was set up six years ago. +Happily we found it in the library. +She is now on the back benches. +I got a great response from the players, as I had expected. +It will not be today, though. +How can this be? +Full back was a bit of the unknown. +We stopped at half-time. +It is our other home. +Such a policy is for long-term strength. +We are right at the heart of Europe. +We have avoided that at least. +He needed seven hours of surgery. +It is an industry failure. +We feel it sends out the wrong message. +The council has been open and transparent. +The way forward is working with other disciplines. +However, in October another partnership was announced. +There is no evidence that these people are helpful. +I found a fault and worked at it. +I just want him to win a tournament. +Then came the farewell to Europe. +I shouldn't have to put up with it. +They took that away.He will be judged by his actions. +A decision is expected next March. +He had asked if they had the script. +It was his conclusion that they were generally in good condition. +So there, we won. +We have an excellent record of passenger growth and customer service. +Apart from the result we have to be happy with our performance. +The girls are ready to compete. +We knew we had the goal we wanted. +We were a load of rubbish. +It is an absolute disgrace. +We were on top and could have won. +It was like the old days. +It's been hard. +On recent evidence, he will not be missed. +It was great fun. +Upgrading the station has been under consideration for some time. +And this perception might find an unlikely supporter. +We're not travel agents. +Is there any prospect of this happening? +That gives it a spirit. +I would love to travel with it. +It will probably take me just days to spend it. +Hopefully, this week will be good. +Surely, the Scottish Parliament is entitled to take a view on that. +They are determined to make a meaningful contribution. +So too Eriksson, as yet unbeaten on his travels with England. +They will probably come back. +Saddam is not threatening this country. +We're delighted and we certainly deserved it.He could see no other bidder. +The hearing is expected to continue today. +On Thursday, Mr Blair will address the Institute of Public Policy Research. +You can see their point. +His art was not just about emotions. +Neither was involved in violence. +Meantime, his appointment has been widely welcomed. +On the face of it, this is excellent news. +They have enough intrusion at the time.We have been working together for some years. +It was a takeover. +Then everyone must consider their future. +Former Hamilton defender Colin Miller could return to the club today as manager. +The difference was amazing. +It was to no avail.It is very unfair, and something should be done. +It is a question of balance. +And they had a case. +Our own people are coming over on Friday. +I've heard this stuff about the markets. +Some promoters made insulting offers.The Breadwinner came home from Africa. +It has to be an event. +I'm not going to change from it. +These take the shape of a long round arch, with its paths high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. +The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of super-imposition of a number of bows. +He is survived by his wife and two sons. +Mexico City was a wonderful experience. +This will save interest charges. +We have an election in eight days. +I began to pray. +I'm not there yet but it is close. +The refund is fully justified. +I started it, but then forgot all about it. +The following are the principal provisions. +If the red of the second bow falls upon the green of the first, the result is to give a bow with an abnormally wide yellow band, since red and green light when mixed forms yellow. +We have to look beyond the very short term. +We have to look at everything before we make any final decision. +Frankly it was disgusting. +It may have been a cry for help. +It is very much a matter for them. +They've not let anyone into the loop. +That was a bonus, but it was not the main objective. +Europe is not a threat to Britain. +He claimed the government had lost the plot. +He refused to name the survivors. +No production was achieved. +Almost overnight, he found his voice. +But someone has to take them. +Now is not the moment to leave.The biggest thing is structure. +We all work for nothing. +We've just got to work a bit better. +I am glad that justice has been done. +That nation is South Africa. +Several others were absent. +Father is on the train. +I haven't made any definite decisions. +We very much regret that it has occurred.No date has been set for a meeting. +The investment programme will deliver these improvements. +This is a totally different order of agreement. +I would put my money on Peter Donald. +This could be a mistake. +It's a very, very special day. +They have to work so hard. +He looks as if he could be worth the risk. +It's annoying in a way. +However, you never know.We've got a great defensive club. +Instead, it's back to the drawing board. +I could have been offended. +I have a theory. +However, he said the money had not been wasted. +There are moments of silence. +It has only been rumours. +But we could not change his mind. +Local and national phone calls will be free. +Leaving the Labour Party is one thing. +Meanwhile, the search continues for Ferguson's replacement. +Everything else is second. +And there are others. +But not all were so defiant. +The father was treated like a criminal, and why? +The same goes for Russia. +No other vehicle was involved in the accident. +Any change would be subject to the Scottish Parliament's approval. +In hindsight, it was the wrong decision. +Colour was at the core of his life. +The whole thing was just unreal. +They were appalling, disgraceful. +The answer was in space. +Our position is extremely simple. +I have heard the stories from Scotland. +It's a double whammy. +The statement contained no surprises. +It was another reminder of the power of an image. +The project is entitled The Composer in Scotland.This will take up to nine months. +It's the whole season. +This is a really serious issue. +We were right to be afraid. +This is a sizeable part of our business. +Messages have to be reinforced. +We did not even get a free kick. +He did very well, but didn't win. +That is where the damage has been done. +Our offer represents an attractive price for the business. +Life is about people, and how you feel about people. +It was a great evening. +Get used to it. +That will be a decision for BBC Scotland. +The time is up for Iraq to comply. +None of the opinions is good. +I really hope he thinks that through. +The hearing was fair. +That was about it. +I have got a knife. +David was not either. +The British government does not want to know. +Wall Street provided the British market with little fresh direction. +The people are nice, though. +Each year they cut them down a bit. +I did not name it. +Child abuse is a dreadful thing. +And how much of a compliment is that? +If that is the case, it is a breakthrough. +However, the great thing is that it doesn't matter. +At last, in the third year, a letter has arrived. +Potions said he would drive. +I'm very grateful. +With this line-up, they didn't need to be. +And now the pressure is off. +All the time, that number was coming down and down. +They know the language. +A neighbour said the street was shocked. +It is a great feeling right now. +Six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother Bob. +We would hope to make progress on that next year. +You are looking at specialist staff and specialist staff cost money. +I support the stand that they are making. +You either have him or you don't. +The atmosphere in the dressing room is superb. +They serve a multitude of purposes. +It's really no great surprise, because the price difference is so much. +We're at home, which is important. +They failed in their duty to Mr Logan. +This is not a monument to the past. +I have found my vision. +I don't know how she does it. +His charisma is all on the course. +The chief constable has retired. +Now, that would impress the kids. +We are currently consulting with a wide range of interested parties. +Woods is not just in control of his golf game. +We have to reinforce the pressure on Iraq. +What does this mean? +I'm very happy tonight. +What is that? +Everyone could see it apart from Kevin Keegan. +I don't want to use it. +On the contrary they stand to gain. +Strikers like to go to the ground. +We certainly have to try something. +It is obvious that we are engaged in a war. +The jury is still out on this one. +I believe in debate and dialogue. +I think it is a release of tension. +I didn't expect to be in. +My mind is the most important thing now. +I'm sure this game will be equally successful. +they fail to engage. +I've got a young family. +They were later discharged from hospital. +All the investment is possible through the public sector. +She returned home a few days later. +I just did not cope with the pressure. +I enjoy the creative process. +So it was at Easter Road. +The referee had a good game. +Certainly, the Taliban regime is finished. +He was at home with his pals. +Tyson said he had made a mistake. +But summer is spent. +What's it about? +I did not think about the Ryder Cup. +We should not worry about other players. +I know every village and island on the west coast. +Here's a clue. +I cannot confirm the name of any driver. +I have never seen him like that. +This has not, and has been neglected. +Was it worth it? +Our message to the Monetary Policy Committee is clear. +Then again, we could have. +She's now on the back benches. +It is now very clear that doesn't work. +The government was consulting interested parties, he added. +You have to go to the edges. +Would it really be good to shorten it? +Sadly, it could not be done. +She said she would not welcome the flowers. +I would not count on it. +I think it is a great shame. +He is in the queue. +It is time for concerted national action. +Then there was her childhood. +The regional government faces key elections next May. +Our system is archaic. +I was pleased about that. +This is a big club. +The results will take second place. +But it was not all bad news. +It's the Tate. +River City is a showcase for Scottish talent. +It's not been a good year. +But BA said the prediction was premature. +Filtering through this material a composite finally emerges. +Glasgow deserved their win, but we made them look good. +There has been a sense of frustration. +We are doing well.The most important thing was to win today. +In fact, he was talking about the survival business. +Persuaded to change his mind. +This is not quite right. +We had a right to expect those days were over. +I was always a little behind. +It is on the internet. +However, Hamilton had a different version of events. +We are still seeking that complete performance. +Stephen will get his first cap. +This place is outstanding. +THE force is with them. +The shoppers knew it before City investors did. +It has the potential to be another North Sea. +I saw the other car coming, but could do nothing. +Since then physicists have found that it is not reflection, but the refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows. +It's all been about the basics of the business. +That has given me great confidence.To me, it was just a miracle. +But we all have to look at ourselves. +It was a poor performance. +The price was raised after massive demand from retail investors. +Today she has been released. +We're on our way. +I can make one further announcement. +Blair also faces pressure from within the cabinet. +Two people have died. +It is a weakness, and not the only one. +He wasn't ready to cope with the pressures. +It might have led to a screen career, but it didn't. +It added to the spectacle. +It added to the reverence. +I don't make it mystical. +I feel it's time to make the switch. +Surely, if anything, it would be the other way round. +We are not dealing here with refugees. +But we never wanted to do that here. +Only two players have done it. +It doesn't mean that much.It's hard to see it. +The strong performance is expected to continue. +It is an interesting title, Believing in Britain. +The then secretary was not amused. +I would like to see the figures for the second quarter. +They really did a great job. +That is an entirely unacceptable position. +The thing is to recognise that chance. +This is purely financial. +It's very simple, no-one is forced to compete. +He has the right attitude but the wrong approach. +This year, this month, will be special for Torrance. +The savings can be dramatic. +Cooking is intricate and complex. +I would be quite happy for the money to be given back. +I'm trying not to think about that. +He, too, is killing. +It is the quality of the work that counts. +Since then physicists have found that it is not reflection, but refraction by raindrops which causes the rainbows. +The group is not paying a dividend. +He was afraid to stay in hospital in Kosovo. +What sort of man is that? +The public have been very supportive. +They had a confession. +The sisters also became the two top players in the world. +The choice is simple. +We have a strong team at the moment. +The bombing begins in five minutes. +We also hope to meet the Ulster Unionists. +Last year, I was pretty bad. +The gaffer was great. +It will take place in July. +It looks as though the issue, with The Scotsman is too sensitive. +I'm not interested in coming up with answers. +It was my whole life. +They are completely different from each other. +You just have to get on with it. +It shouldn't be a problem. +That is always a problem. +All were paid by the taxpayer. +I don't know where it went. +The union has threatened strike action unless these demands are met. +If we cannot succeed in this endeavour, then so be it. +Mr Smith was dismissive. +That could change. +It's not easy to live in Russia. +There will always be someone, somewhere, willing to undercut on price. +I've got a long way to go. +We are going to New Broomfield to win. +They get money for it now. +Time is now very short. +Eating was a nightmare, and it wasn't possible to sleep. +He seems to be pleased with the picture. +I have to take some of the blame. +The police believe the man was not injured. +It's just a failing service. +He knows a lot. +However, many of their victories have been close affairs. +It was no surprise. +This is a sad day. +The science is well known, the solution is simple. +There is no room for error. +That's because we work hard at it. +They were also beside themselves. +She said she was really sorry. +What we were doing. +We're not seeing an image of the person, he said. +I was at the British Olympic Medical Centre, on Friday. +No casualties were reported. +The rest, of course, is history. +I was ready for this. +Behind him was his brother. +Defensive stocks attracted some interest. +It is a symbolic concert. +Certainly, there is much on the agenda. +I'm not blaming audiences. +It was highly successful. +It's nice to be involved. +Not one person spoke badly. +You know the type. +The punishment was swift. +What's the problem with change? +Cloning is not ready. +I was on the pitch and everything. +I believe it would have been successful. +Lottery money was intended to be used for good causes. +These are serious matters. +However this weekend it will be different. +He will not be involved in school discipline. +Green is desperate to play in The Open. +This is an exciting time in Scottish politics. +I think we did well. +We started with that. +I was amazed at her knowledge. +We have received a number of inquiries from interested parties. +The jury is expected to return a verdict in the case today. +It is not either national standards or local control. +Actors like to be in the centre. +It is no country for a man or woman of letters. +This operation will change her life. +I think every coach wants to work daily. +It is not as simple as that. +Those who are unwilling or unable to improve. +That was the finest moment in my career. +The Real IRA was blamed for the blast. +This is a great day. +I have fallen in love with the Highlands. +It was an ambush. +I just wanted to get off the course. +I've got my own ideas. +It used to bother me sometimes, but it doesn't any more. +Eleven events are required. +I never got anything out of it. +I can see it now. +And what is she escaping from? +This resulted in the following. +I think we're very different. +I will just have to be patient. +Now he is in charge of this. +Only one person can claim the credit. +Souter will be back. +There will be no change in government. +Anything that was going, really. +As in battle, the worst thing is waiting for it. +It's a miracle. +We should keep this recent assault in perspective. +Well, the climate has changed. +We think all other measures are not exhausted. +Who can say? +The parties have no contact. +It was crucial strike. +The Believer isn't just a movie. +The fans will support us. +We're going to rebuild. +But happily, the story is true. +I could not live with it. +It's not my fault. +The feeling is hard to describe. +It is close to call. +We showed a lot of skill in the final quarter. +Scotland will have strong defences as part of the United Kingdom. +But the game is still wide open. +Are you in this movie?It seems to have been an own goal. +She had to learn a new discipline. +It offers a different viewpoint. +Rugby has an extended run. +That is the first thing we need. +They almost achieved a draw. +However, the devil is in the detail. +It was submitted without their knowledge. +We're talking to him. +In my opinion it was a mistake, and never on purpose.Clearly, this was the important nursing. +The group is due to report by the end of the year. +The change could come as soon as September. +Tomorrow night is the important game. +It has been a major success. +The festivals will be about having fun. +It will be reviewed in The Herald tomorrow. +That was him under pressure. +We tend to come good at the end. +They were seriously after him. +Defeat is simply not an option. +He decides to do something about it. +Movie stars are public property. +However, consumers may take a different view. +A child is not a product. +Ten years on, that advice is beginning to pay dividends. +One royal, however, was himself criticised yesterday. +Our players are exhausted. +We can have no complaints. +Ordering online was very easy. +That happens in boxing. +My players have no idea about football. +Which is a shame. +There was some merit in that. +I thought the race was a little bit slow. +There was no hint of scandal. +Weaknesses there are, however. +Ours is on for two days. +However, it is understood that offers of further payments are unlikely. +She has fallen in love with Scotland, however. +Where are they? +There is a lack of chemistry. +The referee faces a massive job. +Sadly, he has a point. +I had to lie. +It used to be all hard sell. +Again, this was genuine loyalty being recognised. +It's the curse of our time, irony. +The party is up for it. +In many ways it was disastrous.Then they were awarded a penalty. +The study, carried out by the consumer magazine Which? +All our thoughts and prayers are with them. +It's been quite a turnaround for Miami. +What, then, is the real thing? +We have been together for five years. +It is fairly specialised and mainly for the export of breeding animals. +I have totally had enough. +She does not want to speak. +Scotland has lost a great religious leader. +It certainly should not be used too often. +I joined a group. +He will never be forgotten. +I want him to take on Gomez. +That never seemed likely. +The offer will run for the next three weekends. +The long-term trend is equally clear. +he told a producer. +Having a Scot play against us would not achieve that. +Tell us about it. +He was shaking like a leaf. +I'm looking forward to racing Donovan. +That is our main aim. +It's all change on the music scene in Manchester. +We live by the rule of law. +They have brought in the replacement. +But it is understood to have happened after weeks of arguments. +Last night, the centre issued a statement to the contrary. +Worse still, it can be infectious. +It is not fair. +We also have had to work the dark side, if you will. +That, though, was again according to manager McCall. +We are already under pressure. +No real attempt was made to get orders. +They had had time for little else. +That means that nobody can do it. +But it is historic. +It's time to fight a decisive battle. +But, overall, Aberdeen looks well placed for growth. +He confirmed that the document was valid. +And that is about it.The racist abuse was terrible. +We talk to each other about these matters. +Plans to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee will proceed. +It will probably be my last, too. +That would be unlawful. +This is the culture change in medicine. +In the meantime, the fans would settle for a derby win. +It was something special. +Kenny and I are ready. +We have thought about doing lots of things. +There were no immediate reports of injuries. +I didn't get to keep it. +It was sold at a loss. +I wouldn't want to miss that chance. +It was a good win for us.They're appalled by that. +It was also put on the Internet. +The criminal justice system does not do that. +She doesn't know where to begin. +It is about more than Scotland. +We are taking no chances this time. +I was in tears in the street. +This is the way things should be handled. +No, we were not exactly favourites. +He added, It's not a racial problem.I just know it's a lot. +It's just not good enough. +It is a large number. +You have to go for it. +His wife Margaret was not in court. +He raised the profile of the European Tour to the sky. +I am not willing to say anything about any couple. +It is no good thinking about Rangers at this time. +The palace said the Queen was deeply saddened. +We were in different places, usually in cellars. +We don't come here for our health. +Is being naturally funny enough? +This would include insurance. +It is not long term, but I need time to recover. +The release attracted little attention. +You had better believe it. +It is not standing army. +That might help a bit. +The only problem was the greens. +In the early days, I was obsessed with working in the theatre. +Whatever the final decision, one thing is certain. +However, in Orkney, there was a mixed response. +We will stand for the nation. +The Budget is a boost for Scottish business. +But all forms of the illness are treatable. +I can live with just the one. +Clearly he is keeping in touch. +We are now open. +I think that could work to our advantage. +I did not understand the dynamics of Scotland. +He did his best, but it wasn't good enough. +After that, the Scottish Parliament will run the show. +There's always a solution, somewhere you can meet in the middle. +General, You didn't get a modified. +I thought he was part of the camera. +However, it does not tell the full story. +Health Secretary Frank Dobson made the surprise announcement in the Commons yesterday. +There may be reasons for it. +When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say he's looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. +Our job is to change that. +So he should be. +They could not match it. +As far as we're concerned, the matter is closed. +It just came into my head that day.This is a big advantage. +An inquiry has begun. +The Government yesterday announced its proposed new pension account. +Eight others have followed. +He is married, with one daughter, and lives in Kent. +His presence was very important. +No partners would lose their jobs. +A decision is expected shortly. +Or so the theory goes. +There was no happy ending. +I am not a frustrated actor. +He did not report it. +And it worked, so we kept it. +Instead, we make the ground pay. +They were both very brave.But they must serve their sentence in Scotland. +That brought a wonderful marriage of bass and soprano. +There are no second chances. +It was then into overtime. +It was a UK-wide report. +Hopefully, the answer is in the positive. +Jack McConnell will be making a statement tomorrow. +But the Premiership is everything to us. +They got the job done. +But that is about to change. +Sometimes they come off. +They may not always be so lucky. +There was a definite prejudice. +But he is frustrated at every turn. +Gordon Brown did not inherit a mess. +I COULD tell that Alastair Wilkie was energised. +From our point of view, the player is free to leave. +The US Open was very difficult, but it was enjoyable. +It will now be unveiled in the US in July. +We have been very patient.Music is all consuming. +He was a crazy man. +It involved the same people. +The chances were plentiful. +And there is no cause for it. +I knew she was going to win. +He became enchanted with the process. +He followed the Italian route. +Intensive care has been very busy. +Every school in Scotland should be excellent. +Therefore, it isn't getting the respect it deserves. +It's a good story. +I have no evidence. +This is not an amnesty. +We can make changes. +It is no surprise at all.You never had it so good. +But it has all been worthwhile. +That decision is now being appealed. +Would she remember the music? +This time, however, there is a new venue. +I only signed this morning. +We really need research to help with that. +In fact, I have been a bit of a terrorist to the council. +You shouldn't have a stoppage in November. +There are two ways to start a festival. +Or so she thought. +I never won a penny throughout my career. +This tour is critical for New Zealand rugby. +Let's not make that mistake again. +It's up to them to decide. +I've had the time of my life. +Pity he couldn't produce a winning British team. +They could take the result away from them, couldn't they. +Yet the performance was not entirely convincing. +We will work through the night. +He may need it. +They had failed to explode. +His father said, My son was lucky. +So I moved on. +They need to find a form of words. +It wasn't a pretty match. +It was very well received. +Part of the complex is historic. +SCOTLAND has shown the way. +It was just great. +It was blown out of proportion. +And Scotland is no different. +Certainly, we do as well. +We're going to fight it. +However, it's not all bad news for women. +I'm sure they will be very happy. +Tony Blair's spokesman insisted the decision came from Dublin. +This country has many challenges. +There can be no dispute about our history. +Lottery cash is rightly dependent on grassroots approval. +Everything was up for grabs. +That decision has already been made. +I'll never have problems with any football managers. +We just had a go. +Mr Blair should be warned. +We accept the challenge. +It may now be too expensive for anyone. +It had so much to do with output. +He, too, was unlucky not to get a goal. +I am greatly encouraged. +There has also been some Scots input. +That was enough for the committee.You can see the appeal of running away. +This must have been severe.Downing Street also rejected the calls for a European army. +A hard act to follow, but it is being followed. +It looks as though there is no chance. +The family is not interested in the value of the house. +Is something which we just don't do. +Jimmy returned to Aberdeen, but she remained with George. +However, it seems that he got it wrong. +I am very sorry that Alastair Campbell has taken this decision. +The referee had been right. +We have always maintained that we would never abandon Scottish football. +There could be no dispute about our history. +Then came the second round. +This is a young squad and we're all supporters. +The mother and daughter had moved into the property about six months ago. +And suddenly it became a free-for-all. +You know the sort of thing. +His funeral is not expected until next week. +He was to get his chance. +If not, he should go home. +I've got to provide for my family. +However, he was later released without charge. +It would be really interesting if they did. +That's the position that the MoD has adopted. +Look at the Liberal Democrats. +We are playing good football.We made a world record together. +Failure to comply with the order is likely to result in prison. +It is time to give her a rest. +They do not deliver. +Life is still very tough for them. +He refused to discuss his imminent retiral. +She was eight months pregnant at the time. +There is still hope. +Overall, the last hole was good to the women. +It is going to change the world. +It will come up here. +But we are not afraid of them. +They are still going to be impulsive. +Or is it the European approach? +The body follows the mind. +Now we see the impact of global politics. +We are not going to forget. +There is a growing anger among the group. +He had just returned to Thailand from Canada. +His death was a tragic accident. +I had enough on. +Companies have only recently been allowed to compete on price. +The women were on their way home yesterday. +You have to expect this type of thing. +This is a very special moment for me. +I have proved that in the past. +We accept the new rules. +Strangely enough I felt very sharp. +The feeling between the two men was mutual. +The results are very positive. +I am not a fan of stoppages. +We have made mistakes and were badly punished. +But these were the nights. +She went home from school and never returned. +All the teachers are Afghan refugees. +It is true, but it is only part of the issue. +Another suggested the company should carry only pedestrians. +The story was first reported in the Spectator magazine. +He said the move followed a downturn in business travel. +That gives us something to kick against. +I have always loved the countryside. +I was so relieved. +How do you take them away? +It is just too tough. +I would love to do that. +Do something that you haven't done before. +I didn't actually believe them at first. +The other children were severely mentally impaired. +It's a shame. +Fatherhood is important to Tony Blair. +It was, however, the wrong side. +Mr Wilson has received no such request. +In fact, I have even had a bet on them. +In fact, it was almost as if it was expected. +That is the only way forward. +Nato would ensure they could return home, he said. +This deal is a great boost for the Borders. +I felt we had fallen back a little. +Bobby Williamson has been brilliant. +The criteria have changed. +Perhaps it is the Crown Estate. +On a practical level, it would be difficult. +Of course it is. +History is in the making. +I don't believe a word of it. +It does not appear at this stage that alcohol was a factor. +Working with him is like working with myself. +Sadly, it is not to be. +That has been lost.Basically, they have to come up with the offer. +My office is bare. +That's how she wants to remember him. +In fact, it was Geoffrey Robinson. +The response from them was good. +I live on the streets of Glasgow. +It is patently true. +Do you think we're a top nation? +Yesterday Mr Hague dismissed the poll. +It was good for us that they lost that day. +It was a job he loved. +Next League matches, Aberdeen - Dundee. +Colin Cameron was excellent. +Last night they were being comforted by relatives. +The proposals are to be debated on Monday by city councillors. +However, his involvement was instant. +They said she had been visiting her son, who is unemployed. +There are not enough of them. +I intend to raise the matter there. +Now it has become a big picture. +I am pretty careful with money. +I should think so, too. +Who will deliver more service to Scotland? +Everything will fall into place, it should be fine. +I see it as my job. +I believe in public services. +Who would have thought it? +It became a national network. +Sponsors include the Sunday Herald. +Tomorrow we begin again as New Yorkers. +The net is closing. +That has not changed. +I was impressed with them. +He was right into football from an early age. +Tony Blair is taking a computer course. +But she's also beautiful behind the face. +It had been a magical moment. +The appeal tribunal will give its decision at a later date. +What will happen to them now? +It happens from time to time. +In the current outbreak, the reverse is true. +This is a very common type of bow, one showing mainly red and yellow, with little or no green or blue.It's nice to hear. +It's a winner. +That is the sensible outcome. +Instead, he was informed to join the line of creditors. +We are trying to do it properly. +As far as we are concerned, he is innocent anyway. +They've also enjoyed their share of good fortune. +It should be devolved. +Evidence must not be held back. +He is just a wonderful actor. +It is not so simple. +It's time to say enough is enough. +It's not a marketing scheme. +I came to complete. +I would have the hammer in the crowd. +The old manager, he didn't like me. +Suspension will come into force at midnight. +We're going to see a Government in a hurry. +The official also said no groups had made any terrorist claims involving the crash. +If the red of the second bow falls upon the green of the first, the result is to give a bow with an abnormally wide yellow band, since red and green light when mixed form yellow. +Having done it, he was asked again. +I will not be afraid. +It was that kind of war. +The happiness was slightly misplaced. +Almost the day after the election, the battle lines were drawn. +And this was well known? +We have to create it in the playing strength of the team. +My view has now changed completely. +There we were on the first tee. +He declined to give further details. +It really was a masterful innings. +Campbell said he hoped to build on that fighting spirit against Hearts. +He has a lot of skill. +Yet the job is far from over. +I'm not looking for a breakthrough. +It's an absolute disgrace. +The actors just have to say so. +You may have a short memory. +They are protesting, but they know it cannot go on. +This is a separate announcement which is in a different league. +This is about the Orange Order. +I know that you have a love of Scotland. +It wasn't to be. +Failure to react to each one could mean a disaster. +The Office is a show about nothing, then. +That is why we want this decision reversed. +The children, were not thought to be so seriously hurt. +They might be surprised by the response. +The main thing is that they enjoy it. +This was all well and good. +The demand is created by the supply. +Thankfully, for me, the matter is now closed. +Colonel, About this committee that is coming. +That is how we will be judged. +They loved it and it showed. +Any success would have been an improvement. +They are wrong. +That's not fair to the supporters. +What happens next? +In fact, that would be a distortion of the truth. +We welcome the ministers decision. +I think the Government should pay for that. +That has given me great confidence. +We were used to being in control. +Meanwhile, the Scottish Consumer Council yesterday offered support for the new Bill. +We may need to take some very radical measures. +Are they control freaks? +McMaster is keen to draw attention to others. +I would love to have him home. +The second goal was superb. +The name on the passport and other details have not been disclosed. +Last week against Nelson, we allowed them several opportunities. +We will be stronger in Berlin. +It's a wonderful piece of water. +We're not either of those things. +I think he has undergone a sea change. +Not that it is unique. +They don't have to, but they normally do. +Such is the scene of the tragedy. +We were extremely poor. +These are exciting times for young Scottish players. +Naturally, she said yes. +They were even being used by primary pupils. +The members have voted against it. +They got upset. +Others were even less confident. +I suspect that it will. +It should be a great game, though. +Tickets will be at a premium. +My wife is coming over at the weekend. +It was a goal which came from nothing. +The Greeks used to imagine that it was a sign from the gods to foretell war or heavy rain. +Because I was a very physical person. +There was an element of frustration. +We are not far from a deal. +Finally, we decided to put the whole speech in. +We are now in a safe place. +I hit you there. +What other retailer would do this? +No details were disclosed. +But they will be less attractive than that.What's a boy to do? +I couldn't believe it, but it looks like it's true. +To do so he reckons that a good opening result is essential. +Substantial pockets of resistance remain. +They haven't been thought through. +We want to get back into the Champions League. +This is thought to mean sometime next week.We meet again in Berlin. +It wasn't a good day for us. +That would be even more disastrous. +I'm trying to stay open on that. +All the people here are local. +There is nothing wrong with that. +The General Election is all to play for. +He added that he was very sad about O Neill. +Well, this article is a bit like that. +They discussed how he might get involved. +We shall rely on human beings. +Its national defence policy is defensive in nature. +Smith confirmed that their confidence was returning. +We are encouraged by the news. +After all, he is the King of Scotland. +Prospects for equity markets remain uncertain. +The other conditions were not specified. +We are waiting for them to calm down. +The first appeared to be successful. +This is rapidly becoming a fiasco. +It was just one of those things. +He then asked if he could have her seat and she refused. +Hasn't let anyone down? +At the election we will oppose the euro. +No-one is predicting a sudden rebound. +There has been a reduction in cleaning standards. +It could really have been a disaster.Are you in this movie? +It helped to get me noticed. +So it's a daily struggle. +However, there is an issue, isn't there? +One Minister said the reports were bizarre. +Playing in Europe is the benchmark. +It needs a rethink. +I am still waiting for a reply. +He finished the night in a cell. +The spirit in the squad is certainly good. +But who will buy it? +But these things are happening now. +The Dutchman was in time to see the breakthrough. +I can't see him reversing that.We can all make a mistake. +Clubs need to have their own drug abuse policies. +Scotland will not vote for New Labour next time. +His signature is his handwriting. +Hopefully we can put in a performance. +I wish I could see it again. +I am very excited about this season. +You can't go back and change things. +However, there could be more bad weather to come. +We have great sympathy with Danny. +It's been a terrible ordeal for Margaret. +The report was welcomed by the Law Society of Scotland. +The eye was badly closed on Sunday. +We have never met a previous Prime Minister. +But we have to plan for the future. +It went on to become an annual event. +I've thought a lot about the Commonwealths. +He is adamant that he is innocent. +I can't believe it. +They've two children. +It's going to be epic. +He was possessed +You can maintain regular contact. +I'm going to buy a car. +I managed to take her completely by surprise. +He admitted that he knew nothing about it. +We are about to have our own Parliament. +What is the Barnett formula? +It was a sickening sight. +I am the head. +Mr Chisholm said the move was made on the advice of consultants. +The team for the first game could be this one. +He has written to the minister after meetings on the island. +The faith of large numbers remain unknown. +This is the crossroads. +I've got nothing to say. +We are happy. +The problem arises because he does so much. +I have no plans to change the oath. +Here we go again.If the red of the second bow falls upon the green of the first, the result is to give a bow with an abnormally wide yellow band, since red and green yellow light when mixed form yellow. +It was finally agreed on Saturday. +You go in there and do it. +Washington is consumed by the crisis. +A suspicion was not enough. +To begin with it looks good. +The truth is he probably doesn't. +Further management changes are planned. +They were looking for things. +The reason is to do with the nature of the Scotland manager. +We will likely look for new investors. +More than half of the school collapsed.They want it to work. +What's the point of staying sober? +It is a very demanding course. +That was not the norm. +We are really good friends.She says she has grown up. +We are waiting for advice on the film. +They prepared some food very quickly. +No, they have played well. +Our relationship has been very good. +It's a very special unit. +Where was their passion, the power, the feeling? +An appeal against the sentence was dismissed the following year. +It is the men who create the demand. +I am in a very difficult position. +Naturally enough, the letter in question was an E. +There is no excuse for domestic abuse. +That will be the criteria for the future. +Still, in the end, it was a fair result. +They could change them tomorrow. +It was an easy decision to come here. +It is a real problem. +We don't have money to get to town. +It has not yet opened to pupils. +The message is just not getting through. +How does it all work? +I'm so proud of my team.However, she is female, and so. +Who do you think will win? +This is equally relevant to the landowner. +More cases are expected.You know the score. +The Yugoslav army will still be there. +Under Alex Ferguson, Aberdeen showed it could be done. +I've always been a sensitive. +The fate of large numbers remains unknown. +We won very easily. +That is a question for the next manager. +That was the biggest game of my life. +He put a lot of effort into it. +We beat the Welsh team. +The whole family was in shock. +I was ready to shoot the day I read the screenplay. +Is he conscious? +They had to have hospital treatment. +It will also require a lengthy series of clinical trials. +My mother is a widow. +There is a review outgoing at the moment. +I went away to recover fully. +The business model is actually very exciting. +That is a matter for the Scottish Parliament. +And we have the experience. +I have no further comment to make. +The Scottish Prison Service said it could not comment on the visit. +They say they feel different. +Manager Neil Cooper revealed yesterday. +And the audience is a surprise. +I am quite excited about it. +Wednesday's decision came as a surprise. +There's no evidence he was ever there. +In my opinion, it was not working perfectly. +We shall be ready for Rangers. +That, though, was again according to the manager McCall. +He also launched a new strategy for the agency. +They are very keen to work with us. +It's an issue that will have to be tackled. +Medical staff are with them at the moment. +The feeling is marvellous. +I've got to hold my own hands up for this one. +Make sure you see it. +We didn't deserve to win. +So I liked the challenge. +He is appealing to women. +Mr Cook, a left-winger from Britain, would be ideally placed. +It's a dead end. +Before he left, the skipper said the crew were brilliant. +These take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon.It is a matter for Westminster. +A similar scheme is under way in central Scotland. +It's very safe. +We're very, very excited. +The Treasury confirmed that the latter was correct.It could well be military. +On my day I can beat anyone. +I see no reason to doubt that the situation in Scotland is any different. +There is enormous interest in Scotland the Brand. +We are not conducting the review. +Brian Wilson, in case you didn't know, is a genius. +The conductor, too, will have adjustments to make. +It is harder than you think. +He will now seek to sell his shares in the club. +We deserved the three points. +It is very hard for her. +The captaincy will help that, too. +No decision on that was taken. +I wouldn't have wanted any other way. +Serb forces then opened fire in their direction. +We want him to continue that way. +Governments will have to respond. +No-one else was hurt. +We will meet again. +Details will be published in The Herald in the coming weeks. +Would he ever go back to the beginning? +He added, We are not prepared for war. +They recorded their debut album in New York. +Mary Archer is almost too clever. +It can help. +He always has been, since his early days with Scottish Opera. +He seems to have everything. +I'm looking forward to the next two weeks.It was entirely justified. +Look at a computer. +The four characters could be one somebody suggested. +I sit in the car. +The classes are taking place. +The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops, and the width of the colored band increases as the size of the drops increases. +There's still no-one like him. +The protest will go ahead as planned. +Their mind was already made up. +Then it was into a series of classes. +That will be the sweetness. +My body is exhausted. +The amount of energy in a tornado is enormous. +The plot is changing as time goes on. +The second is the reaction of the Hibs fans. +For some, it might not make too much difference. +The gap is closing. +The bookies have got it about right.It's one up to the Scots. +Home is in the Scottish Borders. +See the amazing arrogance of this, they say. +Awareness in Europe of Scotland is high. +He did his job. +I think the overall picture is still strong. +There was no trouble at all. +Destruction came from within. +Friends of the Earth Scotland last night welcomed the announcement. +I felt he was excellent. +MAN is fully listed on the London Stock Exchange. +Saturday's match was fairly straightforward. +But that isn't what is worrying the Farmer. +His voice is strong. +We have to offer value for money. +They were the best team, but unlucky in the end. +That was enough for the committee. +We were caught out. +She seemed as moved by her own words as her audience were. +He played it like a veteran. +You've caught a serial killer. +He will be a major challenger next year. +The firm also has a construction division. +It gives a commitment. +It really is tremendous. +No-one, not even the Scottish Arts Council, was interested in her. +It's not like us. +I am getting long in the tooth. +He will go on the bench. +That had not happened on this occasion. +I didn't have a clue. +That capital would be provided equally by the State and established commercial companies. +Mini rugby is a great thing. +However, there are no plans for injecting rooms. +His is a global perspective. +It's not a great art. +Other forces were, however, at work. +There is no evidence of a Little Scotland emerging. +Do you think you have a shot? +They seem to turn up for them. +A teacher is, really, about unity. +This is the last thing we ever expected. +The Old Firm are growing. +The concerns are the same. +She has seen, or heard, it all. +It has happened for generations. +It was one of the firemen. +They also intend to travel today. +So what's the shape, and what's the detail? +From it emerged a cup. +I am not going to make any further comment, apart from that. +Analysts had a mixed reaction to the numbers. +We even changed the system three times but it didn't help. +This came as no great surprise to anyone. +Inside, there is a kind of madness. +Industry leaders reacted angrily. +Dunfermline manager Jimmy Calderwood was candid. +I should never have come over to Fife. +It's a difficult job. +And it's difficult to argue. +It is somewhere to be. +It was better than a soap opera. +He had taken everything from me. +It was a journey into a new life. +Today the Kremlin would be contacted in seconds. +Halifax has also been mentioned as a likely predator. +It is a high time to act. +We do not have the papers. +We talk about effective military action. +Ask her to bring these things with her from the store. +The players will be down. +I didn't know that I had a court appearance on Wednesday. +No, it's never been mentioned. +I knew him a little. +It's about bringing people in, breaking down barriers. +Since then, he has played no active part in the company. +Well, it's not before time, is it? +This process of attrition is expected to continue. +He intends to appeal the sentences. +But the action is about to be restarted. +This will take several weeks. +They were described as being in a serious but stable condition yesterday. +My targets for the Scottish Conservative party are high. +If people are genuine, then the problem is not Osama bin Laden. +This represents a tough game for us. +I don't think it is vital. +Inquiries are still in an early stage. +I had never done anything like it before. +We're working on it night and day. +It's just a different way of life. +We have already begun to do that here. +I felt my father was very hard. +Teachers have been given the offer. +History is made at the Masters. +His silence on the issue is interesting. +Is it any good? +Wagner was never like this. +But I was glad to see these interviews. +They have played their part. +I hope he stays. +There is much work to do. +We have a substantial value of assets on the ground. +Somebody has to speak up for common sense. +I can't remember a lot about the accident. +Alex Ferguson is the same. +It certainly sounded it at times. +He met his wife and married in England. +They can leave at any time. +It's always a difficult game against England. +We've got a job to do. +Safety is our first concern. +It is not a matter of concern. +That's how he did the damage. +We want to learn lessons from that. +But the story of the play is worth a play in itself. +It's going to happen. +It was a game we had to win. +If you believe in the blue and white. +I am an innocent man. +Technically, it was a very good performance by Scotland. +I just carry on with my work. +It is all starting to come together. +She does not see anything ever changing. +I believe that the answer is simple. +But they can also be managed by telephone. +It shows that we are civilised society. +There is nothing to be gained from that. +She's a valuable member of the Government. +We remain committed to it, as does the government. +It is not really used by many people. +But someone forgot to tell the Chechens.It is unusual. +Anything can happen - at any moment. +Only he's not as young as he looks. +I've had no discussions with the chairman or the board. +He said it was for sale. +It is an absolute nonsense. +His second was a beauty. +Her life is now back on track. +That is the crunch. +We have a free vote on these things in our party. +This is a problem we have to tackle. +The key to the whole project will be environmental concern. +This is very disturbing news.That is not the case. +It was seriously unpleasant. +No, because it was too many. +I have beaten her a few times. +Seven British members of the club are missing. +It was far more important than that. +You have to be realistic. +How do you respond to losing your child? +Hopefully they will turn out tonight. +This is a lie. +We have to create a climate of trust, which is not easy. +This is a huge event.He lives in a neighbouring village. +Not in this production he doesn't. +Quality Meat Scotland was vigorous in its defence of the labelling. +They are all bright and different. +I'm really happy with how things went there. +And huge, indeed, it is. +This would not be my first choice. +Club rugby refuses to die. +Who was that? +I was just appalled at the way they behaved. +It's a matter of time. +They would have looked out for each other. +It has been handled entirely properly. +It's a good start. +These things happen in football but shouldn't. +My neighbours are horrified.We had to laugh. +The show is at an end. +And they all had these other commitments. +It depends on Labour, not on us. +I feel my parents are in New York. +What was all that about? +I was in prison for a year. +Must be prepared to use it. +He said the director had been completely friendly. +We have a business to run. +It was not pretty. +There is another important factor. +The songs are just so good. +It is too much to take in. +There remains some Scottish influence, however. +There is a similar story for milk and dairy products. +The success story shows no signs of stopping. +This is a dream come true for me. +It is fantastic that other women will be able to benefit. +The driver just insulted me. +It must be tough to live with. +Paul never gave up hope. +Surely the panel was interested? +A regular bus service runs between the hall and the town centre. +That takes time and games and practice. +Mr King, who was present at yesterday's hearing, refused to comment. +The first is in Whitehall, the second in Brussels. +If they don't, they might well decide not to play. +There are big names. +Scottish Parliament should set an example for Westminster to follow. +I'm pleased for him. +I agree with you about this. +But this time we can have no excuses. +I wanted to change the formula. +He wants to win a major. +The criminal justice system doesn't deliver.He was failed by his health authority. +Opera must get its house in order +I have never been overly ambitious. +These services may also have to be cut. +I know I'm in a very special position. +It was cynical and callous. +It has paid off. +I thought that all musicians were the same. +Bombing is the easy option. +It is very special for me. +It's very tragic and traumatic. +There are so many unanswered questions. +We have come a long way since then. +This is a club on the rise. +It is a case of taking a risk. +My daughter is an adult. +Our people should be immune. +YOU thought it was a headache. +I grew up with that in the amateur game. +The culture is extremely widespread and vibrant. +It's easy to be negative about these things. +The team is in division one in Spain. +There were other problems for Brown yesterday. +There is no shortage of commitment. +Worse still, it can be infectious.Last weekend he was awful. +That view is held by many others within the industry. +An announcement is expected this week. +But a surprise is in store. +Green is desperate to play on The Open. +It was just another play. +What's the big idea?We speak about the performance. +It really is good to be back. +One season, they might do well. +The banking sector was weak. +I'm happy to contribute to that. +I'm not a threat to coaches. +In both cases, I suffered a fiasco. +I am not going to sit back. +The film has also been superbly designed. +I think it's a great system. +The hotel was now for sale. +Health experts said they were not surprised by the findings. +It has the Bank of Scotland behind it. +Couldn't see the point. +I have no problem with that. +At present it is fairly uncommon, but its incidence is increasing. +Treasury spokesman Malcolm Bruce is also considered a potential contender. +They have worked with each other. +It is also hoped big name stars could be brought on board. +There were few surprises. +Six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother Bob.We won't let you down. +The goals will come. +It is very difficult. +Colour is another problem. +He died in September. +I am very sorry to hear about this. +A European final must be the millennium target. +People tended to stay there for some time. +I'm just going to do my best. +Buckingham Palace said the appointment was a matter for the prince. +He said legal action could be considered. +His arguments were supported by Mr Bevan. +The European Court is our only option. +I remain a buyer of the shares. +I was just getting over the time difference. +And now he tells us. +Death is outside the language. +And they haven't taken the foot off the gas. +The real problem is the Usher Hall. +If they don't, they won't get what they want. +They were understanding and thoroughly deserved their win. +People just came on their own. +In short, the club was broke. +The building was starting to come down. +There is a problem. +People are fed up. +We created so many chances. +He can be beaten. +He must have seen the movie. +We thought we would never see them again. +They set up to win the hole. +That would be a danger. +And he's the real thing. +He went to see what he could learn. +It should be a pretty exciting session. +It is playing long, but it is also in beautiful condition. +The full price was accepted by them. +He's a sort of mystery figure. +The most important thing in theatre is to listen. +This should come as no surprise. +That review will look at the management across the sector as a whole. +The strategy is not without risk. +I saw the story, but that amount wouldn't even pay my commission. +It's not a U-turn. +That is European law. +But by that time, it was too late. +However, the decision has been welcomed by Scottish Enterprise officials. +We are already seeing some positive results. +It seems a good thing to try. +It was like a vacuum. +He had reason to be pleased. +This plan is an agenda for action. +We are almost at that point, but not quite. +It seems a long time ago. +I was not a joiner. +I'm not talking about his career. +Ferguson had a most productive afternoon. +Their opening was disastrous. +Nobody can take it away from me. +But the killing will continue. +Scotland, is an increasing concern for young people. +Neil is never going to come back. +It is highly unlikely.It's all too early. +He has every right to do that. +All of us in Scotland should be viligant. +I think it is a sensible change. +But we have come under attack. +He had a horror. +Some days are different from others. +Bomber was not amused. +You can see the damage that has been done. +Just what we didn't need. +It is a good result. +I am not interested in the money, it is the principle. +Age is not like other forms of discrimination. +They want to prove a point. +It's something he has worked very hard on. +Rangers can expect a physical battle