en_1277471_0 [quote]We showed what the true strength of the youth was. en_1277471_1 We showed that the true youth are not centered in Colombo but across the country. en_1277471_2 This strength cannot be stopped. en_1277471_3 We will go beyond adult audiences and make Y FM the No. en_1277471_4 One radio station in the country next year.[/quote] Channel Head of Y FM, S.M. Marikkar made the above statement when speaking at the eighth anniversary of Y Fm. en_1277471_5 Y FM, the only radio station in Sri Lanka dedicated to the youth of the country, is celebrating its eighth anniversary on Sunday. Y FM, a member of the MTV/MBC family celebrates its 8 th anniversary today with the launch of a new theme, Young at heart. en_1277471_6 The official website of Y FM, www.yfm.lk was also revamped and re-launched today.