content,explanation स तां पुष्करिणीं गत्वा पद्मोत्पलझषाकुलाम्। रामस्सौमित्रि सहितो विललापाकुलेन्द्रियः।।4.1.1।।," Arriving with Laksmana at the lake filled with lotuses, lilies and fishes, Rama, his senses oppressed, burst into tears." तस्य दृष्ट्वैव तां हर्षादिन्द्रियाणि चकम्पिरे।स कामवशमापन्नस्सौमित्रिमिदमब्रवीत्।।4.1.2।।,"He was glad to see it but sad at the thought of Sita. His passion stirred, his senses shaken, he said this to Saumitri:" सौमित्रे शोभते पम्पा वैदूर्यविमलोदका।फुल्लपद्मोत्पलवती शोभिता विविधैर्द्रुमैः।।4.1.3।।," 'O Saumitri Pampa looks beautiful with its water clear as vaidurya, its lilies and lotuses in full bloom and its trees in all their variety." सौमित्रे पश्य पम्पायाः काननं शुभदर्शनम्।यत्र राजन्ति शैला वा द्रुमास्सशिखरा इव।।4.1.4।।,'O Saumitri look at the pleasant forest around Pampa where trees stand splendid like mountainpeaks. मां तु शोकाभिसन्तप्तं माधवः पीडयन्ति वै।भरतस्य च दुःखेन वैदेह्या हरणेन च।।4.1.5।।,"Already saddened due to the abduction of Sita and plight of Bharata, I am tormented by Spring." शोकार्तस्यापि मे पम्पा शोभते चित्रकानना। व्यवकीर्णा बहुविधैः पुष्पैश्शीतोदका शिवा।।4.1.6।।," Though stricken with grief, I feel so delighted to see the auspicious Pampa with its wonderful forest and cool water scattered with flowers." नलिनैरपि सञ्छन्ना ह्यत्यर्थशुभदर्शना।सर्पव्यालानुचरिता मृगद्विजसमाकुला।।4.1.7।।,"Abounding in lotuses, birds and beasts and vicious serpents moving about, it looks splendid indeed." अधिकं प्रविभात्येतन्नीलपीतं तु शाद्वलम्।द्रुमाणां विविधैः पुष्पैः परिस्तोमैरिवार्पितम्।।4.1.8।।,"The bluishyellow grass, dotted with different kinds of flowers fallen from the trees shines like a carpet spread." पुष्पभारसमृद्धानि शिखराणि समन्ततः।लताभिः पुष्पिताग्राभिरुपगूढानि सर्वशः।।4.1.9।।,Entwined with flowering creepers the treetops are covered all over with rich loads of flowers. सुखानिलोऽयं सौमित्रे कालः प्रचुरमन्मथः।गन्धवान्सुरभिर्मासो जातपुष्पफलद्रुमः।।4.1.10।।,'O Saumitri it is the season of spring. The trees are laden with fruits and fragrant flowers. Ecstatic blows the gentle freeze. पश्य रूपाणि सौमित्रे वनानां पुष्पशालिनाम्।सृजतां पुष्पवर्षाणि तोयं तोयमुचामिव।।4.1.11।।," 'Look at the flowering trees sending showers of flowers like water dropping from the clouds, O Saumitri" प्रस्तरेषु च रम्येषु विविधाः काननद्रुमाः।वायुवेगप्रचलिताः पुष्पैरवकिरन्ति गाम्।।4.1.12।।, Various forest trees shaken by the force of the wind scatter flowers on the beautiful rocky surface of earth. "पतितैः पतमानैश्च पादपस्थैश्च मारुतः। कुसुमैः पश्य सौमित्रे क्रीडन्निव समन्ततः।।4.1.13।।  "," O Saumitri! look, the breeze appears to be playing with the flowers; that are fallen and that are still on the trees." "विक्षिपन्विविधाश्शाखा नगानां कुसुमोत्कचाः। मारुतश्चलितस्थानैष्षट्पदैरनुगीयते।।4.1.14।।  "," ""As the wind shakes the flowers off the branches of various trees the bees bumble in tune with the (whistling) wind." "मत्तकोकिलसन्नादैर्नर्तयन्निव पादपान्। शैलकन्दरनिष्क्रान्तः प्रगीत इव चानिलः।।4.1.15।।  "," ""As if the trees are dancing to the music of the cuckoos and to the sound of the wind coming out of the mountain-caves." "तेन विक्षिपताऽत्यर्थं पवनेन समन्ततः। अमी संसक्तशाखाग्रा ग्रथिता इव पादपाः।।4.1.16।।  "," ""Shaken by the strong wind all over, the tops of trees look as if they are knitted together." स एष सुखसंस्पर्शो वाति चन्दनशीतलः।गन्धमभ्यवहन्पुण्यं श्रमापनयनोऽनिलः।।4.1.17।।," 'The gentle touch of the breeze that blows, cool like sandalwood, full of pure fragrance, takes away the fatigue of the body." अमी पवनविक्षिप्ता विनदन्तीव पादपाः।षट्पदैरनुकूजन्तो वनेषु मधुगन्धिषु।।4.1.18।।,"As if the trees are singing, swayed by the wind, while the bees in the forest, fragrant with honey, hum in tune." गिरिप्रस्थेषु रम्येषु पुष्पवद्भिर्मनोरमैः।संसक्तशिखराश्शैला विराजन्ते महाद्रुमैः।।4.1.19।।, 'The huge trees in the scenic mountainranges look delightful with their blossoms touching the peaks. पुष्पसञ्छन्नशिखरा मारुतोत्क्षेपचञ्चलाः।अमी मधुकरोत्तंसाः प्रगीता इव पादपाः।।4.1.20।।," With the tops of trees covered with flowers, the black bees hovering (humming) over them, the trees, shaken by the restless wind look like singers. (The trees with the top decked with flowers, the bees like black hair on the head swaying in the wind look like dancing and singing)" सुपुष्पितांस्तु पश्येमान्कर्णिकारांत्समन्ततः।हाटकप्रतिसञ्छन्नान्नरान्पीताम्बरानिव।।4.1.21।।," 'See these Karnikaras in full bloom all over, looking like people clad in yellow silk adorned with golden ornaments." अयं वसन्तस्सौमित्रे नानाविहगनादितः।सीतया विप्रहीनस्य शोकसन्दीपनो मम।।4.1.22।।," 'O Saumitri this spring season resonating with the sounds of several kinds of birds, kindles my anguish as I am separated from Sita." मां हि शोकसमाक्रान्तं सन्तापयति मन्मथः। हृष्टः प्रवदमानश्च ममाह्वयति कोकिलः।।4.1.23।।, 'Kandarpa (Cupid) torments me while I am already griefstricken. The Cuckoo with his challenging cheerfulness mocks me. एष दात्यूहको हृष्टो रम्ये मां वननिर्झरे।प्रणदन्मन्मथाविष्टं शोचयिष्यति लक्ष्मण।।4.1.24।।," 'Lakshmana, while I am already lovestricken, the swamphen (gallinule, a marshbird) troubles me with its joyous cackles in the beautiful foreststream. " श्रुत्वैतस्य पुरा शब्दमाश्रमस्था मम प्रिया।मामाहूय प्रमुदिताः परमं प्रत्यनन्दत।।4.1.25।।," 'While in the hermitage in the past, my beloved was very glad to hear such sounds, invite me to join her and rejoice again." एवं विचित्राः पतगा नानारावविराविणः।वृक्षगुल्मलताः पश्य सम्पतन्ति समन्ततः।।4.1.26।।,"'See, the different kinds of birds flying towards trees, shrubs and vines making wonderful sounds all over." विमिश्रा विहगाः पुम्भिरात्मव्यूहाभिनन्दिताः। भृङ्गराजप्रमुदितास्सौमित्रे मधुरस्वनाः।।4.1.27।।,"'O Lakshmana the female birds praised by their flocks, are united with their male partners. Enjoying the sweet sounds of large black bees, they are singing melodiously." दात्यूहरतिविक्रन्दैः पुंस्कोकिलरुतैरपि। स्वनन्ति पादपाश्चेमे ममानङ्गप्रदीपनाः।।4.1.28।।, These trees seem to enkindle my passion through all sorts of sounds like the loud cackle of swamphens and the sweet warble of the male cuckoos. अशोकस्तबकाङ्गारष्षट्पदस्वननिःस्वनः। मां हि पल्लवताम्रार्चिर्वसन्ताग्निः प्रधक्ष्यति।।4.1.29।।,"'The fire of spring with clusters of Asoka flowers as its charcoal, its coppercoloured tender leaves as flames, the buzz of bees as its crackle will, as if, consume me." न हि तां सूक्ष्मपक्ष्माक्षीं सुकेशीं मृदुभाषिणीम्। अपश्यतो मे सौमित्रे जीवितेऽस्ति प्रयोजनम्।।4.1.30।।,"'O Saumitri my life is meaningless if I cannot see my beloved Sita with her delicate eyelashes, beautiful locks of hair and her sweet voice. " अयं हि दयितस्तस्याः कालो रुचिरकाननः। कोकिलाकुलसीमान्तो दयिताया ममानघ।।4.1.31।।,"'O sinless one, the spring season is dear to my beloved Sita when the outskirts of the forest are filled with voices of the cockoo." मन्मथाऽयाससम्भूतो वसन्तगुणवर्धितः। अयं मां धक्ष्यति क्षिप्रं शोकाग्निर्नचिरादिव।।4.1.32।।,"'The fire of grief ignited by Kandarpa (the god of love), enhanced by the effects of spring will certainly consume me soon." अपश्यतस्तां दयितां पश्यतो रुचिरद्रुमान्। ममायमात्मप्रभवो भूयस्त्वमुपयास्यति।।4.1.33।।,"'Unable to see my beloved wife, the very sight of these lovely trees intensifies my love for her who shines resplendent in me." अदृश्यमाना वैदेही शोकं वर्धयते मम। दृश्यमानो वसन्तश्च स्वेदसंसर्गदूषकः।।4.1.34।।,"'When in place of Vaidehi I see spring (with its cool breeze) that used to take away the sweat generated by sensual enjoyment, my sorrow is intensified." मां ह्यद्य मृगशाबाक्षी चिन्ताशोकबलात्कृतम्। सन्तापयति सौमित्रे क्रूरश्चैत्रवनानिलः।।4.1.35।।,'O Saumitri the cruel breeze of the spring forest torments me as I am now immersed in grief in the absence of my fawneyed beloved. अमी मयूराश्शोभन्ते प्रनृत्यन्तस्ततस्ततः। स्वैः पक्षैः पवनोद्धूतैर्गवाक्षैः स्फाटिकैरिव।।4.1.36।।,"'Delightful are the peacocks dancing here and there, their feathers looking like crystal windows flung open by the wind. " शिखिनीभिः परिवृतास्ते एते मदमूर्छिताः। मन्मथाभिपरीतस्य मम मन्मथवर्धनाः।।4.1.37।।, 'The peacocks intoxicated with passion for the peahens surround them intensifying my longing (for Vaidehi). पश्य लक्ष्मण नृत्यन्तं मयूरमुपनृत्यति। शिखिनी मन्मथार्तैषा भर्तारं गिरिसानुनि।।4.1.38।।,"'Look at the lovelorn peahen, excited by love, dancing on the moutain slope, O Lakshmana Engrossed in love, she dances for wooing the peacock." तामेव मन्मथाविष्टो मयूरोऽप्युपधावति। वितत्य रुचिरौ पक्षौ रुतैरुपहसन्निव।।4.1.39।।,"'Overwhelmed with love, the enchanted peacock, spreading his wings is running after her, making sounds, as though mocking her." मयूरस्य वने नूनं रक्षसा न हृता प्रिया। तस्मान्नृत्यति रम्येषु वनेषु सह कान्तया।।4.1.40।।,"'The peacock's beloved, for sure, has not been abducted by the demon. Therefore, he is dancing in delight in the forest in the company of his beloved." मम त्वयं विना वासः पुष्पमासे सुदुस्सहः। पश्य लक्ष्मण संरागः तिर्यग्योनिगतेष्वपि। यदेषा शिखिनी कामाद्भर्तारं रमतेऽन्तिके।।4.1.41।।,"'It is extremely unbearable for me to stay in the forest during this season of flowers (Spring). Look at the passion even among beasts and birds, O Lakshmana And craving for love, the peahen sports near her mate. " मामप्येवं विशालाक्षी जानकी जातसम्भ्रमा। मदनेनाभिवर्तेत यदि नाऽपहृता भवेत्।।4.1.42।।,"'Had the largeeyed Janaki not been stolen, she would have also paid advances to me in this manner with all her love and excitement." पश्य लक्ष्मण पुष्पाणि निष्फलानि भवन्ति मे। पुष्पभारसमृद्धानां वनानां शिशिरात्यये।।4.1.43।।, रुचिराण्यपि पुष्पाणि पादपानामतिश्रिया। निष्फलानि महीं यान्ति समं मधुकरोत्करैः।।4.1.44।।,"'The trees look enchanting with flowers in full bloom, with bees hovering over them. But the flowers fruitlessly drop down on the ground." नदन्ति कामं शकुना मुदितास्सङ्घशः कलम्। आह्वयन्त इवान्योन्यं कामोन्मादकरा मम।।4.1.45।।, वसन्तो यदि तत्रापि यत्र मे वसति प्रिया। नूनं परवशा सीता सापि शोचत्यहं यथा।।4.1.46।।," 'If spring reigns wherever my beloved Sita is, she must have been overwhelmed with similar sad feelings like me." नूनं न तु वसन्तोऽतं देशं स्पृशति यत्र सा। कथं ह्यसितपद्माक्षी वर्तयेत्सा मया विना।।4.1.47।।,'Spring must not have touched the place where she is now staying. Otherwise how could my Sita with eyes like blue lotus live without me? अथवा वर्तते तत्र वसन्तो यत्र मे प्रिया।किं करिष्यति सुश्रोणी सा तु निर्भर्त्सिता परैः।।4.1.48।।,"'Or, if there is spring where my beloved lives, what can that lady of beautiful hips do, threatened by enemies." श्यामा पद्मपलाशाक्षी मृदुपूर्वाभिभाषिणी। नूनं वसन्तमासाद्य परित्यक्ष्यति जीवितम्।।4.1.49।।,"'Eager to speak with her gentle voice, my young beloved, blessed with eyes like lotus petals, will certainly give up her life, unable to enjoy the spring." दृढं हि हृदये बुद्धिर्मम सम्परिवर्तते। नालं वर्तयितुं सीता साध्वी मद्विरहं गता।।4.1.50।।,'My mind makes me feel certain that Sita with her chastity might not be able to live separated from me. मयि भावस्तु वैदेह्यास्तत्त्वतो विनिवेशितः। ममापि भावस्सीतायां सर्वथा विनिवेशितः।।4.1.51।।,'Sita has her love truly fixed in me. My love for her is equally steadfast. एष पुष्पवहो वायुस्सुखस्पर्शो हिमावहः। तां विचिन्तयतः कान्तां पावकप्रतिमो मम।।4.1.52।।,"'This cool breeze that carries the fragrance of flowers, that is gentle in its touch feels like fire when I think about my beautiful beloved." सदा सुखमहं मन्ये यं पुरा सह सीतया। मारुतस्स विना सीतां शोकं वर्धयते मम।।4.1.53।।,"'The pleasant touch of the wind, which made me happy in the company of Sita intensifies my grief now in her absence." तां विना विहङ्गो यः पक्षी प्रणदितस्तदा। वायसः पादपगतः प्रहृष्टमभिनर्दति।।4.1.54।।,"'The crow that cried unhappily flying in the sky as if to foretell my separation from Sita, is now on the tree, singing joyfully (suggesting my possible union with Sita)." एष वै तत्र वैदेह्या विहगः प्रतिहारकः। पक्षी मां तु विशालाक्ष्यास्समीपमुपनेष्यति।।4.1.55।।, 'The same crow attendant on Vaidehi there will take me to my largeeyed beloved. शृणु लक्ष्मण सन्नादं वने मद्विवर्धनम्। पुष्पिताग्रेषु वृक्षेषु द्विजानामुपकूजताम्।।4.1.56।।,"'Losten, O Lakshmana to the sweet warblings of the birds on the blossoming treetops of the forest. My love for her (Sita) enhances with their sweet voices." विक्षिप्तां पवनेनैतामसौ तिलकमञ्जरीम्। षट्पदस्सहसाऽभ्येति मदोद्धूतामिव प्रियाम्।।4.1.57।।,'This honeybee is eager to approach the bunch of tilaka flowers in bloom scattered by the wind like a lover advancing towards his passionate beloved. कामिनामयमत्यन्तमशोकश्शोकवर्धनः। स्तबकैः पवनोत्क्षिप्तैस्तर्जयन्निव मां स्थितः।।4.1.58।।,'This asoka tree increases (by nature) the sorrow of lovers. Perhaps it make its presence felt in order to intimidate me with the clusters of its flowers scattered by the wind. अमी लक्ष्मण दृश्यन्ते चूताः कुसुमशालिनः। विभ्रमोत्सिक्तमनसः साङ्गरागा नरा इव।।4.1.59।।,'O Lakshmana these mangotrees full of blossoms appear like sexited men who have applied fragrant unguents to their bodies. सौमित्रे पश्य पम्पायाश्चित्रासु वनराजिषु। किन्नरा नरशार्दूल विचरन्ति ततस्ततः।।4.1.60।।,"'O Saumitri O' tiger among men look at the kinnaras wandering here and there, in the wonderful forest around the Pampa lake. " इमानि शुभगन्धीनि पश्य लक्ष्मण सर्वशः। नलिनानि प्रकाशन्ते जले तरुणसूर्यवत्।।4.1.61।।,'O Lakshmana look at these lotuses with fine fragrance all over the water glowing like the rising Sun. एषा प्रसन्नसलिला पद्मनीलोत्पलायुता। हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णा पम्पा सौगन्धिकान्विता।।4.1.62।।,'This Pampa with its water clear and fragrant with red and blue lotuses is filled with swans and geese. जले तरुणसूर्याभैष्षट्पदाहतकेसरैः। पङ्कजैश्शोभते पम्पा समन्तादभिसंवृता।।4.1.63।।,'Lake Pampa shines with lotuses with bees on their filaments like the rising sun. चक्रवाकयुता नित्यं चित्रप्रस्तवनान्तरा। मातङ्गमृगयूथैश्च शोभते सलिलार्थिभिः।।4.1.64।।,'Frequented by the Chakravakas and surrounded by the wonderful forest with thirsty elephants and deer this Pampa looks beautiful. पवनाहतवेगाभिरूर्मिभिर्विमलेऽम्भसि। पङ्कजानि विराजन्ते ताड्यमानानि लक्ष्मण।।4.1.65।।,'O Lakshmana look at the lotuses in clear water dashing against one another due to waves caused by the force of the wind. पद्मपत्रविशालाक्षीं सततं पङ्कजप्रियाम्। अपश्यतो मे वैदेहीं जीवितं नाभिरोचते।।4.1.66।।,"'Unable to see my beloved with eyes large like totus petals and an ardent lover of lotuses, I have no desire to live." अहो कामस्य वामत्वं यो गतामपि दुर्लभाम्। स्मारयिष्यति कल्याणीं कल्याणतरवादिनीम्।।4.1.67।।,'Oh how adversly disposed is the god of love He makes me remember that auspicious lady with a pleasing voice when she is lost and difficult to reach. शक्यो धारयितुं कामो भवेदभ्यागतो मया। यदि भूयो वसन्तो मां न हन्यात्पुष्पितद्रुमः।।4.1.68।।,"'If the spring that has set in, with the trees in bloom does not kill me, I have once again to endure the agony of love." यानि स्म रमणीयानि तया सह भवन्ति मे। तान्येवारमणीयानि जायन्ते मे तया विना।।4.1.69।।,"'Whatever was endearing to me earlier in the company of Sita, has turned out to be disenchanting without her." पद्मकोशपलाशानि द्रष्टुं दृष्टिर्हि मन्यते। सीताया नेत्रकोशाभ्यां सदृशानीति लक्ष्मण।।4.1.70।।,"'Seeing the delicate petals around the lotus buds that look like beautiful eyelids of Sita, my eyes crave for them O Lakshmana " पद्मकेसरसंसृष्टो वृक्षान्तरविनिस्सृतः। निश्श्वास इव सीताया वाति वायुर्मनोहरः।।4.1.71।।,'The bleeze that blows through the trees carrying the fragrance of the filaments of lotuses feels pleasant like Sita's breath. सौमित्रे पश्य पम्पाया दक्षिणे गिरिसानुनि। पुष्पितां कर्णिकारस्य यष्टिं परमशोभनाम्।।4.1.72।।,"'Look at the very spectacular karnikara tree with its blossmed branches on the mountain slope towards the southern side of Pampa, O Saumitri " अधिकं शैलराजोऽयं धातुभिः सुविभूषितः। विचित्रं सृजते रेणुं वायुवेगविघट्टितम्।।4.1.73।।,"'This king of mountains is rich with plenty of minerals and, therefore, generates multicoloured dust particles splattered by the speed of the wind." गिरिप्रस्थास्तु सौमित्रे सर्वतस्सम्प्रपुष्पितैः। निष्पत्रैस्सर्वतो रम्यैः प्रदीप्ता इव किंशुकैः।।4.1.74।।,'O Saumitri With leafless kimsuka trees in full bloom all over the mountain ranges they appear beautiful like blazing mountains. पम्पातीररुहाश्चेमे संसक्ता मधुगन्धिनः। मालतीमल्लिकाषण्डाः करवीराश्च पुष्पिताः।।4.1.75।।,"'Very closely grown on the banks of Pampa, stand malati, mallika and karavira trees with their clusters of fragrant blossoms." केतक्यस्सिन्दुवाराश्च वासन्त्यश्च सुपुष्पिताः। माधव्यो गन्धपूर्णाश्च कुन्दगुल्माश्च सर्वशः।।4.1.76।।,"'Fully blossmed ketaka, sinduvara, madhavi and kunda bushes in spring scatter their fragrance everywhere." चिरिबिल्वा मधूकाश्च वञ्जुला वकुलास्तथा।चम्पकास्तिलकाश्चैव नागवृक्षास्सुपुष्पिताः।।4.1.77।।नीपाश्च वरणाश्चैव खर्जूराश्च सुपुष्पिता। ,"'Chiribilva, madhuka, vanjula, bakula, champaka, tilaka and naga varana and kharjura trees are in full bloom." पद्मकाश्चैव शोभन्ते नीलाशोकाश्च पुष्पिताः। लोध्राश्च गिरिपृष्ठेषु सिंहकेसरपिञ्जराः।।4.1.78।।,'Lotuses and blue asokas are also in bloom. Lodhra trees on the mountainslopes look golden like the lion's mane. अङ्कोलाश्च कुरण्टाश्च चूर्णकाः पारिभद्रकाः। चूताः पाटलयश्चैव कोविदाराश्च पुष्पिताः।।4.1.79।।मुचुकुन्दार्जुनाश्चैव दृश्यन्ते गिरिसानुषु। केतकोद्दालकाश्चैव शिरीषाः शिंशुपा धवाः।।4.1.80।।,"'There are trees like ankola, kuranta, churnaka, paribhadraka, mango, patali, kovidara, muchukunda, arjuna, ketaka, uddalaka, shirisha, shimshupa and shava, all in full bloom on the mountain peaks." शाल्मल्यः किंशुकाश्चैव रक्ताः कुरवकास्तथा।।4.1.81।।त्रिनिशा नक्तमालाश्च चन्दनास्स्यन्दनास्तथा। , पुष्पितान्पुष्पिताग्राभिर्लताभिः परिवेष्टितान्। द्रुमान्पश्येह सौमित्रे पम्पाया रुचिरान्बहून्।।4.1.8283।।,"'O Saumitri look at the beauty of these numerous flowering trees on the banks of Pampa, entwining creepers with blooming tops." वातविक्षिप्तविटपान्यथाऽसन्नान्द्रुमानिमान्। लतास्समनुवर्तन्ते मत्ता इव वरस्त्रियः।।4.1.84।।,"'While the branches of trees swayed by the wind draw close, the creepers follow the trees like lovely women in a drunken state." पादपात्पादपं गच्छन् शैलाच्छैलं वनाद्वनम्। वाति नैकरसास्वादस्सम्मोदित इवानिलः।।4.1.85।।,"'The wind blows from tree to tree, mountain to mountain, and forest to forest as though content to enjoy all the fragrance." केचित्पर्याप्तकुसुमाः पादपा मधुगन्धिनः। केचिन्मुकुलसंवीताः श्यामवर्णा इवाबभुः।।4.1.86।।,'Some trees stood fragrant with profuse flowers and some with buds shining blue. इदं मृष्टमिदं स्वादु प्रफुल्लमिदमित्यपि। रागयुक्तो मधुकरः कुसुमेष्वेव लीयते।।4.1.87।।,"'Fascinated by the flowers, the honeybees cling to one or the other, humming, 'this is soft, this is sweet, and this is fullyblossomed.'" निलीय पुनरुत्पत्य सहसाऽन्यत्र गच्छति। मधुलुब्धो मधुकरः पम्पातीरद्रुमेष्वसौ।।4.1.88।।,"'The bees greedy for honey move among the trees on the banks of Pampa. Resting for a while, at one place they fly soon to another." इयं कुसुमसङ्घातैरुपस्तीर्णा सुखाकृता। स्वयं निपतितैर्भूमिश्शयनप्रस्तरैरिव।।4.1.89।।,'With countless flowers fallen on their own from trees and scattered like a bed of flowers on stone the ground is rendered comfortable enough to relax on. विविधा विविधैः पुष्पैस्तैरेव नगसानुषु। विकीर्णै पीतरक्ताहि सौमित्रे प्रस्तराः कृताः।।4.1.90।।,"'O Saumitri varieties of colourful flowers, some red and some yellow, are spread out on the mountain slopes." हिमान्ते पश्य सौमित्रे वृक्षाणां पुष्पसम्भवम्। पुष्पमासे हि तरवस्सङ्घर्षादिव पुष्पिताः।।4.1.91।।,"'Winter has ended and the season of flowers has set in, O Saumitri The trees are full of flowers as if competing with one another." आह्वयन्त इवान्योन्यं नगाष्षट्पदनादिताः। कुसुमोत्तंसविटपाश्शोभन्ते बहु लक्ष्मण।।4.1.92।।,"'The trees, crowned with flowers filled with humming bees, look splendid. It appears they are calling one another, O Lakshmana " एष कारण्डवः पक्षी विगाह्य सलिलं शुभम्। रमते कान्तया सार्धं काममुद्दीपयन्मम।।4.1.93।।,"'This duck, entering into auspicious water, sports with its beloved and incites my love." मन्दाकिन्यास्तु यदिदं रूपमेवं मनोहरम्। स्थाने जगति विख्याता गुणास्तस्या मनोरमाः।।4.1.94।।,"'Only Ganga, like Pampa, has such captivating charm. Its beauty and virtues are famous in the world." यदि दृश्येत सा साध्वी यदि चेह वसेमहि। स्पृहयेयं न शक्राय नायोध्यायै रघूत्तम।।4.1.95।।,"'O Lakshmna, the best of the Raghu race, if only that chaste Sita appears, we will stay here. I will not wish for the position of Indra or for Ayodhya." नह्येवं रमणीयेषु शाद्वलेषु तया सह। रमतो मे भवेच्चिन्ता न स्पृहाऽन्येषु वा भवेत्।।4.1.96।।,"'If I can sport with Sita in this beautiful green grassy land, I will not have any worry, I would not desire for any other pleasure." अमी हि विविधैः पुष्पैस्तरवो रुचिरच्छदाः। काननेऽऽस्मिन्विना कान्तां चिन्तामुत्पादयन्ति मे।।4.1.97।।,'These trees with their beautiful leaves and varieties of flowers bring me agony as I live in this forest separated from my beloved. पश्य शीतजलां चेमां सौमित्रे पुष्करायुताम्। चक्रवाकानुचरितां कारण्डव निषेविताम्।।4.1.98।।,"'O Saumitri look at this lake of cool water filled with, lotuses, chakravakas flying about and ducks floating." प्लवैः क्रौञ्चैश्च सम्पूर्णां महामृगनिषेविताम्। अधिकं शोभते पम्पा विकूजद्भिःर्विहङ्गमैः।।4.1.99।।दीपयन्तीव मे कामं विविधा मुदिता द्विजाः। श्यामां चन्द्रमुखीं स्मृत्वा प्रियां पद्मनिभेक्षणाम्।।4.1.100।।,"Pampa, filled with swimming, kraunchas and frequented by big animals looks splendid. The joyous warbling of a variety of birds is highly exciting. They kindle my passion for my young, Moonfaced, lotus eyed beloved." पश्य सानुषु चित्रेषु मृगीभिस्सहितान्मृगान्। मां पुनर्मृगशाबाक्ष्या वैदेह्या विरहीकृतम्।।4.1.101।।व्यथयन्तीव मे चित्तं सञ्चरन्तस्ततस्ततः। ,"Look at the (male) deer happily roaming here and there together with the female deer on the colourful mountain slopes. Separated from the fawneyed Vaidehi, this sight fills my heart with agony." अस्मिन्सानुनि रम्ये हि मत्तद्विजगणायुते। पश्येयं यदि तां कान्तां ततस्स्वस्ति भवेन्मम।।4.1.102।।,'If I find my dear beloved here on these mountain slopes full of passionate birds how happy will I not feel जीवेयं खलु सौमित्रे मया सह सुमध्यमा। सेवते यदि वैदेही पम्पायाः पवनं सुखम्।।4.1.103।।, 'O Saumitri I can be alive and happy if Sita of slender waist enjoys here with me the sweet breeze of Pampa. पद्मसौगन्धिकवहं शिवं शोकविनाशनम्। धन्या लक्ष्मण सेवन्ते पम्पोपवनमारुतम्।।4.1.104।।,'O Lakshmana blessed are those who enjoy the breeze filled with fragrance of lotuses of the surrounding forests of Pampa. The gentle and auspicious breeze indeed takes away the sorrow of the mind. श्यामा पद्मपलाशाक्षी प्रिया विरहिता मया। कथं धारयति प्राणान्विवशा जनकात्मजा।।4.1.105।।,"'How can Janaka's daughter with eyes like lotus petals, so young and loving, sustain her life? Away from me, she must be feeling quite dejected." किन्नु वक्ष्यामि राजानं धर्मज्ञं सत्यवादिनम्। सीताया जनकं पृष्टः कुशलं जनसंसदि।।4.1.106।।,"'If righteous and truthful Janaka enquires about Sita's wellbeing in the assembly of people, what am I to speak ?" या मामनुगता मन्दं पित्रा प्रव्राजितं वनम्। सीता सत्पथमास्थाय क्व नु सा वर्तते प्रिया।।4.1.107।।, तया विहीनः कृपणः कथं लक्ष्मण धारये। या मामनुगता राज्याद्भ्रष्टं विगतचेतसम्।।4.1.108।।,"'She followed me, O Lakshmana as I was deposed from the kingdom and distraught. Now helpless, how can I live without her?" तच्चार्वञ्चितपद्माक्षं सुगन्धि शुभमव्रणम्। अपश्यतो मुखं तस्यास्सीदतीव मनो मम।।4.1.109।।,"'Unable to see her beautiful, face with auspicious eyes like fragrant lotuses, I feel (so) depressed." स्मितहास्यान्तरयुतं गुणवन्मधुरं हितम्। वैदेह्या वाक्यमतुलं कदा श्रोष्यामि लक्ष्मण।।4.1.110।।,"'When can I listen to Sita's sweet, wholesome and virtuous, incomparable words interlaced with her gentle smile, O Lakshmana?" प्राप्य दुखं वने श्यामा मां मन्मथविकर्शितम्। नष्टदुःखेव हृष्टेव साध्वी साध्वभ्यभाषत।।4.1.111।।,My young and faithful beloved used to put up a brave face and speak to me in all propriety to cheer me up in the midst of suffering in the forest whenever I felt tormented by passion. किं नु वक्ष्यामि कौसल्यामयोध्यायां नृपात्मज। क्व सा स्नुषेति पृच्छन्तीं कथं चापि तु मनस्विनीम्।।4.1.112।।,"'O Prince, what can I tell the highminded Kausalya at Ayodhya when she asks the whereabouts of her daughterinlaw'?" गच्छ लक्ष्मण पश्य त्वं भरतं भ्रातृवत्सलम्। न ह्यहं जीवितु शक्तस्तामृते जनकात्मजाम्।।4.1.113।।,"'You may go to Ayodhya, O Lakshmana, to see our loving brother, Bharata. It is not possible for me to survive without the daughter of Janaka'. " इति रामं महात्मानं विलपन्तमनाथवत्। उवाच लक्ष्मणो भ्राता वचनं युक्तमव्ययम्।।4.1.114।।,"Thus spoke Lakshmana these befitting, unforgettable words to his hissouled brother, Rama wailing like an orphan:" संस्तम्भ राम भद्रं ते मा शुचः पुरुषोत्तम। नेदृशानां मतिर्मन्दा भवत्यकलुषात्मनाम्।।4.1.115।।,"'O Rama, the foremost of men, control yourself. Be blessed. People who are pure at heart do not feel depressed at heart." स्मृत्वा वियोगजं दुःखं त्यज स्नेहं प्रिये जने। अतिस्नेहपरिष्वङ्गाद्वर्तिरार्द्रापि दह्यते।।4.1.116।।,'Remembrance of loved ones causes sorrow. Even a wet cotton wick gets burnt by embracing excessive oil. Hence abandon grief. यदि गच्छति पातालं ततोऽभ्यधिकमेव वा। सर्वथा रावणस्तावन्न भविष्यति राघव।।4.1.117।।,"'Even if Ravana escapes into the nether world or into a world still lower, he cannot save himself by any means, O Rama " प्रवृत्तिर्लभ्यतां तावत्तस्य पापस्य रक्षसः। ततो हास्यति वा सीतां निधनं वा गमिष्यति।।4.1.118।।,'Once the whereabouts of that sinful demon are known he will either deliver Sita or die. यदि यातिदितेर्गर्भं रावणस्सह सीतया। तत्राप्येनं हनिष्यामि न चेद्दास्यति मैथिलीम्।।4.1.119।।,"'Even if Ravana enters into the womb of Diti (mother of demons) along with Sita, I will slay him there if he does not return the daughter of Mithila." स्वास्थ्यं भद्रं भजस्वार्य त्यज्यतां कृपणा मतिः। अर्थो हि नष्टकार्यार्थैर्नायत्नेनाधिगम्यते।।4.1.120।।,'O noble prince be blessed. maintain composure. Without making any effort it is not possible to achieve the objective and recoup loss. उत्साहो बलवानार्य नास्त्युत्साहात्परं बलम्। सोत्साहस्यास्ति लोकेऽस्मिन् न किञ्चिदपि दुर्लभम्।।4.1.121।।,"'O revered Sire, enterprise is supreme strength. Nothing is difficult in this world for one who is up and doing." उत्साहवन्तः पुरुषा नावसीदन्ति कर्मसु। उत्साहमात्रमाश्रित्य सीतां प्रतिलभेमहि।।4.1.122।।, 'Enterprising men will never be disappointed in their mission. It is possible to get Sita through effort alone. त्यज्यतां कामवृत्तत्वं शोकं सन्न्यस्य पृष्ठतः। महात्मानं कृतात्मानमात्मानं नावबुध्यसे।।4.1.123।।,'Bardon grief. Give up emotion. You are a great soul. You are not aware of your great accomplishments. (The temporary sorrow has relegated Rama's nobility to the background. Lakshmana is trying to restore the same)'. एवं सम्बोधितस्तत्र शोकोपहतचेतनः। त्यज्य शोकञ्च मोहञ्च ततो धैर्यमुपागमत्।।4.1.124।।,"Thus persuaded by Lakshmana, Rama who was hitherto besieged by grief and delusion, could set them aside and regain patience." सोऽभ्यतिक्रामदव्यग्रस्तामचिन्त्यपराक्रमः। रामः पम्पां सुरुचिरां रम्यपारिप्लवद्रुमाम्।।4.1.125।।,"No more disturbed by delusion, Rama of unimaginable valour, crossed the very brilliant Pampa with beautiful plants floating on its surface." निरीक्षमाणस्सहसा महात्मा सर्वं वनं निर्झरकन्दराश्च। उद्विग्नचेतास्सह लक्ष्मणेन विचार्य दुःखोपहतः प्रतस्थे।।4.1.126।।,"The great Rama was overcome with grief while scanning the entire forest with its streams and caves. Engrossed in her thoughts, dejected at heart and inflicted with pain, he set both, accompanied by Lakshmana." तं मत्तमातङ्गविलासगामी गच्छन्तमव्यग्रमना महात्मा। स लक्ष्मणो राघवमप्रमत्तो ररक्ष धर्मेण बलेन चैव।।4.1.127।।,"The great soul, Lakshmana, striding like a mighty elephant, with a steady mind, followed Rama dutifully, protecting him with his strength." तावृष्यमूकस्य समीपचारी चरन्ददर्शाद्भुतदर्शनीयौ। शाखामृगाणामधिपस्तरस्वी वितत्रसे नैव चिचेष्ट किञ्चित्।।4.1.128।।,"The swiftfooted, mighty king of monkeys saw those two men of wonderful appearance as they were wandering at Rishyamuka. He neither got scared nor showed signs of nervousness." स तौ महात्मा गजमन्दगामी शाखामृगस्तत्र चरञ्चरन्तौ। दृष्ट्वा विषादं परमं जगाम चिन्तापरीतो भयभारमग्नः।।4.1.129।।,"The great soul, Sugriva, walking slowly like an elephant saw both of them and became despondent, worried and immersed in fear." तमाश्रमं पुण्यसुखं शरण्यं सदैव शाखामृगसेवितान्तम्। त्रस्ताश्च दृष्ट्वा हरयोऽभिजग्मुर्महौजसौ राघवलक्ष्मणौ तौ।।4.1.130।।,"Having seen the mighty Rama and Lakshmana, all other monkeys got frightened and ran into a sacred and safe hermitage.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे प्रथमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the first sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva becomes perturbed seeing Rama and Lakshmana -- gives directions to Hanuman to find out their details] तौ तु दृष्ट्वा महात्मानौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।वरायुधधरौ वीरौ सुग्रीवश्शङ्कितोऽभवत्4.2.1।।," On seeing the two great souls, heroic Rama and Lakshmana wielding the best of weapons, Sugriva was alarmed." उद्विग्नहृदयस्सर्वा दिशस्समवलोकयन्।न व्यतिष्ठत कस्मिंश्चिद्देशे वानरपुङ्गवः। 4.2.2।।,"Agitated at heart, the best of vanaras started in all directions and could not settle down at one spot." नैव चक्रे मनः स्थातुं वीक्षमाणो महाबलौ।कपेः परमभीतस्य चित्तं व्यवससाद ह4.2.3।।,"Beholding the two strong heroes, the monkey (Sugriva) was very much frightened. His heart sank." चिन्तयित्वा स धर्मात्मा विमृश्य गुरुलाघवम्।सुग्रीवः परमोद्विग्नस्सर्वैरनुचरैस्सह4.2.4।।,"Righteous Sugriva, became highly agitated, deliberated with all his followers on the pros and cons of the situation." ततस्स सचिवेभ्यस्तु सुग्रीवः प्लवगाधिपः।शशंस परमोद्विग्नः पश्यंस्तौ रामलक्ष्मणौ4.2.5।।,"Sugriva, lord of monkeys, extremely agitated at the sight of both Rama and Lakshmana, spoke to his minister:" एतौ वनमिदं दुर्गं वालिप्रणिहितौ ध्रुवम्।छद्मना चीरवसनौ प्रचरन्ताविहागतौ4.2.6।।, ततस्सुग्रीवसचिवा दृष्ट्वा परमधन्विनौ।जग्मुर्गिरितटात्तस्मादन्यच्छिखरमुत्तमम्4.2.7।।,"On seeing these supreme bowmen, Sugriva's counsellers left for the peak of another mountain." ते क्षिप्रमधिगम्याथ यूथपा यूथपर्षभम्। हरयो वानरश्रेष्ठं परिवार्योपतस्थिरे4.2.8।।," The leaders of the monkey troops reached Sugriva, the lord of monkeys, in no time and stood surrounding him. " एकमेकायनगताः प्लवमाना गिरेर्गिरिम्।प्रकम्पयन्तो वेगेन गिरीणां शिखराण्यपि4.2.9।।," Jumping from one mountain to another swiftly and shaking the mountain tops, the monkeys reached one spot. " ततश्शाखामृगास्सर्वे प्लवमाना महाबलाः।बभञ्जुश्च नगांस्तत्र पुष्पितान्दुर्गसंश्रितान्4.2.10।।,Then the mighty monkeys jumping on the trees in full bloom shook them. आप्लवन्तो हरिवरास्सर्वतस्तं महागिरिम्।मृगमार्जारशार्दूलांस्त्रासयन्तो ययुस्तदा4.2.11।।,"The great monkeys went on leaping all over the great (Rishyamuka) mountain, scaring the deer, wildcats and tigers." ततस्सुग्रीवसचिवाः पर्वतेन्द्रं समाश्रिताः।सङ्गम्य कपिमुख्येन सर्वे प्राञ्जलय स्थिताः।।4.2.12।।,"Thereafter, all the ministers of Sugriva assembled together on the king of mountains and stood (in front of Sugriva), with folded hands." ततस्तं भयसंविग्नं वालिकिल्बिषशङ्कितम्।उवाच हनुमान्वाक्यं सुग्रीवं वाक्यकोविदः4.2.13।।,"Suspecting that Vali might have sent them (Rama and Lakshmana), Hanuman, skilful in communication, said to Sugriva who was trembling in fear:" सम्भ्रमस्त्यज्यतामेष सर्वैर्वालिकृते महान्।मलयोऽयं गिरिवरो भयं नेहास्ति वालिनः4.2.14।।,'This is a great mountain range of Malaya and there is no fear for Vali here. Give up this fear. यस्मादुद्विग्नचेतास्त्वं प्रद्रुतो हरिपुङ्गव।तं क्रूरदर्शनं क्रूरं नेह पश्यामि वालिनम्4.2.15।।,"'O chief of monkeys I do not see here any sign of the cruel Vali, of whom you are afraid." यस्मात्तव भयं सौम्य पूर्वजात्पापकर्मणः।स नेह वाली दुष्टात्मा न ते पश्याम्यहं भयम्4.2.16।।,'O goodnatured Sugriva you are afraid of your elder brother Vali as he is evilminded and sinful. (But) I do not see any reason for you to be frightened as he is not found anywhere here. अहो शाखामृगत्वं ते व्यक्तमेव प्लवङ्गम।लघुचित्ततयाऽत्मानं न स्थापयसि यो मतौ4.2.17।।,"'Oh monkey, whoever is lilylivered cannot be steady. It is evident that your very nature as a monkey makes you restless." बुद्धिविज्ञानसम्पन्न इङ्गितैस्सर्वमाचर।न ह्यबुद्धिं गतो राजा सर्वभूतानि शास्ति हि4.2.18।।, सुग्रीवस्तु शुभं वाक्यं श्रुत्वा सर्वं हनूमतः।ततश्शुभतरं वाक्यं हनूमन्तमुवाच ह4.2.19।।,"Having heard the wise words of Hanuman, Sugriva addressed him with words more auspicious." दीर्घबाहू विशालाक्षौ शरचापासिधारिणौ। कस्य न स्याद्भयं दृष्ट्वा ह्येतौ सुरसुतोपमौ4.2.20।।,"'Who would not be apprehensive of these two longarmed and largeeyed individuals comparable to sons of gods wielding arrows, bows and swords." वालिप्रणिहितावेतौ शङ्केऽहं पुरुषोत्तमौ।राजानो बहुमित्राश्च विश्वासो नात्र हि क्षमः4.2.21।।,'I support these two excellent men might have been sent by Vali. Kings have many friends and so it may not be appropriate to trust any king. अरयश्च मनुष्येण विज्ञेयाश्छद्मचारिणः।विश्वस्तानामविश्वस्तारन्ध्रेषु प्रहरन्ति हि4.2.22।।,"'One has to identify these men roaming in disguise. These are not trustworthy and could even be our enemies, making us believe them so as to attack us when we are not vigilant." कृत्येषु वाली मेधावी राजानो बहुदर्शिनः।भवन्ति परहन्तारस्ते ज्ञेयाः प्राकृतैर्नरैः4.2.23।।,'Vali is wise in his actions. Kings employ many strategies to annihilate their enemies. Our gullible individuals should be able to detect them. तौ त्वया प्राकृतेनैव गत्वा ज्ञेयौ प्लवङ्गम।इङ्गितानां प्रकारैश्च रूपव्याभाषणेन च4.2.24।।,"'O Hanuman assume an ordinary form and approach them. Try to read them through their gestures, traits, forms and conversations." लक्षयस्व तयोर्भावं प्रहृष्टमनसौ यदि।विश्वासयन्प्रशंसाभिरिङ्गितैश्च पुनः पुनः4.2.25।।ममैवाभिमुखं स्थित्वा पृच्छ त्वं हरिपुङ्गव ।प्रयोजनं प्रवेशस्य वनस्यास्य धनुर्धरौ4.2.26।।,"'O best of monkeys ascertain their purpose by praising them and studying their honest intentions. Gain the confidence of the wielders of bows and if you find them agreeable, enquire the purpose of their entering this forest." शुद्धात्मानौ यदि त्वेतौ जानीहि त्वं प्लवङ्गम।व्याभाषितैर्वा विज्ञेया स्याद्दुष्टाऽदुष्टता तयोः4.2.27।।,'O best of monkeys find out whether they are noble in their intentions or evil in their design through your conversation with them.' इत्येवं कपिराजेन सन्दिष्टो मारुतात्मजः।चकार गमने बुद्धिं यत्र तौ रामलक्ष्मणौ4.2.28।।,"Instructed thus by the king of the monkeys, Hanuman, son of the Windgod, decided to meet both Rama and Lakshmana." तथेति सम्पूज्य वचस्तु तस्यतत्कपेस्सुभीमस्य दुरासदस्य च।महानुभावो हनुमान्ययौ तदास यत्र रामोऽतिबलश्च लक्ष्मणः4.2.29।।," Hanuman, the venerable, powerful and not easily conquerable monkey, honoured the words of the great Lord of the monkeys, offered salutations and said 'So be it'. And then proceeded towards the mighty Rama and Lakshmana.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे द्वितीयस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the second sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by the sage Valmiki." [Hanuman goes in the guise of a pious mendicant to meet Rama and Lakshmana -- Rama wonders at Hanuman's knowledge -- Hanuman reveals his identity and the purpose of his meeting -- Rama agrees to see Sugriva]वचो विज्ञाय हनुमान् सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।पर्वतादृश्यमूकात्तु पुप्लुवे यत्र राघवौ।।4.3.1।।,"Listening to great Sugriva, Hanuman leaped from mount Rishyamuka on to the location of the Raghavas." कपिरूपं परित्यज्य हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।भिक्षुरूपं ततो भेजे शठबुद्धितया कपिः4.3.2।।,"Hanuman, son of the Windgod, with an ingenious mind assumed the guise of a mendicant." ततस्स हनुमान्वाचा श्लक्ष्णया सुमनोज्ञया।विनीतवदुपागम्य राघवौ प्रणिपत्य च।।4.3.3।।आबभाषे तदा वीरौ यथावत्प्रशशंस च।,"Approaching the Raghavas in all humility, valiant Hanuman offered them reverential salutations and addressed them in gentle and pleasing words." सम्पूज्य विधिवद्वीरौ हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।उवाच कामतो वाक्यं मृदु सत्यपराक्रमौ4.3.4।।," The valiant son of the Windgod, Hanuman offered those heroes whose power came from their sense of truth due respect and spoke to them in all gentleness:" राजर्षिदेवप्रतिमौ तापसौ संशितव्रतौ।देशं कथमिमं प्राप्तौ भवन्तौ वरवर्णिनौ4.3.5।।त्रासयन्तौ मृगगणानन्यांश्च वनचारिणः4.3.6।।,"'You both fair in complexion, resemble royal sages or gods. You appear like ascetics and pursue vows in austerity. How come, you are present here, as if to frighten the animals and other creatures roaming this forest?" पम्पातीररुहान्वृक्षान् वीक्षमाणौ समन्ततः।इमां नदीं शुभजलां शोभयन्तौ तपस्विनौ4.3.7।।धैर्यवन्तौ सुवर्णाभौ कौ युवां चीरवाससौ।निःश्वसन्तौ वरभुजौ पीडयन्ताविमाः प्रजा:4.3.8।।,"'Gazing at the trees on the bank of Pampa, you both appear in brilliant complexion as if to enhance the beauty of the auspicious river water. Though young, courageous and with handsome shoulders, you seem to sigh in exhaustion. And though you look like ascetics robed in bark, you seem to terrify these creatures." सिंहविप्रेक्षितौ वीरौ महाबलविक्रमौ।शक्रचापनिभे चापे गृहीत्वा शत्रुसूदनौ4.3.9।।श्रीमन्तौ रूपसम्पन्नौ वृषभश्रेष्ठविक्रमौ।हस्तिहस्तोपमभुजौ द्युतिमन्तौ नरर्षभौ4.3.10।।,"'Having the gaze of a lion, both of you are heroic in your stance. As each of you hold a bow resembling the rainbow, you seem to be mighty warriors eager to annihilate the enemies. With the valour of superior bulls and your shoulders resembling elephant's trunks, you look magnificent, handsome and brilliant. (No doubt,) you are the best among the humans." प्रभया पर्वतेन्द्रोऽयं युवयोरवभासितः।राज्यार्हावमरप्रख्यौ कथं देशमिहागतौ4.3.11।।,"'You are young and radiant like the gods. This king of mountains (Rishyamuka) dazzles with your brilliance. Although you deserve to be sovereigns, how is it that you are here (into the forest)?" पद्मपत्रेक्षणौ वीरौ जटामण्डलधारिणौ।अन्योन्यसदृशौ वीरौ देवलोकादिवागतौ4.3.12।।यदृच्छयेव सम्प्राप्तौ चन्द्रसूर्यौ वसुन्धराम्।विशालवक्षसौ वीरौ मानुषौ देवरूपिणौ4.3.13।।सिंहस्कन्धौ महोत्साहौ समदाविव गोवृषौ।,"'Both of you appear alike, with eyes like lotus petals and locks of matted hair. You look like heroes descending from the world of the gods. You look like the Sun and the Moon dropped incidentally on this earth. With shoulders like those of a lion and the majesty of energetic bulls, you broadchested warriors appear like divine beings, though in fact humans." आयताश्च सुवृत्ताश्च बाहवः परिघोपमाः।सर्वभूषणभूषार्हाः किमर्थं न विभूषिताः4.3.14।।,"'Your long arms and spherelike shoulders appear as strong as iron clubs. Although they deserve to be decked with ornaments, how is it they are unadorned?" उभौ योग्यावहं मन्ये रक्षितुं पृथिवीमिमाम्।ससागरवनां कृत्स्नां विन्ध्यमेरुविभूषिताम्4.3.15।।,"'To me, you both deserve to rule the entire earth encompassed by seas and forests and adorned with mountains like Vindhya and Meru." इमे च धनुषी चित्रे श्लष्णे चित्रानुलेपने।प्रकाशेते यथेन्द्रस्य वज्रे हेमविभूषिते4.3.16।।,"'Smeared with wonderful unguents, (your) bows look very attractive. And they glow very much like Indra's golden thunderbolt." सम्पूर्णा निशितैर्बाणै स्तूणाश्च शुभदर्शनाः4.3.17।।जीवितान्तकरैर्घोरै श्श्वसद्भिरिव पन्नगैः।।,"'(Your) quivers also appear beautiful, for they are fully filled with sharp and deadly arrows which look like the hissing of dreadful snakes " महाप्रमाणौ विस्तीर्णौ तप्तहाटकभूषितौ4.3.18।।खडगावेतौ विराजेते निर्मुक्ताविवपन्नगौ।।,"'(Your) long and broad swords appear very huge in size. Being encrusted with pure gold, they glitter brilliant like snakes in hyberation." एवं मां परिभाषन्तं कस्माद्वै नाभिभाषथः4.3.19।।सुग्रीवो नाम धर्मात्मा कश्चिद्वानरयूथपः।वीरो विनिकृतो भ्रात्रा जगद्भ्रमति दुःखितः4.3.20।।,"'Why are you silent while I am talking? (I am here to apprise ) about a great and righteous warrior Sugriva, the chief of the troop of monkeys, sadly wandering all over the land here, banished by his brother" "प्राप्तोऽहं प्रेषितस्तेन सुग्रीवेण महात्मना। राज्ञा वानरमुख्यानां हनुमान्नाम वानरः4.3.21।।  "," 'I am a monkey called Hanuman. I am here sent by great king Sugriva, the best of monkeys." युवाभ्यां सह धर्मात्मा सुग्रीवस्सख्यमिच्छति।तस्य मां सचिवं वित्तं वानरं पवनात्मजम्4.3.22।।भिक्षुरूपप्रतिच्छन्नं सुग्रीवप्रियकाम्यया।ऋष्यमूकादिह प्राप्तं कामगं कामरूपिणम्4.3.23।।,"'The righteous Sugriva wishes to make friendship with both of you. For his wellbeing I came here disguised as a mendicant from Rishyamuka mountain. I am a monkey, son of the Windgod and minister to Sugriva. I can assume any form at my free will and go anywhere I like'. " एवमुक्त्वा तु हनुमांस्तौ वीरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।वाक्यज्ञौ वाक्यकुशलः पुनर्नोवाच किञ्चन4.3.24।।,"The eloquent Hanuman, having spoken thus to both Rama and Lakshmana, good at speaking, said no more." एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचन्तस्य रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्।प्रहृष्टवदनश्श्रीमान्भ्रातरं पार्श्वतः स्थितम्4.3.25।।,"Having heard him, the Illustrious Rama cheerfully said to brother Lakshmana standing nearby:" सचिवोऽयं कपीन्द्रस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।तमेव काङ्क्षमाणस्य ममान्तिकमुपागतः4.3.26।।,"'Here is minister to Sugriva, the great chief of monkeys whom I wish to see." तमभ्यभाष सौमित्रे सुग्रीवसचिवं कपिम्।वाक्यज्ञं मधुरैर्वाक्यैस्स्नेहयुक्तमरिन्दम।।4.3.27।।,"'O Saumitri, conqueror of enemies this monkey, Sugriva's minister, is skilled in friendly communication. Reply to him in words gentle and sweet." नानृग्वेदविनीतस्य नायजुर्वेद्धारिणः।नासामवेदविदुषश्शक्यमेवं विभाषितुम्4.3.28।।,"'Unless wellversed in Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda, for sure, it is not possible for anyone to articulate so well." नूनं व्याकरणं कृत्स्नमनेन बहुधा श्रुतम्।बहु व्याहरताऽनेन न किञ्चिदपशब्दितम्4.3.29।।,"'Surely, he seems to have studied well the whole of grammar, for there is not a single mispronunciation in his entire speech." "न मुखे नेत्रयोर्वापि ललाटे च भ्रुवोस्तथा। अन्येष्वपि च गात्रेषु दोषस्संविदितः क्वचित्4.3.30।।   ","No fault can be found in his face, eyes, forehead, between the eyebrows or any other part of his body (during his expression). " "अविस्तरमसन्दिग्धमविलम्बितमद्रुतम्। उरस्थं कण्ठगं वाक्यं वर्तते मध्यमे स्वरे4.3.31।।   ","His sentences are not too elaborate, not ambiguous, not dragging, not fast, raised in the chest or throat, in a medium tone. " संस्कारक्रमसम्पन्नामद्रुतामविलम्बिताम्।उच्चारयति कल्याणीं वाचं हृदयहारिणीम्4.3.32।।,"'His words are auspicious. They are refined. Neither fast nor slow, his utterances captivate the heart." अनया चित्रया वाचा त्रिस्थानव्यञ्जनस्थया।कस्य नाराध्यते चित्तमुद्यतासेररेरपि4.3.33।।,"'His colourful words flow from all the three sources: the bottom of his bosom, his throat and his head. Whose mind will not adore them even if one happens to be an enemy holding a sword?" एवं विधो यस्य दूतो न भवेत्पार्थिवस्य तु।सिद्ध्यन्ति हि कथं तस्य कार्याणां गतियोऽनघ4.3.34।।,"'O sinless one, how can a king, whoever he be, not accomplish his goal in the past with such an ambassador?" "एवं गुणगणैर्युक्ता यस्य स्युः कार्यसाधकाः। तस्य सिध्यन्ति सर्वाऽर्था दूतवाक्यप्रचोदिताः4.3.35।।   ","Whoever has such great taskmasters of great qualities as their envoys, can have all their goals accomplished, driven by their diplomatic skills.  " एवमुक्तस्तु सौमित्रिस्सुग्रीवसचिवं कपिम्।अभ्यभाषत वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यज्ञं पवनात्मजम्4.3.36।।,"Thus instructed, Saumitri who was equally skilled in speach replied to Sugriva's minister, son of the Windgod" विदितौ नौ गुणा विद्वंत्सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।तमेव चाऽवां मार्गावस्सुग्रीवं प्लवगेश्वरम्4.3.37।।,"'O learned Hanuman having heard about the virtues of great Sugriva, lord of the monkeys, we eagerly look forward to meeting him" यथा ब्रवीषि हनुमान्सुग्रीववचनादिह।तत्तथा हि करिष्यावो वचनात्तव सत्तम4.3.38।।,"'O virtuous Hanuman we will do whatever you are saying, for it is the message of Sugriva." तत्तस्य वाक्यं निपुणं निशम्यप्रहृष्टरूपः पवनात्मजः कपिः।मनस्समाधाय जयोपपत्तौसख्यं तदा कर्तुमियेष ताभ्याम्4.3.39।।,"Pleased with Lakshmana's words spoken in a skilful manner, Hanuman, the monkey son of the Windgod, resolved to make friendship with them.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे तृतीयस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the third sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Lakshmana speaks to Hanuman the purpose of their arrival at Rishyamuka -- Hanuman takes Rama and Lakshmana on his shoulders to Sugriva]ततः प्रहृष्टौ हनुमान्कृत्यवानिति तद्वचः।श्रुत्वा मधुरसम्भाषं सुग्रीवं मनसा गतः4.4.1।।,"After listening to the sweet words of Lakshmana, Hanuman, having done what he had to do felt happy and thought of Sugriva." भव्यो राज्यागमस्तस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः। यदयं कृत्यवान्प्राप्तः कृत्यं चैतदुपागतम्4.4.2।।,"The great Sugriva, thinks Hanuman, who had done his duty is likely to acquire his kingdom, because great Rama who would help in the work of Sugriva has also come.'" ततः परमसंहृष्टो हनुमान् प्लवगर्षभः।प्रत्युवाच ततो वाक्यं रामं वाक्यविशारदः4.4.3।।,"Hanuman, the best of the monkeys, learned in conversation, felt extremely happy and enquired from Rama:" किमिर्थं त्वं वनं घोरं पम्पाकाननमण्डितम्।आगतस्सानुजो दुर्गं नानाव्याळमृगायुतम्4.4.4।।,"'Why have you come with your brother to this dreadful, inaccessible forest surrounding Pampa, full of different varieties of serpents and wild animals?'" तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा लक्ष्मणो रामचोदितः।आचचक्षे महात्मानं रामं दशरथात्मजम्4.4.5।।,"Having listened to Hanuman, and urged by Rama, Lakshmana told him about the great Rama, son of Dasaratha." राजा दशरथो नाम द्युतिमान्धर्मवत्सलः।चातुर्वर्ण्यं स्वधर्मेण नित्यमेवाभ्यपालयत्4.4.6।।, न द्वेष्टा विद्यते तस्य न च स द्वेष्टि कञ्चन।स च सर्वेषु भूतेषु पितामह इवापरः4.4.7।।अग्निष्टोमादिभिर्यज्ञैरिष्टवानाप्तदक्षिणैः।,"'He never hated any one nor did any one ever hate him. To all his subjects, he was like another father, the Creator Brahma. And he was generous in giving gifts while performing yajnas (rituals with fire) like Agnistoma." तस्यायं पूर्वजः पुत्रो रामो नाम जनैः श्रुतः।।4.4.8।।शरण्यस्सर्वभूतानां पितुर्निर्देशपारगः।,"'Here is his eldest son, popularly known as Rama. He is the protector of all beings and never failed his father's instructions." वीरो दशरथस्यायं पुत्राणां गुणवत्तमः।।4.4.9।।राजलक्षणसम्पन्नस्सम्युक्तो राजसम्पदा।राज्याद्भ्रष्टो वने वस्तुं मया सार्धमिहागतः4.4.10।।, भार्यया च महातेजास्सीतयाऽनुगतो वशी।दिनक्षये महातेजाः प्रभयेव दिवाकरः4.4.11।।,"'This glorious Rama was followed by his wife, Sita, like the rays of the effulgent Sun follow him to the end of the day." अहमस्यावरो भ्राता गुणैर्दास्यमुपागतः।कृतज्ञस्य बहुज्ञस्य लक्ष्मणो नाम नामतः4.4.12।।,"'I am his younger brother, called Lakshmana. I have accepted the service of this learned, virtuous and grateful man." सुखार्हस्य महार्हस्य सर्वभूतहितात्मनः।ऐश्वर्येण च हीनस्य वनवासाश्रितस्य च4.4.13।।रक्षसाऽपहृता भार्या रहिते कामरूपिणा।तच्च न ज्ञायते रक्षः पत्नी येनास्य सा हृता4.4.14।।,"'This man who should have lived in comfort and in reverence, one who was worthy of all the wellwishers lost his wealth and was banished into the forest. He is now deprived of his wife kidnapped by an unknown demon who could assume any form at will." दनुर्नाम दितेः पुत्रश्शापाद्राक्षसतां गतः।आख्यातस्तेन सुग्रीवस्समर्थो वानरर्षभः4.4.15।।,"'Diti's son called Danu who had been cursed to live the life of a demon had said that Sugriva, the best among monkeys, would be able to locate her." स ज्ञास्यति महावीर्यस्तव भार्यापहारिणम्।एवमुक्त्वा दनुस्स्वर्गं भ्राजमानो गतस्सुखम्4.4.16।।,"'That Valiant Sugriva can spot the demon who has abducted your wife', said Danu and disappeared happily into heaven shining in brilliance." एतत्ते सर्वमाख्यातं यथा तथ्येन पृच्छतः।अहं चैव हि रामश्च सुग्रीवं शरणं गतौ4.4.17।।,"'I have given a factual account of everything, since you asked me. Now Rama and I have arrived seeking Sugriva's shelter." एष दत्त्वा च वित्तानि प्राप्य चानुत्तमं यशः।लोकनाथः पुरा भूत्वा सुग्रीवं नाथमिच्छति4.4.18।।,"'Having earned supreme fame through his munificence in the past, this lord of the world now craves Sugriva's indulgence." पिता यस्य पुरा ह्यासीच्छरण्यो धर्मवत्सलः।तस्य पुत्रश्शरण्यश्च सुग्रीवं शरणं गतः4.4.19।।,"'One whose father was once a protector of dharma, a refuge to all now seeks Sugriva's shelter." सर्वलोकस्य धर्मात्मा शरण्यश्शरणं पुरा।गुरुर्मे राघवस्सोऽयं सुग्रीवं शरणं गतः4.4.20।।,"'This righteous Rama who used to lend in the past protection to the whole world and, indeed, a refuge to all, venerable sir, now seeks Sugriva's shelter." यस्य प्रसादे सततं प्रसीदेयुरिमाः प्रजाः।स रामो वानरेन्द्रस्य प्रसादमभिकाङ्क्षते। 4.4.21।।,'This Rama for whose grace the subjects were ever bobolden to him now seeks the favour of the Chief of monkeys. येन सर्वगुणोपेताः पृथिव्यां सर्वपार्थिवाः।मानितास्सततं राज्ञा सदा दशरथेन वै4.4.22तस्यायं पूर्वजः पुत्रस्त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतः।सुग्रीवं वानरेन्द्रं तु रामश्शरणमागतः4.4.23।।,"'Famous in all the three worlds, this Rama, who was the firshborn of Dasaratha, endowed with all virtues and ever respected by all the kings of this earth, now seeks shelter of Sugriva, Chief of monkeys." शोकाभिभूते रामे तु शोकार्ते शरणं गते।कर्तुमर्हति सुग्रीवः प्रसादं हरियूधपः4.4.24।।,"'Sugriva, lord of monkeys, ought to help Rama who tormented by, and overwhelmed with, grief seeks his favour.'" एवं ब्रुवाणं सौमित्रिं करुणं साश्रुलोचनम्।हनुमान्प्रत्युवाचेदं वाक्यं वाक्यविशारदः4.4.25।।,"To Saumitri who was speaking thus in a piteous tone, his eyes filled with tears the eloquent Hanuman replied:" ईदृशा बुद्धिसम्पन्ना जितक्रोधा जितेन्द्रियाः।द्रष्टव्या वानरेन्द्रेण दिष्ट्या दर्शनमागताः4.4.26।।,"'It is a matter of great fortune that you who have intelligence, control over your senses and conquered anger have come to see the lord of monkeys who needs instead, to approach you." स हि राज्यात्परिभ्रष्टः कृतवैरश्च वालिना।हृतदारो वने त्यक्तो भ्रात्रा विनिकृतो भृशम्4.4.27।।,"'(In fact) seriously offended by his brother Vali who treated him like his enemy and expelled him from the kingdom. He is now abandoned in the forest, his wife hijacked." करिष्यति स साहाय्यं युवयोर्भास्करात्मजः।सुग्रीवस्सह चास्माभि स्सीतायाः परिमार्गणे4.4.28।।,"'Sugriva, son of the Sungod, along with us will extend all help to you, in your search for Sita.'" इत्येवमुक्त्वा हनुमान् श्लक्ष्णं मधुरया गिरा।बभाषे सोऽभिगच्छेम सुग्रीवमिति राघवम्4.4.29।।,"Hanuman, having spoken with sweet, gentle words said to the Raghavas, 'We will now go to Sugriva'." एवं ब्रुवाणं धर्मात्मा हनुमन्तं स लक्ष्मणः।प्रतिपूज्य यथान्यायमिदं प्रोवाच राघवम्4.4.30।।,"Having offered reverential salutations to Hanuman as per tradition, righteous Lakshmana now spoke to Rama:" कपिः कथयते हृष्टो यथाऽयं मारुतात्मजः।कृत्यवांत्सोऽपि सम्प्राप्तः कृतकृत्योऽसि राघव4.4.31।।,"'O Raghava this monkey, son of the Windgod appears pleased as evident from his words. As he is a man of action, take your work as accomplished now." प्रसन्नमुखवर्णश्च व्यक्तं हृष्टश्च भाषते।नानृतं वक्ष्यते वीरो हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः4.4.32।।,'It is evident from his words and from his cheerful face that Hanuman is pleased. (I know that) this heroic son of the Windgod will never tell a lie'. ततस्स तु महाप्राज्ञो हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।जगामादाय तौ वीरौ हरिराजाय राघवौ4.4.33।।,"Hanuman, son of the Windgod, endowed with great wisdom carried both the Raghava warriors to the king of monkeys." भिक्षुरूपं परित्यज्य वानरं रूपमास्थितः।पृष्ठमारोप्य तौ वीरौ जगाम कपिकुञ्जरः4.4.34।।,"Hanuman, who was an elephant among monkeys, gave up the guise of a mendicant, and assuming the form of the monkeys, lifted both the heroes on to his back and proceeded." स तु विपुलयशाः कपिप्रवीरःपवनसुतः कृतकृत्यवत्प्रहृष्टः।गिरिवरमुरुविक्रमः प्रयातस्स शुभमतिस्सह रामलक्ष्मणाभ्याम्4.4.35।।,"The son of the Windgod, the most valiant, the supremely heroic monkey and the one welladmired, having performed his task, felt immensely happy.And with an auspicious feeling, departed for the great mountain (Rishyamuka) along with Rama and Lakshmana.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किंधाकाण्डे चतुर्थस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fourth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Rama and Lakshmana meet Sugriva -- Rama makes friendship with him -- Sugriva reveals the injustice done to him by Vali -- Rama assures him help -- Sugriva promises to send his troops to find Sita.]ऋश्यमूकात्तु हनुमान्गत्वा तु मलयं गिरिम्।आचचक्षे तदा वीरौ कपिराजाय राघवौ4.5.1।।,"Leaving Rishyamuka, Hanuman reached the Malaya mountain. Seeing the chief of monkeys there, he announced the arrival of the heroic Raghavas." अयं रामो महाप्राज्ञ स्सम्प्राप्तो दृढविक्रमः।लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा रामोऽयं सत्यविक्रमः4.5.2।।,"'This Rama of greatwisdom and valour, endowed with the power of truth has arrived here along with his brother Lakshmana. " इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले जातो रामो दशरथात्मजः।धर्मे निगदितश्चैव पितुर्निर्देशपारगः4.5.3।।,"'Born in the Ikshvaku race Rama Dasaratha's son, distinguished for his righteousness is here to carry out the orders of his father." तस्यास्य वसतोऽरण्ये नियतस्य महात्मनः।रावणेन हृता भार्या स त्वां शरणमागतः4.5.4।।,"'While the great Rama armed with selfrestraint was living in the forest, his wife was abducted by Ravana. So he has come to you seeing refuge." राजसूयाश्वमेधैश्च वह्निर्येनाभितर्पितः।दक्षिणाश्च तथोत्सृष्टा गावश्शतसहस्रशः4.5.5।।तपसा सत्यवाक्येन वसुधा येन पालिता।स्त्री हेतोस्तस्य पुत्रोऽयं रामस्त्वां शरणं गतः4.5.6।।,"'This Rama, son of a king who had gratified the firegod through many yajnas like Rajasuya and Aswamedha, gifted hundreds of thousands of cows and ruled this earth with truth and austerity, has come seeking help for a woman.'" भवता सख्यकामौ तौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।प्रतिगृह्यार्चयस्वैतौ पूजनीयतमावुभौ4.5.7।।,"'Both the brothers, Rama and Lakshmana seek friendship with you. As both of them are worthiest of worship, welcome them with due reverence.'" श्रुत्वा हनुमतो वाक्यं सुग्रीवो हृष्टमानसः।भयं चराघवाद्घोरं प्रजहौ विगतज्वरः।।4.5.8।।सकृत्वा मानुषं रूपं सुग्रीवः प्लवगर्षभः।दर्शनीयतमो भूत्वा प्रीत्या प्रोवाच राघवम्4.5.9।।,Hanuman's words took away Sugriva's great fear for Rama and filled him with cheer. This bull among monkeys gave up his natural appearance and and assuming an attractive human form spoke to Rama lovingly: भवान्धर्मविनीतश्च विक्रान्तस्सर्ववत्सलः।आख्याता वायुपुत्रेण तत्त्वतो मे भवद्गुणाः4.5.10।।,"'You are a great hero, affectionate to all and wellversed in all dharmas. The son of the Windgod has, in fact, apprised me of your virtues" तन्ममैवैष सत्कारो लाभश्चैवोत्तमः प्रभो।यत्त्वमिच्छसि सौहार्दं वानरेण मया सह4.5.11।।,"'O Lord that you are eager to have friendship with me, who is a monkey is a great honour and is extremely beneficial to me." रोचते यदि वा सख्यं बाहुरेष प्रसारितः।गृह्यतां पाणिना पाणिर्मर्यादा बध्यतां ध्रुवा4.5.12।।,"'If you are desirous of my friendship, here is my arm (palm) stretched out to you. With due regard, establish our bond firmly, holding my palm in yours.' " एतत्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवेण सुभाषितम्।सम्प्रहृष्टमना हस्तं पीडयामास पाणिना4.5.13।।हृद्यं सौहृदमालम्ब्यपर्यष्वजत पीडितम्।,"Rama became very happy to hear Sugriva's warm words and pressed his hand with his. Delighted, he went close to Sugriva and hugged him tightly and affectionately. " ततो हनूमान्सन्त्यज्य भिक्षुरूपमरिन्दमः।।4.5.14।।काष्ठयोस्स्वेन रूपेण जनयामास पावकम्।दीप्यमानं ततो वह्निं ह्निं पुष्पैरभ्यर्च्य सत्कृतम्4.5.15।।तयोर्मध्येऽथ सुप्रीतो निदधे सुसमाहितः।,"Then, Hanuman vanquisher of enemies, gave up his guise of a mendicant, assumed his natural form and generated fire by rubbing two pieces of wood. Wellpleased at heart, he made an offering of flowers to the flaming fire and placed it between them." ततोऽग्निं दीप्यमानं तौ चक्रतुश्च प्रदक्षिणम्।।4.5.16।।सुग्रीवो राघवश्चैव वयस्यत्वमुपागतौ।,They both circumambulated the blazing fire and solemnized their friendship. ततस्सुप्रीतमनसौ तावुभौ हरिराघवौ4.5.17।।अन्योन्यमभिवीक्षन्तौ न तृप्तिमुपजग्मतुः।,"Rama and the monkey contented at heart, yet not fully content, continued looking at each other." त्वं वयस्योऽसि मे हृद्यो ह्येकं दुःखं सुखं च नौ4.5.18।।सुग्रीवो राघवं वाक्यमित्युवाच प्रहृष्टवत्।,"'You are a dear friend to me. Your sorrow is my sorrow, your pleasure is my pleasure. We are one and the same' said Sugriva to Rama, his heart overflowing with happiness." ततस्सुपर्णबहुलां छित्वा शाखां सुपुष्पिताम्4.5.19।।सालस्यास्तीर्य सुग्रीवो निषसाद सराघवः।,"Then Sugriva cut the branch of a sala tree with luxuriant leaves and flowers, spread it on the ground and sat down along with Raghava." लक्ष्मणायाथ संहृष्टो हनूमान् प्लवगर्षभः4.5.20।।शाखां चन्दनवृक्षस्य ददौ परमपुष्पिताम्।,"Then Hanuman, the bull among monkeys, felt very happy, cut the branch of a sandalwood tree full of flowers and gave it to Lakshmana." ततः प्रहृष्टस्सुग्रीवः श्लक्ष्णं मधुरया गिरा4.5.21।।प्रत्युवाच तदा रामं हर्षव्याकुललोचनः।,"Then Sugriva, eyes sparkling with joy, replied to Rama in a sweet, gentle voice." अहं विनिकृतो राम चरामीह भयार्दितः4.5.22।।हृतभार्यो वने त्रस्तो दुर्गमेतदुपाश्रितः।,"'O Rama, I have been insulted deeply and my wife hijacked. Stricken with fear I have taken refuge in this inaccessible forest. " सोऽहं त्रस्तो वने भीतो वसाम्युद्भ्रान्तचेतनः4.5.23।।वालिना निकृतो भ्रात्रा कृतवैरश्च राघव।,"'O Rama humiliated by my brother Vali, I have developed enmity with him. Terribly distraught and disturbed I live in this forest in great fear." वालिनो मे महाभाग भयार्तस्याभयं कुरु4.5.24।।कर्तुमर्हसि काकुत्स्थ भयं मे न भवेद्यथा।,"'O reverend Kakutstha, I feel helpless with fear from Vali. Save me. You should release me free from fear.'" एवमुक्तस्तु तेजस्वी धर्मज्ञो धर्मवत्सलः4.5.25।।प्रत्यभाषत काकुत्स्थ: सुग्रीवं प्रहसन्निव।,"The righteous and glorious Rama to whom dharma is very dear said to Sugriva with a gentle smile on his face, when he was entreated thus:" उपकारफलं मित्रं विदितं मे महाकपे4.5.26।।वालिनं तं वधिष्यामि तव भार्यापहारिणम्।,'O great monkey I know friendship is the fruit of a beneficial deed. I will kill that Vali who has usurped your wife. अमोघास्सूर्यसङ्काशा ममैते निशिताश्शराः4.5.27।।तस्मिन्वालिनि दुर्वृत्ते निपतिष्यन्ति वेगिताः।कङ्कपत्रप्रतिच्छन्ना महेन्द्राशनिसन्निभाः4.5.28।।तीक्ष्णाग्रा ऋजुपर्वाणस्सरोषा भुजगा इव।," 'These arrows covered with kanka feathers, sharp and straight at the tip, comparable to great Indra's thunderbolt are (burning bright) like the sun. Looking like angry serpents, they will unfailingly strike at the miscreant Vali soon." तमद्य वालिनं पश्य तीक्ष्णैराशीविषोपमैः4.5.29।।शरैर्विनिहतं भूमौ विकीर्णमिव पर्वतम्।,"'With these sharp, serpentlike arrows Vali will be killed. He will fall down on the ground like a mountain shattered.You will see it now'." स तु तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राघवस्यात्मनो हितम्4.5.30।।सुग्रीवः परमप्रीतस्सुमहद्वाक्यमब्रवीत्।,"Sugriva, very much pleased with the words of Rama, spoke highly (of him)." तव प्रसादेन नृसिंह राघवप्रियां च राज्यं च समाप्नुयामहम्। तथा कुरु त्वं नरदेव वैरिणंयथा निहंस्यद्य रिपुंममाग्रजम्4.5.31।।,"'O Rama, by your grace I will get my wife and kingdom back. O king accomplish this so that I can destroy my, elder brother, my enemy, O lion among men " सीता कपीन्द्रक्षणदाचराणांराजीवहेमज्वलनोपमानि।सुग्रीवरामप्रणयप्रसङ्गेवामानि नेत्राणि समं स्फुरन्ति4.5.32।।,"While Sugriva was making a friendly alliance with Rama, Sita's left eye, like lotus, Vali's left eye glittering like gold and Ravana's left eye blazing (like fire) twitched at the same time for a moment (Twitching of left eye is considered auspicious to a woman and ominous to a man).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे पञ्चमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fifth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Sugriva speaks about the abduction of Sita by Ravana -- shows to Rama the veil and ornament dropped down by Sita -- Rama eager to killl Ravana, seeks further details of the enemy from Sugriva]पुनरेवाब्रवीत्प्रीतो राघवं रघुनन्दनम्।अयमाख्याति मे राम सचिवो मन्त्रिसत्तमः4.6.1।।हनुमान्यन्निमित्तं त्वं निर्जनं वनमागतः।लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा वसतश्च वने तव4.6.2।।रक्षसाऽपहृता भार्या मैथिली जनकात्मजा।त्वया वियुक्ता रुदती लक्ष्मणेन च धीमता4.6.3।।अन्तरप्रेप्सुना तेन हत्वा गृध्रं जटायुषम्4.6.4।।","Sugriva was pleased to say to Rama, delight of the Raghu race once again, 'O Rama, Hanuman, jewel among Ministers, has told me the cause of your coming to this desolate forest. While you were residing in the forest, a demon who was looking for an opportunity carried off your wife, the princess from Mithila, daughter of Janaka, finding her alone. While she was crying (piteously) he killed Jatayu. (the vulture who pretested)." भार्यावियोगजं दुःखं न चिरात्त्वं विमोक्ष्यसे।अहं तामानयिष्यामि नष्टां वेदश्रुतीमिव।।4.6.5।।,"'Very soon you will be relieved of the grief caused by the separation from your wife. Just as Visnu retrieved the Vedas (carried away by the demons, Madhu and Kaitabha) I will deliver her to you." रसातले वा वर्तन्तीं वर्तन्ती वा नभस्थलेअहमानीय दास्यामि तव भार्यामरिन्दम।।।4.6.6।।,'O subduer of enemies I will restore her to you even if she is kept in the bowels of the earth or in the vaults of heaven. इदं तथ्यं मम वचस्त्वमवेहि च राघव।न शक्या सा जरयितुं सेन्द्रैरपि स्सुरासुरैः4.6.7।।तव भार्या महाबाहो भक्ष्यं विषकृतं यथा।त्यज शोकं महाबाहो तां कान्तामानयामि ते4.6.8।।,"'O longarmed Rama, take these words of mine as true. Your consort cannot be absorbed with impunity even by the denizens of heaven including Indra or the ogres on earth any more than food cooked with poison.Give up grief." अनुमानात्तु जानामि मैथिली सा न संशयः।ह्रियमाणा मया दृष्टा रक्षसा क्रूरकर्मणा4.6.9।।क्रोशन्ती राम रामेति लक्ष्मणेति च विस्वरम्।स्फुरन्ती रावणस्याङ्के पन्नगेन्द्रवधूर्यथा4.6.10।।,"'Yes, I remember. I had observed a lady being carried away by a wicked demon. She was crying loudly 'Oh, Rama Oh Rama Oh Lakshmana' in a husky voice. It was Maithili. She was wriggling on the lap of Ravana like a female serpent." आत्मना पञ्चमं मां हि दृष्ट्वा शैलतटे स्थितम्।उत्तरीयं तया त्यक्तं शुभान्याभरणानि च4.6.11।।,'Seeing me as the fifth member seated on a mountain she dropped down the auspicious ornaments (bundled) in her veil तान्यस्माभिगृहीतानि निहितानि च राघव।आनयिष्याम्यहं तानि प्रत्यभिज्ञातुमर्हसि4.6.12।।,"'Rama, we have kept them safely. I will fetch them so that you should be able to identify them.'" तमब्रवीत्ततो रामस्सुग्रीवं प्रियवादिनम्।आनयस्व सखे शीघ्रं किमर्थं प्रविलम्बसे4.6.13।।,"Rama then said to Sugriva, one who used pleasing words, 'O my friend why delay? Get them here immediately'. " एवमुक्तस्तु सुग्रीवश्शैलस्य गहनां गुहाम्।प्रविवेश ततशशीघ्रं राघवप्रियकाम्यया4.6.14।।,"On hearing this, Sugriva at once entered into the deep cave of the mountain (to get the ornaments and veil) in order to please Rama." उत्तरीयं गृहीत्वा तु शुभान्याभरणानि च।इदं पश्येति रामाय दर्शयामास वानरः4.6.15।।,"That monkey brought out the veil and auspicios ornaments, showed them to Rama and said, 'Please, see.'" ततो गृहीत्वा वासस्तु श्शुभान्याभरणानि च।अभवद्बाष्पसंरुद्धो नीहारेणेव चन्द्रमाः4.6.16।।,"Holding the raiment as well as the ornaments, Rama's eyes were filled with tears.He appeared like the Moon covered with dews." सीतास्नेहप्रवृत्तेन स तु बाष्पेण दूषितः।हा प्रियेति रुदन्धैर्यमुत्सृज्य न्यपतत्क्षितौ4.6.17।।,"On account of his deep attachment for Sita, he shed profuse tears. Unable to maintain his natural composure, he sank down to the ground, saying 'O my darling Sita' and cried inconsolably" हृदि कृत्वा तु बहुशस्तमलङ्कारमुत्तमम्।निशश्वास भृशं सर्पो बिलस्थ इव रोषितः।।4.6.18।।,Pressing the excellent ornaments to his bosom again and again Rama hissed like a cobra provoked in its anthill. अविच्छिन्नाश्रुवेगस्तु सौमित्रिं वीक्ष्य पार्श्वतः।परिदेवयितुं दीनं रामस्समुपचक्रमे4.6.19।।,Rama began to wail piteously while tears streamed down his eyes incessantly. He looked at Saumitri standing by his side and said: पश्य लक्ष्मण वैदेह्या सन्त्यक्तं ह्रियमाणया।उत्तरीयमिदं भूमौ शरीराद्भूषणानि च4.6.20।।,"'O Lakshmana, behold the veil and the ornaments dropped on the ground by Vaidehi while she was being abducted." शाद्वलिन्यां ध्रुवं भूमौ सीतया ह्रियमाणया।उत्सृष्टं भूषणमिदं तथारूपं हि दृश्यते4.6.21।।,"'Sita, for sure, dropped these ornaments on the grassy ground. They are in good shape (without any damage)." एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।नाहं जानामि केयूरे नाहं जानामि कुण्डले4.6.22।।नूपुरे त्वभिजानामि नित्यं पादाभिवन्दनात्।,"Thus addressed by Rama, Lakshmana replied, 'I recognise neither the armlets nor the earrings. I only recognise the anklets as I used to bow at her feet daily.'" ततस्तु राघवो वाक्यं सुग्रीवमिदमब्रवीत्4.6.23।।ब्रूहि सुग्रीव कं देशं ह्रियन्ती लक्षिता त्वया।रक्षसा रौद्ररूपेण मम प्राणैः प्रिया प्रिया4.6.24।।,"Then Rama said to Sugriva,.'Tell me, O Sugriva, to which region that fiercelooking demon has carried away my Sita, who is dearer than my life." क्व वा वसति तद्रक्षो महद्व्यसनदं मम।यन्निमित्तमहं सर्वान्नाशयिष्यामि राक्षसान्4.6.25।।,'Let me know where dwells that huge ogre who has caused this agony to me. I will exterminate all the demons हरता मैथिलीं येन मां च रोषयता भृशम्।आत्मनो जीवितान्ताय मृत्युद्वारमपावृतम्4.6.26।।,'By abducting Maithili he has stirred my fierce anger and has opened the door of his death. मम दयिततरा हृता वनान्ताद्रजनिचरेण विमथ्य येन सा।कथय मम रिपुं तमद्य वैप्लवगपते यमसादनं नयामि4.6.27।।,"'O lord of monkeys tell me the whereabouts of that nightranger who has carried off my darling from the heart of the forest and has harassed her. I will send him now to the abode of Death.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे षष्ठस्सर्गःThus ends the sixth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva promises to kill Ravana and bring Sita back -- he consoles Rama -- Rama promises to kill Vali.]एवमुक्तस्तु सुग्रीवो रामेणार्तेन वानरः।अब्रवीत्प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं सबाष्पं बाष्पगद्गदः।।4.7.1।।,"On hearing the words of Rama in deep distress, the monkey replied to him with folded hands, his throat choked with tears:" न जाने निलयं तस्य सर्वथा पापरक्षसः।सामर्थ्यं विक्रमं वापि दौष्कुलेयस्य वा कुलम्4.7.2।।,"'I do not have any knowledge of this sinful demon's dwelling , his capability, his valour or his clan or his despicable lineage." सत्यं ते प्रतिजानामि त्यज शोकमरिन्दम।करिष्यामि तथा यत्नं यथा प्राप्स्यसि मैथिलीम्4.7.3।।,"'O subduer of enemies, give up sorrow. I promise I will make necessary effort so that you will obtain the princess from Mithila. " रावणं सगणं हत्वा परितोष्यात्मपौरुषम्।तथाऽस्मि कर्ता न चिराद्यथा प्रीतो भविष्यसि4.7.4।।,'With all my capability I will kill Ravana and his clan. Thus I will be able to satisfy you soon with my efforts. अलं वैक्लब्यमालम्ब्य धैर्यमात्मगतं स्मर।त्वद्विधानां न सदृशमीदृशं बुद्धिलाघवम्।।4.7.5।।,'Give up despair. It is enough. Be patient. Maintain your natural disposition.It is unworthy of men like you to entertain such frivolus thoughts? मयाऽपि व्यसनं प्राप्तं भार्याविरहजं महत्।नाहमेवं हि शोचामि न च धैर्यं परित्यजे4.7.6।।,"'Separated from my wife, I, too, am afflicted with deep grief. But I do not brood, I do not lose patience." नाहं तामनुशोचामि प्राकृतो वानरोऽपि सन्।महात्मा च विनीतश्च किं पुनर्धृतिमान्भवान्4.7.7।।,"'I am an ordinary monkey born. Even then, I do not brood over my wife. You are highsouled, humble and patient. Why do you grieve?" बाष्पमापतितं धैर्यान्निग्रहीतुं त्वमर्हसि।मर्यादां सत्त्वयुक्तानां धृतिं नोत्स्रष्टुमर्हसि4.7.8।।,'Restrain the flow of your tears. Be patient. Men (like you) endowed with equilibrium and dignity and patience ought not to leave their composure. व्यसने वाऽर्थकृच्छ्रे वा भये वा जीवितान्तके।विमृशन्वै स्वया बुद्ध्या धृतिमान्नावसीदति4.7.9।।,"'In times of grief or loss of wealth or at the hour of death, one who is patient does not abandon his wisdom, he does not despair." "बालिशस्तु नरो नित्यं वैक्लब्यं योऽनुवर्तते। स मज्जत्यवशश्शोके भाराक्रान्तेव नौर्जले4.7.10।।  ","A man who is unwise and distraught only gets sunk in grief like a heavily loaded boat (sinks) in water. " एषोऽञ्जलिर्मया बद्धः प्रणयात्त्वां प्रसादये।पौरुषं श्रय शोकस्य नान्तरं दातुमर्हसि4.7.11।।,'I implore you with folded palms on account of our friendship to show manliness. You should not give in to grief. ये शोकमनुवर्तन्ते न तेषां विद्यते सुखम्।तेजश्च क्षीयते तेषां न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि4.7.12।।,"'There is no happiness for those who give way to sorrow. Their brilliance is dimmed. Therefore, you ought not grieve." शोकेनाभिप्रपन्नस्य जीविते चापि संशयः।स शोकं त्यज राजेन्द्र धैर्यमाश्रय केवलम्4.7.13।।,"'Even the chances of survival are doubtful for a man who is overpowered by sorrow. Give up sorrow and have patience, O king" हितं वयस्यभावेन ब्रूमि नोपदिशामि ते।वयस्यतां पूजयन्मे न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि4.7.14।।,"'Out of friendly concern I offer my opinion in your interest. I am not competent to advise you. Respecting my friendship, you should never yield to grief.'" मधुरं सान्त्वित स्तेन सुग्रीवेण स राघवः।मुखमश्रुपरिक्लिन्नं वस्त्रान्तेन प्रमार्जयत्4.7.15।।,"Consoled by the sweet words of Sugriva, Rama wiped his face filled with tears by the hem of his upper cloth." प्रकृतिस्थस्तु काकुत्स्थस्सुग्रीववचनात्प्रभुः।सम्परिष्वज्य सुग्रीवमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्4.7.16।।,"When lord Rama, the scion of the Kakutstha race was comforted by these words of Sugriva, he came to his senses, and clasping him said:" कर्तव्यं यद्वयस्येन स्निग्धेन च हितेन च।अनुरूपं च युक्तं च कृतं सुग्रीव तत्त्वया4.7.17।।,'O Sugriva you have done what a friend should have done in a befitting manner with your sweet words and good wishes. एष च प्रकृतिस्थोऽहमनुनीतस्त्वया सखे।दुर्लभो हीदृशो बन्धुरस्मिन्काले विशेषतः4.7.18।।,'O friend you have guided me back to my senses thus. It is difficult to find a friend like you specially at this time. किं तु यत्नस्त्वया कार्यो मैथिल्याः परिमार्गणे।राक्षसस्य च रौद्रस्य रावणस्य दुरात्मनः4.7.19।।,"'Indeed, you must make effort to trace the princess from Mithila and the evilminded, fierce demon Ravana." मया च यदनुष्ठेयं विस्रब्धेन तदुच्यताम्।वर्षास्विव च सुक्षेत्रे सर्वं सम्पद्यते तव4.7.20।।,"'Now tell me about my duty without any hesitation. I assure you that your desire will be fulfilled, just as seeds sown in a fertile land with timely rains bear fruit. " मया च यदिदं वाक्यमभिमानात्समीरितम्।तत्त्वया हरिशार्दूल तत्त्वमित्युपधार्यताम्4.7.21।।,'O tiger amongst monkeys accept my words uttered out of injured honour in their true sense. अनृतं नोक्तपूर्वं मे न च वक्ष्ये कदाचन।एतत्ते प्रतिजानामि सत्येनैव च ते शपाम्यहमं।।4.7.22।।,'I have never uttered a false word earlier nor will I do it in future. This is my promise. I swear by truth alone.' ततः प्रहृष्टस्सुग्रीवो वानरैस्सचिवैस्सह।राघवस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा प्रतिज्ञातं विशेषतः4.7.23।।,"Sugriva and his counsellors felt glad on hearing Rama's words, particularly the assurance given by him." एवमेकान्तसम्पृक्तौ ततस्तौ नरवानरौ।उभावन्योन्यसदृशं सुखं दुःखमभाषताम्4.7.24।।,Man and monkey then met privately and shared the weal and woe of one another. महानुभावस्य वचो निशम्यहरिर्नृपाणामृषभस्य तस्य।कृतं स मेने हरिवीरमुख्यस्तदा स्वकार्यं हृदयेन विद्वान्4.7.25।।,"Wise Sugriva, chief of monkeys, heard the words of the magnanimous Rama, a bull among men. He felt glad at heart thinking that his task has been achieved.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे सप्तमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the seventh sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by the sage Valmiki." [Sugriva feels happy about his friendship with Rama -- solicits Vali's death -- relates to Rama about Vali's hostile attitude and his enmity with him.]