in the national stadium tonight. +I know nothing about that. +What's wrong with that? +It was some time before she found out he was safe. +It is hard to believe. +He didn't let me down. +There are a lot of examples. +It's not just about the shows. +It came as a surprise because my job is to go backwards. +I don't think the action was a mistake. +I reminded myself that we were not talking about a death. +Neither police nor hotel management had any record of the incident. +He has already received the Freedom of Aberdeen. +Instead, another depression came in. +Waiting times for these services are too long. +Hospital staff described his condition as serious but stable. +It was published yesterday on the internet. +Are you listening, All Saints? +This should put downward pressure on inflation. +His name is Michael Owen. +It seems to have worked.Where is the anthrax? +I have great respect for all my players. +It would appear that it has not been a problem. +There's a tremendous amount of adventure. +It is not a standing army. +So what's in store? +The woman is a star who has grown to love the limelight. +However, pensions and salaries have yet to be settled. +What method of funding is being used? +I just wanted a break. +We told them in August. +The government agreed to pay. +I will be standing. +Somebody should have noticed that something was wrong. +I had to be into it. +It may be down, but New York is not out. +Let there be no doubt about that. +That alibi is now gone. +We will turn the corner. +Like last month, it is simply too early to make a call. +That is very, very bad news for our nation. +They will give it a couple of years. +Because I think it's there. +Things were not easy from the outset. +This does not create any precedent. +It's a production company. +I didn't even have the first idea. +The deadline for selecting the electors is today. +Will have consequences for Scottish universities. +Who will do it? +He had suffered a heart attack. +EMI is a prime example. +He's not getting into any games. +Lifeboat is at the Tron Theatre, Glasgow, tonight. +This gives a financial incentive to switch. +This is great news for us. +They say he wants to go to England. +This one would have been. +We have to be sure that the taxation system can work. +She has left the island. +Iain Duncan Smith is a decent man. +And does it? +I have never done that.Can you imagine a world without design? +There was no let-up for the minnows. +The time was right. +He may not need to force that message. +Other members of the family were too upset to comment last night. +I don't have a problem with getting older. +That has been lost. +She has always been very friendly. +The prison has been affected by unrest in the past. +It is a sign of hope. +It is all credit to them today. +However, we came through. +He has real potential. +I would like to continue to develop. +We are not aware of any British casualties at this stage. +She is an expert on medical ethics. +Until you hit the big games. +Nothing would now surprise me. +Dancing was her life. +We will be back next year. +That is a tragedy. +Now, that is a good deal. +I've got three other ideas for the day. +It will include the Black Watch, the Royal Highland regiment. +For the Scottish judges, the affair is very delicate and unique. +He is the son of former chairman, Lord Wolfson. +We welcome the decisions of Mr Byers. +Actually, it turned out to be the concerto. +He will make a statement on the dispute in the Commons tomorrow. +He knows what he's got to do. +It is so out of character. +Locate in Scotland also refused to comment. +By then, he was walking on water. +Let's make this clear. +It's very bad timing, but it's happened. +There has been a fair bit in between, too. +Taxes may need to rise. +Luckily, our patient was stable. +I watch the other visitors. +You are going to go to jail. +You can't really compare. +No, it's actually in a block of flats. +It was a breathtaking moment. +What is their concern? +It doesn't look good. +A succession of managers in the opera company resigned. +His day had started much like any other Sunday. +It was to be published next month. +The problem is worse in Scotland. +I am amazed at what he's done. +But someone forgot to tell the Chechens. +He is trying really hard. +They've got a sort of unwritten contract. +Yet it seemed to work. +US is the only country to vote against resolution. +A neighbour said. +Henry should go now. +I did not want any damage to us. +It's the whole package. +However, it very nearly went wrong. +He admitted afterwards that he didn't know much about it. +I have to accept that. +I've never done that before in my life.I am not against a further inquiry.Was the punishment excessive? +The Government should be ashamed. +The plot is simple. +When we started the album. +Rebuilding public transport was never going to happen overnight. +That was the case with David. +Britain is going to celebrate in style. +He liked to talk. +But it's a subtle process. +He had missed a penalty against the English. +I have not had much of him. +All these things have an impact. +They were good neighbours.I thought he was an animal. +Neither woman has been named. +Sales will begin by the end of October. +However, the approach is not believed to be hostile. +But his speech was delivered by a senior civil servant. +You must have a government and a good civil service. +For these people, the ruling is very welcome. +Brown is an interesting man, but he is not desperate. +I'm delighted about that. +We are aiming for early March. +You are going to take away my life. +It was important to win today. +The princess has had other health problems. +But it's just great to have won. +There was a lot of resentment. +We are asking the council to think again. +It may take time to get it back. +This is the subway. +I was furious about it. +But is it ethical to practice in humans? +I was not about to hit him.Rehearsals will start in the new year for the extended season. +This research is extremely promising. +He has a real potential. +Maybe she is right. +It's great, because it takes a lot of pressure off the players. +Everything happened so quickly. +I am not among its admirers. +We are getting there. +A parliament for England is the only way to redress the balance. +This isn't a betrayal of public services, it's their renewal. +These figures are truly terrible. +He planned to relocate to Scotland, probably Edinburgh. +I'd never be satisfied with just the relay. +Do you think they would be any better? +No-one has yet been charged. +The morale of the Yugoslav army is beginning to crack. +We are taking advice on this. +They haven't run away. +It was tough to contain the excitement. +Police are appealing for witnesses to the accident. +It was too close to call. +He had never run the distance before. +We do not comment on the behaviour of our authors. +Now there is an even bigger target. +It was an amazing result. +George Mitchell is trying to close the gap. +He has been told by the doctor to rest. +But it looks good for next year. +Clark was desperate to return to the House of Commons. +I don't have any answer for them. +Nothing is lost, everything is recycled. +Together, we can make a difference. +He added later, Normally, it's not a dangerous river. +It will now take over the running of the estate. +They are in the euro. +I felt the head was very like me. +These things just happen. +The proposal was rejected. +Alex Smith has been a massive influence on my career as well. +And right now, it isn't there. +Choice is a good thing. +Don't even bother applying. +Everyone is in favour of the need for welfare reform in general. +There was no commission. +Most of the works are small in scale. +That is the position the MoD has adopted. +It was a crazy day. +Players want to know what is on offer. +The visual arts committee took this decision in December. +You have to count on other people. +He has lost confidence and weight. +It's my delight on a shiny night. +This is not a faceless system. +That is where our future lies. +Directing, if you like. +Then they scored two goals to win. +His body was never found. +It is a victory to that extent. +Classes must be reduced by half. +It's fantastic to win again. +I was brought up in a mining background. +Footage has been passed on to the police. +We need to move away from the culture of long hours. +People can really get themselves in a mess. +She returned to the theatre. +Please call Stella. +We have to break that cycle. +It was a bit like having children. +I have worked with him on projects. +No production contract is yet in sight. +However, you have just got to adjust it. +It seemed a moving and fitting tribute. +It is, in other words, Entrapment by another name. +They bought the property four years ago. +I think the goalkeeper should have gone. +You can't keep them separate. +The course has helped a lot. +Lancashire Police said they were not treating the death as suspicious. +Let us hope so. +There's still a bit to go. +Everyone is working together to resolve the problems. +Yesterday's session was the last full one before Christmas. +The night is young. +They offered to make an investment into it. +Worry can have that effect on some citizens. +It is a great shame. +It is difficult to say. +No such meeting took place. +Bob Dylan is getting old. +Now it's all written down. +It only increased the support for him. +I really have to go now. +Our performance wasn't perfect. +He scored a touchdown. +That is a data management problem. +I can't deny that fact. +But it was for charity, just a bit of fun. +Manchester United were still trying up to yesterday. +SO now we know the secret. +I haven't just gone in, done a three-hour rehearsal, and gone. +There were no grounds for his action. +The other businesses were based in Yorkshire and Northern Ireland. +The police have an awful lot to explain. +It is a triumphant performance, which defies the years. +It was a funny game. +We're looking at the Citizens Theatre the Lyceum. +I think it is wide open. +He didn't want me to leave the house. +This is a historic occasion. +She will do for me. +You didn't get a modified. +McMaster is keen to draw attention to others.There was nobody on the roof. +It took about five or six hours. +He is doing the right things.It's a lovely, lovely film. +We're not an employment agency. +I think it can count against you now. +Charles Gordon, leader of Glasgow City Council declined to comment. +We are not the first to be affected. +We're very, very happy. +They were impressive against France. +That, though, is to miss the point. +He was charged with perjury. +I want a free vote. +He knows he is good. +On his first public appearance, Mr Cameron found himself under fire. +If we live forever, can we really be said to live? +We have it on video. +But there are no plans. +I'm just delighted to take it. +I'm not allowed to speak to anyone. +They haven't got the uniform. +It may not even be possible. +That is important for the club. +Both men were uninjured. +However, the force has not yet received a formal complaint. +I go in for the parts. +We need to handle it. +As our national coach, Brown is done for. +There is no hiding place in it, no room for passengers. +Even more harrowing, though, was the reception from her husband and manager. +Let the voters decide. +I know it is going to be difficult.There was a hell of a row. +So, what's it about? +We hope for a fresh board with a fresh, clear look at things. +The pressure was now back on Mr Arafat. +It's not ideal. +I have been totally taken aback by this.However, within five minutes they were able to celebrate. +I kept my side of the bargain. +He was then replaced by Ross. +They tend to be female and retired. +I know a lot of people who don't. +It looks at public interest issues. +There's a lot of it going on. +The post will be unpaid. +The offer of help is there for anyone. +That in itself is an erotic experience. +If that is the perception, that has to be addressed. +It is turning that way all across Europe. +We have to learn lessons from these things. +There is a precedent for the theory.The circumstances have changed since last year. +But who shot the president? +It's the way we go about it. +And that's the question for the Chamber. +They might also be parlous. +I don't know how they make the weight. +Scotland played a major part in the project. +He is a pro. +We had a great time when we came with Easy Rider. +It was a good workout. +He replied that it was a dilemma. +Two things were clear from the new programme. +Therefore, this type of aircraft is completely safe. +Next league matches, Dundee United Rangers. +He edited the press release. +It seems a shame to leave it. +Subsidy income will not be affected. +Oil embargo endorsed. +We just need the Government to act. +Where is the money coming from? +Our focus remains on quality revenue. +There is another side to it. +Tonight is very special. +I wouldn't say this is normal. +It's not a new device. +It is a time bomb. +It's also important that they are not seen as a soft option. +Which Scot is likely to emulate his achievements? +McMaster had already seen the first part. +I am very encouraged by this poll. +At first I thought I was gone. +If true, it will be the first sign of dissent. +I didn't really expect to be called up. +The European is a piece of vanity publishing. +They take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. +We keep an eye on it. +It was complete nonsense. +I don't think they are too serious. +You can't give in to the vandals. +They failed to reach agreement yesterday. +One letter from a teacher arrived at Christmas. +Three years ago he would have been.What was the main difference? +Now we see no mention of rising rates. +These decisions are not simple. +It's like a score in some ways. +I was the trial judge in both. +We want immediate action. +This is the direction we need to go.Part of Johnny was found some days after. +But this is nonsense. +It almost certainly is. +Who cares about that? +But you can go beyond that condition. +I get very excited by that. +He said because people had invited him. +My back is feeling really good. +I haven't enjoyed the last couple of years. +We have been going for three years. +Is the war over? +However, it was a different story in the final. +The capital costs are modest. +The outcome is now in our own hands. +It was a Budget for jobs for Scotland. +This is a war over our home. +We reckon we can do very well. +This was repeated the second time. +The story was being repeated across Scotland. +They will have to make changes. +Germany also said it was unimpressed. +The Greeks used to imagine that it was a sign from the gods to foretell war or heavy rain. +They are a very good side, without a doubt. +We are not prepared to do that. +Its future is no longer in question. +England could not take anything for granted, however. +People have been wonderful beyond belief. +The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which gods passed from earth to their home in the sky. +We need to make more inquiries about that. +We're still talking with a few people. +Three people were pronounced dead at the scene. +Italy was just behind the US. +It wasn't a flight of fancy. +It means they actually control the programme. +That, he claimed, was essential. +Are there any he wants to play? +Lovely day isn't it? +The trial continues today. +The pressure on the players will build. +It is hard to avoid the conclusion that lessons have been learned. +The allegations were still under investigation, he added. +Frank Warren is a great man. +Nancy is not sure how she feels. +LET there be light. +It's a blunt instrument anyway. +The final stage is paranoia. +There is no right to appeal. +Boy is the town a mess. +She is given a new deputy minister for transport and planning. +I don't think we could have expected better.There are two problems. +And he is immensely loyal. +O, Is there a lot of blood? +It was the same old story. +That doesn't just happen, you have to build it. +It's just one of those things. +It was between myself, the management, and the team. +The problems are a result of that shortfall. +Sacking John Redwood is a disaster. +Only the details have to be sorted out. +Five minutes later, the home team were back in front. +We must stop it with the golf ball. +It has helped focus attention on junior golf. +It is not needed, it should go. +Our idea is to share and lower the cost. +England will be under a lot of pressure. +I have got a wife to feed. +It's a great idea. +It's up to their parents to choose. +That's been the difference between the sides. +And we have a singer. +Last night, she refused to comment on the accident. +How can they get one? +I hope we've reached the bottom now. +Was it just negligent. +It's as we were yesterday. +All things are possible if you believe. +That is for white people. +Mr Burrell was arrested almost a year ago. +I am a wealthy person. +Everyone is deeply shocked by this appaling accident. +Subs not used, McCulloch. +He was just a journalist. +We have the experience, the courses, and an abundance of confidence. +I've learned from my mistakes. +This is excellent news for the workforce. +The line-up is a tasty one. +On the ground, the West Bank was again the focus of violence. +She is superb. +It's not before time. +It is the worst of both worlds.I am delighted with today's win. +If the director is with you. +Parents do not know very much about drugs. +I've no passion for any country. +They were the better side on the day. +It is, honestly, difficult to write about this. +It was more like a Labour Party rally. +Two of the team became ill. +That admission is not surprising. +It was a hard fight. +I tried to push him away. +Murray Financial has fallen at the first hurdle. +The whole thing has been a nightmare. +The whole thing will be great. +I told them they shouldn't say that. +The labour side had developed in the North area. +I gave him a way out, and he took it. +Trading is tough at the moment. +There is nothing to fear. +A great deal has been achieved. +It can take a long time. +What's it going to be then? +Nobody said it was required. +He's a very promising player, indeed.We had planned to sell the property for some time. +He loved his children. +In fact, they are the future of investment. +That's interesting to me. +It is too early to say. +We could not get any possession. +Referees are easy targets. +We have a good healthy debate. +Of course it's a bunch of trouble.He is very popular in the squad, in England, and abroad. +There is so much at stake. +Neil knows the score. +The baby was later transferred to a hospital in Glasgow. +The orchestra is quite good, but the hall is terrible. +It was a long time coming. +Their three other children had died as infants. +We would have concerns about that. +Everyone around the club was supportive. +Arguably, they have already done it. +Star and producer were in agreement about their opinion of the director. +I fell against him. +It's going to be a new challenge. +The Prime Minister was very honest and sincere. +A report is expected next month. +That'd be good for the whole city. +Colin said, You get through the day-to-day by looking at the future. +We will pay their bills. +The alliance said it may not wait. +The merger was welcomed by Tony Blair. +I'm sure that clubs will all be delighted. +I'm pleased with the horse. +What's it got to do with them, anyway? +She had kept the news from him. +It was good to work with them.Three weeks later, he resigned. +I was caught out a little bit. +For his opposite number, this was a just triumph. +He moved back to Edinburgh, where he lived with his mother. +A Foreign Office spokesman declined to comment. +There is a lot to be done. +I believe that gap is nearly there. +I said at the time it was wrong. +I want my country to be a republic, not an empire. +He was rejected because he had retired. +They responded well after the run of defeats. +If he does not leave, he will be shot. +But, still, it wasn't working. +Token gestures of tiny tax cuts will not do. +I had been at the Evening Standard for two years. +It is so beautiful. +He should have asked for a second opinion. +Analysts welcomed the news. +Everyone was writing me off. +They are different types. +We have not had a formal request. +She failed to win any of them. +There is no musical background in his family. +Angola was a really hard place. +Will they fall in love? +Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott appealed for privacy. +I only half believe it. +If only we had known. +Nobody did in those days. +They went to the press. +Its first awards will do just that. +It's a creative energy. +After that, it's a step into the unknown. +We have to have a full statement to Parliament. +I would love it. +I have every confidence in Raymond Robertson as chairman of the party. +That is not a position they enjoy. +The Government is keen to promote the growth of friendly societies. +The task force continues to be in discussion with both companies. +I'm aware that somebody made a threat. +We have a budget in March. +The acting left a lot to be desired. +The group is due to publish its report in the autumn. +Yet the improvement in behaviour was huge. +He released a half-dozen solo albums. +He is very concerned about his fitness as a footballer. +We started to struggle with each other towards the end. +You look like a rugby player. +He is a right bastard. +The party has never fully recovered. +I could live without the attention, he admitted. +It's the performance we want. +My goals have never changed. +It was his own decision. +It could work. +I am a lucky man. +However, a bid was never made. +They have set the standard. +As a schoolteacher he was an excellent coach. +I'm looking at ways to do that now. +Everyone would have been happy. +It was nothing to do with my daughter. +I think it's a big advantage to us. +Andrew McLellan is no exception. +The website is now being amended. +Or so everyone believed. +By this point the couple were approaching fast. +Some were close to tears. +It will never happen. +What would be the timetable for withdrawal? +We have no excuses. +I can't wait to meet him. +The problem is Labour. +We have to go for a win. +Even if he doesn't have any lines. +Partition is not an option. +And thought we would get away with it. +No options are excluded at all. +He had played very well. +Completion of the purchase is seen by the end of the year. +The Government has listened. +The deadline is real and absolute. +It's a way of life. +This isn't a new problem. +In football terms, though, Kilmarnock are well in the black. +It is minute. +So far he has not done so. +Stephen has never considered the question of compensation. +We have a genuine budget in place. +I was the willing journeyman. +It was just great.I am not changing my event. +Another man said, It was horrible. +This is a question of Islam. +One thing is certain. +He was a legend.Such a policy would be a disaster. +Why is that? +Everything is now in place for Manchester. +You will gain from that. +Our position remains the same. +It was frightening, intense, and primal theatre. +I just couldn't believe what had happened. +This is a trend which will be encouraged. +Would you have ever believed that was possible? +They have not let anyone into the loop. +There was a final revealing detail about the broadcast. +He had returned to die. +The tickets will be on sale today at the ticket office. +He's a good player, but he's not the only one. +This advice was accepted by ministers. +It was an important part of the course.It is not all good news and relief for Labour, however. +We are committed to the ban. +It's not in my nature. +We are not going to fight in Kosovo. +This is very bad news. +The frustration was showing. +I have received no explanation. +We're not getting involved. +But someone has got to do it. +Talks have continued at many different levels. +But he did not appear. +You should be there with six different characters. +However, on the other hand, in principle it is plainly wrong. +In order to get there, we have got to invest. +Lara is very, very much a girl. +Money is not everything in life. +The picture in Glasgow was improving, he added. +I am deeply sorry they did. +That was a huge experience. +The show is sold out, like the others in the run. +He was not alone at the top of the board. +It was not being marketed properly. +But no such amendment has been brought before the Scottish Parliament. +Four had been brought down. +You hope he prevails. +That certainly brought me back down to earth. +McCarthy said it would look at other means of tackling market abuse. +He said something in his work. +I could see his desire for the job in his eyes. +The firm was working.For next season, we have time to restructure. +It wasn't a conscious decision not to shout. +It won't be their last. +I am awaiting a reply. +No, you couldn't make it up. +We have nowhere to go. +No-one can take it in. +We are making progress on waiting lists. +This takes the pressure off. +We are seeing a Government in a hurry.It appears to have been successful. +No one can say that about me. +The departure of Mr Johnston was reported by The Herald yesterday. +The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which the gods passed from the earth to their home in the sky. +Each day is a new beginning. +He has not been dropped. +So is there anything left to say? +We have got away with it. +However, it is not as simple as this. +Today has been a good day for Northern Ireland. +Drugs are always an issue. +I will not walk away from this job. +Gordon Marshall was outstanding against us. +Both sides have been hit by injury. +I have a choice. +I am not a fan of books. +That's what we're trying to achieve. +Hopefully it will be a good day. +No, no, it's not what you think. +The Israeli military denied the claim.This is a defining moment in this parliament. +Parts of the system are already overstretched. +Everything is coming together well. +This was the performance, and the result they needed. +It is really special to me. +Hopefully, it will be good enough. +I am not changing my mind. +No other family members could be contacted. +The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors.It was a bit of a shock. +Share prices have fallen for three years in a row. +The whole region is in shock. +We haven't finished the complaints procedure. +Those people must be accountable. +Donald Dewar was passionate about his politics. +He asked me in a tolerance zone. +The confidence isn't there now. +There were no reported injuries. +This is a frightening development. +It's a sign of the times. +I suppose it is quite exciting really. +And they never show the same film as a rival. +This news is really depressing. +A review of the decision is being sought. +I've tried to get on with my life. +This would indicate a surge in inflation was unlikely. +They're just a nonsense. +But soon the game dropped back into its old ways. +There will always be problems on the way. +Altman has every right to be bitter. +The Cabinet is split over the issue. +That could be at least five years away. +That is a waste of energy. +She looked very, very poor. +It will not be easy. +However, many questions remained unanswered. +It looks that way. +Nobody else was with me. +They also recovered a picture of Osama bin Laden. +Our team is just so young. +The site was launched in the UK on Monday. +We suspect he was pleased. +Does that put pressure on us? +I thought their commitment was superb. +He already had had complaints. +They thought they couldn't get any. +We are committed to realising the potential of every child. +What's happening to her? +The text is reduced to bubbles. +Our Great Depression is our lives. +She reflects a bit. +Strathclyde Police are expected to make an announcement next month. +It is so very obvious. +We didn't want any trouble. +This has been a difficult time for me. +Thirty people have applied for his job! +The attacker died in the crash. +But you have to give credit to Dunfermline. +We await a decision. +The best option is to destroy the plants. +I still feel like a wee boy. +We deserve a significant rise. +Local managers are already involved in talks with potential investors. +He had no previous convictions. +I've just got to do this. +Britain is a peaceful nation. +But what lies ahead? +The trouble is, though, that there is no simple solution. +Is there anything in the wound? +This was a unique election. +As agreed, the prime minister was driven to Westminister Hall. +I don't have any perspective on it. +He confirmed the coaching structure was already under review. +The cost of war is more than that. +The shooting created panic in the street. +Yes, we can beat them. +History is usually written by the victors. +It's the traumatic event in the childhood of the nation. +This is our way to make our point. +He left pretty quickly. +Haven't been so lucky since. +Lothian and Borders police are appealing for witnesses. +When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act as a prism and form a rainbow. +It is a terrible thing to have happened. +He also does not get on with Christina. +His appeal is instantly understood. +Thousands of others have not been so fortunate. +A team is a team. +He's a man who knows all about forward thinking. +It was a big departure. +It didn't take long. +The scheme has been funded by the Government. +I cannot believe this decision. +He's been in a nursing home for two years. +Yes, it was uplifting. +We had a good time. +There will be a beginning, a middle, and an end. +However we're capable of beating them. +It is a very special place. +It's being very carefully looked at. +It's such a trial! +Nothing can bring back their son. +The answer is mayhem. +The group will report back in the summer. +There was a substantial explosion. +They have failed to deliver. +Ferguson will be a millionaire. +It is up to Ann. +It all started with a visiting rugby club. +Stewart ruled out a return of this cash to shareholders, however. +We want to begin a programme in the UK. +But we have built a platform for next season. +Maloney is an engaging talent. +The suspension of the head teacher has been lifted. +Now it was Britain's turn. +It's used by Ayr Technical College. +SO, that is it for another year. +They should not have behaved in that way. +Mind you, who wouldn't? +Alcohol and nicotine are now no-go areas. +This was an hour before the show.Celtic are delaying the question of a new contract. +Both agreed on the success of the event. +Asylum seekers are still being attacked and abused. +The spokeswoman said the flat in London was very small. +Clearly, they had other problems. +It's difficult to put a date on. +Perhaps we should learn something from them. +The voters are our masters. +They want this research to continue. +But he was a full, working member of our staff. +So just what is her enduring appeal? +They have to come up with a solution. +It may be good for the soul. +I am fighting the force of nature. +It is normal for me. +It is deeply frustrating. +Little is known about them. +I know my job. +We did it for the jersey. +It is only the beginning. +It is time for a more honest approach. +They had been forced to walk. +He's an excellent defender, strong and quick. +They had asked not to be named. +But the relief was short-lived. +You need a trademark. +It is like being a qualifier again. +He said she was mad. +It feels that the game is off. +We are very proud of him. +Any increase always has some effect. +This man must be helped to keep his arm. +A web site is planned for November. +Each brand was owned by a different family. +The Government would be ready, they said. +We've got better players here. +There was only one problem, the teacher was still there! +So what could be better than becoming a captain? +So now we know. +I think the Labour party is completely split on this. +He was the architect. +There were moments of humour too. +I was concerned with the way they tried to justify his actions. +She was totally possessed. +We are not there yet. +It doesn't look good for her. +It is the only natural British site on the list. +And well he might. +It came a bit late. +There is , according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end. +In the old days, it was easy. +But you think I'm going to argue with the big man? +I had a wonderful time working with him. +People wouldn't have quite understood the language. +We are in it for the long-term. +I'm sure he will be aware of it. +Everything is so new. +We're not taking any risks. +It will take some time to establish. +No, is the answer to your first question. +I have lost all confidence. +And that brings us to the point. +I hope they understand that. +I cannot believe that someone would pay so much for works like these. +His strike was superb.Of course we know them, from their work in the theatre. +We could soon be in that same position! +Councillors are expected to take a decision within the next few weeks. +Her concerns were not without foundation. +How are you, sir? +THE US is a diverse and colourful nation. +Being a taxi driver right now is horrible. +I have huge respect for him as a journalist. +Ferguson did not hesitate. +And I thought - we have to do something with this. +Earlier, both main parties agreed a crucial stage had been reached. +Even then he was in the media spotlight. +Are these immoral? +That time has passed. +We are all ecstatic. +That was my mistake. +This action reflects a slump in bookings. +What was it like playing real people? +And we will do it. +This decision is a victory for common sense. +went on sale. +He had other things on his mind.I think that's a bit of an invasion. +We have only nine months to go. +They are declining elsewhere in the UK. +Why does she suddenly win everything now? +He will appear in court today. +My body is clearly capable. +It's a horrific incident. +Harry will be up for it. +Schools do not create that. +People had been talking about a fourth quarter rally. +She will attend in July. +The law would appear to be on our side. +It is not designed to kill. +A terrorist is a terrorist. +T, Is there anything in the wound? +They must play for each other. +They would never let him go.These are terrible offences. +It didn't come as any great surprise. +The English are coming. +I feel we might now have the foundations to go forward. +Little Voice is on general release. +He was located after going to Singapore. +She was my big sister. +Like some others, he is still to improve himself a lot. +That probably wouldn't happen at Liverpool. +I think he will. +It is hard won. +Nor was it a game without its lessons. +It is a strong case. +I didn't want to fall out with anyone. +At the moment, it is being treated as a tragic accident. +We want to play at the worlds. +This is the best way to do it. +One was taken to hospital. +It is quite a figure. +I'll need to discuss it with my family. +You can see it on the training ground and around the hotel. +The voices told me to do it. +Because of that I didn't enjoy the game. +I have been in good form for the last two years. +It's a good offer by any standards. +The group is separate from the Real IRA. +It seems to go down well. +We're delighted and we certainly deserved it. +The talks were announced yesterday by Brian Wilson, the foreign office minister. +Neither club is going to have much time for a decent runner-up. +It could take years for the tunnel to be reopened. +They are very frightened. +You have to be able to deal with all age groups. +That began as an accident. +Pray that is so. +There is a lack of staff. +He is completely committed to us. +I am ashamed of them. +Another reason is a shortage of stock. +This is not the most crucial issue. +It is the icing on the cake.There's something about being cut off. +I'm not thinking about anyone else. +I was returning a message he left on my mobile phone yesterday. +Mr Crawford is no stranger to Scottish Enterprise. +We have to defend ourselves. +And who were they anyway, beforehand? +The next game is today. +The people are the hero. +He has really done well. +The project has already secured the support of Sir Sean Connery. +I have learned a lot. +Or is it? +It's amazing it happened in the daytime. +He has the edge. +He's not a Celtic man. +We're very pleased about the verdict. +He also was in debt to drug dealers. +Then came the crunch. +We certainly hope we have been successful. +It has certainly not been an enjoyable experience. +It's an interesting debate to get going. +We will try to find someone. +The MoD has denied any cover-up. +This is the only problem with the story. +We were a little bit nervous. +The view is impressive. +The company hopes to top seven million passengers in its current financial year. +The Dutchman was suspended for two games. +This is the window. +Senior management in Scotland threw its weight behind the orchestra. +I am still pretty young in this business. +He's been the key to everything. +I certainly do not agree with that. +Lately, that market has come under pressure. +First Minister Donald Dewar will respond. +This should include procedures for personal imports. +You are the glory. +We're not comparing like with like. +Three years ago he would have been. +They have not given them the evidence. +Their courage, and their honesty, should be respected. +There is a lack of logic. +Most of them were one-year conscripts. +I believe that Scotland has much to gain. +So far this season this approach is working. +Whatever happened to that one? +Smith has not let him down. +But there was everything! +His record on Government has always been highly effective. +It's very ingenious. +They do the work, you know. +We don't know much, but we are still awaiting news. +I don't have many friends. +Well, it did last time, he was reminded. +Because of this, he feels the hearing had been unfair. +I hope you will leave it at that. +It wouldn't matter if he had. +So there we are. +She is on a life support machine. +There was mystery back then. +Of course it is still possible. +By now he was very ill with cancer. +He can handle it without any problem. +But, after a dip in sales, growth was recorded. +I enjoyed this summer, which is a big difference from last year. +I have little time for analysts. +He was all blackened. +Later, a very different story emerged. +It was a bonus for me really.When I was training. +Our legal advice is clear. +That deal will be decided under the existing rules. +It is the logical extension of audio description. +It was extremely foolish behaviour on your part. +I enjoyed my work in the Scottish Office. +Art is still a risky investment. +We are not going to back off. +It's a long process. +He's a great dealer. +The impact was immediate. +I've not said anything to them, they know. +It's been an extremely frustrating year for me. +I hadn't been looking after myself. +First Choice is the clear leader in terms of performance. +Self control is just one instalment. +Fishermen are still in a state of confusion. +However, we had no failures in our side. +I want to get at the truth. +They said we were out of touch. +This is no reflection on Rangers. +He was forced to quit. +Alex has been a huge influence on the club. +She's currently in foster care. +They were too hard.He was backed by Downing Street. +Nobody even knew it had happened.Britain has never had it so good. +The show is small but perfectly formed. +It could have been prevented. +But we're not the same person. +Mary is, as it were, the cause of her mother's death. +He is quite well organised. +That was very important. +We've got a mixture of both. +It means we have to have some patience. +And so was a photograph. +The game is now open. +Sometimes we find a person. +Life is too short. +Of course, we will need to strengthen the squad for Europe. +They came into collision with Sergio. +Holiday was certainly no stranger to bigotry. +England will be quite prepared. +The written judgment was issued in printed form. +Would it be good for the Nationwide League? +It's about the balance. +The nation has his music. +It is set in Paris. +The youngsters have put us in a strong position. +It would be another reason to live. +We have no influence on the Government's policy on the euro. +Sub Not Used, McKay. +They thought he was asking the right questions. +Their moment had come, or so they said. +An opera company needs to have its orchestra. +We don't have the credible evidence. +This is the biggest thing in the world, isn't it? +That was the lesson to be learned from the European Championships. +Their campaign is in disarray. +A compromise is essential. +The car driver was not injured. +I only half believed it. +This is the highlight of my career. +Fame and money followed. +We have no further comment to make. +They have to get that sorted. +So the European elections are extremely important. +The devil, of course, will be in the detail. +I don't think he was being very fair. +THE headless man has finally developed a face. +Come to that, is any of this really happening? +They are very concerned, and you can understand that. +What happened in this instance is serious misconduct. +Now you see him, now you don't. +We had a huge response to that campaign. +All the pieces fit together perfectly. +That is my preference. +Such debate is pointless. +It is just completely erased. +He was correct in everything he did. +I do not like to lose. +He was the youngest of the British team. +It's my favourite place to hang out. +It was an excellent performance. +But this has already been rejected. +And the newspapers were full of it. +There is no sign of anyone being hurt. +It was extremely difficult. +But the petrol station does not get the benefit. +It is a dangerous sport. +It is horrible. +Injury has played a part, but not a big one. +I've enjoyed the whole experience. +They were very responsive. +That's been our position all along. +Nine other passengers were treated at the scene. +It is not for any other purpose. +They really had a go at us. +I have worked as a stand-up there often. +This does not help. +It was an accident. +From now on there is no hiding place. +She has not returned to work. +We have just got to keep his feet on the ground. +The court heard he drove into the path of a car. +The bill would be massive. +Some promoters made insulting offers. +They should have some measure of protection. +It was the rugby writers dinner in London. +It will be tight. +It was on my mind a little bit. +The scheme is hopelessly failing. +It was the crowning point of my career. +This is a national crisis. +We didn't make any of this up. +We did what we had to do. +The whole thing was filmed in Hollywood. +Her mother said she fell off a swing. +She opens tonight in Glasgow, at the King's Theatre. +People will make up their own minds. +They are so easy for youngsters to open. +The confidence is low, but it is a difficult thing to understand. +We cannot go on like this. +At least two women were among those arrested. +Our children are our future. +Police said the family was helping with the search. +It was an amazing afternoon. +I might get an injury very easily. +Throughout the centuries people have explained the rainbow in various ways.That would be unsafe. +There is nothing like a fresh start.Funding needs to be long term. +The industry is not well organised. +Our thoughts are with the relatives of the family. +I don't know where that one came from. +Its work includes dealing with child abuse. +Still, I am delighted. +That will not change. +He now lives in Edinburgh with his wife, Caroline. +He was sentenced to seven years. +Her death is a huge blow. +They have two children. +I kept going for her. +There was only silence. +The function of the clerk is to provide advice. +There are two characters. +That was a gold medal for certain. +I don't believe in God. +The trust has no magic wand.Someone else has now got them. +The characters are always the first attraction. +Everything was an effort. +It was really enjoyable on Saturday. +In the end, that was enough to beat England. +The progress has been steady. +That's not going to happen again. +It's a question of creating a future awareness. +Mistakes are being made on an increasing basis. +They'll have to pay more. +I think, at last, the company will find itself again. +The Government faces a moral dilemma. +It was very formal. +On this form, they have a real chance of going up.That could mean the difference between life and death in action. +We work for the athlete. +We didn't know he was even out.They know no other way. +He never asked me for money. +That, he claimed, was essential.In fact, we were all over the shop. +I was in jail for five years. +I know my sons. +Bill Clinton always had an idea to sell.That company should not be allowed to operate in this country. +Probably he wasn't thinking at all. +The question was simple enough. +I took my chance. +They come to enjoy themselves. +A career as a doctor is on hold. +I like footballers who play well. +He will take it in his stride. +Who was she? +The Rangers think they have problems. +There's nothing for the kids. +We will provide immediate access. +They seem too much of a sure thing. +There is no credible official announcement. +We are talking about the outskirts of London. +I see no need for change. +It was important in training terms. +We've had him with us for the past six weeks. +They could have been told in advance. +Art can challenge our value system. +Again the verdict was not proven. +It will now be revived. +It was not a difficult decision, he said. +For once, you should believe the hype. +We have got to deal with it. +I knew that we needed to get out. +The early evidence suggests he did not. +I don't have a new house. +So many people will be affected by this. +Usually the enjoyment is two ways. +You've gotten all the facts. +His attacker has been a Rangers fan. +Everything is in the mix. +I am not going to go tomorrow. +There were no reports of any injuries. +It's a matter of balance. +The Boys can speak about little else. +The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which gods passed from earth to the home in the skies. +There would be famine.Edinburgh was not included in the survey. +Our strategy is straightforward. +We've been there for seven years. +But it was a loss. +So it was sad. +No progress has been made. +He, too, will return. +In fact, he didn't deliver a speech at the awards. +However, you have just got to adjust to it. +Once they go away they won't come back. +to have products for their needs. +The European elections revealed a lack of interest and a lack of knowledge. +Moray Council could not be contacted last night. +But it won't help British farmers. +Customers would then be consulted over any changes. +She has so much to offer. +The condition of their adoption was that they should be kept together. +That is good news. +It had been introduced over six years. +For once it wasn't about money. +Already the children are dying. +We shall not do that. +My goal is quite simple. +Who did the recruiting? +It is not attempting to offer a solution.He will feel the pain again. +Scott and Emily were so happy. +A ceasefire is a ceasefire is a ceasefire. +It's not pretty, but it's effective. +There were two things going on at once. +Here we have not had one hour. +Thus far we have received no complaints. +And they replied. +It was our time maybe. +It was the same expression of joy. +I hope we can put it behind us. +I don't think it's vital. +It is not a wish list. +That their music is truly, truly, truly great. +We've just had it confirmed. +The Tories election campaign has certainly been colourful. +The parents are not alone in their concerns about the proposals. +We had to push to get a goal. +They're not always the same person. +I was very fortunate. +They were very unfair to him. +Four people died instantly. +And that was just about that. +Naturally, it was not difficult to find support for these proposals. +I had a son. +It's amazing it happened in daytime. +Something has to be done. +We had no idea what was going on. +Staff should be paid for what they produce. +We didn't get the supply to the forwards. +We were beaten by the better team. +So is that it, then? +Who will take them after that?Justice was not seen today. +Horses are drawn by ballot. +He was all blackened.So it goes on. +Mr Blair was in Washington a week later. +There should be room for creative dissent. +They will do their own thing. +IT S all change at Kilmarnock. +I'm very angry about it. +Drugs are used a lot at the fishing, not just cannabis. +THE pain was almost too much to bear. +I think with my experience I can help the team. +This is a fine appointment. +I feel confident about the outcome. +Jim Wallace, the justice minister, acknowledged that prisoner numbers were a concern. +It is a variable condition and the diagnosis is difficult. +Six games without defeat is the legacy so far. +It is not an amnesty. +Smoking is also very important. +I just could not cope. +I have made good progress. +They should come forward. +I have had a lovely summer. +Failure is not an option. +I would never say anything against her. +That is clearly not happening fast enough. +If you can get it. +The big problem is the lack of grass. +Of course he is. +This is a personal decision for me. +It would have very little impact on them. +The reaction of staff has been fantastic. +It also has a good labour supply. +They will be ready. +The painting was started, but finishing it was quite another matter. +This is a disaster for us. +Therefore there is a threat. +A copy of the report will be sent to them. +I think the euro has slipped. +I think we are back on track. +The business has expanded rapidly, however. +Lots of them haven't recovered that far. +If they don't, they can expect their funding to be cut. +A Home Office spokesman said. +It's a way of making a mark. +The idea was presented to me. +He was not entirely correct. +Annika is very, very fit. +We certainly will need to watch him.This is extremely positive news. +He takes his time, and won't be rushed. +The cold war is over. +Cars are great for going long distances. +We needed someone and we now have him. +I have a great respect for her. +That is highly unfair. +It all happened so suddenly. +This, too, could prove a risky business. +I love the thought of having a crack at defending the title. +What has changed since then? +They pointed to the site. +The prime minister will make the decision. +Quite a lot of people know that, actually. +It is a very disturbing picture for men. +Running costs are not subsidised by public money. +I must do something about it. +It's the big omission. +Figures are not relevant to the strategy. +I've got to be better than that Quite. +Then we will face the Danish champions. +They were not missing much. +Pulled a huge number of viewers. +It's a difficult one to comment on. +But he just carried on anyway. +He said he now intends to fly today. +It's just not our biggest problem. +So who is right? +I'm happy with the outcome. +It really has left the town in shock. +He does not much like the Liberal Democrats. +There are some serious ethical issues involved. +Another one said the couple came from Inverness. +I never thought it would take this long. +It may be the first of many. +Scotland has been caught in the crossfire. +The occasion was a conference on Scottish art. +I don't know what he was shouting. +Either way, it doesn't bother me. +But, at the same time, they made you think about life. +Conditions were very difficult for the players. +Next league matches Celtic. +It's like a car crash. +They've got to decide to do that. +It turned out to have been three hours. +In the end we made too many errors. +He is believed to live in Britain. +The results were very clear. +This isn't the end of story. +For business, the benefits will be enormous. +There was no argument. +We run within the law. +The teenager had been missing for six months. +However, our players will fight for that. +We all thought we were going to die. +This could be one such case, he declared. +Sure the COE is a cracking band. +She made no further comment. +It was a management problem in the hospital. +In the event, it proved a largely uplifting experience. +This court has made an order which has not been observed. +It was a privilege to work for him. +The World Trade Centre was our Main Street. +But it was to no avail. +But who cares? +You cannot enter the clubhouse. +I think so - he seems to be in good health. +Now, however, it has undergone a dramatic decline. +What will happen then? +He will address the nation this evening. +There will be no threat to the game. +He is a Satan. +Does it matter? +I didn't know the company all that well, or the dancers. +Do they think anyone else wants them ? +I could not do it. +The same goes for McKenna. +We were awful. +The government has until midnight tomorrow to make a decision. +I didn't play all that well. +Craig is a major concern for us. +I'm the one that said it. +That was no surprise to me. +Nato has left them with no other option. +It happened again yesterday. +In fact, it is deeply unpleasant. +It is business as usual. +The programme has been made with great care. +We are not going to get carried away. +This man could yet win over Scottish hearts. +The first few days will determine whether she can survive. +No-one in Downing Street can speak the language of the unions. +That is bound to happen. +The whole thing is the music. +Is it worth it? +I saw a lot of good things against Livingston. +I was invited to work in Germany. +I am delighted to hear this news. +I won't make an official complaint. +Civic leaders yesterday praised the good behaviour of revellers across the country. +The world is split into two. +He promised a final decision within a fortnight. +He had come of age. +There is no going back. +We are still alive and kicking. +It was a double tragedy for the family.We should be capable of managing it, though. +Aristotle thought that the rainbow was caused by the reflection of the sun's rays by the rain. +We couldn't get enough of it. +It may be tomorrow - but it may be later. +And the Farmer is worried about another aspect of farming life. +Indeed, he sees a shortage of skilled workers on the horizon. +I was all alone.She was so supportive. +On the front line beyond the bridge the scene was utter chaos. +Otherwise we will pay the price. +We are still the best team in Britain. +The first time it was rejected. +He removed the rubble with the help of passers-by. +There's no place to hide. +He was not able to talk to us. +Labour was too busy to respond. +So other options had to be explored. +He told us about it the next day. +I'd like to continue that record. +It was one of those things. +Even for a British Open, this is different. +I could have got out a long time ago. +Yesterday her family were too upset to speak. +This is a big game for them.It broke up my marriage. +We cannot go on in this fashion. +As indeed it did. +I never agreed with that. +We have to put this behind us. +I don't take that view. +Nor is he allowed out without permission. +His third goal was superb. +It is beyond the government to deal with this tragedy. +It had to be more flexible. +The point is raised again that evening at the Assembly Rooms. +I've played them all in the Champions League. +I've never seen them down here. +Now the plot is perfect. +Or we could do a trade sale. +How do you resurrect a dying town? +She can't say where she was, what she did. +If only he knew himself. +Several hundred people attended yesterday. +However, it's possible that Dick can have influence some Dutch players to go there. +It is not easy to live in Russia. +He is very confident at the moment. +He is a quality player. +It was a double tragedy for the family. +This is a test of our character. +People were actually not on his side. +He's already made history. +The sense of excitement in Stirling is tangible.It's been very exciting, very challenging, and a privilege. +Again, that was genuine loyalty being recognised. +That, though, was then. +He is also a great finisher. +However, this move is dependent upon the sale of the existing site. +We need to chat. +But, in the end, he did - and blew him away. +There was nothing anyone could do. +To the Hebrews it was a token that there would be no more universal floods.This is a foolish idea. +It was magic. +George W Bush, the US president, condemned the attacks. +Kingfisher reports interim figures tomorrow. +Of course he does! +I came home by ambulance. +She is a great talent. +Market research indicates that this is not feasible. +It's been a long, long journey. +It was a good performance. +I don't think it is the case. +Billy knew he was attracted to women. +The result could be all down to turnout. +Both offices were closed yesterday. +This takes no account of hotel and tourism losses. +I am a good player. +I'll take what comes along. +They have their own audience in Edinburgh. +We are all very pleased. +And, also, when he does not have the ball.It is not the fault of one man, of course. +Sports Secretary Chris Smith welcomed the action. +I have got to keep the lid on. +It was one he was born to play. +The new work will begin in the autumn. +There's a sense of excess in the novel. +They will fight for everything. +It is not enough to be first division champions. +I've been in two finals, and I've got a medal. +We will win the argument. +It's good to start with Judith. +It was very exciting. +But he is not using them. +They were married in Edinburgh last summer. +I believe in theatre. +It is only one night, after all. +They may yet have the last laugh. +If I was a woman. +The industry will try to get round it. +I have a cold. +I was as strong as a horse. +We are obviously disturbed by this case. +We will not give up on the truth. +The conclusion is the same. +The conversion didn't go over either. +I think they are right to be impatient. +Well, it was part of our ongoing discussions. +The Russian described his defeat as a bad day at the office. +We control every part of your life. +However, details have yet to be worked out. +SOMETIMES, it's not what you say that counts. +I've got to win here to be happy. +Butcher has only one idea in mind. +He will be sentenced tomorrow by Lord Dawson. +It runs in cycles. +That was my own personal decision. +You have to keep it on the fairways. +He looks like an Afghan. +This is a mental challenge. +And if they fail? +Debate was impassioned and furious. +Do you mean today? +She should savour this, because it's unlikely ever to happen again. +I'm very surprised and obviously delighted. +Although it was expected, everyone is very, very angry. +But not a penny has been paid. +THE best marriages are made in heaven. +She was so full of life. +His was a huge success story. +And she's not even in the book! +You will be very, very welcome. +I was a bit nervous. +But even without either, Glasgow will be outstanding. +Some have accepted it as a miracle without physical explanation. +The tie isn't over. +Rangers must be winners, it says. +I have every confidence. +You're going to die. +We didn't think anything would happen. +He could understand both points of view. +Inquiries are ongoing into this incident. +We are in a learning curve. +That means an extra two years. +I've had a very long run. +This is a friendly match? +That would be dangerous. +There are moments of joy in politics. +That, however, was the exception. +Everything in the symphony is there. +Something old something new, as it were. +It would have been a very explosive issue. +Sadly, it took a tragedy to change things. +The scientific debate is dead. +It is not attempting to offer a solution. +The selection will be made by the International Olympic Committee next year. +He will become the sovereign. +And they removed a Borderer. +This is her first senior Scottish selection. +They're just a good retailer. +A tribunal would then consider the seriousness of the incident. +These will take a little time to develop. +But they were true stories. +Sir Jeremy, from Glasgow, said they had been delighted. +It's always a rehearsal. +I want to make a vigorous defence. +Similar measures are expected in England and Wales. +It should be equal. +He could have given them a lot. +Rangers was on the agenda and I am interested. +We should recognise that others have done a good job. +We are seeing a Government in a hurry. +It's an interesting title, Believing in Britain. +They were two different types. +They play together perfectly. +I'm pleased to get through the opening match. +So, how did you do? +It does not stop at the border. +I was angry. +You have made your point. +It is the only practical access for vehicles and men. +I can't do anything before nine. +I thought it was quite a positive result. +I have still to hear about that. +Overall, it has certainly worked out. +This was another video cassette. +It's just an area of water. +He was extremely nervous. +That was a great performance by the team. +I've got good news and bad news for you. +Some of the passing was a disgrace. +The Prime Minister was informed on Thursday. +It was still there, but right at the end. +The play is based on a real-life event. +This is great news - a wonderful addition to the programme. +John was a very nice man. +That's the name of the game, though. +Every woman deserves to live without this type of fear. +It hasn't worked out that way. +It was an insult. +Clearly, it can go either way. +It is a road of death. +The agreement remains the only show in town. +The Greeks used to imagine that it was a sign from the god to foretell war or heavy rain. +Then it was changed without notice. +When Germany played there recently, the match took place in the new stadium. +It is difficult to comment on the prospects for the year ahead. +Nobody will be forced to work. +He wants to play in the Champions League. +Borrowing power was one of those improvements.They were outside the circle. +I was given no instructions by no-one. +We're very unhappy about it. +This, too, could provoke a risky business. +Hopefully, the whole of Scottish rugby was paying attention. +We recognise the important role of golf in attracting visitors. +It's going to be great! +He loves the big occasions. +It's too early to say whether a public inquiry would be appropriate. +I'm not making any specific attempt on the world record. +He is certainly not looking for another job. +It's like the Russians. +This view was echoed by another Scottish analyst. +The cause of the crash was unclear. +News of the funding was broadly welcomed yesterday. +That is the theory. +The hangover was Olympian. +It took five months to repair the damage. +He will emerge as a world leader. +This is certainly not the case. +I don't want a burial service. +Getting Kilmarnock so early in the Scottish season could give us a chance. +Drugs are getting through. +That money could have been coming to Scotland. +The crowd was waiting. +It was started almost by accident. +Even if it did, my views wouldn't change. +He had no access to the database. +He is also keen to win the European order of merit. +The deal was done on Wednesday. +I had found my vision. +That gives us a bit of a chance. +To beat the European champion is quite nice. +Above all, the approach is upbeat. +He was made redundant in February of last year. +So they will settle again. +They are going after them. +You know it was good fun. +It was a crucial moment. +I think he was nervous to begin with. +Sir Paul McCartney said he had been shocked by the attack. +His own excitement is never difficult to detect. +No-one has spoken to me. +They are all Arabs. +The idea is the shop within a shop. +There may be hope this year, however. +People come from all round the world to see it. +We can work all night. +Clark was delighted with the effort of Jones. +Rapid revision was required. +It is a total and utter change of culture. +Everyone knew where they were. +Anyone remaining after that will be targeted. +I am delighted to have her back home. +There was a bit of urgency in the second half. +It was the climax of the thing. +You look at that. +We have still got the fight in us.A quality audit officer has also been appointed. +The gap is narrowing. +He's a nice guy. +We are very, very confident. +There was no sign that anything was amiss. +He is pretty upset. +He was married with a young child. +He tells the truth and that's important. +It had been in place since last July. +The prognosis is excellent. +It's good fun, and makes it so much more interesting. +The countryside is in crisis. +But the attachment took a lot of growing. +I want to celebrate the World Cup. +I've had six days of rehearsal. +It was total confusion. +I did not concentrate on my performance. +People will see this over time. +Getting that balance right can be very difficult. +He'd never run the distance before. +She is in good spirits. +I am astonished by this decision. +I would like to make an impact, of course. +We'll see what happens. +But he made a mistake in picking it. +In some cases, the nation should be grateful. +They expect the minister to ensure that commitment is honoured. +It is very funny. +This must be really short of ideas. +It is a matter of the utmost concern to the Allies. +We are now working with full-time on future product. +We couldn't believe it at first. +Elections would follow in about two years. +This is excellent news for Glasgow. +The board of governors must act. +It tells the story of a woman who has probably been abused. +You should consider whether you want to be in this film. +I will report in the spring. +He asked me how they were doing. +We are getting not a penny. +I've never had a year like this. +We just want a fair deal. +Child benefit will not be affected. +Some problems were too complex. +He leaves a wife, a son and a daughter. +I feel I did not have enough time. +It is the worst of both worlds. +That would have been too easy. +I'm really looking forward to seeing the fight. +I heard some of his remarks. +I saw it didn't work. +Domestic orders have also fallen since January. +I believe the gap is nearly there. +We will be paying agency rates. +It's terrible that he has died the same way. +He is the saviour of South Africa. +Seaman is not the goalkeeper of old. +Today, the story is different. +We deserved to get the victory today. +It was that kind of night. +The lads are having a tour. +This can be extreme. +I see no need to change.It is high time to act. +According to the criteria, he is qualified for Scotland. +This is a scheme that has a lot of potential. +A venue was found. +Their bodies were never found. +What can you say? +Things start to talk to each other. +As you see with the fuel duty business, they do. +Do what you want to do. +It doesn't come any better than this. +One is investment, one is reform. +It was just a matter of time.His record with England was not good. +Something has got to give. +He is not alone. +I have not been so angry for years.I'm delighted for the lads. +No-one said anything to me. +I saw them not long after it happened. +It was not the greatest performance, but it was effective. +This is totally out of character for Stuart. +On this occasion, the case for a public inquiry was not made. +One year later, he finally decided to act. +It was a minor incident. +John Daly has a burning ambition. +Neither side would reveal the details of the offer. +And that is not a bad idea. +In the meantime, everyone is taking everyone to court. +I will let you in on a secret. +It could be to do with the location. +They were worth the money. +Are you from the rugby? +It has, however, been a long time coming. +How do you feel? +Not that Scotland can claim the moral high ground. +We have great team spirit. +That will just be the beginning. +It is the end of an adventure. +Everything is surrounded by confusion. +It has been a magical moment. +The president took offence. +The working families tax credit is far better. +You cannot allow it to go on. +It is difficult to get into the team at the moment. +Things were so intense in the studio. +We will not break even. +We have every respect for Michelle. +That means no more taxation by stealth. +The whole thing would be perfect. +We were beaten by the better team today. +It feels like too much. +The findings are published in the British Journal of Cancer. +The trial is set for February. +It is simple, really. +People are determined to get it right. +Normally, they have been a pack of lies. +We have worked hard. +Three years probation is just a joke. +There was only one living room, you see. +As good as they come. +All my training is for Athens. +It is suitable and sensible. +It's no less intriguing, however. +But, by that time, of course, it is again. +There was no basis for their arrest. +Asylum is an entirely different issue to race. +I am a soldier, a soldier, a soldier. +Some of the players have not progressed. +The issue has still to be resolved. +This wasn't just a big crowd. +The news was yesterday welcomed by union leaders. +After all, this is the start of the giving age. +I accept that, but is very upsetting. +The pollution and the driving are beyond belief. +The trust was unable to pay the fourth interim dividend. +I feel strongly about it. +Sergio was talking his chances down yesterday. +We've turned the corner. +In short, the Scottish excess is not difficult to justify. +That is not the place for her. +Leading share prices have also fallen in Paris and Frankfurt. +Their attitude is all wrong. +It opens the door to the Champions League. +A whole range of factors are involved. +I am proud of moments like that. +However, on this showing it's going to be a difficult task. +And yet, there has been no great impact. +It didn't help him, as far as we had seen. +Motherwell have no such good fortune. +Tomorrow will be my last. +He's had to suffer for the last six years. +But the plot is not the point. +He didn't have long to wait. +We are at a crossroads. +The improvement today was fantastic. +I'm as fit as I can get. +We do not get that impression now. +The train was on time. +It has removed a bit of guilt. +I was the only one arguing differently. +We have got a full house tonight.Plot is not the issue. +This is a major step forward for the carers.It doesn't make a whole lot of difference. +I have a kind of love affair with Hollywood. +We have managed to get it under control. +It is not an option, but a policy requirement. +They do it properly. +One thing is sure. +I thought to myself. +I do not attempt to answer that. +We played better after the break. +I've done it almost like a variety show. +That's the whole idea. +This is really good news for us.It will be very useful for us. +He said a change in legislation was long overdue. +I feel privileged to be here.He promised to lead from the front in the battle for entry. +I am just looking to God. +Legal opinion is that I may have a case. +Things have just worked out this way. +In Great Britain, it has a life of its own. +Next league matches, Motherwell Dunfermline. +But that's not the idea behind this article. +Something has to be put in place. +The hearing continues today. +It is very simple. +In fact, he is not even in the squad for the game. +It is based on his movement records. +The injuries are not too serious. +On that basis, he would set it aside. +Strathclyde Police yesterday declined to comment on Ferris. +It would then be up to the judge. +We have a clean bill of health. +I was stunned. +There are a few changes. +The party lasted all night. +It is so sad. +A final decision will be taken by First Minister Donald Dewar. +It's been my life. +I was unconscious for two or three seconds. +This big issue is whether it can be enforced. +It's about taking risks. +And he's the first to see that, and say that. +What's in a name? +People were hitting the floor. +I've always been like that. +There was support from across the board. +You are a liar. +I just need a bit of luck. +She is fulfilled by it. +Jackie is passionate about Scotland. +The report will go before the Scottish Parliament, probably in early autumn. +It is still with Ministers. +He sets the nature of his Parliament in a simple, realistic context. +But this relative success has not been easy. +Over one million people have been forced from their homes. +They have inherited the human rights abusers. +Failure is a curious concept. +All music goes into me. +He is willing to pay the required amount. +He will be a very hard act to follow. +Nobody ever knew it had happened. +She is not in a coma. +We see little sign of improvement. +We are progressing with a few interested parties. +I seem to keep this for the majors. +We've got a full house tonight. +We've all had the shots. +He has changed my life for ever. +It's a big deal for me. +I'm pretty happy with the way I played. +The case will now go to appeal. +A management agreement, however, was conceded. +It is my fault. +We could hardly believe it. +She hopes to study in Britain one day. +I wondered about changing back to rugby. +It is too early to speculate. +I HAVE a dream. +I didn't think so either. +The state is controlled by the left.Within six minutes, they were two goals down. +However, the figures tell a different story. +If they are not, the commission will take action. +I am not in denial. +It was quite an ordeal for them. +But the organisers refused to worry. +In that moment, I was happy. +That meant the search was unlawful. +His primary residence is Scotland. +I was deeply worried. +Mr Smith declined to comment. +And, within itself, it is visionary. +They were urged to get themselves in order. +We're only taking on a couple just now. +All kinds of things occur. +I will never see my son again. +Nothing has been put into action. +I certainly believe we can do it. +It's an old story. +These people are now following their own Unison agenda. +We have chosen for the patients. +The meaning is very profound and complex. +I don't think it's the area. +It disappeared into the cup. +We have been so lucky. +We are too easily beaten as a team. +It was on fire. +I still think he will win. +We need to do that every week. +There was no cohesion. +It was very frightened and dirty. +It is a recipe for success. +We act because we must. +I have decided to quit the show. +I knew he was good. +Webster was brought up in Glasgow. +But it did not last. +This is not out of choice. +The pace is telling. +William Hague delighted his party. +I was always in control. +It is a court case. +What were they told? +The effects are not all bad. +I do not want to have a fight with Mr Hastings. +It was a surprising decision.All inquiries should be made to the police. +We want to be part of it. +Harrowing is easy, after all. +The BBC was a disgrace. +In that case, we would be prepared to defend ourselves. +It will be the final push. +This would include the GM food industry. +Government will intervene. +There were a lot of emotions. +Sentencing is due to take place tomorrow morning. +But I am still awaiting an answer. +The advisers had some discussions, but no conclusion was reached. +Three bystanders were killed. +We are not moving in. +Nine days later, he suffered another attack. +Today's agreement will help tackle that problem. +It is the old story. +The judge was very nice. +Much the same thing happens in a young company. +Pressure of work is no excuse. +This is positive and welcome. +The World Trade Centre was our Main Street.As well it might be.Stand by for action. +Which is where the manager comes in. +It's a fact. +There is no point in looking any further. +Which is fair enough.Are his works inside out? +There is a new confidence about the club. +They had been together for about three years. +It was then that Rangers scored. +None of the agencies was able to help. +Lord Macdonald has worked on this deal for three months. +Mr Blunkett was convinced. +That is her job. +All of the names are familiar to me. +Her daughter is getting married. +It was a bank holiday, after all. +It was actually very, very difficult. +She would take the Farmer to the opera. +This has a number of benefits. +It is just like any other club. +And she is very clear on this. +He was admitted to hospital. +War and force are not the only solutions. +The jury is still out. +There is no issue of national security involved here. +However, it has had only a limited uptake. +It has all been positive. +And I repeat, it would be for exposure and money. +I had decided to quit the show. +This is actually true. +There is no conflict of interest. +He said nothing of the sort. +He has retired. +He's also thinking long-term. +I was deeply saddened by the death of Donald Dewar. +I'm delighted for Andy. +I was embarrassed by it. +They would have to go to the Royal. +I can understand why they have gone. +Athletics is on a roll in the country. +It happens in real life. +As a nation, we must become more active. +I'm interested in interesting work. +It can happen to you, it can happen to anyone. +Jamming would be equally difficult. +There was no change in the strategy. +He could hardly have been in greater demand. +I would have been shot dead in bed. +They need time to think. +For some, it was more painful than others. +At the same time it is a satire. +I would just like someone to confess. +It is not a material issue for a group with our strength. +They could use a boost. +I had a fortunate war. +Note the date. +Public confidence was undermined by that terrible tragedy. +I have a very strong opinion about this. +I haven't spoken to anyone about that, not even my wife. +Tomorrow he will make a keynote speech on Europe. +It certainly gives you hope. +The upturn in the housing market has given a big boost. +It is possible to be too good. +It would be quite nice. +They made clear that they are not interested in Government assistance. +It is now the big brother. +Again, there was no detail. +He will go a long way. +What she can't have is the money. +It's great fun to get to act. +But he has a lifeline. +Scottish football is finally on its way back. +I just want to get rid of it. +He's been hit by it. +I am a retailer by nature. +This is a huge event. +Do not give your details to anyone. +It is safe in our hands. +It is never easy to win an Olympic gold medal. +It's a member of your family. +This was never a support group. +We're just a family working hard, working seven days a week. +These figures are truly awful. +It is not a financial issue. +It's been like that for ages, according to the guys. +The occasion was the New Labour conference in Brighton last year. +I'm not depressed. +It is really good news. +I think I was recorded with a video camera. +We are being realistic about the challenges ahead. +The reviews were welcomed by business lobby groups. +There has been no reaction from them. +I can certainly see much better. +Tenants will be unable to defend themselves. +I'm delighted for Simon. +He is the Acting and Deputy First Minister. +They were following his orders. +It's very dangerous for markets. +I'm going to take it further. +The mood is upbeat. +We have to be happy with a British and European record. +We're currently looking at the level of support. +He tried to stop it, but it was already too late. +They will appear again next week. +A more exhaustive analysis is in progress. +Four of the victims were women. +I am prepared to help make it happen. +It was not the right time for me. +He was back to square one. +We don't have the credible evidence.They're completely different from each other. +We want to see the maximum of change. +Off I went. +I just felt like a dead loss. +The damage has been done. +The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors. +This is not a floating Las Vegas. +It is not surprising, but it is appaling. +His name has not been released. +They're all doing it. +My neighbours are horrified. +We deserved the draw. +Now, however, things are different. +The way forward isn't going to be easy. +Until they came to do it. +The boys are very confident. +That is our business. +They are there to get people into work. +Had I heard? +I would relish the prospect. +However, a ruling will not come before next week. +That night was a terrible muddle. +Put yourself in the position of being a referee. +They scored a goal, but we have to keep playing. +I didn't feel good. +A lot of their players have developed in the English league. +Sadly, the revival could not be sustained. +He had no enemies. +It was nice to get a clean sheet. +Mr Irvine said Mr Rafferty was now in good spirits. +His manager blamed the referee. +He said that healthy eating was high on the council agenda. +The referee had a shocking game. +I think they have to change that. +There was no confusion over the second. +There was a fossil on screen. +Agents and coaches must be paid. +Jones said she was there to show my complete support for my husband. +It left me with a sadness. +It would be a last resort. +He was on a horse. +I can tell you Labour is fighting to win. +It's going to be massive.I learned that only yesterday. +I wouldn't have had the abandon. +It's a much bigger problem. +It wasn't about one player. +We've got a lot of respect for the Lions. +Are you going to win? +The Farmer wants a new campaign. +I was never alone with her, right? +I feel really good. +My brother is not like that. +The whole process is a vicious circle at the moment. +There is a great carry over value. +We were on top and could've won. +They need to be helped. +You do not change overnight. +When she went off it was quite amazing. +As it happened, it was much more than that. +Staff have been informed. +It has been difficult for her to do, he says. +Why does it work? +Everyone is too upset to comment. +Next league matches, Dundee United - Kilmarnock. +It would be a massive boost for them. +It's really good fun. +That would be very good for Rangers. +There was no reason. +It is based on population rather than need. +I can't stand this sort of stuff. +Both of those promises have already been honoured. +You've got to fight to stay up. +And there are different perspectives. +Suggestions of the action being a punishment were dismissed. +This is a family club. +Of course people will try the things they see on TV. +He's been active in Arabia. +But that title is a mistake. +Don't hold your breath! +Life is too short to be bitter. +I won't let that happen. +Just think about the lines. +There was even a joke. +He is a visionary. +This is a sensible and common sense approach. +However, there was no hope, and glory too, for Scotland. +His treatment has been quite atrocious. +Does the name matter? +We have lost the round, but not the fight. +We played well at Aberdeen, though we lost. +Suddenly, there was an audience. +Or, rather, it isn't. +It is anything but erotic, but that is probably the point. +We would certainly consider the proposals. +Now, she has completed a family tradition. +plays in dark blue. +It came in bits and pieces. +Being with me is an honour. +It would be a miracle. +We are deeply concerned at the announcement. +I had a bit in hand. +We cannot rely on protracted legal proceedings. +It's a killer piece. +I certainly would not accept this decision. +I have learned from him. +It is an old family habit. +We're in a state of shock and disbelief. +It was very, very dejected. +Mind you, he hasn't been back for ages. +He added that he felt undermined. +It was just an accident. +He must be seen to be impartial. +Just see where the blood is coming from. +So what is the problem? +There is a job to be done. +Our position remains unchanged. +The attitude was good today.But they didn't much like that. +Scotland doesn't even have a target. +It should be the reverse. +If only the acting profession was that simple. +Any error of judgment was ruled out. +The project is entitled The Composer in Scotland. +As if they ever stopped. +However, he said it would be likely to bring a chill. +I just had so much fun. +It is quite a young team, so the future is there. +He did not know his daughter. +He thought she was amazing. +He did not say that. +I was going to help with the dinner. +We will be putting in a written appeal tomorrow morning. +That's what it's all about, isn't it? +I always knew she was funny. +We will have to see, but it makes you think. +What if the confession is, after all, a fake? +So on the stadium front, I think we have made our case. +The charity also has a project in Moscow in Russia. +We also have to work the dark side, if you will. +It is a terrible state of affairs. +I said, What was that about? +Our destiny is in our own hands. +And she is a successful actor with three decades of experience. +Funding for the science centre has come from a number of sources. +Not that he's declined. +I am sorry, but I forgot. +I saw it at a ruck. +He scored one goal and was on fire. +We don't want to push him. +how do you get it back ? +I didn't play too well in the third quarter. +Now he is in charge of this.You were the kidnappers. +I hate the word. +That seems highly unlikely. +They did not threaten anyone. +He was their leader. +Officials say the city must achieve this. +George Robertson described the plan as an outrageous and disgraceful decision. +I am very realistic about these things. +It is a daunting task. +Others have tried to explain this phenomenon physically. +We have nothing to say about that. +He claimed his insurance company contested the damages, not the restaurant. +The Yugoslav president said he did not recognise the election outcome. +Two other men have recovered. +It is no more than a shell. +This will be our new beginning. +I am not against a further inquiry. +Perhaps it was her demeanour. +First and foremost, the game is entirely different. +After some discussion they did. +I told you I was ill. +I had no intention of misleading anyone. +The Greeks used to imagine that it was a sign from gods to foretell war or heavy rain. +We're still hopeful of concluding the deal. +As it was a double, it was pretty expensive. +It is the strength of the school. +His team management was protective. +I think it's more important to have fun. +It is so elusive and light. +I was doing well at the hustings. +We represent a wide range of society. +I knew he was dying. +Everyone can be bought. +I, like an idiot, agreed. +We will deal with the refugees. +That approach has passed its sell by date. +It was a surprising decision. +I would be surprised if he decided to give up. +I expect to see a different Kilmarnock side tomorrow. +You probably have never seen them before. +That never happens in real life. +He then did just that.This was a very tragic accident. +It was all for good reason as well. +The quality of life is difficult for them. +But sometimes it works out all right. +You will have seen the adverts. +This plan is all about respect. +We would deal first with the biggest party. +As, indeed, they would be. +Their coach is obviously under a lot of pressure. +They never looked like winning it either. +The professor said the results were positive. +It's not that difficult, it really isn't. +He is married, with two children. +NOW it is official, Barry Ferguson is staying with Rangers. +There have been a lot of lessons learned. +Perhaps they knew something we didn't. +The album was widely expected to be a commercial disaster. +That, however, was only the tip of the iceberg. +My mind was made up. +We have no idea what caused the derailment. +I'm not sure that's right. +And we know that, because we know the hairdresser. +Young people will always run away. +As far as Scotland is concerned, he should relax. +It is a question of life and death. +We've been overwhelmed by the response. +We are not giving up.I believe it will happen. +Well, they were the unlucky ones. +The actual increases will be announced next month. +This is not the case. +We have to focus on what is important. +I was left-handed, but it was just a matter of practice. +It's all change at Kilmarnock. +We will be patient but we will win. +The thought of playing in the English Premiership has tremendous appeal. +We all want to be left alone. +There could be a way back. +The team this year is going places. +That wasn't for me. +My first season in Scotland was fantastic. +Try to save us. +Must have been at the bar. +He also admitted. +Five officers were injured. +When you do you will never want to do any other job. +We have got a race. +We have been extremely busy. +Either way, the investor retains the premium. +I read about it in the newspapers. +Eriksson, though, was having none of it. +It had happened to him. +Here is a tale of devotion to duty. +We will listen to colleagues.I didn't think any player was a success on Saturday. +That was the easy election. +The Scottish management team will settle for that. +Sadly, it sounds as if it is. +They were badly prepared for it. +We could have done without this. +So what was he really doing? +We never agreed to it. +He confirmed his fitness. +We will be victorious. +We want to get there. +Without doubt, they can win the title. +Life was like a timetable. +It's all I can do. +Surely the answer is yes. +I am not interested in the past.I will always remember the horrible images. +Friends of the family have given their support. +Are you all right? +The hotel has a long and happy history. +I hope numbers will be up on last time. +I thought it was quite good. +The service would also make a massive impact on tourism. +Then they killed another three. +It was served by sheriff officers. +He deserved a red card. +I don't think we could have expected better. +We would love for him to stay, but he's going home. +Everyone's too upset to comment. +All the dead were believed to have been French. +IT IS the last week of rehearsals. +It changed the very language. +Some have accepted it as a miracle without physical explanation. +He said he had no reports of casualties. +Suddenly, the rugby world had changed. +Debbie Harry was cool. +He doesn't even know who he is. +In many ways it was disastrous. +They are a total disgrace to the loyalist cause. +The new manager must make tough decisions. +He was in contention almost every week. +Our people are paying high prices. +It is time to come into the limelight. +Boats and other equipment would be pooled. +He was only doing his job. +It was certainly intense. +And that's good news for the magpies. +Meanwhile, Rangers will continue to search for a striker. +Results of the survey are expected by the end of June. +Mental health is a massive issue. +He didn't know it was his audition, but it was. +In the end, it was no choice. +She is a very lucky lady. +There was no disruption to services. +McPherson came from United Biscuits. +We didn't know he was even out. +Of course it's a bunch of trouble. +We will treat it like a World Cup match. +Our plans for Dunfermline have not changed. +I'll tell you honestly. +They missed the boat and everyone suffers. +I'm delighted for the lads.It is not about changing our image. +It's as eventful as it is momentous. +That, though, is an old story. +I am very happy with the result. +They are a victim of their own success. +The list is too long for this piece. +That will do for me. +It was not hard to feel some sympathy for Baxter yesterday. +We needed financial backing to get it off the ground. +I don't know what he was capable of. +Lambert will be playing against Belgium. +I have no sympathy with her at all. +I have never been in anything like that. +What then is wrong? +The game was up. +He was a legend. +Public safety is paramount. +This is not a recipe for conflict. +Is there a new way forward? +It was a great team effort. +It has been a great day. +We think the timing is good. +It wasn't just the character and energy of the playing. +You are going to Glasgow Airport, and not coming back. +It is a memorial. +There are two interests in this woodland. +It was no more than they deserved. +I certainly think it should be there. +It was a total surprise. +My father and mother are. +However, the figures were disputed by the Scottish Prison Service. +We are not with you. +Maybe it will work there. +It could have been a ceilidh. +Every character was completely different. +It further expressed his defiance. +That is the bottom line. +We're not the tourist board. +That's the only thing that matters. +They wanted them to move fast, but some couldn't. +He has made his base in Spain. +I had a tie in my hand. +Construction would then begin. +John gave up everything to be with me. +We should be rewarded for producing. +I came up through the ranks. +Many complicated ideas about the rainbow have been formed. +The modern approach will also be reflected in the terms of address. +I've been waiting a long time. +Motorists will buy passes in advance. +Referees in Scotland are very weak. +And the context is also completely different. +His ambition was made this year when he played alongside his son. +So there is a very real dilemma. +Talks will then resume again in the autumn. +Everyone was in tears. +It's been a long wait. +We will just get on with it. +This was great for our sport. +I am immensely sad. +I have no plans to retire. +Who is he? +It is premature to speculate on the impact. +It changed my life. +The proposals were not new. +Or so it is hoped. +I sincerely hope not. +It's a step forward.You were an easy target and therefore an easy sacrifice. +IS Tony Blair on drugs? +It will be released in October. +He said current trading was strong. +The Old Firm are going nowhere. +This is only the start of my season. +The company did not declare a dividend. +This is truly field of miracles. +Despite the result, it was still a great moment. +However, by then the damage had been done. +We know them as mobile telephones. +The British Government should follow the Irish example. +It's back to how it used to be. +We do not expect any surplus. +Our house was very small. +We just love to chat. +I'll just do my best. +He had been surprised by the local reaction. +Mr Masterton said he was very hopeful. +He worked there for six months. +We did everything by the book. +Her heart was not in it. +Britain will lead demands for the reform of Europe. +Last night he became one of the hunted. +The end result is precisely the same. +Ferguson should take note. +Everything is possible in football. +Over the last four years, we have been fairly consistent. +I've seen some of the submissions. +Frankly, they have to crack down. +She should not be blamed. +Internet users will double over the next three years in the UK. +We were extremely arrogant. +But it didn't bother me. +We have made a commitment to those people. +The arrival of the Scottish Premier League has also presented a problem. +It should not lose out in any way. +Treatment is aimed at the symptoms. +I don't think that he won't be released. +Alright, it was a defeat, but it felt like a victory. +It was time to act. +Movement has to take place. +Everything people said about it was true. +He will never walk the streets again. +He could tell you. +It's only fair. +I said that I had been raped. +The goals were good. +Then one day it happened. +There is no change in our position. +We just want them home. +I'm not a paedophile. +I went with the mood. +Some of his family still live there. +It has been declared. +I want to put myself on discussion also. +Maybe he will act again. +He said he was delighted by the award. +It is the tip of the iceberg. +We have to win the group. +We were unlucky not to score. +But it could be a consequence of our policy. +North African countries are also seen as potential customers. +The feedback from audiences was just so positive. +This is a critical time for football. +But, mainly, it is up to ourselves.The driver escaped injury. +It is almost certain to be the last. +Once again, they would be wrong. +Further details are expected later. +I was waiting for that question. +But what are the songs about? +There are many children. +This is a one-off. +It's time for a change. +I was there five months ago. +The result is utterly compelling. +We have been here before. +What has happened? +My players are special. +He's very young but he is growing up. +It was as if it was all happening at a garden party. +I try not to expect anything. +It has changed, and not for the better. +He put some colour into Scottish history. +Is that it? +He will be really pleased about this. +I want the Commonwealth and European titles. +There were no problems with the crowds. +Meanwhile, the problems of Ball continue to multiply. +Overall, it was a promising day for the Scots. +We should be trying to keep him in. +We must provide a long-term solution to tackle this attitude. +It may be his last for a while, too. +They still have a great sense of humour. +Look at them after three days of rain. +They probably expected something special from me. +We backed away from writing new songs. +Victory was never in doubt. +But he admitted he could not speak for the new owner. +Most of the others were in their twenties. +What do you think they said? +I was happily surprised. +John was there already in spirit. +Equally, he is grateful to have survived the cull. +I would welcome a proper, public discussion on this issue. +It was love of Helen and the children. +It is crucial for both teams. +It's not right of Labour. +I am going to win the next two. +This is a source of real concern for the area. +It really was my favourite. +It's all too short term. +We certainly do not intend to disband. +Carlton also declined to comment last night. +If he does, he has a real chance of gold. +Six other people were injured. +That team is due to be announced this morning. +But he rejected calls for a public register of paedophiles. +With us, we just want them to respond. +And so they have. +He pretended not to care. +This could be a recipe for conflict. +World leaders expressed their sympathy. +We go back a long way. +We're very proud of him and his achievement. +It's like a high school play. +The ministers are now to make their decision. +Lots of others were doing the same. +We are keen to see truth and justice. +Oil stocks also provided a boost. +They want to avoid a flashpoint. +This will be great for the young lads. +This makes up for it. +The matter is under discussion. +They could not ignore the will of parliament, he claimed. +They were not up to the required standard. +The plot is minimal. +The news is not all bad. +The choice is strictly personal. +And what does it cost, and who is paying? +Aye, but who do you really support? +It is a terrible place. +All options are on the table. +There is a solution, she believes. +It's a personal matter. +It is a technique. +Last year was not a good year. +I'm very relieved that I have finally won. +There is no shortage of questions. +But the Sunday Herald said it stood by its story. +I want a career. +Lee Westwood has other ideas. +There's nothing I can say. +It was just one of those things.We think a lot of Allan McGregor. +That will apply to both sets of fans. +It is essential that we win the game.Two Israeli cabinet ministers were in the building at the time. +It was developed in the Gulf War. +I'm astonished by this decision. +It will be an exciting finale to the season without a doubt. +But we are confident. +This hasn't happened in a vacuum. +Two other men, including the taxi driver, were wounded in the attack. +Collaboration is also encouraged by the Medical Research Council and other bodies. +We couldn't go very fast. +Therefore, no-one can work full time in these companies. +New York is expected to come to a standstill. +He liked to give the impression of being a hard man. +There is no excuse. +But there's no eye contact. +We were desperate to get the game on. +I'd been out with my girlfriend and we were attacked. +Not that he was complaining. +Thankfully they liked it. +Meetings will also remain private. +The feedback from them has been fantastic. +There are no charges. +Sure, it's funny. +The trust has no magic wand. +Cruelty is an accepted feature of conflict in the Balkans. +No one wants to go through these things. +That will be the office. +They too refused to come out and talk.That's a lot of bodies to tolerate. +They were all in a stable condition last night. +It depends on the internal discussions in the Ministry of Defence. +Some US embassy staff have left the country. +I will not be in dialogue with her. +We are entirely happy with Russell. +Actually, it's an amazing orchestra. +It ignores the future. +I am so upset. +Creative, expressive football was the order of the day. +But he gave no details. +These people are helpless. +I was independent but I am not now. +He looked very sharp. +I have thought a lot about the Commonwealths. +I feel very strongly about that. +Where do we go from here? +But today was the real big one. +The last few weeks have been really bad. +They know nothing about the sport. +That was the most annoying thing. +Suddenly, the Fir Park side were in disarray. +I would never even consider it. +Then one night only three people turn up. +Confidence is as low as it can get. +However, there are also many areas of agreement. +More than that, it's a vicious circle. +That takes a lot of courage.I believe he could have turned it around. +The professor is in no doubt. +The crucial strike was yet to come. +But they were unable to respond in time, officials have said. +Is our children learning? +A great deal was achieved. +I was in the zone in the morning. +It is good to look back. +On this showing, they should stick with the lads. +If not, a deal could take many months. +A wide range of restrictions are in place. +The expansion will be financed by the Clydesdale Bank. +We expect them to deliver for us. +Advice and counselling will be offered. +We should have gone solo. +No country has a similar training programme. +A decision about that will be made today. +The workers said they were treated like animals. +Farmers have been an endangered species. +The direct effects on trade will be limited. +A friendship that will endure. +One thing is clear. +I was blown out of proportion. +It was all in a short period of time. +Today he will meet the Italian press but he will give little away. +Mr Docherty said the whole family was shocked. +The actor has met with Mandela. +He didn't bother a soul. +Final proposals will be published in February. +A teacher is, really, about unity.I'm just as concerned about life and death as you are. +It is a delight on every level. +Again and again, at every level, he delivered the goods. +We are trying to establish a date. +However, it did not end that way. +The marshall at the turn was great. +It separates the men from the boys. +It's not going to work out that way. +This time, it might be for real. +They made a huge impression on me.These take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. +I can lead by example. +Many of these properties are located in the south of England. +The observer saw no evidence of fighting. +Sub Not Used, McCall. +I can assure you, the new Augusta National is exactly that.My only ambition is to enjoy my work. +He has two children. +There is no need for that call.In addition, it was in breach of natural justice. +Everything has the potential to be serious. +It's nice to hear. +It was a very strong metaphor. +This was certainly not about money. +They have nowhere else to go. +She is a valuable member of the Government. +A winter of discontent awaits. +It's been a humbling year. +I can't see myself in one of those. +It is a very resilient and deadly bacterium. +He needs to be. +I find this ongoing debate is demeaning. +All the names are familiar to me. +Our position is quite clear. +Everyone thought they were safe. +When he took over it really took off. +A Labour insider said it was far too close to call. +It has raised the profile of Scottish banking. +There is always the smell. +Customers for the panels include the National Trust for Scotland. +There will be new memories. +And the art of performance is taking risks. +Lester was like that. +But my daughter has got nothing. +He then had a swipe at Hearts. +I've been very nervous. +All the oil companies are talking together. +Chris is big and jolly. +I've had a ball. +I've had my time. +As we worked. +He is married with three children. +The problem was he thought you were a big man. +Capital gains tax is also being reduced. +His own boys say the same about him. +That ignorance is crucial. +The company continues to grow. +I knew my contract was up this year. +It didn't put me off. +It was an amazing time. +You're not getting any goodwill. +It doesn't make them evil. +He was too good for me - too consistent. +I didn't think about it again. +I will never manage another Scottish club. +Mr Blair last night attended his weekly audience with the Queen. +When we played them last year, we were beaten by the weather. +We've had five weeks with two games really. +It is difficult when you don't know anyone. +Laura is an investment banker. +The amount of alcohol as a whole was very high. +It felt right for me. +We have no plans for direct action. +I felt like I was a child. +Last year, it was ligaments in his knee. +It was very personal and very intimate. +Shaking his head, Mr Cook said he simply couldn't understand it. +But I felt it was important to introduce the element of tradition. +Good players have become bad. +That is absolute nonsense. +People love to see this stuff. +This is new money. +They are now divorced. +It's now down in black and white. +It is a lot of fun.I think we can cause a surprise in the first division. +They are looking for partners. +The approval system will be changed. +It has too few of its own special forces inside Kosovo. +I would ask the fans to be patient. +We have got to get it right. +Seven people were already in custody in France. +The girls are so lucky to be alive. +However, their reaction could not have been more different. +Today we can say that a new era has begun. +This is a complex and detailed report. +That's the way it works. +I can't believe something like this could happen. +That's what makes it interesting. +What would you do if you didn't work? +There was barely a handful of chances. +Her husband had been waiting for her return. +They are appealing for witnesses. +That can be good for us. +We are currently working on the details. +They were unable to revive him. +All manner of precaution and protection are taken. +I don't think the referees are against us. +Overall, the labour market continued to tighten. +He is obviously very dangerous. +Maybe we expected too much from the fixture. +Everything has its place and purpose. +We are trying to be realistic. +That would help. +That's as good as it gets. +The conference is a chance for members to contribute to the debate. +I just have to accept that. +I'm not saying he is finished. +Kingfisher can afford to wait. +It would also delay the Scottish results. +It was an empowering journey. +I haven't had a lesson in four years. +There is no common ground. +Just look at his record. +The following day I used the story. +It also provides a wealth of contrast within the movement. +He died at the hands of his captors. +It was a tactical change.Gone with them is any sense of narrative. +I'm surprised to hear it from Tony. +What will they called? +This Patton will also return. +I certainly hope not. +Let's not be too despondent. +Mr Mason is claiming unfair dismissal. +It was just appalling luck. +The years of campaigning have been very difficult. +It will be a huge difference. +It's good news and long overdue. +He was critically ill in hospital last night. +It's unusual to say the least. +There is no signature. +This is a one-year deal, but who knows? +Appointments should be made on merit. +The car driver died. +The price paid for it was not disclosed. +You let a lot of people down. +We were in Italy suddenly, we knew. +You've seen the polls then, Sean. +But it didn't happen. +Our offer will remain on the table. +He took me on a tour of the wards. +Who has he fought? +I am very confident about tomorrow night. +Those overseas offices were great. +He also has property interests in the country. +The result was a crisis for the global financial system. +I am delighted at Murray's appointment. +We were fortunate to get an own goal.It would seem a natural progression. +I know we ask a lot of you. +Construction is due to begin in February. +People should not become complacent. +It's harder, believe me. +Four other charges were dropped. +We have always been, and remain confident of securing the order. +The report is due out next month. +I was a spectator, that is as far as it goes. +Thankfully, Mr Campbell was able to help. +It certainly was a birthday to remember. +The squad is too small. +The FBI could become involved. +For the moment, that is the result of the X-ray. +I think we could do well in Europe. +Don Hutchison, too, is a threat. +He said to give a local injection. +In short, he is the wrong candidate, but the right man. +Instead, he missed the lot. +I feel very grateful with everything. +If we get a penalty next week I want to take it. +The Farmer is doing the whole of August. +This was not the show for me. +TODAY it begins. +He would add value. +I don't think there's going to be one. +Some problems were too complex.They were willing us to get a second. +Film music was never the same again. +We must not go down that road. +Our position is clear. +We don't say there was a massacre. +They are very clever and very dangerous. +Her husband was very concerned that it might be fatal. +It is for policy Ministers to defend their policies. +There was an element of jealousy. +The whole experience was uplifting and heartbreaking at the same time. +And the match was not too bad, either. +We did not talk about it. +I just got under the ball a bit. +The statement finally came on Wednesday night after the market had closed. +They were both delightful to work with. +The members have clearly spoken. +That's not eviction because he is not a tenant. +Access has been a nightmare. +A police inquiry began about two weeks before the General Election. +It will be completed within a year. +THE pain was almost too much to bear.I have been here for only three months. +I've not thought about it. +You're going to take away my life. +The idea has potential for the future. +They had better be. +That is my personal view. +He has been banned from the Salmon Inn. +I had another good day. +There is still much work to be done. +Three penalties were given. +She is employed on short-term contracts. +However, that is not in itself enough. +They made a huge impression on me. +But we will have to wait. +It was just another race, and yesterday is history. +Look at his last couple of records. +I don't know them or anything. +It was hugely popular decision. +Golf is an expensive game for beginners. +Yet she is still the woman behind the famous man. +No, they have not. +There will be plenty to keep them occupied. +Half the young people had had contact with the police. +These men could be anywhere in the world. +I expect a rapid response. +However, he did not stay there very long. +And how he kept his word. +There's always a chance. +It is very simple, no-one is forced to compete. +Sometimes you get them, sometimes you don't. +This is just one example. +This result has given me much food for thought. +A world away from Rangers, you might say. +Next league matches Kilmarnock. +The trading conditions are not good. +He is fully fit. +There's a strong involvement. +About time too, you might think. +Together they will attempt to express the whole. +It's so nice to see the reaction on their faces. +Who are the democrats? +The transaction is not feasible. +Or so it would appear. +Mr Kennedy is not a candidate for the Scottish Parliament. +It is a tough game but we have a chance. +Or was it? +This obsession wasn't just contained within the world of the losers. +The changes took effect from June. +Bob Dylan's getting old. +This is a judgment issue. +I wanted to get on with it. +It will not happen overnight. +I'd love the chance to play for Scotland. +For now, though, my future is with Rangers. +I'm just going to hit the shot. +He was also a great man. +It's going to be fun. +We can certainly build on this. +That is still in place. +It has to be a long-term commitment. +I was very, very pleased with our display. +And it's not funny. +It's just not very nice.We expect to come through on Thursday. +Meanwhile, the Trust presented its first grant awards for Scotland yesterday. +Police were called to the scene, according to the weekend reports. +We very much regret that it has occurred. +And it's more subversive. +One might think that it is a power. +That was really tough. +But it was the sensible thing to do. +I have great confidence in Annabelle. +You have got to be careful. +We don't know what happened. +It was different from our other work. +I really had to concentrate. +Obviously, we were pretty close in a couple of games. +He feels he has cost us the game, but he didn't. +We've tried every other way. +We must learn from the past. +I am expecting to win. +Stephen had never considered the question of compensation. +The winner will be announced by early summer. +I cannot say anymore. +As she explains. +They control the prices paid to farmers. +It's probably just as well. +The temperature in the town is very difficult to control. +The car was perfect.They are difficult awards to decide. +It will now relate to all public bodies in Scotland. +We were lucky to have survived. +We need to be prepared. +Could it have been better spent? +Our dispute is with the company, not the travelling public. +This has been a long process. +We did discuss the Lockerbie issue. +This is not finished. +Five years later, the deception continued. +The result is a vacuum. +In our view the stock has financial risk. +It does not move, which is amazing. +Is it the flight? +Jack McConnell is the obvious choice. +However, there would be no permanent displays. +An appeal was unlikely.He doesn't need to hit people. +Everything in golf is a balance. +I was just so determined. +But they were never expected to last. +They've got more time. +Why should he go anywhere? +The Devil is the creator of weapons. +It's just a training thing. +Who will perform? +Everyone in Britain is proud of this team. +South Africa is the next likely customer. +I'm very lucky. +It benefits the whole family. +We are in the business of selling tickets. +Except, this time, it seems, he really, really means it. +They are not a set of options.No-one in the passenger train was hurt. +Blood samples were taken. +I was on my own. +Today it was really enjoyable. +The auction has seven days to run. +He told the court. +He didn't win the title.My duty is to win. +We all like to see forgiveness and redemption. +I have made that offer. +Since then physicists have found that it is not reflection, but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows. +That is the nature of the game. +Consumers have generally accepted this process to date. +I have been going through a lot of things. +However, within those figures, income from overseas visitors increased. +It was a good atmosphere. +What is the point of jailing him? +Many farmers cannot even agree within their own families. +I have been very nervous. +They have to be dealt with. +A bit of match fitness is required. +Feel for five seconds. +It is understood the timescale for the refurbishment has slipped. +Do it for us now. +It had a gigantic effect. +I do not see this so much as failure. +She said he did not look too happy. +She had not