Deep in the woods of..well, where the hhmm were we?! There was a beach, a beautiful decor of people and a lovely atmosphere to play in: HAMERFEST, you have a new lover. Want to listen to some of that bleep bleep and hmmff hmmff? Check it out!
on international order and multilateralism. I focused primarily on my visit to Venezuela 26 November to 4 December 2017. When the Human Rights Council appointed me as the first independent expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order in 2012, I felt overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task, but at the same time very honoured that I was given the opportunity to demonstrate the added value of Human Rights Council Resolution 18/6, showing in a concrete and tangible way that human rights are indeed interdependent and interrelated, and addressing fundamental issues that have been frequently avoided, because perceived as not opportune or not “politically correct”. Six years later I have written seven thematic reports to the Council and six to the General Assembly and currently I am drafting my mission report to Venezuela and Ecuador. My final report A/HRC/37/63 contains 23 Principles of International Order that should help governments, inter-governmental organizations and civil society advance toward a more just and peaceful world, where the United Nations Charter is recognized as the World Constitution and the International Court of Justice as the World Constitutional Court. My final report summarizes the lessons learned from the mandate thus far and formulates recommendations for further thematic reports e.g. on the impact on the international order of the activities and behind-closed-door-decisions of private groups and organizations like the World Economic Forum, the G7, the G20, the Bilderberg, the Transnational Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, etc. Also important will be to measure the impact of credit rating agencies like Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s on the international order, private enterprises that influence world finances while operating without transparency or accountability and lacking democratic legitimacy. Among the achievements of the last six years I would like to highlight my country mission to Venezuela and Ecuador with a view to examine the impact of alternative economic models on the international order, and the possibility of achieving enhanced respect for economic, social and cultural rights through the implementation of such models, supported by international solidarity. Early in my preparations for the mission and in the course of studying the mainstream narratives on Venezuela and Ecuador, it became apparent that some powerful countries strongly oppose “experiments” like the Revolución Bolivariana in Venezuela and the Revolución Ciudadana in Ecuador, and do not hesitate to conduct an economic war against those countries with the declared intention to make those experiments fail. This contravenes Chapter 4, article 19, of the OAS Charter and GA Resolution 2625 on Friendly Relations, both of which prohibit such economic pressures on sovereign States. I feel honoured to have been the first UN Special Procedures mandate holder since 1996 to have carried out a mission to Venezuela, which I conducted in strict compliance with United Nations mission guidelines and the code of conduct. Among other things, the mission contributed to increased cooperation of UN agencies with the Venezuelan government and to the release of a number of detainees. I made a considerable effort to see members of the opposition, the National Assembly, Fedecameras, business leaders, university professors, representatives of the Church, non-governmental organizations critical of the government, including Amnesty International and Provea, etc. I sought and received ample documentation from all stakeholders, including persons suffering from scarcity of medicines, relatives of detained persons, electoral commissions and government officials. Before travelling to Venezuela and Ecuador, I conscientiously studied the 2017 report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on Venezuela, as well as the concluding observations of the examination of Venezuela’s reports to the Human Rights Committee and Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. I studied the reports of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other organizations, including numerous Venezuela-based ngo’s. I also studied the pertinent responses of the Venezuelan government. In my opinion, every mission by a UN rapporteur should be constructive rather than confrontational, it should formulate pragmatic recommendations and not engage in needless rhetoric. With regard to my mission to Venezuela, my methodology was to listen to all stakeholders, study all relevant documentation and statistics, including from FAO, WHO, CEPAL, and to try to arrive at a balanced view of the situation and to devise a coherent strategy how to solve the pressing problems of scarcity or foods and medicines, galloping inflation and general insecurity. Our priority was and must be how to help the Venezuelan people. The United Nations has a responsibility to advance an international order that is more peaceful, democratic and equitable. As rapporteur, I have always seen my mandate as result-oriented. I have been guided by the fundamental rule “audiatur et altera pars”, a habit that I practiced for decades as Deputy-Chief of the Communications Branch and subsequently Chief of the Petitions Department at OHCHR. I have always been committed to a culture of dialogue, convinced that States have the responsibility to protect their own populations and that only States can effectively improve the lives of persons under their jurisdiction. I am persuaded that States will act for human rights when they recognize that it is in their own interest and in the interest of their peoples to respect human dignity and to ensure that human rights are better served. Having studied the detailed responses given by the Venezuelan government to communications transmitted by OHCHR, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and other institutions. I have the impression that these responses have been largely ignored, something that would have been unthinkable in the procedure under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. While responses by governments may not always be complete and may not always be convincing, they must be taken into account sine ira et studio. If responses are deemed insufficient, more dialogue becomes necessary, and ultimately solutions can be found. Personally, I do not see the function of a mandate-holder as playing judge and jury, grandstanding and condemning States. More important is to try to mediate, to listen to the victims and confront the State with their grievances. I consider the all too popular policy of “naming and shaming” as ineffective, because the government being “named and shamed” may not recognize the moral authority of the “namer and shamer”. Insulting a head of State is hardly a promising strategy. Far more fruitful is quiet diplomacy and a good faith offer of advisory services and technical assistance. During my mission I told my interlocutors that I was coming to listen and to learn, in the hope to be able to help, and that I remained available for mediation. I explained that I am not a super-rapporteur and cannot encroach on the areas of competence of the working group on arbitrary detention, the rapporteur on freedom of expression, the rapporteur on the right to peaceful assembly and association, the rapporteur on human rights defenders etc. Nevertheless, out of respect for many who welcomed the visit of a UN rapporteur, and out of compassion for all victims, I did receive their documentation and listened to their grievances. I promised to transfer their concerns to the pertinent rapporteurs and working groups, which I did forthwith, and continue to do whenever I receive additional information, for instance, this very week. From ngo’s and opposition politicians I received lists of persons in detention. I thought it appropriate to take advantage of the opportunity of communicating to the Venezuelan authorities my desire that they reconsider the cases in question and release as many detainees as possible in a manner consistent with the rule of law. I was pleased to learn that on 23 December the Government decided to release 80 persons, including many whose cases I had brought to the attention of the government, for instance the engineer Roberto Picon, whose wife and son I had met in Caracas. The focus of my visit to two Alba Countries was to examine measures taken to recast government priorities toward economic, social and cultural rights, toward a more equitable distribution of wealth, the elimination of analphabetism, the expansion of free education from primary schools to universities, the reduction of extreme poverty, the construction of affordable housing and the distribution of subsidized food and medicines. Bearing in mind that unilateral coercive measures, financial blockades, induced inflation, international criminal rings involved in contraband of foods and medicines, as well as narcotrafficking all impact the international order, I endeavoured to study these phenomena and their impact on the economic crisis in Venezuela, the growing scarcity of certain foods, medicines and items of personal hygiene. In the mainstream media and in statements and press releases of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and also of some of my colleague Special Procedures mandate-holders, we learn about the problems of hunger, disease, scarcity and insecurity. Those are precisely the problems that we in the United Nations must endeavour to solve. In order to solve them, we must inquire into the causes of these problems. We read that the socialistic model has failed and that the problems are exclusively attributable to incompetence and corruption. But where is the empirical evidence to back up such general statements? Any investigative journalist, scientist or truth seeker can find at least some empirical evidence showing that the sanctions imposed by Obama and Trump, as well as sanctions imposed by Canada and the European Union, the economic war being waged against the Venezuelan government since 1998, the closing of Venezuelan bank accounts in many countries, the financial blockade, etc. have significantly aggravated the Venezuelan crisis. An article published this week by Mark Weisbrot in US News and World Report touches on these issues. Much more detailed is the analysis by Professor Pasqualina Curcio of the University of Caracas that documents in her book The Visible Hand of the Market how the non-conventional war against the Venezuelan government is hurting the Venezuelan people in a manner not unlike the non-conventional war waged against the Salvador Allende government from 1970 to 1973 when he was toppled by the coup d’etat of General Augusto Pinochet. The book by Peter Kornbluh – the Pinochet files – based on declassified US documents shows how Richard Nixon told Henry Kissinger in 1970 that an alternative economic model in Latin America would not be tolerated – hence he ordered “to make the Chilean economy scream”. Henry Kissinger was particularly concerned about Allende’s program as a “precedent” for Marxist-like measures in other countries. A more equitable distribution of wealth nationally and internationally has never been part of the neoliberal agenda. One of my main concerns during the visit was to observe the situation on the ground. My methodology was aimed at objectivity, the ultimate aim was to formulate constructive proposals in the spirit of international solidarity, as formulated by my colleague Virginia Dandan in her Declaration on the right to international solidarity. I was particularly sensitive to the fact that as the first rapporteur to visit Venezuela in 21 years, I should encourage the government to invite other rapporteurs. Indeed, the United Nations can and should offer advisory services and technical assistance so as to help the government tackle the complex problems they are facing. I am referring to the imperative to defend the independence of rapporteurs. Already six weeks before the beginning of my mission to Venezuela and Ecuador, a defamation campaign against me was launched by critics of my mission, and considerable pressure was brought upon me in an attempt to intimidate me. I was subjected to constant ad hominem attacks, my credibility was put into question – notwithstanding the fact that I have again and again proven my independence, having written twelve reports to the Council and General Assembly; notwithstanding the fact that I had been Secretary of the Human Rights Committee and Chief of Petitions and author of numerous books, including the Handbook United Nations Human Rights Committee Caselaw (co-authored with Jakob Möller) and many encyclopedia articles including two on the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, on Nelson Mandela, Simon Wiesenthal, Kenneth Roth, Aryeh Neier, founder of Human Rights Watch, etc.. Six weeks before my trip I received letters and emails from ngo’s essentially telling me not to go – because I was not the “pertinent” rapporteur. Out of solidarity with the other rapporteurs who had asked for invitations before me, I should condition my acceptance on the acceptance by Venezuela of visits by the other rapporteurs. I received emails essentially dictating to me what should be in my report. I was subjected to multiple insults and intimidations. My mission was labelled “a fake investigation” even before I had landed in Caracas. During the visit to Venezuela an ngo launched a facebook and twitter campaign against my visit, in which I was insulted in terms that I cannot repeat. Following my visit to Venezuela this kind of mobbing continued. I have signalled this to the Office and to the Coordinating Committee, but as of today nothing has been done to defend my honour and reputation. Indeed, if the independence and credibility of a rapporteur is attacked, this also affects the independence and credibility of the whole system of Special Procedures. Rapporteurs must be able to conduct their investigations according to the code of conduct and not be subjected to defamation and intimidation. Otherwise the rapporteurs may choose the easy way and practice self-censorship, making only “safe” statements that will not offend anyone. Had I wanted applause, had I been an opportunist, I could have gone along with the ngo’s and mainstream media. But this would have violated not only the code of conduct, but also my own conscience. Coming back to the priority of helping the Venezuelan people overcome the economic crisis, I wish to conclude with a simple statement. Those who shout “humanitarian crisis” should first look for the causes thereof, and to the extent that they themselves are contributing to the crisis through sanctions and an economic war, they are estopped and lack moral authority. Whoever wants to help the Venezuelan people should prevail upon their governments to lift all unilateral coercive measures and put an end to the economic war. I had welcomed the two-year negotiating process between the Venezuelan government and the opposition in the Dominican Republic, a noble process initiated by the former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and accompanied by representatives of six Latin American and Caribbean countries. It was most regrettable that after a compromise text had been reached, at the last moment and to everyone’s surprise, the opposition refused to sign. Be that as it may, I call on all Venezuelans to continue the dialogue and to participate in the forthcoming elections of May 2018. I call upon the United Nations and the Carter Centre to send observers to the elections. Boycotting these elections would be undemocratic and contrary to the interests of the Venezuelan people. I have not yet completed drafting the report, which will be presented to the Council by my successor in September 2018. I welcome all here present to send me pertinent information and documentation, which I shall endeavour to incorporate into my report.
Interview with "Sarge" from Ballistic Bait Co. Ultra-realistic, multi-jointed swimbaits have been around for quite some time. I got a chance to play with the six inch, “Green ‘Gill” coloured model from Got ‘Em Coach Tackle recently and had lots of fun with it. Right along with the bait’s natural appearance and swimming motion are a handful of smart design features. This is a tough little lure that’s also pretty versatile. Top-end hardware was the first thing that struck me about the Green ‘Gill. Though I’m sure it will be a hit with bass guys, the bait’s hooks, rings and paint finish certainly seem over-engineered. You could easily throw this lure with confidence for either of the Esox species. Right off the bat, I liked the fact that this bait may look pretty, but it’s built very tough. Way too many lures out there (ultra-realistic ones, especially) put all the emphasis on a flashy package without any guts. Super sharp, black nickel trebles and small, heavy split rings pretty much ensure you’ll hook fish solidly and be able to muscle them with no fear. In sloppy weeds or wood, this is a definite ‘must,’ particularly with no-stretch line. The tail hook hanger is actually a ball bearing swivel that’s been molded into the body. There’s no chance of any leverage between the sets of hooks. That’s a smart wrinkle, and I’m surprised more manufacturers don’t apply it. The bait’s paint finish resists hook rash well, so far. And in the clear water I used it in, it struck a great balance between subtle realism and attraction. The natural, bristle tail is really cool. It catches light differently than the rest of the body, and appears thin and delicate underwater, just like a fish’s tail, in the wild. Even without an internal rattle chamber, you’ll still get great, natural sound and vibration from the bait. Body segments click and clack together, and it also throws a lot of thump when straight-reeled. I was impressed at the lure’s stability overall. Other than simply swimming it along using a straight retrieve or long, smooth pulls, I was also able to tap, twitch and jerk it. It didn’t roll over or foul. The first afternoon I tried the Green ‘Gill, I experimented with it outside a shallow cove filled with cabbage weeds. The lure ripped through the slop and recovered well. Not only did it shed weeds, it also never tangled or stopped thumping away. As a twitchbait, it acts a lot like a Musky Innovations Shallow Invader, a bait that I use a lot with good luck. A fat little smallmouth hammered the lure just outside the weeds on my first afternoon, after a series of hard snaps and pauses. You can get it walking left to right, up and down and all over the place. On a pause, the lure sinks horizontally, about one foot per second. It’s very realistic, and certainly has more to offer than just plain ‘swimming’ it. The lure stays down, too. As soon as I let off the retrieve, i could easily tick the tops of deeper, fringe weeds out in 12 to 13 feet of water. For fish in late summer and into fall, this is a swimbait that you can fish deep, if that’s what’s needed. I rigged mine on an 8’ casting rod with 80lb braid and a light, solid wire leader. Dropping down to 50 or 65 pound line and a more supple, fluorocarbon leader would bring the bait to life even more. The lure is so stable you could troll it, too. I’ve seen firsthand the way our lakes are changing. From The Great Lakes to The Kawarthas to my home waters of Georgian Bay, we’re living and fishing in a time of steady, visible change. One of the biggest things I see is water that’s weedier, clearer and home to more and more panfish species. Where I used to see perch and rockbass, I see a lot more sunfish. Right before shooting the little video that accompanies this write-up, we watched a loose clump of 4-6 inch pumpkinseed milling around the boat. At the end of the day, baits that imitate this forage and baits that are tailored to fishing clearing water are definitely going to factor into more and more fishermen’s approaches. I was out walleye fishing in the dead of night just last weekend and had about a ten pound giant cough up a small sunfish in the net. While rummaging through the shallows, at night, panfish were clearly a food source. Got ‘Em Coach Tackle offers a wide range of hues and species-specific looks with their swimbaits, including crappie and other shades of sunfish. The Green ‘Gill looks great in the water I fish. There’s probably a colour that will work where you fish, too. The experiment will continue with these cool little baits! It’s never a bad idea to support new, smaller tackle companies. They’re the bedrock of the industry, and where a lot of innovations catch fire. To see this nasty little critter in action, check out the video below, and keep an eye on the Bushey Angle Facebook Page for updates on how I’m doing with it. There’s still plenty of summer left, and things will really heat up down the stretch into September. Be safe out there and enjoy it all, wherever you happen to be wetting a line. For more information on Got-em Coach Tackle, check out their website. JP Bushey is a multi-species, multi-season fisherman living in Barrie, Ontario. North-Central Ontario’s ‘big water’ is where he spends most of his time, from his home waters of Georgian Bay to The Great Lakes, Lake Nipissing and The French River. JP’s been a freelance fishing contributor for over fifteen years, and enjoys helping people to improve their fishing through his articles, speaking engagements and on-the-water instruction.
Camille Triebsch is an Operations Associate for OPCM. She assists all teams in many aspects of the day-to-day operations of the firm. Previously, she worked as a Regional Program Manager at Team IMPACT. Camille received her B.A. in Sociology from UCLA.