परितुष्टस्तु सुग्रीवस्तेन वाक्येन वानरः।लक्ष्मणस्याग्रतो राममिदं वचनमब्रवीत्4.8.1।।,"Sugriva, the monkey was very pleased with Rama's words and said to him in front of Lakshmana:" सर्वथाऽहमनुग्राह्यो देवतानां न संशयः।उपपन्न गुणोपेतस्सखा यस्य भवान्मम4.8.2।।, 'Since one like you endowed with all virtues has become my friend I am (now) worthy of grace of the gods in all respects. There is no doubt. शक्यं खलु भवेद्राम सहायेन त्वयाऽनघ।सुरराज्यमपि प्राप्तुं स्वराज्यं किं पनः प्रभो 4.8.3।।," 'O Rama, my sinless Lord, it is possible to attain even the kingdom of the gods with your help, what to speak of my own kingdom?" सोऽहं सभाज्यो बन्धूनां सुहृदां चैव राघव।यस्याग्निसाक्षिकं मित्रं लब्धं राघववंशजम्4.8.4।।,"'O Rama, since you, born in Raghava dynasty, have become my friend with fire as witness, I have become equally honourable among my relatives and friends. " अहमप्यनुरूपस्ते वयस्यो ज्ञास्यसे शनैः।न तु वक्तुं समर्थोऽहं स्वयमात्मगतान्गुणान्4.8.5।।,'You will come to know slowly that I am also a friend worthy of you.It is not proper for me to speak of my qualities( flatter myself). महात्मनां तु भूयिष्ठं त्वद्विधानां कृतात्मनाम्।निश्चला भवति प्रीतिर्धैर्यमात्मवतामिव4.8.6।।,'The affection of exalted souls is exceedingly stable like the patience of selfcontrolled and wellcomposed men like you. रजतं वा सुवर्णं वा वस्त्राण्याभरणानि च।अविभक्तानि साधूनामवगच्छन्ति साधवः4.8.7।।,"'Good friends consider(valuables such as) silver or gold, clothes or ornaments of worldly wealth indivisible. " आढ्यो वापि दरिद्रो वा दुःखितस्सुखितोऽपि वा।निर्दोषो वा सदोषो वा वयस्यः परमा गतिः4.8.8।।,"'Whether rich or poor, afflicted or happy, flawless or guilty, a friend is the ultimate refuge to a friend. " धनत्यागस्सुखत्यागो देहत्यागोऽपि वा पुनः।वयस्यार्थे प्रवर्तन्ते स्नेहं दृष्टवा तथाविधम्4.8.9।।,'One will not hesitate to sacrifice wealth or happiness or even life for the sake of a friend like you.' "तत्तथेत्यब्रवीद्रामस्सुग्रीवं प्रियवादिनम्। लक्ष्मणस्याग्रतो लक्ष्म्या वासवस्येव धीमतः4.8.10।।","As wise Lakshmana, brilliant like Indra stood witness, Rama said, 'it is true as you say' to Sugriva who spoke pleasing words. " ततो रामं स्थितं दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणं च महाबलम्।सुग्रीवस्सर्वतश्चक्षुर्वने लोलमपातयत्4.8.11।।,"With mighty Rama and Lakshmana standing by, Sugriva cast his eyes eagerly all round the forest." स ददर्श ततस्सालमविदूरे हरीश्वरः।सुपुष्पमीषत्पत्राढ्यं भ्रमरैरुपशोभितम्4.8.12।।,Then the chief of monkeys saw a sala tree looking lovely with tender leaves and flowers graced by bees. तस्यैकां पर्णबहुलां भङ्क्त्वा शाखां सुपुष्पिताम्।सालस्यास्तीर्य सुग्रीवो निषसाद सराघवः4.8.13।।," Sugriva cut a branch of the beautifully blossomed sala tree with plenty of leaves, spread it (on the ground) and squatted along with Rama." तावासीनौ ततो दृष्ट्वा हनूमानपि लक्ष्मणम्।सालशाखां समुत्पाट्य विनीतमुपवेशयत्4.8.14।।,Thereafter Hanuman also broke a branch of the sala tree and seated Lakshmana on it. सुखोपविष्टं रामं तु प्रसन्नमुदधिं यथा।फलपुष्पसमाकीर्णे तस्मिन् गिरिवरोत्तमे4.8.15।।ततः प्रहृष्टस्सुग्रीवश्लक्ष्णं मधुरया गिरा।उवाच प्रणयाद्रामं हर्षव्याकुलिताक्षरम्4.8.16।।," Now Rama, seated comfortably on the best of mountains overgrown with trees full of flowers and fruits, appeared tranguil like an ocean. Extremely delighted and excited, Sugriva spoke to Rama words that got mixed up with softness and sweetness out of love:" अहं विनिकृतो भ्रात्रा चराम्येष भयार्दितः।ऋष्यमूकं गिरिवरं हृतभार्यस्सुदुःखितः4.8.17।।,"'I am sadly roaming here in the great Rishyamuka mountain, my wife stolen, offended by my brother and frightened." सोऽहं त्रस्तो भये मग्नो वसाम्युद्भ्रान्तचेतनः।वालिना निकृतो भ्रात्रा कृतवैरश्च राघव4.8.18।।,"'O Rama my brother is my enemy. Deceived and threatened by him, I live in the forest stricken with fear and utterly confused." वालिनो मे भयार्तस्य सर्वलोकाभयङ्कर।ममापि त्वमनाथस्य प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि4.8.19।।,"'O great warrior who can frighten all the worlds scared of Vali, I feel helpless like an orphan to whom you ought to extend your grace.'" एवमुक्तस्तु तेजस्वी धर्मज्ञो धर्मवत्सलः।प्रत्युवाच स काकुत्स्थस्सुग्रीवं प्रहसन्निव4.8.20।।,"Thus spoken to, the glorious Rama, lover of righteousness who knew his duty, replied to Sugriva with a smile on his face:" उपकारफलं मित्रमपकारोऽरिलक्षणम्।अद्यैव तं हनिष्यामि तव भार्यापहारिणम्4.8.21।।,"'While a friend is known for his help, an enemy is known for his offensiveness. I will this very day kill the one who wrested your wife." इमे हि मे महावेगा पत्रिणस्तिग्मतेजसः।कार्तिकेयवनोद्भूताश्शरा हेमविभूषिताः4.8.22।।कङ्कपत्रपरिच्छन्ना महेन्द्राशनिसन्निभाः।सुपर्वाणस्सुतीक्ष्णाग्रास्सरोषा भुजगा इव4.8.23।।,"'Here are my highspeed, winged arrows glowing like fierce fire, born out of Kartikeya's bed of reeds.They are smooth and welljointed, decked with gold, comparable in strength to great Indra's thunderbolt, very sharp with pointed tips looking like angry serpents." भ्रातृसंज्ञममित्रं ते वालिनं कृतकिल्बिषम्।शरैर्विनिहतं पश्य विकीर्णमिव पर्वतम्4.8.24।।,"'Vali who calls himself your brother is your enemy and a doer of wrong deeds. You will see him crushed, like a mountain shattered, by my arrows.' " राघवस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवो वाहिनीपतिः।प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे साधु साध्विति चाब्रवीत्4.8.25।।,"On hearing Rama's words, Sugriva, chief of the army of monkeys experienced immeasurable happiness and exclaimed, 'you're great, you're great.'" राम शोकाभिभूतोऽहं शोकार्तानां भवान्गतिः।वयस्य इति कृत्वा हि त्वय्यहं परिदेवये4.8.26।।, 'Rama I am overwhelmed with sorrow. You are the refuge of the distressed. As you are a friend I ventilate all my grief to you. त्वं हि पाणिप्रदानेन वयस्यो मेऽग्निसाक्षिकम्।कृतः प्राणैर्बहुमतस्सत्येनापि शपामि ते4.8.27।।,"'I value your hand of friendship extended to me, with fire as witness more than my very life. I, on my own, offer my pledge of friendship." वयस्य इति कृत्वा च विस्रब्धः प्रवदाम्यहम्।दुःखमन्तर्गतं यन्मे मनो हरति नित्यशः4.8.28।।, एतावदुक्त्वा वचनं बाष्पदूषितलोचनः।बाष्पोपहतया वाचा नोच्चैश्शक्नोति भाषितुम्4.8.29।।,"His vision blurred, words choked with tears he was unable to speak further. " बाष्पवेगं तु सहसा नदीवेगमिवागतम्।धारयामास धैर्येण सुग्रीवो रामसन्निधौ4.8.30।।,"Quickly Sugriva controlled his tears streaming fast like the rushing river, with patience, Rama seated in front. " सन्निगृह्य तु तं बाष्पं प्रमृज्य नयने शुभे।विनिश्श्वस्य च तेजस्वी राघवं वाक्यमब्रवीत्4.8.31।।,"Effulgent Sugriva controlled his tears, wiped his bright eyes, took deep breath and said to Rama: " पुराऽहं वालिना राम राज्यात्स्वादवरोपितः।परुषाणि च संश्राव्य निर्धूतोऽस्मि बलीयसा4.8.32।।,'O Rama I was subjected to the harsh words of powerful Vali in the past when he uprooted me from the kingdom and threw me out. हृता भार्या च मे तेन प्राणेभ्योऽपि गरीयसी।सुहृदश्च मदीया ये संयता बन्धनेषु ते4.8.33।।,'I was robbed of my wife who is dearer than my own life. All my friends were rounded up and imprisoned. यत्नवांश्च सुदुष्टात्मा मद्विनाशाय राघव।बहुशस्तत्प्रयुक्ताश्च वानरा निहता मया4.8.34।।,'O Rama this evilminded one made several attempts to kill me. The monkeys he sent to kill me were themselves killed. शङ्कया त्वेतया चेह दृष्ट्वा त्वामपि राघव।नोपसर्पाम्यहं भीतो भये सर्वे हि बिभ्यति4.8.35।।,'It is because of suspicion that I did not approach you. Every one is scared when there is ample reason to fear. केवलं हि सहाया मे हनुमत्प्रमुखास्त्विमे।अतोऽहं धारयाम्यद्य प्राणान् कृच्छ्रगतोऽपि सन्4.8.36।।,"'Only Hanuman and other chiefs are helping me. Therefore, I am surviving in spite of all difficulties." एते हि कपयस्स्निग्धा मां रक्षन्ति समन्ततः।सह गच्छन्ति गन्तव्ये नित्यं तिष्ठन्ति च स्थिते4.8.37।।, 'These monkeys out of love for me keep me protected from all sides. They go out with me when it is necessary and stay back whenever I stop (in order to guard me). सङ्क्षेपस्त्वेष मे राम किमुक्त्वा विस्तरं हि ते।स मे ज्येष्ठो रिपुर्भ्राता वाली विश्रुतपौरुषः4.8.38।।,"'O Rama I tell you (my story) briefly. It is not necessary to go into details. My elder brother Vali, who is known for his prowess, is my enemy." तद्विनाशाद्धि मे दुःखं प्रणष्टं स्यादनन्तरम्।सुखं मे जीवितं चैव तद्विनाशनिबन्धनम्4.8.39।।,'My sorrow will go only with his death. My happiness and my life are also subject to his destruction. एष मे राम शोकान्तश्शोकार्तेन निवेदितः।दुःखितस्सुखितो वापि सख्युर्नित्यं सखा गतिः4.8.40।।,'This what I had to tell you out of sorrow. This is how my sorrow will end. In joy and in sorrow your friend is your refuge. श्रुत्वैतद्वचनं रामस्सुग्रीवमिदमब्रवीत्।किं निमित्तमभूद्वैरं श्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्त्वतः4.8.41।।,"After hearing Sugriva, Rama said 'I wish to know the actual cause of this enmity." सुखं हि कारणं श्रुत्वा वैरस्य तव वानर।अनन्तरं विधास्यामि सम्प्रधार्य बलाबलम्4.8.42।।,"'On hearing the cause of your enmity and considering your strength and weakness, I will take steps to make you happy." बलवान् हि ममामर्षश्श्रुत्वा त्वामवमानितम्।वर्तते हृदयोत्कम्पी प्रावृड्वेग इवाम्भसः4.8.43।।,'On hearing about your humiliation I feel highly agitated at heart. I feel very much angry and restless like the water in rainy season. हृष्टः कथय विस्रब्धो यावदारोप्यते धनुः।सृष्टश्च हि मया बाणो निरस्तश्च रिपुस्तव4.8.44।।,'Tell me freely and cheerfully before I string the bow. Your enemy will be destroyed as soon as I release my arrow.' एवमुक्तस्तु सुग्रीवः काकुत्स्थेन महात्मना।प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे चतुर्भिस्सह वानरैः4.8.45।।,"When the great Rama said this, Sugriva with all the four monkeys felt immeasurably glad." ततः प्रहृष्टवदनस्सुग्रीवो लक्ष्मणाग्रजे।वैरस्य कारणं तत्त्वमाख्यातुमुपचक्रमे4.8.46।।,"With a smile on his face, Sugriva started narrating to Lakshmana's elder brother the facts about the cause of his enmity (with Vali).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे अष्टमस्सर्गःThus ends the eighth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Episode of Vali's fight with Mayavi -- installation of Sugriva as king of Kishkinda -- return of Vali to Kishkinda.]वाली नाम मम भ्राता ज्येष्ठश्शत्रुनिषूदनः।पितुर्बहुमतो नित्यं ममापि च तथा पुरा4.9.1।।,"'My elder brother called Vali, capable of exterminating enemies was always highly regarded by my father and me." पितर्युपरतेऽस्माकं ज्येष्ठोऽयमिति मन्त्रिभिः।कपीनामीश्वरो राज्ये कृतः परमसम्मतः4.9.2।।, राज्यं प्रशासतस्तस्य पितृपैतामहं महत्।अहं सर्वेषु कालेषु प्रणतः प्रेष्यवत् स्थितः4.9.3।।,'I served him obediently like a servant while he ruled over the great ancestral kingdom inherited by him. मायावी नाम तेजस्वी पूर्वजो दुन्दुभेः सुतः।तेन तस्य महद्वैरं स्त्रीकृतं विश्श्रुतं पुरा4.9.4।।,'Dundubhi's eldest son Mayabi was a mighty demon. He developed bitter enmity with Vali for the sake of a woman. स तु सुप्तजने रात्रौ किष्किन्धाद्वारमागतः।नर्दति स्म सुसंरब्धो वालिनं चाह्वयद्रणे4.9.5।।,"'One midnight when all were asleep, he (Mayabi) came to the entrance of Kishkinda screaming angrily and bellowing at Vali, challenging him to a duel. " प्रसुप्तस्तु मम भ्राता नर्दितं भैरवस्वनम्।श्रुत्वा न ममृषे वाली निष्पपात जवात्तदा4.9.6।।,"' My brother Vali, who was asleep could not tolerate the frightful sound and jumped out of bed hastily." स तु वै निस्सृतः क्रोधात्तं हन्तुमसुरोत्तमम्।वार्यमाणस्तत स्त्रीभिर्मया च प्रणतात्मना4.9.7।।,"'Enraged, he came out to kill the powerful demon even though I with the womenfolk (of the harem) tried to prevent him." स तु निर्धूय ताः सर्वा निर्जगाम महाबलः।ततोऽहमपि सौहार्दान्निस्सृतो वालिना सह4.9.8।।,"'That mighty warrior(Vali) came out, pushing aside all the womenfolk. I too followed him due to my affection towards him." स तु मे भ्रातरं दृष्ट्वा मां च दूरादवस्थितम्।असुरो जातसन्त्रासः प्रदुद्राव ततो भृशम्4.9.9।।,"'On seeing my brother and me from a distance, the demon took to his heels scared." तस्मिन् द्रवति सन्त्रस्ते ह्यावां द्रुततरं गतौ।प्रकाशश्च कृतो मार्गश्चन्द्रेणोद्गच्छता तदा4.9.10।।,"'Frightened, he ran. We too chased him running faster. As the Moon was rising the path was welllit." स तृणैरावृतं दुर्गं धरण्या विवरं महत्।प्रविवेशासुरो वेगादावामासाद्य विष्ठितौ4.9.11।।," 'The demon entered into a hole (cave) covered with a heap of grass, difficult, therefore, of access. Both of us reached there and took position." तं प्रविष्टं रिपुं दृष्ट्वा बिलं रोषवशं गतः।मामुवाच तदा वाली वचनं क्षुभितेन्द्रियः4.9.12।।,"'Seeing the enemy entering the cave, Vali became wrathful and his senses were terribly disturbed.He said to me:" इह त्वं तिष्ठ सुग्रीव बिलद्वारि समाहितः।यावत्तत्र प्रविश्याहं निहन्मि सहसा रिपुम्4.9.13।।,'O Sugriva wait here at the entrance of the cave and be on your alert until I enter this hole and kill the enemy'. मया त्वेतद्वचश्श्रुत्वा याचितस्स परन्तपः।शापयित्वा तु मां पद्भ्यां प्रविवेश बिलं महत्4.9.14।।,"'On hearing him, I begged the scorcher of enemies (Vali) that I would follow him, but he made me swear on his feet and entered the cave. " तस्य प्रविष्टस्य बिलं साग्रस्संवत्सरो गतः।स्थितस्य मम बिलद्वारि स कालो व्यत्यवर्तत4.9.15।।, अहं तु नष्टं ज्ञात्वा तं स्नेहादागतसम्भ्रमः।भ्रातरं न च पश्यामि पापाशङ्कि च मे मनः4.9.16।।,"'Thinking him dead, I became agitated because of my love for him. My mind began to apprehend his death since I had not seen my brother for long." अथ दीर्घस्य कालस्य बिलात्तस्माद्विनिस्सृतम्।सफेनं रुधिरं रक्तमहं दृष्ट्वा सुदुःखितः।।4.9.17।।, नर्दतामसुराणां च ध्वनिर्मे श्रोत्रमागतः।निरस्तस्य च सङ्ग्रामे क्रोशतोनिस्स्वनो गुरोः4.9.18।।,'I heard the roaring voices of the demons and not the yelling of my brother engaged in the duel. अहं त्ववगतो बुद्ध्या चिह्नैस्तैर्भ्रातरं हतम्।पिधाय च बिलद्वारं शिलया गिरिमात्रया4.9.19।।शोकार्तश्चोदकं कृत्वा किष्किन्धामागतस्सखे।गूहमानस्य मे तत्त्वं यत्नतो मन्त्रिभिश्श्रुतम्4.9.20।।,'O friend by those signs I understood that my brother was killed and concluding that way I blocked the entrance of the cave with a rock of the size of a mountain and offered oblations to my brother and came to Kishkinda. I intended to hide the fact of Vali's death. But the ministers came to know the truth with their efforts. ततोऽहं तैस्समागम्य सम्मतैरभिषेचितः।राज्यं प्रशासतस्तस्य न्यायतो मम राघव4.9.21।।आजगाम रिपुं हत्वा वाली तमसुरोत्तमम्।।,"'Then all the ministers assembled together and consecrated me. While I was ruling the kingdom lawfully, Vali, the monkey came back after killing the enemy demon." अभिषिक्तं तु मां दृष्ट्वा वाली संरक्तलोचनः।मदीयान्मन्त्रिणो बद्ध्वा परुषं वाक्यमब्रवीत्4.9.22।।,"'Seeing me on the throne, Vali became angry and his eyes turned red. He imprisoned my ministers and spoke to me harshly. " निग्रहेऽपि समर्थस्य तं पापं प्रति राघव।न प्रावर्तत मे बुद्धिर्भ्रातुर्गौरवयन्त्रिता4.9.23।।,"'O Rama even though I was capable of restraining the sinner, my intellect did not let me do so out of respect for my brother. " हत्वा शत्रुं स मे भ्राता प्रविवेश पुरं तदा4.9.24।।मानयंस्तं महात्मानं यथावच्चाभ्यवादयम्।उक्ताश्च नाशिषस्तेन सन्तुष्टेनान्तरात्मना4.9.25।।,"'When my brother came back to the town after killing the enemy, I offered as usual my salutations to him. But he did not bless me wholeheartedly." नत्वा पादावहं तस्य मकुटेनास्पृशं प्रभोअपि वाली मम क्रोधान्न प्रसादं चकार सः4.9.26।।,"'O lord I bowed at his feet with my crown in total submission. Even then Vali was not pleased a bit. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे नवमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the ninth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva narrates to Rama the reasons for his hostility with Vali and banishment from the kingdom.]ततः क्रोधसमाविष्टं सम्रब्धं तमुपागतम्।अहं प्रसादयाञ्चक्रे भ्रातरं प्रियकाम्यया4.10.1,'I sought to appease my brother who arrived in an agitated state overpowered with anger. दिष्ट्यासि कुशली प्राप्तो निहतश्च त्वया रिपुः।अनाथस्य हि मे नाथस्त्वमेकोऽनाथनन्दनः4.10.2।।,'By providence you have come back safe and the enemy has been killed. You are the only protector to an orphan which I am. इदं बहुशलाकं ते पूर्णचन्द्रमिवोदितम्।छत्रं सवालव्यजनं प्रतीच्छस्व मया धृतम्4.10.3।।,'Here is the manyribbed parasol shining like the full Moon above the horizon and the yak's tailfan held by me.Pray accept it. आर्तश्चाथ बिलद्वारि स्थितस्संवत्सरं नृप।दृष्ट्वाऽहं शोणितं द्वारि बिलाच्चापि समुत्थितम्4.10.4।।शोकसंविग्नहृदयो भृशं व्याकुलितेन्द्रियः।अपिधाय बिलद्वारं शैलशृङ्गेण तत्तथा4.10.5।।तस्माद्देशादपाक्रम्य किष्किन्धां प्राविशं पुनः।,"'O king I waited at the entrance of the cave for a year. As you did not come out, I felt distressed and my heart sank in great sorrow seeing blood flowing out of the cave. With my senses fused I returned to Kishkinda, closing the entrance with a rock(lest the demon should come out). " विषादात्विह मां दृष्ट्वा पौरैर्मन्त्रिभिरेव च4.10.6।।अभिषिक्तो न कामेन तन्मेत्वं क्षन्तुमर्हसि।,"'Here I was consecrated by the people and ministers who saw me immersed in grief. It was not my desire to be coronated. Therefore, I may be forgiven." त्वमेव राजा मानार्हस्सदा चाहं यथा पुरम्4.10.7।।राजभावनियोगोऽयं मम त्वद्विरहात्कृतः।सामात्यपौरनगरं स्थितं निहतकण्टकम्4.10.8।।,'You alone are the king and worthy of reverence.I will be the same old brother carrying out my work as earlier. I held the responsibility of the state in your absence forced by the citizens and ministers. The kingdom has been kept stable with the enemies destroyed. न्यासभूतमिदं राज्यं तव निर्यातयाम्यहम्।मा च रोषं कृथास्सौम्य मयि शत्रुनिबर्हण4.10.9।।,"'I am handing over this kingdom which was in trust. O slayer of enemies, O good natured one, give up your anger against me." याचे त्वां शिरसा राजन्मया बद्धोऽयमञ्जलिः।बलादस्मिन् समागम्य मन्त्रिभिः पुरवासिभिः4.10.10।।राजभावे नियुक्तोऽहं शून्यदेशजिगीषया।,"'O king I bow my head and beg you with folded hands. The ministers and citizens assembled and forced me to take charge, as the kingdom without a ruler was vulnerable to attack.' " स्निग्धमेवं ब्रुवाणं मां स तु निर्भर्त्स्य वानरः4.10.11।।धिक्त्वामिति च मा मुक्त्वा बहु तत्तदुवाच ह।,"'Even tnough I spoke to him with affection, Vali abused me in many words, saying, 'Fie on you'." प्रकृतीश्च समानीय मुन्त्रिणश्चैव सम्मतान्4.10.12।।मामाह सुहृदां मध्ये वाक्यं परमगर्हितम्।,'Having invited ordinary people and favourite ministers he condemned me in the presence of friends. विदितं वो यथा रात्रौ मायावी स महासुरः4.10.13।।मां समाह्वयत क्रूरो युद्धाकाङ्क्षी सुदुर्मतिः।,"'You know very well how that wicked demon, Mayabi, that night challenged me angrily to a duel." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा निस्सृतोऽहं नृपालयात्4.10.14।।अनुयातश्च मां तूर्णमयं भ्राता सुदारुणः।,"'On hearing his words I came out of the royal abode quickly, followed by this wicked brother." स तु दृष्ट्वैव मां रात्रौ सद्वितीयं महाबलः4.10.15।।प्राद्रवद्भयसन्त्रस्तो वीक्ष्यावां समुपागतौ।अनुद्रुतश्च वेगेन प्रविवेश महाबिलम्4.10.16।।,"'The powerful demon that night saw me followed by another advancing towards him and fled out of fear. When we chased him, he entered this huge cave in great speed. " तं प्रविष्टं विदित्वा सुघोरं सुमहद्बिलम्।अयमुक्तोऽथ मे भ्राता मया तु क्रूरदर्शनः4.10.17।।,"'When I saw the dreadful demon entering the great cave, I instructed this cruel brother of mine:" अहत्वा नास्ति मे शक्तिः प्रतिगन्तुमितः पुरीम्।बिलद्वारि प्रतीक्ष त्वं यावदेनं निहन्म्यहम्4.10.18।।,'I cannot return from here without killing him. Wait at the entrance of the cave until I kill him. Look forward to my return. स्थितोऽयमिति मत्वा तु प्रविष्टोऽहं दुरासदम्।तं च मे मार्गमाणस्य गतस्संवत्सरस्तदा4.10.19।।," 'Presuming that Sugriva was waiting there, I entered the formidable cave. While I was searching for the demon there, one year passed." स तु दृष्टो मया शत्रुरनिर्वेदाद्भयावहः।निहतश्च मया तत्र सोऽसुरो बन्धुभिस्सह।।4.10.20।।,'I could find that fearful enemy there and killed him along with his relatives without any difficulty. तस्यास्यात्तु प्रवृत्तेन रुधिरौघेण तद्बिलम्।पूर्णमासीद्दुराक्रामं स्तनतस्तस्य भूतले4.10.21।।, सूदयित्वा तु तं शत्रुं विक्रान्तं दुन्दुभेस्सुतम्।निष्क्रामन्नेव पश्यामि बिलस्य पिहितं मुखम्4.10.22।।, विक्रोशमानस्य तु मे सुग्रीवेति पुनः पुनः।यदा प्रतिवचो नास्ति ततोऽहं भृशदुःखितः4.10.23।।,'When there was no response from Sugriva to my repeated call in distress I was very sad. पादप्रहारैस्तु मया बहुभिस्तद्विदारितम्।ततोऽहं तेन निष्क्रम्य यथा पुरमुपागतः4.10.24।।,'I kicked the boulder again and again till it yielded. I came out that way and arrived at the city. अत्रानेनास्मि संरुद्धो राज्यं प्रार्थयताऽत्मनः। सुग्रीवेण नृशंसेन विस्मृत्य भ्रातृसौहृदम्।।4.10.25।।,"'I was obstructed by wicked Sugriva who forgot his brotherly love and was desiring the kingdom, which belongs to me.' " एवमुक्त्वा तु मां तत्र वस्त्रेणैकेन वानरः।निर्वासयामास तदा वाली विगतसाध्वसः4.10.26।।,"'When Vali, the monkey, spoke that way I remained unperturbed. He banished me with the only cloth I was wearing." तेनाहमपविद्धश्च हृतदारश्च राघव।तद्भयाच्छ महीकृत्स्ना क्रान्तेयं सवनार्णवा4.10.27।।,"'O Rama my wife has been usurped. There is the fear of his attack. So I am roaming this entire earth, covered with forests and oceans. " ऋष्यमूकं गिरिवरं भार्याहरणदुःखितः।प्रविष्टोऽस्मि दुराधर्षं वालिनः कारणान्तरे4.10.28।।,"'Tormented by the abduction of my wife by Vali, I came to the great Rishyamuka mountain inaccessible to Vali for some other reason. " एतत्ते सर्वमाख्यातं वैरानुकथनं महत्।अनागसा मया प्राप्तं व्यसनं पश्य राघव4.10.29।।,"'O Rama I have given you this long, full account of the cause of our enmity. For no fault of mine I am suffering." वालिनस्तु भयार्तस्य सर्वलोकभयङ्कर।कर्तुमर्हसि मे वीर प्रसादं तस्य निग्रहात्4.10.30।।,'O great warrior you are one who can frighten the entire world Due to the fear of Vali I seek your grace.You may resist Vali and provide me security.' एवमुक्तस्स तेजस्वी धर्मज्ञो धर्मसंहितम्।वचनं वक्तुमारेभे सुग्रीवं प्रहसन्निव4.10.31।।,"Having thus addressed by Sugriva the righteous and glorious Rama with a gentle smile consistent with righteousness, started speaking:" अमोघास्सूर्यसङ्काशा ममैते निशिता श्शराः।तस्मिन्वालिनि दुर्वृत्ते निपतिष्यन्ति वेगिताः4.10.32।।,"'These my sharp, unfailing arrows, bright as the Sun, released by me out of anger will descend on the evildoer, Vali." यावत्तं नाभिपश्यामि तव भार्यापहारिणम्।तावत्स जीवेत्पापात्मा वाली चारित्रदूषकः4.10.33।।,'That sinful Vali who has abducted your wife and violated the moral code will live only as long I do not see him. आत्मानुमानात्पश्यामि मग्नं त्वां शोकसागरे।त्वामहं तारयिष्यामि कामं प्राप्स्यसि पुष्कलम्4.10.34।।,"'Inferring from my own experience, I see that you are immersed in an ocean of sorrow.I will help you cross over and fulfil your desire.'" तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा हर्षपौरुषवर्धनम्।सुग्रीवः परमप्रीतस्सुमहद्वाक्यमब्रवीत्4.10.35।।,"On hearing his words that boosted his joy and vigour, Sugriva was immensely pleased and said these warm words.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे दशमस्सर्गःThus ends the tenth sarga of Kishkindhakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva expatiates about the prowess of Vali -- narrates Dundubhi's challenge -- sage Matanga's curse on Vali -- Rama demonstrates his strength.]रामस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा हर्षपौरुषवर्धनम्।सुग्रीवः पूजयाञ्चक्रे राघवं प्रशशंस च4.11.1।।,The words of Rama boosted Sugriva's joy and manliness. He offered him prayers and praise: असंशयं प्रज्वलितैस्तीक्ष्णैर्मर्मातिगैश्शरैः।त्वं दहेः कुपितो लोकान्युगान्त इव भास्करः4.11.2।।,"'There is no doubt that your sharp, blazing arrows will pierce through the vital parts of the body once you are angry, just as the Sungod burns all worlds at the end of the Yuga." वालिनः पौरुषं यत्तद्यच्च वीर्यं धृतिश्च या।तन्ममैकमनाश्श्रुत्वा विधत्स्व यदनन्तरम्4.11.3।।, समुद्रात्पश्चिमात्पूर्वं दक्षिणादपि चोत्तरम्।क्रामत्यनुदिते सूर्ये वाली व्यपगतक्लमः4.11.4।।,'In the early hours before Sunrise Vali crosses over the oceans from the west to the east and moving from south to north (performing sandhya) without getting fatigued. अग्राण्यारुह्य शैलानां शिखराणि महान्त्यपि।ऊर्ध्वमुत्क्षिप्य तरसा प्रतिगृह्णाति वीर्यवान्4.11.5।।,"'Climbing up speedily, valiant Vali would catch the huge mountain peaks. " बहवस्सारवन्तश्च वनेषु विविधा द्रुमाः।वालिना तरसा भग्ना बलं प्रथयताऽत्मनः4.11.6।।,"'Vali would break several sturdy trees in the forest with his vigour and speed, exhibiting his strength." महिषो दुन्दुभिर्नाम कैलासशिखरप्रभः।बलं नागसहस्रस्य धारयामास वीर्यवान्4.11.7।।,"'Massive like the shining peak of mount Kailas and valiant like the mightybuffalo in form, Dundubhi possessed the strength of a thousand elephants." वीर्योत्सेकेन दुष्टात्मा वरदानाच्च मोहितः।जगाम सुमहाकाय स्समुद्रं सरितां पतिम्।।4.11.8।।,"'Wicked Dundubhi of huge body was proud of his valour and deluded by virtue of the boons, went to the ocean, the lord of rivers." ऊर्मिमन्तमभिक्रम्य सागरं रत्नसञ्चयम्।मह्यं युद्धं प्रयच्छेति तमुवाच महार्णवम्4.11.9।।,"'Reaching the mighty ocean, he implored the sea with (high) waves and hoards of gems for a fight." ततस्समुद्रो धर्मात्मा समुत्थाय महाबलः।अब्रवीद्वचनं राजन्नसुरं कालचोदितम्4.11.10।।,"'O king, then the powerful and righteous king of the ocean came out and spoke to the demon (Dundubhi) who was driven to death by fate.' " समर्थो नास्मि ते दातुं युद्धं युद्धविशारद।श्रूयतां चाभिधास्यामि यस्ते युद्धं प्रदास्यति4.11.11।।,'You are proficient in warfare. I am not competent enough to challenge you to a duel. But I will name the one who can. शैलराजो महारण्ये तपस्विशरणं परम्।शङ्करश्वशुरो नाम्ना हिमवानिति विश्रुतः4.11.12।।गुहाप्रस्रवणोपेतो बहुकन्दरनिर्दरः।स समर्थस्तव प्रीतिमतुलां कर्तुमाहवे4.11.13।।,"'Himavan, the supreme abode of ascetics is the fatherinlaw of Lord Siva. He is wellknown as king of mountains, who has, waterfalls, caves, caverns and great forests.He is competent to match your incomparable love for war." तं भीत इति विज्ञाय समुद्रमसुरोत्तमः।हिमवद्वनमागच्छच्छरश्चापादिव च्युतः4.11.14।।ततस्तस्य गिरेश्श्वेता गजेन्द्रविप्रलाश्शिलाः।चिक्षेप बहुधा भूमौ दुन्दुभिर्विननाद च4.11.15।।,"'Dundubhi, the most powerful of demons, aware that the ocean is frightened of him went swiftly to Himavan like an arrow released from a bow. He raised many huge white cliffs of the size of great elephants to the ground and roared." ततश्श्वेताम्बुदाकारः सौम्यः प्रीतिकराकृतिः।हिमवानब्रवीद्वाक्यं स्वे एव शिखरे स्थितः4.11.16।।,'Then the gentle Himavan of pleasing appearance stood in the form of a white cloud on the peak and spoke: क्लेष्टुमर्हसि मां न त्वं दुन्दुभे धर्मवत्सल।रणकर्मस्वकुशलस्तपस्विशरणं ह्यहम्4.11.17।।,"'Dundubhi, it is not proper for you to trouble me, for I am devoted to righteousness. I am the resort of ascetics and not adept in warfare'. " "तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा गिरिराजस्य धीमतः। उवाच दुन्दुभिर्वाक्यं क्रोधात्संरक्तलोचनः4.11.18।।  ","""At these words of Himavan, the wise king of mountains, Dundubhi whose eyes turned red in anger replied:" यदि युद्धेऽसमर्थस्त्वं मद्भयाद्वा निरुद्यमः।समाचक्ष्व प्रदद्यान्मे योऽद्य युद्धं युयुत्सतः4.11.19।।,"'If you are unable or unwilling to fight me out of fear, tell me who wants to challenge me to a duel." हिमवानब्रवीद्वाक्यं श्रुत्वा वाक्यविशारदः।अनुक्तपूर्वं धर्मात्मा क्रोधात्तमसुरोत्तमम्4.11.20।।,"'On hearing such words, which no one had spoken earlier, righteous Himavan, skilful in conversation, flew into a rage and said to Dundubhi,the best of demons:" वाली नाम महाप्राज्ञश्शक्रतुल्य पराक्रमः।अध्यास्ते वानरश्श्रीमान् किष्किन्धामतुलप्रभाम्4.11.21।।,"'Vali, son of Indra, is a wise, powerful and prosperous monkey. He resides at Kishkinda, a city of incomparable glory." स समर्थो महाप्राज्ञस्तव युद्धविशारदः।द्वन्द्वयुद्धं महद्दातुं नमुचेरिव वासवः4.11.22।।,"'Vali is profoundly wise, an expert in warfare. He is capable of challenging you to a duel like Indra to Namuchi." तं शीघ्रमभिगच्छ त्वं यदि युद्धमिहेच्छसि।स हि दुर्धर्षणो नित्यं शूरस्समरकर्मणि4.11.23।।,"'If you wish to fight, go to him quickly.He is ever heroic and difficult to combat." श्रुत्वा हिमवतो वाक्यं कोधाविष्टस्स दुन्दुभिः।जगाम तां पुरीं तस्य किष्किन्धां वालिनस्तदा4.11.24।।,"'Having heard Himavan, Dundubhi, seized with anger, went to Kishkindha, the city of Vali." धारयन्माहिषं रूपं तीक्ष्णशृङ्गो भयावहः।प्रावृषीव महामेघस्तोयपूर्णो नभस्स्थले4.11.25।।ततस्तु द्वारमागम्य किष्किन्धाया महाबलः।ननर्द कम्पयन्भूमिं दुन्दुभिर्दुन्दुभिर्यथा4.11.26।।,"'Mighty Dundubhi assuming the form of a frightening buffalo with pointed horns looking like a huge, dark raincloud in the sky in monsoon marched to the entrance of Kishkinda and roared like a wardrum as if shaking the earth." समीपस्थान्द्रुमान्भञ्जन्वसुधां दारयन्खुरैः।विषाणेनोल्लिखन् दर्पात्तद्द्वारं द्विरदो यथा4.11.27।।,"'Dundubhi felled the trees nearby, rent the earth with its hoofs, scratched the entrance gate of the city as an elephant would do with its horns in arrogance." अन्तःपुरगतो वाली श्रुत्वा शब्दममर्षणः।निष्पपात सह स्त्रीभिस्ताराभिरिव चन्द्रमाः4.11.28।।,"'Unable to tolerate the sound, Vali jumped out of the harem along with the women like the Moon with stars." मितं व्यक्ताक्षरपदं तमुवाचाथ दुन्दुभिम्।हरीणामीश्वरो वाली सर्वेषां वनचारिणाम्4.11.29।।,"'Vali, king of the monkeys who roam the forest, saw Dundubhi and addressed, but briefly:" किमर्थं नगरद्वारमिदं रुध्द्वा विनर्दसि।दुन्दुभे विदितो मेऽसि रक्षप्राणान्महाबल4.11.30।।,"'O Dundubhi why are you roaring, blocking the entrance of the city? I know you are powerful. Go and save your life.'" तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा वानरेन्द्रस्य धीमतः।उवाच दुन्दुभिर्वाक्यं रोषात्संरक्तलोचनः4.11.31।।,"'Dundubhi whose eyes turned red in anger when he heard the words of Vali ,the wise king of the monkeys, said:" न त्वं स्त्रीसन्निधौ वीर वचनं वक्तुमर्हसि।मम युद्धं प्रयच्छाद्य ततो ज्ञास्यामि ते बलम्4.11.32।।,'O hero speaking such words in the presence of women is not proper. Come to me for a combat and I will let you know your strength. अथवा धारयिष्यामि क्रोधमद्य निशामिमाम्।गृह्यतामुदयस्स्वैरं कामभोगेषु वानर4.11.33।।,'O monkey I will restrain my anger tonight and give you time for your indulgence in sensual pleasures till morning. दीयतां सम्प्रदानं च परिष्वज्य च वानरान्।सर्वशाखामृगेन्द्र स्त्वं संसादय सुहृज्जनान्4.11.34।।,"'O king of monkeys, hug them and give them any gift you want. Spend the night with your dear ones." सुदृष्टां कुरु किष्किन्धां कुरुष्वात्मसमं पुरे।क्रीडस्व च सह स्त्रीभिरहं ते दर्पनाशनः4.11.35।।,"'Have a good look a Kishkinda. Assign some one like you kingship. Sport freely with women and come, I shall destroy your arrogance. " यो हि मत्तं प्रमत्तं वा सुप्तं वा रहितं भृशम्।हन्यात्स भ्रूणहा लोके त्वद्विधं मदमोहितम्4.11.36।।,"'Whoever kills a person, who is drunk or is heedless or is asleep or without weapons or stupified by lust in this world, is equal to a killer of a foetus in the womb.'" स प्रहस्याब्रवीन्मन्दं क्रोधात्तमसुरोत्तमम्।विसृज्य ताः स्त्रियस्सर्वास्ताराप्रभृतिकास्तदा4.11.37।।,"'Then, Vali sent away Tara and all other women slowly and replied angrily to the foolish demon with a mischievous smile:" मत्तोऽयमिति मा मंस्था यद्यभीतोऽसि संयुगे।मदोऽयं सम्प्रहारेऽस्मिन्वीरपानं समर्थ्यताम्4.11.38।।,"'Do not consider me drunken. This drink will serve as a warrior's drink in the combat. Be ready, if you are not afraid of a combat.'" तमेवमुक्त्वा सङ्कृद्धो मालामुत्क्षिप्य काञ्चनीम्।पित्रा दत्तां महेन्द्रेण युद्धाय व्यवतिष्ठत4.11.39।।,"'Having addressed thus in a rage, Vali removed the golden garland gifted by Indra, his father, and stood ready for the combat." विषाणयोर्गृहीत्वा तं दुन्दुभिं गिरिसन्निभम्।आविध्यत तदा वाली विनदन्कपिकुञ्जरः4.11.40।।,"'Vali, the elephantlike monkey then held the mountainlike Dundubhi by the horns and struck him down, roaring loudly." वाली व्यापातयाञ्चक्रे ननर्द च महास्वनम्।श्रोत्राभ्यामथ रक्तं तु तस्य सुस्राव पात्यतः4.11.41।।,'Vali whirled him round and round and threw him downroaring. Blood flowed from Dundubhi's ears. तयोस्तु क्रोधसंरम्भात्परस्परजयैषिणोः।युद्धं समभवद्घोरं दुन्दुभेर्वानरस्यच4.11.42।।,'Each one of them was highly agitated and angry trying to win over the other. A terrific fight took place between Dundubhi and Vali. अयुद्ध्यत तदा वाली शक्रतुल्यपराक्रमः।मुष्टिभिर्जानुभिश्चैव शिलाभिः पादपैस्तथा4.11.43।।,"'Then Vali who was equal to Indra in prowess fought, hitting him with fists, knees, rocks and trees." परस्परं घ्नतो स्तत्र वानरासुरयोस्तदा।आसीदसुरो युद्धे शक्रसूनुर्व्यवर्धत4.11.44।।,"'Then as the monkey and demon fought pouncing on each other, the prowess of Dundubhi got diminished and that of Vali, the son of Indra, increased." व्यापारवीर्यधैर्यैश्च परिक्षीणं पराक्रमैः।तं तु दुन्दुभिमुद्यम्य धरण्यामभ्यपातयत्।।4.11.45।।युद्धे प्राणहरे तस्मिन्निष्पिष्टो दुन्दुभिस्तदा।पपात च महाकायः क्षितौ पञ्चत्वमागतः4.11.46।।,"In the fight, Dundubhi fell down, with his strength, courage and prowess dwindled. Vali lifted his huge body and dashed it down on the ground. The body of Dundubhi dissolved into the five elements. " तं तोलयित्वा बाहुभ्यां गतसत्त्वमचेतनम्।चिक्षेप बलवान्वाली वेगेनैकेन योजनम्4.11.47।।,'Mighty Vali lifted on both shoulders the insensate body drained of life and hurled it speedily to a distance of a yojana. तस्य वेगप्रविद्धस्य वक्त्रात्क्षतजबिन्दवः।प्रपेतुर्मारुतोत्क्षिप्ता मतङ्गप्याश्रमं प्रति4.11.48।।,"'Scattered by the wind, drops of blood fell at the hermitage of Matanga from the mouth of the deadbody flung. " तान्दृष्ट्वा पतितांस्तस्य मुनिश्शोणितविप्रुषः।क्रुद्धस्तत्र महाभागश्चिन्तयामास कोन्वयम्4.11.49।।,'The venerable sage became furious to see drops of blood fallen there. He started thinking who could he be? "येनाहं सहसा स्पृष्टश्शोणितेन दुरात्मना। कोऽयं दुरात्मा दुर्भुदि्घरकृतात्मा च बालिशः4.11.50।।   "," 'Who is that petty, wicked, evil minded one who caused the drops of blood to touch (fall on) me suddenly?" इत्युक्त्वाऽथ विनिष्क्रम्य ददर्श मुनिसत्तमः।महिषं पर्वताकारं गतासुं पतितं भुवि4.11.51।।,'The venerable sage came out of the hermitage and saw a mountaneous buffalo fallen dead on the floor. स तु विज्ञाय तपसा वानरेण कृतं हि तत्।उत्ससर्ज महाशापं क्षेप्तारं वालिनं प्रति4.11.52।।,"'Having known through his ascetic vision that it was the act of a monkey, he pronounced a curse on Vali who had hurled (the body):" इह तेनाप्रवेष्टव्यं प्रविष्टस्य वधो भवेत्।वनं मत्संश्रयं येन दूषितं रुधिरस्रवैः4.11.53।।,"'Whoever has desecrated this forest, protected by me, with drops of blood is forbidden to enter this place. Once he does it, he will die." सम्भग्नाः पादपाश्चैमेक्षिपतेहासुरीं तनुम्।समन्तादाद्योजनं पूर्णमाश्रमं मामकं यदि4.11.54।।आगमिष्यति दुर्बुद्धिर्व्यक्तं स न भविष्यति।,'Whoever has broken the trees all over this forest and has thrown the demon's body will not survive if he enters within a radius of one yojana of my hermitage. ये चापि सचिवाः स्तस्य संश्रिता मामकं वनम्4.11.55।।न च तैरिह वस्तव्यं श्रुत्वा यान्तु यथासुखम्।,'Indeed his counsellors who are here must leave this forest. Let them depart safely. यदि तेऽपी ह तिष्ठन्ति शपिष्ये तानपि ध्रुवम्4.11.56।।वनेऽस्मिन्मामके नित्यं पुत्रवत्परिरक्षिते।पत्राङ्कुरविनाशाय फलमूलाभवाय च4.11.57।।,'If the monkeys stay back to destroy the leaves and shoots and plunder the fruits and roots of this forest which I have protected just like my son will also certainly invite my curse. दिवसश्चास्य मर्यादा यं द्रष्टा श्वोऽस्मि वानरम्।बहुवर्षसहस्राणि स वै शैलो भविष्यति4.11.58।।,"'I give one day's time for the monkeys (to leave). Whomsoever, I see tomorrow will get transformed into a mountain for many thousands of years'" ततस्ते वानराश्श्रुत्वा गिरं मुनिसमीरिताम्।निश्चक्रमुर्वनात्तस्मात्तान्दृष्ट्वा वालिरब्रवीत्4.11.59।।,'The monkeys fled on hearing the words spoken by the sage. Said Vali: किं भवन्तस्समस्ताश्च मतङ्गवनवासिनः।मत्समीपमनुप्राप्ता अपि स्वस्ति वनौकसाम्4.11.60।।,"'Why have you, residents of the groves of Matanga, come to me? Hope all are safe'" ततस्ते कारणं सर्वं तदा शापं च वालिनः।शशंसुर्वानरास्सर्वे वालिने हेममालिने4.11.61।।,"'Then all the monkeys collected together and narrated everything about the curse given to Vali , adorned with a golden chain(on his neck)." एतच्छ्रुत्वा तदा वाली वचनं वानरेरितम्।स महर्षिंतदाऽसाद्य याचते स्म कृताञ्जलिः4.11.62।।,"'On hearing the monkeys, Vali went to the sage and begged forgiveness with folded hands." महर्षिस्तमनादृत्य प्रविवेशाश्रमं तदा।शापधारणभीतस्तु वाली विह्वलतां गतः4.11.63।।,'The sage went into the hermitage without obliging Vali who became apprehensive of the curse of the sage. ततश्शापभयाद्भीत ऋश्यमूकं महागिरिम्।प्रवेष्टुं नेच्छति हरिर्द्रष्टुं वापि नरेश्वर4.11.64।।,"'O Lord Rama because of the fear of the curse, Vali will not enter the great Rishyamuka mountain nor will he like to see it." तस्याप्रवेशं ज्ञात्वाऽहमिदं राम महावनम्।विचरामि सहामात्यो विषादेन विवर्जितः4.11.65।।,"'O Rama aware of the prohibition of Vali from entering the place, I roam about this great forest accompanied by my ministers without any apprehension." एषोऽस्थिनिचयस्तस्य दुन्दुभेस्सम्प्रकाशते।वीर्योत्सेकान्निरस्तस्य गिरिकूटोपमो महान्4.11.66।।,"'Hurled with the pride of his(Vali's) prowess is this heap of bones of Dundubhi here, which shines like a huge mountain peak." इमे च विपुलास्सालास्सप्त शाखावलम्बिनः।यत्रैकं घटते वाली निष्पत्रयितुमोजसा4.11.67।।,'Look at these seven sturdy Sala trees with branches of one overlapping the other. Vali was able to remove all the leaves of one Sala tree with just one arrow. एतदस्यासमं वीर्यं मया राम प्रकीर्तितम्।कथं तं वालिनं हन्तुं समरे शक्ष्यसे नृप4.11.68।।,'O Rama Vali's strength and fame related by me is unequalled. O king how is it possible for you to kill him in a combat?' तथा ब्रुवाणं सुग्रीवं प्रहसन् लक्ष्मणोऽब्रवीत्।कस्मिन्कर्मणि निर्वृत्ते श्रद्दध्या वालिनो वधम्4.11.69।।,"Smiling, Lakshmana asked Sugriva, 'By what action will you trust?. By the fulfilment of which task (by Rama) will you have faith?'" तमुवाचाथ सुग्रीवस्सप्त सालानिमान्पुरा।एवमेकैकशो वाली विव्याथाथ स चासकृत्। 4.11.70।।,"Then Sugriva told Lakshmana that earlier Vali had split through these seven Sala trees one after the other, several times." रामोऽपिदारयेदेषां बाणेनैकेन च द्रुमम्।वालिनं निहतं मन्ये दृष्ट्वा रामस्य विक्रमम्4.11.71।।,"'If I see Rama splitting these trees with one arrow, I will believe he can kill Vali with his prowess." हतस्य महिषस्यास्थि पादेनैकेन लक्ष्मण।उद्यम्याथ प्रक्षिपेच्चेत्तरसा द्वे धनुश्शते4.11.72।।,'O Lakshmana and if Rama can also lift the dead buffalo's (Dundubhi's) skeleton and hurl it to a distance of two hundred bows with one of his feet. एवमुक्त्वा तु सुग्रीवो रामं रक्तान्तलोचनम्।ध्यात्वा मुहूर्तं काकुत्स्थं पुनरेव वचोऽब्रवीत्4.11.73।।,"Having said this and thinking for a moment, Sugriva again said to the heroic Rama whose eyes had turned red. " शूरश्च शूरघाती च प्रख्यातबलपौरुषः।बलवान्वानरो वाली संयुगेष्वपराजितः4.11.74।।,'Powerful Vali is valiant and has killed brave fighters. He is wellknown for his prowess and valour. He has not faced defeat in war. दृश्यन्ते चास्य कर्माणि दुष्कराणि सुरैरपि।यानि सञ्चिन्त्य भीतोऽहमृश्यमूकं समाश्रितः4.11.75।।,"'Even gods cannot do what he has done. Thinking of all this and being afraid of him, I have taken refuge at Rishyamuka." तमजय्यमधृष्यं च वानरेन्द्रममर्षणम्।विचिन्तयन्न मुञ्चामि ऋश्यमूकमहन्विमम्4.11.76।।,"'Thinking that this indignant, invincible lord of the monkeys, cannot be overpowered, I have not stepped out of Rishyamuka." उद्विग्नश्शङ्कितश्चापि विचरामि महावने।अनुरक्तैः सहामात्यैर्हनुमत्प्रमुखैर्वरैः4.11.77।।, उपलब्धं च मे श्लाघ्यं सन्मित्रं मित्रवत्सल।त्वामहं पुरुषव्याघ्र हिमवन्तमिवाश्रितः4.11.78।।,"'I have discovered in you a faithful friend. O tiger among men, O venerable one, you are to me like the Himalayas." किं तु तस्य बलज्ञोऽहं दुर्भ्रातुर्बलशालिनः।अप्रत्यक्षं तु मे वीर्यं समरे तव राघव4.11.79।।,'What to do? I know the strength of my mighty bad brother. But so far I have not seen your power in a battle. न खल्वहं त्वां तुलये नावमन्ये न भीषये।कर्मभिस्तस्य भीमैस्तु कातर्यं जनितं मम4.11.80।।,'The dreadful acts of Vali have made me feel timid. This is not to compare you with him or your strength with his or insult you and scare you. कामं राघव ते वाणी प्रमाणं धैर्यमाकृतिः।सूचयन्ति परं तेजो भस्मच्छन्नमिवानलम्4.11.81।।,'Rama your word and your courage indicate your supreme strength which is like fire covered with ashes.' तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।स्मितपूर्वमथो रामः प्रत्युवाच हरिं प्रभुः4.11.82।।,"Having heard the great Sugriva, Rama replied with a gentle smile:" यदि न प्रत्ययोऽस्मासु विक्रमे तव वानर।प्रत्ययं समरे श्लाघ्यमहमुत्पादयामि ते4.11.83।।,"'If you have no confidence in my strength in fight, O monkey, I will create it in you so much so that you will admire it.'" एवमुक्त्वा तु सुग्रीवं सान्त्वं लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः।राघवो दुन्दुभेः कायं पादाङ्गुष्ठेन लीलया4.11.84।।तोलयित्वा महाबाहुश्चिक्षेप दशयोजनम्।असुरस्य तनुं शुष्कं पादाङ्गुष्ठेन वीर्यवान्4.11.85।।," Rama,the mighty elder brother of Lakshmana, having said so to Sugriva in a pleasing manner, lifted the dried body of Dundubhi easily with his toe, shook it and flung it with ease to a distance of ten yojanas." क्षिप्तं दृष्ट्वा ततः कायं सुग्रीवः पुनरब्रवीत्।लक्ष्मणस्याग्रतो राममिदं वचनमर्थवत्4.11.86।।,"Having seen Rama flinging the body, Sugriva said to him again in the presence of Lakshmanameaningfully:" आर्द्रस्समांसः प्रत्यग्रः क्षिप्तः कायः पुरा सखे4.11.87।।लघुस्सम्प्रति निर्मांस स्तृणभूतश्च राघव।परिश्रान्तेन मत्तेन भ्रात्रा मे वालिना तदा4.11.88।।क्षिप्तमेवं प्रहर्षेण भवता रघुनन्दन।,"'O friend, when Vali my brother flung the body, he was tired and intoxicated and the body was fresh with flesh (meaning heavy), but now, O Delight of the Raghu race, it is fleshless and light like a bunch of (dry) grass (for) which you could throw it playfully." नात्र शक्यं बलं ज्ञातुं तव वा तस्य वाऽधिकम्।आर्द्रं शुष्कमिति ह्येतत्सुमहद्राघवान्तरम्4.11.89।।,'I was unable to gauge whether your strength is more than his (Vali's) since there is a great difference between a dry body and a wet one. स एव संशयस्तात तव तस्य च यद्बले4.11.90।।सालमेकं तु निर्भिद्या भवेद्व्यक्तिर्बलाबले।,"'O Dear, therefore, I have my doubt about your relative strength. If you can split a sala tree with a single arrow then can your strength or weakness be demonstrated." कृत्वेदं कार्मुकं सज्यं हस्तिहस्त मिवाततम्4.11.91।।आकर्णपूर्णमायम्य विसृजस्व महाशरम्।,"'Now string your bow, draw it like the trunk of an elephant up to your ear and release the great arrow." इमं हि सालं सहित स्त्वया शरोन संशयोऽत्रास्ति विदारयिष्यति।अलं विमर्शेन मम प्रियं ध्रुवंकुरुष्व राजात्मज शापितो मया4.11.92।।,'It will be enough and my doubt will be cleared. If you can pierce the sala tree with your arrow it will be my pleasure and not a test of your strength. यथा हि तेजस्सु वरस्सदा रविर्यथा हि शैलो हिमवान्महाद्रिषु।यथा चतुष्पात्सु च केसरी वरस्तथा नरणामसि विक्रमे वरः4.11.93।।," 'Just as the Sun is the best among the brilliant, the Himalayas among the great mountains, the lion among the quadrupeds, so also you are the best among men of valour.'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे एकादशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the eleventh sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki." [Rama demonstrates his prowess in shooting -- Sugriva fails in the first combat with Vali -- Rama explains the difficulty in identifying Vali -- advises Sugriva to wear Gajapushpi creeper to help him identify -- once again Sugriva proceeds to encounter Vali ]एतच्च वचनं श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवेण सुभाषितम्।प्रत्ययार्थं महातेजा रामो जग्राह कार्मुकम्4.12.1।।,"Having heard Sugriva's pleasing words, the brilliant Rama took up the bow in order to inspire confidence in Sugriva." स गृहीत्वा धनुर्घोरं शरमेकं च मानदः।सालमुद्दिश्य चिक्षेप ज्यास्वनैः पूरयन्दिशः। 4.12.2।।," Rama, subduer of the enemy's pride, strung his terrific bow, produced the twang that filled all directions, and discharged a single arrow aimed at the sala tree." स विसृष्टो बलवता बाणस्स्वर्णपरिष्कृतः।भित्त्वा सालान् गिरिप्रस्थं सप्त भूमिं विवेश ह4.12.3।।,"Released with great force, Rama's arrow embellished with gold pierced through the seven sala trees and splitting the mountain terrain entered the earth." प्रविष्टश्च मुहूर्तेन धरां भित्त्वा महाजवः।निष्पत्य च पुनस्तूर्णं स्वतूणीं प्रविवेश ह4.12.4।।,In a moment the arrow emerged from the earth which it pierced and reentered the quiver with great speed. तान्दृष्ट्वा सप्त निर्भिन्नान्सालान्वानरपुङ्गवः।रामस्य शरवेगेन विस्मयं परमं गतः4.12.5।।,The chief of the monkeys was struck with wonder seeing Rama's arrow piercing through the seven sala trees so swiftly. स मूर्ध्ना न्यपतदभ्मौ प्रलम्बीकृतभूषणः।सुग्रीवः परमप्रीतो राघवाय कृताञ्जलिः4.12.6।।,Sugriva was immensely happy and offered obeisance to Rama with folded hands and bowed down and prostrated while his ornaments touched the ground. इदं चोवाच धर्मज्ञं कर्मणा तेन हर्षितः।रामं सर्वास्त्रविदुषां श्रेष्ठं शूरमवस्थितम्4.12.7।।,"Sugriva who stood by, elated to watch the deed of Rama, best among the valiant, proficient in the use of arms of all kinds and knower of dharma, said:" सेन्द्रानपि सुरान्सर्वांस्त्वं बाणैः पुरुषर्षभ।समर्थस्समरे हन्तुं किं पुन र्वालिनं प्रभो 4.12.8।।,"'O bull among men, O lord, you are capable of killing with your arrows even the gods including Indra in the battle, what to speak of Vali." येन सप्तमहासाला गिरिर्भूमिश्च दारिताः।बाणेनैकेन काकुत्स्थ स्थाता ते को रणाग्रतः4.12.9।।,"'O Rama who can in a battle confront you, capable of splitting seven huge sala trees, the mountain and the earth with a single arrow?" अद्य मे विगतश्शोकः प्रीतिरद्य परा मम।सुहृदं त्वां समासाद्य महेन्द्रवरुणोपमम्4.12.10।।,"'Having found a friend in you comparable to Indra and Varuna, my grief is gone and I am so happy now." तमद्यैव प्रियार्थं मे वैरिणं भ्रातृरूपिणम्।वालिनं जहि काकुत्स्थ मया बद्धोऽयमञ्जलिः4.12.11।।,"'O Rama, for my pleasure kill Vali who is, to me, an enemy in the guise of a brother. I fold my hands to you." ततो रामः परिष्वज्य सुग्रीवं प्रियदर्शनम्।प्रत्युवाच महाप्राज्ञो लक्ष्मणानुगतं वचः4.12.12।।,Then wise Rama embraced handsome Sugriva and replied in these words which were agreeable to Lakshmana: अस्माद्गच्छेम किष्किन्धां क्षिप्रं गच्छ त्वमग्रतः।गत्वा चाह्वय सुग्रीव वालिनं भ्रातृगन्धिनम्4.12.13।।,"'O Sugriva, get ready at once. We will promptly proceed to Kishkinda from here. Go ahead and challenge Vali, your brother only in name, to a combat.'" सर्वे ते त्वरितं गत्वा किष्किन्धां वालिनः पुरीम्।वृक्षैरात्मानमावृत्य व्यतिष्ठन्गहने वने4.12.14।।,"Thay all rushed to Kishkinda, the capital of Vali and waited in the thick forest behind the trees." सुग्रीवो व्यनदद्घोरं वालिनोऽऽह्वानकारणात्।गाढं परिहितो वेगान्नादैर्भिन्दन्निवाम्बरम्4.12.15।।,Sugriva tightened up his waist cloth hurriedly and roared terrifically as though piercing the sky. And screamed for Vali. तं श्रुत्वा निनदं भ्रातुः क्रुद्धो वाली महाबलः।निश्चक्राम सुसंरब्धो भास्करोऽस्ततटादिव4.12.16।।,"On hearing his brother roaring, powerful Vali was enraged and rushed like the Sun from behind the western shore of the ocean (this simile suggests the downfall of Vali)." ततस्सुतुमुलं युद्धं वालिसुग्रीवयोरभूत्।गगने ग्रहयोर्घोरं बुधाङ्गारकयोरिव4.12.17।।,Then a tumultuous combat took place between Vali and Sugriva who looked like the planets Mercury and Mars. तलैरशनिकल्पैश्च वज्रकल्पैश्च मुष्टिभिः।जघ्नतुस्समरेऽन्योन्यं भ्रातरौ क्रोधमूर्छितौ4.12.18।।," The brothers, insensate with fury, struck each other like thunder with their palms, soles and fists in the combat." ततो रामो धनुष्पाणिस्तावुभौ समुदीक्ष्यतु।अन्योन्यसदृशौ वीरावुभौ देवाविवाश्विनौ4.12.19।।,"Bow in hand, Rama watched both the heroes who resembled the twin Aswini Kumaras." यन्नावगच्छत्सुग्रीवं वालिनं वापि राघवः।ततो न कृतवान्बुद्धिं मोक्तुमन्तकरं शरम्4.12.20।।,"Since Rama was not able to distinguish between Vali and Sugriva, he could not decide whether he should discharge his deadly arrow ." एतस्मिन्नन्तरे भग्नस्सुग्रीवस्तेन वालिना।अपश्यन्राघवं नाथमृश्यमूकं प्रदुद्रुवे4.12.21।।,"Discomfited by Vali, and not seeing Rama around, Sugriva ran towards Rishyamuka mountain. " क्लान्तो रुधिरसिक्ताङ्गः प्रहारैर्जर्झरीकृतः।वालिनाऽभिद्रुतः क्रोधात्प्रविवेश महावनम्4.12.22।।,"Exhausted, disfigured and body mauled and drenched in blood all over, Sugriva, chased by the infuriated Vali, entered the region of great sage Matanga." तं प्रविष्टं वनं दृष्ट्वा वाली शापभयार्दितः।मुक्तो ह्यसि त्वमित्युक्त्वा स निवृत्तो महाद्युतिः4.12.23।।,"Effulgent Vali saw Sugriva entering the (prohibited) grove and turned back due to the fear of the curse (of sage Matanga) saying, 'You have escaped'. " राघवोऽसि सह भ्रात्रा सह चैव हनूमता।तदेव वनमागच्छत्सुग्रीवो यत्र वानरः4.12.24।।,Rama together with Lakshmana and Hanuman also arrived at the same gave where Sugriva was. तं समीक्ष्यागतं रामं सुग्रीवस्सहलक्ष्मणम्।ह्रीमान्दीनमुवाचेदं वसुधामवलोकयन्4.12.25।।,"At the sight of Rama accompanied by Lakshmana, Sugriva felt ashmed and aggrieved, and looking down on the ground, said:" आह्वयस्वेति मामुक्त्वा दर्शयित्वा च विक्रमम्।वैरिणा घातयित्वा च किमिदानीं त्वया कृतम्4.12.26।।,'You demonstrated your prowess and directed me to challenge Vali and then why did you make the enemy hit me thus? तामेन वेलां वक्तव्यं त्वया राघव तत्त्वतः।वालिनं न निहन्मीति ततो नाहमितो व्रजे4.12.27।।,"'Had you, in fact, told me that you were not going to kill Vali, I would not have budged from this place.'" तस्य चैवं ब्रुवाणस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।करुणं दीनया वाचा राघवः पुनरब्रवीत्4.12.28।।,"On hearing the great Sugriva's miserable and moving words, Rama again said:" सुग्रीव श्रूयातां तात क्रोधश्च व्यपनीयताम्।कारणं येन बाणोऽयं न मया स विसर्जितः4.12.29।।,'O dear Sugriva dispel your anger and listen to me why I had not released the arrow. अलङ्कारेण वेषेण प्रमाणेन गतेन च।त्वं च सुग्रीव वाली च सदृशौ स्थः परस्परम्4.12.30।।,"'O Sugriva in form, ornaments and movements there is perfect resemblance between you and Vali." स्वरेण वर्चसा चैव प्रेक्षितेन च वानर।विक्रमेण च वाक्यैश्च व्यक्तिं वां नोपलक्षये4.12.31।।,"'O monkey in your voice, in brightness, in looks, in valour or in words I have marked no difference between you." ततोऽहं रूपसादृश्यान्मोहितो वानरोत्तम।नोत्सृजामि महावेगं शरं शत्रुनिबर्हणम्4.12.32।।,'O distinguished monkey you both are so similar in form that I was puzzled and did not release my swift arrow that could have destroyed the enemy. जीवितान्तकरं घोरं सादृश्यात्तु विशङ्कितः।मूलघातो न नौ स्याद्धि द्वयोरपि कृतो मया4.12.33।।,"'I was doubtful because of your similar appearance. I thought that I should not strike at the very root of the interests of both of us. Therefore, I did not release the terrific and deadly arrow." त्वयि वीरे विपन्ने हि अज्ञानाल्लाघवान्मया।मौढ्यं च मम बाल्यं च ख्यापितं स्यात्कपीश्वर4.12.34।।,'O lord of monkeys I would have betrayed my foolishness and childishness had I exposed you to danger by my ignorance and thoughtlessness. दत्ताभयवधो नाम पातकं महदुच्यते।अहं च लक्ष्मणश्चैव सीता च वरवर्णिनी4.12.35।।त्वदधीना वयं सर्वे वनेऽस्मिन् शरणं भवान्।,"'It is said that killing a person to whom protection is promised is highly sinful. Lakshmana, darling Sita and me, are under your care and you are our refuge." तस्माद्युध्यस्व भूयस्त्वं मा मा शङ्केश्च वानर4.12.36।।एतन्मुहूर्ते सुग्रीव पश्य वालिनमाहवे।निरस्तमिषुणैकेन वेष्टमानं महीतले4.12.37।।,"'Therefore, O monkey, go and engage yourself in fight again. Do not suspect me. With this single arrow of mine, in one moment you will see Vali thrown down and rolling on the ground in this combat." अभिज्ञानं कुरुष्व त्वमात्मनो वानरेश्वर।येन त्वामभिजानीयां द्वन्द्वयुद्धमुपागतम्4.12.38।।,'O lord of monkeys while you both are engaged in a duel wear some identification mark by which I can recognise you. गजपुष्पीमिमां फुल्लामुत्पाट्य शुभलक्षणाम्।कुरु लक्ष्मण कण्ठेऽस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।।4.12.39।।,'O Lakshmana this Gajapushpi in bloom is auspicious. Pluck and fasten it on great Sugriva's neck.' ततो गिरितटे जातामुत्पाट्य कुसुमाकुलाम्।लक्ष्मणो गजपुष्पीं तां तस्य कण्ठे व्यसर्जयत्4.12.40।।,"Then Lakshmana went to the mountain slope, plucked the (creeper with) gajapuspi blossoms and fastened it on the neck of Sugriva." स तया शुशुभे श्रीमान् लतया कण्ठसक्तया।मालयेव बलाकानां ससन्ध्य इव तोयदः4.12.41।।,"With the creeper round the neck, Sugriva looked like the raincloud at twilight, adorned by a row of cranes like a garland." विभ्राजमानो वपुषा रामवाक्यसमाहितः।जगाम सह रामेण किष्किन्थां वालिपालिताम्4.12.42।।,"Radiant Sugriva intent on carrying out Rama's words again went to Kishkinda ruled by Vali.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे द्वादशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twelfth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Nature on the way to Kishkinda -- Sugriva describes the hermitage of the seven sages and the power of their penance]ऋष्यमूकात्स धर्मात्मा किष्किन्धां लक्ष्मणाग्रजः।जगाम सहसुग्रीवो वालिविक्रमपालिताम्4.13.1।।,Lakshmana's righteous elder brother left Rishyamuka with Sugriva for Kishkinda protected by Vali's valour. समुद्यम्य महच्चापं रामः काञ्चनभूषितम्।शरांश्चादित्यसङ्काशान्गृहीत्वा रणसाधकान्4.13.2।।,"Getting ready to go, Rama took up his great bow and arrows adorned with gold and potent in war looking (dazzling) like the Sun." अग्रतस्तु ययौ तस्य राघवस्य महात्मनः।सुग्रीवः संहतग्रीवो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः4.13.3।।,The strongnecked Sugriva and mighty Lakshmana walked in front of the highsouled Rama. पृष्ठतो हनुमान्वीरो नलो नीलश्च वानरः।तारश्चैव महातेजा हरियूथपयूथपः4.13.4।।,"Brave and brilliant Hanuman, Nala, Nila, and Tara among the leaders of the monkeys walked behind. " ते वीक्षमाणा वृक्षांश्च पुष्पभारावलम्बिनः।प्रसन्नाम्बुवहाश्चैव सरितस्सागरङ्गमाः4.13.5।।,"They saw (on the way) trees bent down with the load of flowers, and rivers with pure water flowing into the sea." कन्दराणि च शैलांश्च निर्दराणि गुहास्तथा।शिखराणि च मुख्यानि दरीश्च प्रियदर्शनाः4.13.6।।,"(They saw) beautiful valleys, mountains, caves, prominent peaks with deep caverns." वैढूर्यविमलै:पर्णै पद्मैश्चाकोशकुट्मलैः।शोभितांत्सजलान्मार्गे तटाकांश्च व्यलोकयन्4.13.7।।,"Observing on the way delightful lotus buds with leaves like Vaidurya, clear water and full tanks (They moved on)." कारण्डैस्सारसैर्हंसैर्वञ्जुलैर्जलकुक्कुटैः।चक्रवाकै स्तथा चान्यैश्शकुनैः रुपनादितान्4.13.8।।,"Ducks, cranes, swans, vanjulas, waterfowls, chakravakas and other birds warbling melodiously." मृदुशष्पाङ्कुराहारान्निर्भयान्वनगोचरान्।चरतस्सर्वतौऽपश्यन् स्थलीषु हरिणान् स्थितान्4.13.9।।,"They observed deer feeding on tender grass on the ground around without fear, some standing and some roaming the forest" तटाकवैरिणश्चापि शुक्लदन्तविभूषितान्।घोरानेकचरान्वन्यान्द्विरदान्कूलघातिनः4.13.10।।,"Observing terrific elephants adorned with white tusks wandering alone destroying the tanks, shattering the banks." मत्तान्गिरितटोत्कृष्टान्पर्वतानिव जङ्गमान्।वारणान्वारिदप्रख्यान्महीरेणुसमुक्षितान्4.13.11।।,"(Observing) intoxicated elephants knocking the edges of mountain slopes, elephants resembling (dark) rainbearing clouds, elephants like moving mountains, elephants with dust covered all over the body." वने वनचरांश्चान्यान्खेचरांश्च विहङ्गमान्।पश्यन्तस्त्वरिता जग्मुस्सुग्रीववशवर्तिनः4.13.12।।,"Following Sugriva faithfully, they proceeded swiftly, observing animals of the forest and birds flying in the sky." तेषां तु गच्छतां तत्र त्वरितं रघुनन्दनः।द्रुमषण्डं वनं दृष्ट्वा रामस्सुग्रीवमब्रवीत्4.13.13।।,"While walking fast, looking at the forest full of trees Rama, the delight of the Raghus said to Sugriva:" एष मेघ इवाकाशे वृक्षषण्डः प्रकाशते।मेघसङ्घातविपुलः पर्यन्तकदलीवृतः4.13.14।।,'This cluster of trees surrounded by plantain groves look splendid like a vast collection of clouds in the sky. किमेतत् ज्ञातुमिच्छामि सखे कौतूहलं हि मे।कौतूहलापनयनं कर्तुमिच्छाम्यहं त्वया4.13.15।।,'O friend I wish to know what this is? Could you answer my curiosity?' तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राघवस्य महात्मनः।गच्छन्नेवाचचक्षेऽथ सुग्रीवस्तन्महद्वनम्4.13.16।।,"On hearing great Rama's words while walking in the extensive forest, Sugriva started narrating:" एतद्राघव विस्तीर्णमाश्रमं श्रमनाशनम्।उद्यानवनसम्पन्नं स्वादुमूलफलोदकम्4.13.17।।,"'O Raghava this is a hermitage, enchanting with vast gardens and trees bearing sweet fruits, full of tasty roots and water that relieves tiresomeness (of travellers)." अत्र सप्तजना नाम मुनय स्संश्रितव्रताः।सप्तैवासन्नधशशीर्षा नियतं जलशायिनः4.13.18।।, सप्तरात्रकृताहारा वायुनाचलवासिनः।दिवं वर्षशतैर्याताः सप्तभिः सकलेबराः4.13.19।।,'These seven sages used to live on air and that too once in seven nights. They lived for seven hundred years performing penance with motionlessness and attained heaven along with their bodies. तेषामेवं प्रभावानां द्रुमप्राकारसंवृतम्।आश्रमस्सुदुराधर्ष अपि सेन्द्रैस्सुरासुरैः4.13.20।।,"'By virtue of the power of their penance, this hermitage surrounded by a row of trees is impenetrable even for demons and gods including Indra." पक्षिणो वर्जयन्त्येतत्तथाऽन्ये वनचारिणः।विशन्ति मोहाद्येऽप्यत्र निवर्तन्ते न ते पुनः4.13.21।।,'Birds and wild animals avoid the hermitage and whoever enters there out of ignorance never returns. विभूषणरवास्तत्र श्रूयन्ते सकलाक्षराः।तूर्यगीतस्वनाश्चात्र गन्धो दिव्यश्च राघव4.13.22।।,"'O Rama, one can hear pleasant sounds of jingling ornaments (of nymphs), of songs and windinstruments here. One can inhale divine fragrance, too." त्रेताग्नयोऽपि दीप्यन्ते दूमो ह्यत्र प्रकाशते।वेष्टयन्निव वृक्षाग्रान्कपोताङ्गारुणो घनः4.13.23।।,'The three sacred fires keep burning and the thick smoke they emit resembles the red feet of pigeons. It shines forth as if enveloping the treetops. एते वृक्षाः प्रकाशन्ते धूमसंसक्तमस्तकाः।मेघजालप्रतिच्छन्ना वैढूर्यगिरयो यथा4.13.24।।,'These treetops covered with thick smoke glow like mountains of Vaidurya concealed by a cluster of clouds. कुरु प्रणामं धर्मात्मंस्तेषामुद्दिश्य राघव।लक्ष्मणेव सह भ्रात्रा प्रयन्तस्सयताञ्जलिः4.13.25।।,'O rigteous Rama you and your brother Lakshmana humbly offer obeisance to them(sacred hermitage and sages Saptajana) with folded hands and meditate on them. प्रणमन्ति हि ये तेषां मुनीनां भावितात्मनाम्।न तेषामशुभं किञ्चिच्छरीरे राम दृश्यते4.13.26।।,"'O Rama, nothing inauspicious happens to them who offer obeisance to those highly spiritual sacred sages.' " ततो रामस्सह भ्रात्रा लक्ष्मणेन कृताञ्जलिः।समुद्दिश्य महात्मानस्तानृषीनभ्यवादयत्4.13.27।।,"Rama and Lakshmana offered salutations with folded hands in memory of those great sages, great souls." अभिवाद्य तु धर्मात्मा रामो भ्राता च लक्ष्मणः।सुग्रीवो वानराश्चैव जग्मुसंहृष्टमानसाः4.13.28।।,"Righteous Rama, Lakshmana, Sugriva and all the monkeys offered obeisance and proceeded delighted at heart." ते गत्वा दूरमध्वानं तस्मात्सप्तजनाश्रमात्।ददृशुस्तां दुराधर्षां किष्किन्धां वालिपालिताम्4.13.29।।,"Walking a long distance from the hermitage of the seven seers, they beheld the unassailable Kishkinda ruled by Vali." ततस्तु रामानुजरामवानराःप्रगृह्य शस्त्राण्युदिताग्र्यतेजसः।पुरीं सुरेशात्मजवीर्यपालितांवधाय शत्रोः पुनरागतास्सह4.13.30।।,"Rama and Lakshmana of fierce lustre, and the monkeys took hold of the weapons to kill the enemy and reached the capital ruled by the valour of Vali, son of Indra.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे त्रयोदशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the thirteenth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." "[Sugriva roars at Vali -- Rama encourages him to challenge Vali, himself hiding behind the tree.]सर्वे ते त्वरितं गत्वा किष्किन्धां वालि पालिताम्।वृक्षैरात्मानमावृत्य व्यतिष्ठन् गहने वने4.14.1।।",They all at once went to Kishkinda ruled by Vali and there waited hiding behind the trees in the dense forest. विचार्य सर्वतो दृष्टिं कानने काननप्रियः।सुग्रीवो विपुलग्रीवः क्रोधमाहारयद्भृशम्4.14.2।।,"Broadnecked Sugriva, a lover of the forest, looked around and flew into a rage." ततस्स निनदं घोरं कृत्वा युद्धाय चाह्वयत्।परिवारैः परिवृतो नादैर्भिन्दन्निवाम्बरम्4.14.3।।गर्जन्निव महामेघो वायुवेगपुरस्सरः।,"Sugriva, surrounded by his companions, raised his voice as if piercing the sky, roaring like a huge thundering cloud, challenging Vali to a duel." अथ बालार्कसदृशो दृप्तसिंहगतिस्तदा4.14.4।।दृष्ट्वा रामं क्रियादक्षं सुग्रीवो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।,"Sugriva, proficient in the performance of any task, one who appeared like the rising Sun and moved like a proud lion, said to Rama:" हरिवागुरया व्याप्तां तप्तकाञ्चनतोरणाम्।प्राप्ताः स्म ध्वजयन्त्राढ्यां किष्किन्धां वालिनः पुरीम्।।4.14.5।।,"'We have arrived at Kishkinda, the capital of Vali, decorated with flags and having a glittering golden archway that can be opened mechanically. Teeming with monkeys, it looks like a snare to catch the enemy." प्रतिज्ञा या त्वया वीर कृता वालिवधे पुरा।सफलां कुरु तां क्षिप्रं लतां काल इवागतः4.14.6।।,'O heroic Rama fulfil quickly the vow taken by you earlier to kill Vali in the same way a creeper bears fruit when the time comes.' एवमुक्तस्तु धर्मात्मा सुग्रीवेण स राघवः।तमेवोवाच वचनं सुग्रीवं शत्रुसूदनः4.14.7।।,"Requested thus by Sugriva, righteous Rama, the destroyer of enemies, replied:." कृताभिज्ञानचिह्नस्त्व मनया गजसाह्वया।लक्ष्मणेन समुत्पाट्य यैषा कण्ठे कृता तव4.14.8।।,"'Lakshmana has uprooted a creeper of gaja, and fastened it on your neck by which you can be easily identified." शोभसेऽह्यधिकं वीर लतया कण्ठसक्तया।विपरीत इवाकाशे सूर्यो नक्षत्रमालया4.14.9।।,"'O hero, you are shining with the creeper fastened to your neck , just as the fullmoon adorned with a cluster of stars shines in the sky." अद्य वालिसमुत्थं ते भयं वैरं च वानर।एकेनाहं प्रमोक्ष्यामि बाणमोक्षेण संयुगे4.14.10।।,"'O monkey, with the release of a single arrow in the combat, I shall dispel your fear and enmity (hatred) for Vali." मम दर्शय सुग्रीव वैरिणं भ्रातृरूपिणम्।वाली विनिहतो यावद्वने पांसुषु वेष्टते4.14.11।।,"'O Sugriva show me your enemy,who is in the guise of your brother.He will be killed. He will roll down in the dust of the forest." यदि दृष्टिपथं प्राप्तो जीवन्स विनिवर्तते।ततो दोषेण मा गच्छेत्सद्यो गर्हेच्च मा भवान्4.14.12।।,'If Vali appears before me I will not let him go with life.Then you will not blame me and find fault with me. प्रत्यक्षं सप्त ते साला मया बाणेन दारिताः।तेनावेहि बलेनाद्य वालिनं निहतं मया4.14.13।।,'You have seen how I have pierced through seven sala trees with a single arrow. You will know how with the same strength I will kill Vali.' अनृतं नोक्तपूर्वं मे वीर कृच्छ्रेऽपि तिष्टता।धर्मलोभपरीतेन न च वक्ष्ये कथञ्चन4.14.14।।,"'O Sugriva, I have uttered no falsehood before for fear of deviation from righteousness although I was in distress, nor shall I utter any falsehood in any circumstances hereafter." सफलां च करिष्यामि प्रतिज्ञां जहि सम्भ्रमम्।प्रसूतं कलमं क्षेत्रे वर्षेणेव शतक्रतुः4.14.15।।,'I shall fulfil my promise just as Indra (who performed a hundred sacrifices) helps production in the cornfield through timely rain. Give up your apprehension. तदाह्वाननिमित्तं त्वं वालिनो हेममालिनः।सुग्रीव कुरु तं शब्दं निष्पतेद्येन वानरः4.14.16।।,'O Sugriva give a warcry so that Vali adorned with a golden garland will come out. जितकाशी बलश्लाघी त्वया चाधर्षितः पुरा।निष्पतिष्यत्यसङ्गेन वाली स प्रियसंयुगः4.14.17।।,"'Vali, who is proud of his valour, is strong, fearless and fond of combat, will rush out of the city in response to your challenge." रिपूणां धर्षिण शूरा मर्षयन्ति न संयुगे।जानन्तस्तु स्वकं वीर्यं स्त्रीसमक्षं विशेषतः4.14.18।।,"'Proud of their own prowess, heroes will not brook the challenge of foes in battle, specially in the presence of women.'" स तु रामवचश्श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवो हेमपिङ्गलः।ननर्द क्रूरनादेन विनिर्भिन्दन्निवाम्बरम्4.14.19।।,"On hearing Rama's words, the goldenhued Sugriva roared in a fierce voice as if it would piece the sky." तस्य शब्देन वित्रस्ता गावो यान्ति हतप्रभाः।राजदोषपरामृष्टाः कुलस्त्रिय इवाकुलाः4.14.20।।,"Alarmed at the yelling of Sugriva, the cows began to run in all directions, like the women of noble pedigree who, with their brightness lost, run perplexed for failure of the king to protect their chastity." द्रवन्ति च मृगाश्शीघ्रं भग्ना इव रणे हयाः।पतन्ति च खगा भूमौ क्षीणपुण्या इव ग्रहाः4.14.21।।,The deer were unable to run like wounded horses in a battle. Birds fell down on the ground like planets fall when their merit is exhausted. ततस्सजीमूतगणप्रणादोनादं ह्यमुञ्चत्त्वरया प्रतीतः।सूर्यात्मजश्शौर्यविवृद्धतेजाःसरित्पतिर्वाऽनिलचञ्चलोर्मिः4.14.22।।,"Then Sugriva, son of the Sungod, with his lustre enhanced by his valour moved swiftly. His roar resembled the rumbling of a cluster of thundering clouds. He gave a warcry the tone of which resembled the sounds of waves lashed by high velocity winds in the sea.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे चतुर्दशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fourteenth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Tara suspects Sugriva's intention -- advises Vali to make alliance with Rama -- obstructs Vali from going for war]अथ तस्य निनादं तं सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।शुश्रावान्तः पुर गतो वाली भ्रातुरमर्षणः4.15.1।।,"The indignant Vali, who was in the harem, heard the roaring of his venerable brother, Sugriva." श्रुत्वा तु तस्य निनदं सर्वभूतप्रकम्पनम्।मदश्चैकपदे नष्टः क्रोधश्चापतितो महान्4.15.2।।,The roar (of Sugriva) that frightened all beings gave Vali's vanity a jolt and at once aroused in him violent rage. स तु रोषपरीताङ्गो वाली सन्ध्याकनकप्रभः।उपरक्त इवादित्यस्सद्यो निष्प्रभतां गतः4.15.3।।,"Overcome with anger, Vali looked pale like the eclipsed Sun with the golden radiance faded from his face." वाली दंष्ट्राकरालस्तु क्रोधाद्दीप्ताग्निसन्निभः।भात्युत्पतितपद्मस्तु समृणाळ इव ह्रदः4.15.4।।,"Vali, who looked fierce with his teeth and whose eyes shone like a flaming fire through anger looked like a pond with the lotuses and their stalks uprooted." शब्दं दुर्मर्षणं श्रुत्वा निष्पपात ततो हरिः।वेगेन चरणन्यासैर्दारयन्निव मेदिनीम्4.15.5।।,"Unable to tolerate Sugriva's roar, Vali stepped out hurriedly, taking long strides as if breaking the earth." तं तु तारा परिष्वज्य स्नेहाद्दर्शितसौहृदाः।उवाच त्रस्तसम्भ्रान्ता हितोदर्कमिदं वचः4.15.6।।,"Tara, perplexed out of fear, glanced at Vali lovingly, embraced him and gave him wise counsel:" साधु क्रोधमिमं वीर नदीवेगमिवागतम्।शयनादुत्थितः काल्यं त्यज भुक्तामिव स्रजम्4.15.7।।,"'O valiant Vali anger has overtaken you like the flood of a river. It is natural for you to be angry at this time, but shake off your anger just as the wise discard a flower garland already used up." काल्यमेतेन सङ्ग्रामं करिष्यसि च वानर।वीर ते शत्रुबाहुल्यं फल्गुता वा न विद्यते4.15.8।।,'O monkey fight him only tomorrow morning. By this you are not going to prove your weakness or increase your respect for the enemy. सहसा तव निष्क्रामो मम तावन्न रोचते।श्रूयतां चाभिधास्यामि यन्निमित्तं निवार्यसे4.15.9।।,'I do not like your rashness. I will explain the reason I am preventing you. Listen: पूर्वमापतितः क्रोधात्स त्वामाह्वयते युधि।निष्पत्य च निरस्तस्ते हन्यमानो दिशो गतः4.15.10।।,"'Earlier, he (Sugriva) came and challenged you to a duel. You struck him in anger, and defeated, he fled, running in all directions. Now his challenge rouses my suspicion." त्वया तस्य निरस्तस्य पीडितस्य विशेषतः।इहैत्य पुनराह्वानं शङ्कां जनयतीव मे4.15.11।।,'One who is defeated and badly mauled by you is again coming and inviting you to a duel in this manner arouses suspicion in me. दर्पश्च व्यवसायश्च यादृशस्तस्य नर्दतः।निनादश्चापि संरम्भो नैतदल्पं हि कारणम्4.15.12।।," 'His determination, his insolence, his roaring, his arroganceall this cannot be for a small reason." नासहायमहं मन्ये सुग्रीवं तमिहागतम्।अवष्टब्धसहायश्च यमाश्रित्यैष गर्जति4.15.13।।,'Certainly Sugriva has not come here to give a warcry without any external help. The person whose refuge he has sought is not a small one. प्रकृत्या निपुणश्चैव बुद्धिमांश्चैव वानरः।अपरीक्षितवीर्येण सुग्रीवस्सहनैष्यति।।4.15.14।।,'Sugriva is clever by nature. He is wise. Without assessing the ability of the ally he will not enter into friendship. पूर्वमेव मया वीर श्रुतं कथयतो वचः।अङ्गदस्य कुमारस्य वक्ष्यामित्वा हितं वचः4.15.15।।,'O hero I have heard the news earlier from our son Angada. I will tell you what he had heard and what he has said to me: अङ्गदस्तु कुमारोऽयं वनान्तमुपनिर्गतः।प्रवृत्तिस्तेन कथिता चारै राप्तैर्निवेदिता4.15.16।।,'When our son Angada was out into the forest he had collected some reports from the spies which he has transmitted to me. अयोध्याधिपतेः पुत्रौ शूरौ समरदुर्जयौ।इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले जातौ प्रथितौ रामलक्ष्मणौ4.15.17।।सुग्रीवप्रियकामार्थं प्राप्तौ तत्र दुरासदौ।,"'Rama and Lakshmana, two heroic sons of the king of Ayodhya born of the Ikshvaku race, are invincible in war. They have come there to help Sugriva." तव भ्रातुर्हि विख्यातस्सहायो रणकर्कशः।रामः परबलामर्दी युगान्ताग्निरिवोत्थितः4.15.18।।,"'Rama, famous for crushing foes in war, like the fire that breaks out at the dissolution of the world, has slain strong enemies like Khara and will help your brother. " निवासवृक्षः साधूनामापन्नानां परा गतिः।आर्तानां संश्रयश्चैव यशसश्चैकभाजनम्4.15.19।।,"'He is like a sheltering tree to the virtuous, an ultimate refuge for the destitutes and a protector of the distressed. He is the sole repository of fame." ज्ञानविज्ञानसम्पन्नो निदेशे निरतः पितुः।धातूनामिव शैलेन्द्रो गुणानामाकरो महान्4.15.20।।,'He is endowed with the knowledge of science and scriptures. He stood by his father's command. He is like a mine of virtues just as the lord of the mountain is a mine of minerals. तत्क्षमं न विरोधस्ते सह तेन महात्मना।दुर्जयेनाप्रमेयेन रामेण रणकर्मसु4.15.21।।,"'Rama is immeasurable in prowess and unconquerable in war. Therefore, enmity with him is not desirable for you." शूर वक्ष्यामि ते किञ्चिन्न चेच्छाम्यभ्यसूयितुम्।श्रूयतां क्रियतां चैव तव वक्ष्यामि यद्धितम्4.15.22।।,"'O hero, this I tell you not because I dislike you, but because I wish your welfare. Listen, and do as I say" यौवराज्येन सुग्रीवं तूर्णं साध्वभिषेचय।विग्रहं मा कृथा वीर भ्रात्रा राजन्बलीयसा4.15.23।।,'O king O hero consecrate your brother Sugriva as prince at once. Do not create enmity with him. अहं हि ते क्षमं मन्ये तेन रामेण सौहृदम्।सुग्रीवेण च सम्प्रीतिं वैरमुत्सृज्य दूरतः4.15.24।।,'Leave enmity with Sugriva far behind. Make friendship with Rama. I think it is the right thing for you. लालनीयो हि ते भ्राता यवीयानेष वानरः।तत्र वा सन्निहस्थो वा सर्वथा बन्धुरेव ते4.15.25।।,"'This monkey is your younger brother and, therefore, deserves your protection. Whether he is here or there, he is your brother." न हि तेन समं बन्धुं भुवि पश्यामि कञ्चन4.15.26।।दानमानादिसत्कारैः कुरुष्व प्रत्यनन्तरम्।वैरमेतत्समुत्सृज्य तव पार्श्वे स तिष्ठतु4.15.27।।,'Indeed I do not see any of your relatives comparable to him on earth. Give up enmity with him. Give him wealth. Give him respect. Keep him by your side. सुग्रीवो विपुलग्रीवस्तवबन्धुस्सदा मतः।भ्रातृस्सौहृदमालम्ब नान्या गतिरिहास्ति ते4.15.28।।,'Extend your brotherly affection to broadnecked Sugriva. He is always your great relation. There is no alternative for you other than this at present. यदि ते मत्प्रियं कार्यं यदि चावैषि मां हिताम्।याच्यमानः प्रयत्नेन साधु वाक्यं कुरुष्व मे4.15.29।।,"'Pray, do me this favour. Treat me as your wellwisher. Heed my advice given with care." प्रसीद पथ्यं शृणु जल्पितं हि मेन रोष मेवानुविधातुमर्हसि।क्षमो हि ते कोसलराजसूनुनान विग्रहश्शक्रसमानतेजसा4.15.30।।,'Do not lose your temper. Quieten your mind. My advice is beneficial to you. You should not fight with the prince of Kosala who is comparable to Indra in splendour.It is not proper for you.' तदा हि तारा हितमेव वाक्यंतं वालिनं पथ्यमिदं बभाषे।न रोचते तद्वचनं हि तस्यकालाभिपन्नस्य विनाशकाले4.15.31।।,"Even though Tara gave good counsel to Vali at the hour of destruction, the advice did not find favour with him as he was under the influence of unfavourable time (seized by death).