suffered any physical injury. +There is no reason to put me out. +We have always been, and remain confident of the securing of order. +A police spokeswoman said last night that the case was closed. +Courtenay took over on tour. +It's very difficult to find a buyer. +That was the problem. +Everything has been destroyed. +We were getting very worried. +I thought they played well. +She also defended the Lord Chancellor's existing powers. +Jackson may well be right. +She asked us a lot of questions. +I thought he was at fault. +I don't believe that money is the answer. +In this position, it often takes some time. +These things can happen. +You had to go and see him. +The board is currently resolving its differences. +We've got the top three. +Ms Jackson was not present to put her case. +The fans would love it. +We are all in the frontline. +It feels like a winner already. +I have great sympathy with these people. +Our fans have been marvellous. +I welcome this new service. +His was the best performance of the day, after all. +It is a step up. +Scotland were beaten again. +They are a very good team. +No passengers were on board. +So we started building a home. +I was just a child. +It is long gone. +We just want this season to end. +They follow him everywhere. +I'm going with all three. +We have got the school holidays on. +The Israeli government is destroying the peace process. +A council spokesman said it had been a constructive meeting. +On Saturday, it was much the same. +He is not a dancer. +There will be no final dividend. +He played really, really well. +She doesn't know the half of it. +We want the results as soon as possible before Thursday. +Before it was an ordeal. +IT has been the year of the youngster at Kilmarnock. +Do not go into government buildings. +Hopefully, he will get a lucky break. +When it is ready, it will be signed. +However, we had no failures on our side. +We are happy with the referee. +It was the first time they met. +The Premier League has been a huge success. +They must do it. +Some would say that that culture had been created already. +It was really quite amazing. +But he is not hopeful. +It is the manager's decision. +The bookies have got it about right. +She has nothing to say to journalists. +But we will learn from that. +He was replaced by John Spencer. +Footballers have also been targeted. +I think it can count against you now.We're moving from four companies into a single company. +Survival is our aim. +That doesn't mean the Cabinet has to endorse. +I believe in having difficult times. +It went on forever. +It's much more dynamic. +Lose, and they would be ridiculed. +And this game is all about belief. +We have understood the problems for some time. +I lost it at the final whistle. +Despite his senior position, he did not know in advance. +So what's it all about? +Is he any good in the kitchen? +An announcement will follow in due course. +The guys have really enjoyed it. +He ended up a headmaster. +That's the last thing he will do. +Despite that, it was a great day for me. +Story time is over - it's a war. +We have a major concern about enforcement action. +He was at it again yesterday. +This could take a few days. +She really suffered for her art. +Both managements are very supportive. +After that, we made some changes. +It is crucial to understand this in context. +They finished second and third. +These are long-term investments. +They seem to get away with it. +They were unconfirmed reports that it was a cannabis. +I became a widow overnight. +I have no worry about that. +In each case they were a goal down. +My main concern is that public health is not put at risk. +I made a terrible start. +And I have some advice for my old friend. +It was a sobering experience. +She can scoop these things into three red bags, and we will go meet her Wednesday at the train station. +He was just awesome. +We will not tolerate it. +They want to be entertained. +The decision was announced at its annual conference in Dunfermline. +He is on the wrong side. +It puts the thought out, for other people to think about. +They will run in tandem with New Work. +Then nine minutes before half time Kenny Miller struck. +PR for Westminister is their holy grail. +That's the principal difference between an artist and a dog. +They should try to get tickets. +The hotel was huge. +The new deal will now be put to the officers. +We have nothing to hide. +Did they give any good advice? +We were well worth the win. +He agreed with my proposal. +It should be easy. +I am here to play football. +We have reacted well to each other. +I didn't realise it had reached that stage. +That's how it works. +It has become very confused. +The problem was a social problem. +It's important to get it right. +Charles Clarke is an idiot. +It was a tactical change. +It was that bad, that low. +He has had success at every level. +I'll take the blame for that. +Here, again, they were denied a voice. +It was a moment of madness. +We could learn a lot from them. +In this case, the farmer had actually given permission. +They are not left wing. +That end is enjoying life, as far as David is concerned. +It is reform in return for resources. +We are also looking for new licences. +I hope he has learned from it. +I am sure that this will happen again. +They said there was nothing. +Nor does he have any desire to be. +But her parents will never see her again. +That figure will always remain with me. +Please call Stella. +Becoming a father was wonderful. +I asked for a picture and she said, No problem. +It's all happening at a local level. +This remains the party's policy. +These take the shape of a long round arc, with its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. +The princess has strong links with Scotland. +I'm very pleased with what we have achieved. +We have been preparing all year. +It is a stroke of genius. +People are using it in their daily lives. +O Leary now intends to take a holiday. +I will be able to say in a couple of weeks. +I hope that that will be forthcoming. +It could have been a hammering by now. +Since then physicists have found that it is not reflection, but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows.Adams is surely worth a chance. +I had a train to catch. +People elsewhere in Scotland will feel cut off by this. +The abuse of elderly people was appalling. +Off with their heads. +It is rubbish. +We're still talking about it. +That's my daughter acting. +Sullivan was later charged with her murder, which she denied. +They knew they shouldn't have been there. +It's like an extension of your body. +I hope that doesn't happen. +They did not attack the themes of the book. +You will be. +I've been thinking about it for a year. +I have never heard a rule that you could be too young. +At the moment, the success in Germany is good. +Not so, it seems. +It's just so sad. +Well, you can have a tree. +It came as a surprise. +So if we can take anything from tonight, it will be fantastic. +It was large enough to fit the wall. +I must make that clear. +You didn't need to pay. +We can be proud of our achievements. +The inquiry had been going on for months. +What do you think? +Reviving the Scottish Open is one option. +It was his greatest movie performance. +And Michael was just great. +If you look at the other galleries in this area. +THE arrow was aimed at the heart. +I love this tournament.Today we must not repeat that mistake. +We have several options. +It is the right package for Scotland. +But the New Year was special. +The Dream is as hard as they come. +Like his acting, it was an accident. +It is essential that we win the game. +Yesterday Abbey National said it had injected further capital into Scottish Provident. +While they went on a holiday, we got the contract. +But it wasn't to be. +The latter is due to be finished in February. +The time of judgment has arrived. +I have no doubt about that. +Do yourselves a favour. +It has been achieved by hard work and careful planning. +Subtle it is not. +We put our bid in last night. +I had a sense of deja vu. +What are you not good at? +Italy is a beautiful place. +But there is another side. +White would like to buy further bus businesses. +I am very, very happy. +At the last I found a bunker. +Blood samples have been taken. +No further details of expansion plans were given. +It's as wide as a church in here. +Israel has done very little until now.If we were offered The Scotsman I would buy it. +Donald is genuine in trying to be inclusive. +The initial report has been completed. +It is very important that we get the balance right. +Where was the point in all this? +Well, that was the plan. +Analysts were not surprised at the talks between the companies. +That's why they go to the opera. +I'm feeling very pleased. +It is a thing of beauty to watch. +There will be no disruption in the schools. +However, he is a coach, and he remains a coach at heart. +Two years of building a business will go up in smoke. +Full details are expected to be released in June. +I've wanted to buy one for the National Gallery. +From the opening Could It Be Magic? +You were made to feel so welcome. +The state is controlled by the left. +It is his script. +The policy has led to a big increase in customer recruitment. +It was fit for royalty. +They said that they stood by their statement. +I am desperate to play for Scotland. +We gave them the goal. +Friday night was a pretty good night. +Family liaison officers are now working to support the family. +It makes me feel difficult. +Many events are down on numbers. +What do you want. +They will do something big. +My preference is for the single vaccines. +Of course, this is nice to hear. +However, in Scotland this figure was four weeks. +You look at them and you understand. +I have spoken to my brother. +We'll have to work hard today. +Others said they had been beaten by police. +Then came the collision with Sergio. +However, it has to be seen as part of a package. +We are at war. +The local primary is excellent. +But don't just take my word for it. +We need to tighten up. +It is a serious offence of reckless conduct. +I believe we have a good chance. +It's a question of perception. +The other is the existence of male colleagues. +It really was an unusual award. +It will be for the committee to decide. +Her body has never been found. +It was also live on Radio Five. +This is a fight to the death. +It is urgent. +It's a commission, and for it's work, a year's work. +They believed it worked. +That was a real challenge. +I think we can do well.Everyone has to prove a point when they cross that white line. +The response was really good. +That's what we're still trying to do. +When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act as a prism and form a rainbow. +He is well respected by his colleagues. +This is not the end. +No-one else is like Michael Jackson. +It is not illegal. +We will build upon the basic state pension. +Visitors were also impressed. +We're still paying the price for that. +Murray spent the early part of his career elsewhere. +The trick is to try it. +Surrender is not an appealing or realistic prospect. +I thought he was my friend. +He's got to look after himself now. +We have now no choice. +New blood is essential for progress. +Paterson was the man. +We tried four banks. +He did, and he missed. +It just would not work. +For him then it's a labour of love. +It is hoped to complete the merger in the summer. +He has earned the right to their respect. +The vacancies are in support services and arts. +He is not very big, either. +We're still in the process of making changes.There would appear to be no motive for the attack. +It's there for people to look at. +We are now in an election period. +Its people are inventive, talented and diligent. +That it is a brand name. +I'm not allowed to say that, of course. +The message was clear. +Beyond that would have been outrageous. +I just felt that I was broken down. +All options are open. +Lothian and Borders Police are also involved. +What was the cause of all this outrage? +I miss the freedom that I had. +Three hit the target. +Another High Street retailer was not so lucky. +My view has always been the same. +You get a lot for your money. +You are not in any kind of trouble. +We have achieved that. +Weather conditions were good, he added. +He was released after treatment. +The way they play, it is hard to score against them. +O Neill has delivered. +I knew that I needed to lower my ball flight. +No decisions have been made in this respect. +I am very happy with life. +We played so well at times. +Abbey National is an option. +You have to work with what you've got. +They were not defeated. +She thought she was going to die. +Then it will come. +They said to me, Why don't you get into acting, Tommy? +The family also declined to discuss the case. +We won't do that. +Dewar is the medium. +The defender should have won the bloody ba. +But it is a fact. +So we will cut their numbers. +I can live with it. +It requires a wider team. +That is a crazy situation. +That's where it all started. +Scottish fishermen condemned the decision. +We are going to have a party. +How can they tell? +The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops, and the width of the colored band increase as the size of the drops increases. +THE Paragon Ensemble is back.The airspace above the theatre was closed off. +We have got to get the points from this one. +She has been shot. +Nobody will know the feeling of the branches until October. +There are no excuses left for us. +He was in a mood. +Golf has lost a great character. +Or rather he did and he didn't. +He must get to know himself. +The problems began a long time ago. +The vast bulk of its funds are run by Aberdeen. +That shows the strength of the US Tour. +This seems like a very good idea. +It looked like a war zone. +We can build on that. +In fact, he took it very well. +We have reports of this throughout Scotland. +It was a family tragedy. +He has changed my life forever. +Do you mean today?It has been like that all year for me. +There is a changing of the guard. +You have to have some hope and faith. +I came here this week to work. +Our performance continues to be outstanding. +But, clearly, it is crucial to understand that point. +But the next day she paid for it. +Scotland is too small a country for that. +He said some things which were better left alone. +City sentiment is in his favour. +She was not hard done by. +And that's it? +I was an athlete. +It is a natural reaction. +I had it before the final. +It's not a U-turn at all. +As long as it is possible, we will keep going. +I hope you don't regret it. +He did it all for us. +However, they should not come as a surprise. +Where will the money come from? +My views on the decision are well known. +It need not be like that. +You feel very helpless. +Royal Bank provided debt funding for the deals. +They are expected to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today. +Thirty schools were closed in the Western Isles. +It is good football in Scotland. +What is the Working Families Tax Credit? +The procedure is the same in all cases. +I'm just doing artwork. +A great player has to win major championships. +He made so many bad decisions. +They never seem to do anything about it. +The composer will conduct. +He is a very nice man. +They will now have to justify their position. +Separate approvals would be needed for these. +The Shadow Chancellor is away on holiday. +He is a law unto himself. +Those were the days. +The dangers are very obvious. +In football it is not always the case. +Police are appealing for witnesses to the accident.There is a great potential on this river. +This was extremely foolish behaviour on your part. +And the winners are. +But there are some problems. +We have got to the top. +Military action is the only option we have on the table today. +We are a party for people, not against people. +He stands on Centre Court alone. +He prefers to play for them. +Are we going mainstream? +That must be left to the Parole Board. +We've seen that time and time again. +It's a matter of huge concern. +Is Saddam a threat? +Many contemplated ideas about the rainbow have been formed. +We played them off the pitch. +Just one of those things, we suppose. +There are so many artists working in Glasgow. +He added that trading data for the new stores would be revealed in due course. +We are delighted with that. +He did that last Sunday. +But my heart is in athletics. +It carried a double message. +She added, The sheriff was obviously frustrated. +That's a very strong element. +We have a problem. +There's no choice is there? +I told you so. +We still have a long, long way to go. +Sadly, they did not. +I am still waiting for her.Some realism was needed about the time, resources and management. +It has to be enforced. +The bank was now involved. +They scored with a penalty and a breakaway. +That's been all around Europe with me. +They could move in at any moment. +And perhaps it is as simple as that. +That is very important to people. +Nobody has been put on trial. +I've spent a lot of time on buses. +No plan for projects are yet in place. +The trial will open today. +The new scheme will have its own terms and conditions. +So was the first half. +I think, overall, they were the best team in the tournament. +It had not been a terribly inspiring end, either. +It does affect the staff and the prisoners. +The dictator of Iraq is not disarming. +Suddenly it was, indeed, a new ball game. +And so did the rest of her team. +Not that Agassi was a believer. +Turnover was highest in telecoms. +I am the opposite because I haven't played very much. +There is nothing sinister in it. +A new season has offered a fresh start for both men. +We opened up and everything was gone. +But I've won both ways. +But the cost to his health was enormous. +He had planned to sell it. +We've got a lot of that sort of nonsense in the North-east. +The business is mainly active in Europe, the US and Australia. +We are very nearly there. +It was a joy. +It's the body that counts. +This is a good result for them. +But then the problems began. +I will have to order its destruction. +I'd rather play well next week than here. +We always felt we could win. +It should be a condition of employment. +You guys are not out of it yet. +You'd better believe it. +I think we're the better side. +They were the better team on the night. +We are here for the long term. +It is a vicious circle. +It feels like a privilege. +The only problem was, they were on himself. +Well, it was certainly different. +Our message was inclusive. +Andy was a huge influence yet again. +I am not sure about the rate of progress. +He is a sort of a mystery figure. +Not that it was needed. +The observer saw no evidence ofr fighting. +Seven people were critically injured. +They have a car and cannot afford another. +It can be frightening. +I am feeling a bit better. +That's the way it is. +It's going to have a hell of an effect. +He is young but not too young. +Some reports said they had been killed. +After that date, the numbers should stabilise or fall. +You don't see that. +Of course, it doesn't all come off. +I don't think he played his best. +It proved a good decision. +The ministers are now to make their decision.This fight is not going to go away. +My game just seems to keep on improving. +It's hard, but if we don't do it, nobody will. +This would discourage investment and job creation. +We are looking for Scotland to be inspired. +I've got the poster. +No person was charged. +Nobody called me to explain. +If he could have taken those words back, he would have. +He died the following year. +Now, though, he has an incentive. +Is it on a building site? +We just got a phone call on Saturday night. +I want to help other women. +The likelihood is that it will be negative. +WHAT's in a name in this, the age of the Internet? +This is an exciting time for the party. +You can feel at home in China. +You have to have a sense of humour. +He is, indeed, the grandson of travelling folk. +We just wish they had done so before. +We have obviously got some work to do. +We will continue to talk to find a solution for Scottish football. +Losing in that manner is very hard to take. +So far, the problems have occurred in the US. +We need a visionary producer. +He said he was impressed by the set-up at Celtic. +This conference was never confirmed. +Saddam Hussein has made the case against himself. +I wish I had put on a brighter tie. +All these women were actors. +The performance was excellent. +Obviously, Airbus is one of these. +Rangers are my life. +I'm not fit for anything else. +I don't believe you own anything. +He was taken ill in December last year. +My daughter was really, really innocent. +It is sad and frustrating. +There was the option of following the Celtic to Portugal. +We want to help them through it. +Mentally, you have to be tough.I have to say, for me, the game was not. +However, he lasted only five days before going on the run. +The incidents are not believed to be linked. +This is clearly not abuse. +The other was the tabloids. +This could prove a problem. +Colin Cameron was excellent.The shareholders will vote to wind up the company on Friday morning. +Whatever we are doing, they have good reason to come. +This is the best moment of my career. +No-one is a winner in this. +What is the wife? +In France, the reverse is true. +Why does he do it? +The potential for Scottish beef is not limited to carcasses. +However, this is only the start. +It is not an abortion. +Walk out the door and anything can happen. +There will be no repeat of that performance, that I can guarantee. +Scotland is never far away at Westminster. +It was an outstanding performance.That is however, the only part of the story. +They should not be blamed for it. +A deadline is still essential. +Something is wrong. +It was not like that at all. +It was an interesting thing to do. +All options are available. +He has a lot of experience as captain in his career. +Now they have to do something about it. +The price was raised after massive demands from retail investors. +He loved it, and so did they. +That set the tone. +We just thought it would be kept under the carpet. +It was a very difficult period. +I didn't have a trio. +The wedding was in Edinburgh. +What are you supposed to do, just walk away? +Their condition was described as stable. +I've always been very taken by the drink. +We are talking about one family. +What has caused the demise of singing? +I was there for five hours. +He got very close tonight. +I've so much respect for him. +Here the National Gallery has been very clever. +Breaching that condition was itself an offence. +But everyone is entitled to their own opinion. +That tells you something. +Nothing was going to go right. +Well, was it? +I think she is supreme. +We have no choice but to shut down. +It wasn't the second one. +I saw military vehicles in the distance. +There is a case to answer. +Do not imagine for a moment that they are not there. +I've never been one for complaining about the press. +Is that what people we want? +A formal decision will be announced within months. +He was asked to quit. +He took a draw on his cigarette. +They have enough intrusion at the time. +Wish I could be there on Sunday in person but I can't. +Got to get my sunglasses. +I am very relieved. +We are losing this war. +I have decided to stand down from the list. +His words were not audible. +Police have appealed for witnesses. +He's not written as a terribly exciting person in the book. +That is how the Farmer is feeling today.There is no signature on this document. +But it's got to be worth it. +The Prime Minister has a huge regard for Mo. +It being the weekend, there was no-one there. +I know you went back this morning. +These were the dreams. +Right up until a week ago we thought they were very keen. +This is a recipe for disaster. +I would probably have to agree with him. +She kept him on a string. +However, this idea is never developed. +Mind you, it wouldn't be a bad idea. +Mind you, all was not lost. +I have had a wonderful career. +Rangers didn't turn up, by the way. +It really is a gift to the world. +We operate as a Scottish company. +It's not realistic because it's early days. +He is very unlikely to feature against Ireland. +We are determined to continue on this mission and we will prevail. +Their findings are published in the journal, Injury Prevention. +We all have to look in the mirror. +We used to keep our business rates. +The elections should have no role in this. +He didn't know where to look. +But it is up again. +This means a lot of hard decisions. +This is not a message from ministers. +I always savour the company of The Voice.Who will provide the wine? +He's just in it for himself. +Like anyone else, he has to take his time. +A lot of people had to wait, and people still do. +A report is the first step in a criminal case in India. +Donald felt it would be an appropriate thing to do. +We will not simply hit these people. +It was like a weekly wage. +Please call Stella.It was a narrow escape. +There were three boys and two girls. +He is firm but inclusive and very fair. +This is not a problem. +You have got to get people from all sorts of different directions. +They have just got to believe in themselves. +Audiences there were shocked. +It's a big mystery. +Mr Clinton was asked about his memory. +Its workforce is to be made redundant. +It's allowed in the rules he said later. +Every blood test on sheep in Scotland has been completely clear. +It was up to him. +I don't think they can complain about that. +This must be wrong. +We could easily have lost that game. +I think we've got the balance right. +Lord Levy said he started life with nothing. +We didn't really have to power up. +Fuller was the difference.All eight victims were based in Germany. +If I didn't go for the world record, I'd feel guilty. +It sounded like a bomb. +We have made no final decisions. +It would be a tragedy if it had to close. +There was mystery back then.I am a socialist. +He later told The Herald, It is true. +In my experience, he does not do that. +Had this been common practice? +It's never easy to win an Olympic gold medal. +Where is the human rights? +You have to see it like this. +The fans pay for their season tickets. +How could it not? +But it is being pursued. +It is easy to agree with him. +We must move on. +And he's not a bigot. +It's like a football team. +A win was a real achievement. +He supported the decision to review the decision. +I'm very pleased for the club and for myself. +Mr McLeod said he believed a solution would be reached. +Our people are ready. +The Queen Mother is dead. +I grew up listening to these people. +It is his speed off the mark that is so impressive. +It doesn't make sense. +Johnson was pretty low. +Dennis was not so sure. +We are on a four-year mission. +Then he did it twice. +Usually, you should leave it alone in the box.The damage is all inside. +After that he became more romantic. +He took my breath away. +Hopefully today will be the turning point. +It was the same expression of joy.It is marvellous. +That's what set him apart. +Just a year later he was dead. +Its loss was an economic catastrophe for the whole of Moray. +And you need to be so resourceful. +This was not just incongruous. +For many, it had become a fact of life. +They are with their father. +Further expansion is possible. +It seems to be politics at work again.There was no basis for their arrest.I should say so. +I could hardly move for the next couple of days. +I want this one to be different. +No, it wasn't supposed to do that, officials admitted. +It had until tomorrow to comply. +It was the eighties. +It was forced to divert. +The Greeks used it to imagine that it was a sign from the gods to foretell war or heavy rain. +That was the difference between the sides. +His second goal was equally impressive. +He was jailed for five years. +All will be revealed in due course. +We are seeking funds from government departments. +Thousands of homes were left without power supplies. +The women are victims here. +I think he's done it a few times. +There are a huge number of arts. +The sense of excitement in Stirling is tangible. +You're not stopping people using sunbeds. +It's great news, isn't it. +Put another way, they just won't do it. +I don't believe in gesture politics. +The announcement of a preferred bidder is expected at the same time. +The Royal Highland was no exception. +I agree with them. +As for Owen, class is permanent. +It was quite a new prescription. +Will we ever play together again? +The truth was rather different. +That's how it worked in Bosnia. +A Grampian Police spokesman said. +Last year, it was won by Jack McConnell, the first minister. +A hospital spokeswoman described his condition as stable. +It is their day. +It just got out of control. +It is great to have this beautiful new site in wonderful countryside. +Scotland is losing business. +The latter way is my way. +I am the manager of Scotland. +There were no serious injuries. +But we are very near. +However, there was hope, and glory too, for Scotland. +However, he urged the trade to keep the faith. +Now there's a thought. +It is all one-sided. +This news came after the stock market closed on Monday. +Details of the new vessel were given in London yesterday. +It was simply no contest. +I have come here to fight the boxer, not the fans. +This Government is cutting taxes. +Yes, it took time to recover. +That will be best for him.I'm going to win the gold. +Are we here? +The pig industry is on its knees. +I don't have any more contact with Airdrie. +He will not be carrying out any surgery. +I believe in trade unions. +It is a worry. +That was a touch of class. +We should savour this, because it's unlikely ever to happen again. +We've always had three options, and none of them are perfect. +She had denied the charge. +At the time, he was a living legend. +What form did that take? +It was just a feeling. +It's up to the defence team. +Two people were interviewed. +The crowd was awesome. +It succeeds in a direct and convincing manner. +We don't ask for much. +This is good news for the industry. +Things are going very well. +However, the problem is timing. +They are just bewildered and very concerned. +It is physical but it is also good. +Otherwise it could have secured a cinema release. +It is, but that's not the point. +It's going to take some time. +Human beings are always the same. +They married in August last year. +I'd never run for them. +It's quite a line-up ! +The car was just there. +I see that any day now. +I have so much respect for him. +It's not an improvement for him. +So what is it with Nato? +It has been a massive success. +This guy is amazing. +We now have to concentrate on the league. +It's a crucial award. +It's the real thing, for sure. +They were not complacent in any way. +This time, however, may have been different. +He's had a lot of injury problems. +But the military campaign is a military campaign against Osama bin Laden. +Later we discovered it was a hoax. +Ending a tenancy is a last resort. +I was pleased with my own game. +It was very positive and very helpful. +So she told him. +Where is the discipline? +There was no option. +There was no consultation with the executive and no need for any such consultation. +Maybe it will work there.It's got to be in the head. +It means the margin for error is tight. +I think we will join the single currency. +I am totally horrified by the sentence. +Since then physicists have found that it is not reflection, but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbow. +It is bizarre. +At Westminster, there was disbelief at the news. +Nothing has changed from the season before. +Action must be taken to slow down the traffic. +The others have all been in storage for some time. +This is good news for the Western Isles. +It is quite hard to track. +Her presence was almost everywhere. +I am sorry to hear this news. +I just want to do the good work. +The world record is suspicious. +I am very happy with him. +It was so unfair. +He didn't have time for any other hobbies. +People have been placed in a state of alarm. +I cannot describe it. +Mr Anderson was not acting in the course of his employment. +They chose to side with terror. +That's the important thing. +This will get their attention. +Promises were not kept.We are working on the two things. +The move is considered a major breakthrough. +We were surprised to see the photograph. +Rugby is a hard game. +Closure is not one of them. +I'm sorry to hear this news. +You've been working for four years. +I could easy do that. +Crucially, though, United were still alive. +The teacher would have approved. +But it is her picture. +This is all part of being opening the door. +It's hard not to. +The supporters gave us a lot of passion. +It may mean more money, but we don't need the money. +There have been different reports from different people. +Where are his symphonies and major concertos? +They were under a lot of pressure from the other clubs. +It will come all right. +We haven't actually considered it down here. +Teams are always interesting to watch. +Well, until recently he didn't think so. +A handful of those restrictions are in Scotland. +Casualties are a problem for the Kremlin. +That left a bad taste in my mouth. +Analysts believed the market would welcome the group's plan. +Connell was standing there, ordering her to get up. +The concerns were unfounded. +It's not a game. +Partly, it is his own fault. +It is simple, but profound. +These guys will not lie down. +Such cases are on the increase. +So I got a blood test. +I didn't see it. +I think we believed the tie was won. +We were not allowed to go to help them. +Now comes the hard part. +It is easy to be wise in hindsight. +Racism is alive and kicking in Scotland. +The timing is obvious. +It's somewhere in between. +Who is the employer? +There is a tunnel after the tunnel. +Usually, you should leave it alone in the box. +Let us hope it doesn't come to that. +It's got to come from me. +It's not a party, no, no. +He also worked on general building contracts in the area. +They have a way of proclaiming themselves. +That's the bit that's wrong. +Business has never been so bad. +That is different from being impartial. +What is the truth about the cow? +The playing is perfectly turned out. +England and Wales are likely to pull out. +We were with him the whole time. +As a player you have to move on. +People like him give rugby a good name. +It hasn't happened, but other things have. +But something has been lost in the translation. +His parenthood is called into question. +This trend is likely to strengthen. +The actors are confident and polished. +I had to win this race. +Words are not enough. +The danger is always there. +I could feel the blood on my face. +We have to start again on Saturday. +However, that is a sizeable if. +I am feeling on top of the world. +I feel alive and good today. +We were given a break. +The biggest resource is our staff. +The end result is the same. +It's the stop-gap before extinction. +If we lose the doctor it would be the last straw. +It's a record label, not a form of music. +His condition was stable last night. +The family is so happy for him. +It's never happened before. +I can't believe that is the way forward.There is a demand for it. +For me, the tour is wide open this year. +It could take three days. +The hearing was expected to last six weeks. +They have to be addressed. +It is out there. +I want to go now. +Iraq has no interest in war. +And so the cycle continues. +What she will do next? +I intended to look for another club on loan. +He had served his time. +They have already done that. +But we could only help a handful of people. +And that is very good indeed. +That was then and this is now. +I've had no discussions with the chairman of the board. +THE waiting game continues. +But it's not just about that. +They should have listened to me. +This included a downward revision in the expected level of dividend. +But the town has great potential as a book town. +Last year, however, was a different story. +The track is currently covered in snow. +A job is a job, after all. +I think it is a great idea. +He works at the airport. +It is not an inquiry to clear the athletes. +It is quite a thing to watch. +This is not a crisis. +Experience in this work is paramount. +It just shows the arrogance of Labour and the Liberal Democrats. +You read it right. +He's a key player in Scotland. +Arsenal refused to be evicted. +But he did not rule out further talks. +So, why does he do it? +This season has been great for me, it's been an experience. +It is on the news. +He plays only for himself. +Rangers then had a couple of good efforts. +He would help me with the form. +Three other people were treated for minor injuries. +I have no secrets. +Where will the elderly go then? +The tribunal continues today. +In addition, margins have been maintained. +I want to see as much progress as possible. +They will be destroyed. +Is my wife a racist? +This is not presently the case. +Russell is delighted with them. +It will make a huge difference. +One, the Acute Services Trust, will run the general hospital services. +I'm not going to blame the band. +Patients will be partners in decision making. +Neither issued any statement after the hearing. +It was that kind of afternoon. +Obviously, people are worried in the West Midlands. +He too started on the subs seats. +Scotland has competed in its own right in cycling. +We would welcome a commercial partner or partners. +We keep a distance. +That took two weeks. +The conference will run from Wednesday until Sunday. +Let's get it on. +I am not here to get even. +The sleeper was six hours late. +Since the physicists have found that it is not reflection, but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows. +Yet she is one of the lucky ones. +I don't intend to do so now. +Job losses were also announced. +We didn't and it cost us the game. +Italy would be lukewarm. +I think it's difficult for Bonnie. +At this point we can only speculate. +The weaknesses are few. +I decided it is going to be William. +I am not blaming audiences. +I was totally wrong. +There's not going to be a formula.There is no plan B. +I accept that, but it is very upsetting. +We are getting people into work. +It will be a new experience. +This is really good news for us. +I am saddened to hear of the accident. +Most of the public are behind me. +We just have to improve. +We want to be separate from our neighbours. +The Project is far from that. +My game is in pretty good shape. +That's why he visited. +I was furious. +Ours is on for two days.The script was funny. +There's a good chance of seeing something. +The death toll included five children. +Admission is free. +Yet what is supposed to be said? +Eleven events are required.It's the same old story. +I just made it. +Now it has been eclipsed. +Scotland will play its part. +On fuel, the Chancellor has a number of options. +They will want to perform well. +It is a common problem. +He is expected to be interviewed by detectives. +They will be stopped, and they will be punished. +It is my decision and my decision alone. +He doesn't do dinner. +The minister is the engineer.I think we did well.The course record was in his name. +It could now be up to the courts. +But things are never the same again. +It is not a soap opera. +There are schoolboys in uniform. +Anything less will not do. +Entries for the event are still being accepted. +It was too difficult. +These things are important for clubs like ourselves. +Yet he left a few days later. +Because he usually is. +We are not interested in selling him.However, it's good to turn the page. +My husband was fighting for his life. +It's always a dilemma. +It was not a finale he would want to remember. +They have got off with murder.It showed him the way to drive. +That can cost him a fortune. +The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops, and the width of the colored band increases as the size of the drops increase. +I have no argument with Scotland. +We are not leaving the area. +Stalkers are capable of killing. +Don't you believe it. +Indeed, it has already.One knows the feeling. +The target is to break even by Christmas. +Surely history will not repeat itself. +It is a terrible tragedy. +I haven't had a kick at a Celtic player for a while. +That is not good for golf! +No other offers apply. +It's a question of fashion. +Margins are also in retreat. +Because if it matters to them, it matters to me. +This is my music. +It was not a cover-up. +Earlier, both main parties had agreed a crucial stage had been reached. +That was my first reaction. +It has come a long way since then. +The labour side has developed in the North area. +It is perfectly evident that the time for an inquiry will come. +Therein lies the problem. +But that's another story. +Being investor ready is a good start. +We have to move forward from now on. +We need to establish the facts. +Our position is not a logic of war. +You will never get a conviction. +On reflection, it is more than that. +Without doubt, the debate on education is welcome. +Worse still, he might be singing Lady in Red. +She was also very brave. +Will they ever reopen? +It recommended that they reject the proposed legislation. +It's part of the game, isn't it? +We have all been there at some point. +And he laughs. +You'll get on like a house on fire. +Work is under way to create a studio in Inverness. +People can describe a moment in their life. +We told them in July. +I'd come back from London. +He's in a lot of pain, it is very distressing. +The proposals were never taken seriously. +This is excellent news for the workforce.It is a financial matter. +It is a result we should savour. +Have you noticed? +Millions of British jobs depend on Europe. +Relief was beyond belief. +It shows the Government is listening. +For once he was wrong. +It means an enormous amount. +These figures cover the major British banking groups. +It was far from business as usual. +It is the latter which has prompted the warning. +The European Union is a case in point. +Back then it was hard to refuse. +I don't think it's very real. +You can blame the defence. +Scottish Enterprise and the banks have been very supportive. +Its role is not to interfere. +I might well have done so already. +Royal Bank declined to comment. +I find it rather oppressive. +The world is a good place. +But, because of the wood, no-one had the experience. +However, the French government has a major dilemma on its hands. +We recorded it at our own expense. +Nothing is ruled out. +In it went. +That's as it should be. +Other people also tried. +Either system could have prevented the crash. +It was located on the remote control. +I've never had problems with any football managers. +I believe you may be that person. +He needed a kidney - it is as simple as that. +Sunday's game against Celtic is huge. +His track record is not promising. +Greenwood said he was happy with that. +We have a plan in place. +We hadn't really taken that seriously before. +But there is no easy option. +That in itself is a joke. +This must be kept in total perspective. +I think it is a scandal. +We did not deserve to go through. +And that is our first victory in Edinburgh. +I sit at home a lot. +All of the management has invested in the firm. +The hope is that the outcome will be equally successful. +I felt about this big. +You're not going to forget something like that. +So he is open to ideas. +There are nine people here now. +He will need that machine. +He's got me very well. +So you let me know. +I don't understand it. +I thought they were just excited. +That is not the position of the British relatives. +Are they free? +There is a club on the rise. +I was in a hole. +I am just grateful he is alive. +I am an estate agent. +We are just waiting for news.Action is needed now. +The next few months will tell. +Europe is a bonus. +I thought it was a fantastic game. +Ferguson is not interested in the finances. +A review group will report on Tuesday. +We've been calling for a level playing field. +He said he never saw it. +He was taken to hospital, but later died. +It's clearly a budget. +Can they be serious? +It does and it doesn't. +I'd already had them all.He would discuss the peace process in Northern Ireland. +Having guidelines in advance is helpful. +Next year this time we will be home. +What is so unusual about this case? +Glasgow is a very welcoming place. +I just don't know where he is. +I will never get over his death. +Mr Dewar understood that. +We have high hopes that this will work. +Rangers are struggling and their team have injuries. +Let's not take too much for granted. +But his attendance is not guaranteed. +I feel very sad and extremely cut up. +The campaign was raucous. +This is the root of their problems. +Maybe full-time referees will provide the answer. +That statement has never been withdrawn. +Once again a strong services performance helped the overall trading position. +It's not a swimming pool out there. +It starts to get you down. +This will have no effect on the championship. +I'm very relaxed about that indeed. +We learned two things. +She has a wonderful mind. +Nowadays, it is workers united. +But we'll just keep trying to get results. +It just never comes together. +He is doing just that. +No, they are not the same thing. +They did not let him down. +The proposals have been taken out of context. +In fact, they should have scored three times. +That was the gimmick. +Scrutiny by the European Parliament is limited. +This is an internal matter. +You need insurance to bring people in. +And that was the real problem. +There is no formula. +This is your chance. +As two candidates are proposed, a vote is taken. +But the tragedy did not stop there. +Her condition was yesterday described as critical, but stable. +We have expanded too quickly. +Our children are the future of our society. +But it was a pleasure. +As to rugby, well, no-one knows. +That tells you something about them. +Brown also believes in Walker's innocence. +We shall be victorious. +That is a big risk at any price. +Mrs Anderson said this one was different. +We tried everything, but it just wasn't to be today. +Ms McNeill was killed on impact. +A good actor doesn't think. +Special measures were needed. +Maybe they will show it next year. +It makes a huge difference. +There was nothing sinister in that. +It is, however, an unlikely outcome. +Both agreed on the success of the event.They like being on the front pages of the newspapers. +It is a matter of clarity. +This was a massive result for us. +We should have no more problems. +The cuts were made within an hour of each other. +I see the extended family once a year. +I now know that from memory. +That, though, is not true. +The next time he saw her, she was a different person. +We will be homeless. +This is a horrible loss. +It is a comforting fantasy - but it remains a fantasy. +He is to be commended. +It's not unlike the millennium bug. +Tax is a matter for national governments. +She's got to say something. +Things can change. +The First Minister is an addict. +It's a relief that a decision has finally been made. +It's easy to see why. +I just wasn't very good. +They wanted to show what they could do. +Entries from the event are still being accepted. +She had every right to read the warrant. +Time may already have run out for this option. +They were his words. +I am not a paedophile. +I'm just a piece in the jigsaw. +This season has been a mixture of frustration and fulfilment. +It's because they can't understand the language. +He also does not get along with Christina. +Cinema is a communal experience. +The plan was yesterday endorsed by employers and unions. +It's not a quick fix. +Frustration is not the word. +And then a funny thing happened. +The funding is now there. +The men are very worried. +Only injury has prevented that happening before. +He died from multiple injuries. +The pilot was making a visual approach. +Some analysts said a share split seemed likely. +It is understood they saw one body. +The spirit in the dressing room is tremendous. +The whole industry is a shambles. +That is my commitment. +He is having a nightmare. +The effect was almost magical. +Everyone is taking a breath and waiting. +But she was. +This idea is a good starting point. +He wanted someone young and ambitious. +Donald was his friend. +It has become a way of life. +We enjoyed it today. +It may also be her last. +He, too, is keen to redress the balance. +It's hard, but we have had so much to do. +It wants them to go home. +People could have a post box in the local post office. +This is complete nonsense. +Or so we have long assumed. +His expulsion would not solve the problem. +His arrival could be the making of them. +I find it puzzling and disturbing. +We are a peaceful people. +Structural changes will never be enough. +I never made any offer to Mark. +The group would never be the same again. +The problem is the pitch. +The truth is, it is somewhere in the middle. +Was that not awful? +The pressure is on Celtic in the main. +They were not consulted. +However, it is much bigger than that. +Maintain the highest standards. +It caused a lot of upset. +And I saw the light! +They didn't find any substance. +I am not retaining him. +Bobby Robson called him a genius. +We are all equal. +This was much worse. +That's why he plays for Scotland. +It will be done in stages. +But the disease has not been confined to the Tory Party. +Also, he was flawed. +We actually haven't managed to meet demand. +I took the gun. +But Allen is deadly serious. +It was clearly not a battle. +Put simply, it goes something like this. +It is a hangover effect. +This work on a marketing strategy would be finished within two months. +I'm working at the moment. +Parole isn't a decision for me. +She was extremely rigid. +I know he meant it. +We do know the reaction of the SAC. +I'd never have called a doctor for myself. +He invented the language. +That's why he is the prime minister. +It was his twenty-first birthday on Monday. +And this tournament will travel. +The deal is expected to be completed by September. +But they are still unlikely to be involved in combat. +The doctors say that he will be fine for the performance next week. +and that another interested body should have an option to buy. +It was a disaster. +But it was too late. +I feel so desperately sorry for Gordon and Sarah. +I am still very much a director. +It was really surprising. +When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act as a prism and form a rainbow.Clearly it is very disturbing. +It is a terrible equation. +It had been on the cards. +She will just have wanted her baby. +It would have to be. +The court has not decided. +We do things in an appropriate way. +Something has got to change. +They did not interfere. +This is the correct decision. +It's still got that at its heart. +I don't honestly know how to describe it. +It's harder, believe me.It is a farce. +I feel a little betrayed. +It's a delightful idea, but a distancing one. +The announcement was made after inquiries from a national newspaper. +But that is not an issue for now. +Government must recognise the problems of Aberdeen. +We are now looking at the degrees of injury. +I was released after six days. +You just have to give yourself a chance. +I'm not a magician. +But they had to be paid for. +I'm delighted for everyone at Stirling. +Of course I was tempted. +Calderwood would agree with that. +He showed he has some things to learn. +It has been in place since last July. +IT takes the biscuit. +But it does not matter. +We don't have any senior players. +It was love of Helen and the children.But this is not just a Tibetan issue. +A, The media has been great. +I did not have a bet on myself. +The kids are paying the price. +I fell in love with the ballet. +It's not, of course, a concert hall. +It's such a tragedy. +It is not for me to say. +He said it was his greatest work. +The whole matter is done and dusted. +You write a play. +I thought he was terrific. +I mean they have just been a disaster. +It shows a contempt by him for the industry. +He is an excellent defender, strong and quick. +That is the fact of the matter. +It is a private matter between the firm and our staff. +Indeed, it was magical. +But it's not the end of Scottish football. +I think it's a sensible change. +For example, I supported the government on Afghanistan and Kosovo. +We want to know about the policy. +It is not great art. +And yet his legacy is doubtful. +Everyone at the school is delighted for Steven. +You saw the pain he was in. +Their expressions only reflected those of the audience. +That period was a struggle. +The pound has also suffered. +Where does it come from? +We went on to become very successful. +It was almost too much. +It has been made to entertain. +It is not a story. +The man was pronounced dead on arrival. +Six public bodies are behind the plan. +This is entirely appropriate and overdue. +Others are expected to do so soon. +And then we got off the plane. +I took a minibus into town. +He probably would not have added, mainly by me. +They refused to fire on their own countrymen. +Five members were disciplined. +He wants to be competing for titles and medals. +Their mandate is to target inflation. +You can't get the experience in Austria. +Autumn will be a real challenge. +The air campaign is not over yet. +This is our chance in Northern Ireland. +Last night, however, other experts were cautious about the claim. +His replacement was named yesterday, following inquiries by The Herald. +It is typical of me. +On our numbers, the price is in line with the asset value. +I was loving that little girl. +Subs not used, Fernandez. +I fell in love with ballet. +It's a scandal, a disgrace. +However, the downturn has forced the overdraft request. +Their families are gone. +I wonder what they listen to? +Of course, there was still much to be done. +There are moments of honesty, too. +You have to do your research. +Surely it can do better than that? +It was all great training. +The need for further investment is obvious. +For me, it's a tension you can feel. +The fire was falling from the sky. +On Friday, the headteacher and deputy headteacher appeared at the door. +I was very, very happy. +The pain is still acute. +The package has been properly costed. +The output price index in December was unchanged on November. +For a decade she was proved right. +Work has started. +Mr Hall is believed to have broken a leg. +We should not be surprised. +There will have to be a full inquiry. +It is a small part, and it's very small in the book. +Rather than answer, she resigned.I am a committed European. +We have nothing to lose. +It is good for their eyesight. +We just have to adapt. +It possibly depends on the position. +My thoughts are with their families. +Is Saddam a threat?Such actions are rarely popular. +The enemy was time. +Let's hope it's an investment in the future. +This one was my best chance. +The shares are a strong hold. +Anyone else can apply. +Completion is expected by October the following year. +She said he showed no remorse. +The situation is not easy, but we will prevail. +We have learned a tremendous amount. +Offered the gold medal, he declined. +Morale is very high, despite the growing risks. +It's a tragedy for the area. +Controllers major concern is safety. +But he can turn on the charm. +However, everyone should do it once in their life.This is a huge boost for my confidence. +In fact, the reasons are simple. +It is now time for justice. +Pakistan denied the report. +I wanted, really, to deal with two opposite energies. +She was a delightful person. +However, the move was bitterly criticised last night. +Where is the logic in that? +If we live forever, can we be said to live? +An aide was instructed to get a copy. +She did that for the rest of her life. +We are a new department. +I see no need to change. +That is the case and remains the case.Who, then, is going to be captain of Europe? +We are worried about casualties. +We are in the hat.He came close to signing for Rangers, too. +Which brings us to the point. +We will push. +They were game, but not very good. +Several investments have already been made. +It's a big challenge for the audience. +There has been a big change in defence. +Investment in quality, service and marketing were the only way forward. +That was never their agenda. +The Greeks used to imagine that it was a sign from the gods to foretell war on heavy rain. +But this wasn't the full picture. +Two and a half million people have died. +It was a big day. +People will have to be patient. +This is a huge confidence boost. +We don't find any danger from them. +His home is provided by the government. +It works, as well. +These things have not happened by accident. +Celtic have a great base of travelling fans. +I don't think it would make any difference. +But this is even worse. +The problem is fairly serious. +Ferguson is a good example. +I felt really good until Friday. +We also need a small plastic snake and a big toy frog for the kids. +I would urge the Government to think again. +They do not reflect the quality of the brand. +I only wanted to give her a fright. +They were not at the property yesterday. +It wasn't the issue. +It would have been very easily done. +It is no place for a poet. +The excitement could hardly be contained. +He was the deputy editor at the paper. +That was the type of man he was. +The fellowship is much more than a commission, he said. +The fight is under way. +We want to sort it out. +It is working well. +There is no evidence for that. +It takes a bit of working out. +Scotland is one of the favourites, with Glasgow to the fore. +These people are not big names. +No one was injured. +I'm delighted with how he has come through. +Audiences there were shocked.That's the law of the land. +His injury was completely random. +There are no excuses. +I'm a bit overwhelmed. +We're going to sleep. +They were just too good for us. +They must not succeed. +Success in Scotland is important. +We didn't play well and will certainly improve. +That is the important thing. +We have seen the failure of politics. +He was shocked by what he saw. +I am inclined to play it down. +It is open season on the Old Firm. +Yet the data is compelling. +I played well in my time there. +I am relishing the challenge. +Clearly, there will have to be changes. +The question is, Will it be enough? +We have no knowledge of this. +Inside, the atmosphere was quiet. +The research is published in the journal, Nature. +He is one of them. +Meanwhile, the action is spreading to Eastern Europe. +This is an audience determined to enjoy themselves. +Their bid was a very good one. +Was this a new event? +Filtering through this material a composite finale emerges. +But that was his nature. +They were taken to prove a point. +The lady is right. +He was really great.How can you not react? +Irvine said his company was intent on supporting the Scottish dairy industry. +It will clearly be discussed in cabinet. +It's perfectly feasible. +Why have you decided to get married? +It is a very genuine prospect. +I don't have any bitterness about it, it's just a fact. +Labour will almost certainly remain in control. +As many as the market will support. +It looks as though the issue with The Scotsman is too sensitive. +I am not very pleased. +However the drama was still not at an end. +This is a historic agreement.An alternative must be offered. +They had three children. +I was happiest with my short game. +My life has changed a lot. +It was one in the afternoon. +I think she was right. +Her body was found about four miles from the car. +You saw the football. +I knew the script. +Part-time staff are being laid off. +New potential dangers were emerging. +So it should be. +He was good, but not that good. +They are not suitable. +They refused to fire on their own countrymen.Ms Jackson was not at the meeting. +Here was an anti supporting the Bill. +I am extremely cautious.There is a range of employers. +Other people also tried.They have to be able to play the game. +There is no timetable for completing such inquiries. +It has affected me. +I welcome this Bill. +Only two things are certain. +In all cases computer equipment was seized. +Hopefully, it will come from someone on our side. +We said it will happen one night. +This term they are second bottom with three games left to play. +There were no new cases yesterday. +He nearly killed my son. +We have not given up hope. +The penalty was the turning point. +I love the Dome. +There are no plans to change this. +The consultants report commissioned by the previous Government was not published. +Once we have done that, the tender will be put out. +That has proved to be a lasting lesson. +I'll just have to live with that. +National Farmer's Union of Scotland president Jim Walker welcomed the new proposals. +Last weekend was extremely frustrating. +There would be a north and south division. +That would be the case with Dundee. +We are very hopeful he will be cleared. +Who is to benefit from this change? +This is a great opportunity for us. +That is why this action has been taken. +The need for any new UN resolutions will be put on hold. +For his opposite number, this was just triumph. +Sex offender programmes to be retained by public sector. +But during the bid process, that changed completely. +There remains an outstanding damages action against the former. +Anyway, the job will be part-time. +She's had to suffer for the last six years. +It is extremely fortunate. +There can be no compromise on welfare. +The new owners wanted the club to go in a different direction. +It gets too much. +Thankfully, we have started to listen to our customers. +This is his personal life. +We were hopeful that it would be successful. +It shows the right amount of progress. +They told him to go to drama school. +Obviously, a lot has changed for me since then. +I just wanted to fly. +Thirteen people will be made redundant. +We want this place to work. +We haven't come out of this very well. +Ministers are not involved in these discussions. +I have been coming here for nine years. +The stadium was full. +Was it the wife? +He had an apartment ready. +My fitness was very poor. +We will listen to any suggestion. +If he saw somebody in trouble, he would try to help. +He loved his job and working in newspapers. +He deserved the win. +The squad will be the same for France. +You have to respect the office. +I am so sorry. +It does make a big difference. +I've just got to build on this now.Are you watching Liverpool? +They chose to side with terror.A press conference is about politics. +I'm so angry. +It is the nature of his party. +We believe we have a strong case.Mr Livingstone described the decision as very damaging for the party. +We are concerned that things should be safe. +It's always the same, isn't it? +It was ugly. +The bottom line is that we had to get a win. +What, they maybe have three Scottish players? +This is the band. +Our proposals are fully costed. +I have the first six months of next season to prove myself. +The budget was too low for that. +But sometimes it was even worse. +That is the key. +That, in a way, is the point. +You have been warned. +We are very pleased. +I've no doubt about it, it was actually from her. +We were very happy with our results, which were excellent. +Says the Duke of York. +Our commitment is to move forward. +I'm extremely confident something will happen within the next couple of days. +The police are not the target. +Alan Milburn, the health secretary, refused to comment. +They were due to have begun today. +It was another good idea. +We're going to see more extreme weather. +It's not a new concept in jazz. +Those are difficult decisions. +It's my initial background. +You can take it almost anywhere and practise. +It's not one or the other, you have to have both. +The matter will come up again. +Hopefully, it will be built by next year. +You're quite wrong, he said. +That was a problem for me. +You will not feel a thing. +Michael, he is running!It was nice to come back.And we have beaten them before. +But they also noted a partial strengthening of survey evidence. +Only the bomber was killed. +Just get on with it. +I've had three shots and got nowhere near. +We would have no control over the threshold for repayment. +Five years ago its return was rejected. +The study is entirely into the issue of future funding. +The police were called in. +We have been very patient. +I can understand fully that Rangers and Celtic want to progress. +I've got to get noticed! +Bill Clinton always had an idea to sell. +We've always had three options, and none of them perfect. +Yesterday, he continued to keep a low profile. +She has never mentioned it. +It's just the timing of the game. +It was a piece of art. +The final decision was between Scotland and the Republic of Ireland. +Blair is very positive at European Councils. +It wasn't possible to relax. +Four meetings have previously been arranged. +Meanwhile, the weather was causing widespread disruption. +I haven't been ill at all. +It is my last chance. +So we talked about that for a bit.What's the problem? +Some things in life you have to accept. +Perhaps they were right. +We were close, but not close enough. +I'm not holding the club to ransom. +Another case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in Scotland yesterday. +I foolishly had done nothing about it. +I was dead. +This could be an amazing attraction for Glasgow. +The drivers had an awful lot of verbal abuse. +It is in our own hands. +Frankly, the party was not being honest with itself. +That is a matter for Mr Graham. +This series is for real. +Strathclyde police have appealed for witnesses. +I have no idea. +The road was closed for several hours. +Kids are terrible. +But their bodies were found at lunchtime yesterday. +Mr Finnie, however, said his hands were tied. +Why has it taken so long? +It's not going to last five minutes. +Then was the summer of their discontent. +But this is different. +They want that school. +In addition, it was just a breach of natural justice. +This is the first big idea of the Scottish Parliament election. +That was quite an interesting part. +Meanwhile, the business of government goes on. +That never came to court as a charge. +Everyone had to play the game. +No one was listening. +We must pay teachers to take rugby in schools. +That, however, is the end of the good news. +Nor does it have a stock of medicines.It was a good game to watch. +It is an attitude of mind. +People look, but no one ever finds it. +Perhaps that was their mistake.No-one expected that their parents would stay. +Bin Laden was not mentioned. +It's about New Yorkers. +War is not the action. +The response from everyone was wonderful. +You should be. +There is no more money. +However, what is his calibre? +Birthdays are wonderful and terrible things. +I have never been a member of the council. +I am awaiting a reply.He has many offers from the English Premiership. +What a difference a game can make. +The country is in a state of chaos. +What would be the point? +That was a hard game to play in, very tough. +Their own instinctive response was confirmed. +I try to be open to experience. +No one would believe him. +This meeting is the path to salvation. +Strathclyde Police declined to comment. +I think it's a miracle. +Safety was also an issue. +I was contacted this morning. +President Bush is at war. +The process itself has taken over. +That fight begins today for freedom and liberty. +What are the likely solutions?We are not interested in dividends. +That was their attitude. +He denied the charge. +Consumers have the right to choose. +Today, however, half of them get this financial help. +You have got to look at speed of response. +Broke down and can't be fixed. +We could do a lot worse. +Thankfully, that doesn't happen that often. +I am aware that somebody made a threat. +Harold is a rarity. +But I managed. +Others may be trying to catch up. +THIS is a good day for Scottish farming. +At the moment, we do not know the extent of their injuries. +There are just two tournaments remaining. +Nobody can get at them there. +I am not that sadistic. +It was turning that way all across Europe. +We have never been short of volunteers. +It should have a health warning - it is addictive. +That could be a mistake. +I am secure in my own position. +Today was first class. +That might be a punishment but it would also punish the patients. +Libya is an easy target. +Most people know that. +That is an important part of our role. +Two of our crew were killed. +They need to win a trophy. +Four years is a long time. +For now, they have gone as far as they can. +She will get through it I'm sure. +In fact, they go hand in hand. +I did not see anything to begin with. +That is just a load of baloney. +The role of the law lords would be retained. +He is an extraordinary writer on so many levels. +I also had a lot of injuries, which did not help me. +I'm so worried about the roads. +There is no point in pushing it. +The only trouble is finding them. +One in eight workers in Edinburgh works for Standard Life alone. +It all seemed so easy. +Some people still think she should be English. +I told you, you were doing it all wrong. +That's a pretty good percentage. +The surprise is its product is so poor. +I'm wondering what you feel about the youngest. +The service from the other players was super. +An announcement is expected within a few months. +This fact is supported by audience research. +There is no escape. +An announcement is expected today on their future. +How well did they get on? +This is the first job of the director - leadership. +It has no place in football. +I needed a change, a new challenge. +We have seen the future, and it is different. +Is that not pathetic? +An internal inquiry was launched into the procedures. +It was totally my fault. +I was saying, No. +Larsson is clearly the form player just now. +This isn't a betrayal of public services, it's their renewal.Do not forget about Monaco. +Scots actors should be so lucky. +The same goes for personnel. +I feel like my game has come a long way. +It is just so sad. +He's a star. +Thereafter he left Scotland. +The important retail business continues to deliver excellent results, Stewart said. +England against France is always a big game. +Six years is too long. +I didn't just walk in and get it. +It is not disputed that the driver was at fault. +That was certainly the case for the parties. +He made no order on costs. +My father died in childbirth. +There's always a case. +It doesn't have to be in Inverness. +Who reminded him about the score? +We have to work together. +I have nothing to regret. +I fell into it by accident.But there's also a love for the songs. +They should also have the right to vote. +She told me to stop. +That was the initial attraction. +Not because they want to sing about something. +Borrowing power was one of those improvements. +It is part and parcel of it. +O Leary was clearly disgusted. +It was very, very frightening. +Who would be right? +Who wouldn't do it? +Western countries condemned the conduct of the poll. +We are not increasing the number. +In fact, they will not be disciplined. +Urgent action is needed to tackle this crisis. +In spite of recent advances, the language is still under threat. +The group is currently working to create several substantial new funds. +The idea was first mooted a year ago. +It's just for me. +It is, though the law is not clear cut. +I did not have faith in the procedures. +We have grown up in Britain. +Most of the affected jobs are in the US. +Both are national treasures. +But it was only a matter of time. +I was in daily contact. +It is extremely popular with families. +They were mainly very positive about the role. +They are looking at a flotation. +It makes no influence on the public. +Time has run out for Saddam Hussein. +He will be greatly missed.Miller was every bit as happy. +No decisions have been taken. +She is now planning a visit. +It is a common condition in children. +But it obviously doesn't, so the government needs to intervene. +He did it well. +I thought he might have been a bit. +It is mainstream. +From a marketing standpoint, you can understand their concern. +You can't go on forever. +We didn't turn it into the inspectors. +One of these problems is the railways. +Both promotions come as no surprise. +It's going to be quite a challenge. +I drove the ball well.I was pleased to be back on the podium in Brazil. +He is looking for a sporting challenge. +All of us do. +It was good to score the goal today.I am going to fight to the end. +We have got to deliver. +I am very angry. +The next week is crucial. +The attack was totally unprovoked. +We took part in a festival called Global Dance. +He will decide tomorrow. +Every time I play I do not understand their reaction. +It will benefit a lot of people. +After the match, do you? +Autumn is the time of fulfilment. +That says something for his strength of character. +That was our last chance to do something. +But it was not just the land. +It makes for an interesting conference. +The State would provide. +Here he is, in effect, appointing himself a judge. +We shouldn't have a rush to judgment. +The Government does not go far enough. +He made no big mistakes. +That is very hard, alone. +I really didn't think he would. +He later paid a tribute to his opponent. +It is vital that the government gets this right. +We had another last Tuesday. +One person was believed to have been hit. +It will be too hot. +He takes time out for everyone. +What will it be? +I thought his speech was a disgrace. +Nor is it likely to do so. +These people just lost their child. +Selection is not in my hands at all. +English rugby is on the brink of extinction, though, it's official. +Overall, however, these were also down. +That was my mistake.I want to be there by right. +I love this tournament. +They must act now to tighten the rules. +We believe we have a strong case. +We believe that the reason is poverty. +Billie was yet to be born. +We are not out of touch with politics. +He said he intended to push for a judicial review. +How can we ignore it? +You've got to have both sides. +Ferguson must take the blame. +What do we want to do that for? +This is your life. +He said, we're delighted by the vote. +No meaningful response was issued. +They were all on a mission. +And that was just the start. +Singing has gone out of fashion. +Secondly, there is the question of money. +The pair are no strangers to smashing records. +It would still have been a good film, but very different.I was surprised by his response. +Within months, he was a part-time tribunal chairman. +Not so, it transpires. +That review will look at management across the sector as a whole. +The police believe that the man was not injured. +Should he resign? +We do need to get the message across. +I would like to focus on a structure and a target. +This was a chilling echo. +I had my suspicions. +Such adjustments have been the salvation of United. +Other villages were completely deserted. +They've got their own agenda. +Certainly, in terms of league position, we must be favourites. +It happens on an annual basis. +The first half was depressing. +New investment will be openly tendered. +I would love to play in Europe again. +It's hard to make these decisions at my age. +Arsenal have plenty in the tank. +There could be a lot of confusion. +Last night, the row continued. +It's one up to the Scots.We haven't had any adverse reaction to the project. +Maybe, who knows? +I can't believe she is dead. +Global Scotland will be held at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. +Anyway, even if they didn't it wouldn't have mattered. +It was clear. +Domestic abuse is related to power and control. +It will be strictly cross-country. +The sanctions are about collective punishment. +You could feel the heat. +He was a home referee. +I was just doing my job. +The fifth was found later. +It may be that lifestyle is behind it. +They use them for everything. +This is the version which appeared in our paper. +It is serious - but not that serious. +I had to calm down. +And a mightily impressive recording it is, too. +She can spoon these things into her three bags, and we will go meet her Wednesday at the train station. +Nothing like this has ever happened here before. +That is why we are here. +I have been to see him. +We are delighted nothing else, just delighted. +I told the players that at half-time. +We want to get to the final, anyway. +The committees are due to report next year. +What are they for? +She was only doing her job. +And then there's the racial hassle. +I didn't deserve to be sent off. +We also need a small plastic snake and a big toy frog for the kids. +Thankfully it was cleared up. +These people attack the core of my beliefs. +This should begin in October. +We have to be realistic. +I am certainly thinking about retirement. +The way he took his second goal was brilliant. +Her political persuasion is no secret. +His English counterpart agreed. +I'm a soldier, a soldier, a soldier. +A Home Office spokeswoman said she was unable to comment on individual cases. +They enjoy playing the game. +Our traditions and culture remain the same. +The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors. +The second failed completely. +We have got to attack. +I always said No. +The question is whether private investors should follow their example. +There was no plan B if the Good Friday Agreement failed, he warned. +The experts got it wrong. +So they should be. +Ask her to bring these things with her from the store. +Sunday's game was not a trial. +It sounded as if it might well be tragic. +Murray Johnstone will replace it. +We can make a difference. +Diversions were put in place. +You can expect a hell of a fuss. +The result is called a patent. +However, it is not all bad news for women. +That's the kind of thing that counts. +You are going to have to do it. +The life office will now stay with Abbey. +It's going to be tough. +Some of their players seemed almost dead. +I am not a threat to coaches. +In many ways, that is as important. +I love this job. +That should do it. +They were back in full training yesterday. +It is still holding good today. +We're still in talks and, hopefully, they will continue. +Its body language is all wrong. +The methadone programme is completely out of control. +This is a completely new experience for me. +After his birthday, Scott was very upset. +It shows we're not much of a rugby country. +When I was four years old I used to do like this. +I have not been so angry for years. +But that's another story for another day. +This is your country. +Another issue will be policing. +I am not going to judge them. +Hearts hit back with two goals in four minutes. +I am very happy. +It was still there last night. +There isn't much of a scene in Austria. +Then, as we know too well, anything can happen. +It is a case of pity for us. +The case was taken on by his brother. +We are delighted with this outcome. +It has been an extremely long haul. +It is tough, but possible. +Structural changes were also required. +He did not have to stop and think. +Then there is the terrain. +That you can do it. +It is sponsored by The Herald. +We are over the moon. +Such an appointment could go some way to reassure investors. +That was six years ago. +All would be under threat. +He had worked there for only two days. +He was a big influence on our decision to make this show. +But opponents were quick to criticise. +It was a discussion paper. +What did they think of her voice? +What a week he has had. +It is like a football team. +There is too much at stake for that. +Is this new report the answer? +No Briton has ever won. +I can't wait for the outdoors. +It is a different animal. +Before the game we went for a pint. +They say that vital evidence was not heard in court. +They have put in a lot of time and effort. +I would not want to be young again. +Children also died in Britain. +It is a potential factor. +Stevenson was arrested on Monday morning. +They just made me feel dizzy. +My view has now completely changed. +The odds are that it will. +There were no plans for a rights issue. +No reason was given. +Dewar is certainly under attack from within his own party. +He doesn't have to like it, but he must accept it. +Schools will not want change. +Stewart was the life and soul of the party. +They would never let him go. +We're obviously disturbed by this case. +We are aware of the problem. +We will continue to provide support for them. +Just don't go looking to be shocked. +I want to be frank. +Allan Johnston was not match fit. +What do they want us to do? +The atmosphere is businesslike. +She told me to apply for the crest. +It is not simple. +You have asked for action. +The two cases are about exactly the same thing. +Yesterday the company reported a further downturn in profits. +Something was plainly wrong. +But, mainly, it is up to ourselves. +There they were, making excuses for him. +It is no surprise. +He has to pull back from the brink. +My parents are exhausted. +Robin Williams is subdued. +I don't know the nature of the illness. +Overall, we are very pleased. +Mr Forrester reacted angrily. +It is not over by any means. +We have a major concern about the enforcement action. +Kenny Miller might come through. +We're all involved in creating the work. +We are still suffering from that. +I have friends in Glasgow. +Now, though, he believes that the new formation has helped him form. +I'd go anywhere to work, so long as it's worth it. +Her appeal is to be heard this week. +We do not, at the moment, have a shortage. +We're delighted about the vote. +What do you do. +He is now resident in England. +I'm looking for work in Bath and back home in Scotland. +Many others are subjected to violence by men. +It certainly feels that way. +It has to be put in context. +Yet, for my money, he was not the man of the match. +I could go on, but none of these things is true. +There's nothing to be gained by it. +It comes down to the police in England. +You cannot do that in a lobby. +She makes me so happy. +There is no date on this document. +Britain's role was to stop it. +That was a month ago. +Perhaps it's because I haven't finished the first two races. +It is not a definite proposal as yet. +However, the report was incorrect. +It is also claimed that he was murdered. +I would have dropped out otherwise. +I can't speak for him. +They will not be going back. +Who would be in that desert? +It's not their fault. +This is a sea change in approach. +Marconi is struggling against terrible market forces. +As for the warning, it was not needed. +And now he has decided, enough. +But two groups refused to sign up. +That apart, though, I feel good. +None of this work is guaranteed. +The calls were last night rejected by the US and the UK. +This decision is folly. +We are in the end game. +With him are the symbols of his faith. +The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which the gods passed from the earth to their homes in the sky.That's the kind of production it was. +It was a horrible thing to happen. +Well, that's just a third district. +He or she will oversee the leadership contest. +I have been in contact with him. +The commitment was not long, and it was worth the risk. +She died in middle age. +But she might be. +It is not a process which can be completed overnight. +I'd like to see the business case. +I was delighted to accept. +But it can be done. +You wanted the evidence. +Who would take it now, after all this? +Nothing else will do.You are a great player. +He's delighted, too, with the new premises.This morning was very quiet. +But I know the course. +It was not an insult. +She replied, It could be. +Nothing is going right at the moment. +It would be that absurd. +It is not just about the money.It's not in my nature.It's the same as Glasgow. +Six months later, they returned to Scotland. +We are very, very pleased with the response. +Europe will bear the brunt of the cuts. +Subs not used, McKenzie, Ritchie. +It is misleading to compare the two. +It's for that reason he should resign. +I still hope to go. +Whoever said that cannot have seen it. +I was not involved in these discussions. +We have to open up. +He is helping police with their inquiries. +The six others were injured. +It was a day she thought she would never see. +We have had our debate. +These will be finally corrected by next week. +He added, It is all about the search for power. +The cause remained a mystery last night. +Luckily for us, he enjoyed the experience. +Life has changed for rugby players in just three years. +ADVENTURE is the champagne of life. +It's about attitudes to change. +And it will be a challenge. +Charles Kennedy had an effective outing. +However, the second goal was about to be delivered. +How would it work? +How good is Lennox Lewis? +My conscience is not clear. +It is nice to be a woman and a wife. +Those three goals in five minutes changed the game. +This trial has brought the focus back on the inquiry. +There was no time scale. +How many cases have there been? +It is also seeking a national mortgage rescue plan. +People ask about the concept of a team. +This is far too high. +Here the jury is still out. +Did he just want to be on telly? +We are really good friends. +Now it has doubled in size. +It is a challenge for all of us. +That view was confirmed by Welsh coach Graham Henry. +The casting of her husband was an accident. +He was telling me to keep quiet. +Others agreed with this view. +But I am in practice. +It will vote with the US.Here, too, the Post Office has missed the boat. +Their condition was described as stable yesterday. +They never got into the show this time. +It all came good. +He says it often enough. +The children are being very brave. +However, one has arrived in the post. +Yet the evidence is plain to see. +He did not provide us with a proposal. +The company yesterday refused to comment. +Everyone knew the family. +Both these events occurred on Wednesday night. +They had given up on him. +Where are you taking her? +Tourism is a vital industry for Scotland. +Now he's back on top again. +In my opinion it was a mistake, and never on purpose. +We decided we would go for a specialist inside centre. +I was doing a charity concert. +How come it is so often unnoticed? +I think this proposal is excellent. +We're talking to the US. +Thereafter they were again in control. +He did better then. +It is much as it has been described. +It happens in many countries. +The trouble is, though,there is no simple solution. +This may be perfectly innocent. +Journalists should make him. +I know we can play a lot better. +Let's get to know him. +The balance comes from the five enterprise bodies involved. +But it is different in different regions. +I'm going to miss it. +Hopefully, they will not go through with it. +The west coast line is not just for middle England. +They were assured that it would.I can't blame the fans for getting frustrated. +Mr Blunkett said he was deeply concerned by the ruling. +He's very, very lucky to be alive. +I can't get it. +He was at the game, and he is indeed. +He's very explosive. +However, it's possible that Dick can influence some Dutch players to go there. +The minister is the engineer. +Now, suddenly, we have this new landscape. +You will be very welcome. +It's a national sport. +The Treasury denied the claims. +Offence to the herd was not easily overlooked. +You can spend money on housing. +Doesn't matter what you do. +There is no openness. +The rate of growth in road traffic is already beginning to slow. +There is no mandate for a regime change. +It became a book by itself. +But we are a young side. +We did not compete with any other local farmer. +He admitted the asylum system was not working. +A decision is expected in September. +She did not attend the courtroom. +It didn't matter who was in their way. +Singing has gone out of fashion.We have seen a copy of the report. +I have never been unemployed. +We also need a small plastic snake and a big toy frog for the kids.I think we have a very strong case. +I'm going to help out in the summer, as producer. +Last year's winner was Sergio Garcia. +We were short of athletes. +He was elected as a councillor last year. +This youngster is so exciting! +The film was great. +He had a great game. +And she doesn't feel like Annika is better. +They should realise the chairman wants a deputy he can trust. +I don't know how they do it. +There is no other solution to congestion in Edinburgh. +We knew their goalkeeper would take a chance. +This decision is a farce. +His handling raises a wider issue. +The post will run for four years. +We could have had no new money. +It's never great to finish second. +I needed a little man in the crowd. +We are all suffering. +He wants the festival to make a difference. +It is the best place. +Scottish Life was there over one year. +Four policemen were wounded. +It has moved on in the last week. +Do not listen to them. +Gritty he did not want. +Eriksson did his countrymen a disservice. +People will ask about us. +I did not go looking anywhere else. +The colours are very pretty. +She is not a victim. +You can never tell. +Striking the deal has come as a big relief. +However, we let them back into the game. +It is a big time for me. +They were not doing it too well, either. +It's the start of something new.He told the conference. +It is a complex deal. +You must be ready to play anyone. +Scoring in our first game was a bonus for me. +That should get their attention. +It is a very beautiful city. +I hope he gets it. +When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. +And they did just that. +What does she consider her greatest achievement? +It's just a normal life. +Traffic was also heavy around Strathclyde Park. +Surely it can't run for two years. +That took about two years. +His secretary said it was a matter for Murray Financial to deal with. +I was shaking on the blocks. +Brown is an interesting man, but he's not desperate. +It is a real concern. +We're not that bad. +They couldn't believe what had happened. +It's so hard to shift. +I will build a house on the site. +The award to Senator Mitchell was announced by the Foreign Office. +It is the way they work. +The general secretary, represents a new era in Labour party politics. +At that point, the structure of the board was changed. +I wish they would commit to us. +I can't wait for it to come out. +No one wants a dispute. +Sean Connery did not disappoint. +Time remains to put other candidates forward. +How could anyone take issue with that? +Is that possible? +It's nice to be nice. +That is the worry.It was quite distressing for the crew. +It should be an enjoyable and challenging period of their lives. +IT HAS been the year of the youngster at Kilmarnock. +British Midland has applied for permission to fly to the US. +He was a soldier. +And the other winners are.But that is entirely a matter for them. +Who would be a referee? +Other casualties were averted by the swift response of the emergency services. +If you could find it. +He makes time for everyone. +We are in this for the long haul. +My goal was very important to the team. +I'm just a regular person. +But beyond a fairly minimal level it has little impact. +It shouldn't come as a surprise, but it does. +But it is a slow process. +I have really noticed that this week. +Hard cash is needed now. +I am delighted for Simon. +We've got no plans with regard to recording, but who knows? +It doesn't seem like that long ago. +Our idea is to make it entirely Irish. +The company has other problems with the shells. +He expected a conclusion by next Thursday. +Our positions remains unchanged. +Or do they? +We could easily be cut again. +First, the programme was unbalanced. +Here the picture is broadly stable. +Without rules, the elections could not go ahead, he stressed. +Perhaps it is jealousy. +The sale of Murray Johnstone should be completed early in the fourth quarter. +There is a lot of anger. +The Insider opens tomorrow. +It is not too late to get on board. +He was between people and God. +We don't want that at all. +Except for this, it was offside. +Dialogue is the key. +It has been an amazing day. +I remember it clearly. +I am delighted at Murray's appointment.YOU cannot blame the turnout. +It has been supremely successful. +The auction will be held tomorrow. +I knew there was a challenge for me. +It is just too long since the war. +It is time for the talking to stop. +We offered something different. +The purchase was widely criticised by both analysts and investors. +I can understand that. +He felt it was the right time. +We can't have it both ways. +We have turned the corner. +Moving from Manchester to London was upheaval enough. +But honestly, there is no need for us to panic. +There are lots of these women in Finland. +We have some concerns. +This was not a summit about the euro. +You've been a great audience. +At Riverside, the rematch was totally different. +That's all I was trying to do today. +So it looks like a done deal. +We want everyone to have a good time. +The table was compiled by the Daily Telegraph. +In time, the First Minister will grow in stature. +I can handle the pace. +There is nothing they can't do. +The City welcomed the numbers. +I wish him well for the future. +We have very limited capacity. +The right decision has been made. +He was happy with his form. +I chose to go by the rules. +This is wonderful news. +We call it marriage. +It was a total disaster. +He wanted to talk to me about it. +The referee is there to decide these things. +The search has been called off. +These guys are looking for business. +The money is not really our concern. +Does it, Noel? +This championship is different from the other majors. +Too many factors are now working against him. +Again he dismissed a merger with Halifax. +There's nothing new in that argument. +Frankly, that's not good enough. +He declined to comment on possible disposals. +It's amazing, but I have never seen a drug test in Scotland. +If it does it means he has failed. +The way ahead is not easy. +Confidence among the allies began to slip. +They need to be involved. +I'm sure he would love it. +There is a handful of rewarding paintings. +He's not very big, either. +He has not created a Festival resource. +We've got to get back to normal. +It was a very big win for us. +My life has been destroyed. +Nobody should believe this story. +Central to their cause was Barry Nicholson. +I don't think it is. +We have expected it. +The idea is not new. +She makes me feel very proud. +Writing has diminished in value. +This is welcome news. +She looked so young. +That's just the kind of thing we have. +It's not just for classical music. +But it was fun. +Anyone can still win this tournament. +I had just taken it off. +It has to work. +He highlighted a lack of staff. +Their message was simple. +It was dangerous but vital employment. +But he thought the overall results were good. +We are the British National Party, not the English National Party. +The duties are still to be drawn up. +He was dead on arrival at hospital. +This means that our programme is quite unusual. +Scotland won by six wickets. +It is part of his game. +It is not satisfied with the standard of fire safety provisions. +And if he hadn't become a musician? +I am enjoying it. +He has taken the title for the last two years. +How did he know? +It was a deeper deception. +He was outstanding today - the best player on the park. +Anyone can take a photo. +Yesterday, one, from Aberdeen, was postponed. +This is a step backwards. +Even a shopping trip was a cause for excitement. +Spent three months alone at sea. +The atmosphere was excellent. +I felt we deserved the three points. +I first met him last summer. +It was deployed in the Gulf War. +Players have to accept this. +It's not long enough. +You have to be patient. +They are expected to be released today. +The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which the gods passed from earth to their home in the sky. +He will make an excellent chief inspector. +The cause is just. +I believe in the Union. +There's no doubt about it. +You are always aware of the injury potential. +She would love it. +We spoke about a few people. +Pensions are a long-term investment. +A shortlist is to be drawn up next month. +Then there's the Old Firm. +However, this concern appears to be misguided. +Clearly, she says, we would never resort to such devices. +The first minister is obviously concerned to hear about this incident. +The hearing in Edinburgh continues. +Times have changed, but have they improved? +That shows the impact it had. +It's not true. +The first victory made a huge difference to my career. +A senior party insider said. +The Hibs manager is no fool. +We will make a statement tomorrow. +I am totally devoted to this job. +Nobody ever gets to see them. +Scottish football yesterday appeared ready to line up alongside the Scotland manager. +I am a member of the Labour Party staff. +It can be halted. +Scotland has lost a great man. +Quite simply, no-one else is willing to do so. +I'd like to take the plunge. +We want to keep the pound. +I knew Donald Dewar. +Otherwise, we might as well hold it now. +How do we get more people in? +That, however, is only part of their story. +They were not even allowed to see them. +One must hope not! +We had no part in it. +Housing is in very short supply. +Dewar is the medium.Does it make a profit? +The market is the market. +Committing suicide is not a criminal offence.They could go no further forward. +It was horrible, that musical apartheid. +Mr Blair is the problem in Scotland, not the solution. +English is the language of pop music. +He is a master of deceit and delay. +Rangers will have a massive support in Glasgow. +It has happened, and that is the end of the story. +We did not have a clue. +His first album was a hit. +The two clubs have agreed the transfer fee. +You might not make it. +It's typical of me. +There are different cultures in different departments. +In that case, the children were not missing. +Ownership was the game. +It's only tackling congestion. +He has to learn. +He is the example for all of us. +Whether his stance is shared by the incoming manager is another matter. +This is the big one. +This has been a shock. +I am appalled by this news. +Mr Ferguson became a minister after seven years as a journalist. +I would not say that. +All our futures will already have been decided. +I just don't know what she was doing. +He deserves a top team. +I'm not afraid of that.Nelson does not disappoint. +Our mother is very worried. +The money will go straight to the headteacher. +Who is going to pay their wages? +But it will be sorted out this week. +I am looking forward to this film. +The outsourcing deal will take effect in September. +Their job is to show whether any disease remains. +There was a bit of pressure.That is how the Farmer is feeling today. +I think we're a long way forward. +I'm just going to do my best.They think that it matters but it doesn't. +We could play someone else, but he is ready to play. +We had no idea that this letter existed. +They have been for some time now. +We are well insured. +But here it is also very bad. +All were believed to be adults. +It does not work that way in Scottish football. +Because they didn't want to know. +We have all been shocked by her death. +We welcome the decision of Mr Byers. +At the core of these issues are real people with real jobs. +There is no quick fix. +London remained the favourite. +This was a far cry from his election pledges. +So it was in politics. +We feel very comfortable in this international environment. +She is also claiming constructive and unfair dismissal. +The same trend showed up throughout Britain. +He died later in hospital. +This is a big game for them. +Things are on track. +I told that to the police. +Hague will be leader at the election after next. +Officers recovered a second body in the area. +It was like a kick in the belly. +Who can predict? +Drugs are a serious problem. +I'm deeply sorry they did. +Reaction from Scottish business leaders was mixed. +It is good for our team. +It is annoying. +The problem in Norway is outside the National. +I felt we needed to bring that in. +This is the stuff of live music. +That question was never asked. +And we were right. +At this stage, we think the air campaign is enough. +The case was continued. +He urged Mr Blair to get out more. +Already, he has been a tremendous influence in the dressing room. +Sounds like The Sixth Sense? +I'm just glad that no-one was hurt. +Three days later, he was killed. +I can't get a job. +She claimed the day was for young people. +I'm getting back up there now. +They are currently managed by Ian Wilson. +I could not believe it. +It was an amazing experience. +It's not one for the purists. +They're interested only in profits. +So, where do we go from here? +We've been here before. +I couldn't quite believe it, and still can't. +We played too deeply.They have quick front players, but so do we. +Scottish life can be like this, too. +We already have them, all over Europe. +This is a sector in overall deficit and urgent action is required. +But it may take some time to confirm the findings. +It was nice. +There was no energy behind it. +They desperately want some stability. +It should have its own network. +You, the British people, are the boss. +Now that was a boxing movie. +There will be no receivers. +I could not believe the results. +He was part of the family. +I was the last man to touch the ball. +Have you heard anything from Paramount? +There is no threat to them. +They have no history. +Which, in effect, it is. +It was very, very difficult for me to look at this. +I will certainly be having words with him. +No finals are to be contested today. +That time is not now, however. +She had been sexually assaulted. +We are very concerned about controller fatigue. +Johnsen is equally concerned. +This means a great deal to the families. +He spoke about the choices facing them, and their country. +The manager's position was obviously included in that review. +The council's concern is very simple. +The Scottish Socialist party is also expected to attend. +Injuries have taken their toll. +Glasgow, however, did not get a mention. +It is hard to understand. +Only water is currently allowed. +We are the party of the future. +The next eight weeks are critical to us. +I thought they played very well. +He said he would appeal the sentences. +That's a very serious matter. +What was that all about? +Nature will not find its own level. +But it was money well spent. +However, the problem is the timing. +Does a lot of drawing. +We should just say no. +But no, it's not funny. +If they liked it then I'll be happy. +But he's not afraid to take risks. +They are not going the length of the pitch. +Downing Street insisted, We have made clear that the deadline is absolute. +I was never going to play against Scotland. +Muslim leaders in Italy have denied the charge. +Face to face +I am a little bit tired. +He felt too close to head office. +She had no chance. +That respect is missing in the Netherlands. +That's probably the hard bit about being dropped. +Will you just put it away? +It is linked to the row over proposed changes at Scottish Ballet. +And does it even matter? +We haven't found out anything different. +I don't know why you say goodbye. +The plane was in flames +We must improve our relations with government. +I felt very strongly that England should have it. +We never got off the bus. +Sport is good for you. +However, he had not yet been charged in connection with the robbery. +This is a very common type of bow, one showing mainly red and yellow, with little or no green or blue.They feel it belongs to them.And really, the songs are the key thing. +This game is very evenly balanced. +We find this very sad. +The service is expected to be introduced in December. +That's the way things are heading. +The little boy was playing football at lunchtime. +I didn't understand it. +More money for students would help - in an ideal world. +Somehow they got out. +It was ignored. +Both leaders were joined by senior party figures. +Something happened on that island. +But that attachment took a lot of growing. +Paul Taylor, a spokesman for the American university, confirmed the appointment yesterday. +Gas is too expensive. +The weekly average was three hours. +Also, it is the season of goodwill. +I was on a roll. +They seem to be backing off from that. +My family, health and golf is always a balancing act. +I shouldn't have to put up with it.Scottish sport was not mentioned. +She becomes a mother. +Appointed general secretary last September. +I do not own the vessel in question. +It was a new ball game. +Our young people are leaving. +Instead we were shot in the back. +She told The Herald. +But we must work in harmony. +I really don't understand what is happening. +It was just above the roof. +It is like a theatre of the absurd. +Otherwise, the market may come back. +You will need it. +Thomson is expected to manage the business. +I have hardly any commitments. +There's still plenty of time left. +I had no choice. +It took more than two years. +Three months or so later, they are returning. +So, in a sense, it was a government subsidy. +I knew people on that committee. +This could be wonderful. +That had happened long before half-time yesterday. +I think he was lost for words. +It is not in the public interest. +We must do that. +That's a good sign. +We've always had a very positive attitude.He was married with children. +There are two mysteries. +The performance is not there. +This was a good move for me. +I welcome the decision. +The snipers are also out. +Throughout the centuries people have explained the rainbows in various ways. +What does he want him to look like? +That is not true. +I don't expect to be here tomorrow. +They can now see the rewards for working hard at the game. +There is nothing like this back home. +And the World Cup has not even begun. +The wind was coming from all directions. +I've had it for the exams. +So, it took me back to boarding school. +We know we have the quality. +What do we have to do? +However, he added there were signs of progress. +I'd always wanted to act. +If Glasgow is so interested, they have the right to bid. +We've all been here before. +He pleaded for caution. +In fact, he was great today. +Its's all change at Kilmarnock. +Holland won by five wickets. +She is an angel. +Things are going well. +Tartan Day is not a Scottish event. +They are now collapsing. +A final decision is expected by Friday. +Whether this return was too soon. +Church leaders warned other homes could close. +He is to appeal. +However, they will only be found in the wild. +That time is not far away. +If it's not, they didn't go far enough. +They will remember this victory for a while. +The Parliament will make its own decisions. +I want somebody with something to prove. +It does seem a mystery. +It is still too early for any likely contenders to have emerged. +Yet, it worked. +We like being the underdogs. +We don't see it as downgrading. +Sadly the jury were not convinced. +She would say he was still the best. +Consumers will also benefit. +I am delighted for them. +He sees a difference in the style of the two teams. +He was taken ill in his office. +Government funding is not a problem. +I enjoy playing with both of them. +He has gone through the process before. +We must learn to finish. +We don't have a solution to the problem. +We can do it. +We are just glad to be alive. +I have no conflict with them. +Councillor Gordon has refused to stand down. +I would have loved to play in an Old Firm. +Weather should not be a factor. +PR will be just one of them. +There was no safety net. +From day one, we were a family. +In general terms, the proposals are very much in line with expectations. +That's always the case, isn't it? +Sources yesterday said the Royal Bank has declined to back him. +We make good weapons. +It is just not working.But she was very human. +No final decision has been taken. +Our season is not finished. +That is a break with tradition. +You don't do the same thing with men. +I would not descend to that level. +Look at New Labour, it hasn't worked. +Tony Blair should get out more. +That is in the public domain. +I thought the dancing was over. +Things begin to spring to life. +Others have tried to explain the phenomenon physically. +Thankfully, Peter had already found another outlet for his talents. +They have no real friends in the region. +Many complicated ideas about the rainbows have been formed. +That is not the case this time. +It has to be long-term commitment. +But they have taken the lesson to heart. +Too often it is not. +Sir George said every company in the country has this issue at the moment. +A contractor was due to be appointed yesterday. +That is a mark of what you are. +Is it the players, or is it the coaches? +There were no reports of casualties.While they went on holiday, we got the contract. +We still don't know. +No doubt the council would welcome the proposal. +Their appeal will be heard this week. +This is a matter of life and death. +We are expected to do better than before. +But it's an enjoyable job. +This is not a long-term commitment. +That, though, is the measure of the man. +He should resign. +She had gone to the Catholic school. +The Home Office would not release any further details about the group. +Their only score of the half came from a penalty by Jones. +It's a policy which has worked for us. +You've just got to move on. +That is why he is so special. +We didn't get any from his face. +Detectives are waiting to interview the men. +My main intention was to write a funny comedy. +It was a bit of a tightrope. +It's a human tragedy. +We were never told it was already decided. +Where is the evidence? +This is still not good enough.The game was there to be won. +Many complicated ideas about the rainbow have been formed. +He was totally without that form of fear. +But it won't be the same. +That was merely their initial problem. +How do we get a bigger stage? +Again, we were lucky. +It is extremely sad. +We haven't seen from the Bank of Scotland. +Only four of his passengers were uninjured. +The election is total confusion and chaos. +They were outstanding and thoroughly deserved their win. +That will depend on the outcome of inquiries. +This is thought to mean sometime next week. +It was really frustrating. +This is a most serious matter. +No means testing will be required. +That's the law of the land.Our message is getting through. +Clearly he knows nothing about Glasgow or Glasgow Green. +Why you did it will never be known. +What's the theme? +That will bring about a dramatic improvement. +I have never seen anything like it. +That will be the case on Tuesday. +I want to make a difference. +Progress is being made but it is slow. +The work was suspended following the kidnap. +We will continue to pressure the Government. +It is surprising to come back this way. +Secondly, there are other options for patients. +We have a lot of sympathy for applicants. +And therein lies the whole problem. +But then, that really is the point. +Some realism was needed about time, resources and management. +It's the taking part that counts. +This time, he will be more on the defensive. +It was a virus. +Well, he can do it. +It is a very worrying report. +Either way, it's very funny. +We need to be more specific. +Victory, she insisted yesterday, was far more important than the rewards. +They are used to the big stage. +Wilson made his remarks on Tuesday. +In fact, it might just be beginning. +We started from scratch. +He deserves a second chance. +They have to be met. +It's happened, but it's a dream. +They are defined by law. +The second goal was a terrible mistake by our defence. +I want to win this thing. +It's just awful. +It's not the end of the matter, of course. +It is now very clear that that doesn't work. +This could also affect the sentencing. +Hospitals are for the ill. +Hard it will be. +I thought we were fantastic. +The couple had one daughter. +Do I think about them often? +Overall, though, it has been a pretty good week. +She was an only child. +New Year will be very busy. +We welcome this increase in the minimum wage. +Such an attack is bizarre. +I probably was wrong.That was not the norm.Florida is the pivotal state in the nation. +You have to feel for the guy. +In less than two months, the women have achieved a lot. +It is coming on very well. +I'm not a little girl. +Parents of pupils at the school have also expressed concern. +If he leaves, the band is finished. +They will certainly be visible from every house in our area. +It carries a double message. +It's really part of our mission. +I've kept him in touch with everything. +We certainly will need to watch him. +And our game is about going forward. +It's great that it happened in Britain. +He would get into any world team. +It is becoming a bit of a habit. +We got on very well. +The salary changes are long overdue. +I couldn't really work outside Edinburgh. +Does this mean. +They worked on it for three hours. +His style was direct and very human. +We believe the squad will stay together. +I would say the risk is very small. +This is a milestone in the modernisation of the Scottish prosecution service. +FOR once, you should believe the hype. +I don't want to use the term. +Hopefully it will be tomorrow night. +It wasn't very pretty to watch. +Or someone wants to say something different. +I think we can get there. +He is a man who lives to work. +It was so new, so exciting. +The motive for the shooting was not known. +There's still time for that. +He has also cut a record. +The Foreign Office was conspicuous by its absence. +Surely they were on a hiding to nothing. +how do you get it back? +Some of the characters will not be played by humans. +However, it very nearly all went wrong. +He knew it would cost him millions. +Norton was delighted with his successes. +We will miss him against Celtic. +Let's not go overboard. +I remember that day well. +I asked for a positive response and I was given one. +They should be so lucky. +I was not sure whether I had won. +So does every industry. +That argument has been won. +That is the lesson of the last three weeks. +I hope the couples are still together. +Two things will count for us in Brussels. +Now we must look to the future. +We can hardly talk about it. +It's a logical consequence of the Formula. +It was the same with the Dickens. +My life is in the ballet. +I think we have got the balance right. +I played really well on the back nine. +It's really good, as long as we play well. +My only concern is for my children. +The hearing was continued until a later date. +It was the story of the second half. +He refused to reveal the reasons for the split. +No preference emerged. +He had been on holiday visiting his grandmother. +But the main thing will be to avoid the bunkers. +It's a joke. +He also presented You Bet! +But who is it? +And the other winners are. +It plans to return to this field. +For us, that decision was hard to understand. +The warning was lifted late last night. +It is almost like a family. +This has come as a shock to everyone. +Barry Ferguson is one of them. +This is only one example. +It's not a wish list. +Pig farmers are completely despondent. +He had a heart problem. +He was, indeed, a thoroughly decent man. +It is the icing on the cake. +Manager Bobby Williamson has no injury worries. +They should feel ashamed. +Hopefully, no-one will suffer too badly. +We tried to get them down. +To tell the truth, it wasn't a good game. +We are at an advanced stage, and are now instructing counsel. +This will look at consumer attitudes. +There's also the point. +This is our unfinished business. +It's the right thing. +It's just outrageous. +The pressure is on them. +There was no discussion about it. +We are pursuing legal action against the government. +Eight months later, he was dead. +We believe a third party was involved. +I spoke to him yesterday.Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which the gods passed from earth to their home in the sky. +He had a decision to make. +The pair will meet again in Glasgow, and then train together in Australia. +Saddam is not the only example of evil in our world. +I have been very stupid. +But it was money well spent.He's got the same story. +He did not oppose the divorce. +This is usually done by the space shuttle. +Whatever he does, however, it will be decisive. +He's in with the furniture. +Nor should there have been. +Tell me today and I will make a business decision tomorrow. +So we talked about that for a bit. +This will help our confidence. +They had been in Scotland on exercise. +He may have a point. +Quite simply, for once in his life, he got it wrong. +You can feel the tension in the air. +I am greatly relieved that the trust has reached its target. +It had so much to do with the output. +It is a temptation which should be resisted. +Police have refused to name the couple involved. +That moment when the monster is being brought to life. +Israeli forces denied the claim. +We don't believe anything anymore. +Finally, they have a journey back to their youth. +But he will be extremely active.He will do very well. +Well it had to be something, that's for sure. +That's the way it goes. +It would not do any harm to reinforce the message. +We did not complete the process. +We've all been there at some point. +But don't expect an easy ride. +Detectives are still working on the case. +They have not been named. +Attack appears to be the biggest concern. +Things are looking pretty positive at the moment. +This was an option from the beginning. +But does the same thing happen with music? +The home team had an amazing start. +In her opinion, the rich are different. +So, the question is, is it any good? +It shows that painting is still relevant. +Well that's very New Labour, isn't it? +Glasgow is going to be open for business. +When he got up he was hit again. +And he did that. +He was embarrassed about what he did. +This is a true story. +We are proud of them. +That is the consistent approach of the Government. +It is one of those things. +The man was obviously desperate to get away from the police. +Some examples are presented in detail. +This will take in dividend policy and capital structure. +There has been no cover-up - just the opposite in fact. +We feel very good about it. +We know we can defend it. +That would be decided at the interim results in November, he added. +It is time to be realistic. +Pitt, of course, would play the lead singer. +We were very much a happy family. +I'm taking each day as it comes. +I could never be cool. +I was proud of our lads. +The real world is full of competing causes. +For that reason cover should not be given. +He sat down at the piano. +People might not actually want the job. +Celtic were pleased to help. +Scotland has shown the way. +It's only a matter of scale. +I have to keep working hard. +They changed the world of music. +The cut is excellent news for the consumer. +Young families accounted for a growing share of the trade. +I think he's the favourite, no question. +But experience is a wonderful thing. +Everything was a dead end. +How will we get there? +The game will be at a football stadium. +You name it, they have it. +You have friends in the Liberal Democrats. +Scrutiny by European Parliament is limited. +He ran into immediate problems with local people and police. +And then came the seventies. +It is an outrage. +It's just a fact. +We are now up against it. +They were at school together. +The creditors have lost a lot. +Where do you start? +It might change your life. +We also acknowledge the grief and pain of their relatives. +I had a good life at Rangers. +Jacques Chirac, the French president, was surely in his sights. +That was me today. +He will be advised by me. +I was awful. +It is truly masterly performance. +One was a lawyer. +I am not sure. +We have come a long way in the last few sessions. +By then, a massive legal battle is likely to have started. +No-one had seen this sort of thing before. +No evidence that it was Osama bin Laden. +We must do well in that. +This is the start of a slippery slope. +That should not be their conclusion. +After five weeks the vehicle will be sold at auction. +That is not, however, the case. +This is perfectly legal. +That's all right then. +Labour is providing none of these. +They might have asked, for goodness sake. +We were all over the place in the first half. +I wish they, too, would get a grip. +Last night the bombardment was terrible. +He is an excellent manager. +None of the pieces was commissioned. +Liberal Democrat leader makes a hash of it. +But we were in control at that point. +Inclusion and Autism, Is It Working? +It cannot go on for ever like this.And that started me thinking. +The group will also become an Internet service provider. +It makes no difference to their friendship. +It's a lot of pressure on me. +However, the groups denied the claims. +Basically we lost the game because we were outplayed. +The club are feeling no different today. +I didn't miss the big house at all. +I had troubles with the producers. +You were very proud that day to be among their friends. +Basically, the classical tradition won out. +My dad was working in Ayrshire. +That is why it's so lyrical. +Off-duty nurses were called in at Ayr. +They are used to it. +This has been a terrible experience. +I'm just gonna hit the shot. +That is one point of view. +The most important thing is the game. +But the real problem is the closure of the export market. +It brought in new management. +He will get his chances. +That's the most important thing for me. +What's it for, after all? +John Prescott, the deputy prime minister, will fly to the summit tomorrow. +I can appear to be nice and lovely. +We have done our own tests. +I asked to take it up to Glasgow. +I had a ball today. +I had no qualms about it. +There's a chance they might come down. +It was at the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow. +My place is in the kitchen. +To have Mr Clinton is quite an accolade. +I'm looking to the future. +On occasions he succeeded. +Many innocent people will die. +He said he hoped for a first meeting within a few days. +We are still getting over it. +Yesterday's performance was exactly that. +I rejected the idea of a separate residence. +That would be a serious problem. +Much of the equipment was new. +There is no need to panic. +There was no respite. +The villagers were shot in the head at short range. +That was a good effort. +It has been only average. +That must have had an effect. +The Prime Minister was very saddened to hear about this. +Men should avoid it like the plague. +It's not just a male agenda. +His rival's are spoken with elan. +The attack was totally out of the blue. +I have a bunch of veterans. +They were certainly tough, but totally fair. +People also have trouble with the currency. +They should be swept away. +Our position is quite simple. +Their loss is heartbreaking. +My life is exactly the same. +It is now being examined. +His career may also provide food for thought for Ferguson. +I am a star. +We gave everything we had. +I wanted to help the poor people in Edinburgh. +He didn't get out much. +You can say he gets a sizeable amount. +We still have to wait for that. +We've had some pretty bad times. +This has been coming for weeks and weeks. +So, easy does it. +The Israeli military denied the claim. +And I was happy for the happiness of my brothers. +It should have taken a year for a company this size. +Some changes have been achieved at great cost. +They receive a high profile in the media. +Being captain of this club is fantastic. +It is normal. +If that's the case, he will struggle. +I am really looking forward to it. +Of course, it is nonsense. +The court was shown a video of the house on that day. +It's hard to say. +It meant a lot to us. +This doesn't have to be our future. +What are you not good at ? +I'd never given up on myself. +I feel sorry for anyone coming in here. +This is a dream come true. +There has been no delay on government orders. +I'm sure he didn't mean it. +They want to shut the Scottish Office. +There was a great support all round the route. +I think it was briefly considered. +Glasgow is far from overload. +Hopefully, we have learned a lot from that game. +He was unable to come. +I will speak to Michael about this. +This is a dreadful day for Iona. +This year it will be Billy Crystal. +That is no use. +They showed a lot of heart. +I've always been desperate to play this part. +That is my role. +Parents should avoid it. +It was a pretty terrible day. +It was very lucky no-one was killed. +He was really great. +He has never even been to Ireland. +The lottery has helped. +That, however, is only part of the story. +He is a good friend. +That was moving the goalposts. +That's why he is a national treasure. +I'm feeling pretty good. +Still, it is a very good result for us. +Then followed a bout of flu. +She may even appear in some more films. +His sister added, We expected him to be jailed. +This Government believes in parental discipline. +His background is firmly in venture capital. +It's a portrait of Glasgow, not the portrait. +It looked like a river. +However, my position remains the same. +We have to adapt to this level. +It is not just in Edinburgh. +Yet there is hope. +It was a matter of chance. +I'm sure that is not. +It was meant to rival the dollar. +Without approval, the sport will find it difficult to develop. +I felt we played some excellent football in the first half. +We will learn lessons from what has happened. +That there would be discussions. +Progress, however, is only achieved through hard work and heavy investment. +Soon the whole country will be level. +This is in a league of its own. +So what happens next? +The door is still open, but we need a bit of help. +Michael's putting on a brave face. +It may well have been. +I was just happy to get my own goal. +There is no future in rock music. +But there has never been the time, she said. +This is a holy place. +He was different from the rest of us. +I can hardly believe it. +But that is not enough. +It gave me something to focus on. +Clearly, that is important in nursing. +Did he always want to be a comedian? +But other Ministers are not convinced. +That is completely against Islam. +They have done nothing of the sort.It has made me feel good. +We have to get on with it. +The newspapers, by contrast, had held their value. +But he's a very quiet man. +It is not normal practice.That's when you hope to take advantage. +We are working so hard. +But it is looking very positive. +The house was so well alight. +People acted too quickly. +It makes a compelling display. +And you know something? +They might well be right. +It is a form of physical exercise. +They are working very well. +We are all family men with children. +I am happy with my form. +For me, it was a shattering experience. +That's not part of the deal. +It's a matter for the Committee. +Treatment is not an issue with these people. +It sounds a bit of an own goal. +How can they say that? +They've got to account for it. +We do not want any terrorist attacks on any Israeli civilians. +Players are fighting to stay in the team. +Maybe this battle has been. +This is a very common type of bow, one showing mainly red and yellow, with little or no green or blue.She is given a new deputy minister for transport and planning. +I've got a sense of humour, too. +It's just a place to open it. +But there is good and bad. +The driver was unhurt. +They should be looking at his victims. +She has gone to the Catholic school. +The objective was achieved. +It is quite simple. +They are just trying to cover up. +I have so much respect for him.Stewart Ivory also declined to comment last night. +We couldn't afford it. +I didn't know she could do that. +A formal announcement is expected this morning at a news conference. +The parties include the Scottish Executive. +They have not got anyone. +They're currently managed by Ian Wilson. +These were the edited highlights. +It is that sort of film. +The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of super-imposition of a number of bows. +Your bank may offer you a choice of options. +And that was just for starters. +The story was not made public by this club. +I've already got this. +Faces from the Eighties. +The weather will be unpredictable if anything. +I've done a lot in that building. +And it will be even more difficult tomorrow. +He can do everything. +It is not true to Hollywood, nor The Player. +It's just that we see different things. +Several other pupils and staff were seriously injured in the accident. +Nine of the tourists were killed instantly. +I wish him well. +You're a gambling man. +I am not holding the club to ransom. +Stan is a vital part of our future. +He was not seeking special advantage. +What would you ask? +This is certainly not the time for attempts at trial by media. +I have got a victim. +We are certainly moving in the right direction as a club. +That's my big challenge. +That does not mean we have failed. +The result today is an impasse. +Part of England, is not? +What happened in that game? +He would take up the bike. +You remember how long he lasted? +I have got to adopt the same approach. +The failings are serious. +A kind of effective treatment would be welcomed. +Clearly, there was a mix-up. +There did not need to be a miracle. +Several messages can be taken from the occasion. +It means a huge amount. +He talks too much. +It was a wilful act of violence. +Scotland will finish the group in second place. +It's too much work. +The region is open for business. +The cause of the accident remained unclear. +We must do something. +Golf is a game of honour and ethics. +I'm not changing my mind. +For starters, many of the Scotland team didn't turn up. +Accordingly, financial restructuring is required. +The singer's condition was not specified. +I hope the voters will respond. +It was like being in prison. +Other people had looked at it. +He plans to call for an aid package from Mr Macdonald. +Now the system is right behind us. +That is a job for the Government. +It was really good in the first week. +I said My brother, George, never saw that. +Clearly, she says, she would never resort to such devices. +The plane was shaking. +It is a crucial award. +Later in the day he was forced to explain his position. +The whole point is to get the issue into the open. +We have got a full house tonight. +As if he were a High Court judge. +I am not unduly surprised. +It will also take evidence from consumers. +My grandparents were terrified. +It also makes for interesting viewing. +You can never take a win for granted. +Our number one goal is prevention. +Doesn't he miss it? +We see the rapid reaction force as the way ahead. +It is a blow. +We have not given up on the game. +I've never been limited on drugs. +I hope that is the lucky break. +He is lying to save his skin. +Inspections are not the problem. +The other was a football match. +It won't happen overnight, but things will get better. +David Murray, the Rangers chairman, also welcomed the scheme. +This is not about revenge. +David Trimble has sold out. +But he has strong links to Labour. +He suffered severe head injuries. +I should be doing that for her.Of course we make mistakes, but we don't make too many. +We need to know more about her.Tyson is overwhelmed. +Instead, she just went away.O, Is there anything in the wound? +We need some confidence to get a win. +Each one is as good as the other. +We had to approach it the way we feel we can do best. +Not that anyone has actually suffered, for her art. +Three hours later, the man was free. +And we all understand that. +But he kept on repeating it. +It's about time something was done about equipment. +Last month he made his debut in Japan. +We also enjoyed a lot of support. +She is really magic. +She has now been registered as disabled. +She was making a living, but her career was going nowhere. +We have been overwhelmed by the response. +Trading Places was too obvious. +There was no evidence against him.I realised I was lucky to have it. +However, she did not report the matter to the police. +It was a sell-out. +The sisters also became the top two players in the world. +Aristotle thought the rainbow was caused by reflection of the sun's rays by the rain. +He was visited by UK consular officials. +It sounds like an appalling, tragic incident. +However, civil rights campaigners welcomed the ruling. +Someone should force President Bush to watch this film. +Sloppy answers are to be avoided. +This statement has never been withdrawn.We have a high quality product. +A Scottish film studio is also being considered. +The Scottish Parliament should set an example for Westminster to follow. +Shelter also supports the reform. +Williams said the same. +I'm very happy that it exploded. +Chris Paterson was outstanding. +I said How much? +Now they had it. +I thought they could have made the gesture. +This is my life. +Is there a waiting list? +Only the scale of change differed. +It's something which is very important to me. +The early physical reports were clear. +I was very influenced by him. +We are the gateway to justice. +I thought it was my only chance. +The Scotch whisky industry is absent from the agenda. +I do not want to wait until May. +The overall effect is impressive, but distancing. +The judge said. +I am a player. +That's the sort of game you want. +I am the fastest player on the course. +My whole family is. +But the foundations have been laid. +Barry will be able to handle this. +It has to reinvent itself. +For now, we must take one game at a time.His views are hardly surprising. +She is, however, fully conscious and able to speak. +He is a good signing for Rangers. +His concern is only for the future. +We have never been paid that money. +If they have City backing, what is the influence? +We aim to put them out of business. +There was no pressure at all. +That investment has now been secured. +Talk of a crisis is absurd. +It should not make the same mistake again. +To all intents and purposes, he ran the show. +She is a double victim. +The results are sometimes contentious. +The encounter was to change his life. +We didn't take our chances. +It doesn't look as pretty. +They always want to give a performance. +He wouldn't do it. +He was said to be emotionally disturbed. +That is the way it is. +She doesn't know me, know anything about me. +And he has a tale to tell. +They hold on for many years. +None has ever been found. +Last season was very hard for me. +That has now gone. +There were no violations. +He was certainly upbeat about his chances. +And they all have a vote. +I've invented a village in East Lothian. +It is the only way forward for the club. +The music is therefore profoundly subversive. +They emerged before the patients left hospital. +Alice, the girl, was said by doctors to be in good condition. +We have spent the last couple of years with acting directors. +This was a great result for us, a big result. +This is the lowest of the low. +Smuggling is an increasing problem for the Government. +It is a family day out. +I hope it is a good omen. +He accused the Prime Minister of dithering. +How independent is that? +We believe it to be completely without merit. +Pupils were allowed home at lunchtime. +It was a very terrible thing. +Peace was won. +They have the cash and the fire power. +It is a hobby for me. +But what are the songs about?I'll go back home and see my family. +Let's see that increase over the years. +But when he left, the decision was forced upon us. +That will reduce my chance of selection. +The time for change is now.He also seems to have been around forever. +Nothing was meant by it. +The potential is always in the idea. +I love the feel of the place. +I can see their argument. +We are taking the back seat on this. +I am glad that he is angry.Military chiefs were playing it straight. +There were many positives for this club. +He said he was sorry. +He will be missed. +She is in their hands. +But it could have been written for her. +It raises the edge. +Don't you think it was a fine performance? +They promised to fight the plans. +Talks are at an advanced stage. +I'm not making any comment at all. +Change will however have to be in euros. +Who will attend? +I hope it comes out all right. +I'm delighted to be coming back home. +I am extremely cautious. +That's the only thing I will say. +It is not about the money, it is about everything. +However, his remarks were heavily qualified. +The next month is very important. +It would make a lot of sense. +We are opening an inquiry. +I want my audience to be challenged. +It is believed that he had been stabbed. +I hope you miss the cut. +The warnings were a good reminder. +That depends on Rangers. +And that is the bottom line - box office. +It comes from reflection or thinking. +The partnership was set up during the summer. +Their condition is described as satisfactory. +But it is important for a number of reasons. +The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops, and the width of the colored band increases as the size of the drop increases. +We don't know what happened after. +It is clear that we must learn the lessons from this outbreak. +It's called the Supreme Court for a reason. +Police were called to the ground and interviewed a number of people. +The casting is as perfect. +The projections are very positive for South Africa. +Now the show is for public consumption. +All my family are in Scotland, from Glasgow. +He has become a monster. +He should have won. +As for Scotland, we can just enjoy the moment. +The problem is the book. +A search and rescue mission was mounted within minutes. +I've never regretted my decision. +And we've beaten them before. +Dancing will help his ankles and his feet. +They have given up.It attracted no complaints. +But who knows? +It works for us. +It's very very frustrating. +It was bound to happen, and it has happened. +We have the location, which is assured. +I'm very sad and deeply shocked. +I think it was entirely the right decision. +But you can't have it both ways. +I've got to be pleased with that.So far the weather has been very pleasant. +She added, It is the same story in both countries. +But there was a heavy price to pay.This could easily have been another tragedy. +We are doing okay in the league. +Their vision was not impeded. +They too refused to come out and talk. +I tend to not look back. +The mood was euphoric. +He had just returned from a run. +Tomorrow is a big day for Scotland. +We have big ideas. +There was no-one of the required standard. +There is no suggestion of any sinister intent on his behalf. +The issues are not going to change. +He will have to live with his words. +He is a bully. +And it was this one. +It helped me to get noticed. +It is huge. +They have not allowed them to defend themselves. +Only one was from Glasgow. +It is no longer the white death. +CHRISTMAS is special, a time for reflection. +I have been struggling with my form. +He really is a lovely man. +It may be argued. +It brings together two essential elements. +It is a fantasy. +Family members are at her bedside. +It is unique. +He's delighted, too, with the new premises. +It's a long-term solution. +It's quite nice. +Nobody was able to escape. +It was only logical to end it. +Alliance Leicester would give it a presence in southern England. +We are ready for the long haul. +The house was full of smoke. +I'm pleased about one thing. +The home side didn't stand a chance. +For one thing, he was growing far too quickly. +When is it ever anything else? +I chose the former. +He said the right things. +They have now become the focus of a huge police inquiry. +We haven't been able to go and see. +I COULD hardly keep up with Professor McKean. +Because it's a waste of time for both sides. +It is nearly there. +Others have tried to explain the phenomenon physically. +It's something we want to make work. +In practice, the economic tests have to be met. +Wages and salaries account for a major proportion of our expenses. +They had the appeal of TV stars. +This solution is not being considered in Scotland. +I'm working on that one, too. +You have to rely on each other. +Who would be out there, singing?It is not an issue. +No date has been set for the appeal. +Corporate banking would be based in Edinburgh. +We're all going to take a holiday. +Could it be? +I got very, very tired. +Mr Wallace was unimpressed. +There are two offerings from Scotland. +I said to him. +But they will need to play to score. +She could easily have been killed. +He's close friend of Gordon Brown. +But this was refused. +Who do you think you are? +In London today, it was business as usual. +This one did. +Smaller parties have reason to be pleased. +It was no avail. +Yet he remains confident enough. +That's an old idea. +There are so many artists working in Glasgow.I was utterly hopeless at it, it must be said. +It is about control of our economy. +Thousands of people were missing. +Broadcasting will be top of the agenda. +He gets his moment. +The challenge is to win a cup. +They were at her bedside when she died. +The law will take its course. +It was not a beautiful game, was it? +The partners are looking for answers. +The balance is all wrong in this country. +I couldn't put my finger on it. +The crackdown is launched today by the government. +Glasgow is making inroads in some areas. +Clark is back on top form. +I'm just feeling very tired - but it's great. +Eight new hospitals are set to be built. +He was travelling to see his daughter. +We try to keep it right. +Something will be done by corporate bodies. +We would like to see them in court. +Ireland is also prepared to take in refugees. +What's it all about? +He said the Parliament should be left to make its own decision. +You've got to hand it to them. +Are you up for business? +Well, that's all right then. +The British government said she was coming home. +It ended as it began, in confusion. +That is the last thing they need. +But will they fall in love? +And do you know, it just wasn't the same. +And rugby fans can help. +But it won't make a difference. +I'm not sure how they got there, but they are. +We will only move forward. +But every two minutes it was exploding. +Since then physicists have found that it's not reflection, but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows. +There were too many mistakes. +This will have to change. +It could have been just a quick fix. +My husband was born in Zimbabwe. +One film a year is, he says, his natural rhythm. +You can leave him, knowing the job will be done. +It's better than that, it's fantastic. +Of course, it does not have to be this way. +It's funny how it comes and goes. +There's no reason for panic. +I could do a better job. +He just wants to leave a legacy. +She can scoop these things into three red bags, and we will go meet her Wednesday at the train station. +There is something in this. +Blair's response was weak. +A play is a set of actions. +A government is a government is a government. +It is a sensitive issue. +We come here in peace, for peace. +You have got the evidence. +We've got to get it right. +Planning is a key issue. +What did you learn in school today? +But it was a great decision he joked. +I'm a little bit tired. +And we're not there yet. +I am pleased with the result, as it was a possible upset. +Well, it happened to me, so it's happening to him. +Nothing has been going for us, but what can you do? +It was indeed a night to remember. +The pensioners did not want to know. +Since then it has become a tradition.Two men have been charged with his murder. +We had to work hard for it. +It's the most beautiful place on earth. +Fishing is a declining industry. +O no it's not! +The answer was wrong. +That remains the same. +The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of super-position of a number of bows. +She is currently in foster care. +It was mayhem. +It was created by genocide. +Wilson will tell the truth. +I don't think it is a drawback. +Who said impatience is a virtue? +Sprinters are not fit. +It turned me against the whole system. +I got on very well with Allan. +No-one wanted to run it tonight. +His claims were criticised by Chief Secretary to the Treasury Andrew Smith. +I just want to enjoy myself. +I reported it but nothing was done. +He remains a main board director of Royal. +It deserved to be a winner. +You see, it wasn't a tournament of equals. +Just look at his fashion sense. +The group will report back in the summer.When will this change? +People must remain vigilant. +We are looking for volunteers. +Everything has collapsed. +CELTIC Connections is here again - and the great debate. +I'd love to be at the World Cup. +For the other parties, it is back to business as usual. +He just wants to play. +By then it was too late. +They have not done so this season so far. +Nobody could survive on that. +The planning appears to have paid off. +Art is extra. +He seems to be used to the attention. +We continue to hold the shares. +It was very moving, actually. +Labour's Scottish general secretary Alex Rowley was delighted yesterday. +The key issue for us is public safety. +When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.It can't just be a cynical marketing exercise. +We are still waiting. +Are we not men? +Was it a foul? +He died in September.Victory, she insisted yesterday, was far more important than the rewards.The wedding date has been set for Orlando in Florida in October. +Or some thought that they have. +It is good for Europe. +We have to compete at our own level. +The time commitment is the biggest thing. +He's got to go. +Correction, knowing him, he might. +That was the context of his remarks. +He had no answer. +That could be ready within another nine months. +I am convinced that this is a subject which can make a difference. +It will determine whether an offence has occurred. +Glasgow is a tour de force. +There was something special about that. +I had nothing to lose. +They've had a good start as well. +That time may never be broken. +We will be taking a world lead. +She runs like her mother. +It's quite a routine. +She asked me for the appointment with me. +It is part and parcel of it.The next thing will be cutting journey times. +But what did it matter? +More likely, perhaps, is that he will stay in England. +It was to be inclusive. +They know it'll be fantastic. +They had to explain it. +It was a stunning drive from Jon. +I was never in danger. +Felt good about it. +Mr Campbell received a phone call. +We work on the same level. +They will do nothing for the local people. +As it should be. +I won't go back to Holland. +It was launched in February last year. +She had experience of the wildest places. +Today is a victory for the Scottish Parliament. +Now we look forward to it. +They feel it belongs to them. +It doesn't take much. +He was a great human being. +That can happen so easily.Jim Wallace, justice minister, has refused to hold an inquiry. +That was only the start. +It was to get even better for Motherwell. +She was close to suicide at one stage. +I've got no secret. +We've still got a say in this. +What do we do? +On the month the weakness was across the board. +I hadn't seen them in eight years. +I was in the train station overnight. +It's not about defining styles. +Hopefully, that'll come from someone on our side. +It does not take much. +The rest is his own. +Tomorrow is a new day. +I just had to go for it. +Archer is no newcomer to the stage. +I didn't do it. +It was just one of those days. +However, that could alter following the latest case. +I can't even get into the A team. +Authorities have to recognise the risk of paedophiles. +We went straight into the bedroom. +The wealth of talent in Australia is awesome. +Almost everyone had some input.Would you take them? +And he had much need. +If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny. +I might have been sitting at home, with her out here. +It is a hard act to follow, the Winning act. +It was by the numbers. +They were back in favour with the SAC. +So far the weather has been very pleasant.They were to blame for the first two goals. +But real life is not like that. +Seven people were later detained by police. +I did not see any reason to change the captain. +We did not play well. +They will have five minutes to decide. +It might not survive the process. +Will he be given time? +Why do it otherwise? +This remains the case. +I've never regretted coming here.I cannot believe she has been admonished. +He did that every night I was with him. +They did very well. +The answer is maybe. +It's a technical demand. +People would say, He thinks he can do that as well. +I can't believe we didn't win that game. +Donald was a man with many friends. +A century on, little has changed. +It was a disaster of a race. +Perhaps it is eyeing a mortgage bank. +Each case is treated on merit. +What on earth is wrong with you? +However, the purchase is as yet unproven. +You are not allowed to do that. +It was an attitude thing. +I couldn't get out of bed. +They said construction work could begin within weeks.He was in his element. +Of course he was right! +I asked why he had come. +Or so the story goes. +It is a very interesting subject. +They have the cash to do that. +Of course, we have to be very concerned about that. +A spokesman for Lothian and Borders Police said. +I am so lucky for that. +He denied that he was an absentee landlord. +That is part of athletics. +I'd never heard anything like it before. +However, the appeal judges rejected the argument. +The claim was denied by the first minister. +The problem is not confined to the UK. +It is very difficult to find a buyer. +You can never have enough money. +They did a very good job. +It isn't a free-for-all. +You are talking about a matter of life and death. +It was good to score the goal today. +I have nothing to say on that. +We didn't try hard enough, that is all. +I'll have to work on that. +There were no formal announcements. +He insisted that his staff were too. +We've not won anything yet. +The Labour Party's not downbeat, and neither is the Labour Government. +But this is just the start. +The contest was already over. +I got off to a great start. +There were far more pressing matters to consider. +That would end it for us. +The film is on a tightrope. +The Scottish Parliament is also looking at similar measures. +I don't think that is good enough. +You must always attempt to raise the bar. +It is about regular committed giving which is the real attraction. +It is just a tax on employment. +It wasn't a flashy performance, it was very workmanlike. +This ruling is unfair to everyone. +What the Department of Transport will make clear. +Who can tell? +We were all afraid. +That's a concern to me. +They included certain insurance policies, and his share of the house. +We would have looked out for each other. +There is no pressure from anyone now. +He preferred to concentrate on the positive. +Sales have been perfectly buoyant. +I didn't know there was anything wrong. +If they gave me free electricity I still wouldn't support the plans. +A change in that position would require a decision by the council. +Obviously, we would want to look at this. +I was better prepared than a year ago. +That could run into millions. +The new clubhouse was packed with people watching the game on TV. +That is for certain. +It raises a serious question mark. +Many changes are positive changes. +I have never considered it. +He just attracted people. +Two years later, she was dead. +I'm getting long in the tooth. +It's to do with this place. +Israel has done very little until now. +It just isn't a defining issue for them. +It did my image a lot of good! +Private sector pay awards were a major factor. +The team spirit that was here last year is again good. +We had a reunion last week. +That is when we are really effective. +He has gone back to school. +It's the traumatic event in the childhood of a nation. +However, the story has a happy ending. +This is a moment to seize. +He almost admitted as much. +The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops, and the width of the colored band increases as the sizes of the drops increases. +Alain Baxter did not have long to speak on Friday. +For the refugees, the return will not come a moment too soon. +We have got no money to go anywhere. +I thought it was the only way out. +What kind of inclusion is that? +I was over the moon. +Whether the High Court will interfere with the sentence is another matter. +It has been a waste of time. +My life is a mess. +It lasted longer than we thought. +Suddenly, directing was the thing he wanted to do. +The cause of the fire is not yet known. +But that is for another day. +The Olympic committee should be ashamed of themselves. +Everything happened so quickly, that we were taken by surprise. +However, there are signs of dissent among his colleagues. +It is looking very special. +That decision is for the British Parliament and people. +Well, when did he ever refuse? +This was done by the council staff. +We are looking very hard at ourselves. +Strathclyde police had appealed for witnesses. +And that match was played in June. +We can only go up. +The company declined to comment. +He called for a public inquiry. +That takes a lot of courage. +Did you see that? +We had to work very hard for our points. +I've had a wonderful career. +I did so, making the positive case for Scottish New Labour. +I never had any confidence in it afterwards. +That is impressive by any standards. +Financial services also saw a sharp reduction in new business. +The band was good, and it's been a great day. +I do not believe they are. +These take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. +She said they would appeal. +We're in shock. +Mrs Thatcher was in the right place, at the right time. +I was conceived in Aberdeen. +A new leader is unlikely to be chosen before September. +We just want this session to end. +She is a valuable member of Government. +These men are a part of India. +I want to give everything to Rangers while I am with the club. +There's nothing for you here. +Jack was always going to win this one. +I have nothing to hide. +They've been at it for five hours. +She can scoop these things into three red bags, and we can go meet her Wednesday at the train station. +WE live in a world of large numbers. +There was still more disquiet in Israel. +Her father wasn't best pleased. +Now it was serious. +The regional newspapers have outperformed the national titles. +This looks like it is anything but open. +There is no answer to it. +I cannot really commit. +So the challenge is against ourselves. +The workers do not want to read about their futures in newspapers. +The conference is the first test. +It's good to have a voice. +He was caught and fired. +There is no change in the strategy. +It is time to fight a decisive battle. +A council spokesman said that they could not comment on the issue. +Help is needed. +His message was very simple. +It was chaotic and frightening. +Its effect on humans is not yet known. +So we shall remain vigilant, and keep the pressure on him. +Otherwise, it will cost a lot of money. +That will be vital. +Each one has its own system. +Four minutes later, the show was over. +The position on the euro remains unchanged. +For the meantime, though, the signs are good. +It is like a river running by my home. +It was not confirmed by Scotland Yard. +Even though the show is seriously exacting, physically demanding. +The lack of joint action left many analysts concerned. +I have spoken to the skipper. +I do my job. +Sadly, so did a couple of errors. +There was a fine line to tread. +Glasgow is a friendly city. +Just two months ago it seemed an unlikely threat. +We took the chances when they came. +He was found again almost a year later. +The man was pronounced dead on arrival.Clearly, it is time to meet this young man. +It is an investment in our product. +A major is a major.We can't go on like this. +The mix with Tiger is perfect. +It's not an easy life. +The music industry hasn't changed at all. +Analysts said the offer was fair. +My brother's buried under there. +I put the drawing down. +People look, but no one ever finds it.We are very strongly behind the bid. +One woman refused to sit down. +I was frustrated here. +It would be nice. +I am a doctor. +Yesterday was a statement of intent. +We're just delighted to be back on top. +If he could have prevented it happening, he would have. +There was no disruption to services.All of us know it exists. +Everyone wanted him to win. +It is the Holiday programme with a mortgage. +But, in fact, the reverse is true. +IT has been a tough year for Scottish business. +It probably didn't feel anything, she added. +The man became a reporter. +This is a long-term discussion paper. +It is probably in the culture. +Consumer confidence remains an issue. +Surrey police said no body had been found. +Wednesday night was a difficult time for Britton. +Feel the air, the space. +There's a lot of hysteria. +I have a lot of relatives in this part of the country. +That deal is a joke. +Seriously, we are not concerned at all. +However, the story may have an happy ending.We want to replicate that success.The suggestion is the market is not instantly attracted. +England were ahead until two minutes into injury time. +What are the barriers? +WHAT's in a name is this, the age of the Internet? +Sadly, too, many of them are similar. +We can't determine that clearly. +But Harry has become a franchise. +I am very interested in the subject. +It is par for the course, isn't it? +They received no money under the merger. +It was a delight on every level. +What are you no good at? +She added, It is a huge problem. +Petrol prices were widely blamed. +But what will we put on it? +We wanted it left for a wee while. +But he failed to win the committee's support. +It's about doing things. +They treated me with respect and courtesy. +We have not been approached. +I am the Son of Sam. +We showed some spirit against Newcastle. +I look for dancers who are also actors. +There is , according to the legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end. +Before the games it was pretty open. +Another casualty yesterday was John Prescott. +I want my mum. +How did it all come about? +It was properly reported to us. +I did not think it was very proper. +If you can run a computer, you can talk to the world. +Clearly, the stakes are high. +It's not a lack of effort. +Until the weekend he was minister for social justice. +He would just say it was terrible. +My attitude is exactly the same as before. +That is taking place in Strathclyde. +She is under police escort. +It was not known to myself. +But Harry has become a franchise.I want to keep him. +There are many questions to be answered. +There is great demand for human cloning. +Pray that it is so. +A helpline number is published at the end of this article. +The whole thing of doing the movie was a risk. +I have signed a contract. +So is the rest of British sport. +Maybe his time has gone. +She had been in Germany for medical treatment. +It was a lovely sunset. +There was no mention of an amnesty in the Belfast Agreement. +That had never happened. +It's not very pretty, but it's effective. +Now, though, he is back playing superbly for Blackburn. +I cannot explain the grief and pain in my heart. +Chambers said he would accept the place. +I'm sorry if any offence has been caused. +New Labour are running scared. +It was a foolhardy decision. +Inspiring public confidence is crucial. +He should be careful. +I didn't see the point. +He was a national treasure. +So what is the campaign about? +Like many companies, it is a problem. +They were behind the wheel. +I ran to get out of the way. +We are still going ahead with our plans. +Employees may be taken on at Livingston. +Aristotle thought that the rainbow was caused by reflection in the sun's rays by the rain. +I've beaten her a few times. +The players are obviously keen to do well. +We were on our way. +It is not like us. +It's an internal matter. +I keep my fingers crossed. +The weather forecast isn't good. +This is a major championship. +It was the September weekend after all. +That's the way they are. +It's more relaxing this way. +All the pressure will be on him. +It was just one man. +This decision will prove to be the opposite of a standstill. +It's a real problem. +The law should be changed. +And that gives a kind of freedom. +He intends to restart in the spring. +In saying that, you just have to get on with it. +Sadly it is a mess. +Other musicians were found in retirement. +The peace process will be buried! +I feel really sorry for the Iraqi people. +There's always the next century. +I am very shocked. +The perception is that we do not care about social issues. +I don't think so. +So You Think You Want to be Victoria? +And we still have to pay his salary. +The deadline for selecting the electors is today.But it's there to be won.He was later deported. +This matter has still to come before the European Parliament. +You can't have both. +The Chosen One doesn't always excel. +The group has been hit hard by security operations in Ireland. +Peter, of course, refuses to conform. +Who was being affected? +It's always the way. +IT is called a killing in the trade. +Further savings would arise from common procurement and IT systems. +It is important that vital services are maintained. +They want to play in the World Cup. +These days are long gone. +I am so proud of him. +However, the drama was not over. +Both players gave so much to the side. +We're looking for unity in the council. +They have known the hard times. +Ali was shot at, but refused to back down. +It's not a question of talking. +It's in his blood. +We are waiting for the Minister to come back with an answer. +It's the last thing on my mind. +Equally the employee could claim a public interest. +It was a deeply moving musical experience. +It was a bit of a struggle today. +Today, he is in the same position as four years ago. +I have nothing to lose. +And they still have the final to come. +That was not perfect golf by any means. +It's a grey area. +I just love lessons. +That was our mission. +Mitchell hit a post from a penalty in front. +He gave no other details. +This can be extreme.The defender made an impressive debut. +Next time around, it will be different. +It is pretty bad news. +He said he needed no more evidence. +I was very pleased with them today, though. +Whenever we heard about this decision we protested. +We suffered a lot for seven years. +He had a different agenda entirely. +I believe she was elected unopposed. +Repayment is not part of the game. +The guidelines are expected to be finalised before next spring. +We go there with confidence. +We began to walk down. +I looked again at its vision for a Scottish Parliament. +He was very close. +Finding suitable replacements would not be easy. +The management team has a hard task ahead. +Iain Duncan Smith is wrong. +I would do away with the dress code. +But Annika is just amazing. +They offer a kind of narrative. +was everything done to save the people? +I had a choice, and didn't have to do that. +I think it's about time. +I'm really happy with the way it went. +The move has provoked a mixed response. +There were unconfirmed reports that it was cannabis. +We had to take action to protect them. +This is a new era. +Powers looks straight ahead. +And it's time for new leadership. +It's certainly different. +At the end of the day, two men have been shot. +Who do these people think they are? +We would have concerns about suspension. +You are a different people. +We have to concentrate on three points tomorrow. +Had she enjoyed the experience? +It will be even more difficult tomorrow. +The company hopes to repeat the process in France. +In the meantime, he added, prevention was the key. +I'm surprised that it has taken this approach. +They are looking at flotation. +Things don't look too good at the moment. +People are already enjoying it. +That decision was applauded by Williamson.Size is not the issue. +I don't think we deserved to lose. +I have wanted to buy one for the National Gallery. +This is my home town. +That's the day job. +However, it was well worth the wait. +Bob Dylan is getting old.Walker plans to return indoors. +Jim was down there with his wife. +He could look after himself, but didn't. +I've no idea how it works. +Again the parallel with football can be drawn. +The boy is no longer with us. +Whatever we do, we know we can do well. +The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which the gods passed from the earth to their home in the sky. +There was nothing she could do. +We would make a start. +It was a hell of a way to lose. +We will continue to operate within the sport. +He does not even trust his own members. +Or did it? +Sooner rather than later, though, the healing must begin. +I hope it has helped the prisoners. +The talking is going on, but the Iraqi people will survive. +Ministers received the report with frosty reticence. +Northern Ireland is a society divided by religion. +He is a very talented player. +The Taliban response was swift. +We have to bring in new players. +We are ready. +We will see how he is. +Here it was very subdued. +It will be very, very tight. +Yesterday, he had a chilling warning for the game in Scotland. +Mike Tyson went to prison. +He will be kept informed. +It all began as an accident. +He takes the job. +You have a plan? +His musicals were very much of their time. +Six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother Bob. +It was the same at Twickenham. +What was the matter for concern? +It has not come.It's all a part of letting it go. +They had to learn to work from the consumer back. +So what makes it so special? +So people will come out with these things. +Perhaps that was their mistake. +The wingers must have felt the cold. +I wanted to go out on a high. +The urgency is real. +They did, too, but it didn't matter by then. +What went wrong? +Maybe that was the whole point. +The stakes are high. +We need to increase the membership. +He also admitted possessing a firearm. +Only one got through. +Instead, she just went away. +Next time round, it will be different. +They should go ahead as normal. +This latter point is hugely important. +Among them was Gary Robertson from Dundee. +He has refused to do that. +We've got a good management record. +I understood that concern. +There is no guarantee. +It was only a matter of time before someone was killed. +Planting is unlikely to start before next spring. +But it's the truth. +Or was it Some kind of a ham? +But retail banking would be run from Halifax. +What was this? +We agreed to disagree. +I've taken to the hills. +It represents a complete change in emphasis. +At half-time he was presented to both teams. +Have I really come to this? +There is great interest on our island. +Headteachers want their pupils to conform. +I was pregnant and very worried. +I think it's a good sign. +Martin Johnson, the England captain, was back, and commanding. +There is a lot of fear. +It was an important part of the course. +I just went a bit too far. +Sadly, it does not end there. +Otherwise we would all pay the price. +Committing suicide is not a criminal offence. +That is to miss the point. +Nobody even knew it had happened. +That is our unfinished business. +This decision was taken with the full support of Scottish ministers. +Getting this right is essential. +The damage from the fire was huge. +There is a demand for another hospice. +Five in a month isn't good enough. +We are not getting him back. +It will decide today whether he should be struck off the register. +Would you pay to come and see it? +It was always an option. +They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. +There is certainly no single outstanding candidate. +Such a city does not exist. +What is a house without it? +We need to think. +This one would have been.I put pressure on him. +From then on, Scott has never looked back. +No-one knows the numbers. +That reflected a tumble in banking shares across the board. +But don't worry just yet. +We know we can't rely on you. +In his new cabinet role as party chairman, it will become his primary task. +You ask the question. +Their conditions are described as serious but stable. +It is scheduled to go ahead next Saturday. +We didn't, and it worked for us. +What's the point? +There is an element of racism in Scotland. +No, the equipment is extra. +That is not the way we should operate. +We know you will not let us down. +Here we go then. +We can't win a big game. +The initial reaction was disbelief. +I saw it in a different way. +Look at the potential of this club. +I had no choice but to leave. +That's not an assumption that I had made. +Who will take them after that? +His is a success story by any standard. +Some families have even requested to leave the city. +There's been a mistake. +They have got off with murder. +Brian was last to join. +It is the whole package. +But it will backfire. +It's too big a risk to take. +The child has denied murder. +It was pretty special. +That's a huge amount. +I suspect the latter. +Leisure centres were also affected. +I've got the same feeling as I had last week in Germany. +He realises he has hit a glass ceiling. +The answer is yes. +I fell in love with it right away. +They were on holiday in Egypt. +I have never been a close friend of Jim McLean. +I'd rather be singing Verdi. +I'm delighted with our performance. +You can see how he made his money. +You are like an animal. +It does not stop at the border.The people here are quite reserved. +I, in the meantime, had been far from chilling. +It was very full anyway. +Charles Gordon, leader of the Glasgow City Council declined to comment. +I guess it is down to focus. +The record companies have gone through the floor. +She's a spy! +She was well balanced. +Since then, things have improved. +Clubs can only do so much. +The quality of work is very impressive. +That is the ultimate revenge. +I don't know, really. +The two sets are different. +They were a lovely couple. +The stage was set for a showdown. +He is involved in everything. +This time it really could happen. +I can't believe it happened. +Just get on with your job. +Others may have, but I'm a fighter. +There will not be any charges. +However, the intensive care unit at the Southern General Hospital was full. +But then he changed his mind. +Has the conflict started? +They made up for it on Saturday. +I am sure all schools would accept that. +It looks as though he will be right. +I can leave at the end of the day. +Scottish rugby has been in a state of civil war. +Five local people were injured. +There is a good reason for this. +Its future is uncertain. +People are trying to run away. +It doesn't appear to be anything too serious. +They said construction work could begin within weeks. +Venus rejects the very suggestion. +She died at her home. +Next league matches, Aberdeen - Dundee United. +Others were in hiding, in fear of their lives. +We only lost the third goal. +They are there to help us. +Another suggestion was dismissed by Virgin. +He was very grateful for his health. +This area is perfect for children. +It's unfair on her. +It was an achievement all right. +They could not have done more for me. +Her role in it was small. +This is a major step forward. +It's a depressing, difficult and demanding job. +He got his degree. +He is a joy to watch. +It may have been a cry for help.I will go out with him any time. +Some may end up in hospital. +I can't say that this is very usual. +Shyness has rarely sold in boxing terms. +Now, just two games into the season, he has gone. +There is only one caveat. +This commitment should be built upon. +I haven't got there yet. +There are some new buildings in there. +Everything is accounted for. +If the red of the second bow falls upon the green of the first, the result is to give a bow with an abnormally wide yellow band, since red and green light when mixed form yellow. +It was all over now. +It's been such a long haul. +Mackie was at home, unable to watch. +It's so much more fun. +Cutting ticket prices would certainly help. +And they are different. +Cost is a factor, but not the only one. +One of these problems is the railways.Don't say you have not been warned. +Yet he chose to do something different. +Peter doesn't want to leave. +There is no doubt about that. +But we finished the show. +That is of no use. +People remember the Tories in office. +Plans were made to expand. +Labour accused the Tory leader of panicking. +I knew him well. +I have no intention of resigning today. +As it turned out it was a triumph. +We are still paying the price for that. +Either group is living in fantasy land. +Finally came the moment of truth. +IT is a terrible equation. +I told her, and she was extremely grateful. +William Hague, the guest of honour, was delighted. +It is vital to clarify their role. +There was nowhere for him to go. +Twaddle is a case in point. +It does nothing for me. +He is a great prospect. +It was quite simply, delicious. +People want to learn. +I got in with a bad crowd. +However, this suggestion was turned down by the player. +But we shall have to talk to him. +Or so he thought. +To a level which we consider appropriate. +Scots police had been asked to join the search to find him. +And it was great for me. +We know that from recent experience. +He had wanted to play, but we had to be responsible about the decision we took. +I'm looking forward to facing the Irishmen. +My mind is focused on the next four weeks. +It is something that we will put right. +We have to put pressure on Rangers. +Our task is to complete the picture. +That was the agreement with the manager. +They are the innocent victims. +This must have been severe. +There was a hole in it. +It's all about unfinished business. +It was won on the issue of the land. +Scotland were on Saturday. +It was an outstanding performance. +After that nothing could save him. +New York provided little help for the London market. +It was the turning point of the afternoon. +However, there are signs of dissent among his collies. +I am not happy with proposals for widows. +One is too many. +I see no reason to have this debate at this time. +The head teacher was a highly effective leader and manager. +My wife and family are the support system. +The rest was badminton. +It was only later that the condition was diagnosed. +So he was anxious to try something new. +This measure is not adjusted for seasonal factors. +They want this research to continue.But I was knocked out by the city. +You thought it was a headache. +He denied that taxpayers money was involved. +But those days are dead and gone. +There are simply no orders. +He said he still planned to go ahead with deep tax cuts. +This is the last straw. +Henman has been warned. +McCall is unlikely to change a winning team. +My dad is all right. +This could be the case. +They were going through the motions, but that's about all. +This is the logic of punishment assaults. +Aristotle thought that the rainbow was caused by reflection of the sun's rays by the rain. +Of course, that is not the whole story. +On the outside of an airport, it is very difficult. +What was the difference between them? +On Wednesday, it is the turn of Cable Wireless. +If successful, several records will be made. +You need a licence to run a pub. +It was nerve-racking to watch. +The event has now gone to Helsinki. +The baby was dead. +So, we have to go back. +Now he is back on top again. +The truth, of course, is very different. +Everyone in front of me was dead. +We are unable to provide support for future issues. +It was a close call. +Russell did not appeal the committee's decision. +It is a scandal. +They may have been murdered. +I was delighted with Robbie. +It will affect their work. +It has been a frustrating one. +I love a clever reader. +It was bound to happen. +It is important that he is involved. +That could be in place by next year. +Their attitude was great.It seems very odd. +But he admits he is deeply upset. +There is precious little middle ground. +This is the place to play football. +That is bad enough. +They make it look very easy. +The important thing was to be there, and to experience it. +Tourists are only concerned with the quality of their experience. +I am here to work for Scottish Labour. +We came across the first set of bodies. +Then you see it. +Until recently, she worked as a recruitment consultant in London. +We have been through this with the lawyers. +We have some options there. +He served in the Gulf, the Falklands, and Northern Ireland. +Flanker Gordon Simpson may also feature in that match. +She failed in her action. +I've been dying for an hour. +We've had an enjoyable adventure. +He is in charge on the pitch. +People have no chance of getting out. +Sightings were replaced by rumours. +There was no way back for United after that. +I looked forward to it. +A move to Manchester United would be tremendous. +That all hope is never lost. +Low pay is endemic in the National Health Service. +It has never been worthwhile. +We will not get rid of them.The decision is an absolute disgrace. +I watched a game. +The problem was you thought you were a big man. +We're all family men with children. +They were a lovely family. +I would think they are just behind them. +It was never a free kick. +We do the same. +The tribunal said his conduct was wholly reprehensible. +It's a hidden problem. +I could not have hoped to run at this level. +I'm working on that. +It sounds like a wish list. +The festival idea has been a great success. +I decided to take my time. +That is a dangerous assumption. +However, Dundee deserved to win this game. +I would like Glasgow. +He was tough and relentless. +Everything is obviously in the very early stages. +Mrs Taylor is taking legal advice. +It will not work a second time.Was it too obvious? +The Prime Minister has been in touch. +I disagree entirely with the decision. +I was very young. +The system can work. +Frankly, it was worth the booking. +I decided to tell a bit of the story about myself. +He's on the wrong side. +It is bad news for us and England. +We will be working on that this week, all right. +I was not happy about being left out. +We are looking forward to next season.He will continue to provide support for them. +A further police inquiry is currently being held. +It was another black day for Ayrshire. +For now, we must take one game at a time. +In time, may prove a worthy successor to Billy Dodds. +It is sometimes like that. +We are not a retailer, we provide a service. +But it's been kept to a minimum. +These findings are vitally important. +I really hope he comes back.The order went out. +You should try to have a laugh. +That is my dream. +I will have to think about it. +It will take time. +You can cope with it. +She died later on Monday. +Every one is a winner. +We have an attorney on the ground. +Darrell was, however, adamant.Now we have had enough. +It is quite an eye opener. +There is no margin for error. +These matters can't just be medical decisions. +His game was complete. +They are going to carry it through. +That is still the case. +His instructions were clear. +He was not injured in the attack. +There is still the question of his health. +The support from the general public was astounding. +That fight begins today for the freedom and liberty. +Last night, the extent of the damage was emerging. +I'm not interested in coming up with answers.They will be seen for years to come. +BIG Brother is listening to you. +Hollywood comedy is having a good week. +I'd love to have been on the pitch. +They are in good spirits. +I didn't know what he was capable of. +It's something he works hard at achieving. +We've come from a long way back. +I said she was very young. +It will only work with changes in lifestyle. +He is a close friend of Gordon Brown. +This is a good move for me. +This is a successful outcome. +That took a long time to happen. +Seems a sensible compromise. +Well, the big day has arrived. +Brian Wilson is a former Member to watch award winner. +Why does it come out now? +The casualties were not named. +The Dutchman was pleased with the result. +They will now get that support. +I found that much more challenging. +They make the right decisions. +I always loved the lightning in the movies. +Suddenly, the Fir Park side were in disarerry. +The luxury has been well used. +In the end, it will mean an awful lot. +He looked like a schoolboy. +Motorists will welcome this. +Could you put it in writing? +That is the face of fear. +They say that vital evidence was not heard in the court. +But the championship is not over yet. +It's not hard to get involved. +However, the proposal is not aimed at rugby, but at all sports. +That perhaps is behind the problem. +His name was first linked last year to Business for Scotland. +There was an e-mail. +What do they do, anyway? +No plans for projects are yet in place. +Life will not be all work, however. +We had a grand view. +Someone else can do the cooking that night.Detection is often difficult. +In fact it isn't related to either. +They want the style of the sound changed a bit. +It's a strategy which would work beyond this show. +This is not a birthday party. +It's never too late. +Jim Wallace has been running the Government. +Hartley should know. +But there was no time for that. +We never publicise it. +It's nice to see a very positive style of football. +Maybe it helps us. +Scotland needs to hear it, too. +I'm not thinking too much about the tour. +This is the last chance, and everyone knows it. +I don't know why she is not here. +I'm not afraid of that. +It doesn't exactly have the same appeal. +There is no internal damage. +But when we do it it is great. +They tried to deny it. +It's not perfect. +He is advised that he has done so. +We are just being flooded. +Sometimes you stand on them as they collapse. +The Government has to grasp the nettle. +What exactly is your job? +They have not been in touch with the club. +I carried on for him. +We have our supporters and our enemies. +No, but my wife is. +He said to me, Which one, son? +Edinburgh Prison will also require to be seen. +He added that her comments were noted. +And it paid off. +We had to add value. +He doesn't need to be told, he knows the truth. +The institute board will take the decision. +Genetic assessment is crucial. +They are not an item. +That is not in the interests of anyone or any party. +Neither had any other career. +But is that possible? +I can confirm that Miss Deacon has received a threatening phone call. +Firm action must be taken. +We thought we were looking in good shape. +Our thoughts are with her. +I was so nervous. +It's been a great evening for us. +Nobody in the world can get away from him. +The service will only survive with change. +A similar exercise is expected in Scotland. +It will work. +Stock markets will be watching closely. +You can't get a mortgage. +Where do we spend it? +It was horrible, but there is still more. +I would be interested in another attempt. +Wrong decisions Address in full +Banking stocks were hit hard. +They have been contrasting years, certainly. +They are not advertised. +And he still is. +It's not going to work. +We have been working closely with Holyrood. +But what is? +I am writing a novel. +I am going home to see my children. +It was quite a sight. +I've no problem with what they said. +She wanted to move. +I enjoy my work. +There was great support all round the route. +It might be useful to have something in black and white. +She is well balanced. +Last year's winner was Sergio Garcia.That's why the ministers resigned. +I couldn't see any reason not to die. +The takeover comes as no surprise. +They were average apart, together superb. +There are two games to go after that. +Several people were out in the street. +It's too close to call. +There is , according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end.He should be worried about me. +The championship is different from the other majors. +The hearing was due to continue today. +I might come back. +She was on the edge of breaking point. +It is home-grown. +We may make a short-term appointment. +It will not work in our favour. +Nothing has been decided yet.In the event, it was to be the latter.But we can't have a casino. +We told them in June. +It is not just about pay. +We have rebuilt and reformed. +Investors were also concerned about margin pressure. +It's our worst nightmare. +The review has been conducted fairly. +They agree to meet. +But I think it's different from the rest! +We are a team of hard workers. +For businesses, the benefits will be enormous. +He would have loved it. +He added, It's not a racial problem. +It's that kind of place. +That has to be allowed. +It is a tragedy for the area. +We need to move forward together. +But the challenge is in the US. +IT shouldn't come as a surprise, but it does. +The standard is extremely high. +It would be the end of farming. +It had all been arranged. +This latter suggestion is very important. +I've never seen a game like it. +It was men against boys. +When you think you cannot go on, you can. +The value of the merger is still there. +I don't think the Saudis will lay down. +If you don't enforce it, you bring it into disrepute. +It is always the same, isn't it? +It seems a waste of talents. +They know their son was murdered. +However, there you have it, success has eluded them so far. +We will look into it. +He doesn't like the Labour Party. +Scottish Athletics is opposed to permitting a move. +Have a look at our accounts. +I am delighted for everyone in Airdrie. +They have the players to do it. +The opposite is the case. +We're talking about the outskirts of London. +No wonder he missed the conversion. +This is the last straw.I am not inclined to believe it. +Both men were on one-year contracts. +Her father had died recently. +She brought a lot to my life. +He would have been wrong. +I've grown up a bit. +The fire was above the hole. +The things writers and directors say! +Sub Not Used, McArthur. +Thereafter, he set his mind on becoming a doctor. +That is just not true. +But experts have disputed that statistic. +People are so negative about the whole business. +There's nothing she can't do. +I was chosen to do this. +Being involved at that level is like an addiction. +They were assured that it would. +However, a decision should be made before the end of August. +But you never won any games. +They also have good neighbours. +It is so unfair. +Either team will be hard. +The weather affected the other two games in Fife. +Shareholders will be asked to approve a new replacement scheme. +I was influenced by all of these things. +That would be the constructive way forward. +It is so damaging. +The money needs to go to the front line. +No, we had nothing to do with the Jews. +It could last five months. +The fire was still coming down. +For the moment, however, the position is clear. +I think we're going to make it. +I can give no comment. +I didn't expect to get one. +Now he will have to start again. +I will miss him. +They haven't got a hope. +Since then physicists have found that is not reflection, but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows. +He added, We have the same desire. +Years ago it was really quite simple. +Quality was high in all sections. +It appears to have been closed down. +She is free. +The matter has been reported to the police. +I haven't won the world title. +We can produce a blueprint for farmers to follow. +You cannot eat in the dining room. +But we have not heard a thing from Diego. +There was nothing anyone could do.Scotland had great assets. +I always felt they played for me. +In part that reflected the times. +It happened again, and again, and again. +This time, it was not be. +He was the Bill Gates of theatre. +He demanded to speak to the boss. +We will deliver at director level. +The talking cannot go on too long. +It had been accepted. +He's very good at relating to adults. +I was the sheep. +We have great support. +I think we showed that after half time. +The board would report to the Scottish Parliament. +They should come clean. +Perhaps we should do the same. +He sets the nature of his Parliament in simple, realistic context. +It depends on the couple. +The test case is still awaiting action. +Both reports appear in the British Medical Journal. +However, there were some alarming findings. +I feel my life to be at risk. +That incident altered the pattern of the game. +And, also, when he does not have the ball. +But this one has a lot of potential. +I wish it well. +I hope he would have been very pleased. +The programme was awful. +Equity declined to comment. +It is deeply worrying. +That can benefit the larger companies. +That imbalance was evident in their play. +The attacker has been put in foster care. +I have played well the past two days. +The whole matter is somewhat in the air. +I haven't a clue. +It was like a scene from the Holocaust. +We don't know what is happening to them. +However, the bank denied that he was in the running. +I've had a hard time, to be honest. +It was a pre-emptive strike. +Christians in Pakistan are terrified. +They lived for their children. +That's what it's all about, isn't it?Chris Smith, the culture secretary, said he was satisfied with the decision. +MOVIE stars are public property. +We can only do that for so long. +Today is not about contracts. +He is in a lot of pain, it's very distressing. +I will be ridiculed. +He must have sat down, relieved it was over. +I can almost pretend to be Scottish. +I always savour the company of The Voice. +It is also used to buy coffins. +It is clear that change is required. +It is an important step forward. +He is due in Israel tomorrow. +Investors can be forgiven for caution. +We are not making any comment. +Normally it would be four minutes. +We recognise it as a key area. +We have a long way to go. +Ms Anderson yesterday put a brave face on the departure. +But it failed. +It isn't a happy memory. +He is driven. +The deal is expected to be completed by next summer. +But I was wrong. +Only local people are helping. +They may differ on other issues. +Three further cases were confirmed yesterday in Scotland. +That is as it may be. +At the moment, Michael is in a class of his own. +We have great confidence in Derek. +Above all the aggression must be stopped. +When I went down I knew it was bad. +He has already suffered a good deal of unwanted attention. +As agreed, the prime minister was driven to Westminster Hall. +It will be about commitment, not compliance. +O Neill is reputed to have replied. +We are in a very strong position. +He would not have to explain. +You'll have to wait and see. +But is he? +It has to find out what went wrong. +We are going through the process. +He felt that everything that was said about asylum seekers was negative. +I'd like to run. +Now that business is banned.You did not see it. +The removal would take place in France. +I will not walk away from this job.There, you were just a body. +Is that right? +He got the part. +I am ready to go. +He was very fit. +We wanted to do something different. +I stayed away from the defence. +However, the City was in no doubt about the ultimate result. +The son has autism and other problems. +Aberdeen had little to offer. +If only it had been. +I'm sure they love it. +Receiving this medal is an honour. +Election results are expected soon. +I'm so happy that she did. +It's never been to committee. +I am immensely proud of them. +It is simply not true. +We want to replicate that success. +First meeting was next week. +Indeed, he does. +They knew that I wanted to do something. +I also thought, This is a feature film. +This is my big break. +The League of Nations was also his idea. +We will win this tie. +We work well together. +The role was a knockout, but really difficult. +This was dismissed as absolute nonsense. +It was a funny feeling. +And we're talking Big Money. +After that, it's never the same again.I have a problem with these things. +We have to speed up the process. +It appears that no holiday is complete without a good row. +Sentence was deferred for background reports. +It is believed the size of the settlement has not been finalised. +The decision was blamed on weak investment markets. +There is no dispute with the Iraqi people. +You are looking at him. +I'll never think of myself as a star. +It could have gone either way. +I've lost all confidence. +The campaign ran in Lothian, Fife and Central Scotland police areas. +We're determined to establish the facts. +There will be no excuses on Wednesday. +And so it is with young companies. +I should have given him one in return. +Next season for every manager is a long time away. +He was a one off. +Our decision making was poor. +Bin Laden is believed to be left-handed. +I don't suppose it matters that much.In fact, he should never have been in the field. +Our policy is already working well. +I have been very stupid.I have never seen anything like this. +We have gone on about him no end. +Sutton is playing as well as ever today. +I was certainly wrong with my prediction of the result. +They were later released, and last night were staying with relatives. +I have tonight resigned as a member of the European Commission. +They first met during a Step in London. +I had some time with Aston Villa. +This is simply unjust. +It is a simple equation. +The error appeared in a warrant. +The goal will stay with me forever. +That might happen in Pakistan, but in Britain? +The document is a starting point for discussion. +But who was driving it? +It's an awful lot of money. +He wouldn't have played in all three. +My tax affairs have been totally open. +But they have the sound. +It was good today. +There is no reason at all. +This wasn't the way it was supposed to be. +What do you want to say? +He was lying face down in the water. +They are a different team at home. +What has altered? +He would not impose a fine. +He can do no wrong. +Jim has not been a problem for me at all. +I've got to get on with my career. +I was a silly bastard. +Her body was found on Monday morning. +It has been a nightmare of frustration. +The look on his face was something special. +I don't know exactly what happened. +Others said he had gone too far. +That was the personal impulse. +We would all have liked to run. +There is no smoking gun. +Gold admitted as much. +At some point, the bill will be presented. +Even then this game was not over. +I am astonished at attack. +I had trouble with the producers. +Everyone must be focused on the league. +They have to live with the risk. +It was just awful. +What are you waiting for? +Mr Blair was ready for him. +But he was a really nice man. +Neither had the public. +It was an ongoing exercise. +My friends were very envious. +His legal adviser was also not in court yesterday. +Once again, he refused. +I intend to end it on a high. +People don't feel safe, including me. +This is not understood by people outside. +Sub Not Used, McKee. +His party never arrived. +His conclusion is upbeat. +I guess I was lucky, though. +It is also central to the unfolding drama. +He got the same story. +I don't know what we're doing wrong. +Dumfries and Galloway Council said it was not breaking the Government's directions. +The company reacted very, very well. +We will be pleased to talk to them. +We begin, as ever, with a reminder of the end. +It may encourage more people to prospect. +On reflection, it was really quite exciting. +We're in the premier division and we intend to stay there. +This is not an optional extra. +I think it's awful. +This is an interesting link. +If only it were so. +At the top of the structure will remain the post of headteacher. +It is a good result for Great Britain. +Do you want a cup of tea. +Is your life a little too easy? +And the reason isn't too hard to fathom. +Davis is very supportive, as a director. +The council has proposed a temporary barrier to protect the monument. +A spokesman refused to confirm the figure. +This was not a contest. +We don't know the scale of need. +The mood was defiant. +This is the first step. +They must put them back. +That would be a big mistake. +He has been in a nursing home for two years. +This man is serious about his work. +It was never a starter. +It comes on like a tidal wave. +He suffered a broken back and other injuries. +But every country has its own character. +There is no substitute. +We will do so again. +We don't say there wasn't a massacre. +The threat to rural areas is real. +The Government has completely lost control of GM crops. +He said Mr Holland was a disgrace. +All the lads are totally focused on that. +You'll find out on Saturday. +It is a gamble. +This is the same old story. +She asked for the appointment with me. +I try to be clear in the narrative. +Then, suddenly, they weren't. +Clearly we are looking at this very carefully. +All were later allowed home. +They know the truth, they really know the truth. +It's not long enough.It will be up to the government. +Paris is not only young. +She is not the world champion. +Both parties can win, and Scotland can win as a result. +The couple actually came upon the accident. +The reason is the thought of Olympic gold. +The full Cabinet will meet today to discuss the oil crisis. +However, the matter is not going to end there. +If you look at the beginning of Alien. +He was a lovely man. +It is a step on the way. +We never played at all. +Who would have? +It is based on a true story. +This is still happening in the US. +It needs a team approach. +We wish to win, but not at any price. +Nicolson is no stranger to the Highlands. +It is, after all, a very funny play. +She is very distinctive. +He wouldn't allow that to happen. +There is a lot of concern. +It is not that sort of inquiry. +The staff are very good. +Sussex Police refused to give any further details. +We've had a lot of adjusting to do. +It's more like a Labour Party rally. +That's what made the difference and set the pattern of the match. +That will be best for him. +Last night was a key episode. +Too much has already been said. +He was pronounced dead at the scene. +I have tonight resigned as member of the European Commission. +I've never regretted coming here. +I felt under no pressure today. +Britain hasn't seen it in this way. +This kind of problem arises everywhere. +Women reported more depression than men. +It's a tough old job to get for your first job. +I'm sure that they will learn. +There was too much at stake. +That should be the subject matter of a public debate. +He also wants to play in this game, and that's important. +That was worth it. +Discussions will continue with the industry in Scotland. +I found that we couldn't. +All of them were killed. +The police insisted that they were standard issue. +That was the theory. +I am just going to go for it. +I am now unemployed. +This, he told the committee, was not forthcoming. +I believed that effort was needed in our own area. +It would be a masterclass. +Gordon Brown was superb. +Their time has gone. +And maybe they have. +This looks like it's anything but open. +The people will not be patient. +Audacious decisions were taken early on. +Are you the man from The Herald? +You will never replace the child. +There was much to be positive about. +Feel the heat? +Nato has completed planning for air strikes. +Their extinction is not inevitable. +Roy Keane is certainly the best. +And here is the rub. +It was worth the wait.This is an exciting new venture. +My intentions are to go on like this. +But they also came with a downside. +The idea is simple. +They are already there. +The Dow Jones is way up. +It would have been around the turn of the century. +We have brought the staff back on board. +The new incitement offence will cover all religions. +Their ambition is to go back. +And who would argue with that?I really wanted the part.We are trying to establish a date.That gave us some confidence. +They had to be cut from the wreckage. +It's a source of deep concern. +That was just one night. +It's never over until it's over. +It goes back a long way. +He declined to provide a breakdown. +It particularly increases under-age drinking, he claimed. +We must convince the citizens. +She was there for the start of the campaign. +Both were later released after a check-up. +Yes, it was too short a night. +There is a simmering anger out there. +I would be very keen on a move to Italy. +That would be a miracle.The omens are not good. +He was on a mission. +I am glad I wasn't in it. +I believe he can do a better job. +He was convicted at Glasgow Sheriff Court. +We knew he was very creative. +Things are meant to be. +They were very, very anxious and nervous about their personal safety. +They will want to watch a winning team. +It has to be funded. +We're looking for justice. +That's what happened against Ayr. +One paper was not returned. +Then , he laughs. +The procedures were not in place. +Alcohol, of course, is strictly forbidden in Iran. +However, we will obviously keep the matter under review. +It's not fair. +It's so creative and different. +But it couldn't happen overnight. +Gaelic provision continued to be good. +It's not a small step. +I was born for this moment. +I don't think it could be clearer. +Does it feel like the ideas and emotions? +It is understood he had been stabbed. +It has been a horrible, horrible time. +Yesterday, he was busy in his office. +The milk industry is in turmoil. +They are, therefore, not in favour of dispersal of sex offenders. +Mark Fisher was a guest of the Northern Ireland Tourist Board. +But I'm a lot of other things, too. +After that it is up to the boss. +They have to come clean. +He's a joy to follow. +So what does one do? +They really want to do it. +It is like a bereavement. +My life has been turned upside down. +They've got three-quarters of the way. +He also insisted that no concession had been made to the French. +People come to see the Highlands. +He took over our lives. +The third has yet to be named. +I was backing him up. +It will be fine. +Nonetheless, the overall picture is healthy. +We must look forward. +There is no other option. +It's a commission, and it's for work, a year's work. +The early goal was a shock to the system for Hearts. +He felt there was no case to answer. +Winning, meanwhile, is headed back to New York City. +That would open the gates of hell. +That is partly true, but there are ways of doing it. +They might want to play. +It should never have happened. +Obviously, someone is not doing their job properly. +For career reasons, too, he believed he needed to come home. +It was just too much for us. +Our action is not the end, but the beginning of a process. +Brown has always protested his innocence. +We have tried to keep his head up. +To which the only answer is, don't hold your breath. +He left the hospital without receiving any medication. +And that culture is everywhere in Dublin. +They might be broken, but they are not defeated. +They have a very good method of working. +Shoppers were attracted by the heavy discounting on selected items. +Sadly, it can't. +This is my personal assessment. +That's the National Grid. +I'm delighted at Murray's appointment. +That clearly wasn't what they wanted. +For tragedy it is. +Some have other commitments. +And that's the trouble with this business. +We were extremely lucky. +If they don't want to read it, they don't have to. +He has one son and one daughter. +It had little effect on European equity markets. +They would be wise to do just that. +No government has that right. +There's nothing we could do about this. +The change was not instant. +I bought a car at auction. +We will miss him very much. +There is no link. +That was the difference today. +Yet the survey has been cautious. +This is too much like Scotland. +That has not been the case, as we now know. +There is access for disabled people. +I always liked to get a laugh. +But the Farmer is bemused. +He was popular. +Painful, but only because it's true. +It is not affected by the sale. +Blair also had a penalty. +I fell to the ground. +The most exciting room is the final one of the show. +The decision was left entirely to him. +It was a fiery game. +The event was held in the council's headquarters in Hamilton. +Immediate action must be taken. +He was confronted by police. +Police could not say if the two incidents were connected. +These old songs are very nice to play. +This is a game of confidence. +There's nothing they can get on me. +I'll go to the races. +I played badly, but it happens. +Six of the asylum seekers left the offices, it was reported. +After this, they were always in the driving seat. +I can't say anything about any figure. +The Queen was on the ball yesterday but off the Euro. +It needs to be volatile. +It isn't just a defining issue for them. +It seems to have worked. +The three previous winners also came from Scotland. +That is nearly four people every day. +Within three days he was dead. +I went home and wrote about it. +We were not consulted regarding this appointment. +They thought they had found a home. +This statement has never been withdrawn. +She goes to the opening of an envelope. +He would have done the same to me. +I'd love to be like Peter. +And frankly, it's been a while. +A man has since been charged with his murder. +McNaughton was not so sure. +They want to see him. +I was not overly concerned about this. +We are only human. +The report was criticised by the Scottish Consumer Council. +You make the choice. +That might mean another delay. +Slater was fortunate to be wearing a helmet. +I'm sure it will go on. +Strong growth is expected from the industrial services division. +Broke the birdie record. +It is inherent in society. +Wanger was never like this. +It took an option on the process. +The only safe investment is cash. +It was important to bring them all together. +Seven children had lost both parents. +He was in great spirits. +It will be a challenging film. +This action could have been avoided. +I can't believe the buzz. +They said our costs were too high. +Are you all right at the front? +Indeed, it is only the beginning. +It is the end of an era. +Tonight's matches European Championship. +He is doing the right things. +It was a question of patience. +The club is afflicted by injuries. +He could still be President. +Well, he should know. +In addition, certain areas are closed at certain times. +They have shown great character. +The legal process could last weeks. +At the moment we do not understand it. +He said the winner had been chosen by consensus. +That is his attitude to things. +However, he said the proposal was at an early stage. +We are a Scottish company. +It is all up to the Members. +You mean he didn't get the girl? +The show is not over. +Well, you don't have time. +We were used. +It is worse because she suffers from angina. +He is hungry for success and I am the same. +The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge over which the gods passed from earth to their home in the sky. +Scottish rugby has given me everything. +Do what you have to do. +It has been recorded twice. +It will be decided in the next month. +Thereafter they were allowed to proceed. +You are in power. +It is time for a new approach. +Which can happen any time. +Who will pay for this? +It was a matter of choice. +But the fans deserve to know! +We have been treated with complete contempt. +We are playing them at their own game. +Was society doing enough? +It is not a natural choice for them. +Wallace was a prisoner of war. +But when we do it is great. +This club have been fair to me. +So what is their secret? +The money all appears to be gone. +He was a shooting star. +We are not defeated. +We are delighted at the response from potential employers. +We are being hijacked. +It is a very big problem. +That prevented any recurrence of the problem. +The past is history, not destiny. +It just could be a good night. +You could see he was thinking about it. +An announcement is expected soon. +The questions came quick and fast. +Subs not used, McGraw. +Because he was born in England. +It is a crisis of human rights, a crisis of leadership. +In essence, the teaching profession has a choice. +Maybe he has been away from British football for too long. +Their prescription is largely about changing attitudes. +You just know it. +But is this enough to provoke a killing? +PR for Westminster is their holy grail. +That case has still not been settled. +Everyone could see the joke. +We've always had a very positive attitude. +They might surprise themselves. +I'm not going to answer that right now. +The children were later able to leave by bus. +Calvin was back at his best today. +The director will be present. +But there was a shift. +Downing Street defended the scale of the awards. +That is in the very nature of farming. +We lost a boy. +We have to look towards next season. +He found it very hard to understand. +Openness is always the best way. +As far as we were concerned the deal with Kennedy was dead. +You have a very persuasive president. +It was a move which appealed to him. +It's a gigantic con. +I just want to change my life. +Growth will come later in the cycle. +No other vehicle was involved in the crash. +We have to sort it out ourselves. +It didn't work against Sweden, but that was the intention. +This year, it will amount to a few hundred thousand pounds. +I have no problems playing with such capable players in front of me. +We would like to find another region to develop in England. +They've got some extremely good players. +I had no idea. +There is no point in denying that. +That used to be another thing of mine. +I am not a happy man. +They can go to no other method of fishing. +That's why the young musicians have joined. +They are you, the fans. +You get better at putting on a face for the world. +Mentally, you have to be tough. +That is our objective. +This is a big game for both of us. +We aren't going to play better. +Chelsea was a great club. +It's as simple as that. +They might also be reviewed by their colleagues. +There was a thing in front of the camera. +A board of inquiry has already been convened. +However, that is just for starters. +He was unprepared for this fight. +I certainly hope so. +Got to win today, though. +It sounded awfully like panic. +My first New Year's wish is for him to change his mind. +But there is a possible place. +Not a great deal has changed in the last decade. +His film is not. +They would be supported by visiting specialists. +Trading conditions have not been that bad. +IT was a thoroughly modern affair. +They won't actually make any money from it. +We got the guarantee. +You do have a way out. +It was all very good stuff. +And, finally, I have good news for the songbirds of Glasgow. +It shows the strength of the roots. +I can't play the game for them. +The first time you read a play. +That did not go down well. +This is a central issue. +It's not even finished.We are having a look. +It has affected it, obviously. +Now they have decided to have a rethink. +In that situation, they thought we should be beaten. +We are satisfied with this outcome. +This is great news. +We understand the changes in the world. +But we still don't know. +I think a move would create a lot of interest. +You see, my back has gone. +There will be no exceptions to this rule. +It might be. +That, too, was over two years ago. +He became the focus of surrounding interest. +More cases are expected. +The manager knew me very well. +What does that mean? +He was solid. +What can you do? +Not many people like to do that. +We have the mental strength. +But we were wrong. +This decision is destroying my family. +This ruling is a farce. +We felt at the moment, it was not possible. +I'll have to go out and impress. +That, though, is the measure of the man.Their season has been consigned to history. +It's easy to talk about these things in the abstract. +Sadly, in this case, that was not so. +That will come after the game on Saturday. +The move was welcomed by the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland. +I have spoken to head office. +He is dying from cancer. +I kept it very simple. +But the Commission is on a collision course with the Government. +It was always open for extension. +Today's ruling confirms that fact. +He was arrested, but later released without charge. +I will carry on. +What on earth is happening to rugby? +He said a review of the planning process should encourage fresh thinking. +National Farmer's Union of Scotland president, Jim Walker, welcomed the new proposals. +You could very well be. +Hospitals and school building will go ahead. +Labour has replaced the Tories as the party of the family. +I don't feel like working. +In the UK, inflation data will be published this morning. +Highland health board has a responsibility here. +Surely, if anything, it would be the other way around. +The incident is being taken seriously. +She said No, he's not in Elgin today. +I got a yellow card. +There were so many characters among them. +This is the start of our season. +WE all watch the same match. +The farmers had no choice in the matter. +I think he's the favourite. +They are the heroes. +He must not be removed from office. +The other is the existence of male colleagues.Now is the time for action. +She has reached the top of her profession. +An announcement on his replacement is expected within three weeks. +Brady lost to Sullivan one hole. +Lambert will be playing against Belgium.It was a day for records. +I may play with two players up, maybe not. +His descent was pathetic. +Britain will be little affected. +The love affair was over. +I've won the British. +They exist in name alone. +They can be time consuming. +He is at war with his knee. +I have chosen to do this research. +We were a shambles at the back. +We have still got the fight in us. +It is very enjoyable. +We haven't been told. +Not all women are dismayed. +If he could've prevented it happening, he would have. +They all made the European Ryder Cup team. +This is a job for the Government. +After day one back, he may be revising that opinion already. +He was also married with two children. +In light of things, I think I made the right decision. +I am not ready to walk away. +His options are severely limited. +This is his first movie. +Murray plays down return +The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops, and the width of the colored band increases as the size of the drop increases. +That is how it will be judged. +It's going to be very closely watched. +The letters are going out today. +All the people thought that he would die. +Partly, but only partly, this is their own fault. +We are making no comment. +I am happy to play for Aberdeen. +It will make a big difference. +I hope my successor will do the same. +Perhaps it should stay there. +We are aware of the two incidents. +Motion described it as a unique event. +That was the light relief. +Celtic were the losers then. +He was called in by the government last year to report on pension reform. +I probably would have been a dancer. +They don't take you to mass graves. +That is unlikely to happen. +The starting point is pretty unusual. +Some young girls also came by last night. +This is the end of a chapter, and it is very sad. +It's to do with context. +The family kept away from me. +I wish the solutions were as easy. +I think it was just a tragic accident. +It's a very important and beautiful day. +We need to regroup. +Others have tried to explain the phenomenon physically.Business will continue as usual. +That is the general feeling. +We are putting in place training programmes to improve skills. +I played well on Saturday and again today. +They will know they deserve to be there. +I think it will make a huge difference. +Tony Blair said as little. +There was nothing else to match it. +She is believed to be in South Africa. +But perhaps we shouldn't worry too much. +It has a rally instead of a conference. +The training will take place in Downing Street. +It was one New Year. +I played well but missed a few chances.There was no need for such a hostel. +My Dad is a hero. +The lowest increase was recorded in Dundee. +Overall, though, it was an easy Sunday afternoon for Kilmarnock. +I'm very puzzled by it. +I don't want to come down. +Do they think anyone else wants them? +Translation - we got it wrong. +Sub Not Used, McCulloch. +She was right about the struggle. +I understand the frustration of the fans. +His remarks appear to have had an effect. +There was no secrecy. +For athletes in our current climate, their sport is their livelihood. +Two options are being proposed. +Well, he is an artist. +The highest rate is in Glasgow. +I was inspired by two things. +It was the dreaded sentence. +Tommy is not a problem. +A win is a win. +In the eyes of the supporters, there has been a betrayal. +This is a classic. +I'm really looking forward to that. +What are they like? +It was a definite penalty. +That was one very hard game. +I leave tonight for England. +That goes back a long way. +It is the last meeting of the season. +Her housekeeper discovered the break-in on Thursday morning. +Who wants to be a Millionaire? +All credit to them, they took their chances, we didn't. +He added that the business was in good shape. +And that includes the Barnett formula. +In his absence, the council adopted the change. +That is really all. +Horses have some sense. +We are in a global market. +Where is the structure? +I was just overwhelmed. +They will form a tribute. +And he's not alone. +Everything else is a bonus. +It seems a waste of talents.A national strike would be dangerous and damaging. +It was not a foul. +I'd go to bookshops. +There's a story, too. +This is excellent value for money. +It was tough, but we did have a lot of possession. +The matter is under appeal. +Their eyes, however, told a different story. +There is The Beautiful Game to write. +I am pleased to be in them. +People were very confused. +The advisers had some discussions but no conclusion was reached. +It was no secret that I wanted to sign him. +For example they could be in school uniform. +She is currently the permanent secretary at the Department of Transport. +The children are fine. +Do they have to create seven majors? +I didn't think they would be that stupid. +The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of a super-imposition of a number of bows. +Is there on his hands? +I am totally surprised. +Edinburgh, in fact, was not included in the survey. +The reason, of course, was Iraq. +The joint bid is still on course. +Which brings us to the Scottish connection. +That can only be a good thing. +Sad to say, it's still waiting. +We might be back next year. +Lack of pace is his big problem. +Of course, it was very passionate in Glasgow. +He lost his job, but it was not just a job. +It is a body blow. +Can he do it? +Among them are many criminals. +They are in care for a reason. +She admitted the theft of letters and deception. +You should enjoy the day. +I saw it later in the news. +There will be no shortage of quality applicants. +I think the guilty ones speak for the whole lot of us. +We expect a full house on the night. +Nothing is safe. +A decision is expected today. +However, it proved to be the turning point. +Get to know him. +Does the name matter ? +Is it the shape of things to come? +That decision will be made over the next couple of days. +Further protests are likely. +We owe it to the public of Strathclyde. +He is a great addition to our team. +All of us in Scotland should be vigilant. +Our future was his future. +You know, he was struggling with his game all week. +She was released from hospital yesterday. +Half of young people had had contact with the police. +But we need to keep it there. +It was little else. +We were very close. +Tourism continues to struggle. +After that, though, we're still waiting to see. +He is wanted by German police for questioning. +The deal was presented yesterday as a merger. +We're very close to making it in Europe. +It would be nice to be involved in another victory. +Scotland will be an integral part of Abbey National. +We believe the world has too many refugees already. +The attitude and commitment was decent. +It depends on the decisions of the member states. +I've seen it work already. +We are the weakest link. +The manager is there to make these decisions. +This is a United Kingdom. +They responded with victories. +I really feel sorry for the Irish. +He could do nothing about it. +Retirement, who knows? +It is a freedom. +It involved everything in terms of behaviour. +It was really very frightening. +The judges will give a ruling next Wednesday. +This could put pressure on UK inflation. +But we say Yes - and we are the people. +I'd rather be in our position than Rangers. +We're talking about creating an attractive neighbourhood. +She is an imposing presence. +I think we finished fifth. +Last night, the move was bitterly denounced by France Telecom. +The course is in great condition. +They are taking a stand against this. +He wasn't really doing anything, so he wanted out. +But first it goes out on TV. +That has been the story all through this season, really. +The property has been for sale for several months. +I've only met him three times. +I am constantly changing my mind. +It is also well received. +I think the Commission has been very, very slow to react. +The expansions will be financed by the Clydesdale Bank. +This is important for two reasons. +Michael is putting on a brave face. +The real enemy is in your own back yard. +We must get the three points. +But it would say that. +A final agreement has not yet been completed. +We have a long way to go this week. +The Allies intend to maintain the average. +It was my shortest audition. +I'm confident we can turn things around. +Talks are progressing. +This year, it was a little different. +Neither it is. +It's been handled entirely properly. +It became difficult for me. +I'm delighted that Celtic have done so well this season. +His successor was only appointed last month. +That was a fairy tale. +I am happy to be here. +British officials said they could not say. +That is far too high. +I'm going to win the next two. +It has come as a bombshell. +This is the goal. +The day may come, but not for a while. +It was nice to finish in style. +No contact was made, although the arm was clearly raised. +Things are going to change over the next six months. +We are not physical at all. +I would love to see it back there. +Two years ago, the commission did not want to get involved. +But what took them so long? +We are very happy with the verdict. +He didn't really, we just made that up. +He is a lovely man. +There are a lot of unanswered questions. +It wasn't a penalty, it was outside the area. +People were determined to change the Government in the last election. +That would be my view. +It was early morning. +Apart from that, they would not be making any comment. +Mr Wilson had two brothers and three sisters. +It's a flourishing and beautiful city. +One-third of the places are already taken. +They went back to the seventeenth. +It has proved a double whammy. +What are you going to do exactly? +And huge, indeed, it is.That would have killed the match. +It will be crucial. +I am delighted to hear this wonderful news. +I started on fire a couple of times. +He needed a kidney - it's as simple as that. +Which he is, too. +The orchestra was already increasing the scope of its ambitions. +We still think this trade is on the increase. +The time has arrived for a review. +They didn't take you to mass graves. +Those three weeks are totally lost. +There must be boundaries. +The group's increasing scale will help. +Arsenal considered the job done. +This is the start of a new campaign. +I didn't have the choice. +The First Minister is scheduled to be elected by the Parliament tomorrow. +He becomes the new Minister for Sport and Culture. +Today is not about contracts.There is room for me. +It's a blessing. +Is that not uncanny? +We want to sort it out.The answer is obviously no. +Some have accepted it as a miracle without physical explanation.We've got a real battle now with Richard. +It is a relief. +That is not too bad. +I'm really proud of him.I saw some terrible things. +It is quite a new prescription. +We must all play our part. +This is our Olympics. +This time we may not be seeking volunteers. +He came in an army uniform. +He did the right thing by ignoring me. +They have got their position, we have got our position. +The big issue for us is the review. +It was clear on Thursday. +Who was on the panel? +However, who could have predicted this result? +This is wrong, but it's what is believed. +You can buy them over the counter, anywhere. +I can't say anything. +The conclusion is enthralling. +He has yet to receive a reply. +The voters rejected us. +It was the only possible decision. +That is the very reason why it was so vital. +Many of them were his friends and colleagues. +The first thing is to assess the damage that has been done. +It's good news. +It's ahead of Labour. +We have been let down by these people. +We were looking for a base. +It could not be too high. +The research was my life. +I will win. +I am secure in my owns position. +The other question is why the scaling down? +It is a job creation scheme. +Let's hope that it does. +The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of super-imposition on a number of bows. +I have to protect them. +He can win every week. +There were no details of the other five victims. +It made me determined to get back. +He had finally had enough. +It was so sad. +The death rates are still as high. +This was no accident. +No-one, however, was complacent about the size of the task. +It is all about people being assaulted, abused. +We didn't know if people would turn up. +With actors it is slightly different. +I want to play at the highest level. +Nobody has told the story. +The principle is quite clear. +He had a moustache. +I like what has happened! +Lord Johnston will give a decision later. +They should have a major rethink about the event for next year. +His appointment was generally welcomed yesterday. +The processing plant was closed yesterday. +I needed to get away. +But one was not enough. +The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops, and the width of the colored bands increases as the size of the drops increases. +We're not really commenting on that. +Gas production was also at record levels last year. +Today I had no failures in my team. +Full consent is expected by the end of next year. +The Reporter appears to have undue influence on the panel. +The woman is basically off her head. +However, the following year the cancer returned. +It's almost certainly not going to help. +The pressure is on President Bush to deliver. +We are not too surprised. +Mr Straw was home secretary at the time. +It was very fast. +I felt it was time for me to leave to develop my career. +I never found my rhythm. +They were kept there for a summer. +It is the only company of its kind in the UK. +He may have a long wait. +They always seem to produce. +Clearly, the future remains uncertain. +The world is being invited to visit. +We should not bring him into a dispute. +It will not be a long campaign. +It was a horrible moment. +We're very close to being a good team. +We now have a moment of hope. +She was eight months pregnant at the time.Nobody is pushing out to the right. +He is now back in Britain. +It all depends on the Chancellor. +Driving has been the key. +There he goes again. +The director's a genius. +Jobs could go. +It is a good day for the coalition. +They must show the commitment and the work to go with it. +I'm not interested in the job. +He deserved that much. +This is a very high price. +Nobody in Scotland has recognised the creative talent involved in this area. +It is all in the mind. +I don't expect to see that this time. +It's like, If he's all right, we will go with him. +And what happens? +It is far too early. +The time for change is now. +It is for the same reason. +Shareholders may have to wait until June to be paid. +We're hopefully going to act as a catalyst for that. +She came to the Highland Show. +Scotland is the home of golf. +He's had a lot of injury problems.One policeman was killed. +Mummy believed in one thing above all. +The men are safe and unharmed. +We've had our problems at the club. +Next league matches, Dundee United - Motherwell. +There will be no disruption to teaching. +This would give Scotland around eight members. +I couldn't make out what was going on. +He is that good. +The book is closed. +In Europe, it is always over two games. +He's a lovely young man. +It's all about money, money, money. +I am so, so, so lucky. +I was a lucky man tonight. +The global market was about flat. +It's not a lack of confidence. +Scotland need to work on two key areas. +Drugs and housebreaking are linked. +I'm not going to get upset by two comedy promoters. +He was, but only just. +How things have changed since then. +It's the same with us. +Today's ruling confirms that. +We are so proud. +Our intentions are real. +Her condition last night was described as critical. +We also hope to meet the men. +But the row refused to go away. +The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops, and the width of the colored band increases as the size of the drops increases. +He said no survivors had been found. +THERE's only one word for it. +There is , according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end. +The outstanding issues are still there. +The boys are mentally focused. +When it happened, he could hardly believe it. +All were within range of Israeli cities. +He knew they were there. +For this government, reform and resources go together. +I'm really proud of her. +Action must be taken urgently. +Charlie Gordon, leader of the council, dismissed the suggestion. +We have a team to reach the final. +Today I couldn't run on it. +I have a moral dilemma. +I'm trying to be relaxed about the future. +You are not going in blind. +We could not compete with Rangers. +It's quite crucial for me. +Social workers are on stand-by to help. +We can't give any figures for Edinburgh. +You've obviously got an answer to it. +They were later released, and last night were staying with relatives.And it showed. +This rule is archaic. +However, he will have his work cut out defending his title. +The incident is dead. +Even then it might be difficult. +We had our chances. +It is not a U-turn. +I can understand the frustrations of our fans. +This one is a special case. +It's not good at all. +He seemed to lose his focus. +Well, you can't have everything. +It's a real threat. +The squad spent the night at police headquarters. +His director of football is leaving. +I was Scottish on the basis of my family. +They had had time for little else.Boarding school was equally protective. +They were fantastic. +I feel pretty good. +It obviously changes the prospects for getting agreement. +O, Is he conscious? +There is no magical figure, but there are criteria. +We have to build a new team in the minimum of time. +Well, we know now. +He has done that with a great deal to spare. +That is where the club has gone wrong. +The parties have been given until today to respond. +This is a thoroughly handsome and enjoyable production. +I learned that only yesterday.I want to deal with this stuff. +A kinder but effective treatment would be welcomed. +Staff were invited to make their own proposals. +I was told that I've set that new club scoring record. +He will just go on doing his job. +Actually, nothing much will change. +It has no chance. +The Scots are great. +Nothing is yet confirmed. +Tourism in Scotland is facing a financial disaster. +Another former manager, Bobby Robson said. +They did the right thing. +I would recommend it. +It is time, he said. +The parents will have a great time, too. +I've heard it all before. +That's not the intention at all. +That is the real test. +Which means it matters. +But I have been told that rugby playing numbers are up again. +That proved enough to settle the home side down. +It's nothing to do with me. +I think the industry needs a big idea to rebuild confidence. +I'm glad I came. +I've learned a huge amount from Michael. +It would not have thought otherwise for one moment. +I have come here to show support for the families. +That never seemed likely.was everything done to save people? +He confirmed there had been no warning. +They will not be allowed to succeed. +There was some merit in that.Thousands of British tourists were trapped in their hotels. +From our point of view, it's the right time. +They thought the set-up there was unfair. +I think it'll be a great occasion. +I will make that point tonight. +That group reported just before Christmas. +It's not covered by the insurance. +Clearly, audiences are unsettled. +Overall, we continue to look to the future with confidence. +We have already begun to do that here.There was no hint of bravado. +Hopefully, we can learn from our mistakes. +Not if you know the person. +This is an appealing record. +We're going to change our party. +Few other services in Scotland are affected, the spokesman said. +The breakdown was much later in her life. +My brother is buried under there. +We will need to look at that. +It gets into the culture. +He wanted to record the group. +We had a great time. +Life is good. +Debate is not just talk. +A young Briton had a lucky escape. +I am looking forward to it. +Let that be their memorial. +Everyone believes in it. +They just have a go. +This is the New Edinburgh. +It's their duty to protect them. +He was at the outset of his career. +They are very clever in their use of words. +She's been shot. +With Pierre, you can never be sure. +This is a good incentive for both parties to conclude. +They don't know each other, but they have made this commitment. +He declined to be more specific. +Most of them have already gone home. +We've had great things in the past. +Their one weakness was running between the wickets. +Lucky for us, he enjoyed the experience. +This is the end of a chapter, and this is very sad. +The woman was his wife. +He is delighted, and he has every right to be. +This comes down to a problem of arrogance. +Have we not been here before? +We would welcome a greater emphasis on carcasses. +She was always a quality act. +I spoke to him yesterday. +We've all done it! +My father had been unwell for many years. +Europe has lost its way under the socialists. +More likely, perhaps, it is that he will stay in England. +Wealth is relative. +So we said, no, we're not going to do that. +A progress report will be published in October. +I can do this on my own. +It has to be now. +No-one has ever seen inside. +We really are a team. +We are certainly talking about many millions. +If you have to pay for treatment, you pay for treatment. +I think in three dimensions. +These will finally be corrected by next week. +It was rather a distorted image of Islam. +I think they have got it completely right. +For that much we must be grateful. +His name was unknown. +Hear what they have to say. +But it took a lot of bottle. +Building an underground, for example, has proved a nightmare. +The future might well be green after all. +and their remit is limited. +That is an entirely different discipline. +It would be dangerous to resign. +I think we can do well. +Women were mostly notable by their absence. +So the Government will be damaged. +I think the referee was good. +I'll always remember the horrible images. +In the end we have to take a stand. +Volvo is grateful to its staff in Irvine. +The latter were not from Scotland. +However, he held out little hope that the Government would take action. +I am now just a bit uneasy. +So far they have refused. +May not have been at fault? +I was too young. +Even if they come out playing a physical game, we can cope. +He wins the match with a passionate, committed, almost demented, display. +It is the stop-gap before extinction. +I am happy for her. +That was my last game. +Euro The single currency is a fact. +Is she in trouble? +We do not, at the moment, have a shortage.We have been extremely lucky this time.I have also been delighted with Stevie. +They are good. +Ask her to bring these things with her from the store.So I did. +I prefer the clarity of the existing system. +Last night, he pledged to clear his name. +He had no problem with alcohol. +I'd like my TV programmes to be simple, but not too simple. +There may be some resistance. +Survival is not an option. +That would depend on the parole board. +Scottish consumer protection groups were generally receptive to the proposals. +There is a world of difference. +The Festival is prepared to help. +One finding emerged clearly. +When people talk about the Beach Boys and Brian Wilson.You realise what this means? +They tend to be easily influenced by others. +It needs to be sorted out by Easter. +They should not feel under threat. +The move follows a review of the Singapore +Or maybe it's the other way around. +I did not feel the pressure.He also had a Scottish grandfather. +His track record is impressive. +Now it is measuring it in dollars. +That option cannot be ruled out. +We've had several problems over injuries. +This is not a war on terror. +For a few years we had good fun. +I go home only once. +He later became a respected High Court judge. +He is not exactly a pretty child. +We intend to change the model. +He would have come into the house. +The outcome of their game isn't the important thing. +This gives us a lot of practice. +Well, what can you do? +He knows the course. +You take a risk. +The success of the Open Eye has enabled the business to expand. +This has been blown out of all proportion. +He is not a team captain. +I'm happy that we have agreed. +This is an awful lot of money. +Two people are allowed to share the duty. +Now we have fresh hope. +Only New Zealand has seen a similar increase. +It was fun, but not a living. +The Open champion is back. +This has been very frustrating for him. +Is it a threat to union? +He has been a success this year. +For a moment it was all about her. +I can assure you, the new Augusta National is exactly that. +No-one should see that. +Last night Bush carried it rather easily. +They are at a very early stage. +The party had high hopes of taking the seat from Labour. +They didn't have a care in the world. +Life, as many people know it, in other words. +The fate of the rest is unknown. +They still have the dirty work to do. +At the moment, social workers take the lead on child protection issues. +The Hague is too good for him. +They seem to be, anyway. +You have to see the work. +She is a very lucky young lady. +We are aware of the tribunal case. +This time it was out of the blue. +They want to win the title. +Still, he did not let himself down this week. +The warning is timely. +But it was no problem. +We live in shorthand. +There wasn't anything in it. +It is highly unlikely. +Tony had arrived. +Sales are falling after years of growth. +He has left the company. +Don't hold your breath. +The mood is good. +Who is going to be penalised? +Princess Margaret is being buried on that day. +I was lost. +His style is suited to Scottish football. +In addition, certain areas closed at certain times. +She can scoop these things into three red bags, and we will go meet her Wednesday at the train station.His third child was born in April. +All winners should be tested. +We're very fortunate to have these new products to focus on. +The first game is so important. +It was an accounting error. +They hoped to remain in the Edinburgh area. +They are still very quiet. +The aim is to have the reports online by this autumn. +It was that kind of match. +That's been the case for a while. +Now they have found out the truth. +It was a game they could have won. +Someone should tell them. +The Shadow Chancellor is always on holiday. +We are determined to establish the facts. +This is the high point of my career. +He was jailed for a year. +We shall not forget him. +I'm not putting myself down. +They have broken the promise. +He was pleased with his display. +When he came to see me on Monday. +A review is under way. +First is open defiance. +Pupils and staff were sent home early. +He is a serial Conservative assassin. +I am not a magician. +It is something that we would support. +I doubt it would be genuine. +The results are tragic. +We have to move forward. +It also indicated that her condition had deteriorated. +I never had a childhood. +We can do nothing about that. +In my view, it has to be done. +The second aspect was the fear of failure. +In the end, however, it all came together. +My house was shaking at the time. +It was just completely erased. +We have not given up. +They continue to do so. +It is not normal practice. +Where did that finish? +His female companion was being treated for shock. +Is that success? +That way I won't have to do anything. +We expect a rise by the end of the second quarter. +I am not putting myself down. +And there are some interesting conductors, too. +This was an hour before the show. +What has changed? +You have to have a proven track record to get them. +He could make it. +But it is a similar problem. +It's just the way I play. +Since then physicists have found that it is not reflection, but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows. +It is up to us to approve it. +However, no further action was taken by police. +Seaman is not a goalkeeper of old. +Well, you might have a point. +It goes with the job. +I'd never seen a play about me. +I was a local hero. +Aristotle thought that the rainbow was caused by reflection of the sun's rays by the rain. +We did it in one take. +It has been a lovely family occasion. +They had four children together. +I've been asked that already, this morning - on the radio. +Have we tried everything? +But it will not work again. +Initial market reaction was close to euphoric. +But demand for space in Edinburgh is still strong. +It's an excellent idea that makes sense. +There is an ongoing problem with this company. +Now, though, he believes that the new formation has helped his form. +I saw the whole thing. +We don't just play golf in Scotland. +Previously police had said that schools were safe. +He was made redundant in February last year. +We can just get on with our game. +He will be greatly missed. +And a film maker was born. +I never had any real direction at school. +It shows a great deal to come back under that mental pressure. +Our place as artists is to ask questions. +Sub Not Used, Mackay. +We have fun in our lives. +But they must believe in themselves. +They were not up to speed. +It was hopeless. +It's not a solo. +In Scotland, we keep the faith. +However, it is going to happen. +It is very much in the eye of the individual. +Everyone here is heartbroken. +I'm certainly thinking about retirement. +You just have to accept. +Some will be deployed on submarines. +I tried to be cautious, but it's hard in that role. +It was a hit. +We have done a deal with IMPACT. +He met Mr Davies to establish the scale of the scandal. +Gary Parker is a favourite of mine. +His father and mother are in film production. +Our future is in their hands. +It has to solve the nuclear waste disposal problem. +This is not, however, a General Election reshuffle. +But this is just the first step. +It was a test in itself. +He admitted there were two aspects of fear. +IT S all in the hair. +This is the first stage of catching up. +Someone else can do the cooking that night. +But we are losing that connection. +She now lives in London. +I may think about performing it. +It's up to them. +This is a limited market. +An appeal was unlikely. +The criminal justice system doesn't deliver. +So what went wrong? +I am not a liar. +Rugby is now just like football. +It was worth the wait. +The ambition this year is to improve on last. +You will lose benefit because you have broken the rules. +You would be wrong. +It was chaotic. +As if he would. +There are no quick fixes. +Who are the public? +I'm not worried about the critics. +We have waited a long time for this. +I have learned a lot from him. +And he goes with it. +He has run a hell of a race. +It's a bit like a bereavement. +Hibs are playing with style now. +Every case is completely different. +Drugs are used a lot at the fishing. +On that they agree. +Our thoughts and prayers are with her family. +The distinction is also supported by doctors. +We are not going to be complacent. +We did not want an absentee landlord. +The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops, and the width of the colored band increases as the size of the drops increases.I am never fully fit. +To the Hebrews it was a token that there would be no more universal floods. +Attendance at the project is a condition of a probation order. +Her home is perhaps a couple of miles from the town centre. +That's not like us at all. +She has never been back. +I don't know how it happened. +All the pressure was on him. +Innocent people have a right to live in safety. +However, Sharon rejected the claims. +The police have to act to help them. +She wondered why we were interested. +She became a heroine of my childhood. +It was a fairy tale. +I made a big mistake. +Some old favourites remain in varying forms. +He declined to reveal the offer price which was accepted. +And we had a good response. +That is the difference. +Would they work together again? +A counter reaction was. +It was good. +It was not even this century. +There is a contract in existence for Allan. +I am very sorry to be here. +Meantime, the department is proposing structural changes. +He is already in place. +We still don't know what's happened. +It is simple and easy to use. +Now it is much easier. +I saw them last week. +Racism has no place in any sport. +I think my game is suited to grass. +The winner will be announced next month. +The Lobby is not failing. +What was going through her mind that day, that night? +The dealer is on notice. +The king is delighted by the honour. +The seller was not revealed. +This morning I got a call from my wife. +Sub Not Used, MacKay. +This is a very serious matter. +Check that he is dead. +And so it goes on. +Police were on the scene within minutes, but the killer had fled. +Now there's an even bigger target. +I never wanted a legal battle. +We can play better than that. +It has all been done in secret. +I have accepted the challenge. +Neither was in the squad announced yesterday. +They couldn't keep it together. +Clydesdale Bank declined to comment. +I certainly will not settle. +It is a beautiful country. +Its primary business channel is the internet. +It starts at the top. +Axis itself was created from that exercise. +It is not for me, though. +He certainly would have approved. +Kirkwood was arrested. +That is very important. +I decided not to renew the contract. +There's not much money in cycling. +And we can do it. +Drama is not one of them. +His contract was then not renewed. +However, everyone should do it once in their life. +The question is, Is that a negative? +Is the Welsh assembly going to go? +It has been hijacked. +We are going nowhere. +A Treasury spokesman derided the Tory charge. +When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say that he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. +Its replacement was not used in the exercise. +We kept going right to the final whistle. +What kind of man does that, Mr Dick? +Despite his success, things began to fall apart. +There were no hard words between us. +Children should be given the same amount of rights as adults. +He can perform well under pressure. +I will never change our policy on paying appearance money. +If we get the wrong candidate. +We have to expand. +It got no better. +Overall it has been deeply frustrating and disappointing. +It's a fantastic achievement. +Finding the answer is a hugely enjoyable experience. +If a service doesn't pay it will go. +He's right up to a point. +I'm sure he does. +They chose the latter. +That remains the unanswered question. +Chris Paterson is a class act. +It's an hour of the same response. +I am prepared to step down. +Manchester United can win the European Cup this season. +It would be great to reward the Scottish public with a win. +Context is also very important. +There is no other way. +Wouldn't it be nice? +He's a genius. +She had travelled to Spain to give evidence. +And it had been a marvellous occasion. +That is the first job of the director - leadership. +We always thought it should be digital, and cheap. +There is , according to a legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end. +The whole process was so different. +My heart is with the artist. +This has been fantastic. +There is no way to do this. +Wallace was in at the deep end. +We are in a war. +I have no battle with the Scots. +His behaviour today has been disgusting. +Emotions were complex. +I believe we can handle this okay. +Football is a passion for many. +Others are not so sure. +We are now setting about finding them. +In performance, that quality can prove to be a challenge. +We all want the same things. +But the casting is also bizarre.It's always nice to play on Centre Court. +He hadn't had them for a long time. +The accident seemed so simple. +I'm amazed at what he's done. +Sub Not Used, McKenzie. +I did let myself down a bit. +It won the match. +There was no happiness. +I can't get away from it. +I'm just asking them to improve their disciplines. +You just have to adjust. +Why did they let him go? +Everyone needs a holiday, even the Salvation Army. +I am not even thinking about that. +We can't go home. +A report on their property is due within days. +She was at the top. +I think we can overcome it. +It wasn't good, but we'll get better. +It's just the workings of the Scottish media. +This is a very positive step forward. +But we are working together for this result. +They said they were only young men. +The options seem limited. +However, planners should be taking the lead. +They have broken that promise. +The Internet is no substitute for customer service. +I think however, he was having a fit! +Look, George W Bush will come here in two months. +Everything on our programme is brilliant and diverse. +I would like to stay with Rangers. +It should be noted that he has been released without charge. +I could not sit in the stands. +Yet therein is the problem. +There are no problems between us at all. +Jonny Wilkinson had an off-day on Saturday. +All the people thought that we would die. +What could we do? +They are also exploited by the markets. +There was no way back for Rangers after that blow. +I didn't actually work up a speech. +Which is worse? +He had got himself into trouble with money and needed money. +It is bad news for the flooded areas. +I mean it happens. +We are moving on. +It would be a bonus for this game. +I think they should have more respect. +No-one has appeared in court in relation to her death. +There is no point of looking any further. +I'm interested in all kinds of history. +It will be very damaging for research. +He enjoyed being with his family. +I'm quite embarrassed and ashamed of doing that. +He was also very happy to listen. +I feel it is very irrational.It was a simple question. +Nor does it have a stock of medicines. +We should be clear about the role of government. +So now you know. +It's an expensive part of their equipment. +That sort of thing is long gone. +I had several words with the fourth official and was warned. +I was rubbish. +No sooner had we got it, than we wanted it different. +They said she was stable. +I wouldn't give them a grade. +They could not hear. +He must have a crack at it. +She said she could not believe that they had run away. +We are just happy that hasn't happened. +I'd never heard him in person before. +It will be great.I am content with the silver. +If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.This is still a young team, you know. +He has made a step forward. +We will listen to colleagues. +I can't stop people thinking.There was a ban on reporting the trial. +I would not do that. +They let you see the world through a fresh pair of eyes. +Will he be here for the weekend? +But the battle has only just begun. +The truth will come out. +I got the surprise of my life. +They have to tell it as it is. +And did they have sex? +But he stressed that the partnership is not a construction company. +The team hadn't been picked. +External auditors will monitor the action which is planned. +However, we have not come to any conclusions. +Hopefully, now we're getting it. +My mother was getting on at me. +There are a number of possible outcomes. +This guy is never going to give up. +He looked at me before replying. +This time it is official. +Is that Titanic? +But we welcome this document. +That is difficult to answer. +I thought it was an accident. +We deserved to win it. +It's not, of course, a concert hall.Adventure is the champagne of life. +It just came into my head that day. +Further new equity was raised in a placing in January. +I don't see any problem. +What happened to me last week was wrong. +Colin is free to speak with other teams. +I think there's not much between them. +It also highlighted some local hero districts. +If only the problems concerned the players. +There is nothing like a fresh start. +Then there is the Mini itself. +But do not rely on it. +It gives us hope. +I'm really looking forward to it. +They are unable to say anything.They make a selective perception process. +Of course the ending was fantastic. +I just hope it's not tonight against us. +The same things will happen with GM foods. +That means a ban on French products. +Do they play for the money? +It is believed he had been stabbed. +There was no rescue. +I had relied on him. +Such people do not exist. +That could bring the peace process to a standstill. +We have no information on Iraq. +Golf is not like that. +We are on the path of change. +Cast Away now on general release. +Sure, he is the best player in the world. +I am very happy to be here. +Scottish Women appear at Eden Court, Inverness, tonight. +Since then physicists have found it is not reflection, but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows. +Our members are concerned about their futures. +It runs until the beginning of June. +We had a court hearing in London yesterday. +That was the first time I worked with Richard. +Raymond was always on the outside. +It was like being in prison.When people talk about the Beach Boys and Brian Wilson. +He will do so today in Monte Carlo. +His deal is effective for two years, starting in July. +Now, it's all right. +Then all was revealed. +I will not take part in Edmonton. +I don't know what it means. +What is next? +The coach is a man who is very ambitious. +They wanted the club to make money. +It's fun and challenging, but it is not easy. +After that time, the market itself will set the prices. +PENSIONS have been hitting the headlines. +I have been doing it for years.Which is where we come in. +IT S the real thing, for sure. +My husband was angry. +We've been treated with complete contempt. +His leader wanted to celebrate. +But the rally was short-lived. +It's all going to clear the debt. +A fatal accident inquiry is ongoing. +I didn't make those adjustments. +So what could be better than becoming captain? +We are really impressed. +They have created a business. +I didn't know where they were. +I would miss him. +We are going to have a parade. +We knew they could do it. +What were they? +Perhaps she met her husband too early, she says. +During the communist time they were very privileged. +It is not a threat. +My condition is not bad. +It does not even have a staff shortage. +We could feel the heat. +Everyone deserves to share in this success. +He should emerge as the winner. +Willie deserved it, for what he has achieved. +I don't want to change anything. +Of course, it is a tough assignment. +A few days after making the video, I went to the inquiry. +He is severe. +He always has been, since his early days with the Scottish Opera. +The door is open. +The home was now under new management. +If they wish to go, they can go. +Anyone can do the sums. +He said that this is beautiful. +Which brings us to the question of money. +Analysts were impressed with progress made. +But I had never been in a theatre. +I have been totally taken aback by this. +The process will start tomorrow. +Perhaps it was just as well. +As often as not, the cause remains a mystery. +It is an expensive part of their equipment. +Companies are now seeking to recover their losses. +At the top level, the salaries are far too high. +We had no choice but to go down. +Obviously we want to stop the rot. +It was to no avail. +I was scared. +She had black eyes. +That will be important. +They had learned from the lessons of the first game. +That suggests that out fitness is good. +Thankfully, there were no reports of anything serious. +Let's make him a show. +It is a catalogue of obstruction. +You've got to have everything inside with you. +Because it's a secret. +I've already got them in. +We've got to get this right. +Last weekend in Germany, he missed the cut. +Mr Darling yesterday dismissed the criticism. +They keep the atmosphere in mind. +Russian officials have not determined the cause of the accident. +We have to keep our clients. +We have not reached the point of no return. +We need the chief medical officer to clarify the matter. +Actors stand still in the frame. +Do something that we need. +We will all suffer as a result. +But if they were there, they were keeping a low profile. +I have been there already. +He leaves a beat. +I'm thinking, what would be easier? +He has defended the system. +It was exactly four months away. +We've made a couple of albums. +He had done his homework properly. +She will also get a pay rise. +We have a rehearsal. +Strictly speaking, it shouldn't be like this. +Or so we thought. +The work between the musicians and the fire is very important. +They responded in the most positive way. +His mother was English. +That got me out. +It was as if I had been stabbed. +It would show them a positive way forward. +The city council is a major property owner in the area. +At the time of watching, however, it is totally convincing. +Of course, we want to go home. +It would fit very well with us. +We are talking about a case of champagne and a vacuum cleaner. +The South African defended his work ethic. +But it may not be all bad news. +But let's not get carried away. +I am delighted to have been the captain of the winning side. +The whole thing has been a fantastic experience. +For sure, you won't know unless you ask him. +They will be very physical. +It would have to look for outside funding. +One person had a broken back. +A fatal accident inquiry will be held into the death. +It is three years. +The home team also had their moments. +Health care workers and labourers followed.I am not under any new pressure. +Scottish public finances emerge from this review enhanced.This is a big, big win. +Both were reduced to rubble. +He has worked for several years in the United States. +Indeed, that has already begun. +Every game against New Zealand is. +- Really you will ! +I will be in Scotland. +Above all, he was knocked out by the choir. +I love the moment of being first. +But he has not become a monster. +This avalanche is just beginning. +They are not a set of options. +What do you do? +I was delighted with the way he jumped. +We had a really good experience with David. +Those Were The Days, indeed. +This is not great, but it goes well. +People should make their own decisions. +It's hardly a new strategy in art practice. +This is a great shame. +It worked well in Monaco. +How do you find the youngsters? +This is not a European Army. +It'` s the tip of the iceberg. +Robert is a special talent. +The technology looks excellent. +If convicted, they face the death penalty. +You've got to be vigilant. +I don't think that's very fair. +The Master was by then just too old. +Policy making would become a role for ministers and their officials. +People look, but no one ever finds it. +History may repeat itself with Billy Elliot. +I fell in love with it. +We are trying to clarify the issues. +Throughout the centuries people have explained the rainbow in various ways. +John Reid, the Scottish secretary, also welcomed the news. +These options include the possible merger or sale of the company. +So I left. +It's on with a roller. +Every player goes through this after a serious injury. +I shouldn't have put up with it. +It also calls for licensing of collection centres. +In Scotland, there should be vigilance. +That is a brand name. +These days will be back. +There are so many people to thank. +And we were very lucky.It's a great thing. +This isn't some form of commission. +That was a stunning drive from Jon. +It is a decision which has paid off. +What do you think of the hair? +Industrial action has to hurt. +They have a further report to make in March. +She started to put on weight. +It must never be seen as second class. +Talks between directors have been underway since last month. +Does this matter? +Do we want to see it? +We are very very proud of Alain. +However we must not be complacent. +I am not completely insane. +HARRY Potter has lost his magic. +It would be great to win the title again. +It's very hard to plan for it. +I've put my own money into this project. +It is all about the story. +It seemed like four hours. +I feel privileged to be here. +That will be the case. +My office is down there. +Next league matches Motherwell. +It is already making a difference. +I have some comments. +I need a publishing deal! +Later they changed their minds. +I don't mean in a frightening way. +Scottish Newcastle will report its interim figures tomorrow. +It is all about having physical evidence. +The best thing for me was to join the Army. +The board has rejected her proposals. +It was a hugely popular decision. +She declined to give the reasons for the decision. +You have no chance of planning permission.I was happy to be recognised by Mike Tyson. +Clearly, the need for a personal loan is written in the stars. +I was living with my mum. +I'd sign back up tomorrow if he was back on board. +We played too deeply. +Why is he not fighting for the Union? +They didn't find anything. +We knew their goalkeeper would take the chance. +They are interior designers and architects. +They tried to give her advice. +We are not commenting at the moment. +So the process was refined. +These elements are not in the book. +We are not ruling it out. +Gilbert was not amused. +He has seen the past. +It is time for new ways for the church. +I loved it - and so did my friend. +I hate to say it, but you can understand it. +I can't stop people thinking. +It all depends on the wind. +Are they going to work together again? +That kind of growth is the important thing. +Fifteen minutes later, they were found. +Others are expected to follow the lead. +It was all image and no substance.It's so awful. +It is giving out the wrong message. +Policing the profession is important. +I won't go back. +It is the same in Sweden. +They had declined in each of the two preceding quarters. +Singing is my first love. +It gives us something to work on. +I drove the ball well. +That should give me a chance. +He was right of course. +The family baton is handed on. +They should take their mobile phones. +And it covers the spectrum. +They are the partner of choice for anyone. +They are only interested in attacking Labour. +We would expect it to disappear in time.The whole of southern Africa is in the grip of Aids. +I think he was surprised. +However, Murray Johnstone is not on the menu. +The real issue is personal. +Milk producers were in need of immediate assistance, he said. +What is it about this series? +Then another one came. +This market has been neglected by the whisky industry. +It is a lifeline. +That is not possible. +The goal will come. +Hopefully, he will be back in contention next week. +We will give a formal response to the report in due course. +He was not a big name. +I was shocked. +Hopefully we can use this as a platform. +Lord Levy said he'd started his life with nothing. +Now we are back on top of Europe. +This is absolutely not true. +I didn't want to ignore the punters. +It has great potential. +That's hard for a woman. +The results, out tomorrow, will focus on the company's strategy. +The aircraft was totally destroyed. +The winner will be announced in December. +They will have to cut through the roof. +Police later said the scheme would end in November. +We might never see him again. +Other teams moved up too. +By that time, however, it was already too late. +My position on the euro is quite clear. +But at the moment there isn't the budget. +I suggest a new plan. +We're very excited and challenged by the project. +We're playing away from home and that's it. +They were totally behind it. +The reason is partly because of tradition. +She has the biggest part. +That will be a problem for later. +It was a very difficult decision for us. +It was all relative. +This is my homeland. +Their welfare is very important to us. +You can never tell with the manager. +Not that Barber has been unhappy. +That's a big reduction. +Theatre is not a museum. +They have their own interests and techniques. +Scotland came very close in the second Test. +And look at the leading conductors, he says. +Gerhard Schroeder was the victor. +It was extremely cold. +Still, some additions are inspired. +Hopefully, it will pay off for me. +Are there muscular problems? +I can't believe what has happened. +What kind of festival is proposed? +We have the moral high ground. +It shows that we are a civilised society. +He is not quite as confident as he appears. +Eriksson would have approved. +The boat was fantastic. +We are looking for perfection. +She is very upset. +She has been unable to work since. +Again, it's about responding to your resources. +Who was the mystery MP? +Players were held in equally low regard. +In Glasgow, a sheriff dismissed five cases yesterday without hearing evidence. +I felt under a lot of pressure. +He is very much respected within the group. +He is keen to stay in public service. +We are delighted with the result. +She didn't tell me anything the night before. +I saw some good things. +Like the others, he was arrested. +The two companies were not for sale. +Last year, however, it was decided to dissolve the abbey. +It will be an eye for an eye. +It still has an effect. +He saw it all as a big game. +I saw people on fire. +The market is appalling for initial public offerings. +Look at the witnesses. +It could cause a little bit of disruption. +My only ambition is to enjoy my work.And so it went on. +I think I'm a bit too young. +She's a spy ! +They will now remain split up. +That may be. +Nothing is being offered in exchange. +Perhaps the time has come to put the cup in a museum. +They can break quickly from midfield and carry a scoring threat. +In a way he was. +I'm confident we can do that. +Sadly, the game will never see his like again. +Standard Life has also highlighted ambitions in this market. +It seemed so personal. +I was completely knackered. +We're into that build-up now. +We regret that they're brought in the first place. +What's the rush? +They were both very brave. +They have shown a great desire and attitude. +I didn't need to watch it on the video. +They had seven children. +The latter can only account for a small proportion of calls. +The units will not be replaced. +I told them during their morning break. +We must put a marker down. +I have not seen the term immediate. +Rather than just a way in, she begins with an entrance. +I'd say we should give it a week. +Scotland has great assets. +That would be too easy. +She always wanted her own way. +He knew his job inside out. +It is an impressive record. +Was he confident about his prospects? +All the children on the roll are genuine. +Drink and petrol prices remain untouched. +A new school will be built. +He loved the moment. +The performance continues to improve. +I do not see it as some kind of reward. +We have not yet received a letter from the Irish. +Aberdeen were difficult to break down. +Nobody, if he has anything to do with it. +He is a man of the people. +We were not going to take that risk. +On a technical level, they were not afraid to play good football. +They've got a mountain to climb. +The club has never won it. +He said, My own position is quite simple. +The whole team was rubbish. +It would also take time. +There is no question of dithering. +This is a very common type of bow, one showing mainly red and yellow, with little or no green or blue. +I hope he comes back. +My immune system had been depleted. +His only reply was a laugh. +He has worked hard over the years. +That is not an easy thing. +We can do both. +Our thoughts are with his family. +People want to see me on the screen. +Like everything in Scotland, it takes time. +How can they engage with the work? +It was like someone had died. +Calvin was always recognised as a player with potential. +This is a young team, you know. +It used to be less than five minutes. +We should all be grateful. +I sincerely hope that will not change. +He was my big brother, my father, my grandfather. +He will have something to say. +It gave no further details. +You should have let it write the cards. +They cannot operate without a licence from the local authority. +We need to get the right people in. +No other country has ever won this tournament. +It was different in the endurance events. +I only wanted to give her a fright.John Prescott is John Prescott, as the prime minister would say. +The challenge for the industry is to capture and retain that talent. +We're all involved in deciding where it goes. +Post offices are closing now. +He wrote the letter two days before he died. +He is very sensitive. +On this form, they have a real chance of going up. +He had a really frustrating time last year. +I went straight to the toilet. +The goal is clear. +They received a reply from their own managers. +In due course the deal was done. +She was charged with perjury. +You're not going to get hurt. +We are expecting a big crowd. +I have no comment to make. +In addition, investor choice is reduced. +It is ambitious, but it can be achieved. +Stealing from the benefits system is no different. +I've been enjoying it, though. +It would help to heal the wounds. +What will happen if it all goes wrong? +It is sending the wrong message to people. +This idea has been around for four years. +I was all image and no substance. +It could take some time. +That, in our view, is an important decision. +He was not deterred. +She's afraid of life. +Is that what it's about? +We are a service industry. +You have to keep the focus alive. +At that time, there was no infection within five miles. +Slowly, however, a picture is emerging in Scotland. +Disruption will be kept to a minimum. +He realises his mistake. +It is frustrating that we cannot do that. +The party will make up its own mind. +It really is taken seriously. +That's the last thing they need. +I want to create events. +Of course, on Tuesday, United were beaten despite this. +The man has already had too many chances. +He said nothing to waiting journalists. +I just went for it over the weekend. +We have to pull together, or we will hang apart. +Did it work? +However, it is no longer with the national team. +They took a risk. +He had no money left to run the club. +We will need to study the report before any decision is taken. +The discussions will surely not last too long. +Mr Blair defended his wife. +We've never seen so many. +It is a potential danger. +Who would be out there, singing? +Is that what people want? +Would that be for men and women? +Our preference is to play in midweek. +Who would have known. +The game today is certainly different. +It's an amazing landscape! +My life would be a lot less restrictive. +He certainly did a good job! +Our home is your home. +Lockerbie has been a terrible disaster for everyone. +Knowledge is everything at this level. +It is difficult for Ali. +However, it does not seem to be the case. +It all changes for her. +More than half of the school collapsed. +Throughout the centuries people have explained the rainbow in various ways. +We are not asking for the moon. +He was born in London of Scottish parents. +It certainly appeared that way. +I was just trying to win the golf tournament. +Hillary plans to meet him on the summit. +It's a difficult one to play. +It just isn't there. +So there's a double whammy. +Where do you think she is going? +We all make mistakes. +He said he had now written to Scottish Industry Minister Lord Macdonald. +The most important thing is to get a programme for government. +He has changed the country itself. +It has failed. +There is ample evidence. +It would create a Scottish secretary with a lot of weight. +We're trying to lessen the stigma. +Does it really matter? +That's a matter for them. +SE is well down that road. +He, too, was not satisfied. +These matters are now behind us. +The claim was denied by first minister. +Today is not a victory. +It's been very difficult. +There is some light in the tunnel. +I reckon he won't make the mistake again. +But nothing could be done. +The dead woman and the injured man have not yet been named. +Many other Scottish locations also feature. +It took about an hour for the gas to clear. +Once again, they were back amongst the big boys. +It could be a danger. +I'm very frightened of the dark. +From there, it was a success story. +It was electric, amazing. +That is no bad thing.Our nation has been changed by this event. +I see social work as a vocation, a commitment. +But the killer remains at large. +Both banks are heavily involved in the Scottish market. +It had won an investors in people award. +There are no other contenders. +Words were not required. +You need that freedom in society. +Europe is a hugely contentious issue. +The Government, however, insists the company is not for sale. +There are some good people in there. +Tell it like it was? +Would he be able to live with that? +I understand the security issue. +You see - this business is a good one. +The scene is about this? +The prosecution say the girl was the only witness to the attack. +Our lives have been turned upside down. +Her research is the second piece by Edinburgh University scientists highlighted recently. +The key player in this matter is now the Prime Minister. +It is the voice of the survivors. +He had other things on his mind. +I cannot say too much about them. +Thankfully, no-one on the bus is too badly hurt. +I've learned a lot, and tomorrow is another day. +She now suffers from multiple sclerosis. +This is the man who provides the hope. +Life becomes a song. +It was looking bad. +I'd never be free. +I can't blame the fans. +He was at school in Devon. +We would expect it to disappear in time. +Mr Reid said the repeal was a sensitive issue. +It would have to be backdated. +He liked the weather, the courses, the food. +That is not just my personal view. +Scotland has a dismal record of teenage pregnancy rates. +Tiger is not the norm. +It was totally out of the blue. +It was decided he should be dismissed. +I learned a lot from that. +Police are appealing for witnesses. +It is legally binding. +I was delighted with every one of them. +This is a load of nonsense. +Graeme was prepared. +Three others were wounded. +I haven't been able to do it since. +The replacements made a big difference. +This is a very interesting move. +I am not concerned with protection of the public. +Why do it? +We want to lift the cup for the fans. +We know the fight is going to happen. +After about a year, the feeling returned to my finger. +Which isn't a bad idea. +So what is the secret of the success? +He should be a great asset. +But I am a worried man. +Mr Miller is married with three children. +By hard work, is the answer. +They should stop the bombing. +They made such decisions in London. +Is he any good? +That is all in the past. +The second half was a different affair. +We are doing very well as we are. +That was always the danger. +I tend not to look back. +They were too hard. +I was shocked and outraged. +It is about the script for me. +She died in hospital two hours later. +We're talking about one or two years. +She has every confidence in his performance of his duties. +It wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny. +I hope we do. +But they did not even get a reply to their letter. +those who are preparing to give up. +In short, the national team without Frank is like football without feet. +He will want to utilise the midfield. +Do not listen to them.But it was a struggle. +That view has not altered. +After that, though, we are still waiting to see. +They had previously been on five-day notice. +It's terrible that this is happening. +We are worried about casualties.I get to work with very good people. +The fund has three elements. +And it's a goodbye from him. +The legislation is expected to be introduced next spring. +Both sides have to step back. +No-one wants to talk about death. +How is he enjoying life as a senior? +Last night he was due to hold talks with Arafat. +It is the wealthiest in Europe. +The waiting is over, well almost. +Our policy is very clear on this issue. +It was a great achievement to win at Wembley. +It was either Wednesday or Thursday, he said. +I feel really confident in that department. +It will set the tone. +That is a personal matter.The boat was fully equipped with safety equipment. +It seemed to have direction. +The council said the house would have to be demolished. +Scottish teams have got to take their chances. +Where does he go from here? +He was dead on arrival at the hospital. +Now the life of this orchestra is very difficult. +It was a deceit. +Thames Valley police decided not to prosecute. +It is not an escape. +I believe they are dead. +The Tory party will last. +She didn't tell us anything new. +Since then, my life has been turned upside down. +It's my nature. +They would not tell us. +I am just in a state of shock.That's the key issue isn't it? +What did we learn? +Eight others are also believed to have died. +It left me with sadness. +I have a lot of confidence in this team. +Everyone was very saddened. +Law abiding motorists have nothing to fear. +You cannot understand it until you experience it. +he announced his plans. +Surely this is not supposed to happen? +I will be having talks with the workforce.A web site's planned for November. +But I was not up for the title. +The family moved around a lot. +We can play better than that.Our objective is to tackle poverty. +I played well but missed a few chances. +So we kept them waiting. +It wouldn't go off. +We must improve our relations with the government. +Parole is a decision for me. +However, it is believed they were from the Highlands. +They have not seen her for years. +But British scientists were not convinced by the findings. +We have very real concerns about it. +He had lost his confidence again. +When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. +To get good people, you need to offer them enough money. +I want to go home. +It was very close. +She'd gone to the Catholic school. +Frankly, we should all have such problems. +The truth is otherwise. +It looks like paradise. +The trial is funded solely by Edinburgh City Council. +You have to audition for jobs. +The document argues that culture is at the heart of Scottish society. +He predicted the contest would be very close. +Rangers deserved to beat us. +It's fantastic to win again.You would be a fool not to listen. +She continued to enjoy sport. +That does not take much training. +It might be sad, but it's a fact. +When the sunlight strikes the raindrops in the air, they act as a prism and form a rainbow. +About the bad things that happened to me. +Was this element always there? +He was adamant that he was still ahead on everything that matters. +But no decision has been made. +But both were involved with other matters. +Politics is a tough game. +I am in a good position. +George is on a two-day visit to Scotland. +Was everything done to save people? +They deserved to beat us in the replay. +A year ago, she was just a junior Minister at the Treasury. +Not that the occasion was without restraint. +It was all over for us then. +Breaking new ground is also very rewarding. +If so, it is a funny time to introduce it. +The play was to go straight ahead. +At the present moment, she will stay. +IT had to happen. +This is my new career. +I have done ever since it was published. +It is a dilemma. +I am not a free trader. +It remains in public ownership. +He's young enough and he must learn. +The striker needed attention before he could resume. +Nobody can change it overnight, but you can make a start. +He had been a singer. +It is not just the agencies. +We are at the crossroads. +The committee's remit is far reaching. +What's the best thing to do? +Why do you want to come to Edinburgh? +Glasgow has continued to run it on an agency basis. +It is a traffic warden. +But it was also hard. +It was a stunning strike. +I don't want to do too much. +At half-time you have? +Neither side can win this war. +But we wouldn't want them any other way. +He's been here on numerous occasions. +I'm not a fan of books. +It has been blown out of all proportion. +An aide was constructed to get a copy. +That was around July, August. +The issues are very intense. +We are under no illusions about this. +Do I have a favourite? +When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. +It's a very high number. +It also condemned the suicide bombers. +The clarity is vital. +The hill farm is owned by the father of the young man. +The company still had the confidence of its bankers, he said. +We felt it was sufficient. +My heart is not so sure. +We are facing a health disaster if we do not act. +This is all part of opening the door. +It is time for confession. +The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of a super-imposition of a number of bows. +I didn't think we deserved to go out. +I don't entirely buy that. +I was just aghast. +It was so physical. +What's the difference? +The weather in the area of the crash was severe. +Some people begin to turn away, to go home. +There are still some matters to be discussed. +It's such a beautiful place, like a palace in Italy. +It's all designed to speed up the service. +Two others were also seriously injured. +They are real. +We lost our composure towards the interval, he said. +They are not always the same person. +I'm pleased with some aspects of the performance. +Not many companies can say that these days. +The pair are very much in love. +I was not fit enough and it showed. +We must not give in to the bastards. +Both companies have had a rough ride in recent years. +Just watch the videos and you'll see it. +But let's not get ahead of ourselves. +It had been played at festivals. +I think it's a disgrace. +She was shouting my baby, my baby. +I don't know the full story. +I'm astonished the men were not injured. +I would not want to be famous for nothing. +It is not in my nature. +It does not stop here. +Managers and clinicians must work together. +They should use it on the catwalk. +I was never invited.I would say the position is open. +It's a huge amount. +It happened so quickly. +I left five minutes after he had finished his round. +We are going to change our party. +The rest of the business is very robust. +We are taking it seriously. +Our time is up. +Scotch beef is badly missed. +This can only help us go forward. +Why change it? +Robin Williams is very subdued. +I'm desperate to play in this match. +They will notice a difference. +But don't just take my word, for it. +So far, the scheme has not been used in Scotland. +I didn't have the reply. +She says the royal family get on well. +Such is the ego involved. +You should always be able to get out in some direction. +The website has changed the company. +Lady Thatcher was the only woman with full membership. +There is no other offer on the table. +The answer is with ourselves. +What's it for? +Do you come from Moscow? +I'm still an amateur in that sense. +You have caught a serial killer. +I'd just like to play. +The bombing has had a huge influence. +Who will run the bigger show? +He then did just that. +The money is within the total allocation. +DAVID Sutherland does not beat about the bush. +Is this accurate? +Some injustice was committed. +Why should we even be asked to share? +Appointments should be made on merit.I read it every year. +The commission initiated the necessary changes in the financial regulation. +They really shouldn't have put it out. +I think, therefore I am? +Offers of company cars and other benefits have also become quite common. +It is a very sad day. +They are not going away. +I will never forget that. +We know the problems. +It's good to be back. +We are looking to the future. +I lost a part of me. +The new system will be marketed this summer. +Retirement is on his mind. +I can't describe it. +There's a hint of classical. +They went down together. +This is the year of the Tiger. +Charges against the pair were found not proven. +I am really sorry that he is going. +That is not the case in Europe. +We'll talk about Mr Michael Johnson, and he is awesome. +And there has been a good start. +We will now look into its historical background. +And what do we have? +I was in a position to challenge for this event and didn't. +After New Labour, we now have New Unionists. +And so it should. +There are exciting days ahead. +Conditions were less than ideal. +I have just got to get back. +We make this offer to the parliament. +The devil is in the detail. +More patience and composure was required. +And it had two seats. +Many referees are on a hiding to nothing. +We do need a new one. +Public opinion was split on the proposal. +Truth is the child of time. +Hours later, she was found dead by Ms Wilson. +The butcher is very good. +We will reform the welfare state. +What happened in the summer? +One might think that is a power. +That idea is rubbish. +The study is expected to last until the middle of the year. +We have the support of Scottish Natural Heritage. +He was down the right, the left, and through the middle. +It was all too little, too late. +There may be some evidence to this effect. +We certainly did enough to win it, but didn't. +We're just waiting for her reaction. +I've really noticed that this week. +It's not just going to be busy. +Maybe this battle had been. +We didn't mean to kill him. +The Government in Westminster is simply not prepared to save him. +Workers will now be balloted on the offer. +It felt like my support system was leaving. +I wanted to win so badly. +Because we do not need it. +Monty is great in his own backyard. +It is all to do with the coaching. +Everyone here is very sad. +It is all very upbeat. +I was very surprised. +They've been wonderful to me. +She's the runner - she makes the decisions. +His remit is specific. +The Scots are, however, in good company. +Some have accepted it as a miracle without any physical explanation. +We can't get over it. +We were completely outplayed. +I've got the shirt. +Family, if you like. +Today, we begin to answer that question. +He is a one-off. +A report will be issued by March. +I've just got to build on this now. +He's working hard on that right now. +It's such a shock. +Looking at him is proof of the pudding. +There is a good example in this city. +It is not like working for a living. +I had come back from London. +We are satisfied that this is the case. +Tony Blair is obviously panicking. +We are amazed that the current trading figures were so weak. +At the end of the day, one has to be careful. +In due course we will make an announcement. +There were moments of humour too.It is part of our heritage. +Glasgow is about to enter a new era. +It is expected to last a week. +None of the fire has been lost. +I managed to do that. +It's not an impression. +They deserve a lot of credit. +It's unsafe for society.