content,explanation तपस्स्वाध्यायनिरतं तपस्वी वाग्विदां वरम् ।नारदं परिपप्रच्छ वाल्मीकिर्मुनिपुङ्गवम् ।।1.1.1।। ,"Ascetic Valmiki enquired of Narada, preeminent among the sages ever engaged in the practice of religious austerities or study of the Vedas and best among the eloquent. " कोन्वस्मिन्साम्प्रतं लोके गुणवान्कश्च वीर्यवान् ।धर्मज्ञश्च कृतज्ञश्च सत्यवाक्यो दृढव्रत:।।1.1.2।। ,"""Who in this world lives today endowed with excellent qualities, prowess, righteousness, gratitude, truthfulness and firmness in his vows?" चारित्रेण च को युक्तस्सर्वभूतेषु को हित: ।विद्वान्क: कस्समर्थश्च कश्चैकप्रियदर्शन: ।।1.1.3।। ,"Who is that one gifted with good conduct, given to the wellbeing of all living creatures, learned in the lore (knowledge of all things that is known), capable of doing things which others can not do and singularly handsome? " "आत्मवान्को जितक्रोधो द्युतिमान्कोऽनसूयक: । कस्य बिभ्यति देवाश्च जातरोषस्य संयुगे ।।1.1.4।।  "," Who (among men) is selfrestrained? Who has conquered anger? Who is endowed with brilliance and free from envy? Who is that when excited to wrath even the devatas, are afraid of (let alone foes)?" एतदिच्छाम्यहं श्रोतुं परं कौतूहलं हि मे ।महर्षे त्वं समर्थोऽसि ज्ञातुमेवंविधं नरम् ।।1.1.5।। ," O Maharshi, I intend to hear about such a man whom you are able to place? Indeed great is my curiosity""." "श्रुत्वा चैतत्ित्रलोकज्ञो वाल्मीकेर्नारदो वच: । श्रूयतामिति चामन्त्त्र्य प्रहृष्टो वाक्यमब्रवीत् ।।1.1.6।।  "," Invited by Valmiki to take his seat Narada, knower of the three worlds heard him and said with delight, ""Listen to me!"". And thus spoke." बहवो दुर्लभाश्चैव ये त्वया कीर्तिता गुणा: ।मुने वक्ष्याम्यहं बुद्ध्वा तैर्युक्तश्श्रूयतान्नर: ।।1.1.7।। ,"""O sage rare indeed are men endowed with the many qualities you have described. I ascertained one. Listen carefully." इक्ष्वाकुवंशप्रभवो रामो नाम जनैश्श्रुत: ।नियतात्मा महावीर्यो द्युतिमान्धृतिमान् वशी ।।1.1.8।। ,"People have heard his name as Rama, who was born in the race of king Ikshvaku, having steady nature, possessing incomprehensible prowess, selfeffulgent, selfcommanding and subjecting senses under his control." बुद्धिमान्नीतिमान्वाग्मी श्रीमान् शत्रुनिबर्हण: ।विपुलांसो महाबाहु: कम्बुग्रीवो महाहनु: ।।1.1.9।।,"He (Sri Rama) is a great intellectual, adherent to rules, eloquent, handsome, destroyer of foes (sins), broadshouldered, strongarmed, having conchshaped neck and prominent cheeks." "महोरस्को महेष्वासो गूढजत्रुररिन्दमः । आजानुबाहुस्सुशिरास्सुललाटस्सुविक्रमः ।।1.1.10।।  "," Possessing a broad chest, armed with a great bow, with fleshy collar bones, knee-long arms, a noble head, a graceful forehead and great prowess, he is the destroyer of foes (sins)." समस्समविभक्ताङ्गस्स्निग्धवर्ण: प्रतापवान् । पीनवक्षा विशालाक्षो लक्ष्मीवान् शुभलक्षणः ।। 1.1.11।। ,"Mighty and powerful, he has a wellproportioned body, neither tall nor short, shining complexion, welldeveloped chest, large eyes, lustrous body and good qualities." धर्मज्ञस्सत्यसन्धश्च प्रजानां च हिते रतः ।यशस्वी ज्ञानसम्पन्नश्शुचिर्वश्यस्समाधिमान् ।।1.1.12।। ,"Pious, firm in his vows, he is ever intent on doing good to his subjects. He is, illustrious, wise, and pure at heart. He is obedient to elders (or accessible to those who are dependent on him) and ever meditating (on the means of protecting those who take refuge in him)." प्रजापतिसमश्श्रीमान् धाता रिपुनिषूदनः ।रक्षिता जीवलोकस्य धर्मस्य परिरक्षिता ।।1.1.13।।,"Auspicious like Brahma, Sri Rama is the sustainer of this world, destroyer of enemies and protector of all living beings and of the moral code." रक्षिता स्वस्य धर्मस्य स्वजनस्य च रक्षिता ।वेदवेदाङ्गतत्त्वज्ञो धनुर्वेदे च निष्ठितः ।।1.1.14।। , He has performed the duties of a king and protected his subjects. knowledgeable in the true nature of the Vedas he is accomplished in military science (he is a great archer). सर्वशास्त्रार्थतत्त्वज्ञस्स्मृतिमान्प्रतिभानवान् ।सर्वलोकप्रियस्साधुरदीनात्मा विचक्षणः ।।1.1.15।। , Sri Rama knows the true meaning of all scriptures and has a retentive memory. He is talented (possessing brightness of conception). He is beloved and welldisposed towards all people (and courteous even towards those who have done him harm). He has an unperturbed mind (even in times of extreme grief) and is circumspect (in doing right things at the right time). सर्वदाभिगतस्सद्भिस्समुद्र इव सिन्धुभिः ।आर्यस्सर्वसमश्चैव सदैकप्रियदर्शनः ।।1.1.16।। ,"Sri Rama, like sea to rivers, is accessible to men of virtue and has equal disposition towards all. He always has a pleasing appearance." स च सर्वगुणोपेत: कौसल्यानन्दवर्धन: ।समुद्र इव गाम्भीर्ये धैर्येण हिमवानिव ।।1.1.17।। ,"Sri Rama, bestowed with all virtues, enhanced the joys of Kausalya, He is like the sea in deportment and like Himavant in fortitude." "विष्णुना सदृशो वीर्ये सोमवत्प्रियदर्शनः । कालाग्निसदृशः क्रोधे क्षमया पृथिवीसमः ।।1.1.18।। धनदेन समस्त्यागे सत्ये धर्म इवापरः ।  "," Sri Rama is like Visnu in prowess, the Moon in pleasing appearance, the all-consuming fire in anger, the earth in patience, Kubera in charity and the Sun in steadfastness." तमेवं गुणसम्पन्नं रामं सत्यपराक्रमम् ।।1.1.19।।ज्येष्ठं श्रेष्ठगुणैर्युक्तं प्रियं दशरथस्सुतम् । प्रकृतीनां हितैर्युक्तं प्रकृतिप्रियकाम्यया ।।1.1.20।।यौवराज्येन संयोक्तुमैच्छत्प्रीत्या महीपति: । ,"With a desire to promote the welfare of the people king Dasaratha decided to install Sri Rama, his eldest and affectionate son as heir (apparent) who was bestowed with all excellent qualities and true prowess, beloved of the people he was ever intent in the welfare of the people." तस्याभिषेकसम्भारान्दृष्ट्वा भार्याऽथ कैकयी ।।1.1.21।।पूर्वं दत्तवरा देवी वरमेनमयाचत । विवासनं च रामस्य भरतस्याभिषेचनम् ।।1.1.22।। ,"Thereafter, having seen the preparations for installation of Rama, queen Kaikeyi who had been promised earlier with boons by Dasaratha demanded of him the exile of Rama and enthronement of Bharata." स सत्यवचनाद्राजा धर्मपाशेन संयत: ।विवासयामास सुतं रामं दशरथ: प्रियम् ।।1.1.23।। ,"Dasaratha, true to his word and restrained by the bond of duty, sent his beloved son Rama to the forest." स जगाम वनं वीर: प्रतिज्ञामनुपालयन्।पितुर्वचननिर्देशात्कैकेय्या: प्रियकारणात् ।।1.1.24।। ,"Mighty Sri Rama inorder to please Kaikeyi and obey the word of command of his father, went to the forest and help the king to keep his promise to Kaikeyi." तं व्रजन्तं प्रियो भ्राता लक्ष्मणोऽनुजगाम ह ।स्नेहाद्विनयसम्पन्नस्सुमित्रानन्दवर्धन: ।।1.1.25।।भ्रातरं दयितो भ्रातुस्सौभ्रात्रमनुदर्शयन् । ,"Lakshmana beloved brother to Rama is drawn towards him. Endowed with modesty he is an enhancer of the joy of his mother Sumitra. Displaying his fraternal love, he followed Rama who was departing to the forest." रामस्य दयिता भार्या नित्यं प्राणसमा हिता ।।1.1.26।।जनकस्य कुले जाता देवमायेव निर्मिता ।सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्ना नारीणामुत्तमा वधू: ।।1.1.27।।सीताप्यनुगता रामं शशिनं रोहिणी यथा । ,"Born in the race of Janaka and daughterinlaw of Dasaratha, Sita, beloved spouse of Rama is like his vital breath always desired the wellbeing of Rama she followed him like Rohini, the Moon. Endowed with all virtues she is the foremost woman." पौरैरनुगतो दूरं पित्रा दशरथेन च ।।1.1.28।।शृङ्गिबेरपुरे सूतं गङ्गाकूले व्यसर्जयत् । गुहमासाद्य धर्मात्मा निषादाधिपतिं प्रियम् ।।1.1.29।।गुहेन सहितो रामो लक्ष्मणेन च सीतया । ,"The citizens and Dasaratha followed Rama for a long distance. Rama of righteous nature having approached Guha, king of nishadas, at Shrungiberapura sent back charioteer Sumantra and Rama along with Sita and Lakshmana crossed river Ganga." "ते वनेन वनं गत्वा नदीस्तीर्त्वा बहूदका: ।।1.1.30।। चित्रकूटमनुप्राप्य भरद्वाजस्य शासनात् । रम्यमावसथं कृत्वा रममाणा वने त्रय: ।।1.1.31।। देवगन्धर्वसङ्काशास्तत्र ते न्यवसन् सुखम् ।  "," Moving from one forest to another and crossing deep and wide rivers with plenty of waters, reached the Chitrakuta mountain by the command of sage Bharadwaja. They raised a hut made of leaves in the forest located in Chitrakuta mountain. and dwelt there happily resembling devas and gandharvas." ते वनेन वनं गत्वा नदीस्तीर्त्वा बहूदका: ।।1.1.30।।चित्रकूटमनुप्राप्य भरद्वाजस्य शासनात् ।रम्यमावसथं कृत्वा रममाणा वने त्रय: ।।1.1.31।।देवगन्धर्वसङ्काशास्तत्र ते न्यवसन् सुखम् ।,"Moving from one forest to another and crossing deep and wide rivers with plenty of waters, reached the Chitrakuta mountain by the command of sage Bharadwaja. They raised a hut made of leaves in the forest located in Chitrakuta mountain. and dwelt there happily resembling devas and gandharvas." चित्रकूटं गते रामे पुत्रशोकातुरस्तथा ।।1.1.32।।राजा दशरथस्स्वर्गं जगाम विलपन्सुतम् ।,"When Rama had set out to Chitrakuta, king Dasaratha, stricken by the grief over the separation from his son and mourning over him departed to heavens." मृते तु तस्मिन्भरतो वसिष्ठप्रमुखैर्द्विजै: ।। 1.1.33।।नियुज्यमानो राज्याय नैच्छद्राज्यं महाबल:। ,"After Dasaratha had passed away, mighty Bharata did not desire to rule the kingdom against the orders by Vasishta and other brahmins." स जगाम वनं वीरो रामपादप्रसादक: ।। 1.1.34 ।। ,"The brave Bharata, who had conquered envy and hatred went to the forest in order to worship Rama's feet." गत्वा तु सुमहात्मानं रामं सत्यपराक्रमम् ।अयाचद्भ्रातरं राममार्यभावपुरस्कृत: ।।1.1.35।। त्वमेव राजा धर्मज्ञ इति रामं वचोऽब्रवीत् । ,"Bharata reached Rama, so pleasing venerable, truthful and chivalrous, worshipped him with reverence and implored. Bharata addressing Rama said, 'You are knower of righteousness. You alone should be the king (meaning that when the elder brother is alive, the younger brother is prohibited from ruling the kingdom)'." रामोऽपि परमोदारस्सुमुखस्सुमहायशा: ।न चैच्छत्पितुरादेशाद्राज्यं रामो महाबल: ।।1.1.36।। ,"Although a source of universal delight, although exceedingly generous and of cheerful countenance, highly renowned and capable Rama refused to accept the kingdom in accordance with the command of his father." पादुके चास्य राज्याय न्यासं दत्वा पुन:पुन: ।निवर्तयामास ततो भरतं भरताग्रज: ।।1.1.37।। ,"Having handed over his sandals to Bharata as symbol of authority for ruling the kingdom, Rama persuaded him again and again to return to the capital." स काममनवाप्यैव रामपादावुपस्पृशन् ।।1.1.38।।नन्दिग्रामेऽकरोद्राज्यं रामागमनकाङ्क्षया । ,"Disaaponted in his mission to take Rama back, Bharata worshipped the sandals of Rama and ruled the kingdom from Nandigrama, awaiting his return." गते तु भरते श्रीमान् सत्यसन्धो जितेन्द्रिय: ।।1.1.39।।रामस्तु पुनरालक्ष्य नागरस्य जनस्य च । तत्रागमनमेकाग्रो दण्डकान्प्रविवेश ह ।।1.1.40।। ,"When Bharata departed, Sri Rama, a man of good fortune and steadfast in vows one who had conquered under control perceiving that the citizens from Ayodhya would arrive there, entered the Dandaka forest with single minded determination (so that there would not be breach of his promise). " प्रविश्य तु महारण्यं रामो राजीवलोचनः ।विराधं राक्षसं हत्वा शरभङ्गं ददर्श ह ।।1.1.41।।सुतीक्ष्णं चाप्यगस्त्यं च अगस्त्यभ्रातरं तथा । ,"Having entered the dense forest Dandaka, Rama slew the demon Viradha and saw the sages Sarabhanga, Sutikshna and Agastya with his brother." अगस्त्यवचनाच्चैव जग्राहैन्द्रं शरासनम् ।।1.1.42।।खड्गं च परमप्रीतस्तूणी चाक्षयसायकौ । ,"As directed by sage Agastya, Rama received with extreme delight a bow, a sword and quivers with inexhaustible arrows, given by Indra to Agastya (to be passed on to Rama)." वसतस्तस्य रामस्य वने वनचरैस्सह ।ऋषयोऽभ्यागमन्सर्वे वधायासुररक्षसाम् ।।1.1.43।। ,"While Rama was dwelling in the forest (in the hermitage of sage Sarabhanga), all the ascetics along with others (sages) inhabiting the forest approached Rama requesting for the destruction of the asuras and rakshasas seizing upon their lives." स तेषां प्रतिशुश्राव राक्षसानां तथा वने ।।1.1.44।। प्रतिज्ञातश्च रामेण वधस्संयति रक्षसाम् ।ऋषीणामग्निकल्पानां दण्डकारण्यवासिनाम् ।।1.1.45।। ,"Rama promised those ascetics, who resembled flaming fire in lustre living in Dandakaranya inhabited by rakshasas to slay them." तेन तत्रैव वसता जनस्थाननिवासिनी ।विरूपिता शूर्पणखा राक्षसी कामरूपिणी ।।1.1.46।।,During his stay there a demon called Surpanakha living in Janasthana (resting place for the army of Ravana in Dandakaranya) and capable of assuming any form at will was rendered deformed by Lakshmana. ततश्शूर्पणखावाक्यादुद्युक्तान्सर्वराक्षसान् ।खरं त्रिशिरसं चैव दूषणं चैव राक्षसम् ।।1.1.47।।निजघान वने रामस्तेषां चैव पदानुगान् ।,"Thereafter Rama killed in the fight all the rakshasas, Khara, Trisira, and Dushana with their followers in a battle who were instigated by Surpanakha's words. " वने तस्मिन्निवसता जनस्थाननिवासिनाम् ।।1.1.48।।रक्षसां निहतान्यासन्सहस्राणि चतुर्दश । ,During his stay in that forest Rama killed fourteen thousand rakshasas who were inhabitants of Janasthana. ततो ज्ञातिवधं श्रुत्वा रावणः क्रोधमूर्छितः ।।1.1.49।।सहायं वरयामास मारीचं नाम राक्षसम् । ,"Having heard the slaughter of fellow rakshasa, Ravana became violent with anger and sought the help of a rakshasa named Maricha." वार्यमाणस्सुबहुशो मारीचेन स रावणः ।।1.1.50।।न विरोधो बलवता क्षमो रावण तेन ते । ,"Maricha repeatedly dissuaded him saying, 'O Ravana It is not proper for you to enter into hostility with the mighty and powerful Rama'. " अनादृत्य तु तद्वाक्यं रावण: कालचोदित: ।।1.1.51।।जगाम सह मारीचस्तस्याश्रमपदं तदा ।,Disregarding his words Ravana incited by fate left for the hermitage of Rama along with Maricha. तेन मायाविना दूरमपवाह्य नृपात्मजौ ।।1.1.52।।जहार भार्यां रामस्य गृध्रं हत्वा जटायुषम् । ,"He with the help of deceitful Maricha drew the princes (Rama and Lakshmana) far away from their hermitage abducted Sita the wife of Rama and slaughtered vulture Jatayu," गृध्रं च निहतं दृष्ट्वा हृतां श्रुत्वा च मैथिलीम् ।।1.1.53।।राघवश्शोकसन्तप्तो विललापाकुलेन्द्रिय: । ,"Having seen and heard from the eagle Jatayu struck down by Ravana that Sita had been abducted Rama bewailed, choked with tears his senses dulled by distress." ततस्तेनैव शोकेन गृध्रं दग्ध्वा जटायुषम् ।।1.1.54।।मार्गमाणो वने सीतां राक्षसं सन्ददर्श ह ।कबन्धन्नाम रूपेण विकृतं घोरदर्शनम् ।।1.1.55।। ,"Then he performed in the midst of tears the funeral rites of the vulture Jatayu. Wandering in search of Sita, he beheld a rakshasa named Kabandha who was dreadful, in deformed in appearance. " तं निहत्य महाबाहुर्ददाह स्वर्गतश्च स: । स चास्य कथयामास शबरीं धर्मचारिणीम् ।।1.1.56।।श्रमणीं धर्मनिपुणामभिगच्छेति राघव । 1151,"Mightyarmed Rama, having killed Kabandha, consigned his body to flames. While leaving for heavens he informed him saying, 'O Raghava, there is a female ascetic in Sabara community, performing religious duties and proficient in practising austerities. You may visit her'." सोऽभ्यगच्छन्महातेजाश्शबरीं शत्रुसूदन: ।।1.1.57।।शबर्या पूजितस्सम्यग्रामो दशरथात्मज: । ,"Rama son of Dasaratha, destroyer of enemies and possessing great splendour approached Sabari who duly worshipped him৷৷" पम्पातीरे हनुमता सङ्गतो वानरेण ह ।।1.1.58।।हनुमद्वचनाच्चैव सुग्रीवेण समागत: । ,On the bank of Pampa he met a monkey named Hanuman on whose advice he made friendship with Sugriva. सुग्रीवाय च तत्सर्वं शंसद्रामो महाबल: ।।1.1.59।।आदितस्तद्यथावृत्तं सीतायाश्च विशेषत: । ,"Mighty Rama related to Sugriva all that had happened right from the beginning, more importantly Sita's abduction and also to Hanuman. " सुग्रीवश्चापि तत्सर्वं श्रुत्वा रामस्य वानर: ।।1.1.60।।चकार सख्यं रामेण प्रीतश्चैवाग्निसाक्षिकम् । ,"Hearing everything that story from Rama, Sugriva was very pleased and made a pact with Rama in the presence of Agni as witness. " ततो वानरराजेन वैरानुकथनं प्रति ।।1.1.61।।रामायावेदितं सर्वं प्रणयाद्दु:खितेन च ।,"Thereafter Sugriva, king of monkeys filled with sorrow narrated to Rama out of friendship the entire account of his hostilities (with Vali)." प्रतिज्ञातं च रामेण तदा वालिवधं प्रति ।।1.1.62।।वालिनश्च बलं तत्र कथयामास वानर: । ,Then Rama vowed to slay Vali. The monkey (Sugriva) described about Vali's prowess to Rama. सुग्रीवश्शङ्कितश्चासीन्नित्यं वीर्येण राघवे ।।1.1.63।।राघवप्रत्ययार्थं तु दुन्दुभे: कायमुत्तमम् ।दर्शयामास सुग्रीवो महापर्वतसन्निभम् ।।1.1.64।। ,Doubtful of the prowess Sugriva of Rama Sugriva inorder to get convinced showed him the huge (dead) body of Dundubhi resembling a big mountain. उत्स्मयित्वा महाबाहु: प्रेक्ष्य चास्थि महाबल: ।पादाङ्गुष्ठेन चिक्षेप सम्पूर्णं दशयोजनम् ।।1.1.65।। ,"The strongarmed Rama, who was endowed with great strength looked at the skeleton and smiled within himself for a while. He kicked off the skeleton with the great toe of his foot completely to a full distance of ten yojanas (eighty miles)." बिभेद च पुनस्सालान्सप्तैकेन महेषुणा ।गिरिं रसातलं चैव जनयन्प्रत्ययं तथा ।।1.1.66।। ,"Again inorder to create confidence (in Sugriva), he released a single mighty shaft which penetrated seven palmyra trees, a mountain and the Rasatala. " तत: प्रीतमनास्तेन विश्वस्तस्स महाकपि: ।किष्किन्धां रामसहितो जगाम च गुहां तदा ।।1.1.67।। ,Pleased with Rama's action and convinced of his prowess he left thereafter with Rama he left for Kishkindha which was like a cave. ततोऽगर्जद्धरिवर: सुग्रीवो हेमपिङ्गल: ।तेन नादेन महता निर्जगाम हरीश्वर: ।।1.1.68।। ,"On entering the city of Kishkindha, Sugriva the best of monkeys of reddish yellow hue roared with a great voice. There upon Vali, the lord of monkeys came out (of the cave)." अनुमान्य तदा तारां सुग्रीवेण समागत: ।निजघान च तत्रैनं शरेणैकेन राघव: ।।1.1.69।। ,"After convincing his wife Tara, who was dissuading from this, Vali entered into a combat with Sugriva. There, Rama killed Vali with a single shaft." ततस्सुग्रीववचनाद्धत्वा वालिनमाहवे ।सुग्रीवमेव तद्राज्ये राघव: प्रत्यपादयत् ।।1.1.70।। ,"After he killed Vali in the combat in compliance with the words of Sugriva, Rama installed Sugriva as king." स च सर्वान्समानीय वानरान्वानरर्षभ: ।दिश: प्रस्थापयामास दिदृक्षुर्जनकात्मजाम् ।।1.1.71।। ,The best of monkeys (Sugriva) gathered his monkey forces and despatched them in various directions in search of Janaka's daughter (Sita). ततो गृध्रस्य वचनात्सम्पातेर्हनुमान्बली।शतयोजनविस्तीर्णं पुप्लुवे लवणार्णवम्।।1.1.72।। ,"At the suggestion of the vulture, Sampathi mighty Hanuman leapt over the saltocean extending over a hundred yojanas." तत्र लङ्कां समासाद्य पुरीं रावणपालिताम् ।ददर्श सीतां ध्यायन्तीमशोकवनिकां गताम् ।।1.1.73।। ,Hanuman arrived at the city of Lanka ruled by Ravana and found Sita in the Ashoka garden meditating on Rama. निवेदयित्वाऽऽभिज्ञानं प्रवृत्तिं च निवेद्य च ।समाश्वास्य च वैदेहीं मर्दयामास तोरणम् ।।1.1.74।। ,"Hanuman delivered Rama's ring to Sita as a token of recognition, related the whole story and consoled her. He then crushed the arch (of the outer gate of the garden) before leaving." पञ्च सेनाग्रगान्हत्वा सप्तमन्त्रिसुतानपि ।शूरमक्षं च निष्पिष्य ग्रहणं समुपागमत् ।।1.1.75।।,"After killing five commanders, seven sons of the counsellors, stamping out valiant Akshayakumara, the son of Ravana, Hanuman got himself captured (to be taken as captive)." अस्त्रेणोन्मुक्तमात्मानं ज्ञात्वा पैतामहाद्वरात् ।मर्षयन्राक्षसान्वीरो यन्त्रिणस्तान्यदृच्छया ।।1.1.76।। ततो दग्ध्वा पुरीं लङ्कामृते सीतां च मैथिलीम् ।रामाय प्रियमाख्यातुं पुनरायान्महाकपि: ।।1.1.77।। ,"The heroic Hanuman came to know that he could be released from the entanglements of the weapon granted to him through a boon by Brahma. He allowed himself to be restrained by the rakshasas with the ropes for the sake of achieving his other objective of seeing Ravana. Thereafter, he burnt the whole of Lanka except the place where Sita was and returned to deliver the good news to Rama." सोऽधिगम्य महात्मानं कृत्वा रामं प्रदक्षिणम् ।न्यवेदयदमेयात्मा दृष्टा सीतेति तत्त्वत: ।।1.1.78।। ,Reaching Rama the great Hanuman gifted with boundless intellect circumambulated him and infact informed him that he had seen Sita. ततस्सुग्रीवसहितो गत्वा तीरं महोदधे: ।समुद्रं क्षोभयामास शरैरादित्यसन्निभै: ।।1.1.79।। ,"Thereafter, Rama reached the shore of the ocean together with Sugriva and saw the ocean agitated with shafts burning like the Sun." दर्शयामास चात्मानं समुद्रस्सरितां पति: ।समुद्रवचनाच्चैव नलं सेतुमकारयत् ।।1.1.80।। ,"Samudra, lord of rivers, (afraid of Rama's anger) and having appeared in his own form, and on his advice got a bridge built with the help of Nala. " तेन गत्वा पुरीं लङ्कां हत्वा रावणमाहवे ।राम: सीतामनुप्राप्य परां व्रीडामुपागमत् ।।1.1.81।। ,"Rama entered the city of Lanka by means of that bridge, killed Ravana in the battle and recovered Sita. Thereafter he felt greatly embarassed (for accepting his wife who had stayed in an others." तामुवाच ततो राम: परुषं जनसंसदि ।अमृष्यमाणा सा सीता विवेश ज्वलनं सती ।।1.1.82।।,"Rama spoke harsh words about Sita in the assembly. Sita, incapable of enduring such words, entered fire. " ततोऽग्निवचनात्सीतां ज्ञात्वा विगतकल्मषाम् ।बभौ रामस्सम्प्रहृष्ट: पूजितस्सर्वदैवतै: ।।1.1.83।।,"With the of testimony of the firegod, Rama was exceedingly pleased to know that Sita was sinless. All the gods adored him." कर्मणा तेन महता त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम् ।सदेवर्षिगणं तुष्टं राघवस्य महात्मन: ।।1.1.84।। ,"All the animate and inanimate beings, gods and sages in the three worlds were very pleased at this noble deed of the great Rama." अभिषिच्य च लङ्कायां राक्षसेन्द्रं विभीषणम् ।कृतकृत्यस्तदा रामो विज्वर: प्रमुमोद ह ।।1.1.85।। ,"After coronating the rakshasa chief Vibhishana in the city of Lanka, Rama free from distress, exceedingly rejoiced after having accomplished his objective. " देवताभ्यो वरं प्राप्य समुत्थाप्य च वानरान् ।अयोध्यां प्रस्थितो राम: पुष्पकेण सुहृद्वृत: ।।1.1.86।।,"Having obtained a boon from the devatas (who had come to see him) Rama, revived all monkeys (fallen in the battle) and set out for Ayodhya accompanied by friends in the pushpaka (aerial car)." भरद्वाजाश्रमं गत्वा रामस्सत्यपराक्रम: ।भरतस्यान्तिकं रामो हनूमन्तं व्यसर्जयत् ।।1.1.87।। ,Rama who was a delight of all whose strength lies in truth went to the hermitage of Bharadwaja (as promised) and despatched Hanuman to Bharata as his messenger. पुनराख्यायिकां जल्पन्सुग्रीवसहितश्च स: ।पुष्पकं तत्समारुह्य नन्दिग्रामं ययौ तदा ।।1.1.88।। ,"Again accompanied by Sugriva and recalling earlier incidents and after both of them discussed with each other, Rama departed to Nandigrama riding that pushpaka chariot." नन्दिग्रामे जटां हित्वा भ्रातृभिस्सहितोऽनघ: ।रामस्सीतामनुप्राप्य राज्यं पुनरवाप्तवान् ।।1.1.89।। ,"At Nandigrama sinless Rama arrived, met his brothers. They shed their matted locks. With Sita restored he regained his kingdom." प्रहृष्टमुदितो लोकस्तुष्ट: पुष्टस्सुधार्मिक: ।निरामयो ह्यरोगश्च दुर्भिक्षभयवर्जित: ।।1.1.90।। ,"The entire world rejoiced with happiness with their desire fulfilled they were content. All people were following the path of righteousness. There was no fear of sufferings or agonies, diseases or famine." न पुत्रमरणं किञ्चिद्द्रक्ष्यन्ति पुरुषा: क्वचित् ।नार्यश्चाविधवा नित्यं भविष्यन्ति पतिव्रता: ।।1.1.91।। ,"During the period of Rama's rule, no where would men witness the death of their sons or women widowed. They would ever remain chaste and devoted to their husbands." न चाग्निजं भयं किञ्चिन्नाप्सु मज्जन्ति जन्तव: ।न वातजं भयं किञ्चिन्नापि ज्वरकृतं तथा ।।1.1.92।। न चापि क्षुद्भयं तत्र न तस्करभयं तथा ।,"There (in the kingdom of Rama) was no fear of fire, water, wind, disease, hunger and also theft." नगराणि च राष्ट्राणि धनधान्ययुतानि च ।।1.1.93।।नित्यं प्रमुदितास्सर्वे यथा कृतयुगे तथा । ,All the cities and villages were affluent with wealth and food grains. People lived happily as though they lived in Kritayuga. अश्वमेधशतैरिष्ट्वा तथा बहुसुवर्णकै: ।।1.1.94।।गवां कोट्ययुतं दत्वा ब्रह्मलोकं प्रयास्यति ।असंख्येयं धनं दत्वा ब्राह्मणेभ्यो महायशा: ।।1.1.95।। ,"Highly renowned Rama, having satisfied the gods with the performance of a hundred of aswamedhas and many suvarnakas bestowing hundreds of thousands of cows and immense wealth on the brahmins, will return to Brahmaloka." राजवंशान्शतगुणान्स्थापयिष्यति राघव: ।चातुर्वर्ण्यं च लोकेऽस्मिन् स्वे स्वे धर्मे नियोक्ष्यति ।।1.1.96।। ,"Rama will establish hundredfold royal dynasties and employ the four castes to do their respective duties, in this world." दशवर्षसहस्राणि दशवर्षशतानि च ।रामो राज्यमुपासित्वा ब्रह्मलोकं प्रयास्यति ।। 1.1.97।। ,"Rama, reigning the kingdom for eleven thousand years, will attain Brahmaloka." इदं पवित्रं पापघ्नं पुण्यं वेदैश्च सम्मितम् ।य: पठेद्रामचरितं सर्वपापै: प्रमुच्यते ।।1.1.98।। ,This story of Rama is sacred and holy. It destroys sins and is equal to the Vedas. Whosoever reads it will be freed from all sins. एतदाख्यानमायुष्यं पठन्रामायणं नर: ।सपुत्रपौत्रस्सगण: प्रेत्य स्वर्गे महीयते ।। 1.1.99।।,"This story of Ramayana enhances longevity of those who read it and recite it. They will be worshipped in heavens after their death along with their sons and grandsons, servants and relations." पठन्द्विजो वागृषभत्वमीयात्स्यात्क्षत्रियो भूमिपतित्वमीयात् ।वणिग्जन: पण्यफलत्वमीयात्जनश्च शूद्रोऽपि महत्वमीयात् ।।1.1.100।। ,"A brahmin becomes proficient in the eighteen branches of learning a kshatriya gets lordship over landed possessions a vaisya gets the fruits of his business and sudra also attains greatness by reading Ramayana"". इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे (श्रीमद्रामायणकथासङ्क्षेपो नाम) प्रथम: सर्ग:।। Thus ends the first sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana in synopsis of the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Valmiki goes to river Tamasa for morning ablutions -- He sees a male krauncha being shot down by a hunter -- expresses the reflection of a female companion's sorrow in his experience in the form of a sloka in metrical form -- Lord Brahma appears at the hermitage -- directs him to compose the great poem in the same metre describing the story of Rama as related by Narada -- grants him the power of clairvoyance.]नारदस्य तु तद्वाक्यं श्रुत्वा वाक्यविशारद:।पूजयामास धर्मात्मा सहशिष्यो महामुनि: ।।1.2.1।। ,"On hearing the words of Narada the distinguished and righteous sage Valmiki, proficient in composing slokas worshipped him along with his disciples." यथावत्पूजितस्तेन देवर्षिर्नारदस्तदा । आपृष्ट्वैवाभ्यनुज्ञातस्स जगाम विहायसम् ।।1.2.2।। ,The divine sage Narada after having been worshipped by Valmiki in a befitting manner sought his leave and went to heaven. स मुहूर्तं गते तस्मिन्देवलोकं मुनिस्तदा ।जगाम तमसातीरं जाह्नव्यास्त्वविदूरत: ।।1.2.3।। ,"After Narada had gone to devaloka, sage Valmiki reached the bank of river Tamasa which is not very far from the Ganges for morning ablutions." स तु तीरं समासाद्य तमसाया महामुनि: ।शिष्यमाह स्थितं पार्श्वे दृष्ट्वा तीर्थमकर्दमम् ।।1.2.4।। ,"The eminent sage Valmiki reached the bank of Tamasa and seen a descent into the river with pellucid waters, spoke to the disciple standing by the side. " अकर्दममिदं तीर्थं भरद्वाज निशामय ।रमणीयं प्रसन्नाम्बु सन्मनुष्यमनो यथा ।।1.2.5।। ,"""O Bharadwaja, behold the beautiful and pleasant waters of this river. This holy spot is as clear and pure as the mind of a virtuous man." न्यस्यतां कलशस्तात दीयतां वल्कलं मम ।इदमेवावगाहिष्ये तमसातीर्थमुत्तमम् ।।1.2.6।। ,"O dear one Put down the pitcher on the ground. Give me my garment. I shall take a dip in Tamasa, the holiest of places"". " एवमुक्तो भरद्वाजो वाल्मीकेन महात्मना । प्रायच्छत मुनेस्तस्य वल्कलं नियतो गुरो: ।।1.2.7।। ,"Asked thus by the nobleminded master Valmiki, Bharadwaja, ever obedient to his spiritual master, gave the sage the bark garment." स शिष्यहस्तादादाय वल्कलं नियतेन्द्रिय: ।विचचार ह पश्यंस्तत्सर्वतो विपुलं वनम् ।।1.2.8।। ,"Valmiki who had his senses under his command received the barkgarment from the hands of his disciple and wandered about in that extensive forest, looking all around." तस्याभ्याशे तु मिथुनं चरन्तमनपायिनम् ।ददर्श भगवांस्तत्र क्रौञ्चयोश्चारुनिस्वनम् ।।1.2.9।। ,Sage Valmiki espied a pair of melodious kraunchas. Flying about in each other's in separable company there in its vicinity. तस्मात्तु मिथुनादेकं पुमांसं पापनिश्चय: ।जघान वैरनिलयो निषादस्तस्य पश्यत: ।।1.2.10।। ,A sinful and cruelhearted hunter struck down the male bird of the pair in his very presence. तं शोणितपरीताङ्गं वेष्टमानं महीतले ।भार्या तु निहतं दृष्ट्वा रुराव करुणां गिरम् ।।1.2.11।। वियुक्ता पतिना तेन द्विजेन सहचारिणा ।ताम्रशीर्षेण मत्तेन पत्रिणा सहितेन वै ।।1.2.12।। ,"The female companion saw the male bird struck down by the hunter and rolling on the earth, drenched in blood. Separated from her winged comparion with coppercrested head intoxicated with her love, the female companion lifted a piteous wail. " तदा तु तं द्विजं दृष्ट्वा निषादेन निपातितम् ।ऋषेर्धर्मात्मनस्तस्य कारुण्यं समपद्यत ।।1.2.13।। ,"Then, having seen the bird struck down by the fowler, the pious sage Valmiki was filled with compassion." तत: करुणवेदित्वादधर्मोऽयमिति द्विज: ।निशाम्य रुदतीं क्रौञ्चीमिदं वचनमब्रवीत् ।।1.2.14।। ,"Having heard the wailing of the female bird, the sage (Valmiki) moved to pity at this irreligious act uttered the following words." मा निषाद प्रतिष्ठां त्वमगमश्शाश्वतीस्समा: ।यत्क्रौञ्चमिथुनादेकमवधी: काममोहितम् ।।1.2.15।। 15,"""O fowler, since you have killed one of the pair of infatuated kraunchas you will be permanently deprived of your position""." तस्यैवं ब्रुवतश्चिन्ता बभूव हृदि वीक्षतः ।शोकार्तेनास्य शकुने: किमिदं व्याहृतं मया ।।1.2.16।। ,"Brooding over his utterances, he reflected, 'What is this that I uttered in reaction to the grief of this bird?'" चिन्तयन्स महाप्राज्ञश्चकार मतिमान्मतिम् ।शिष्यं चैवाऽब्रवीद्वाक्यमिदं स मुनिपुङ्गव: ।।1.2.17।। ,"Very wise and learned, he (Valmiki), preeminent among sages, pondered over it (for a while) and spoke these words to his disciple." पादबद्धोऽक्षरसमस्तन्त्रीलयसमन्वित: ।शोकार्तस्य प्रवृत्तो मे श्लोको भवतु नान्यथा ।।1.2.18।। ,"""Occasioned by the griefstricken (state of the bird) and composed in rhymed lines each of equal number of syllables tuned to the accompaniment of stringed instruments, let it be known as a sloka and not by any other name""." शिष्यस्तु तस्य ब्रुवतो मुनेर्वाक्यमनुत्तमम् ।प्रतिजग्राह संहृष्टस्तस्य तुष्टोऽभवद्गुरु: ।।1.2.19।। ,"His disciple, delighted by the excellent verse composed by the sage, committed it to memory which left his spiritual preceptor pleased. " सोऽभिषेकं तत: कृत्वा तीर्थे तस्मिन्यथाविधि ।तमेव चिन्तयन्नर्थमुपावर्तत वै मुनि: ।।1.2.20।। ,"After having performed his ablution at that holy spot according to the prescribed ritual, the sage (Valmiki) returned (to his hermitage), pondering over the matter." भरद्वाजस्ततश्शिष्यो विनीतश्श्रुतवान्मुनेः ।कलशं पूर्णमादाय पृष्ठतोऽनुजगाम ह ।।1.2.21।। ,"Then saint Bharadwaja, his disciple humble and learned in scriptures, followed him with a pitcher full (of water)." स प्रविश्याश्रमपदं शिष्येण सह धर्मवित् ।उपविष्ट: कथाश्चान्याश्चकार ध्यानमास्थित: ।।1.2.22।। ,Valmiki who knows dharma entered the hermitage along with his disciple and sat in meditation and composed other stories. आजगाम ततो ब्रह्मा लोककर्ता स्वयं प्रभु: ।चतुर्मुखो महातेजा द्रष्टुं तं मुनिपुङ्गवम् ।।1.2.23।। ,"At that moment, the effulgent, fourfaced Brahma, creator and lord of the world, himself, desirous of seeing him (Valmiki), the best among sages, arrived." वाल्मीकिरथ तं दृष्ट्वा सहसोत्थाय वाग्यत: ।प्राञ्जलि: प्रयतो भूत्वा तस्थौ परमविस्मित: ।।1.2.24।। ,"Greatly surprised to see him, Valmiki, purified by austerities and disciplined in speech, immediately got up and with folded palms stood before him." पूजयामास तं देवं पाद्यार्घ्यासनवन्दनै: ।प्रणम्य विधिवच्चैनं पृष्ट्वाऽनामयमव्ययम् ।।1.2.25।। ,"Bowing with reverence as enjoined by tradition and having enquired of his well being, Valmiki worshipped the immutable Brahma by falling at his feet and welcoming him with a seat and water to wash his feet with." अथोपविश्य भगवानासने परमार्चिते ।वाल्मीकये महर्षये सन्दिदेशासनं तत: ।।1.2.26।। ,Lord Brahma sat down on a highly worshipful seat and showed a seat for the ascetic Valmiki to be seated. ब्रह्मणा समनुज्ञातस्सोऽप्युपाविशदासने । उपविष्टे तदा तस्मिन्सर्वलोकपितामहे।तद्गतेनैव मनसा वाल्मीकिर्ध्यानमास्थित: ।।1.2.27।। ,"Having been ordered by Brahma, he also sat down on a seat. Although seated in the presence of the lord of the worlds, he was absorbed in the thought of events (leading to the death of the krauncha )." पापात्मना कृतं कष्टं वैरग्रहणबुद्धिना ।यस्तादृशं चारुरवं क्रौञ्चं हन्यादकारणात् ।।1.2.28।। ,"The hunter killed the sweetvoiced krauncha without any cause. That sinfulminded one with hostile feeling of capturing it, had perpetrated this cruel act, he thought." शोचन्नेव मुहु: क्रौञ्चीमुपश्लोकमिमं पुन: ।जगावन्तर्गतमना भूत्वा शोकपरायण: ।।1.2.29।। ,"Griefstricken, Valmiki having become introspective and lamenting the plight of the female krauncha again and again, recited this sloka." तमुवाच ततो ब्रह्मा प्रहसन्मुनिपुङ्गवम् ।श्लोक एव त्वया बद्धो नात्र कार्या विचारणा ।।1.2.30।। ,"Thereafter lord Brahma smilingly addressed Valmiki, the preeminent among sages, saying, ""You have indeed composed a sloka.There is no doubt about it""." मच्छन्दादेव ते ब्रह्मन् प्रवृत्तेयं सरस्वती ।रामस्य चरितं सर्वं कुरु त्वमृषिसत्तम ।।1.2.31।। ,"""OBrahmarshi, at my will, this speech had originated from you. Most excellent ascetic, compose the history of Rama in its entirety (in this metre)." धर्मात्मनो गुणवतो लोके रामस्य धीमत: ।वृत्तं कथय धीरस्य यथा ते नारदाच्छ्रुतम् ।।1.2.32।। ,"Narrate the history of Rama who is renowned for righteousness, virtues, wisdom and steadfastness in the manner you have heard it from sage Narada. " रहस्यं च प्रकाशं च यद्वृत्तं तस्य धीमत: ।रामस्य सहसौमित्रेः राक्षसानां च सर्वश: ।।1.2.33।। वैदेह्याश्चैव यद्वृत्तं प्रकाशं यदि वा रह: ।तच्चाप्यविदितं सर्वं विदितं ते भविष्यति ।।1.2.34।। ,"The incidents pertaining to sagacious Rama together with Lakshmana, Sita, Bharata, etc. and the rakshasas their deeds, thoughts, unknown or known to everybody and even not known to you, will be revealed to you by my grace. " न ते वागनृता काव्ये काचिदत्र भविष्यति ।कुरु रामकथां पुण्यां श्लोकबद्धां मनोरमाम् ।।1.2.35।। ,"Not even a single word of yours in this epic will ever prove untruthful. Compose this sacred, delightful story of Rama, set in the form of slokas." यावत् स्थास्यन्ति गिरयस्सरितश्च महीतले ।तावद्रामायणकथा लोकेषु प्रचरिष्यति ।।1.2.36।। ,"As long as the mountains and rivers exist on this earth, the story of Ramayana will prevail among the people." यावद्रामायणकथा त्वत्कृता प्रचरिष्यति ।तावदूर्ध्वमधश्च त्वं मल्लोकेषु निवत्स्यसि ।।1.2.37।। ,"So long as the story of the Ramayana composed by you is remembered in this world, you will live in the upper world, the nether world and Brahmaloka""." इत्युक्त्वा भगवान्ब्रह्मा तत्रैवान्तरधीयत ।ततस्सशिष्यो भगवान्मुनिर्विस्मयमाययौ ।।1.2.38।। ,"Having spoken these words, lord Brahma vanished. At this he and his disciples were astonished." तस्य शिष्यास्ततस्सर्वे जगुश्श्लोकमिमं पुन: ।मुहुर्मुहु: प्रीयमाणा: प्राहुश्च भृशविस्मिता: ।।1.2.39।। ,"Thereafter, the disciples of Valmiki chanted this sloka again and again in delight. They were greatly astonished and spoke about it often. " समाक्षरैश्चतुर्भिर्य: पादैर्गीतो महर्षिणा ।सोऽनुव्याहरणाद्भूयश्श्लोकश्श्लोकत्वमागत: ।।1.2.40।। ," This sloka of four lines, each consisting of equal number of syllables, was recited by the maharshi. Constant recitation (by others) elicited admiration (from the listeners)." तस्य बुद्धिरियं जाता वाल्मीकेर्भावितात्मन: ।कृत्स्नं रामायणं काव्यमीदृशै: करवाण्यहम् ।।1.2.41।। ,"A thought occurred to Valmiki, who is capable of putting thoughts into action ""I shall compose the epic named Ramayana entirely in this metre""." उदारवृत्तार्थपदैर्मनोरमैःतदास्य रामस्य चकारकीर्तिमान् ।समाक्षरैश्श्लोकशतैर्यशस्विनो यशस्करं काव्यमुदारधीर्मुनि: ।।1.2.42।। ,"The renowned and sagacious sage composed a kavya with hundreds of charming verses, each containing equal number of syllables and excellent meaningful words set in metre, conferring glory on celebrated Rama." तदुपगतसमाससन्धियोगंसममधुरोपनतार्थवाक्यबद्धम् ।रघुवरचरितं मुनिप्रणीतंदशशिरसश्च वधं निशामयध्वम् ।।1.2.43।। ,"This story of Rama and the killing of Ravana composed by the sage consists of compound words, melodious sandhis and lines composed in lucid, melodious and meaningful phrases. Listen to it.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे द्वितीयस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the second sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana in synopsis of the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Valmiki composes the great epic--names it Ramayana--visualises the past events in detail.]श्रुत्वा वस्तु समग्रं तद्धर्मात्मा धर्मसंहितम् ।व्यक्तमन्वेषते भूयो यद्वृत्तं तस्य धीमत: ।।1.3.1।। ,"Hearing the entire story of Rama from the intellecual Narada, the righteous (Valmiki) sought to know clearly more about the history of Rama endowed with wisdom." उपस्पृश्योदकं सम्यग्मुनिस्स्थित्वा कृताञ्जलि: ।प्राचीनाग्रेषु दर्भेषु धर्मेणान्वेषते गतिम् ।।1.3.2।। ,"Having performed achamana, Valmiki seated on kusha grass with folded palms, searched for the course of past events in the history of Rama by his power of penance." रामलक्ष्मणसीताभी राज्ञा दशरथेन च ।सभार्येण सराष्ट्रेण यत्प्राप्तं तत्र तत्त्वत: ।।1.3.3।। हसितं भाषितं चैव गतिर्या यच्च चेष्टितम् ।तत्सर्वं धर्मवीर्येण यथावत्सम्प्रपश्यति ।।1.3.4।। ,"By the power of his penance, the holy sage visualised clearly Rama, Lakshmana and Sita, king Dasaratha, his wives and his kingdom and all that they had observed, experienced, endeavoured during the course of events. He also visualised clearly their laughter and conversation exactly as in real life." स्त्रीतृतीयेन च तदा यत्प्राप्तं चरता वने ।सत्यसन्धेन रामेण तत्सर्वं चान्ववेक्षितम् ।।1.3.5।। ,"All that was acquired by truthful Rama, Lakshmana and wife Sita as the third person when they were moving in the Dandakaranya forest, was visualised." तत: पश्यति धर्मात्मा तत्सर्वं योगमास्थित: ।पुरा यत्तत्र निर्वृत्तं पाणावामलकं यथा ।।1.3.6।। ,"With the power of yoga, the righteous (Valmiki) saw clearly, like an amalaka fruit in the palm of the hand the entire course of events that happened in the past relating to Rama." तत्सर्वं तत्त्वतो दृष्ट्वा धर्मेण स महाद्युति: ।अभिरामस्य रामस्य चरितं कर्तुमुद्यत: ।।1.3.7।। कामार्थगुणसंयुक्तं धर्मार्थगुणविस्तरम् ।समुद्रमिव रत्नाढ्यं सर्वश्रुतिमनोहरम् ।।1.3.8।। ,"Highly resplendent Valmiki, having visualised the story (of Rama), with his power of penance and blending the merits of attainment of worldly prosperity and pleasures together with the detailed description of the merit of righteousness as an end and aim, like an ocean filled with gems, got ready to compose the story of delightful Rama which regales everybody's ears." स यथा कथितं पूर्वं नारदेन महर्षिणा ।रघुवंशस्य चरितं चकार भगवानृषिः ।।1.3.9।। ,"The divine sage, composed the history of Rama born in the race of Raghu, just as it was related by the illustrious sage Narada in the past. " जन्म रामस्य सुमहद्वीर्यं सर्वानुकूलताम् ।लोकस्य प्रियतां क्षान्तिं सौम्यतां सत्यशीलताम् ।।1.3.10।। ,"(He described) the birth of Rama, his great prowess, benevolence, pleasant disposition, forbearance, handsome looks and his adherence to truth." नानाचित्रकथाश्चान्या विश्वामित्रसमागमे ।जानक्याश्च विवाहं च धनुषश्च विभेदनम् ।।1.3.11।। ,"(He described) Rama's association with Viswamitra, a variety of wonderful stories, the breaking of the great bow and his (Rama's) marriage with Janaki." रामरामविवादं च गुणान्दाशरथेस्तथा ।तथाऽभिषेकं रामस्य कैकेय्या दुष्टभावताम् ।।1.3.12।। ,"(He described) Rama's altercation with Parasurama, his noble qualities, the preparations for his coronation and the wicked nature of Kaikeyi." विघातं चाभिषेकस्य राघवस्य विवासनम् ।राज्ञश्शोकविलापं च परलोकस्य चाश्रयम् ।।1.3.13।। ,"(He described) the obstacles to the coronation of Rama, his departure to the forest, the wailing and death of king Dasaratha with sorrow." प्रकृतीनां विषादं च प्रकृतीनां विसर्जनम् ।निषादाधिपसंवादं सूतोपावर्तनं तथा ।।1.3.14।। ,"(He described) the grief of people of Ayodhya and his (Rama's) abandoning them and his (Rama's) conversation with Guha, the ruler of nishadas, the charioteer (Sumantra)'s return (after leaving Rama in the forest)." गङ्गायाश्चापि सन्तारं भरद्वाजस्य दर्शनम् ।भरद्वाजाभ्यनुज्ञानाच्चित्रकूटस्य दर्शनम् ।।1.3.15।। ,"(He described) Rama, Lakshmana and Sita ferrying the river Ganges, the visit to holy sage Bharadwaja and the departure to Chitrakuta mountain." वास्तुकर्म निवेशं च भरतागमनं तथा ।प्रसादनं च रामस्य पितुश्च सलिलक्रियाम् ।।1.3.16।। ,"(He described) the making of, and dwelling in, a hut, the arrival of Bharata, Bharata's persuasion to Rama (to return to the kingdom), and Rama's performance the funeral ablution for his father." पादुकाग्र्याभिषेकं च नन्दिग्रामनिवासनम् ।दण्डकारण्यगमनं विराधस्य वधं तथा ।।1.3.17।। ,"(He described) the installation of sandals (of Rama as the symbol of authority), Bharata is residing at Nandigrama (and his ruling the kingdom from there), Rama's departure for Dandakaranya, and the killing of Viradha." दर्शनं शरभङ्गस्य सुतीक्ष्णेन समागमम् ।अनसूयासहास्यामप्यङ्गरागस्य चार्पणम् ।।1.3.18।। ,"(He described) Rama's meeting with (sage) Sarabhanga and his arrival at Sutikshna's, Sita's companionship with Anasuya and anointing of fragrant unguents to her body." अगस्त्यदर्शनं चैव जटायोरभिसङ्गमम् ।पञ्चवट्याश्च गमनं शूर्पणख्याश्च दर्शनम् ।।1.3.19।। ,"(He described) the departure of Rama for Panchavati, the interview with sage Agastya, the meeting with Jatayu and the appearance of Surpanakha." शूर्पणख्याश्च संवादं विरूपकरणं तथा ।वधं खरत्रिशिरसोरुत्थानं रावणस्य च ।।1.3.20।। ,"(He described) Rama's dialogue with Surpanakha, her disfigurement, the slaughter of Khara and Trisira, and the beginning of efforts by Ravana (to harm Rama)." मारीचस्य वधं चैव वैदेह्या हरणं तथा ।राघवस्य विलापं च गृध्रराजनिबर्हणम् ।।1.3.21।। ,"(He described) the killing of Maricha, the abduction of Sita, Rama's lamentation (over his separation from Sita), and the death of Jatayu." कबन्धदर्शनं चापि पम्पायाश्चापि दर्शनम् ।शबर्या: दर्शनं चैव हनूमद्दर्शनं तथा ।।1.3.22।। ,"(He described) Rama's encounter with Kabandha, the viewing of river Pampa, the meeting with Sabari and Hanuman." ऋश्यमूकस्य गमनं सुग्रीवेण समागमम् ।प्रत्ययोत्पादनं सख्यं वालिसुग्रीवविग्रहम् ।।1.3.23।। ,"(He described) Rama's departure for Rishyamuka mountain, his meeting with Sugriva and the pact of friendship with him, inspiring confidence in him and the combat between Sugriva and Vali." वालिप्रमथनं चैव सुग्रीवप्रतिपादनम् ।ताराविलापं समयं वर्षरात्रनिवासनम् ।।1.3.24।। ,"(He described) the killing of Vali (by Rama), the installation of Sugriva, the mourning of Tara, the waiting (for the search of Sita as per the pact of friendship with Sugriva), and the sojourn on the mountain during the rainy season." कोपं राघवसिंहस्य बलानामुपसङ्ग्रहम् ।दिश: प्रस्थापनं चैव पृथिव्याश्च निवेदनम् ।।1.3.25।। ,"(He described) the anger of Rama, the lion in the race of the Raghus (over the delay by Sugriva), the consolidation of the monkey forces, the despatch of envoys to different directions, the report (about the different places) on earth." अङ्गुलीयकदानं च ऋक्षस्य बिलदर्शनम् ।प्रायोपवेशनं चापि सम्पातेश्चापि दर्शनम् ।।1.3.26।। ,"(He described) the delivery of the ring (to Hanuman by Rama), the entry into the cave of the riksha, the preparations for their fast unto death, and the meeting with Sampati." पर्वतारोहणं चापि सागरस्यापि लङ्घनम् ।समुद्रवचनाच्चैव मैनाकस्य च दर्शनम् ।।1.3.27।। ,"(He described) the climbing of Mahendra mountain (by Hanuman), crossing the sea emergence of Mainaka hill at the command of the lord of ocean." सिंहिकायाश्च निधनं लङ्कामलयदर्शनम् ।रात्रौ लङ्काप्रवेशं च एकस्याथ विचिन्तनम् ।।1.3.28।। ,"(He described) the slaughter of (the female demon) Simhika, the viewing of in Lanka from a mountain, the entry into Lanka by night and thereafter, Hanuman's lonely thinking. " दर्शनं रावणस्यापि पुष्पकस्य च दर्शनम् ।आपानभूमिगमनमवरोधस्य दर्शनम्।।1.3.29।। ,"(He described) the view of Ravana and the (aerial chariot), Pushpaka, (by Hanuman), his reaching the hall where liquor is served, sighting of womens' apartments in the royal palace." अशोकवनिकायानं सीतायाश्चपि दर्शनम् ।अभिज्ञानप्रदानं च रावणस्य च दर्शनम् ।।1.3.30।। ,"(He described) the entry (of Hanuman) into the Ashoka garden, the finding of Sita, the presentation of the ring (as token of recognition by Hanuman) and the sight of Ravana." राक्षसीतर्जनं चैव त्रिजटास्वप्नदर्शनम् ।मणिप्रदानं सीताया वृक्षभङ्गं तथैव च ।।1.3.31।। ,"(He described) threatenings of the demonesses, (the narration of) dream by Trijata, Sita presenting chudamani to Hanuman and also the breaking of trees (in the grove by Hanuman)." राक्षसीविद्रवं चैव किङ्कराणां निबर्हणम् ।ग्रहणं वायुसूनोश्च लङ्कादाहाभिगर्जनम् ।।1.3.32।। ,"(He described) the flight of the female demons, the killing of the servants (of Ravana), the seizure of Hanuman and the burning of Lanka (by Hanuman) with a ferocious roar." प्रतिप्लवनमेवाथ मधूनां हरणं तथा ।राघवाश्वासनं चापि मणिनिर्यातनं तथा ।।1.3.33।। ,"(He described) Hanuman crossing the ocean back, forcibly seizing the Madhu forest and enjoying honey, informing Rama about Sita and consoling him and delivering the gem." सङ्गमं च समुद्रेण नलसेतोश्च बन्धनम् ।प्रतारं च समुद्रस्य रात्रौ लङ्कावरोधनम् ।।1.3.34।। ,"(He described) the meeting with the (lord of the) seas, the construction of bridge by Nala, the crossing of the ocean and the seige of Lanka during night." विभीषणेन संसर्गं वधोपायनिवेदनम् ।कुम्भकर्णस्य निधनं मेघनादनिबर्हणम् ।।1.3.35।। ,"(He described) the association with Vibhisana, disclosure of the means of destruction (of Ravana), the death of Kumbhakarna, and the killing of Meghanada." रावणस्य विनाशं च सीतावाप्तिमरे: पुरे ।विभीषणाभिषेकं च पुष्पकस्य च दर्शनम् ।।1.3.36।। ,"(He described) Ravana's destruction, the reunion with Sita in the enemycity, the coronation of Vibhishana and the sighting of Pushpaka." अयोध्यायाश्च गमनं भरतेन समागमम् ।रामाभिषेकाभ्युदयं सर्वसैन्यविसर्जनम्।स्वराष्ट्ररञ्जनं चैव वैदेह्याश्च विसर्जनम्।।1.3.37।। ,"(He described) Rama's return to Ayodhya, the reunion with Bharata, the festive occasion of Rama's coronation disbanding the entire forces, keeping his subjects happy and banishing Sita (in the forest)." अनागतं च यत्किञ्चिद्रामस्य वसुधातले ।तच्चकारोत्तरे काव्ये वाल्मीकिर्भगवानृषि: ।।1.3.38।। ,Divine sage Valmiki composed events yet to happen on this earth in the history of Rama in Uttarakanda. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे तृतीयस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the third sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana in synopsis of the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. "[Valmiki composes the Ramayana in 24,000 verses -- teaches the verses to Kusa and Lava -- identifies Kusa and Lava for propagating the poem because of their melodious voice -- Kusa and Lava travel from place to place singing the Ramayana kavya--they sing at the assembly of rishis at aswamedha -- Sri Rama invites them to his palace and hears the Ramayana chanted by them.]प्राप्तराज्यस्य रामस्य वाल्मीकिर्भगवानृषि:।चकार चरितं कृत्स्नं विचित्रपदमात्मवान्।।1.4.1।। ","The divine sage Valmiki, composed in wonderful lines the entire lifestory of Rama who regained his kingdom." चतुर्विंशत्सहस्राणि श्लोकानामुक्तवानृषि:।तथा सर्गशतान्पञ्च षट्काण्डानि तथोत्तरम् ।।1.4.2।। ,Sage Valmiki composed the Ramayanam in twentyfour thousand verses in six kandas and also Uttarakanda (consisting of five hundred cantos). कृत्वापि तन्महाप्राज्ञस्सभविष्यं सहोत्तरम्।चिन्तयामास कोन्वेतत्प्रयुञ्जीयादिति प्रभु:।।1.4.3।। ,"The great intellectual and competent Valmiki having composed the Ramayanam including the events of Uttarakanda as well as future events, reflected as to who could translate into performance the epic." तस्य चिन्तयमानस्य महर्षेर्भावितात्मन:।अगृह्णीतां तत: पादौ मुनिवेषौ कुशीलवौ ।।1.4.4।। ,"While the highly honoured sage Valmiki was thus pondering over, Kusa and Lava came to him in the garb of ascetics and bowed at his feet." कुशीलवौ तु धर्मज्ञौ राजपुत्रौ यशस्विनौ।भ्रातरौ स्वरसम्पन्नौ ददर्शाश्रमवासिनौ ।।1.4.5।। ,"The sage saw the two illustrious princely brothers, wellversed in dharma and endowed with a sweet voice living in the hermitage." स तु मेधाविनौ दृष्ट्वा वेदेषु परिनिष्ठितौ।वेदोपबृंहणार्थाय तावग्राहयत प्रभु:।।1.4.6।। ," Valmiki, the master, having found both Kusa and Lava endowed with intellect and accomplished in the Vedas initiated them into the Ramayana composed by him for the purpose of nourishing the Vedas." काव्यं रामायणं कृत्स्नं सीतायाश्चरितं महत्।पौलस्त्यवधमित्येव चकार चरितव्रत:।।1.4.7।। ,Valmiki who practised religious austerities composed this entire epic named the Ramayana which constitutes the great history of Sita and the killing of Paulastya (Ravana). पाठ्ये गेये च मधुरं प्रमाणैस्त्रिभिरन्वितम्।जातिभिस्सप्तभिर्बद्धं तन्त्रीलयसमन्वितम्।।1.4.8।। रसैश्शृङ्गारकारुण्यहास्यवीरभयानकै:।रौद्रादिभिश्च संयुक्तं काव्यमेतदगायताम्।।1.4.9।। तौ तु गान्धर्वतत्त्वज्ञौ मूर्छनास्थानकोविदौ।भ्रातरौ स्वरसम्पन्नौ गन्धर्वाविव रूपिणौ।।1.4.10।। रूपलक्षणसम्पन्नौ मधुरस्वरभाषिणौ।बिम्बादिवोद्धृतौ बिम्बौ रामदेहात्तथाऽपरौ।।1.4.11।। ,"The twin brothers Kusa and Lava, endowed with a melodious voice, possessed auspicious form and beauty. They were gandharvas in human form. They looked like the two reflected images of Rama. The contents of this epic, apart from being memorable are sweet and suitable for verbal recitation as well as singing. This charming and attractive kavya is fit to be adapted to the three measures of time and to stringed instruments. It possesses seven notes together with various moodsamorous, compassionate, humorous, heroic, fearful and also violent." तौ राजपुत्रौ कार्त्स्न्येन धर्म्यमाख्यानमुत्तमम्। वाचोविधेयं तत्सर्वं कृत्वा काव्यमनिन्दितौ।।1.4.12।। ऋषीणां च द्विजातीनां साधूनां च समागमे।यथोपदेशं तत्त्वज्ञौ जगतुस्सुसमाहितौ।।1.4.13।। ,"These two princes blameless, disciplined and wellversed, committed to memory the whole epic and chanted as instructed in the assembly of rishis, brahmins and saints." महात्मानौ महाभागौ सर्वलक्षणलक्षितौ। तौ कदाचित्समेतानामृषीणां भावितात्मनाम्।आसीनानां समीपस्थाविदं काव्यमगायताम्।।1.4.14।। ,"On a particular occasion both the great princes who were dignified and endowed with good features, chanted this great epic in the presence of honoured ascetics who assembled at one place." तच्छ्रुत्वा मुनयस्सर्वे बाष्पपर्याकुलेक्षणा:।साधुसाध्विति तावूचु: परं विस्मयमागता:।।1.4.15।। ,"All the sages having heard the chanting (of that glorious kavya), experienced great astonishment. Overcome with tears of joy in their eyes, they praised them, exclaiming ""Excellent, Excellent""." ते प्रीतमनसस्सर्वे मुनयो धर्मवत्सला:।प्रशशंसु: प्रशस्तव्यौ गायमानौ कुशीलवौ।।1.4.16।। ,"All the sages steeped in dharma, pleased with them, praised the admirable Kusa and Lava as they sang. " अहो गीतस्य माधुर्यं श्लोकानां च विशेषत:।चिरनिर्वृत्तमप्येतत्प्रत्यक्षमिव दर्शितम्।।1.4.17।। ,"How melodious is this chanting, especially the verses Though it (the events) had happened long ago, it is described as if it is happening at the present moment, exclaimed the audience." प्रविश्य तावुभौ सुष्ठु भावं सम्यगगायताम्।सहितौ मधुरं रक्तं सम्पन्नं स्वरसम्पदा।।1.4.18।। ,"They both chanted in perfect unison in theme and passion, with their charming melodious voice endowed with the rich notes of music (sadja and other)." एवं प्रशस्यमानौ तौ तपश्श्लाघ्यैर्महात्मभि:।संरक्ततरमत्यर्थं मधुरं तावगायताम्।।1.4.19।। ,"Praised in this manner by the great sages commendable for their austerities, they chanted even with greater charm and sweetness." प्रीत: कश्चिन्मुनिस्ताभ्यां संस्थित: कलशं ददौ।प्रसन्नो वल्कलं कश्चिद्ददौ ताभ्यां महायशा:।।1.4.20।। ,"Pleased with the singing, one of the sages seated in the assembly presented them a pitcher. Another sage of renown got so delighted that he gave them garments. " आश्चर्यमिदमाख्यानं मुनिना सम्प्रकीर्तितम्।परं कवीनामाधारं समाप्तं च यथाक्रमम्।।1.4.21।। ,"This wonderful epic chronologically composed and completed by the sage (Valmiki), is the supreme source for poetry." अभिगीतमिदं गीतं सर्वगीतेषु कोविदौ।आयुष्यं पुष्टिजनकं सर्वश्रुतिमनोहरम्।।1.4.22।। प्रशस्यमानौ सर्वत्र कदाचित्तत्र गायकौ ।रथ्यासु राजमार्गेषु ददर्श भरताग्रज:।।1.4.23।। ,"The two singers, proficient in all kinds of notes recited the epic in the streets and on the principal roads. It was pleasing to hear for all. It gave long life and prosperity to the listeners. People admired them. Once Rama happened to see them. " स्ववेश्म चानीय तदा भ्रातरौ स कुशीलवौ।पूजयामास पूजार्हौ रामश्शत्रुनिबर्हण:।।1.4.24।। ,"Thereafter, Rama, the destroyer of enemies, having invited the two brothers Kusa and Lava who deserved honour. He brought them to his royal palace and extended respectful hospitality. " आसीन: काञ्चने दिव्ये स च सिंहासने प्रभु:।उपोपविष्टस्सचिवैर्भ्रातृभिश्च परन्तप:।।1.4.25।। ,"Rama, the tormentor of enemies, surrounded by his ministers and brothers occupied the splendid golden throne." दृष्ट्वा तु रूपसम्पन्नौ तावुभौ नियतस्तथा।उवाच लक्ष्मणं रामश्शत्रुघ्नं भरतं तदा।।1.4.26।। ,"Then selfpossessed Rama, having seen those very handsome brothers (Kusa and Lava), addressed Lakshmana, Satrughna and Bharata, saying:" श्रूयतामिदमाख्यानमनयोर्देववर्चसो:।विचित्रार्थपदं सम्यग्गायकौ तावचोदयत्।।1.4.27।। ,"""Listen to this story sung by both of them, portraying excellent sense and words"". Having said this, Rama urged the singers with the lustre of devatas to commence." तौ चापि मधुरं रक्तं स्वञ्चितायतनिस्वनम् ।तन्त्रीलयवदत्यर्थं विश्रुतार्थमगायताम् ।।1.4.28।। ,"Both of them, with good and ample voice, chanted the kavya in a distinctly meaningful way. Tuning their stringed instruments, they sang melodiously and engagingly. " ह्लादयत्सर्वगात्राणि मनांसि हृदयानि च।श्रोत्राश्रयसुखं गेयं तद्बभौ जनसंसदि।।1.4.29।। ,"The chanting of the kavya in the assembly of men comforted the sense of hearing. The listeners rejoiced in their mind, heart and the whole being. " इमौ मुनी पार्थिवलक्षणान्वितौकुशीलवौ चैव महातपस्विनौ।ममापि तद्भूतिकरं प्रवक्ष्यतेमहानुभावं चरितं निबोधत।।1.4.30।। ,"Addressing the assembly of men Rama said ""Both Kusa and Lava, even though ascetics, are endowed with the attributes of royalty. Eventhough they are singers, they are ascetics. This is even conducive to my wellbeing. Listen to the meaningful story with concentration""." ततस्तु तौ रामवच:प्रचोदितावगायतां मार्गविधानसम्पदा।स चापि राम: परिषद्गतः शनैर्बुभूषयासक्तमना बभूव।।1.4.31।। ,"Encouraged by the words of Rama, the two brothers chanted according to marga mode of singing (classical style). Even Rama who was in the assembly desirous of peace, concentrated his mind on that chanting.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे चतुर्थस्सर्ग:।। Thus ends the fourth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana in synopsis of the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. " [Dasaratha's kingdom and greatness of Ayodhya].सर्वा पूर्वमियं येषामासीत्कृत्स्ना वसुन्धरा ।प्रजापतिमुपादाय नृपाणां जयशालिनाम् ।।1.5.1।। ,"Formerly, this entire earth belonged to those victorious kings starting from Prajapati (Manu)." येषां स सगरो नाम सागरो येन खानित: ।षष्टि: पुत्रसहस्राणि यं यान्तं पर्यवारयन् ।।1.5.2।। ,Among them a king named Sagara got the ocean dug and his sixty thousand sons surrounded him whenever he went (to battle). इक्ष्वाकूणामिदं तेषां राज्ञां वंशे महात्मनाम् ।महदुत्पन्नमाख्यानं रामायणमिति श्रुतम् ।।1.5.3।। ,"It was from the family of mighty monarchs with Ikshvaku as its founder and the kings born in that race, the celebrated epic known as the 'Ramayanam' arose." तदिदं वर्तयिष्यामि सर्वं निखिलमादित: ।धर्मकामार्थसहितं श्रोतव्यमनसूयया ।।1.5.4।। ,"I shall propagate this Ramayanam, incorporating the merits of dharma, artha and kama, and complete in all respects. It deserves to be heard right from the start without prejudice. " कोसलो नाम मुदितस्स्फीतो जनपदो महान् ।निविष्टस्सरयूतीरे प्रभूतधनधान्यवान् ।।1.5.5।। ,"On the banks of river Sarayu, a great and prosperous country named Kosala, abundant in foodgrains and wealth and inhabited by contended people, was situated. " अयोध्या नाम नगरी तत्रासील्लोकविश्रुता ।मनुना मानवेन्द्रेण या पुरी निर्मिता स्वयम् ।।1.5.6।। ,"In the country called Kosala was the famous capital city of Ayodhya built by the lord of men, Manu ." आयता दश च द्वे च योजनानि महापुरी ।श्रीमती त्रीणि विस्तीर्णा सुविभक्तमहापथा ।।1.5.7।। ,"With welllaid out thoroughfares, the beautiful and prosperous city of Ayodhya extended for twelve yojanas in length and three yojanas in breadth. " राजमार्गेण महता सुविभक्तेन शोभिता ।मुक्तपुष्पावकीर्णेन जलसिक्तेन नित्यश: ।।1.5.8।। ,It looked splendid with its welllaid out and broad highway strewn with flowers and regularly sprinkled with water. तां तु राजा दशरथो महाराष्ट्रविवर्धन: ।पुरीमावासयामास दिवं देवपतिर्यथा ।।1.5.9।। ,"King Dasartha, augmenting the prosperity of the great kingdom, lived in the city of Ayodhya like Indra in heaven. " कवाटतोरणवतीं सुविभक्तान्तरापणाम् ।सर्वयन्त्रायुधवतीमुपेतां सर्वशिल्पिभि: ।।1.5.10।। ,"The city where all kinds of artificers lived had arched outer gateways, wellarranged local markets and all kinds of instruments and weapons." सूतमागधसम्बाधां श्रीमतीमतुलप्रभाम् ।उच्चाट्टालध्वजवतीं शतघ्नीशतसङ्कुलाम् ।।1.5.11।। ,"With matchless splendour, it abounded in eulogists and genealogists. It contained stately edifices decorated with flags and hundreds of sataghnis (missiles)." वधूनाटकसङ्घैश्च संयुक्तां सर्वत: पुरीम् ।उद्यानाम्रवणोपेतां महतीं सालमेखलाम् ।।1.5.12।। ,The city with suburban towns on all sides had several female dancers and actors.It was filled with gardens and mangogroves. And girdled by sal trees. दुर्गगम्भीरपरिघां दुर्गामन्यैर्दुरासदाम् ।वाजिवारणसम्पूर्णां गोभिरुष्ट्रै: खरैस्तथा ।।1.5.13।। ,"It was enclosed by strong fortifications and a deep moat. No enemy can ever enter and occupy that city. It abounded with several elephants and horses, cattle, camels and mules. " सामन्तराजसङ्घैश्च बलिकर्मभिरावृताम् ।नानादेशनिवासैश्च वणिग्भिरुपशोभिताम् ।।1.5.14।। ,It was embellished with a host of tributary kings who used to pay tributes and with merchants from different countries. प्रासादै रत्नविकृतै: पर्वतैरुपशोभिताम् ।कूटागारैश्च सम्पूर्णामिन्द्रस्येवामरावतीम् ।।1.5.15।। ,"Like Indra's Amaravati, it was adorned by mountains and mansions with precious stones." चित्रामष्टापदाकारां नरनारीगणैर्युताम् ।सर्वरत्नसमाकीर्णां विमानगृहशोभिताम् ।।1.5.16।। ,"With groups of men and women and adorned with sevenstoried palaces, it looked wonderful like a board where the game of ashtapada, is played. It was rich in all kinds of gems." "गृहगाढामविच्छिद्रां समभूमौ निवेशिताम् । शालितण्डुलसम्पूर्णामिक्षुकाण्डरसोदकाम् ।।1.5.17।।  "," Its dwellings were constructed on levelled ground with no space left unutilised. It was abundantly stocked with fine-grained rice and water which tasted sweet like sugarcane juice." दुन्दुभीभिर्मृदङ्गैश्च वीणाभि: पणवैस्तथा ।नादितां भृशमत्यर्थं पृथिव्यां तामनुत्तमाम् ।।1.5.18।। ,"The city echoed with the sounds of trumpets, mrudangas, vinas and panavas. There was no city on earth superior to Ayodhya." विमानमिव सिद्धानां तपसाधिगतं दिवि ।सुनिवेशितवेश्मान्तां नरोत्तमसमावृताम् ।।1.5.19।। ,"Like an aerial car acquired by the siddhas in heaven through their austerities, the palaces were perfectly constructed in rows and inhabited by the noblest of men." ये च बाणैर्न विध्यन्ति विविक्तमपरापरम् ।शब्दवेध्यं च विततं लघुहस्ता विशारदा: ।।1.5.20।। सिंहव्याघ्रवराहाणां मत्तानां नर्दतां वने ।हन्तारो निशितैश्शस्त्रैर्बलाद्बाहुबलैरपि ।।1.5.21।। तादृशानां सहस्रैस्तामभिपूर्णां महारथै: ।पुरीमावासयामास राजा दशरथस्तदा ।।1.5.22।। ,"The city was inhabited by thousands of warriors known as maharathas. They were skilled archers and sharphanded. They would not pierce with arrows, solitary persons, persons without defence, fleeing foes who could be tracked down through hints from sound. With sharp arrows or with the strength of their arms, they would kill roaring and inebriated lions, tigers, boars etc. in the forest. It was in that city (of Ayodhya) that king Dasaratha lived." तामग्निमद्भिर्गुणवद्भिरावृतांद्विजोत्तमैर्वेदषडङ्गपारगै: ।सहस्रदैस्सत्यरतैर्महात्मभि र्महर्षिकल्पै ऋषिभिश्च केवलै: ।।1.5.23।। ,"That city (of Ayodhya) was filled with excellent dwijas (brahmana, kshatriya and vaisyas) performing rituals of sacrificial fire, virtuous and wellversed in the Vedas and Vedangas. They were generous, truthful and dignified. They were almost equal to rishis and maharshis.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे पञ्चमस्सर्ग:।। Thus ends the fifth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Description of riches, comforts, etc of the subjects of the kingdom during Dasaratha's reign]. तस्यां पुर्यामयोध्यायां वेदवित्सर्वसङ्ग्रह: ।दीर्घदर्शी महातेजा: पौरजानपदप्रिय: ।।1.6.1।। इक्ष्वाकूणामतिरथो यज्वा धर्मरतो वशी ।महर्षिकल्पो राजर्षिस्त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुत: ।।1.6.2।। बलवान्निहतामित्रो मित्रवान्विजितेन्द्रिय: ।धनैश्च सङ्ग्रहैश्चान्यैश्शक्रवैश्रवणोपम: ।।1.6.3।। यथा मनुर्महातेजा लोकस्य परिरक्षिता ।तथा दशरथो राजा वसञ्जगदपालयत् ।। 1.6.4।। ","From that city of Ayodhya, king Dasaratha ruled the entire world, following the tradition of Manu who was a highly powerful protector of the people. Dasaratha was well versed in the Vedas. He commanded all resources. Farsighted, he possessed great prowess. He was dear to the inhabitants of towns and villages. Among Ikshvaku kings, he was a great charioteer capable of fighting with many maharathas singlehanded. He performed many sacrifices and was devoted to the practice of dharma. He was in full control over his subjects. He was a great sage, a royal saint and renowned in the three worlds (Bhooloka, Bhuvarloka and Suvarloka). He was mighty. He was a destroyer of enemies. He had scores of good friends. He had perfect control over his senses. In riches, he was comparable to Indra and Kubera. " तेन सत्याभिसन्धेन त्रिवर्गमनुतिष्ठता ।पालिता सा पुरी श्रेष्ठा इन्द्रेणेवामरावती ।।1.6.5।। ,"King Dasaratha, who always kept his word and followed dharma, attained prosperity and pleasure in equal measure by righteous means ruled that best of the cities as Indra ruled Amaravati." तस्मिन्पुरवरे हृष्टा धर्मात्मानो बहुश्रुता: ।नरास्तुष्टा धनैस्स्वैस्स्वैरलुब्धास्सत्यवादिन: ।।1.6.6।। ,"The people living in that excellent city were happy, virtuous, wellread (in the Vedas and the sastras) and content with the possessions of their own. They were free from avarice. And always spoke the truth." नाल्पसन्निचय: कश्चिदासीत्तस्मिन् पुरोत्तमे ।कुटुम्बी यो ह्यसिद्धार्थोऽगवाश्वधनधान्यवान् ।।1.6.7।। ,"In that best of cities, there was not even a single householder who had not adequate wealth or who had not achieved dharma, artha and kama or who did not possess the wealth of foodgrains, cattle and horses." कामी वा न कदर्यो वा नृशंस: पुरुष: क्वचित् ।द्रष्टुं शक्यमयोध्यायान्नाविद्वान्न च नास्तिक: ।।1.6.8।। ,"The lustful, the miserly, the unscholarly and atheists were not to be seen anywhere in the city of Ayodhya." सर्वे नराश्च नार्यश्च धर्मशीलास्सुसंयता: ।उदिताश्शीलवृत्ताभ्यां महर्षय इवामला: ।।1.6.9।। ,"All men and women (in the city) were of righteous conduct, fully selfcontrolled and prosperous with good conduct and behaviour. They were pure like maharshis. " नाकुण्डली नामकुटी नास्रग्वी नाल्पभोगवान् ।नामृष्टो नानुलिप्ताङ्गो नासुगन्धश्च विद्यते ।।1.6.10।। ,"In the city, there was none without earornaments, without coronet, without wearing garlands and none unclean. And none without the anointment of fragrants on the body." नामृष्टभोजी नादाता नाप्यनङ्गदनिष्कधृक् ।नाहस्ताभरणो वाऽपि दृश्यते नाप्यनात्मवान् ।।1.6.11।। ,(In the city of Ayodhya) there was no one who did not eat food to full satisfaction and was not charitable. None was found without wearing ornaments on the hands and bracelets on the upper arms and around the neck. Also no one could be seen who had not restrained his passions and emotions. नानाहिताग्निर्नायज्वा न क्षुद्रो वा न तस्कर: ।कश्चिदासीदयोध्यायान्न च निर्वृत्तसङ्कर: ।।1.6.12।। ,In the city of Ayodhya there was none who did not kindle the sacrificial fire. There was none who did not perform a sacrifice. There were no thieves or meanminded persons or persons of improper descent of mixed castes. स्वकर्मनिरता नित्यं ब्राह्मणा विजितेन्द्रिया: ।दानाध्ययनशीलाश्च संयताश्च परिग्रहे ।।1.6.13।। ,The brahmins were always interested in the performance of their duties. They had control over their senses. They were charitable and studious. They were selfcontrolled while accepting charity and maintaining marital relations. न नास्तिको नानृतको न कश्चिदबहुश्रुत: ।नासूयको न चाऽशक्तो नाविद्वान्विद्यते तदा ।।1.6.14।। ,"That time there was no atheist, no liar and none ignorant of the sastras. There was no one who was jealous, incompetent or illiterate." नाषडङ्गविदत्रासीन्नाव्रतो नासहस्रद: ।न दीन: क्षिप्तचित्तो वा व्यथितो वाऽपि कश्चन ।।1.6.15।। ,There was no brahmin who was not well versed in the Vedangas or who did not perform religious vows. There was not even one who would not donate in thousands. There was no one distracted or depressed. कश्चिन्नरो वा नारी वा नाश्रीमान्नाप्यरूपवान् ।द्रष्टुं शक्यमयोध्यायां नापि राजन्यभक्तिमान् ।।1.6.16।। ,"In Ayodhya, there was no man or woman who was not endowed with wealth or beauty. It was not possible to see any one who had no devotion for the king. " वर्णेष्वग्र्यचतुर्थेषु देवतातिथिपूजका:।कृतज्ञाश्च वदान्याश्च शूरा विक्रमसंयुता: ।।1.6.17।। दीर्घायुषो नरास्सर्वे धर्मं सत्यं च संश्रिता: ।सहिता: पुत्रपौत्रैश्च नित्यं स्त्रीभि: पुरोत्तमे ।।1.6.18।। ,"There in Ayodhya the best of cities, the first of the four castes (brahmins) used to worship gods and guests. They had the sense of gratitude. They were munificient, heroic and possessed prowess. They lived long. They were righteous and truthful. And they lived together with their sons, grandsons and wives." क्षत्रं ब्रह्ममुखं चासीद्वैश्या: क्षत्रमनुव्रता: ।शूद्रास्स्वधर्मनिरतास्त्रीन्वर्णानुपचारिण: ।।1.6.19।। ,The kshatriyas were obedient to brahmins and vaisyas followed kshatriyas. Sudras assisted the three castes and all were fully occupied in their respective professions. सा तेनेक्ष्वाकुनाथेन पुरी सुपरिरक्षिता ।यथा पुरस्तान्मनुना मानवेन्द्रेण धीमता ।।1.6.20।। ,"That city was ably governed by Dasaratha, scion of the Ikshvakus, in the same way as it was previously administered by (Manu), the foremost among men and and the most intelligent." योधानामग्निकल्पानां पेशलानाममर्षिणाम् ।सम्पूर्णा कृतविद्यानां गुहा केसरिणामिव ।।1.6.21।। ,"It abounded with warriors, like a cave with lions. They were almost like flaming fire, the most determined among experts and accomplished in learning (the science of arms)." काम्भोजविषये जातैर्बाह्लीकैश्च हयोत्तमै: ।वनायुजैर्नदीजैश्च पूर्णा हरिहयोत्तमै:।।1.6.22।। ,"The city was full of excellent horses born in the regions of Kambhoja, Bahlika, Vanayu and Sindhu, similar to that of Indra's horse (called Ucchaisrava)." विन्ध्यपर्वतजैर्मत्तै: पूर्णा हैमवतैरपि ।मदान्वितैरतिबलैर्मातङ्गै: पर्वतोपमै: ।।1.6.23।। ऐरावतकुलीनैश्च महापद्मकुलैस्तथा ।अञ्जनादपि निष्पन्नैर्वामनादपि च द्विपैः ।।1.6.24।। ,"It was full of intoxicated elephants born in Vindhya mountains, elephants of enormous strength looking like mountains and born in the Himalayas. Elephants of good breed hailing from the family of Airavata (Indra's vehicle), Mahapadma, Anjana and Vamana." भद्रैर्मन्द्रैर्मृगैश्चैव भद्रमन्द्रमृगैस्तथा।भद्रमन्द्रैर्भद्रमृगैर्मृगमन्द्रैश्च सा पुरी।नित्यमत्तैस्सदा पूर्णा नागैरचलसन्निभै:।।1.6.25।। ,"The city (of Ayodhya) was always full of intoxicated elephants resembling mountains belonging to the races of Bhadra, Mandra, Mriga and interbreed of these three races, interbreed of races of Bhadra and Mandra, Bhadra and Mriga, Mriga and Mandra." सा योजने च द्वे भूय: सत्यनामा प्रकाशते ।यस्यां दशरथो राजा वसन् जगदपालयत् ।।1.6.26।। ,"The city where king Dasaratha lived and ruled, spread over a distance of sixteen miles. And it was worthy of its name." तां पुरीं स महातेजा राजा दशरथो महान् ।शशास शमितामित्रो नक्षत्राणीव चन्द्रमा: ।।1.6.27।। ,"Mighty king Dasaratha, of great brilliance vanquished his foes and ruled the city like the Moon over the stars." तां सत्यनामां दृढतोरणार्गलांगृहैर्विचित्रैरुपशोभितां शिवाम् ।पुरीमयोध्यां नृसहस्रसङ्कुलांशशास वै शक्रसमो महीपति: ।।1.6.28।। ,The king who equalled Indra (in splendour) ruled the invincible city of Ayodhya true to its name with its strong gates and solid locks. It was adorned with wonderful edifices teeming with thousands of men. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे षष्ठस्सर्ग:।। Thus ends the sixth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. [King Dasaratha's court and description of the virtues of ministers].तस्यामात्या गुणैरासन्निक्ष्वाकोस्तु महात्मन: ।मन्त्रज्ञाश्चेङ्गितज्ञाश्च नित्यं प्रियहिते रता: ।।1.7.1।। ,"The ministers of the great descendent of the Ikshvakus were endowed with all virtues. They were competent counsellors, skilled in judging motives from facial features and were always intent on doing good and all that was dear and helpful to the king." अष्टौ बभूवुर्वीरस्य तस्यामात्या यशस्विन: ।शुचयश्चानुरक्ताश्च राजकृत्येषु नित्यश: ।।1.7.2।। ,The mighty and glorious (king Dasaratha) had eight ministers who were free from blemish in their dealings and ever devoted to royal duties. धृष्टिर्जयन्तो विजयस्सिद्धार्थो ह्यर्थसाधक: ।अशोको मन्त्रपालश्च सुमन्त्रश्चाष्टमोऽभवत् ।।