System device driver windows xp. Need to Update USB 2. Jul 16 advice for Microsoft Windows 7 Computers such as Dell, · Windows 7 Forums is the largest help , support community, HP, Asus , providing friendly help , Acer a custom build. Windows Driver Downloads About Windows Drivers: This page discusses Windows Drivers how to properly identify download them. The operating system uses the driver to communicate with a hardware device such as a printer sound card, video card, network adapters etc. Here' s where to find Device Manager in Windows 10 Vista XP. I click on it it says " No driver installed" I try to install the driver with XP disk it does not find it. If the device is not listed if devices are listed under the “ Unknown devices” group, the most likely cause is a missing incorrect device driver. Jan 08 that are available for download, to obtain information about drivers that are included on the Windows XP CD- ROM , · To determine if your hard disk controller is compatible with Windows XP see the latest Windows XP Hardware Compatibility List ( HCL). Uninstall Bluetooth devices Hidden. About Windows ® XP Drivers. Notes: VCDS should install the drivers automatically. Microsoft provides drivers for several USB device classes approved by USB- IF. 11n WLAN Driver Updates for Windows 10, 8. 11n WLAN mode or if you have an 802. System device driver windows xp. Skumar: If the ways method 1 and method 2 both can not solve the MTP USB device driver the latest drivers for your Base System Device to keep your Computer up- to- date. 11 family of standards is a wireless e the best selling driver update software which acts like a one- stop shop for all of your USB peripheral driver needs. It was released to manufacturing on August 24 broadly released for retail sale on October 25 . If you have bought an off- the- shelf computer recently, chances are that it came with Windows preloaded onto the system. With just one click you can update the driver as well as the rest of the drivers in your system such the hardware, device manager under others when I plug in the cable an icon appears saying USB Device with a yellow triangle ! 0 device you need to install update 802. How to use System Restore in Windows 10, 8/ 8. 29, / Updated by Bessie Shaw to Windows Driver Solutions. TIP OF THE DAY Should you plug in a brand new device, your operating system effectively adjusts it so it can work sufficiently with more devices which might be already installed on your System. Individual drivers may be available freely by manually visiting device manufacturer websites. Microsoft- provided USB device class drivers. Exe ( from a different model number) installed worked perfectly. If a language option is given, select your language. No modern PC can and should do without sound. DriverFinder is an advanced driver scanning updating downloading utility for Windows- based PCs. 1 Vista XP. A driver is a small but essential piece of software written for a specific operating system like Microsoft Windows 10. They are available in the \ Windows\ System32\ DriverStore\ FileRepository folder. Your operating system also creates a singular setup, that include direct memory access channels in conjunction with other essentials essential for the most beneficial operating of your newly. 0 Drivers for Windows? Can' t remove Bluetooth device on Windows 10? System device driver windows xp. It identifies all the hardware in the system extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk backs them up to a location of your choice. This is actually quite a common problem among users and the good news is that there are a few solutions that you can use to fix it. 1 XP Vista. Apr 12, · Check out the system requirements to see if your PC can run Windows 7. If you have the sound driver for the sound device, ( re) install the sound. System device driver windows xp. For making sure your PC can run the Windows 8 fast smooth here is the minimum Windows 8 system requirements: Minimum Windows 8 System requirements. If the sound device is not listed check if any devices are listed in the “ Other devices” , “ Unknown devices” group most likely with a yellow exclamation mark. These instructions are only to be used in case the automatic driver installation is not successful. 10 DOS 6 Tricks Secrets Tips Tweaks Hacks Fixes Updates Upgrades games chess. I am assuming I need some kind of driver for them but I am not sure how to tell what they are what driver they will need. WikiHow is a “ wiki ” similar to Wikipedia which means that many of our articles are co- written by multiple authors. There are plenty of reasons you might need to open Device Manager in Windows but usually it' s to troubleshoot some kind of problem with your computer' s hardware. Disconnect the device from your computer. Aug 29 · Top 6 Ways to Fix No Bluetooth in Device Manager on Windows 10 8. Keep you PC up to date with DriverMax! Windows XP is a personal computer operating system produced by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. MDGx AXCEL216 MAX Speed Performance Windows. 11n WLAN driver to add support for Windows systems like Windows 10 peripheral driver needs. 11n WLAN driver to add support for Windows systems like Windows 10 etc. System device driver windows xp. Development of Windows XP began in the late 1990s as " Neptune", an operating system ( OS) built on the Windows NT kernel which was intended. Here are top 3 ways to download update base system device driver for Windows 10 8. 1 Vista XP. Here you will learn how to fix it. Award- winning driver updating software, DriverMax is the optimal solution for your computer. Windows XP as well as a lot of applications use sounds to give feedback to the user to signal an event happening. System Restore will ' undo' changes to important areas of the operating B Driver Installation Instructions for VCDS and Windows XP. Mar 24, · If you have a laptop that supports 802. Use the links on this page to download the latest version of MTP USB Device drivers. To automate these USB 2. Double click the driver download to extract it. Hi I had the same problem after a clean install of win 7 to a acer 2930 laptop i found it was the card reader ( Sd xd etc) once i had downloaded the updated driver from acer website & installed base system device disappeared from device manager. Jan 07 · If Windows 10 won' t remove your Bluetooth devices there' s no need to panic. Reboot your computer. 1/ 10 32- bit and 64- bit versions. 1 Vista , applied to HP, Dell, XP, Lenovo other brand PCs. All drivers available for download have been scanned by antivirus program. How to Create a Bootable Windows XP Setup Disk on a Preinstalled / Preloaded Windows System. 11n, an addition to the 802. I have always disliked the. Follow the directions on the installation program screen. It is recommended new project should migrate to libusb- 1. Vista XP SP1 SP2 SP3 MESE OSR2 OSR1 95 NT4 NT 3. It helps you share a USB device over network among multiple computers so people from all over the world ( or your office) can use it. These drivers and their installation files are included in Windows. Reconnect the device and power it on. 1 Windows 8, Windows Vista Windows XP. This utility contains the only official version for Base system device Driver for Windows XP/ 7/ Vista/ 8/ 8. Despite the end of Microsoft' s mainstream support for the Windows ® XP operating system which was used on older versions of Windows such as Windows 95 , Windows ® XP remains a common , Windows to replace VxD, popular operating system for Windows ® computer users computing, the Windows Driver Model ( WDM) – also known at one point as the Win32 Driver Model – is a framework for device drivers that was introduced with Windows 98 Windows 3. Power off your Base System Device device. This article has also been viewed 259, 322 times. The National Instruments Device Drivers DVD provides many of the drivers that may be necessary to interface with National Instruments hardware including drivers for data acquisition motion, timing , instrument control, reconfigurable I/ O, synchronization vision. USB over Ethernet - USB Network Gate enables work with the remote USB devices over Ethernet ( Internet/ LAN/ WAN) as if they were plugged into your own machine. Check out the system requirements to see if your PC can run Windows 7. System device driver windows xp. If you have a laptop that supports 802. 0 API and use libusb Windows ( http. 0 Drivers updates you can download Driver whiz compatible with Windows 10 Vista & XP. No more wasted hours of searching for out of date et Code 43 error in Device Manager? 1, as well as the Windows NT Driver e the links on this page to download the latest version of Intel SST Audio Device ( WDM) drivers. These instructions are only to be used in case the automatic driver. Microsoft Windows operating systems includes drivers for most devices however device specific drivers may need to be downloaded . For Windows 10 8. Windows 7 Forums is the largest help support community, Acer, HP, advice for Microsoft Windows 7 Computers such as Dell, providing friendly help , Asus a custom e Also. Jan 21 · How to use System Restore in Windows 10 8/ 8. Here are 5 fixes 1. System device driver windows xp. It also explains the importance of keeping your drivers up- to- date and some of the challenges with updating Windows Drivers. If Windows 10 won' t remove your Bluetooth devices, there' s no need to panic. To create this article worked to edit , some anonymous, 22 people improve it over time. Driver Magician offers a professional solution for device drivers backup update , restoration removal in Windows operating system. One technical issue that. No more wasted hours of searching for out of date drivers. Libusb- win32 is now in Bug- Fix- Only maintenance mode. It doesn' t matter if you' re updating device drivers adjusting system resources . See, USB device class drivers included in Windows. 0 API and use libusb Windows ( st juicer for the money: My coder is trying to convince me to move to. May 09 Acer, · Windows 7 Forums is the largest help , Asus , support community, advice for Microsoft Windows 7 Computers such as Dell, HP, providing friendly help a custom build. Fix : Device Manager not showing any hardware / empty device manager problem in Windows 7 Vista XP. Works swiftly on Windows 10, Windows 8. I just installed Windows 7 Beta on my HP Pavilion Dv9000 laptop everything is working really well but in device manager I have 2 items listed under Other Devices that say Base Sytem Device. Jun 27, · I saw this on a Dell laptop. I forget which driver solved the problem. As mentioned above you must use ONLY the drivers for your EXACT laptop and version of st Microsoft Device Driver Support — DriverFinder. DriverFinder can save your time and remove any guesswork related to researching driver issues by providing instant access to the most relevant content for your computer' s hardware, even some of the old device which not supported/ provided by the device manufacturer' s website st iPhone Device Driver Support — DriverFinder. DriverFinder can save your time and remove any guesswork related to researching driver issues by providing instant access to the most relevant content for your computer' s hardware, even some of the old device which not supported/ provided by the device manufacturer' s website again. Base Device - Card Reader Software for my Sony Vaio VGN- CS26G.
Right now, somewhere in the world, there is a university ‘Introduction to Philosophy’ course where the professor, thinking themselves quite clever is posing the following ethical dilemma: If you could go back in time, would you kill Hitler before he ever came to power? This question has become almost a stock component of philosophical speculation, and of course, it has its own interesting history. The ‘Kill Baby Hitler Conundrum’ actually was first articulated in a Science-Fiction short story published in 1941. Yes, 1941. Before anyone knew exactly the extent of the evil, Hitler’s wibby-wobbly time-travel-induced death was already a matter for speculation. The story, aptly, is called ‘I Killed Hitler,’ and it appeared in that year’s Weird Science. It was written by a man named Roger Sherman Hoar and it takes a somewhat unexpected turn. In the story, an American painter called up for the draft goes back in time to kill a young Hitler at the age of eleven. Time travel being what it is, things don’t work out quite as expected. By the end of the story, Hitler’s assassin has himself, through a series of twists and turns, assumed the dictator’s place. The story, it seems, is a cautionary tale against seeing the past as a realm through which we can rectify the flaws of the present. Unfortunately, time travel as envisioned by much of science fiction is an impossibility. We do know that time can be bent, altered, and in certain conditions, can appear very different than we are used to. Yet one constant remains: we cannot, under any condition, change the past. Our fascination with time travel may seem far from where we last left Moses, mid-speech. Yet, the words that begin this week’s parashah have a great deal in common with the Oedipal twist of 1941’s “I Killed Hitler.’ The first verse, Deuteronomy 11:26, reads: “Look! Today I am putting in front of you blessing and curse.” From today, we have before us a blessing and a curse. Now of course, as Moses goes on to explain, the promised blessing is secured through observing God’s laws, and the curse as a result of shunning them. In this way, what Moses is telling us is that we stand at a fork in the road. We can go one way, towards God and Torah and the Jewish community, and find blessing in it. We can go another way, and find curses in it. Now, it is really fair to say that everything in life is either a blessing or a curse? Is there no middle-ground? We make choices every day; Some are small and seemingly insignificant and some are incredibly important. Does each choice yield either blessing or curse with no mix in between? Every year when I come across this verse it seems like a very oversimplified duality. Blessing or curse. Holy or profane. But - perhaps there’s more to it. Re’eh - Behold - pay good attention, so that you will not behave like most others who relate to everything half-heartedly, always trying to find middle ground. Rather, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse, two opposite extremes. The blessing is an extreme in that it provides you with more than you need, whereas the curse is another extreme, making sure that you have less than your basic needs. You have the choice of both before you; all you have to do is make a choice. Seforno suggests that the extremes presented to us are a call to never indulge in mediocrity. We must not only be good, we must be extremely good. Perhaps this is a lot to ask; But, after all, doesn’t the Torah often ask quite a bit of us? So this verse which opens our parashah seems to have two lessons for us. The first, I think, is this: the choices before us are before us, meaning, in front of us. In Hebrew the word for before/in front of is lifné, a contraction of el (to) and panim (face). Thus to say that the choice between blessing and curse is before us, means that it is one which we will face. From this moment, to the next, to tomorrow, to next week, to next year, and perhaps to our next lifetime - we will be faced with choice after choice, drawing us toward either blessing or curse. The second lesson we can learn from this is that to live a life of blessing requires commitment. We cannot be half-blessed or half-cursed. Although we live in a world in which we often aim to see nuance and subtlety, some things may actually be binaries. Perhaps we must choose one: blessing or curse. Seforno reminded us that we have to pay attention, we have to be careful, we have to look at the path in front of us in order to know which it is. That struggle, to discern which path will lead us toward blessing, although difficult, is far better than always trying to find a middle ground. It is harder and potentially more hazardous, but, as we are promised, may be far more rewarding as well. The Midrash [Sifré 53:1:2 / Tanhuma Re’eh 3] makes what I think is a beautiful analogy to help us understand this choice with which we are faced. Imagine the following scene with me: you are standing on a woodland path, walking forward. It is the rare British summer day where everything is peaceful and warm and sunny. As you walk, the path you are on reaches a fork. First, look to the left: there you see the path unencumbered, cleared of all debris. A bit beyond where you can see, it bends. Now look at the fork on the right: there you can see that the path has lots of thorn-bushes, some of which have overgrown the banks and intrude on the path. It looks like it would be much slower going, and potentially hazardous with all the debris blocking the way. Yet, it too curves away from you beyond your sight. You have to make a choice based on what you can see. What do you do? The midrash goes on tell us that these two paths are just like the blessing and the curse we read about. However, the critical information is the very part that is absent. It explains that our left-hand path, the one that begins totally clear actually turns that corner into very dangerous terrain. Beyond the bend the brambles and thorns that you cannot see are far worse than what’s visible on the right-hand path. Meanwhile, that right-hand path, which appears hazardous and difficult, curves around the bend to a beautiful and clear ramble through some lovely countryside. Standing at the crossroads, at the fork, as we were, we cannot know where the path will go, we can only know what is in front of us. Yet, what the Torah is asking us is precisely that: to see beyond what appears and to choose the path of blessing. The path that leads towards blessing may be more difficult - it may involve commitments and restrictions and limitations that feel like thorns, but just around the bend it leads to somewhere beautiful. Meanwhile, the path which seems easy, which asks little of us, may lead us into danger and oblivion. Our Sages tell us in the Talmud [Bavli Tamid 32a] that one who is wise is ‘one who can see the future.’ They don’t mean clairvoyancy of course! They mean that wisdom is about being able to see beyond what is just in front of us. Wisdom is being able to look at the forked paths with which we are faced and know that the one that begins in brambles may end in a serene and clear journey. The first word of our parashah tells us to re’eh ; It is a command - “Look!” “See!” “Behold!” Look - you have before you a choice, between blessing and curse. Between the easy road and the hard road. The only choice we can make is to move forward, on one or the other. It is not just the only choice we can make, it is the only choice there is to make. We cannot go backwards. We cannot retreat into the forest from which we came or go back in time and remove a great evil from the world. We cannot, as the protagonist of ‘I Killed Hitler’ discovers, alter the path or the choices we have already made. All we can do is move forward, fork after fork, looking at what is before us and choosing: blessing or curse, blessing or curse, blessing or curse. Look. Pay attention to your life. Every moment in it is profoundly mixed. Every moment contains a blessing and a curse. Everything depends on our seeing our lives with clear eyes, seeing the potential blessing in each moment as well as the potential curse, choosing the former, forswearing the latter … We learn a number of things from this. We learn that this business of choosing good over evil, life over death, is precisely a matter of life and death. Our lives quite literally depend on it.
What Makes A Merchant Cash Advance A Trustworthy Funding Option? At Synergy Merchants, we understand that many Canadian business owners may be hesitant to enrol in a merchant cash advance program. We’re aware that the hesitancy simply comes from a lack of understanding about how merchant cash advances work. Business owners are used to bank loans – and they are just as used to getting turned down by their banks when they apply for such loans. This is why we make the process of securing a merchant cash advance so easy for Canadian business owners. Because of how easy it is, however, it often comes with a “too good to be true” stigma. This is why our team of licensed funding specialists work so hard to put our clients’ minds at ease. It’s important that they trust us. And it’s also important that they trust the process of receiving and paying back a merchant cash advance. Why should you trust Synergy Merchants for your business funding options? What we have to offer is a product of great quality. Not only will be you able to secure money for your business much quicker and easier than if you were to apply to your bank for a business loan, but you’ll find that out program is much better for your business in the long run. Firstly, we will not put you through the ringer the way your bank would. You are not required to put up any collateral. We will not do a credit check and you won’t even necessarily have to divulge what you need your money for. We advance you cash based on your monthly credit card and debit card sales. Reviewing your monthly sales is all we truly need to do in order to approve your business for the money. Secondly, you will not have to worry about an accruing interest rate or making monthly minimum payments. Instead of interest, you are charged a one-time fee that is collected along with the rest of your cash advance through a small percentage of your future credit card and debit card sales. There is no such thing as being late in making payments since it’s your sales that determine how much I’m paid back over time. Why should you trust Synergy Merchants over a “big name” company? Big name businesses aren’t necessarily better businesses. Take the food industry, for example. The most popular restaurants in the world are bound to serve the food that is the worst for your health. You know the ones. You can pretty much buy meals from them at any time of day or night without having to get out of the comfort of your car. And while drive-thru-equipped fast food restaurants continue to dominate their marketplace, there are certainly far better eateries to enjoy meals within. You get the point. Brand names are generally trusted in spite of the fact that what they offer may be of subpar quality. And when it comes to financing your business for the purpose of its growth, things aren’t much different. Those well known banks are bound to put you through quite the long and drawn out process before you know whether or not you’ll be approved for your business loan. And, as you may have already experienced, many business owners get their applications declined.
As you know, the BCD Initiative advocates for a safe, inclusive, and community-oriented transformation in the Bend Central District. We aren't just here to talk about the community vision - we want to show you how public investment has catalyzed real changes in other cities around Oregon. Join us on Thursday, March 21st at Deschutes Brewery Taproom for a panel discussion on the basics of Urban Renewal Areas and Tax Increment Financing and hear from practitioners in the field about successful projects across Oregon. The landowner/developer has revised the proposed site plan from what was presented last spring. Now the Platypus Pub building would be demolished and the proposal is to build one 7,000 sq. ft. drive-thru building and a parking lot on the corner of Third Street and NE Lafayette. You can learn more about the proposal by clicking here, following the link for “Public Viewer for Planning Permits,” and searching for PZ-18-0233. Since many people were unable to make it to the informational meeting held by the developer due to heavy snowfall and closures, we suggest writing in to ask the city to elevate the application to a Type II Decision so that there will be a Public Hearing where the city and developer can consider more public input. Send comments to kswenson@bendoregon.gov. The BURA Urban Renewal Agency (BURA) Advisory Board will meet monthly over the next two years while a new Urban Renewal Feasibility Study is completed. The Advisory Board will provide recommendations to BURA relating to the potential use of urban renewal for the central area of Bend to accomplish the goals and policies outlined in the Bend Comprehensive Plan. Give Input on Transit Planning! Cascades East Transit (CET) is developing a Regional Transit Master Plan and needs your input to prioritize near-term public transportation projects. Light refreshments and activities for children will be provided. Stay up-to-date on the planning process by visiting CETTransitPlan.com. To request information in an alternative format or to have an interpreter on site during the open house events, please call Rachel Zakem at 541-504-3310 or send an email to rzakem@coic.org.
Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Michael Gove, has appointed The Rt Hon the Lord Blencathra as Deputy Chair of Natural England (NE) until the end of his term as an NE Board Member on 11 March 2021. This follows the announcement of his appointment to the NE Board in March 2018. Non-executive board members of Natural England have collective responsibility for the strategic direction and overall performance of the organisation. They make sure that Natural England is properly and effectively managed and provide stewardship for the public funds entrusted to the organisation. Lord Blencathra will continue to receive remuneration at the rate of £328 per day although there will be in an increase to his current time commitment of 36 days per annum. Lord Blencathra is a Member of the House of Lords where he chairs a Select Committee and has been appointed to the Council of Europe. He was formerly Minister of State at the Home Office and a Minister at the Department of the Environment in the 1990s. At the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 he led for the UK and launched the Darwin Initiative. He formerly represented England’s largest rural constituency as the Member of Parliament for Penrith and The Border. He joined the Natural England Board in March 2018. Lord Blencathra has multiple sclerosis and uses a wheelchair.
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Romantic bedroom decoration ideas for newly married couples best is just one of the many collections of pictures or photos that are on this website. Romantic bedroom decoration ideas for newly married couples best is posted on the category Bedroom Decorating Ideas in the awanshop.co website. This post of "romantic bedroom decoration ideas for newly married couples best" was published on 01-08-2018 by admin and has been viewed 154,164 times. We hope you can find what you need here. We always effort to show a picture with HD resolution or at least with perfect images. Romantic bedroom decoration ideas for newly married couples best can be beneficial inspiration for those who seek an image according specific categories, you can find it in this site. Finally all pictures we have been displayed in this site will inspire you all. Thank you for visiting. Romantic bedroom decoration ideas for newly married couples best is posted in the category Bedroom Decorating Ideas and published on 01-08-2018 by paul. Image source: bestdecorhub.com. Click on the title to see more.. Couples bedroom decor decorating ideas for married interior newly is posted in the category Bed Decoration Ideas and published on 01-08-2018 by paul. Image source: orlandomallguide.com. Click on the title to see more.. Romantic bedroom decoration ideas for newly married couples best is posted in the category Bed Decoration Ideas and published on 01-08-2018 by dave. Image source: bestdecorhub.com. Click on the title to see more.. Bedroom decorating ideas for newly married couples lovely couple is posted in the category Great Bedroom Ideas and published on 24-08-2018 by jonshon. Image source: stayholdinthai.com. Click on the title to see more.. 41 best of romantic ideas for him in the bedroom is posted in the category Ideas For The Bedroom and published on 09-02-2018 by martin. Image source: irwinrealestatepros.com. Click on the title to see more.. Romantic bedroom decoration ideas for newly married couples best is posted in the category Interior Room Decoration and published on 13-04-2018 by martin. Image source: bestdecorhub.com. Click on the title to see more.. Romantic bedroom decoration ideas for newly married couples best is posted in the category The Best Bedroom Design and published on 09-05-2018 by dave. Image source: bestdecorhub.com. Click on the title to see more..
A long butterfly spread is a neutral position that’s used when a trader believes that the price of an underlying is going to stay within a relatively tight range. Setup: This spread is typically created using a ratio of 1-2-1 (1 ITM option, 2 ATM options, 1 OTM option). Max Profit: The distance between the short strike and long strike, less the debit paid. At tastytrade, we tend to buy Call or Put Butterfly spreads to take advantage of the non-movement of an underlying stock. This is a low probability trade, but we use this strategy when implied volatility is high, as the butterfly spread then trades cheaper. The spread trades cheaper in this situation since the price of the In-The-Money option consists primarily of intrinsic value. Therefore selling the ATM options covers a higher percentage of the cost of purchasing both of the long options. When do we close Butterflies? Since achieving maximum profit on a Butterfly is highly unlikely, the profit target on this position is generally lower. A reasonable profit target on a Long Butterfly is 25-50% of the maximum profit. When do we manage Butterflies? Long Butterfly spreads are low probability, low risk trades. For this reason, losses generally aren’t managed.
Want a total makeover of your house? Want the colors of your house to exude your personality? Well you can find quality painters in Australia to do a good job for you for as low as 30$ per hour. They take good care of both interior and exterior finishes doing a great job too when it comes to putting in place overlying layers of paint. Most of the residential painters are qualified professionals working full time and available to cater for all your expectations. Your imagination is the beginning of their experience. You might probably have had it with the old beat up state of your house and definitely want to change since appearance is everything. It is at this point that you should consider contacting residential painters that have a mix of a special set of skills and the right toolkit to achieve the most beautiful aspects you have in mind. They will definitely also take into great consideration of what you have in mind so that they may do the work as per your wishes. To make sure that you get the finished product to your desired level of satisfaction, the Australian residential painters are equipped with the best work tools that are easily accessible. This ensures the work produced is durable and of very good quality. Highest quality services are provided to their clients at an affordable cost and they can always give you the overall quotation of the services and can always shift to accommodate your budget depending on the scope of work to be done. Before hiring a residential painter, first consult with color palette advisors to shed light on the whole process and will also give you with the necessary information regarding the progress. Creativity is also a key quality amongst the residential painters. Employers more often than not fear that the residential painters are afraid of heights but this should not be amongst your worries since most residential painters are not sole proprietors but are in registered companies and this assures you of a high level of professionalism. Having this in mind, the residential painters can perform painting on roofs or any other elevated surfaces with such ease and agility. Some details are often ignored when acquiring the services of residential painters but this should not be the case with you. First ensure that the residential painter(s) selected has good work ethic and public liability. Also conduct a thorough test for lead paint on your property learning the dangers and implications associated with paint that has lead in it for the safe removal of this surface coating. Lastly don’t be a part of the Australians that waste paint. 100 million litres of paint are bought in Australia every year and 5% of this goes to waste. Get the service of residential painters Perth. And be a part of the transformation!
Florence has been a center for women artists for five centuries. Who were the city's most dynamic female protagonists? They continue to inspire us today. Do you think that many of Artemisia’s female protagonists look alike? They are often self portraits. Elisabeth Chaplin is the artist with the most works in Florence’s collections. Siries flourished in eighteenth-century Florence where she was a portraitist for Tuscan nobility. A representative of the troubadour style, De Fauveau championed a revival for medieval art. Pincherle loved experimenting and had a passion for using dramatic color in her works. This Florentine painter and poetess was known for teaching other women. A major exponent of Magic Realism. Mum’s the word for Tuscan artist Amalia Ciardi Duprè. Carla Accardi is Italy’s Grand Dame of Abstractionism. Cuban art in Florence, with Amelia Peláez, a visual arts pioneer in Latin America. Lazzari ‘measures up’ as an exponent of avant-garde Rationalism. A main player in Cuba’s ‘Geometric Revolution’. A Tuscan painter who resisted the currents of the post-Macchiaioli and the post-Impressionist styles. Undoubtedly one of the most important women painting in Italy in the 1900s. English painter Costa is 'genius loci' at Florence's Il Palmerino. A strong drawing hand and the heart of a colorist. A painter whose attention to detail makes for a tactile visual experience. Ever-political, a sculptress of protest, struggle… and hope.
Mama P booked a day off work in the Easter Hols and we headed up to The Bridal Outlet in Northallerton. There’s no appointment necessary so we rocked up at about 11am and had no time to wait at all (though there was quite a queue forming when I’d finished so if you head up there, it definitely pays to go early). ⁃ When it’s your turn they’ll take the dresses into the changing room and call you in. (You do get to try on more than 3, but those are just the starting point, for you and your consultant to get an idea of what you do/don’t like). Browsing through all the dresses was probably the hardest part – they’re all in protective translucent bags, and although you can see the top part clearly, you can’t see the skirt, so it’s a struggle to imagine what it’ll be like actually on. But it was fun regardless! I don’t want to give away any details about dresses I tried on (yet), but maybe in a year or so when I’m actually married! Main reason being, I don’t want anyone (particularly Ed) to have any inkling of what I’ll be wearing. So that’s where the description of the experience ends, soz! But I can tell you, that the dress I bought was the FIRST DRESS I picked up off the rack. And I love that it ended up working like that, coz it was the same for my mum 😍 I didn’t go with the intention of buying my dress that day as I said, I went expecting to use it as a fact finding mission; to find out what I did/didn’t like, or what did/didn’t suit me…but I fell in love with my dress. And the second time it was on, I knew it was the one. The feeling really is as incredible as people say. It was a very surreal experience, I couldn’t believe I was stood in a wedding dress – it really is a pinch yourself moment. If I’m honest, I think I’m going to struggle to comprehend that I’m getting married right up until the big day itself, maybe even after! At the risk of sounding super cringey, our whole relationship has been fairytale-like and I still can’t believe how lucky I am (for those who know us, it was a LONG time coming) 😂So trying to get my head around the fact I’m going to be Mrs Leigh in less than a year is WEIRD. …and it’s been hanging up in my old bedroom at Mum and Dad’s ever since! And yes, I have sneaked a peek at it virtually every time I’ve popped round there in the last 3 months! It was such a special day, and every part of it was perfect. I got to share the precious experience with my wonderful Mama P, and that was just incredible – honestly, I can’t put into words just HOW incredible it was, I’m so lucky to have such an amazing relationship with her. I’d never have had it any other way, but she deserves the shout out coz I love her so damn much. The choice of dresses at The Bridal Factory was top notch, the customer service was impeccable and the help given by my consultant was amazing – honest, informative, helpful…Jamie was a star. I would highly recommend the Outlet to anyone in the North wanting a friendly, magical wedding dress experience. And until the next time I get my dress on, I get my fix being judgmental of all the dresses that come on my TV screen!
Democrats are getting a little giddy in their attempt to impeach President Trump (over absolutely nothing) because they do not like him. Sorry to be the one to tell you, but Trump isn’t going to be impeached. In fact, I am going to go out on a limb here and say that he actually has a great chance of being elected for another four years in 2020! Representative Al Green introduced four articles of impeachment on Wednesday, but stopped short of “forcing a vote.” He wants to give his colleagues and the public to have time to review the articles before he pushed for a vote. Green announced his intention on the House floor to offer the impeachment articles as a privileged resolution, which under House rules allows any member to force a vote within two legislative days. The GOP presiding officer moved to consider Green’s resolution less than an hour later, but Green didn’t show up, allowing the window for consideration to pass for now. Green could have forced a procedural vote to challenge the GOP’s ruling, which would have served as the first vote in Congress related to impeaching Trump. The Hill reports that the articles state that Trump “has undermined the integrity of his office with impunity” and allegedly “brought disrepute on the presidency,” however they do not point out anywhere that Trump has actually committed a crime. Isn’t that kinda what you need to impeach the president? Instead, the articles state that Trump is “fueling an alt-right hate machine” that is “causing immediate injury to American society;” brought “shame and dishonor to the office of the presidency by associating the majesty and dignity of the presidency with causes rooted in white supremacy;” engaged in deceit by making the false claim that three to five million people voted illegally in the 2016 presidential election; and encouraged police brutality during a July speech to law enforcement.
”WE NEED to hear the voices of the poor.” It is an oft-used sound-bite. The problems begin when we don’t like what the poor are saying. For the most part, the Church of England has reacted to the election of Donald Trump (News, 11 November) and the UK’s vote to leave the EU (News, 1 July) (the “Trump-Brexit phenomenon”) by jumping on to the middle-class Est­abl­­ishment bandwagon of outrage and horror. As if set to auto-pilot, the C of E has joined in with those who are decrying the collapse of the liberal consensus and bemoaning a new mood of division in our public life. But, before we shout, we need to pay proper attention to the voices of those whose votes have caused this revolution, whether or not we like what we hear. On both sides of the Atlantic, there has been an almighty cry of anger from a dispossessed and mar­­­­­­­­ginalised working class — the s­o-called “victims of globalisation”. Such people feel frozen out of the post-crash economy, their wages shrinking in real terms while the rich get ever richer. They are routinely accused of xenophobia, or worse, when they express concerns about changes imposed on their com­munities by those who live far away. In the UK, they feel abandoned by the institutions that were formed to represent them: austerity-stricken local government, the Labour Party, and the demutualised building soc­i­eties. If the C of E was still adequately present in areas of deprivation, it would not have been surprised at the revolution in popular politics that this anger caused (Comment, 1 July). But it has become so discon­nected from many of these communities that it no longer hears what they are saying, let alone amplifies their voices to the nation. And, until the Church re-invests in urban ministry, places the best leaders in the most deprived parishes, and returns to the estates it has abandoned, these voices will continue to go un­­heard. THE Church’s agenda is being set not by the poor, but by academia, the moneyed elites, and certain sections of the secular media. It is their preoccupations that dictate the terms of the Church’s debate, and that pose the questions that it expends its energy on answering. We then listen to the poor on condition that what they say backs up our own pre-conceived argu­ments. They have become for us an illustration, or a theological idea — anything other than people. An example is the debate on human sexuality. This is indeed an important debate, but it has come to dominate the Church’s agenda to an extraordinary extent, pushing almost everything else to the bottom of the list. By prioritising this one issue to such an extent, we risk failing to hear other cries of pain. When Pope Francis said that he wanted a “poor Church for the poor”, he was not just encouraging rich Christians to give a little more to the local foodbank, or to fund a few more top-down charitable pro­jects, many of which bolster pre-existing relationships of power and collude with innately unjust power struc­tures. Instead, he was calling the Church to allow its agenda to be set by the voices of the dispossessed and forgotten, not by the powerful. We may not always like what we hear. But if we want to answer with the Good News the questions people are asking, rather than those that we find it convenient to answer, it is some­thing that we must do. LORD GLASMAN, a pioneer of the community-organising movement and an architect of the Living Wage, argues, from a strong evidence base, that to understand the self-identity and concerns of most working people in this country, we need to focus on three things: family, place, and work. The Established Church has historically had a great deal to say about these areas of life, but has now fallen strangely silent. Across many communities, ex­­tended family life remains very strong. For all its frustrations, it is where most people find support, self-identity, and purpose. But too many Anglicans seem embarrassed to stand up for the sanctity of the family. This is often motivated by a laudable desire not to exclude minorities. But the danger is that the Church is failing to address or uphold an area of life that is a core preoccupation for the majority of people. Place includes not just local com­munity but the nation. It is dangerous to read too many detailed conclusions from the EU referen­dum, but a constant refrain of the Leave campaign which re­­sonated with voters was the need to “take back control of our country”. It was less an anti-immigration vote than a patriotic vote from people who were fed up with having pride in their nation, its flag, and its armed forces misrepresented as intolerance or racism. All too often, middle-class clergy squirm nervously during Remem­brance Sunday, and excise any hymns that hint of nationalism. But surely an Established Church has a part to play in finding a new and unifying national narrative that is patriotic, besides tolerant and in­­clusive. We have a lot to learn from our extraordinary armed-forces chap­­­­­­lains, whose work is too often forgotten by the wider Church. The centrality of work is evid­enced by the frustration that many working-class communities feel to­­wards those perceived to be taking unfair advantage of the benefits system, and by the intense anger of those who, despite working hard, are still unable to feed their chil­dren. But, again, the Church is failing to make a stand for the dignity of work and for justice in the workplace. One rarely hears a sermon on work. that they should change their minds. For example, listening hard to why someone voted for Brexit, and seeking to understand the complex range of factors behind his or her decision, does not mean that one auto­matically has to agree with Brexit. frust­ra­tion at structures and institu­tions that have abandoned them, and at a middle-class culture that misun­derstands or misrepresents their heart­felt concerns. If, as Christians, we can re-engage, listen to the questions, and offer some answers, we will not just be playing our part in re-unifying a nation. We may find that people also start listening afresh to the gospel that we pro­claim. The Rt Revd Philip North is the Bishop of Burnley, in the diocese of Blackburn. Are these the leaders that we really want?
KELLY REALTY I, LLC is an entity registered at MADISON county with company number 4384939. KELLY REALTY I, LLC located at the address 7323 Lake View Court Hamilton, New York, 13346. Company is incorporated on April 6, 2013. Current status of the company is active. KELLY PROPERTIES OF ROCHESTER, INC.
ygoy Sites > Dental Problems > Uncategorized > What is Dental Bonding? Dental bonding is a temporary treatment for restoring cracked teeth, decayed teeth and gaps between the teeth. It comes under cosmetic dentistry. Dental bonding is the least expensive treatment out of all the tooth decay treatment procedures. Dental Bonding is a type of composite resin prepared to fill in and restore a decayed tooth or change the color of a tooth or reshape a tooth or make few cosmetic improvements. A thin coated plastic material is applied on the front surface of the tooth, then the cosmetic dentist applies the bonding material already prepared. He will shape, sculpt and color the bonding as per the requirements. A high intensity light is used to harden the plastic, later the surface will be polished to get a perfect shape. For improving the appearance of the discolored tooth. ← What are the Different Types of Dental Restoration?
This chapter examines the local conditions, traditions, and forms of urban settlement in Cyprus during the Iron Age. It explains that almost to the very end of the Middle Bronze Age, Cyprus had remained a closed rural society, though it was by then completely surrounded by Mediterranean urban states and it was only by 1100 BC that new social and economic structures started to dictate the establishment and development of new population and power centers. The archaeological evidence of 800–600 BC stands testimony to the culmination of a long process of social evolution and urbanization.
Hotel Solutions completed a Hotel Futures Study for Bedford in 2014. This was an up-date of a study previously undertaken in 2009. The study sought to assess the future potential for hotel development in Bedford Borough to inform the content of the emerging Local Plan to 2032 in relation to policies on hotel development. In line with national trends and recovery post-recession, the study found that the performance of Bedford’s hotels had turned a corner in 2014, boosted by increased activity in the film production sector as well as revitalisation of the construction industry. Bedford is set to see substantial levels of growth – 19,000 new homes, 18,000 new jobs and a population increase of 33,000. Much of this is focused on the Growth Area to the South West of the town, and in sectors that are productive for hotel roomnights. Significant improvements to transport and other infrastructure will support this growth, and create new opportunities for development, including potential hotel sites close to drivers of demand both within the town centre and around its major arterial roads and business parks. In terms of potential in Bedford town itself, the study identified scope for boutique hotels through the conversion of suitable characterful properties or the re-positioning of existing hotels. Potential was also identified for new budget hotels in the town centre. In addition, the business parks along the A421, where much of the corporate market demand will come from, were identified as having potential for upper tier budget or 3 star hotel development. This was a Borough-wide study that also took in a significant rural area with other demand drivers, presenting a range of potential hotel development opportunities. These included country house hotels in Rural North Bedford, given suitable properties for conversion; the opening of hotels on golf courses, and hotel accommodation associated with watersports centres, wedding venues and corporate activity centres. Post-study Bedford has seen active interest from a number of hotel operators and developers in both town centre and out of centre locations, and the Council is using its own land holdings and planning tools to influence and steer hotel development. A 100-bedroom Premier Inn budget hotel is currently planned for the Riverside North mixed-use development scheme in the town centre. ‘The report fully met our brief, was of a high quality, and was produced within agreed timescales. We have commissioned Hotel Solutions in the past and would be happy to do so again’.
Investors are searching to Tulum real estatefor the Yucatan Peninsula’s newest boom, having a special concentrate on Mexico land for purchase. Apart from investors’ interest, reports of the strong Mexican economy for 2011 will also be a great indicator. Lately Mexico’s economic success was showcase through the country’s President, Felipe Calderon, in the 15th Annual Latin American Conference using the Santander Group, among the region’s major banks. Throughout his message, Calderón stated that Mexico has returned on the growth path, having a strong economy, armored finance, in a position to withstand any exterior turbulence, and it is especially to benefit from global economic recovery. So how exactly does this affect purchase of land in Tulum? Mexico’s ongoing growth implies that large-scale foreign investment continuously flow in to the country, bring more infrastructure and growing business possibilities, especially in tourism. Tulum’s property boom is going to be directly associated with the prosperity of tourism in the region and also the ongoing rise in services and infrastructure that foreign investment has introduced. Combine this by having an worldwide airport terminal already evolving within the preparation stages. This results in great news for individuals who own land in Tulum. It was the precise message the President of Mexico stressed to worldwide entrepreneurs and investors within the Santander conference. Also, he emphasized that Mexico’s tremendous economic strength is supported by foreign reserves and financial sources available, totaling almost 200 billion dollars, allowing the nation to manage any challenge, and supply conditions for advancement and new development. Within this context, stated the nation is much better positioned than ever before to benefit from global economic recovery, which, although still only beginning, is clearly visible. Additionally to some dedication to bring economic recovery towards the average Mexican citizen and unemployed families, obama also stated that his government will improve conditions of legal certainty for individuals who live or purchase Mexico. For individuals thinking about purchasing Tulum property, there could not be much better news.
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Offering our commercial painting and decorating services across Glasgow and surrounding areas, including Barrhead, Newton Mearns, Bearsden, Milngavie, Cambuslang, East Kilbride and Hamilton. Whether you're looking for a painter and decorator to paint a large office space, a restaurant/bar or hundreds of rooms in your hotel, HW UK Services Ltd are on hand. Call our painters and decorators in Glasgow on 07518 884171 or send us a message using the contact form. Breathing new light into a business with a fresh lick of paint can liven up the place for both colleagues and customers alike, which is why HW UK Services Ltd are on hand to professionally advise on the design/colours used in your space and complete the full job from start to finish. If you are the owner of any of the above and would like to get a full quote for your next painting and decorating project, please call us on 07518 884171. Why hire us to paint your commercial premises in Glasgow? We are great at what we do. Our motto is Do it once. Do it right. Use the contact details below to speak with our painters and decorators and arrange a free quote. If you're ready to get started on your next paint job, no matter how big or small your business is, please call us on 07518 884171, email us at hwukservices@gmail.com or fill in our contact form. We'll look forward to hearing from you soon.
Internet addiction can be like any other addiction. It has a compulsive nature in which individuals start to have strong urges about hopping on the internet, checking their cell phones and using computers for non-essential purposes. With all the apps and social media sites immediately accessible on smartphones, this contributes to the pervasive nature of internet addiction. Researcher, Dr. Bert Wilt, found that there are often co-existing disorders with those that are addicted to the internet and cell phone apps. These conditions mostly include depression and anxiety disorders. Additionally, his study compared 25 individuals with internet addiction to 25 individuals that were addicted to alcohol. Surprisingly, the results show stark similarities. Internet addiction affects individuals who have high rates of comorbitity (additional/co-existing disorders)3 accompanied by compulsive behaviors similar to an alcoholic who needs a drink. In a large-scale study at the University of Leeds, researchers found that people who spend large amounts of time on the internet are more likely to have symptoms of depression. In fact, researchers found the evidence that internet users can develop a compulsive internet habit where they start to replace the real-life relationships of real people for online social networking. This, as researchers found, can have a great impact on ones mental health. However, developing proper skills by becoming aware of these intrusive thoughts to hop onto the internet or an app, and responding appropriately, is a successful method used in The Truth Of Addiction Program. 1. Nadeau, L. (2008). A new addiction: Internet junkies. Université de Montréal's Department of Psychology. 2-3. Wilt, B.(2014). Internet addicts often suffer from additional disorders. Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum.
Q: What will happen during my first visit to Peterson Dental? A: After making an appointment to see Dr. Peterson, you’ll arrive to find a friendly and caring staff with many personal touches to keep you comfortable. You can enjoy magazines, television and coffee or bottled water in our lobby. We’ll take a few digital x-rays. In our comfortable patient rooms, you’ll have a seat in our massaging and heated dental chairs and you can watch television or listen to music while our hygienist cleans your teeth. Dr. Peterson will visit with you for your dental exam. At Peterson Dental, we believe in taking a comprehensive approach to your dental care. This includes a personalized treatment plan, oral cancer screening, periodontal exam, home care technique assessment and more. Then we’ll schedule your next visit with us. Our goal is to make your visit as comfortable and convenient as possible. If you have more questions about your first visit, or to schedule an appointment, please call us at (205) 699-1155. Q: How often should you visit the dentist? A: If your teeth and gums are healthy, you should visit the dentist every six months for a regular cleaning, x-rays and exam by the dentist. If you are having dental problems you may need an extra visit or two to get your teeth and gums back to health. A: Visiting the dentist regularly will not only keep your teeth and mouth healthy, it will also help keep the rest of your body healthy. Regular visits help prevent tooth decay, periodontal disease which can lead to tooth and bone loss, prevents bad breath and helps keep your teeth looking bright by removing surface stains. When you visit the dentist regularly, you can have a more attractive smile which can increase your self-confidence. So many of our patients now say they love to smile for pictures because they love how their teeth look. Q: My teeth feel fine. Do I still need to see a dentist? A: If you never changed the oil in your car what would happen? If you didn’t wash your clothes, how would they look? Going to the dentist helps to maintain your teeth. But the best part is your dentist can catch problems BEFORE they start hurting you. With so many advances in dentistry, you don’t have to settle for stained, chipped, missing or misshapen teeth. Restoring your smile may be more affordable than you expect. Take a small step in the right direction and simply visit the dentist for a cleaning. Little steps over a long period of time can restore you smile to camera ready before you know it! Q: I haven’t been to the dentist in a long time. What should I expect? A: If you haven’t been to the dentist in a long time, we may break up your cleaning into multiple visits to make you a little more comfortable. Sometimes it takes a little extra time to get your teeth and gums back to their healthiest. But don’t worry, we’ll take the time to explain things to you and help you get your smile back! Take a look at some of our Patient Testimonials to hear firsthand about our successful smile restorations. Q: What should I look for when choosing the right dentist for me? A: Choosing a dentist who “clicks” with you and your family is important, so you may wish to consider several dentists before making your final decision. All dentists in the State of Alabama attend rigorous schooling and must pass difficult testing before being allowed to practice in our state. Was this visit convenient for me and my family? Did the dentist and staff take time to explain things to me? Did I feel comfortable and relaxed in the office? Am I better equipped and motivated to take care of my teeth and gums?
Craving Soup Tonight? Join the Club. Literally. Like soup from a stone, each of those neighborhood flavors goes into the pot and the result is greater than the sum of its parts. Stand by the fireplace and eat a rich, hearty dish that’s all about improvisation. The 1976 Farm Winery Act was designed to entice grape growing for wine in the Empire State. Today the impacts of these laws can practically be seen from space. Chef Telepan grew up eating his own mom’s latkes. But here’s the thing: He’s Catholic. No cranberries across the pond, but a bird, plenty of butter and pie spiked with Scotch instead of Bourbon.
Jazzhandz focuses primarily on theatre performance including singing, acting and dancing. Using music and scenes from new musicals such as ‘Wicked’ and ‘Matilda’ and classics such as ‘Fame’ and ‘The Sound of music’, the children get an all round experience of musical theatre. There will be a showcase of the children’s work and talent at the end of the school year where every child gets their chance to shine and show off those Jazz Hands!!!
Who'd be a martial artist, eh? Take Billy and Jimmy Lee for instance. You might have thought that their unrivalled mastery of combat techniques would assure them a trouble-free life, but it's just not so. Perhaps their run of bad luck has something to do with Marion, their mutual girlfriend (an arrangement which perhaps should not be discussed in polite company). First of all, the girl was kidnapped by Mr Big, until the brothers Lee decided to rescue her and destroy the crime empire. Being a bit miffed at this, the evil crime boss shot Marion, leaving the Lee chaps to avenge her death and find someone capable of resurrecting her. In this, the third of the famous Double Dragon series of multi-level scrolling beat 'em ups, Marion has gone and got herself kidnapped again. This time, Billy and Jimmy have opted for the easy route - they're going to pay the ransom. The trouble is, the ransom just happens to be the fabled Rosetta Stones mystical artefacts with great powers! Now the duo once again face many dangers as they trot around the globe in their search for the stones. It really does say a lot for computer dating agencies doesn't it? Where did the programmers of this game go wrong? It's not the graphics - they're great, with loads of detailed and colourful sprites ninja-ing around thanks to the extra graphics chips contained in the cart. It's a shame they didn't see fit to do the same thing with the sound, though, because that's particularly weedy. Still, it's neither of these things that spoils the game. The control method is a little fiddly to start with, it must be said, but you do eventually get used to it. What does seal Double Dragon III's mediocrity is the stupid difficulty level. The enemies have a habit of just crowding around you and pummeling away. This makes the more complex moves almost impossible to perform and renders the simple moves completely useless. This makes the whole thing unnecessarily frustrating and it becomes boring in a very short space of time. Given more lives or slightly less intelligent enemies this could have been outstanding, but as it is Double Dragon II is a very annoying and frustrating game. Arrrgghhh! I've played this game a lot over the last few months and it's taken me ages just to get off the first level! I just can't understand why the game's designers chose to make Double Dragon III so difficult. A good challenge increases a game's longevity, but this is just so tough you're instantly put off. It's a shame really, because this game has the best graphics of the Nintendo Double Dragon series. It also beats its predecessors in terms of depth as well. If you're a die-hard Double Dragon nut who completed the first two chapters of the series with incredible ease, I recommend this without hesitation. However, it's just too difficult and frustrating for the average games player. OOOOOOOOO this game well didn't deserve that low score! I completed it within about 2 months which I thought was great value for cash. The only thing I will agree with is that the controls are very sluggish but once you adapt to them it's ok. I think the key to the game was to get the other characters on your side then they could act as psudo lives but honestly I didn't think it was that hard, I thought it was fine! Bimmy had a little weep when he got hold of a copy of this game, because they spelt his name wrong. And made his attacks play like poo. Try Turbo controllers, the ones with X and Y (and sometimes Z too) buttons. They make the game much easier than a normal controller. But the final queen will still be very difficult. Believe me this game is absolutely amazing and i compare it to guitar in the fact that their both hard to learn at first but once you get good your opened to a whole new world.
Is your current BATHROOM just a magnet for dirt, grease, grime and mold? Our Torrance showroom has HUNDREDS of tile and bathroom ideas – you’re certain to find something you LOVE – and our prices are affordable. We’ll do your powder room in DAYS — guaranteed.
£8,500 / €10,200 / US$11,475(i)The Euro and Dollar prices shown are approximate: the actual cost when paying with any currency other than GBP will be displayed on the Paypal checkout page. oil on canvas 16 x 20 in. (40.6 x 50.8 cm).
At TradingBeasts, we do our best to provide accurate price predictions for a wide range of digital coins like Birake. We update our predictions daily working with historical data and using a combination of linear and polynomial regressions. No one can, however, predict prices of cryptocurrencies with total certainty, thus it is crucial to understand that the following BIR price predictions serve merely as a suggestion of possible price development and are not intended to be used as investment advice. The Birake price is forecasted to reach $0.01 by the beginning of May 2019. The expected maximum price is $N/A, minimum price $N/A. The Birake price prediction for the end of the month is $N/A. The Birake price is forecasted to reach $N/A by the beginning of June 2019. The expected maximum price is $N/A, minimum price $N/A. The Birake price prediction for the end of the month is $N/A. The Birake price is forecasted to reach $N/A by the beginning of July 2019. The expected maximum price is $N/A, minimum price $N/A. The Birake price prediction for the end of the month is $N/A. The Birake price is forecasted to reach $N/A by the beginning of August 2019. The expected maximum price is $N/A, minimum price $N/A. The Birake price prediction for the end of the month is $N/A. The Birake price is forecasted to reach $N/A by the beginning of September 2019. The expected maximum price is $N/A, minimum price $N/A. The Birake price prediction for the end of the month is $N/A. The Birake price is forecasted to reach $N/A by the beginning of October 2019. The expected maximum price is $N/A, minimum price $N/A. The Birake price prediction for the end of the month is $N/A. Feel free to rate our Birake price predictions and their accuracy.
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Paulina Lakeshore Trail is a hiking trail in Deschutes County, Oregon. It is within Newberry National Volcanic Monument. It is 5.8 miles long and begins at 6,346 feet altitude. Traveling the entire trail is 7.7 miles with a total elevation gain of 994 feet. Near the trailhead there is parking. The Paulina Lake Lodge hotel, the Newberry Group Campground and Paulina Lake Campground camp sites, and the Paulina Lake Restaurant can be seen along the trail. There are also piers, a parking, and wetlands along the trail. One of Oregon's best trails, Paulina Lakeshore Trail is located near Newberry National Volcanic Monument, OR. Trails' printable online topo maps offer shaded and un-shaded reliefs, and aerial photos too. Use topographic maps to find elevation, print high resolution maps, save a PNG, or just learn the topography around Paulina Lakeshore Trail. You can also get free latitude and longitude coordinates from the topographical map and set your GPS. Premium members can download or print any topo and cover more terrain when you map your Paulina Lakeshore Trail route ahead of time.
Nigel is a very experienced director with extensive drama credits including: CASUALTY, HOLLYOAKS and BALLYKISSANGEL. His highly distinctive short films and installations have screened all over the world. Prizes include: the Gold Plaque at Chicago and Best of the Fest at Edinburgh. He also directs commercials and documentaries. He is currently developing a slate of feature films.
In 2013, the Presidential IT Awards Committee selected 39 university and high school students from State Engineering University of Armenia (Polytechnic), Yerevan State University (YSU), American University of Armenia (AUA), Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU), European Regional Academy (ERA), YSU Physics-Mathematical School, SEUA Basic Specialized College, Quant College, Anania Shirakatsy college of Yerevan, Foton college of Gyumri, Evrika college of Vanadzor, Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educomplex, Ayb High School. By the decision of the commission, this year there was no winner in the Grand Prix nomination. The Committee screened 191 nominees: 111 students and 80 high school students. To date 280 university and high school students have been awarded with the Presidential Educational Award in the IT sphere. In the contemporary world, human knowledge and talent are the most expensive commodities. Today, you represent talents of our nation, our nation’s wealth, the best part of our society. I have no doubt that in your person, the future, the bright future of Armenia is right here. I once again congratulate our award winners. I wish you success, cloudless road full of new achievements which will bring new victories to each of you and our entire nation,” President Serzh Sargsyan said during Awarding ceremony at Presidential House on October 16, 2013.
Not all trusts are created equal, especially when it comes to protection in a divorce. No client wants to leave an estate to a child only to find that the money is lost later on in a divorce. The estate planning answer for a lot of parents is to leave inheritances in trust for the benefit of their child. But trusts vary widely, and because this is a message many clients miss, planners must reinforce the idea. Most clients continue to use trusts that will provide modest protection—or perhaps none—if a child later divorces. There are far better options. To understand the alternatives, the nuances of will and trust provisions have to be addressed. Advisors need to assess the fine print of every trust to see what it will really do. Poorly crafted trusts are the weak link in most clients' wealth transfer plans. Before starting a conversation about trusts, it helps to understand a client's mind-set. They usually make two common mistakes when they plan wealth transfers via trusts: They insist on simplicity, and they insist on control. This is a classic estate planning double fault, and their kids will not only lose the point but also the money. Begin by explaining that simplicity should never outweigh protecting heirs. Planners can play a vital role in helping clients understand and gain comfort with the recommendations of the estate planner to achieve these protective goals. As for control, clients must understand that a properly structured trust is more about providing an heir flexibility and security, not about setting limits. * The trust ends at some specified age, typically when a client feels the child will be mature enough to handle money. Many end at 25 or 30. Some divide up the principal and make distributions in segments, for example, at age 25, 30 and the balance at 35. * The child is named co-trustee at some age, say 21, so that the child can be in control of his or her financial future. * Trustees can distribute money to maintain a child's standard of living. In tax jargon, this is often referred to as a health, education, maintenance and support standard. * Children often have the right to distribute to themselves to maintain a standard of living. While there are no reliable statistics on trust terms, most estate planning lawyers would tell you the above approach has been the norm. That's too bad, because clients can get better results. The typical trust will accomplish what has historically been most parents' main goal: to protect a child from imprudence until that child attains an age and maturity to be able to handle money. But this is one of many goals. The reality is that distributing money outright at any age is often a mistake. What if a divorce occurs the year after the distribution? Not knowing when a divorce might occur indicates that trusts should be made to last as long as possible. Naming a child as trustee or co-trustee is common, but it also vests the child with power over distributions that might undermine the protection the trust would otherwise afford if the child trustee divorces. If the child can make distributions to himself or herself during a marriage, might a court be inclined to try to force a child trustee to continue making distributions after a divorce? Distributions to maintain a child's standard of living have considerable appeal to most clients. They want a safety net for a child to assure a reasonable lifestyle, and setting up in advance what seem like reasonable distributions for this type of support might allay parents' concerns about a child's potential to spend money on extravagances. But might a court interpret the requirement to maintain a child's standard of living as including in that standard the care of a minor child? What about child support? This could well be a hole in the trust, and trying to stem the bleeding of assets through this hole during a divorce will be a weak attempt to rectify what proper planning could have secured from the start. A recent landmark case in New Jersey , Tannen v. Tannen, held that the wife's trust could not be touched to satisfy divorce claims. The wife's parents created the trust for her, and named themselves and the wife as co-trustees. The court, on appeal, held that no income could be imputed to the wife from the trust for purposes of determining alimony or child support in the divorce. Even though the trust distribution included details on both support distributions to maintain a standard of living and discretionary distributions to be determined by the trustee, the court treated the trust as a discretionary trust. Based on this and other factors, the court held that the wife did not have an income interest in the trust which she could enforce, and hence which the court could attribute to her in the divorce. The New Jersey Supreme Court affirmed. This case will likely influence similar challenges that occur in other states, so it's important for planners to be aware of the ruling. The wife was fortunate in how the court resolved the matter, and advisors should guide clients to avoid potentially close calls in their own planning. While the Tannen trust worked, the family still had to defend it through costly litigation. It's possible to do better protecting wealth should an heir divorce. Trusts can generally be classified based on their distribution provisions as either support or discretionary trusts. The Tannen trust included standard of living support, but also gave the trustees discretion, so it was really a mixture. Depending on the state involved, a court might find a different result with a similar trust. The safer approach is always to have a trust designed as solely a discretionary trust, no standard of living support or any other standard for distribution. The risk is that if the trust, as in the Tannen case, has a support standard, the court might interpret that standard as including the payment of a particular matrimonial obligation or other claim. In contrast, a pure discretionary trust, in which distributions are the sole discretion of the trustee, is harder to consider as a resource. With no mandated standard for distributions, since all distributions are discretionary, what can the court force the trustee to do? Most clients, however, are loath to give that much discretion to a trustee, so the decision becomes a weighing of better divorce protection on one hand and greater certainty over distributions on the other. Ask any lawyer—in our litigious society, the recommendation will be to favor better divorce protection. The message for advisors to get across to clients is that divorce is a major threat to wealth transfers. For many clients, it poses a greater risk than the estate tax. Unfortunately, too many clients leave assets outright to adult heirs instead of in trusts, or opt for trusts that do not afford the protections available with better trusts. It's worth spending some extra time and effort to make sure clients understand the potential future consequences—for their children and heirs—of estate planning decisions. Source: SourceMedia and Financial Planning (02/2012).
Rilke shows us how poetry made the transition from romanticism and symbolism into true Modernism. This new selection, drawing primarily on his extremely rich middle period in the first decade of the twentieth century, and concluding with a selection from his late Sonnets to Orpheus, offers a clear, powerful, and contemporary Rilke. David Young's versions of the Duino Elegies have captured a significant readership over the last thirty years. He has also translated Gunter Eich, Eugenio Montale, the T'ang dynasty poets, and Miroslav Holub. that's not their own, mirrored from far away. you feel how short the little life has been. a touching blue delights itself in green. Copyright c 1994 by Oberlin College. May not be reproduced without permission.
Liz Lemon: night cheese connoisseur, eye roll aficionado and possibly one of the worst homemakers, ever. This week, we look at the holy grail of home-based everything, Good Housekeeping with our fearless heroine Liz guiding us through the appropriate reactions to some of their top headlines. Godspeed, Liz Lemon. Good Housekeeping? Pfft. I’m a Country Living kind of woman, thankyouverymuch. But in the interest of trying new things, I may be able to entertain this “Good Housekeeping” you speak of. 75% of my textversations are now held entirely in gifs and so I’m grateful for these posts. Previous Previous post: Is Fostering Worth It?
Aubrey Bouck is a loving wife, and mother of 2. When she isn’t creating jewelry, she is often found outdoors, in her garden, or playing with her many pets. She is almost entirely self-taught, often inspired by other artists, and enjoys the challenge of learning new techniques. She hosts a YouTube channel, called Aubrey of Brandavir, where she enjoys teaching others the techniques she has learned, and sharing her creation processes. She also operates an Etsy storefront to sell her artwork. While her favorite medium is wire, she is currently teaching herself to use Metal Clay.
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Let's be difference makers in our community by volunteering in our local elementary schools! Help kids with their reading or math or spend time in the lunch room as a lunch buddy. Background check and training required.
The Mid-States MSDC offers your business an excellent opportunity to meet one-on-one with corporate buyers who are interested in working with qualified MBEs. We offer many formal and informal opportunities to meet with corporate buyers, learn about state and local opportunities, improve your professional alliances and enhance your business. In short, the Mid-States MSDC offers access to more business opportunities with Fortune 500 and local and regional corporations. In addition, we offer Subscription Services to MBEs who want to stay connected to additional networking, programs and training that are above and beyond what is provided through regular certification. The Mid-States MSDC is providing a guide for submitting new applications for certification to ensure quality service to all potential certified MBEs. Our goal is to process all certification applications within 45 business days of receiving a completed file. A completed file is considered one that is submitted with all information completely filled in on the application and all supporting documentation as it pertains to your business and business structure. If your file is received incomplete, we will notify you of any omissions and you will have an opportunity to return all requested materials. Once you have submitted the information, the 45-60 business day processing period begins. Our Board of Directors meets every second Friday of each month to review certification applications. A site visit will be scheduled and performed prior to the board meeting. In order for your application to be reviewed during any given month, the Mid-States MSDC must have received a completed file by the application deadline date outlined below.
As many Pecan Grove residents are aware, the district has called for an election on May 4th, 2019, to obtain authorization for bonds and to raise the cap on the maintenance and operations tax rate. The May 4, 2019 election will include two propositions that registered voters of the district will be asked to vote on, Proposition A and Proposition B. Proposition A provides the funding for the District’s plan for the rehabilitation and long term improvements to our aging water, sewer and drainage systems. Proposition B provides the district an option, if needed in the future, to increase the Maintenance and Operations (M&O) tax rate beyond the current 25 cents cap instead of raising water rates to generate revenue that might be required for operations. The Board of Directors will be hosting a Resident Awareness Open House on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at the Pecan Grove Plantation Country Club. We will be on the second (2nd) floor, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.; residents are encouraged to come at their convenience any time during that window to speak with resident directors and the district consultants and review the exhibits, regardless of whether they are registered to vote. There will be exhibits outlining the engineering plans for the district, drainage solutions, bond and financial details, and more. In addition to your 5 resident board members, district consultants will be on hand to answer your questions. As this process has proceeded, many residents have asked a number of financial questions via the website. For those who may not be able to attend the open house, we have summarized the most frequently asked questions into this news post. How much is the district asking to authorize in bonds with Proposition A? The bond proposal is set for $33,600,000. If so authorized, the bonds would be sold in phases to allow for continued paydown of existing debt while accomplishing priority engineering tasks.Currently, the district Board has discussed all possible scenarios with the financial advisor and their goals are: once authorized, the bonds would be sold in phases to allow for continued paydown of existing debt while accomplishing priority engineering tasks, starting with critical drainage improvements. What is the impact to my bills? Current goals and assumptions are there be no planned impact to your water bill, and the anticipation is an initial 2.5 cents (0.025) increase in your annual taxes as a result of issuing approximately $5,450,000 principal amount of bonds in late 2019 to address critical drainage improvements. Assuming the best case with the information at hand, this would bring debt service to 39 cents (.039), which is roughly where it was 4 years ago. Assuming an average home value of $244,400, a 2.5 cent increase per $100 assessed value results in a capital increase of $61.10 to the tax bill annually, based on current assumptions and goals.The all-resident, PGMUD Board is dedicated to completing the projects in a timely fashion while managing existing bond debt efficiently, simultaneously being mindful of tax impact to all residents. With Proposition B, is there a cap to increasing M&O tax rate? Short answer: There is no current plan to raise the M&O tax rate if the M&O authorization passes. Long answer: Currently, the cap is set at $0.25/$100 of your assessed property value. If the election were to pass, the cap would be raised to $0.75, giving the district the option to raise the M&O tax rate, if needed, in the future. However, at this time, the resident directors on the board do not intend or anticipate needing to raise the M&O tax; they are merely asking for the option to be able to raise it. The election is an authorization, not an actual increase. As residents, the directors are also impacted by tax rate increases and are committed to managing the rates and keeping them as low as possible to service the district needs. Is the M&O tax rate applied as a tax on the taxable value of our property? The M&O tax is part of your ad valorem tax (or, property tax) assessed by the district. Pecan Grove MUD assesses both a debt service tax and the M&O tax. The combined amount right now for your tax rate from the MUD is $0.615/$100 of your assessed property value. With the first bond issuance (if approved by voters) addressing critical drainage concerns, the anticipated debt service increase would be less than 3 cents per $100 ($0.025/$100). Keep in mind this is based on conditional research and estimates, but it is the anticipation that will be presented at the open house. What is the current indebtedness of the district? The current principal amount of the District’s outstanding debt is $51,515,000 and the associated debt service is 36.5 cents (0.365) per $100 assessed value. Thus, for the average home value of $244,400, that adds up to $892.06 per year. Over the last five years, the District has lowered the debt service tax rate through repayment and fiscal management from 41 cents (0.41) to the current rate of 36.5 cents.For more information on your tax rate and water rate, click here to view the EVO dashboard showing comparative tax and water rates. What happens if the Propositions do not pass? As residents, the Board of Directors do not want to increase water rates or taxes beyond that which is necessary, and only then to service the needs of the district. As you can see via the answers above, the lowest impact on residents is funding through the sales of bonds. Again, we encourage everyone to come out to the Open House on April 16th, 2019, and ask questions of the resident directors and their consultants. If you can’t make it, be sure to share this information with your neighbors through social media! All residents should have gotten a notice with their most recent water bill about the open house scheduled for Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at the Pecan Grove Plantation Country Club. We will be on the second (2nd) floor, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.; residents are encouraged to come at their convenience any time during that window to speak with resident directors and the district consultants and review the exhibits. If you have any further questions regarding the open house event or the upcoming election, please use the contact form on the website for “election information”.
It's the fourth day of my blogversary celebration and I'm having such fun celebrating with each of you! I hope that you are finding tons of wonderful resources as you browse the daily prizes. I know I've already stocked up on some of these for the back to school season, which is quickly approaching! Speaking of which, today's giveaway prize pack has so many prizes that I couldn't fit them all in one picture. It is truly a back to school jackpot in that it includes FABULOUS resources that will start your year off on the right foot! There's an editable flip book, spelling activities for any list, an adorable calendar, interactive foldables that tackle classroom procedures, back to school writing prompts, a fun STEM activity, an IEP/504/RTI input & collaboration pack, and a winner's choice item from a store with tons of goodies! If you win this one, you'll be more than ready to get this wonderful year started! I LOVE Friday dress down days. I have TONS of super cute t-shirts with witty sayings on them and I'm always adding more to my collection. My go-to place for teacher t-shirts is easy to remember because it's called Teacher Shirts and it's by A+ images! It can't get any easier than that! I am constantly checking their site for new designs and they just added some pretty fabulous t-shirts! They have a wide range for many different positions and grade levels and lucky you, I've got a giveaway for one lucky person to win one of these fabulous shirts! The winner can choose any one shirt from their site, up to a $25.00 value. You'll be even more excited for dress down day with one of these adorable shirts! Here's just a few of the designs you will have to choose from and the link if you'd like to see more! I've got one more day of celebration coming your way tomorrow! Don't forget to check out the giveaways that are still open for entry in days #1-#3 as well!
So it's the beginning of the summer holidays, day two for us, and my children have already eaten everything in the cupboards. It's going to be an expensive summer. With that in mind, I thought I would put together a post on the way's in which we can all save some pennies so our eyes don't water when we look at our bank statements come September. Don't feel like you have to go out every single day, you can make days at home super fun without needed to spend a penny. Lyndsey, at Me Him The Dog and Baby adds, "You can invite friends, have a small BBQ, craft and play in a paddling pool - make the most of what you have". Whether it's for days out, or whether you're looking for savings on a PS4 for the family you can find many savings online. Excellent sites like Latestdeals.co.uk are great for this, people share the latest deals, voucher codes, coupons, freebies and competitions with each other that they find. What makes Latest Deals different is that members get points and Amazon vouchers in return for their help. So, you can get rewards for your contributions on top of making great savings. It may be an obvious one but it's honestly always something I forget to do. Whenever we end up going out for the day this is always something that ends up costing more than I think! Jess at Tantrum to Smiles says, "even to the park for the day take your own food/drinks or a picnic. It's easy to get caught out having to buy expensive drinks when out and about especially in the sun, I always make sure I take a cool bag or backpack with some drinks and food in it to avoid the expensive café/kiosk costs". If you know you're going to be tempted by the ice cream van then "leave your purse at home" says Gemma at Mummy Waisted. Most cinema's run a "kids club" which are fantastic offers to see films at a great price. Jen at Just Average Jen has also found this incredible deal for great movie prices, which you can read more about here. I'm very fortunate that we live close by to many stunning beaches and so beautiful rivers which make for the perfect spots for a whole day of fun which are all absolutely free. Children do not need entertaining with zoo's, theme parks etc (though they are great fun), they can find the most simple pleasures of nature. Not once have my two ever uttered the words "I'm bored" when we're by the water. "You can stick whatever fruit you would like into a blender, pour into a reusable ice lolly mould and pop into the freezer for a few hours! Kids love the novelty of making their own lolly, you are getting fruit into them without them even realising and saving money in the process! Win-win!" From Joanne at New Mum Fun. This is a definite win-win and a tip that we love! Having an overview of the summer is a great idea of keeping track of days out and when you'll be spending money where. This way you can make sure you put aside funds needed for a particular day out so you don't end up overspending. Beth at Life as Mum does this and has made a summer calendar planner. Check out local Facebook groups and local libraries, shopping centres etc as lots of them will have free or very cheap activities during the summer holidays! I always find that many of these activities aren't as widely advertised so use these local groups and ask around to see whats on. Very often you will find if you book in advance you can make small savings on your bigger day out compared to "on the day" prices. This is where your planning will come in handy. If you have any top money-saving tips this summer then please feel free to share - we all need to help each other out and save the pennies (and our sanity!).
The Stock Arrival and Stock Adjustment windows need a good update. Would be useful if we could only see the items for a specific supplier? It's a pain to find an item through the entire stock list. Also, the fields are so narrow, it's hard to find things as the desciption gets chopped off. Hi Meaghan. We will look to introduce some improvements in this area in a future version of Front Desk. As this is a low priority change, look for this to be introduced in the second half of the year. We will keep this post up to date when the changes are available.
I teach at the University of California, Irvine in the History Department, the Department of Film and Media Studies, and the Critical Theory Emphasis. I have courtesy appointments in the Department of Information and Computer Science and the Department of Comparative Literature. Some of my recent publications are: What's the Matter with the Internet? (University of Minnesota Press, 2001), The Second Media Age (Blackwell, 1995), The Mode of Information (Chicago Press, 1990) and Cultural History and Postmodernity (Columbia University Press, 1997). A collection of pieces old and new with a critical introduction by Stanley Aronowitz is published as The Information Subject (G & B Arts International, 2001). I continue my study of the social and cultural theory of electronically mediated information with a forthcoming work entitled Information Please: Culture and Politics in a Digital Age (Duke University Press, 2006). A full bibliography of my works may be found at this site . Here are syllabi for recent and upcoming quarters. Lycos has awarded this page. My favorite site is Alan Liu's Voice of the Shuttle Page. This page was originally constructed by Elizabeth Finson to whom I am grateful. Please send me your comments or criticism by email at the address poster@uci.edu.
As a result, some pics might be (slightly) cropped to correct basic errors (eg tilted horizons) or because I think a particular composition works better than the original shot. Sometimes I'll stitch multiple frames to create panorama type images, if I think the result will work. I don't clone / modify subjects.The majority of photos on this site have been taken within a 10km radius /bike ride of my home - Leicester,UK. Approach - I consider that the challenge involved in capturing a 'hrp' of a commonplace subject - often in less than ideal surroundings - is one worthy of the time and effort involved. For shots of waterfowl, I prefer the results obtained from using a low / water level viewpoint. Using suitable locations at a nearby venue, combined with home-made support gear has helped me obtain this type of image.
There has never been a better time for foreign businesses to establish themselves in China, whether for access to the massively important Chinese domestic consumer market, nor as a base for bonded trade internationally. Haikou Integrated Free Trade Zone exists to support and promote international business in and with China and bonded trade worldwide. As the powerhouse of Hainan’s increasing connection with global economy, the Haikou Integrated Free Trade Zone incorporates and leverages a raft of policies and regulations specifically designed to attract and incentivise foreign companies looking to establish or expand their operations in China. Please press here to read more.
We’re still seeing too many tragic accidents in Washington state. And unfortunately, these accidents are sending people to the hospital and claiming lives. The latest crash we learned about comes from the Newport region, where a man from Spokane Valley suffered deadly injuries due to an accident. He was driving a 2004 Subaru Impreza. The driver was trying to pass a truck in a no-passing zone. Needless to say, the maneuver did not turn out as expected, and his vehicle collided head-on with a car heading the opposite direction. Because of the impact, the passing driver ended up colliding with the truck he was trying to pass. The 38-year-old man behind the wheel of the Subaru was on U.S. Highway 2 when he collided with a 2007 Saturn Outlook. The 44-year-old driver in the second car suffered injuries as a result. Thankfully, she is expected to survive. The truck driver did not sustain any injuries. The 38-year-old man suffered deadly injuries. Officials say he did not have his seat belt on at the time of the crash. Officials are still looking into other potential factors. However, it’s clear that the accident happened after the man tried to pass another car in a no-passing zone. Drivers must do all in their power to be responsible. Acting accordingly and following road rules are part of that. Most importantly, drivers must remember that rules are in place for a reason. Ignoring them will lead to crashes and crashes will lead to injuries. For more on this tragic accident, click here. And to stay on top of what’s going on in Washington state, continue to read our blog. We update it daily with stories that help our readers learn more about factors that lead to accidents. Knowledge is power. And when it comes to the road, it’s also safety.
Prairie Road Iron Works in Linn, KS is located in the Heart of America and are pleased to offer our customers our great services. This husband and wife team pair up to design and build the best possible products. Shelly has created various types of art for over 30 years and has taken over much of the design process in the last three years. Todd has over 20 years working in the metal business and has been creating custom metal pieces for the past 5 years. The business began when Todd purchased a plasma cutter with the intent of cutting parts for livestock equipment and fences. On a whim they created some signs to take to the Fairbury Flea Market and have been designing ever since. As their industry knowledge has grown, so has their skills. Most products have a powder coat finish, which is a process by which powder is baked into the metal to create a hard and durable finish which will last up to 20 years outdoors, but much longer indoors. They use the latest equipment and techniques with a CNC laser cutting machine. Both have a true passion for metal art. We are sure you will ove your custom artwork! We take pride in every piece that we make and offer these attractive Iron works at excellent prices. We are now offering heavy duty carbon steel benches for your collegiate team. We are happy to make custom benches as well. We create metal art that can be customized with your name, address, phrase, etc. Sign themes: hunting, farm, garden, rodeo, military, family, patriotic, collegiate, etc. Contact us by phone, website or Facebook. We promise you won’t be sorry with our work and our customer satisfaction!!
The Chipotle restaurant chain said Wednesday in a securities filing that it’s been hit with a Federal Grand Jury Subpoena after a norovirus outbreak. I find it a little suspicious that the E-coli and norovirus outbreaks at Chipotle started right after they declared they were going non-GMO. I would not be surprised if GMO-loving, big-business bullies, like Monsanto, decided to sabotage Chipotle by contaminating their food supplies out of spite.
"How purely can you find your Essence? How completely can you open to the sweet, transforming light of your own connection to Source?" What does it mean to lift the veils to who you are? If you get an answer to a question, is that lifting the veils? If you receive guidance about the next steps to take, is that lifting the veils? While answers are useful, and guidance quite practical, neither one requires your transformation. Don't get me wrong, answers and guidance can definitely help you operate better in the world you know. It's great to get information about your path. It's great to get insights and answers about what's next. Yet there is something profoundly transcendent about stepping into your next level of knowing Who You Are, your next stage of evolution. We've all had so many influences throughout our lives that have obscured our true nature. We have been bombarded with many different opinions, beliefs, and interpretations about what you should be, do and have. In fact, many of our "choices" have simply been reactions against those influences, rather than seeing our highest path from a clear knowing of our deepest Self. Your (and others) concepts of you will by nature, always be much more limited than the actual You. It is possible to find your "Pre-mind Essence," the You as you exist before devolving into thought. You can also find your life purpose from this pre-thought state. Finding and experiencing yourself at this level expands and empowers your concepts about yourself. Connect with a more pure aspect of your Self. Gain clarity and knowing of your next expressions of the Divine Plan. Expand into Divine Intelligence and be Carried and Empowered by Divine Purpose. Learn from the Energy Patterns in you aura. Be empowered to truer and richer Self-expression. Empower your Life Purpose, your current role and your path ahead. Bathe in powerful Transmissions from many Masters of Light, as they transmit the purest frequencies of Clarity into your energy field. Side 2 Asking Soul About Purpose, Role, Path, etc. Your life purpose is continually evolving as you move through your lessons and make the next steps of your contributions. Receive light to empower your Life Purpose, and then ask about your purpose, your current role, and your path ahead; as many light beings set an energy field to make it easier for you to receive messages. Receive a sweet gift of light and energy to help you Love yourself unconditionally, and begin to open your awareness of and ability to experience your Lord Self - an aspect of your expanded consciousness. Bring streams of Pure Essence Energy into your heart from beyond the veils. Give permission to all of your being to join that shift, being moved and carried upon the light. Allow your light to go out with it's own intelligence, with you being the peaceful source at the center of the light. Let this light move into your previous creations, through your personality, demonstrating a new paradigm of Self-transformation. Receive support from a group of masters from a very high dimension, who teach about absorbing larger volumes of light and consciousness. Especially for people who wrestle with the need to control life, working with the Volume Beings can be a very helpful way to get beyond that need to grip and control. Instead of struggling with your need to control, the Volume Beings can teach you how to open to greater and greater flows. For just as trying to control and limit your world and your experience is a skill that you have developed, so too, learning how to allow greater flows is a skill that you can develop. So instead of trying to fight a negative (resisting the need to control), you are learning to create a positive (opening to more). Become a larger energy presence, receiving frequencies of clarity to be aware of the infinite dance of life that is contained within and about you. Allow the qualities of magic and aliveness to increase. Remove layers of unconsciousness, adjusting to the raw, unfiltered beauty of this light. Bring a new fluidity to the patterns that make up your personality. Receive a message on how to more completely express your life purpose in the world. You will be guided in this journey to experience the energy patterns that have been, and are being built into your aura, that represent the contributions that you will be making. Many Powerful Beings of light reach through dimensions to transmit to you, to support you in more fully making your contribution in the earth plane. Begin to notice the light structures and energy patterns that have become a part of who you are. Find the energy patterns that source the contribution you are here to make, as they exist in their "pre-thought" state. As you find the contribution you are here to make in this pure state, before it devolves into thoughts, you can learn a great deal. This is a great exercise in "para-cerebral knowing." Notice how the energy structures that represent the contribution you're here to make in the earth plane have changed or expanded. Learn about the contribution you're here to make: how you are being empowered in your purpose here; and how you can best create a shift in an area of your choice in your life. Allow your energy to open another level out, as the flow of Divine Intelligence caresses your heart, lifting and clearing your mind, becoming a conduit for magical energy. Shift from being a holder of miracle frequencies, to a being a Co-Creator, joining as source. As co-creator with source, direct these miracle frequencies into the area of your life that could most benefit from them at this time. Experience streams of light and clarity, as a clearing quality moves into your space, caressing, enlightening, transforming and evolving your energy field. Experience a partnership of joy, as the space you are, meets the exquisite energy of Divine Will. Get comfortable with this feeling of being exquisitely infused with Divine Purpose. For as you feel more peaceful with it, you can relax into that feeling of being carried upon the energy of Divine Purpose. The more you are infused with Divine Will, the more you feel yourself ripe with magic, ripe with possibilities.
He watched Alana kill his parents and vowed to kill any vampire that crossed his path. He has a criminal record where he killed two women. One was trying to assault him and he killed accidentally. The other was in to pretending to be a vampire, and he killed her in a club for "vampires" called Vlad's Bar.
Habibi, based on a Middle Eastern fable, tells the story of Dodola, who escapes being sold into slavery and rescues an abandoned baby she names Zam. They live in isolation in an old boat in the desert. As they age their relationship shifts from mother and son, to brother and sister and eventually lovers. In the meantime however Dodola is forced to prostitute herself to desert traders in order to provide for Zam. When he seeks an alternative means of income Dodola is captured by the Sultan and Zam is forced into a quest to try and rescue her. At heart Habibi is, like Blankets, a profound love story, but it also functions as a parable about the environment and the state of the world. Set in the place where Christianity and Islam began, it explores the fundamental connection between these religions, and also the relationship between the first and the third world and the increasingly important battle for the earth's resources. Ambitious, but always deeply felt, Habibi is a beautifully drawn and moving graphic novel that will get a huge amount of attention. Habibi, based on a Middle Eastern fable, tells the story of Dodola, who escapes being sold into slavery and rescues an abandoned baby she names Zam. They live in isolation in an old boat in the desert. As they age their relationship shifts from mother and son, to brother and sister and eventually lovers. In the meantime however Dodola is forced to prostitute herself to desert traders in order to provide for Zam. When he seeks an alternative means of income Dodola is captured by the Sultan and Zam is forced into a quest to try and rescue her. At heart Habibi is, like Blankets, a profound love story, but it also functions as a parable about the environment and the state of the world. Set in the place where Christianity and Islam began, it explores the fundamental connection between these religions, and also the relationship between the first and the third world and the increasingly important battle for the earth's resources. Ambitious, but always deeply felt, Habibi is a beautifully drawn and moving graphic novel that will get a huge amount of attention. Craig Thompson's previous graphic novels include Blankets (which won three 2004 Harvey Awards for Best Artist, Best Graphic Album of Original Work, and Best Cartoonist; the Prix de la critique at Angouleme; and two 2004 Eisner Awards for Best Graphic Album and Best Writer/Artist); Goodbye, Chunky Rice; and Carnet de Voyage.
Transposition is very much what poetry and all literary art is about. To hear snatches from the huge unknowable symphony of experience, to catch them and transpose them to a key that resonates with our understanding, so that at some point they harmonise with that unheard melody from heaven we are always trying to hear, that is the purpose of poetry. In a happy coincidence, this quote from Malcolm Guite’s Faith, Hope, and Poetry speaks directly to the name of ‘Transpositions’ and to the heart of this post. Guite manages to craft an image of the purpose of poetry which is fascinating in that in describing poetry’s purpose he employs one of poetry’s most powerful tools – metaphor. As abstract and beautifully succinct as Guite’s assertion is, one concrete way in which poetry transposes is Ekphrasis. An example of ekphrasis in poetry from the nineteenth century is “To A Picture by Giovanni Bellini” by E. Nesbit. Let thy pure light for ever shine. Though dimly, through this life of mine ! Though what I dream, and what I do. O thou whose deeds and dreams are one ! Yet let Death’s sunrise shine on me. Still reaching arms and heart to thee ! Though to which painting Nesbit is responding is not clear, it is likely that it is one of Bellini’s studies of the Madonna. The Madonna was Bellini’s special study. However, which of the almost a dozen “Madonna and Child” paintings it could be is not clear. Though, strictly speaking, ekphrasis can refer to a direct comparison or experience of a specific work, in this case it may reflect the experience of a number of different Bellini paintings. In literary terms, and especially given its classical roots and the way it came to prominence in the work of many nineteenth century poet theologians (like John Ruskin and Walter Pater), ekphrasis is rarely spoken about in relation to contemporary poetry. However, contemporary poetry is not ignorant of the ekphrastic mode. Some contemporary poets who are particularly successful in their employment of ekphrasis include Eavan Boland,Geoffrey Hill, and Les Murray. Finally, it could be said that in our reflections on the arts and in reflecting on our experiences of specific works of art, much of what Transpositions is about is ekphrastic. Can you suggest any other examples of ekphrasis that might be helpful to this discussion? (Guite 23). You can read the Transpositions review of Guite’s book here. This poem was included in the 1888 collection titled Easter-tide and published by E.P. Dutton.
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Subaru is developing its first hybrid model and the new hybrid powertrian will be ready to make its global debut this year at the 2013 New York Auto Show. The Detroit Bureau is reporting that Subaru official Kenichi Yamamoto, director of product management and coordination at Subaru of America, confirmed parent Fuji Heavy Industries is working on a hybrid. While we already knew Subaru is planning on bringing out a hybrid, the publication says the new Subaru hybrid will make its world debut at the 2013 New York Auto Show at the end of March. And the new hybrid model is expected to make its launch sometime later this year. In the Detroit Bureau article, Yamamoto explained that “Subaru’s interest in hybrid vehicles follows the steady expansion of hybrid sales in Japan. Hybrids now account for a large and growing share of the new vehicles sold in Japan particularly those from Toyota, Honda and Nissan, Japan’s three largest automakers.” Even though Subaru has seen record sales in the U.S., Australia and Japan, sales are lagging in Europe for the Japanese automaker. Subaru needs to compete around the globe and will feature a new gas-electric hybrid vehicle to keep the sales momentum going. Subaru has been tight-lipped about the new hybrid, but we can get an idea of what might power the hybrid with a powertrain similar to the Advanced Tourer Concept that made its debut at the 2011 Tokyo Motor Salon. The hybrid show-car was powered by a 2.0-liter turbocharged inline-four engine paired with an electric motor producing just 13 horsepower of assist. Energy was stored in a small lithium-ion battery pack recharged by regeneration during braking and coasting. We reported here earlier this month that Subaru could be offering the new Subaru hybrid powertrain in the all-new Forester. There has been speculation that it could also be the Legacy mid-size sedan or possible the newly designed Impreza that is already the most fuel-efficient all-wheel-drive in their lineup at 36 mpg. The new Impreza has been wildly popular here in the U.S. and has led the charge for Subaru’s record sales in 2012. It very possible that Subaru could offer the hybrid model in the new Forester, and then eventually offer it in several different models in their lineup. The popular new 2014 Forester could be the perfect model for Subaru to launch the new hybrid. The Forester has been completely redone both inside and out and is built on the Impreza platform. We do know that Subaru is designing the new hybrid technology in-house and will not be getting the system from another company like Toyota. Subaru has been working on developing their own gas-electric system and it shows their plans for the future will include the new technology. Subaru has plans to boost fleet-wide fuel efficiency by 30 percent by 2015 and new hybrid powertrain and fuel-thrifty continuously variable transmissions (CVT) will move them in that direction. Regardless of which model will feature the first Subaru hybrid powertrain, the Japanese automaker is planning to aggressively market their new hybrid vehicle around the world as they advance their global stategy. It will be a major part of their vehicle lineup in the future and it won’t be just a token hybrid in their lineup to help them create a “green” image or meet regulatory requirements. Look for the new Subaru hybrid model to make its global debut in New York at the end of March. If it has a 13HP electric motor, then it's a mild hybrid not a full hybrid. Not advantageous on the highway. It's a start for Subaru who has been slow to react, most likely dues to the financial constraints of designing a car like that. I was wondering if they were going to use the Toyota Synergy Drive system of their own. Most likely, Toyota's. It's normal for them to introduce a mild hybrid. I can't recall a mainstream carmaker introducing a sophisticated hybrid yet. I'm glad they are finally doing it. My wife's 2002 WRX is getting to the point where we are looking at options.
Star Tile Roof Repair is going to be there for all your needs regarding Tile Roof Repair in Mount Olive, AL. We have a crew of competent contractors and the most modern solutions in the industry to supply exactly what you might need. We are going to use high standard supplies and affordable techniques to be certain that you'll get the finest services at the best rate. We're going to make it easier to come up with decisions for your own project, resolve your questions, and schedule a meeting with our specialists whenever you contact us by dialing 888-738-5526. At Star Tile Roof Repair, nothing is more essential than customer care. We recognize your objectives and requirements, and we'll work hard to be sure that you approve of our efforts. We fully understand all of your questions and concerns, and we are here to help. We predict all of your concerns and questions, and we'll settle them whenever you call. You want to make the ideal decisions for your work, and we understand how to help you do just that. You have a financial budget to comply with, and you intend to save money. On top of that, you require the most effective and highest quality of services when it comes to Tile Roof Repair in Mount Olive, AL. Our endeavors to save a little money are not going to compromise on the high quality of our results. We work with the leading practices and supplies to be certain that the project can hold up against the years, and save a little money in ways that won't modify the high quality of the job. That is feasible given that we know the way to save you time and resources on materials and labor. Save your time and funds by contacting Star Tile Roof Repair now. Contact 888-738-5526 to talk with our customer service agents, right now. Tile Roof Repair are available in Mount Olive, AL. To make the ideal decisions for Tile Roof Repair in Mount Olive, AL, you have got to be kept informed. We will never let you put together imprudent decisions, because we understand what we are doing, and we ensure you know exactly what to be expecting with the task. This is the reason we make every attempt to make sure you understand the plan and are not confronted by any sort of unexpected surprises. The first step will be to contact us today at 888-738-5526 to arrange your project. We're going to answer all your important questions and arrange your initial meeting. We work closely with you all through the entire process, and our company will appear promptly and prepared. You have plenty of good reasons to pick Star Tile Roof Repair regarding Tile Roof Repair in Mount Olive, AL. Our equipment are of the highest quality, our cash saving techniques are realistic and efficient, and our client satisfaction scores are unparalleled. We are aware of your requirements and objectives, and we are ready to assist you using our skills. When you need Tile Roof Repair in Mount Olive, get in touch with Star Tile Roof Repair by dialing 888-738-5526, and we are going to be happy to help.
There’s no shortage of motorcycle meets, rallies and other events to attend every year. Keeping track of them can be problematic. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons why the Event Calendar page on RIDE-CT & RIDE-NewEngland is the most viewed page on the website over the course of a year. Another reason is certainly that riders of all ilks just like to gather. Over the past month or so, RIDE-CT & RIDE-NewEngland has been working sporadically yet diligently to up date the calendar for 2019. New events, such as the Ride1 Rally at Lime Rock Park in CT next month, have been added. Some others that have fallen by the wayside have been deleted. Charity rides are not listed because there are too many to keep track of and printed guides published by others include them. However, if you know of a meet or other motorcycle gathering that’s worthy of listing here, please let us know. Email: budw@ride-ct.com.
NEW YORK—Two Bronx residents were arrested by Humane Law Enforcement (HLE) agents of the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) on Sunday, October 24, and charged with misdemeanor animal cruelty. Cesar Rivera, 49, was arrested by ASPCA Special Agent Pat Breen for starving and neglecting his neighbor’s dog. The dog, a 12-year-old Samoyed mixed-breed named Bear, had been left in Rivera’s care while his owner was out of town. On July 9, 2010, Bear was surrendered to Animal Care & Control. He was emaciated, maggot-infested and in distress. ASPCA HLE agents responded to Animal Care & Control’s complaint and transferred Bear to the ASPCA’s Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital, where veterinarians determined he had sustained heat stroke and starvation. In the days preceding Bear’s surrender, temperatures in New York City reached some of their highest on record: On July 6, temperatures soared to 103 degrees, and on July 7 and July 9, they reached 100 degrees.
Is it possible to use the 6300 with one of the ipads,nexus pads,windows pads successfully without going to the expense of a full blown pc set up.Thanks to the forum for any advice. So far no one has been able to run SSDR under iOS or android. Hope they consider android. With the openness and ability to tinker and hack the operating system, it seems to be a nice fit with amateur radio. otherwise, for now, some remote desktops provide some functionality.. Every Android device manufacturer has their own flavor of. Android so picking a specific device such a Note 3 covers just a tiny part of the Android Ecosystem so significant programming effort would be required to extend it to the next manufacturers device. By contrast, while Apple iOS is a much more closed ecosystem it. Is absolutely consistent across all devices (iPad, iPhone) so there. Is only a single programming effort to cover all devices across the ecosystem. I suspect since Android is so open, some hams will port SSDR to some flavor of Android but it likely won't work that well on some other flavor or manufacturers version of Android. and, some of us 'android geeks' like to 'root' our phones, to get the crapware off them....and play with different ROM's..
Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise to express my strong opposition to H.R. 620, the ADA Education and Reform Act, which recently passed out of the Judiciary Committee. For 27 years, the Americans with Disabilities Act has made a difference in millions of lives, including my own, by prohibiting discrimination on the basis of a disability and requiring accessibility in places of public accommodation. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 620 decimates the underlying intent of the ADA by allowing entities to wait before addressing barriers to access. It would roll back years of progress, and it sends a message to the disability community that we are not worthy of being included like everyone else. I urge my colleagues to consider the true implications of this policy. Mr. Speaker, I was injured in 1980, a full 10 years before the ADA was enacted. I remember what our country was like before the ADA. I do not wish to go back. Instead of weakening our civil rights, let us work together to protect them.
"Genetic Variants in the SIRT6 Transcriptional Regulatory Region" by Lin-sheng Gui, Sayed Haidar Abbas Raza et al. Background: The aim of this study was to analyze potential influences of polymorphisms within the regulatory region of the bovine SIRT6 gene on carcass quality traits. Expression analyses suggested that SIRT6 gene is predominately expressed in kidney, compared with other tissues. In 535 indigenous Chinese beef cattle, two novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified within the promoter region of the SIRT6 gene. Results: Association analysis indicated that G allele of the c.-1100 A > G had a positive effect on fat deposition, and the Hap4/4 diplotype had more favourable results than other dipoltypes with respect to the evaluation of carcass quality traits. Furthermore, promoter activity associated with the Hap3 haplotype was measured at higher levels than the Hap1 haplotype, which would be in agreement with the previously described association analysis. Conclusion: The SIRT6 promoter variants significantly affect transcriptional levels and subsequently significantly influence bovine intramscular fat content.
How Uni Level MLM Plan Works ? Before getting into the Unilevel MLM Software, let's discuss what’s Unilevel compensation plan (or) Unilevel MLM Plan. The Unilevel MLM Plan allows you to sponsor only one line of distributors, so everyone you sponsor is on your forehead(i.e no spillover).There's no width limit on this plan and the commissions usually paid out at a specified level depth. In this plan, each member can recruit as many members in his downline. As there is no further restriction, you can build stronger and longer (length) network down the line. The objective of this compensation plan is to recruit as many members of the team first and then line them even. Uni-level MLM plan is the simplest, purest and a clear-cut MLM structure. Apart from this, To make this plan more attractive New generation uniline plans dispense some additional bonus features also. While compared other MLM Plans, Uni-Level Plan is much easier to understand, so that time for explaining and the training this plan is comparatively less. Hence, the part-timers can also make benefit from this MLM plan. Unilevel Level compensation plan is a type of bonuses where the top level distributors gain commission from the sales achieved by the down level distributors. Unilevel Plan may have unlimited direct downlines in the first level, and each downline members can have unlimited downlines under them. This Unilevel Plan makes unlimited commissions from sales by the members till nth level. Unilevel MLM plan companies have different strategies to make their distributors happy by giving tremendous opportunities to earn unlimited income. This Unilevel Plan will help long term stability of MLM business also helps the wider reach of company reputation. Rank advancement bonuses are also a common compensation in most of the Unilevel MLM Software. This bonus is paid to existing members when they turn eligible to the higher level or rank. This achievement will be the one time bonus. Some Unilevel MLM Plan companies have rank maintenance criteria. So the rank may get downgraded if a distributor does not meet the level hierarchy standards.
This cherry wood board is perfect for slicing bread and serving your guests. Don't forget to add a jar of Cutter Butter to keep your board in great shape. Measurements: 19.75" x 3.75" x .75"
Before we begin, we want to say that the following is not a prediction but a warning; albeit one that has enough substance to prove worthy of sharing. If anything, the economic information we can across gives you something to watch out for, and perhaps a reason to prepare yourself, should the forecast materialize. If you’re not already familiar with reports concerning the national Money Supply, here’s a brief explanation: money supply is “the entire stock of currency and other liquid instruments circulating in a country’s economy as of a particular time” (as defined by Investopedia). This includes cash, coins, savings and checking accounts, etc. Basically, it’s a nation’s entire stock of money. More money in the economy typically means lower interest rates. This translates to more investment, an increase in business activity, and more jobs. When the money supply dries up, the opposite effect takes place. That’s the simple explanation. For a more detailed overview, click here. Jeffrey Peshut at Realforecasts provides a series of charts based on an indicator called the Rothbard-Salerno True Money Supply (TMS). As you can see below, the TMS shows that in 2016, the money supply begun drying up as the Fed initiated its first of many subsequent rate hikes. But here’s something that makes for an interesting comparison: the current monetary deceleration is comparable to the conditions preceding the 2008 financial crisis. We’re expecting three, possibly four, more rate hikes in 2018. The Fed has approximately $450 Billion to unwind from its balance sheet by the end of the year. Stocks are once again climbing toward its record-highs. Housing prices are soaring as well. Yet the True Money Supply growth rate trend points lower. What might happen if the money supply slows to a crawl or grinds to a halt? Might there be another credit crisis? Another housing bust? A recession? Perhaps this data shouldn’t be all that alarming; after all, isn’t this a natural expression of the business cycle? The chart tells us that since 1978, a recession had followed four out of five times that the TMS had reached levels near 0.00%. The data is there for you to interpret. It may not predict an exact date for when a recession might occur, but it does show you that recessions take place in the “natural” course of a cycle, and that perhaps one is due…soon. Again, the question is not how or when to react, but rather, how and when to prepare. And prudence might be telling us that the time to prepare is now.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a medium skillet, lightly brown sausage and drain. While sausage is still hot, add cream cheese and stir until cheese is melted and mixture is creamy. Cool completely. Separate crescent rolls and arrange into two rectangles. Form log of sausage mixture lengthwise down center of each rectangle. Fold over the long sides of pastry to cover sausage log. Place on ungreased cookie sheet, seam down. Brush with egg white and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Bake for 20 minutes until crust is golden. When completely cooled, slice into one and one-half inch slices.
Research shows that users of today’s information tools spend far too much time trying to find relevant, actionable results. SciFinder?, the newest product in the SciFinder? family, accelerates that process with a frictionless interface to the unmatched CAS content collection and the most advanced chemistry relevance engine in the industry. SciFinder? is your portal to chemistry and related information providing easy access to the most trusted collection of chemical substances, reactions and literature references in the world curated by expert scientists, not robots. STN? is the premier single source for searching the world's disclosed scientific and technical research. Constantly changing regulations and expanding global markets make it challenging to stay on top of compliance requirements. NCI Global is a single resource for up-to-date regulatory information on hundreds of thousands of chemical compounds regulated worldwide. With coverage of nearly 150 international regulatory inventories and lists, NCI Global makes it easy to search by CAS Registry Numbers?, chemical names, and more. PatentPak? is an integrated workflow solution designed to radically reduce time spent acquiring and searching through full-text patents to find vital chemistry insights. CHEMCATS is the market-leading index of commercially available chemicals and their worldwide suppliers. Integrated in SciFinder?, CHEMCATS provides verified available quantities, prices and supplier contact information for millions of commercially available chemical products from hundreds of suppliers. Science IP? searches the world’s scientific and technical literature to discover answers and insight that drive confident business decisions. Anne Marie Clark of CAS discusses why companies are capitalizing on homegrown intellectual property, and takes a deeper look into the global tech transfer story. Matthew McBride of CAS continues his discussion on prior art searching, looking more closely at invalidity and rejection of modern patents and prior art resurfaced by digitization of hard-to-find materials. The global landscape of scientific discovery and innovation has witnessed dramatic change during recent decades. In order to stay abreast of this challenging landscape it is crucial to gather insights and current perspectives related to emerging scientific research and technological trends. The 2019 CAS Future Leaders program is now accepting applications! Whether you are trying to advance your research, repurpose existing technology or make strategic investment decisions, CAS can help you get there faster while minimizing risk. CAS is a global organization of expert scientists, technologists, and business leaders with a successful and extended history of delivering scientific information opportunities. From our market-leading products, like SciFinder? and STN?, to solutions tailored to your specific needs, we are ready to partner with you. CAS offers a wide range of solutions designed to meet the needs of research, patent, regulatory, and business professionals in every phase of the innovation process. ? With over 100 years’ experience, no one knows more about working with scientific information than CAS. ?Leverage our expertise to customize solutions for your organization’s unique information challenges. Being able to rapidly search for important chemical information while an idea is fresh in your mind is almost priceless. CAS databases streamline the investigative process—allowing you to take an idea and rapidly find the important and necessary information before you forget about the idea or it loses its excitement. That really is invaluable.
Play is a purists freestyle board. The Polish slopestyle champion Piotrek ‘The Aviator’ Tokarczyk rides it and says he wants no other. Why? Because he helped design it to meet his demanding needs as a pro snowboarder. He chose the flex, the pop, shape and profile to ensure the Play won’t let him down on bigger jumps, or when jibbing – it won’t let you down either.
Just as in humans, pets can develop glaucoma as they age. Glaucoma is a disease of one or both eyes, causing permanent loss of vision in a very short time. The eye is a fluid-filled structure in which the pressure of the fluid within the eye is controlled by both a filling mechanism and a drainage mechanism. Glaucoma is most commonly the result of a dysfunction of the drainage mechanism, causing increased fluid pressure in the eye. The increased pressure can cause damage to tissues within the eye such as the retina and optic nerve, eventually leading to blindness. Drainage of the fluid within the eye may be impaired due to primary or secondary causes. Primary causes are generally hereditary, and are most often seen in Beagles, Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds, Chow Chows, Sharpeis and Samoyeds. Dogs suffering glaucoma due to hereditary causes are more likely to have both eyes affected. Secondary causes of glaucoma include trauma to the eye, infection of the fluid within the eye, cancers of the iris or ciliary body or corneal ulcers. The clinical signs of glaucoma depend on the cause as well as whether the condition appeared acutely or over time. Acute glaucoma, which presents very suddenly, is generally very painful. It is accompanied by tearing and squinting, and the fluid within the eye may appear hazy. The pupil may be enlarged, and the eye may appear larger than normal or feel very hard. In chronic cases of glaucoma, the signs may include a change in the color of the iris, watering of the eye, a large eye and blindness. The diagnosis of glaucoma can only be made by your veterinarian. Using a special device called a tonometer, your veterinarian can measure the fluid pressure of the eye. Your veterinarian can also use an opthalomoscope to determine whether there are any changes to the retina and optic nerve and possibly find the cause of the drainage problem. For acute cases of glaucoma, your veterinarian may advise that your pet be hospitalized to receive medications intravenously. These medications quickly reduce the intraocular pressure and may prevent vision loss. In more chronic cases of glaucoma, the fluid pressure may be controlled with topical eye medications or oral medications. Depending on the cause of fluid build-up, surgical methods to reduce fluid production may also be considered or recommended. For those pets which have already lost vision in the eye, surgery may be considered to implant a prosthesis or remove the eye altogether. If you have questions or comments that you would like to share, please EMAIL US. Please do not use our website to attempt to diagnose or treat your pet. The consultation with your veterinarian is the best source of health advice for your individual pet. You should not rely, on the veterinary advice or any other information provided on this site for the diagnosis or treatment of any specific condition. You should always consult your own veterinarian for specific advice concerning the medical condition or general treatment of your pet. Günbil German shepherd dogs, worldclassgsd.com and or Günbil German shepherds, accepts no liability related to the veterinary advice and information provided on this site regarding health matters. We believe in our German shepherd PUPPIES breeding program, you should too! © 2012 World Class German Shepherds, world-class German shepherds breeders, world-class German shepherd puppies.
When you enrol at Southport College, if you have identified a learning difficulty and/or a disability, the Learning Support Team will contact you to discuss how to support you appropriately. As a student at Southport College, you will have access to a wide variety of support services. We have a large team of trained staff dedicated to providing you with any additional support you may need. Where applicable, the Learning Support Team can also gather evidence in order to apply for extra time, readers, scribes etc for exams. All identified students who disclose a support need are individually interviewed to assess their needs and the level/type of support or tutoring required. We also regularly review all students receiving support to ensure the correct and most appropriate support is being provided. The Learning Support Co-ordinators are situated in the Learning Support Transition Suite which provides a timeout space and quiet working area for identified students. The room also hosts meetings for groups such as the Snack & Chat Social Communication Club and LGBT+. You can contact the Learner Support Team by visiting them in person, by email to HayesV@southport.ac.uk or RobinsP@southport.ac.ukor on one of the relevant direct contact numbers below. Our Engagement Officers are available if you need to talk to someone for support. Southport College is committed to creating an environment that is safe and welcoming to all students. It believes safeguarding is an essential element and aims to promote a positive culture where students are able to learn and develop. We recognise our duty of care to students and the wellbeing of our students is paramount at all times. We have a dedicated team of safeguarding officers based in the Student Guidance Centre who can be contacted should you have any concerns while at the College. As a college, our community includes young people aged 14 to 18 and vulnerable adults. For this reason and as part of our commitment to safeguard our students and provide a safe place to learn, we ask all potential students to disclose if they have a violent or sexual conviction. You will be asked to complete a declaration at the point of enrolment. If you do have convictions of this nature, you won’t be automatically excluded from enrolling on a college course. Each case will be considered on its own merit. For further information please contact the Student Guidance Centre and ask to speak to a member of the Safeguarding team.
The purpose of having an Aquifer Protection Area is to provide a financing method to preserve, protect and rehabilitate the aquifer. Directly below the ground surface of the metropolitan area of Spokane County lies an enormous water-bearing layer of sand and water known as the Spokane-Rathdrum Aquifer. This aquifer serves as the only source of drinking water for more than 400,000 people. Expanded growth has led to concerns regarding the future quality of this resource. Several water quality studies have been conducted over the last 25 years. Results of these studies prove conclusively that there was degradation of the Spokane area's drinking water in unsewered areas. The major source of this pollution came from the daily disposal of several million gallons of wastewater directly into the aquifer from on-site sewage disposal systems, i.e. septic systems, cesspools and treatment plants. Revenue collected from the Aquifer Protection Area is used to help offset the homeowner costs for connecting to an approved sewer system. By providing sewers to homeowners with on-site systems, Spokane County is able to divert this contamination source to a suitable regional treatment plant, thereby protecting this area's drinking water. In May 1985, the Washington State Legislature approved a bill giving counties the authority to create an Aquifer Protection Area. This measure was passed in the House by a vote of 96 to 2 and in the Senate by 44 to 3. In July 1985, the Spokane County Commissioners passed a resolution creating the Spokane-Rathdrum Aquifer Protection Area. The resolution allows for the collection of fees for water withdrawal and on-site sewage disposal. In September of 1985, this measure was approved by the voters who resided within the designated area. The voters authorized the collection of aquifer fees for a 20-year period. The Aquifer Protection Area billing commenced in 1986 and the last billing year was 2005. In November 2004, a ballot measure to collect Aquifer Protection Area fees for 20 more years was approved by voters. The approved measure includes most of the Aquifer Protection Areas from the previous 20 years, but excludes areas in the City of Spokane. Voting precinct changes over the last 20 years also resulted in some minor adjustments of the Aquifer Protection Area boundary. The construction of facilities for the removal of water-borne pollution, sanitary sewage collection, disposal and treatment, and stormwater or surface water drainage. Paying the costs necessary and incidental to the collection of the fees. The Washington State Legislature passed legislation in 1985 giving counties the authority to create aquifer protection areas. Further, the state authorized the imposition of 2 fees for aquifer associated impacts. First, a fee for the withdrawal of water and 2nd, a fee for sewage disposal. The water withdrawal fee is charged to all citizens residing in the aquifer area who use the water. This charge helps insure that the water you drink will remain clean. The 2nd fee, the sewage disposal charge, is charged to those citizens who dispose of their waste through any ground disposal method that may impact water quality, such as septic systems.
You're better off with Cuprinol Ducksback. Wow £12 for a shed, I’ll buy two for the garden at this price! Says on the post that it’s from 15th April, but looks live now? Anyone know if this live until 15th April instead? Says on the post that it’s from 15th April, but looks live now? Anyone k …Says on the post that it’s from 15th April, but looks live now? Anyone know if this live until 15th April instead? Yeah just re-read, sorry makes sense now! Silly question but I am buying some racking with mdf shelves to go in the garage. Ive heard/seen photos of these shelves covered in mould. Would this stuff offer any protection? Buy creocote. Absolutely excellent product. Also on 2 -4-1 at Wickes atm. Oil based not water mixed with wax like this stuff. Buy creocote. Absolutely excellent product. Also on 2 -4-1 at Wickes atm. …Buy creocote. Absolutely excellent product. Also on 2 -4-1 at Wickes atm. Oil based not water mixed with wax like this stuff. Creosote is no longer publicly available as it has been found to be a carcinogenic. If you have a new fence or painting on top of another water based it'll probably work great, I bought this but won't open till weekend. Creosote is no longer publicly available as it has been found to be a …Creosote is no longer publicly available as it has been found to be a carcinogenic. There are a number of colours available... Tudor black, charcoal grey, dark oak, medium oak, forest green, red cedar. Can you creocote (not creosote) over this ? Cuprinol is better. Never use a spray gun, especially in a semi-detached area. Just buy a thick brush. toolstation.com/woo…655 - on offer for £17.20 at the moment as well. Personally I think this is a much better product for garden timber. Its a thin oil based preserver that soaks into the wood and a couple of coats builds a surface film to repel water. It soaks in and lets the grain of the wood remain visible. Unlike wax based paint the colour will last a lot longer and the preservative that soaks into the wood will stop it rotting. It also wont start peeling and flaking after 6 months and look a mess. Its really easy to slosh a new coat on and theres no prep required as its an oil that soaks in. It's kinda like creocote, but doesn't have the weird smell and comes in a lot more colours. The only complaint is that the light brown was more of a dark brown imo. I ended up buying golden brown which is what I was expecting the light brown to be. My tiny garden has 6 fence panels after 2 the new spray gun went in the bin, I might as well have just given b&q £40 and gone home with nothing. The fence spray gun is without doubt the worst DIY thing I have ever bought. Hot! Bought 10 sheds, one for me, will sell the rest on ebay, just need to find a courier that will deliver these on the cheap.
If you're choosing the final touches to your kitchen and becoming overwhelmed by the choice available, you have come to the right place. We at CK Kitchens have a variety of kitchen door handles that will suit every style, every budget, and most importantly, every kitchen. Do you have a more traditional style of kitchen and want a rustic handle? Or maybe you have gone glossy and chic, and want a handle that represents contemporary glamour; we have products that fit all of your needs just search through our catalogue to find the product that catches your eye and add to basket - it's as simple as that! If you want one place you can get expert advice as well as quality products, then you'll be pleased with what we have to offer. With stainless steel, chrome, timber and so much more choice of door handles that are, quite literally, at your fingertips. A range of high quaility Solid Pewter kitchen handles and knobs, available in variable sizes. Our solid pewter kitchen handles are hand finished. Their natural patina improves with age and they are the perfect complement to our timber doors and painted collection. These kitchen handles are all handmade and contain 70% Iron, Bronze or Ebony.
Professional high resolution images of your automobile, enclosed in a hard wearing laminated outer cover. Our A4 book comes with a luxury wibalin storage box, ideal to display in your office, study or Man Cave. We have a standard package comprising of 21 high resolution images, which includes 1 on the cover and 20 inside the book. Each book comprise of 3 rolling/action shots, stills from various angles and detailed shots of the interior, engine bay, wheels, etc. The book comes with a luxury wibalin storage box and the book is wrapped in protective tissue paper. All of this for only R4 500. We are also able to custom the book to your requirements, so you are not limited to the amount of vehicles or pages. We also offer a premium A3 leather bond book, with a bespoke box which can include your logo or coat of arms, see the display below. Q: Why can’t I purchase one of these Motor Books? A: Each Motor Book is of a particular individual’s pride and joy and is merely shown as an example. Q: How can I have a motor book made of my own car? A: Send a request and a time and date will be scheduled to have your car photographed by our professional in-house pro. Q: How many images will my book contain? A: We have a standard package comprising of 21 high resolution images, which includes 1 on the cover and 20 inside the book. Each book comprise of 3 rolling/action shots, stills from various angles and detailed shots of the interior, engine bay, wheels, etc. The book comes with a luxury wibalin storage box and the book is wrapped in protective tissue paper. Q: Can I have a book with more than one car? A: Yes, we can customise the book to your requirements, so you are not limited to the amount of vehicles or pages. Q: How long will the shoot of my car take and where will it take place? A: It will take approximately 3 to 4 hours and you can prescribe a location of your choice or we could recommend one. Q: How long will it take for me to get the book once the shoot is done? A: It will take approximately 2 to 3 weeks after the shoot is done. A: As the owner of the book the images belong to you and you can do with it as you please. As an additional service, we could also have a custom poster made of your car once the images of your car has been captured.
Background: Anastomotic leak, bleeding, and stricture are recognized complications with increase morbidity and mortality. The frequency of anastomoses leakage rages from 1% to 24%. The leakage rate is generally higher for rectal anastomosis (12% – 19%) than for colonic anastomoses (11%)(1,2). During laparoscopic colorectal surgery, the anastomosis may be created intra or extracorporeally. The aim of this study is to describe our experience, quality of anastomosis, and the low rate of complications in laparoscopic colorectal anastomosis procedures with SeamguardR , and how it improves the outcomes. Methods: Retrospective study and collected data of 739 consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopic colorectal resection and primary anastomosis using SEAMGUARD since January 2006 to September 2015 were reviewed. Results: There were no differences in patients’ demographics, surgical procedure, and anesthesia used. Complete data was available for 739 patients; 371 (50.3%) female, 368 (49.7%) male. Procedures included were: 305(41%) right hemicolectomy, 222 (30%) sigmoidectomy, 144 (19.5%) low anterior resection, 29 (4%) subtotal colectomy, 28 (3.8%) left hemicolectomy, and 11 (1.5%) transverse solon resection. The diagnoses of the patients were: colorectal cancer 290 (39.5%), diverticulitis 168 (23%), polyps 128 (17.7%), Crohn’s disease 11 (1.5%), dysmotility 4 (0.5%), rectal prolapse 2 (0.3%), ulcerative colitis 12 (1.7%), fistula 22(3%), ischemic colitis 11 (1.5%), perforation 28 (3.8%), volvulus 14 (1.9%), and obstruction 49 (6.7%). Median follow-up was 7 months (range 1-13). Total intracorporeal anastomosis was done in 532 (72%), and hand assisted anastomosis in 207 (28%). There were 3 (0.4%) anastomotic leak detected and treated intraoperativelly. No strictures, and no bleeding in our early postoperative follow-up period. Conclusion: The use of SEAMGUARD at the anastomosis site is feasible and safe, and seems to show a low rate of stenosis, leaks, bleeding, and better quality of anastomosis.
“Then would you please explain what a cow looks like?” the disciple requested. The Master explained: “A cow has four legs, It does not live in the forest. Its a domestic animal, one can find it in the villages. It gives milk, a liquid white in color, which is good for health.” His Master gave him a lot more information on the features of a cow: the eyes, ears, legs, stomach, udder, horns. The disciple went to a village, where he saw a statue of a cow.Someone was who was painting an adjacent compound wall with chalk, had left a bucket full of lime water near the statue of the cow.The disciple saw the cow, carefully observed its features, came to the conclusion that it must be the cow.He also saw a bucket with white liquid near by. ‘This is definitely a cow, so this must be the milk’ thought the disciple and drank some of it. He soon started screaming with pain, had to be hospitalized. “Master you don’t know anything about the cows or the milk, you are totally wrong.” the disciple answered. “Tell me what happened.” The Master sought an explanation. The disciple explained everything. “Did you milk the cow yourself?” asked the Guru. “That’s why you are in trouble. If you rely on what others say, you won’t get to the truth which will liberate you.” te Wise Master replied. One has to experience and not merely learn and follow others blindly. Experience is the best teacher for acquiring material as well as spiritual knowledge.
18 1/2" x 13" x 3" Drawer Satchel Storage Case with 4-16 compartments features a high-impact, scratch-resistant clear tinted lid for a quick view of parts. Case base, dividers, handle and catches are molded from impact-resistant polypropylene. The case also features a rust-proof, heavy-duty hinge and fold-down handle.
Stay tuned-- More Details Coming Soon! CRU Presents The 1st Annual Latino Greek Exhibition!!!!!! Delta Tau Lambda Sorority, Inc.
Get details on the 2018 Vancouver city election. Voting can take as little as 10 minutes. It’s a right we sometimes ignore or take for granted. Find 2017 by-election results and candidate profiles. View results, candidate profiles, and capital plan borrowing questions. Voter turn-out was 43.4%. Learn about past elections in Vancouver, including previous election results, election documents, and campaign costs.
We’re delighted to be able to tell you about our Pearson ELT 2015 Advent Calendar with a whole range of great ideas for this special time of the year. Christmas songs for your teen and adult students. Christmas crafts for the younger ones. Reading texts for this special time of the year. We’re delighted to be able to tell you about our Pearson ELT 2014 Advent Calendar with a whole range of great ideas for this special time of the year. There really is something for everyone! Don’t miss a day on our Pearson ELT Advent Calendar!!! Wishing you a great December and of course a happy Christmas! PS. You can also see our Advent Calendar suggestions every day on our Facebook site. 2013 was a dizzying year for Ed Tech. It was the year of the tablet, the app, the MOOC and gamification. We learned that you can quantify yourself, augment reality and wear technology. We found out that data can be big and live in a cloud. And of course there was the inevitable chorus of voices heralding in each new tool or trend as THE definitive game-changer. Things, we were often told, would simply never be the same again. But much like the glittery promise of beautifully-wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree, once opened and inspected the inevitable consumer malaise sets in. Things do return to normal (with a vengeance!) and the holiday splurge gives way to a nagging sense of remorse and the obligatory resolutions that next year will be different: simpler, more frugal, truer to our principles. We all know this drill (all too well I would guess) and so any hope that 2014 is likely to ring in even a momentary lull in Ed Tech investment will probably sound naïve in the extreme. In fact if 2013 is anything to go by we’re going to be seeing at least as much splurge, start-ups and shiny cool stuff (much of which will still be a flash in the pan) over the coming year. But I have reason to believe (OK, not too many reasons actually, more of a gut feeling) that this year is shaping up to be a little bit different in other respects. Particularly in terms of the kind of conversations we are having around the technology. A case in point is the 2014 Horizon Report Higher Education Preview which strikes me as differing in some interesting ways from the 2012 and 2013 versions. The report continues to focus on key Ed Tech developments, trends and challenges. But whereas the versions from previous years focused first on the developments (think of these as the shiny new stuff) and left the trends and challenges towards the end (almost as afterthoughts) this year they’ve flipped it on its head giving the trends and challenges prominence. The language of the report has a marked shift in tone as well. For example “fast moving trends” are not only put forth as “likely to contribute to substantive change in one or two years”, but there is also an admission that they might “burn out” in the same time frame. The toughest challenges facing us are termed “wicked” and described elusively as “those that are complex to even define, much less address”. And among the “slow moving trends” is the matter-of-fact observation that “making online learning natural” (no technical language obfuscation there) is a key priority. The take-away for me is that we have reached a key moment of maturity in the Ed Tech debate which owes itself to a number of factors. One is that the conversation is much more inclusive, particularly with respect to more critical voices wary of the direction and effects of change. As with other historical moments of extremely rapid technological innovation, there is often a lag before arguments questioning its use are formed. But the concerns now being heard are going to have an important impact on the conversation because they raise the fundamental questions as to WHY we will choose to implement certain technical solutions in education, HOW that is best accomplished and WHO the key stakeholders are. Another is undoubtedly the hangover produced from the excesses of the start-up boom. Personally I think that excess at times is inevitable and even necessary. In times of intense disruption you’ve sometimes got to throw a lot of stuff at the wall before you can see what sticks. This has been going on for years now and the result is that what is sticking is starting to clump together around some key areas. Things haven’t yet gelled completely around concepts that are always obvious or meaty enough for teachers to sink their teeth into on a practical day-to-day basis, but general trends are more discernible all the time and, as a result, much easier for everyone to talk about. In my next post I’d like to take a look at what I think some of those trends are, and where they might be taking us.
The Circle of Love is a Tiffany Inspired design and a very popular item. This beautiful Circle of Love pendant sparkles with pave set cubic zirconia and comes on an 18" box chain. Set in sterling silver that is finished with rhodium for an anti-tarnish platinum look. This is a high quality piece of replica jewelry that looks as good as the real thing! Approximate diameter of circle is 3/4".
TUF-Line XP is braided with Tension Lock Technology, creating more compaction of the fibers and a rounder profile. XP has less diameter, better knot performance, casts longer, and boasts higher abrasion resistance. XP's state-of-the-art coating is permanently bonded to the fibers, offering long service life with zero shedding. Available in 4 colors, plus Indicator 3-color. TUF-Line XP is braided with Tension Lock Technology, creating compact fibers and a rounder profile. XP has less diameter, better knot performance, casts longer, and has higher abrasion resistance. XP's state-of-the-art coating is permanently bonded to the fibers, offering long service life with zero shedding. Available in 4 colors, plus Indicator 3-color. Click on the item# for color options.
15$ off for 2nd child registration. The U4 to U8 programs are coached by volunteer parents and young coaches under the responsibility of a technician. The U9 to U16 Local programs are coached by young coaches or uncertified coaches under the responsibility of a technician. AA programs and year-round development teams (Elite and Academy) are coached by certified technicians. Click on your child's year of birth to access available programs. 9 weeks of fun, Mixed practice, Soccer and leisure activities, Daycare, outdoor activities. Registration for winter season are now closed. Are your values similar to ours and you want to be part of our adventure? Associate your company, your brand to the success of our project. What is the location of Aylmer Soccer Club? Does the club offers different payement plans? The club can offer payment plan when you are paying by cheque. The payment plant will be offer on demand at the time of the subscription. How do I pay my subscription to a program? We only accept payement in cash, by cheque or debit card. We do not accept credit cards. Fill out a contact form by clicking here or call us at 819 682-2084 during the office hours available in this section.
The Very Best Christmas Episodes Greatest Episodes Ridiculous and Great Fan Theories Unbelievable Fan Art Ranking the Saddest Episodes Ever Risqué Jokes You Totally Missed Predictions That Came True Favorite Characters Jokes You Need a PhD to Understand Opening Captions in Every Episode Inspired Tattoos Great Gifts for Futurama Fans Times Bender Was the Greatest Funniest Robots Need to Quote Someone? Why Not Zoidberg? List Rules Vote up the best seasons of Futurama. Good news everybody! We're ranking the best seasons of Futurama, and we want you to help by voting for your favorites. Following the adventures of Fry, Bender, Leela, and the rest of the Planet Express crew, every season of Futurama has its own unique charm. From missions to Mars to sad stories about dead dogs, this show really tugs at the heartstrings. It's hard to argue that Futurama isn't an amazing show (some would even say it's better than Matt Groening's original creation, a little show called The Simpsons) but which season of Futurama is the greatest? For this poll we're ranking the best seasons of Futurama, with the help of your votes. Which season of Futurama really had you hooked? Whether you liked the earlier seasons that aired on Fox, or the Comedy Central seasons that aired after that network revived the series, vote up the top Futurama seasons that you think are the greatest. Most people would agree that the earlier seasons are the best, but there really were some great episodes toward the end of the show, too. This season's weirdness features Leela and Fry going down to the sewers, Leela learning her true heritage, Bender doing ever crazier robot stunts, and Zoidberg becoming a superhero (of sorts). Not to mention a deal with the Robot Devil! And the gang meeting the Star Trek cast in space! Top episodes include "Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV," "The Why of Fry," and "The Farnsworth Paradox." This season sees more alien encounters, more Bender, and Fry doing something about his relationship with Leela. There are however many encounters where the dim-witted Fry falls in love with many different women. There's also an alien invasion, a robot cloning of a 20th century actress, and time travel paradoxes. Top episodes include "Bendless Love," "The Cyber House Rules," and "Godfellas." This season's major change included a move from Fox to Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, after initially being canceled by Fox. It also marked a return after a few years on hiatus. This season is full of multi-part storylines, starting with the tattoo scam involving Hermes, to the journey to what seems like a twisted medieval fantasy world. Things then speed up to become a more fast-paced, adventure-filled season. Top episodes include "Bender's Big Score 3," "Bender's Game 3," and "Into the Wild Green Yonder 2." This season continues the story Fry's adjustment issues in the year 3000. Bender and Leela continue to have their own zany misadventures. It leads to a host of discoveries and revelations that show the year 3000 is more exciting than the 20th century every was. Top episodes this season include "A Head in the Polls," "Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?" and "A Clone of My Own."
Low Cost January Games Are Purrfect!! The January Sales are in full swing across a number of bingo sites but we’ve found one who’s offers are just purr-fect for penny fans. You may well have guessed that we’re talking about Kitty Bingo who want us to spend less and win more this month. They have a number of great promos running during Low Cost January and we thought we’d tell you about them. First up is Mews At Ten! This is a daily sliding jackpot game which will cost just 2p a card to play. It plays at 10pm and you can win up to £200. The top prize varies daily as does the minimum guaranteed. Typically though there’s a £30 prize, but it drops to £20 on Tuesdays and Thursdays but increases to £50 on Fridays and Saturdays. A sliding jackpot is one which is determined by the number of calls. The quicker house is called the higher the prize. There’s a mouse loose at Kitty Bingo and rather than employing their moggy icons to hunt it down they’re giving that task to players. Chase the Mouse is in fact a special jackpot game that can appear at random times in the Kitty Cat & Splish Splash rooms. To help you Kitty tell us that the games play between 10am-noon & 6pm-8pm. When the mouse appears you’ll have the chance to play for a £30 jackpot for just 1p a card. Every month Kitty Bingo like to hold a Flash The Cash jackpot game that has a £5000 prize pot. This month though there’s something different. Every Friday in January you can play for £1000 for just 5p a card. This game plays at 9pm and offers a £200 prize for the 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L and full house winner. Pre-buy is available for all the special games mentioned. Let us know how you get on! Wagering terms and conditions apply. All details above were correct when published on January 14, 2014.
The Elite Red Sister skin has been added for Alchemists who have reached Level 25! The skin is also available in the store. Spawn logic now accounts for path distance to body rather than raw distance to address cases where humans spawned "near" the body, but had a long walk to intercept it. A few changes have been introduced in today's update, with more to come! Addressed an issue with the "-usetexturepool" parameter that was disabling it if your video card had 512mb of VRAM or less. Textures will not reduce to original levels but will still function for reducing framerate spikes. Love the sound (no pun intended) of the new Sonic shriek! Can't wait to test that out! If not, you'll be able to do it now. Matches from last time count as well, so if you completed 2 at the time, it'll just take 1 more match and then you'll be eligible to get it. Note the banners are being awarded on Tuesday though, after all the tests are done. They have to be granted to accounts that are eligible. We should be coming back online soon! Patch notes are also looking good, thx for the update. Soooooo, when are we getting a state of play? I'm impatient and bored and if possible would like to know when I could read up on what you guys have been doing and know what you plan to do. On that note, there was a rather meaty forum post in the feedback and suggestions area that I believe is essential to Nosgoth's being something big in the future. I'll leave the link below. :thud::poke: nooo - def. stay @ the old skin. r there any changes with the spawnsystem? New echo seems rly nice but I think it is kinda bugged.. sometimes I'm miles away and it reaches me. and what happened to Flashpoint? It would be nice if you'd stop omitting changes from the patch notes; the range nerf to Infect makes it damn near useless. +1 for complete patch notes. anyone got a video of what the sonic shriek effect looks like for humans? I still can't believe you guys are not releasing complete patch notes, that is unacceptable. A good rule of thumb is that if you're embarrassed to admit a change/nerf has been made it probably not good enough to merit implementation. +1 to giving Tyrant jump a function indoors. It probably shouldn't be as powerful as a regular jump but it needs to do something. Finally, please either rework Sonic Shriek or implement a "motion sickness" option (similar to how many games have a "colorblind" option) that removes the visual distortion from Sonic Shriek. It is literally painful to me and others and I can't play Nosgoth until it is fixed. The problem with removing the "blurring" is that it's the only major benefit of the skill. It's a defensive CC that counteracts the human's hitscan weapons. Removing sound helps, but it does nothing for accuracy. Increasing spread isn't a good way either because it becomes more RNG based. Side note: It also allows you to see things while blinded. No, it's not. The deafness is by far the major benefit because it is guaranteed to reduce the awareness of all humans. Every primary Vampire ability has a very obvious audio tell that talented players will pick up on every time. Not being able to hear properly makes it impossible to know when to time your dodges without actually watching the enemy. And with no sound you can't locate enemies by sound alone. In my discussions with other players some have indicated that the blurring has no adverse impact on their aim while to some (including myself) the blurring is literally crippling. And if spread is a bad mechanic because of RNG... well then why is it used at all in this game? Spread isn't an ideal solution for anything but it is in place because it works. It is significantly easier to approach players with high spread than those with minimal spread. Regardless, Spread doesn't have to be the solution. There could be a "dimming" effect to prevent players from seeing very far. There could an increase in damage fall-off to reduce the long range DPS of affected Humans. Or maybe the targeting reticule could be removed from humans for the duration. The problem isn't dodging the primary ability, it's once you're already in combat. This is the first real buff a sentinel has seen in forever and removing the blurring is like cutting their legs out from under than again. While, I'm in agreement that there is wiggle room, CCing the player, as opposed to the character is definitely the right way to approach it. please either rework Sonic Shriek or implement a "motion sickness" option (similar to how many games have a "colorblind" option) that removes the visual distortion from Sonic Shriek. It is literally painful to me and others and I can't play Nosgoth until it is fixed. Came back after a couple weeks off from Nosgoth. CAPTURE DA BOOTY ! Motion Blur in Video options is active after patching. I literally had to hug the floor after my first match in ages afterwards. Took about an hour and a half before nausea cleared. Motion Blur + Shriek was insane torture and I couldn't figure out what was happening until it already took hold. After Motion Blur was deactivated, shriek was half as painful. Personally motion blur is the bigger culprit for me but atleast I can turn that off. Aside from that, my first capture the body was a premade 4 vs Kine + 2 AFK farmers. Took awhile to find a game the first time I queued so did 1 TDM before that infernal 4 vs Kine match. Got into that TDM within seconds of searching. I asked the guys in lobby why they aren't playing CTB and they all said they couldn't see the option to. Damn silly arrow to find CTB needs to go. Games take longer to start on 'Any' than when I specified a region. Kinda weird. And ofcourse leavers plaguing this game as usual. Justifying spending time in queue waiting gets harder and harder. Dear Nosgoth, I love you but love hurts. Motion Sickness mode - disable Sonic Shriek's blurring. Instead you deal only 50% damage while affected. That would be too severe for your average player to take but would allow the rest of us to play the game without headaches. On a side note I decided to try capture the body, and thankfully haven't run into Sonic Shriek yet. Having fun with Nosgoth for the first time in a long while. Match balance is as poor as ever but who cares in that mode, its crazy good fun. Infect was not intentionally modified, we're looking into it. Maybe while fixing it back to its old range you could work to improve its hit detection? Also, I may be crazy but the reaver's kick feels very different now too. Would definitely recommend looking in to that. @Hoople: That seems a poor substitute. The idea is not to explicitly decrease damage but interfere with sight. If the blur is really such an issue for the sickness-afflicted though, perhaps said 'motion sickness' mode could replace the blur with a tunnel vision effect, considerably shrinking the visible portion of the screen. you internally test the patch before release? ah, the alchemist self damage is terrible change, and i use alchemist a lot... stop keep make this game easier for noobs, please. I disagree, I think removing Alchemist self damage was a good decision. It was kind of silly that Alchemists would damage themselves if they hit Vampires that were too close, as Vampires attack in melee range. I also had heard that the Alchemist's self-damage would inflict on slowing effect on her as well, which was probably never intended. If for whatever reason the Alchemist proves to be too good, which I highly doubt (lack of instantly hitting, long range attacks and a hard counter keep her balanced) the answer is to increase self-damage from her abilities rather than adding it back to her weaponry.
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Municipality of León (Guanajuato, Mexico) have signed an agreement to carry out the country’s first project to develop Shopping Tourism, with the support of the Ministry of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato. The project is expected to serve as an international reference point and as a showcase at major tourism forums. The Tourism Observatory of the State of Guanajuato has been a member of the UNWTO International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories since 2014. At the World Tourism Organization’s General Assembly held in Medellín, Colombia, in September 2015, Guanajuato expressed its interest in being one of the destinations to develop a project on shopping tourism, and León was the selected destination in light of the fact that 27% of its tourists visit the city to go shopping. The project will help León (Guanajuato, Mexico) to develop innovative shopping tourism offerings that link the public and private sectors and that highlight the destination’s tourism attractions and products as well as tourism’s contribution to socio-economic development, which includes the creation of jobs directly in the tourism sector and in the many activities related to the sector.
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Houston, TX – At the request of Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson has opened a criminal investigation into Planned Parenthood’s aborted baby parts trafficking scheme. This action was prompted by the fifth video released by the Center for Medical Progress that focused on Planned Parenthood’s massive Houston abortion facility, showing not only negotiations for the sale of intact fetuses of 16-22 weeks gestation, but grisly scenes from the “POC Room” featuring technicians rummaging through the dismembered remains of a 18-week aborted baby looking for marketable organs. “We certainly hoped for criminal investigations and prosecutions of Planned Parenthood for the illegal selling of aborted fetal remains and for using the banned Partial Birth Abortion process that likely resulted in the birth of live infants. However, we are concerned that the investigation will be headed up by Attorney General Devon Anderson, who dropped the ball on a previous abortion-related investigation for which we provided prima facie evidence that babies were intentionally murdered after having been born alive during abortions at another Houston abortion facility,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who also serves on the Board of the Center for Medical Progress. However, Anderson failed to subpoena the evidence in the custody of Operation Rescue that would have verified that those photos originated from a former abortion worker during her employment with Karpen. Without verifying the photos, it is doubtful that the photos, the most damaging evidence against Karpen, ever reached the grand jury. Anderson’s grand jury failed to indict Karpen. Since then, he has been barred from committing abortions because he does not qualify for the required hospital privileges. Karpen closed one of his two abortion facilities, but continues to operate the other with the help of an abortionist that does maintain hospital privileges. “We certainly do not want another prosecutorial fiasco in Houston. We demand that a neutral special prosecutor be appointed to oversee the grand jury investigation of Planned Parenthood. Any investigation should be centered on the facts alone, and not on the personal or political biases of prosecutors,” said Newman.