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे पञ्चदशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fifteenth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Tara's counsel to Vali -- fight between Vali and Sugriva -- Rama observes Sugriva's plight in the duel -- shoots an arrow at Vali.]तामेवं ब्रुवतीं तारां ताराधिपनिभाननाम्।वाली निर्भर्त्सयामास वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्4.16.1।।,"To these words of Tara with her Moonlike face, Vali replied reproachfully:" गर्जतोऽस्य च सुसम्भ्रश्च भ्रातुः शत्रोर्विशेषतः।मर्षयिष्याम्यहं केन कारणेन वरानने4.16.2।।,"'O lady with a charming face why should I tolerate the enemy (Sugriva) who is none other than my own younger brother, especially when he roars excitedly?" अधर्षितानां शूराणां समरेष्वनिवर्तिनाम्।धर्षणामर्षणं भीरु मरणादतिरिच्यते4.16.3।।,O timid lady to swallow insult (without facing the opponent) is worse than death for indomitable heroes (like me) who know no retreat in a battle. सोढुं न च समर्थोऽहं युद्धकामस्य संयुगे।सुग्रीवस्य च सम्रम्भं हीनग्रीवस्य गर्जतः4.16.4।।,"'When the weaknecked Sugriva roars eager to join a duel it is not right on my part to tolerate his arrogance,much less his warcry." न च कार्यो विषादस्ते राघवं प्रति मत्कृते।धर्मज्ञश्च कृतज्ञश्च कथं पापं करिष्यति4.16.5।।,'You need not be concerned about me on account of Rama. How can one who knows dharma and who has a sense of gratitude commit sin? निवर्तस्व सह स्त्रीभिः कथं भूयोऽनुगच्छसि।सौहृदं दर्शितं तारे मयि भक्ति: कृता त्वया4.16.6।।,'Go back with all the women of the harem. Why do you follow me again? Your devotion towards me is evident from the sincere concern expressed by you. प्रतियोत्स्याम्यहं गत्वा सुग्रीवं जहि सम्भ्रमम्।दर्पमात्रं विनेष्यामि न च प्राणैर्विमोक्ष्यते4.16.7।।,"'I shall accept the challenge and fight with Sugriva. Give up your anxiety. I will destroy his pride, not his life." अहं ह्याजौस्थितस्यास्य करिष्यामि यथेप्सितम्।वृक्षैर्मुष्टिप्रहारैश्च पीडितः प्रतियास्यति4.16.8।।,"'When he faces me in the battlefield, I will hit him with trees and fists, and he will run back for life." न मे गर्वितमायस्तं सहिष्यति दुरात्मवान्।कृतं तारे सहांयत्वं सौहृदं दर्शितं मयि4.16.9।।,"'That evilminded Sugriva cannot bear my mighty, hard blows. Tara you could shower your affection on me and extend help (in passing secret information obtained through Angada)" शापिताऽपि मम प्राणैर्निवर्तस्व जयेन च।अहं जित्वा निवर्तिष्ये तमहं भ्रातरं रणे4.16.10।।,'I make a vow even on my life and my victory. Pray return with the retinue. I will be back only after winning the encounter with my brother. तं तु तारा परिष्वज्य वालिनं प्रियवादिनी।चकार रुदती मन्दं दक्षिणा सा प्रदक्षिणम्4.16.11।।,"Pleasing in her words, Tara then embraced Vali and sobbing, circumambulated Vali in compliance (to his advice)." ततः स्वस्त्ययनं कृत्वा मन्त्रविद्विजयैषिणी।अन्तःपुरं सह स्त्रीभिः प्रविष्टा शोकमोहिता4.16.12।।,"The wise counsellor, Tara bade him farewell, wishing him victory and then, overwhelmed with sorrow, entered the inner apartment followed by the womenfolk." प्रविष्टायां तु तारायां सह स्त्रीभिस्स्वमालयम्।नगरान्निर्ययौ क्रुद्धो महासर्प इव श्वसन्4.16.13।।,"After Tara and other women returned to their abode, Vali departed from the city, hissing like a huge angry cobra." स निश्श्वस्य महातेजा वाली परमरोषणः।सर्वतश्चारयन् दृष्टिं शत्रुदर्शनकाङ्क्षया4.16.14।।,"The mighty Vali, breathing heavily, looked around to find where his enemy was." स ददर्श ततश्श्रीमान् सुग्रीवं हेमपिङ्गलम्।सुसंवीतमवष्टब्धं दीप्यमानमिवानलम्4.16.15।।,"There Vali saw Sugriva in lustrous, red gold complexion standing ready for a combat steady like glowing fire." स तं दृष्ट्वा महावीर्यं सुग्रीवं पर्यवस्थितम्।गाढं परिदधे वासो वाली परमरोषण:4.16.16।।,"On seeing the great hero Sugriva standing firmly, the enraged Vali tied his upper cloth (around his loin) tightly. " स वाली गाढसंवीतो मुष्टिमुद्यम्य वीर्यवान्।सुग्रीवमेवाभिमुखो ययौ योद्धुं कृतक्षणः4.16.17।।,"Vali tied up his cloth tightly, raised his fist and advanced towards Sugriva, ready for the encounter." श्लिष्टं मुष्टिं समुद्यम्य संरब्धतरमागतः।सुग्रीवोऽपि समुद्दिश्य वालिनं हेममालिनम्4.16.18।।,Sugriva also lifted his fist firmly and advanced more impatiently towards Vali adorned with a golden necklace. तं वाली क्रोधताम्राक्षस्सुग्रीवं रणपण्डितम्।आपतन्तं महावेगमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्4.16.19।।,"While Sugriva, expert in combat, advanced swiftly to pounce upon (his enemy), Vali whose eyes turned red in anger said: " एष मुष्टिर्मयाबद्धो गाढस्सन्निहिताङ्गुलिः।मया वेगविमुक्तस्ते प्राणानादाय यास्यति4.16.20।।, एवमुक्तस्तु सुग्रीवः क्रुद्धो वालिनमब्रवीत्।तवैव चा हरन्प्राणान्मुष्टिः पततु मूर्धनि4.16.21।।,"This infuriated Sugriva who, looking at Vali, said 'This fist of mine will draw your life out, hitting your forehead'." ताडितस्तेन सङ्कृद्धस्समभिक्रम्य वेगितः।अभवच्छोणितोद्गारी सोत्पीड इव पर्वतः4.16.22।।,"Struck by Vali, enraged Sugriva encountered Vali more aggresively. His body drenched in blood seemed a mountain with rivulets of blood flowing. " सुग्रीवेण तु निस्सङ्गं सालमुत्पाट्य तेजसा।गात्रेष्वभिहतो वाली वज्रेणेव महागिरिः4.16.23।।,"With all his vigour, Sugriva uprooted a sala tree, pulled it out and struck Vali on the body, like a thunderbolt striking a huge mountain." स तु वाली प्रचलितस्सालताडनविह्वलः।गुरुभारसमाक्रान्तो नौ सार्थ इव सागरे4.16.24।।,"Struck by the blows of the sala tree, Vali also lost his balance like the heavily loaded ship of a trader shaken up in the ocean." तौ भीमबलविक्रान्तौ सुपर्णसमवेगिनौ।प्रवृद्धौ घोरवपुषौ चन्द्रसूर्याविवाम्बरे।परस्परममित्रघ्नौ च्छिद्रान्वेषणतत्परौ4.16.25।।,"Both of them endowed with terrible strength, fierce in appearance, and each seeking the weak points of the other advanced, as fast as Garuda, striking at the enemy. Their fight grew more and more fierce like the fight between Sun and Moon in the sky." ततोऽवर्धत वाली तु बलवीर्यसमन्वितः।सूर्यपुत्रो महावीर्यस्सुग्रीवः परिहीयते4.16.26।।,"In a short while Vali, endowed with great strength, gained the upper hand and Sugriva, son of the Sungod, was losing ground ." वालिना भग्नदर्पस्तु सुग्रीवो मन्दविक्रमः।वालिनं प्रति सामर्षो दर्शयामास लाघवम्4.16.27।।,"With his strength waning and pride crushed, Sugriva, anguished, exhibited shrewdness." वृक्षैः स्सशाखै स्सशिखैर्वज्रकोटिनिभैर्नखैः4.16.28।।मुष्टिभिर्जानुभिः पद्भिर्बाहुभिश्च पुनः पुनः।तयोर्युद्धमभूद्घोरं वृत्रवासवयोरिव4.16.29।।,"Both like Vritra and Indra fought, hitting each other again and again with trees full of branches and tops, with their hard nails akin to thunderbolts and with their fists, knees, feet, etc. " तौ शोणिताक्तौ युध्येतां वानरौ वनचारिणौ।मेघाविव महाशब्दै स्तर्जमानौ परस्परम्4.16.30।।,"The monkeys, wanderers in the forest, both with blood stains fiercely clashed pointing at each other, roaring with dreadful sounds like two clouds. " हीयमानमथोऽपश्यत्सुग्रीवं वानरेश्वरम्।वीक्षमाणं दिशश्चैव राघवस्स मुहुर्मुहुः4.16.31।।,Raghava perceived that the monkey king Sugriva whose strength was waning was looking again and again in all directions (seeking help). ततो रामो महातेजा आर्तं दृष्ट्वा हरीश्वरम्।शरं च वीक्षते वीरो वालिनो वधकारणात् 4.16.32।।,"Finding the king of the monkeys in distress, the heroic, brilliant Rama looked for an arrow in order to kill Vali." ततो धनुषि सन्धाय शरमाशीविषोपमम्।पुरयामास तच्चापं कालचक्रमिवान्तकः4.16.33।।,"Rama then fixed an arrow which resembled a venomous snake, on to his bow looking like the very deathwheel of Yama and stretched it fully." तस्य ज्यातलघोषेण त्रस्ताः पत्ररथेश्वराः।प्रदुद्रुवुर्मृगाश्चैव युगान्त इव मोहिताः4.16.34।।,"As if scared by the twang of the bowstring, winged and feathered birds and animals ran frightened in different directions." मुक्तस्तु वज्रनिर्घोष: प्रदीप्ताशनिसन्निभः।राघवेण महाबाणो वालिवक्षसि पातितः4.16.35।।,"As Rama shot the mighty arrow, it went like a blazing lightning with a thunderous sound and pierced into the chest of Vali." ततस्तेन महातेजा वीयौटत्सिक्तः कपीश्वरः।वेगेनाभिहतो वाली निपपात महीतले4.16.36।।,"Then the powerful monkey king Vali, who was proud of his might, fell down on earth, struck by the fast flying arrow." इन्द्रध्वज इवोद्धूतः पौर्णमास्यां महीतले।आश्वयुक्समये मासि गतश्रीको विचेतनः4.16.37।।,Vali fell lustreless on the ground. He was thrown down unconscious like the banner (hoisted in honour) of Indra on the fullmoon day of Aswayuja month. नरोत्तमः कालयुगान्तकोपमंशरोत्तमं काञ्चनरूप्यभुषितम्।ससर्ज दीप्तं तममित्रमर्दनंसधूममग्निं मुखतो यथा हरः4.16.38।।,"The arrow of Rama, distinguished among men, adorned with silver and gold, which could crush the enemy shone like fire and smoke emitted from the mouth of Rudra at the time of dissolution (at the end of the aeon)." अथोक्षितश्शोणिततोयविस्रवैस्सुपुष्पिताशोक इवानिलोद्धतः।विचेतनो वासवसूनुराहवेविभ्रंशितेन्द्रध्वजवत्क्षितिं गतः4.16.39।।,"While Indra's son (Vali) fell unconscious on the ground, drenched in blood flowing, like a fully bloomed Asoka tree shaken down by the wind, he looked like Indra's flag fallen.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे षोडशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the sixteenth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Vali accuses Rama -- calls him deceitful -- reproaches Rama in many ways.] ततश्शरेणाभिहतो रामेण रणकर्कशः।पपात सहसा वाली निकृत्त इव पादपः4.17.1।।," A tyrant in war, Vali struck by4.54.24 Rama's arrow, collapsed instantaneously like a tree felled down." स भूमौ न्यस्तसर्वाङ्गस्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणः।अपतद्देवराजस्य मुक्तरश्मिरिव ध्वजः4.17.2।।,"Adorned with shining gold ornaments,Vali fell down with all his limbs touching the ground like Indra's flag when its ropes are loosened." तस्मिन्निपतिते भूमौ वानराणां गणेश्वरे।नष्टचन्द्रमिव व्योम न व्यराजत भूतलम्4.17.3।।,"When the lord of the monkey troops fell down, it was as though the earth lost its brightness like the sky loses its brightness devoid of the Moon. " भूमौ निपतितस्यापि तस्य देहं महात्मनः।न श्रीर्जहाति न प्राणा न तेजो न पराक्रमः4.17.4।।,"Even though the highsouled Vali's body had fallen on the ground, its splendour, glow, life and valour had not left it." शक्रदत्ता वरा माला काञ्चनी वज्रभूषिता।दधार हरिमुख्यस्य प्राणांस्तेज्शियं च सा4.17.5।।,"As the most beautiful golden necklace, studded with diamonds, given by Indra was there on him, the life, brightness and splendour of Vali's body remained." स तया मालया वीरो हेमया हरियूथपः।सन्ध्यानुगतपर्यन्तः पयोधर इवाभवत्4.17.6।।,"Vali, the chief hero of the monkeys, with his golden necklace appeared like the raincloud hallowed by the glowing twilight." तस्य माला च देहश्च मर्मघाती च यश्शरः।त्रिधेव रचिता लक्ष्मीः पतितस्यापि शोभते4.17.7।।,"Even though he had fallen down, the effulgence of his necklace on his body, and the arrow pierced into his vital parts remained." तदस्त्रं तस्य वीरस्य स्वर्गमार्गप्रभावनम्।रामबाणासनक्षिप्तमावहत्परमां गतिम्4.17.8।।,Rama's arrow released paved the way to heaven which was that hero's supreme destination. तं तदा पतितं सङ्ख्ये गतार्चिषमिवानलम्।बहुमान्य च तं वीर वीक्षमाणं शनैरिव।4.17.9।।ययातिमिव पुण्यान्ते देवलोकादिहच्युतम्। आदित्यमिव कालेन युगान्ते भुवि पातितम्।4.17.10।।महेन्द्रमिव दुर्धर्षंमुपेन्द्रमिव दुस्सहम्।महेन्द्रपुत्रं पतितं वालिनं हेममालिनम्।।4.17.11।।सिंहोरस्कं महाबाहुं दीप्तास्यं हरिलोचनम्।लक्ष्मणानुगतो रामो ददर्शोपससर्प च।।4.17.12।।," Rama followed by Lakshmana slowly approached the longarmed, lionchested, brightfaced, tawnyeyed Vali, and admiringly observed this unchallengeable son of Indra, unassailable like Indra himself. Adorned with a golden necklace, he had fallen on the ground like fire without flame, like king Yayati descended on the earth from the celestial realm on the exhaustion of his merits, or like the Sun cast down on the earth at the end of the aeon." तं दृष्ट्वा राघवं वाली लक्ष्मणं च महाबलम्।अब्रवीत्प्रश्रितं वाक्यं परुषं धर्मसंहितम्4.17.13।।त्वं नराधिपतेः पुत्रः प्रथितः प्रियदर्शनःकुलीनस्सत्त्वसम्पन्न स्तेजस्वी चरितव्रतः।।4.17.14।।पराङ्मुखवधं कृत्वा कोऽत्र प्राप्तस्त्वया गुणः।यदहं युद्धसंरब्धश्शरेणोरसि ताडित:4.17.15।।,"On seeing powerful Rama and Lakshmana approaching,Vali spoke with pride and rigteousness to Rama, 'You are a prince, born of a noble family, son of a renowned king. You are famous, brilliant, handsome and follower of good practices.Having hit me when I was engaged otherwise in an encounter what merit have you gained?' " रामः करुणवेदी च प्रजानां च हिते रतः।सानुक्रोशो जितोत्साहस्समयज्ञो दृढव्रतः।।4.17.16।।इति ते सर्वभूतानि कथयन्ति यशो भुवि।।4.17.17।।, दमश्शमः क्षमा धर्मो धृतिस्सत्यं पराक्रमः।पार्थिवानां गुणा राजन्दण्डश्चाप्यपराधिषु4.17.18।।,"'O king selfcontrol (of organs of action and sense organs), righteousness, steadfastness, truthfulness, valiance and capacity to punish the offenders are virtues of a king." तान्गुणान्सम्प्रधार्याहमग्र्यं चाभिजनं तव।तारया प्रतिषिद्धोऽपि सुग्रीवेण समागतः4.17.19।।,"'Believing that you are a repository of all these virtues are in you, and respecting your noble lineage I engaged in a duel with Sugriva even though I was forewarned (by Tara). " न मामन्येन सम्रब्धं प्रमत्तं योद्धु मर्हसि।इति मे बुद्धिरुत्पन्ना बभूवादर्शने तव4.17.20।।, न त्वां विनिहतात्मानं धर्मध्वजमधार्मिकम्।जाने पापसमाचारं तृणैः कूपमिवावृतम्4.17.21।।,"'I did not know that you have killed your soul (by acting against your conscience), that you are sinful in conduct and unrighteous under the show of virtues like a well, its mouth covered with grass." सतां वेषधरं पापं प्रच्छन्नमिव पावकम्।नाहं त्वामभिजानामि धर्मच्छद्माभिसंवृतम्4.17.22।।,'You are a sinful man covered with the mask of piety thus resembling a hidden fire. I failed to recognise that righteousness is a mere pretext for you. विषये वा पुरे वा ते यदा पापं करोम्यहम्।न च त्वामवजाने च कस्मात्त्वं हंस्यकिल्बिषम्4.17.23।।फलमूलाशनं नित्यं वानरं वनगोचरम्।मामिहाप्रतियुध्यन्तमन्येन च समागतम्4.17.24।।,"'I did no harm to your affairs or to your city. I did not insult you. Why did you choose to kill me, a monkey roaming in the forest and living on fruits and roots? I was not fighting you. Why did you come and strike a person like me?" त्वं नराधिपतेः पुत्रः प्रतीतः प्रियदर्शनः।लिङ्गमप्यस्ति ते राजनन्दृश्यते धर्मसंहितम्4.17.25।।,"'O prince, you are son to a king, handsome and famous. Even signs of righteousness are discernible in you." कः क्षत्रियकुले जात्शृतवान्नष्टसंशयः।धर्मलिङ्गप्रतिच्छन्न क्रूरं कर्म समाचरेत्4.17.26।।,"'Who, born in a kshatriya family, versed in the Vedas and free from doubt will commit such a cruel act under the guise of righteousness?" राम राजकुले जातो धर्मवानिति विश्रुतः।।4.17.27।।अभव्यो भव्यरूपेण किमर्थं परिधावसि।,'You are born in a royal family. You are wellknown. You are proficient in dharma. Yet you are unworthy of your race and robe. साम दानं क्षमा धर्मस्सत्यं धृतिपराक्रमौ।पार्थिवानां गुणा राजन् दण्डश्चाप्यपराधिषु4.17.28।।,"'Conciliation, generosity, forbearance, righteousness, truthfulness, steadfastness in valour and punishing offenders are the hallmarks of rulers." वयं वनचरा राम मृगा मूलफलाशना:।एषा प्रकृतिरस्माकं पुरुषस्त्वं नरेश्वरः4.17.29।।,'O Rama we are mere animals wandering in the forest and living on roots and fruits. This is our nature. (But) you are a lord of men. भूमिर्हिरण्यं रूप्यं च विग्रहे कारणानि च।अत्र कस्ते वने लोभो मदीयेषु फलेषु वा4.17.30।।,"'We fight for land or gold or silver. What did you fight me for, for what I have or for the fruits of the forest? " नयश्च विनयश्चोभौ निग्रहानुग्रहावपि4.17.31।।राजवृत्तिरसङ्कीर्णा न नृपाः कामवृत्तयः।,'Submissiveness and modesty are the attributes of good rulers and should not be mixed up with benevolence and selfrestraint. Kings ought not to act (as they like) impulsively. त्वं तु कामप्रधानश्च कोपनश्चानवस्थितः4.17.32।।राजवृत्तेश्च सङ्कीणश्शरासनपरायणः।,'Fulfilling your own desire is important for you. You are wrathful and unstable with royal course of conduct. Your business is with your bow and arrows. न तेऽस्त्यपचितिर्धर्मे नार्थे बुद्धिरवस्थिता4.17.33।।इन्द्रियैः कामवृत्तस्सन्कृष्यसे मनुजेश्वर।,"'O lord of men you have no faith in righteousness, no steadfastness in the acquisition of wealth. You have no control over the senses. You are overcome by delusion." हत्वा बाणेन काकुत्स्थ मामिहानपराधिनम्4.17.34।।किं वक्ष्यसि सतां मध्ये कर्म कृत्वा जुगुप्सितम्।,"'O scion of the Kakutsthas Having killed me here with your arrow even though I have done you no harm, you have perpetrated an abominable act. How will you defend yourself in the midst of holy men after commiting such a sinful act?" राजहा ब्रह्महा गोघ्नश्चोरः प्राणिवधे रतः4.17.35।।नास्तिकः परिवेत्ता च सर्वे निरयगामिनः।,"'One who kills a king, a brahmin or a cow, a thief or one who delights in destruction of life an atheist or one who marries before his elder they all go to hell." सूचकश्च कदर्यश्च मित्रघ्नो गुरुतल्पगः4.17.36।।लोकं पापात्मनामेते गच्छन्ते नात्र संशयः।, अधार्यं चर्म मे सद्भी रोमाण्यस्थि च वर्जितम्।अभक्ष्याणि च मांसानि त्वद्विधैर्धर्मचारिभिः4.17.37।।,"'My skin is not fit to be worn by the virtuous, my hair and bones are also prohibited from any use. My flesh is also not at all fit to be eaten by righteous people like you" पञ्च पञ्च नखा भक्ष्या ब्रह्मक्षत्रेण राघव4.17.38।।शल्यक श्श्वाविधो गोधा शशः कूर्मश्च पञ्चमः।,"'O Rama brahmins and kshatriyas are permitted to eat only the five nailed animals the porcupine, the hedgehog, the alligator, the rabbit and the tortoise." चर्म चास्थि च मे राजन् नस्पृशन्ति मनीषिणः4.17.39।।अभक्ष्याणि च मांसानि सोऽहं पञ्चनखो हतः।,"'O king the learned do not even touch my skin or bone. They do not eat my flesh. While it is so, you have unnecessarily killed me, a fivenailed animal." तारया वाक्यमुक्तोऽहं सत्यं सर्वज्ञया हितम्4.17.40।।तदतिक्रम्य मोहेन कालस्य वशमागतः।,"'Tara knew everything. Her words were correct. They were meant for my wellbeing. However, due to my ignorance (or arrogance), I did not heed her words and fell under the sway of the lord of death " त्वया नाथेन काकुत्स्थ न सनाथा वसुन्धरा।प्रमदा शीलसम्पन्ना धूर्तेन पतिना यथा4.17.41।।,"'O Kakutstha just as a wife endowed with good character cannot be protected by a wicked husband, you cannot be a protector of this earth." शठो नैकृतिकः क्षुद्रो मिथ्याप्रश्रितमानसः।कथं दशरथेन त्वं जातः पापो महात्मना4.17.42।।,"'You are treacherous, dishonest, mean, guised with false humility and a sinner to the core. How were you born to that highsouled Dasaratha?" छिन्नचारित्रकक्ष्येण सतां धर्मातिवर्तिना।त्यक्तधर्माङ्कुशेनाहं निहतो रामहस्तिना4.17.43।।,"'Breaking through the chains of good character, trespassing the moral code of conduct of the sages, discharging the sharp arrow of righteousness, the elephantine (arrogant) Rama killed me." अशुभं चाप्ययुक्तं च सतां चैव विगर्हितम्।वक्ष्यसे चेदृशं कृत्वा सद्भिस्सह समागतः4.17.44।।,"'You have committed an inauspicious, improper act, despised by the virtuous. What will you speak when you are questioned by noble men for committing such an act?" उदासीनेषु योऽस्मासु विक्रमऽस्ते प्रकाशितः।अपकारिषु ते राजन्नहि पश्यामि विक्रमम्4.17.45।।,'O king you have exhibited your valour against one who has done you no harm. Why have you not shown such valour on those who have offended you? दृश्यमानस्तु युद्ध्येथा मया यदि नृपात्मज।अद्य वैवस्वतं देवं पश्येस्त्वं निहतो मया4.17.46।।,"'O prince had you fought me face to face you would have seen Vaivasvata, the lord of death today (you would have been killed by me)." त्वयाऽदृश्येन तु रणे निहतोऽहं दुरासदः।प्रसुप्तः पन्नगेनेव नरः पानवशं गतः4.17.47।।,bitten to death by a snake while fast asleep. मामेव यदि पूर्वं त्वमेतदर्थमचोदयः4.17.48।।मैथिलीमहमेकाह्ना तव चानीतवान्भवेत्।सुग्रीवप्रियकामेन यदहं निहतस्त्वया।कण्ठे बद्ध्वा प्रदद्यां ते निहतं रावणं रणे4.17.49।।,"'Had you sought my help earlier(before you met Sugriva), I would have restored Sita to you within a single day. I have been killed by you to oblige Sugriva. I would have handed over Ravana by the neck after killing him in the battle." न्यस्तां सागरतोये वा पाताले वापि मैथिलीम्।आनयेयं तवादेशाच्छ्वेतामश्वतरीमिव4.17.50।।,"'Even if she were hidden in the waters of the ocean or in the underworld, I would have brought her by your order like Sweta to Aswatari or Hayagriva. (Hayagriva, an incarnation of Visnu brought Vedas stolen by demons, Madhu and Kaitabha from Patala or the netherworld)" युक्तं यत्प्राप्नुयाद्राज्यं सुग्रीवस्स्वर्गते मयि।अयुक्तं यदधर्मेण त्वयाऽहं निहतो रणे4.17.51।।,'Sugriva inheriting the kingdom after my departure to heaven is proper. But your killing me this way in the combat by unjustifiable means is not. काममेवं विधो लोकः कालेन विनियुज्यते।क्षमं चेद्भवता प्राप्तमुत्तरं साधु चिन्त्यताम्4.17.52।।,"'Indeed, in the world people meet with death when the time comes. Hiding yourself (from me) you have achieved it. Is it proper for you? You may think over and give your reply.'" इत्येवमुक्त्वा परिशुष्कवक्त्रःशराभिघाताद्व्यथितो महात्मा।समीक्ष्य रामं रविसन्निकाशंतूष्णीं बभूवामरराजसूनुः4.17.53।।,"Vali, son of Indra, felt severe pain as his body was pierced and his mouth got parched (speaking for long) and gradually became silent, gazing at Rama intently who was glowing like the Sungod.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे सप्तदशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the seventeenth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana, composed by sage Valmiki." [Rama explains to Vali the righteous duties of kings -- justifies his action in killing him -- Vali pleads with Rama to protect Angada]इत्युक्तः प्रश्रितं वाक्यं धर्मार्थसहितं हितम्।परुषं वालिना रामो निहतेन विचेतसा4.18.1।।,"To these harsh words though seemingly wellmeaning, courteous and righteous, Vali who had been mortally wounded and confused in mind, Rama replied:" तं निष्प्रभमिवादित्यं मुक्ततोयमिवाम्बुदम्।उक्तवाक्यं हरिश्रेष्ठमुपशान्तमिवानलम्4.18.2।।धर्मार्थगुणसम्पन्नं हरीश्वरमनुत्तमम्।अधिक्षिप्तस्तदा रामः पश्चाद्वालिनमब्रवीत्4.18.3।।,"To righteous Vali,the best of the monkeys, the lord of the monkeys, who looked like the Sun shorn of his brilliance or a raindrained cloud or a fire that had been extinguished. Rama, under the scanner, said in reply:" धर्ममर्थं च कामं च समयं चापि लौकिकम्।अविज्ञाय कथं बाल्यान्मामिहाद्य विगर्हसे4.18.4।।,"'Without correct knowledge of dharma, artha, kama and worldly ways, how do you reproach me bitterly now in total ignorance?" अपृष्ट्वा बुद्धिसम्पन्नान्वृद्धानाचार्यसम्मतान्।सौम्य वानरचापल्यात्किं मावक्तुमिहेच्छसि4.18.5।।,"'O gentle Vali why do you speak with monkeyish frivolousness, without consulting the elders and teachers endowed with intelligence?" इक्ष्वाकूणामियं भूमिस्सशैलवनकानना।मृगपक्षिमनुष्याणां निग्रहप्रग्रहावपि4.18.6।।,"'This earth including mountains, groves and forests, animals, birds and humans belongs to the Ikshvaku kings.The right of purnishment and reward also vests with them." तां पालयति धर्मात्मा भरतस्सत्यवागृजुः।धर्मकामार्थतत्त्वज्ञो निग्रहानुग्रहे रतः4.18.7।।,"'Bharata, righteous, truthful, upright, knower of dharma, artha and kama and dispenser of punishment and rewards, rules this earth." नयश्च विनयश्चोभौ यस्मिन्सत्यं च सुस्थितम्।विक्रमश्च यथा दृष्टस्स राजा देशकालवित्4.18.8।।,"'Bharata in whom justice and discipline, truth and courage along with the knowledge of time and place for action are firmly rooted is king (of this earth)." तस्य धर्मकृतादेशा वयमन्ये च पार्थिवाः।चरामो वसुधां कृत्स्नां धर्मसन्तानमिच्छवः4.18.9।।,"'Following his command, in confirmity with dharma we and the other kings also move all over the entire world desirous of promoting dharma." तस्मिन्नृपतिशार्दूले भरते धर्मवत्सले।पालयत्यखिलां भूमिं कश्चरेद्धर्मनिग्रहम्4.18.10।।,"'Who can stray from the path of dharma when the whole world is ruled by Bharata, a tiger among kings, and a lover of dharma?" ते वयं धर्मविभ्रष्टं स्वधर्मे परमे स्थिताः।भरताज्ञां पुरस्कृत्य निगृह्णीमो यथाविधि4.18.11।।,"'By the command of Bharata ,all of us are devoted to our duty of upholding dharma and virtue and duly punish those who deviate from the path of dharma." त्वं तु संक्लिष्टधर्मा च कर्मणा च विगर्हितः।कामतन्त्रप्रधानश्च न स्थितो राजवर्त्मनि4.18.12।।,'You have violated dharma. You stand condemned for your actions. Passion is your priority. You have strayed from the right path of kings. ज्येष्ठो भ्राता पिता चैव यश्च विद्यां प्रयच्छति।त्रयस्ते पितरो ज्ञेया धर्म्ये च पथि वर्तिनः4.18.13।।, यवीयानात्मनः पुत्रशशिष्यश्चापि गुणोदितः।पुत्रवत्ते त्रयश्चिन्त्या धर्मश्चेदत्रकारणम्4.18.14।।, सूक्ष्मः परमदुरजेयस्सतां धर्मः प्लवङ्गम।हृदिस्थस्सर्वभूतानामात्मा वेद शुभाशुभम्4.18.15।।,'O monkey dharma is very subtle. It is extremely difficult to understand. Installed in the hearts of all living beings the self knows good and evil (soul is the witness of good and evil). चपलश्चपलैस्सार्धं वानरैरकृतात्मभिः।जात्यन्ध इव जात्यन्धैर्मन्त्रयन् प्रेक्षसे नु किम्4.18.16।।,"'You are fickle by nature. Your consultants are frivolous, pettyminded monkeys. It is like one born blind suppporting another blind by birth. What do you know (about dharma)? " अहं तु व्यक्ततामस्य वचनस्य ब्रवीमि ते।न हि मां केवलं रोषात्त्वं विगर्हितुमर्हसि4.18.17।।,'I shall explain to you clearly (the reason for striking you down). It is not proper for you to despise me with mere anger and malice. तदेतत्कारणं पश्य यदर्थं त्वं मया हतः।भ्रातुर्वर्तसि भार्यायां त्यक्त्वा धर्मं सनातनम्4.18.18।।,"'Now know the reason why I struck you down. Having abandoned the eternal law, you are living with your younger brother's wife." अस्य त्वं धरमाणस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।रुमायां वर्तसे कामात्स्नुषायां पापकर्मकृत्4.18.19।।,"'You are a sinner, since you live with Ruma, who is your virtual daughterinlaw, when the great self Sugriva is alive. (A younger brother is like a son and his wife, a daughterinlaw)." तद्व्यतीतस्य ते धर्मात्कामवृत्तस्य वानर।भ्रातृभार्यावमर्शेऽस्मिन्दण्डोऽयं प्रतिपादितः4.18.20।।,'O monkey since you have violated morality by sinning against your brother's wife this punishment is justified. न हि धर्मविरुद्धस्य लोकवृत्तादपेयुषः।दण्डादन्यत्र पश्यामि निग्रहं हरियूथप4.18.21।,'O lord of monkeys I do not see any other way of controlling a person excepting punishing the one who has acted against dharma and swerved from the accepted code of conduct. न हि ते मर्षये पापं क्षत्रियोऽहं कुलोद्भवः।औरसीं भगिनीं वापि भार्यां वाप्यनुजस्य यः4.18.22।।प्रचरेत नरः कामात्तस्य दण्डो वधः स्मृतः।,"'I am a kshatriya born of a good family. I will not pardon you for your sin. Whosoever transgresses dharma against his own daughter, sister or brother's wife out of lust should be killed according to smriti." भरतस्तु महीपालो वयं त्वादेशवर्तिनः4.18.23।।त्वं तु धर्मादतिक्रान्तः कथं शक्यं उपेक्षितुम्।,"'Bharata is a king and we follow his command. How can you, who have strayed from dharma, go unpunished?" गुरूर्धर्मव्यतिक्रान्तं प्राज्ञो धर्मेण पालयन्4.18.24।।भरतः कामवृत्तानां निग्रहे पर्यवस्थितः।,"'Wise Bharata being a respectable king rules by dharma. By the command of Bharata, we are bent upon punishing those who have strayed from dharma by being addicted to sensual pleasures." वयं तु भरतादेश विधिं कृत्वा हरीश्वर।त्वद्विधान्भिन्नमर्यादान्नियन्तुपर्यवस्थिताः4.18.25।।,'O Vali we have to follow Bharata's command and are bent upon punishing those wicked people who deviate from the bounds of dharma. सुग्रीवेण च मे सख्यं लक्ष्मणेन यथा तथा।दारराज्यनिमित्तं च निःश्रेयसि रत स्स मे4.18.26।।प्रतिज्ञा च मया दत्ता तदा वानरसन्निधौ।प्रतिज्ञा च कथं शक्या मद्विधेनानवेक्षितुम्4.18.27।।,'My friendship with Sugriva is as strong as that with Lakshmana. Its motive is the recovery of his wife and sovereignty. I have promised this to him in the presence of monkeys. How can a pledge remain unhonoured by a person like me? How is it possible? तदेभिः कारणैस्सर्वैर्महद्भिर्धर्मसंहितैः4.18.28।।शासनं तप यद्युक्तं तद्भवाननुमन्यताम्।,"'Knowing all these reasons(many violations of dharma), it is proper for you as a king to approve of the punishment accorded to you in consonance with dharma." सर्वथा धर्म इत्येव द्रष्टव्यस्तव निग्रहः4.18.29।।वयस्यस्योपकर्तव्यं धर्ममेवानुपश्यतः।,'Punishment given to you should be viewed as a right course of action in all respects. This is the duty of a trustworthy friend who follows dharma. शक्यं त्वयाऽपि तत्कार्यं धर्ममेवानुपश्यता4.18.30।।श्रूयते मनुना गीतौ श्लोकौ चारित्रवत्सलौ।गृहीतौ धर्मकुशलैस्तत्तथा चरितं हरे4.18.31।।," 'You should also have acted in that manner considering dharma. Now listen to what Manu said, in two verses that hold good traditions dear which are accepted by men wellversed in dharma. O monkey the action taken by me is in conformity with this." राजभिर्धृतदण्डास्तु कृत्वा पापानि मानवाः।निर्मलास्स्वर्गमायान्ति सन्तस्सुकृतिनो यथा4.18.32।।,'Men who have perpetrated sins should be subjected to punishment by kings so that they become stainless and attain heaven like pious men who have performed good deeds. शासनाद्वाऽपिमोक्षाद्वा स्तेनः स्तेयाद्विमुच्यते।राजात्वशासन्पापस्य तदवाप्नोति किल्बिषम्4.18.33।।, आर्येण मम मान्धात्रा व्यसनं घोरमीप्सितम्।श्रमणेन कृते पापे यथा पापं कृतं त्वया4.18.34।।,"'In the past a similar sin was perpetrated by Sramana, a revered soul (mendicant) and Mandhata, a noble king of my race inflicted terrible punishment on him." अन्यैरपि कृतं पापं प्रमत्तैर्वसुधाधिपैः।प्रायश्चित्तं च कुर्वन्ति तेन तच्छाम्यते रजः4.18.35।।,'Vicious deeds have been committed by others when the kings were not watchful. Kings punish such sinners when they are vigilant. Otherwise they have to atone for their negligence. तदलं परितापेन धर्मतः परिकल्पितः।वधो वानरशार्दूल न वयं स्ववशे स्थिता:।।4.18.36।।,'O tiger among monkeys do not regret. Your death has the sanction of dharma. We are under the control of sastras. We are committed to them. We do not have the freedom to act independently. शृणु चाप्यपरं भूयः कारणं हरिपुङ्गव।यच्छ्रुत्वा हेतुमद्वीर न मन्युं कर्तुमर्हसि4.18.37।।,"'O hero O best of monkeys listen to me. I will give you one more reason. On hearing it, I hope you would not be angry with me." न मे तत्र मनस्तापो न मन्युर्हरिपुङ्गव।वागुराभिश्च पाशैश्च कूटैश्च विविधैर्नराः4.18.38।।प्रतिच्छन्नाश्च दृश्याश्च गृह्णन्ति सुबहून्मृगान्।,"'O best of monkeys I have no mental agony nor do I regret in this case. Hidden from view or out in the open, people catch animals by means of snares or ropes or through other tricks. " प्रधावितान्वा वित्रस्तान्विस्रब्धांश्चापि निष्ठितान्4.18.39।।प्रमत्तानप्रमत्तान्वा नरा मांसार्थिनो भृशम्।विध्यन्ति विमुखांश्चापि न च दोषोऽत्र विद्यते4.18.40।।,"'People seeking animal flesh for food kill animals alarmed or unalarmed, animals that run away or animals that stand still. They kill animals whether they are alert or not and no blemish is attached." यान्ति राजर्षयश्चात्र मृगयां धर्मकोविदाः।तस्मात्त्वं निहतो युद्धे मया बाणेन वानर4.18.41।।अयुध्यन्प्रतियुध्यन्वा यस्माच्छाखामृगो ह्यसि।,"'O monkey even royal saints wellversed in dharma go for hunting. I struck you down with an arrow whether you were fighting with Sugriva or not, since you are a monkey. (You can be hit whether you are fighting face to face or not). " दुर्लभस्य च धर्मस्य जीवितस्य शुभस्य च4.18.42।।राजानो वानरश्रेष्ठ प्रदातारो न संशयः।,"'O best of monkeys kings are donors of dharma, life and auspiciousness to people which is difficult to acquire. There is no doubt about it." तान्न हिंस्यान्न चाक्रोशेन्नाक्षिपेन्नाप्रियं वदेत्4.18.43।।देवा मानुषरूपेण चरन्त्येते महीतले।,"'One should not insult kings, nor shout at them, nor disregard them nor speak unpleasant words to them. They are gods in human form moving on this earth." त्वं तु धर्ममविज्ञाय केवलं रोषमास्थितः4.18.44।।प्रदूषयसि मां धर्मे पितृपैतामहे स्थितम्।,"'Seized with improper anger, you are reproaching one who is devoted to dharma, without knowing that I follow the code of conduct that has been passed on by my fathers and forefathers.'" एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण वाली प्रव्यथितो भृशम्4.18.45।।न दोषं राघवे दध्यौ धर्मेऽधिगतनिश्चयः।,Vali was very much pained to hear Rama. He became free from confusion regarding dharma and no longer found fault with Rama. प्रत्युवाच ततो रामं प्राञ्जलिर्वानरेश्वरः।।4.18.46।।यत्त्वमात्थ नरश्रेष्ठ तदेवं नात्र संशयः।,"Thereafter Vali offered obeisance with folded palms to Rama, saying, 'O best among men whatever you have spoken is undoubtedly true.'" प्रतिवक्तुं प्रकृष्टे हि नापकृष्टस्तु शक्नुयात्4.18.47।।यदयुक्तं मया पूर्वं प्रमादाद्वाक्यमप्रियम्।तत्रापि खलु मे दोषं कर्तुं नार्हसि राघव।, तदयुक्तं मया पूर्वं प्रमादादुक्तमप्रियम् । तत्रापि खलु मे दोषं कर्तुं नार्हसि राघव ।। 4.18.48 ।।,In Progress त्वं हि दृष्टार्थतत्त्वज्ञ: प्रजानां च हिते रतः।कार्यकारणसिद्धौ च प्रसन्ना बुद्धिरव्यया4.18.49।।,'You are a wise man given to truth and righteousness.You remain devoted to people's wellbeing. As you know for certain about cause and effect your intellect is sound and words pleasant. मामप्यगतधर्माणं व्यतिक्रान्तपुरस्कृतम्।धर्मसंहितया वाचा धर्मज्ञ परिपालय4.18.50।।,"'O knower of dharma, I did not follow dharma in the past. I have trangressed the bounds of dharma. Say, you have pardoned me, protect me in a righteous manner. " न त्वात्मानमहं शोचे न तारां न च बान्धवान्।यथा पुत्रं गुणज्येष्ठमङ्गदं कनकाङ्गदम् 4.18.51।।,'I neither grieve for myself nor for Tara nor for my kinsmen. But I do for my son Angada adorned with golden armlets. He is embellished with all virtues. स ममादर्शनाद्दीनो बाल्यात्प्रभृति लालितः।तटाक इव पीताम्बुरुपशोषं गमिष्यति4.18.52।।,'I loved him very much from his childhood. He will grow depressed in my absence. He will become like a pond whose waters have been dried up. बालश्चाकृतबुद्धिश्च एकपुत्रश्च मे प्रियः।तारेयो राम भवता रक्षणीयो महाबलः4.18.53।।,"'O Rama he is my only son through Tara and dear to me. He is young,innocent but strong.He deserves to be protected by you." सुग्रीवे चाङ्गदे चैव विधत्स्व मतिमुत्तमाम्।त्वं हि शास्ता च गोप्ता च कार्याकार्यविधौ स्थितः4.18.54।।,'Shower equal affection from your heart on Sugriva and Angada. You are their protector and punisher also. You know what should and should not be done. या ते नरपते वृत्तिर्भरते लक्ष्मणे च या।सुग्रीवे चाङ्गदे राजंस्तां त्वमाधातुमिहासि4.18.55।।,'O lord of men may you have the same kind of affection for Sugriva and Angada as you have for Bharata and Lakshmana. मद्दोषकृतदोषां तां यथा तारां तपस्विनीम्।सुग्रीवो नावमन्येत तथाऽवस्थातुमर्हसि4.18.56।।,'I hope Tara will not be made to suffer because of my offence. Make Sugriva not to run wretched Tara down. त्वया ह्यनुगृहीतेन राज्यं शक्यमुपासितुम्4.18.57।।त्वद्वशे वर्तमानेन तव चित्तानुवर्तिना।शक्यं दिवं चार्जयितुं वसुधां चापि शासितुम्4.18.58।।,'It is possible for a person favoured by you to rule the kingdom.It is possible for one who is under your control and acts according to your will to rule the entire world and earn heaven. त्वत्तोऽहं वधमाकाङ्क्षन्वार्यमाणोऽपि तारया।सुग्रीवेण सह भ्रात्रा द्वन्द्वयुद्धमुपागतः4.18.59।।इत्युक्त्वा सन्नतो रामं विरराम हरीश्वरः।,"'Even though I was prevented by Tara, I came for a duel with Sugriva since I wished to die in your hands.' Having spoken thus to Rama, Vali fell silent." स तमाश्वासयद्रामो वालिनं व्यक्तदर्शनम्4.18.60।।सामसम्पन्नया वाचा धर्मतत्त्वार्थयुक्तया।,"Now Vali was able to see clearly. Rama consoled him with words of peace and tranquillity, truth and righteousness." न सन्तापस्त्वया कार्य एतदर्थं प्लवङ्गम4.18.61।।न वयं भवता चिन्त्या नाप्यात्मा हरिसत्तम।वयं भवद्विशेषेण धर्मतः कृतनिश्चयाः4.18.62।।,"'O best of monkeys, abandon all your anxiety on this score. Bother not about us or about yourself. Whatever has happened, has happened in consonance with dharma." दण्ड्ये यः पातयेद्दण्डं दण्ड्यो यश्चापि दण्ड्यते।कार्यकारणसिद्धार्था वुभौ तौ नावसीदतः4.18.63।।,"'The sinner and the punisher, whoever gives punishment and whoever receives it, are both regulated by the law of cause and effect. So do not despair." तद्भवान्दण्डसंयोगादस्माद्विगतकल्मषः।गतस्स्वां प्रकृतिं धर्म्यं धर्मदृष्टेन वर्त्मना4.18.64।।,'You have been purged of your sin through punishment from the point of view of righteousness. You have regained your spiritual nature on the path of dharma. त्यज शोकं च मोहं च भयं च हृदये स्थितम्।त्वया विधानं हर्यग्र्य न शक्यमतिवर्तितुम्4.18.65।।,"'O best of monkeys remove sorrow from your heart, delusion and fear. It is not possible for you to transgress fate. " यथा त्वय्यङ्गदो नित्यं वर्तते वानरेश्वर।तथा वर्तेत सुग्रीवे मयि चापि न संशयः4.18.66।।,'O lord of monkeys Angada will remain with Sugriva and with me as he used to live with you. Rest assured.' स तस्य वाक्यं मधुरं महात्मनस्समाहितं धर्मपथानुवर्तिनः।निशम्य रामस्य रणावमर्दिनोवचस्सुयुक्तं निजगाद वानरः4.18.67।।,"Having listened to the sweet, wellcomposed words of great Rama, a crusher of the enemy in war ,follower of righteous path, Vali replied in appropriate manner:" शराभितप्तेन विचेतसा मयाप्रदूषितस्त्वं यदजानता प्रभो।इदं महेन्द्रोपम भीमविक्रमप्रसादितस्त्वं क्षम मे नरेश्वर4.18.68।।,"'Pray, O mighty prince, hero of immense valour, pardon me for the words of blame I unwittingly hurled at you. I said all that in excruciating pain caused by your mighty arrow and in confusion of what is right and what is wrong.'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे अष्टादशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the eighteenth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki." [Tara arrives -- her lamentations.]स वानरमहाराजश्शयानश्शरविक्षतः।प्रत्युक्तो हेतुमद्वाक्यैर्नोत्तरं प्रत्यपद्यत4.19.1।।,The king of monkeys lying on the ground struck by the arrow did not offer to reply after listening to Rama's appropriate answers (to his objections). अश्मभिः प्रविभिन्नाङ्गः पादपैराहतो भृशम्।रामबाणेन चाक्रान्तो जीवितान्ते मुमोह सः4.19.2।।,"Severely battered by stones, hit by trees and pierced by Rama's arrow, Vali lost consciousness as the end of his life was nearing." तं भार्या बाणमोक्षेण रामदत्तेन संयुगे।हतं प्लवगशार्दूलं तारा शुश्राव वालिनम्4.19.3।।,"Tara, wife of Vali, heard that her husband, tiger among monkeys, was killed in the battle by the arrow discharged by Rama." सा सपुत्राप्रियं श्रुत्वा वधं भर्तुस्सुदारुणम्।निष्पपात भृशं तस्माद्विविधा गिरिगह्वरात्4.19.4।।,"Hearing the terrible, unhappy news of her husband's death, Tara anxiously rushed along with her son out of the mountain cave." ये त्वङ्गदपरीवारा वानरा भीमविक्रमाः।ते सकार्मुकमालोक्य रामं त्रस्ताः प्रदुद्रुवुः4.19.5।।,"Alarmed at the sight of Rama holding the bow, the terribly courageous monkeys who followed Angada as his bodyguards ran in different directions." सा ददर्श ततस्त्रस्तान्हरीनापततो भृशम्।यूथादिव परिभ्रष्टान्मृगान्निहतयूथपान्4.19.6।।,"Tara saw the terrorstricken monkeys running helterskelter, like the herd of deer whose leader who had strayed had been killed." तानुवाच समासाद्य दुःखितान्दुखिता सती।रामवित्रासितान्सर्वाननुबद्धानिवेषुभिः4.19.7।।,"Sorrowful Tara, the wife of Vali, duly approaching the monkeys stricken with grief and running as if chased by the arrows of Rama at their back, said to them:" वानराः राजसिंहस्य यस्य यूयं पुरस्सराः।तं विहाय सुसन्त्रस्ताः कस्माद्द्रवथ दुर्गताः4.19.8।।,"'O monkeys deserting the lion among kings,whose servants you are ? What should you be frightened for ? Why run away in distress?" राज्यहेतोस्स चेद्भ्राता भ्रात्रा रौद्रेण पातितः।रामेण प्रहितैरौद्रैर्मार्गणैर्दूरपातिभिः4.19.9।।,"'If the (elder) brother is struck down by his (younger) brother in anger for the sake of kingship using farreaching arrows discharged by Rama, why are you running?' " कपिपत्न्या वचश्श्रुत्वा कपयः कामरूपिणः।प्राप्तकालमविक्लिष्टमूचुर्वचनमङ्गनाम्4.19.10।।,"On hearing Tara, the wife of Vali, the monkeys who could assume any form at their will replied with clear words appropriate to the occasion:" जीवपुत्रे निवर्तस्व पुत्रं रक्षस्व चाङ्गदम्।अन्तको रामरूपेण हत्वा नयति वालिनम्4.19.11।।,"'O mother, your son is still alive. Go back and protect your son Angada. Lord of death in the form of Rama has come and killed Vali and is carrying him away." क्षिप्तान् वृक्षान्समाविध्य विपुलाश्च शिलास्तथा।वाली वज्रसमैर्बाणै रामेण विनिपातितः4.19.12।।,'Rama smashed the trees and stones Vali hurled at him and then struck him down with thunderboltlike arrows. अभिद्रुतमिदं सर्वं विद्रुतं प्रसृतं बलम्।अस्मिन् प्लवगशार्दूले हते शक्रसमप्रभे4.19.13।।,"'When Vali who was equal to Indra in strength, a tiger among monkeys, was killed, the army of monkeys got terrified and ran away here and there, scattered in different directions." रक्ष्यतां नगरद्वारमङ्गदश्चाभिषिच्यताम्।पदस्थं वालिनः पुत्रं भजिष्यन्ति प्लवङ्गमाः4.19.14।।,'Let the gate of the city be shut and Vali's son be consecrated as king. All the monkeys will serve him when he assumes power. अथवाऽरुचितं स्थानमिह ते रुचिरानने।आविशन्ति हि दुर्गाणि क्षिप्रमन्यानि वानराः4.19.15।।,"'O lovely Tara, this very day other monkeys will soon occupy our citadels." अभार्याश्च सभार्याश्च सन्त्यत्र वनचारिणः।लुब्धेभ्यो विप्रयुक्तेभ्यस्तेभ्यो नस्तुमुलं भयम्4.19.16।।,'There are monkeys wandering in the forest (sent away by Vali). Some of them have made others' wives their own and some have been separated from their wives. They are a great cause of fear.' अल्पान्तरगतानां तु श्रुत्वा वचनमङ्गना।आत्मनः प्रतिरूपं सा बभाषे चारुहासिनी4.19.17।।,"Hearing the words of the pettyminded monkeys, Tara spoke to them in her own way with a gentle smile:" पुत्रेण मम किं कार्यं राज्येनच किमात्मना।कपिसिंहे महाभागे तस्मिन्भर्तरि नश्यति4.19.18।।,"'Now that the glorious Vali, a lion among monkeys, my husband is dying, of what purpose is the son, or the kingdom or my own life?" पादमूलं गमिष्यामि तस्यैवाहं महात्मनः।योऽसौ रामप्रयुक्तेन शरेण विनिपातितः4.19.19।।,'I will seek the soles of the feet of the great soul who has been killed by the arrow discharged by Rama.' एवमुक्त्वा प्रदुद्राव रुदन्ती शोककर्शिता।शिरश्चोरश्च बाहुभ्यां दुःखेन समभिध्नती4.19.20।।,"So saying, the griefstricken, weeping Tara hastened, sadly beating with both hands her head and her chest." आव्रजन्ती ददर्शाथ पतिं निपतितं भुवि।हन्तारं दानवेन्द्राणां समरेष्वनिवर्तिनम्4.19.21।।,"As she was nearing (the spot) she saw her husband, a great conqueror of monkeys who never retreated from the battle, mortally hit and fallen on the ground." क्षेप्तारं पर्वतेन्द्राणां वज्राणामिव वासवम्।महावातसमाविष्टं महामेघौघनिस्स्वनम्4.19.22।।,"Vali who used to hurl huge mountains like Indra discharges thunderbolts, who had the speed of wind of high velocity, who would roar like huge thundering clouds," क्रतुल्यपराक्रान्तं वृष्टवेवोपरतं घनम्।नर्दन्तं नर्दतां भीमं शूरं शूरेण पातितम्4.19.23।।शार्दूलेनामिषस्यार्थे मृगराजं यथाहतम्।,"(Vali) who was equal to Indra in prowess looked like a huge monsoon cloud that had calmed down after pouring all water, a roaring warrior who could frighten others, struck down by another warrior, appeared like a lion killed by a tiger for the sake of meat" अर्चितं सर्वलोकस्य सपताकं सवेदिकम्4.19.24।।नागहेतोस्सुपर्णेन चैत्यमुन्मथितं यथा।,"Vali looked like a chaitya (a tree of worship) having a banner and altar and reverentially worshipped by the entire world, but destroyed by Garuda on account of a serpent (hidden in it). (Here Rama is Garuda, Sugriva, serpent and Vali a sacred Chaitya)" अवष्टभ्य च तिष्ठन्तं ददर्श धनुरुत्तम्4.19.25।।रामं रामानुजं चैव भर्तुश्चैवानुजं शुभा।,"The auspicious lady Tara beheld Rama standing there firmly with his brother and Sugriva, leaning on the best of bows." तावतीत्य समासाद्य भर्तारं निहतं रणे4.19.26।।समीक्ष्य व्यथिता भूमौ सम्भ्रान्ता निपपात ह।," Passing Rama and Lakshmana, she went near her husband killed in the combat. She was full of agony to see him. Deeply agitated in the mind, she fell down on the ground." सुप्त्वेव पुनरुत्थाय आर्यपुत्रेति शोचती4.19.27।।रुरोद सा पतिं दृष्ट्वा संवीतं मृत्युदामभिः।,"Tara got up again, as if she woke up from sleep and addressing her husband garlanded with death, lamented." तामवेक्ष्य तु सुग्रीवः क्रोशन्तीं कुररीमिव।विषादमगमत्कष्टं दृष्ट्वा चाङ्गदमागतम्4.19.28।।,"Seeing Tara crying like a female osprey and Angada following her in despair, Sugriva felt pain (at heart).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे एकोनविंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the nineteenth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Tara's lamentation over her misfortune.]रामचापविसृष्टेन शरेणान्तकरेण तम्।दृष्ट्वा विनिहतं भूमौ तारा ताराधिपानना4.20.1।।सा समासाद्य भर्तारं पर्यष्वजत भामिनी।,"Beholding her husband lying on the ground pierced by a deathdealing arrow released by Rama, the lovely moonfaced Tara went and embraced him. " इषुणाऽभिहतं दृष्ट्वा वालिनं कुञ्जरोपमम्4.20.2।।वानरेन्द्र महेन्द्राभं शोकसन्तप्तमानसा।तारा तरुमिवोन्मूलं पर्यदेवयदातुरा4.20.3।।,"Beholding Vali, the lord of monkeys, who was strong as an elephant, splendid as a mountain, fallen down like an uprooted tree, struck by the arrow, Tara became restless and wailed bitterly:" रणे दारुण विक्रान्त प्रवीर प्लवतां वर।किं दीनामपुरोभागामद्य त्वं नाभिभाषसे।।4.20.4।।,"'O valiant hero, lord of monkeys you were terrifying in war. Why don't you speak now to me so forlorn and helpless?" उत्तिष्ठ हरिशार्दूल भजस्व शयनोत्तमम्।नैवंविधाश्शेरते हि भूमौ नृपतिसत्तमाः4.20.5।।,"'O tiger among monkeys get up. Come and sleep on the best of beds. Best of kings, you should not lie on the ground." अतीव खलु ते कान्ता वसुधा वसुधाधिप।गतासुरपि यां गात्रैर्मां विहाय निषेवसे4.20.6।।,"'O lord of the earth I know you loved the earth more than you loved me since you have forsaken me and enjoy her company by hugging her with your limbs, even after death." व्यक्तमन्या त्वया वीर धर्मत: सम्प्रवर्तिता।किष्किन्धेव पुरी रम्या स्वर्गमार्गे विनिर्मिता4.20.7।।,"'O my heroic husband, you are the legitimate, righteous king of Kiskinda. You have evidently built another beautiful city Kiskinda on your way to heaven." यान्यस्माभिस्त्वया सार्धं वनेषु मधुगन्धिषु।विहृतानि त्वया काले तेषामुपरमः कृतः4.20.8।।,'Our pleasure trips to sweetscented forests have ended now. You have brought them to a close. निरानन्दा निराशाऽहं निमग्ना शोकसागरे।त्वयि पञ्चत्वमापन्ने महायूथपयूथपे4.20.9।।,"'You are the leader of leaders. Now that you have attained heaven I am bereft of all joy, plunged in a sea of grief." हृदयं सुस्थिरं मह्यं दृष्ट्वा विनिहतं पतिम्।यन्न शोकाभिसन्तप्तं स्फुटतेऽद्य सहस्रधा4.20.10।।,"'I presume my heart is strong, for it has not broken into a thousand pieces, even though I am overwhelmed with grief to see my husband fallen on the ground." सुग्रीवस्य त्वया भार्या हृता स च विवासितः।यत्तु त्तस्य त्वया व्युष्टिः प्राप्तेयं प्लवगाधिप4.20.11।।,'O king of monkeys you have banished Sugriva. You have usurped his wife. This is the fruit of your action. निश्श्रेयसपरा मोहात्त्वया चाहं विगर्हिता।यैषाऽब्रुवं हितं वाक्यं वानरेन्द्र हितैषिणी4.20.12।।, 'O lord of monkeys wishing your wellbeing I tendered salutary advice. But out of delusion you despised them. रूपयौवनदृप्तानां दक्षिणानां च मानद।नूनमप्सरसामार्य चित्तानि प्रमथिष्यसि4.20.13।।,'O venerable one you will surely churn the minds of the kindhearted celestial nymphs who are endowed with youth and beauty. कालो निस्संशयो नूनं जीवितान्तकरस्तव।बलाद्येनावपन्नोऽसि सुग्रीवस्यावशो वशम्4.20.14।।," 'No doubt time is inexorable. The time of your death had surely arrived.Now you, whom nobody could control, have come under the sway of Sugriva." वैधव्यं शोकसन्तापं कृपणं कृपणा सती।अदुःखोपचिता पूर्वं वर्तयिष्याम्यनाथवत्।।4.20.15।।,"'I have not experienced poverty or suffering before. Immersed in grief, like an orphan, now I am reduced to the pitiable condition of a widow." लालितश्चाङ्गदो वीरस्सुकुमारस्सुखोचितः।वर्त्स्यते कामवस्थां मे पितृव्ये क्रोधमूर्छिते।।4.20.16।।,"'To what plight will the tender Angada, who has been tended affectionately and deserves comforts, be reduced when his uncle displays anger?" कुरुष्व पितरं पुत्र सुदृष्टं धर्मवत्सलम्।दुर्लभं दर्शनं वत्स तव तस्य भविष्यति।।4.20.17।।,"(Turning to Angada Tara said) 'O son, look at your father, a lover of dharma. See him, as it will be difficult to see him later, dear'." समाश्वासय पुत्रं त्वं सन्देशं सन्दिशस्व मे।मूर्ध्नि चैनं समाघ्राय प्रवासं प्रस्थितो ह्यसि4.20.18।।,"'O lord you have set out on a long journey. Kiss your son on the forehead, enjoy its sweet smell, console him and give him your message." रामेण हि महत्कर्म कृतं त्वामभिनिघ्नता।आनृण्यं च गतं तस्य सुग्रीवस्य प्रतिश्रवे4.20.19।।,"'Indeed, Rama has achieved a great feat in fulfilling his promise to Sugriva. He is acquitted of the debt by killing you. " सकामो भव सुग्रीव रुमां त्वं प्रतिपत्स्यसे।भुङ्क्षव राज्यमनुद्विग्नश्शस्तो भ्राता रिपुस्तव4.20.20।।,'(Now turning to Sugriva she said) O Sugriva your enemy brother has been killed and your desire has been fulfilled.You will get back Ruma and enjoy the kingdom without any obstacles.' किं मामेवं विलपतीं प्रेम्णा त्वं नाभिभाषसे।इमाः पश्य वरा बह्वीर्भार्यास्ते वानरेश्वर4.20.21।।,'(To Vali she said) O lord of monkeys Why don't you speak to me loving words when I am wailing this way? Here are your excellent wives' तस्या विलपितं श्रुत्वा वानर्यस्सर्वतश्च ताः।परिगृह्याङ्गदं दीनं दुःखार्ता परिचुक्रुशुः4.20.22।।,"On hearing the wailing of Tara, all the other wives of Vali held the piteous (in their arms) Angada and wailed, overwhelmed with sorrow:" किमङ्गदं साङ्गदवीरबाहो विहाय यास्यद्य चिरप्रवासम्।न युक्तमेवं गुणसन्निकृष्टंविहाय पुत्रं प्रियपुत्र गन्तुम्4.20.23।।,"'O hero, adorned with armlets, why have you departed on a long journey, deserting your dear son Angada who possesses similar virtues like you? It is not proper." किमप्रियं ते प्रिय चारुवेषमया कृतं नाथ सुतेन वा ते।सहाङ्गदां मां प्रविहाय वीरयत्प्रस्थितो दीर्घ मितः प्रवासम्4.20.24।।,"'O darling, attractively dressed, you are leaving me and Angada and going too far. What unpleasant deeds we have done (to deserve this)." यद्यप्रियं किञ्चिदसम्प्रधार्यकृतं मया स्यात्तव दीर्घबाहो।क्षमस्व मे तद्धरिवंशनाथव्रजामि मूर्ध्ना तव वीर पादौ।।4.20.25।।,"'O longarmed chief of the monkey clan O warrior pardon me any wrong done unknowingly, inconsiderately. I touch your feet with my head.'" तथा तु तारा करुणं रुदन्तीभर्तुस्समीपे सह वानरीभिः।व्यवस्यत प्रायमुपोपवेष्टुमनिन्द्यवर्णा भुवि यत्र वाली4.20.26।।,"Beautiful Tara crying pathetically sat near her husband along with other female monkeys on the ground, determined to abstain from food and drink, awaiting death.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे विंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentieth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Hanuman consoles Tara -- requests her to ask Angada to perform the last rites for Vali -- Tara's reply.]ततो निपतितां तारां च्युतां तारामिवाम्बरात्।शनैराश्वासयामास हनुमान्हरियूथपः4.21.1।।,"Thereafter Hanuman, leader of the monkey clan, slowly consoled Tara who was (standing before her husband) like a star fallen from the sky." गुणदोषकृतं जन्तुस्स्वकर्म फलहेतुकम्।अव्यग्रस्तदवाप्नोति सर्वं प्रेत्य शुभाशुभम्4.21.2।।,'On departing from this mortal world an embodied soul reaps gradually the good and evil fruits of action performed under the notion of virtue or vice with an eye to their good or evil consequences. शोच्या शोचसि कं शोच्यं दीनं दीनाऽनुकम्पसे।कस्य कोवाऽनुशोच्योऽस्ति देहेऽस्मिन् बुद्बुदोपमे4.21.3।।,"'For whom do you grieve except for yourself? You are miserable. Who are you sympathising with? Who are you grieving for? When this body itself is like a bubble, who is worth grieving for?" अङ्गदस्तु कुमारोऽयं द्रष्टव्यो जीवपुत्रया।अयत्यां च विधेयानि समर्थान्यस्य चिन्तय4.21.4।।,"'You are mother of a surviving son, Angada. You have to look after him in times to come. Think of the duties to be performed now." जानास्यनियतामेवं भूतानामागतिं गतिम्।तस्माच्छुभं हि कर्तव्यं पण्डितेनैह लौकिकम्।।4.21.5।।,"'You are aware of the uncertain and transient happenings in the lives of living beings. Therefore, a wise lady should do auspicious work in this world." यस्मिन्हरिसहस्राणि प्रयुतान्यर्बुदानि च।वर्तयन्ति कृतांशानि सोऽयं दिष्टान्तमागतः4.21.6।।,'Tens of millions of monkeys depended on this hero with their hopes on him. He has reached his ultimate destiny now to enjoy the fruits of his good deeds. यदयं न्यायदृष्टार्थस्सामदानक्षमापरः।गतो धर्मजितां भूमिं नैनं शोचितुमर्हसि4.21.7।।,"'This hero with a right vision, adopted the means of conciliation, charity and forgiveness (in his administration) and has finally reached a position through righteousness in his death. It is not proper to mourn for him." सर्वे हि हरिशार्दूलाः पुत्रश्चायं तवाङ्गदः।इदं हर्यृक्षपतिराज्यं च त्वत्सनाथमनिन्दिते4.21.8।।,'O blemishless lady these great monkeys including your son Angada and the entire kingdom of monkeys and bears are under your protection. ताविमौ शोकसन्तप्तौ शनैः प्रेरय भामिनि।त्वया परिगृहीतोऽयमङ्गदश्शास्तु मेदिनीम्4.21.9।।,'O fair sex Encourage these two griefstricken heroes (Angada and Sugriva) gently. Let Angada rule this earth under your protection. सन्ततिश्च यथा दृष्टा कृत्यं यच्चापि साम्प्रतम्।राज्ञस्तत्क्रियतां सर्वमेष कालस्य निश्चयः4.21.10।।, संस्कार्यो हरिराजश्च अङ्गदश्चाभिषिच्यताम्।सिंहासनगतं पुत्रं पश्यन्ती शान्तिमेष्यसि4.21.11।।,'Let all the rituals of the king of vanaras be performed. Let Angada be consecrated. You will attain peace of mind to see your son seated on the throne.' सा तस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा भर्तृव्यसनपीडिता।अब्रवीदुत्तरं तारा हनूमन्तमवस्थितम्4.21.12।।,"On hearing Hanuman's words, Tara, tormented by the death of her husband said to Hanuman who was waiting for her reply:" अङ्गदप्रतिरूपाणां पुत्राणामेकतश्शतम्।हतस्याप्यस्य वीरस्य गात्रसंश्लेषणं वरम्4.21.13।।,'To embrace even the deadbody of this hero is better than (to embrace) a hundred prototypes of Angada. न चाहं हरिराजस्य प्रभवाम्यङ्गदस्य वा।पितृव्यस्तस्य सुग्रीवस्सर्वकार्येष्वनन्तरः4.21.14।।, न ह्येषाबुद्धिरास्थेया हनूमन्नङ्गदं प्रति।पिता हि बन्धुः पुत्रस्य न माता हरिसत्तम4.21.15।।,"'O Hanuman the best of monkeys, you need not think about (the future of) Angada. A father plans for a son and not (even) the mother." न हि मम हरिराजसंश्रयात्क्षमतरमस्ति परत्र चेह वा।अभिमुखहतवीरसेवितंशयनमिदं मम सेवितुं क्षमम्4.21.16।।,"There is nothing more befitting for me than joining the king of monkeys either here or in the next world. It is proper for me to resort to this resting place (pyre) used by this slain hero in front of me.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे एकविंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentyfirst sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Vali repents -- asks Sugriva to take care of Angada and Tara -- hands over his golden necklace to Sugriva -- exhorts Angada.]वीक्षमाणस्तु मन्दासुस्सर्वतो मन्दमुच्छ्वसन्।आदावेव तु सुग्रीवं ददर्शत्वात्मजाग्रतः4.22.1।।,"Vali, gazing all around, breathing slowly and sighing feably beheld Sugriva at first instance, Sugriva who was standing in front of his own son." तं प्राप्तविजयं वाली सुग्रीवं प्लवगेश्वरः।आभाष्य व्यक्तया वाचा सस्नेहमिदमब्रवीत्4.22.2।।,"Vali, the lord of monkeys, lovingly said to Sugriva, who had won a victory:" सुग्रीव दोषेण न मां गन्तुमर्हसि किल्बिषात्।कृष्यमाणं भविष्येण बुद्धिमोहेन मां बलात्4.22.3।।,"'O Sugriva you ought not to accuse me of exiling you, and wresting your wife. My mind was deluded by the force of fate that controls one's future." युगपद्विहितं तात न मन्ये सुखमावयोः।सौहार्द भ्रातृयुक्तं हि तदिदं तात नान्यथा4.22.4।।, 'O dear I believe that both of us are not destined to enjoy the love and happiness that come together to brothers. प्रतिपद्य त्वमद्यैव राज्यमेषां वनौकसाम्।मामप्यद्यैव गच्छन्तं विद्धि वैवस्वतक्षयम्4.22.5।।, जीवितं च हि राज्यं च श्रियं च विपुलामिमाम्।प्रजहाम्येष वै तूर्णं महच्चागर्हितं यशः4.22.6।।,"'I am leaving this world soon, along with this vast kingdom, prosperity and untarnished fame." अस्यां त्वहमवस्थायां वीर वक्ष्यामि यद्वचः।यद्यप्यसुकरं राजन्कर्तुमेव तदर्हसि4.22.7,'O warrior king you should do whatever I request you at this hour even though it may not be easy. सुखार्हं सुखसंवृद्धं बालमेनमबालिशम्।बाष्पपूर्णमुखं पश्य भूमौ पतितमङ्गदम्4.22.8।।,"'Look at this young Angada fallen on the ground, face flooded with tears. Raised with comfort, he deserves to be kept happy." मम प्राणैः प्रियतरं पुत्रं पुत्रमिवौरसम्।मया हीनमहीनार्थं पर्वतः परिपालय4.22.9।।,"'He is dearer to me than my life. Take care of him like your own son. He is separated from me. Take care of him in all respects, so that he is not deprived of anything." त्वमेवास्य हि दाता च परित्राता च सर्वशः।भयेष्वभयदश्चैव यथाऽहं प्लवगेश्वर।।4.22.10।।,"'O lord of monkeys from now on, you alone will be his father, provider of everything, saviour and protector in danger." एष तारात्मज श्रीमांस्त्वया तुल्यपराक्रमः।रक्षसां च वधे तेषामग्रतस्ते भविष्यति4.22.11।।,"'This prosperous son of Tara, your equal in valour, will remain with you in the forefront to crush demons." अनुरूपाणि कर्माणि विक्रम्य बलवान्रणे।करिष्यत्येष तारेयस्तरस्वी तरुणोऽङ्गदः4.22.12।।,"'This mighty hero Angada, son of Tara, is young and dynamic. He will strike (the enemy) in a fitting manner in war." सुषेणदुहिता चेयमर्थसूक्ष्मविमनिश्चये।औत्पातिके च विविधे सर्वतः परिनिष्ठिता4.22.13।।,"'Tara, daughter of Sushena, is wise and efficient in discerning subtle matters and in foreseeing unexpected events." यदेषा साध्विति ब्रूयात्कार्यं तन्मुक्तसंशयम्।न हि तारामतं किञ्चिदन्यथा परिवर्तते4.22.14।।,'Tara's opinion is never wrong. It does not change. Whatever she speaks is right and should be carried out without any doubt. राघवस्य च ते कार्यं कर्तव्यमविशङ्कया।स्यादधर्मो ह्यकरणे त्वां च हिंस्याद्विमानितः4.22.15।।,"'You ought to carry out Rama's work without hesitation. If you do not, it will be unrighteous and harmful." इमां च मालामाधत्स्व दिव्यां सुग्रीव काञ्चनीम्।उदारा श्रीस्थिता ह्यास्यां सम्प्रजह्यान्मृते मयि4.22.16।।,'O Sugriva put on this divine golden necklace. It has great brilliance. Its present lustre may be gone when I am dead.' इत्येवमुक्तस्सुग्रीवो वालिना भ्रातृसौहृदात्।हर्षं त्यक्त्वा पुनर्दीनो ग्रहग्रस्त इवोडुराट्4.22.17।।,"Thus spoken to by Vali with brotherly affection, Sugriva gave up joy (of victory) and appeared dull like the Moon eclipsed by planet Rahu." तद्वालिवचनाच्छान्तः कुर्वन्युक्तमतन्द्रितः।जग्राह सोऽभ्यनुज्ञातो मालां तां चैव काञ्चनीम्4.22.18।।,"On hearing Vali's words, Sugriva became composed with no illfeeling. Considering it to be proper, he received with his permission the golden necklace." तां मालां काञ्चनीम् दत्त्वा दृष्ट्वाचैवात्मजं स्थितम्।संसिद्धः प्रेत्यभावाय स्नेहादङ्गदमब्रवीत्4.22.19।।,"Having given the golden necklace to Sugriva,Vali, feeling ready to depart, looked at his son Angada who stood by and spoke affectionately:" देशकालौ भजस्वाद्य क्षममाणः प्रियाप्रिये।सुखदुःख सह: काले सुग्रीववशगो भव4.22.20।।,"'Enduring pleasure or pain equally with due regard to time and place favourable to you or otherwise, you should submit to the will of Sugriva." यथा हि त्वं महाबाहो लालितस्सततं मया।न तथा वर्तमानं त्वां सुग्रीवो बहुमंस्यते।।4.22.21।।,'O longarmed one you have always been affectionately brought up by me. Sugriva may not rear you that way. माऽस्यामित्रैर्गतं गच्छेर्मा शत्रुभिररिन्दम।भर्तुरर्थपरो दान्तः सुग्रीववशगो भव4.22.22।।,'O conqueror of foes do not align with his enemies or with the friends of his enemies. Remain selfrestrained and loyal to Sugriva. Be subordinate to his will. न चातिप्रणयः कार्यः कर्तव्योऽप्रणयश्च ते।उभयं हि महान्दोष स्तस्मादन्तरदृग्भव4.22.23।।,"'You are not to be excessively friendly or otherise as both are serious mistakes. Therefore, be insightful.'" इत्युक्त्वाऽथ विवृत्ताक्षः शरसम्पीडितो भृशम्।विवृतैर्दशनै र्भीमैर्बभूवोत्क्रान्तजीवितः4.22.24।।,"Having spoken this, tormented by the arrow, eyes popping out and his dreadful teeth ejected, Vali remained drained of life." ततो विचुक्रुशुस्तत्र वानरा हरियूथपाः।परिदेवयमानास्ते सर्वे प्लवगपुङ्गवा:4.22.25।।,"Then the best of the monkeys and their troop leaders bewailed the death of Vali, crying bitterly. " किष्किन्धा ह्यद्य शून्याऽसीत्स्वर्गते वानराधिपे।उद्यानानि च शून्यानि पर्वताः काननानि च4.22.26।।हते प्लवगशार्दूले निष्प्रभा वानराः कृताः।,"Lord of monkeys having gone to heaven, Kishkinda looked desolate including the pleasure gardens, the mountains and forests. The monkeys also became dull." यस्य वेगेन महता काननानि वनानि च।पुष्पौघेणानुबध्यन्ते करिष्यति तदद्य कः4.22.27।।,(The vanaras wailed aloud saying) 'The forests and gardens looked connected together with the flowers that swayed by his speed .Who can do that now? येन दत्तं महद्युद्धं गन्धर्वस्य महात्मनः4.22.28।।गोलभस्य महाबाहोर्दशवर्षाणि पञ्च च।नैव रात्रौ न दिवसे तद्युद्धमुपशाम्यति4.22.29।।," 'Great soul, Vali endowed with stout shoulders joined a duel with a gandharva called Golabha for fifteen years nonstop night and day." ततस्तु षोडशे वर्षे गोलभो विनिपातितः।हत्वा तं दुर्विनीतं तु वाली दंष्ट्राकरालवान्4.22.30।।सर्वाऽभयङ्करोऽस्माकं कथमेष निपातितः।,"'In the sixteenth year Golabha, the uncontrollable enemy was killed by Vali with his dreadful fangs and rendered protection to everybody. How did he get killed?'" हते तु वीरे प्लवगाधिपे तदाप्लवङ्गमास्तत्र न शर्म लेभिरे।वनेचराः सिंहयुते महावनेयथा हि गावो निहते गवां पतौ4.22.31।।,"Just as the cattle get frightened when the leader of the herd gets killed in a huge forest full of lions, the young monkey became puzzled when the chief of monkeys got killed. " ततस्तु तारा व्यसनार्णवाप्लुतामृतस्य भर्तुर्वदनं समीक्ष्य सा।जगाम भूमिं परिरभ्य वालिनंमहाद्रुमं छिन्नमिवाश्रिता लता4.22.32।।,"Then Tara, immersed in a sea of sorrow, looked at the face of her dead husband and sank, embracing Vali, like a creeper clinging to the massive tree when the tree is cut down.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे द्वाविंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentysecond sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki." [Tara laments -- Vali regrets about Tara's fate -- Vali calls Angada to witness Tara's plight]ततस्समुपजिघ्रन्ती कपिराजस्य तन्मुखम्।पतिं लोकाच्च्युतं तारा मृतं वचनमब्रवीत्4.23.1।।,Tara kissed (smelt) the forehead of the king of monkeys who had departed and said: शेषे त्वं विषमे दुःखमकृत्वा वचनं मम।उपलोपचिते वीर सुदुःखे वसुधातले4.23.2।।,"'O hero, not caring for my words (of caution), you are now lying with great pain on hard stones on the ground." मत्तः प्रियतरा नूनं वानरेन्द्र मही तव।शेषे हि तां परिष्वज्य मां च न प्रतिभाषसे4.23.3।।,"'O lord of monkeys you lie in the end, embracing the earth and not replying to me. Surely you deem this earth dearer than me." सुग्रीवस्य वशं प्राप्तो विधिरेषभवत्यहो।सुग्रीव एव विक्रान्तो वीर साहसिकप्रिय4.23.4।।,"'O lover of brave deeds, fate has brought you under the sway of Sugriva, although he had lost to you." ऋक्षवानरमुख्यास्त्वां बलिनः पर्युपासते।एषां विलपितं कृच्छ्रमङ्गदस्य च शोचतः4.23.5।।मम चेमा गिरः श्रुत्वा किं त्वं न प्रतिबुध्यसे।,"'Oh powerful Vali leaders of the bears and monkeys, the entire lot are standing near you, wailing. Angada has been crying in grief. How is it that you are not rising up even after hearing their wailing voices and my call? ." इदं तच्छूरशयनं यत्र शेषे हतो युधि।शायिता निहता यत्र त्वयैव रिपवः पुरा4.23.6।।,'Earlier you have killed enemies in combats and made them lie down where now you lie. विशुद्धसत्त्वाभिजन प्रिययुद्ध मम प्रिय।मामनाथां विहायैकां गतस्त्वमसि मानद4.23.7।।,"'O venerable hero, born in a pure and noble family, you are a lover of battles. Now you have left me an orphan." शूराय न प्रदातव्या कन्या खलु विपश्चिता।शूरभार्यां हतां पश्य सद्यो मां विधवां कृताम्4.23.8।।,"'It is said by wise men that a girl should not be given in marriage to a warrior. See me, the wife of a warrior, now rendered a widow. " अवभग्नश्च मे मानो भग्ना मे शाश्वती गतिः4.23.9।।अगाधे च निमग्नाऽस्मि विपुले शोकसागरे।,"'My pride is crushed. My husband, the ultimate resort for me is shattered.I am plunged in a vast, bottomless ocean of grief." अश्मसारमयं नूनमिदं मे हृदयं दृढम्4.23.10।।भर्तारं निहतं दृष्ट्वा यन्नाद्य शतधा कृतम्।,'My heart is surely made of hard stone yet it has not split into a hundred pieces even on seeing my husband slain৷৷ सुहृच्चैव हि भर्ता च प्रकृत्या मम च प्रियः।आहवे च पराक्रान्तश्शूरः पञ्चत्वमागतः4.23.11।।,"'He was my husband, my friend and naturally my loving king. He was powerful in battle.Alas the hero has died. " पतिहीना तु या नारी कामं भवतु पुत्रिणी।धनधान्यैस्सुपूर्णाऽपि विधवेत्युच्यते बुधैः4.23.12।।,"'Even if a woman without husband, is blessed with sons and abundant wealth and grain, still learned people call her a widow." स्वगात्रप्रभवे वीर शेषे रुधिरमण्डले।क्रिमिरागपरिस्तोमे त्वमात्मशयने यथा4.23.13।।,'O hero how is it that you are lying in a crimson bed of the pool of blood flowing from your body? रेणुशोणितसंवीतं गात्रं तव समन्ततः।परिरब्धुं न शक्नोमि भुजाभ्यां प्लवगर्षभ 4.23.14।।,'O bull among monkeys how can I embrace you with my arms as your body is covered with dust particles and blood?. कृतकृत्योऽद्य सुग्रीवो वैरेऽस्मिन्नतिदारुणे।यस्य रामविमुक्तेन हृतमेकेषुणा भयम्4.23.15।।,'Sugriva has achieved his goal in his dreadful enmity (with you). His fear is dispelled by a single arrow released by Rama. शरेण हृदि लग्नेन गात्रसंस्पर्शने तव।वार्यामि त्वां निरीक्षन्ती त्वयि पञ्चत्वमागते4.23.16।।,'The arrow which has pierced your body prevents me from embracing you. I am only looking at you lying (not removing the arrow lest you die).' उद्ववर्ह शरं नीलस्तस्य गात्रगतं तदा।गिरिगह्वरसंलीनं दीप्तमाशीविषं यथा4.23.17।।,Then Nila took out the arrow from Vali's heart with due effort as one would pull out a glowing serpent hidden in the mountain cave. तस्य निष्कृष्यमाणस्य बाणस्य च बभौ द्युतिः।अस्तमस्तकसंरुद्धो रश्मिर्दिनकरादिव4.23.18।।,"As the arrrow(drenched in blood) was being pulled out, its glow looked like the Sun's rays obstructed by the peak of the western mountain." पेतुः क्षतजधारास्तु व्रणेभ्यस्तस्य सर्वशः।ताम्रगैरिकसम्पृक्ता धारा इव धराधरात्4.23.19।।,The streams of blood that flowed all over from the wounds of his body appeared like streams of water mixed with red and copper colour. अवकीर्णं विमार्जन्ती भर्तारं रणरेणुना।अस्रैर्नयनजैश्शूरं सिषेचास्त्रसमाहतम्4.23.20।।,"She (Tara) wiped the body wounded with the weapon and covered with wardust, sprinkling her tear drops from her eyes." रुधिरोक्षितसर्वाङ्गं दृष्ट्वा विनिहतं पतिम्।उवाच तारा पिङ्गाक्षं पुत्रमङ्गदमङ्गना4.23.21।।,"Turning to the body of her husband fully drenched in blood, thus spoke Tara to her tawnyeyed son Angada: " अवस्थां पश्चिमां पश्य पितुः पुत्र सुदारुणाम्।सम्प्रसक्तस्य वैरस्य गतोऽन्तः पापकर्मणा4.23.22।।,'O son you see the most terrific end of your father on whom enmity forced sinful deeds. बालसूर्योदयतनुं प्रयान्तं यमसदनम्।अभिवादय राजानं पितरं पुत्र मानदम्4.23.23।।,"'O son offer salutations to your venerable father, the king, departing for the abode of Yama (lord of death) looking (red with blood) like the rising Sun.'" एवमुक्तस्समुत्थाय जग्राह चरणौ पितुः।भुजाभ्यां पीनवृत्ताभ्यामङ्गदोऽहमिति ब्रुवन्4.23.24।।,"Thus advised by Tara, Angada got up, clasped his father's feet with his stout arms, and saluted, saying, 'I am Angada.'" अभिवादयमानं त्वामङ्गदं त्वं यथा पुरा।दीर्घायुर्भव पुत्रेति किमर्थं नाभिभाषसे4.23.25।।,"'Why do you not, with the words 'May you live long'', bless, as before, your son Angada who is greeting you? (said Tara)." अहं पुत्रसहाया त्वामुपासे गतचेतसम्।सिंहेन निहतं सद्यो गौस्सवत्सेव गोवृषम्4.23.26।।,'Just like a cow followed by its calf would attend upon a mighty bull struck by a lion I will wait with my son upon you who have lost consciousness (died). इष्ट्वा सङ्ग्रामयज्ञेन रामप्रहरणाम्भसि।अस्मिन्नवभृथे स्नातः कथं पत्न्या मया विना4.23.27।।,"'You have performed a warsacrifice. You have bathed in the waters of Rama's weapon signifying the end of the sacrifice. How did you take this customary bath without me, your wife?" या दत्ता देवराजेन तव तुष्टेन संयुगे।शातकुम्भमयीं मालां तां ते पश्यामि नेह किम्4.23.28।।,"'Why do I not see on your chest the golden necklace gifted by the king of the gods (Indra), pleased with you in the battle?" राज्यश्रीर्न जहाति त्वां गतासुमपि मानद।सूर्यस्यावर्तमानस्य शैलराजमिव प्रभा4.23.29।।," 'O venerable one, even though life has departed from you, kingly glory does not leave you any more than the light of the setting son leaves the king of mountains. (western mountain)" न मे वचः पथ्यमिदं त्वया कृतंन चास्मि शक्ता हि निवारणे तव।हता सपुत्राऽस्मि हतेन संयुगेसह त्वया श्रीर्विजहाति मामिह4.23.30।।,"'You have not followed my advice. I did not have the capacity to prevent you from going to war. The result is, you are killed and I am ruined along with my son. The goddess of fortune also is deserting me as well as your son.'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे त्रयोविंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentythird sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva blames himself for his action -- praises Vali for his virtues -- seeks Rama's permission to immolate himself -- Rama consoles -- Tara pleads with Rama to slay her.]तां चाश्रुवेगेन दुरासदेनत्वभिप्लुतां शोकमहार्णवेन।पश्यंस्तदा वाल्यनुजस्तरस्वीभ्रातुर्वधेनाप्रतिमेन तेपे4.24.1।।,"Sugriva, the unassailable younger brother of Vali, perceiving Tara overwhelmed in the ocean of grief felt agonized for the killing of his brother of incomparable power." स बाष्पपूर्णेन मुखेन वीक्ष्यक्षणेन निर्विण्णमना मनस्वी।जगाम रामस्य शनैस्समीपंभृत्यैर्वृतसम्परिदूयमानः4.24.2।।,"Face drenched with tears, highly sensitive Sugriva glanced at Tara for a moment. Pained and depressed at heart, and surrounded by attendants, he slowly approached Rama." स तं समासाद्य गृहीतचापमुदात्तमाशीविषतुल्यबाणम्।यशस्विनं लक्षणलक्षिताङ्गमवस्थितं राघव मित्युवाच4.24.3।।,"Duly approaching the illustrious Rama, endowed with auspicious signs, who stood with his bow and serpentlike arrows, Sugriva thus submitted:" यथा प्रतिज्ञातमिदं नरेन्द्रकृतं त्वया दृष्टफलं च कर्म।ममाद्य भोगेषु नरेन्द्रपुत्रमनो निवृत्तं सहजीवितेन4.24.4।।,"'Your majesty you have struck down Vali as promised and the consequences of your action are seen now. O prince, however, my mind is not interested in the enjoyment of pleasures. I have no interest in life." अस्यां महिष्यां तु भृशं रुदन्त्यापुरे च विक्रोशति दुःखतप्ते।हतेऽग्रजे संशयितेऽङ्गदे चन राम राज्ये रमते मनो मे4.24.5।।,"'O Rama when the queen (Tara) is weeping, plunged in deep sorrow, the entire city is lamenting in agony, my elder brother is dead and the survival of Angada is uncertain, my mind no longer longs for the enjoyment of the kingdom. " क्रोधादमर्षादतिविप्रधर्षाद्भ्रातुर्वधो मेऽनुमतः पुरस्तात्।हते त्विदानीं हरियूथपेऽस्मिन्सुतीव्रमिक्ष्वाकुकुमार तप्स्ये।।4.24.6।।,"'O prince of the Ikshvaku family, the anger due to my exilement and my intolerance of his harsh words, had made the killing of my brother agreeable to me earlier. Now that the leader of the monkey clan is killed I am intensely hurt." श्रेयोऽद्य मन्ये मम शैलमुख्येतस्मिन्निवासश्चिरमृश्यमूके।यथा तथा वर्तयतस्स्ववृत्त्यानेमं निहत्य त्रिदिवस्य लाभः4.24.7।।,'I now feel dwelling long on the great mountain Rishyamuka as usual and somehow eking out a livelihood is preferable to attaining heaven as a sequel to the death of my brother. न त्वां जिघांसामि चरेति यन्मामयं महात्मा मतिमानुवाच।तस्यैव तद्राम वचोऽनुरूपमिदं पुनः कर्म च मेऽनुरूपम्4.24.8।।,"'O Rama when the wise, highsouled Vali said to me, 'I do not like to kill you in this place be gone from here', his words reflected his nobility. This action of mine (killing of Vali) is, on the other hand, in consonance with my nature." भ्राता कथं नाम महागुणस्यभ्रातुर्वधं राघव रोचयेत।राज्यस्य दुःखस्य च वीर सारंविचिन्तयन्कामपुरस्कृतऽस्सन्4.24.9।।,"'O Rama prompted by passion, without thinking of the difference between obtaining the kingdom to satisfy one's desire and the consequent grief, which brother would be willing to kill his virtuous elder brother?" वधो हि मे मतो नासीत्स्वमाहात्म्याव्यतिक्रमात्।ममाऽसीद्बुद्धिदौरात्म्यात्प्राणहारी व्यतिक्रमः4.24.10।।,"'The idea of killing me was not acceptable to his noble nature, while my wicked thought caused his death." द्रुमशाखावभग्नोऽहं मुहुर्तं परिनिष्टनन्।सान्त्वयित्वा त्वनेनोक्तो न पुनः कर्तुमर्हसि4.24.11।।,'When my brother hit me with the branch of a tree I screamed for a while. But he pacified me and said it was improper and he would not repeat it. भ्रातृत्वमार्यभावश्च धर्मश्चानेन रक्षितः।मया क्रोधश्च कामश्च कपित्वं च प्रदर्शितम्4.24.12।।