1.7.3।। ,"The eight ministers were Dhrishti, Jayanta,Vijaya, Siddhartha, Arthasadhaka, Ashoka, Mantrapala and Sumantra. " ऋत्विजौ द्वावभिमतौ तस्याऽऽस्तामृषिसत्तमौ ।वसिष्ठो वामदेवश्च मन्त्रिणश्च तथापरे ।।1.7.4।। ,"He had two wellchosen excellent rishis, Vasishta and Vamadeva, as family priests besides some other counsellors." विद्याविनीता ह्रीमन्त: कुशला नियतेन्द्रिया: ।श्रीमन्तश्च महात्मानश्शास्त्रज्ञा दृढविक्रमा: ।।1.7.5।। कीर्तिमन्त: प्रणिहिता: यथावचनकारिण: ।तेज: क्षमायश:प्राप्ता स्मितपूर्वाभिभाषिण: ।।1.7.6।। ,"They were welleducated in all branches of knowledge and deemed unjust acts shameful. They were renowned, proficient, versed in sastras, wealthy and magnanimous. They had their senses restrained and their deeds were in accordance with their words. They acted with determination. They were brilliant, forgiving and reputed. And always spoke with a smile." क्रोधात्कामार्थहेतोर्वा न ब्रूयुरनृतं वच: । तेषामविदितं किञ्चित्स्वेषु नास्ति परेषु वा ।क्रियमाणं कृतं वापि चारेणापि चिकीर्षितम् ।।1.7.7।।,"Either in anger or for pecuniary gains or for fulfilment of desire, they never uttered an untrue or unjust word. In the midst of their own people or among their enemies, they knew, through spies everything being done or had been done or intended to be done in future." कुशला व्यवहारेषु सौहृदेषु परीक्षिता: ।प्राप्तकालं तु ते दण्डं धारयेयुस्सुतेष्वपि ।।1.7.8।। ,They knew how to deal (with people). They were true to their friends. They used to impose appropriate punishment even on their own sons. कोशसङ्ग्रहणे युक्ता बलस्य च परिग्रहे ।अहितं चापि पुरुषं न विहिंस्युरदूषकम् ।।1.7.9।। ,"They were experts in replenishing the exchequer and in collecting the army. They never inflicted any punishment even on those who were not their wellwishers, if they did not commit any offence." वीराश्च नियतोत्साहा राजशास्त्रमनुष्ठिता: ।शुचीनां रक्षितारश्च नित्यं विषयवासिनाम् ।।1.7.10।। ,They were heroic. They possessed steady perseverance. They followed the state policy and always protected the virtuous people living in the state. ब्रह्म क्षत्रमहिंसन्तस्ते कोशं समपूरयन् ।सुतीक्ष्णदण्डास्संप्रेक्ष्य पुरुषस्य बलाबलम् ।।1.7.11।। ,"While ensuring that they did not cause pain to brahmanas and kshatriyas (in thought, word and deed), they filled the treasury. They inflicted stringent punishments on a man after examining his strength and weakness. " शुचीनामेकबुद्धीनां सर्वेषां सम्प्रजानताम् ।नासीत्पुरे वा राष्ट्रे वा मृषावादी नर: क्वचित् ।।1.7.12।। ,"While the ministers of chaste conduct administered the kingdom with unanimous decisions, there was no one who was a liar, either in the city or in the kingdom." कश्चिन्न दुष्टस्तत्रासीत्परदाररतो नर: ।प्रशान्तं सर्वमेवासीद्राष्ट्रं पुरवरं च तत् ।।1.7.13।। ,In that kingdom no one was wicked or enamoured of others' wives. Serenity prevailed over the entire kingdom including the city of excellence. सुवाससस्सुवेषाश्च ते च सर्वे सुशीलिन: ।हितार्थं च नरेन्द्रस्य जाग्रतो नयचक्षुषा ।।1.7.14।। ,They all were welldressed in fine clothes. They possessed good character with an eye on justice and vigilant about the king's welfare. गुरोर्गुणगृहीताश्च प्रख्याताश्च पराक्रमे ।विदेशेष्वपि विज्ञातास्सर्वतो बुद्धिनिश्चयात् ।।1.7.15।। ,They imbibed virtues from the elderlies. They were renowned in prowess. They were guided by their intellect in all affairs. They were wellknown everywhere. सन्धिविग्रहतत्त्वज्ञा: प्रकृत्या सम्पदान्विता: ।।1.7.16।।मन्त्रसंवरणे शक्ताश्श्लक्ष्णास्सूक्ष्मासु बुद्धिषु ।नीतिशास्त्रविशेषज्ञास्सततं प्रियवादिन: ।।1.7.17।। ,"The ministers were inherently well aware of the real nature of peace or war. They were affluent, adept in keeping secrecy and sharp in comprehending the points (before making any decision). They were experts in the science of ethics and morality. They always spoke pleasing words." ईदृशैस्तैरमात्यैस्तु राजा दशरथोऽनघ: ।उपपन्नो गुणोपेतैरन्वशासद्वसुन्धराम् ।।1.7.18।।,"The faultless king Dasaratha, with the assistance of such ministers endowed with virtues, ruled the earth." अवेक्षमाणश्चारेण प्रजा धर्मेण रञ्जयन् ।प्रजानां पालनं कुर्वन्नधर्मान्परिवर्जयन् ।।1.7.19।। विश्रुतस्त्रिषु लोकेषु वदान्यस्सत्यसङ्गर: ।स तत्र पुरुषव्याघ्रश्शशास पृथिवीमिमाम् ।।1.7.20।। ,"In the three worlds he (Dasaratha) was acclaimed in the three words as munificient and upholder of truth, a tiger among men, who ruled protecting and guarding the people through spies. He. ruled the kingdom with righteousness by deserting irreligious and keeping the subjects happy." नाध्यगच्छद्विशिष्टं वा तुल्यं वा शत्रुमात्मन: ।मित्रवान्नतसामन्त: प्रतापहतकण्टक: ।।1.7.21।।स शशास जगद्राजा दिवं देवपतिर्यथा । ,The king (Dasaratha) had many friends. All the tributary kings were obedient to him. He killed his enemies with his might. There was no foe who was either superior to or equal to him. He ruled the world as Indra ruled the heaven. तैर्मन्त्रिभिर्मन्त्रहिते नियुक्तैर्वृतोऽनुरक्तै: कुशलैस्समर्थै: ।स पार्थिवो दीप्तिमवाप युक्तस्तेजोमयैर्गोभिरिवोदितोऽर्क: ।।1.7.22।। ,"Accompanied by the ministers who were devoted to his welfare, adept in counselling, skilful, capable and loyal towards him, the king acquired glory like the rising Sun with luminous rays.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे सप्तमस्सर्ग: ।। Thus ends the seventh sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. " [Dasaratha had no sons to continue the Ikshvaku race --sorrow grew with advancing age-- intends to perform aswamedha for a successor-- summons all ministers and counsellors--sages and family priests to approve his proposal.]तस्य त्वेवं प्रभावस्य धर्मज्ञस्य महात्मन:।सुतार्थं तप्यमानस्य नासीद्वंशकरस्सुत:।।1.8.1।। ,"Such a majestic, righteous, and magnaninous king had no son to perpetuate the race even though he performed austerities for one." चिन्तयानस्य तस्यैवं बुद्धिरासीन्महात्मन: ।सुतार्थं हयमेधेन किमर्थं न यजाम्यहम्।।1.8.2।। ,"While reflecting over the matter, a thought struck the magnanimous king: 'Why not invoke gods by performing a horsesacrifice for a son'." स निश्चितां मतिं कृत्वा यष्टव्यमिति बुद्धिमान्।मन्त्रिभिस्सह धर्मात्मा सर्वैरेव कृतात्मभि:।।1.8.3।। ततोऽब्रवीदिदं राजा सुमन्त्रं मन्त्रिसत्तमम्।शीघ्रमानय मे सर्वान्गुरूंस्तान् सपुरोहितान्।।1.8.4।। ,"Having made up his mind to perform the sacrifice, that sagacious and pious king, in consultation with his wise ministers, issued the following command to Sumantra, the best of ministers ""Bring all my spritual preceptors along with family priests."" " "ततस्सुमन्त्रस्त्वरितं गत्वा त्वरितविक्रम:। समानयत्स तान् सर्वान् समस्तान्वेदपारगान् ।।1.8.5।। सुयज्ञं वामदेवं च जाबालिमथ काश्यपम् । परोहितं वसिष्ठं च ये चान्ये व्दिजसत्तमा: ।। 1.8.6 ।।  "," Thereupon Sumantra of swift movement immediateiy brought together Suyajna, Vamadeva,Jabali, Kasyapa and priest Vasistha along with other brahmins who had mastery over the Vedas." तान्पूजयित्वा धर्मात्मा राजा दशरथस्तदा।इदं धर्मार्थसहितं श्लक्ष्णंवचनमब्रवीत्।।1.8.7।। ,"Virtuous king Dasaratha paid homage to them (the ministers) and uttered these gracious, righteous and meaningful words." मम लालप्यमानस्य पुत्रार्थन्नास्ति वै सुखम्।तदर्थं हयमेधेन यक्ष्यामीति मतिर्मम।।1.8.8।। ,"There is no happiness for one who has no son. This is the cause of my intense suffering. Therefore, I have made up my mind to perform a horsesacrifice." तदहं यष्टुमिच्छामि शास्त्रदृष्टेन कर्मणा।कथं प्राप्स्याम्यहं कामं बुद्धिरत्रविचार्यताम्।।1.8.9।। ,"Therefore, I intend to perform a horsesacrifice in accordance with the scriptures. How can I fulfil my desire in this regard? You may deliberate and find a solution""." ततस्साध्विति तद्वाक्यं ब्राह्मणा: प्रत्यपूजयन्।वसिष्ठप्रमुखास्सर्वे पार्थिवस्य मुखाच्च्युतम्।।1.8.10।। ,"The brahmins along with Vasishta in the forefront extolled the king's decision, exclaiming, 'Well, Well'. " ऊचुश्च परमप्रीतास्सर्वे दशरथं वच:।सम्भारास्सम्भ्रियन्तां ते तुरगश्च विमुच्यताम्।।1.8.11।। ,"Highly pleased, they all said to king Dasaratha, ""Requisite articles be collected for the sacrifice and the horse be released.""" सर्वथा प्राप्स्यसे पुत्रानभिप्रेतांश्च पार्थिव।यस्य ते धार्मिकी बुद्धिरियं पुत्रार्थमागता।।1.8.12।। ,"'O king, the wish that arose in your mind is just and right. You will definitely obtain sons as desired by you.'" तत: प्रीतोऽभवद्राजा श्रुत्वा तद्विजभाषितम्।अमात्यांश्चाब्रवीद्राजा हर्षपर्याकुलेक्षण:।।1.8.13।। ,"On hearing the words of the brahmins, the king was pleased and said to his ministers with eyes excited with delight." सम्भारास्सम्भ्रियन्तां मे गुरूणां वचनादिह।समर्थाधिष्ठितश्चाश्वस्सोपाध्यायो विमुच्यताम्।।1.8.14।। ,"""Let the articles required (for performing the sacrifice) be procured in accordance with the words of my spiritual preceptors and the horse be released under the protection of able men." सरय्वाश्चोत्तरे तीरे यज्ञभूमिर्विधीयताम्।शान्तयश्चाभिवर्धन्तां यथाकल्पं यथाविधि।।1.8.15।। ," On the northern bank of Sarayu, a sacrificial pavillion be prepared according to the methods ordained in the 'Kalpa'. Auspicious rites be performed in accordance with the ordinance for its uninterrupted completion." शक्य: प्राप्तुमयं यज्ञस्सर्वेणापि महीक्षिता।नापराधो भवेत्कष्टो यद्यस्मिन्क्रतुसत्तमे।।1.8.16।। ,"If obstructions and omissions do not occur in the conduct of this best of sacrifices, it will be possible for every king to get the results." छिद्रं हि मृगयन्तेऽत्र विद्वांसो ब्रह्मराक्षसा: ।निहतस्य च यज्ञस्य सद्य: कर्ता विनश्यति ।।1.8.17।। ,"The learned brahmarakshasas always look out for flaws in the sacrifice so that they can spoil it. If a flaw finds place, the doer of the sacrifice is immediately destroyed." तद्यथा विधिपूर्वं मे क्रतुरेष समाप्यते ।तथा विधानं क्रियतां समर्था: करणेष्विह।।1.8.18।। ,"Therefore let the arrangements be made in a manner this sacifice is completed in accordance with the scriptures. And in this, you are experts""." तथेति चाब्रुवन्सर्वे मन्त्रिण:प्रत्यपूजयन्।पार्थिवेन्द्रस्य तद्वाक्यं यथाज्ञप्तं निशम्य ते।।1.8.19।। ,"Having heard these words of this Indra on earth (king Dasaratha) all the ministers with due respect replied: ""May it be as ordered""." तथा द्विजास्ते धर्मज्ञा वर्धयन्तो नृपोत्तमम्।अनुज्ञातास्ततस्सर्वे पुनर्जग्मुर्यथागतम्।।1.8.20।। ,"Bowing to this best of kings (Dasaratha), all the brahmins who were experts in austerities left all the knowledgeable brahmins as they camewith his permission." विसर्जयित्वा तान्विप्रान्सचिवानिदमब्रवीत्।ऋत्विग्भिरुपदिष्टोऽयं यथावत्क्रतुराप्यताम्।।1.8.21।। ,"After sending away the brahmins, the king said to his ministers: ""Let this sacrifice be performed as enjoined by scriptures and as directed by the officiating priests""." इत्युक्त्वा नृपशार्दूलस्सचिवान्समुपस्थितान्।विसर्जयित्वा स्वं वेश्म प्रविवेश महाद्युति:।।1.8.22।। ,"Having thus ordered his ministers sitting nearby, sent this highly brilliant, this preeminent among kings them away and entered the inner apartment. " ततस्स गत्वा ता:पत्नीर्नरेन्द्रो हृदयप्रिया:।उवाच दीक्षां विशत यक्ष्येऽहं सुतकारणात्।।1.8.23।। ,"Thereafter the king said to his dearest wives: ""I intend to perform a sacrifice in order to obtain sons. Therefore, you, too, commence religious discipline.""" तासां तेनातिकान्तेन वचनेन सुवर्चसाम्।मुखपद्मान्यशोभन्त पद्मानीव हिमात्यये।।1.8.24।।,"On listening to these exceedingly charming words, their bright countenances shone resplendent like lotuses after the departure of winter.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे अष्टमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the eighth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. " , [Sumantra relates the story of sage Rsyasringa to Dasaratha tells him he would get sons after performance of a sacrifice by Rsyasringa--Dasaratha plans to get Rsyasringa to Ayodhya.]एतच्छ्रुत्वा रहस्सूतो राजानमिदमब्रवीत्।ऋत्विग्भिरुपदिष्टोऽयं पुरावृत्तो मया श्रुत:।।1.9.1।। ,The charioteer tells the king in privacy that he has heard the advice given by the offciating priests. सनत्कुमारो भगवान्पूर्वं कथितवान्कथाम्।ऋषीणां सन्निधौ राजन् तव पुत्रागमं प्रति।।1.9.2।। ,"""O king, the divine Sanatkumara had narrated a story about your posterity in the presence of sages." काश्यपस्यतु पुत्रोऽस्ति विभण्डक इति श्रुत:।ऋष्यशृङ्ग इति ख्यातस्तस्य पुत्रो भविष्यति।।1.9.3।। ,Kasyapa has a famous son named Vibhandaka. It was prophesied that he would have a son named Rsyasringa. स वने नित्यसंवृद्धो मुनिर्वनचरस्सदा ।नान्यं जानाति विप्रेन्द्रो नित्यं पित्रनुवर्तनात् ।।1.9.4।। ,"Grown up in the forest and always moving with his father, that sage knows none other than his father." द्वैविध्यं ब्रह्मचर्यस्य भविष्यति महात्मन:।लोकेषु प्रथितं राजन्विप्रैश्च कथितं सदा।।1.9.5।। ,"O eminent king, sage Rsyasringa celebrated in the three worlds who practises a twofold brahmacharya life (life of celebacy) described by brahmins (as vratitva and prajapatya)." तस्यैवं वर्तमानस्य कालस्समभिवर्तत ।अग्निं शुश्रूषमाणस्य पितरं च यशस्विनम्।।1.9.6।। ,"Worshipping the firegod and attending on his renowned father, he will spend a long time living in this manner (practising vratitva mode of brahmacharya)." एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु रोमपाद: प्रतापवान्।अङ्गेषु प्रथितो राजा भविष्यति महाबल:।। 1.9.7।। ,"At this time a powerful king Romapada, mighty and celebrated would be living in the country of Anga." तस्य व्यतिक्रमाद्राज्ञो भविष्यति सुदारुणा ।अनावृष्टिस्सुघोरा वै सर्वभूतभयावहा ।।1.9.8।। ,"Because of violation of code of conduct by the king, a terrible, dreadful drought frightening all living beings will set in the kingdom." अनावृष्ट्यां तु वृत्तायां राजा दु:खसमन्वित:।ब्राह्मणान्श्रुतवृद्धांश्च समानीय प्रवक्ष्यति।। 1.9.9।। ,"With drought prevailing, the griefstricken king, would summon all those grown old with learning and tell them." भवन्तश्श्रुतधर्माणो लोकचारित्रवेदिन: ।समादिशन्तु नियमं प्रायश्चित्तं यथा भवेत् ।।1.9.10।। , वक्ष्यन्ति ते महीपालं ब्राह्मणा वेदपारगा:।विभण्डकसुतं राजन्सर्वोपायैरिहानय।।1.9.11।। ,"Those brahmins versed in the Vedas, said, to 'O king bring here Rsyasringa, son of the sage Vibhandaka by all means'." आनाय्य च महीपाल ऋश्यशृङ्गं सुसत्कृतम्।प्रयच्छ कन्यां शान्तां वै विधिना सुसमाहित: ।।1.9.12।। ,"""O monarch, on having brought Rsyasringa here, honour him, and offer him your daughter Santa with due reverence." तेषां तु वचनं श्रुत्वा राजा चिन्तां प्रपत्स्यते ।केनोपायेन वै शक्य इहानेतुं स वीर्यवान् ।।1.9.13।। ,"On hearing their words, the king in a thoughtful mood said, 'How can the mighty sage be brought here'?" ततो राजा विनिश्चित्य सह मन्त्रिभिरात्मवान्।पुरोहितममात्यांश्च तत: प्रेष्यति सत्कृतान्।।1.9.14।। ,"Thereafter the confident king, having decided, in consultation with his ministers to bring him (Rsyasringa), sent the priest with the counsellors on this mission. " ते तु राज्ञो वचश्श्रुशृत्वा व्यथिता विनतानना:।न गच्छेम ऋषेर्भीता अनुनेष्यन्ति तं नृपम् ।। 1.9.15।। ,"On hearing the king's words, distressed and frightened by rishi's power, they appealed to the king, faces bent down, 'We will not go'." वक्ष्यन्ति चिन्तयित्वा ते तस्योपायांश्च तत्क्षमान्।आनेष्यामो वयं विप्रं न च दोषो भविष्यति।। 1.9.16।। ,"After thinking about the means to be employed to bring the rishi to the court, they told him they would bring the sage if they are not to blame (in case anything untoward happens)." एवमङ्गाधिपेनैव गणिकाभि: ऋषेस्सुत:।आनीतोऽवर्षयद्देवश्शान्ता चास्मै प्रदीयते।।1.9.17।। ,"Thus with the help of courtesans of the king of Anga, when the son of the sage (Rsyasringa) was brought rains followed. The king offered his daughter Santa (in marriage to the sage)." ऋश्यशृङ्गस्तु जामाता पुत्रांस्तव विधास्यति।सनत्कुमारकथितमेतावद्व्याहृतं मया।।1.9.18।। ," 'Risyasringa, your soninlaw, would help you to obtain sons'. Thus said Sanathkumara which I have related to you." अथ हृष्टो दशरथस्सुमन्त्रं प्रत्यभाषत।यथर्श्यशृङ्गस्त्वानीतो विस्तरेण त्वयोच्यताम्।।1.9.19।। ,"Thereupon Dasaratha, pleased, (with him), said to Sumantra, ""Describe in detail the means by which Rsyasringa was brought (to the court of Romapada)"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे नवमस्सर्ग:।। Thus ends the ninth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana of the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. " "[Sumantra narrates the manner in which Rsyasringa was brought to Anga--Romapada sends courtesans to lure Rsyasringa and to get him to faminestricken Anga--rains follow ending famine Rsyasringa marries Santa, daughter of Romapada.] सुमन्त्रश्चोदितो राज्ञा प्रोवाचेदं वचस्तदा।यथर्श्यशृङ्गस्त्वानीत श्श्रुणु मे मन्त्रिभिस्सह।।1.10.1।। ","Thus prompted by king Dasaratha, Sumantra said, ""I shall relate to you the manner in which Rsyasringa was brought to the court. Listen to me along with your ministers""." रोमपादमुवाचेदं सहामात्य: पुरोहित:।उपायो निरपायोऽयमस्माभिरभिचिन्तित:।। 1.10.2।। ,"The priest accompanied by ministers said to Romapada, ""We have thought over a plan which will never fail."" " ऋश्यशृङ्गो वनचरस्तपस्स्वाध्ययने रत:।अनभिज्ञस्स नारीणां विषयाणां सुखस्य च।1.10.3।। ,"""Rsyasringa, residing in the forest, is engrossed in the study of the Vedas. He is not acquainted with women and sensual pleasures." इन्द्रियार्थैरभिमतैर्नरचित्तप्रमाथिभि: ।पुरमानाययिष्याम: क्षिप्रं चाध्यवसीयताम्।। 1.10.4।। ,"By means of such things that can cause sensual pleasures and overpower the minds of men, we shall be able to bring him to the town. Let it be decided quickly (said the ministers)" गणिकास्तत्र गच्छन्तु रूपवत्यस्स्वलङ्कृता:।प्रलोभ्य विविधोपायैरानेष्यन्तीह सत्कृता:।।1.10.5।। ,"Beautiful and welladorned courtesans, may be sent there. They will allure him by various means and honourably bring him here." श्रुत्वा तथेति राजा च प्रत्युवाच पुरोहितम्।पुरोहितो मन्त्रिणश्च तथा चक्रुश्च ते तदा।।1.10.6।। ,"The king, having listened to these words, conveyed his approval saying, 'Let it be done that way'. The priests and ministers acted accordingly. " वारमुख्याश्च तच्छ्रुत्वा वनं प्रविविशुर्महत्।आश्रमस्याविदूरेऽस्मिन् यत्नं कुर्वन्ति दर्शने।।1.10.7।।ऋषिपुत्रस्य धीरस्य नित्यमाश्रमवासिन:। ," Having heard this, beautiful courtesans entered the great forest and remaining at a place not far from the hermitage made efforts to steal a sight of this son of a sage (Rsyasringa), this forest dweller, this controller of the senses." पितुस्सनित्यसन्तुष्टो नातिचक्राम चाश्रमात्।।1.10.8।।न तेन जन्मप्रभृति दृष्टपूर्वं तपस्विना।स्त्री वा पुमान्वा यच्चान्यत्सर्वं नगरराष्ट्रजम्।। 1.10.9।। ,He (Rsyasringa) was always content and never stirred out of his father's hermitage. Absorbed in penance he had never seen a woman or a man nor any of the creatures born in towns or cities right from his birth. तत: कदाचित्तं देशमाजगाम यदृच्छया।विभण्डकसुतस्तत्र ताश्चापश्यद्वराङ्गना:।।1.10.10।। ,One day this son of Vibhandaka (Rsyasringa) accidentally came to the place where he saw the beautiful women. ताश्चित्रवेषा: प्रमदा गायन्त्यो मधुरस्वरा:।ऋषिपुत्रमुपागम्य सर्वा वचनमब्रुवन्।। 1.10.11।। ,Those wonderfully attired women singing with sweet voices approached the son of the sage (Rsyasringa) and said: कस्त्वं किं वर्तसे ब्रह्मन् ज्ञातुमिच्छामहे वयम्।एकस्त्वं विजने घोरे वने चरसि शंस न:।। 1.10.12।। ,'O brahman Who are you? How are you subsisting? We wish to know why you are roaming alone in this dreadful forest? Could you tell us.' अदृष्टरूपास्तास्तेन काम्यरूपा वने स्त्रिय:।हार्दात्तस्य मतिर्जाता व्याख्यातुं पितरं स्वकम्।।1.10.13।। ,He had never seen such charming women in the forest. He developed affection towards them and a desire arose in him to speak about his father. पिता विभण्डकोऽस्माकं तस्याहं सुत औरस:।ऋश्यशृङ्ग इति ख्यातं नाम कर्म च मे भुवि।।1.10.14।। ,'My father is Vibhandaka. I am his own son. My name is Rsyasringa. I am known the world over by this name associated with my karma'. इहाश्रमपदोऽस्माकं समीपे शुभदर्शना:।करिष्ये वोऽत्र पूजां वै सर्वेषां विधिपूर्वकम्।।1.10.15।। ,"'O auspiciouslooking women, our hermitage is nearby. I will extend to you due hospitality'." ऋषिपुत्रवचश्श्रुत्वा सर्वासां मतिरास वै।तदाश्रमपदं द्रष्टुं जग्मुस्सर्वाश्च तेन ता:।। 1.10.16।। ,"After listening to the words of the sage's son (Rsyasringa), all the beautiful women with a desire to see the hermitage accompanied him." आगतानां तत: पूजामृषिपुत्रश्चकार ह।इदमर्घ्यमिदं पाद्यमिदं मूलमिदं फलं च न:।।1.10.17।। ,"Thereafter the son of ascetic respectfully received the the strangers saying, ""(Accept) our offerings, here is water for washing feet and here are roots and fruits""." प्रतिगृह्य च तां पूजां सर्वा एव समुत्सुका:।ऋषेर्भीताश्च शीघ्रं ता गमनाय मतिं दधु:।।1.10.18।। ,"The anxious courtesans received the offerings and afraid of the ascetic's return, made up their minds to withdraw immediately." अस्माकमपि मुख्यानि फलानीमानि वै द्विज ।गृहाण प्रति भद्रं ते भक्षयस्व च मा चिरम्।।1.10.19।। ,"'O brahmin, these are excellent fruits. May prosperity be to you. Accept them and eat them without delay.'" ततस्तास्तं समालिङ्ग्य सर्वा हर्षसमन्विता:।मोदकान्प्रददुस्तस्मै भक्ष्यांश्च विविधान् बहून्।।1.10.20।। ,"Then, all the courtesans embracing him with joy, offered plentiful sweetmeats and various items of food." तानि चास्वाद्य तेजस्वी फलानीति स्म मन्यते।अनास्वादितपूर्वाणि वने नित्यनिवासिनाम्।।1.10.21।। ,The lustrous (Rsyasringa) who had never tasted any food other than what was offered by the permanent forestdwellers mistook them for fruits. आपृच्छ्य च तदा विप्रं व्रतचर्यां निवेद्य च।गच्छन्ति स्मापदेशात्ता भीतास्तस्य पितुस्स्त्रिय:।।1.10.22।। ,The ladies apprehensive of (the arrival of) his father took leave of him on the pretext of observance of (evening) rites. गतासु तासु सर्वासु काश्यपस्यात्मजो द्विज:।अस्वस्थहृदयश्चासीद्दु:खं स्म परिवर्तते।।1.10.23।। ,"When they all departed, Kasyapa's son, the brahmin roamed (Rsyasringa) with a restless mind charged with sorrow." ततोऽपरेद्युस्तं देशमाजगाम स वीर्यवान्।मनोज्ञा यत्र ता दृष्टा वारमुख्यास्स्वलङ्कृताः।।1.10.24।। ,"On the following day, the sage armed with the power of penance, came to the place where he had seen those enticing, welladorned courtesans. " दृष्ट्वैव च तास्तदा विप्रमायान्तं हृष्टमानसा:।उपसृत्य ततस्सर्वास्तास्तमूचुरिदं वच:।।1.10.25।। ,"All of them were rejoiced on seeing the brahmin approaching them, came nearer to him and said:" एह्याश्रमपदं सौम्य ह्यस्माकमिति चाब्रुवन्।तत्राप्येष विधिश्श्रीमान् विशेषेण भविष्यति।।1.10.26।। ,"'O handsome one, come to our hermitage. A special, sumptuous hospitality will be extended to you', they said." श्रुत्वा तु वचनं तासां सर्वासां हृदयङ्गमम्।गमनाय मतिं चक्रे तं च निन्युस्तदा स्त्रिय:।।1.10.27।। ,"Having heard their words pleasing to the mind, he agreed to go with them. And the women took him away." तत्र चानीयमाने तु विप्रे तस्मिन्महात्मनि।ववर्ष सहसा देवो जगत्प्रह्लादयंस्तदा।।1.10.28।। ,As the illustrious sage was being brought (to Anga) the god of rain (Parjanya) suddenly inundated the earth which looked cherful (with rain). वर्षेणैवागतं विप्रं विषयं स्वं नराधिप:।प्रत्युद्गम्य मुनिं प्रह्वश्शिरसा च महीं गत:।।1.10.29।। ,"The king (Romapada) went out to welcome the ascetic, the brahmin who brought along with him rains to his country. He humbly bowed down his head and prostrated before him. " अर्घ्यं च प्रददौ तस्मै न्यायतस्सुसमाहित:।वव्रे प्रसादं विप्रेन्द्रान्मा विप्रं मन्युराविशेत्।।1.10.30।। ,He gave that Indra among the brahmins offerings righteously with unstinted devotion and asked for his favour that he should not incur the wrath of the sage (his father Vibhandaka for having brought him to Anga). "अन्त:पुरं प्रविश्यास्मै कन्यां दत्त्वा यथाविधि। शान्तां शान्तेन मनसा राजा हर्षमवाप स:।।1.10.31।। एवं स न्यवसत्तत्र सर्वकामैस्सुपूजित:।  "," The king entered the inner apartment, duly offered him his daughter Shanta in marriage and experienced peace and satisfaction. Thus he (Rsyasringa) lived there, with all his desires fulfilled"" (said Sumantra). इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे दशमस्सर्ग:।। Thus ends the tenth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Sumantra gives further details of the story narrated by Sanatkumara--on the advice of Sumantra, king Dasaratha goes to Romapada requests Rsyasringa's help to conduct aswamedha yaga Rsyasringa comes to Ayodhya.]भूय एव हि राजेन्द्र शृणु मे वचनं हितम्।यथा स देवप्रवर: कथायामेवमब्रवीत्।।1.11.1।। ","""Great king, I shall tell you the way Sanatkumara, great among the celestials further narrated the story. Listen to my words which may prove useful to you (said Sumantra)""." इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले जातो भविष्यति सुधार्मिक:।राजा दशरथो नाम्ना श्रीमान्सत्यप्रतिश्रव:।।1.11.2।। , अङ्गराजेन सख्यं च तस्य राज्ञो भविष्यति।कन्या चास्य महाभागा शान्ता नाम भविष्यति।।1.11.3।। ,That king (Dasaratha) will develop friendship with the king of Anga. A highly virtuous daughter named Santa will be born to king of Anga. पुत्रस्तु सोऽङ्गराजस्य रोमपाद इति श्रुत:।तं स राजा दशरथो गमिष्यति महायशा:।।1.11.4।। , The famous king Dasaratha will approach the son of the king of Anga known as Romapada. अनपत्योऽस्मि धर्मात्मन् शान्ताभर्ता मम क्रतुम्।आहरेत त्वयाज्ञप्तस्सन्तानार्थं कुलस्य च।।1.11.5।। ,"O righteous king I am issueless. Let Rsyasringa, husband of Santa be ordered to perform the a sacrificial ceremony so that I shall be blessed with I son for the perpetuaion of my race." श्रुत्वा राज्ञोऽथ तद्वाक्यं मनसा स विचिन्त्य च।प्रदास्यते पुत्रवन्तं शान्ताभर्तारमात्मवान्।।1.11.6।। ,"On hearing his words and deeply thinking over the matter, the prudent Romapada agreed to send, Santa's husband (Rsyasringa), capable of blessing him with a son." प्रतिगृह्य च तं विप्रं स राजा विगतज्वर:।आहरिष्यति तं यज्ञं प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना।।1.11.7।। ,"The king relieved of his suffering, was highly delighted. He would take the brahmin with him and perform the sacrificial ritual." तं च राजा दशरथो यष्टुकाम: कृताञ्जलि:।ऋश्यशृङ्गं द्विजश्रेष्ठं वरयिष्यति धर्मवित्।। 1.11.8।। यज्ञार्थं प्रसवार्थं च स्वर्गार्थं च नरेश्वर:।लभते च स तं कामं द्विजमुख्याद्विशांपति:।।1.11.9।। ,"King Dasaratha, lord of the people, and knower of dharma and truth, desirous of performing the sacrifice would ask Rsyasringa, with folded palms for granting a boon to perform a sacrifice in order to obtain children and to attain heaven. The king will get those desires fulfilled through that chief brahmin." पुत्राश्चास्य भविष्यन्ति चत्वारोऽमितविक्रमा:।वंशप्रतिष्ठानकरास्सर्वलोकेषु विश्रुता:।।1.11.10।। ,Four sons of immense prowess would be born to him bringing glory and fame to their dynasty. They would be renowned in all the worlds. एवं स देवप्रवर: पूर्वं कथितवान्कथाम्।सनत्कुमारो भगवान्पुरा देवयुगे प्रभु:।।1.11.11।। ,"In early times of Kritayuga, this story was narrated by the holy and competent Sanatkumara, the great one among the devatas"". " स त्वं पुरुषशार्दूल तमानय सुसत्कृतम्।स्वयमेव महाराज गत्वा सबलवाहन:।।1.11.12।। ,"""Greatest among men, O king, along with vehicles and retinue, you may go and bring him (Rsyasringa) personally with due respect""." अनुमान्य वसिष्ठं च सूतवाक्यं निशम्य च।सान्त:पुरस्सहामात्य: प्रययौ यत्र स द्विज:।।1.11.13।। ,"Having heard the charioteer's words and having obtained the consent of Vasishta, he along with his queens and courtiers departed to the place where the brahmin (Rsyasringa) resided. " वनानि सरितश्चैव व्यतिक्रम्य शनैश्शनै:।अभिचक्राम तं देशं यत्र वै मुनिपुङ्गव:।।1.11.14।। ,"Crossing forests and rivers slowly, the king reached the place where that foremost of ascetics lived." आसाद्य तं द्विजश्रेष्ठं रोमपादसमीपगम्।ऋषिपुत्रं ददर्शादौ दीप्यमानमिवानलम्।।1.11.15।। ,"He reached the spot and saw the son of the ascetic, the best of brahmins glowing like fire seated next to Romapada. " ततो राजा यथान्यायं पूजां चक्रे विशेषत:।सखित्वात्तस्य वै राज्ञ: प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना।।1.11.16।। ,"Then the king (Romapada), delighted at heart out of friendship with the king (Dasaratha), offered special hospitality with respectful salutations in accordance with propriety." रोमपादेन चाख्यातमृषिपुत्राय धीमते।सख्यं सम्बन्धकं चैव तदा तं प्रत्यपूजयत्।।1.11.17।। ,Romapada explained his friendship and relationship with him (Dasaratha). Rsyasringa of great intellect in return felicitated Dasaratha. एवं सुसत्कृतस्तेन सहोषित्वा नरर्षभ:।सप्ताष्टदिवसान्राजा राजानमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.11.18।। ,"In this manner, the great among men, the king wellhonoured by Romapada, spent seven or eight days there.And then spoke this to Romapada:" शान्ता तव सुता राजन् सह भर्त्रा विशांपते।मदीयनगरं यातु कार्यं हि महदुद्यतम्।।1.11.19।। ,"O lord of people, O king, It has been decided to commence an important sacrificial rite. You may send your daughter Santa along with her husband to my city." तथेति राजा संश्रुत्य गमनं तस्य धीमत:।उवाच वचनं विप्रं गच्छ त्वं सह भार्यया।।1.11.20।। ,"Having agreed to the departure of the sage Romapada said, 'Be pleased to go (to Ayodhya) together with your wife'." ऋषिपुत्र: प्रतिश्रुत्य तथेत्याह नृपं तदा।स नृपेणाभ्यनुज्ञात: प्रययौ सह भार्यया।।1.11.21।। ,"The son of the sage assented to the king's command saying 'So be it'. And permitted by him, departed along with wife (for Ayodhya)." तावन्योन्याञ्जलिं कृत्वा स्नेहात्संश्लिष्य चोरसा।ननन्दतुर्दशरथो रोमपादश्च वीर्यवान्।।1.11.22।। ,"Dasaratha and Romapada, pleased with this, wished each other with folded palms and hugged each other with love." ततस्सुहृदमापृच्छ्य प्रस्थितो रघुनन्दन:।पौरेभ्य: प्रेषयामास दूतान्वै शीघ्रगामिन:।।1.11.23।। ,"Then king Dasaratha, took leave of his friend and set out. He despatched swiftfooted messengers to the citizens with the command." क्रियतां नगरं सर्वं क्षिप्रमेव स्वलङ्कृतम्।धूपितं सिक्तसम्मृष्टं पताकाभिरलङ्कृतम्।।1.11.24।। ,"""Let the entire city be welldecorated, perfumed, sprinkled with water and cleaned with flags hoisted."" " तत: प्रहृष्टा: पौरास्ते श्रुत्वा राजानमागतम्।तथा प्रचक्रुस्तत्सर्वं राज्ञा यत्प्रेषितं तदा ।।1.11.25।। ,The people of the city having heard the king's arrival were overjoyed. They did everything as by the king. ततस्स्वलङ्कृतं राजा नगरं प्रविवेश ह।शङ्खदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषै: पुरस्कृत्य द्विजर्षभम्।।1.11.26।। ,"Then the king entered that welldecorated city amidst blares of conches and the beating of drums, with the best of the brahmins (Rsyasringa) in the forefront." तत: प्रमुदितास्सर्वे दृष्ट्वा तं नागरा द्विजम्।प्रवेश्यमानं सत्कृत्य नरेन्द्रेणेन्द्रकर्मणा।।1.11.27।। ,The citizens were delighted to behold that brahmin entering the city duly honoured by the king who was equivalent to Indra in valiance৷৷ अन्त:पुरं प्रवेश्यैनं पूजां कृत्वा च शास्त्रत:।कृतकृत्यं तदात्मानं मेने तस्योपवाहनात्।।1.11.28।। ,He (king Dasaratha) took him in to the inner apartment and extended welcome. He thought that he has as enjoined by the sastras accomplished his objective by bringing him (Rsyasringa). अन्त:पुरस्त्रियस्सर्वाश्शान्तां दृष्ट्वा तथागताम्।सह भर्त्रा विशालाक्षीं प्रीत्यानन्दमुपागमन्।।1.11.29।। ,"All the royal ladies, experienced immense delight when they saw the largeeyed Shanta arriving along with her husband in that manner." पूज्यमाना च ताभिस्सा राज्ञा चैव विशेषत:।उवास तत्र सुखिता कञ्चित्कालं सहर्त्विजा।।1.11.30।। ,"Honoured and worshipped by royal ladies, especially by king Dasaratha, Santa dwelt there for some time comfortably with the sage.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकादशस्सर्ग:।। Thus ends the eleventh sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Dasaratha requests Rsyasringa to perform the sacrificethe priests order him to procure necessary materials and to release the sacificial horse--Dasaratha orders his ministers to get the preparations done.]तत: काले बहुतिथे कस्मिंश्चित्सुमनोहरे।वसन्ते समनुप्राप्ते राज्ञो यष्टुं मनोऽभवत्।।1.12.1।।,"After a long time, at the advent of charming spring a desire arose in the mind of the king (Dasaratha) to perform the sacrifice." तत: प्रसाद्य शिरसा तं विप्रं देववर्णिनम्।यज्ञाय वरयामास सन्तानार्थं कुलस्य वै।।1.12.2।।,Then bowing his head in respect to that brahmin who was effulgent like a celestial and having won his grace he chose him to conduct a sacrifice for a son for (the continuity of) his dynasty. तथेति च स राजानमुवाच च सुसत्कृत:।सम्भारा सम्भ्रियन्तां ते तुरगश्च विमुच्यताम्।।1.12.3।।,"The wellhonoured brahmin agreed, saying, ""Be it so, let the requisite materials be procured and the sacificial horse, released""." ततो राजाऽब्रवीद्वाक्यं सुमन्त्रं मन्त्रिसत्तमम्।सुमन्त्रावाहय क्षिप्रं ऋत्विजो ब्रह्मवादिन:।।1.12.4।।सुयज्ञं वामदेवं च जाबालिमथ काश्यपम्।पुरोहितं वसिष्ठं च ये चान्ये द्विजसत्तमा:।।1.12.5।।,"Thereafter the king said to Sumantra, ""Summon immediately, Suyajna, Vamadeva, Jabali and Kasyapa, family priest Vasishta and other foremost and learned brahmins who are the official priests wellversed in the Vedas""." ततस्सुमन्त्रस्त्वरितं गत्वा त्वरितविक्रम:।समानयत्स तान्विप्रान् समस्तान्वेदपारगान्।।1.12.6।।,"Then Sumantra, a man of smart movement went immediately and brought all those brahmins who were wellversed in the Vedas." तान्पूजयित्वा धर्मात्मा राजा दशरथस्तदा।धर्मार्थसहितं युक्तं श्लक्ष्णं वचनमब्रवीत्।।1.12.7।।,"After paying respect to them (learned brahmins), virtuous king Dasaratha graciously uttered these words charged with dharma and artha." मम लालप्यमानस्य पुत्रार्थं नास्ति वै सुखम्।तदर्थं हयमेधेन यक्ष्यामीति मतिर्मम।।1.12.8।।,"""There is no happiness for me. I am overwhelmed with grief as I have no son. Therefore, I intend to perform a horsesacrifice." तदहं यष्टुमिच्छामि शास्त्रदृष्टेन कर्मणा।ऋषिपुत्रप्रभावेन कामान्प्राप्स्यामि चाप्यहम्।।1.12.9।।,"I wish to perform the yaga acording to scriptural procedures. And I will have my desire fulfilled by the grace of the sage (Rsyasringa)""." ततस्साध्विति तद्वाक्यं ब्राह्मणा: प्रत्यपूजयन्।वसिष्ठप्रमुखास्सर्वे पार्थिवस्य मुखाच्च्युतम्।।1.12.10।।,"When they heard these words from the king's month, those brahmins heades by Vasishta extolled the king's decision exclaiming, ""wellsaid"":" ऋष्यशृङ्गपुरोगाश्च प्रत्यूचुर्नृपतिं तदा।सम्भारास्सम्भ्रियन्तां ते तुरगश्च विमुच्यताम्।।1.12.11।।,"The priests led by Rsyasringa replied to the king, saying, ""Let the sacrificial articles be procured and your sacrificial horse released."" " सर्वथा प्राप्स्यसे पुत्रांश्चत्वारोऽमितविक्रमान्।यस्य ते धार्मिकी बुद्धिरियं पुत्रार्थमागता ।।1.12.12।।,"""Since this righteous thought for begetting children has entered your mind, you shall surely get four sons of immense prowess"". " तत: प्रीतोऽभवद्राजा श्रुत्वा तद्विजभाषितम्।अमात्यांश्चाब्रवीद्राजा हर्षेणेदं शुभाक्षरम्।।1.12.13।।,"Pleased to hear the brahmins' words, the king happily addressed his ministers with auspicious words:" गुरूणां वचनाच्छीघ्रं सम्भारास्सम्भ्रियन्तु मे।समर्थाधिष्ठितश्चाश्वस्सोपाध्यायो विमुच्यताम्।।1.12.14।।,"""In accordance with the instructions by my spiritual preceptors let the articles (required for performing the sacrifice) be procured and the horse released under the protection of warriors accompanied by the chief priest""." सरय्वाश्चोत्तरे तीरे यज्ञभूमिर्विधीयताम्।शान्तयश्चाभिवर्धन्तां यथाकल्पं यथाविधि।।1.12.15।।, Let a sacrificial pavillion be constructed on the northern bank of Sarayu according to prescribed methods ordained in the 'kalpa' and other scriptures for the uninterrupted completion of the sacrifice. शक्य: प्राप्तुमयं यज्ञस्सर्वेणापि महीक्षिता।नापराधो भवेत्कष्टो यद्यस्मिन्क्रतुसत्तमे।।1.12.16।।,"If in this best of sacrifices aswamedha, obstructions and omissions do not occur it will be possible for the king to get the results." छिद्रं हि मृगयन्तेऽत्र विद्वांसो ब्रह्मराक्षसा:।निहतस्य च यज्ञस्य सद्य: कर्ता विनश्यति।।1.12.17।।,"The learned brahmarakshasas always look out for flaws in the sacrifice so that they can strike into it. If the sacrifice is damaged, the doer of the sacrifice will be immediately destroyed." तद्यथा विधिपूर्वं मे क्रतुरेष समाप्यते।तथा विधानं क्रियतां समर्था: करणेष्विह।।1.12.18।।,"Therefore let the arrangements be made in a manner by which this sacifice is completed in accordance with the prescriptions in scriptures and you are experts in doing so""." तथेति च ततस्सर्वे मन्त्रिण: प्रत्यपूजयन्।पार्थिवेन्द्रस्य तद्वाक्यं यथाज्ञप्तमकुर्वत।।1.12.19।।,"Honouring the words of the king, all the ministers did as ordered." ततो द्विजास्ते धर्मज्ञमस्तुवन्पार्थिवर्षभम्।अनुज्ञातास्ततस्सर्वे पुनर्जग्मुर्यथागतम्।।1.12.20।।,"Admiring the great king, the knower of righteousness, the brahmins permitted by him returned to their places as they had some." गतेष्वथ द्विजाग्य्रेषु मन्त्रिणस्तान्नराधिप:।विसर्जयित्वा स्वं वेश्म प्रविवेश महाद्युति:।।1.12.21।।,"When the great brahmins departed, the glorious king (Dasaratha) sent away his ministers and entered his palace. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे द्वादशस्सर्ग:।।2Thus ends the twelfth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Dasaratha requests Vasishta to commence the sacrifice-- orders various people skilled in their profession to attend to the preparations--Vasishta asks Sumantra to invite kings from various countries--extends hospitality-- Dasaratha commences the sacrificial ceremony with his wives]पुन: प्राप्ते वसन्ते तु पूर्णस्संवत्सरोऽभवत्।प्रसवार्थं गतो यष्टुं हयमेधेन वीर्यवान्।।1.13.1।।,"After completion of one year when spring returned, the valiant king (Dasaratha) entered the sacrificial pavilion to worship celestial beings for begetting sons." अभिवाद्य वसिष्ठं च न्यायत: परिपूज्य च।अब्रवीत्प्रश्रितं वाक्यं प्रसवार्थं द्विजोत्तमम्।।1.13.2।।,"After offering humble salutations and worshipping sage Vasishta in accordance with prescribed ordinance for begetting children, he obediently said:" यज्ञो मे क्रियतां ब्रह्मन्यथोक्तं मुनिपुङ्गव।यथा न विघ्न: क्रियते यज्ञाङ्गेषु विधीयताम्।।1.13.3।।,"""O foremost among ascetics O brahman, may the sacrifice be performed according to tradition in such a manner that the sacrifice is performed unhindered." भवान् स्निग्धस्सुहृन्मह्यं गुरुश्च परमो महान्।ओढव्यो भवता चैव भारो यज्ञस्य चोद्यत:।।1.13.4।।,"You are an affectionate friend and most reverential spiritual guide to me. The burden of performing the sacrifice which has since commenced shall be borne by you"". " तथेति च स राजानमब्रवीद्द्विजसत्तमः।करिष्ये सर्वमेवैतद्भवता यत्समर्थितम्।।1.13.5।।,"The great among brahmins answered him saying ""I shall do everything as proposed by you""." ततोऽब्रवीद्विजान्वृद्धान्यज्ञकर्मसु निष्ठितान्।स्थापत्ये निष्ठितांश्चैव वृद्धान्परमधार्मिकान्।।1.13.6।।कर्मान्तिकान् शिल्पकरान्वर्धकीन् खनकानपि।गणकान्शिल्पिनश्चैव तथैव नटनर्तकान्।।1.13.7।। तथा शुचीन्शास्त्रविद: पुरुषान् सुबहुश्रुतान्।यज्ञकर्म समीहन्तां भवन्तो राजशासनात्।।1.13.8।। इष्टका बहु साहस्राश्शीघ्रमानीयतामिति। 0उपकार्या: क्रियन्तां च राज्ञां बहुगुणान्विता:।।1.13.9।। ,"Thereafter Vasishta summoned those brahmins who are experienced in the sacrificerelated activities venerable and righteous architects skilled workers brick makers, carpenters, diggers, artisans, account keepers, dancers and actors, men versed in scriptures and honest, wellinformed people and addressed them saying, ""In accordance with the king's command let the work of the sacrificial ceremony be inauguarated. Let thousands of bricks be brought. Let temporary residential buildings be erected with all the comforts to accommodate royal guests."" " ब्राह्मणावसथाश्चैव कर्तव्याश्शतशश्शुभा:।भक्ष्यान्नपानैर्बहुभिस्समुपेतास्सुनिष्ठिता:।।1.13.10।।, तथा पौरजनस्यापि कर्तव्या बहुविस्तरा:।आवासा बहुभक्ष्या वै सर्वकामैरुपस्थिता:।।1.13.11।।,In the same manner let widely spread residential accommodation be furnished with many items of food and all kinds of entertainment be provided for people from other lands. तथा जानपदस्यापि जनस्य बहुशोभनम्।दातव्यमन्नं विधिवत्सत्कृत्य न तु लीलया।।1.13.12।।," In the same way people coming from rural areas also should be duly, not casualy treated with respect." सर्वे वर्णा यथा पूजां प्राप्नुवन्ति सुसत्कृता:।न चावज्ञा प्रयोक्तव्या कामक्रोधवशादपि।।1.13.13।।,People from all castes should be welltreated with respect. There should be no insult to any one through lust on greed on anger. यज्ञकर्मसु ये व्यग्रा: पुरुषाश्शिल्पिनस्तथा।तेषामपि विशेषेण पूजा कार्या यथाक्रमम्।।1.13.14।।ते च स्युस्सम्भृतास्सर्वे वसुभिर्भोजनेन च। ,The people deeply immersed in performing sacrificerelated activities and sculptors be specially honoured according to their nature of work. All of them should be satisfied with money and food. यथा सर्वं सुविहितं न किञ्चित्परिहीयते।।1.13.15।। तथा भवन्त: कुर्वन्तु प्रीतिस्निग्धेन चेतसा। ,"Every thing should be wellmanaged. In whatever manner you do, not even the smallest things be left out. Carry out the work with love and affection in your hearts""." ततस्सर्वे समागम्य वसिष्ठमिदमब्रुवन्।।1.13.16।।यथोक्तं तत्सुविहितं न किञ्चित्परिहीयते।यथोक्तं तत्करिष्यामो न किञ्चित्परिहास्यते।।1.13.17।।,"Then all of them approached Vasishta and said, ""everything has been wellarranged in accordance with your instruction. There is no deficiency. Everything will be done as instructed by you without leaving out anything."" " ततस्सुमन्त्रमानीय वसिष्ठो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।निमन्त्रयस्व नृपतीन्पृथिव्यां ये च धार्मिका:।।1.13.18।।,"Then Vasishta, having summoned Sumantra said to him ""Invite all the righteous kings on earth""." ब्राह्मणान्क्षत्रियान्वैश्याञ्छूद्रांश्चैव सहस्रश:।समानयस्व सत्कृत्य सर्वदेशेषु मानवान्।।1.13.19।।,"""Extend an honourable invitation to brahmins, kshatriyas, merchants and sudras in their thousands residing in all countries." मिथिलाधिपतिं शूरं जनकं सत्यविक्रमम्।निष्ठितं सर्वशास्त्रेषु तथा वेदेषु निष्ठितम्।।1.13.20।।तमानय महाभागं स्वयमेव सुसत्कृतम्।पूर्वसम्बन्धिनं ज्ञात्वा तत: पूर्वं ब्रवीमि ते।।1.13.21।।,"You may personally go and bring with due honour king Janaka who is the distinguished king of Mithila, a warrior whose truth is his strength proficient in all scriptures and the Vedas. Since he is an old ally, I am telling you in advance." तथा काशीपतिं स्निग्धं सततं प्रियवादिनम्।वयस्यं राजसिंहस्य स्वयमेवानयस्व ह।।1.13.22।।,"Similarly, you may personally escort king of Kasi who is always affectionate and sweettongued. He is a friend to our king who is a lion among rulers." तथा केकयराजानं वृद्धं परमधार्मिकम्।श्वशुरं राजसिंहस्य सपुत्रं त्वमिहानय।।1.13.23।।,Likewise bring here the aged and very righteous king of Kekaya along with his sons. He is fatherinlaw to this lion among kings (Dasaratha). अङ्गेश्वरम् महाभागं रोमपादं सुसत्कृतम्।वयस्यं राजसिंहस्य समानय यशस्विनम्।।1.13.24।।,"Bring with honour king of Anga, Romapada, famous and prosperous. He is an intimate friend of the king (Dasaratha)." प्राचीनान्सिन्धु सौवीरान्सौराष्ट्रेयांश्च पार्थिवान्।दाक्षिणात्यान्नरेन्द्रांश्च समस्तानानयस्व ह।।1.13.25।।,"Bring kings from the countries of the eastern and southern regions, from Sindhu, Sauvera and Saurashtra৷৷ " सन्ति स्निग्धाश्च ये चान्ये राजान: पृथिवीतले।तानानय यथाक्षिप्रं सानुगान्सह बान्धवान्।।1.13.26।।,"Bring all other kings of this earth, who are friendly with us. Along with their retinues, families and relatives"". " वसिष्ठवाक्यं तच्छ्रुत्वा सुमन्त्रस्त्वरितस्तदा।व्यादिशत्पुरुषांस्तत्र राज्ञामानयने शुभान्।।1.13.27।।,"Having heard the words of Vasishta, Sumantra speedily despatched virtuous and auspicious emissaries to bring the kings." स्वयमेव हि धर्मात्मा प्रययौ मुनिशासनात्।सुमन्त्रस्त्वरितो भूत्वा समानेतुं महीक्षित:।।1.13.28।।,"In accordance with the ascetic's order, righteous Sumantra himself quickly set out to escort Janaka and other kings." ते च कर्मान्तिकास्सर्वे वसिष्ठाय च धीमते।सर्वं निवेदयन्ति स्म यज्ञे यदुपकल्पितम्।।1.13.29।।,"All the workers reported to the wise sage, Vasishta about the tasks completed for the sacrifice. " तत:प्रीतो द्विजश्रेष्ठस्तान् सर्वानिदमब्रवीत् ।अवज्ञया न दातव्यं कस्यचिल्लीलयाऽपि वा।।1.13.30।। अवज्ञया कृतं हन्याद्दातारं नात्र संशय:। 28,"Then, well pleased, the best among brahmins (Vasishta) said to them all ""Nobody should be offered any thing with disregard. Anything given with contempt undoubtedly results in the destruction of the donor.""" तत: कैश्चिदहोरात्रैरुपयाता महीक्षित:।।1.13.31।।बहूनि रत्नान्यादाय राज्ञो दशरथस्य वै। ,Meanwhile kings from several countries to travelling nights and days arrived bringing with them various kinds of (precious) gifts. ततो वसिष्ठस्सुप्रीतो राजानमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.13.32।।उपयाता नरव्याघ्र राजानस्तव शासनात्।मयापि सत्कृता: सर्वे यथार्हं राजसत्तमा:।।1.13.33।।,"Thereupon, wellpleased, Vasishta addressing Dasaratha said ""O best among men, beacuse of your command, kings from various countries have arrived. I have extended due hospitality to those noble kings according to their station.""" यज्ञीयं च कृतं राजन् पुरुषैस्सुसमाहितै:।निर्यातु च भवान्यष्टुं यज्ञायतनमन्तिकात्।।1.13.34।। ,"""O king, persons with composed minds have made preparations for the yaga. Now be pleased to leave for sacrificial altar nearby to perform yaga." सर्वकामैरुपहृतैरुपेतं च समन्तत:। द्रष्टुमर्हसि राजेन्द्र मनसेव विनिर्मितम्।।1.13.35।। ,"O foremost of kings, you ought to see the sacrificial ground full of sources of entertainment arranged everywhere, as though improvised by imagination""." तथा वसिष्ठवचनादृश्यशृङ्गस्य चोभयो:।शुभे दिवसनक्षत्रे निर्यातो जगतीपति:।।1.13.36।।,"In response to the words of Vasishta and Rsyasringa, the Lord of the earth (Dasaratha) entered the sacrificial pavilion on a favourable day presided over by an auspicious star. " ततो वसिष्ठप्रमुखास्सर्व एव द्विजोत्तमा:।ऋश्यशृङ्गं पुरस्कृत्य यज्ञकर्मारभन् तदा।।1.13.37।।यज्ञवाटगतास्सर्वे यथाशास्त्रं यथाविधि। 3,"At that moment the best of brahmins led by Vasishta and headed by Rsyasringa, entered the sacrificial enclosure and began the sacrifice in accordance with traditions and scriptural stipulations. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे त्रयोदशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the thirteenth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Dasaratha performs aswamedhayaga on the bank of Sarayu according to vedic rites]अथ संवत्सरे पूर्णे तस्मिन्प्राप्ते तुरङ्गमे।सरय्वाश्चोत्तरे तीरे राज्ञो यज्ञोऽभ्यवर्तत।।1.14.1।।," After completion of one year when the sacrificial horse had returned, the sacrifice by the king (Dasaratha) commenced on the northern bank of river Sarayu." ऋश्यशृङ्गं पुरस्कृत्य कर्म चक्रुर्द्विजर्षभा:।अश्वमेधे महायज्ञे राज्ञोऽस्य सुमहात्मन:।।1.14.2।।,The best of brahmins led by Rsyasringa performed the rituals of aswamedha organised by the exceedingly magnanimous king. कर्म कुर्वन्ति विधिवद्याजका वेदपारगा:।यथाविधि यथान्यायं परिक्रामन्ति शास्त्रत:।।1.14.3।।,"The chief priests, masters of the Vedas, conducted the rituals in consonance with traditions and scriptures. They officiated in conformity with duties laid down in the Vedas and according to law. " प्रवर्ग्यं शास्त्रत: कृत्वा तथैवोपसदं द्विजा:चक्रुश्च विधिवत्सर्वमधिकं कर्म शास्त्रत:।।1.14.4।।,Brahmins performed pravargya and upasada and other ceremonies as per the scriptures and traditions. अभिपूज्य ततो हृष्टास्सर्वे चक्रुर्यथाविधि।प्रातस्सवनपूर्वाणि कर्माणि मुनिपुङ्गवा:।।1.14.5।।,"Thereafter the eminent ascetics, rejoicing in their hearts performed the worship (of celestial beings) and conducted the prescribed rituals starting with morning ablutions etc." ऐन्द्रश्च विधिवद्दत्तो राजा चाभिषुतोऽनघ:।माध्यन्दिनं च सवनं प्रावर्तत यथाक्रमम्।।1.14.6।।,Havis was duly offered to Indra daily. The juice was extracted in the morning by pressing the soma plant. Midday ablutions were performed. All in proper sequence. तृतीयसवनं चैव राज्ञोऽस्य सुमहात्मन:।चक्रुस्तेशास्त्रतो दृष्ट्वा तथा ब्राह्मणपुङ्गवा:।।1.14.7।।," Those exceedingly noble and eminent brahmins performed third pressing of the soma, in conformity with the sastras." न चाहुतमभूत्तत्र स्खलितं वापि किञ्चन ।दृश्यते ब्रह्मवत्सर्वं क्षेमयुक्तं हि चक्रिरे।।1.14.8।।,There were no omissions in the offerings nor any lappes in the performance. Everything was done through recitation of mantras and in a wholesome way. न तेष्वहस्सु श्रान्तो वा क्षुधितो वापि दृश्यते।नाविद्वान्ब्राह्मणस्तत्र नाशतानुचरस्तथा।।1.14.9।।,During the days (of sacrifice) none felt tired or hungry. There was no brahmin who was not learned or had less than a hundred followers (or disciples). ब्राह्मणा भुञ्जते नित्यं नाथवन्तश्च भुञ्जते।तापसा भुञ्जते चापि श्रमणा भुञ्जतेतथा।।1.14.10।।," During that period brahmanas as well as those who have masters, (the sudras), ascetics and monks had enough to eat." वृद्धाश्च व्याधिताश्चैव स्त्रियो बालास्तथैव च ।अनिशं भुञ्जमानानां न तृप्तिरुपलभ्यते।।1.14.11।।,"The aged, the sick, women and also children ate there and knew no limit to their enjoyment." दीयतां दीयतामन्नं वासांसि विविधानि च।इति सञ्चोदितास्तत्र तथा चक्रुरनेकश:।।1.14.12।।," ""Give food, give, various kinds of clothes"" echoed the organisers. And they (in charge of distribution) did." अन्नकूटाश्च बहवो दृश्यन्ते पर्वतोपमा:।दिवसे दिवसे तत्र सिद्धस्य विधिवत्तदा।।1.14.13।।,"There, could be seen day after day heaps of nicely cooked food, looking like mountains." नानादेशादनुप्राप्ता: पुरुषास्स्त्रीगणास्तथा।अन्नपानैस्सुविहितास्तस्मिन्यज्ञे महात्मन:।।1.14.14।।, Men and women who had come from various countries to that sacrifice were entertained with food and drink by the magnanimous (king). अन्नं हि विधिवत्साधु प्रशंसन्ति द्विजर्षभा:।अहो तृप्ता: स्म भद्रं ते इति शुश्राव राघव:।।1.14.15।।," Brahmins having tasted the delicious food cooked in prescribed manner, praised saying ""Ah We are fully satisfied. Prosperity to you"". Such were the words heard by king Dasaratha." स्वलङ्कृताश्च पुरुषा ब्राह्मणान्पर्यवेषयन्।उपासते च तानन्ये सुमृष्टमणिकुण्डला:।।1.14.16।।,"While brahmins were being served with food by welldressed men, some others wearing pendents studded with shining jewels assisted them." कर्मान्तरे तदा विप्रा हेतुवादान्बहूनपि।प्राहुश्च वाग्मिनो धीरा: परस्परजिगीषया।।1.14.17।।," In the interval between ceremonies, eloquent and sagacious brahmins were engaged in various disputations, desirous of victory." दिवसे दिवसे तत्र संस्तरे कुशला द्विजा:।सर्वकर्माणि चक्रुस्ते यथाशास्त्रं प्रचोदिता:।।1.14.18।।,"Every day in that sacrifice brahmins, skilful in rituals, persuaded (by sage Vasishta), performed all their duties as per tradition." नाषडङ्गविदत्रासीन्नाव्रतो नाबहुश्रुत:।सदस्यास्तस्य वै राज्ञो नावादकुशला द्विजा:।।1.14.19।।,"Here (in this sacrificial pavillion), there was none who was not versed in six Vedangas, not true to vows, not learned in many sastras nor adept in discussions (on sastras)." "प्राप्ते यूपोच्छ्रये तस्मिन्षड्बैल्वा: खादिरास्तथा। तावन्तो बिल्वसहिता: पर्णिनश्च तथापरे।।1.14.20।। श्लेष्मातकमयस्त्वेको देवदारुमयस्तथा। द्वावेव विहितौ तत्र बाहुव्यस्तपरिग्रहौ।।1.14.21।।  "," When the time came to erect sacrificial posts, six posts, each made of bilva, khadira, parni, sleshmataka and two of devadaru wood, with a distance of two outstretched hands between them were erected." प्राप्ते यूपोच्छ्रये तस्मिन्षड्बैल्वा: खादिरास्तथा।तावन्तो बिल्वसहिता: पर्णिनश्च तथापरे।।1.14.20।।श्लेष्मातकमयस्त्वेको देवदारुमयस्तथा।द्वावेव विहितौ तत्र बाहुव्यस्तपरिग्रहौ।।1.14.21।।,"When the time came to erect sacrificial posts, six posts each made of bilva and khadira wood and many made of parni wood along, one of sleshmataka and two of devadaru wood, with a distance of two outstretched hands between them were erected." कारितास्सर्व एवैते शास्त्रज्ञैर्यज्ञकोविदै:।शोभार्थं तस्य यज्ञस्य काञ्चनालङ्कृताऽभवन्।।1.14.22।।,All these posts were prepared by knowers of sastras and by those wellversed in the performance of sacrifices. They were decorated with gold to add elegance to the sacrifice. एकविंशतियूपास्ते एकविंशत्यरत्नय:।वासोभिरेकविंशद्भिरेकैकं समलङ्कृता:।।1.14.23।।,"These twentyone sacrificial posts, each measuring twentyone 'aratni' height, were welldecorated wrapped in a piece of cloth." विन्यस्ता विधिवत्सर्वे शिल्पिभिस्सुकृता दृढा:।अष्टाश्रयस्सर्व एव श्लक्ष्णरूपसमन्विता:।।1.14.24।।,"All those posts, strong with eight sides and finely finished surfaces, wellcarved by sculptors were duly erected." आच्छादितास्ते वासोभि: पुष्पैर्गन्धैश्च भूषिता:।सप्तर्षयो दीप्तिमन्तो विराजन्ते यथा दिवि।।1.14.25।।,"Decorated with flowers and sandal paste and covered with cloths, stood the bright sacrificial posts shining like seven sages in the sky." इष्टकाश्च यथान्यायं कारिताश्च प्रमाणत:।चितोऽग्निर्ब्राह्मणैस्तत्र कुशलैश्शुल्बकर्मणि ।।1.14.26।।,The sacrificial fireplace was constructed with bricks with standard measurement by brahmins who were experts in the art of measuring land with a string or single strand. सचित्यो राजसिंहस्य सञ्चित: कुशलैर्द्विजै:।गरुडो रुक्मपक्षो वै त्रिगुणोऽष्टादशात्मक:।।1.14.27।।," That sacrificial altar of the lion among kings, (Dasaratha), erected by welltrained brahmins was in the shape of the golden winged 'Garuda' it had three ranges and thrice as many fireplaces i.e eighteen in number." नियुक्तास्तत्र पशवस्तत्तदुद्दिश्य दैवतम्।उरगा: पक्षिणश्चैव यथाशास्त्रं प्रचोदिता:।।1.14.28।।,"Animals, serpents and birds were kept ready after the sastras intended (for sacrifice) for those respective deities." शामित्रे तु हयस्तत्र तथा जलचराश्च ये।ऋत्विग्भिस्सर्वमेवैतन्नियुक्तं शास्त्रतस्तदा।।1.14.29।।,"When the time came to sacrifice the animals, the chief priests, in accordance with tradition, tied up the horse and all the aquatic animals to the sacrificial posts." पशूनां त्रिशतं तत्र यूपेषु नियतं तदा।अश्वरत्नोत्तमं तस्य राज्ञो दशरथस्य च ।।1.14.30।।,Three hundred animals and the jewel of the horses (from the stables) belonging to king Dasaratha were bound to the sacrificial posts. कौसल्या तं हयं तत्र परिचर्य समन्तत:।कृपाणैर्विशशासैनं त्रिभि: परमया मुदा ।।1.14.31।।," Kausalya, with immense glee having gone round and worshipped that horse, severed it with three strokes of scimitar." पतत्रिणा तदा सार्धं सुस्थितेन च चेतसा।अवसद्रजनीमेकां कौशल्या धर्मकाम्यया।।1.14.32।।," Kausalya, in her devotion to duty and with a happy state of mind, passed one night near that horse." होताऽध्वर्युस्तथोद्गाता हस्तेन समयोजयन्।महिष्या परिवृत्त्या च वावातां च तथापराम्।।1.14.33।।,"Hota, Adhvaryu and Udgata arranged Mahishi, Parivritti, Vavaata and another woman known as Palakali to touch (keep the company of) the sacrificial horse." पतत्रिणस्तस्य वपा मुद्धृत्य नियतेन्द्रिय:।ऋत्विक्परमसम्पन्न: श्रपयामास शास्त्रत:।।1.14.34।।,"The official priest, highly knowledgeable in scriptures and having restrained senses, removed the marrow from the horse and cooked it according to tradition." धूमगन्धं वपायास्तु जिघ्रति स्म नराधिप:।यथाकालं यथान्यायं निर्णुदन्पापमात्मन:।।1.14.35।।,The king at appropriate time and in agreement with the scriptures inhaled the odour of the smoke (from the burnt marrow) and absolved himself of his sins. हयस्य यानि चाङ्गानि तानि सर्वाणि ब्राह्मणा:।अग्नौ प्रास्यन्ति विधिवत्समन्त्राष्षोडशर्त्विज:।।1.14.36।।,The sixteen officiating priests (brahmins) offered all the horse's limbs with prayers as per the customs. प्लक्षशाखासु यज्ञानामन्येषां क्रियते हवि:।अश्वमेधस्य यज्ञस्य वैतसो भाग इष्यते।।1.14.37।। ,In other sacrifices oblations are offered with branches of a plaksha tree but in Aswamedha a branch of cane creeper is chosen instead. त्र्यहोऽश्वमेधस्सङ्ख्यात: कल्पसूत्रेण ब्राह्मणै:। 37चतुष्टोममहस्तस्य प्रथमं परिकल्पितम्।।1.14.38।। ,"According to Kalpa sutra, aswamedha in conducted for three days. In the first day, chatushtoma is arranged." उक्थ्यं द्वितीयं संख्यातमतिरात्रं तथोत्तरम्। कारितास्तत्र बहवो विहिताश्शास्त्रदर्शनात्।।1.14.39।। ,On the second day Ukthya and on the third day Atiraatra were performed. Many sacrifices fixed according to the scriptures were also performed. ज्योतिष्टोमायुषी चैवमतिरात्रौ विनिर्मितौ।अभिजिद्विश्वजिच्चैवमप्तोर्यामो महाक्रतु:।।1.14.40।।,"Jyotishtoma and Ayuryaga in Atiratra, Abhijit, Viswajit and Aptoryama ceremonies constituting the great sacrifice were performed in the prescribed manner." प्राचीं होत्रे ददौ राजा दिशं स्वकुलवर्धन:।अध्वर्यवे प्रतीचीं तु ब्रह्मणे दक्षिणां दिशम्।।1.14.41।।उद्गात्रे च तथोदीचीं दक्षिणैषा विनिर्मिता।हयमेधे महायज्ञे स्वयंभूविहिते पुरा।।1.14.42।।," In order to promote his dynasty, king Dasaratha gave away eastern region to Hotar, western region to Adhvaryu, southern region to Brahma and northern region to Udgata. These offerings were made in accordance with theprescriptions by Brahma long all." क्रतुं समाप्य तु तदा न्यायत: पुरुषर्षभ: ।ऋत्विग्भ्यो हि ददौ राजा तां धरां कुलवर्धन:।।1.14.43।।," The king best among men and upholder of his dynasty, having concluded the sacrifice according to law, offered this entire earth as gift to priests." ऋत्विजस्त्वब्रुवन्सर्वे राजानं गतकल्मषम्।भवानेव महीं कृत्स्नामेको रक्षितुमर्हति।।1.14.44।।,"But all the priests said to the king purged of his sins, ""O Lord of men you alone are capable of protecting this earth""." न भूम्या कार्यमस्माकं न हि शक्तास्स्म पालने।रतास्स्वाध्यायकरणे वयं नित्यं हि भूमिप।।1.14.45।।निष्क्रयं किञ्चिदेवेह प्रयच्छतु भवानिति। 4 ,"""O ruler of the earth We are constantly engaged in the study of the Vedas. We are not capable of ruling the earth and we cannot do anything with its possession. Give some other charity in lieu of that." मणिरत्नं सुवर्णं वा गावो यद्वा समुद्यतम्।तत्प्रयच्छ नरश्रेष्ठ धरण्या न प्रयोजनम्।।1.14.46।।,"O best of men give us gems or gold or cows or whichever is readily available. We have no use with this earth""." एवमुक्तो नरपतिर्ब्राह्मणैर्वेदपारगै:।।1.14.47।।गवां शतसहस्राणि दश तेभ्यो ददौ नृप:। 4 शतकोटीस्सुवर्णस्य रजतस्य चतुर्गुणम् ।।1.14.48।।,"Lord of men, the king having been thus addressed by brahmins who were wellversed in the Vedas, bestowed on them ten hundred thousand cows, a hundred crore of gold coins and four times as much in silver coins." ऋत्विजश्च ततस्सर्वे प्रददुस्सहिता वसु।ऋश्यशृङ्गाय मुनये वसिष्ठाय च धीमते।।1.14.49।। ,All the priests collectively offered that wealth to sage Rsyasringa and Vasishta endowed with prudence. ततस्ते न्यायत: कृत्वा प्रविभागं द्विजोत्तमा:।सुप्रीतमनसस्सर्वे प्रत्यूचुर्मुदिता भृशम्।।1.14.50।।,"Then those highly pleased brahmins, having distributed that wealth with equity, again said to the king. " तत: प्रसर्पकैभ्यस्तु हिरण्यं सुसमाहित:।जाम्बूनदं कोटिसंख्यं ब्राह्मणेभ्यो ददौ तदा।।1.14.51।।," Thereafter, with earnestness king Dasaratha bestowed a crore of gold coins to brahmins who had come to see the sacrifice." दरिद्राय द्विजायाथ हस्ताभरणमुत्तमम्।कस्मैचिद्याचमानाय ददौ राघवनन्दन:।।1.14.52।।,Dasaratha then gave his excellent bracelet to a poor brahmin who solicited alms. तत: प्रीतेषु नृपतिर्द्विजेषु द्विजवत्सल:।प्रणाममकरोत्तेषां हर्षपर्याकुलेक्षण:।।1.14.53।।,"When the brahmins were pleased, king Dasaratha who was fond of brahmins bowed to them with his eyes filled with delight." तस्याशिषोऽथ विधिवद्ब्राह्मणैस्समुदीरिता:।उदारस्य नृवीरस्य धरण्यां प्रणतस्य च ।।1.14.54।।,Brahmins uttered blessings upon the generous king when he prostrated before them according to procedure. तत: प्रीतमना राजा प्राप्य यज्ञमनुत्तमम्।पापापहं स्वर्नयनं दुष्करं पार्थिवर्षभै:।।1.14.55।।,Sacrifice destroys sins. It leads to heaven. It is incapable of being done by other monarchs. King Dasaratha was very much pleased after performing this great sacrifice. ततोऽब्रवीदृश्यशृङ्गं राजा दशरथस्तदा।कुलस्य वर्धनं त्वं तु कर्तुमर्हसि सुव्रत।।1.14.56।।,"King Dasaratha then addressing Rsyasringa said ""O Adherent of vows you can help the continuity of my race""." तथेति च स राजानमुवाच द्विजसत्तम:।भविष्यन्ति सुता राजंश्चत्वारस्ते कुलोद्वहा:।।1.14.57।।,"Rsyasringa, the best of brahmins, addressing the king said, ""O King Let it be. Four sons perpetuating your race will be born to you"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे चतुर्दशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fourteenth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Dasaratha commences putreshti under the guidance of Rsyasringa--Gods approach Brahma, the creator to suggest means of killing Ravana who could not be killed by anyone except man, monkeys and bears--Visnu appears--gods request Visnu to incarnate in the world of men as son of Dasaratha--He agrees]मेथावी तु ततो ध्यात्वा स किञ्चिदिदमुत्तरम्।लब्धसंज्ञस्ततस्तं तु वेदज्ञो नृपमब्रवीत्।।1.15.1।।","Rsyasringa, a highly intellectual and knowledgeable one in the Vedas, pondered for a while, revived his memory and said to the king." इष्टिं तेऽहं करिष्यामि पुत्रीयां पुत्रकारणात्।अथर्वशिरसि प्रोक्तैर्मन्त्रैस्सिद्धां विधानत:।।1.15.2।।,"""I shall perform putriyeshti to help you beget sons. This is to be done in accordance with tradition for fulfilment of desires through mantras as declared in a portion of the Vedas, 'atharva siras'"" ." तत: प्राक्रमदिष्टिं तां पुत्रीयां पुत्रकारणात्।जुहाव चाग्नौ तेजस्वी मन्त्रदृष्टेन कर्मणा।।1.15.3।।," To help Dasaratha beget sons, brilliant Rsyasringa commenced putriyeshti, a sacrifice for begetting children, by pouring oblations into sacrificial fire and chanting mantras in accordance with traditions. " ततो देवास्सगन्धर्वास्सिद्धाश्च परमर्षय: ।भागप्रतिग्रहार्थं वै समवेता यथाविधि।।1.15.4।।,"All the celestial deities etc., along with gandharvas according to tradition, gathered at the sacrifice to receive their share of offerings." तास्समेत्य यथान्यायं तस्मिन्सदसि देवता:।अब्रुवन् लोककर्तारं ब्रह्माणं वचनं महत्।।1.15.5।।,All devatas assembled there as per tradition and thus addressed Lord Brahma the creator of the worlds: भगवन्त्वत्प्रसादेन रावणो नाम राक्षस:।सर्वान्नो बाधते वीर्याच्छासितुं तं न शक्नुम:।।1.15.6।।,"""O lord a rakshasa by name Ravana who had obtained prowess through your grace is oppressing us. We are unable to punish him." त्वया तस्मै वरो दत्त: प्रीतेन भगवन्पुरा।मानयन्तश्च तं नित्यं सर्वं तस्य क्षमामहे।।1.15.7।।,"Pleased with his penance, Lord, you had granted him a boon. By honour that boon and daily endure all his cruelty." उद्वेजयति लोकान्स्तीनुच्छ्रितान्द्वेष्टि दुर्मति:।शक्रं त्रिदशराजानं प्रधर्षयितुमिच्छति।।1.15.8।।,"The evilminded Ravana is inflicting pains on the three worlds. He hates the guardians of the earth and intends to assault Indra, lord of the celestials." ऋषीन्यक्षान्सगन्धर्वानसुरान्ब्राह्मणांस्तथा।अतिक्रामति दुर्धर्षो वरदानेन मोहित:।।1.15.9।।," Because of your boon he has become unassailable and puffed with pride deties sages, yakshas, gandharvas, demons and brahmins." नैनं सूर्य: प्रतपति पार्श्वे वाति न मारुत:।चलोर्मिमाली तं दृष्ट्वा समुद्रोऽपि न कम्पते।।1.15.10।।,The Sun does not scorch him and the wind does not blow by him. Even the ocean with its incessantly moving waves becomes still in his presence. तन्महन्नो भयं तस्माद्राक्षसाद्घोरदर्शनात्।वधार्थं तस्य भगवन्नुपायं कर्तुमर्हसि।।1.15.11।।," His dreamful appearance of that rakshasa strikes terror into us. O Lord do find some means to kill him""." एवमुक्तस्सुरैस्सर्वैश्चिन्तयित्वा ततोऽब्रवीत्।हन्तायं विदितस्तस्य वधोपायो दुरात्मन:।।1.15.12।।,"After listening to the words of the devatas and reflecting over the matter, Brahma said, ""Oh, the means of destruction of that wicked (rakshasa) has struck my mind"". " तेन गन्धर्वयक्षाणां देवदानवरक्षसाम्।अवध्योऽस्मीति वागुक्ता तथेत्युक्तं च तन्मया।।1.15.13।।,"When he asked gandharvas, yakshas, gods, demons or rakshasas should never be able to kill him, I said, ""So be it""." नाकीर्तयदवज्ञानात्तद्रक्षो मानुषान् प्रति।तस्मात्स मानुषाद्वध्यो मृत्युर्नान्योऽस्य विद्यते।।1.15.14।।," ""The rakshasa did not include man monkey and bear because of his disdain for men. As such he is fit to be destroyed by a man and not by any other means""." एतच्छ्रुत्वा प्रियं वाक्यं ब्रह्मणा समुदाहृतम्।सर्वे महर्षयो देवाः प्रहृष्टास्तेऽभवंस्तदा।।1.15.15।।," Having heard these pleasing words uttered by Brahma, all the devatas and maharshis were overwhelmed with joy." एतस्मिन्नन्तरे विष्णुरुपयातो महाद्युति:।शङ्खचक्रगदापाणि: पीतवासा जगत्पति:।।1.15.16।। ," At this juncture Visnu the lord of the world, highly effulgent and bearing conch, discus and mace in his hands and in yellow apparel arrived." ब्रह्मणा च समागम्य तत्र तस्थौ समाहित:। 1तमब्रुवन्सुरास्सर्वे समभिष्टूय सन्नता:।।1.15.17।।, Lord Visnu stayed there with a composed mind after meeting Brahma Then thus spoke the devatas prostrated before Visnu and paying him homage with hymns. त्वान्नियोक्ष्यामहे विष्णो लोकानां हितकाम्यया। 1 राज्ञो दशरथस्य त्वमयोध्याधिपते: प्रभो:।।1.15.18। धर्मज्ञस्य वदान्यस्य महर्षिसमतेजस: । 18तस्य भार्यासु तिसृषु ह्रीश्रीकीर्त्युपमासु च।।1.15.19।।विष्णो पुत्रत्वमागच्छ कृत्वाऽऽत्मानं चतुर्विधम्। 1," ""O Visnu we pray for the welfare of all the worlds. The sovereign of Ayodhya, king Dasaratha is a righteous, virtuous and generous king equal with rishis in lusture. Pray form into four and incarnate in the of four sons of his three wives, resembling hri (modesty), shree (auspiciousness), kirti (fame)." तत्र त्वं मानुषो भूत्वा प्रवृद्धं लोककण्टकम्।अवध्यं दैवतैर्विष्णो समरे जहि रावणम्।।1.15.20।।,"""O Visnu assuring human form, kill Ravana in the battle. He has become a source of torment to the worlds and is invincible by gods." स हि देवांश्च गन्धर्वान्सिद्धांश्च मुनिसत्तमान्।राक्षसो रावणो मूर्खो वीर्योत्सेकेन बाधते।।1.15.21।।," ""That stupid rakshasa, Ravana, with his haughty prowess, is terrorising the gods, gandharvas, siddhas and great rishis." ऋषयश्च ततस्तेन गन्धर्वाप्सरसस्तथा।क्रीडन्तो नन्दनवने क्रूरेण किल हिंसिता:।।1.15.22।।," It is reported that a cruel rakshasa with his haughty prowess has tortured rishis, gandharvas and apsaras sporting in Nandana groves." वधार्थं वयमायातास्तस्य वै मुनिभिस्सह।सिद्धगन्धर्वयक्षाश्च ततस्त्वां शरणं गता:।।1.15.23।।," We siddhas, gandharvas and yakshas along with ascetics, have hence come here to devise ways of his death. We take refuge in you." त्वं गति: परमा देव सर्वेषां न: परन्तप:।वधाय देवशत्रूणां नृणां लोके मन: कुरु।।1.15.24।।,"O tormentor of enemies, O Visnu, you are the supreme, refuge for all of us. Resolve to be born in the world of men for the destruction of enemies of the gods (rakshasas)""." एवमुक्तस्तु देवेशो विष्णुस्त्रिदशपुङ्गव:।पितामहपुरोगांस्तान्सर्वलोकनमस्कृत:।।1.15.25।।अब्रवीत्त्रिदशान्सर्वान्समेतान्धर्मसंहितान् ।।1.15.26।।,"Visnu, the lord of the celestials, foremost among the gods and bowed by all in the worlds addressed the assembled devatas who were guided by the law of righteousness and were led by the grand sire, Brahma." भयं त्यजत भद्रं वो हितार्थं युधि रावणम्।सपुत्रपौत्रं सामात्यं समित्रज्ञातिबान्धवम्।।1.15.27।।हत्वा क्रूरं दुरात्मानं देवर्षीणां भयावहम्।दशवर्षसहस्राणि दशवर्षशतानि च।वत्स्यामि मानुषे लोके पालयन्पृथिवीमिमाम्।।1.15.28।।, एवं दत्वा वरं देवो देवानां विष्णुरात्मवान्।मानुषे चिन्तयामास जन्मभूमिमथात्मन:।।1.15.29।।," Lord Visnu, supreme soul having given boon to devatas in this manner, reflected as to the place where he should take birth as a man in this world of men." तत: पद्मपलाशाक्ष: कृत्वाऽऽत्मानं चतुर्विधम्।पितरं रोचयामास तथा दशरथन्नृपम्।।1.15.30।।," Thereafter, the Lord with eyes like the lotus petal was pleased to transform himself into four forms and to choose king Dasaratha as his father." तदा देवर्षि गन्धर्वास्सरुद्रास्साप्सरोगणा:।स्तुतिभिर्दिव्यरूपाभिस्तुष्टुवुर्मधुसूदनम्।।1.15.31।।,"Then along with gandharvas, groups of apsaras, rishis, rudras and devatas sang in praise of the 'Lord Slayer of Madhu', with hymns of celestial beauty. " तमुद्धतं रावणमुग्रतेजसंप्रवृद्धदर्पं त्रिदशेश्वरद्विषम्।विरावणं साधुतपस्विकण्टकंतपस्विनामुद्धर तं भयावहम्।।1.15.32।।,"""Therefore, uproot that mighty Ravana possessing frightful prowess, inflamed pride, limitless insolence causing agony to the three worlds, a source of vexation to ascetics and a dreadful enemy of Indra." तमेव हत्वा सबलं सबान्धवंविरावणं रावणमग्य्रपौरुषम्।स्वर्लोकमागच्छ गतज्वरश्चिरंसुरेन्द्रगुप्तं गतदोषकल्मषम्।।1.15.33।।,"Kill Ravana, the cause of distress in the worlds, kill his forces and relatives. Them return to heaven protected by Indra after freeing from distress, faults and sins"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे पञ्चदशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fifteenth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Devatas urge Visnu to incarnate in human form to destroy Ravana--A celestial being from Prajapatya emerges from the sacrificial fire--gives a vessel containing payasam--his wives partake the payasam and become pregnant.]ततो नारायणो देवो नियुक्तस्सुरसत्तमै:।जानन्नपि सुरानेवं श्लक्ष्णं वचनमब्रवीत्।।1.16.1।।,"Although Omniscient lord Narayana knew the means to be employed, when he was requested by the best of devatas he spoke to them softly:" उपाय: को वधे तस्य रावणस्य दुरात्मन:।यमहं तं समास्थाय निहन्यामृषिकण्टकम्।।1.16.2।।,"""What strategies should be adopted in the matter of destruction of that evilminded Ravana who is a thorn to the sages?""." एवमुक्तास्सुरास्सर्वे प्रत्यूचुर्विष्णुमव्ययम्।मानुषीं तनुमास्थाय रावणं जहि संयुगे।।1.16.3।।,"When the devatas were thus addressed by the imperishable Visnu, they replied him saying, ""You may assume the form of a human being and slay Ravana in the battle""." स हि तेपे तपस्तीव्रं दीर्घकालमरिन्दम ।येन तुष्टोऽभवद्ब्रह्मा लोककृल्लोकपूर्वज:।।1.16.4।। ,"""O destroyer of foes Lord Brahma was very pleased with Ravana's intense penance over a long time৷৷" सन्तुष्ट: प्रददौ तस्मै राक्षसाय वरं प्रभु:। 04नानाविधेभ्यो भूतेभ्यो भयं नान्यत्र मानुषात्।।1.16.5।।अवज्ञाता: पुरा तेन वरदाने हि मानवा:। 105,"Pleased, with the rakshasa Brahma granted a boon to the effect that except from men, there was, for him, no fear of death from any other living beings. Ravana ignored men while seeking the boon." एवं पितामहात्तस्माद्वरं प्राप्य स दर्पित:।।1.16.6।।उत्सादयति लोकान्त्रीन् स्त्रियश्चाप्यपकर्षति ।तस्मात्तस्य वधो दृष्टो मानुषेभ्य: परन्तप।।1.16.7।।,"Having obtained the boon from Brahma, Ravana, greed and arrogant went on bringing destruction to the three worlds. He carried away women by violence. O destroyer of foes his death is possible by men only.""" इत्येतद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सुराणां विष्णुरात्मवान्।पितरं रोचयामास तदा दशरथं नृपम्।।1.16.8।।,"Having heard the words of devatas, selfpossessed Visnu chose king Dasaratha as his father." स चाप्यपुत्रो नृपतिस्तस्मिन्काले महाद्युति:।अयजत्पुत्रियामिष्टिं पुत्रेप्सुररिसूदन:।।1.16.9।।,"At that time, the brilliant king (Dasaratha), destroyer of enemies, who had no sons was performing a sacrifice for sons. " स कृत्वा निश्चयं विष्णुरामन्त्र्य च पितामहम्।अन्तर्धानं गतो देवै: पूज्यमानो महर्षिभि:।।1.16.10।।, After Visnu had decided (to incarnate) and he was worshipped by devatas and maharshis he disappeared bidding farewell to Brahma. तो वै यजमानस्य पावकादतुलप्रभम्।प्रादुर्भूतं महद्भूतं महावीर्यं महाबलम्।।1.16.11।। कृष्णं रक्ताम्बरधरं रक्तास्यं दुन्दुभिस्वनम्।स्निग्धहर्यक्षतनुजश्मश्रुप्रवरमूर्धजम्।।1.16.12।।शुभलक्षणसम्पन्नं दिव्याभरणभूषितम्।शैलशृङ्गसमुत्सेथं दृप्तशार्दूलविक्रमम्।।1.16.13।।दिवाकरसमाकारं दीप्तानलशिखोपमम्।तप्तजाम्बूनदमयीं राजतान्तपरिच्छदाम्।।1.16.14।।दिव्यपायससम्पूर्णां पात्रीं पत्नीमिव प्रियाम्।प्रगृह्य विपुलां दोर्भ्यां स्वयं मायामयीमिव।।1.16.15।।,"During the sacrifice, there emerged from the sacrificial fire a mighty being with unmatched splendour, his prowess and strength. He wore a black and crimson garment. He had a red face. His voice was similar to the sounds of a drum. He had whiskers of soft and shining tawny hair resembling the mane of a lion He had fine hair on his head. He was endowed with auspicious signs and adorned with splendid divine ornaments. His height resembled a mountain peak. He walked with the strides of a ferocious tiger. Similar to the Sun in radiance, he looked like the crest of a blazing fire. This divine being held like his beloved wife both hands, a large vessel made of gold purified, in fire, covered with a silver lid and filled with payasam (a preparation of rice in milk and sugar). It looked as though it was created by magic. " समवेक्ष्याब्रवीद्वाक्यमिदं दशरथं नृपम्।प्राजापत्यं नरं विद्धि मामिहाभ्यागतं नृप।।1.16.16।।,"Having seen king Dasaratha, he said, ""O King you know I have been sent by Prjapati (Brahma), and I am here""." तत: परं तदा राजा प्रत्युवाच कृताञ्जलि:।भगवन् स्वागतं तेऽस्तु किमहं करवाणि ते।।1.16.17।।,"With folded palms the king replied, ""O revered lord. Welcome to you. What can I do for you?""." अथो पुनरिदं वाक्यं प्राजापत्यो नरोऽब्रवीत्।राजन्नर्चयता देवानद्य प्राप्तमिदं त्वया।।1.16.18।।," Thereafter the one who came from Prajapati answered, ""O King you have obtained this payasam today in return for the worship offered to the devatas""." इदं तु नृपशार्दूल पायसं देवनिर्मितम्।प्रजाकरं गृहाण त्वं धन्यमारोग्यवर्धनम्।।1.16.19।।,"""O Lion among kings, receive this payasam prepared by gods, conferring progeny, bestowing affluence and improving health. " भार्याणामनुरूपाणामश्नीतेति प्रयच्छ वै।तासु त्वं प्राप्स्यसे पुत्रान्यदर्थं यजसे नृप।।1.16.20।।,"O King you are performing this sacrifice for the sake of sons. Give this to your worthy consorts to consume it. They will bear you sons"". " तथेति नृपति: प्रीतश्शिरसा प्रतिगृह्यताम्।पात्रीं देवान्नसम्पूर्णां देवदत्तां हिरण्मयीम्।।1.16.21।। ,Dasaratha was pleased to receive respectfully the golden vessel filled with the payasam prepared and bestowed by devatas. अभिवाद्य च तद्भूतमद्भुतं प्रियदर्शनम्।मुदा परमया युक्तश्चकाराभिप्रदक्षिणम्।।1.16.22।।,"Overwhelmed with great joy, he, walked around that wonderful being of pleasant countenance again and again and saluated him respectfully." ततो दशरथ: प्राप्य पायसं देवनिर्मितम्।बभूव परमप्रीत: प्राप्य वित्तमिवाधन:।।1.16.23।। ,Dasaratha who received the payasam prepared by devatas was highly pleased like a poor man who received wealth. ततस्तदद्भुतप्रख्यं भूतं परमभास्वरम्।संवर्तयित्वा तत्कर्म तत्रैवान्तरधीयत।।1.16.24।।,Then that effulgent figure of wonderful form having given the bowl of payasam vanished from there. हर्षरश्मिभिरुद्योतं तस्यान्त:पुरमाबभौ।शारदस्याभिरामस्य चन्द्रस्येव नभोंऽशुभि:।।1.16.25।।,"The inner apartment, brightened with rays of happiness, shone like the autumnal sky in the glow of the moon." सोऽन्त:पुरं प्रविश्यैव कौसल्यामिदमब्रवीत्।पायसं प्रतिगृह्णीष्व पुत्रीयं त्विदमात्मन:।।1.16.26।।,"He entered the inner apartment and addressing queen Kausalya said, ""Receive this payasam which has the power to give you sons""." कौसल्यायै नरपति: पायसार्धं ददौ तदा।अर्धादर्धं ददौ चापि सुमित्रायै नराधिप:।।1.16.27।।कैकेय्यै चावशिष्टार्धं ददौ पुत्रार्थकारणात्। प्रददौ चावशिष्टार्धं पायसस्यामृतोपमम्।।1.16.28।। अनुचिन्त्य सुमित्रायै पुनरेव महीपति:।एवं तासां ददौ राजा भार्याणां पायसं पृथक् ।।1.16.29।।,"Then Dasaratha gave half the portion of payasam to Kausalya, half of the remaining half to Sumitra, half of the remaining portion (oneeighth of original) to Kaikeyi for the sake of a son. On further thinking, he gave the remaining oneeighth portion to Sumitra. In this manner the king divided and distributed the payasam among his wives separately." तास्त्वेतत्पायसं प्राप्य नरेन्द्रस्योत्तमास्स्त्रय:।सम्मानं मेनिरे सर्वां: प्रहर्षोदितचेतस:।।1.16.30।।,The virtuous wives of the king were exceedingly delighted and felt honoured after receiving the payasam . ततस्तु ता: प्राश्य तदुत्तमास्त्रियो महीपतेरुत्तमपायसं पृथक्।हुताशनादित्यसमानतेजसोऽचिरेण गर्भान्प्रतिपेदिरे तदा।।1.16.31।।,"Then the excellent consorts of the king who glowed like fire and the Sun, having consumed the choicest payasam, became pregnant in a short time." ततस्तु राजा प्रसमीक्ष्य ता: स्त्रिय:प्ररूढगर्भा: प्रतिलब्धमानस:।बभूव हृष्टस्त्रिदिवे यथा हरि:सुरेन्द्रसिद्धर्षिगणाभिपूजित:।।1.16.32।।,"The king now regained his composure of mind on seeing his pregnant wives. He looked delighted like Visnu worshipped by Indra, and hosts of siddhas and rishis.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे षोडशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the sixteenth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[ At the instance of Brahma, devas procreate different forms of monkey chiefs and bears.]पुत्रत्वं तु गते विष्णौ राज्ञस्तस्य सुमहात्मन:।उवाच देवतास्सर्वास्स्वयम्भूर्भगवानिदम्।।1.17.1।।","When Visnu had decided to be born as the son of that great king (Dasaratha), the selfborn Lord (Brahma), addressed all devatas :" सत्यसन्धस्य वीरस्य सर्वेषान्नो हितैषिण:।विष्णोस्सहायान्बलिनस्सृजध्वं कामरूपिण:।।1.17.2।।,"Create strong and powerful beings capable of assuming forms at free will to extend support to Visnu who is true to his word, heroic and benevolent." मायाविदश्च शूरांश्च वायुवेगसमाञ्जवे।नयज्ञान्बुद्धिसम्पन्नान्विष्णुतुल्यपराक्रमान्।।1.17.3।।असंहार्यानुपायज्ञान् दिव्यसंहननान्वितान्।सर्वास्त्रगुणसम्पन्नानमृतप्राशनानिव।।1.17.4।।अप्सरस्सु च मुख्यासु गन्धर्वाणां तनूषु च ।सृजध्वं हरिरूपेण पुत्रांस्तुल्यपराक्रमान्।।1.17.5।।,"Incarnate as monkeys in the womb of chiefs of apsarasas and gandharvas. Create sons who have the knowledge of deceitful tricks, who are brave, who match wind in speed, who are endowed with intellect and statecraft, who are determined, who are knowledgeable in various means of achieving victory, who are supernatural bodies, who possess capability of employing and resisting weapons, who resemble those who subsist on amrita (immortals) and are equal (to Visnu) in prowess." पूर्वमेव मया सृष्टो जाम्बवानृक्षपुङ्गव:।जृम्भमाणस्य सहसा मम वक्त्रादजायत।।1.17.6।।,"Earlier Jambavan, the foremost among bears was suddenly emerged out of my face while I was yawning. " ते तथोक्ता भगवता तत्प्रतिश्रुत्य शासनम्।जनयामासुरेवं ते पुत्रान्वानररूपिण:।।1.17.7।।,"Instructed by Brahma in that manner, all of them gave birth to sons in the form of monkeys. " ऋषयश्च महात्मानस्सिद्धविद्याधरोरगा:।चारणाश्च सुतान्वीरान्ससृजुर्वनचारिण:।।1.17.8।।,"Distinguished rishis, siddhas, vidhyadharas, uragas, charanas procreated (in the form of monkeys) heroic sons who became forestdwellers." वानरेन्द्रं महेन्द्राभमिन्द्रो वालिनमूर्जितम्।सुग्रीवं जनयामास तपनस्तपतां वर:।।1.17.9।।,"Indra gave birth to Vali, chief of monkeys resembling Mahendra mountain and having a mighty body. Sun, great among those producing heat, begot Sugriva." बृहस्पतिस्त्वजनयत्तारं नाम महाहरिम्।सर्ववानरमुख्यानां बुद्धिमन्तमनुत्तमम्।।1.17.10।। ,Brihaspati begot the intelligent monkey Tara who had none to surpass him among the monkey chiefs. धनदस्य सुतश्श्रीमान् वानरो गन्धमादन:।विश्वकर्मात्वजनयन्नलं नाम महाहरिम्।।1.17.11।।,Kubera begot glorious Gandhamadana and Viswakarma begot a great monkey Nala. पावकस्य सुतश्श्रीमान् नीलोऽग्निसदृशप्रभ:।तेजसा यशसा वीर्यादत्यरिच्यत वानरान्।।1.17.12।।,"Neela, the prosperous son of Agni the firegod who equalled him in glow surpassed other monkeys in energy, renown and prowess." रूपद्रविणसम्पन्नावश्विनौ रूपसम्मतौ।मैन्दं च द्विविदं चैव जनयामासतुस्स्वयम्।।1.17.13।।,"Aswini devatas, endowed with wealth and beauty, procreated Mainda and Dwivida who were highly esteemed for their beauty." वरुणो जनयामास सुषेणं वानरर्षभम्।शरभं जनयामास पर्जन्यस्तु महाबलम्।।1.17.14।।,"Varuna begot the monkey warrior Sushena and Parjanya, Sarabha of great strength." मारुतस्यात्मजश्श्रीमान्हनुमान्नाम वीर्यवान् ।वज्रसंहननोपेतो वैनतेयसमो जवे।।1.17.15।।,"Vayu, the windgod, begot a son named Hanuman, mighty and graceful, having a body as hard as a diamond and speed equal to Garuda's." ते सृष्टा बहुसाहस्रा दशग्रीववधे रता:।अप्रमेयबला वीरा विक्रान्ता: कामरूपिण:।।1.17.16।।,Thousands of warriors possessing immeasurable strength and courage and capable of assuming any form at will were created to kill Ravana. मेरुमन्दरसङ्काशा वपुष्मन्तो महाबला:।ऋक्षवानरगोपुच्छा: क्षिप्रमेवाभिजज्ञिरे।।1.17.17।।,"Endowed with bodies similar to the Meru and Mandara mountains and having great strength, bears, monkeys, monkeys with cowtails quickly came into being." यस्य देवस्य यद्रूपं वेषो यश्च पराक्रम:।अजायत समस्तेन तस्य तस्य सुत: पृथक्।।1.17.18।।,"The sons of devatas retained characteristics like beauty, form and prowess of their procreator (gods)." गोलाङ्गूलीषु चोत्पन्ना: केचित्सम्मतविक्रमा:।ऋक्षीषु च तथा जाता वानरा: किन्नरीषु च।।1.17.19।।,"Some monkeys with acknowledged, valour were born to female monkeys with tails Similarly some other monkeys were born to female bears and female kinnaras." देवा महर्षिगन्धर्वास्तार्क्ष्या यक्षा यशस्विन:।नागा: किम्पुरुषाश्चैव सिद्धविद्याधरोरगा:।।1.17.20।। बहवो जनयामासुर्हृष्टास्तत्र सहस्रश:।वानरान्सुमहाकायान्सर्वान्वै वनचारिण:।।1.17.21।।अप्सरस्सु च मुख्यासु तथा विद्याधरीषु च।नागकन्यासु च तथा गन्धर्वीणां तनूषु च ।।1.17.22।।," The devatas, rishis, gandharvas, garudas, yakshas, kimpurushas, siddhas, vidyadharas, uragas and many others were immensely pleased. Thousands of gigantic monkeys wandering in forests were procreated from principal apsarasas vidhyadaris, nagas, and gandharvas. " कामरूपबलोपेता यथाकामं विचारिण:।सिंहशार्दूलसदृशा दर्पेण च बलेन च।।1.17.23।।,They were endowed with the powers to assume any form at will. They possessed enormous strength and power to freely wander in forests. They were like lions and tigers in pride and prowess. शिलाप्रहरणास्सर्वे सर्वे पादपयोधिन:।।1.17.24।।नखदंष्ट्रायुधास्सर्वे सर्वे सर्वास्त्रकोविदा:। ," They all could strike with rocks, use nails and teeth and trees as weapons. They were skilled in the use of all kinds of weapons. " विचालयेयुश्शैलेन्द्रान्भेदयेयुस्स्थिरान्द्रुमान्।क्षोभयेयुश्च वेगेन समुद्रं सरितां पतिम्।।1.17.25।।,"They could shake mountains and uproot deeprooted trees. With their speed they could cause disturbance to Samudra, the lord of the rivers." दारयेयु: क्षितिं पद्भ्यामाप्लवेयुर्महार्णवम्।नभ:स्थलम् विशेयुश्च गृह्णीयुरपि तोयदान्।।1.17.26।।,"They could cause cleavage to this earth with their feet, cross the mighty ocean with one leap and enter the sky and even seize the clouds." गृह्णीयुरपि मातङ्गान्मत्तान्प्रव्रजतो वने।नर्दमानाश्च नादेन पातयेयुर्विहङ्गमान्।।1.17.27।।, They could capture wild elephants sojourning in the forest and make the flying birds drop down screaming. ईदृशानां प्रसूतानि हरीणां कामरूपिणाम्।शतं शतसहस्राणि यूथपानां महात्मनाम्।।1.17.28।।,"A crore of monkeys capable of assuming any form at will, great monkeys and commanders of monkey forces were created. " ते प्रधानेषु यूथेषु हरीणां हरियूथपा:।बभूवुर्यूथपश्रेष्ठा वीरांश्चाजनयन् हरीन्।।1.17.29।।,Those monkey commanders created heroic monkeys among the chief monkey clans who later proved the best among clanleaders. अन्ये ऋक्षवत: प्रस्थानवतस्थु स्सहस्रश:।अन्ये नानाविधान्शैलान्भेजिरे काननानि च।।1.17.30।। ,Thousands of monkeys dwelt on the plateaus on the top of mountains abounding in bears. Some others inhabited various hills and forests. सूर्यपुत्रं च सुग्रीवं शक्रपुत्रं च वालिनम्।भ्रातरावुपतस्थुस्ते सर्व एव हरीश्वरा:।।1.17.31।।नलं नीलं हनूमन्तमन्यांश्च हरियूथपान्। 3,"All those leaders, Nala, Neela, Hanuman and others dwelt near those two brothers Sugriva, the offspring of Surya and Vali, the son of Indra." ते तार्क्ष्यबलसम्पन्नास्सर्वे युद्धविशारदा:।विचरन्तोऽर्दयन्दर्पात्सिंहव्याघ्रमहोरगान्।।1.17.32।।,"Endowed with the might of Garuda and wellversed in warfare, all of them moving around tormented ferouious lions, tigers and mighty serpents . " तांश्च सर्वान्महाबाहुर्वाली विपुलविक्रम:।जुगोप भुजवीर्येण ऋक्षगोपुच्छवानरान्।।1.17.33।।," Mighty armed leader Vali endowed with immense prowess protected, with his strong arms all those bears, gopuchhas(cowtailed) and monkeys." तैरियं पृथिवी शूरैस्सपर्वतवनार्णवा।कीर्णा विविधसंस्थानैर्नानाव्यञ्जनलक्षणै:।।1.17.34।।,"Born in many forms wih various characteristics (relating to the body and tribe), they pervaded this earth with its mountains, forests and seas." तैर्मेघबृन्दाचलकूटकल्पै:महाबलैर्वानरयूथपालै:।बभूव भूर्भीमशरीररूपैस्समावृता रामसहायहेतो:।।1.17.35।।,"In order to assist Rama, this earth was filled with commanders of those who led the monkey forces resembling masses of clouds and mountains. They loan endowed with immense strength and fearful forms and countenances.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे सप्तदशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the seventeenth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Dasaratha sends Rsyasringa and the kings and to their respective places -- returns to Ayodhya with his wives--birth of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna -- purificatory and naming rites -- description of their virtues and characteritics -- Viswamitra comes to meet Dasaratha]निर्वृत्ते तु क्रतौ तस्मिन्हयमेधे महात्मन:।प्रतिगृह्य सुरा भागान्प्रतिजग्मुर्यथागतम्।।1.18.1।।","Completed by the magnanimous king (Dasaratha). The aswamedha and putreshti sacrifices, the devatas received their share of havis and returned to their respective abodes." समाप्तदीक्षानियम: पत्नीगणसमन्वित:।प्रविवेश पुरीं राजा सभृत्यबलवाहन:।।1.18.2।।,"Having completed the prescribed vows (in respect of aswamedha), king Dasaratha together with his queens returned to the city of Ayodhya accompanied by his attendants, army and chariots." यथार्हं पूजितास्तेन राज्ञा वै पृथिवीश्वरा:।मुदिता: प्रययुर्देशान्प्रणम्य मुनिपुङ्गवम्।।1.18.3।।,"Having been honoured by the king (Dasaratha) in a be fitting manner, the highly pleased lords of the earth (kings) made obeisance to the best of sages (Vasishta) and returned to their own countries." श्रीमतां गच्छतां तेषां स्वपुराणि पुरात्तत:।बलानि राज्ञां शुभ्राणि प्रहृष्टानि चकाशिरे।।1.18.4।।,"When the army of the kings left the city (Ayodhya) for their own, the armed forces shone bright and cheerfl." गतेषु पृथिवीशेषु राजा दशरथस्तदा।प्रविवेश पुरीं श्रीमान् पुरस्कृत्य द्विजोत्तमान्।।1.18.5।।,"After the departure of the rulers, the exalted king Dasaratha preceded by the foremost of brahmins entered the city (of Ayodhya)." शान्तया प्रययौ सार्धमृश्यशृङ्गस्सुपूजित:।अन्वीयमानो राज्ञाऽथ सानुयात्रेण धीमता।।1.18.6।।,"Having been duly honoured by king Dasaratha, sage Rsyasringa with his wife Santa accompanied by the wise king Romapada and his followers set out for his country." एवं विसृज्य तान्सर्वान्राजा सम्पूर्णमानस:।उवास सुखितस्तत्र पुत्रोत्पत्तिं विचिन्तयन्।।1.18.7।। ,"When they (guests) all departed in this manner, Dasaratha with his desire fulfilled, his thought centred on begetting sons lived happily." ततो यज्ञे समाप्ते तु ऋतूनां षट्समत्ययु:। ततश्च द्वादशे मासे चैत्रे नावमिके तिथौ।।1.18.8।। नक्षत्रेऽदितिदैवत्ये स्वोच्चसंस्थेषु पञ्चसु। ग्रहेषु कर्कटे लग्ने वाक्पताविन्दुना सह।।1.18.9।। प्रोद्यमाने जगन्नाथं सर्वलोकनमस्कृतम्। कौसल्याऽजनयद्रामं सर्वलक्षणसंयुतम्।।1.18.10।। विष्णोरर्धं महाभागं पुत्रमैक्ष्वाकुवर्धनम्। ,"Six seasons (one year) passed after the completion of the sacrifice. In the twelfth month of Chaitra on the ninth day (of the bright fortnight), with Aditi as presiding deity when the star Punarvasu was in the ascendent and the five planets Sun, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus, were exalted in their own house in karkata lagna, when Brihaspati was in conjunction with the Moon, Kausalya gave birth to a son: a facet of Visnu, Lord of the entire universe who received obeisance from all the worlds and was adorned with all auspicious signs, the venerable one to perpetuate the Ikshvaku race." कौसल्या शुशुभे तेन पुत्रेणामिततेजसा।।1.18.11।।यथा वरेण देवानामदितिर्वज्रपाणिना। ,"Kausalya glowed with the undiminished lustre of her son, just as Aditi with her son Indra, the foremost among the gods and the wielder of thunder." भरतो नाम कैकेय्यां जज्ञे सत्यपराक्रम:।।1.18.12।।साक्षाद्विष्णोश्चतुर्भागस्सर्वैस्समुदितो गुणै:। ,"As an incarnation of the fourth part of Visnu, imbued with all virtues, and armed with truth Bharata was born to Kaikeyi." अथ लक्ष्मणशत्रुघ्नौ सुमित्राऽजनयत्सुतौ।।1.18.13।।वीरौ सर्वास्त्रकुशलौ विष्णोरर्धसमन्वितौ। ,"Sumitra gave birth to Lakshmana and Satrughna who were heroic, skilled in the use of all weapons and endowed with the facets of Visnu." पुष्ये जातस्तु भरतो मीनलग्ने प्रसन्नधी:।।1.18.14।।सार्पे जातौ च सौमित्री कुलीरेऽभ्युदिते रवौ। ,Bharata endowed with pure intellect was born in meena lagna when pushya was in the ascendant. Lakshmana and Satrughna were born in karkata lagna with the star aslesha . राज्ञ: पुत्रा महात्मानश्चत्वारो जज्ञिरे पृथक्।।1.18.15।।गुणवन्तोऽनुरूपाश्च रुच्या प्रोष्ठपदोपमा:। ,"Four worthy sons were successively born to the noble king (Dasaratha), endowed with all virtuous, resembling purvabhadra and uttarabhadra stars in brightness." जगु: कलं च गन्धर्वा ननृतुश्चाप्सरोगणा:।।1.18.16।।देवदुन्दुभयो नेदु: पुष्पवृष्टिश्च खाच्च्युता। उत्सवश्च महानासीदयोध्यायां जनाकुल:।।1.18.17।।,The gandharvas sang melodiously. Groups of apsaras danced. Celestial kettledrums were sounded. Flowers were showered from the sky. Men througed to Ayodhya to witness the festivities. रथ्याश्च जनसम्बाधा नटनर्तकसङ्कुला: ।गायनैश्च विराविण्यो वादनैश्च तथाऽपरै:।।1.18.18।।,"The highways were crowded with men, thronged by actors and dancers. The voices of singers, performers on different instruments, eulogists and genealogists reverberated." प्रदेयांश्च ददौ राजा सूतमागधवन्दिनाम्।ब्राह्मणेभ्यो ददौ वित्तं गोधनानि सहस्रश:।।1.18.19।।,"The king distributed deserving gifts to priests, euologists and genealogists. He gave brahmins in charity thousands of cows and other valuables." अतीत्यैकादशाहं तु नामकर्म तथाऽकरोत्।ज्येष्ठं रामं महात्मानं भरतं कैकयीसुतम्।।1.18.20।।सौमित्रिं लक्ष्मणमिति शत्रुघ्नमपरं तथा।वसिष्ठ: परमप्रीतो नामानि कृतवान् तदा ।।1.18.21।। ," After a lapse of eleven days, the naming ceremony was performed. Highly delighted preceptor Vasishta named Kausalya's son Rama, Kaikeyi's son Bharata, one son of Sumitra, Lakshmana and the other Satrughna." ब्राह्मणान्भोजयामास पौराञ्जानपदानपि।अददाद्ब्रह्मणानां च रत्नौघममितं बहु।।1.18.22।। तेषां जन्मक्रियादीनि सर्वकर्माण्यकारयत्। ,Brahmins as well as inhabitants of the city and rural areas were feasted. (Dasaratha) bestowed on brahmins unlimited and abundant jewels in charity. The rites at the time of birth and all other rites (associated with the newborn) were duly performed. तेषां केतुरिव ज्येष्ठो रामो रतिकर: पितु:।।1.18.23।।बभूव भूयो भूतानां स्वयम्भूरिव सम्मत:। ,"Among them, Rama like the exalted flag, became dear to his father like Brahma he was highly respected by all living beings." सर्वे वेदविदश्शूरास्सर्वे लोकहिते रता:।।1.18.24।।सर्वे ज्ञानोपसम्पन्नास्सर्वे समुदिता गुणै:। ,"All the sons (of Dasaratha) became wellversed in the Vedas. They were heroic, endowed with knowledge and virtues and were devoted to the welfare of the people." तेषामपि महातेजा रामस्सत्यपराक्रम:।।1.18.25।।इष्टस्सर्वस्य लोकस्य शशाङ्क इव निर्मल:। ,Among them the highly lustrous and truly mighty Rama was stainless (in character). He was auspicious to the entire world like the Moon. गजस्कन्धेऽश्वपृष्ठे च रथचर्यासु सम्मत:।।1.18.26।।धनुर्वेदे च निरत: पितृशुश्रूषणे रत:।,"Accepted as skilled in mounting elephants, riding horses, driving chariots and also in archery, he was always emgaged in the service of his parents." बाल्यात्प्रभृति सुस्निग्धो लक्ष्मणो लक्ष्मिवर्धन:।।1.18.27।।रामस्य लोकरामस्य भ्रातुर्ज्येष्ठस्य नित्यश:।,"Right from his very childhood Lakshmana, an enhancer of fortune, always remained very attached to his eldest brother Rama, the delight of the world." सर्वप्रियकरस्तस्य रामस्यापि शरीरत:।।1.18.28।।लक्ष्मणो लक्ष्मिसम्पन्नो बहि:प्राण इवापर:।,"Lakshmana, possessed of fortune, was the dearest to his brother than his own body. As though he was his life without." न च तेन विना निद्रां लभते पुरुषोत्तम:।।1.18.29।।मृष्टमन्नमुपानीतमश्नाति न हि तं विना।,"Rama, the greatest among men would not sleep without Lakshmana's company. He would not partake even the choicest food minus to him." यदा हि हयमारूढो मृगयां याति राघव:।।1.18.30।।तदैनं पृष्ठतोऽन्वेति सधनु: परिपालयन्।,"Whenever Raghava (Rama) went hunting into the forest, riding the horse, Lakshmana used to follow him holding bow and arrows (in his hand)." भरतस्यापि शत्रुघ्नो लक्ष्मणावरजो हि स:।।1.18.31।।प्राणै: प्रियतरो नित्यं तस्य चासीत्तथा प्रिय:। ,"In a similar manner Satrughna, younger brother of Lakshmana, became dearer than his own life to Bharata. Similarly, Bharata also was dear to Satrughna." स चतुर्भिर्महाभागै:पुत्रैर्दशरथ: प्रियै:।।1.18.32।।बभूव परमप्रीतो देवैरिव पितामह:।,"With his very fortunate sons, Dasaratha was highly pleased like Brahma was with the gods." ते यदा ज्ञानसम्पन्नास्सर्वैस्समुदिता गुणै:।।1.18.33।।ह्रीमन्त: कीर्तिमन्तश्च सर्वज्ञा दीर्घदर्शिन:।तेषामेवं प्रभावानां सर्वेषां दीप्ततेजसाम्।।1.18.34।।पिता दशरथो हृष्टो ब्रह्मा लोकाधिपो यथा।,"All his sons were enriched with knowledge and endowed with all virtues. They were modest, renowned, omniscient and farsighted. Dasaratha rejoiced at the sight of those glorious sons with such faculties and looked like Brahma, Lord of the worlds." ते चापि मनुजव्याघ्रा वैदिकाध्ययने रता:।।1.18.35।।पितृशुश्रूषणरता धनुर्वेदे च निष्ठिता:।," They (like) tigers among men, were fond of the study of the Vedas and were always engaged in the service of their parents. They were also proficient in the science of archery." अथ राजा दशरथस्तेषां दारक्रियां प्रति।।1.18.36।।चिन्तयामास धर्मात्मा सोपाध्यायस्सबान्धव:।,Then the virtuous king Dasaratha deliberated with his priests and kinsmen about the marriage of his sons. तस्य चिन्तयमानस्य मन्त्रिमध्ये महात्मन:।।1.18.37।।अभ्यगच्छन्महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।,"While the nobleminded king was thus deliberating in the midst of his counsellors, there arrived the effulgent ascetic Viswamitra. " स राज्ञो दर्शनाकाङ्क्षी द्वाराध्यक्षानुवाच ह।।1.18.38।।शीघ्रमाख्यात मां प्राप्तं कौशिकं गाधिनस्सुतम्।,"Desirous of seeing the king (Dasaratha) he accosted the doorkeepers, saying ""Inform the king quickly about the arrival of Viswamitra, the son of Gadhi born in the line of Kusika""." तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं त्रासाद्राज्ञो वेश्म प्रदुद्रुवु:।।1.18.39।।सम्भ्रान्तमनसस्सर्वे तेन वाक्येन चोदिता:।,On hearing those words (of Viswamitra) all of them prompted by fear because of left for the royal apartment with excited minds and hurried steps. ते गत्वा राजभवनं विश्वामित्रमृषिं तदा।।1.18.40।।प्राप्तमावेदयामासुर्नृपायैक्ष्वाकवे तदा।," Having reached the royal hall, they reported to the king (Dasaratha), descendant of the Ikshvakus about the arrival of sage Viswamitra." तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सपुरोधास्समाहित:।।1.18.41।।प्रत्युज्जगाम तं हृष्टो ब्रह्माणमिव वासव:। ,"Having heard their words, Dasaratha in great joy went forth together with his preceptors to receive him like Indra receiving Brahma. " तं दृष्ट्वा ज्वलितं दीप्त्या तापसं संशितव्रतम्।।1.18.42।।प्रहृष्टवदनो राजा ततोऽर्घ्यमुपहारयत्।,"Seeing Viswamitra, shining with the power of his penance fulfilled the king with a cheerful countenance made offerings with due respect. " स राज्ञ: प्रतिगृह्यार्घ्यं शास्त्रदृष्टेन कर्मणा।।1.18.43।।कुशलं चाव्ययं चैव पर्यपृच्छन्नराधिपम्।2, Viswamitra received the offerings as ordained in the scriptures and enquired from the king about the welfare and prosperity of his kingdom. पुरे कोशे जनपदे बान्धवेषु सुहृत्सु च ।।1.18.44।।कुशलं कौशिको राज्ञ: पर्यपृच्छत्सुधार्मिक:।," The exceedingly virtuous sage Viswamitra enquired from the king about the treasury welfare of his subjects living in cities and villages, and the well being of his friends and relatives." अपि ते सन्नतास्सर्वे सामन्ता रिपवो जिता:।।1.18.45।।दैवं च मानुषं चापि कर्म ते साध्वनुष्ठितम्।,Are the tributary kings submissive to you? Have you conquered your enemies? Are the rites for propitiating gods and the services to humanity performed rightly? वसिष्ठं च समागम्य कुशलं मुनिपुङ्गव:।।1.18.46।।ऋषींश्च तान्यथान्यायं महाभागानुवाच ह।,"The foremost of ascetis, Viswamitra approached Vasishta and all other distinguised sages following the protocal and enquired about their welfare." ते सर्वे हृष्टमनसस्तस्य राज्ञो निवेशनम्।।1.18.47।।विविशु: पूजितास्तत्र निषेदुश्च यथार्हत:।,"All of them with gladdened hearts entered the royal palace and sat down, in accordance with their position after having been duly honoured by the king. " अथ हृष्टमना राजा विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्।।1.18.48।।उवाच परमोदारो हृष्टस्तमभिपूजयन्।,"Then the munificent king, very much (at Viswamitra's arrival) pleased offered him a happy hospitality and spoke:" यथाऽमृतस्य सम्प्राप्तिर्यथावर्षमनूदके।यथा सदृशदारेषु पुत्रजन्माऽप्रजस्य च ।।1.18.49।।प्रणष्टस्य यथालाभो यथा हर्षो महोदये।तथैवागमनं मन्ये स्वागतं ते महामुने।।1.18.50।।,"""O great sage, welcome to you Your arrival, to me, is like nectar (to a human being), rains to the parched land, birth of a son to the childless through his worthy wife, recovery of lost properity and festive joy in a great achievemnt. " पूर्वं राजर्षिशब्देन तपसा द्योतितप्रभः।ब्रह्मर्षित्वमनुप्राप्त: पूज्योऽसि बहुधा मया।।1.18.53।।,"Earlier you were rajarshi, a warrior sage. By your austerities you have obtained the brilliance that lends radiance even to the Sun and the Moon you have gained the status of a brahmrshi. In several ways you are worthy of my worship. " तदद्भुतमिदं ब्रह्मन्पवित्रं परमं मम।शुभक्षेत्रगतश्चाहं तव सन्दर्शनात्प्रभो।।1.18.54।।,"O Brahman your arrival has caused surprise to me. It has conferred great purity on me. O Lord by your very presence here, I feel I haved acquired the merits of a pilgrimage." ब्रूहि यत्प्रार्थितं तुभ्यं कार्यमागमनं प्रति।इच्छाम्यनुगृहीतोऽहं त्वदर्थपरिवृद्धये।।1.18.55।।,Be pleased to tell me the purpose of your visit. I desire to be given the privilege of doing service to achieve your object. कार्यस्य न विमर्शं च गन्तुमर्हसि कौशिक।कर्ता चाहमशेषेण दैवतं हि भवान्मम।।1.18.56।।, O Viswamitra you need not hesitatate to tell me what ought to be performed. I shall accomplish that act in every possible special way. You are a god to me. मम चायमनुप्राप्तो महानभ्युदयो द्विज।तवागमनज: कृत्स्नो धर्मश्चानुत्तमो मम।।1.18.57।।,"O Brahmin I have attained this high foutune today. My great merit has been realised as a result of your arrival""." इति हृदयसुखं निशम्य वाक्यं श्रुतिसुखमात्मवता विनीतमुक्तम्।प्रथितगुणयशा गुणैर्विशिष्ट:परमऋषि: परमं जगाम हर्षम्।।1.18.58।।," On hearing the words spoken in such an humble manner by the prudent king words pleasing to the mind and to the ears, the great rishi of celebrated virtues and fame, of sterling qualities experienced deep delight.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे अष्टादशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the eighteenth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." , [Viswamitra requests king Dasaratha to send Rama to protect the sacrifice contemplated by him -- grief of Dasaratha.]तच्छ्रुत्वा राजसिंहस्य वाक्यमद्भुतविस्तरम्।हृष्टरोमा महातेजा विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत।।1.19.1।।,"Having heard these wonderful words of Dasaratha, the lion among kings, the brilliant Viswamitra with hair on end replied:" सदृशं राजशार्दूल तवैतद्भुवि नान्यथा।महावंशप्रसूतस्य वसिष्ठव्यपदेशिन:।।1.19.2।।,"""O Tiger among kings having been born on earth in an illustrious lineage and initiated by Vasishta, this way (of speaking) befits you. It cannot be any other way." यत्तु मे हृद्गतं वाक्यं तस्य कार्यस्य निश्चयम्।कुरूष्व राजशार्दूल भव सत्यप्रतिश्रव:।।1.19.3।।,O Tiger among kings I shall unfold the purpose conceived in my mind. Take a decision and be truthful to your promise. अहंनियममातिष्ठे सिध्यर्थं पुरुषर्षभ।तस्य विघ्नकरौ द्वौ तु राक्षसौ कामरूपिणौ।।1.19.4।।,"O best among men for the successful completion of a sacrifice I took up a selfimposed religious observance. Two rakshasas, capable of assuming forms at will, are creating impediments to that sacrifice." व्रते मे बहुशश्चीर्णे समाप्त्यां राक्षसाविमौ।मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च वीर्यवन्तौ सुशिक्षितौ।।1.19.5।।समांसरुधिरौघेण वेदिं तामभ्यवर्षताम्।,"When my sacrifice generally speaking, is nearing completion the powerful and welltrained Maricha and Subahu who are raining streams of blood and flesh upon the altar." अवधूते तथाभूते तस्मिन्नियमनिश्चये।।1.19.6।।कृतश्रमो निरुत्साहस्तस्माद्देशादपाक्रमे।,"The (solemn) vow for observance of religious rites being thus interrupted, I left that country as an exerted and discouraged man." न च मे क्रोधमुत्स्रष्टुं बुद्धिर्भवति पार्थिव।।1.19.7।।तथा भूता हि सा चर्या न शापस्तत्र मुच्यते।,O King my mind does not permit me to vent my wrath. The nature of sacrifice is such that I refrain from cursing them. स्वपुत्रं राजशार्दूल रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्।।1.19.8।।काकपक्षधरं शूरं ज्येष्ठं मे दातुमर्हसि।,"O tiger among kings it is befitting of you to entrust your eldest son Rama to me who is valiant, young (having sidelocks of hair) and true to his prowess." शक्तो ह्येष मया गुप्तो दिव्येन स्वेन तेजसा।।1.19.9।।राक्षसा ये विकर्तारस्तेषामपि विनाशने।,"Protected by me and by his own divine power, Rama is capable of destroying even those demons causing impediments to the sacrifice." श्रेयश्चास्मै प्रदास्यामि बहुरूपं न संशय:।।1.19.10।।त्रयाणामपि लोकानां येन ख्यातिं गमिष्यति। ,"I will confer upon him, without doubt, a lot of blessings for his wellbeing by which he will attain fame in all the three worlds." न च तौ राममासाद्य शक्तौ स्थातुं कथञ्चन।।1.19.11।।न च तौ राघवादन्यो हन्तुमुत्सहते पुमान्।,"Both of them (Maricha and Subahu) will not be able to withstand Rama in any way. Rama, and Rama alone, is capable of destroying them." वीर्योत्सिक्तौ हि तौ पापौ कालपाशवशं गतौ।।1.19.12।।रामस्य राजशार्दूल न पर्याप्तौ महात्मन:।,"Proud of their strength, the two wicked demons have been noosed by Yama, the god of death. O tiger among kings they are no match for the magnanimous Rama." न च पुत्रकृतस्नेहं कर्तुमर्हसि पार्थिव।।1.19.13।।अहं ते प्रतिजानामि हतौ तौ विद्धि राक्षसौ।,"""O king it is not proper for you to hesitate because of your paternal affection. You need to know that both the rakshasas will perish. This, I assure you." अहं वेद्मि महात्मानं रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्।।1.19.14।।वसिष्ठोऽपि महातेजा ये चेमे तपसि स्थिता:।,"I know Rama who is a great soul, true to his prowess and also Vasishta of great lustre and these other sages who have been steadfast in asceticism also know." यदि ते धर्मलाभं च यशश्च परमं भुवि।।1.19.15।।स्थितमिच्छसि राजेन्द्र रामं मे दातुमर्हसि।,"O king of kings, if you are seeking the benefits of righteousness, great everlasting fame in this world, it is fit and proper to give Rama to me." यदिह्यनुज्ञां काकुत्स्थ ददते तव मन्त्रिण:।।1.19.16।।वसिष्ठप्रमुखा: सर्वे ततो रामं विसर्जय।,"O Kakustha if your counsellors and all other sages headed by Vasishta give their consent, then only you may relieve Rama." अभिप्रेतमसंसक्तमात्मजं दातुमर्हसि।।1.19.17।।दशरात्रं हि यज्ञस्य रामं राजीवलोचनम्।,"You should spare your dear son, the lotuseyed Rama, impartial and detached, for ten nights." नात्येति कालो यज्ञस्य यथाऽयं मम राघव।।1.19.18।।तथा कुरुष्व भद्रं ते मा च शोके मन: कृथा:।,"O (Dasaratha), descendant of Raghu act in such a manner that the time for my sacrifice is not delayed. Do not indulge in grief. Prosperity to you""" इत्येवमुक्त्वा धर्मात्मा धर्मार्थसहितं वच:।।1.19.19।।विरराम महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।, After speaking these words charged with dharma and artha the great sage resplendent Viswamitra fell silent. स तन्निशम्य राजेन्द्रो विश्वामित्रवचश्शुभम्।।1.19.20।।शोकमभ्यगमत्तीव्रं व्यषीदत भयान्वित:। ,"Having listened to those auspicious words of Viswamitra, the king among kings, (Dasaratha) experienced intense grief out of fear. He became despondent. " इति हृदयमनोविदारणंमुनिवचनं तदतीव शुश्रुवान्।नरपतिरभवन्महांस्तदाव्यथितमना: प्रचचाल चासनात्।।1.19.21।।, The great king felt shaken off his throne after listening to the words of the sage (Viswamitra) which broke his heart and terribly upset his mind.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकोनविंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the nineteenth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. "[On king Dasaratha's refusal to accede to his request, Viswamitra gets enraged.]तच्छ्रुत्वा राजशार्दूलो विश्वामित्रस्य भाषितम्।मुहूर्तमिव निस्संज्ञस्संज्ञावानिदमब्रवीत्।।1.20.1।।","On hearing Viswamitra, words the tiger among kings (Dasaratha) lost his senses for a moment and on regaining his consciousness spoke this way." ऊनषोडशवर्षो मे रामो राजीवलोचन:।न युद्धयोग्यतामस्य पश्यामि सह राक्षसै:।।1.20.2।।,"""My lotuseyed son Rama is less than sixteen. I do not think he has ability to fight with the rakshasas in a battle." इयमक्षौहिणी पूर्णा यस्याहं पतिरीश्वर:।अनया संवृतो गत्वा योद्धाऽहं तैर्निशाचरै:।।1.20.3।।,Here is the whole akshauhini (army) of which I am the lord and sustainer. Accompanied by the akshauhini I shall engage those rakshsasas in the battle. इमे शूराश्च विक्रान्ता भृत्या मेऽस्त्रविशारदा:।योग्या रक्षोगणैर्योद्धुं न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।।1.20.4।।,"These servants of mine are warriors, valiant, powerful and courageous, skilled in the use of weapons and fit to engage multitude of rakshasas in battle. It is not proper to take Rama with you." अहमेव धनुष्पाणिर्गोप्ता समरमूर्धनि।यावत्प्राणान्धरिष्यामि तावद्योत्स्ये निशाचरै:।।1.20.5।।," Wielding bow in hand I will protect the sacrifice. As long as my life sustains, I will engage the rakshasas in the battle." निर्विघ्ना व्रतचर्या सा भविष्यति सुरक्षिता।अहं तत्रागमिष्यामि न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।।1.20.6।।,".I shall go there, protect the sacrifice and see that it is conducted without obstacles. It is not proper to take Rama with you." बालो ह्यकृतविद्यश्च न च वेत्ति बलाबलम्।न चास्त्रबलसंयुक्तो न च युद्धविशारद:।।1.20.7।।न चासौ रक्षसां योग्य: कूटयुद्धा हि ते ध्रुवम् ।,"Rama is still a child, he is not learned in the science of warfare,he does not know the strength and weakness of enemies. He has not acquired as yet the strength of using weapons and is not proficient in warfare. You know certainly those rakshasas are deceitful in battle. And hence he is not qualified to oppose them in the battle succesfully." विप्रयुक्तो हि रामेण मुहूर्तमपि नोत्सहे।।1.20.8।।जीवितुं मुनिशार्दूल न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।,"Separated from Rama, I do not like to live even for a moment. O tiger among ascetics, it is not proper to take Rama with you." यदि वा राघवं ब्रह्मन्नेतुमिच्छसि सुव्रत।।1.20.9।।चतुरङ्गसमायुक्तं मया च सहितं नय।," O sage of great vows, O brahman if at all you intend to take Rama with you, take me also along with my army." षष्टिर्वर्षसहस्राणि जातस्य मम कौशिक।।1.20.10।।दु:खेनोत्पादितश्चायं न रामं नेतुमर्हसि। ,"O scion of of Kusika family, sixty thousand years have passed since I was born. Rama was born to me after a great deal of suffering. It is not proper to take him with you. " चतुर्णामात्मजानां हि प्रीति:परमिका मम।।1.20.11।।ज्येष्ठं धर्मप्रधानं च न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।,"My love for Rama among all my four sons is supreme.It is not proper for you to take Rama, the eldest son whose prime qualification is his virtue." किंवीर्या राक्षसास्ते च कस्य पुत्राश्च ते च के।।1.20.12।।कथं प्रमाणा: के चैतान्रक्षन्ति मुनिपुङ्गव।,"O best of sages, how powerful are those rakshsas? Whose sons are they? Who are they and how huge is their body? Who are protecting them?" कथं च प्रतिकर्तव्यं तेषां रामेण रक्षसाम्।।1.20.13।।मामकैर्वा बलैर्ब्रह्मन्मया वा कूटयोधिनाम्।3,"O brahman, how to rebuff those deceitful warriors either through Rama or through my army or through me?" सर्वं मे शंस भगवन्कथं तेषां मया रणे।।1.20.14।।स्थातव्यं दुष्टभावानां वीर्योत्सिक्ता हि राक्षसा:।4तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत।।1.20.15।।,"O venerable one, how to fight those wickednatured ones in the battle and stay aginst them? For rakshasas are proud of their prowess"". Having heard the words of Dasaratha, Viswamitra said:" पौलस्त्यवंशप्रभवो रावणो नाम राक्षस:।स ब्रह्मणा दत्तवरस्त्रैलोक्यं बाधते भृशम्।।1.20.16।।महाबलो महावीर्यो राक्षसैर्बहुभिर्वृत:।, श्रूयते हि महावीर्यो रावणो राक्षसाधिप:।।1.20.17।।साक्षाद्वैश्रवणभ्राता पुत्रो विश्रवसो मुने:।," Ravana, king of rakshasas, is the brother of Kubera and son of ascetic Visravana. He is said to possess great prowess." यदा स्वयं न यज्ञस्य विघ्नकर्ता महाबल:।।1.20.18।।तेन सञ्चोदितौ द्वौ तु राक्षसौ वै महाबलौ।मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च यज्ञविघ्नं करिष्यत:।।1.20.19।।,"Although endowed with great strength, Ravana, by himself, never created impediments to the sacrifice. But two rakshasas by name Maricha and Subahu are incited by him to cause obstacles""." इत्युक्तो मुनिना तेन राजोवाच मुनिं तदा।न हि शक्तोऽस्मि सङ्ग्रामे स्थातुं तस्य दुरात्मन:।।1.20.20।।," Informed in this manner by sage Viswamitra, king Dasaratha addressed the sage, saying, ""I am not competent enough to stand before those evilminded rakshasas in the batlle"". " स त्वं प्रसादं धर्मज्ञ कुरुष्व मम पुत्रके।मम चैवाल्पभाग्यस्य दैवतं हि भवान्गुरु:।।1.20.21।। ,"""You are the knower of righteousness. Extend your favour to my little son and also to me for I am so who is unfortunate. You are verily my spiritual preceptor and god." देवदानवगन्धर्वा यक्षा:पतगपन्नगा:।न शक्ता रावणं सोढुं किं पुनर्मानवा युधि।।1.20.22।।,"Gods, danavas, gandharvas, yakshas, birds and great serpents cannot withstand Ravana in battle. What are men to him? (They are no match to him)." स हि वीर्यवतां वीर्यमादत्ते युधि राक्षस:।तेन चाहं न शक्तोऽस्मि संयोद्धुं तस्य वा बलै:।।1.20.23।।सबलो वा मुनिश्रेष्ठ सहितो वा ममात्मजै:।,That rakshasa pulls out warriors' prowess in the battle. O foremost of ascetics Either with forces or with my sons it is not possible for me to engage him or his forces in battle. कथमप्यमरप्रख्यं सङ्ग्रामाणामकोविदम्।बालं मे तनयं ब्रह्मन् नैव दास्यामि पुत्रकम्।।1.20.24।।,O brahman although my son resembles the celestials he is not experienced in warfare. On no account shall I spare him. अथ कालोपमौ युध्दे सुतौ सुन्दोपसुन्दयो:।।1.20.25।।यज्ञविघ्नकरौ तौ ते नैव दास्यामि पुत्रकम्।,"Further the sons of Sunda and Upasunda by name Maricha and Subahu are causing obstacles to your sacrifice. They resemble the god of death, Yama. I shall never part with my son. " मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च वीर्यवन्तौ सुशिक्षितौ।तयोरन्यतरेणाहं योध्दा स्यां ससुहृद्गण:।।1.20.26।।,"Maricha and Subahu not only possess prowess but also are experienced in warfare. Together with my group of friends I can combat with one of the two""." इति नरपतिजल्पनाद्द्विजेन्द्रं कुशिकसुतं सुमहान्विवेश मन्यु:।सुहुत इव मखेऽग्निराज्यसिक्त स्समभवदुज्ज्वलितो महर्षिवह्नि:।।1.20.27।।,"Having heard the statements of the king the son of Kusika, Viswamitra who was like Indra among the ascetics was seized by great anger. As though fire in the form of maharshi blazed like the sacrificial fire into which oblations of clarified butter have been poured. ।। iऋफफछफौ चफळउफp८फउफफऋफhफॊ खफफऔउफळE१ळऋफ फबn८E१फखऋफॊ अफफऔफE१फhbॊ६ भखफघफजजफMफऩityढऍ डrंmadraचऍ vmंkंya ikyऍ bakङऍ viनडassargaध৷৷Thus ends the twentieth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[On king Dasaratha's refusal to accede to his request, Viswamitra gets enraged.]तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य स्नेहपर्याकुलाक्षरम्।समन्यु: कौशिको वाक्यं प्रत्युवाच महीपतिम्।।1.21.1।। ","Out of affection towards his son, his (king Dasaratha's) plea to Viswamitra was full of contradiction. And on hearing the king, enraged Viswamitra replied:" पूर्वमर्थं प्रतिश्रुत्य प्रतिज्ञां हातुमिच्छसि।राघवाणामयुक्तोऽयं कुलस्यास्य विपर्यय:।।1.21.2।।, यदीदं ते क्षमं राजन् गमिष्यामि यथाऽगतम्।मिथ्याप्रतिज्ञ: काकुत्स्थ सुखीभव सबान्धव:।।1.21.3।।,"O king, if this act of yours is appropriate to you, I will go back (to the places) where from I came. O scion of the race of kakutstha, you have proved false to your promise. Live happily with your relatives"". " तस्य रोषपरीतस्य विश्वामित्रस्य धीमत:।चचाल वसुधा कृत्स्ना विवेश च भयं सुरान्।।1.21.4।।," At the sight of the wise sage Viswamitra seized of wrath, the entire earth shook and devatas were gripped in fear." त्रस्तरूपं तु विज्ञाय जगत्सर्वं महानृषि:।नृपतिं सुव्रतो धीरो वसिष्ठो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।1.21.5।।,"Great Vasishta, an adherent of ascetic practices and steadfast (to duty), seeing that the entire world frightened addressed the king, saying: " इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले जातस्साक्षाद्धर्म इवापर:।धृतिमान् सुव्रत: श्रीमान्नधर्मं हातुमर्हसि।।1.21.6।।,"""Born in the line of Ikshvaku, you are a veritable the second god of righteousness, firm adherent of vows auspicious and virtuous. It is not right on your part to abandon your promise." त्रिषु लोकेषु विख्यातो धर्मात्मा इति राघव।स्वधर्मं प्रतिपद्यस्व नाधर्मं वोढुमर्हसि।।1.21.7।।, O Dasaratha you are reputed in the three worlds as righteousminded. Do your own duty. Do not follow an unjust act which is unworthy of respect. संश्रुत्यैवं करिष्यामीत्यकुर्वाणस्य राघव।इष्टापूर्तवधो भूयात्तस्माद्रामं विसर्जय।।1.21.8।।,"O Dasaratha, a promise made and not kept amounts to destruction of merits earned through previous pieties. Therefore send Rama (with him)." कृतास्त्रमकृतास्त्रं वा नैनं शक्ष्यन्ति राक्षसा:।गुप्तं कुशिकपुत्रेण ज्वलनेनामृतं यथा।।1.21.9।।,"Trained or not in the use of arms, as long as Rama is protected by Viswamitra, just as nectar is protected by the flaming firegod rakshasas will not be able to compete with him." एष विग्रहवान् धर्म एष वीर्यवतां वर:।एष बुध्याऽधिको लोके तपसश्च परायणम्।।1.21.10।। ,This (Viswamitra) is an embodiment of righteousness and unsurpassed among the powerful. None can excel him in intellect in this world. He is the supreme refuge in austerity. एषोऽस्त्रान् विविधान्वेत्ति त्रैलोक्ये सचराचरे।नैनमन्य: पुमान्वेत्ति न च वेत्स्यन्ति केचन।।1.21.11।।,This Viswamitra knows the use of various kinds of weapons which no one knows among the animate and the inanimate in the three worlds. Nor will any one even know in future. न देवा नर्षय: केचिन्नासुरा न च राक्षसा:।गन्धर्वयक्षप्रवरास्सकिन्नरमहोरगा:।।1.21.12।।,No gods nor sages nor asuras in rakshasas nor kinnaras nor mighty serpents nor gandharvas nor the best of yakshas (will be able to know) सर्वास्त्राणि भृशाश्वस्य पुत्रा: परमधार्मिका:।कौशिकाय पुरा दत्ता यदा राज्यं प्रशासति।।1.21.13।।,All these weapons were given to Viswamitra by Bhrisasva's highly virtuous sons while he was ruling the kingdom. तेऽपि पुत्रा भृशाश्वस्य प्रजापतिसुतासुता:।नैकरूपा महावीर्या दीप्तिमन्तो जयावहा:।।1.21.14।।,"Grandsons (daughter's sons) of Prajapati, they (these weapons) are in diverse forms, highly energetic and full of glory they bring victory." जया च सुप्रभा चैव दक्षकन्ये सुमध्यमे।ते सुवातेऽस्त्रशस्त्राणि शतं परमभास्वरम्।।1.21.15।।,Jaya and Suprabha of slender waists are the two daughters of Daksha. They gave birth to one hundred effulgent sons known as astras and shastras. पञ्चाशतं सुतान् लेभे जया नाम परान् पुरा।वधायासुरसैन्यानाममेयान् कामरूपिण:।।1.21.16।।,"Formerly Jaya, for the destruction of the army of asuras gave birth to fifty sons by virtue of a boon. They possess immeasurable power of changing forms at will." सुप्रभाऽजनयच्चापि पुत्रान्पञ्चाशतं पुन:।संहारान्नामदुर्धर्षान् दुराक्रामान् बलीयस:।।1.21.17।।,"Suprabha gave birth to another fifty sons named Samharas who are unassailable, invincible and more powerful. " तानि चास्त्राणि वेत्त्येष यथावत्कुशिकात्मज:।अपूर्वाणां च जनने शक्तो भूयस्स धर्मवित्।।1.21.18।।,"Viswamitra is well conversant with these weapons. Being virtuous, he is capable of creating new weapons also. " एवं वीर्यो महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महायशाः।न रामगमने राजन् संशयं कर्तुमर्हसि।।1.21.19।।,"Such is the prowess of Viswamitra who is a highly effulgent and highly renowned sage. O King in sending Rama, you need not entertain any doubt. " तेषां निग्रहणे शक्तस्स्वयं च कुशिकात्मज:।तव पुत्रहितार्थाय त्वामुपेत्याभियाचते।।1.21.20।। ,"Son of Kusika, even though capable of repressing those rakhsasas by himself, it is for the welfare of your son that he is here requesting you to spare him""." इति मुनिवचनात्प्रसन्नचित्तोरघुवृषभस्तु मुमोद भास्वराङ्ग:।गमनमभिरुरोच राघवस्यप्रथितयशा: कुशिकात्मजाय बुध्या।।1.21.21।।,"Satisfied in his mind at the words of the sage (Vasishta), the full one among the Raghus' (Dasaratha) one with wide reputation, his frame shining gave his cheerful consent to the son of Kusika for Rama's departure.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकविंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the twentyfirst sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Dasaratha sends Rama and Lakshmana with Viswamitra--Viswamitra confers knowledge of bala and atibala to Rama and Lakshmana.] तथा वसिष्ठे ब्रुवति राजा दशरथस्सुतम  प्रहृष्टवदनो राममाजुहाव सलक्ष्मणम्।।1.22.1।।  "," Vasishta having said thus, king Dasaratha, with cheerful countenance summoned Rama and Lakshmana." कृतस्वस्त्ययनं मात्रा पित्रा दशरथेन च।पुरोधसा वसिष्ठेन मङ्गलैरभिमन्त्रितम्।।1.22.2।।स पुत्रं मूर्ध्न्युपाघ्राय राजा दशरथ: प्रियम्।ददौ कुशिकपुत्राय सुप्रीतेनान्तरात्मना।।1.22.3।।,"Rama was given farewell by his parents with recitation of mantras (for securing prosperity and averting evils). Priest Vasishta sanctified him with mantras Dasaratha kissed his son on the forehead and delivered him to the care of Viswamitra, with a heart full of cheer." ततो वायुस्सुखस्पर्शो नीरजस्को ववौ तदा।विश्वामित्रगतं दृष्ट्वा रामं राजीवलोचनम्।।1.22.4।।,"At the sight of the lotuseyed Rama accompanying Viswamitra, the wind blew pollenfree with a gentle touch." पुष्पवृष्टिर्महत्यासीद्देवदुन्दुभिनिस्वनै:।शङ्खदुन्दुभिनिर्घोष: प्रयाते तु महात्मनि।।1.22.5।।,"The departure of glorious Viswamitra was greeted with incessant showers of flowers, the beating of celestial drums and the blowing of conches." विश्वामित्रो ययावग्रे ततो रामो धनुर्धर:।काकपक्षधरो धन्वी तं च सौमित्रिरन्वगात्।।1.22.6।।,"Viswamitra walked in the forefront. Behind him was Rama, bow in hand, while in the archer, Sumitra's son (Lakshmana) with side locks of hair followed." कलापिनौ धनुष्पाणी शोभमानौ दिशो दश ।विश्वामित्रं महात्मानं त्रिशीर्षाविव पन्नगौ।।1.22.7।।अनुजग्मतुरक्षुद्रौ पितामहमिवाश्विनौ। ,"Rama and Lakshmana equipped with bows and quivers resembled three hooded serpents. Warriors of no less prowess, they illuminated the ten quarters and followed the high souled Viswamitra like twin Aswanikumaras following the grandsire, Brahma. " तदा कुशिकपुत्रं तु धनुष्पाणी स्वलङ्कृतौ।।1.22.8।।बद्धगोधाङ्गुलित्राणौ खड्गवन्तौ महाद्युती ।कुमारौ चारुवपुषौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ ।।1.22.9।।अनुयातौ श्रिया दीप्तौ शोभयेतामनिन्दितौ।स्थाणुं देवमिवाचिन्त्यं कुमाराविव पावकी ।।1.22.10।।,"Then bows in hand, wellattired, their fingers encased in mongrel skin, for protection (against the bowstring) armed with scimitars, resplendent, young, handsome the two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana shone unblemished. As they followed sage Viswamitra spreading radiance, they looked like sons of the god of fire, (Skanda and Visakhu) following the incomprehensible Siva. " अध्यर्धयोजनं गत्वा सरय्वा दक्षिणे तटे।रामेति मधुरां वाणीं विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत।।1.22.11।। ,"After crossing a distance of over half a yojana on the southern bank of Sarayu, Viswamitra addressed Rama sweet in a gentle voice." गृहाण वत्स सलिलं मा भूत्कालस्य पर्यय:।मन्त्रग्रामं गृहाण त्वं बलामतिबलां तथा।।1.22.12।। ,"""O child, take this water (in your hands), let there be no delay. You will receive from me a collection of mantras and also bala and atibala. " न श्रमो न ज्वरो वा ते न रूपस्य विपर्यय:।न च सुप्तं प्रमत्तं वा धर्षयिष्यन्ति नैऱृता:।।1.22.13।।," ""(If you receive these mantras), you will experience neither fatigue, nor fever nor will there be a change in your appearance. Whether you are asleep or agitated, rakshasas cannot harm you." न बाह्वोस्सदृशो वीर्ये पृथिव्यामस्ति कश्चन।त्रिषु लोकेषु वै राम न भवेत्सदृशस्तव ।।1.22.14।।,"O Rama, there is none in this world equal to the might of your hands nor does such a person exist in the three worlds. " न सौभाग्ये न दाक्षिण्ये न ज्ञाने बुद्धिनिश्चये।नोत्तरे प्रतिवक्तव्ये समो लोके तवाऽनघ।।1.22.15।।,"O sinless one, there is none in this world equal to you in good fortune, kindness, wisdom, in taking a decsion or giving a reply." एतद्विद्याद्वये लब्धे भविता नास्ति ते सम:।बलात्वतिबला चैव सर्वज्ञानस्य मातरौ।।1.22.16।।,"With these two kinds of knowledge secured, there will be none equal to you, at present or in fututre. Bala and atibala are mother to all kinds of knowledge ." क्षुत्पिपासे न ते राम भविष्येते नरोत्तम ।बलामतिबलां चैव पठत: पथि राघव।।1.22.17।। ,"O Rama, best among men, scion in the line of Raghu, on your way you will not feel hunger or thirst if you recite bala and atibala." विद्याद्वयमधीयाने यशश्चाप्यतुलं त्वयि।पितामहसुते ह्येते विद्ये तेजस्समन्विते।।1.22.18।।प्रदातुं तव काकुत्स्थ सदृशस्त्वं हि धार्मिक।,"O Rama, born in the line Kakutstha and one who is righteous, these two radiant sciences are daughters of the grandsire Brahma. If you pursue these two sciences, you will get unequalled fame. You are a fit person to confer these two sciences." "कामं बहुगुणास्सर्वे त्वय्येते नात्र संशय:। तपसा सम्भृते चैते बहुरूपे भविष्यत:।।1.22.19।।  "," You possess all these qualities in great measure. There is no doubt that If these two sciences (mantras) are nourished with austerities they will assume multiple forms (and benefit you)""." ततो रामो जलं स्पृष्ट्वा प्रहृष्टवदनश्शुचि:।प्रतिजग्राह ते विद्ये महर्षेर्भावितात्मन:।।1.22.20।।,"Thereafter Rama, touched the water and was sanctified. With a cheerful face he received those two sciences from the maharshi who had perceived the supreme soul. " विद्यासमुदितो रामश्शुशुभे भूरिविक्रम:।सहस्ररश्मिर्भगवान् शरदीव दिवाकर:।।1.22.21।। गुरुकार्याणि सर्वाणि नियुज्य कुशिकात्मजे।ऊषुस्तां रजनीं तत्र सरय्वां सुसुखं त्रय:।।1.22.22।।,".Rama, the highly heroic after acquiring knowledge (of the two sciences) and having rendered all services to preceptor Viswamitra, appeared resplendent like the Sungod in autumn. There the three of them spent the night comfortably on the bank of Sarayu." "दशरथनृपसूनुसत्तमाभ्यां तृणशयनेऽनुचिते सहोषिताभ्याम्। कुशिकसुतवचोऽनुलालिताभ्यां सुखमिव सा विबभौ विभावरी च।।1.22.23।।  "," The night was spent as though with comfort by the two eminent sons of Dasaratha, who shared the unaccustomed bed of grass. They were kept in good humour by the words of Kusika's son. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे द्वाविंशस्सर्ग:।। Thus ends the twenty second sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[ Accompanied by Rama and Lakshmana, Viswamitra reaches the hermitage of Kama at the confluence of Sarayu and Ganga.]प्रभातायां तु शर्वर्यां विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।अभ्यभाषत काकुत्स्थौ शयानौ पर्णसंस्तरे।।1.23.1।।","When the night turned into daybreak, the eminent ascetic Viswamitra, addressing the descendants of Kakutstha (Rama and Lakshmana) who were lying on a bed of leaves said:" कौसल्या सुप्रजा राम पूर्वा सन्ध्या प्रवर्तते।उत्तिष्ठ नरशार्दूल कर्तव्यं दैवमाह्निकम्।।1.23.2।।,"""O beloved son of Kausalya, O Rama the day dawns. O best among men, awake, oblations to gods and other sacred rites are required to be performed"". " तस्यर्षे: परमोदारं वचश्श्रुत्वा नृपात्मजौ ।स्नात्वा कृतोदकौ वीरौ जेपतु: परमं जपम्।।1.23.3।।, On hearing the very affectionate call of Viswamitra both the brave princes had their bath and offered oblations to Sungod (standing in the water) and recited the holy name of the Lord. कृताह्निकौ महावीर्यौ विश्वामित्रं तपोधनम्।अभिवाद्याभिसंहृष्टौ गमनायाभितस्थतु:।।1.23.4।।,"On performing the morning rites, the two highly powerful and and energetic princes stood before Viswamitra who was richly endowed with asceticism. They prostrated before him. And stood ready for their onward journey. " तौ प्रयातौ महावीर्यौ दिव्यां त्रिपथगां नदीम्।ददृशाते ततस्तत्र सरय्वास्सङ्गमे शुभे।।1.23.5।।,"Thereafter, having gone a little further both the heroic brothers looked at the confluence of holy Sarayu with divine Ganga divided into three branches." तत्राश्रमपदं पुण्यमृषीणामग्य्रतेजसाम् ।बहुवर्षसहस्राणि तप्यतां परमं तप:।।1.23.6।।,There they saw a sacred hermitage of anchorites of great vitality performing severe austerities for thousands of years. तं दृष्ट्वा परमप्रीतौ राघवौ पुण्यमाश्रमम्।ऊचतुस्तं महात्मानं विश्वामित्रमिदं वच:।।1.23.7।।,"Exceedingly delighted to see the sacred hermitage, the two princes enquired from the illustrious sage Viswamitra:" कस्यायमाश्रम: पुण्य: कोन्वस्मिन्वसते पुमान्।भगवन् श्रोतुमिच्छाव: परं कौतूहलं हि नौ।।1.23.8।।," ""O worshipful one, whose sacred hermitage is this? Who lives here? Indeed, we are curious to know""." तयोस्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा प्रहस्य मुनिपुङ्गव:।अब्रवीच्छ्रूयतां राम यस्यायं पूर्व आश्रम:।।1.23.9 ।।,"On having heard their words, the foremost of sages gently smiled and said, ""O Rama listen, who this hermitage belonged to in the past""." कन्दर्पो मूर्तिमानासीत्काम इत्युच्यते बुधै:।तपस्यन्तमिह स्थाणुं नियमेन समाहितम्।।1.23.10।। कृतोद्वाहं तु देवेशं गच्छन्तं समरुद्गगणम्।धर्षयामास दुर्मेधा हुङ्कृतश्च महात्मना।।1.23.11।।,"""Kandarpa (the god of love) once lived here in human form. He is called Kama by the learned. The wicked Kama on his way with the maruts (god of wind) insulted Siva, the god of gods, while he was absorbed in austere meditation along with his newly wedded consort. On seeing Kama Lord Siva roared at him (menacingly)." अवदग्धस्य रौद्रेण चक्षुषा रघुनन्दन।व्यशीर्यन्त शरीरात्स्वात्सर्वगात्राणि दुर्मते:।।1.23.12।।," ""O descendant of Raghu, burnt down by his fierce (third) eye, all the limbs of the body of that evilminded Kama were consumed." तस्य गात्रं हतं तत्र निर्दग्थस्य महात्मना।अशरीर: कृत: काम: क्रोधाद्देवेश्वरेण हि।।1.23.13।।,"Having been completely burnt down by Lord Siva, Kama's body was destroyed. Mighty angry, Siva, reduced Kama to a 'disembodied being." अनङ्ग इति विख्यातस्तदाप्रभृति राघव।स चाङ्गविषयश्श्रीमान्यत्राङ्गं प्रमुमोच ह।।1.23.14।।,"O descendant of the Raghus, from that time onwards, he was known as 'Ananga' (one without form). The beautiful place where he gave up his body is known as Angadesa. " तस्यायमाश्रम: पुण्यस्तस्येमे मुनय: पुरा।शिष्या धर्मपरा नित्यं तेषां पापं न विद्यते।।1.23.15।।,This holy hermitage belongs to Kama. These ascetics are his disciples. They are always righteous and are free from sin. इहाद्य रजनीं राम वसेम शुभदर्शन।पुण्ययोस्सरितोर्मध्ये श्वस्तरिष्यामहे वयम्।।1.23.16।।," O auspiciouslooking Rama, we will stay here tonight at the confluence of both these sacred rivers (Sarayu and Ganga) and cross over Ganga tomorrow." अभिगच्छामहे सर्वे शुचय: पुण्यमाश्रमम्।स्नाताश्च कृतजप्याश्च हुतहव्या नरोत्तम।।1.23.17।।,"O best of men, after morning ablutions offering oblations to the sacred fire, all of us sanctified will enter this pious hermitage""." तेषां संवदतां तत्र तपोदीर्घेण चक्षुषा।विज्ञाय परमप्रीता मुनयो हर्षमागमन्।।1.23.18।।," As they were conversing thus, the ascetics, with their far reaching spiritual vision (beyond the veil of time) recognised them and were immensely pleased." अर्घ्यं पाद्यं तथाऽतिथ्यं निवेद्य कुशिकात्मजे।रामलक्ष्मणयो: पश्चादकुर्वन्नतिथिक्रियाम्।।1.23.19।।,"After extending hospitality to the son of Kusika (Viswamitra) with respectful offerings, and water for washing feet they played the host to Rama and Lakshmana. " सत्कारं समनुप्राप्य कथाभिरभिरञ्जयन्।यथार्हमजपन् सन्ध्यामृषयस्ते समाहिता:।।1.23.20।। ,"Having received due hospitality, they delighted them (ascetics) with their talk. The rishis with composed minds recited their evening prayer as usual." तत्र वासिभिरानीता मुनिभिस्सुव्रतै: सह।न्यवसन् सुसुखं तत्र कामाश्रमपदे तदा।।1.23.21।।,"The ascetics who resided there, faithful to their vows, took them in. There they staed happily in Kama's hermitage." कथाभिरभिरामाभिरभिरामौ नृपात्मजौ।रमयामास धर्मात्मा कौशिको मुनिपुङ्गव:।।1.23.22।।,Foremost among the ascetics the son of Kusika (Viswamitra) delighted the charming princes with enchanting tales. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे त्रयोविंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the twentythird sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. "[While crossing the river Rama asks ""What is this tumultuous sound gushing from the Ganga?""--Viswamitra gives the reply--The trio enter the forest -- Viswamitra narrates the story of Tataka.]तत: प्रभाते विमले कृताह्निकमरिन्दमौ।विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य नद्यास्तीरमुपागतौ।।1.24.1।।","Thereafter the destroyers of foes, Rama and Lakshmana offering their morning oblations on that bright dawn arrived at the bank of the river (Ganga) with Viswamitra ahead of them. " ते च सर्वे महात्मानो मुनयस्संश्रितव्रता:।उपस्थाप्य शुभां नावं विश्वामित्रमथाब्रुवन्।।1.24.2।।," All the highminded ascetics and strict followers of vows secured an auspicious boat for them and addressed Viswamitra, saying:" आरोहतु भवान्नावं राजपुत्रपुरस्कृत:।अरिष्टं गच्छ पन्थानं मा भूत्कालविपर्यय:।।1.24.3।।,"With the princes ahead of you, board the boat. Tread the safe path. Let there be no loss of time." विश्वामित्रस्तथेत्युक्तवा तानृषीनभिपूज्य च।ततार सहितस्ताभ्यां सरितं सागरङ्गमाम्।।1.24.4।।,"""Be it so"", said Viswamitra and paid respect to all those sages. And accompanied by them (Rama and Lakshmana), crossed the river flowing towards the sea." ततश्शुश्राव वै शब्दमतिसंरम्भवर्धितम्।मध्यमागम्य तोयस्य सह राम:कनीयसा।।1.24.5।।," As they reached the midstream, Rama and his younger brother heard a sound greatly augmented by the speed (of the river)." अथ रामस्सरिन्मध्ये पप्रच्छ मुनिपुङ्गवम्।वारिणो भिद्यमानस्य किमयं तुमुलो ध्वनि:।।1.24.6।।,"Rama enquired of Viswamitra, the best of sages, ""What is this tumultuous sound bursting out of the waters?""" राघवस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा कौतूहलसमन्वित:।कथयामास धर्मात्मा तस्य शब्दस्य निश्चयम्।।1.24.7।।," At the words of Rama filled with curiosity, the righteous (Viswamitra) narrated the true nature of that sound." कैलासपर्वते राम मनसा निर्मितं सर:।ब्रह्मणा नरशार्दूल तेनेदं मानसं सर:।।1.24.8।।," ""O tiger among men, Rama. Brahma created out of his mind a lake on mount Kailas and so that lake is called Manasa (Sarovara)." तस्मात्सुस्राव सरसस्सायोध्यामुपगूहते ।सर प्रवृत्ता सरयू: पुण्या ब्रह्मसरश्च्युता।।1.24.9।।,"This river which flows from Manasa Sarovara is, therefore, known as 'Sarayu'. It surrounds Ayodhya. This sacred river flows from that lake of Brahma." तस्यायमतुलश्शब्दो जाह्नवीमभिवर्तते।वारिसङ्क्षोभजो राम प्रणामं नियत:कुरु।।1.24.10।। ,"When Ganga approaches this river (Sarayu), there is a clash of waters and this great noise is produced. Rama, offer respectful salutations here, with a calm mind""." ताभ्यां तु तावुभौ कृत्वा प्रणाममतिधार्मिकौ।तीरं दक्षिणमासाद्य जग्मतुर्लघुविक्रमौ।।1.24.11।।,Deeply religious (in nature) they both made obeisance to the two rivers and reached the southern bank and advanced with quick steps. स वनं घोरसङ्काशं दृष्ट्वा नृपवरात्मज:।अविप्रहतमैक्ष्वाक: पप्रच्छ मुनिपुङ्गवम्।।1.24.12।। ," He who was a descendent of Ikshvaku and son of the best of kings, (Dasaratha) having seen that untrodden and dreadful forest asked the foremost of the ascetics:" अहो वनमिदं दुर्गं झिल्लिकागणनादितम्।भैरवैश्शपदै: पूर्णं शकुन्तैर्दारुणारुतै:।।1.24.13।।," ""What a wonder This inaccessible forest echoes with the (shrill) chirpings of crickets It is filled with ferocious beasts and birds producing fearful sounds." नानाप्रकारैश्शकुनै र्वाश्यद्भिर्भैरवस्वनै:।सिंहव्याघ्रवराहैश्च वारणैश्चोपशोभितम्।।1.24.14।।,"""It resounds with the frightful shricks of various kinds of birds. Lions, tigers, boars and elephants prowl about." "धवाश्वकर्णककुभैर्बिल्वतिन्दुकपाटलै:। सङ्कीर्णं बदरीभिश्च किन्न्वेतद्दारुणं वनम्।।1.24.15।।  "," This forest jampacked with dhava, ashvakarna, kakubha, bilva, tinduka, patala and badari trees, how frightening this forest could be""" तमुवाच महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।श्रूयतां वत्स काकुत्स्थ यस्यैतद्दारुणं वनम्।।1.24.16।।,"Viswamitra, the great sage radiating energy addressing Rama said, ""O child of kakusthsa dynasty I shall tell you whose dreadful forest this is. Listen""" एतौ जनपदौ स्फीतौ पूर्वमास्तां नरोत्तम।मलदाश्च करूशाश्च देवनिर्माणनिर्मितौ।।1.24.17।।," O best among men, formerly these two large and prosperous cities called Malada and Karusha built by celestial architects existed. " पुरा वृत्रवधे राम मलेन समभिप्लुतम्।क्षुधा चैव सहस्राक्षं ब्रह्महत्या समाविशत्।।1.24.18।।," O Rama, in ancient times after killing Vritrasura, Indra was overpowered by the sin of slaying a brahmin and was affected by impurity and hunger." तमिन्द्रं स्नापयन् देवा ऋषयश्च तपोधना:।कलशैस्स्नापयामासुर्मलं चास्य प्रमोचयन्।।1.24.19।।,Devas and rishis endowed with the wealth of asceticism bathed Indra with the (consecrated) waters (brought from all rivers) from the pitchers and got him cleansed of impurities. इह भूम्यां मलं दत्वा दत्वा कारूशमेव च।शरीरजं महेन्द्रस्य ततो हर्षं प्रपेदिरे।।1.24.20।। ,"With the hunger and the taint and impurity from the body of Mahendra removed at this place, the devas rejoiced." निर्मलो निष्करूशश्च शुचिरिंन्द्रो यदाभवत्।ददौ देशस्य सुप्रीतो वरं प्रभुरनुत्तमम्।।1.24.21।।," Cleansed of his impurities and his hunger gone, Indra once again became pure. Allpowerful Indra highly pleased gave an excellent boon to that region." इमौ जनपदौ स्फीतौ ख्यातिं लोके गमिष्यत:।मलदाश्च करूशाश्च ममाङ्गमलधारिणौ।।1.24.22।।,"Indra blessed the place saying, 'Having absorbed impurities of my body, let these places be extremely fertile and prosperous and let this be renowned throughout this world as Malada and Karusha'." साधु साध्विति तं देवा: पाकशासनमब्रुवन्।देशस्य पूजां तां दृष्ट्वा कृतां शक्रेण धीमता।।1.24.23।।,"Having seen the honour bestowed on that land by the wise Indra, the gods said to him, 'Well done, Well done'. " एतौ जनपदौ स्फीतौ दीर्घकालमरिन्दम।मलदाश्च करूशाश्च मुदितौ धनधान्यत:।।1.24.24।।,"O Destroyers of enemies these prosperous townships, Malada and Karusha looked cheerful with (bumper) crops and wealth for a long time. " कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य यक्षी वै कामरूपिणी।बलं नागसहस्रस्य धारयन्ती तदा ह्यभूत्।।1.24.25।। ताटका नाम भद्रं ते भार्या सुन्दस्य धीमत:। 2मारीचो राक्षस: पुत्रो यस्याश्शक्रपराक्रम:।।1.24.26।। ,"Then, after a lapse of several years, O gentle one a terrible yakshini by name Tataka, wife of intelligent Sunda, capable of assuming different forms at will, possessed of the strength of a thousand elephants and mother of a rakshasa known as Maricha armed with the power of Indra took possession of this place." वृत्तबाहुर्महावीर्यो विपुलास्य तनुर्महान्।राक्षसो भैरवाकारो नित्यं त्रासयते प्रजा:।।1.24.27।। ,"The arms (of Maricha) are round and strong. He is highly energetic. He has a large face and a huge body. In appearance, he is gigantic and possesses a dreadful form. That rakshasa always threatened the inhabitants." इमौ जनपदौ नित्यं विनाशयति राघव।मलदांश्च करूशांश्च ताटका दुष्टचारिणी।।1.24.28।।,"""O Rama that wicked than Tataka carried on her depredations at regular intervals in these locations, Malada and Karusha." सेयं पन्थानमावृत्य वसत्यध्यर्धयोजने।अत एव न गन्तव्यं ताटकाया वनं यत:।।1.24.29।।,"Tataka lives at a distance of one and a half yojanas from here obstructing the path. Since Tataka dwells in this forest, no one comes here (because of fears)." स्वबाहुबलमाश्रित्य जहीमां दुष्टचारिणीम्।मन्नियोगादिमं देशं कुरु निष्कण्टकं पुन:।।1.24.30।।,"""By the strength of your arms slay this one of wicked deeds. Comply with my orders and make this country safe (and habitable)." न हि कश्चिदिमं देशं शक्नोत्यागन्तुमीदृशम्।यक्षिण्या घोरया राम उत्सादितमसह्यया।।1.24.31।। ,"O Rama none dare approach this country ravaged by such dreadful, intolerable yakshini. " एतत्ते सर्वमाख्यातं यथैतद्दारुणं वनम्।यक्ष्या चोत्सादितं सर्वमद्यापि न निवर्तते।।1.24.32।।,"You have been told the manner in which this fierce forest is entirely ruined by that cruel yakshini. Tell now she has not left this place"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे चतुर्विंशतिस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the twentyfourth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Rama, further enquires Viswamitra narrates the birth of Tataka, her marriage, curse, etc., and convinces Rama to slay her.]अथ तस्याप्रमेयस्य मुनेर्वचनमुत्तमम्।श्रुत्वा पुरुषशार्दूल: प्रत्युवाच शुभां गिरम्।।1.25.1।।"," On hearing the excellent words of Viswamitra, a sage with unimaginable faculty. Rama, the tiger among men (Rama) replied in a, gentle voice:" अल्पवीर्या यदा यक्षा श्श्रूयन्ते मुनिपुङ्गव।कथन्नागसहस्रस्य धारयत्यबला बलम्।।1.25.2।।,"""O best of ascetics, I have heard the yakshas possess little prowess. How can a woman who is by gender weak possess the strength of a thousand elephants?" विश्वामित्रोऽब्रवीद्वाक्यं शृण येन बलोत्तरा। वरदानकृतं वीर्यं धारयत्यबला बलम्।।1.25.3।।," Viswamitra said, ""Listen, how she acquired the prowess and strength by virtue of a boon she received." पूर्वमासीन्महायक्षस्सुकेतुर्नाम वीर्यवान्।अनपत्यश्शुभाचारस्स च तेपे महत्तप:।।1.25.4।।,"""In the past there was a powerful and great yaksha by name Suketu. He had no children. So he performed an intense penance following virtuous practices. " पितामहस्तु सुप्रीतस्तस्य यक्षपते स्तदा।कन्यारत्नं ददौ राम ताटकां नाम नामत:।।1.25.5।।,"Rama the grandsire Brahma was highly gratified and granted to the king of yakshas, the gem of a daughter by name known asTataka." ददौ नागसहस्रस्य बलं चास्या: पितामह:।नत्वेव पुत्रं यक्षाय ददौ ब्रह्मा महायशा:।।1.25.6।।,"The illustrious grandsire Brahma granted her the strength of a thousand elephants, but did not bestow a son on the yaksha. " तां तु जातां विवर्धन्तीं रूपयौवनशालिनीम्।झर्झपुत्राय सुन्दाय ददौ भार्यां यशस्विनीम्।।1.25.7।।," As she grew up, glowing with youth and beauty she was given in marriage to Sunda, son of Jharjha. " कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य यक्षी पुत्रमजायत।मारीचं नाम दुर्धर्षं यश्शापाद्राक्षसोऽभवत्।।1.25.8।।,"After some time that yakshini gave birth to an unassailable son by name Maricha. Because of a curse, he became a rakshasa (though born of yaksha parentage)." सुन्दे तु निहते राम सागस्त्यमृषिसत्तमम्।ताटका सह पुत्रेण प्रधर्षयितुमिच्छति।।1.25.9।। ," O Rama when Sunda died Tataka along with her son wanted to attack Agastya, the best of sages." भक्षार्थं जातसंरम्भा गर्जन्ती साभ्यधावत।0आपतन्तीं तु तां दृष्ट्वा अगस्त्यो भगवानृषि:।।1.25.10।।राक्षसत्वं भजस्वेति मारीचं व्याजहार स:। 1,"Roaring, she rushed with excitement to devour him. The venerable rishi Agastya saw her approaching him and cursed Maricha to assume form of a demoness." अगस्त्य: परमक्रुद्धस्ताटकामपि शप्तवान्।।1.25.11।।पुरुषादी महायक्षी विरूपा विकृतानना।इदं रूपं विहायाथ दारुणं रूपमस्तु ते।।1.25.12।।,"Mighty angry, Agastya cursed Tataka saying, 'Abandon this form of a great yakshini and assume the terrible figure of a rakshasi, a cannibal with distorted appearance and a hideous countenance'." सैषा शापकृतामर्षा ताटका क्रोधमूर्छिता।देशमुत्सादयत्येनमगस्त्यचरितं शुभम्।।1.25.13।।," Enraged at the curse, senseless, Tataka with anger, has been ravaging this sacred land when Agastya walked." एनां राघव दुर्वृत्तां यक्षीं परमदारुणाम्।गोब्राह्मणहितार्थाय जहि दुष्टपराक्रमाम्।।1.25.14।।,"O Rama for the welfare of cows and brahmins, slay this yakshini who is wicked, extremely cruel and possessing vile prowess." न ह्येनां शापसम्स्पृष्टां कश्चिदुत्सहते पुमान्।निहन्तुं त्रिषु लोकेषु त्वामृते रघुनन्दन।।1.25.15।।,"O son of Raghu's dynasty she is maligned by the curse, and so not a single man in the three worlds except you, is competent to slay this yakshini. " न हि ते स्त्रीवधकृते घृणा कार्या नरोत्तम।चातुर्वण्यहितार्थाय कर्तव्यं राजसूनुना।।1.25.16।।, O best among men you need not hate killing a woman. You are a prince. You should serve the interest of the four orders of the society. नृशंसमनृशंसं वा प्रजारक्षणकारणात्।पातकं वा सदोषं वा कर्तव्यं रक्षता सता।।1.25.17।।,"Whether cruel or kind, sinful or wrong whatever contributes to the protection of the subjects, should be done by the righteous (king)." राज्यभारनियुक्तानामेष धर्मस्सनातन:।अधर्म्यां जहि काकुत्स्थ धर्मोह्यस्या न विद्यते।।1.25.18।।,This is the eternal law binding those who are appointed to bear the burden of a kingdom. O Kakutstha kill her. She knows no dharma. श्रूयते हि पुरा शक्रो विरोचनसुतां नृप।पृथिवीं हन्तुमिच्छन्तीं मन्थरामभ्यसूदयत्।।1.25.19।।,"O Prince It is heard that in the past Indra slew Manthara, Virochana's daughter who intended to destroy the earth." "विष्णुनापि पुरा राम भृगुपत्नी दृढव्रता। अनिन्द्रं लोकमिच्छन्ती काव्यमाता निषूदिता।।1.25.20।।  "," 'O Rama! In olden times, Kavya, the mother of Sukracharya, the wife of sage Bhrigu, was destroyed by Vishnu determined to destroy Indra.'" एतैश्चान्यैश्च बहुभी राजपुत्र महात्मभि:।अधर्मसहिता नार्यो हता: पुरुषसत्तमै:।।1.25.21।।,"O Prince by these magnanimous persons and by great men several unrighteous women were killed for the common good"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे पञ्चविंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the twentyfifth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Sri Rama kills Tataka]मुनेर्वचनमक्लीबं श्रुत्वा नरवरात्मज:।राघव: प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा प्रत्युवाच दृढव्रत:।।1.26.1।।," After listening to the manly command of ascetic Viswamitra, Rama, of the lineage of Raghu, the son of the foremost of men and firm in determination, replied with folded palms:" "पितुर्वचननिर्देशात्पितुर्वचनगौरवात्। वचनं कौशिकस्येति कर्तव्यमविशङ्कया।।1.26.2।।  "," ""As I have to fulfill the command of my father and honour his words and the instruction of Kausika (Viswamitra), I shall execute it (kill Tataka) without hesitation." अनुशिष्टोऽस्म्ययोध्यायां गुरुमध्ये महात्मना।पित्रा दशरथेनाहं नावज्ञेयं हि तद्वच:।।1.26.3।।,"In Ayodhya in the presence of elders and spiritual masters (of Dasaratha's court), I have been ordered by my magnanimous father to act according to your instructions and his words cannot be disobeyed." सोऽहं पितुर्वचश्श्रुत्वा शासनाद्ब्रह्मवादिन:।करिष्यामि न सन्देहस्ताटकावधमुत्तमम्।।1.26.4।।," As per the words of my father and the command of Viswamitra, who has the knowledge of the Brahman, I shall execute the welcome act of killing Tataka." गोब्राह्मणहितार्थाय देशस्यास्य सुखाय च।तव चैवाप्रमेयस्य वचनं कर्तुमुद्यत:।।1.26.5।।,"For the welfare of cows and brahmins and also for the good of this country, I am ready to perform such acts as commanded by you of boundless energy""." एवमुक्त्वा धनुर्मध्ये बध्वा मुष्टिमरिन्दम:।ज्याशब्दमकरोत्तीव्रं दिशश्शब्देन नादयन्।।1.26.6।।,"Rama, the destroyer of enemies having said so clinched the middle of the bow with his fist and filled the ten quarters with the resounding twanging of the bowstring." तेन शब्देन वित्रस्तास्ताटकावनवासिन:।ताटका च सुसंक्रुद्धा तेन शब्देन मोहिता।।1.26.7।।,"The dwellers of the Tataka forest were terrified by the sound (of the bow). Tataka, was might angry and amazed." तं शब्दमभिनिध्याय राक्षसी क्रोधमूर्छिता।श्रुत्वा चाभ्यद्रवद्वेगाद्यतश्शब्दो विनिस्सृत:।।1.26.8।।," Hearing that sound, the demoness thought for a while and senseless with anger rushed in the direction where the sound had come from. " तां दृष्ट्वा राघव: क्रुद्धां विकृतां विकृताननाम्।प्रमाणेनातिवृद्धां च लक्ष्मणं सोऽभ्यभाषत।।1.26.9।।," Filled with wrath Rama saw Tataka, disfigured with a distorted face and gigantic in size. Turning to Lakshmana he said : " पश्य लक्ष्मण यक्षिण्या भैरवं दारुणं वपु:।भिद्येरन् दर्शनादस्या भीरूणां हृदयानि च।।1.26.10।। ," ""O Lakshmana, behold, the sight of the dreadful hideous body of this yakshini will break timid hearts. " एनां पश्य दुराधर्षां मायाबलसमन्विताम्।विनिवृत्तां करोम्यद्य हृतकर्णाग्रनासिकाम्।।1.26.11।।,"See, she is unassailable because of the strength gained through black magic. I shall cut off her ears and the tip of her nose and make her turn away." न ह्येनामुत्सहे हन्तुं स्त्रीस्वभावेन रक्षिताम्।वीर्यं चास्यां गतिं चापि हनिष्यामीति मे मति:।।1.26.12।।," By virtue of being a woman, she is protected. I am not inclined to slay her but take away her prowess and power of motion""." एवं ब्रुवाणे रामे तु ताटका क्रोधमूर्छिता।उद्यम्य बाहू गर्जन्ती राममेवाभ्यधावत।।1.26.13।। ," While Rama was still speaking, Tataka, incensed with fury rushed with her uplifted arms towards him roaring." विश्वामित्रस्तु ब्रह्मर्षिर्हुङ्कारेणाभिभर्त्स्यताम्।स्वस्ति राघवयोरस्तु जयं चैवाभ्यभाषत।।1.26.14।। ," Brahmarshi Viswamitra threatened her with hunkara (menacing sound), uttering, ""Auspices to the Raghavas (Rama and Lakshmana) be aupicousness and success"" victorious." उद्धून्वाना रजो घोरं ताटका राघवावुभौ।रजोमोहेन महता मुहूर्तं सा व्यमोहयत्।।1.26.15।।,Tataka raising a cloud of frightening dust left the descendants of Raghu bewildered quite for a moment. ततो मायां समास्थाय शिलावर्षेण राघवौ।अवाकिरत्सुमहता ततश्चुक्रोध राघव:।।1.26.16।।," Then invoking the power of magic, she showered extensive rain of boulders on both the descendants of Raghu. Rama was enraged at this." शिलावर्षं महत्तस्याश्शरवर्षेण राघव:।प्रतिहत्योपधावन्त्या: करौ चिच्छेद पत्रिभि: ।।1.26.17।।," Rama retaliated that mighty rain of rocks with a volley of arrows. While she was advancing towards him, he cut off her hands. " ततश्छिन्नभुजां श्रान्तामभ्याशे परिगर्जतीम्।सौमित्रिरकरोत्क्रोधाद्धृतकर्णाग्रनासिकाम्।।1.26.18।।,"When she was tired and roaring in a nearby place with her hands chopped off, Lakshmana cut off her ears and the tip of her nose in indignation. " कामरूपधरा सद्य: कृत्वा रूपाण्यनेकश: ।अन्तर्धानं गता यक्षी मोहयन्तीव मायया ।।1.26.19।।अश्मवर्षं विमुञ्चन्ती भैरवं विचचार ह । ,"Capable of assuming forms at will, that yakshini intending to delude the princes through her power of magic, vanished from the sight. She then assumed various forms and released a rain of rocks. And started moving about frightfully." ततस्तावश्मवर्षेण कीर्यमाणौ समन्तत:।।1.26.20।।दृष्ट्वा गाधिसुतश्श्रीमानिदं वचनमब्रवीत्। ,"On seeing them hit and thrown about by a rain of stones from all sides, the auspicious son of Gadhi, (Viswamitra) spoke these words: " अलं ते घृणया राम पापैषा दुष्टचारिणी।।1.26.21।।यज्ञविघ्नकरी यक्षी पुरावर्धति मायया।,"""O Rama she does not deserve any more compassion. This yakshini who is sinful, wicked and obstructor of sacrifice will regain her strength by her magical powers ""." वध्यतां तावदेवैषा पुरा सन्ध्या प्रवर्तते।।1.26.22।।रक्षांसि सन्ध्याकालेषु दुर्धर्षाणि भवन्ति वै।,"Kill her, for dusk is fast approaching. During evening the strength of rakshasas tends to increase and they become unassailable""." इत्युक्तस्तु तदा यक्षी अश्मवृष्ट्याभिवर्षतीम्।।1.26.23।।दर्शयन् शब्दवेधित्वं तां रुरोध स सायकै:।,"Addressed thus (by Viswamitra), Rama attacked her exhibiting his skill in targetting her by the sound and prevented with arrows the yakshini from showering stones." सा रुद्धा शरजालेन मायाबलसमन्विता।।1.26.24।।अभिदुद्राव काकुत्स्थं लक्ष्मणं च विनेदुषी।,".Prevented by a multitude of arrows, she with her magical powers, advanced towards Rama and Lakshmanaroaring. " तामापतन्तीं वेगेन विक्रान्तामशनीमिव।।1.26.25।।शरेणोरसि विव्याथ सा पपात ममार च।,"Her chest pierced with an arrow, she rushing menacingly towards them like a thunderbolt fell down dead." तां हतां भीमसङ्काशां दृष्ट्वा सुरपतिस्तदा।।1.26.26।।साधु साध्विति काकुत्स्थं सुराश्च समपूजयन्।," Having seen the slain yakshini of terrible appearance, Indra and other celestials worshipped Rama, exclaiming ""well done, well done "". " उवाच परमप्रीत स्सहस्राक्ष: पुरन्दर:।।1.26.27।।सुराश्च सर्वे संहृष्टा विश्वामित्रमथाब्रुवन्।,Then exceedingly pleased the thousandeyed Indra and all other delighted celestials said to Viswamitra: मुने कौशिक भद्रं ते सेन्द्रास्सर्वे मरुद्गणा:।।1.26.28।।तोषिता: कर्मणाऽनेन स्नेहं दर्शय राघवे।,"""O ascetic Kausika, may prosperity be to you All devatas have been gratified by this act (of Rama) and have expressed their love for Rama." प्रजापतेर्भृशाश्वस्य पुत्रान् सत्यपराक्रमान्।।1.26.29।।तपोबलभृतो ब्रह्मन् राघवाय निवेदय।,"""O Brahmarshi, you may offer to Rama, the sons of Prajapati Brishasva who are the weapons bestowed with the power that comes from truth and ascetic energy""." पात्रभूतश्च ते ब्रह्मंस्तवानुगमने धृत:।।1.26.30।।कर्तव्यं च महत्कर्म सुराणां राजसूनुना। ," ""O Brahmarshi following you with firmness of mind, Rama is worthy to receive the weapons. He who is a prince has to accomplish many such great tasks for the benefit of the celestials"". " एवमुक्त्वा सुरास्सर्वे हृष्टा जग्मुर्यथागतम्।।1.26.31।।विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य ततस्सन्ध्या प्रवर्तते।,"Having said these words, the celestials were pleased. They honoured Viswamitra and returned to their abodes from where they had come. And then dusk set in. " ततो मुनिवर: प्रीतस्ताटकावधतोषित:।।1.26.32।।मूर्ध्नि राममुपाघ्राय इदं वचनमब्रवीत्।,"Then, the best of ascetics Viswamitra rejoiced over the death of Tataka, kissed the forehead of Rama (fondly) and spoke these words: " इहाद्य रजनीं राम वसेम शुभदर्शन।।1.26.33।।श्व: प्रभाते गमिष्यामस्तदाश्रमपदं मम।," ""O auspiciouslooking Rama tonight we shall stay here. Tomorrow morning we proceed to my hermitage""." विश्वामित्रवच: श्रुत्वा हृष्टो दशरथात्मज:।।1.26.34।।उवास रजनीं तत्र ताटकाया वने सुखम्।,"Having heard the words of Viswamitra, Rama rejoiced and rested happily that night in the Tataka forest ." मुक्तशापं वनं तच्च तस्मिन्नेव तदाहनि।।1.26.35।।रमणीयं विबभ्राज यथा चैत्ररथं वनम्।,Freed from the curse from that day that forest looked charming and shone like Chitraratha Kubera's (garden). निहत्य तां यक्षसुतां स राम:प्रशस्यमानस्सुरसिद्धसङ्घै:।उवास तस्मिन्मुनिना सहैवप्रभातवेलां प्रतिबोध्यमान:।।1.26.36।।,"Rama having killed the daughter of yaksha was praised by multitudes of devatas and siddhas. He stayed in the same forest with the sage. At the first glimpse of dawn, he was awakened by the sage (Viswamitra).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे षड्विंशस्सर्ग:।।7Thus ends the twentysixth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Viswamitra confers celestial weapons on Rama] अथ तां रजनीमुष्य विश्वामित्रो महायशाः।प्रहस्य राघवं वाक्यमुवाच मधुराक्षरम्।।1.27.1।।,"The night over, illustrious Viswamitra called Rama with a sweet smile." परितुष्टोऽस्मि भद्रं ते राजपुत्र महायशः।प्रीत्या परमया युक्तो ददाम्यस्त्राणि सर्वशः।।1.27.2।।," ""O prince of great renown, I am extremely pleased. May you prosper Out of great love and affection for you I shall make over all the weapons." देवासुरगणान्वापि सगन्धर्वोरगानपि।यैरमित्रान् प्रसह्याजौ वशीकृत्य जयिष्यसि।।1.27.3।।तानि दिव्यानि भद्रं ते ददाम्यस्त्राणि सर्वशः ।,"With the help of these celestial weapons, you will vanquish even gods and demons, serpents together with gandharvas if they challenge you to a battle as enemies and take them as captives. I shall confer on you all such weapons. May you prosper" दण्डचक्रं महद्दिव्यं तव दास्यामि राघव।।1.27.4।।धर्मचक्रं ततो वीर कालचक्रं तथैव च।विष्णुचक्रं तथात्युग्रमैन्द्रमस्त्रं तथैव च।।1.27.5।।वज्रमस्त्रं नरश्रेष्ठ शैवं शूलवरं तथा।अस्त्रं ब्रह्मशिरश्चैव ऐषीकमपि राघव।।1.27.6।। ददामि ते महाबाहो ब्राह्ममस्त्रमनुत्तमम्।,"Mighty armed, heroic Rama I shall grant you the great celestial dandachakra. O best among men I shall grant you dharmachakra, kalachakra, visnuchakra, indraastra, vajraastra and the great, trident of Siva, brahmashirastra, ishika astra and highly superior brahmaastra. " गदे द्वे चैव काकुत्स्थ मोदकी शिखरी उभे।।1.27.7।।प्रदीप्ते नरशार्दूल प्रयच्छामि नृपात्मज।,"Born in the race of kakutstha and a tiger among men, O Rama I shall also grant two shining maces known as modaki and shikhari." धर्मपाशमहं राम कालपाशं तथैव च।।1.27.8।।पाशं वारुणमस्त्रं च ददाम्यहमनुत्तमम्।,"Rama, I shall grant dharmapasa, kalapasa, varuna pasa, too unique weapons." अशनी द्वे प्रयच्छामि शुष्कार्द्रे रघुनन्दन।।1.27.9।।ददामि चास्त्रं पैनाकमस्त्रं नारायणं तथा।,"O descendant of Raghu I shall grant you two thunderbolts named shuska and ardra (dry and wet), painaka astra and narayanaastra. " आग्नेयमस्त्रं दयितं शिखरं नाम नामतः।।1.27.10।।वायव्यं प्रथनं नाम ददामि च तवानघ । ,O blemishless Rama I shall grant you agneyaastra known as sikhara which is my favour weapon and vayavyaastra known as prathana৷৷ अस्त्रं हयशिरो नाम क्रौञ्चमस्त्रं तथैव च।शक्तिद्वयं च काकुत्स्थ ददामि तव राघव।।1.27.11।।,"O Rama bron in the Kakutstha race, I shall grant you two powers named hayasira (Horse head) and kraunchaastra." कङ्कालं मुसलं घोरं कापालमथ कङ्कणम्।धारयन्त्यसुरा यानि ददाम्येतानि सर्वशः।।1.27.12।।,"I shall grant all these weapons, the dreadful kankala, pestle kapala and kankana used by asuras." "वैद्याधरं महास्त्रं च नन्दनं नाम नामतः। असिरत्नं महाबाहो ददामि च नृपात्मज।।1.27.13।।  "," O mightyarmed prince, I shall grant mahaastra, vaidyadhara and an excellent scimitar known as nandana." गान्धर्वमस्त्रं दयितं मानवं नाम नामतः।प्रस्वापनप्रशमने दद्मि सौरं च राघव।।1.27.14।।,"Rama, I shall grant two much favoured weapons namely gandharvaastras, manava astra, which induce and suppress sleep and sauraastra as well. " दर्पणं शोषणं चैव सन्तापनविलापने।मदनं चैव दुर्धर्षं कन्दर्पदयितं तथा।।1.27.15।।पैशाचमस्त्रं दयितं मोहनं नाम नामतः।प्रतीच्छ नरशार्दूल राजपुत्र महायशः।।1.27.16।।,"O renowned prince, best among men, receive these astras known as darpana, soshana, santhapana, vilapana, madana astra, the unassailable one favoured by kamadeva and the paisacha astra known as mohana favoured by demons." तामसं नरशार्दूल सौमनं च महाबल।संवर्धं चैव दुर्धर्षं मौसलं च नृपात्मज।।1.27.17।।सत्यमस्त्रं महाबाहो तथा मायाधरं परम्।घोरं तेजः प्रभं नाम परतेजोऽपकर्षणम्।।1.27.18।।सौम्यास्त्रं शिशिरं नाम त्वष्टुरस्त्रं सुदामनम्।दारुणं च भगस्यापि शितेषु मथ मानवम्।।1.27.19।।,"O tiger among men mighty prince, accept tamasa and saumanaastras, the unassailable, samavardha weapon, mausala, satyaastra, the supreme mayadhara astra, the terrible tejaprabhaastra capable of removing the energy of the opponent, a soft weapon called sisira, supremely formidable twashtus astra, Bhaga's terrible shiteshuastra (sharp arrowed one) and manava astra." एतान् राम महाबाहो कामरूपान् महाबलान् ।गृहाण परमोदारान् क्षिप्रमेव नृपात्मज।।1.27.20।। ,"O Rama mightyarmed prince, receive these mighty and highly exalted astras capable of assuming at once any form at will"". " स्थितस्तु प्राङ्मुखो भूत्वा शुचिर्मुनिवरस्तदा।ददौ रामाय सुप्रीतो मन्त्रग्राममनुत्तमम्।।1.27.21।।,"Viswamitra, the greatest ascetic after the purification ritual stood with his face turned east and happily, conferred on Rama collection of the unique mantras." सर्वसङ्ग्रहणं येषां दैवतैरपि दुर्लभम्।तान्यस्त्राणि तदा विप्रो राघवाय न्यवेदयत्।।1.27.22।।, The sage offered Rama the complete collection of those weapons which even the celestials find it difficult to acquire. जपतस्तु मुनेस्तस्य विश्वामित्रस्य धीमतः।उपतस्थुर्महार्हाणि सर्वाण्यस्त्राणि राघवम्।।1.27.23।।," While the sagacious ascetic Viswamitra was muttering the mystic terms of these venerable astras (addressing their respective deities), all these weapons (with their mystic power) attended on Rama." ऊचुश्च मुदितास्सर्वे रामं प्राञ्जलयस्तदा।इमे स्म परमोदाराः किङ्करास्तव राघव।।1.27.24।।,"The munificient presiding deities of the weapons with folded palms addressed these words to Rama saying, ""Here we are, at you disposal ""." प्रतिगृह्य च काकुत्स्थः समालभ्य च पाणिना।मानसा मे भविष्यध्वमिति तानभ्यचोदयत्।।1.27.25।।,"Rama received the astras he felt with his hands and commanded them saying, ""Live in my mind"" (serve me whenever I remember you)." ततः प्रीतमना रामो विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्।अभिवाद्य महातेजा गमनायोपचक्रमे।।1.27.26।।," Thereafter, the cheerful Rama, bowed to the mighty ascetic Viswamitra and commenced his journey.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे सप्तविंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentyseventh sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Viswamitra teaches Sri Rama the methods of invoking, despatching and withdrawing the astras]प्रतिगृह्य ततोऽस्त्राणि प्रहृष्टवदनश्शुचि:।गच्छन्नेव च काकुत्स्थो विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत्।।1.28.1।।"," After performing the purificatory rites, Rama received the weapons with a cheerful face. In the way Rama said to Viswamitra." गृहीतास्त्रोऽस्मि भगवन् दुराधर्षस्सुरैरपि।अस्त्राणां त्वहमिच्छामि संहारं मुनिपुङ्गव।।1.28.2।।," ""O venerable one, having received these weaponsI have become unassailable even by the celestials. O best of ascetics, May I know the way to withdraw these weapons""." एवं ब्रुवति काकुत्स्थे विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।संहारं व्याजहाराथ धृतिमान् सुव्रतश्शुचि:।।1.28.3।।,"To these words spoken by Rama, maharshi Viswamitra who was patient practitioner of vows and pure taught the withdrawl mantra." सत्यवन्तं सत्यकीर्तिं धृष्टं रभसमेव च।प्रतिहारतरं नाम पराङ्मुखमवाङ्मुखम्।।1.28.4।।लक्षाक्षविषमौ चैव दृढनाभसुनाभकौ।दशाक्षशतवक्त्रौ च दशशीर्षशतोदरौ।।1.28.5।।पद्मनाभमहानाभौ दुन्दुनाभसुनाभकौ।ज्योतिषं कृशनं चैव नैराश्यविमलावुभौ।।1.28.6।।योगन्धरहरिद्रौ च दैत्यप्रशमनौतथा।सार्चिर्माली धृतिर्माली वृत्तिमान् रुचिरस्तथा।।1.28.7।।पितृसौमनसं चैव विधूतमकरावुभौ।करवीरकरं चैव धनधान्यौ च राघव।।1.28.8।।कामरूपं कामरुचिं मोहमावरणं तथा।जृम्भकं सर्वनाभं च सन्तानवरणौ तथा।।1.28.9।।भृशाश्वतनयान् राम भास्वरान्कामरूपिण:।प्रतीच्छ मम भद्रं ते पात्रभूतोऽसि राघव।।1.28.10।। ,"""O Rama the descendant of Raghu, receive from me the effulgent weapons who are the sons of Bhrusasva and who are capable of changing forms at will. They are Satyavanta, Satyakirti, Dhrishta, Rabhasa, Pratiharatara, Paranmukha (turned back wards), Avanmukha (turned downwards), Lakshaksha, Vishama, Drudhanabha and Sunabha, Dasaksha, Satavaktra, Dasasheersha and Satodara, Padamanabha and Mahanabha, Dundunabha and Sunabhaka, Jyotisha, Krusanam, both Nairasya and Vimala, Yogandhara, Haridradaitya, Prasamana, Sarchirmali, Dhri, Mali, Vrtiimanta, also Ruchira, Pitrusaumanasa, bothVidhuta Makara, Karaveera Kara, Dhana, Dhanya, Kama Roopa, Kamaruchi, Moha, also Avarana, Jrumbhaka, Sarvanabha, also Santhana and Varuna. You are worthy of receiving these weapons. May you prosper. " "बाढमित्येव काकुत्स्थ: प्रहृष्टेनान्तारात्मना। दिव्यभास्वरदेहाश्च मूर्तिमन्तस्सुखप्रदा:।।1.28.11 केचिदङ्गारसदृशा: केचिद्धूमोपमास्तथा। चन्द्रार्कसदृशा: केचित्प्रह्वाञ्जलिपुटास्तथा।।1.28.12।। रामं प्राञ्जलयो भूत्वाऽब्रुवन् मधुरभाषिण:। इमे स्म नरशार्दूल शाधि किं करवाम ते।।1.28.13।।  "," ""Certainly"" said Rama, and with a delighted heart received the astras. Some of the astra devatas were coal-black, some like smoke, some resembled rays of Sun or Moon. Assuming corporal forms, with shining, divine bodies, those weapons the their bodies bent down and palms folder they spoke to Rama in a gentle voice: ""O tiger among men, here we are, What can we do for you""?" मानसा: कार्यकालेषु साहाय्यं मे करिष्यथ।गम्यतामिति तानाह यथेष्टं रघुनन्दन:।।1.28.14।।,"Rama spoke to them (astra devatas) saying, ""Reside in my mind and render assistance in times of need. Now you can go according to your will""." अथ ते राममामन्त्ऱ्य कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम्।एवमस्त्विति काकुत्स्थमुक्त्वाजग्मुर्यथाऽगतम्।।1.28.15।।,"Thereafter those devatas having said, ""Be it so"", circumambulated Rama, took leave of him and returned to their respective abodes from where they had come." स च तान् राघवो ज्ञात्वा विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्।गच्छन्नेवाथ मधुरं श्लक्ष्णं वचनमब्रवीत्।।1.28.16।।,After having acquired the knowledge of the weapons Rama addressed maharshi Viswamitra in gentle and soft words while walking along with him. किन्न्वेतन्मेघसङ्काशं पर्वतस्याविदूरत:। वृक्षषण्डमितो भाति परं कौतूहलं हि मे।।1.28.17।।दर्शनीयं मृगाकीर्णं मनोरममतीव च।नानाप्रकारैश्शकुनैर्वल्गुनादैरलङ्कृतम्।।1.28.18।।," ""From this side of the mountain, not faroff from here stand shining and goodlooking trees resembling clouds. It is replete scattered with animals, pleasing to the mind and extremely beautiful. It is adorned with various kinds of birds singing sweetly. What could be this? I am very curious to know." निस्सृता: स्म मुनिश्रेष्ठ कान्ताराद्रोमहर्षणात्।अनया त्ववगच्छामि देशस्य सुखवत्तया।।1.28.19।।सर्वं मे शंस भगवन् कस्याश्रमपदं त्विदम्।,"O best of acetics, I think we have come out of that awesome (horripilating) forest because of the pleasant feeling experienced in this region. Whose hermitage is this? O Revered one tell me""." सम्प्राप्ता यत्र ते पापा ब्रह्मघ्ना दुष्टचारिण:।।1.28.20।।तव यज्ञस्य विघ्नाय दुरात्मानो महामुने।भगवन् तस्य को देशस्सा यत्र तव याज्ञिकी।।1.28.21।।रक्षितव्या क्रिया ब्रह्मन्मया वध्याश्च राक्षसा:।एतत्सर्वं मुनिश्रेष्ठ श्रोतुमिच्छाम्यहं प्रभो।।1.28.22।।,"O great ascetic, O venerable brahmana, from where do those slayers of brahmanas, doers of cruel acts, wickedminded and sinful persons come from and cause obstacles to your sacrifice? Where is that sacrificial place required to be protected by me? Where are these rakshasas required to be slain? O best of ascetics, I would like to hear from you"". इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे अष्टाविंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the twentyeighth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Viswamitra relates the story of Siddhashrama. All the rishis in the hermitage worship him.]अथ तस्याप्रमेयस्य तद्वनं परिपृच्छत:।विश्वामित्रो महातेजा व्याख्यातुमुपचक्रमे।।1.29.1।।,"The highly lustrous Viswamitra heard the words of Rama of immeasurable prowess. On his (Rama's) query about the forest, Viswamitra explains." इह राम महाबाहो विष्णुर्देववर: प्रभु:।वर्षाणि सुबहूनीह तथा युगशतानि च।।1.29.2।।तपश्चरणयोगार्थमुवास सुमहातपा:।," ""O mightyarmed Rama Lord Visnu, the foremost among the gods, and master the great ascetic lived here carrying out yogic practices and penance for innumerable years constituting hundreds of yugas." एष पूर्वाश्रमो राम वामनस्य महात्मन:।।1.29.3।।सिद्धाश्रम इति ख्यातस्सिद्धो ह्यत्र महातपा:।,"""O Rama this was the hermitage of glorious Vamana. The great sage her performed his ascetic pratices here, hence it is known as siddhashrama." एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु राजा वैरोचनिर्बलि:।।1.29.4।।निर्जित्य दैवतगणान् सेन्द्रांश्च समरुद्गणान्। कारयामास तद्राज्यं त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुत:।।1.29.5।।," ""During the period Visnu (in the incarnation of Vamana) was observing austerities at this hermitage, king Bali, son of Virochana, having vanquished Indra and maruts and devatas ruled this kingdom and became famous in all the three worlds (for his prowess and generosity.)" बलेस्तु यजमानस्य देवास्साग्निपुरोगमा:।समागम्य स्वयं चैव विष्णुमूचुरिहाश्रमे।।1.29.6।।,"""While Bali was performing the sacrifice (to confirm his position as lord of the three worlds), the devas got together with Agni in the forefront and approached Lord Visnu at this hermitage, saying:" बलिर्वैरोचनिर्विष्णो यजते यज्ञमुत्तमम्।असमाप्ते क्रतौ तस्मिन् स्वकार्यमभिपद्यताम्।।1.29.7।।," 'O Visnu son of Virochana is performing a great sacrifice. Before its completion, our purpose ought to be achieved'." ये चैनमभिवर्तन्ते याचितार इतस्तत:।यच्च यत्र यथावच्च सर्वं तेभ्य: प्रयच्छति।।1.29.8।।,"'He is granting the seekers whatever, wherever and in whichever maner they, coming from here and there approach him for favour'." स त्वं सुरहितार्थाय मायायोगमुपागत:।वामनत्वं गतो विष्णो कुरु कल्याणमुत्तमम्।।1.29.9।।," ""O Visnu perform this supreme, auspicious act assuming the form of a dwarf through, the power of illusion for the welfare of the devatas'. " एतस्मिन्नन्तरे राम कश्यपोऽग्निसमप्रभ:।अदित्या सहितो राम दीप्यमान इवौजसा।।1.29.10।।देवीसहायो भगवान् दिव्यं वर्षसहस्रकम् ।व्रतं समाप्य वरदं तुष्टाव मधुसूदनम्।।1.29.11।।," ""O Rama in the mean time revered Kasyapa resplendent like the god of fire radiating lustre with Aditi who had completed a thousand divine years of austerities pleased (with her penance) the conferer of boons, Lord Madhusudana"" (Visnu) (And she said to Visnu):" तपोमयं तपोराशिं तपोमूर्तिं तपात्मकम्।तपसा त्वां सुतप्तेन पश्यामि पुरुषोत्तमम्।।1.29.12।।,"""You are all ascetism, a mass of tapas, and an embodiment of tapas. Your soul is tapas. O Purushottama I am beholding you after a rigorous penance." शरीरे तव पश्यामि जगत्सर्वमिदं प्रभो।त्वमनादिरनिर्देश्यस्त्वामहं शरणं गत:।।1.29.13।।," ""O Lord I am beholding this entire universe in your body. You are beginningless and indescribable. I take refuge in you""." तमुवाच हरि: प्रीत: कश्यपं धूतकल्मषम्।वरं वरय भद्रं ते वरार्होऽसि मतो मम ।।1.29.14।।,"Addressing Kasyapa whose sins had been washed clean, Lord Visnu pleased (with his penance) said: ""Be prosperous you are dear to me. Worthy of a boon. Ask.""" तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य मारीच: कश्यपोऽब्रवीत्।अदित्या देवतानां च मम चैवानुयाचत:।।1.29.15।।वरं वरद सुप्रीतो दातुमर्हसि सुव्रत।,"Having heard those words of Vishnu, Kasyapa, son of Maricha, replied, ""O bestower of boons, O great practitioner of austerities Be pleased to grant a boon for Aditi, devatas and for myself." पुत्रत्वं गच्छ भगवन्नदित्या मम चानघ।।1.29.16।।भ्राता भव यवीयांस्त्वं शक्रस्यासुरसूदन ।शोकार्तानां तु देवानां साहाय्यं कर्तुमर्हसि।।1.29.17।।,"""O Sinless Lord, Be born son to Aditi and to me, O Destroyer of asuras, be the younger brother to Indra. You can help these sorrowstricken devatas." अयं सिद्धाश्रमो नाम प्रसादा त्ते भविष्यति।सिद्धे कर्मणि देवेश उत्तिष्ठ भगवन्नित:।।1.29.18।।," O Lord of the celestials, with my penance accomplished (here) this place will be known as siddhaashrama by your grace. O Lord arise from here""." अथ विष्णुर्महातेजा अदित्यां समजायत।वामनं रूपमास्थाय वैरोचनिमुपागमत्।।1.29.19।।,"Then the resplendent Visnu, born from the womb of Aditi and assuming the form of Vamana, approached, the son of Virochana (Bali)." त्रीन् क्रमानथ भिक्षित्वा प्रतिगृह्य च मानद:।आक्रम्य लोकान् लोकात्मा सर्वभूतहिते रत:।।1.29.20।।महेन्द्राय पुन: प्रादान्नियम्य बलिमोजसा।त्रैलोक्यं स महातेजाश्चक्रे शक्रवशं पुन:।।1.29.21।।,"Thereafter, Visnu, soul of the universe who restores respect (for the righeous), and renders the welfare of all living beings, having begged from Bali, and been granted three places to put his footsteps on occupied the (three) worlds and by restraining Bali with his energy, gave (it) back to Mahendra. In this manner the highly lustrous Visnu, gave possession of the three worlds to Mahendra." तेनैष पूर्वमाक्रान्त आश्रमश्श्रमनाशन:।मयापि भक्तय तस्यैष वामनस्योपभुज्यते।।1.29.22।।," ""This asrama, which relieves fatigue, previously under the possession of Vamana, has come under my occoupation for my devotion to him." एतमाश्रममायान्ति राक्षसा विघ्नकारिण:।अत्रैव पुरुषव्याघ्र हन्तव्या दुष्टचारिण:।।1.29.23।। ," ""O tiger among men, wicked rakshasas who prowl about the asram and cause obstacles ought to be killed here only." अद्य गच्छामहे राम सिद्धाश्रममनुत्तमम्।तदाश्रमपदं तात तवाप्येतद्यथा मम।।1.29.24।।," ""O Rama, now let's go to the unparalleled Siddhashrama. O child this asrama is the same to you as it is to me (treat this as your own)""." प्रविशन्नाश्रमपदं व्यरोचत महामुनि:।शशीव गतनीहार: पुनर्वसुसमन्वित:।।1.29.25।।,While enetering the hermitage the great ascetic appeared resplendent (in the company of Rama and Lakshmana) like the moon in conjunction with Punarvasu star emerging out of the mist. तं दृष्ट्वा मुनयस्सर्वे सिद्धाश्रमनिवासिन:।उत्पत्त्योत्पत्त्य सहसा विश्वामित्रमपूजयन्।।1.29.26।।,"At the sight of Viswamitra all the ascetics, inmates of Siddhashrama, jumped out instantly and offered him their worship." यथार्हं चक्रिरे पूजां विश्वामित्राय धीमते।तथैव राजपुत्राभ्यामकुर्वन्नतिथिक्रियाम्।।1.29.27।।,They extended hospitality to both the princes in the same way they offered their worship to the sagacious Viswamitra. मुहूर्तमथ विश्रान्तौ राजपुत्रावरिन्दमौ।प्राञ्जली मुनिशार्दूलमूचतू रघुनन्दनौ।।1.29.28।।,"The two princes of the lineage of Raghu, destroyers of foes rested a while and then said to Viswamitra, a tiger amon sages:" अद्यैव दीक्षां प्रविश भद्रं ते मुनिपुङ्गव।सिद्धाश्रमोऽयं सिद्धस्स्यात् सत्यमस्तु वचस्तव।।1.29.29।।,O foremost of ascetics Get initialed today. You will prosper and this asram will attain its fulfilment. Your words shall come true. एवमुक्तो महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महान् ऋषि: ।प्रविवेश तदा दीक्षां नियतो नियतेन्द्रिय:।।1.29.30।।,"Saying this, Viswamitra, the great saint effulgent and self trained engaged himself in the initiation ceremony." कुमारावपि तां रात्रिमुषित्वा सुसमाहितौ।प्रभातकाले चोत्थाय पूर्वां सन्ध्यामुपास्य च।।1.29.31।।स्पृष्टोदकौ शुची जप्यं समाप्य नियमेन च ।हुताग्निहोत्रमासीनं विश्वामित्रमवन्दताम् ।।1.29.32।।,"The two princes spent the right comfortably and woke up at daybreak. They performed morning in accordance with the prescribed rule, ablutions, said their prayers and paid their respects to Viswamitra seated at the kindled firesacrifice.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकोनत्रिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the twentyninth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Sri Rama slays rakshasas and protects the sacrifice of Viswamitra]अथ तौ देशकालज्ञौ राजापुत्रावरिन्दमौ।देशे काले च वाक्यज्ञावब्रूतां कौशिकं वच:।।1.30.1।।,Thus spoke the two princes to Viswamitra. They were conscious of place and time to speak and capable of conquering enemies. भगवन् श्रोतुमिच्छावो यस्मिन् काले निशाचरौ।संरक्षणीयौ तौ ब्रह्मन्नातिवर्तेत तत्क्षणम्।।1.30.2।।,"""O adorable Brahmarshi, we want to know around what time the rakshasas will make their appearance so that the sacrifice can be protected. Let not that moment pass""." एवं ब्रुवाणौ काकुत्स्थौ त्वरमाणौ युयुत्सया।सर्वे ते मुनय: प्रीता: प्रशशंसुर्नृपात्मजौ।।1.30.3।।,"The sages (of the asrama) were very pleased. They extolled the princes of Kakustha dynasty, who were eager to fight the rakshasas." अद्यप्रभृति षड्रात्रं रक्षतं राघवौ युवाम्।दीक्षां गतो ह्येष मुनिर्मौनित्वं च गमिष्यति।।1.30.4।।,"""O sons of Raghu's lineage protect the sacrifice for six nights from today. With the ceremoney initiated, the sage would observe silence said the inmates""." तौ तु तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राजपुत्रौ यशस्विनौ।अनिद्रौ षडहोरात्रं तपोवनमरक्षताम्।।1.30.5।।,At these words of the sages the illustrious princes got ready to protect the tapovana for six days and six nights without sleep. उपासाञ्चक्रतुर्वीरौ यत्तौ परमधन्विनौ।ररक्षतुर्मुनिवरं विश्वामित्रमरिन्दमौ।।1.30.6।।,"The two mighty, heroic archers (Rama and Lakshmana), destroyers of enemies attended upon the sacrifice in order to protect sage Viswamitra. " अथ काले गते तस्मिन् षष्ठेऽहनि समागते।सौमित्रिमब्रवीद्रामो यत्तो भव समाहित:।।1.30.7।।, Time passed. When the sixth day arrived Rama cautioned Lakshmana to be vigilant. रामस्यैवं ब्रुवाणस्य त्वरितस्य युयुत्सया।प्रजज्वाल ततो वेदिस्सोपाध्यायपुरोहिता।।1.30.8।।,"While he was fracing up for a fight, the fire on the sacrificial altar with the officiating priests and spiritual guides suddenly brightened." सदर्भचमसस्रुक्का ससमित्कुसुमोच्चया।विश्वामित्रेण सहिता वेदिर्जज्वाल सर्त्विजा।।1.30.9।।," The altar with Viswamitra and the officiating priests, kusa grass, ladles and square vessels, bundles of sticks and flowers, (used in the sacrificfial fire) got brightened up." मन्त्रवच्च यथान्यायं यज्ञोऽसौ सम्प्रवर्तते।आकाशे च महान् शब्द: प्रादुरासीद्भयानक:।।1.30.10।।,"While the sacrifice was being performed in accordance with mantras, a great sound causing fear emerged from the sky. " आवार्य गगनं मेघो यथा प्रावृषि निर्गत:।तथामायां विकुर्वाणौ राक्षसावभ्यधावताम्।।1.30.11।।," Like the clouds in the rainy season, the two rakshasas (Maricha and Subahu), covering the sky through their power of illusion, came running (to the sacrificial place). " मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च तयोरनुचराश्च ये।आगम्य भीमसङ्काशा रुधिरौघमवासृजन्।।1.30.12।।,Maricha and Subahu of fearful appearance arrived with their followers and rained streams of blood (on the sacrificial altar). सा तेन रुधिरौघेण वेदिर्जज्वाल मण्डिता।सहसाऽभिद्रुतो रामस्तानपश्य त्ततो दिवि।।1.30.13।।,Flames rose on the sacrificial altar drenched by the stream of blood. Immediately Rama rushed forward and beheld them in the sky. तावापतन्तौ सहसा दृष्ट्वा राजीवलोचन:।लक्ष्मणं त्वभिसम्प्रेक्ष्य रामो वचनमब्रवीत्।।1.30.14।।,Having seen them (Maricha and Subahu) suddenly advancing the lotuseyed Rama gazed at Lakshmana and said: पश्य लक्ष्मण दुर्वृत्तान् राक्षसान् पिशिताशनान्।मानवास्त्रसमाधूताननिलेन यथा घनान्।।1.30.15।।,"""O Lakshmana, behold, by manavaastra I shall chase, like clouds scattered by winds those wicked rakshasas who eat human flesh""." मानवं परमोदारमस्त्रं परमभास्वरम्।चिक्षेप परमक्रुद्धो मारीचोरसि राघव:।।1.30.16।।,The inflamed Rama hurled the highly powerful and effulgent Manavaastra on the chest of Maricha. स तेन परमास्त्रेण मानवेन समाहित:।संपूर्णं योजनशतं क्षिप्तस्सागरसम्प्लवे।।1.30.17।।,"Smitten by that powerful Manavaastra, Maricha was thrown to a full distance of hundred yojanas into the surging high seas. " विचेतनं विघूर्णन्तं शीतेषु बलताडितम्।निरस्तं दृश्य मारीचं रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्।।1.30.18।।,"Having seen Maricha beaten by the power of that coolarrowed astra, thrown to a distance, reeling and lying unconscious, Rama spoke to Lakshmana: " पश्य लक्ष्मण शीतेषुं मानवं धर्मसंहितम्।मोहयित्वा नयत्येनं न च प्राणैर्व्ययुज्यत।।1.30.19।।,"""O Lakshmana behold this Manavaastra associated with righteousness employing a cool arrow, which carries him away by making him unconscious and yet not taking his life." "इमानपि वधिष्यामि निर्घृणान् दुष्टचारिण:। राक्षसान् पापकर्मस्थान् यज्ञघ्नान् रुधिराशनान्।।1.30.20।।  "," ""I shall slay these merciless, wicked, doers of sinful acts, destroyers of sacrifices and blood-thirsty rakshasas""." सङ्गृह्यास्त्रं ततो रामो दिव्यमाग्नेयमद्भुतम्।सुबाहूरसि चिक्षेप सविद्ध: प्रापतद्भुवि।।1.30.21।।,"Then Rama took hold of the celestial, marvellous Agneya weapon and hurled it into the chest of Subahu. Struck, Subahuhe fell down on the ground. " शेषान् वायव्यमादाय निजघान महायशा:।राघव: परमोदारो मुनीनां मुदमावहन्।।1.30.22।।,Illustrious and highly generous Rama killed the remaining rakshasas with the Vayavya weapon to the delight of the ascetics. स हत्वा राक्षसान् सर्वान् यज्ञघ्नान् रघुनन्दन:।ऋषिभि: पूजितस्तत्र यथेन्द्रो विजये पुरा।।1.30.23।।,"Having killed the rakshasas, obstructors of sacrifices, Rama was worshipped by the hermits like Indra was honoured in the past when he was victorious." अथ यज्ञे समाप्ते तु विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।निरीतिका दिशो दृष्टवा काकुत्स्थमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.30.24।।,"Thereafter, when the sacrifice was completed, maharshi Viswamitra beholding all the directions bereft of evils, said to Rama:" कृतार्थोऽस्मि महाबाहो कृतं गुरुवचस्त्वया।सिद्धाश्रममिदं सत्यं कृतं राम महायश:।।1.30.25।।,"""O mightyarmed Rama I am fulfilled. Your father's commands have been executed. O Illustrious one, Siddhaashrama has proved true to its name"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे त्रिंशस्सर्ग:।।02Thus ends the thirtieth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Viswamitra accompanied by the two princes departs for Mithila they halt on the bank of Sona on their way] अथ तां रजनीं तत्र कृतार्थौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।ऊषतुर्मुदितौ वीरौ प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना।।1.31.1।।,"There, with their purpose fulfilled the heroes, Rama and Lakshmana, full of joy in their hearts spent the night." प्रभातायां तु शर्वर्यां कृतपौर्वाह्णिकक्रियौ।विश्वामित्रमृषींश्चान्यान् सहितावभिजग्मतु:।।1.31.2।।," As the night dawned, both the brothers performed the morning rites and approached Viswamitra and other rishis." अभिवाद्य मुनिश्रेष्ठं ज्वलन्तमिव पावकम्।ऊचतुर्मधुरोदारं वाक्यं मधुरभाषिणौ।।1.31.3।।,"Sweettongued, they visited with folded hands the best of ascetics Viswamitra who was shining like a flaming fire and addressed him thus in sweet and generous words:" इमौ स्म मुनिशार्दूल किङ्करौ समुपस्थितौ।आज्ञापय यथेष्टं वै शासनं करवाव किम्।।1.31.4।।," ""O tiger among ascetics, we two are at your service. Command whatever you want and we shall execute"" it." एवमुक्ता स्ततस्ताभ्यां सर्व एव महर्षय:।विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य रामं वचनमब्रुवन्।।1.31.5।।," Addressed, thus by both of them, Viswamitra ahead of all the sages, spoke to Rama." मैथिलस्य नरश्रेष्ठ जनकस्य भविष्यति।यज्ञ: परमधर्मिष्ठस्तस्य यास्यामहे वयम्।।1.31.6।।," ""O foremost of men, Janaka, king of Mithila, is performing a great religious sacrifice. We shall go there. " त्वं चैव नरशार्दूल सहास्माभिर्गमिष्यसि।अद्भुतं धनुरत्नं च तत्र तद्रष्टुमर्हसि।।1.31.7।।," O tiger among men, come along with us. You ought to see there the wonderful jewel of a bow." तद्धि पूर्वं नरश्रेष्ठ दत्तं सदसि दैवतै:।अप्रमेयबलं घोरं मखे परमभास्वरम्।।1.31.8।।,"O best among men, this bow of immeasurable energy. dreadful and highly lustrous was bestowed on king Janaka by devatas in a sacrificial assembly in the past." नास्य देवा न गन्धर्वा नासुरा न च राक्षसा:।कर्तुमारोपणं शक्ता न कथञ्चन मानुषा:।।1.31.9।।,"Neither devas, nor gandharvas, nor asuras nor human, are capable of stringing the bow by any means." धनुषस्तस्य वीर्यं तु जिज्ञासन्तो महीक्षित:।न शेकुरारोपयितुं राजपुत्रा महाबला:।।1.31.10।। ," Mighty princes and kings have failed to string it, in their attempt to know its strength." तद्धनुर्नरशार्दूल मैथिलस्य महात्मन:।तत्र द्रक्ष्यसि काकुत्स्थ यज्ञं चाद्भुतदर्शनम्।।1.31.11।।,"O best of men, O descendent of Kakustha, there you will see the bow that belongs to the magnanimous king of Mithila and the wonderful sacrifice at that place." तद्धि यज्ञफलं तेन मैथिलेनोत्तमं धनु:।याचितं नरशार्दूल सुनाभं सर्वदैवतै:।।1.31.12।।," O best among men, that excellent bow strong in the middle was offered by king of Mithila, Devarata as well as by all devatas as fruit of the sacrifice. " आयागभूतं नृपतेस्तस्य वेश्मनि राघव।अर्चितं विविधैर्गन्धैर्धूपैश्चागरुगन्धिभि:।।1.31.13।।,"O Rama, that bow is worshipped in the king's palace as principal deity with various kinds of perfumes, sandal paste, incense and fragrant agaru"". " एवमुक्त्वा मुनिवर: प्रस्थानमकरोत्तदा।सर्षिसङ्घ स्सकाकुत्स्थ: आमन्त्र्य वनदेवता:।।1.31.14।।,"Having spoken thus, Viswamitra, the best of ascetics commenced the onward journey along with the Kakutshas and rishis, taking leave of the deities of the forest. " स्वस्ति वोऽस्तु गमिष्यामि सिद्वस्सिद्धाश्रमादहम्।उत्तरे जाह्नवीतीरे हिमवन्तं शिलोच्चयम्।।1.31.15।।,"""(O ascetics of the forest) May you be safe. My purpose has been achieved in this Siddhaashrama. From here I shall go to the Himavanta mountain situated on the northern bank of Jahnavi"" (said Viswamitra)." प्रदक्षिणं तत: कृत्वा सिद्धाश्रममनुत्तमम्।उत्तरां दिशमुद्दिश्य प्रस्थातुमुपचक्रमे।।1.31.16।।,"Thereafter, circumambulating the supreme Siddhasrama with reverence, they (Viswamitra and the princes) commenced their journey in the northern direction. " तं प्रयान्तं मुनिवरमन्वयादनुसारिणम्।शकटीशतमात्रं तु प्रायेण ब्रह्मवादिनाम्।।1.31.17।।,"As Viswamitra, the best of ascetics set out on his journey, expounders of the Vedas followed him, nearly in one hundred carriages." मृगपक्षिगणाश्चैव सिद्धाश्रमनिवासिन:।अनुजग्मुर्महात्मानं विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्।।1.31.18।।निवर्तयामास तत: पक्षिसङ्घान् मृगानपि।,Birds and beasts living in Siddhaashrama also followed the illustrious maharshi Viswamitra over a long distance until he sent them back. ते गत्वा दूरमध्वानं लम्बमाने दिवाकरे।वासं चक्रुर्मुनिगणाः शोणाकूले समाहिता:।।1.31.19।।,The sages travelled a long distance and halted on the bank of Sona at sunset. तेऽस्तं गते दिनकरे स्नात्वा हुतहुताशना:।विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य निषेदुरमितौजस:।।1.31.20।। ,The sages who possessed great splendour bathed and offered oblations to fire at sunset and sat in front of Viswamitra. रामोऽपि सहसौमित्रिर्मुनीं स्तानभिपूज्य च।अग्रतो निषसादाथ विश्वामित्रस्य धीमत:।।1.31.21।।,"Rama together with Lakshmana having offered respectful salutations to the sages, sat in front of the sagacious Viswamitra." अथ रामो महातेजाः विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्।पप्रच्छ नरशार्दूल: कौतूहलसमन्वित:।।1.31.22।।,"Thereafter highly lustrous Rama, the best among men, filled with curiosity enquired of the great sage Viswamitra:" भगवन् कोऽन्वयं देशस्समृद्धवनशोभित:।श्रोतुमिच्छामि भद्रं ते वक्तुमर्हसि तत्त्वत:।।1.31.23।।,"""O worshipful one, what could be the reason for this region shining with luxuriant groves? I wish to hear from you. You can tell me all about this (region). May it be safe for you"" " चोदितो रामवाक्येन कथयामास सुव्रत:।तस्य देशस्य निखिलमृषिमध्ये महातपा:।।1.31.24।।," A sage of excellent vows and rigid austerities, Viswamitra, urged by the words of Rama, described in the midst of rishis the entire story relating to that region.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकत्रिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the thirtyfirst sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Description of the four sons of Brahma and the dynasty of Kusanabha-- enraged Windgod turns the daughters of Kusanabha into humpedback ones.ब्रह्मयोनिर्महानासीत्कुशो नाम महातपा:।अक्लिष्टव्रतधर्मज्ञः सज्जनप्रतिपूजक:।।1.32.1।।,"There was a great ascetic named Kusa, born to Brahma, as ascetic indefatigable in vows, knowldegeable in dharma and a respector of the virtuous." स महात्मा कुलीनायां युक्तायां सुगुणोल्बणान्।वैदर्भ्यां जनयामास चतुरस्सदृशान् सुतान्।।1.32.2।।कुशाम्बं कुशनाभं च अधूर्तरजसं वसुम्।," That great soul, Kusa, married the princess of Vidarbha born in a noble family and a match for him. He begot four virtuous sons who resembled him. They were Kusamba, Kusanabha, Adhurtarajas and Vasu." दीप्तियुक्तान् महोत्साहान् क्षत्रधर्मचिकीर्षया।।1.32.3।।तानुवाच कुश: पुत्रान् धर्मिष्ठान् सत्यवादिन:।,"Kusa addressed his four brilliant sons who were highly enthusiastic, pious, truthful and were wedded to duties of the warrior race:" क्रियतां पालनं पुत्रा: धर्मं प्राप्स्यथ पुष्कलम्।।1.32.4।।ऋषेस्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा चत्वारो लोकसम्मता:।निवेशं चक्रिरे सर्वे पुराणां नृवरास्तदा।।1.32.5।।," ""O my sons, govern with righteousness so that you will acquire immense merit'. Hearing the words of the rishi, the four sons who were the best among men and revered in the world constructed four cities as their abodes." कुशाम्बस्तु महातेजा: कौशाम्बीमकरोत्पुरीम् ।कुशनाभस्तु धर्मात्मा पुरं चक्रे महोदयम्।।1.32.6।।, The brilliant Kushamba and the righteous Kushanabha constructed the cities of Kaushanbi and Mahodaya (as their capital) respectively. अधूर्तरजसो राम धर्मारण्यं महीपति:।चक्रे पुरवरं राजा वसुश्चक्रे गिरिव्रजम्।।1.32.7।।,"O Rama king Adhurtarajasa constructed Dharmaranya, the best of cities and king Vasu, the city of Girivrajam." एषा वसुमती राम वसोस्तस्य महात्मन:।एते शैलवरा: पञ्च प्रकाशन्ते समन्तत:।।1.32.8।,O Rama this place where we are (called Vasumati) belongs to the magnanimous king Vasu. This is surrounded by five great shining mountains. सुमागधी नदी रम्या मगधान् विश्रुताययौ।पञ्चानां शैलमुख्यानां मध्ये मालेव शोभते।।1.32.9।।,"The delightful and renowned river Sumagadhi (known as Sona), flowing in the country of Magadha, looks beautiful like a garland amidst five great mountains." सैषा हि मागधी राम वसोस्तस्य महात्मन:।पूर्वाभिचरिता राम सुक्षेत्रा सस्यमालिनी।।1.32.10।।," Rama, this Magadhi river, of great Vasu flows from the east surrounded by fertile crops fields like a garland. " कुशनाभस्तु राजर्षि: कन्याशतमनुत्तमम्।जनयामास धर्मात्मा घृताच्यां रघुनन्दन।।1.32.11।। ,"O scion of the Raghu family, the virtuous rajarshi Kusanabha begot one hundred beautiful daughters through a nymph named Ghritachi." तास्तु यौवनशालिन्यो रूपवत्य स्स्वलङ्कृता:।उद्यानभूमिमागम्य प्रावृषीव शतह्रदा:।।1.32.12।।गायन्त्यो नृत्यमानाश्च वादयन्त्यश्च सर्वश:।आमोदं परमं जग्मुर्वराभरणभूषिता:।।1.32.13।।," Those welladorned, beautiful, young maidens in the pleasuregarden looked like lightnings in the rainy season. Bedecked with fine ornaments they were singing, dancing, playing on instruments and moving in all directions in great delight." अथ ताश्चारुसर्वाङ्ग्यो रूपेणाप्रतिमा भुवि।उद्यानभूमिमागम्य तारा इव घनान्तरे।।1.32.14।। ,"With beautiful limbs of unparalleled beauty on earth, they shone in the pleasuregarden like stars in the midst of clouds." तास्सर्वगुणसम्पन्ना रूपयौवनसंयुता:।दृष्ट्वा सर्वात्मको वायुरिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।1.32.15।।," At the sight of the maidens embellished with all virtues and youth and beauty, the allpervading Windgod addressed them these words:" अहं व: कामये सर्वा भार्या मम भविष्यथ।मानुषस्त्यज्यतां भावः दीर्घमायुरवाप्स्यथ।।1.32.16।।,I request you all to be my wives. You will leave this feeling of mortality and attain a long life. चलं हि यौवनं नित्यं मानुषेषु विशेषत:।अक्षय्यं यौवनं प्राप्ताः अमर्यश्च भविष्यथ।।1.32.17।।," Youth is always unstable, especially in human beings. If you marry me, you will be ever youthful like devatas. " तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा वायोरक्लिष्टकर्मण:।अपहास्य ततो वाक्यं कन्याशतमथाब्रवीत् ।।1.32.18।।,At the works of the untiringly blowing Windgod the lunged maidens laughed and said: अन्तश्चरसि भूतानां सर्वेषां त्वं सुरोत्तम ।प्रभावज्ञा: स्म ते सर्वा: किमस्मानवमन्यसे।।1.32.19।।,"""O best among devatas you move within all living beings, we feel your impact. Why do you insult us?" कुशनाभसुतास्सर्वा: समर्थास्त्वां सुरोत्तम।स्थानाच्च्यावयितुं देवं रक्षामस्तु तपो वयम्।।1.32.20।।," ""O best among devatas we are daughters of Kusanabha, We are capable of pulling you down from your position. We are safeguarding our ascetic merit as virgins (we could curse you to save our ascetic merit)"" of Kusnabha. " माभूत्स कालो दुर्मेध: पितरं सत्यवादिनम्।नावमन्यस्व धर्मेण स्वयं वरमुपास्महे।।1.32.21।। ," O wicked one, do not dishonour our father who always speaks the truth. He will choose the bridegrooms righteously. Do not invite death (father may be the cause of your death)." पिता हि प्रभुरस्माकं दैवतं परमं हि न:।यस्य नो दास्यति पिता स नो भर्ता भविष्यति।।1.32.22।।,"Our father is our lord. Our father is god to us. Whomsoever our father offers us shall become our husband""." तासां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा वायु: परमकोपन:।प्रविश्य सर्वगात्राणि बभञ्ज भगवान् प्रभु:।।1.32.23।।,"Having heard the words of those maidens, the most powerful and venerable Windgod became furious. He entered all the limbs of their bodies, twisted and distorted them." ता: कन्या वायुना भग्ना विविशुर्नृपतेर्गृहम्।प्रापतन् भुवि सम्भ्रान्तास्सलज्जा स्सास्रलोचना:।।1.32.24।।,"Their bodies disfigured and shattered by the Windgod, the maidens with tears flowing from their eyes entered the palace and fell down on the ground, agitated and overtaken by shame." स च ता दयिता दीना: कन्या: परमशोभना:।दृष्ट्वा भग्नास्तदा राजा सम्भ्रान्त इदमब्रवीत्।।1.32.25।।,The king saw his extremely beautiful beloved daughters distressed and shattered and spoke these words with bewilderment. किमिदं कथ्यतां पुत्र्य: को धर्ममवमन्यते।कुब्जा: केन कृता: सर्वा वेष्टन्त्यो नाभिभाषथ।एवं राजा विनिश्श्वस्य समाधिं सन्दधे तत:।।1.32.26।।,"""O daughters What has happened? Who has dishonoured virtue? Say it at once. Who has made you hunchbacked? Standing roud me, why are you dumb?"" The king heaved a sigh and entered into a state of samadhi. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे द्वात्रिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the thirtysecond sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Kusanabha praises his daughters for the courage and tolerance shown towards the Windgod the birth of Brahmadatta and his marriage with the daughters of Kusanabha.]तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा कुशनाभस्य धीमत:।शिरोभिश्चरणौ स्पृष्ट्वा कन्याशतमभाषत।।1.33.1।।,"On hearing the words of sagacious Kusanabha, his hundred daughters touched his feet with their heads and said:" वायुस्सर्वात्मको राजन् प्रधर्षयितुमिच्छति।अशुभं मार्गमास्थाय न धर्मं प्रत्यवेक्षते।।1.33.2।।,"""O king, the allpervading Windgod, having taken recourse to foul means intended to outrage our modesty without and moral compunction." पितृमत्यस्स्म भद्रं ते स्वच्छन्दे न वयं स्थिता:।पितरं नो वृणीष्व त्वं यदि नो दास्यते तव।।1.33.3।।, We have our father who is dear to us. Hence we do not have freedom to choose. You may ask our father if he is willing to give us (in marriage). तेन पापानुबन्धेन वचनं न प्रतीच्छता।एवं ब्रुवन्त्यस्सर्वास्स्म वायुना निहता भृशम्।।1.33.4।।,"As all of us were speaking thus, the sinful Windgod, disregarding our words repeatedly assaulted us." तासां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राजा परमधार्मिक:।प्रत्युवाच महातेजा: कन्याशतमनुत्तमम्।।1.33.5।।,"The deeply religious and highly powerful king, having heard those words of his one hundred exceptional daughters, replied: " क्षान्तं क्षमावतां पुत्र्य: कर्तव्यं सुमहत्कृतम्।ऐकमत्यमुपागम्य कुलं चावेक्षितं मम।।1.33.6।।,"""O daughters you have done a great act of forgiveness of which only the tolerant are capable. By taking a united stand, you have protected the honour of my dynasty." अलङ्कारो हि नारीणां क्षमा तु पुरुषस्य वा।दुष्करं तच्च यत् क्षान्तं त्रिदशेषु विशेषत:।।1.33.7।।यादृशी व: क्षमा पुत्र्यस्सर्वासामविशेषत:।,"Whether for women or men forgiveness is an ornament. It is difficult even for gods. For you, daughters, to show it without any difference of opinion is especially hard." क्षमा दानं क्षमा यज्ञः क्षमा सत्यं हि पुत्रिका:।।1.33.8।।क्षमा यश: क्षमा धर्म: क्षमया निष्ठितं जगत्।," ""Forbearance is charity, forbearance is sacrifice, forbearance is truth, forbearance is glory and forbearance is virtue. O daughters, the universe is supported by forbearance"". " विसृज्य कन्या: काकुत्स्थ राजा त्रिदशविक्रम:।।1.33.9।।मन्त्रज्ञो मन्त्रयामास प्रदानं सह मन्त्रिभि:। देशकालौ प्रदानस्य सदृशे प्रतिपादनम्।।1.33.10।।,"""O Rama after sending away his daughters, the king endowed with the power of the celestials and wellversed in the art of counselling, consulted his ministers about a suitable person for marriage of his daughters at proper time and place." एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु चूली नाम महातपा:।ऊर्ध्वरेताश्शुभाचारो ब्राह्मं तप उपागमत्।।1.33.11।। , At that time a great and virtuous ascetic named Chuli living in celebacy was performing austerities in pursuit of the knowledge of Brahman. तप्यन्तं तमृषिं तत्र गन्धर्वी पर्युपासते।सोमदा नाम भद्रं ते ऊर्मिला तनया तदा।।1.33.12।।,"When he was performing austerities, a nymph named Somada, daughter of Urmila, used to serve him. Prosperity to you" सा च तं प्रणता भूत्वा शुश्रूषणपरायणा।उवास काले धर्मिष्ठा तस्यास्तुष्टोऽभवद्गुरु:।।1.33.13।।,Somada rendered her services with devotion and humility. There she lived a religious life. In the might time her spiritual guide was satisfied with her services. स च तां कालयोगेन प्रोवाच रघुनन्दन।परितुष्टोऽस्मि भद्रं ते किं करोमि तव प्रियम्।।1.33.14।।,"When her services came to a fruition with the passage of time, maharshi Chuli, spoke to her: 'I am pleased with you. What favour shall I do for you? May you be prosperous'" परितुष्टं मुनिं ज्ञात्वा गन्धर्वी मधुरस्वरा।उवाच परमप्रीता वाक्यज्ञा वाक्यकोविदम्।।1.33.15।।,"Having perceived that the sage was satisfied, the gandharva who was skilled in speech said exceedingly delighted to the sage in a sweet voice." लक्ष्म्या समुदितो ब्राह्म्या ब्रह्मभूतो महातपा:।ब्राह्मेण तपसा युक्तं पुत्रमिच्छामि धार्मिक।।1.33.16।।,"Bestowed with the great asceticism and brilliance of a brahmin, you look like Brahma. O righteous one, I desire a son endowed with the ascetic virtues of a brahmin." अपतिश्चास्मि भद्रं ते भार्या चास्मि न कस्यचित्।ब्राह्मेणोपगतायाश्च दातुमर्हसि मे सुतम्।।1.33.17।।," I am without a husband, my sire. I am not a wife to any one. Since I have taken refuge in you, you are competent to bestow on me a son with the power of your penance""." तस्या: प्रसन्नो ब्रह्मर्षिर्ददौ पुत्रमनुत्तमम्।ब्रह्मदत्त इति ख्यातं मानसं चूलिनस्सुतम्।।1.33.18।।,"Pleased with her, brahmarshi Chuli gave her an excellent son to be wellknown as Brahmadatta born through the will of his mind." स राजा सौमदेयस्तु पुरीमध्यवसत्तदा।कांपिल्यां परया लक्ष्म्या देवराजो यथा दिवम्।।1.33.19।।,"Then king Brahmadatta, son of Somada, lived in the city of Kampilya with great prosperity like Indra in heaven." स बुद्धिं कृतवान् राजा कुशनाभस्सुधार्मिक:।ब्रह्मदत्ताय काकुत्स्थ दातुं कन्याशतं तदा।।1.33.20।।,"O Rama, then the highly righteous king Kusanabha decided to give his hundred daughters to Brahmadatta"". " तमाहूय महातेजा ब्रह्मदत्तं महीपति:। ददौ कन्याशतं राजा सुप्रीतेनान्तरात्मना।।1.33.21।। ,"The lord of the earth, highly powerful king Kusanabha invited Brahmadatta, and gave his hundred daughters in marriage to him with a heart highly pleased." यथाक्रमं तत: पाणीन् जग्राह रघुनन्दन।ब्रह्मदत्तो महीपालस्तासां देवपतिर्यथा।।1.33.22।।, O son of Raghu's dynasty that king Brahmadatta resembling Indra received the hands of those maidens' in due order. स्पृष्टमात्रे तत: पाणौ विकुब्जा विगतज्वरा:।युक्ता: परमया लक्ष्म्या बभु: कन्याशतं तदा।।1.33.23।।ृ32,"Thereafter, with the mere touch of his hand, the hundred daughters were cured of their hump back and freed from anguish. They assumed great beauty." स दृष्ट्वा वायुना मुक्ता: कुशनाभो महीपति:।बभूव परमप्रीतो हर्षं लेभे पुन:पुन:।।1.33.24।।,"King Kusanabha, having seen his daughters released from disfigurement caused by the Windgod was immensely pleased. He experienced waves of delight." कृतोद्वाहं तु राजानं ब्रह्मदत्तं महीपति:।सदारं प्रेषयामास सोपाध्यायगणं तदा।।1.33.25।।,Then the king along with his queens performed the marriage of his daughters in the assembly of priests and sent them with Brahmadatta (to his kingdom). सोमदाऽपि सुसंहृष्टा पुत्रस्य सदृशीं क्रियाम्।यथान्यायं च गन्धर्वी स्नुषास्ता: प्रत्यनन्दत।।1.33.26।। ,Somada the gandharvi was exeedingly delighted with her daughtersinlaw and praised her son for his right action.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डेण्डे त्रयस्त्रिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the thirtythird sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. [The birth of Gadhicommendation of Kausikidescription of midnight.]कृतोद्वाहे गते तस्मिन् ब्रह्मदत्ते च राघव।अपुत्र: पुत्रलाभाय पौत्रीमिष्टिमकल्पयत्।।1.34.1।।,"""O son of Raghu's dynasty (Rama) Brahmadatta got married and left for his kingdom. Now a putreshti was performed by king Kusanabha in order to beget a son." इष्ट्यां तु वर्तमानायां कुशनाभं महीपतिम्।उवाच परमोदार: कुशो ब्रह्मसुतस्तदा।।1.34.2।।,"Then, while putreshti was on Kusa the highly generous son of Brahma, said to king Kusanabha :" पुत्रस्ते सदृश: पुत्र भविष्यति सुधार्मिक:।गाधिं प्राप्स्यसि तेन त्वं कीर्तिं लोके च शाश्वतीम्।।1.34.3।।,"""O son, a highly virtuous son named Gadhi, similar to you will be born. Because of him you will obtain everlasting fame throughtout this world""." एवमुक्त्वा कुशो राम कुशनाभं महीपतिम्।जगामाकाशमाविश्य ब्रह्मलोकं सनातनाम्।।1.34.4।।,"""O Rama so saying to king Kusanabha, Kusa left through space for the eternal Brahmaloka"". " कस्य चित्त्वथ कालस्य कुशनाभस्य धीमत:।जज्ञे परमधर्मिष्ठो गाधिरित्येव नामत:।।1.34.5।।,"After some time, a supremely righteous son by name Gadhi was born to the sagacious Kusanabha." स पिता मम काकुत्स्थ गाधि: परमधार्मिक:।कुशवंशप्रसूतोऽस्मि कौशिको रघुनन्दन ।।1.34.6।।,O son of Raghu's dynasty the highly virtuous Gadhi is my father. I am known as Kausika being born in the family of Kusa. पूर्वजा भगिनी चापि मम राघव सुव्रता।नाम्ना सत्यवती नाम ऋचीके प्रतिपादिता।।1.34.7।।," O Raghava adherent of best religious practices, is my elder sister well known by name Satyavati. She was bestowed in marriage to Richika." सशरीरा गता स्वर्गं भर्तारमनुवर्तिनी।कौशिकी परमोदारा प्रवृत्ता च महानदी।।1.34.8।।,"Following her husband my highly generous sister reached heaven with her human body and down assuming the form of a sacred river, flowed Kausiki." दिव्या पुण्योदका रम्या हिमवन्तमुपाश्रिता।लोकस्य हितकामार्थं प्रवृत्ता भगिनी मम।।1.34.9।।,Conferring the benefit of the other world and worldly pleasures on men my sister Kausiki who is divine and beautiful having sacred waters took resort in Himavat mountain and started flowing from there. ततोऽहं हिमवत्पार्श्वे वसामि निरतस्सुखम्।भगिन्यां स्नेहसंयुक्त: कौशिक्यां रघुनन्दन।।1.34.10।। ,"O son of the Raghus', from then onwards with affection towards my sister Kausiki, I am living happily in the vicinity of Himavat mountains." सा तु सत्यवती पुण्या सत्ये धर्मे प्रतिष्ठिता।पतिव्रता महाभागा कौशिकी सरितां वरा।।1.34.11।।,"Satyavati is sacred, firmly established in truth and righteousness. She is chaste holy and best among rivers. She is known as river Kausiki." अहं हि नियमाद्राम हित्वा तां समुपागत:।सिद्धाश्रममनुप्राप्य सिद्धोऽस्मि तव तेजसा।।1.34.12।।,"Rama, for the sake of observance of austerity I have come to Siddhaashrama leaving her behind. Having reached here, I have fulfilled my desire through your valour." एषा राम ममोत्पत्तिस्स्वस्य वंशस्य कीर्तिता।देशस्य च महाबाहो यन्मां त्वं परिपृच्छसि।।1.34.13।।,"O mightyarmed Rama since you asked me I narrated this, my origin, the history of my family and the history of this place." गतोऽर्धरात्र: काकुत्स्थ कथा: कथयतो मम।निद्रामभ्येहि भद्रं ते मा भूद्विघ्नोऽध्वनीह न:।।1.34.14।।,"O son of the Kakusthas while telling my stories, midnight has passed by. Go to sleep now. Prosperity to you. Let there be no obstacles on our way." निष्पन्दास्तरवस्सर्वे निलीनमृगपक्षिण:।नैशेन तमसा व्याप्ता दिशश्च रघुनन्दन।।1.34.15।।,"O son of the Raghus' the trees stand motionless, with the beasts and birds calm, all directions are pervaded with darkness. " शनैर्वियुज्यते सन्ध्या नभो नेत्रैरिवावृतम् ।नक्षत्रतारागहनं ज्योतिर्भिरिव भासते।।1.34.16।।,Evening has gradually disappeared. The sky is littered with stars and planets gleaming points of light as though they are the eyes of the skies. उत्तिष्ठति च शीतांशुश्शशी लोकतमोनुद:।ह्लादयन् प्राणिनां लोके मनांसि प्रभया विभो।।1.34.17।।,"O Lord the Moon with his cool rays, dispelling the darkness of the earth and delighting the minds of all living beings in this world, is rising higher and higher." नैशानि सर्वभूतानि प्रचरन्ति ततस्तत:।यक्षराक्षससङ्घाश्च रौद्राश्च पिशिताशना:।।1.34.18।।,"All nocturnal creatures groups of yakshas and rakshasas and dreadful eaters of human flesh are moving here and there""." एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा विरराम महामुनि:।साधु साध्विति तं सर्वे ऋषयो ह्यभ्यपूजयन्।।1.34.19।।,"Having spoken thus the highly lustrous, great ascetic rested. All sages praised him, saying, ""wellsaid wellsaid""" कुशिकानामयं वंशो महान् धर्मपरस्सदा।ब्रह्मोपमा महात्मान: कुशवंश्या नरोत्तमा:।।1.34.20।। ,"This is the family of the Kusas, venerable always devoted to dharma, foremost of men, great like Lord Brahma." विशेषेण भवानेव विश्वामित्रो महायशा:।कौशिकी सरितां श्रेष्ठा कुलोद्योतकरी तव।।1.34.21।।,"""Highly illustrious Viswamitra, you are similar to Brahma. Among the rivers, Kausiki is the best, refurbishing the image of your dynasty""." इति तैर्मुनिशार्दूलै: प्रशस्त: कुशिकात्मज: ।निद्रामुपागमच्छ्रीमान् अस्तंगत इवांशुमान्।।1.34.22।।,"In this way, adored by the best of ascetics, the auspicious son of Kusika, went to sleep like the lustrous Sun setting." रामोऽपि सहसौमित्रि: किञ्चिदागतविस्मय:।प्रशस्य मुनिशार्दूलं निद्रां समुपसेवते।।1.34.23।।,"Rama as well as Lakshmana, with a sense of wonder went to sleep full of admiration for the great ascetic.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डेण्डे चतुस्त्रिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the thirtyfourth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Viswamitra narrates the legend of sacred Ganga]उपास्य रात्रिशेषं तु शोणाकूले महर्षिभि:।निशायां सुप्रभातायां विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत।।1.35.1।।,"Viswamitra lay on the bank of Sona with the ascetics, for the rest of the night. (Getting up) at daybreak he said:" सुप्रभाता निशा राम पूर्वा सन्ध्या प्रवर्तते।उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ भद्रं ते गमनायाभिरोचय ।।1.35.2।।,"""Rama, the night makes way for the dawn. It is time for morning rituals. Arise, arise May the day bring good news Get ready for the onward journey""." तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य कृत्वा पौर्वाह्णिकीं क्रियाम् ।गमनं रोचयामास वाक्यं चेदमुवाच ह।।1.35.3।।,On hearing his words Rama performed morning oblations and getting ready for the onward journey spoke: अयं शोणश्शुभजलोऽगाध: पुलिनमण्डित:।कतरेण पथा ब्रह्मन् सन्तरिष्यामहे वयम्।।1.35.4।।," ""O knower of Brahman Clean waters of this river are adorned with sandbanks. This Sona is deep. Which way shall we cross this river?" एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण विश्वामित्रोऽब्रवीदिदम् ।एष पन्था मयोद्दिष्टो येन यान्ति महर्षय:।।1.35.5।। ,"Having been addressed by Rama thus Viswamitra said, ""We shall take the way the ascetics have gone before""." एवमुक्ता महर्षयो विश्वामित्रेण धीमता।पश्यन्तस्ते प्रयाता वै वनानि विविधानि च।।1.35.6।।,With these words of the wise Viswamitra the ascetics moved forward surveying various forests. ते गत्वा दूरमध्वानं गतेऽर्धदिवसे तदा।जाह्नवीं सरितां श्रेष्ठां ददृशुर्मुनिसेविताम्।।1.35.7।।,"After travelling a long distance for half a day, they saw Jahnavi, the best among rivers haunted or worshipped by ascetics." तां दृष्ट्वा पुण्यसलिलां हंससारससेविताम्।बभूवुर्मुदिता स्सर्वे मुनयस्सह राघवा:।।1.35.8।।,"On seeing the river Ganga with swans and cranes floating on the surface of the sacred waters, all the sages including the sons of the Raghus (Rama and Lakshmana) were delighted." तस्यास्तीरे ततश्चक्रुस्त आवासपरिग्रहम्।ततस्स्नात्वा यथान्यायं सन्तर्प्य पितृदेवता:।।1.35.9।।हुत्वा चैवाग्निहोत्राणि प्राश्य चामृतवद्धवि: ।विविशुर्जाह्नवीतीरे शुचौ मुदितमानसा:।।1.35.10।।विश्वामित्रं महात्मानं परिवार्य समन्तत:। ,The birds had made the bank of the river their home. They (Rama and Lakshmana) took a dip and offered traditional oblations to ancestors. Thereafter they lighted the sacrificial fire and made customary offerings to the fire and partook of the nectarlike remains. With cheerful hearts they stood round the illustrious Viswamitra and entered the sacred bank of Jahnavi. अथ तत्र तदा रामो विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत्।।1.35.11।। भगवन् श्रोतुमिच्छामि गङ्गां त्रिपथगां नदीम्।त्रैलोक्यं कथमाक्रम्य गता नदनदीपतिम्।।1.35.12।।,"Then Rama said to Viswamitra ""O venerable one I wish to know why Ganga flowing in three directions, occupy (purified) the three worlds before entering the sea, the lord of rivers?""" चोदितो रामवाक्येन विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।वृद्धिं जन्म च गङ्गाया वक्तुमेवोपचक्रमे।।1.35.13।।," Prompted by Rama's words, maharshi Viswamitra started narrating the account of the birth and progress of river Ganga. " शैलेन्द्रो हिमवान्नाम धातूनामाकरो महान्।तस्य कन्याद्वयं राम रूपेणाप्रतिमं भुवि।।1.35.14।।,"""O Rama the great mountain named Himavan is a treasuretrove of ores. He is the king of mountains. He had two daughters, unrivalled in beauty in this world." या मेरुदुहिता राम तयोर्माता सुमध्यमा।नाम्ना मनोरमा नाम पत्नी हिमवत: प्रिया।।1.35.15।।," O Rama Himavan's beloved of beautiful waist, wellknown by the name of Manorama is the daughter of Mount Meru. She is the mother to both the daughters." तस्यां गङ्गेयमभवज्ज्येष्ठा हिमवतस्सुता।उमा नाम द्वितीयाभून्नाम्ना तस्यैव राघव।।1.35.16।।,O son of the Raghus this Ganga was born to Manorama as Himavan's eldest daughter. A second one born to him was wellknown by the name of Uma. अथ ज्येष्ठां सुरास्सर्वे देवतार्थचिकीर्षया। शैलेन्द्रं वरयामासुर्गङ्गां त्रिपथगां नदीम्।।1.35.17।।,"Thereupon all the devatas desirous of deriving some advantage proposed that the eldest daughter of the king of mountains, Ganga, flowing in three directions be given to them." ददौ धर्मेण हिमवान् तनयां लोकपावनीम्।स्वच्छन्दपथगां गङ्गां त्रैलोक्यहितकाम्यया।।1.35.18।।,"In order to do good to the three worlds Himavan, rooted in dharma gifted his eldest daughter Ganga who sanctifies the whole world by flowing at her free will৷৷" प्रतिगृह्य ततो देवास्त्रिलोकहितकारिण:।गङ्गामादाय तेऽगच्छन् कृतार्थेनान्तरात्मना।।1.35.19।।,The devatas having received Ganga committed to the welfare of the three worlds went back to their abodes with a sense of fulfilment in their mind. या चान्या शैलदुहिता कन्यासीद्रघुनन्दन।उग्रं सा व्रतमास्थाय तपस्तेपे तपोधना।।1.35.20।।,O Delight of the Raghus The other daughter of the mountain Himavan was a maiden whose wealth was tapas. She pursued a vow and observed severe austerities. उग्रेण तपसा युक्तां ददौ शैलवरस्सुताम्।रुद्रायाप्रतिरूपाय उमां लोकनमस्कृताम्।।1.35.21।। ,Himavan the best of mountains gave his daughter Uma associated with severe austerities and venerated by the whole world in marriage to the unrivalled Rudra. एते ते शैलराजस्य सुते लोकनमस्कृते।गङ्गा च सरितां श्रेष्ठा उमादेवी च राघव।।1.35.22।।,"O son of the Raghus Ganga, the holiest of rivers and Uma devi are two daughters of the king of the mountains, (Himavan). They are worshipped by the entire world. " एतत्ते सर्वमाख्यातं यथा त्रिपथगा नदी।खं गता प्रथमं तात गतिं गतिमतां वर ।।1.35.23।।,"O child with a marvellous gait I have related to you about Ganga flowing across the three worlds, Ganga who reached the heaven first and all that." सैषा सुरनदी रम्या शैलेन्द्रस्य सुता तदा।सुरलोकं समारूढा विपापा जलवाहिनी।।1.35.24।।,"The divine Ganga, daughter of Himavan, beautiful and sinless, carrying a large volume of water ascended the heavens"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे पञ्चत्रिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the thirtyfifth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [The devatas create obstacles to the marital bliss of Maheswara and Parvati--Goddess Parvati curses the devatas and the mother earth.]उक्तवाक्ये मुनौ तस्मिन्नुभौ राघवलक्ष्मणौ।प्रतिनन्द्य कथां वीरावूचतुर्मुनिपुङ्गवम्।।1.36.1।।,"While Viswamitra preeminent ascetic among the sages was telling the story (of Ganga) to the heroic Rama and Lakshmana, they extolled it and enquired:" धर्मयुक्तमिदं ब्रह्मन् कथितं परमं त्वया ।दुहितुश्शैलराजस्य ज्येष्ठाया वक्तुमर्हसि।।1.36.2।।विस्तरं विस्तरज्ञोऽसि दिव्यमानुषसम्भवम्।,"""O Brahman sage, this excellent story set in righteousness has been narrated by you. Since you are conversant with the details, you can befittingly tell the story in detail, pertaining to the eldest daughter of king of the mountains and the events that happened in the celestial and mortal worlds" त्रीन् पथो हेतुना केन प्लावयेल्लोकपावनी।।1.36.3।।कथं गङ्गा त्रिपथगा विश्रुता सरिदुत्तमा।त्रिषु लोकेषु धर्मज्ञ कर्मभि: कैस्समन्विता।।1.36.4।।,"Why does Ganga, the purifier of the worlds overflow the three paths (worlds)? O knower of dharma what deed made, Tripathaga (flowing in three directions) Ganga wellknown in the three worlds as the best (holiest) of all rivers""?" तथा ब्रुवति काकुत्स्थे विश्वामित्रस्तपोधन:।निखिलेन कथां सर्वामृषिमध्ये न्यवेदयत्।।1.36.5।।,"Having heard the words of the son of the Kakusthas, Viswamitra, vested with the wealth of asceticism, revealed the complete story in detail in the presence of the sages." पुरा राम कृतोद्वाहो नीलकण्ठो महातपा:।दृष्ट्वा च स्पृहया देवीं मैथुनायोपचक्रमे।।1.36.6।।,"""O Rama, in ancient times, great ascetic the blueneck Lord Siva got married to goddess Uma charmed with her beauty he indulged in sexual enjoyment with intense passion." शितिकण्ठस्य देवस्य दिव्यं वर्षशतं गतम्।न चापि तनयो राम तस्यामासीत् परन्तप।।1.36.7।।,"O Rama, tormentor of enemies, while Lord Siva was thus absorbed in sexual enjoyment, a hundred (celestial) years passed but no son was born to them." ततो देवास्समुद्विग्ना: पितामहपुरोगमा:। यदिहोत्पद्यते भूतं कस्तत्प्रतिसहिष्यते।।1.36.8।।,"""Then the devatas led by Brahma were exceedingly alarmed. 'Who will be able to bear the power of the offspring if it is born here and now', they reflected." अभिगम्य सुरास्सर्वे प्रणिपत्येदमब्रुवन्।देव देव महादेव लोकस्यास्य हिते रत ।।1.36.9।।सुराणां प्रणिपातेन प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि।,"All devatas approached Siva and paying their obeisance said, ""O God of the gods engaged in the welfare of all O Mahadeva accept our salutations Be king which you can be (if you will)""." न लोका धारयिष्यन्ति तव तेजस्सुरोत्तम ।।1.36.10।।ब्राह्मेण तपसा युक्तो देव्या सह तपश्चर।त्रैलोक्यहितकामार्थं तेजस्तेजसि धारय ।।1.36.11।।,"""O best among the gods, the worlds cannot contain your energy (the son born of your energy) You may engage yourself in penance in the company of Uma in conformity with the Vedas. Retain your energy in your body for the welfare of the three worlds.""" देवतानां वचश्श्रुत्वा सर्वलोकमहेश्वर:।बाढमित्यब्रवीत्सर्वान्पुनश्चैवमुवाच ह ।।1.36.12।। ,"Mahadeva, ruler of the all the worlds, having heard the words of devatas, said ""Be it so"" Further: " धारयिष्याम्यहं तेजस्तेजस्येव सहोमया।त्रिदशा: पृथिवी चैव निर्वाणमधिगच्छतु।।1.36.13।।,"""""Together with Uma I will preserve the semen in my body thereby the devatas and also the earth will have peace." यदिदं क्षुभितं स्थानान्मम तेजो ह्यनुत्तमम्।धारयिष्यति कस्तन्मे ब्रुवन्तु सुरसत्तमा:।।1.36.14।।,"""Who will contain this exceptional vital fluid of mine if shaken from its own place? O best of devatas tell me""." एवमुक्तास्सुरास्सर्वे प्रत्यूचुर्वृषभध्वजम्।यत्तेज: क्षुभितं ह्येतत्तद्धरा धारयिष्यति।।1.36.15।।,"Thus questioned, all the devatas replied to the bearer of the flag with bull as its symbol (Siva), saying, ""The earth will contain the disturbed vital fluid"". " एवमुक्तस्सुरपति: प्रमुमोच महीतले।तेजसा पृथिवी येन व्याप्ता सगिरिकानना।।1.36.16।।,"Thus replied by the devatas, the god of the gods released his vital fluid on earth. It pervaded the entire earth including mountains and forests. " ततो देवा: पुनरिदमूचुश्चाथ हुताशनम्।प्रविश त्वं महातेजो रौद्रं वायुसमन्वित:।।1.36.17।।,"Then, the devatas said to the firegod, ""Enter this energy (creative power) related to Rudra followed by the windgod""." तदग्निना पुनर्व्याप्तं सञ्जातश्श्वेतपर्वत:।दिव्यं शरवणं चैव पावकादित्यसन्निभम्।।1.36.18।।यत्र जातो महातेजा: कार्तिकेयोऽग्निसम्भव:।,That energy pervaded by fire was transformed into the White Mountain. It turned the forest of reeds (Saravana) (blazing) like the fire or the Sun. From that fire was born the glorious Kartikeya. अथोमां च शिवं चैव देवास्सर्षिगणास्तदा।पूजयामासुरत्यर्थं सुप्रीतमनसस्तत:।।1.36.19।।,Thereafter highly pleased with the event the devatas along with the saints worshipped Siva and goddess Uma with deep devotion. अथ शैलसुता राम त्रिदशानिदमब्रवीत्।समन्युरशपत्सर्वान् क्रोधसंरक्तलोचना।।1.36.20।।,"""Rama thereafter Uma, daughter of the mountain (Himavan) with her eyes red with anger cursed all of them:" यस्मान्निवारिता चैव सङ्गति: पुत्रकाम्यया।अपत्यं स्वेषु दारेषु तस्मान्नोत्पादयिष्यथ।।1.36.21।।, अद्यप्रभृति युष्माकमप्रजास्सन्तु पत्नय:।।1.36.22।।एवमुक्त्वासुरान् सर्वान् शशाप पृथिवीमपि। ,"""From today onwards your wives will become childless"" cursed Uma. The devatas were cursed this Even the earth:" अवने नैकरूपा त्वं बहुभार्या भविष्यसि।।1.36.23।।न च पुत्रकृतां प्रीतिं मत्क्रोधकलुषीकृता ।प्राप्स्यसि त्वं सुदुर्मेधे मम पुत्रमनिच्छती।।1.36.24।।,"""O Earth you will assume many forms and become wife of many masters. O evilminded one, you did not want me to bear a son. Having been fouled as a result of my anger, you will not have the pleasure of having a son, cursed Uma." तान् सर्वान् व्रीडितान् दृष्ट्वा सुरान्सुरपतिस्तदा।गमनायोपचक्राम दिशं वरुणपालिताम्।।1.36.25।।,"""The god of the gods (Mahesvara), seeing all the devatas humiliated began to depart in the westerly direction presided over by Varuna." स गत्वा तप आतिष्ठत्पार्श्वे तस्योत्तरे गिरौ।हिमवत्प्रभवे शृङ्गे सह देव्या महेश्वर:।।1.36.26।।,"""Mahesvara along with goddess Uma, went north of the Himavat mountain and performed penance on a peak." एष ते विस्तरो राम शैलपुत्र्या निवेदित:।गङ्गाया: प्रभवं चैव शृणु मे सहलक्ष्मण:।।1.36.27।।,"""O Rama this story of the daughter of the mountain has been narrated to you. Now listen with Lakshmana the tale of the birth of Ganga"":इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे षट्त्रिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the thirtysixth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Birth of Karttikeya.]तप्यमाने तपो देवे देवा: सर्षिगणा: पुरा।सेनापतिमभीप्सन्त: पितामहमुपागमन्।।1.37.1।।,"In olden days when Iswara was engaged in austerities, the devatas together with the ascetics, approached Lord Brahma for an army general. " ततोऽब्रुवन् सुरास्सर्वे भगवन्तं पितामहम्।प्रणिपत्य सुरास्सर्वे सेन्द्रास्साग्निपुरोगमा:।।1.37.2।।,"Then led by Indra and the Firegod all devatas approached Lord Brahma, the grandsire saluted him (with folded hands) and spoke. " यो न स्सेनापतिर्देव दत्तो भगवता पुरा।तप: परममास्थाय तप्यते स्म सहोमया।।1.37.3।।,"""O Lord in ancient times your lordship gave us an army general (at the time of creation). He is engrossed in great penance along with Uma . " यदत्रानन्तरं कार्यं लोकानां हितकाम्यया।संविधत्स्व विधानज्ञ त्वं हि न: परमा गति:।।1.37.4।।,"""O Knower of law and order O Grandsire verily you are our supreme refuge committed to the welfare of the worlds. Tell us what we should do in this matter (now that we cannot procreate a general on account of Uma's curse)""." देवतानां वचश्श्रुत्वा सर्वलोकपितामह:।सान्त्वयन्मधुरैर्वाक्यैस्त्रिदशानिदमब्रवीत्।।1.37.5।।,"Hearing the words of the devatas, Brahma, the Grandsire of all the worlds consoled the devatas with sweet words, saying:" शैल पुत्र्या यदुक्तं तन्न प्रजास्यथ पत्निषु ।तस्या वचनमक्लिष्टं सत्यमेतन्न संशय:।।1.37.6।।, इयमाकाशगा गङ्गा यस्यां पुत्रं हुताशन:।जनयिष्यति देवानां सेनापतिमरिन्दमम्।।1.37.7।।,"""Ganga keeps flowing in the celestial regions. Through Ganga the Firegod will beget a son who will be capable of destroying enemies. He will become the army general of the gods""." ज्येष्ठा शैलेन्द्रदुहिता मानयिष्यति तत्सुतम्।उमायास्तद्बहुमतं भविष्यति न संशय:।।1.37.8।।," ""Ganga, the eldest daughter of the king of the mountains, will tend that son of Agni. This will be totally acceptable to Uma. No doubt"". " तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य कृतार्था रघुनन्दन।प्रणिपत्य सुरास्सर्वे पितामहमपूजयन्।।1.37.9।।,"""O son of the Raghus having heard Brahma's words all the devatas considered themselves successful in their mission. They saluted him with folded hands and offered their worship." ते गत्वा पर्वतं राम कैलासं धातुमण्डितम्।अग्निं नियोजयामासु: पुत्रार्थं सर्वदेवता:।।1.37.10।। ,"All the devatas, went to mount Kailasa, adorned with minerals, and urged the Firegod for a son." देवकार्यमिदं देव संविधत्स्व हुताशन।शैलपुत्र्यां महातेजो गङ्गायां तेज उत्सृज।।1.37.11।।,"'O lustrous Firegod, accomplish this divine work. O god, possessed of mighty energy, release the vital fluid of Iswara in Ganga, daughter of the king of mountains. " देवतानां प्रतिज्ञाय गङ्गामभ्येत्य पावक:।गर्भं धारय वै देवि देवतानामिदं प्रियम्।।1.37.12।।,"""The Firegod gave his consent. The devatas approached Ganga and said, 'O goddess bear the energy of Siva (inyour world) since this cause is dear to the gods'." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा दिव्यं रूपमधारयत्।दृष्ट्वा तन्महिमानं स समन्तादवकीर्यत।।1.37.13।।,"""Hearing the words of the Firegod, Ganga assumed a divine form. Beholding her glory, the god of fire pervaded her from all sides." समन्ततस्तदा देवीमभ्यषिञ्चत पावक:।सर्वस्रोतांसि पूर्णानि गङ्गाया रघुनन्दन।।1.37.14।।,"O Rama then, the Firegod discharged the vital fluid of Iswara, preserved in his body, which pervaded all sides of Ganga and all her streams were filled with (the fluid). " तमुवाच ततो गङ्गा सर्वदेवपुरोहितम्।अशक्ता धारणे देव तव तेज स्समुद्धतम्।दह्यमानाग्निना तेन सम्प्रव्यथितचेतना।।1.37.15।।,"Ganga addressing the Firegod standing ahead of all the devatas said 'O god of fire, I am incapable of holding your everincreasing splendour. The fiery fluid is burning me. My consciousness is overwhelmed'." अथाब्रवीदिदं गङ्गां सर्वदेवहुताशन:।इह हैमवती पादे गर्भोऽयं सन्निवेश्यताम्।।1.37.16।।,Thereafter the Firegod who is the partaker of oblations offered to all deities said to Ganga 'Place this embryo on this slope of Mountain Himavan'. श्रुत्वा त्वग्निवचो गङगा तं गर्भमतिभास्वरम्।उत्ससर्ज महातेज स्स्रोतोभ्यो हि तदानघ ।।1.37.17।।,"""O glorious, sinless one, (Rama) hearing the words of the Firegod, Ganga then expelled that resplendent embryo from her streams. " यदस्या निर्गतं तस्मात्तप्तजाम्बूनदप्रभम् ।काञ्चनं धरणीं प्राप्तं हिरण्यममलं शुभम्।।1.37.18।।,"The embryo that emerged from Ganga reached the earth. It resembled the lustre of molten gold. It furned into gold auspicious, bright and pure." ताम्रं कार्ष्णायसं चैव तैक्ष्ण्यादेवाभ्यजायत।।1.37.19।।मलं तस्याभवत्तत्र त्रपु सीसकमेव च।तदेतद्धरणीं प्राप्य नानाधातुरवर्धत।।1.37.20।।,"There copper and iron were produced from its acidity, zinc and lead from its residue. Various minerals were formed when that embryo reached the earth." निक्षिप्तमात्रे गर्भे तु तेजोभिरभिरञ्जितम्।सर्वं पर्वतसन्नद्धं सौवर्णमभवद्वनम्।।1.37.21।। ,When the embryo was placed (in Ganga) it spread on all sides of the forest on the mountain. Irradiated with lustre the forest appeared golden. जातरूपमिति ख्यातं तदा प्रभृति राघव।सुवर्णं पुरुषव्याघ्र हुताशनसमप्रभम्।।1.37.22।।तृणवृक्षलतागुल्मं सर्वं भवति काञ्चनम्।,"O tiger among men, O scion of the Raghus Then onwards gold which is effulgent like fire, became wellknown as Jatarupa (pure form). The grass, shrubs, creepers and trees of that forest looked golden. " तं कुमारं ततो जातं सेन्द्रास्सह मरुद्गणा:।।1.37.23।।क्षीरसंभावनार्थाय कृत्तिकास्समयोजन्।,Thereafter Kumara was born (out of Ganga's womb). The gods together with Indra arranged six nymphs (stars) to act as nurses to suckle Kumara as their own offspring. ता: क्षीरं जातमात्रस्य कृत्वा समयमुत्तमम्।।1.37.24।।ददु: पुत्रोऽयमस्माकं सर्वासामिति निश्चिता:।,"Those krittikas, having decided among themselves and having made an agreement with the gods saying 'This boy shall become a son to all of us' fed the newborn with their milk (breast milk)." ततस्तु देवता स्सर्वा: कार्तिकेय इति ब्रुवन्।।1.37.25।।पुत्रस्त्रैलोक्यविख्यातो भविष्यति न संशय:।4,"Thereafter, all the gods said, 'This son shall become renowned in the three worlds as Karttikeya, (son of krittikas). There is no doubt '. " तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा स्कन्नं गर्भपरिस्रवे।।1.37.26।।स्नापयन् परया लक्ष्म्या दीप्यमानं यथानलम्।,"Hearing the words of the gods, the krittikas bathed the baby that descended from the womb of Ganga resembling flaming fire and shining with great beauty." स्कन्द इत्यब्रुवन् देवा: स्कन्नं गर्भपरिस्रवात्।।1.37.27।।कार्तिकेयं महाभागं काकुत्स्थ ज्वलनोपमम्।,"O scion of the Kakusthas, Karttikeya lustrous like flaming fire, was very fortunate Descended from the womb of the Ganga, he is named Skanda by the gods. " प्रादुर्भूतं तत: क्षीरं कृत्तिकानामनुत्तमम् ।।1.37.28।।षण्णां षडाननो भूत्वा जग्राह स्तनजं पय:।,"Then excellent milk surged in the breasts of krittikas. Assuming six mouths, he sucked the milk." गृहीत्वा क्षीरमेकाह्ना सुकुमारवपुस्तदा।।1.37.29।।अजयत्स्वेन वीर्येण दैत्यसेनागणान् विभु:।,Drinking milk just for a day and with a body still tender he could vanquish hosts of demons by his inborn prowess so capable be was सुरसेनागणपतिं ततस्तमतुलद्युतिम्।।1.37.30।।अभ्यषिञ्चन् सुरगणा स्समेत्याग्निपुरोगमा:।,"With the Firegod in the forefront, all the gods assembled and installed Karttikeya, shining on unsurpassed brilliant, as commander of the gods forces. " एष ते राम गङ्गाया विस्तरोऽभिहितो मया।।1.37.31।।कुमारसम्भवश्चैव धन्य: पुण्यस्तथैव च। ,"""O Rama this story of Ganga and that of the birth of Kumara, who was fortunate and auspicious, has been related to you in detail. " भक्तश्च य: कार्तिकेये काकुत्स्थ भुवि मानवः।आयुष्मान् पुत्रपौत्रैश्च स्कन्दसालोक्यतां व्रजेत्।।1.37.32।।,"O son of the Kakusthas whosoever reveres Kartikeya on this earth with devotion and faith, shall have a long life, sons and grandsons and after death will reach the world of Skanda"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डेण्डे सप्तत्रिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the thirtyseventh sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Emperor Sagara performs austerities and a sacrifice for progeny.]तां कथां कौशिको रामे निवेद्य कुशिकात्मज:।पुनरेवापरं वाक्यं काकुत्स्थ मिदमब्रवीत्।।1.38.1।।,"Viswamitra, an offspring of Kusika having related the story (of Karthikeya) to the son of the Kakusthas (Rama) said again." अयोध्याधिपति श्शूर: पूर्वमासीन्नराधिप:।सगरो नाम धर्मात्मा प्रजाकामस्स चाप्रज:।।1.38.2।।,"""In olden days there lived a brave and righteous king named Sagara who was ruler of Ayodhya. He was childless and desired to have children," वैदर्भदुहिता राम केशिनी नाम नामत:।ज्येष्ठा सगरपत्नी सा धर्मिष्ठा सत्यवादिनी।।1.38.3।।,O Rama the daughter of the king of Vidarbha by name Kesini was Sagara's eldest wife who was righteous and truthful. अरिष्टनेमेर्दुहिता रूपेणाप्रतिमा भुवि।द्वितीया सगरस्यासीत्पत्नी सुमतिसंज्ञिता ।।1.38.4।।,The daughter of Arishtanemi named Sumati was the second wife of Sagara and none surpassed her in charm on earth. ताभ्यां सह महाराज: पत्नीभ्यां तप्तवांस्तप:।हिमवन्तं समासाद्य भृगुप्रस्रवणे गिरौ।।1.38.5।।,The king (Sagara) accompanied by his wives reached Himavat mountain and engaged himself in severe austerities on a peak called Bhriguprasravana. अथ वर्षशते पूर्णे तपसाऽराधितो मुनि:।सगराय वरं प्रादाद्भृगुस्सत्यवतां वर:।।1.38.6।।,"When Sagara completed a hundred years in austerities, highly pleased by his performance, ascetic Bhrugu, the best among the truthful granted him a boon." अपत्यलाभस्सुमहान् भविष्यति तवानघ।कीर्तिं चाप्रतिमां लोके प्राप्स्यसे पुरुषर्षभ।।1.38.7।। ,"O sinless one, you will get a very great progeny, O best among men you will acquire unparalleled fame in this world." एका जनयिता तात पुत्रं वंशकरं तव।षष्ठिं पुत्रसहस्राणि अपरा जनयिष्यति।।1.38.8।।,"O child, one wife will beget a son who will perpetuate your race and the other, sixty thousand sons, said Bhrugu." भाषमाणं महात्मानं राजपुत्र्यौ प्रसाद्य तम्।ऊचतु: परमप्रीते कृताञ्जलिपुटे तदा।।1.38.9।।,"Thereafter, both the daughters of the king were exceedingly delighted. Having propitiated that magnanimous asectic both of them with folded hands in supplication, said:" एक: कस्यास्सुतो ब्रह्मन् का बहून् जनयिष्यति।श्रोतुमिच्छावहे ब्रह्मन् सत्यमस्तु वचस्तव।।1.38.10।। ,"O knower of Brahman which of us will beget one, and who many sons? O Brahmarshi we wish to hear. Let your words come true"". " तयोस्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा भृगु: परमधार्मिक:।उवाच परमां वाणीं स्वच्छन्दोऽत्र विधीयताम्।।1.38.11।।," Hearing their words, highly virtuous Bhrugu made an excellent statement saying, 'In this matter, you may exercise your free will'." एको वंशकरो वाऽस्तु बहवो वा महाबला:।कीर्तिमन्तो महोत्साहा: का वा कं वरमिच्छति।।1.38.12।।,'What would you wish? One son who perpetuates the race or many possessed of mighty strength endowed with fame and perseverance?' (asked Bhrugu). मुनेस्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा केशिनी रघुनन्दन।पुत्रं वंशकरं राम जग्राह नृपसन्निधौ।।1.38.13।।," ""O Rama, delight of the descendants of Raghus, on hearing the words of the ascetic in the presence of king Sagara, Kesini chose the boon to have a son who perpetuates the race." षष्ठिं पुत्रसहस्राणि सुपर्णभगिनी तदा।महोत्साहान् कीर्तिमतो जग्राह सुमति: सुतान्।।1.38.14।।,"Then, Sumati (the other wife) sister of Suparna (Garuda) obtained the boon of sixty thousand sons endowed with fame and great perseverance." प्रदक्षिणमृषिं कृत्वा शिरसाऽभिप्रणम्य च।जगाम स्वपुरं राजा सभार्यो रघुनन्दन ।।1.38.15।।," O son of the Raghus the king along with his wives, having circumambulated saint Bhrugu, bowed his head in reverence, saluted him with folded hands and returned to his capital." अथ काले गते तस्मिन् ज्येष्ठा पुत्रं व्यजायत।असमञ्ज इति ख्यातं केशिनी सगरात्मजम्।।1.38.16।।,"After lapse of some time, the eldest wife Kesini gave birth to a son wellknown by name Asamanjasa." सुमतिस्तु नरव्याघ्र गर्भतुम्बं व्यजायत।षष्ठि: पुत्रसहस्राणि तुम्बभेदाद्विनि:सृता:।।1.38.17।।,"O best among men, Sumati gave birth to a gourdlike foetus and when it burst open, sixty thousand sons emerged." घृतपूर्णेषु कुम्भेषु धात्र्यस्तान् समवर्धयन्।कालेन महता सर्वे यौवनं प्रतिपेदिरे।।1.38.18।।,Nurses placed all of them in pots filled with clarified butter and fostered them. They attained adolescence after a long time. अथ दीर्घेण कालेन रूपयौवनशालिन:।षष्टि: पुत्रसहस्राणि सगरस्याभवंस्तदा।।1.38.19।।,"Then, after a long time Sagara's sixty thousand sons attained beauty and youth." स च ज्येष्ठो नरश्रेष्ठ सगरस्यात्मसम्भव:।बालान् गृहीत्वा तु जले सरय्वा रघुनन्दन।।1.38.20।।प्रक्षिप्य प्रहसन्नित्यं मज्जतस्तान् समीक्ष्य वै। ,"O best among men, delight of the Raghus (in the mean time) sagara's eldest son Asamanjasa, used to seize hold of children and throw them into the waters of river Sarayu. And while they were drowning, he was laughing." एवं पापसमाचारस्सज्जनप्रतिबाधक:।।1.38.21।।पौराणामहिते युक्त: पुत्रो निर्वासित: पुरात्।,Thus this son inclined towards evil and formenting the good citizens was banished (of the king) from the capital for his indulgence in malevolent acts. तस्य पुत्रोंऽशुमान्नाम असमञ्जस्य वीर्यवान्।।1.38.22।।सम्मत स्सर्वलोकस्य सर्वस्यापि प्रियंवद:।," Asamanjasa's son was Anshuman. He was valiant, beloved and courteous to every one in the world." तत: कालेन महता मतिस्समभिजायत।।1.38.23।।सगरस्य नरश्रेष्ठ यजेयमिति निश्चिता।,"O best among men after a long time, a thought came to the mind of Sagara to definitely perform a sacrifice. " स कृत्वा निश्चयं राम सोपाध्यायगणस्तदा।।1.38.24।।यज्ञकर्मणि वेदज्ञो यष्टुं समुपचक्रमे।,"O Rama having determined to perform a sacrifice, he (Sagara) versed in the Vedas, started the initiatory rites for the sacrifice in the company of high priests"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे अष्टात्रिंशस्सर्ग: 2Thus ends the thirtyeighth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Indra steals the sacrificial horse released by king Sagara Sons of Sagara excavate the earth in search of the horse the gods approach Brahma.]विश्वामित्रवचश्श्रुत्वा कथाऽन्ते रघुनन्दन:।उवाच परमप्रीतो मुनिं दीप्तमिवानलम्।।1.39.1।।,"Immensely pleased with the words of Viswamitra, to the ascetic flaming bright like fire, Rama spoke towards the end of the narration:" श्रोतुमिच्छामि भद्रं ते विस्तरेण कथामिमाम्।पूर्वको मे कथं ब्रह्मन् यज्ञं वै समुपाहरत्।।1.39.2।।,"""O Brahman I wish to listen in detail as to how my ancestors made preparations for the sacrifice? Prosperity to you"". " विश्वामित्रस्तु काकुत्स्थमुवाच प्रहसन्निव।श्रूयतां विस्तरो राम सगरस्य महात्मन:।।1.39.3।।,"Viswamitra addressing the son of the Kakusthas (Rama) with a smile said, ""O Rama hear in detail the story of the magnanimous king Sagara"". " शङ्करश्वशुरो नाम हिमवानचलोत्तम:।विंध्यपर्वतमासाद्य निरीक्षेते परस्परम्।।1.39.4।।,"""Sankara's fatherinlaw named Himavan is the greatest mountain. Himavan and Vindhya came close and began looking at one another. (because both are of extreme height and in between them there was no obstruction)." तयोर्मध्ये प्रवृत्तोऽभूद्यज्ञ स्सपुरुषोत्तम।स हि देशो नरव्याघ्र प्रशस्तो यज्ञकर्मणि।।1.39.5।।,"""O best of men, the sacrifice took place in the region in between these two mountains. O tiger among men the region was appropriate for conducting sacrificial acts. " तस्याश्वचर्यां काकुत्स्थ दृढधन्वा महारथ:।अंशुमानकरोत्तात सगरस्य मते स्थित:।।1.39.6।।," ""O child, O son of the Kakutsthas, the great charioteer Anshuman (who can fight with eleven thousand charioteers), wielding a strong bow followed the sacrificial horse (in order to protect it) in compliance with Sagara's wish." तस्य पर्वणि तं यज्ञं यजमानस्य वासव:।राक्षसीं तनुमास्थाय यज्ञीयाश्वमपाहरत्।।1.39.7।।,"On the concluding day of the fortnight (full moon day) while the sacrifice was being performed, Vasava (Indra) assuming the form of rakshasa, had stolen away Sagara's sacrificial horse. " ह्रियमाणे तु काकुत्स्थ तस्मिन्नश्वे महात्मन:।उपाध्यायगणास्सर्वे यजमानमथाब्रुवन्।।1.39.8।।,"O son of the Kakutsthas, when the magnanimous king Sagara's sacrificial horse was stolen away, all the high priests addressing the performer of the sacrifice said:" अयं पर्वणि वेगेन यज्ञियाश्वोऽपनीयते।हर्तारं जहि काकुत्स्थ हयश्चैवोपनीयताम्।।1.39.9।।,'O Kakutstha on this auspicious (fullmoon) day the sacrificial horse has been stolen away suddenly and forcibly. Slay the thief and bring back the horse'. यज्ञच्छिद्रं भवत्येतत्सर्वेषामशिवाय न:।तत्तथा क्रियतां राजन् यथाऽच्छिद्र: क्रतुर्भवेत्।।1.39.10।। , 'This flaw in sacrifice will be inauspicious for all of us. Hence O king do everything which will ensure flawlessness to this sacrifice'. उपाध्यायवच श्श्रुत्वा तस्मिन् सदसि पार्थिव:।षष्टिं पुत्रसहस्राणि वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह।।1.39.11।।," Having heard the words of the officiating priests, the king (Sagara) addressed his sixty thousand sons in the sacrificial assembly, saying:" गतिं पुत्रा: न पश्यामि रक्षसां परुषर्षभा:।मन्त्रपूतैर्महाभागैरास्थितो हि महाक्रतु:।।1.39.12।।," 'O Best among men, O sons I do not the hand of rakshasas in this as this great sacrifice is consecrated by mantras (to prevent any interruption) and is presided over by eminent priests." तद्गच्छत विचिन्वध्वं पुत्रका: भद्रमस्तु व:।समुद्रमालिनीं सर्वां पृथिवीमनुगच्छत।।1.39.13।। ,"'Therefore my sons, go and search this entire earth surrounded by oceans. May you be safe'." एकैकयोजनं पुत्रा विस्तारमधिगच्छत।यावत्तुरगसन्दर्श: तावत् खनत मेदिनीम्।तं चैव हयहर्तारं मार्गमाणा ममाज्ञया।।1.39.14।।,"'O sons, acquiring yojana by yojana the length and breadth of the earth, search for the thief of the horse. Excavate the earth till the time the horse is found. This is my command'. " दीक्षित: पौत्रसहितस्सोपाध्यायगणो ह्यहम्।इह स्थास्यामि भद्रं वो यावत्तुरगदर्शनम्।।1.39.15।।,"'Having been initiated into the sacrifice, I, along with my grandson, Anshuman and other spiritual preceptors will stay here till such time the horse is found. May you be safe' " इत्युक्ता हृष्टमनसो राजपुत्रा महाबला:।जग्मुर्महीतलं राम पितुर्वचनयन्त्रिता:।।1.39.16।।,"""O Rama thus commanded by Sagara, the highly powerful princes with cheeful hearts departed in obedience to their father's command in quest of the horse on earth." योजनायामविस्तारमेकैको धरणीतलम्।बिभिदु: परुषव्याघ्र वज्रस्पर्शसमैर्नखै:।।1.39.17।।,"O Tiger among men each one of them occupying one yojana in length and breadth of ground, dug up the earth with their nails that were sharp as diamonds. " शूलैरशनिकल्पैश्च हलैश्चापि सुदारुणै:।भिद्यमाना वसुमती ननाद रघुनन्दन।।1.39.18।।,O Son of the Raghus (Rama) dreadful sounds emanated while the earth was being broken open by ploughs and lances similar to thunderbolt. नागानां मथ्यमानानामसुराणां च राघव ।राक्षसानां च दुर्धर्षस्सत्त्वानां निनदोऽभवत्।।1.39.19।।,"O descendant of Raghu when the earth was being churned, an irrepressible sound of serpents, demons and rakshasas --of all creatures emerged." योजनानां सहस्राणि षष्टिं तु रघुनन्दन ।बिभिदुर्धरणीं वीरा: रसातलमनुत्तमम्।।1.39.20।। ,O Descendant of the Raghus the heroic sons of Sagara excavated sixty thousand yojanas of earth reaching the nether world (one of the several regions below the earth). एवं पर्वतसम्बाधं जम्बूद्वीपं नृपात्मजा:।खनन्तो नरशार्दूल सर्वत: परिचक्रमु:।।1.39.21।।,"O Foremost among men (Rama) the princes while thus excavating Jambu dweepa, in this way filled with mountains, moved around everywhere." ततो देवास्सगन्धर्वास्सासुरास्सहपन्नगा:।सम्भ्रान्तमनसस्सर्वे पितामहमुपागमन्।।1.39.22।।,"Then the gods together with the gandharvas, asuras and serpents in bewildered minds approached Lord Brahma." ते प्रसाद्य महात्मानं विषण्णवदनास्तदा। ऊचु: परमसन्त्रस्ता पितामहमिदं वच:।।1.39.23।।," With highly agitated minds and meloncholic faces, all of them approached magnanimous Brahma and having propitiated him said: " भगवन् पृथिवी सर्वा खन्यते सगरात्मजै:।बहवश्च महात्मानो हन्यन्ते तलवासिन:।।1.39.24।।,O Venerable one the entire earth is being excavated by the sons of Sagara. Many great beings living in the lower worlds are being killed. अयं यज्ञहरोऽस्माकमनेनाश्वोऽपनीयते।इति ते सर्वभूतानि निघ्नन्ति सगरात्मजा:।।1.39.25।।,"'This one is the destroyer of our sacrifice. He has stolen away our horse' saying so the sons of Sagara are slaying all living beings"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकोनचत्वारिंशस्सर्ग: ।।Thus ends the thirtyninth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Brahma consoles the devatas--sons of Sagara continue to excavate the earth in search of sacrificial horse-- trace the horse near Kapila--cursed by Kapila, Sagara's sons are reduced to ashes].देवतानां वचश्श्रुत्वा भगवान्वै पितामह:।प्रत्युवाच सुसन्त्रस्तान्कृतान्तबलमोहितान्।।1.40.1।।","Having heard the devatas, extremely frightened, and deprived of their sensual perception by the prowess of fate. The adorable grandsire (Brahma) replied:" यस्येयं वसुधा कृत्स्ना वासुदेवस्य धीमत:।कापिलं रूपमास्थाय धारयत्यनिशं धराम्।।1.40.2।।तस्य कोपाग्निना दग्धा भविष्यन्ति नृपात्मजा:।,'This whole earth belongs to sagacious Vasudeva. He always supports the earth assuming the form of Kapila. The princes will be burnt by the fire of his wrath. पृथिव्याश्चापि निर्भेदोऽदृष्ट एव सनातन:।।1.40.3।।सगरस्य च पुत्राणां विनाशोऽदीर्घजीविनाम्।, The excavation of this earth and the destruction of the short lived sons of Sagara is predestined since eternity'. पितामहवचश्श्रुत्वा त्रयस्त्रिंशदरिन्दम।।1.40.4।।देवा: परमसंहृष्टा: पुनर्जग्मुर्यथागतम्।," ""O Destroyer of enemies (Rama) On hearing the words of the grandsire (Brahma), the thirtythree gods, exceedingly delighted returned the way they had come." सगरस्य च पुत्राणां प्रादुरासीन्महात्मनाम्।।1.40.5।।पृथिव्यां भिद्यमानायां निर्घातसमनिस्वन:।,A sound like the resembling of thunder emanated while the earth was being riven by the noble sons of Sagara. ततो भित्वा महीं सर्वे कृत्वा चाभिप्रदक्षिणम्।।1.40.6।।सहिता स्सगरास्सर्वे पितरं वाक्यमब्रुवन्।0,"Afterwards, all the sons of Sagara, having riven the earth approached their father and circumamulating him said:" परिक्रान्ता मही सर्वा सत्त्ववन्तश्च सूदिता:।।1.40.7।।देवदानवरक्षांसि पिशाचोरगकिन्नरा:।न च पश्यामहेऽश्वं तमश्वहर्तारमेव च।।1.40.8।।किं करिष्याम भद्रं ते बुद्धिरत्र विचार्यताम्।,"'The entire earth was ransacked. Mighty devatas, demons, rakshasas, pisachas, uragas and kinnaras were killed. (Yet) we could neither see the horse nor the thief of the horse. Reflect over this matter and direct us. Prosperity to you'" तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा पुत्राणां राजसत्तम:।।1.40.9।।समन्युरब्रवीद्वाक्यं सगरो रघुनन्दन।,"""O Rama incensed to fury at the words of his sons, magnanimous king Sagara replied"":" भूय: खनत भद्रं वो निर्भिद्य वसुधातलम्।।1.40.10।।अश्वहर्तारमासाद्य कृतार्थाश्च निवर्तथ। ,"Rive the earth again and excavate, capture the one who has stolen the horse and return after having accomplished the purpose. Safety to you" पितुर्वचनमासाद्य सगरस्य महात्मन:।।1.40.11।।षष्टि: पुत्रसहस्राणि रसातलमभिद्रवन्।,"Receiving the command of their father, the magnanimous Sagara, his sixty thousand sons ran towards Rasatala (nether world)." खन्यमाने ततस्तस्मिन् ददृशु: पर्वतोपमम्।।1.40.12।।दिशागजं विरूपाक्षं धारयन्तं महीतलम्।,"Then while they were excavating the region they beheld the elephant of the quarter named Virupaksha equal in size to a mountain, supporting the earth." सपर्वतवनां कृत्स्नां पृथिवीं रघुनन्दन।।1.40.13।।शिरसा धारयामास विरूपाक्षो महागज:।,O descendant of Raghu the mighty elephant Virupaksha was holding on its head the entire earth with its mountains and forests. यदा पर्वणि काकुत्स्थ विश्रमार्थं महागज:।।1.40.14।।खेदाच्चालयते शीर्षं भूमिकम्पस्तदाभवेत्।, O descendant of Kakustha when that mighty elephant shakes its head for rest from weariness on certain sacred days earthquake occurs. तं ते प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा दिशापालं महागजम्।।1.40.15।।मानयन्तो हि ते राम जग्मुर्भित्त्वा रसातलम्।,"O Rama having circumabulated and honoured that mighty elephant, the protector of the quarter they reached the Rasatala by riving the earth. " तत: पूर्वां दिशं भित्त्वा दक्षिणां बिभिदु: पुन:।।1.40.16।।दक्षिणस्यामपि दिशि ददृशुस्ते महागजम्।महापद्मं महात्मानं सुमहत्पर्वतोपमम्।।1.40.17।।शिरसा धारयन्तं ते विस्मयं जग्मुरुत्तमम्।,"Subsequently, having dug the eastern region, they went on to southern and dug it too. In the southern region, they beheld a mighty elephant, magnanimous Mahapadma, resembling a great mountain. To their astonishment, they saw that elephant holding the earth on its head. " तत: प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा सगरस्य महात्मन:।।1.40.18।।षष्टि: पुत्रसहस्राणि पश्चिमां बिभिदुर्दिशम्।,"Thereafter, illustrious Sagara's sixty thousand sons, having circumabulated the elephant of the western region dug up that region. " पश्चिमायामपि दिशि महान्तमचलोपमम्।।1.40.19।।दिशागजं सौमनसं ददृशुस्ते महाबला:।,"Possessed of great strength, they beheld also in the western quarter a great elephant of the quarter named Saumanasa resembling a mountain. " तं ते प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा पृष्ट्वा चापि निरामयम्।खनन्त स्समुपक्रान्ता दिशं हैमवतीं तत:।।1.40.20।। ,"Having paid homage and enquiring as to his wellbeing, they arrived at the northern region by digging the earth." उत्तरस्यां रघुश्रेष्ठ ददृशुर्हिमपाण्डुरम्।।1.40.21।।भद्रं भद्रेण वपुषा धारयन्तं महीमिमाम्।,"O Rama in the northern region, they beheld an auspicious elephant named Bhadra, who was white like snow, was holding that quater." समालभ्य तत स्सर्वे कृत्वा चैनं प्रदक्षिणम्।।1.40.22।।षष्टि: पुत्रसहस्राणि बिभिदुर्वसुधातलम्।," Then all sixty thousand sons having touched the elephant and circumambulated it, penetrated the earth. " तत: प्रागुत्तरां गत्वा सागरा: प्रथितां दिशम्।।1.40.23।। रोषादभ्यखनन् सर्वे पृथिवीं सगरात्मजा:।,"Subsequently, the sons of Sagara, having gone towards the celebrated northeastern region began to dig with wrath. " ते तु सर्वे महात्मानो भीमवेगा महाबला:।।1.40.24।।ददृशु: कपिलं तत्र वासुदेवं सनातनम्।हयं च तस्य देवस्य चरन्तमविदूरत:।।1.40.25।।प्रहर्षमतुलं प्राप्तास्सर्वे ते रघुनन्दन।,Great sons of Sagara terribly swiftfooted and exceedingly powerful beheld the eternal Visnu in (sage) Kapila and not far away from him the horse grazing. O descendant of Raghu they all experienced unparalleled joy. ते तं हयवरं ज्ञात्वा क्रोधपर्याकुलेक्षणा:।।1.40.26।।खनित्रलाङ्गलधरा नानावृक्षशिलाधरा:।अभ्यधावन्त सङ्क्रुद्धास्तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रुवन्।।1.40.27।।," They recognised that best of horses. Their eyes were red with anger. Armed with spades, ploughshares and every kind of tree and stone and furious with wrath, they rushed towards Kapila shouting, wait, wait" अस्माकं त्वं हि तुरगं यज्ञीयं हृतवानसि।दुर्मेधस्त्वं हि सम्प्राप्तान् विद्धि नस्सगरात्मजान् ।।1.40.28।।,'O Wickedminded one you have stolen our sacrificial horse. Know that those of us who have come here are the sons of Sagara'. श्रुत्वा तु वचनं तेषां कपिलो रघुनन्दन।रोषेण महताऽऽविष्टो हुङ्कारमकरोत्तदा।।1.40.29।।,"""O descendant of Raghu Kapila, having heard their words, overwhelmed with great wrath, uttered the sound ""H'm""." ततस्तेनाप्रमेयेन कपिलेन महात्मना।भस्मराशीकृतास्सर्वे काकुत्स्थ सगरात्मजा:।।1.40.30।।,"O son of Kakusthas all the sons of Sagara were reduced to a heap of ashes, by that magnanimous Kapila, whose power was beyond imagination"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे चत्वारिंशस्सर्ग:।। Thus ends the fortieth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [ Anshuman brings back the horse.]पुत्रांश्चिरगतान् ज्ञात्वा सगरो रघुनन्दन।नप्तारमब्रवीद्राजा दीप्यमानं स्वतेजसा।।1.41.1।।,"""O Delight of the Raghus, king Sagara, realising that his sons had left long ago said to his grandson Anshuman resplendent with his own lustre: " शूरश्च कृतविद्यश्च पूर्वैस्तुल्योऽसि तेजसा।पितृ़णां गतिमन्विच्छ येन चाश्वोऽपवाहित:।।1.41.2।।, 'You are valiant. You have acquired knowledge (in various fields). You are illustrious like your ancestors. Pursue the track taken by your uncles and by the thief who ran away with the horse'. अन्तर्भौमानि सत्त्वानि वीर्यवन्ति महान्ति च।तेषां त्वं प्रतिघातार्थं सास्त्रं गृह्णीष्व कार्मुकम्।।1.41.3।।,'Creatures in the depths of the earth are powerful and mighty. Carry with you a bow and weapons to counter their attack'. अभिवाद्याभिवाद्यांस्त्वं हत्वा विघ्नकरानपि।सिद्धार्थस्सन्निवर्तस्व मम यज्ञस्य पारग:।।1.41.4।।,'Honour those who deserve it. Kill those who cause obstacles to sacrifice. Come back with your mission accomplishing. And ensure the (successful) completion of my sacrifice'. एवमुक्तोंऽशुमान्सम्यक् सगरेण महात्मना।धनुरादाय खड्गं च जगाम लघुविक्रम:।।1.41.5।।," ""Having been throughly instructed by the highsouled Sagara in this way, Anshuman left with rapid strides carrying a scimitar and a bow." स खातं पितृभिर्मार्गमन्तर्भौमं महात्मभि:।प्रापद्यत नरश्रेष्ठ तेन राज्ञाऽभिचोदित:।।1.41.6।।,"O Best among men directed by the king (Sagara), Anshuman followed the path taken by his noble uncles into the depths of the earth." दैत्यदानवरक्षोभि: पिशाचपतगोरगै:।पूज्यमानं महातेजा दिशागजमपश्यत।।1.41.7।।,"Exceedingly valiant Ashuman beheld the elephant of the quarter worshipped by daityas, danavas, rakshasas, pisachas, birds and serpents." स तं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा पृष्ट्वा चापि निरामयम्।पितृ़न् स परिपप्रच्छ वाजिहर्तारमेव च।।1.41.8।।," Having circumambulated the elephant, he (Anshuman) enquired about his wellbeing, the where abouts of his uncles and also about the one who had stolen the sacrificial horse." दिशागजस्तु तच्छ्रुत्वा प्रत्याहांशुमतो वच:।आसमञ्ज कृतार्थस्त्वं सहाश्वश्शीघ्रमेष्यसि।।1.41.9।।," Having listened to the words of Anshuman the elephant of the quarter replied, 'O Anshuman, son of Asamanjasa having fulfilled your objective, you will go back soon with the horse'." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सर्वानेव दिशागजान्।यथाक्रमं यथान्यायं प्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे।।1.41.10।। ,"Having listened to the words of the elephant, Anshuman started enquring the well being of each of the guardians (elephants) of the quarters successively with due respect:" तैश्च सर्वैर्दिशापालैर्वाक्यज्ञैर्वाक्यकोविदै:।पूजितस्सहयश्चैव गन्ताऽसीत्यभिचोदित:।।1.41.11।।," All those elephants of the quarters were knowers of the essence of words and proficient in the right use of words. Treating him kindly the elephants encouraged him saying, 'You will go back with the horse'. " तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा जगाम लघुविक्रम:।भस्मराशीकृता यत्र पितरस्तस्य सागरा:।।1.41.12।।,"Hearing their words with a quick pace where he reached the place his uncles, sons of Sagara were reduced to heaps of ashes." स दु:खवशमापन्नस्त्वसमञ्जसुतस्तदा।चुक्रोश परमार्तस्तु वधात्तेषां सुदु:खित:।।1.41.13।।," Then the son of Asamanjasa, overwhelmed with sorrow and deeply distressed at their destruction, bewailed with great grief." यज्ञीयं च हयं तत्र चरन्तमविदूरत:।ददर्श पुरुषव्याघ्रो दु:खशोकसमन्वित:।।1.41.14।।,"Possessed by grief and tears, Anshuman, that tiger among men, beheld the sacrificial horse grazing nearby." स तेषां राजपुत्राणां कर्तुकामो जलक्रियाम् ।सलिलार्थी महातेजा न चापश्यज्जलाशयम् ।।1.41.15।।,"With the intention of performing traditional funeral rites with water for the deceased princes, highly lustrous Anshuman looked around for water but could not see any reservoir of water (in the neighbourhood)." विसार्य निपुणां दृष्टिं ततोऽपश्यत्खगाधिपम् ।पितृ़णां मातुलं राम सुपर्णमनिलोपमम्।।1.41.16।।,"O Rama with his keen eyes, he (Anshuman) marked Suparna, the maternal uncle of his uncles, lord of the eagles (Garuda) bestowed with the swiftness of the wind." स चैवमब्रवीद्वाक्यं वैनतेयो महाबल :।मा शुच: पुरुषव्याघ्र वधोऽयं लोकसम्मत:।।1.41.17।।,"Highly powerful Garuda, son of Vinata, addressing Anshuman said 'O Tiger among men do not grieve. This act of assasination is meant for the welfare of the three worlds'." कपिलेनाप्रमेयेन दग्धा हीमे महाबला:।सलिलं नार्हसि प्राज्ञ दातुमेषां हि लौकिकम्।।1.41.18।।, 'Your valiant uncles have been burnt by Kapila of boundless power. O Sagcious one performing traditional rites with ordinary water is not proper'. गङ्गा हिमवतो ज्येष्ठा दुहिता पुरुषर्षभ। तस्यां कुरु महाबाहो पितृ़णां तु जलक्रियाम्।।1.41.19।।," 'O Best among men O Mightyarmed one perform the traditional rites of your uncles with water from river Ganga, the eldest daughter of Himavat'." भस्मराशीकृतानेतान् प्लावयेल्लोकपावनी।तया क्लिन्नमिदं भस्म गङ्गया लोककान्तया।।1.41.20।।षष्टिं पुत्रसहस्राणि स्वर्गलोकं च नेष्यति। ,"Ganga, the purifier of the three worlds, will sanctify your uncles reduced to heaps of ashes. These heaps when inundated by waters of Ganga, beloved of the worlds, will take all the sixty thousand sons to heaven." गच्छ चाश्वं महाभाग तं गृह्य पुरुषर्षभ।।1.41.21।।यज्ञं पैतामहं वीर संवर्तयितुमर्हसि।,'O Highly fortunate one O Best among men go back with that horse. O Hero It behoves of you to complete the sacrifice undertaken by your grandfather'. सुपर्णवचनं श्रुत्वा सोंऽशुमानतिवीर्यवान् ।।1.41.22।।त्वरितं हयमादाय पुनरायान्महायशा:।,"Exceedingly powerful and highly renowned Anshuman, on hearing the words of Garuda returned quickly to the capital with the horse৷৷ " ततो राजानमासाद्य दीक्षितं रघुनन्दन।।1.41.23।।न्यवेदयद्यथावृत्तं सुपर्णवचनं तथा। ," O Descendant of the Raghus (Rama), having reached the king who had been initiated into the ceremony, Anshuman communicated faithfully to him all that had happened. He also reported the words Suparna had said." तच्छ्रुत्वा घोरसङ्काशं वाक्यमंशुमतो नृप:।।1.41.24।।यज्ञं निवर्तयामास यथाकल्पं यथाविधि।,"The king heard (was stunned to hear) the awful words of Anshuman, (yet) he performed the sacrifice in accordance with traditional scriptures and Kalpa, the Vedanga." स्वपुरं चागमच्छ्रीमानिष्टयज्ञोमहीपति:।।1.41.25।।गङ्गायाश्चागमे राजा निश्चयं नाध्यगच्छत। ,The great lord of the earth (king Sagara) after performing the sacrifice reached his capital. (But) He could not devise any means to bring Ganga down to the earth. अकृत्वा निश्चयं राजा कालेन महता महान् ।त्रिंशद्वर्षसहस्राणि राज्यं कृत्वा दिवं गत:।।1.41.26।।,"The mighty king (Sagara), over a long period of time without being able to devise means (to bring Ganga down to the earth), ruled the kingdom for thirty thousand years and ascended to heaven"". इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकचत्वारिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fortyfirst sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [ Anshuman performs penance to bring Ganga to the earth-- Bhagiratha follows --receives boon from Brahma--Brahma informs Anshuman that only lord Siva is capable to hold Ganga.] कालधर्मं गते राम सगरे प्रकृतीजना:।राजानं रोचयामासुरंशुमन्तं सुधार्मिकम्।।1.42.1।।,"""O Rama when Sagara died, the subjects installed the highly virtuous Anshuman as king." स राजा सुमहानासीदंशुमान् रघुनन्दन ।तस्य पुत्रो महानासीद्दिलीप इति विश्रुत:।।1.42.2।।,"O descendnt of the Raghus that Anshuman became a very great monarch. He had a great son, Dilipa who became famous." तस्मिन् राज्यं समावेश्य दिलीपे रघुनन्दन।हिमवच्छिखरे पुण्ये तपस्तेपे सुदारुणम्।।1.42.3।।,"O Delight of the Raghus having vested the kingdom with Dilipa, Anshuman performed rigid penance on the sacred peak of the Himavat mountain." द्वात्रिंशच्च सहस्राणि वर्षाणि सुमहायशा:।तपोवनं गतो राम स्वर्गं लेभे तपोधन:।।1.42.4।।,"O Rama highly renowned Anshuman, having lived for thirtytwo thousand years in the tapovana, turned an ascetic and attained heaven (without accomplishing his objective)." दिलीपस्तु महातेजाश्श्रुत्वा पैतामहं वधम्।दु:खोपहतया बुद्ध्या निश्चयं नाध्यगच्छत।।1.42.5।।,"When exceedingly brilliant Dilipa heard about the death of his grandfathers, he was overtaken by grief but could not arrive at any conclusion with his intellect (regarding means of bringing down the sacred river)." कथं गङ्गावतरणं कथं तेषां जलक्रिया।तारयेयं कथं चैतानिति चिन्तापरोऽभवत्।।1.42.6।। ,How to bring about the descent of Ganga? How to perform funeral rites of the ancestors with Ganga water? How to liberate them Thus Dilipa was constantly engaged in such thoughts. तस्य चिन्तयतो नित्यं धर्मेण विदितात्मन:।पुत्रो भगीरथो नाम जज्ञे परमधार्मिक:।।1.42.7।। ,"As Dilipa known for his knowledge of the soul constantly reflected righteously on (this matter of Ganga), a highly virtuous son named Bhagiratha was born to him." दिलीपस्तु महातेजा यज्ञैर्बहुभिरिष्टवान्।त्रिंशद्वर्षसहस्राणि राजा राज्यमकारयत्।।1.42.8।।,Most brilliant king Dilipa ruled the kingdom for thirty thousand years performing many sacrifices. अगत्वा निश्चयं राजा तेषामुद्धरणं प्रति ।व्याधिना नरशार्दूल कालधर्ममुपेयिवान्।।1.42.9।।,O Tiger among men king Dilipa was unable to arrive at a conclusion regarding the salvation of his ancestors.He was affected by illness and died. इन्द्रलोकं गतो राजा स्वार्जितेनैव कर्मणा।राज्ये भगीरथं पुत्रमभिषिच्य नरर्षभ:।।1.42.10।। ,The king (Dilipa) performed the coronation of his son Bhagiratha and reached the region of Indra as a reward for virtuous acts done by him. भगीरथस्तु राजर्षिर्धार्मिको रघुनन्दन।अनपत्यो महातेजा: प्रजाकामस्स चाप्रज:।।1.42.11।।, O delight of the Raghus righteous Bhagiratha who was highly lustrous rajarshi was without sons. He was desirous of progeny but did not beget children. मन्त्रिष्वाधाय तद्राज्यं गङ्गावतरणे रत:।स तपो दीर्घमातिष्ठद्गोकर्णे रघुनन्दन।।1.42.12।।ऊर्ध्वबाहु: पञ्चतपा मासाहारो जितेन्द्रिय:।,"O son of the Raghus (Rama), Bhagiratha, with a determination to bring down Ganga entrusted the kingdom to his ministers and went to a sacred place known as Gokarna. There with arms uplifted surrounded by four fires, partaking food once a month, with his senses controlled, carried out panchatapa for a number of years. " तस्य वर्षसहस्राणि घोरे तपसि तिष्ठत:।।1.42.13।।अतीतानि महाबाहो तस्य राज्ञो महात्मन:। सुप्रीतो भगवान् ब्रह्मा प्रजानां पतिरीश्वर:।।1.42.14।।,"O mightyarmed, (Rama) Bhagiratha continued in that state for a thousand years amidst rigid austerities. Lord of all creatures, Brahma was highly pleased with that illustrious king." ततस्सुरगणैस्सार्धमुपागम्य पितामह:।भगीरथं महात्मानं तप्यमानमथाब्रवीत्।।1.42.15।।,"Thereafter, the Grandsire arrived with the gods and spoke to the noble Bhagiratha engaged in austerities. " भगीरथ महाभाग प्रीतस्तेऽहं जनेश्वर।तपसा च सुतप्तेन वरं वरय सुव्रत।।1.42.16।।, 'O distinguished one O mighty monarch O Bhagiratha of excellent vows I am pleased with your welldisciplined austerities. Ask for a boon'. तमुवाच महातेजा: सर्वलोकपितामहम्।भगीरथो महाभाग: कृताञ्जलिरुपस्थित:।।1.42.17।।,"Brilliant, glorious Bhagiratha, stood before the Grandsire of all the worlds with folded palms and spoke"":" यदि मे भगवन् प्रीतो यद्यस्ति तपस: फलम्।सगरस्यात्मजास्सर्वे मत्तस्सलिलमाप्नुयु:।।1.42.18।।,"'O Lord if you are pleased with my austerities and if they are worthy of a reward, grant me the boon whereby all the sons of Sagara will receive from me funeral rites with the waters (of Ganga)'." गङ्गायास्सलिलक्लिन्ने भस्मन्येषां महात्मनाम्।स्वर्गं गच्छेयुरत्यन्तं सर्वे मे प्रपितामहा:।।1.42.19।। ,"'The ashes of these eminent uncles of my grandfather, immersed by the waters of Ganga may ultimately go to heaven'." देया च सन्ततिर्देव नावसीदेत्कुलं च न:।इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले देव एष मेऽस्तु वर:पर:।।1.42.20।।,'O Lord let the progeny be perpuated in our race of the Ikshvakus. Let not that dynasty be terminated with me. This is another boon I seek'. उक्तवाक्यं तु राजानं सर्वलोकपितामह:।प्रत्युवाच शुभां वाणीं मधुरां मधुराक्षराम्।।1.42.21।। ,To this the Grandsire of all the worlds replied with a sweet voice full of good wishes and sweet words. मनोरथो महानेष भगीरथ महारथ।एवं भवतु भद्रं ते इक्ष्वाकुकुलवर्धन।।1.42.22।।,"'O Great charioteer Bhagiratha, your desire is great. O Perpetuator of dynasty of the Ikshvakus, let your wish be fulfilled. Prosperity to you'." इयं हैमवती गङ्गा ज्येष्ठा हिमवतस्सुता।तां वै धारयितुं शक्तो हरस्तत्र नियुज्यताम्।।1.42.23।।, 'This Hymavati (Ganga) is Himavat's eldest daughter and only lord Siva is capable to hold (the force of her descent to earth). Therefore let Siva be entreated'. गङ्गाया: पतनं राजन् पृथिवी न सहिष्यति।तां वै धारयितुं वीर नान्यं पश्यामि शूलिन:।।1.42.24।।,'O King Ganga's descent cannot be sustained by earth. O Hero I do not see any other person to hold her than the wielder of the trident (Siva)'. तमेवमुक्त्वा राजानं गङ्गां चाभाष्य लोककृत्।जगाम त्रिदिवं देवस्सहदेवैर्मरुद्गणै:।।1.42.25।।,"The Creator of the worlds having thus addressed the king and conversing with Ganga went towards heaven along with devatas and maruts"". इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे द्विचत्वारिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fortysecond sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Pleased with the austerities of Bhagiratha, Siva holds Ganga on his head during her descent and releases in Bindu lake--Ganga branches into seven streams--following Bhagiratha, Ganga reaches the nether world and delivers the souls of Sagara's sons.]देवदेवे गते तस्मिन् सोऽङ्गुष्ठाग्रनिपीडिताम्। कृत्वा वसुमतीं राम संवत्सरमुपासत।।1.43.1।।"," ""O Rama when that God of the gods (Brahma) departed, Bhagiratha, pressing the earth with the tip of his big toe (standing supported by the big toe) penanced (meditated upon Siva) for one year." अथ संवत्सरे पूर्णे सर्वलोकनमस्कृत:।उमापति: पशुपती राजानमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.43.2।।," After one full year was completed, Iswara who is worshipped by all in all the worlds said to king Bhagiratha:" प्रीतस्तेऽहं नरश्रेष्ठ करिष्यामि तव प्रियम्।शिरसा धारयिष्यामि शैलराजसुतामहम्।।1.43.3।।,"""O Best of men I am pleased with your devotion. I will hold Ganga on my head, the daughter of the king of mountains (to reduce the force of her descent). I shall do your wish." ततो हैमवती ज्येष्ठा सर्वलोकनमस्कृता।तदा सातिमहद्रूपं कृत्वा वेगं च दुस्सहम्।।1.43.4।।आकाशादपतद्राम शिवे शिवशिरस्युत।,"Then Ganga, the eldest daughter of Himavat who is adored by all the worlds, assuming the form of a mighty river descended from the sky with unbearable speed on the auspicious head of Siva. " अचिन्तयच्च सा देवी गङ्गा परमदुर्धरा।।1.43.5।।विशाम्यहं हि पातालं स्रोतसा गृह्य शङ्करम्।,"""Goddess Ganga, extremely difficult to contain, thought that seizing Siva with her flow she would enter the lower regions of the earth." तस्यावलेपनं ज्ञात्वा क्रुद्धस्तु भगवान् हर:।।1.43.6।।तिरोभावयितुं बुद्धिं चक्रे त्रिनयनस्तदा।,"Then the threeeyed Lord Siva, aware of her proud intentions applied his intelligence to conceal her." सा तस्मिन् पतिता पुण्या पुण्ये रुद्रस्य मूर्धनि।।1.43.7।।हिमवत्प्रतिमे राम जटामण्डलगह्वरे।,"O Rama that sacred river (Ganga), descended on to the depths of the matted locks on the holy head of Siva resembling the mount Himavan." सा कथञ्चिन्महीं गन्तुं नाशक्नोद्यत्नमास्थिता।।1.43.8।।नैव निर्गमनं लेभे जटामण्डलमोहिता।,"Trapped in the matted locks, she (Ganga) could not come out. With all her efforts she could not reach the earth." तत्रैवाबम्भ्रमद्देवी संवत्सरगणान् बहून्।।1.43.9।।तामपश्यन्पुनस्तत्र तप: परममास्थित:।,"There the golden Ganga wandered about for many years. Bhagiratha not finding Ganga, once again resorted to great penance." अनेन तोषितश्चाभूदत्यर्थं रघुनन्दन।।1.43.10।।विससर्ज ततो गङ्गां हरो बिन्दुसर: प्रति। ,O Son of the Raghus (Rama) Siva was immensely pleased with the penace and thereafter released Ganga (drop by drop) forming Bindusara. तस्यां विसृज्यमानायां सप्तस्रोतांसि जज्ञिरे।।1.43.11।। ह्लादिनी पावनी चैव नलिनी च तथाऽपरा।तिस्र: प्राचीं दिशं जग्मु: गङ्गाश्शिवजलाश्शुभा:।।1.43.12।।,"As she (Ganga) was released, she branched out into seven streams. Three streams known as Hladini, Pavani and Nalini having auspicious waters and conferring prosperity flowed eastwards." सुचक्षुश्चैव सीता च सिन्धुश्चैव महानदी।तिस्रस्त्वेता दिशं जग्मु: प्रतीचीं तु शुभोदका:।।1.43.13।।,"Auspicious Suchakshu, Sita and a great river Sindhu, these three great rivers flowed westwards." सप्तमी चान्वगात्तासां भगीरथमथो नृपम्।भगीरथोऽपि राजर्षिर्दिव्यं स्यन्दनमास्थित:।।1.43.14।।प्रायादग्रे महातेजा गङ्गा तं चाप्यनुव्रजत्।,The seventh stream among them followed Bhagiratha. The most brilliant rajarshi Bhagiratha also mounting on divine chariot raced forward and Ganga followed him. गगनाच्छङ्करशिरस्ततो धरणिमाश्रिता।।1.43.15 ।।व्यसर्पत जलं तत्र तीव्रशब्दपुरस्कृतम्।,From the sky on to the head of Shankara and thence Ganga resorted to the earth. There it flowed forward with a roaring sound. मत्स्यकच्छपसङ्घैश्च शिंशुमारगणैस्तदा।।1.43.16।।पतद्भि: पतितैश्चान्यैर्व्यरोचत वसुन्धरा।,"Then the earth looked bright with the fallen and falling shoals of fish, turtles and multitudes of other seaanimals." ततो देवर्षिगन्धर्वा यक्षसिद्धगणास्तदा।।1.43.17।।व्यलोकयन्त ते तत्र गगनाद्गां गतां तथा।," Then devarshis, gandharvas, yakshas and hosts of siddhas looked on with astonishment at Ganga falling from the sky and descending on the earth." विमानैर्नगराकारैर्हयैर्गजवरैस्तदा।।1.43.18।। पारिप्लवगतैश्चापि देवतास्तत्र विष्ठिता:।,"Then, gods in a state of excitement in their aerial chariots as large as cities, on horses and on big elephants were stationed there (in the sky)." तदद्भुततमं लोके गङ्गापतनमुत्तमम्।।1.43.19।।दिदृक्षवो देवगणा: समीयुरमितौजस:।,"Gods with great lustre arrived to witness the most wonderful, grand descent of Ganga. " सम्पतद्भिस्सुरगणैस्तेषां चाभरणौजसा।।1.43.20।।शतादित्यमिवाभाति गगनं गततोयदम्।,The cloudless sky shone with the radiance of the ornaments of the gods alighting speedily to witness Ganga. It appeared as though the sky was filled with a hundred Suns. शिंशुमारोरगगणैर्मीनैरपि च चञ्चलै:।।1.43.21।।विद्युद्भिरिव विक्षिप्तमाकाशमभवत्तदा। ,"The sky strewn with lightnings appeared as if it was inhabited by seaanimals, serpents and fishes fickle." पाण्डरैस्सलिलोत्पीडै: कीर्यमाणैस्सहस्रधा।।1.43.22।।शारदाभ्रैरिवाकीर्णं गगनं हंससम्प्लवै:।, White foams of water were scattered in a thousand ways. It appeared as if the sky was spread over with autumnal clouds flocks of swans. क्वचिद्द्रुततरं याति कुटिलं क्वचिदायतम्।।1.43.23।।विनतं क्वचिदुद्धूतं क्वचिद्याति शनैश्शनै:।,"Ganga was flowing now rapid, now slow, now wide, now meandering, now low, now high. " सलिलेनैव सलिलं क्वचिदभ्याहतं पुन:।।1.43.24।।मुहुरूर्ध्वमुखं गत्वा पपात वसुधातलम्।,Sometimes waves dashed against waves. They rose repeatedly upwards and fell down on the ground. तच्छङ्करशिरोभ्रष्टं भ्रष्टं भूमितले पुन:।।1.43.25।।व्यरोचत तदा तोयं निर्मलं गतकल्मषम्।,"The waters of Ganga descended on Shankara's head and from there to the earth. Freed from all impurities, the waters looked pure and clean." तत्र देवर्षिगन्धर्वा वसुधातलवासिन:।।1.43.26।।भवाङ्गपतितं तोयं पवित्रमिति पस्पृशु:।,"Considering the waters fallen from the head of Siva sacred, devatas, rishis and gandharvas and those living on earth touched it (with reverence). " शापात्प्रपतिता ये च गगनाद्वसुधातलम्।।1.43.27।।कृत्वा तत्राभिषेकं ते बभूवुर्गतकल्मषा:।,Those cursed to fall from heaven to earth were absolved of their sins after bathing there (in the waters of Ganga). धूतपापा: पुनस्तेन तोयेनाथ सुभास्वता।।1.43.28।।पुनराकाशमाविश्य स्वान् लोकान् प्रतिपेदिरे।," Cleansed of their sins by the sparkling waters, they ascended through the sky once again to their own (celestial) worlds." मुमुदे मुदितो लोकस्तेन तोयेन भास्वता।।1.43.29।।कृताभिषेको गङ्गायां बभूव विगतक्लम:।, People rejoiced at the sight of those shining waters. They were happy to have a dip in Ganga and their fatigue was gone. भगीरथोऽपि राजार्षिर्दिव्यं स्यन्दनमास्थित:।प्रायादग्रे महातेजास्तं गङ्गा पृष्ठतोऽन्वगात्।।1.43.30।,Most brilliant rajarshi Bhagiratha also mounting the divine chariot moved forward and Ganga followed him. देवास्सर्षिगणा: सर्वे दैत्यदानवराक्षसा:।।1.43.31।।गन्धर्वयक्षप्रवरास्सकिन्नरमहोरगा:। सर्वाश्चाप्सरसो राम भगीरथरथानुगाम्।।1.43.32।।गङ्गामन्वगमन् प्रीतास्सर्वे जलचराश्च ये।,"O Rama besides acquatic beings, rishis, devatas, daityas, danavas, rakshasas along with kinnaras, serpents, foremost of gandharvas, yakshas and apsaras all followed the chariot of Bhagiratha. They were happy to follow Ganga." यतो भगीरथो राजा ततो गङ्गायशस्विनी।।1.43.33।।जगाम सरितां श्रेष्ठा सर्वपापप्रणाशिनी।," Ganga, famous and foremost of rivers, destroyer of all sins, flowed in the direction king Bhagiratha moved." ततो हि यजमानस्य जह्नोरद्भुतकर्मण:।।1.43.34।।गङ्गा सम्प्लावयामास यज्ञवाटं महात्मन:।,"Then while Ganga was flowing, it inundated the sacrificial ground of the great sage Jahnu. Jahnu who used to work wonders was performing a sacrifice. " तस्यावलेपनं ज्ञात्वा क्रुद्धो यज्वा तु राघव।।1.43.35।।अपिबच्च जलं सर्वं गङ्गाया: परमाद्भुतम्।,"O Descendant of the Raghu dynasty sage Jahnu who was performing the sacrifice, observed her pride and grew furious. And astonishingly drank the entire waters of Ganga." ततो देवास्सगन्धर्वा ऋषयश्च सुविस्मिता:।।1.43.36।।पूजयन्ति महात्मानं जह्नुं पुरुषसत्तमम्।गङ्गां चापि नयन्ति स्म दुहितृत्वे महात्मन:।।1.43.37।।,"Devatas, rishis and gandharvas stood amazed (at this act). They worshipped the magnanimous Jahnu, noblest among men. The devatas entreated the illustrious Jahnu to treat Ganga as his daughter." ततस्तुष्टो महातेजाश्श्रोत्राभ्यामसृजत् पुन:।।1.43.38।।तस्माज्जह्नुसुता गङ्गा प्रोच्यते जाह्नवीतिच।,"The brilliant (Jahnu) was pleased. He released her through both his both ears. Hence Ganga is called Jahnavi, daughter of Jahnu. " जगाम च पुनर्गङ्गा भगीरथरथानुगा।सागरं चापि सम्प्राप्ता सा सरित्प्रवरा तदा।।1.43.39।।रसातलमुपागच्छत्सिद्ध्यर्थं तस्य कर्मण:।,"Ganga, best among rivers, following the chariot of Bhagiratha, reached the ocean. She entered the nether regions of the earth in order to fulfil his mission (salvation of the sons of Sagara)." भगीरथोऽपि राजर्षि: गङ्गामादाय यत्नत:।पितामहान् भस्मकृतानपश्यद्दीनचेतन:।।1.43.40।।,"Rajarshi Bhagiratha, having brought Ganga with supreme efforts, saw with a sad heart his grandfathers reduced to ashes." अथ तद्भस्मनां राशिं गङ्गासलिलमुत्तमम्।प्लावयद्धूतपाप्मानस्स्वर्गं प्राप्ता रघूत्तम।।1.43.41।।,"O Best of the Raghus thereafter the holy waters of Ganga inundated those heaps of ashes and the sons of Sagara, purged of their sins, reached heaven"" (said Viswamitra).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे त्रिचत्वारिंशस्सर्ग:।। Thus ends the fortythird sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [King Bhagiratha performs funeral rites of his ancestors.]स गत्वा सागरं राजा गङ्गयाऽनुगतस्तदा ।प्रविवेश तलं भूमेर्यत्र ते भस्मसात्कृता:।।1.44.1।।,Thereupon that king followed by Ganga reached the ocean and entered the lower regions of the earth where the sons of Sagara were found reduced to ashes. भस्मन्यथाऽप्लुते राम गङ्गायास्सलिलेन वै।सर्वलोकप्रभुर्ब्रह्मा राजानमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.44.2।।,"After the ashes were inundated by the waters of Ganga, Brahma, lord of the world, appeared before king Bhagiratha and said:" तारिता नरशार्दूल दिवं याताश्च देववत्।षष्ठि: पुत्रसहस्राणि सगरस्य महात्मन:।।1.44.3।।,"""O Tiger among men sixty thousand sons of illustrious Sagara having been liberated, had gone towards heaven like devatas." सागरस्य जलं लोके यावत्स्थास्यति पार्थिव।सगरस्यात्मजास्तावत्स्वर्गे स्थास्यन्ति देववत्।।1.44.4।।,"O King as long as the waters in the ocean exist in this world, shall the sons of Sagara, live in heavens like gods." इयं च दुहिता ज्येष्ठा तव गङ्गा भविष्यति ।त्वत्कृतेन च नाम्नाऽथ लोके स्थास्यति विश्रुता।।1.44.5।।,This Ganga will become your eldest daughter and from now on she will be wellknown in this world (as Bhagirathi) after your name. गङ्गा त्रिपथगा राजन् दिव्या भागीरथीति च।त्रीन् पथो भावयन्तीति ततस्त्रिपथगा स्मृता।।1.44.6।।," O King divine Ganga will be called Tripathaga as well as Bhagirathi. Since she flows in the three worlds (heaven, earth and the lower world: Patala), she will be known as Tripathaga." पितामहानां सर्वेषां त्वमत्र मनुजाधिप ।कुरुष्व सलिलं राजन् प्रतिज्ञामपवर्जय।।1.44.7।।,O Lord of men O King you may offer the waters of Ganga here to all your ancestors and thereby fulfil your vow. पूर्वकेण हि ते राजंस्तेनातियशसा तदा।धर्मिणां प्रवरेणापि नैष प्राप्तो मनोरथ:।।1.44.8।।,"O King by the highly renowned ancestors of yours, the foremost among righteous ones (even Sagara) this desire has not been fulfilled. " तथैवांशुमता तात लोकेऽप्रतिमतेजसा।गङ्गां प्रार्थयतानेतुं प्रतिज्ञा नापवर्जिता।।1.44.9।।,"O Child similarly though Anshuman possessed unparalleled prowess in this world his prayer to Ganga, his vow could not be fulfilled." राजर्षिणा गुणवता महर्षिसमतेजसा।मत्तुल्यतपसा चैव क्षत्रधर्मस्थितेन च।।1.44.10।। दिलीपेन महाभाग तव पित्राऽति तेजसा।पुनर्न शङ्किताऽनेतुं गङ्गां प्रार्थयताऽनघ।।1.44.11।।,"O Sinless one (Bhagiratha) O Distinguished one on the part of Dilipa brilliant your father who had the virtuous of a rajarshi, who was equal to a maharshi in splendour, and to me in austerities and abiding to the duties of a kshatriya it was even not possible to bring Ganga through prayer." सा त्वया समनुक्रान्ता प्रतिज्ञा पुरुषर्षभ।प्राप्तोऽसि परमं लोके यश: परमसम्मतम्।।1.44.12।।,O Best among men you have fulfilled that vow. You have achieved supreme renown and reverence in this world. यच्च गङ्गावतरणं त्वया कृतमरिन्दम।अनेन च भवान् प्राप्तो धर्मस्यायतनं महत्।।1.44.13।।," O Destroyer of enemies by bringing about the descent of Ganga, you have secured a great abode in dharma." प्लावयस्व त्वमात्मानं नरोत्तम सदोचिते।सलिले पुरुषव्याघ्र शुचि: पुण्यफलो भव।।1.44.14।।,"O Best among men O Tiger among men take a dip in the eternally sacred waters, purify yourself and acquire holiness." पितामहानां सर्वेषां कुरुष्व सलिलक्रियाम्।स्वस्ति तेऽस्तु गमिष्यामि स्वं लोकं गम्यतां नृप।।1.44.15।।,"O King perform the rites of all your forefathers with the waters (of Ganga), farewell. I shall return to my world (now). Go back, O King"" (said Grandsire)" भगीरथोऽपि राजर्षि: कृत्वा सलिलमुत्तमम्।यथाक्रमं यथान्यायं सागराणां महायशा:।।1.44.17।।कृतोदकश्शुची राजा स्वपुरं प्रविवेश ह।समृद्धार्थो रघुश्रेष्ठ स्वराज्यं प्रशशास ह।।1.44.18।।,"The illustrious rajarshi Bhagiratha, performed the rites of offering the sacred water of Ganga, in accordance with proper order and tradition for the sons of Sagara. Purified with the ablutions entered his own city."" O Best of the Raghus his desire thus fulfilled he continued to rule the kingdom thereafter"". " प्रमुमोद ह लोकस्तं नृपमासाद्य राघव।नष्टशोकस्समृद्धार्थो बभूव विगतज्वर:।।1.44.19।।,"""O Best of the Raghus the world rejoiced having Bhagiratha as king. With his purpose achieved, he was freed from all mental afflictions and sorrows and thereafter lived happily." एष ते राम गङ्गाया विस्तरोऽभिहितो मया।स्वस्ति प्राप्नुहि भद्रं ते संध्याकालोऽतिवर्तते।।1.44.20।। ,O Rama I have related you the story of Ganga in detail. Evening time is passing by (and we shall perform the ablutions) farewell. धन्यं यशस्यमायुष्यं पुत्र्यं स्वर्ग्यमतीव च।यश्श्रावयति विप्रेषु क्षत्रियेष्वितरेषु च।।1.44.21।। प्रीयन्ते पितरस्तस्य प्रीयन्ते दैवतानि च।,"He will be blessed with fame, longevity, progeny and (after death) heaven brahmins One who recites this story of Ganga to the kshatriyas and others, the gods and his forefathers would be pleased with him." इदमाख्यानमव्यग्रो गङ्गावतरणं शुभम्।।1.44.22।।यश्शृणोति च काकुत्स्थ सर्वान् कामानवाप्नुयात्।सर्वे पापा: प्रणश्यन्ति आयु: कीर्तिश्च वर्धते।।1.44.23।।,"O Son of the Kakusthas whosoever listens to this auspicious story relating to the descent of Ganga with concentration, all his desires will be achieved, his sins will be destroyed and his longevity and fame will increase"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे चतुश्चत्वारिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fortyfourth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Devatas and daityas churn the ocean of milk -- Rudra swallows venom -- Visnu assumes the form of tortoise and supports Mandara mountain on his back -- emergence of Dhanvantari, apsarasas, etc -- battle between devas and daityas for possession of nectar.]विश्वामित्रवचश्श्रुत्वा राघव स्सहलक्ष्मण:।विस्मयं परमं गत्वा विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत्।।1.45.1।।","On hearing the words of Viswamitra, Rama along with Lakshmana, filled with astonishment said to him:" अत्यद्भुतमिदं ब्रह्मन् कथितं परमं त्वया।गङ्गावतरणं पुण्यं सागरस्यापि पूरणम्।।1.45.2।।,"""O Knower of the Brahman this story narrated by you relating to the descent of the sacred Ganga and the fullness of the ocean (due to Ganga's fall) is very wonderful""." तस्य सा शर्वरी सर्वा सह सौमित्रिणा तदा।जगाम चिन्तयानस्य विश्वामित्रकथां शुभाम् ।।1.45.3।।,Then Rama along with Lakshmana spent the whole night reflecting on the auspicious story narrated by Viswamitra. तत: प्रभाते विमले विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्।उवाच राघवो वाक्यं कृताह्निकमरिन्दम:।।1.45.4।।,"Thereafter, the progeny of the Raghus, the destroyer of enemies (Rama) addressed Viswamitra in the clear early morning after Viswamitra had completed his routine rites:" गता भगवती रात्रिश्श्रोतव्यं परमं श्रुतम्।क्षणभूतेव नौ रात्रि स्सम्वृत्तेयं महातप:।।1.45.5।।इमां चिन्तयतस्सर्वां निखिलेन कथां तव।," ""O Noble ascetic we have heard this great story worthy to be listened. As we both lay pondering over the entire story (narrated by you), the glorious night passed off just like a moment." तराम सरितां श्रेष्ठां पुण्यां त्रिपथगां नदीम्।।1.45.6।।नौरेषा हि सुखास्तीर्णा ऋषीणां पुण्यकर्मणाम्।भगवन्तमिह प्राप्तं ज्ञात्वा त्वरितमागता।।1.45.7।।,"We will cross over Ganga, the best of rivers, the sacred river that flows in three directions.This boat of pious saints which is well laidout has come here swiftly, having come to know that you, O Venerable one have arrived""." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राघवस्य महात्मन:।सन्तारं कारयामास सर्षिसङ्घ स्सराघव:।।1.45.8।।,"Hearing the words of noble Rama, he (Viswamitra), accompanied by hosts of sages besides Rama and Lakshmana made arrangements to cross (the river)." उत्तरं तीरमासाद्य सम्पूज्यर्षिगणं तदा।गङ्गाकूले निविष्टास्ते विशालां ददृशु: पुरीम्।।1.45.9।।,"Having reached the northern bank, they paid homage to the sages encamped on the bank of Ganga and beheld the city of Vishala. " ततो मुनिवरस्तूर्णं जगाम सह राघव: ।विशालां नगरीं रम्यां दिव्यां स्वर्गोपमां तदा।।1.45.10।।,"Thereupon Viswamitra, the best of ascetics, accompanied by Rama and Lakshmana soon proceeded towards the enchanting and splendid city of Vishala comparable to heaven." अथ रामो महाप्राज्ञो विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम् ।पप्रच्छ प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा विशालामुत्तमां पुरीम्।।1.45.11।। ,"Thereafter great intellectual, Rama, with folded palms enquired of eminent ascetic Viswamitra, about the excellent city of Vishala. " कतरो राजवंशोऽयं विशालायां महामुने।श्रोतुमिच्छामि भद्रं ते परं कौतूहलं हि मे।।.1.45.12।। ,"""O Distinguished ascetic, which royal dynasty is ruling this city of Vishala? Could you tell me? Great is my curiosity. May you prosper""" तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा रामस्य मुनिपुङ्गव:।आख्यातुं तत्समारेभे विशालस्य पुरातनम्।।1.45.13।। ,"Viswamitra, preeminent among ascetics, hearing the words of Rama commenced to relate the history of the ancient city of Vishala." श्रूयतां राम शक्रस्य कथां कथयतश्शुभाम्।अस्मिन् देशे तु यद्वृत्तं तदपि शृणु राघव।।1.45.14।।,"""O Rama hear the auspicious legend of Indra. Listen, too, what had happened to this country. " पूर्वं कृतयुगे राम दिते: पुत्रा महाबला:।अदितेश्च महाभाग वीर्यवन्तस्सुधार्मिका:।।1.45.15।।,"O Blessed Rama in kritayuga, the sons of Diti were very strong and those of Aditi were spirited and righteous." ततस्तेषां नरश्रेष्ठ बुद्धिरासीन्महात्मनाम् ।अमरा अजराश्चैव कथं स्याम निरामया:।।1.45.16।।,"O Best among men a thought came to those illustrious ones, 'how can we be free from old age, death and disease'? " तेषां चिन्तयतां राम बुद्धिरासीन्महात्मनाम्।क्षीरोदमथनं कृत्वा रसं प्राप्स्याम तत्र वै।।1.45.17।।,"""O Rama While the noble sons were reflecting over this matter an idea flashed across their minds to get nectar by churning the ocean of milk." ततो निश्चित्य मथनं योक्त्रं कृत्वा च वासुकिम्।मन्थानं मन्दरं कृत्वा ममन्थुरमितौजस:।।1.45.18।।,"Thereupon, having decided to churn (the ocean mind) those very powerful ones, made Vasuki, (the great snake), as a rope and Mandara mountain as the churning rod.And started churning it." अथ वर्षसहस्रेण योक्त्रसर्पशिरांसि च।वमन्त्यति विषं तत्र ददंशुर्दशनैश्शिला:।।1.45.19।।,"After a thousand years, the hoods of the snake made as rope vomitted venom and started biting the rocks of the Mandara mountain with their teeth. " उत्पपाताग्निसङ्काशं हालाहलमहाविषम्।तेन दग्धं जगत्सर्वं सदेवासुरमानुषम्।।1.45.20।।,"Therefrom was produced halahala, virulent venom resembling fire.The entire universe consisting of devatas, asuras and mortals was burnt down." अथ देवा महादेवं शङ्करं शरणार्थिन:।जग्मु: पशुपतिं रुद्रं त्राहि त्राहीति तुष्टुवु:।।1.45.21।। ,"The devatas sought refuge in the great god Rudra who causes happiness, the Lord of all living beings. 'Save us, Save us', the cried." एवमुक्तस्ततो देवैर्देवदेवेश्वर: प्रभु:।प्रादुरासीत्ततोऽत्रैव शङ्खचक्रधरो हरि:।।1.45.22।।," Thereupon, Hari the Lord of celestial beings extolled by the devatas appeared bearing the conch and discus." उवाचैनं स्मितं कृत्वा रुद्रं शूलभृतं हरि:।दैवतैर्मथ्यमाने तु यत्पूर्वं समुपस्थितम् ।।1.45.23।।त्वदीयंहि सुरश्रेष्ठ सुराणामग्रजोऽसि यत् ।अग्रपूजामिमां मत्वा गृहाणेदं विषं प्रभो।।1.45.24।।,"Hari, smiling said to the tridentbearing Rudra ""O Chief of celestial beings you were born the earliest among the devatas. Therefore, while churning the ocean whichever is produced first shall be offered to you. Considering it the first offering, O Lord accept this venom.""" इत्युक्त्वा च सुरश्रेष्ठस्तत्रैवान्तरधीयत।देवतानां भयं दृष्टवाश्रुत्वा वाक्यं तु शार्ङ्गिण:।हालाहलविषं घोरं स जग्राहामृतोपमम्।।1.45.25।।,"Visnu, the highest among the devatas having the spoken, vanished. Siva who had heard Visnu's words and seen the fear of the gods received that dreadful halahala treating it as nectar." देवान्विसृज्य देवेशो जगाम भगवान् हर:।ततो देवासुरास्सर्वे ममन्थू रघुनन्दन ।।1.45.26।।,"Lord of the gods, venerable Siva went away to his abode leaving behind the devatas. O Descendant of Raghu then all the devatas and asuras resumed churning." प्रविवेशाथ पातालं मन्थान: पर्वतोऽनघ।ततो देवास्सगन्धर्वास्तुष्टुवुर्मधुसूदनम्।।1.45.27।।,'O Sinless one after the mountain (Mandara) used as churning rod sank down to nether world (patala) the devatas along with the gandharvas invoked Visnu'. त्वं गति: सर्वभूतानां विशेषेण दिवौकसाम्।पालयास्मान्महाबाहो गिरिमुद्धर्तुमर्हसि।।1.45.28।।,"""O mightyarmed Visnu you are the ultimate refuge for all living beings, specially for the devatas. Protect us, you (alone) are fit to lift up the Mandara mountain"". " इति श्रुत्वा हृषीकेश: कामठं रूपमास्थित:। पर्वतं पृष्ठत: कृत्वा शिश्ये तत्रोदधौ हरि:।।1.45.29।।,"Having heard these words, the controller of the sense organs, Visnu, assumed the form of a tortoise reclined in the ocean supporting the mountain on its back." पर्वताग्रे तु लोकात्मा हस्तेनाक्रम्य केशव:।देवानां मध्यत: स्थित्वा ममन्थ पुरुषोत्तम:।।1.45.30।।," Visnu, the Supreme being, the soul of the universe standing amidst the devatas took hold of the peak of mountain with his hand and continued to churn the ocean." अथ वर्षसहस्रेण सदण्डस्सकमण्डलु:।पूर्वं धन्वन्तरिर्नाम अप्सराश्च सुवर्चस:।।1.45.31।। ,In this way thousand years rolled by. In the beginining came out Dhanvantari holding a staff and a water pot (carried by ascetics) and apsaras of high lustre. अप्सु निर्मथनादेव रसास्तस्माद्वरस्त्रिय:।उत्पेतुर्मनुजश्रेष्ठ तस्मादप्सरसोऽभवन्।।1.45.32।। ,O Best among men excellent women emerged out of the essence produced by churning of waters. Therefore they are known as apsarasas. षष्टि: कोट्योऽभवंस्तासाम् अप्सराणां सुवर्चसाम्।असङ्ख्येयास्तु काकुत्स्थ यास्तासां परिचारिका:।।1.45.33।।, O Kakutstha there appeared sixty crore highly lustrous apsarasas. Their attendants were countless in number. न तास्स्म परिगृह्णन्ति सर्वे ते देवदानवा:।अप्रतिग्रहणात्ताश्च सर्वास्साधारणास्स्मृता:।।1.45.34।।,"Neither devas nor danavas accept them in marriage. Unmarried, all of them have been regarded as belonging to all." वरुणस्य तत: कन्या वारुणी रघुनन्दन ।उत्पपात महाभागा मार्गमाणा परिग्रहम्।।1.45.35।।,O Joy of the Raghus (Rama) thereafter Varuna's daughter Varuni (goddess of wine) came out searching for a consort. दिते: पुत्रा न तां राम जगृहुर्वरुणात्मजाम्।अदितेस्तु सुता वीर जगृहुस्तामनिन्दिताम्।।1.45.36।।,"O Rama while Diti's sons did not accept the unblemished Varuni, O heroic one, the sons of Aditi did." असुरास्तेन दैतेयास्सुरास्तेनादितेस्सुता:।हृष्टा: प्रमुदिताश्चासन् वारुणीग्रहणात्सुरा:।।1.45.37।।,"For that reason, sons of Diti were called asuras. Aditi's sons were known as suras. Devatas grew exceedingly glad for having Varuni." उच्चैश्श्रवा हयश्रेष्ठो मणिरत्नं च कौस्तुभम्।उदतिष्ठन्नरश्रेष्ठ तथैवामृतमुत्तमम्।।1.45.38।।,"O Foremost among men (Rama) ucchaishravas, the best of horses (the celestial horse), kausthubham, the best jewel and also nectar came (from churning)." अथ तस्य कृते राम महानासीत्कुलक्षय:।अदितेस्तु तत: पुत्रा दिते: पुत्रानसूदयन्।।1.45.39।। ,"O Rama the race of devatas and daityas suffered great destruction because of (their fight for) that nectar. Thereafter Aditi's sons, the devatas killed Diti's sons, the daityas." एकतोऽभ्यागमन् सर्वे ह्यसुरा राक्षसैस्सह।युद्धमासीन्महाघोरं वीर त्रैलोक्यमोहनम्।।1.45.40।।," O Heroic Rama all the asuras along with the rakshasas joined on one side. A violent and a dreadful battle which threw the three worlds in to a great confusion, ensued." यदा क्षयं गतं सर्वं तदा विष्णुर्महाबल:। अमृतं सोऽहरत्त्तूर्णं मायामास्थाय मोहिनीम्।।1.45.41।। ,"When everything was destroyed completely, the exceedingly powerful Visnu assuming the form of Mohini a charming woman (elusive form) with the power of illusion quickly stole away the nectar." ये गताऽभिमुखं विष्णुमक्षयं पुरुषोत्तमम्।सम्पिष्टास्ते तदा युद्धे विष्णुना प्रभविष्णुना।।1.45.42।।," Those who opposed the imperishable, supreme purusha, Visnu, in the battle were crushed by all powerful Visnu." अदितेरात्मजा वीरा दिते: पुत्रान्निजघ्निरे।तस्मिन् घोरे महायुद्धे दैतेयादित्ययोर्भृशम्।।1.45.43।।,"In that great and terrible battle between daityas and devatas, Aditi's sons killed Diti's. " निहत्य दितिपुत्रांश्च राज्यं प्राप्य पुरन्दर:।शशास मुदितो लोकान् सर्षिसङ्घान् सचारणान्।।1.45.44।।,"Indra, having killed the sons of Diti was happy with the kingdom gained. He ruled the worlds in the company of rishis and celestial singers"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे पञ्चचत्वारिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fortyfifth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Diti undergoes mortifications for the birth of a son with the consent of Kasyapa-- Indra serves her on an occasion when she was impure enters her womb and severes the embryo into seven parts.] हतेषु तेषु पुत्रेषु दिति: परमदु:खिता। मारीचं काश्यपं राम भर्तारमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.46.1।।  "," ""O Rama! afflicted with great grief when her sons were killed, Diti said to her husband Kasyapa, son of Maricha:" हतपुत्राऽस्मि भगवंस्तव पुत्रैर्महाबलै:।शक्रहन्तारमिच्छामि पुत्रं दीर्घतपोऽर्जितम्।।1.46.2।।,"""O adorable one, your highly powerful sons, (devatas) have killed mine through extensive austerities. I am desirous of obtaining a (mighty) son capable of killing Indra. " साऽहं तपश्चरिष्यामि गर्भं मे दातुमर्हसि।ईश्वरं शक्रहन्तारं त्वमनुज्ञातुमर्हसि।।1.46.3।।,"I shall practise austerities. You ought to grant me a son who would be the supreme ruler of the world and capable of killing Indra. You can say yes (if you will)""." तस्यास्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा मारीच: काश्यपस्तदा।प्रत्युवाच महातेजा दितिं परमदु:खिताम्।।1.46.4।।,"Then, Maricha's son, exceedingly bright Kasyapa on hearing the words of Diti who was deeply grieved replied:" "एवं भवतु, भद्रं ते शुचिर्भव तपोधने।जनयिष्यसि पुत्रं त्वं शक्रहन्तारमाहवे।।1.46.5।।","""O one vested with the wealth of austerities be it so. Prosperity to you Remain chaste, you will deliver a son who will kill Indra in the battle." पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रे तु शुचिर्यदि भविष्यसि।पुत्रं त्रैलोक्यभर्तारं मत्तस्त्वं जनयिष्यसि।।1.46.6।।,"""If you remain pure and clean, on completion of a thousand years you will give birth to a son through me who will be the lord of the three worlds""." एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा: पाणिना स ममार्ज ताम्।समालभ्य ततस्स्वस्तीत्युक्त्वा स तपसे ययौ।।1.46.7।।,"Highly brilliant Kasyapa, having thus spoken, touched her gently with his palm, stroked her body and said, ""May good betide thee"". Having said this, Kasyapa went away to perform austerities." गते तस्मिन्नरश्श्रेष्ठ दिति: परमहर्षिता।कुशप्लवनमासाद्य तपस्तेपे सुदारुणम्।।1.46.8।।,"""O foremost among men after Kasyapa had left, Diti exceedingly delighted (at the prospect of having sons) reached Kushaplavana, and practised intense mortifications." तपस्तस्यां हि कुर्वन्त्यां परिचर्यां चकार ह।सहस्राक्षो नरश्श्रेष्ठ परया गुणसम्पदा।।1.46.9।।,"O foremost of men great treasure of virtues while she was practising austerities, the thousandeyed Indra began to serve her." अग्निं कुशान् काष्ठमप: फलं मूलं तथैव च।न्यवेदयत्सहस्राक्षो यच्चान्यदपि काङ्क्षितम्।।1.46.10।। ,"The thousandeyed Indra served her by providing fire, Kusha grass, sticks for burning, water, fruits, roots and all other things desired by her." गात्रसंवहनश्चैव श्रमापनयनैस्तथा।शक्रस्सर्वेषु कालेषु दितिं परिचचार ह ।।1.46.11।।," Indra attended on Diti, stroking her limbs gently from time to time to help her regain their suppleness and alleviate her fatigue." अथ वर्षसहस्रे तु दशोने रघुनन्दन ।दिति: परमसम्प्रीता सहस्राक्षमथाब्रवीत्।।1.46.12।।,"O son of the Raghus ten years before completion of a thousand years. Diti, highly pleased with the services rendered by Indra, addressed him"", saying:" याचितेन सुरश्रेष्ठ तव पित्रा महात्मना।वरो वर्षसहस्रान्ते दत्तो मम सुतं प्रति।।1.46.13।।,"""O best of the gods your illustrious father granted me a boon for a son I sought on completion of a thousand years (of penance). " तपश्चरन्त्या वर्षाणि दश वीर्यवतां वर।अवशिष्टानि भद्रं ते भ्रातरं द्रक्ष्यसे तत:।।1.46.14।।,O the best of the brave ten years is yet to go (for completion of austerities). You will have a brother. May you prosper तमहं त्वत्कृते पुत्र समाधास्ये जयोत्सुकम्।त्रैलोक्यविजयं पुत्र सह भोक्ष्यसि विज्वर:।।1.46.15।।,"O Child I'll create in him eagerness victory. Together with him you will gain victory over the three worlds. Relieved of sorrows, enjoy you'll with him""." एवमुक्त्वा दितिश्शक्रं प्राप्ते मध्यं दिवाकरे।निद्रयाऽपहृता देवी पादौ कृत्वाऽथ शीर्षत:।।1.46.16।।,"After speaking thus to Indra, goddess Diti overpowered with sleep around midsday dropped off, her feet towards her head." दृष्ट्वा तामशुचिं शक्र: पादत: कृतमूर्धजाम्।शिरस्स्थाने कृतौ पादौ जहास च मुमोद च।।1.46.17।।,Indra laughed. He rejoiced at the sight of her ominous posture of sleeping with her feet towards her head and her hair falling on her feet. तस्याश्शरीरविवरं विवेश च पुरन्दर:।गर्भं च सप्तधा राम बिभेद परमात्मवान्।।1.46.18।।,O Rama with great courage Indra entered her womb and severed her embryo into seven pieces. भिद्यमानस्ततो गर्भो वज्रेण शतपर्वणा।रुरोद सुस्वरं राम ततो दितिरबुध्यत।।1.46.19।।,"O Rama that embryo, being severed by Vajra having a hundred edges, cried at high pitch which awakened Diti""." मा रुदो मा रुदश्चेति गर्भं शक्रोऽभ्यभाषत।बिभेद च महातेजा रुदन्तमपि वासव:।।1.46.20।। ,"Highly powerful Indra, even while saying to the crying embryo ""Do not weep, Do not weep"" severed it." न हन्तव्यो न हन्तव्य इत्येवं दितिरब्रवीत्।निष्पपात ततश्शक्रो मातुर्वचनगौरवात्।।1.46.21।।,"""Do not kill"", ""Do not kill"", said Diti. Subsequently Indra, in deference to the words of his mother, emerged out of the womb." प्राञ्जलिर्वज्रसहितो दितिं शक्रोऽभ्यभाषत।अशुचिर्देवि सुप्ताऽसि पादयो: कृतमूर्धजा।।1.46.22।।,"Armed with Vajra, Indra addressed Diti with folded palms, saying, ""O Devi you have slept, with your head towards your feet and your hair falling on your feet""." तदन्तरमहं लब्ध्वा शक्रहन्तारमाहवे।अभिदं सप्तधा देवि तन्मे त्वं क्षन्तुमर्हसि।।1.46.23।।,"""I have seized the opportunity and severed into seven pieces the foetus who would have been a slayer of Indra. O Devi shoudn't you forgive me""?इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे षट्चत्वारिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fortysixth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Origin of marutsVishala constructs the city Diti practises her austerities--Sumati honours Viswamitra.] सप्तधातु कृते गर्भे दिति: परमदु:खिता।सहस्राक्षं दुराधर्षं वाक्यं सानुनयाऽब्रवीत्।।1.47.1।।,"Deeply distressed Diti, having come to know that the embryo had been severed into seven pieces, humbly spoke to the unassailable Indra." ममापराधाद्गर्भोऽयं सप्तधा विफलीकृत:।नापराधोऽस्ति देवेश तवात्र बलसूदन।।1.47.2।।,"""O Indra, Slayer of Balasura, because of my fault this embryo has been made into seven pieces and rendered useless. In this matter you have not committed any fault. " प्रियं तु कर्तुमिच्छामि मम गर्भविपर्यये।मरुतां सप्तसप्तानां स्थानपाला भवन्त्विमे।।1.47.3।।,"This disaster to the embryo has happened contrary to expectations. Hence, I seek a favour from you. Let these seven pieces become seven guardians of marut regions (regions of the wind). " "वातस्कन्धा: इमे सप्त चरन्तु दिवि पुत्रक । मारुता इति विख्याता दिव्यरूपा ममात्मजा:।।1.47.4।।  "," O Son, all these seven are my sons of celestial beauty.They will become pesiding deities for Vata Skandha (divisions of wind) and let them be wellknown as maruts wandering in the universe." ब्रह्मलोकं चरत्वेक इन्द्रलोकं तथाऽपर:।दिवि वायुरिति ख्यातस्तृतीयोऽपि महायशा:।।1.47.5।।,"Among them, one will move about in Brahmaloka, another in Indraloka, and the third, well known as vayu will move around in the sky." चत्वारस्तु सुरश्रेष्ठ दिशो वै तव शासनात्।सञ्चरिष्यन्तु भद्रं ते देवभूता ममात्मजा:।।1.47.6।। ,"O best of devatas by your command the other four sons will remain celestial, and will range about in four directions." तस्यास्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सहस्राक्ष: पुरन्दर:।उवाच प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं दितिं बलनिषूदन:।।1.47.7।।,"The thousandeyed Indra, slayer of Bala, on hearing Diti's words, addressed her with folded palms, saying:" सर्वमेतद्यथोक्तं ते भविष्यति न संशय:।विचरिष्यन्ति भद्रं ते देवभूतास्तवात्मजा:।।1.47.8।।,"""Everything will, no doubt, happen the way you said. Your sons will wander about as celestial beings. Prosperity to you.""" एवं तौ निश्चयं कृत्वा मातापुत्रौ तपोवने।जग्मतुस्त्रिदिवं राम कृतार्थाविति नश्श्रुतम्।।1.47.9।।,"""O Rama mother and sons having arrived at this conclusion in the tapovana ascended to heaven with their desire fulfilled. This is what we have heard.""" एष देशस्स काकुत्स्थ महेन्द्राध्युषित: पुरा। दितिं यत्र तपस्सिद्धामेवं परिचचार स:।।1.47.10।। ,"""O Descendant of Kakustha (Rama) this is that country which was formerly inhabited by Indra. Here Indra attended on Diti who achieved the fruit of her austerities." इक्ष्वाकोऽस्तु नरव्याघ्र पुत्र: परमधार्मिक:।।1.47.11।।अलम्बुषायामुत्पन्नो विशाल इति विश्रुत:।तेन चासीदिह स्थाने विशालेति पुरी कृता।।1.47.12।।," ""O Tiger among men (Rama) this highly virtuous and wellknown son named Vishala was born to Ikshvakus in Alambusa. Where, a city named Vishala was built. " "इक्ष्वाकोऽस्तु नरव्याघ्र पुत्र: परमधार्मिक:।।1.47.11।। अलम्बुषायामुत्पन्नो विशाल इति विश्रुत:। तेन चासीदिह स्थाने विशालेति पुरी कृता।।1.47.12।।  "," ""O Tiger among men (Rama) this highly virtuous and wellknown son named Vishala was born to Ikshvakus in Alambusa. Where, a city named Vishala was built." विशालस्य सुतो राम हेमचन्द्रो महाबल:।सुचन्द्र इति विख्यात: हेमचन्द्रादनन्तर:।।1.47.13।।,O Rama mighty Hemachandra was Vishala's son. Hemachandra's successor was the celebrated Suchandra. सुचन्द्रतनयो राम धूम्राश्व इति विश्रुत:।धूम्राश्वतनयश्चापि सञ्जयस्समपद्यत।।1.47.14।।,"O Rama son of Suchandra was Dhumraswa, wellknown Sanjaya was the son of Dhumraswa. " सञ्जयस्य सुतश्श्रीमान् सहदेव: प्रतापवान्।कुशाश्वस्सहदेवस्य पुत्र: परमधार्मिक:।।1.47.15।।,Prosperous and powerful Sahadeva was Sanjaya's son. Highly virtuous Kusaswa was Sahadeva's son. कुशाश्वस्य महातेजा सोमदत्त: प्रतापवान्।सोमदत्तस्य पुत्रस्तु काकुत्स्थ इति विश्रुत:।।1.47.16।।,Brilliant and powerful Somadatta was Kusaswa's son. That Somadatta's son was Kakutstha is wellknown. तस्य पुत्रो महातेजा: सम्प्रत्येष पुरीमिमाम्।आवसत्यमरप्रख्यस्सुमतिर्नाम दुर्जय:।।1.47.17।।," Son of Ikshvakus, Sumati comparable to devatas, invincible and exceedingly energetic is still ruling this city." इक्ष्वाकोस्तु प्रसादेन सर्वे वैशालिका नृपा:।दीर्घायुषो महात्मानो वीर्यवन्तस्सुधार्मिका:।।1.47.18।।,"By the grace of the Ikshvakus, all the kings of Vishala have been long lived and exalted, valiant and deeply religious." इहाद्य रजनीं राम सुखं वत्स्यामहे वयम्।श्व: प्रभाते नरश्रेष्ठ जनकं द्रष्टुमर्हसि।।1.47.19।।,"O Rama we shall spend the right happily here. O Best among men On the tomorrow we see Janaka""." सुमतिस्तु महातेजा विश्वामित्रमुपागतम्।श्रुत्वा नरवरश्रेष्ठ: प्रत्युद्गच्छन्महायशा:।।1.47.20।।,"Having heard of the arrival of Viswamitra the celebrated Sumati, most brilliant chief of kings proceeded (to receive him)." पूजां च परमां कृत्वा सोपाध्यायस्सबान्धव:।प्राञ्जलि: कुशलं पृष्ट्वा विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत्।।1.47.21।। ,"Along with his spiritual preceptors and relatives he paid Viswamitra great respect, enquired his wellbeing and said:" धन्योऽस्म्यनुगृहीतोऽस्मि यस्य मे विषयं मुनि:।सम्प्राप्तो दर्शनं चैव नास्ति धन्यतरो मम।।1.47.22।।," ""O Sage no one is more blessed than me since you have favoured me with your arrival in my country.""इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे सप्तचत्वारिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fortyseventh sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." , "[Having received the hospitality of king Sumati, Viswamitra, Rama and Lakshmana travel towards Mithila. On enquiry by Rama sage Viswamitra relates the story of Gautama's curse to Ahalya.]पृष्ट्वा तु कुशलं तत्र परस्परसमागमे।कथान्ते सुमतिर्वाक्यं व्याजहार महामुनिम्।।1.48.1।। ",Getting together they enquired one another's health. And then Sumati spoke to the great ascetic (Viswamitra). इमौ कुमारौ भद्रं ते देवतुल्यपराक्रमौ।गजसिंहगती वीरौ शार्दूलवृषभोपमौ।।1.48.2।।पद्मपत्रविशालाक्षौ खड्गतूणी धनुर्धरौ।अश्विनाविव रूपेण समुपस्थितयौवनौ।।1.48.3।।यदृच्छयैव गां प्राप्तौ देवलोकादिवामरौ।कथं पद्भ्यामिह प्राप्तौ किमर्थं कस्य वा मुने।।1.48.4।।,"""O Sage, wish you well Who are these two youths who seem to possess the prowess of celestial beings. They walk with the gait of an elephant or a lion. They are courageous like tiger or a bull. Their large eyes are like lotuspetals. They are armed with scimitars, bows and quivers. They are young and handsome like Aswinikumaras dropped from heaven casually. Whose sons are they? How did they come here on foot? With what purpose?" भूषयन्ताविमं देशं चन्द्रसूर्याविवाम्बरम्।परस्परस्य सदृशौ प्रमाणेङ्गितचेष्टितै:।।1.48.5।।किमर्थं च मुनिश्रेष्ठ सम्प्राप्तौ दुर्गमे पथि।वरायुधधरौ वीरौ श्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्त्वत:।।1.48.6।।,"O Great ascetic they resemble each other in personality, expression and gestures. They adorn this land like Sun and moon in the sky holding excellent weapons. These heroes have trodden paths difficult to traverse. For what purpose have they come? I want to hear clearly""." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा यथावृत्तं न्यवेदयत्।सिद्धाश्रमनिवासं च राक्षसानां वधं तथा।।1.48.7।।,"On hearing his words, he (Viswamitra) related all about their stay at Siddhashrama and the slaying of rakshasas." विश्वामित्रवचश्श्रुत्वा राजा परमहर्षित:।अतिथी परमौ प्राप्तौ पुत्रौ दशरथस्य तौ।।1.48.8।।पूजयामास विधिवत्सत्कारार्हौ महाबलौ।,"After hearing Viswamitra, the king (Sumati) got exceedingly delighted and extended hospitality in accordance with tradition to the highly valiant sons of Dasaratha, the distinguished guests worthy of honour." तत: परमसत्कारं सुमते: प्राप्य राघवौ।।1.48.9।।उष्य तत्र निशामेकां जग्मतुर्मिथिलां तत: ।,"The descendants of Raghu (Rama and Lakshmana) having received great honour from Sumati, stayed there one night and thereafter set out for Mithila." तान् दृष्ट्वा मुनयस्सर्वे जनकस्य पुरीं शुभाम्।।1.48.10।।साधु साध्विति शंसन्तो मिथिलां समपूजयन्। ,"All the ascetics, having seen that auspicious city of Janaka worshipfully admired Mithila saying, 'Excellent, Excellent'" मिथिलोपवने शून्यमाश्रमं दृश्य राघव:।।1.48.11।।पुराणं निर्जनं रम्यं पप्रच्छ मुनिपुङ्गवम्।,"At the sight of an old uninhabited, beautiful and desolate hermitage in a grove near Mithila, the descendant of the Raghus enquired of the foremost among the ascetics (Viswamitra):" श्रीमदाश्रमसङ्काशं किन्न्विदं मुनिवर्जितम्।।1.48.12।।ज्ञातुमिच्छामि भगवन् कस्यायं पूर्वमाश्रम:।," ""O Venerable one I wish to know why this auspicios looking hermitage was deserted by ascetics? To whom did this belong in the past.""" तच्छ्रुत्वा राघवेणोक्तं वाक्यं वाक्यविशारद:।।1.48.13।।प्रत्युवाच महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।,"Eloquent and brilliant Viswamitra, replied to the descendant of the Raghus saying:" हन्त ते कथयिष्यामि श्रुणु तत्त्वेन राघव।।1.48.14।।यस्येदमाश्रमपदं शप्तं कोपान्महात्मना।," ""O Descendant of the Raghus I shall tell all you about this hermitage cursed by the wrath of a great man." गौतमस्य नरश्रेष्ठ पूर्वमासीन्महात्मन:।।1.48.15।।आश्रमो दिव्यसङ्काशस्सुरैरपि सुपूजित:।,O Best among men this hermitage resembling a celestial retreat and wellhonoured even by devatas once belonged to illustrious Gautama. स चेह तप आतिष्ठदहल्यासहित: पुरा।।1.48.16।।वर्षपूगाननेकांश्च राजपुत्र महायश:।,O Highly renowned prince it was here in ancient times that Gautama in the company of Ahalya practised austerities for several years. तस्यान्तरं विदित्वा तु सहस्राक्षश्शचीपति:।।1.48.17।।मुनिवेषधरोऽहल्यामिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।,"The thousandeyed Indra, consort of Sachi, having found an opportunity (during the absence of the ascetic), assumed the guise of the ascetic (Gautama) and said to Ahalya:" ऋतुकालं प्रतीक्षन्ते नार्थिनस्सुसमाहिते।1.48.18सङ्गमं त्वहमिच्छामि त्वया सह सुमध्यमे।।, 'O most beautiful one those overtaken by passion would not await the completion of the menstrual period (favourable for copulation). O woman of fine waist I desire union with you.' मुनिवेषं सहस्राक्षं विज्ञाय रघुनन्दन।1.48.19मतिं चकार दुर्मेधा देवराजकुतूहलात्।।,"O Delight of the Raghus the evilintentioned Ahalya, inclined towards the king of the celestials and knowing him to be the thousandeyed Indra in the guise of the ascetic, consented for the union." अथाब्रवीत् नरश्रेष्ठ कृतार्थेनान्तरात्मना।1.48.20।।कृतार्थाऽस्मि सुरश्रेष्ठ गच्छ शीघ्रमित: प्रभो।आत्मानं मां च देवेश सर्वदा रक्ष गौतमात्।1.48.21।। ,"O Foremost of men with her heart's desire fulfilled, Ahalya said: ""O Chief of the celestials I'm satisfied. O Lord, quit this place: O Lord of cthe gods, protect yourself and also me from Gautama in all respects.""" इन्द्रस्तु प्रहसन् वाक्यमहल्यामिदमब्रवीत्।सुश्रोणि परितुष्टोऽस्मि गमिष्यामि यथाऽगतम्।1.48.22।।,"Indra smilingly said to Ahalya, 'O One with lovely hips, I am gratified. I shall go away the way I have come'." एवं सङ्गम्य तु तया निश्चक्रामोटजात्तत:।।स सम्भ्रमात्त्वरन् राम शङ्कितो गौतमं प्रति।1.48.23।।,"O Rama he (Indra) came out of the leafhut quickly after his union with her, apprehensive of Gautama." गौतमं तं ददर्शाथ प्रविशन्तं महामुनिम्।देवदानवदुर्धर्षं तपोबलसमन्वितम्।।1.48.24।।तीर्थेंदकपरिक्लिन्नं दीप्यमानमिवानलम्।गृहीतसमिधं तत्र सकुशं मुनिपुङ्गवम्।।1.48.25।।,"Subsequently, Indra beheld the great ascetic Gautama, unassailable by devatas and danavas, endowed with the power of ascetism, drenched with sacrifical waters, shining like flaming fire, carrying sacrificial firewood and Kusha grass and preeminent among sages, entering that leaf hut." दृष्ट्वा सुरपतिस्त्रस्तो विवर्णवदनोऽभवत्।अथ दृष्ट्वा सहस्राक्षं मुनिवेषधरं मुनि:।।1.48.26।।दुर्वृत्तं वृत्तसम्पन्नो रोषाद्वचनमब्रवीत्।,"On seeing him, the face of the Lord of the gods (Indra) turned pale with fear. Having seen the wicked Indra with a thousandeyed in the guise of an ascetic the gentle sage Gautama got enraged and said:" मम रूपं समास्थाय कृतवानसि दुर्मते।।1.48.27।।अकर्तव्यमिदं तस्माद्विफलस्त्वं भविष्यसि।,"""O Wicked natured one assuming my form you have done a forbidden act. For that reason you shall be devoid of scrotum." गौतमेनैवमुक्तस्य सरोषेण महात्मना।।1.48.28।।पेततुर्वृषणै भूमौ सहस्राक्षस्य तत्क्षणात्।,Cursed thus out of anger by eminent Gautama the testicles of Indra immediately dropped down on the earth. तथा शप्त्वा स वै शक्रमहल्यामपि शप्तवान्।।1.48.29।।इह वर्षसहस्राणि बहूनि त्वं निवत्स्यसि।वायुभक्षा निराहारा तप्यन्ती भस्मशायिनी।।1.48.30।।अदृश्या सर्वभूतानां आश्रमेऽस्मिन्निवत्स्यसि। ," Having thus cursed Indra, he also cursed Ahalya: 'You will be staying here for thousands of years without food and subsisting on air, lying down in ashes, doing penance, without being seen by any living beings in this ashrama'. " यदा चैतद्वनं घोरं रामो दशरथात्मज:।।1.48.31।।आगमिष्यति दुर्धर्षस्तदा पूता भविष्यसि। ," 'When the son of Dasaratha, the unassailable Rama enters this dreadful forest, you will be cleansed (of this sin)'." तस्यातिथ्येन दुर्वुत्ते लोभमोहविवर्जिता।।1.48.32।।मत्सकाशे मुदा युक्ता स्वं वपुर्धारयिष्यसि।,"'O Wickednatured one by offering hospitality to Rama, without covetousness and passion, you will happily live with me by regaining your present form'." एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा गौतमो दुष्टचारिणीम्।।1.48.33।।इममाश्रममुत्सृज्य सिद्धचारणसेविते।हिमवच्छिखरे पुण्ये तपस्तेपे महातपा:।।1.48.34।।," ""Highly powerful Gautama who had performed rigid austerities thus cursed the wicked Ahalya and left this hermitage, for the peaks of Himavat mountain served by siddhas and charanas. Here he performed austerities""(said Viswamitra).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे अष्टचत्वारिंशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fortyeighth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [The Devatas restore the virility of Indra--Rama releases Ahalya from her curse Gautama and Ahalya extend hospitality to Rama.]अफलस्तु ततश्शक्रो देवानग्निपुरोगमान्।अब्रवीत्त्रस्तवदनस्सर्षिस्सङ्घान् सचारणान्।।1.49.1।। ,"Deprived of testicles, Indra with a frightened face addressed hordes of rishis and charanas with agni in the forefront." कुर्वता तपसो विघ्नं गौतमस्य महात्मन:।क्रोधमुत्पाद्य हि मया सुरकार्यमिदं कृतम्।।1.49.2।।,"'I have accomplished the objective of the devatas by creating obstacles to Gautama's austerities, evoking in consequence the wrath of the magnanimous sage'." अफलोऽस्मि कृतस्तेन क्रोधात्सा च निराकृता।शापमोक्षेण महता तपोऽस्यापहृतं मया।।1.49.3।।,'By his (Gautama's) wrath I have been deprived of my testicles. She (Ahalya) has been deserted by him. He has lost his ascetic energy through the pronouncement of this great curse'. तस्मात्सुरवरास्सर्वे सर्षिस्सङ्घास्सचारणा: ।सुरसाह्यकरं सर्वे सफलं कर्तुमर्हथ।।1.49.4।।,"'For that reason, O rishis, charanas and great devatas it is your duty to restore my testicles for the benefit I have given you'." शतक्रतोर्वचश्श्रुत्वा देवास्साग्निपुरोगमा:।पितृदेवानुपेत्याहु स्सह सर्वैर्मरुद्गणै:।।1.49.5।।,"'Hearing Indra, all the devatas accompanied by maruts. Lead by the Firegod devatas approached and said': " अयं मेषस्सवृषणश्शक्रो ह्यवृषण: कृत:।मेषस्य वृषणौ गृह्य शक्रायाऽशु प्रयच्छथ।।1.49.6।।,'This ram (which has received the share of your sacrificial offerings) has testicles. As Indra has been deprived of his own take these testicles immediately and graft them on to Indra'. अफलस्तु कृतो मेष: परां तुष्टिं प्रदास्यति।भवतां हर्षणार्थाय ये च दास्यन्ति मानवा:।।1.49.7।।, अग्नेस्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा पितृदेवास्समागता:।उत्पाट्य मेषवृषणौ सहस्राक्षे न्यवेशयन्।।1.49.8।।,"Hearing the words of the Firegod the pitrudevatas assembled, uprooted the testicles of the ram and grafted them on to Indra." तदा प्रभृति काकुत्स्थ पितृदेवास्समागता:।अफलान् भुञ्जते मेषान् फलैस्तेषामयोजयन्।।1.49.9।।,"""O Son of the Kakutsthas from then on the pitrudevatas have been accepting rams without testicles as offerings in a sacrifice, with ram's testicles fitted on to Indra. " इन्द्रस्तु मेषवृषणस्तदाप्रभृति राघव।गौतमस्य प्रभावेन तपसश्च महात्मन:।।1.49.10।। ,O Son of the Raghus illustrious Gautama's power of ascetism was such that thenceforth Indra possessed the testicles of a ram. तदागच्छ महातेज आश्रमं पुण्यकर्मण:।तारयैनां महाभागामहल्यां देवरूपिणीम्।।1.49.11।।,"""Most brilliant Rama therefore enter the hermitage of the pious (Gautama) and liberate this fortunate Ahalya of divine appearance (from the curse).""" विश्वामित्रवचश्श्रुत्वा राघवस्सहलक्ष्मण:।विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य तमाश्रममथाविशत्।।1.49.12।।,"In response to the words of Viswamitra Rama and Lakshmana entered the hermitage, Viswamitra in front." ददर्श च महाभागां तपसा द्योतितप्रभाम्।लोकैरपि समागम्य दुर्निरीक्ष्यां सुरासुरै:।।1.49.13।।प्रयत्नान्निर्मितां धात्रा दिव्यां मायामयीमिव।स तुषारावृतां साभ्रां पूर्णचन्द्रप्रभामिव।।1.49.14।। मध्येंऽभसो दुराधर्षां दीप्तां सूर्यप्रभामिव।,"Rama beheld the highly fortunate Ahalya, shining brilliantly with the power of her asceticism. She could not be seen even by men, suras or asuras joined together. She looked divine and illusory as if created with special efforts by Brahma. Though not clearly visible, she was shining bright like the light of the full Moon muffled by mists in the sky and like the inviolable light of the Sun reflected in the water. " सा हि गौतमवाक्येन दुर्निरीक्ष्या बभूव ह।।1.49.15।।त्रयाणामपि लोकानां यावद्रामस्य दर्शनम्।,"By the words of Gautama, she became invisible to the three worlds till the appearance of Rama." शापस्यान्तमुपागम्य तेषां दर्शनमागता।।1.49.16।।राघवौ तु ततस्तस्या: पादौ जगृहतुस्तदा।,"With the expiry of the period of the curse, the Raghavas (Rama and Lakshmana) speared and she became perceptible when Rama touched her feet." स्मरन्ती गौतमवच: प्रतिजग्राह सा च तौ।।1.49.17।।पाद्यमर्घ्यं तथाऽऽतिथ्यं चकार सुसमाहिता।प्रतिजग्राह काकुत्स्थो विधिदृष्टेन कर्मणा।।1.49.18।।," Recalling the words of Gautama, she received them with water to wash their feet and offerings made with due devotion Rama accepted her hospitality extended in accordance tradition. " पुष्पवृष्टिर्महत्यासीद्देवदुन्दुभिनिस्वनै:।गन्धर्वाप्सरसां चैव महानासीत्समागम:।।1.49.19।।," Amidst sounds of celestial kettledrums, devatas showered flowers, gandharvas sang and apsarasa danced. There was a great assemblage (of divinities)." साधु साध्विति देवास्तामहल्यां समपूजयन्।तपोबलविशुद्धाङ्गी गौतमस्य वशानुगाम्।।1.49.20।।,"On seeing Ahalya, her body purified by the power of penance at Gautama's command, the devatas worshipfully exclaimed, 'Excellent, Excellent'" गौतमोऽपि महातेजा अहल्यासहितस्सुखी।रामं सम्पूज्य विधिवत्तपस्तेपे महातपा:।।1.49.21।। ,"Brilliant Gautam, the great ascetic, along with Ahalya, worshipped Rama according to tradition, with delight and continued with his austerities." रामोऽपि परमां पूजां गौतमस्य महामुने:।सकाशाद्विधिवत्प्राप्य जगाम मिथिलां तत:।।1.49.22।।,Having received due hospitality from the great ascetic Gautama Rama also set out towards Mithila.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकोनपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fortyninth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. [ Arrival of Rama in the court of Janaka--Viswamitra introduces Rama and Lakshmana.]तत: प्रागुत्तरां गत्वा रामस्सौमित्रिणा सह।विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य यज्ञवाटमुपागमत्।।1.50.1।।,Rama accompanied by Lakshmana with Viswamitra ahead proceeded in northeasterly direction and reached the sacrificial ground. रामस्तु मुनिशार्दूलमुवाच सहलक्ष्मण:।साध्वी यज्ञसमृद्धिर्हि जनकस्य महात्मन:।।1.50.2।।,Rama with Lakshmana told the tiger among ascetics Viswamitra that the preparations or the sacrifice by the illustrious king Janaka were excellent. बहूनीह सहस्राणि नानादेशनिवासिनाम्।ब्राह्मणानां महाभाग वेदाध्ययनशालिनाम्।।1.50.3।।ऋषिवाटाश्च दृश्यन्ते शकटीशतसङ्कुला:।देशो विधीयतां ब्रह्मन् यत्र वत्स्यामहे वयम्।।1.50.4।।,O Illustrious sage thousands of brahmins living in different countries and versed in the study of the vedas have assembled here. The shelters for ascetics are thronged with hundreds of carts. O Great ascetic let us choose a place where we can stay. रामस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।निवेशमकरोद्देशे विविक्ते सलिलायुते।।1.50.5।।,"Great ascetic Viswamitra, hearing Rama's words, chose a nottoocrowded place near a watersource for encampment." विश्वामित्रमनुप्राप्तं श्रुत्वा स नृपतिस्तदा।शतानन्दं पुरस्कृत्य पुरोहितमनिन्दितम्।।1.50.6।। प्रत्युज्जगाम सहसा विनयेन समन्वित:।,"When the king heard of the arrival of Viswamitra he went forward with Satananda, the blemishless family priest walking ahead in order to welcome him with humility." ऋत्विजोऽपि महात्मानस्त्वर्घ्यमादाय सत्वरम्।।1.50.7।।विश्वामित्राय धर्मेण ददुर्मंन्त्रपुरस्कृतम्।,Eminent officiating priests speedily brought the offerings of worship and paid obeisance to Viswamitra with prayers. प्रतिगृह्य च तां पूजां जनकस्य महात्मन:।।1.50.8।।पप्रच्छ कुशलं राज्ञो यज्ञस्य च निरामयम्।,Viswamitra received illustrious king Janaka's worship and enquired about the welfare of the king and the conduct of the sacrifice. स तांश्चापि मुनीन् पृष्ट्वा सोपाध्यायपुरोधस:।।1.50.9।।यथान्यायं ततस्सर्वैस्समागच्छत्प्रहृष्टवत्।,"Viswamitra duly enquired the wellbeing of the sages and the spiritual teachers, priests in right order. And thereafter the rest joined them in great delight." अथ राजा मुनिश्रेष्ठं कृताञ्जलिरभाषत।।1.50.10।।आसने भगवानास्तां सहैभिर्मुनिपुङ्गवै:। ," The king then folded his hands in supplication to the foremost of ascetics, Viswamitra, saying ""O Venerable one please be seated along with the eminent ascetics."" " जनकस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा निषसाद महामुनि:।।1.50.11।।पुरोधा ऋत्विजश्चैव राजा च सह मन्त्रिभि:।,"In response to Janaka's words, great sage Viswamitra occupied his seat. Thereafter the family priests, officiationg priests of the sacrifice, counsellors and also the king occupied their seats according to their rank." आसनेषु यथान्यायमुपविष्टान् समन्तत:।।1.50.12।।दृष्ट्वा स नृपतिस्तत्र विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत्।,Thereafter the king looked on all sides and saw all of them seated according to their rank and addressed Viswamitra saying: अद्य यज्ञसमृध्दिर्मे सफला दैवतै: कृता।।1.50.13।।अद्य यज्ञफलं प्राप्तं भगवद्दर्शनान्मया।,"""Today my sacrifice has been rendered fruitful by the devatas. I have reaped the fruit of my sacrifice today by your venerable presence." धन्योऽस्म्यनुगृहीतोऽस्मि यस्य मे मुनिपुङ्गव।।1.50.14।।यज्ञोपसदनं ब्रह्मन् प्राप्तोऽसि मुनिभि: सह।,O Preeminent among ascetics O brahmana you have come to my sacrificial mandap along with these ascetics Blessed am I Obliged am I. द्वादशाहं तु ब्रह्मर्षे शेषमाहुर्मनीषिण:।।1.50.15।।ततो भागार्थिनो देवान् द्रष्टुमर्हसि कौशिक।,"O Brahmarshi learned men say, only twelve days remain for completion of this acrifice. Thereafter O Viswamitra you should see devatas claiming their shares""." इत्युक्त्वा मुनिशार्दूलं प्रहृष्टवदनस्तदा।।1.50.16।।पुनस्तं परिपप्रच्छ प्राञ्जलि: प्रणतो नृप:।,"Having said this, the king (Janaka) with a cheerful countenance and saluting with folded palms again asked that tiger among ascetics (Viswamitra):" इमौ कुमारौ भद्रं ते देवतुल्यपराक्रमौ।।1.50.17।।गजसिंहगती वीरौ शार्दूलवृषभोपमौ।पद्मपत्रविशालाक्षौ खड्गतूणीधनुर्धरौ।।1.50.18।।अश्विनाविव रूपेण समुपस्थितयौवनौ।यदृच्छयैव गां प्राप्तौ देवलोकादिवामरौ।।1.50.19।।कथं पद्भ्यामिह प्राप्तौ किमर्थं कस्य वा मुने।,"""O Sage (Viswamitra), be blessed. Who are these two young men with the prowess of the celestials the gait of an elephant or a lion? They resemble a tiger or a bull in courage. They have large eyes like lotuspetals. They are armed with scimitars bows and quivers. With their approaching youth, they resemble the Aswinikumaras in beauty. They look like gods who have descended on earth from heaven out of their free will. Whose sons are they? How did they come here on foot? And for what purpose?" वरायुधधरौ वीरौ कस्य पुत्रौ महामुने।।1.50.20।।भूषयन्ताविमं देशं चन्द्रसूर्याविवाम्बरम्। परस्परस्य सदृशौ प्रमाणेङ्गितचेष्टितै:।।1.50.21।।काकपक्षधरौ वीरौ श्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्त्वत:। ,"Great ascetic, these two young men with hair falling on their temples like the wings of a crow, each of them resemble the other in personality, expressions and gestures. Wielding excellent weapons they adorn this land like the Moon and the Sun deck the sky. Whose sons are they? I wish truly to hear about these heroes""." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा जनकस्य महात्मन:।।1.50.22।।न्यवेदयन्महात्मानौ पुत्रौ दशरथस्य तौ। ,"Hearing the words of the magnanimous Janaka, Viswamitra presented them to him saying that they were the illustrious sons of Dasaratha. " सिद्धाश्रमनिवासं च राक्षसानां वधं तथा।।1.50.23।।तच्चागमनमव्यग्रं विशालायाश्च दर्शनम्।अहल्यादर्शनं चैव गौतमेन समागमम्।।1.50.24।। महाधनुषि जिज्ञासां कर्तुमागमनं तथा।एतत्सर्वं महातेजा जनकाय महात्मने ।।1.50.25।।निवेद्य विररामाथ विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।,"The great ascetic Viswamitra, who was highly powerful related to the distinguished Janaka in full their undaunted journey to Siddhashrama and the slaughter of rakshasas there, the view of the city of Vishala, meeting with Ahalya and Gautama and the inquisitiveness about the great bow which brought them to Mithila and then kept quiet.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाणडे पञ्चाशस्सर्ग:।। Thus ends the fiftieth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Satananda describes the efforts and achievements of Viswamitra to Rama.]तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रस्य धीमत:।हृष्टरोमा महातेजाश्शतानन्दो महातपा:।।1.51.1।।गौतमस्य सुतो ज्येष्ठस्तपसा द्योतितप्रभ:।रामसन्दर्शनादेव परं विस्मयमागत:।।1.51.2।।,"Satananda the eldest son of Gautama, a great sage who looked brilliant with the power of austerities was thrilled to hear the words of Viswamitra the intellectual and experienced great astonishment on beholding Rama." स तौ निषण्णौ सम्प्रेक्ष्य सुखासीनौ नृपात्मजौ।शतानन्दो मुनिश्रेष्ठं विश्वामित्रमथामब्रवीत्।।1.51.3।।,"Satananda saw the two princes comfortably seated nearby and said to Viswamitra, the foremost of the ascetics:" अपि ते मुनिशार्दूल मम माता यशस्विनी।दर्शिता राजपुत्राय तपो दीर्घमुपागता।।1.51.4।।,"""O Tiger among ascetics, was my renowned mother who had been practising intense austerities for long shown to the prince (Rama)?" अपि रामे महातेजा मम माता यशस्विनी।वन्यैरुपाहरत्पूजां पूजार्हे सर्वदेहिनाम्।।1.51.5।।,"Did my highly lustrous and celebrated mother offer homage to Rama, worthy of reverence by all living beings, with things available in the forest?" अपि रामाय कथितं यथावृत्तं पुरातनम्।मम मातुर्महातेजो दैवेन दुरनुष्ठितम्।।1.51.6।।,"O highly powerful sage, was Rama told the old story about the misdeed of god (Indra) to my mother?" अपि कौशिक भद्रं ते गुरुणा मम सङ्गता।मम माता मुनिश्रेष्ठ रामसन्दर्शनादित:।।1.51.7।।,"O Son of Kushika (Viswamitra) be blessed. O the best among the ascetics, as a result of beholding Rama, was my mother united with my father?" अपि मे गुरुणा राम: पूजित: कुशिकात्मज।इहागतो महातेजा: पूजां प्राप्तो महात्मन:।।1.51.8।।,O Son of Kushika was Rama honoured by my father? Was my most brilliant father honoured by illustrious Rama when he arrived? अपि शान्तेन मनसा गुरुर्मे कुशिकात्मज ।इहाऽगतेन रामेण प्रयतेनाभिवादित:।।1.51.9।।,"O Kushika's son did pious Rama welcome my father with a tranquil mind when he arrived?""" तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।प्रत्युवाच शतानन्दं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम्।।1.51.10।। ,Great sage Viswamitra equipped with the knowledge of words heard Satananda who was proficient in speech. And replied: नातिक्रान्तं मुनिश्रेष्ठ यत्कर्तव्यं कृतं मया।सङ्गता मुनिना पत्नी भार्गवेणेव रेणुका।।1.51.11।।,O Best of ascetics (Satananda) All that is required to be done has been done and nothing was omitted. Ahalya was united with sage Gautama like Renuka with Jamadagni. तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य विश्वामित्रस्य भाषितम् ।शतानन्दो महातेजा रामं वचनमब्रवीत्।।1.51.12।।,Having heard Viswamitra the highly brilliant Satananda said to Rama: स्वागतं ते नरश्रेष्ठ दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोऽसि राघव। विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य महर्षिमपराजितम्।।1.51.13।।,"""O Best of men O Son of the Raghus you are fortunate to have come here following the invincible maharshi Viswamitra. Welcome to you." अचिन्त्यकर्मा तपसा ब्रह्मर्षिरतुलप्रभ:।विश्वामित्रो महातेजा वेत्स्येनं परमां गतिम्।।1.51.14।।,"Highly lustrous Viswamitra has performed deeds which defy all imagination. By his austerities, he became Brahmarshi and possesses unparalleled radiance. Know him to be the supreme resort." नास्ति धन्यतरो राम त्वत्तोऽन्यो भुवि कश्चन।गोप्ता कुशिकपुत्रस्ते येन तप्तं महत्तप:।।1.51.15।।,"Rama Son of Kushika (Viswamitra) who has performed great austerities is your protector. Therefore, there is none on this earth more fortunate than you." श्रूयतां चाभिधास्यामि कौशिकस्य महात्मन:।यथा बलं यथा वृत्तं तन्मे निगदत: श्रुणु।।1.51.16।।,I shall tell you about the power and achievement of the magnanimous son of Kushika Viswamitra. Listen राजाऽभूदेष धर्मात्मा दीर्घकालमरिन्दम:।धर्मज्ञ: कृतविद्यश्च प्रजानां च हिते रत:।।1.51.17।।,"This righteousminded sage, subduer of enemies, knower of dharma knowledgeable in all branches of learning, devoted to the welfare of his subjects ruled as a king for long." प्रजापतिसुतश्चासीत्कुशो नाम महीपति:।कुशस्य पुत्रो बलवान् कुशनाभस्सुधार्मिक:।।1.51.18।।,There was a king named Kusa who was the son of Brahma. His son was Kusanabha who was supremely righteous and strong. कुशनाभसुतस्त्वासीद्गाधिरित्येव विश्रृत:।गाधे: पुत्रो महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।।1.51.19।।,Wellknown Gadhi was the son of Kusanabha. Highly lustrous and mighty ascetic Viswamitra is the son of Gadhi. विश्वामित्रो महातेजा: पालयामास मेदिनीम्।बहुवर्षसहस्राणि राजा राज्यमकारयत्।।1.51.20।। ,Highly lustrous Viswamitra ruled the earth. As a king he ruled over his kingdom for thousands of years. कदाचित्तु महातेजा योजयित्वा वरूथिनीम्।अक्षौहीणीपरिवृत: परिचक्राम मेदिनीम्।।1.51.21।।,Once that highly lustrous Viswamitra having assembled his army of the magnitude of akshauhini went round the earth. नगराणि सराष्ट्राणि सरितश्च तथा गिरीन्।आश्रमान्क्रमशो राम विचरन्नाजगाम ह।।1.51.22।।वसिष्ठस्याश्रमपदं नानावृक्षसमाकुलम्।नानामृगगणाकीर्णं सिद्धचारणसेवितम्।।1.51.23।।देवदानवगन्धर्वै: किन्नरैरुपशोभितम्।प्रशान्तहरिणाकीर्णं द्विजसङ्घनिषेवितम्।।1.51.24।।ब्रह्मर्षिगणसङ्कीर्णं देवर्षिगणसेवितम्।तपश्चरणसंसिद्धैरग्निकल्पैर्महात्मभि:।।1.51.25।।अब्भक्षैर्वायुभक्षैश्च शीर्णपर्णाशनैस्तथा।फलमूलाशनैर्दान्तैर्जितरोषैर्जितेन्द्रियै:।।1.51.26।।ऋषिभिर्वालखिल्यैश्च जपहोमपरायणै:।अन्यैर्वैखानसैश्चैव समन्तादुपशोभितम्।।1.51.27।।,"Rama while Viswamitra was wandering about kingdoms, cities, rivers, mountains and hermitages, he gradually reached the ashram of Vasishta. That hermitage afounded in a variety of trees, species of animals, siddhas, charanas, devatas, danavas, gandharvas and kinnaras, multitudes of birds and resting deer. It was inhabited by brahmarshis and devarishis, by sages who had attained perfection through austerities, by those resembling fire in brightness, by the magnanimous and the selfrestrained, by those who had conquered anger and controlled their senses, who was devoted to prayers and offerings of libations. Some of them subsisted on water, some on air. Some lived on fallen leaves, some on fruits and roots. The hermitage looked bedecked with valakhilyas (born from Vala of Brahma ) and vaikhanasas (born from the nails of Brahma)." वसिष्ठस्याश्रमपदं ब्रह्मलोकमिवापरम्।ददर्श जयतां श्रेष्ठो विश्वामित्रो महाबल:।।1.51.28।।,"Highly powerful Viswamitra, foremost among the conquerors, (thus) saw the hermitage of Vasishta which looked like another Brahmaloka.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकपञ्चाशस्सर्ग:।Thus ends the fiftyfirst sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Vasishta orders Kamadhenu to create things necessary for the hospitality to king Viswamitra.]स दृष्ट्वा परमप्रीतो विश्वामित्रो महाबल:।प्रणतो विनयाद्वीरो वसिष्ठं जपतां वरम्।।1.52.1।।,"Overwhelmed with joy the mighty, heroic Viswamitra upon seeing Vasishta, the greatest among ascetics, was and offered respectful salutations. " स्वागतं तव चेत्युक्तो वसिष्ठेन महात्मना।आसनं चास्य भगवान् वसिष्ठो व्यादिदेश ह।।1.52.2।।,Adorable Vasishta received Viswamitra with words of welcome and ordered a seat for him. उपविष्टाय च तदा विश्वामित्राय धीमते।यथान्यायं मुनिवर: फलमूलमुपाहरत्।।1.52.3।।,"With the sagacious Viswamitra seated the great ascetic, duly offered him fruits and roots." प्रतिगृह्य तु तां पूजां वसिष्ठाद्राजसत्तम:।तपोग्निहोत्रशिष्येषु कुशलं पर्यपृच्छत।।1.52.4।।विश्वामित्रो महातेजा वनस्पतिगणे तथा ।सर्वत्र कुशलं चाह वसिष्ठो राजसत्तमम्।।1.52.5।।,"Foremost among kings, the brilliant Viswamitra, having received hospitality from Vasishta, enquired about his welbeing his austerities, his firesacrifices, his disciples and trees (in his hermitage). Vasishta, too, informed him of the welfare of all." सुखोपविष्टं राजानं विश्वामित्रं महातपा:।पप्रच्छ जपतां श्रेष्ठो वसिष्ठो ब्रह्मणस्सुत:।।1.52.6।।," Vasishta, son of Brahma, the greatest among those who recite prayers and possess rich asceticism enquired of king Viswamitra comfortably seated (before him):" कच्चित्ते कुशलं राजन् कच्चिद्धर्मेण रञ्जयन्।प्रजा: पालयसे वीर राजवृत्तेन धार्मिक।।1.52.7।।,"""O King, is it all well with you? O righteous one O heroic one are you ruling (your subjects) in accordance with the duties enjoined upon the king? Do you rule them in conformity with the code of moralit in order to make them happy." कच्चित्ते सम्भृता भृत्या: कच्चित्तिष्ठन्ति शासने।कच्चित्ते विजितास्सर्वे रिपवो रिपुसूदन ।।1.52.8।।,Are your servants provided well with their requirements? Do they abide by your command? O Destroyer of foes have all your enemies been conquered ? कच्चिद्बलेषु कोशेषु मित्रेषु च परन्तप।कुशलं ते नरव्याघ्र पुत्रपौत्रे तवानघ ।।1.52.9।।,"O Tormentor of enemies O Sinless one O Tiger among men is it all well with your army, treasury, friends, sons and grandsons?" सर्वत्र कुशलं राजा वसिष्ठं प्रत्युदाहरत्।विश्वामित्रो महातेजा वसिष्ठं विनयान्वित:।।1.52.10।। ,"Highly brilliant king Viswamitra, humbly informed Vasishta that all was well." कृत्वोभौ सुचिरं कालं धर्मिष्ठौ ता: कथा: शुभा:।मुदा परमया युक्तौ प्रीयेतां तौ परस्परम्।।1.52.11।।,Both the righteous personalities dwelt at length on various matters and interesting anecdotes with great delight and derived mutual pleasure. ततो वसिष्ठो भगवान् कथाऽन्ते रघुनन्दन ।विश्वामित्रमिदं वाक्यमुवाच प्रहसन्निव।।1.52.12।।,"O Descendent of Raghu at the end of the conversation, venerable Vasishta, smiling as it were said to Viswamitra" आतिथ्यं कर्तुमिच्छामि बलस्यास्य महाबल ।तव चैवाप्रमेयस्य यथार्हं सम्प्रतीच्छ मे।।1.52.13।।,O Highy powerful Viswamitra I wish to offer appropriate hospitality to you and to your incomparable army. Be pleased to accept it. सत्क्रियां तु भवानेतां प्रतीच्छतु मयोद्यताम्।राजा त्वमतिथिश्रेष्ठ: पूजनीय: प्रयत्नत:।।1.52.14।।," Please accept the honour I extend. Being a king, you are a distinguished guest. you deserve to be treated respectfully in all possible ways""." एवमुक्तो वसिष्ठेन विश्वामित्रो महामति:।कृतमित्यब्रवीद्राजा प्रियवाक्येन मे त्वया।।1.52.15।।,"To these words of Vasishta, the great intellectual Viswamitra said, ""you have spoken pleasing words. This in itself is hospitality for me""." फलमूलेन भगवन् विद्यते यत्तवाश्रमे।पाद्येनाचमनीयेन भगवद्दर्शनेन च।।1.52.16।।सर्वथा च महाप्राज्ञ पूजार्हेण सुपूजित:।गमिष्यामि नमस्तेऽस्तु मैत्रेणेक्षस्व चक्षुषा।।1.52.17।।,"""O Worshipful one O Profoundly wise one you are worthy of homage. You have excellently honoured me in all possible ways with whatever fruits and roots available in your hermitage, with water for washing feet and for sipping. You have permitted me darshan with your revered self. I shall leave (now). My regards Look upon me with eyes of friendship""." एवं ब्रुवन्तं राजानं वसिष्ठ:पुनरेव हि।न्यमन्त्रयत धर्मात्मा पुन:पुनरुदारधी:।।1.52.18।।,"As the king was addressing thus the righteous and generous Vasishta, repeatedly requested him to accept his hospitality." बाढमित्येव गाधेयो वसिष्ठं प्रत्युवाच ह।यथा प्रियं भगवतस्तथाऽस्तु मुनिपुङ्गव।।1.52.19।।,"The son of Gadhi said to Vasishta, ""O Preeminent among sages, be it so, O venerable one they will be done""." एवमुक्तो महातेजा वसिष्ठो जपतां वर:।आजुहाव तत: प्रीत: कल्माषीं धूतकल्मष:।।1.52.20।। , Vasishta who was highly brilliant the greatest among those who meditate (on Brahman) and free from sins was pleased. Thereafter he called the speckled cow (Kamadhenu): एह्येहि शबले क्षिप्रं श्रृणु चापि वचो मम।सबलस्यास्य राजर्षे:कर्तुं व्यवसितोऽस्म्यहम्।।1.52.21।।भोजनेन महार्हेण सत्कारं संविधत्स्व मे।,"""O Sabala, come on quick Listen to my words. I have decided to honour this royal saint and his army with excellent food. Make necessary arrangemets." यस्य यस्य यथाकामं षड्रसेष्वभिपूजितम्।तत्सर्वं कामधुक्क्षिप्रमभिवर्ष कृते मम।।1.52.22।।,O Kamadhenu quickly entertain them for my sake with the food of six kinds of tastes (varieties of rich dishes) as desired by each. रसेनान्नेन पानेन लेह्यचोष्येण संयुतम्।अन्नानां निचयं सर्वं सृजस्व शबले त्वर।।1.52.23।।,"O Sabala create at once all food items consisting of liquids and solids for drinking, tasting and siping.""इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे द्विपञ्चाशस्सर्ग:।Thus ends the fiftysecond sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Vasishta entertains Viswamitra and his army--Viswamitra asks Vasishta for Kamadhenu-- Vasishta declines.]एवमुक्ता वसिष्ठेन शबला शत्रुसूदन।विदधे कामधुक्कामान्यस्य यस्य यथेप्सितम्।।1.53.1।।,"""O Destroyer of foes (Rama)"" addressed thus by Vasishta the wishfulfilling Sabala satisfied each one's desires." इक्षून्मधूं स्तथा लाजान्मैरेयांश्च वरासनान्।पानानि च महार्हाणि भक्ष्यांश्चोच्चावचां स्तथा।।1.53.2।।,"Sugarcane, honey and fried grain, invigorating liquors in good containers, excellent drinks and varieties of food (were served)." उष्णाढ्यस्योदनस्यात्र राशय: पर्वतोपमा:।मृष्टान्नानि च सूपाश्च दधिकुल्यास्तथैव च।।1.53.3।।नानास्वादुरसानां च षाडबानां तथैव च।भाजनानि सुपूर्णानि गौडानि च सहस्रश:।।1.53.4।।,"Heaps of hot rice as high as mountains, savoury food, condiments and on abundance of curd, various kinds of soups, containers in their thousands completely filled with edibles with all six tastes and preparations made of jaggery (were distributed)." सर्वमासीत्सुसन्तुष्ठं हृष्टपुष्टजनायुतम्।विश्वामित्रबलं राम वसिष्ठेनाभितर्पितम्।।1.53.5।।," ""O Rama, Vasistha entertained everybody in Viswamitra's army to their full satisfaction. They were all wellfed and happy." विश्वामित्रोऽपि राजर्षिर्हृष्ट: पुष्टस्तदाभवत् । सान्त:पुरवरो राजा सब्राह्मणपुरोहित:।।1.53.6।।,"King Viswamitra along with ladies, priests and brahmins including the royal sage were fully satisfied and delighted." सामात्यो मन्त्रिसहितस्सभृत्य: पूजितस्तदा।युक्त: परमहर्षेण वसिष्ठमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.53.7।।,"Having received the hospitality along with his counsellors, ministers and attendants, Viswamitra, filled with great delight, said to Vasishta"":" पूजितोऽहं त्वया ब्रह्मन् पूजार्हेण सुसत्कृत:।श्रूयतामभिधास्यामि वाक्यं वाक्यविशारद।।1.53.8।।,"""O Brahman you are worthy of worship. I was received with reverence and wellentertained by you. O Sage conversant with speech listen." गवां शतसहस्रेण दीयतां शबला मम।रत्नं हि भगवन्नेतद्रत्नहारी च प्रार्थिव:।।1.53.9।।तस्मान्मे शबलां देहि ममैषा धर्मतो द्विज।," ""I shall give you a hundred thousand cows in exchange for Sabala. O Respectable one this cow is a gem. A king (along) has a right on jewels, O Brahmin, for that reason, Sabala rightfully belongs to me. Therefore, give this cow""." एवमुक्तस्तु भगवान्वसिष्ठो मुनिसत्तम:।विश्वामित्रेण धर्मात्मा प्रत्युवाच महीपतिम्।।1.53.10।। ,Addressed the by Viswamitra venerable and righteous Vasishta who was of the earth ascetic replied: नाहं शतसहस्रेण नापि कोटिशतैर्गवाम्।राजन् दास्यामि शबलां राशिभी रजतस्य च ।।1.53.11।।,"""O King I shall not exchange Sabala for a hundred thousand for even or a hundred crore cows or heaps of silver." न परित्यागमर्हेयं मत्सकाशादरिन्दम ।शाश्वती शबला मह्यं कीर्तिरात्मवतो यथा।।1.53.12।।,O Suppressor of enemies Viswamitra it is not proper to separate this cow from me. The relationship between Sabala and me is permanent like the relationship between a righteous man and his fame. अस्यां हव्यं च कव्यं च प्राणयात्रा तथैव च।आयत्तमग्निहोत्रं च बलिर्होमस्तथैव च।।1.53.13।।,"For havyam (oblations to gods) and kavyam (oblations to ancestors), for fulfilling the necessities of life, maintenance of the sacred fire and offering oblations to all spirits of created beings, and for offerings made to the Firegod I depend on this cow." स्वाहाकारवषट्कारौ विद्याश्च विविधा स्तथा।आयत्तमत्र राजर्षे सर्वमेतन्न संशय:।।1.53.14।।,O Royal saint swaha and vashat and various branches of learning are all dependent on this cow. No doubt about it. सर्वस्वमेतत्सत्येन मम तुष्टिकरी सदा।कारणैर्बहुभी राजन्न दास्ये शबलां तव।।1.53.15।।,"This one is truly my whole possession, it always gives me contentment. O King for various reasons, I will not give Sabala to you""." वसिष्ठेनैवमुक्तस्तु विश्वामित्रोऽब्रवीत्तत:।संरब्धतरमत्यर्थं वाक्यं वाक्यविशारद:।।1.53.16।।,"To there words of Vasishta, Viswamitra who is skilful in conversation reacted with extreme excitement:" हैरण्यकक्ष्याग्रैवेयान् सुवर्णाङ्कुशभूषितान्।ददामि कुञ्जरांस्तेषां सहस्राणि चतुर्दश।।1.53.17।।,"""I shall give fourteen thousand elephants with gold trappings around the neck and girth, and with goads made of gold. " हैरण्यानां रथानां च श्वेताश्वानां चतुर्युजाम्।ददामि ते शतान्यष्टौ किङ्किणीकविभूषितान्।।1.53.18।।," I shall give you eight hundred chariots made of gold and decorated with small tinkling bells, each chariot yoked with four white horses. " हयानां देशजातानां कुलजानां महौजसाम्।सहस्रमेकं दश च ददामि तव सुव्रत।।1.53.19।।, O Maharshi of auspicious vows I shall give you eleven thousand mighty horses of good breed born in good countries. नानावर्णविभक्तानां वयस्स्थानां तथैव च ।ददाम्येकां गवां कोटिं शबला दीयतां मम।।1.53.20।। ,I shall give one crore young cows of various colours. Give me Sabala. यावदिच्छसि रत्नं वा हिरण्यं वा द्विजोत्तम।तावद्ददामि तत्सर्वं शबला दीयतां मम।।1.53.21।।,"O Best of brahmins I shall offer you jewels or gold as much as you desire. I shall give you everything. Give this Sabala to me""." एवमुक्तस्तु भगवान् विश्वामित्रेण धीमता। न दास्यामीति शबलां प्राह राजन् कथञ्चन।।1.53.22।।,"To these words of sagacious Viswamitra the adorable Vasishta replied: ""O King I shall not give Sabala.""" एतदेव हि मे रत्नमेतदेव हि मे धनम्।एतदेव हि सर्वस्वमेतदेव हि जीवितम्।।1.53.23।।,"""This is verily my jewel, my wealth my very life. This is allinall for me. " दर्शश्च पूर्णमासश्च यज्ञाश्चैवाप्तदक्षिणा:।एतदेव हि मे राजन् विविधाश्च क्रियास्तथा।।1.53.24।।,"O King verily this Sabala is useful for my darsa and purnamasa sacrifices, for appropriate gifts and various rites." अदोमूला: क्रियास्सर्वा मम राजन्न संशय:।बहुना किं प्रलापेन न दास्ये कामदोहिनीम्।।1.53.25।।," O King this (cow) is undoubtedly the source of all my actions. Why these useless words? I will never give this wishfulfilling cow"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे त्रिपञ्चाशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fiftythird sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Viswamitra attempts to take Kamadhenu by force--Kamadhenu creates hordes of warriors -- the army of Viswamitra gets killed.] कामधेनुं वसिष्ठोऽपि यदा न त्यज्यते मुनि:।तदास्य शबलां राम विश्वामित्रोऽन्वकर्षत।।1.54.1।।,"""O Rama when sage Vasishta did not consent to part with the wishfulfilling cow, Viswamitra dragged Sabala by force." नीयमाना तु शबला राम राज्ञा महात्मना।दु:खिता चिन्तयामास रुदन्ती शोककर्शिता।।1.54.2।।,"O Rama when she was being taken away by the powerful king the distressed Sabala thus reflected choked with sorrow"":" परित्यक्ता वसिष्ठेन किमहं सुमहात्मना।याहं राजभटैर्दीना ह्रियेय भृशदु:खिता।।1.54.3।।,"""I am being carried away by attendants of the king in this greatly distressed and pitiable condition. Have I been abandoned by the magnanimous Vasishta?" किं मयाऽपकृतं तस्य महर्षेर्भावितात्मन:।यन्मामनागसं भक्तामिष्टां त्यजति धार्मिक:।।1.54.4।।,"What harm have I done to the pious maharshi, a compassionate soul? Why does he forsake me, his auspicious one, despite my innocence and devotion""? " इति सा चिन्तयित्वा तु विनिश्श्वस्य पुन:पुन:।निर्धूय तांस्तदा भृत्यान् शतशश्शत्रुसूदन ।जगामानिलवेगेन पादमूलं महात्मन:।।1.54.5।।,"""O Destroyer of enemies thus thinking and repeatedly sighing, that cow shook off those attendants who were in hundreds and ran towards the feet of the illustrious Vasishta with the speed of the wind." शबला सा रुदन्ती च क्रोशन्ती चेदमब्रवीत्।वसिष्ठस्याग्रतस्स्थित्वा मेघदुन्दुभिराविणी।।1.54.6।।,"Lowing and moaning, standing before Vasishta, roaring like thunder and of kettledrum, Sabala said:" भगवन् किं परित्यक्ता त्वयाऽहं ब्रह्मणस्सुत।यस्माद्राजभृता मां हि नयन्ते त्वत्सकाशत:।।1.54.7।।,"""O Brahma's son O Venerable one you have abandoned me? For what reason the servants of the king are taking me away from you""? " एवमुक्तस्तु ब्रह्मर्षिरिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।शोकसन्तप्तहृदयां स्वसारमिव दु:खिताम्।।1.54.8।।,"Addressed thus, Bramharshi said to Sabala, like to a sister whose heart is afflicted with sorrow:" न त्वां त्यजामि शबले नापि मेऽपकृतं त्वया।एष त्वां नयते राजा बलोन्मत्तो महाबल:।।1.54.9।।,"""O Sabala I am not forsaking you. You have done me no harm. This highly powerful king is forcibly carrying you away from me." न हि तुल्यं बलं मह्यं राजा त्वद्य विशेषत:।बली राजा क्षत्रियश्च पृथिव्या: पतिरेव च।।1.54.10।। ,"I am no match for his strength, especially he is a king. Being king, he is a warrior, powerful and lord of the earth." इयमक्षौहिणी पूर्णा सवाजिरथसङ्कुला।हस्तिध्वजसमाकीर्णा तेनासौ बलवत्तर:।।1.54.11।।,"He has an entire akshauhini composed of horses, chariots, elephants and banners. Hence he is stonger""." एवमुक्ता वसिष्ठेन प्रत्युवाच विनीतवत्।वचनं वचनज्ञा सा ब्रह्मर्षिममितप्रभम्।।1.54.12।।,"To these words of brahmarshi Vasishta armed with immeasurable power, Sabala, who knew the use of words, replied with humility:" न बलं क्षत्रियस्याहुर्ब्राह्मणो बलवत्तर:।ब्रह्मन् ब्रह्मबलं दिव्यं क्षत्रात्तु बलवत्तरम्।।1.54.13।।,"""O Best of brahmins it is held that the strength of a kshatriya is no greater than a brahmin's. A brahmin possesses great strength his strength is divine. It is greater than that of a kshatriya." अप्रमेयबलं तुभ्यं न त्वया बलवत्तर:।विश्वामित्रो महावीर्यस्तेज स्तव दुरासदम्।।1.54.14।।,"Your power is immeasurable. Even though highly valiant, Viswamitra is not greater than you in strength. Your power is unequalled. " नियुङ्क्ष्व मां महाभाग त्वद्ब्रह्मबलसम्भृताम्।तस्य दर्पबलं यत्तन्नाशयामि दुरात्मन:।।1.54.15।।,O Highly fortunate one I am possessed of your brahminic power. Command me. I will destroy the insolent and power of that wickedminded one. इत्युक्तस्तु तया राम वसिष्ठ स्सुमहायशा:।सृजस्वेति तदोवाच बलं परबलार्दनम्।।1.54.16।।,"O Rama to this, glorious Vasishta replied: ""Create an army capable of crushing the enemy power." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सुरभिस्साऽसृजत्तदा।।1.54.17।।तस्या हुम्भारवोत्सृष्टा: पप्लवाश्शतशो नृप। नाशयन्ति बलं सर्वं विश्वामित्रस्य पश्यत:।।1.54.18।।,"Hearing his words Kamadhenu created an army. O Rama her lowing brought into being Paplavas in hundreds who destroyed the entire army of Viswamitra, while he looked on helplessly." बलं भग्नं ततो दृष्ट्वा रथेनाक्रम्य कौशिक:।स राजा परमक्रुद्धो रोषविस्फारितेक्षण:।पप्लवान्नाशयामास शस्त्रैरुच्चावचैरपि।।1.54.19।।,"Thereafter the king (Viswamitra), having seen his army thus routed, flew into a fury. Wideeyed with anger, he sat in his chariot and destoyed the Paplavas with various kinds of weapons." विश्वामित्रार्दितान् दृष्ट्वा पप्लवाञ्छतशस्तदा।भूय एवासृजत्कोपाच्छकान् यवनमिश्रितान्।।1.54.20।।,"Having seen hundreds of Paplavas crushed by Viswamitra, once again she created out of anger. Sakas mixed with Yavanas." तैरासीत् संवृता भूमि श्शकैर्यवनमिश्रितै:।प्रभावद्भिर्महावीर्यैर्हेमकिञ्जल्कसन्निभै:।।1.54.21।। ,"Sakas mixed with Yavanas, resembling golden filaments possessing brilliance and supreme bravery, covered the earth." दीर्घासिपट्टिशधरैःमवर्णाम्बरावृतै:।निर्दग्धं तद्बलं सर्वं प्रदीप्तैरिव पावकै:।।1.54.22।।,"Sakas and Yavanas, armed with swords and lances, clad in yellow apparel, looking like flaming fire destroyed the entire army." ततोऽस्त्राणि महातेजा विश्वामित्रो मुमोच ह।तैस्तैर्यवनकाम्भोजा: पप्लवाश्चाकुलीकृता:।।1.54.23।।," Thereafter, most brilliant Viswamitra released weapons. With these weapons, the Yavanas, Kambhojas and Paplavas were scattered"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे चतुष्पञ्चाशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fiftyfourth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Viswamitra's sons and soldiers get destroyed in the clash--Viswamitra performs austerities and acquires divine weapons by pleasing Lord Siva.]ततस्तानाकुलान् दृष्ट्वा विश्वामित्रास्त्रमोहितान्।वसिष्ठश्चोदयामास कामधुक् सृज योगत:।।1.55.1।।,"Thereafter, Vasishta having seen the forces tortured and overpowered by the weapons of Viswamitra said, ""O Kamadhenu create additional forces through your yogic power.""" तस्याहुम्भारवाज्जाता: काम्भोजा रविसन्निभा:।ऊधसस्त्वथ सञ्जाता: पप्लवाश्शस्त्रपाणय:।।1.55.2।।योनिदेशाच्च यवनाश्शकृद्देशाच्छका स्तथा।रोमकूपेषु च म्लेच्छा हारीतास्सकिरातका:।।1.55.3।।,"""From her lowing Kambhojas bright like the Sun, from the udder Paplavas, weapons in hand, from the vagina Yavanas, from the anus Sakas, from the roots of the hair Mlecchas along with Kiratas and Haritas were born." तैस्तैर्निषूदितं सर्वं विश्वामित्रस्य तत्क्षणात्।सपदातिगजं साश्वं सरथं रघुनन्दन।।1.55.4।। ,"O descendant of the Raghus, Viswamitra's army consisting of infantry, elephants, horses, chariots has been entirely destroyed by them instantly. " दृष्ट्वा निषूदितं सैन्यं वसिष्ठेन महात्मना।विश्वामित्रसुतानां च शतं नानाविधायुधम्।।1.55.5।।अभ्यधावत्सुसङ्कृद्धं वसिष्ठं जपतां वरम्।हुङ्कारेणैव तान् सर्वान् ददाह भगवान् ऋषि:।।1.55.6।।,"Having seen the army destroyed by the powerful Vasishta, one hundred sons of Viswamitra became extremely furious and armed with various kinds of weapons rushed towards Vasishta, the best among ascetics. Adorable sage Vasishta, reduced them to ashes with just a 'humkara' (the loud 'hum' sound produced with the mouth)" ते साश्वरथपादाता वसिष्ठेन महात्मना।भस्मीकृता मुहूर्तेन विश्वामित्रसुता स्तदा।।1.55.7।।,"Then one hundred sons of Viswamitra together with their horses, chariots and foot soldiers were reduced to ashes in a moment by the powerful Vasishta." दृष्ट्वा विनाशितान् पुत्रान् बलं च सुमहायशा:।सव्रीडश्चिन्तयाऽविष्टो विश्वामित्रोऽभवत्तदा।।1.55.8।।,Seeing his sons and army destroyed the illustrious Viswamitra was filled with shame and anxiety. समुद्र इव निर्वेगो भग्नदंष्ट्र इवोरग:।उपरक्त इवादित्यस्सद्यो निष्प्रभतां गत:।।1.55.9।।," Like the ocean without waves or the snake bereft of fangs or the Sun eclipsed by Rahu, suddenly (Viswamitra) looked cheerless and dull." हतपुत्रबलो दीनो लूनपक्ष इव द्विज:।हतदर्पो हतोत्साहो निर्वेदं समपद्यत।।1.55.10।। ,"Having lost his sons and the army, like a bird with wings clipped, wretched, with pride vanished and confidence shattered Viswamitra fell into despondency. " स पुत्रमेकं राज्याय पालयेति नियुज्य च।पृथिवीं क्षत्रधर्मेण वनमेवान्वपद्यत।।1.55.11।।,"Viswamitra, having entrusted one of his remaining sons to rule the kingdom in accordance with the kshatriya tradition reached the forest. " स गत्वा हिमवत्पार्श्वं किन्नरोरगसेवितम्।महादेवप्रसादार्थं तपस्तेपे महातपा:।।1.55.12।।,"Mighty ascetic Viswamitra, reached the slopes of the Himavat mountain inhabited by kinnaras and uragas (serpents) and performed austerities in order to propitiate lord Mahadeva." केनचित्त्वथ कालेन देवेशो वृषभध्वज:।दर्शयामास वरदो विश्वामित्रं महाबलम्।।1.55.13।।,"After some time, lord of the gods, bestower of boons, Maheswara with the symbol of the bull on the banner appeared before mighty Viswamitra." किमर्थं तप्यसे राजन् ब्रूहि यत्ते विवक्षितम्।वरदोऽस्मि वरो यस्ते काङ्क्षितस्सोऽभिधीयताम्।।1.55.14।।,O King what are you performing the penance for? Tell me what you want? I am bestower of boons. Speak out you desire (said Lord Siva). एवमुक्तस्तु देवेन विश्वामित्रो महातपा:।प्रणिपत्य महादेवमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।1.55.15।।,"Having heard this from the god, Viswamitra who performed the great austerities prostrated before Mahadeva and said these words." यदि तुष्टो महादेव धनुर्वेदो ममानघ।साङ्गोपाङ्गोपनिषदस्सरहस्य: प्रदीयताम्।।1.55.16।।,"O Irreproachable one O Mahadeva if you are pleased with me, make me an expert in Dhanurveda, the science of archery with all it secrets, angas (branches), upangas (subdivisions) and Upanishads." यानि देवेषु चास्त्राणि दानवेषु महर्षिषु।गन्धर्वयक्षरक्षस्सु प्रतिभान्तु ममानघ।।1.55.17।।,"O Irreproachable one whatever weapons are known to devatas, danavas, maharshis, gandharvas, yakshas, rakshasas, be revealed to me. " तव प्रसादाद्भवतु देवदेवममेप्सितम्।एवमस्त्विति देवेशो वाक्यमुक्त्वा गतस्तदा।।1.55.18।।,O Lord of the gods by your favour let my desire be fulfilled. Lord Mahadeva having said: 'Be it so' vanished. प्राप्य चास्त्राणि राजर्षिर्विश्वामित्रो महाबल:।दर्पेण महता युक्तो दर्पपूर्णोऽभवत्तदा।।1.55.19।।,"Rajarshi Viswamitra endowed with supreme power became very haughty. Having obtained the weapons, his insolence was greatly accentuated." विवर्धमानो वीर्येण समुद्र इव पर्वणि।हतमेव तदा मेने वसिष्ठमृषिसत्तमम्।।1.55.20।। ,"Like the sea during the full moon, with his increased power (blessed with the invincible strength of the weapons) Viswamitra thought the foremost of ascetics Vasishta was (already) slain. (It shows the height of the king's ignorance and arrogance)." ततो गत्वाऽऽश्रमपदं मुमोचास्त्राणि पार्थिव:।यैस्तत्तपोवनं सर्वं निर्दग्धं चास्त्रतेजसा।।1.55.21।।,Thereafter king Viswamitra having proceeded towards the hermitage (of Vasishta) and released the weapons by the energy of which the entire forest of the ascetics was burnt down. उदीर्यमाणमस्त्रं तद्विश्वामित्रस्य धीमत:।दृष्ट्वा विप्रद्रुतास्सर्वे मुनयश्शतशो दिश:।।1.55.22।।,On seeing the weapons discharged by the intelligent Viswamitra saints in hundreds fled in all directions. वसिष्ठस्य च ये शिष्यास्तथैव मृगपक्षिण:।विद्रवन्ति भयाद्भीता नानादिग्भ्यस्सहस्रश:।।1.55.23।।, The disciples of Vasishta as well as animals and birds got terrified by the fear and fled in their thousands in all directions. वसिष्ठस्याश्रमपदं शून्यमासीन्महात्मन:।मुहूर्तमिव निश्शब्दमासीदिरिणसन्निभम्।।1.55.24।।,The greatsoul Vasishta's hermitage became deserted and silent in an instant like a barren field. वदतो वै वसिष्ठस्य मा भैरिति मुहुर्मुहु:।नाशयाम्यद्य गाधेयं नीहारमिव भास्कर:।।1.55.25।।,"Even while Vasistha was repeatedly assuring the saints saying ""Do not fear, I will now destroy Viswamitra, son of Gadhi just as the Sun dispels the morning mist (they fled)"". " एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा वसिष्ठो जपतां वर:।विश्वामित्रं तदा वाक्यं सरोषमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.55.26।।,"The infuriated Vasishta who was highly brilliant, foremost among those who meditate said to Viswamitra:" आश्रमं चिरसम्वृद्धं यद्विनाशितवानसि।दुराचारोऽसि तन्मूढ तस्मात्त्वं न भविष्यसि।।1.55.27।।," ""O Fool this hermitage has been developed over a long time. Why did you destroy it? On account of your wickedness you will not live long.""" इत्युक्त्वा परमक्रुद्धो दण्डमुद्यम्य सत्वर:।विधूममिव कालाग्निं यमदण्डमिवापरम्।।1.55.28।।,"Exceedingly furious Vasishta quickly lifted up his staff which looked like the staff of Yama (the od of death), like smokeless fire at the time of destruction of the worlds.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे पञ्चपञ्चाशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fiftyfifth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Vasishta destroys the weapons employed by Viswamitra with his Brahmadanda -- Viswamitra undertakes austerities to acquire brahminhood.]एवमुक्तो वसिष्ठेन विश्वामित्रो महाबल:।आग्नेयमस्त्रमुत्क्षिप्य तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्।।1.56.1।।,"Thus said Vasishta. Mighty Viswamitra lifted up agneya astra (shaft of fire) and discharging it said, 'stay, stay'." ब्रह्मदण्डं समुत्क्षिप्य कालदण्डमिवाऽपरम्।वसिष्ठो भगवान् क्रोधादिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।1.56.2।।,"Venerable Vasishta, in fury lifted the Brahmadanda which was like another rod of death. And spoke these words: " क्षत्रबन्धो स्थितोस्म्येष यद्बलं तद्विदर्शय।नाशयाम्यद्य ते दर्पं शस्त्रस्य तव गाधिज।।1.56.3।।,"""O wicked kshatriya O son of Gadhi here I stand. Show me your strength and the pride of your arms. I will destroy them now." क्व च ते क्षत्रियबलं क्व च ब्रह्मबलं महत्।पश्य ब्रह्मबलं दिव्यं मम क्षत्रियपांसन।।1.56.4।।,"O mean kshatriya where does your energy of a kshatriya stand in comparison with the great energy of Brahma? Behold my Brahmabala (Brahman's energy)"". " तस्यास्त्रं गाधिपुत्रस्य घोरमाग्नेयमुद्यतम्।ब्रह्मदण्डेन तच्छान्तमग्नेर्वेग इवाम्भसा।।1.56.5।।,The Brahmadanda (released by Vasishta) put down the dreadful agneya astra released by Gadhi's son just like the force of fire is extinguished by water. वारुणं चैव रौद्रं च ऐन्द्रं पाशुपतं तथा।ऐषीकं चापि चिक्षेप कुपितो गाधिनन्दन:।।1.56.6।।,"The incensed son of Gadhi employed varuna, raudra, aindra, pasupata and aishika weapons. " मानवं मोहनं चैव गान्धर्वं स्वापनं तथा।जृम्भणं मादनं चैव संतापनविलापने।।1.56.7।।शोषणं दारणं चैव वज्रमस्त्रं सुदुर्जयम्।ब्रह्मपाशं कालपाशं वारुणं पाशमेव च।।1.56.8।।पैनाकास्त्रं च दयितं शुष्कार्द्रे अशनी उभे।दण्डास्त्रमथ पैशाचं क्रौञ्चमस्त्रं तथैव च।।1.56.9।।धर्मचक्रं कालचक्रं विष्णुचक्रं तथैव च।वायव्यं मथनं चैव अस्त्रं हयशिरस्तथा।।1.56.10।।शक्तिद्वयं च चिक्षेप कङ्कालं मुसलं तथा। 560वैद्याधरं महास्त्रं च कालास्त्रमथ दारुणम्।।1.56.11।।त्रिशूलमस्त्रं घोरं च कापालमथ कङ्कणम्।एतान्यस्त्राणि चिक्षेप सर्वाणि रघुनन्दन।।1.56.12।। वसिष्ठे जपतां श्रेष्ठे तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्।,"""O Descendent of Raghu Viswamitra employed weapons like manava, mohana, gandharva, swapana, jrimbhana, madana, santapana, vilapana, shoshana, darana, vajra weapons, Brahma, kala and varuna pasas, the favourite painaka, daita, shushka, ardra vajras, danda, paisacha, krauncha, weapons, dharmachakra, kalachakra, vishnuchakras, vayavya, mathana, hayasira weapons, kanakala, musala powers, vaidyadhara, kalatrishula, kapala, kankana weapons discharged against Vasishta the best of ascetics. All this became aweful." तानि सर्वाणि दण्डेन ग्रसते ब्रह्मणस्सुत:।।1.56.13।।तेषु शान्तेषु ब्रह्मास्त्रं क्षिप्तवान् गाधिनन्दन:।,"Vasishta son of Brahma, swallowed all those weapons with his staff. When those weapons were humbled, son of Gadhi employed Brahmastra." तदस्त्रमुद्यतं दृष्ट्वा देवास्साग्निपुरोगमा:।।1.56.14।।देवर्षयश्च सम्भ्रान्तागन्धर्वास्समहोरगा:।त्रैलोक्यमासीत्सन्तप्तं ब्रह्मास्त्रे समुदीरिते।।1.56.15।,"All the devatas, with Agni in the forefront, divine rishis, great uragas and gandharvas were agitated seeing the Brahmastra raised. When Brahmastra was discharged, the three worlds became distressed. " तदप्यस्त्रं महाघोरं ब्रह्मं ब्राह्मेण तेजसा ।वसिष्ठो ग्रसते सर्वं ब्रह्मदण्डेन राघव।।1.56.16।।,O Descendant of Raghu Vasishta who possessed the energy of Brahma swallowed that very dreadful Brahmastra entirely with the help of Brahmadanda. ब्रह्मास्त्रं ग्रसमानस्य वसिष्ठस्य महात्मन:।त्रैलोक्यमोहनं रौद्रं रूपमासीत्सुदारुणम्।।1.56.17।।,While swallowing Brahmastra the great Vasishta looked fierce and terrible causing the three worlds to faint. रोमकूपेषु सर्वेषु वसिष्ठस्य महात्मन:।मरीच्य इव निष्पेतुरग्नेर्धूमाकुलार्चिष:।।1.56.18।।,From every pore of the great Vasishta's body flames resembling rays of light with smoke emerged. प्राज्वलद्ब्रह्मदण्डश्च वसिष्ठस्य करोद्यत:।विधूम इव कालाग्निर्यमदण्ड इवापर:।।1.56.19।।,"The staff of Brahma in Vasishta's hand, resembling smokeless fire at the end of the dissolution of the worlds inflamed like another rod of death. " ततोऽस्तुवन् मुनिगणा वसिष्ठं जपतां वरम्।अमोघं ते बलं ब्रह्मन् तेजो धारय तेजसा।।1.56.20।।,"Then hosts of saints praised Vasishta, the best among sages, saying ""O Brahmin, your energy is infallible, hold your energy by your enegy""." निगृहीतस्त्वया ब्रह्मन् विश्वामित्रो महातपा:।प्रसीद जपतां श्रेष्ठ लोकास्सन्तु गतव्यथा:।।1.56.21।। ,'O Brahman great ascetic Viswamitra was controlled by you. O Best of ascetics be pleased and let the worlds be delivered from distress'. एवमुक्तो महातेजाश्शमं चक्रे महातपा:।विश्वामित्रोऽपि निकृतो विनिश्वस्येदमब्रवीत्।।1.56.22।।,"At this, Vasishta the most brilliant ascetic became quiet. The humiliated Viswamitra heaved a sigh and spoke these words:" धिग्बलं क्षत्रियबलं ब्रह्मतेजो बलं बलम्।एकेन ब्रह्मदण्डेन सर्वास्त्राणि हतानि मे।।1.56.23।।," Shame Where is the might of a kshatriya? The energy of a brahmin is the real energy. The staff of Brahma has singly destroyed all my weapons"". " तदेतत्समवेक्ष्याहं प्रसन्नेन्द्रियमानस:।तपो महत्समास्थास्ये यद्वै ब्रह्मत्वकारणम्।।1.56.24।।,"""Now I have realised the reason. With clear mind and senses, I shall undertake intense penance which will earn me brahminhood"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे षट्पञ्चाशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fiftysixth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Trisanku decided to perform a sacrifice to ascend to heaven with the physical body -- refused by Vasishta, Trisanku approaches his sons and seeks their help.]ततस्सन्तप्तहृदय: स्मरन्निग्रहमात्मन:। विनिश्श्वस्य विनिश्श्वस्य कृतवैरो महत्मना।।1.57.1।।स दक्षिणां दिशं गत्वा महिष्या सह राघव ।तताप परमं घोरं विश्वामित्रो महत्तप:।।1.57.2।। फलमूलाशनो दान्तश्चकार सुमहत्तप:।","""O Descendant of Raghu (Rama) having created enmity between himself and the magnanimous Vasishta, Viswamitra recollecting the disgrace and repeatedly sighing with a distressed heart went with his eldest wife towards southern quarter to perform rigorous penance. Subsisting on fruits and roots and his senses underfull control he performed the most rigid austerities. " अथास्य जज्ञिरे पुत्रास्सत्यधर्मपरायणा:।हविष्यन्दो मधुष्यन्दो दृढनेत्रो महारथ:।।1.57.3।।,"After some time, four sons, Havishyanda, Madhushyanda, Drudhanetra and Maharatha, who (later) wer wedded to truth and duty, were born.""" पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रे तु ब्रह्मा लोकपितामह:।अब्रवीन्मधुरं वाक्यं विश्वामित्रं तपोधनम्।।1.57.4।।,"A thousand years passed. The Grandsire of the worlds, Brahma, appeared. He spoke to Viswamitra, the great ascetic, these pleasant words:" चिता राजर्षिलोकास्ते तपसा कुशिकात्मज।अनेन तपसा त्वां तु राजर्षिरिति विद्महे।।1.57.5।।,"""O Son of Kushika with your austerities you have won the worlds of the rajarshis. On account of your austerities, you are acknowledged a rajarshi""." एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा जगाम सह दैवतै:।त्रिविष्टपं ब्रह्मलोकं लोकानां परमेश्वर:।।1.57.6।।,"Having said this the glorious (Brahma), supreme lord of the worlds, left for his abode in Brahmaloka, in heaven accompanied by the gods." विश्वामित्रोऽपि तच्छ्रुत्वा ह्रिया किञ्चिदवाङ्मुख:।दु:खेन महताऽऽविष्टस्समन्युरिदमब्रवीत् ।।1.57.7।।,On hearing this Viswamitra hanging down his face a little with shame and anger and grief said: तपश्च सुमहत्तप्तं राजर्षिरिति मां विदु:।देवास्सर्षिगणास्सर्वे नास्ति मन्ये तप:फलम्।।1.57.8।।,"""I have performed intense austerities. Yet rishis and devatas have recognised me only as a rajarshi. I think my penance has yielded fruit. " इति निश्चित्य मनसा भूय एव महातपा:।तपश्चकार काकुत्स्थ परमं परमात्मवान्।।1.57.9।।," ""O Descendant of Kakustha (Rama) this celebrated intellectual having decided in his mind once again performed greater austerities." एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु सत्यवादी जितेन्द्रिय:।त्रिशङ्कुरिति विख्यात इक्ष्वाकुकुलवर्धन:।।1.57.10।। ,"At this time there lived a celebrated king, renowned in the Ikshvakus race, named Trisanku, who was truthful and self restrained." तस्य बुद्धिस्समुत्पन्ना यजेयमिति राघव ।गच्छेयं स्वशरीरेण देवानां परमां गतिम्।।1.57.11।।,"""O Son of the Raghus (Rama) a thought arose in his mind to enter heaven with his physical body by performing a sacrifice. " स वसिष्ठं समाहूय कथयामास चिन्तितम्।अशक्यमिति चाप्युक्तो वसिष्ठेन महात्मना।।1.57.12।।,"Summoning Vasishta he (Trisahnku) communicated his intention, but the great Vasishta said it was not possible." प्रत्याख्यातो वसिष्ठेन स ययौदक्षिणां दिशम्। ततस्तत्कर्मसिद्ध्यर्थं पुत्रां स्तस्य गतो नृप:।।1.57.13।।,"Refused by Vasishta, the king went south in order to fulfil his purpose and approached Vasishta's sons. " वासिष्ठा दीर्घतपसस्तपो यत्र हि तेपिरे।त्रिशंङ्कुस्सुमहातेजा श्शतं परमभास्वरम्।।1.57.14।।वसिष्ठपुत्रान् ददृशे तप्यमानान् यशस्विन:।,"Most brilliant Trisanku approached the sons of Vasishta in the place where they had been performing austerities for a long time. There he saw the famous, exceedingly effulgent sons of Vasishta one hundred in number practising penance." सोऽभिगम्य महात्मनस्सर्वानेव गुरोस्सुतान्।।1.57.15।।अभिवाद्यानुपूर्व्येण ह्रिया किञ्चिदवाङ्मुख:।अब्रवीत्सुमहाभगान्सर्वानेव कृताञ्जलि:।।1.57.16।।,"The king, having approached all the illustrious sons of his spiritual guide, paid obeisance to them in order of seniority. Bowing down his face in humility and with folded palms, he addressed all those distinguished sons of Vasishta saying:" शरणं व: प्रपद्येऽहं शरण्यान् शरणागत:।प्रत्याख्यातोऽस्मि भद्रं वो वसिष्ठेन महात्मना।।1.57.17।।,"O protectors of those who seek refuge in you, protect me. Wish you well. I have been refused by the great Vasishta. " यष्टुकामो महायज्ञं तदनुज्ञातुमर्हथ।गुरुपुत्रानहं सर्वान्नमस्कृत्य प्रसादये।।1.57.18।।,'I wish to perform a great sacrifice. You are worthy enough to tender your consent. I pay homage to all the sons of my spiritual guide oblige. शिरसा प्रणतो याचे ब्राह्मणान् तपसि स्थितान्।ते मां भवन्तस्सिद्ध्यर्थं याजयन्तु समाहिता:।।1.57.19।।सशरीरो यथाऽहं हि देवलोकमवाप्नुयाम्।,"You, brahmins are established in austerity. I bow to you. I beg all of you to direct me with composed minds to direct me in order to attain heaven in physical form'." प्रत्याख्यातो वसिष्ठेन गतिमन्यां तपोधना:।।1.57.20।।गुरुपुत्रानृते सर्वान्नाहं पश्यामि काञ्चन।,O Ascetocs after having been rejected by Vasishta. I do not see any way other than the sons of my spiritual guide to help me achieve my purpose. इक्ष्वाकूणां हि सर्वेषां पुरोधा: परमा गति:।।1.57.21।।पुरोधसस्तु विद्वांसस्तारयन्ति सदा नृपान्।तस्मादनन्तरं सर्वे भवन्तो दैवतं मम।।1.57.22।। ,"For all the descendants of Ikshvakus the spiritual preceptor is the supreme resort for salvation. Learned spiritual preceptors have always liberated kings. Hence you are all gods to me only next to Vasishta"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे सप्तपञ्चाशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fiftyseventh sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Cursed by Vasishta's sons Trisanku takes refuge in Viswamitra]ततस्त्रिशङ्कोर्वचनं श्रुत्वा क्रोधसमन्वितम् ।ऋषिपुत्रशतं राम राजानमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.58.1।।,"""O Rama to these words of king Trisanku, the hundred sons of the sage angrily reacted:" प्रत्याख्यातो हि दुर्बुद्धे गुरुणा सत्यवादिना।तं कथं समतिक्रम्य शाखान्तरमुपेयिवान्।।1.58.2।।," 'O Evilminded one having been refused by the Guru true to his word, how could you bypass him and approach us who are mere off shoots (of the main)." इक्ष्वाकूणां हि सर्वेषां पुरोधा: परमो गुरु:।न चातिक्रमितुं शक्यं वचनं सत्यवादिन:।।1.58.3।।,"For all the kings of the Ikshvakus race, their chief priest is their Guru. It is not possible to bypass the spiritual preceptor who is true to his word preceptor. " अशक्यमिति चोवाच वसिष्ठो भगवानृषि:।तं वयं वै समाहर्तुं क्रतुं शक्ता:कथं तव।।1.58.4।।,"When an adorable sage like Vasishta has already said, it is not possible, how can we help you conduct such a sacrifice?" बालिशस्त्वं नरश्रेष्ठ गम्यतां स्वपुरं पुन:।याजने भगवाञ्छक्तस्त्रैलोक्यस्यापि पार्थिव।।1.58.5।।अवमानं च तत्कर्तुं तस्य शक्ष्यामहे कथम्।, O Best one among men you are childish. Return to your capital. O Monarch the most venerable Vasishta is capable of conducting sacrifices performed by anybody in the three worlds. How can we dishonour him'? तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा क्रोधपर्याकुलाक्षरम्।।1.58.6।।स राजा पुनरेवैतानिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।,"Having heard the confused words uttered by the sages in a state of anger, the king said again:" प्रत्याख्यातोऽस्मि गुरुणा गुरुपुत्रैस्तथैव च।।1.58.7।।अन्यां गतिं गमिष्यामि स्वस्ति वोऽस्तु तपोधना:।,"""O Men endowed with the wealth of asceticism I was rejected by my guru and now by his sons. I shall seek another way. Farewell to you""." ऋषिपुत्रास्तु तच्छ्रुत्वा वाक्यं घोराभिसंहितम्।।1.58.8।।शेपु: परमसङ्कृद्धाश्चण्डालत्वं गमिष्यसि।,"Having seen his fierce intent, the saint's sons were infuriated. They cursed him saying, ""Be a Chandala"" " एवमुक्त्वा महात्मनो विविशुस्ते स्वमाश्रमम्।।1.58.9।।अथ रात्र्यां व्यतीतायां राजा चण्डालतां गत:।,With this the highsouled sons of Vasishta entered their hermitage. And one night after the king became a Chandala (a lowcaste man). नीलवस्त्रधरो नील: पुरुषो ध्वस्तमूर्धज:।।1.58.10।।चित्यमाल्यानुलेपश्च आयसाभरणोऽभवत्। ,"The king was tranformed into a darkcomplexioned dirty man with dishevelled hair. His body was besmeared with ashes and on his robes lay wreath collected from the cemetery. He had on him dark (soiled) clothes, and ornaments made of iron." तं दृष्टवा मन्त्रिणस्सर्वे त्यज्य चण्डालरूपिणम्।।1.58.11।।प्राद्रवन् सहिता राम पौरा येऽस्यानुगामिन:।,"""O Rama seeing him in the form of a chandala, all his counsellors, inhabitants of the city including his followers fled away." एको हि राजा काकुत्स्थ जगाम परमात्मवान्।।1.58.12।।दह्यमानो दिवारात्रं विश्वामित्रं तपोनिधिम्।, O Descendant of Kakustha wandering alone burning with distress night and day the king went to Viswamitra who was rich in asceticism. विश्वामित्रस्तु तं दृष्ट्वा राजानं विफलीकृतम्।चण्डालरूपिणं राम मुनि: कारुण्यमागत:।।1.58.13।।,"O Rama on seeing the king reduced to a useless a chandala, sage Viswamitra was touched with pity"". " कारुण्यात्स महातेजा वाक्यं परमधार्मिक:।इदं जगाद भद्रं ते राजानं घोररूपिणम्।।1.58.14।।,"Exceedingly energetic and deeply pious, he looked at the king who was frightful in appearance and addressed him with compassion saying, ""welfare to you"". " किमागमनकार्यं ते राजपुत्र महाबल।अयोध्याधिपते वीर शापाच्चण्डालतां गत:।।1.58.15।।,"""O Mighty prince what brings your here, for you are the heroic lord of Ayodhya? Whose curse turned you into a chandala""?" अथ तद्वाक्यमाज्ञाय राजा चण्डालतां गत:।अब्रवीत्प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम्।।1.58.16।।,"In response to his words the king, who had fallen into the state of a chandala yet proficient in expression, spoke to one (Viswamitra) expert in speech, with folded hands." प्रत्याख्यातोऽस्मि गुरुणा गुरुपुत्रैस्तथैव च।अनवाप्यैव तं कामं मया प्राप्तो विपर्यय:।।1.58.17।।,"""Rejected by my guru and his sons, what I achieved was disaster and what I could not was the fulfilment of my wish." सशरीरो दिवं यायामिति मे सौम्यदर्शनम्।मया चेष्टं क्रतुशतं तच्च नाऽवाप्यते फलम्।।1.58.18।।,O Gentle sage it is my intention to enter heaven with my physical body. I performed a hundred sacrifices but did not reap its fruit. अनृतं नोक्तपूर्वं मे न च वक्ष्ये कदाचन।कृच्छ्रेष्वपि गत स्सौम्य क्षत्रधर्मेण ते शपे।।1.58.19।।," O Gentle sage I have never told a lie in spite of troubled circumstances, I shall never dabble in falsehood. I swear upon it by kshatriya morality . " यज्ञैर्बहुविधैरिष्टं प्रजा धर्मेण पालिता:।।1.58.20।।गुरवश्च महात्मान श्शीलवृत्तेन तोषिता:। ,I have performed various sacirifices and ruled over my people guided by the law of righteousness. I have pleased eminent elders with my conduct and character. धर्मे प्रयतमानस्य यज्ञं चाहर्तुमिच्छत:।।1.58.21।।परितोषं न गच्छन्ति गुरवो मुनिपुङ्गव ।,O Preeminent among sages I endeavour to do my duty. I intend to perform a sacrifice. My gurus do not appreciate this. दैवमेव परं मन्ये पौरुषं तु निरर्थकम्।।1.58.22।।दैवेनाक्रम्यते सर्वं दैवं हि परमा गति:।,I consider destiny to be allpowerful. The effort of a man goes in vain. Everything is controlled by destiny. It is the supreme resort. तस्य मे परमार्तस्य प्रसादमभिकाङ्क्षत:।।1.58.23।।कर्तुमर्हसि भद्रं ते दैवोपहतकर्मण:।,"My merits have been destroyed by destiny. Deeply afflicted, I crave a favour from you. You are fit to grant it. Wish you well" नान्यां गतिं गमिष्यामि नान्यश्शरणमस्ति मे।।1.58.24।।दैवं पुरुषकारेण निवर्तयितुमर्हसि।।,"I will not take refuge in anybody. There is no other protector for me. You are capable of averting my reverses in fate with human effort"". इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे अष्टपञ्चाशस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fiftyeighth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Viswamitra invites the sages to perform the sacrifice curses the sons of Vasishta and Mahodaya.]उक्तवाक्यं तु राजानं कृपया कुशिकात्मज:।अब्रवीन्मधुरं वाक्यं साक्षाच्चण्डालरूपिणम्।।1.59.1।।,What the king said was proved by his chandala form which the son of Kushika (Viswamitra) heard and out of compassion spoke these sweet words: ऐक्ष्वाक स्वागतं वत्स जानामि त्वां सुधार्मिकम् ।शरणं ते भविष्यामि मा भैषीर्नृपपुङ्गव।।1.59.2।।,"""O Descendant of Ikshvakus, O child, welcome. I know you as highly righteous. O eminent among kings fear not. I offer you refuge." अहमामन्त्रये सर्वान्महर्षीन्पुण्यकर्मण:।यज्ञसाह्यकरान् राजन् ततो यक्ष्यसि निर्वृत:।।1.59.3।।,O king I shall invite pious maharshis to assist you in the sacrifice which you will be able to perform with great relief. गुरुशापकृतं रूपं यदिदं त्वयि वर्तते ।अनेन सह रूपेण सशरीरो गमिष्यसि।।1.59.4।।," With the present physical body disfigured by the curse of your spiritual preceptor, you shall go to heaven." हस्तप्राप्तमहं मन्ये स्वर्गं तव नराधिप।यस्त्वं कौशिकमागम्य शरण्यं शरणागत:।।1.59.5।।," O King since you have taken refuge in Viswamitra who is the protector of those who resort to him, I think heaven is already within your reach""." एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा: पुत्रान् परमधार्मिकान्।व्यादिदेश महाप्राज्ञान् यज्ञसम्भारकारणात्।।1.59.6।।,"Most brilliant Viswamitra having thus spoken, ordered his deeply religious and highly learned sons to make preparations for the sacrifice." सर्वान् शिष्यान् समाहूय वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह।सर्वानृषिगणान्वत्सा आनयध्वं ममाज्ञया।सशिष्यसुहृदश्चैव सर्त्विज स्सबहुश्रुतान्।।1.59.7।।,"He summoned all his disciples, and said, ""Children bring here hosts of rishis along with their disciples and friends, officiating priests and persons wellversed in the Srutis. This is my order." यदन्यो वचनं ब्रूयान्मद्वाक्यबलचोदित:।तत्सर्वमखिलेनोक्तं ममाख्येयमनादृतम्।।1.59.8।।," If any one should speak with disrespect in response to my order, you may report the matter to me in full"". " तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा दिशो जग्मुस्तदाज्ञया।आजग्मुरथ देशेभ्य स्सर्वेभ्यो ब्रह्मवादिन:।।1.59.9।।,"At his command the disciples set out in different directions. And as a result, expounders of the vedas began arriving from various countries." ते च शिष्या: समागम्य मुनिं ज्वलिततेजसम्।ऊचुश्चवचनं सर्वे सर्वेषां ब्रह्मवादिनाम्।।1.59.10।। ,"All the disciples on their return, communicated to the sage shining in splendour what the expounders of the vedas had said." श्रुत्वा ते वचनं सर्वे समायान्ति द्विजातय:।सर्वदेशेषु चागच्छन् वर्जयित्वा महोदयम्।।1.59.11।।," Having heard your words, all brahmins except Mahodaya have arrived from all countries. " वासिष्ठं तच्छतं सर्वं क्रोधपर्याकुलाक्षरम्।यदाह वचनं सर्वं शृणु त्वं मुनिपुङ्गव।।1.59.12।।,O Preeminent among ascetics Here is what the hundred sons of Vasishta spoke in anger. क्षत्रियो याजको यस्य चण्डालस्य विशेषत:।कथं सदसि भोक्तारो हविस्तस्य सुरर्षय:।।1.59.13।।,"When a kshatriya acts as a priest for the sacrifice, particularly for a chandala, how can gods and sages partake the offerings? " ब्राह्मणा वा महात्मानो भुक्त्वा चण्डालभोजनम्।कथं स्वर्गं गमिष्यन्ति विश्वामित्रेण पालिता:।।1.59.14।।," Joining Viswamitra, (in chanting the mantras during the yaga) how will the great brahmins attain heaven after partaking the food offered by of Chandala?" एतद्वचननैष्ठुर्यमूचु स्संरक्तलोचना:।वासिष्ठा मुनिशार्दूल सर्वे ते समहोदया:।।1.59.15।।,"O Best among ascetics all the sons of Vasishta along with Mahodaya with their eyes reddened in anger spoke these harsh words"": " तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सर्वेषां मुनिपुङ्गव:।क्रोधसंरक्तनयन स्सरोषमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.59.16।।,"On hearing the words (of the hundred sons of Vasishta uttered in anger) Viswamitra, preeminent among ascetics, spoke furiously with eyes reddened in anger." ये दूषयन्त्यदुष्टं मां तप उग्रं समास्थितम्।भस्मीभूता दुरात्मानो भविष्यन्ति न संशय:।।1.59.17।। ,"""I am blameless. I have practised rigorous penance. These wicked ones who have abused (a sage like me) will be reduced to ashes." अद्य ते कालपाशेन नीता वैवस्वतक्षयम्।सप्तजातिशतान्येव मृतपस्सन्तु सर्वश:।।1.59.18।।,"Caught by the noose of death this day, they shall be brought to the abode of Yama and for seven hundred births, feed on corpses." श्वमांसनियताहारा मुष्टिका नाम निर्घृणा:।विकृताश्च विरूपाश्च लोकाननुचरन्त्विमान्।।1.59.19।।," Reborn as the merciless race of mushtikas, feeding on the flesh of dogs, hideous and deformed, they shall wander in these worlds. " महोदयस्तु दुर्बुद्धिर्मामदूष्यं ह्यदूषयत्।दूषित स्सर्वलोकेषु निषादत्वं गमिष्यति।।1.59.20।। ," The wicked Mahodaya, who blamed a sage like me so faultless shall be reborn in the race of the nishadas vulnerable to abuse by all." प्राणातिपातनिरतो निरनुक्रोशतां गत:।दीर्घकालं मम क्रोधाद्दुर्गतिं वर्तयिष्यति।।1.59.21।।,"As a consequence of my anger that Mahodaya, devoid of mercy and taking pleasure in depriving others of their life, will pursue a wretched life for a long time"". " एतावदुक्त्वा वचनं विश्वामित्रो महातपा:।विरराम महातेजा ऋषिमध्ये महामुनि:।।1.59.22।।,The most powerful sage Viswamitra of fierce asceticism fell silent after after uttering this curse in the assembly of rishis.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकोनषष्टितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the fiftyninth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. [Trisanku ascends to heaven and gets expelled by IndraViswamitra creates another heaven for him]तपोबलहतान् कृत्वा वासिष्ठान् समहोदयान्।ऋषिमध्ये महातेजा विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत।।1.60.1।।,"The most brilliant Viswamitra, having destroyed the sons of Vasishta including Mahodaya by his ascetic power, said this in the midst of saints:" अयमिक्ष्वाकुदायादस्त्रिशंकुरिति विश्रुत:।धर्मिष्ठश्च वदान्यश्च मां चैव शरणं गत:।।1.60.2।।तेनानेन शरीरेण देवलोकजिगीषया।," ""This religious and generous king born in the Ikshvaku race, wellknown as Trisanku sought my refuge to gain heaven with his physical body, " यथाऽयं स्वशरीरेण स्वर्गलोकं गमिष्यति।।1.60.3।।तथा प्रवर्त्यतां यज्ञे भवद्भिश्च मया सह।,"Join me in the performance of this sacrifice in a manner by which he (Trisanku) attains heaven with his physical body""." विश्वामित्रवच श्श्रुत्वा सर्व एव महर्षय:।।1.60.4।।ऊचुस्समेत्य सहिता धर्मज्ञा धर्मसंहितम्।,"Agreeing to these words of Viswamitra all the rishis, knowers of spiritual order and endowed with righteousness assembled there said:" अयं कुशिकदायादो मुनि: परमकोपन:।।1.60.5।।यदाह वचनं सम्यगेतत्कार्यं न संशय:।अग्निकल्पो हि भगवान् शापं दास्यति रोषित:।।1.60.6।।," ""Born in the line of Kusika, this sage is extremely cholerictempered. Whatever he says must be properly carried out. There should be no resitation on this score. The venerable sage is like fire. He will curse us if angered." तस्मात्प्रवर्त्यतां यज्ञ स्सशरीरो यथा दिवम्।गच्छेदिक्ष्वाकुदायादो विश्वामित्रस्य तेजसा।।1.60.7।।तथा प्रवर्त्यतां यज्ञ स्सर्वे समधितिष्ठत।,"Hence let the sacrifice be performed in such a manner that the descendant of the Ikshvakus would attain heaven with his physical body through the spiritual power of Viswamitra. All of you commence the sacrifice""." एवमुक्त्वा महर्षयः चक्रुस्तास्ता:क्रियास्तदा।।1.60.8।।याजकश्च महातेजा विश्वामित्रोऽभवत्क्रतौ। ,The maharshis having resolved performed their respective activities relating to the sacrifice. The brilliant Viswamitra acted as the chief officiating priest. ऋत्विजश्चानुपूर्व्येण मन्त्रवन्मन्त्रकोविदा:।।1.60.9।।चक्रु: कर्माणि सर्वाणि यथाकल्पं यथाविधि।,The officiating priests proficient in chanting mantras performed in order of their respective ranks all the rites in accordance with the Yojanakalpa adhering to codes and traditions. तत: कालेन महता विश्वामित्रो महातपा:।।1.60.10।। चकारावाहनं तत्र भागार्थं सर्वदेवता:।,"Long after, the mighty ascetic Viswamitra invoked all the gods to partake their share of offerings." नाभ्यागमंस्तदाहूता भागार्थं सर्वदेवता:।।1.60.11।।तत: क्रोधसमाविष्टो विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।स्रुवमुद्यम्य सक्रोधस्त्रिशङ्कुमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.60.12।। ,"When, the gods invited by him did not come to receive their share of offerings, the great ascetic Viswamitra seized with anger lifted the sacrificial ladle and said to Trisanku:" पश्य मे तपसो वीर्यं स्वार्जितस्य नरेश्वर ।एष त्वां सशरीरेण नयामि स्वर्गमोजसा।।1.60.13।।दुष्प्रापं सशरीरेण दिवं गच्छ नराधिप।,"""O King behold the prowess of my selfearned asceticism. With my spiritual might, I shall send you to heaven with your physical body O King go to heaven with physical body which is not possible for anybody to accomplish." स्वार्जितं किञ्चिदप्यस्ति मया हि तपस:फलम्।।1.60.14।। राजन् स्वतेजसा तस्य सशरीरो दिवं व्रज।,"By the power of what little fruit of austerities I have earned, I shall send to heaven with your body""." उक्तवाक्ये मुनौ तस्मिन् सशरीरो नरेश्वर:।।1.60.15।।दिवं जगाम काकुत्स्थ मुनीनां पश्यतां तदा।," ""O Descendant of Kakustha (Rama) when the sage had said these words, the king with his physical body ascended to heaven in the presence of the sages. " देवलोकगतं दृष्ट्वा त्रिशङ्कुं पाकशासन:।।1.60.16।।सह सर्वैस्सुरगणैरिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।,On ascending to heaven Trisanku saw Indra (destroyer of Paka) along with hosts of gods. Indra said to him: त्रिशङ्को गच्छ भूयस्त्वं नासि स्वर्गकृतालय:।।1.60.17।।गुरुशापहतो मूढ पत भूमिमवाक्छिरा:। ,"""O Trisanku you are not fit to inhabit heaven. Go back, you fool Doomed by the curse of your spiritual preceptor, fall on earth, head down." एवमुक्तो महेन्द्रेण त्रिशङ्कुरपतत्पुन:।।1.60.18।।विक्रोशमानस्त्राहीति विश्वामित्रं तपोधनम्।,"Thus spoken to by Indra, Trisanku crying, ""O Viswamitra, Protect me, Protect me"" started falling down." तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य क्रोशमानस्य कौशिक:।।1.60.19।।रोषमाहारयत्तीव्रं तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्।," Having heard the wailing Trisanku, the enraged Viswamitra shouted, ""Stay, Stay""." ऋषिमध्ये स तेजस्स्वी प्रजापतिरिवापर:।।1.60.20।।सृजन् दक्षिणमार्गस्थान् सप्तर्षीनपरान् पुन:।नक्षत्रमालामपरामसृजत्क्रोधमूर्च्छित:।।1.60.21।।दक्षिणां दिशमास्थाय मुनिमध्ये महायशा:।,"Standing in the midst of the ascetics, that mighty sage who conjured up a constellation of seven new rishis (stars) looked like another creator Brahma. Overcome by anger the illustrious sage created a new group of stars in the southern direction. " सृष्ट्वा नक्षत्रवंशं च क्रोधेन कलुषीकृत:।।1.60.22।।अन्यमिन्द्रं करिष्यामि लोको वा स्यादनिन्द्रक:।दैवतान्यपि स क्रोधा त्स्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे।।1.60.23।। ,"Having created a constellation of stars, Viswamitra out of anger said, ""I will create another Indra or this world will be without Indra"" and commenced to create even gods." तत: परमसम्भ्रान्तास्सर्षिसङ्घास्सुरासुरा:।विश्वामित्रं महात्मानमूचु: सानुनयं वच:।।1.60.24।।,"Struck with wonder and fear, hosts of rishis, suras and asuras humbly addressed Viswamitra." अयं राजा महाभाग गुरुशापपरिक्षत: ।सशरीरो दिवं यातुं नार्हत्येव तपोधन ।।1.60.25।। ,"""O Glorious maharshi, this king cursed by his spiritual preceptor is not worthy of going to heaven with his physical body"". " तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा देवानां मुनिपुङ्गव: ।अब्रवीत्सुमहद्वाक्यं कौशिक: सर्वदेवता:।।1.60.26।।,"The son of Kushika (Viswamitra), the preeminent ascetic heard the gods and said these praiseworthy words:" सशरीरस्य भद्रं वस्त्रिशङ्कोरस्य भूपते:।आरोहणं प्रतिज्ञाय नानृतं कर्तुमुत्सहे।।1.60.27।।,"""I wish you well Having promised king Trisanku ascent to heaven with his physical form, I do not wish to go back on my word." स्वर्गोऽस्तु सशरीरस्य त्रिशङ्कोरस्य शाश्वत:।नक्षत्राणि च सर्वाणि मामकानि ध्रुवाण्यथ।।1.60.28।।यावल्लोका धरिष्यन्ति तिष्ठन्त्वेतानि सर्वश:।मत्कृतानि सुरा स्सर्वे तदनुज्ञातुमर्हथ।।1.60.29।।," Let this heaven be an eternal abode for Trisanku in his physical form All these stars created by me shall endure as long as the worlds survive. O gods it behoves of you to accord consent to this"". " एवमुक्ता: सुरास्सर्वे प्रत्यूचुर्मुनिपुङ्गवम्।एवं भवतु भद्रं ते तिष्ठन्त्वेतानि सर्वश:।।1.60.30।। गगने तान्यनेकानि वैश्वानरपथाद्बहि:।नक्षत्राणि मुनिश्रेष्ठ तेषु ज्योतिष्षु जाज्वलन्।।1.60.31।।अवाक्छिरास्त्रिशङ्कुश्च तिष्ठत्वमरसन्निभ:।," Thus addressed, all the gods, replied to the preeminent ascetic, ""O Best among sages, be blessed let thy will be donel. Those many celebrated stars shall stay on all sides outside the path of Vaisvanara (zodiac) in the firmament. Amidst those stars, Trisanku, shining brilliantly like an immortal, shall stay on, head down"". " अनुयास्यन्ति चैतानि ज्योतींषि नृपसत्तमम्।।1.60.32।।कृतार्थं कीर्तिमन्तं च स्वर्गलोकगतं यथा।,"These stars will follow this illustrious one (Trisanku), the best of kings who gained his object, as if he had attained heaven." विश्वामित्रस्तु धर्मात्मा सर्वदेवैरभिष्टुत:।।1.60.33।।ऋषिभिश्च महातेजा बाढमित्याह देवता:। ,"In this manner extolled by all devatas and rishis, mighty and righteous Viswamitra said, 'well let it be so'." ततो देवा महात्मानो मुनयश्च तपोधना:।जग्मुर्यथाऽऽगतं सर्वे यज्ञस्यान्ते नरोत्तम।।1.60.34।।,"""O Best among men (Rama) then at the conclusion of the sacrifice the great gods and saints went the way they had come"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे षष्टितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the sixtieth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Indra steals King Ambarisha 's sacrificial horse -- sage Richika's middle son offers himself for sacrifice.]विश्वामित्रो महात्माथ प्रस्थितान् प्रेक्ष्य तानृषीन्।अब्रवीन्नरशार्दूलस्सर्वांस्तान्वनवासिन:।।1.61.1।।,O Tiger among men (Rama) thereafter great Viswamitra seeing the departing sages of the forest said: महान्विघ्न: प्रवृत्तोऽयं दक्षिणामास्थितो दिशम्।दिशमन्यां प्रपत्स्यामस्तत्र तप्स्यामहे तप:।।1.61.2।।, पश्चिमायां विशालायां पुष्करेषु महात्मन:।सुखं तपश्चरिष्याम: परं तद्धि तपोवनम्।।1.61.3।।," ""O Highsouled sages, there is lake Pushkara in the vast western region. There in the forest fit for austerities we shall practise penance peacefully""." एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा: पुष्करेषु महामुनि:।तप उग्रं दुराधर्षं तेपे मूलफलाशन:।।1.61.4।।,"With this the most powerful sage Viswamitra reached Pushkara where living on fruits and roots, he carried out intense, unsurpassable, austerities." एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु अयोध्याधिपतिर्नृप:।अम्बरीष इति ख्यातो यष्टुं समुपचक्रमे।।1.61.5।।,"At this time Ambarisha, a wellknown king of Ayodhya, launched preparations for a sacrifice. " तस्य वै यजमानस्य पशुमिन्द्रो जहार ह।प्रणष्टे तु पशौ विप्रो राजानमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.61.6।।,While he was performing the sacrifice Indra stole away the sacrificial animal. The animal could not be traced. Hence the priest said to the king: पशुरद्य हृतो राजन् प्रणष्टस्तव दुर्नयात् ।अरक्षितारं राजानं घ्नन्ति दोषा नरेश्वर ।।1.61.7।।,"""O King the animal has been stolen away and because of your inability to enforce law, it could not be traced. O Lord of men the king who fails to protect (his dependents) perishes by his own faults." प्रायश्चित्तं महद्ध्येतन्नरं वा पुरुषर्षभ ।आनयस्व पशुं शीघ्रं यावत्कर्म प्रवर्तते।।1.61.8।।,"""O Best of men you must pay a big price for this. Bring either the beast or a man immediately so that the sacrifice can be completed"". " उपाध्यायवचश्श्रुत्वा स राजा पुरुषर्षभ।अन्वियेष महाबुद्धि: पशुं गोभिस्सहस्रश:।।1.61.9।।," ""O Best of men (Rama) hearing the words of the high priest, the highly intellectual king searched for a human victim in exchange for thousands of cows. " देशान् जनपदांस्तां स्तान्नगराणि वनानि च।आश्रमाणि च पुण्यानि मार्गमाणो महीपति: ।।1.61.10।। स पुत्रसहितं तात सभार्यं रघुनन्दन ।भृगुतुंदे समासीनमृचीकं सन्ददर्श ह।।1.61.11।।,"O Dear Rama, the delight of Raghu clan the king scoured countries, villages, cities, forests, sacred hermitages till he saw sage Richika in the Bhrigutunda mountain sitting with his sons and wie. " तमुवाच महातेजा: प्रणम्याभिप्रसाद्य च।ब्रह्मर्षिं तपसा दीप्तं राजर्षिरमितप्रभ:।।1.61.12।।पृष्ट्वा सर्वत्र कुशलमृचीकं तमिदं वच:।,"The most brilliant king(Ambarisha) bowing to sage Richika, a brahmarshi who looked extremely resplendent with penance, propitiated him, enquired about the welfare of all and finally said"":" गवां शतसहस्रेण विक्रीणीषे सुतं यदि।।1.61.13।।पशोरर्थे महाभाग कृतकृत्योऽस्मि भार्गव।,"""O Fortunate descendent of the Bhrigu race if your son is sold as a sacrificial animal in exchange for a hundred thousand cows, my purpose will be answered." सर्वे परिसृता देशा याज्ञीयं न लभे पशुम्।।1.61.14।।दातुमर्हसि मूल्येन सुतमेकमितो मम।4,"I have roamed all countries but could not final the sacrificial animal. Should'nt you spare one of your sons for a price""?" एवमुक्तो महातेजा ऋचीकस्त्वब्रवीद्वच:।।1.61.15।।नाहं ज्येष्ठं नरश्रेष्ठ विक्रीणीयां कथञ्चन।,"Thus addressed the exceedingly brilliant Richika said, ""O Best among men in no way shall I sell my first born"". " ऋचीकस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा तेषां माता महात्मनाम्।।1.61.16।।उवाच नरशार्दूलमम्बरीषं तपस्विनी।,"Having heard Richika, the miserable mother of great sons, addressed Ambarisha, the foremost of men, saying:" अविक्रेयं सुतं ज्येष्ठं भगवानाह भार्गव:।।1.61.17।।ममापि दयितं विद्धि कनिष्ठं शुनकं नृप।तस्मात्कनीयसं पुत्रं न दास्ये तव पार्थिव ।।1.61.18।।,"Venerable descendant of the Bhrugus (sage Richika) said that the eldest son cannot be sold. ""O King the youngest son, Sunaka, is my beloved son. You know, O King for that reason I will not give my yougest son""." प्रायेण हि नरश्रेष्ठ ज्येष्ठा: पितृषु वल्लभा:।मातृ़णां तु कनीयांसस्तस्माद्रक्षे कनीयसम् ।।1.61.19।।,"""O Best among men generally, the eldest sons are the favourites of their fathers, the youngest their mothers: For that reason, I shall keep my youngest son." उक्तवाक्ये मुनौ तस्मिन् मुनिपत्न्यां तथैव च।शुनश्शेफस्स्वयं राम मध्यमो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।1.61.20।।,"O Rama the sage and his wife having spoken thus, their middle son Sunassepha said on his own:" पिता ज्येष्ठमविक्रेयं माता चाह कनीयसम्।विक्रीतं मध्यमं मन्ये राजन् पुत्रं नयस्व माम्।।1.61.21।। ,"O King my father says his eldest son cannot be sold, mother says that her youngest son cannot be spared. From this I think middle son is already sold away. Therefore, take me""" गवां शतसहस्रेण शुनश्शेफं नरेश्वर:।गृहीत्वा परमप्रीतो जगाम रघुनन्दन ।।1.61.22।। ,"""O Delight of the Raghus (Rama) having purchased Sunassepha for a hundred thousands of cows the king refurned immensely pleased." अम्बरीषस्तु राजर्षी रथमारोप्य सत्वर:।शुनश्शेफं महातेजा जगामाशु महायशा:।।1.61.23।।,"Most brilliant, illustrious rajarshi Ambarisha mounting Sunasshepha on his chariot instantly went away"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकषष्टितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the sixtyfirst sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Viswamitra protects Sunassepha and continues his austerities.]शुनश्शेफं नरश्रेष्ठ गृहीत्वा तु महायशा:।व्यश्राम्यत् पुष्करे राजा मध्याह्ने रघुनन्दन।।1.62.1।।,"O Foremost of men, O Delight of the Raghus (Rama) the illustrious king (Ambarisha) took Sunassepha with him. (On the way) at Pushkara he took some rest at noon." तस्य विश्रममाणस्य शुनश्शेफो महायशा:।पुष्करक्षेत्रमागम्य विश्वामित्रं ददर्श ह।।1.62.2।।तप्यन्तमृषिभिस्सार्धं मातुलं परमातुर:। ,"While the king was resting at Pushkara, the famous Sunassepha, very much distressed, happened to see his maternal uncle Viswamitra in the company of other sages performing austerities." विवर्णवदनो दीनस्तृष्णया च श्रमेण च।।1.62.3।।पपाताङ्के मुनेराशु वाक्यं चेदमुवाच ह।,"With his face discoloured due to thirst and fatigue, he (Sunassepha) immediately fell into the sage's lap in a pitiable condition and said:" न मेऽस्ति माता न पिता ज्ञातयो बान्धवा: कुत:।।1.62.4।।त्रातुमर्हसि मां सौम्य धर्मेण मुनिपुङ्गव।,"""O Noble man O Preeminent among ascetics I have no mother nor father nor friends nor relatives. You should protect me according to dharma." त्राता त्वं हि मुनिश्रेष्ठ सर्वेषां त्वं हि भावन:।।1.62.5।।राजा च कृतकार्यस्स्यादहं दीर्घायुरव्यय:।स्वर्गलोकमुपाश्नीयां तपस्तप्त्वाह्यनुत्तमम्।।1.62.6।।,O Best among ascetics you are the protecor of everybody. You are promoter of others' welfare. May the king fulfil his purpose. May I live long and become immortal and attain heaven after performing great penance. May I enjoy heaven. त्वं मे नाथो ह्यनाथस्य भव भव्येन चेतसा।पितेव पुत्रं धर्मात्मं स्त्रातुमर्हसि किल्बिषात्।।1.62.7।।,"O Virtuous one with a kind heart protect this orphan. Like a father who protects his son, save me from this peril"". " तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रो महातपा:।सान्त्वयित्वा बहुविधं पुत्रानिदमुवाच ह।।1.62.8।।,"Having heard Sunassepha, mighty ascetic Viswamitra consoled him in many ways and said to his sons:" यत्कृते पितर: पुत्रान् जनयन्ति शुभार्थिन:।परलोकहितार्थाय तस्य कालोऽयमागत:।।1.62.9।।, अयं मुनिसुतो बालो मत्तश्शरणमिच्छति।अस्य जीवितमात्रेण प्रियं कुरुत पुत्रका:।।1.62.10।।,O sons of the sage this young boy has sought my protection. O Sons you may grant him his desire by merely offering your life. सर्वे सुकृतकर्माणस्सर्वे धर्मपरायणा: ।पशुभूता नरेन्द्रस्य तृप्तिमग्ने: प्रयच्छत ।।1.62.11।। ,"Engaged in the observance of righteousness, all of you have done virtuous deeds. By becoming sacrificial animals for the king, you may satisfy Agni." नाथवांश्च शुनश्शेफो यज्ञश्चाविघ्नितो भवेत्।देवतास्तर्पिताश्चस्युर्मम चापि कृतं वच:।।1.62.12।।,"Then Sunassepha will be protected. The king's sacrifice will continue without hindrance. The gods will be gratified. My words also will come true""." मुनेस्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा मधुच्छन्दादय स्सुता:। साभिमानं नरश्रेष्ठ सलीलमिदमब्रुवन्।।1.62.13।।,"""O Best of men (Rama) in response to the words of the sage Madhuchanda and others said thus in a casual way with selfesteem." कथमात्मसुतान् हित्वा त्रायसेऽन्यसुतं विभो।अकार्यमिव पश्याम श्श्वमांस इव भोजने।।1.62.14।।,"O Lord protecting other's son by abandoning one' own is like partaking the flesh of a dog. We consider it a prohibited act""." तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा पुत्राणां मुनिपुङ्गव:।क्रोधसंरक्तनयनो व्याहर्तुमुपचक्रमे।।1.62.15।।,"On hearing the words of his sons Viswamitra, the eminent ascetic, eyes reddened with anger began to speak:" निस्साध्वसमिदं प्रोक्तं धर्मादपि विगर्हितम्।अतिक्रम्य तु मद्वाक्यं दारुणं रोमहर्षणम्।।1.62.16।।," ""(You have) not only trangressed my words but also (you are) censurable according to dharma. You have uttered such audacious and dreadrul words causing the hair to stand on end." श्वमांसभोजिनस्सर्वे वासिष्ठा इव जातिषु।पूर्णं वर्षसहस्रं तु पृथिव्यामनुवत्स्यथ।।1.62.17।।,"All of you shall live on earth for a thousand years, like the sons of Vasishta feeding on the flesh of dogs""." कृत्वा शापसमायुक्तान् पुत्रान् मुनिवरस्तथा।शुनश्शेफमुवाचार्तं कृत्वा रक्षां निरामयम्।।1.62.18।।,"Viswamitra the best of ascetics, thus cursed his sons. Sunassepha, (now) was filled with distress. To relieve him of his pain he said:" पवित्रपाशैरासक्तो रक्तमाल्यानुलेपन:।वैष्णवं यूपमासाद्य वाग्भिरग्निमुदाहर ।।1.62.19।।,"""Bedaubing your person with red sandal paste and adorned with red garlands, you will be bound to a Vaishnava, sacrificial post with sacred ropes. There invoke Agni with these hymns." इमे तु गाथे द्वे दिव्ये गायेथा मुनिपुत्रक।अम्बरीषस्य यज्ञेऽस्मिंस्तत स्सिद्धिमवाप्स्यसि।।1.62.20।।,"O Son of sage chant thse two sacred mantras in the sacrifice of Ambarisha.There after you will achieve success (long life)""." शुनश्शेफो गृहीत्वा ते द्वे गाथे सुसमाहित:।त्वरया राजसिंहं तमम्बरीषमुवाच ह।।1.62.21।। ," Sunassepha memorized the two verses with concentration of mind and hastened towards Amabarisha, a lion among kings. And said:" राजसिंह महासत्त्व शीघ्रं गच्छावहे सद:।निर्वर्तयस्व राजेन्द्र दीक्षां च समुपाविश।।1.62.22।।,"""Endowed with great strength, you are a lion among kings. We shall go to the sacrificial assembly without delay. O Indra among monarchs, take up initiatory rites and perform the sacrifice""." तद्वाक्यमृषिपुत्रस्य श्रुत्वा हर्षसमुत्सुक: ।जगाम नृपति श्शीघ्रं यज्ञवाटमतन्द्रित:।।1.62.23।।,"At the words of the sage's son, the king, eager with delight hastened towards the sacrificial ground." सदस्यानुमते राजा पवित्रकृतलक्षणम्।पशुं रक्ताम्बरं कृत्वा यूपे तं समबन्धयत्।।1.62.24।।,"With the consent of the officiating priests the king invested Sunasepha with the sacred symbols with Kusa grass, dressed him in red apparel and tied him to the sacrificial post as a sacrificial animal. " सबद्धो वाग्भिरग्य्राभिरभितुष्टाव वै सुरौ।इन्द्रमिन्द्रानुजं चैव यथावन्मुनिपुत्रक:।।1.62.25।।,"Thus bound, the son of the sage praised the two devatas, Indra and Upendra with moving words." तत: प्रीत स्सहस्राक्षो रहस्यस्तुतितर्पित:।दीर्घमायुस्तदा प्रादाच्छुनश्शेफाय राघव ।।1.62.26।।,"""O Descendant of Raghu (Rama) Indra, gratified with the secret hymn granted Sunassepha long life." स च राजा नरश्रेष्ठ यज्ञस्य च समाप्तवान्।फलं बहुगुणं राम सहस्राक्षप्रसादजम्।।1.62.27।।,O Foremost of men O Rama the king also obtained from the sacrifics innumerable rewards by the grace of Indra several times greater than expected. विश्वामित्रो ऽपि धर्मात्मा भूयस्तेपे महातपा:।पुष्करेषु नरश्रेष्ठ दशवर्षशतानि च।।1.62.28।।,"O Best among men the righteous and mighty ascetic Viswamitra also continued his austerities at Pushkara for a thousand years"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे द्विषष्टितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the sixtysecond sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Viswamitra obtains the title of Maharshi -- Menaka creates impediments to his penance -- Viswamitra performs intense austerities to obtain the rank of Brahmarshi.]पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रे तु व्रतस्नातं महामुनिम्।अभ्यागच्छन् सुरास्सर्वे तप: फलचिकीर्षव:।।1.63.1।।,All the gods wanted to bestow the fruits of austerties on the mighty ascetic (Viswamitra). They approached him after a thousand years of penace and his final ritual bath. अब्रवीत्सुमहातेजा ब्रह्मा सुरुचिरं वच:।ऋषिस्त्वमसि भद्रं ते स्वार्जितै: कर्मभिश्शुभै:।।1.63.2।।,"Exceedingly effulgent Brahma spoke to him, ""You have become a rishi through the selfearned sacred deeds. Fare you well"". " तमेवमुक्त्वा देवेशस्त्रिदिवं पुनरभ्यगात् ।विश्वामित्रो महातेजा भूयस्तेपे महत्तप:।।1.63.3।।,"Brahma, the lord of the gods, having said this returned to heaven. The brilliant Viswamitra continues his austerities." तत: कालेन महता मेनका परमाऽप्सरा:।पुष्करेषु नरश्रेष्ठ स्नातुं समुपचक्रमे।।1.63.4।।,"""O Foremost of men after a long lapse of time a chief nymph called Menaka came to bathe at Pushkara." तां ददर्श महातेजा मेनकां कुशिकात्मज:।रूपेणाप्रतिमां तत्र विद्युतं जलदे यथा।।1.63.5।।,There the most brilliant son of Kusika Viswamitra saw Menaka whose beauty was incomparable. She looked like lightning in the clouds. दृष्ट्वा कन्दर्पवशगो मुनिस्तामिदमब्रवीत्।अप्सरस्स्वागतं तेऽस्तु वस चेह ममाश्रमे।।1.63.6।।अनुगृह्णीष्व भद्रं ते मदनेन सुमोहितम्।,"On seeing her (Menaka) Viswamitra came under the influence of the god of love (fell in love with her). He said, O Apsara welcome to my hermitage stay here. I am infatuated with you: Oblige me. Wish you well." इत्युक्ता सा वरारोहा तत्र वासमथाकरोत्।।1.63.7।।तस्यां वसन्त्यां वर्षाणि पञ्च पञ्च च राघव ।विश्वामित्राश्रमे राम सुखेन व्यतिचक्रमु:।।1.63.8।।,"""O Descendant of Raghu while that woman of an exalted race lived in the hermitage of Viswamitra, ten years rolled by happily""." अथ काले गते तस्मिन्विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।सव्रीड इव सम्वृत्तश्चिन्ताशोकपरायण:।।1.63.9।।,"As the period passed, Viswamitra the mighty ascetic was filled with grief, anxiety and remorse." बुद्धिर्मुनेस्समुत्पन्ना सामर्षा रघुनन्दन।सर्वं सुराणां कर्मैतत्तपोपहरणं महत्।।1.63.10।।,"O Delight of the Raghus (Rama) a sense of indignation filled the mind of the ascetic. 'All this is the conspiracy of the gods to deprive me of my great austerities', he thought." अहोरात्रापदेशेन गतास्संवत्सरा दश।काममोहाभिभूतस्य विघ्नोऽयं समुपस्थित:।।1.63.11।। , Night and day deluded by lust I have wasted ten years. A hindrance has been posed (to my tapas). विनिश्श्वसन्मुनिवर: पश्चात्तापेन दु:खित:।भीतामप्सरसं दृष्ट्वा वेपन्तीं प्राञ्जलिं स्थिताम्।।1.63.12।।मेनकां मधुरैर्वाक्यैर्विसृज्य कुशिकात्मज:।उत्तरं पर्वतं राम विश्वामित्रो जगाम ह।।1.63.13।।,"""O Rama Viswamitra, the best of ascetics sighed with repentance, distressed with grief. On seeing him, the apsara started trembling in fear. She stood before him with folded palms. (But) with sweet words the son of Kushika left her and proceeded towards the northern mountains. " स कृत्वा नैष्ठिकीं बुद्धिं जेतुकामो महायशा:।कौशिकीतीरमासाद्य तपस्तेपे सुदारुणम्।।1.63.14।।,Illustrious Viswamitra took a vow of celibacy in order to control his senses. And performed rigid austerities on reaching the bank of river Kausiki. तस्य वर्षसहस्रं तु घोरं तप उपासत:।उत्तरे पर्वते राम देवतानामभूद्भयम्।।1.63.15।।,"O Rama while he was performing rigorous penance for a thousand years on the northern mountains, the gods were gripped with fear. (lest he should exceed them)." आमन्त्रयन् समागम्य सर्वे सर्षिगणा स्सुरा:।महर्षिशब्दं लभतां साध्वयं कुशिकात्मज:।।1.63.16।।," After consultations the gods and sages decided that this son of Kushika (Viswamitra) deserved the status of a Maharshi"". " देवतानां वच श्शृत्वा सर्वलोकपितामह:।अब्रवीन्मधुरं वाक्यं विश्वामित्रं तपोधनम्।।1.63.17।।,"Having heard the gods, the Grandsire of the worlds (Brahma) addressed Viswamitra whose wealth was his ascetism in these sweet words." महर्षे स्वागतं वत्स तपसोग्रेण तोषित:।महत्त्वमृषिमुख्यत्वं ददामि तव कौशिक ।।1.63.18।। ," ""O Maharshi O Child welcome Pleased with your intense austerities, O Son of Kushika I confer upon you the eminent rank of a great rishi (maharshi)""." ब्रह्मणस्स वचश्श्रुत्वा सर्वलोकेश्वरस्य ह।न विषण्णो न सन्तुष्टो विश्वामित्रस्तपोधन:।।1.63.19।।,"Having heard the words Brahman, the lord of all the worlds, Viswamitra whose wealth was his asceticism was neither dejected nor delighted." प्राञ्जलि: प्रणतो भूत्वा सर्वलोकपितामहम्।प्रत्युवाच ततो वाचं विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।।1.63.20।।," Then the mighty ascetic Viswamitra bowed to Brahma, the Grandsire of all the worlds with folded hands and replied:" महर्षिशब्दमतुलं स्वार्जितै: कर्मभिश्शुभै:।यदि मे भगवानाह ततोऽहं विजितेन्द्रिय:।।1.63.21।। ,"""O Adorable one, if you have conferred the incomparable title of 'Maharshi' earned by my auspicious deeds, I feel I have conquered the senses.""" तमुवाच ततो ब्रह्मा न तावत् त्त्वं जितेन्द्रिय:।यतस्व मुनिशार्दूल इत्युक्त्वा त्रिदिवं गत:।।1.63.22।।,"Then Brahma said to him, 'You have not conquered the senses yet. O Tiger among ascetics, strive still.' Having said this he went toward heaven." विप्रस्थितेषु देवेषु विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।ऊर्ध्वबाहुर्निरालम्बो वायुभक्षस्तपश्चरन्।।1.63.23।।," After the departure of the gods, mighty ascetic Viswamitra raised his arms up, stood without support, subsisting on air, continuing with his austerities. " घर्मे पञ्चतपा भूत्वा वर्षास्वाकाशसंश्रय:।शिशिरे सलिलस्थायी रात्र्यहानि तपोधन:।।1.63.24।।एवं वर्षसहस्रं हि तपो घोरमुपागमत्।," Viswamitra whose wealth was his penance carried on his rigid austerities for a thousand years amidst five fires, in summer, under the open sky in monsoon, and immersed in ater night and day in winter." तस्मिन् सन्तप्यमाने तु विश्वामित्रे महामुनौ।।1.63.25।।सम्भ्रमस्सुमहानासीत्सुराणां वासवस्य च।," When the mighty asetic Viswamitra was peforming penance, the gods as well as Indra got deeply perturbed. " रम्भामप्सरसं शक्र स्सह सर्वैर्मरुद्गणै:।उवाचात्महितं वाक्यमहितं कौशिकस्य च।।1.63.26।।,"Indra along with all the maruts spoke to the celestial nymph Rambha, words that augured well for them and not for kaushika (Viswamitra).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे त्रिषष्टितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the sixtythird sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Viswamitra curses Rambha.]सुरकार्यमिदं रम्भे कर्तव्यं सुमहत्त्वया।लोभनं कौशिकस्येह काममोहसमन्वितम्।।1.64.1।। ,"""O Rambha you must entice Viswamitra by lust and passion. This important work must be done by you in the interest of the gods"". " तथोक्ता साऽप्सरा राम सहस्राक्षेण धीमता।व्रीडिता प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं प्रत्युवाच सुरेश्वरम्।।1.64.2।।,"O Rama, to these words of the sagacious, thousandeyed Lord of the gods (Indra) that apsara with folded hands bashfully replied:" अयं सुरपते घोरो विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।घोरमुत्सृजते क्रोधं मयि देव न संशय:।।1.64.3।।ततो हि मे भयं देव प्रासादं कर्तुमर्हसि।, 'Lord of the devatas this mighty ascetic Viswamitra is a terrible person. He will ceratinly release on his dreadful anger (curse me). O Lord this is my apprehension. You should excuse me'. एवमुक्तस्तया राम रम्भया भीतया तदा।।1.64.4।।तामुवाच सहस्राक्षो वेपमानां कृताञ्जलिम्।,"O Rama having heard Rambha trembling in fear and standing with folded palms, Indra spoke:" माभैषी रम्भे भद्रं ते कुरुष्व मम शासनम्।।1.64.5।।कोकिलो हृदयग्राही माधवे रुचिरद्रुमे।अहं कन्दर्पसहित स्स्थास्यामि तव पार्श्वत:।।1.64.6।।,"'O Rambha have no fear. Feel safe. Carry out my order. When the trees look so beautiful in spring I shall in captivating the form of a cuckoo, stay by your side in the company of Kamadeva (Cupid)." त्वं हि रूपं बहुगुणं कृत्वा परमभास्वरम्।तमृषिं कौशिकं रम्भे भेदयस्व तपस्विनम्।।1.64.7।। ," O Rambha displaying many (romantic) gestures and assuming a fascinating form, distract the mighty ascetic, Kausika (Viswamitra)'." सा श्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य कृत्वा रूपमनुत्तमम्।लोभयामास ललिता विश्वामित्रं शुचिस्मिता।।1.64.8।।,"At these words (of Indra), Rambha, assumed any form of excellent beauty and with a bright smile set out to allure Viswamitra." कोकिलस्य च शुश्राव वल्गु व्याहरत: स्वनम्।सम्प्रहृष्टेन मनसा तत एनामुदैक्षत।।1.64.9।।,"Excited by the charming warble of the cuckoo, Viswamitra opened his eyes." अथ तस्य च शब्देन गीतेनाप्रतिमेन च।दर्शनेन च रम्भाया मुनिस्सन्देहमागत:।।1.64.10।।,"On hearing the sound of the incomparable song of the cuckoo along with the sight of Rambha, a doubt arose in the mind of the ascetic." सहस्राक्षस्य तत्कर्म विज्ञाय मुनिपुङ्गव:।रम्भां क्रोधसमाविष्ट श्शशाप कुशिकात्मज:।।1.64.11।। ,"Son of Kushika, the eminent ascetic knew it was the work of Indra. Seized with anger, he cursed Rambha: " यन्मां लोभयसे रम्भे कामक्रोधजयैषिणम्।दशवर्षसहस्राणि शैली स्थास्यसि दुर्भगे ।।1.64.12।।,"'O luckless Rambha, since you have endeavoured to distract me from my desire to conquer wrath and passion, you shall turn into a rock and remain so for ten thousand years'." ब्राह्मण स्सुमहातेजा स्तपोबलसमन्वित:।उद्धरिष्यति रम्भे त्वां मत्क्रोधकलुषीकृताम्।।1.64.13।।,"'O Rambha an effulgent brahmin, endowed with the power of asceticism, will liberate you from this state into which you have fallen on account of my anger'. " एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।अशक्नुवन् धारयितुं क्रोधं सन्तापमागत:।।1.64.14।।," The brilliant Viswamitra, the great ascetic, now experienced remorse for his inability to contain anger." तस्य शापेन महता रम्भा शैली तदाऽभवत्।वचश्शृत्वा च कन्दर्पो महर्षेस्स च निर्गत:।।1.64.15।।,"This mighty curse, of the great saint transformed Rambha into a rock and sent Kamadeva and Indra to their heels." कोपेन स महातेजास्तपोऽपहरणे कृते।इन्द्रियैरजितै राम न लेभे शान्तिमात्मन:।।1.64.16।।,"""O Rama highly powerful Viswamitra was deprived of his ascetic merit due to his anger. He had no peace of mind for his inability to control his senses." बभूवास्य मनश्चिन्ता तपोऽपहरणे कृते ।नैव क्रोधं गमिष्यामि न च वक्ष्ये कथञ्चन।।1.64.17।।,"Having been deprived of his ascetic merit, he resolved not to lose his temper nor ever breathe a word""." अथवा नोच्छवसिष्यामि संवत्सरशतान्यपि।अहं विशोषयिष्यामि ह्यात्मानं विजितेन्द्रिय:।।1.64.18।।," ""Further, I shall not even inhale for hundreds of years. I shall conquer my senses and dry up this body." तावद्यावद्धि मे प्राप्तं ब्राह्मण्यं तपसाऽऽर्जितम्।अनुच्छवसन्नभुञ्जान स्तिष्ठेयं शाश्वतीस्समा:।।1.64.19।।न हि मे तप्यमानस्य क्षयं यास्यन्ति मूर्तय:।,"Until brahminhood is obtained by my austerities, I shall stay without breathing or eating for innumerable years. While performing penance, my limbs shall not undergo deterioration"". " एवं वर्षसहस्रस्य दीक्षां स मुनिपुङ्गव:।।1.64.20।।चकाराप्रतिमां लोके प्रतिज्ञां रघुनन्दन।,"""O Descendant of Raghu in this way that eminent ascetic took an unprecedented vow to practise penance for a thousand years"". इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे चतुष्षष्टितमस्सर्ग:।। Thus ends the sixtyfourth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Satananda completes his narration of how Viswamitra attains Brahmarshi status.]अथ हैमवतीं राम दिशं त्यक्त्वा महामुनि:।पूर्वां दिशमनुप्राप्य तपस्तेपे सुदारुणम्।।1.65.1।।,"""O Rama thereafter the great ascetic (Viswamitra), abandoning the north of the Himavat mountain reached the eastern quarter and performed rigorous austerities." मौनं वर्षसहस्रस्य कृत्वा व्रतमनुत्तमम्।चकाराप्रतिमं राम तप: परमदुष्करम्।।1.65.2।।,"Having observed a unique vow of silence for a thousand years, O Rama he practised unprecedented and extremely difficult austerities. " पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रे तु काष्ठभूतं महामुनिम्।विघ्नैर्बहुभिराधूतं क्रोधो नान्तर आविशत्।।1.65.3।।स कृत्वा निश्चयं राम तप आतिष्टदव्ययम्।,"After completion of a thousand years the great ascetic became a piece of wood. In spite of many impediments, he was unshaken, anger did not enter into his mind. O Rama with firm determination he practised austerities." तस्य वर्षसहस्रस्य व्रते पूर्णे महाव्रत:।।1.65.4।।भोक्तुमारब्धवानन्नं तस्मिन् काले रघूत्तम। इन्द्रो द्विजातिर्भूत्वा तं सिद्धमन्नमयाचत।।1.65.5।।,O Best of Raghus dynasty (Rama) when the thousandyearold vow was over (Viswamitra) the great practitioner of vows began to partake cooked rice. At this moment Indra assumed the guise of a brahmin and asked him for the rice (he was going to eat). तस्मै दत्वा तदा सिद्धं सर्वं विप्राय निश्चित:।निश्शेषितेऽन्ने भगवानभुक्तैव महातपा:।।1.65.6।।न किञ्चिदवदद्विप्रं मौनव्रतमुपस्थित:।अथ वर्षसहस्रं वै नोच्छ्वसन्मुनिपुङ्गव:।।1.65.7।।,"This mighty, adorable ascetic having adopted a vow of silence decided to give all the cooked rice to the Brahmin. The brahmin finished all the rice. Viswamitra went without food but did not utter a single word to the brahmin. Thereafter the distinguished ascetic practised austerities for another period of thousand years, his breath suspended." तस्यानुच्छ्वसमानस्य मूर्ध्नि धूमो व्यजायत।त्रैलोक्यं येन सम्भ्रान्तमादीपितमिवाभवत्।।1.65.8।।,"While his breath, was suspended, smoke emanated from his head which frightened the three worlds. It appeared as though they were on fire. " ततो देवास्सगन्धर्वा: पन्नगोरगराक्षसा:।मोहितास्तेजसा तस्य तपसा मन्दरश्मय:।।1.65.9।।कश्मलोपहता स्सर्वे पितामहमथाब्रुवन्।,"Thereupon devatas along with gandharvas, pannagas, uragas, and rakshasas, stood bewildered by his ascetic energy. Their own glory was dimmed in his lustre"". Afflicted with anguish, they spoke to the Grandsire (Brahma):" बहुभि: कारणैर्देव विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।।1.65.10।।लोभित: क्रोधितश्चैव तपसा चाभिवर्धते।,"""O Lord the great sage Viswamitra was lured and angered in various ways. But his austerities continued to grow:" न ह्यस्य वृजिनं किञ्चिद्दृश्यते सूक्ष्ममप्यथ।।1.65.11।।न दीयते यदि त्वस्य मनसा यदभीप्सितम्।विनाशयति त्रैलोक्यं तपसा सचराचरम्।।1.65.12।। ," His penance was flawless. If his wishes were not granted, he will surely destroy by his austerities the three worlds with all movables and immovables." व्याकुलाश्च दिशस्सर्वा न च किञ्चित्प्रकाशते।सागरा: क्षुभितास्सर्वे विशीर्यन्ते च पर्वता:।।1.65.13।।,There is bewilderment everywhere. It is dark all over. The oceans are disturbed. The mountains have cracked. प्रकम्पते च पृथिवी वायुर्वाति भृशाकुल:।बृह्मन्न प्रतिजानीमोनास्तिको जायते जन:।।1.65.14।।,O Brahma the earth trembles. The wind blows fiercely. The people have ceased to believe in God. We do not know the way out. सम्मूढमिव त्रैलोक्यं सम्प्रक्षुभितमानसम्।भास्करो निष्प्रभश्चैव महर्षेस्तस्य तेजसा।।1.65.15।।,"The people of all the three worlds are agitated and confused in mind. The Sun, too, looks pale before the brilliance of the Maharshi." बुद्धिं न कुरुते यावन्नाशे देव महामुनि:।तावत्प्रसाद्यो भगवा नग्निरूपोमहाद्युति:।।1.65.16।। ," O Lord before this mighty, venerable ascetic, effulgent like fire decides to destroy the three worlds, he should be appeased." कालाग्निना यथापूर्वं त्रैलोक्यं दह्यतेऽखिलम्।देवराज्यं चिकीर्षेत दीयतामस्य यन्मतम्।।1.65.17।।,All the three worlds are burning as though with the fire Pralaya (dissolution). His desire may be granted even if he wants to rule the kingdom of the gods. ततस्सुरगणास्सर्वे पितामहपुरोगमा:।विश्वामित्रं महात्मानं मधुरं वाक्यमब्रुवन्।।1.65.18।।,"Thereafter, with Brahma in the forefront, the gods spoke to Viswamitra in pleasing words:" ब्रह्मर्षे स्वागतं तेऽस्तु तपसा स्म सुतोषिता:।ब्राह्मण्यं तपसोग्रेण प्राप्तवानसि कौशिक ।।1.65.19।।," ""Welcome, O Brahmarshi. We are immensely pleased with your austerities. O Kausika you have attained brahminhood by means of your intense penance. " दीर्घमायुश्च ते ब्रह्मन् ददामि समरुद्गण:।स्वस्ति प्राप्नुहि भद्रं ते गच्छ सौम्य यथासुखम्।।1.65.20।।,"O Brahmana I along with the maruts grant you long life. May you prosper O Gentle one now you may go happily""." पितामहवचश्शृत्वा सर्वेषां च दिवौकसाम्।कृत्वा प्रणामं मुदितो व्याजहार महामुनि:।।1.65.21।।,Mighty ascetic Viswamitra was delighted to hear the words of the Grandsire and the gods. Bowing to all of them he thus spoke: ब्राह्मण्यं यदि मे प्राप्तं दीर्घमायुस्तथैव च।ओङ्कारश्च वषट्कारो वेदाश्च वरयन्तु माम्।।1.65.22।। ,"""If brahminhood and long life have been acquired by me by your grace, Omkara, Vashatkara and the Vedas shall accept me as Brahmarshi. (I shall acquire the right to interpret the Vedas and to perform sacrifices.)" क्षत्रवेदविदां श्रेष्ठो ब्रह्मवेदविदामपि।ब्रह्मपुत्रो वसिष्ठो मामेवं वदतु देवता:।।1.65.23।।यद्ययं परम: काम: कृतो यान्तु सुरर्षभा:।,"""O gods let the son of Brahma and eminent Vasishta who is knowledgeable in the vedas worthy of brahmins and archery worthy of kshatriyas address me as 'Brahmarshi'. If this supreme desire is granted, O Best of devatas all of you can go""." तत: प्रसादितो देवैर्वसिष्ठो जपतां वर:।।1.65.24।।सख्यं चकार ब्रह्मर्षिरेवमस्त्विति चाब्रवीत्।,"Thereupon, pleased by the gods, Vasishta, the best among ascetics, lovingly said to Viswamitra ""You are a Brahmarshi, let it be so"". " ब्रह्मर्षिस्त्वं न सन्देहस्सर्वं सम्पत्स्यते तव।।1.65.25।।इत्युक्त्वा देवताश्चापि सर्वा जग्मुर्यथागतम्।,"""You are a Brahmarshi, no doubt. You will achieve ascetic perfection"", said the gods and returned to their respective places from where they had come." विश्वामित्रोऽपि धर्मात्मा लब्ध्वा ब्राह्मण्यमुत्तमम्।।1.65.26।।पूजयामास ब्रह्मर्षिं वसिष्ठं जपतां वरम्।,"Virtuous Viswamitra also, having attained excellent brahminhood, worshipped Brahmrshi Vasishta who was the best of those who recite hymns""." कृतकामो महीं सर्वां चचार तपसि स्थित:।।1.65.27।।एवं त्वनेन ब्राह्मण्यं प्राप्तं राम महात्मना।,"This illustrious sage having fulfilled his desire, wandered over the earth fixed in asceticism. O Rama thus he acquired brahminhood. " एष राम मुनिश्रेष्ठ एष विग्रहवांस्तप:।।1.65.28।।एष धर्मपरो नित्यं वीर्यस्यैष परायणम्।,"O Rama he is the foremost of ascetics, an embodiment of asceticism, always intent on virtue. He is the ultimate repository of ascetic energy"". " एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा विरराम द्विजोत्तम:।।1.65.29।।शतानन्दवच: श्रुत्वा रामलक्ष्मणसन्निधौ।जनक: प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमुवाच कुशिकात्मजम्।।1.65.30।।,"Having thus spoken, the most brilliant and best among brahmins (Satananda) became silent. In the presence of Rama and Lakshmana, Janaka listened to the words of Satananda. And with folded palms said to the son of Kushika (Viswamitra):" धन्योऽस्म्यनुगृहीतोऽस्मि यस्य मे मुनिपुङ्गव।यज्ञं काकुत्स्थसहित: प्राप्तवानसि धार्मिक।।1.65.31।। ,"""O Righteous one O Preeminent among ascetics you have come to my sacrifice accompanied by the descendants of Kakustha (Rama and Lakshmana). I am blessed by your presence and am highly favoured." पावितोऽहं त्वया ब्रह्मन् दर्शनेन महामुने।गुणा बहुविधा: प्राप्तास्तव सन्दर्शनान्मया।।1.65.32।।,O Excellent ascetic O Brahmana I am sanctified with your presence. I have derived immense benefits from your visit. विस्तरेण च ते ब्रह्मन् कीर्त्यमानं महत्तप:।श्रुतं मया महातेजो रामेण च महात्मना।।1.65.33।। ,O powerful Brahmarshi distinguished Rama and I have heard your great austerities which were related in detail (by Satananda). सदस्यै: प्राप्य च सद: श्रुतास्ते बहवो गुणा:।अप्रमेयं तपस्तुभ्यमप्रमेयं च ते बलम्।।1.65.34।।अप्रमेया गुणाश्चैव नित्यं ते कुशिकात्मज ।," Many of your virtues have been heard by the members of the assembly present at the sacrifice. Your austerities are immeasurable, your power is immense. O Son of Kushika (Viswamitra), your virtues cannot be measured." तृप्तिराश्चर्यभूतानां कथानां नास्ति मे विभो।।1.65.35।।कर्मकालो मुनिश्रेष्ठ लम्बते रविमण्डलम्।, O Lord I am never tired of listening to your marvellous deeds. O Excellent among ascetics the Sun has set and it is time for evening prayers. श्व: प्रभाते महातेजो द्रष्टुमर्हसि मां पुन:।।1.65.36।।स्वागतं तपतां श्रेष्ठ मामनुज्ञातुमर्हसि।," O Sage of great austerities come to me tomorrow at dawn. O Excellent ascetic welcome And allow me to leave""." एवमुक्तो मुनिवर: प्रशस्य पुरुषर्षभम्।।1.65.37।।विससर्जाशु जनकं प्रीतं प्रीतमनास्तदा।,"Thus addressed (by the king), the gratified ascetic extolled the best among men (Janaka) and permitted him to leave immediately." एवमुक्त्वा मुनिश्रेष्ठं वैदेहो मिथिलाधिप:।।1.65.38।।प्रदक्षिणं चकाराशु सोपाध्यायस्सबान्धव:।,"Having thus addressed the greatest sage, king of Videha, Lord of the city of Mithila (Janaka) accompanied by his king and spiritual preceptors circumambulated Viswamitra without delay." विश्वामित्रोऽपि धर्मात्मा सहरामस्सलक्ष्मण:।।1.65.39।।स्ववाटमभिचक्राम पूज्यमानो महर्षिभि:।," Virtuous Viswamitra, honoured by the maharshis, too, retired to his shelter along with Rama and Lakshmana.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे पञ्चषष्टितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the sixtyfifth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[King Janaka honours Viswamitra, Rama and Lakshmana--narrates the story about the bow of Mahadeva--declares he would give Sita in marriage to Rama if he strings the bow.]तत: प्रभाते विमले कृतकर्मा नराधिप:।विश्वामित्रं महात्मानं आजुहाव सराघवम्।।1.66.1।।", The day dawned bright and clear when the king (Janaka) performed his daily routine rites and welcomed the great Viswamitra with the two Raghavas (Rama and Lakshmana). तमर्चयित्वा धर्मात्मा शास्त्रदृष्टेन कर्मणा।राघवौ च महात्मानौ तदा वाक्यमुवाच ह।।1.66.2।।,The virtuous Janaka paid respects to Viswamitra and the highsouled Rama and Lakshmana in accordance with the sastras and spoke: भगवन् स्वागतं तेऽस्तु किं करोमि तवानघ।भवानाज्ञापयतु मामाज्ञाप्यो भवता ह्यहम्।।1.66.3।।,"""Welcome, O Venerable one O Irreproachable one what can I do for you? Worthy of being commanded, I seek your orders." एवमुक्तस्स धर्मात्मा जनकेन महात्मना।प्रत्युवाच मुनिर्वीरं वाक्यं वाक्यविशारद:।।1.66.4।।,"At the words of the magnanimous Janaka, the virtuous sage wellversed in speech replied to the heroic king:" पुत्रौ दशरथस्येमौ क्षत्रियौ लोकविश्रुतौ।द्रुष्टुकामौ धनु श्श्रेष्ठं यदेतत्वयि तिष्ठति।।1.66.5।।,"Dasaratha's sons, (Rama and Lakshmana), kshatriyas renowned in the world are eager to see that great bow in your possession." एतद्दर्शय भद्रं ते कृतकामौ नृपात्मजौ।दर्शनादस्य धनुषो यथेष्टं प्रतियास्यत:।।1.66.6।।,"Be blessed. Show this great bow to the princes. This is their desire. Once it is fulfilled, they will go back." एवमुक्तस्तु जनक: प्रत्युवाच महामुनिम्।श्रूयतामस्य धनुषो यदर्थमिह तिष्ठति।।1.66.7।।,"Thus addressed by the mighty ascetic Janaka replied, ""I shall tell you how this bow came to be deposited here"". " देवरात इति ख्यातो निमेष्षष्ठो महीपति:।न्यासोऽयं तस्य भगवन् हस्ते दत्तो महात्मना।।1.66.8।।,"""O Adorable one there was a famous king named Devarata, sixth in line from Nimi. This bow was kept with him in trust by the exalted lord (Shiva)." दक्षयज्ञवधे पूर्वं धनुरायम्य वीर्यवान्।रुद्रस्तु त्रिदशान् रोषात्सलीलमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.66.9।।,"Earlier at the time of destruction of Daksha's sacrifice, Rudra endowed with great prowess lifted this bow sportively and spoke to the gods." यस्माद्भागार्थिनो भागान्नाकल्पयत मे सुरा:।वराङ्गाणि महार्हाणि धनुषा शातयामि व:।।1.66.10।। ,"'O gods in your anxiety to partake your share of the sacrifie, you have failed to provide mine in the sacrificial offerings. Therefore, I shall sever your jewelled heads and beautiful limbs with this bow'. " ततो विमनसस्सर्वे देवा वै मुनिपुङ्गव।प्रसादयन्ति देवेशं तेषां प्रीतोऽभवद्भव:।।1.66.11।।,"""O Eminent ascetic thereafter all the gods with agitated minds propitiated lord of the gods, Siva and he was pleased with them." प्रीतियुक्तस्स सर्वेषां ददौ तेषां महात्मनाम्।तदेतद्देवदेवस्य धनूरत्नं महात्मन:। न्यासभूतं तदा न्यस्तमस्माकं पूर्व के विभो।।1.66.12।।,O Lord that gem of a bow belonging to Siva was given to the great gods who in turn got it deposited in trust with our ancestor. अथ मे कृषत: क्षेत्रं लाङ्गूलादुत्थिता मया।क्षेत्रं शोधयता लब्धा नाम्ना सीतेति विश्रुता।।1.66.13।।,"Thereupon while I was ploughing and cleaing the (sacrificial) ground, Sita, a wellknown name, was lifted up by the blade of the plough. Thus she was obtained by me." भूतलादुत्थिता सा तु व्यवर्धत ममात्मजा।वीर्यशुल्केति मे कन्या स्थापितेयमयोनिजा।।1.66.14।।,"Arisen from the earth and not from a mother's womb, she grew up as my daughter. I made a stipulation that (this shall be the means to win this maiden as a gift) this shall be given in marriage only to the prince whose prowess is fully tried." भूतलादुत्थितां तां तु वर्धमानां ममात्मजाम्।वरयामासुरागम्य राजानो मुनिपुंगव।।1.66.15।।," O Eminent ascetic arisen from the earth and reared as my daughter, she has been sought after in marriage by many princes. " तेषां वरयतां कन्यां सर्वेषां पृथिवीक्षिताम्।वीर्यशुल्केति भगवन् न ददामि सुतामहम्।।1.66.16।।,O Worshipful one all those monarchs sought this maiden but I did not offer my daughter saying that the 'marriage offer' could be made only through the tried and tested prowess of a suitor. ततस्सर्वे नृपतय स्समेत्य मुनिपुंगव।मिथिलामभ्युपागम्य वीर्यजिज्ञासवस्तदा।।1.66.17।।, O Preeminent among ascetics thereafter many kings together came to Mithila to test their prowess. तेषां जिज्ञासमानानां वीर्यं धनुरुपाहृतम्।न शेकुर्ग्रहणे तस्य धनुषस्तोलनेऽपि वा।।1.66.18।।, The bow was brought and placed before those who were curious to test their strength but none was able to grasp or lift the bow. तेषां वीर्यवतां वीर्यमल्पं ज्ञात्वा महामुने ।प्रत्याख्याता नृपतयस्तन्निबोध तपोधन।।1.66.19।।," O great ascetic I knew those mighty kings had little strength, so rejected them." तत: परमकोपेन राजानो नृपपुङ्गव।न्यरुंधन्मिथिलां सर्वे वीर्यसंदेहमागता:।।1.66.20।। ,"O Mighty ascetic, thereafter all the kings doubting their own strength in stringing the bow were inflamed with anger and laid siege on Mithila. " आत्मानमवधूतं ते विज्ञाय नृपपुङ्गवा:।रोषेण महताऽऽविष्टा: पीडयन्मिथिलां पुरीम्।।1.66.21।।," Those eminent kings felt humiliated. Inflamed with anger, they tormented the city of Mithila. " ततस्संवत्सरे पूर्णे क्षयं यातानि सर्वश:।साधनानि मुनिश्रेष्ठ ततोऽहं भृशदु:खित:।।1.66.22।।, O Best among ascetics thus one year passed. Everywhere in the city all the means of living were exhausted. I felt deeply sad over this situation. ततो देवगणान् सर्वान् तपसाऽहं प्रसादयम्।ददुश्च परमप्रीता श्चतुरङ्गबलं सुरा:।।1.66.23।।,"Thereafter, I propitiated the gods by my austerities. Highly pleased, they gave me an army of four divisions (chariots, elephants, horses and infantry ). " ततो भग्ना नृपतयो हन्यमाना दिशो ययु:।अवीर्या वीर्यसन्दिग्धा स्सामात्या: पापकर्मण:।।1.66.24।।,Then those wicked kings who were exhausted were doubtful about their energy. They were beaten and defeated. They fled away along with their ministers in different directions. तदेतन्मुनिशार्दूल धनु: परमभास्वरम्।रामलक्ष्मणयोश्चापि दर्शयिष्यामि सुव्रत।।1.66.25।।,"O Sage you are a tiger among asceties, you are faithful to your vows, I shall show this effulgent bow to your Rama and Lakshmana . " यद्यस्य धनुषो राम: कुर्यादारोपणं मुने।सुतामयोनिजां सीतां दद्यां दाशरथेरहम्।।1.66.26।।," O Sage if Rama could lift and string this bow I shall give my daughter Sita, not born from a woman, to him (son of Dasaratha)"". इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे षट्षष्टितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the sixtysixth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Rama strings the bow and breaks-- Janaka sends counsellors to Ayodhya to bring king Dasaratha].जनकस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रो महामुनि: ।धनुर्दर्शय रामाय इति होवाच पार्थिवम्।।1.67.1।।,"At the words of Janaka, great ascetic Viswamitra said to the king, ""Let the bow be shown to Rama""." ततस्स राजा जनक: सामन्तान्व्यादिदेश ह।धनुरानीयतां दिव्यं गन्धमाल्यविभूषितम्।।1.67.2।।," Thereafter king Janaka said to his feudatories, ""Let the divine bow adorned with flowers and sandalpaste be brought""." जनकेन समादिष्टा: सचिवा प्राविशन् पुरीम्।तद्धनु: पुरत: कृत्वा निर्जग्मु: पार्थिवाज्ञया।।1.67.3।।," Commanded by (king) Janaka, the ministers went to the city, put the bow in front of them and carried it as per the orders of the king." नृणां शतानि पञ्चाशद्व्यायतानां महात्मनाम्।मञ्जूषामष्टचक्रां तां समूहुस्ते कथञ्चन।।1.67.4।।,Five thousand mighty stalwarts drew with great difficulty the eightwheeled cart on which the bow was placed in a box. तामादाय तु मञ्जूषामायसीं यत्र तद्धनु:।सुरोपमं ते जनकमूचुर्नृपतिमन्त्रिण:।।1.67.5।।,"The counsellors of the king, brought the iron casket containing the bow and said these words to Janaka comparable to a celestial:" इदं धनुर्वरं राजन् पूजितं सर्वराजभि:।मिथिलाधिप राजेन्द्र दर्शनीयं यदिच्छसि।।1.67.6।।," 'O Indra among kings O lord of Mithila here is the great bow, worshipped by all kings, which you intend to show (to Rama)'." तेषां नृपो वच: श्रुत्वा कृताञ्जलिरभाषत।विश्वामित्रं महात्मानं तौ चोभौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।।1.67.7।।,"Having heard this, the king with folded hands said to the great soul Viswamitra sitting with the two princes Rama and Lakshmana:" इदं धनुर्वरं ब्रह्मन् जनकैरभिपूजितम्।राजभिश्च महावीर्यै: अशक्तै: पूरितुं पुरा।।1.67.8।।,"""O Brahman in the olden days, this great bow was worshipped by my forefathers. Powerful kings failed to string this bow. " नैतत्सुरगणास्सर्वे नासुरा न च राक्षसा:।गन्धर्वयक्षप्रवरा: सकिन्नरमहोरगा:।।1.67.9।।,"Hosts of devatas, asuras, rakhasas, kinnaras and great serpents, the best of gandharvas and yakshas, also failed (to wield this bow)." क्व गतिर्मानुषाणां च धनुषोऽस्य प्रपूरणे।आरोपणे समायोगे वेपने तोलनेऽपि वा।।1.67.10।। ,"How then can men bend, string, fix the arrow, pull the string and lift it? " तदेतद्धनुषां श्रेष्ठमानीतं मुनिपुङ्गव।दर्शयैतन्महाभाग अनयो: राजपुत्रयो:।।1.67.11।।," O Eminent ascetic such heaviest bow is brought here, O Highly accomplished sage show this to the two princes""." विश्वामित्रस्तु धर्मात्मा श्रुत्वा जनकभाषितम्।वत्स राम धनु: पश्य इति राघवमब्रवीत्।।1.67.12।।,"Having heard the words of Janaka, the righteous Viswamitra said: ""O Child O Descendant of Raghu look at this bow""." ब्रह्मर्षेर्वचनाद्रामो यत्र तिष्ठति तद्धनु:।मञ्जूषां तामपावृत्य दृष्ट्वा धनुरथाब्रवीत्।।1.67.13।।,"At the words of the great rishi Viswamitra, Rama opened the casket, beheld the bow and said:" इदं धनुर्वरं ब्रह्मन् संस्पृशामीह पाणिना।यत्नवांश्च भविष्यामि तोलने पूरणेऽपि वा।।1.67.14।।,"""O Brahmarshi, shall I touch this great bow with my hands lift and string it""." बाढमित्येव तं राजा मुनिश्च समभाषत।लीलया स धनुर्मध्ये जग्राह वचनान्मुने:।।1.67.15।," The king as also the rishi said ""Be it so"". At the words of the sage (Viswamitra), he (Rama) took hold of the bow by the its middle with ease:" पश्यतां नृपसहस्राणां बहूनां रघुनन्दन: ।आरोपयत्स धर्मात्मा सलीलमिव तद्धनु:।।1.67.16।।,"Virtuous Rama, the delight of the Raghus, in the presence of several thousands of men fixed the string to the bow and drew it as though with ease." आरोपयित्वा धर्मात्मा पूरयामास तद्धनु:।तद्बभञ्ज धनुर्मध्ये नरश्रेष्ठो महायशा:।।1.67.17।।," Rama, the best among men, righteous and famous lifted the bow. Stringing it with a twang he drew it and broke it into two in the middle." तस्य शब्दो महानासीत् निर्घातसमनिस्वन:।भूमिकम्पश्च सुमहान् पर्वतस्येव दीर्यत:।।1.67.18।।,"It generated a loud sound like the clap of thunder, like the trembling of the earth and the splitting of a mountain." निपेतुश्च नरा स्सर्वे तेन शब्देन मोहिता:।वर्जयित्वा मुनिवरं राजानं तौ च राघवौ।।1.67.19।।,"On hearing the sound, except Janaka, Viswamitra and the two raghavas (Rama and Lakshmana) the rest of the people around fell down and fainted." प्रत्याश्वस्ते जने तस्मिन्राजा विगतसाध्वस:।उवाच प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञो मुनिपुङ्गवम्।।1.67.20।। ,When the people recovered the king skilful in the use of words addressed the eminent ascetic without apprehension with folded palms in the following words: भगवन् दृष्टवीर्यो मे रामो दशरथात्मज:।अत्यद्भुतमचिन्त्यं च न तर्कितमिदं मया।।1.67.21।।,"""O Worshipful one I have witnessed the prowess of Rama, son of Dasaratha. I had not imagined that this marvellous feat could be ever accomplished." जनकानां कुले कीर्तिमाहरिष्यति मे सुता।सीता भर्तारमासाद्य रामं दशरथात्मजम्।।1.67.22।। ," By receiving Rama, son of Dasaratha, as her husband, my daughter Sita will bring glory to my dynasty. " मम सत्या प्रतिज्ञा च वीर्यशुल्केति कौशिक।सीता प्राणैर्बहुमता देया रामाय मे सुता।।1.67.23।।,O Son of Kausika I announce Sita to be the 'Reward of prowess'. My vow has come true. She is more valuable than my life and fit to be given to Rama. भवतोऽनुमते ब्रह्मन् शीघ्रं गच्छन्तु मन्त्रिण:।मम कौशिक भद्रं ते अयोध्यां त्वरिता रथै:।।1.67.24।।,"O Brahmarshi Kausika, be blessed With your consent my ministers will take the chariots to Ayodhya immediately." राजानं प्रश्रितैर्वाक्यैरानयन्तु पुरं मम।प्रदानं वीर्यशुल्काया: कथयन्तु च सर्वश:।।1.67.25।।,"That Sita, the reward of prowess is to be given to Rama be reventially communicated in detail to king Dasaratha and he may be conveyed here." मुनिगुप्तौ च काकुत्स्थौ कथयन्तु नृपाय वै।प्रीयमाणं तु राजानमानयन्तु सुशीघ्रगा:।।1.67.26।।," The welfare of the descendant of Kausika (Rama and Lakshmana) under the protection of sage (Viswamitra) be reported to the king. The king who will be happy to hear this be brought here by swiftfooted men""." कौशिकश्च तथेत्याह राजा चाभाष्य मन्त्रिण:।।1.67.27।।अयोध्यां प्रेषयामास धर्मात्मा कृतशासनान्।यथावृत्तं समाख्यातुमानेतुं च नृपं तदा।।1.67.28।।,"The son of Kausika (Viswamitra) also said, ""So be it"". The virtuous king, having consulted his ministers, despatched counsellors to Ayodhya to communicate to king Dasaratha all that had taken place and bring him (to Mithila).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे सप्तषष्टितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the sixtyseventh sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[ After receiving the message from Janaka, king Dasaratha accompanied by his ministers arrives at Mithila.]जनकेन समादिष्टा दूतास्ते क्लान्तवाहना:।त्रिरात्रमुषिता मार्गे तेऽयोध्यां प्राविशन् पुरीम्।।1.68.1।।","Commanded by Janaka the messengers travelled for three days, rested for three nights on the way and entered the city of Ayodhya along with their horses tired. " राज्ञो भवनमासाद्य द्वारस्थानिदमब्रुवन्।शीघ्रं निवेद्यतां राज्ञे दूतान्नो जनकस्य च।।1.68.2।।," Reaching the king's palace the messengers said to the doorkeepers, ""Let king Dasaratha be immediately informed that the messengers from Janaka have come""." इत्युक्ता द्वारपालास्ते राघवाय न्यवेदयन्।ते राजवचनाद्दूता राजवेश्मप्रवेशिता:।ददृशुर्देवसङ्काशं वृद्धं दशरथं नृपम्।।1.68.3।।,"Having heard their words, the doorkeepers informed the descendant of Raghu (king Dasaratha). Thereafter, with the the king's permission, the messengers entered the royal palace and beheld the aged king Dasaratha who shone like a god." बद्धाञ्जलिपुटा स्सर्वे दूता विगतसाध्वसा:।राजानं प्रयता वाक्यमब्रुवन्मधुराक्षरम्।।1.68.4।।,"All the messengers, hands folded free from apprehensions, reverentially addressed the king in sweet words." मैथिलो जनको राजा साग्निहोत्रपुरस्कृतम् ।कुशलं चाव्ययं चैव सोपाध्यायपुरोहितम्।।1.68.5।।मुहुर्मुहुर्मधुरया स्नेहसंयुक्तया गिरा।जनकस्त्वां महाराज पृच्छते सपुरस्सरम्।।1.68.6।।,"""O Great monarch Mithila's lord, king Janaka, with the sacred fire in front again and again enquires about your health and the spiritual wellbeing of your preceptors, priests and attendants in words filled with sweetness and affection." पृष्ट्वा कुशलमव्यग्रं वैदेहो मिथिलाधिप:।कौशिकानुमते वाक्यं भवन्तमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.68.7।।,"Janaka, the king of Mithila with the enquiry about your welfare, with the permission of the son of Kausika (Viswamitra) sends you this message:" पूर्वं प्रतिज्ञा विदिता वीर्यशुल्का ममात्मजा।राजानश्च कृतामर्षानिर्वीर्या विमुखीकृता:।।1.68.8।।,"O King It is wellknown that formerly I had vowed to give my daughter to a groom as a reward for prowess. Disappointed when proved powerless, the kings became indignant and opposed me." सेयं मम सुता राजन् विश्वामित्रपुरस्सरै:।यदृच्छयागतैर्वीरैर्निर्जिता तव पुत्रकै:।।1.68.9।।,O King that this daughter of mine has been won by your heroic son Rama who has come here casually led by Viswamitra. तच्च राजन् धनुर्दिव्यं मध्ये भग्नं महात्मना।रामेण हि महाराज महत्यां जनसंसदि।।1.68.10।। ,"O Great king, Dasaratha the divine bow with its limitless glory was broken in the middle by the great self Rama in the assembly of people." अस्मै देया मया सीता वीर्यशुल्का महात्मने।प्रतिज्ञां कर्तुमिच्छामि तदनुज्ञातुमर्हसि।।1.68.11।।,Sita is fit to be given in marriage to this eminent Rama as a reward for his prowess. I request you to give your consent to fulfil my vow. सोपाध्यायो महाराज पुरोहितपुरस्सर:।शीघ्रमागच्छ भद्रं ते द्रष्टुमर्हसि राघवौ ।।1.68.12।।,O Mighty king be blessed. Come here soon with your preceptors and priest. You ought to be reumitd with Rama amd Lakshmana. प्रीतिं च मम राजेन्द्र निर्वर्तयितुमर्हसि।पुत्रयोरुभयोरेव प्रीतिं त्वमपि लप्स्यसे।।1.68.13।।,"O Indra among kings you will not only bring me pleasure, you will also be happy to see your sons." एवं विदेहाधिपतिर्मधुरं वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।1.68.14।।विश्वामित्राभ्यनुज्ञात श्शतानन्दमते स्थित:।इत्युक्त्वा विरता दूता राजगौरवशङ्किता:।।1.68.15।। ," The king of Videha (Janaka) with Viswamitra's approval and in line with Satananda's thinking has conveyed these sweet words"". The messengers having said so concluded out of respect for their king (afraid that they might look overtalkative)." दूतवाक्यं च तच्छ्रुत्वा राजा परमहर्षित:।वसिष्ठं वामदेवं च मन्त्रिणोऽन्यांश्च सोऽब्रवीत्।।1.68.16।।,"Exceedingly happy to hear the words of the messengers, the king said to Vasishta, Vamadeva and other ministers. " गुप्त: कुशिकपुत्रेण कौसल्यानन्दवर्धन:।लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा विदेहेषु वसत्यसौ।।1.68.17।।," ""The enhancer of the joy of Kausalya (Rama) along with hs brother Lakshmana under the protection of Viswamitra is now staying in the coutry of the Videhas.""" दृष्टवीर्यस्तु काकुत्स्थो जनकेन महात्मना।सम्प्रदानं सुतायास्तु राघवे कर्तुमिच्छति।।1.68.18।।, Illustrious Janaka desires to bestow his daughter on the descendat of Kakustha (Rama) whose prowess he has witnessed. यदि वो रोचते वृत्तं जनकस्य महात्मन:।पुरीं गच्छामहे शीघ्रं मा भूत्कालस्य पर्यय:।।1.68.19।।,"If you approve the action, of the distinguished Janaka, let us hurry to the city of Mithila. Let there be no delay""." मन्त्रिणो बाढमित्याहु: सह सर्वैर्महर्षिभि:।सुप्रीतश्चाब्रवीद्राजा श्वो यात्रेति स मन्त्रिण:।।1.68.20।।,"All the maharshis and the ministers said, 'certainly so'. And the king, overwhelmed with joy, said, ""we start tomorrow""." मन्त्रिणस्तु नरेन्द्रस्य रात्रिं परमसत्कृता:।ऊषु स्तेमुदिता स्सर्वे गुणै स्सर्वैस्समन्विता:।।1.68.21।। ,The virtuous counsellors of the Indra among kings highly honoured spent the night happily.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे अष्टषष्टितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the sixtyeighth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. [ Accompanied by the army Dasaratha reaches Mithila Janaka honours him.]ततो रात्र्यां व्यतीतायां सोपाध्याय: सबान्धव:।राजा दशरथो हृष्ट स्सुमन्त्रमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.69.1।।,"With the passing of the night king Dasaratha, accompanied by spiritual preceptors and relatives said to Sumantra:" अद्य सर्वे धनाध्यक्षा धनमादाय पुष्कलम्।व्रजन्त्वग्रे सुविहिता नानारत्नसमन्विता:।।1.69.2।।,"""Let all the officers of the treasury furnished with enough wealth and a variety gems go in advance under escort." चतुरङ्गबलं चापि शीघ्रं निर्यातु सर्वश:।ममज्ञासमकालं च यानयुग्यमनुत्तमम्।।1.69.3।।,Let the four divisions of the army from all the four quarters with elegant palanquins proceed at my command. वसिष्ठो वामदेवश्च जाबालिरथ काश्यप:।मार्कण्डेयश्च दीर्घायु:ऋषि: कात्यायनस्तथा।।1.69.4।।एते द्विजा: प्रयान्त्वग्रे स्यन्दनं योजयस्व मे।यथा कालात्ययो न स्या द्दूता हि त्वरयन्ति माम्।।1.69.5।।,"Let brahmins like Vasishta, Vamadeva, Jabali, Kasyapa, Markandeya endowed with long life, and rishi Katyayana depart in advance. My chariot be yoked and kept ready. Let there be no delay. The messengers (from Janaka) are hastening me up""." वचनात्तु नरेन्द्रस्य सा सेना चतुरङ्गिणी।राजानमृषिभि स्सार्धं व्रजन्तं पृष्ठतोऽन्वगात्।।1.69.6।।,"While the Indra among kings (Dasaratha) proceeded with the sages, the four divisions of the army followed them at the command of the king." गत्वा चतुरहं मार्गं विदेहानभ्युपेयिवान्।राजा तु जनक श्श्रीमान् श्श्रुत्वा पूजामकल्पयत्।।1.69.7।।,"Covering the distance in four days, they arrived in the country of the Videhas. The fortunate king Janaka, having heard about these tidings, made arangements to extend to them reverential hospitality." ततो राजानमासाद्य वृद्धं दशरथं नृपम्।जनको मुदितो राजा हर्षं च परमं ययौ।।1.69.8।।,"King Janaka approached the aged ruler of men, Dasaratha, and experienced great delight." उवाच च नरश्रेष्ठो नरश्रेष्ठं मुदाऽन्वित:।स्वागतं ते महाराज दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोऽसि राघव।।1.69.9।।पुत्रयोरुभयो: प्रीतिं लप्स्यसे वीर्यनिर्जिताम्।,"Filled with joy the best of men (Janaka) addreseed the best of men Dasaratha: ""O Descendant of the Raghus, O Great king welcome I am fortunate to have you, you will experience the pleasure of both your sons having won the reward for their prowess. " दिष्ट्या प्राप्तो महातेजा वसिष्ठो भगवानृषि:।।1.69.10।।सह सर्वैर्द्विजश्रेष्ठैर्देवैरिव शतक्रतु:। ,Most brilliant and adorable ascetic Vasishta surrounded by the foremost of brahmins like Indra by the gods has also arrived by the grace of God. दिष्ट्या मे निर्जिता विघ्ना दिष्ट्या मे पूजितं कुलम्।।1.69.11।।राघवै स्सह सम्बन्धाद्वीर्यश्रेष्ठैर्महात्मभि:।,"By the grace of god, I have overcome all impediments. By the grace of God my race has been honoured through alliance with the house of the Raghus distinguished by their valour." श्व: प्रभाते नरेन्द्रेन्द्र निर्वर्तयितुमर्हसि।।1.69.12।।यज्ञस्यान्ते नरश्रेष्ठ विवाहमृषिसम्मतम्।,"O Foremost of men, O Best of kings, tomorrow at dawn after the completion of the sacrifice, you should perform the marriage with approval by the sages""." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा ऋषिमध्ये नराधिप:।।1.69.13।।वाक्यं वाक्यविदां श्रेष्ठ: प्रत्युवाच महीपतिम्।,"At these words, the most eloquent king (Dasaratha) made his reply in the midst of sages:" प्रतिग्रहो दातृवश श्श्रृतमेतन्मया पुरा।।1.69.14।।यथा वक्ष्यसि धर्मज्ञ तत्करिष्यामहे वयम्।,"""I have heard that acceptance of a gift from the righteous is a pleasure. So we will act upon your word"". " धर्मिष्ठं च यशस्यं च वचनं सत्यवादिन:।।1.69.15।।श्रुत्वा विदेहाधिपति: परं विस्मयमागत:।।,"Janaka was filled with extreme admiration to hear one who was truthful, righteous and famous (this Dasaratha)." तत स्सर्वे मुनिगणा: परस्परसमागमे।1.69.16।हर्षेण महता युक्तास्तां निशामवसन् सुखम्।।,"Thereupon hosts of sages in one another's company, filled with great delight spent the night comfortably." राजा च राघवौ पुत्रौ निशाम्य परिहर्षित:।।1.69.17।।उवास परमप्रीतो जनकेन सुपूजित:।,"The king (Dasaratha) was greatly delighted on being reunited with his sons Rama and Lakshmana. Honoured by Janaka, he spent the night with supreme satisfaction." जनकोऽपि महातेजा: क्रियां धर्मेण तत्त्ववित्।।1.69.18।।यज्ञस्य च सुताभ्यां च कृत्वा रात्रिमुवास ह ।,Mighty philosopher Janaka also performed the sacrificial rites and spent the night (there where the sacrificial ceremony was performed) with both his daughters. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकोनसप्ततितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the sixtynineth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. [Janaka sends messengers to fetch his brother Kusadhwaja -- at the request of Dasaratha Vasishta narrates the greatness of Ikshvaku dynasty.]तत: प्रभाते जनक: कृतकर्मा महर्षिभि:।उवाच वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञ श्शतानन्दं पुरोहितम्।।1.70.1।।,Thereafter at dawn after the maharshis had performed their daily (sacrificial) rites the eloquent Janaka said to the chief priest Satananda: भ्राता मम महातेजा यवीयानतिधार्मिक:।कुशध्वज इति ख्यात: पुरीमध्यवसच्छुभाम्।।1.70.2।।वार्याफलकपर्यन्तां पिबन्निक्षुमतीं नदीम्।साङ्काश्यां पुण्यसङ्काशां विमानमिव पुष्पकम्।।1.70.3।।,"""The extremely righteous, renowned and most brilliant Kusadhwaja, my younger brother is (at present) ruling the sacred kingdom of Sankasya, which is like the aerial chariot Pushpaka, with darts planted in water as boundary on the bank of the auspicious, sacred river Ikshumati. " तमहं द्रष्टुमिच्छामि यज्ञगोप्ता स मे मत:।प्रीतिं सोऽपि महातेजा इमां भोक्ता मया सह।।1.70.4।।,"I desire to see Kusadhwaja who I have accepted as the protector of the sacrifice. I want that my glorious brother should share this pleasure, with me""." एवमुक्ते तु वचने शतानन्दस्य सन्निधौ।आगता: केचिदव्यग्रा जनकस्तान् समादिशत्।।1.70.5।।,Janaka having said so in the presence of Satananda gave instructions to a few faithful attendants who were present. शासनात्तु नरेन्द्रस्य प्रययुश्शीघ्रवाजिभि:।समानेतुं नरव्याघ्रं विष्णुमिन्द्राज्ञया यथा।।1.70.6।।,"In obedience to the command of Indra among men (king Janaka), the messengers rode away on swift horses to bring king Kusadhwaja, a tiger among men just like fetching Visnu by the orders of Indra." साङ्काश्यां ते समागत्य ददृशुश्च कुशध्वजम्।न्यवेदयन्यथावृत्तं जनकस्य च चिन्तितम्।।1.70.7।।,"The messengers reached Sankasya, met Kusadhwaja and related to him what had happened. They informed him the intention of (king) Janaka." तद्वृत्तं नृपति श्शृत्वा दूतश्रेष्ठैर्महाबलै:।अज्ञायाऽथ नरेन्द्रस्य आजगाम कुशध्वज:।।1.70.8।।,"Kusadhwaja having heard the events from the loyal, mighty messengers set out for Mithila in compliance with the request of the king (Janaka)." स ददर्श महात्मानं जनकं धर्मवत्सलम्।सोऽभिवाद्य शतानन्दं राजानं चापि धार्मिकम्।।1.70.9।।राजार्हं परमं दिव्यमासनं चाऽध्यरोहत।,There he saw the highsouled Janaka devoted to righteousness. Having paid his regards to Satananda and the virtuous king he occupied an exalted seat befitting a king. उपविष्टावुभौ तौ तु भ्रातरावतितेजसौ।।1.70.10।।प्रेषयामासतुर्वीरौ मन्त्रिश्रेष्ठं सुदामनम्। ,"The two heroic brothers endowed with great splendour seated beside each other, despatched Sudamana the wisest of ministers (to Dasaratha)." गच्छ मन्त्रिपते शीघ्रमैक्ष्वाकुममितप्रभम्।।1.70.11।।आत्मजैस्सह दुर्धर्षमानयस्व समन्त्रिणम्।,"""O Foremost among counsellors, go speedily and bring along with his ministers and sons the invincible Dasaratha of the Ikshvakus dynasty whose splendour is immeasurable""." औपकार्यां स गत्वा तु रघूणां कुलवर्धनम्।।1.70.12।।ददर्श शिरसा चैनमभिवाद्येदमब्रवीत्।,"Having reached the tent, he (Sudamana) saw Dasaratha, perpetuator of the race of the Raghus and bowing down his head, said:" अयोध्याधिपते वीर वैदेहो मिथिलाधिप:।।1.70.13।।स त्वां द्रष्टुं व्यवसितस्सोपाध्यायपुरोहितम्।,"""O Heroic lord of Ayodhya, Janaka, the lord of Mithila desires to see you along with preceptors and priest""." मंत्रिश्रेष्ठवच श्शृत्वा राजा सर्षिगणस्तदा।।1.70.14।।सबंधुरगमत्तत्र जनको यत्र वर्तते।,King Dasaratha on hearing the words of the best of the counsellors reached the place where Janaka was waiting with hosts of rishis and relations. स राजा मन्त्रिसहित स्सोपाध्याय: सबान्धव:।।1.70.15।।वाक्यं वाक्यविदां श्रेष्ठो वैदेहमिदमब्रवीत्।,"The king (Dasaratha), skilled in speech, accompanied by counsellors and kins said to Janaka,the lord of the Videhas:" विदितं ते महाराज इक्ष्वाकुकुलदैवतम्।।1.70.16।।वक्ता सर्वेषु कृत्येषु वसिष्ठो भगवानृषि:।,"""O Great king venerable Vasishta is the spiritual protector of the Ikshvakus race and it is known that for all ceremonies he is our spokesman""." विश्वामित्राभ्यनुज्ञातस्सह सर्वैर्महर्षिभि:।।1.70.17।।एष वक्ष्यति धर्मात्मा वसिष्ठो मे यथाक्रमम्।,"""Having been permitted by Viswamitra, along with all maharshis virtuous Vasishta will tell you in detail about my race"". " एवमुक्त्वा नरश्रेष्ठे राज्ञां मध्ये महात्मनाम्।।1.70.18।।तूष्णींभूते दशरथे वसिष्ठो भगवानृषि:।उवाच वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञो वैदेहं सपुरोधसम्।।1.70.19।।,"Having said this amidst the best of men and the most distinguished among kings, Dasaratha remained silent. Then Vasishta, the venerable sage, wellversed in speech spoke to the Lord of Videhas (Janaka) in the midst of priests." अव्यक्तप्रभवो ब्रह्मा शाश्वतो नित्य अव्यय:।तस्मान्मरीचि स्संजज्ञे मरीचे: काश्यप: सुत:।।1.70.20।।,"""From the unmanifest was born the eternal, the constant, the imperishable Brahma. To him was born Marichi and to Marichi, Kasyapa." विवस्वान् काश्यपाज्जज्ञे मनुर्वैवस्वत स्स्मृत:।मनु: प्रजापति: पूर्वमिक्ष्वाकुस्तु मनोस्सुत:।।1.70.21।। ,"Kasyapa begot Vivasvan and Vivasvan, Manu. Ikshavaku was the son of Manu otherwise called Prajapati or Vaivasvata. " तमिक्ष्वाकुमयोध्यायां राजानं विद्धि पूर्वकम्।इक्ष्वाकोस्तु सुतश्श्रीमान् कुक्षिरित्येव विश्रुत:।।1.70.22।।,"It may be noted that Ikshvaku was the first ancestral king of Ayodhya whose son was the wellknown, glorious Kukshi." कुक्षेरथात्मज: श्रीमान् विकुक्षिरुदपद्यत।विकुक्षेस्तु महातेजा बाण: पुत्र: प्रतापवान्।।1.70.23।।,"Prosperous Vikukshi was Kukshi's son, who brought forth brilliant and powerful Bana." बाणस्य तु महातेजा अनरण्य: प्रतापवान्।अनरण्यात्पृथुर्जज्ञे त्रिशङ्कुस्तु पृथोस्सुत:।।1.70.24।।,Bana's son was the most brilliant and valiant Anaranya whose son Pruthu was succeeded by Trisanku. त्रिशङ्कोरभवत्पुत्रो दुन्दुमारो महायशा:।युवनाश्वसुतस्त्वासीन्मान्धाता पृथिवीपति:।।1.70.25।।, Trisanku's famous son was Dundumara also known as Yuvanashva whose son was king Mandhata. मान्धातुस्तु सुत श्श्रीमान् सुसन्धिरुदपद्यत।सुसन्धेरपि पुत्रौ द्वौ ध्रुवसन्धि: प्रसेनजित्।।1.70.26।।,Mandhata's son was prosperous Susandhi who brought forth two sons Dhruvasandhi and Prasenajit. यशस्वी ध्रुवसन्धेस्तु भरतो नाम नामत:।भरतात्तु महातेजा असितो नाम जातवान्।।1.70.27।।,To Dhruvasandhi was born the wellknown Bharata who begot the vigorous Asita. यस्यैते प्रतिराजान उदपद्यन्त शत्रव:।हैहयास्तालजंघाश्च शूराश्च शशिबिन्दव:।।1.70.28।।,"Valiant kings belonging to the races of the Haihayas, Talaiangha, and Sasibindus became the enemies to Asita." तांस्तु स प्रतियुध्यन् वै युद्धे राजा प्रवासित:।हिमवन्तमुपागम्य भृगुप्रस्रवणेऽवसत्।।1.70.29।।असितोऽल्पबलो राजा मन्त्रिभिस्सहितस्तदा।,The king Asita who was a weakling was defeated in the conflict against the kings and was exiled. Along with his counsellors he lived at on the Bhriguprasravana Himavat mountain. द्वे चास्य भार्ये गर्भिण्यौ बभूवतुरिति श्रुतम्।।1.70.30।। एका गर्भविनाशाय सपत्न्यै सगरं ददौ।,It is said that his (Asita's) two wives were pregnant. One gave food mixed with poison to the other with the intention of destroying her embryo. तत श्शैलवरं रम्यं बभूवाभिरतो मुनि:।।1.70.31।।भार्गवश्च्यवनो नाम हिमवन्तमुपाश्रित:। ,"At that time Chyavana of the family of Bhrigu liked to stay at Himavat, the great, pleasant mountain." तत्रैका तु महाभागा भार्गवं देववर्चसम्।।1.70.32।।ववन्दे पद्मपत्राक्षी काङ्क्षन्ती सुतमात्मन:।,"That the lotuseyed and highly accomplished Kalindi, offered herself for a son to Chyavana who was glowing like a god." तमृषिं साऽभ्युपागम्य कालिंदी चाभ्यवादयत्।।1.70.33।।स तामभ्यवदद्विप्र: पुत्रेप्सुं पुत्रजन्मनि।,Having approached the ascetic. Kalindi paid obeisance to him who said: तव कुक्षौ महाभागे सुपुत्रस्सुमहाबल:।।1.70.34।।महावीर्यो महातेजा अचिरात्सञ्जनिष्यति।गरेण सहित श्श्रीमान् मा शुच: कमलेक्षणे।।1.70.35।।,"'O Great lady a child of high prowess, lustre and virtues is growing in your womb. In a short time this glorious son carrying with him the poison (administered to you) will be born. O Lotuseyed lady, do not grieve'." च्यवनं तु नमस्कृत्य राजपुत्री पतिव्रता।पतिशोकातुरा तस्मात्पुत्रं देवी व्यजायत।।1.70.36।।,"This eldest queen who was a devoted wife, afflicted with sorrow due to loss of her husband gave birth to a son by the grace of Chyavana." सपत्न्या तु गरस्तस्यै दत्तो गर्भजिघांसया।सह तेन गरेणैव जात: स सगरोऽभवत्।।1.70.37।।,"Since poison was given to her by her rival queen with the intention of destroying the embryo, the son was born with poison and so came to be known as Sagara." सगरस्यासमञ्जस्तु असमञ्जात्तथांऽशुमान्।दिलीपोंऽशुमत: पुत्रो दिलीपस्य भगीरथ:।।1.70.38।।, Asamanja was the son of Sagara and to him was born Anshuman. Dilipa was the son of Anshuman and father of Bhagiratha. भगीरथात्ककुत्स्थश्च ककुत्स्थस्य रघुस्सुत:।रघोस्तु पुत्रस्तेजस्वी प्रवृद्ध: पुरुषादक:।।1.70.39।।कल्माषपादो ह्यभवत्तस्माज्जातस्तु शंखण:।,"Bhagiratha begot Kakustha whose son was Raghu. Powerful Pravriddha was Raghu's son. He became Purushadaka (cannibal), on the curse of Vasistha. He grasped water in order to retaliate Vasishta but was prevented by his wife. The water fell on his feet and he came to be known as Kalmashapada (feet polluted with water). Samkhana was born to him." सुदर्शन: शङ्घणस्य अग्निवर्ण स्सुदर्शनात्।।1.70.40।।शीघ्रगस्त्वग्निवर्णस्य शीघ्रगस्य मरु स्सुत:।मरो: प्रशुश्रुकस्त्वासीदम्बरीष: प्रशुश्रृकात्।।1.70.41।।,"Sudarsana was the son of Samkhana. His son was Agnivarna. To Agnivarna was born Sighraga and to Sighraga, Maru. To Maru, was born Prasusruka and to Prasrusuka, Ambarisha." अम्बरीषस्य पुत्रोऽभून्नहुष: पृथिवीपति:।नहुषस्य ययातिस्तु नाभागस्तु ययातिज:।।1.70.42।।,King Nahusha was the son of Ambarisha. To Nahusha was born Yayati whose son was Nabhaga. नाभागस्य बभूवाज: अजाद्दशरथोऽभवत्।अस्माद्दशरथाज्जातौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।।1.70.43।। ,"Nabhaga's son was Aja. Aja was the father of Dasaratha and Dasaratha, the father of Rama and Lakshmana." आदिवंशविशुद्धानां राज्ञां परमधर्मिणाम्।इक्ष्वाकुकुलजातानां वीराणां सत्यवादिनाम्।।1.70.44।।रामलक्ष्मणयोरर्थे त्वत्सुते वरये नृप।सदृशाभ्यां नृपश्रेष्ठ सदृशे दातुमर्हसि।।1.70.45।।,"Great among men, O King be gracious enough to give your equally accomplished two daughters in mariage to Rama and Lakshmana who are born in the family of Ikshvakus kings possessing the purity of race right from the beginning. They are highly virtuous, heroic, and truthful. They have chosen your daughters as their brides"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे सप्ततितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the seventieth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [King Janaka narrates the history of his dynasty--consents to give Sita and Urmila in marriage to Rama and Lakshmana.]एवं ब्रुवाणं जनक: प्रत्युवाच कृताञ्जलि:।श्रोतुमर्हसि भद्रं ते कुलं न: परिकीर्तितम्।।1.71.1।।,"Vasishta having thus described (the genealogy of Dasaratha) Janaka with folded hands rejoined, ""Be blessed. Let me relate the genealogy of my race. Listen""." प्रदाने हि मुनिश्रेष्ठ कुलं निरवशेषत:।वक्तव्यं कुलजातेन तन्निबोध महामुने।।1.71.2।।,"""O Great sage O Best of ascetics while one offers his daughter (in marriage), one born in a noble family should describe his genealogy in full. Listen." राजाऽभूत् त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुत स्स्वेन कर्मणा।निमि: परमधर्मात्मा सर्वसत्त्ववतां वर:।।1.71.3।।,"There was a great man of religion king Nimi, strongest of men and wellknown in the three worlds by his own acts." तस्य पुत्रोमिथिर्नाम मिथिला येन निर्मिता।प्रथमो जनको नाम जनकादप्युदावसु:।।1.71.4।।,Nimi begot a son named Mithi who constructed Mithila. He was the first Janaka whose son was Udavasu. उदावसोस्तु धर्मात्मा जातो वै नन्दिवर्धन:।नन्दिवर्धनपुत्रस्तु सुकेतुर्नाम नामत:।।1.71.5।। ,Virtuous Nandivardhana was the son of Udavasu whose son was Suketu. सुकेतोरपि धर्मात्मा देवरातो महाबल:।देवरातस्य राजर्षेर्बृहद्रथ इति स्मृत:।।1.71.6।।,"Suketu's son was the righteous and powerful Devarata, father of Brihadradha." बृहद्रथस्य शूरोऽभून्महावीर: प्रतापवान्।महावीरस्य धृतिमान् सुधृतिस्सत्यविक्रम:।।1.71.7।।,"Brihadradha's son was the heroic and powerful Mahavira, father of Sudhruti, who was armed with courage and the power of truth." सुधृतेरपि धर्मात्मा दृष्टकेतुस्सुधार्मिक:।दृष्टकेतोस्तु राजर्षेर्हर्यश्व इति विश्रुत:।।1.71.8।।,"To Sudhruti was born the righteous Drishtaketu, committed to dharma. Rajarshi Drishtaketu was father to the wellknown Haryasva." हर्यश्वस्य मरु: पुत्रो मरो: पुत्र: प्रतिन्धक:।प्रतिंधकस्य धर्मात्मा राजा कीर्तिरथस्सुत:।।1.71.9।।,"Haryasva's son was Maru, father of Pratindhaka. Pratindhaka's son was the righteous king Kirtiratha." पुत्र: कीर्तिरथस्यापि देवमीढ इति स्मृत:।देवमीढस्य विबुधो विबुधस्य महीध्रक:।।1.71.10।। ,"The son of Kirtiratha was known as Devamidha. His son was Vibudha, father of Mahidhraka." महीध्रकसुतो राजा कीर्तिरातो महाबल:।कीर्तिरातस्य राजर्षेर्महारोमा व्यजायत।।1.71.11।।,"Mighty king Kirtirata was the son of Mahidhraka. He was a Rajarshi, father of Maharoma. " महारोम्णस्तु धर्मात्मा स्वर्णरोमा व्यजायत।स्वर्णरोम्णस्तु राजर्षेर्ह्रस्वरोमा व्यजायत।।1.71.12।।,To Maharoma's was born the virtuous Swarnaroma. Swarnaroma's son was Hrasvaroma. तस्य पुत्रद्वयं जज्ञे धर्मज्ञस्य महात्मन:।ज्येष्ठोऽहमनुजो भ्राता मम वीर: कुशध्वज:।।1.71.13।।,"Hrasvaroma, was a religious king. He was a great soul. Of his two sons. I am the eldest and valiant Kusadhwaja is my younger brother. " मां तु ज्येष्ठं पिता राज्ये सोऽभिषिच्य नराधिप:।कुशध्वजं समावेश्य भारं मयि वनं गत:।।1.71.14।।,"My father king Hrasvaroma crowned me king, entrusted Kusadhwaja to my care and retired to the forest." वृद्धे पितरि स्वर्याते धर्मेण धुरमावहम्।भ्रातरं देवसङ्काशं स्नेहात्पश्यन् कुशध्वजम्।।1.71.15।।,"After my aged father attained heaven, I looked after my brother Kusadhwaja, who resembles the celestials, affectionately and ruled the kingdom with righteousness." कस्य चित्त्वथकालस्य साङ्काश्यादगमत्पुरात्।सुधन्वा वीर्यवान्राजा मिथिलामवरोधक:।।1.71.16।।,A little later a powerful king named Sudhanva from the city of Sankasya beseiged Mithila. स च मे प्रेषयामास शैवं धनुरनुत्तमम्।सीता कन्या च पद्माक्षी मह्यं वै दीयतामिति।।1.71.17।।,He (Sudhanva) sent me a message: 'give me the great bow of Siva and the lotuseyed maiden Sita'. तस्याप्रदानाद्ब्रह्मर्षे युद्धमासीन्मया सह।स हतोऽभिमुखो राजा सुधन्वा तु मया रणे।।1.71.18।।,"O Brahmarshi when I refused, a great conflict broke out between him and me. In the encounter king Sudhanva was killed by me. " निहत्य तं मुनिश्रेष्ठ सुधन्वानं नराधिपम्।साङ्काश्ये भ्रातरं वीरमभ्यषिञ्चं कुशध्वजम्।।1.71.19।। ,"O Best of ascetics having killed king Sudhanva, I have crowned my heroic brother Kusadhwaja in Sankasya. " कनीयानेष मे भ्राता अहं ज्येष्ठो महामुने।ददामि परमप्रीतो वध्वौ ते मुनिपुङ्गव।।1.71.20।।सीतां रामाय भद्रं ते ऊर्मिला लक्ष्मणाय च। ,"O Great ascetic (Vasishta), this one is my youger brother and I am the elder one. O preeminent among ascetics with immense pleasure I am giving these maidens, Sita to Rama and Urmila to Lakshmana. Be blessed" "वीर्यशुल्कां मम सुतां सीतां सुरसुतोपमाम् ।।1.71.21।।द्वितीयामूर्मिलां चैव त्रिर्ददामि न संशय:।","I offer my daughter Sita, who looks like a celestial maiden as reward for (Rama's) prowess and my second daughter Urmila (to Lakshmana). I proclaim it three times so that there is no doubt about it. " ददामि परमप्रीतो वध्वौ ते रघुनन्दन।।1.71.22।।रामलक्ष्मणयो राजन् गोदानं कारयस्व ह।पितृकार्यं च भद्रं ते ततो वैवाहिकं कुरु।।1.71.23।।,"O Delight of the Raghus (King Dasaratha), I offer these brides with immense pleasure to Rama and Lakshmana. You may perform the rites for your forefathers by gift of cows. Prosperity to you. Thereafter you may perform the marriage. " मखा ह्यद्य महाबाहो तृतीये दिवसे प्रभो।फल्गुन्यामुत्तरे राजंस्तस्मिन्वैवाहिकं कुरु।।1.71.24।।रामलक्ष्मणयो राजन् दानं कार्यं सुखोदयम् ।।," Today the star Makha is on the ascendant. O King perform the marriage on the, third day from today under UttaraPhalguni star. Gifts may be given for the happiness of Rama and Lakshmana"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकसप्ततितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the seventyfirst sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Preparations for the marriage of the four sons of king Dasaratha.]तमुक्तवन्तं वैदेहं विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।उवाच वचनं वीरं वसिष्ठसहितो नृपम्।।1.72.1।।,When Janaka the valiant king of Videha thus spoke (on the genealogy of his family) the mighty ascetic Viswamitra accompanied by Vasishta said to Janaka: अचिन्त्यान्यप्रमेयानि कुलानि नरपुङ्गव।इक्ष्वाकूणां विदेहानां नैषां तुल्योऽस्ति कश्चन।।1.72.2।।,"""O Preeminent among men the glory of the two races of Ikshvakus as also of Videhas is in comprehensible and immeasurable. There is none equal to these kings of the Ikshvakus and Videhas. " सदृशो धर्मसम्बन्ध: सदृशो रूपसम्पदा।रामलक्ष्मणयो राजन् सीता चोर्मिलया सह।।1.72.3।।,O King it is a perfect match between Sita and Rama and Urmila and Lakshmana. In respect of piety and beauty the match is perfect. वक्तव्यं च नरश्रेष्ठ श्रूयतां वचनं मम।भ्राता यवीयान् धर्मज्ञ एष राजा कुशध्वज:।।1.72.4।।,O Best of men my words deserve to be heard. This younger brother king Kusadhwaja is knower of righteousness. "अस्य धर्मात्मनो राजन् रूपेणाप्रतिमं भुवि ।सुताद्वयं नरश्रेष्ठ पत्न्यर्थं वरयामहे।।1.72.5।।","O King, O Eminent among men we seek the hands of this virtuous king's two daughters, unrivalled in beauty, on earth, as consorts." भरतस्य कुमारस्य शत्रुघ्नस्य च धीमत:।वरयामस्सुते राजन् तयोरर्थे महात्मनो:।।1.72.6।।,O king we choose your brother's daughters for the great souls: the young Bharata and the sagacious Satrughna. पुत्रा दशरथस्येमे रूपयौवनशालिन:।लोकपालोपमास्सर्वे देवतुल्यपराक्रमा:।।1.72.7।।,"Bestowed with youth and beauty, these sons of Dasaratha resemble kings in defending the worlds and gods in valour. " उभयोरपि राजेन्द्र सम्बन्धेनानुबध्यताम्।इक्ष्वाको: कुलमव्यग्रं भवत:पुण्यकर्मण:।।1.72.8।।,"O King of kings (Janaka) the bond between your race with its pious deeds and the Ikshvakus may be strenghthened by this alliance""." विश्वामित्रवच श्शृत्वा वसिष्ठस्य मते तदा।जनक: प्रांजलिर्वाक्यमुवाच मुनिपुङ्गवौ।।1.72.9।।,"Having heard the words of Viswamitra which echoed the wish of Vasishta, Janaka replied to the eminent ascetics with folded palms." "कुलं धन्यमिदं मन्ये येषां नो मुनिपुङ्गवौ ।सदृशं कुलसम्बन्धं यदाज्ञापयथ: स्वयम्।।1.72.10।। ","""Since both of you, eminent ascetics, recomended this befitting alliance of the two races on your own, I regard my race as blessed. " "एवं भवतु भद्रं व: कुशध्वजसुते इमे। पत्न्यौ भजेतां सहितौ शत्रुघ्नभरतावुभौ।।1.72.11।।  "," ""Let it be so, Be blessed Let these two daughters of Kusadhwaja (Srutakirti and Mandavi) be the wives of Satrughna and Bharata respectively and serve them." एकाह्ना राजपुत्रीणां चतसृणां महामुने।पाणीन् गृह्णन्तु चत्वारो राजपुत्रा महाबला:।।1.72.12।।,O Great ascetic let the valiant four princes take the hands of four princesses on the same day. उत्तरे दिवसे ब्रह्मन् फल्गुनीभ्यां मनीषिण:।वैवाहिकं प्रशंसन्ति भगो यत्र प्रजापति:।।1.72.13।।,"""The wise, O Brahmin think the marriage is favourable when Bhaga is Prajapati on the succeeding day of the ascent of the two stars. (that is, when poorva is followed by uttara phalguni)." एवमुक्त्वा वचस्सौम्यं प्रत्युत्थाय कृताञ्जलि:।उभौ मुनिवरौ राजा जनको वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।1.72.14।।,"King Janaka, having spoken these pleasing words, stood up and with folded hands addressing both the great ascetics:" परो धर्म: कृतो मह्यं शिष्योऽस्मिभवतो सदा।इमान्यासनमुख्यानि आसातां मुनिपुङ्गवौ।।1.72.15।।,"""You have earned me a great religious merit. I shall be always your disciple O Eminent ascestics, occupy these important seats""." यथा दशरथस्येयं तथाऽयोध्या पुरी मम।प्रभुत्वे नास्ति सन्देहो यथार्हं कर्तुमर्हथ।।1.72.16।।,"""Dasaratha has right on the city of Ayodhya as much as I have on this. This right is unquestionable. So do whatever you think right""." तथा ब्रुवति वैदेहे जनके रघुनन्दन:।राजा दशरथो हृष्ट: प्रत्युवाच महीपतिम्।।1.72.17।।,"To the words of Janaka, king of Videha, king Dasaratha, the descendant of Raghu cheerfully replied:" युवामसङ्ख्येयगुणौ भ्रातरौ मिथिलेश्वरौ।ऋषयो राजसङ्घाश्च भवद्भ्यामभिपूजिता:।।1.72.18।।,"""You both brothers are lords of Mithila. You possess countless virtues. You pay regards to many rishis and hosts of kings""." स्वस्ति प्राप्नुहि भद्रं ते गमिष्यामि स्वमालयम्।श्राद्धकर्माणि सर्वाणि विधास्यामीति चाब्रवीत्।।1.72.19।।,"""Be safe. Be blessed. Let me retire to the camp. I have to perform the rites offerings to the forefathers""." तमापृष्ट्वा नरपतिं राजा दशरथस्तदा।मुनीन्द्रौ तौ पुरस्कृत्य जगामाशु महायशा:।।1.72.20।। ," Then renowned king Dasaratha, took leave of the two great ascetics. Then the rowned king Dasaratha took have of the king (Janaka) immediately following the two great ascetics." स गत्वा निलयं राजा श्राद्धं कृत्वा विधानत:।प्रभाते काल्यमुत्थाय चक्रे गोदानमुत्तमम्।।1.72.21।।,"The king (Dasaratha) reached the abode, performed the sharaddha ceremony in accordance with the scriptures. Next day at dawn at appropriate time he gifted away cows (a ceremony performed by initiating the bridegrooms into the marriage.)" गवां शतसहस्राणि ब्राह्मणेभ्यो नराधिप:।एकैकशो ददौ राजा पुत्रानुद्दिश्य धर्मत:।।1.72.22।।,For the welfare of each of his sons the king (Dasaratha) religiously gave away a hundred thousand cows to brahmins. सुवर्णश्रुङ्गा स्सम्पन्ना स्सवत्सा: कांस्यदोहना:।गवां शतसहस्राणि चत्वारि पुरुषर्षभ:।।1.72.23।।वित्तमन्यच्च सुबहुद्विजेभ्यो रघुनन्दन:।ददौ गोदानमुद्दिश्य पुत्राणां पुत्रवत्सल:।।1.72.24।।,"Great among men and affectionate towards his children, (king Dasaratha), the delight of the Raghus donated in the name of his sons' donates to the brahmins four hundred thousand cows. They were capable of abundance of milk. Their horns were plaited with gold. They were accompanied by calves. With them were given away bellmetal vessels for keeping milk and innumerable valuables." स सुतै: कृतगोदानैर्वृतस्तु नृपतिस्तदा।लोकपालैरिवाभाति वृत: स्सौम्य: प्रजापति:।।1.72.25।।,With his sons for whose sake cows have been given away the cheerful king looked like shining Prajapati surrrounded by the guardians of the world.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे द्विसप्ततितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the seventhsecond sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. "[Marriage of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna.] यस्मिंस्तु दिवसे राजा चक्रे गोदानमुत्तमम् ।तस्मिं स्तु दिवसे शूरो युधाजित्समुपेयिवान्।।1.73.1।।",The day the king (Dasaratha) made a gift of the best (available) cows the heroic Yudhajit arrived. पुत्र: केकयराजस्य साक्षाद्भरतमातुल:।दृष्ट्वा पृष्ट्वा च कुशलं राजानमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.73.2।।,"Yudhajit, son of king Kekaya, Bharata's own maternal uncle met the king (Dasaratha) and enquiring about his wellbeing said: " "केकयाधिपती राजा स्नेहात् कुशलमब्रवीत् ।येषां कुशलकामोऽसि तेषां सम्प्रत्यनामयम् ।।1.73.3।।","""My father, king of Kekaya affectionately enquires about your welfare. And they whose welfare you seek are hale and healthy." स्वस्रीयं मम राजेन्द्र द्रष्टुकामो महीपति:।तदर्थमुपयातोऽहमयोध्यां रघुनन्दन।।1.73.4।।,"The king of Kekaya, O Indra among kings, O Joy of the Raghus, desires to see my sisters's son and on that account I went to Ayodhya." श्रुत्वा त्वहमयोध्यायां विवाहार्थं तवात्मजान् । मिथिलामुपयातांस्तु त्वया सह महीपते।।1.73.5।। त्वरयाभ्युपयातोऽहं द्रष्टुकाम स्स्वसुस्सुतम्। ,O King having heard in Ayodhya that you have arrived in Mithila along with your sons for their marriage I came here speedily with a desire to see my sister's son . अथ राजा दशरथ: प्रियातिथिमुपस्थितम्।।1.73.6।।दृष्ट्वा परमसत्कारै: पूजार्हं समपूजयत्।,"King Dasaratha, then accorded a warm welcome to the honoured guest. " "ततस्तामुषितो रात्रिं सह पुत्रैर्महात्मभि:।।1.73.7।।प्रभाते पुनरुत्थाय कृत्वा कर्माणि कर्मवित् ।ऋषींस्तदा पुरस्कृत्य यज्ञवाटमुपागमत्।।1.73.8।।","With the night spent with his virtuous sons, he who knew his duties got up at dawn and performed his daily devotionas and reached the sacrificial place following the rishis. " युक्ते मुहूर्ते विजये सर्वाभरणभूषितै:।भ्रातृभिस्सहितो राम: कृतकौतुकमंगल:।।1.73.9।।वसिष्ठं पुरत: कृत्वा महर्षीनपरानपि।पितु स्समीपमाश्रित्य तस्थौ भ्रातृभिरावृत:।।1.73.10।।," With the necessary auspicious rites preparatory to marriage performed at an auspicious moment, Vijaya, and keeping Vasishta and other maharshis in the forefront, Rama accompanied by his brothers adorned with ornaments of every kind came into his father's presence." "वसिष्ठो भगवानेत्य वैदेहमिदमब्रवीत्।राजा दशरथो राजन् कृतकौतुकमङ्गलै:।।1.73.11।।पुत्रैर्नरवर श्रेष्ठ दातारमभिकाङ्क्षते। ","Adorable Vasishta approached king Janaka and said, ""O King, of Videha king Dasaratha, the best of men with his sons having performed the auspicious rites preparatory to marriage is awaiting the bestower of the brides""." दातृप्रतिग्रहीतृभ्यां सर्वार्था: प्रभवन्ति हि।।1.73.12।।स्वधर्मं प्रतिपद्यस्व कृत्वा वैवाह्यमुत्तमम्।,"The giver and the receiver, indeed, attain all ends. Fulfil your own duty by performing the auspicious marriage""." इत्युक्त: परमोदारो वसिष्ठेन महात्मना।।1.73.13।।प्रत्युवाच महातेजा वाक्यं परमधर्मवित्।,"Thus addressed by the great self Vasishta, Janaka, the exceedingly generous, highly lustrous, eminent in ethics replied." कस्स्थित: प्रतिहारो मे कस्याज्ञा सम्प्रतीक्ष्यते।।1.73.14।।स्वगृहे को विचारोऽस्ति यथा राज्यमिदं तव।,"""Did any guard prevent you? Whose command are you waiting for? Why do you hesitate to enter into your own house? This kingdom is like your kingdom""." कृतकौतुकसर्वस्वा वेदिमूलमुपागता:।।1.73.15।।मम कन्या मुनिश्रेष्ठ दीप्ता वह्नेरिवार्चिष:।, O Best of ascetics my daughters have performed all the rites relating to marriage. They (now) stand at the foot of the altar shining like the bright flames of fire. सज्जोऽहं त्वत्प्रतीक्षोऽस्मि वेद्यामस्यां प्रतिष्ठित:।।1.73.16।।अविघ्नं कुरुतां राजा किमर्थमवलम्बते।,"Ready at the altar, I have been awaiting you, O King Without hindrance proceed Why delay?""." तद्वाक्यं जनकेनोक्तं श्रुत्वा दशरथस्तदा।प्रवेशयामास सुतान् सर्वानृषिगणानपि।।1.73.17।।,"At the words of Janaka, Dasaratha brought his sons along with the hosts of ascetics and entered the marriage pavilion. " ततो राजा विदेहानां वसिष्ठमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.73.18।।कारयस्व ऋषे सर्वमृषिभि: सह धार्मिक।रामस्य लोकरामस्य क्रियां वैवाहिकीं विभो।।1.73.19।।,"Thereafter the king of the Videhas to Vasishta, ""O Adherent of righteousness, O Lord O Maharshi perform with the rishis the marriage ceremony of Rama who causes delight to the three worlds"". " "तथेत्युक्त्वा तु जनकं वसिष्ठो भगवानृषि:।विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य शतानन्दं च धार्मिकम्।।1.73.20।।प्रपामध्ये तु विधिवत्वेदिं कृत्वा महातपा: ।अलञ्चकार तां वेदिं गन्धपुष्पै स्समन्तत: ।।1.73.21।।सुवर्णपालिकाभिश्च छिद्रकुम्भैश्च साङ्कुरै:।अङ्कुराढ्यैश्शरावैश्च धूपपात्रै स्सधूपकै:।।1.73.22।। शङ्खपात्रै स्स्रुवै स्स्रुग्भि: पात्रैरर्घ्याभिपूरितै:।लाजपूर्णैश्च पात्रीभिरक्षतैरभिसंस्कृतै:।।1.73.23।।","Venerable and renowned ascetic Vasishta said ""Be it so"".And with Viswamitra and virtuous Satananda in the forefront, an altar was duly improvised in the centre of the sacrificial pavilion. He adorned the altar on all sides with fragrant flowers, golden ladles, waterpots with holes filled with sprouts, earthen vessels with sprouts, holders of burning fragrant incense conchshaped vessels, sacrificial ladles, bowls filled with with water for arghya and other purposes, vessels with roasted paddy and grains of rice." दर्भैस्समैस्समास्तीर्य विधिवन्मन्त्रपूर्वकम्।अग्निमादाय वेद्यां तु विधिमन्त्रपुरस्कृतम्।।1.73.24।।जुहावाग्नौ महातेजा वसिष्ठो भगवानृषि:।,"Brilliant and worshipful rishi Vasishta chanted, mantras according to tradition, put the darbha grass of equal proportions around the altar, placed the fire on the altar, recited the mantras from the scriptures and offered oblations into the flame." ततस्सीतां समानीय सर्वाभरणभूषिताम्।।1.73.25।।समक्षमग्ने स्संस्थाप्य राघवाभिमुखे तदा।अब्रवीज्जनको राजा कौसल्यानन्दवर्धनम्।।1.73.26।।,"Thereafter king Janaka brought Sita adorned with various ornaments and placed her in the presence of Agni in front of Rama, the enhancer of the joy of Kausalya. And said:" इयं सीता मम सुता सहधर्मचरी तव।प्रतीच्छ चैनां भद्रं ते पाणिं गृह्णीष्व पाणिना।।1.73.27।।,"""This my daughter Sita will be your partner in performing her rightful duty. Accept her. Farewell. Take her hand into your own." पतिव्रता महाभागा छायेवानुगता सदा।इत्युक्त्वा प्राक्षिपद्राजा मन्त्रपूतं जलं तदा।।1.73.28।।,"By being a devoted wife this highly fortunate Sita would always follow you like a shadow"". Thus spoken, he sprinkled the water sanctified with mantras (on them)." "साधु साध्विति देवाना मृषीणां वदतां तदा ।देवदुन्दुभिर्निर्घोष: पुष्पवर्षो महानभूत्।।1.73.29।।","Then gods and sages exclaimed: 'well, well'. Celestial kettledrums were sounded and there was a steady rain of flowers. " "एवं दत्त्वा तदा सीतां मन्त्रोदकपुरस्कृताम् ।अब्रवीज्जनको राजा हर्षेणाभिपरिप्लुत:।।1.73.30।।","Then king Janaka sprinkled on Sita waters sanctified by mantras, and immersed in delight said:" लक्ष्मणागच्छ भद्रं ते ऊर्मिलामुद्यतां मया।प्रतीच्छ पाणिं गृह्णीष्व माभूत्कालस्य पर्यय:।।1.73.31।।,"""Lakshmana come and accept my daughter. Urmila ready to be bestowed upon you by me. Take her hand. Let there be no delay""." "तमेवमुक्त्वा जनको भरतं चाभ्यभाषत।गृहाण पाणिं माण्डव्या: पाणिना रघुनन्दन ।।1.73.32।।","Janaka, having spoken thus to Lakshmana addressed Bharata: ""O Descendant of the Raghus hold Mandavi's hand in your own"". " शत्रुघ्नं चापि धर्मात्मा अब्रवीज्जनकेश्वर:।श्रुतकीर्त्या महाबाहो पाणिं गृह्णीष्व पाणिना।।1.73.33।। ,"The righteous king Janaka, said again: ""O Mightyarmed Satrughna take the hands of Srutakirti""." सर्वे भवन्तस्सौम्याश्च सर्वे सुचरितव्रता:।पत्नीभिस्सन्तु काकुत्स्था माभूत्कालस्य पर्यय:।।1.73.34।। ,"O Descendants of Kakustha (Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna) you all are gentle. You possess sound character. You are true to your vows. Live with your wives. Let there be no delay"". " जनकस्य वच श्शृत्वा पाणीन् पाणिभिरास्पृशन्।चत्वारस्ते चतसृ़णां वसिष्ठस्य मते स्थिता:।।1.73.35।। ,At the words of Janaka the four princes took the hands of the four sisters with their own with the consent of Vasishta . अग्निं प्रदक्षिणीकृत्य वेदिं राजानमेव च।ऋषींश्चैव महात्मानस्सभार्या रघुसत्तमा:।।1.73.36।।यथोक्तेन तदा चक्रुर्विवाहं विधिपूर्वकम्।,"The great, noble princes of the race of Raghu, accompanied by their wives circumambulated the altar of the sacred fire. King Janaka and the sages in obedience to the directions of Vasishta and in accordance with the sastras conducted the matrimonial." काकुत्स्थैश्च गृहीतेषु ललितेषु च पाणिषु।।1.73.37।।पुष्पवृष्टिर्महत्यासीदन्तरिक्षात्सुभास्वरा।," While the descendants of Kakustha (Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna) held the elegant hands (of Sita, Urmila, Mandavi, and Srutakirti) there was a heavy rain of bright flowers from the sky." दिव्यदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषैर्गीतवादित्रनिस्वनै:।।1.73.38।।ननृतुश्चाप्सरस्सङ्घा गन्धर्वाश्च जगु: कलम्।विवाहे रघुमुख्यानां तदद्भुतमदृश्यत।।1.73.39।।,"While the bridal ceremony of the foremost of Raghus was on, the apsaras danced to the tune of songs and instrumental music. Sounds of celestial kettledrums were heard. Gandharvas sang in mellifluous melody. It was an unearthly sight." ईदृशे वर्तमाने तु तूर्योद्घुष्टनिनादिते।त्रिरग्निं ते परिक्रम्य ऊहुर्भार्यां महौजस:।।1.73.40।।,While the celebration resounded witht he windinstruments the mighty brothers went round the fire three times with their consorts and tied their nuptial knot. अथोपकार्यां जग्मुस्ते सभार्या रघुनन्दना:।राजाऽप्यनुययौ पश्यंत्सर्षिसंघ स्सबान्धव:।।1.73.41।।,Thereafter the descendants of Raghu along with their wives departed for their tents. The king (Dasaratha) also accompanied them with hosts of rishis and relatives. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे त्रिसप्ततितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the seventythird sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. "[Viswamitra leaves for the Himavat mountain--king Janaka offers gifts to his daughters--King Dasaratha departs for his kingdomencounter with Parasurama.]अथ रात्र्यां व्यतीतायां विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः।आपृष्ट्वा तौ च राजानौ जगामोत्तरपर्वतम् ।।1.74.1।।आशीर्भि: पूरयित्वा च कुमारांश्च सराघवान्।","Night over, the great ascetic Viswamitra, profusely blessed the princes born in the race of Raghu, took leave of the two kings and set out towards the northern (Himalayas) mountains. " "विश्वामित्रे गते राजा वैदेहं मिथिलाधिपम् ।आपृष्ट्वाऽथ जगामाशु राजा दशरथ: पुरीम्।।1.74.2।।","With the departure of Viswamitra, king Dasaratha who was the source of happiness to his subjects took leave of Janaka, king of Mithila and speedily set out for the city of Ayodhya." गच्छन्तं तं तु राजानमन्वगच्छन्नराधिप:।।1.74.3।।अथ राजा विदेहानां ददौ कन्याधनं बहु।,"King Janaka, lord of the Videhas, gave plenty of gifts to his daughters and followed king Dasaratha for some distance on his journey to Ayodhya. " "गवां शतसहस्राणि बहूनि मिथिलेश्वर:।कम्बलानां च मुख्यानां क्षौमकोट्यंबराणि च।।1.74.4।।हस्त्यश्वरथपादातं दिव्यरूपं स्वलङ्कृतम् ।ददौ कन्यापिता तासां दासीदासमनुत्तमम् ।।1.74.5।।"," The king of Mithila and father of the brides gave a hundred thousand cows, excellent woollen carpets, crores of silk garments, four divisions of elephants, horses, chariots and infantry and welldecorated, excellent male and maidservants shining in celestial beauty." हिरण्यस्य सुवर्णस्य मुक्तानां विद्रुमस्य च।।1.74.6।।ददौ परमसंहृष्ट: कन्याधनमनुत्तमम्।,"Immensely delighted, he gave his excellent daughters gold, pearls and corals. " दत्त्वा बहु धनं राजा समनुज्ञाप्य पार्थिवम्।।1.74.7।।प्रविवेश स्वनिलयं मिथिलां मिथिलेश्वर:।,The Lord of Mithila bestowed a lot of wealth on his daughters and with the consent of the king (Dasaratha) reentered his residence in Mithila. राजाऽप्ययोध्याधिपतिस्सह पुत्रैर्महात्मभि:।ऋषीन् सर्वान् पुरस्कृत्य जगाम सबलानुग:।।1.74.8।।,King Dasaratha of Ayodhya also left along with his great sons preceded by the sages and followed by the army. गच्छन्तं तं नरव्याघ्रं सर्षिसङ्घं सराघवम्।।1.74.9।।घोरा: स्म पक्षिणो वाचो व्याहरन्ति ततस्तत:।,"While this tiger among men Dasaratha, was returning with the hosts of sages and his sons, he observed here and there frightening birds making disagreeable sounds. " भौमाश्चैव मृगा स्सर्वे गच्छन्ति स्म प्रदक्षिणम्।।1.74.10।।तान् दृष्ट्वा राजशार्दूलो वसिष्ठं पर्यपृच्छत। ," Seeing the beasts on the way rushing to the right the tiger among men, enquired of Vasishta:" असौम्या: पक्षिणो घोरा मृगाश्चापि प्रदक्षिणा:।।1.74.11।।किमिदं हृदयोत्कम्पि मनो मम विषीदति।,"""While the frightening birds are inauspicious, the deer on the right are favourables Why is this? My heart beats. My mind is depressed." राज्ञो दशरथस्यैतच्छ्रुत्वा वाक्यं महानृषि:।।1.74.12।।उवाच मधुरां वाणीं श्रूयतामस्य यत्फलम्।,"To these words of king Dasaratha the great ascetic Vasishta replied in a gentle voice, ""I shall tell you the consequences Listen"". " उपस्थितं भयं घोरं दिव्यं पक्षिमुखाच्च्युतम्।।1.74.13।।मृगा: प्रशमयन्त्येते सन्तापस्त्यज्यतामयम्।,The dreadful cries from the mouths of birds foretell an event of celestial nature likely to befall but the movements other of deer indicate restoration of peace. Therefore do not grieve. तेषां संवदतां तत्र वायु: प्रादुर्बभूव ह।।1.74.14।।कम्पयन् पृथिवीं सर्वां पातयंश्च द्रुमांच्छुभान्।,"While they were conversing, a storm blew, shaking the earth and felling down beautiful trees. " तमसा संवृतस्सूर्य स्सर्वा न प्रबभुर्दिश।।1.74.15।।भस्मना चावृतं सर्वं संमूढमिव तद्बलम्।,"The Sun was wrapped in dark. The quarters were devoid of brightness. The entire army was covered with ashes, as if they fainted. " "वसिष्ठश्चर्षयश्चान्ये राजा च ससुतस्तदा ।।1.74.16।।संसज्ञा इव तत्रासन् सर्वमन्यद्विचेतनम्।","At that time Vasishta and other saints, the king and his sons held their senses under control. All others lost their consciousness." "तस्मिंस्तमसि घोरे तु भस्मच्छन्नेव सा चमू:।।1.74.17।।ददर्श भीमसङ्काशं जटामण्डलधारिणम्। भार्गवं जामदग्न्यं तं राजराजविमर्दिनम्।।1.74.18।।कैलासमिव दुर्धर्षं कालाग्निमिव दुस्सहम्। ज्वलंतमिव तेजोभिर्दुर्निरीक्ष्यं पृथग्जनै:।।1.74.19।।स्कन्धे चासज्य परशुं धनुर्विद्युद्गणोपमम् । प्रगृह्य शरमुख्यं च त्रिपुरघ्नं यथा शिवम्।।1.74.20।।","In that dreadful darkness while the army looked as if covered with ashes, king Dasaratha encountered the repressor of kings, descendant of Bhrugu and son of Jamadagni with a terrible crown of matted hair, inaccessible like Kailasa mountain and unendurable like the fire at the time of dissolution. The laymen gazing at his blazing energy,hanging an axe on his shoulder and holding a bow in his hand which flashed like lighning and the principal arrow he looked like Siva at the time of slaying of Tripura." तं दृष्ट्वा भीमसङ्काशं ज्वलन्तमिव पावकम्।वसिष्ठप्रमुखा विप्रा जपहोमपरायणा:।।1.74.21।।सङ्गता मुनयस्सर्वे सञ्जजल्पुरथो मिथ:। ,"At the sight of the fearful appearance of Parasurama looking like flaming fire, Vasishta and all other saints who were in the habit of chanting mantras and offering oblations to the fire whispered among themselves:" कच्चित्पितृवधामर्षी क्षत्रं नोत्सादयिष्यति।।1.74.22।।पूर्वं क्षत्रवधं कृत्वा गतमन्युर्गतज्वर:।क्षत्रस्योत्सादनं भूयो न खल्वस्य चिकीर्षितम्।।1.74.23।।,"Enraged at the slaughter of his father (by Kartaveeryarjuna), is he intent upon exterminating the kshatriya race? Having slaughtered the kshatriyas, in the past he was freed from anger and grief. Is he again desirous of annihilating the kshatriyas? " एवमुक्त्वाऽर्घ्यमादाय भार्गवं भीमदर्शनम्।ऋषयो राम रामेति वचो मधुरमब्रुवन्।।1.74.24।।,"The saints having thus talked amongst themselves, offered arghya to the son of Bhargava, of dreadful appearance and addressed him in soothing words: ""O Rama O Rama"". " प्रतिगृह्य तु तां पूजामृषिदत्तां प्रतापवान्।रामं दाशरथिं रामो जामदग्न्योऽभ्यभाषत।।1.74.25।।," Valiant Parasurama, son of Jamadagni, having accepted the homage offered by the saints addressed Rama, son of Dasaratha and said:इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे चतुस्सप्ततितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the seventyfourth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Ignoring Dasaratha, Parasurama tells Rama to string the bow of Visnu.]राम दाशरथे राम वीर्यं ते श्रूयतेऽद्भुतम्।धनुषो भेदनं चैव निखिलेन मया श्रुतम्।।1.75.1।।","""O Rama, Rama, son of Dasaratha I have heard in full of your marvellous prowess and your feat in breaking the bow of Siva. " तदद्भुतमचिन्त्यं च भेदनं धनुषस्त्वया।तच्छ्रुत्वाऽहमनुप्राप्तो धनुर्गृह्यापरं शुभम्।।1.75.2।।,The fact that you have broken Siva's bow is an astonishing act. It is beyond imagination. Having heard it I have come here with another auspicious bow. तदिदं घोरसङ्काशं जामदग्न्यं महद्धनु:।पूरयस्व शरेणैव स्वबलं दर्शयस्व च।।1.75.3।।,"This mighty, dreadful bow was obtained through Jamadagni. You may display your prowess by fixing on it an arrow. " तदहं ते बलं दृष्ट्वा धनुषोऽस्य प्रपूरणे।द्वन्द्वयुद्धं प्रदास्यामि वीर्यश्लाघ्यस्य राघव।।1.75.4।।,"O Rama after witnessing your strength in stretching and stringing this bow, I shall engage you in a duel acclaiming your prowess""." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राजा दशरथस्तदा।विषण्णवदनो दीन: प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।1.75.5।।,"When king Dasaratha heard these words, his face fell. He humbly pleaded with him his hands folded:" क्षत्ररोषात्प्रशान्तस्त्वं ब्राह्मणश्च महायशा:।बालानां मम पुत्राणामभयं दातुमर्हसि।।1.75.6।।,"""You are a brahmana, highly renowned and withdrawn from anger against kshatriyas. It behoves of you to give assurance of security to my sons who are young. " भार्गवाणां कुले जात: स्वाध्यायव्रतशालिनाम्।सहास्राक्षे प्रतिज्ञाय शस्त्रं निक्षिप्तवानसि।।1.75.7।।,Born in the family of (saint) Bhrigu versed in the study of the Vedas and observance of vows. You have promised in the name of the thousandeyed Indra to renounce the arms. "स त्वं धर्मपरो भूत्वा काश्यपाय वसुन्धराम् ।दत्त्वा वनमुपागम्य महेन्द्रकृतकेतन:।।1.75.8।।","By adhering to righteousness in life and having conferred the earth upon Kasyapa, you retired to the forest and made your residence on the Mahendra mountain." "मम सर्वविनाशाय सम्प्राप्तस्त्वं महामुने।न चैकस्मिन् हते रामे सर्वे जीवामहे वयम् ।।1.75.9।।","O Great ascetic today you have arrived evidently for the total destruction of our family. If Rama is killed none of us will survive""." ब्रुवत्येवं दशरथे जामदग्न्य: प्रतापवान्।अनादृत्यैव तद्वाक्यं राममेवाभ्यभाषत।।1.75.10।। ,"Disregarding these words of Dasaratha, the valiant son of Jamadagni said to Rama." इमे द्वे धनुषी श्रेष्ठे दिव्ये लोकाभिविश्रुते।दृढे बलवती मुख्ये सुकृते विश्वकर्मणा।।1.75.11।।,"""These two excellent celestial bows are wellknown throughout the worlds. They are stout and strong. They are the best of all, wellmade by Visvakarma." अतिसृष्टं सुरैरेकं त्र्यम्बकाय युयुत्सवे।त्रिपुरघ्नं नरश्रेष्ठ भग्नं काकुत्स्थ यत्त्वया।।1.75.12।।,"O Best among men O Descendant of Kakustha one of these broken by you, was given by the gods to the threeeyed Siva, who, wishing to fight the demon Tripura with this bow, destroyed him." इदं द्वितीयं दुर्धर्षं विष्णोर्दत्तं सुरोत्तमै:।तदिदं वैष्णवं राम धनु: परमभास्वरम्।समानसारं काकुत्स्थ रौद्रेण धनुषा त्विदम्।।1.75.13।।,This second bow which is unassailable was given by chief of the celestials to Visnu. O Rama born in the race of Kakutstha this highly radiant bow of Visnu is as strong as the bow of Siva. तदा तु देवतास्सर्वा: पृच्छन्ति स्म पितामहम्।शितिकण्ठस्य विष्णोश्च बलाबलनिरीक्षया।।1.75.14।।,"Then all the gods in order to ascertain the strength and weakness of Siva and Visnu enquired of the Grandsire, Brahma:" अभिप्रायं तु विज्ञाय देवतानां पितामह:।विरोधं जनयामास तयो स्सत्यवतां वर:।।1.75.15।।,"Foremost among the truthful, Grandsire Brahma come to know the intention of the gods and triggered a conflict between the gods." "विरोधे च महद्युद्धमभवद्रोमहर्षणम् ।शितिकण्ठस्य विष्णोश्च परस्परजिगीषुणो:।।1.75.16।।","In that thrilling fight between Siva and Visnu, each desirous of victory over the other, a ferocious battle took place causing one's hair to stand on end. " तदा तु जृम्भितं शैवं धनुर्भीमपराक्रमम्।हुङ्कारेण महादेव स्तम्भितोऽथ त्रिलोचन:।।1.75.17।।,"Then, with the 'Humkara' produced by Visnu, Siva's bow of dreadful prowess was stretched, which struck the threeeyed Mahadeva motionless." देवैस्तदा समागम्य सर्षिसघै स्सचारणै:।याचितौ प्रशमं तत्र जग्मतुस्तौ सुरोत्तमौ।।1.75.18।।,"Then hosts of sages, charanas and the gods assembled there and beseeched both of them, the preeminent among the gods to keep peace." "जृम्भितं तद्धनुर्द्रृष्ट्वा शैवं विष्णुपराक्रमै:।अधिकं मेनिरे विष्णुं देवा स्सर्षिगणास्तदा ।।1.75.19।। ","Now that the bow of Siva was made inert by Visnu's prowess, hosts of sages and gods acknowlged Visnu as superior." धनू रुद्रस्तु सङ्कृद्धो विदेहेषु महायशा:।देवरातस्य राजर्षेर्ददौ हस्ते ससायकम्।।1.75.20।। ,"Glorious Siva, enraged at this, placed the bow together with the arrow in the hands of Rajarshi Devarata in the country of Videha. " इदं च वैष्णवं राम धनु: परपुरञ्जयम्।ऋचीके भार्गवे प्रादाद्विष्णु: स न्यासमुत्तमम्।।1.75.21।।,"This bow of Visnu, O Rama capable of conquering hostile cities, was given in trust to Richika belonging to the race of Bhrigu. " ऋचीकस्तु महातेजा: पुत्रस्याप्रतिकर्मण:।पितुर्मम ददौ दिव्यं जमदग्नेर्महात्मन:।।1.75.22।।,"Brilliant Ruchika gave this bow to his son, the great Jamadagni, my father, a man of unrivalled valour. " न्यस्तशस्त्रे पितरि मे तपोबलसमन्विते।अर्जुनो विदधे मृत्युं प्राकृतां बुद्धिमास्थित:।।1.75.23।।,My father equipped with ascetic energy renounced the weapon and was killed by Kartaveeryarjuna in a vulgar manner. "वधमप्रतिरूपं तु पितु श्शृत्वा सुदारुणम्।क्षत्रमुत्सादयन्रोषाज्जातं जातमनेकश:।।1.75.24।।पृथिवीं चाखिलां प्राप्य काश्यपाय महात्मने ।यज्ञस्यान्ते तदा राम दक्षिणां पुण्यकर्मणे ।दत्त्वा महेन्द्रनिलयस्तपोबलसमन्वित:।।1.75.25।।","O Rama Having heard the slaying of my father incomparable in extreme ruthlessness, I decimated the Kshatriya race again and again out of fury as they were born and reborn. I conquered the entire earth. At the conclusion of the sacrifice I conferred it on the great soul Kasyapa of meritorious acts. Gifted with ascetic energy I have (now) made the Mahendra mountain my abode. " अद्यतूत्तमवीर्येण त्वया राम महाबल।श्रुतवान् धनुषो भेदं ततोऽहं द्रुतमागत:।।1.75.26।।,"O Mighty Rama when I heard that you have broken the bow with your extraordinary prowess, I have come here quickly." तदिदं वैष्णवं राम पितृपैतामहं महत्।क्षत्रधर्मं पुरस्कृत्य गृह्णीष्व धनुरुत्तमम्।।1.75.27।।,"Respect the duties of a kshatriya, O Rama Take hold of this great, uncommon bow of Visnu inherited by me from my father and forefathers." योजयस्व धनुश्श्रेष्ठे शरं परपुरञ्जयम्।यदि शक्नोषि काकुत्स्थ द्वन्द्वं दास्यामि ते तत:।।1.75.28।।,"O Descendant of Kakustha this best bow is capable of conquering enemy cities. Fix an arrow. If it is possible for you to do so, then I shall engage you in a duel"".इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे पञ्चसप्ततितमस्सर्ग: ।।Thus ends the seventyfifth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Rama bends the bow of Visnu--Parasurama returns to Mahendra mountain.]श्रुत्वा तज्जामदग्न्यस्य वाक्यं दाशरथिस्तदा।गौरवाद्यंन्त्रितकथ: पितू राममथाब्रवीत्।।1.76.1।।,"Hearing the words of the son of Jamadagni (Parasurama), Rama, the son of Dasaratha, avoiding further conversation out of respect for his father intercepted Parasurama saying: " श्रुतवानस्मि यत्कर्म कृतवानसि भार्गव।अनुरुंध्यामहे ब्रह्मन् पितुरानृण्यमास्थितम्।।1.76.2।।," ""O Descendant of Bhrigu I have listened to the (marvellous) acts you have performed. O Brahman I commend you for discharging your duty in repaying the debt to your father." वीर्यहीनमिवाशक्तं क्षत्रधर्मेण भार्गव।अवजानासि मे तेज: पश्य मेऽद्य पराक्रमम्।।1.76.3।।,You underrate me O Bhargava as though I am devoid of valour and incompetent to perform the duties of a Kshatriya. Now witness my energy and valour. इत्युक्त्वा राघव: क्रुद्धो भार्गवस्य शरासनम्।शरं च प्रतिजग्राह हस्ताल्लघुपराक्रम:।।1.76.4।।," Having spoken thus, the enraged Rama, gifted with quick vigour, seized the bow and arrow from Parasurama's hands." आरोप्य स धनू राम श्शरं सज्यं चकार ह।जामदग्न्यं ततो रामं राम: क्रुद्धोऽब्रवीद्वच:।।1.76.5।।,"Infuriated Rama bent the bow stretched it, fixed the arrow and addressed Parasurama, the son of Jamadagni:" ब्राह्मणोऽसीति पूज्यो मे विश्वामित्रकृतेन च।तस्माच्छक्तो न ते राम मोक्तुं प्राणहरं शरम्।।1.76.6।।,"""You are a brahmin, O Parasurama. You are also related to Viswamitra. Hence you are worthy of homage. I cannot, therefore, release this against you to take your life. " "इमां पादगतिं राम तपोबलसमार्जिताम्।लोकानप्रतिमान्वा ते हनिष्यामि यदिच्छसि ।।1.76.7।।","I shall destroy your mobility, O Parasurama or the higher worlds earned through your matchless asceteic energy. Tell me which one you choose." न ह्ययं वैष्णवो दिव्य श्शर: परपुरञ्जय:।मोघ: पतति वीर्येण बलदर्पविनाशनः।।1.76.8।।,"On conquering the hostile cities and destroying the pride and strength of the enemy by its prowess, this celestial arrow of Visnu shall not go in vain""." वरायुधधरं रामं द्रष्टुं सर्षिगणा स्सुरा:।पितामहं पुरस्कृत्य समेतास्तत्र सङ्घश:।।1.76.9।।गन्धर्वाप्सरसश्चैव सिद्धचारणकिन्नरा:।यक्षराक्षसनागाश्च तद्द्रष्टुं महदद्भुतम्।।1.76.10।। ,"The gods with the Grandsire, Brahma in the forefront, accompanied by sages in groups assembled there to see Rama holding that mighty bow. Gandharvas, apsaras, siddhas, charanas, kinnaras, yakshas, rakshsas and nagas also came there to witness that great wonder." जडीकृते तदाऽलोके रामे वरधनुर्धरे।निर्वीर्यो जामदग्न्योऽसौ रामो राममुदैक्षत।।।1.76.11।।,"Then when Rama stretched the great bow, the world became motionless. The son of Jamadagni, Parasurama, bereft of prowess gazed at him with astonishment." तेजोभिहतवीर्यत्वाज्जामदग्न्यो जडीकृत:।रामं कमलपत्राक्षं मन्दं मन्दमुवाच ह।।1.76.12।।,"His energy subdued by Rama's prowess, the paralysed, Parasurama, son of Jamadagni spoke in gentle words to him whose eyes resembled the lotus petals:" काश्यपाय मया दत्ता यदा पूर्वं वसुन्धरा।विषये मे न वस्तव्यमिति मां काश्यपोऽब्रवीत्।।1.76.13।।,"""When I gave this entire earth to Kasyapa, he said to me, 'you shall not live in my country'. " सोऽहं गुरुवच: कुर्वन् पृथिव्यां न वसे निशाम्।कृता प्रतिज्ञा काकुत्स्थ कृता भू: काश्यपस्य हि।।1.76.14।।,"O Descendant of Kakustha having gifted this earth to Kasyapa, I promised him that I would not live here, during night time. For the earth belongs to him." तदिमां त्वं गतिं वीर हन्तुं नार्हसि राघव।मनोजवं गमिष्यामि महेन्द्रं पर्वतोत्तमम्।।1.76.15।।,"For this, you should not destroy my mobility, O valiant son of the Raghus. I shall go to Mahendra, the best of mountains, with the speed of mind." "लोकास्त्वप्रतिमा राम निर्जितास्तपसा मया ।जहि तान् शरमुख्येन मा भूत्कालस्य पर्यय:।।1.76.16।।","Strike with the, principal arrow the unrivalled worlds conquered by my asceticism. Do not delay, O Rama" अक्षय्यं मधुहन्तारं जानामि त्वां सुरेश्वरम्।धनुषोऽस्य परामर्शात् स्वस्ति तेऽस्तु परंतप।।1.76.17।।,"By the fact that you have stretched this bow, I have come to know that you are Visnu, Lord of the gods, slayer of Madhu, O Imperishable one O Tormentor of enemies Fare well." एते सुरगणास्सर्वे निरीक्षन्ते समागता:।त्वामप्रतिमकर्माणमप्रतिद्वन्द्वमाहवे।।1.76.18।।,All your deeds are incomparable. You are unassailable in combat. All these hosts of gods have assembled here and are looking at you. न चेयं मम काकुत्स्थ व्रीडा भवितुमर्हति।त्वया त्रैलोक्यनाथेन यदहं विमुखीकृत:।।1.76.19।।,"I have been defeated by you, O Descendant of Kakustha lord of the three worlds. Therefore, it is not right for me to feel ashamed. " शरमप्रतिमं राम मोक्तुमर्हसि सुव्रत।शरमोक्षे गमिष्यामि महेन्द्रं पर्वतोत्तमम्।।1.76.20।। ,"You are faithful to vows O Rama This arrow has no equal in prowess. It behoves of you to release it against me. After its release I shall go to the excellent Mahendra mountain"". " तथा ब्रुवति रामे तु जामदग्नये प्रतापवान्।रामो दाशरथि श्श्रीमान् चिक्षेप शरमुत्तमम्।।1.76.21।।,"Thus spoke Parasurama, son of Jamadagni to Rama, the valiant son of Dasaratha who (then) discharged the principal arrow. " स हतान् दृश्य रामेण स्वांल्लोकांस्तपसार्जितान्।जामदग्न्यो जगामाशु महेन्द्रं पर्वतोत्तमम्।।1.76.22।।,"Having witnessed the destruction of those regions earned by him through asceticism, the son of Jamadagni left for the best of mountains Mahendra." ततो वितिमिरास्सर्वा दिशश्चोपदिशस्तथा।सुरा स्सर्षिगणा रामं प्रशशंसुरुदायुधम्।।1.76.23।।,Thereafter all the quarters including the intermediaries were cleared of darkness. Hosts of sages and gods extolled Rama when he wielded the bow. रामं दाशरथिं रामो जामदग्न्य: प्रशस्य च।तत: प्रदक्षिणी कृत्य जगामात्मगतिं प्रभु:।।1.76.24।।,"Parasurama, the competent son of Jamadagni, having praised Rama, the son of Dasaratha circumbulated him and left for his abode.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे षट्सप्ततितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the seventysixth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Dasaratha enters the city of Ayodhya with his sons and their wives--Bharata and Satrughna depart with their maternal uncle--Rama's virtues described.]गते रामे प्रशान्तात्मा रामो दाशरथिर्धनु:।वरुणायाप्रमेयाय ददौ हस्ते ससायकम्।।1.77.1।।,"When Parasurama departed, Rama, son of Dasaratha with a serene mind gave the bow along with the arrow to Varuna of immeasurable strength. " अभिवाद्य ततो रामो वसिष्ठप्रमुखानृषीन्। पितरं विह्वलं दृष्ट्वा प्रोवाच रघुनन्दन:।।1.77.2।।,"Thereafter Rama the descendant of the Raghus, paid obeisance to Vasishta and other rishis, and looked at his father who appeared agitated said:" जामदग्न्यो गतो राम: प्रयातु चतुरङ्गिणी।अयोध्याभिमुखी सेना त्वया नाथेन पालिता।।1.77.3।।,"""Parasurama, son of Jamadagni, has gone. Let the four divisions of the army of which you are the commander proceed towards Ayodhya." सन्दिशस्व महाराज सेनां त्वच्छासने स्थिताम्।शासनं काङ्क्षते सेना चातकालिर्जलं यथा।।1.77.4।।,The army which is under your command O King is awaiting your orders like the chatakas awaiting water. Direct them (to proceed). रामस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा राजा दशरथ स्सुतम्।बाहुभ्यां सम्परिष्वज्य मूर्ध्नि चाघ्राय राघवम्।।1.77.5।।गतो राम इति श्रुत्वा हृष्ट: प्रमुदितो नृप:।पुनर्जातं तदा मेने पुत्रमात्मानमेव च।।1.77.6।।,"On hearing the words 'Parasurama has departed' from Rama, king Dasaratha embraced him and kissed his forehead. The king, immensely happy, felt he and his son were reborn." "चोदयामास तां सेनां जगामाशु तत: पुरीम्।पताकाध्वजिनीं रम्यां तूर्योद्घुष्टनिनादिताम्।।1.77.7।।सिक्तराज पथां रम्यां प्रकीर्णकुसुमोत्कराम् ।राजप्रवेशसुमुखै: पौरैर्मङ्गलवादिभि:।।1.77.8।।सम्पूर्णां प्राविशद्राजा जनौघैस्समलङ्कृताम्।","Thereafter, king Dasaratha directed his army to proceed speedily in advance. When he reached the city of Ayodhya it looked welldecorated with flags and banners. It resounded with trumpets. The royal highways were sprinkiled with water and strewn with flowers. It was filled with groups of people. Awaiting with delight the arrival of the king the citizens produced merry sounds with musical instruments." "पौरै: प्रत्युद्गतो दूरं द्विजैश्च पुरवासिभि:। पुत्रैरनुगत श्श्रीमान् श्रीमद्भिश्च महायशा: ।।1.77.9।। प्रविवेश गृहं राजा हिमवत्सदृशं पुनः।  "," Prosperous king Dasaratha of great fame followed by his elegant sons entered the city of Ayodhya while the citizens and brahmins came forward from a long distance to welcome him who reentered his palace looking like the Himalayan mountain." ननन्द सजनो राजा गृहे कामै स्सुपूजित:।।1.77.10।।कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च कैकेयी च सुमध्यमा।वधूप्रतिग्रहे युक्ता याश्चान्या राजयोषित:।।1.77.11।।,"The king and his kith and kin were received with honour in a pleasing manner. Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi of slender waist and other women attending on the king were busy in receiving the new brides." ततस्सीतां महाभागामूर्मिलां च यशस्विनीम्।कुशध्वजसुते चोभे जगृहुर्नृपपत्नय:।।1.77.12।।,"Thereafter the queens received the highly fortunate Sita, Urmila of high fame and both the daughters of Kusadhwaja, Mandavi and Srutakirti. " मङ्गलालम्भनैश्चापि शोभिता: क्षौमवासस:। देवतायतनान्याशु सर्वास्ता: प्रत्यपूजयन्।।1.77.13।।,"With auspicious aricles in their hands, all the new brides who shone in silken apparels immediately went to temples and worshipped the family deities." अभिवाद्याभिवाद्यांश्च सर्वा राजसुतास्तदा।स्वं स्वं गृहमथासाद्य कुबेरभवनोपमम्।।1.77.14।।गोभिर्धनैश्च धान्यैश्च तर्पयित्वा द्विजोत्तमान्।रेमिरे मुदिता: सर्वा भर्तृभि: सहिता रह:।।1.77.15।।,"Then all the princesses paid obeisance to those worthy of worship and entered their residence that resembled the palace of Kubera.Thereafter pleased with gifting cows, riches and corn to brahmins and satisfying them they joined their husbands and enjoyed themselves in privacy " कुमाराश्च महात्मानो वीर्येणाप्रतिमा भुवि ।कृतदारा: कृतास्त्राश्च सधना: ससुहृज्जना:।।1.77.16।।शुश्रूषमाणा: पितरं वर्तयन्ति नरर्षभा:।," All the princes who were best of men, great souls, incomparable in prowess on earth, capable of the use of weapons and endowed with wealth moved about with friends, serving their father and following his commands." कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य राजा दशरथ: सुतम्।1.77.17।।भरतं कैकयीपुत्र मब्रवीद्रघुनन्दन:।,After some time king Dasaratha the delight of the Raghu race addressed his son Bharata: अयं केकयराजस्य पुत्रो वसति पुत्रक।।1.77.18।।त्वां नेतुमागतो वीर युधाजिन्मातुलस्तव।,"""The heroic Yudhajit son of the king of Kekaya, your maternal uncle, has come here and wishes to take you with him, O Child" प्रार्थितस्तेन धर्मज्ञ मिधिलायामहं तथा।।1.77.19।।ऋषिमध्ये तु तस्य त्वं प्रीतिं कर्तुमिहार्हसि।,O Knower of dharma this was his request to me in Mithila in the midst of sages. You should bring him delight (by obliging him). श्रुत्वा दशरथस्यैतद्भरत: कैकयीसुत:।।1.77.20।।अभिवाद्य गुरुं रामं परिष्वज्य च लक्ष्मणम्। गमनायाभिचक्राम शत्रुघ्नसहितस्तदा।।1.77.21।।,"Having heard the words of Dasaratha, Bharata, son of Kaikeyi paid obeisance to his father and Rama, embraced Lakshmana and prepared for the journey with Satrughna." आपृच्छ्य पितरं शूरो रामं चाक्लिष्टकारिणम्।मातृश्चापि नरश्रेष्ठ श्शत्रुघ्नसहितो ययौ।।1.77.22।। ,"Valiant Bharata, the best of men took leave of his father Dasaratha, a tireless brother Rama and mothers and departed with Satrughna." गते तु भरते रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबल:।पितरं देवसंङ्काशं पूजयामासतुस्तदा।।1.77.23।।,"After the departure of Bharata, mighty Rama and Lakshmana continued to serve their godlike father. " "पितुराज्ञां पुरस्कृत्य पौरकार्याणि सर्वश:। चकार रामो धर्मात्मा प्रियाणि च हितानि च।।1.77.24।।  "," Righteous Rama discharged his duties towards the citizens for their allround comfort and welfare giving top priority to (the execution of) the command of his father." मातृभ्यो मातृकार्याणि कृत्वा परमयन्त्रित:।गुरूणां गुरुकार्याणि काले कालेऽन्ववैक्षत।।1.77.25।।,"With unfailing regularity Rama carried out his duties towards his mothers, and his elders, looking into them from time to time." एवं दशरथ: प्रीतो ब्राह्मणा नैगमास्तथा।रामस्य शीलवृत्तेन सर्वे विषयवासिन:।।1.77.26।।,Dasaratha was pleased with the good conduct and character of Rama. Brahmanas as also the inhabitants of the city and the people of the country at large were happy with him. तेषामतियशा लोके राम स्सत्यपराक्रमः।स्वयम्भूरिव भूतानां बभूव गुणवत्तर:।।1.77.27।। ,In world the glorious and virtuous Rama armed with the power of truthfulness became the protector of the people like Brahma (to living beings). रामस्तु सीतया सार्धं विजहार बहूनृतून् ।मनस्स्वी तद्गतस्तस्याः नित्यं हृदि समर्पित:।।1.77.28।।,"With his heart fixed on Sita to whom he was always devoted, Rama, the wise went about enjoying with her (the beauty of) all the seasons. " प्रिया तु सीता रामस्य दारा: पितृकृता इति।गुणाद्रूपगुणाच्चापि प्रीतिर्भूयोऽभ्यवर्धत।।1.77.29।।,Chosen by his father Sita became Rama's beloved wife with her virtue and beauty his affection for her grew further. तस्याश्च भर्ता द्विगुणं हृदये परिवर्तते।अन्तर्जातमपि व्यक्तमाख्याति हृदयं हृदा।।1.77.30।।,For sita her husband was doubly dear. They were clearly communicating through each other's heart every thought generated in the mind. तस्य भूयो विशेषेण मैथिली जनकात्मजा।देवताभि स्समा रूपे सीता श्रीरिव रूपिणी।।1.77.31।।,"Sita was an embodiment of Lakshmi (goddess of wealth). In beauty she was like a goddess. Born in the city of Mithila as daughter to Janaka, she was always especially dear to him." तया स राजर्षिसुतोऽभिरामयासमेयिवानुत्तमराजकन्यया।अतीव राम श्शुशुभेऽभिरामया।विभु श्श्रिया विष्णुरिवामरेश्वर:।।1.77.32।। ,"Rama, son of Rajarshi Dasaratha, united with the most charming princess, shone like Visnu, Lord of the gods in the company of Lakshmi.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये चतुर्विंशत्सहस्रिकायां संहितायां बालकाण्डे सप्तसप्ततितमस्सर्ग:।।Thus ends the seventyseventh sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki."