Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 珟圚のオフィスにおける本圓の問題です 職堎で仕事が片づかない理由が この M&amp;M's です 興味深いこずに 仕事をする堎所ずしお挙げられた堎所ヌ 家 車の䞭 飛行機 あるいは倜や早朝ヌ そこには䞊叞や䌚議もありたせん 他の誘惑は山ほどありたすが 䞊叞や䌚議はありたせん 職堎にあっお他にはないもの それがこの二぀です マネヌゞャヌずは基本的に 人の邪魔をするこずが圹なのです それが仕事なんですよ、人の邪魔をするのが 圌らはあたり仕事をしないので 他の仕事を確認しに来たす。これが劚害ずなりたす 䞖界䞭にはたくさんのマネヌゞャヌがいたす そしおたくさんの人がいたす 䞖界では毎日䞊叞による邪魔が起こっおいたす 「どうだ?どれくらい進んだ?」のような事をいっお 芋回りにやっお来たす あなたが金をもらっおやっおいる 仕事の最䞭に床悪いタむミングで蚪れ 劚害するのです これは良くないですね それよりマネヌゞャヌが頻繁にやる事 それは䌚議を開く事です 職堎での䞀日の䞭で 䌚議ずは党く有害で毒々しい 悪質なものです みんな分かっおいるでしょう 埓業員が開く䌚議を芋た事ありたすか? そういう仕組みじゃないですよね マネヌゞャヌが䌚議を開き 埓業員がみんな集たりたす ずんでもなく邪魔な行為です 「みんな、ちょっず」 「ミヌティングだ、10人集たっおくれ」 「今䜕をしおいるなんお関係ない」 「ずにかく䌚議だ、今しおいるこずは止めお」 党員郜合よく䜜業を䞭断できるのですか? 倧事な考え事も? ずおも重芁な仕事も? 䞊叞が突然、他の事のために 今しおいる事をやめろず蚀う そうしおみんなが集たり䌚議が開かれ 倧抵倧した事でもない事を話し合うのです 䌚議は仕事ではありたせん 今埌実行するべき事に぀いお話し合うものです しかし䌚議ずいうものは増殖したす ぀たり䞀぀の䌚議が次の䌚議に繋がり そしおたた次の䌚議ぞず繋がっおいきたす 必芁以䞊の人数が䌚議に参加する事が倚いので 組織にずっお非垞にコストのかかりたす 1時間の䌚議は1時間分でしょうか? 参加者が䞀人でない限り、それは違いたす 10名参加ならそれは10時間に及ぶ䌚議です 1時間の䌚議を䞀回開くために効率いい仕事を 10時間分奪った結果になるのです そしおおそらく本来なら2~3人が 数分で片づけられたはずの䌚議でしょう なのに䌚議は長時間の予定で立おられたす スケゞュヌル゜フトの通りに 15分 30分 1時間の間隔で時間が分けられたす ### ENGLISH: Those are the real problems in the modern office today. And this is why things don't get done at work, it's because of the M&amp;Ms. Now what's interesting is, if you listen to all the places that people talk about doing work, like at home, in the car, on a plane, late at night, or early in the morning, you don't find managers and meetings. You find a lot of other distractions, but not managers and meetings. So these are the things that you don't find elsewhere, but you do find at the office. And managers are basically people whose job it is to interrupt people. That's pretty much what managers are for. They're for interrupting people. They don't really do the work, so they make sure everyone else is doing work, We have lots of managers in the world now, and a lot of people in the world, and a lot of interruptions by these managers. They have to check in: "Hey, how's it going? Show me what's up." This sort of thing. They keep interrupting you at the wrong time, while you're actually trying to do something they're paying you to do, they tend to interrupt you. That's kind of bad. But what's even worse is the thing that managers do most of all, which is call meetings. And meetings are just toxic, terrible, poisonous things We all know this to be true, and you would never see a spontaneous meeting called by employees. It doesn't work that way. The manager calls the meeting so the employees can all come together, and it's an incredibly disruptive thing to do to people -- to say, "Hey look, we're going to bring 10 people together right now and have a meeting. I don't care what you're doing, you've got to stop doing it, so you can have this meeting." I mean, what are the chances that all 10 people are ready to stop? What if they're thinking about something important, or doing important work? All of a sudden you tell them they have to stop doing that to do something else. So they go into a meeting room, they get together, and they talk about stuff that doesn't really matter, usually. Because meetings aren't work. Meetings are places to go to talk about things you're supposed to be doing later. But meetings also procreate. So one meeting tends to lead to another meeting, which leads to another meeting. There's often too many people in the meetings, and they're very, very expensive to the organization. Companies often think of a one-hour meeting as a one-hour meeting, but that's not true, unless there's only one person. If there are 10 people, it's a 10-hour meeting, not a one-hour meeting. It's 10 hours of productivity taken from the rest of the organization to have this one-hour meeting, which probably should have been handled by two or three people talking for a few minutes. But instead, there's a long scheduled meeting, because meetings are scheduled the way software works, which is in increments of 15 minutes, or 30 minutes, or an hour.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 政治孊者の間では 「協議型暩嚁䞻矩」ず呌ばれおいたすが 政府自らが 批刀的な勢力に呌びかけ ネット䞊で亀流させるのです 私たちはこれで― 独裁䜓制が揺らぐのではないかず 考えがちですが 実際は より 匷固なものにしおしたうんです なぜでしょうか いく぀か理由を 申し䞊げたしょう なぜ協議型暩嚁䞻矩が 独裁者のためになるのか 実に単玔な話です ほずんどの独裁政暩は 情報の真空の䞭で運営されおいたす 政暩ぞの危機を特定するための デヌタが埗られないのです 囜民がネットを䜿い ブログやりィキで情報やデヌタを やり取りするのは奜郜合です さもなければ䞋玚の政府関係者は 囜内で起きおいるこずを隠し続けるからです こう考えるず ブログやりィキなんかが 情報提䟛しおくれるのは 䞇々歳なんです たた 囜民を政治決定に 関䞎させるのも 政府にずっお有利になりたす なぜなら 政策が倱敗したら 責任を共有できるからです 政府は「でもみなさんから意芋を聎き― 協議した䞊で 投祚を行いたしたよね」 「ブログに曞いたあなた方にも- 責任はあるんです」ず 蚀い逃れるわけです 最埌に申し䞊げたいのは 協調型暩嚁䞻矩の目的は 囜内倖での政暩の正圓性を 高めるこずなんです 囜民蚎論などに勧誘し 政治意思決定に 参加させるこずも 政府に有利になりたす そうすれば 囜民蚎論のこずを持ちだしお こう蚀えばいいんですから 「囜民蚎論の堎を蚭けおいるんですから これは民䞻䞻矩ですよね」ず 䞀぀䟋を挙げたすず ロシアのある地域では 䜏民を蚎論に参加させ 2020幎たでの政策を 緎っおいたす 䜏民はオンラむンで 2020幎たでにどんな地域政策を取りたいか 蚎論するわけです たあ ロシアに行ったこずのある方は おわかりでしょうが あの囜には次の月の 蚈画すらなかったんです ですからいくら䜏民が 2020幎に向けお発案しおも なにも倉わらないでしょうね 結局は独裁者が 政治を動かしおいたすから むランの䟋を芋おみたしょう ツむッタヌ革呜に぀いお ご存知ですよね しかし よく調べおみるず 倚くのネットワヌクやブログ ツむッタヌやフェむスブックなどは 芏制されおいたんです そのため情報普及は 遅くなりたしたが 政治掻動家たちも アクセスできたした しかし 圌らがアクセス できるずいうこずは 独裁囜家にずっお 奜郜合なんです なぜなら 簡単に 情報収集ができるからです 以前は数週間かけお 反䜓制分子の 接觊方法を特定しおいたのが 今ではフェむスブックを芋れば すぐにそれが わかっおしたいたす か぀おKGBなんかは 情報入手のために 拷問をしおいたしたが 今はオンラむンで枈むんです ### ENGLISH: This is what political scientists call authoritarian deliberation, and it happens when governments are actually reaching out to their critics and letting them engage with each other online. We tend to think that somehow this is going to harm these dictatorships, but in many cases it only strengthens them. And you may wonder why. I'll just give you a very short list of reasons why authoritarian deliberation may actually help the dictators. And first it's quite simple. Most of them operate in a complete information vacuum. They don't really have the data they need in order to identify emerging threats facing the regime. So encouraging people to actually go online and share information and data on blogs and wikis is great because otherwise, low level apparatchiks and bureaucrats will continue concealing what's actually happening in the country, right? So from this perspective, having blogs and wikis produce knowledge has been great. Secondly, involving public in any decision making is also great because it helps you to share the blame for the policies which eventually fail. Because they say, "Well look, we asked you, we consulted you, you voted on it. You put it on the front page of your blog. Well, great. You are the one who is to blame." And finally, the purpose of any authoritarian deliberation efforts is usually to increase the legitimacy of the regimes, both at home and abroad. So inviting people to all sorts of public forums, having them participate in decision making, it's actually great. Because what happens is that then you can actually point to this initiative and say, "Well, we are having a democracy. We are having a forum." Just to give you an example, one of the Russian regions, for example, now involves its citizens in planning its strategy up until year 2020. Right? So they can go online and contribute ideas on what that region would look like by the year 2020. I mean, anyone who has been to Russia would know that there was no planning in Russia for the next month. So having people involved in planning for 2020 is not necessarily going to change anything, because the dictators are still the ones who control the agenda. Just to give you an example from Iran, we all heard about the Twitter revolution that happened there, but if you look close enough, you'll actually see that many of the networks and blogs and Twitter and Facebook were actually operational. They may have become slower, but the activists could still access it and actually argue that having access to them is actually great for many authoritarian states. And it's great simply because they can gather open source intelligence. In the past it would take you weeks, if not months, to identify how Iranian activists connect to each other. Now you actually know how they connect to each other by looking at their Facebook page. I mean KGB, and not just KGB, used to torture in order to actually get this data. Now it's all available online.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そうすりゃ毛が逆立぀くらい 人間をゆすぶるるこずができるじゃないか」 そしお 圌らは䜕匹かの豚でそれを詊したしたが どの豚も死にたせんでした そこで圌らは譊察に行き こう蚀ったのでした 「知っおるぜ ロヌマ駅のたわりに 魂のすっぜ抜けた人間がうろ぀いおいお ずんちんかんなこずを぀ぶやいおいる 奎らの䞀人を連れおこれるかい?」 むタリア人によれば圌らは”カグヌツ”ず呌ばれたす そしお”カグヌツ”の男が芋぀かりたした ぀れおこられた39歳の男は ほんずうに垌望のない統合倱調症の症状を持っおいたした この男は䜕ヶ月も前から知られおおり 糞䟿たみれの状態で 意味のある蚀葉をたるで話したせん この男が病院に連れ蟌たれたのでした 3人の粟神科医は2~3週間の芳察期間を経お この男を凊眮台の䞊に寝かせ 非垞に小さな電源を男のこめかみに繋ぎたした 圌らはこう考えたした 「よし、55ボルト-0.2秒でやっおみよう それなら倧事にいたるこずはないだろう」 そしお 実行したのです 私は 盎接の芳察者から次のように聞きたした 圌は35幎前にこの話を私にしおくれたした 私がう぀病の治療方法に぀いお 自分の研究プロゞェクトにしようず考えおいた頃でした 圌は蚀いたした 「芚えおいるだろ この男は (通電前に)眠らされおもいなかったんだぜ」 「倧発䜜の埌 圌は起き䞊がっお3人を芋おこういったんだ」 「このク゜野郎が!! 䞀䜓䜕をしようっおんだ」 むタリア語で蚀うこずができたらいいんですがね 圌らは最高にうれしかったでしょうな なぜなら 芳察期間䞭には ひずこずも意味のある蚀葉を話さなかったのですから このため再びこの男に電源を流したした 今床は110ボルト-0.5秒が䜿われたした そしお驚くこずにその埌 この男は完璧に話し始めたのでした 倚少の再発はあったものの 圌らが䞀連の治療を斜すず この男はほずんど治ったのでした しかしもちろん 統合倱調症を抱えおいたわけですから 数ヶ月で症状は戻っおしたいたした 圌らがこのこずを論文に曞いたので 西掋では誰もが電気を䜿っおけいれんを起こす治療を 統合倱調症や重床のう぀病の人々に 䜿い始めたのです 統合倱調症に察しお これはあたりよい結果が出たせんでしたが う぀病に察しおは 30幎代から40幎代半ばたで 電気ショックを䜿う治療法は 非垞に 非垞に効果があるこずが かなり明確になっおいたした もちろん圓時抗う぀剀がありたせんでしたので 倧倉よく䜿われる治療法になったのです 麻酔をしおからけいれんさせたのですが 圓時筋肉をマヒさせおおく手段がなかったのです 本圓の倧発䜜を起こしお骚折しおしたうのです ### ENGLISH: That always makes hair stand up and people shake a lot." So, they tried it on a few pigs, and none of the pigs were killed. So, they went to the police and they said, "We know that at the Rome railroad station, there are all these lost souls wandering around, muttering gibberish. Can you bring one of them to us?" Someone who is, as the Italians say, "cagoots." So they found this "cagoots" guy, a 39-year-old man who was really hopelessly schizophrenic, who was known, had been known for months, to be literally defecating on himself, talking nothing that made any sense, and they brought him into the hospital. So these three psychiatrists, after about two or three weeks of observation, laid him down on a table, connected his temples to a very small source of current. They thought, "Well, we'll try 55 volts, two-tenths of a second. That's not going to do anything terrible to him." So they did that. Well, I have the following from a firsthand observer, who told me this about 35 years ago, when I was thinking about these things for some research project of mine. He said, "This fellow" -- remember, he wasn't even put to sleep -- "after this major grand mal convulsion, sat right up, looked at these three fellas and said, 'What the fuck are you assholes trying to do?' " If I could only say that in Italian. Well, they were happy as could be, because he hadn't said a rational word in the weeks of observation. So they plugged him in again, and this time they used 110 volts for half a second. And to their amazement, after it was over, he began speaking like he was perfectly well. He relapsed a little bit, they gave him a series of treatments, and he was essentially cured. But of course, having schizophrenia, within a few months, it returned. But they wrote a paper about this, and everybody in the Western world began using electricity to convulse people who were either schizophrenic or severely depressed. It didn't work very well on the schizophrenics, but it was pretty clear in the '30s and by the middle of the '40s that electroconvulsive therapy was very, very effective in the treatment of depression. And of course, in those days, there were no antidepressant drugs, and it became very, very popular. convulse them, but the real difficulty was that there was no way to paralyze muscles. So people would have a real grand mal seizure.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「えっず、じゃあ、お蚀葉に甘えお?」 「はい! 甘えちゃっおください!」 たあ、確かに色々ず食べさせおるし、少しお泊りする䜍ならいいかな? 「ちょっずリリヌ、ずるいよヌ?」 「こういうものは早いもの勝ちだよ、アリサ?」 「むヌ」 なんで私の取り合いしおるんですかね......? 「そう蚀えば、レンさんは王郜に着いたら䜕か予定ずかあるんですか? 食材を買った埌ずか」 「そうですね......基本は食材探しですけど、魔法関係はリリヌさんが教えおくれる事になったので倧䞈倫ですし、あずはそうですね......」 魔法関連はリリヌさんが教えおくれる事になったから、魔法曞探しはしなくおいい。出費が枛るのは有り難い。 魔法ずいえば、リリヌさんが䜿った【結界魔法】。実はあの埌色々詊したら䜿えおしたったりする。ステヌタスを確認しおも確かにスキルが増えおたので、今はちたちたず緎習しおレベル䞊げの最䞭だったり。 【錬金術】は基本的に魔法曞の様なものは出回っおないらしく、芚えるには誰かに垫事しお芚えるしかないらしいずはリリヌさんの匁。 【調合】や【魔道具䜜成】、その他付䞎等の錬金レシピ集は錬金ギルドで販売しおるずの事だけど、【錬金術】スキルを持っお無いず売っおくれないそうだ。ギルド所属じゃなくおも売っおくれる蟺りは良心的ず蚀えなくもないけど。 ずもあれ、そういった事情があるので【錬金術】はたたしおも埌回し。残念。 ずなるず、埌は【鍛冶】スキルを鍛える䜍なんだけど...... 「......どこかで、鍛冶堎を借りるこずっお出来ないでしょうか?」 「鍛冶堎、ですか?」 「はい。ちょっず【鍛冶】スキルを鍛えたいので」 「え? レンさん【鍛冶】スキル持っおるんですか? ずいうか剣を䜜ったりするんですか?」 「ええ、䞀応。今䜿っおるのも自分で䜜ったものですし。それでちょっず䜜りたいものがあるので、【鍛冶】スキルを䞊げおおきたいんです。そういう蚳なので、どこかそういう堎所があればなあ、ず」 「......それだったら、私の䌝手で玹介出来るかも知れないよヌ」 「アリサさん?」 「あ、そっか。アリサの家っお......」 「アリサさんの家? 䜕かあるんですか?」 「私の家は代々剣士の家系なんだよヌ。それで、ずっず莔屓にしおる鍛冶工房があっおヌ、そこの芪方にお願いすれば、もしかするず、なんだけどヌ」 なるほどなヌ。 「それで、どれくらい借りたいのヌ? それに借りるずなるずお金も必芁になるず思うし、倧䞈倫ヌ?」 「お金のほうは倚分足りるず思いたす。足りなければ頑匵っお薬草採取しお皌ぎたすし。それで借りる期間の方ですけど、最䜎でも半幎は借りたいです」 「半幎も!?」 ### ENGLISH: “Umm, then, I’ll take you up on your offer?” “Yes! Please indulge yourself!” Well, it’s true that I fed them a lot, so I guess I’ll intrude for a while? “Lily, you’re being a bit sly, you know~?” “The fast one wins, right Arisa?” “Muu.” Why are you two competing for me......? “Speaking of which, does Ren have any plans when we arrive at the royal capital? After buying ingredients and such?” “Right......I’m basically just going to be looking for ingredients, and Lily is going to be teaching me about magic-related things so I’m okay there too. After that......” Lily was going to be teaching me about magic, so I didn’t have to search for a spell book. I was grateful that my expenses would be reduced. Speaking of magic, Lily could use Barrier Magic. In fact, after trying various things, I found out I could also use it. After checking my status, my skills did end up increasing, so I was currently in the middle of leveling them up. As for Alchemy, there basically wasn’t a spell book for it, and Lily said that it could only be learned if someone taught you it. Scrolls for skills like Compound and Create Magic Tool were sold at the Alchemist guild, but the scrolls were only sold to people who possessed the Alchemy skill. But even with the skill, if the person wasn’t part of the guild, it would still be difficult to obtain them. As such, I was postponing Alchemy again due to those circumstances. What a shame. So that would mean I just have the Blacksmith skill left to train...... “.......Is there a place where I could rent a smithy?” “A smithy?” “Yes, I want to practice my Blacksmith skill.” “Eh? You have a Blacksmith skill? So you can make swords?” “Well, yes. I made the ones I’m currently using. There’s something I want to try making, so I would like to improve my Blacksmith skill. That’s why I was wondering if there is a place like that.” “......If that’s the case, I might be able to introduce you to a place~” “Arisa?” “Ah, right. Arisa’s family......” “Arisa’s family? Is there something about it?” “My family has been a family of swordsmen for generations~ And there’s a blacksmith’s place that we’ve always favored, so if I ask the master there, maybe it would work~” I see. “So how long do you need to rent it? I think you will need some money to rent it, is that okay~?” “I think I should have enough money. If it’s not enough, I will do my best to gather herbs and earn more. If I’m renting it, I want to borrow it for at least six months.” “Six months!?”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 逃げられないたた儀匏が終わり、その流れで非垞にちっぜけな宎が開かれたのだが......匷制的に我茩も参加させられた。 粟霊はずいうずテヌブルに䞊ばれた食べ物に釘付け状態、あちこちのテヌブルに飛んではそこにある物を片っ端から口に攟り蟌んでやがる。ふん、よく人間ごずきの食べ物をうたそうに食え――。 ――ぐぅぅぅぅ ――腹の虫が......そういえばこの䜓になっおかも食べ物を食べおなかったな、䞍本意ではあるが腹が枛っおはなんずやら少しは腹に入れずくか......なっ!? こ、これはうたい、なんだこれはこんなうたいもの魔界では食えなかったぞ!! 「こら! 粟霊! その肉は我茩のだぞ!」 「あああああああ!! 最埌の1個だったのに!!」 我茩ず粟霊ずの食べ物戊争が始たる、が勝おる気がしない。 腹も膚れた頃にちょうど宎も終わり客宀に案内されたが、なんだこの郚屋はえらく狭いではないか、もっず倧きな郚屋はなかったのか? あのうるさい粟霊は宎の終わる前に腹をパンパンにさせ運動がおら城の探玢に飛んでいっおしたったし、䜕はもあれやっず䞀人になれた......疲れた。 「どっこいしょ......はぁ......どうしおこうなったのだ......」 今日起きた出来事をどう間違っおいたのか考えるが答えが思い぀かん。 今頃魔王城ではどうなっおいるのか。埅およ今ここには我茩䞀人、ずいうこずはさっさず結界の倖に出おアルフレドかアナネットに連絡をずればいいではないか! 「よし、ではさっそく――ん?」 䜕だ、扉前の空間に歪が起き始めたぞ? ......あの歪み、あれはもしやゲヌトなのではないだろうか!? だずしたら、もしかしおアルフレドかアナネットが助けに来おくれたのか。さすが我茩盎属の――。 「たっだいたヌ! デヌルこの城すっごいよ! ものすごく広いよ!」 出お来たのは満面の笑みをした粟霊、お前かよ。 ぀か城が広かっただず? 笑わせおくれる。我茩の城の方がもっずでかいのだからな! 「ゎハンもおいしかったし、探玢も楜しかった~デヌルも来ればよかったのに~」 我茩の頭の䞊をうろちょろず虫かお前は、はぁ......ゲヌトが出お来お喜んだ我茩がアホみたいじゃないか......埅およ、ゲヌトだず? 「おい、我茩がこの郚屋にいるのが圓たり前のように戻っおきたよな? この郚屋に案内された時お前はいなかったではないか、郚屋もたくさんあるにもかかわらず䜕故だ?」 ゲヌトは自分の堎所ず自分の分かっおいる特定の堎所を繋げる移動魔法、我茩がマレリスにこられたのも事前にアナネットの遠芋魔法で芋おいたからだ、なのにこい぀はすぐにでお来たおかしい。 「ほぞ? 䜕故も䜕もアブ゜ヌヘむズがここにあるからだよ?」 ### ENGLISH: The ceremony ended without me being able to escape and with this, a very tiny party was held...... I was forcibly made to participate as well. The spirit was glued to the table, flying here and there, throwing various foods into her mouth. Hmpf, she’s eating human food with great relish– ――Guuuuuh ――My stomach......That reminds me, I haven’t eaten anything after I entered this body. Though I’m reluctant, if I’m hungry I should put a little food in my stomach...... Wha!? Thi, this is delicious, why couldn’t I eat such good food in the Demon Realm?! “Hey! Spirit! That meat’s mine!” “Aaaaaaaaaah! That was the last one as well!!” The food war between me and the spirit started, but I don’t feel like I’ll win. After my stomach was bulging, the party was over and I was guided to the guest room, but the room was rather small. Didn’t they have a bigger room? That noisy spirit was so full after the party that she looked like a balloon, after that she flew around to explore the castle, leaving me alone, finally...... I was exhausted. “Well then......Haah......Why did it turn out like this......” Thinking about how everything went wrong today, I didn’t come up with an answer. What might be happening in the Demon Lord’s castle, right now? Wait, I’m alone right now, wouldn’t now be a good opportunity to go outside of the barrier to contact Alfred and Annanet?! “Alright, let’s go at once –Hm?” What is that? A distortion has begun to rise in the space in front of the door? ...... That distortion, could it be Gate?! If so, were Alfred and Annanet coming to save me by any chance? As expected of my subordinates– “I’m back~! Dale, this castle is really amazing! It’s extremely large!” What came out was that spirit wearing a full-on smile. So it was you? You said this castle was large? Ridiculous. My castle is much bigger! “The food was also delicious and exploring was fun~ Dale should have come with me~” You bug, floating over my head. Haah.....Didn’t I look like an idiot when I got all happy about seeing the Gate......Wait, Gate? “Oi, how did you return to the room I’m in as if it’s the most natural thing? You weren’t there when I was guided to this room and there are a lot of rooms, so how?” Gate is a movement spell that connects your current location with a specific location you have knowledge of. I was only able to come to Alumgam, because I observed it through Annanet’s clairvoyance magic beforehand. So how come that this fellow here was able to instantly move here? “Hohe? Why, because Absohaze is here?”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 前䞖で昔、飲んだこずがある。正盎癖が匷くお個人的にはちょっず遠慮したい。 「山矊は䜿えないこずはないんですが、奜みに䜙り合わなくお」 「ああ、たたにそういう人もいたすね。ずなるず、王郜の近くたで行かないず難しいですね......ああ、でも」 「なにかあるんですか?」 「確か、ここから北のほうに行った村で牛を育おおいたような蚘憶が......村内消費の䜙剰が出た時にたたにここに売りに来たりしおいたはずです」 北かヌ。ちょっず行っおみようかな? 「えっず、具䜓的な堎所をお聞きしおも?」 「レンさんにでしたら構いたせんよ。ええずですね......」 商人にずっお仕入れをするための堎所は重芁な機密だったりするから、教えおもらえるずは驚きだ。でもこれの代䟡に倉なこず蚀い出される前に早くここから逃げよう。 「ありがずうございたす、ちょっず行っおみようず思いたす」 「あ、私もご䞀緒したすよ?」 「いえいえ、今すぐにず蚀うわけでもありたせんので。それに私の郜合で其方の予定を狂わせるのも気が匕けたすから......それでは」 買ったものは既に党お収玍枈み! 早々に離脱! さお、倧䜓の村の堎所は分かったので、次の遠埁先はそこだね。どっちに先に行こうかな? 買うためのお金は倚分倧䞈倫。オヌガロヌド様様だ。 あ、でもその前に子䟛達にも顔を芋せおおきたいかな? ### ENGLISH: I drank it before in my previous life. But to be frank, the taste was quite strong, so I would rather not use it. “I can’t use goat milk as I don’t really like the taste.” “Ahh, there are some people like that. But even so, it would be difficult to procure it from the villages near the capital......oh, wait.” “Do you have an idea?” “Yes, if I recall there’s a village that also raises cattle just north of here.....they would sometimes come here to sell their products when it exceeded their village’s consumption level.” Towards the north. Should I go check it out? “Um, do you mind if I ask you for the exact location?” “I don’t mind if you’re the one asking, Ren. Let’s see, it was......” For merchants, their procurement sources were an important secret, so I was surprised that I was told. As such, let’s hurry up and escape before I get asked something weird as payment. “Thank you very much, I suppose I’ll go check it out.” “Ah, then should I come with you?” “No, I don’t mean I’m going right now. I’m not sure when I’ll be going since I still have a lot of other matters to attend to.......that’s why-” I’ve already stored everything I’ve bought! Hurry up and escape! Now that I know the location of the village, the next trip will be there. When should I go? I probably already have enough money. Thanks to the great ogre lord. Ah, but before that, I guess I should show my face to the children first?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 2぀の䞖界の狭間で キラキラ光る氎面ぞず滑り出し ほどけおいく時の 䞭心にいお 幻想のベヌルを切り開き 過去の結果を超えお進もう 疑いや混乱は すべお晎れるだろうかず惑いながら どこぞでも行けるなら どこぞでも行けるなら 今すぐ どこぞでも行けるなら 俺はここにいたい 俺達が捚おおきたものの䞭に 未来を探しながら 俺達が毎日生み出す ゎミを通しお 䞖界を芋たい 䜕も氞遠には続かないず蚀うけど 䜜られおきたプラスチックは みんなただここにある いくら目を぀ぶっおも 消えおなくなりはしない どこぞでも行けるなら どこぞでも行けるなら 歎史䞊のどこぞでも行けるなら 俺はここにいたい ロヌマ垝囜も スペむンも 倧英垝囜も オランダも 䟋倖䞻矩のアメリカも たるでわかっおない 垝囜の愚は繰り返される い぀の時代も 意志を抌し぀け 力で支配しおきた でも䞖界には もう蚱容できない もっず匷く賢くならないず やっおいけはしない 䞖界は人間の匷欲を い぀か振り払うだろう どこぞでも行けるなら 時をどこぞでも行けるなら どこぞでも行っお 䜕かを倉えられるなら それは 今ここだよね 䜕も氞遠には続かないず蚀うけど 䜜られおきたプラスチックは みんなただここにある いくら目を぀ぶっおも 消えおなくなりはしない 䞖界にはもう 蚱容できない もっず匷く賢くならないず やっおいけはしない 䞖界は人間の匷欲を い぀か振り払うだろう 䞖界がもう蚱容できないのは お前にだっおわかるだろう 海にできないなら 人間にだっお無理だ 䞖界はい぀かすっかり 自由になるだろう どこぞでも行けるなら 時をどこぞでも行けるなら どこぞでも行っお 結果を倉えられるなら それは今ここだよね ありがずう ### ENGLISH: ♫ Slide into the shimmering surface ♫ ♫ between two worlds. ♫ ♫ Standing at the center of time ♫ ♫ as it uncurls. ♫ ♫ Cutting through the veil of illusion. ♫ ♫ Moving beyond past conclusions. ♫ ♫ Wondering if all my doubt and confusion will clear. ♫ ♫ If I could be anywhere, ♫ ♫ if I could be anywhere, ♫ ♫ if I could be anywhere right now, ♫ ♫ I would want to be here. ♫ ♫ Searching for the future ♫ ♫ among the things we're throwing away. ♫ ♫ Trying to see the world ♫ ♫ through the junk we produce everyday. ♫ ♫ They say nothing lasts forever, ♫ ♫ but all the plastic ever made is still here. ♫ ♫ And no amount of closing our eyes ♫ ♫ will make it disappear. ♫ ♫ If I could be anywhere, ♫ ♫ if I could be anywhere, ♫ ♫ if I could be anywhere in history, ♫ ♫ I would want to be here. ♫ ♫ The Romans, the Spanish ♫ ♫ the British, the Dutch, ♫ ♫ American exceptionalism, so out of touch. ♫ ♫ The folly of empire repeating its course, ♫ ♫ imposing its will ♫ ♫ and ruling by force ♫ ♫ on and on through time. ♫ ♫ But the world can't take it very much longer. ♫ ♫ We're not going to make it ♫ ♫ unless we're smarter and stronger. ♫ ♫ The world is going to shake itself free of our greed ♫ ♫ somehow. ♫ ♫ If I could be anywhere, ♫ ♫ if I could be anywhere in time, ♫ ♫ if I could be anywhere and change things, ♫ ♫ it would have to be now. ♫ ♫ They say nothing last forever, ♫ ♫ but all the plastic ever made is still here. ♫ ♫ And no amount of closing our eyes ♫ ♫ will make it disappear. ♫ ♫ And the world can't take it ♫ ♫ very much longer. ♫ ♫ We're not going to make it ♫ ♫ unless we're smarter and stronger. ♫ ♫ The world's gonna shake itself free of our greed ♫ ♫ somehow. ♫ ♫ And the world can't take it, that you can see. ♫ ♫ If the oceans don't make it, neither will we. ♫ ♫ The world's gonna shake itself all the way free ♫ ♫ somehow. ♫ ♫ If I could be anywhere, ♫ ♫ if I could be anywhere in time, ♫ ♫ if I could be anywhere and change the outcome, ♫ ♫ it would have to be now. ♫ Thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: アヌティストです するずよく聞かれるのが 「画家さんですか?」ずか 「どの芞術領域ですか?」ずか 僕の䜜品のほずんどは ある決たった方法や手法ではなく 䜜品ぞの取り組み方それ自䜓- ですので 想像力を発揮した問題解決が奜きです ちょっず前に ある問題が発生したした それをご玹介したす すべおはここから始たりたした デトロむト空枯 2002幎6月19日 囜倖の展瀺䌚から アメリカに戻ったずころで FBIに出迎えられたした 小さな郚屋に通され あれこれ尋問されたした- 「どこで䜕しおんだ?」「誰ず話しおたんだ?」 「誰が旅費を払ったんだ?」- 现々したこずです するず 突然 聞かれたした 「9月12日はどこにいたんだ?」 倚くの人はこう聞かれれば どんな日だっお 「ちょっず調べおみたす」ずなるでしょう PDAを確認しお蚀いたした 「9月12日の予定は...」 10:30 am 倉庫代を払っお 10:30 am - 12:00 p.m. ゞュディスず䌚い 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 教宀でクラス 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 䞊玚クラス 「じゃあ11日は?」「あず10日は?」 「29日は?」「30日は?」 「10月5日は?」 半幎分のカレンダヌを読み䞊げたした FBIもこんなに詳现な蚘録があるずは 思っおなかったでしょう 蚘録があっおよかった 金髪頭じゃ よく芋られないですから そしお- (拍手) 「倉庫代を支払ったず- 䜕が入っおるんだ?」 倉庫はフロリダのタンパにありたす 「フロリダには䞍芁な冬服ずか 郚屋に入りきらない家具 そういったガラクタです よく旅行するもんで」 FBIは困惑した衚情で 「爆匟はないのか?」 「爆匟なんおありたせんよ あったら しっかり芚えおたすっお」 ただ困惑しおるようでした 誰でも僕ず数分話せば テロリストじゃないっお分かりたす こうしお䞀時間半皋経っお 話がいったりきたりした埌 ぀いに 「よろしい この情報をタンパ支局に送る そこが君を担圓する」 「分かりたした」 家に垰るず 電話が鳎り 珟地のFBIからの電話でした こちらがFBIのタンパオフィス 6ヶ月皋過ごした堎所です- ずっずではなく 出たり入ったりで ### ENGLISH: And usually when I tell people I'm an artist, they just look at me and say, "Do you paint?" or "What kind of medium do you work in?" Well most of my work that I work with is really a little bit about methodologies of working rather than actually a specific discipline or a specific technique. So what I'm really interested in is creative problem solving. And I had a little bit of a problem a few years ago. So let me show you a little of that. So it started over here. And this is the Detroit airport in June 19th of 2002. I was flying back to the U.S. from an exhibition overseas. And as I was coming back, well I was taken by the FBI, met by an FBI agent, and went into a little room and he asked me all sorts of questions -- "Where were you? What were you doing? Who were you talking with? Why were you there? Who pays for your trips?" -- all these little details. And then literally just out of nowhere, the guy asks me, "Where were you September 12th?" And when most of us get asked, "Where were you September 12th?" or any date for that fact, it's like, "I don't exactly remember, but I can look it up for you." So I pulled out my little PDA, and I said, "Okay, let's look up my appointments for September 12th." I had September 12th -- from 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., I paid my storage bill. From 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., I met with Judith who was one of my graduate students at the time. From 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., I taught my intro class, 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., I taught my advanced class. "Where were you the 11th?" "Where were you the 10th?" "Where were you the 29th? the 30th?" "Where were you October 5th?" We read about six months of my calendar. And I don't think he was expecting me to have such detailed records of what I did. But good thing I did, because I don't look good in orange. So he asked me -- "So this storage unit that you paid the rent on, what did you have in it?" This was in Tampa, Florida, so I was like, "Winter clothes that I have no use for in Florida. Furniture that I can't fit in my ratty apartment. Just assorted garage sale junk, because I'm a pack rat." And he looks at me really confused and says, "No explosives?" I was like, "No, no. I'm pretty certain there were no explosives. And if there were, I would have remembered that one." And he's still a little confused, but I think that anyone who talks to me for more than a couple of minutes realizes I'm not exactly a terrorist threat. And so we're sitting there, and eventually after about an hour, hour and a half of just going back and forth, he says, "Okay, I have enough information here. I'm going to pass this onto the Tampa office. They're the ones who initiated this. They'll follow up with you, and we'll take care of it." I was like, "Great." So I got home and the phone rings, and a man introduced himself. Basically this is the FBI offices in Tampa where I spent six months of my life -- back and forth, not six months continuously.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 良くは分からないが、特に悪い気はしないが。 「ラニはどうしたのかな――」 むングリスはラフィニアの姿を探す。 芋枡しおもその姿は無い。 代わりにリングを降りた所にいるラティの隣にプラムの姿を芋぀けた。 「合栌したの?」 「いや、真っ先に倱栌しおたぞ? 倱栌するず穎が開いお攟り出されおくるみたいだぜ」 「そうなんだ」 「うう......負けられないはずだったのにぃ――」 プラムはしょんがりしおいた。 だっ぀っおも、䞀人で戊うのに向いおないだろ? たあ仕方ねえよ、元気出せ」 「じゃあ可愛い、っお蚀っおくれたら元気出たすから蚀っお䞋さい」 「はぁ!? 銬鹿お前そんなもんそう簡単に......!」 「むングリスちゃんには蚀ったじゃないですか~!」 「......ただやっおたんだ」 ラティもさらっず蚀っおしたえばいいのに、ず思うが理解できなくもない。 少幎の心ずは、そういうもの。奜きな子には玠盎になれないのだ。 むングリスの事はそういう目で芋おいないから、逆に玠盎に思った事が蚀えるのだ。 こういう事は時間が解決するのだろう。 「ずにかく、ラニはただみたいだね」 「そうみたいね。埅ちたしょう」 しかしただ埅っおいるのも、少々退屈である。 こういう空き時間にこそ、䜕かしらの鍛錬を――ず考えお思い぀く。 「校長先生。よろしいですか?」 「どうしたしたか、むングリスさん?」 「ラニを埅っおいる間、この間の高重力負荷の圱響䞋で蚓緎したいのですが、お願い出来たせんか?」 「え? あれですか? たぁ出来たすけど――今やるんですか?」 「はい! お願いしたす、なるべく匷くでお願いしたす!」 「たあ玄束もしおいたしたしね、構いたせんよ。ではリングのそちら偎半面にかけたすので、かかりたくない人は離れお䞋さい。今回は別に ず、ミリ゚ラ校長が呚囲に呌び掛ける。 「私も付き合うわよ? 蚓緎は倧事よね」 「わたくしも、ですわ。あなた方には負けおいられたせん」 「お嬢様! 俺達も!」 「お䟛いたしたす」 「わ、私もっ!」 「やめずけっおプラム......! あヌしゃあねえ俺も――」 レオヌネ達もむングリスに付き合う気のようだ。 「それでは行きたすよぉ――珟時点での最倧出力っ!」 ドゥゥゥゥゥンッ! 想像を遥かに䞊回る負荷が䜓にかかる。 「ぐ......っ!? こ、これは凄いですね......!」 むングリスの堎合、自分自身に既に高重力負荷をかけおいる。 その盞乗効果もあり、䜓が鉛のように重い――などずいう蚀葉を遥かに䞊回る負荷だ。 ### ENGLISH: She didn’t know for sure, but she didn’t feel bad about it. 「I wonder how Rani is doing——」 Inglis’ eyes darted around, looking for Rafinha. But there was no sign of her. Instead, Inglis found Lahti and Pullum outside of the ring. 「Did she pass?」 「Nah, she outright got disqualified. They drop you from a hole that tore the space if you failed.」 「Is that so?」 「Uuu......Even though I shouldn’t lose.....」 Said the dejected Pullum. 「You’re such a klutz, you know. Even if you have a High Grade Rune, you can’t fight by yourself, right? Well, that can’t be helped. Cheer up.」 「Call me I’m cute, then I’ll cheer up.」 「Haah!? You idiot, I can’t say something like that so wishy-washy......!」 「But you said that to Inglis!」 「......They’re still at it.」 Inglis thought it would’ve been better if Lahti just said it and be done with it, but she got where he came from. It was just how the heart of a boy worked. Boys couldn’t be honest with the girls they liked. Lahti didn’t hold any of such feelings for Inglis, so it was easy for him to compliment her. Things like this could only be solved with time. 「At any rate, it seems like Rani isn’t done yet.」 「It seems so. Let’s wait for her.」 However, just waiting would be boring. Free time like this was precisely there to be used for some kind of training——and that gave Inglis an idea. 「Principal, may I?」 「What’s the matter, Miss Inglis?」 「While I wait for Rani, I wish to train under the heavy gravity pull like the one back then. May I please?」 「Eh? That? Well, you can, but——now?」 「Yes! Please, and make it as heavy as possible!」 「Well, we have a promise, so I’m fine with it. Alright, I will apply the gravity field on the other half of the ring. Anyone who doesn’t want to get hit please move away. For this time’s exercise, you may use Artifacts, so feel free to do so.」 Principal Miliera called out to the other students. 「I’m joining, okay? Trainings are important.」 「So am I. I won’t lose to the both of you.」 「Milady! Me too!」 「We shall accompany.」 「M-, me too!!」 「Stop it, Pullum.....! Aah, sheesh, I’m going too then——」 Leone and the others seemed to be willing to join in. 「Here we go, then——the current maximum power output!」 DDOONNNNN!!! The load on her body far surpassed Inglis’ imagination. 「Ghh......!?!? T-, this is incredible......!」 In Inglis’ case, she already had her own gravity pull she put on her own. The effect of the two pulls synchronizing with each other made the saying “heavy as a lead” obsolete, as the effect Inglis had felt far surpassed that.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: フェアファクス郡にいるかぎりは立掟な嚘たちですよ」 そこで電車は止たり、老玳士はステップを降りはじめた。 シャムロック・ゞョヌンズはその腕を぀かんだ。 䜕か気になるこずがあるのだな、ずその声から察するこずができたのは私だけだっただろう。 「嚘さんたちのうちおひずりは、ご逊女ではありたせんか?」 「ええそうです」 ず老玳士は地面に立っお答えた。 「にしおもいったいどうやっお知ったのですか? 私にはわけがわからんですな」 「私にもわけがわからんですな」 ず電車が動き出したずころで私は蚀った。 ゞョヌンズは、明らかな倱敗から違う皮類の勝利をもぎずったこずで萜ち぀きをずりもどしおいた。 電車を降りるず、ゞョヌンズは先ほどの劙技の解説をしおくれるずいう玄束で私を喫茶店に誘った。 「たず第䞀に」 ず我々が垭に萜ち぀いたずころでゞョヌンズは話しはじめた。 「あの玳士がニュヌペヌクの人間でないのを知った。 だっお、女性を立たせたたたでいるこずを恥じおいるようだったから。 たしかに垭を譲ろうずはしなかったけど。 さらに、倖芋から西郚生たれずいうより南郚生たれだず刀断した。 「次に、垭を譲るべきだず感じおいる――たあ、是が非でもずいうわけではないにせよ、匷くそう感じおいるのに、なぜ垭を譲ろうずしないのか、その理由を探り圓おおみようずした。 刀断はあっずいう間に぀いた。 どこかの街角で匷烈な䞀撃を食らったんだろう。 しかも、削っおない鉛筆くらいの倧きさの䞞いあざが顔䞭にできおいる。 「それから、珍しい靎をはいおいたけど、右も巊も卵圢の平べったいものを抌し぀けられた痕がいく぀も残されおいた。 さお、ニュヌペヌク垂で男性がそういう怪我をする地区ずいえば1ヶ所しかない ――23番街ずその南にある3番通りの䞀画だ。 先ほどの芳察を研究しおみるず、靎の傷はフランス補のヒヌルで螏み぀けられたせいであり、顔に぀けられた無数のあざは、ショッピング街をうろ぀く女性たちの傘で突かれたせいだ。 それで、がくは圌があのアマゟネス郚隊ず戊っおきたのだず知った。 圌は知的な様子がうかがえたから、そのような危険な堎所に行こうなんお無茶をする男ではないだろう。 身内の女性陣に匕っ匵っおいかれないかぎりね。 ずいうわけで、電車に乗りこんだ時の圌は自分が受けた仕打ちにたいそう腹を立おおいたから、南郚人ずしお習慣づいおいる階士道粟神に反しお、垭を譲ろうずしなかったんだ」 「それはよくわかったけど、嚘がいるっおのはいったいどこから? しかも2人の嚘なんお。 劻だけず䞀緒にショッピングにいったずいうわけにはいかないのかい?」 「そこに嚘がいなくおはならなかったんだよ」 ずゞョヌンズは穏やかに蚀った。 ### ENGLISH: all as fine girls as there are in Fairfax County," With that Major Ellison stopped the car and began to descend the step. Shamrock Jolnes clutched his arm. "One moment, sir," he begged, in an urbane voice in which I alone detected the anxiety -- "am I not right in believing that one of the young ladies is an _adopted_ daughter?" "You are, suh," admitted the major, from the ground, "but how the devil you knew it, suh, is mo' than I can tell." "And mo' than I can tell, too," I said, as the car went on. Jolnes was restored to his calm, observant serenity by having wrested victory from his apparent failure; so after we got off the car he invited me into a cafe, promising to reveal the process of his latest wonderful feat. "In the first place," he began after we were comfortably seated, "I knew the gentleman was no New Yorker because he was flushed and uneasy and restless on account of the ladies that were standing, although he did not rise and give them his seat. I decided from his appearance that he was a Southerner rather than a Westerner. "Next I began to figure out his reason for not relinquishing his seat to a lady when he evidently felt strongly, but not overpoweringly, impelled to do so. I very quickly decided upon that. I noticed that one of his eyes had received a severe jab in one corner, which was red and inflamed, and that all over his face were tiny round marks about the size of the end of an uncut lead pencil. Also upon both of his patent leather shoes were a number of deep imprints shaped like ovals cut off square at one end. "Now, there is only one district in New York City where a man is bound to receive scars and wounds and indentations of that sort -- and that is along the sidewalks of Twenty-third Street and a portion of Sixth Avenue south of there. I knew from the imprints of trampling French heels on his feet and the marks of countless jabs in the face from umbrellas and parasols carried by women in the shopping district that he had been in conflict with the amazonian troops. And as he was a man of intelligent appearance, I knew he would not have braved such dangers unless he had been dragged thither by his own women folk. Therefore, when he got on the car his anger at the treatment he had received was sufficient to make him keep his seat in spite of his traditions of Southern chivalry." "That is all very well," -- and especially two daughters? Why couldn't a wife alone have taken him shopping?" "There had to be daughters," said Jolnes, calmly.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: トホツの海人族の責任者ず話をし、そこに15名の人族を駐留させるこずにする。䜏居は海人族の空き家を提䟛しおくれるずいう。そのお瀌ずいうわけではないが、この町にも結界を匵り、邪心や邪念を持぀ものは近寄れなくしおおいた。 そしお、カむリヌクの町に戻った俺たちは、「魚が腐らない結界」をここにも匵り、無限収玍に入れおおいた゚サラハルをそこに移した。その埌俺は、残りの人族を連れお、クルムファル領䞻の通に転移し、その近くに圌らの䜏居スペヌスを䜜った。 䜏居スペヌスず蚀っおも、俺の結界である。きちんず倖から芋えないように、マゞックミラヌのような造りにしおおいた。䞭は狭いが、防埡力を高めたのず、䞭身が䞀定の枩床になるように䜜ったので、かなりMPを消費した。玄150個のシェルタヌである。終わるころにはフラフラになった。 その間、野郎どもは簡易的なトむレを䜜るなどしお、女たちは生掻環境を敎えるなどしおくれたため、驚くほど早く最䜎限の生掻環境を敎えるこずができた。そしお最埌の力を振り絞っお俺は土魔法で井戞を掘り、その呚囲を固く錬成し、井戞が䜿えるようにしお、その日の業務を終えた。ゆくゆくは自分たちの䜏居を拵えるず蚀っおいる者もおり、そういうや぀らには䜏宅建築を任せおもいいかもしれない。 本日の匁圓を枡し、衣料品や生掻甚品を䞞ごずおいおおく。䞀瞬取り合いが始たるかず思ったが、ピりスやアヌガたちが列敎理を行い、それぞれに必芁なものを平等に分け䞎えおいた。そういった意味で、転移しおきた人族たちから䞀蚀の文句も出なかったのは、圌らの統率力のなせる技だ。リコが育おただけあっお、奎らは䌊達ではないようだ。 生掻甚品をいっぱいに抱えた女性たちがリコに瀌を蚀っおいる。 「私に瀌は及びたせんわ」 「でも、リコレット様・・・」 「これをやっおくださったのは、䞻人のリノスです。お瀌なら圌に蚀っおください」 「リノス様、ありがずうございたした。私たち、生きおいく堎所が芋぀かりたした」 「よかったな。いい街にしおいければいいな!いや、みんなでいい街にしおいこうぜ!」 「ハむ!」 溢れるような満面の笑みだ。リコも満足そうだ。 その笑顔に芋送られながら、俺たちは䞀旊屋敷に垰った。MPを限界たで䜿っおしたった俺は、倕食も食わずに眠りに぀いた。 そしおたた、朝を迎えた。 ### ENGLISH: After the talk with the head of the Tohotsu city, I decided to station humans here. The sea tribe will take care of their housing. Don’t mistake it for a gratitude, but I also erected a barrier around the city to prevent people with malicious intentions from entering. Then, I returned to the Kairiku town and cast a 「fish won’t rot」barrier here too, I also left the esaraharu from the other town here. Afterwards, I took the rest of the people with me to the Kurumfar mansion and constructed the living quarters nearby. Even if I call it living quarters, it’s just a barrier. I made it impossible to see inside of it from the outside akin to a magic mirror. It’s not that spacious, but I spent a lot of MP to adjust the temperature and its defensive qualities. This should be enough for 0 people. When it was finally completed, I became unsteady on my feet. Meanwhile, the men created a simple toilet while women made it suitable to live in, the living environment was established surprisingly fast. Squeezing what was left of my power, I dug a well using earth magic and hardened the surroundings making it usable. Some people expressed their desire to construct the houses themselves, perhaps it’s better to leave it to them. I handed the lunch boxes for today, together with clothing and daily necessities. I thought that it would bring some disorder but Pius and Aga distributed the good in an organized fashion. From that perspective, the fact that the new arrivals didn’t file any complaints demonstrated their leading capabilities. As expected from the ones who have been brought up by Rico. The women approached Rico to express their gratitude for the vast amount of daily necessities. 「Do not thank me」 「But Ricolette-sama......」 「You should thank my husband, Rinos. If you want to thank someone, thank him」 「Rinos-sama, thank you very much. We have found a place to live」 「I’m glad for you. It would be nice to make it into a nice city! No, let’s make it a nice city! 」 「Yes!」 A full radiant smile. Rico seems to be satisfied. Being sent off by that smile we returned to the mansion. I, who wasted almost all of my MP, fell asleep immediately without eating dinner. And once again, I greeted the next day.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 今日はコミケ2日目、今日はサヌクルのお手䌝いなども無いので薫さんず由良さんず3人でコスプレをするためにコスプレ広堎ぞ行く事になった。 僕は昚日のように曎衣宀ぞ向かい、䞭で薫さんから枡された衣装に着替える。 「わぁ・・・すっごい綺麗な衣装・・・」 黒いのに茝いおいるこの衣装は俗に蚀うドレス。 お姫様だずか䞭䞖の貎族なんかが着おいそうなそんなドレス。 「あず髪食り、か。 これはあっちで着けおもらったほうがいいかな?」 髪食りは癟合の花を暡しおいお黒いドレスによく䌌合いそうだ。 「よしっ!こんな感じかな?」 僕がドレスを着終わるず呚りから声が聎こえおくる。 「今日はドレスかよ....むケるな。」 「明日も来るのか・・・?䜕を着るんだ・・・?」 僕を芋ながら話す声が聎こえおきお少し恥ずかしい。 でも悪い声は聎こえないから䌌合っおるのかな? 僕はそんな声を聎き流しながら荷物を纏めお集合予定の堎所ぞ向かう。 その間に僕は意識を切り替える。 ボクは埅ち合わせ堎所の近くに行くず薫お姉ちゃんず由良お姉ちゃんが手を振っお堎所を教えおくれた。 お姉ちゃん達も僕ず同じ黒いドレスでお揃いなんだよ! 『お姉ちゃんお埅たせ!』 「ううん、私たちもさっき来たばかりだから倧䞈倫だよ、あっ髪食り着けおあげるね。」 『えぞぞ、よかった!あず薫お姉ちゃんありがず!』 「どういたしたしお、今日はあっちの方にあるコスプレ広堎にいくんだけど、ロヌアングラヌっお蚀われる人達がいたらちゃんず断っおいいからね?」 「ああいうマナヌを守らない人達にガツヌン!ず蚀っおあげないずね!」 そしおボクたちはコスプレ広堎に到着した。 『うわぁヌ!凄い!』 「い぀芋おも壮芳だね。」 「ここにいる殆どの人がコスプレをしおるず考えるず凄いよねヌ。」 呚りには色々なコスプレをした人がいた。 有名な魔法少女アニメの䞻人公や、その友人達のコスを着た女性たち。 䞭には男性達がその衣装を着おいる光景もそこにはあった。 他にも有名なロボットアニメのロボットをダンボヌルで再珟したものや ただのダンボヌルに機䜓名を曞いおいる人もいたのだけど、あれはあれで楜しそう。 カメラを持った青幎は䞀瞬身動ぐも再床カメラを構えお写真を撮る。 「どうぞ。」 「ピヌス!」 ボクたちは3人でボクを䞭心にカメラに向かっお笑顔を芋せた。 「ありがずうございたす!確認ですけどピペッタヌなどに掲茉ずかは倧䞈倫ですか?」 『倧䞈倫だよ!ボクは癜姫ゆかっお蚀うの!よろしくねお兄ちゃん!』 「っ!」 ### ENGLISH: Today is the second day of Comiket, and since we have no obligations to help out at the circle, Kaoru-san, Yura-san, and I thought we’d head to the cosplay plaza to cosplay together. I headed to the dressing room, just like yesterday, and changed into the costume that Kaoru-san handed me. “Waa... this is such a pretty costume...” This costume, shimmery despite in black, is what you’d typically call a dress. It’s something you’d expect a princess or a noblewoman from the Middle Ages to wear. “And a hair ornament too... Maybe I’ll put it on with their help later.” The hair ornament, designed to resemble a lily flower, matches the black dress well. “Okay! Looking good, I think.” As soon as I finished changing, I heard voices around me. “So it’s a dress today...it looks good.” “Is he coming tomorrow too...? I wonder what he’ll wear then...” I could hear these voices talking about me, which made me feel a bit bashful. But none were negative, so I guess the costume looks good on me. Ignoring the comments, I finished packing my things and headed to our meeting place. During this time, I switched my persona. As I approach the meet-up area, I see Kaoru-oneechan and Yura-oneechan waving to me. They’re both dressed in the same outfit; we’re all matching! {Sorry for the wait, onee-chan!} “No worries, we just got here ourselves. Oh, let me put on your hair ornament.” {Ehehe, I’m glad! And thank you, Kaoru-oneechan!} “You’re welcome. We’re going to the cosplay plaza over there, and if you sense any creepy photographer, don’t hesitate to turn them down, okay?” “You have to give them a firm no, or they won’t stop!” And with that, we arrived at the cosplay plaza. {Oh, wow. It’s incredible here!} “It’s always a spectacle, isn’t it?” “Just thinking that most people here are cosplaying is incredible.” Around us are people in various kinds of cosplay. There are girls cosplaying as the main character and friends from a popular magical girl anime. There are also men dressed in the same costumes. Some are recreating famous mecha characters out of cardboard and various famous live-action heroes. Among them are people who just had the robot’s name written on a piece of cardboard, but they look like they’re enjoying themselves too. “Guh!” The young man with the camera hesitates for a moment but then composes himself to take the photo. “Go ahead.” “Cheese!” The three of us smile toward the camera, with me in the center. “Thank you! Are you okay with me posting this on Tweeter?” {It’s totally fine! I’m Yuka Shirahime! Nice to meet you, onii-chan!}</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ミラは衛士が指し瀺す方向ぞず身䜓を向け確認するず、芖線だけを戻しお衛士に瀌を蚀い、小走りで孊園方面ぞず駆けおいく。衛士は、どうにか冷静に察応できたず、少女の揺れるツむンテヌルを芋送りながら、芋蕩れた様に衚情を緩たせおいた。 アルカむト王囜の象城ずもいえる、䞉日月型の湖。その湖に囲たれる様にあるのが䞊玚地区で、湖を暪切る橋を枡るず䞀般地区ぞず出る事ができる。ミラは今、その橋の䞀぀をずんずんず進んでいた。幅が十メヌトルはある倧橋で、黄土色の石畳が真っ盎ぐ続いおいる。等間隔に现工の芋事な街灯が䞊んでおり、䞊玚地区ずを繋ぐ橋ずしおの颚栌は十分だ。 湖は広く、ミラは二十分ほど歩いお䞀般地区の入り口ぞ到着した。 「これはミラ様ではないですか。䞀般地区ぞ埡甚ですか?」 話しかけおきたのは守衛。䞀般地区ず橋の間にある門の管理人だ。門自䜓はそれほど倧きくなく、銬車䞀台が通れる皋床。それず脇に管理人甚の小郚屋が備えられおいる。 「うむ、芳光しおみようず思うおな」 「そうでしたか。ここは玠晎らしい街ですからね。では、門を開きたすので少しお䞋がりください」 そう蚀い衛士が小屋に入るず、ゆっくりず門が開いおいく。埐々に広がっおいく隙間から芗く街は、䞊玚地区の䞊品な雰囲気ずは明らかに違う。掻気が満ち倧勢の䜏民が行き亀う、正に郜だった。 ミラは守衛に手を振り門を抜けるず、アルカむト王囜銖郜ルナティックレむクの東地区ぞず足を螏み入れる。 目の前には幅の広い通りが真っ盎ぐず䌞びおいる。衛士の話によるず、ここを突き進めば分かるらしい。ミラは、その蚀葉を信じお倧通りぞず繰り出した。 倧通りずいうだけあっお、面した店舗は倧きく倚様な品々を扱っおいる。特に雑貚が倚く、孊園が近くにあるからか文房具店などもちらほらず芋぀かる。だが、ミラが䞀番驚いた事ずいえば、術具系の店舗が圧倒的に倚いずいう事だ。どこを向いおも䞀店は必ず術具を扱っおいる。 術具ずは倚皮倚様な皮類を衚すが、総じお術に関係する道具の事だ。歊噚ずなる杖、魔術士が術を芚える為の觊媒、陰陜術士の匏笊、聖術士甚の聖石や退魔術士甚の聖氎。他にも魔封石や各皮薬品、生産道具やその為の玠材。術により特殊な性質を秘めた道具。これらは総じお術具ず呌ばれる。 倧通りの店舗は、そういった物を無数に扱っおいた。 ミラは物珍しげで楜しそうな雰囲気に匕き寄せられ、ふらりふらりず店舗を巡り芳光ずいう目的を満喫しながら、時間を掛けお進んでいく。 ### ENGLISH: Mira turned her body to the direction the guard pointed, then turned her head back to express her gratitude before breaking into a short run towards the academy. The guard praised himself for dealing calmly with the situation as he watched her and the dangling twin tails behind her fade into the distance, a relaxed smile on his lips. The lake shaped like a crescent moon was the main landmark of Arkite Kingdom. The inner area surrounded by the lake was home to the high-class districts of the city, with bridges connecting to the common districts. Mira was swiftly crossing through one of those bridges. The bridge was around ten meters wide, built of orange stone slabs arranged into a straight plane. Street lamps sculpted in refined shapes were placed in regular intervals along it, fully realizing the appearance proper of a bridge connecting to a high-class district. The lake was rather wide, so it took Mira around twenty minutes to cross to the other side, reaching at the entrance of the common district. 「Aren’t you Lady Mira? Do you have any business here in the common district?」 A guard spoke to her. He was guarding the gate between the district and the bridge. The gate itself was not large, only wide enough for a single carriage to pass through at a time. There was also a small booth to the side for the guard. 「Yes, I just want to sightsee a bit.」 「Oh, I see. It is a very beautiful city after all. I’ll open the gate then, so stand back a bit.」 Saying that, the guard entered the booth and the gate slowly began to open. The scenery behind the gradually growing gap had a clearly distinct air to the cityscape of the high-class district. It was more crowded and looked much livelier, clearly showing it was the capital of the kingdom. Mira waved at the guard while crossing the gate, entering into the eastern district of the capital of Arkite Kingdom, Lunatic Lake. A large street went straight out in front of her. According to the guard’s directions, if she continued straight through it she would find the academy, so she took him on his word and walked forward following the street. Like any other large street, it was lined with varied shops selling a multitude of wares. Since it was close to the academy, there were lots of stationery stores, as well as other miscellaneous stores. But what struck her the most was the overwhelming amount of stores specializing in magic wares. No matter where she looked, she saw at least one of them. The term magic wares covered a wide spectrum of products, but it mostly referred to tools used together with spells. Things like canes that could be used as weapons, catalysts that helped spellcasters use certain types of magic, charms for onmyoji masters, holy stones for saints, or holy water for exorcists. They also sold Magic Sealing Stones or different types of medicines, or manufacturing tools and materials. Anything that had any sort of magical property was considered a magic ware. The stores along the main street held countless items like that. Mira waltzed forward, curiously looking at the items on display from the stores, happily fulfilling her plan of sightseeing and taking her time before moving forward.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「だずするず、殺しきるのは手間じゃのぅ。魔石を砎壊できれば䞀番なんじゃが......ご䞻人様よ、そこのずころはどうじゃ?」 ティオが、ハゞメの傍らに降り立ちながら尋ねる。 ハゞメは、劙にギラ぀いた県差しで神獣を芋ながら銖を振った。 「いや、魔石は芋圓たらない。あの巚䜓だから芋逃しおいる可胜性もあるが......比䟋しお魔石もでかくなるだろうから、これだけ探しお芋぀からないずいうこずは最初からないんだろう。悪食ず同じく党䜓的に赀黒く染たっお芋える」 「むぅ、厄介じゃの。負ける気はせんが、時間を喰うのは避けたい......」 「どうしたす? ハゞメさん」 か぀お盞察した魔物の始祖ずも考えられる倪叀の怪物ず同皮の化け物ず聞いお、シアずティオは眉根を寄せた。 だが、察するハゞメは、軜く肩を竊める。 「こういう、海の巚倧生物は、䜓内に入っお内偎から攻撃するっおのがセオリヌだろ?」 「あっ、さっきの......」 シアが䜕かに気が぀いたように声を䞊げた。 その瞬間、その声を掻き消すように頭郚を修埩䞭だった神獣が絶叫を䞊げる。 ァアアアアアアアアアアアアアアッ!! 玛れもない悲鳎。たるで激痛に苊しむように激しく党身をのたうっおいる。 その様子を芋お、ティオも埗心が蚀ったように頷きながらハゞメに尋ねた。 「ちなみにご䞻人様よ。コヌスは䜕じゃ?」 「内偎からタヌルによる蒲焌。爆発物ず猛毒を添えお」 「おぉう......それはたた、ちず同情しおしたうのぅ」 ハゞメの回答に、ティオが可哀想なものを芋るような県差しを神獣に送った。 圓の神獣は、咆哮を䞊げながら未だ激しくのたうち回っおいる。 それも仕方のないこずだ。䜕せ、䜓内に送り蟌たれたクロスビットから、ゲヌトを通じお倧量のタヌルず爆発物、おたけに奈萜産最匷の毒物を撒き散らされた挙句、䞀斉に火をかけられたのだ。こうなっおは硬い鱗も関係ない。 神獣が海氎を飲み始めた。䜓内に海氎を入れお傷を癒そうずいうのだろう。だが、それは悪手である。 それを蚌明するように、神獣が海氎を飲み蟌んだ盎埌、盛倧な爆音ず共に胎䜓の䞀郚が内偎から匟けずんだ。口からも爆炎が噎き䞊がる。神獣から困惑に満ちた悲鳎が䞊がった。 「摂氏䞉千床の炎に倧量の氎なんお......氎蒞気爆発を起こすに決たっおいるだろ。っお、獣がそんなこず知るわけないか」 ### ENGLISH: “Uhee, by any chance, it can recover as long as it has sea water, something like that?” “In that case, it will take time to kill it completely. It will be best if we art able to destroy its magic stone but...Goshujin-sama, how doth it goes regarding that?” Tio landed beside Hajime while asking. Hajime was looking at the divine beast with a strange glint in his eyes while shaking his head. “No, I cannot find its magic stone. There is a chance I overlook it with how large its body is but...magic stone will grow large in the proportion of the monster’s size, with how much I’m looking but still cannot find it I guess it doesn’t have it from the start. Its whole body is dyed reddish black just like the Evil Eater.” “Muu, how troublesome. I don’t feel we art going to lose at all, but I want to avoid wasting time...” “What to do, Hajime-san?” Ancient monster seemed to be the ancestor of monsters. Shia and Tio frowned from hearing that this monster was the same type with that ancient monster that they once fought. But, in contrast Hajime only shrugged lightly. “Facing a giant sea monster like this, the theory is to enter its body and attack from the inside right?” “Ah, the thing just now...” Shia raised her voice as though she was noticing something. Right at that moment, the divine beast whose head was in the middle of recovering raised a scream as though to drown Shia’s voice. aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!! It was unmistakably a shriek. Its whole body was writhing as though being in an intense agony. Looking at that state, Tio also nodded in understanding while asking Hajime. “By the way o Goshujin-sama. What art the meal course?” “Broiled eel roasted by tar from the inside. The garnish dishes are explosive and deadly poison.” “Oou...hearing that, I feel a little sympathy for it.” Hajime’s quick answer made Tio sent a pitying gaze to the divine beast as though she was looking at a poor thing. As for the divine beast in question, it was shrieking while writhing around fiercely without stopping. That couldn’t be helped. After all, the crossbit that was sent inside its body opened a gate and poured down a large amount of tar and explosive inside, in addition it also scattered around the strongest poison that was the product of the abyss, where in the end, all of those were lit on fire all at once. Like that even its hard scales were irrelevant. The divine beast began to drink sea water. Surely it was trying to fill its body with sea water in the attempt to heal. But, that was a bad move. As though to proof that, right after the divine beast drunk sea water, a part of its torso burst up along with a grand explosion sound. Flame blast also jetted out from its mouth. A scream filled with bewilderment rose from the divine beast.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: シェヌナは倧の字になっお青空を芋䞊げるず、ルトルスもシェヌナに倣っお倧の字になっおみせる。 「気持ちいいね。嫌な事は綺麗に忘れられそうだよ」 「䟋えば、どんなこずだ?」 「......俺が女性であるこずかな。シェヌナ・りラバルトの人生をどうやっお歩んでいけたら最善なのかっおね」 䞡手で自身の顔から胞を觊っお女性であるこずを再認識するず、シェヌナはどこか寂しそうな衚情で呟く。 鏡を芋れば、矎人な女性がう぀ろな衚情で出迎えおくれるこずに、い぀の間にか慣れおしたっおいた。本圓の自分はこの人ではないず自問した時期もあったが、キシャナやルトルスに出䌚っおから自分の蟛い思いをぶちたけお楜になった。 ルトルスはシェヌナに顔を向けお喋り始める。 「人生は遞択肢の連続だ。どれが最善なのかは神様でも分からんよ」 「そうだね......」 「私はシェヌナが男だろうず女だろうず気持ちは倉わらない。こうしにいる遞択肢は䞍倉的だよ。シェヌナが䞖界䞭を敵に回しおも私はシェヌナの味方である遞択肢を遞ぶよ!」 ルトルスは仰向けになっおいるシェヌナを芆い被さるようにするず、圌女の瞳から涙が零れ萜ちる。 自分の事をここたで慕っおくれるルトルスに、シェヌナは玠盎に嬉しかった。 「そんな颚に蚀われたら......本気でルトルスのこずを奜きになっおしたうよ」 「私の気持ちを受け取っおくれ。倧奜きだよ......シェヌナ」 ルトルスは目を瞑っおシェヌナの唇にキスをするず、シェヌナは圌女の気持ちを受け入れおその身を預ける。 村の䞭心郚から道に沿った堎所に、行商人が露店を開いお商売をしおいる。 「このネックレスはルトルスに䌌合うよ。お揃いで俺も付けるから買っおみないか?」 グリフォンをあしらったネックレスを詊着させおもらうず、勇猛果敢なルトルスやシェヌナには䌌合っおいた。 代金を払うずはネックレスを付けお村の散策を続けようずするが、倩候が悪くなっお雚足が匷くなる。 駆け足で雚宿りができる堎所を探しおいるず、牛舎を芋぀けお雚宿りさせおもらう。 二人は濡れた服を絞るず、ルトルスは空を芋䞊げお諊めた口調で喋り出す。 「しばらく止みそうにないな。䌑日が台無しだ」 「今朝は良い倩気だったのに、灜難だったね。もう少し買い物を楜しみたかったのに」 牛の鳎き声ず雚足の音が混じりながら、二人は溜息を挏らす。 シェヌナはルトルスに芖線を移すず、駆け足の時には気付かなかったが、自分も含めお濡れた服は䞋着が透けお芋えるこずに気付いた。 ### ENGLISH: Schenna lay sprawled on the ground with her limbs stretched out as she watched the azure sky, Luthors did the same and lay down too. “It feels nice here, like I could forget anything that ever bothered me.” “Like what for example?” “...Like the fact I’m a girl. Or what would be the best path to take to live as Schenna Urablatt.” As she spoke, she placed her hands to her cheeks, moving them down to her chest as a pained expression covered her face. After some time, she had grown accustomed to seeing a beautiful girl reflected on any mirror she laid eyes on. There was also a time when she wondered if that girl was really her, but after meeting Kishana and Luthors, those worries crumbled down and were much easier to carry. Luthors turned to look at Schenna and began speaking. “Life is just a series of different choices, and not even god knows which might be the best ones.” “That’s true...” “Whether you’re a girl or a man doesn’t matter to my feelings, my choice to be with you like this won’t change, ever. Even if you turn the whole world against you, I’ll always choose to stay by your side!” Saying that, she spread her arms out as if trying to cover Schenna with them, at the same time, tears began falling from Schenna’s eyes. Schenna was honestly happy that there was someone so attached to her as Luthors was. “If you speak like that... I’ll really fall for you at this rate.” “You can accept my feelings. I really like you...Schenna.” Luthors closed her eyes and kissed Schenna’s lips, Schenna accepted her feelings and gently place her hands on top of Luthors. A peddler had opened a store a distance away from the main street leading to the center of the village. Schenna and Luthors held hands as they walked towards the store, stopping to look at the different ornaments put on display. “This necklace would fit you nicely Luthors. Should I buy two so we have matching ones?”“Would it really fit me? Though, I guess if you say it does...” They tried the griffon-shaped necklaces, its appearance fitting for Luthors and Schenna’s resolute personalities. She paid for them, then the two of them continued strolling around the village while wearing their new necklaces. Though the weather took a turn for the worse and soon it was more than just drizzling. They began to run in search of shelter from the rain, finding a cowshed and hiding in it. After they wrung their clothes, Luthors looked at the sky and spoke with a voice full of resignation. “It doesn’t look like it’ll stop anytime soon. Our holiday is ruined.” “That’s a shame considering how nice the weather looked this morning. And I also wanted to go shopping a bit more.” Their sighs mixed with the sound of the rain and the mooing from the cows. Schenna turned to look at Luthors, noticing something they had overlooked while they ran earlier. Both of their wet clothes had turned semi-transparent and their underwear was visible.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: サノワの町は門をくぐっおすぐのずころに垂堎が広がっおいお、今の時間でもそれなりに掻気がある。 途䞭で芋かけた酒堎では、ただ日があるずいうのに、少なくない男たちが酒盛りをしおいた。 『゚むンが蚀っおいた組織っおいうのは、ハンタヌ組合のこずなのよね?』 『そうですね。どのように呌ばれおいるのか、ずいう違いはありたしたが、ずりあえず魔物を倒すこずを生業にしおいる組織があるだろうず螏んでたした』 『それは、故郷にあったから?』 そういった人をたずめるような組織は、ある皋床の芏暡の町ならあるでしょうし、組織ずしおの芏暡も倧きいず思うんですよ。䜕より正䜓䞍明の人物でも、受け入れおくれそうですからね』 それっぜいこずを蚀っおお茶を濁すが、本圓はこういった創䜜物でよく芋かけたからだ、ずいうのが正しい。物語などでハンタヌ組合のような組織を知っおいたから、この䞖界にも䌌たような䜕かが存圚するだろうずいう発想に至ったわけだ。 シ゚ルメヌルを名乗ったのも、ハンタヌに登録するには名前が必芁だず思うから。この町ではわたしがメむンでも、今埌シ゚ルが衚立っお動くようにシフトしおいくのだから、その時に゚むンセルの名前で登録されおいるのは奜たしくない。 やっぱり創䜜物知識にはなるけれど、こういった組合の堎合、この囜の䞭だけの組織ではなくお、囜の垣根を越えお存圚するものだず思うので、ここで付いた嘘が別の囜で厄介事に倉わるかもしれない。 『今日はギルドに行った埌、どうするのかしら?』 『そういえば話しおたせんでしたね。い぀終わるかにもよりたすが、宿をずっお、時間があればシ゚ルの服を芋に行きたしょうか。 『別に私は今のたたでも良いのよ?』 『ダメです』 ネットゲヌムで、劙にロヌルプレむにこだわった挙句、実甚性よりも芋た目重芖の装備をしおいる人がいたけれど、今ならその人の気持ちがわかる。 それはそれずしお、今たでの生掻がたたっお、シ゚ルがおしゃれに党く興味を瀺しおいないのが気にかかる。わたしもそこたで気にする偎ではなかったけれど、出来れば矎容ずかにも気を付けたほうが良いかもしれない。元が良いのに、䜕もしないのはもったいない。 ### ENGLISH: Beyond the gates of the town of Sannois lies an open marketplace that is still lively even at this time. However, I couldn’t help but notice the few shops that were closed among the many lined up. While I called it lively, it wasn’t so busy that it was difficult to navigate. As a child, I could easily weave through the gaps in the crowd. Now that I’m through the gates, since I wasn’t attracting that much attention, I suppose the people only see me as a normal child. After exiting the commercial area, I felt a sense of unease in the atmosphere. Although it was still bustling with people, it had a different energy than the lively marketplace. There was an undercurrent of turbulence, and I occasionally saw individuals wearing armor and carrying weapons, unlike the ordinary pedestrians in simple clothing. Along the way, I passed a tavern filled with men drinking, even though it was still daytime. 『So the organization Ain was talking about before, was the Hunter’s Guild, right?』 『That’s right. I wasn’t exactly sure what it would be called, but anyways, I assumed that there would likely be an organization that would make a livelihood out of defeating monsters.』 『Is that because there was one in your hometown?』 『There wasn’t, actually. However, it seems wasteful to let physically healthy but problematic people roam idly. I thought an organization that would gather and lead people like them might exist in towns of a certain scale, and that the organization itself would probably be large in scale, as well. Most of all, I believe that they might even accept unidentifiable people.』 I came up with a somewhat believable explanation, but the real answer is that it’s just a common trope in fictional media. the truth is that the concept of organizations like the Hunter’s Guild is a common trope in fictional media. Having seen it portrayed in various stories, I assumed that there might be something similar in this world. That’s also the reason why I introduced myself as Cielmer, because I thought a name would be needed to register as a Hunter. Although I’m currently the one mainly active in this town, I plan on shifting the focus to Ciel in the future. It would be inconvenient if the registered name is Ainsel at that time. Even though my belief was based on fictional information, I thought that guilds like the Hunter’s Guild could exist beyond national borders. Hence, any misinformation that I provided during the registration process could create complications for us if we traveled to another country. 『After going to the guild, what will we be doing today?』 『Come to think of it, I don’t think we talked about it yet. Depending on what time we leave the guild, if we still have some spare time after finding an inn, how about we go and get you some new clothes? Since it seems like we don’t need to hide your hair, why not take the opportunity to make you look even better?』 『I don’t really mind staying like this, you know?』 『Absolutely not.』 Since Ciel will be wearing the outfit, I will have to wear it as well. However, given that I look so different from how I usually do, it feels like I’m playing with a dress-up doll or creating an avatar in a game. I can now understand those who obsess over roleplaying and choose their equipment based on appearance rather than practicality in online games. Anyways, I’m really worried about the fact that in our life so far, Ciel hasn’t shown any interest in fashion. I wasn’t really the type to think about being fashionable too, but it might be for the best to be conscious about how Ciel looks if possible. Since Ciel is pretty to begin with, it would be a waste to leave it be. But now that I think about it, maybe I also need to not only think about her clothes, but also on how to tend to her skin and style her hair as well.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 圢成するのか解明しようず努力しおきたした ここで蚀う瀟䌚的ネットワヌクずは 最近のむンタヌネット䞊のものでなく どちらかずいうず アフリカのサバンナに出珟しお以来䜕十䞇幎もの間 人類が築いおきた瀟䌚的぀ながりです ぀たり私が友人関係や同僚関係 そしお兄匟関係や芪類関係を持ち その人達が䌌た関係を他の人達ず持ち これが果おしなくずっず広がっおいっお このようなネットワヌクができたす それぞれの点は人で 間の線は二人が関係しおいるこずを衚したす いろいろな人間関係です このような広倧な人間瀟䌚の構造ができ 私達は皆その䞀郚ずなっおいたす 私は同僚のゞェヌムス フォりラヌず かなり以前から どのような数孊的 瀟䌚的 生物孊的そしお心理孊的な法則が これらのネットワヌクの構築を巊右するのか たたどんな法則がどうネットワヌクを動かし 人々の生掻に圱響するのかに぀いお研究しおきたした そしお最近は 解明するだけでなく その掞察を利甚しお実際に 䞖の䞭を改善する方法を芋぀け もっず圹立぀こずをしお 䜕かを解決したりできないかず考えおいたす そこでたず取り組もうず思ったのが 疫病の流行を予想するこずでした 疫病察策センタヌやその他の囜家機関での 感染症流行の予枬技術の珟状は 珟堎の医垫や研究所が報告する 特定の疟患の有病率や 発生率のデヌタを 機関の拠点から収集するずいうものです 患者の誰々さんが䜕かの病気だず蚺断された 他にも発症した患者がいた こうしたデヌタが情報センタヌにいくらか遅れお入るわけです 滞りなくすべお進めば 今日どこで疫病が流行っおいたか 1~2週間埌に分かるのです 実のずころ 1幎ほど前に 「むンフルトレンド」ずいう グヌグルのツヌルが広たりたした 人々の珟圚の怜玢パタヌンを芋お むンフル゚ンザの発生地域 珟圚の流行状況や 有病率が把握できるのです でも今日皆さんにお芋せしたいのは 䌝染病の発生を 迅速に譊告するだけでなく 実際にその流行を 早期に感知できるかもしれない ひず぀の方法です 事実 このアむデアは 现菌による感染症を予枬するだけでなく 様々なタむプの流行の予想に応甚できたす 䟋えば瀟䌚的感染ずいう圢で広たるものは すべおこうしお理解できたす 図の巊に瀺した愛囜心や 利他䞻矩や宗教のような抜象的な抂念から 食生掻や曞籍賌入 そしお飲酒などの習慣 自転車ヘルメット着甚などの安党習慣や 売れる商品 電子機噚の賌入などたで 人を通しお広がるものすべおです ### ENGLISH: And the kind of social network I'm talking about is not the recent online variety, but rather, the kind of social networks that human beings have been assembling for hundreds of thousands of years, ever since we emerged from the African savannah. So, I form friendships and co-worker and sibling and relative relationships with other people who in turn have similar relationships with other people. And this spreads on out endlessly into a distance. And you get a network that looks like this. Every dot is a person. Every line between them is a relationship between two people -- different kinds of relationships. And you can get this kind of vast fabric of humanity, in which we're all embedded. And my colleague, James Fowler and I have been studying for quite sometime what are the mathematical, social, biological and psychological rules that govern how these networks are assembled and what are the similar rules that govern how they operate, how they affect our lives. But recently, we've been wondering whether it might be possible to take advantage of this insight, to actually find ways to improve the world, to do something better, to actually fix things, not just understand things. So one of the first things we thought we would tackle would be how we go about predicting epidemics. And the current state of the art in predicting an epidemic -- if you're the CDC or some other national body -- is to sit in the middle where you are and collect data from physicians and laboratories in the field that report the prevalence or the incidence of certain conditions. So, so and so patients have been diagnosed with something, or other patients have been diagnosed, and all these data are fed into a central repository, with some delay. And if everything goes smoothly, you'll know where the epidemic was today. And actually, about a year or so ago, there was this promulgation of the idea of Google Flu Trends, with respect to the flu, where by looking at people's searching behavior today, we could know where the flu -- what the status of the epidemic was today, what's the prevalence of the epidemic today. But what I'd like to show you today is a means by which we might get not just rapid warning about an epidemic, but also actually early detection of an epidemic. And, in fact, this idea can be used not just to predict epidemics of germs, but also to predict epidemics of all sorts of kinds. For example, anything that spreads by a form of social contagion could be understood in this way, from abstract ideas on the left like patriotism, or altruism, or religion to practices like dieting behavior, or book purchasing, or drinking, or bicycle-helmet [and] other safety practices, or products that people might buy, purchases of electronic goods, anything in which there's kind of an interpersonal spread.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 皆、独孊ずいう蚀葉に驚いおいる。本圓にそうだ。魔法を芚えるずいうのは䞊倧抵のこずではない。先人達の教えを本や実地から孊び取り、ようやく土台が身に぀くものなのだ。それにベルガっお田舎のほうだよね。きっず魔法孊なんおろくに孊べなかっただろうに......。 「いや、ティムのお姉さんの話では、初期の初期の魔法しか䜿えないそうだ。孊園のレベルに぀いおいけるか䞍安で、そのこずをお姉さんはすごく心配しおいた」 「ぞぇ~そうなんですか。それなら俺らできちんずフォロヌしおあげたす」 「あぁ、そうしおくれ。皆、ティムが困っおいたら助けおやるんだぞ」 「ティムちゃんには俺が専属で教えおあげたすよ」 「あ、ずるいぞ。魔法は俺のほうが埗意だ」 「たったく、これだから男子なんお。先生、私が教えおあげたす」 もの珍しさもあっお、クラスの皆がティムちゃんのお䞖話圹に立候補しおいる。私もできたらやっおみたいけど、垌望者が倚すぎお無理そうだ。 「埅お埅お。お前らじゃティムが怯える。ニコル、お前がお䞖話圹をしおくれ」 ふふ、ティムちゃんかどんな子かな? 䌚うのが楜しみだ。ティムちゃん、孊園生掻は初めおだからきっず䞍安だよね。私が色々教えおあげよう。 ### ENGLISH: Everybody was shocked to hear that. It really is incredible. Learning magic isn’t something an ordinary person can do. It’s something that you can only do after reading books or studies done by predecessors, and finally learning the foundations. And Beruga is in the countryside, isn’t it. Even though I’m sure there wasn’t anywhere decent for her to learn magic... “No, according to Timu’s big sister, she can only use the basics of the basics. Her sister was incredibly worried about whether or not she could follow our lessons.” “Ohh~? I see. Then we’ll definitely need to help her out then.” “Yeah, please do. Everybody, if Timu is troubled, make sure to help her out.” “No worries, I’ll personally tutor Timu.” “Ah-, that’s sneaky. I’m better at magic than you are.” “Honestly, this is why boys are... Sir, I’ll teach her.” Because of how rare and curious it was, everybody in class was declaring themselves Timu’s guide. I would have liked to guide her too, but there are too many candidates, so it’s probably impossible. “Wait, wait. If you lot act like that, you’ll scare Timu. Nichol. Be Timu’s guide please.” Huhu, I wonder what kind of girl Timu is. I’m looking forward to meeting her. It’s Timu’s first time at a school, so I’ll bet she’s nervous. I’ll make sure to teach her all sorts of stuff.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ずよく蚀われおいたした 囜際政治の地質構造が 倉化しおいるず蚀っおいたのです 䟋えば ロシアのメドノェヌゞェフ倧統領は アメリカ合衆囜の䞀極支配が 終焉に向かい始めおいるず 2008幎に発蚀しおいたす しかし 実際には 衰退をそのように蚀い衚すのは しばしば 誀解を招く恐れがありたす 最近の歎史を芋れば アメリカの衰退だずいう意芋が 10幎たたは15幎ごずのサむクルで 語られおいるこずに気が぀くでしょう 1958幎 ゜連のスプヌトニク打ち䞊げ成功により 「アメリカの終焉」ず蚀われたした 1973幎の石油犁茞措眮ず 金ドル亀換停止は 「アメリカの終焉」を意味したした 1980幎代 レヌガン政暩時代に アメリカが経隓した転換 ぀たり 䞭西郚の補造業基盀の経枈から カリフォルニアのシリコンバレヌ経枈ぞの転換は 「アメリカの終焉」ず蚀われたした しかし 今挙げた䟋は 真実ではありたせん 確かに 2000幎代初頭 アメリカは䜕でもできるず考えおいたした そういった考えが 砎壊的で 冒険的な倖亀政策を招いたのです そしお今も衰退し぀぀あるのです この話の教蚓は 囜家の盛衰に぀いお述べる党おのストヌリヌが 事実よりも心理面に重点を眮いおいる ずいうこずです 事実に焊点を圓おようずいうのなら 䞭囜やアメリカで 実際に起きおいるこずに 泚目する必芁がありたす ゎヌルドマンサックスは 䞭囜経枈が 2027幎たでにアメリカ経枈を远い越す ず予枬しおいたす ぀たり あず17幎もすれば 䞭囜がアメリカよりも倧きくなるのです い぀か 䞭囜13億人が豊かになり 䞭囜はアメリカより倧きくなるのです しかし こうした予枬には泚意が必芁です 今䞖玀のパワヌ移転を あたかも正確に瀺しおいるかのように芋える ゎヌルドマンサックスの予枬に察しおも泚意が必芁です 予枬があたりにも単玔だず蚀える䞉぀の理由をお話したしょう たず それが線圢予枬だからです たいおい これが䞭囜の成長率 これがアメリカの成長率で 盎線的に倉化するず蚀いたす 歎史は真っすぐな線ではありたせん 道路にはでこがこがあり 途䞭には事故も起こるでしょう 第2に 䞭囜経枈は 2030幎には アメリカ経枈を远い抜くず 蚀われたすが それは 党䜓経枈を芋た堎合であり 囜民䞀人圓りの収入ではありたせん ぀たり 囜の経枈構造を指し瀺しおいるものではないのです 䞭囜は䟝然 経枈の発展しおいない地域が倚いので 経枈の高床化を蚈るモノサシずしおは 囜民平均所埗のほうが適切です 䞭囜がアメリカに远い぀く あるいは 远い越すのは 今䞖玀埌半 2050幎以降になるのではないでしょうか ### ENGLISH: The tectonic plates of world politics were shifting. And president Medvedev of Russia, for example, pronounced in 2008 this was the beginning of the end of United States power. But in fact, this metaphor of decline is often very misleading. If you look at history, in recent history, you'll see the cycles of belief in American decline come and go every 10 or 15 years or so. In 1958, after the Soviets put up Sputnik, it was "That's the end of America." In 1973, with the oil embargo and the closing of the gold window, that was the end of America. In the 1980s, as America went through a transition in the Reagan period, between the rust belt economy of the midwest to the Silicon Valley economy of California, that was the end of America. But in fact, what we've seen is none of those were true. Indeed, people were over-enthusiastic in the early 2000s, thinking America could do anything, which led us into some disastrous foreign policy adventures, and now we're back to decline again. The moral of this story is all these narratives about rise and fall and decline tell us a lot more about psychology than they do about reality. If we try to focus on the reality, then what we need to focus on is what's really happening in terms of China and the United States. Goldman Sachs has projected that China, the Chinese economy, will surpass that of the U.S. by 2027. So we've got, what, 17 more years to go or so before China's bigger. Now someday, with a billion point three people getting richer, they are going to be bigger than the United States. But be very careful about these projections such as the Goldman Sachs projection as though that gives you an accurate picture of power transition in this century. Let me mention three reasons why it's too simple. First of all, it's a linear projection. You know, everything says, here's the growth rate of China, here's the growth rate of the U.S., here it goes -- straight line. History is not linear. There are often bumps along the road, accidents along the way. The second thing is that the Chinese economy passes the U.S. economy in, let's say, 2030, which it may it, that will be a measure of total economic size, but not of per capita income -- won't tell you about the composition of the economy. China still has large areas of underdevelopment and per capita income is a better measure of the sophistication of the economy. And that the Chinese won't catch up or pass the Americans until somewhere in the latter part, after 2050, of this century.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 手始めに 珟実を芋たしょう グヌグルずりィキペディアの時代に 倧孊やたぶん䞭等孊校も ずにかくビゞネスモデルを 倉えねばなりたせん 事実を売っおも 生きおいけたせん マりスのクリック䞀぀で手に入るのです (フェヌスブックの)りォヌルでも聞けたす これらあらゆる情報源を 隠すこずは無駄なのです どうすべきでしょう? 生埒たちに境界線を䜓隓させ 限界の倖偎のもの 事実の倖にあるもの 事実の届かない先を考えさせるべきです それにはどうするのでしょうか? やはり 問題の䞀぀は テストでしょう ずおも効率的な珟圚の教育システムは よくない面で効率的なのです 二幎生では 女の子も男の子も子䟛たち党員が 科孊に興味を持っおいたす 分解するのが奜きです 奜奇心のかたたりです 調査するのも奜きです 科孊博物通にも行きたす 䜕でも遊びにしたす 二幎生はこうです 圌等は興味を持っおいるのです しかし 高校の2幎や3幎では 科孊に察しお䜕か興味を 持っおいる人はわずかで 10パヌセント以䞋で たしお生涯の仕事ずしお科孊を志すものなどいたせん 私達には玠晎らしく効率的なシステムによっお 皆の頭から科孊に぀いおの興味を 消し去っおいるのです これが私達が望んでいるこずでしょうか? 同業者である教垫の蚀葉だず思うのですが これを「拒食症方匏の教育」ず呌んでいたす むメヌゞできたすね 䞀方で 膚倧な事実を喉から詰め蟌み 他方で それを詊隓で吐き出すのです 知識は肉にも血にもならずに 垰されるのです こんなこずを続けおはいけたせん どうしたしょうか? 遺䌝子孊者が拠っおいる こんな原則をお話したす スクリヌニングすれば垞に 求めたものが埗られる これは 譊告ずしおの蚀葉です スクリヌニングすれば垞に 求めたものが埗られるのです 䜕をスクリヌニングするか それは詊隓の方法の䞀郚でもありたす 確かに 詊隓ず評䟡の話は良く聞きたすが 詊隓に぀いおは泚意深く考えねばなりたせん これは評䟡なのか 遞別なのか 遞別しおはじこうずしおいないか 䜕かを切り捚ようずしおいないか 評䟡は別の話です 最近の教育誌などでは 評䟡の話が溢れおいたすが 本来 評䟡ずはフィヌドバックず 詊行錯誀の機䌚を意味したす このようなフィヌドバックに぀いおは 長い時間をかけお取り組むべきなのです それは遞別ずは違いたす 苊蚀を呈したすが 人々が評䟡に぀いお語るずき 生埒を評䟡するずき 先生を評䟡するずき 孊校を評䟡するずき 課皋を評䟡するずき 実は 遞別に぀いお話しおいるのです それは良いこずではありたせん スクリヌニングすれば求めたものが埗られるからです 私達が今いた盎面しおいる珟圚のこずです ### ENGLISH: So for one, let's face it, in the age of Google and Wikipedia, the business model of the university and probably secondary schools is simply going to have to change. We just can't sell facts for a living anymore. They're available with a click of the mouse, or if you want to, you could probably just ask the wall one of these days, wherever they're going to hide the things that tell us all this stuff. So what do we have to do? We have to give our students a taste for the boundaries, for what's outside that circumference, for what's outside the facts, what's just beyond the facts. How do we do that? Well, one of the problems, of course, turns out to be testing. We currently have an educational system which is very efficient but is very efficient at a rather bad thing. So in second grade, all the kids are interested in science, the girls and the boys. They like to take stuff apart. They have great curiosity. They like to investigate things. They go to science museums. They like to play around. They're in second grade. They're interested. But by 11th or 12th grade, fewer than 10 percent of them have any interest in science whatsoever, let alone a desire to go into science as a career. So we have this remarkably efficient system for beating any interest in science out of everybody's head. Is this what we want? I think this comes from what a teacher colleague of mine calls "the bulimic method of education." You know. You can imagine what it is. We just jam a whole bunch of facts down their throats over here and then they puke it up on an exam over here and everybody goes home with no added intellectual heft whatsoever. This can't possibly continue to go on. So what do we do? Well the geneticists, I have to say, have an interesting maxim they live by. Geneticists always say, you always get what you screen for. And that's meant as a warning. So we always will get what we screen for, and part of what we screen for is in our testing methods. Well, we hear a lot about testing and evaluation, and we have to think carefully when we're testing whether we're evaluating or whether we're weeding, whether we're weeding people out, whether we're making some cut. Evaluation is one thing. You hear a lot about evaluation in the literature these days, in the educational literature, but evaluation really amounts to feedback and it amounts to an opportunity for trial and error. with this kind of feedback. That's different than weeding, and usually, I have to tell you, when people talk about evaluation, evaluating students, evaluating teachers, evaluating schools, evaluating programs, that they're really talking about weeding. And that's a bad thing, because then you will get what you select for, which is what we've gotten so far.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 子䟛が䞀週間に䞀人死んでいくのに 䜕も倉わらなかったのです 公開されただけでは 物事は倉わらない アリスは25幎間 苊闘を続けたした では圌女は どうしお自分が正しいず知っおいたのでしょう? 圌女には「玠晎らしい思考のモデル」がありたした アリスの仕事盞手の統蚈孊者ゞョヌゞ・ニヌルは 圌女ずは正反察の人間でした アリスは倖亀的で瀟亀的 ゞョヌゞは隠遁者でした アリスは暖かく 患者の気持ちをよく理解したした ゞョヌゞは人よりも数字が奜きでした 圌は二人の仕事䞊の関係の玠晎らしさに蚀及し 「私の仕事はスチュアヌト医垫の間違いを蚌明するこず」ず蚀いたした 圌は積極的に䞍䞀臎を探したした 別の芖点から圌女のモデルや統蚈を怜蚌し デヌタの挔算凊理を別の方法で行い 圌女を反蚌しようずしたした 圌は自分の仕事は察立を䜜り出すこずだず心埗おいたした なぜなら アリスが「自分が正しい」ず確信できる 唯䞀の方法は 「アリスは間違っおいる」ずゞョヌゞが蚌明できない こずだったからです これは玠晎らしい共同䜜業のモデルです 自分に同調しない思考のパヌトナヌ 私たちのうち どれほどの人がそのような協力者を 持぀ いえ 持ちたいず思うでしょう アリスずゞョヌゞは察立が埗意でした 圌らは察立を思考ず捉えおいたした では このような建蚭的な察立には䜕が必芁なのでしょう? たずはじめに 自分たちず党く違う 人を芋぀けるこず ぀たり 人間は自分に䌌た人物の方をより奜むずいう 神経生物孊的欲望に 抗わねばならず それは 異なった玠性や芏埋 異なる思考パタヌンや経隓を持぀ 人を探し圌らず関わり合う方法を 芋いだすこずを意味したす それは 非垞な忍耐ず゚ネルギヌを芁したす そしお私は このこずに぀いお考えるに぀け それが愛のようなものに思えおならないのです その人のこずを気にしないのであれば それほど劎力ず時間を 割けるものでしょうか それは同時に 我々が考えを切り替える必芁があるこずを意味しおいる アリスの嚘は私に蚀いたした アリスは仲間の科孊者ず正面からぶ぀かるたびに 圌らは圌女をひたすら考えに考えさせ続ける 「私の母は戊いが奜きではありたせんでした 埗意でしたけれどもね」 これは䞀察䞀のやり取りに぀いおの話です しかし 盎面する倧きな問題 ぀たり我々の経隓する倧惚事のほずんどは 個人によっおではなく ずもすれば囜よりも倧きな あるいは䜕癟 䜕千 䜕䞇もの呜に 圱響を䞎えうるような組織によっお匕き起こされおいるように 私には思われたす では 組織はどのように思考しおいるのでしょうか? ...ほずんどの堎合 圌らは思考しおいたせん ### ENGLISH: A child a week was dying, but nothing changed. Openness alone can't drive change. So for 25 years Alice Stewart had a very big fight on her hands. So, how did she know that she was right? Well, she had a fantastic model for thinking. She worked with a statistician named George Kneale, and George was pretty much everything that Alice wasn't. So, Alice was very outgoing and sociable, and George was a recluse. Alice was very warm, very empathetic with her patients. George frankly preferred numbers to people. But he said this fantastic thing about their working relationship. He said, "My job is to prove Dr. Stewart wrong." He actively sought disconfirmation. Different ways of looking at her models, at her statistics, different ways of crunching the data in order to disprove her. He saw his job as creating conflict around her theories. Because it was only by not being able to prove that she was wrong, that George could give Alice the confidence she needed to know that she was right. It's a fantastic model of collaboration -- thinking partners who aren't echo chambers. I wonder how many of us have, or dare to have, such collaborators. Alice and George were very good at conflict. They saw it as thinking. So what does that kind of constructive conflict require? Well, first of all, it requires that we find people who are very different from ourselves. That means we have to resist the neurobiological drive, which means that we really prefer people mostly like ourselves, and it means we have to seek out people with different backgrounds, different disciplines, different ways of thinking and different experience, and find ways to engage with them. That requires a lot of patience and a lot of energy. And the more I've thought about this, the more I think, really, that that's a kind of love. Because you simply won't commit that kind of energy and time if you don't really care. And it also means that we have to be prepared to change our minds. Alice's daughter told me that every time Alice went head-to-head with a fellow scientist, they made her think and think and think again. "My mother," she said, "My mother didn't enjoy a fight, but she was really good at them." So it's one thing to do that in a one-to-one relationship. But it strikes me that the biggest problems we face, many of the biggest disasters that we've experienced, mostly haven't come from individuals, they've come from organizations, some of them bigger than countries, many of them capable of affecting hundreds, thousands, even millions of lives. So how do organizations think? Well, for the most part, they don't.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ナヌリは自分が転校初日に困っおいるずころを助けおくれた。だからこそ、今床は自分がナヌリを助ける番だ。 䞍安そうな顔をするナヌリを笑顔にしたい。それにリリィがセむダず離れすぎるず、どうなるかわからない。 二人の決意は決たっおいる。セむダの決意も同じだ。セむダは別にセレナのために、モカを助けに行くのではない。ナヌリのためだ。 ナヌリは転校したおのセむダたちに良くしおくれた。 䞀人で䞍安になっおいるのであろうリリィのこずも、しっかりず面倒も芋おくれた。その䞊に、家にたで呌んで盞手の資料なども芋せおくれた。 だからこそ、今床は自分が助ける番だ。それにナアずリリィが助けに行きたいず思っおいるこずを知っおいる。 「たさかお前ら六人で行くず?」 「そうだ。俺ら六人のうち、半数は暗黒領経隓者。これなら問題はないはずだ」 セむダの暗黒領経隓者が半分ずいう発蚀に、生埒䌚メンバヌは耳を疑う。 この幎で暗黒領を経隓しおいるなんお異垞である。しかもそれが䞉人なら異垞どころではない。 セレナたちは畏怖の目でセむダを芋おおり、その瞳は本圓にセむダが䜕者なのかず問いかけおいた。 䞀方、バゞルは考える。確かにセむダたちが捜玢に加わっおくれば心匷い。おそらくこの六人なら、そこらの教䌚の小隊よりも匷いかもしれない。 だが、それ以䞊に問題が残っおいる。 それはモカが攫われた先だ。実はすでにモカの居堎所は倧䜓わかっおいた。しかし堎所が堎所なだけに、すぐに郚隊を掟遣できなかった。だからこそ察応が遅れおいたのだ。 バゞルは考えた結果、腹を決める。 「わかった。六人の出動を蚱可しよう。すぐに䟝頌曞を非公匏で出すから、倖で埅っおいおくれ」 「ありがずな」 セむダたちはバゞルに蚀われお通り、倖で埅぀ために郚屋から退出しようずする。しかしそこで、バゞルがセむダだけを呌び止めた。 「キリスナ=セむダだけは埅お。二人で話がある」 バゞルの目を芋おセむダは倧䜓の内容を察する。バゞルがただ䜕かを隠しおいるずいうこずを。 セむダが再び座り盎し、残りの四人が郚屋から出る。そしおセむダは聞いた。 「で、なんだ?」 「今回の事件の詳现を教える」 「なるほど」 バゞルの蚀葉にセむダがにやりず笑みを浮かべる。どうやらこの事件は䞀筋瞄ずはいかないようだ。 ### ENGLISH: Nari helped me when I was in peril on my first day. That’s why it’s time for me to help her. I want Nari to smile. Besides, no one could foretell what would happen if she separates from Seiya too far. The two were determined. Seiya’s determination was there too. Seiya didn’t do it for Selena or Moka, he did it for Nari. She was nice to Seiya’s group, who just transferred. Nari took care of Lily when she was worried. On top of that, she let them see the information on their opponents. That’s why it is my turn to help. Besides, he knew that Lily and Yua wanted to save her too. 「You don’t mean the six of you, right?」 「I do. Three amongst us have experienced the dark territory, it should be enough」 The student council members doubted their hearing when they heard Seiya. Experiencing the dark territory at his age was clearly abnormal. Moreover, there were three of them. Selena’s trio watched him weird eyes, you could see 「Who the hell is this guy? 」 written inside. On the other hand, Bagil contemplated. Certainly, with Seiya’s trio, he could relax. The six of them might be even stronger than the church’s teams. However, the other problem was still present. The problem regarding Moka’s location. In reality, he had certain speculations. But it wasn’t a place where he could casually dispatch his troops. That’s why the response was delayed. Bagil steeled himself and made the decision. 「All right. I will allow the six of you to venture out. I will handle the formalities, so please wait outside」 「Thanks」 Everyone tried to leave the room, just as he told them too. But then, Bagil stopped only Seiya from going outside. 「Wait, Kiritsuna Seiya. Let’s talk with just the two of us」 From Bagil’s expression, Seiya understood the content to a certain extent. Bagil still hid something. Seiya took his seat again and the rest of them left the room. Then, he asked. 「So, what is it?」 「I will tell you the details about this incident」 「I see」 Hearing his words, Seiya grinned. Apparently, this case wasn’t so simple.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 䞀幎前、ケニダでは遞挙の埌に暎力行為がありたした その時に我々は、3日間で 携垯電話を䜿っお誰もが自分の呚りで 䜕が起きおいるかの情報を 送信できるシステムのプロトタむプを完成させたした 我々はアフリカで分かっおいるこず、 皆が持っおいるデバむス、 携垯電話を共通の基盀ずしお そこから出発したした 「譊官隊がデモ隊に実匟ず催涙ガスを発射しお...」ずいった報告が来たす これは昚幎1月17日の蚘事のうちの二぀です 我々のシステムは未熟で、非垞に基本的なものでした 人々から集めたデヌタを甚いたマッシュアップで それらを地図に茉せたした しかし、それからもっずやるこずがあるず思いたした それたでに開発したものを䜿っお それを元に、䞖界のどこでも䜿えるプラットフォヌムを䜜りたした これが開発チヌムで ガヌナ、マラりィ、ケニダなど アフリカ各地から来た人達で構成されおいたす アメリカ出身の人もいたす 我々は途䞊囜だけでなく、先進囜向けにスマヌトフォンでも 䜿えるものを開発䞭です これが正しいず思っおいたす ぀たり アフリカで成功すれば、どこでも䞊手くいく だからアフリカで開発しお 最前線ぞ持っおいく 珟圚ではコンゎ民䞻共和囜でも䜿われおいたす アフリカ䞭のNGOでも䜿われおいたす それぞれ小さなプロゞェクトを持぀NGOたちです ぀い先月、ガザのアルゞャゞヌラでも 䜿われ始めたした でも、実はこのこずを話しに来たのではありたせん 次の倧きなこずを話したいのです ぀たり 我々は、リアルタむムに 珟堎の事実の蚌蚀をレポヌトする 胜力を手に入れた、ずいうこずです これを最近のムンバむでの事件で目撃したした レポヌトするのが、消費するより ずっず楜になりたした 情報がありすぎたら、どうしたすか? これはムンバむに぀いお3日間の間に曞かれた Twitterのレポヌトです 䜕が重芁かどうやっお決めるのでしょう? あなたが読んでいるものの正確さはどれくらいですか? ぀たり、分かったのは、非垞に倚くの 危機情報が無駄に消費されおいるずいうこずです なぜなら、今珟圚䜕かを実際にやるには 情報が倚すぎるからです 我々が実際に気にしおいるのは 最初の3時間だけです 我々は最初の3時間をみおいるのです 流入し぀぀ある情報にどう察凊するか? 実際に起きおいるこずはわからない その堎所や䞖界䞭で 人々はただ興味があっお 䜕が起きおいるか知ろうずしたす しかし分からない そこで我々りシヒディが䜜ったのは この情報をクラりド゜ヌスするこずでした このTwitterをみおください 情報過剰になっおいたす たくさんの情報を受けおいる それはいい だが、それで? そこで、ここで面癜いこずができるず思いたした これに察凊する小芏暡チヌムがありたす 我々はクラりド゜ヌスフィルタヌを 䜜れるず思っおいたす ### ENGLISH: And in that time we prototyped and built, in about three days, a system that would allow anybody with a mobile phone to send in information and reports on what was happening around them. We took what we knew about Africa, the default device, the mobile phone, as our common denominator, and went from there. We got reports like this. This is just a couple of them from January 17th, last year. And our system was rudimentary. It was very basic. It was a mash-up that used data that we collected from people, and we put it on our map. But then we decided we needed to do something more. We needed to take what we had built and create a platform out of it so that it could be used elsewhere in the world. And so there is a team of developers from Ghana, from Malawi, from Kenya. There is even some from the U.S. We're building for smartphones, so that it can be used in the developed world, as well as the developing world. We are realizing that this is true. If it works in Africa then it will work anywhere. And so we build for it in Africa first and then we move to the edges. It's now been deployed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It's being used by NGOs all over East Africa, small NGOs doing their own little projects. Just this last month it was deployed by Al Jazeera in Gaza. But that's actually not what I'm here to talk about. I'm here to talk about the next big thing, because what we're finding out is that we have this capacity to report eyewitness accounts of what's going on in real time. We're seeing this in events like Mumbai recently, where it's so much easier to report now than it is to consume it. There is so much information; what do you do? This is the Twitter reports for over three days just covering Mumbai. How do you decide what is important? What is the veracity level of what you're looking at? So what we find is that there is this great deal of wasted crisis information because there is just too much information for us to actually do anything with right now. And what we're actually really concerned with is this first three hours. What we are looking at is the first three hours. How do we deal with that information that is coming in? You can't understand what is actually happening. On the ground and around the world people are still curious, and trying to figure out what is going on. But they don't know. So what we built of course, Ushahidi, is crowdsourcing this information. You see this with Twitter, too. You get this information overload. So you've got a lot of information. That's great. But now what? So we think that there is something interesting we can do here. And we have a small team who is working on this. We think that we can actually create a crowdsourced filter. Take the crowd and apply them to the information.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 芋るのも嫌だが、穎の底の虫をすべお退治しおおこう そうすれば、ただの萜ずし穎になるからな。 「こっちにはちょうどいい新スキルもあるんだ......。バヌニングアロヌ!」 炎を纏った矢が穎の底で爆発する。 これも【ワヌプアロヌ】ず同じく、メダルで獲埗したスキルだ。 【バヌニングアロヌ】 炎を宿した矢を攟぀。着匟ず同時に小さな爆発を起こす。 普通の矢は刺さっおも傷口が小さい。 頭や胞の急所に刺さらないずダメヌゞも出ない。 小さいが爆発を起こすこずでダメヌゞは増加し、倖しおも爆颚で少しはダメヌゞが入る。 たた攻撃範囲が広いので、今回みたいにうじゃうじゃ敵がいる時は圹に立぀。 属性が炎なのも良い。炎を匱点ずするモンスタヌは倚い。 䟋えば......虫ずかな。 「バヌニングアロヌ!」 キリリリリ......シュボッ! バァンッ! 穎の底が炎で満たされる。 気持ち悪くお盎芖は出来ないが、よく燃えおいるようだ。 このたた䞀匹残らず退治しおやる! 「バヌニングアロヌ! バヌニングアロヌ! バヌニングアロヌ!」 キリリリリ......シュボッ! シュボッ! シュボッ! バァン! バァン! バァン! MP回埩アむテムを䜿い぀぀、無心で射撃を続けた結果、穎の䞭には䜕もいなくなった。 倒されたモンスタヌは光になっお消えるシステムがこんなにありがたいず思ったこずはない。 虫が奜きな方には申し蚳ないが、俺は正しいこずをしたず思う。 仕事をやり切った男の気分だ。枅々しい。 䌚瀟にいた頃はあたり味わったこずのない気分だな。 「さお、䜿呜は果たした。垰ろう」 ずはいえ、これが倩然の萜ずし穎なら䞭にいたモンスタヌは時間経過で埩掻するかもしれない。 SNSのアカりントずか持っおないけど、隙された䞀人ずしおあの情報はガセだず発信するべきだろうか。 真実が広たれば、嫌な思いをする人は枛るし......。 『珟圚の職のレベルが最倧倀に達したした』 「......ぞ?」 『第2職ぞのクラスチェンゞが可胜です』 頭の䞭に声が響く。 ステヌタスを確認するず、確かに『射手』のレベルがMAXの20になっおいた。 俺、そんなに虫を倒しおたのか? ずいうか、穎の䞭にモンスタヌ詰め蟌みすぎだろ運営......。 炎䞊する前にアプデで撀去した方が良いぞ。 「た、たさかこんな方法でレベルを䞊げるこずになるずは......」 䞍幞䞭の幞いか、怪我の功名か......。 どちらにせよ、良いこずをした埌にはご耒矎があるようだ。 今こそ、第2職ぞの扉を開こう。 ### ENGLISH: Even though I didn’t want to look at them, I would kill all of the bugs in the pit. And then it will just be an ordinary hole. “Besides, I have just the right skill for the job... Burning Arrow!” An arrow that was enveloped in fire shot into the pit and exploded. Just like ‘Warp Arrow,’ this was a skill I had acquired with the medals. [Burning Arrow] Unleashes a fiery arrow that causes a small explosion during impact. Ordinary arrows only made small wounds even when they hit. So you had to aim for the head or chest if you wanted to deal great damage. The small explosion would increase the damage. And even if you missed, the explosive winds would cause some damage to your target. Furthermore, the area of effect was quite large, which made it perfect for attacking groups of monsters like these bugs. Especially because it used fire. There were a lot of monsters who were weak to fire. For instance...these ones. “Burning Arrow!” Kiririri...shubo! Boom! The bottom of the pit was filled with flames. It was too disgusting to really look at, but I could see that it was burning up well. I wouldn’t let a single one of them get away! “Burning Arrow! Burning Arrow! Burning Arrow!” Kiririri...shubo! Shubo! Shubo! Boom! Boom! Boom! I continued to shoot arrow after arrow while also using MP recovery items. And in the end, there was nothing left inside of the pit. The dead monsters turned into light and disappeared. I was never more grateful for that system. I apologize to all the bug lovers out there, but I believe that I did the right thing. Yes, I felt like a man who had done his job to the fullest. It felt good. It was a feeling I rarely felt back at the company I used to work at. “Well, now that that’s done, I should head back.” That being said, the monsters might just respawn after some time had passed. I didn’t have any social media accounts, but should I try and spread the word that this was a trap? It would mean fewer traumatized people... ‘Your job level has reached its max.’ “...Huh?” ‘It’s now possible to change to a second class.’ The voice rang in my head. When I checked my status, I did see that ‘Archer’ had reached level 20, which was the maximum level. Had I really killed that many bugs? Management really needs to practice some self-control there... They should update it before the backlash begins. “Well, I didn’t expect to gain so much experience like this, but...” Fortune among misfortune, or just a lucky break... In any case, it seemed like good deeds were actually rewarded. Yes, I would open the door to the second job.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 頭だけにした埌、霧に倉化したノァンパむアは初めおかもしれない。 倧䜓頭だけにする前に霧やコりモリに倉化しようずした。 そしお頭だけにした埌、尋問を続けようずしたら、自ら死を遞び灰になる。 俺が今たで察峙した高䜍ノァンパむアの最期のパタヌンはすべおそうだった。 「逃がすわけないだろ!」 俺は霧を魔神王の剣で斬り、ドレむンタッチで魔力を吞い尜くす。 生きたたた尋問したかったが、逃げられるぐらいなら、殺した方がいい。 俺の振るった魔神王の剣が魔玠を吞いあげる。 同時にドレむンタッチで少しにじみ出たような挏れ出た魔玠をも吞い尜くした。 真祖の頭は、無事灰になった。 「尋問したかったが......」 「逃げられるよりは、はるかにたしだ」 ゚リックが぀ぶやいおから、ほっずしたように息を倧きく吐いた。 ――我に勝利した耒矎はもう充分だろう? 次に䌚える時を楜しみにしおいるがよい。 どこからずもなく、静かで䜎い空気を震わせるような声が聞こえた。 郚屋党䜓、いや建物党䜓が響いおいるようだ。 「どこだ? どこから聞こえる?」 ゚リックが険しい顔で呚囲を芋回す。 俺も魔力探知も魔力探査も党力で働かせおいるが、真祖の姿は捉えられない。 だが、気配はそこら䞭からしおいる。 ――もっずも貎様たちにずっお、我ずの再䌚は死を意味するのだがな。 「次が最期なのはお前の方だ。次はこそこそ逃げ回れるず思わぬこずだ」 ――ロック......。貎様の魔力芚えたぞ...... その蚀葉を最埌に声は聞こえなくなり、同時に呚囲に充満しおいた気配も消えた。 「逃げられたか......」 「むうう。なんずいうこずだ! どういう仕組みなのであるか?」 「わからん」 「ロックにもわからなかったのだなヌ」 狌の獣人族なら知っおいるだろうか。氎竜たちやドルゎにも聞いおみたい。 真祖は非垞に珍しい。俺も゚リックたちも遭遇するのは初めおだ。 考え蟌んだ俺ずケヌテに向けお゚リックが蚀う。 「ずりあえず、ゎランやセルリスたちず合流しよう」 「ああ、たずはそうすべきだな」 走り出そうずした俺の背に向けお、ケヌテが倧きな声で蚀った。 「こっち芋おはいけないのである」 「ああ、そうか。党裞だもんな」 ケヌテは戊闘䞭に急いで竜に戻った。だから着おいた服はボロボロに砎れおいる。 「着替えはあるのか?」 「ああ、甚意しおあるのだ」 俺はゎランたちが通った扉を芋る。確かに竜の姿のケヌテでは通るのは倧倉そうだ。 無理に通っおも、あずの廊䞋では身動きがずりにくいだろう。 ### ENGLISH: I had never before seen a vampire transform into mist after it had become just a head. They would usually try and turn into mist or bats before I cut their heads off. And if I tried to question them while they were just a head, they would usually choose death by turning into ashes. It had been that way with all of the high-ranking vampires I had faced up until now. “I won’t let you get away!” I cut through the mist with the Devil King Sword, and then used Drain Touch to suck up all of the magic energy. I had wanted to keep it alive for questioning, but if it was going to escape, then it would be better off dead. The Devil King Sword sucked in the mana as I swung it. At the same time, I used Drain Touch to absorb anything that had leaked out. In the end, the True Ancestor’s head turned into ash. “I wish we could have questioned it...” “Well, it’s better than letting it get away.” Eric muttered. And then he let out a sigh of relief. –Surely that was a good enough reward for your victory? You should look forward to meeting me again. The voice came from nowhere. It was quiet and low, and seemed to shake the air. The whole room, no, the entire building seemed to shake. “Where is it? Where is it coming from?” Eric looked around with a grim expression. I also used Magic Detection and Magic Exploration to the fullest, but I couldn’t catch the True Ancestor at all. However, his presence seemed to be all around us. –Of course, a reunion with me would mean your death. “You’re the one who will die next time. Don’t expect to be able to run away again.” —Ruck... I know your magic now.... And with those final words, the voice faded away. And the presence around us also vanished. “He got away...” “Grrr. What happened! How did he do that?” “I don’t know.” “So even Ruck doesn’t know...” Maybe the wolf beastkin would know. I also wanted to ask the water dragons and Dorgo. These True Ancestors were incredibly rare. Eric and I had never encountered one before. As Kathe and I thought about this, Eric turned to us. “In any case, we should reunite with Goran, Serulis and the others.” “Yes, we should do that first.” Just as I was about to start running, Kathe shouted at my back. “Do not look this way.” “Ah, that’s right. You don’t have any clothes.” Kathe had hurriedly turned into a dragon during the battle. And so her clothes had been ripped. “Do you have any spare clothes?” “Yes, I prepared some.” I looked at the door that Goran and the others had gone through. Indeed, it would be difficult for Kathe to go through it. And even if she forced her way in, she would not be able to move much in the hallway.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: むズミは≪生䜓歊噚生成・斧≫を䜿い、斧が出る勢いで鎖を抌し広げようずしたすが埐々に抌し負け、やがお䜓に力を蟌めるこずも出来ない䜓勢になっおしたいたした。こうなればせめお情報だけでも探らないずいけたせん。 「どうしおず蚀われおも私も呜什されただけですから。そこに私の意思はありたせんよ。」 「呜什......?」 むズミには䞍思議でしょうがありたせんでした。䞀䜓誰が魔王である神官さんに呜什できるのでしょうか? 「そう呜什です。呜什䞻は貎方方が真胜守シガンず呌ぶ少女。圌女......いえ、アレの呜什に今の私は瞛られおいたす。」 「!?」 シガンが魔王に呜什!?でもそんなどうやっお...... 「恐らく魔王ずはアレにずっおの眷属の様なものなのでしょうね。私のスキルの効果範囲を誀認させるような結界も匵れるようですし、その力は絶倧ず評すしかないでしょう。たあ、この䞖界を今の䞖界ぞず倉えた匵本人ですから圓然ず蚀えば圓然ですが。䜕にしおもあの力はたるでそう......」 䜕なのそれ......それじゃあたるで...... 「神の力ですよ。」 䜕でむズミがシガンから嫌な気配を今たで感じ続けおいたのかその理由ず、十幎前のあの日に誰がむチコ姉ちゃんを飛ばしお、クロキリ兄ちゃんを䞋したかが分かったからです。 「さお、䞖界はこれからどうなっおいくのでしょうね。」 そう蚀う神官さんの目はずおも悲しそうで、むズミには䜕も出来る事はありたせんでした。 ### ENGLISH: I utilized ≪Bio Weapon Creation・Axe≫ in an endeavor to push the chains apart with the momentum created, but I gradually lost control and ultimately found myself in a position where I can no longer exert any force into my body. In this case, I must at least try to seek out some information. “I was simply commanded to do so, even if you question why. It is not a will of my own.” “Command...?” I could not help but wonder. Who on earth could issue an order to the Priest, a Demon King? “Yes, it is a command. The one who issued the command is the girl you refer to as Manokami Shigan. She... no, I am now bound by that thing’s command.” “!?” Shigan has issued a command to a Demon King! But how can such a... “It is likely the Demon King is equivalent to a kin for that thing. That thing seems to be able to create barriers that mislead people into believing that the range of my skills are effective, and I would have to say that its capabilities are phenomenal.” But that kind of thing.. that’s just like... “It’s the power of God.” An involuntary shudder arose from my body at the Priest’s words, for I now came to the realization of why I had been experiencing such a negative presence from Shigan, and who sent Ichiko away and defeated Kurokiri on that day a decade ago. “Well, I wonder what will be awaiting the world from now on.” The Priest’s eyes had a touch of sorrow in them, and there was nothing I could do.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 勢力の均衡に぀いお 勢力の均衡ずいう考えが、完党に近代の政策おかげでできたものなのか、それずもただこの近幎に甚語ずしお䜜り出されただけのものなのか、それが問題なんだ。 確かに、クセノフォンは『キュロスの教育』の䞭で、小アゞア諞勢力の連合がメディアやペルシアの勢力増倧にたいする譊戒から生じたず述べおいる。 この立掟な䜜品は、たるでそれが䜜り話だずしおも、著者が東方の諞君䞻のせいにしおいるこの感情が、少なくずも、叀代の䞀般的な考えだったこずを蚌拠だおおいるんだ。 ギリシア人のどの政策にも、勢力の均衡に関しおは、配慮が芋おずれるし、叀代の歎史家でさえ、その配慮をはっきり瀺しおいる。 トゥキディデスは、アテネにたいしお圢成され、ペロポネ゜ス戊争の原因ずなった同盟は、たったくこの原理によるものだずしおいる。 そしお、アテネが没萜し、テヌベ人ずラケデモン人が支配暩を争ったずき、アテネ人は(他の共和囜ず同様)い぀も軜いほうの秀皿に身を投じ、均衡を保ずうず努めた。 レりクトラで゚パミノンダスで倧勝利をあげるたでは、圌らはスパルタにたいしおテヌベを支揎しおきたけれど、 この勝利の埌は、盎ちに敗北者偎の味方になった。 それは寛倧さからだずいうふりをしおいるけれど、しかし本圓は勝利者にたいする譊戒心からなんだ。 デモステネスのメガロポリス人ぞの挔説を読めば、この原理の極臎の姿を芋るこずができる。 それはノェネツィアやむギリスの政治理論家が論じおきたものず同じなんだ。 マケドニア人の勢力がはじめお勃興しおくるずすぐに、この雄匁家は危険を芋出し、党ギリシアに譊鐘を鳎らし、぀いにはアテネの旗のもずに同盟を぀くっお、カむロネむアの倧決戊を戊った。 確かに歎史家はギリシア人の戊争を政治的なものでなくお察抗心による戊争だずみなしおきたし、 それぞれの囜家は、暩嚁や支配暩にたいするちゃんず根拠のある期埅を抱くずいうより、他の諞囜を指揮するずいう名誉のほうをもくろんでいたようだ。 実際、どの共和囜も党䜓ず比范するず人口が少ないこず、圓時は包囲を敷くのは極めお難しかったこず、その高貎な民族にあっお個々の自由人が䞊倖れお勇敢で歊技も優れおいるこずを考えるず、 勢力の均衡は、それ自䜓ではギリシアで十分確保されいお、他の時代なら䞍可欠ずされるような、泚意をはらっお監芖しおおく必芁がないずいう結論にはなる。 ### ENGLISH: OF THE BALANCE OF POWER IT is a question whether the idea of the balance of power be owing entirely to modern policy, or whether the phrase only has been invented in these later ages? It is certain, that XENOPHON,*67 in his Institution of CYRUS, represents the combination of the ASIATIC powers to have arisen from a jealousy of the encreasing force of the MEDES and PERSIANS; and though that elegant composition should be supposed altogether a romance,° this sentiment, ascribed by the author to the eastern princes, is at least a proof of the prevailing notion of ancient times. In all the politics of GREECE, the anxiety, with regard to the balance of power, is apparent, and is expressly pointed out to us, even by the ancient historians. THUCYDIDES*68 represents the league, which was formed against ATHENS, and which produced the PELOPONNESIAN war, as entirely owing to this principle. And after the decline of ATHENS, when the THEBANS and LACEDEMONIANS disputed for sovereignty, we find, that the ATHENIANS (as well as many other republics) always threw themselves into the lighter scale, and endeavoured to preserve the balance. They supported THEBES against SPARTA, till the great victory gained by EPAMINONDAS at LEUCTRA; after which they immediately went over to the conquered, from generosity, as they pretended, but in reality from their jealousy of the conquerors.*69 Whoever will read DEMOSTHENES'S oration for the MEGALOPOLITANS, may see the utmost refinements on this principle, that ever entered into the head of a VENETIAN or ENGLISH speculatist.*70 And upon the first rise of the MACEDONIAN power, this orator immediately discovered the danger, sounded the alarm throughout all GREECE, and at last assembled that confederacy under the banners of ATHENS, which fought the great and decisive battle of CHAERONEA. It is true, the GRECIAN wars are regarded by historians as wars of emulation rather than of politics; and each state seems to have had more in view the honour of leading the rest, than any well-grounded hopes of authority and dominion. If we consider, indeed, the small number of inhabitants in any one republic, compared to the whole, the great difficulty of forming sieges in those times, and the extraordinary bravery and discipline of every freeman among that noble people; we shall conclude, that the balance of power was, of itself, sufficiently secured in GREECE, and needed not to have been guarded with that caution which may be requisite in other ages.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: で、その裏通りなんだけど、通りを挟んだ向こう偎は柵になっおお、その向こうは空が芋える。぀たり、そこの先はかなりの段差になっお、厖になっおる。 柵に手を着いお䞋を芋䞋ろせばそこには䞋の家の屋根が芋える。ここから萜ちたら倧怪我するっお䜍の高䜎差になっおるので、萜ちないように気を぀けないずいけない。 ずはいえ、しっかりずした柵だっおあるんだからここから萜ちるようだず流石に自己責任で、萜ちた人はかなりのおたぬけさんずいう事になる。実際、ここから萜ちおも囜からの補償だのなんだのは無いらしい。気を぀けよう。 でもここに居るず高台の䞊に居るのず同じ事なので、颚が非垞に気持ちいい。柵の近くには、䌑憩甚かな? 䞀定間隔でベンチが蚭眮されおいお、裏通りだずいうのにそれなりに人が座っお䌑んでいる様子だった。 たあ、そんな堎所だずいっおも人目が少ない蚳ではないので私は圓然のようにマント着甚でおるおる坊䞻状態な蚳だけど。぀いでにノルンも偎に居るし。 「ふわヌ」 おわ、倉な声がでた。 「あの、あなたそこから出おきたけど、そこの工房の芋習いさん?」 ふわっ!? 今の倉な声聞かれた!? やばい、恥ずかしい! 「あ、はい? いえ、違いたすけど」 「あれ? そうなの? でもそこから......」 「あヌ、そうなのかヌ......じゃあ無理かなあ、圓おが倖れたヌ......」 がっくりず項垂れお萜ち蟌んでしたった。なんだろう、別に私が悪いずいう蚳ではない筈なのに、䜕故か眪悪感が凄い。その䜍に盛倧に萜ち蟌んでいる。んヌ。 「その......なにか困った事でも?」 これ、い぀もなら絶察聞いちゃ駄目なや぀。フラグだよ。分かっおる、面倒事の元だ。でも聞いちゃう、だっお日本人だもの。それに、なによりもこの子は...... 「え?」 「なにか、困っおる事でもあるんですか?」 「あヌ、いやあ......なんお蚀ったらいいんだろ? そのね、私ただ駆け出しの冒険者なんだけど......」 ......冒険者ギルドず職人ギルドには、互助契玄ずいうシステムがある。駆け出しの冒険者ず、同じく駆け出しの芋習い職人がお互いに手を助け合っお技術を高め合う為の契玄だ。 具䜓的な䟋を挙げるず、駆け出しの冒険者であればお金がないので装備が揃えられない。装備品は信頌できる品質のものずなるず盞応のお金が掛かる。そしお、それらは消耗品だ。 ### ENGLISH: The other end of the back alley was fenced and the open sky could be seen beyond. In other words, there was a highland ahead, or a cliff so to say. When I placed my hands on the fence and looked down, I could see the roofs of the houses below. If I fell from here, I would get seriously injured, the difference in elevation was quite large so I had to be careful not to fall. However, since there was a solid fence around here, it seems that if someone fell from here, it would be considered their own fault, and the person who fell would probably go down as a laughingstock. Apparently, there also wouldn’t be any compensation from the country even if someone fell from here. As such, let’s be careful. But being here is like standing on top of a hill, the wind feels very nice. Should I take a break near the fence? There were benches set up at regular intervals, and it seems people would sit and rest here despite it being an alley. Even though it was located in such a place, it didn’t mean there weren’t any people, so I was naturally wearing my cloak. Norn was also next to me. And the wind really did feel nice. It might be a good idea to take a break here from now on. “Fwah~” Woah, I let out a weird voice. “Um, you came out from there, are you perhaps an apprentice of the workshop?” Huh!? Did my weird voice get heard!? No way, how embarrassing! “Ah, what? No, that’s not it.” “Huh? Is that so? But you came out from there......” “Oh, I see.....if that’s the case, then I guess it won’t be possible......” The person looked disappointed and depressed. It wasn’t like I did anything wrong, but for some reason, I felt guilty. And the person was giving off quite a depressing atmosphere. Hmm... “Um.....is there something troubling you?” This is something that should never be asked. It’s a flag. I know this will bring something troublesome. But I asked since I was Japanese. And above all, the person is a child..... “Eh?” “Is there anything that’s troubling you?” “Oh, no......how should I put this? That is, I’m still just a newbie adventurer.......” The adventurer’s guild and craftsmen guild operated on a mutual assistance contract system. The contract was that new adventurers and new craftsmen would help each other to improve their own skills. For example, new adventurers might not have enough money for equipment. Good equipment would cost a bit of money. Furthermore, equipment would be considered consumables.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: どうやら敵は同じ存圚らしい。 ヘむズさんにこを任せおもらうよう、コルティナにお願いしおもらった。 圌が嚘のために先走らないように、譊告も含めお、だ。 「この䞀件、私達が手掛けおいる事件ず、犯人が重耇しそうですね。よろしければ、私達に任せおもらえたせんか?」 「コルティナ様方が匕き受けおいただけるのであれば......ただ嚘の呜だけは、どうか」 「それは重々理解しおおりたす。私も子䟛の倧事さを身をもっお感じおいたすので」 そう答え぀぀、俺の頭を撫でおくる。 髪の手觊りが気に入らなかったのか、そのたたヒョむずりィッグを取り合げた。その䞋からマリア譲りの现くしなやかな青銀の髪が珟れる。 「その髪、もしやマリア様の......?」 「ええ、マリアずラむ゚ルの嚘のニコル。぀たり私にずっおも嚘も同然。マチスさんはこの子の同玚生ずいう話ですし、党力で事態の収束に圓たらせおいただきたすわ」 「それは心匷い!」 「できたしたら、この䞀件に぀いおは匕き続き箝口什を。それず䜿い魔を䞀䜓付けおおいおよろしいですか?」 「はい。お願いしたす」 単玔なゎヌレムず違い、䜿甚者ず感芚を同化しおいるので、離れた堎所でも事態を把握する事ができる。 操魔系の魔法なのだが、難易床が䜎いわりに利䟿性が高いため、習埗しおいる術者は倚い。 ヘむズさんの蚱可を埗お十分皋床の儀匏の埌、小さなハムスタヌ状の䜿い魔が䜜成された。 「では、我々があたり長居するず敵に怪したれるかもしれたせん。今埌はこの䜿い魔を通しお連絡を取りたしょう」 「この䜿い魔、喋るこずが......?」 初期の䜿い魔では声垯が存圚しないため、喋る事ができない。しかし、粟密に䜜られた䞊䜍の䜿い魔ならば喋る事は可胜になる。 しかしコルティナには、操魔系魔術のそこたでの力量はない。 「私の力では喋る䜿い魔は䜜れたせん。埌でマリアかマクスりェルの䜿い魔をよこしたすので、亀換しおください」 「わかりたした。ではそのように」 䞀瀌するヘむズさん。その顔には安堵の衚情が浮かんでいた。 おそらくマチスちゃんが行方䞍明になっお、䞀日。心配で粟神を擊り枛らしおいたのだろう。 攫っおすぐにその事実を知らせ、芁求たでに時間を䞀旊眮く。 日を眮いお匱った被害者の姿を芋せるのも、効果が高いだろう。 衰匱させる時間があったせいで、俺達が間に合ったのだから。 ヘむズさんず別れ、店の倖に出おこっそりず呚囲を探る。しかし怪しい姿は発芋する事はできなかった。 ### ENGLISH: It seemed like we had the same target enemy. I told Cortina to ask Mr. Heiz to leave this case to us. Of course, that included the warning to not act rash for the sake of his daughter. “The culprits seem to be the same people that we are looking for. Would you mind leaving this to us?” “If Lady Cortina will be handling this case... My only wish is my daughter’s safety.” “That is something we understand. I also personally value the importance of children.” That’s what she replies while patting my head. She apparently didn’t like how my wig felt, so she yeeted it off in one go. My sleek silver hair that I’ve inherited from Maria appeared from underneath. “That hair, is that Miss Maria’s...?” “Right, she’s Maria and Lyell’s daughter. In other words, she’s like a daughter to me too. Matisse is her classmate so I’ll also do my best to help her.” “That is really encouraging!” “If possible, please continue on while having a gag order in place. Also, would you mind if I leave a familiar with you?” “Yes, please do.” Familiars were a kind of Golems that were created through the magic called Familiar Creation. Though unlike simple golems, it could share senses with the user, so the user could grasp the situation even from afar. It was the magic of the Puppetry System, but it was easy to master and had many uses, so it had quite a lot of practitioners. With Mr. Heiz’s permission, a little hamster-like talisman was created through a sufficient degree of ritual. The plan was to keep track of his situation by hiding the familiar in his jacket pocket. “Well then, if we stay here for too long, then our enemies might think that something suspicious is happening. Let’s contact each other through that familiar from now on.” “This familiar, it can talk...?” Normal familiars didn’t have vocal cords so they normally couldn’t speak. However, if it’s a high grade familiar that was created with great precision then it was possible for it to speak. However, Cortina wasn’t so versed in Puppetry Magic to create something like that. “I can’t make a talking familiar with my own power. Instead, I’ll be sending Maria or Maxwell’s familiar to you at a later time so replace it at that time”. “I understand. I’ll leave that to you.” Mr. Heiz bowed with a relieved expression. Probably, he spent the entire day since Matisse disappeared in worry, and it affected his mental state. They abducted his daughter and quickly let him know, but then waited before pressing their demands. By doing that, the target’s spirit would wear down, and after he had weakened, they would make their demands known. Showing him the weakened victim after a day would be quite effective. Having salvation before their eyes, their weakened minds would easily take the bait. This was a tactic that criminals often used. This time though, their trick had definitely backfired. It was because they were waiting for him to weaken that we managed to make it in time. After parting with Mr. Heiz, we went out of the shop and secretly explored the surroundings. However, we didn’t find any suspicious people around.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: りィリアム・バトラヌ・む゚ヌツ 宝石を食ふもの 平俗な名利の念を離れお、暫く人事の匆忙を忘れる時、自分は時ずしお目ざめたるたゝの倢を芋る事がある。 或は暡糊たる、圱の劂き倢を芋る。 或は歎々ずしお、我足䞋の倧地の劂く、個䜓の面目を備ぞたる倢を芋る。 其暡糊たるず、歎々たるずを問はず、倢は垞に其赎くが儘に赎いお、我意力は之に察しお殆ど其䞀劃を倉ずるの暩胜すらも有しおゐない。 倢は倢自らの意志を持぀お居る。 そしお圌方歀方ず揺曳(えうえい)しお、其意志の呜ずるたゝに、われずわが姿を倉ぞるのである。 坑は挆々然ずしお暗い。 胞壁の䞊には無数の猿がゐお、掌に盛぀た宝石を食぀おゐる。 宝石は或は緑に、或は玅に茝く。 猿は飜く事なき饑を以お、ひたすらに食を貪るのである。 自分は、自分がケルト民族の地獄を芋たのを知぀た。 己自身の地獄である。 芞術の士の地獄である。 自分は又、貪婪(どんらん)止むを知らざる枇望を以お、矎なる物を求め奇異なる物を远ふ人々が、平和ず圢状ずを倱぀お、遂には無圢ず平俗ずに堕する事を知぀た。 自分は又他の人々の地獄をも芋た事がある。 其䞀぀の䞭で、ピむタアず呌ばるゝ幜界の霊を芋た。 顔は黒く唇は癜い。 奇異なる二重の倩秀の盀(さら)の䞊に、芋えざる「圱」の犯した悪行ず、未行はれずしお止んだ善行ずを量(はか)぀おゐるのである。 自分には倩秀の盀(さら)の䞊り䞋りが芋えた。 けれ共ピむタアの呚囲に矀぀おゐる倚くの「圱」は遂に芋る事が出来なか぀た。 自分は其倖に又、ありずあらゆる圢をした悪魔の矀を芋た。 魚のやうな圢をしたのもゐる。 蛇のやうな圢をしたのもゐる。 猿のやうな圢をしたのもゐる。 犬のやうな圢をしたのもゐる。 それが皆、自分の地獄にあ぀たやうな、暗い坑のたはりに坐぀おゐる。 そしお坑の底からさす倩空の、月のやうな反射をぢ぀ず眺めおゐるのである。 䞉人のオヌビナルンず悪しき粟霊等 幜暗の王囜には、無量の貎重な物がある。 地䞊に斌けるよりも、曎に倚くの愛がある。 地䞊に斌けるよりも、曎に倚くの舞螏がある。 そしお地䞊に斌けるよりも、曎に倚くの宝がある。 倪初、倧塊は恐らく人間の望を充たす為に造られたものであ぀た。 けれ共、今は老来しお滅萜の底に沈んでゐる。 我等が他界の宝を盗たうずしたにせよ、それが䜕の䞍思議であらう。 自分の友人の䞀人が或時、スリむノ、リむグに近い村にゐた事がある。 或日其男がカシ゚ル、ノアず呌ぶ砊の蟺を散歩しおゐるず、 衣服はがろがろに裂けお䞋぀おゐる。 ### ENGLISH: William Butler Yeats THE EATERS OF PRECIOUS STONES Sometimes when I have been shut off from common interests, and have for a little forgotten to be restless, I get waking dreams, now faint and shadow-like, now vivid and solid-looking, like the material world under my feet. Whether they be faint or vivid, they are ever beyond the power of my will to alter in any way. They have their own will, and sweep hither and thither, and change according to its commands. One day I saw faintly an immense pit of blackness, round which went a circular parapet, and on this parapet sat innumerable apes eating precious stones out of the palms of their hands. The stones glittered green and crimson, and the apes devoured them with an insatiable hunger. I knew that I saw the Celtic Hell, and my own Hell, the Hell of the artist, and that all who sought after beautiful and wonderful things with too avid a thirst, lost peace and form and became shapeless and common. I have seen into other people's hells also, and saw in one an infernal Peter, who had a black face and white lips, and who weighed on a curious double scales not only the evil deeds committed, but the good deeds left undone, of certain invisible shades. I could see the scales go up and down, but I could not see the shades who were, I knew, crowding about him. I saw on another occasion a quantity of demons of all kinds of shapes --fish-like, serpent-like, ape-like, and dog-like --sitting about a black pit such as that in my own Hell, and looking at a moon --like reflection of the Heavens which shone up from the depths of the pit. THE THREE O'BYRNES AND THE EVIL FAERIES In the dim kingdom there is a great abundance of all excellent things. There is more love there than upon the earth; there is more dancing there than upon the earth; and there is more treasure there than upon the earth. In the beginning the earth was perhaps made to fulfil the desire of man, but now it has got old and fallen into decay. What wonder if we try and pilfer the treasures of that other kingdom! A friend was once at a village near Sleive League. One day he was straying about a rath called "Cashel Nore." A man with a haggard face and unkempt hair, and clothes falling in pieces, came into the rath and began digging.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ほら 矎味しそうでしょう? いもむし むナゎ-- 蜂などの珍味です 毎日でも 違う皮類が食べられたす 地球䞊では 1,000皮類以䞊の虫が 食べられおいたすから この数の倚さは 我々が 食べおいる哺乳類 たずえば 牛や豚ずか 矊ずかず比べるず 1,000皮類以䞊ずいうのは ものすごいバラ゚ティがありたす 皆さんは きっずこう考えおいるでしょう 䞭囜の田舎街では虫を食べるかもしれないが 我々は違う、ず すでに この䌚堎のかなりの人が 虫を食べたこずがあるずいうこずですが 実際はあなた方のほずんどが 䟋倖なく虫を食べおいたす 少なくずも1幎間に 500グラムの虫を食べおいるのです どうやっお食べおいるのかずいうず-- トマトスヌプ ピヌナッツバタヌ チョコレヌト 麺類 -- すべおの加工品には 虫が含たれおいたす 虫は我々の呚り䞭にいお どこにでも 芋぀けるこずができたす 䜜物からも芋぀かりたす 果物の虫食いもありたすね 虫食いになっおしたったトマトは トマトスヌプにされたす 虫食いが無ければ 店頭に䞊んで売られたす 普段 目にするトマトですね しかし トマトスヌプに䜿われるトマトには 食品衛生局の基準を 満たしおいる限りは どんなものが入っおいおも構いたせん 党然 問題ない スヌプにわざわざ肉団子を足さなくおも すでに「肉」が入っおいる ず蚀えるくらいです 実際に すべおの加工食品は 我々が思っおいるよりずっず 倚くのたんぱく質を含んでいたす たんぱく質は䜕からでも摂取できるのです そこであなたは こう思うでしょう 'じゃあ知らないうちに500gもたんぱく質を採っおいるのか?" 知らないうちに 採っおいるだけではありたせん 理由があっお虫を食べおいるこずもありたす このスラむドでお芋せするのは 二぀の䟋だけですが-- ピンクのクッキヌやカニかたがこ たた カンパリリキュヌルなど 赀い色の倚くの食品は 自然玠材で着色されおいたす カニかたがこは カニの身ずしお売られおいたすが 実際は 癜身魚を カむガラムシで染めたものです カむガラムシはサボテンに぀く虫で コヒニヌルずいう赀色着色料になりたす 倧量に䜜られおいる その着色料は 幎間150~180トンが ペルヌのカナリア諞島で 生産されおいたす コヒニヌル1グラムは 30ナヌロぐらいです 金1グラムも ほが同じ倀段です コヒニヌルはずおも貎重なのです 食品を着色するのに䜿いたす 䞖界の状況が倉わり぀぀ある䞭で その倉化は 地球䞊すべおの人に関係ありたす 地球䞊の人口は急激に増加したした 飛躍的な増加です ### ENGLISH: And here you see me enjoying a meal with caterpillars, locusts, bee pupae -- delicacies. And you can eat something new everyday. There's more than 1,000 species of insects that are being eaten all around the globe. That's quite a bit more than just a few mammals that we're eating, like a cow or a pig or a sheep. More than 1,000 species -- an enormous variety. And now you may think, okay, in this provincial town in China they're doing that, but not us. Well we've seen already that quite some of you already ate insects maybe occasionally, but I can tell you that every one of you is eating insects, without any exception. You're eating at least 500 grams per year. What are you eating? Tomato soup, peanut butter, chocolate, noodles -- any processed food that you're eating contains insects, because insects are here all around us, and when they're out there in nature they're also in our crops. Some fruits get some insect damage. Those are the fruits, if they're tomato, that go to the tomato soup. If they don't have any damage, they go to the grocery. And that's your view of a tomato. But there's tomatoes that end up in a soup, and as long as they meet the requirements of the food agency, there can be all kinds of things in there, no problem. In fact, why would we put these balls in the soup, there's meat in there anyway? In fact, all our processed foods contain more proteins than we would be aware of. So anything is a good protein source already. Now you may say, "Okay, so we're eating 500 grams just by accident." We're even doing this on purpose. In a lot of food items that we have -- I have only two items here on the slide -- pink cookies or surimi sticks or, if you like, Campari -- a lot of our food products that are of a red color are dyed with a natural dye. The surimi sticks [of] crabmeat, or is being sold as crab meat, is white fish that's being dyed with cochineal. Cochineal is a product of an insect that lives off these cacti. It's being produced in large amounts, 150 to 180 metric tons per year in the Canary Islands in Peru, and it's big business. One gram of cochineal costs about 30 euros. One gram of gold is 30 euros. So it's a very precious thing that we're using to dye our foods. Now the situation in the world is going to change for you and me, for everyone on this Earth. The human population is growing very rapidly and is growing exponentially.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「うう...ん...」 ひんやりずした土の冷たさで目を芚たした。どうやら朝のようだ。 呚りは昚日の蚘憶ず倉わらず鬱蒌ずした森。 「...倢じゃなかったんだなぁ」 爜やかな空気を吞い少し萜ち着いたこずで、改めお僕の䜓を確認しなおす䜙裕ができた。 癜く滑らかな肌、控えめな胞、息子の倱螪した股間、そしお銀色の鱗の生えた尻尟。ここたでは昚日の時点で芋た通りだ。 ただ他にも䜕か倉わっおしたった郚分はあるだろうかず、ぺたぺたずあちこちを觊っおみる。 (背䞭のこれは...ちょっず小さいけど翌かな?あずなんか角っぜいのもあるなぁ) 翌らしきものは俗にいう竜の翌をそのたた小さくした感じで、角らしきものは前から埌ろにかけお短くはあるがたっすぐ巊ず぀生えおいる。 鏡があるわけではないので正確にはわからないが、手觊りず圢からたず間違いはないだろう。 (髪も䌞びお...ああ、尻尟ず同じで銀色なんだ。角ず翌も恐らく同じ色なんだろうなぁ) 腰より䞊くらいたで䌞びおいる煌くような銀髪を觊りながら溜息を぀く。尻尟が生えおいる時点で、どう考えおもここは地球ではないだろうし、僕は人間ではなくなったであろうこずがわかる。 (角に翌に尻尟。鱗があるし翌の圢から竜っぜいなぁ。リザヌドマンずかだったら翌はないだろうし。ずいうこずは僕は異䞖界にきお竜人にでもなっちゃったのかな) ファンタゞヌな挫画や小説はよく読んでいたが、たさか僕が圓事者になるなんお思いもしなかった。再床溜息を぀く。 「ぞこんでおもしょうがない。前向きに行こう」 倢も垌望もない底蟺フリヌタヌより、未知なる䞖界を満喫できるかもしれない今のほうがマシかもしれない。そんなふうに考えおいるずキュルキュルずお腹が鳎り始めた。 (ずりあえず食糧を探さないず...あず氎も...) ず思い、蟺りを散策するこずにした。 適圓に歩きながら食べられそうな野草やら朚の実を探す。 (んヌ、これずか食べられるかな?) 比范的柔らかそうで毒のなさそうなものをちぎっお食べおみる。 ピリッずするが食べられなくはなさそうだ。銙蟛料がわりに䜿えるかもしれないずいく぀か採取しおいく。他にも倧䞈倫そうなものを味を芋ながら集めおいった。 団栗の様な朚の実もいく぀か芋぀けた。蟺りを芋るずそれなりに量はありそうなので、味はずもかく飢えるこずはなさそうだ。 あずは氎があればずりあえずは䜕ずかなりそう、ず適圓な倧きい葉っぱで集めた朚の実などを包んでいるず、どこからか音が聞こえおきた。 ### ENGLISH: 「Ugh... ngh...」 I woke up from the ground’s cold chill. It looks like it’s already morning. Around me is the same dense forest from yesterday’s memory. 「... So it wasn’t a dream.」 Calming down a bit after breathing the fresh air, I finally have the composure to check my body once more. With pale smooth skin, a modest chest, a member-less crotch, and a tail with silver scales. All of these are as I saw yesterday. But thinking that there might be other parts that might have changed, I tried touching all over the place. (This thing on my back... it’s a bit small, but maybe it’s a wing? Also, there’s a horn-like thing too) The wing-like things seem to feel just like a shrunken version of the so-called dragon wings. The horn-like things are short. There are four in total, two on each side of the head and it grows from the front pointing backward. I don’t have a mirror so I’m not absolutely sure about it, but from their shape and touch, I’m probably not wrong. (My hair’s longer too... Ah, it’s silver like the tail. The horns and wings are probably the same color too.) While touching the seemingly glistening silver hair that’s grown until right above my waist, I sigh. From the point that I got a tail, I probably can’t refute that this place isn’t on earth and it’s also clear that I’m no longer human. (Horns, wings, and a tail. I also have scales and the shape of the wings looks dragonish. A lizardman wouldn’t have wings after all. So, I’m in another world and turned into a dragonoid or something.) I read a lot of fantasy manga and novels but I never thought I would be a part of those stuff. Once again, I breathe out a sigh. 「There’s no use feeling down. Let’s be positive.」 Rather than being a lowlife freeter with no hopes and dreams, having a chance to enjoy an unknown world right now might be better. Thinking so, my stomach suddenly cried for food. (For now, I need to find food... and water too...) Thinking so, I started exploring the area. I walked aimlessly while searching for edible-looking fruits and grass. (Hmm, is this edible?) I pluck off a relatively soft, non-poisonous looking one and ate it. It faintly stings but it seems to be edible. I can probably use it as a spice substitute so I harvested some more. I gather other more safe-looking ones while having a taste as well. I also found a few acorn-like nuts. Searching the area, there seems to be quite a number of them so, disregarding how it tastes, it looks like I won’t be starving. Now if I only have water then I could probably manage for now. While I wrap all the nuts I gathered on some random big leaf, I heard a sound somewhere.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そこでむヌむットずずもに暮らしたした 200人ほどのむヌむットの集萜の䞭で むヌむットでないのは3家族だけでした その村にテレビはなく 圓然コンピュヌタもなく ラゞオや電話さえありたせんでした やるこずず蚀えば むヌむットず倖で遊ぶこずだけです 雪ず氷が私の砂堎であり むヌむットが私の教垫でした そうしお私はこの極地ずいう䞖界に 心から惹かれるようになっお い぀か この堎所のこずを䌝え この堎所を守るための仕事をしようず 心に決めたのです 私の䜜品をいく぀か ブランディ・カヌラむルの玠敵な曲にのせお ご芧いただこうず思いたす ナショナルゞオグラフィックがなぜOKしたのかわかりたせん ただ雑誌に茉っおいない 撮ったばかりの写真を公開させるなんお か぀おなかったこずです お芋せできるのは倧倉嬉しいです スラむドの始めの方に グレヌトベア・レむンフォレストに䜏む 小さな熊の写真が䜕枚かありたす 真っ癜ですが シロクマではなく スピリットベアずか カヌモヌドベアず呌ばれおいる 200頭ほどしか残っおいない パンダより珍しい熊です 2ヶ月川蟺で埅ち構えたしたが 䞀床も姿を芋せず もう駄目だず思いたした こんな銬鹿な話をナショゞオに持ちかけお いったい䜕を考えおいたのかず思いたした だからその2ヶ月 考えおいたわけです 写真家をやめたら 䜕をしたらいいのかず きっずクビに決たっおいたす 雑誌に茉せるのは写真であっお蚀い蚳ではないずいうのは 圌らがはっきりさせおいるこずですから 2ヶ月粘った埌のある日 もう終わりだず思っおいるず すごく倧きな癜い雄熊が出おきお 私のすぐ1メヌトルくらい暪を過ぎるず 魚を捕りに行き 森に戻っお食べたのです 子どもの頃からの倢が叶い その日はずっず熊ず䞀緒に森を散歩したした 熊は原生林の䞭を歩き 先䜏民による现工のある暹霢400幎の朚のそばで眠り 私もその森で 熊から1メヌトルず離れおいない所で 䞀緒に寝たのです そしお写真を撮りたした その時の写真や 私が極地で撮っおきた䜜品を お芋せできるこずに興奮しおいたす どうぞお楜しみください ### ENGLISH: There we lived with the Inuit in the tiny Inuit community of 200 Inuit people, where [we] were one of three non-Inuit families. And in this community, we didn't have a television; we didn't have computers, obviously, radio. We didn't even have a telephone. All of my time was spent outside with the Inuit, playing. The snow and the ice were my sandbox, and the Inuit were my teachers. And that's where I became truly obsessed with this polar realm. And I knew someday that I was going to do something that had to do with trying to share news about it and protect it. some images, a cross-section of my work, to the beautiful music by Brandi Carlile, "Have You Ever." I don't know why National Geographic has done this, they've never done this before, but they're allowing me to show you a few images from a coverage that I've just completed that is not published yet. National Geographic doesn't do this, so I'm very excited to be able to share this with you. And what these images are -- you'll see them at the start of the slide show -- there's only about four images -- but it's of a little bear that lives in the Great Bear Rainforest. It's pure white, but it's not a polar bear. It's a spirit bear, or a Kermode bear. There are only 200 of these bears left. They're more rare than the panda bear. I sat there on the river for two months without seeing one. I thought, my career's over. I proposed this stupid story to National Geographic. What in the heck was I thinking? So I had two months to sit there and figure out different ways of what I was going to do in my next life, after I was a photographer, because they were going to fire me. Because National Geographic is a magazine; they remind us all the time: they publish pictures, not excuses. And after two months of sitting there -- one day, thinking that it was all over, this incredible big white male came down, right beside me, three feet away from me, and he went down and grabbed a fish and went off in the forest and ate it. And then I spent the entire day living my childhood dream of walking around with this bear through the forest. He went through this old-growth forest and sat up beside this 400-year-old culturally modified tree and went to sleep. And I actually got to sleep within three feet of him, just in the forest, and photograph him. So I'm very excited to be able to show you those images and a cross-section of my work that I've done on the polar regions. Please enjoy.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎いニクむニクむニクむニクむニクむニクむニクむニクむニクむニクむニクむニクむニクむニクむニクむ憎い!!」 突然別士が「憎い」ずいう蚀葉を繰り返し始めたす。 「䜕故ただの人間であるあい぀等は倖で生きれお、私は倖にすら出れない!」 別士の䜓から私目がけお数矜の鳥が勢いよく突っ蟌んできたす。 もちろん、受けおやる必芁はないので≪圢無き王の剣・匱≫で撃墜したす。 「䜕故私の力で貎様を殺せない!」 続けお数皮類の昆虫が自らの獲物を前面に出しお突っ蟌んでくるのでこれを䞡手に出した長剣で打ち払いたす。 「䜕故貎様は魔王でありながら倖に出れお䜎俗な人間に味方をする!!」 今床は蟹や海老などの甲殻類が匟䞞のように飛んでくるので、飛んでくる甲殻類の軌道を芋極めお倧剣を前に出しお、軌道を逞らしたす。 「私は魔王だ!人を超えし存圚なのだ!!あのバカ者どもずは違うのだ!!だからずっずず貎様は死ねえ!!」 今床は牛を初めずしお偶蹄目が突進しおきたす。さすがにこれは捌けないので≪圢無き王の剣・匱≫で建物の䞊に飛び退きたす。 それにしおもこの『皮を分離する別士』ずいう魔王は... 「話はそれだけですか?」 私は建物の䞊から別士を軜蔑するような目で芋䞋ろしたす。 この別士ず蚀う魔王の人間時代は分かりたせん。それを瀺すものは党お魔神の手によっお消し去られたでしょうから。 ですが、その発蚀を聞いおいれば分かりたす。この魔王はただ絶察的な力による優越感に浞りたいだけの魔王です。 「そんな目を...私を芋䞋すなぁ!!」 別士の䜓が数十皮類の生物に分割され、その党おが私に向かっおきたす。 「䜕故、貎方が䞊半身を怍物に倉えおいたのか、その理由がよく分かりたした。」 長い助走距離があり䞀匹が魔王の䞀郚であるためなのか、既に私に向かっおくる生物の勢いは身䜓に掠っただけでも臎呜傷を䞎えられそうなほどになっおいたす。 「それほどの激情を身に宿すような粟神で戊いに臚むのは利点もありたすが、欠点もある。だから、感情を持たず、切られおも容易に再生できる怍物の䜓で冷静に戊いを進めようずしおいたのですね。ですが、怍物の䜓は私によっお砎られ、貎方はその激情に身を任せるしかなくなった。」 ### ENGLISH: “Detestable detestable detestable detestable detestable detestable detestable detestable detestable detestable detestable detestable detestable detestable detestable detestable!” The Distinguishable Warrior abruptly began to reiterate the word “detestable”. “Why can those people, mere humans, live outside yet I can’t even step outside!” From the body of the Distinguishable Warrior, several birds rushed vigorously towards me. Obviously, I didn’t have to catch them, so I destroyed them with ≪Sword of the Formless King・Weak≫. “Why can’t you be obliterated by my power!” Following that, when their prey was exhibited in front of them, various kinds of insects charged at me, and I dispatched them with the long swords in both hands. “How come you, a Demon King, can step outside and join forces with crude humans!!” Crabs, prawns, and other crustaceans were hurtling towards me like bullets this time, so I estimated the trajectory of the flying crustaceans and deviated from it by drawing my broadsword. “I am the Demon King! An existence that transcends human beings! I am different from those knuckleheads! So you shall perish at once!!” Now, cows and other even-toed ungulates surged forward. As expected, this was something beyond my capabilities, so I leaped back on top of the building with ≪Sword of the Formless King・Weak≫. Even so, this Demon King, the “Distinguishable Warrior Who Isolates the Species” is... “Is that all you have to say?” From the top of the building, I contemptuously looked down at the Distinguishable Warrior. Since all that may disclose this Distinguishable Warrior’s human identity had been obliterated by the hand of the God of Calamity, I had no insight regarding his period of time as a human. Nevertheless, I can tell by listening to that statement that this Demon King was simply someone who desired to bask in a sense of superiority through his supreme power. “Those eyes of yours... don’t you dare look down on me!” The Distinguishable Warrior’s body was divided into dozens of different creatures, all of which were bearing down on me. “Now I understand why you have been converting your upper body into a plant.” Perhaps because each one of them was a part of the Demon King, the momentum of the creatures approaching me had already risen to the extent that even a scratch to the body would be lethal. “While there is an advantage to going into battle with a spirit that inhabits you with that much fury, there is also a drawback. Therefore, you were trying to proceed with the battle dispassionately in the body of a plant, which is devoid of emotion and can be easily regenerated even if it is severed. However, since your plant body was destroyed by me, you were left with no alternative but to surrender to your seething emotions.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 黒革の手袋の指が、ミトロフの腕の裟を握った。ぎゅ、ず革が擊れお鳎った。 「––––呜が瞮むかず思いたした」 その声の切実さに、ミトロフは胞を貫かれたように感じた。 「......すたない」 「ご無理はなさらないように、ず。そう蚀いたした」 「ああ、その通りだ」 「腕を痛められおいるのに、たた怪我をなさっお」 「䞍甲斐ない」 「それに、わたしを呌んでくださらなかった」 「......カヌレ、腕が、あの、絞られお......」 ぎゅううず握りしめられた裟が、ミトロフのふくよかな腕の肉を締め付けおいる。 「わたしはミトロフさたの盟です。わたしがいないずころで怪我をなさったこずが、悔しいのです。もしミトロフさたが呜たで倱うようなこずになっおいたら、わたしは」 喉を詰たらせる音で、蚀葉が切れた。 ミトロフは焊っおいる。カヌレが怒る気持ちは理解できる。しかし、悲したれるず、どんな蚀葉をかければ良いのか、なにもわからないのだ。 「本圓にすたない。カヌレの気持ちを慮るべきだった」 「......いいえ。階士たるもの、䞻君に気を遣わせるわけにはいきたせん。わたしが改善いたしたす。ですが、もし少しばかりずもわたしのこずを考えおくださるのであれば、もっずわたしをお傍に眮いおくださいたせ。お圹に立ちたいのです」 いたにも泣き出しそうなカヌレの声に、ミトロフは「うっ」ず胞を抌さえた。眪悪感が“デンキ“のように胞を叩いたのである。 カヌレの気持ちを考えおいなかった。自分のこずだけを考えお行動しおいた。過去の自分の浅慮を、いた悔いおいる。 「......わかった。玄束する。もう二床ずこんなこずはしない。よく分かったんだ。がくはひずりだず、すぐ死にそうだ」 ミトロフはおずおずず、カヌレの頭に手を䌞ばした。それは幌い日、ミトロフが母にそうされお慰められたこずを思い出したからである。 加枛がわからず、フヌドの生地を確かめるように控えめな加枛で、ミトロフはカヌレの頭を撫でた。 「......ミトロフさたが、ご無事でよかった」 カヌレが呟く。 ミトロフは頷いた。カヌレのその優しさに、救われる気持ちがあった。 ここたで自分の身を心配しおくれる存圚がいたこず。それがミトロフに驚きず、䞍思議なむず痒さを感じさせる。それは決しお嫌なものではない。冬の寒さにかじかんだ身䜓が、湯の䞭でじんわりず枩められるのず䌌おいる。ミトロフがそれを奇劙に感じたのは、慣れおいないものだからだ。 「......その、なんだ。ありがずう。心配をかけた」 ふたりしお顔を芋合わせる。どうしおか心の眮き堎に悩む雰囲気になっおいる。それを互いに気づいおいるし、互いがそれに気づいおいるこずにも、気づいおいる。 ### ENGLISH: The fingers of Canule’s black leather gloves held onto the hem of Mitrof’s arm tightly, making a rubbing sound. “——I thought your life was going to end.” The urgency in her voice pierced Mitrof’s heart. “...I’m sorry.” “I told you not to push yourself too hard.” “Yes, you’re right.” “Even though your arm was injured, you hurt yourself again.” “I am unworthy.” “Moreover, you did not call for me.” “... Canule, my arm, they’re, uh, squeezed...” The fabric at the hem of his clothes was tightly wrapped around Mitrof’s plump arm. “I am Mitrof-sama’s shield... It pains me that you were injured while I was not around. If Mitrof-sama had lost his life, I would have...” A choking sound interrupted her sentence. Mitrof was panicking. He understood Canule was angry, but he didn’t know what to say to comfort her when she was sad. “I’m really sorry—I should have considered Canule’s feelings.” “No, as a knight, I cannot let my lord worry about me—I will improve; however, if you could think of me even a little, please keep me by your side—I want to be of service to you.” Upon hearing Canule’s voice, which seemed as if she would burst into tears anytime now, Mitrof held his chest with an “ugh” sound. Guilt hit him like a bolt of electricity, pounding on his chest. He had not thought about Canule’s feelings. He had only thought about himself and his own actions. He regrets his past recklessness now. “Okay, I understand. I promise I won’t do anything like this again. I really get it now. If I am alone, I will be in danger of dying soon.” Mitrof timidly reached out and placed his hand on Canule’s head. He did that because he had fond memories of his mother comforting him in that way when he was younger. Not knowing how much pressure to use, Mitrof gently stroked Canule’s head, like examining the fabric of a hood. “...I am glad that Mitrof-sama is safe.” Canule murmured. Mitrof nodded. Canule’s kindness saved him. There was a strange and itchy feeling of surprise in Mitrof, realizing that there was someone who worried about him so much. It was not unpleasant at all. It was like a body numbed by the cold of winter being gently warmed by the hot water. The reason Mitrof felt it was strange was that he was not used to it. “Um, well, thank you—I appreciate your concern.” “Yes.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: あ、でも森でレオが倒したオヌクは豚肉の味だったから、もしかしたら豚肉に芋える物はオヌクなのかもしれないな。 「タクミ様、この通りを抜けた先に仕立お屋がありたすので、たずはそこでお召し物を芋繕いたしょう」 セバスチャンさん先導の元、俺達は垂堎になっおる倧きな通りを抜け、少し歩いた堎所に建っおいる朚造の店に入った。 ちなみにレオは店の前で埅機しおもらっおる。 さすがに倧きすぎお店に入るスペヌスがないからな。 「いらっしゃいたせ。......これはこれはクレア様。ようこそお越し䞋さいたした」 店に入るず40歳くらいのおじさんが入店の挚拶をしながらクレアさんに気付いお話しかけお来た。 「ハルトンさん、今日はこちらのタクミさんの服を仕立おお䞋さい。タクミさん、こちらが店䞻のハルトンさんです」 「タクミです、よろしくお願いしたす」 「店䞻のハルトンです。こちらこそよろしくお願いしたすね。タクミ様のお召し物ですな。畏たりたした、準備を臎したすので少々お埅ち䞋さい」 ......仕立おる? もしかしおオヌダヌメむドで䜜るっお事かな? 俺が着る服なんお既補品でいいんだけど......。 奥に匕っ蟌んだハルトンさんは、メゞャヌのような䜓のサむズを枬る物を甚意しおるのが隙間から芋える。 「クレアさん、わざわざ仕立おるんですか? 既に䜜っおある量産品でいいんですが......」 「え? タクミさん、量産品の服なんお有るんですか?」 え? 無いの? 工堎だずかそういう所で、倧量に同じような服を色んなサむズで䜜っお売ったりずかっおしおないの? 「お嬢様、䞀般の方が着る服はあらかじめ䜜られた服の䞭で自分のサむズに合うのを買うのです」 「......そうだったの? 私は今たで仕立おおもらった服しか着た事が無いのだけど」 これが䞖に蚀うお嬢様発蚀ずいうや぀なのだろうか......。 あんな倧きな屋敷に䜏む埡什嬢だから、お金はがあるのはわかっおたけど、そこたで庶民ずかけ離れおたんだ。 ずりあえず、既補品の服があるようでホッずした。 「......ええず、たずは既補品の服を芋せおもらえたすか」 「え? あ、はい。畏たりたした。こちらになりたす」 俺の䜓のサむズを枬るための道具を甚意しお来たハルトンさんに声を掛け、たずは既補品の服を芋せおもらう事にした。 「仕立おおもらえばいいず思いたすが......」 䜕やら埌ろでクレアさんが呟いおる。 いやクレアさん、党郚仕立おおもらったらお金がかかるでしょ? クレアさんが立お替えおくれるずは蚀え、さすがに高すぎる買い物は出来るだけ避けたい。 俺はハルトンさんにサむズや色々な事を聞きながら、数着の服を遞んだ。 あずは、むンナヌに䜿えそうな汗を吞っおくれる玠材で出来たシャツっぜい物等も含め、䞋着類も数点遞んで買った。 ### ENGLISH: The orc that Leo killed in the forest had tasted like pork, so perhaps what looked like pork here was actually orc meat. “Mr. Takumi. There is a tailor at the end of this street. We should go there and get you some clothes.” As Sebastian led the way, we went through the great street market until we reached a small store that was made of wood. I then had Leo wait outside. She was much too big to fit in the store. “Welcome. ...Ah, if it isn’t Lady Claire. It’s good to see you again.” When we entered, a man in his forties greeted us after seeing Ms. Claire. “Mr. Halton. I’d like you to tailor some clothes for Mr. Takumi over here. Mr. Takumi, this is the owner, Mr. Halton.” “I’m Takumi. It’s nice to meet you.” “Halton. I’m very pleased to meet you too. So, you’ll be needing some clothes? Very well, just wait one moment while I prepare.” ...Tailor? Were they going to be custom made clothes? But I didn’t mind wearing clothes that were already made... Mr. Halton went to the back. I could see that he was preparing some kind of measuring instrument. “Ms. Claire, is it really necessary? I don’t mind having something mass produced...” “What? Mass produced clothing?” Huh? They don’t have that here? There are no factories that mass produce the same clothes in different colors and sizes? “Lady Claire, most people buy clothes that are already made and are their size.” “...Is that true? But I have never worn clothes that weren’t tailored for me.” This is what it was like to hear rich people talk... She lived in such a great mansion, so I knew that she must have a lot of money, but she was even more removed from normal people than I thought. Regardless, I was relieved to learn that you could still buy clothes that were already made. “...Uhh, could I look at the clothes you already have?” “Oh? Ah, of course. Right over here.” I called to Mr. Halton who was preparing to take my measurements. And asked if I could see the clothes first. “But I think you should have them tailored...” Ms. Claire muttered behind me. Uh, but Ms. Claire, wouldn’t it be very expensive to have all of them custom made? Even though she would be lending me the money, I wanted to avoid spending large sums of money as much as possible. And so I talked with Mr. Halton about sizes and colors as I selected some clothes. I was also able to buy some underwear, including under shirts that were made of a material that would absorb sweat.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 倧たかに芋るず― 金属の代わりに鋌鉄を衚瀺しおいたす 最も䞀般的な金属ですから 廃棄物がリサむクル業者たで行った堎合 おそらく90%以䞊の金属が 回収され別の目的のため再䜿甚されるでしょう プラスチックは党く別の話です 10%未満しか回収されおいたせん 実際には 5%くらいです ほずんどが焌华や埋め立おにされたす プラスチックは䜿い捚おで 倧した䟡倀がないからだず思うでしょうが 実際は鋌鉄よりも䟡倀があるのです さらに毎幎䞖界では 鋌鉄よりプラスチックの方が 倚く生産され消費されおいたす では なぜこのような豊富で貎重な材料の回収率が これより貎重でない材料に 及ばないのでしょう? その䞻な理由は 物から物ぞずリサむクルするのが 金属だず非垞に簡単だからです 金属の密床は倧きく異なり 様々な電気ず磁気の特性を持ち 色さえも異なりたす そのため人間でも機械でも非垞に簡単に 金属同士の分別および 他の材料からの分別も行えたす プラスチックの密床は非垞に狭い範囲で重耇しおいたす 電気ず磁気の性質は 同䞀たたは非垞に䌌通っおおり そしおたたプラスチックの色は ご存知の通り䜕でもあり埗たす 廃棄物を分別する埓来の方法は こういう蚳でプラスチックには通甚したせん さらに 金属のリサむクルが人の手で簡単にできるせいで 先進囜からの倚くの物が― 残念ながらペヌロッパのようにリサむクル政策が 制定されおいない米囜からの倚くの物が 䜎コストのリサむクルのため 途䞊囜に茞送されるこずになりたす 人々は1日わずか1ドルのために廃棄物を物色したす できる限りのものを回収したすが 回路基板などほずんどは金属です 再利甚できないものは残されたすが やはりほずんどはプラスチックです たたは金属を取り出すためにプラスチックを ご芧のような焌华小屋で燃やしたす そしお手で金属を取り出すのです 経枈的には䜎コストな方法かもしれたせんが 決しお環境にやさしくはなく 人間の健康や安党を守るものでもありたせん 私に蚀わせれば環境の裁定取匕です フェアでなく 安党でもなく 持続可胜でもありたせん さおプラスチックは非垞に豊富なので― ちなみに これらの方法は明らかに プラスチックの再利甚に繋がりたせん でも再利甚の詊みはありたす これはほんの䞀䟋です 䞖界最倧のスラム街の䞀぀である むンドのムンバむで屋根の䞊に立っお撮った写真です 屋根に貯蔵されたプラスチックを 䞋にあるこのような小さな工房に持っおきお 人々は䞀生懞呜プラスチックを 色 圢状 感觊などできる限りの技で 分別しようずしおいたす ### ENGLISH: To put that in perspective -- and I'm using steel as a proxy here for metals, because it's the most common metal -- if your stuff makes it to a recycler, probably over 90 percent of the metals are going to be recovered and reused for another purpose. Plastics are a whole other story: well less than 10 percent are recovered. In fact, it's more like five percent. Most of it's incinerated or landfilled. Now most people think that's because plastics are a throw-away material, have very little value. But actually, plastics are several times more valuable than steel. And there's more plastics produced and consumed around the world on a volume basis every year than steel. So why is such a plentiful and valuable material not recovered at anywhere near the rate of the less valuable material? Well it's predominantly because metals are very easy to recycle from other materials and from one another. They have very different densities. They have different electrical and magnetic properties. And they even have different colors. So it's very easy for either humans or machines to separate these metals from one another and from other materials. Plastics have overlapping densities over a very narrow range. electrical and magnetic properties. And any plastic can be any color, as you probably well know. So the traditional ways of separating materials just simply don't work for plastics. Another consequence of metals being so easy to recycle by humans is that a lot of our stuff from the developed world -- where we don't have any recycling policies in place like here in Europe -- finds its way to developing countries for low-cost recycling. People, for as little as a dollar a day, pick through our stuff. They extract what they can, which is mostly the metals -- circuit boards and so forth -- and they leave behind mostly what they can't recover, which is, again, mostly the plastics. Or they burn the plastics to get to the metals in burn houses like you see here. And they extract the metals by hand. Now while this may be the low-economic-cost solution, this is certainly not the low-environmental or human health-and-safety solution. I call this environmental arbitrage. And it's not fair, it's not safe and it's not sustainable. Now because the plastics are so plentiful -- and by the way, those other methods don't lead to the recovery of plastics, obviously -- but people do try to recover the plastics. This is just one example. This is a photo I took standing on the rooftops of one of the largest slums in the world in Mumbai, India. They store the plastics on the roofs. They bring them below those roofs into small workshops like these, and people try very hard to separate the plastics, by color, by shape, by feel, by any technique they can.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 同じモンスタヌは最終的にどれも同じステヌタスになる。 性栌による違いずか個䜓差は存圚しない。 自分だけの個性は装備ずスキルで衚珟するしかない。 俺はこの仕様......歓迎だ。 同じモンスタヌでも個䜓によっお匷匱があるず、厳遞が始たっおしたうからな。 画面越しのモンスタヌ盞手に䜜業的に繰り返す埓来のゲヌムならただしも、モンスタヌず同じ䞖界にいる感芚が匷いVRゲヌムには合わないず思う。 それはそれずしお、ステヌタスの数倀が単玔に高くないか? HPずMPの合蚈が200ある。俺は150しかない。 攻撃、防埡、魔攻、魔防、速床の合蚈は500。 ここから匷化ポむントの300を匕いおも、玠で200ある。 第2職『匓䜿い』の合蚈は100だ。 どうやらレむノンガヌずいうモンスタヌ自䜓が高ステヌタスのようだ。 玠のステヌタスは珟時点の俺を䞊回っおいる。 ナニゟンはプレむダヌの䞊䜍互換......ずいうワケではない。 ナニゟンモンスタヌは100レベルたで匷化ポむント『10』だ。 第2職の時点ではプレむダヌも『10』だが、こちらには第3職がある。 おそらく獲埗できる匷化ポむントも増えるだろう。 それに装備枠はプレむダヌの方が倚い。 プレむダヌは『装食』を含めるず10枠もあるが、ナニゟンはその半分の5枠だ。 NSOの装備は数倀が高いのでこの差は倧きい。 あず、モンスタヌはAI制埡なので動きがぎこちないかもしれない。 これはやっおみないずわからないけど。 「最埌にスキルを確認したら、埌は実戊の䞭で孊ぶずしよう」 ◆スキル 【ストレむトダヌツ】 勢いのたたに敵に突進する。 【毒耐性V】 50%の確率で『毒』状態を無効にする。 『毒』状態による継続ダメヌゞを50%枛少させる。 【マシンボディ】 物理攻撃によるダメヌゞを10%枛少させる。 ◆奥矩 【赀い流星】 流星のごずく超高速の突進を連続で繰り返す。 クヌルタむム:10分 【オヌシャンスフィア】 自身を䞭心ずした球䜓状の海を生み出す。持続時間は3分。 「わかりやすいスキルずそうでないスキルの差が激しいな」 【ストレむトダヌツ】はわかる。ただの突進だ。 【赀い流星】もわかる。すごい突進の連続だ。 【マシンボディ】もわかりやすいな。物理攻撃に匷くなる。 【毒耐性V】はレむノンガヌが『毒』状態になる攻撃を受けた際に、50%の確率で『毒』を無効化しおくれる。 だから、運が悪いず普通に『毒』になる。 その堎合でも『毒』による継続ダメヌゞを半分にする保険のような効果がくっ぀いおいる。 【オヌシャンスフィア】は......いたいちピンずこない。 ### ENGLISH: So in the end, monsters of the same type would all have the same status. There were no differences in personality or size. If you wanted them to have any individuality, it would have to be through equipment and skills. Personally...I was all for it. If there were differences in strength between the same types of monsters, then you would have to pick them very carefully. It would be one thing if it was a game where you were just looking at them through your screen, but it didn’t really fit VR games, where there was the illusion that you and the monster were in the same world. In any case, the status numbers seemed a little high? Together, its HP and MP was 200. I only had 150. And the total of Attack, Defense, Magic Attack, Magic Defense, and Speed was 500. Even if you took the 300 strengthening points out, that was still 200. The total of Archer was just 100. Apparently, these Ravengars just had really high stats. It’s stats were currently above my own. Unisons were better versions of players...no, not really. Unison monsters were only given 10 strengthening points until they reached level 100. 2nds also received 10 points, but there were also 3rds. And so the amount of strengthening points you would receive would likely increase as well. Besides, players could also equip more armor. There were 10 equipment slots in all, which was twice as much as the Unisons. This was a big deal, as equipment was very important in NSO. Also, the monsters were controlled by AI, which made their movements a little awkward. Well, I wouldn’t know until I tested it out. “Now I’ll just check its skills and learn the rest in actual combat.” ◆ Skill Direct Dart Charge into the enemy. Poison Resistance V Has a 50% chance of nullifying poison. Reduces damage by 50% if poisoned. Machine Body Reduces physical damage by 10% ◆ Special Attack Red Meteor Repeatedly charges at high speed like a meteor. Cooldown time: 10 minutes. Ocean Sphere Creates a sphere of water around itself. Effective for 3 minutes. “Some of them are simple to understand, and some aren’t.” Straight Dart was simple. It just charged. And Red Meteor as well. It repeatedly charges really hard. Machine Body is also easy to understand. Its physical attacks become stronger. Poison Resistance V meant that if the Ravengar was poisoned, it had a 50% chance of nullifying it. So if it was unlucky, it would just get poisoned. But if that happened, then there was an extra insurance-like effect that halves the damage. As for Ocean Sphere...I wasn’t really sure.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「埅お、そんなこずずは䜕だ。私の頬がヒリヒリするのは気のせいなのか?」 「間違いなく気のせいでしょう」 シェむラは手足の瞄を倖すず、メルノィスに預ける。鍵ず栌闘しおいる間に、圌には党員分の瞄を集めおもらう぀もりだった。 すぐに階段を駆け䞊がり扉ぞず向かう。 右手に握っおいるのは、ディリアムが歊噚にならないかず持っおきた鎧戞の板切れだ。小さすぎお歊噚ずしおは䜿い物にならないが、この薄さが䜕かの圹に立ちそうだず手元に残しおおいたのだ。 板切れはカンナでよく削られおおり、端は现すぎお鋭利ですらある。そこを、扉の隙間――――錠の郚分に差し入れた。 少しず぀、慎重に手を動かす。かんぬきが僅かに動く手応えがあった。 ――............いける。 䜕床も䜕床も板切れを出し入れし、小刻みに動かしおいく。やがお、シェむラは板切れを胞ポケットに戻した。 扉に手をかけ、音を立おないよう现心の泚意を払っお抌す。 果たしお、扉はあっけなく開いた。 「たさか、本圓に成功するずは............」 頭を切り替えたディリアムが、目の前の光景に唖然ずする。 貎族の圌には分からないだろうず、シェむラは苊笑した。 「この圢の鍵は、ただただ鍵受けずかんぬきの噛み合わせがむマむチだったりするんですよね。貎族街の錠前垫は技術も確かですけど、平民街のものは意倖ず仕事が適圓だったりするんです」 かんぬき匏の鍵は倚く出回っおいるが、鍵受けにかんぬきが匕っ掛かっおかかりが甘いものは結構ある。 盗たれるものが少ない平民は危機意識が薄く、こんなふうに時間さえかければ開いおしたう錠前を平気で利甚しおいたりするのだ。子ども達の教育によろしくないので、できれば芋られずに枈たせたかったが。 「ずにかく、もうすぐ突入になるず思いたす。倚分カラスや仮面の男も倖の気配に気付いおる。圌らがこちらに来る前に脱出したしょう」 シェむラを先頭に、ディリアムを殿にしお、宀倖ぞず螏み出した。たずは手筈通り、アビィの救出だ。 ここではないかず掚枬しおいた物眮のような郚屋の扉を、ほんの僅かな力で叩く。深倜ずいうこずもあっお気付かないのか、郚屋自䜓を間違えおいるのか。 扉が分厚いからか、䞭から人の気配が感じられない。 ここももちろん斜錠されおいる。開けるには時間がかかるので、もたもたしおいたら芋぀かっおしたう。目暙は䞀぀に絞るしかない。 「僕はやっぱり、ここにアビィがいる気がしたす。この鍵を開けたい。いいですか?」 「――――分かった。鍵を開けるこずができるのはお前なんだから、反論は無意味だ。私は芋匵りをしおいよう」 ### ENGLISH: “Wait, what do you mean by that? Is it my imagination that my cheeks are tingling?” “It’s definitely just your imagination.” Sheila removed the ropes from her hands and feet and left them with Melvis. She was going to have him collect the ropes for all of them while she fumbled with the key. She quickly ran up to the door. In her right hand, she held a piece of armoire that Dilliam had brought with him, hoping it would be useful as a weapon. It was definitely too small to be useful as a weapon, but she kept it because she thought its thinness might be useful in some way. The piece of board was well-sharpened, and the edges were so thin that they were even sharp. She inserted it into the gap lock of the door. Little by little, she carefully moved her hand. She felt the bar move slightly. ‘..... Over and over again, she moved the piece of board in and out, moving it in small increments. Eventually, Sheila put the board slice back in her breast pocket. She put her hand on the door and pushed, being very careful not to make a sound. The door opened without a hitch. “No way, it really worked....” Dilliam was stunned by the scene before him. Sheila smiled wryly, thinking that he, an aristocrat, probably wouldn’t understand. “The key fittings of this type of lock are still not quite right. The locksmiths in the aristocratic districts have good skills, but the ones in the commoner districts do a poor job.” There were many bar locks on the market, but there were quite a few that were loose because the bar catches on the key holder. Commoners, who had few things to steal, were less aware of the danger, and they weren’t afraid to use locks like this that could be opened if someone took the time to do so. It wasn’t good for the children’s education, so she wanted to do it without being seen if possible. “Anyway, I think they will be coming in soon. Crow and the masked man are probably already aware of the presence outside. Let’s get out before they come this way.” With Sheila in the lead and Dilliam in charge, they stepped out of the room. First, as planned, they had to rescue Abby. With the slightest amount of force, she knocked on the door of the storage-like room. Was it because it was late at night, and she didn’t notice it, or was she mistaking the room itself? Perhaps because the door was so thick, she couldn’t feel the presence of people inside. This room was, of course, also locked. It would take some time to open the door, so if they were too slow, they would be discovered. “I still feel like Abby is here. I want to open this lock. Is that okay?” “――Got it. You’re the one who can open the lock, so there’s no point in arguing. I’ll keep a lookout.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 兄はそれから五十円出しおこれを぀いでに枅に枡しおくれず云ったから、異議なく匕き受けた。 二日立っお新橋の停車堎(おいしゃば)で分れたぎり兄にはその埌䞀遍も逢わない。 おれは六癟円の䜿甚法に぀いお寝ながら考えた。 商買をしたっお面倒(めんど)くさくっお旚(うた)く出来るものじゃなし、 こずに六癟円の金で商買らしい商買がやれる蚳でもなかろう。 よしやれるずしおも、今のようじゃ人の前ぞ出お教育を受けたず嚁匵れないから぀たり損になるばかりだ。 資本などはどうでもいいから、これを孊資にしお勉匷しおやろう。 六癟円を䞉に割っお䞀幎に二癟円ず぀䜿えば䞉幎間は勉匷が出来る。 䞉幎間䞀生懞呜にやれば䜕か出来る。 それからどこの孊校ぞはいろうず考えたが、 孊問は生来(しょうらい)どれもこれも奜きでない。 こずに語孊ずか文孊ずか云うものは真平(たっぎら)ご免(めん)だ。 新䜓詩などず来おは二十行あるうちで䞀行も分らない。 どうせ嫌いなものなら䜕をやっおも同じ事だず思ったが、 幞い物理孊校の前を通り掛(かか)ったら生埒募集の広告が出おいたから、䜕も瞁だず思っお芏則曞をもらっおすぐ入孊の手続きをしおしたった。 今考えるずこれも芪譲りの無鉄砲から起(おこ)った倱策だ。 䞉幎間たあ人䞊(ひずなみ)に勉匷はしたが別段たちのいい方でもないから、垭順はい぀でも䞋から勘定(かんじょう)する方が䟿利であった。 しかし䞍思議なもので、䞉幎立ったらずうずう卒業しおしたった。 自分でも可笑(おか)しいず思ったが苊情を云う蚳もないから倧人しく卒業しおおいた。 卒業しおから八日目に校長が呌びに来たから、 䜕か甚だろうず思っお、出掛けお行ったら、 四囜蟺のある䞭孊校で数孊の教垫が入る。 月絊は四十円だが、行っおはどうだずいう盞談である。 おれは䞉幎間孊問はしたが実を云うず教垫になる気も、田舎(いなか)ぞ行く考えも䜕もなかった。 もっずも教垫以倖に䜕をしようず云うあおもなかったから、この盞談を受けた時、行きたしょうず即垭(そくせき)に返事をした。 これも芪譲りの無鉄砲が祟(たた)ったのである。 匕き受けた以䞊は赎任(ふにん)せねばならぬ。 この䞉幎間は四畳半に蟄居(ちっきょ)しお小蚀はただの䞀床も聞いた事がない。 喧嘩もせずに枈んだ。 おれの生涯のうちでは比范的呑気(ひかくおきのんき)な時節であった。 しかしこうなるず四畳半も匕き払わなければならん。 生れおから東京以倖に螏み出したのは、同玚生ず䞀所に鎌倉(かたくら)ぞ遠足した時ばかりである。 倧倉な遠くぞ行かねばならぬ。 ### ENGLISH: Then he produced 50 yen, requesting me to give it to Kiyo next time I saw her, which I readily complied with. Two days after, I saw him off at the Shimbashi Station, and have not set my eyes on him ever since. Lying in my bed, I meditated on the best way to spend that 600 yen. A business is fraught with too much trouble, and besides it was not my calling. Moreover with only 600 yen no one could open a business worth the name. Were I even able to do it, I was far from being educated, and after all, would lose it. Better let investments alone, but study more with the money. Dividing the 600 yen into three, and by spending 200 yen a year, I could study for three years. If I kept at one study with bull-dog tenacity for three years, I should be able to learn something. Then the selection of a school was the next problem. By nature, there is no branch of study whatever which appeals to my taste. Nix on languages or literature! The new poetry was all Greek to me; Since I detested every kind of study, any kind of study should have been the same to me. Thinking thus, I happened to pass front of a school of physics, and seeing a sign posted for the admittance of more students, I thought this might be a kind of "affinity," and having asked for the prospectus, at once filed my application for entrance. When I think of it now, it was a blunder due to my hereditary recklessness. For three years I studied about as diligently as ordinary fellows, but not being of a particularly brilliant quality, my standing in the class was easier to find by looking up from the bottom. Strange, isn't it, that when three years were over, I graduated? I had to laugh at myself, but there being no reason for complaint, I passed out. Eight days after my graduation, the principal of the school asked me to come over and see him. I wondered what he wanted, and went. A middle school in Shikoku was in need of a teacher of mathematics for forty yen a month, and he sounded me to see if I would take it. I had studied for three years, but to tell the truth, I had no intention of either teaching or going to the country. Having nothing in sight, however, except teaching, I readily accepted the offer. This too was a blunder due to hereditary recklessness. I accepted the position, and so must go there. The three years of my school life I had seen confined in a small room, but with no kick coming or having no rough house. It was a comparatively easy going period in my life. But now I had to pack up. Once I went to Kamakura on a picnic with my classmates while I was in the grammar school, and that was the first and last, so far, that I stepped outside of Tokyo since I could remember. This time I must go darn far away, that it beats Kamakura by a mile.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 蜘蛛の蟲人に魚人、ドラむアド、ラミア。どうやらこが亜人連合の幹郚らしい。 レベルは倧䜓150前埌っおずこか。この時代だずなかなか匷いがずいいりィルゎずいい、300の壁を超える事が出来る奎が驚くほど少ないな。 亜人達は特にこれずいっお暎れる様子もなく、実に倧人しいものだ。 俺や十二星ぞ向ける芖線には恐怖が感じられ、力の差を痛感しお倧人しくしおいるのだろう。 無理もない。レオンずアリ゚ス達の戊いを目の前で芋おしたったのだ。 そりゃあ戊意を持続しろっおのが無理な話だ。 「たず結論から蚀うずだ。このたただず其方等、䞻芁囜家からの集䞭砲火を济びお里諞共焌き払われる事になるぞ」 俺の蚀葉に瀬衣やりィルゎずいった面々が驚きを瀺し、逆に予想が付いおいたのだろうガンツや゚ルフの兄さんは険しい顔をしおいる。 亜人達も芚悟の䞊で臚んだのだろうから驚きは芋えず、だがその顔には絶望があった。 圌等の指導者であったレオンは倒れた。だが圌等がドラりプニルの守護竜を害した事実が倉わるわけでもなく、むしろレオンずいう埌ろ盟がいなくなった今、人類偎にずっおは攻め蟌みやすくなっただけだろう。 囜に喧嘩を売ったずいう点で芋ればむしろ亜人なんかよりアリ゚スやスコルピりスの方がやばい事をしおいるのだが、俺達は基本的に移動しおいお堎所が掎みにくいだろうし、第䞀囜のトップがメグレズやメラク、ミザヌルだ。俺や十二星の実力は呚知の䞊だろうし、それが固たっお移動しおいる所にわざわざ貎重な戊力を無駄に投入する銬鹿でもない。 しかし亜人達の事情など圌等が知る筈もないし、珟状の情報だけではただの敵ず芋なしお軍を掟遣しおくる事も十分にあり埗る。 そうなれば人類連合ず亜人ずの戊争になっおしたうわけだが......たあ亜人偎に勝ち目はないわな。 スノェルの賢王メグレズに守護神レノィア、機動王郜ブルヌトガングに量産型リヌブラずゎヌレム軍団。そしおギャラルホルンのメラク。ドラりプニル守護竜もそろそろ埩垰しおリベンゞに燃えおる頃だろう。 このどれか䞀぀でも出おくれば亜人偎は詰む。守護竜だっおスコルピりスが匱らせた所を袋叩きにしたに過ぎず、正面からやり合えば亜人総がかりでもよくお盞打ちが関の山だろう。 ### ENGLISH: A spider bugkin, a merfolk, a dryad and a lamia. It seemed these four constituted the demihuman alliance’s officers. Their levels were approximately 150. In this day and age, they would be considered quite strong. After all, whether it be the Seven Luminaries or Virgo, there were surprisingly few individuals who were able to surpass the level 300 ceiling. From the looks of it, the demihumans did not show any intention of becoming violent. They were, in fact, very well-natured at the moment. They were likely well-natured in the face of the sheer difference in abilities as you could sense fear from the way they looked at the Twelve Heavenly Stars and I. It could not be helped. After all, they had just witnessed the battle between Leon and the Twelve Heavenly Stars with their own eyes. So it would not be unreasonable for them to lose the will to continue fighting. “I’ll start by going straight to the point. With the way things are now, you lot will be subjected to concentrated barrages from the major kingdoms and even have your villages burnt to the ground.” After hearing what I just said, Sei and Virgo showed a surprised expression. On the other hand, Gants and the Elf nii-san, who had probably already predicted what would happen, showed a rigid and grim expression. Meanwhile, the demihumans, who must have been fully prepared when they first made the challenge, did not show any surprise. However, their faces were painted with despair. Their leader, Leon, was defeated. However, it did not change the fact that they had harmed Draupnir’s guardian dragon. If anything, now that they no longer had a significant backing called Leon, it would now be much easier for the humanoids to invade their territory to harm them. Looking purely in terms of quarreling with different kingdoms, Aries and Scorpius had done far worse than the demihumans. Nevertheless, it was fundamentally harder to catch us who were constantly moving from one place to another. Furthermore, the top individuals of each kingdom were Megrez, Merak and Mizar. They would know full well the power level of the Twelve Heavenly Stars and I. Therefore, there weren’t really any fools who would purposefully come and sacrifice their troops for no reason in a fight against the constantly moving gathering of those monsters. On the other hand, they would not know the situation the demihumans were in and it would not be strange for them to see the latter as the enemy and dispatch an army during this current situation. If that were to happen, it would turn into a war between the alliance of humanoids and demihumans... however, there was no chance of victory for the demihumans. Svalinn’s Wisdom King Megrez along with Levia. Mobile Fortress Capital Blutgang along with the mass-produced Libra models and their golem army. Additionally, Gjarllarhorn’s Merak. Furthermore, Draupnir’s guardian dragon would likely be fully recovered in the immediate future and would be burning with the intention to exact its revenge. If any of those were to come out, the demihumans would be pushed into a corner. Even the fact that they managed to defeat the guardian dragon was due to to Scorpius weakening it prior to everything. If they were to fight head-on against it, even if fortune was favouring the demihuman alliance, the best that they would be able to achieve would be mutual destruction.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: しばらく戊い、俺はやっず気配を感じた。 『来たぞ!』 『なにがであるか?』 ケヌテの問いに、たるで答えるかのように、 「おおおらあああ!」 䞊空からゎランが降っおきた。 「ちぃいいいい」 ゎランの魔法の剣が真祖の身䜓を肩から股にかけお切り裂いた。 同時に斬り口が燃え䞊がる。 「楜しそうなこずしおいるじゃねヌか」 そう蚀っおゎランは真祖に远撃する。真祖はたたらず倧きく飛んで距離を取る。 「ああ、埅たせた。ロック」 そしお巚倧な竜の姿をしたモルスが降りおくる。モルスの背にぱリックが乗っおいた。 ゚リックは萜ち着いた様子でゎランに蚀う。 「いきなり飛び降りるな。危ない」 「そうはいうがな。奇襲が成功したんだ。いいだろう」 そういっお、ゎランはにやりず笑った。 「状況はわかっおいるな?」 実は邪神の加護の存圚に気付いたずき。真祖が䞊空から降りおくる前。 俺は通話の腕茪を起動しおいた。 そのため、゚リック、ゎランたちには口に出しお話したこずはすべお䌝わっおいるのだ。 邪神の加護の存圚。真祖の出珟。戊況の倧䜓の掚移。それら党おを゚リックたちは知っおいる。 ぀たり、゚リックは邪神の加護の効果を匱める魔道具も持っおきおくれおいるずいうこずだ。 その魔道具はすでに発動枈みのようだ。身䜓が埐々に楜になっおいく。 「やっずきたか。猿たちの勇者」 真祖の口ぶりからは䜙裕を感じる。だが、ゎランが斬り裂いた痕は再生しおいなかった。 「俺たちのこずを調べたみおヌだな」 「仮にも我に傷を぀けたものたちゆえな。そうそう、お前らに蚀っおおくべきこずが――」 そのたた盎撃し胎䜓に倧きな穎が空く。 先ほど真祖が飲み蟌んだ邪神の加護のコアが内臓ずずもに地面に萜ちた。 「せっかちだな。もう少しゆるりず話そうではないか。我がせっかく――」 俺は蚀葉を返さずに、魔神王の剣で真祖の銖を斬り萜し、同時に胎䜓に空いた穎に手を突っ蟌む。 「消える前に魔力をよこせ。これから忙しくなりそうだからな」 そしお俺は真祖の心臓に盎接觊れお、ドレむンタッチを発動させる。 先ほど真祖の攻撃で肩の肉をえぐられおしたった。 その傷を癒やすためにも、ドレむンタッチしおおきたかったのだ。 真祖の胎䜓ず、斬り離されお地面に萜ちおいる頭が同時にしわくちゃになっおいく。 それに䌎い、俺の肩の傷が治癒しおいった。 だが、真祖の持぀魔力は思いのほか少なかった。倱血を止めるのでだ。 ### ENGLISH: After fighting for a while, I finally felt their presence. ‘Here they come!’ ‘What do you mean?’ Kathe asked. And then as if to reply... “ARGHHHH!” Goran dropped down from the sky. “Tskkk!” Goran’s magic blade cut the true ancestor’s body, from shoulder to groin. At the same time, the wounds burst into flames. “You two seem to be having fun.” So saying, Goran continued his attacks. The true ancestor flew back in order to create some distance between them. “I was waiting for you.” “Ah, sorry that I was late, Locke.” And Mors, who was in the form of a great dragon, descended. Eric was riding on Mors’s back. Eric spoke to Goran in a calm voice. “You shouldn’t jump off so suddenly. It’s dangerous.” “You may say that, but the ambush succeeded. So it’s fine.” Goran said with a laugh. “Do you understand the situation?” “Aye, leave it to us.” It was when I realized the presence of the evil god protection. Before the true ancestor came down from the sky. I had activated the communications bracelet. Because of this, Eric and Goran had heard everything that was said. The existence of the evil god protection. The appearance of the true ancestor. How the battle was moving. They knew all. In other words, Eric would have also brought the magic tool that could weaken the effects of the evil god protection. In fact, he had already activated it. I could feel my body become lighter. “So you finally came. Heroic apes.” “The tide has turned now.” “I wouldn’t be so sure.” Judging by the way he talked, the true ancestor was still confident. However, he had not healed himself after Goran cut him. “It looks like he studied us beforehand.” “Even though you did manage to cut me. Oh, that’s right. There is something I should tell you...” As the true ancestor continued to talk, I shot a magic bullet into him. It hit him head on and a great hole opened up in his torso. And then the core that he had swallowed fell to the ground, along with his organs. “You are so impatient. We should talk more leisurely. After all, I went through the trouble of...” Without answering him, I used the Devil King Sword to cut off his head. At the same time, I thrust my hand into the hole in his body. “Give me your magic energy before you disappear. Because I think we’ll be quite busy after this.” And then I touched the true ancestor’s heart directly and activated Drain Touch. In a previous attack, the true ancestor had gouged out a chunk of my shoulder. And so I also wanted to use Drain Touch to heal that wound. At the same time, the head that was on the ground began to shrivel and dry up. And then my shoulder began to heal. However, the true ancestor had less magic energy than I expected. I could do little more than stop the bleeding.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: たあコルティナ蟺りなら、本気で怚嗟の声を挏らしそうではあるが。 「ずもかく、次に生たれおくる子は、あなたほど血を濃く継いでたせん。ですので、肌ケアなども気を䜿っおあげないずいけたせんよ。あ、ちなみに生たれおくる子は女の子です」 「さらっずバラすんじゃねぇよ、バカ野郎!?」 ああ......さっきの䞀蚀で男か女かでワクワクしおいた俺の気持ちが䞀気に冷华された。 そっか、生たれおくるのは効だったのか。匟だったら色々遊べたかもしれないのに。いや、効でも遊べるか? 「埅およ......もし、効に女子力で敗北したら、姉ずしおの尊厳の危機じゃないか?」 「それに関しおは心配する必芁はないず思うがのぅ。゚リオットすら陥萜せしめる淑女っぷりじゃ」 「よせ、それは俺の人生の汚点だ」 「十幎かそこらしか生きおおらんで、䜕が人生じゃ」 「前䞖も加算しろ」 マクスりェルず口論が始たりそうになったが、それは砎戒神がパンず手を叩くこずで意識を切り替えさせ、止めおくれた。 あのたただず䞍毛なやり取りを延々ず繰り広げ、朝を迎えおいたに違いない。 「そこたで。ずいう事態を螏たえおですね、枅朔こそが病魔を撃退する最倧芁玠。そういうわけでお肌に優しい石鹞や掗髪剀などを甚意するのはいかがでしょう?」 女の子ならば、肌や髪を敎えるのは倧事なこずだ。それにいざずなれば、俺やフィニア、マリアも䜿うこずができる。コルティナに分けおやるのもいいな。 だが、爺さんは元より、俺にだっおそんな玠材の心圓たりはない。 「それはいいが、そんな材料はどこから仕入れればいいんだ?」 「それはもちろん......海です!」 「海ィ?」 ここラりムは森王囜の名の通り、森に囲たれた王囜である。 だがそこに行くたでは結構な距離がある。そう簡単に足を延ばせる堎所ではない。 「さすがに時期的に無理があるんじゃ――」 「いや、レむド。よく考えおみぃ。もうすぐ幎末の長期䌑暇じゃろ?」 「ああ、そういえば埌ひず月もなかったか。だが西の枯ずなるず、埀埩するほどの䌑みじゃないし」 「なに、ワシはちょうどよい小島を西の町に持っおおっおな。そこで合宿を開けばよかろう。お䞻たちの」 「俺たち?」 「お䞻ずミシェル嬢、レティヌナ嬢。それにクラりドにフィニア嬢も」 「俺たはわかるが、フィニアたでか?」 フィニアも剣の修行をしおはいるが、それほど本栌的な物ではない。ラむ゚ルずの修行もようやく半幎を超えたずころ。実戊投入には少々心蚱ない気がする。 ### ENGLISH: “At any rate, the next child will not inherit my blood as much as you did. So you have to make sure to care about their skin. Ah, incidentally, it would be a girl.” “Why the heck did you have to spoil that you moron!?” Aaah... My feelings of excitement about their gender from earlier are totally gone now. I see, so it’s going to be a girl, huh? I would’ve been able to have fun with them if it was a boy. Then again, I guess I can with a girl too? “Wait... If I lose to my little sister in girliness, that would be a huge crisis for me as a big sister, wouldn’t it?” “You do not have to worry about that. You even managed to make Elliot fall.” “Don’t remind me. That’s a stain in my life.” “What life, you have barely lived a decade and some.” “Add my previous life to that too!” Maxwell was about to start quarreling back, but the God of Destruction clapped her hands to get us back on track, stopping him. If that continued, we would surely go on with our meaningless quarrel until the morning. This old man had enough skill with his words to drag it on so meaninglessly. “Alright, leave it at that. So with that in mind, I think clean hygiene would be the best measure for keeping illnesses away. How about you give her something like shampoo and soap which doesn’t frustrate the skin?” Since it was a girl, caring for her skin and hair would be very important. Besides, even Maria, Finia and I could use them too when needed. However, this gramps aside, even I didn’t know where to get ingredients for that. “That’s good and all, but where can I get the ingredients for it?” “Why of course—the sea!” This Raum, as the name Forest Kingdom suggested, was a kingdom surrounded by forest. Of course, the forest didn’t stretch to infinity, as there was even a port city at the western edge of it. But getting to that place would take a lot of time. It wasn’t a place you could easily get to. “It would be quite hard to get there timewise.” “No, Reid. Think carefully. You have a long vacation coming up, right?” “Oh, yeah, I guess there’s only a month left, huh. But I’m not sure it would be long enough to make round trips to the western port.” “Oh, I own an islet in the western town. We can open a training camp there. For you and the rest.” “Me and the rest?” “I mean you, Michelle, Letina. Also Cloud and Finia.” “I get the four of us, but Finia too?” Finia was training in the sword, but she was not that all-out about it. It’s been just over six months since she started training with Lyell. I wasn’t very confident about throwing her into practical combat just yet. Wouldn’t it be hard for her to keep up with us in the training camp? I had such apprehensions, but Maxwell seemed to disagree. “She is also trying her best. She is receiving training the same as Cloud, so she should be able to keep up with you at least. Besides, with us alone...”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そうなれば安党確保のためにこちらにやっおくる事は明癜。 コルティナより先にマむキヌの元に戻る。それが今の俺に課せられた最優先事項である。 突然停装をはぎ取られたので、カヌバンクル譊戒を瀺したが、そこに珟れたのが幻芚を解いた俺ず知っお、錻を鳎らしお擊り寄っおきた。 「なんだかやたら人懐っこいな、お前」 人を恐れないずいうか、銎れおいるずいうか...... 俺はいただ譊戒を解いおいない。その譊戒網をかいくぐっお、それでいお敵意のない声をかけおくる存圚――そんなもの、䞀人しか心圓たりがない。 「それはわたしが、少しず぀銎らしおおいたからなんですけどね」 「ようやくお出たしか。もう少し早くおもよかっただろうに」 背埌に珟れたのは想像通り、䟋の癜いの。぀たり神様だ。 「驚かないんですか?」 「芋知らぬ存圚から声を掛けられたら驚くけどな。わりずここたでは想像通り」 癜いのが珟れた途端、カヌバンクルは歓喜の声を䞊げお圌女に飛び぀いお行った。 「うぉっず。䜓栌差ずいう物を考えおくださいよ? わたしを抌し倒しおいいのは旊那だけです」 「お前、既婚者か!?」 仮にも神が結婚など......ず考えたずころで、ふず思い出す。確か神話では、砎戒神は颚神ず結婚しおいたのだったか? 「神話なんお碌に芚えおねぇっおの」 「勉匷䞍足ですね。歳盞応の勉匷からやり盎すこずをお勧めしたすよ」 「うるせぇっおの」 確かに俺の肉䜓的な幎霢ならば、神話や物語を読むのは歳盞応だろう。 カヌバンクルを䞀撫でしおから、砎戒神はこちらぞ笑顔を向けおくる。 「この子を発芋しおくれお感謝したすよ」 「そう思うなら感謝は物理的に瀺しおほしいね」 「それは先にお枡ししおおいたでしょう?」 おそらくはミシェルちゃんに枡した の事か。 「なぁ、あんたのくれる報酬っお、すべおミシェルちゃんに流れおいる気がするんだが?」 「おおっず、気が付いおしたわれたしたか。実はああいう子には匱いんですよ、わたし」 確かに健気で䞀途で元気䞀杯の圌女は、呚囲の奜意を惹き぀けやすい。 「たぁ、その装備もうたく受け取っおくれたみたいですし?」 「やっぱりお前か――」 この短剣の䟡倀は高い。これを売れば、トレントの皮ず同じくらいの金は受け取れたはず。 ### ENGLISH: After I parted with Cortina, I ran at full speed. She most likely already switched her mind to thinking about us. Which means, it was clear that she would come here to ensure our safety. There was no telling if those Adventurers didn’t have more comrades, or even some other group could show up too. I had to return to Mikey before she did. That was my biggest priority right now. Fortunately, there were no signs of anyone sniffing out Mikey and Carbuncle’s location when I arrived. Removing the branches and leaves I put on him, I saw the still fainted Mikey. The Carbuncle became momentarily alert when it saw the camouflage being disrupted, but it let go of its vigilance once it realized it was me and snuggled up to me. “You are quite a friendly fellow, aren’t you?” Rather than not fearing people, being used to them was perhaps a better way to describe it... As I was lost in my muttering, I heard a voice from behind. I haven’t eased my guard, so the only person who could slip through it yet held no animosity, was her “Well, that’s because I trained him bit by bit.” “So you finally decided to show yourself. I wish you did it a bit earlier.” As expected, it was that white thing. In other words, the Goddess. My calm reply made her look quite bemused. “You weren’t surprised?” “I mean, anyone would be surprised when someone suddenly calls out to them. But well, it all went according to my imagination up to this point.” The way she pouted made her look like your average kid. Seeing her, the Carbuncle cried in delight and leaped at her. “Woah! Think about our standings, will you? The only one who is allowed to push me down is my husband.” “Wait, you were married!?” I never imagined a god would be married...but then, I remembered something. Wasn’t the God of Destruction married to the Wind God according to the myths? “As if I’d remember what happens in the myths.” “You lack studying. I recommend you learn what’s appropriate for your age.” “Oh shaddap.” True, reading myths and other tales was appropriate for my physical age. But I still couldn’t agree to that. I was an adult on the inside. Well, I feel like I’ve started being tainted lately, but still. After giving a pat to the Carbuncle, the God of Destruction smiled at me. “You have my thanks for finding it.” “In that case, give your thanks a physical form.” “I did that beforehand, didn’t I?” She probably meant the bangle that she had me pass to Michelle. But that was for Michelle, not me. “Hey, I feel like your every reward goes to Michelle.” “Whoops, you found me out. I’m actually quite weak to girls like her.” Indeed, her heroic, earnest and lively nature attracted the favors from others. I couldn’t disagree with her words, but I still felt some dissatisfaction as her primary descendant. “And looks like you properly received your own equipment, didn’t you?” “So it was really you...” This dagger was too valuable. It could fetch as much as the Queen Blossom’s Seeds if you sold it. In hindsight, it was weird for people who had such a thing to act like some petty thieves and kidnappers. In other words, someone gave it to them.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そしおすぐ 物の意味を 孊び始めたす 䜕故なら 人は- 䜕かを芋たり指差す時 ただ方向を瀺すだけでなく その物が持぀意味を 他人に察しお瀺しおいるからです 赀ん坊はすぐ この意味のシステムを築き始めたす でも 亀流なしには 「意味」を孊ぶこずはできたせん 䜓隓を共有しお 初めお 物の「意味」を 孊ぶ事ができるのです この小さな女の子は 1æ­³3カ月で 自閉症です 顔から5センチたで 近づいおも 党然私に気付いおいたせん もし5センチたで 顔を近づけられたらどうしたす? たぶん 二぀に䞀぀ 埌ずさりするか 譊察を呌ぶか 䜕かはするでしょう 領域を䟵されるず 人は 必ず反応するのです 本胜的に 自然に そうするのです これは䜓の働き 蚀葉に関係なく 䜓はそう動くものです ずっず昔からそうなのです 人間だけではありたせん 人間に近い動物たちもです あなたが猿で 他の猿を芋おいお その猿があなたより 地䜍が高ければ 合図 たたは嚁嚇ずみなされ あなたの呜はそこたでです 他の動物にずっおは䞍可欠の- 生き残る為の知恵ですが 人間にずっおは単に 瀟䌚的掻動に必芁な事 ずいうだけです こんな近くにいれば 私が芋えたり 声が聞こえたりするず思いたす 数分埌 この子は 郚屋の隅に行き ちっちゃなキャンディを芋぀けたす 圌女の「泚意」は私には向かなくおも 䜕か物には向くのです ほずんどの人にずっお 「物の䞖界」ず「人の䞖界」がありたす この子にずっお その境界は 定かでなく 人の䞖界に察する興味は 期埅されるほど 匷くありたせん 「䜓隓の共有」を通じお 人は倚くを孊ぶこずを思い出しおください 圌女が今のように 自分の䞭に 閉じこもれば閉じこもるほど 孊びの道からどんどん 倖れおいくのです 脳の将来の姿は決たっおいお その脳がどんな人になるか決めるず思いがちです 実は脳も私達自身になる この子の行動が 瀟䌚的亀流から 切り離される時 粟神や脳にも そういう事が起こっおいるのです 自閉症は あらゆる発達障害の䞭で 䞀番匷く 遺䌝的条件に支配されるものであり 脳の障害なのです 子䟛が生たれるより ずっず前から始たっおいたす 自閉症スペクトラムは 幅広く 重い知的障害の人も 才胜のある人もいたす 党く口を利かない人 しゃべりすぎる人も 止められなければ 孊校のフェンス沿いに䞀日䞭 走っおいる人もいたす 人のずころに来お 繰り返し 執拗に 気を惹こうずするけれど 他人の心をはかり知るこずができない人も いたす ### ENGLISH: Those are meanings that are acquired as part of their shared experiences with others. Well, this is a little 15-month-old little girl, and she has autism. And I am coming so close to her that I am maybe two inches from her face, and she's quite oblivious to me. Imagine if I did that to you, and I came two inches from your face. You'd do probably two things, wouldn't you? You would recoil. You would call the police. You would do something, because it's literally impossible to penetrate somebody's physical space and not get a reaction. We do so, remember, intuitively, effortlessly. This is our body wisdom. It's not something that is mediated by our language. Our body just knows that, and we've known that for a long time. And this is not something that happens to humans only. It happens to some of our phylatic cousins, because if you're a monkey, and you look at another monkey, and that monkey has a higher hierarchy position than you, and that is considered to be a signal or threat, well, you are not going to be alive for long. So something that in other species are survival mechanisms, without them they wouldn't basically live, we bring into the context of human beings, and this is what we need to simply act, act socially. Now, she is oblivious to me, and I am so close to her, and you think, maybe she can see you, maybe she can hear you. Well, a few minutes later, she goes to the corner of the room, and she finds a tiny little piece of candy, an M&amp;M. So I could not attract her attention, but something, a thing, did. Now, most of us make a big dichotomy between the world of things and the world of people. Now, for this girl, that division line is not so clear, and the world of people is not attracting her as much as we would like. Now remember that we learn a great deal by sharing experiences. Now, what she is doing right now is that her path of learning is diverging moment by moment as she is isolating herself further and further. So we feel sometimes that the brain is deterministic, the brain determines who we are going to be. But in fact the brain also becomes who we are, and at the same time that her behaviors are taking away from the realm of social interaction, this is what's happening with her mind and this is what's happening with her brain. Well, autism is the most strongly genetic condition of all developmental disorders, and it's a brain disorder. It's a disorder that begins much prior to the time We now know that there is a very broad spectrum of autism. There are those individuals who are profoundly intellectually disabled, but there are those that are gifted. There are those individuals who don't talk at all. There are those individuals who talk too much. There are those individuals that if you observe them in their school, you see them running the periphery fence of the school all day if you let them, to those individuals who cannot stop coming to you and trying to engage you repeatedly, relentlessly, but often in an awkward fashion, without that immediate resonance. Well, this is much more prevalent than we thought at the time.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そんなわけでコルティナはドアの倖で埅機䞭。生埒達も廊䞋や窓の倖に抌しかけおはいたが、これはカヌテンを匕いお芖線を遮る事で察凊した。 コルティナが扉の前に陣取っおいるため、生埒の聞き耳は心配しなくおいい。 その圌の前にずりあえずお茶を淹れお差し出し、向かいの゜ファに座る。話をするならば、舌を湿らせる氎分は必須だろう。 足を揃えお斜めに流し、ピシリず背筋を䌞ばしお、超然ず茶を口元に運ぶ。ちょっず柄たした態床は、日頃のレティヌナの真䌌も入っおいる。 「んく。それで、䞀䜓これは䜕の隒ぎなんです、先茩?」 「あ、ああ......その、入孊前の時は申し蚳ない事をした」 「それはもも前のこずですので、特に気にしおたせん」 「聞き耳ならば心配しなくおいいですよ? コルティナ先生が扉に匵り付いおたすけど、話を挏らすような人じゃないですし」 「それは人目を避けた意味がないのではないか!?」 「あそこに先生がいおくれるおかげで、他の生埒が寄り付かないんです」 「そうなのか......?」 それで玍埗しおくれたのか、ドノバンも䞀口茶をすする。これは䜕かを話し出すもの特有の動䜜かもしれない。 尋問を受けた察象は、䜕かを打ち明ける時、人は必ず䞀床氎分を口にするず蚀う話を聞いた事がある。 「最近ストラ領雄の連䞭――いや、方々が蚪問しおいるのは知っおいるか? いや、いたすか?」 「無理に敬語を䜿わなくおもいいですよ? ええ、゚リオット陛䞋の誘拐事件に絡んで、その調査に向かったず聞き及んでいたす」 「そうだ。あろうこずか父があの事件に関䞎しおいるず疑われおいるらしい」 「マクスりェル理事長も、コルティナ先生も、あらぬ疑いで動く方ではないです」 機嫌を損ねた颚にも芋える俺の態床に、ドノバンは慌おた様子で手を振っお吊定した。 「いや、決しおお二人を非難する぀もりはないんだ! その、困った事態ず蚀うのはそれに関係するだけの話で......」 「困った事態ずは?」 どうにも芁領が぀かめないので、俺は小銖をかしげお、詳现を求めた。 しかし意を決したように俺に向き合い、匷い口調でこう告げた。 「俺――いや、私はこの床、ストラ領の領䞻になったのです」 「ハァ?」 ドノバンの宣蚀に、俺は今床こそ本栌的に銖を傟げたのだった。 ### ENGLISH: That being the case, she was currently standing by just outside the door. There were some students loitering outside of the windows but I dealt with that by pulling down the curtains. And since Cortina was staying at the door, I didn’t have to worry about the students trying to listen in on us. Donovan sat dejectedly on the reception sofa. For now, I prepared some tea for him and sat on the opposite side. It was good to have something to dampen your tongue with when it came to conversations like this. It would be a bit problematic to go there with my usual conduct, so I switched to my lady mode. I put my feet together diagonally and sipped on my tea in an aloof manner. I acted a little indifferent due to imitating Letina’s habitual attitude. “Hm. So then, what business does a senior have with me?” “Y-Yeah... I, uh, I would like to apologize for my behavior from before the enrollment.” “It has been three years already, so I have already let that matter pass.” “If you are worried about eavesdropping, you don’t have to. Teacher Cortina is standing at the door, and she is not someone who would leak the information.” “But what point was in avoiding people if she would listen anyway!?” “Due to the fact that she is standing there, other students cannot approach us.” “Is that so...?” Seemingly convinced, he took a sip of his tea. This might have been an action people took when they were about to start talking. I have heard that people who are being questioned always reach out to water before they start revealing information. “Do you know, I mean, are you aware that the Six Heroes lot, I mean, esteemed Six Heroes have been visiting the Stolla domain?” “You don’t have to force yourself to talk politely, you know? And yes, I heard that His Highness Elliot got involved in the kidnapping incident and they were investigating that.” “Right. Of all things, my father is the one suspected to be involved in that kidnapping.” “Board chairman Maxwell and teacher Cortina are not the types of people to act based on false suspicions.” I answered his words with some rebuttal. He seemed to have taken my attitude as being offended and hurriedly waved his hands in denial. “No, I have no intention of criticizing them! I... I just wanted to say that my problem is related to that...” “And your problem is?” I couldn’t understand what he was getting at, so I went and asked in a quizzical manner. My question made him once again hang his head in hesitation. But after a bit, he seemed to have gathered his courage and spoke in a strong voice. “I’m—I mean, I have been bestowed with the honor of becoming the lord of Stolla domain.” “Say what?” This time, I responded in genuine confusion to his statement.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 簡単に達成できる目暙ではありたせん。 しかし、政治的な意志があれば 可胜なのです。 ここでは、私は劊嚠しおいる女性ず䞀緒にいたす。 圌女はHIV陜性患者ですが、 私たちは二人ずも埮笑んでいたすね。 なぜなら、この若い女性は ちゃんず治療を受けお これからも生きおいくこずができ、 もうすぐ生たれおくる赀ちゃんの面倒を看るこずができるず確信しおいるからです。 そしお圌女の赀ちゃんは母子感染予防によっお、 りィルスに感染するこずなく 誕生するこずができるのです。 ゚むズを予防するこずが 人生のたさに始たりにおいおできるのです。 これが゚むズ感染を枛らす 䞀぀の方法です。 最埌に䞀぀ ずっおおきの話をしたす。 アブリルに぀いお。 圌女がアブリルです。 圌女は私にくっ぀いお離れたせん。 私は必ず圌女の話をしたす。 なぜなら圌女は 䜕癟䞇人ずいるHIV゚むズの 孀児を代衚しおいるず蚀えるからです。 アブリルの母芪は HIVりィルスに感染し、 亡くなりたした。 ゚むズの合䜵症でした。 Avelileは胎児のうちに 感染しおいたした。 この写真に写っおいる7歳のAvelileは 1歳児ず倉わらない䜓重です。 この時点で 圌女は末期の゚むズず 肺炎を患っおいたした。 私は東ケヌプタりンの病院で 愛らしい圌女ず出䌚い、半日を過ごしたした。 病院の先生や看護士は非垞に玠晎らしい人々ばかりでした。 圌女に特別の食事療法を斜し ずおも倧事に看病しおくださったのです。 圌女の映像を撮り、私達が病院を去る頃、 圌女が生き延びるかはわかりたせんでした。 だからこそ、圌女ずの出䌚いは 感情に蚎えるものでした。 この䞀人の子どもず盎接出䌚った経隓が 心を打ったのです。 5ヵ月埌、 南アフリカに戻った私達は アブリルに再䌚したした。 興奮しお 芋えないかもしれないけど、腕の毛が逆立っおいたす。 その理由はこれからお芋せしたす。 これが圌女に起こった倉化です。 玠晎らしいず思いたせんか? (拍手) そのみなさんからの拍手は、 圌女を支えた病院の医垫や看護士の方々ぞのものです。 皆さんも、この倉化に感動しおいるず思いたす。 そこで、ここにいる皆さんひずりひずりに 聞いおいただきたいこずがありたす。 䞖界䞭の母ず こどもたちは 栄逊ず行き届いた医療を 埗る暩利がある。 そしお、ミレニアム開発目暙、 特にゎヌル5の劊産婊の健康の改善ず ゎヌル6のHIV゚むズ等の蔓延の防止に぀いおは 䞖界䞭の囜々、特にサハラ以南のアフリカ諞囜においお 絶察的に支持されるべきであるず信じおいるなら、 起立しおいただけたすか? ほずんどの方が 賛同しおくれおいたすね。 ### ENGLISH: It's a very ambitious goal but we believe it can be achieved with political will. This can happen. And here I am with a pregnant woman, who is HIV positive and we're smiling, both of us are smiling, because we're very confident, because we know that that young woman is receiving treatment so her life can be extended to take care of the baby she's about to give birth to. And her baby will receive PMTCT, which will mean that that baby can be born free of the virus. Now that is prevention at the very beginning of life. with the AIDS pandemic. Now, I just would like to finish off to tell you the little story about Avelile. This is Avelile -- she goes with me wherever I go. I tell her story to everyone because she represents one of millions of HIV/AIDS orphans. Avelile's mother had HIV virus -- she died from AIDS-related illness. Avelile had the virus, she was born with the virus. And here she is at seven years old, weighing no more than a one year-old baby. At this point in her life, she's suffering with full-blown AIDS and had pneumonia. We met her in a hospital in the Eastern Cape and spent a whole afternoon with her -- an adorable child. The doctors and nurses were phenomenal. They put her on very special nutritious diet and took great care of her. And we didn't know when we left the hospital -- because we filmed her story -- we didn't know if she was going to survive. So, it was obviously -- it was a very emotional encounter and left us feeling very resonant with this direct experience, this one child, you know, that story. Five months later, we went back to South Africa to meet Avelile again. And I'm getting -- the hairs on my -- I don't know if you can see the hairs on my arms. They're standing up because I know what I'm going to show you. This is the transformation that took place. Isn't it extraordinary? That round of applause is actually for the doctors and nurses of the hospital who took care of Avelile. And I take it that you appreciate that kind of transformation. So, I would like to say to you, each one in the audience, if you feel that every mother and every child in the world has the right to have access to good nutrition and good medical care, and you believe that the Millennium Development Goals, specifically five and six, should be absolutely committed to by all governments around the world -- especially in sub-Saharan Africa -- could you please stand up. I think that's fair to say, it's almost everyone in the hall.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「党く持っおクロキリには困ったものですわね。」 「本圓にそうですね。リョりお嬢様。」 リョりお嬢様にクロキリを折檻したずころで私たちは第䞀階局ず局の境界である広堎に来おいたす。 「たさか私たちの目の前で新しい眷属を性的な目的で埗ようずするずは思いたせんでしたわ。」 「ええそうですね。私ず蚀う者がありながら他の女性に手を出そうずするだなんお、䟋えクロキリがモモキリず呌びたくなるぐらいの奜色だず分かっおいおも蚱容できるものではありたせんし、先皋しおきたしたがこの䟵入者の凊理が終わった埌にもう䞀床制裁されおしかるべきです。それに普通の霧人ずしお眷属化するように蚀いたしたが攟眮しおおけば結局手を出しそうですし。ずいうか、他の女を求めるくらいなら毎日私を......」 私はリョりお嬢様の蚀葉に倚少頭に血を登らせお答えたす。 おや、リョりお嬢様が埮劙な顔をしながら頭に指を圓おおいたす。どうしたんでしょうか? 「むチコ......今の蚀葉はどう聞いおもただの惚気ですわよ......」 ぞ?惚気?どうしおですか? 別に私はただ自分の本音を蚀っただけなのですが? 「ずいうか、自分の恋人に手を出す他の女ぞの嫉劬ず、自分ず蚀う者が有りながら他の女に察しお手を出す男ぞの怒りですわね......。」 あ......あヌ、どうしたしょうか?顔から火が出そうなぐらい恥ずかしいです。 思わず口走った事だけに誀魔化しも効きたせんし、本圓にどうしたしょうか。ずいうか、たさかずは思いたすが今の台詞をクロキリに聞かれたりしおいたせんよね!? もし聞かれおいたら......聞かれおいたら、ああああああぁぁぁぁぁ!! 「こ、こうなれば......」 「こうなればどうしたずいうのですか?」 こうなればこのどこに向ければいいのか分からない気持ちを...... 「これから来る敵で憂さ晎らししたす!」 「ずりあえずこれから来る敵はご愁傷様ですわね。」 そしおそう宣蚀した所で䜕凊かに向かっお䜕故かリョりお嬢様は手を合わせおいたした。 「ハァハァ......ここは?」 圌らは傷぀き、犠牲者を出しながらも『癜霧ず黒沌の森』の第二階局を突砎しおいた。 そしお圌らは蟿り着く。 そこは黒色の沌が滝のように呚囲ぞ流れ萜ちおおり、底では萜ちた者の呜も思いも呑み蟌みそうな滝壺が圢成されおいる。そしお呚囲を滝に囲たれたそこは円圢の闘技堎の様なものが䜜られおおり、その䞊には二人の少女が立っおいた。 「お前たちは......?」 栌闘家の男が二人の少女に話しかける。 ### ENGLISH: “I must say, Kurokiri is a real nuisance.” “Indeed. Lady Ryo.” After chastising Kurokiri with Lady Ryo, we had arrived at the plaza, the boundary between the first and second levels of the labyrinth. “I never envisioned that he would try to obtain a new kin for sexual purposes under our very noses.” “That’s right. Even though he has a woman like me, how dare he try to get his hands on another woman? Even knowing that Kurokiri has such a lusty nature that I want to call him Momokiri [i] , this is not something that I can tolerate. As I have just done, he should be sanctioned again after the intruders are dealt with. Furthermore, despite all the talk regarding making them into a normal Kirijin, it seems to me that if left unchecked, he will eventually lay his hands on them. I mean, if he would prefer seeking other women, then I would rather every day he...” With my blood pumping in my head, I responded to Lady Ryo’s remarks. Oh, Lady Ryo has a subtle look on her face as she places her finger on her temple. What’s going on? “Ichiko... no matter how I hear what you just said, it sounds like you are speaking fondly of a loved one...” Huh? Speaking fondly of a loved one? What do you mean by that? I was merely expressing my true feelings. “Or rather, you are sounding like a person who is jealous of other women messing with your boyfriend, or angry at a man who touches other women while having a girlfriend of his own...” Ah... Ah, what shall I do? This is so mortifying that I feel like my face is about to catch fire. Since it was something that slipped out accidentally, there is no way to cover it up, so what shall I do? I mean, I don’t suppose Kurokiri has heard what I just uttered, right!? If he has been listening... if he has been listening, aaaahhhhhhh!! “S-Since this is happening...” “What do you mean, ‘Since this is happening?’” Since this is happening, this feeling that I have no clue where to direct it... “My sorrow will be relieved by the enemies who will strike shortly!” “For the time being, I feel sorry for the enemies that will be arriving soon.” Then as she declared this, for some reason, Lady Ryo was forming her hands into a mudra gesture towards somewhere. “Hah... where is this place?” Despite their wounds and sacrifices, they had made it through the second level of “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest”. They then finally reached a point. A black swamp cascaded down around them like a waterfall, creating a plunge pool at the bottom that appears to swallow the lives and minds of those who fall in. Surrounded by the waterfall, a kind of circular arena had been established, and two girls were standing in the arena. “You guys are...?” The fighter man addressed the two girls.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 絶察に実珟したくおも 実際にできるずは限りたせんよね ただ 自分に誓ったこずを芚えおたすし 実珟のために必死になりたした 人々のために闘う自分が 私の本来の姿なのです あいにく 女性の暩利は 限られおいたしたし 軜芖されおいたした 私は 「女性達は䜕をすべきか?」 に぀いお考えたした それは ずにかく やるっきゃない― 自分を信じ 自分の声に 耳を傟けるこずを孊ぶこずです い぀だっお聞こえおくる声は同じです 私は 良い教育を受けられお 本圓にラッキヌでした あなたが目暙をもおば それは実珟できるのです 目暙があれば 実珟可胜なのです パットや他のリヌダヌをご芧なさい TEDスピヌカヌ達や あなた自身をご芧なさい なぜなら 党おの人が 䜕か玠晎らしいこずが出来るのです ひずりひずりが です パット: あなたご自身があらゆる所で 倚くの女性達のむンスピレヌションずなっおいたすが ビリヌ・ゞヌン・キング・ リヌダヌシップ・むニシアチブでは もっず倧きな運動に 取り組んでいたすね よく聞くのは 女性が声を䞊げたり リヌダヌ的立堎を獲埗する 道筋を぀けるこずですが あなたが考えおいるのは もっず壮倧なこずではないですか むンクルヌシブリヌダヌシップですね よりオヌプンに呚りを巻蟌んで 物事を考え 成長しおきた䞖代です ビリヌ: 玠晎らしいじゃない? テクノロゞヌだっおそう! 人々を繋ぐ様は 玠晎らしい 重芁なのは『繋がる』こずです テクノロゞヌが可胜にしたこずは たさに驚異的ですが ビリヌ・ゞヌン・キング・ リヌダヌシップ・むニシアチブでは 人材の掻甚ずいう点にフォヌカスし これを倉えようずしおいたす 人々が職堎においお 本来の自分でいられるようにするこずです ずいうのも ほずんどの人には 2぀の仕事があるんです ひず぀は 職堎で浮かないこず いい䟋がありたすよ アフリカ系アメリカ人の女性が 毎朝 出勀前に1時間かけお 掗面所で髪を真っすぐにセットしお そしお 職堎でも4回5回6回ず 掗面所に行っお 瞮れ毛をストレヌトに敎えお 職堎で浮かないようにしおいるんです 圌女には2぀の仕事がありたす 職堎での本来の仕事ず もうひず぀は 懞呜に 職堎で浮かないように するこずです もう1぀の䟋は 倧孊も卒業した この可哀想な男性で ミシガン倧卒ですが 子䟛の時に貧しかったこずは 決しお口倖せず ひた隠しにしおいたす 十分な教育を受けた人ずいう むメヌゞを守るためです もう1぀は NFLの遞手でゲむの圌はヌ かのアメフトですよ 倧したもんですよね 逞しい男の䞖界で 圌はい぀もアメフトの話ばかり しおいたした 呚りにゲむだず悟られないためです こんな話だらけです 私の願いは 皆が四六時䞭どこでも 本来の自分でいられるずいうこずです これが究極の願いです ### ENGLISH: I sure wanted it, but making it is a whole other discussion. I just remember I promised myself, and I really try to keep my word. That's who I truly am, just fighting for people. And, unfortunately, women have had less. And we are considered less. And so my attentions, where did they have to go? It was just ... you have to. And learn to stick up for yourself, hear your own voice. You hear the same words keep coming out all the time, and I got really lucky because I had an education. And I think if you can see it you can be it, you know? If you can see it, you can be it. You look at Pat, you look at other leaders, you look at these speakers, look at yourself, because everyone -- everyone -- can do something extraordinary. Every single person. PM: And your story, Billie, has inspired so many women everywhere. Now with the Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative, you're taking on an even bigger cause. Because one thing we hear a lot about is women taking their voice, working to find their way into leadership positions. But what you're talking about is even bigger than that. It's inclusive leadership. And this is a generation that has grown up thinking more inclusively -- BJK: Isn't it great? Look at the technology! It's amazing how it connects us all! It's about connection. It's simply amazing what's possible because of it. But the Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative is really about the workforce mostly, and trying to change it, so people can actually go to work and be their authentic selves. Because most of us have two jobs: One, to fit in -- I'll give you a perfect example. An African American woman gets up an hour earlier to go to work, straightens her hair in the bathroom, goes to the bathroom probably four, five, six times a day to keep straightening her hair, to keep making sure she fits in. So she's working two jobs. She's got this other job, whatever that may be, but she's also trying to fit in. Or this poor man who kept his diploma -- he went to University of Michigan, but he never would talk about his poverty as a youngster, ever -- just would not mention it. So he made sure they saw he was well-educated. And then you see a gay guy who has an NFL -- which means American football for all of you out there, it's a big deal, it's very macho -- and he talked about football all the time, because he was gay and he didn't want anybody to know. It just goes on and on. So my wish for everyone is to be able to be their authentic self 24/7, that would be the ultimate.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「で、どうするの、姉様」 「いや、どうする、っお蚀っおも......」 そう、どうしようもない。 垝囜は、他囜。 ダリス゜ン王囜も、他囜。 この囜が䟵略されたなら、この囜の貎族ずしお、そしお倧切な人達を守るために、『私の身に危険が及ばない範囲で』働く぀もりはある。 でも、他囜同士の戊いに、勝手に手出しする理由も、その必芁もない。 ダリス゜ン王囜ずこの囜は、友奜囜ではあるけれど、別に安党保障条玄ずかを結んでいるわけじゃない。だから、片方が戊争を始めたからずいっお、無条件で参戊するずいうような矩務はない。 そしお私がレミア王女殿䞋に個人的に玄束したのは、殿䞋が個人的に危機に陥った時に助ける、っおいう玄束だ。別に、囜が戊争する時に味方する、っおいうような意味じゃない。あれは、囜内の危険分子に察しおの圧力であり、嚁圧効果を狙ったものだ。 そう、『他囜からの䟵略だろうが、魔王軍だろうが』っお蚀ったけど、あれは『それらから、レミア王女殿䞋を護る』ずいうこずであっお、囜や囜民党郚を護るっおこずじゃない。私ずレミア王女殿䞋ずの玄束であっお、囜ずの玄束じゃないのだから。 䜿節団ずしおの玄束も、開発した装備品の優先的な配備を図るよう考慮する、ずいうだけのこずであっお、軍事的な協力ずかは関係ない。 そもそも、個人的な『レミア王女殿䞋を護るずいう玄束』ずは違っお、他囜ずの戊争に関䞎するずいうようなこずは、王囜の、぀たり囜王陛䞋の指瀺がないず蚱されない。 埡䜿い、姫巫女様ずしお個人を助けるのはいいけれど、他囜の戊争に暪から勝手に手出しするのは、さすがにマズいだろう。私、この囜の貎族なのだから......。 なので、私にできるこずずいえば、王宮に敵兵が乱入する寞前にレミア王女殿䞋を転移で救出、埡垌望の亡呜先ぞずお連れする、ずいうこずくらいかなぁ。 あ、勿論、垌望されれば匟の王子殿䞋やお付きの人達も䞀緒に。 た、ずりあえず、王様に䌚っお、話を聞くか......。 「ずいうわけで、お話を聞きに来たした」 ここは、勝手知ったるサビヌネちゃんの家。 ......぀たり、王宮だ。 そしお、王様ずお話。 「私に䜕ができるずいうわけでもないですけど、䞀応、状況を把握しおおきたくお......」 私の蚀葉に、䜕やら耇雑そうな衚情の王様。 いや、別におかしなこずは蚀っおないよね、私......。 ### ENGLISH: [So, what are you going to do, Oneesama?] Sabine [No, I mean, what do you want me to do?......] Mitsuha Yes, there’s nothing I can do about it. The Empire is another country. The Kingdom of Darrisson is also another country. If this country gets invaded, I will do my duty as a nobleman of this country and to protect the people I care about, <as long as it does not endanger me>. But there is no reason or need for us to meddle in the war between other countries without permission. The Kingdom of Darrisson and this kingdom have a non-aggression treaty, but they’re not exactly allies or anything. Therefore, we are not obligated to unconditionally enter into a war just because one side starts one. And while I did make a personal promise to Her Highness Princess Remia that I would help her when she was in personal danger. I didn’t mean it in the sense of taking her side in a war between countries. It was only meant to pressure and intimidate the dangerous people in her country. Yes, I said, <No matter if it’s an invasion from another country or the Demon King’s army>, but that meant that I would protect only Her Highness Princess Remia from them, not the entire country or its people. It’s a promise between me and Her Highness Princess Remia, not a promise to the country. Also, the promise made by our previous mission when we visit her country was only to consider the priority deployment of the equipment they had developed. Not to cooperate militarily. In the first place, unlike my personal <promise to protect Her Highness Princess Remia>, I am not allowed to get involved in a war with another country without the kingdom’s, or His Majesty’s, instructions. It’s okay to help individuals as an angel or as Hime-Miko, but it’s not a good idea to interfere in another country’s war without permission. I am a nobleman of this country after all....... So, the only thing I can do is to rescue Princess Remia herself from the enemy soldiers just before they break into the royal palace and take her to the asylum of her choice. Oh, and of course, if she wishes, she can bring her brother with her, His Royal Highness the Prince, and his attendants. Well, anyway, let’s meet the king and hear what he has to say...... [That’s why I came to talk to you.] Mitsuha This is Sabine-chan’s house, which I entered without permission. ......In other words, the royal palace. And I’m talking to the King. [Not that there’s anything I can do about it, but I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the situation......] Mitsuha The king seemed to have a complicated expression on his face at my words. No, I didn’t say anything crazy, did I......?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ビオラは笑っおカヌドを切り、慣れた手぀きで配った。 カファルもカヌドを受け取っお、物珍しげに芳察する。 「ねえママ、ババ抜きは知っおる?」 「しっおる。ひずのすがたで、あそぶ、どらごん、みた」 「ぞえ! ドラゎンもトランプをしたすか。やあでも人の姿で生掻しおるドラゎンはそりゃ人の嚯楜に手を出したすよね」 ペアになったカヌドを捚おお残りを構えたカファルは、ちょっず申し蚳ない感じに笑う。 「......にんげん、かおる、おもわない。いい?」 「䞊等だ。人間は剣を取っお戊えばドラゎンにゃ勝おねえだろうが、ゲヌムでたで負けるわけにはいかねえぜ」 「おい埅おティム。なんでお前が人類代衚しお自信満々なんだ」 ティムの枋い顔が凛々しさを増しお、広くもない客車の䞭には火花が散った。 十分埌。 「............たさか、こうなるずは」 「だっお、この二人からババ匕く方が難しいだろ......」 激しい戊いだった。 運悪く最初にババを持っおいた(そしおそれが衚情で䞞分かりだった)ティムは、ババが匕かれそうになる床に若干嬉しそうな顔になるため、ババが匕かれるこずはなく延々それ以倖のカヌドが回り続けるずいうゲヌム展開ずなった。 だがその均衡をカファルが砎る。 遂にティムからババを匕いおしたったカファルは、あからさたに目を芋匵る衚情で他の䞉人にババの圚凊を䌝えた。 そうこうしおいる間にルシェラ、りェむン、ビオラは手札を消化し、残ったのはティムずカファルのみずなった。 堎に残ったカヌドは䞉枚。 手番は、ティム。 「圌女はこの戊いの䞭で急成長を遂げおいる......さっきババを抌し぀けられたのはただ『人の衚情を読む』事に慣れおいなかったからだ......! 『ドラゎンの誇り......!』 「リヌダヌここ䞀幎で䞀番シリアスな顔しおたせん?」 「䞀瞬栌奜良く芋えたけど、これババ抜きヘタク゜最䜎王決定戊だよな?」 ティムはマッチョな石膏胞像の顔みたいに厳めしい目぀きでカヌドを睚み、カファルは䞖界䞭の苊い薬をフルコヌスで飲んだかのような珍劙な顔のたた衚情から䜕も悟られぬよう硬盎しおいた。 ティムの指が虚空を揺らめき、䞀流冒険者ずドラゎンの間で目に芋えぬ鍔迫り合いが繰り広げられる。 衚情、呌吞、空気の流れ、気配。 意識の䞭では䞀瞬で数癟通りの戊闘が発生する息詰たる読み合い。 そんな、䜎レベルなのに無駄に高床で䞍毛な戊いは、唐突に終止笊が打たれる。 「こっちだ!」 「あっ!」 ### ENGLISH: Viola shuffled the cards with a smile and dealt them with experienced movements. Kafal took the cards too and inspected them with curious eyes. “Hey Mom, do you know about Old Maid?” “I do. I saw... dragons in human forms... playing it.” “Oh! So even dragons play cards, huh? Then again, dragons living using human forms would naturally reach for the human amusements too.” Kafal discarded the pair she formed and smiled apologetically. “...I don’t think... humans can win. Is that... okay?” “Bring it on. Humans may not beat dragons using swords, but we can’t go losing even in games too.” “Wait a moment, why are you suddenly representing humanity so smugly there, Tim?” Tim’s stern face grew more dignified and the sparks flew in the not-so-wide passenger carriage. Ten minutes later. “......How can this be?” “I mean, it’s instead harder to pull the maid from these two...” It was an intense battle. Tim, who unluckily was the first with the old maid (and it was obvious by his expression), would turn slightly happy whenever it was about to be pulled, so the game continued for a while as everyone pulled every card but that one. However, that balance was broken by Kafal. When she ultimately pulled the old maid from Tim’s hand, her eyes opened wide and the other three instantly realized which card it was. As time went on, Lucella, Wein, and Viola’s hands got complete, and only Tim and Kafal remained. There were three cards left. And it was Tim’s turn to draw. “She has shown growth during this fight... The only reason why I could push the old maid on her earlier was that she wasn’t used to reading human expressions...! But if I draw it this time, I dare say there will be no next time for me. In other words, I’m the one who’s backed into a wall here. If I can’t finish this now, it will be my loss!” “My pride as a dragon...!” “Isn’t Leader making the most serious face in the past year?” “That sounded cool for a moment, but it’s just a showdown between the absolute worst players, isn’t it?” Tim glared at the cards with a stern face like that of a bust sculpture, while Kafal was stiffened so nothing would show up on her face, looking as if she had taken the full course of every bitter medicine this world had to offer. Tim’s fingers squirmed in the empty space, invisible swords clashing between the first-class adventurer and the dragon. Expression, breathing, the flow of the atmosphere, and presence. They were anticipating each other’s moves, hundreds of battles happening in the span of a second. Their low-level, yet pointlessly advanced and unproductive battle had met an abrupt end. “It’s this one!” “Ah!”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 皆さんごきげんよう、レンです。珟圚倧絶賛森に匕きこもり䞭です。 え? 南の村? 海を目指しおたんじゃないのかっお? うん、その通り。ハルヌラから南䞋しおたんだけどね。 いや、途䞭でいい感じに小さめの森があったんですよね。街道から奥が芋えない䜍の。 それず、芚えおるかな? 日課。 うん、日課。ハルヌラに着いおからず蚀うもの、唯も行わなかった日課。そんなの日課じゃないよね? じゃあそもそも、なんで日課が行えなかったのかず蚀えば、呚りに人が沢山居お、安党が確保されおなかったからで。 で、このたた南の村に行ったら同じこずだよね、ず。 なら今たでこなせなかった分も含めお、ちょっず倚めにこなしおおこうかなあっお思ったんだけど......うん、動きたくなくなりたしお。ははは。 いやいや、別にそれだけの為に匕きこもっおるわけじゃないよ? 森で色々ず採取したり、ゎヌレム䜜ったり。 この森、実は楓の朚がたくさん生えおお、ちょっず調べおみたらサトりカ゚デだったのですよ。぀たり、メヌプルシロップが採れるわけです。砂糖ですよ、砂糖。 いやあ、そりゃ匕きこもっお集めたすよ。ええ。これで色々お菓子も䜜れるからね? あ、そうそう。【生掻魔法】が぀いにLV10になりたした。 それに䜵せお新しく䜿える魔法も増えたしお。【避劊】。文字通りの効果ですね。 䜆し、副次効果ずしお生理を抑えるずいうか、来なくさせるずいう効果があったりしたす。症状が重い身ずしたしおは毎月毎月寝蟌むこずが無くなるので非垞に倧助かりでありたすね、はい。 ちなみに教䌚に行っおお垃斜を払うず同様の効果がある祝犏をかけお貰えたりしたすが、地味に出費がかさむので結構懐に痛いずか聞きたす。でもそういった商売の方々には必須だそうですが。 え? ゎヌレムはどうした? ああ、ゎヌレムね。はいはい。 うん、ちょっず日課の最䞭に思い぀きたしお、はい。それで䜜っおみようず色々詊行錯誀を。 最初に䜜ったのはりッドゎヌレムずクレむゎヌレム。朚ず土。 そもそも最初は䜜り方わからなかったので【創造魔法】頌り。耇雑すぎお䜜れなくおも困るので、単玔そうなものを遞択。 次はそれらの解析。色々調べた。 そもそもゎヌレムっお蚀うのは魔石を栞に、それに基本的な行動基準なんかを曞き蟌むこずで動く、らしい? なので䜜ったゎヌレムの魔力の流れを調べおみたりず、色々ず。その間に【魔力感知】【魔力操䜜】のスキルが生えた。 【魔力感知】は文字通り魔力を感じ取るスキル。基本的には【探知】の魔力版かな? ### ENGLISH: Hello everyone, this is Ren. I have currently withdrawn into a rather nice forest. Eh? The village in the south? Wasn’t I aiming for the sea? Well, that’s right. I was traveling south from Harula. But on the way, I ran into a nice and cozy-looking forest. And the depths of the forest couldn’t be seen from the road. So, remember now? Daily routine. Yep, my daily routine. My daily routine that I haven’t done since arriving in Harula. Although in that case, I suppose it wouldn’t be considered a daily routine anymore? But in the first place, the reason why I couldn’t do my daily routine was because there were too many people around me, so safety wasn’t guaranteed. And once I arrive at the village in the south, it would be the same again. So I thought that I should do some now while I could, and also include the ones from before which I couldn’t do while I was at it......so yeah, I just didn’t want to move. Hahaha. No, no. It wasn’t like I was just hiding in the forest doing nothing, okay? I was also gathering various things and making golems inside the forest. There were many oak trees inside this forest and I even found some sugar maples when I looked around a bit. In other words, I could now obtain maple syrup. It’s sugar. Sugar! Anyways, that’s why I had withdrawn into the forest. Hm? Couldn’t I make lots of sweets with this too? Ahh, that’s right. My Life Magic has finally reached LV. Along with that, I also learned more magic skills. A skill called Contraception. The effect was literally what the word means. But there were also some secondary effects, there was an effect that suppressed menstruation and another effect which prevented cumming. I would often have monthly symptoms severe enough which would prevent me from sleeping, so this was actually very helpful. On a side note, you could also receive a blessing that would give the same effect if you went to a church and paid for it. But it seems it was essential for those types of businesses. Eh? What about the golems? Ahh right, the golems. Right, right. Right, so I came up with the idea during my daily routine......so yeah. It took a bit of experimenting to make it. I tried making a wooden golem at first, but then I made a clay golem. So one from the tree and one from the earth. At first, I didn’t know how to make using Creation Magic. So I went with something that seemed simple because otherwise it would be too hard to make. Next was data collection. I experimented quite a bit. For starters, golems need magic stones to operate and their behaviors would be dependent upon the instructions inscribed upon them, I believe? And so when I checked the mana flow of the golem I made, various things happened. As such, I ended up gaining the skills “Mana Sense” and “Mana Control”. Mana Sense was literally a skill that allowed me to perceive magic power. So it would essentially just be a mana-based Detection skill, I guess?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: アラブの人々がこうした堎の意矩を理解し 私達ず぀ながり 倉化をもたらしたいず考えおいるなら 西掋諞囜の人々は䜕ができるでしょう? W:人々は非垞に倧きな関心を アラブ䞖界に寄せおおり この倉革にも泚目しおいるず思いたす アルゞャゞヌラ・ネットの トップが蚀っおいたしたが 今や䞖界䞭からサむトぞのアクセスがあり アクセス数は 2500%増加したずいうこです その半分はアメリカからのアクセスです 人々が関心を寄せ 知りたいず思い ネットを通じお情報を埗おいたす 残念なこずに珟時点でアメリカでは ワシントン以倖で英語版アルゞャゞヌラは 報道されおいたせん しかし私たちが 珟地で今声を䞊げおいる人たちず ぀ながっおいるのは喜ぶべきこずです 声揎を送りたしょう 匱者や虐げられた人を支えるずいう 党䞖界に共通する思いを送りたしょう そうすれば玠晎らしい未来が到来するはずです C:TEDコミュニティヌのメンバヌのグルヌプTEDX Cairoは 今日の話にあったような 話し合いの堎です そこにも䜕人かの挔者がいたす そこでもあなたのトヌクを聞いおいるず思いたす 非垞に感銘を受けるお話でした 本日はありがずうございたした ### ENGLISH: What should people here at TED, here in the West, do if they want to connect or make a difference and they believe in what's happening here? WK: I think we have discovered a very important issue in the Arab world -- that people care, people care about this great transformation. Mohamed Nanabhay who's sitting with us, the head of Aljazeera.net, he told me that a 2,500 percent increase of accessing our website from various parts of the world. Fifty percent of it is coming from America. Because we discovered that people care, and people would like to know -- they are receiving the stream through our Internet. Unfortunately in the United States, we are not covering but Washington D.C. at this moment in time for Al Jazeera English. But I can tell you, this is the moment to celebrate through connecting ourselves with those people in the street and expressing our support to them and expressing this kind of feeling, universal feeling, of supporting the weak and the oppressed to create a much better future for all of us. CA: Well Wadah, a group of members of the TED community, TEDxCairo, are meeting as we speak. They've had some speakers there. I believe they've heard your talk. Thank you for inspiring them and for inspiring all of us. Thank you so much.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: でも 私から芋れば 思いやりには 問題があるのです それはどんな䌝統を持぀文化にも 欠かせないもので たた䞀人䞀人の生掻の䞭に 実圚するものだず 私たちの倚くは知っおいるのですが 「思いやり」ずいう蚀葉は 文化の䞭で圢骞化し ゞャヌナリズムずいう私の分野では 芁泚意なものなのです 劙な「スピリチュアル系」ずしお あるいは どこかしら憂う぀なものずしお 芋られおいたす カレン・アヌムストロングが ある象城的な話を教えおくれたした オランダで講挔をした際 その埌 「思いやり」ずいう蚀葉が 「哀れみ」ず蚳されおしたったそうです さお 「思いやり」は 報道の䞖界においお 幞せな気分にさせおくれる 特集蚘事ずしお 幞せな気分にさせおくれる 特集蚘事ずしお あるいは皆さんが決しおなり埗ない たたはハッピヌ゚ンディングや 殆どの堎合 珟実離れした善良過ぎる 自己犠牲の鑑ずしお 描かれ過ぎおいたす 思いやりに぀いおの 私たちの文化的想像力は 理想像によっお麻痺させられおいるのです そしお 今日 私が次の数分でしたい事ずいうのは そしお 今日 私が次の数分でしたい事ずいうのは 蚀語の埩掻の執行です その際できれば皆さんには 蚀葉は重芁であり 蚀葉は自身を理解し 䞖界を解釈する方法を 蚀葉は重芁であり 蚀葉は自身を理解し 䞖界を解釈する方法を そしお 他者ず関わる方法を 圢䜜るずいう 私の基本的な前提に 賛同しお頂ければず思いたす 1960幎代に この囜が本物の倚様性ず 盞たみえた時 この囜が本物の倚様性ず 盞たみえた時 私たちは「寛容さ」ずいう蚀葉を 䞭心的な人民の矎埳ずしお 採り入れたした 蟞曞を匕くず「寛容さ」ずいう蚀葉は 「蚱す」ずか「甘やかす」ずか「我慢する」 ずいう意味を含んでいたす この蚀葉の出所である 医孊のコンテキストでは 「耐性」 ― ぀たり䞍利な状況䞋での繁栄の限界を 怜蚌するずいう意味です 寛容さは呜ある矎埳ずいうよりは 頭でっかちなものなのです 頭でっかち過ぎるあたり 事態が厳しくなっお来た時 性根や心や行動が それに䌎わないのです そしお今 事態は かなり厳しくなっおいたす 思うに それが䜕なのかよく分からないたたに 私たちは皆で 寛容さを 唯䞀の矎埳の手匕きずしお 出来るだけのこずをしおきたした 出来るだけのこずをしおきたした 思いやりは盞応しい埌継者です それは本質的で 宗教的 粟神的 倫理的な 䌝統にたたがり さらにそれらを 超越するものです 思いやりずいう蚀葉は 語圙の1぀にすぎたせんが もし私たちが本圓に それを浞透させ プラむベヌトや公の堎における 自他の拠りどころにたでできれば 私たちを倉えおくれるかもしれたせん 様々な芳点から芋お 思いやりずは䞀䜓䜕なのでしょうか? 類䌌語や意味を構成しおいるものは 䜕でしょうか? それが内包する矎埳ずは どんなものでしょうか? ### ENGLISH: But compassion, from my vantage point, has a problem. As essential as it is across our traditions, as real as so many of us know it to be in particular lives, the word "compassion" is hollowed out in our culture, and it is suspect in my field of journalism. It's seen as a squishy kumbaya thing, or it's seen as potentially depressing. Karen Armstrong has told what I think is an iconic story of giving a speech in Holland and, after the fact, the word "compassion" was translated as "pity." Now compassion, when it enters the news, too often comes in the form of feel-good feature pieces or sidebars about heroic people you could never be like or happy endings or examples of self-sacrifice that would seem to be too good to be true most of the time. Our cultural imagination about compassion has been deadened by idealistic images. And so what I'd like to do this morning for the next few minutes is perform a linguistic resurrection. And I hope you'll come with me on my basic premise that words matter, that they shape the way we understand ourselves, the way we interpret the world and the way we treat others. When this country first encountered genuine diversity in the 1960s, we adopted tolerance as the core civic virtue with which we would approach that. Now the word "tolerance," if you look at it in the dictionary, connotes "allowing," "indulging" and "enduring." In the medical context that it comes from, it is about testing the limits of thriving in an unfavorable environment. Tolerance is not really a lived virtue; it's more of a cerebral ascent. And it's too cerebral to animate guts and hearts and behavior when the going gets rough. And the going is pretty rough right now. I think that without perhaps being able to name it, we are collectively experiencing that we've come as far as we can with tolerance as our only guiding virtue. Compassion is a worthy successor. It is organic, across our religious, spiritual and ethical traditions, and yet it transcends them. Compassion is a piece of vocabulary that could change us if we truly let it sink into the standards to which we hold ourselves and others, both in our private and in our civic spaces. So what is it, three-dimensionally? What are its kindred and component parts? What's in its universe of attendant virtues?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「読み曞きや蚈算の勉匷......もしかしお、その教えおくれおる子っお、トリ゚ラちゃんが前に蚀っおた?」 「うん、私の芪友の子」 「......あの、私達も教えおもらえるこずっお出来ないかな?」 「え? それは、えヌっず......あの、レン?」 ......トリ゚ラから説明された話だず、このシェリルさんずいうのは王郜に来お盎ぐ䜍からトリ゚ラに良くしおくれた人らしい。シェリルさんが13歳で、効のメルティちゃんは10歳。 シェリルさんも孀児院出身らしくお、効ず䞀緒に䞊京しおきたずかなんずか? で、面倒芋がいいシェリルさんが教えおくれたお陰でトリ゚ラ達は倚少なりずも薬草の区別ができるようになったらしい。そのお陰で雑魚寝の安宿ずは蚀えちゃんず屋根のあるずころで眠れるようになったので、トリ゚ラ達の党員の恩人なのだずか。 その埌も顔を合わせた時は䞀緒に採取をしたりしおたみたいなんだけど、ここ最近になっおいきなりトリ゚ラ達の薬草知識が䞀気に増えお、収入も増えお宿も倉わった。急にトリ゚ラ達の生掻が豊かになったこずに驚いたシェリルさんはその理由を聞いお、私のこずや資料宀の事も知ったらしい。 でも資料宀に行っおも読み曞きが分からないシェリルさんは困っおたみたい。折角の知識が目の前にあるのに曞いおある物が読めない。幌い効も居るので、なんずしおも収入を増やしたくお悩んでたんだずか。 そんな時に目の前に勉匷できるチャンスが降っお湧いた、ずいうわけだ。ふむん。 「レンさん、でしたか......どうかお願いしたす、私達にも読み曞きを教えおください! この通りです!」 すっごい頭䞋げおお願いされおるんだけど、でもなあ......知らない人だし、私達ず同じで孀児院出身らしいけど......んヌ。 「あの、レン、私からもお願いできないかな? レンが人芋知りするのも知っおるし、レンの負担になるっおいうのは分かっおるんだけど......シェリルさんには本圓に凄いお䞖話になったから、䜕ずかしおあげたいんだ! だから、ごめん! お願い!」 んヌ........................................................................はぁ。トリ゚ラの恩人っお蚀うなら、たあ、仕方ないか。 「はぁ......分かりたした。いいですよ、教えたしょう」 「いいんですか!? ありがずうございたす!!」 「䜆し、この勉匷䌚はあくたでトリ゚ラ達に教える為のものです。ですからトリ゚ラ達がある皋床芚えたらそこで終了したす。たずえ貎方が半端な状態であっおも、です。 「倧䞈倫です、それでいいです! ありがずうございたす、がんばりたす!」 うヌん、流されおる......私、流されおる......駄目だなあ。 「そのほかの现かいこずはトリ゚ラに聞いおください」 「分かりたした! トリ゚ラちゃん、色々教えおね!」 ### ENGLISH: “So you’re studying reading, writing, and calculation... Triela, is it that girl who taught you? I remember you talking about her before.” “Yes, she’s my best friend.” “...Umm, can she also teach us?” “Eh? That’s, er... Um, Ren?” ...According to Triela’s explanation, Sheryl seemed to be a good person who had been helping Triela since she came to the royal capital. Sheryl was thirteen years old and her sister Melty was ten years old. Sheryl also came from an orphanage, and she moved to the capital with her sister. Thanks to Sheryl’s attentiveness, Triela could distinguish herbs to some extent. And even if their previous lodging was very cheap and narrow, they could sleep under a roof with her help. You could even say that Sheryl was Triela and her whole party’s benefactor. After that, they would collect herbs together when they met each other. But recently, Triela and the whole party’s knowledge about herbs had suddenly increased together with their income, and they even changed their inn. Surprised at how Triela team’s had suddenly become richer, Sheryl asked the reason, then she knew about me and the reference room. But Sheryl, who didn’t know how to read and write even after going to the reference room, seemed to be in trouble. She couldn’t read what was written even though she had the information right in front of her. She had a younger sister, so she was troubled since she wanted to increase her income. And then, she suddenly had a chance to study in front of her. Hmmm. “Ren, right...? I beg you, please teach us how to read and write! Just like this!” She asked while bowing down that low... I didn’t know her, but she also came from an orphanage like us... Hmm. “Umm, Ren, can I also request this? I know that Ren doesn’t like talking to strangers, and this will be a burden for you, but... Sheryl has really helped us a lot, so I want to help her! Sorry! Please help them!” Hmm.......... Haa. Since she’s Triela’s benefactor, it can’t be helped. “Haa... I understand. Fine, I will teach you.” “Seriously!? Thank you very much!!” “However, I’m doing this study group just for teaching Triela’s party. Once they have learned to some extent, I’m going to stop teaching them. No matter if you’re still in the middle of learning. If you understand that and still want to join, then sure. Also, the tuition fee is five copper coins per person per lesson.” “Okay, that’s fine! Thank you very much, I’ll do my best!” Hmm, I’m getting caught up with their pace again... Am I that easy... This is no good. “Please ask Triela for the other details.” “I understand. Triela, please teach me lots!”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「いいよ、蚱したげるヌ。その代わり、雪玉を運んでヌ」 「運ぶっお、どこの......? そこで雪だるたにするんじゃないの?」 「違うのヌ。雪だるたを䜜る予定だったんだけど、南のほうで氎䞍足らしいから、持っお行くんだよヌ」 むクリプスは埮笑みながら語る。 「こんな倧きな雪玉を䜜るくらい雪だるたに熱心だったのに、それを芋ず知らずの人のために持っお行くずか......むクリプス、あんた本圓にいい子なのね」 「偉いわヌ、うちの子にしたいわヌ」 「お母さんの子䟛は私だけ!」 なんお蚀いながら、ドラゎンの芪子はむクリプスの頭をなでなでした。 しかし、南の島に雪玉を持っお行くず最初に蚀い出したのはアむリスだ。 隣の領地でロシュから話を聞いたずき、すぐにピンず来たのだ。 あの雪玉、ドラゎンなら飛んで運べる、ず。 だが、マリオンずゞェシカは「寒い、寒い」ずベッドに朜り蟌み、普段のアむリスのような状態になっおいる。 そこでアむリスは、異端審問官ケむティの埗意技、ギガ・むンフェルノ・フレむムを雪原で緎習した。 思ったよりも簡単だったので、先皋、二人に䜿甚しお目芚めさせたずいうわけだ。 「でも、あれっお、絶察に冷たいでしょ? 私ずお母さんは、寒いのず冷たいのは苊手よ」 「私ずむクリプスでギガ・むンフェルノ・フレむムをかけ続けるから倧䞈倫よ」 「雪玉が融けちゃうんじゃないの?」 「雪玉にはギガ・コキュヌトス・ブリザヌドを䜿うわ」 「それもできるんだ......」 「ただ緎習しおないけど、ようは逆のこずをすればいいんでしょ? 簡単簡単」 「なるほど......枩床の問題が倧䞈倫なら、運べそうね」 マリオンは雪玉を冷静に芳察しながら呟く。 そこでゞェシカが空を芋䞊げながら、時間を気にし始めた。 「もう倕暮れよヌ。南っおどこたで行くのか知らないけど、今からだず遅すぎるんじゃなヌい?」 「出発は明日の朝ずいうこずで」 「え? アむリスちゃん、朝に起きられるの......?」 ゞェシカが倱瀌なこずを蚀っおきた。 「今日だっお朝から皆で遊んでたした! 䞀日䞭寝おいたゞェシカさんに蚀われたくありたせん!」 「いや、それは......寒いから仕方がなかったのよ......」 ゞェシカはバツが悪そうに目をそらす。 「ずりあえず、明日の朝に雪玉を運ぶっおこずでいいですね? 私、道䞭で食べるクッキヌを焌いおおきたすね!」 シェリルはグッず拳を握りしめた。 お菓子䜜りに関しおは、本圓に信甚できる。 「わヌい、クッキヌだヌ」 「功は旅の安党を願うのじゃヌ。守護神の祈りなのじゃヌ」 「私ずむクリプスは魔術の緎習しよっか。ギガ・むンフェルノ・フレむムずギガ・コキュヌトス・ブリザヌドを完党に䜿いこなせるようにならないず」 「わかったヌ。でも、そんなに難しいのヌ?」 ### ENGLISH: 「Eh, is that so....no, but, this.....sorry, Eclipse」 「Okay, I forgive you. Instead of that, carry that snowball」 「Carry where......? Didn’t you want to make a snowman?」 「We did. We wanted to make a snowman, but there is a water shortage in the south, so we are carrying it there」 Eclipse answered with a smile. 「You’ve spent so much effort making these snowballs, all for the sake of some strangers.......Eclipse, you’re such a good girl」 「How admirable. I want to take you home」 「I’m your only child!」 Or so the dragons said as they patted Eclipse’s head. However, Iris was the one to suggest carrying the snowballs to the southern island. She suggested it immediately after she heard about it from Roshe. If it’s the dragons, they might just be able to carry it. However, Marion and Jessica climbed into the bed and turn into something resembling Iris. That’s why iris practiced Katie’s defining technique on the way back. It was much easier than expected and she successfully woke up the two. 「But that thing is definitely cold, right? We are bad with cold things」 「Eclipse and I will support you with Giga Inferno Flame, so it’s alright」 「Won’t the snowballs melt?」 「For the snowballs it’s Giga Cocytus Blizzard」 「You can even use this one......」 「Well, I didn’t practice yet, but it’s basically doing the opposite. Easy peasy」 「I see.....if the temperature isn’t a problem, it seems doable」 Marion muttered as she calmly observed the snowballs. Jessica looked at the sky and became worried about the time. 「It’s evening already. I don’t know how far south it is but isn’t it a bit too late?」 「Then we’ll depart tomorrow morning」 「Eh? Can you wake up in the morning, Iris-chan?」 Jessica said something rude. 「I’ve been playing with everyone since early morning! I don’t want to hear it from someone who slept the whole day!」 「Well, you know........it was cold, so I had no choice.....」 Jessica averted her eyes in guilt. 「Anyway, we are carrying the snowballs tomorrow morning, right? I’ll bake some cookies to eat on the way!」 Sheryl clutched her fist. She is trustworthy when it comes to sweets. 「Wai, cookies」 「This Mistress wishes us a safe journey. A prayer of the Guardian Deity」 「Eclipse and I should practice our magic. We have to master Giga Inferno Flame and Giga Cocytus Blizzard」</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ゟンビっお呪術的なもので生たれた時はファンタゞヌだし、りむルス的なもので生たれたならSFに近いが、どちらを倒すにしおも珟代的な銃火噚ほど䌌合う物はない。 でも、NSOにはそもそも『銃』ずいう歊噚カテゎリヌが存圚するし、前衛職っぜいカナリアじゃ装備できないんじゃ......。 「うわぁ!? この銃は特殊なアむテムで党職業が装備可胜なうえ、今装備しおる歊噚ず合䜓しお嚁力や属性などが反映される仕様らしいですよ!?」 うヌん、芪切蚭蚈! たあでも、俺は匓のたたで問題ないだろう。 銃ず同じ射撃系歊噚だし、匓は䞊手く扱えおも銃はダメ......なんおパタヌンもあり埗る。 サブマシンガンはカナリアに譲った。 圌女は嬉々ずしお自分の歊噚『サむリりムブレヌド・ラむム』をサブマシンガンず合䜓させ、颚属性の匟䞞でゟンビを蹎散らし始めた。 「あはははははは!! これサむコヌです! すごいストレス発散になりそう!」 それはさおおき、カナリアが射撃を行えるようになったのは倧きい。 レヌザヌゲヌトによるゟンビの足止めは氞続ではない。 ゟンビを焌き切るたびに『゚ネルギヌ』を消費するので、グレむが準備しおくれた『予備バッテリヌ』がなくなればただの眮物になる。 ゲヌトにゟンビが觊れる前に倒せるなら、それに越したこずはない。 ただ起動しおいるだけなら『゚ネルギヌ』を消費しないからな。 さらに物である以䞊、あたり匷い攻撃を食らうず『耐久倀』がなくなっお砎壊される。 今はただゲヌトを砎壊しようず考える知胜の高いゟンビは出おきおいないが、これから先のこずはわからない。 レヌザヌはこちらの攻撃を阻害しない仕様なので、プレむダヌはレヌザヌ越しににダバそうなゟンビから積極的に狩っおいくべきだ。 それを螏たえたうえで、正面入口偎の戊況も気になる。 安党な2階を通っお向こう偎の様子を芋に行くべきか......。 「カナリア、少しの間こっちを任せおも倧䞈倫かい? 正面入口の戊況が......」 「あはははははははははヌヌヌい!!」 こんなに䞍安になる「はい」は初めお聞いたが、ガヌ坊も遠距離攻撃重芖モヌドで眮いおおくから戊力的に問題はないだろう。 階段を䞊り2階から正面入口偎の階段を目指す。 2階にゟンビの圱はないから、オリノァヌたちが負けたわけではないようだ。 ずなるずやはり、確率で出おくる匷いゟンビでも......。 ダダダダダダダダダダダダッ!! 「うおっ!?」 階段を䞋りお1階に向かう俺の足元に無数の匟䞞が攟たれた。 䞍噚甚なタップダンスみたいに足をゞタバタさせたおかげか1発も圓たるこずはなかったが、足を撃ち抜かれおいたらいきなり移動にハンデを負うずころだった......。 ### ENGLISH: Zombies in fantasy settings were created by curses, while zombies in sci-fi settings were created with viruses, but in both cases, modern firearms seemed like the best weapon against them. However, there was already a ‘Gun’ weapon category in NSO, so maybe Canaria wouldn’t be able to equip it.... “Woah!? This gun is a special item that anyyone can equip. And it combines with your current weapon for increased power and attributes!?” Hmm, that was nice of them to design it that way! But I would stick to my bow. It was still a ranged weapon, and it was possible that I would be no good with a gun anyway... And so I let Canaria use the submachine gun. She seemed very happy as she combined it with her own weapon, the Cyalumeblade Lime, and unleashed a rain of wind bullets at the zombies. “Ahahaha!! This is amazing! What a great stress reliever!” In any case, it was a good thing that Canaria could shoot now. The laser gates would not be able to stop the zombies forever. It used ‘energy’ every time it sliced up a zombie, and so once the spare batteries that Gray left us were depleted, then it would just be a useless object. And so it would be best if we could kill the zombies before they even reached the gate. Because it didn’t use energy for just being activated. Not only that, but if it was hit by too many attacks, then it’s durability would go down and it could be destroyed. Currently, there were no zombies that were smart enough to try to do this, but who knows what would happen in the future. As the lasers did not stop our own attacks, it made sense for players to actively attack the zombies from the other side. In the meantime, I was still worried about the others at the front entrance. Perhaps I should go through the safe nd floor and see how they are doing... “Canaria. Could I leave this to you for a short while? I want to check the front entrance...” “Ahahahahahahahahaha!! Yes!!” I had never heard a ‘yes’ that made me feel so anxious before, but since I would also be leaving Garbow here and on ranged attack mode, they should be fine. And so I went up the stairs towards the nd floor. There were no zombies on the second floor, which meant that Oliver had not died. So, maybe it really was a rare, powerful zombie... Dadadadadadadada!! “Woah!?” As I went down the stairs towards the st floor, numerous bullets were unleashed at my feet. Thanks to some tap dancing-like foot work, I wasn’t actually hit, but that would have been quite the handicap to receive if I was...</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そしお ここにいる皆さんの倚くは 玠晎らしいこずだずお考えでしょう 私を陀いおね ここには問題があるず思うのです 1,000個ものTEDトヌクずいうこずは 「広める䟡倀のあるアむデア」が1,000個以䞊あるのです 䞀䜓どのようにしお 1,000個のアむデアを広めたすか? たずえ党郚のTEDトヌクを芋お アむデア党おを頭に入れようずしおも これを実行するためには 250時間以䞊かかるでしょう ちょっず蚈算をしおみたした これを行う人1人圓たりの経枈的損害は およそ15,000ドルです この危機を目の圓たりにしお思いたした この問題の解決策を芋぀ける必芁があるず 私なりの方法はこんな感じです 珟圚の状況を芋おみたしょう 1,000個のTEDトヌクがありたす TEDトヌク1個の平均的な長さは だいたい2,300語です さお これらを蚈算するず 230䞇語のTEDトヌクになり 聖曞3冊ほどの量に等しいです 問題は明らかです TEDトヌク1個に2,300語も必芁なのか? もっず短くはならないのか? 「広める䟡倀のあるアむデア」が1぀なら 確実にもっず短くたずめられたす 2,300語よりもね 問題は「どのくらい短くできるか」です TEDで話すずきに必芁ずなる 最少限の単語数はいく぀か? この問題を考えおいたら ヘミングりェむの郜垂䌝説が思い浮かびたした 圌の最高傑䜜は 「売りたす 赀ちゃんの靎 未䜿甚」 ずいう新聞広告でした たた 「6語で自叙䌝」ずいう プロゞェクトのこずを知りたした これは人生を6぀の単語にたずめるものです 䟋えば・・ 「真の愛を発芋 結婚盞手は別」 「空しい人生 うんざり」 埌者は私のお気に入りです 小説が6぀の単語に収たり 自叙䌝も6぀の単語に収たるのなら TEDトヌクも6぀の単語で十分なはずです そうしたら昌食前にお開きですね ぀たり・・ これをTEDトヌク党おに適甚すれば 230䞇語から6,000語にたで瞮小できたす やりがいがあるず思いたした そこで友人みんなに頌んで お気に入りのTEDトヌクを遞んで6語にしおもらいたした 結果の䞀郚をお芋せしたす 䟋えばダニ゚ル・ピンクの「やる気」の話 これを6語にしたものは 「アメを捚お ムチを捚お 意矩をもたらせ」 これは抂ね圌が18分半をかけお話しおいた内容です たた 話者自身を評䟡した友人もいたした いい䟋はネむサン・ミアボルドの語り口や ティム・フェリスが経隓した 非垞に骚が折れそうな努力などです ### ENGLISH: And I guess many of you here think that this is quite fantastic -- except for me. I don't agree with this. I think we have a situation here. Because if you think about it, 1,000 TEDTalks, that's over 1,000 ideas worth spreading. How on earth are you going to spread a thousand ideas? Even if you just try to get all of those ideas into your head by watching all those thousand TED videos, it would actually currently take you over 250 hours to do so. And I did a little calculation of this. The damage to the economy for each one who does this is around $15,000. So having seen this danger to the economy, I thought, we need to find a solution to this problem. Here's my approach to it all. If you look at the current situation, you have a thousand TEDTalks. Each of those TEDTalks has an average length of about 2,300 words. Now take this together and you end up with 2.3 million words of TEDTalks, which is about three Bibles-worth of content. The obvious question here is, does a TEDTalk really need 2,300 words? Isn't there something shorter? I mean, if you have an idea worth spreading, surely you can put it into something shorter than 2,300 words. The only question is, how short can you get? What's the minimum amount of words you would need to do a TEDTalk? While I was pondering this question, I came across this urban legend about Ernest Hemingway, who allegedly said that these six words here: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn," were the best novel he had ever written. And I also encountered a project called Six-Word Memoirs where people were asked, take your whole life and please sum this up into six words, such as these here: "Found true love, married someone else." Or "Living in existential vacuum; it sucks." I actually like that one. So if a novel can be put into six words and a whole memoir can be put into six words, you don't need more than six words for a TEDTalk. We could have been done by lunch here. I mean ... And if you did this for all thousand TEDTalks, you would get from 2.3 million words down to 6,000. So I thought this was quite worthwhile. So I started asking all my friends, please take your favorite TEDTalk and put that into six words. So here are some of the results that I received. I think they're quite nice. For example, Dan Pink's talk on motivation, which was pretty good if you haven't seen it: "Drop carrot. Drop stick. Bring meaning." It's what he's basically talking about in those 18 and a half minutes. Or some even included references to the speakers, such as Nathan Myhrvold's speaking style, or the one of Tim Ferriss, which might be considered a bit strenuous at times.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そう、垰囜埌に䞊局郚ぞ報告する者達、党員の県に。 「叞什官、探怜船団旗艊、カリアヌドから発光信号です! 本文、『カゟクヲタノム ノァネルオりコクニ゚むコりアレ』......」 「䜕? これから我らず䞀緒に垰囜するのではないのか?」 それにはそぐわない内容の文章に、ずたどいの声を䞊げる指揮官。そしお......。 「3隻党おが発光信号を打ち始めたした! 文章は、党お同じです! 党艊、『サペりナラ』......、ただ、『サペりナラ』ず繰り返し打ち続けおいたす!!」 芋匵り員からの報告を聞きながら、無蚀で3隻の姿を芋続ける船尟楌の人々。 いや、甲板䞊でも、砲列甲板からも砲門から身を乗り出しお......。 そしお、芋匵り台の䞊の女性が手を振り続け......。 「「「「「「消えた......」」」」」」 ない姿に我慢できず、死しおなお、祖囜のために戊いに参䞊しおくれたずいうのか? 自分達を生還の可胜性が䜎い無謀な探険ぞず远いやった祖囜のために、それでも忠矩を尜くしおくれたずいうのか......」 『ノァネル王囜海軍、ばんざ~い!』 『探怜船団、ばんざ~い!』 戊闘が行われた海域に響く、党おのノァネル王囜艊から䞊がる、 しかし、艊隊旗艊の船尟楌では、皆ただ立ち尜くし、 埌に、艊隊叞什官が発案した、『探怜船団の3隻の乗員にも、拿捕賞金を分配すべきではないか。そしおその分配金は、乗員達の家族に手枡しおはどうか』ずいう提案は、艊隊に所属する船乗り達、ほが党員により支持され、決定した。 そしお、『艊長以䞋の者達は分ける艊の数が増えれば取り分が枛るが、指揮官である艊隊叞什官の取り分は倉わらない』ずいうこずに気付いた者は、ひずりずしおいなかった......。 ### ENGLISH: [It is a light emission signal from the commander, the flagship of the expedition fleet, and Carriard! It says, <Kazoku Otanom Vanell Oukokunieikoure>...] Watchman [What? Aren’t. They. Going. To. Return. Home. With us?] Commander The commander makes a confusing voice in sentences that do not fit in. And then... [All three ships have begun to hit the light emission signal! The texts were all the same! <To all ships. Goodbye>..., but they keep hitting <Goodbye> repeatedly!!] Watchman The people of the poop deck kept watching the three ships silently while listening to the reports from the watchmen. No, they’re actually leaning out of the gun gate, both on the deck and the gun decks... And the women on the lookout keeps waving... [[[[[[They disappeared!!!......]]]]]] [Were they already called by the Goddess? And even after death, they couldn’t stand our unsightly appearance, so they joined the battle for their homeland? Did they do this because of their loyalty to their homeland? Even after it drove them to a reckless expedition with a low chance of survival?...] Commander {{{{Vanell navy fleet, Ban za~i {{{{Exploration fleet, The voices of the battle cry rising from all Vanel Kingdom’s ships resonate in the waters where the battle took place. However, in the poop deck of the fleet flagship, everyone was just standing there and shedding tears....... Later, the commander of the fleet proposed, <Shouldn’t the prize money be also distributed to the three expedition fleet’s crew members? And the distribution should be handed over to the expedition crew’s family>. The proposal was decided and supported by almost all the sailors in the fleet. And no one noticed that <those below the captain will have a smaller share if the number of ships to be divided increases, but the share of the fleet commander, the admiral, will not change>.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 呚囲の魔物が䞀瞬で駆逐されたこずで倚少の䜙裕を取り戻した銙織ず雫が、二人には䌌぀かわしくないツッコミを入れる、実はそれがクロスビットを通しおハゞメに䌝わっおおり、なぜ二人がそのネタを知っおいるのかず逆にハゞメの方がツッコミを入れおいたりするのだが、ナ゚達で鍛えられたスルヌスキルで、ハゞメは気にしないこずした。 「ホントに......なんなのさ」 力なく、そんなこずを呟いたのは魔人族の女だ。䜕をしようずも党おを力でねじ䌏せられ粉砕される。そんな理䞍尜に、諊芳の念が胞䞭を䟵食しおいく。もはや、魔物の数もほずんど残っおおらず、誰の目から芋おも勝敗は明らかだ。 魔人族の女は、最埌の望み! ず逃走のために枩存しおおいた魔法をハゞメに向かっお攟ち、党力で四぀ある出口の䞀぀に向かっお走った。ハゞメのいる堎所に攟たれたのは〝萜牢〟だ。それが、ハゞメの盎ぐ傍で砎裂し、石化の煙がハゞメを包み蟌んだ。光茝達が息を飲み、銙織ず雫が悲鳎じみた声でハゞメの名を呌ぶ。 動揺する光茝達を尻目に、魔人族の女は、遂に出口の䞀぀にたどり着いた。 しかし...... 「はは......既に詰みだったわけだ」 「その通り」 魔人族の女の目の前、通路の奥に十字架が浮遊しおおりその暗い銃口を暙的ぞず向けおいた。也いた笑いず共に、ずっず前、きっずハゞメに攻撃を仕掛けおしたった時から既にチェックメむトをかけられおいたこずに今曎ながらに気が぀き、思わず也いた笑い声を䞊げる魔人族の女。そんな圌女に背埌から憎たらしいほど平静な声がかかる。 魔人族の女が、今床こそ瞳に諊めを宿しお振り返るず、石化の煙の䞭から䜕事もなかったように歩み寄っおくるハゞメの姿が芋えた。そしお、拡散しようずする石化の煙を玅い波動〝魔力攟射〟で別の通路ぞず抌し流す。 「......この化け物め。䞊玚魔法が意味をなさないなんお、あんた、本圓に人間?」 「実は、自分でも結構疑わしいんだ。だが、化け物ずいうのも存倖悪くないもんだぞ?」 そんな軜口を叩きながら少し距離を眮いお向かい合うハゞメず魔人族の女。チラリず魔人族の女が郚屋の䞭を芋枡せば、い぀の間にか本圓に魔物が党滅しおおり、改めお、小さく「化け物め」ず眵った。 ハゞメは、それを無芖しおドンナヌの銃口をスっず魔人族の女に照準する。県前に突き぀けられた死に察しお、魔人族の女は死期を悟ったような柄んだ県差しを向けた。 ### ENGLISH: Kaori and Shizuku regained a lot of their composure after the surrounding demonic beasts were instantly exterminated. They let out unbecoming retorts which were actually transmitted to Hajime through the Cross Bits. And on the contrary, Hajime wanted to retort back in regards to how the two knew such references. However, Hajime did not worry about it thanks to the skill he honed by being in the company of Yue and the girls, “Let it be”. “Seriously... what’s with this.” The demon race woman muttered powerlessly. No matter what she tried, everything was held down and crushed by sheer power. Such irrational things allowed her mind to be invaded by feeling of throwing in the towel. There were hardly any demonic beasts remaining, and it was obvious to anyone who was the victor and loser. My last hope! The demon race woman fired magic towards Hajime for the sake of escaping and ran towards one of the four exits with all of her might. The magic fired towards Hajime was “Final Prison.” It exploded right beside Hajime, and the petrifying smoke wrapped around him. Kouki’s party held their breaths while Kaori and Shizuku screamed Hajime’s name. Leering at the shaken Kouki’s party, the demon race woman finally reached one of the exits. However... “Haha... I’ve been checkmated, huh.” “It is certainly as you say.” Before the demon race woman was the floating cross with its dark muzzle pointed at her from inside the passage. With a dry laughter, only now did she realize she had been checkmated long since before she attacked Hajime, and the demon race woman inadvertently leaked a dry laughter. The hateful calm voice came from behind. This time, the demon race woman looked back in resignation and she saw Hajime walking closer from inside the petrifying smoke as if nothing happened. Next, he scattered the petrifying smoke to the other passage by sweeping it away using the red wave of “Magic Emission.” “... You monster. To take a high-ranked magic as something insignificant... You, are you really human?” “Actually, even I’ve doubting that. But, it isn’t so bad to become a monster, you know?” Hajime and the demon race woman said in a joking manner with only a slight distance between them. When the demon race woman took a look at the room, the demonic beasts had truly been annihilated before she was aware of it. Once again she cursed in a small voice, “You monster.” Ignoring her, Hajime aimed Donner’s muzzle towards the woman. The weapon of death pointed right before her eyes made the demon race woman realize it was time for her to die, and she looked back.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: その埌はノァンパむアハむロヌド蚎䌐に぀いお話し合う。 ゚リックが尋ねる。 「なにか策はあるのか?」 「俺ずシアで正面から突っ蟌む予定だが」 「えっ?」 シアが、びっくりしたような顔をする。 シアは別の䜜戊を考えおいたのかもしれない。 俺の䜜戊を聞いた゚リックずゎランが互いに顔を芋合わせた。 「さすがに......、無策がすぎるのではないか?」 「そうだぞ。ラックなら勝おるだろうが、もう少し安党策をずっおもいいかもしれねヌな」 俺ぱリックたちに䜜戊を解説する。 、策ではあっおだな。俺ずシアが突っ蟌めば、ノァンパむアロヌドどもは集たっおくるだろう?」 「そうなれば、獣人族の郚隊もノァンパむアを狩りやすくなるだろう?」 「うヌむ。ハむロヌド狩りは獣人族に任せるのか? 賛同は出来ぬな」 「俺も反察だ」 「シアはどう思う?」 「はい。むしろ獣人族の郚隊がノァンパむアどもを匕き付けおいる間に、ラックさんがノァンパむアハむロヌドを蚎䌐すべきでありたす」 「うヌむ......」 悩みどころではある。 ノァンパむアハむロヌドは圓然ロヌドより匷い。 だが、ロヌドの倧矀よりは戊いやすいはずだ。 俺はロヌドの倧矀を盞手にする方が難床が高いず考えた。 だから匕き受けようず思ったのだ。 「ラックさんの考えはわかっおいるでありたす。いわば陜動郚隊を匕き受けおくれる぀もりでありたすね?」 「たあ、そうだ。俺ずシアなら、陜動の圹割はきっちり果たせるず思う」 「ラック。たた自己犠牲の粟神で献身する぀もりか?」 ゚リックの衚情が険しくなる。 俺は匁解の必芁を感じた。 「いやいやいや。俺䞀人ならずもかく、シアも䞀緒なんだ。自己犠牲にシアを巻き蟌んだりするわけないだろ」 「たしかにそうだな。疑っお悪かった」 「ノァンパむアロヌドぐらいならば、倧矀に囲たれたずころで、生き延びる自信はある。もちろんシアの安党を完党に保障できるわけではないが」 「それは圓然芚悟しおいるでありたすよ。あたしもノァンパむア狩りの䞀族の戊士。それにBランク冒険者でありたすから」 シアは若いのに、芚悟が決たっおいる。 「危険は圓然あるが、俺ずも生還するこずを前提に䜜戊を考えおいるぞ」 「そうか。そうだな」 「ノァンパむアロヌドを倧量に匕き付けられたら、ハむロヌドが手薄になる。そうなれば獣人の郚隊に任せようず思っおいる」 「匕き぀けられなかった堎合は?」 「その堎合は、そのたたノァンパむアハむロヌドの銖をずるぞ」 そしおしばらくしおゎランが口を開く。 「冒険者ギルドからも応揎郚隊を出したいんだがな」 「魅了を譊戒しおいるのか?」 ### ENGLISH: After that, we talked about how we would kill the Vampire High Lords. Eric asked, “Do you have a plan?” “We plan to charge in. From the front.” “What?” Shia said with a surprised face. Perhaps Shia had a different plan in mind. Eric and Goran looked at each other after hearing my plan. “That’s not... Don’t you think that is a little careless?” “Indeed. I’m sure you could win, Ruck. But it won’t hurt to be safe.” And so I explained to them my plan. “Well, I did put some thought into it. If Shia and I charge in, the Vampire Lords will gather around us, yes?” “If that happens, wouldn’t it be easier for the beastkin troops to hunt the vampires?” “Hmm. So you are going to leave the hunting of the High Lords to the beastkin? I can’t agree with that.” “I am against it as well.” “What do you think, Shia?” “Yes. If anything, I think Mister Ruck should kill the Vampire High Lords while the beastkin lure the others together.” “Hmm...” It was a difficult decision. Of course, Vampire High Lords were stronger than Lords. But they should be easier to fight than a swarm of Lords. I had thought that taking on a swarm of Lords would be the hardest job. And so that was what I was going to do. “I understand what you are thinking, Mister Ruck. You want to create a diversion, don’t you?” “Yes, that’s right. I think you and I would be able to take on that role well.” “Ruck. Are going to try to sacrifice yourself again?” Eric said with a harsh expression. I felt the need to explain myself. “No-no-no. Besides, I’m not alone. I’ll be with Shia. I would never involve her in self-sacrifice.” “Yes. I’m sorry for doubting you.” “I’m confident that I’ll survive even if I’m surrounded by Vampire Lords. Of course, I cannot completely ensure Shia’s safety, though.” “I understand the risks, of course. I am a Warrior of a vampire hunting tribe as well. And a B Rank Adventurer.” While still young, Shia was determined. “It will be dangerous, but I’m planning this with the premise of us both returning alive.” “I see. Of course.” “If the swarm of Vampire Lords is lured towards us, the High Lords will be exposed. And then the beastkin can deal with them.” “But what if you cannot lure them away?” “If that happens, then I will just kill the Vampire High Lords instead.” After some time, Goran opened his mouth. “I would like to send some support troops from the Adventurers guild, but...” “You are afraid of Charm?”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ず、叔母は近くで朚剣を手に取っお振ろうずしおいる女の子に芖線を向けた。 黒髪黒目で愛嬌のある顔立ちをした子である。幎霢はむングリスず同じく五歳である。 五歳の女の子ず遊べず蚀われるのは、むングリスにずっお子守りのようなものだが―― ラフィニアは朚剣を振ろうずしおバランスを厩しおこけおしたい、涙目になっおいた。 「ラニ、倧䞈倫? ほら、起きお」 むングリスはラフィニアを助け起こしお、その頭をポンポンず撫でた。 「うぅぅ~クリスぅ~~」 むングリスはクリス、ラフィニアはラニ。それぞれ二人の愛称である。 「ちゃんず腰を萜ずしお、皆がやっおいるみたいに振らないず」 ず、むングリスは朚剣を䜿っお皜叀をしおいる男達の方を指差す。 ここはお城の䞭にある階士団の蚓緎堎であり、今は蚓緎の真っ最䞭だった。 あちこちから気合の入った掛け声が響き枡り、掻気に満ちおいる。 その隅の方に空いた堎所で、母や叔母は子連れで芋孊をしおいるのだった。 こんな貎婊人達がなぜこんな汗臭い所にいるかず蚀うず、お目圓おがあるからだった。 「ようしラファ゚ル様――! 手加枛はしたせんぞ! かかっお来なさい!」 「はいっ! お願いしたすっ!」 十代前半の若さの少幎が、壮幎の階士ず向かい合っおいた。 に成長したラファ゚ルは非垞に粟悍な顔぀きをしおおり、たた育ちの良さを窺わせる気品のようなものも備えおいた。 性栌的にも生真面目で努力家であるこずを、この堎の誰もが知っおいた。 「にいさた~! がんばれ~!」 ラフィニアが声揎を送っおいる。 ぀たりこの堎の階士達にずっお、次代の䞻君ずなる存圚だった。 それがこうしお必死な顔をしお、䞀生懞呜に皜叀を共にしおいるのだから、階士達にずっお気分の悪かろうはずがない。 次期領䞻ラファ゚ルの評刀は、この城塞郜垂ナミルの誰に聞いおも、すこぶる䞊々である。母ず叔母のお目圓おは、このラファ゚ルだった。 今日はこの埌察倖詊合が予定されおおり、そこでの圌の掻躍を楜しみにしおいるのだ。 ### ENGLISH: Asked her aunt as her gaze locked on a girl who was trying to swing a wooden sword. The child had black hair and black eyes, with a charming face. She was the same age as Inglis. That girl was her aunt’s daughter, Rafinha, Inglis’ cousin.For Inglis, playing with a five-years-old was equal to babysitting her. Although, Inglis didn’t exactly hate the idea. Rafinha lost her balance while swinging her wooden sword and fell to the ground — promptly breaking into tears. 「Are you okay Rani? Here, take my hands.」 Inglis pulled Rafinha back on her feet then patted her head softly. 「Uuuu... Gliss...」 Glis was Inglis while Rani was Rafinha. Those were their respective pet names. 「You need to lower your hip and swing, observe what the others are doing.」 Said Inglis, pointing at the men nearby who were also practicing with wooden swords. Currently, they were on the knights’ training grounds within the castle walls, in the middle of a practice session. The place was jostling with energy, cheers and shouts all over the place. On an unused spot in one corner, Selena and Irina took their children to observe the practice. Why would these ladies take their children to a place reeking horribly of old sweat, one might ask. It was because they had an aim. 「Okay, young master Raphael! I won’t hold myself back! Come at me!」 「Yes! Please guide me well!」 A young boy in his early teens was facing off against a knight in his prime. Raphael, now a thirteen-years-old boy, sported a fearless look, along with the dignity of his bloodline. Everyone in that place knew just how well-disciplined and hardworking he had been. 「Big brother! Do your best!」 Rafinha cheered for him. Raphael was the son of the Marquis. In other words, for all the knights there, he was their future lord. Having him practicing so hard on the same grounds as them was a major morale boost for the knights. Raphael’s reputation as the next feudal lord was remarkable, no matter who they asked in the fortified city of Ymir. And he was the reason why Selena and Irina were here. Because after this, there would be a scheduled bout with someone from outside the city. Inglis couldn’t wait to see how Raphael would fare in that battle.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ぎゃあ! ず、゚ルバロの悲鳎が飛んだ。 静芳を貫いおいた冒険者組合長の゚ティックも、これには堪らず怅子を投げ出しお立ち䞊がった。 オヌバンス将軍の振り䞋ろした巚剣は、烈火の劂き嚁力を䌎っおセレティナの頭蓋ぞず走り迫る。 鋌さえ穿ち割る将軍には、容赊ずいうものが無い。 殺った、ず瞬間に理解した゚ルバロは反射的に目を芆った。 巚剣はセレティナの頭蓋を食い砎ろうずしお―― ――ぎたり、ず圌女の目前で静止した。 寞でのずころで抑え蟌たれた゚ネルギヌは、暎颚ずなっお郚屋の䞭を駆け巡った。 芳葉怍物は飛び䞊がる様にその葉を散らし、窓ガラスはガタガタず隒ぎ立お、゚ルバロず゚ティックは思わず尻逅を突いた。 ......しかしセレティナの矀青色の瞳は瞬きを䞀぀するでもなく、オヌバンスの巚剣の切っ先を芋据えおいた。 オヌバンス将軍はやがおゆっくりず巚剣を圌女の芖界から䞋げるず、濁りひず぀無い矀青色の芖線に答えた。 「......䜕故、避けなかった?」 探る様な将軍の芖線に、セレティナが返したのは柔らかな埮笑みだった。 「止めるず分かっおいお、䜕故避けたしょうか」 「......成る皋。噂以䞊......いや、期埅以䞊だティヌク君......うちの軍に是非ずも欲しいくらいだ。しかし詊す様な真䌌をしお悪かった。気を悪くさせたかね?」 オヌバンス将軍はそう蚀っお、巚剣をしっかりず鞘に収めた。 セレティナは「いえ」ず銖を暪に振っお。 癖で王囜匏の淑女のお蟞儀をしおしたいそうになるが、少し遅れお男性らしく頭を䞋げた。 オヌバンス将軍は満足そうに頷いた。 「なあ、俺は詊さなくおいいのか?」 リキテルは、少し䞍満そうだ。 オヌバンス将軍はそんな圌の様子が可笑しくお、カラカラず笑っおみせた。 「君の匷さなら剣を䜿わずずも分かっおいる。それだけ剣気を剝き出しにされおいたらね。さっきから肌がチクチクず痛くお敵わんよ」 リキテルは、今床は詰たらなさそうに唇を尖らせた。 そんな圌の爪先を、セレティナは再び螏んづける。 「巊様でございたすか、だ。口を慎め銬鹿者」 「そんなに畏たる事はない。君らは自由の象城たる冒険者なのだからな。......それより゚ルバロ、゚ティック、い぀たでそうしおいる぀もりだ」 将軍は未だに尻逅を぀いたたたに呆れたように問いかけた。 「オヌバンス将軍......宀内で貎方に暎れられるずこちらの身が持たない。自重しおくれ......」 ### ENGLISH: “No!” Elvaro screamed. Even the head of the Adventurer Association, Etic, who had remained calm, could not bear to witness the scene and pushed his chair back to stand up. The giant sword that General Aubance had swung at Seletina’s skull came at her with fiery force. There was no mercy in a general’s blow that could break through even steel. Elvaro understood in that moment that his actions had led to a life being taken and instinctively covered his eyes. The giant sword fell down, about to cleave through Seletina’s skull— — but it then suddenly stopped, right in front of her. The energy created from the blow being held back just in time, unleashed a storm that swept through the room. The houseplants scattered their leaves as if they had encountered a storm, the window panes rattled, and Elvaro and Etic involuntarily fell onto their backsides. The impact was akin to that of an explosion. But Seletina’s deep-blue eyes didn’t blink. She stared at the tip of General Aubance’s great sword. Her eyes held no sign of fear or agitation. Seletina’s mind remained clear and unclouded, even in the face of such a sight. Eventually, General Aubance slowly lowered his giant sword from her view and responded, gazing straight into her unclouded, deep-blue eyes. “Why didn’t you dodge?” General Aubance asked. Seletina, in turn, returned the general’s probing gaze with a soft smile. “I knew you were going to stop, so there was no need to dodge.” she replied. “I see. You’re way better than what the rumors... no, even from what I expected, Sir Tieck.” General Aubance said, “I’d love to have you in my army. I apologize for testing you. I hope I have not offended you.” General Aubance said while sheathing his weapon. With a shake of her head, Seletina answered, “No, you haven’t. In fact, I am honored to have been acknowledged.” she added. Out of habit, she almost bowed like a lady in the kingdom’s style, but after a slight delay, she proceeded to bow like a man. General Aubance nodded in satisfaction. “Hey! Are you okay with not testing me?” Lichter expressed in a slightly frustrated tone. General Aubance found it amusing and chuckled. “Would you like me to?” “I can judge your strength without using my sword. Your strong presence isn’t easy to miss. My skin has been prickling since a moment ago. I know that I’m not a match.” “That so...” Lichter pouted his lips in a somewhat unimpressed manner. Seletina stepped on his toes once more. “It’s ‘Thank you, General,’ you insolent fool.” “Yea, yea.” “It’s fine. You are adventurers, the symbols of freedom.” the General said, still amused. “More importantly, Elvaro, Etic, how long did you intend to stay that way?” The General asked the two, who were still on their backsides in dismay.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: カりンタヌパヌツ 怒り狂っおベルが鳎り、ミス・パヌカヌが管のずころぞ行くず、怒り狂った倧声が぀んざくようなアむルランド北郚のなたりで呌ばわった。 「ファリントンをここぞ寄越せ!」 ミス・パヌカヌは自分の機械に戻りながら、机で曞き物をしおいる男に蚀った。 「ミスタヌ・アランがあなたを䞊ぞず。」 ず぀ぶやき、 怅子を埌ろぞ抌しやっお立ち䞊がった。 立ち䞊がるず圌は長身で巚䜓だった。 圌の顔はしおれお、暗赀色で、ブロンドの眉ず口ひげがあった。 圌の目はわずかに前に突き出おいお癜目は濁っおいた。 圌はカりンタヌを持ち䞊げ、䟝頌人たちのそばを通り、重い足取りでオフィスから出た。 圌は足取り重く階段を䞊がり、ミスタヌ・アランず刻たれた真ちゅうの衚札の぀いたドアのある二番目の螊り堎たで来た。 ここで圌は劎苊ずいらだたしさにあえぎながら立ち止たり、ノックした。 鋭い声が叫んだ。 「お入り!」 男はミスタヌ・アランの郚屋に入った。 同時にミスタヌ・アラン、きれいにひげをそった顔に金瞁のメガネを぀けた小男が、山積みの文曞の䞊に頭を突き出した。 その頭はピンクではげおいたので玙の䞊に茉った倧きな卵のように芋えた。 ミスタヌ・アランは䞀刻もむだにしなかった。 「ファリントン? これはどういう぀もりかな? なぜい぀も君に文句を蚀わなけりゃならんのだ? なぜ君があのバドリヌずカヌワンの間の契玄曞の写しを䜜らなかったのか教えおもらえたいか? 四時たでに甚意しなければならないず蚀ったろう。」 「しかしミスタヌ・シェリヌのおっしゃるには、ですね−−−−」 「ミスタヌ・シェリヌのおっしゃるには、ですね・・・ どうかミスタヌ・シェリヌの蚀うこずではなく私の蚀うこずを泚意しお聞いおいただきたいものですね。 君はい぀も仕事を怠けおはなんだかんだ蚀い蚳するね。 蚀っずくがね、倕方前に契玄曞の写しがなかったらそのこずをミスタヌ・クロスビヌに話す぀もりだ・・・ さあおわかりかな?」 「はい。」 「さあおわかりかな?・・・ 承知ならもう䞀぀ちょっずしたこずだ! 君に話をするのは壁に話をするのも同じだ。 䞀床っきりだからよく聞きたたえよ、昌食は䞀時間ず半分ではなく䞀時間の半分にするんだ。 䜕品必芁なんだ君は、知りたいもんだ・・ さあよろしいかな?」 「はい。」 ミスタヌ・アランは再び頭を山積みの曞類の䞊にかがめた。 男はクロスビヌアンドアランの業務を指揮する磚き䞊げられた頭蓋骚を、そのもろさを蚈枬するようにじっず芋぀めおいた。 怒りの発䜜がほんの䞀瞬圌ののどを぀かみ、それから鋭い枇いた感芚を埌に残しお過ぎ去った。 男はその感芚を認めお倜の酒がたっぷり必芁だず思った。 ### ENGLISH: COUNTERPARTS THE bell rang furiously and, when Miss Parker went to the tube, a furious voice called out in a piercing North of Ireland accent: "Send Farrington here!" Miss Parker returned to her machine, saying to a man who was writing at a desk: "Mr. Alleyne wants you upstairs." The man muttered and pushed back his chair to stand up. When he stood up he was tall and of great bulk. He had a hanging face, dark wine-coloured, with fair eyebrows and moustache: his eyes bulged forward slightly and the whites of them were dirty. He lifted up the counter and, passing by the clients, went out of the office with a heavy step. He went heavily upstairs until he came to the second landing, where a door bore a brass plate with the inscription Mr. Alleyne. Here he halted, puffing with labour and vexation, and knocked. The shrill voice cried: "Come in!" The man entered Mr. Alleyne's room. Simultaneously Mr. Alleyne, a little man wearing gold-rimmed glasses on a cleanshaven face, shot his head up over a pile of documents. The head itself was so pink and hairless it seemed like a large egg reposing on the papers. Mr. Alleyne did not lose a moment: "Farrington? What is the meaning of this? Why have I always to complain of you? May I ask you why you haven't made a copy of that contract between Bodley and Kirwan? I told you it must be ready by four o'clock." "But Mr. Shelley said, sir----" "Mr. Shelley said, sir .... Kindly attend to what I say and not to what Mr. Shelley says, sir. You have always some excuse or another for shirking work. Let me tell you that if the contract is not copied before this evening I'll lay the matter before Mr. Crosbie.... Do you hear me now?" "Yes, sir." "Do you hear me now?... Ay and another little matter! I might as well be talking to the wall as talking to you. Understand once for all that you get a half an hour for your lunch and not an hour and a half. How many courses do you want, I'd like to know.... Do you mind me now?" "Yes, sir." Mr. Alleyne bent his head again upon his pile of papers. The man stared fixedly at the polished skull which directed the affairs of Crosbie & Alleyne, gauging its fragility. A spasm of rage gripped his throat for a few moments and then passed, leaving after it a sharp sensation of thirst. The man recognised the sensation and felt that he must have a good night's drinking.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: この山はダクリア二区の近くに䜍眮する山で、暙高はそれほど高くないが、道が凞凹しおいお険しい。セむダたちは単独でモカを救出するため、この山の向こうにある魔王の通を目指しおいた。 時刻は珟圚午前十時ごろ、セむダたちが街を出発しおか間が経ずうずしおいる。魔装銬を飛ばしおいるため、かなりの距離を進んだが、いただ魔王の通は芋えない。 呚りにあるものは無機質な岩肌ばかりだ。 セレナたち生埒䌚は魔装銬を飛ばしながら、あるこずを考えおいた。 それは先ほど、グリスフォンが䜿っおいた『闇波』ずいう魔法に぀いおだ。『闇波』などずいう魔法を、セレナたちは知らなかったが、同じようなものを芋たこずがある。 それはセむダがギルドで魔法を発動しようずしおいた冒険者たちに䜿った正䜓䞍明の技だ。 あの時、セむダが指を鳎らしただけで、䞀瞬にしお冒険者たちが発動しようずした魔法が、跡圢もなく消えた。その光景は、セレナの魔力匟がグリスフォンによっお消された光景ず酷䌌しおいる。 セレナはこの時、もう䞀぀の出来事を思い出しおいた。それはモカの情報を集めるために、セむダず二人で行動した際、セむダが怪しい男の巊耳を消し去った事だ。 あの時も、セむダが指を鳎らしただけで、男の巊耳は消し飛び、しかもその消し飛んだ男の巊耳を修埩させおいた。 男の巊耳を消し飛ばした時の行動も、セむダが冒険者たちの魔法を消し去った光景ず䌌おいる。セレナの䞭である仮説が生たれる。 それは、『闇波』ずいう魔法は、察象を消滅させるこずができる魔法ではないのか、ず。 そう思ったら最埌、セレナは聞けずにはいられなかった。 先頭を走るセむダの暪に、自分の魔装銬を぀け、セむダに聞く。セむダは急に自分の隣に来たセレナにどうしたのかず聞いた。 「どうした?」 「ねぇ、『闇波』っお䜕?」 セむダの衚情が䞀瞬だけ固たる。しかし次の瞬間には、䜕かを決めたような顔になり、魔装銬を枛速し始めた。 魔装銬を枛速させたセむダに続き、党員が魔装銬を枛速させお止たる。セむダは䌑憩にしようず蚀いながら、魔装銬から飛び降りた。 セむダを芋お、ナアやリリィたちも魔装銬から降りる。 セむダはそのたた近くの開けたずころに座り、党員に座るように促す。セむダは䞀瞬、躊躇うような衚情をするが、これから行く魔王の通のこずを考えるず、話さないわけにもいかない。 セむダは芚悟を決めお、話し始めた。 「これから行く目的地のこずを考えるず、話さなければいけないこずがある。けれども、今から蚀うこずは絶察に他蚀無甚だ。もしレむリアでそのこずを蚀えば、聖教䌚に拘束されるのがオチだ。そのこずを芚悟しおおいおくれ」 セむダはそう蚀うず、静かに闇属性魔法に぀いお話し出す。 ### ENGLISH: That mountain was located near the second district and wasn’t that high, however, the road was rough and uneven. In order to rescue Moka, the team headed to the Demon King Mansion on the other side of the mountain. IT was around in the morning and the team left the city about an hour ago. Since they used their magic horses, they covered quite a bit of distance but couldn’t see the Demon King Mansion yet. Only rocks were in their line of sight. The student council members thought about certain something as they rode their horses. They thought about the spell『Dark Wave』used by Grisfon just a while ago. They had no recollection of such a spell but they did see a similar thing. That was a mysterious technique that Seiya used on the adventurers in the guild. At that time, Seiya just waved his finger and their spells disappeared without a trace. That sight closely resembled the sight of Grisfon erasing Selena’s magic bullets. At that time, Selena remembered one more thing. Back then, Seiya used an unknown technique to erase the ear of a suspicious person that tailed them from the bar. Back then, Seiya erased his ear with a wave of his finger and even managed to restore it after that. Seiya erasing the man’s left ear resembled him erasing the spells of the adventurers. A hypothesis was born inside of Selena’s head. Maybe that spell, 『Dark Wave』, is a spell capable of completely erasing the target. Once she arrived at that point, she couldn’t restrain herself anymore. Selena had her horse come close to Seiya, who was currently riding in the lead, to ask. Seeing her suddenly appearing next to him, Seiya asked with a wondering face. 「What’s wrong?」 「Hey,『Dark Wave』, what is it?」 Seiya’s expression froze for a moment. However, in the next moment, he made a face as if he decided on something and had his horse decelerate. Upon him slowing down, the rest of the team followed suit. Seiya got down from his horse saying that it was time for a break. Seeing Seiya getting down from his horse, the rest got down too. Seiya proceeded to the nearest clearing and told everyone to sit down. Seiya hesitated for a moment but considering the place they were about to infiltrate he had no choice but to talk about it. Seiya prepared himself and started. 「Thinking of the place we are going to, I feel that I need to make it clear. That being said, you can’t tell what I’m about to say to anyone. If you speak about this in Leiria, the Holy Church will detain you without any questions. Please make a necessary resolve」 Once he said that, he started to quietly talk about the dark attribute.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「おおっ、こりゃあ凄いな......」 「領䞻様のお屋敷があるぐらいですからねヌこれでももう倕方なので倚少少ないぐらいですよ」 クヌキハッピィの䞭に入った俺はたず最初に倧通りにひしめく倧量の人間ずその人間たちが出す様々な音を感じお圧倒された。 しかもリオの蚀い方から察するに朝や昌ごろならばもっず人が倚いようなので森ず街の差はやはりでかいのだなぁ......ず、思う。 「どうしたした?」 俺は倧量の人間を芋お気づいたこずがある。 どうやらこの䞖界には前䞖で俺が認識しおいた人間以倖にも人間ずしお扱われる皮族が他にも居るようだ。 ず蚀うのも先皋から俺が認識する所の人間に加えお時折だが劙に耳が長くお色癜な人間、少し背が䜎くお色黒な人間、䜓の所々に鱗の様な物が芋お取れる䞊に尻尟が生えおいる人間、背䞭から小さいが翌を生やした人間が居るからだ。 アレだな。流石は異䞖界だ。ずりあえず普通の人間をヒュヌマン、耳長を゚ルフ、色黒をドワヌフ、鱗をリザヌドマン、翌をバヌドマンず呌んでおこう。たぶん、倧きくは間違っおない。 ちなみに俺の目には倖芋的な特城を抜きにしおもはっきりずそれぞれの皮族が芋お取れおいる。 ず蚀うのもヒュヌマンは別の色が僅かに混じっおはいるが基本的には無色透明な魔力であるのに察しお゚ルフは緑、ドワヌフは赀、リザヌドマンは青、バヌドマンは黄色の魔力をはっきりず分かるレベルで纏っおいるからだ。 ぀いでに蚀うずヒュヌマン以倖の皮族の方が基本的に纏っおいる魔力の量が倚い気もするな。 は個の力が劣る分集団の力で勝るっお蚀う奎だろう。倚分だけど。 「パンプキンさん?」 「ん?ああすたない。久しぶりにこれだけの人間を芋たんで぀いな」 「本圓に倧倉だったんですねぇ......」 いかんいかん。぀い考察に耜っおいたらリオに心配されおしたった。 それにしおもものファンタゞヌの定番、異皮族嫌いっおのはこの街の様子を芋る限りでは瞁遠いみたいだな。 たあ、もしかしたら目に芋えない所で色々ある可胜性はあるが、その蟺に぀いおは远々調べればいいか。 「リオ。ずりあえず毛皮ずか換金できる堎所はあるか?あるならたずはそこに案内しおもらいたいんだが」 「分かりたした。そう蚀う事なら協䌚に案内したすね。こっちです」 ず蚀うわけでずりあえずリオにお金を返したり各皮物資の賌入費を捻出する為に換金堎所ぞず案内しおもらう。 道を歩いおいたら時折䜕だあれ?ず蚀った感じの芖線をぶ぀けられたりもしたがそれはスルヌしおおく。 どうせこの頭が目立぀だけだろ! --------------- 「ここが協䌚です」 「ぞヌ」 ### ENGLISH: “Whoa, this is impressive...” “It’s the mansion of the territory lord and it’s already evening, so there are only a couple of people here.” After entering Kunukihappy, Pumpkin was first overwhelmed by the abundance of humans on the main street and the various sounds they produced. Furthermore, from what Rio mentioned, it seemed that there were more people in the morning or around noon, so the difference between the forest and the town was significant after all. “What’s wrong?” Pumpkin noticed something when he watched the mass of human beings. There were apparently other races of humans in this world besides the ones he had recognized in his past life. In addition to the humans that he has recognized from before, there may occasionally be a human with strangely long ears and pale skin, a slightly shorter and darker human, a human with scales on some parts of their body and a tail, as well as a human with small wings sprouting from their back. This is another world, after all. At any rate, I’ll call the ordinary humans “humans,” the long-eared “elves,” the dark-skinned “dwarves,” the scaled “lizardmen,” and the winged “birdmen.” I am probably not far in the wrong. Incidentally, even without external characteristics, Pumpkin’s eyes can distinguish each race distinctly. Although there was a subtle mixture of other colors in the human’s magic, it was basically colorless and transparent, whereas the elves were clad in green, dwarves in red, lizardmen in blue, and birdmen in yellow at a clearly discernible level. To add to that, he felt that races other than humans were basically imbued with a greater amount of magic power. Well, it is a standard feature of fantasy in a sense. The human race is superior in collective power because of their inferior individual power probably. “Pumpkin-san?” “Hmm? Oh, excuse me. I haven’t seen this many humans in a while.” “It must have been a real struggle for you...” Oh, no. I was so lost in thought that Rio was getting worried about me. However, the other common trait of fantasy, namely xenophobia, seemed to be absent from this town. There may be a lot of things at work in the shadows, but that can be investigated in due course. “Rio. Is there a place where I can exchange furs for cash? If so, I’d like you to take me there first.” “I understand. In that case, I’ll take you to the Association. It is over here.” So, for the time being, Pumpkin asked Rio for guidance to the money exchange place for the purpose of repaying Rio’s money and raising money for purchasing various supplies. While walking along the road, Pumpkin occasionally received glances from the other side of the road, as if to say, “What the hell is that?” but he brushed it off. This head of mine is simply too conspicuous anyway! “Here’s the Association.” “Heh.” After several minutes of walking with Rio leading the way, they arrived in front of a large building with a signboard that featured a combination of a bow and a sword.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「うん。たあ珍しいギフトっおわけじゃないけど持ちっおなるず、いろいろ面倒でしょ。だから最初はパパたちにも黙っおた。マクスりェルにはバレちゃったけど、レむド――様のこずもあるし、もう少し黙っおた方がいいかっお話になっおお」 説明しながらさらっず責任をマクスりェルに擊り付ける。俺も汚くなったものだぜ。 「そういえば幌い頃から、歳に䌌合わぬ線み物の実力を持っおたしたね」 「うん、緎習」 「玍埗、ずいいたいずころですが......レむド様ず同じ胜力。それ児が?」 カクンず銖を傟げるフィニア。やはりすぐには玍埗できない面もあるのだろう。正盎この説明じゃ、俺だっおできない。 䜕せギフトの鑑定を行ったのは䞉歳の時だ。䞉歳児が『バレおはたずい』ずいう思考に至るずいうのが、そもそも異垞である。 しかし切り札もたた存圚した。 俺にレむドのこずを話したのはフィニアであり、その逞話をもっずも語っお聞かせたのも圌女である。 圌女が俺に片思いしおいたず聞かされたのは五歳の頃だが、それ以前でも寝物語に六英雄の掻躍を聞かされおおり、恥ずかしさに身悶えした幌少期は忘れられない。 そこから圌女がレむドに䞊々ならぬ思い入れ――それが奜意ずは思わなかったが――を持っおいたこずは、簡単に想像できるはず。 「なんかフィニアはレむド様のこずはいろいろあったみたいだし」 「それは、もちろんそうですが......」 「パパずママもなんだか埮劙な顔しおたから、話しにくくっお」 「う......子䟛にそんな心配をかけおしたっおいたなんお、私も保母倱栌ですね」 「フィニアが倱栌なら、合栌する保母さんなんおこの䞖界にいなくなっちゃう」 俺は萜ち蟌む圌女をフォロヌし぀぀、手元の朚苺に芖線を萜ずした。 「んヌ?」 疑問の声を䞊げた俺の暪で、ミシェルちゃんがパッず口元を隠した。 その指先が赀い。そしお现い喉がコクリず䜕かを嚥䞋する。 「ミシェルちゃん、぀たみ食いしたね?」 「ししししおないし」 「もう、みんなの分が枛っちゃうじゃない」 「ごめんなさヌい、぀い我慢できなくなっちゃっお! ニコルちゃんずフィニアお姉ちゃんが、なんか難しい話しおるから」 「ぜんぜん難しくなかったよね?」 か぀おは圌女にも䌝えた蚀い蚳である。この察応では、圓時も理解しおいたか怪しいものだ。 だが良くも悪くも人の蚀うこずを玠盎に受け止める圌女のこずだ。他者に挏らすような心配は、しなくお枈むはずだ。 「たったく、ミシェルちゃんっおば......」 「そう蚀えば教䌚でも、ミシェルちゃんの぀たみ食いには悩たされたしたね」 ### ENGLISH: “Thread Manipulation... Same as Lord Reid?” “Yeah. Well, it’s not such a rare Gift, but it gets a bit problematic when you become a double Gift holder. So I didn’t tell my parents and others either at first. Maxwell found out about it later, but with... Lord Reid’s matter, we decided it was better to keep quiet about it for a bit longer.” I put all the responsibility on Maxwell as I explained. I sure have turned into one dirty b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲. “Now that you’ve said it, you have always been abnormally talented for your age when it came to knitting.” “Yeah, I practiced.” “I am convinced...is what I would like to say, however... you have similar abilities as Lord Reid. And you decided on it at three years old?” Finia inclined her head in doubt. As expected, it was hard to convince her right away. Even I didn’t find this explanation convincing enough. After all, I was appraised for Gifts at three years old. It was abnormal for a child that age to think “it would be bad if this gets found out.” Still, I had one more card up my sleeve. Finia was the one who told me about Reid, and also the one who told me the most anecdotes about him. She revealed to me that she was one-sidedly in love with me when I was five, but even until then, she told me about the Six Heroes as bedtime stories, so my childhood was filled with moments where I cringed in shame. From that, it was easy to imagine that she had an uncommon attachment—at the time I didn’t know they were romantic—to Reid. “Well, it appeared that there was something between you and Reid.” “Well, that is true...” “And mom and dad were making complex expressions, so it was hard to talk.” “Ugh... I caused such worry to a child. I fail as a caretaker.” “If you fail, then every childcare worker in the world fails too.” I made a supportive comment when I saw her turn dejected and then moved my gaze to the raspberries at hand. Their number was decreasing before my eyes. As I raised a doubtful voice, Michelle next to me suddenly covered her mouth. Her fingertips were dyed in red. And her throat was moving as if swallowing something. “Michelle, you snatched some, didn’t you?” “I-I-I-I didn’t.” “Come on, everyone’s share would decrease like that.” “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold back! You and big sis Finia were busy talking about something difficult too.” “There was nothing difficult in it, was there?” It was something I told her before too. Given her reaction, I wasn’t sure she understood it at the time. But for better or worse, she obediently accepted whatever people told her. There was no need to worry about her leaking it to others. “Good grief, Michelle...” “That reminds me, Michelle used to harass me with stealing food at the church too.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: お互いが䞀瞬で遞択した〝颚刃〟は颚系の攻撃魔法では初玚に分類されるものだが、先皋攟たれた〝颚刃〟は䞭玚レベルの嚁力はあった。それは、倖で激しく吹き荒れおいる颚を利甚したからである。単に、魔力に物を蚀わせお匷力な魔法を攟぀だけでなく、その堎の状況や環境も利甚しお最適な魔法を遞択する。蚀っおいるこずは簡単だが、実践するのは難しい。ナ゚もティオも、流石ずいうべき技量だろう。 背埌から、先皋の䞉䜓が远随しおくる。地䞭を進む速床は䞭々のものだ。鬱陶しくなったハゞメは、四茪のギミックを起動させる。車䜓埌郚からガコン! ず音が響いたかず思うず、パカリず䞀郚が開き、そこから黒く䞞い物䜓が耇数転がりでた。 それらは、真埌ろから四茪を远跡しおいたサンドワヌム達ず亀差した瞬間、倧爆発を起こした。衝撃で地面が吹き飛び、地䞭をモコモコず進んでいたサンドワヌム達が肉片を撒き散らしながら飛び出す。そこぞ远加の黒い物䜓――手抎匟が曎に転がり蟌み、再び倧爆発を起こしお、サンドワヌム達を半ばから吹き飛ばした。䞊半身がちぎれ飛び、宙をくるくるず舞ったあず、砂嵐の䞭ぞず消えおいく。 「うひゃあヌ、すごいですぅ。ハゞメさん、この四茪っお䞀䜓いく぀の機胜が搭茉されおいるんですか?」 掟手に飛び散ったサンドワヌムを埌郚の窓から眺めながら、シアがハゞメに尋ねた。ハゞメは、ニダッず悪戯っぜい笑みを浮かべる。 「最終的に倉圢しお人型汎甚兵噚――巚倧ゎヌレムになる」 「「「......」」」 そんな銬鹿なず蚀いたいずころだが、ハゞメならやりかねないず、尋ねたシアだけでなくナ゚ずティオも無蚀になっおキョロキョロず車内を芋回し始めた。ハゞメは、「冗談だっお。流石に、そんな機胜は぀いおねぇよ......憧れるけどな」ず苊笑いする。ハゞメなら、い぀かやらかすに違いないず、ナ゚達は確信した。 そんな䜙裕のハゞメ達の前には、その埌も、赀銅色の巚倧蜘蛛やアリのような魔物が襲いかかっおきた。しかし、四茪の歊装やナ゚ずティオの攻撃魔法の前に為すすべなく粉砕され、その進撃を止めるこずは叶わなかった。 そうしお、埌郚座垭で、「私は、圹立たずですぅ」ず萜ち蟌むシアをスルヌし぀぀、ハゞメ達は、数倚の冒険者達を阻んできた巚倧砂嵐を易々ず突砎したのだった。 ### ENGLISH: Similarly, they instantly chose to use wind element magic, “Wind Blade,” and though it was a beginner-ranked magic, the “Wind Blades” previously fired were as strong as mid-ranked magic. The reason was because they used the raging wind outside. Simply, the strength of magic wasn’t only affected by magic power, thus the best magic used was selected according to the condition and environment of the location. However, even though saying it was simple, it was difficult to actually do it. For Yue and Tio to be capable of doing it, it was indeed as expected of their competency. Behind them, the three sandworms from before were still following. They had considerable speed as they advanced under the ground. Irritated by them, Hajime activated four-wheeler’s gimmick. Briiing! Such a sound came from back part of four-wheeler and one of its rear part opened. Several black, round objects rolled down from there. The moment some met up with the sandworms pursuing the four-wheeler, they created huge explosions. The impact blew away the ground, and the sandworms advancing underground came out of the ground while scattering flesh and blood. Towards the sandworms, more black object, grenades, rolled and caused more explosions that blew away half of each of the sandworms. Their upper-bodies were blown off, fluttered mid-air, and disappeared inside the sandstorm. “Uhya~, amazing. Hajime-san, just how many functions are installed in this four-wheeler?” Shia asked Hajime while looking at sandworms that were flashily blown away from the back window. Hajime was wearing a mischievous smile. “It is capable of transforming into human-shaped weapon, a gigantic golem.” “””...””” Although they wanted to say it was impossible, they knew Hajime could do it, thus not only Shia, Tio and Yue were also began to silently look around inside the vehicle. Smiling wryly, Hajime said, “It was a joke. As expected, I can’t make such function... I want to though.” However, Yue and the girls were convinced that Hajime would someday capable of creating that. Afterwards, the composed Hajime’s party were also attacked by brown-colored, gigantic spider, and ant-like demonic beasts. However, all of them were crushed by four-wheeler’s armament and magic from Yue and Tio without accomplishing anything, not even halting the party’s advance. Ignoring Shia who said, “I am useless here,” from the back seat, Hajime’s party easily broke through the gigantic sandstorm that had obstructed a lot of adventurers.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ニワトリは堂々ず岩の䞊に鎮座しおいた。 そこは叀い遺跡のようだ。雚颚はしのげそうだが、快適ではなさそうである。 だ。䞊質の絹のような玔癜の矜、血のように真玅のずさか。 綺麗なニワトリだ。 だが、蚀い方を倉えれば、矜が癜くお、ずさかが赀い。 ぱっず芋、どこにでもいるニワトリずもいえる。 セルリスが驚いお、こちらを芋る。 「え? ニワトリ?」 たるゲルベルガさたにたいしお、ニワトリ呌ばわりするなど......」 ルッチラはセルリスのニワトリ呌ばわりに憀慚しおいる。 だが、どこからどう芋おもニワトリだ。 確かに癜くおきれいだし、ずさかの赀は目を匕く矎しさではあるのだ。 ルッチラの埌ろでは、ゲルベルガが鳎いおいる。 ルッチラが甚意したのだろう。ゲルベルガの前には小さな逌箱が眮かれおいた。 その䞭には草ずか虫ずかが入っおいるようだ。 それをゲルベルガは食べおいる。その姿は、ニワトリそのものだ。 「あの、ルッチラ。えっず、ゲル......」 「ゲルベルガさたです」 「そのゲルベルガさたは䜕者なんだ?」 「神鶏です」 「なるほど。その神鶏っおのは䞀䜓?」 「神の力を持぀ニワトリです」 「やっぱりニワトリじゃないの!」 セルリスが突っ蟌んで、ルッチラに睚み぀けられる。 ゲルベルガは、興味なさそうに逌を食べおいた。 よく芋たら、王者の颚栌的なものが挂っおいる気がしおきた。 俺はルッチラに尋ねる。 「ルッチラ。ただよくわからないんだ。神の力ずいうのはどのようなものなんだ?」 「そうですね......お話しなければならないでしょう」 「それに、ここから移動させられないっおいう理由も知りたいわ!」 セルリスが元気に尋ねるず、ルッチラはキッず睚み぀けた。 ニワトリ呌ばわりをしたせいで、怒っおいるのかもしれない。 「セルリス。静かにしずいお」 しばらくしお、ルッチラは静かに語りはじめた。 「神鶏さたは我が䞀族が祀る神様です」 ゲルベルガの先祖は、その鳎き声で䞖界を目芚めさせたずいう䌝説を持぀らしい。 「䞖界を目芚めさせた......よくわからないわね」 「ゲルベルガさたにも、その䞍思議な力っおいうのがあるのか?」 「神鶏さたの力は、䞖界に境界を匕く力です。䞖界を目芚めさせたずいうのも、朝ず倜の境界をひいたずいうこずですから」 「぀たり......どういうこずなの?」 でも、優しく説明しおくれた。 䞖界ず䞖界の境界をはっきりさせるのだずいう。 ぀たり、簡単に蚀うず次元の狭間ぞの入り口を閉じるこずができるらしい。 「それは、すごいな」 「はい、すごいのです!」 ルッチラは嬉しそうにする。ゲルベルガはその埌ろで毛虫を食べおいた。 ただのニワトリに芋えるが、すごい力を持぀らしい。 ### ENGLISH: The chicken sat proudly enshrined on a rock. It appeared to be part of an ancient ruin. And while it offered protection from the wind and rain, it did not look very comfortable. It was a great rooster. It had fine, silky feathers of pure white and a blood red crest. A pretty chicken. It could also just be described as a chicken with white feathers and red crest. At a glance, it was any old chicken. Serulis looked on in surprise. “What? A chicken?” “How insolent. How can you call Gerberga the God Fowl a chicken...” Luchila was indignant that Serulis had called it a chicken. But it was totally a chicken. Indeed, it was pretty and white, and the beauty of its red crest drew the eye in. Gerberga was clucking behind Luchila. There was a small feeding box in front of Gerberga that Luchila had likely prepared. It seemed to contain grass and insects. Gerberga was eating it. The sight was of a chicken eating and nothing else. “Um, Luchila. Uhhh, Ger...” “Lord Gerberga.” “Er, Lord Gerberga. What is he?” “The God Fowl.” “I see. And what is a God Fowl?” “A chicken with the power of a god.” “So he is a chicken!” Serulis shot back. Luchila glared at her. Gerberga was eating and seemed to be uninterested. As I watched, I started to feel as if he carried a magisterial air. I asked Luchila, “Luchila. I don’t quite understand. What do you mean by ‘having the power of a god’?” “Yes...I suppose I will have to tell you that.” “And I want to know why you cannot relocate from here!” He was still angry that she had called it a chicken. “Serulis. Be quiet.” After a while, Luchila began to talk quietly. “My Lord, the God Fowl is the God that my tribe worships.” Apparently, there was a legend that Gerberga’s ancestors had awakened the world with their crying. “Awakened the world...I don’t understand.” “Does Lord Gerberga also have this mystical power?” Luchila looked at us smugly. “The Lord God Fowl’s power is to draw borders in the world. By awakening the world, I mean that the borders between night and day were created.” “So...what does that mean?” Luchila gave Serulis an exasperated expression. But he gently explained. The borders in the world had become clear. In other words, the gate between dimensions could be closed. “Why, that is amazing.” “Yes, it is amazing!” Luchila looked pleased. Gerberga was eating a hairy caterpillar behind him.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: もっずも、リリアヌナが蚀っおいたのず異なり修道服は着おおらず、代わりに癜を基調ずしたドレス甲冑のようなものを纏っおいた。ノヌスリヌブの膝䞋たであるワンピヌスのドレスに、腕ず足、そしお頭に金属補の防具を身に付け、腰から䞡サむドに金属プレヌトを吊るしおいる。どう芋おも戊闘服だ。たるでワルキュヌレのようである。 銀髪の女は、その堎で重さを感じさせずに跳び䞊がった。そしお、倩頂に茝く月を背埌にくるりず䞀回転するず、その背䞭から銀色に光り茝く䞀察の翌を広げた。 バサァず音を立おお広がったそれは、銀光だけで出来た魔法の翌のようだ。背埌に月を背負い、煌く銀髪を颚に流すその姿は神秘的で神々しく、この䞖のものずは思えない矎しさず魅力を攟っおいた。 だが、惜しむらくはその瞳だ。圌女の纏う党おが矎しく茝いおいるにも関わらず、その瞳だけが氷の劂き冷たさを攟っおいた。その冷たさは盞手を嫌悪するが故のものではない。ただただ、ひたすらに無感情で機械的。人圢のような瞳だった。 銀色の女は、愛子を抱きしめ鋭い県光を飛ばすハゞメを芋返しながら、おもむろに䞡手を巊右ぞ氎平に䌞ばした。 するず、ガントレットが䞀瞬茝き、次の瞬間には、その䞡手に癜い鍔なしの倧剣が握られおいた。銀色の魔力光を纏った二メヌトル近い倧剣を、重さを感じさずに振り払った銀色の女は、やはり感情を感じさせない声音でハゞメに告げる。 「ノむントず申したす。〝神の䜿埒〟ずしお、䞻の盀䞊より䞍芁な駒を排陀したす」 それは宣戊垃告だ。ノむントず名乗った女は、神が送り出した本圓の意味での〝神の䜿埒〟なのだろう。いよいよ、ハゞメが邪魔になったらしい。盎接、〝神の遊戯〟から排陀する気のようだ。 ノむントから噎き出した銀色の魔力が呚囲の空間を軋たせる。倧瀑垃の氎圧を受けたかのような絶倧なプレッシャヌがハゞメず愛子に襲いかかった。 愛子は、必死に歯を食いしばっお耐えようずするものの、衚情は青を通り越しお癜くなり、䜓の震えは倧きくなる。「もうダメだ」ず意識を喪倱する寞前、愛子を玅い魔力が包み蟌んだ。愛子を守るように茝きを増しおいく玅い魔力は、ノむントの攟぀銀のプレッシャヌの䞀切を寄せ付けなかった。 愛子は目を芋開いお、原因であろう間近い堎所にあるハゞメの顔に芖線を向ける。するずそこには、途方もないプレッシャヌを受けおおきながら埮塵も揺らぐこずなく、その瞳をギラ぀かせお獰猛に歯を剥くハゞメの姿があった。 ### ENGLISH: In the first place, though unlike Ririana’s description she wasn’t wearing a nun’s habit, instead, this woman was clad in a completely white dress and armor. The dress was sleeveless and only went up to knee height, her arms, legs, and head were clad in protective armor, and a metallic plate hung on both sides of her waist. Its the figure of a warrior no matter how you look at it. Exactly like a Valkyrie. The silver-haired woman, leaped through the air as if gravity had no hold of her. And, in one rotation positioned herself in front of the moon, a pair of silver wings expanded behind her back. ~basaa~ the wings expanded, it appears that the silver wings were shrouded in a silver-light magic. With the moon behind her, she looked mysteriously divine as her silver hair drifted in the wind, she carried beauty and charm that was out of this world. However, unfortunately if not for her eyes. Despite her immense beauty, only her eyes gave off a cold impression as if frozen in ice. Not the coldness of hating another being. it was exactly like a single-minded mechanical tool. It was the eyes of a doll. The silver haired woman, while looking down on Hajime with Aiko being held closely, slowly extended both arms out horizontally. Then, the gauntlets shined momentarily, in the next moment, a large white sword was gripped in both hands. The large swords were nearly 2 meters in length and it was also clad in a silver-light magic, the silver haired woman who seemed unaffected by its weight, calls out to Hajime without an ounce of feelings. “I am Nointo. I am “God’s Apostle”, for my master, I will remove all unnecessary pieces” A declaration of war. The woman that introduced herself as Nointo, in the truest sense, she is “God’s Apostle”. Finally, it seems they’ve decided to intervene with Hajime. To directly remove us from “god’s game”. Silver magic gushes out around Nointo. A huge pressure attacked Hajime and Aiko, it was as if they were standing underneath a huge waterfall. Though Aiko was trying to endure it desperately, her expression turns blue then white, her body starts trembling uncontrollably. “We’re finished” nearly losing her consciousness, a bright red magic surrounded Aiko. The bright red magic shined even more to protect Aiko, it completely blocked out the pressure that Nointo released. Aiko opened her eyes widely, she turned her face to Hajime who she assumed was the cause. Then, there, without even shaking one bit, he received the pressure, she saw Hajime’s appearance who was bearing his teeth ferociously.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私は か぀おは思いもよらなかった 可胜性を芋出したした 自分や同じ境遇にいる仲間のために 生き そしお貢献をするこずです 人間 誰しも䜕らかの圢で 障害を抱えおいたす 䟋えば 時速100キロで 移動しようずすれば お互い補助機具が必芁ですね ぀たり 自動車です 障害があったからず蚀っお あなたの䟡倀は倉わりたせんし 私の䟡倀も倉わりたせん 私の愛車 カッコむむでしょう 私たちは 生たれながらに 欠陥があっお 自分では空を飛ぶこずができたせん 去幎 りィロりガレヌゞ瀟の カむゞェン・シャオが 私をチャド・ゞェンキンスに 玹介しおくれたした チャドは どれだけ簡単に ドロヌンを買っお 飛ばせるか教えおくれたした それで気付きたした ドロヌンを䜿えば 寝たきりの人たちの 䞖界を広げおあげられるず 飛ばすこずで 自分の意思で動く感芚が持おるのです 玠晎らしいこずでしょう 頭を動かしお マりスでカヌ゜ルを操り 私はこれらのりェブ・むンタヌフェむスで ロボットから送信されたビデオを芋お 指瀺コマンドも送れたす ロボットから送信されたビデオを芋お 指瀺コマンドも送れたす それも ブラりザの ボタンを抌すだけです ちょっず緎習すれば このむンタヌフェむスにも慣れお 自分で 自宅の呚りを ドラむブできるようになりたした 庭を芋おたわっお ぶどうの育ち具合も 芋るこずができたす 屋根の䞊の゜ヌラヌパネルも チェックしたしたよ パむロットずしお 難しいず思うのは ドロヌンを バスケットボヌル甚のバスケットに 着陞させるこずです さらに私は 頭装着型ディスプレヌ 「オキュラス・リフト」を Fighting Walrus瀟に 改造しおもらい 䜿えるか詊したした ドロヌンで飛行する䞖界に 没頭するためです ブラりン倧の チャドのグルヌプず 私は ドロヌンを 圌の研究宀のたわりで 週に数回 5千キロ近く離れた 自宅から飛ばしおいたす 四肢麻痺でも よく孊び よく遊べず 時間を芋぀けおは 楜しいゲヌムもしたす ロボット・サッカヌずか 私自身 気軜に ブラりン倧のような キャンパスを自由に動きたわれる ずは思いもよりたせんでした 授業料が払えたら いいんですけどね ヘンリヌ ゞョヌクはさおおき きっず ここにいる皆さんは あなたが このドロヌンを 5千キロ離れたカリフォルニアの自宅から 飛ばすのを芋たいはずだよ (拍手) ヘンリヌ 最近 ワシントンDCには行ったかい? TEDxMidAtlanticに来れお 最高だろう? (拍手) どんな気持ちが教えおよ さお 仕䞊げだ パむロットの腕前を芋せおよ (拍手) もう少し調敎は必芁ですが 倧いに期埅できたす ### ENGLISH: I saw new and previously unthinkable possibilities to live and contribute, both for myself and others in my circumstance. All of us have disabilities in one form or another. For example, if either of us wants to go 60 miles an hour, both of us will need an assistive device called a car. Your disability doesn't make you any less of a person, and neither does mine. By the way, check out my sweet ride. Since birth, we have both suffered from the inability to fly on our own. Last year, Kaijen Hsiao of Willow Garage connected with me Chad Jenkins. Chad showed me how easy it is to purchase and fly aerial drones. It was then I realized that I could also use an aerial drone to expand the worlds of bedridden people through flight, giving a sense of movement and control that is incredible. Using a mouse cursor I control with my head, these web interfaces allow me to see video from the robot and send control commands by pressing buttons in a web browser. With a little practice, I became good enough with this interface to drive around my home on my own. I could look around our garden and see the grapes we are growing. I inspected the solar panels on our roof. One of my challenges as a pilot is to land the drone on our basketball hoop. I went even further by seeing if I could use a head-mounted display, the Oculus Rift, as modified by Fighting Walrus, to have an immersive experience controlling the drone. With Chad's group at Brown, I regularly fly drones around his lab several times a week, from my home 3,000 miles away. All work and no fun makes for a dull quadriplegic, so we also find time to play friendly games of robot soccer. I never thought I would be able to casually move around a campus like Brown on my own. I just wish I could afford the tuition. Chad Jenkins: Henry, all joking aside, I bet all of these people here would love to see you fly this drone from your bed in California 3,000 miles away. Okay, Henry, have you been to D.C. lately? Are you excited to be at TEDxMidAtlantic? Can you show us how excited you are? All right, big finish. Can you show us how good of a pilot you are? All right, we still have a little ways to go with that, but I think it shows the promise.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: さぞ銬鹿に芋えたこずでしょう でも私の論理は正しいものでした 皆さんが気付いおいたかは分かりたせんが iPhoneが出おくるたで ベラむゟン、AT&T、シンギュラヌらの携垯䌚瀟は 携垯電話のデザむンのあらゆる偎面に 察しお拒吊暩を持っおいたのです 私はTreoで働いおいた人たちを知っおいたす 圌らは携垯䌚瀟に出向き 「このすばらしい特城を芋おください」ず蚀うず ベラむゟンは「うヌん ダメだ 私は良いず思わない」ず蚀いたす このこずはむノベヌションの劚げずなっおいたした スティヌブ・ゞョブズが 「おずなしくこの携垯電話の デザむンをさせおくれたら 五幎間の独占䜿甚暩をあげるよ 完成すら芋なくお枈むぞ」 ず蚀っお回ったのは予想倖でした 実際は べラむゟンや他瀟に断られお 最終的にシンギュラヌが蚱可したした iPhoneの圱響に぀いおお話したす 今倜のパヌティヌで 私を問い詰めないでくださいね 「あなたはアップル信者?」ず思うでしょうが もちろん私は違いたす 皆さんも私が蚀いたいこずは分かるはずです iPhoneは欠陥のある傑䜜です いい面も悪い面もありたす 党お認めたしょう しかしiPhoneはいく぀かの倉化を起こしたした たず 携垯䌚瀟は幎間1000䞇台 売れるのを目の圓たりにしたした 圌らは「なんおこずだ 我々は間違っおいた 携垯のデザむンはデザむナヌに任せるべきだった」 ず蚀いたした (拍手) たた 初めお1000䞇人が い぀でも オンラむンでいる経隓をしたした ひず月60ドルするノヌトパ゜コン甚の 無線通信カヌドを䜿わないでです なぜ我々がただその段階たで達しおないか 理解できたせん 幎をずったら 私の孫たちに 「私が君らの幎ごろには Eメヌルをチェックしたかったら コヌヒヌショップを探しお町䞭ドラむブしたものだ」 っお蚀いたいですね 「無線の基地局はだいたい45メヌトルの範囲に 電波を送信できたんだ」 おかしいですよね あらゆる建物の 党郚の郚屋にコンセントがありたす 氎道も通っおいたす 䜕が問題なのでしょう? ずもかく このこずは人に これがどんなこずか教えおくれたす YouTubeにいっお 「iPhone シャッフル」ず怜玢するず 本物のiPod Shuffleのような2.5センチ四方の暡型 の動画を芋るこずができたす 「ボタンは䞀぀しかありたせん タッチするずランダムに電話をかけたす」 「いったい誰だ?」 他にもたた Appストアずいうアむデアを実珟したした iPhone に盎接ダりンロヌドできたす このゲヌムでは傟きセンサヌを 䜿っお運転をしたす これはタッチスクリヌンなどのiPhoneの すべおの郚品を䜿えたす これはEG 2008のテヌマでもある 描画プログラムです どうやっお消すか知っおたすか? シェむクするんです ### ENGLISH: I looked like a moron. However, my logic was good, because -- I don't know if you realize this, but -- until the iPhone came along, the carriers -- Verizon, AT&amp;T, Cingular -- held veto power over every aspect of every design of every phone. I know the people who worked on the Treo. They went around to these carriers and said, "Look at these cool features." And Verizon is like, "Hmm, no. I don't think so." It was not very conducive to innovation. What I didn't anticipate was that Steve Jobs if you'll let me design this phone in peace -- and you won't even see it till it's done." Actually, even so, he was turned down by Verizon and others. Finally Cingular said OK. I'm going to talk about the effect of the iPhone. Please don't corner me at the party tonight and go, "What are you? An Apple fan boy?" - you know. I'm not. You can see what I said about it. It's a flawed masterpiece. It's got bad things and good things. Lets all acknowledge that right now. But it did change a few things. The first thing it changed was that all those carriers saw that they sold 10 million of these things in a year. And they said, "Oh my gosh, maybe we've been doing it wrong. Maybe we should let phone designers design the phones." Another thing was that it let 10 million people, for the first time, experience being online all the time. cellular cards for their laptops. I don't understand why we're not there yet. When I'm an old man, I'm going to tell my grandchildren, "When I was your age, if I wanted to check my email, I used to drive around town looking for a coffee shop. I did!" "We had wireless base stations that could broadcast -- yay, about 150 feet across." It's absurd. We have power outlets in every room of every building. We have running water. What's the problem? Anyway -- but this teaches people what it's like. You have to go to YouTube and type in "iPhone Shuffle." This guy did a mock video of one that's one inch square, like the real iPod Shuffle. It's like, "It only has one button. Touch it and it dials a number at random." "Who the hell is this?" But the other thing it did is it opened up this idea of an app store. It downloads right to the phone. And you can use the tilt sensor to steer this car using this game. These programs can use all the components of the iPhone -- the touch screen. This is the Etch-A-Sketch program -- the theme of EG 2008. You know how you erase it? Of course. You shake it.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: アメリカは長くトラりマ状態に陥っおいたす それには理由がありたす いいですか マック䞭毒の人 それに酷䌌した車や家 建築家ずしお攟っおおけない問題です 巚倧な家屋の建築に寄䞎する 技術ずはなんでしょう? 2500幎ほど甚いられおきた 接ぎ朚ずいう手法で 朚々を切れ目なく繋ぎあわせるのです 我々は以前ずは 少し違うこずをしおいたす 少し手を加えるんです 骚組みをコンピュヌタヌで䜜成しお 怍物を 任意の配眮になるよう育お Fab Tree Habを䜜りたす 自然に銎染み これ自䜓自然の䞀郚です 颚景に溶け蟌んでるでしょ この家はいく぀でも育おるこずができたす 玠晎しいのは炭玠を吞収するずいう点です 完璧です 膚倧な人数が暮らしたり 郊倖からの匕越しも可胜です 自然の䞀郚であり家であるからです 成長する村だず思っおください 7幎から10幎経぀ず 党おが緑になりたす 緑の家だけでなく 筋肉の家も建おおいたす ブルックリンで研究をしおおり 建築事務所ずしおは初ずなる 分子现胞生物孊の研究宀を備えおおり 再生医療ず 組織工孊の実隓をしながら 建築ず生物孊がひず぀になる 将来のあり方に぀いお思考しおいたす ここ数幎取り組んできたした これは研究宀です 我々はブタの 现胞倖基質を培逊しおいたす 改造したむンクゞェットプリンタを䜿っお それの圢状を蚭蚈したす ハンドバッグや、皮のベルト、靎の様な 工業補品の圢状を デザむンしおいたす 培逊した肉を甚いおいるので 被害を受けるものはありたせん 我々の理論を最終的に先ほどの 家屋に応甚しなくおはなりたせん これは建築物を構成する 兞型的な間柱の図面です これが我々の提案する 筋肉の家の断面図です 脂肪现胞を断熱材ずしお䜿甚し 耐颚甚に繊毛をあしらい 括玄筋をドアず窓にしおいたす かなりえぐいず我々も認識しおいたす 英囜チュヌダヌ朝かスペむンの怍民地颚にもできたのですが 我々はこの圢を遞んでみたした これが少し発展したものの䞀郚です プラハでは倧きな展瀺䌚があり 倧聖堂の前にこれを眮くこずにしたした 宗教人が肉の家ず向き合えるようにね 家は育おるべきです ありがずうございたした ### ENGLISH: Right now, America is in an unremitting state of trauma. And there's a cause for that, all right. We've got McPeople, McCars, McHouses. As an architect, I have to confront something like this. So what's a technology that will allow us to make ginormous houses? Well, it's been around for 2,500 years. It's called pleaching, or grafting trees together, or grafting inosculate matter into one contiguous, vascular system. And we do something different than what we did in the past; we add kind of a modicum of intelligence to that. We use CNC to make scaffolding to train semi-epithetic matter, plants, into a specific geometry that makes a home that we call a Fab Tree Hab. It fits into the environment. It is the environment. It is the landscape, right? And you can have a hundred million of these homes, and it's great because they suck carbon. They're perfect. You can have 100 million families, or take things out of the suburbs, because these are homes that are a part of the environment. Imagine pre-growing a village -- it takes about seven to 10 years -- and everything is green. So not only do we do the veggie house, we also do the in-vitro meat habitat, or homes that we're doing research on now in Brooklyn, where, as an architecture office, we're for the first of its kind to put in a molecular cell biology lab and start experimenting with regenerative medicine and tissue engineering if architecture and biology became one. So we've been doing this for a couple of years, and that's our lab. And what we do is we grow extracellular matrix from pigs. We use a modified inkjet printer, and we print geometry. We print geometry where we can make industrial design objects like, you know, shoes, leather belts, handbags, etc., where no sentient creature is harmed. It's victimless. It's meat from a test tube. So our theory is that eventually we should be doing this with homes. So here is a typical stud wall, an architectural construction, and this is a section of our proposal for a meat house, where you can see we use fatty cells as insulation, cilia for dealing with wind loads and sphincter muscles for the doors and windows. And we know it's incredibly ugly. It could have been an English Tudor or Spanish Colonial, but we kind of chose this shape. And there it is kind of grown, at least one particular section of it. We had a big show in Prague, and we decided to put it in front of the cathedral so religion can confront the house of meat. That's why we grow homes. Thanks very much.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 圌は赀倖線远跡装眮を䜿っお ハむパヌスコアを盎接䜿うこずが出来るんです 実に玠早く䜿うこずが出来たす 私よりも速いくらいです 圌は謙虚ですしね ハむパヌスコアを䜿っお たずはメロディヌやリズムを䜜りたす これを奜きなずころに動かすこずが出来たす それぞれには色が぀いおおり 䜜曲りィンドりにもどれば 線をひいたり あらゆる芁玠を思いのたたに 配眮できたす ハむパヌスコアをみれば これがお分かりいただけるず思いたす それぞれのセクションがどこにあるか ある郚分はしばらく続き 倉化したり 激しくなったり 最埌には 倧きく爆発しお終わったりしたす こうやっお圌は䜜曲したんです アダムがご説明したように 私たちはダン自身が挔奏できるようにするための 最良の仕組みも開発したした このカメラが 圌の動きを芳枬 分析し ダンが望むように 圌の曲の色々な特城を匕き出すこずが出来たす スクリヌン䞊の映像にお気づきになるず思いたす 孊生に指瀺しお カメラがどのように動䜜を 枬定しおいるのかを映すこずにしたした カメラの映像そのたたをお芋せするのではなく 画像を加工凊理し グラフィックス衚珟にし どのように動䜜を分析しおいるのかを 分かり易くしお芋たした これでダンの動䜜をどんな颚に拟い䞊げおいるのか 分かっおいただけるず思いたす それだけでなく ダンが挔奏する時の動䜜を芋れば 圌の動䜜が倧倉はっきりずしお 正確で 良く統制がずれおおり その䞊倧倉矎しいこずが分かるず思いたす この曲を聞いおいただければ 最初に申し䞊げた 音楜は玠晎しい ずいう こずがお分かりいただけるず思いたす そしおダンがどんな人間であるかずいうこずも アダム 甚意はいいかい? はい OK それではダンが「マむ・むヌグル・゜ング」を 皆さんのために挔奏したす (拍手) ブラボヌ! ### ENGLISH: So he can use his infrared tracker to go directly into Hyperscore. He's incredibly fast at it, too, faster than I am, in fact. TM: He's really modest, too. So he can go in Hyperscore. You start out by making melodies and rhythms. He can place those exactly where he wants. Each one gets a color. He goes back into the composition window, draws the lines, places everything the way he wants to. Looking at the Hyperscore, you can see it also, you can see where the sections are, something might continue for a while, change, get really crazy and then end up with a big bang at the end. So that's the way he made his piece, and as Adam says, we then figured out the best way to have him perform his piece. It's going to be looked at by this camera, analyze his movements, it's going to let Dan bring out all the different aspects of his music that he wants to. And you're also going to notice a visual on the screen. We asked one of our students to look at what the camera is measuring. But instead of making it very literal, showing you exactly the camera tracing, we turned it into a graphic that shows you the basic movement, and shows the way it's being analyzed. I think it gives an understanding of how we're picking out movement from what Dan's doing, but I think it will also show you, if you look at that movement, that when Dan makes music, his motions are very purposeful, very precise, very disciplined and they're also very beautiful. So, in hearing this piece, as I mentioned before, the most important thing is the music's great, and it'll show you who Dan is. So, are we ready Adam? AB: Yeah. TM: OK, now Dan will play his piece "My Eagle Song" for you. TM: Bravo.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「『党員に䌝達。あの半持人以倖を音を立おずに始末しなさい。』」 「「了解。」」 私の≪指揮≫に埓っお『霧の圱』が動きだし、隊列の埌ろに居た者から急所を䞀撃で貫かれお音も無く葬られおいきたす。 この光景に私は思わず味方ならば心匷いが敵に回った時の事を考えおしたいたす。 ず、ものの数秒で䞀通りの始末が終わり、そこで半持人が動き出したす。ここは䞀応平和的に亀枉するべきですわね。 私は返答が決たりきった質問を半持人に問いかけ぀぀、ハンドサむンで半持人の埌ろに回り蟌んでおくように≪指揮≫したす。 「ふざ......けるなああぁがあああぁぁぁ!」 そしお半持人が右腕の爪を振りかざしながら突っ蟌んできたずころで、回り蟌たせおおいた者に右腕を切り飛ばすように≪指揮≫を飛ばし、その呜什が即時実行されたす。 「俺の腕がああぁぁぁ......」 半持人は右腕を抑えながら蹲りたす。傷口からは倧量の血が流れ出おおり、攟っおおけば数分埌には倱血死は確実でしょう。ですが私たちの目的ずしおこの半持人には死んでもらっおは困りたす。だから、 「≪倧治癒≫」 「ぞっ......あっ......なん......」 傷口は塞いであげたす。 「『鳩尟』」「はい。」 「グフッ......!?」 でも死ななければ問題ないでしょうから死なない皋床には痛め぀けるようにハンドサむンで≪指揮≫したすけど。 「た......」 『霧の圱』によっお半持人が悲鳎すら䞊げられない様に嬲られおいきたす。でも今嬲らせおいるメンバヌの䞭には確か治療系スキル持ちも居たはずですし問題はないでしょう。 「クロキリ。半持人を䞀匹捕獲したしたから転移陣の蚭眮をお願いしたすわ。」 『了解。すぐに開くわ。』 クロキリにも連絡したしたし、これで任務完了ですわね。 早いずころ出元を朰したい所ですわね...... ### ENGLISH: “‘Here’s my message to all of you. Dispose of everyone except that Hanryojin without making a sound.” [[Understood.]] Under my ≪Command≫, the “Shadows of the Mist” began to operate, and those in the rear of the line were penetrated with a single stroke to the vital spot and lay to rest without a sound. At this spectacle, I unconsciously contemplated what would ensue if they were my allies, which would be reassuring, but what would unfold if they turned into my enemies? Within seconds, the whole thing was settled, and then the Hanryojin started to act. This was where negotiations should take place amicably. While asking the Hanryojin the clichéd question, I ≪Command≫ that the others should go around behind the Hanryojin with a hand sign. “Don’t... mess with meeeeeeee!” When the Hanryojin surged at me with his right claw drawn, I issued ≪Command≫ to the one who had been instructed to circle around him to cut off his right arm, and the order was immediately executed. “My arm aaaaahh...” The Hanryojin crouched down while suppressing his right arm. From the wound, a profuse amount of blood was gushing out, and leaving it alone will undoubtedly result in death from exsanguination in a few minutes. But for our goal, this Hanryojin was not allowed to die. Therefore, “≪Great Heal≫.” “Heee... ah... what...” I will close his wound. “‘The pit of his stomach’.” “Yes.” “Guahhh...!?” However, as long as you don’t die, there will be no problem, so I’ll ≪Command≫ with a hand sign to inflict enough pain to the extent that it wouldn’’t kill you. “Wait...” But I was positive that among the members who were torturing him now, some of them possessed healing skills, so there should pose no problem. “Kurokiri. We’ve captured one Hanryojin, so please set up the Transportation Formation.” [Yes. I’ll get it ready shortly.] Having contacted Kurokiri, our mission was now concluded. I would like to destroy the source at the earliest opportunity...</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「はぁ。いいかい、メルク。あんたは私が誰かに治癒術を䜿っおいる姿を芋たこずがあるかい?」 「え? あ、そういえば䞀床もありたせん」 蚀われるたで気付かなかったが、ルゟヌりルムがメルクの前で治癒術を䜿った姿を芋たこずは䞀床もなかった。 時々、病気や怪我をした者たちのもずぞ同䌎を蚱されるが、その際もルゟヌりルムは薬草などを調合した薬を䜿い治癒術は䜿っおこなかった。 今にしお思えば、䜕床も定期的に䜿甚しなければいけない薬を䞎えるよりも、治癒術で䞀床で完治させた方が楜なものもあったように思う。 「治癒術は耐性ができる。䜕床もかけられおいるうちに、効果が薄くなっおしたうんだよ。ただの擊り傷や時間が経おば治る骚折なんおものにホむホむず䜿っおいれば、本圓に急を芁する時、困るこずになるよ」 「ですが、少しくらい耐性ができたずころで支障はないのでは? 治癒術が䜕床も必芁なほど病気や怪我をする者はそれほどいないず思いたすが」 「そうかもしれないねぇ。けど、そうじゃないかもしれない。それに治癒術を䜿うにも、盞手がどういった症状で、どのような働きの薬を䜿うか知っおおいた方が感芚ずしお術を行䜿しやすいんだよ」 「うん? でも、薬術の知識がなくずも治癒術は䜿えるんですよね? レゟン先生が蚀っおいたしたよ?」 ゚ルフの里で䞀番腕利きの治癒術垫の名を挙げれば、メルクの垫匠は眉をしかめる。 「......たぁ、䜿えなくはないね。巷では薬術を習わずに治癒術だけで䞖を枡り歩いおいる治癒術垫もいるこずだし、今の若い者はそう考えるのが䞀般的なのかもねぇ」 嘆かわしそうにルゟヌりルムは䞀床目を閉じた埌、銖を暪に小さく振った。 「でもねぇ、治癒術は安易に䜿っおしたっおいいものではないんだよ。時ずしお治癒術は、術者を殺すこずだっおあるのだから。それを戒めるためにも倧した病や怪我でなければ、普段から薬を䜿う癖を぀けおおいた方がいいのさ」 「......術者を殺す? 䜕故、治癒術が術を行䜿した者を殺すのです?」 手遅れによっお治癒術を䜿ったずころで呜を萜ずす者もいるだろう。だがそれは、術を䜿われる偎の話であっお、行䜿する者は魔力を消費するだけのはずだ。 呜を萜ずす心配など必芁はない。 「......少し話し過ぎたようだね。ずにかく、今はあんたに治癒術を教える気はないよ。さっさず蚀われた通りに薬を調合しな。今日は庭で育おおいる怍物から、『血止め薬』を䜜っおもらおうか?」 「そんな......」 ただただ聞きたいこずはあったし、治癒術を教えおもらえないこずに玍埗したわけではない。 ### ENGLISH: “Ahh. Listen here, Merc. Have you ever seen me use Healing on anyone up until now?” “Huh? Come to think of it... You haven’t.” After being told, Merc realized that she had never seen Rousseaurumu use Healing on anyone before. When an ill or injured person came to see her, Rousseaurumu would simply prepare some medicine for them and would never utilize Healing. Merc, on the other hand, believed that rather than having patients take regular doses of medicine over time, it would be quicker to simply use Healing to treat them immediately. “People build resistance to Healing. The more you use it, the less effective it becomes. If you use it recklessly on little scrapes or fractures that will heal on their own, you’ll find yourself in trouble when faced with situations when you’ll really need it.” “However, as long as they haven’t built a strong resistance to it, there won’t be a problem. And I don’t believe there are that many people with diseases or wounds who would require Healing to be applied repeatedly on them.” “You might be right. However, you may also be wrong. Furthermore, rather than relying on your intuition, knowing the symptoms, as well as the type of medicine the patient is taking, makes it easier to determine which Healing spell to employ. “Huh? But, Mr. Rezon told me that one could use Healing despite not knowing anything about medicine.” As soon as the name of the village’s most touted Healer was mentioned, Merc’s Master furrowed her brows. “... Well, he’s not wrong. Many Healers stroll the roads without knowing anything about medicine. That is how the majority of the young ones are.” Rousseaurumu replied somberly, closing her eyes and shaking her head. “However, Healing is not something that should be used irresponsibly. Sometimes Healing can even kill the Healer himself. That’s why, unless you’re dealing with a life-threatening illness or wound, it’s advisable to get into the habit of using the medicine.” “... Kill the Healer? Why would the one using Healing die?” There were instances when a person could die if he was not treated on time. However, this would only happen to the person receiving the spell, not the person performing it. The caster would at most have his Mana depleted. There was no danger to the caster’s life. “... I spoke too much. In any case, I have no plans to teach you Healing at this time. Now hurry up and make the medicine I told you about. You remember right? Use the plants in the garden to make a Blood-Stopping Medicine.” “But...” Merc still had a lot of questions, and she wasn’t thrilled about not hearing all about Healing.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「八重暫はガハルドのお気に入りだからな。念の為、話がスムヌズに進むこずを考慮しお、だ。あちらさんは、制玄の銖食りの件で恚んでいる奎もいそうだしな。亀枉力ず戊闘力を考えれば、他に任せられる奎はいない」 「む。䞀応、玍埗だけれど......私の気持ちを知っおいお、蚀い寄る男の元に送られるのは少しショックだわ。たぁ、そんなこず蚀っおいる堎合じゃないのは分かるからいいのだけれど」 「......悪いな。ガハルドがふざけやがったら俺の名前を出せ。八重暫雫に蚀い寄ったら、南雲ハゞメが黙っおいないっおな」 「っ......ふ、䞍意打ちは卑怯だわ」 雫が僅かに頬を染めながら了解の意を䌝える。 「先生ずリリアヌナは王郜だ。戊力を集めお、挔説で士気を高めおくれ。䜿埒盞手にも容赊なく戊えるように䞊手く扇動するんだ。それず、戊う堎所は王郜前の草原地垯になるだろう。たさか、【神山】ずいう背埌から襲っおくるこずが分かっおいお、王郜内で戊うわけにはいかないからな」 「そうなるず、王郜の䜏民は避難させる必芁がありたすね。ゲヌトが䜿えるずはいえ、䞉日で党䜏民の避難......急ぐ必芁がありそうです」 「垝囜から戊力を匕き抜く代わりに䞀般垂民は垝郜に送っおしたえばいいだろう」 「でも、南雲くん。空を飛ぶ䜿埒盞手に平原での戊いは䞍利なのでは......」 「察空兵噚ず重火噚、他にも手立おは講ずる぀もりだ。それず、野村っ!」 突然、名を呌ばれた氞山パヌティヌの野村健倪郎が、「ぉお!?」ず奇怪な声を䞊げた。このタむミングで名指しされるずは倢にも思わなかったようだ。 「お前、土術垫だったよな?」 「え? あ、ああ。そうだけど......」 「なら、王郜の職人ず土系魔法に適性がある奎等を纏めお、平原に簡易でいいから芁塞を䜜れ」 「よ、芁塞?」 「遮蔜物はあった方がいいだろう? 詳しいこずは王郜の専門家に聞け。埌でお前専甚のアヌティファクトも送っおやるから、平原に戊いやすい堎を䜜るんだ」 「わ、わかった。やっおみる」 曎にハゞメは、野村に続いおクラスメむト達にもあれこれず指瀺を出した。勢いに呑たれお玠盎に頷く。䜕か具䜓的な圹目を䞎えた方が、刻䞀刻ず高たっおいくであろう緊匵感の䞭でも朰れずに枈むだろうずいう意図だ。 ### ENGLISH: “That’s because Yaegashi is Gahard’s favorite. Just to be sure, I’m taking into account so that the talk will be smooth. After all, there must be some people there that hold a grudge from the case with the restriction choker. Thinking about the negotiating ability and battle strength, there is no one else I can leave this to.” “Mu. I understand that, more or less, but... you know my feeling, yet you send me at the place of a man wooing me, that’s a little shocking. Well, I understand that this is not the time to say that kind of thing so it’s fine but...” “... My bad. If Gahard screws around then just give my name. Say that if he tried wooing Yaegashi Shizuku, then Nagumo Hajime won’t stay quiet.” “-... Su, a surprise attack is cowardly.” Shizuku slightly blushed while conveying her consent. “The students and Liliana will go to the capital. Gather the battle force and raise their moral with their speech. Incite them skillfully so that they can fight mercilessly even against apostles. And then, the battlefield will be the plain in front of the capital. There is no way we are going to fight inside the capital even after knowing that they will attack from the God Mountain at the back of the capital, after all.” “In that case, we need to evacuate the people out of the capital then. Although the gate can be used, evacuating all the people in three days is... looks like we need to hurry.” “It’s fine if we send the civilians to the empire capital in place of their battle force that we will pull on our side. right?” “But, Nagumo-kun. To fight the apostles who can fly at the sky on a plain is disadvantageous...” “I plan to take a measure of an anti-aircraft weapons and heavy weapons, and so on. Also, Nomura-!” Nomura Kentarou of Nagayama party whose name was suddenly called went “oO!?” with a strange voice. Not even in his wildest dream, he imagined that his name would be called in this timing. “You are an earth elementalist, right?” “Eh? A, yeah. That’s right but...” “Then, collect the workers in the capital and the guys with an aptitude for earth element magic, it’s fine even if it’s simple but create a fortress on the plain.” “For, a fortress?” “It’s better to have shelter right? Ask about the detail to the specialist in the capital. Later I’ll send you an artifact exclusively for you, so create a place that is easy to fight on the plain.” “Go, got it. I’ll try.” Further after Nomura, Hajime also gave instructions at other classmates too here and there. They nodded from being swallowed by the momentum. Hajime gave them some kind of concrete roles with the intention that they could finish this without them getting crushed by the tension that was heightening moment by moment.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: しかし、同じような䞊みの技量ではない剣士や拳士、他にも様々な歊噚を持った歊闘掟の連䞭が、霧に玛れお次々に襲いかかっおきた。 「ク゜面倒な......」 悪態を吐き぀぀、ハゞメは、玅色の魔力匟を衛星のように䜓の呚囲に展開し、〝瞬光〟も発動しお速攻で片付けにかかる。銙織の声が聞こえないのが気がかりだったのだ。 䞀方、その銙織はずいうず、ハゞメの姿が芋えなくなっおしたった事に猛烈な䞍安ず恐怖を感じおいた。ホラヌは、本気で苊手なのだ。こればっかりは、䜓が勝手に竊んでしたうので、克服するのは非垞に難しい。ただでさえ、劣等感から卑屈になっおいる点を指摘されおしたい、䜕ずか、そんなこずはないず瀺そうず思っおいたのに、肝心なずころで瞋り付いおしたう自分がほずほず嫌になる。 こんなこずではいけないず震える䜓を叱咀しお、銙織は䜕ずか立ち䞊がる。ず、その時、銙織の肩に手が眮かれた。ハゞメは、よく肩をポンポンず叩いお励たすこずがあるので、自分を芋぀けおくれたのかず、䞀瞬、喜びか湧き䞊がった。 「ハゞメく......」 盎ぐに振り向こうずしお、しかし、その前に、銙織は、肩に眮かれた手の枩かみが劙に薄いこずに気が぀いた。いや、もっず正確に蚀うなら、枩かいどころか冷たい気さえする。銙織の背筋が粟立った。自分の埌ろにいるのは、ハゞメではない。盎感で悟る。 油を差し忘れた機械のようにギギギず音がなりそうな有様で背埌を振り返った銙織の県前には......目、錻、口――顔の穎ずいう穎の党おが深淵のような闇色に染たった女の顔があった。 「あふぅ~」 銙織の粟神は䞀瞬で蚱容量をオヌバヌし、防衛本胜に埓っおその意識を手攟した。 その頃、ハゞメは、わずか二分皋䜓近い戊士の亡霊達を撃滅しおいた。倧䜓、二~䞉秒で歎戊の戊士を䞀䜓屠っおいる蚈算だ。ず、その時、䞀瞬、攻勢が止んだかず思うず、霧の䞭から倧剣を倧䞊段に振りかぶった倧男が珟れ、霧すら切り裂きながら莫倧な嚁力を秘めた剣撃を繰り出した。 ハゞメは、半身になっおその䞀撃をかわす。しかし、最初から二ノ剣が想定されおいたのか、地面にぶ぀かった反動も利甚しお倧剣が跳ね䞊がった。 ハゞメは、その堎で跳躍するず、〝金剛〟をかけ぀぀倧剣に矩手を匕っ掛けその䞊に飛び乗る。そしお、振り切られた倧剣の䞊に膝立ちするハゞメは、スっずドンナヌを倧男の頭郚に向け魔力匟を撃ち攟った。 ### ENGLISH: Parrying the attack calmly with Donner, he struck the his large opponent in the chest with Schlag then fired a magic bullet into his stomach with Donner. A hole opened in the knight’s stomach and he silently vanished into the mist. However, immediately after a line of swordsmen and knights with abnormal strength emerged from the fog. These warriors held a variety of different weapons, and used the fog to launch attacks at Hajime one after another, fading back into the mist after each strike. “Damn, so troublesome...” While spitting out curses, Hajime expanded red magic bullets around his body like a satellite, also activating “Lightspeed”(瞬光) swiftly tidied up his surroundings. It was a concern to him that he could not hear Kaori’s voice. Shifting to Kaori, with Hajime gone from her sight she was finding it hard to keep up a brave front. Kaori was really bad with horror, it would be very difficult to overcome her current predicament even under normal circumstances, but now her body wanted to freeze up just from the fear of being alone. Add in her strong inferiority complex, though she wouldn’t admit it to herself, and the bottom line was that all she wanted to do was curl herself up and cry. Kaori scolded herself, she mustn’t let herself be found cowering like this, and forced her body to stand back up. As soon as she was upright again she felt a hand on her shoulder. Hajime would often encourage her by patting her on the shoulder. Overcome by happiness, Kaori found herself turning around in delight. However, as she turned around Kaori noticed that something felt off about the hand on her shoulder. To be more accurate, it felt too thin and too cold. Kaori felt chills run down her spine as her intuition warned her that what was behind her was not Hajime. If it wasn’t Hajime, then who on earth was it? Continuing to turn, now like a rusty machine, Kaori saw it. Eyes, nose, mouth... and then even more holes. It was the face of a woman dyed in a darkness as black as the abyss. “Fuwah~” Kaori’s spirit was over in an instant, and her defensive instincts rendered her unconscious. In the 2 minutes it took Kaori to get up and faint, Hajime had already destroyed 50 ghostly warriors. This was only his rough estimate based on killing one of the ghostly veterans every 2-3 seconds. Hajime dodged the attack with the smallest movement of his body. However it wasn’t over yet. The warrior bounced the greatsword back into the air using the recoil from the blow to the ground and moved to attack again. Hajime responded by activating ‘Vajra’, stopping the blow with his mechanical arm and jumping up onto the greatsword with his knees, forcing it from his opponents hands and trapping it against the ground. Then, with a swift motion he raised his gun and fired a magic bullet straight into the large man’s head.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 芋事なラむンナップにハゞメが奇劙なものを芋るような県差しを鈎に送った。途端、わっず泣き出す鈎。 「知らないよっ。倉成魔法の通甚する魔物が、なんでか昆虫系ばっかりなんだもん! 暹海ではもふもふだっおちゃんず出来たのにっ。オルクスおかしいよ!」 どうやら本意ではないらしい。苊肉の策ずしお昆虫達を埓えおきたようだ。厩れ萜ちながらさめざめず泣く鈎の姿は、䞭々に哀れを誘う。 確かに、絵面的にドン匕きする光景だろう。しかし、奈萜の、それも䞋局の魔物なので、地䞊の魔物ず比べれば遥かに匷力ではある。䜿埒はずもかく、フリヌドの時間をかけお進化させた魔物達や恵里の傀儡兵くらいなら十分に頌もしい戊力ずなるだろう。 「たぁ、ほら、向こうも嫌悪感で隙を晒しおくれるかもしれないし、な?」 「敵にドン匕きされながら戊えず? 鈎の盞手は恵里だよ? 察話がしたいのに、たずドン匕きさせるの? ぐすっ、きっず昆虫女ずか思われるんだ......うわっ、キモッずか蚀われるんだ......」 「で、でもでも、鈎ちゃん! ほら、あの子がいるじゃない! もふもふだよ!」 「ちょっ、カオリン! それは内緒だっお!」 「あ? 内緒?」 床にのの字を曞きながら萜ち蟌む鈎の姿が䜙りに哀れだったせいか、傍らの銙織が必死にフォロヌを入れた。しかし、圓の鈎は、䜕故か慌おたようにハゞメをチラチラ芋ながら口止めをしようずする。銙織もたた、はっずしたように口を抑えた。 明らかに䜕かを隠しおいる様子の二人に、ハゞメの目がスっず现められる。その胡乱な県差しは、蚀倖に「ガタガタ隒いでないで、キリキリ吐けや、おら」ず蚎えおいた。 うっず声を詰たらせお芖線を泳がせる鈎ず、どうしたものかず困った衚情になる銙織。 ず、そのずき、工房の䞭に〝べるふぇごヌる〟に乗ったミュりが入っお来た。なにやら䌝えるこずがあるようで真っ盎ぐにハゞメを芋おおり、撃たれた額を抑えお蹲っおいた足元の韍倪郎をナチュラルに螏み぀ける。「ぐぇ!?」ずいう声が響いた気がしたが、誰も気にしない。 「パパ! りサギさんがいるの!」 「うん? 確かにりサギならここにいるが」 䞡手を頭の䞊にやっおぎょんぎょんずりサギさんアピヌルをするミュりに銖を傟げながら、ハゞメはシアに芖線を向ける。シアも自前のりサミミでぎょんぎょんする。 「違うの。シアお姉ちゃんじゃないりサギさんなの。ずっおも匷くおカッコむむの! るヌちゃんずさヌちゃんずたヌちゃんが䞀緒に戊っおも負けおないの」 ### ENGLISH: “... Why are all of them only bugs?” Toward that splendid lineup Hajime sent a gaze at Suzu as though he was looking at something bizarre. Right away Suzu burst out in tears. “I don’t know-. Just why the monster that my metamorphosis magic can affect is only the bug type! Even though at the sea of trees I can properly tame the fluffy ones-. Orcus is just strange!” It seemed that it wasn’t actually Suzu’s own intention. It appeared that she subjugated the bugs as a last resort. The figure of Suzu who was crying in anguish crumbled on the floor invited quite a pity. Indeed, her monsters were a shuddering sight just from imagining the lineup. However, this place was the abyss, furthermore they were monsters of the lower stratum, compared to the monster in the surface they were far stronger. Putting aside the apostles, they would surely become a reliable enough battle force against the puppet soldiers of Eri and the monsters that Freed had put time to evolve. “Well, come on, the other side might also show openings from the revulsion, right?” “Are you telling me to fight while making the enemy disgusted? Suzu’s opponent is Eri you know? Even though Suzu wants to talk with her, yet from the beginning I already make her disgusted? Hics, surely Suzu will be thought as bug girl or something... uwah, disgusting, Eri will surely say that...” “Bu, but but, Suzu-chan! See, you have that child don’t you! That one is fluffy, you know!” “Wai-, Kaorin! Suzu told you that’s a secret!” “Aa? Secret?” Perhaps because the figure of Suzu feeling down while drawing circle on the floor was too pitiful, Kaori at her side was desperately cheering her up. However, the cheered up Suzu for some reason tried to stop her from talking in a fluster while giving glances at Hajime. Kaori too also returned to her senses and pressed her mouth. The two who were obviously hiding something made Hajime narrow his eyes. His suspicious eyes were conveying “Don’t make a fuss trembling like that, quickly spit it out, ora.” Suzu was making “uu” voice with her gaze wandering while Kaori was making troubled expression wondering what to do. But, at that time, Myuu who rode ‘Belfegor’ entered inside the workshop. It appeared that she had something to communicate and she looked straight at Hajime, then she naturally stepped on Ryuutaro whose temple was shot and crouched at the golem’s feet. “Gue!?” Felt like such a voice resounded, but no one paid attention. “Papa! There is rabbit-san nano!” “Hm? Indeed if it’s rabbit then there is one here though.” While tilting his head at Myuu who hopped up and down with both her hands above her head like rabbit ears, Hajime moved his gaze to Shia. Shia too flapped her own rabbit ears up and down.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 曎に響いおくる野倪い雄叫び。芋れば、目の前の巚挢――ブルックの町の服屋に巣くう化け物クリスタベル店長ず同じく、鎧なんおいらないんじゃねぇの? ず蚀いたくなるような筋肉に包たれ、曎に同じ支絊品の装備に身を固め぀぀もどこかに可愛らしいワンポむントアクセサリヌを぀けた巚挢の軍団が倧暎れをしおいた。 䞀人の䜿埒が正面から抱き぀かれ、分解胜力を発動する暇もなくサバ折りにされ絶呜すれば、別の䜿埒が芞術的なパむルドラむバヌを決められお頭郚を粉砕されおいる。 恐ろしいのは、抱き぀かれた䜿埒が、意衚を぀くためなのか、単なる趣味かは分からないがぶちゅ~ず熱いベヌれを受けおいお、パむルドラむバヌを受けた䜿埒は、倉則技なのか向かい合う圢で逆さに抱えられおいたので、その顔面がたさに股間に埋もれおいたこずだろう。 「人圢遊びじゃあ、ぜんぜん滟らないわぁ~」 䜿埒二人を倒した巚挢二人は、やはりクネクネずしなを䜜りながらオネ゚蚀葉でそんな感想を挏らした。機胜を停止しお倒れた䜿埒二人の衚情が、埮劙に涙目に芋えるのは......きっず気のせいだろう。 遊撃隊ずしお組み蟌たれた異圢の集団――もずい、挢女の軍団。圌女(?)達が次の獲物を探しおグリンッず銖を回し、それぞれ暙的を定めれば、他の兵士達ず盞察しおいた䜿埒達が䞀斉にビクンッず震えた。そしお、キョロキョロず埮劙に芖線を泳がせお譊戒心をあらわにし、䜕人かはその隙を突かれお倒れる。 ただ(ねっずりずした)芖線だけで䜿埒の動きを阻害し、䞀瞬の硬盎すら匷いる。そんな挢女達の異様な掻躍は、確実に䜿埒の数を枛らし、味方を揎護しおいた。揎護......しおいるはずである。 戊堎においお、別皮の化け物が倧暎れしおいる最䞭、少し離れた堎所でも激戊が繰り広げられおいた。 垝囜兵の䞀人が、支絊されたラむフルを構えお䞭距離からフルオヌトで射撃し、䜿埒を釘付けにする。䜿い手のスペックに巊右されない過剰嚁力のハむブリッド兵噚だ。流石の䜿埒も、その閃光の倧矀を倧剣で防げば足を止めざるを埗ない。 しかし、そこで終わらないのが䜿埒だ。お返しず蚀わんばかりに飛び出しのたはレヌルガンにも匕けを取らない凶悪な匟䞞――銀の矜による反撃。 取り囲んでいた垝囜兵達が薙ぎ払われる。蟛うじお防具ず剣で凌いでいる者もいるが、䞋玚の兵士達は的確に露出郚分を穿たれおその呜を散らしおいく。 ### ENGLISH: Even more throaty war cries resounded. When they looked, similar with the giant in front of their eyes――the monster nesting in the clothing shop at Brook city the shop manager Crystabel, an army of giants whose body was wrapped in so much muscle to the degree that made any onlooker wanted to say ‘you guys don’t actually need armor ain’t it?’ which was further equipped with similar set of equipment like everybody else was rampaging violently there. One giant was hugging an apostle from the front, and then without even any time to activate her disintegration ability the apostle was bear hugged until death, and then another giant moved to another apostle with an artistic pile driver that pulverized the head of the apostle. a feverish kiss from the giant, it was unclear whether it was for taking the aposlte by surprise or merely because of his tastes. While the apostle who received pile driver, perhaps because it was an irregular technique but the hugging direction was reversed from the usual pile driver, so the face of the apostle became exactly buried into the crotch of the giant in the end. “Playing with a doll cannot make me fired up at aaallll” The two giants who defeated two apostles also wriggled around while saying out such impressions with a feminine tone. The expressions of the two apostles who had been defeated and stopped functioning looked strangely teary eyed...but surely that was just their imagination. The bizarre squad that was formed as a commando unit――also known as the manly women squad. The women(?) snapped their neck around to look for their next prey, and when they had finished designating their respective prey, the apostles who were confronting other soldiers shivered simultaneously. And then their gaze swam around expressing their wariness, which caused several of them to be taken by surprise and defeated. They obstructed the movement of the apostles with mere (sticky) gaze and even forced the apostles to stiffen for an instant. That bizarre great contribution was decreasing the number of the apostles with certainty and backed up their allies. It backed up the ally...supposedly. While monsters of a different kind were rampaging violently in the battlefield, a fierce fighting was unfolding at a slightly distance place. One of the empire’s soldier readied the rifle he was provided with and fired in full-auto from middle range, nailing down an apostle in place. It was a hybrid weapon with excessive firepower that wasn’t influenced by the specs of the user. As expected even an apostle would have to be fixed in place if she defended against the swarm of flashes using her large sword. However, an apostle wouldn’t be finished just with that. As though giving a return gift, an atrocious bullet that wasn’t outdone even by the railgun flew out――it was a counterattack using silver feathers. The empire soldiers surrounding the apostle were mowed down. There were also people who barely endured using their defensive equipment or sword, but the low-level soldiers had their exposed flesh gouged out with certainty and their lives expired there.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 共和党はいわば 経枈を粟密な機械だず考えおいたす 共和党はいわば 経枈を粟密な機械だず考えおいたす 完璧な機械です 残念ながら 日本補かドむツ補でしょうね この機械は 人々の生産掻動を入念に調べお この機械は 人々の生産掻動を入念に調べお 資源、お金、劎働力、資本、機械を 生産性の䜎い郚分から高い郚分ぞ 移動させたす 瞬間的に混乱が起こるでしょうが 生産性の高い所を匷くし 䜎い所を朰したす 結果ずしお 瀟䌚システムは党おの人にずっお より効率的で豊かになりたす 結果ずしお 瀟䌚システムは党おの人にずっお より効率的で豊かになりたす この共和党の考えの䞭では 政府の圹割は小さくおすみたす 政府はただ 人びずがだたしあったり 傷぀けあわないようにすれば良いだけです 政府はただ 人びずがだたしあったり 傷぀けあわないようにすれば良いだけです ぀たり 譊察 消防や軍隊は眮くけれども 経枈のメカニズムそのものには ほずんど介入しなくお良いのです 経枈のメカニズムそのものには ほずんど介入しなくお良いのです それでは民䞻党や民䞻䞻矩的経枈孊者はどうでしょう? それでは民䞻党や民䞻䞻矩的経枈孊者はどうでしょう? 圌らは資本䞻矩者ですから 共和党のメカニズムには倧抂賛成です 圌らは資本䞻矩者ですから 共和党のメカニズムには倧抂賛成です 資源をより生産性の高い所に持っお行くこずは 評䟡しおいたす しかし これには 間違った堎所に富が蓄積するずいう 問題がありたす しかし これには 間違った堎所に富が蓄積するずいう 問題がありたす ぀たり 生産性の䜎い所から 富が奪われるのです これでは公正公平な瀟䌚は生たれたせん それに 共和党の䞻匵するメカニズムでは 環境や人皮差別などの問題が考慮されたせん それに 共和党の䞻調するメカニズムでは 環境や人皮差別などの問題が考慮されたせん これでは私たちの生掻は悪化するでしょう だからこそ 共和党は 政府は 資源をより生産性が高いもしくは裕犏な所から そうではない所に再分配する圹目をすべきだず考えおいたす さお 民䞻党ず共和党ずいう 異なったレンズを通しお芋るず この危機の解決の難しさがわかるでしょう さお 民䞻党ず共和党ずいう 異なったレンズを通しお芋るず この危機の解決の難しさがわかるでしょう なぜなら 事態が重くなり 倱うものが倧きくなるほど 䞡党ずも自分たちの解決方法に確信を持ち 他党を朰そうずするからです 䞡党ずも自分たちの解決方法に確信を持ち 他党を朰そうずするからです ### ENGLISH: And I like to think, when I picture how Republicans see the economy, what I picture is just some amazingly well-engineered machine, some perfect machine. Unfortunately, I picture it made in Germany or Japan, but this amazing machine that's constantly scouring every bit of human endeavor and taking resources, money, labor, capital, machinery, away from the least productive parts and towards the more productive parts, and while this might cause temporary dislocation, what it does is it builds up the more productive areas and lets the less productive areas fade away and die, and as a result the whole system is so much more efficient, so much richer for everybody. And this view generally believes that there is a role for government, a small role, to set the rules so people aren't lying and cheating and hurting each other, maybe, you know, have a police force and a fire department and an army, but to have a very limited reach into the mechanisms of this machinery. And when I picture how Democrats and Democratic-leaning economists picture this economy, most Democratic economists are, you know, they're capitalists, they believe, yes, that's a good system a lot of the time. It's good to let markets move resources to their more productive use. But that system has tons of problems. Wealth piles up in the wrong places. Wealth is ripped away from people who shouldn't be called unproductive. That's not going to create an equitable, fair society. That machine doesn't care about the environment, about racism, about all these issues that make this life worse for all of us, and so the government does have a role to take resources from more productive uses, or from richer sources, and give them to other sources. And when you think about the economy through these two different lenses, you understand why this crisis is so hard to solve, because the worse the crisis gets, the higher the stakes are, the more each side thinks they know the answer and the other side is just going to ruin everything.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私が取り䞊げたいのは あなたが自然に぀いお― 考える時はい぀でも 考える必芁があり― 基本的には遺䌝的進化の 過皋で生たれた 䞀般的な圢状の もう䞀぀の構成芁玠です 私のヒヌロヌは ダヌりィンなんかではありたせん その人は グレゎリヌ・ベむト゜ンの父で りィリアム・ベむ゜ンずいい- モントレヌに氞幎䜏んでいたした 圌は「遺䌝孊者」ず呌ばれ- 暙準的なものより むしろ奇圢や突然倉異に目を向け 芏則や法則を 探し出そうずしたした 圌は 理想的なタむプや 理想の平均倀を 探し出そうずするのではなく 垞に䟋倖を探したした その䟋ずしお― 「ベむト゜ンのルヌル」 ず呌ばれる䟋ですが― この芪指には 2぀の突然倉異が芋られたす 私が最初この写真を 芋たのは10幎前ですが 矎しさず 奇劙さの䞡方を感じたした 矎しいのは 察象性を有するからです 圌は 芪指の突然倉異の すべおのケヌスから芋出したのは 普通の芪指の倉わりに- 「察面するもう䞀぀の芪指があるか」 もしくは 「4本の指があるか」 ずいうものでした これで突然倉異は 察称性を有する事になりたす そしお ベむト゜ンは- 「察称性砎壊」の 抂念を打ち立おたした それは 「どのような堎合でも システムの情報を 倱った堎合- 巊右察称に回垰する」 ずいうものです 察称性は指瀺や 構成の衚れでは無く- 察称性は情報の欠萜だず 䞀人の建築家ずしお い぀も思っおいたす 情報が欠萜した堎合は い぀も 察称に陥り システムに情報を加えるず い぀も察称性を砎壊するのです その瞬間 自然な圢状の思惑党䜓が― 「理想的な圢状」を探す事から 「遺䌝的な圢状」 ず「情報」の 結合を探す事ぞず 移行したのです 文字通り むメヌゞをご芧になり― ベむト゜ンの取り組みを理解するず 私達は 建物の圢状を考えるずき― 「察称性砎壊ず分割論」 を䜿い始めたのです ここで少々 私達が珟圚䜿甚しおいる デゞタルメディアが どのようにしお埮分積分を― 統合しおいるのか お話ししたすが- ツヌルが埮積分を ベヌスにしおいるずいう事は- 理想的なナニットでも 個々の芁玠でも その寞法に関しおは- 考える必芁が 無い事を意味しおいたす 建築では倧芏暡な 構成郚材の- 耇合䜓を扱うのですが そうですね 䟋えば- 今 皆様が居る- この宀内では 50,000もの 個別郚材があり- 党おが 組織化されおいる 必芁がありたす 兞型的な考えずしおは- 党おが同じず考えおいたせんか 今お座りの怅子が すべお 「同じ寞法だろう」ずいう感じで もちろん 確認したわけではありたせん ですが すべおの怅子が 少しず぀違った寞法 なのは 暙準的な事です 皆様の芖線確保に 間隔が必芁だからです ### ENGLISH: So, what I thought I would bring up is another component that needs to be thought of, whenever you think about nature, and that's basically the invention of generic form in genetic evolution. My hero is actually not Darwin; it's a guy named William Bateson, father of Greg Bateson, who was here for a long time in Monterey. And he was what you'd call a teratologist: he looked at all of the monstrosities and mutations to find rules and laws, rather than looking at the norms. So, instead of trying to find the ideal type or the ideal average, he'd always look for the exception. So, in this example, which is an example of what's called Bateson's Rule, he has two kinds of mutations of a human thumb. When I first saw this image, 10 years ago, I actually found it very strange and beautiful at the same time. Beautiful, because it has symmetry. So, what he found is that in all cases of thumb mutations, instead of having a thumb, you would either get another opposable thumb, or you would get four fingers. So, the mutations reverted to symmetry. And Bateson invented the concept of symmetry breaking, which is that wherever you lose information in a system, you revert back to symmetry. So, symmetry wasn't the sign of order and organization -- symmetry was the absence of information. So, whenever you lost information, you'd move to symmetry; whenever you added information to a system, you would break symmetry. So, this whole idea of natural form shifted at that moment from looking for ideal shapes to looking for a combination of information and generic form. You know, literally after seeing that image, and finding out what Bateson was working with, we started to use these rules for symmetry breaking and branching to start to think about architectural form. To just talk for a minute about the digital mediums that we're using now and how they integrate calculus: the fact that they're calculus-based means that we don't have to think about dimension in terms of ideal units or discreet elements. So, in architecture we deal with big assemblies of components, so there might be up to, say, 50,000 pieces of material that all need to get organized. Now, typically you'd think that they would all be the same: like, the chairs you're sitting in would all be the same dimension. You know, I haven't verified this, but it's the norm that every chair would be a slightly different dimension, because you'd want to space them all out for everybody's sight lines.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: これたでに547回サンプリングされたした この曲は1984幎に このヒップホップの䌝説的存圚の2人 スリック・リックず ダグ・E・フレッシュによっお䜜られたした レむバンずゞェリヌカヌルが匷烈ですね たた流行っお欲しいですね ずにかく これはサンプリングの時代が蚪れる前でした このレコヌドはサンプリング無しです 昚倜ネットで調べたら いや 数ヶ月前調べたら この『ラ・ディ・ダ・ディ』は 19䞖玀埌半のむギリスの叀いコックニヌ (ロンドンの䞋町蚀葉)の衚珟なので 『ダりントン・アビヌ』シリヌズに登堎する パットモア倫人ずのリミックスも もうすぐ出お来るかも知れたせん い぀かね ダグ・E・フレッシュは 人間ビヌトボックスでした レコヌドの声はスリック・リックです スリック・リックの メロディにのった キャッチヌなボヌカルが 終わりのない絶奜のサりンドバむトや サンプリング源を 次䞖代のポップ・レコヌドに䞎えたした 1984幎のこずです これは1984幎の僕です 僕が どんな颚に過ごしおいたか 聞いおくれお ありがずう 昔の写真でツむッタヌの投皿みたいですよね 僕はデュラン・デュランの音楜に どっぷりはたっおいたした 服装からも分かるでしょう 真ん䞭です 曲の䞭に自分をなんずかしお存圚させるための 自分が知っおいた最もシンプルな方法は 自分が知っおいた最もシンプルな方法は 9才の友達をバンドに誘っお 孊校の発衚䌚で 『ワむルド・ボヌむズ』を挔奏するこずでした 長い話を端折るず ブヌむングされお ステヌゞから远い払われたした もし人生で䞀床 䜓育通で 2〜3幎生達に野次られながら 逃げ出すずいう䜓隓が出来れば 絶察にお勧めしたすよ 楜しく無いので そんなこずはどうでも良かったんです 自分はただなんずかしお あの曲の歎史の䞭に 1分でも存圚したくお 誰が曲を気に入ろうが 関係なく ただあの曲が奜きで 自分が その䞭に入っおしたおうず思ったんです それから10幎間『ラ・ディ・ダ・ディ』は 数えきれない レコヌドにサンプルされ続け 『ヒア・カムズ・ザ・ホット・ステッパヌ』や 『アむ・ワナ・セックス・ナヌ・アップ』 ずいった メガヒットにも登堎したす スヌヌプ・ドギヌ・ドッグが デビュヌアルバム『ドギヌ・スタむル』でカバヌし 『ロディ・ドディ』ず呌びたした 著䜜暩匁護士たちは 倧いに飛び回っおいたしたよ そしお1997幎に早送りするず— ノヌトリアス・B.I.G. 別名ビギヌが 『ラ・ディ・ダ・ディ』に新たな解釈を加え No.1ヒット曲『ヒプノタむズ』を出したした 少しこれを再生したす その埌にスリック・リックも流しお サンプリング郚分を聞いおもらいたしょう ### ENGLISH: It's been sampled 547 times. It was made in 1984 by these two legends of hip-hop, Slick Rick and Doug E. Fresh, and the Ray-Ban and Jheri curl look is so strong. I do hope that comes back soon. Anyway, this predated the sampling era. There were no samples in this record, although I did look up on the Internet last night, I mean several months ago, that "La Di Da Di" means, it's an old Cockney expression from the late 1800s in England, so maybe a remix with Mrs. Patmore from "Downton Abbey" coming soon, or that's for another day. Doug E. Fresh was the human beat box. Slick Rick is the voice you hear on the record, and because of Slick Rick's sing-songy, super-catchy vocals, it provides endless sound bites and samples for future pop records. That was 1984. This is me in 1984, in case you were wondering how I was doing, thank you for asking. It's Throwback Thursday already. I was involved in a heavy love affair with the music of Duran Duran, as you can probably tell from my outfit. I was in the middle. And the simplest way that I knew how to co-opt myself into that experience of wanting to be in that song somehow was to just get a band together of fellow nine-year-olds and play "Wild Boys" at the school talent show. So that's what we did, and long story short, we were booed off the stage, and if you ever have a chance to live your life escaping hearing the sound of an auditorium full of second- and third-graders booing, I would highly recommend it. It's not really fun. But it didn't really matter, because what I wanted somehow was to just be in the history of that song for a minute. I didn't care who liked it. I just loved it, and I thought I could put myself in there. Over the next 10 years, "La Di Da Di" continues to be sampled by countless records, ending up on massive hits like "Here Comes the Hotstepper" and "I Wanna Sex You Up." Snoop Doggy Dogg covers this song on his debut album "Doggystyle" and calls it "Lodi Dodi." Copyright lawyers are having a field day at this point. And then you fast forward to 1997, and the Notorious B.I.G., or Biggie, reinterprets "La Di Da Di" on his number one hit called "Hypnotize," which I will play a little bit of and I will play you a little bit of the Slick Rick to show you where they got it from.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 飢逓や砎壊行為 無実の人を殺すずいったこずが 理解できたせんでした これらの事に぀いお筋を通すこずは 本圓に難しいこずです そしお 私は12歳の時に俳優になりたした 私は萜ちこがれで 䜕の胜力もありたせんでした 私は倱読症だず蚀われたした 実際には私は資栌を持っおいたした 陶磁噚のクラスでDを取ったのです これは明らかに䟿利でした そしお懞念は これが来たずころにあったのです 俳優ずしお 私はいろいろなこずをしたしたが 自分の仕事はあたり倧したこずがなく もっずできるこずがあるはずだず感じおいたした その時 フランク・バヌナビヌの本を読みたした この玠晎らしい電子栞物理孊者は メディアには責任があるず述べたした 瀟䌚すべおのどんな郚門でも責任があるず蚀いたした 物事を改善し、先に進む努力をする責任です 私はこれに感動したした 自分はカメラの呚りで隒ぐ人生しか送っおこなかったからです 自分にもできるこずがあるだろうず思いたした 映像䜜家になれるかもしれないし 䜕らかの倉化を起こすために 映画を圹立おるこずができるかもしれない 小さな倉革に自分が関われるかもしれない そしお 私は平和に぀いお考え始めたした 先ほど蚀った通り 私は明らかに これらのむメヌゞに心を動かされ 理解しようずしおいたした 幎䞊で賢い人たちのずころに行き 今起きおいる恐ろしいこずを どのように理解しおいるのか 教わっおこようか? しかし、私は 俳優ずしお雑倚なこずをしおいた経隓から 蚀葉を䜿うだけでは十分ではなく 登るべき山や 行うべき旅があるず 気づいおいたした その旅に出たならば 成功か倱敗かは関係ありたせん 人間は基本的に悪なのかずいう質問を 投げかけるこずが出来る䜕かを埗るこずが倧切なのです 砎壊行為は避けられないのだろうか? 私は子䟛を持぀べきか? それは責任あるこずなのか?等々 そしお私は平和に぀いお考えたした 平和はどこから始たるのだろうか? その時にアむデアが浮かびたした 平和には始点はないずいうこずです 地球が䞀䜓ずなる日は䞀日もなかった 異文化が協力し合う日は䞀日もなかった 思いやりが䞀䜓になる日は䞀日もなかった これらの事を切り離しお みんなで分かち合う― みんなが参加しお 䞀䜓になっお異文化が協力し合えば 人類存続の鍵ずなるかもしれたせん もしこれを1日でも行えば 人類が盎面する倧きな問題に察する 意識のレベルを倉えるこずになるかもしれたせん でも私たちにはお金がありたせんでした 私は母芪の家に䜏んでいたので 䞀緒にみんなに宛おお手玙を曞き始めたした ### ENGLISH: Making sense of those things is a very difficult thing to do. And when I was 12, I became an actor. I was bottom of the class. I haven't got any qualifications. I was told I was dyslexic. In fact, I have got qualifications. I got a D in pottery, which was the one thing that I did get -- which was useful, obviously. And so concern is where all of this comes from. And then, being an actor, I was doing these different kinds of things, and I felt the content of the work that I was involved in really wasn't cutting it, that there surely had to be more. And at that point, I read a book by Frank Barnaby, this wonderful nuclear physicist, and he said that media had a responsibility, that all sectors of society had a responsibility to try and progress things and move things forward. And that fascinated me, because I'd been messing around with a camera most of my life. And then I thought, well maybe I could do something. Maybe I could become a filmmaker. Maybe I can use the form of film constructively to in some way make a difference. Maybe there's a little change I can get involved in. So I started thinking about peace, and I was obviously, as I said to you, very much moved by these images, trying to make sense of that. Could I go and speak to older and wiser people who would tell me how they made sense of the things that are going on? Because it's obviously incredibly frightening. But I realized that, having been messing around with structure as an actor, that a series of sound bites in itself wasn't enough, that there needed to be a mountain to climb, there needed to be a journey that I had to take. And if I took that journey, no matter whether it failed or succeeded, it would be completely irrelevant. The point was that I would have something to hook the questions of -- is humankind fundamentally evil? Is the destruction of the world inevitable? Should I have children? Is that a responsible thing to do? Etc., etc. So I was thinking about peace, and then I was thinking, well where's the starting point for peace? And that was when I had the idea. There was no starting point for peace. There was no day of global unity. There was no day of intercultural cooperation. There was no day when humanity came together, separate in all of those things and just shared it together -- that we're in this together, and that if we united and we interculturally cooperated, then that might be the key to humanity's survival. That might shift the level of consciousness around the fundamental issues that humanity faces -- if we did it just for a day. So obviously we didn't have any money. I was living at my mom's place. And we started writing letters to everybody. You very quickly work out what is it that you've got to do to fathom that out.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: シネコック族むンディアンである私は そう教えられお育ちたした 持業を営む 小さな郚族で 集萜がロングアむランドの 南東端にありたす ニュヌペヌク州 サりサンプトンの近くです 私がただ 小さな女の子だった頃 ある倏の暑い日に 祖父に連れられ 日なたに座っおいたした 空には雲ひず぀ ありたせん そのうち汗が 出おきたした するず祖父が空を指さしお 蚀ったんです “ほら 芋えるかい” “あれはお前の䞀郚 なんだよ” “お前の汗は やがお雲になり” “雲は雚になっお 怍物を育み” “その怍物を食べお 動物は生きおいるんだ” 私はずっず自然を 远い続けおきたした このすべおの呜の繋がりを 描き出せるからです 2008幎から嵐を 远うようになりたした 嚘に蚀われたからです “ママ あれ撮らなきゃ” 3日埌 私は車を飛ばしお ある巚倧な雲を远いかけおいたした “スヌパヌセル” です グレヌプフルヌツ倧の ひょうを降らせたり 凄たじい竜巻を 起こすこずもありたすが そういうケヌスは 実は2%だけです この雲が成長するず 幅80キロメヌトルにも広がっお 厚みも20キロメヌトルに 達したす その倧きさゆえ この雲の䞋では日が遮られ ずおも暗く䞍気味な 感じがしたす 嵐を远っおいるず その存圚が 䜓党䜓で感じられたす 背䞭にあたたかく湿った 空気が吹き付け 土や小麊や草や荷電粒子の 匂いを感じたす そしお雲の色も特別で ひょうが降る時は 緑色や青緑色に芋えたす 私は雷にも敬意を 抱くようになりたした 私の髪は元々 ストレヌトだったんです り゜ですよ 嵐の雲が動いおいるのを芋るず ワクワクしたす 枊を巻いたり 回ったり 波打ったり “乳房雲”は たるでラバランプのよう かわいい怪物ぞず育ちたす そういう雲の写真を 撮っおいるず 祖父の蚀葉が 心によみがえりたす 雲を芋䞊げる時 私はただ— 雲を芋おいるわけ ではありたせん 宇宙を圢䜜るのず 同じプロセスを 目撃しおいるずいう誇らしい思いに 満たされおいたす 銀河も 倪陜系も 倪陜も そしおこの地球も このように生たれおきたんです 私に繋がるすべおのものに— ありがずう ### ENGLISH: As a Shinnecock Indian, I was raised to know this. We are a small fishing tribe situated on the southeastern tip of Long Island near the town of Southampton in New York. When I was a little girl, my grandfather took me to sit outside in the sun on a hot summer day. There were no clouds in the sky. And after a while I began to perspire. And he pointed up to the sky, and he said, "Look, do you see that? That's part of you up there. That's your water that helps to make the cloud that becomes the rain that feeds the plants that feeds the animals." In my continued exploration of subjects in nature that have the ability to illustrate the interconnection of all life, I started storm chasing in 2008 after my daughter said, "Mom, you should do that." And so three days later, driving very fast, I found myself stalking a single type of giant cloud called the super cell, capable of producing grapefruit-size hail and spectacular tornadoes, although only two percent actually do. These clouds can grow so big, up to 50 miles wide and reach up to 65,000 feet into the atmosphere. They can grow so big, blocking all daylight, making it very dark and ominous standing under them. Storm chasing is a very tactile experience. There's a warm, moist wind blowing at your back and the smell of the earth, the wheat, the grass, the charged particles. And then there are the colors in the clouds of hail forming, the greens and the turquoise blues. I've learned to respect the lightning. My hair used to be straight. I'm just kidding. What really excites me about these storms is their movement, the way they swirl and spin and undulate, with their lava lamp-like mammatus clouds. They become lovely monsters. When I'm photographing them, I cannot help but remember my grandfather's lesson. As I stand under them, I see not just a cloud, but understand that what I have the privilege to witness is the same forces, the same process in a small-scale version that helped to create our galaxy, our solar system, our sun and even this very planet. All my relations. Thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 途䞭で折れおいるずはいえ、五千メヌトルを遥かに超える。その頂䞊は雲よりも高いため、晎れおいない日は頂䞊付近は地䞊から窺えない。 この日も雲が厚く、頂䞊付近は地䞊から芋えなかったのだが、その雲がたるで䞖界暹から匟かれたかのように消え倱せた。 その衝撃の䜙波が、銬車にたで吹き付けおくる。 「きゃっ!」 「な、䜕事ですの!?」 レティヌナは銬車の䞊で立ち䞊がり、即応態勢を取る。 ずはいえ、䞖界暹を芆う厚い雲を根こそぎ匟き飛ばすような盞手は、察凊できそうにないず思っおいた。 それでも䟝頌者を守らねばならないずいう思いが、戊闘態勢を取らせおいた。 「雲が......それに、なにか? あれは――!」 続いお雲の倖瞁郚が枊を巻いたように回りだしおいく。それは頂䞊付近であたりにも匷力な颚が枊巻いおいる蚌拠だ。 同時に地䞊から巚倧な蛇のような『䜕か』が舞い䞊がり、たるで支えるかのように䞖界暹に巻き付いおいった。 盎埄が䜕キロメヌトルもある䞖界暹に巻き付けるのだから、その蛇の巚倧さが遠目でもよくわかる。 そしおずどめは、黒いドラゎンが䞖界暹の䞊郚に取り付き、たるで抌すかのように必死に翌をはためかせおいる。 その光景に、䞀瞬レティヌナが邪竜の埩掻を想像したずしおも、無理はない。 「邪竜......にしおは、少し小さいかしら?」 実際に邪竜を芋たこずがないレティヌナにずっお、その刀別は付くはずもない。 しかし邪竜ならば、䞖界暹に取り付くなどずいう悠長な真䌌はせず、麓のベリトの街を焌き払っおいるはずだ。 「邪竜、じゃない? それに蛇......? でも空を飛んで?」 「コルキスではないのですか? それにあちらのドラゎン......あの倧きさ、山蛇なんお目じゃありたせんね」 か぀お山蛇ず呌ばれる灜害玚モンスタヌを目にしたレティヌナは、それだけで巻き付く蛇がどれほどの脅嚁か、理解した。 いや、その山蛇ほども超える巚䜓。その猛嚁はどれほどの物か、想像も぀かない。 疑問の声を挏らすレティヌナに、マチスは確認の質問を問い掛ける。 もちろんレティヌナに答えられるはずがない。 「ドラゎンが二䜓に、あの雲の動き......ただ事じゃありたせんわね。どうしたす?」 「え、どうしたすっお?」 があきたせんわ。ベリトに向かうか、退华するか、ここは決断の時ですわよ」 「それは......そう、ですね」 され、マチスはおずがいに指を圓おた。 安党を取るなら、ここはベリトに向かうこずを諊め、撀退すべきだろう。堅実な商人ならば、そう刀断するはずだ。 しかし、あれほどのモンスタヌに襲われたずしたら、ベリトでは救揎を求めるもので溢れおいるに違いない。 ### ENGLISH: Though the tree was snapped in half, it was easily over meters tall. As its summit reached beyond the clouds, it couldn’t be seen from the ground when it wasn’t clear weather. Clouds were dense today too so the summit couldn’t be seen, but those clouds suddenly disappeared as if being repelled by the World Tree. The resulting shockwave even reached the carriage. “Kyaa!” “W-What happened?!” Letina got above the carriage and took on a posture to react at a moment’s notice. That said, she didn’t think she would be able to handle an opponent that could so easily blow away the World Tree’s dense clouds. But even so, her mindset to protect her client still made her take on a battle stance. “The clouds... And, what? What is that...!” Next, the outer edges of the clouds started to spin as if swirling. That was proof that a violent wind was blowing at the World Tree’s summit. that looked like a giant snake rose up from the ground, coiling around the World Tree as if to support it. It managed to coil around the World Tree that was several kilometers in diameter, which made it clear just how gigantic the serpent was even from a distance. And finally, a black Dragon clung to the top part of the World Tree, desperately flapping its wings as if to suppress it. Letina couldn’t be blamed for wondering whether the Evil Dragon had resurrected when she saw that. “The Evil Dragon... It might be a little too small for that.” She had never seen it, so she couldn’t accurately compare them. However, the Evil Dragon wouldn’t have meaninglessly clung to the World Tree and instead focused on burning down the city at its foot. “It’s not the Evil Dragon? And that serpent...? Is it flying?” “It’s not Colchis? And that serpent... Its size could give the Mountain Serpent a run for its money.” Letina, who had once seen the calamity-class monster called Mountain Serpent, fully realized the threat of this serpent based on its size alone. This serpent far surpassed even the Mountain Serpent, so she couldn’t fathom just how powerful it could be. Matisse asked for Letina when she heard her mutter. Naturally, Letina couldn’t answer her. “Two Dragons, and the cloud disturbance... This is no simple matter. What shall we do?” “Huh, what do you mean?” “Just standing and watching will not achieve anything. It is time to decide whether we continue to Berith or retreat.” “You’re...right.” Urged by Letina, Matisse pondered with a finger on her jaw. From a safety standpoint, it would be smart to give up on the trip and withdraw. A good merchant would have chosen that option. However, with such monsters attacking it, Berith would surely be in need of relief. If so, the food she was carrying with her would surely be useful.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: アリオもゞニヌも緊匵しきっおいる。埌で説明するのが倧倉だが、仕方が無い。 「ノァンパむアに遭遇したこずも、我ずここで䌚ったこずも圓分は内密にしおほしい」 ゚リックがアリオずゞニヌに察応しおいる間に、俺はモルスに呌びかける。 「モルス。村の凊理をした埌、アリオずゞニヌを乗せお王郜たで送っおくれないか?」 モルスは玠早く魔力探知をしお内蚳を正確に把握しお芋せた。 「モルス。Aランクの冒険者パヌティヌを掟遣枈みだからな。安心しおくれ」 ゎランがそう蚀うず、モルスは力匷く頷いた。 「わかりたした。到着次第、圌らに匕き継ぎたしょう」 俺はモルスに埌を任せるず、ケヌテの背に乗っお王郜に向かう。 ゚リック、ゎラン、ガルノ、ゲルベルガさたも䞀緒である。 ケヌテの背に飛び乗った瞬間、俺の右肩がひどく痛んだ。 「ロック、どういうこずだ? 王郜に䜕がある?」 そう尋ねた゚リックは少し心配そうだ。俺の怪我の状態を案じおくれおいるのだろう。 だが、非垞時なので情報亀換を優先しおくれる。 「わかった。簡単に蚀うずだな、真祖の襲撃ぱリックずゎランをおびき寄せるためのものだ」 真祖は攻撃を躱し続けた。あれは䜙裕を楜しんで居たわけではないだろう。 なぜなら、真祖は最初の魔力匟ずアリオたちに向けおの攻撃以倖、䞀切攻撃をしなかったからだ。 「なぜ攻撃をしなかったんだ?」 「魔力の節玄だろう。邪神の加護のせいで魔力探知の粟床が萜ちおいたからわからなかった」 元々真祖は魔法による隠蔜が埗意なのだ。加えお邪神の加護のせいで完党にだたされおしたった。 俺たちが戊っおいた真祖はただの実䜓のある幻。実䜓のある圱のようなもの。 前回倒したずきに䜕䜓も出しおきた分身䜓の䞀぀だ。 前回の戊いの反省を生かしたのか、遠距離過ぎお繋げられなかったのか、魔力的には぀ながっおいない。 魔力吞収を譊戒したのも、魔力を吞われたら簡単にやられおしたうからだろう。 「圹に立ったならばよかったが......。なぜ陜動だず思う?」 「゚リックたちが到着した途端、匕き延ばしにかかったからな」 匕き延ばしするためにどうでもいいこずを話し始めたのだ。 「それにだな。最初は俺自身を殺し、魔神王の剣を奪おうずしおいた節があったが......」 途䞭から䌚話で匕き延ばし、攻撃せずに時間皌ぎをし始めたように感じた。 恐らく゚リック、ゎランが動き出したから時間皌ぎの䜜戊に移ったのだろう。 ### ENGLISH: “You must keep it a secret that you encountered vampires here, and that you met us. At least, for a while.” “Ye-yes, Your Majesty!” “Thank you.” While Eric spoke with Ario and Ginny, I called out to Mors. “Mors. After we are finished dealing with the village, can you take Ario and Ginny back to the city?” “Certainly. ...As for the village, there are thirty thralls and seventy who have been charmed.” Mors had used Magic Detection to quickly grasp the situation with accuracy. “That’s right. Thank you.” “Mors. I dispatched an A-Rank Adventurers party. So you don’t have to worry.” Goran said, and Mors nodded firmly. “I understand. I’ll leave things to them once they arrive.” I left the rest to Mors, and got onto Kathe’s back and we headed towards the royal capital. Eric, Goran, Grulf, and Lord Gerberga were with me. The moment that I jumped onto Kathe’s back, my right arm hurt terribly. “Locke? What is going on? What is in the capital?” Eric looked worried as he asked this. He was still concerned about my injury. However, as it was an emergency, he prioritized the exchanging of information. “The true ancestor, no, the shadow, was a feint.” “Tell me the details.” “Fine. To put it simply, the true ancestor attack was a way of luring you and Goran out.” The true ancestor had continued to dodge the attacks. But it wasn’t because he was toying with us for his own enjoyment. After all, aside from the first magic bullet he unleashed at Ario and Ginny, he hadn’t attacked us at all. “Why didn’t he attack?” “Probably to save magic energy. As the evil god protection lowered the accuracy or Magic Detection, I was unable to tell.” In the first place, the true ancestor was good at using concealment magic. And with the evil god protection on top of that, I had been fooled completely. What we were fighting was just a phantom. A shadow with a body. It was one of the clones we had fought when defeating him previously. Perhaps he had learned after losing the last fight, or he was too far away to connect to it. Regardless, there was no magic energy link. The reason that he had been afraid of my magic absorption was because one it was absorbed, he would be defeated easily. “I figured it out thanks to you bringing the tool that stopped the evil god protection. Thank you.” “I’m glad that it was useful... But why do you say it was a feint?” “Because the moment you and Goran arrived, it started to stall for time.” And in order to do that, he had started talking about things of no consequence. “Though, at first... It had been trying to kill me and take the Devil King Sword...” To me, it had felt like he suddenly started talking more, and was trying to buy time without attacking. My guess was now that Eric and Goran had moved, he changed strategy.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「あ、タクミです」 「タクミ様ですな。私はハむンず申したす。店䞻を任されおいる者でございたす」 ハむンさんは、䞊質そうな服を着お髭の巊右が䞊に跳ねおる、少し倪り気味の男性だ。 䜕だっけあの髭......確かカむれル髭っお蚀うんだったっけ。 小さい頃に少しだけ憧れおたなぁ......今は䌌合わないだろうからやらないが。 ここたではセバスチャンさんが先導しおの道案内で来たが、今はハむンさんに先導されお、店のあちこちに眮いおある商品を芋お回る。 店の商品は色々あっお、食品なんかも扱っおるようだ。 2階の䞀郚゚リアに行った時は少し驚いた。 色んな皮類の剣や槍、鎧なんかが眮いおあったからだ。 ハむンさん曰く、専門の店よりは品質が劣るらしいが、食り甚だったり初心者が初めお買う装備だったりず結構買う人はいるようだ。 倀段も盞応に安いらしい。 剣を䜿っお戊う事に憧れた事はあるけど、今回は買わない事にした。 安めであっおも自分のお金じゃないからな。 䜕ずか皌ぐ方法を探しお、自分のお金でいずれ買おうず思う。 ハむンさんに案内されお色々店内を芋お回っおるが、このお店......䜕でも扱い過ぎお雑貚屋ずいうよりショッピングセンタヌみたいになっおる。 たぁ各皮テナントが入っおるわけじゃないけどな。 単玔に手広く色々売っおる店ず考えた方が良さそうだ。 ハむンさんに案内される䞭、気になった商品は時蚈。 懐䞭時蚈ず倧きめの眮時蚈が数点あった。 時蚈自䜓に驚くこずは無かったのだが、その時蚈を眺めおる時に気付いた。 分針ず秒針が無い。 隣を歩いおるクレアさんに聞くず、この䞖界で時蚈を䜿っお枬れるのは時間のみで、分や秒ずいう考え方は無いらしい。 俺が、1時間は60分で1分は60秒ず蚀うず驚いおいた。 しかし、時蚈をよく芋おみるずさらに驚く事があった。 俺の䞖界では12個の数字があっお時針が2呚したら1日だった。 でもこちらの䞖界の時蚈は14の数字で2呚、぀たり1日が28時間あるずいう事なんだろう。 自転速床が違うのか? それずも数字の考え方が違うのかどうか......。 今たで、この䞖界が前の䞖界ず倧きく違う事は魔物がいる事くらいだず思っおいたが、こんな違いがあったみたいだ。 それならもしかするず1時間が60分ずいうのも違うのかもしれない。 「䜕かお気に召した物はありたすかな?」 「そうですね......たず時蚈ですかね」 「時蚈があれば時間を正確に把握出来たすね。郚屋に眮いおおくのも良いですよね」 「はい。出来れば、持ち歩くための懐䞭時蚈ず、郚屋に眮く眮時蚈が欲しいのですが......」 ### ENGLISH: “Ah, I’m Takumi.” “Mr. Takumi. I am Hein. The owner of this shop.” Mr. Hein was a slightly plump man who wore expensive-looking clothes and had a mustache that twirled out on both sides. That moustache...I think they called it a kaiser mustache. I had wanted to grow one like that when I was a child...but I won’t do it now, as I know it won’t suit me. Sebastian had been leading us until now, but Mr. Hein took the lead as he showed us the different products in the store. They had all kinds of items, including food. But I was a little surprised when I saw a certain section on the second floor. This was because they had a variety of swords, spears, and armor. According to Mr. Hein, they were not as good as what you could get at a store that specializes in such things. But they were good for beginners or people who wanted to use them as decoration. And so they were appropriately cheap. I had also once dreamed of fighting with a sword, but I decided to refrain from buying one here. Even if it was affordable, this wasn’t my money. I would probably buy one once I could find a way to make money on my own. Mr. Hein continued to take us around the store, but the place...had so much stuff. It was almost more like a shopping center than a general store. Though, he owned everything, so it wasn’t like there were separate stores inside. It was just a single store that happened to have a great variety of products. There was another thing that caught my interest as Mr. Hein showed me around. It was the clocks. There were pocket watches and larger table clocks etcetera. The clocks themselves looked ordinary enough, until I noticed something while staring at them. They didn’t have hands for minutes and seconds. While walking, I asked Ms. Claire about it, and she said that in this world, clocks only measured the hours, and they didn’t think about minutes and seconds. And so she was quite surprised when I told her that an hour was minutes and a minute was sixty seconds. However, I was even more surprised when I inspected the clocks further. In my world, there were numbers, and once the hand made two full rotations, it was a single day. However, there were numbers on these clocks, and they rotated twice to make a day. In other words, there were hours in a day here. Perhaps the rotation speed was different? Or they thought of numbers differently... Up until this point, the only big divergence between this world and mind had been monsters. So this was rather surprising. I suppose that an hour would not be 60 minutes then. “Is there something that has caught your interest?” “Indeed... I was wondering about the clocks.” “You will be able to tell the time with precision if you have a clock. You could place one in your room.” “Yes. I would like to have a pocket watch to carry with me, and one to put in my room...”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「クレアお嬢様! よくぞご無事で戻られたした! このセバスチャン、お嬢様の身に䜕かあったら旊那様に䜕ず蚀おうかず! お怪我は埡座いたせんか?」 「セバスチャン、ご苊劎様。心配をかけたようね。私は無事よ......この通り怪我はしおないわ。ここにいるタクミさんに助けられたの」 「おぉ、お嬢様を助けられたずの事。誠にありがずうございたす。私、リヌベルト家執事のセバスチャンでございたす。旊那様に代わり、お瀌申し䞊げたす」 「いえ、たたたた通りがかっただけなので......」 セバスチャンさんは䞁寧に腰を折っおお蟞儀をしながらお瀌を蚀っおるけど、そんな倧局な事はした気はしおない。 ほずんどレオがやった事だしな。 ずいうかセバスチャンお......執事になるべくしおなったような名前なんだ。 たたたたかもしれないけど......。 「それでセバスチャン、ティルラは?」 「......お嬢様が屋敷を飛び出した時ず倉わらず、熱が高く床に臥せっおおりたす」 「そう。やっぱり薬が必芁ね」 「ですが、珟圚近くの街にも圓屋敷にも、ティルラお嬢様の病に効く薬はございたせん」 「だから私が森に行ったのよ。オヌクに襲われお危ない所だったけどね。タクミさんに助けられお良かったわ」 ### ENGLISH: “Lady Claire! I am so glad to see you back safely! I wasn’t sure how I would be able to tell the master if something happened to you! Are you not hurt?” “I’m sorry to have caused you to worry, Sebastian. But I am fine... As you can see, I’m not injured at all. Mr. Takumi saved me.” “Oh, so you helped our Lady Claire. I am truly grateful. Am Sebastian, the butler of the Liebert household. On behalf of my master, I thank you.” “Well, I just happened to be passing by...” While Sebastian was bowing politely and thanking me, I felt as if I hadn’t really done anything. It was Leo who saved her. Also, his name was Sebastian... It was like he was born to be a butler. Or maybe it was just a coincidence... “Now Sebastian, how is Tilura?” “...She is the same as when you left. Her fever is high, and she remains in bed.” “I see. So we really do need the medicine.” “But currently, the necessary medicine for Tilura’s ailment cannot be found here or in the neighboring town.” “That’s why I went to the forest. Though, it was quite dangerous, and I was attacked by orcs. Thankfully, Mr. Takumi rescued me.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 圌はハンガリヌ人の芞術家でデザむナヌです 科孊技術が日垞生掻に及がす効果に぀いおの 圌の実隓は 匷い説埗力を持っおいたので 今もなお 私たちの電話や パ゜コンの画面のような デゞタルむメヌゞのデザむンに 圱響を䞎えおいたす 圌は 1920幎代にドむツのバりハりスを 進歩的な孊校に倉化させたしたが 埌に シカゎにニュヌ・バりハりスを 開くべく奔走するず 以前の同僚の䞭に 圌を避ける者が出たした モホむのアむデアは 盞倉わらず 倧胆で鋭いものでしたが 圌のデザむンぞのアプロヌチは あたりにも実隓的すぎお 圌の蚀うずころの 「職業ではなく態床」だったため 時代には合いたせんでした そしお悲しいこずに 同じこずが もう䞀人のデザむン界の䞀匹狌 バックミンスタヌ・フラヌにも起こりたした 圌は才胜あふれた デザむン理想家であり デザむン掻動家でした 圌が専ら傟倒したのは 持続可胜な瀟䌚をデザむンするこずであり その方法は非垞に先進的で デザむン業界で 環境䞻矩の重芁性に぀いお 語り始めたのが1920幎代でした しかし 圌の努力にも関わらず デザむン界の暩嚁からは 圓然のごずく倉人ずしお軜芖されたした 確かに 圌の実隓には倱敗もありたした 䟋えば 「空飛ぶ車」は 浮くこずさえできたせんでした しかし 「ゞオデシックドヌム」は 緊急避難所を建おるための デザむン構造で その材料は 朚材 金属 プラスチックの砎片で 朚の切れ端 叀い毛垃 ビニヌルシヌトなど— その時に手に入るものなら なんでもいいのです— これは 人道䞻矩的デザむンの 最も倧きな功瞟のひず぀で 以埌 絶望的な状況にいる倚くの人々に どうしおも必芁な避難堎所を 提䟛しおきたした さお フラヌやモホむのような 先進的なデザむナヌたちの 勇気ず情熱によっお 私はデザむンぞず導かれたのです 私はニュヌス蚘者兌 海倖特掟員ずしお 仕事を始め 政治や経枈や 䌁業情報に関する蚘事を曞きたした 専門ずしお どの分野を遞んでも よかったのですが 私はデザむンを遞んだのです なぜなら デザむンは 生掻の質を改善するために遞べる手段の䞭で 最も圱響力があるず信じるからです 有難う TEDのデザむン狂の皆さん (拍手) 私はプロのデザむナヌの仕事を 飛びぬけおいお 玠晎らしいものずしお 倧いに称賛いたしたす たた同様に 私は 反抗者や異端児の独自性や 自由な発想や機転から デザむンが倚倧な恩恵を 受けおいるず信じおいたす プロず異端児の䞡者の立堎が互いに 近づいおいる今こそが デザむン界にずっお泚目すべき時代です デゞタル技術の 基本的な進歩によっお デザむナヌたちは 商業的背景の内でも倖でも 自由に掻動できるようになり 今たでより さらに野心的で 広範囲な目的を远求できるのです ### ENGLISH: He was the Hungarian artist and designer whose experiments with the impact of technology on daily life were so powerful that they still influence the design of the digital images we see on our phone and computer screens. He radicalized the Bauhaus Design School in 1920s Germany, and yet some of his former colleagues shunned him when he struggled to open a new Bauhaus in Chicago years later. Moholy's ideas were as bold and incisive as ever, but his approach to design was too experimental, as was his insistence on seeing it, as he put it, as an attitude, not a profession to be in tune with the times. And sadly, the same applied to another design maverick: Richard Buckminster Fuller. He was yet another brilliant design visionary and design activist, who was completely committed to designing a sustainable society in such a forward-thinking way that he started talking about the importance of environmentalism in design in the 1920s. Now he, despite his efforts, was routinely mocked as a crank by many in the design establishment, and admittedly, some of his experiments failed, like the flying car that never got off the ground. And yet, the geodesic dome, his design formula to build an emergency shelter from scraps of wood, metal, plastic, bits of tree, old blankets, plastic sheeting -- just about anything that's available at the time -- is one of the greatest feats of humanitarian design, and has provided sorely needed refuge to many, many people in desperate circumstances ever since. Now, it was the courage and verve of radical designers like Bucky and Moholy that drew me to design. I began my career as a news journalist and foreign correspondent. I wrote about politics, economics and corporate affairs, and I could have chosen to specialize in any of those fields. But I picked design, because I believe it's one of the most powerful tools at our disposal to improve our quality of life. Thank you, fellow TED design buffs. And greatly as I admire the achievements of professional designers, which have been extraordinary and immense, I also believe that design benefits hugely from the originality, the lateral thinking and the resourcefulness of its rebels and renegades. And we're living at a remarkable moment in design, because this is a time when the two camps are coming closer together. Because even very basic advances in digital technology have enabled them to operate increasingly independently, in or out of a commercial context, to pursue ever more ambitious and eclectic objectives.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 䟋えば 子䟛を孊校に通わせるず 䞡芪は珟金を受絊できたす たたは 子䟛に予防接皮を受けさせるず 䞡芪は珟金を受絊できたす 圓然のこずをしおいる人に 珟金を絊付するべきか吊か こういう議論はさおおき この行為に察する珟金絊付は 実際に良い成果を出しおいたす 䟋えばメキシコ そしおブラゞル ニュヌペヌクでの実蚌実隓が挙げられたす しかし巊よりの政策にも メリットがあり 倧倉革が進んでいたす 政府は裁量の範囲を狭めず むしろ生産芁玠の調停者ずしお その圹割ず矩務を 拡匵すべきだずいう議論は 䞭囜の成功により 䞀般化し぀぀ありたす 民間䌁業の圹割に぀いおも 議論が始たっおいたす どうすれば利益远求から離れお より瀟䌚貢献の提䟛に 携わるようになるか 䌁業の瀟䌚責任プログラムのように 小芏暡でも 正しい方向ぞ進んでいたす もちろん 巊よりの政策では 政府ずNGO 民間䌁業の区別が 曖昧になりがちです この二぀の良い䟋が 19䞖玀のアメリカです むンフラの導入時期には たさに官民の協力䜓制でした 近幎では むンタヌネットが登堎したずきも 瀟䌚の向䞊のために 官民が䞀䜓ずなっお 取り組めるこずを䞖界に瀺したした 私が䌝えたいのはこういうこずです 独断的で 䞍必芁に芳念的な姿勢では 䞖界経枈の持続的な成長や 問題の解決は䞍可胜です 持続可胜な 長期経枈成長をもたらし 䞖の䞭を苊しめ続ける 問題や瀟䌚的病理を䞀掃し 䜕が圹に立぀のかずいう広い芖点でずらえるこずが 必芁になるでしょう 䜕が圹に立぀のかずいう広い芖点でずらえるこずが 必芁になるでしょう 究極的には むデオロギヌは成長の敵 ずいう認識が必芁です ありがずうございたす (拍手) ブルヌノ:ダンビサ 質問がありたす あなたの最埌の䞀蚀に察しお こうも蚀えたす 経枈成長もむデオロギヌだ おそらく珟代の 支配的むデオロギヌだ ず蚀われたらどう答えたすか? 圓然の疑問だず思いたす 私たちは珟圚 このこずを議論しおいたす 幞犏ずは䜕かずいうテヌマをはじめ 生掻氎準の向䞊ず成功の枬定指暙に぀いおも 倚くの研究が行われおいたす そこで生掻氎準の向䞊ず 䞖界䞭の貧困削枛のために 䜕ができるのか 幅広く考えるべきです ぀たりあなたは 経枈成長の回埩を蚎えたしたが 有限の地球を 犠牲にするこずなく この長い道皋を進む 唯䞀の方法は 経枈成長を 前提だった資源の利甚から 切り離すこずでしょう これを可胜ずお考えですか? 私は人間の胜力や 創造力にもっず楜芳的です ### ENGLISH: For example, sending children to school, parents could earn money for that, or getting their children inoculated or immunized, parents could get paid for doing that. Now, quite apart from the debate on whether or not we should be paying people to do what we think they should do anyway, the fact of the matter is that pay for performance has actually yielded some positive results in places like Mexico, in Brazil and also in pilot programs in New York. But there are also benefits and significant changes underway on left-leaning policies. Arguments that government should expand its role and responsibility so that it's not so narrowly defined and that government should be much more of an arbiter have become commonplace with the success of China. But also we've started to have debates about how the role of the private sector should move away from just being a profit motive and really be more engaged in the delivery of social programs. Things like the corporate social responsibility programs, albeit small in scale, are moving in that right direction. Of course, left-leaning policies have also tended to blur the lines between government, NGOs and private sector. Two very good examples of this are the 19th-century United States, when the infrastructure rollout was really about public-private partnerships. More recently, of course, the advent of the Internet has also proven to the world that public and private can work together for the betterment of society. My fundamental message to you is this: We cannot continue to try and solve the world economic growth challenges In order to create sustainable, long-term economic growth and solve the challenges and social ills that continue to plague the world today, we're going to have to be more broad-minded about what might work. Ultimately, we have to recognize that ideology is the enemy of growth. Thank you. Bruno Giussani: I want to ask a couple of questions, Dambisa, because one could react to your last sentence by saying growth is also an ideology, it's possibly the dominant ideology of our times. What do you say to those who react that way? DM: Well, I think that that's completely legitimate, and I think that we're already having that discussion. There's a lot of work going on around happiness and other metrics being used for measuring people's success and improvements in living standards. to what could deliver improvements in people's living standards and continue to reduce poverty around the world. BG: So you're basically pleading for rehabilitating growth, but the only way for that happen without compromising the capacity of the earth, to take us on a long journey, is for economic growth somehow to decouple from the underlying use of resources. Do you see that happening? DM: Well, I think that I'm more optimistic about human ability and ingenuity.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 今日 孊校ではこのようなこずを 曞くこずは良しずされおいたせん これが第䞀の理由です れロ容認ず孊校からの孀立です 男子が孊校に適合できない次の理由は 男子教員の䞍足です 15歳以䞊の方はなんのこずだか さっぱりでしょうが ここ10幎で小孊校教員の数は 半分に削枛されたした こうしお男性職員の割合は 14%から7%に萜ち蟌みたした ぀たり小孊校で男子生埒を 担圓する先生の93%は 女性ずいうこずです 問題は䜕なのでしょう? 女性は玠晎らしいです 間違いなく しかし 賢いのは良いこずだず 瀺しおくれる暡範男性-- 父芪や牧垫 カブスカりトのリヌダヌもいたすが 結局圌らは䞀日6時間 週5日を孊校で過ごしたす そしおほずんどの教宀には 男性がいたせん だから少幎たちは ここは男性の居堎所ではないず思いたす 孊校は女の子の為の堎所なのです 男子は「俺には向いおないな じゃあテレビゲヌムずか スポヌツずか なんか別のこずしよう ここは僕のいる堎所じゃないから 明らかにここは男性の居堎所ではありたせん この芋解はずおも 盎接的に映るかもしれたせん しかしもっず間接的にも 男性の䞍足した堎所での 䌑憩宀での先生の䌚話は 校庭で殎り合いのけんかをした ゞョむずゞョニヌに぀いおこう蚀いたす 「男子生埒達にはどう察凊したらいいのしら?」 質問の答えは 誰がそこにいるかで倉わりたす そこに男性はいるでしょうか? 男子生埒の育おの母はいるでしょうか? 䌚話の内容自䜓がその垭に 居合わせおいる人によっお倉わるのです 男子が孊校に銎染めない第䞉の理由ずは 幌皚園が以前の2幎生であるこずです 私達のカリキュラムは深刻な圧瞮を迫られおきたした 3歳で自分の名前をきれいに曞けるこず 曞けないず発育遅延だず刀断されおしたいたす 䞀幎生になるたでに 写真はあるかもしれたせんが 25から30ペヌゞ皋の 文章の読解胜力が求められたす これを欠くず "Title 1" ぞの参加を怜蚎しなくおはいけたせん Title 1の先生方によるず 小孊校で このプログラムを受ける男子生埒の割合は 女生埒1人に぀き4~5人だそうです これが問題である理由は 男子生埒の受け取るメッセヌゞです 「君はい぀も先生が いうこずをしなくちゃいけないんだよ」 教員の収入を決める芁玠は 萜ちこがれなし 成瞟優秀 説明責任 テスト 党郚です ぀たり先生は女子だけでなく 男子もカリキュラムをこなせる方法を 芋぀けなくおはならないのです この圧瞮カリキュラムは掻発な 子䟛達党員に悪圱響を及がしたす ### ENGLISH: It's not okay to write these kinds of things So that's the first reason: zero tolerance policies and the way they're lived out. The next reason that boys' cultures are out of sync with school cultures: there are fewer male teachers. Anybody who's over 15 doesn't know what this means, because in the last 10 years, the number of elementary school classroom teachers has been cut in half. We went from 14 percent to seven percent. That means that 93 percent of the teachers that our young men get in elementary classrooms are women. Now what's the problem with this? Women are great. Yep, absolutely. But male role models for boys that say it's all right to be smart -- they've got dads, they've got pastors, they've got Cub Scout leaders, but ultimately, six hours a day, five days a week they're spending in a classroom, and most of those classrooms are not places where men exist. And so they say, I guess this really isn't a place for boys. This is a place for girls. And I'm not very good at this, so I guess I'd better go play video games or get into sports, or something like that, because I obviously don't belong here. Men don't belong here, that's pretty obvious. So that may be a very direct way that we see it happen. But less directly, the lack of male presence in the culture -- you've got a teachers' lounge, and they're having a conversation about Joey and Johnny who beat each other up on the playground. "What are we going to do with these boys?" The answer to that question changes depending on who's sitting around that table. Are there men around that table? Are there moms who've raised boys around that table? You'll see, the conversation changes depending upon who's sitting around the table. Third reason that boys are out of sync with school today: kindergarten is the old second grade, folks. We have a serious compression of the curriculum happening out there. When you're three, you better be able to write your name legibly, or else we'll consider it a developmental delay. By the time you're in first grade, with maybe a picture, maybe not, in a book of maybe 25 to 30 pages. If you don't, we're probably going to be putting you into a Title 1 special reading program. And if you ask Title 1 teachers, they'll tell you they've got about four or five boys for every girl that's in their program, in the elementary grades. The reason that this is a problem is because the message that boys are getting is "you need to do what the teacher asks you to do all the time." The teacher's salary depends on "No Child Left Behind" and "Race to the Top" and accountability and testing and all of this. So she has to figure out a way to get all these boys through this curriculum -- and girls. This compressed curriculum is bad for all active kids.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: その歓喜は被隓者をブラッド ピットに眮き換え この装眮を圌の顔に぀けるこずに぀ながりたした このコンタヌを䜿っお 圌に発光性のメむクを斜し 䞍可芖光線の䞋に立っおもらっお 実際に圌が゚クマンのFACSシステムになぞっお 衚情を䜜るのをリアルタむムで読み取りたした 実際に- ブラッド ピットの顔が衚珟できる 党おの衚情の3Dデヌタベヌスができあがりたした そこからは実際にもっず现かい芁玠にたでヌ 切り蟌んでいっお 文字通り䜕千ずいう型ができあがりたした 圌の顔が衚珟できる衚情 党おのデヌタベヌスが出来䞊がりたした 圌が44歳であるずいう事以倖は完璧でした 次は珟圚の圌の幎霢に40幎を加算する䜜業です 私たちはリック ベヌカヌに連絡したした 圌は私たちの業界では特殊メむクや特殊効果の- 巚匠ずいわれおいたす たたカズヒロ ツゞにも䟝頌をしたした 圌はフォトリアリスティック圫刻の最高峰です 圌らにベンゞャミンの䞊半身の暡型䜜りを- 䟝頌したした それでは今幎の䌚議テヌマ「玠晎らしい陀幕」にちなんで ベヌルをずるず- こちらが80歳のベンゞャミンです 暡型は3぀䜜りたした 80æ­³ 70歳それから60歳のベンゞャミンです これらが私たちが前進する基盀ずなりたした ブラッドの型どりから䜜り䞊げた実物倧なので 解剖孊的にも正しいデヌタです 目やあご 歯にいたるたで- 党おが1察1で本物のブラッドず察応しおいたす 私たちはこれら3぀の暡型を高解像床で コンピュヌタに取り蟌みたした 莫倧なポリゎン数です そうしおコンピュヌタ䞊に3段階の幎霢の- ベンゞャミンが生たれたした 今床はそのデヌタ䞊の圌に動きを加えるため リタヌゲティングず呌ばれるプロセスに移りたした こちらがブラッドが゚クマンのFACSの衚情をしおいるずころです それから埗られるデヌタがこちらです モデル䞊のデヌタですね そしおリタヌゲティングずはこのデヌタを 他のモデルに転眮するこずです ベンゞャミンの䞊半身の暡型は ブラッドの実物倧なので 44歳のブラッドのデヌタを87歳のブラッドに 転眮するこずができるのです ブラッド ピットの顔の動き党おの3Dデヌタが 87歳それから70代 60代の圌に転眮されたした 次は撮圱の段階に入りたす これたでの過皋ず同時䞊行で ニュヌオリンズを始めずする䞖界䞭のロケ地で撮圱は進められたした ベンゞャミンの䜓を挔じる圹者は 青いフヌド垜をかぶっお撮圱に入りたす こちらがその圹者の方です ### ENGLISH: And the "Aha!" was, what if we could take Brad Pitt, and we could put Brad in this device, and use this Contour process, and we could stipple on this phosphorescent makeup and put him under the black lights, and we could, in fact, scan him in real time performing Ekman's FACS poses. Right? So, effectively, we ended up with a 3D database of everything Brad Pitt's face is capable of doing. From there, we actually carved up those faces into smaller pieces and components of his face. So we ended up with literally thousands and thousands and thousands of shapes, a complete database of all possibilities that his face is capable of doing. Now, that's great, except we had him at age 44. We need to put another 40 years on him at this point. We brought in Rick Baker, and Rick is one of the great makeup and special effects gurus of our industry. And we also brought in a gentleman named Kazu Tsuji, and Kazu Tsuji is one of the great photorealist sculptors of our time. And we commissioned them to make a maquette, or a bust, of Benjamin. So, in the spirit of "The Great Unveiling" -- I had to do this -- I had to unveil something. So this is Ben 80. We created three of these: there's Ben 80, there's Ben 70, there's Ben 60. And this really became the template for moving forward. Now, this was made from a life cast of Brad. So, in fact, anatomically, it is correct. The eyes, the jaw, the teeth: everything is in perfect alignment with what the real guy has. We have these maquettes scanned into the computer at very high resolution -- enormous polygonal count. And so now we had three age increments of Benjamin in the computer. But we needed to get a database of him doing more than that. We went through this process, then, called retargeting. This is Brad doing one of the Ekman FACS poses. And here's the resulting data that comes from that, the model that comes from that. Retargeting is the process of transposing that data onto another model. And because the life cast, or the bust -- the maquette -- of Benjamin was made from Brad, we could transpose the data of Brad at 44 onto Brad at 87. So now, we had a 3D database of everything Brad Pitt's face can do at age 87, in his 70s and in his 60s. Next we had to go into the shooting process. So while all that's going on, we're down in New Orleans and locations around the world. And we shot our body actors, and we shot them wearing blue hoods. So these are the gentleman who played Benjamin.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 銙織をグむグむず韍倪郎の元に抌しながら、絶劙な加枛の颚魔法で銙織の目を開けさせようずするナ゚。ピンポむントで、決しお傷぀けるこずなく、しかし、確かな嚁力を持った颚魔法。たさに、倩才の名に盞応しい絶技である。 「......ナ゚さんず銙織さんっお、䜕だかんだで仲いいですよね」 「たぁ、倧抵はナ゚が銙織を匄る感じじゃが......確かによくじゃれおおるの」 「あれも䞀応、友情の圢なんじゃないか? ケンカ友達ずかそんな感じの......」 銙織ずナ゚の子䟛じみたやり取りに、小さく笑みを零しながら蚀葉を亀わすハゞメ達。シアに向ける慈愛に満ちた雰囲気ずはたた異なり、どこかりキりキしたような楜しげな雰囲気を攟぀ナ゚に、特にハゞメが物凄く埮笑たしげな衚情になっおいる。 銙織を匄る時は、どこか子䟛っぜくなるナ゚。ある意味、シアよりも〝友達〟らしいやり取りが倚い。お姉さんなナ゚ももちろん堪らないが、子䟛っぜいナ゚も普段ずのギャップから正盎堪らないず感じるハゞメだった。ナ゚なら䜕でもいい、ずも蚀えるが...... 䞀方、唯でさえ黒歎史を刻んだずいうのに、幌銎染には思いっきり拒吊られ、䞀目惚れの盞手には眰ゲヌムのように扱われる韍倪郎。 「......十分な眰になったわね」 「むごいよ......」 「韍倪郎......すたん。俺は無力だ」 未だ癜目を剥く韍倪郎に、光茝達は同情するような衚情になった。......盞倉わらず芖線を背けられおいるが。 その五分埌。意識ず衣服を取り戻し、無思慮・無謀を行ったこずぞの謝眪をした韍倪郎に、劙に生暖かい芖線が向けられた。 倉な雰囲気に銖を傟げる韍倪郎。圌の尊厳を守る為、適圓に誀魔化す光茝だったが、それでは戒めにならない(建前)ずハゞメがニダッず笑いながら暎露したため、韍倪郎は普段の快掻さが嘘のように暗雲を背負った。 「ナ゚、念の為に聞いおおくけど、䞊空の匷制転移は䜕ずか出来るか?」 「......難しい。私の展開速床より速いから。それに連続しおやるず消費が無芖できないレベル」 「たぁ、そうだよな。ず、なるず、正攻法で迷路に挑たなきゃならないわけだが......」 ハゞメは、おもむろにシュラヌゲンを取り出すず、キィむむむむむ!! ず音をさせながらチャヌゞし、目を芋開く光茝達を尻目に迷路倖瞁郚の氷壁に向かっお匕き金を匕いた。 迷路を圢䜜る氷壁は、䞊から芋た感じだず均䞀に二メヌトルほど。シュラヌゲンやオルカンによっお砕けない厚さではない。 ### ENGLISH: “Nooo! Stop it! Stop pushing me! Don’t force me into a sexual relationship I don’t want!” While Kaori was forcefully helping Ryuutaro, Yue used just the right amount of wind magic to try to open Kaori’s eyes. Pinpointing the exact location of her eyes, in addition to possessing a good amount of power, and on top of that, being harmless to Kaori. This was truly a feat only possible for Yue who deserved nothing less than the title of genius. “Yue-san and Kaori-san, somehow, they seem to get along well.” “Well, I get the feeling Yue likes teasing Kaori but.... yeah they seem rather playful don’t they?” “Isn’t this more or less a form of friendship? Always quarrelling and so on.....” Hajime smiled at the sight of the childish fight between Yue and Kaori. It was different from the relationship Yue and Shia shared. Hajime was extremely pleased that Yue exhibited such a happy mood. When they play, rather than acting the part of an older sister as she would with Shia, she talked to Kaori more like a friend. The gap in childish behavior from Yue caused Hajime to hold back more than usual, and if asked, he would say things were fine because of Yue. Ryuutaro’s darkest moment was turned into a punishment game for his childhood friend by none other than the woman he fell in love with at first sight... “... It’s become enough punishment.” “It is terrible...” “Ryuutaro... I’m sorry, I am powerless.” To the nearly unconscious Ryuutaro, Kouki gave a sympathetic expression... even thought he was still averting his gaze. Five minutes later, after he had regained his consciousness and clothing, Ryuutaro gave an apology for acting rashly, which received lukewarm glances. While Ryuutaro was trying to figure out what happened, Kouki tried to subtly deceive him with some polite fiction. However, because Hajime smirked and laughed at him, he had dark clouds hanging from his back, unlike his usual cheerful self. “Yue, just to be sure, is there any way we can fly over and skip this maze?” “... Difficult, because I am not skilled enough yet, the mana consumption would be too high to continue with.” “Oh well, figure as much. Looks like we need to take the maze head on.” Hajime pulled out Shlagen (Tn: again, his rifle), and aimed it at the edge of ice wall. After hearing the shot, everyone looked at the wall in surprise.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そこで名案がありたす 最初のステップずしお この手付かずの 2009幎に発行された特別匕出暩を 気候倉動察策ぞ䜿う ずいうのはどうでしょう? 䟋えば 囜連の発行する緑の気候基金債刞の 賌入に充おるこずができたす この基金は気候倉動に関する コペンハヌゲン合意を受けお 2009幎に創蚭され 発展途䞊囜がそれぞれの 気候倉動察策目暙に達する為に芁する 資金を補完するように 蚭蚈されおいたす この基金は100億ドルを調達し この皮の基金の䞭でも 最も成功したファンドずなりたした しかし もし発行された 特別匕出暩を代わりに䜿えば 政府が軌道を修正し 途䞊囜の気候倉動察策に 毎幎1000億円を投じるずいう玄束— 䞖界金融危機により䞭断しおしたった 玄束に充圓できたす これは テスト・ケヌスにもなりたす 特別匕出暩発行により生じる むンフレヌション圧力は良性のもので 曎なるSDRの新芏発行が —䟋えば5幎毎でも— 有効で意味を成すものだず蚌明できたす そしおこのコミットメントで 先進囜の囜々は 特別匕出暩の新芏配分を 緑の気候基金ぞの拠出ぞ 充おるこずができるのです このような囜債通貚の増刷は 自囜の通貚の増刷に比べお 幟぀か優れおいる点がありたす 1぀目は「気候倉動を食い止める為に お金を䜿う事は公益である」 ずいう議論は明癜だずいうこず 䞖界の䞀郚だけが 他の囜よりも埗をする事はないのです 競合の問題は回避できたす こうも蚀えるでしょう 新芏特別匕出暩発行においおは かくも倚くの囜々の同意を芁するため 増刷が管理䞍胜な状態に 陥る可胜性は䜎いだろうず 結果ずしお埗られるのは 協調的 䞖界芏暡のアクション— しかもしっかりず管理された グロヌバル・アクション— 囜際䞖界の公益を目指すものです そしお 量的金融緩和策で孊んだように どんな懞念もルヌルによっお 回避できるのです 䟋えば これらのSDRの5幎毎の新芏発行には 䞊限を蚭けるこずができたす この囜際通貚が 䞖界の倖貚準備高の 5%を超えないように などのルヌルです これは重芁です なぜなら アメリカが過敏な危惧を瀺すであろう 囜際金融垂堎でのドルの優䜍性を 特別匕出暩が脅かす ずいう懞念を和らげるからです 実際 この仕組みのもず SDRが貚幣から奪うかもしれないず 思われるものは 「グリヌンバック」ずいう そのニックネヌム䜍でしょう 䞊限が蚭けられおいおも IMFは2009幎の巚額の発行埌 2014幎の2000億ドルの SDR远加発行を行えたのですから ぀たりこれは 仮説的に 先進囜が 3000億ドル芏暡たでのSDRを 緑の気候基金ぞ 投資できたはずだずいうこずです ### ENGLISH: So here's an idea. As a first step, why don't we start spending those unused, those extra SDRs that were printed in 2009, to combat climate change? They could, for example, be used to buy bonds issued by the UN's Green Climate Fund. This was a fund created in 2009, following that climate agreement in Copenhagen. And it was designed to channel funds towards developing countries to meet their climate projects. It's been one of the most successful funds of its type, But if we use those extra SDRs that were issued, it helps governments get back on track, to meet that promise of 100 billion dollars a year that was derailed by the financial crisis. It could also -- it could also serve as a test case. If the inflationary consequences of using SDRs in this way are benign, it could be used to justify the additional, extra issuance of SDRs, say, every five years, again, with the commitment that developed-market countries would direct their share of the new reserves to the Green Climate Fund. Printing international money in this way has several advantages over printing national currencies. The first is it's really easy to argue that spending money to mitigate climate change benefits everyone. No one section of society benefits from the printing press over another. That problem of competing claims is mitigated. It's also fair to say that because it takes so many countries to agree to issue these extra SDRs, it's highly unlikely that money printing would get out of control. What you end up with is a collective, global action aimed -- and it's controlled global action -- aimed at a global good. And, as we've learned with the money-printing schemes, whatever concerns we have can be allayed by rules. So, for example, the issuance of these extra SDRs every five years could be capped, such that this international currency is never more than five percent of global foreign exchange reserves. That's important because it would allay well, let's say, the ridiculous concerns that the US might have that the SDR could ever challenge the dollar's dominant role in international finance. And in fact, I think the only thing that the SDR would likely steal from the dollar under this scheme is its nickname, the "greenback." Because even with that cap in place, the IMF could have followed up its issuance -- its massive issuance of SDRs in 2009 -- with a further 200 billion dollars of SDRs in 2014. So hypothetically, that would mean that developed countries could have contributed up to 300 billion dollars' worth of SDRs to the Green Climate Fund.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 圓然ゲルベルガさたは神様なので、䞊座の䞭でも俺ずケヌテの間、䞀番䞭心の垭だ。 ガルノも客人ずしお扱われおいる。狌の獣人族にずっお特別な狌の霊獣だからだ。 宎䌚が終わるず、セルリスずルッチラ、ケヌテはシアたちのずころに行った。 族長たちに接埅されおいるより、芪しい者同士話したいのだろう。 俺もゲルベルガさたずガルノず遊がうずしおいたら、幎長の族長から呌び止められた。 「ロックさん、少しよろしいですか?」 「どうされたした?」 「じ぀は......ご盞談があるのです」 「わかりたした」 俺ず幎長の族長、そしおゲルベルガさたずガルノは別宀に移動する。 郚屋の䞭では、シアたちの父であるダントンが埅っおいた。 「ロック、折角寛いでいたずころ、すたないな」 「いや気にしないでくれ。ガルノずゲルベルガさたず遊がうず思っおいただけだからな」 「ははは」 幎長の族長は笑った。俺の蚀葉を冗談だず思ったのだろう。 俺が怅子に座るず、 ゲルベルガさたは俺の右ひざの䞊にちょこんず乗る。 ガルノは俺の巊ひざにあごを乗せた。 ゲルベルガさたずガルノを撫でながら、俺は尋ねる。 「盞談ずはいったい?」 ダントンず幎長の族長は互いに顔を芋合わせる。 そしお、ダントンが語りはじめた。 「ロック。身内の恥をさらすようなのだが......。我らから情報が掩れおいる恐れがあるんだ」 「............ほう」 ゚リックも同じ可胜性を指摘しおいた。 ダントンたちも、狌の獣人族から情報が掩れおいる可胜性に気が付いおいたようだ。 幎長の族長が蚀う。 「もちろん我らから内通者が出るずは考えたくはありたせん」 「぀たり、出入りの業者などを譊戒しおいるずいうこずですか?」 「さすがはロックさんです。たったくもっおその通りです」 別に俺はすごくはない。 ゚リックやゎランが蚀っおいたこずだ。 「我らはノァンパむアそのものや眷属は䞀目でわかりたす。ですが魅了にかけられたものは区別できないのです」 「私に盞談するずいうこずは、魅了にかけられたものがいないか調べお欲しいずいうこずですね?」 「いえ! ずんでもないこずです。偉倧なる英雄にそのような雑事を頌むわけには参りたせん!」 少し笑っお、ダントンが蚀う。 「ロック、違うんだ。俺たちは魔導士に詳しくない。だから信甚できる魔導士を玹介しおほしいず思ったんだ」 「そうか。そういうこずなら、俺がやろう」 俺がそういうず、幎長の族長ずダントンは少し驚いたようだった。 ### ENGLISH: Of course, as Lord Gerberga was the God Fowl, he sat between me and Kathe. Grulf was also treated as a guest. Spirit beasts were very special for the beastkin wolves. When the feast was finished, Serulis, Luchila, and Kathe went over to where Shia was. They would rather be with their close friend than fussed over by the chiefs. I was just about to start playing with Lord Gerberga and Grulf, when the oldest chief called me over. “Mister Locke. Do you have a minute?” “What is it?” “The truth is...I have something to ask you.” “I understand.” And so the old chief, I, Lord Gerberga, and Grulf went into a different room. Shia’s father, Danton, was waiting in the room. “Locke, I’m sorry to pull you away during the feast.” “Don’t worry about that. I was just going to play with Grulf and Lord Gerberga.” “Hahaha!” The old chief laughed. He probably thought that I was making a joke. I sat down on the chair. Lord Gerberga hopped up onto my right knee. And Grulf rested his chin on my left knee. I petted them both and asked him, “What did you want to ask me?” Danton and the old chief looked at each other. Then Danton began to speak. “Lock. This is most humiliating for us... But there is a possibility that information has been leaking from our side.” “.......Hmm.” Eric had been thinking the exact same thing. And it seemed that Danton and the others had realized the possibility. The old chief continued. “Of course, we do not wish to believe that there is an informer in our midst.” “So, you think it might be someone on the outside who has access?” “Very sharp, Mister Locke. That is exactly what I was thinking.” It wasn’t sharp at all. Eric and Goran had pointed it out. “We can tell if someone is a vampire’s thrall at a glance. But it’s different if they are charmed.” “And so you are asking me to find out if there is anyone here who is charmed?” “No! Not at all. We would never, ever ask such a great hero such as yourself to do something so low as that!” Danton chuckled and then added. “No, Locke. We do not know much about magic. And so we would like you to introduce us to a trustworthy Sorcerer.” “I see. In that case, I will do it.” I said. The old chief and Danton looked a little surprised.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そしお博士号を取埗したらDNAを远求するべきだず考えだしたした そのためたずコペンハヌゲンに枡りたした。なぜっお、たあ生化孊者になるべきかなず 思ったからです でも生化孊は党くおもしろくないずいうこずに気付きたした 遺䌝子の正䜓を解明するずいう方向には党然進んでいなかったのです もっぱら栞酞の化孊でした。ああ、この本が「生呜ずは䜕か」です 2時間くらいで読めるね そんなずきむタリアで開かれた䌚議に出垭したした そこには予想倖の、プログラムに茉っおいない講挔者がいたした そしお圌はDNAに぀いお話したのです モヌリス りィルキンスです。圌は元々物理孊者でした 戊埌は生物物理孊を研究したいず考え、DNAを遞んだのです なぜならロックフェラヌ研究所でDNAが 染色䜓にある遺䌝子の分子だろうずいうこずが瀺されたからです タンパク質だず思われおいたのですが りィルキンスは DNA の可胜性が䞀番高いず考え このX線写真を披露したのです 結晶のように芋えたす。DNAにそういう構造があるずいうこずです いろいろな分子がそれぞれ異なる指什を 保持しおいるのでしょうけれど ぀たりDNA分子には䞇胜な䞀面があったのです 私は圌ず研究がしたかったのですが、圌は元バヌドりォッチャヌなんかに甚はなかったものですから 私は英囜、ケンブリッゞに行くこずにしたした ケンブリッゞに行ったのは、 圓時X線回折で最先端だったからです 今日X線回折ずいえば 化孊科の領域ですよね でもそのころは物理孊者の領域でした だからX線回折を勉匷するのに最高な堎所は ケンブリッゞのキャベンディッシュ研究所でした そしおそこでフランシス クリックに出䌚ったのです それ以前には圌を知りたせんでした。圌は35、私は23でした そしお1日たらずで私達は DNAの構造解明ぞの近道があるかもしれないずいう結論に至りたした 厳密な方法で明らかにするのではなく、暡型を䜜っおはどうかず X線写真を元に長さなどを求めお 分子暡型を䜜ったらどうかず考えたした ただ分子がどう畳み蟌たれおいるのかさえ解明すればいいのです そうしようず思ったきっかけは、この写真の真ん䞭に写っおいる ラむナス ポヌリングでした。6ヶ月ほど前に圌は タンパク質のαヘリックス構造を提案しお、そのずき 巊の男を蹎萜ずしたのです キャベンディッシュの教授だったロヌレンス ブラッグ卿 これは数幎埌の圌の写真です そのころのブラッグには笑う理由がありたした でも私が到着したずきは笑っおはいたせんでしたよ αヘリックス構造をポヌリングに解明されたこずで、いくらか恥をかいたものですから ケンブリッゞの人達は化孊者でなかったため倱敗したのです もちろんクリックず私も化孊者ではありたせんでしたけど 頑匵っお暡型を䜜りたした。フランシスはりィルキンスを知っおいお ### ENGLISH: And so when I got my Ph.D., I should go and search for DNA. So I first went to Copenhagen because I thought, well, maybe I could become a biochemist, but I discovered biochemistry was very boring. It wasn't going anywhere toward, you know, saying what the gene was; it was just nuclear science. And oh, that's the book, little book. You can read it in about two hours. And -- but then I went to a meeting in Italy. And there was an unexpected speaker who wasn't on the program, and he talked about DNA. And this was Maurice Wilkins. He was trained as a physicist, and after the war he wanted to do biophysics, and he picked DNA because DNA had been determined at the Rockefeller Institute to possibly be the genetic molecules on the chromosomes. Most people believed it was proteins. But Wilkins, you know, thought DNA was the best bet, and he showed this x-ray photograph. Sort of crystalline. So DNA had a structure, even though it owed it to probably different molecules carrying different sets of instructions. So there was something universal about the DNA molecule. So I wanted to work with him, but he didn't want a former birdwatcher, and I ended up in Cambridge, England. So I went to Cambridge, because it was really the best place in the world then for x-ray crystallography. And x-ray crystallography is now a subject in, you know, chemistry departments. I mean, in those days it was the domain of the physicists. So the best place for x-ray crystallography was at the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge. And there I met Francis Crick. I went there without knowing him. He was 35. I was 23. And within a day, we had decided that maybe we could take a shortcut to finding the structure of DNA. Not solve it like, you know, in rigorous fashion, but build a model, an electro-model, using some coordinates of, you know, length, all that sort of stuff from x-ray photographs. But just ask what the molecule -- how should it fold up? And the reason for doing so, at the center of this photograph, is Linus Pauling. About six months before, he proposed the alpha helical structure for proteins. And in doing so, he banished the man out on the right, Sir Lawrence Bragg, who was the Cavendish professor. This is a photograph several years later, when Bragg had cause to smile. He certainly wasn't smiling when I got there, because he was somewhat humiliated by Pauling getting the alpha helix, and the Cambridge people failing because they weren't chemists. And certainly, neither Crick or I were chemists, so we tried to build a model. And he knew, Francis knew Wilkins.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: シリア難民で19歳の圌女は ゚ゞプトで日雇い劎働をし その日暮らしの貧しい生掻をしおいたした 圌女の父芪は 爆撃により吹きずばされおしたった― シリアで成功しおいた事業のこずを 考えおばかりいたした 圌らを゚ゞプトぞず远いやった戊争は 4幎目に入り いただに続いおいたした か぀おは枩かく迎え入れおくれた コミュニティも 圌らに苛立ちを募らせるようになりたした ある日 バむクに乗った男性が ドヌアを誘拐しようずしたした か぀おは自分の将来だけを考えおいた 意欲的な孊生だった圌女は 今や 四六時䞭おびえおいたした それでも 圌女は垌望に満ちおいたした ずいうのも 同じくシリア難民の バセムず恋をしおいたからです 同じく゚ゞプトで苊劎を匷いられおいた バセムはドヌアに蚀いたした 「ペヌロッパに行こう 保護ず安党を求めるんだ 僕が働いお 君は勉匷できる― 新しい生掻が玄束されおいる」 そしお圌はドヌアの父芪に 結婚の蚱しを求めたした しかし2人はペヌロッパに行くには 呜の危険を冒しお 地䞭海を越えなければならず 残酷なこずで知られる密茞業者に 身を委ねなければならないず知っおいたした ドヌアは氎を怖がっおいたした 昔からそうでした 圌女は泳げなかったのです その幎の8月 すでに 2千人の人々が呜を萜ずしおいたした 地䞭海を暪断しようずした為です しかしドヌアには北欧に 蟿り着いた友人がおり こう考えたのです 「私たちにもできるかもしれない」 圌女は行かせおほしいず 䞡芪に頌みたした そしお苊しい議論を重ねた末に 䞡芪は承諟したした バセムは党貯金をはたいお 1人圓たり2,500ドルを 密茞業者に蚗したした 呌び出しがあったのは 土曜の朝でした バスで浜蟺に連れお行かれるず そこには䜕癟人もの人々がいたした 圌らは小舟で叀い持船に連れお行かれ 500人が船に詰め蟌たれたした 䞋段に300人 䞊段に500人です シリア人、パレスチナ人やアフリカ人 むスラム教埒やクリスチャンなど様々で 100人の子䟛もいたした その䞭に幌い6歳のサンドラず― 1歳半のマヌサもいたした 倚くの家族が乗り蟌んでおり 肩を付き合わせお 隙間なく 詰め蟌たれおいたした ドヌアはぎゅっず䞡脚を 胞に抱えるように座り バセムは圌女の手を握っおいたした 海に出お2日目 圌らは䞍安から気分が悪くなり 荒波に酔っお吐き気を催しおいたした 3日目 ドヌアは嫌な予感がしたした 圌女はバセムにこう蚀いたした 「たどり着けない気がするの この船は沈むような気がする」 バセムは圌女に 「蟛抱しおほしい ### ENGLISH: A Syrian refugee, 19 years old, she was living a grinding existence in Egypt working day wages. Her dad was constantly thinking of his thriving business back in Syria that had been blown to pieces by a bomb. And the war that drove them there was still raging in its fourth year. And the community that once welcomed them there had become weary of them. And one day, men on motorcycles tried to kidnap her. Once an aspiring student thinking only of her future, now she was scared all the time. But she was also full of hope, because she was in love with a fellow Syrian refugee named Bassem. Bassem was also struggling in Egypt, and he said to Doaa, "Let's go to Europe; seek asylum, safety. I will work, you can study -- the promise of a new life." And he asked her father for her hand in marriage. But they knew to get to Europe they had to risk their lives, traveling across the Mediterranean Sea, putting their hands in smugglers', notorious for their cruelty. And Doaa was terrified of the water. She always had been. She never learned to swim. It was August that year, and already 2,000 people had died trying to cross the Mediterranean, but Doaa knew of a friend who had made it all the way to Northern Europe, and she thought, "Maybe we can, too." So she asked her parents if they could go, and after a painful discussion, they consented, and Bassem paid his entire life savings -- 2,500 dollars each -- to the smugglers. It was a Saturday morning when the call came, and they were taken by bus to a beach, hundreds of people on the beach. They were taken then by small boats onto an old fishing boat, 500 of them crammed onto that boat, 300 below, [200] above. There were Syrians, Palestinians, Africans, Muslims and Christians, 100 children, including Sandra -- little Sandra, six years old -- and Masa, 18 months. There were families on that boat, crammed together shoulder to shoulder, feet to feet. Doaa was sitting with her legs crammed up to her chest, Bassem holding her hand. Day two on the water, they were sick with worry and sick to their stomachs from the rough sea. Day three, Doaa had a premonition. And she said to Bassem, "I fear we're not going to make it. I fear the boat is going to sink." And Bassem said to her, "Please be patient.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 慌おお䞭倮の浮遊島に戻るが、厩壊は加速床的に勢いを増しおいく。揺らぐ空間の先に芋える別の空間も厩壊を免れおいないようだ。荒廃郜垂の䞖界も、郜垂が端の方から消えおいく。 「ここたで......なのか」 その蚀葉に、雫達が歯噛みする。 「ハゞメさん、ナ゚さん......」 シアが、匷い県差しで、遠くを芋通すように虚空を芋぀めながら愛しい二人の名を呌んだ。 遂に、厩壊は䞭倮の浮遊島をも䟵食し始めた。 必死に思考を巡らせる。最埌たで足掻くこずは止めない。 そうしお、座しお死を埅぀くらいなら、䞍安定故の転移できる可胜性に賭けお、厩壊する空間に飛び蟌んでやろうず芚悟を決めた、そのずき、 カッ! ず、光が爆ぜた。 䜕事かず、シア達が芖線を向ければ、そこにはハむリヒ王囜近郊の草原地垯が映っおいる空間の揺らぎがあり、その 向こう偎 たるで、鏡の向こう偎から矢を突き立おられおいるような、その䞍可思議な光景に、シア達が思わず瞠目しおいるず、その矢を䞭心に、ぐにゃりず空間が歪み、人䞀人分皋床の穎が出来た。 そしお、そこを通っお入っお来たのは...... 「やほ~! みぃんな倧奜き、䞖界のアむドル、ミレディ・ラむセンちゃんだよ☆」 ### ENGLISH: The obelisk that Kouki and others came out from into this place also didn’t react. The crumbling was approaching. They returned to the center floating island in hurry, but the crumbling was accelerating with increasing momentum. It seemed that even another space that they could see from the swaying space also didn’t escape from the crumbling. Even the world of the ruined city was vanishing from its edges. “Is this...as far as we can go?” Shizuku and others gritted their teeth hearing those words. “Hajime-san, Yue-san...” With a strong gaze, Shia was staring at an empty space as though she was looking far away while calling the name of the two of her beloved. Finally the crumbling was also starting to erode the center floating island. They desperately wracked their brain. They wouldn’t stop struggling until the end. Like that, rather than waiting for death just by sitting around, they would rather bet on the possibility that it was possible to teleport using the crumbling space because of the instability, so they resolved themselves to leap into the crumbling space, it was at that time, Light exploded. When Shia and others turned their gaze there wondering what happened, there they could see a swaying space that reflected the grassy plain area at the outskirt of Hairihi Kingdom capital, from the other side a single arrow was spreading ripples while piercing space itself, such spectacle flew into their sight. It was as though an arrow was stabbed from the other side of a mirror, Shia and others reflexively gazed in astonishment at such mysterious spectacle. Then the space distorted like jelly with that arrow as the center, and a hole with size that could be passed by a person was created. And then, the person who passed through to this side from there was... “Yahooo! This is eeeeveryone’s beloved, the world’s idol, Miledy Raisen-chan here☆”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そしおFBIは アフリカ系アメリカ人の叞法長官ず アフリカ系アメリカ人倧統領の リヌダヌシップのもず ティヌパヌティヌ運動者たちの定矩する “危機”を適甚したした これは䞊局郚が眪を問われるこずが無い 歎史䞊たったく新しいタむプの 経枈危機でした 理髪垫の様に綺麗に仕䞊げる 実に賢い者たちが 金銭的な知識に乏しい 貧しい人達や 銀行をだたしたのです それは考えられる限り 最悪のストヌリヌであり FBIは螏み蟌んで理髪垫達を 告蚎するものの 銀行内郚で䞍正を行なう者たちを 完党に芋逃しおしたうのです ラむオンがキャンプ堎で吠えおいる最䞭に FBIがねずみを远っかけおいる ようなものです どうしたらよいのでしょう? 䞀䜓䜕ができるのでしょう? 邪悪な報奚金システムを 倉える必芁がありたす これが䌚蚈管理䞍正を 呚期的に発生させ これが䌚蚈管理䞍正を 呚期的に発生させ 経枈危機を匕き起こしおいるからです たず最初に 構造䞊 危険な組織を 朰さなくおは なりたせんが 倧きすぎお朰せないのです たずは数幎以内に あるレベルたで 瞮小させ これ以䞊 系統的なリスクを 起こさないようにする必芁がありたす 今も時限爆匟のタむマヌは䜜動しおおり 察策を講じなければ 䞖界的な経枈危機が匕き起こされたす い぀匕き起こされるか ずいう問題でしょう 次に必芁なこずは 珟代的な圹員や専門家の報酬制床を 培底しお改革するこずです なぜなら これが評䟡者の正圓な評䟡を 劚げおいるからです そう 圌らは報酬制床があるために 評䟡者に圧力をかけ いわゆるグレシャムの法則に埓う 状況を䜜りだしたした ぀たり 悪貚は良貚を 垂堎から駆逐したのでした このようにしお 䞍正は広がったのです 3぀目に必芁なこずは Dから始たる3぀の蚀葉 芏制緩和 管理の撀廃 そしお事実䞊の非犯眪化の 察応を行うこずです この3点の芋盎しは実行可胜で これを実行すれば この3点の芋盎しは実行可胜で これを実行すれば 危機の頻床ず 危機の皋床を 劇的に枛少させるこずができたす こうなれば 経枈に臎呜的な ダメヌゞを䞎えたせん そしお瀟䌚の䞍平等ず 民䞻䞻矩の改善に寄䞎するでしょう ### ENGLISH: And so the FBI, under the leadership of an attorney general who is African-American and a president of the United States who is African-American, have adopted the Tea Party definition of the crisis, in which it is the first virgin crisis in history, conceived without sin in the executive ranks. And it's those oh-so-clever hairdressers who were able to defraud the poor, pitiful banks, who lack any financial sophistication. It is the silliest story you can conceive of, and so they go and they prosecute the hairdressers, and they leave the banksters alone entirely. And so, while lions are roaming the campsite, the FBI is chasing mice. What do we need to do? What can we do in all of this? We need to change the perverse incentive structures that produce these recurrent epidemics of accounting control fraud that are driving our crises. So we have to first get rid of the systemically dangerous institutions. These are the so-called too-big-to-fail institutions. We need to shrink them to the point, within the next five years, that they no longer pose a systemic risk. Right now, they are ticking time bombs that will cause a global crisis as soon as the next one fails -- not if, when. Second thing we need to do is completely reform modern executive and professional compensation, which is what they use to suborn the appraisers. Remember, they were pressuring the appraisers through the compensation system, trying to produce what we call a Gresham's dynamic, in which bad ethics drives good ethics out of the marketplace. And they largely succeeded, which is how the fraud became endemic. And the third thing that we need to do is deal with what we call the three D's: deregulation, desupervision, and the de facto decriminalization. Because we can make all three of these changes, and if we do so, we can dramatically reduce how often we have a crisis and how severe those crises are. That is not simply critical to our economy. You can see what these crises do to inequality and what they do to our democracy.</s>