diff --git "a/pharohs_updated.json" "b/pharohs_updated.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/pharohs_updated.json" @@ -0,0 +1,2022 @@ +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Pharaoh of ancient Egypt (18th Dynasty)"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "This article is about the Ancient Egyptian queen. For other uses, see Nefertiti (disambiguation)."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "\"King Tut\" redirects here. For other uses, see King Tut (disambiguation)."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "For other individuals named Neferneferuaten, see Neferneferuaten (disambiguation)."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "TutankhamunTutankhaten, Tutankhamen[1]Tutankhamun's golden funerary maskPharaohReignc.\u20091332 \u2013 1323 BC, New KingdomPredecessorNeferneferuatenSuccessorAy (granduncle/grandfather-in-law)Royal titulary"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "NefertitiThe bust of Nefertiti from the Egyptian Museum of Berlin collection, presently in the Neues MuseumQueen consort of EgyptTenure1353\u20131336 BC[1] or 1351\u20131334 BC[2]Pharaoh (as Neferneferuaten, disputed) Reignc.\u20091334\u20131332 BCPredecessorSmenkhkareSuccessorTutankhamunBornc.\u20091370 BCThebes, EgyptDiedc.\u20091330 BCSpouseAkhenatenIssue"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Horus name"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meritaten"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Ka nakht tut mesut[2][3] Victorious bull, the (very) image of (re)birth.[4]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meketaten"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Nebty name"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ankhesenamun"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Nefer hepu, segereh tawy[2][3] Perfect of laws, who has quieted down the Two Lands.[5]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Neferneferuaten Tasherit"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Golden Horus"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Neferneferure"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Wetjes khau, sehetep netjeru[2][3] Elevated of appearances, who has satisfied the gods.[5]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Setepenre"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Prenomen \u00a0(Praenomen)"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "NamesNefertitiDynasty18th of EgyptFatherAy (possibly)MotherIuy (possibly)ReligionAtenism"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Neb-kheperu-re[2][3] The possessor of the manifestation of Re.[5]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti in hieroglyphs \u00a0 Neferneferuaten Nefertiti Nfr nfrw itn Nfr.t jy.tjBeautiful are the Beauties of Aten, the Beautiful one has come"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Nomen"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tut-ankh-imen, heqa iunu shemau[2][5] The living image of Amun, Ruler of Southern Heliopolis.[5]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertiti (/\u02ccn\u025bf\u0259r\u02c8ti\u02d0ti/[3]) (c.\u20091370\u00a0\u2013 c.\u20091330 BC) was a queen of the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, the great royal wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Nefertiti and her husband were known for their radical overhaul of state religious policy, in which they promoted the earliest known form of monotheism, Atenism, centered on the sun disc and its direct connection to the royal household. With her husband, she reigned at what was arguably the wealthiest period of ancient Egyptian history.[4] Some scholars believe that Nefertiti ruled briefly as Neferneferuaten after her husband's death and before the ascension of Tutankhamun, although this identification is a matter of ongoing debate.[5][6] If Nefertiti did rule as Pharaoh, her reign was marked by the fall of Amarna and relocation of the capital back to the traditional city of Thebes.[7]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "ConsortAnkhesenamun (half-sister)Children2FatherKV55 mummy,[6] identified as most likely AkhenatenMotherThe Younger LadyBornc.\u20091341 BCDiedc.\u20091323 BC (aged c.\u200918\u201319)BurialKV62Dynasty18th\u00a0Dynasty"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "She was made famous by her bust, now in Berlin's Neues Museum. The bust is one of the most copied works of art of ancient Egypt. It was attributed to the sculptor Thutmose, and it was found in his workshop."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun (/\u02cctu\u02d0t\u0259nk\u0251\u02d0\u02c8mu\u02d0n/ TOO-t\u0259n-kah-MOON),[7] Tutankhamon or Tutankhamen[a] (/\u02cctu\u02d0t\u0259n\u02c8k\u0251\u02d0m\u0259n, -m\u025bn/ TOO-t\u0259n-KAH-m\u0259n, -\u2060men;[7] c.\u20091341 BC\u00a0\u2013 c.\u20091323 BC), also known as Tutankhaten,[1] was the antepenultimate pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt. His death marked the end of the dynasty's royal line.[8]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Names and titles[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun ascended to the throne around the age of nine and reigned until his death around the age of nineteen. The preeminent action of his reign is the countermanding of the religiopolitical changes enacted by his predecessor, Akhenaten, during the Amarna Period: he restored the traditional polytheistic form of ancient Egyptian religion, undoing the religious shift known as Atenism, and moved the royal court away from Akhenaten's capital, Amarna. Also, Tutankhamun was one of few kings worshipped as a deity during his lifetime; this was usually done posthumously for most pharaohs.[9] In popular culture today, Tutankhamun is known for his vastly opulent wealth found during the 1922 discovery of his tomb, KV62, the only such tomb to date to have been found in near-intact condition.[10] The discovery of his tomb is widely considered one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time.[11][12] Since then he has been referred to colloquially as \"King Tut\".[13]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertiti had many titles, including:"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun acquired kingship during a tumultuous time period. Akhenaten's Atenism had engendered nationwide destabilization, and his successor, likely Tutankhamun's paternal older half-brother, Smenkhare, had an abruptly short reign. This was followed by another abruptly short reign of Neferneferuaten, likely Smenkhare's widow, Meritaten. It was under these tenuous circumstances that after Neferneferuaten's death, Tutankhamun inherited the throne and expounded the reversal of Atenism, which involved extensive reconstruction and the reconsecration of the traditional cults and clergymen, as evidenced most eminently by the artifact known as the Restoration Stela.[14] During this time, the traditional cult of the god Amun was reestablished, and the king subsequently retitled himself from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun. In accordance with this, his wife also retitled herself from Ankhesenpaaten to Ankhesenamun.[15]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Hereditary Princess (iryt-p`t)"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Following Tutankhamun's untimely death after a decade reign, his vizier, and perhaps granduncle, Ay, assumed the throne, likely marrying Ankhesenamun, despite Tutankhamun's commander-in-chief, Horemheb, being designated by Tutankhamun as heir. Ay's reign was abruptly short, and Horemheb became pharaoh next, also possibly briefly marrying Ankhesenamun until her untimely death a couple years into Horemheb's lengthy reign. Horemheb was able to secure the throne due to the death of Ay's designated heir, generalissimo Nakhtmin, toward the end of Ay's reign.[16] It was Horemheb who saw to it that the restoration of the traditional ancient Egyptian religion was completed, restabilizing the nation. In due course, Horemheb had selected then civilian military officer, Ramesses I, as heir to the throne, who already had a grandson, Ramesses II, who would then go on to become the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth dynasty.[17]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Great of Praises (wrt-Hzwt)"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Family"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Lady of Grace (nebet-imat, nbt-jm\ua723t)"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "See also: Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt family tree"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Sweet of Love (beneret-merut, bnrt-mrwt)"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun and his queen, Ankhesenamun"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Lady of The Two Lands (nebet-tawi, nbt-t\ua723wj)"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun, whose original name was Tutankhaten or Tutankhuaten, was born during the reign of Akhenaten, during the late Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.[18] Akhenaten's reign was characterized by a dramatic shift in ancient Egyptian religion, known as Atenism, and the relocation of the capital to the site of Amarna, which gave its name to the modern term for this era, the Amarna Period.[19] Toward the end of the Amarna Period, two other pharaohs appear in the record who were apparently Akhenaten's co-regents: Neferneferuaten, a female ruler who may have been Akhenaten's wife Nefertiti or his daughter Meritaten; and Smenkhkare, whom some Egyptologists believe was the same person as Neferneferuaten but most regard as a distinct figure.[20] It is uncertain whether Smenkhkare's reign outlasted Akhenaten's, whereas Neferneferuaten is now thought to have become co-regent shortly before Akhenaten's death and to have reigned for some time after it.[21]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Main King's Wife, his beloved (hemet-nesut-aat meretef, \u1e25mt-nswt-\ua725\ua723t mrt.f)"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "His names \u2014 Tutankhaten and Tutankhamun \u2014 are thought to have meant \"living image of Aten\" and \"living image of Amun\" in the ancient Egyptian language, with the god Aten having been replaced by the god Amun after Akhenaten's death."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Great King's Wife, his beloved (hemet-nesut-weret meretef, \u1e25mt-nswt-wrt mrt.f)"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Some Egyptologists, including Battiscombe Gunn, have claimed that the translation may be incorrect, instead being closer to \"the-life-of-Aten-is-pleasing\" or \"one-perfect-of-life-is-Aten\" (the latter translation by Gerhard Fecht)."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Lady of All Women (henut-hemut-nebut, \u1e25nwt-\u1e25mwt-nbwt)"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "His parentage is debated, as they are not attested in surviving inscriptions. DNA testing has identified his father as the mummy within tomb KV55, thought to be the pharaoh Akhenaten. His mother was identified as a mummy from tomb KV35, which was also his aunt, informally referred to as \"The Younger Lady\" but is otherwise unknown.[22]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Mistress of Upper & Lower Egypt (henut-shemau-mehu, \u1e25nwt-\u0161m\ua723w-m\u1e25w).[8]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "An inscription from Hermopolis refers to \"Tutankhuaten\" as a \"king's son\", and he is generally thought to have been the son of Akhenaten,[23] although some suggest instead that Smenkhkare was his father.[24] Inscriptions from Tutankhamun's reign treat him as a son of Akhenaten's father, Amenhotep III, but that is only possible if Akhenaten's 17-year reign included a long co-regency with his father,[25] a possibility that many Egyptologists once supported but is now being abandoned.[26]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "While modern Egyptological pronunciation renders her name as Nefertiti, her name was the sentence nfr.t jj.tj \u201cthe beautiful one has come\u201d and probably contemporarily pronounced Naftita from older Nafrat-ita or perhaps Nafert-yiti.[9][10] Nefertiti's name, Egyptian Nfr.t-jy.tj, can be translated as \"The Beautiful Woman has Come\".[11]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "While some suggestions have been made that Tutankhamun's mother was Meketaten, the second daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, based on a relief from the Royal Tomb at Amarna,[b] this possibility has been deemed unlikely given that she was about 10 years old at the time of her death.[28] Another interpretation of the relief names Nefertiti as his mother.[c][30] Meritaten has also been put forward as his mother based on a re-examination of a box lid and coronation tunic found in his tomb.[31] Tutankhamun was wet nursed by a woman named Maia, known from her tomb at Saqqara.[32][33]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Family and early life[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "In 2008, genetic analysis was carried out on the mummified remains of Tutankhamun and others thought or known to be New Kingdom royalty by a team from University of Cairo. The results indicated that his father was the mummy from tomb KV55, identified as Akhenaten, and that his mother was the mummy from tomb KV35, known as the \"Younger Lady\", who was found to be a full sister of her husband.[34] The team reported it was over 99.99 percent certain that Amenhotep III was the father of the individual in KV55, who was in turn the father of Tutankhamun.[35] More recent genetic analysis, published in 2020, revealed Tutankhamun shared his Y-haplogroup with his father, the KV55 mummy (Akhenaten), and grandfather, Amenhotep III, and his mtDNA haplogroup with his mother, The Younger Lady, his grandmother, Tiye, and his great-grandmother, Thuya, upholding the results of the earlier genetic study.[36]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "See also: Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt family treeAlmost nothing is known about Nefertiti's life prior to her marriage to Akhenaten. Scenes from the tombs of the nobles in Amarna mention that Nefertiti had a sister, named Mutbenret.[12][13][14] Further, a woman named Tey carried the title of \"Nurse of the Great Royal Wife.\"[15] In addition, Tey's husband Ay carried the title \"God's Father.\" Some Egyptologists believe that this title was used for a man whose daughter married the pharaoh.[16] Based on these titles, it has been proposed that Ay was in fact Nefertiti's father.[11] However, neither Ay nor Tey are explicitly referred to as Nefertiti's parents in the existing sources. At the same time, no sources exist that directly contradict Ay's fatherhood which is considered likely due to the great influence he wielded during Nefertiti's life and after her death.[11] According to another theory, Nefertiti was the daughter of Ay and a woman besides Tey, but Ay's first wife died before Nefertiti's rise to the position of queen, whereupon Ay married Tey, making her Nefertiti's stepmother. Nevertheless, this entire proposal is based on speculation and conjecture.[17]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "The identity of The Younger Lady is unknown but she cannot be Nefertiti, as she was not known to be a sister of Akhenaten.[37] However, researchers such as Marc Gabolde and Aidan Dodson claim that Nefertiti was indeed Tutankhamun's mother. In this interpretation of the DNA results, the genetic closeness is not due to a brother-sister pairing but the result of three generations of first-cousin marriage, making Nefertiti a first cousin of Akhenaten.[38] The validity and reliability of the genetic data from mummified remains has been questioned due to possible degradation due to decay.[39]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "It has also been proposed that Nefertiti was Akhenaten's full sister, though this is contradicted by her titles which do not include the title of \"King's Daughter\" or \"King's Sister,\" usually used to indicate a relative of a pharaoh.[11] Another theory about her parentage that gained some support identified Nefertiti with the Mitanni princess Tadukhipa,[18] partially based on Nefertiti's name (\"The Beautiful Woman has Come\") which has been interpreted by some scholars as signifying a foreign origin.[11] However, Tadukhipa was already married to Akhenaten's father and there is no evidence for any reason why this woman would need to alter her name in a proposed marriage to Akhenaten, nor any hard evidence of a foreign non-Egyptian background for Nefertiti."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Within tomb KV21, the mummy KV21A was identified as having been the biological mother of Tutankhamun's two daughters \u2014 it is therefore speculated that this mummy is of his only known wife, Ankhesenamun, who was his paternal half-sister. Their two daughters were identified as the 317a and 317b mummies; daughter 317a was born prematurely at 5\u20136 months of pregnancy while daughter 317b was born at full-term, though both died in infancy.[40]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "The exact dates when Nefertiti married Akhenaten and became the king's great royal wife are uncertain. They are known to have had at least six daughters together, including Meritaten, Meketaten, Ankhesenpaaten (later called Ankhesenamun when she married Tutankhamun), Neferneferuaten Tasherit, Neferneferure, and Setepenre.[14][18] She was once considered as a candidate for the mother of Tutankhamun, however a genetic study conducted on discovered mummies suggests that she was not.[19]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "When Tutankhaten became king, he married Ankhesenpaaten, one of Akhenaten's daughters, who later changed her name to Ankhesenamun.[41] They had two daughters, neither of whom survived infancy.[34] While only an incomplete genetic profile was obtained from the two mummified foetuses, it was enough to confirm that Tutankhamun was their father.[34] Likewise, only partial data for the two female mummies from KV21 has been obtained so far. KV21A has been suggested as the mother of the foetuses but the data is not statistically significant enough to allow her to be securely identified as Ankhesenamun.[34] Computed tomography studies published in 2011 revealed that one daughter was born prematurely at 5\u20136 months of pregnancy and the other at full-term, 9 months.[40] Tutankhamun's death marked the end of the royal bloodline of the 18th Dynasty.[8]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Life[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Reign"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Alabaster sunken relief depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and daughter Meritaten. Early Aten cartouches on king's arm and chest. From Amarna, Egypt. 18th Dynasty. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, LondonClose-up of a limestone relief depicting Nefertiti smiting a female captive on a royal barge. On display at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "The throne of Tutankhamun, the Aten depicted above"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertiti first appears in scenes in Thebes. In the damaged tomb (TT188) of the royal butler Parennefer, the new king Amenhotep IV is accompanied by a royal woman, and this lady is thought to be an early depiction of Nefertiti. The king and queen are shown worshiping the Aten. In the tomb of the vizier Ramose, Nefertiti is shown standing behind Amenhotep IV in the Window of Appearance during the reward ceremony for the vizier.[18]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun was between eight and nine years of age when he ascended the throne and became pharaoh,[42] taking the throne name Nebkheperure.[43] He reigned for about nine years.[44] During Tutankhamun's reign the position of Vizier was split between Upper and Lower Egypt. The principal vizier for Upper Egypt was Usermontu. Another figure named Pentju was also vizier but it is unclear of which lands. It is not entirely known if Ay, Tutankhamun's successor, actually held this position. A gold foil fragment from KV58 seems to indicate, but not certainly, that Ay was referred to as a Priest of Maat along with an epithet of \"vizier, doer of maat.\" The epithet does not fit the usual description used by the regular vizier but might indicate an informal title. It might be that Ay used the title of vizier in an unprecedented manner.[45]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "A standing/striding figure of Nefertiti made of limestone. Originally from Amarna, part of the \u00c4gyptisches Museum Berlin collection."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "An Egyptian priest named Manetho wrote a comprehensive history of ancient Egypt where he refers to a king named Orus, who ruled for 36 years and had a daughter named Acencheres who reigned twelve years and her brother Rathotis who ruled for only nine years.[46][47] The Amarna rulers are central in the list but which name corresponds with which historic figure is not agreed upon by researchers. Orus and Acencheres have been identified with Horemheb and Akhenaten and Rathotis with Tutankhamun. The names are also associated with Smenkhkare, Amenhotep III, Ay and the others in differing order.[48]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "During the early years in Thebes, Akhenaten (still known as Amenhotep IV) had several temples erected at Karnak. One of the structures, the Mansion of the Benben (hwt-ben-ben), was dedicated to Nefertiti. She is depicted with her daughter Meritaten and in some scenes the princess Meketaten participates as well. In scenes found on the talatat, Nefertiti appears almost twice as often as her husband. She is shown appearing behind her husband the pharaoh in offering scenes in the role of the queen supporting her husband, but she is also depicted in scenes that would have normally been the prerogative of the king. She is shown smiting the enemy, and captive enemies decorate her throne.[20]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Kings were venerated after their deaths through mortuary cults and associated temples. Tutankhamun was one of the few kings worshiped in this manner during his lifetime.[9] A stela discovered at Karnak and dedicated to Amun-Ra and Tutankhamun indicates that the king could be appealed to in his deified state for forgiveness and to free the petitioner from an ailment caused by sin. Temples of his cult were built as far away as in Kawa and Faras in Nubia. The title of the sister of the Viceroy of Kush included a reference to the deified king, indicative of the universality of his cult.[49]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "In the fourth year of his reign, Amenhotep IV decided to move the capital to Akhetaten (modern Amarna). In his fifth year, Amenhotep IV officially changed his name to Akhenaten, and Nefertiti was henceforth known as Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti. The name change was a sign of the ever-increasing importance of the cult of the Aten. It changed Egypt's religion from a polytheistic religion to a religion which may have been better described as a monolatry (the depiction of a single god as an object for worship) or henotheism (one god, who is not the only god).[21]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Cartouche left: Nomen \"Tutankhamun, ruler of Upper Heliopolis\".[50][51] Right: Prenomen \"Nebkheperura\".[51]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "The boundary stelae of years 4 and 5 mark the boundaries of the new city and suggest that the move to the new city of Akhetaten occurred around that time. The new city contained several large open-air temples dedicated to the Aten. Nefertiti and her family would have resided in the Great Royal Palace in the centre of the city and possibly at the Northern Palace as well. Nefertiti and the rest of the royal family feature prominently in the scenes at the palaces and in the tombs of the nobles. Nefertiti's steward during this time was an official named Meryre II. He would have been in charge of running her household.[5][18]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "In order for the pharaoh, who held divine office, to be linked to the people and the gods, special epithets were created for them at their accession to the throne. The ancient Egyptian titulary also served to demonstrate one's qualities and link them to the terrestrial realm. The five names were developed over the centuries beginning with the Horus name.[d][52][53] Tutankhamun's[e] original nomen, Tutankhaten,[54] did not have a Nebty name[f] or a Gold Falcon name[g] associated with it[55] as nothing has been found with the full five-name protocol.[h] Tutankhaten was believed to mean \"Living-image-of-Aten\" as far back as 1877; however, not all Egyptologists agree with this interpretation. English Egyptologist Battiscombe Gunn believed that the older interpretation did not fit with Akhenaten's theology. Gunn believed that such a name would have been blasphemous. He saw tut as a verb and not a noun and gave his translation in 1926 as The-life-of-Aten-is-pleasing. Professor Gerhard Fecht also believed the word tut was a verb. He noted that Akhenaten used tit as a word for 'image', not tut. Fecht translated the verb tut as \"To be perfect/complete\". Using Aten as the subject, Fecht's full translation was \"One-perfect-of-life-is-Aten\". The Hermopolis Block (two carved block fragments discovered in Ashmunein) has a unique spelling of the first nomen written as Tutankhuaten; it uses ankh as a verb, which does support the older translation of Living-image-of-Aten.[55]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Inscriptions in the tombs of Huya and Meryre II dated to Year 12, 2nd month of Peret, Day 8 show a large foreign tribute. The people of Kharu (the north) and Kush (the south) are shown bringing gifts of gold and precious items to Akhenaten and Nefertiti. In the tomb of Meryre II, Nefertiti's steward, the royal couple is shown seated in a kiosk with their six daughters in attendance.[5][18] This is one of the last times princess Meketaten is shown alive."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "End of Amarna period"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Two representations of Nefertiti that were excavated by Flinders Petrie appear to show Nefertiti in the middle to later part of Akhenaten's reign 'after the exaggerated style of the early years had relaxed somewhat'.[22] One is a small piece on limestone and is a preliminary sketch of Nefertiti wearing her distinctive tall crown with carving began around the mouth, chin, ear and tab of the crown. Another is a small inlay head (Petrie Museum Number UC103) modeled from reddish-brown quartzite that was clearly intended to fit into a larger composition."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Egyptian art of the Amarna period"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meketaten may have died in year 13 or 14. Nefertiti, Akhenaten, and three princesses are shown mourning her.[23] The last dated inscription naming her and Akhenaten comes from a building inscription in the limestone quarry at Dayr Ab\u016b \u1e24innis. It dates to year 16 of the king's reign and is also the last dated inscription naming the king.[24]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "At the beginning of Tutankhaten's reign, the royal court was still located at Amarna, and evidence from his tomb shows that the Aten was still acknowledged.[56] But several pieces of evidence suggest that his court was trying to reconcile Atenism with the traditional religion,[57][58][59] and activity at Amarna decreased during the first four years of his reign.[60]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Possible reign as Pharaoh[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "These years saw dramatic reversals of Akhenaten's policies, which, given the king's young age, must have been instigated by his advisors.[61] In the third year of Tutankhaten's reign, his name was changed to \"Tutankhamun\", and that of his queen to \"Akhesenamun\".[62][63] The Restoration Stela, which probably dates to Year 4 of Tutankhamun's reign, characterizes the Amarna Period as a time of disaster, saying \"temples and the estates of the gods and goddesses from Elephantine to the marshes of the Delta had fallen into ruin\u2026 If you asked a god for advice, he would not attend; and if one spoke to a goddess likewise she would not attend.\"[64] The stela proclaims the rebuilding of the traditional cults;[65] priests and other members of temple staffs were restored to their former positions.[66]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Many scholars believe Nefertiti had a role elevated from that of great royal wife, and was promoted to co-regent by her husband Pharaoh Akhenaten before his death.[25] She is depicted in many archaeological sites as equal in stature to a King, smiting Egypt's enemies, riding a chariot, and worshipping the Aten in the manner of a pharaoh.[26] When Nefertiti's name disappears from historical records, it is replaced by that of a co-regent named Neferneferuaten, who became a female Pharaoh.[27] It seems likely that Nefertiti, in a similar fashion to the previous female Pharaoh Hatshepsut, assumed the kingship under the name Pharaoh Neferneferuaten after her husband's death. It is also possible that, in a similar fashion to Hatshepsut, Nefertiti disguised herself as a male and assumed the male alter-ego of Smenkhkare; in this instance she could have elevated her daughter Meritaten to the role of great royal wife."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Around this time, the royal court abandoned Amarna.[67] Memphis became the main seat of royal administration,[67] continuing a trend that dated back to Akhenaten's predecessors, toward administering the country from that central location rather than the more outlying site of Thebes.[68] With Amun restored as Egypt's preeminent deity, Thebes once again became its greatest center of religious activity.[67]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "If Nefertiti did rule Egypt as Pharaoh, it has been theorized that she would have attempted damage control and may have re-instated the ancient Egyptian religion and the Amun priests, and had Tutankhamun raised in with the traditional gods.[28]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Military campaigns, monuments, and construction"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Archaeologist and Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass theorized that Nefertiti returned to Thebes from Amarna to rule as Pharaoh, based on ushabti and other feminine evidence of a female pharaoh found in Tutankhamun's tomb, as well as evidence of Nefertiti smiting Egypt's enemies which was a duty reserved to kings.[29]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Military campaigns"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Death[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun charging enemies, 18th dynasty"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Further information: Amarna succession"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "The country was economically weak and in turmoil following the reign of Akhenaten. Diplomatic relations with other kingdoms had been neglected, and Tutankhamun sought to restore them, in particular with the Mitanni. Evidence of his success is suggested by the gifts from various countries found in his tomb. Despite his efforts for improved relations, battles with Nubians and Asiatics were recorded in his mortuary temple at Thebes, both victories for Egypt.[69] Also, as far as is known, Tutankhamun's military reign was undefeated, and is one of several other undefeated reigns in ancient Egypt's history."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertiti worshipping the Aten. She is given the title of Mistress of the Two Lands. On display at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "The extent to which Tutankhamun participated in battles is an open question and has yet to reach consensus among researchers. On one hand, his tomb contained extensive military armament, such as bows, Khepesh Swords, daggers, wristguards, maces, shields and a club, suggesting he had extensive weaponry training. Some imagery, while likely figurative, does depict Tutankhamun as directly participatory in warfare, such as the graphic battle depictions on the painted treasure chest in his tomb. Other artifacts, such as the Nine Bows footstool, walking sticks and sandals depicting enemies, and a gold leaf picture of him during chariot archery against enemies, also suggest that he was actively engaged in Egypt's international conflict.[70] Egyptologist Bob Brier has argued leaning towards Tutankhamun being an actively participating warrior in his later years.[71]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Old theories[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "On the other hand, given Tutankhamun's youth and hypothesized physical disabilities, like a speculated cane handicap, some historians are skeptical that he participated in these battles.[22] Yet some experts, such as Sofia Aziz, Campbell Price and Raksha Dave have taken the position that the speculations of Tutankhamun's physical frailty are overestimated, arguing that mummy damage has led to misdiagnosis. Instead, they argue that the more rigorous, scientific view is that he was physically active, and perhaps militarily participatory.[72] Egyptologist Charlotte Booth states that Tutankhamun participated in at least two battles (one Nubian battle, and one Asiatic battle), nevertheless noting that other researchers suggest that he may have only accompanied the army to the battlefield for moral support, as opposed to actively participating.[73]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Fragment with cartouche of Akhenaten, which is followed by epithet Great in his Lifespan and the title of Nefertiti Great King's Wife. Reign of Akhenaten. From Amarna, Egypt. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Monuments and construction"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Pre-2012 Egyptological theories thought that Nefertiti vanished from the historical record around Year 12 of Akhenaten's reign, with no word of her thereafter. Conjectured causes included injury, a plague that was sweeping through the city, and a natural cause. This theory was based on the discovery of several ushabti fragments inscribed for Nefertiti (now located in the Louvre and the Brooklyn Museum)."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun enriched and endowed the priestly orders of two important cults, initiated a restoration process for old monuments that were damaged during the Amarna Period, and reburied his father's remains in the Valley of the Kings."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "A previous theory that she fell into disgrace was discredited when deliberate erasures of monuments belonging to a queen of Akhenaten were shown to refer to Kiya instead.[14]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Given his age, the king probably had advisers which presumably included Ay (who succeeded Tutankhamun) and General Horemheb, Ay's possible son in law and successor. Horemheb records that the king appointed him \"lord of the land\" as hereditary prince to maintain law. He also noted his ability to calm the young king when his temper flared.[73]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "During Akhenaten's reign (and perhaps after), Nefertiti enjoyed unprecedented power. By the twelfth year of his reign, there is evidence she may have been elevated to the status of co-regent:[30] equal in status to the pharaoh, as may be depicted on the Coregency Stela."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Quartzite statue thought to be of Tutankhamun from temple complex at Medinet Habu"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "It is possible that Nefertiti is the ruler named Neferneferuaten. Some theorists believe that Nefertiti was still alive and held influence on the younger royals. If this is the case, that influence and presumably Nefertiti's own life would have ended by year 3 of Tutankhaten's reign (1331 BC). In that year, Tutankhaten changed his name to Tutankhamun. This is evidence of his return to the official worship of Amun, and abandonment of Amarna to return the capital to Thebes.[5]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "In his third regnal year Tutankhamun reversed several changes made during his father's reign. He ended the worship of the god Aten and restored the god Amun to supremacy. The ban on the cult of Amun was lifted and traditional privileges were restored to its priesthood. The capital was moved back to Thebes and the city of Akhetaten was abandoned.[74] As part of the restoration of the traditional cults, the king initiated building projects, in particular at Karnak in Thebes, where he laid out the sphinx avenue leading to the temple of Mut. The sphinxes were originally made for Akhenaten and Nefertiti; they were given new ram heads and small statues of the king.[75] At Luxor temple he completed the decoration of the entrance colonnade of Amenhotep III.[76] Tutankhamun made several endowments that enriched and added to the priestly numbers of the cults of Amun and Ptah. He commissioned new statues of the deities from the best metals and stone and had new processional barques made of the finest cedar from Lebanon and had them embellished with gold and silver.[77]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "New theories[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "A building called the Temple-of-Nebkheperure-Beloved-of-Amun-Who-Puts-Thebes-in-Order, which may be identical to a building called Temple-of-Nebkheperre-in-Thebes, a possible mortuary temple, used recycled talatat from Akhenaten's east Karnak Aten temples indicating that the dismantling of these temples was already underway.[78] Many of Tutankhamun's construction projects were uncompleted at the time of his death and were completed by or usurped by his successors, especially Horemheb. The sphinx avenue was completed by his successor Ay and the whole was usurped by Horemheb. The Restoration Stele was usurped by Horemheb; pieces of the Temple-of-Nebkheperure-in-Thebes were recycled into Horemheb's own building projects.[79]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "In 2012, the discovery of an inscription dated to Year 16, month 3 of Akhet, day 15 of the reign of Akhenaten was announced.[31] It was discovered within Quarry 320 in the largest wadi of the limestone quarry at Dayr Ab\u016b \u1e24innis.[32] The five-line inscription, written in red ochre, mentions the presence of the \"Great Royal Wife, His Beloved, Mistress of the Two Lands, Neferneferuaten Nefertiti\".[33][34] The final line of the inscription refers to ongoing building work being carried out under the authority of the king's scribe Penthu on the Small Aten Temple in Amarna.[35] Van der Perre stresses that:"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Health and death"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "This inscription offers incontrovertible evidence that both Akhenaten and Nefertiti were still alive in the 16th year of his [Akhenaten's] reign and, more importantly, that they were still holding the same positions as at the start of their reign. This makes it necessary to rethink the final years of the Amarna Period.[36]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Scenes from the north wall of the burial chamber of Tutankhamun. On the left side, Tutankhamun, followed by his ka (an aspect of his soul), embraces the god of the dead Osiris. In the center, Tutankhamun greeting the goddess Nut. On the right side, Ay performing the opening of the mouth for Tutankhamun.[80]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "This means that Nefertiti was alive in the second to last year of Akhenaten's reign, and demonstrates that Akhenaten still ruled alone, with his wife by his side. Therefore, the rule of the female Amarna pharaoh known as Neferneferuaten must be placed between the death of Akhenaten and the accession of Tutankhamun. Neferneferuaten, this female pharaoh, specifically used the epithet 'Effective for her husband' in one of her cartouches,[27] which means she was either Nefertiti or her daughter Meritaten (who was married to king Smenkhkare)."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "A painted, wooden figure of Tutankhamun suggested to be a mannequin for clothing"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Burial[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun's health and early death are heavily debated. The most recent study suggests Tutankhamun had bone necrosis and a possible clubfoot, which may have rendered him dependent on assistive canes. This theory is disputed, as neither the canes nor his sandals show the kinds of the wear expected. He also had other health issues, including scoliosis, and had contracted several strains of malaria. He likely died of complications from a broken leg, possibly compounded by malaria."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Limestone trial piece showing head of Nefertiti."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun was slight of build, and roughly 167\u00a0cm (5\u00a0ft 6\u00a0in) tall.[81][82] CT investigations of Tutankhamun's skull revealed an excellent condition of his dentition. He had large front incisors and an overbite characteristic of the Thutmosid royal line to which he belonged.[83] Analysis of the clothing found in his tomb, particularly the dimensions of his loincloths and belts indicates that he had a narrow waist and rounded hips.[84] In attempts to explain both his unusual depiction in art and his early death it has been theorised that Tutankhamun had gynecomastia,[85] Marfan syndrome, Wilson\u2013Turner X-linked intellectual disability syndrome, Fr\u00f6hlich syndrome (adiposogenital dystrophy), Klinefelter syndrome,[86] androgen insensitivity syndrome, aromatase excess syndrome in conjunction with sagittal craniosynostosis syndrome, Antley\u2013Bixler syndrome or one of its variants.[87] It has also been suggested that he had inherited temporal lobe epilepsy in a bid to explain the religiosity of his great-grandfather Thutmose IV and father Akhenaten and their early deaths.[88] However, caution has been urged in this diagnosis.[89]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "heads of akhenaten and Nefertiti 18th Dynasty Egypt"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "In 1980, James Harris and Edward F. Wente conducted X-ray examinations of New Kingdom pharaohs' crania and skeletal remains, which included the mummified remains of Tutankhamun. The authors determined that the royal mummies of the 18th Dynasty bore strong similarities to contemporary Nubians with slight differences.[90]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertiti's burial was intended to be made within the Royal Tomb as laid out in the Boundary Stelae.[37] It is possible that the unfinished annex of the Royal Tomb was intended for her use.[38] However, given that Akhenaten appears to have predeceased her it is highly unlikely she was ever buried there. One shabti is known to have been made for her.[39] The unfinished Tomb 29, which would have been of very similar dimensions to the Royal Tomb had it been finished, is the most likely candidate for a tomb begun for Nefertiti's exclusive use.[40] Given that it lacks a burial chamber, she was not interred there either."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "In January 2005 Tutankhamun's mummy was CT scanned. The results showed that the young king had a partially cleft hard palate and possibly a mild case of scoliosis.[91][92] Additionally, he was diagnosed with a flat right foot with hypophalangism, while his left foot was clubbed and had bone necrosis of the second and third metatarsals (Freiberg disease or K\u00f6hler disease II).[93] However, the clubfoot diagnosis is disputed.[94] James Gamble instead suggests that the position is a result of Tutankhamun habitually walking on the outside of his foot due to the pain caused by K\u00f6hler disease II;[95] this theory has been refuted by members of Hawass' team.[96] The condition may have forced Tutankhamun to walk with the use of a cane, many of which were found in his tomb.[34] However, none of them show the wear expected of essential aids; the wear on his sandals, where present, is also even on both feet.[97] The presence of such a number of sticks is not unexpected, as canes were a symbol of status in ancient Egypt.[98] Genetic testing through STR analysis rejected the hypothesis of gynecomastia and craniosynostoses (e.g., Antley\u2013Bixler syndrome) or Marfan syndrome.[22] Genetic testing for STEVOR, AMA1, or MSP1 genes specific for Plasmodium falciparum revealed indications of malaria tropica in 4 mummies, including Tutankhamun's.[22] This is currently the oldest known genetic proof of the ailment.[99] The team discovered DNA from several strains of the parasite, indicating that he was repeatedly infected with the most severe strain of malaria. His malaria infections may have caused a fatal immune response in the body or triggered circulatory shock.[100] The CT scan also showed that he had experienced a compound left leg fracture. This injury being the result of modern damage was ruled out based on the ragged edges of the fracture; modern damage features sharp edges. Embalming substances were present within the fracture indicating that it was associated with an open wound; no signs of healing were present.[101]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "In 2015, English archaeologist Nicholas Reeves announced that high resolution scans revealed voids behind the walls of Tutankhamun's tomb which he proposed to be the burial chamber of Nefertiti,[41][42] but subsequent radar scans showed that there are no hidden chambers.[43][44]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Close-up of Tutankhamun's mummified head"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "In 1898, French archeologist Victor Loret found two female mummies among those cached inside the tomb of Amenhotep II in KV35 in the Valley of the Kings. These two mummies, known as 'The Elder Lady' and 'The Younger Lady', were identified as likely candidates of her remains."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "A facial reconstruction of Tutankhamun was carried out in 2005 by the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities and National Geographic. Three separate teams\u2014Egyptian, French, and American\u2014worked separately to approximate the face of the boy king. While the Egyptian and French teams knew their subject was Tutankhamun, the American team worked blind. All teams produced very similar results, but it was that of the French team that was ultimately cast in silicone.[102][103]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "An article in KMT magazine in 2001 suggested that the Elder Lady might be Nefertiti.[45] However, it was subsequently shown that the 'Elder Lady' is in fact Tiye, mother of Akhenaten. A lock of hair found in a coffinette bearing an inscription naming Queen Tiye proved a near perfect match to the hair of the 'Elder Lady'.[46] DNA analysis confirmed that she was the daughter of Tiye's parents Yuya and Thuya.[47]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Stuart Tyson Smith, Egyptologist and professor of anthropology at University of California, Santa Barbara, in 2008 expressed criticism of the forensic reconstruction in a journal review. He noted that \"Tutankhamun's face\" was depicted as \"very light-skinned\" which reflected a \"bias\" among media outlets. Smith further added that \"Egyptologists have been strangely reluctant to admit that the ancient Egyptians were rather dark-skinned Africans, especially the farther south one goes\".[104]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "On 9 June 2003 archaeologist Joann Fletcher, a specialist in ancient hair from the University of York in England, announced that Nefertiti's mummy may have been the Younger Lady. This theory was criticised by Zahi Hawass and several other Egyptologists.[48] In a subsequent research project led by Hawass, the mummy was put through CT scan analysis and DNA analysis. Researchers concluded that she is Tutankhamun's biological mother, an unnamed daughter of Amenhotep III and Tiye, not Nefertiti.[19]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Cause of death"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "KV21B mummy[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "There are no surviving records of the circumstances of Tutankhamun's death; it has been the subject of considerable debate and major studies.[105]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Main article: KV21 \u00a7\u00a0KV21B"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Hawass and his team postulate that his death was likely the result of the combination of his multiple weakening disorders, a leg fracture, perhaps as the result of a fall, and a severe malarial infection.[106] However, Timmann and Meyer have argued that sickle cell anemia better fits the pathologies exhibited by the king,[107] a suggestion the Egyptian team has called \"interesting and plausible\".[108]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "One of the two female mummies found in KV21 has been suggested as the body of Nefertiti. DNA analysis did not yield enough data to make a definitive identification but confirmed she was a member of the Eighteenth Dynasty royal line.[49] CT-scanning revealed she was about 45 at the time of her death; her left arm had been bent over her chest in the 'queenly' pose. The possible identification is based on her association with the mummy tentatively identified as Ankhesenamun. It is suggested that just as a mother and daughter (Tiye and the Younger Lady) were found lying together in KV35, the same was true of these mummies.[50]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Murder by a blow to the head was theorised as a result of the 1968 x-ray which showed two bone fragments inside the skull.[109] This theory was disproved by further analysis of the x-rays and the CT scan. The inter-cranial bone fragments were determined to be the result of the modern unwrapping of the mummy as they are loose and not adherent to the embalming resin.[110] No evidence of bone thinning or calcified membranes, which could be indicative of a fatal blow to the head, were found.[111] It has also been suggested that the young king was killed in a chariot accident due to a pattern of crushing injuries, including the fact that the front part of his chest wall and ribs are missing.[112][113] However, the missing ribs are unlikely to be a result of an injury sustained at the time of death; photographs taken at the conclusion of Carter's excavation in 1926 show that the chest wall of the king was intact, still wearing a beaded collar with falcon-headed terminals. The absence of both the collar and chest wall was noted in the 1968 x-ray[114] and further confirmed by the CT scan.[92] It is likely that the front part of his chest was removed by robbers during the theft of the beaded collar; the intricate beaded skullcap the king was pictured wearing in 1926 was also missing by 1968.[115]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Hittite letters[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Genealogy and population affinities"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "A document was found in the ancient Hittite capital of Hattusa which dates to the Amarna period. The document is part of the so-called Deeds of Suppiluliuma I. While laying siege to Karkemish, the Hittite ruler receives a letter from the Egyptian queen. The letter reads:[51]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "A genetic study, published in 2020, revealed Tutankhamun had the haplogroups YDNA R1b, which originated in western Asia and which today makes up 50\u201360% of the genetic pool of modern Europeans, and mtDNA K, which originated in the Near East. He shares this Y-haplogroup with his father, the KV55 mummy (Akhenaten), and grandfather, Amenhotep III, and his mtDNA haplogroup with his mother, The Younger Lady, his grandmother, Tiye, and his great-grandmother, Thuya. The profiles for Tutankhamun and Amenhotep III were incomplete and the analysis produced differing probability figures despite having concordant allele results. Because the relationships of these two mummies with the KV55 mummy had previously been confirmed in an earlier study, the haplogroup prediction of both mummies could be derived from the full profile of the KV55 data[116][117]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "My husband has died and I have no son. They say about you that you have many sons. You might give me one of your sons to become my husband. I would not wish to take one of my subjects as a husband... I am afraid."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "In 2022, S.O.Y. Keita analysed 8 Short Tandem loci (STR) data originally published by Hawass et al. in studies from 2010 and 2012. The first of these studies had investigated familial relationships among 11 royal mummies of the New Kingdom, which included Tutankhamun and Amenhotep III, as well as potential inherited disorders and infectious diseases.[118] The second of these studies (described above) had investigated the Y-haplogroups and genetic kinship of Ramesses III and an unknown man buried along with him in the royal cache at Deir el Bahari.[119] Keita analysed the STR data from these studies using an algorithm that only has three choices: Eurasians, sub-Saharan Africans, and East Asians. Using these three options, Keita concluded that the majority of the samples had a population \"affinity with 'sub-Saharan' Africans in one affinity analysis\". However, Keita cautioned that this does not mean that the royal mummies \"lacked other affiliations\", which he argued had been obscured in typological thinking. Keita further added that different \"data and algorithms might give different results\", reflecting the complexity of biological heritage and the associated interpretation.[120]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "This proposal is considered extraordinary as New Kingdom royal women never married foreign royalty.[52] Suppiluliuma I was understandably surprised and exclaimed to his courtiers:[51]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tomb"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nothing like this has happened to me in my entire life!"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Main article: Tomb of Tutankhamun"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Understandably, he was wary, and had an envoy investigate the situation, but by so doing, he missed his chance to bring Egypt into his empire.[51] He eventually did send one of his sons, Zannanza, but the prince died, perhaps murdered, en route.[53][54]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "The wall decorations in KV62's burial chamber are modest in comparison with other royal tombs found in the Valley of the Kings"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "The identity of the queen who wrote the letter is uncertain. She is called Dakhamunzu in the Hittite annals, a translation of the Egyptian title Ta hemet nesu (The King's Wife).[55][56][57] The possible candidates are Nefertiti, Meritaten,[58] and Ankhesenamun. Ankhesenamun once seemed the likeliest, since there were no candidates for the throne on the death of her husband, Tutankhamun, whereas Akhenaten had at least two legitimate successors. But this was based on the assumption of a 27-year reign for the last 18th Dynasty pharaoh, Horemheb, who is now accepted to have had a shorter reign of only 14 years. This makes the deceased Egyptian king appear to be Akhenaten instead, rather than Tutankhamun.[citation needed] Furthermore, the phrase regarding marriage to 'one of my subjects' (translated by some as 'servants') is possibly either a reference to the Grand Vizier Ay or a secondary member of the Egyptian royal family line. Since Nefertiti was depicted as being as powerful as her husband in official monuments smiting Egypt's enemies, she might be the Dakhamunzu in the Amarna correspondence, as Nicholas Reeves believes.[59]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "In 1922, a team led by British Egyptologist Howard Carter in the Valley of the Kings excavated Tutankhamun's tomb, in an effort that was funded by British aristocrat George Herbert.[121] The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb received worldwide press coverage; with over 5,000 artifacts, it gave rise to renewed public interest in ancient Egypt, for which Tutankhamun's mask, now preserved at the Egyptian Museum, remains a popular symbol. Some of his treasure has traveled worldwide with unprecedented response; the Egyptian government allowed tours beginning in 1961. The deaths of some individuals who were involved in the unearthing of Tutankhamun's mummy have been popularly attributed to the \"curse of the pharaohs\" due to the similarity of their circumstances."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Gallery[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun was buried in a tomb that was unusually small considering his status. His death may have occurred unexpectedly, before the completion of a grander royal tomb, causing his mummy to be buried in a tomb intended for someone else. This would preserve the observance of the customary 70 days between death and burial.[122] His tomb was robbed at least twice in antiquity, but based on the items taken (including perishable oils and perfumes) and the evidence of restoration of the tomb after the intrusions, these robberies likely took place within several months at most of the initial burial. The location of the tomb was lost because it had come to be buried by debris from subsequent tombs, and workers' houses were built over the tomb entrance.[123]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Headless bust of Akhenaten or Nefertiti. Part of a composite red quartzite statue. Intentional damage. Four pairs of early Aten cartouches. Reign of Akhenaten. From Amarna, Egypt. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Rediscovery"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Limestone statuette of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, or Amenhotep III and Tiye,[60] and a princess. Reign of Akhenaten. From Amarna, Egypt. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Main article: Discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Limestone relief fragment. A princess holding sistrum behind Nefertiti, who is partially seen. Reign of Akhenaten. From Amarna, Egypt. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon, 1921"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Siliceous limestone fragment relief of Nefertiti. Extreme style of portrait. Reign of Akhenaten, probably early Amarna Period. From Amarna, Egypt. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "The concession rights for excavating the Valley of the Kings was held by Theodore Davis from 1905 until 1914. In that time, he had unearthed ten tombs including the nearly intact but non-royal tomb of Queen Tiye's parents, Yuya and Thuya. As he continued working there in the later years, he uncovered nothing of major significance.[124] Davis did find several objects in KV58 referring to Tutankhamun, which included knobs and handles bearing his name most significantly the embalming cache of the king (KV54). He believed this to be the pharaoh's lost tomb and published his findings as such with the line; \"I fear the Valley of the Tombs is exhausted\".[125][126] In 1907, Howard Carter was invited by William Garstin and Gaston Maspero to excavate for George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon in the Valley. The Earl of Carnarvon and Carter had hoped this would lead to their gaining the concession when Davis gave it up but had to be satisfied with excavations in different parts of the Theban Necropolis for seven more years.[127]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Granite head statue of Nefertiti. The securing post at head apex allows for different hairstyles to adorn the head. Altes Museum, Berlin."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "After a systematic search beginning in 1915, Carter discovered the actual tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62) in November 1922.[128] An ancient stroke of luck allowed the tomb to survive to modern times. The tomb's entrance was buried by mounds of debris from the cutting of KV9 over 150 years after Tutankhamun's burial; ancient workmen's huts were also built on the site.[129][130] This area remained unexcavated until 1922 due to its proximity to KV9, as excavations would impede tourist access to that tomb.[131] Carter commenced excavations in early November 1922, before the height of the tourist season.[132] The first step of the tomb's entrance staircase was uncovered on 4 November 1922. According to Carter's account the workmen discovered the step while digging beneath the remains of the huts; other accounts attribute the discovery to a boy digging outside the assigned work area.[133][i]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Head statue of Nefertiti, Altes Museum, Berlin."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "By February 1923 the antechamber had been cleared of everything but two sentinel statues. A day and time were selected to unseal the tomb with about twenty appointed witnesses that included Lord Carnarvon, several Egyptian officials, museum representatives and the staff of the Government Press Bureau. On 17 February 1923 at just after two o'clock, the seal was broken.[137]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Akhenaten, Nefertiti and their daughters before the Aten. Stela of Akhenaten and his family, Egyptian Museum, Cairo."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Letters published in 2022 of correspondence between Rex Engelbach and Alan Gardiner, reveal that Howard Carter had stolen objects from the tomb, such as a 'whm amulet', before the tomb was officially opened. Rex Engelbach said in a letter to Gardiner about a 'whm amulet' gifted to Gardiner from Carter that \"The whm amulet you showed me has been undoubtedly stolen from the tomb of Tutankhamun.\"[138]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertiti offering oil to the Aten. Brooklyn Museum."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Contents"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Talatat showing Nefertiti worshipping the Aten. Altes Museum."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "An alabaster stopper from his canopic chest"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Relief fragment with Nefertiti, Brooklyn Museum."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "There were 5,398 items found in the tomb, including a solid gold coffin, face mask, thrones, archery bows, trumpets, a lotus chalice, two Imiut fetishes, gold toe stalls, furniture, food, wine, sandals, and fresh linen underwear. Howard Carter took 10 years to catalog the items.[139] Recent analysis suggests a dagger recovered from the tomb had an iron blade made from a meteorite; study of artifacts of the time including other artifacts from Tutankhamun's tomb could provide valuable insights into metalworking technologies around the Mediterranean at the time.[140][141] Complete study of the iron artefacts from the tomb (besides the blade of a richly decorated golden dagger, small iron chisel blades set into wooden handles, an Eye of Horus amulet, and a miniature headrest) demonstrated that all were made of similar material.[142] Only in 2022, a complex technological and material study of the Tutankhamun's mask was published.[143] Many of Tutankhamun's burial goods show signs of being adapted for his use after being originally made for earlier owners, probably Smenkhkare or Neferneferuaten or both.[144][145][146]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Louvre Museum, Paris."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "On 4 November 2007, 85 years to the day after Carter's discovery, Tutankhamun's mummy was placed on display in his underground tomb at Luxor, when the linen-wrapped mummy was removed from its golden sarcophagus to a climate-controlled glass box. The case was designed to prevent the heightened rate of decomposition caused by the humidity and warmth from tourists visiting the tomb.[147] In 2009, the tomb was closed for restoration by the Ministry of antiquities and the Getty Conservation Institute. While the closure was originally planned for five years to restore the walls affected by humidity, the Egyptian revolution of 2011 set the project back. The tomb re-opened in February 2019.[148]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertiti presenting an image of the goddess Maat to the Aten. Brooklyn Museum."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Rumored curse"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Talatat representing Nefertiti and Akhenaten worshipping the Aten. Royal Ontario Museum."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Howard Carter examining the innermost coffin of Tutankhamun, 1925"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Boundary stele of Amarna with Nefertiti and her daughter, princess Meketaten, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "For many years, rumors of a \"curse of the pharaohs\" (probably fueled by newspapers seeking sales at the time of the discovery[149]) persisted, emphasizing the early death of some of those who had entered the tomb. The most prominent was George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon, who died on 5 April 1923, five months after the discovery of the first step leading down to the tomb on 4 November 1922.[150]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Limestone relief of Nefertiti kissing one of her daughters, Brooklyn Museum."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "The cause of Carnarvon's death was pneumonia supervening on [facial] erysipelas (a streptococcal infection of the skin and underlying soft tissue).[151] The Earl had been in an automobile accident in 1901 making him very unhealthy and frail. His doctor recommended a warmer climate so in 1903 the Carnarvons traveled to Egypt where the Earl became interested in Egyptology.[150] Along with the stresses of the excavation, Carnarvon was already in a weakened state when an infection led to pneumonia.[152]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Talatat with an aged Nefertiti, Brooklyn Museum."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "A study showed that of the 58 people who were present when the tomb and sarcophagus were opened, only eight died within a dozen years;[153] Howard Carter died of lymphoma in 1939 at the age of 64.[154] The last survivors included Lady Evelyn Herbert, Lord Carnarvon's daughter who was among the first people to enter the tomb after its discovery in November 1922, who lived for a further 57 years and died in 1980,[155] and American archaeologist J.O. Kinnaman who died in 1961, 39 years after the event.[156]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Cultural depictions[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Legacy"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertiti was portrayed by Geraldine Chaplin in Nefertiti and Akhenaton (1973), Mexican short film of Raul Araiza."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "The \"Egyptian Number\" of Life, 19 April 1923"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertiti was also portrayed by Riann Steele in Doctor Who (2012), in the episode Dinosaurs on a Spaceship."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun's fame is primarily the result of his well-preserved tomb and the global exhibitions of his associated artifacts. As Jon Manchip White writes, in his foreword to the 1977 edition of Carter's The Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun, \"The pharaoh who in life was one of the least esteemed of Egypt's Pharaohs has become in death the most renowned\".[157]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "References[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "The discoveries in the tomb were prominent news in the 1920s. Tutankhamen came to be called by a modern neologism, \"King Tut\". Ancient Egyptian references became common in popular culture, including Tin Pan Alley songs; the most popular of the latter was \"Old King Tut\" by Harry Von Tilzer from 1923,[158][159] which was recorded by such prominent artists of the time as Jones & Hare[160] and Sophie Tucker.[158] \"King Tut\" became the name of products, businesses, and the pet dog of U.S. President Herbert Hoover.[161] While The Treasures of Tutankhamun exhibit was touring the United States in 1978, comedian Steve Martin wrote a novelty song King Tut. Originally performed on Saturday Night Live, the song was released as a single and sold over a million copies.[162]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ \"Akhenaton\". Encyclop\u00e6dia Britannica. Archived from the original on 2007-05-26."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "International exhibitions"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ J\u00fcrgen von Beckerath, Chronologie des Pharaonischen \u00c4gypten. Philipp von Zabern, Mainz, (1997), p.190"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Further information: Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ \"Nefertit or\". Collins Dictionary. n.d. Archived from the original on 23 September 2015. Retrieved 24 September 2014."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "San Francisco's M. H. de Young Memorial Museum hosted an exhibition of Tutankhamun artifacts in 2009[163]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ RE Freed, S D'Auria, YJ Markowitz (1999). Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamen (Museum of Fine Arts, Leiden)."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun's artifacts have traveled the world with unprecedented visitorship.[164] The exhibitions began in 1962 when Algeria won its independence from France. With the ending of that conflict, the Louvre Museum in Paris was quickly able to arrange an exhibition of Tutankhamun's treasures through Christiane Desroches Noblecourt. The French Egyptologist was already in Egypt as part of a UNESCO appointment. The French exhibit drew 1.2 million visitors. Noblecourt had also convinced the Egyptian Minister of Culture to allow British photographer George Rainbird to re-photograph the collection in color. The new color photos as well as the Louvre exhibition began a Tutankhamun revival.[165]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ a b c d Dodson, Aidan, Amarna Sunset: Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb, and the Egyptian Counter-Reformation. The American University in Cairo Press. 2009, ISBN\u00a0978-977-416-304-3."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "In 1965, the Tutankhamun exhibit traveled to Tokyo National Museum in Tokyo, Japan (21 August\u201310 October)[166] where it garnered more visitors than the future New York exhibit in 1979. The exhibit next moved to the Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art in Kyoto (15 October\u201328 November)[166] with almost 1.75 million visitors, and then to the Fukuoka Prefectural Cultural Hall in Fukuoka (3 December\u201326 December).[166] The blockbuster attraction exceeded all other exhibitions of Tutankhamun's treasures for the next 60 years.[164][167] The Treasures of Tutankhamun tour ran from 1972 to 1979. This exhibition was first shown in London at the British Museum from 30 March until 30 September 1972. More than 1.6\u00a0million visitors saw the exhibition.[164][168] The exhibition moved on to many other countries, including the United States, Soviet Union, Japan, France, Canada, and West Germany. The Metropolitan Museum of Art organized the U.S. exhibition, which ran from 17 November 1976 through 15 April 1979. More than eight million attended.[169][170] The showing in the United States was part of a diplomatic effort begun by Henry Kissinger to further convince Americans of the value of Egypt as an ally. It traveled first to Washington D.C., then Chicago, New Orleans, Los Angeles, and Seattle, and finished in New York.[171]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Van de Perre, Athena. 2014. \"The Year 16 graffito of Akhenaten in Dayr Ab\u016b \u1e24innis: A contribution to the study of the later years of Nefertiti\". Journal of Egyptian History 7:67-108."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "In 2005, Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, in partnership with Arts and Exhibitions International and the National Geographic Society, launched a tour of Tutankhamun treasures and other 18th Dynasty funerary objects, this time called Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs. It featured the same exhibits as Tutankhamen: The Golden Hereafter in a slightly different format. It was expected to draw more than three million people but exceeded that with almost four million people attending just the first four tour stops.[172] The exhibition started in Los Angeles, then moved to Fort Lauderdale, Chicago, Philadelphia and London before finally returning to Egypt in August 2008. An encore of the exhibition in the United States ran at the Dallas Museum of Art.[173] After Dallas the exhibition moved to the de Young Museum in San Francisco, followed by the Discovery Times Square Exposition in New York City.[174]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Badger Utopia (2017-08-11), Nefertiti - Mummy Queen of Mystery, retrieved 2017-10-30"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun exhibition in 2018"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Grajetzki, Ancient Egyptian Queens: A Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Golden House Publications, London, 2005, ISBN\u00a0978-0-9547218-9-3"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "The exhibition visited Australia for the first time, opening at the Melbourne Museum for its only Australian stop before Egypt's treasures returned to Cairo in December 2011.[175]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Schenkel, W. \"Zur Rekonstruktion deverbalen Nominalbildung des \u00c4gyptischen\", Harrasowitz, Wiesbaden. 1983, pp. 212, 214,247"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "The exhibition included 80 exhibits from the reigns of Tutankhamun's immediate predecessors in the 18th Dynasty, such as Hatshepsut, whose trade policies greatly increased the wealth of that dynasty and enabled the lavish wealth of Tutankhamun's burial artifacts, as well as 50 from Tutankhamun's tomb. The exhibition did not include the gold mask that was a feature of the 1972\u20131979 tour, as the Egyptian government has decided that damage which occurred to previous artifacts on tours precludes this one from joining them.[176]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Allen, James P. (2014-07-24). Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs. Cambridge University Press. ISBN\u00a0978-1-107-05364-9."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "In 2018, it was announced that the largest collection of Tutankhamun artifacts, amounting to forty percent of the entire collection, would be leaving Egypt again in 2019 for an international tour entitled; \"King Tut: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh\".[177] The 2019\u20132022 tour began with an exhibit called; \"Tutankhamun, Pharaoh's Treasures,\" which launched in Los Angeles and then traveled to Paris. The exhibit featured at the Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris ran from March to September 2019. The exhibit featured one hundred and fifty gold coins, along with various pieces of jewelry, sculpture and carvings, as well as the renowned gold mask of Tutankhamun. Promotion of the exhibit filled the streets of Paris with posters of the event. The exhibit moved to London in November 2019 and was scheduled to travel to Boston and Sydney when the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted the tour. On 28 August 2020 the artifacts that made up the temporary exhibition returned to the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, and other institutions.[178] The treasures will be permanently housed in the new Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, expected to open in November 2022.[179][180]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ a b c d e Dodson (2016), p.\u00a087."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Ancestry"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Norman De Garis Davies, The rock tombs of el-Amarna, Parts I and II: Part 1 The tomb of Meryra & Part 2 The tombs of Panehesy and Meyra II, Egypt Exploration Society (2004)"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "vteTutankhamun ascending family history"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Norman De Garis Davies, The rock tombs of el-Amarna, Parts V and VI: Part 5 Smaller tombs and boundary stelae & Part 6 Tombs of Parennefer, Tutu and Ay, Egypt Exploration Society (2004)"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Based on genetic testing and archeological evidence"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ a b c Dodson, Aidan and Hilton, Dyan. The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson. 2004. ISBN\u00a00-500-05128-3"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Thutmose IV (m)Mutemwiya (f)Tjuyu (f)[i]Yuya (m)[i]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Jacobus Van Dijk, Horemheb and the Struggle for the Throne of Tutankhamun Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine, BACE 7 (1996), p.32"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Amenhotep III (m)[i]Tiye (f)[i]Body identified as KV35EL"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ van Dijk, J. (1996). \"Horemheb and the Struggle for the Throne of Tutankhamun\" (PDF). Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology: 31\u201332. Retrieved 15 September 2019."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Nefertiti (f)Akhenaten (m)[i]Body identified in KV55The Younger Lady (f)[i]Body identified as KV35YLPossibly Nebetah or Beketaten"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Dodson (2016), p.\u00a087\u201388."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Ankhesenamun (f)Body believed to be KV21ATutankhamun (m)[i]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ a b c d e Tyldesley, Joyce. Nefertiti: Egypt's Sun Queen. Penguin. 1998. ISBN\u00a00-670-86998-8"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Child 1 (f) Child 2 (f)"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ a b Hawas, Zahi; Saleem, Sahar N. (2016). Scanning the Pharaohs: CT Imaging of the New Kingdom Royal Mummies. New York: The American University in Cairo Press. p.\u00a0123. ISBN\u00a0978-977-416-673-0."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Explanatory notes and reference sources"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Redford, Donald B. (1987). Akhenaten, the Heretic King. ISBN\u00a09780691002170."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Notes:"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Dominic Montserrat, Akhenaten: History, Fantasy and Ancient Egypt, Psychology Press, 2003"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b c d e f g Cooney - Jasno - pp. 219 - 220\"DNA indicated a probability in excess of 99.99%\" that Amenhotep III was the father of the man interred in KV55. The probability that the man interred in KV55 is the father of Tutankhamun was equally as great.\" \"[T]he lock of hair found in Tutankhamun's tomb seemed to link him in some intimate way to KV35EL\". \"Tiye's parents, Yuya and Thuya, had been found..\" \"..genetic analysis confirmed KV35EL as their daughter.\" \"Furthermore, and as anticipated, the KV55 mummy genetically matched as the offspring of KV35EL.\" \"Perhaps the most curious results of the genetic fingerprinting came from KV35YL. She proved to be not only a daughter of Amenhotep III and Tiye but also the mother of Tutankhamun.\"[\u03b1]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Trope, B., Quirke, S., Lacovara, P., Excavating Egypt. Great Discoveries from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, 2005 ISBN\u00a01-928917-06-2"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Cooney, Kathlyn M.; Jasnow, Richard (25 August 2015). Joyful in Thebes: Egyptological Studies in Honor of Betsy M. Bryan. Lockwood Press. ISBN\u00a0978-1-937040-41-3."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Murnane, William J., Texts from the Amarna Period in Egypt, Society of Biblical Literature, 1995 ISBN\u00a01-55540-966-0"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "See also"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Athena Van der Perre\u02d0 The Year 16 graffito of Akhenaten in Dayr Ab\u016b\u1e24innis. A Contribution to the Study of the Later Years of Nefertiti, in\u02d0Journal of Egyptian History, 7 (2014), 67-108"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Anubis Shrine"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ \"Nefertiti - Ancient History - HISTORY.com\". HISTORY.com. Retrieved 2017-10-26."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Head of Nefertem"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ AncientHistory (2017-04-28), Nefertiti's Odyssey - National Geographic Documentary, archived from the original on 2019-11-06, retrieved 2017-10-26"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun's mummy"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ a b Brand, P. (ed.). \"Under a Deep Blue Starry Sky\" (PDF). Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane. pp.\u00a017\u201321. Archived from the original on 2013-10-12."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun's meteoric iron dagger"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ AncientHistory (2014-12-16), 'Queen Nefertiti' The Most Beautiful Face of Egypt (Discovery Channel), archived from the original on 2017-03-08, retrieved 2017-10-26"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tutankhamun's trumpets"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Badger Utopia (2017-08-11), Nefertiti - Mummy Queen of Mystery, retrieved 2017-10-26"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Notes"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Reeves, Nicholas. Akhenaten: Egypt's False Prophet. p.172 Thames & Hudson. 2005. ISBN\u00a00-500-28552-7"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Egyptological pronunciation; Ancient Egyptian: twt-\ua725n\u1e2b-jmn."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Van der Perre, Athena (2012). Seyfried, Friederike (ed.). In the Light of Amarna\u00a0: 100 Years of the Nefertiti discovery. \u00c4gyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. pp.\u00a0196\u2013197. ISBN\u00a0978-3-86568-848-4."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ The relief depicts a child in the arms of a nurse outside a chamber in which Meketaten is being mourned by her parents and siblings, which has been interpreted to indicate she died in childbirth.[27]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Van der Perre, Athena (18 August 2014). \"The Year 16 graffito of Akhenaten in Dayr Ab\u016b \u1e24innis. A Contribution to the Study of the Later Years of Nefertiti\". Journal of Egyptian History. 7 (1): 68. doi:10.1163/18741665-12340014."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Part of this interpretation is based on the inscribed block from Hermopolis, which names a 'King's Son' in conjunction with a 'King's Daughter'.[29]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Van der Perre, Athena (2012). Seyfried, Friederike (ed.). In the Light of Amarna\u00a0: 100 Years of the Nefertiti discovery. \u00c4gyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. p.\u00a0197. ISBN\u00a0978-3-86568-848-4."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Tutankhamun's Horus Name was Ka nakht tut mesut,[3] translated as; Victorious bull, the (very) image of (re)birth.[5]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Van der Perre, Athena (18 August 2014). \"The Year 16 graffito of Akhenaten in Dayr Ab\u016b \u1e24innis. A Contribution to the Study of the Later Years of Nefertiti\". Journal of Egyptian History. 7 (1): 73. doi:10.1163/18741665-12340014."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ His second full nomen (also called the Son of Re Name) was; Tut ankh imen, heqa iunu shemau, translated as; The living image of Amun, Ruler of Southern Heliopolis.[5]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Van der Perre, Athena (18 August 2014). \"The Year 16 graffito of Akhenaten in Dayr Ab\u016b \u1e24innis. A Contribution to the Study of the Later Years of Nefertiti\". Journal of Egyptian History. 7 (1): 76. doi:10.1163/18741665-12340014."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Tutankahmun's Nebty or Two Ladies Name was; (1): Nefer hepu, segereh tawy,[3] translated as; Perfect of laws, who has quieted down the Two Lands.[5] (2): Nefer hepu, segereh tawy sehetep netjeru nebu, translated as; Perfect of laws, who has quieted down the Two Lands and pacified all the gods.[5] (3): Wer ah imen, translated as; The great one of the palace of Amun.[53]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Van der Perre, Athena (18 August 2014). \"The Year 16 graffito of Akhenaten in Dayr Ab\u016b \u1e24innis. A Contribution to the Study of the Later Years of Nefertiti\". Journal of Egyptian History. 7 (1): 77. doi:10.1163/18741665-12340014."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Tutankhamun's Gold Falcon Name was: (1): Wetjes khau, sehetep netjeru[3] translated as; Elevated of appearances, who has satisfied the gods.[5] *Gold Falcon name (2): Wetjes khau it ef ra, translates as; Who has elevated the appearances of his father Re.[53]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Murnane, William J. (1995). Texts from the Amarna period in Egypt. United States of America: Scholars Press. p.\u00a078. ISBN\u00a01-55540-966-0."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Tutankhamun's Prenomen (Throne Name) was: Neb kheperu re,[3][53] translated as: The possessor of the manifestation of Re.[5] which had an epithet added: Heqa maat, translated as; Ruler of Maat.[53]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Dodson, Aidan (2018). Amarna sunset\u00a0: Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb, and the Egyptian counter-reformation (Revised\u00a0ed.). Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press. p.\u00a018. ISBN\u00a0978-977-416-859-8."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Karl Kitchen, a reporter for the Boston Globe, wrote in 1924 that a boy named Mohamed Gorgar had found the step; he interviewed Gorgar, who did not say whether the story was true.[134] Lee Keedick, the organiser of Carter's American lecture tour, said Carter attributed the discovery to an unnamed boy carrying water for the workmen.[135] Many recent accounts, such as the 2018 book Tutankhamun: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh by the Egyptologist Zahi Hawass, identify the water-boy as Hussein Abd el-Rassul, a member of a prominent local family. Hawass says he heard this story from el-Rassul in person. Another Egyptologist, Christina Riggs, suggests the story may instead be a conflation of Keedick's account, which was widely publicised by the 1978 book Tutankhamun: The Untold Story by Thomas Hoving, with el-Rassul's long-standing claim to have been the boy who was photographed wearing one of Tutankhamun's pectorals in 1926.[136]"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Kemp, Barry (2014). The city of Akhenaten and Nefertiti\u00a0: Amarna and its people (Paperback\u00a0ed.). New York: Thames & Hudson. p.\u00a0255. ISBN\u00a0978-0-500-29120-7."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Citations"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Kemp, Barry. The Amarna Royal Tombs at Amarna (PDF). p.\u00a06. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2022-10-09. Retrieved 1 July 2019."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b Clayton 2006, p.\u00a0128."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Martin, Sean (August 11, 2015). \"Archaeologist believes hidden passageway in tomb of Tutankhamun leads to resting place of Nefertiti\". International Business Times."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b c d e Osing & Dreyer 1987, pp.\u00a0110\u2013123."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ \"Radar Scans in King Tut's Tomb Suggest Hidden Chambers\". National Geographic News. 28 November 2015. Retrieved 30 June 2019."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b c d e f g h \"Digital Egypt for Universities: Tutankhamun\". University College London. 22 June 2003. Retrieved 5 August 2006."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Sambuelli, Luigi; Comina, Cesare; Catanzariti, Gianluca; Barsuglia, Filippo; Morelli, Gianfranco; Porcelli, Francesco (May 2019). \"The third KV62 radar scan: Searching for hidden chambers adjacent to Tutankhamun's tomb\". Journal of Cultural Heritage. 39: 8. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2019.04.001. S2CID\u00a0164859865."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Leprohon 2013, p.\u00a0227."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Sambuelli, Luigi; Comina, Cesare; Catanzariti, Gianluca; Barsuglia, Filippo; Morelli, Gianfranco; Porcelli, Francesco (May 2019). \"The third KV62 radar scan: Searching for hidden chambers adjacent to Tutankhamun's tomb\". Journal of Cultural Heritage. 39: 9. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2019.04.001. S2CID\u00a0164859865."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b c d e f g h i j k Leprohon 2013, p.\u00a0206."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ James, Susan E. (Summer 2001). \"Who is Mummy Elder Lady?\". KMT. Vol.\u00a012, no.\u00a02."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass et al. 2010, pp.\u00a0640\u2013641."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Harris, James E.; Wente, Edward F.; Cox, Charles F.; El Nawaway, Ibrahim; Kowalski, Charles J.; Storey, Arthur T.; Russell, William R.; Ponitz, Paul V.; Walker, Geoffrey F. (1978). \"Mummy of the \"Elder Lady\" in the Tomb of Amenhotep II: Egyptian Museum Catalog Number 61070\". Science. 200 (4346): 1149\u201351. Bibcode:1978Sci...200.1149H. doi:10.1126/science.349693. JSTOR\u00a01746491. PMID\u00a0349693."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b \"Tutankhamun or Tutankhamen\". Collins English Dictionary. n.d. Retrieved 24 September 2014."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Hawass, Z.; Gad, Y. Z.; Ismail, S.; Khairat, R.; Fathalla, D.; Hasan, N.; Ahmed, A.; Elleithy, H.; Ball, M.; Gaballah, F.; Wasef, S.; Fateen, M.; Amer, H.; Gostner, P.; Selim, A.; Zink, A.; Pusch, C. M. (2010). \"Ancestry and pathology in King Tutankhamun's family\". JAMA. 303 (7): 638\u201347. doi:10.1001/jama.2010.121. PMID\u00a020159872."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b Morkot 2004, p.\u00a0161."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ \"Weekly Column - Dr. Zahi Hawass\". 27 September 2007. Archived from the original on September 27, 2007. Retrieved 8 June 2016.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b Redford 2003, p.\u00a085."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Hawass, Zahi; Gad, Yehia Z.; Somaia, Ismail; Khairat, Rabab; Fathalla, Dina; Hasan, Naglaa; Ahmed, Amal; Elleithy, Hisham; Ball, Markus; Gaballah, Fawzi; Wasef, Sally; Fateen, Mohamed; Amer, Hany; Gostner, Paul; Selim, Ashraf; Zink, Albert; Pusch, Carsten M. (February 17, 2010). \"Ancestry and Pathology in King Tutankhamun's Family\". Journal of the American Medical Association. Chicago, Illinois: American Medical Association. 303 (7): 638\u2013647. doi:10.1001/jama.2010.121. ISSN\u00a01538-3598. PMID\u00a020159872. Retrieved May 24, 2020."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Tyldesley, Joyce. Tutankhamen: The Search for an Egyptian King. Basic Books, 2012."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Hawass, Zahi; Saleem, Sahar N. (2016). Scanning the Pharaohs: CT Imaging of the New Kingdom Royal Mummies. New York: American University in Cairo Press. pp.\u00a0132\u2013142. ISBN\u00a0978-977-416-673-0."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Skelly, Susan; University, Macquarie. \"Why Tutankhamun's tomb remains one of the greatest archaeological discoveries ever made\". phys.org. Retrieved 15 February 2023."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ a b c G\u00fcterbock, Hans Gustav (June 1956). \"The Deeds of Suppiluliuma as Told by His Son, Mursili II (Continued)\". Journal of Cuneiform Studies. 10 (3): 75\u201398. doi:10.2307/1359312. JSTOR\u00a01359312. S2CID\u00a0163670780."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ \"Six archaeological discoveries to rival Tutankhamun's tomb\". New Scientist. Retrieved 15 February 2023."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Schulman, Alan R. (1979). \"Diplomatic Marriage in the Egyptian New Kingdom\". Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 38 (3): 179\u2013180. doi:10.1086/372739. JSTOR\u00a0544713. S2CID\u00a0161228521."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Schwarzer, Marjorie; Museums, American Association of (2006). Riches, Rivals & Radicals: 100 Years of Museums in America. American Association of Museums. p.\u00a0152. ISBN\u00a0978-1-933253-05-3. Retrieved 17 July 2022."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ G\u00fcterbock, Hans Gustav (September 1956). \"The Deeds of Suppiluliuma as Told by His Son, Mursili II\". Journal of Cuneiform Studies. 10 (4): 107\u2013130. doi:10.2307/1359585. JSTOR\u00a01359585. S2CID\u00a0224824543."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Bennett, J. (1939). The Restoration Inscription of Tut'ankham\u016bn. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 25(1), 8\u201315."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Amelie Kuhrt (1997). The Ancient Middle East c. 3000 \u2013 330 BC. Vol.\u00a01. London: Routledge. p.\u00a0254."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Eaton-Krauss, M. (2016). The Unknown Tutankhamun. Bloomsbury Publishing."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Lloyd, Alan B. (6 May 2010). A Companion to Ancient Egypt. John Wiley & Sons. p.\u00a014. ISBN\u00a0978-1-4443-2006-0. Retrieved 19 April 2022."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Kawai, N. (2010). Ay versus horemheb: the political situation in the late eighteenth dynasty revisited. Journal of Egyptian History, 3(2), 261\u2013292."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Darnell, John Coleman; Manassa, Colleen (3 August 2007). Tutankhamun's Armies: Battle and Conquest During Ancient Egypt's Late Eighteenth Dynasty. John Wiley & Sons. p.\u00a0186. ISBN\u00a0978-0-471-74358-3. Retrieved 19 April 2022."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Booth, C. (2009). Horemheb: the forgotten pharaoh. Amberley Publishing Limited."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Matthews, Roger; Roemer, Cornelia, eds. (16 September 2016). Ancient Perspectives on Egypt. Routledge. p.\u00a098. ISBN\u00a0978-1-315-43491-9. Retrieved 19 April 2022."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Reeves 1990, p.\u00a024."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Grajetzki, Wolfram (2000). Ancient Egyptian Queens; a hieroglyphic dictionary. London: Golden House. p.\u00a064."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Williamson 2015, p.\u00a01."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Nicholas Reeves,Tutankhamun's Mask Reconsidered BES 19 (2014), pp.523"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, pp.\u00a035\u201337."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "^ Johnson, W. Raymond (1996). \"Amenhotep III and Amarna: Some New Considerations\". The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 82: 76. doi:10.1177/030751339608200112. JSTOR\u00a03822115. S2CID\u00a0193461821."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Ridley 2019, p.\u00a0276."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Works cited[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b c d Hawass et al. 2010, pp.\u00a0638\u2013647."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Dodson, Aidan (2016) [1st pub. 2014]. Amarna Sunrise. Egypt from Golden Age to Age of Heresy. Cairo; New York City: American University in Cairo Press. ISBN\u00a09781617975608."} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson & Hilton 2010, p.\u00a0149."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "External links[edit]"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Tawfik, Thomas & Hegenbarth-Reichardt 2018, p.\u00a0180."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertiti at Wikipedia's sister projects"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Tyldesley 2012, p.\u00a0167."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Media from CommonsQuotations from Wikiquote"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Ridley 2019, p.\u00a013."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Staatliche Museen zu Berlin: Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection Archived 2010-07-02 at the Wayback Machine"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Arnold et al. 1996, p.\u00a0115."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "C. Nicholas Reeves: The Burial of Nefertiti?"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Brand & Cooper 2009, p.\u00a088."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Habicht M. et al: Who else might be in Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb (KV 62, c. 1325 BC)?"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, p.\u00a013."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "A 3D model of a bust of Nefertiti"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Gabolde 2000, pp.\u00a0107\u2013110."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "vteQueens of Ancient EgyptProtodynastic Period to First Intermediate Period \u00a0(<3150\u20132040 BC)PeriodDynasty"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Tawfik, Thomas & Hegenbarth-Reichardt 2018, pp.\u00a0179\u2013195."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Pharaoh"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Zivie 1998, pp.\u00a033\u201354."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "uncertain"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Gundlach & Taylor 2009, p.\u00a0160."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Early Dynastic(3150\u20132686 BC)I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b c d e Hawass et al. 2010, pp.\u00a0642\u2013645."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Neithhotep"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass & Saleem 2016, p.\u00a0123."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Benerib"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Gad et al. 2020, p.\u00a011."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khenthap"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson & Hilton 2010, p.\u00a0146."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Herneith"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, pp.\u00a016\u201317."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nakhtneith"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Eaton-Krauss 2016, pp.\u00a06\u201310."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Penebui"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b Hawass & Saleem 2011, pp.\u00a0W829\u2013W831."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Merneith"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass & Saleem 2016, p.\u00a089."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Seshemetka"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass 2004, p.\u00a056."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Semat"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ \"Classroom TUTorials: The Many Names of King Tutankhamun\" (PDF). Michael C. Carlos Museum. Archived from the original (PDF) on 19 October 2013. Retrieved 10 July 2013."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Serethor"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Baker & Baker 2001, p.\u00a0137."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Betrest"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, p.\u00a0112."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Cooney 2018, p.\u00a0361."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Menka"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Barclay 2006, p.\u00a062."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nimaathap"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Booysen 2013, p.\u00a0188."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Old Kingdom(2686\u20132181 BC)III"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Booth 2007, p.\u00a0120."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Hetephernebti"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Robinson 2009, pp.\u00a090\u201391."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Djeseretnebti"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b Collier & Manley 2003, p.\u00a028."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Djefatnebti"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Toby A.H. Wilkinson (11 September 2002). Early Dynastic Egypt. Routledge. p.\u00a0172. ISBN\u00a0978-1-134-66420-7."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meresankh I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b c d e Leprohon 2013, pp.\u00a01\u201315."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "IV"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. Egypt Exploration Fund. 1998. p.\u00a0212."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Hetepheres I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b Eaton-Krauss 2016, pp.\u00a028\u201329."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meritites I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, pp.\u00a048\u201349."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Henutsen"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Reeves 1990, p.\u00a0153."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khentetka"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hornung 1999, p.\u00a0117."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meresankh II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, p.\u00a048."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Hetepheres II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, p.\u00a049."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meresankh III"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, pp.\u00a064\u201365."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khamerernebty I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hornung 1999, p.\u00a0116."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Persenet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, p.\u00a061."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Hekenuhedjet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, p.\u00a063."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khamerernebty II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, p.\u00a064."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Rekhetre"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Darnell & Manassa 2007, p.\u00a049."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Bunefer"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b c Tyldesley 2012, p.\u00a0207."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "V"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hornung 1999, p.\u00a064\u201366."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khentkaus I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Gilbert, Holt & Hudson 1976, pp.\u00a028\u20139."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Neferhetepes"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Darnell & Manassa 2007."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meretnebty"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ \"Reimagining Tutankhamun as a Warrior\". Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved 1 August 2023."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khentkaus II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Blakely, R. (2023, June 9). King Tut \u2018was more teen dynamo than frail pharaoh.\u2019 The Sunday Times. Retrieved June 11, 2023, from https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/c6d309ca-06ff-11ee-b1f9-dbcd37af20fb?shareToken=8d145fd9fd75ece4f9a48004aaf71812"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khentkaus III"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b Booth 2007, pp.\u00a086\u201387."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Reptynub"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Erik Hornung, Akhenaten and the Religion of Light, Translated by David Lorton, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2001, ISBN\u00a00-8014-8725-0. p."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khuit I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Forbes, D. C. (2000). \"Seven Battered Osiride Figures in the Cairo Museum and the Sphinx Avenue of Tutankhamen at Karnak\". Amarna Letters. 4: 82\u201387."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meresankh IV"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, p.\u00a070."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Setibhor"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Darnell & Manassa 2007, p.\u00a050."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nebet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, pp.\u00a066\u201367."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khenut"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dodson 2009, pp.\u00a066\u201368."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nimaethap II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Reeves 1990, pp.\u00a072\u201373."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "VI"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass & Saleem 2016, p.\u00a094."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Iput I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Carter, Howard; Derry, Douglas E. (1927). The Tomb of Tutankhamen. Cassel and Company, LTD. p.\u00a0157."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khuit II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Pausch, Niels Christian; Naether, Franziska; Krey, Karl Friedrich (December 2015). \"Tutankhamun's Dentition: The Pharaoh and his Teeth\". Brazilian Dental Journal. 26 (6): 701\u2013704. doi:10.1590/0103-6440201300431. PMID\u00a026963220. Retrieved 8 January 2020."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ankhesenpepi I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Vogelsang-Eastwood, G. M. (1999). Tutankhamun's Wardrobe\u00a0: garments from the tomb of Tutankhamun. Rotterdam: Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn. pp.\u00a018\u201319. ISBN\u00a090-5613-042-0."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ankhesenpepi II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Paulshock, Bernadine Z. (11 July 1980). \"Tutankhamun and His Brothers\". JAMA. 244 (2): 160\u2013164. doi:10.1001/jama.1980.03310020036024."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nubwenet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Walshe 1973, pp.\u00a0109\u2013110."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meritites IV"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Markel, H. (17 February 2010). \"King Tutankhamun, modern medical science, and the expanding boundaries of historical inquiry\". JAMA. 303 (7): 667\u2013668. doi:10.1001/jama.2010.153. PMID\u00a020159878."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Inenek-Inti"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Ashrafian, Hutan (September 2012). \"Familial epilepsy in the pharaohs of ancient Egypt's eighteenth dynasty\". Epilepsy & Behavior. 25 (1): 23\u201331. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2012.06.014. PMID\u00a022980077. S2CID\u00a020771815."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nedjeftet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Cavka, Mislav; Kelava, Tomislav (April 2013). \"Comment on: Familial epilepsy in the pharaohs of ancient Egypt's eighteenth dynasty\". Epilepsy & Behavior. 27 (1): 278. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2012.11.044. PMID\u00a023291226. S2CID\u00a043043052."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Neith"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ An X-ray atlas of the royal mummies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1980. pp.\u00a0207\u2013208. ISBN\u00a00226317455."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Iput II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass et al. 2010, p.\u00a0642."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Udjebten"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b Hawass & Saleem 2016, p.\u00a095."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ankhesenpepi III"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hussein, Kais; Matin, Ekatrina; Nerlich, Andreas G. (2013). \"Paleopathology of the juvenile Pharaoh Tutankhamun\u201490th anniversary of discovery\". Virchows Archiv. 463 (3): 475\u2013479. doi:10.1007/s00428-013-1441-1. PMID\u00a023812343. S2CID\u00a01481224."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ankhesenpepi IV"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Marchant, Jo. \"New twist in the tale of Tutankhamun's club foot\". New Scientist. Retrieved 2 February 2022."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nitocris"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Gamble, James G. (23 June 2010). \"King Tutankhamun's Family and Demise\". JAMA. 303 (24): 2472, author reply 2473\u20135. doi:10.1001/jama.2010.820. PMID\u00a020571009."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period \u00a0(2040\u20131550 BC)PeriodDynasty"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Gad, Yehia Z.; Selim, Ashraf; Pusch, Carsten M. (23 June 2010). \"King Tutankhamun's Family and Demise\u2014Reply\". 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NBC News. 10 May 2005."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tem"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass & Saleem 2016, p.\u00a0252."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Neferu II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Smith, Stuart Tyson (1 January 2008). \"Review of From Slave to Pharaoh: The Black Experience of Ancient Egypt by Donald Redford\". Near Eastern Archaeology 71:3."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ashayet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass, Zahi. \"Tutankhamon, segreti di famiglia\". National Geographic (in Italian). Archived from the original on 20 May 2013. Retrieved 2 June 2013."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Henhenet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass et al. 2010."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Sadeh"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Timmann & Meyer 2010, p.\u00a01279."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Kawit"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Marchant 2010."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Kemsit"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Harrison, R. G.; Abdalla, A. B. (March 1972). \"The remains of Tutankhamun\". Antiquity. 46 (181): 11. doi:10.1017/S0003598X00053072. S2CID\u00a0162450016."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "XII"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass & Saleem 2016, pp.\u00a0101\u2013102."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Neferitatjenen"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Boyer, R.S.; Rodin, E.A.; Grey, T.C.; Connolly, R.C. (2003). \"The skull and cervical spine radiographs of Tutankhamen: a critical appraisal\" (PDF). AJNR. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 24 (6): 1142\u20137. PMC\u00a08149017. PMID\u00a012812942. Retrieved 15 September 2019."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Neferu III"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Knapp, Alex. \"Forensic Experts Claim That King Tut Died In A Chariot Accident\". Forbes. Retrieved 2 September 2019."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Keminub"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Harer, W. Benson (2011). \"New evidence for King Tutankhamen's death: his bizarre embalming\". The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 97 (1): 228\u2013233. doi:10.1177/030751331109700120. JSTOR\u00a023269903. S2CID\u00a0194860857."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Senet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Harrison, R. G.; Abdalla, A. B. (March 1972). \"The remains of Tutankhamun\". Antiquity. 46 (181): 9. doi:10.1017/S0003598X00053072. S2CID\u00a0162450016."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khenemetneferhedjet I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Forbes, Dennis; Ikram, Salima; Kamrin, Janice (2007). \"Tutankhamen's Missing Ribs\". KMT. Vol.\u00a018, no.\u00a01. p.\u00a056."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nofret II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Gad, Yehia (2020). \"Maternal and paternal lineages in King Tutankhamun's family\". Guardian of Ancient Egypt: Essays in Honor of Zahi Hawass. Czech Institute of Egyptology. pp.\u00a0497\u2013518. ISBN\u00a0978-80-7308-979-5."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khenmet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Gad, Yehia (2020). \"Insights from ancient DNA analysis of Egyptian human mummies: clues to disease and kinship\". Human Molecular Genetics. 30 (R1): R24\u2013R28. doi:10.1093/hmg/ddaa223. PMID\u00a033059357."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khenemetneferhedjet II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass, Zahi (2010). \"Ancestry and pathology in King Tutankhamun's family\". JAMA. 303 (7): 638\u2013647. doi:10.1001/jama.2010.121. PMID\u00a020159872."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Neferthenut"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass, Zahi; et\u00a0al. (2012). \"Revisiting the harem conspiracy and death of Ramesses III: anthropological, forensic, radiological, and genetic study\". BMJ. 345 (e8268): e8268. doi:10.1136/bmj.e8268. hdl:10072/62081. PMID\u00a023247979. S2CID\u00a0206896841."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meretseger"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ \"Analysis of the short tandem repeat (STR) data published on Ramesses III and the Amarna ancient royal family (including Tutankhamun) showed a majority to have an affinity with"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Aat"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "\"sub-Saharan\" Africans in one affinity analysis, which does not mean that they lacked other affiliations\u2014an important point that typological thinking obscures\". Keita, S. O. Y. (September 2022). \"Ideas about \"Race\" in Nile Valley Histories: A Consideration of \"Racial\" Paradigms in Recent Presentations on Nile Valley Africa, from \"Black Pharaohs\" to Mummy Genomest\". Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections. 35: 93\u2013127.(subscription required)"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khenemetneferhedjet III"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hawass 2004, p.\u00a073."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Sobekneferu"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ \"The Golden Age of Tutankhamun: Divine Might and Splendour in the New Kingdom\", Zahi Hawass, p. 61, American University in Cairo Press, 2004, ISBN\u00a0977-424-836-8"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "2nd Intermediate(1802\u20131550 BC)XIII"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Mascort, Maite (12 April 2018). \"How Howard Carter Almost Missed Finding King Tut's Tomb\". National Geographic. Retrieved 12 July 2019."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nofret"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ T. G. H. James (2006). Howard Carter: The Path to Tutankhamun. Tauris Parke Paperbacks. p.\u00a0191. ISBN\u00a0978-1-84511-258-5."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nubhetepti"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Davis, Theodore M. (2001). The tombs of Harmhabi and Touat\u00e2nkhamanou (Paperback\u00a0ed.). Duckworth Publishers. ISBN\u00a00-7156-3072-5."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Senebhenas"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Richard H. Wilkinson; Kent R. Weeks (2016). The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings. Oxford University Press. p.\u00a0491. ISBN\u00a0978-0-19-993163-7."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Neni"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Howard Carter (23 October 2014). The Tomb of Tutankhamun: Volume 1: Search, Discovery and Clearance of the Antechamber. Bloomsbury Publishing. p.\u00a059. ISBN\u00a0978-1-4725-7687-3."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Senebsen"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Reeves & Wilkinson 1996, p.\u00a081."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tjan"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Reeves & Wilkinson 1996, pp.\u00a09, 11."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ineni"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Tyldesley 2012, pp.\u00a026\u201327."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nubkhaes"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ James 2000, pp.\u00a0250\u2013251."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Aya"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Thompson 2018, p.\u00a046."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Abetni"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Winstone 2006, pp.\u00a0137\u2013138."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Satsobek"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Riggs 2021, p.\u00a0297."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "XIV"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ James 2000, p.\u00a0255."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tati"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Riggs 2021, pp.\u00a0296\u2013298, 407."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "XVI"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Howard Carter; A. C. Mace (19 October 2012). The Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamen. Courier Corporation. p.\u00a0178. ISBN\u00a0978-0-486-14182-4."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Mentuhotep"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Alberge, Dalya (13 August 2022). \"Howard Carter stole Tutankhamun's treasure, new evidence suggests\". The Observer. ISSN\u00a00029-7712. Retrieved 15 February 2023."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "XVII"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Williams, A. R. (24 November 2015). \"King Tut: The Teen Whose Death Rocked Egypt\". National Geographic News. Retrieved 26 November 2015."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nubemhat"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Daniela Comelli; Massimo D'orazio; Luigi Folco; Mahmud El\u2010Halwagy; Tommaso Frizzi; Roberto Alberti; Valentina Capogrosso; Abdelrazek Elnaggar; Hala Hassan; Austin Nevin; Franco Porcelli; Mohamed G. Rashed; Gianluca Valentini; et\u00a0al. (2016). \"The meteoritic origin of Tutankhamun's iron dagger blade \u2013 Comelli \u2013 2016 \u2013 Meteoritics & Planetary Science \u2013 Wiley Online Library\". Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 51 (7): 1301. Bibcode:2016M&PS...51.1301C. doi:10.1111/maps.12664."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Sobekemsaf"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Walsh, Declan (2 June 2016). \"King Tut's Dagger Made of 'Iron From the Sky,' Researchers Say\". The New York Times. Retrieved 4 June 2016."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Haankhes"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Broschat, Katja (2022). Iron from Tutankhamun's tomb. Florian Str\u00f6bele, Christian Koeberl, Christian Eckmann, Eid Mertah, Manon Schutz. Cairo. ISBN\u00a0978-1-64903-032-0. OCLC\u00a01346417460.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tetisheri"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Broschat, Katja (2022). Tutanchamuns Mumienmaske Chronographie einer Ikone. Christian Eckmann, Tarek Tawfik, Thilo Rehren, Myrt\u014d Ge\u014drgakopulu, Stavroula Golfomitsou, Anja Cramer, Guido Heinz, Verlag des R\u00f6misch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums. Mainz am Rhein. ISBN\u00a0978-3-88467-356-0. OCLC\u00a01376256828.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ahhotep I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Reeves 2015, p.\u00a0523."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ahmose Inhapy"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Tawfik, Thomas & Hegenbarth-Reichardt 2018, pp.\u00a0181, 192."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Sitdjehuti"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Ridley 2019, pp.\u00a0263\u2013265."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ahhotep II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Michael McCarthy (5 October 2007). \"3,000 years old: the face of Tutankhaten\". The Independent. London. Archived from the original on 5 November 2007."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period \u00a0(1550\u2013664 BC)PeriodDynasty"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Nada Deyaa' (3 February 2019). \"Long awaited for Tutankhamun's tomb reopened after restoration\". Daily News Egypt. Retrieved 2 September 2019."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Pharaoh"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hankey, Julie (2007). A Passion for Egypt: Arthur Weigall, Tutankhamun and the 'Curse of the Pharaohs'. Tauris Parke Paperbacks. pp.\u00a03\u20135. ISBN\u00a0978-1-84511-435-0."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "uncertain"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b Kathryn A. Bard (27 January 2015). An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. John Wiley & Sons. p.\u00a0249. ISBN\u00a0978-0-470-67336-2."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "New Kingdom(1550\u20131070 BC)XVIII"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Carl Nicholas Reeves (1993). Howard Carter: Before Tutankhamun. H.N. Abrams. pp.\u00a062\u2013156. ISBN\u00a0978-0-8109-3186-2."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ahmose-Nefertari"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Lorna Oakes; Lucia Gahlin (2005). Ancient Egypt: an illustrated reference to the myths, religions, pyramids and temples of the land of the pharaohs. Hermes House. p.\u00a0495. ISBN\u00a0978-1-84477-451-7."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ahmose-Sitkamose"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Gordon, Stuart (1995). The Book of Spells, Hexes, and Curses. New York: Carol Publishing Group. ISBN\u00a0978-08065-1675-2."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ahmose-Henuttamehu"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ David Vernon in Skeptical \u2013 a Handbook of Pseudoscience and the Paranormal, ed. Donald Laycock, David Vernon, Colin Groves, Simon Brown, Imagecraft, Canberra, 1989, ISBN\u00a00-7316-5794-2, p. 25."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ahmose-Meritamun"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Bill Price (21 January 2009). Tutankhamun, Egypt's Most Famous Pharaoh. Harpenden\u00a0: Pocket Essentials. p.\u00a0138. ISBN\u00a09781842432402."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ahmose"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ \"Death Claims Noted Biblical Archaeologist\". Lodi News-Sentinel. 8 September 1961. Retrieved 9 May 2014."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Mutnofret"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Carter, Howard; Mace, A.C. (1977). The Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamen. Dover Publications. ISBN\u00a00486235009."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Hatshepsut"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b Coniam, Matthew (2017). Egyptomania Goes to the Movies: From Archaeology to Popular Craze to Hollywood Fantasy. McFarland & Company. pp.\u00a042\u201344. ISBN\u00a09781476668284. Retrieved 18 July 2022. ...on May 19, [1923] when Motion Picture News reported that to further assist its exhibitors Fox had arranged with Harry Von Tilzer for a special and complete orchestration titled \"Old King Tut\" ... Sophie Tucker performed it in The Pepper Box Revue and recorded it for Okeh Records both with sufficient success that she took out an ad in Variety ..."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Iset"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Paul, Gill. \"1920s \"Tutmania\" and its Enduring Echoes | History News Network\". historynewsnetwork.org. History News Network. Retrieved 17 July 2022. Tutmania seeped into popular culture with the 1923 song \"Old King Tut\", a stage magician who called himself \"Carter the Great\", and the iconic 1932 horror film The Mummy, written by a journalist who had covered the discovery of the tomb. President Herbert Hoover even called his pet dog King Tut!"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Satiah"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Edward Chaney (2020). \"'Mummy First, Statue After': Wyndham Lewis, Diffusionism, Mosaic Distinctions and the Egyptian Origins of Art\". In Dobson, Eleanor; Tonks, Nichola (eds.). Ancient Egypt in the Modern Imagination: Art, Literature and Culture. Bloomsbury Publishing. p.\u00a072. ISBN\u00a09781786736703. Tutankhamun's popularity was such that a hit song ... was launched by Billy Jones and Ernie Hare under the title 'Old King Tut Was a (Wise Old Nut)'."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Merytre-Hatshepsut"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ \"The First Family's Pets\". hoover.archives.gov. The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum. 8 May 2017. Retrieved 12 July 2019."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nebtu"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ \"Sensational Steve Martin\". Time. 24 August 1987. Archived from the original on 21 December 2010. Retrieved 19 September 2010."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Menhet, Menwi and Merti"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Travel and Tourism Market Research Yearbook. Richard K. Miller Associates. 2008. p.\u00a0200. ISBN\u00a09781577831365."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nebsemi"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b c Sarah Anne Hughes (20 June 2019). Museum and Gallery Publishing: From Theory to Case Study. Taylor & Francis. p.\u00a036. ISBN\u00a0978-1-317-09309-1."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tiaa"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ William Carruthers (11 July 2014). Histories of Egyptology: Interdisciplinary Measures. Routledge. p.\u00a0168. ISBN\u00a0978-1-135-01457-5."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertari"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ a b c \"\u30c4\u30bf\u30f3\u30ab\u30fc\u30e1\u30f3\u5c55\" (in Japanese). Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties. 11 December 2021. Retrieved 11 June 2022."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Iaret"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Thomas R.H. Havens (14 July 2014). Artist and Patron in Postwar Japan: Dance, Music, Theater, and the Visual Arts, 1955\u20131980. Princeton University Press. p.\u00a0134. ISBN\u00a0978-1-4008-5539-1."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Mutemwiya"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ \"Record visitor figures\". British Museum. Retrieved 9 December 2018."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tiye"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Mona L. Russell (2013). Egypt. ABC-CLIO. p.\u00a0260. ISBN\u00a0978-1-59884-233-3."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Gilukhipa"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Riggs 2018, p.\u00a0216."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Sitamun"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Hindley, Meredith (September 2015). \"King Tut: A Classic Blockbuster Museum Exhibition That Began as a Diplomatic Gesture\". Humanities. Vol.\u00a036, no.\u00a05. Retrieved 22 September 2023."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Iset"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Paul Cartledge; Fiona Rose Greenland (20 January 2010). Responses to Oliver Stone's Alexander: Film, History, and Cultural Studies. Univ of Wisconsin Press. p.\u00a0330. ISBN\u00a0978-0-299-23283-2."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tadukhipa / Kiya"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Fritze 2016, p.\u00a0242."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertiti"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Nici 2015, p.\u00a031."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meritaten"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Proceedings of the 1st International Conference in Safety and Crisis Management in the Construction, Tourism and SME Sectors. Universal-Publishers. p.\u00a0254. ISBN\u00a0978-1-61233-557-5."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Neferneferuaten"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Jenny Booth (6 January 2005). \"CT scan may solve Tutankhamun death riddle\". The Times. London: Times Newspapers Limited."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ankhesenamun"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ \"Tutankhamun exhibition to be hosted in Sydney in 2021 \u2013 Egypt Today\". Egypt Today. 16 June 2018. Retrieved 30 August 2019."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tey"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Dowson, Thomas (22 February 2019). \"Tutankhamun: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh 2019 \u2013 2023\". Archaeology Travel. Retrieved 31 July 2021."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Mutnedjmet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ Mira Maged (20 March 2019). \"King Tutankhamun exhibition in Paris sells 130,000 tickets \u2013 Egypt Independent\". Al-Masry Al-Youm. Retrieved 30 August 2019."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nebetnehat"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "^ \"Blockbuster King Tut Exhibitions and their Fascinating History\". Art & Object. Retrieved 3 July 2022."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "XIX"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "References"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Sitre"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Arnold, Dorothea; Metropolitan Museum of Art Staff; Green, L.; Allen, James P. (1996). The Royal Women of Amarna: Images of Beauty from Ancient Egypt. Metropolitan Museum of Art. ISBN\u00a0978-0-87099-816-4. OCLC\u00a035292712."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tuya"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Baker, Rosalie F.; Baker, Charles F. (2001). Ancient Egyptians: People of the Pyramids. Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN\u00a0978-0-19-512221-3."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tanedjemet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Barclay, John M.G. (2006). Flavius Josephus: Translation and Commentary, Volume 10: Against Apion. BRILL. ISBN\u00a0978-90-474-0405-7."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nefertari"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Booysen, Riaan (2013). Thera and the Exodus: The Exodus Explained in Terms of Natural Phenomena and the Human Response to It. John Hunt Publishing. ISBN\u00a0978-1-78099-450-5."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Isetnofret"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Brand, Peter Peter James; Cooper, Louise (2009). Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane. BRILL. ISBN\u00a0978-90-04-17644-7. OCLC\u00a0318869912."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Henutmire"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Braun, David (2012). National Geographic Tales of the Weird: Unbelievable True Stories. National Geographic Society. ISBN\u00a0978-1-4262-0965-9."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Maathorneferure"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Booth, Charlotte (2007). The Boy Behind the Mask: Meeting the Real Tutankhamun. Oneworld. ISBN\u00a0978-1-85168-544-8. OCLC\u00a0191804020."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Meritamen"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Chyla, Julia; Rosi\u0144ska-Balik, Karolina; Debowska-Ludwin, Joanna (2017). Current Research in Egyptology 17. Oxbow Books. ISBN\u00a0978-1-78570-603-5. OCLC\u00a01029884966."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Bintanath"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Clayton, Peter A. (2006). Chronicle of the Pharaohs: The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson. ISBN\u00a0978-0-500-28628-9. OCLC\u00a0869729880."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nebettawy"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Collier, Mark; Manley, Bill (2003). How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs: A Step-by-step Guide to Teach Yourself. University of California Press. ISBN\u00a0978-0-520-23949-4. OCLC\u00a0705578614."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Merytre"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Cooney, Kathlyn M.; Jasnow, Richard (2015). Joyful in Thebes: Egyptological Studies in Honor of Betsy M. Bryan. Lockwood Press. ISBN\u00a0978-1-937040-41-3. OCLC\u00a0960643348."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Isetnofret II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Cooney, Kara (30 October 2018). When Women Ruled the World: Six Queens of Egypt. National Geographic Society. ISBN\u00a0978-1-4262-1978-8. OCLC\u00a01100619021."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Takhat"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Darnell, John Coleman; Manassa, Colleen (3 August 2007). Tutankhamun's Armies: Battle and Conquest During Ancient Egypt's Late Eighteenth Dynasty. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN\u00a0978-0-471-74358-3."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Twosret"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Dodson, Aidan (2009). Amarna Sunset: Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb, and the Egyptian Counter-Reformation. American University in Cairo Press. ISBN\u00a0978-1-61797-050-4. OCLC\u00a01055144573."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tiaa"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Dodson, Aidan; Hilton, Dyan (2010). The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson. ISBN\u00a0978-0-500-28857-3."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Anuketemheb"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Eaton-Krauss, Marianne (2016). The Unknown Tutankhamun. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN\u00a0978-1-4725-7563-0. OCLC\u00a01049775714."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "XX"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Gabolde, Marc (2000). D'Akhenaton \u00e0 Tout\u00e2nkhamon. Universit\u00e9 Lumi\u00e8re-Lyon 2, Institut d'arch\u00e9ologie et d'histoire de l'antiquit\u00e9. ISBN\u00a09782911971020. OCLC\u00a0607262790."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tiy-Merenese"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Gad, Yehia; Ismail, Somaia; Fathalla, Dina; Khairat, Rabab; Fares, Suzan; Gad, Ahmed Zakaria; Saad, Rama; Moustafa, Amal; ElShahat, Eslam; Mandil, Naglaa; Fateen, Mohamed; Elleithy, Hisham; Wasef, Sally; Zink, Albert; Hawass, Zahi; Pusch, Carsten (2020). \"Maternal and paternal lineages in King Tutankhamun's family\". Guardian of Ancient Egypt: Essays in Honor of Zahi Hawass. Czech Institute of Egyptology. pp.\u00a01\u201323. Retrieved 16 February 2022."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Iset Ta-Hemdjert"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Gilbert, Katherine Stoddert; Holt, Joan K.; Hudson, Sara, eds. (1976). Treasures of Tutankhamun. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. ISBN\u00a0978-0-87099-156-1. OCLC\u00a0865140073."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tyti"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Gundlach, Rolf; Taylor, John H. (2009). 4. Symposium Zur \u00c4gyptischen K\u00f6nigsideologie. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN\u00a0978-3-447-05888-9. OCLC\u00a0500749022."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tiye"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Fritze, Ronald H. (2016). Egyptomania: A History of Fascination, Obsession and Fantasy. Reaktion Books. ISBN\u00a0978-1-78023-685-8. OCLC\u00a01010951566."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Duatentopet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Hawass, Zahi; et\u00a0al. (17 February 2010). \"Ancestry and Pathology in King Tutankhamun's Family\" (PDF). The Journal of the American Medical Association. 303 (7): 638\u2013647. doi:10.1001/jama.2010.121. PMID\u00a020159872. Retrieved 27 August 2019."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Henutwati"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Hawass, Zahi (2004). The Golden Age of Tutankhamun. American Univ in Cairo Press. p.\u00a056. ISBN\u00a0978-977-424-836-8. OCLC\u00a056358390."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tawerettenru"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Hawass, Zahi; Saleem, Sahar (2016). Scanning the Pharaohs: CT Imaging of the New Kingdom Royal Mummies. Oxford University Press. ISBN\u00a0978-977-416-673-0. OCLC\u00a01078493215."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nubkhesbed"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Hawass, Zahi; Saleem, Sahar (2011). \"Mummified Daughters of King Tutankhamun: Archeologic and CT Studies\". American Journal of Roentgenology. 197 (5): W829\u2013W836. doi:10.2214/AJR.11.6837. ISSN\u00a00361-803X. PMID\u00a022021529."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Baketwernel"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Hornung, Erik (1999) [1995]. Akhenaten and the Religion of Light. Cornell University Press. ISBN\u00a0978-0-8014-8725-5."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tentamun"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Hoving, Thomas (2002). Tutankhamun: The Untold Story. Cooper Square Press. ISBN\u00a0978-1-4617-3214-3. OCLC\u00a03965932."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "3rd Intermediate(1069\u2013664 BC)XXI"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Ikram, Salima (2022). \"The Most Famous Mummy of All is Nebkheperure Tutankhamen's\". KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt. 33 (2): 10\u201321."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tentamun"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "James, T. G. H. (2000). Howard Carter: The Path to Tutankhamun, Second Edition. I. B. Tauris. ISBN\u00a0978-1-86064-615-7."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Mutnedjmet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Kozma, Chahira (2008). \"Skeletal dysplasia in ancient Egypt\". American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 146A (23): 3104\u20133112. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.32501. ISSN\u00a01552-4825. PMID\u00a019006207. S2CID\u00a020360474."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Karimala"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Leprohon, Ronald J. (2013). The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary. SBL Press. ISBN\u00a0978-1-58983-736-2."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "XXII"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Mackowiak, Philip A. (2013). Diagnosing Giants: Solving the Medical Mysteries of Thirteen Patients Who Changed the World. Oxford University Press. ISBN\u00a0978-0-19-936114-4."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Karomama"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Marchant, Jo (25 June 2010). \"Tutankhamen 'killed by sickle-cell disease'\". New Scientist. Retrieved 2 July 2021."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Patareshnes"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Morkot, Robert (10 November 2004). The Egyptians: An Introduction. Routledge. ISBN\u00a0978-1-134-48857-5. OCLC\u00a060448544."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Maatkare"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Nici, John (2015). Famous Works of Art\u2014And How They Got That Way. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISBN\u00a0978-1-4422-4955-4. OCLC\u00a01035635529."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tashedkhonsu"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Osing, J\u00fcrgen; Dreyer, G\u00fcnter (1987). Form und Mass: Beitr\u00e4ge zur Literatur, Sprache und Kunst des alten \u00c4gypten\u00a0: Festschrift f\u00fcr Gerhard Fecht zum 65. Geburtstag am 6. Februar 1987. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN\u00a0978-3-447-02704-5."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nesitaudjatakhet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Redford, Donald B. (2003). The Oxford Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology. Berkley Publishing Group. ISBN\u00a0978-0-425-19096-8."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nesitanebetashru"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Reeves, Carl Nicholas (1990). The Complete Tutankhamun: The King, the Tomb, the Royal Treasure. Thames and Hudson. ISBN\u00a0978-0-500-27810-9. OCLC\u00a01104938097."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Kapes"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Reeves, Nicholas (2015). \"Tutankhamun's Mask Reconsidered (2015)\". Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar. 19: 511\u2013526. Retrieved 7 September 2019 \u2013 via Academia.edu."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Karomama I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Reeves, Nicholas; Wilkinson, Richard H. (1996). The Complete Valley of the Kings. London: Thames and Hudson. OCLC\u00a0809290016."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tadibast III"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Ridley, Ronald T. (2019). Akhenaten: A Historian's View. Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press. ISBN\u00a0978-977-416-793-5. OCLC\u00a08993387156."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "XXIII"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Riggs, Christina (2018). Photographing Tutankhamun: Archaeology, Ancient Egypt, and the Archive. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN\u00a0978-1-350-03853-0. OCLC\u00a01114957945."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Karomama II"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Roberts, Peter (2006). HSC Ancient History. Pascal Press. ISBN\u00a0978-1-74125-179-1. OCLC\u00a0225398561."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "XXV"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Riggs, Christina (2021). Treasured: How Tutankhamun Shaped a Century. PublicAffairs. ISBN\u00a0978-1-5417-0121-2."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Pebatjma"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Robinson, Andrew (27 August 2009). Writing and Script: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. pp.\u00a090\u201391. ISBN\u00a0978-0-19-956778-2. OCLC\u00a0654777745."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tabiry"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tawfik, Tarek; Thomas, Susanna; Hegenbarth-Reichardt, Ina (2018). \"New Evidence for Tutankhamun's Parents: Revelations from the Grand Egyptian Museum\". Mitteilungen des Deutschen Arch\u00e4ologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo. 74: 179\u2013195. Retrieved 20 March 2021."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Abar"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Thompson, Jason (2018). Wonderful Things: A History of Egyptology, 3. From 1914 to the Twenty-First Century. American University in Cairo Press. ISBN\u00a0978-977-416-760-7."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khensa"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Timmann, Christian; Meyer, Christian G. (2010). \"Malaria, mummies, mutations: Tutankhamun's archaeological autopsy\". Tropical Medicine & International Health. 15 (11): 1278\u20131280. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2010.02614.x. ISSN\u00a01365-3156. PMID\u00a020723182. S2CID\u00a09019947."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Peksater"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Tyldesley, Joyce (2012). Tutankhamen: The Search for an Egyptian King. Basic Books. ISBN\u00a0978-0-465-02020-1."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Arty"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Walshe, J.M. (January 1973). \"Tutankhamun: Klinefelter's Or Wilson's?\". The Lancet. 301 (7794): 109\u2013110. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(73)90516-3. PMID\u00a04118642."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Qalhata"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Williamson, Jacquelyn (2015). \"Amarna Period\". In Wendrich, Willeke (ed.). UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology. Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UC Los Angeles."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tabekenamun"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Winstone, H. V. F. (2006). Howard Carter and the Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Revised Edition. Barzan Publishing. ISBN\u00a0978-1-905521-04-3."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Takahatenamun"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Zivie, A. (1998). \"La nourrice royale Ma\u00efa et ses voisins: cinq tombeaux du Nouvel Empire r\u00e9cemment d\u00e9couverts \u00e0 Saqqara\". Comptes rendus des s\u00e9ances de l'Acad\u00e9mie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (in French). 142 (1)."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Naparaye"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Further reading"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Atakhebasken"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Andritsos, John. Social Studies of Ancient Egypt: Tutankhamun. Australia 2006."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Malaqaye"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Brier, Bob. The Murder of Tutankhamun: A True Story. Putnam Adult, 13 April 1998, ISBN\u00a00-425-16689-9 (paperback), ISBN\u00a00-399-14383-1 (hardcover), ISBN\u00a00-613-28967-6 (School & Library Binding)."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Late Period and Hellenistic Period \u00a0(664\u201330 BC)PeriodDynasty"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Carter, Howard and Arthur C. Mace, The Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun. Courier Dover Publications, 1 June 1977, ISBN\u00a00-486-23500-9 The semi-popular account of the discovery and opening of the tomb written by the archaeologist responsible."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Pharaoh"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Desroches-Noblecourt, Christiane. Sarwat Okasha (Preface), Tutankhamun: Life and Death of a Pharaoh. New York: New York Graphic Society, 1963, ISBN\u00a00-8212-0151-4 (1976 reprint, hardcover), ISBN\u00a00-14-011665-6 (1990 reprint, paperback)."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "uncertain"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, The Mummy of Tutankhamun: The CT Scan Report, as printed in Ancient Egypt, June/July 2005."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Late(664\u2013332 BC)XXVI"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Haag, Michael. The Rough Guide to Tutankhamun: The King: The Treasure: The Dynasty. London 2005. ISBN\u00a01-84353-554-8."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Mehytenweskhet"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Hoving, Thomas. The Search for Tutankhamun: The Untold Story of Adventure and Intrigue Surrounding the Greatest Modern archeological find. New York: Simon & Schuster, 15 October 1978, ISBN\u00a00-671-24305-5 (hardcover), ISBN\u00a00-8154-1186-3 (paperback) This book details a number of anecdotes about the discovery and excavation of the tomb."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Khedebneithirbinet I"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "James, T. G. H. Tutankhamun. New York: Friedman/Fairfax, 1 September 2000, ISBN\u00a01-58663-032-6 (hardcover) A large-format volume by the former Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum, filled with colour illustrations of the funerary furnishings of Tutankhamun, and related objects."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Takhuit"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Neubert, Otto. Tutankhamun and the Valley of the Kings. London: Granada Publishing Limited, 1972, ISBN\u00a00-583-12141-1 (paperback) First hand account of the discovery of the Tomb."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Tentkheta"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Rossi, Renzo. Tutankhamun. Cincinnati (Ohio) 2007 ISBN\u00a0978-0-7153-2763-0, a work all illustrated and coloured."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Nakhtubasterau"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "External links"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Ladice"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Wikimedia Commons has media related to Tutankhamun."} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "XXVII"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Library resources about Tutankhamun"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Atossa"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Online books"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Artystone"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Resources in your library"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Parmys"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Resources in other libraries"} +{"character": "Nefertiti", "description": "Amestris"} +{"character": "Tutankhamun", "description": "Grim secrets of 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of the Eighteenth Dynasty of EgyptRoyalty and nobility with disabilitiesDeaths from malariaDeaths from musculoskeletal disordersDisease-related deaths in EgyptPeople with endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseasesRoyalty and nobility with epilepsyChildren of AkhenatenEgyptian people with disabilitiesHidden categories: Pages using the WikiHiero extensionArticles containing Ancient Egyptian-language textCS1 Italian-language sources (it)Pages containing links to subscription-only contentCS1 maint: location missing publisherCS1 Japanese-language sources (ja)Articles with short descriptionShort description is different from WikidataWikipedia indefinitely move-protected pagesWikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalismGood articlesUse dmy dates from February 2022CS1 French-language sources (fr)Commons category link from WikidataArticles with FAST identifiersArticles with ISNI identifiersArticles with VIAF identifiersArticles with BNF identifiersArticles with BNFdata 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