,"'Thus while nobility, a feeling of respect,brotherliness and duty was shown to me by my brother, I exhibited wrath, passion and frivolity, the nature of the monkey." अचिन्तनीयं परिवर्जनीयमनीप्सनीयं स्वनवेक्षणीयम्।प्राप्तोऽस्मि पाप्मानमिमं नरेन्द्रभ्रातुर्वधात्त्वाष्ट्रवधादिवेन्द्र:4.24.13।।,"'O king just as Indra committed sin by killing Tvashta, I have reaped the sin by killing my brorther which is unthinkable, avoidable, undesirable and ignoble." पाप्मानमिन्द्रस्य मही जलं चवृक्षाश्च कामं जगृहुः स्त्रियश्च।को नाम पाप्मानमिमं क्षमेतशाखामृगस्य प्रतिपत्तुमिच्छेत्।।4.24.14।।,"'Trees owned the sin of Indra and it was shared by the earth, water and women voluntarily.But who is there to pardon a monkey and own the sin?" नार्हामि सम्मानमिमं प्रजानांन यौवराज्यं कुत एव राज्यम्।अधर्मयुक्तं कुलनाशयुक्तमेवंविधं राघव कर्म कृत्वा4.24.15।।,"'O Rama having acted in an unrighteous manner, which destroys the clan, I am not fit to accept the respect of people nor the status of a prince regent, what to speak of kingship?" पापस्य कर्ताऽस्मि विगर्हितस्यक्षुद्रस्य लोकापकृतस्य चैव।शोको महान्मामभिवर्ततेऽयं वृष्टेर्यथा निम्नमिवाम्बुवेगः4.24.16।।, 'I have committed a sin which is condemned by the world. This intense grief has engulfed me just as the flow of rain water inundates the lowlying area when it rains. सोदर्यघातापरगात्रवालःसन्तापहस्ताक्षिशिरोविषाणः।एनोमयो मामभिहन्ति हस्तीदृप्तो नदीकूलमिव प्रवृद्धः।।4.24.17।।,"'The elephant of sin (hanging heavily on me) has a tail of treacherous killing of one's own brother, which has resulted in deep sorrow in the form of a trunk, eyes, head and tusks.This elephant is striking at me as he would strike the bank of a river when he grows strong and gets puffed up with the pride of energy. (The idea of a proud elephant striking at the target is superimposed on the sin committed by Sugriva.The animal's tail is the killing of a brother. Sugriva's remorse spreads all over the body trunk, eyes, head and tusks of the animal. As a proud elephant strikes at the river bank the sin is striking at Sugriva to destroy him. The Rupaka here is perfect and total)." अंहो बतेदं नृवराविषह्यंनिवर्तते मे हृदि साधुवृत्तम्।विवर्णमग्नौ परितप्यमानंकिट्टं यथा राघव जातरूपम्4.24.18।।,"'O distinguished Rama this anxiety is unbearable for me. My good behaviour is relegated to the back of my heart unable to bear the sin, just like the dirt surfaces pushing the bright colour of gold when burnt in fire." महाबलानां हरियूथपानामिदं कुलं राघव मन्निमित्तम्।अस्याङ्गदप्यापि च शोकतापादर्धस्थितप्राणमितीव मन्ये।।4.24.19।।,'O Rama this race of mighty monkey chiefs is as though reduced to a halfdead state because of my action and the grief of Angada. सुतस्सुलभ्यस्सुजनस्सुवश्यःकुतस्तु पुत्रस्सदृशोऽङ्गदेन।न चापि विद्येत स वीर देशोयस्मिन्भवेत्सोदरसन्निकर्षः4.24.20।।,"'One can find easily a son who is controllable and accessible in need but it is difficult to find a good son like Angada, who is virtuous and mighty and who is respectful to parents. O warrior (Rama), there is no place where I can get a brother like Vali. (A brother cannot be made. His relationship is natural. Rama stresses the same subhashita in Yuddhakanda when Lakshmana swooned)." यद्यङ्गदो वीरवरार्ह जीवेत्जीवेच्छ माता परिपालनार्थम्।विना तु पुत्रं परितापदीनातारा न जीवेदिति निश्चितं मे4.24.21।।, सोऽहं प्रवेक्ष्याम्यतिदीप्तमग्निंभ्रात्रा च पुत्रेण च सख्यमिच्छन्।इमे विचेष्यन्ति हरिप्रवीरास्सीतां निदेशे तव वर्तमानाः4.24.22।।,'I am a sinner. I desire to enter the blazing fire (for atonement) in order to maintain friendship with my brother and son. At your command these vanara leaders will go round and search for Sita. कृत्स्नं तु ते सेत्स्यति कार्यमेतन्मय्यप्रतीते मनुजेन्द्रपुत्रकुलस्य हन्तारमजीवनार्हंरामानुजानीहि कृतागसं माम्4.24.23।।,"'O prince Rama even if I am dead the entire task of yours, will be accomplished by the vanara race. I have ruined the whole race. I am sinful and not fit to live. Permit me (to enter fire)." इत्येवमार्तस्य रघुप्रवीरःश्रुत्वा वचो वाल्यनुजस्य तस्य।सञ्जातबाष्पः परवीरहन्तारामो मुहूर्तं विमना बभूव4.24.24।।,"Rama, the hero of the Raghu dynasty, a destroyer of the enemy heroes, was moved to tears. He lost composure for a moment when he heard Sugriva's lament." तस्मिन् क्षणेऽभीक्ष्णमवेक्ष्यमाणःक्षितिक्षमावान्भुवनस्य गोप्ता।रामो रुदन्तीं व्यसने निमग्नांसमुत्सुकः सोऽथ ददर्श ताराम्4.24.25।।,"In that moment, Rama,the protector of the world, tolerant like the earth, beheld Tara plunged in grief, looking at him again and again and weeping. " तां चारुनेत्रां कपिसिंहनाथांपतिं समाश्लिष्य तदा शयानाम्।उत्थापयामासुरदीनसत्त्वांमन्त्रिप्रधानाः कपिवीरपत्नीम्4.24.26।।,"The foremost ministers of Vali lifted up the beautifuleyed, noble Tara, wife of the monkey hero clinging to the body of her husband, a lion among monkeys. " सा विस्फुरन्ती परिरभ्यमाणाभर्तुस्सकाशादपनीयमाना।ददर्श रामं शरचापपाणिंस्वतेजसा सूर्यमिव ज्वलन्तम्4.24.27।।,"While Tara was clinging to her husband and struggling, and was being removed from there, she saw effulgent Rama holding bow and arrows glittering like the Sun." सुसंवृतं पार्थिपलक्षणैश्चतं चारुनेत्रं मृगशाबनेत्रा।अदृष्टपूर्वं पुरुषप्रधानमयं स काकुत्स्थ इति प्रजज्ञे4.24.28।।,"The fawneyed Tara saw the magnificent man of Kakutstha family endowed with all royal marks and beautiful eyes, whom she had never seen before and knew he was Rama." तस्येन्द्रकल्पस्य दुरासदस्यमहानुभावस्य समीपमार्या।आर्ताऽतितूर्णं व्यसनाभिपन्नाजगाम तारा परिविह्वलन्ती4.24.29।।,"The noble Tara, desperate, agonised, totally shaken up quickly went near the magnanimous Rama, who was like Indraunapproachable. " सा तं समासाद्य विशुद्धसत्त्वाशोकेन सम्भ्रान्तशरीरभावा।मनस्विनी वाक्यमुवाच तारारामं रणोत्कर्षणलब्धलक्षम्4.24.30।।,"Wise Tara, baffled out of grief and agitated, with pure consciousness, approached Rama, eminent in warfare who could hit the target. And spoke:" त्वमप्रमेयश्च दुरासदश्चजितेन्द्रियश्चोत्तमधार्मिकश्च।अक्षय्यकीर्तिश्च विचक्षणश्चक्षितिक्षमावान्क्षतजोपमाक्षः4.24.31।।,"'You are immeasurable, unassailable, self controlled, and best among the righteous. Your fame never diminishes. You have great sense of discrimination. You are known to possess forbearance like the mother earth. Your eyes are redcornered (which is a sign of valour)." त्वमात्तबाणासनबाणपाणिर्महाबलस्संहननोपपन्नः।मनुष्यदेहाभ्युदयं विहायदिव्येन देहाभ्युदयेन युक्तः।।4.24.32।।,'You are wielding bow and arrows. You possess mighty human limbs that have the power to destroy the enemy .You have assumed a divine human body. येनैक बाणेन हतः प्रियो मेतेनैव मां त्वं जहि सायकेन।हता गमिष्यामि समीपमस्यन मामृते राम रमेत वाली4.24.33।।,"'O warrior kill me by the same single arrow with which you killed my beloved lord,Vali. I will join him after death as he will not be happy without me." स्वर्गेऽपि पद्मामलपत्रनेत्रस्समेत्य सम्प्रेक्ष्य च मामपश्यन्।न ह्येष उच्चावचताम्रचूडाविचित्रवेषाप्सरसोऽभजिष्यत्।।4.24.34।।,"'If Vali with eyes of clear petals of a lotus does not see me in heaven, he may not join the wonderfully dressed apsarasas adorned with different kinds of red flowers in their hair. " स्वर्गेऽपि शोकं च विवर्णतां चमया विना प्राप्प्यति वीर वाली।रम्ये नगेन्द्रस्य तटावकाशेविदेहकन्यारहितो यथा त्वम्4.24.35।।,'O Rama Vali will experience sorrow and become pale bereft of me even in heaven just as you are filled with sorrow even on a delightful mountain slope bereft of princess of Videha. त्वं वेत्थ यावद्वनिताविहीनःप्राप्नोति दुःखं पुरुषः कुमारः।तत्त्वं प्रजानन् जहि मां न वालीदुःखं ममादर्शनजं भजेत4.24.36।।,'You are aware of the grief of a young man separated from his wife. Kill me so that I can go to Vali. Let not Vali experience the sorrow of not seeing me. यच्चापि मन्येत भवान्महात्मास्त्रीघातदोषो न भवेत्तु मह्यम्।आत्मेयमस्येति च मां जहि त्वंन स्त्रीवधस्स्यान्मनुजेन्द्रपुत्र।।4.24.37।।,"'O prince as you are great, you might think of the blemish of killing a woman. Since Tara is Vali's soul, you may kill me. It will not amount to killing a woman.(You will only be killing the soul of Vali by killing Tara)." शास्त्रप्रयोगाद्विविधाच्च वेदादात्माह्यनन्यः पुरुषस्य दाराः।दाराप्रदानान्नहि दानमन्यत्प्रदृश्यते ज्ञानवतां हि लोके4.24.38।।,"'The sacred texts as well as Vedic statements declare that wife is an inseparable part of the husband's soul. To the learned, there is no greater offering in the world than restoring the wife to her husband. You will not beget any sin by killing me." त्वं चापि मां तस्य मम प्रियस्यप्रदास्य से धर्ममवेक्ष्य वीरअनेन दानेन न लप्स्यसे त्वमधर्मयोगं मम वीर घातात्4.24.39।।,"'O gallant prince if you give me away to my dear lord, carefully considering dharma, you will not be committing any adharma by killing me since it will be an offering." आर्तामनाथामपनीयमानामेवं विधामर्हसि मां निहन्तुम्।अहं हि मातङ्गविलासगामिनाप्लवङ्गमानामृषभेण धीमता4.24.40।।विना वरार्होत्तमहेममालिनाचिरं न शक्ष्यामि नरेन्द्र जीवितुम्।इत्येवमुक्तस्तु विभुर्महात्मातारां समाश्वास्य हितं बभाषे4.24.41।।,"'O king it is proper on your part to kill me as I am in great distress. I am a helpless orphan torn away from her husband.O king I will not live long without the wise leader of monkeys who walked majestically like an elephant and wore the choicest golden necklace'. Implored by Tara this way, the great soul, Rama, lord of the earth said to Tara these words of consolation:" मा वीरभार्ये विमतिं कुरुष्वलोको हि सर्वो विहितो विधात्रा।तं चैव सर्वं सुखदुःखयोगंलोकोऽब्रवीत्तेन कृतं विधात्रा।।4.24.42।।,'O wife of a valiant warrior Do not lose heart. The entire world is controlled by the creator. People maintain that joy and sorrow are foreordained. त्रयोऽहि लोका विहितं विधानंनातिक्रमन्ते वशगा हि तस्य।प्रीतिं परां प्राप्स्यसि तां तथैवपुत्रस्तु ते प्राप्स्यति यौवराज्यम्।धात्रा विधानं विहितं तथैवन शूरपत्नयः परिदेवयन्ति4.24.43।।, आश्वासिता तेन तु राघवेणप्रभावयुक्तेन परन्तपेन।सा वीरपत्नी ध्वनता मुखेनसुवेषरूपा विरराम तारा4.24.44।।,"Consoled by the influential Rama, scorcher of enemies, Tara the charming wife of a warrior, stopped wailing aloud.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे चतुर्विंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentyfourth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Rama exhorts Tara on fate and time -- preparation for the funeral -- grief of monkeys and Angada -- performance of funeral rites.]सुग्रीवं चैव तारां च साङ्गदं सहलक्ष्मणः।समानशोकः काकुत्स्थ स्सान्त्वयन्निदमब्रवीत्।।4.25.1।।,"Rama and Lakshmana were equally sad. Rama, scion of the Kakutstha race, consoled Sugriva, Tara as well as Angada in the following words: " न शोकपरितापेन श्रेयसा युज्यते मृतः।यदत्रानन्तरं कार्यं तत्समाधातुमर्हथ4.25.2।।,'No lamentation revives the dead. So you should take up whatever is required now. लोकवृत्तमनुष्ठेयं कृतं वो बाष्पमोक्षणम्।न कालादुत्तरं किञ्चित्कर्म शक्यमुपासितुम्4.25.3।।, 'You have to go the worldly way. You have shed tears enough. Time is passing. You cannot perform the funeral after the lapse of appropriate time. नियतिः कारणं लोके नियतिः कर्मसाधनम्।नियतिस्सर्वभूतानां नियोगेष्विह कारणम्4.25.4।।,'Fate is the cause of the world. Fate is the means of accomplishment. Fate assigns duties to all beings. न कर्ता कस्यचित्कश्चिन्नियोगे चापिनेश्वरः।स्वभावे वर्तते लोकस्तस्य कालः परायणम्4.25.5।।,'No one can control another's action. No one including God can be the agent of action. No one has the power to entrust duty to others. This entire world is governed by one's own nature. Nature in turn is governed by Time (fate). न कालः कालमत्येति न कालः परिहीयते।स्वभावं च समासाद्य न कश्चिदतिवर्तते4.25.6।।,'God (though independent) does not deviate from Time. Time cannot be escaped or trangressed. It cannot be condoned or avoided. No one can transgress their own nature. न कालस्यास्ति बन्धुत्वं न हेतुर्न पराक्रमः।न मित्रज्ञातिसम्बन्धः कारणं नात्मनो वशः4.25.7।।,"'Time has no consideration for relationship, friendship, or kinship or valour. Time itself is the cause. It is never under one's control." किं तु कालपरीणामो द्रष्टव्यस्साधु पश्यता।धर्मश्चार्थश्च कामश्च कालक्रमसमाहिताः4.25.8।।,"'However a wise man should visualise the turn of events in course of time with the right vision. Dharma, artha and kama are controlled by an order laid down by Time." इतस्स्वां प्रकृतिं वाली गतःप्राप्तः क्रियाफलम्।धर्मार्थकाम संयोगैः पवित्रं प्लवगेश्वरः4.25.9।।,"'Vali, king of monkeys is dead and gone. He acted according to his own nature and attained the sacred fruit of his action comensurate with dharma, wealth and pleasures in this world. " स्वधर्मस्य च संयोगाज्जितस्तेन महात्मना।स्वर्गः परिगृहीतश्च प्राणानपरिरक्षता4.25.10।।, 'Great Vali has earned a place in heaven by virtue of his own dharma and not caring for his own life .He has got the heavenly position he earned. एषा वै नियतिश्शेष्ठा यां गतो हरियूथपः।तदलं परितापेन प्राप्तकालमुपास्यताम्4.25.11।।,'The state attained by the chief of monkeys is an excellent one.Therefore there is no need to regret. Attend to your duties (relating to rites)' वचनान्ते तु रामस्य लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा।अवदत्प्रश्रितं वाक्यं सुग्रीवं गतचेतसम्4.25.12।।,"Seeing Sugriva had lost his senses, Lakshmana, the slayer of enemy warriors humbly said at the end of Rama's address:" कुरु त्वमस्य सुग्रीव प्रेतकार्यमनन्तरम्।ताराङ्गदाभ्यां सहितो वालिनो दहनं प्रति।।4.25.13।।,'O Sugriva perform with Tara and Angada the funeral obsequies relating to the cremation of Vali. समाज्ञापय काष्ठानि शुष्कानि च बहूनि च।चन्दनादीनि दिव्यानि वालिसंस्कारकारणात्4.25.14।।, 'Let the best of dry logs and sandalwood be ordered for the funeral rites of Vali. समाश्वासय चैनं त्वमङ्गदं दीनचेतसम्।मा भूर्बालिशबुद्धिस्त्वं त्वदधीनमिदं पुरम्4.25.15।।,'Pacify the despondent Angada so that he does not entertain childish thoughts any more. This city is under your control (now). अङ्गदस्त्वानयेन्माल्यं वस्त्राणि विविधानि च।घृतं तैलमथो गन्धान्यच्चात्र समनन्तरम्4.25.16।।," 'Let Angada for his part collect garlands of many kinds, clothes, clarified butter, oil, fragrants and all that is required to be procured. " त्वं तार शिबिकां शीघ्रमादायागच्छ सम्भ्रमात्।त्वरा गुणवती युक्ता ह्यस्मिन्काले विशेषतः4.25.17।।,'O Tara quickly get a swiftmoving litter fastened with ropes specially suitable for this occasion. सज्जीभवन्तु प्लवगाश्शिबिकावाहनोचिताः।समर्था बलिनश्चैव निर्हरिष्यन्ति वालिनम्।।4.25.18।।,'Let those who are strong and capable among the monkeys be ready to carry the dead body of Vali on a litter'. एवमुक्त्वा तु सुग्रीवं सुमित्रानन्दवर्धनः।तसौ भ्रातृसमीपस्थो लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा4.25.19।।,"Having thus spoken to Sugriva, Lakshmana, son of Sumitra, slayer of enemies, stood by his brother" लक्ष्मणस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा तारस्सम्भ्रान्तमानसः।प्रविवेश गुहां शीघ्रं शिबिकासक्तमानसः4.25.20।।,"On hearing Lakshmana, Tara in an excited state quickly entered the cave city to get the litter." आदाय शिबिकां तारस्स तु पर्यापतत्पुनः।वानरैरुह्यमानां तां शूरैरुद्वहनोचितैः4.25.21।।,Tara jumped in on to the litter carried by strong monkeys. दिव्यां भद्रासनयुतां शिबिकां स्यन्दनोपमाम्।पक्षिकर्मभिराचित्रां द्रुमकर्मविभूषिताम्4.25.22।।आचितां चित्रपत्तीभि स्सुनिविष्टां समन्ततः।विमानमिव सिद्धानां जालवातायनान्विताम्4.25.23।।सुनियुक्तां विशालां च सुकृतां विश्वकर्मणा।दारुपर्वतकोपेतां चारुकर्मपरिष्कृताम्4.25.24।।वराभरणहारैश्च चित्रमाल्योपशोभिताम्।गुहागहनसञ्छन्नां रक्तचन्दनभूषिताम्4.25.25।।पुष्पौघैस्समभिच्छन्नां पद्ममालाभिरेव च।तरुणादित्यवर्णाभिर्भ्राजमानाभिरावृताम्4.25.26।।,"A swiftmoving, marvellous palanquin designed by Viswakarma was brought. Covered with colourful pictures of birds and trees on every side it looking like an aerial chariot fit for saints. Fitted with a splendid seat grilled windows, artificially made small caverns and grottos of wood was embellished with carvings of mountains, choice ornaments and garlands. With red sandal paste, red scented flowers and red lotus garlands, it resembled the rising Sun." ईदृशीं शिबिकां दृष्ट्वा रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्।क्षिप्रं विनीयतां वाली प्रेतकार्यं विधीयताम्4.25.26।।,"Seeing the palanquin, Rama said to Lakshmana 'Let the body of Vali be placed in the palanquin quickly and last rites duly performed'." ततो वालिनमुद्यम्य सुग्रीवश्शिबिकां तदा।आरोपयत विक्रोशन्नङ्गदेन सहैव तु4.25.27।।,"Then Sugriva along with Angada, crying aloud bitterly, lifted the body (of Vali) and placed it on the palanquin." आरोप्य शिबिकां चैव वालिनं गतजीवितम्।अलङ्कारैश्च विविधैर्माल्यैर्वस्त्रैश्च भूषितम्4.25.28।।,"Vali's deadbody was placed on the palanquin, decorated with many ornaments, garlands and clothes " आज्ञापयत्तदा राजा सुग्रीव प्लवगेश्वरः।और्ध्वदैहिकमार्यस्य क्रियतामनुरूपतः।।4.25.29।।,"King Sugriva, lord of the monkeys, said, 'Let the funeral rites of my noble sire be performed in a fitting manner'." विश्राणयन्तो रत्नानि विविधानि बहून्यपि।अग्रतः प्लवगा यान्तु शिबिका समनन्तरम्4.25.30।।,"'Let the monkeys march in front, showering many different gems in large quantities and let the palanquin follow." राज्ञामृद्दिविशेषा हि दृश्यन्ते भुवि यादृशाः।तादृशैरिह कुर्वन्तु वानरा भर्तृसत्क्रियाम्4.25.31।।,'Let the monkeys perform the funeral rites of our lord in an honourable way as expensively as has been done with regard to the obsequies of kings who ruled over this land. तादृशं वालिनः क्षिप्रं प्राकुर्वन्नौर्ध्वदैहिकम्।अङ्गदं परिगृह्याऽशु तारप्रभृतयस्तदा4.25.32।।क्रोशन्तः प्रययुस्सर्वे वानरा हतबान्धवाः।,"Tara, Angada and the other bereaved monkeys hastened to perform the funeral ceremony of Valiweeping." ततः प्रणिहिताः सर्वा वानर्योस्य वशानुगाः4.25.33।।चुक्रुशु र्वीर वीरेति भूयः क्रोशन्ति ताः स्त्रीयः।,"Then all the female monkeys who were in his (Vali's) harem walked past the deadbody of Vali, crying again and again 'Alas, Oh hero'" ताराप्रभृतयस्सर्वा वानर्यो हरियूथपाः।अनुजग्मुर्हि भर्तारं क्रोशन्त्यः करुणस्वनाः4.25.34।।,"Tara along with other female monkeys followed their lord, crying pathetically." तासां रुदितशब्देन वानरीणां वनान्तरे।वनानि गिरयश्चैव विक्रोशन्तीव सर्वतः4.25.35।।,"When the female monkeys were weeping in the midst of the forest, it looked as if the forest and the hills were also mourning." पुलिने गिरिनद्यास्तु विविक्ते जलसंवृते4.25.36।।चितां चक्रुस्सुबहवो वानराश्शोककर्शिता:।,"Tormented with tears, the monkeys prepared in a solitary place surrounded by waters a pyre on the sandbank of a mountain stream." अवरोप्य ततस्स्कन्धाच्छिबिकां वाहनोचिताः।तस्थुरेकान्तमाश्रित्य सर्वे शोकसमन्विता:4.25.37।।,"Putting down the palanquin from their shoulders on the lonely spot, the bearers stood in tearswaiting." ततस्तारा पतिं दृष्ट्वा शिबिकातलशायिनम्4.25.38।।आरोप्याङ्के शिरस्तस्य विललाप सुदुःखिता।,"Seeing her husband lying in the palanquin, Tara, full of grief placed Vali's head on her lap and cried." हा वानर महाराज हा नाथ मम वत्सल4.25.39।।हा महार्ह महाबाहो हा मम प्रिय पश्य माम्।जनं न पश्यसीमं त्वं कस्माच्छोकाभिपीडितम्।4.25.40।।,"'Why don't you look at me, oppressed with tears, O monkey king, O my venerable lord, O longarmed one, O my dear?" प्रहृष्टमिव ते वक्त्रं गतासोरपि मानदआस्तार्कसमवर्णं च लक्ष्यते जीवतो यथा4.25.41।।,"'O revered self even though you are bereft of life, your face looks cheerful. It carries the colour of the setting Sun, and looks the same when you were alive." एष त्वां रामरूपेण कालः कर्षति वानर।येन स्म विधवास्सर्वाः कृता एकेषुणा वने4.25.42।।,'O monkey a single arrow from Rama who appeared in the forest in the form of death dragged you away from us and turned us all into widows. इमास्तास्तव राजेन्द्र वानर्योवल्लभास्सदा।पादैर्विकृष्ट मध्वानमागताः किं न बुध्यसे4.25.43।।,"'O king of kings why don't you understand that these female monkeys, your wives who were dear to you have come on foot this long distance with great difficulty?" तवेष्टा ननु नामैता भार्याश्चन्द्रनिभाननाः।इदानीं नेक्षसे कस्तात्सुग्रीवं प्लवगेश्वरम्4.25.44।।,'O lord of monkeys these moonfaced wives were indeed once your favourites. Why don't you look at them? Why don't you look Sugriva? एते हि सचिवा राजं स्तारप्रभृतयस्तव।पुरवासी जनश्चायं परिवार्यासतेऽनघ4.25.45।।,"'O king O sinless hero Tara and others, your ministers as well as the inhabitants of the capital are here sitting around you." विसर्जयैतान् प्लवगान्यथोचितमरिन्दम।ततः क्रीडामहे सर्वा वनेषु मदनोत्कटाः4.25.46।।,'O conqueror of enemies give these monkeys their due in accordance with their status and send them back as you used to do when they were passionately sporting in your company here in this forest. एवं विलपतीं तारां पतिशोकपरिप्लुताम्।उत्थापयन्ति स्म तदा वानर्यश्शोककर्शिताः4.25.47।।,"The griefstricken female monkeys helped Tara, overwhelmed with sorrow due to her husband's death, rise from the ground." सुग्रीवेण ततस्सार्धंमङ्गदः पितरं रुदन्।चितामारोपयामास शोकेनाभिहतेन्द्रियः4.25.48।।,"Then Angada, helped by Sugriva, placed his father's body on the pyre, with his senses numbed in deep sorrow. " ततोऽग्निं विधिवद्दत्त्वा सोऽपसव्यं चकार ह।पितरं दीर्घमध्वानं प्रस्थितं व्याकुलेन्द्रियः4.25.49।।,"Overwhelmed with sorrow, he offered fire to the father who had set out on a long journey (to heaven). As per tradition he went round the pyre anteclock wise." संस्कृत्य वालिनं ते तु विधिपूर्वं प्लवङ्गमाः।आजग्मुरुदकं कर्तुं नदीं शुभजलां शिवाम्4.25.50।।,The monkeys set Vali's body to be consumed by fire as per tradition and proceeded to an auspicious river of pure water in order to offer oblation (to the departed soul). ततस्ते सहितास्तत्र ह्यङ्गदं स्थाप्य चाग्रतः।सुग्रीवतारासहितास्सिषिचुर्वालिने जलम्4.25.51।।,Then the monkeys along with Sugriva and Tara positioning Angada in the forefront made waterofferings (to Vali) collectively. सुग्रीवेणेव दीनेन दीनो भूत्वा महाबलः।समानशोकः काकुत्स्थ: प्रेतकार्याण्यकारयत्4.25.52।।,"Mighty Rama, who was equally sorrowful and pitiable as Sugriva, directed the performance of funeral rites." ततस्तु तं वालिनमग्र्यपौरुषंप्रकाशमिक्ष्वाकुवरेषुणा हतम्।प्रदीप्य दीप्ताग्निसमौजसं तदासलक्ष्मणं राममुपेयिवान्हरिः4.25.53।।,"After setting fire to Vali of mighty prowess whose tawny face was glowing like fire, who was killed openly by the great arrow of Rama of the Ikshvaku race, Sugriva approached Rama, and Lakshmana.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे पञ्चविंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentyfifth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva's coronation -- declaration of Angada as heir apparent -- retirement of Rama to Rshyamuka -- Rama asks Sugriva to make arrangements to find Sita after the rainy season.]ततश्शोकाभिसन्तप्तं सुग्रीवं क्लिन्नवाससम्।शाखामृगमहामात्राः परिवार्योपतस्थिरे4.26.1।।,"Then the chiefs of the army of the monkeys surrounded Sugriva, who was overcome with grief and was still in wet clothes (since he had taken bath at the conclusion of the funeral rites) and waited." अभिगम्य महाबाहुं राममक्लिष्टकारिणम्।स्थिताः प्राञ्जलयस्सर्वे पितामहमिवर्षयः4.26.2।।,"Just like sages stand before the creator Brahma, all the monkeys stood with folded hands before the longarmed Rama, the remover of sorrow. " ततः काञ्चनशैलाभ स्तरुणार्कनिभाननः।अब्रवीत्प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं हनूमान्मारुतात्मजः4.26.3।।,"Hanuman, son of the Windgod, glowing like a golden mountain, whose face resembled the rising Sun addressed Rama with folded hands:" भवत्प्रसादात्सुग्रीवः पितृपैतामहं महत्।वानराणां सुदुष्प्रापं प्राप्तो राज्यमिदं प्रभो4.26.4।।,'O Lord by your grace Sugriva inherited the ancestral kingdom which would have been otherwise difficult. भवता समनुज्ञातः प्रविश्य नगरं शुभम्4.26.5।।संविधास्यति कार्याणि सर्वाणि ससुहृज्जनः।स्नातोऽयं विविधैर्गन्धैरौषधैश्च यथाविधि4.26.6।।,"'Permitted by your gracious self, he will enter the auspicious city along with his friends and perform his duties. He had his auspicious bath in fragrant waters with medicinal herbs as per tradition. " अर्चयिष्यति रत्नैश्च माल्यैश्च त्वां विशेषतः।इमां गिरिगुहां रम्यामभिगन्तुमितोऽर्हसि4.26.7।।कुरुष्व स्वामिसम्बन्धं वानरान्सम्प्रहर्षय।,'He wants to propitiate you first specially with garlands and gems. Pray enter this beautiful mountain cave for the pleasure of the monkeys and establish relationship with king Sugriva.' एवमुक्तो हनुमता राघवः परवीरहा4.26.8।।प्रत्युवाच हनूमन्तं बुद्धिमान्वाक्यकोविदः।,"Requested by Hanuman who was skilful in conversation, wise Rama, slayer of enemies, replied:" चतुर्दश समास्सौम्य ग्रामं वा यदि वा पुरम्4.26.9।।न प्रवेक्ष्यामि हनुमन्पितुर्निर्देशपालकः।,'Dear Hanuman In obedience to my father's command I should not enter any village or city for fourteen years. सुसमृद्धां गुहां रम्यां सुग्रीवो वानरर्षभः4.26.10।।प्रविष्टो विधिवद्वीरः क्षिप्रं राज्येऽभिषिच्यताम्।,'Let Sugriva enter the beautiful prosperous cavern (Kishkinda) and be installed by you as king with due rituals.' एवमुक्त्वा हनूमन्तं रामस्सुग्रीवमब्रवीत्4.26.11।।वृत्तज्ञो वृत्तसम्पन्नमुदारबलविक्रमम्।,"Having thus spoken to Hanuman, Rama who knew etiquette addressed mighty Sugriva, endowed with wisdom:" इममप्यङ्गदं वीर यौवराज्येऽभिषेचय4.26.12।।ज्येष्ठस्य स सुतो ज्येष्ठस्सदृशो विक्रमेण ते।अङ्गदोऽयमदीनात्मा यौवराज्यस्य भाजनम्4.26.13।।,"'O hero consecrate Angada as heirapparent since he deserves it as the eldest son of your brother, a noble soul and equal to you in prowess. " पूर्वोऽयं वार्षिको मासः श्रावणस्सलिलागमः।प्रवृत्तास्सौम्य चत्वारो मासा वार्षिकसज्ञिकाः4.26.14।।,"'O noble Sugriva the four months from now will be rainy season. This is Sravana, the first month of the season in which rain is expected to start pouring." नायमुद्योगसमयः प्रविश त्वं पुरीं शुभाम्।अस्मिन्वत्स्याम्यहं सौम्य पर्वते सह लक्ष्मणः4.26.15।।,'O goodnatured Sugriva this is not a suitable time for any endeavour. Go to the auspicious capital city of Kishkinda and I will reside on the mountain with Lakshmana. इयं गिरिगुहा रम्या विशाला युक्तमारुता।प्रभूतसलिला सौम्य प्रभूतकमलोत्पला4.26.16।।,'Dear Sugriva this cavern of the mountain is large and airy. It has abundant water resources with lotuses and lilies. कार्तिके समनुप्राप्ते त्वं रावणवधे यत।एष नस्समयस्सौम्य प्रविश त्वं स्वमालयम्4.26.17।।अभिषिक्तस्व राज्ये च सुहृदस्सम्प्रहर्षय।,'Enter the city and get yourself installed and cheer your friends. Make all arrangement for killing Ravana when the month of Kartika begins as it is the proper time (for the purpose). इति रामाभ्यनुज्ञातस्सुग्रीवो वानराधिपः4.26.18।।प्रविवेश पुरीं रम्यां किष्किन्धां वालिपालिताम्।,"Thus permitted by Rama , Sugriva, lord of the monkeys entered the beautiful city of Kishkinda (once) ruled by Vali." तं वानरसहस्राणि प्रविष्टं वानरेश्वरम्4.26.19।।अभिवाद्य प्रविष्टानि सर्वतः पर्यवारयन्।,"Thousands of monkeys entered the city of Kishkinda along with their king, and stood in attendance everywhere." ततः प्रकृतयस्सर्वा दृष्ट्वा हरिगणेश्वरम्4.26.20।।प्रणम्य मूर्ध्ना पतिता वसुधायां समाहिताः।,"Then all the subjects of the city collected together, prostrated to the chief of the monkey clan with their forehead touching the ground (as a mark of respect) and sat down." सुग्रीवः प्रकृतीस्सर्वास्सम्भाष्योत्थाप्य वीर्यवान्4.26.21।।भ्रातुरन्तःपुरं सौम्यं प्रविवेश महाबलः।,"Asking the monkeys to rise to their feet, the mighty and powerful Sugriva entered the inner chambers of his brother." प्रविश्य त्वभिनिष्क्रान्तं सुग्रीवं प्लवगेश्वरम्4.26.22।।अभ्यषिञ्चन्त सुहृदस्सहस्राक्षमिवामराः।,"With Sugriva,the lord of the monkeys, returned to Kishkinda, his kith and kin coronated him just as the gods consecrated the thousandeyed Indra. " तस्य पाण्डुरमाजह्रुश्छत्रं हेमपरिष्कृतम्4.26.23।।शुक्ले च वालव्यजने हेमदण्डे यशस्करे।तथा सर्वाणि रत्नानि सर्वबीजौषधीरपि4.26.24सक्षीराणां च वृक्षाणां प्ररोहान्कुसुमानि च।शुक्लानि चैव वस्त्राणि श्वेतं चैवानुलेपनम्4.26.25।।सुगन्धीनि च माल्यानि स्थलजान्यम्बुजानि च।चन्दनानि च दिव्यानि गन्धांश्च विविधान्बहून्4.26.26।।अक्षतं जातरूपं च प्रियङ्गुमधुसर्पिषी।दधि चर्म च वैयाघ्रं वाराही चाप्युपानहौ4.26.27।।समालम्भनमादाय रोचनां समनश्शिलाम्।आग्मुस्तत्र मुदिता वराः कन्यास्तु षोडश4.26.28।।,"The monkeys brought a white canopy decorated with gold and two chamaras with glorious golden staff. They also brought jewels, all kinds of medicinal herbs, sprouts, sap from trees, white flowers and white clothes, unguents, garlands of fragrant lotuses that grow on land and water, heavently sandal, fragrants of different kinds, goldcoloured paddy, honey of priyanga, curds, tiger skin and sandals made of boar skin. Then sixteen beautiful, cheerful females appeared with unguent, gorochana mixed with red arsenic (used for putting tilaka on the forehead)." ततस्ते वानरश्रेष्ठं यथाकालं यथाविधि।रत्नैर्वस्त्रैश्च भक्ष्यैश्च तोषयित्वा द्विजर्षभान्4.26.29।।,"Then they duly propitiated the brahmins, offering them gifts of gems, clothes and eatables." ततः कुशपरिस्तीर्णं समिद्धं जातवेदसम्।मन्त्रपूतेन हविषा हुत्वा मन्त्रविदो जनाः4.26.30।।,"Then the priests (people who recite Vedic hymns) strew around kusa grass, kindled sacred fire with recitation of mantras and made offerings of havis into the fire." ततो हेमप्रतिष्ठाने वरास्तरणसंवृते।प्रासादशिखरे रम्ये चित्रमाल्योपशोभिते4.26.31।।प्राङ्मुखं विविधैर्मन्त्रै: स्थापयित्वा वरासने।नदीनदेभ्यस्संहृत्य तीर्थेभ्यश्च समन्ततः4.26.32।।आहृत्य च समुद्रेभ्यस्सर्वेभ्यो वानरर्षभाः।अपः कनककुम्भेषु निधाय विमलाश्शुभाः4.26.33।।शुभैर्वृषभशृङ्गैश्च कलशैश्चापि काञ्चनैः।शास्त्रदृष्टेन विधिना महर्षिविहितेन च4.26.34।।गजो गवाक्षो गवयश्शरभो गन्धमादनः।मैन्दश्च द्विविदश्चैव हनुमान्जाम्बवान्नलः4.26.35।।अभ्यषिञ्चन्त सुग्रीवं प्रसन्नेन सुगन्धिना।सलिलेन सहस्राक्षं वसवो वासवं यथा4.26.36।।,"Then Sugriva was seated facing the east on a golden throne with fine coverings on top of the mansion decorated with multicoloured garlands. As per tradition, sacred waters collected from rivers and rivulets and stored in golden pots was aportioned in accordance with the procedure ordained by the sages in sastras. At the appropriate time the pure and fragrant water was poured by Gaja, Gavaya, Sarabha, Mainda, Dvivida, Hanumanta, Jambavan and Nala on Sugriva, the bull among monkeys through horns of bulls and jars of gold, like the eight Vasus bathed the thousandeyed Indra. Thus they performed the consecration." अभिषिक्ते तु सुग्रीवे सर्वे वानरपुङ्गवाः।प्रचुक्रुशुर्महात्मानो हृष्टा स्तत्र सहस्रशः 4.26.37।।,"As Sugriva was ceremoniously consecrated, thousands of monkeys rejoiced and shrieked out of joy." रामस्य तु वचः कुर्वन्सुग्रीवो हरिपुङ्गवः।अङ्गदं सम्परिष्वज्य यौवराज्येऽभ्यषेचयत्4.26.38।।,"In obedience to Rama's instruction, Sugriva, lord of the monkeys installed Angada as prince regent and embraced him." अङ्गदे चाभिषिक्ते तु सानुक्रोशाः प्लवङ्गमाः।साधु साध्विति सुग्रीवं महात्मानोऽभ्यपूजयन्4.26.39।।,"The great monkeys concerned hailed Sugriva's action saying, 'well done, well done' on the installation of Angada." रामं चैव महात्मानं लक्ष्मणं च पुनः पुनः।प्रीताश्च तुष्टुवुस्सर्वे तादृशे तत्र वर्तिते4.26.40।।,"As Sugriva and Angada were installed, all the monkeys were highly pleased and praised the noblehearted Rama and Lakshmana again and again." हृष्टपुष्टजनाकीर्णा पताकाध्वजशोभिता।बभूव नगरी रम्या किष्किन्धा गिरिगह्वरे4.26.41।।,"The beautiful city of Kishkinda situated in a mountaincave, decorated with banners and flags was filled with happy, wellfed citizens." निवेद्य रामाय तदा महात्मनेमहाभिषेकं कपिवाहिनीपतिः।रुमां च भार्यं प्रतिलभ्य वीर्यवानवाप राज्यं त्रिदशाधिपो यथा4.26.42।।,"The valiant leader of the monkey army (Sugriva) reported to great Rama about the installation.Having secured the kingdom and his wife Ruma, Sugriva also felt like Indra (who secured the kingdom of gods).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्थाकाण्डे षड्विंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentysixth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki." [Rama and Lakshmana reach Prasravana mountain -- description of the mountain cave where Rama and Lakshmana dwelt]अभिषिक्ते तु सुग्रीवे प्रविष्टे वानरे गुहाम्।आजगाम सह भ्रात्रा रामः प्रस्रवणं गिरिम्4.27.1।।,"After the consecration, Sugriva entered the cavecity (of Kishkinda) and Rama accompanied by his brother reached mountain Prasravana." शार्दूलमृगसङ्घुष्टं सिंहैर्भीमरवैर्वृतम्।नानागुल्मलतागूढं बहुपादपसङ्कुलम्4.27.2।।ऋक्षवानरगोपुच्छैर्मार्जारैश्च निषेवितम्।मेघराशिनिभं शैलं नित्यं शुचिजलाशयम्।।4.27.3।।,"The (Prasravana) mountain reverberated with the terrific roars of tigers and deer and lions. There were several kinds of shrubs, creepers and trees.It was inhabited by bears, apes, monkeys and wild cats in large number. The mountain was like a huge cluster of clouds. The waters in the ponds were pure." तस्य शैलस्य शिखरे महतीमायतां गुहाम्।प्रत्यगृह्णत वासार्थं रामस्सौमित्रिणा सह4.27.4।।,"Rama and Lakshmana decided to reside in the long, wide cave on top of the great mountain. " कृत्वा च समयं रामस्सुग्रीवेण सहानघः।कालयुक्तं महद्वाक्यमुवाच रघुनन्दनः4.27.5।।विनीतं भ्रातरं भ्राता लक्ष्मणं लक्ष्मिवर्धनम्।,"Sinless Rama, the delight of the Raghus made an agreement with Sugriva and then spoke appropriately to Lakshmana, his obedient brother and enhancer of glory:" इयं गिरिगुहा रम्या विशाला युक्तमारुता।अस्यां वत्स्याम सौमित्रे वर्षरात्रमरिन्दम4.27.6।।,"'O Saumitri, subduer of enemies this beautiful mountain cave is spacious and adequately ventilated. We will reside here in the rainy season." गिरिशृङ्गमिदं रम्यमुन्नतं पार्थिवात्मज4.27.7।।श्वेताभिः कृष्णताम्राभिश्शिलाभिरुपशोभितम्।नानाधातुसमाकीर्णं दरीनिर्झरशोभितम्4.27.8।।विविधैर्वृक्षषण्डैश्च चारुचित्रलतायुतम्।नानाविहगसङ्घुष्टं मयूररवनादितम्4.27.9।।मालतीकुन्दगुल्मैश्च सिन्धुवारैश्शिरीषकैः।कदम्बार्जुनसर्जैश्च पुष्पितैरुपशोभितम्4.27.10।।,"'O prince this lovely mountain peak is lofty. It has white, black and red stones with many kinds of minerals scattered all over. It is delightful with caves and streams, and various clusters of trees and variegated vines. The chirps of several kinds of birds as well as the sounds of excellent peacocks are heard here. This place is delightful with bushes of jasmine, kunda and sindhuvara, sireeshaka, kadamba, arjuna and sarja in bloom." इयं च नलिनी रम्या फ़ुल्लपङ्कजमण्डिता।नातिदूरे गुहायानौ भविष्यति नृपात्मज4.27.11।।,'O prince this pond with lotus creeper and lotuses in full bloom is endearing. It is located not far from the cave. प्रागुदक्प्रवणे देशे गुहा साधु भविष्यति।पश्चाच्चैवोन्नता सौम्य निवातेयं भविष्यति4.27.12।।,'O goodnatured Lakshmana the descending path on the northeastern side of the cave and elevation on the the west is auspicious.This place is protected from rain water and from strong wind. गुहाद्वारे च सौमित्रे शिला समतला शुभा।श्लक्ष्णा चैवायता चैव भिन्नाञ्जनचयोपमा4.27.13।।,"'O Lakshmana at the entrance of the cave is a rock, smooth and large, resembling a heap of shining collyrium." गिरिशृङ्गमिदं तात पश्य चोत्तरतः शुभम्।भिन्नाञ्जनचयाकारमम्भोधरमिवोत्थितम्4.27.14।।,'O dear look at the mountain peak in the north rising like a raincloud.It is auspicious. It resembles a heap of collyrium. दक्षिणस्यामपि दिशि स्थितं श्वेतमिवापरम्।कैलासशिखरप्रख्यं नानाधातुविभूषितम्4.27.15।।,'In the southern direction is a white rock appearing as if it is another mountain. It looks like mount Kailas and is rich with various minerals. प्राचीनवाहिनीं चैव नदीं भृशमकर्दमाम्।गुहायाः पूर्वतः पश्य त्रिकूटे जाह्नवीमिव4.27.16।।चन्दनैस्तिलकैस्तालैस्तमालैरतिमुक्तकैः।पद्मकैः सरलैश्चैव अशोकैश्चैव शोभिताम्4.27.17।।,"'Look at the river flowing towards the east. It has clean water and flows towards the east of the cave and looks like the river Jahnavi flowing on the mount Trikuta. This place looks delightful with the sandalwood, tilaka, sala, tamala, atimukta, padmaka, sarala and asoka trees. " वानीरैस्तिमिशैश्चैव वकुलैः केतकैर्धवैः।हिन्तालैस्तिनिशैर्नीपैर्वेत्रकैः कृतमालकैः4.27.18।।तीरजैश्शोभिता भाति नानारूपै स्ततस्ततः।वसनाभरणोपेता प्रमदेवाभ्यलङ्कृता4.27.19।।,"'See the different kinds of trees like canes timida, vakula, ketaka, hintala, tinisa, kadamba, dhava, krutamalaka, betasa grown here and there on the bank (of the river), which looks beautiful like a woman decorated with clothes and ornaments. " शतशः पक्षिसङ्घैश्च नानानादैर्विनादिता।एकैकमनुरक्तैश्च चक्रवाकैरलङ्कृता।।4.27.20।।पुलिनैरतिरम्यैश्च हंससारससेवितैः।प्रहसन्तीवभात्येषा नारी सर्वविभूषिता।।4.27.21।।,'The river flocked with hundreds of birds chirping melodious notes and specially the chakravaka birds which are clinging to their mates in great love are moving in pairs.The river has lovely sandy banks filled with swans and sarasa birds. The river appears as though a young woman decked all over is laughing. क्वचिन्नीलोत्पलैश्छन्ना भाति रक्तोत्पलैः क्वचित्।क्वचिदाभाति शुक्लैश्च दिव्यैः कुमुदकुट्मलैः4.27.22।।,"'The river looks wonderful with lotuses now blue, now red and now white." पारिप्लवशतैर्जुष्टा बर्हिक्रौञ्चविनादिता।रमणीया नदी सौम्य मुनिसङ्घैर्निषेविता4.27.23।।,"'This placid river water is haunted by waterbirds, peacocks and kraunchas, It is inhabited by groups of sages. " पश्य चन्दनवृक्षाणां पङ्क्तीस्सुरचिता इव।ककुभानां च दृश्यन्ते मनसेवोदितास्समम्4.27.24।।,"'See the uniform rows of sandalwood trees, it looks as though they are arranged together imaginatively." अहो सुरमणीयोऽयं देशश्शत्रुनिषूदन।दृढं रंस्याव सौमित्रे साध्वत्र निवसावहै4.27.25।।,'O Saumitri destroyer of enemies this place is most enchanting. Surely we will reside here sporting in joy . इतश्च नातिदूरे सा किष्किन्धा चित्रकानना।सुग्रीवस्य पुरी रम्या भविष्यति नृपात्मज4.27.26।।,'O prince Sugriva's delightful city of Kishkinda with wonderful forest around is not far from here. गीतवादित्रनिर्घोषश्श्रूयते जयतां वर।नर्दतां वानराणां च मृदङ्गाडम्बरै स्सह4.27.27।।,"'O hero among the victorious, the sounds of vocal and instrumental music, the beating of drums and shrieking of monkeys are heard (from here)." लब्ध्वा भार्यां कपिवरः प्राप्य राज्यं सुहृद्वृतः।ध्रुवं नन्दति सुग्रीवस्सम्प्राप्य महतीं श्रियम्4.27.28।।,"'Having obtained his wife, his kingdom and attained prosperity the monkey chief, Sugriva will be surely enjoying the company of friends and relatives'." इत्युक्त्वा न्यवसत्तत्र राघवस्सहलक्ष्मणः।बहुदृश्यदरीकुञ्जे तस्मिन्प्रस्रवणे गिरौ4.27.29।।,"Having said so, Rama resided with Lakshmana on the Prasvarana mountain with many beautiful caverns and shrubs of vines." सुसुखेऽपि बहुद्रव्ये तस्मिन्हि धरणीधरे।वसतस्तस्य रामस्य रतिरल्पापिना भवेत्4.27.30।।,"Though Rama was residing in comfort on the mountain richly endowed with many pleasant things, he experienced little happiness." हृतां हि भार्यां स्मरतः प्राणेभ्योऽपि गरीयसीम्।उदयाभ्युदितं दृष्ट्वा शशाङ्कं च विशेषतः4.27.31।।,"Specially with the rising Moon in the east, he remembered his abuducted wife who was dearer to him than his life." आविवेश न तं निद्रा निशासु शयनं गतम्।तत्समुत्थेन शोकेन बाष्पोपहतचेतसम्4.27.32।।,"As Rama lay in bed, at night, his grief rose and choked him with tears." तं शोचमानं काकुत्स्थं नित्यं शोकपरायणम्।तुल्यदुःखोऽब्रवीद्भ्राता लक्ष्मणोऽनुनयन्वचः4.27.33।।,"Seeing Rama worried and engrossed in endless sorrow, his brother Lakshmana who was equally sad spoke these words of consolation:" अलं वीर व्यथां गत्वा न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि।शोचतो व्यवसीदन्ति सर्वार्था विदितं हि ते4.27.34।।,"'O heroic one, you know one who broods fails to achieve his objective. So do not brood." भवान्क्रियापरो लोके भवान् देवपरायणः।आस्तिको धर्मशीलश्च व्यवसायी च राघव4.27.35।।न ह्यव्यवसितश्शत्रुं राक्षसं तं विशेषतः।समर्थस्त्वं रणे हन्तुं विक्रमैर्जिह्मकारिणम्4.27.36।।,"'O Rama you are a man of action, enterprising. You are godfearing, righteous and religious. You will not be able to kill a crooked enemy in a battle, especially a demon, with your valour if you make no endeavour." समुन्मूलय शोकं त्वं व्यवसायं स्थिरं कुरु।ततस्सपरिवारं तं निर्मूलं कुरु राक्षसम्।।4.27.37।।,'Root out sorrow. Be daring. Be firm in resolve. (Only) then can you destroy the demon and his family. पृथिवीमपि काकुत्स्थ ससागरवनाचलाम्।परिवर्तयितुं शक्तः किमङ्गपुन रावणम्4.27.38।।,"'O Kakutstha, you can turn the earth with its oceans, forests and mountains, what to speak of Ravana." शरत्कालं प्रतीक्षस्व प्रावृट्कालोऽयमागतः।ततस्सराष्ट्रं सगणं रावणं त्वं वधिष्यसि4.27.39।।,'This is the rainy season.Wait for autumn.Thereafter you will destroy Ravana along with his kingdom and clan. अहं तु खलु ते वीर्यं प्रसुप्तं प्रतिबोधये।दीप्सैराहुतिभिः काले भस्मच्छन्नमिवानलम्4.27.40।।,'I am only awakening your dormant valour as one would kindle the fire covered with ashes by making offerings.' लक्ष्मणस्य तु तद्वाक्यं प्रतिपूज्य हितं शुभम्।राघवस्सुहृदं स्निग्धमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।4.27.41।।,"On hearing the good counsel and auspicious words of Lakshmana, Rama spoke these loving and warm words: " वाच्यं यदनुरक्तेन स्निग्धेन च हितेन च।सत्यविक्रमयुक्तेन तदुक्तं लक्ष्मण त्वया4.27.42।।,'O Lakshmana you have spoken the words of an affectionate and friendly counsellor of proven valour. एष शोकः परित्यक्तस्सर्वकार्यावसादकः।विक्रमेष्वप्रतिहतं तेजः प्रोत्साहयाम्यहम्।।4.27.43।।,'This sorrow which dampens one's daring spirit is given up. I shall now resort to such undaunted valour during my heroic exploits. शरत्कालं प्रतीक्षिष्ये स्थितोऽस्मि वचने तव।सुग्रीवस्य नदीनां च प्रसादमनुपालयन्4.27.44।।,'I will wait for autumn. I will stick to your advice while I wait until Sugriva and the rivers are pleased (with moderate flow of water.) उपकारेण वीरस्तु प्रतीकारेण युज्यते।अकृतज्ञोऽप्रतिकृतो हन्ति सत्त्ववतां मनः4.27.45।।, अथैव मुक्तःप्रणिधाय लक्ष्मणःकृताञ्जलिस्तत्प्रतिपूज्य भाषितम्।उवाच रामं स्वभिरामदर्शनंप्रदर्शयन्दर्शनमात्मनश्शुभम्4.27.46।।,Then Lakshmana reflected upon the words of Rama thoughtfully. He honoured his brother's words by receiving his advice with folded hands and spoke to his handsome brother giving out his own views: यथोक्तमेतत्तव सर्वमीप्सितंनरेन्द्र कर्ता न चिराद्धरीश्वरः।शरत्प्रतीक्षः क्षमतामिमं भवान्जलप्रपातं रिपुनिग्रहे धृतः4.27.47।।,"'O lord of men, your desire will be fulfilled soon. Be determined to fight the enemy while waiting for autumn. Forgive this rainy season (and its water that obstructs)." नियम्य कोपं प्रतिपाल्यतां शरत्क्षमस्व मासां श्चतुरो मया सह।वसाचलेऽस्मिन्मृगराजसेवितेसंवर्धयन् शत्रुवधे समुद्यमम्4.27.48।।,"'Control your anger and wait for autumn. Pardon these (intervening) four months (which put a halt on your wareffort). Stay with me on this mountain infested with lions. Brace up to kill the enemy.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे सप्तविंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentyseventh sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki." [Rama describes the beauty of the rainy season to Lakshmana.]स तदा वालिनं हत्वा सुग्रीवमभिषिच्य च।वसन्माल्यवतः पृष्ठे रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्4.28.1।।,"After the killing of Vali and installation of Sugriva as king, Rama arrived at mountain Malyavan to reside.He said to Lakshmana:" अयं स कालस्सम्प्राप्तस्समयोऽद्य जलागमः।सम्पश्य त्वं नभो मेघैस्संवृतं गिरिसन्निभैः4.28.2।।,"'Now that the rainy season has started, see the sky covered with mountainlike (huge) clouds." नवमासधृतं गर्भं भास्करस्य गभस्तिभिः।पीत्वा रसं समुद्राणां द्यौः प्रसूते रसायनम्4.28.3।।,'The sky has drained the water from the oceans through the Sun's rays and has borne it for nine months (from Kartika to Asarha) in its womb. It delivers water which is the base for all juices. शक्यमम्बरमारुह्य मेघसोपानपङ्क्तिभिः।कुटजार्जुनमालाभिरलङ्कर्तुं दिवाकरम्4.28.4।।,'It is possible to climb up to the sky on the stairs formed by the clouds and decorate the Sungod with garlands made of kutaja and arjuna flowers. सन्ध्यारागोत्थितैस्ताम्रैरन्तेष्वधिक पाण्डरैः।स्निग्धैरभ्रपटच्छेदैर्बद्धव्रणमिवाम्बरम्4.28.5।।,"'The sky looks as though its wounds are dressed with pale white moistureladen bandage cloths of clouds, red in the border, tinged as they are with the glow of twilight. " मन्दमारुत निश्वासं सन्ध्याचन्दनरञ्जितम्।आपाण्डुजलदं भाति कामातुरमिवाम्बरम्4.28.6।।,"'The sky with its gentle winds as its sighs, its ash coloured clouds (suggestive of a pale face) painted with red sandalpaste in the form of glow of twilight appears like a passionate lover. " एषा घर्मपरिक्लिष्टा नववारिपरिप्लुता।सीतेव शोकसन्तप्ता मही बाष्पं विमुञ्चति4.28.7।।,"'This earth scorched by the heat and then flooded with fresh rain water, radiating heat, appears like my Sita shedding tears burning with grief." मेघोदरविनिर्मुक्ताः कह्लारसुखशीतलाः।शक्यमञ्जलिभिः पातुं वाताः केतकिगन्धिनः4.28.8।।,"'The winds released from the wombs of clouds, cool as the delicate touch of white lotuses,charged with the fragrance of ketaka flowers can be inhaled through the hollow of one's palms." एष फुल्लार्जुनश्शैलः केतकैरधिवासितः।सुग्रीव इव शान्तारिर्धाराभिरभिषिच्यते4.28.9।।,"'This mountain scented by the fragrance of arjuna and ketaka flowers is bathed in rain water just as Sugriva, tranquilled by the destruction of the enemy is consecrated in streams of (sacred) waters." मेघकृष्णाजिनधरा: धारायज्ञोपवीतिनः।मारुतापूरितगुहाः प्राधीता इव पर्वताः4.28.10।।,'The mountains are covered with dark clouds which appear like the hide of the antelope. Streams of rain water flowing are like the sacred threads hanging down the shoulder and the sounds of wind filling the caves resemble the recitation of Vedas by priests. (These mountains are comparable to the brahmacharins engaged in the recitation of Vedas wearing antelopeskin and sacred threads). कशाभिरिव हैमीभिर्विद्युद्भिरिवताडितम्।अन्तस्त्सतनिर्घोषं सवेदनमिवाम्बरम्4.28.11।।,"'The sky lashed with lightnings with whips of gold and emitting groans in the form of peals of thunder, appears as though crying in severe pain." नीलमेघाश्रिता विद्युत्स्फुरन्ती प्रतिभाति मा।स्फुरन्ती रावणस्याङ्के वैदेहीव तपस्विनी4.28.12।।,'The triggering of lightning in the dark clouds appears to me like austere Vaidehi struggling helplessly to get free from the lap of Ravana. इमास्ता मन्मथवतां हिताः प्रतिहता दिशः।अनुलिप्ता इव घनैर्नष्टग्रहनिशाकराः4.28.13।।,"'Smeared as it were with dense clouds and therefore blocked the directions in which planets including the Moon cease to appear are favourable to lovers. The Moon is said to accenuate the pangs of separation from one's ladylove. Hence the quarters in which the Moon and the stars are hidden by clouds, have been favourable to the lovelorn." चिद्बाष्पाभिसंरुद्धान् वर्षागमसमुत्सुकान्।कुटजान्पश्य सौमित्रे पुष्पितान्गिरिसानुषु4.28.14।।मम शोकाभिभूतस्य कामसन्दीपनान् स्थितान्।,'O Saumitri look at the kutaja flowers standing on the mountain slopes withered by the heat. They welcome the fresh showers of rain and rekindle passion in me even though my heart is overwhelmed with grief. रजः प्रशान्तं सहिमोऽद्य वायुर्निदाघदोषप्रसराः प्रशान्ताः।स्थिता हि यात्रा वसुधाधिपानांप्रवासिनो यान्ति नरास्स्वदेशान्4.28.15।।,'Now the dust has settled and the wind carrying mist is cool. The torments of summer have ceased. The expeditions of kings have come to a stop and the travellers return to their native land. सम्प्रस्थिता मानसवासलुब्धाः प्रियान्विताः सम्प्रति चक्रवाकाः।अभीक्ष्णवर्षोदकविक्षतेषु यानानि मार्गेषु न सम्पतन्ति4.28.16।।,'Desirous of living in Manasa lake swans have set out on their journey and the chakravaka birds are now united with their mates. The carts move not on the roads damaged by heavy rains. क्वचित्प्रकाशं क्वचिदप्रकाशं नभः प्रकीर्णाम्बुधरं विभाति।क्वचित्क्वचित्पर्वतसन्निरुद्धं रूपं यथा शान्तमहार्णवस्य4.28.17।।,'The sky which is visible here is not visible there due to clouds scattered. It looks bright (blue) here and dull there. It appears like an unruffled ocean interspersed with hills here and there. व्यामिश्रितं सार्जकदम्बपुष्पै र्नवं जलं पर्वतधातुताम्रम्।मयूरकेकाभिरनुप्रयातं शैलापगाश्शीघ्रतरं वहन्ति4.28.18।।,"'The mountainstreams of rainwater mingled with sarja and kadamba flowers carry fresh water swiftly to the ocean along with the deposits of red mineral rocks of the mountain. Hark, the peacock cries." रसाकुलं षट्पदसन्निकाशं प्रभुज्यते जम्बुफलं प्रकामम्।अनेकवर्णं पवनावधूतं भूमौ पतत्याम्रफलं विपक्वम्4.28.19।।,"'The black bees like jambu fruits full of sweet juice. People share them to their hearts content, while the mango fruits which take multiple colours on getting ripened drop on the ground shaken by the wind." विद्युत्पताकास्सबलाकमालाःशैलेन्द्रकूटाकृतिसन्निकाशाः।गर्जन्ति मेघाः समुदीर्णनादाः मत्ता गजेन्द्रा इव संयुगस्थाः4.28.20।।,"The clouds that resemble high mountain peaks, having their banners of lightning with rows of herons as garlands give out loud peals of thunder like elephants in rut trumpet in battlearray. " वर्षोदकाप्यायितशाद्वलानि प्रवृत्तनृत्तोत्सवबर्हिणानि।वनानि निर्वृष्टवलाहकानि पश्यापराह्णेष्वधिकं विभान्ति4.28.21।।,"'The tender green grass of the forest is shining with rainwater, the peacocks are having dance festival and the forests look more enchanting in the afternoon." समुद्वहन्त स्सलिलातिभारं बलाकिनो वारिधरा नदन्तः।महत्सु शृङ्गेषु महीधराणां विश्रम्य विश्रम्य पुनः प्रयान्ति4.28.22।।,'The huge rumbling clouds on the high mountain peaks carry heavy load of water. Now they rest and now resume their journey accompanied by herons. मेघाभिकामा परिसम्पतन्ती सम्मोदिता भाति बलाकपङ्क्तिः।वातावधूता वरपौण्डरीकी लम्बेव माला रचिताम्बरस्य4.28.23।।,"'The happy rows of herons flying in the sky to meet the clouds, appear like a long garland of choice white lotuses strung together hanging in the sky." बालेन्द्रगोपान्तरचित्रितेन विभाति भूमिर्नवशाद्वलेन।गात्रानुपृक्तेन शुकप्रभेण नारीव लाक्षोक्षितकम्बलेन4.28.24।।,"'The earth shines with freshgrown, tender grass speckled here and there with small Indragopa insects. It appears like a woman wearing a parrotgreen veil sprinkled with red lac dye." निद्रा शनैः केशवमभ्युपैति द्रुतं नदी सागरमभ्युपैति।हृष्टा बलाका घनमभ्युपैति कान्ता सकामा प्रियमभ्युपैति4.28.25।।," 'Sleep steals over Lord Visnu. The rivers run swiftly to the sea, the female herons fly to catch the clouds joyfully. The young bride eagerly approaches her dear lord. (It is believed that Lord Visnu goes to sleep during chaturmasya, ie. from Asarh to Kartik)" जाता वनान्ताश्शिखिसम्प्रनृत्ता जाताः कदम्बाः सकदम्बशाखाः।जाता वृषा गोषु समानकामा जाता मही सस्यवनाभिरामा4.28.26।।,'Peacocks dance in the forest. The branches of the kadamba trees get filled with flowers. Bulls long for union with the cows. The earth looks beautiful with green crops and trees. वहन्ति वर्षन्ति नदन्ति भान्ति ध्यायन्ति नृत्यन्ति समाश्वसन्ति।नद्यो घना मत्तगजा वनान्ताः प्रियाविहीनाश्शिखिनः प्लवङ्गमाः4.28.27।।,'The clouds are raining. The rivers are flowing. Proud elephants are trumpeting. Those separated from their loved ones are brooding. The monkeys are quiet and the peacocks are dancing. प्रहर्षिताः केतकपुष्पगन्धमाघ्राय हृष्टा वननिर्झरेषु।प्रपातशब्दाकुलिता गजेन्द्रास्सार्धं मयूरै स्समदा नदन्ति4.28.28।।,"'The lordly elephants get intoxicated with the fragrance of ketaki flowers, the noise of waterfalls and the cackle of peacocks and they give out a shrill trumpet." धारानिपातैरभिहन्यमानाः कदम्बशाखासु विलम्बमानाः।क्षणार्जितं पुष्परसावगाढं शनैर्मदं षट्चरणास्त्यजन्ति4.28.29।।,"'Having sucked honey from the flowercups filled with honey, the bees are shedding their drunkenness slowly and hanging on the branches of kadamba trees, smitten with showers." अङ्गारचूर्णोत्करसन्निकाशैः फलैस्सुपर्याप्तरसैस्समृद्धैः।जम्बूद्रुमाणां प्रविभान्ति शाखाःनिलीयमाना इव षट्पदौघैः4.28.30।।,"'The branches of jambu trees profusely filled with fruits appear like piled up balls of charcoal, while swarms of bees rest on the branches on the jambu trees. " तटित्पताकाभिरलङ्कृतानामुदीर्णगम्भीरमहारवाणाम्।विभान्ति रूपाणि बलाहकानां रणोद्यतानामिव वानरणानाम्4.28.31।।,"'The rainclouds decorated with banners of lightning and giving out peals of thunder shine like elephants in rut trumpeting, eager to fight in battle." मार्गानुगश्शैलवनानुसारी सम्प्रस्थितो मेघरवं निशम्य।युद्धाभिकामः प्रतिनादशङ्की मत्तो गजेन्द्रः प्रतिसन्निवृत्तः4.28.32।।,"'Intoxicated elephants on their march along the mountain in the forest, hear the thundering sounds of clouds and suspecting it to be the call of proud elephants to fight turn back. " क्वचित्प्रगीता इव षट्पदौघैःक्वचित्प्रनृत्ता इव नीलकण्ठैः।क्वचित्प्रमत्ता इव वारणेन्द्रैर्विभान्त्यनेकाश्रयिणो वनान्ताः4.28.33।।,'Swarms of bees hum here. Peacocks dance there. Intoxicated elephants sport in water in other places. (Thus) the forest shows its many features. कदम्बसर्जार्जुनकन्दलाढ्या वनान्तभूमिर्नववारिपूर्णा।मयूरमत्ताभिरुतप्रनृत्तैरापानभूमिप्रतिमा विभाति4.28.34।।,"'The forest region with its various types of trees like kadamba, sarja and arjuna trees and full of fresh water shines like a tavern where girls in the form of peahens dance in excitement. " मुक्तासकाशं सलिलं पतद्वै सुनिर्मलं पत्रपुटेषु लग्नम्।हृष्टा विवर्णच्छदना विहङ्गास्सुरेन्द्रदत्तं तृषिताः पिबन्ति4.28.35।।,"'Thirsty birds rejoice drinking exceedingly pure water held in leafcups offered by Indra (in the form of rain), which looks like pearls collected in the leafcups. As the drops fall on them the hue of their wings seems to change (fade)." षट्पादतन्त्रीमधुराभिधानं प्लवङ्गमोदीरितकण्ठतालम्।आविष्कृतं मेघमृदङ्गनादैर्वनेषु सङ्गीतमिव प्रवृत्तम्4.28.36।।,"'The sweet humming of bees like the music of string instruments (Vina), the croaking of frogs, the rumbling of clouds sounding like the beating of drums make it appear as if a musical concert has started in the forest." क्वचित्प्रनृत्तै: क्वचिदुन्नदद्भिः क्वचिच्च वृक्षाग्रनिषण्णकायैः।व्यालम्बबर्हाभरणैर्मयूरैर्वनेषु सङ्गीतमिव प्रवृत्तम्4.28.37।।,'Here the peacocks are dancing and there they are singing. Elsewhere they are reclining on treetops with their big plumage hanging down. It appears as though the peacocks have started a musical concert in the forest. स्वनैर्घनानां प्लवगाः प्रबुद्धाःविहाय निद्रां चिरसन्निरुद्धाम्।अनेकरूपाकृतिवर्णनादाः नवाम्बुधाराभिहता नदन्ति4.28.38।।,"'Frogs of different forms, colours and sounds are croaking, awakened from their long sleep by the thunders of clouds and flow of fresh rainwater." नद्यस्समुद्वाहितचक्रवाकास्तटानि शीर्णान्यपवाहयित्वा।दृप्ता नवप्राभृतपूर्णभोगाः द्रुतं स्वभर्तारमुपोपयान्ति4.28.39।।,"'Washing away their broken banks which obstruct their way to the sea, the bloated rivers like proud young ladies with chakravaka birds borne on their surface ,which look like protruberant breasts, rush swiftly to meet their lord, the sea, chosen for full enjoyment with the gifts of flowers." नीलेषु नीला: प्रविभान्ति सक्ताः मेघेषु मेघा नववारिपूर्णाः।दवाग्निदग्धेषु दवाग्निदग्धाश्शैलेषु शैला इव बद्धमूलाः4.28.40।।,"'Dark clouds filled with fresh water, leaning on dark clouds appear like boulders of rock, scorched with wild fire with their bases yet firmly rooted shining." प्रहृष्टसन्नादितबर्हिणानि सशक्रगोपाकुलशाद्वलानि।चरन्ति नीपार्जुनवासितानि गजास्सुरम्याणि वनान्तराणि4.28.41।।,"'Elephants roam the forestland inhabited by peacocks making noise out of joy, where the grassy land is filled with crawling Indragopa insects and the fragrance of kadamba and arjuna blossoms." नवाम्बुधाराहतकेसराणि द्रुतं परित्यज्य सरोरुहाणि।कदम्बपुष्पाणि सकेसराणि नवानि हृष्टा भ्रमराः पतन्तिः4.28.42।।,'The bees have quit the lotus filaments destroyed by the rain and happily move quickly towards fresh filaments of kadamba flowers. मत्ता गजेन्द्रा मुदिता गवेन्द्रा वनेषु विश्रान्ततरा मृगेन्द्रा।रम्या नगेन्द्रा निभृता नरेन्द्राः प्रक्रीडितो वारिधरैस्सुरेन्द्रः4.28.43।।," 'Intoxicated elephants roam the forest. Mighty bulls rejoice. Kings of beasts (lions) lounge. Mountains look beautiful. Kings relax. While Indra, lord of the gods, sports with clouds." मेघास्समुद्धूतसमुद्रनादाःमहाजलौघैर्गगनावलम्बाः।नदीस्तटाकानि सरांसि वापीर्महीं च कृत्स्नामपवाहयन्ति4.28.44।।,"'With their big torrents, clouds hanging over the sky, drowning the roar of the sea, make the rivers, ponds, lakes and tanks overflow and flood the entire earth." वर्षप्रवेगा विपुलाः पतन्ति प्रवान्ति वातास्समुदीर्णघोषाः।प्रणष्टकूलाः प्रवहन्ति शीघ्रं नद्योजलैर्विप्रतिपन्नमार्गाः4.28.45।।,'Torrents of rain pour at great speed. Winds roar. Rivers flow swiftly changing their direction due to breach in the banks नरैर्नरेन्द्रा इव पर्वतेन्द्रास्सुरेन्द्रदत्तै: पवनोपनीतैः।घनाम्बुकुम्भैरभिषिच्यमाना रूपं श्रियं स्वामिव दर्शयन्ति4.28.46।।,"'The mountains are consecrated with waterpitchers of clouds brought by the winds, offered by Lord Indra. Just as kings, consecrated by men, display their majesty, the mountains exhibit their form and glory. (Clouds are compared with water pots)" घनोपगूढं गगनं सतारं न भास्करो दर्शनमभ्युपैति।नवैर्जलौघैर्धरणी विसृप्ता तमो विलिप्ता न दिशः प्रकाशाः4.28.47।।,"'Ennveloped by clouds, the Sun and stars are not visible. The earth glides with the flow of fresh waters. The directions are not clear, covered by darkness." महान्ति कूटानि महीधराणां धाराभिधौतान्यधिकं विभान्ति।महाप्रमाणैर्विपुलैः प्रपातैर्मुक्ताकलापैरिव लम्बमानैः4.28.48।।,'The huge mountain peaks are washed by the heavy downpour of rain which look like long strings of pearls hanging. शैलोपलप्रस्खलमानवेगाश्शैलोत्तमानां विपुलाः प्रपाताः।गुहासु सन्नादितबर्हिणासुहारा विकीर्यन्त इवावभान्ति4.28.49।।,"'The waterfalls rushing down the rocks on the huge mountains and flowing through caves, and peacocks singing create an image of broken and scattered chains of pearls." शीघ्रप्रवेगा विपुलाः प्रपाताः निर्धौतशृङ्गोपतला गिरीणाम्।मुक्ताकलापप्रतिमाः पतन्तो महागुहोत्सङ्गतलैर्ध्रियन्ते4.28.50।।,'The fast flow of waterfalls spread over vast areas completely wash the surroundings of the mountain peaks. It appears like chains of pearls collected in the lap of huge caves. सुरतामर्दविच्छिन्नास्स्वर्गस्त्रीहारमौक्तिकाः।पतन्ति चातुला दिक्षु तोयधारास्समन्तत:4.28.51।।,"'The strings of incomparable waterfalls all over the mountain appear as though pearls from the chains of sexually indulgent celestial women are dropping down from heaven, broken through physical friction." निलीयमानैर्विहगैर्निमीलद्भिश्च पङ्कजैः।विकसन्त्या च मालत्या गतोऽस्तं ज्ञायते रविः4.28.52।।,"'The time of the setting Sun (as he remains invisible the whole day) is known only by the birds reaching out to their dwellings for rest, and by the closing of lotuses and blossoming jasmines." वृत्ता यात्रा नरेन्द्राणां सेना प्रतिनिवर्तते।वैराणि चैव मार्गाश्च सलिलेन समीकृताः4.28.53।।,'Expeditions by kings come to a stop. The army returns. The flow of water blocks the roads. It suspends enmity (between states). मासि प्रोष्ठपदे ब्रह्म ब्राह्मणानां विवक्षताम्।अयमध्यायसमयस्सामगानामुपस्थितः4.28.54।।,'The month of Bhadrapada meant for the recitation of the Vedas by brahmins and for those desirous of singing Sama Veda has started. निवृत्तकर्मायतनो नूनं सञ्चितसञ्चयः।आषाढीमभ्युपगतो भरतः कोसलाधिपः4.28.55।।,"'Surely Bharata, king of Kosala, would have completed the collection of all his requirement before the commencement of the month of Asarh." नूनमापूर्यमाणायास्सर्वव्या वर्धते रयः।मां समीक्ष्य समायान्तमयोध्याया इव स्वनः4.28.56।।,"'Just as the cheerful voices of people of Ayodhya rise as soon as they see me returning, certainly the speed of river Sarayu is rising, filled with rain water." इमास्फीतगुणा वर्षास्सुग्रीवस्सुखमश्नुते।विजितारिः सदारश्च राज्ये महति च स्थितः4.28.57।।,"'Having defeated his enemy, Sugriva with his wife during the rainy season is wellestablished in the kingdom, abounding in merits." अहं तु हृतदारश्च राज्याच्य महतश्च्युतः।नदीकूलमिव क्लिन्नमवसीदामि लक्ष्मण।।4.28.58।।,'O Lakshmana I have lost my wife. I have been dethroned from the mighty kingdom. I am sinking like a river bank overflowed. शोकश्च मम विस्तीर्णो वर्षाश्च भृशदुर्गमाः।रावणश्च महान् शत्रुरपारं प्रतिभाति मे4.28.59।।," 'My sorrow which increases, the rains which make it hard to cover distances and Ravana the great enemyall these appear difficult to conquer." अयात्रां चैव दृष्ट्वेमां मार्गांश्च भृशदुर्गमान्।प्रणते चैव सुग्रीवे न मया किञ्चिदीरितम्4.28.60।।, अपि चातिपरिक्लिष्टं चिराद्दारैस्समागतम्।आत्मकार्यगरीयस्त्वाद्वक्तुं नेच्छामि वानरम्4.28.61।।,"'Since Sugriva has gone through great difficulties and is reunited with his wives after a long time and since our task is great, I did not desire to speak to him now." स्वयमेव हि विश्रम्य ज्ञात्वा कालमुपागतम्।उपकारं च सुग्रीवो वेत्स्यते नात्र संशयः4.28.62।।, तस्मात्कालप्रतीक्षोऽहं स्थितोऽस्मि शुभलक्षण।सुग्रीवस्य नदीनां च प्रसादममनुपालयन्4.28.63।।,'O Lakshmana of auspicious qualities I will wait for the proper time to appease Sugriva as well as the rivers. उपकारेण वीरस्तु प्रतीकारेण युज्यते।अकृतज्ञोऽप्रतिकृतो हन्ति सत्त्ववतां मनः4.28.64।।,A hero should in return help whoever has helped him. An ungrateful person hurts the heart of the virtuous by not returning the assistance.' अथैवमुक्तः प्रणिधाय लक्ष्मणःकृताञ्जलिस्तत्प्रतिपूज्य भाषितम्।उवाच रामं स्वभिरामदर्शनंप्रदर्शयन्दर्शनमात्मनश्शुभम्4.28.65।।,"Having heard this, Lakshmana expressed his considered opinion with due respect to handsome Rama:" यथोक्तमेतत्तव सर्वमीप्सितंनरेन्द्र कर्ता नचिराद्धरीश्वरः।शरत्प्रतीक्षः क्षमतामिमं भवान्जलप्रपातं रिपुनिग्रहे धृतः4.28.66।।,"'O Rama come Autumn, Sugriva will soon do all that you desire. Bear with the rains. Stay steadfast (in your determination) to destroy the enemy.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किंधाकाण्डे अष्टाविंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentyeighth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki." [Hanuman awakens Sugriva from slumber -- advises to initiate the search Vaidehi.]समीक्ष्य विमलं व्योम गतविद्युद्वलाहकम्।सारसाकुलसङ्घुष्टं रम्यज्योत्स्नानुलेपनम्4.29.1।।समृद्धार्थं च सुग्रीवं मन्दधर्मार्थसङ्ग्रहम्।अत्यर्थमसतां मार्गमेकान्तगतमानसम्4.29.2।।निर्वृत्तकार्यं सिद्धार्थं प्रमदाभिरतं सदा।प्राप्तवन्तमभिप्रेतान्सर्वानेव मनोरथान्4.29.3।।स्वां च पत्नीमभिप्रेतां तारां चापि समीप्सिताम्।विहरन्तमहोरात्रं कृतार्थं विगतज्वरम्4.29.4।।क्रीडन्तमिव देवेशं नन्दनेऽप्सरसां गणैः।मन्त्रिषु न्यस्तकार्यं च मन्त्रिणामनवेक्षकम्4.29.5।।उत्सन्नराज्यसन्देशं कामवृत्तमवस्थितम्।निश्चितार्थोऽर्थतत्त्वज्ञः कालधर्मविशेषवित्4.29.6।।प्रसाद्य वाक्यैर्मधुरैर्हेतुमद्भिर्मनोरमैः।वाक्यविद्वाक्य तत्त्वज्ञं हरीशं मारुतात्मजः4.29.7।।हितं तत्त्वं च पथ्यं च सामधर्मार्थनीतिमत्।प्रणयप्रीतिसंयुक्तं विश्वासकृतनिश्चयम्।हरीश्वरमुपागम्य हनूमान्वाक्यमब्रवीत्4.29.8।।,"Hanuman, son of the Windgod, saw the clear sky flooded with lovely moonlight, free from clouds and lightning and cackling of herons. He noticed that because Sugriva had attained abundant wealth and merit, he was not taking care of the kingdom. He was engrossed in sensual pleasures. Having accomplished the desired object, he was engaged in enjoyment of the company of women, his own wives and Tara, whom he coveted. He was strolling (in the pleasant garden) night and day without caring for the kingdom, entrusting it to the ministers whose movements he did not watch. He was sporting with women like Indra sports with apsaras in the Nandana garden.Hanuman, who was conscious of his duties and responsibilities, who was aware of the importance of action in time and who was skilful in speech approached Sugriva, king of the monkeys. Having decided to take him into confidence, Hanuman spoke in a convincing, wellmeaning, sweet, pleasing manner words truthful and helpful, conciliatory and just, full of love and affection:" राज्यं प्राप्तं यशश्चैव कौली श्रीरभिवर्धिता।मित्राणां सङ्ग्रहश्शेषस्तं भवान्कर्तुमर्हति4.29.9।।,'You have attained the kingdom. You have earned fame. The prosperity of your family has gone up. All that remains is to earn the goodwill of friends. Attend to that now. यो हि मित्रेषु कालज्ञस्सततं साधु वर्तते4.29.10।।तस्य राज्यं च कीर्तिश्च प्रतापश्चाभि वर्धते।,"'The kingdom, glory and fame of a king who knows the value of time and conducts himself well towards his allies always grows. " यस्य कोशश्च दण्डश्च मित्राण्यात्मा च भूमिप4.29.11।।समवेतानि सर्वाणि स राज्यं महदश्नुते। ,"'He to whom the treasury, sceptre, allies and his own self all these are equally dear, enjoys a large kingdom." तद्भवान्वृत्तसम्पन्नः स्थितः पथि निरत्यये4.29.12।।मित्रार्थमभिनीतार्थं यथावत्कर्तुमर्हति।,"'Endowed with right conduct, you ought to duly answer the cause of your ally conforming to proper course of action." सन्त्यज्य सर्वकर्माणि मित्रार्थे योऽनुवर्तते4.29.13।।सम्भ्रमाद्धि कृतोत्साहस्सोऽनर्थैर्नावरुध्यते।,'Whoever sets aside his personal interest and works for the welfare of his ally with due enthusiasm and excitement will not be harmed. यस्तु कालव्यतीतेषु मित्रकार्येषु वर्तते4.29.14।।स कृत्वा महतोऽप्यर्थान्न मित्रार्थेन युज्यते।,"'He who exceeds the time limit in accomplishing a friend's task, and puts forth great effort later succeeds not." यदिदं मित्रकार्यं वीर नोमित्रकार्यमरिन्दम 4.29.15।।क्रियतां राघवस्यैतद्वैदेह्याः परिमार्गणम्।तदिदं वीर कार्यं ते कालातीतमरिन्दम 4.29.16।।,'O subduer of enemies we should do the brave deed of finding Vaidehi for the sake of your friend. O crusher of enemies this is your duty at present and it is already delayed. न च कालमतीतं ते निवेदयति कालवित्।त्वरमाणोऽपि सन्प्राज्ञस्तव राजन्वशानुगः4.29.17।।,"'O king a wise man (like Rama) who is aware of timely action would not tell you even if it is unduly delayed, even when he is in a hurry to get the work done, since he is staying in your kingdom (since he is dependant on you). " कुलस्य हेतुः स्फीतस्य दीर्घबन्धुश्च राघवः।अप्रमेयप्रभावश्च स्वयं चाप्रतिमो गुणैः4.29.18।।,'Rama is responsible in lending stability to you and to your wellknown family. He will continue to be your ally for a long time. Let it be known that his power is boundless and his virtues peerless. तस्य त्वं कुरु वै कार्यं पूर्वं तेन कृतं तव।हरीश्वर कपिश्रेष्ठानाज्ञापयितुमर्हसि4.29.19।।,'O king pray accomplish his object the same way he has accomplished your own. You ought to issue orders to the foremost of the monkeys. न हि तावद्भवेत्कालो व्यतीतश्चोदनादृते।चोदितस्य हि कार्यस्य भवेत्कालव्यतिक्रमः4.29.20।।,"'Time will not be deemed lapsed in vain if the work is sincerely taken up without delay and without pressure from your ally, Rama. If it is undertaken under pressure, it will be considered transgression of time." अकर्तुरपि कार्यस्य भवान्कर्ता हरीश्वरकिं पुनः प्रतिकर्तुस्ते राज्येन च धनेन च4.29.21।।,"'O lord of monkeys help even a person who has not helped you. As such, do you need to be told that you should help one, with whose help you have earned wealth and kingdom? " शक्तिमानपिविक्रान्तो वानरर्क्षगणेश्वर।कर्तुं दाशरथेः प्रीतिमाज्ञायां किन्न सज्जसे4.29.22।।,"'O protector of the monkeys, you are powerful and you are prompt. Why don't you issue orders which will please Rama?" कामं खलु शरैश्शक्तस्सुरासुरमहोरगान्।वशे दाशरथिः कर्तुं त्वत्प्रतिज्ञां हि काङ्क्षते4.29.23।।,"'Indeed, Rama is fully capable of subduing gods, demons as well as nagas with his arrows. He is looking for your help in view of your promise." प्राणत्यागाविशङ्केन कृतं तेन तवप्रियम्।तस्य मार्गाम वैदेहीं पृथिव्यामपि चाम्बरे4.29.24।।,"'He has done you a deed dear to you without hesitation, risking his own life.Let us help him in search of his Vaidehi whether she is on earth or in heaven." देवदानव गन्धर्वा नसुरास्समरुद्गणाः।न च यक्षा भयं तस्य कुर्युः किमुत राक्षसाः4.29.25।।,"'Not gods, demons, gandharvas or even marutas, suras or yakshas can cause fright in him much less the rakshasas." तदेवं शक्तियुक्तस्य पूर्वं प्रियकृतस्तव।रामस्यार्हसि पिङ्गेश कर्तुं सर्वात्मना प्रियम्4.29.26।।,"'Therefore, O king of monkeys you ought to oblige Rama wholeheartedly exerting all your strength, as he has done your work." नाधस्तादवनौ नाप्सु गतिर्नोपरि चाम्बरे।कस्यचित्सज्जतेऽस्माकं कपीश्वर तवाज्ञया4.29.27।।,"'O lord of monkeys commanded by you, each one of us or all of us together can ransack the underworld, the earth, or water or heaven." तदाज्ञापय कः किं ते कुतो वापि व्यवस्यतु।हरयोऽह्यप्रधृष्यास्ते सन्ति कोट्यग्रतोऽनघ4.29.28।।,O sinless hero therefore issue your command. There are more than a crore of invincible monkeys. Determine now who should do and what and in which place. We are at your service'. तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा काले साधु निवेदनम्।सुग्रीवस्सत्त्वसम्पन्नश्चकार मतिमुत्तमाम्4.29.29।।,"Sugriva who had a great sense of duty, started applying his mind, when he heard the honest advice of Hanuman." स सन्दिदेशाभिमतं नीलं नित्यकृतोद्यमम्।दिक्षु सर्वासु सर्वेषां सैन्यानामुपसङ्ग्रहे4.29.30।।,"He sent word to the ever diligent Nila, his favourite, to collect all cadres of army of the monkeys from all directions." यथा सेना समग्रा मे यूथपालाश्च सर्वशः।समागच्छन्त्यसङ्गेन सेनाग्राणि तथा कुरु4.29.31।।,'Let the entire army with leaders of different groups assemble here seperately. O chief of army act accordingly. ये त्वन्तपालाः प्लवगाश्शीघ्रगा व्यवसायिनः।समानयन्तु ते सैन्यं त्वरिताश्शासनान्मम4.29.32।।स्वयं चानन्तरं सैन्यं भवानेवानुपश्यतु।,"'Let the swiftfooted monkeys, guardians of frontiers, army chiefs muster soon in obedience to my command. You (Nila) alone should personally supervise the work to be done next." त्रिपञ्चरात्रादूर्ध्वं यः प्राप्नुयान्नेह वानरः।तस्य प्राणान्तिको दण्डो नात्र कार्या विचारणा4.29.33।।, हरींश्च वृद्धानुपयातु साङ्गदोभवान्ममाज्ञामधिकृत्य निश्चिताम्।इति व्यवस्थां हरिपुङ्गवेश्वरोविधाय वेश्म प्रविवेश वीर्यवान्4.29.34।।,"'In strict obedience to my orders, go with Angada to the elderly monkeys and inform them about my decision and order'. After making this arrangement valiant Sugriva entered his residence.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे एकोनत्रिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the twentyninth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki." [Rama's agony accentuated by autumn -- description of the beauty of autumn -- Lakshmana leaves for Sugriva.] गुहं प्रविष्टे सुग्रीवे विमुक्ते गगने घनैः।वर्षरात्रोषितो रामः कामशोकाभिपीडितः4.30.1।।पाण्डुरं गगनं दृष्ट्वा विमलं चन्द्रमण्डलम्।शारदीं रजनीं चैव दृष्ट्वा ज्योत्स्नानुलेपनाम्4.30.2।।कामवृत्तं च सुग्रीवं नष्टां च जनकात्मजाम्।बुद्ध्वा कालमतीतं च मुमोह परमातुरः4.30.3।।,"While Sugriva was in his residence, Rama was (in Prasravana mountain) spending his rainy nights tormented by passion (for Sita). Sugriva was engaged in love, forgetting the time fixed for taking up the search for Sita. When the sky became clear of clouds after the rainy season, Rama sat gazing at the clear autumnal Moon's orb. He was besmeared with moonlight and felt perturbed as time was running out. And then fell into a swoon. (only a few months remained for the completion of the exile and Bharata will put an end to himself if Rama does not return to Ayodhya on the stipulated day. This worried Rama.) " स तु संज्ञामुपागम्य मुहूर्तान्मतिमान्पुनः।मनस्स्थामपि वैदेहीं चिन्तयामास राघवः4.30.4।।,"Gaining back the senses after a while, wise Rama started thinking about Vaidehi, who remained in his heart." आसीनः पर्वतस्याग्रे हेमधातुविभूषिते।शारदं गगनं दृष्ट्वा जगाम मनसा प्रियाम्4.30.5।।,"Sitting on top of the mountain shining with gold and minerals, Rama gazed at the pleasant autumnal sky and started thinking of his beloved." दृष्ट्वा च विमलं व्योम गतविद्युद्वलाहकम्।सारसारावसङ्घुष्ठं विललापार्तया गिरा4.30.6।।,"Looking at the sky rid of clouds and lightning, filled with the sounds of flocks of sarasa birds, Rama cried in a pitiable state." सारसारावसन्नादैस्सारसारवनादिनी।याऽऽश्रमे रमते बाला साऽद्य मे रमते कथम्4.30.7।।,"'How will the young lady (Sita) whose voice is like the sarasa bird's, who was revelling, listening to its sweet cackle at the hermitage be living now?" पुष्पितांश्चासनान् दृष्ट्वा काञ्चनानिव निर्मलान्।कथं सा रमते बाला पश्यन्ती मामपश्यती4.30.8।।,"'How will my beloved wife feel on seeing the asana flowers which are as pure as gold, when she does not find me anywhere?" या पुरा कलहंसानां स्वरेण कलभाषिणी।बुध्यते चारुसर्वाङ्गी साऽद्य मे बुद्ध्यते कथम्4.30.9।।,"'How will my Sita with her charming limbs and sweet words, who used to get up from sleep by the cackle of swans, wake up now?" निस्वनं चक्रवाकानां निशम्य नहचारिणाम्।पुण्डरीकविशालाक्षी कथमेषा भविष्यति4.30.10।।,"'How will that lady with large, pale white eyes sustain her life now, since she is used to listening to the sweet notes of chakravaka birds, who were her companions?" सरांसि सरितो वापीः काननानि वनानि च।तां विना मृगशाबाक्षीं चरन्नाद्य सुखं लभे4.30.11।।,"'Even though I am wandering by lakes, rivers, wells, forests and groves,I am not happy without that fawneyed lady." अपि तां मद्वियोगाच्छ सौकुमार्याच्च भामिनीम्।सुदूरं पीडयेत्कामश्शरद्गुणनिरन्तरः4.30.12।।,"'I think even the charm of autumn must be always tormenting that lovely lady, as she is very far from me. She is too delicate to suffer the agony of separation.'" एवमादि नरश्रेष्ठो विललाप नृपात्मजः।विहङ्ग इव सारङ्गस्सलिलं त्रिदशेश्वरात्4.30.13।।,"Thus the best among the princes wailed just as chakrabaka laments for water from Indra, lord of the gods." ततश्चञ्चूर्य रम्येषु फलार्थी गिरिसानुषु।ददर्श पर्युपावृत्तो लक्ष्मीवान्लक्ष्मणोऽग्रजम्4.30.14।।,Graceful Lakshmana returned after going round and round the beautiful mountain slopes for fruits and saw his brother. तं चिन्तया दुस्सहया परीतंविसंज्ञमेकं विजने मनस्वी।भ्रातुर्विषादात्परितापदीनःसमीक्ष्य सौमित्रिरुवाच रामम्4.30.15।।,"Observing Rama who had lost his senses, lying alone in unbearable agony, venerable Lakshmana became sad and miserable and spoke to his brother: " किमार्य कामस्य वशंगतेनकिमात्मपौरुष्यपराभवेन।अयं सदा संह्रियते समाधिःकिमत्र योगेन निवर्तितेन4.30.16।।,'O revered brother why do you succumb to passion and loss of selfconfidence? Why is the usual composure of your mind withdrawn? Why do you desist from yaga? क्रियाभियोगं मनसः प्रसादंसमाधियोगानुगतं च कालम्।सहायसामर्थ्यमदीनसत्त्वःस्वकर्म हेतुं च कुरुष्व हेतुम्4.30.17।।,'You are an undaunted warrior. Take to the path of action. Resort to samadhiyoga or meditation and regain the serenity of mind. Make the strength of your effort the source of your success. न जानकी मानव वंशनाथत्वया सनाथा सुलभा परेण।न चाग्निचूडां ज्वलितामुपेत्यन दह्यते वीर वरार्ह कच्छित्4.30.18।।,"'O lord of the human race O worthy hero when you are the protector, Janaki cannot be retained by any one easily just as burning fire after it reaches its full height cannot be retained by any one.'" सलक्षणं लक्ष्मणमप्रधृष्यंस्वभावजं वाक्यमुवाच रामः।हितं च पथ्यं च नयप्रसक्तंससाम धर्मार्थसमाहितं च4.30.19।।,"Rama said to Lakshmana, an unassailable warrior with auspicious signs, that what he had spoken was natural, beneficial, wise and useful.It is in accordance with Sama Veda and the science of statecraft, well established in dharma and artha. " निस्संशयं कार्यमवेक्षितव्यंक्रियाविशेषोऽह्यनुवर्तितव्यः।ननु प्रवृत्तस्य दुरासदस्यकुमार कार्यस्य फलं च चिन्त्यम्4.30.20।।,"'My dear, there is no doubt that I have to consider the work (ahead), give special attention to follow up. Surely I need to think over this herculian task and its achievement'." अथ पद्मपलाशाक्षीं मैथिलीमनुचिन्तयन्।उवाच लक्ष्मणं रामो मुखेन परिशुष्यता4.30.21।।,"Then falling back on the memory of Maithili, the lady with eyes like lotus petals, he said to Lakshmana with parched lips:" तर्पयित्वा सहस्राक्षस्सलिलेन वसुन्धराम्।निर्वर्तयित्वा सस्यानि कृतकर्मा व्यवस्थितः4.30.22।।,"'Having satisfied the earth with abundant rain water and having fulfilled the task of ripening the crops, the thousandeyed Indra has done his duty, has settled down now." स्निग्धगम्भीरनिर्घोषाश्शैलद्रुमपुरोगमाः।विसृज्य सलिलं मेघाः परिश्रान्ता नृपात्मज4.30.23।।,"'O prince having discharged their water the clouds (after the rains) are exhausted. They are moving now over trees and mountains, making deep and pleasant sounds." नीलोत्पलदलश्यामाश्श्यामीकृत्वा दिशो दश।विमदा इव मातङ्गाश्शान्तवेगाः पयोधराः4.30.24।।,"'The clouds, which were dark till now like the blue lotus petals darkening all the ten directions are like elephants free from all intoxication as their fury is abated৷৷" जलगर्भा महामेघा कुटजार्जुनगन्धिनः।चरित्वा विरतास्सौम्य वृष्टिवातास्समुद्यताः4.30.25।।,'O dear the moist winds have ceased to blow as before and are carrying the fragrance of kutaja and arjuna flowers. घनानां वारणानां च मयूराणां च लक्ष्मण।नादः प्रस्रवणानां च प्रशान्तस्सहसाऽनघ4.30.26।।,"'O sinless Lakshmana the rumblings of heavy clouds, the trumpeting of elephants, the cry of peacocks and the sound of waterfalls have become suddenly stilled." अभिवृष्टा महामेघैर्निर्मलाश्चित्रसानवः।अनुलिप्ता इवाऽभान्ति गिरयश्चित्रदीप्तिभिः4.30.27।।,"'The mountain slopes, having been washed by the showers of rain on all sides, are cleansed. They are shining in variegated colours and look as though the mountain peaks are smeared with glowing colours (of minerals)." शाखासु सप्तच्छदपादपानांप्रभासु तारार्कनिशाकराणाम्।लीलासु चैवोत्तम वारणानांश्रियं विभज्याद्य शरत्प्रवृत्ता4.30.28।।,"'The autumn has set in, manifesting its grace on the branches of saptachada trees(sevenleafed banana plant) through the radiance of stars, Sun and Moon and through the sports of excellent elephants." सम्प्रत्यनेकाश्रय चित्रशोभालक्ष्मीश्शरत्कालगुणोपनीता।सूर्याग्रहस्तप्रतिबोधितेषुपद्माकरेष्वभ्यधिकं विभाति4.30.29।।,"'From the beauty of autumn manifested in a variety of ways on the clusters of lotuses, touched by the Sun, it seems the goddess of wealth shines and shines effulgently. (The lotus is goddess Laxmi's favourite flower)" सप्तच्छदानां कुसुमोपगन्धीषट्पादबृन्दैरनुगीयमानः।मत्तद्विपानां पवनोऽनुसारीदर्पं विनेष्यन्नधिकं करोति।।4.30.30।।,"'The wind carries the fragrance of saptachada flowers. Attracted by the fragrance, swarms of bees come humming. The pride of the elephants in rut increases." अभ्यागतैश्चारुविशालपक्षैस्सरःप्रियैः पद्मरजोवकीर्णैः।महानदीनां पुलिनोपयातैःक्रीडन्ति हंसास्सह चक्रवाकैः4.30.31।।,"'The swans have come face to face with chakravaka birds. They have newly arrived. Lovers of lakes, they are shaking the pollen of lotuses on their lovely wide wings and have settled on the sandy bankssporting." मदप्रगल्भेषु च वारणेषुगवां समूहेषु च दर्पितेषु।प्रसन्नतोयासु च निम्नगासुविभाति लक्ष्मीर्बहुधा विभक्ता4.30.32।।,"'Goddess Laxmi with her scattered self shines there among the proud elephants, among herds of excited bulls and among streams with clear water." नभस्समीक्ष्याम्बुधरैर्विमुक्तंविमुक्तबर्हाभरणा वनेषु।प्रियास्वसक्ता विनिवृत्तशोभागतोत्सवा ध्यानपरा मयूराः4.30.33।।,"'The sky is free from clouds. The peacocks have shed their ornamental plumes. They have lost interest in their beloveds. With their glory withdrawn, the peacocks are devoid of happiness and absorbed in the thought of the clouds." मनोज्ञगन्धैः प्रियकैरनल्पैःपुष्पातिभारावनताग्रशाखैः।सुवर्णगौरैर्नयनाभिरामैरुद्योतितानीव वनान्तराणि4.30.34।।,"'The forests are delightful to the eyes, as if illuminated by a large number of goldencoloured, finesmelling priyaka branches bent under the heavy loads of flowers. " प्रियान्वितानां नलिनीप्रियाणांवने रतानां कुसुमोद्धतानाम्।मदोत्कटानां मदलालसानांगजोत्तमानां गतयोऽद्य मन्दाः4.30.35।।,"'Lordly elephants accompanied by their dear female mates, fond of lotus ponds and woods are out to enjoy the sweet smell of the blossoms of saptachada and excited by passion and longing for sexual union are moving slowly." व्यभ्रं नभश्शस्त्रविधौतवर्णंकृशप्रवाहानि नदीजलानि।कह्लारशीताः पवनाः प्रवान्तितमोविमुक्ताश्च दिशः प्रकाशाः4.30.36।।,"'Cleared of the black clouds, the sky is shining like a polished weapon. The river waters flow feebly. Winds blowing over white lotuses feel cool. All quarters clear of darkness are shining." सूर्यातपक्रामणनष्टपङ्काभूमिश्चिरोदधाटितसान्द्ररेणुः।अन्योन्यवैरेणसमायुतानामुद्योगकालोऽद्य नराधिपानाम्4.30.37।।, शरद्गुणाप्यायितरूपशोभाःप्रहर्षिताः पांशुसमुत्क्षिताङ्गाः।मदोत्कटास्सम्प्रति युद्धलुब्धावृषा गवां मध्यगता नदन्ति4.30.38।।,"'The bulls surrounded by cows are bellowing with the dust settled on their limbs. Excited by passion they are happy, ready to fight. They look attractive, blessed by the attributes of Autumn." समन्मथं तीव्रगतानुरागाःकुलान्विता मन्दगतिं करिण्यः।मदान्वितं सम्परिवार्य यान्तंवनेषु भर्तारमनुप्रयान्ति4.30.39।।,"'The female elephants of good breed, deeply passionate, gather round and follow their intoxicated lord moving slowly through the forest. " त्यक्त्वा वराण्यात्मविभूषणानिबर्हाणि तीरोपगता नदीनाम्।निर्भर्त्स्यमाना इव सारसौघैः प्रयान्ति दीना विमदा मयूराः4.30.40।।,"'The peacocks have shed their ornamental wear, their plumes. They are moving on the river banks miserably, devoid of high spirit as if they are being taunted by flocks of sarasa birds (who are highspinted and cheerful)." वित्रास्य कारण्डवचक्रवाकान्महारवैर्भिन्नकटा गजेन्द्राः।सरस्सु बद्धाम्बुजभूषणेषुविक्षोभ्य विक्षोभ्य जलं पिबन्ति4.30.41।।,"'Excellent elephants in rut, with ichor exuding from their temples trumpet, frightening the ducks and chakravaka birds in the water. Strirring the water in the lakes, ornamented with lotuses, they drink it." व्यपेतपङ्कासु सवालुकासुप्रसन्नतोयासु सगोकुलासु।ससारसारावनिनादितासुनदीषु हृष्टा निपतन्ति हंसाः4.30.42।।,"'The swans are full of joy, flocking on the sand banks of rivers crowded with cows where the water is pure and devoid of mud. The rivers are full of sarasa birds and swans who are singing delightfully. " नदीघनप्रस्रवणोदकानामतिप्रवृद्धानिलबर्हिणानाम्।प्लवङ्गमानां च गतोत्सवानांद्रुतं रवास्सम्प्रति सम्प्रणष्टाः4.30.43।।,"'Suddenly the turbulent sounds of the river waters, waterfalls and thunderclouds have stopped. The peacoks having lost the pleasure of blowing winds lost their excitement. The croaking of frogs is silent. " अनेकवर्णास्सुविनष्टकायानवोदितेष्वम्बुधरेषु नष्टाः।क्षुधार्दिता घोरविषा बिलेभ्यश्चिरोषिता विप्रसरन्ति सर्पाः4.30.44।।,"'With no new rainclouds (in the sky), venomous, multicoloured serpents crawl out of the anthills with emacited (hybernated) bodies, troubled by hunger due to long confinement." चञ्चच्चन्द्रकरस्पर्शहर्षोन्मीलिततारका।अहो रागवती सन्ध्या जहाति स्वयमम्बरम्4.30.45।।,"'While the stars appear with the soothing touch of the Moon's beams, this ruddy twilight is quitting the sky on her own. " रात्रिश्शशाङ्कोदितसौम्यवक्त्रातारागणोन्मीलितचारुनेत्रा।ज्योत्स्नांशुकप्रावरणा विभातिनारीव शुक्लांशुकसंवृताङ्गी4.30.46।।,"'The night appears like a lady with a sweet face lit up by the rising Moon, her beautiful eyes opened up by stars, her body draped in the robe of white Moon light." विपक्वशालिप्रसवानि भुक्त्वाप्रहर्षिता सारसचारुपङ्क्तिः।नभस्समाक्रामति शीघ्रवेगाःवातावधूता ग्रथितेव माला4.30.47।।,"'Driven by the wind, the lovely sarasa birds, after eating ripened grains from paddy fields happily fly the sky in rows like a garland at great speed." सुप्तैकहंसं कुमुदैरुपेतंमहाह्रदस्थं सलिलं विभाति।घनैर्विमुक्तं निशि पूर्णचन्द्रंतारागणाकीर्णमिवान्तरिक्षम्4.30.48।।,"'With a single swan in sleep night lotuses blooming around it, the water in the big tank appear like the sky free from clouds with the full Moon and clusters of stars scattered. (The swan is the moon, the lotuses the stars and the clean pond the sky)." प्रकीर्णहंसाकुलमेखलानांप्रबुद्धपद्मोत्पलमालिनीनाम्।वाप्युत्तमानामधिकाऽद्य लक्ष्मीर्वराङ्गनानामिव भूषितानाम्4.30.49।।,"'Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth (also of autumn) appears decorated with deep wells like an excellent lady with swans as girdles and blooming lotuses and lilies as garlands." वेणुस्वनव्यञ्जिततूर्यमिश्रःप्रत्यूषकालानिलसम्प्रवृद्धः।सम्मूर्छितो गर्गरगोवृषाणामन्योन्यमापूरयतीव शब्दः4.30.50।।,"'The whistling of bamboos enhanced by the wind in the early morning, and the bellowing of bulls echoing in the caves supplement each other as it were." नवैर्नदीनां कुसुमप्रभासैर्व्याधूयमानैर्मृदुमारुतेन।धौतामलक्षौमपटप्रकाशैःकूलानि काशैरुपशोभितानि4.30.51।।,'The river banks shining with fresh white flowers of kasa reeds swayed by the gentle breeze silken look like a lady wrapped in white silk. वनप्रचण्डा मधुपानशौण्डाःप्रियान्विताष्षट्चरणाः प्रह्रृष्टाः।वनेषु मत्ताः पवनानुयात्रांकुर्वन्ति पद्मासनरेणुगौराः4.30.52।।,"'The butterflies glitter around in the forest fearlessly showing their skill in drinking honey, with their backs turned white with the dust of pollen grains from the lotus cups. They follow the wind along with their loved ones in the forest." जलं प्रसन्नं कुमुदं प्रभासंक्रौञ्चस्वनश्शालिवनं विपक्वम्।मृदुश्च वायुर्विमलश्च चन्द्रश्शंसन्ति वर्षव्यपनीतकालम्4.30.53।।,"'The fresh blooms of night lotuses, the cackle of krauncha birds, fully ripened fields of paddy, the gentle breeze and the bright Moon indicate the coming to an end of the rainy season and setting in of autum. " मीनोपसन्दर्शितमेखलानांनदीवधूनां गतयोऽद्य मन्दाः।कान्तोपभुक्तालसगामिनीनांप्रभातकालेष्विव कामिनीनाम्4.30.54।।,"'Now the riverbrides, displaying their girdles of fish, have slowed down like the gait of sensuous ladies in the early morning, exhausted by sexual pleasures." सचक्रवाकानि सशैवलानिकाशैर्दुकूलैरिव संवृतानि।सपत्रलेखानि सरोचनानिवधूमुखानीव नदीमुखानि4.30.55।।,"'Crowded with chakravaka birds and green moss, and covered with kasa reeds like silken veils, the river banks appear like the face of the bride decorated with designs of green leaves and gorochana tilaka." प्रफुल्लबाणासनचित्रितेषुप्रहृष्टषट्पादनिकूजितेषु।गृहीतचापोद्यतचण्डदण्डःप्रचण्डचारोऽद्य वनेषु कामः4.30.56।।,'Now Cupid is moving unobstructed showing his power by holding his bow indicating strict punishment to those separated from their beloveds in the forests with bana and asana flowers in bloom and bees humming happily. लोकं सुवृष्ट्या परितोषयित्वानदीस्तटाकानि च पूरयित्वा।निष्पन्नसस्यां वसुधां च कृत्वात्यक्त्वा नभस्तोयधराः प्रणष्टाः4.30.57।।,"'Having showered heavy rains, and filling tanks and rivers, and producing bumper crops on the earth the clouds have disapeared." दर्शयन्ति शरन्नद्यः पुलिनानि शनैः शनैः।नवसङ्गमसव्रीडा जघनानीव योषितः4.30.58।।,'Just as bashful young brides show their loins slowly during their first sexual meet the rivers start showing their sandy banks slowly in autumn. प्रसन्नसलिलास्सौम्य कुररीभिर्विनादिताः।चक्रवाकगणाकीर्णा विभान्ति सलिलाशयाः4.30.59।।,'O gentle Lakshmana the pure water in the tanks and sweet sounds of flocks of female kurari birds and chakravakas there are splendid. असनास्सप्तपर्णाश्च कोविदाराश्च पुष्पिताः।दृश्यन्ते बन्धुजीवाश्च श्यामाश्च गिरिसानुषु4.30.60।।,"'The asanas, saptaparna, kovida and bandhujeeva trees and shyama creepers are seen in full bloom on the mountain slopes." हंससारसचक्राह्वैः कुररैश्च समन्ततः।पुलिनान्यवकीर्णानि नदीनां पश्य लक्ष्मण4.30.61।।,"'Lakshmana look at the swans, sarasas, chakravakas and kurara birds scattered all over the river banks." अन्योन्यबद्धवैराणां जिगीषूणां नृपात्मज।उद्योगसमयस्सौम्य पार्थिवानामुपस्थितः4.30.62।।,'O handsome prince the time has come for making expeditions by kings against the enemies waiting for victory. इयं सा प्रथमा यात्रा पार्थिवानां नृपात्मजन च पश्यामि सुग्रीवमुद्योगं वा तथाविधम्4.30.63।।,'O prince this is time for the first expedition (of the year) by kings. I do not find Sugriva making effort in that direction. चत्वारो वार्षिका मासा गता वर्षशतोपमाः।मम शोकाभिभूतस्य सौम्य सीतामपश्यतः4.30.64।।,"'O gentle one, the four months of rainy season are spent without seeing Sita. It is equal to a hundred years for my griefstricken heart." चक्रवाकीव भर्तारं पृष्ठतोऽनुगता वनम्।विषमं दण्डकारण्यमुद्यानमिव याऽगता4.30.65।।,"'Just as a female chakravaka follows the male, Sita followed her husband into this dense Dandaka forest as though it is a pleasuregarden." प्रियाविहीने दुःखार्ते हृतराज्ये विवासिते।कृपां न कुरुते राजा सुग्रीवो मयि लक्ष्मण4.30.66।।,"'O Lakshmana king Sugriva shows no mercy on one, who is griefstricken, separated from his wife, and banished from the kingdom. " अनाथो हृतराज्योऽयं रावणेन च धर्षितः।दीनो दूरगृहः कामी मां चैव शरणं गतः4.30.67।।इत्येतैः कारणैस्सौम्य सुग्रीवस्य दुरात्मनः।अहं वानरराजस्य परिभूतः परन्तप4.30.68।।,"'O gentle one although I am a vanquisher of foes, this evilminded king of monkeys is slighting me because I am away from home, I have lost my kingdom, I am outraged by Ravana, I am miserable and lovesick and I have sought his help." स कालं परिसङ्ख्याय सीतायाः परिमार्गणे।कृतार्थस्समयं कृत्वा दुर्मतिर्नावबुध्यते4.30.69।।,"'The evilminded Sugriva, having fulfilled his objective, does not realise that he has made a promise to me and has reached the time set for the search of Sita." त्वं च किष्किन्धां प्रविश्य ब्रूहि वानरपुङ्गवम्।मूर्खं ग्राम्यसुखे सक्तं सुग्रीवं वचनान्मम4.30.70।।,"'Go to Kishkinda and speak (on my behalf ) to that fool, Sugriva, the chief of monkeys who is revelling in habitual sensual pleasures" अर्थिनामुपपन्नानां पूर्वं चाप्युपकारिणाम्।आशां संश्रुत्य यो हन्ति स लोके पुरुषाधमः4.30.71।।,"'He who, having promised to his friend to grant his desire and who, having been obliged, fails to implement the promise, is the lowest on earth. " शुभं वा यदि वा पापं यो हि वाक्यमुदीरितम्।सत्येन प्रतिगृह्णाति स वीरः पुरुषोत्तमः4.30.72।।,"'(On the other hand) he who honours his promise, whether good or bad, is truly heroic, the best of men.'" कृतार्था ह्यकृतार्थानां मित्राणां न भवन्ति ये।तान्मृतानपि क्रव्यादाः कृतघ्नान्नोपभुञ्जते4.30.73।।,'Even the carnivorous animals dislike to eat the body of such ungrateful men who do not help their friends even though they have received help and have achieved their objective.' नूनं काञ्चनपृष्ठस्य विकृष्टस्य मया रणे।द्रष्टुमिच्छति चापस्य रूपं विद्युद्गणोपमम्4.30.74।।,"'Surely he wishes to see the form of my bow inlaid with gold bent by me to its full length, looking like a streak of lightning." घोरं ज्यातलनिर्घोषं क्रुद्धस्य मम संयुगे।निर्घोषमिव वज्रस्य पुनस्संश्रोतुमिच्छसि4.30.75।।,"'Perhaps he wants once again to hear when enraged in a combat, the dreadful twang of my bow, resembling the peal of a thunderbolt ." काममेवंगतेऽप्यस्य परिज्ञाते पराक्रमे।त्वत्सहायस्य मे वीर न चिन्ता स्यान्नृपात्मज4.30.76।।,"'O prince knowing my valour fully welI, and knowing that you are here to help me he is unhesitatingly revelling in sensual pleasures." यदर्थमयमारम्भः कृतः परपुरञ्जयः।समयं नाभिजानाति कृतार्थः प्लवगेश्वरः4.30.77।।,'O conqueror of the enemy capital the monkey lord who has achieved his goal does not realise the importance of my mission. वर्षासमयकालं तु प्रतिज्ञाय हरीश्वरः।व्यतीतांश्चतुरो मासान्विहरन्नावबुध्यते4.30.78।।,"'Having promised (to search for Sita) after the rainy season,Sugriva is not aware that he has (already) spent the four monthsrevelling." सामात्यपरिषत्क्रीडन्पानमेवोपसेवते।शोकदीनेषु नास्मासु सुग्रीवः कुरुते दयाम्4.30.79।।,"'Sporting with the council of ministers surrounding him, resorting to drinking, he shows no compassion to us feeling wretched with grief." उच्यतां गच्छ सुग्रीवस्त्वया वत्स महाबल।मम रोषस्य यद्रूपं ब्रूयाश्चैवमिदं वचः4.30.80।।,"'O mighty warrior O dear, go to Sugriva and make him aware of the virulence of my anger and tell him: " न च सङ्कुचितः पन्था येन वाली हतो गतः।समये तिष्ठ सुग्रीव मा वालिपथमन्वगाः4.30.81।।,"'The route by which Vali departed, killed by me has not been closed. O Sugriva you ought to abide by the pledge given. Do not follow the path of Vali." एक एव रणे वाली शरेण निहतो मया।त्वां तु सत्यादतिक्रान्तं हनिष्यामि सबान्धवम्4.30.82।।,'Vali was killed by me in the battle with a single arrow while I shall kill you now along with your near and dear ones since you have deviated from the truth.' तदेवं विहिते कार्ये यद्धितं पुरुषर्षभ।तत्तद्भ्रूहि नरश्रेष्ठत्वर कालव्यतिक्रमः4.30.83।।,'O bull among men O hero speak to him that all that is done in time is done well. Hurry up. Ask him to do whatever is good for him as well as for us: कुरुष्व सत्यं मयि वानरेश्वरप्रतिश्रुतं धर्ममवेक्ष्य शाश्वतम्।मा वालिनं प्रेत्य गतो यमक्षयंत्वमद्य पश्येर्मम चोदितैश्शरैः4.30.84।।,"'O lord of monkeys Carry out the promise you made to me, consider it to be eternal dharma. Slain by my arrows, you will see Vali in the abode of the lord of death.' " स पूर्वजं तीव्रविवृद्धकोपंलालप्यमानं प्रसमीक्ष्य दीनम्।चकार तीव्रां मतिमुग्रतेजाहरीश्वरे मानववंशनाथः4.30.85।।,"On seeing Rama, the protector of the human race, wailing Lakshmana of terrific lustre hardened his stand against Sugriva and proceeded, charged with intense anger.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे त्रिंशस्सर्गःThus ends the thirtieth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki." [Lakshmana arrives at Sugriva's cavepalace -- Lakshmana's anger over Sugriva's slackness -- monkeys fear Lakshamana.]स कामिनं दीनमदीनसत्त्वंशोकाभिपन्नं समुदीर्णकोपम्।नरेन्द्रसूनुर्नरदेवपुत्रंरामानुजः पूर्वजमित्युवाच4.31.1।।,"Seeing the indomitable hero, his elder brother, son of a king, lovesick, dejected and overcome by anger and grief, spoke prince Lakshmana: " न वानरः स्थास्यति साधुवृत्तेन मंस्यते कर्मफलानुषङ्गान्।न भोज्यते वानरराज्यलक्ष्मींतथाहि नाभिक्रमतेऽस्य बुद्धिः4.31.2।।,"'Sugriva has not stuck to the conduct of the virtuous, of sharing the fruits of action equally. He does not realize that he obtained the prosperous kingship of vanaras as a result of your (friendly) action. He does not have the intelligence of conducting himself in your favour (of searching Sita). Therefore he will not enjoy the kingship for long." मतिक्षयाद्ग्राम्यसुखेषु सक्तस्तव प्रसादाप्रतिकारबुद्धिः।हतोऽग्रजं पश्यतु वीर तस्यन राज्यमेवं विगुणस्य देयम्4.31.3।।,"'O hero he is too ungrateful to return the favour done to him, Engaged in rustic, vulgar pleasures, he is not thinking of it. Let him see his killed elder brother. Kingship should not be given to an individual who is a destitute of virtues. " न धारये कोपमुदीर्णवेगंनिहन्मि सुग्रीवमसत्यमद्य।हरिप्रवीरैस्सह वालिपुत्रोनरेन्द्रपत्न्या विचयं करोतु4.31.4।।,'I cannot hold my overflowing anger. I shall kill this untruthful Sugriva. Let Vali's son along with the foremost of monkeys search for the queen (Sita).' तमात्तबाणासनमुत्पतन्तंनिवेदितार्थं रणचण्डकोपम्।उवाच रामः परवीरहन्तास्ववेक्षितं सानुनयं च वाक्यम्4.31.5।।,"Rama, a slayer of enemy heroes but not of those who seek his refuge, spoke in a conciliatory tone to Lakshmana who jumped, wielding bow and arrows, inspired with his fierce fighting spirit." न हि वै त्वद्विधो लोके पापमेवं समाचरेत्।पापमार्येण यो हन्ति स वीरः पुरुषोत्तमः4.31.6।।, नेदमत्र त्वया ग्राह्यं साधुवृत्तेन लक्ष्मण।तां प्रीतिमनुवर्तस्व पूर्ववृत्तं च सङ्गतम्4.31.7।।,"'O Lakshmana with your good conduct you should not do so. Keeping in view the affectionate friendship extended (by Sugriva) earlier, be friendly." सामोपहितया वाचा रूक्षाणि परिवर्जयन्।वक्तुमर्हसि सुग्रीवं व्यतीतं कालपर्यये4.31.8।।,"'Sugriva has exceeded the time limit. Avoiding harsh words, you ought to speak to him in a conciliatory manner." सोऽग्रजेनानुशिष्टार्थो यथावत्पुरुषर्षभः।प्रविवेश पुरीं वीरो लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा4.31.9।।,"Having been duly briefed by his elder brother, the heroic Lakshmana, destroyer of enemies, a bull among men entered the city. " ततश्शुभमतिः प्राज्ञो भ्रातुः प्रियहिते रतः।लक्ष्मणः प्रतिसंरब्धो जगाम भवनं कपेः4.31.10।।शक्रबाणासनप्रख्यं धनुः कालान्तकोपमः।प्रगृह्य गिरिशृङ्गाभं मन्दरः सानुमानिव।।4.31.11।।,"The noblehearted, benevolent and wise Lakshmana, eager to please Rama, picked up his bow looking like a mountain peak, comparable to the bow of Indra and agitated with the anger of the god of Death entered the mansion of Sugriva which stood like the mountain peak of Mandara. " यथोक्तकारी वचनमुत्तरं चैव सोत्तरम्।बृहस्पतिसमो बुद्ध्या मत्वा रामानुजस्तदा4.31.12।।कामक्रोधसमुत्थेन भ्रातुः कोपाग्निना वृतः।प्रभञ्जन इवाप्रीतः प्रययौ लक्ष्मणस्तदा4.31.13।।,"Then Lakshmana, obedient, intelligent like Brihaspati, like a tempest, encompassed by the fire of anger and deliberating in his mind as to the possible questions from Sugriva and the reply from him." सालतालाश्वकर्णांश्च तरसा पातयन्बहून्।पर्यस्यन्गिरिकूटानि द्रुमानन्यांश्च वेगतः4.31.14।।शिलाश्च शकलीकुर्वन्पद्भ्यां गज इवाशुगः।दूरामेकपदं त्यक्त्वा ययौ कार्यवशाद्द्रुतम्4.31.15।।,"'Lakshmana rushed on foot speedily, cutting the branches of sala, tala and asvakarna and other trees on the way and forcibly turning and crushing the mountain rocks into pieces with a single foot, like a swiftmoving elephant taking long strides, to carry out the task." तामपश्यद्बलाकीर्णां हरिराजमहापुरीम्।दुर्गामिक्ष्वाकुशार्दूलः किष्किन्धां गिरिसङ्गटे4.31.16।।,"The tiger of the Ikshvaku race saw the inaccessible Kishkinda, the capital of vanara kingdom, located between mountains and fortified with the army." रोषात्प्रस्फुरमाणोष्ठ स्सुग्रीवं प्रति लक्ष्मणः।ददर्श वानरान्भीमाकनिष्किन्धाया बहिश्चरान्4.31.17।।,"His lips trembling in anger, Lakshmana saw fierceful monkey guards of Sugriva at the entrance of Kishkinda city." तं दृष्ट्वा वानरास्सर्वे लक्ष्मणं पुरुषर्षभम्।शैलशृङ्गाणि शतशः प्रवृद्धांश्च महीरुहान्4.31.18।।जगृहुः कुञ्जरप्रख्या वानराः पर्वतान्तरे।,"Hundreds of monkeys of the size of elephants stood holding huge trees and boulders of rocks on seeing Lakshmana, the bull among men." तान्गृहीतप्रहरणान्सर्वान्दृष्ट्वा तु लक्ष्मणः4.31.19।।बभूव द्विगुणं क्रुद्धो बह्विन्धन इवानलः।,"On seeing the monkeys wielding weapons, Lakshmana's anger doubled like logs of firewood put to burning." तं ते भयपरीताङ्गाः क्रुद्धं दृष्ट्वा प्लवङ्गमाः4.31.20।।कालमृत्युयुगान्ताभं शतशो विद्रुता दिशः।,"Seeing enraged Lakshmana, who looked like a veritable god of Death at the time of dissolution of the universe, hundreds of monkeys, their limbs trembling in fear ran in different directions." ततस्सुग्रीवभवनं प्रविश्य हरिपुङ्गवाः4.31.21।।क्रोधमागमनं चैव लक्ष्मणस्य न्यवेदयन्।,"Having entered Sugriva's palace, the monkeychiefs reported the arrival of angry Lakshmana." तारया सहितः कामी सक्तः कपिवृषो रहः4.31.22।।न तेषां कपिवीराणां शुश्राव वचनं तदा।,"But Sugriva who was engrossed in overtures with passionate Tara, did not heed the words of the monkeychiefs." ततस्सचिवसन्दिष्टा हरयो रोमहर्षणाः।गिरिकुञ्जर मेघाभा नगर्या निर्ययुस्तदा।।4.31.23।।,"Commanded by the ministers, the monkeys who looked like fierce mountains, elephants and clouds that caused horripilation, left the place at once. " नखदंष्ट्रायुधा घोरास्सर्वे विकृतदर्शनाः4.31.24।।सर्वे शार्दूलदर्पाश्च सर्वे च विकृताननाः।,"The monkeys, their faces, deformed, their nails and teeth like weapons were dreadful and horrifying in appearance, proud as tigers" दशनागबलाः केचित्केचिद्दशगुणोत्तराः4.31.25।।केचिन्नागसहस्रस्य बभूवुस्तुल्यविक्रमाः।,"Of them some possessed the strength of ten, some a hundred and some a thousand elephants. All of them were of equal valour. " कृत्स्नांहि कपिभिर्व्याप्तां द्रुमहस्सैर्महाबलैः4.31.26।।अपश्यल्लक्ष्मणः क्रुद्धः किष्किन्धां तां दुरासदाम्।,Enraged Lakshmana saw the huge inacccessible city of Kishkinda filled with mighty strong and fierce monkeys holding trees in hand. ततस्ते हरयस्सर्वे प्राकारपरिघान्तरात्4.31.27।।निष्क्रम्योदग्रसत्त्वास्तु तस्थुराविष्कृतं तदा।,The mighty monkeys came out of the entrance of the ironboundary wall from beneath and made their appearance and stood in full attention. सुग्रीवस्य प्रमादं च पूर्वजं चार्तमात्मवान्4.31.28।।बुद्ध्वा कोपवशं वीरः पुनरेव जगाम सः।,"The sensible warrior, recognising Sugriva's dereliction of duty and his own brother's agony once again flew into fury." स दीर्घोष्णमहोच्छवासः कोपसंरक्तलोचनः4.31.29।।बभूव नरशार्दूल स्सधूम इव पावकः।,"Sighing hot, deep breath, eyes turned red in anger, this tiger among men appeared like fire with smoke (The sigh was smoke and red eyes, fire)." बाणशल्यस्फुरज्जिह्वस्सायकासनभोगवान्4.31.30।।स्वतेजोविषसङ्घातः पञ्चास्य इव पन्नगः।,"His bow was like the hood of a snake,with the iron nails fixed on the tip of his arrows like moving fangs and his own brightness like the venom of the fivehooded snake." तं दीप्तमिव कालाग्निं नागेन्द्रमिव कोपितम्4.31.31।।समासाद्याङ्गदस्त्रासाद्विषादमगमद्भृशम्।,"Dismayed, Angada approached Lakshmana, who was glowing like fire at the time of dissolution of the world and enraged like the lord of serpents." सोऽङ्गदं रोषताम्राक्षस्सन्दिदेश महायशाः4.31.32।।सुग्रीवः कथ्यतां वत्स ममागमनमित्युत।,"Renowned Lakshmana, with his eyes turned red in anger said to Angada 'O dear, inform Sugriva, about my arrival'." एष रामानुजः प्राप्तस्वत्सकाशमरिन्दम4.31.33।।भ्रातुर्व्यसनसन्तप्तो द्वारि तिष्ठति लक्ष्मणः।तस्य वाक्यं यदि रुचिः क्रियतां साधु वानर4.31.34।।इत्युक्त्वा शीघ्रमागच्छ वत्स वाक्यमरिन्दम।,"'O subduer of enemies speak in this way: 'Lakshmana, the dear younger brother of Rama has come to you and waits for your presence at the entrance, burning in grief of his elder brother. Well, if you like to hear his words, do as you please.' 'Return swiftly after saying so.'" लक्ष्मणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा शोकाविष्टोऽङ्गदोऽब्रवीत्।पितुस्समीपमागम्य सौमित्रिरयमागतः4.31.35।।,On hearing Lakshmana's words Angada became sad. He approached his father (Sugriva) and said 'Saumitri has come'. (This sloka appears an interpolation). अथाङ्गदस्तस्य वचो निशम्य सम्भ्रान्तभावः परिदीनवक्त्रः।निपत्य तूर्णं नृपतेस्तरस्वी ततः रुमायाश्चरणौ ववन्दे4.31.36।।," On hearing Lakshmana's words powerful Angada felt agitated. His face turned pale. He went and prostrated at once to the king and then to the queen, Ruma." संङ्गृह्य पादौ पितुरग्र्यतेजाःजग्राह मातुः पुनरेव पादौ।पादौ रुमायाश्च निपीडयित्वानिवेदयामास ततस्तमर्थम्4.31.37।।,"Highly brilliant Angada holding his father's feet first, then mother's and thereafter Ruma's, reported the matter to Sugriva." स निद्रामदसंवीतो वानरो न विबुद्धवान्।बभूव मदमत्तश्च मदनेन च मोहितः4.31.38।।,"The monkey was too drowsy with drink, too intoxicated with passion to come back to his senses." ततः किलकिलां चक्रुर्लक्ष्मणं प्रेक्ष्य वानराः।प्रसादयन्तस्तं क्रुद्धं भयमोहितचेतसः4.31.39।।,"Looking at angry Lakshmana, and scared at heart, the monkeys started making a noise in order to please him." ते महौघनिभं दृष्ट्वा वज्राशनिसमस्वनम्।सिंहनादं समं चक्रुर्लक्ष्मणस्य समीपतः4.31.40।।,They saw Lakshmana advancing like a mighty flood and went near him making sounds like the thunderbolt or a lion. तेन शब्देन महता प्रत्यबुध्यत वानरः।मदविह्वलताम्राक्षो व्याकुलस्रग्विभूषणः4.31.41।।,"By the great sound (of the monkeys) the drunken redeyed vanara king awakened, his garlands and ornaments in disarray. " अथाङ्गदवचः श्रुत्वा तेनैव च समागतौ।मन्त्रिणौ वानरेन्द्रस्य सम्मतौ दारदर्शिनौ4.31.42।।प्लक्षश्चैव प्रभावश्च मन्त्रिणावर्थधर्मयोः।वक्तुमुच्चावचं प्राप्तं लक्ष्मणं तौ शशंसतुः4.31.43।।,On hearing Angada's words the two ministers named Plaksha and Prabhava who were perrmitted to have audience with the queens went to the harem on invitation from Angada. They reported to Sugriva about the arrival of Lakshmana who had come to speak to him about matters regading wealth and righteousness. प्रसादयित्वा सुग्रीवं वचनैस्सामनिश्चितैः।आसीनं पर्युपासीनौ यथा शक्रं मरुत्पतिम्4.31.44।।,Both of them sat close by Sugriva who was like Indra and said these pleasing words: सत्यसन्धौ महाभागौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।वयस्यभावं सम्प्राप्तौ राज्यार्हौ राज्यदायिनौ4.31.45।।,"'Rama and Lakshmana, both the brothers venerable and true to their promise, have conferred on you sovereignty and have extended friendship.'" तयोरेको धनुष्पाणिर्द्वारि तिष्ठति लक्ष्मणः।यस्य भीताः प्रवेपन्तो नादान्मुञ्चन्ति वानराः4.31.46।।,"'Of the two, only Lakshmana is standing at the entrance wielding his bow in hand. The monkeys are trembling in fear and running about, making a loud noise'." स एष राघवभ्राता लक्ष्मणो वाक्यसारथिः।व्यवसायरथः प्राप्तस्तस्य रामस्य शासनात्4.31.47।।,"'By the command of Rama, his brother has come to you, Rama's words as charioteer and his work as chariot'. " अयं च दयितो राजंस्ताराया स्तनयोऽङ्गदः।लक्ष्मणेन सकाशं ते प्रेषितस्त्वरयाऽनघ4.31.48।।,"'O blameless king Tara's son, Angada, has sent us into your presence. Lakshmana has come.'" सोऽयं रोषपरीताक्षो द्वारि तिष्ठति वीर्यवान्।वानरान्वानरपते चक्षुषा प्रदहन्निव4.31.49।।,"'O lord of monkeys Valiant Lakshmana is standing at the entrance,eyes filled with anger as if he would burn the vanaras'." तस्य मूर्ध्ना प्रणम्य त्वं सपुत्रस्सहबन्धुभिः।गच्छ शीघ्रं महाराज रोषो ह्यस्य निवर्त्यताम्4.31.50।।,"'O great king Go at once with your son and relations, salute him now and avert his anger'." यदाह रामो धर्मात्मा तत्कुरुष्व समाहितः।राजं स्तिष्ठस्व समये भव सत्यप्रतिश्रवाः4.31.51।।,"'O king be true to your promise to his brother, righteous Rama without fail. Honour the agreement.'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे एकत्रिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the thirtyfirst sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva's anxiety to know the reason for Lakshmana's anger -- Hanuman persuades Sugriva to act.]अङ्गदस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवस्सचिवैस्सह।लक्ष्मणं कुपितं श्रुत्वा मुमोचासनमात्मवान्4.32.1।।,"On hearing about Lakshmana's anger from Angada, prudent Sugriva consulted his counsellors." सचिवानब्रवीद्वाक्यं निश्चित्य गुरुलाघवम्।मन्त्रज्ञान्मन्त्रकुशलो मन्त्रेषु परिनिष्ठितान्4.32.2।।,"Sugriva, being skilled in secret assessment of matters, considering the merits and demerits, spoke to his council of ministers capable of intelligent counselling: " न मे दुर्व्याहृतं किञ्चिन्नापि मे दुरनुष्ठितम्।लक्ष्मणो राघवभ्राता क्रुद्धः किमिति चिन्तये4.32.3।।,"'Indeed I have not uttered any harsh word or done anything wrong. I, therefore, wonder why Rama's brother, Lakshmana is angry with me? " असुहृद्भिर्ममामित्रैर्नित्यमन्तरदर्शिभिः।मम दोषानसम्भूतान् श्रावितो राघवानुजः4.32.4।।,"'Some enemies, who are always searching for imaginary faults of mine might have poisoned Lakshmana's ears." अत्र तावद्यथाबुद्धि सर्वैरेव यथाविधि।भावस्य निश्चयस्तावद्विज्ञेयो निपुणं शनैः4.32.5।।,"'In the meanwhile, (right now) all of you should think quietly and try to know the reason (for Lakshmana's anger), using your intellect and expertise logically and decide( the course of action). " न खल्वस्ति मम त्रासो लक्ष्मणान्नापि राघवात्।मित्रं त्वस्थानकुपितं जनयत्येव सम्भ्रमम्4.32.6।।,"'I have no fear either from Lakshmana or from Rama. However, when a friend is enraged without reason, it creates misgivings." सर्वथा सुकरं मित्रं दुष्करं परिपालनम्।अनित्यत्वाच्छ चित्तानां प्रीतिरल्पेपि भिद्यते4.32.7।।,'It is easy to earn a friend but keeping the friendship sustained is difficult. Due to fickleness of mind friendship gets broken even on flimsy grounds. अतो निमित्तं त्रस्तोहं रामेण तु महात्मना।यन्मयोपकृतं शक्यं प्रतिकर्तुं न तन्मया4.32.8।।,"'Therefore, I am apprehensive of Rama. I am not able to repay the help he has rendered to me'." सुग्रीवेणैवमुक्तस्तु हनुमान्हरिपुङ्गवः।उवाच स्वेन तर्केण मध्ये वानरमन्त्रिणाम्4.32.9।।,"When Sugriva spoke thus, Hanuman the great monkey, submitted in the presnce of the monkeyministers, applying his own logic:" सर्वथा नैतदाश्चर्यं यस्त्वं हरिगणेश्वर।न विस्मरसि सुस्निग्धमुपकार कृतं शुभम्4.32.10।।,"'It is not at all a matter of surprise, O king of vanara clan, that you forgot the good service rendered to you with utmost sense of friendship." राघवेण तु वीरेण भयमुत्सृज्य दूरतः।त्वत्प्रियार्थं हतो वाली शक्रतुल्यपराक्रमः4.32.11।।,"'To remove your fear and to please you, the great hero Rama has killed Vali, an equal to Indra in valour." सर्वथा प्रणयात्कृद्धो राघवो नात्र संशयः।भ्रातरं सम्प्रहितवान्लक्ष्मणं लक्ष्मिवर्धनम्4.32.12।।,"'Rama's anger is purely out of love for you. He has sent Lakshmana, a bestower of prosperity to you. There is no doubt about it." त्वं प्रमत्तो न जानीषे कालं कालविदां वर।फुल्लसप्तच्छदश्यामा प्रवृत्ता तु शरच्छिवा4.32.13।।,"'You knows best the passage of time (changing seasons). But you are not aware out of inattention that the auspicious autumn has set in, making the garden lush green with blossoms of Saptachada flowers." निर्मलग्रहनक्षत्रा द्यौः प्रनष्टवलाहका।प्रसन्नाश्च दिशस्सर्वास्सरितश्च सरांसि च4.32.14।।,'The sky from which the dark clouds have completely disappeared is illumined with planets and stars. The rivers and tanks as well as all directions are pleasant. प्राप्तमुद्योगकालं तु नावैषि हरिपुङ्गव।त्वं प्रमत्त इति व्यक्तं लक्ष्मणोऽयमिहागतः4.32.15।।,"'O chief of monkeys it is time for military expeditions. Since you are intoxicated you are not aware of this, Lakshmana has come here evidently for this." आर्तस्य हृतदारस्य पुरुषं पुरुषान्तरात्।वचनं मर्षणीयं ते राघवस्य महात्मनः4.32.16।।," 'The message sent by a man who is in distress, and is deprived of his wife should be accepted even if they are harsh since he is a great self (who has rendered you help). " कृतापराधस्य हि ते नान्यत्पश्याम्यहं क्षमम्।अन्तरेणाञ्जलिं बद्ध्वा लक्ष्मणस्य प्रसादनात्4.32.17।।,'In these circumstances the best way is seeking apology from Lakshmana with folded hands. I do not see any way other than this. नियुक्तैर्मन्त्रिभिर्वाच्यो ह्यवश्यं पार्थिवो हितम्।अत एव भयं त्यक्त्वा ब्रवीम्यवधृतं वचः4.32.18।।,"'The counsellors and ministers appointed by a king should certainly give good advice, without fear. This I tell you since I have faith in my words." अभिक्रुद्धस्समर्थो हि चापमुद्यम्य राघवः।सदेवासुरगन्धर्वं वशे स्थापयितुं जगत्4.32.19।।, न स क्षमः कोपयितुं यः प्रसाद्यः पुनर्भवेत्।पूर्वोपकारं स्मरता कृतज्ञेन विशेषतः4.32.20।।,"'He who deserves propitiation, should not be offended, more so by a grateful man, remembering the help received by him earlier." तस्य मूर्ध्ना प्रणम्य त्वं सपुत्रस्ससुहृज्जनः।राजंस्तिष्ठस्व समये भर्तुर्भार्येव तद्वशः4.32.21।।," 'O king bow down your head along with your son, friends and relations and honour the oath just as a wife subordinates to the will of the husband. Stand by obediently." न रामरामानुजशासनं त्वयाकपीन्द्र युक्तं मनसाऽप्यपोहितुम्।मनो हि ते ज्ञास्यति मानुषं बलंस राघवस्यास्य सुरेन्द्रवर्चसः4.32.22।।,"'O king of monkeys It is not right for you to overlook the commands of Rama or Lakshmana even in mind. You know the superhuman virtues of Rama, particularly his valour. The two brothers are like Indra (and Upendra) in valour and might.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे द्वात्रिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the thirtysecond sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Lakshmana enters Sugriva's palace -- Sugriva requests Tara to pacify Lakshmana.]अथ प्रतिसमादिष्टो लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा।प्रविवेश गुहां घोरां किष्किन्धां रामशासनात्।।4.33.1।।,"Instructed by Rama, and having been permitted, Lakshmana, the slayer of enemies entered the frightful cave of Kishkinda." द्वारस्था हरयस्तत्र महाकाया महाबलाः।बभूवुर्लक्ष्मणं दृष्ट्वा सर्वे प्राञ्जलय स्थिताः।।4.33.2।।,"Seeing Lakshmana, the huge and mighty monkey gatekeepers stood at the entrance and greeted him with folded hands." निश्वसन्तं तु तं दृष्ट्वा क्रुद्धं दशरथात्मजम्।बभूवुर्हरयस्त्रस्ता न चैनं पर्यवारयन्।।4.33.3।।,"The monkeys kept away out of fear to see the son of Dasaratha, who was angry and sighing deeply." स तां रत्नमयीं श्रीमान्दिव्यां पुष्पितकाननाम्।रम्यां रत्नसमाकीर्णां ददर्श महतीं गुहाम्।।4.33.4।।,"Lakshmana, the bestower of fortune, saw the mammoth cave inlaid with gems and precious stones and forests full of delightful flowers." हर्म्यप्रासादसम्बाधां नानापण्योपशोभिताम्।सर्वकामफलैर्वृक्षैः पुष्पितैरुपशोभिताम्।।4.33.5।।,The palace was thronged with elevated mansions and illumined with jewels of all kinds. The trees were in bloom and the fruits satisfied every one's wish.It was splendid. देवगन्धर्वपुत्रैश्च वानरैः कामरूपिभिः।दिव्यमाल्याम्बरधरै श्शोभितां प्रियदर्शनैः।।4.33.6।।,"The inhabitants of Kishkinda being sons of gods and gandharvas, were of beautiful appearance wearing wonderful garlands. They could change their form at their free will. They were delightful." चन्दनागरुपद्मानां गन्धैस्सुरभिगन्धिनाम्।मैरेयाणां मधूनां च सम्मोदितमहापथाम्।।4.33.7।।,"The royal roads were filled with fragrant unguents, like sandal, agaru and lotus incenses, finesmelling honey of several kinds and happy inhabitants. " विन्ध्यमेरुगिरिप्रख्यै: प्रासादैर्नैकभूमिभिः।ददर्श गिरिनद्यश्च विमलास्तत्र राघवः।।4.33.8।।,Lakshmana saw tall buildings comparable to Vindhya and Meru mountains and pure water flowing from the mountain streams. अङ्गदस्य गृहं रम्यं मैन्दस्य द्विविधस्य च।गवयस्य गवाक्षस्य गजस्य शरभस्य च।।4.33.9।।विद्युन्मालेश्च सम्पाते स्सूर्याक्षस्य हनूमतः।वीरबाहो स्सुबाहोश्च नलस्य च महात्मनः।।4.33.10।।कुमुदस्य सुषेणस्य तारजाम्बवतोस्तथा।दधिवक्त्रस्य नीलस्य सुपाटलसुनेत्रयोः।।4.33.11।।एतेषां कपिमुख्यानां राजमार्गे महात्मनाम्।ददर्श गृहमुख्यानि महासाराणि लक्ष्मणः।।4.33.12।।,"On the royal road, Lakshmna saw beautiful homes of monkeychiefs Angada, Mainda, Dwivida, Gavaya, Gavaksha, Gaja, Sarabha, Vidyunmalin, Sampati, Suryaksha, Hanuman, Veerabahu, Subahu, the great Nala, Kumuda and Sushena. Similarly he saw the homes of Tara and Jambavan, Dadhivaktra, Nila, Supatala and Sunetra. (Tara mentioned here is a male monkey.)" पाण्डुराभ्रप्रकाशानि दिव्यमाल्ययुतानि च।प्रभूतधनधान्यानि स्त्रीरत्नै श्शोभितानि च।।4.33.13।।,"These homes were shining like white clouds, with wonderful garlands hung on, filled with abundance of wealth, grains and best of females." पाण्डुरेण तु सालेन परिक्षिप्तं दुरासदम्।वानरेन्द्रगृहं रम्यं महेन्द्रसदनोपमम्।।4.33.14।।शुक्लैः प्रासादशिखरैः कैलासशिखरोपमैः।सर्वकामफलैर्वृक्षैः पुष्पितैरुपशोभितम्।।4.33.15।।महेन्द्रदत्तैश्श्रीमद्भिर्नीलजीमूतसन्निभैः।दिव्यपुष्पफलैर्वृक्षैशीतच्छायैर्मनोरमैः।।4.33.16।।हरिभिस्संवृतद्वारं बलिभिश्शस्त्रपाणिभिः।दिव्यमाल्यावृतं शुभ्रं तप्तकाञ्चनतोरणम्।।4.33.17।।सुग्रीवस्य गृहं रम्यं प्रविवेश महाबलः।अवार्यमाणस्सौमित्रिर्महाभ्रमिव भास्करः।।4.33.18।।,"The abode of Sugriva was encircled by a white rampart and unapproachable.It was enchanting like the abode of Indra. The mansion tops were like the white peaks of Kailas mountain filled with blossoming trees which could yield all kinds of fruits to suit one's taste. The trees were huge like dark clouds, cool and shady with wonderful flowers in full bloom, the riches gifted by Indra, were delightful. The entrance was guarded by mighty monkeys holding weapons in hand. It had a golden archway at the entrance decorated with wonderful garlands and strings of golden flowers. Saumitri of great prowess entered the rich abode of Sugriva just as the Sun enters huge clouds unobstructed." स सप्त कक्ष्या धर्मात्मा नानाजनसमाकुलाः।प्रविश्य सुमहद्गगुप्तं ददर्शान्तःपुरं महत्।।4.33.19।।हैमराजतपर्यङ्कैर्बहुभिश्च वरासनैः।महार्हास्तरणोपेतैस्तत्र तत्रोपशोभितम्।।4.33.20।।,"Righteous Lakshmana crossed the seven enclosures filled with different kinds of people and saw a great harem full of several bright gold and silver cots, excellent seats here and there with best of cushions spread." प्रविशन्नेव सततं शुश्राव मधुरस्वरम्।तन्त्रीगीतसमाकीर्णं समगीतपदाक्षरम्।।4.33.21।।,"As he entered, he heard melodious sounds of string instruments and music worded to metre with different kinds of tunes." बह्वीश्च विविधाकारा रूपयौवनगर्विताः।स्त्रियस्सुग्रीवभवने ददर्श सुमहाबलः।।4.33.22।।,Powerful Lakshmana saw many females of different forms proud of their youth and charm at the palace of Sugriva. दृष्ट्वाऽभिजनसम्पन्नाश्चित्रमाल्यकृतस्रजः।फलमाल्यकृतव्यग्रा भूषणोत्तमभूषिताः।।4.33.23।।नातृप्तान्नापि चाव्यग्रान्नानुदात्तपरिच्छदान्।सुग्रीवानुचरांश्चापि लक्षयामास लक्ष्मणः।।4.33.24।।,"Lakshmana saw women with a good lineage adorned with colourful flower garlands and choicest ornaments engaged in making garlands and arranging fruits. He also saw at Sugriva's palace attendants, gentle, welldressed, contented and not too busy. " कूजितं नूपुराणां च काञ्चीनां निनदं तथा।सन्निशम्य तत श्रीमान्सौमित्रिर्लज्जितोऽभवत्।।4.33.25।।,Illustrious Lakshmana felt abashed on hearing the jingling of girdle bells and tinkling of the women's anklets. रोषवेगप्रकुपितशश्रुत्वा चाभरणस्वनम्।चकार ज्यास्वनं वीरो दिशश्शब्देन पूरयन्।।4.33.26।।,"On hearing the sounds of ornaments (of females), heroic Lakshmana lost his temper quickly. He pulled his bowstring forcefully in wrath producing frightening sound filling all quarters." चारित्रेण महाबाहुरपकृष्ट स्सलक्ष्मणः।तस्थावेकान्तमाश्रित्य रामकोपसमन्वितः।।4.33.27।।,"Aware of the anger of Rama (who likes it not), the longarmed Lakshmana moved away from the spot (abstained from entering private apartments) as per tradition, receded to a lonely place and stood." तेन चापस्वनेनाथ सुग्रीवः प्लवगाधिपः।विज्ञायाऽगमनं त्रस्त स्सञ्चचाल वरासनात्।।4.33.28।।,"Then, sensing the arrival of Lakshmana, by the sound of his bow string, Sugriva the lord of vanaras, alighted at once from the throne." अङ्गदेन यथा मह्यं पुरस्तात्प्रतिवेदितम्।सुव्यक्तमेष सम्प्राप्त स्सौमित्रिर्भ्रातृवत्सलः।।4.33.29।।,"'Truly Saumitri, the loving brother of Rama has arrived as announced by Angada earlier'." अङ्गदेन समाख्यातं ज्यास्वनेन च वानरः।बुबुधे लक्ष्मणं प्राप्तं मुखं चास्यव्यशुष्यत।।4.33.30।।,"As proclaimed by Angada and also from the sound of the twang, Sugriva knew about the arrival of Lakshmana. His mouth parched (with fear)." ततस्तारां हरिश्रेष्ठस्सुग्रीवः प्रियदर्शनाम्।उवाच हितमव्यग्रस्त्रास सम्भ्रान्तमानसः।।4.33.31।।,"Then Sugriva, the best of monkeys got agitated at heart out of fear. He saw the pleasing Tara and said to her these good words clearly: " किन्नु तत्कारणं सुभ्रु प्रकृत्या मृदुमानसः।सरोष इव सम्प्राप्तो येनायं राघवानुजः।।4.33.32।।,'O Tara with beautiful eyebrows this younger brother of Rama is normally softhearted. But today he arrived here angry. What could be the reason? किं पश्यसि कुमारस्य रोषस्थानमनिन्दिते।न खल्वकारणे कोपमाहरेन्नरसत्तमः।।4.33.33।।,'O blemishless Tara What is the cause of young Lakshmana's anger? Great men do not display anger without reason. यदस्य कृतमस्माभिर्बुध्यसे किञ्चिदप्रियम्।तदबुद्ध्या सम्प्रधार्याशु क्षिप्रमर्हसि भाषितुम्।।4.33.34।।,"'If anything displeasing has been done by us, you should know and tell me quickly. You ought to speak to him at once." अथवा स्वयमेवैनं द्रष्टुमर्हसि भामिनि।वचनै स्सान्त्वयुक्तैश्च प्रसादयितुमर्हसि।।4.33.35।।,"'O lovely lady or else, you should see him personally and propitiate him with your soothing words." त्वद्दर्शन विशुद्धात्मा न स कोपं करिष्यति।न हि स्त्रीषु महात्मानः क्वचित्कुर्वन्ति दारुणम्।।4.33.36।।,'Lakshmana will be clear of all doubts on seeing you and will not be angry. Great men are not harsh to women. त्वया सान्त्वैरुपक्रान्तं प्रसन्नेन्द्रियमानसम्।ततः कमलपत्राक्षं द्रक्ष्याम्यहमरिन्दमम्।।4.33.37।।,"'Start talking to him with pleasing words and make him happy. Then I shall see Lakshmana with eyes like lotuspetals, a subduer of enemies'." सा प्रस्खलन्ती मदविह्वलाक्षीप्रलम्बकाञ्चीगुण हेमसूत्रा।सलक्षणा लक्ष्मणसन्निधानंजगाम तारा नमिताङ्गयष्टिः।।4.33.38।।,"Tara, whose eyes were drowsy with drink, whose long gold string of the girdle was hanging loose appeared before Lakshmana with faltering steps and bent low, bashful of her appearance. (It suggests a state of exhaustion after sexual pleasures)." स तां समीक्ष्यैव हरीशपन्तींतस्थावुदासीनतया महात्मा।अवाङ्मुखोऽभून्मनुजेन्द्रपुत्रःस्त्रीसन्निकर्षाद्विनिवृत्तकोपः।।4.33.39।।,"Since prince Lakshmana is a great man, he stood with his face down and showing no reaction, controlled his anger due to the presence of a female standing close by." सा पानयोगाद्विनिवृत्तलज्जादृष्टिप्रसादाच्च नरेन्द्रसूनोः।उवाच तारा प्रणयप्रगल्भंवाक्यं महार्थं परिसान्त्वपूर्वम्।।4.33.40।।,"Setting aside her shyness for being in a drunken state, and observing Lakshmana's favourable disposition, she spoke meaningful words in a pleasing manner with friendly eloquence:" किं कोपमूलं मनुजेन्द्रपुत्रकस्ते न सन्तिष्ठति वाङ्निदेशे।क श्शुष्कवृक्षं वनमापतन्तंदवाग्निमासीदति निर्विशङ्कः।।4.33.41।।,'O noble prince what is the cause of your anger? Who has disrespected your command? Who can approach without fear forest fire rushing towards a thicket of dried pieces of wood?' स तस्या वचनं श्रुत्वा सान्त्वपूर्वमशङ्कितम्।भूयः प्रणयदृष्टार्थं लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।4.33.42।।,"Having heard Tara's unhesitant submission spoken in a pleasant and friendly manner, Lakshmana replied: " किमयं कामवृत्तस्ते लुप्तधर्मार्थसङ्ग्रहः।भर्ता भर्तृहिते युक्ते न चैनमवबुद्ध्यसे।।4.33.43।।,"'O lady, your husband engrossed in sensual pleasures, has lost sight of dharma and artha. Why don't you understand it in the interest of your husband whose wellwisher you are?" न चिन्तयति राज्यार्थं नास्मान् शोकपरायणान्।सामात्यपरिषत्तारे पानमेवोपसेवते।।4.33.44।।,'O Tara that we are in grief Sugriva does not realize. He is not attending to state affairs. He is only enjoying drinking in the company of ministers. स मासांश्चतुरः कृत्वा प्रमाणं प्लवगेश्वरः।व्यतीतां स्तान्मदव्यग्रो विहरन्नावबुध्यते।।4.33.45।।,"'The king of monkeys has already spent four months, enjoying drinks. He does not realize that he has flouted his promise." न हि धर्मार्थसिद्ध्यर्थं पानमेवं प्रशस्यते।पानादर्थश्च धर्मश्च कामश्च परिहीयते।।4.33.46।।,"'Drinking this way does not help accomplishment of dharma and artha. It destroys wealth, ambition and righteousness." धर्मलोपो महांस्तावत्कृते ह्यप्रतिकुर्वतः।अर्थलोपश्च मित्रस्य नाशे गुणवतो महान्।।4.33.47।।,'Dharma is violated when we help not one who has helped. Loss of a virtuous friend leads to great loss of wealth. It results in destruction. मित्रं ह्यर्थगुणश्रेष्ठं सत्यधर्मपरायणम्।तद्द्वयं तु परित्यक्तं न तु धर्मे व्यवस्थितम्।।4.33.48।।, तदेवं प्रस्तुते कार्ये कार्यमस्माभिरुत्तरम्।यत्कार्यं कार्यतत्त्वज्ञे तदुदाहर्तुमर्हसि।।4.33.49।।,'You have a strong sense of duty. You ought to tell him his duty and what we should do in this situation. सा तस्य धर्मार्थसमाधियुक्तंनिशम्य वाक्यं मधुरस्वभावम्।तारा गतार्थे मनुजेन्द्रकार्येविश्वासयुक्तं तमुवाच भूयः।।4.33.50।।,Tara heard the sweet words of Lakshmana which showed his good understanding of dharma and artha. What she said to him in reply reflects her faith in Sugriva's effort to help Rama's cause: न कोपकालः क्षितिपालपुत्रन चाति कोप स्स्वजने विधेयः।त्वदर्थकामस्य जनस्य तस्यप्रमादमप्यर्हसि वीर सोढुम्।।4.33.51।।,'O prince this is not the time to get angry with your own people. He (Sugriva) is your friend and wishes to do your work. You should bear with him even if he makes a mistake. कोपं कथं नाम गुणप्रकृष्टःकुमार कुर्यादपकृष्टसत्त्वे।कस्त्वद्विधः कोपवशं हि गच्छेत्सत्त्वावरुद्धस्तपसः प्रसूतिः।।4.33.52।।,"'O prince how can you, richly endowed with virtues be angry with an inferior person? How can a person like you, preeminent in virtues,and a source of great penance fall a victim to anger?" जानामि रोषं हरिवीरबन्धोर्जानामि कार्यस्य च कालसङ्गम्।जानामि कार्यं त्वयि यत्कृतं नस्तच्चापि जानामि यदत्र कार्यम्।।4.33.53।।,"'I know about the anger of (Rama), the friend of Sugriva. I am aware of the time limit set for his work. I am aware of our omissions in this regard. I also know about the mission." तच्चापि जानामि यथविषह्यंबलं नरश्रेष्ठ शरीरजस्य।जानामि यस्मिंश्च जनेऽवबद्धंकामेन सुग्रीवमसक्तमद्य।।4.33.54।।,'O Lakshmana I am aware of the irresistible strength of lust born out of the body. I am aware of Sugriva's indifference to his duty due to his passion with whomsoever it be. न कामतन्त्रे तव बुद्धिरस्तित्वं वै यथा मन्युवशं प्रपन्नः।न देशकालौ हि न चार्थधर्माववेक्षते कामरतिर्मनुष्यः।।4.33.55।।,"'You are under the grip of anger and your mind is not involved in carnal desire. One who is engaged in sensual pleasures does not reckon time and place, nor does he consider artha and dharma." तं कामवृत्तं मम सन्निकृष्टंकामाभियोगाच्च निवृत्तलज्जम्।क्षमस्व तावत्परवीरहन्तस्त्वद्भ्रातरं वानरवंशनाथम्।।4.33.56।।,"'O slayer of enemy heroes pardon Sugriva, the lord of vanara clan, who is to you a brother. He is here indulging in sports of love with me. He has no sense of shame about his passion." महर्षयो धर्मतपोऽभिकामाःकामानुकामाः प्रतिबद्धमोहाः।अयं प्रकृत्या चपलः कपिस्तुकथं न सज्जेत सुखेषु राजा।।4.33.57।।,'Even sages committed to piety and austerity are sometimes deluded by sensual gratification. He is a king and a monkey who is fickle by nature. How can he be not tempted by sensual pleasures'? इत्येवमुक्त्वा वचनं महार्थंसा वानरी लक्ष्मणमप्रमेयम्।पुन स्सखेदं मदविह्वलञ्चभर्तुर्हितं वाक्यमिदं बभाषे।।4.33.58।।,"Overcome by drunkenness, Tara once again spoke to Lakshmana of unfathomable prowess, in a meaningful way keeping in view the welfare of her playful and drunken lord:" उद्योगस्तु चिराज्ञप्त स्सुग्रीवेण नरोत्तम।कामस्यापि विधेयेन तवार्थप्रतिसाधने।।4.33.59।।,"'O best of men although overpowered by sense pleasures, Sugriva has already initiated efforts for the accomplishment of your work." आगता हि महावीर्या हरयः कामरूपिणः।कोटीशतसहस्राणि नानानगनिवासिनः।।4.33.60।।,'O great warrior monkeys residing at different mountains who can assume any form they like have arrived in hundreds and thousands of crores. तदागच्छ महाबाहो चारित्रं रक्षितं त्वया।अच्छलं मित्रभावेन सतां दारावलोकनम्।।4.33.61।।,'O longarmed one come in. You have been standing out guarding your character. It is not a mistake to see the wife of a pious person with a friendly feeling. तारया चाभ्यनुज्ञातस्त्वरया चापि चोदितः।प्रविवेश महाबाहुरभ्यन्तरमरिन्दमः।।4.33.62।।,"Strongarmed Lakshmana, a subduer of enemies, permitted by Tara entered the harem immediately (thinking of the urgency of the task). " तत स्सुग्रीवमासीनं काञ्चने परमासने।महार्हास्तरणोपेते ददर्शादित्यसन्निभम्।।4.33.63।।दिव्याभणचित्राङ्गं दिव्यरूपं यशस्विनम्।दिव्यमाल्याम्बरधरं महेन्द्रमिव दुर्जयम्।।4.33.64।।दिव्याभरणमालाभिः प्रमदाभि स्समावृतम्।संरब्धतररक्ताक्षो बभूवान्तकसन्निभः।।4.33.65।।,"Lakshmana saw famous Sugriva, difficult to be conquered, seated on a golden throne strewn around with cushions, decorated with ornaments of different colours, endearing in appearance, decked with beautiful garlands and clothes. He was surrounded by women adorned with most fascinating ornaments and garlands. Bewildered at the sight, Lakshmana's eyes turned red in anger. He appeared like Yama, lord of death." रुमां तु वीर परिरभ्य गाढंवरासनस्थो वरहेमवर्णः।ददर्श सौमित्रिमदीनसत्त्वंविशालनेत्रस्सुविशालनेत्रम्।।4.33.66।।,"The largeeyed warrior Sugriva of golden complexion was seated on an excellent throne embracing Ruma tightly.He saw largeeyed Saumitri in a jovial mood.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे त्रयस्त्रिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the thirtythird sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana compsed by sage Vamiki." [Lakshmana meets Sugriva -- reminds him of his promise to Rama.]तमप्रतिहतं क्रुद्धं प्रविष्टं पुरुषर्षभम्।सुग्रीवो लक्ष्मणं दृष्ट्वा बभूव व्यथितेन्द्रियः।।4.34.1।।," On seeing the angry Lakshmana, a bull among men, who could not be obstructed, enter in, Sugriva was disturbed. " क्रुद्धं निश्श्वसमानं तं प्रदीप्तमिव तेजसा।भ्रातुर्व्यसनसन्तप्तं दृष्ट्वा दशरथात्मजम्।।4.34.2।।उत्पपात हरिश्रेष्ठो हित्वा सौवर्णमासनम्।महान्महेन्द्रस्य यथा स्वलङ्कृत इव ध्वजः।।4.34.3।।,"Seeing enraged Lakshmana, son of Dasaratha, sighing heavily, glowing like bright fire burning with the sorrow of Rama, Sugriva jumped out of his seat quitting the decorated golden throne just as Indra's decorated banner is raised up suddenly." उत्पतन्तमनूत्पेतू रुमाप्रभृतयः स्त्रियः।सुग्रीवं गगने पूर्णचन्द्रं तारागणा इव।।4.34.4।।," As soon as Sugriva jumped up ,Ruma and other womenfolk rose to their feet like the clusters of stars around the fullMoon in the sky." संरक्तनयनः श्रीमान्विचचाल कृताञ्जलिः।बभूवावस्थितस्तत्र कल्पवृक्षो महानिव।।4.34.5।।,"With eyes red as blood through drunkenness,prosperous Sugriva was shaken like the Kalpa tree.He stood there and offered salutations(to Lakshmana) with folded hands." रुमाद्वितीयं सुग्रीवं नारीमध्यगतं स्थितम्।अब्रवील्लक्ष्मणः क्रुद्धस्सतारं शशिनं यथा।।4.34.6।।,"Looking at Sugriva surrounded by Ruma and other women like the Moon among stars, infuriated Lakshmana said" सत्त्वाभिजनसम्पन्नस्सानुक्रोशो जितेन्द्रियः।कृतज्ञस्सत्यवादी च राजा लोके महीयते।।4.34.7।।,"'Only a king who is an heir to a noble family, compassionate, and selfcontrolled, grateful and truthful excels in the world." यस्तु राजा स्थितोऽधर्मे मित्राणामुपकारिणाम्।मिथ्या प्रतिज्ञां कुरुते को नृशंसतरस्ततः।।4.34.8।।,'Which king can be more malicious than the one who makes false promises and adopts an unrighteous path towards those who helped him? शतमश्वानृते हन्ति सहस्रं तु गवानृते।आत्मानं स्वजनं हन्ति पुरुषः पुरुषानृते।।4.34.9।।,"'If a man tells a lie about a horse, he commits the sin of killing a hundred horses. If one tells a lie about a cow, he shares the sin of killing a thousand cows. If one tells a lie about a man, it is equal to the sin of killing oneself and his own people." पूर्वं कृतार्थो मित्राणां न तत्प्रतिकरोति यः।कृतघ्नस्सर्वभूतानां स वध्यः प्लवगेश्वर।।4.34.10।।,"'O lord of monkeys he who, having accomplished his task first with the help of his friend, does not return the help is ungrateful. Such a person deserves to be killed.It applies to all beings." गीतोऽयं ब्रह्मणा श्लोक स्सर्वलोकनमस्कृतः।दृष्ट्वा कृतघ्नं क्रुद्धेन तन्निबोध प्लवङ्गम।।4.34.11।।,"'O lord of the monkeys here is a verse worthy of appreciation by all the worlds, sung by a brahmin, when he saw an ungrateful person. Listen:" ब्रह्मघ्ने च सुरापे च चोरे भग्नव्रते तथा।निष्कृतिर्विहिता सद्भि: कृतघ्ने नास्ति निष्कृतिः।।4.34.12।।,"'There is expiation for one who kills a brahmin, a drunkard, a thief and a violator of sacred vows. But there is no atonement for an ungrateful man.'" अनार्यस्त्वं कृतघ्नश्च मिथ्यावादी च वानर।पूर्वं कृतार्थो रामस्य न तत्प्रतिकरोषि यत्।।4.34.13।।,'O monkey you have already achieved your objective (with the help of Rama) but have not helped Rama in return. You are surely an ignoble and ungrateful liar. ननु नाम कृतार्थेन त्वया रामस्य वानर।सीताया मार्गणे यत्नः कर्तव्यः कृतमिच्छता।।4.34.14।।,"'O monkey, if you are grateful to Rama you should wish to search for Sita. Indeed, you should make efforts to take it up." स त्वं ग्राम्येषु भोगेषु सक्तो मिथ्याप्रतिश्रवः।न त्वां रामो विजानीते सर्पं मण्डूकराविणम्।।4.34.15।।,'You have failed to keep your word. You are engaged in worldly pleasures. Rama did not know that you are a serpent croaking like a frog. महाभागेन रामेण पापः करुणवेदिना।हरीणां प्रापितो राज्यं त्वं दुरात्मा महात्मना।।4.34.16।।,"'Rama is illustrious, compassionate and great. He has granted the kingdom to you, to one who is a sinner and an evilminded person." कृतं चेन्नाभिजानीषे रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः।सद्यस्त्वं निशितैर्भावार्हतो द्रक्ष्यसि वालिनम्।।4.34.17।।,"'If you do not recognise the help of Rama who can accomplish any deed with ease, you will be killed with my sharp arrows and meet Vali (in heaven)." न च सङ्कुचितः पन्था येन वाली हतो गतः।समये तिष्ठ सुग्रीव मा वालिपथमन्वगाः।।4.34.18।।,'O Sugriva the path by which Vali went is not closed.I wish you do not follow him. You stand by the promise made. न नूनमिक्ष्वाकुवरस्य कार्मुकच्युतान् शरान्पश्यसि वज्र सन्निभान्।तत स्सुखं नाम निषेवसे सुखी।न रामकार्यं मनसाऽप्यवेक्षसे।।4.34.19।।,"'You have not seen the thunderboltlike arrows released from the bow of Rama, the renowned prince of the Ikshvaku race. Therefore you are resorting to enjoyment without any fear and have not given thought to Rama's work.'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे चतुस्त्रिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the thirtyfourth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Tara consoles Lakshmana -- gives reasons for the delay in action -- Tara's request pacifies Lakshmana -- Sugriva commands the army.]तथा ब्रुवाणं सौमित्रिं प्रदीप्तमिव तेजसा।अब्रवील्लक्ष्मणं तारा ताराधिपनिभानना।।4.35.1।।,"While Lakshmana, the son of Sumitra, was glowing like fire with his brilliance, thus spoke the moonfaced Tara: " नैवं लक्ष्मण वक्तव्यो नायं परुषमर्हति।हरीणामीश्वरश्श्रोतुं तव वक्त्राद्विशेषतः।।4.35.2।।,"'O Lakshmana you, in particular, should not speak to the king of vanaras in that manner. He does not deserve to hear from your mouth words which are harsh." नैवाकृतज्ञस्सुग्रीवो न शठो नापि दारुणः।नैवानृतकथो वीर न जिह्मश्च कपीश्वरः।।4.35.3।।,"'O hero Sugriva, king of monkeys, is not ungrateful or deceitful, He is neither crooked nor false." उपकारं कृतं वीरो नाप्ययं विस्मृतः कपिः।रामेण वीर सुग्रीवो यदन्यैर्दुष्करं रणे।।4.35.4।।,'O hero this warrior Sugriva has not forgotten the help rendered by Rama in combat which was difficult (to win). रामप्रसादात्कीर्तिञ्च कपिराज्यं च शाश्वतम्।प्राप्तवानिह सुग्रीवो रुमां मां च परन्तप ।।4.35.5।।,"'O scorcher of enemies it is by Rama's grace that Sugriva has attained fame, the kingdom of monkeys and Ruma and me." सुदुःखं शयितः पूर्वं प्राप्येदं सुखमुत्तमम्।प्राप्तकालं न जानीते विश्वामित्रो यथा मुनिः।।4.35.6।।,"'Sleep did not come to him in deep distress in the past, and now that great happiness has come, he does not realize that it is time to act (search for Sita). He behaves like sage Viswamitra." घृताच्यां किल संसक्तो दशवर्षाणि लक्ष्मण।अहोऽमन्यत धर्मात्मा विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः।।4.35.7।।,'O Lakshmana great sage Visvamitra was in union with an apsara Gritachi for ten years and felt it was just one day indeed स हि प्राप्तं न जानीते कालं कालविदां वरः।विश्वामित्रो महातेजाः किं पुनर्यः पृथग्जनः।।4.35.8।।,"'If the brilliant and the most distinguished of those who knew the value of time did not realise the passing of time, what can be said of an ordinary person?" देहधर्मं गतस्यास्य परिश्रान्तस्य लक्ष्मण।अवितृप्तस्य कामेषु कामं क्षन्तुमिहार्हसि।।4.35.9।।,"'O Lakshmana you should pardon him since he is not yet satisfied, though tired, with the struggle for the fulfilment of his sensual pleasures." न च रोषवशं तात गन्तुमर्हसि लक्ष्मण।निश्चयार्थमविज्ञाय सहसा प्राकृतो यथा।।4.35.10।।,"'O dear Lakshmana not knowing the true intention of Sugriva, it is not proper for you to be rashly angry like an ordinary man." सत्त्वयुक्ता हि पुरुषास्त्वद्विधाः पुरुषर्षभ।अविमृश्य न रोषस्य सहसा यान्ति वश्यताम्।।4.35.11।।,'O bull among men men with right vision like you do not become angry instantly without right thinking. प्रसादये त्वां धर्मज्ञ सुग्रीवार्थे समाहिता।महान्रोषसमुत्पन्न स्संरम्भस्त्यज्यतामयम्।।4.35.12।।,"'O Lakshmana, knower of dharma, give up your agitation arising out of great anger. Be composed for the sake of Sugriva." रुमां मां कपि राज्यं च धनधान्यवसूनि च।रामप्रियार्थं सुग्रीवस्त्यजेदिति मतिर्मम।।4.35.13।।,"'I feel Sugriva should (is prepared to) renounce the monkeykingdom, wealth, grains and other treasures and even Ruma and me for the pleasure of Rama. " समानेष्यति सुग्रीव स्सीतया सह राघवम्।शशाङ्कमिव रोहिण्या निहत्वा रावणं रणे।।4.35.14।।,"'Killing Ravana in war, Sugriva will restore Sita soon to Rama.Rama will join Sita like Moon joins Rohini." शतकोटिसहस्राणि लङ्कायां किल राक्षसाः।आयुतानि च षट्त्रिंशत्सहस्राणि शतानि च।।4.35.15।।,"'The number of demons in Lanka is reported to be a hundred thousand crore, three lakh, ninetynine thousand and six hundred. (Note: Indian tradition has numbers up to eighteen digits. One hundred thousand crores is equal to a 'mahapadma' which has thirteen digits. The number described here is 1000000399600.)" अहत्वा तांश्च दुर्धर्षान्राक्षसान्कामरूपिणः।न शक्यो रावणो हन्तुं येन सा मैथिली हृता।।4.35.16।।,'It is not possible to kill Ravana who has stolen Sita without killing those unassailable demons who can assume any form at their will. ते न शक्या रणे हन्तुमसहायेन लक्ष्मण।रावणः क्रूरकर्मा च सुग्रीवेण विशेषतः।।4.35.17।।,'O Lakshmana moreover it is not possible for Sugriva alone to kill the wicked Ravana without the help of the monkeys. एवमाख्यातवान्वाली स ह्यभिज्ञो हरीश्वरः।आगमस्तु न मे व्यक्तश्श्रवात्तस्माद्ब्रवीम्यहम्।।4.35.18।।,"Vali, the wellinformed lord of the monkeys, has given an account of the demons. The source of the account is not known to me.Therefore I am speaking from what I have heard." त्वत्सहायनिमित्तं वै प्रेषिता हरिपुङ्गवाः।आनेतुं वानरान्युद्धे सुबहून्हरियूधपान्।।4.35.19।।,'Monkey chiefs have been sent to bring multitudes of monkey leaders to help you in the battle. तांश्च प्रतीक्षमाणोऽयं विक्रान्तात्सुमहाबलान्।राघवस्यार्थसिध्यर्थं न निर्याति हरीश्वरः।।4.35.20।।,'Sugriva is awaiting the arrival of the powerful and strong vanaras without whose help he cannot accomplish Rama's task.Therefore he has not yet started (the search). कृता तु संस्था सौमित्रे सुग्रीवेण पुरा यथा।अद्य तैर्वानरैस्सर्वैरागन्तव्यं महाबलैः।।4.35.21।।,"'O Lakshmana since Sugriva has already promulgated an ordinance to all the mighty vanaras, they should be all arriving by now." ऋक्षकोटिसहस्राणि गोलाङ्गूलशतानि च।अद्य त्वामुपयास्यन्ति जहि कोपमरिन्दम।कोट्योऽनेकास्तु काकुत्स्थ कपीनां दीप्ततेजसाम्।।4.35.22।।, तव हि मुखमिदं निरीक्ष्य कोपात्क्षतजनिभे नयने निरीक्षमाणाः।हरिवरवनिता न यान्ति शान्तिंप्रथमभयस्य हि शङ्कितास्तु सर्वाः।।4.35.23।।,"'Looking at your angry countenance with bloodred eyes, the wives of the foremost of monkeys are frightened by the possibility of similar danger of the past (of Vali's death) and do not find peace of mind.'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे पञ्चत्रिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the thirtyfifth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Lakshmana gets pacified -- Sugriva praises Rama's valour -- Lakshmana tenders apology for his harsh words]इत्युक्तस्तारया वाक्यं प्रश्रितं धर्मसंहितम्।मृदुस्वभावस्सौमित्रिः प्रतिजग्राह तद्वचः।।4.36.1।।,Thus the gentlenatured Saumitri accepted Tara's courteous words sanctioned by dharma. तस्मिन्प्रतिगृहीते तु वाक्ये हरिगणेश्वरः।लक्ष्मणात्सुमहत्त्रासं वस्त्रं क्लिन्नमिवात्यजत्।।4.36.2।।,"Sugriva, king of the vanara clan, cast aside his great fear when Lakshmana accepted the words of Tara just as one discards a wet garment from the body." ततः कण्ठगतं माल्यं चित्रं बहुगुणं महत्।चिच्छेद विमदश्चासीत्सुग्रीवो वानरेश्वरः।।4.36.3।।,"Thereupon Sugriva, relieved from his drunken state tore off the great, colourful valuable garland worn on his neck." स लक्ष्मणं भीमबलं सर्ववानरसत्तमः।अब्रवीत्प्रश्रितं वाक्यं सुग्रीव स्सम्प्रहर्षयन्।।4.36.4।।,"Sugriva, the noblest of all monkeys, spoke these polite words in a pleasing manner to Lakshmana of terrific strength:" प्रणष्टा श्रीश्च कीर्तिश्च कपिराज्यं च शाश्वतम्।रामप्रसादात्सौमित्रे पुन: प्राप्तमिदं मया।।4.36.5।।,"'O Saumitri my prosperity, fame and the permanent sovereignty of vanaras had been lost. It was regained by the grace of Rama. " कश्शक्तस्तस्य देवस्य ख्यातस्य स्वेन कर्मणा।तादृशं विक्रमं वीर प्रतिकर्तुमरिन्दम।।4.36.6।।,'O crusher of enemies how is it possible to repay the famous lord Rama's valour (in killing Vali)? सीतां प्राप्स्यति धर्मात्मा वधिष्यति च रावणम्।सहायमात्रेण मया राघव स्स्वेन तेजसा।।4.36.7।।,'Righteous Rama can merely restore Sita with my assistance. By his own fiery energy he will kill Ravana. सहायकृत्यं किं तस्य येन सप्त महाद्रुमाः।शैलश्च वसुधा चैव बाणेनैकेन दारिताः।।4.36.8।।,"'Rama shattered seven huge trees, a mountain and earth with a single arrow. What assistance does he need?" धनुर्विष्फारयानस्य यस्य शब्देन लक्ष्मण।सशैला कम्पिता भूमिस्सहायै: किन्नु तस्य वै।।4.36.9।।,'O Lakshmana the twang of his bow shook even the mountains and the earth. What assistance does he need? अनुयात्रां नरेन्द्रस्य करिष्येऽहं नरर्षभ।गच्छतो रावणं हन्तुं वैरिणं सपुरस्सरम्।।4.36.10।।,"'O Lakshmana, bull among men I shall only join him along with others when he leads the army to kill Ravana." यदि किञ्चिदतिक्रान्तं विश्वासात्प्रणयेन वा।प्रेष्यस्य क्षमितव्यं मे न कश्चिन्नापराध्यति।।4.36.11।।,"'If I have committed even a little transgression in my faith in Rama or affection for him and exceeded the time limit, my mistakes are to be excused as one would pardons a servant. No one is flawless in the world.' " ति तस्य ब्रुवाणस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।अभवल्लक्ष्मणः प्रीतः प्रेम्णा चैवमुवाच ह।।4.36.12।।,Lakshmana who was happy to hear great Sugriva replied affectionately: सर्वथा हि मम भ्राता सनाथो वानरेश्वर।त्वया नाथेन सुग्रीव प्रश्रितेन विशेषतः।।4.36.13।।,"'O Sugriva, king of monkeys when you are extending due courtesy to my brother,he has a guardian in you by all means. " यस्ते प्रभाव स्सुग्रीव यच्च ते शौचमार्जवम्।अर्हस्त्वं कपिराज्यस्य श्रियं भोक्तुमनुत्तमाम्।।4.36.14।।,"'You are powerful and straightforward by nature.You are humble and noble. Therefore, you deserve the high prosperity of the kingdom of the monkeys." सहायेन तु सुग्रीव त्वया रामः प्रतापवान्।वधिष्यति रणे शत्रूनचिरान्नात्र संशयः।।4.36.15।।,"'O Sugriva with you as associate, valiant hero Rama will kill his enemies in war very soon. There is no doubt about it." धर्मज्ञस्य कृतज्ञस्य सङ्ग्रामेष्वनिवर्तिनः।उपपन्नं च युक्तं च सुग्रीव तव भाषितम्।।4.36.16।।,'O Sugriva you know dharma.You are grateful and will not turn back from the battle. So your words are true and befitting. दोषज्ञस्सति सामर्थ्ये कोऽन्यो भाषितुमर्हति।वर्जयित्वा मम ज्येष्ठं त्वां च वानरसत्तम।।4.36.17।।,"'O best of monkeys barring you and my elder brother, who else would be capable of speaking this way about themselves even when you are aware of other's faults?" सदृशश्चासि रामस्य विक्रमेण बलेन च।सहायो दैवतैर्दत्तश्चिराय हरिपुङ्गव।।4.36.18।।,"'You who are equal to Rama in valour and strength, will continue to be the gift of gods to us for long." किं तु शीघ्रमितो वीर निष्क्रम त्वं मया सह।सान्त्वयस्व वयस्यं च त्वं भार्याहरणकर्शितम्।।4.36.19।।, 'Nevertheless I want you to proceed from here with me at once and reassure your friend who is agrieved due to the abduction of his wife. यच्च शोकाभिभूतस्य श्रुत्वा रामस्य भाषितम्।मया त्वं परुषाण्युक्तस्तच्चत्वं क्षन्तु मर्हसि।।4.36.20।।,"इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामयणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे षट्त्रिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the thirtysix sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki." [Countless monkeys report to Sugriva]एवमुक्तस्तु सुग्रीवो लक्ष्मणेन महात्मना।हनूमन्तं स्थितं पार्श्वे सचिवन्त्विदमब्रवीत्।।4.37.1।।,"Having heard the great Lakshmana Sugriva said to Hanuman, the minister who stood by his side:" महेन्द्रहिमवद्विन्ध्यकैलासशिखरेषु च।मन्दरे पाण्डुशिखरे पञ्चशैलेषु ये स्थिताः।।4.37.2।।तरुणादित्यवर्णेषु भ्राजमानेषु सर्वतः।पर्वतेषु समुद्रान्ते पश्चिमायां च ये दिशि।।4.37.3।।आदित्यभवने चैव गिरौ सन्ध्याभ्रसन्निभे।पद्मातालवनं भीमं संश्रिता हरिपुङ्गवाः।।4.37.4।।अञ्जनाम्बुदसङ्काशाः कुञ्जरप्रतिमौजसः।अञ्जने पर्वते चैव ये वसन्ति प्लवङ्गमाः।।4.37.5।।मनश्शिला गुहावासा वानराः कनकप्रभाः।मेरुपार्श्वगताश्चैव ये धूम्रगिरिं संश्रिताः।।4.37.6।।तरुणादित्यवर्णाश्च पर्वते ये महारुणे।पिबन्तो मधुमैरेयं भीमवेगाः प्लवङ्गमाः।।4.37.7।।वनेषु च सुरम्येषु सुगन्धिषु महत्सु च।तापसानां च रम्येषु वनान्तेषु समन्ततः।।4.37.8।।तांस्तां स्त्वमानय क्षिप्रं पृथिव्यां सर्ववानरान्।सामदानादिभि: स्सर्वैराशु प्रेषय वानरान्।।4.37.9।।,"'Send for the monkeys residing at the five mountains of Mahendra, Himavan, Vindhya, Kailasa and the whitepeaked mount Mandara those monkeys residing on the western mountains, on the sea shore and on mount Udaya shining like the rising Sun monkeys like dark clouds shining in the twilight Sun those at the fierce Padmatala garden and those at the Anjana mountain who resemble dark clouds like collyrium and are as strong as elephants those monkeys of golden complexion residing at the red arsenic mountain caves beside mount Meru those on mount Meru and Dhumra who are of bright red colour like the rising Sun drinking liquor Maireya the monkeys of terrific speed at mount Maharuna those staying at the delightful hermitages in the forests, and those living on the ground all must be cajoled and persuaded to report at once." प्रेषिताः प्रथमं ये च मयादूता महाजवाः।त्वरणार्थं तु भूयस्त्वं हरीन् सम्प्रेषयापरान्।।4.37.10।।,'This is in addition to the monkeys for whom swiftfooted messengers have already been sent. ये प्रसक्ताश्च कामेषु दीर्घसूत्राश्च वानराः।इहाऽनयस्व तान् सर्वान् शीघ्रं तु मम शासनात्।।4.37.11।।,'Get all the monkeys including those engaged in carnal pleasures and those slow in movement all at once on my command. अहोभिर्दशभिर्ये च नागच्छन्ति ममाज्ञया।हन्तव्यास्ते दुरात्मानो राजशासनदूषकाः।।4.37.12।।,'Kill those evilminded ones within ten days for disobeying the royal orders. शतान्यथ सहस्राणां कोट्यश्च मम शासनात्।प्रयान्तु कपिसिंहानां दिशो मम मते स्थिताः।।4.37.13।।,'The hundreds of thousands of crores of obedient lionlike monkeys should proceed in all directions at my command. मेघपर्वतसङ्काशाश्छादयन्त इवाम्बरम्।घोररूपाः कपिश्रेष्ठा यान्तु मच्छासनादितः।।4.37.14।।,"'Fierce monkeys, comparable to clouds and mountains in appearance shall go as though covering the sky from here at my command." ते गतिज्ञा गतिं ज्ञात्वा पृथिव्यां सर्ववानराः।आनयन्तु हरीन् सर्वांस्त्वरिता शसनान्मम।।4.37.15।।, तस्य वानर राजस्य श्रुत्वा वायुसुतो वचः।दिक्षु सर्वासु विक्रान्तान्प्रेषयामास वानरान्।।4.37.16।।,"Having heard Sugriva's command, Hanuman, son of the Windgod, sent powerful monkeys in all directions." ते पदं विष्णुविक्रान्तं पतत्रिज्योतिरध्वगाः।प्रयाताः प्रहिता राज्ञा हरयस्तत्क्षणेन वै।।4.37.17।।,"The monkeys ordered by the king, traversed the pathway of birds and heavenly bodies, the path Lord Visnu had trod. [Note: the sky is called Vishnupada since Lord Visnu set his foot on the sky in his incarnation as Vamana.] " ते समुद्रेषु गिरिषु वनेषु च सरस्सु च।वानरा वानरान्सर्वान्रामहेतोरचोदयन्।।4.37.18।।,"The messenger monkeys drove in all those living on the sea shore, mountains, forests as well as banks of lakes in order to serve the cause of Rama. " मृत्युकालोपमस्याऽज्ञां राजराजस्य वानराः।सुग्रीवस्याययु श्श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवभयदर्शिनः।।4.37.19।।,"In response to the command of the king, who was like death to them, the monkeys came at once, driven by fear from Sugriva." ततस्तेऽञ्जनसङ्काशा गिरेस्तस्मान्महाजवाः।तिस्रः कोट्यः प्लवङ्गानां निर्ययुर्यत्र राघवः।।4.37.20।।,"Then three crores of swiftfooted monkeys, dark like collyrium, rushed forth to the mountain to meet Rama." अस्तं गच्छति यत्रार्कस्तस्मिन्गिरिवरे स्थिताः।सन्तप्त हेममहाभासस्तस्मात्कोट्यो दश च्युताः।।4.37.21।।,"Ten crores of monkeys shining like pure molten gold, staying on the best of mountains where the Sun sets moved towards Kishkinda. " कैलासशिखरेभ्यश्च सिंहकेसरवर्चसाम्।ततः कोटिसहस्राणि वानराणामुपागमन्।।4.37.22।।,From the peaks of Kailasa mountain moved out one thousand crores of monkeys who were of bright colour like the lion's mane. फलमूलेन जीवन्तो हिमवन्तमुपाश्रिताः।तेषां कोटिसहस्राणां सहस्रं समवर्तत।।4.37.23।।,"Then monkeys residing at mount Himavan feeding on fruits and roots came in thousands of crores. (This number is called Shankha 1000,000,000,000,0, it is one digit higher than Mahapadma.)" अङ्गारकसमानानां भीमानां भीमकर्मणाम्।विन्ध्याद्वानरकोटीनां सहस्राण्यपतन्द्रुतम्।।4.37.24।।,From the Vindhya mountain came down thousands of crores of swiftfooted monkeys of terrific deeds. They were fierce like fire (Angaraka). क्षीरोदवेलानिलयास्तमालवनवासिनः।नारिकेलाशनाश्चैव तेषां सङ्ख्या न विद्यते।।4.37.25।।,The monkeys residents of Tamala forest on the shores of the ocean of milk feeding on coconuts arrived from the groves in countless number. वनेभ्यो गह्वरेभ्यश्च सरिद्भ्यश्च महाजवा।आगच्छद्वानरी सेना पिबन्तीव दिवाकरम्।।4.37.26।।,"An army of swiftmoving monkeys came from the caves, from the banks of rivers and forests as though it was swallowing up the Sungod." ये तु त्वरयितुं याता वानरास्सर्ववानरान्।ते वीरा हिमवच्छैलं ददृशुस्तं महाद्रुमम्।।4.37.27।।,The monkeys sent earlier to hasten all their counterparts saw mount Himavat from the great tree. तस्मिन्गिरिवरे रम्ये यज्ञो माहेश्वरः पुरा।सर्वदेवमनस्तोषो बभौ दिव्यो मनोहरः।।4.37.28।।,"A divine, wonderful, delightful Yagna dedicated to Lord Siva used to be performed on the beautiful (Himalayan) mountain in the past so that the minds of all deities were satisfied." अन्ननिष्यन्दजातानि मूलानि च फलानि च।अमृतास्वादकल्पानि ददृशुस्तत्र वानराः।।4.37.29।।,"There the monkeys saw the Yajna, and partook the fruits and roots produced out of the havis which tasted sweet like nectar." तदन्नसम्भवं दिव्यं फलमूलं मनोहरम्।यः कश्चित्सकृदश्नाति मासं भवति तर्पितः।।4.37.30।।,"Any one who shares even a little of the divine, delicious fruits and roots grown out of that havis will have no hunger or thirst for a month." तानि मूलानि दिव्यानि फलानि च फलाशनाः।औषधानि च दिव्यानि जगृहुर्हरियूथपाः।।4.37.31।।,"The monkey leaders who lived on fruits collected the divine fruits, roots as well as medicinal herbs." तस्माच्च यज्ञायतनात्पुष्पाणि सुरभीणि च।आनिन्युर्वानरा गत्वा सुग्रीवप्रियकारणात्।।4.37.32।।,The monkeys also collected finesmelling flowers from the sacrificial altar to please Sugriva with. ते तु सर्वे हरिवराः पृथिव्यां सर्ववानरान्।सञ्चोदयित्वा त्वरिता यूथानां जग्मुरग्रतः।।4.37.33।।,"The monkey leaders from all over the earth arrived quickly, leading the hordes of them." ते तु तेन मुहूर्तेन यूथपाश्शीघ्रगामिनः।किष्किन्धां त्वरया प्राप्ता स्सुग्रीवो यत्र वानरः।।4.37.34।।,In a short while the swiftmoving leaders of the monkeys groups reached Kishkinda quickly. ते गृहीत्वौषधीस्सर्वाः फलमूलं च वानराः।तं प्रतिग्राहयामासुर्वचनं चेदमब्रुवन्।।4.37.35।।,"Offering all kinds of medicinal herbs, fruits and roots collected, to Sugriva the monkeys said:" सर्वे परिगताश्शैलास्समुद्राश्च वनानि च।पृथिव्यां वानरास्सर्वे शासनादुपयान्ति ते।।4.37.36।।, एवं श्रुत्वा ततो हृष्ट स्सुग्रीवः प्लवगाधिपः।प्रतिजग्राह तत्प्रतीतस्तेषां सर्वमुपायनम्।।4.37.37।।,"On hearing the report from the monkeys, Sugriva the king of vanaras, accepted all the gifts they had brought him, with great pleasure.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे सप्तत्रिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the thirtyseventh sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, of the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva expresses his indebtedness to Rama -- armies of monkeys of varied forms and strength from different parts of the earth arrive.] प्रतिगृह्य च तत्सर्वमुपायनमुपाहृतम्।वानरान्सान्त्वयित्वा च सर्वानेव व्यसर्जयत्।।4.38.1।।,"On receiving all the gifts presented by the monkeys, Sugriva permitted them to go happy." विसर्जयित्वा स हरीन् शूरांस्तान्कृतकर्मणः।मेने कृतार्थमात्मानं राघवं च महाबलम्।।4.38.2।।,The monkey heroes sent by Sugriva performed the task assigned to them and felt powerful Rama's task has been achieved (a successful beginning has been made). स लक्ष्मणो भीमबलं सर्ववानरसत्तमम्।अब्रवीत्प्रश्रितं वाक्यं सुग्रीवं सम्प्रहर्षयन्।।4.38.3।।किष्किन्धाया विनिष्क्राम यदि ते सौम्य रोचते।," Cheering Sugriva, the foremost among the monkeys, the mighty Lakshmana said in a humble way: 'O goodnatured Sugriva if you would like to come to Rama let us depart from Kishkinda." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा लक्ष्मणस्य सुभाषितम्।।4.38.4।।सुग्रीवः परमप्रीतो वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह।एवं भवतु गच्छाव: स्थेयं त्वच्छासने मया।।4.38.5।।,"Hearing the gentle words of Lakshmana, spoken lovingly in that manner and asking him to come along with him, Sugriva was highly pleased.He agreed to go with him and said, 'As you please. I abide by your command'." तमेवमुक्त्वा सुग्रीवो लक्ष्मणं शुभलक्षणम्।विसर्जयामास तदा तारामन्याश्च योषितः।।4.38.6।।,"Sugriva spoke to Lakshmana endowed with auspicious signs, and thereupon permitted Tara and other women to leave the place." एतेत्युच्चैर्हरिवरान्सुग्रीवस्समुदाहरत्।तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा हरयश्शीघ्रमाययुः।।4.38.7।।बद्धाञ्जलिपुटास्सर्वे ये स्युः स्त्रीदर्शनक्षमाः।,Sugriva called in the monkeys who deserved audience of the female folk of the royal family. They came forward quickly with folded hands welcoming the heroes. तानुवाच ततः प्राप्तान्राजाऽर्कसदृशप्रभः।।4.38.8।।उपस्थापयत क्षिप्रं शिबिकां मम वानराः।,"Then seeing the monkeys who had come there, king Sugriva who was shining like the Sungod asked them to get a palanquin ready at once." श्रुत्वा तु वचनं तस्य हरयश्शीघ्रविक्रमाः।।4.38.9।।समुपस्थापयामासुश्शिबिकां प्रियदर्शनाम्।,"On hearing the king, the monkeys who were quick to act placed a beautiful palanquin in front of him." तामुपस्थापितां दृष्ट्वा शिबिकां वानराधिपः।।4.38.10।।लक्ष्मणाऽरुह्यतां शीघ्रमिति सौमित्रिमब्रवीत्।,"Seeing the palanquin placed in front of Sugriva, the chief of the monkeys requested Lakshmana to get in quickly." इत्युक्त्वा काञ्चनं यानं सुग्रीवस्सूर्यसन्निभम्।।4.38.11।।बृहद्भिर्हरिभिर्युक्तमारुरोह सलक्ष्मणः।,"With this Sugriva, shining like the Sungod, entered along with Lakshmana the golden palanquin carried by ablebodied monkeys. " पाण्डुरेणातपत्रेण म्रियमाणेन मूर्धनि।।4.38.12।।शुक्लैश्च वालव्यजनैर्धूयमानैस्समन्ततः।शङ्खभेरीनिनादैश्च हरिभिश्चाभिवन्दितः।।4.38.13।।निर्ययौ प्राप्य सुग्रीवो राज्यश्रियमनुत्तमाम्।,"With a pale white umbrella over his head, white yaktail fans and sounds of conches and drums, Sugriva set out receiving greetings from monkeys, rejoicing in his royal glory. " स वानरशतैस्तीक्ष्णैर्बहुभि श्शस्त्रपाणिभिः।।4.38.14।।परिकीर्णो ययौ तत्र यत्र रामो व्यवस्थितः।,"Surrounded by hundreds of monkeys wielding various sharp weapons, Sugriva went forth to the region where Rama resided৷৷" स तं देशमनुप्राप्य श्रेष्ठं रामनिषेवितम्।।4.38.15।।अवातरन्महातेजा श्शिबिकायास्सलक्ष्मणः।,"Having reached the place where Rama lived, brilliant Sugriva along with Lakshmana descended from the palanquin." आसाद्य च ततो रामं कृताञ्जलिपुटोऽभवत्।।4.38.16।।कृताञ्जलौ स्थिते तस्मिन्वानराश्चाभवंस्तथा।,"Thereafter Sugriva followed by the monkeys approached Rama, and stood with folded hands." तटाकमिव तं दृष्ट्वा रामः कुड्मलपङ्कजम्।।4.38.17।।वानराणां महत्सैन्यं सुग्रीवे प्रीतिमानभूत्।,"Rama was pleased on beholding the great army of monkeys standing, resembling a pond full of lotus buds. " पादयोः पतितं मूर्ध्ना तमुत्थाप्य हरीश्वरम्।।4.38.18।।प्रेम्णा च बहुमानाच्च राघवः परिषस्वजे।,"Sugriva touched Rama's feet, bending his head down, and Rama lifted him up and embraced him with love and great regard." परिष्वज्य च धर्मात्मा निषीदेति ततोऽब्रवीत्।।4.38.19।।निषण्णं तं ततो दृष्ट्वा क्षितौ रामोऽब्रवीद्वचः।,"Embracing him, Rama offered him a seat on the ground and said:" धर्ममर्थं च कामं च यस्तु काले निषेवते।।4.38.20।।विभज्य सततं वीर स्स राजा हरिसत्तम।," 'O best among the heroic monkeys, a king who apportions his time properly towards pursuit of dharma, artha and kama is a hero and deserves to be a king." हित्वा धर्मं तथाऽर्थं च कामं यस्तु निषेवते।।4.38.21।।स वृक्षाग्रे यथा सुप्तः पतितः प्रतिबुध्यते।,"'One who neglects dharma and artha and pursues only kama (sensuous enjoyment) is like a man asleep on top of the tree, waking up only to realize that he has fallen down." अमित्राणां वधे युक्तो मित्राणां सङ्ग्रहे रतः।।4.38.22।।त्रिवर्गफलभोक्ता तु राजा धर्मेण युज्यते।, उद्योगसमयस्त्वेषप्राप्तश्शत्रुविनाशन।।4.38.23।।सञ्चिन्त्यतां हि पिङ्गेश हरिभिस्सह मन्त्रिभिः।," 'O king of monkeys, slayer of enemies the time to act has arrived. Think of the strategies with your ministers and other monkeys." एवमुक्तस्तु सुग्रीवो रामं वचनमब्रवीत्।।4.38.24।।प्रणष्टा श्रीश्च कीर्तिश्च कपिराज्यं च शाश्वतम्।त्वत्प्रसादान्महाबाहो पुनःप्राप्तमिदं मया।।4.38.25।।,"On hearing this, Sugriva said to Rama,'O longarmed one the fortune, fame and soverignty of vanaras which was lost has been regained only by your grace." तव देव प्रसादाच्च भ्रातुश्च जयतां वर।कृतं न प्रतिकुर्याद्यः पुरुषाणां स दूषकः।।4.38.26।।,'O victorious lord he who does not repay the help got through your grace and your brother's is despicable among men. एते वानरमूख्याश्च शतशश्शत्रुसूदन।प्राप्ताश्चादाय बलिनः पृथिव्यां सर्ववानरान्।।4.38.27।।,'O destroyer of enemies hundreds of strong vanara chiefs gathered from all over the earth have reached here. ऋक्षाश्चावहिताश्शूरा गोलाङ्गूलाश्च राघव।कान्तारवनदुर्गाणामभिज्ञा घोरदर्शनाः।।4.38.28।।देवगन्धर्वपुत्राश्च वानराः कामरूपिणः।स्वैस्स्वै: परिवृतास्सैन्यैर्वर्तन्ते पथि राघव।।4.38.29।।,"'O Rama valiant bears of fierce appearance, also golangulas (a variety of monkeys with tails like cows') familiar with the inaccessible fortresses of forest have come. These monkeys are sons of divine beings and gandharvas who can assume any form at will. They are on their way along with their armies." शतैश्शतसहस्रैश्च वर्तन्ते कोटिभिश्च प्लवङ्गमाः।अयुतैश्चावृता वीराश्शङ्कुभिश्च परन्तप ।।4.38.30।।अर्बुदैरर्बुदशतैर्मध्यैश्चान्त्यैश्च वानराः।समुद्रैश्च परार्धैश्च हरयो हरियूथपाः।।4.38.31।।आगमिष्यन्ति ते राजन्महेन्द्रसमविक्रमाः।मेरुमन्दरसङ्काशा विन्ध्य मेरुकृतालयाः।।4.38.32।।,"O scorcher of enemies the vanara troops in hundred thousand crores, ayutas, sanku, arbuda, hundreds of arbudas, madhyas, antyas, samudras and parardhas (100000000000000000), are expected. O king they are residents of Vindhya and Meru mountains, comparable to lord Indra in courage and appear like mountains Meru and Mandara." ते त्वामभिगमिष्यन्ति राक्षसं ये सबान्धवम्।निहत्य रावणं सख्ये ह्यानयिष्यन्ति मैथिलीम्।।4.38.33।।,'The monkeys who can kill ogre Ravana and his relatives in battle and bring back Maithili will be arriving shortly. ततस्तमुद्योगमवेक्ष्य बुद्धिमान्हरिप्रवीरस्य निदेशवर्तिनः।बभूव हर्षाद्वसुधाधिपात्मजःप्रबुद्धनीलोत्पलतुल्यदर्शनः।।4.38.34।।,"The wise statesman, Rama observing the efforts of Sugriva and his attendants looked like a blooming blue lotus through delight.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे अष्टत्रिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends of thirtyeighth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana, composed by sage Valmiki." "[Sugriva gives an account of the arrival of his army, in thousands and thousands of crores -- Rama expresses his gratefulness to Sugriva.]इति ब्रुवाणं सुग्रीवं रामो धर्मभृतां वरः।बाहुभ्यां सम्परिष्वज्य प्रत्युवाच कृताञ्जलिम्।।4.39.1।।","On hearing Sugriva who stood with folded hands, Rama, the foremost among the upholders of righteousness, hugged him and said:" यदिन्द्रो वर्षते वर्षं न तच्चित्रं भवेत्क्वचित्।आदित्यो वा सहस्रांशुः कुर्याद्वितिमिरं नभः।।4.39.2।।चन्द्रमा रश्मिभिः कुर्यात्पृथिवीं सौम्य निर्मलाम्।त्वद्विधो वाऽपि मित्राणां प्रतिकुर्यात्परन्तप ।।4.39.3।।,"'O scorcher of enemies, gentle Sugriva it will not be strange if Indra showers rain, if the Sun in the sky dispels darkness with his thousand rays, and if the Moon cools down the earth with his light, and a person like you helps his friend. " एवं त्वयि न तच्चित्रं भवेद्यत्सौम्य शोभनम्।जानाम्यहं त्वां सुग्रीव सततं प्रियवादिनम्।।4.39.4।।,'O gentle Sugriva this your help to me is not surprising. You always help your friends and speak in a pleasing manner. त्वत्सनाथ: सखे सङ्ख्ये जेताऽस्मि सकलानरीन्।त्वमेव मे सुहृतन्मित्रं साहाय्यं कर्तुमर्हसि।।4.39.5।।,'O friend I will win over all enemies in war supported by you.You are a goodhearted friend and you alone should help me. जहारात्मविनाशाय वैदेहीं राक्षसाधमः।वञ्चयित्वा तु पौलोमीमनुह्लादो यथा शचीम्।।4.39.6।।,"Just as Anuhlada (son of Hiranyakasipu and brother of Prahlada) took away, Poulomi (Sachi, daughter of Puloma) deceiving Indra, this lowly demon took away Sita, daughter of the king of Videha." न चिरात्तं हनिष्यामि रावणं निशितैश्शरैः।पौलोम्याः पितरं दृप्तं शतक्रतुरिवाऽहवे।।4.39.7।।,"'I will kill Ravana with my sharp arrows just as Indra, (who had done a hundred sacrifices) killed the proud father of Poulomi." एतस्मिन्नन्तरे चैव रजस्समभिवर्तत।उष्णां तीव्रां सहस्रांशोश्छादयद्गगने प्रभाम्।।4.39.8।।,In the mean while the dust raised (by army of monkeys) all over obscured the intense heat from the sky and the radiance of the thousandrayed Sun. दिशः पर्याकुलाश्चासन्रजसा तेन मूर्छता।चचाल च मही सर्वा सशैलवनकानना।।4.39.9।।,"By the spreading of dust, the quarters were not visible.The earth including the mountains gardens and forests was shaken up." ततो नगेन्द्रसङ्काशैस्तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रैर्महाबलैः।कृत्स्ना सञ्छादिता भूमिरसङ्ख्येयैः प्लवङ्गमैः।।4.39.10।।निमेषान्तरमात्रेण ततस्तैर्हरियूथपैः।कोटीशतपरीवारैः कामरूपिभिरावृता।।4.39.11।।नादेयैः पार्वतीयैश्च सामुद्रैश्च महाबलैः।हरिभिर्मेघनिर्ह्रादैरन्यैश्च वनचारिभिः।।4.39.12।।तरुणादित्यवर्णैश्च शशिगौरैश्च वानरैः।पद्मकेसरवर्णैश्च श्वेतैर्मेरुकृतालयैः।।4.39.13।।,"In a minute, the entire land was crowded with innumerable powerful monkeys of the size of mountains having sharp fangs.The monkey leaders with a hundred crore monkey followers, who could assume any form at their will mighty monkeys from the mountains, rivers and seas vanaras thundering like clouds and other free vanaras who were wanderers vanaras red in colour like the rising Sun, tawny coloured ones like the Moon some who were of the hue of white lotus filaments and some vanaras residing in mount Meru came there." कोटीसहस्रैर्दशभिः श्रीमान्परिवृतस्तदा।वीरश्शतवलिर्नाम वानरः प्रत्यदृश्यत।।4.39.14।।,"Then appeared the glorious warrior named Satavali, followed by ten thousand crore of monkeys." ततः काञ्चनशैलाभस्ताराया वीर्यवान्पिता।अनेकैर्दशसाहस्रैः कोटिभिः प्रत्यदृश्यत।।4.39.15।।,(Next came) the valiant father of Tara of golden complexion like mount Meru followed by ten thousand crore of vanaras. तथाऽपरेण कोटीनां सहस्रेण समन्वितः।पिता रुमाया सम्प्राप्तस्सुग्रीवश्वशुरो विभुः।।4.39.16।।,"Likewise mighty father of Ruma, fatherinlaw of Sugriva, reached there accompanied by a thousand crore monkeys." पद्मकेसरसङ्काशस्तरुणार्कनिभाननः।बुद्धिमान्वानरश्रेष्ठस्सर्ववानरसत्तमः।।4.39.17।।अनेकैर्बहुसाहस्रैर्वानराणां समन्वितः।पिता हनुमतश्रशीमान्केसरी प्रत्यदृश्यत।।4.39.18।।,"Then arrived Kesari, the wise and illustrious monkey, foremost and the best among vanaras, father of Hanuman. He was of the colour of lotus filaments and his countenance was red like the early morning Sun. He was accompanied by many thousands of monkeys. " गोलाङ्गूलमहाराजो गवाक्षो भीमविक्रमः।वृतः कोटिसहस्रेण वानराणामदृश्यत।।4.39.19।।,"Next arrived Gavaksha, king of Langurs (whose tail resembled the cow's), of fierceful courage surrounded by a thousand crore of vanaras." ऋक्षाणां भीमवेगानां धूम्रश्शत्रुनिबर्हणः।वृतः कोटिसहस्राभ्यां द्वाभ्यां समभिवर्तत।।4.39.20।।,"Dhumra, destroyer of enemies, came next followed by two thousand crore of bears of terrible speed." महाचलनिभैर्घोरै: पनसो नाम यूथपः।आजगाम महावीर्यस्तिसृभिः कोटिभिर्वृतः।।4.39.21।।,"Similarly, the great warrior named Panasa, leader of the troop, reported with three crore dreadful vanaras of the size of huge mountains. " नीलाञ्जनचयाकारो नीलो नामाऽथ यूथपः।अदृश्यत महाकायः कोटिभिर्दशभिर्वृतः।।4.39.22।।,"Then appeared Nila of huge body, dark like a mountain of collyrium accompanied by ten crore vanaras." ततः काञ्चनशैलाभो गवयो नाम यूथपः।आजगाम महावीर्यः पञ्चभि: कोटिभिर्वृतः।।4.39.23।।,"Then arrived the leader of five crore vanaras, the great warrior Gavaya who resembled a golden mountain." दरीमुखश्च बलवान्यूथपोऽभ्याययौ तदा।वृतः कोटिसहस्रेण सुग्रीवं समुपस्थितः।।4.39.24।।,"Then the strong Darimukha, leader of a thousand crore monkeys approached Sugriva." मैन्दश्च द्विविदश्चोभावश्विपुत्रौ महाबलौ।कोटिकोटिसहस्रेण वानराणामदृश्यताम्।।4.39.25।।,"Two very powerful sons of Asvini, Mainda and Dvivida, appeared with a thousand crore vanaras." गजश्च बलवान् वीर: कोटिभिस्तिसृभिर्वृतः।आजगाम महातेजा सुग्रीवस्य समीपतः।।4.39.26।।,Strong and powerful Gaja also reached Sugriva with three crore vanaras. ऋक्षराजो महातेजा जाम्बवान्नाम नामतः।कोटिभिर्दशभिः प्राप्तः सुग्रीवस्य वशे स्थितः।।4.39.27।।,"Glorious Jambavan, king of bears, stood before Sugriva with ten thousand crore vanaras." रुमण्वान्नाम विक्रान्तो वानरो वानरेश्वरम्।आययौ बलवांस्तूर्णं कोटीशतसमावृतः।।4.39.28।।,Sturdy and victorious vanara called Rumanvan came swiftly followed by a hundred crore vanaras. ततः कोटिसहस्राणां सहस्रेण शतेन च।पृष्ठतोऽनुगतः प्राप्तो हरिभिर्गन्धमादनः।।4.39.29।।,Then came Gandhamadana with a hundred thousand crore of vanaras following him. ततः पद्मसहस्रेण वृतश्शङ्कुशतेन च।युवराजोऽङ्गदः प्राप्तः पितृतुल्यपराक्रमः।।4.39.30।।,"Then arrived the heir apparent, Angada, whose prowess is comparable to that of his father with him came a thousand padmas and a hundred sankus of followers." ततस्ताराद्युतिस्तारो हरिर्भीमपराक्रमः।पञ्चभिर्हरिकोटीभिर्दूरतः प्रत्यदृश्यत।।4.39.31।।,And Tara (brother of Ruma's father) of terrific valour shining like a star showed up at a distance with five crore vanaras. इन्द्रजानुः कपिर्वीरो यूथपः प्रत्यदृश्यत।एकादशानां कोटीनामीश्वरस्तैस्समावृतः।।4.39.32।।,Then Indrajanu the troop leader and chief of vanaras appeared along with eleven crore monkeys. ततो रम्भस्त्वनुप्राप्तस्तरुणादित्यसन्निभः।अयुतेनावृतश्चैव सहस्रेण शतेन च।।4.39.33।।,Thereafter Rambha of the colour of the rising Sun brought together an army of one thousand and one hundred ayuta troops. ततो यूथपतिर्वीरो दुर्मुखो नाम वानरः।प्रत्यदृश्यत कोटीभ्यां द्वाभ्यां परिवृतो बली।।4.39.34।।,"Thereafter the mighty hero, leader of the troop, by name Durmukha appeared with two crore vanaras." कैलासशिखराकारैर्वानरैर्भीमविक्रमैः।वृतः कोटिसहस्रेण हनुमान्प्रत्यदृश्यत।।4.39.35।।,And Hanuman showed up surrounded by a thousand crore vanaras of frightful valour. They looked like the peaks of Kailasa mountain. नलश्चापि महावीर्यस्संवृतो द्रुमवासिभिः।कोटीशतेन सम्प्राप्तस्सहस्रेण शतेन च।।4.39.36।।,Valiant Nala also arrived surrounded by a hundred crore and a hundred thousand treedwellers (monkeys). ततो दधिमुखश्रीमान्कोटिभिर्दशभिर्वृतः।सम्प्राप्तोऽभिमतस्तस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।।4.39.37।।,"Then the illustrious Dadhimukha, great Sugriva's favourite leader reached with ten crore vanaras." शरभः कुमुदो वह्निर्वानरो रंह एव च।एते चान्ये च बहवो वानराः कामरूपिणः।।4.39.38।।आवृत्य पृथिवीं सर्वां पर्वतांश्च वनानि च।यूथपा स्समनुप्राप्ता स्तेषां संख्या न विद्यते।।4.39.39।।आगताश्च विशिष्टाश्च पृथिव्यां सर्ववानराः।,"Sarabha, Kumuda, Vahni and Ramhi and many other vanara troops who can assume any form at their will and others from all over the land, mountains and forest advanced towards Sugriva. All the outstanding vanaras of the earth came and covered the land. " आप्लवन्तः प्लवन्तश्च गर्जन्तश्च प्लवङ्गमाः।अभ्यवर्तन्त सुग्रीवं सूर्यमभ्रगणा इव।।4.39.40।।,"The monkeys came leaping, jumping and roaring in enthusiasm and surrounded Sugriva just as clouds surround the Sun." कुर्वाणा बहुशब्दांश्च प्रहृष्टा बाहुशालिनः।शिरोभिर्वानरेन्द्राय सुग्रीवाय न्यवेदयन्।।4.39.41।।,"The leaders of monkeys possesing sturdy shoulders made many kinds of noises and reported to Sugriva, bending their heads in reverence." अपरे वानरश्रेष्ठास्सङ्गम्य च यथोचितम्।सुग्रीवेण समागम्य स्थिताः प्राञ्जलय स्तदा।।4.39.42।।,"Thereafter the vanaras came close to Sugriva freely and on reaching him stood, offering salutations with folded hands." सुग्रीवस्त्वरितो रामे सर्वांस्तां वानररर्षभान्।निवेदयित्वा धर्मज्ञः स्थितः प्राञ्जलिरब्रवीत्।।4.39.43।।,"Sugriva, knower of dharma, at once presented all the prominent vanaras to Rama, and standing with folded hands said." यथासुखं पर्वतनिझरेषुवनेषु सर्वेषु च वानरेन्द्राः।निवेशयित्वा विधिवद्बलानिबलं बलज्ञः प्रतिपत्तुमीष्टे।।4.39.44।।,"Sugriva told the chiefs to station the forces by the side of swift mountain streams, in forests, and hills and ascertain their exact number.इत्यार्ष श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे एकोनचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the thirtyninth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva asks the army to move eastward -- description of eastern direction.]अथ राजा समृद्धार्थस्सुग्रीवः प्लवगेश्वरः।उवाच नरशार्दूलं रामं परबलार्दनम्।।4.40.1।।,"Sugriva, lord of monkeys, who was supported by a massive army informed Rama, the tiger among men and a crusher of the enemy army" आगता विनिविष्टाश्च बलिनः कामरूपिणः।वानरा वारणेन्द्रभा: ये मद्विषयवासिनः।।4.40.2।।,'The vanaras living in my kingdom have come and have settled down. They are strong and huge like elephants and they can assume any form at will. त इमे बहुविक्रान्तैर्हरिभिर्भीमविक्रमैः।आगता वानरा घोरा दैत्यदानवसन्निभाः।।4.40.3।।,"'Dreadful monkeys, powerful monkeys of fierce valour who resemble demons in form, have arrived. " ख्यातकर्मापदानाश्च बलवन्तो जितक्लमाः।पराक्रमेषु विख्याता व्यवसायेषु चोत्तमाः।।4.40.4।।पृथिव्यम्बुचरा राम नानानगनिवासिनः।कोट्यग्रश इमे प्राप्ता वानरास्तव किङ्कराः।।4.40.5।।,"Powerful vanaras who have earned fame for their valiant deeds in the past, those who are indefatigable and wellknown for their valour having gained preeminence through their efforts and living on several mountains, those who can move on the earth as well as water, crores of them have arrived." निदेशवर्तिनस्सर्वे सर्वे गुरुहिते रताः।अभिप्रेतमनुष्ठातुं तव शक्ष्यन्त्यरिन्दम।।4.40.6।।,"'O Rama,the subduer of foes all of them will follow your command.They are engaged in seeking the wellbeing of elders and can fulfil your wish. " त इमे बहुसाहस्रैरनीकै भीमविक्रमैः।आगता वानरा घोरा दैत्यदानवसन्निभा:।।4.40.7।।,'Dreadful monkeys who resemble demons have arrived along with thousands of fierce fighters. यन्मन्यसे नरव्याघ्र प्राप्तकालं तदुच्यताम्।तत्सैन्यं त्वद्वशे युक्तमाज्ञापयितुमर्हसि।।4.40.8।।,'O tiger among men announce the proper time for action. This army is at your command. Command them. काममेषामिदं कार्यं विदितं मम तत्त्वतः।तथापि तु यथातत्त्वमाज्ञापयितुमर्हसि।।4.40.9।।, इति ब्रुवाणं सुग्रीवं रामो दशरथात्मजः।बाहुभ्यां सम्परिष्वज्य इदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।4.40.10।।,"On hearing him, Rama, Dasaratha's son, hugged Sugriva with his arms and said:" ज्ञायतां मम वैदेही यदि जीवति वा न वा।स च देशो महाप्राज्ञ यस्मिन्वसति रावणः।।4.40.11।।,'O wise warrior I wish to know whether Vaidehi is alive or not. Let the kingdom of Ravana be found out. अधिगम्य तु वैदेहीं निलयं रावणस्य च।प्राप्तकालं विधास्यामि तस्मिन्काले सह त्वया।।4.40.12।।,'On locating Vaidehi in the kingdom of Ravana I shall take up proper course of action in conjunction with you. नाहमस्मिन् प्रभुः कार्ये वानरेश न लक्ष्मणः।त्वमस्य हेतुः कार्यस्य प्रभुश्च प्लवगेश्वर।।4.40.13।।,'O lord of monkeys neither I nor my brother Lakshmana should command the monkeys. You are the right person to do it. त्वमेवाऽज्ञापय विभो मम कार्यविनिश्चयम्।त्वं हि जानासि यत्कार्यं मम वीर न संशयः।।4.40.14।।,"'O king you have understood the task to be performed and, therefore, issue orders without the least hesitation. " सुहृद्वितीयो विक्रान्तः प्राज्ञः कालविशेषवित्।भवानस्मध्दिते युक्त स्सुकृतार्थोऽर्थवित्तमः।।4.40.15।।,'You are my second friend (Lakshmana being the first). You are valiant as well as wise. You are aware of timely action. You are interested in my wellbeing. You are capable. You know my purpose. You are a startegic planner'. (The present purpose is to plan the course of action. That is artha. Sugriva knows this artha very well). एवमुक्तस्तु सुग्रीवो विनतं नाम यूथपम्।अब्रवीद्रामसान्निध्ये लक्ष्मणस्य च धीमतः।।4.40.16।।शैलाभं मेघनिर्घोषमूर्जितं प्लवगेश्वरः।,"'In response to Rama's desire, Sugriva beckoned a troopleader called Vinata who was wellbuilt and lofty like a mountain. And thundering like a cloud, said to him in the presence of Rama and wise Lakshmana:" सोमसूर्यात्मजै स्सार्धं वानरैर्वानरोत्तम।।4.40.17।।देशकालनयैर्युक्तः कार्या कार्यविनिश्चये।वृतश्शतसहश्रेण वानराणां तरस्विनाम्।।4.40.18।।अधिगच्छ दिशं पूर्वां सशैलवनकाननाम्।,"'O foremost of the vanaras march forward with the sons of Moon and Sun, followed by one lakh swift monkeys towards the eastern direction full of mountains, gardens, and forests. Endowed with political wisdom, you are capable of taking right decision in accordance with time and place." तत्र सीतां च वैदेहीं निलयं रावणस्य च।।4.40.19।।मार्गध्वं गिरिशृङ्गेषु वनेषु च नदीषु च।,"'Search for Sita in the abode of Ravana, on mountain peaks and river banks and in forests." नदीं भागीरथीं रम्यां सरयूं कौशिकीं तथा।।4.40.20।।कालिन्दीं यमुनां रम्यां यामुनं च महागिरिम्।सरस्वतीं च सिन्धुं च शोणं मणिनिभोदकम्।।4.40.21।।महीं कालमहीं चैव शैलकाननशोभिताम्।ब्रह्ममालान्विदेहांश्च मालवान्कालिकोसलान्।।4.40.22।।मागधांश्च महाग्रामान्पुण्ड्रांन्वङ्गां स्तथैव च।पत्तनं कोशकाराणां भूमिं च रजताकराम्।।4.40.23।।,"'Look for Sita in the beautiful places on rivers Bhagirathi, Sarayu, Kausiki and Kalindi, on the great mountains adjacent to river Yamuna, banks of rivers Saraswati, Sindhu, Sona with crystalclear waters, the country of Mahim and Kalamahi adorned with mountains and forests. Proceed to Brahmamala, Videha, Malava, Kasi, Kosala and Maghada with great villages, the country of Pundram, Vanga, the country famous for silk worms and the land with silver caves. (It is the eastern direction of river Saravati between Himavat and Vindhya and not east of Kiskinda)" सर्वमेतद्विचेतव्यं मृगयद्भिस्ततस्ततः।रामस्य दयितां भार्यां सीतां दशरथस्नुषाम्।।4.40.24।।,"'Search all over the place looking carefully here and there for Sita the beloved consort of Rama, daughterinlaw of Dasaratha." समुद्रमवगाढांश्च पर्वतान्पत्तनानि च।मन्दरस्य च ये कोटिं संश्रिताः केचिदायताम्।।4.40.25।।कर्णप्रावरणाश्चैव तथा चाप्योष्ठकर्णकाः।घोरलोहमुखाश्चैव जवनाश्चैकपादकाः।।4.40.26।।अक्षया बलवन्तश्च पुरुषाः पुरुषादकाः।किराताः कर्ण चूडाश्च हेमाङ्गा: प्रियदर्शनाः।।4.40.27।।आममीनाशनास्तत्र किराता द्वीपवासिनः।अन्तर्जलचरा घोरा नरव्याघ्रा इति शृताः।।4.40.28।।एतेषामाश्रयास्सर्वे विचेयाः कावनौकसः।गिरिभिर्ये च गम्यन्ते प्लवनेन प्लवेन च।।4.40.29।।,"'There are people who have taken shelter in the deep pits in the midst of the sea, in deep valleys, mountains, cities and broad peaks of Mandara mountain and forests.All those regions should be thoroughly searched. There are innumerable inhabitants,such as strong cannibals, some who cover their ears, some who have ears extended up to the lips, some with dreadful metallic faces, some swiftmoving, onefooted indestructible beings. There are Kirata tribes of golden complexion and handsome looks whose tuft of hair is set to the sides so that it touches their ears. These Kiratas are Islanddwellers and they eat uncooked fish.They move in waters and are fierce, known as tigerlike men (Naravyagras because half of their body is human and other half is tiger in form). All the shelters of these forestdwellers should be searched well.Those who can be sent by crossing mountains, those who can leap (in air) and those who can swim through waters may be also dispatched." रत्नवन्तं यवद्वीपं सप्तराज्योपशोभितम्।सुवर्णरूप्यकं चैव सुवर्णाकरमण्डितम्।।4.40.30।।यवद्वीपमतिक्रम्य शिशिरो नाम पर्वतः।दिवं स्पृशति शृङ्गेण देवदानवसेवितः।।4.40.31।।एतेषां गिरिदुर्गेषु प्रपातेषु वनेषु च।मार्गध्वं सहितास्सर्वे रामपत्नीं यशस्विनीम्।।4.40.32।।,"'Go beyond Java island filled with precious gems. It has seven kingdoms. It is adorned with gold and silver mines in abundance. There is a mountain Sisira (abode of Garuda) beyond Java Island. It touches the sky with its lofty cliffs. Gods and demons visit this mountain. You may look for illustrious Rama's consort in these inaccessible mountains, waterfalls and forests." ततो रक्तजलं शोणमगाधं शीघ्रगामिनम्।गत्वा पारं समुद्रस्य सिद्धचारणसेवितम्।।4.40.33।।तस्य तीर्थेषु रम्येषु विचित्रेषु वनेषु च।रावण स्सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्यस्ततस्ततः।।4.40.34।।,"'Therefrom reach out to the swiftflowing river Sona which has redcoloured waters. Then crossing the sea which is the abode of Siddhas and Charanas search the different rivers reaching the sea, and the picturesque and wonderful forests to trace the abode of Ravana who has stolen Sita." तत स्समुद्रद्वीपांश्च सुभीमान्द्रष्टुमर्हथ।ऊर्मिमन्तं समुद्रं च क्रोशन्तमनिलोद्धतम्।।4.40.35।।,'Then you may continue your search in the frightening islands of the sea as well as the sea which roars when stirred up by the wind. तत्रासुरा महाकायाश्छायां गृह्णन्ति नित्यशः।ब्रह्मणा समनुज्ञाता दीर्घकालं बुभुक्षिताः।।4.40.36।।,'Demons of huge bodies catch the shadows of passersby in that place as they have been hungry for long and have the permission of Brahma to do so. तं कालमेघप्रतिमं महोरगनिषेवितम्।अभिगम्य महानादं तीर्थेनैव महोदधिम्।।4.40.37।।ततो रक्तजलं भीमं लोहितं नाम सागरम्।गत्वा प्रेक्ष्यथ तां चैव बृहतीं कूटशाल्मलीम्।।4.40.38।।,"'Reach out to the great roaring ocean which looks like a black cloud at the time of dissolution, inhabited by great serpents.Go through the bank of the river, and touch the frightening sea named Lohita of red coloured water.You will see a huge silkcotton tree in that place." गृहं च वैनतेयस्य नानारत्नविभूषितम्।तत्र कैलाससङ्काशं विहितं विश्वकर्मणा।।4.40.39।।,'You would see there a house of Garuda constructed by Visvakarma. It looks like the Kailasa mountain and is adorned with different kinds of gems. तत्र शैलनिभा भीमा मन्देहा नाम राक्षसाः।शैलशृङ्गेषु लम्बन्ते नानारूपा भयावहाः।।4.40.40।।,"'There are frightening demons called Mandehas of different forms, fearsome as huge mountains hanging down the mountain peaks." ते पतन्ति जले नित्यं सूर्यस्योदयनं प्रति।निहता ब्रह्मतेजोभिरहन्यहनि राक्षसाः।।4.40.41।।अभितप्ताश्च सूर्येण लम्बन्ते स्म पुनः पुनः।,"'Those demons keep dropping down in water at the time of Sunrise every day, by the power of Gayatri mantras recited by brahmins scorched by the heat of the Sun. Again and again they keep hanging on to the cliffs." ततः पाण्डुरमेघाभं क्षीरोदं नाम सागरम्।।4.40.42।।गत्वा द्रक्ष्यथ दुर्धर्षा मुक्ताहारमिवोर्मिभिः।,"'You who are unassailable by the enemies, will see the milky ocean appearing like clouds, resembling a pearl necklace with its rows of waves." तस्य मध्ये महान् श्वेतो ऋषभो नाम पर्वतः।।4.40.43।।दिव्यगन्धैः कुसुमितै राजितैश्च नगैर्वृतः।सरश्च राजतैः पद्मैर्ज्वलितैर्हेमकेसरैः।।4.40.44।।नाम्ना सुदर्शनं नाम राजहंसैस्समाकुलम्।,'In the midst of that ocean stands a majestic white mountain named Rishaba surrounded by trees filled with silver flowers emitting wonderful fragrance.There is also a lake named Sudarsana with glittering silver lotuses having gleaming golden filaments. Royal swans inhabit these surroundings. विबुधाश्चारणा यक्षाः किन्नराश्चाप्सरोगणाः।।4.40.45।।हृष्टास्समभिगच्छन्ति नलिनीं तां रिरंसवः।,"'The deities, called charanas, yakshas and kinneras, also apsarasas keep coming there to stoll by that lotus pond." क्षीरोदं समतिक्रम्य तदा द्रक्ष्यथ वानराः।।4.40.46।।जलोदं सागरं शीघ्रं सर्वभूतभयावहम्।,'O monkeys going beyond the milky ocean you will see the seas most dreadful to all creatures. तत्र तत्कोपजं तेजः कृतं हयमुखं महत्।।4.40.47।।अस्याहुस्तन्महावेगमोदनं सचराचरम्।,"'Here is born Hayamukha, out of the fastspreading fire of anger of the ocean. Its movable and immovable creatures constitute his food." तत्र विक्रोशतां नादो भूतानां सागरौकसाम्।।4.40.48।।श्रूयते च समर्थानां दृष्ट्वा तद्बडबामुखम्।,'You can hear the sounds of helpless oceanic creatures crying loudly on seeing the burning face of Vadava. स्वादूदस्योत्तरे देशे योजनानि त्रयोदश।।4.40.49।।जातरूपशिलो नाम महान्कनकपर्वतः।,'Thirteen yojanas to the north of this ocean of pure waters is a huge golden mountain called Jatarupasila. तत्र चन्द्रप्रतीकाशं पन्नगं धरणीधरम्।।4.40.50।।पद्मपत्रविशालाक्षं ततो द्रक्ष्यथ वानराः।आसीनं पर्वतस्याग्रे सर्वभूतनमस्कृतम्।।4.40.51।।सहस्रशिरसं देवमनन्तं नीलवाससम्।,"'O monkeys on top of the mountain you will see Ananta, a thousandhooded serpent seated, as bright as the Moon, robed in blue, with large eyes like lotus petals bearing the load of the earth, and revered by all beings." त्रिशिराः काञ्चनः केतुस्तालस्तस्य महात्मनः।।4.40.52।।स्थापितः पर्वतस्याग्रे विराजति सवेदिकः।,'Highsouled Ananta's flag is a threeheaded golden palm tree shining on an altar on top of the mountain. पूर्वस्यां दिशि निर्माणं कृतं तत् त्रिदशेश्वरैः।।4.40.53।।ततः परं हेममय श्श्रीमानुदयपर्वतः।तस्य कोटिर्दिवं स्पृष्ट्वा शतयोजनमायता।।4.40.54।।जातरूपमयी दिव्या विराजति सवेदिका।,'The flag of Ananta is fixed by the gods in the eastern direction. Beyond that stands the famous golden mountain behind which the sun rises. Its golden peak with a divine altar spread over a hundred yojanas touches heaven. सालैस्तालैस्तमालैश्च कर्णिकारैश्च पुष्पितैः।।4.40.55।।जातरूपमयैर्दिव्यै श्शोभते सूर्यसन्निभैः।,"'The place looks beautiful with salas, palmyras, tamalas and karnikara trees in full bloom. These golden, divine flowers shine like the Sungod." तत्र योजनविस्तारमुच्छ्रितं दशयोजनम्।।4.40.56।।शृङ्गं सौमनसं नाम जातरूपमयं ध्रुवम्।,'There is a huge golden peak called Saumanas of ten yojanas in height spread over a breadth of one yojana. तत्रपूर्वं पदं कृत्वा पुरा विष्णुस्त्रिविक्रमे।।4.40.57।।द्वितीयं शिखरे मेरोश्चकार पुरुषोत्तमः।,"'When the supreme being, Visnu took his three strides as Lord Vamana, he placed his first foot on this peak and the second on the peak of mount Meru." त्तरेण परिक्रम्य जम्बूद्वीपं दिवाकरः।।4.40.58।।दृश्यो भवति भूयिष्ठं शिखरं तन्महोच्छ्रयम्।,"'The Sun circumabulates Jambu island and when he arrives at this lofty cliff of the mountain, it takes the northern direction and becomes visible to the world." तत्र वैखानसा नाम वालखिल्या महर्षयः।।4.40.59।।प्रकाशमाना दृश्यन्ते सूर्यवर्णास्तपस्विनः।,'Over there the great ascetics Vaikhanasas and Valakhilyas appear like the radiating Sun. अयं सुदर्शनो द्वीपः पुरो यस्य प्रकाशते।।4.40.60।।यस्मिं स्तेजश्च चक्षुश्च सर्वप्राणभृतामपि।,'The region in front of this mountain is called Sudarsana Island. This island is where the Sun who gives all beings the ability to see rises. शैलस्य तस्य शृङ्गेषु कन्दरेषु वनेषु च।।4.40.61।।रावणस्सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्यस्ततस्ततः।,"You should search for Ravana and Vaidehi on the peak of that mountain, in the caves, in the forests here and there." काञ्चनस्य च शैलस्य सूर्यस्य च महात्मनः।।4.40.62।।आविष्टा तेजसा सन्ध्या पूर्वा रक्ता प्रकाशते।,'The early morning twilight appears bright red because of the glow of the golden mountain as well as of the great Sungod. पूर्वमेतत्कृतं द्वारं पृथिव्या भुवनस्य च।।4.40.63।।सूर्यस्योदयनं चैव पर्वा ह्येषा दिगुच्यते।,'Here is the entrance for the earth as well as for all the worlds and since the Sun also rises from this place it is called the eastern direction. तस्य शैलस्य पृष्ठेषु निर्झरेषु गुहासु च।।4.40.64।।रावण स्सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्यस्ततस्ततः।,'You may look for Ravana and also for Vaidehi even behind the mountain on the plains and also near the mountain streams and caves all over. ततः परमगम्या स्याद्दिक्पूर्वा त्रिदशावृता।।4.40.65।।रहिता चन्द्रसूर्याभ्यामदृश्या तिमिरावृता।,"'Beyond, there is no Sun or Moon. Darkness pervades. It is neither accessible nor visible. It is guarded by the gods." शैलेषु तेषु सर्वेषु कन्दरेषु वनेषु च।।4.40.66।।ये च नोक्ता मया देशा विचेया तेषु जानकी।,"'You should look for Janaki everywhere -- on the mountains, in the lakes and in the places not indicated by me." एतावद्वानरैश्शक्यं गन्तुं वानरपुङ्गवाः।।4.40.67।।अभास्करममर्यादं न जानीमस्ततः परम्।,'O chieftains monkeys can go that far. We know not what lies beyond those boundaries where no Sun shines. अधिगम्य तु वैदेहीं निलयं रावणस्य च।।4.40.68।।मासे पूर्णे निवर्तध्वमुदयं प्राप्य पर्वतम्।,"'Reaching the mountain behind which the sun rises, look for Vaidehi and the home of Ravana and return by the month's end." ऊर्ध्वं मासान्न वस्तव्यं वसन्वध्यो भवेन्मम।।4.40.69।।सिद्धार्थास्सन्निवर्तध्वमधिगम्य तु मैथिलीम्।,"'If you do not report within one month, you will be killed. May you see Maithili and come back after reaching the goal. " महेन्द्रकान्तां वनषण्डमण्डितांदिशं चरित्वा निपुणेन वानराः।अवाप्य सीतां रघुवंशजप्रियांततो निवृत्तास्सुखिनो भविष्यथ।।4.40.70।।," 'O monkeys go about the beloved quarter (east) of Indra bestowed with differnt kinds of forests and groves. Look out carefully for Rama's beloved Sita, spot her and return, you will live happily.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकांडे चत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fortieth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." "[Sugriva sends another troop including Hanuaman, Nila, Angada and Jambavan in the southern direction]ततः प्रस्थाप्य सुग्रीवस्तन्महद्वानरं बलम्।दक्षिणां प्रेषयामास वानरानभिलक्षितान्।।4.41.1।।",Sugriva then sends in the southern direction another vanara army known for their excellence. नील मग्निसुतं चैव हनुमन्तं च वानरम्।पितामहसुतं चैव जाम्बवन्तं महाबलम्।।4.41.2।।सुहोत्रं च शरारिं च शरगुल्मं तथैव च।गजं गवाक्षं गवयं सुषेणमृषभं तथा।।4.41.3।।मैन्दं च द्विविदं चैव विजयं गन्धमादनम्।उल्कामुखमसङ्गं च हुताशनसुतावुभौ।।4.41.4।।अङ्गदप्रमुखान्वीरान्वीर: कपिगणेश्वरः।वेगविक्रमसम्पन्नान्सन्दिदेश विशेषवित्।।4.41.5।।,"The extraordinary Sugriva commanded Nila, son of the firegod, Hanuman, the formidable, Jambavan, son of Brahma, Suhotra, Sarari, Saragulma, Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sushena, Vrishabam, Mainda, Dvivida, Vijaya, Gandhamadana, the two sons of Firegod, Ulkamuka and Asanga including Angada, leader of the group, to proceed. All of them were endowed with speed and valour. " तेषामग्रेसरं चैव महाबलमथाङ्गदम्।विधाय हरिवीराणामादिशद्दक्षिणां दिशम्।।4.41.6।।,Then Sugriva ordered mighty Angada to lead the group of the heroic monkeys in the southern direction. ये केचन समुद्देशास्तस्यां दिशि सुदुर्गमाः।कपीशः कपिमुख्यानां स तेषां तानुदाहरत्।।4.41.7।।,"Sugriva, the monkey king, explained to the monkey chiefs about the inaccessible places in the southern direction. " सहस्रशिरसं विन्ध्यं नानाद्रुमलतायुतम्।नर्मदां च नदीं रम्यां महोरगनिषेविताम्।।4.41.8।।ततो गोदावरीं रम्यां कृष्णवेणीं महानदीम्।वरदां च महाभागां महोरगनिषेविताम्।।4.41.9।।मेखलामुत्कलां चैव दशार्णनगराण्यपि।आश्ववन्तीमवन्तीं च सर्वामेवानुपश्यत।।4.41.10।।,"'Search for Sita all over Vindhya of a thousand peaks filled with several trees and creepers, and along the river Narmada. Then proceed to Godavari, lovely Krishnaveni, Mahanadi, Varada and Mahabhaga inhabited by terrific serpents.You may search Mekhala, Utkala and Dasarna cities, Asvavanti and Avanti countries also. " विदर्भानृषिकांश्चैव रम्यान्माहिषकानपि।तथा वङ्गान्कलिङ्गांश्च कौशिकांश्च समन्ततः।।4.41.11।।अन्वीक्ष्य दण्डकारण्यं सपर्वतनदीगुहाम्।नदीं गोदावरीं चैव सर्वमेवानुपश्यत।।4.41.12।।तथैवान्ध्रांश्च पुण्ड्रांश्च चोलान्पाण्ड्यांत्स केरलान्।,"'Look for Sita in the countries of Vidarbha and Rishika, in the picturesque country of Mashaka, Vanga and Kalinga and all over Kausika. Look for her in mountains caves and on river banks, in Dandaka forest, in Godavari, in Andhra also in Pundra, Chola and Pandya countries and all over Kerala." अयोमुखश्च गन्तव्यः पर्वतो धातुमण्डितः।।4.41.13।।विचित्रशिखर श्श्रीमांश्चित्रपुष्पितकाननः।सचन्दनवनोद्देशो मार्गितव्यो महागिरिः।।4.41.14।।,"'Look for Sita all over mount Ayomukha (known as Malaya), rich in ores. It has wonderful peaks. It looks colourful with the forest in bloom. This great mountain is full of sandalwood forest." ततस्तामापगां दिव्यां प्रसन्नसलिलां शिवाम्।तत्र द्रक्ष्यथ कावेरीं विहितामप्सरोगणैः।।4.41.15।।,"'Then you will see the sacred river Cauvery with pure and auspicious water, where celestial nymphs sport." तस्यासीनं नगस्याग्रे मलयस्य महौजसम्।द्रक्ष्यथाऽदित्यसङ्काशमगस्त्यमृषिसत्तमम्।।4.41.16।।,"'Dwelling on the top of that Malaya mountain you will find celebrated sage Agastya, resplendent like the Sun." ततस्तेनाभ्यनुज्ञाताः प्रसन्नेन महात्मना।ताम्रपर्णीं ग्राहजुष्टां तरिष्यथ महानदीम्।।4.41.17।।,'You will then come cross the great river Tamraparni infested with alligators. Cross it with the permission of the sage pleased (with you). सा चन्दनवनैर्दिव्यै प्रच्छन्ना द्वीपशालिनी।कान्तेव युवति: कान्तां समुद्रमवगाहते।।4.41.18।।,"'With its wonderful islands covered with lovely sandalwood forests, the river mingles with the ocean just as a young beloved meets her lover." ततो हेममयं दिव्यं मुक्तामणिविभूषितम्।युक्तं कवाटं पाण्ड्यानां गता द्रक्ष्यथ वानराः।।4.41.19।।,"'O monkeys leaving that river, you will find encrusted with pearls the wonderful golden gate of the city of Pandyas (modern Madurai)." ततस्समुद्रमासाद्य सम्प्रधार्यार्थनिश्चयम्।अगस्त्येनान्तरे तत्र सागरे विनिवेशितः।।4.41.20।।चित्रनानानगः श्रीमान्महेन्द्र: पर्वतोत्तमः।जातरूपमयः श्रीमानवगाढो महार्णवम्।।4.41.21।।,"'Then on reaching the sea shore, decide the course of action. Sage Agastya has set up (between the moat of the city and and the sea) a glorious golden mountain Mahendra. Filled with colourful trees, it stretches into the sea." नानाविधैर्नगै स्सर्वैलताभिश्चोपशोभितम्।देवर्षियक्षप्रवरैरप्सरोभिश्च सेवितम्।।4.41.22।।सिद्धचारणसङ्घैश्च प्रकीर्णं समनोरमम्।तमुपैति सहस्राक्षः सदा पर्वसु पर्वसु।।4.41.23।।,"'That mountain with several kinds of colourful trees and vines is frequented by gods, sages and prominent yakshas like siddhas and charanas. It is exceedingly delightful and even the thousandeyed Indra keeps visiting this place on full and new Moon days." द्वीपस्तस्यापरे पारे शतयोजनमायतः।अगम्यो मानुषैर्दीप्तस्तं मार्गध्वं समन्ततः।।4.41.24।।,"'Beyond this, on the other side of the sea stretching over an area of a hundred yojanas is an island difficult to reach for humans. Which you may explore." तत्र सर्वात्मना सीता मार्गितव्या विशेषतः।स हि देशस्तु वध्यस्य रावणस्य दुरात्मनः।।4.41.25।।राक्षसाधिपतेर्वासस्सहस्राक्षसमद्युतेः।, दक्षिणस्य समुद्रस्य मध्ये तस्य तु राक्षसी।।4.41.26।।अङ्गारकेति विख्याता छायामाकृष्य भोजिनी।,"'In the midst of the southern sea is a famous ogress, Angaraka (also Simhika) by name who swallows humans by capturing them even by their shadows." एवं निस्संशयान्कृत्वा संशयान्नष्टसंशयाः।।4.41.27।।मृगयध्वं नरेन्द्रस्य पत्नीममिततेजसः।,"'In this way make sure wherever you have a doubt (of Sita's presence) and proceed to look for the consort of Rama, king of limitless lustre." तमतिक्रम्य लक्ष्मीवान्समुद्रे शतयोजने।।4.41.28।।गिरिः पुष्पितको नाम सिद्धचारणसेवितः।, चन्द्रसूर्यांशुसङ्काशस्सागराम्बुसमावृतः।।4.41.29।।भ्राजते विपुलैश्शृङ्गैरम्बरं विलिखन्निव।,"'It looks bright, spreading its radiance like the Sun and Moon. It is surrounded by the sea. Its peaks appear as though scratching the sky." तस्यैकं काञ्चनं शृङ्गं सेवतेऽयं दिवाकरः।।4.41.30।।श्वेतं राजतमेकं च सेवतेऽयं निशाकरः।न तं कृतघ्नाः पश्यन्ति न नृशंसा न नास्तिकाः।।4.41.31।।,"'The Sun resorts to its golden peak. The Moon rests over its silver peak. Neither the ungrateful, nor the mean nor the unbelievers can behold this (phenomenon)." प्रणम्य शिरसा शैलं तं विमार्गत वानराः।तमतिक्रम्य दुर्धर्ष स्सूर्यवान्नाम पर्वतः।।4.41.32।।अध्वना दुर्विगाहेन योजनानि चतुर्दश।,"'O monkeys bowing down to that mountain, proceed in search of Sita. O unassailable vanaras, beyond this mountain is another called Suryavan. It is at a distance of fourteen yojanas and it is difficult to cover that distance." ततस्तमप्यतिक्रम्य वैद्युतो नाम पर्वतः।।4.41.33।सर्वकामफलैर्वृक्षै स्सर्वकालमनोहरैः।,"'Beyond that mountain lies Vaidyuta, a hill with trees yielding lovely fruits in all seasons which can satisfy all desires. " तत्र भुक्त्वा वरार्हाणि मूलानि च फलानि च।।4.41.34।।मधूनि पीत्वा मुख्यानि परं गच्छत वानराः।,'O monkeys eat your cherlshed roots and fruits and drink the best of honey there and proceed further. तत्र नेत्रमनःकान्तः कुञ्जरो नाम पर्वतः।।4.41.35।।अगस्त्यभवनं यत्र निर्मितं विश्वकर्मणा।,'There you will find a mountain called Kunjara pleasing to the eye and pleasing to the heart. That is the hermitage of Agastya built by Visvakarma. तत्र योजनविस्तारमुच्छ्रितं दशयोजनम्।।4.41.36।।शरणं काञ्चनं दिव्यं नानारत्नविभूषितम्।,"'The hermitage of Agastya is one yojana in breadth and ten yojanas in height. It is wonderful, built of gold and adorned with many gems." तत्र भोगवती नाम सर्पाणामालयः पुरी।।4.41.37।।विशालकक्ष्या दुर्धर्षा सर्वतः परिरक्षिता।रक्षिता पन्नगैर्घोरैस्तीक्ष्णदष्ट्रैरैर्महाविषैः।।4.41.38।।सर्पराजो महाप्राज्ञो यस्यां वसति वासुकिः।,"'There on that mountain (Kunjara) stands a city called Bhogavati, which is the abode of serpents. It has wide corridors. Guarded on all sides, it is unassailable since it is protected by venomous serpents with sharp fangs. The wise serpent king Vasuki resides there. (Bhogavati is the replica of the city of the same name in Patala, the sixth subterranean region)" निर्याय मार्गितव्या च सा च भोगवती पुरी।।4.41.39।।तत्र चानन्तरा देशा ये केचन सुसम्वृताः।,"'Emerging from this city of Bhogavati, search all possible hidden places." तं च देशमतिक्रम्य महानृषभसंस्थितः।।4.41.40।।सर्वरत्नमयः श्रीमान् ऋषभो नाम पर्वतः।,"'With this place passed, you will see a huge mountain named Rishaba of the size of a bull filled with all gems." गोशीर्षकं पद्मकं च हरिश्यामं च चन्दनम्।।4.41.41।।दिव्यमुत्पद्यते यत्र तच्चैवाग्निसमप्रभम्।,"'There grow sandal trees of amazing colours like that of gorochana, padmaka (like lotus), greenish black and red as fire." न तु तच्चन्दनं दृष्टवा स्प्रष्टव्यं च कदाचन।।4.41.42।।रोहिता नाम गन्धर्वा घोरा रक्षन्ति तद्वनम्।,"'Never touch when you see the sandal trees, for they are guarded by dreadful gandharvas named Rohitas." तत्र गन्धर्वपतयः पञ्च सूर्यसमप्रभाः।।4.41.43।।शैलूषो ग्रामणी श्शिग्रु श्शुभ्रो बभ्रुस्तथैव च।रविसोमाग्निवपुषां निवासः पुण्यकर्मणाम्।।4.41.44।।,"'Five ghandharva kings named Sailusha, Gramani, Sigru, Subhra and Babhru who have the radiance like the Sun reside there. It is the abode of those who have done meritorious deeds.They glow like Sun, Moon and Fire." अन्ते पृथिव्या दुर्धर्षास्तत्र स्वर्गजितः स्थिताः।ततः परं न वस्सेव्यः पितृलोक स्सुदारुणः।।4.41.45।।,"'The divine people who have earned a place in heaven stay there at the end of their life on earth. Beyond, lies the dreadful world of deceased ancestors. It is not possible for you to enter that place." राजधानी यमस्यैषा कष्टेन तमसा वृता।एतावदेव युष्माभिर्वीरा वानरपुङ्गवाः।।4.41.46।।शक्यं विचेतुं गन्तुं वा नातो गतिमतां गतिः।,"'O heroic monkeys that is the capital of Yama (god of death) covered with pitch darkness. You can go till that place. Beyond, there is no access for the earthlings." सर्वमेतत्समालोक्य यच्चान्यदपि दृश्यते।।4.41.47।।गतिं विदित्वा वैदेह्या स्सन्निवर्तितुमर्हथ।,'Ransack this and all other places you can see. You should search for the whereabouts of Vaidehi before you return. यस्तु मासान्निवृत्तोऽग्रे दृष्टा सीतेति वक्ष्यति।।4.41.48।।मत्तुल्यविभवो भोगै स्सुखं स विहरिष्यति।,'He who returns in a month to announce Sita has been found will spend his life in luxury with as much prosperity as I do have. ततः प्रियतरो नास्ति मम प्राणाद्विशेषतः।।4.41.49।।कृतापराधो बहुशो मम बन्धुर्भविष्यति।,"'None will be dearer to me than he. Even if he has made a mistake, he will be to me dear and near." अमितबलपराक्रमा भवन्तोविपुलगुणेषु कुलेषु च प्रसूताः।मनुजपतिसुतां यथा लभध्वंतदधिगुणं पुरुषार्थमारभध्वम्।।4.41.50।।,"(Note:The Vindhya range and the several rivers mentioned here are not south of Kishkinda.The inconsistency is irreconcilable. Candidly speaking the geographical description is not at all factual. Some interpolator in the north (Kurukshetra as central region) has committed several anachronous inconsistencies betraying his ignorance of geography.)इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्दाकाण्डे एकचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fortyfirst sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." "[Sugriva sends the next army in the western direction -- describes rivers, mountains and places in the west.]अथ प्रस्थाप्य सुग्रीवस्तान्हरीन्दक्षिणां दिशम्।अब्रवीन्मेघसङ्काशं सुषेणं नाम यूथपम्।।4.42.1।।","After sending the monkeys in the southern direction, Sugriva said to the cloudlike troop leader called Sushena." तारायाः पितरं राजा श्वशुरं भीमविक्रमम्।अब्रवीत्प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमभिगम्य प्रणम्य च।।4.42.2।।,"King (Sugriva) went with folded hands to Tara's father, his fatherinlaw, of terrifying valour, offered salutation and said:" मरीचिपुत्रं मारीचमर्चिष्मन्तं महाकपिम्।वृतं कपिवरै श्शूरैर्महेन्द्रसदृशद्युतिम्।।4.42.3।।बुद्धिविक्रमसम्पन्नं वैनतेयसमद्युतिम्।मरीचिपुत्रान्मारीचानर्चिर्मालान्महाबलान्।।4.42.4।।ऋषिपुत्रांश्चतांत्सर्वान्प्रतीचीमादिशद्दिशम्।,"Sugriva spoke to the great lustrous monkey Archisman, son of the eminent sage Marichi who possessed the wisdom and prowess of Indra and was comparable to Vaineteya (Garuda) in lustre. He also spoke to the other sons of Maricha, called Marichas, who were very strong and known as Archismalas (garlands of continuous glow) and asked all of them to proceed in the western direction." द्वाभ्यां शतसहस्राभ्यां कपीनां कपिसत्तमाः।।4.42.5।।सुषेणप्रमुखा यूयं वैदेहीं परिमार्गतः।,"'O foremost of monkeys with Sushena as your group leader accompanied by two hundred thousand vanaras, go and search for Vaidehi." सुराष्ट्रान्सहबाह्लीकान् श्चन्द्रचित्रांस्तथैव च।।4.42.6।।स्फीताञ्जनपदान्रम्यान्विपुलानि पुराणि च।पुन्नागगहनं कुक्षिं वकुलोद्दालकाकुलम्।।4.42.7।।तथा केतकषण्डांश्च मार्गध्वं हरियूथपाः।,"'O leaders of monkeys search for Sita in the countries of Saurashtra, and also Bahlika, Chandrachitra, in delightful villages and vast towns, also in Kukshi covered haphazardly with punnaga, bakula and uddalaka trees as well as ketaka shrubs." प्रत्यक्स्रोतोगमाश्चैव नद्यश्शीतजलाश्शिवाः।।4.42.8।।तापसानामरण्यानि कान्तारा गिरयश्च ये।तत्रस्थलीं मरुप्रायामत्युच्चशिरसश्शिलाः।।4.42.9।।गिरिजालावृतां दुर्गां मार्गित्वा पश्चिमां दिशम्।ततः पश्चिममासाद्य समुद्रं द्रष्टुमर्हथ।।4.42.10।।तिमिनक्रायुतजलमक्षोभ्यमथ वानराः।,"'O monkeys the auspicious rivers with cool waters flow towards the western region. Search in the groves inhabited by ascetics, other forests, mountains, cliffs, in the desertland. Search in the inaccessible western region surrounded by mountains. Then proceed to the western ocean infested with whales and alligators, which cannot be easily disturbed." ततः केतकषण्डेषु तमालगहनेषु च।।4.42.11।।कपयो विहरिष्यन्ति नारिकेलवनेषु च।,"'There the monkeys may roam about the Ketaka shrubs, tamala thickets and coconut groves. " तत्र सीतां च मार्गध्वं निलयं रावणस्य च।।4.42.12।।वेलातलनिविष्टेषु पर्वतेषु वनेषु च।मुरचीपत्तनं चैव रम्यं चैव जटीपुरम्।।4.42.13।।अवन्तीमङ्गलोपां च तथा चालक्षितं वनम्।राष्ट्राणि च विशालानि पत्तनानि ततस्ततः।।4.42.14।।,"'Look for Sita as well as the residence of Ravana.You should find the whereabouts of Sita in the mountains and forests located on the sea shore. Search in the city of Murachi, beautiful city of Jata, Avanti, Angalopa and in the unnoticed forestland. Look for her in the vast kingdoms and cities all over." सिन्धुसागरयोश्चैव सङ्गमे तत्र पर्वतः।महान्हेमगिरिर्नाम शतशृङ्गो महाद्रुमः।।4.42.15।।,'There is a lofty mountain with a hundred peaks and great trees at the confluence of river Sindhu and the sea. It is known as Hemagiri (golden mountain). तस्य प्रस्थेषु रम्येषु सिंहाः पक्षगमाः स्थिताः।तिमिमत्स्यगजांश्चैव नीडान्यारोपयन्ति ते।।4.42.16।।,"'On the slopes of that mountain you will find lions called Pakshagamas, that is lions with wings. They carry the whales, fishes and elephants from the sea to their shelters on the beautiful mountain slopes." तानि नीडानि सिंहानां गिरिशृङ्गगताश्च ये।दृप्तास्तृप्ताश्च मातङ्गास्तोयदस्वननिस्वनाः।।4.42.17।।विचरन्ति विशालेऽस्मिंस्तोयपूर्णे समन्ततः।,"'The proud elephants wandering on the mountain slopes, and on the vast tract filled with water would be happy trumpeting like thundering clouds. They roam in the caves of lions." तस्य शृङ्गं दिवस्पर्शं काञ्चनं चित्रपादपम्।।4.42.18।।सर्वमाशु विचेतव्यं कपिभिः कामरूपिभिः।,'The monkeys capable of assuming any form at their will should search the scraping peaks of the golden mountain (Himagiri) with colourful trees without delay. कोटिं तत्र समुद्रे तु काञ्चनीं शतयोजनाम्।।4.42.19।।दुर्दर्शां पारियात्रस्य गतां द्रक्ष्यथ वानराः।,'O monkeys you will see the dazzling golden tip of a mountain called Pariyatra towards the end of the sea. It is extended over a hundred yojanas and dificult to gaze because of its brilliance. कोट्यस्तत्र चतुर्विंशद्गन्धर्वाणां तपस्विनाम्।।4.42.20।।वसन्त्यग्निनिकाशानां घोराणां कामरूपिणाम्।,'There dwell twentyfour crore of terrific gandharvas blazing like fire who can assume any form.They lead an ascetic life. पावकार्चिः प्रतीकाशास्समवेतास्सहस्रशः।।4.42.21।।नात्यासादयितव्यास्ते वानरैर्भीमविक्रमैः।,"'Collected together in thousands, and radiating like fire, they live there. Even the very brave vanaras should not go close to them." नादेयं च फलं तस्माद्देशात्किञ्चित् प्लवङ्गमैः।।4.42.22।।दुरासदा हि ते वीरा स्सत्त्ववन्तो महाबलाः।फलमूलानि ते तत्र रक्षन्ते भीमविक्रमाः।।4.42.23।।,"'You should not pluck any fruits from those woods, for courageous gandharvas protect the fruits of the trees. It is difficult to go there, for those heroes have frightening bravery." तत्र यत्नश्च कर्तव्यो मार्गितव्या च जानकी।न हि तेभ्यो भयं किञ्चित्कपित्वमनुवर्तताम्।।4.42.24।।,"'Exert yourself in your search for Janaki. Indeed there will be no fear from them, if you behave like normal monkeys in a natural way." तत्र वैढूर्यवर्णाभो वज्रसंस्थानसंस्थितः।नानाद्रुमलताकीर्णो वज्रो नाम महागिरिः।।4.42.25।।श्रीमान्समुदितस्तत्र योजनानां शतं समम्।गुहास्तत्र विचेतव्या प्रयत्नेन प्लवङ्गमाः ।।4.42.26।।,"'(Beyond) there is a glorious mountain called Vajra of the colour of Vaidurya, hard as a diamond with different kinds of trees and vines.The mountain extends evenly to a stretch of a hundred yojanas.There are caves in the mountain where you may look for her with due effort." चतुर्भागे समुद्रस्य चक्रवान्नाम पर्वतः।तत्र चक्रं सहस्रारं निर्मितं विश्वकर्मणा।।4.42.27।।,'Then move to the fourth part (of the western sea) where you will see a mountain called Chakravan occupying a quarter part of the sea.You will find there a thousandspiked wheel built by Visvakarma. तत्र पञ्चजनं हत्वा हयग्रीवं च दानवम्।आजहार ततश्चक्रं शङ्खं च पुरुषोत्तमः।।4.42.28।।,"'It was there that the Supreme Lord Visnu, having slain Hayagriva and Panchajanam, recovered the discus and conch for himself." तस्य सानुषु चित्रेषु विशालासु गुहासु च।रावण स्सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्यस्तत स्ततः।।4.42.29।।,'Look for Vaidehi and Ravana in the wide caves and colourful slopes of the (Chakravan) mountain. योजनानां चतुष्षष्टिर्वराहो नाम पर्वतः।सुवर्णशृङ्गस्सुश्रीमा नगाधे वरुणालये।।4.42.30।।,"'Plunge deep down into the sea and you will see a goldenpeaked mountain called Varaha, the residence of Varuna.It is extended over sixty four yojanas in the sea." तत्र प्राग्ज्योतिषं नाम जातरूपमयं पुरम्।यस्मिन्वसति दुष्टात्मा नरको नाम दानवः।।4.42.31।।,"'On the (Varaha) mountain is the city called Pragjyotisha, which is full of gold.There lives the evilminded demon Naraka." तत्र सानुषु चित्रेषु विशालासु गुहासु च।रावणस्सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्यस्ततस्ततः।।4.42.32।।,'There all over the wonderful slopes and wide caves look for Vaidehi and Ravana. तमतिक्रम्य शैलेन्द्रं काञ्चनान्तरनिर्दरः।पर्वत स्सर्वसौवर्णो धाराप्रस्रवणायुतः।।4.42.33।।, तं गजाश्च वराहाश्च सिंह व्याघ्राश्च सर्वतः।अभिगर्जन्ति सततं तेन शब्देन दर्पिताः।।4.42.34।।, यस्मिन्हरिहय्शीमान्महेन्द्रः पाकशासनः।अभिषिक्तः सुरै राजा मेघवान्नाम पर्वतः।।4.42.35।।,"'Possessor of tawny horses, king Indra who killed demon Pakasasana was consecrated by gods at this mountain since known as Meghavan. " तमतिक्रम्य शैलेन्द्रं महेन्द्रपरिपालितम्।षष्टि र्गिरिसहस्राणि काञ्चनानि गमिष्यथ।।4.42.36।।तरुणादित्यवर्णानि भ्राजमानानि सर्वतः।जातरूपमयैर्वृक्षै शोभितानि सुपुष्पितैः।।4.42.37।।,'On crossing the hill ruled by Indra you will reach the rows of sixty thousand mountains of gold shining like the brilliance of the rising Sun. The mountains glow with golden trees filled with bloom. तेषां मध्ये स्थितो राजा मेरुरुत्तरपर्वतः।आदित्येन प्रसन्नेन शैलो दत्तवरः पुरा।।4.42.38।।,"'In the midst of the sixty thousand hills stands Meru, King of mountains. It is the northern mountain, blessed by the Sungod with a boon in the past." तेनैव मुक्तश्शैलेन्द्रस्सर्व एव त्वदाश्रयाः।मत्प्रसादाद्भविष्यन्ति दिवा रात्रं च काञ्चनाः।।4.42.39।।त्वयि ये चापि वत्स्यन्ति देवगन्धर्वदानवाः।ते भविष्यन्ति रक्ताश्च प्रभया काञ्चनप्रभाः।।4.42.40।।,"'The Sungod said to mount Meru, 'By my grace all the trees and hillocks of this king of mountains will shine in golden red, the gods, gandharvas and demons who dwell here will have golden radiance '." विश्वे देवाश्च मरूतो वसवश्च दिवौकसः।आगम्य पश्चिमां सन्ध्यां मेरुमुत्तमपर्वतम्।।4.42.41।।आदित्यमुपतिष्ठन्ति तैश्च सूर्योऽभिपूजितः।अदृश्यस्सर्वभूतानामस्तं गच्छतिपर्वतम्।।4.42.42।।,"The Visvadevas, Vasus, Maruts, and the gods reach Meru, this great king of mountains, in the evening twilight. Worshipped by them, the Sungod sets behind the mountain and becomes invisible to all beings." योजनानां सहस्राणि दश तानि दिवाकरः।मुहूर्तार्धेन तं शीघ्रमभियाति शिलोच्चयम्।।4.42.43।।,"'Crossing ten thousand yojanas swiftly in half a moment, the Sun touches the mount behind which he sets." शृङ्गे तस्य महद्दिव्यं भवनं सूर्यसन्निभम्।प्रासादगणसम्बाधं विहितं विश्वकर्मणा।।4.42.44।।,'There is a great divine abode glowing like the Sungod on the peak of the mountain.It is a cluster of mansions built by Visvakarma. शोभितं तरुभिश्चित्रैर्नानापक्षिसमाकुलैः।निकेतं पाशहस्तस्य वरुणस्य महात्मनः।।4.42.45।।,"'It is the residence of Varuna, who holds the noose in his hand.It is an enchanting place, full of trees attracting flocks of various birds." अन्तरा मेरुमस्तं च तालो दशशिरा महान्।जातरूपमय्शीमान्भ्राजते चित्रवेदिकः।।4.42.46।।,'Between mount Asta (the mountain behind which the Sun sets) and Meru there is a shining golden palm tree with ten high peaks and wonderful altars around. तेषु सर्वेषु दुर्गेषु सरस्सु च सरित्सु च।रावणस्सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्यस्तत स्ततः।।4.42.47।।,"'Look for Vaidehi and Ravana all over those inaccessible mountains, lakes and rivers." यत्र तिष्ठति धर्मज्ञस्तपसा स्वेन भावितः।मेरुसावर्णिरित्येव ख्यातो वै ब्रह्मणा समः।।4.42.48।।,"'The sage Merusavarna, knower of dharma, famous for his penance and comparable to Brahma lives there with him on Meru." प्रष्टव्यो मेरुसावर्णिर्महर्षिः सूर्यसन्निभः।प्रणम्य शिरसा भूमौ प्रवृत्तिं मैथिलीं प्रति।।4.42.49।।,"'Bow down, touch the feet of the seer Merusavarna, who glows like the Sun and then enquire from him about Sita. " एताव ज्जीवलोकस्य भास्करो रजनीक्ष्ये।कृत्वा वितिमिरं सर्वमस्तं गच्छति पर्वतम्।।4.42.50।।,'The world of living beings is extended to this extent. The Sun dispels darkness at the end of the night and thereafter reaches the mountain behind which he sets (at the end of the day). एतावद्वानरैश्शक्यं गन्तुं वानरपुङ्गवाः।अभास्करममर्यादं न जानीमस्ततः परम्।।4.42.51।।,'O great monkeys you can go only up to that point. The Sun's rays do not extend beyond this and it has no boundaries.We do not know about the area beyond this limit. अधिगम्य तु वैदेहीं निलयं रावणस्य च।अस्त पर्वतमासाद्य पूर्णे मासे निवर्तत।।4.42.52।।,"'Go and find out Sita and the abode of Ravana. After this, return to the mountain behind which the Sun sets and come back on completion of a month." ऊर्ध्वं मासान्न वस्तव्यं वसन् वध्यो भवेन्मम।सहैव शूरो युष्माभिश्श्वशुरो मे गमिष्यति।।4.42.53।।,"'If you tarry beyond a month, you will be slain. My fatherin law, the brave hero will go with your group." श्रोतव्यं सर्वमेतस्य भवद्भिर्दिष्टकारिभिः।गुरुरेष महाबाहुश्श्वशुरो मे महाबलः।।4.42.54।।,"'You should obey him. You are meant to carry out his orders. He is not only my fatherinlaw but also a valiant, strong and powerful hero and my preceptor." भवन्तश्चापि विक्रान्ताः प्रमाणं सर्व कर्मसु।प्रमाणमेनं संस्थाप्य पश्यध्वं पश्चिमां दिशम्।।4.42.55।।,'My fatherinlaw will be your leader. His authority will be final in all matters. Accept his authority and look for Vaidehi in the western direction. दृष्टायां तु नरेन्द्रस्य पत्न्याममिततेजसः।कृतकृत्या भविष्यामः कृतस्य प्रतिकर्मणा।।4.42.56।।,'We will be achieving our goal when the consort of the highly glorious king Rama is found. And we will return the help he has rendered. अतोऽन्यदपि यत्कार्यं कार्यस्यास्य हितं भवेत्।सम्प्रधार्य भवद्भिश्च देशकालार्थसंहितम्।।4.42.57।।,"'You may do any work after careful thinking, if it helps to achieve the purpose, and if the work to be performed is in accordance with time and place.'" ततः सुषेणप्रमुखाः प्लवङ्गामाःस्सुग्रीव वाक्यं निपुणं निशम्य।आमन्त्य्र सर्वे प्लवगाधिपं तेजग्मुर्दिशं तां वरुणाभिगुप्ताम्।।4.42.58।।,"Sushena and other leaders heard the expert advice of Sugriva, and took leave of him.They went towards the western direction ruled by Varuna.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे द्विचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fortysecond Sarga in the Kishkinda Kanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva sends the next contingent in the northern direction towards the Himalayas -- countries and places in the north described.]ततस्सन्दिश्य सुग्रीवश्श्वशुरं पश्चिमां दिशम्।वीरं शतवलिं नाम वानरं वानरर्षभः।।4.43.1।।,"Sugriva, the bull among monkeys, having sent his fatherinlaw in the western direction, said to Satavali, troop leader of the monkeys:" उवाच राजा धर्मज्ञस्सर्ववानरसत्तमम्।वाक्यमात्म हितं चैव रामस्य च हितं तथा।।4.43.2।।,"'Righteous king Sugriva said to the foremost among the monkeys, Satavali what would help his cause as well as the cause of Rama:" वृतश्शतसहस्रेण त्वद्विधानां वनौकसाम्।वैवस्वतसुतैस्सार्धं प्रतिष्ठस्व स्वमन्त्रिभिः।।4.43.3।।,"'Take like you a hundred thousand courageous heroes, your ministers and the sons of Vaivasvata. And begin your expedition." दिशं ह्युदीचीं विक्रान्तां हिमशैलावतंसकाम्।सर्वतः परिमार्गध्वं रामपत्नीमनिन्दिताम्।।4.43.4।।,"'Look all over the northern direction adorned with mighty Himavan as its earring, for the spouse of blameless Rama " अस्मिन्कार्येविनिर्वृत्ते कृते दाशरथेः प्रिये।ऋणान्मुक्ता भविष्यामः कृतार्थार्थविदां वराः।।4.43.5।।,'We should be succeessful in our endeavour when we have completed the task dear to Rama. We will be redeemed of our debt to him. कृतं हि प्रियमस्माकं राघवेण महात्मना।तस्य चेत्प्रतिकारोऽस्ति सफलं जीवितं भवेत्।।4.43.6।।, 'Highsouled Rama has done a great service to us earlier. We will be blessed if we are successful in helping Rama in return. अर्थिनः कार्यनिर्वृत्तिमकर्तुरपि यश्चरेत्।तस्य स्यात्सफलं जन्म किं पुनः पूर्वकारिणः।।4.43.7।।, 'Our life becomes fruitful when we help a person who was not helped us. What to speak of returning the help one has rendered. एतां बुद्धिमवस्थाय दृश्यते जानकी यथा।तथा भवद्भिः कर्तव्यमस्मत्प्रियहितैषिभिः।।4.43.8।।,"'Keeping this in mind, you, as my wellwishers, should act in a way Janaki can be traced." अयं हि सर्वभूतानां मान्यस्तु नरसत्तमः।अस्मासु चागत: प्रीती रामः परपुरञ्जयः।।4.43.9।।,'This Rama who can conquer the capitals of enemies is great. He loves and is loved by all living beings including ourselves. इमानि वनदुर्गाणि नद्यश्शैलान्तराणि च।भवन्तः परिमार्गन्तु बुद्धिविक्रमसम्पदा।।4.43.10।।,'You are rich in wisdom and valour. You should search for Sita everywhere including inaccessible forests and mountain ranges. तत्र म्लेच्छान्पुलिन्दांश्च शूरसेनांस्तथैव च।प्रस्थलान्भरतांश्चैव कुरूंश्च सह मद्रकैः।।4.43.11।।काम्बोजान्यवनां श्चैव शकानारट्टकानपि।बाह्लीकानृषिकां श्चैव पौरवानथ टङ्कणान्।।4.43.12।।चीनान्परमचीनांश्च नीहारांश्च पुनः पुनः।अन्विष्यदरदांश्चैव हिमवन्तं तथैव च।।4.43.13।।,"'Search in the countries of Mlechas, Pulindas, Surasenas, Prasthalas, Bharatas, Madrakas, Kurus, Kambojas and even Yavanas, Shakas, Rattakas, Bahlikas, Rishikas, Pauravas, Tankanas, Cheenas, Paramacheenas, Niharas, Daradas and in the Himalaya mountains again and again in order to find her." लोध्रपद्मकषण्डेषु देवदारुवनेषु च।रावणस्सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्यस्ततस्ततः।।4.43.14।।,"'There you should explore the dwelling of Ravana and Vaidehi, in the thickets of lodhra and lotuses and in the woods of devadaru." ततस्सोमाश्रमं गत्वा देवगन्धर्वसेवितम्।कालं नाम महासानुं पर्वतं तु गमिष्यथ।।4.43.15।।,'Then go and explore the hermitage of Soma inhabited by gods and gandharvas and also the great summits of mount Kala. महत्सु तस्य शैलस्य निर्दरेषु गुहासु च।विचिनुध्वं महाभागां रामपत्नींततस्ततः।।4.43.16।।,"'Look for that great lady, Rama's consort, in the big caves and caverns all over the mountain." तमतिक्रम्य शैलेन्द्रं हेमगर्भं महागिरिम्।ततस्सुदर्शनं नाम गन्तुमर्हथ पर्वतम्।।4.43.17।।,"'Crossing this lord of hills filled with gold, you should reach the great mountain called Sudarsana." ततो देवसखो नाम पर्वतः पतगालयः।नानापक्षिगणाकीर्णो विविधद्रुमभूषितः।।4.43.18।।,'Then proceed to mount Devasakha inhabited by a variety of birds adorning the trees. तस्य काननषण्डेषु निर्घरेषु गुहासु च।रावणस्सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्यस्ततस्ततः।।4.43.19।।,"'You should search for Ravana as well as Vaidehi everywhere in the thickets of that hill, near the mountain streams and also in caves." तमतिक्रम्य चाकाशं सर्वतश्शतयोजनम्।अपर्वतनदीवृक्षं सर्वसत्त्वविवर्जितम्।।4.43.20।।,"'Beyond, there is a desolate place of hundred yojanas with no trace of life, no mountains, no trees, no rivers." तं तु शीघ्रमतिक्रम्य कान्तारं रोमहर्षणम्।कैलासं पाण्डुरं शैलं प्राप्य हृष्टा भविष्यथ।।4.43.21।।,"'Crossing that horripilating, desolate place quickly, you will be happy to reach the snowy Kailasa mountain." तत्र पाण्डुरमेघाभं जाम्बूनदपरिष्कृतम्।कुबेरभवनं रम्यं निर्मितं विश्वकर्मणा।।4.43.22।।,"'There is an exquisite mansion of Kubera built by Visvakarma which, embellished with gold, looks like a pale white cloud." विशाला नलिनी यत्र प्रभूतकमलोत्पला।हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णाप्सरोगणसेविता।।4.43.23।।,"'There is a large lotus pond with many lotuses and lilies, inhabited by swans and ducks and frequented by groups of apasaras. " तत्र वैश्रवणो राजा सर्वभूतनमस्कृतः।धनदो रमते श्रीमान्गुह्यकैस्सह यक्षराट्।।4.43.24।।,"'Kubera, son of Vaisravana, a prosperous king of the yakshas (demigods) worshipped by all beings dwells there with Guhyakas. " तस्य चन्द्रनिकाशेषु पर्वतेषु गुहासु च।रावणः सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्यस्ततस्ततः।।4.43.25।।,'Look for Vaidehi and Ravana all over the caves and mountains of Kilasa of the colour of the moon. क्रौञ्चं तु गिरिमासाद्य बिलं तस्य सुदुर्गमम्।अप्रमत्तै: प्रवेष्टव्यं दुष्प्रवेशं हि तत्स्मृतम्।।4.43.26।।,'Therefrom proceed to mount krauncha mountain and enter carefully its cave which is reportedly difficult to access. वसन्ति हि महात्मानस्तत्र सूर्यसमप्रभाः।देवैरप्यर्चिता स्सम्यग्देवरूपा महर्षयः।।4.43.27।।,"'Great ascetics live there. Worshipped even by the gods, these highsouled godlike ascetics shine like the very Sun." क्रौञ्चस्य तु गुहाश्चान्या स्सानूनिशिखराणि च।निर्दराश्च नितम्बाश्च विचेतव्या स्ततस्ततः।।4.43.28।।कौञ्चस्य शिखरं चापि निरीक्ष्य च ततस्ततः।," 'Ransack the peaks of Krauncha, its caves, caverns and ridges." अवृक्षं कामशैलं च मानसं विहगालयम्।न गतिस्तत्र भूतानां देवदानव रक्षसाम्।।4.43.29।।,"'There is a mountain region known as Kama, and Manasa where there are no trees. It is a bird sanctuary. Not only living beings, even gods, demons and rakshas have no access to that place." स च सर्वैर्विचेतव्यस्ससानुप्रस्थभूधरः।क्रौञ्चं गिरिमतिक्रम्य मैनाको नाम पर्वतः।।4.43.30।।,'Beyond mount Krauncha you will find Mainaka. All of you should search for Sita in the plain lands and the ridges of the mountain. मयस्य भवनं यत्र दानवस्य स्वयं कृतम्।।4.43.31।।मैनाकस्तु विचेतव्य स्ससानुप्रस्थकन्दरः।स्त्रीणामश्वमुखीनां तु निकेतास्तत्र तत्र तु।।4.43.32।।,"'There on Mainaka a demon, called Maya has built a mansion all by himself. Try to look in the plain lands, ridges and deep caves of Mainaka and in the residences of kinnera women with faces of horses. " तं देशं समतिक्रम्य आश्रमं सिद्धसेवितम्।सिद्धा वैखानसास्तत्र वालखिल्याश्च तापसाः।।4.43.33।।,"'On passing that place, you will come across a hermitage inhabited by siddhas and ascetics, Vaikhanasas and Valakilyas." वन्द्यास्ते तु तपस्सिद्धास्तपसा वीतकल्मषाः।प्रष्टव्या चापि सीतायाः प्रवृत्तिर्विनयान्वितैः।।4.43.34।।,'They deserve your reverence since they are accomplished ascetics.They are cleansed of sins by their penance.You should be polite when you ask them for information about Sita. हेमपुष्करसञ्छन्नं तस्मिन् वैखानसं सरः।तरुणादित्यसङ्काशैर्हंसैर्विचरितं शुभैः।।4.43.35।।, औपवाह्यः कुबेरस्य सार्वभौम इति स्मृतः।गजः पर्येति तं देशं सदा सह करेणुभिः।।4.43.36।।, तत्सरस्समतिक्रम्य नष्टचन्द्रदिवाकरम्।अनक्षत्रगणं व्योम निष्पयोदमनादितम्।।4.43.37।।,"'If you cross that region, you will find no Sun, no Moon, no stars, no cloud, no sound." गभस्तिभिरिवार्कस्य स तु देशः प्रकाशते।विश्राम्यद्भिस्तपस्सिद्धैर्देवकल्पैः स्वयंप्रभैः।।4.43.38।।,'That (Sunless) land shines like the radiance of the Sungod with the presence of selfeffulgent ascetics who have attained perfection in penance. तं तु देशमतिक्रम्य शैलोदा नाम निम्नगा।उभयोस्तीरयोस्तस्याः कीचका नाम वेणवः।।4.43.39।।ते नयन्ति परं तीरं सिद्धान्प्रत्यानयन्ति च।,'Passing that region you will reach a mountain stream called Sailoda. On both the banks of the stream are bamboo groves called Kichakas. They waft the siddhas to and from the river. (Kichakas bend forward forming an arch and thus help sages to cross the river.) उत्तराः कुरवस्तत्र कृतपुण्यप्रतिश्रयाः।।4.43.40।।ततः काञ्चनपद्माभिः पद्भिनीभिः कृतोदकाः।नीलवैडूर्यपत्राभिर्नद्यस्तत्र सहस्रशः।।4.43.41।।रक्तोत्पलवनैश्चात्र मण्डिताश्च हिरण्मयैः।,"'Thereafter you will reach the country of UttaraKuru, a resort for those who have done meritorious deeds.There are lotus ponds with golden lotuses with bluish and greenish leaves.There are thousands of rivers adorned with red and night lotuses of gold." तरुणादित्यसङ्काशैर्भान्ति तत्र जलाशयाः।।4.43.42।।महार्हमणिरत्नैश्च काञ्चनप्रभकेसरैः।निलोत्पलवनैश्चित्रै स्स देश स्सर्वतो वृतः।।4.43.43।।निस्तुलाभिश्च मुक्ताभिर्मणिभिश्च महाधनैः।,"'There are tanks and lakes filled with lotuses shining like the rising Sun with lotus leaves having the colour of precious emeralds. The lotus filaments look like golden threads. The entire place is full of blue lotus groves, exquisite pearls and other gems." उद्भूतपुलिनास्तत्र जातरूपैश्च निम्नगाः।सर्वरत्नमयैश्चित्रैरवगाढा नगोत्तमैः।।4.43.44।।जातरूपमयैश्चापि हुताशनसमप्रभैः।,'There the sandy river banks are rich with all kinds of colourful gems resplendent with the brightness of gold. Gold and gems glowing like fire in the best of mountains have entered these rivers. नित्यपुष्पफलास्तत्र नगाः पत्त्ररथाकुलाः।।4.43.45।।दिव्यगन्धरसस्पर्शाः सर्वान्कामान् स्रवन्ति च।नानाकाराणि वासांसि फलन्त्यन्ये नगोत्तमाः।।4.43.46।।,"'There the trees are filled with flowers and fruits in all seasons. Birds rest on them. By their excellent fragrance, taste and smooth feel the fruits and flowers satisfy the desires of all. Some other excellent trees provide barks of various kinds which are used for cloth." मुक्ता वैढूर्यचित्राणि भूषणानि तथैव च।स्त्रीणां चाप्यनुरूपाणि पुरुषाणां तथैव च।।4.43.47।।सर्वर्तुसुख सेव्यानि फलन्त्यन्ये नगोत्तमाः।महार्हाणि विचित्राणि हैमान्यन्ये नगोत्तमाः।।4.43.48।।,'Some other great trees (of the region) provide ornaments suitable for both men and women studded with precious pearls and vaidurya which give pleasure in all seasons. Other trees put forth beautiful and highly valuable ornaments. शयनानि प्रसूयन्ते चित्रास्तरणवन्ति च।मनःकान्तानि माल्यानि फलन्त्यत्रापरे द्रुमाः।।4.43.49।।,'The trees of that region deliver beds with colourful spreads. Some trees yield garlands of flowers pleasing to the heart. पानानि च महार्हाणि भक्ष्याणि विविधानि च।स्त्रियश्च गुणसम्पन्ना रूपयौवनलक्षिताः।।4.43.50।।,"'Some trees bring forth many good quality drinks, eatables and also virtuous women, young and beautiful." गन्धर्वाः किन्नरास्सिद्धा नागा विद्याधरास्तथा।रमन्ते सततं स्तत्र नारीभिर्भास्करप्रभाः।।4.43.51।।,"There gandharvas, kinneras, siddhas, nagas and vidyadharas, radiant like the Sun, are seen sporting with their female companions. " सर्वे सुकृतकर्माण स्सर्वे रतिपरायणाः।सर्वे कामार्थसहिता वसन्ति सहयोषितः।।4.43.52।।,'By virtue of their meritorious deeds (done in the previous birth) they live a luxurious life of riches and sensual pleasures with their female partners. गीतवादित्रनिर्घोष स्सोत्कृष्टहसितस्वनः।श्रूयते सततं तत्र सर्वभूतमनोहरः।।4.43.53।।,'Pleasing sounds of heavenly musicvocal and instrumental and laughter of celestial beings are ever heard in that region. तत्र नामुदितः कश्चिन्नास्ति कश्चिदसत्प्रियः।अहन्यहनि वर्धन्ते गुणास्तत्र मनोरमाः।।4.43.54।।,'There nobody is unhappy or inclined towards evil deeds and virtues in people go increasing day by day. समतिक्रम्य तं देशमुत्तरः पयसां निधिः।तत्र सोमगिरिर्नाम मध्ये हेममयो महान्।।4.43.55।।,"'Cross it and, you will reach the northern sea. In its midst is the great golden mountain, Somagiri. " इन्द्रलोकगता ये च ब्रह्मलोकगताश्च ये।देवास्तं समवेक्षन्ते गिरिराजं दिवं गताः।।4.43.56।।,'Only those who have reached the world of Indra and Brahma in heaven can see that king of mountains. स तु देशो विसूर्योऽपि तस्य भासा प्रकाशते।सूर्यलक्ष्म्याऽभिविज्ञेयस्तपतेव विवस्वता।।4.43.57।।,'That place gets light and heat even though there is no Sun. भगवानपि विश्वात्मा शम्भुरेकादशात्मकः।ब्रह्मा वसति देवेशो ब्रह्मर्षिपरिवारितः।।4.43.58।।,"'Even divine beings, the elevenfold Samhbu, the allpervading Visnu and Lord Brahma surrounded by Brahmarshis (divine seers) reside there." न कथञ्चन गन्तव्यं कुरूणामुत्तरेण वः।अन्येषामपि भूतानां नातिक्रामति वै गतिः।।4.43.59।।,'You should not go beyond the north of Kuru. No living being can trespass it. स हि सोमगिरिर्नाम देवानामपि दुर्गमः।तमालोक्य ततः क्षिप्रमुपावर्तितुमर्हथ।।4.43.60।।,'It is difficult even for gods to reach Somagiri. You should return immediately after seeing that mountain. एतावद्वानरैश्शक्यं गन्तुं वानरपुङ्गवाः।अभास्करममर्यादं न जानीमस्ततः परम्।।4.43.61।।,'O monkey leaders it is not possible for monkeys to go beyond. The Sun does not shine beyond that place and it is not visible. We do not know what lies beyond that (Somagiri). सर्वमेतद्विचेतव्यं यन्मया परिकीर्तितम्।यदन्यदपि नोक्तं च तत्रापि क्रियतां मतिः।।4.43.62।।,'You should keep in mind the places described. You may also think of other places I might have omitted. ततः कृतं दाशरथेर्महत्प्रियंमहत्तरं चापि ततो मम प्रियम्।कृतं भविष्यत्यनिलानलोपमाविदेहजादर्शनजेन कर्मणा।।4.43.63।।,'O heroic monkeys comparable to fire If you are successful in finding Vaidehi you will be carrying out your duty. Rama will be highly pleased by your action. My pleasure will be even greater. ततः कृतार्थाः सहितास्सबान्धवाःमयाऽर्चितास्सर्वगुणैर्मनोरमैः।चरिष्यथोर्वीं प्रति शान्तशत्रवस्सहप्रिया भूतधराः प्लवङ्गमाः।।4.43.64।।,"'O monkeys, when you have accomplished your goal, you will be honoured by me as though you have returned after scoring a victory over the enemy. You will roam this earth with your relatives, rejoicing in the company of your loved ones.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे त्रिचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends of fortythird sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva speaks very highly of Hanuman to Rama -- Rama hands in his ring to Hanuman as a mark of identification.] विशेषेण तु सुग्रीवो हनूमत्यर्थमुक्तवान्।स हि तस्मिन्हरिश्रेष्ठे निश्चितार्थोऽर्थसाधने।।4.44.1।।,"Sugriva mentioned about the capacity of Hanuman, the best of monkeys as he knew he would surely succeed in accomplishing the task." अब्रवीच्च हनूमन्तं विक्रान्तमनिलात्मजम्।सुग्रीवः परमप्रीतः प्रभु स्सर्ववनौकसाम्।।4.44.2।।,"Sugriva, king of the monkeys, spoke, highly pleased, to Hanuman, the warrior son of the Windgod advancing towards him:" न भूमौ नान्तरिक्षे वा नाम्बरे नामरालये।नाप्सु वा गतिसङ्गं ते पश्यामि हरिपुङ्गव।।4.44.3।।,'O best of monkeys I scarcely see a hero comparable to your speed on earth or in space or sky or heaven or water. सासुरास्सहगन्धर्वास्सनागनरदेवताः।विदिता स्सर्वलोकास्ते ससागरधराधराः।।4.44.4।।, गतिर्वेगश्च तेजश्च लाघवं च महाकपे।पितुस्ते सदृशं वीर मारुतस्य महौजसः।।4.44.5।।,"'O hero, O great monkey in movement, speed, brilliance and quickness you are similar to your mighty father, the Windgod." तेजसा वापि ते भूतं न समं भुवि न विद्यते।तद्यथा लभ्यते सीता तत्त्वमेवोपपादय।।4.44.6।।,"'I do not know any living being equal to you in brilliance on this earth. Therefore, you alone know how to secure Sita.Go ahead" त्वय्येव हनुम न्नस्ति बलं बुद्धिः पराक्रमः।देशकालानुवृत्तिश्च नयश्च नयपण्डित।।4.44.7।।,"'O learned Hanuman I am of opinion that in you alone rest strength, wisdom, prowess, ability to act in accordance with time and place and knowledge of statecraft'." ततः कार्यसमासङ्गमवगम्य हनूमति।विदित्वा हनुमन्तं च चिन्तयामास राघवः।।4.44.8।।,"Having understood that Hanuman was capable of accomplishing the goal, Rama started reflecting as follows:" सर्वथा निश्चितार्थोऽयं हनूमति हरीश्वरः।निश्चितार्थकरश्चापि हनूमान्कार्यसाधने।।4.44.9।।,"'This monkey king, Sugriva has confidence in Hanuman that he will by all means accomplish the task.'" तदेवं प्रस्थितस्यास्य परिज्ञातस्य कर्मभिः।भर्त्रा परिगृहीतस्य ध्रुवः कार्यफलोदयः।।4.44.10।।,"'The king Sugriva knows for sure that if Hanuman goes forth, success is assured. So he favours him.'" तं समीक्ष्य महातेजा व्यवसायोत्तरं हरिम्।कृतार्थ इव संवृत्तः प्रहृष्टेन्द्रियमानसः।।4.44.11।।,The mighty Rama was happy in his heart to see Hanuman. He felt as if the task is achieved. ददौ तस्य ततः प्रीतस्स्वनामाङ्कोपशोभितम्।अङ्गुलीयमभिज्ञानं राजपुत्र्याः परन्तपः।।4.44.12।।,"Rama, scorcher of enemies, gladly gave Hanuman a ring inscribed with his name as a mark of identification by princess (Sita). And said:" अनेन त्वां हरिश्रेष्ठ चिह्नेन जनकात्मजा।मत्सकाशादनुप्राप्तमनुद्विग्नाऽनुपश्यति।।4.44.13।।,'O distinguished monkey Janaka's daughter will greet you without any hesitation when you present this signet to her. She will know that you have come from me. व्यवसायश्च ते वीर सत्त्वयुक्तश्च विक्रमः।सुग्रीवस्य च सन्देशस्सिद्धिं कथयतीव मे।।4.44.14।।,"'O great hero your enterprise, prowess coupled with courage and Sugriva's message to you seem to indicate to me about the success of your mission'." स तद्गृह्य हरिश्रेष्ठः स्थाप्य मूर्ध्नि कृताञ्जलिः।वन्दित्वा चरणौ चैव प्रस्थितः प्लवगोत्तमः।।4.44.15।।,"The foremost among the monkeys took the ring given to him, placed it on his forehead and saluated it with folded palms. He then prostrated at the feet of Rama and departed." स तत्प्रकर्षन् हरीणां महद्बलंबभूव वीरः पवनात्मजः कपिः।गताम्बुदे व्योम्नि विशुद्धमण्डलःशशीव नक्षत्रगणोपशोभितः।।4.44.16।।,"Like the moon adorned by hosts of stars in the cloudless sky, the mighty heroic Hanuman, the great son of the Windgod, shone in the midst of the army of monkeys." अतिबल बलमाश्रितस्तवाहंहरिवरविक्रम विक्रमैरनल्पैः।पवनसुत यथाऽभिगम्यते साजनकसुता हनुमं स्तथा कुरुष्व।।4.44.17।।,"O Hanuman son of the Windgod, O valiant among the Vanaras, I bank on your strength. Do whatever you can with your mighty valour so that the daughter of Janaka can be found.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे चतुश्चत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fortyfourth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva once again addresses all troops -- the vanaras departRama and Lakshmana return to Prasravana mountain]सर्वांश्चाहूय सुग्रीवः प्लवगान् प्लवगर्षभः।समस्तानब्रवीद्भूयो रामकार्यर्थसिद्धये।।4.45.1।।एवमेतद्विचेतव्यं यन्मया परिकीर्तितम्।," Summoning the entire body of vanaras, Sugriva, the bull among monkeys, said, 'Go to the places I have described and look for Sita in order to fulfil Rama's objective'. " तदुग्रशासनं भर्तुर्विज्ञाय हरिपुङ्गवाः।।4.45.2।।शलभा इव सञ्छाद्य मेदिनीं सम्प्रतस्थिरे।,"Having understood Sugriva's strict orders, the forces of monkeys started moving. They spread like locusts all over the earth." रामः प्रस्रवणे तस्मिन्यवसत्सहलक्ष्मणः।।4.45.3।।प्रतीक्षमाणस्तं मासं यस्सीताधिगमे कृतः।,Rama accompanied by Lakshmana stayed back at Prasravana mountain looking forward for the expiry of the month fixed for the monkeys to trace Sita's whereabouts. उत्तरां तु दिशं रम्यां गिरिराजसमावृताम्।।4.45.4।।प्रतस्थे सहसा वीरो हरिश्शतवलिस्तदा।,"Then the monkey warrior Satavali departed for the north, surrounded by kings of mountains." पूर्वां दिशं प्रतिययौ विनतो हरियूथपः।।4.45.5।।ताराङ्गदादिसहितः प्लवङ्गो मारुतात्मजः।अगत्याचरितामाशां दक्षिणां हरियूथपः।।4.45.6।।,"Vinata, leader of the monkeys, set out for the eastern direction.The troop leader, son of the Windgod along with Angada and Tara left for the south inhabited by Agastya." पश्चिमां तु भृशं घोरां सुषेणः प्लवगेश्वरः।प्रतस्थे हरिशार्दूलो दिशं वरुणपालिताम्।।4.45.7।।,"'The chieftain Sushena, tiger among the monkeys, started quickly for the fearsome western direction ruled by Varuna." ततस्सर्वा दिशो राजा चोदयित्वा यथातथम्।कपिसेनापतीन्मुख्यान्मुमोद सुखितस्सुखम्।।4.45.8।।,"Sugriva, chief of the army of monkeys, having sent the leaders to all quarters felt relieved and rejoiced." एवं सम्बोधितास्सर्वे राज्ञा वानरयूथपाः।स्वां स्वां दिशमभिप्रत्त्य त्वरिता सम्प्रतस्थिरे।।4.45.9।।,"Addressed thus by the king, all the monkeys departed quickly from there for their respective directions with all enthusiasm." नदन्तश्चोन्नदन्तश्च गर्जन्तश्च प्लवङ्गमाः।क्ष्वेलन्तो धावमानाश्च विनदन्तो महाबलाः।।4.45.10।।,"The powerful monkeys went gallopping and chattering, leaping and screaming." एवं सम्बोदितास्सर्वे राज्ञा वानरयूथपाः।आनयिष्यामहे सीतां हनिष्यामश्च रावणम्।।4.45.11।।,"Thus addressed by the king, the leaders of the monkeys shouted, 'We will kill Ravana and get back Sita'." अहमेको हनिष्यामि रावणं प्राप्तमाहवे।ततश्चोन्मथ्य सहसा हरिष्ये जनकात्मजाम्।।4.45.12।।,'I shall kill Ravana singlehanded in war and quickly get back Janaka's daughter churning (the enemy army).' (said one) वेपमानां श्रमेणाद्य भवद्भिः स्थीयतामिति।एक एवाहरिष्यामि पातालादपि जानकीम्।।4.45.13।।,"'I will alone restore Sita, exhausted and trembling (in fear), even from the nether world. Wait here' (said another leader)." वधिष्याम्यहं वृक्षान् दारयिष्याम्यहं गिरीन्।धरणीं दारयिष्यामि क्षोभयिष्यामि सागरान्।।4.45.14।।,"'I will smash trees, shatter mountains, cleave the earth and churn up the seas'. (said a another)." अहं योजनसङ्ख्यायाः प्लविता नात्र संशयः।शतं योजनसङ्ख्यायाश्शतं समधिकं ह्यहम्।।4.45.15।।,"'I can doubtless cross a distance of a hundred yojanas' said one. Another said,' I can leap a hundred yojanas more'." भूतले सागरे वाऽपि शैलेषु च वनेषु च।पातालस्यापि वा मध्ये न ममाच्छिद्यते गतिः।।4.45.16।।,"'I can go unobstruted on the earth, or even in the sea, on the mountains, in the forests or even to the centre of the underworld'. (said another)" इत्येकैकं तदा तत्र वानरा बलदर्पिताः।ऊचुश्च वचनं तत्र हरिराजस्य सन्निधौ।।4.45.17।।,"The monkeys uttered such words in the presence of their king, being proud of their prowess. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे पञ्चचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fortyfifth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Sugriva narrates the fight between Dundubhi and Vali and explains how he has come to acquire knowledge of geogrphy of all quarters]गतेषु वानरेन्द्रेषु रामस्सुग्रीवमब्रवीत्।कथं भवान्विजानीते सर्वं वै मण्डलं भुवः।।4.46.1।।,"When the chieftains of the monkeys left, Rama enquired Sugriva, how he had come to know the regions of the entire earth (which is a mandala. a circular form)." सुग्रीवस्तु ततो राममुवाच प्रणतात्मवान्।श्रूयतां सर्वमाख्यास्ये विस्तरेण नरर्षभ।।4.46.2।।,"Then offering reverential salutation to Rama, Sugriva said, 'I shall narrate in detail. Listen, O bull among men " यदा तु दुन्दुभिं नाम दानवं महिषाकृतिम्।परिकालयते वाली मलयं प्रति पर्वतम्।।4.46.3।।तदा विवेश महिषो मलयस्य गुहां प्रति।विवेश वाली तत्रापि मलयं तज्जिघांसया।।4.46.4।।,Vali chased the demon Dundubhi in buffalo form into a cave of mount Malaya in order to kill him. ततोऽहं तत्र निक्षिप्तो गुहाद्वारि विनीतवत्।न च निष्क्रामते वाली तदा संवत्सरे गते4.46.5।।, 'Then I waited at the entrance of the cave with due loyalty. A year passed. Yet Vali did not return. ततः क्षतजवेगेन आपुपूरे तदा बिलम्।तदहं विस्मितो दृष्ट्वा भ्रातृशोकविषार्दितः।।4.46.6।।,"'There seeing the cave overflowing with the gushing blood, I was bewildered, thinking that my brother might have been killed. I suffered intense agony." अथाऽहं कृतबुद्धिस्तु सुव्यक्तं निहतो गुरुः।शिला पर्वतसङ्काशा बिलद्वारि मया कृता।।4.46.7।।अशक्नुव न्निष्क्रमितुं महिषो विनशेदिति।,"'Thereafter, convinced that my brother was killed, I placed a mountainsize rock at the entrance of the cave so that Dundubhi will be destroyed, unable to come out of the cave." ततोऽहमागां किष्किन्धां निराशस्तस्य जीविते।।4.46.8।।राज्यं च सुमहत्प्राप्य तारया रुमया सह।मित्रैश्च सहितस्तत्र वसामि विगतज्वरः।।4.46.9।।,"'I lost hope of his life and came back to Kishkinda. Having got the kingdom, and also Ruma and Tara, I was anointed king and ruled it fearlessly with all friends." आजगाम ततो वाली हत्वा तं दानवर्षभम्।ततोऽहमददां राज्यं गौरवाद्भययन्त्रितः।।4.46.10।।, स मां जिघांसुर्दुष्टात्मा वाली प्रव्यथितेन्द्रियः।परिकालयते क्रोधाद्धावन्तं सचिवैस्सह।।4.46.11।।,"'The evilminded Vali, having lost his selfcontrol, ran after me in anger, to kill me and my ministers. I kept running." ततोऽहं वालिना तेन साऽनुबद्धः प्रधावितः।नदीश्च विविधाः पश्यन्वनानि नगराणि च।।4.46.12।।, आदर्शतलसङ्काशा ततो वै पृथिवी मया।अलातचक्रप्रतिमा दृष्टा गोष्पदवत्तदा।।4.46.13।।, पूर्वां दिशं ततो गत्वा पश्यामि विविधान् द्रुमान्।पर्वतन्श्च नदी रम्यास्सरांसि विविधानि च।।4.46.14।।,"'Then I ran in the eastern direction and saw many trees, lakes, rivers and beautiful mountains. " उदयं तत्र पश्यामि पर्वतं धातुमण्डितम्।क्षीरोदं सागरं चैव नित्यमप्सरसालयम्।।4.46.15।।,"'There I saw, filled with minerals the mountain behind which the Sun rises and the milky ocean frequented by the apsaras." परिकालयमानस्तु वालिनाऽभिद्रुत स्तदा।पुनरावृत्य सहसा प्रस्थितोऽहं तदा विभो।।4.46.16।।,"'O king chased thus by Vali, I ran and turned back and ran againfast." पुनरावर्तमानस्तु वालिनाऽभिद्रुतोद्रुतम्।दिशस्तस्यास्ततो भूयः प्रस्थितो दक्षिणां दिशम्।विन्ध्यपादपसङ्कीर्णां चन्दनद्रुमशोभिताम्।।4.46.17।।," 'Then chased by Vali, I changed my present direction from the east towards the southern quarter where Vindhya mountain stood with its, beautiful sandal trees." द्रुमशैलांस्ततः पश्यन्भूयो दक्षिणतोऽपराम्।पश्चिमां च दिशं प्राप्ता वालिना समभिद्रुतः।।4.46.18।।,"'I was looking at the trees and mountains in the southern direction, I reached the western quarter pursued by Vali." सम्पश्यन्विविधान्देशानस्तं च गिरिसत्तमम्।प्राप्य चास्तं गिरिश्रेष्ठमुत्तरां सम्प्रधावितः।।4.46.19।।,"'Looking at the places around, I reached the best of mountains where the Sun sets (I found Vali still chasing me) and ran towards the north." हिमवन्तं च मेरुं च समुद्रं च तथोत्तरम्।यदा न विन्दं शरणं वालिना समभिद्रुतः।।4.46.20।।तदा मां बुद्धिसम्पन्नो हनूमान्वाक्यमब्रवीत्।,"'I saw Himavan and mount Meru on the north and the northern sea. Still pursued by Vali, I could not know where to go when wise Hanuman spoke to me these words:" इदानीं मे स्मृतं राजन्यथा वाली हरीश्वरः।।4.46.21।।मतङ्गेन तदा शप्तो ह्यस्मिन्नाश्रममण्डले।प्रविशेद्यदि वै वाली मूर्धाऽस्य शतधा भवेत्।।4.46.22।।तत्र वासस्सुखोऽस्माकं निरुद्विग्नो भविष्यति।,"'I remembed Matanga's curse to Vali, king of monkeys. Vali would not enter the site of Matanga's hermitage as his head would break into a hundred pieces if he did'. Therefore we thought it would be safe for us to reside in that place." ततः पर्वतमासाद्य ऋष्यमूकं नृपात्मज।।4.46.23।।न विवेश तदा वाली मतङ्गस्य भयात्तदा।,'O prince Rama then I reached mount Rishyamuka which Vali did not enter out of fear of the curse of Matanga. एवं मया तदा राजन्प्रत्यक्षमुपलक्षितम्।।4.46.24।।पृथिवीमण्डलं कृत्स्नं गुहामस्यागतस्ततः।,"'O king that way I surveyed the entire earth directly and returned to this cave and lived here.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे षटचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fortysixth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." "[Return of Satavali, Vinata and Sushena with no news of Sita.]दर्शनार्थं तु वैदेह्यास्सर्वतः कपियूधपाः।व्यादिष्टाः कपिराजेन यथोक्तं जग्मुरञ्जसा।।4.47.1।।",The leaders of vanara troops went fast in all directions to look for Vaidehi following the instructions of the king of vanaras. सरांसि सरित काक्षानाकाशं नगराणि च।नदीदुर्गांस्तथा शैलान्विचिन्वन्ति समन्ततः।।4.47.2।।,"They went looking everywhere in the tanks, in the bottom of rivers, in towns, in the sky and similarly in inaccessible rivers, mountains, and forts surrounded by rivers." सुग्रीवेण समाख्यातास्सर्वे वानरयूथपाः।प्रदेशान्प्रविचिन्वन्ति सशैलवनकाननान्।।4.47.3।।,The troop leaders of the monkeys instructed by Sugriva searched in all places including mountains and forests. विचित्य दिवसं सर्वे सीताधिगमने धृताः।समायान्ति स्म मेदिन्यां निशाकालेषु वानराः।।4.47.4।।,The monkeys used to search for Sita all day determinedly and at night assemble at one place. सर्वर्तुकमान् देशेषु वानारास्सफलद्रुमान्।आसाद्य रजनीं शय्यां चक्रुस्सर्वेष्वहस्सु ते।।4.47.5।।,The monkeys would search all day and by night reach for rest the branches of the trees that bear fruits in all seasons. तदहः प्रथमं कृत्वा मासे प्रश्रवणं गताः।कपिराजेन सङ्गम्य निराशाः कपियूधपाः।।4.47.6।।,"The monkey leaders thus spent a month doing what they did daily and returning disappointed, met the monkey king on mount Prasravana." विचित्य तु दिशं पूर्वां यथोक्तां सचिवैस्सह।अदृष्ट्वा विनतस्सीतामाजगाम महाबलः।।4.47.7।।," Having searched for Sita as instructed by Sugriva, powerful Vinita returned along with the ministers unable to find Sita." उत्तरां च दिशं सर्वां विचित्य स महाकपिः।आगतस्सह सैन्येन वीरश्शतवलिस्तदा।।4.47.8।।,Then the great monkey hero Satabali came back from the northern direction along with the army after searching in vain for Sita. सुषेणः पश्चिमा माशां विचित्य सह वानरैः।समेत्य मासे सम्पूर्णे सुग्रीवमुपचक्रमे।।4.47.9।।,Sushena searched for a full month in the western quarter along with the monkeys and returned to report to Sugriva. तं प्रस्रवणपृष्ठस्थं समासाद्याभिवाद्य च।आसीनं सह रामेण सुग्रीवमिदमब्रवीत्।।4.47.10।।,"Sushena came to Sugriva, seated with Rama at Prasravana mountain, offered salutations and spoke:" विचिताः पर्वतास्सर्वे वनानि गहनानि च।निम्नगास्सागरान्ताश्च सर्वे जनपदाश्च ये।।4.47.11।।,"'We searched for her in the mountains, in inaccessible forests, in rivers and seas and also the countryside." गुहाश्च विचितास्सर्वास्त्वया याः परिकीर्तिताः।विचिताश्च महागुल्मा लताविततसन्तताः।।4.47.12।।,"'We searched for her in the caves, in places filled with extensive vines and huge bushes and in all places mentioned by you. " गहनेषु च देशेषु दुर्गेषु विषमेषु च।सत्त्वान्यतिप्रमाणानि विचितानि हतानि च।।4.47.13।।ये चैव गहना देशा विचितास्ते पुनः पुनः।,"'We searched again and again the interior, inaccessible and uneven locations,and killed huge animals. We searched in regions difficult to penetrate. " उदारसत्त्वाभिजनो महात्मास मैथिलीं द्रक्ष्यति वानरेन्द्रः।दिशं तु यामेव गता तु सीतातामास्थितोवायुसुतो हनूमान्।।4.47.14।।,"'O king of monkeys we hope, his exhalted highness, the mighty vanara, son of the Windgod, Hanuman has gone in the direction in which Maithili has been carried off. He alone will find Sita and come back.'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे सप्तचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fortyseventh sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Search in Vindhya -- disappointed -- troops sit in despair]सह ताराङ्गदाभ्यां तु गत्वा स हनुमान्कपिः।सुग्रीवेण यथोद्दिष्टं तं देशमुपचक्रमे।।4.48.1।।," Hanuman, the monkey accompanied by Tara and Angada proceeded as instructed by Sugriva in the (South) direction." स तु दूरमुपागम्य सर्वैस्तै: कपिसत्तमैः।विचिनोति स्म विन्ध्यस्य गुहाश्च गहनानि च।।4.48.2।।पर्वताग्रान्नदीदुर्गान्सरांसि विपुलान्द्रुमान्।वृक्षषण्डांश्च विविधान्पर्वतान्घनपादपान्।।4.48.3।।,"He went a long distance with other heroic monkeys, searching in the impenetrable caves of Vindhya mountain. They combed interior places, mountain peaks, fortresses surrounded by rivers, lakes, extensive groves of trees, bushes and thickets." अन्वेषमाणास्ते सर्वे वानरास्सर्वतो दिशम्।न सीतां ददृशुर्वीरा मैथिलीं जनकात्मजाम्।।4.48.4।।,"The heroic monkeys went searching all over the direction for the daughter of Janaka, but in vain." ते भक्षयन्तो मूलानि फलानि विविधानि च।अन्वेषमाणा दुर्धर्षान्यवसं स्तत्र तत्र ह।।4.48.5।।,The unassailable monkeys ate roots and fruits and halted here and there at different places searching for Sita. स तु देशो दुरन्वेषो गुहागहनवान्महान्।निर्जलं निर्जनं शून्यं गहनं रोमहर्षणम्।।4.48.6।।,"They searched in dense forests, interior locations impassable, desolate and terrific, without water, and people." त्यक्त्वा तु तं तदा देशं सर्वे वै हरियूथपाः।तादृशान्यप्यरण्यानि विचित्य भृशपीडिताः।।4.48.7।।देशमन्यं दुराधर्षं विविशु श्चाकुतो भयाः।,"Having searched all over in the forests and very difficult areas, the fearless, invincible vanaras moved forward, leaving that place and entered another areasearching." यत्र वन्ध्यफला वृक्षा विपुष्पाः पर्णवर्जिताः।।4.48.8।।निस्तोयास्सरितो यत्र मूलं यत्र सुदुर्लभम्।,"As they marched forward, they entered a location where there were trees devoid of leaves, flowers and fruits and rivers without water and a place where it was difficult to get roots (for food)." न सन्ति महिषा यत्र न मृगा न च हस्तिनः।।4.48.9।।शार्दूलाः पक्षिणो वापि ये चान्ये वनगोचराः।,"There were no buffaloes, no deer, no elephants, tigers or even birds and other wild animals." न यत्रवृक्षा नौषध्यो न वल्ल्यो नापि वीरुधः।।4.48.10।।स्निग्धपत्रास्स्थले यत्र पद्मिन्यः फुल्लपङ्कजाः।प्रेक्षणीयास्सुगन्धाश्च भ्रमरैश्चापिवर्जिताः।।4.48.11।।,"There were no medicinal plants, no vines or creepers spreading on the ground.The lotus creepers on the dry ground had shining leaves,beautiful and fragrant blooms devoid of bees." कण्डुर्नाम महाभागस्सत्यवादी तपोधनः।महर्षिः परमामर्षी नियमैर्दुष्प्रधर्षणः।।4.48.12।।,"There was a sage called Kandu who was truthful, outrageous and shorttempered. He observed strict austerities and was rich in penance. " तस्य तस्मिन्वने पुत्रो बालष्षोडशवार्षिकः।प्रणष्टो जीवितान्ताय क्रुद्धस्तत्र महामुनिः।।4.48.13।।,The great sage was enraged because he had lost his sixteenyearold son in the forest. तेन धर्मात्मना शप्तं कृत्स्नं तत्रमहद्वनम्।अशरण्यं दुराधर्षं मृगपक्षिविवर्जितम्।।4.48.14।।,"Cursed by the great righteous sage the entire forest turned barren, unfit to harbour living beings and became devoid of even beasts and birds." तस्य ते काननान्ताश्च गिरीणां कन्दराणि च।प्रभवनि नदीनां च विचिन्वन्ति समाहिताः।।4.48.15।।,"The monkeys searched in the forest regions, in the mountains, rivers and sources of rivers with concentrated attention." तत्र चापि महात्मानो नापश्यञ्जनकात्मजाम्।हर्तारं रावणं वापि सुग्रीवप्रियकारिणः।।4.48.16।।,"Eager to please Sugriva, the great souls searched in the forest region. Even there they could not find Janaka's daughter and also Ravana who had abducted Sita." ते प्रविश्याऽशु तं भीमं लतागुल्मसमावृतम्।दद्दृशुः क्रूरकर्माणमसुरं सुरनिर्भयम्।।4.48.17।।,"(Then) they noticed a place covered with creepers and bushes. As soon as they entered the dreadful forest, they saw a demon of wicked deeds, unafraid even of gods." "तं दृष्ट्वा वानरा घोरं स्थितं शैलमिवापरम्। गाढं परिहितास्सर्वे दृष्ट्वा तान्पर्वतोपममान्।।4.48.18।।  "," The monkeys beheld the dreadful demon standing firmly like a huge, incomparable mountain in front of them." सोऽपि तान्वानरान्सर्वान् नष्टा स्स्थेत्यब्रवीद्बली।अभ्यधावत सङ्कृद्धो मुष्टिमुद्यम्य संहितम्।।4.48.19।।,"Seeing the monkeys, the infuriated demon ran towards them, raising his fist firmly, saying, 'You are all as good as dead, now that I have caught you.'" तमापतन्तं सहसा वालिपुत्रोऽङ्गदस्तदा।रावणोऽयमिति ज्ञात्वा तलेनाभिजघान ह।।4.48.20।।,"Mistaking him for Ravana, Angada, Vali's son at once pounced on him and slapped him with his palm." स वालिपुत्राभिहतो वक्त्राच्छोणितमुद्वमन्।असुरोऽभ्यपतद्भूमौ पर्यस्त इव पर्वतः।।4.48.21।।,"Struck by Vali's son, the demon vomitting blood from the mouth, fell down on the ground like a mountain, uprooted." तेऽपि तस्मिन्निरुच्छवासे वानरा जितकाशिनः।व्यचिन्वन्प्रायशस्तत्र सर्वं तद्गिरिगह्वरम्।।4.48.22।।,"He breathed his last, and the monkeys who won went searching almost all over the mountain caves." विचितं तु ततः कृत्वा सर्वे ते काननं पुनः।अन्यदेवापरं घोरं विविशुर्गिरिगह्वरम्।।4.48.23।।,Again they searched the forest and entered another dreadful mountain cave. ते विचित्य पुनः खिन्ना विनिष्पत्य समागताः।एकान्ते वृक्षमूले तु निषेदुर्दीनमानसाः।।4.48.24।।," Having searched again, the disappointed monkeys collected together under a tree, dejected at heart and sat down in silence.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे अष्टचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends of the fortyeighth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the forst epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [ Angada encourages the troops to search the silver mountain.]अथाङ्गदस्तदा सर्वान्वानरानिदमब्रवीत्।परिश्रान्तो महाप्राज्ञस्समाश्वास्य शनैर्वचः।।4.49.1।।,"Wise Angada, exhausted after the search, collected the monkeys, and consoling them, said slowly:" वनानि गिरयो नद्यो दुर्गाणि गहनानि च।दर्यो गिरिगुहाश्चैव विचितानि समन्ततः।।4.49.2।।तत्र तत्र सहास्माभिर्जानकी न च दृश्यते।तद्वा रक्षो हृता येन सीता सुरसुतोपमा।।4.49.3।।,"'We have searched here, there, everywhere, in dense forests, hills, forts, impenetrable caverns and mountain ranges. But we could find neither Janaki who is like a goddess nor the demon who abducted her." कालश्च नो महान्यातस्सुग्रीवश्चोग्रशासनः।तस्माद्भवन्तस्सहिता विचिन्वन्तु समन्ततः।।4.49.4।।, विहाय तन्द्रीं शोकं च निद्रां चैव समुत्थिताम्।विचिनुध्वं यथा सीतां पश्यामो जनकात्मजाम्।।4.49.5।।,"'You should keep searching on till we see Sita, Janaka's daughter, giving up laziness and sorrow and sleep that is overpowering us." अनिर्वेदं च दाक्ष्यं च मनसश्चापराजयः।कार्यसिद्धिकराण्याहुस्तस्मादेतद्ब्रवीम्यहम्।।4.49.6।।,"'It is said, zeal, capability, and fortitude can overcome defeat and lead to success. Therefore I am saying this." अद्यापि तद्वनं दुर्गं विचिन्वन्तु वनौकसः।खेदं त्यक्त्वा पुनस्सर्वैर्वनमेतद्विचीयताम्।।4.49.7।।,"'Search this impenetrable forest even now, O you denizens of this forest Give up grief, let us all once again ransack this forest." अवश्यं क्रियमाणस्य दृश्यते कर्मणः फलम्।अलं निर्वेदमागम्य न हि नो मीलनं क्षमम्।।4.49.8।।, सुग्रीवः कोपनो राजा तीक्ष्णदण्डश्च वानरः।भेतव्यं तस्य सततं रामस्य च महात्मनः।।4.49.9।।,"'Sugriva, the monkey king, is wrathful and awards severe punishment. We should ever bear in mind the (purpose of the) great self, Rama. " हितार्थमेतदुक्तं वः क्रियतां यदि रोचते।उच्यतां वा क्षमं यन्नस्सर्वेषामेव वानराः।।4.49.10।।,"'I have said all this for your good. You may carry it out, if it pleases you. Speak freely if there is any other course left for all of us, O monkeys'" अङ्गदस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा वचनं गन्धमादनः।उवाचाव्यक्तया वाचा पिपासाश्रमखिन्नया।।4.49.11।।,"Having heard Angada, Gandhamadana worn out by thirst and exhaustion, replied in a feeble tone:" सदृशं खलु वो वाक्यमङ्गदो यदुवाच ह।हितं चैवानुकूलं च क्रियतामस्य भाषितम्।।4.49.12।।,"'What Angada says is appropriate, beneficial and also favourable. Carry out his command." पुनर्मार्गामहै शैलान्कन्दरांश्च दरीस्तथा।काननानि च शून्यानि गिरिप्रस्रवणानि च।।4.49.13।।,"'Once again let us explore the mountains, caverns, forests, desolate places and mountain streams." यथोद्दिष्टानि सर्वाणि सुग्रीवेण महात्मना।विचिन्वन्तु वनं सर्वे गिरिदुर्गाणि सर्वशः।।4.49.14।।, ततस्समुत्थाय पुनर्वानरास्ते महाबलाः।विन्ध्यकाननसङ्कीर्णां विचेरुर्दक्षिणां दिशम्।।4.49.15।।,Once again the monkeys rose up and started exploring the mountain ranges of Vindhya and the forests surrounding the southern side. ते शारदाभ्रप्रतिमं श्रीमद्रजतपर्वतम्।शृङ्गवन्तं दरीमन्तमधिरुह्य च वानराः।।4.49.16।।तत्र लोध्रवनं रम्यं सप्तपर्णवनानि च।व्यचिन्वंस्ते हरिवरास्सीता दर्शनकाङ्क्षिणः।।4.49.17।।,"Eager to find Sita, the best of monkeys climbed the silver mountain rich with peaks and caverns resembling the autumnal clouds. And looked out into the Lodhra grove and the garden of seven leaves (banara plantations)." तस्याग्रमधिरूढास्ते श्रान्ता विपुलविक्रमाः।न पश्यन्ति स्म वैदेहीं रामस्य महिषीं प्रियाम्।।4.49.18।।,"Even after scaling up the peak, the exhausted, heroic monkeys could not find Vaidehi, the dear queen of Rama." ते तु दृष्टिगतं कृत्वा तं शैलं बहुकन्दरम्।अवारोहन्त हरयो वीक्षमाणास्समन्ततः।।4.49.19।।,"Having looked all over the mountain and many caverns, those monkeys got down from the mountain." अवरुह्य ततो भूमिं श्रान्ता विगतचेतसः।स्थित्वा मुहूर्तं तत्राथ वृक्षमूलमुपाश्रिताः।।4.49.20।।,"Descending to the foothills, the exhausted monkeys became quiet. Fatigued and disheartened, they assembled under a tree, stood for a moment and then lay down." ते मुहूर्तं समाश्वस्ताः किञ्चिद्भग्नपरिश्रमाः।पुनरेवोद्यताः कृत्स्नां मार्गितुं दक्षिणां दिशम्।।4.49.21।।,"Resting for a while, the frustrated monkeys resumed their search throughout the southern direction. " हनुमत्प्रमुखास्ते तु प्रस्थिताः प्लवगर्षभाः।विन्ध्यमेवादितस्तावद्विचेरुस्ते समन्ततः।।4.49.22।।,"The bulls among vanaras and Hanuman, the chief of the group again started exploring everywhere in the Vindhya range starting from the beginning.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे एकोनपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fortyninth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki. " [Rikshabila cave -- meeting with Svayamprabha.]सह ताराङ्गदाभ्यां तु सङ्गम्य हनुमान्कपिः।विचिनोति स्म विन्ध्यस्य गुहाश्च गहनानि च।।4.50.1।।,"Hanuman, together with the monkeys, Tara and Angada, searched in the impenetrable places and caves of Vindhya." सिंहशार्दूलजुष्टेषु शिलाश्च सरितस्तदा।विषमेषु नगेन्द्रस्य महाप्रस्रवणेषु च।।4.50.2।।,"They also searched near rivers, mountain streams, hill ranges, caves of lions and tigers, in the rock shelters and difficult spots of vast mountains. " आसेदुस्तस्य शैलस्य कोटिं दक्ष्णिपश्चिमाम्।तेषां तत्रैव वसतां स कालो व्यत्यवर्तत।।4.50.3।।,"They reached the end of the southwest side of the mountain(Vindhya). While they were still there, the time stipulated for them (to find Sita) had slipped." स हि देशो दुरन्वेषो गुहागहनवान्महान्।तत्र वायुसुतस्सर्वं विचिनोति स्म पर्वतम्।।4.50.4।।,"The son of the Windgod, Hanuman, searched all over the mountains and caves and woods difficult to access in that southwestern region of the mountain." परस्परेण हनुमा नन्योन्यस्याविदूरतः।गजो गवाक्षो गवयश्शरभो गन्धमादनः।।4.50.5।।मैन्दश्च द्विविदश्चैव सुषेणो जाम्बवान्नल:।अङ्गदो युवराजश्च तारश्च वनगोचरः।।4.50.6।।गिरिजालावृतान्देशान्मार्गित्वा दक्षिणां दिशम्।विचिन्वन्तस्ततस्तत्र ददृशुर्विवृतं बिलम्।।4.50.7।।दुर्गमृक्षबिलं नाम दानवेनाभिरक्षितम्।,"Having explored the region surrounded by a network of mountains, Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sarabha, Gandhamadana, Mainda and also Dvivida, Sushena, Jambavan, Angada the heir apparent, Tara the forestdweller staying close to one another and Hanuman too not far from the others searched in the southern direction. While they were exploring, they saw the mouth of a large cave called Rikshabilam, which had its mouth open, guarded by a demon." क्षुत्पिपासापरीताश्च श्रान्ताश्च सलिलार्थिनः।।4.50.8।।अवकीर्णं लतावृक्षैर्ददृशुस्ते महाबिलम्।,"Overcome with hunger and thirst, the exhausted monkeys noticed a huge cave covered with creepers and bushes, while they were looking around for water." तत्र क्रौञ्चाश्च हंसाश्च सारसाश्च विनिष्क्रमन्।।4.50.9।।जलार्द्राश्चक्रवाकाश्च रक्ताङ्गा: पद्मरेणुभिः।,"Just then, the kraunchas, swans, geese and chakravaka drenched in water with their limbs reddened with the pollen of lotuses were fluttering out (of the cave)." ततस्तद्बिलमासाद्य सुगन्धि दुरतिक्रमम्।।4.50.10।।विस्मयव्यग्रमनसो बभूवुर्वानरर्षभाः।,The bulls among the monkeys were bewildered when they reached the cave which was difficult to access. संञ्जातपरिशङ्कास्ते तद्बिलं प्लवगोत्तमाः।।4.50.11।।अभ्यपद्यन्त संहृष्टास्तेजोवन्तो महाबलाः।,The brilliant host of monkeys experienced both fear and joy to see the cave difficult to enter. नानासत्त्वसमाकीर्णं दैत्येन्द्रनिलयोपमम्।।4.50.12।।दुर्दर्शमतिघोरं च दुर्विगाहं च सर्वशः।,"The cave was crowded with creatures of different kinds. It looked like the abode of the king of demons difficult (to enter), dreadful and impenetrable." तत: पर्वतकूटाभो हनूमान्पवनात्मजः।।4.50.13।।अब्रवीद्वानरान्सर्वान्कान्तारवनकोविदः।,"Then Hanuman, son of the Windgod who appeared like a huge mountain and knew about forests spoke to the fellowmonkeys:" गिरिजालावृतान्देशान्मार्गित्वा दक्षिणां दिशम्।।4.50.14।।वयं सर्वे परिश्रान्ता न च पश्याम मैथिलीम्।,"'Going round the places covering all mountain ranges in the southern direction, we are spent. But we could not see Maithili." अस्माच्चापि बिलाद्धंसाः क्रौञ्चाश्च सह सारसैः।।4.50.15।।जलार्द्राश्चक्रवाकाश्च निष्पतन्ति स्म सर्वशः।नूनं सलिलवानत्र कूपो वा यदि वा ह्रदः।।4.50.16।।तथा चेमे बिलद्वारि स्निग्धास्तिष्ठन्ति पादपाः।,"'From this cave have emerged several birds like sarasas, swans, kraunchas and chakravakas drenched in water. Surely there must be a source of plenty of water or well or a pond. Moreover there are shining( green) trees at the entrance of the cave (suggesting subsoil water).'" इत्युक्त्वा तद्बिलं सर्वे विविशुस्तिमिरावृतम्।।4.50.17।।अचन्द्रसूर्यं हरयो ददृशू रोमहर्षणम्।,"On hearing him, the monkeys entered the cave full of darkness. There was no light of the Moon or the Sun. It was a horripilating experience." निशाम्य तस्मात् शिंहांश्च तांस्तांश्च मृगपक्ष्णिः।।4.50.18।।प्रविष्टा हरिशार्दूला बिलं तिमिरसंवृतम्।,"The tigers among the monkeys entered the dark cave reverberating with the sounds of lions, beasts and birds." न तेषां सज्जते चक्षुर्न तेजो न पराक्रमः।।4.50.19।।वायोरिव गतिस्तेषां दृष्टिस्तमसि वर्तते।,The monkeys could not fix their eyes anywhere.Their lustre or valour could not help them. They moved like wind uninterrupted and their vision was lost in darkness. ते प्रविष्टास्तु वेगेन तद्बिलं कपिकुञ्जराः।।4.50.20।।प्रकाशमभिरामं च ददृशुर्देशमुत्तमम्।,"As the elephantlike monkeys entered the cave quickly, they saw bright light and an excellent delightful place." ततस्तस्मिन्बिले दुर्गे नानापादपसङ्कुले।।4.50.21।।अन्योन्यं सम्परिष्वज्य जग्मुर्योजनमन्तरम्।,"Holding one another's hands, they went in for a distance of one yojana inside the cave that was densely covered with several kinds of trees." ते नष्टसंज्ञास्तृषितास्सम्भ्रान्तास्सलिलार्थिनः।।4.50.22।।परिपेतुर्बिले तस्मिन्कञ्चित्कालमतन्द्रिताः।,"Having nearly lost their senses (without water to drink), the thirsty and bewildered monkeys were desperate for water.They wandered in the cave without feeling lazy for some time." ते कृशा दीनवदनाः परिश्रान्ताः प्लवङ्गमाः।।4.50.23।।आलोकं ददृशुर्वीरा निराशा जीविते यदा।,"Exhausted and enfeebled, they saw with dejected faces a gleam of light at a time when they were desparate." ततस्तं देशमागम्य सौम्या वितिमिरं वनम्।।4.50.24।।ददृशुः काञ्चनान्वृक्षान्दीप्तवैश्वानरप्रभान्।सालां स्तालांश्च पुन्नागान्ककुभान्वञ्जुलान्धवान्।।4.50.25।।चम्पकान् नागवृक्षांश्च कर्णिकारांश्च पुष्पितान्।स्तबकैः काञ्चनैश्चित्रै रक्तै: किसलयैस्तथा।।4.50.26।।आपीडैश्च लताभिश्च हेमाभरणभूषितान्।तरुणादित्यसङ्काशान्वैढूर्यकृतवेदिकान्।।4.50.27।।विभ्राजमानान्वपुषा पादपांश्च हिरण्मयान्।नीलवैढूर्यवर्णाश्च पद्मिनीः पतगावृताः।।4.50.28।।महद्भि: काञ्चनैः पद्मैर्वृता बालार्कसन्निभैः।,"Having reached inside the cave the monkeys saw a forest shining like blazing fire, dispelling the surrounding darkness. There they noticed sala, tala, tamala, punnaga, vanjjula, dhava, champaka, and naga trees. They also saw blossoming plants of Karnikara, bunches of beautiful golden flowers and tender redcoloured leaves.They saw wonderful trees with creepers on top entwining them, and ornamented with gold (like golden fruits), radiant like the dazzling rising Sun. There were altars encrusted with precious sapphire and vaidurya. The golden trees were shining bright. There were lotus creepers looking like sapphire and vaidurya.The ponds were filled with golden lotuses and were surrounded by birds." जातरूपमयैर्मत्स्यैर्महद्भिश्च सकच्छपैः।।4.50.29।।नळिनीस्तत्र ददृशुः प्रसन्नसलिलावृताः।,There they saw golden fishes and huge tortoises in the pellucid water of the tank filled with lotus creepers. काञ्चनानि विमानानि राजतानि तथैव च।।4.50.30।।तपनीयगवाक्षाणि मुक्ताजालावृतानि च।हैमराजतभौमानि वैदूर्यमणिमन्ति च।।4.50.31।।ददृशुस्तत्र हरयो गृहमुख्यानि सर्वशः।,"The vanaras beheld highrise palaces built with gold and silver. The windows fixed on the roof were golden, shaped like cow's eye with lattices of pearls. They also saw best of houses built in gold, silver and clay, decorated with precious gems including vaidurya." पुष्पितान्फलिनो वृक्षान्प्रवाळमणिसन्निभान्।।4.50.32।।काञ्चनभ्रमरांश्चैव मधूनि च समन्ततः।,They saw trees bright like corals in full bloom and ripe fruits. Golden bees were found hovering around making all kinds of honey. मणिकाञ्चनचित्राणि शयनान्यासनानि च।।4.50.33।।महार्हाणि चयानानि ददृशुस्ते समन्ततः।हैमराजतकांस्यानां भाजनानां च संञ्चयान्।।4.50.34।।,"They saw all over rich collections of beds, couches and highly valuable vehicles, decorated beautifully with gems and gold.They also saw a large collection of shining utensils made of gold, silver and bronze." अगरूणां च दिव्यानां चन्दनानां च संञ्चायान्।शुचीन्यभ्यवहार्याणि मूलानि च फलानि च।।4.50.35।।,"There they noticed a wonderful collection of incense and sandal, tasty and pure eatables, roots and fruits " महार्हाणि च पानानि मधूनि रसवन्ति च।दिव्यानामम्बराणां च महार्हाणां च सञ्चयान्।।4.50.36।।कम्बलानां च चित्राणामजिनानां च सञ्चयान्।,"(They found) excellent drinks and many kinds of honey, wonderful collections of clothes, colourful blankets and heaps of animal skin." तत्र तत्र च विन्यस्तान्दीप्तान्वैश्वानरप्रभान्।।4.50.37।।ददृशुर्वानराश्शुभ्राञ्जातरूपस्य सञ्चयान्।,"The monkeys marked here and there a collection of gold, glittering like blazing fire." तत्र तत्र विचिन्वन्तो बिले तस्मिन्महाबलाः।।4.50.38।।ददृशुर्वानराश्शूराः स्त्रियं काञ्चिददूरतः।,"While searching here and there in the cave, the strong and powerful monkeys discovered a woman not far from there." तां दृष्ट्वा भृशसन्त्रस्ताश्चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बराम्।।4.50.39।।तापसीं नियताहारां ज्वलन्तीमिव तेजसा।,"She was an ascetic in bark robes and deer skin blazing with lustre, restrained in her food. The monkeys got very frightened." विस्मिता हरयस्तत्र व्यवतिष्ठन्त सर्वशः।।4.50.40।।पप्रच्छ हनुमांस्तत्र काऽसि त्वं कस्य वा बिलम्।,"The amazed monkeys stopped there. Hanuman enquired, 'Who are you? Whose cave is this'?" ततो हनूमान्गिरिसन्निकाशःकृताज्ञलिस्तामभिवाद्य वृद्धाम्।पप्रच्छ का त्वं भवनं बिलं चरत्नानि चेमानि वदस्व कस्य।।4.50.41।।,"Then Hanuman who was of the size of a mountain greeted the old lady with folded hands and enquired her 'Who are you? To whom does this mansion, this cave and these gems belong?'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे पञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends of fiftieth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic of the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [The story of Svayamprabha] इत्युक्त्वा हनुमांस्तत्र पुनः कृष्णाजिनाम्बराम्।अब्रवीत्तां महाभागां तापसीं धर्मचारिणीम्।।4.51.1।।,"On meeting the distinguished, righteous ascetic woman robed in deer skin, Hanuman said:" इदं प्रविष्टास्सहसा बिलं तिमिरसंवृतम्।क्षुत्पिपासापरिश्रान्ताः परिखिन्नाश्च सर्वशः।।4.51.2।।,'We are exhausted with thirst and hunger. We are fatigued. (Hence) we entered this dark cave all at once(without waiting for permission). महद्धरण्या विवरं प्रविष्टाः स्म पिपासिताः।इमां स्त्वेवंविधान्भावान्विविधानद्भुतोपमान्।।4.51.3।।दृष्ट्वा वयं प्रव्यथितास्सम्भ्रान्ता नष्टचेतसः।,'Thirst drove us into this cave on earth. We are amazed at the kind of many wonderful objects here and have nearly lost our senses. We are tormented with pain. कस्यैते काञ्चना वृक्षास्तरुणादित्यसन्निभाः।।4.51.4।।शुचीन्यभ्यवहार्याणि मूलानि च फलानि च।काञ्चनानि विमानानि राजतानि गृहाणि च।।4.51.5।।तपनीयगवाक्षाणि मणिजालावृतानि च।,'To whom do these golden trees resembling the rising Sun belong? For whom are these tasty roots and fruits? Whose are these manystoreyed golden houses with glittering windows adorned with silver lattices encrusted with gems? पुष्पिताः फलवन्तश्च पुण्यास्सुरभिगन्धिनः।।4.51.6।।इमे जाम्बूनदमयाः पादपाः कस्य तेजसा।काञ्चनानि च पद्मानि जातानि विमले जले।।4.51.7।।कथं मत्स्याश्च सौवर्णा दृश्यन्ते सह कच्छपैः।आत्मानमनुभावं च कस्य चैतत्तपोबलम्।।4.51.8।।अजानतां न स्सर्वेषां सर्वमाख्यातुमर्हसि।,'By whose prowess are these golden trees yielding sacred fragrant flowers and fruits? How are these golden lotuses created in the clear water? How is it that here are golden fishes and tortoises? Whose fruit of penance is this? Is it by your power? We do not know. You should tell all of us everything'. एवमुक्ता हनुमता तापसी धर्मचारिणी।।4.51.9।।प्रत्युवाच हनूमन्तं सर्वभूतहिते रता।,The noble ascetic committed to the welfare of all beings replied to Hanuman's enquiry: मयो नाम महातेजा मायावी वानरर्षभः।।4.51.10।।तेनेदं निर्मितं सर्वं मायया काञ्चनं वनम्।,'O bull among monkeys this golden forest was created by the magical power of a deceitful demon called Maya. पुरा दानवमुख्यानां विश्वकर्मा बभूव ह।।4.51.11।।येनेदं काञ्चनं दिव्यं निर्मितं भवनोत्तमम्।,"This best of wonderful mansions has been constructed earlier by Visvakarma, the chief (architect) of the demons." स तु वर्षसहस्राणि तपस्तप्त्वा महावने।।4.51.12।।पितामहाद्वरं लेभे सर्वमौशनसं धनम्।,"'He (Maya) performed rigorous penance in the dense forest for thousands of years seeking the favour of Brahma, the creator and obtained a boon that he should inherit all the wealth of Usanas (Shukra)." वनं विधाय बलवान्सर्वकामेश्वरस्तदा।।4.51.13।।उवास सुखितः कालं कञ्चिदस्मिन्महावने।, Then the mighty Maya who received the power of (executing) desires created this mansion and lived here happily for some time in this dense forest. तमप्सरसि हेमायां सक्तं दानवपुङ्गवम्।।4.51.14।।विक्रम्यैवाशनिं गृह्य जघानेत्रः पुरन्दरः।,"'Seeing this great demon in love with a heavenly apsara (nymph) called Hema, Lord Indra with all his might attacked him with his thunderbolt." इदं च ब्रह्मणा दत्तं हेमायै वनमुत्तमम्।।4.51.15।।शाश्वता: कामभोगश्च गृहं चेदं हिरण्मयम्।,'Thus this wonderful forest and the golden house with all luxury were given away permanently to Hema by the creator Brahma. दुहिता मेरुसावर्णेरहं तस्यास्स्वयंप्रभा।।4.51.16।।इदं रक्षामि भवनं हेमाया वानरोत्तम।,"'O best of monkeys daughter of Meru Sauvarni, I am Svayamprabha (selfilluminator), caretaker of this house of Hema. (Meru Sauvarni is the eleventh Manu)." मम प्रियसखी हेमा नृत्तगीतविशारदा।।4.51.17।।तया दत्तवरा चास्मि रक्षामि भवनोत्तमम्।,"'Hema, wellversed in dance and music is a fast friend to me. She granted a boon (that none can resist me) and gave this house of which I am the caretaker." किं कार्यं कस्य वा हेतोः कान्ताराणि प्रपश्यथ।।4.51.18।।कथं चेदं वनं दुर्गं युष्माभिरुपलक्षितम्।,'What is your mission? For what purpose have you come to this inaccessible forest? What are you looking for?How did you find this? इमान्यभ्यवहार्याणि मूलानि च फलानि च।।4.51.19।।भुक्त्वा पीत्वा च पानीयं सर्वं मे वक्तुमर्हथ।,"'Eat these wonderful roots and fruits and have these drinks and then tell me all about you.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे एकपञ्चशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends of the fiftyfirst sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Hanuman narrates to Svayamprabha the purpose of the monkey mission and the reasons for entering the cave.]अथ तानब्रवीत्सर्वान्विश्रान्तान्हरियूथपान्।इदं वचनमेकाग्रा तापसी धर्मचारिणी।।4.52.1।।,"After the monkey leaders had taken rest, the noble ascetic with undiverted attention said these words:" वानरा यदि वः खेदः प्रनष्टः फलभक्षणात्।यदि चैतन्मया श्राव्यं श्रोतुमिच्छामि कथ्यताम्।।4.52.2।।,"'O monkeys if you have been relieved of your fatigue after eating fruits, now tell me about yourself, if you think it can be told. I want to hear." तस्यास्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा हनूमान्मारुतात्मजः।आर्जवेन यथातत्त्वमाख्यातुमुपचक्रमे।।4.52.3।।,"When Hanuman, son of the Windgod, heard her, he started narrating frankly and truthfully. " राजा सर्वस्य लोकस्य महेन्द्रवरुणोपमः।रामो दाशरथिश्शीमान्प्रविष्टो दण्डकावनम्।।4.52.4।।लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा वैदेह्या चापि भार्यया।तस्य भार्या जनस्थानाद्रावणेन हृता बलात्।।4.52.5।।,"'Rama, son of Dasaratha, a prosperous king of all the worlds, comparable to Indra and Varuna came to the Dandaka forest along with his brother Laksmana and wife Vaidehi. Ravana abducted his wife from Janasthana." वीरस्तस्य सखा राज्ञस्सुग्रीवो नाम वानरः।राजा वानरमुख्यानां येन प्रस्थापिता वयम्।।4.52.6।।, अगस्त्यचरितामाशां दक्षिणां यमरक्षिताम्।सहैभिर्वानरैर्घोरैरङ्गदप्रमुखैर्वयम्।।4.52.7।।रावणं सहितास्सर्वे राक्षसं कामरूपिणम्।सीतया सह वैदेह्या मार्गध्वमिति चोदिताः।।4.52.8।।,"'We along with the dreadful monkeys are sent with Angada as our chief to the southern direction, guarded by Yama and inhabited by sage Agasti. We are commanded to search Sita, princess of Videha and also the abode of the demon Ravana who assumes any form at his free will. " विचित्य तु वयं सर्वे समग्रां दक्षिणां दिशम्।परित्रान्ता बुभुक्षिता वृक्षमूलमुपाश्रिताः।।4.52.9।।, विवर्णवदनास्सर्वे सर्वे ध्यानपरायणाः।नाधिगच्छामहे पारं मग्नाश्चिन्तामहार्णवे।।4.52.10।।," 'We were all exhausted, lost in thought and worried, unable to cross this deep ocean of sorrow. We did not know how to proceed. " चारयन्तस्ततश्चक्षुर्दृष्टवन्तो वयं बिलम्।लतापादपसञ्च्छन्नं तिमिरेण समावृतम्।।4.52.11।।,"'Then while we were looking around we saw this cave concealed by trees and vines, with darkness spread all over." अस्माद्धंसा जलक्लिन्नाः पक्षैस्सलिलविस्रवैः।कुररास्सारसाश्चैव निष्पतन्ति पतत्रिणः।।4.52.12।।,"'Drenched in water the swans, kuraras, and sarasas were seen emerging with water dripping from thier wings." साध्वत्र प्रविशामेति मया तूक्ताः प्लवङ्गमाः।तेषामपि हि सर्वेषामनुमानमुपागतम्।।4.52.13।।,"'I suggested to the fellowmonkeys to enter this cave, inferring that there would be water and all of them came to the same conclusion." गच्छाम प्रविशामेति भर्तृकार्यत्वरान्विताः।ततो गाढं निपतिता गृह्य हस्तौ परस्परम्।।4.52.14।।,"'We said, 'let us enter', since we were in a hurry to carry out our king's orders.Then we jumped in, holding one another's hand." इदं प्रविष्टास्सहसा बिलं तिमिरसंवृतम्।एतन्नः कार्यमेतेन कृत्येन वयमागताः।।4.52.15।।त्वां चैवोपगतास्सर्वे परिद्यूना बुभुक्षिताः।,"'Vexed and starved, we entered this grotto shrouded in darkness.This is our task and we reached here (in the process)." आतिथ्यधर्मदत्तानि मूलानि च फलानि च।।4.52.16।।अस्माभिरुपभुक्तानि बुभुक्षापरिपीडितैः।,'You have given us roots and fruits out of hospitality and we have been taken them driven by hunger and thirst. यत्त्वया रक्षितास्सर्वे म्रियमाणा बुभुक्षया।।4.52.17।।ब्रूहि प्रत्युपकारार्थं किं ते कुर्वन्तु वानराः।,'We were dying from hunger when you saved us. Tell us what the monkeys can do to repay your debt?'. एवमुक्ता तु धर्मज्ञैर्वानरैस्तैस्स्वयंप्रभा।।4.52.18।।प्रत्युवाच ततस्सर्वानिदं वानरपुङ्गवान्।,"To the leaders among the monkeys, knowers of dharma, who said this Svayamprabha replied:" सर्वेषां परितुष्टाऽस्मि वानराणां तरस्विनाम्।।4.52.19।।चरन्त्या मम धर्मेण न कार्यमिह केनचित्।,"'I am very much pleased with all of you, smart monkeys. As I am engaged in the practice of righteousness, I do not need your services.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे द्विपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fiftysecond sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Svayamprabha helps the monkeys to reach out of the cave -- Angada regrets for exceeding the time limit -- proposes fasting unto death fearing punishment -- the monkeys decide to end their life rather than return without Sita.]एवमुक्तश्शुभं वाक्यं तापस्या धर्मसंहितम्।उवाच हनुमान्वाक्यं तामनिन्दितचेष्टिताम्।।4.53.1।।,"To the auspicious words of the righteous, blameless hermitess Hanuman replied:" शरणं त्वां प्रपन्ना स्म सर्वे वै धर्मचारिणीं।यः कृतस्समयोऽस्माकं सुग्रीवेण महात्मना।।4.53.2।।स च कालो ह्यतिक्रान्तो बिले च परिवर्तताम्।,'You are a righteous lady. You have given us refuge. Now in moving about the cave we have exceeded the time limit given by Sugriva.' सा त्वमस्माद्बिलाद्घोरादुत्तारयितुमर्हसि।।4.53.3।।तस्मात्सुग्रीववचनादतिक्रान्तान्गतायुषः।, त्रातुमर्हसि नस्सर्वान्सुग्रीवभयकर्शितान्।।4.53.4।।महच्चकार्यमस्माभिः कर्तव्यं धर्मचारिणि।तच्चापि न कृतं कार्यमस्माभिरिह वासिभिः।।4.53.5।।,'O righteous lady we have a great task waiting. We are afraid of Sugriva as we could not accomplish our objective by staying here. Save us.' एवमुक्ता हनुमता तापसी वाक्यमब्रवीत्।जीवता दुष्करं मन्ये प्रविष्टेन निवर्तितुम्।।4.53.6।।,"To the words of Hanuman the ascetic replied, 'I consider it difficult for any one who enters here to go back alive.'" तपसस्तु प्रभावेन नियमोपार्जितेन च।सर्वानेव बिलादस्मादुद्धरिष्यामि वानरान्।।4.53.7।।,'I will help all monkeys out of this cave by virtue of my power of asceticism duly practised. निमीलयत चक्षूंषि सर्वे वानरपुङ्गवाः।न हि निष्क्रमितुं शक्यमनिमीलितलोचनैः।।4.53.8।।, ततस्सम्मीलितास्सर्वे सुकुमाराङ्गुलैः करैः।सहसाऽपिदधुर्दृष्टिं हृष्टा गमनकाङ्क्षया।।4.53.9।।,Happy at the prospect of getting out (of the cave) they all not only closed their eyes but also covered them with their delicate fingers. वानरास्तु महात्मानो हस्तरुद्धमुखास्तदा।निमेषान्तरमात्रेण बिलादुत्तारितास्तया।।4.53.10।।,"Then the great monkeys, faces covered with their hands, emerged from the cave in a moment." ततस्तान्वानरान्सर्वांस्तापसी धर्मचारिणी।निस्सृतान्विषमात्तस्मात्समाश्वास्येदमब्रवीत्।।4.53.11।।,The righteous hermitess released all the monkeys out of that difficult situation and said these words of consolation: एष विन्ध्यो गिरिश्श्रीमान्नानाद्रुमलताकुलः।एष प्रस्रवणश्शैलस्सागरोऽयं महोदधिः।।4.53.12।।स्वस्ति वोऽस्तु गमिष्यामि भवनं वानरर्षभाः।इत्युक्त्वा तद्बिलं श्रीमत्प्रविवेश स्वयम्प्रभा।।4.53.13।।,"'This Vindhya mountain has a rich collection of trees and bushes. This is Prasravana hill and this is the great ocean.O monkeys. Good luck to you. (Now) I am going back home'. Having said so, Svayamprabha entered the splendid cave." ततस्ते ददृशुर्घोरं सागरं वरुणालयम्।अपारमभिगर्जन्तं घोरैरूर्मिभिरावृतम्।।4.53.14।।,"Then the monkeys saw the boundless, dreary ocean roaring wild with its terrific waves spread all over." मयस्य मायाविहितं गिरिदुर्गं विचिन्वताम्।तेषां मासो व्यतिक्रान्तो यो राज्ञा समयः कृतः।।4.53.15।।,"While they were ransacking the impassable mountain created with the magical powers of Maya, the time limit of one month set by the king was over." विन्ध्यस्य तु गिरेः पादे सम्प्रपुष्पितपादपे।उपविश्य महाभागाश्चिन्तामापेदिरे तदा।।4.53.16।।,"Then the highsoul monkeys reached the hill adjacent to Vindhya mountain on which trees were in full bloom.They sat there, lost in thought." ततः पुष्पातिभाराग्रान् लताशतसमावृतान्।द्रुमान्वासन्तिकान्दृष्टवा बभूवुर्भयशङ्किताः।।4.53.17।।,"Alarmed at the thought (of transgression of time limit), the monkeys kept looking at the tree tops entwined with a hundred oreepers heavily loaded with the flowers of spring." ते वसन्तमनुप्राप्तं प्रतिबुद्ध्वा परस्परम्।नष्टसन्देशकालार्था निपेतुर्धरणीतले।।4.53.18।।,"Having realised (looking at the flowers) that spring has set in and they have exceeded the time limit, they all fell down on the ground." ततस्तान्कपिवृद्धांस्तु शिष्टांश्चैव वनौकसः।वाचा मधुरयाऽभाष्य यथावदनुमान्य च।।4.53.19।।स तु सिंहवृषस्कन्धः पीनायतभुजः कपिः।युवराजो महाप्राज्ञः अङ्गदो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।4.53.20।।,"Coming to a conclusion after due deliberation Angada, heir apparent, profoundly wise, endowed with sturdy and broad shoulders like those of a lion or a bull, spoke in a sweet voice to the elderly, respectable monkeys, dwellers of the forest: " शासनात्कपिराजस्य वयं सर्वे विनिर्गताः।मासः पूर्णो बिलस्थानां हरयः किं न बुद्ध्यते।।4.53.21।।,"'O monkeys don't you realize that all of us have come here at the command of the monkey king, and while we were in the cave a whole month has gone by?" वयमाश्वयुजे मासि कालसङ्ख्याव्यवस्थिताः।प्रस्थितास्सोऽपि चातीतः किमतः कार्यमुत्तरम्।।4.53.22।।,'We started our journey in the month of Ashvayuja with a certain time limit. That has exceeded. What is the future course of action? भवन्तः प्रत्ययं प्राप्ताः नीतिमार्गविशारदाः।हितेष्वभिरता भर्तुर्निसृष्टास्सर्वकर्मसु।।4.53.23।।, कर्मस्वप्रतिमास्सर्वे दिक्षु विश्रुतपौरुषाः।मां पुरस्कृत्य निर्याताः पिङ्गाक्षप्रतिचोदिताः।।4.53.24।।,'You are all celebrated for bravery and incomparable in your activities. You have followed me in obedience to the orders of the tawnyeyed Sugriva. इदानीमकृतार्थानां मर्तव्यं नात्र संशयः।हरिराजस्य सन्देशमकृत्वा कस्सुखी भवेत्।।4.53.25।।,'We should be killed since we have failed to achieve the objective (of finding Sita). There is no doubt about it. Who can live in peace without executing the orders of the king? तस्मिन्नतीते काले तु सुग्रीवेण कृते स्वयम्।प्रायोपवेशनं युक्तं सर्वेषां च वनौकसाम्।।4.53.26।।,"'Now that the time limit fixed by Sugriva has expired, the right thing to do for the monkeys is to fast unto death. " तीक्ष्णः प्रकृत्या सुग्रीवस्स्वामिभावे व्यवस्थितः।न क्षमिष्यति नस्सर्वानपराधकृतो गतान्।।4.53.27।।,"'By nature Sugriva is harsh, and being a king now, he will not forgive us who are real offenders and have not done the task assigned." अप्रवृत्तौ च सीतायाः पापमेव करिष्यति।तस्मात् क्षममिहाद्यैव गन्तुं प्रायोपवेशनम् हि नः।।4.53.28।।त्यक्त्वा पुत्रांश्च दारांश्च धनानि च गृहाणि च।, धृवं नो हिंसिता राजा सर्वान्प्रतिगतानितः।।4.53.29।।वधेनाप्रतिरूपेण श्रेयान्मृत्युरिहैव नः।,'Surely the king will torture us by awarding death sentence in a singular manner when we go back. It is better for us to meet death here itself. न चाहं यौवराज्येन सुग्रीवेणाभिषेचितः।।4.53.30।।नरेन्द्रेणाभिषिक्तोऽस्मि रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा।,"'I was not installed as heir apparent by Sugriva. I was made crowned prince by king Rama, the king of the people who never hurts others." स पूर्वं बद्धवैरो मां राजा दृष्ट्वा व्यतिक्रमम्।।4.53.31।।घातयिष्यति दण्डेन तीक्ष्णेन कृतनिश्चयः।,"'The Monkeyking nursed bitter enmity against me even earlier. Now seeing my lapse, he will decidedly inflict severe punishment on me." किं मे सुहृदभिर्व्यसनं पश्यद्भिर्जीवितान्तरे।।4.53.32।।इहैव प्रायमासिष्ये पुण्ये सागररोधसि।,"'I do not want my friends to see my calamity, my death. I shall sit here on the sacred shores of this ocean and await my death'." एतच्छ्रुत्वा कुमारेण युवराजेन भाषितम्।।4.53.33।।सर्वे ते वानरश्रेष्ठाः करुणं वाक्यमब्रुवन्।,"Hearing the young heir apparent thus speaking, the best of the monkeys kindly responded:" तीक्ष्णः प्रकृत्या सुग्रीवः प्रियासक्तश्च राघवः।।4.53.34।।अदृष्टायां तु वैदेह्यां दृष्ट्वाऽस्मांश्त समागतान्।राघवप्रियकामार्थं घातयिष्यत्यसंशयम्।।4.53.35।।,"'By nature Sugriva is harsh. Rama is devoted to his wife. Therefore, if Sugriva sees that we have not found Vaidehi and have returned (without fulfilling the mission) he will award death sentence to us in order to please Rama.There is no doubt." न क्षमं चापराद्धानां गमनं स्वामिपार्श्वतः।इहैव सीतामन्विष्य प्रवृत्तिमुपलभ्य वा।।4.53.36।।नो चेद्गच्छाम तं वीरं गमिष्यामो यमक्षयम्।,"'Those who have failed in their mission, being offenders should not go to meet the king. Offenders are not forgiven. Here itself we will search for Sita and if we are able to know her whereabouts we will go back. Or else we will go to the abode of Yama'." प्लवङ्गमानां तु भयार्दितानांश्रुत्वा वचस्तार इदं बभाषे।अलं विषादेन बिलं प्रविश्यवसाम सर्वे यदि रोचते वः।।4.53.37।।,"'On hearing the words of the frightened monkeys, Tara said, 'Enough of this sorrow. If it pleases you, we will all go to the cave and reside there' ''" इदं हि मायाविहितं सुदुर्गमंप्रभूतवृक्षोदकभोज्यपेयकम्।इहास्ति नो नैव भयं पुरन्दरान्न राघवाद्वानरराजतोऽपि वा।।4.53.38।।,"'This cave built by magic is inaccessible. It has a number of trees, water, eatables and drinks. (If we live here) we need not be afraid of even Indra, the breaker of enemy citadels or even of Rama or also of the king of monkeys'." श्रुत्वाऽङ्गदस्यापि वचोऽनुकूलमूचुश्च सर्वे हरयः प्रतीताः।यथा न हिंस्येम तथा विधानमसक्तमद्यैव विधीयतां नः।।4.53.39।।,"All the monkeys agreed to the favourable suggestion of Tara which was acceptable to Angada. 'A plan may be made in such a way by which we will not be killed by the king. Our strategy should be delinked from the conditions laid down by the king. Let us not face punishment' said the monkeys.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे त्रिपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fiftythird sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Hanuman's startegy to change Angada.]तथा ब्रुवति तारे तु ताराधिपतिवर्चसि।अथ मेने हृतं राज्यं हनूमानङ्गदेन तत्।।4.54.1।।,"Hanuman listened to the proposal of Tara, whose face was like the Moon, lord of the stars. (After listening to Tara) he thought Angada might take over the kingdom from Sugriva." बुद्ध्या ह्यष्टाङ्गया युक्तं चतुर्बलसमन्वितम्।चतुर्दशगुणं मेने हनूमान्वालिनस्सुतम्।।4.54.2।।,"Hanuman thought Vali's son possessed in addition to his intellect, eight kinds of limbs, four kinds of strength and fourteen qualities (required of a king):" आपूर्यमाणं शश्वच्च तेजोबलपराक्रमैः।शशिनं शुक्लपक्षादौ वर्धमानमिव श्रिया।।4.54.3।।बृहस्पतिसमं बुद्ध्या विक्रमे सदृशं पितुः।शुश्रूषमाणं तारस्य शक्रस्येव पुरन्दरम्।।4.54.4।।भर्तुरर्थे परिश्रान्तं सर्वशास्त्रविदांवरम्।अभिसन्धातुमारेभे हनूमानङ्गदं ततः।।4.54.5।।,"Hanuman proceeded to win over Angada, who was ever shining in strength and valour, who was growing in majesty constantly like the Moon in the bright fornight, whose intellectual prowess was equal to that of Brhaspati, who was equal to his father in valour and who was wellversed in all sastras. Angada was listening toTara like Indra listened to Sukra (preceptor of the demons)." स चतुर्णामुपायानां तृतीयमुपवर्णयन्।भेदयामास तान्सर्वान् वानरान्वाक्यसम्पदा।।4.54.6।।,"Resorting to the third strategy out of the four ways of achieving an objective Hanuman created differences among the monkeys with skilful arguments. (Sama, Dana, Bheda and Danda are the four means. Hanuman adopted Bheda as a means of winning over an enemy)." तेषु सर्वेषु भिन्नेषु ततोऽभीषयदङ्गदम्।भीषणैर्भहुभिर्वाक्यै: कोपोपायसमन्वितैः।।4.54.7।।,"When there were differences among the monkeys over the issue, Hanuman intimidated Angada with frightening words expressing his anger, using skilful arguments:" त्वं समर्थतरः पित्रा युद्धे तारेय वै धुरम्।दृढं धारयितुं शक्तः कपिराज्यं यथा पिता।।4.54.8।।,"'O Son of Tara you are, indeed, very efficient like your father in combat. You can hold firmly the responsibilty of the vanara kingdom like your father." नित्यमस्थिरचित्ता हि कपयो हरिपुङ्गव।नाज्ञाप्यं विषहिष्यन्ति पुत्रदारान्विना त्वया।।4.54.9।।,'O leader among monkeys Vanaras are always fickleminded. Being away from their sons and wives they will not always carry out your command and stay here forever. त्वां नैतेह्यनुयुञ्जेयु: प्रत्यक्षं प्रवदामि ते।यथायं जाम्बवान्नीलस्सुहोत्रश्च महाकपिः।।4.54.10।।न ह्यहं ते इमे सर्वे सामदानादिभिर्गुणैः।दण्डेन वा त्वया शक्यास्सुग्रीवादपकर्षितम्।।4.54.11।।,"'This I am telling you openly and frankly. These monkeys are not going to be obedient to you. Neither Jambavan, nor Nila nor the great monkey Suhotra nor even myself would subscribe to this opinion (of staying in the cave) and follow you. It is not possible for you to keep us or these monkeys from Sugriva through the policy of appeasement like Sama, Dana, Bheda or even Danda (persuasion, giving gifts, creating differences or imposing punishment)." विगृह्यासनमप्याहुर्दुर्बलेन बलीयसः।आत्मरक्षाकरस्तस्मान्न विगृह्णीत दुर्बलः।।4.54.12।।,"'It is said that when a strong man fights a weak one, the weak opponent should adopt the strategy of asana (watching) for selfprotection. The weak should not enter into combat with the strong." यां चेमां मन्यसे धात्रीमेतद्बिलमिति श्रुतम्।एतल्लक्ष्मणबाणानामीषत्कार्यं विदारणे।।4.54.13।।,'You may think it safe to stay here in this opening of the earth. It is a petty task for the arrows of Lakshmana to break open this socalled cave. स्वल्पं हि कृतमिन्द्रेण क्षिपता ह्यशनिं पुरा।लक्ष्मणो निशितैर्बाणैर्भिन्ध्यात्पत्रपुटं यथा।।4.54.14।।,'In the past Indra had done a small damage (to the cave) with his thunderbolt. But with his sharp arrows Lakshmana will shatter the cave easily as though it is a leaf cup. लक्ष्मणस्य च नाराचा बहवस्सन्ति तद्विधाः।वज्राशनिसमस्पर्शा गिरीणामपि दारणाः।।4.54.15।।,'Lakshmna has many such iron arrows that are equal to the thunderbolt. They can even split the mountains. अवस्थाने यदैव त्वमासिष्यसि परन्तप।तदैव हरयस्सर्वे त्यक्ष्यन्ति कृतनिश्चयाः।4.54.16।।,"'O scorcher of enemies the moment you decide to establish yourself here, all these monkeys will surely desert you." स्मरन्तः पुत्रदाराणां नित्योद्विग्ना बुभुक्षिताः।खेदिता दुःखशय्याभिस्त्वां करिष्यन्ति पृष्ठतः।।4.54.17।।,'The memory of their sons and wives will haunt these hungry monkeys. The inconvenient bed will make them so depressed that they will leave you behind. स त्वं हीनस्सुहृद्भिश्च हितकामैश्च बन्धुभिः।तृणादपि भृशोद्विग्नस्स्पन्दमानाद्भविष्यसि।।4.54.18।।,"'Left out of your friends and relatives,who are your wellwishers, you will be very frightened even by the trembling of a blade of grass." न च जातु न हिंस्युस्त्वां घोरा लक्ष्मणसायकाः ।अपवृत्तं जिघांसन्तो महावेगा दुरासदाः ।। 4.54.19 ।।,In Progress न च जातु न हिंस्युस्त्वा घोरा लक्ष्मणसायकाः।अपावृत्तं जिघांसन्तो महावेगा दुरासदाः।।4.54.20।।,'It is not that Lakshmana's dreadful arrows flying at great speed will not torture you. It will be difficult for you to avert them as they are eager to kill an escaping enemy. अस्माभिस्तु गतं सार्धं विनीतवदुपस्थितम्।आनुपूर्व्यात्तु सुग्रीवो राज्ये त्वां स्थापयिष्यति।।4.54.21।।,'If along with us you approach Sugriva in a humble manner he will make you his successor to the kingdom. धर्मकामः पितृव्यस्ते प्रीतिकामो दृढव्रतः।शुचिस्सत्यप्रतिज्ञश्च न त्वां जातु जिघांसति।।4.54.22।।,"'Your father's brother is virtuous, wellintentioned, loving, steadfast in action, and true to his promise. He will not kill you." प्रियकामश्च ते मातुस्तदर्थं चास्य जीवितम्।तस्यापत्यं च नास्त्यन्यत्तस्मादङ्गद गम्यताम्।।4.54.23।।,"'Your mother is his life and he would love to please her. He has no offspring other than you. Therefore, go back.'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे चतुष्पञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fiftyfourth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [ Angada resolves not to return -- monkeys decide to fast unto death]श्रुत्वा हनुमतो वाक्यं प्रश्रितं धर्मसंहितम्।स्वामिसत्कारसंयुक्तमङ्गदो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।4.55.1।।,"On hearing Hanuman's humble words (of advice) consistent with righteousness and full of devotion to his master, the king, Angada said:" स्थैर्यमात्ममनश्शौचमानृशंस्यमथाऽर्जवम्।विक्रमश्चैव धैर्यं च सुग्रीवे नोपपद्यते।।4.55.2।।,"'Sugriva has no steadfastness, purity of body and mind, compassion, rectitude, valour and patience." भ्रातुर्ज्येष्ठस्य यो भार्यां जीवतो महिषीं प्रियाम्।धर्मेण मातरं यस्तु स्वीकरोति जुगुप्सितः।।4.55.3।।कथं स धर्मं जानीते येन भ्रात्रा महात्मना।युद्धायाभिनियुक्तेन बिलस्य पिहितं मुखम्।।4.55.4।।," 'He usurped his elder brother's queen, while he was still alive. It is morally abominable since an elder brother's wife is like a mother. How can a person who blocks the entrance of a cave while his noble brother is engaged in fighting inside be treated as righteous?" सत्यात्पाणिगृहीतश्च कृतकर्मा महायशाः।विस्मृतो राघवो येन स कस्य तु कृतं स्मरेत्।।4.55.5।।,"'Illustrious Rama, who faithfully held his hand was forgotten after he received his help. Indeed whose help would he remember?" लक्ष्मणस्य भयाद्येन नाधर्मभयभीरुणा।आदिष्टा मार्गितुं सीतां धर्ममस्मिन्कथं भवेत्।।4.55.6।।,'Sugriva ordered search for Sita out of fear of Lakshmana and not out of fear of unrighteousness. How can such a man be pious? तस्मिन्पापे कृतघ्ने तु स्मृतिहीने चलात्मनि।आर्यः को विश्वसेज्जातु तत्कुलीनो जिजीविषुः।।4.55.7।।,'He is a sinner and an ungrateful person as he does not remember others' help. He is fickleminded. Which respectable person will believe him? Which member of his family will wish to live? राज्ये पुत्रः प्रतिष्ठाप्यस्सगुणो विगुणोऽपि वा।कथं शत्रुकुलीनं मां सुग्रीवो जीवयिष्यति।।4.55.8।।,"'If I am the king's son, virtuous or otherwise, I will be installed in the kingdom (as successor). How can Sugriva suffer me to live when I am his enemy's descendant?" भिन्नमन्त्रोऽपराद्धश्च हीनशक्तिः कथं ह्यहम्।किष्किन्धां प्राप्य जीवेयमनाथ इव दुर्बलः।।4.55.9।।,"'My alternate strategy has failed. I have already made a mistake (by announcing my plan). My advisors are holding different views. I am powerless. How can a weakling, an orphan like me live in Kishkinda?" पांशुदण्डेन हि मां बन्धने नोपपादयेत्।शठः क्रूरो नृशंसश्च सुग्रीवो राज्यकारणात्।।4.55.10।।,"'Sugriva is deceitful, cruel and treacherous. He will inflict secret punishment on me by way of imprisonment for the sake of the kingdom." बन्धनाद्वाऽवसादान्मे श्रेयः प्रायोपवेशनम्।अनुजानीत मां सर्वे गृहं गच्छन्तु वानराः।।4.55.11।।,'It is better for me to fast unto death rather than suffer imprisonment. Permit me to do so. You may all go back. अहं वः प्रतिजानामि नागमिष्याम्यहं पुरीम्।इहैव प्रायमासिष्ये श्रेयो मरणमेव मे।।4.55.12।।,'I swear I will not return to the city. I will fast unto death here only. Death for me is desirable. अभिवादनपूर्वं हि राघवौ बलशालिनौ।अभिवादनपूर्वं तु राजा कुशलमेव च।।4.55.13।।वाच्यस्तातो यवीयान्मे सुग्रीवो वानरेश्वरः।,"'Convey my greetings with due courtesy to Rama and Lakshmana on my behalf and my respects to my father's younger brother, king of monkeys, Sugriva and wish him well." आरोग्यपूर्वं कुशलं वाच्या माता रुमा च मे।।4.55.14।।मातरं चैव मे तारामाश्वासयितुमर्हथ।,'You should convey my mother as well as Ruma my good wishes for their health and wellbeing. You should console my mother Tara also. प्रकृत्या प्रियपुत्रा सा सानुक्रोशा तपस्विनी।।4.55.15।।विनष्टमिह मां श्रुत्वा व्यक्तं हास्यति जीवितम्।,"'By nature my mother, is compassionate. She is fond of me. (But) she is helpless. On hearing about my death, she will certainly give up her life'." एतावदुक्त्वा वचनं वृद्धांस्तानभिवाद्य च।।4.55.16।।विवेश चाङ्गदो भूमौ रुदन्दर्भेषु दुर्मनाः।,"Having expresed so much of his feelings, disheartened Angada saluted the elderly monkeys and started crying. Then he spread the darbha grass and lay down on the ground." तस्य संविशतस्तत्र रुदन्तो वानरर्षभाः।।4.55.17।।नयनेभ्यः प्रमुमुचुरुष्णं वै वारि दुःखिताः।,Seeing him lie down the bulls among the monkeys became sad and shed hot tears from their eyes. सुग्रीवं चैव निन्दन्तः प्रशंसन्तश्च वालिनम्।।4.55.18।।परिवार्याङ्गदं सर्वे व्यवसन्प्रायमासितुम्।,"Blaming Sugriva and praising Vali, all the companions of Angada sat there surrounding him after having decided to fast unto death . " मतं तद्वालिपुत्रस्य विज्ञाय प्लवगर्षभाः।।4.55.19।।उपस्पृश्योदकं तत्र प्राङ्मुखास्समुपाविशन्।दक्षिणाग्रेषु दर्भेषु उदक्तीरं समाश्रिताः।।4.55.20।।मुमूर्षवो हरिश्रेष्ठा एतत् क्षममिति स्म ह।,"With the opinion of Vali's son ascertained, all the great monkeys thought it proper to die. They sipped water and assembled on the northern shore of the sea facing the east with the darbha grass spread on the ground, their edges pointing southward." रामस्य वनवासं च क्षयं दशरथस्य च।।4.55.21।।जनस्थानवधं चैव वधं चैव जटायुषः।हरणं चैव वैदेह्या वालिनश्च वधं रणे।।4.55.22।।रामकोपं च वदतां हरीणां भयमागतम्।,"Overtaken by the fear of death, the monkeys kept talking about Rama's exile into the forest, Dasaratha's death, destruction of demons in Janasthana, the death of Jatayu, abduction of Sita, Vali's death and Rama's anger. " स संविशद्भिबहुभिर्महीधरो महाद्रिकूटप्रतिमैः प्लवङ्गमैः।बभूव सन्नादितनिर्दरान्तरो भृशं नदद्भिर्जलदैरिवोल्बणैः।।4.55.23।।,"While the numerous monkeys, resembling peaks of high mountains were roaring, it resounded through the mountain caves. It was like the sound of the stormy thunderclouds.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे पञ्चपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fiftyfifth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Sampati sees Angada and other monkeys -- hears about the death of his brother Jatayu.]उपविष्टास्तु ते सर्वे यस्मिन्प्रायं गिरिस्थले।हरयो गृध्रराजश्च तं देशमुपचक्रमे।।4.56.1।।सम्पातिर्नाम नाम्ना तु चिरञ्जीवी विहङ्गमः।भ्राता जटायुषः श्रीमान्विख्यातबलपौरुषः।।4.56.2।।,"While the monkeys were preparing to fast unto death on the plateau of the mountain, Sampati, the prosperous king of vultures, the longlived elder brother of Jatayu widely known for his strength, appeared there." कन्दरादभिनिष्क्रम्य स विन्ध्यस्य महागिरेः।उपविष्टान्हरीन्दृष्ट्वा हृष्टात्मा गिरमब्रवीत्।।4.56.3।।,"Coming out of the cave of the great mount Vindhya, Sampati was glad to see the monkeys seated there and said to himself:" विधिः किल नरं लोके विधानेनानुवर्तते।यथाऽयं विहितो भक्ष्यश्चिरान्मह्यमुपागतः।।4.56.4।।,"'Destiny rules the world of men in accordance with a divine arrangement. Or else, it would not have brought me food after a long time (of fasting)'. (The monkeys are food for Sampati)'" परम्पराणां भक्षिष्ये वानराणां मृतं मृतम्।उवाचेदं वचः पक्षी तान्निरीक्ष्य प्लवङ्गमान्।।4.56.5।।,"Looking at them, the vulture continued, 'I will eat these monkeys one after the other as and when they die'." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा भक्ष्यलुब्धस्य पक्षिणः।अङ्गदः परमायस्तो हनूमन्तमथाब्रवीत्।।4.56.6।।,"Hearing the words of the vulture greedily waiting for food, deeply dejected Angada spoke to Hanuman:" पश्य सीतापदेशेन साक्षाद्वैवस्वतो यमः।इमं देशमनुप्राप्तो वानराणां विपत्तये।।4.56.7।।,"'See, Yama, son of Vaivasvata, has arrived here in person to destroy the monkeys in the name of Sita. (Sita became the direct agent for causing the destruction of monkeys)." रामस्य न कृतं कार्यं राज्ञो न च वचः कृतम्।हरीणामियमज्ञाता विपत्तिस्सहसागता।।4.56.8।।,'Rama's task has not been performed. Sugriva's order has not been excuted. And (now) suddenly this calamity has overtaken the monkeys unawares. वैदेह्याः प्रियकामेन कृतं कर्म जटायुषा।गृध्राराजेन यत्तत्र श्रुतं वस्तदशेषतः।।4.56.9।।,"'We have heard in detail about the task accomplished by Jatayu, the king of vultures, in order to please Sita, the princess of Videha. " तथा सर्वाणि भूतानि तिर्यग्योनिगतान्यपि।प्रियं कुर्वन्ति रामस्य त्यक्त्वा प्राणान्यथा वयम्।।4.56.10।।, अन्योऽन्यमुपकुर्वन्ति स्नेहकारुण्ययन्त्रिताः।तेन तस्योपकारार्थं त्यजताऽत्मानमात्मना।।4.56.11।।,"'Bound by friendship and compassion each one helps the other. In fact, Jatayu did this by giving up his life on his own, for the sake of Rama." प्रियं कृतं हि रामस्य धर्मज्ञेन जटायुषा।राघवार्थे परिश्रान्ता वयं सन्त्यक्तजीविताः।।4.56.12।।कान्ताराणि प्रपन्नाः स्म न च पश्याम मैथिलीम्।,"'Jatayu, the knower of dharma, has laid down his life for the wellbeing of Rama. We are exhausted in the process of helping Rama. We have lost hope of our lives after entering these forests. Yet we have failed to find the princess from Mithila." स सुखी गृध्रराजस्तु रावणेन हतो रणे।।4.56.13।।मुक्तश्च सुग्रीवभयाद्गतश्च परमां गतिम्।,'The king of vultures was slain by Ravana in a combat. He attained supreme status. He had no fear for Sugriva (as we have). जटायुषो विनाशेन राज्ञो दशरथस्य च।।4.56.14।।हरणेन च वैदेह्या स्संशयं हरयो गताः।,"'The survival of monkeys has become doubtful due to the death of Jatayu, death of king Dasaratha and the abduction of the princess from Videha." रामलक्ष्मणयोर्वासश्च अरण्ये सह सीतया।।4.56.15।।राघवस्य च बाणेन वालिनश्च तथा वधः।रामकोपादशेषाणां रक्षसानां तथा वधः।।4.56.16।।कैकेय्या वरदानेन इदं च विकृतं कृतम्।,"'The exile of Rama and Lakshmana into the forest along with Sita, so also the death of Vali and of the demons in the hands of Rama due to his anger are all evil consequences of a boon granted to Kaikeyi.'" तदसुखमनुकीर्तितं वचोभुवि पतितांश्च समीक्ष्य वानरान्।भृशचलितमतिर्महामतिःकृपणमुदाहृतवान् स गृध्रराट्।।4.56.17।।,"The wise king of vultures was shaken up mentally on seeing the monkeys lying on the ground and hearing the unhappy narration of Angada. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आतिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे षटपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fiftysixth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [ Angada relates the story of Jatayu's combat with Ravana to Sampati]तत्तु श्रुत्वा तथा वाक्यमङ्गदस्य मुखोद्गतम्।अब्रवीद्वचनं गृध्रस्तीक्ष्णतुण्डो महास्वनः।।4.57.1।।,"On hearing the words that came from Angada's mouth, the sharpbeaked, loudvoiced vulture (Sampati) said: " कोऽयं गिरा घोषयति प्राणैः प्रियतमस्य मे।जटायुषो वधं भ्रातुः कम्पयन्निव मे मनः।।4.57.2।।,'Who is it that was Pronouncing loudly the death of my dearest brother Jatayu? This news has shaken my mind. कथमासीज्जनस्थाने युद्धं राक्षसगृध्रयोः।नामधेयमिदं भ्रातुश्चिरस्याद्य मया श्रुतम्।।4.57.3।।,'I heard my brother's name today after a long time.I wish to know how the demon and the vulture fought at Janasthana. इच्छेयं गिरिदुर्गाच्च भवद्भिरवतारितुम्।यवीयसो गुणज्ञस्य श्लाघनीयस्य विक्रमैः।।4.57.4।।अतिदीर्घस्य कालस्य परितुष्टोऽस्मि परिकीर्तनात्।,"'I wish to be brought down from this inaccessible mountain peak by all of you. I am glad to have heard from you the name of my younger brother after a long time. He is virtuous, valiant and praiseworthy." तदिच्छेयमहं श्रोतुं विनाशं वानरर्षभाः।।4.57.5।।भ्रातुर्जटायुषस्तस्य जनस्थाननिवासिनः।,"'O bulls among monkeys I desire to hear about the death of my brother Jatayu, who was dwelling at Janasthana." तस्यैव च मम भ्रातुस्सखा दशरथः कथम्।।4.57.6।।यस्य रामः प्रियः पुत्रो ज्येष्ठो गुरुजनप्रियः।,'How did Dasaratha develop friendship with my brother? I hear that Rama who is the favourite firstborn of Dasaratha has endeared himself to all elders. सूर्यांशुदग्धपक्षत्वान्न शक्नोम्युपसर्पितुम्।।4.57.7।।इच्छेयं पर्वतादस्मादवतर्तु मरिन्दमाः।,'O tamers of foes as my wings are burnt down by the Sun's rays it is not possible for me to move forward. I wish you help me to get down from this mountain'. शोकाद्भ्रष्टस्वरमपि श्रुत्वा ते हरियूथपाः।श्रद्दधुर्नैव तद्वाक्यं कर्मणा तस्य शङ्किताः।।4.57.8।।,The leaders among monkeys did not trust his words even though his voice was choked with grief. They suspected his intentions. ते प्रायमुपविष्टास्तु दृष्ट्वा गृध्रं प्लवङ्गमाः।चक्रुर्बुद्धिं तदा रौद्रां सर्वान्नो भक्षयिष्यति।।4.57.9।।,"On seeing the vulture, the monkeys fasting unto death got a terrible thought in their minds that the vulture might eat them." सर्वथा प्रायमासीनान्यदि नो भक्षयिष्यति।कृतकृत्या भविष्यामः क्षिप्रं सिद्धिमितो गताः।।4.57.10।।,"'Since we wish to die, we will be accomplishing our objective successfully if he eats us soon'." एतां बुद्धिं ततश्चक्रुस्सर्वे ते वानरर्षभाः।अवतार्य गिरेश्शृङ्गाद्गृध्रमाहाङ्गदस्तदा।।4.57.11।।,"Thus thought the chief among the monkeys. Angada having helped the vulture come down the mountain peak, said:" बभूवर्क्षरजा नाम वानरेन्द्रः प्रतापवान्।ममार्यः पार्थिवः पक्षिन् धार्मिक स्तस्य चात्मजौ।।4.57.12।सुग्रीवश्चैव वाली च पुत्रावोघबलावुभौ।लोकेविश्रुतकर्माभूद्राजा वाली पिता मम।।4.57.13।।,'O powerful bird my revered grandfather Riksharaja was a glorious king of monkeys. He had two sons called Sugriva and Vali.Both were strong like floodwaters. My father Vali was wellknown in this world for his remarkable deeds. राजा कृत्स्नस्य जगत इक्ष्वाकूणां महारथः।रामो दाशरथिः श्रीमान्प्रविष्टो दण्डकावनम्।।4.57.14।।लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा वैदेह्या चापि भार्यया।पितुर्निदेशनिरतो धर्म्यं पन्थानमाश्रितः।।4.57.15।।,"'The great warrior Rama is the son of Dasaratha, the scion of the Ikshvaku race and the king of the entire world. He entered Dandaka forest along with his brother Lakshmana and consort Vaidehi obeying his father's command following a righteous path." तस्य भार्या जनस्थानाद्रावणेन हृता बलात्।रामस्य तु पितुर्मित्रं जटायुर्नाम गृध्रराट्।।4.57.16।।ददर्श सीतां वैदेहीं ह्रियमाणां विहायसा।,"'His wife was abducted from Janasthana by Ravana. The king of vultures Jatayu, a friend of Rama's father observed princess of Videha, being forcibly carried away through the aerial region." रावणं विरथं कृत्वा स्थापयित्वा च मैथिलीम्।परिश्रान्तश्च वृद्धश्च रावणेन हतो रणे।।4.57.17।।,"'Jatayu destroyed Ravana's aerial chariot and put Maithili in a (safe) place. But being old and exhausted, he was killed in a combat by Ravana. " एवं गृध्रो हतस्तेन रावणेन बलीयसा।संस्कृतश्चापि रामेण गतश्च गतिमुत्तमाम्।।4.57.18।।,"'Thus the vulture was slain by Ravana who was stronger. Cremated by Rama and his last rites performed, he reached the supreme heavenly abode. (It was the luck of Jatayu, unlike Dasaratha, to be cremated by Rama.)" ततो मम पितृव्येण सुग्रीवेण महात्मना।चकार राघवस्सख्यं सोऽवधीत्पितरं मम।।4.57.19।।,"'Then Rama made friendship with my father's brother, great self Sugriva and killed my father." मम पित्रा विरुद्धो हि सुग्रीवस्सचिवैस्सह।निहत्य वालिनं रामस्ततस्तमभिषेचयत्।।4.57.20।।,'Sugriva and his ministers developed hostility towards my father. Rama killed Vali and installed Sugriva as king. स राज्ये स्थापितस्तेन सुग्रीवो वानराधिपः।राजा वानरमुख्यानां येन प्रस्थापिता वयम्।।4.57.21।।,"'Sugriva, the monkey king, was installed by him and crowned as king of the monkeys. Sugriva is the king of all great monkeys. We have been sent by him in search of Sita." एवं रामप्रयुक्तास्तु मार्गमाणास्ततस्ततः।वैदेहीं नाधिगच्छामो रात्रौ सूर्यप्रभामिव।।4.57.22।।,find her just as one fails to see Sun's radiance at night. ते वयं दण्डकारण्यं विचित्य सुसमाहिताः।।4.57.23।।अज्ञानात्तु प्रविष्टास्स्म धर्मिण्या विवृतं बिलम्।,"'Having searched the forest of Dandaka carefully, we all entered this large hole unknowingly." मयस्य मायाविहितं तद्बिलं च विचिन्वताम्।।4.57.24।।व्यतीतस्तत्र नो मासो यो राज्ञा समयः कृतः।, ते वयं कपिराजस्य सर्वे वचनकारिणः।।4.57.25।।कृतां संस्थामतिक्रान्ता भयात्प्रायमुपास्महे।,"'Because of the fear of king Sugriva all of us have decided to stay here fasting unto death,since we have exceeded the time fixed for us (to find Sita)." क्रुद्धे तस्मिंस्तु काकुत्स्थे सुग्रीवे च सलक्ष्मणे।।4.57.26।।गतानामपि सर्वेषां तत्र नो नास्ति जीवितम्।,"'Even if we go back, there is no hope of our survival before the anger of Sugriva and of Rama and Lakshmana of the Kakutstha dynasty.'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे सप्तपञ्चशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends of fiftyseventh sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramyana composed by sage Valmiki." [Samapati narrates his story to the monkeys says he saw Sita being carried off by Ravana to Lanka.]इत्युक्तः करुणं वाक्यं वानरैस्त्यक्तजीवितैः।सबाष्पो वानरान्गृध्रः प्रत्युवाच महास्वनः।।4.58.1।।,"On hearing the pathetic words from the monkeys who had given up hope of life, the loudvoiced vulture wailing replied:" यवीयान्मम भ्राता जटायुर्नाम वानराः।यमाख्यात हतं युद्धे रावणेन बलीयसा।।4.58.2।।,"'O monkeys, the one you said to have been killed by mighty Ravana in a combat was my younger brother, Jatayu." वृद्धभावादपक्षत्वाच्छृण्वंस्तदपि मर्षये।न हि मे शक्तिरस्त्यद्य भ्रातुर्वैरविमोक्षणे।।4.58.3।।,"'Even after I have heard this, I cannot avenge my brother's death as I am old, I have no wings, and I have no energy enough (to fight)." पुरा वृत्रवधे वृत्ते परस्परजयैषिणौ।आदित्यमुपयातौ स्वो ज्वलन्तं रश्मिमालिनम्।।4.58.4।।,"'In olden days, when Indra killed Vrutra we (Jatayu and I) seeking to challenge him reached the Sun blazing with a garland of beams." आवृत्त्याऽकाशमार्गे तु जवेन स्म गतौ भृशम्।मध्यं प्राप्ते दिनकरे जटायुरवसीदति।।4.58.5।।,"'Flying in the sky at a violently high speed, we reached the meridian of the Sun when, unable to bear the heat, Jatayu became weak." तमहं भ्रातरं दृष्ट्वा सूर्यरश्मिभिरर्दितम्।पक्षाभ्यां छादयामास स्नेहात्परमविह्वलः।।4.58.6।।, 'Seeing my brother tormented due to the Sun's radiance I was overwhelmed with grief. Out of love I covered him with both my wings. निर्दग्धपक्षः पतितो विन्ध्येऽहं वानरर्षभाः।अहमस्मिन्वसन्भ्रातुः प्रवृत्तिं नोपलक्षये।।4.58.7।।,"'O bulls among monkeys, consequently my wings were burnt and I dropped down on Vindhya. Here I have been living, knowing not my brother's whereabouts.'" जटायुषस्त्वेवमुक्तो भ्रात्रा सम्पातिना तदा।युवराजो महाप्राज्ञः प्रत्युवाचाङ्गदस्ततः।।4.58.8।।,"To these words of Jatayu's brother, Sampati, Angada, the learned heir apparent replied:" जटायुषो यदि भ्राता श्रुतं ते गदितं मया।आख्या हि यदि जानासि निलयं तस्य रक्षसः।।4.58.9।।,"'I have heard you. If you are the brother of Jatayu, tell us about the abode of that demon if you know." अदीर्घदर्शिनं तं वै रावणं राक्षसाधिपम्।अन्तिके यदि वा दूरे यदि जानासि शंस नः।।4.58.10।।,"'Tell us about Ravana, king of the demons who is unaware of the consequences. If you know his residence, tell us if it is near or far.'" ततोऽब्रवीन्महातेजा ज्येष्ठो भ्राता जटायुषः।आत्मानुरूपं वचनं वानरान्सम्प्रहर्षयन्।।4.58.11।।,"Then Jatayu's elder brother, the glorious Sampati, said these pleasing, befitting words:" निर्दग्धपक्षो गृध्रोऽहं हीनवीर्य: प्लवङ्गमाः।वाङ्मात्रेण तु रामस्य करिष्ये साह्यमुत्तमम्।।4.58.12।।,'O monkeys I am a vulture. My wings are burnt and my strength is depleted. The only substantial help I can render Rama is through my words. जानामि वारुणान्लोकान्विष्णोस्त्रै विक्रमानपि।महासुरविमर्दन्वा श्च ह्यमृतस्य च मन्थनम्।।4.58.13।।,'I know Varuna's worlds(seas and oceans) and all the three worlds measured by three strides by Vamana. Indeed I also know about the friction between the great gods and demons and the churning of the ocean for nectar. रामस्य यदिदं कार्यं कर्तव्यं प्रथमं मया।जरया च हृतं तेजः प्राणाश्च शिथिला मम।।4.58.14।।,'Rama's work is my primary duty. (But) my strength is drained by age and I have lost my vitality. तरुणी रूपसम्पन्ना सर्वाभरणभूषिता।ह्रियमाणा मया दृष्टा रावणेन दुरात्मना।।4.58.15।।क्रोशन्ती राम रामेति लक्ष्मणेति च भामिनी।भूषणान्यपविध्यन्ती गात्राणि च विधुन्वती।।4.58.16।।,"'I saw a young lady of beautiful appearance, adorned with all kinds of ornaments borne away by the evilminded Ravana. That dainty lady was calling out, 'O Rama, O Lakshmana' and was crying aloud. She was throwing away her ornaments and was wriggling to get out of Ravana's grip." सूर्यप्रभेव शैलाग्रे तस्याः कौशेयमुत्तमम्।असिते राक्षसे भाति यथा वा तटिदम्बुदे।।4.58.17।।,"'Her fine silk garment was shining like the radiance of the Sun on the mountain peak, like lightning against the dark cloud. (That was Ravana)." तां तु सीतामहं मन्ये रामस्य परिकीर्तनात्।श्रूयतां मे कथयतो निलयं तस्य रक्षसः।।4.58.18।।, 'Since she was uttering Rama's name I think she is Sita. (Now) I will tell you about the demon's abode. Listen पुत्रो विश्रवस स्साक्षाद्भ्राता वैश्रवणस्य च।अध्यास्ते नगरीं लङ्कां रावणो नाम राक्षसः।।4.58.19।।,'He is Vishrava's son and halfbrother of Vaishravana. His name is Ravana and he resides in the city of Lanka. इतो द्वीपस्समुद्रस्य सम्पूर्णे शतयोजने।तस्मिन्लङ्कापुरी रम्या निर्मिता विश्वकर्मणा।।4.58.20।।,"'The beautiful city of Lanka is an island, a hundred yojanas away from here.It was built by Visvakarma." जाम्बूनदमयैर्द्वारैश्चित्रैः काञ्चनवेदिकैः।प्रासादैर्हेमवर्णैश्च महद्भिः सुसमा कृता।।4.58.21।।प्राकारेणार्कवर्णेन महता च समान्विता।,"'The city has golden gates, golden platforms, huge, goldencoloured, uniformly built mansions surrounded by a tall boundary wall of the colour of sunlight." तस्यां वसति वैदेही दीना कौशेयवासिनी।।4.58.22।।रावणान्तःपुरे रुद्धा राक्षसीभिस्सुरक्षिता।जनकस्यात्मजां राज्ञस्तत्र द्रक्ष्यथ मैथिलीम्।।4.58.23।।,"'You will see in the city of Lanka, the princess from Videha, daughter of Janaka, a picture of dejection, robed in silk, confined in the harem of Ravana, wellprotected by demonesses. " लङ्कायामथ गुप्तायां सागरेण समन्ततः।सम्प्राप्य सागरस्यान्तं सम्पूर्णं शतयोजनम्।।4.58.24।।आसाद्य दक्षिणं तीरं ततो द्रक्ष्यथ रावणम्।तत्रैव त्वरिताः क्षिप्रं विक्रमध्वं प्लवङ्गमाः।।4.58.25।।,'O monkeys traverse a hundred yojanas across the sea. On reaching the southern coast you will be able to see Ravana's Lanka defended and surrounded by the sea. Now proceed swiftly and prove your strength. ज्ञानेन खलु पश्यामि दृष्ट्वा प्रत्यागमिष्यथ।आद्यः पन्थाः कुलिङ्गानां ये चान्ये धान्यजीविनः।।4.58.26।।द्वितीयो बलिभोजानां ये च वृक्षफलाशिनः।भासास्तृतीयं गच्छन्ति क्रौञ्चाश्च कुररैस्सह।।4.58.27।।श्येनाश्चतुर्थं गच्छन्ति गृध्रा गच्छन्ति पञ्चमम्।,"'By intuition I know you would see Sita and return. On the first plane you will see sparrows and birds which live on grain. On the second, you will see crows living on the food offered to the dead and birds living on the fruits of trees, and then cocks, cranes and kraunchas moving on the third plane, on the fourth, hawks and falcons and on the fifth, vultures." बलवीर्योपपन्नानां रूपयौवनशालिनाम्।।4.58.28।।षष्ठस्तु पन्था हंसानां वैनतेयगतिः परा।वैनतेयाच्च नो जन्म सर्वेषां वानरर्षभाः।।4.58.29।।,"'O bulls among monkeys swans blessed with strength, vigour, beauty and youth move in the sixth region. Beyond, on the seventh plane, you will see the descendants of Garuda." इहस्थोऽहं प्रपश्यामि रावणं जानकीं तथा।अस्माकमपि सौवर्णं दिव्यं चक्षुर्बलं तथा।।4.58.30।।,'From here I see Ravana and Janaki. We (vultures) have a divine golden vision and great power. तस्मादाहारवीर्येण निसर्गेण च वानराः।आयोजनशतात्साग्राद्वयं पश्याम नित्यशः।।4.58.31।।,"'O monkeys therefore, by the strength of food and by nature we can always see beyond a hundred yojanas from this edge." अस्माकं विहिता वृत्तिर्निसर्गेण च दूरतः।विहिता पादमूले तु वृत्तिश्चरणयोधिनाम्।।4.58.32।।,"'Our movement and vision naturally extends to distant places. For those fighting on foot, the movement is restricted to the extent of foot movement." गर्हितं तु कृतं कर्म येन स्म पशिताशिना।प्रतीकार्यं च मे तस्य वैरं भ्रातृकृतं भवेत्।।4.58.33।।, उपायो दृश्यतां कश्चिल्लङ्घने लवणाम्भसः।अभिगम्य तु वैदेहीं समृद्धार्था गमिष्यथ।।4.58.34।।,"'Look out for some means to cross the salty ocean. You will see Vaidehi, and return, your mission accomplished." समुद्रं नेतुमिच्छामि भवद्भिर्वरुणालयम्।प्रदास्याम्युदकं भ्रातुस्स्वर्गतस्य महात्मनः।।4.58.35।।,"'Take me to the ocean, the abode of Varuna. I intend to offer oblation to my brother, a great soul who is in heaven.'" ततो नीत्वा तु तं देशं तीरं नदनदीपतेः।निर्दग्धपक्षं सम्पातिं वानरास्सुमहौजसः।।4.58.36।।पुनः प्रत्यानयित्वा च तं देशं पतगेश्वरम्।बभूवुर्वानरा हृष्टाः प्रवृत्तिमुपलभ्य ते।।4.58.37।।,"Th mightiest of monkeys carried Sampati, whose wings were totally burnt, to the sea shore and after he had offered oblations took him back to the same place. Having obtained all information from the king of vultures the monkeys were very happy.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे अष्टपञ्चशस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fiftyeighth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." "[Information brought by Suparshva, Sampati's son.]ततस्तदमृतास्वादं गृध्रराजेन भाषितम्।निशम्य मुदिता हृष्टास्ते वचः प्लवगर्षभाः।।4.59.1।।",The mighty monkeys were delighted to hear the nectarlike words of the king of vultures. जाम्बवान् वानरश्रेष्ठस्सह सर्वैः प्लवङ्गमैः।भूतलात्सहसोत्थाय गृध्रराजानमब्रवीत्।।4.59.2।।,Jambavan the king of bears got up at once from the ground along with the monkeys and spoke to the king of vultures: क्व सीता केन वा दृष्टा को वा हरति मैथिलीम्।तदाख्यातु भवात्सर्वं गतिर्भव वनौकसाम्।।4.59.3।।,"'Where is Sita now? By whom else was she seen while being carried? Pray, tell us everything. You are the ultimate saviour of monkeys." को दाशरथि बाणानां वज्रवेगनिपातिनाम्।स्वयं लक्ष्मणमुक्तानां न चिन्तयति विक्रमम्।।4.59.4।।,'Who is not aware of Rama's swift arrows which are like thunderbolt? Who is not able to assess the speed and power of arrows of Lakshmana released directly?' स हरीन्प्रीतिसंयुक्तान्सीताश्रुतिसमाहितान्।पुनराश्वसयन्प्रीत: इदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।4.59.5।।,"Pleased to see the happiness and eagernes of the monkeys assembled to hear about Sita, Sampati continued in order to reassure them:" श्रूयतामिह वैदेह्या यथा मे हरणं श्रुतम्।येन चापि ममाऽख्यातं यत्र वायतलोचना।।4.59.6।।,'Now hear by whom I was informed about the abduction of the largeeyed princess from Videha and where she is at present. अहमस्मिन्गिरौ दुर्गे बहुयोजनमायते।चिरान्निपतितो वृद्धः क्षीणप्राणपराक्रमः।।4.59.7।।,"'With my vitality and prowess depleted, I have been staying for a long time on this mountain, extended by several yojanas and inaccessible." तं मामेवं गतं पुत्रस्सुपार्श्वोनाम नामतः।आहारेण यथाकालं बिभर्ति पततां वरः।।4.59.8।।,"'Reduced to this state, I have been maintained by food given in time by my son named Suparshva, best among birds." तीक्ष्णकामास्तु गन्धर्वास्तीक्ष्णकोपा भुजङ्गमाः।मृगाणां तु भयं तीक्ष्णं ततस्तीक्ष्णक्षुधा वयम्।।4.59.9।।,'Gandharvas have intense passion. Serpents show violent anger. Deer have great fear. And we vultures have great hunger. स कदाचित्क्षुधार्तस्य ममाहाराभिकाङ्क्षिणः।गतसूर्येऽहनि प्राप्तो मम पुत्रो ह्यनामिषः।।4.59.10।।,'Once my son came to me without meat after sunset while I was feeling hungry for food. स मामाहारसंरोधात्पीडितं प्रीतिवर्धनः।अनुमान्य यथातत्त्वमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।4.59.11।।,"'I was thinking, tormented with hunger, my son who always keeps me happy told me exactly what had happened:" अहं तात यथाकालमामिषार्थी खमाप्लुतः।महेन्द्रस्य गिरेर्द्वारमावृत्य सुसमास्थितः।।4.59.12।।,'O dear father I went to get food at the right time and stood blocking the entrance of mount Mahendra. तत्र सत्त्वसहस्राणां सागरान्तरचारिणाम्।पन्थानमेकोऽध्यवसं सन्निरोद्धुमवाङ्मुखः।।4.59.13।।,"'There I stood alone looking down, obstructing the path of thousands of creatures inhabiting the ocean." तत्र कश्चिन्मया दृष्ट स्सूर्योदयसमप्रभाम्।स्त्रियमादाय गच्छन्वै भिन्नाञ्जनचयप्रभः।।4.59.14।।,'I saw a person who was dark and huge like a mass of collyrium carrying a lady whose radiance was like the rising Sun. सोऽहमभ्यवहारार्थी तौ दृष्ट्वा कृतनिश्चयः।तेन साम्ना विनीतेन पन्थानमभियाचितः।।4.59.15।।,'Since I was looking for food I resolved to seize both of them. (But) he asked me in a gentle and courteous manner to make way (since I was blocking the aerial path). न हि सामोपपन्नानां प्रहर्ता विद्यते क्वचित्।नीचेष्वपि जनः कश्चित्किमङ्ग बत मद्विधः।।4.59.16।।,'Who will strike polite people? Even the mean do not do it anywhere. And what to speak of me. स यातस्तेजसा व्योम सङ्क्षिपन्निव वेगतः।अथाऽहं खेचरैर्भूतैरभिगम्य सभाजितः।।4.59.17।।,'He flew hurriedly with splendour as though he was enveloping the sky (making it small). All the flying creatures in the sky came and greeted me with respect. दिष्ट्या जीवसि तातेति ह्यब्रुवन्मां महर्षयः।कथञ्चित्सकळत्रोऽसौ गतस्ते स्वस्त्यसंशयम्।।4.59.18।।,"'I heard the great sages saying, 'O dear you are lucky to be saved. He has somehow gone from here with that lady (without hurting you). Undoubtedly you are lucky.'" एव मुक्तस्ततोऽहं तैस्सिद्धै: परमशोभनैः।स च मे रावणो राजा रक्षसां प्रतिवेदितः।।4.59.19।।हरन्दाशरथेर्भार्यां रामस्य जनकात्मजाम्।भ्रष्टाभरणकौशेयां शोकवेगपराजिताम्।।4.59.20।।रामलक्ष्मणयोर्नाम क्रोशन्तीं मुक्तमूर्धजाम्।,"'I was greeted by the most illustrious siddhas. I came to know from them that he was Ravana, the king of demons. I was looking at him while he was abducting Janaka's daughter, who was the wife of Dasaratha's Rama. Her ornaments had dropped and silken robes had slipped since she lost hold on herself. She was crying, loudly calling out the names of Rama and Lakshmana, her hair dishevelled." एष कालात्ययस्तावदिति कालविदां वरः।।4.59.21।।एतमर्थं समग्रं मे सुपार्श्वः प्रत्यवेदयत्।,"'O father this is the cause of my delay', said Suparshva, who knew the value of time. Thus he gave the entire account to me." तच्छृत्वाऽपि हि मे बुद्धिर्नासीत्काचित्पराक्रमे।।4.59.22।।अपक्षो हि कथं पक्षी कर्म किञ्चिदुपक्रमे।,"'Even after hearing this I could not advance (against Ravana). How could I, a vulture without wings, leap even a little?" यत्तु शक्यं मया कर्तुं वाग्बुद्धिगुणवर्तिना।।4.59.23।।श्रूयतां तत्प्रवक्ष्यामि भवतां पौरुषाश्रयम्।,'Being endowed with the faculty of thinking and speech I shall tell you what is possible for you to execute with your prowess. Listen. वाङ्मतिभ्यां तु सर्वेषां करिष्यामि प्रियं हि वः।।4.59.24।।यद्धि दाशरथेः कार्यं मम तन्नात्र संशयः।,'I will please you with my word and thought and do not doubt that Rama's task is dear to me as well. ते भवन्तो मतिश्रेष्ठा बलवन्तो मनस्विनः।।4.59.25।।प्रेषिताः कपिराजेन देवैरपि दुरासदाः।,"'Indeed, you monkeys are very wise, strong and sensitive. The king of monkeys has sent you on this mission. You cannot be conquered even by gods." रामलक्ष्मणबाणाश्च निशिताः कङ्कपत्रिणः।।4.59.26।।त्रयाणामपि लोकानां पर्याप्तास्त्राणनिग्रहे।,'The heronfeathered arrows of Rama and Lakshmana are sharp and strong enough to protect or subdue all the three worlds. कामं खलु दशग्रीव स्तेजोबलसमन्वितः।।4.59.27।।भवतां तु समर्थानां न किञ्चिदपि दुष्करम्।,"'The tenheaded Ravana is mighty, powerful and strong, indeed. But you are efficient and it will not be difficult for you to achieve this task." तदलं कालसङ्गेन क्रियतां बुद्धिनिश्चयः।।4.59.28।।न हि कर्मसु सज्जन्ते बुद्धिमन्तो भवद्विधाः।,"'Do not bother about the time limit. Resolve to achieve the objective, for wise people like you should not lag behind in accepting challenges.'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे एकोनषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fiftyninth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Sampati gives his past account.]ततः कृतोदकं स्नातं तं गृध्रं हरियूथपाः।उपविष्टा गिरौ रम्ये परिवार्य समन्ततः।।4.60.1।।,Sampati bathed and offered libations to Jatayu. Then all the monkeys sat round him on the beautiful mountain. तमङ्गदमुपासीनं तैस्सर्वैर्हरिभिर्वृतम्।जनितप्रत्ययो हर्षात्सम्पातिः पुनरब्रवीत्।।4.60.2।।,Angada sat near Sampati surrounded by all monkeys. Sampati who had gained confidence spoke to Angada once again joyously. कृत्वा निश्शब्दमेकाग्रा श्श्रुण्वन्तु हरयो मम।तत्वं सङ्कीर्तयिष्यामि यथा जानामि मैथिलीम्।।4.60.3।।,'O monkeys I shall tell you in detail how I came to know the princess from Mithila. Listen quietly with rapt attention: अस्य विन्ध्यस्य शिखरे पतितोऽस्मि पुरावने।सूर्यतपपरीताङ्गो निर्दग्धस्सूर्यरश्मिभिः।।4.60.4।।,"Scorched by the rays of the Sun, I was burnt totally and fell on the peak of this mount Vindhya years ago." लब्धसंज्ञस्तु षड्रात्राद्विवशो विह्वलन्निव।वीक्षमाणो दिशस्सर्वा नाभिजानामि किञ्चन।।4.60.5।।, ततस्तु सागरान् शैलान्नदीस्सर्वास्सरांसि च।वनानि च प्रदेशांश्च नीरीक्ष्य मतिरागता।।4.60.6।।,"'Then I looked at the oceans, the mountains, rivers, lakes, forests and all locations and my memory returned gradually." हृष्टपक्षिगणाकीर्णः कन्दरान्तरकूटवान्।दक्षिणस्योदधेस्तीरे विन्ध्योऽयमिति निश्चितः।।4.60.7।।,'I came to know then that this place is inhabited by flocks of happy birds and full of many caves and mountain peaks. This is mount Vindhya on the shore of the southern ocean. आसीच्चात्राश्रमं पुण्यं सुरैरपि सुपूजितम्।ऋषिर्निशाकरो नाम यस्मिन्नुग्रतपाभवत्।।4.60.8।।,"'There was a hermitage nearby, where a revered sage, who was even worshpped by gods lived. His name was Nishakara. He did rigorous penance here." अष्टौ वर्षसहस्राणि तेनास्मिन्नृषिणा विना।वसतो मम धर्मज्ञा स्वर्गते तु निशाकरे।।4.60.9।।,'O righteous monkeys after the death of sage Nishakara eight thousand years have passed. And I have been living here. अवतीर्य तु विन्ध्याग्रात्कृच्छ्रेण विषमाच्छनैः।तीक्ष्णदर्भां वसुमतीं दुःखेन पुनरागतः।।4.60.10।।,"'I descended down slowly from the high rugged peak of the Vindhya mountain with great difficulty to the plain land bristling with sharp, harsh darbha grass." तमृषिं द्रष्टुकामोऽस्मि दुःखेनाभ्यागतो भृशम्।जटायुषा मया चैव बहुशोऽभिगतो हि सः।।4.60.11।।,'Eager to see the great sage I reached the place with much difficulty. I and my brother Jatayu had approached him many a time earlier. तस्याश्रमपदाभ्याशे ववुर्वातास्सुगन्धिनः।वृक्षो वापुष्पितः कश्चिदफलो वा न विद्यते।।4.60.12।।,'In the vicinity of that hermitage there was no tree without flowers or fruits and fragrant was the breeze that blew around. उपेत्य चाश्रमं पुण्यं वृक्षमूलमुपाश्रितः।द्रष्टुकामः प्रतीक्षेऽहं भगवन्तं निशाकरम्।।4.60.13।।,"'On reaching the sacred hermitage, I stood and waited under a tree for the audience of the divine sage Nishakara." अथापश्यमदूरस्थमृषिं ज्वलिततेजसम्।कृताभिषेकं दुर्धर्षमुपावृत्तमुदङ्मुखम्।।4.60.14।।, तमृक्षास्सृमरा व्याघ्रास्सिंहा नागास्सरीसृपाः।परिवार्योपगच्छन्ति धातारं प्राणिनो यथा।।4.60.15।।,"'He was followed by bears, deer, tigers, lions, elephants and snakes just as living beings follow their creator." ततः प्राप्तमृषिं ज्ञात्वा तानि सत्त्वानि वै ययुः।प्रविष्टे राजनि यथा सर्वं सामात्यकं बलम्।।4.60.16।।,"'Just as the army including feudatories recede, when the king comes, all those creatures repaired to their dens when they knew the arrival of the sage at the hermitage." ऋषिस्तु दृष्ट्वा मां प्रीतः प्रविष्टश्चाश्रमं पुनः।मुहूर्तमात्रान्निष्क्रम्य ततः कार्यमपृच्छत।।4.60.17।।,The sage who entered the hermitage came out again within a moment on seeing me and enquired about me affectionately: सौम्य वैकल्यतां दृष्ट्वा रोम्णां ते नावगम्यते।अग्निदग्धाविमौ पक्षौ व्रणाश्चापि शरीरके।।4.60.18।।,'O gentle one seeing your body devoid of hair I can understood that your wings have been burnt and your body bruised. गृध्रौ द्वौ दृष्टपूर्वौ मे मातरिश्वसमौ जवे।गृध्राणां चैव राजानौ भ्रातरौ कामरूपिणौ।।4.60.19।।,'You are the king among vultures equal to wind in speed.I had seen both the brothers earlier and both of you could change your form at will. ज्येष्ठो हि त्वं तु सम्पाते जटायुरनुजस्तव।मानुषं रूपमास्थाय गृह्णीतां चरणौ मम।।4.60.20।।, किं ते व्याधिसमुत्थानं पक्षयोः पतनं कथम्।दण्डोऽयंच कृतः केन सर्वमाख्याहि पृच्छतः।।4.60.21।।,"'What disease has affected you? Why are your wings dropped down? Who punished you in this way? Tell me.'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे षष्टितमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the sixtieth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Sampati's revelation to sage Nishakara about his burnt wings.]ततस्तद्दारुणं कर्म दुष्करं सहसात्कृतम्।आचचक्षे मुनेस्सर्वं सूर्यानुगमनं तथा।।4.61.1।।,"'Then I revealed everything to the sage,including the arrogant, impetuous action of rashly following the Sun (for challenging Indra)." भगवन्व्रणयुक्तत्वाल्लज्जया व्याकुलेन्द्रियः।परिश्रान्तो न शक्नोमि वचनं परिभाषितुम्।।4.61.2।।,'O revered sage I am exhausted and my senses are depressed. I am ashamed of myself. My body is wounded. Therefore I am not able to reply. अहं चैव जटायुश्च सङ्घर्षाद्धर्पमोहितौ।आकाशं पतितौ वीरौ जिज्ञासन्तौ पराक्रमम्।।4.61.3।।,"'Deluded by pride, I and my brother Jatayu challenging each other to test our relative strength flew far into the sky." कैलासशिखरे बद्ध्वा मुनीनामग्रतः पणम्।रविस्स्यादनुयातव्यो यावदस्तं महागिरिम्।।4.61.4।।,'Both of us made a bet on the peak of mount Kailasa in the presence of sages to follow the Sungod until he sets on the western mountain. "अथाऽवां युगपत्प्राप्तावपश्याव महीतले। रथचक्रप्रमाणानि नगराणि पृथक्पृथक्।।4.61.5।।  ",'And from there both of us looked at all the cities on the land which seemed like the size of chariot wheels one after the other.  क्वचिद्वादित्रघोषांश्च ब्रह्मघोषांश्च शुश्रुवः।गायन्तीश्चाङ्गना बह्वीः पश्यावो रक्तवाससः।।4.61.6।।,"'We heard at some places sounds of musical instruments, sounds of Vedic chanting, and many lovely young women dressed in redsinging." तूर्णमुत्पत्य चाकाशमादित्यपथमाश्रितौ।आवामालोकयावस्तद्वनं शाद्वलसन्निभम्।।4.61.7।।,'We flew quickly into the sky and reached the path of the Sun and looked down at the forest which looked like a green lawn. उपलैरिव सञ्छन्ना दृश्यते भूश्शिलोच्चयैः।आपगाभिश्च संवीता सूत्रैरिव वसुन्धरा।।4.61.8।।,"'The earth filled with lofty mountains appeared as if it is covered with pebbles. Surrounded by rivers meandering, it looked as though it was entwined with threads." हिमवांश्चैव विन्ध्यश्च मेरुश्च सुमहान्नगः।भूतले सम्प्रकाशन्ते नागा इव जलाशये।।4.61.9।।,"'The mountains of the earth, Himavan and Vindhya and the great Meru looked like huge elephants in a huge pond." तीव्रस्स्वेदश्च खेदश्च भयं चासीत्तदाऽऽवयोः।समाविशति मोहश्च तमो मूर्छा च दारुणा।।4.61.10।।,"'Much sweat, pain and fear generated in us while we went on and up. This led to terrific confusion and stupor." न दिग्विज्ञायते याम्या नाग्नेयी न च वारुणी।युगान्ते नियतो लोको हतो दग्ध इवाग्निना।।4.61.11।।,"'I did not know which the southern direction was or the southeast or the west. It looked as if the world had been consumed by fire and dissolved, as if it was the end of the yuga." मनश्च मे हतं भूयस्सन्निवर्त्यतु संश्रयम्।यत्नेन महता ह्यस्मिन्पुनस्सन्धाय चक्षुषी।।4.61.12।।यत्नेन महता भूयो भास्करः प्रतिलोकितः।तुल्यः पृथ्वीप्रमाणेन भास्करः प्रतिभाति नौ।।4.61.13।।,'My mind was disturbed and I turned my attention from the object. Once again I focused my attention (on the Sun) and could see the Sungod with great effort. The Sun appeared to us equal in size to earth. जटायुर्मामनापृच्छ्य निपपात महीं ततः।तं दृष्ट्वा तूर्णमाकाशादात्मानं मुक्तवानहम्।।4.61.14।।,"'Without taking leave of me Jatayu descended down to the earth. Seeing that, I also followed him down quickly from the sky." पक्षाभ्यां च मया गुप्तो जटायुर्न प्रदह्यते।प्रमादात्तत्र निर्दग्धः पतन्वायुपथादहम्।।4.61.15।।,"'I protected Jatayu with my wings so that he was not burnt. I, however, got burnt miserably and fell down from the aerial region." आशङ्के तं निपतितं जनस्थाने जटायुषम्।अहं तु पतितो विन्ध्ये दग्धपक्षो जडीकृतः।।4.61.16।।,"'I thought Jatayu had fallen down somewhere at Janasthana, but I fell on Vindhya, wings burnt, in an unconscious state." राज्येन हीनो भ्रात्रा च पक्षाभ्यां विक्रमेण च।सर्वथा मर्तुमेवेच्छन्पतिष्ये शिखराद्गीरेः।।4.61.17।।,"'Bereft of my kingdom, my brother and my wings, and having lost my strength I desire to fall down from the mountain top and die.'इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे एकषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the sixtyfirst sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [The sage consoles Sampati -- Nishakara speaks about Rama coming to destroy the demons and their king Ravana.]एवमुक्ता मुनिश्रेष्ठ मरुदं दुःखितो भृशं। अथ ध्यात्वा मुहूर्तं तु भगवानिदमब्रवीत्।।4.62.1।।,'When thus I spoke to the venerable sage in that manner roaring very painfully the divine sage replied after reflecting silently for a moment: पक्षौ तु ते प्रपक्षौ च पुनरन्यौभविष्यतः।प्राणाश्च चक्षुषी चैव विक्रमश्च बलं च ते।।4.62.2।।,"'You will get new wings and feathers and also other parts.You will attain vision, life, prowess and strength." पुराणे सुमहत्कार्यं भविष्यति मया श्रुतं।दृष्टं मे तपसा चैव श्रुत्वा च विदितं मम4.62.3।।,'I have foreseen with the power of my penance that a great task will be done by you. I have also heard about it in the Puranas and came to know of it. राजा दशरथो नाम कश्चिदिक्ष्वाकुनन्दनः।तस्य पुत्रो महातेजा रमोनाम भविष्यति।।4.62.4।।,'Indeed in the Ikshvaku family there will be a king named Dasaratha. He will beget a brilliant son named Rama. अरण्यं च सह र्भात्रा लक्ष्मणेनगमिष्यति।अस्मिन्नर्थे नियुक्त स्सन्पित्रा सत्यपराक्रमः।।4.62.5।।,"'On account of the command of his father, Rama armed with the strength of truth will proceed to the forest with his brother Lakshmana." नैऋतो रावणो नाम तस्य भार्यां हरिष्यति।राक्षसेन्द्रो जनस्थनादवध्य स्सुरदानवैः4.62.6।।," 'The king of demons, Ravana who is indestructible even by gods and demons will be abducting his wife from Janastahana." सा च कामैः प्रलोभ्यन्ती भक्ष्यै:भोज्यैश्च मैथिली।नभोक्ष्यति महाभागा दुःखे मग्ना यशस्विनी।।4.62.7।।," 'Immersed in grief, chaste and famed Sita, will not take any food or enjoy pleasures however much she is tempted." परमान्नंतु वैदेह्या ज्ञात्वा दास्यति वा सः।यदन्नममृतप्रख्यं सुराणामपिदुर्लभम्4.62.8।।,"'Knowing that Vaidehi is not eating food(given by Ravana) Indra,the ruler of gods, will offer nectarlike food rare even for gods." तदन्नं मैथिलीप्राप्य विज्ञायेन्द्रादिदंत्विति।अग्रमुदृत्य रामाय भूतले निर्वपिष्यति।।4.62.9।।,"'Having understood that it has been provided by Indra, Sita will take out a large portion of it and pour it on the ground (as an offering to Rama) and say 'I offer it to Rama wherever he is on earth'." यदि जीवति मे भर्ता लक्ष्मणेन सह प्रभुः।देवत्वं गच्छ्तो र्वापि तयो रन्नमिदंत्विति4.62.10।।,"'If my husband and Lakshmana are living or else even if they have attained heaven let this food be enjoyed by them', Sita will say." एष्यन्त्यन्वेषका स्तस्या रामदूताः प्लवांगमाः। आख़्येया राम महीषी त्वया तेभ्यो विहंगम4.62.11।।,'Rama's messenger and other monkeys will be coming to search for the his queen. O Sampati you should narrate this to them. सर्वथा हि नगन्तव्यमीदृशः क्व गमिष्यसि।देशकालौ प्रतीक्षस्व पक्षौ त्वं प्रतिपत्स्यसे4.62.12।।, 'It is good for you in all respects to remain here. Where can you go (without wings)? Wait for appropriate time and place. You will recover your wings'. नोत्सहेयमहंकर्तुमध्यैव त्वां सपक्षकम्।इहस्थ स्त्वं तु लोकानां हितं कार्यं करिष्यसि।।4.62.13।।,'I am not enthusiastic about giving you the wings now. Remain here and carry on the work for the welfare of the world. त्वयापि खलु तत्कार्यं तयोश्चनृपपुत्रयोः।ब्राह्मणानां सुराणां च मुनीनां वासवस्य च।।4.62.14।।,"'(Carry on) the work not only for the princes (Rama and Lakshmana) but also for the brahmins, sages, gods and others who live here." इच्छाम्यहमपिद्रष्टुं भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।नेच्छेचिरं धारयुतुं प्राणां स्त्यक्ष्ये कलेबरं।महर्षि स्त्वब्रवीदेवं दृष्टतत्वार्थदर्शनः।।4.62.15।।,"'I also want to see Rama and Lakshmana. But I do not like to hold on to my life for long. Hence I will give up my body'. The knower of self, the sage (Nishakara) said this to Sampati.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे द्विषष्टितम स्सर्गः।।Thus ends the sixtysecond sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Sampati gets back his wings -- the monkeys rejoice and proceed southward.]एतैरन्यैश्च बहुभिर्वाक्यैर्वाक्यविशारदः।मां प्रशस्याभ्यनुज्ञाप्य प्रविष्टस्स स्वमालयम्।।4.63.1।।,"'The sage who was skilful in speech, having praised me thus and in many other ways, permitted me to leave and entered his dwelling. " कन्दरात्तु विसर्पित्वा पर्वतस्य शनैश्शनैः।अहं विन्ध्यं समारुह्य भवतः प्रतिपालये।।4.63.2।।,"'Having crawled slowly and slowly from the cave and climbed the Vindhya, I have been awaiting your arrival." अद्य त्वेतस्य कालस्य साग्रं वर्षशतं गतम्।देशकालप्रतीक्षोऽस्मि हृदि कृत्वा मुनेर्वचः।।4.63.3।।,'More than a hundred years have passed and all this time I have borne the sage's words in my heart and have waited for the right time and place. महाप्रस्थानमासाद्य स्वर्गते तु निशाकरे।मां निर्दहति सन्तापो वितर्कैर्बहुभिर्वृतम्।।4.63.4।।,'Nishakara went on his last journey and attained heaven. Since then many sad thoughts have crisscrossed my mind and I am consumed with those thoughts. उत्थितां मरणे बुद्धिं मुनिवाक्यैर्निवर्तये।बुद्धिर्या तेन मे दत्ता प्राणानां रक्षणाय तु।।4.63.5।।सा मेऽपनयते दुःखं दीप्तेवाग्निशिखा तमः।,"'Whenever I intended to die, the words of the sage rang in my mind. The inspiration he gave me to preserve my life removed my agony like the glowing flames of fire that take away darkness." बुद्ध्यता च मया वीर्यं रावणस्य दुरात्मनः।।4.63.6।।पुत्रस्सन्तर्जितो वाग्भिर्न त्राता मैथिली कथम्।,"'I goaded my son with harsh words saying, 'Knowing the valour of the evilminded Ravana, why did you not protect her (Sita)'" तस्या विलपितं श्रुत्वा तौ च सीताविनाकृतौ।।4.63.7।।न मे दशरथस्नेहात्पुत्रेणोत्पादितं प्रियम्।,"'Even after hearing the wailing of Sita, knowing that both (Rama and Lakshmana) are separated from her and considering my friendship with Dasaratha, I felt displeased with my son (as he did not make an attempt to rescue her)'." तस्य त्वेवं ब्रुवाणस्य सम्पातेर्वानरैस्सह।।4.63.8।।उत्पेततुस्तदा पक्षौ समक्षं वनचारिणाम्।,Even as he was telling this to the monkeys his wings started appearing in their presence. स दृष्ट्वा स्वां तनुं पक्षैरुद्गतैररुणच्छदैः।।4.63.9।।प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे वानरांश्चेदमब्रवीत्।,"He experienced an unparalleled delight seeing wings with red feathers growing on his body, and said to the monkeys: " ऋषेर्निशाकरस्यैव प्रभावादमितात्मन:।।4.63.10।।आदित्यरश्मिनिर्दग्धौ पक्षौ मे पुनरुपस्थितौ।,"'By the grace of the most revered soul,sage Nishakara, both my wings that were burnt by the Sun's radiance have grown again. " यौवने वर्तमानस्य ममासीद्यः पराक्रमः।।4.63.11।।तमेवाद्यावगच्छामि बलं पौरुषमेव च।,"'The valour, strength and even courage that I had in my youth,I am experiencing now." सर्वथा क्रियतां यत्न स्सीतामधिगमिष्यथ।।4.63.12।।पक्षलाभो ममायं वस्सिद्धिप्रत्ययकारकः।, इत्युक्त्वा स तान्हरीन् सर्वान्सम्पातिः पतगोत्तमः।।4.63.13।।उत्पपात गिरेश्शृङ्गाज्जिज्ञासुः खगमो गतिम्।,"Sampati, the foremost of the birds thus spoke to the monkeys and flew up from the mountain's peak keen on finding the aerial path." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा प्रतिसंहृष्टमानसाः।।4.63.14।।बभूवुर्हरिशार्दूला विक्रमाभ्युदयोन्मुखाः।,The tigers among monkeys felt very happy on hearing the words of Sampati and became sure of their success with their valour. अथ पवनसमानविक्रमाःप्लवगवराः प्रतिलब्धपौरुषाः।अभिजिदभिमुखा दिशं ययुर्जनकसुतापरिमार्गणोन्मुखाः।।4.63.15।।,"The monkeys as strong as the wind regained courage and went in search of the daughter of Janaka in the direction of Abhijit (constellation known as Abhijit is associated with success).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे त्रिषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the sixtythird sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [ Angada discusses with the monkeys the strategies to cross the ocean.]आख्याता गृध्रराजेन समुत्प्लुत्य प्लवङ्गमाः।सङ्गताः प्रीतिसंयुक्ता विनेदुर्भीमविक्रमाः।।4.64.1।।,"Hearing the words spoken by the king of vultures, the highly courageous monkeys assembled together and leaped with joyscreaming." सम्पातेर्वचनं श्रुत्वा हरयो रावणक्षयम्।हृष्टास्सागरमाजग्मुस्सीतादर्शनकाङ्क्षिणः।।4.64.2।।,"On hearing the words of Sampati, the monkeys felt glad and, eager to see Sita, reached the ocean, the passage to the abode of Ravana. " अभिक्रम्य तु तं देशं ददृशुर्भीमविक्रमाः।कृत्स्नं लोकस्य महतः प्रतिबिम्बमिव स्थितम्।।4.64.3।।,"Having reached the ocean, the monkeys, endowed with frightening courage, stood looking at the vast ocean which appeared like an image of the whole world." दक्षिणस्य समुद्रस्य समासाद्योत्तरां दिशम्।सन्निवेशं ततश्चक्रुर्हरिवीरा महाबलाः।।4.64.4।।,Powerful and heroic monkeys assembled at the northern end of the southern ocean. सत्त्वैर्महद्भिर्विकृतैः क्रीडद्भिर्विविधैर्जले।व्यात्तास्यैस्सुमहाकायैरूर्मिभिश्च समाकुलम्।।4.64.5।।प्रसुप्तमिव चान्यत्र क्रीडन्तमिव चान्यतः।क्वचित्पर्वतमात्रैश्च जलराशिभिरावृतम्।।4.64.6।।सङ्कुलं दानवेन्द्रैश्च पातालतलवासिभिः।रोमहर्षकरं दृष्ट्वा विषेदु: कपिकुञ्जराः।।4.64.7।।,"The ocean was of terrifying form filled with various violent species of grotesque creatures of huge bodies playing in the water. Full of violent tides, it appeared asleep at one place and apparently sporting in another. In some places it was rising as high as a mountain with huge volumes of water. It was as if roaring with the demon chiefs residing in the underworld. The great monkeys were worried seeing the huge ocean which created horripilation in them." आकाशमिव दुष्पारं सागरं प्रेक्षय वानराः।विषेदु स्सहसासर्वे कथं कार्यमिति ब्रुवन्।।4.64.8।।,All the monkeys were worried when they suddenly saw the ocean which looked impassable like the sky. They wondered if they can at all accomplish the task (of finding Sita) विषण्णां वाहिनीं दृष्ट्वा सागरस्य निरीक्षणात्।आश्वासयामास हरीन्भयार्तान् हरिसत्तमः।।4.64.9।।,"Angada, the best among the monkeys saw the worried army despondent gazing at the ocean, and comforted the frightened troops." तान्विषादेन महता विषण्णान्वानरर्षभान्।उवाच मतिमान्काले वालिसूनुर्महाबलः।।4.64.10।।,"Angada,the strong and wise son of Vali, spoke thus to the tensed vanaras in the right time: " न विषादे मनः कार्यं विषादो दोषवत्तमः।विषादो हन्ति पुरुषं बालं क्रुद्ध इवोरगः।।4.64.11।।,'Do not be despondent. It is the biggest flaw. It destroys a person like an angry serpent killing a young child. यो विषादं प्रसहते विक्रमे पर्युपस्थिते।तेजसा तस्य हीनस्य पुरुषार्थो न सिध्यति।।4.64.12।।,"'If one succumbs to despondency while he has to exhibit his valour, his brilliance gets diminished and he does not succeed in his manly pursuits'. " तस्यां रात्र्यां व्यतीतायामङ्गदो वानरैस्सह।हरिवृद्धैस्समागम्य पुनर्मन्त्रममन्त्रयत्।।4.64.13।।,"With the night over, Angada joined the older monkeys again and sought their counsel." सा वानराणां ध्वजिनी परिवार्याङ्गदं बभौ।वासवं परिवार्येव मरुतां वाहिनी स्थिता।।4.64.14।।,The army of monkeys encircled Angada like the army of Maruts surrounding Indra. कोऽन्यस्तां वानरीं सेनां शक्त:स्तम्भयितुं भवेत्।अन्यत्र वालितनयादन्यत्र च हनूमतः।।4.64.15।।,Who else other than the son of Vali and Hanuman can resist and pacify the monkeyarmy? ततस्तान्हरिवृद्धांश्च तच्च सैन्यमरिन्दमः।अनुमान्याङ्गदश्श्रीमान्वाक्यमर्थवदब्रवीत्।।4.64.16।।,"Then the illustrious Angada, subduer of foes took the counsel of elderly monkeys and the army into confidence and thus addressed them all in meaningful words:" क इदानीं महातेजा लङ्घयिष्यति सागरम्।कः करिष्यति सुग्रीवं सत्यसन्धमरिन्दमम्।।4.64.17।।,"'Now which mighty monkey will cross the ocean? Who will prove Sugriva, subduer of enemies, true to his promise?" को वीरो योजनशतं लङ्घयेत प्लवङ्गमाः।इमांश्च यूथपान् सर्वान्मोक्षयेत्को महाभयात्।।4.64.18।।,'O monkeys which one can leap a hundred yojanas and liberate the monkey leaders from the great fear of Sugriva? कस्य प्रभावाद्धारांश्च पुत्रांश्चैव गृहाणि च।इतो निवृत्ताः पश्येम सिद्धार्थास्सुखिनो वयम्।।4.64.19।।,'By whose effort can we be successful and return home happily from here to meet wives and sons? कस्य प्रसादाद्रामं च लक्ष्मणं च महाबलम्।अभिगच्छेम संहृष्टास्सुग्रीवं च वनौकसम्।।4.64.20।।, 'By whose grace shall we approach Rama and Lakshmana and even the monkey king Sugriva happily? यदि कश्चित्समर्थो वस्सागरप्लवने हरिः।स ददा त्विह न शशीघ्रं पुण्यामभयदक्षिणाम्।।4.64.21।।,'If there is any one among you who is capable of leaping across the ocean he will be giving all of us the sacred gift of life quickly?' अङ्गदस्य वच श्शृत्वा न कश्चित् किञ्चिदब्रवीत्।स्तिमिते वा भवत्सर्वा सा तत्र हरिवाहिनी।।4.64.22।।,"After hearing Angada, no one spoke a word. The entire army of monkeys became still and motionless." पुनरेवाङ्गदः प्राह तान्हरीन्हरिसत्तमः।सर्वे बलवतां श्रेष्ठा भवन्तो दृढविक्रमाः।।4.64.23।।व्यपदेश्य कुले जाताः पूजिताश्चाप्यभीक्ष्णशः।,"Angada, the best of the monkeys again addressed them saying, 'you are all mighty, eminent and courageous, born in renowned families and have been honoured again and again(for your actions)." न हि वो गमने सङ्गः कदाचित्कस्यचित्क्वचित्।ब्रुवध्वं यस्य या शक्तिः प्लवने प्लवगर्षभाः।।4.64.24।।,"'None of you at any time have faced any obstruction in doing your deeds. You are efficient in leaping. O bulls among monkeys now speak out, who among you can fly and how far?इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे चतुष्षष्टितमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the sixtyfourth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Each of the monkey leaders declares the distance they can fly -- Jambavan resolves not to send Angada but send Hanuman instead to cross.]अथाङ्गदवचश्श्रुत्वा ते सर्वे वानरर्षभाः।स्वं स्वं गतौ समुत्साहमूचुस्तत्र यथाक्रमम्।।4.65.1।।गजो गवाक्षो गवयश्शरभो गन्धमादनः।मैन्दश्च द्विविदश्चैव सुषेणो जाम्बवां स्तथा।।4.65.2।।,"Thereafter, on hearing Angada, all the leaders among the monkeys, Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sarabha, Gandhamadana, Mainda, Dvivida, Sushena and Jambavan as well expressed one after the other their capability for leaping." आबभाषे गजस्तत्र प्लवेयं दशयोजनम्।गवाक्षो योजननान्याह गमिष्यामीति विंशतिम्।।4.65.3।।,Gaja said he can leap ten yojanas and Gavaksha said he can go upto twenty yojanas. गवयो वानरस्तत्र वानरां स्तानुवाच ह।त्रिंशतं तु गमिष्यामि योजनानां प्लवङ्गमाः।।4.65.4।।शरभस्तानुवाचाथ वानरान् वानरर्षभः।चत्वारिंशद्गमिष्यामि योजनानां प्लवङ्गमाः।।4.65.5।।वानरस्तु महातेजा अब्रवीद्गन्धमादनः।योजनानां गमिष्यामि पञ्चाशत्तु न संशयः।।4.65.6।।मैन्दस्तु वानरस्तत्र वानरांस्तानुवाच ह।योजनानां परं षष्टिमहं प्लवितुमुत्सहे।।4.65.7।।ततस्तत्र महातेजा द्विविदः प्रत्यभाषत।गमिष्यामि न सन्देहस्सप्ततिं योजनान्यहम्।।4.65.8।।सुषेणस्तु महातेजा:प्रोक्तवान्हरिसत्तमान्।अशीतिं योजनानां तु प्लवेयं प्लवगेश्वराः।।4.65.9।।,"Then Gavaya said to the monkeys 'I can leap thirty yojanas Sarabha said 'I can leap forty yojanas' bright Ghandhamadana said 'I can leap as far as fifty yojanas without any doubt' Mainda said 'I can leap more than sixty yojanas' highly brilliant Dvivida said in turn, 'I can no doubt leap seventy yojanas ' brilliant and best of the monkeys Sushena declared 'I can leap across eighty yojanas'." तेषां कथयतां तत्र सर्वांस्ताननुमान्य च।ततो वृद्धतमस्तेषां जाम्बवान्प्रत्यभाषत।।4.65.10।।," When the monkeys were talking (of their individual capacity) in that manner about their speed, Jambavan the oldest of the monkeys inferred (their capacity) and said:" पूर्वमस्माकमप्यासीत्कश्चिद्गतिपराक्रमः।ते वयं वयसः पारमनुप्राप्तास्स्म साम्प्रतम्।।4.65.11।।,"'Earlier I was also very courageous, but now I have become old and reached the fag end of life." किन्तु नैवं गते शक्यमिदं कार्यमुपेक्षितुम्।यदर्थं कपिराजश्च रामश्च कृतनिश्चयौ।।4.65.12।।,"'However in this situation, it is not possible for us to neglect (our task) as it is the order of the monkeyking and Rama who are determined to achieve the objective." साम्प्रतं कालभेदेन या गतिस्तां निबोधत।नवतिं योजनानां तु गमिष्यामि न संशयः।।4.65.13।।, तांश्च सर्वान्हरिश्रेष्ठाञ्जाम्बवान्पुनरब्रवीत्।न खल्वेतावदेवासीद्गमने मे पराक्रमः।।4.65.14।।,"Jambavan, the distinguished among the monkeys again said, 'My strength to leap into the sky was not only that much (I was stronger in my youth and could cover longer distances)'" मया महाबलेश्चैव यज्ञे विष्णुस्सनातनः।प्रदक्षिणीकृतः पूर्वं क्रममाणस्त्रिविक्रमम्।।4.65.15।।,"'In the past, at the time of the wellknown yagna (of king Bali) I was very strong. I circumambulated the eternal Vishnu while he was taking three strides (in his incarnation of Trivikrama Vamana.)" स इदानीमहं वृद्धः प्लवने मन्दविक्रमः।यौवने च तदाऽसीन्मे बलमप्रतिमं परैः।।4.65.16।।, 'Having grown old I do not have the same courage. In my youth my prowess was incomparable and none could excel me. सम्प्रत्येतावतीं शक्तिं गमने तर्कयाम्यहम्।नैतावता हि संसिद्धिः कार्यस्यास्य भविष्यति।।4.65.17।।,'I guess that at this time I do not have the capacity to fly to that extent. Achieving the objective is out of question with this much of energy. अथोत्तरमुदारार्थमब्रवीदङ्गदस्तदा।अनुमान्य तथा प्राज्ञो जाम्बवन्तं महाकपिम्।।4.65.18।।,"'Then the wise Angada said to great Jambavan, in a gentle manner about his own strength. " अहमेतद्गमिष्यामि योजनानां शतं महत्।निवर्तने तु मे शक्तिस्स्यान्न वेति न निश्चितम्।।4.65.19।।,"'I can certainly go to a distance of a hundred yojanas. However, I cannot say whether I will have enough capacity to return?" तमुवाच हरिश्रेष्ठं जाम्बवान्वाक्यकोविदः।ज्ञायते गमने शक्तिस्तव हर्यृक्षसत्तम।।4.65.20।।,"Jambavan who was skilful in speech spoke to that great Angada, 'O leader among monkeys and bears your energy to cover this distance is wellknown to us'." कामं शतं सहस्रं वा न ह्येष विधिरुच्यते।योजनानां भवान् शक्तो गन्तुं प्रतिनिवर्तितुम्।।4.65.21।।,'You can go upto even a hundred thousand yojanas and have the required energy to return also. But it is not proper to send you (because you are the heir apparent). न हि प्रेषयिता तात स्वामी प्रेष्यः कथञ्चन।भवताऽयं जनस्सर्वः प्रेष्यः प्लवगसत्तम।।4.65.22।।, भवान्कळत्रमस्माकं स्वामिभावे व्यवस्थितः।स्वामी कळत्रं सैन्यस्य गतिरेषा परन्तप।।4.65.23।।,"'O scorcher of enemies, you are established as the commander of the army and it is proper for us to protect you as we protect our wives." अपि चैतस्य कार्यस्य भवान्मूलमरिन्दम।तस्मात्कळत्रवत्तात प्रतिपाल्यस्सदा भवान्।।4.65.24।।,'O subduer of enemies in acomplishing this task you are the root. O dear therefore you should always be taken care of by us just like the wife looked after. मूलमर्थस्य संरक्ष्यमेष कार्यविदां नयः।मूले सति हि सिद्ध्यन्ति गुणा फलो पुष्पोदयाः।।4.65.25।।,"'The root of any objective should be protected well. This is the basis of an accomplisher. Only when the roots are intact, the trees have the ability to yield flowers and fruits." तद्भवानस्य कार्यस्य साधने सत्यविक्रम।बुद्धिविक्रमसम्पन्नो हेतुरत्र परन्तप।।4.65.26।।,"'O warrior of proven valour O subduer of enemies in achieving this objective you are the source, being endowed with valour and wisdom." गुरुश्च गुरुपुत्रश्च त्वं हि नः कपिसत्तम।भवन्तमाश्रित्य वयं समर्था ह्यर्थसाधने।।4.65.27।।,'O best of monkeys you are the son of my guide (Vali) and respectable. We will be capable of accomplishing the goal only under your protection and guidance. उक्तवाक्यं महाप्राज्ञं जाम्बवन्तं महाकपिः।प्रत्युवाचोत्तरं वाक्यं वालिसूनुरथाङ्गदः।।4.65.28।।,"Jambavan, the wise monkey having said that, Angada, the great son of Vali, replied:" यदि नाहं गमिष्यामि नान्यो वानरपुङ्गवः।पुनः खल्विदमस्माभिः कार्यं प्रायोपवेशनम्।।4.65.29।।,"'If I do not go and no other monkey leader goes, then we have to resort to fasting unto death once again." न ह्यकृत्वा हरिपतेस्सन्देशं तस्य धीमतः।तत्रापि गत्वा प्राणानां पश्यामि परिरक्षणम्।।4.65.30।।,'If I do not fulfil the objective of the wise king of monkeys I cannot save my life even after returning there (Kishkinda). स हि प्रसादे चात्यर्थं कोपे च हरिरीश्वरः।अतीत्य तस्य सन्देशं विनाशो गमने भवेत्।।4.65.31।।,'The monkey king has the authority to shower grace or give vent to his anger. If we go without fulfilling the task we will face destruction. तद्यथा ह्यस्य कार्यस्य न भवत्यन्यथा गतिः।तद्भवानेव दृष्टार्थस्सञ्चिन्तयितु मर्हति।।4.65.32।।,"'Therefore, think over well so that we do not fail ultimately. You have a vision.You should suggest means by which this mission does not misfire.'" सोऽङ्गदेन तदा वीरः प्रत्युक्तः प्लवगर्षभः।जाम्बवानुत्तरं वाक्यं प्रोवाचेदं ततोऽङ्गदम्।।4.65.33।।,"On listening to Angada's words, Jambavan, the bull among monkeys, replied this way:" अस्य ते वीर कार्यस्य न किञ्चित्परिहीयते।एष सञ्चोदयाम्येनं यः कार्यं साधयिष्यति।।4.65.34।।, 'O hero this work will not be balked. I will now inspire one who can achieve this task.' ततःप्रतीतं प्लवतांवरिष्ठम्एकान्तमाश्रित्य सुसुखेपविष्ठम्सञ्चोदयामास हरिप्रवीरोहरिप्रवीरं हनुमन्तमेव।।4.65.35।।,"Then Jambavan the most eminent among the monkeys went to Hanuman, the celebrated one among the monkey leaders and a renowned one, who was sitting alone quietly at some distance Jambavan motivated him. इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे पञ्चष्षष्टितमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the sixtyfifth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first poem, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Description of Hanuman's glory]अनेकशतसाहस्रीं विषण्णां हरिवाहिनीम्।जाम्बवान्समुदीक्ष्यैवं हनूमन्तमथाब्रवीत्।।4.66.1।।,Then Jambavan observed the worries of several hundred thousands of the monkey army and said to Hanuman: वीर वानरलोकस्य सर्वशास्त्रविदां वर।तूष्णीमेकान्तमाश्रित्य हनूमन्किं न जल्पसि।।4.66.2।।,'O Hanuman you are the choicest one among many scholars wellversed in all sastras. Why do you sit alone? Why do you not speak? हनूमन्हरिराजस्य सुग्रीवस्य समो ह्यसि।रामलक्ष्मणयोश्चापि तेजसा च बलेन च।।4.66.3।।, 'Hanuman you are equal to the king of monkeys and also Rama and Lakshmana in brilliance and strength. अरिष्टनेमिनः पुत्रो वैनतेयो महाबलः।गरुत्मानिति विख्यात उत्तमस्सर्वपक्षिणाम्।।4.66.4।।,"'You are the son of Arishtanemi (sage Kasyapa) and Vinata, and your gurulike (elder brother) is Garuda, the greatest among birds. He is powerful and and famous." बहुशो हि मया दृष्टः सागरे स महाबलः।भुजङ्गानुद्धरन्पक्षी महावेगो महायशाः।।4.66.5।।,"'Garuda is very powerful, swift, and famous. I have seen him snatching serpents from the ocean many times." पक्षयोर्यद्बलं तस्य तावद्भुजबलं तव।विक्रमश्चापि वेगश्च न ते तेनावहीयते।।4.66.6।।,'The strength of your shoulders is equal to that of his (Garuda's) wings. Your speed and valour are no less. बलं बुद्धिश्च तेजश्च सत्त्वं च हरिपुङ्गव।विशिष्टं सर्वभूतेषु किमात्मानं न बुध्यसे।।4.66.7।।,"'O leader of the monkeys you are superior in strength, wisdom, brilliance and valour to all beings. Why do you not realise your own strength? " अप्सराप्सरसां श्रेष्ठा विख्याता पुञ्जिकस्थला।अञ्जनेति परिख्याता पत्नी केसरिणो हरेः।।4.66.8।।, विख्याता त्रिषु लोकेषु रूपेणाप्रतिमा भुवि।अभिशापादभूत्तात वानरी कामरूपिणी।।4.66.9।।,"'O dear she was famous in the three worlds, peerless in beauty and could change form at her free will. She was born of a monkey on this land by dint of a curse." दुहिता वानरेन्द्रस्य कुञ्जरस्य महात्मनः।मानुषं विग्रहं कृत्वा रूपयौवनशालिनी।।4.66.10।।विचित्रमाल्याभरणा महार्हक्षौमवासिनी।अचरत्पर्वतस्याग्रे प्रावृडम्बुदसन्निभे।।4.66.11।।,"'She was the daughter of a great king of monkeys called Kunjara. That young and beautiful lady had assumed a lustrous human form decked with wonderful garlands, ornaments and silk clothes and was roving on top of the mountain which appeared like a proud raincloud." तस्या वस्त्रं विशालाक्ष्याः पीतं रक्तदशं शुभम्।स्थितायाः पर्वतस्याग्रे मारुतोऽपहरच्छनैः।।4.66.12।।,"'While the largeeyed lady was stationed on the mountain top, the Windgod gently let her auspicious yellow garment with red border fly away." स ददर्श ततस्तस्या वृत्तावूरू सुसंहतौ।स्तनौ च पीनौ सहितौ सुजातं चारु चाननम्।।4.66.13।।,"'Then he (Windgod) saw her curved, wellset thighs, her beautiful plump breasts and her lovely pleasing face." तां विशालायतश्रोणीं तनुमध्यां यशस्विनीम्।दृष्टवैव शुभसर्वाङ्गीं पवनः काममोहितः।।4.66.14।।,"'On seeing the broad hips, slender waist and beautiful limbs of that famous lady the Windgod was infatuated." स तां भुजाभ्यां दीर्घाभ्यां पर्यष्वजत मारुतः।मन्मथाविष्टसर्वाङ्गो गतात्मा तामनिन्दिताम्।।4.66.15।।,"'The Windgod lost his control over himself. His whole being was overpowered by love for her beautiful, flawless body. He embraced her with his long arms." सा तु तत्रैव सम्भ्रान्ता सुव्रता वाक्यमब्रवीत्।एकपत्नीव्रतमिदं को नाशयितुमिच्छति।।4.66.16।।,"'She was bewildered by this and being chaste and strict observer of chastiny she said, 'Who is it that has destroyed my monoandry?" अञ्जनाया वच्शुत्वा मारुतः प्रत्यभाषत।न त्वां हिंसामि सुश्रोणि मा भूत्ते सुभगे भयम्।।4.66.17।।,"'On hearing Anjana's words, the Windgod replied, ' O auspicious lady, I do you no harm, O lady of beautiful hips. I reached (enjoyed) you in mind, not body. You need not fear.'" मनसाऽस्मि गतो यत्त्वां परिष्वज्य यशस्विनीम्।वीर्यवान्बुद्धिसम्पन्न: पुत्रस्तव भविष्यति।।4.66.18।।,'O renowned lady I have embraced you and united with you mentally (enjoyed you without physical contact).You will bring forth a son endowed with great wisdom and courage. महासत्त्वो महातेजा महाबलपराक्रमः।लङ्घने प्लवने चैव भविष्यति हि मत्समः।।4.66.19।।,"'He will be very powerful, illustrious and will be of great valour and strength. He will be my equal in leaping and flying'." एवमुक्ता ततस्तुष्टा जननी ते महाकपे।गुहायां त्वां महाबाहो प्रजज्ञे प्लवगर्षभम्।।4.66.20।।,"'O great monkey O strongshouldered one having been assured that way, your mother was pleased and delivered you, a bull among monkeys, in a cave." अभ्युत्थितं ततस्सूर्यं बालो दृष्ट्वा महावने।फलं चेति जिघृक्षुस्त्वमुत्प्लुत्याभ्युद्गतो दिवम्।।4.66.21।।,"'On seeing the rising Sun in the deep forest, mistaking him to be a fruit, you wanted to seize it, when you were young.You suddenly flew into the sky and went flying towards the Sun." शतानि त्रीणि गत्वाऽथ योजनानां महाकपे।तेजसा तस्य निर्धूतो न विषादं ततोगतः।।4.66.22।।, 'O great monkey you went three hundred yojanas and were pushed back by the Sun's radiance. Yet it did not leave you depressed. तावदापपत स्तूर्णमन्तरिक्षं महाकपे।क्षिप्तमिन्द्रेण ते वज्रं कोपाविष्टेन धीमता।।4.66.23।।,"'O great monkey while falling fast in space, wise Indra hurled his thunderbolt quickly at you, in anger." तदा शैलाग्रशिखरे वामो हनुरभज्यत।ततो हि नामधेयं ते हनुमानिति कीर्त्यते।।4.66.24।।,'You fell on the edge of the mountain peak and your left chin got broken. Since then you are widely known as Hanuman (one who has a wounded chin). तस्त्वावि निहतं दृष्ट्वा वायुर्गन्धवहस्स्वयम्।त्रैलोक्ये भृशसङ्कृद्धो न ववौ वै प्रभञ्जनः।।4.66.25।।,The Windgod who is a carrier of fragrance and breaker of trees became very angry on seeing (the injury on) you and stopped blowing in the three worlds. सम्भ्रान्ताश्च सूरास्सर्वे त्रैलोक्ये क्षुभिते सति।प्रसादयन्ति संक्रुद्धं मारुतं भुवनेश्वराः।।4.66.26।।, प्रसादिते च पवने ब्रह्मा तुभ्यं वरं ददौ।अशस्त्रवध्यतां तात समरे सत्यविक्रम।।4.66.27।।,"'O dear when the Windgod was pleased, Brahma gave a boon to you, to appease his anger. The boon made you truly valiant so that you cannot be struck by any weapon and killed." वज्रस्य च निपातेन विरुजं त्वां समीक्ष्य च।सहस्रनेत्रः प्रीतात्मा ददौ ते वरमुत्तमम्।।4.66.28।।स्वच्छन्दतश्च मरणं तेभूयादिति वै प्रभो।,"'O lord observing that you are not hurt even when struck by the thunderbolt, Indra offered, one of the best boons to you, to choose to die only when you wish." स त्वं केसरिणः पुत्रः क्षेत्रजो भीमविक्रमः।।4.66.29।।मारुतस्यौरसः पुत्रस्तेजसा चापि तत्समः।त्वं हि वायुसुतो वत्स प्लवने चापि तत्समः।।4.66.30।।,"'You are a son of Kesari endowed with terrific strength and a lawful son of Maruta also. You are, therefore, equal to the very Windgod in flying and in brilliance." वयमद्य गतप्राणा भवान्नस्त्रातु साम्प्रतम्।दाक्ष्यविक्रमसम्पन्नः कपिराज इवापरः।।4.66.31।।,"'Now we have almost lost our life.You are our saviour like another monkeyking (like Garuda, king of birds).You are fully endowed with valour and courage." त्रिविक्रमे मया तात सशैलवनकानना।त्रिस्सप्तकृत्वः पृथिवी परिक्रान्ता प्रदक्षिणम्।।4.66.32।।,'O dear when Visnu (Vamana incarnate) took three strides I circumambulated the whole earth including its mountains and trees twentyone times. तथा चौषधयोऽस्माभिस्सञ्चिता देवशासनात्।निष्पन्नममृतं याभिस्तदासीन्नो महद्बलम्।।4.66.33।।,"'Then on receiving orders from the gods, we collected medicinal herbs and nectar which gave us great strength." स इदानीमहं वृद्धः परिहीनपराक्रमः।साम्प्रतं कालमस्माकं भवान्सर्वगुणान्वितः।।4.66.34।।,'I have become old and my valour is depleted. At this time you are the sole resort for us. You have all the necessary qualities. तद्विजृम्भस्व विक्रान्त: प्लवतामुत्तमो ह्यसि।त्वद्वीर्यं द्रष्टुकामा हि सर्वा वानरवाहिनी।।4.66.35।।,'Cheer up and advance.You are the best among the creatures that can leap.The entire army of monkeys want to see your valour. उत्तिष्ठ हरिशार्दूल लङ्घयस्व महार्णवम्।परा हि सर्वभूतानां हनुमन्या गतिस्तव।।4.66.36।।,"'O Hanuman, tiger among monkeys, rise up and cross this great ocean.You have that supreme capacity among all beings." विषण्णा हरयस्सर्वे हनुमन्किमुपेक्षसे।विक्रमस्व महावेगो विष्णुस्त्रीन्विक्रमानिव।।4.66.37।।,"'O Hanuman All the monkeys look dejected. Why do you delay? O warrior, act quick with your rapid speed like Trivikrama who took three strides that covered the entire universe'." ततस्तु वै जाम्बवता प्रचोदितःप्रतीतवेगः पवनात्मजः कपिः।प्रहर्षयंस्तां हरिवीरवाहिनींचकार रूपं महदात्मनस्तदा।।4.66.38।।,"Then Hanuman, son of the Windgod, inspired by Jambavan, enlarged his body, ready to leap. The army of heroic monkeys were pleased (to see him).इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे षट्षष्टितमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the sixtysixth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki." [Hanuman displays his immeasurable might and proceeds to mount Mahendra]तं दृष्ट्वा जृम्भमाणं ते क्रमितुं शतयोजनम्।वीर्येणापूर्यमाणं च सहसा वानरोत्तमम्।।4.67.1।।सहसा शोकमुत्सृज्य प्रहर्षेण समन्विताः।विनेदुस्तुष्टुवुश्चापि हनूमन्तं महाबलम्।।4.67.2।।,"'In order to cross a hundred yojanas, Hanuman, the best of monkeys expanded his might and strength. Seeing him, a warrior of great strength, all the monkeys, filled with enthusiasm at once gave up grief and collected together.They rejoiced and propitiated him screaming aloud." प्रहृष्टा विस्मिताश्चैव वीक्षन्ते स्म समन्ततः।त्रिविक्रमकृतोत्साहं नारायणमिव प्रजाः।।4.67.3।।,"The monkeys collected together happily, gazing at Hanuman.They were wonderstruck to see Hanuman in that huge form, just as all beings were when they saw Lord Narayana in his incarnation of Vamana." संस्तूयमानो हनुमान्व्यवर्धत महाबलः।समाविध्य च लाङ्गूलं हर्षाद्बलमुपेयिवान्।।4.67.4।।,The monkeys praised the mighty Hanuman as he grew in size whirling his tail around joyfully. तस्य संस्तूयमानस्य सर्वैर्वानरपुङ्गवैः।तेजसापूर्यमाणस्य रूपमासीदनुत्तमम्।।4.67.5।।,"As Hanuman was being praised by the monkey leaders, his body filled with lustre. It looked excellent." यथा विजृम्भते सिंहो विवृद्धो गिरिगह्वरे।मारुतस्यौरसः पुत्रस्तथा सम्प्रति जृम्भते।।4.67.6।।,"Just as a lion grown in a mountain cave stretches its body, the Windgod's son stretched (his limbs) at that time." अशोभत मुखं तस्य जृम्भमाणस्य धीमतः।अम्बरीषमिवाऽदीप्तं विधूम इव पावकः।।4.67.7।।,"On expansion, wise Hanuman's face was bright, glowing like a burning oven and shining like smokeless fire." हरीणामुत्थितो मध्यात्सम्प्रहृष्टतनूरुहः।अभिवाद्य हरीन्वृद्धान्हनुमानिदमब्रवीत्।।4.67.8।।,"Hanuman risen from the midst of the monkeys with his hair bristling on the body (due to expansion of body), saluted reverentially to the elderly monkey Jambavan and said :" अरुजत्सर्वताग्राणि हुताशनसखोऽनिलः।बलवानप्रमेयश्च वायुराकाशगोचरः।।4.67.9।।,'The Windgod is a friend of fire who is a powerful consumer of oblations. His strength is immeasurable. He wanders in the sky and shatters the mountain tops. तस्याहं शीघ्रवेगस्य शीघ्रगस्य महात्मनः।मारुतस्यौरसः पुत्रः प्लवनेनास्मि तत्समः।।4.67.10।।,"'I am the lawfulson of the swiftmoving Windgod, Maruta, comparable to him in leaping." उत्सहेयं हि विस्तीर्णमालिखन्तमिवाम्बरम्।मेरुं गिरिमसङ्गेन परिगन्तुं सहस्रशः।।4.67.11।।,'I can with all enthusiasm go round the vast mount Meru a thousand times without resting on it which is as though scratching the sky. बाहुवेगप्रणुन्नेन सागरेणाहमुत्सहे।समाप्लावयितुं लोकं सपर्वतनदीह्रदम्।।4.67.12।।,'I can submerge this world including its mountains rivers and lakes. I can push back the sea waters quickly with my arms. ममोरुजङ्घावेगेन भविष्यति समुत्थितः।सम्मूर्च्छितमहाग्राहस्समुद्रो वरुणालयः।।4.67.13।।,"'Thrust by my thighs,the ocean will rise up, carrying with it the shanks and mighty crocodiles stunned by the force." पन्नगाशनमाकाशे पतन्तं पक्षिसेविते।वैनतेयमहं शक्तः परिगन्तुं सहस्रशः।।4.67.14।।,"'I am capable of circumambulating a thousand times the great Garuda who consumes snakes and flies in the sky, the abode of birds." उदयात्प्रस्थितं वापि ज्वलन्तं रश्मिमालिनम्।अनस्तमितमादित्यमभिगन्तुं समुत्सहे।।4.67.15।।ततो भूमिमसंस्पृश्य पुनरागन्तुमुत्सहे।प्रवेगेनैव महता भीमेन प्लवगर्षभाः।।4.67.16।।,'O bull among monkeys when the Sun rises from behind the eastern mountain it is possible for me to start with him and go to the western horizon and return before the blazing Sun with its beams of light sets. It is also possible for me to descend to the earth with the same speed and return to the Sun without touching the earth. उत्सहेयमतिक्रान्तुं सर्वानाकाशगोचरान्।सागरं क्षोभयिष्यामि दारयिष्यामि मेदिनीम्।।4.67.17।।,"'If I rise up, I can overtake all those creatures flying in the sky and from there I can stir up the ocean and tear up the earth easily." पर्वतांश्चूर्णयिष्यामि प्लवमानः प्लवङ्गमाः।हरिष्याम्यूरुवेगेन प्लवमानो महार्णवम्।।4.67.18।।,"'O monkeys when I leap, I can crush the mountains into powder and pull the vast ocean with me with the force of my thighs." लतानां विविधं पुष्पं पादपानां च सर्वशः।अनुयास्यन्ति मामद्य प्लवमानं विहायसा।।4.67.19।।, And then as I leap through the sky flowers of many kinds of creepers and trees will follow me. भविष्यति हि मे पन्थास्स्वातेः पन्था इवाम्बरे।चरन्तं घोरमाकाशमुत्पतिष्यन्तमेव वा।।4.67.20।।द्रक्ष्यन्ति निपतिष्यन्तं च सर्वभूतानि वानराः।,"'O monkey when I fly upward in the dreadful sky or descend down, all creatures will see me, for my path will be the path of the constellation of Swati (a group of stars)." महामेरुप्रतीकाशं मां द्रक्ष्यथ वानराः।।4.67.21।।दिवमावृत्य गच्छन्तं ग्रसमानमिवाम्बरम्।,"'O monkeys when I fly in the sky like the great mount Meru, you will see me as if I am swallowing the sky because I will be enveloping it with my strides." विधमिष्यामि जीमूतान्कम्पयिष्यामि पर्वतान्।।4.67.22।।सागरं शोषयिष्यामि प्लवमानस्समाहितः।, वैनतेयस्य या शक्तिर्मम सा मारुतस्य वा।।4.67.23।।ऋते सुपर्णराजानं मारुतं वा महाजवम्।न तद्भूतं प्रपश्यामि यन्मां प्लुतमनुव्रजेत्।।4.67.24।।,'Only Garuda and Maruta have the capacity to fly like me. No one other than the king of vultures and the Windgod have the speed to fly like me. निमेषान्तरमात्रेण निरालम्बनमम्बरम्।सहसा निपतिष्यामि घनाद्विद्युदिवोत्थिता।।4.67.25।।,'Just as the lightning generated by the clouds lands at once flying in the sky without any support I can also land in less than a moment. भविष्यति हि मे रूपं प्लवमानस्य सागरे।विष्णोर्विक्रममाणस्य पुरा त्रीन्विक्रमानिव।।4.67.26।।, बुद्ध्या चाहं प्रपश्यामि मनश्चेष्टा च मे तथा।अहं द्रक्ष्यामि वैदेहीं प्रमोदध्वं प्लवङ्गमाः।।4.67.27।।,'O monkeys I have a feeling in my mind that I will see Vaidehi. Be happy. मारुतस्य समो वेगे गरुडस्य समो जवे।अयुतं योजनानां तु गमिष्यामीति मे मतिः।।4.67.28।।,'I am equal to Maruta and Garuda in speed. I feel I can cover ten thousand yojanas (at a stretch). वासवस्य सवज्रस्य ब्रह्मणो वा स्वयम्भुवः।विक्रम्य सहसा हस्तादमृतं तदिहानये।।4.67.29।।लङ्कां वापि समुत्क्षिप्य गच्छेयमिति मे मतिः।,"'I think I can encounter Indra, wielder of the thunderbolt and obtain nectar from his hands. I can even confront Brahma, the selfborn creator courageously. I can even uproot Lanka and carry it.'" तमेवं वानरश्रेष्ठं गर्जन्तममितौजसम्।।4.67.30।।प्रहृष्टा हरयस्तत्र समुदैक्षन्त विस्मिताः।,"The monkeys looked at him and were amazed, happy to see him roaring and shining in brilliance." तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा ज्ञातीनां शोकनाशनम्।।4.67.31।।उवाच परिसंहृष्टो जाम्बवान्हरिसत्तमः।,"Jambavan, the finest of the monkeys, felt very glad on hearing his words which put an end to the sorrow of the kith and kin and said:" वीर केसरिणः पुत्र हनुमान्मारुतात्मज।।4.67.32।।ज्ञातीनां विपुलश्शोकस्त्वया तात प्रणाशितः।,"'O son of Kesari O son of Maruta O hero you have removed the great grief of your race, dear" तव कल्याणरुचयः कपिमुख्यास्समागताः।।4.67.33।।मङ्गलं कार्यसिद्ध्यर्थं करिष्यन्ति समाहिताः।, ऋषीणां च प्रसादेन कपिवृद्धमतेन च।।4.67.34।।गुरूणां च प्रसादेन प्लवस्व त्वं महार्णवम्।,'By the blessings of the sages and by the grace of the elderly monkeys may you cross over the vast ocean. स्थास्यामश्चैकपादेन यावदागमनं तव।।4.67.35।।त्वद्गतानि च सर्वेषां जीवनानि वनौकसाम्।, ततस्तु हरिशार्दूलस्तानुवाच वनौकसः।।4.67.36।।नेयं मम मही वेगं लङ्घने धारयिष्यति।,"Then the tiger among monkeys, Hanuman said to those forestdwellers (monkeys), 'The earth cannot bear the thrust of my leaping." एतानीह नगस्यास्य शिलासङ्कटशालिनः।।4.67.37।।शिखराणि महेन्द्रस्य स्थिराणि सुमहान्ति च।,"'The rocks on the peaks of the ranges of mount Mahendra cannot with stand it, although they are huge and firm." एषु वेगं करिष्यामि महेन्द्रशिखरेष्वहम्।।4.67.38।।नानाद्रुमविकीर्णेषु धातुनिष्यन्दशोभिषु।,'I will pick up speed on the peaks of mount Mahendra filled with different kinds of trees and minerals. एतानि मम निष्पेषं पादयोः प्लवतां वराः।।4.67.39।।प्लवतो धारयिष्यन्ति योजनानामितश्शतम्।,'O great monkeys these mountain peaks can withstand the crushing force of my feet as I leap over a hundred yojanas. ततस्तं मारुतप्रख्यस्सहरिर्मारुतात्मजः।।4.67.40।।आरुरोह नगश्रेष्ठं महेन्द्रमरिमर्दनः।वृतं नानाविधैः वृक्षैर्मृगसेवितशाद्वलम्।।4.67.41।।लताकुसुमसम्बाधं नित्यपुष्पफलद्रुमम्।सिंहशार्दूलचरितं मत्तमातङ्गसेवितम्।।4.67.42।।मत्तद्विजगणोद्घुष्टं सलिलोत्पीडसङ्कुलम्।,"The son of Maruta, who was as eminent as the Windgod, the crusher of enemies ascended the great mountain Mahendra, full of grassland inhabited by deer, thickly grown with various trees and creepers full of fragrant flowers and fruits, where roam lions and tigers and proud elephants, a place that echoes with sounds of intoxicated birds and waterfalls." महद्भिरुच्छ्रितं शृङ्गैर्महेन्द्रं स महाबलः।।4.67.43।।विचचार हरिश्रेष्ठो महेन्द्रसमविक्रमः।,"The mighty, preeminent monkey who was equal to Indra in valour took a leap from the high peaks of the tall mountain, Mahendra৷৷" पादाभ्यां पीडितस्तेन महाशैलो महात्मना।।4.67.44।।रराज सिंहाभिहतो महान्मत्त इव द्विपः।,"Crushed by the feet of the great self, Hanuman, the huge mountain looked like a proud elephant struck by a lion." मुमोच सलिलोत्पीडान्विप्रकीर्णशिलोच्चयः।।4.67.45।।वित्रस्तमृगमातङ्गः प्रकम्पितमहाद्रुमः।,The rocks of the mountain got scattered by the force. The deer and elephants were terrified. The trees were shaken up violently and streams of water gushed forth. नानागन्धर्वमिथुनैः पानसंसर्गकर्कशैः।।4.67.46।।उत्पतद्भिश्च विहगैर्विद्याधरगणैरपि।त्यज्यमानमहासानुस्सन्निलीनमहोरगः।।4.67.47।।चलशृङ्गशिलोद्घातस्तदाऽभूत्स महागिरिः।,"Shaken by the rude shock, couples of intoxicated gandharvas left in a huff the vast slopes of the great mountain. Flocks of birds and groups of vidyadharas flew away. The serpents went into hiding. Rocks fell off the shaken mountain." निश्श्वसद्भिस्तदाऽर्तैस्तु भुजङ्गैरर्धनि:सृतैः।।4.67.48।।सपताक इवाभाति स तदा धरणीधरः।,The serpents with their bodies half protruded out of the rocks and hissing looked like flags planted on the mountain. ऋषिभिस्त्राससम्भ्रान्तैस्त्यज्यमानः शिलोच्चयः।।4.67.49।।सीदन्महति कान्तारे सार्थहीन इवाध्वगः।,The alarmed and agitated sages abandonned the mountain peaks.The mountain appeared like a lone traveller separated from the caravan in the great forest. सवेगवान् वेगसमाहितात्माहरिप्रवीरः परवीरहन्ता।मनस्समाधाय महानुभावोजगाम लङ्कां मनसा मनस्वी।।4.67.50।।,"Magnanimous, wise and heroic Hanuman, destroyer of enemy warriors, fixed his attention on speed, betook himself mentally to Lanka (ere he reached it physically). इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामाणये वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे सप्तषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the sixtyseventh sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki."