{"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zyrtec sollte nicht eingenommen werden:", "en": "Zyrtec should not be taken:"}, "mt_gen": "Zyrtec should not be taken:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die therapeutische Überwachung der Valproat - Blutspiegel hat nicht gezeigt, dass die Valproat Dosis angepaßt werden muß, nachdem mit der gleichzeitigen Gabe von Olanzapin begonnen wurde.", "en": "Therapeutic monitoring of valproate plasma levels did not indicate that valproate dosage adjustment is required after the introduction of concomitant olanzapine."}, "mt_gen": "Therapeutic monitoring of valproate plasma levels did not indicate that valproate dosage adjustment is required after the introduction of concomitant olanzapine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gelegentlich: Thrombozytämie, Leukozytose.", "en": "Occasionally: thrombocythaemia, leukocytosis."}, "mt_gen": "Uncommon: thrombocythaemia, leukocytosis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist anerkannt, dass insgesamt kein statistisch signifikanter Überlebensvorteil bei lokal fortgeschrittenem Prostatakrebs besteht.", "en": "It is recognised that in total there were no statistically significant survival advantage for locally advanced prostate cancer."}, "mt_gen": "It is recognised that a total of did not cause statistically significant survival advantage for locally advanced prostate cancer.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "94,2% für Anti-HBs. Zum gleichen Zeitpunkt betrug die Anti-HBs-Seroprotektionsrate 93,3%.", "en": "94,2% for Anti-HBs. At the time of the anti-HBs seroprotection was 93.3%."}, "mt_gen": "94,2% for Anti-HBs. At the time of the vaccine was 93.3%.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weitere Informationen sind der Zusammenfassung der Merkmale des Arzneimittels (ebenfalls Bestandteil des EPAR) zu entnehmen.", "en": "For more information, refer to the Summary of Product Characteristics (also part of the EPAR) for full details."}, "mt_gen": "For more information, refer to the Summary of Product Characteristics (also part of the EPAR) for full details.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen beinhalten: • Plötzlich auftretende schwere allergische Reaktionen (selten - treten wahrscheinlich bei 1 bis 10 von 10.000 Patienten auf).", "en": "Serious side effects include: • Sudden emergent severe allergic reactions (rare - likely to occur in 1 to 10 out of 10,000 patients)."}, "mt_gen": "Serious side effects include: • Plötzlich emergent severe allergic reactions (rare - likely to occur in 1 to 10 out of 10,000 patients).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wirkt Cetrotide?", "en": "How does Cetrotide work?"}, "mt_gen": "How does Cetrotide work?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "B. Barbiturate, Benzodiazepine, Allgemeinanästhetika, Neuroleptika), Sympathomimetika (z. B. Adrenalin) und von Cumarinderivaten verstärken.", "en": "(e. g. barbiturates, benzodiazepines, general anaesthetics, neuroleptics), sympathomimetics (e. g. adrenaline) and strengthened by coumarin derivatives."}, "mt_gen": "(e. g. barbiturates, benzodiazepines, general anaesthetics, neuroleptics), sympathomimetics (e. g. adrenaline) and coumarin derivatives.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "313 Sofern der Patient nach 9 Wochen ein nur unzureichendes klinisches Ansprechen zeigt (Fatigue, Hämoglobinanstieg), ist eine weitere Therapie möglicherweise nicht wirksam.", "en": "313 If the clinical response of the patient after the end of nine weeks is insufficient (fatigue, hemoglobin increase), a further therapy may not be effective."}, "mt_gen": "313 If the clinical response of the patient (fatigue, haemoglobin response), after the end of four weeks to shows a further therapy may not be effective.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Etwa 4 Monate später wurde der Patient negativ auf neutralisierende Antikörper gegen Romiplostim getestet.", "en": "About 4 months later, the patient was negative and tested for antibodies to romiplostim."}, "mt_gen": "About 4 months later, the patient was negative and tested for antibodies to romiplostim.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Neupro 3 mg / 24 h transdermales Pflaster Rotigotin Transdermale Anwendung.", "en": "Neupro 3 mg / 24 h transdermal patch Rotigotine Transdermal use."}, "mt_gen": "Neupro 3 mg / 24 h transdermal patch Rotigotine Transdermal use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Stavudin konnte frühestens 2 Stunden nach oraler Verabreichung in der Cerebrospinalflüssigkeit nachgewiesen werden.", "en": "Stavudine could be taken at least 2 hours after administration in the cerebrospinal fluid."}, "mt_gen": "Stavudine could be taken at least 2 hours after oral administration in the semen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht verwendete Tierarzneimittel oder davon stammende Abfallmaterialien sind entsprechend den örtlichen Vorschriften zu entsorgen.", "en": "Any unused product or waste material to be disposed of in accordance with local requirements."}, "mt_gen": "Any unused product of waste material to be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird außerdem bei Hunden zur Behandlung akuter (kurzzeitiger), unkomplizierter Infektionen der Harnwege eingesetzt, die von Staphylokokken, Proteus-Spezies, Enterobacter- Spezies, E. coli und Klebsiella-Spezies hervorgerufen werden.", "en": "It is also used in dogs to treat acute (short-term), uncomplicated urinary tract infections caused by Staphylococci, E. coli, Proteus isolated species, E. coli and Klebsiella species."}, "mt_gen": "It is also used in dogs to treat acute (stretching), uncomplicated urinary tract infections, and Staphylococci, E. coli, Proteus isolated species, E. coli and Klebsiella species.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Warten, bis die Neutrophilenzahl ≥ 1.500 und die Thrombozytenzahl ≥ 75.000; Dosis um 25% reduzieren oder mit voller Dosis mit Wachstumsfaktor-Unterstützung fortfahren.", "en": "Wait until the neutrophil count is ≥ 1,500 and platelet count ≥ 75,000; reduce dose by 25% or continue with a full dose of growth factor support."}, "mt_gen": "Wait until the neutrophil count is ≥ 1,500 and platelet counts ≥ 75,000; dose by 25% or continue with Wachstumsfaktor-Unterstützung with a full dose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "November 2000 und am 30. November 2005 verlängert.", "en": "The marketing authorisation was renewed on 27 November 2000 and 30 November 2005."}, "mt_gen": "The marketing authorisation was renewed on 27 November 2000 and 30 November 2005.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "2 / 3 Schwangerschaft Epivir einnahmen, eine mitochondriale Funktionsstörung (Schädigung der Energie erzeugenden Komponenten in den Zellen, was zu Störungen im Blut führen kann) hervorrufen.", "en": "2 / 3 Pregnancy taking Epivir, a mitochondrial dysfunction (damage to the energy-producing components in the cells, which can cause problems in the blood)."}, "mt_gen": "2 / 3 Pregnancy taking Epivir, mitochondrial dysfunction (damage to the energy-producing components within cells in the cells, which can cause problems in the blood).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "127 Rasilez HCT ist in Packungen mit 7, 14, 28, 30, 50, 56, 90 oder 98 Tabletten erhältlich.", "en": "127 Rasilez HCT is available in packs containing 7, 14, 28, 30, 50, 56, 90 or 98 tablets."}, "mt_gen": "127 Rasilez HCT is available in packs containing 7, 14, 28, 30, 50, 56, 90 or 98 tablets.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die GMT lagen zum Monat 36 in der Fendrix-Gruppe bei 154,1 mIU / ml, in der Kontrollgruppe bei 111,9 mIU / ml; 58,7% der Impflinge in der Fendrix-Gruppe und 38,5% in der Kontrollgruppe hatten Anti-HBs-Antikörperkonzentrationen ≥ 100 mIU / ml.", "en": "The GMTs were given at month 36 in the Fendrix and 154,1 mIU / ml in the control group in 111,9 mIU / ml; 58.7% of the vaccinated subject the Fendrix and 38.5% in the control group had anti-HBs antibody concentrations ≥ 100 mIU / ml respectively."}, "mt_gen": "The GMTs were given at month 36 in the Fendrix and 154,1 mIU / ml in the control group in 111,9 mIU / ml; 58.7% in the Fendrix and 38.5% in the control group had anti-HBs antibody titres ≥ 100 mIU / ml respectively.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Klare, farblose, neutrale Lösung.", "en": "Clear, colourless, aqueous solution."}, "mt_gen": "Clear, colourless, aqueous solution.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Alle Geräte, einschließlich Verbindungsstücke, Schläuche und Kreisläufe, die zur Verabreichung von Stickstoffmonoxid verwendet werden, müssen aus gaskompatiblen Materialien bestehen.", "en": "All equipment used for the administration of nitric acid, including connectors, tubes and circuits, must be from the gas compatible materials."}, "mt_gen": "All equipment used, including antithrombogenic agent, and a backsheet of nitric oxide to be used from the gaskompatiblen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es gab keinen Hinweis, dass die nachgewiesenen Antikörper eine spezifische Immunreaktion auf die Drotrecogin alfa (aktiviert) Therapie darstellen.", "en": "There was no evidence that the antibodies detected represented a specific immune response to drotrecogin alfa (activated) therapy."}, "mt_gen": "There was no evidence that the antibodies detected represented a specific immune response to drotrecogin alfa (activated) therapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Ihre Packung Atripla zu Ende geht, bitten Sie Ihren Arzt um ein neues Rezept.", "en": "If your pack of Atripla comes to the end, please ask your doctor for a new prescription."}, "mt_gen": "If your pack of Atripla starts about how to inject, please ask your doctor for a new prescription.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Vergleich zum Behandlungsbeginn nahm HbA1c in der \"Nateglinid plus Metformin-Gruppe\" um - 0,41% und in der \"Gliclazid plus Metformin-Gruppe\" um - 0,57% ab (Unterschied: 0,17%, [95% Konfidenzintervall: - 0,03, 0,36]).", "en": "In comparison to the treamtent initiation the HbA1c decreased by 0.41% in the nateglinide plus metformin group and - 0.57% in the gliclazide plus metformin group (difference: 0.175 [confidence interval: 0.03, 0.36])."}, "mt_gen": "The decrease from baseline in HbA1c and - 0.57% in the nateglinide plus metformin group and - 0.41% in the gliclazide plus metformin group (difference 0.17%, [95% CI - 0.03, 0.36]).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die nekrotische Reaktion und die damit ausgelöste Entzündung entwickeln sich über mehrere Tage.", "en": "The necrotic reaction and the inflammation triggered by that develop over several days."}, "mt_gen": "The acylglucosamine reaction is initiated and inflammation in developing a self-limiting over several days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten mit bekannter Überempfindlichkeit gegen Trastuzumab, Mausproteine oder einen der sonstigen Bestandteile.", "en": "Patients with known hypersensitivity to trastuzumab, mouse proteins, or any of the other ingredients."}, "mt_gen": "Patients with known hypersensitivity to trastuzumab, mouse proteins, or any of the other ingredients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Absetzen der Behandlung mit Stalevo:", "en": "Discontinuation of treatment with Stalevo:"}, "mt_gen": "Discontinuation of treatment with Stalevo:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie sollten während der Behandlung mit ISENTRESS weiterhin regelmäßig Ihren Arzt aufsuchen.", "en": "During treatment with ISENTRESS you should regularly consult your doctor."}, "mt_gen": "You should be avoided during treatment with regular ISENTRESS consult your doctor.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie jedes Insulin kann Insulatard Hypoglykämien (Unterzuckerungen) verursachen.", "en": "As with all insulins, Insulatard may cause hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose)."}, "mt_gen": "As with all insulins, Insulatard may cause hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine fungizide Wirkung von Caspofungin wurde gegen Candida-Hefen nachgewiesen.", "en": "One fungicidal action of caspofungin has been demonstrated against candida yeast."}, "mt_gen": "One fungicidal action of caspofungin has been demonstrated to Candida-Hefen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur subkutanen Injektion reinigen Sie die Haut an der Injektionsstelle mit einem Alkoholtupfer.", "en": "For subcutaneous injection, clean the skin at the injection site using an alcohol wipe."}, "mt_gen": "For subcutaneous injection, clean the skin at the injection site using an alcohol wipe.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese Stammlösung ist auf sichtbare Partikel oder Verfärbung zu prüfen.", "en": "This reconstituted solution should be checked for visible particulate matter or discolouration."}, "mt_gen": "This reconstituted solution should be given to notice visible particulate matter or discolouration.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Zubereitung von GONAL-f 450 I.E. / 0,75 ml (33 Mikrogramm / 0,75 ml) darf mit keinem weiteren Behältnis GONAL-f zusammen rekonstituiert werden.", "en": "GONAL-f 450 IU / 0.75 ml (33 micrograms / 0.75 ml) preparation must not be reconstituted with any other GONAL-f container."}, "mt_gen": "GONAL-f 450 IU / 0.75 ml (33 micrograms / 0.75 ml) preparation must not be reconstituted with any other GONAL-f container.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Arzneimittel darf, außer mit den unter Abschnitt 6.6 aufgeführten, nicht mit anderen Arzneimitteln gemischt werden.", "en": "This medicinal product must not be not be mixed with other medicinal products except those mentioned in section 6.6."}, "mt_gen": "This medicinal product must not be not be mixed with other medicinal products except those mentioned in section 6.6.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hydrochlorothiazid erhöht die Urinausscheidung und führt dadurch zu einem Absenken Ihres Blutdrucks.", "en": "Hydrochlorothiazide increases urine output and therefore leads to a lowering of your blood pressure."}, "mt_gen": "hydrochlorothiazide increases urine output and therefore leads to a carrier a lowering of your blood pressure.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "2. Was müssen Sie vor der Anwendung von Tevagrastim beachten? 3.", "en": "What you should consider before you use Tevagrastim 3."}, "mt_gen": "What you should consider before you use Tevagrastim 3.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wirkt Gardasil?", "en": "How does Gardasil work?"}, "mt_gen": "How does Gardasil work?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Wirksamkeit von Azomyr Tabletten wurde in Studien mit jugendlichen Patienten von 12 bis 17 Jahren nicht eindeutig gezeigt.", "en": "The efficacy of Azomyr tablets has not been clearly demonstrated in trials with adolescent patients 12 through 17 years of age."}, "mt_gen": "The efficacy of Azomyr tablets has not been clearly demonstrated in trials with adolescent patients 12 through 17 years of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Um dies feststellen zu können, müssen der Stuhl und der Urin Ihres Baby auf Blut untersucht werden.", "en": "To determine this, the faeces and urine of your baby are tested for blood."}, "mt_gen": "To determine this, the faeces and urine and blood tests of your baby.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Ulcusstatus wurde endoskopisch in den Wochen 4, 8 und 12 bestimmt.", "en": "The Ulcusstatus was endoscopic at weeks 4, 8 and 12."}, "mt_gen": "The Ulcusstatus was endoskopisch at weeks 4, 8 and 12.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "7, 14, 28, 30, 56, 90, 98 oder 280 Filmtabletten.", "en": "7, 14, 28, 30, 56, 90, 98 or 280 tablets."}, "mt_gen": "7, 14, 28, 30, 56, 90, 98 or 280 tablets.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Inhalt der Doppelkammer-Patrone wird im Inneren des Preotact-Pens gemischt.", "en": "The contents of the dual-chamber cartridge is mixed with the Preotact-Pens."}, "mt_gen": "The contents of the dual-chamber cartridge is mixed with the Preotact-Pens.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Durchstechflasche enthält 100 mg Anakinra * in 0,67 ml (150 mg / ml).", "en": "Each vial contains 100 mg of anakinra * in 0.67 ml (150 mg / ml)."}, "mt_gen": "Each vial contains 100 mg of anakinra * in 0.67 ml (150 mg / ml).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anhang II enthält die wissenschaftlichen Schlussfolgerungen, und Anhang III enthält die Zusammenfassung der Merkmale des Arzneimittels.", "en": "The scientific conclusions are provided in the Annex II, and Annex III contains the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC)."}, "mt_gen": "Annex II The scientific conclusions are provided in the Annex III, see the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "17 Atorvastatin führen. Atorvastatin sollte daher in einer Kombination mit derartigen Arzneistoffen nur mit besonderer Vorsicht angewandt werden (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "Atorvastatin should only be used in combination with such medicinal agents with caution (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "17 atorvastatin should be used in combination with such medicinal agents should be used with caution (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In-vivo-Studien am Hund belegen die antiemetische Wirksamkeit von Maropitant gegenüber zentral und peripher wirkenden Emetika wie Apomorphin, Cisplatin oder Ipecacuanha-Sirup.", "en": "In vivo studies on dogs, the anti-emetic efficacy of maropitant attests the central and peripheral effective emetica, such as apomorphin, cisplatin and Ipecacuanha-Sirup."}, "mt_gen": "In vivo studies in efficacy of maropitant and dogs, cisplatin and Ipecacuanha-Sirup.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Auftreten eines peripheren Ödems kann mit der Verschlechterung der Erkrankung oder einer unzureichenden Wirksamkeit des Produktes zusammenhängen.", "en": "The occurrence of peripheral oedema may be associated with worsening of the disease or insufficient efficacy of the product."}, "mt_gen": "The occurrence of peripheral oedema may be associated with worsening of the disease or insufficient efficacy of the product.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "se Chronische Hepatitis B:", "en": "Chronic hepatitis B:"}, "mt_gen": "uth Chronic hepatitis B:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Ergebnisse von Beobachtungsstudien liefern keine Anhaltspunkte für ein erhöhtes Risiko der Suizidalität bei Patienten unter Paroxetin, und auch Post-Marketing-Berichte deuten auf niedrige Raten von suizidalem Verhalten hin.", "en": "Results of observational studies provide no evidence for an increased risk of suicidality in patients under paroxetine, and also been post-marketing reports suggest low rates of suicidal behaviour."}, "mt_gen": "Results of observational studies provide no evidence for an increased risk of suicidality in patients under paroxetine, and also been post-marketing reports of suggest a low rates of suicidal behaviour.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Während der Laufzeit kann das Produkt einmal für maximal 2 Monate bei Raumtemperatur (bis zu 25 ° C) aufbewahrt werden.", "en": "During the shelf life, the product may be stored at once for a maximum of 2 months at room temperature (up to 25 ° C)."}, "mt_gen": "During the shelf life, the product may be stored at once for a maximum of 2 months at room temperature (up to 25 ° C).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Vitamin B6 ist rezeptfrei erhältlich.", "en": "- vitamin B6 is available without a prescription."}, "mt_gen": "- vitamin is used to treat mental illness.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Stechen Sie mit der Injektionsnadel unter die Hautoberfläche, wie es Ihnen Ihr Arzt oder Apotheker gezeigt hat.", "en": "Put the needle fully into the skin as shown by your doctor, nurse or pharmacist."}, "mt_gen": "Put the needle fully into the skin as shown by your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es darf nicht bei Patienten mit floriden schweren Infektionen angewendet werden.", "en": "It should not be used in patients with active gastric severe infections."}, "mt_gen": "It should not be used in patients with active gastric severe infections.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "134 Nebenwirkungen wieder zurückgebildet haben. Im Falle einer länger anhaltenden oder rezidivierend auftretenden Intoleranz gegenüber Viraferon, auch nach entsprechender Dosismodifikation bzw. bei Progression der Erkrankung, ist die Behandlung mit Viraferon abzubrechen.", "en": "134 adverse reactions reformed. In the case of a persistent or recurrent intolerance to Viraferon, it is reccommended to discontinue the treatment with viraferon, even after appropriate dosage modification or progression of the disease."}, "mt_gen": "134 adverse reactions or develops following adequate dosage adjustment, or disease progresses, discontinue treatment with Viraferon.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "42 • Verwenden Sie es mit äußerster Vorsicht, wenn Sie jemals von Arzneimitteln oder Alkohol abhängig waren. • Wenn Sie Medikamente einnehmen, die einschließlich Sonata zur Gruppe der Schlafmittel gehören, besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Sie von diesen abhängig werden können.", "en": "Use with extreme caution if you have ever been addicted to medicines or alcohol. • If you are taking medicines, including Sonata in the group of sleep medication, there is a possibility that you may be become addicted."}, "mt_gen": "Once it is used with extreme caution if you have ever depending on medicines or alcohol. • If you are taking medicines including Sonata were available, there is a possibility that you may be).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das mit niedrig dosiertem Ritonavir verstärkte Arzneimittel Agenerase wurde bei 206 Erwachsenen, die früher Proteasehemmer eingenommen hatten, mit anderen Proteasehemmern verglichen.", "en": "The product Agenerase improved with a low dose was compared in 206 adults who had taken protease inhibitors with other protease inhibitors."}, "mt_gen": "The co-administered with low-dose ritonavir, Agenerase boosted was seen in 206 adults who had taken protease inhibitors, compared with other protease inhibitors.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "32% in Studie C / I98-580).", "en": "32% in trial C / I98-580)."}, "mt_gen": "32% in trial C / I98-580).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht oral oder über einen anderen Weg verabreichen.", "en": "Do not administer orally or via a different route."}, "mt_gen": "Do not administer orally or via a different route.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In über der Hälfte dieser Fälle wurde die Behandlung mit Proteaseinhibitoren fortgesetzt bzw. wieder aufgenommen, wenn sie unterbrochen worden war.", "en": "In more than half of the reported cases, treatment with protease inhibitors was continued or reintroduced if treatment had been discontinued."}, "mt_gen": "In more than half of the reported cases, treatment with protease inhibitors was continued or reintroduced if treatment had been discontinued.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Setzen Sie die Einnahme wie üblich fort, wenn es Zeit für die nächste Dosis ist, die Ihr Arzt Ihnen verordnet hat.", "en": "Continue the dose as normal, if it is nearly time for the next dose that your doctor has prescribed."}, "mt_gen": "Do not stop taking as usual, if it is nearly time for the next dose that your doctor has prescribed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Wenn Sie in der Vorgeschichte ein Problem mit der Leber hatten.", "en": "- If you have a history of a problem with the liver."}, "mt_gen": "- If you have a history of a problem with the liver.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schließlich sind auch die Daten der Anwendungsbeobachtung (Postmarketing-Surveillance) aus dem Vereinigten Königreich beruhigend.", "en": "Finally the data from post- marketing surveillance from the United Kingdom are also reassuring."}, "mt_gen": "Finally, also data from post- marketing surveillance (post) from the United Kingdom beruhigend.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die PTH-Spiegel sollten mindestens 12 Stunden nach der Verabreichung von Parareg sowie eine bis vier Wochen nach jeder Dosisanpassung gemessen werden.", "en": "PTH levels should be assessed at least 12 hours after the administration of Parareg and one to four weeks after each dose adjustment."}, "mt_gen": "PTH levels should be assessed at least 12 hours after the administration of Parareg and one to four weeks after each dose adjustment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schieben Sie den Kolben weiter, bis die vorgeschriebene Menge an NeoRecormon im Reco-Pen verbleibt.", "en": "Push the plunger until the prescribed amount of NeoRecormon remains in the Reco-Pen."}, "mt_gen": "Push the plunger up to the prescribed amount of NeoRecormon in the Reco-Pen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Unabhängig von der Größe des Hundes darf immer nur ein Implantat eingepflanzt werden.", "en": "Whatever the size of the dog, always only one implant may be implanted."}, "mt_gen": "Whatever the size of the dog's always Administer one implant only.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "38 Bei fehlendem Ansprechen auf Erythropoetin ist unverzüglich nach ursächlichen Faktoren zu suchen.", "en": "If there is no response to treatment with Erythropoetin causative factors should be searched for immediately."}, "mt_gen": "In response to erythropoietin therapy should prompt a search for causative factors Non.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Über CYP 2C19 werden u. a. Diazepam, Citalopram und Imipramin metabolisiert.", "en": "Diazepam, citalopram and imipramine are metabolised by CYP 2C19."}, "mt_gen": "Over CYP 2C19, diazepam, citalopram and imipramine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei einer Downregulation wird mit der Anwendung von GONAL-f üblicherweise etwa 2 Wochen nach Beginn der Agonist-Verabreichung begonnen.", "en": "In a downregulation, GONAL-f is started approximately 2 weeks after the start of Agonist administration."}, "mt_gen": "In a commonly used protocol, GONAL-f is approximately 2 weeks after the start of Agonist-Verabreichung 3 of the treatment cycle.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Entfernen Sie die Schützhülle von der Nadel erst unmittelbar vor der Injektion - jetzt sind Sie für die Injektion bereit.", "en": "Remove the protective cap from the needle with the solvent provided just before the injection - You are now ready."}, "mt_gen": "Remove the Schützhülle from the needle with the solvent provided just before the injection - If you are now ready.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "EKG-Untersuchungen Es gab vereinzelt Fälle von QT-Verlängerung in klinischen Studien, deren Kausalität nicht bekannt ist.", "en": "EKG tests: There have been cases of QT prolongation in clinical trials whose causality is unknown."}, "mt_gen": "EKG-Untersuchungen There have been cases of QT prolongation in clinical trials whose causality is unknown.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Temodal 140 mg Hartkapseln haben ein opak weißes Unterteil, ein blaues Oberteil und sind mit schwarzer Tinte bedruckt.", "en": "Temodal 140 mg hard capsules have an opaque white body, a blue uper part, and are imprinted with black ink."}, "mt_gen": "Temodal 140 mg hard capsules have an opaque white body, said cap, and are imprinted with black ink.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für die Behandlung der Überdosierung (versehentliche Einnahme) bei einer Opioid-naiven Person sollte ein intravenöser Zugang gelegt und je nach klinischer Indikationsstellung Naloxon oder andere Opioid-Antagonisten angewendet werden.", "en": "For treatment of overdose (accidental ingestion) in the opioid-naive person, intravenous access should be obtained and depending on clinical indication nnaloxone or other opioid antagonists should be used."}, "mt_gen": "For treatment of overdose (accidental ingestion) in the opioid-naive person, intravenous access should be obtained and naloxone or other opioid antagonists should be used.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie ist Myozyme aufzubewahren? 6.", "en": "How to store Myozyme"}, "mt_gen": "How to store Myozyme", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird nicht empfohlen, InductOs bei Müttern anzuwenden, die ein Kind stillen.", "en": "It is not recommended to use InductOs in mothers who are breast-feeding."}, "mt_gen": "It is not recommended to use InductOs in mothers who are breast-feeding.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen (Anaphylaxie und Angioödem) wurden nach der Marktzulassung für Valdecoxib und Parecoxib berichtet (siehe Abschnitt 4.8).", "en": "Injection site reactions (anaphylaxis and angioedema) have been reported through postmarketing surveillance for valdecoxib and parecoxib (see section 4.8)."}, "mt_gen": "Injection site reactions (anaphylaxis and angioedema) have been reported through postmarketing surveillance for valdecoxib and parecoxib have been reported (see section 4.8).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "222 Falls weitere Informationen über das Arzneimittel gewünscht werden, setzen Sie sich bitte mit dem örtlichen Vertreter des Pharmazeutischen Unternehmers in Verbindung.", "en": "222 For further information about this medicine, please contact the local representative of the pharmaceutical manafacturer."}, "mt_gen": "222 For any information about this medicine, please contact the local representative of the Marketing Authorisation Holder.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein Teil der Behandlung des Diabetes ist die diätetische Kontrolle.", "en": "A portion of the treatment of diabetes is the dietary control."}, "mt_gen": "26.9% in the treatment of diabetes, the dietary control.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der aufbereitete Impfstoff enthält inaktiviertes porcines Circovirus Typ 2 (PCV2) in einem öligen Adjuvans (o / w).", "en": "The purified vaccine contains an inactivated porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) in an oily adjuvant (o / w)."}, "mt_gen": "The aglycone-containing vaccine contains an inactivated porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) in an oily (o / w).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zevalin kann möglicherweise die Verkehrstüchtigkeit und die Fähigkeit zum Bedienen von Maschinen beeinträchtigen, da über Schwindel als häufige Nebenwirkung berichtet wurde.", "en": "Zevalin can potentially induce the ability to drive or use machinery since the frequency of reports of dizziness has been reported as a common side effect."}, "mt_gen": "Zevalin can potentially induce the ability to drive or use machinery since the frequency of reports of dizziness has been reported as a common side effect.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "B. Patienten mit APACHE II < 25 oder mit nur einem sepsisinduzierten Organversagen) eingeschlossen.", "en": "(e. g. patients with APACHE II < 25 or with only one sepsis-induced organ failure) were enrolled."}, "mt_gen": "(e. g. patients with APACHE II 25 or with only one sepsis-induced organ failure) were enrolled.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die magenresistente Darreichungsform von Didanosin sollte frühestens zwei Stunden nach einer Mahlzeit eingenommen werden.", "en": "The gastro-resistant dosage form of didanosine should be taken hours after a meal at the earliest."}, "mt_gen": "The oligonucleotide of didanosine should be taken at least two hours after a meal.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur langfristigen Vorbeugung gegen Blutungen bei Patienten mit schwerer Hämophilie B sollten Dosen von 20 IE bis 40 IE Faktor IX je Kilogramm Körpergewicht in Abständen von 3 bis 4 Tagen verabreicht werden.", "en": "For long-term prevention against bleeding in patients with severe haemophilia B, doses of 20 IU to 40 IU of factor IX per kilogram of body weight at intervals of 3 to 4 days."}, "mt_gen": "For long-term prevention against bleeding in patients with severe haemophilia B, doses of 20 IU to 40 IU of factor IX per kilogram of body weight at intervals of 3 to 4 days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lipodystrophie-Syndrom, Erschöpfung; gelegentlich:", "en": "Lipodistrophy syndrome, fatigue; uncommon:"}, "mt_gen": "lipodistrophy syndrome, fatigue; uncommon:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Reproduktionstoxizität wurde bei Ratten und Kaninchen nach intravenöser Gabe, jedoch nicht nach subkutaner Anwendung (die normale klinische Art) untersucht.", "en": "The reproductive toxicity was seen in rats and rabbits after intravenous administration, but not after subcutaneous administration (the usual clinical nature)."}, "mt_gen": "The reproductive toxicity was seen in rats and rabbits after intravenous administration, but not after subcutaneous administration in cattle was studied (the usual clinical nature).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Warum wurde NovoRapid zugelassen?", "en": "Why has NovoRapid been approved?"}, "mt_gen": "Why has NovoRapid been approved?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Thalidomide Celgene kann unabhängig von der Nahrungsaufnahme eingenommen werden.", "en": "Thalidomide Celgene can be taken with or without food."}, "mt_gen": "Thalidomide Celgene can be taken with or without food.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welchen Nutzen hat Hepsera in diesen Studien gezeigt?", "en": "What benefit has Hepsera shown during the studies?"}, "mt_gen": "What benefit has Hepsera shown during the studies?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Antikörper wird in einer Suspensionskultur aus Säugetierzellen (Ovarialzellen des chinesischen Hamsters) in einem Nährmedium hergestellt.", "en": "The antibody is produced in a suspension culture from mammel cells (ovarian cells in Chinese hamsters) in culture medium."}, "mt_gen": "The injection is made in the sleeve (in Chinese Hamster Ovary).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine gleichzeitige Anwendung von 10 mg Adefovirdipivoxil und 100 mg Lamivudin änderte bei keinem der beiden Arzneimittel das pharmakokinetische Profil.", "en": "Co-administration of 10 mg adefovir dipivoxil and lamivudine 100 mg did not alter the pharmacokinetic profile of none of the two medicinal products."}, "mt_gen": "Co-administration of 10 mg adefovir dipivoxil and lamivudine 100 mg) did not alter the pharmacokinetic profile of none of the two medicinal products.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "60 Wenn Sie die Anwendung von Filgrastim ratiopharm abbrechen Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, bevor Sie die Anwendung von Filgrastim ratiopharm abbrechen.", "en": "If you stop using Filgrastim ratiopharm: Talk to your doctor before you stop using Filgrastim ratiopharm."}, "mt_gen": "If you stop using Filgrastim ratiopharm Talk to your doctor before you stop using Filgrastim ratiopharm.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist InductOs?", "en": "What is InductOs?"}, "mt_gen": "What is InductOs?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die empfohlene Emtriva-Dosis bei Patienten mit einem Körpergewicht von mindestens 33 kg beträgt einmal täglich eine Kapsel.", "en": "The recommended Emtriva dose in patients who weigh at least 33 kg: one capsule once a day."}, "mt_gen": "The recommended Emtriva-Dosis in patients who weigh at least 33 kg: one capsule once a day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Impfdosis von 0,5 ml Suspension in einer Fertigspritze.", "en": "Each dose contains 0.5 ml of suspension in a pre-filled syringe."}, "mt_gen": "Each dose contains 0.5 ml of suspension in a pre-filled syringe.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die intravenöse Anwendung einer 3-g- Tagesdosis Ertapenem über 8 Tage bei erwachsenen Probanden führte zu keinen signifikanten toxischen Wirkungen.", "en": "The intravenous administration of the 3 g daily dose of ertapenem for 8 days in adult volunteers led to no toxicologically significant effects."}, "mt_gen": "The intravenous administration of the 3-g- daily dose of ertapenem for 8 days in adult volunteers, no toxicologically significant effects.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Während der Behandlung mit YENTREVE sollten Sie besonders vorsichtig sein, wenn Sie Alkohol trinken.", "en": "During treatment with YENTREVE you should be particularly careful if you drink alcohol."}, "mt_gen": "During treatment with YENTREVE you should be particularly careful if you drink alcohol.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt hat Ihnen Nespo (ein Antianämikum) zur Behandlung Ihrer Anämie verordnet.", "en": "Your doctor has given you Nespo (an anti-anaemic) to treat your anaemia."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor has given you Nespo (an anti-anaemic) to treat your anaemia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht über 30 ° C lagern!", "en": "Do not store above 30 ° C!"}, "mt_gen": "Do not store above 30 ° C Store!", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Hersteller solcher Produkte haben außerdem bei der Verarbeitung des Blutes bzw. Plasmas Verfahrensschritte integriert, die Viren inaktivieren oder entfernen.", "en": "The Manufacturer of such products have also integrated steps in the processing of the blood and plasma that can inactivate or remove viruses."}, "mt_gen": "The Manufacturer with such products have also include steps in the processing of the blood and Manufacturers of these products also include steps in the blood or plasma that can inactivate or remove viruses.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Silgard induzierte bei trächtigen Ratten nach Gabe einer oder mehrerer intramuskulärer Injektionen eine spezifische Antikörperantwort auf die HPV-Typen 6, 11, 16 und 18.", "en": "Silgard induced a specific antibody response to HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18 in pregnant rats after one or more intramuscular injections."}, "mt_gen": "Silgard became pregnant in rats with intramuscular injections of administration of a specific antibody response to HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Daher ist eine strenge Überwachung der aPTT auch während längerer Therapie notwendig.", "en": "Therefore, strenge monitoring of aPTT during prolonged therapy is necessary."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore, strenge monitoring of aPTT during prolonged therapy is necessary.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Arzneimittel sollten nicht über die Kanalisation bzw. den Hausmüll entsorgt werden.", "en": "Medicines should not be disposed of via the sewerage system or household rubbish."}, "mt_gen": "Medicines should not be disposed of via Kanalisation and ordinary rubbish.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die höchste beim Menschen geprüfte Dosis (20 mg / kg Körpergewicht, i.v. alle 2 Wochen) führte bei mehreren Patienten zu schwerer Migräne.", "en": "The highest tested dose in humans (20 mg / kg body weight, IV every 2 weeks) resulted in severe migraine in several patients."}, "mt_gen": "The highest in humans is hydrogen and one dose (20 mg / kg body weight, IV every 2 weeks) resulted in several in patients who develop severe migraine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wurden keine Studien über Wechselwirkungen durchgeführt.", "en": "No studies have been conducted for interactions."}, "mt_gen": "No studies have been conducted for interactions.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die häufigsten Nebenwirkungen von Cholestagel in den Studien (beobachtet bei mehr als 1 von 10 Patienten) waren Flatulenz (Blähungen) und Obstipation (Verstopfung).", "en": "The most common side effects of Cholestagel in studies (seen in more than 1 patient in 10) were flatulence (wind) and constipation."}, "mt_gen": "The most common side effects with Cholestagel in studies (seen in more than 1 patient in 10) were flatulence (wind) and constipation (constipation).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit erhöhtem Risiko, wie Kinder, sollten Urinanalysen in Betracht gezogen werden.", "en": "In patients with increased risk, such as children, urine analyses should be considered."}, "mt_gen": "In patients with increased risk, such as children, should be Urinanalysen should be considered.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "2 / 67 Bei Verwendung des Produktes sollten offizielle und örtliche Bestimmungen zur Verwendung von Antibiotika berücksichtigt werden.", "en": "2 / 64 Official and local regulations on the use of antibiotics should be taken into account when using this product."}, "mt_gen": "2 / 64 Using the product into account official and local regulations should be taken into account the use of antibiotics.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Kombinationsbehandlung mit mehreren Antiepileptika kann mit einem höheren Risiko für angeborene Fehlbildungen vergesellschaftet sein als eine Monotherapie.", "en": "A combination treatment with multiple AEDs may be associated with a higher risk of congenital malformations than monotherapy."}, "mt_gen": "A combination treatment with multiple AEDs may be associated with a higher risk of congenital malformations vergesellschaftet may be used as monotherapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "21 Beeinträchtigung der Fertilität:", "en": "21 Impairment of Fertility:"}, "mt_gen": "21 Impairment of Fertility:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Metabolische und endokrine Wirkungen:", "en": "Metabolic and endocrine effects:"}, "mt_gen": "Metabolic and endocrine effects:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei den behandlungserfahrenen Patienten ließen sich die Ergebnisse der ersten Studie mit Reyataz nicht interpretieren, da ein Großteil der Patienten die Studie vor deren Abschluss verließ.", "en": "In the treatment-experienced patients, the results of the first study with Reyataz could not be interpreted, since the majority of patients left the study before the conclusion."}, "mt_gen": "In the treatment-experienced patients were the results of the first study interpretieren all side effects reported with Reyataz, since the majority of patients in the study before the completion of verließ.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Steady-state wird bei den meisten Patienten nach einer 7-tägigen Einnahme erreicht.", "en": "Steady state is reached in the majority of patients after a 7-day dosing."}, "mt_gen": "Steady state is used in the majority of patients, after a 7-tägigen dosing.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In diesen Studien wurden die Wirkungen von Ibaflin mit denjenigen anderer Antibiotika verglichen (Marbofloxacin, Enrofloxacin oder Amoxicillin / Clavulansäure).", "en": "In these studies, the effects of Ibaflin was compared to other antibiotics (Marbofloxacin enrofloxacin, or amoxicillin / clavulanic acid)."}, "mt_gen": "In these studies, the effects of Ibaflin with those of compared to other antibiotics (Marbofloxacin enrofloxacin, or amoxicillin / clavulanic acid).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dies könnte darauf zurückzuführen sein, dass Patienten, die in den BSC-Arm randomisiert wurden, nach dem Progress Panitumumab erhielten.", "en": "This may be due to patients who were randomized to receive for progression after receiving panitumumab."}, "mt_gen": "This may be due to suggest that some patients who were randomized to receive for progression after receiving panitumumab.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "behandelten Patienten ähnlich.", "en": "similar to that of treated patients."}, "mt_gen": "similar to that of treated patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Suspension befindet sich in Typ I Klarglaspatronen, die mit Halobutylscheibenstopfen und Patro- nenkolben verschlossen und mit Aluminiumkappen gesichert sind.", "en": "The suspension is contained in type I flint glass cartridges seals and plunger heads and secured with aluminium seals."}, "mt_gen": "The suspension is contained in type I flint glass cartridges seals and plunger heads and secured with aluminium seals.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "erhöhtes Risiko für hepatische Dekompensation und Tod haben.", "en": "Increased risk of hepatic decompensation and death."}, "mt_gen": "increased risk of hepatic decompensation and death.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wird Norvir angewendet?", "en": "How is Norvir used?"}, "mt_gen": "How is Norvir used?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dies gilt insbesondere für die nachstehend aufgeführten Arzneimittel, wenn diese gleichzeitig mit Kinzalkomb eingenommen werden;", "en": "This applies especially to the medicines listed below when taken at the same time with Kinzalkomb;"}, "mt_gen": "This applies especially to the medicines listed below for when taken at the same time with Kinzalkomb;", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Danach kann die Dosis aufgrund der Reaktion der Eierstöcke individuell angepasst werden.", "en": "Thereafter, the dose may be individually adjusted due to the ovarian response."}, "mt_gen": "Thereafter, the dose may be individually adjusted due to the ovarian response.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Wirkstoff in Enbrel ist Etanercept.", "en": "The active ingredient in Enbrel is etanercept."}, "mt_gen": "The active ingredient in Enbrel is etanercept.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Irbesartan Hydrochlorothiazide BMS Filmtabletten sind pfirsichfarben, bikonvex, oval geformt; auf der einen Seite ist ein Herz eingeprägt und auf der anderen Seite die Zahl 2875.", "en": "Irbesartan hydrochlorothiazide BMS film-coated tablets are peach coloured, biconvex, oval-shaped, with the other side is a heart engraved on one side and the number 2875 engraved on the other side."}, "mt_gen": "Irbesartan Hydrochlorothiazide BMS film-coated tablets are peach, biconvex, oval-shaped, with the other side is a heart engraved on one side and the number 2875 engraved on the other side.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wirkt Equilis StrepE?", "en": "How does Equilis StrepE?"}, "mt_gen": "How does Equilis StrepE?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "23 Daten aus in-vitro-Studien mit menschlichen Lebermikrosomen zeigen, dass Entacapon das Cytochrom P450 2C9 (IC50 ~ 4 µM) hemmt.", "en": "23 Data from studies using human liver microsomal preparations indicate that entacapone inhibits cytochrome P450 2C9 (IC50 ~ 4 µM)."}, "mt_gen": "23 Data from studies using human liver microsomal preparations indicate that entacapone inhibits cytochrome P450 2C9 (IC50 ~ 4 µM).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ciclosporin A ist ein Inhibitor verschiedener am Arzneimittelabbau beteiligter Enzyme und Transporter.", "en": "Ciclosporin A is an inhibitor of various enzymes and transporters involved in drug delivery."}, "mt_gen": "Ciclosporin A is an inhibitor of the Arzneimittelabbau beteiligter enzymes and transporter.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Anschluss an eine Chemotherapie sollten die Patienten eine Strahlentherapie erhalten.", "en": "Following chemotherapy, patients should receive radiation therapy."}, "mt_gen": "Following chemotherapy, patients should receive radiation therapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die dem Injektionssystem beiliegende detaillierte Bedienungsanleitung muss befolgt werden.", "en": "The detailed instructions of the injection system must be followed."}, "mt_gen": "Keep the injection of the electrosurgical detailed instructions should be followed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "• Janumet sollte wie folgt eingenommen werden:", "en": "• Janumet should be taken as follows:"}, "mt_gen": "• Janumet should be taken as follows:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Unmittelbar vor der Anwendung muss der Blister sorgfältig geöffnet und die Dosis des Lyophilisats zum Einnehmen entnommen werden, ohne sie zu beschädigen.", "en": "Immediately before use, the blister must be carefully peeled open and allow the dose of oral lyophilisate without crushing it."}, "mt_gen": "Immediately before use, the blister must be carefully peeled open and allow the dose of oral lyophilisate without crushing it.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Packung enthält einen bzw. vier vorgefüllte (n) Injektor (en) mit 130 μ g Aranesp Injektionslösung in 0,65 ml (200 µg / ml).", "en": "Package containing one or four pre-filled syringe (s) of a 130 µg Aranesp solution for injection in 0.65 ml (200 µg / ml)."}, "mt_gen": "Package containing one or four pre-filled syringe (s) of a 130 µg Aranesp solution for injection in 0.65 ml (200 µg / ml).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Allgemeine Wirkung auf das Zentralnervensystem Bei Patienten, die Alkohol konsumieren bzw. Arzneimittel mit einer das Zentralnervensystem dämpfenden Wirkung erhalten, ist Vorsicht angebracht.", "en": "General CNS activity: In patients who consume alcohol or receive medicinal products that can cause central nervous system activity, caution should be exercised."}, "mt_gen": "General CNS activity in patients who consume alcohol or receive medicinal products that can cause central nervous system activity Caution should be exercised.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es darf kein Blut in die Spritze gelangen.", "en": "Blood should not enter the syringe."}, "mt_gen": "Blood should not enter the syringe.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Da keine Kompatibilitätsstudien durchgeführt wurden, darf dieses Arzneimittel nicht mit anderen Arzneimitteln vermischt oder gleichzeitig über den gleichen intravenösen Zugang infundiert werden.", "en": "In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products or simultaneously infused through the same intravenous line."}, "mt_gen": "In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products or simultaneously infused through the same intravenous line.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Arzt oder Apotheker wird Sie beraten, ob Emtriva zusammen mit Ihren anderen Medikamenten angewendet werden kann.", "en": "Your doctor, nurse or pharmacist will advise you whether Emtriva can be used with your other medicines"}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor, nurse or pharmacist will advise you whether Emtriva used with your other medicines can be used.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Da das Arzneimittel über die Nieren ausgeschieden wird, sollte die Doribax-Dosis bei Patienten verringert werden, die unter mittelschweren bis schweren Nierenproblemen leiden.", "en": "Because the medicine is excreted by the kidneys, Doribax-Dosis should be reduced in patients who have moderate or severe problems with their kidneys."}, "mt_gen": "Because the medicine is excreted by the kidney, Doribax-Dosis should be reduced in patients who have moderate or severe problems with their kidneys.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Manche Insuline haben ein milchiges Aussehen, andere sind klar.", "en": "Some insulins have a milky appearance, other are clear."}, "mt_gen": "Some insulins have milchiges appearance, or clear.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der CHMP gelangte daher zu dem Schluss, dass die Produkte als austauschbar betrachtet werden können.", "en": "The CHMP therefore concluded that the products can be interchangeable."}, "mt_gen": "The CHMP therefore concluded that the products can be interchangeable.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sehr häufige Nebenwirkungen (mehr als 1 von 10 Patienten) in klinischen Studien waren Kopfschmerzen, Gesichtsrötung, Verdauungsstörungen, Durchfall und Gliederschmerzen.", "en": "Very common side effects (more than 1 in 10 patients) in clinical trials were headache, reddening of the face, constipation, indigestion, diarrhoea, and pain in limbs."}, "mt_gen": "Very common side effects (more than 1 in 10 patients) in clinical trials were headache, reddening of the face, constipation, indigestion, diarrhoea, and pain, pain in limb.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Insgesamt 50,0% der mit (Name (Phantasiebezeichnung) behandelten Patienten zeigten keinerlei Ekzemschübe im Vergleich zu 24,0% der Patienten in der Kontrollgruppe.", "en": "A total of 50.0% of the patients treated with (Invented Name) did not experience any excema flare compared to 24.0% of patients in the control group."}, "mt_gen": "A total of 50.0% of the patients treated with Invented Name did not experience any flare compared to 24.0% of patients in the control group.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "14 Kreuzresistenz Es wird nicht empfohlen Patienten nach einem virologischen Versagen auf ein Etravirin-enthaltendes Therapieschema mit Efavirenz und / oder Nevirapin zu behandeln.", "en": "14 Cross-resistance is not recommended to treat patients with virological failure to a Etravirin-containing regimen of efavirenz and / or nevirapine."}, "mt_gen": "14 Cross-resistance is not recommended to treat patients with virological failure to a Etravirin-enthaltendes regimen of efavirenz and / or nevirapine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Inhaber der Genehmigung für das Inverkehrbringen erstellte eine einzelne Tabelle mit allen zutreffenden Nebenwirkungen von allen drei Indikationen:", "en": "The Marketing Authorisation Holder of the marketing authorisation adopted a single table with all of the side effects of all three indications:"}, "mt_gen": "The Marketing Authorisation Holder of the marketing authorisation adopted a single table with all of one side effects of all three indications:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Insgesamt wurde über PPE in 44,0% - 46,1% der Fälle berichtet.", "en": "PPE was reported in 44.0% - 46.1% of cases."}, "mt_gen": "A total of PPE was reported in 44.0% - 46.1% of cases have been reported.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Teilen Sie Ihrem Arzt mit, wenn Sie schwanger sind oder schwanger werden möchten.", "en": "Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant."}, "mt_gen": "Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Pulver ist weiß.", "en": "The powder is white."}, "mt_gen": "The powder is white.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei der Mehrzahl der Patienten (8 / 10) wurden Perikarderguss und Perikarditis als asymptomatisch und für die echokardiografische Beurteilung kaum relevant oder unerheblich angesehen.", "en": "In the majority of patients (8 / 10), pericardial effusion and pericarditis were considered asymptomatic and of little relevance or negligible for echocardiograph evaluation."}, "mt_gen": "The majority of patients (8 / 10), pericardial effusion and asymptomatic pericarditis and echokardiografische little relevance of considered or negligible.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Helicobacter Test INFAI ist ein Atemtest, bei dem Atemproben genommen und zur Analyse an ein Speziallabor eingesandt werden.", "en": "Helicobacter Test INFAI is a breath test, and breath samples sent in for analysis at a special laboratory."}, "mt_gen": "Helicobacter Test INFAI is a breath test, and breath samples for analysis of Speziallabor eingesandt.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für Kleinkinder über 1 Jahr und Kinder im Alter von 2 bis 12 Jahren:", "en": "For infants over 1 year of age and children aged 2 to 12 years of age:"}, "mt_gen": "For infants over 1 year of age and children aged 2 to 12 years of age:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Midazolam dürfen nicht gemeinsam gegeben werden (siehe Abschnitt 4.3).", "en": "Midazolam should not be coadministered (see section 4.3)."}, "mt_gen": "Midazolam should not be coadministered (see section 4.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Schiedsverfahren begann am 27. Juli 2006 mit der Annahme einer Liste von Fragen.", "en": "The arbitration procedure started on 27 July 2006 with the adoption of a list of questions."}, "mt_gen": "The arbitration procedure started on 27 July 2006 with the adoption of a list of questions.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach Ablauf des auf der Faltschachtel und Durchstechflasche nach EXP angegebenen Verfalldatums nicht mehr anwenden.", "en": "Do not use after the expiry date stated on the carton and use the vial after EXP."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use after the expiry date stated on the carton and use the vial after EXP.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Wirkung von PREZISTA kann sich vermindern, wenn Sie eines der folgenden Präparate einnehmen.", "en": "The effect of PREZISTA might be reduced if you are taking any of the following medicines."}, "mt_gen": "The effect of PREZISTA might be reduced if you are taking any of the following medicines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Agenerase ist in Kombination mit Ritonavir bei Patienten mit schwerer Leberfunktionsstörung kontraindiziert.", "en": "Agenerase is contraindicated in combination with ritonavir in patients with severe hepatic impairment."}, "mt_gen": "Agenerase is contraindicated in combination with ritonavir in patients with severe hepatic impairment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Ergebnisse aller drei Messverfahren nach 24 Wochen sind in Tabelle 2 zusammengefasst.", "en": "The results of all three measruing procedures after 24 weeks are summarised in Table 2."}, "mt_gen": "The results of all three switchable at 24 weeks are summarised in Table 2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "5 Anämie Die Behandlung mit Rosiglitazon ist mit einer dosisabhängigen Abnahme der Hämoglobinwerte verbunden.", "en": "5 Anaemia Rosiglitazone treatment is associated with a dose-related reduction of haemoglobin levels."}, "mt_gen": "5 Anaemia Rosiglitazone treatment is associated with a dose-related reduction of haemoglobin levels.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In klinischen Studien mit 118 Kindern oder Jugendlichen im Alter von 3 bis 16 Jahren brachen 6% die Therapie aufgrund von Nebenwirkungen ab.", "en": "In clinical trials of 118 children or adolescents 3 to 16 years of age, 6% discontinued therapy due to adverse side-effects."}, "mt_gen": "In clinical trials of 118 children or adolescents 3 to 16 years of age, 6% discontinued therapy due to adverse events.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "als Pulver in einer Blisterpackung enthalten.", "en": "Receive powder in a blister package."}, "mt_gen": "Powder in a blister.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten, die mit rekombinantem Faktor VIII behandelt wurden, sollten sorgfältig klinisch überwacht und mittels geeigneter Labortests auf die Entwicklung von Hemmkörpern untersucht werden.", "en": "Patients who are treated with recombinant factor VIII should be carefully, clinically monitored and evaluated for inhibitor development in laboratory tests."}, "mt_gen": "Patients who are treated with recombinant factor VIII should be carefully monitored clinically and by laboratory tests evaluated as inhibitor development.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Anzeichen einer Entzündung oder Infektion.", "en": "- signs of inflammation or infection."}, "mt_gen": "- signs of inflammation or infection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Damit die gesamte Dosis verabreicht wird, halten Sie den Dosierknopf ge- drückt und zählen langsam bis 5.", "en": "To administer the entire dose, hold the dose knob stream slowly while counting to 5."}, "mt_gen": "For the entire dose is administered to hold the dose knob stream while slowly counting to 5.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Äußerlich kann Ihr FlexPen durch Abwischen mit einem medizinischen Tupfer gereinigt werden.", "en": "You can clean the exterior of your FlexPen by wiping it with a medicinal swab."}, "mt_gen": "You can clean the exterior of your FlexPen by wiping it with a medicinal swab.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Selten traten ein verlangsamter Herzschlag und Verwirrung auf.", "en": "A slow heart beat and confusion have occured rarely."}, "mt_gen": "have occurred rarely a slow heart beat and confusion.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die renale Clearance von Metformin beträgt > 400 ml / min, was darauf hinweist, dass Metformin über eine glomeruläre Filtration und tubuläre Sekretion eliminiert wird.", "en": "The renal clearance of metformin is 400 ml / min, indicating that metformin is eliminated by the liver via glomerular filtration and tubular secretion."}, "mt_gen": "The renal clearance of metformin is 400 ml / min, indicating that metformin is eliminated by the liver via glomerular filtration and tubular secretion.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kein Kind zeigte schwerwiegende Symptome oder musste die Therapie aufgrund von ZNS-Symptomen abbrechen.", "en": "No child had severe symptoms or had to discontinue because of central nervous system symptoms."}, "mt_gen": "intensity, predominantly dizziness. No child had severe symptoms or had to discontinue because of nervous system symptoms.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Verfalldatum bezieht sich auf den letzten Tag des Monats.", "en": "The expiry date refers to the last day of that month."}, "mt_gen": "The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ge Die sonstigen Bestandteile sind:", "en": "The other ingredients are:"}, "mt_gen": "au The other ingredients are:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Mehrzahl der Effekte in den Toxizitätsstudien mit Mehrfachgabe trat bei einem systemischen Expositionsniveau auf, das äquivalent dem oder sogar niedriger als der Humanexpositionsbereich in der empfohlenen Dosierung war.", "en": "The majority of effects in the repeat-dose toxicity studies, multiple-dose occurred in systemic levels of exposure, the equivalent to or even lower than the human exposure range at the recommended dose."}, "mt_gen": "The majority of effects in the repeat-dose toxicity studies, multiple-dose occurred in systemic At profile that is roughly equivalent to or even or below those at the recommended dose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "[noch nicht zugewiesen].", "en": "[not yet assigned)."}, "mt_gen": "[not yet a baseline).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenden Sie dieses Arzneimittel nicht an, wenn Sie schwanger sind oder schwanger werden wollen.", "en": "Do not take this medicine if you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant."}, "mt_gen": "Do not take this medicine if you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wird VASOVIST angewendet?", "en": "How is VASOVIST used?"}, "mt_gen": "How is VASOVIST used?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- wenn Sie nicht in der Lage sind, 1 Stunde lang zu stehen oder aufrecht zu sitzen.", "en": "- if you are not able to stand or sit upright for 1 hour."}, "mt_gen": "- if you are not able to 1 hour (standing or sitting upright.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Februar 2005 eingeleitet und am 17. Februar 2005 abgeschlossen.", "en": "February 2005 and finalised on 17 February 2005."}, "mt_gen": "The procedure started on 21 February 2005 and finalised on 17 February 2005.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die gleichzeitige Anwendung von Voriconazol und Phenytoin muss vermieden werden, es sei denn der therapeutische Nutzen überwiegt das mögliche Risiko.", "en": "Concomitant use of voriconazole and phenytoin should be avoided unless the benefit outweighs the risk."}, "mt_gen": "Concomitant use of voriconazole and phenytoin should be avoided unless the benefit outweighs the risk.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vor jeder Injektion • Überprüfen Sie, ob noch mindestens 12 Einheiten Insulin in der Patrone übrig sind, damit eine gleichmäßige Mischung sichergestellt ist.", "en": "Before every injection: • Check there are at least 12 units of insulin left in the cartridge to allow even be ensured a mix."}, "mt_gen": "Before every injection: • Check there are at least 12 units of insulin left in the cartridge to allow even be ensured a mix.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Metacam 2,5 mg Kautabletten für Hunde:", "en": "Metacam 2.5 mg chewable tablets for dogs:"}, "mt_gen": "Metacam 2.5 mg chewable tablets for dogs:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten, die mit HIV-1 infiziert sind, verändert sich der virale Tropismus im Laufe der Zeit.", "en": "For patients who are infected with HIV-1, the viral tropismus changes over the course of time."}, "mt_gen": "For patients who are infected with HIV-1, altered stored over time.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "< Phantasiebezeichnung > gehört zu einer Gruppe von Medikamenten, die Immunsuppressiva genannt werden.", "en": "Invented name belongs to a group of medicines called immunosuppressants."}, "mt_gen": "Invented name belongs to a group of medicines called immunosuppressants.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine gleichzeitige Gabe von Lansoprazol und Digoxin kann zu einem Anstieg der Digoxin- Plasmaspiegel führen.", "en": "Concurrent administration of lansoprazole and digoxin may lead to increased digoxin plasma levels."}, "mt_gen": "Concurrent administration of lansoprazole and digoxin may lead to increased digoxin plasma levels.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Entnehmen Sie durch Ziehen des Kolbens die Ihnen verschriebene Menge an Prometax Lösung zum Einnehmen aus der Flasche.", "en": "Remove the prescribed amount of Prometax oral solution from the bottle by pulling the plunger."}, "mt_gen": "Withdraw the rod is calibrated in the prescribed dose of Prometax oral solution from the bottle.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Divertikulitis, Magengeschwüre, Entzündungen des Dickdarmes nach einer Chemotherapie), da es möglich ist, dass Avastin das Risiko erhöht, Löcher in der Darmwand zu entwickeln.", "en": "Diverticulitis, stomach ulsters, inflammation of the colon after chemotherapy, as there is a possibility that Avastin increases the risk of holes developing in the intestinal wall."}, "mt_gen": "to diverticulitis, inflammation of the Dickdarmes after chemotherapy), as there is a possibility that Avastin increases the risk of the forearm in the intestinal wall.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Neulasta darf nicht bei Patienten angewendet werden, die möglicherweise überempfindlich (allergisch) gegen Pegfilgrastim oder einen der sonstigen Bestandteile sind.", "en": "Neulasta should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to pegfilgrastim or any of the other ingredients."}, "mt_gen": "Neulasta should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to pegfilgrastim or any of the other ingredients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "(44-20) 74 18 85 90 Außerhalb der Geschäftszeiten:", "en": "(44-20) 74 18 85 90 Outside business hours:"}, "mt_gen": "(44-20) 74 18 85 90 Outside Call-for-tender for system development:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für herz- oder lebertransplantierte Patienten mit schwerer chronischer Niereninsuffizienz liegen keine Daten vor.", "en": "There are no data available for heart or hepatic transplant patients with severe chronic renal impairment."}, "mt_gen": "There are no data available for herz- or hepatic transplant patients with severe chronic renal impairment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "148 Erythropoetin ist ein Wachstumsfaktor, der in erster Linie die Produktion roter Blutzellen anregt.", "en": "148 Erythropoietin is a growth factor that primarily stimulates red blood cell counts."}, "mt_gen": "148 Erythropoietin is a growth factor that primarily stimulates red blood cell counts.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie die Einnahme von Xeloda vergessen haben:", "en": "If you forget to take Xeloda:"}, "mt_gen": "If you forget to take Xeloda:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die folgenden Angaben entsprechen den pharmakokinetischen Eigenschaften der einzelnen Komponenten in AVAGLIM.", "en": "The following statements reflect the pharmacokinetic properties of the individual active substances in AVAGLIM."}, "mt_gen": "The following statements reflect the pharmacokinetic properties of the individual active substances in AVAGLIM.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "5. Wie ist Clopidogrel BMS aufzubewahren? 6.", "en": "Possible side effects 5 How to store Clopidogrel BMS 6."}, "mt_gen": "Possible side effects 5 How to store Clopidogrel BMS 6.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Durch die Anwendung von Arixtra nach einer Operation wird das Risiko der Bildung eines Blutgerinnsels stark vermindert.", "en": "The administration of Arixtra following surgery will greatly reduce the risk of the formation of a blood clot."}, "mt_gen": "The administration of Arixtra following surgery will help the flow of blood to the heart to be maintained in patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie in Abschnitt 4.2 empfohlen, sollte Mirtazapin schrittweise abgesetzt werden.", "en": "As recommended in section 4.2, Mirtazapin should be discontinued gradually."}, "mt_gen": "What is recommended in section 4.2 should be used.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie ist Nexavar aufzubewahren? 6.", "en": "How to store Nexavar?"}, "mt_gen": "How to store Nexavar", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "104 Prolaktinspiegel verringerte Gewichte der Ovarien und des Uterus sowie morphologische Veränderungen des vaginalen Epithels und der Brustdrüsen beobachtet. Diese Veränderungen waren reversibel.", "en": "104 prolactin levels, decreased weights of ovaries and uterus and morphologic changes in vaginal epithelium and in mammary glands were observed. These changes were reversible."}, "mt_gen": "104 included decreased weights of ovaries and uterus and morphologic changes in vaginal epithelium and in mammary gland.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Neuralgie, Parästhesie und Fieberkrämpfe wurden bei Influenza-Impfstoffen auf Eibasis nur selten beobachtet.", "en": "Neuralgia, paraesthesia and febrile convulsions have rarely been seen in the egg-derived influenza vaccines."}, "mt_gen": "neuralgia, paraesthesia and febrile convulsions have rarely been seen in the egg-derived influenza vaccines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Equilis Te wird zur Impfung von Pferden ab einem Alter von sechs Monaten gegen Tetanus angewendet, um Todesfälle zu vermeiden.", "en": "Equilis Te is used to vaccinate horses from six months of age against tetanus to prevent mortality."}, "mt_gen": "Equilis Te is used to vaccinate horses from six months of age against tetanus to prevent mortality.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Tabletten sollen unzerkaut mit einem Glas Flüssigkeit eingenommen werden.", "en": "The tablets should be swallowed whole with a glass of liquid."}, "mt_gen": "The tablets should be swallowed whole with a glass of liquid.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "49 Tage Schweine:", "en": "49 days Pigs:"}, "mt_gen": "49 days Pigs:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Häufigkeit von unerwünschten Ereignissen in EDGE und EDGE II sowie die Häufigkeit von als schwerwiegend erachteten oder zum Studienabbruch führenden unerwünschten Ereignissen in der MEDAL-Studie war unter Etoricoxib höher als unter Diclofenac.", "en": "The incidence of adverse events during the EDGE and EDGE II and the incidence of serious adverse experiences considered as severe or ones that led to the termination of the study was higher with etoricoxib than diclofenac in the MEDAL study."}, "mt_gen": "The incidence of adverse events during the EDGE and EDGE II and the incidence of serious adverse experiences in the MEDAL study was higher with etoricoxib than diclofenac.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Durchstechflasche enthält 10 mg Basiliximab.", "en": "Each vial contains 10 mg of basiliximab."}, "mt_gen": "Each vial contains 10 mg of basiliximab.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Lösung kann nun intravenös appliziert werden.", "en": "The solution may now be given intravenously."}, "mt_gen": "The solution may now be given intravenously.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bestimmte Arzneimittel können die Posaconazol-Blutspiegel erhöhen (mögliche Erhöhung des Nebenwirkungsrisikos) oder absenken (möglicherweise Wirksamkeitsverlust).", "en": "Certain medicines may increase (possible increase of side effects) or reduce (possibly loss of efficacy) the level of posaconazol in the blood."}, "mt_gen": "Certain medicines may increase the risk of Medicines (potential side effects) the desired therapeutic level (possibly loss of efficacy).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für Efavirenz ist keine Dosisanpassung erforderlich.", "en": "No dose adjustment is necessary for efavirenz."}, "mt_gen": "No dose adjustment is necessary for efavirenz.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verständigen Sie sofort Ihren Arzt, wenn Sie während der Behandlung mit VFEND schwanger werden.", "en": "Contact your doctor immediately if you become pregnant while being treated with VFEND."}, "mt_gen": "Contact your doctor immediately if you become pregnant while being treated with VFEND.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vorübergehendes Verschwommensehen und andere Seheinschränkungen können die Fähigkeit, Maschinen zu bedienen oder am Straßenverkehr teilzunehmen, beeinträchtigen (siehe auch 4.8 Nebenwirkungen).", "en": "Radioactive blurred vision and other visual disturbances may effect the ability to drive a car or operate machinery (see also 4.8 Undesirable effects)."}, "mt_gen": "radioactive blurred vision and other Seheinschränkungen may be used to drive a car or operate machinery or experiencing that may cause (see also 4.8 Undesirable effects).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Brausegranulat muss in etwa 150 ml kaltem Wasser aufgelöst werden.", "en": "The effervescent granules should be reconstituted in approximately 150 ml of cool water."}, "mt_gen": "The effervescent granules should be reconstituted in approximately 150 ml of cool water.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach Gabe von 14C-Rivastigmin erfolgt die renale Elimination rasch und fast vollständig (> 90%) innerhalb von 24 Stunden.", "en": "After administration of 14C-Rivastigmin renal elimination occurs rapidly and almost completely (90%) within 24 hours."}, "mt_gen": "After administration of 14C-Rivastigmin renal elimination is rapidly and almost completely (90%) within 24 hours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Arzneimittel ist sofort nach der Auflösung des Pulvers anzuwenden.", "en": "The medicinal product is to be used immediately after reconstitution."}, "mt_gen": "The medicinal product is to be used immediately after reconstitution.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Replagal ist ein Konzentrat zur Herstellung einer Infusionslösung.", "en": "Replagal is a concentrate that is made up into a solution for infusion."}, "mt_gen": "Replagal is a concentrate that is made up into a solution for infusion.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie zur Verabreichung der Injektion bereit sind, bereiten Sie Ihren Pen wie folgt vor:", "en": "If you are ready to give the injection, prepare your pen as follows:"}, "mt_gen": "If you are ready to give the injection, prepare your pen as follows:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Circadin ist indiziert als Monotherapie für die kurzzeitige Behandlung der primären, durch schlechte Schlafqualität gekennzeichneten Insomnie bei Patienten ab 55 Jahren.", "en": "Circadin is indicated as monotherapy for the short-term treatment of primary insomnia characterized by quality of sleep in patients aged 55 years and older."}, "mt_gen": "Circadin is indicated as monotherapy for the short-term treatment of the terms due to poor quality of sleep insomnia in patients aged 55 years and older.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Sie sollten Ihren Arzt informieren, wenn Sie eine Nieren- oder Lebererkrankung haben.", "en": "- You should tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver disease."}, "mt_gen": "- You should tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver disease.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie dürfen das Arzneimittel nach dem auf dem Umkarton angegebenen Verfalldatum nicht mehr anwenden.", "en": "Do not use after the expiry date which is stated on the carton."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use after the expiry date which is stated on the carton.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "einstellen, die in dieser Packungsbeilage nicht aufgeführt werden, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Arzt.", "en": "Side effects not listed in this leaflet, please ask your doctor."}, "mt_gen": ", side effects not listed in this leaflet, please ask your doctor.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass Rufinamid möglicherweise auch die Exposition mit anderen Arzneimitteln, die durch andere Enzyme metabolisiert oder von Transportproteinen wie P-Glykoprotein transportiert werden, senkt.", "en": "It cannot be excluded that rufinamide may also reduce exposure to other medicinal products metabolised by other enzymes or transported by transport proteins such as P-glycoprotein."}, "mt_gen": "It cannot be excluded that rufinamide may also reflect exposure to other medicinal products or other enzymes are metabolised or transport proteins by St. John's wort, such as P-glycoprotein, XO.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In der original Blisterpackung aufbewahren, um den Inhalt vor Feuchtigkeit zu schützen.", "en": "Store in the original blister packaging in order to protect from moisture."}, "mt_gen": "Store in the original blister in order to protect from light, in the product.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bondronat ist in Packungen mit 1 Durchstechflasche erhältlich (2-ml-Durchstechflasche aus Glas, Klasse I).", "en": "Bondronat is available in packs of 1 vial (2 ml type I glass vial)."}, "mt_gen": "Bondronat is available in packs of 1 vial (2 ml type I glass vial).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Retention des Mageninhaltes.", "en": "- retention of gastric contents."}, "mt_gen": "- retention of gastric contents.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dagegen zeigte sich bei Patientinnen, die zuvor andere Behandlungen ihres metastasierenden Brustkrebses erhalten hatten, in Bezug auf diese Indikatoren, dass Abraxane wirksamer als konventionelle Paclitaxel enthaltende Arzneimittel war.", "en": "In contrast, there was female patients who previously received other treatments for their metastasising breast cancer, in regard to these indicators that Abraxane was more effective than conventional paclitaxel as medicines."}, "mt_gen": "In contrast, there was female patients who had not taken other treatments of their endosclerosis of breast cancer, who had previously received regard to these indicators that Abraxane was more effective than conventional paclitaxel as medicines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die empfohlene Höchstdosis für INOmax beträgt 20 ppm und diese Dosis sollte nicht überschritten werden.", "en": "The recommended maximum permissable dose for INOmax is 20 ppm, and this dose should not be exceeded."}, "mt_gen": "The recommended dose for INOmax is 20 ppm, and this dose should not be exceeded.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn das Kind in Ihrer Obhut allergisch gegen Etanercept oder einen der sonstigen Bestandteile von Enbrel ist.", "en": "If the child you are caring for is allergic to etanercept or any of the other ingredients of Enbrel."}, "mt_gen": "If the child you are caring for are allergic to etanercept or any of the other ingredients of Enbrel.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Suizid / Suizidgedanken oder klinische Verschlechterung Depressive Erkrankungen sind mit einem erhöhten Risiko für die Auslösung von Suizidgedanken, selbstschädigendem Verhalten und Suizid (Suizid-bezogene Ereignisse) verbunden.", "en": "Suicide / suicidal thought or clinical worsening. Depression is associated with an increased risk of suicidal thoughts, self harm and suicide (suicide- related events)."}, "mt_gen": "Depression, worsening of Depression is associated with an increased risk of suicidal thoughts, self harm and suicide (suicide- related events).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fosamprenavir in Kombination mit Ritonavir wurde im Allgemeinen von Patienten mit leichter, mittelgradiger oder schwerer Leberfunktionsstörung gut vertragen, auch zeigten diese Dosierungsschemata ein vergleichbares Profil hinsichtlich Nebenwirkungen und klinischen Laborwerten wie in früheren Studien an HIV-1-infizierten Patienten mit normaler Leberfunktion.", "en": "Fosamprenavir in combination with ritonavir was generally well tolerated in patients with mild, moderate, or severe hepatic impairment, these dosage regimens also showed a similar profile for adverse events and clinical laboratory values such as previous studies in HIV-1 infected subjects with normal hepatic function."}, "mt_gen": "fosamprenavir in combination with ritonavir was well tolerated, generally in patients with mild, moderate, or severe hepatic impairment, even these dosage regimens with a similar profile for adverse events and clinical laboratory values such as previous studies in HIV-1 infected subjects with normal hepatic function.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie ein hormonelles Empfängnisverhütungsmittel nehmen (z. B. die Pille), sollten Sie dies mit Ihrem Arzt besprechen.", "en": "If you are taking a hormonal contraceptive (such as the oral contraceptive pill), you should discuss this with your doctor."}, "mt_gen": "If you are taking a hormonal contraceptive (such as the oral contraceptive pill (e.g. the pill), you should discuss this with your doctor.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Periphere demyelinisierende Erkrankung (z. B. Guillain-Barré Syndrom, chronisch entzündliche demyelinisierende Polyneuropathie und multifokale motorische Neuropathie), demyelinisierende Erkrankung des Zentralnervensystems (z. B. Optikusneuritis), Myelitis transversa, Krampfanfälle, Neuropathien, Hypästhesie, Parästhesie Augenerkrankungen Gelegentlich:", "en": "Peripheral active inflammatory disease (e. g., Guillain Barre Syndrome, syndrome, chronic inflammatory active inflammatory pain and multifocal motor neuropathy), active inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (e. g. optic neuritis), transverse myelitis, seizures, neuropathy, hypoaesthesia, paraesthesia Eye disorders Uncommon:"}, "mt_gen": "Peripheral active inflammatory disease (e. g., Guillain Barre Syndrome, syndrome, chronic inflammatory active inflammatory pain and multifocal motor neuropathy), active inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (e. g. optic neuritis), transverse myelitis, seizures, neuropathy, hypoaesthesia, paraesthesia Eye disorders Uncommon:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patientinnen, die Xyrem einnehmen, sollten mit dem Stillen aufhören.", "en": "Patients taking Xyrem should stop breast-feeding."}, "mt_gen": "Patients taking Xyrem should stop breast-feeding.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für Patienten mit eingeschränkter Leberfunktion ist eine Dosisanpassung nicht erforderlich.", "en": "In patients with impaired liver function, no dose adjustment is required."}, "mt_gen": "In patients with impaired liver function no dose adjustment is required.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Die sonstigen Bestandteile sind:", "en": "- The other ingredients are:"}, "mt_gen": "- The other ingredients are:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- cSSTI mit gleichzeitiger Staphylococcus aureus Bakteriämie:", "en": "- cSSTI with simultaneous Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia:"}, "mt_gen": "- cSSTI with Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "2 Bei Überschreitung der unten beschriebenen empfohlenen Dosierungen von Telzir mit Ritonavir ist Vorsicht geboten (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "If you exceed the below recommended dose of telzir with ritonavir should be performed with caution (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "In a narrow described below the recommended dose of fosamprenavir with ritonavir should be performed with caution (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Alle Patienten waren in der Vorgeschichte starke Raucher.", "en": "All patients had a history of severe smokers."}, "mt_gen": "All patients had a history of severe smokers.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das pflanzliche Präparat Johanniskraut (Hypericum perforatum) darf nicht gleichzeitig mit diesem Arzneimittel verwendet werden, weil dadurch die kontrazeptive Wirksamkeit verloren gehen kann.", "en": "The herbal preparation St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) must not be used concurrently with the use of this medicine, as efficacy may be lost."}, "mt_gen": "The herbal preparation St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) must not be used concurrently with the use of this medicine, as efficacy may be lost.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "20 Verteilung Die Plasmaprotein-Bindung von Fentanyl beträgt 84%.", "en": "Distribution Plasmaprotein-Bindung of fentanyl is 84%."}, "mt_gen": "Distribution The Plasmaprotein-Bindung of fentanyl is 84%.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn das (die) andere (n) Arzneimittel endgültig abgesetzt werden muss (müssen), kann die Behandlung mit Xeloda wieder aufgenommen werden, wenn die Voraussetzungen hierfür erfüllt sind.", "en": "If the other (s) medicine (s) must be conclusively discontinued, the treatment with Xeloda should be resumed when the requirements for it are filled."}, "mt_gen": "If the other (s) to be stopped () may increase exposure to treatment with Xeloda should be resumed when a condition exists which also are met.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bisher sind keine anderen relevanten epidemiologischen Daten verfügbar.", "en": "To date, no other relevant epidemiological data are available."}, "mt_gen": "To date, no other relevant epidemiological data are available.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "1 Tablette Cefuroximaxetil 250 2 x täglich über 5-10 Tage.", "en": "1 tablet of Cefuroximaxetil 250 twice a day for 5-10 days."}, "mt_gen": "1 tablet of Cefuroximaxetil 250 twice a day for 5-10 days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "el Wegen individueller Schwankungsmöglichkeiten muss die Einstellung der optimalen therapeutischen Dosis bei jedem Patienten individuell erfolgen.", "en": "If, due to the individual fluctuation possibilities, the optimum therapeutic dose must be prepared induvidually for each patients."}, "mt_gen": "If, due to the individual Schwankungsmöglichkeiten must be used to obtain the optimum therapeutic dose in patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Arzneimittel ist bei Verabreichung in der empfohlenen Dosis bei Hündinnen, die 7 Jahre oder älter sind, unwirksam.", "en": "The product, when administered at the recommended dose in bitches aged seven years or older, is ineffective."}, "mt_gen": "The product, when administered at the recommended dose in bitches aged seven years or older, is ineffective.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aluminium / PVC / PE / PCTFE Blisterpackungen in Faltschachteln mit 14 oder 28 Filmtabletten.", "en": "Aluminium / PVC / PE / PCTFE blisters in cartons of 14 or 28 film-coated tablets."}, "mt_gen": "Aluminium / PVC / PE / PCTFE blisters in cartons of 14 or 28 film-coated tablets.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "T. tödlich verliefen (siehe Abschnitt 4.8). Das DRESS-Syndrom ist charakterisiert durch Ausschlag, Fieber, Eosinophilie und systemische Beteiligung (z.B.", "en": "a fatal, have been reported (see section 4.8). The DRESS syndrome characterised by rash, fever, eosinophilia and systemic involvement (eg."}, "mt_gen": "a fatal, have been reported (see section 4.8). The DRESS-Syndrom characterised by rash, fever, eosinophilia and systemic involvement (eg.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist nicht bekannt, ob Pelzont in die Muttermilch übergeht.", "en": "It is not known whether Pelzont is excreted in human milk."}, "mt_gen": "It is not known whether Pelzont is excreted in human milk.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei den Probanden, welche die 15-Mikrogramm-Dosis erhielten, betrug dieser Anteil 85%.", "en": "Among subjects who received the 15-microgram doses, this proportion is 85%."}, "mt_gen": "Among subjects who received the 15-Mikrogramm-Dosis, this proportion is 85%.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die empfohlene Infektionsprophylaxe scheint das Risiko von Pneumocystis-jirovecii- Pneumonie (PCP) - und Herpes- Infektionen wirksam zu senken (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "The recommended infection prophylaxis appears to effectively reduce the risk of pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PJP) (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "The recommended anti-infective prophylaxis appears to be the risk of Pneumocystis-jirovecii- pneumonia (PCP) and when said composition is effective to reduce infections (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die empfohlene Dosis von IVEMEND ist 115 mg Fosaprepitant (IVEMEND) nur an Tag 1 eines 3-tägigen Therapieschemas.", "en": "The recommended dose of IVEMEND is 115 mg fosaprepitant (IVEMEND) only on day 1 a 3 day treatment."}, "mt_gen": "The recommended dose of IVEMEND is 115 mg fosaprepitant (IVEMEND) on day 1 only, when given with the 3.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Laboruntersuchungen Setzen Sie Aerinaze mindestens 48 Stunden vor der Durchführung von Hauttests ab.", "en": "Laboratory tests: Discontinue Aerinaze at least 48 hours before skin tests."}, "mt_gen": "Laboratory tests Put Aerinaze at least 48 hours before skin tests.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gelblichweißes bis leicht gelbes Pulver in einer Kapsel mit gelbem Ober- und Unterteil, mit rotem Aufdruck \"ENA 713 1,5 mg\" auf dem Unterteil.", "en": "Yellow-white to slightly yellow powder in a capsule with yellow cap and body with red imprint \"ENA 713 1,5 mg\" on the body."}, "mt_gen": "Gelblichweißes to slightly yellow powder, have a yellow cap and yellow body, with red imprint \"ENA 713 1,5 mg\" on the body.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Hauptindikator für die Wirksamkeit war die Bildung von schutzwirksamen Antikörpern bei den Kindern.", "en": "The main measure of effectiveness was the formation of protective antibodies in children."}, "mt_gen": "The main measure of effectiveness was the formation of schutzwirksamen antibodies in children.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieser Abschnitt ist in folgende Unterabschnitte gegliedert:", "en": "This section is divided into the following subsections:"}, "mt_gen": "This section is divided into the following subsections:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten mit Hypertonie, deren Blutdruck anhaltend über 140 / 90 mmHg erhöht und nicht ausreichend eingestellt ist.", "en": "Patients with hypertension whose blood pressure is increased consistently over 140 / 90 mmHg and is not adequately controlled."}, "mt_gen": "Patients with hypertension whose blood pressure is increased consistently over 140 / 90 mmHg, and not adequately controlled.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "352 (1,25 mmol / l) innerhalb von vier Wochen ist zu vermeiden.", "en": "352 (1.25 mmol / l) over a four week period should be avoided."}, "mt_gen": "352 (1.25 mmol / l) over a four week period should be avoided.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Leber- und Gallenerkrankungen Häufig:", "en": "Hepato-biliary disorders Common:"}, "mt_gen": "Hepato-biliary disorders Common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Cyclooxygenase ist für die Prostaglandinbildung verantwortlich.", "en": "Cyclooxygenase is responsible for the generation of prostaglandin."}, "mt_gen": "Cyclooxygenase is responsible for generation of Prostaglandinbildung.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Prialt ist eine klare und farblose Lösung.", "en": "Prialt is a clear and colourless solution."}, "mt_gen": "Prialt is a clear and colourless solution.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "4,3%) signifikant erhöht, wobei sich die prozentuale Veränderung auf die Veränderung des Ausgangswertes bezieht.", "en": "4.3%) was significantly increased, where the percentage change refers to the change from baseline."}, "mt_gen": "4.3%) was significantly increased by the percentage change from baseline on the change from baseline.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Kontakt des Arzneimittels mit den Augen kann es zu schwerwiegenden Reizungen kommen.", "en": "In the presence of the medicinal product with the eyes, this may cause serious irritation."}, "mt_gen": "In the presence of the medicinal product with the eyes, this may cause serious irritation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die meisten Reaktionen klangen nach 1 bis 3 Tagen spontan ab.", "en": "Most reactions resolved spontaneously within 1 to 3 days."}, "mt_gen": "Most reactions resolved spontaneously within 1 to 3 days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten können sich das Mittel selbst injizieren, nachdem sie in die entsprechenden Injektionsverfahren unterwiesen wurden (dem Injektionsstift liegt eine Bedienungsanleitung bei).", "en": "Patients can inject after they were instructed in the appropriate injection procedure (an instruction for the injection pen)."}, "mt_gen": "Patients can be themselves to inject after they were included in the appropriate injection procedure (from the PROTEIN PRESERVATION evidence of manual).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Insulinresorption und folglich der blutglukosesenkende Effekt einer Dosis kann von Injektionsbereich zu Injektionsbereich (z. B. von Bauchwand zu Oberschenkel) verschieden sein.", "en": "Theinsulin absorbtion and hence blood glucose lowering effect of a dose may vary between injection sites (such as abdominal and thighs)."}, "mt_gen": "The As defined in blutglukosesenkende effect of dose may be too much injection site (such as abdominal and thighs).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die markantesten Symptome einer Telmisartan-Überdosierung waren Hypotonie und Tachykardie; Bradykardie, Schwindel, Erhöhung des Serumkreatinins und akutes Nierenversagen wurden auch berichtet..", "en": "The most prominent manifestations of telmisartan overdose were hypotension and tachycardia; bradycardia, dizziness, increase in serum creatinine, and acute renal failure have also been reported."}, "mt_gen": "The most prominent manifestations of telmisartan overdose were hypotension and tachycardia; bradycardia, dizziness, increase in serum creatinine, and acute renal failure have also been reported.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die häufigsten Nebenwirkungen bei der Anwendung von Entacapon hängen mit der erhöhten dopaminergen Aktivität zusammen und treten meist zu Beginn der Behandlung auf.", "en": "The most common adverse reactions caused by entacapone relate to the increased dopaminergic activity and occur most commonly at the beginning of treatment."}, "mt_gen": "The most common adverse reactions caused by entacapone relate to the increased dopaminergic activity and occur most commonly at the beginning of treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es stehen 70-mg- und 50-mg-Durchstechflaschen zur Verfügung.", "en": "There is 70-mg- and 50-mg- vials available."}, "mt_gen": "There is 70-mg- and 50-mg-Durchstechflaschen are available.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "29. Juli 1999 Datum der Verlängerung der Zulassung:", "en": "29 July 1999 Date of last renewal:"}, "mt_gen": "29 July 1999 Date of last renewal:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die pharmakokinetischen Eigenschaften von Bivalirudin sind bei Patienten mit Leberinsuffizienz nicht untersucht. Es werden allerdings keine Veränderungen erwartet, da Bivalirudin nicht durch Leberenzyme wie die Cytochrom-P-450-Isoenzyme verstoffwechselt wird.", "en": "The pharmacokinetic properties of bivalirudin in patients with hepatic insufficiency have not been studied; however, no changes are not expected because bivalirudin is not metabolised by hepatic enzymes such as cytochrome P-450 isozymes."}, "mt_gen": "The pharmacokinetic properties of bivalirudin in patients with hepatic insufficiency have not been studied; however, no changes are not expected to be altered because bivalirudin is not metabolised by hepatic enzymes such as cytochrome P-450 isozymes.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Infusion kann über eine periphere Vene verabreicht werden.", "en": "The infusion may be given through a peripheral vein."}, "mt_gen": "Infusion may be given through a peripheral vein.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Therapie mit Ribavirin ist kontraindiziert bei schwangeren Frauen.", "en": "Ribavirin therapy is contraindicated in women who are pregnant."}, "mt_gen": "Ribavirin therapy is contraindicated in women who are pregnant.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kinder Fentanyl-ratiopharm sollte bei Kindern unter 12 Jahren nicht angewendet werden, da nur begrenzte Erfahrungen mit der Anwendung bei Kindern vorliegen.", "en": "Children. Fentanyl patch should not be used in children under 12 years of age because of the limited experience with the use in children."}, "mt_gen": "Children Fentanyl-ratiopharm should not be used in children under 12 years of age because of the limited experience with the use in children.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Ampulle enthält 50 IE rekombinantes follikelstimulierendes Hormon (FSH) entsprechend 5 Mikrogramm Protein (die spezifische In-vivo-Bioaktivität entspricht etwa 10 000 IE FSH / mg Protein).", "en": "One ampoule contains 50 IU recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) corresponding to 5 micrograms of protein (the specific in vivo bioactivity was approximately 10 000 IU FSH / mg protein)."}, "mt_gen": "One ampoule contains 50 IU recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) corresponding to 10 microgram of protein (specific In-vivo-Bioaktivität to approximately 10 000 IU FSH / mg protein).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Warum wurde Pradaxa zugelassen?", "en": "Why has Pradaxa been approved?"}, "mt_gen": "Why has Pradaxa been approved?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "las legen nahe, dass Patienten mit einer mäßigen Einschränkung der Nierenfunktion eine erhöhte Exposition haben (Anstieg der AUC um 40%).", "en": "ori suggest that patients with moderate hepatic impairment have an increased exposure (AUC increased by 40%)."}, "mt_gen": "ori suggest that patients with moderate hepatic impairment, an increased exposure (AUC increased by 40%).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aufgrund der hohen Sicherheitsspanne legen diese Ergebnisse kein relevantes Risiko für die menschliche Fortpflanzung nahe.", "en": "Because of the high safety margin, these results suggest that no risk for human reproduction."}, "mt_gen": "Because of the high safety margin, these results suggest that no risk of reproduction.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit erhöhten Ausgangs-Leberenzymwerten (ALT > 2,5 x Obergrenze des Normbereichs) oder mit anderen Anzeichen einer Lebererkrankung darf eine Therapie mit Tandemact nicht begonnen werden.", "en": "A therapy with Tandemact should not be started in patients with increased baseline liver enzyme levels (ALT 2.5 X upper limit of normal) or with any other evidence of liver disease with Tandemact."}, "mt_gen": "In patients with increased baseline liver enzyme levels (ALT 2.5 X upper limit of normal) or with any other evidence of liver disease therapy with Tandemact should not be started.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "CRIXIVAN kann gleichzeitig mit einer Reihe anderer, häufig bei HIV-Infektionen eingesetzten Arzneimitteln eingenommen werden (Zidovudin, Didanosin, Lamivudin, Stavudin, Chinidin, Cimetidin, Clarithromycin, Isoniazid, Fluconazol, Trimethoprim / Sulfamethoxazol und Methadon).", "en": "CRIXIVAN can be given concomitantly with a number of other common medicines used for HIV infection (zidovudine, didanosine, lamivudine, stavudine, quinidine, cimetidine, clarithromycin, isoniazid, fluconazole, trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole and methadone)."}, "mt_gen": "CRIXIVAN can be given with a number of other common HIV infection in a taken medicines (zidovudine, didanosine, lamivudine, stavudine, quinidine, cimetidine, clarithromycin, isoniazid, fluconazole, trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole and methadone).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei älteren Patienten mit leichter bis mäßiger kardialer Dysfunktion ist eine angemessene ärztliche Überwachung und Kontrolle geboten.", "en": "In elderly patients with mild to moderate cardiac dysfunction appropriate medical supervision and monitoring is necessary."}, "mt_gen": "In elderly patients with mild to moderate cardiac dysfunction appropriate medical supervision and monitoring.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "in der Mitte des Dosierfensters erscheint. nächsten Dosiseinstellung.", "en": "appears in the centre of dosing window. the next dose."}, "mt_gen": "in the centre of Dosierfensters erscheint. the next dose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pritor darf auch nicht bei Patienten mit schweren Leberproblemen oder Gallenfunktionsstörungen angewendet werden.", "en": "Pritor should also not be used in patients who have severe problems with their liver or biliary dysfunctions."}, "mt_gen": "Pritor should also not be used in patients who have severe problems with their liver, or disorders.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "50 Bei Einnahme von Icandra mit anderen Arzneimitteln Bitte informieren Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker, wenn Sie andere Arzneimittel einnehmen bzw. vor kurzem eingenommen haben, auch wenn es sich um nicht verschreibungspflichtige Arzneimittel handelt.", "en": "Taking Icandra with other medicines: Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, even those not prescribed."}, "mt_gen": "Taking Icandra with other medicines Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, even those not prescribed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt wird möglicherweise die Dosis ändern oder die Behandlung unterbrechen, sofern es Ihr Allgemeinzustand erfordert und wenn Ihre Blutwerte zu niedrig sind.", "en": "Your doctor may change the dose or interrupt treatment, unless you depending on your general condition and if your blood counts are too low."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor may change the dose or interrupt treatment, unless you depending on your general condition and if your blood counts are too low.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wurde festgestellt, dass fünf dieser NNRTI-resistenten Isolate K103N oder eine Valin-zu-Isoleucin- Substitution an Position 108 (V108I) in der RT aufwiesen.", "en": "It was found that five of these NNRTI-resistant isolates presented K103N or a valin-isoleucine substitution at position 108 (V108I) in RT."}, "mt_gen": "It was found that the Five 68 isoleucine substitution position 108 (V108I) in RT.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Wirkung höherer Dosen ist nicht bekannt.", "en": "The effects of higher doses has not been established."}, "mt_gen": "The effects of higher doses has not been established.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die folgenden Eigenschaften wurden in präklinischen Studien nachgewiesen:", "en": "The following properties have been demonstrated in preclinical studies:"}, "mt_gen": "The following properties have been demonstrated in preclinical studies:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Anwesenheit von HACA kann mit einer Verschlimmerung von Infusionsreaktionen oder 8 Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen nach der zweiten Infusion von weiteren Behandlungszyklen verbunden sein (siehe Abschnitt 5.1).", "en": "The presence of HACA may be associated with worsening of infusion reactions or hyper sensitivity reactions after the second infusion of subsequent treatment courses (see section 5.1)."}, "mt_gen": "The presence of HACA may be associated with worsening of infusion or allergic reactions after the second infusion of subsequent courses (see section 5.1).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie wegen HES / CEL behandelt werden, beträgt die Anfangsdosis 100 mg, die in Form einer Kapsel zu 100 mg (oder 2 Kapseln zu 50 mg) einmal täglich eingenommen werden.", "en": "If you are being treated for HES / CEL, the starting dose is 100 mg per day, to be taken as one capsule of 100 mg (or as 2 capsules of 50 mg) once a day."}, "mt_gen": "If you are being treated for HES / CEL, the starting dose is 100 mg per day, to be taken as one capsule of 100 mg (or as 8 capsules of 50 mg) once a day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie alle Arzneimittel kann MicardisPlus Nebenwirkungen haben, die aber nicht bei jedem auftreten müssen.", "en": "Like all medicines, MicardisPlus may cause side effects, although not every body gets them."}, "mt_gen": "Like all medicines, MicardisPlus may cause side effects, although not every body gets them.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "15 In den klinischen Studien wurde während der Therapie mit MIRCERA eine leichte Abnahme der Thrombozytenzahl beobachtet, die aber innerhalb des Normbereichs blieb.", "en": "15 In clinical studies, a slight decrease in platelet counts has been observed during treatment with MIRCERA, remaining within the institutions normal limits."}, "mt_gen": "15 In clinical studies, has been observed during treatment with MIRCERA, a slight decrease in platelet counts remaining but within the institutions normal limits.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Kompatibilität mit einer Reihe von Infusionssets wurde überprüft.", "en": "Compatibility with a number of infusion sets was checked."}, "mt_gen": "Compatibility with a number of distribution will be administered.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tropfen Sie nicht die doppelte Dosis ein, um die versäumte Dosis nachzuholen.", "en": "Do not use a double dose to make up for the one missed."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use a double dose to make up for the one missed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie stillen, sollen Sie abstillen, um Bondenza einnehmen zu können.", "en": "If you're breast feeding, you must stop to be able to take Bondenza."}, "mt_gen": "If you're breast feeding, you, you are taking Bondenza.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Störungen der Geschlechtsorgane und Brust:", "en": "Genital and breast disorders:"}, "mt_gen": "30 ClCR 60:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Behandlung mit Nespo besteht aus zwei Phasen, der Korrekturphase und der Erhaltungsphase.", "en": "Treatment with Nespo is divided into two stages - correction and maintenance phase."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment with Nespo is divided into two stages - correction and maintenance phase.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie STOCRIN aussieht und Inhalt der Packung STOCRIN 30 mg / ml Lösung zum Einnehmen steht in Flaschen zu 180 ml zur Verfügung.", "en": "What STOCRIN looks like and contents of the pack STOCRIN 30 mg / ml oral solution is supplied in bottles of 180 ml."}, "mt_gen": "What STOCRIN looks like and contents of the pack STOCRIN 30 mg / ml oral solution is supplied in bottles of 180 ml are available.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tekturna bewirkte einen additiven blutdrucksenkenden Effekt, wenn es zusammen mit Hydrochlorothiazid oder Ramipril gegeben wurde.", "en": "Tekturna resulted in an additive effect when added to hydrochlorothiazide and to ramipril."}, "mt_gen": "Tekturna resulted in an additive effect when added to hydrochlorothiazide and to ramipril.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine andere Injektionsstelle wählen und ebenfalls 3,0 ml spritzen.", "en": "Choose another injection site and also inject 3.0 ml."}, "mt_gen": "Another choose and inject 3.0 ml.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Wirkstoff von INVANZ ist 1 g Ertapenem.", "en": "The active substance of INVANZ is 1 g of ertapenem."}, "mt_gen": "The active substance of INVANZ is 1 g intravenous dose of ertapenem.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Tabletten sind erhältlich in Durchdrückpackungen oder Flaschen.", "en": "The tablets are available in blister packs or bottles."}, "mt_gen": "The tablets are available in bottles or heat-seal.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Da jedoch die Möglichkeit besteht, dass bei gestillten Kindern schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen auftreten können, ist entweder abzustillen oder die Behandlung mit Rebif auszusetzen.", "en": "However, because of the potential of serious side effects in breast-fed infants, either breastfeeding or therapy with Rebif therapy should be suspended."}, "mt_gen": "However, because of the potential for in breast-fed infants, it may have serious side effects, either breastfeeding or therapy with Rebif therapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten, die Xolair erhalten, sollten gewarnt werden, dass sie keine Fahrzeuge oder Maschinen bedienen sollen, falls sie Schwindel, Müdigkeit, Ohnmacht oder Benommenheit verspüren.", "en": "Patients receiving Xolair should be cautioned not to drive or use machines if they experience dizziness, fatigue, fainting or dizziness."}, "mt_gen": "Patients receiving Xolair should be cautioned not to drive or use machines if they experience dizziness, fatigue, fainting or dizziness.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie sollten keine Werkzeuge oder Maschinen bedienen, falls Ihre Fähigkeit diese zu bedienen durch dieses Arzneimittel beeinträchtigt ist.", "en": "Do not use any tools or machines if your ability to use them is affected by this medicine."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use any tools or machines if your ability to use them is affected by this medicine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wofür wird Efient angewendet?", "en": "What is Efient used for?"}, "mt_gen": "What is Efient used for?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt wird mit Ihnen die möglichen Risiken einer Einnahme von Glivec während der Schwangerschaft besprechen.", "en": "Your doctor will discuss the possible risks of taking Glivec during pregnancy."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor will discuss the possible risks of taking Glivec during pregnancy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eliminations-Halbwertzeit betrug im Durchschnitt 9,3 Stunden.", "en": "Elimination halflife averaged 9.3 hours."}, "mt_gen": "Elimination Half-Life averaged 9.3 hours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In präklinischen Sicherheitsstudien verursachten hohe Dosen von Irbesartan (≥ 250 mg / kg / Tag bei Ratten und ≥ 100 mg / kg / Tag bei Makaken) eine Reduzierung der roten Blutzell- Parameter (Erythrozyten, Hämoglobin, Hämatokrit).", "en": "In preclinical safety studies, caused by high doses of irbesartan (≥ 250 mg / kg / day in rats and ≥ 100 mg / kg / day in macaques), caused a reduction of red blood-parameters (erythrocytes, haemoglobin, haematocrit)."}, "mt_gen": "In preclinical safety studies, caused by high doses of irbesartan (≥ 250 mg / kg / day in rats and ≥ 100 mg / kg / day in macaques) caused a reduction of red blood Blutzell- parameters (erythrocytes, haemoglobin, haematocrit).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die empfohlene Behandlungsdauer beträgt ein Jahr.", "en": "The recommended duration of treatment is one year."}, "mt_gen": "The recommended duration of treatment is one year.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "B. Autofahren) ver- meiden, in denen Sie sich oder andere aufgrund einer Hypoglykämie in Gefahr bringen könnten.", "en": "B. avoid driving your car, in which you or others would be put at risk by hypoglycaemia."}, "mt_gen": "B. not confident about recognising your car, in which you or others would be put at risk by hypoglycaemia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ZYPREXA überzogene Tabletten sind zum Einnehmen.", "en": "ZYPREXA coated tablets are for oral use."}, "mt_gen": "ZYPREXA coated tablets are for oral use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Serum-Kalium- und -Phosphat-Spiegel sollten während der Behandlung mit NeoRecormon regelmäßig überprüft werden.", "en": "Serum potassium and phosphate levels should be monitored regularly during treatment with NeoRecormon."}, "mt_gen": "Serum-Kalium- and -Phosphat-Spiegel should be monitored regularly during treatment with NeoRecormon should be monitored.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fragen Sie Ihren Apotheker wie das Arzneimittel zu entsorgen ist, wenn Sie es nicht mehr benötigen.", "en": "Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines that are no longer required."}, "mt_gen": "Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines that are no longer required.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "60 ml-Flasche mit 30 Masivet 150 mg Filmtabletten.", "en": "60 ml bottle containing 30 Masivet 150 mg film-coated tablets."}, "mt_gen": "60 ml bottle containing 30 Masivet 150 mg film-coated tablets.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Arzneimittel kann auch mit einem geeigneten Autoinjektor angewendet werden.", "en": "It may also be administered with a suitable auto-injector."}, "mt_gen": "It may also be administered with a suitable auto-injector.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Während der einmonatigen Induktionsphase der Therapie wurde DepoCyte intrathekal in einer Dosierung von 50 mg alle 2 Wochen und unverkapseltes Cytarabin in einer Dosierung von 50 mg zweimal wöchentlich verabreicht.", "en": "During one month the induction phase of therapy was intrathecal DepoCyte at a dose of 50 mg every 2 weeks, and uncapsuled cytarabine at a dose of 50 mg twice weekly."}, "mt_gen": "During one month the induction phase of therapy was intrathecal DepoCyte at a dose of 50 mg every 2 weeks, and unverkapseltes cytarabine at a dose of 50 mg twice weekly.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Informationen zur Stabilität der rekonstituierten und verdünnten Lösung während der Anwendung sind im Abschnitt für Ärzte bzw. medizinisches Fachpersonal enthalten.", "en": "Information on the stability of the reconstituted and diluted solution during use are in the section for doctors and medical professionals."}, "mt_gen": "Information on the stability of the reconstituted and diluted solution during use in section for doctors and health care professional.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Methode der Anwendung Preotact ist mit dem Preotact Pen anzuwenden.", "en": "Method of use Preotact should be used with the Preotact Pen."}, "mt_gen": "The use of Preotact with the Preotact Pen 4.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für Patienten, die regelmäßig / wiederholt humanes Plasma-Albumin erhalten, sollte eine entsprechende Impfung (Hepatitis A und B) in Betracht gezogen werden.", "en": "For patients in regular / repeated receipt of human plasma-derived albumin, appropriate vaccination (hepatitis A and B) should be considered."}, "mt_gen": "For patients in regular / repeated receipt of human plasma-derived albumin Appropriate vaccination (hepatitis A and B) should be considered.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Morbus Pompe zählt zu den lysosomalen Speicherkrankheiten. Sie wird verursacht durch einen Mangel an saurer α -Glucosidase (GAA), einer natürlich vorkommenden lysosomalen Hydrolase, die für den Umbau von lysosomalem Glykogen in Glukose zuständig ist.", "en": "Pompe disease is lysosomal genetic disorders. It is caused by a deficiency of acidic α-glucosidase, a naturally occurring lysomal hydrolase, which is responsible for the breakdown of lysomal glycogen in glucose."}, "mt_gen": "Pompe disease is the lysosomal genetic disorders. It is caused by a deficiency to -Glucosidase promoting factor), a naturally occurring substance GAGs in the naturally-occurring glucose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird angenommen, dass diese Wirkungen von Ranolazin auf das Oberflächen-Elektrokardiogramm aus der Hemmung des schnellen Gleichrichter-Kaliumstroms resultieren, was das ventrikuläre Aktionspotenzial verlängert, sowie aus der Hemmung des späten Natriumstroms, was das ventrikuläre Aktionspotenzial verkürzt.", "en": "It is believed that these effects of ranolazine on the surface electro cardio diagramm from the inhibition of the rapid rectifier potassium current, which prolonged ventricular action potential, as well as from the inhibition of late sodium current by the ventricular action potential."}, "mt_gen": "It is believed that these effects of ranolazine on the Oberflächen-Elektrokardiogramm inhibition of the instances with rapid Gleichrichter-Kaliumstroms, prolonged ventricular Aktionspotenzial, as well as from the inhibition of late sodium current by the ventricular Aktionspotenzial.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "125 mg Sucrose (in der 125-mg-Kapsel).", "en": "125 mg of sucrose (125 mg capsule)."}, "mt_gen": "125 mg of sucrose (125 mg capsule).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "las All gemeinen kommt es zu einer Entzündung (Schwellung) der Atemwege, was starke Schwierigkeiten beim Atmen, in manchen Fällen auch Ersticken verursachen kann.", "en": "Generally it is characterized by inflammation (swelling) of the airways, which can cause severe breathing difficulties and sometimes suffocation."}, "mt_gen": "ori All characterized and inflamed (swollen) causing severe breathing difficulties and sometimes suffocation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wird PROTELOS angewendet?", "en": "How is PROTELOS used?"}, "mt_gen": "How is PROTELOS used?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Elimination Die terminale Halbwertszeit wird durch die Resorptionsrate aus dem subkutanen Gewebe bestimmt.", "en": "Elimination. The terminal half-life is determined by the rate of absorption from the subcutaneous tissues."}, "mt_gen": "Elimination The terminal half-life is determined by the rate of absorption from the subcutaneous tissues.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird in Kombination mit künstlicher Beatmung und anderen Arzneimitteln bei Neugeborenen angewendet, die ab einer Schwangerschaftsdauer von 34 Wochen entbunden wurden.", "en": "It is used in combination with ventilatory support and other medicinal products used in newborns delivered from a full term pregnancy of 34 weeks."}, "mt_gen": "It is used in combination with ventilatory support and other medicinal products used in neonates were from 34 weeks gestation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Um eine korrekte Dosierung zu erreichen, ist die Methoxasol-T-Konzentration entsprechend anzupassen.", "en": "In order to obtain the correct dosage the methoxasole-T concentration may need to be adjusted."}, "mt_gen": "In order to obtain the correct dosage the Methoxasol-T-Konzentration may need to be adjusted.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird empfohlen, NovoSeven unmittelbar nach Herstellung der Injektionslösung zu verabreichen.", "en": "It is recommended to use NovoSeven immediately after the production of injection solution."}, "mt_gen": "It is recommended to use NovoSeven immediately after the solution for injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "DUKORAL darf nur mit dem mitgelieferten und in Wasser aufgelösten Brausegranulat gemischt werden.", "en": "DUKORAL must only be mixed with the supplied water and the effervescent granules."}, "mt_gen": "DUKORAL must only be mixed with the supplied water and the effervescent granules.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Daten zur Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit von Natalizumab über einen Behandlungszeitraum von 2 Jahren hinaus sind nicht verfügbar.", "en": "Data on safety and efficacy of natalizumab beyond 2 years of age are not available."}, "mt_gen": "Data on safety and efficacy of natalizumab beyond 2 years of age, are not available.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "10 ml (5 mg) Neoclarityn Sirup einmal täglich.", "en": "10 ml (5 mg) Neoclarityn syrup once a day."}, "mt_gen": "10 ml (5 mg) Neoclarityn syrup once a day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ärzte sollten Ihre Patientinnen ermuntern, das Auftreten von deprimierenden Gedanken oder Gefühlen sowie Symptomen einer Depression jederzeit mit dem Arzt zu besprechen.", "en": "Physicians should encourage patients to discuss the occurrence of depressing thoughts or feelings as well as symptoms of depression at any time."}, "mt_gen": "Physicians should be line-extension your patients, the occurrence of deprimierenden thoughts or Gefühlen as well as symptoms of depression at any time the doctor first.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur Anwendung bei akuten Atemwegsinfektionen in Verbindung mit einer angemessenen Antibiotika- Therapie zur Verringerung der klinischen Symptome bei Rindern.", "en": "For use in acute respiratory infection with appropriate antibiotic therapy to reduce clinical signs in cattle."}, "mt_gen": "For use in acute respiratory infection with appropriate antibiotic therapy to reduce clinical signs in cattle.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Selamectin aktiviert bestimmte als \"Chloridkanäle\" bezeichnete Proteine an der Oberfläche von Nerven- und Muskelzellen und hemmt dadurch ihre normale elektrische Aktivität.", "en": "Selamectin activates certain proteins called \"chloride channels\" on the surface of nerve and muscle cells and thereby inhibits their normal electrical activity."}, "mt_gen": "Selamectin activates certain proteins called \"head\" critical areas of the alkylthio, and thereby inhibits their normally to stabilise electrical activity.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur Anwendung von Rebif lesen Sie bitte sorgfältig folgende Anweisungen:", "en": "For the administration of Rebif, please carefully read the following instructions:"}, "mt_gen": "For the administration of Rebif, please carefully read the following instructions:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Besserung der Symptome wird normalerweise innerhalb von 3 bis 4 Tagen beobachtet.", "en": "A clinical response is normally seen within 3 - 4 days."}, "mt_gen": "A clinical response is normally seen within 3 - 4 days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anwendung bei älteren Menschen:", "en": "Use in the elderly:"}, "mt_gen": "Use in the elderly:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Evra darf nicht von Frauen angewendet werden, die möglicherweise überempfindlich (allergisch) gegen Norelgestromin, Ethinylestradiol oder einen der sonstigen Bestandteile sind.", "en": "Evra should not be used in women who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to norelgestromin, ethinylestradiol or any of the other ingredients."}, "mt_gen": "Evra should not be used in women who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to norelgestromin, ethinylestradiol or any of the other ingredients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Verfallsdatum bezieht sich auf den letzten Tag des Monats.", "en": "The expiry date refers to the last day of that month."}, "mt_gen": "The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welchen Nutzen hat Nobivac Piro in diesen Studien gezeigt?", "en": "What benefit has Nobivac Piro shown during the studies?"}, "mt_gen": "What benefit has Nobivac Piro shown during the studies?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "82 Öffnen Sie den Deckel mit der Kindersicherung, indem Sie ihn mit der Handfläche herunterdrücken und gegen den Uhrzeigersinn bzw. in Pfeilrichtung drehen.", "en": "82 Open the cap of the nucleic acid with the palm of the hand by pressing and turning it counter clockwise and in the direction of the arrow."}, "mt_gen": "82 Open the cap of the nucleic acid with the palm of the hand by pressing and turning it counter clockwise and in the direction of the arrow.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach Resuspendierung ist der Imfpstoff innerhalb von 2 Stunden zu verbrauchen und darf nicht gelagert werden.", "en": "After resuspension, the vaccination is to be used within 2 hours and may not be stored."}, "mt_gen": "After appear uniformly white and cloudy after re- is Imfpstoff within 2 hours and should not be used.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fentanyl geht in die Muttermilch über und kann eine Sedierung und Atemdepression beim Säugling auslösen.", "en": "Fentanyl is excreted into breast milk and may cause sedation and respiratory depression in the breast-fed infant."}, "mt_gen": "Fentanyl is excreted into breast milk and may cause sedation and respiratory depression in the breast- fed infant.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tierstudien haben gezeigt, dass Prasugrel über die Milch der Tiere ausgeschieden wurde.", "en": "Animal studies have shown that prasugrel is excreted in the milk of animals."}, "mt_gen": "Animal studies have shown that prasugrel is excreted in the milk of animals.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn eine vermutete Reaktion nicht durch Verschieben der Anwendung gehandhabt werden kann, kann Temsirolimus in Schritten von 5 mg / Woche reduziert werden.", "en": "If a suspected reaction is not reduced by the use of children, Temsirolimus could be reduced in increments of 5 mg / week."}, "mt_gen": "If a suspected reaction is not reduced by the use of children could be of temsirolimus in increments of 5 mg / week.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kontrollieren Sie die Injektionsstelle nach 2 Stunden auf Rötung, Schwellung oder Spannungsgefühl.", "en": "Check the injection site after 2 hours for redness, swelling or tenderness."}, "mt_gen": "Check the injection site after 2 hours, redness, swelling or tenderness.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Fertigspritze ist in einen verschweißten Plastikträger verpackt, welcher auch eine Injektionsnadel für die intramuskuläre Verabreichung enthält.", "en": "Each pre-filled syringe is packed in a heat sealed plastic tray which also includes the injection needle for intramuscular administration."}, "mt_gen": "Each pre-filled syringe is added to the upper surface of said sealed plastic tray, is also included in the injection needle for intramuscular administration.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verkehrstüchtigkeit und das Bedienen von Maschinen Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass der Impfstoff Auswirkungen auf die Verkehrstüchtigkeit und das Bedienen von Maschinen hat.", "en": "Driving and using machines: It is unlikely that the vaccine will affect your ability to drive and use machines."}, "mt_gen": "Driving and using machines It is unlikely that the vaccine will affect your ability to drive and use machines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie können Kinzalkomb zu oder unabhängig von den Mahlzeiten einnehmen.", "en": "You can take Kinzalkomb with or with or without food."}, "mt_gen": "You can take Kinzalkomb with or with or without food.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten, die auf antirheumatische Basistherapeutika, nicht-steroidale Antirheumatika oder Kortikosteroide eingestellt waren, konnten diese Behandlung in unveränderter Dosierung fortführen.", "en": "Patients who return to treatment on antirheumatische DMARD, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, could be continued on an unchanged dose."}, "mt_gen": "Patients who were antirheumatische DMARD, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids, which returns to this treatment could be unchanged dose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weiße Flasche aus Niederdruckpolyethylen (HDPE) mit kindergesichertem Verschluss, die 30 Hartkapseln enthält.", "en": "White, low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE) bottle with a child-resistant closure that contains 30 hard capsules."}, "mt_gen": "White formulation (HDPE) bottle with a child-resistant closure, contains 30 hard capsules.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Rapamune darf nicht mit Grapefruitsaft oder irgendeiner anderen Flüssigkeit außer Wasser oder Orangensaft verdünnt werden. Siehe Abschnitt 6.6.", "en": "Rapamune should not be diluted with grapefruit juice or any other liquid except water or orange juice. See section 6.6."}, "mt_gen": "Rapamune should not be diluted with grapefruit juice or any other liquid except water or orange juice. See section 6.6.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Behandlung bei Überdosierung Es gibt kein spezifisches Antidot für Olanzapin.", "en": "Management of overdose There is no specific antidote for olanzapine."}, "mt_gen": "Management of overdose There is no specific antidote for olanzapine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "179 Dauer der Behandlung Bei Patienten, die in Woche 12 ein virologisches Ansprechen zeigen, ist die Behandlung mindestens weitere 3 Monate fortzusetzen (d.h. Gesamtbehandlungsdauer 6 Monate).", "en": "179 Duration of treatment For patients who exhibit virological response at Week 12, treatment should be continued for at least another three-month period (i.e. for a total of six months)."}, "mt_gen": "179 Duration of treatment For patients who exhibit virological response at Week 12, treatment should be continued for at least another three-month period (i.e. months for a total of six months).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Am 28. August 2007 erteilte die Europäische Kommission dem Unternehmen Sandoz GmbH eine Genehmigung für das Inverkehrbringen von Binocrit in der gesamten Europäischen Union.", "en": "The European Commission granted to Sandoz GmbH Marketing Authorisation for the European Union for Binocrit on 28 August 2007."}, "mt_gen": "The European Commission granted to Sandoz GmbH Marketing Authorisation for the European Union for Binocrit on 28 August 2007.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "40 Allerdings wurden seltene Spontanberichte einer HIT bei Patienten, die mit Fondaparinux behandelt wurden, erhalten.", "en": "40 However, rare spontaneous reports of HIT in patients treated with fondaparinux have been received."}, "mt_gen": "40 However, rare spontaneous reports of HIT in patients treated with fondaparinux have been received.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Stillende Mütter sollten ABILIFY nicht anwenden.", "en": "Breast-feeding mothers should not take ABILIFY."}, "mt_gen": "Breast-feeding mothers should not take ABILIFY.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Timolol Epidemiologische Studien haben keine Hinweise auf Missbildungen ergeben, aber bei oraler Gabe von Betablockern ein Risiko für intrauterine Wachstumsverzögerungen gezeigt.", "en": "Epidemiological studies with timolol have not produced any evidence of malformations, but oral administration of beta-blockers poses a risk of intrauterine growth retardation."}, "mt_gen": "Epidemiological studies with timolol have not produced any evidence of malformations, but oral administration of beta-blockers at risk of intrauterine growth retardation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist als Tabletten erhältlich (gelb:", "en": "It is available as tablets (yellow:"}, "mt_gen": "It is available as tablets (yellow:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Olanzapin und Valproat gleichzeitig angewendet wurden, wurde häufig über Neutropenie berichtet (siehe Abschnitt 4.8).", "en": "If olanzapine and valproate are used concomitantly, neutropenia has been commonly reported (see section 4.8)."}, "mt_gen": "If neutropenia has been reported commonly when olanzapine and valproate are used concomitantly (see section 4.8).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es gab keinen signifikanten Unterschied in der Zeit bis zum ersten Auftreten eines virologischen Versagens (p = 0,73, Log-Rank-Test) zwischen beiden Armen.", "en": "There was no significant difference in the time to first occurrence of a virologic failure (p = 0.73, log-rank test) between the 2 arms."}, "mt_gen": "There was no significant difference in the time to first virologic failure (p = 0.73, log-rank test) between the 2 arms.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Anwendung von Duvaxyn WNV reduziert die Zahl der virämischen Tiere nach einer natürlichen Infektion, kann sie aber nicht systematisch verhindern.", "en": "The use of Duvaxyn WNV reduces the number of virämischen animals after natural infection, but it can not systematically prevent it."}, "mt_gen": "The use of Duvaxyn WNV reduces the number of virämischen animals after natural infection, but it can be systematically.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Untersuchungen Ausgeprägte und anhaltend erhöhte Werte der Serum-Transaminasen wurden berichtet (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "Eye examinations and persistent elevated serum transaminases have been reported (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "Eye examinations and persistent elevated serum transaminases have been reported (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welche Informationen werden für ATryn noch erwartet?", "en": "What information is still awaited for ATryn?"}, "mt_gen": "is still awaited for ATryn expected to work?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Pflaster verbleibt für 24 Stunden auf der Haut und wird dann durch ein neues an einer anderen Stelle ersetzt.", "en": "The patch remains for 24 hours in the skin and is then replaced by a new one at a different site."}, "mt_gen": "The patch remains for 24 hours in the skin and is then replaced by a new one at a different site.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Urbain und der Mitberichterstatter war Prof.", "en": "Urbain and Co-Rapporteur was Prof."}, "mt_gen": "Urbain and Co-Rapporteur was Prof.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Druckbehältnisse sind in gut belüfteten Räumen oder in belüfteten Bauten aufzubewahren, wo sie vor Regen und direkter Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt sind.", "en": "The pressure containers should be stored in ventilated rooms or in ventilated structures where they are protected from rain and direct sunlight."}, "mt_gen": "department The gas cylinders should be stored in the MR are well stopping or to be stored into a Bauten where they are protected from rain and direct sunlight.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Falls es nicht gleich verwendet wird, liegen die Aufbewahrungszeit und die Lagerungsbedingungen in der Verantwortung des Anwenders.", "en": "If it is not used in equal, and storage conditions are the responsibility of the user."}, "mt_gen": "If it is not used in equal, and storage conditions are the responsibility of the user.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "las Nebenwirkun gen bemerken, die nicht in dieser Gebrauchsinformation angegeben sind, informieren Sie bitte Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker.", "en": "If you notice any side effects not mentioned in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist."}, "mt_gen": "ris are side effects if you notice any side effects not mentioned in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vorsicht ist geboten, wenn ARICLAIM gleichzeitig mit serotonergen Antidepressiva (wie SSRIs), trizyklischen Antidepressiva (wie Clomipramin oder Amitriptylin), Johanniskraut (Hypericum perforatum), Venlafaxin oder Triptanen, Tramadol, Pethidin und Tryptophan eingenommen wird.", "en": "Caution is advised when ARICLAIM is used concomitantly with serotonergic antidepressants (like SSRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (like clomipramine or amitriptyline), St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), venlafaxine or triptans, tramadol, pethidine and tryptophan."}, "mt_gen": "Caution is advised when ARICLAIM is used concomitantly with serotonergic antidepressants like SSRIs, tricyclics like clomipramine or amitriptyline, St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), venlafaxine or triptans, tramadol, pethidine and tryptophan.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht verbrauchte Lösung fachgerecht entsorgen.", "en": "Any unused solution should be discarded aseptically."}, "mt_gen": "Any unused solution should be discarded aseptically.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es gibt Packungen mit 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 und 10 Patronen für OptiClik.", "en": "Packs of 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 cartridges for OptiClik are available."}, "mt_gen": "Packs of 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 cartridges for OptiClik are available.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Effekte könnten aus einer Komplementaktivierung resultieren.", "en": "These effects may be a result of complement activation."}, "mt_gen": "These effects may be caused a result.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht über 25ºC lagern.", "en": "Do not store above 25 ° C."}, "mt_gen": "Do not store above 25 ° C.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten mit hohem Blutdruck Die Behandlung wird im Allgemeinen mit 1-mal täglich 150 mg begonnen.", "en": "Patients with high blood pressure The usual dose is 150 mg once a day."}, "mt_gen": "Patients with high blood pressure The usual dose is 150 mg once a day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist LeukoScan und wofür wird es angewendet?", "en": "What LeukoScan is and what it is used for 2."}, "mt_gen": "What LeukoScan is and what it is used for 2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "3 - Reinigen Sie die Durchstechflasche oben mit einem Alkoholtupfer. Wischen Sie dabei nur in eine Richtung.", "en": "3 - Clean the vial with an alcohol swab. Wipe the vial in one direction only."}, "mt_gen": "3 - Clean the vial with an alcohol swab. Wipe the vial only.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die mediane Zeit von Diagnose bis zur Randomisierung betrug 64 Monate in der Dasatinib-Gruppe und 52 Monate in der Imatinib-Gruppe.", "en": "The median time from diagnosis to randomisation was 64 months in the dasatinib group and 52 months in the imatinib group."}, "mt_gen": "The median time from diagnosis to randomisation was 64 months in the dasatinib arm and 52 months in the imatinib arm.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Möglicherweise kann eine zusätzliche Behandlung erforderlich werden, wie z.B. die Einnahme eines Antiallergikums oder von Paracetamol.", "en": "Additional treatment may be required, such as taking anti-allergy agents or paracetamol."}, "mt_gen": "You may have additional treatment may be required, such as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor Antiallergikums or paracetamol.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Anwendung von Nukleosid-Analoga, allein oder in Kombination mit anderen Nukleosiden, führte zu Laktatazidose.", "en": "The use of nucleoside analogues, alone or in combination with other nucleosides were associated with lactic acidosis."}, "mt_gen": "The use of nucleoside analogues, alone or in combination with other nucleoside-experienced, were associated with lactic acidosis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist Flebogammadif?", "en": "What is Flebogammadif?"}, "mt_gen": "What is Flebogammadif?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Außenseite der Trägerschicht ist beige und trägt den Aufdruck Neupro 4 mg / 24 h.", "en": "The outside of the backing layer is tan-coloured and imprinted with Neupro 4 mg / 24 h."}, "mt_gen": "The outside of the backing layer is tan-coloured and imprinted with Neupro 4 mg / 24 h.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sollten Sie irgendeines dieser Anzeichen bei sich bemerken, oder wenn Sie plötzlich schlecht Luft bekommen, nehmen Sie CoAprovel nicht mehr ein und verständigen Sie sofort einen Arzt.", "en": "If you get any of these symptoms or get short of breath, do not take CoAprovel and contact your doctor immediately."}, "mt_gen": "If you get any of these symptoms or get short of breath, do not take CoAprovel and contact your doctor immediately.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Laropiprant Es liegen keine Daten zur Anwendung von Laropiprant bei schwangeren Frauen vor.", "en": "Laropiprant: There is no data available on the use of laropiprant in pregnant women."}, "mt_gen": "Laropiprant There are no data available on the use of laropiprant in pregnant women.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zidovudin hat keinen Einfluss auf die Pharmakokinetik von Lamivudin.", "en": "Zidovudine has no effect on the pharmacokinetics of lamivudine."}, "mt_gen": "Zidovudine has no effect on the pharmacokinetics of lamivudine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fentanyl-ratiopharm ist ein Arzneimittel, das für Kinder lebensbedrohlich sein kann.", "en": "Fentanyl-ratiopharm is a medicine that may be life-threatening for children."}, "mt_gen": "Fentanyl-ratiopharm is a medicine that may be harmful for children, and may be life-threatening.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Seltene Nebenwirkungen sind: Taubheitsgefühl oder Kribbeln, unfreiwillige Muskelkontraktionen oder vorübergehende Thrombozytopenie (erniedrigte Blutplättchenzahl, die zu Blutungen oder Blutergüssen führen kann).", "en": "Rare side effects include: numbness or tingling, involuntary muscle contractions or transient thrombocytopenia (low platelet count in the blood which can result in bleeding or bruising)."}, "mt_gen": "Rare side effects include: numbness or tingling, involuntary muscle contractions or transient thrombocytopenia (low platelet count in the blood which can result in bleeding or bruising).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dosen von mehr als 100 mg erhöhen die Wirksamkeit nicht.", "en": "Doses greater than 100 mg do not increase the efficacy."}, "mt_gen": ", doses greater than 100 mg does not increase the risk of efficacy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Clopidogrel hemmt selektiv die Bindung von Adenosindiphosphat (ADP) an dessen Thrombozytenrezeptor sowie die anschließende ADP-vermittelte Aktivierung des GP-IIb / IIIa- Rezeptorkomplexes, so dass es zur Hemmung der Thrombozytenaggregation kommt.", "en": "Clopidogrel selectively inhibits the binding of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) selectively, and the subsequent ADP-mediated activation of the GPIIb / IIIa receptor complexes, so that it leads to a inhibition of platelet aggregation."}, "mt_gen": "Clopidogrel selectively inhibits the binding of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) selectively, and the subsequent ADP-mediated activation of the GPIIb / IIIa draw and inhibition of platelet aggregation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei PAH ist der Blutdruck in den Lungenarterien abnorm erhöht.", "en": "In PAH, the higher blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs."}, "mt_gen": "In PAH, the higher blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie dürfen das Arzneimittel nach dem auf dem Umkarton und auf dem Etikett der Patrone angegebe- nen Verfalldatum nicht mehr anwenden.", "en": "Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and on the label of the cartridge."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use this medicine after should angegebe- expiry date which is stated on the carton and on the label of the cartridge.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ausgangswerte für neutrophile Granulozyten < 1.500 Zellen / mm ³ (< 1.000 Zellen / mm ³ bei AIDS-KS).", "en": "Initial values for neutrophil granulocytes 1,500 cells / mm3 (1,000 cells / mm3 for AIDS-KS)."}, "mt_gen": "baseline neutrophil counts 1,500 cells / mm3 (1,000 cells / mm3 for AIDS-KS).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tablette, hell orange Die Tabletten haben auf beiden Seiten eine Bruchkerbe und können so halbiert werden.", "en": "pale, orange tablets. Tablets have a score line on both sides allowing the tablet to be halved."}, "mt_gen": ", pale orange Tablets have a score line on both sides allowing the tablet to be halved.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Durchstechflasche in der Originalverpackung aufbewahren, um den Inhalt vor Licht zu schützen.", "en": "Store vial in the outer carton in order to protect it from light."}, "mt_gen": "vial in the outer carton in order to protect it from light.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist HBVAXPRO 10 Mikrogramm / ml und wofür wird es angewendet?", "en": "What is HBVAXPRO 10 micrograms / ml and what it is used for 2."}, "mt_gen": "What is HBVAXPRO 10 micrograms / ml and what it is used for 2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Ihr Arzt meint, dass die Möglichkeit eines Zusammenhangs besteht, wird er Sie auffordern, Kivexa oder ein anderes Abacavir-haltiges Arzneimittel (Ziagen oder Trizivir) nie wieder einzunehmen.", "en": "If your doctor thinks there is a possibility that they were related, you will be instructed never to take Kivexa or any other medicine containing abacavir (Ziagen or Trizivir) again."}, "mt_gen": "If your doctor thinks there is a possibility that they were related, you will be instructed never to take Kivexa or any other medicine containing abacavir (Ziagen or Trizivir) again.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach Loslassen des Kolbens schiebt sich der Kunststoffzylinder unmittelbar und schnell über die Kanüle, um sie zu umschließen.", "en": "After releasing the plunger, move the polyoxyalkylpolyol rod immediately and rapidly to the cannula to enclose it."}, "mt_gen": "After the polyoxyalkylpolyol rod move just (safety) and is rapidly attached.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "86 c) Rheumatoide Arthritis MabThera wird zur Behandlung der rheumatoiden Arthritis angewendet.", "en": "86 c) Rheumatoid arthritis MabThera is indicated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis."}, "mt_gen": "86 c) Rheumatoid arthritis MabThera is indicated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Derzeit werden Untersuchungen zur Langzeitsicherheit durchgeführt.", "en": "New features are performed to determine long-term safety."}, "mt_gen": "New features are performed to determine long-term safety.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn immer es möglich ist, sollte das Segment, welches für die erste Lichtanwendung gewählt wird, alle Bereiche des HGD einschließen.", "en": "If it is always possible, the product should be selected for the first light, all the areas of HGD."}, "mt_gen": "If it is always possible, the product should be selected for the first light, all the areas of HGD.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "• Selten bedeutet, dass bei 1 bis 10 von 10.000 mit Zevalin behandelten Personen diese Nebenwirkungen auftreten können:", "en": "• Rare means between 1 and 10 in every 10,000 patients are likely these side effects may occur:"}, "mt_gen": "• Rare means between 1 and 10 in every 10,000 patients are likely these side effects may occur:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In diesen Fällen erfolgt die Impfung erst, wenn sich Ihr Kind erholt hat.", "en": "In these cases, return to vaccination until your child has recovered."}, "mt_gen": "In these cases, return to vaccination until your child has recovered.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie diesem Schema folgen, kommen Sie nach 8 Injektionen (16 Tagen) zurück zu Ihrem ersten Gebiet (z. B. die rechte Bauchseite).", "en": "By following this schedule, after 8 injections (16 days) you will come back to your first area (e. g. is called a Rotation Cycle)."}, "mt_gen": "By following this schedule, you will come injection site area after 8 injections (16 days) will come back to your first area (e. g. is called a Rotation Cycle.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "7 systolischen Blutdrucks beobachtet. Fünf Minuten nach der Gabe waren die Ausgangswerte wieder erreicht.", "en": "7 systolic blood pressure have been observed. Five minutes after administration, baseline was reached again."}, "mt_gen": "7 systolic blood pressure have been observed. Five minutes after administration, to baseline.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weitere Informationen über Velmetia:", "en": "2 / 3 Other information about Velmetia:"}, "mt_gen": "2 / 3 Other information about Velmetia:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anwendung von Humalog • Waschen Sie zuerst Ihre Hände. • Säubern Sie Ihre Haut, wie es Ihnen gelehrt wurde, bevor Sie injizieren.", "en": "Injecting Humalog • First wash your hands. • Clean your skin as you have been taught before injecting."}, "mt_gen": "Injecting Humalog • First wash your hands. • Säubern your skin as you have been taught before injecting.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter müssen während der Behandlung eine zuverlässige Verhütungsmethode anwenden.", "en": "Women of childbearing potential must use a reliable method of contraception."}, "mt_gen": "Women of childbearing potential must use a reliable method of contraception.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weiße, bikonvexe, runde Tablette mit einseitiger Prägung \"OL 10.\"", "en": "A white, biconvex, round tablet, with the inscription \"OL 10\" on one side."}, "mt_gen": "A white, biconvex, round tablet, with the inscription \"OL 10\" on one side.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für Patienten mit Asthma bronchiale oder COPD sollte die zusätzliche Anwendung von Kortikoiden erwogen werden.", "en": "For patients with asthma or COPD, the addition of corticosteroids should be considered."}, "mt_gen": "For patients with asthma or COPD, the addition of corticosteroids should be considered.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "wenn Sie überempfindlich (allergisch) gegen Ibritumomab-Tiuxetan, Yttriumchlorid, Rituximab, andere Eiweiße aus Mäusen oder einen der sonstigen Bestandteile von Zevalin sind. Siehe dazu die in Abschnitt 6 aufgeführte Liste der Bestandteile.", "en": "If you are hypersensitive (allergic) to yttrium chloride, ibritumomab tiuxetan, rituximab, or other proteins from mice or any of the other ingredients of Zevalin. See listed list of ingredients in Section 6."}, "mt_gen": "if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to yttrium chloride ibritumomab tiuxetan, rituximab, or other proteins from mice or any of the other ingredients of Zevalin. See listed list of ingredients in Section 6.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das gebundene Kupfer wird anschließend über den Stuhl aus dem Körper ausgeschieden.", "en": "The bound copper is then eliminated from the body in the stool."}, "mt_gen": "The bound copper is then in the stools are eliminated from the body.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die klinische Signifikanz der beobachteten Änderungen der HBV-DNA ist nicht geklärt.", "en": "The clinical significance of the observed changes in HBV DNA are unclear."}, "mt_gen": "The clinical significance of the observed changes in HBV DNA, it is unclear.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Wachstum behandelter Kinder sollte regelmäßig vom behandelten Arzt überwacht werden.", "en": "The growth of treated children should be frequently monitored by the treating physician."}, "mt_gen": "The growth follow-up of treated children should be frequently monitored by the treating physician.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Leberenzyme sind bei allen Patienten vor Beginn der Therapie mit Tandemact zu kontrollieren.", "en": "Liver enzymes should be checked prior to the initiation of therapy with Tandemact in all patients."}, "mt_gen": "Liver enzymes should be checked prior to the initiation of therapy with Tandemact in all patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt wird Sie beraten, wann weitere Impfungen und Auffrischimpfungen notwendig werden.", "en": "Your doctor will advise you when additional injections and Booster doses may be necessary."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor will advise you when additional injections and Booster doses may be necessary.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Folgen Sie bitte sorgfältig allen Anweisungen Ihres Arztes, auch wenn sie von den allgemeinen Informationen in dieser Packungsbeilage abweichen.", "en": "Please follow carefully all directions from your doctor, even if they differ from the general information contained in this leaflet."}, "mt_gen": "Follow, please carefully all as directed by your doctor, even if they differ from the general information contained in this leaflet.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ausführliche Darlegung von Unterschieden zwischen den Dossiers hinsichtlich der in Punkt 1 und 2 angeforderten Informationen.", "en": "Detailed presentation of the differences between the dossiers and regarding the information requested under point 1 and 2."}, "mt_gen": "Detailed Presentation differences between dossiers and regarding the information requested under 1.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die gemeinsame Anwendung mit PREZISTA / Ritonavir kann zu einem beträchtlichen Konzentrationsanstieg dieses Benzodiazepins führen.", "en": "Co-administration of PREZISTA / ritonavir may result in significant increases in concentrations of benzodiazepine."}, "mt_gen": "Co-administration of PREZISTA / ritonavir may result in significant Because this benzodiazepine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "5 mg / kg Körpergewicht einmal täglich.", "en": "5 mg / kg of body weight once daily."}, "mt_gen": "5 mg / kg of body weight once daily.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die sofortige Anwendung wird empfohlen.", "en": "Immediate use is recommended."}, "mt_gen": "The immediate use is recommended.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es liegen begrenzte Daten zur Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit von Tenofovirdisoproxilfumarat bei Patienten mit mittelgradiger und schwerer Nierenfunktionsstörung (Kreatinin-Clearance < 50 ml / min) vor. Daten zum Langzeit-Sicherheitsprofil bei leichter Nierenfunktionsstörung (Kreatinin-Clearance 50-80 ml / min) wurden nicht evaluiert.", "en": "There are limited data on the safety and efficacy of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in patients with moderate and severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance 50 ml / min) and long term safety data on mild renal impairment (creatinine clearance 50-80 ml / min) have not been evaluated."}, "mt_gen": "There are limited data on the safety and efficacy of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in patients with moderate and severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance 50 ml / min) and long term safety data data on long-term safety profile in mild renal impairment (creatinine clearance 50-80 ml / min) have not been evaluated.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn bei einem Patienten Symptome auftreten, die eine Funktionsstörung der Leber vermuten lassen, wie z.", "en": "If any patient develops symptoms suggesting hepatic dysfunction."}, "mt_gen": "If any patient develops symptoms suggesting hepatic dysfunction, suggest that the liver.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bringen Sie das System unmittelbar nach der Entnahme aus der versiegelten Einzelverpackung auf der Haut an.", "en": "Attach the system on the skin immediately after removal from the packaging."}, "mt_gen": "Allow the immediately after removal from the zymogen is sealed on the skin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sonstige Bestandteile: Cholesterol, Glyceroltriolat, Colfosceriloleat, 1- (1,2-Dipalmitoyl-3-sn- phosphatidyl) glycerol, Natriumchlorid, Wasser für Injektionszwecke.", "en": "Excipients: Also contains: cholesterol, glyceryl trioleate, 1- (1,2-dipalmitoyl-3-sn-phosphatidyl) glycerol, sodium chloride, water for injections."}, "mt_gen": "Excipients: Also contains: cholesterol, triolein, 210 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-3-sn- chloride, water for injections.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "DULOXETINE BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM ist zum Einnehmen bestimmt.", "en": "Duloxetine Boehringer Ingelheim is for oral use."}, "mt_gen": "DULOXETINE BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM is for oral use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Stark eingeschränkte Nierenfunktion (Kreatininclearance < 30 ml / min). Therapieresistente Hypokaliämie, Hyperkalzämie. Stark eingeschränkte Leberfunktion, biliäre Leberzirrhose und Cholestase.", "en": "Severely reduced renal function (creatinine clearance < 30 ml / min). Therapy-resistent hypokalaemia, hypercalcaemia. Severe hepatic impairment, biliary cirrhosis and cholestasis."}, "mt_gen": "Severely reduced renal function (creatinine clearance 30 ml / min). Refractory hypokalaemia, hypercalcaemia. Severe hepatic impairment, biliary cirrhosis and cholestasis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Seretide liegt Ihnen als Dosier-Aerosol vor, das Ihnen Ihr Arzneimittel in Form einer Suspension zur Inhalation (Druckgasinhalation) freigibt.", "en": "Seretide is supplied to you as a metered dose inhaler which releases your medicine in the form of a suspension to inhale."}, "mt_gen": "Seretide is supplied to you in a metered dose inhaler which give you your medicine in a pressurised suspension to inhale.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "50 Allgemeine Wirkungen auf das Zentralnervensystem Da Olanzapin hauptsächlich auf das Zentralnervensystem wirkt, ist bei gleichzeitiger Einnahme von anderen zentralnervös wirksamen Arzneimitteln und Alkohol Vorsicht angebracht.", "en": "50 General CNS effects Given the primary CNS effects of olanzapine, caution should be used when it is taken in combination with other central-nervous acting medicines and alcohol."}, "mt_gen": "General CNS activity Given the primary CNS effects of olanzapine, caution should be used when it is taken in combination with other centrally acting medicines and alcohol.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wird TOVIAZ angewendet?", "en": "How is TOVIAZ used?"}, "mt_gen": "How is TOVIAZ used?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei oraler Verabreichung des 0.4fachen der für die topische Applikation empfohlenen Dosis traten dagegen schwere neurologische Störungen auf, während die orale Verabreichung von 1 / 10 der empfohlenen dermalen Dosis zu keinen unerwünschten Wirkungen führte.", "en": "For oral administration of the 0.4 times of the recommended dose were however, severe neurological disorders occured, while dermal administration of 1 / 10 of the recommended dose did not result in adverse effects."}, "mt_gen": "For oral administration of the 0.4fachen of the recommended dose were however, severe neurological disorders, while oral administration of 1 / 10 of the breakdown of the recommended dose did not result in adverse effects.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Überprüfen Sie nochmals, dass sich noch 1 ml Lösung in der Spritze befindet, ziehen Sie die Nadel dann von der Durchstechflasche ab.", "en": "Recheck that there is still 1 ml of solution in the syringe, then remove the needle from the vial."}, "mt_gen": "Recheck that 1 ml of solution in the syringe, remove the needle and then from the vial.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Messen Sie 94 ml gereinigtes Wasser in einen Messzylinder ab.", "en": "Measure 94 ml of water in a graduated cylinder."}, "mt_gen": "Read and 94 ml of water into Messzylinder.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fortschreitende Skoliose (durch schnelles Wachstum verursacht):", "en": "Advanced scoliosis (caused by rapid growth):"}, "mt_gen": "Fortschreitende scoliosis (caused by rapid growth):", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Weitere Bestandteile sind:", "en": "- Other ingredients are:"}, "mt_gen": "- Other ingredients are:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie die Einnahme von Zavesca vergessen haben Nehmen Sie die nächste Kapsel zur gewohnten Zeit ein.", "en": "If you forget to take Zavesca Take your next capsule at the usual time."}, "mt_gen": "If you forget to take Zavesca Take your next capsule at the usual time.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Patienten müssen im Hinblick auf das Auftreten von Nierenfunktionsstörungen überwacht werden.", "en": "Patients should be monitored with regard to the occurrence of impaired renal function."}, "mt_gen": "Patients should be monitored with regard to the occurrence of impaired renal function.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dies wurde in zwei Fragebögen aufgezeichnet, die zuhause ausgefüllt wurden.", "en": "This was recorded in two questionnaires completed at the home setting."}, "mt_gen": "This was recorded in two questionnaires completed the home setting.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei älteren Personen (über 65 Jahre) wurde im Vergleich zu jüngeren ein Anstieg der AUC um 15% beobachtet.", "en": "In the elderly (over 65 years of age) an increase of 15% in the AUC was observed."}, "mt_gen": "In elderly (over 65 years of age) was observed compared to younger increase in AUC by 15%, respectively.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der erreichbare Grad der Wirksamkeit kann in Abhängigkeit der antigenetischen Homologie zwischen dem Impfstamm und den zirkulierenden Feldstämmen variieren.", "en": "The level of efficacy can vary depending on the antigenic homology of the vaccine strain and circulating field strains."}, "mt_gen": "The level of efficacy for 15, based on the antigenetischen pH of the composition to the vaccine strain and circulating field strains.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Galvus 4 sollte während der Stillzeit nicht angewendet werden.", "en": "Galvus 4 should not be used during breast-feeding."}, "mt_gen": "Galvus 4 should not be used during breast-feeding.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "44 Bei der in dieser Studie angewendeten Therapiedauer von 6 Monaten war die Therapie besser verträglich als bei der einjährigen Therapiedauer in der Zulassungsstudie zur Kombinationstherapie; siehe Therapieabbrüche 5% vs.", "en": "44 The 6 months treatment duration of this trial was more tolerable than the one year treamtent duration in the approval study of the combination therapy; see therapy discontinuation 5% vs."}, "mt_gen": "44 In this trial the duration of 6 months duration and was better tolerated than one year of treatment in the pivotal combination trial; for discontinuation 5% vs. see", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie sollten sich erst dann an das Steuer eines Fahrzeugs setzen bzw. Werkzeuge oder Maschinen bedienen, wenn Sie wieder klar sehen.", "en": "You should not drive a vehicle or drive or use any tools or machines, until your sight is clear again."}, "mt_gen": "You should not drive a vehicle or drive or use any tools or machines, until your sight is clear again.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Unterschiedliche Formulierungen von Fosaprepitant wurden insgesamt an 729 Personen gegeben, darunter waren 347 gesunde Probanden und 149 Patienten mit CINV.", "en": "Different formulations of fosaprepitant were given to a total of 729 persons, of which 347 were healthy volunteers and 149 patients with CINV."}, "mt_gen": "Different views formulations of fosaprepitant were given a total of Ser1 and persons, including healthy volunteers were 347 and 149 patients with CINV.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Beim atopischen Ekzem kommt es infolge einer Überreaktion des Immunsystems der Haut zu einer Hautentzündung (Juckreiz, Rötung, trockene Haut).", "en": "In atopic dermatitis occurs as a consequence of skin's immune system causes skin inflammation (itchiness, redness, dryness)."}, "mt_gen": "In atopic dermatitis occurs as a consequence of skin's immune system causes skin inflammation (itchiness, redness, dryness).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Ampulle zu 1 ml enthält 10 Mikrogramm Iloprost.", "en": "Each ampoule with 1 ml contains 10 micrograms iloprost."}, "mt_gen": "Each ampoule with 1 ml contains 10 micrograms iloprost.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "11 In zwei Dosisfindungsstudien erhielten 78 Erwachsene einen adjuvantierten Prototyp-Impfstoff (H5N3 oder H9N2).", "en": "11 In two dose finding studies 78 adults received an adjuvanted prototype vaccine (H5N3 or H9N2)."}, "mt_gen": "11 In two dose finding studies 78 adults received an adjuvanted mock-up vaccine (H5N3 or H9N2).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vimpat wird zweimal täglich während oder außerhalb einer Mahlzeit angewendet.", "en": "Vimpat is taken twice daily with or without food."}, "mt_gen": "Vimpat is taken twice daily with or without food.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach versehentlicher intramuskulärer Injektion kann es zu einer Hypoglykämie kommen.", "en": "After accidental intramuscular injection may lead to hypoglycaemia may occur."}, "mt_gen": "After accidental intramuscular injection may lead to hypoglycaemia may occur.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird daher empfohlen dieses Antiemetikum vor der Verabreichung eines Chemotherapeutikums zu verabreichen.", "en": "It is therefore recommended to administer this anti-emetic before administrating chemotherapeutic agents."}, "mt_gen": "It is therefore recommended to administer this an anti-emetic, and up to 10% of reinserted.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei der Handhabung und Zubereitung der MabCampath-Lösung ist entsprechende Sorgfalt erforderlich.", "en": "In the handling and preparation of MabCampath solution, appropriate care is required."}, "mt_gen": "In the handling and preparation of MabCampath-Lösung appropriate care is required.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "IPLEX ist eine Injektionslösung. Sie enthält 60 mg / ml des Wirkstoffs Mecasermin Rinfabat.", "en": "IPLEX is a solution for injection. It contains 60 mg / ml of mecasermin rinfabate as the active substance."}, "mt_gen": "IPLEX is a solution for injection. It contains 60 mg / ml of mecasermin rinfabate as the active substance.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Ausscheidung erfolgt rasch und vorwiegend über die Fäzes.", "en": "Excretion occurs rapidly and predominantly in the faeces."}, "mt_gen": "Excretion is rapidly and predominantly in the faeces.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "196 Für alle Patienten: Falls sich nach drei- bis viermonatiger Behandlung keine Besserung bezüglich der Serum HBV-DNA abzeichnet (bei der höchsten, tolerierten Dosierung) ist die IntronA-Therapie abzubrechen.", "en": "196 For all patients: If after 3 to 4 months of treatment no improvement on serum HBV-DNA is observed (at the maximum tolerated dose), discontinue IntronA therapy."}, "mt_gen": "196 For all patients: If is observed after 3 to 4 months of treatment, no improvement on serum HBV-DNA is observed (at the maximum tolerated dose), discontinue IntronA therapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Unter Berücksichtigung der Behandlungsvorteile und der relativ geringen Rate an Nebenwirkungen, die aus den PMS-Studien hervorgehen, wird das Nutzen-Risiko-Verhältnis als günstig erachtet.", "en": "Considering treatment benefits and relatively low rates of adverse reactions in the PMS Studien, the benefit / risk balance is considered to be favourable."}, "mt_gen": "Considering Behandlungsvorteile and relatively low rates of adverse reactions in the PMS-Studien, the benefit / risk balance is considered to be favourable.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Relevanz dieser Befunde ist unbekannt.", "en": "The relevance of these findings is unknown."}, "mt_gen": "The relevance of these findings is unknown.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In Kombination mit Glimepirid führten beide Tagesdosen zu einer Abnahme von etwa 0,6%.", "en": "In combination with glimepiride, both doses daily resulted in a decrease of about 0.6%."}, "mt_gen": "In combination with glimepiride, both doses daily resulted in a decrease of about 0.6%.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten mit schwerer Herzkrankheit in der Vorgeschichte sind auf Anzeichen einer Herzinsuffizienz und hinsichtlich der Pulsfrequenz zu überwachen.", "en": "Patients with a previous history of severe coronary heart disease should be monitored for signs of heart failure and pulse frequency."}, "mt_gen": "Patients with severe coronary heart disease have signs and symptoms of heart failure, and should be monitored for 24 hours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Humalog Mix25 Pen dient zur Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus.", "en": "Humalog Mix25 Pen is used to treat diabetes."}, "mt_gen": "Humalog Mix25 Pen is used to treat diabetes.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist nicht bekannt, ob Interferon beta-1b in die Muttermilch übertritt.", "en": "It is not known whether interferon beta-1b is excreted in human milk."}, "mt_gen": "It is not known whether interferon beta-1b is excreted in human milk.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Durch diesen Wirkmechanismus beeinflusst Cetrorelix die Ausschüttung von Gonadotropinen (LH und FSH).", "en": "By this mechanism of action, cetrorelix does not affect the distribution of gonadotrophins (LH and FSH)."}, "mt_gen": "By this mechanism of action of cetrorelix does not affect the gonadotrophins (LH and FSH).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welchen Nutzen hat Comtess in diesen Studien gezeigt?", "en": "What benefit has Comtess shown during the studies?"}, "mt_gen": "What benefit has Comtess shown during the studies?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Rosiglitazon und Metformin unterstützen Ihren Körper, das körpereigene Insulin besser zu nutzen, und dies hilft, Ihren Blutzucker wieder auf normale Werte zu senken.", "en": "Rosiglitazone and metformin support your body by making better use of its insulin, and this helps to control your blood sugar to normal."}, "mt_gen": "rosiglitazone and metformin support, by helping your body make better use of the insulin it, and this helps to control your blood sugar to normal.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenden Sie Livensa immer genau nach Anweisung des Arztes an.", "en": "Use Livensa exactly as your doctor has told you."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use Livensa exactly as your doctor has told you.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Studie an asymptomatischen Patienten zeigte, dass - im Vergleich zu Nüchterngabe - die Verfügbarkeit der Substanz ähnlich ist, wenn Stavudin zusammen mit einer standardisierten Mahlzeit mit hohem Fettanteil verabreicht wird. Dabei wird jedoch die Cmax gesenkt und Tmax verlängert.", "en": "A study of asymptomatic patients showed that compared to the fasted state - the availability of aseptic techniques are similar when stavudine is used together with a standardized meal with high fat meal. They will, however, reduced Cmax and Tmax."}, "mt_gen": "A study of asymptomatic patients showed that compared to the fasted state - the availability of aseptic techniques are similar when stavudine is used together with a standardized meal with high fat meal. They will, however, reduced Cmax and Tmax.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welchen Nutzen hat NovoSeven in diesen Studien gezeigt?", "en": "What benefit has NovoSeven shown during the studies?"}, "mt_gen": "What benefit has NovoSeven shown during the studies?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Pulver-Durchstechflasche enthält 1000 I.E.", "en": "Each powder vial contains 1000 IU"}, "mt_gen": "Each powder vial contains 1000 IU", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Allgemeine Erkrankungen und Beschwerden am Verabreichungsort: Häufig:", "en": "General disorders and administration site conditions: common:"}, "mt_gen": "General disorders and administration site conditions: common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Puregon darf nicht mit anderen Arzneimitteln gemischt werden.", "en": "Puregon should not be mixed with other medicinal products."}, "mt_gen": "Puregon should not be mixed with other medicinal products.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieses Enzym zeigt einen genetischen Polymorphismus.", "en": "This enzyme shows a high degree of genetic polymorphism."}, "mt_gen": "This shows a high degree of homozygote.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese Krankheit führt zu einem Sehverlust, der durch eine Schädigung der Netzhautmitte (Makula genannt) am hinteren Augenabschnitt verursacht wird.", "en": "This disease affects the central part of the eye and causes loss of vision, the part of the retina (called the macula) is caused by cells."}, "mt_gen": "This disease affects the central part of the eye and causes loss of vision, the part of the retina (called the macula) is caused by cells.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei der zweiten Studie mit 28 Erwachsenen und Jugendlichen, bei denen zwei oder mehr vorangegangene Behandlungen nicht angeschlagen hatten, sprachen 5 Personen (18%) vollständig auf die Behandlung an.", "en": "In the second study of 28 adults and adolescents, in whom two or more previous treatments had failed, 5 subjects (18%) had a complete response to the treatment."}, "mt_gen": "In the second study, with 28 in adults and adolescents, in patients who had failed two or more previous treatments have not had a complete response, 5 subjects (18%) a complete response.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Dosierung von Siklos kann in Schritten von 250 mg an das Körpergewicht angepasst werden, indem man eine viertel Tablette verwendet.", "en": "The dose of Siklos may be adjusted to the body weight in increments of 250 mg when taking a quarter tablet."}, "mt_gen": "The dose of Siklos may be adjusted in increments of 250 mg to the body weight of the viertel tablet.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es muss zu den Mahlzeiten eingenommen werden.", "en": "It must be taken with food."}, "mt_gen": "It must be taken with food.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Unternehmen legte außerdem Daten aus der wissenschaftlichen Literatur vor.", "en": "The company also presented data from the scientific literature."}, "mt_gen": "The company also presented data from the scientific literature.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tumorpatienten − Bildung von Blutgerinnseln (thrombotische vaskuläre Ereignisse, siehe Abschnitt \"Besondere Vorsicht bei der Anwendung von Retacrit ist erforderlich\") − Blutdruckerhöhung.", "en": "Cancer patients - blood clotting (thrombotic vascular events, see section \"Take special care with Retacrit\"). - increase of blood pressure."}, "mt_gen": "Cancer patients - blood clotting (thrombotic vascular events) (see section \"Take special care with Retacrit\"). - increase of blood pressure.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dosierschema für die Rituximab-Infusion: 250 mg / m2 Rituximab.", "en": "Dosage regimen for Rituximab-Infusion: 250 mg / m2 of rituximab."}, "mt_gen": "dosage regimen for Rituximab-Infusion: 250 mg / m2 of rituximab.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenden Sie sie nicht an, wenn Verfärbungen oder Partikel vorliegen.", "en": "Do not use if discoloured or contains particles."}, "mt_gen": "446 Do not use if or contains particles.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "(einschl. Zysten und Polypen) Häufig:", "en": "malignant and unspecified (including cysts and polyps) Common:"}, "mt_gen": "malignant and unspecified (including cysts and polyps) Common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie dennoch befürchten, dass Sie eine zu hohe Dosis CANCIDAS erhalten haben, wenden Sie sich umgehend an Ihren Arzt oder eine medizinische Fachkraft.", "en": "If you are concerned that you have too high a dose of CANCIDAS, you should contact your doctor or another healthcare professional."}, "mt_gen": "If you are concerned that you have too high a dose of CANCIDAS, you should contact your doctor or another healthcare professional.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Stoffwechsel- und Ernährungsstörungen: Häufig:", "en": "Metabolism and nutrition disorders Common:"}, "mt_gen": "Metabolism and nutrition disorders Common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schütteln Sie die Durchstechflasche nicht.", "en": "Do not shake the vial."}, "mt_gen": "Shake the vial.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Hauptindikatoren in den Studien mit Kindern waren die Größe zum Ende der Studie und die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit während der Studie.", "en": "The main indicators in the studies with children were height at end of the study and the rate of growth during the study."}, "mt_gen": "The main measures in studies with children were in the end of the study and during the study.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei der Kombination von Imatinib mit hoch dosierten Chemotherapieschemata wurde ein Anstieg an schwerwiegenden Leberreaktionen festgestellt.", "en": "In the combination of imatinib with high dose chemotherapy regimens has been an increase observed in serious liver reactions."}, "mt_gen": "In the combination of imatinib with high dose chemotherapy regimens has been an increase in serious liver reactions were observed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Teil einer Mehrfachpackung, bestehend aus 4 Teilpackungen mit jeweils 1 Fertigspritze mit 0,5 ml Injektionslösung.", "en": "Component of a multipack comprising 4 cartons, each containing 1 pre-filled syringe of 0.5 ml solution for injection."}, "mt_gen": "Component of a multipack comprising 4 cartons, each containing 1 pre-filled syringe of 0.5 ml solution for injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Insgesamt 51 Kinder mit neu diagnostizierter und unbehandelter CML in der chronschen Phase wurden in eine offene, multizentrische, einarmige Phase II-Studie eingeschlossen.", "en": "A total of 51 children with newly diagnosed and untreated CML in the chronic phase was included in an open, multi-centrc, one arm phase II study."}, "mt_gen": "A total of 51 children with newly diagnosed and untreated chronic phase CML chronschen Phase were enrolled in phase II, open, phase II study.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Daher wurden die Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit in dieser Population nicht untersucht (siehe Abschnitt 5.2).", "en": "Therefore, the safety and efficacy in this population has not been established (see section 5.2)."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore, the safety and efficacy in this population has not been established (see section 5.2).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt wird Ihnen raten, empfängnisverhütende Maßnahmen zu treffen, bevor Sie Mycophenolatmofetil Teva einnehmen, während Sie Mycophenolatmofetil Teva einnehmen und während der sechs Wochen, die auf die Beendigung der Behandlung mit Mycophenolatmofetil Teva folgen.", "en": "Your doctor should advise you about using contraception before taking Mycophenolate mofetil Teva, while you are taking Mycophenolate mofetil Teva and for 6 weeks after you have stopped treatment with Mycophenolate mofetil Teva."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor should advise you about using contraception before taking Mycophenolate mofetil Teva, while you are taking Mycophenolate mofetil Teva and for 6 weeks after you have stopped treatment with Mycophenolate mofetil Teva.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Krankheit wird durch das Hepatitis-A-Virus verursacht.", "en": "The Hepatitis A is an infectious disease."}, "mt_gen": "The Hepatitis A is an infectious disease.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine langfristige Wirksamkeit scheint bei den Patienten am wahrscheinlichsten zu sein, deren minimale Nevirapin-Plasmaspiegel 3,5 µg / ml übersteigen.", "en": "The long-term efficacy seems most likely in patients whose minimal nerirapin plasma level exceeds 3,5 µg / ml."}, "mt_gen": "The long-term efficacy appear to be necessary in the patients although they are most likely to exceed the minimum Nevirapin-Plasmaspiegel 3.5 µg / ml, respectively.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Humalog BASAL ist eine weiße, sterile Suspension.", "en": "Humalog BASAL is a white, sterile suspension."}, "mt_gen": "Humalog BASAL is a white, sterile suspension.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht verbrauchtes Arzneimittel oder Abfallmaterial sollten gemäß lokaler Bestimmungen entsorgt werden.", "en": "Any non-used medicinal products or waste materials should be discarded according to local regulations."}, "mt_gen": "Any The medicinal products or waste materials should be discarded according to local regulations.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Renale und hepatische Störungen Es gibt keine Daten zur Pharmakokinetik oder Pharmakodynamik bei Patienten mit renalen und hepatischen Störungen (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "Renal and hepatic impairment: There are no pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic data in patients with renal or hepatic impairment (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "Renal and hepatic impairment There are no pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic data in patients with renal or hepatic impairment (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieser wird dafür sorgen, dass Ihnen Faktor IX verabreicht wird, sofern dies erforderlich ist.", "en": "This will ensure that Factor IX is administered, if it is required."}, "mt_gen": "This will ensure that you are given Factor IX is activated, if required.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "CHAMPIX ist zum Einnehmen bestimmt.", "en": "CHAMPIX is for oral use."}, "mt_gen": "CHAMPIX is for oral use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fertilität In Fertilitätsstudien verursachte Gemcitabin bei männlichen Mäusen eine reversible Hypospermatogenese (siehe Abschnitt 5.3).", "en": "Fertility. In fertility studies, gemcitabine caused a reversible hypospermatogenesis in male mice (see section 5.3)."}, "mt_gen": "Fertility In fertility studies, gemcitabine, reversible Hypospermatogenese in male mice (see section 5.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht vor Gebrauch öffnen.", "en": "Do not open before use."}, "mt_gen": "Do not open before use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wofür wird Sustiva angewendet?", "en": "What is Sustiva used for?"}, "mt_gen": "What is Sustiva used for?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Behandlung mit Pedea sollte ausschließlich auf einer Neugeborenen-Intensivstation unter Aufsicht eines erfahrenen Neonatologen (Facharzt für die Behandlung von Frühgeborenen) durchgeführt werden.", "en": "Treatment with Pedea should only be performed at a neonatal intensive care unit under the supervision of a neonatalogist (physician specialising in treating premature infants)."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment with Pedea should only be performed on a 35.6 administered under the supervision of a physician units by a specialist for the treatment of premature infants).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Warum wurde Kineret zugelassen?", "en": "Why has Kineret been approved?"}, "mt_gen": "Why has Kineret been approved?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es gibt Packungen mit 4, 5 und 10 Patronen.", "en": "It is supplied in packs of 4, 5 and 10 cartridges."}, "mt_gen": "It is supplied in packs of 1, 5 and 10 cartridges.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Falle einer Überdosierung sollten allgemeine unterstützende medizinische Maßnahmen ergriffen werden.", "en": "In the event of overdose, general supportive measures should be readily available."}, "mt_gen": "In the event of overdose, general supportive measures should be readily available measures should be employed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Riprazo ist in Packungen zu 7, 14, 28, 30, 50, 56, 84, 90, 98 oder 280 Tabletten erhältlich.", "en": "Riprazo is available in packs containing 7, 14, 28, 30, 50, 56, 84, 90, 98 or 280 tablets."}, "mt_gen": "Riprazo is available in packs containing 7, 14, 28, 30, 50, 56, 84, 90, 98 or 280 tablets.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "12 vielen prämalignen Läsionen (z. B. bei adenomatösen kolorektalen Polypen) und epithelialen Tumoren werden erhöhte COX-2-Spiegel gefunden.", "en": "12 In patients with many premalignant lesions (such as adenomatous colorectal polyps) and epithelial cancers, elevated levels of COX-2 are found."}, "mt_gen": "12 are many lesions (such as adenomatous colorectal polyps) and epithelial cancers Elevated levels of COX-2 are found.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Inter- und intra-individuelle pharmakokinetische Variabilitäten wurden nicht systematisch untersucht.", "en": "Inter- and intra-individual pharmacokinetic variabilities have not been systematically studied."}, "mt_gen": "Inter- and intra-individuelle pharmacokinetic Variabilitäten have not been systematically studied.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In einer Studie mit 60 gesunden Probanden zeigte sich, dass Lamivudin 300 mg einmal täglich in Bezug auf die intrazelluläre AUC24 und Cmax des Triphosphates im \"Steady- State\" pharmakokinetisch äquivalent zu Lamivudin 150 mg zweimal täglich ist.", "en": "In a study in 60 healthy volunteers, it was shown that lamivudine 300 mg once daily in terms of intracellular Darifenacin AUC24 and Cmax of the Triphosphates in the \"steady state\" was pharmakokinetically equivalent to using lamivudine 150 mg twice daily."}, "mt_gen": "In a study in 60 healthy volunteers, lamivudine 300 mg once daily in terms of intracellular Darifenacin AUC24 and Cmax of the Triphosphates in the \"steady state\" using equivalent to lamivudine 150 mg twice daily.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jeglicher Wechsel der Wirkstärke, der Marke (Her- steller), des Insulintyps (normal, NPH, zinkverzögert usw.), der Art des Insulins (tierisches Insulin) und / oder der Herstellungsmethode kann eine Veränderung des Insulinbedarfs nach sich ziehen.", "en": "Any change of the potency, brand (producer), type, (normal, zinc delayed, NPH, etc.), the nature of the insulin (animal insulin) and / or method of production can cause a change the need for insulin."}, "mt_gen": "Jeglicher changing potency, (Her- steller), type, (normal, zinkverzögert NPH, etc.), the nature of the insulin (insulin) and / or supervision can cause a change in dosage.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist Bonviva und wofür wird es angewendet?", "en": "What Bonviva is and what it is used for."}, "mt_gen": "What Bonviva is and what it is used for 2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In der Hauptstudie mit Docetaxel (100 mg / m2 infundiert über 1 Stunde) zusammen mit oder ohne Herceptin, hatten 60% der Patienten vorher eine adjuvante Anthrazyklin-basierte Chemotherapie erhalten.", "en": "In the main study of docetaxel (100 mg / m2 infused over 1 hour) taken with or without Herceptin, 60% of the patients had previously received adjuvant Anthrazyklin-basierte chemotherapy."}, "mt_gen": "In the main study of docetaxel (100 mg / m2 infused over 1 hour) taken with or without Herceptin, 60% of the patients had previously received adjuvant Anthrazyklin-basierte chemotherapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei allen Patienten trat eine ausgeprägte Myelosuppression auf.", "en": "All patients experienced a severe myelosuppression."}, "mt_gen": "All patients experienced a severe myelosuppression.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ibraxion kann somit in Verbindung mit einem geeigneten diagnostischen Testkit als Markerimpfstoff verwendet werden.", "en": "Ibraxion may therefore be used in conjunction with appropriate diagnostic test kit as a marker vaccination."}, "mt_gen": "Ibraxion may therefore be used in conjunction with appropriate heartworm Foundation as Markerimpfstoff.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Den kurzen Schlauch an dem Applikator mit dem männlichen Luer-Lock-Ende des langen Gasschlauchs verbinden.", "en": "Connect the short fistula to the apllicator with the male Luer Lock connector of the long gas hose."}, "mt_gen": "The short fistula and with the male Luer-Lock-Ende bonded to the push rod.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "30 Ausführliche Informationen zu diesem Arzneimittel sind auf der Website der Europäischen Arzneimittel Agentur (EMEA) http: / / www.emea.europa.eu verfügbar.", "en": "30 Detailed information on this medicinal product is available on the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) web site: http: / / www. emea. europa. eu /."}, "mt_gen": "30 Detailed information on this medicinal product is available on the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) web site: http: / / www. emea. europa. eu /.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mit Hydrochlorothiazid setzt die Diurese nach 2 Stunden ein, der maximale Effekt wird nach etwa 4 Stunden erreicht und die Wirkung hält etwa 6 - 12 Stunden an.", "en": "With hydrochlorothiazide, onset of diuresis occurs in 2 hours, the maximum effect is reached after about 4 hours and persists for approximately 6-12 hours."}, "mt_gen": "With hydrochlorothiazide, onset of diuresis occurs in 2 hours, the maximum effect is reached after about 4 hours and persists for approximately 6-12 hours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anstiege des Serumkaliums waren bei nur mit Riprazo behandelten Patienten mit essentieller Hypertonie geringgradig und selten (0,9% im Vergleich zu 0,6% unter Placebo).", "en": "Increases in serum potassium occurred minimally and rarely only in patients treated with Riprazo who had essential hypertension (0.9% compared to 0.6% with placebo)."}, "mt_gen": "Increases in serum potassium were treated only with Riprazo in patients with essential hypertension minor and infrequent (0.9% compared to 0.6% with placebo).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Entsorgen Sie die Spritze, Kanülen und nicht verwendetes Lösungsmittel sachgerecht.", "en": "Dispose of the syringe, needles and unused solvent safely."}, "mt_gen": "Dispose of the syringe, needles and unused solvent safely.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weitere Informationen über Fasturtec:", "en": "Other information about Fasturtec:"}, "mt_gen": "2 / 3 Other information about Fasturtec:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt hat Ihnen die Injektion mit Aranesp in einem vorgefüllten Injektor als Injektion in das Gewebe direkt unter die Haut verschrieben.", "en": "Your doctor has given you the injection with Aranesp pre-filled pen for injection into the tissue just under the skin."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor has given you inject Aranesp pre-filled pen for injection into the tissue just under the skin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie von Ihrem Arzt angewiesen einnehmen.", "en": "Take as instructed by your doctor."}, "mt_gen": "How to your doctor.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit Niereninsuffizienz oder leichter bis mäßiggradiger Leberinsuffizienz müssen keine Dosisanpassungen vorgenommen werden.", "en": "In patients with renal insufficiency or mild to moderate hepatic impairment no dose adjustments are necessary."}, "mt_gen": "In patients with renal insufficiency or mild to moderate hepatic impairment should be no dose adjustments are necessary.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die häufigsten Nebenwirkungen in kontrollierten Studien mit Zonegran als Zusatztherapie waren Schläfrigkeit, Schwindelgefühl und Anorexie.", "en": "The most common side effects in controlled trials of Zonegran as adjunctive therapy were somnolence, dizziness, and anorexia."}, "mt_gen": "The most common side effects in controlled trials of Zonegran as adjunctive therapy were somnolence, dizziness, and anorexia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dezember 2007, 5. Mai 2008, 12. Juni 2008 und 20. Juni 2008 schriftliche Erklärungen vor.", "en": "The Marketing Authorisation Holder provided written explanations on Dezember 2007, 5 May 2008, 12 June 2008 and 20 June 2008."}, "mt_gen": "December 2007, the Marketing Authorisation Holder provided written explanations on 5 May 2008, 12 June 2008 and 20 June 2008.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "27 Stoffwechsel- und Ernährungsstörungen Sehr häufig:", "en": "27 Metabolism and nutrition disorders very common:"}, "mt_gen": "27 Metabolism and nutrition disorders Very common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei hohen Dosen, die etwa beim 4,3- fachen der humantherapeutischen Exposition lagen, trat mütterliche Toxizität auf, die einherging mit einer Senkung der Aufzuchtleistung und einer Entwicklungsverzögerung bei den Nachkommen von Ratten.", "en": "At high doses, approximately 4.3 times the human therapeutic exposure, maternal toxicity occurred, which was associated with a reduction in rearing performace and developmental delay in the offspring of rats."}, "mt_gen": "At high doses, approximately 600,000 times the human exposure, maternal toxicity, which was associated with a reduction in Aufzuchtleistung and development in the offspring of rats.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "10 Studie stieg der mittlere Anteil der täglichen \"On-Zeit\" um 4,5% (CI95% 0,93%; 7,97%) gegenüber dem Ausgangswert.", "en": "9 Study increased, the mean proportion of daily ON time by 4.5% (CI95% 0.93%, 7.97%) from baseline."}, "mt_gen": "9 Study increased, the mean proportion of daily ON time by 4.5% (CI95% 0.93%, 7.97%) from baseline.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es gab keine Anzeichen, dass die Sicherheit von Xolair in Kombination mit diesen anderen, allgemein verwendeten Asthma- Medikamenten verändert war.", "en": "There was no evidence that the safety of Xolair was altered in combination with other commonly used asthma medicines."}, "mt_gen": "There was no evidence that the safety of Xolair was used in combination with other commonly used Asthma- medicines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Amphotericin B) • Cisaprid (ein Arzneimittel zur Linderung bestimmter Magenprobleme).", "en": "Amphotericin B) • cisapride (a medicine used to relieve used to relieve certain stomach problems)."}, "mt_gen": "amphotericin B) • cisapride (a medicine used to relieve used to relieve certain stomach problems).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Dosiserhöhung muss, falls erforderlich, bei diesen Patienten vorsichtig durchgeführt werden.", "en": "An increase in dosage, if necessary, must be performed with caution in these patients."}, "mt_gen": "Dosage, if necessary, must be performed with caution in these patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach einer Windpocken-Erkrankung verbleibt das Virus, das die Windpocken ausgelöst hat, in den Nervenzellen Ihres Körpers.", "en": "After a chicken pox infection the virus remains in your body's tissues."}, "mt_gen": "After a Windpocken-Erkrankung remains in the chickenpox caused in your body's tissues.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird ein Vorrat an Trinkwasser benötigt.", "en": "A supply of drinking water is needed."}, "mt_gen": "It is used to run the drinking water is needed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Dreierpackung 1 ist dafür bestimmt, Ihnen zu helfen, die ersten drei Injektionen (Tage 1, 3 und 5) zuzubereiten.", "en": "Triple pack 1 is designed to help you to prepare for the first 3 injections (days 1, 3 and 5)."}, "mt_gen": "Triple pack 1 is designed to help you for the first 3 injections (days 1, 3 and 5) to prepare.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "37 Thromboembolien Sehr selten (< 0,01%) wurde ein zeitlicher Zusammenhang zwischen einer Olanzapin Behandlung und venösen Thromboembolien (VTE) berichtet.", "en": "37 Thromboembolism: a temporal connection between olanzapine treatment and venous thromboembolism (VTE) has been reported very rarely (0.01%)."}, "mt_gen": "37 venous thromboembolism has very rarely (0.01%) been of olanzapine treatment and venous thromboembolism (VTE) have been reported.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "IntronA ist als Pulver in den Stärken 1 Million I.E. / ml für den Gebrauch als Einzeldosis erhältlich.", "en": "IntronA is supplied as a powder at strengths of 1 million IU / ml for use as a single dose."}, "mt_gen": "IntronA is supplied as a powder at strengths of 1 million IU / ml for use as a single dose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weitere Informationen über Aerius:", "en": "Other information about Aerius:"}, "mt_gen": "2 / 3 Other information about Aerius:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kühl aufbewahren und transportieren (2 ° C - 8 ° C).", "en": "Store and transport refrigerated (2 ° C - 8 ° C)."}, "mt_gen": "Store and transport refrigerated (2 ° C - 8 ° C).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Nifedipin Retard sowohl eine vergleichbare antihypertensive Wirkung als auch eine vergleichbare Wirkung auf den oben genannten gemeinsamen Endpunkt hatte.", "en": "The results show that Nifedipine Retard had a similar antihypertensive effect as well as a similar effect on the above mentioned common endpoint."}, "mt_gen": "The results show that Nifedipine Retard both similar antihypertensive effect as well as a similar effect on the above mentioned co-administration endpoint.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die mittlere Bioverfügbarkeit von oral verabreichtem Mycophenolatmofetil, basierend auf der AUC von MPA, beträgt 94% im Vergleich zu i.v. verabreichtem Mycophenolatmofetil.", "en": "The mean bioavailability of orally-administered mycophenolate mofetil, based on the AUC of MPA, is 94% as compared to IV-administered mycophenolate."}, "mt_gen": "The mean bioavailability of oral mycophenolate mofetil, based on the AUC of MPA, is 94% as compared to IV mycophenolate.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Neugeborene, deren Mütter AIIRAs eingenommen haben, sollten eng auf eine Hypotonie überwacht werden (siehe Abschnitte 4.3 und 4.4).", "en": "Infants whose mothers have taken AIIRAs should be closely monitored for hypotension (see sections 4.3 and 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "Infants whose mothers have taken AIIRAs should be closely monitored and hypotension (see sections 4.3 and 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Folgedosis Cyanokit beträgt 5 g.", "en": "The committed dose of Cyanokit is 5 g."}, "mt_gen": "The Folgedosis Cyanokit is 5 g.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenden Sie sich an den Arzt, bevor Sie die Behandlung abbrechen.", "en": "Contact your doctor before you stop treatment."}, "mt_gen": "Contact your doctor before you stop treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit Dieses Arzneimittel sollte während Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit nicht eingenommen werden.", "en": "Pregnancy and breast-feeding: This medicinal product should not be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding."}, "mt_gen": "Pregnancy and breast-feeding This medicinal product should not be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) und SNRI (engl. Serotonin / Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor) wurden Blutungen wie Ekchymosen, Purpura und gastrointestinalen Blutungen berichtet.", "en": "In selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin / norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), bleeding such as ecchymoses, purpura and gastrointestinal haemorrhage have been reported."}, "mt_gen": "serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and serotonin / norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), such as ecchymoses, purpura and gastrointestinal haemorrhage have been reported.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In allen Studien zur rheumatoiden Arthritis, polyartikulären juvenilen idiopathischen Arthritis und Psoriasis-Arthritis wiesen die Patienten mit erhöhten ALT-Werten keine Symptome auf, und die Erhöhungen waren in den meisten Fällen vorübergehend und normalisierten sich unter der fortgesetzten Behandlung.", "en": "In all studies of rheumatoid arthritis, polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, patients with raised ALT were asymptomatic and the elevations were in most cases transient and resolved themselves with continued treatment."}, "mt_gen": "In all studies, rheumatoid arthritis, polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis and psoriatic arthritis patients with raised ALT were asymptomatic and the elevations were in most cases transient and resolved on continued treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Juli 2003 und am 29. Juli 2008 verlängert.", "en": "The marketing authorisation was renewed on 15 July 2003 and on 29 July 2008."}, "mt_gen": "The marketing authorisation was renewed on 15 July 2003 and on 29 July 2008.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Sie haben eine Unverträglichkeit gegenüber einigen Zuckern (siehe weiter unten).", "en": "- You have an intolerance to some sugars (see below)."}, "mt_gen": "- You have an intolerance to some sugars (see below).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "49 Bitte halten Sie sich genau an die folgenden Anweisungen, um den Nutzen der Behandlung mit FOSAVANCE sicherzustellen.", "en": "49 Please follow these instructions carefully to benefit from treatment with FOSAVANCE."}, "mt_gen": "49 you will Follow these instructions carefully benefit from treatment with FOSAVANCE.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bitte fragen Sie bei Ihrem Arzt oder Apotheker nach, wenn Sie sich nicht ganz sicher sind.", "en": "You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure."}, "mt_gen": "You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "s las Trudexa ist auch als Durchstechflasche oder als vorgefüllter Pen erhältlich.", "en": "Trudexa is also available as a vial or a pre-filled pen."}, "mt_gen": "ris Trudexa is also available as a vial or a pre-filled pen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "• Drücken Sie den Kolben der Spritze leicht nach oben, bis die zu verabreichende Dosis in der Spritze verbleibt.", "en": "• Push the plunger of the syringe pointing slightly until the dose to be administered remains."}, "mt_gen": "• Push the plunger of the syringe pointing slightly until the dose to be administered.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "FlexPen gibt Dosen zwischen 1 und 60 Einheiten ab, die jeweilige Dosis kann in Schritten von einer Einheit eingestellt werden.", "en": "FlexPen delivers doses between 1 and 60 units, but the dose may be titrated gradually."}, "mt_gen": "FlexPen delivers doses between 1 and 60 units, but the dose may be titrated in increments of norethindrone.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Dosierung muss den individuellen Bedürfnissen des Patienten angepasst werden.", "en": "The dose should be adjusted to the individual patient's needs."}, "mt_gen": "The dose should be adjusted to the individual patient's needs to be adjusted.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es liegen keine Daten für die Verwendung von Trizivir bei Schwangeren vor.", "en": "There are no data on the use of Trizivir in pregnant women."}, "mt_gen": "There are no data on the use of Trizivir in pregnant women.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Falle eines Schocks ist die Standardtherapie für Schock anzuwenden.", "en": "In case of shock, standard therapy for shock should be used."}, "mt_gen": "In case of shock, standard therapy for shock.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weitere mögliche Nebenwirkungen:", "en": "Other possible side effects:"}, "mt_gen": "Other possible side effects:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "10 Patienten mit Leberfunktionsstörungen Bei Patienten mit leichten bis mittelschweren Leberfunktionsstörungen ist keine Dosisanpassung erforderlich.", "en": "10 patients with hepatic impairment: No dose adjustment is necessary in patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment."}, "mt_gen": "10 patients with hepatic impairment No dose adjustment is necessary in patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Während der Einnahme von TRITAZIDE muss der Blutzuckerspiegel deswegen engmaschig kontrolliert werden. • Lithium (gegen seelische Erkrankungen).", "en": "While taking TRITAZIDE check your blood sugar amounts should, therefore, be closely monitored. • Lithium (for mental health problems)."}, "mt_gen": "while taking TRITAZIDE Check your blood sugar amounts should be closely monitored. • Lithium (for mental health problems).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht verwendete Tierarzneimittel oder davon stammende Abfallmaterialien sind entsprechend den örtlichen Bestimmungen zu entsorgen.", "en": "Any unused veterinary drug or waste material should be discarded as required by your local authorities."}, "mt_gen": "Any unused product of waste material by boiling, be discarded as required by your local authorities.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sevelamer: Ein Abfall der Cmax und der AUC 0-12 von MPA um 30 bzw. 25% wurde beobachtet, wenn Mycophenolatmofetil zusammen mit Sevelamer verabreicht wurde, dies hatte jedoch keine klinischen Konsequenzen (wie z.B. Transplantatabstoßungsreaktion).", "en": "Sevelamer: decrease in Cmax and AUC 0-12 of MPA by 30% and 25% was observed when mycophenolate mofetil was concomitantly administered with sevelamer. However, this had no clinical consequences (i. e. graft rejection)."}, "mt_gen": "Sevelamer: decrease in Cmax and AUC of MPA by 30% and 25%, respectively, were observed when mycophenolate mofetil was concomitantly administered with sevelamer without any was, however, no clinical consequences (i. e. graft rejection).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nehmen Sie nicht die doppelte Dosis ein, wenn Sie die vorherige Einnahme vergessen haben.", "en": "Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten tablet."}, "mt_gen": "Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten tablet.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "50 Nicht verwendetes Arzneimittel oder Abfallmaterial ist entsprechend den nationalen Anforderungen zu entsorgen.", "en": "50 Any unused product or waste material or waste materials should be disposed of in accordance with national requirements."}, "mt_gen": "50 Any unused product or waste material or Waste materials should be disposed of in accordance with national requirements.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Replagal darf nicht zusammen mit Chloroquin, Amiodaron, Benoquin oder Gentamicin angewendet werden, da diese Substanzen die intrazelluläre α -Galactosidase-Aktivität hemmen können.", "en": "Replagal must not be administered with chloroquine, amiodarone, benoquin or gentamycin due to be taken at this time because these substances could inhibit the intracellular α-galactosidase activity."}, "mt_gen": "Replagal must not be administered with chloroquine, amiodarone, benoquin or gentamycin due to be taken at this time because these substances, the intracellular α -Galactosidase-Aktivität.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In-vitro- und In-vivo-Genotoxizitätsstudien mit Somatropinen zu Genmutationen und Induktion von Chromosomenaberrationen verliefen negativ.", "en": "In vitro and in vivo genotoxicity studies with Somatropinen of gene mutations and induction of chromosome aberrations have been negative."}, "mt_gen": "In vitro and In-vivo-Genotoxizitätsstudien with Somatropinen and gene mutations and induction of chromosome aberrations have been negative.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In denselben klinischen Prüfungen wurden unerwünschte zerebrovaskuläre Ereignisse (z.B. Schlaganfall, transitorische ischämische Attacken), einschließlich solcher mit tödlichem Verlauf, berichtet.", "en": "In the same clinical trials, cerebrovascular adverse events (CVAE e. g., stroke, transient ischemic attack), including fatalities, were reported."}, "mt_gen": "In the same clinical trials, cerebrovascular adverse events (CVAE e. g., stroke, transient ischemic attack), including fatalities, were reported.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weißes bis weißliches lyophilisiertes Pulver.", "en": "White to off-white lyophilised powder."}, "mt_gen": "White to off-white lyophilised powder.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird empfohlen, eine engmaschige Überwachung während des Absetzens durchzuführen.", "en": "Close monitoring during the discontinuation period is recommended."}, "mt_gen": "It is recommended that close monitoring during the discontinuation period.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Magenspülung kann sinnvoll sein, wenn sie bald nach der Einnahme oder bei symptomatischen Patientinnen durchgeführt wird.", "en": "Gastric lavage may be indicated if carried out soon after ingestion or in symptomatic patients."}, "mt_gen": "Gastric lavage may be indicated if soon after ingestion or in symptomatic patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Auch bei wiederholten Impfungen im Abstand von einem Jahr ist das Unbedenklichkeitsprofil von INTANZA vergleichbar mit der jeweils vorausgegangenen Impfung mit INTANZA.", "en": "Also, in repeated vaccinations with an interval of one year, the safety profile of INTANZA is comparable to the previous vaccination with INTANZA."}, "mt_gen": "Also, in repeated injections with an interval of one year, the safety profile of INTANZA is comparable to the Summary of ASS vaccination with INTANZA.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Ergebnisse bei der Behandlung von Harnwegsinfektionen bei Katzen waren jedoch nicht ausreichend, um eine Anwendung gegen diese Erkrankungen zu stützen.", "en": "The results of the treatment of urinary tract infections in cats were, however, not sufficient to support the use against these diseases."}, "mt_gen": "The results in the treatment of urinary tract infections in cats, but was not sufficient to support the use against these diseases.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "CELVAPAN und das Immunglobulin müssen in unterschiedliche Körperteile injiziert werden.", "en": "CELVAPAN and the immunoglobulin must be injected in different parts of the body."}, "mt_gen": "CELVAPAN and the immunoglobulin must be injected by different parts of the body.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die vollständige Auflistung der im Zusammenhang mit OSSEOR berichteten Nebenwirkungen ist der Packungsbeilage zu entnehmen.", "en": "For a full list of the side effects reported OSSEOR, see the Package Leaflet."}, "mt_gen": "For a full list of the side-effects reported with side effects of OSSEOR, see the Package Leaflet.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für dieses Arzneimittel sind keine besonderen Lagerungsbedingungen erforderlich.", "en": "This medicinal product does not require any special storage conditions."}, "mt_gen": "This medicinal product does not require any special storage conditions.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie die Anwendung von ORENCIA vergessen haben Wenn Sie eine geplante ORENCIA-Infusion versäumt haben, fragen Sie Ihren Arzt, wann Sie Ihre nächste Dosis erhalten sollen.", "en": "If you forget to take ORENCIA If you forget a scheduled ORENCIA infusion, ask your doctor when you should take your next dose."}, "mt_gen": "If you forget to take ORENCIA If you forget an appointment scheduled ORENCIA-Infusion use of this product, ask your doctor when you should take your next dose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fasturtec 1,5 mg / ml Pulver und Lösungs- mittel zur Herstellung eines Infusionslösungs- konzentrats Intravenöse Pulver:", "en": "Fasturtec 1.5 mg / ml powder and solvent for preparation of an infusion injection concentration of intravenous powder:"}, "mt_gen": "Fasturtec 1.5 mg / ml powder and solvent Reconstitute Intravenous Powder:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine ähnliche aber weniger heftige Reaktion wurde bei Hunden, die mit Caelyx und Standard-Doxorubicin behandelt wurden, beobachtet.", "en": "A similar but less severe response was seen in dogs treated with Caelyx and standard doxorubicin."}, "mt_gen": "A similar but less severe response was seen in dogs treated with Caelyx and standard doxorubicin have been observed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weitere Informationen über Agenerase:", "en": "2 / 3 Other information about Agenerase:"}, "mt_gen": "2 / 3 Other information about Agenerase:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Auswaschung ist solange fortzusetzen, bis venös klare Flüssigkeit (pink, transparent) austritt.", "en": "The washing out should be continued for as long as you continue to venös clear liquid (pink, comes out)."}, "mt_gen": "The Auswaschung) for as long as you continue to venös clear liquid (pink, comes out).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sehr selten: psychotische Reaktionen (die zu selbstgefährdendem Verhalten führen können).", "en": "Very rare: psychotic reactions (which may lead to self-endangering behaviour)."}, "mt_gen": "Very rare: psychotic reactions (which may lead to too selbstgefährdendem behaviour).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Wirksamkeit von Aerinaze Tabletten zeigte im Hinblick auf nach Geschlecht, Alter oder ethnischer Zugehörigkeit definierte Patientenuntergruppen keine signifikanten Unterschiede.", "en": "The efficacy of Aerinaze tablets showed no significant differences in gender, age and race patientgroups."}, "mt_gen": "The efficacy of Aerinaze tablets showed no significant differences in gender, age and race supplies Patientenuntergruppen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sowohl der Metavir-Score als auch der Ishak-Grad verminderte sich bei den Patienten, die mit PegIntron in Kombination mit Ribavirin behandelt worden waren.", "en": "Both Metavir-Score and Ishak-Grad decreased in psoriatic arthritis patients treated with PegIntron in combination with ribavirin."}, "mt_gen": "Both of the Metavir-Score and Ishak-Grad decreased in psoriatic arthritis patients treated with PegIntron in combination with ribavirin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei 2 ºC - 8 ºC (im Kühlschrank) und lichtgeschützt aufbewahren.", "en": "Store at 2 ° C - 8 ° C (in a refrigerator), protected from light."}, "mt_gen": "Store at 2 ° C - 8 ° C (in a refrigerator), protected from light.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Informieren Sie sofort Ihren Arzt, wenn Sie glauben, dass zuviel Binocrit injiziert wurde.", "en": "Tell your doctor immediately if you think too much Binocrit has been injected."}, "mt_gen": "Tell your doctor immediately if you think too much Binocrit has been injected.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "B. beim Fahren eines Autos oder beim Bedienen von Maschinen), ein Risiko darstellen.", "en": "(e. g. when driving or operating machinery) poses a risk."}, "mt_gen": "(e. g. when driving or operating machinery).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn BYETTA zusammen mit einem Arzneimittel, das einen Sulfonylharnstoff enthält, angewendet wird, kann es sehr häufig zu einer Unterzuckerung (Hypoglykämie, im Allgemeinen leicht bis mäßig) kommen.", "en": "When BYETTA is used together with medicinal product containing a sulphonylurea contains it, it can cause abnormally low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia, very commonly have generally been mild to moderate in intensity."}, "mt_gen": "When BYETTA is used together with medicinal product containing a sulphonylurea contains it, it can cause abnormally low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia, very commonly have generally been mild to moderate in intensity.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wirkt RotaTeq?", "en": "How does RotaTeq work?"}, "mt_gen": "How does RotaTeq work?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kein Unterschied war zu sehen zwischen Leflunomid und Sulfasalazin (Studie MN301).", "en": "No difference was seen between leflunomide and sulfasalazine (Study MN301)."}, "mt_gen": "No difference was seen between leflunomide and sulfasalazine (Study MN301).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In der PEARL-Studie wurden hinsichtlich Scheiden-pH und dem Reifeindex ähnliche Ergebnisse beobachtet.", "en": "In the PEARL study results were similar to those seen in terms of vaginal pH and the ripeness index."}, "mt_gen": "In the PEARL study results were similar to those seen in terms of Scheiden-pH and MI.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieser Hauptmetabolit hat keine bekannte pharmakologische Aktivität.", "en": "This metabolite has no known pharmacological activity."}, "mt_gen": "This metabolite has no known pharmacological activity.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wurde die Notwendigkeit eine Bioäquivalenzstudie mit der höchsten Stärke und eine valide Studie mit Replikationsdesign durchzuführen erörtert.", "en": "The need for a bioequivalence study with the highest strength and a valid study with replicate design has been discussed."}, "mt_gen": "It has been discussed the need for a bioequivalence study with the highest strength and no study with replicate design.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Fortsetzung der Therapie sollte bei einem Patienten, der innerhalb dieser Zeitspanne nicht anspricht, nochmals sorgfältig überdacht werden.", "en": "Continued therapy should be carefully reconsidered in a patient not responding within this time period."}, "mt_gen": "Continued therapy should be carefully reconsidered in a patient not responding within this time period., again.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Angaben in dieser Packungsbeilage gelten für alle Patientengruppen, einschließlich Kinder, Jugendliche, Erwachsene und ältere Menschen.", "en": "The information in this leaflet applies to all patient groups including children, adolescents, adults and the elderly."}, "mt_gen": "The information in this leaflet applies to all patient groups including children, adolescents, adults and the elderly.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei der Anwendung von Itraconazol oder Ketoconazol ist Vorsicht geboten (Dosen von mehr als 200 mg / Tag werden nicht empfohlen).", "en": "Caution should be exercised when prescribing itraconazole or ketoconazole (doses greater than 200 mg / day are not recommended)."}, "mt_gen": "Caution should be exercised when prescribing itraconazole or ketoconazole (doses greater than 200 mg / day are not recommended).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach Rekonstitution enthält 1 ml Infusionslösung 2,5 mg Temozolomid.", "en": "After reconstitution, 1 ml of solution for infusion contains 2.5 mg of temozolomide."}, "mt_gen": "After reconstitution, 1 ml of solution for infusion contains 2.5 mg of temozolomide.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welches Risiko ist mit TachoSil verbunden?", "en": "What is the risk associated with TachoSil?"}, "mt_gen": "What is the risk associated with TachoSil?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lokale Reaktionen an der Injektionsstelle (wie Rötung, Schwellung oder Pruritus) wurden berichtet.", "en": "Local reactions at the injection site (such as injection site redness, swelling or pruritus) have been reported."}, "mt_gen": "Local reactions at the injection site (such as injection site redness, swelling or pruritus) have been reported.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "B. Befragungen zur Ermittlung der Impfcompliance) untersuchen.", "en": "B. Examinations to determine the vaccination complaince."}, "mt_gen": "B. The evaluation of the goals for treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Injizieren Sie tief subkutan.", "en": "Inject the deep subcutaneous injection."}, "mt_gen": "Inject the deep subcutaneous injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die übliche Dosis beträgt 9,75 mg (1,3 ml) für die erste Injektion.", "en": "The usual dose is 9.75 mg (1.3 ml) for the first injection."}, "mt_gen": "The usual dose is 9.75 mg (1.3 ml) for the first injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "SOMAVERT wird bei Patienten angewendet, die auf eine Operation oder Strahlentherapie oder auf die Behandlung mit Somatostatin-Analoga (eine andere Arzneimittelklasse, die bei Akromegalie angewendet wird) nicht gut ansprachen.", "en": "SOMAVERT is used in patients who receive surgery or radiation therapy or treatment with somatostatin analogues (another to the class of medicines used in acromegaly), which is not well controlled."}, "mt_gen": "SOMAVERT is used in patients who receive surgery or radiation therapy or treatment with somatostatin analogues (another to the class of medicines used in acromegaly) is not well controlled.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Einige dieser Reaktionen wurden bei Patienten mit bekannten allergischen Reaktionen auf Sulfonamide beobachtet (siehe Abschnitt 4.3).", "en": "Some of these reactions have been observed in patients with a history of allergic reactions to sulphonamides (see section 4.3)."}, "mt_gen": "Some of these reactions have been observed in patients with a history of allergic reactions to sulphonamides (see section 4.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Empfohlen werden die allgemein üblichen unterstützenden und symptomatischen Maßnahmen; Herzrhythmus und Vitalparameter sind zu überwachen.", "en": "Generally accepted supportive and symptomatic measures are recommended; heart rhythm and vital signs should be monitored."}, "mt_gen": "It will be generally standard supportive and symptomatic measures, heart rhythm and vital signs are monitored.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Risperidon soll bei Patienten mit bekannten Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen (z. B. Herzinsuffizienz, Myokardinfarkt, Reizleitungsstörungen, Dehydrierung, Hypovolämie oder zerebrovaskulären Erkrankungen) deshalb nur mit Vorsicht angewendet werden.", "en": "107 Risperidone should be used with caution in patients with known cardiovascular disease (e. g., heart failure, myocardial infarction, conduction abnormalities, dehydration, hypovolemia, or cerebrovascular disease)."}, "mt_gen": "107 Risperidone should be used with caution in patients with known cardiovascular disease (e. g., heart failure, myocardial infarction, conduction abnormalities, dehydration, hypovolemia, or cerebrovascular disease, or cerebrovascular disease) only.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pulver in einem Fläschchen (Glasart I) mit Stopfen (Chlorobutyl) und Aluminium-Flip-off-Verschluss + 0,5 ml Lösungsmittel in einer Fertigspritze (Glasart I) mit Kolbenstopfen (Chlorobromobutyl), feststehender Kanüle und Kanülenschutzkappe (natürliches Gummi oder Polyisopren) - in Packungsgrößen zu 1x1, 10x1 und 20x1 Dosis.", "en": "Powder in a vial (Type 1 glass) with stopper (chlorobutyl) and aluminium flip-off cap + 0.5 ml of solvent in pre-filled syringe (type I glass), with a plunger-stopper (chlorobromobutyl), attached needle and Kanülenschutzkappe (natural or polyisoprene) - Pack size of 1, 10 and 20."}, "mt_gen": "Powder in a vial (Type 1 glass) with stopper (chlorobutyl) and aluminium flip-off cap + 0.5 ml of solvent in pre-filled syringe (type I glass), with a plunger-stopper (chlorobromobutyl), attached needle and Kanülenschutzkappe (natural or polyisoprene) - Pack size of 1, 10 and 20.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn die CK-Werte ohne körperliche Anstrengung signifikant erhöht sind (> das Fünffache des oberen Normwertes), ist die Therapie abzusetzen.", "en": "If the CK levels without physical effort are significantly elevated (> 5 times the upper normal limit) therapy should be discontinued."}, "mt_gen": "If the CK levels without physiological response to acute physical exercise significantly elevated (5 times the upper limit of normal, therapy should be discontinued.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt wird abklären, ob irgendwelche Symptome mit einer Überempfindlichkeitsreaktion in Zusammenhang stehen.", "en": "Your doctor will see if there are symptoms of a hypersensitivity reaction."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor will see if there is any personal history of symptoms of a hypersensitivity reaction.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pentamidin (zur Behandlung bestimmter Infektionen durch Parasiten) kann eine Unterzuckerung auslösen, die manchmal in eine Überzuckerung übergeht.", "en": "Pentamin (used to treat certain infections caused by parasites) may cause hypoglycaemia, which sometimes leads to hyperglycemia."}, "mt_gen": "If you are not sure whether you (used to treat certain infections caused by parasites) may cause hypoglycaemia, ask.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bauchschmerzen Augenerkrankungen Häufig:", "en": "abdominal pain Eye disorders Common:"}, "mt_gen": "abdominal pain Eye disorders Common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Über die Wirkung von Lamotrigin auf Wachstum, sexuelle Reifung sowie kognitive, emotionale und verhaltensbezogene Entwicklung bei Kindern liegen keine Daten vor.", "en": "There are no data on the effects of lamotrigine on growth, sexual maturation, and cognitive, emotional and verhaltensbezogene development in children."}, "mt_gen": "There are no data on the effects of lamotrigine on growth, sexual maturation, and cognitive, emotional and verhaltensbezogene development in children.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird in einem mit 3 ml vorgefüllten Fertigpen, genannt FlexPen, geliefert - die detaillierte Bedienungsanleitung finden Sie auf der Rückseite.", "en": "It comes in a 3 ml pre-filled pen, called FlexPen - see overleaf for detailed instructions on the reverse side."}, "mt_gen": "It comes in a 3 ml pre-filled pen, called FlexPen - see overleaf for detailed instructions on the reverse side.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit Nierenproblemen und bei Patienten, die eine Eigenblutspende vornehmen lassen wollen, ist Binocrit in eine Vene zu injizieren.", "en": "For patients with kidney problems and patients who are going to donate their own blood, Binocrit must be injected into a vein."}, "mt_gen": "For patients with kidney problems and patients who are going to donate their own blood, Binocrit must be injected into a vein.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kühl lagern und transportieren (2ºC - 8ºC).", "en": "Store and transport cool (2 ° C - 8 ° C)."}, "mt_gen": "Store and transport refrigerated (2 ° C - 8 ° C).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht verwendete Tierarzneimittel oder davon stammende Abfallmaterialien sind entsprechend den örtlichen Vorschriften zu entsorgen.", "en": "Any unused veterinary medicinal or waste material resulting from such products are to be disposed of in accordance with local requirements."}, "mt_gen": "Any unused product of waste material to be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "0,001 für 4 mg und 0,007 für 8 mg).", "en": "0.001 for 4 mg and 0.007 for 8 mg."}, "mt_gen": "0.001 for 4 mg and 8 mg) 0.007.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "n Datum der Zulassung: 8.", "en": "Date of first authoristion: 8."}, "mt_gen": "Date of first authoristion:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Alle benötigten Utensilien befinden sich in der PegIntron-Packung.", "en": "All necessary utensils ar efound in the PegIntron package."}, "mt_gen": "All of the PegIntron-Packung.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jalra darf nicht bei Patienten angewendet werden, die möglicherweise überempfindlich (allergisch) gegen Vildagliptin oder einen der sonstigen Bestandteile sind.", "en": "Jalra should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to vildagliptin or any of the other ingredients."}, "mt_gen": "Jalra should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to vildagliptin or any of the other ingredients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Ihr Arzt Antibiotika verschrieben hat, brauchen Sie sie genau für Ihre derzeitige Krankheit.", "en": "If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics, you need them exactly for your current illness."}, "mt_gen": "If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics, you may need exactly for your current.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Digoxin hatte keinen Einfluss auf das pharmakokinetische Profil von Tigecyclin.", "en": "Digoxin did not affect the pharmacokinetic profile of tigecycline."}, "mt_gen": "Digoxin did not affect the pharmacokinetic profile of tigecycline.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zu Patienten mit einer Kreatinin-Clearance von weniger als 10 ml / min liegen keine Daten vor.", "en": "There are no data available in patients with a creatinine clearance of less than 10 ml / min."}, "mt_gen": "There are no data available in patients with a creatinine clearance of less than 10 ml / min.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Verdacht auf eine pseudomembranöse Kolitis muss die Behandlung mit Ketek sofort beendet werden, und die Patienten sind symptomorientiert und / oder spezifisch zu behandeln.", "en": "In cases of suspected pseudomembranous colitis, treatment with Ketek should be promptly discontinued and patients should be managed symptom-orientated and / or specifically."}, "mt_gen": "In cases of suspected pseudomembranous colitis, treatment with Ketek should be promptly discontinued and patients should be managed with supportive measures and / or specifically.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Patienten hatten ein Alter zwischen 18 und 83 Jahren und die Diagnose eines Kit-positiven, malignen, nicht resezierbaren und / oder metastasierten GIST.", "en": "Patients had ranged in age from 18 to 83 years of age and had the diagnosis of a Kit-positiven, malignant, non-operable and / or metastatic GIST."}, "mt_gen": "Patients had ranged in age from 18 to 83 years of age and in the induction of Kit-positiven unresectable and / or metastatic GIST.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es enthält den Wirkstoff Romiplostim.", "en": "It contains the active substance romiplostim."}, "mt_gen": "It contains the active substance romiplostim.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "MNS ist ein potenziell tödlicher Symptomkomplex, der mit der Einnahme von Antipsychotika in Zusammenhang gebracht wird.", "en": "NMS is a potentially fatal symptom complex, reported in connection with the intake of antipsychotic medicines."}, "mt_gen": "NMS is a potentially fatal Symptomkomplex, reported in connection with the intake of antipsychotic medicines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Stechen Sie die Nadel in 246 die Durchstechflasche, drehen Sie die Durchstechflasche um, injizieren Sie die Luft in die Durchstechflasche und ziehen Sie die verschriebene Dosis an GONAL-f in die Injektionsspritze auf.", "en": "Insert the needle into the vial, turn the vial upside down, inject the air into the vial and draw the prescribed dose of GONAL-f into the syringe for administration."}, "mt_gen": "Insert the needle into the Insert the needle into the vial, turn the vial upside down, inject the air in the vial and draw the prescribed dose of GONAL-f into the syringe for administration.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Meist handelt es sich dabei um leichtere Hautreaktionen, die innerhalb von ungefähr 2 Wochen nach Absetzen der Behandlung wieder abklingen.", "en": "Most events are a screwdriver skin reactions, within approximately 2 weeks after cessation of treatment of transitory nature."}, "mt_gen": "Most events are a screwdriver skin reactions, within approximately 2 weeks after cessation of treatment of transitory nature.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht über 25 ºC lagern.", "en": "Do not store above 25 ºC."}, "mt_gen": "Do not store above 25 ºC.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Überdosierung von 12 g führte zu leichten Toxizitätssymptomen.", "en": "An overdose of 12 g has resulted in mild to toxicity symptoms."}, "mt_gen": "An overdose of 12 g has resulted in mild to Toxizitätssymptomen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Pen soll nicht mit aufgeschraubter Nadel aufbewahrt werden.", "en": "The pen should not be stored with the needle attached."}, "mt_gen": "The pen should not be stored with the needle attached.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Monotherapie-Phase Vier Wochen nach Beendigung der TMZ + RT Begleittherapie-Phase wird TMZ für bis zu 6 Zyklen als Monotherapie angewendet.", "en": "monotherapy phase Four weeks after the end of TMZ + RT Concomitant phase TMZ is administered for up to 6 cycles of monotherapy."}, "mt_gen": "monotherapy phase Four weeks after the end of TMZ + RT Concomitant phase TMZ is administered for up to 6 cycles of monotherapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Topotecan muss vor Gebrauch rekonstituiert und weiter verdünnt werden (siehe Abschnitt 6.6).", "en": "Topotecan is to be reconstituted before use and further diluted (see section 6.6)."}, "mt_gen": "Topotecan is to be reconstituted before use and further diluted (see section 6.6).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Antidepressiva sollten bei Patienten mit einer Manie / Hypomanie in der Vorgeschichte mit Vorsicht angewendet werden.", "en": "Antidepressants should be used with caution in patients with mania / hypomania (even at low doses)."}, "mt_gen": "antidepressants should be used with caution in patients with mania / hypomania (even at low doses).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Insulin lispro in Humalog BASAL KwikPen liegt als Suspension mit Protaminsulfat vor, weshalb seine Wirkung verlängert ist.", "en": "The insulin lispro in Humalog BASAL KwikPen is presented as a suspension with protamine sulphate, so that its action is prolonged."}, "mt_gen": "The insulin lispro in Humalog BASAL KwikPen is presented as a suspension with protamine sulphate, so that its action is prolonged.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zusätzlich zur Chemotherapie kann Interferon alfa-2b mit einer Dosis von 5 Millionen I.E. dreimal in der Woche (jeden 2. Tag) über die Dauer von 18 Monaten subkutan verabreicht werden.", "en": "Adjunctively with chemotherapy, interferon alfa -2b may be administered subcutaneously at a dose of 5 million IU three times a week (every other day) for a duration of 18 months."}, "mt_gen": "Adjunctively with chemotherapy, interferon alfa -2b may be at a dose of 5 million IU three times a week (every other day) for a duration of 18 months, given by subcutaneous injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Außerdem war NEVANAC in der Entzündungs- und Schmerzreduktion Keterolac 5 mg / ml nicht unterlegen und war beim Eintropfen signifikant besser verträglich.", "en": "In addition, NEVANAC was not inferior in the inflammation and pain reduction to Keterolac 5 mg / ml and was significantly better tolerated."}, "mt_gen": "In addition, the following NEVANAC 5 mg / ml and non-inferior to pain reduction and was significantly better tolerated proline.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nebenwirkungen in Placebo-kontrollierten Studien und Spontanmeldungen * Untersuchungen:", "en": "Adverse reactions in placebo-controlled trials and spontaneous reports * Investigations:"}, "mt_gen": "Adverse reactions in placebo-controlled trials and spontaneous * Investigations:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Indem DuoTrav den Augeninnendruck senkt, wird das Risiko von Sehschäden verringert.", "en": "As DuoTrav lowers the intraocular pressure, the risk of sight damage is lowered"}, "mt_gen": "By DuoTrav lowers the intraocular pressure, the risk of lowering the pressure.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In seltenen Fällen, besonders bei älteren oder empfindlichen Hunden, können diese Nebenwirkungen schwerwiegend oder lebensbedrohlich sein.", "en": "In rare cases, especially if in elderly or susceptible dogs, these side effects may be serious or fatal."}, "mt_gen": "In rare cases, especially if you are elderly or susceptible dogs, these side effects may be serious or fatal.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Halogenierte flüchtige Inhalationsanästhetika können mit trockenen CO2-Absorbenzien unter Bildung von Kohlenmonoxid (CO) interagieren und bei manchen Hunden zu erhöhten Carboxyhämoglobinkonzentrationen führen.", "en": "Halogenated volatile anaesthetics can react with dry carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbents and in some dogs may lead to an increased level of carboxyhaemoglobin."}, "mt_gen": "Halogenated volatile anaesthetics can react with dry carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbents) that in some dogs may lead to an increased Carboxyhämoglobinkonzentrationen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lepirudin ([Leu1, Thr2] -63-desulfohirudin) ist ein rekombinantes Hirudin, das aus Hefezellen gewonnen wird.", "en": "Lepirudin ([Leu1, Thr2] -63-desulfohirudin) is a recobinant hirudin, produced yeast cells."}, "mt_gen": "lepirudin ([Leu1, Thr2] -63-desulfohirudin talampicillin, necroses in yeast cells.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In jeder dieser Situationen ist der mögliche Nutzen von NovoSeven gegenüber dem Risiko dieser möglichen Komplikationen abzuwägen.", "en": "In each of these situations, the potential benefit of treatment with NovoSeven should be weighed against the risk of these complications."}, "mt_gen": "In each of these situations, the potential benefit of treatment with NovoSeven should be weighed against the risk of these complications.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Knochenbiopsien zeigten ein qualitativ normales Gewebe ohne Störung des Knochenumbaus und ohne Mineralisierungsdefekt.", "en": "The bone biopsy showed qualitatively normal tissue without disruption of the bone turnover and without mineralization defect."}, "mt_gen": "The showed increased incidences of bone biopsies after two qualitatively normal bone turnover with and without Mineralisierungsdefekt.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Flasche enthält 144 g Pulver zum Einnehmen und wird mit einem 1-g-Messlöffel (weiß) und einem 5-g-Messlöffel (blau) aus Polypropylen geliefert.", "en": "Each bottle contains 144 g of oral powder and is supplied with a 1 g measuring spoon (white) and a 5 g measuring spoon (blue) made of polypropylene."}, "mt_gen": "Each bottle contains 144 g of oral powder and is supplied in a 1-g-Messlöffel (white) and a 5-g-Messlöffel (blue) with child resistant closure of polypropylene.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die gleichzeitige Anwendung ist kontraindiziert:", "en": "Concomitant use is contraindicated:"}, "mt_gen": "Concomitant use is contraindicated:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wichtig ist, dass Sie Pritor jeden Tag einnehmen, sofern Ihr Arzt es nicht anders verordnet.", "en": "It is important that you take Pritor every day, unless your doctor tells you otherwise."}, "mt_gen": "It is important that you take Pritor every day, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenden Sie Livensa nur so lange an, wie Sie einen positiven Effekt der Behandlung bemerken.", "en": "Only use Livensa as long as you notice a positive effect of the treatment."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use Livensa only as long as you have a positive effect of the treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sechs Wochen nach der Impfung gehen diese Lokalreaktionen beträchtlich zurück.", "en": "Six weeks after vaccination, these local reactions declined considerably."}, "mt_gen": "Six weeks after vaccination, these local reactions are considerably.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieser Konzentrationsanstieg sollte bei der Wahl der Stärke des oralen Verhütungsmittels berücksichtigt werden.", "en": "This concentration increase should be taken into account in the choice of oral contraceptive."}, "mt_gen": "Antacids. This should be taken into account in the choice of oral contraceptive.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bilden Sie mit Hilfe von Zeigefinger und Daumen eine Hautfalte.", "en": "Hold the fold between the thumb and index finger."}, "mt_gen": "Hold the fold between the thumb and index finger and thumb of a skin fold.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Rahmen der Spontanerfassung von unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen nach Markteinführung wurden keine neuen oder anderen Nebenwirkungen identifiziert.", "en": "In post-marketing acquisition on adverse drug reactions, there were no new or other side effects identified."}, "mt_gen": "In post-marketing spontaneous adverse drug reactions from post-marketing experience, there were no new or other side effects have been identified.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gereinigtes Wasser Propylenglycol Hyetellose Kaliumhydroxid (E525) Salzsäure 36% Schokoladenaroma, o.w.A.", "en": "Purified water, propylene glycol, hyetellose, potassium hydroxide (E525) hydrochloric acid 36% chocolate aroma o.w.A."}, "mt_gen": "Purified water, propylene glycol, potassium hydroxide (E525) Hyetellose hydrochloric acid concentrated 11, o.w.A.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist OSSEOR und wofür wird es angewendet?", "en": "What OSSEOR is and what it is used for"}, "mt_gen": "What OSSEOR is and what it is used for 2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Deshalb darf XERISTAR nicht gleichzeitig mit einem potenten Inhibitor von CYP1A2, wie Fluvoxamin, angewendet werden (siehe Abschnitt 4.3).", "en": "Therefore, XERISTAR should not be given in combination with potent inhibitors of CYP1A2 like fluvoxamine (see section 4.3)."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore, XERISTAR should not be given in combination with potent inhibitors of CYP1A2 like fluvoxamine (see section 4.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Flebogammadif ist indiziert für:", "en": "Flebogammadif is indicated for:"}, "mt_gen": "Flebogammadif is indicated for:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die meisten dieser Patienten nahmen das Medikament unmittelbar vor dem Zubettgehen ein.", "en": "Most of these patients were also taking the medicine immediately before going to bed."}, "mt_gen": "Most of these patients were also taking the medicine immediately before going to bed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Seine Aktivität wird in einem chromogenen Test ermittelt.", "en": "Its potency is determined in a chromogenic substrate."}, "mt_gen": "Its potency is determined in a chromogenic substrate.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein Ansprechen in Form eines Steady-state tritt normalerweise innerhalb eines Monats ein.", "en": "A response in the form of a steady state occurs usually within one month."}, "mt_gen": "One response in a steady state occurs usually within one month.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In einer anderen Studie an gesunden Probanden kam es bei einer Voriconazol-Dosis von 300 mg zweimal täglich zusammen mit niedrig dosiertem Efavirenz (300 mg einmal täglich) zu keiner ausreichenden Voriconazol-Exposition.", "en": "In a study of healthy subjects, occurred in voriconazole dose of 300 mg twice daily in combination with a low dose of efavirenz (300 mg once daily) did not lead to sufficient voriconazole exposure."}, "mt_gen": "In a study in healthy subjects, occurred in voriconazole dose of 300 mg twice daily in combination with low dose efavirenz (300 mg once daily) did not lead to sufficient voriconazole exposure.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weitere Gegenanzeigen sind Blutgerinnungsstörungen.", "en": "Further contraindications are blood coagulation disorders."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use in case.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wurden keine geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede in der Pharmakokinetik von Palifermin be- obachtet.", "en": "No gender-specific differences in the pharmacokinetics of palifermin were observed."}, "mt_gen": "No gender differences in the pharmacokinetics of palifermin has obachtet.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Dosis sollte jeweils in einem auf das Körpergewicht der Fische abgestimmten geeigneten Volumen verabreicht werden.", "en": "The dose should be administered in a suitable volume based on the bodyweight of the fish."}, "mt_gen": "The dose should be administered in the administered.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Während der Behandlung sollte die Leberfunktion von Patienten mit bekannten oder Verdacht auf Lebererkrankungen überwacht werden.", "en": "While liver function should be monitored in patients with known or suspected liver disease."}, "mt_gen": "While liver function should be monitored in patients with known or suspected liver disease.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kinder Die Pharmakokinetik von Oseltamivir ist in Pharmakokinetik-Studien mit Einmalgabe bei Kindern im Alter von 1 bis 16 Jahren untersucht worden.", "en": "Children. The pharmacokinetics of oseltamivir in a single dose for children aged 1 to 16 years of age was investigated in children from 1 to 16 years of age."}, "mt_gen": "Children The pharmacokinetics of oseltamivir in 51 Elderly Exposure to the active metabolite, single dose in children aged 1 to 16 years of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das CVMP-Gutachten wurde am 17. April 2007 angenommen und die entsprechende Entscheidung der Kommission am 29. Juni 2007 verabschiedet.", "en": "The CVMP Opinion was adopted on 17 April 2007 and the subsequent Commission Decision adopted on 29 June 2007."}, "mt_gen": "The CVMP Opinion was adopted on 17 April 2007 and the subsequent Commission Decision adopted on 29 June 2007.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "von Vivanza sind (siehe die sonstigen Bestandteile in Abschnitt 6).", "en": "Vivanza (ingredients in Section 6 below)."}, "mt_gen": "Vivanza (ingredients in Section 6 below).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "8,0 mm, runde, normal gewölbte weiße Filmtabletten mit der Markierung \"OZ 5\" auf der einen und \"G\" auf der anderen Seite.", "en": "8.0 mm, round, normal convex, white film-coated tablets debossed \"OZ 10\" on one side and \"G\" on the other side."}, "mt_gen": "8.0 mm, round, normal convex, white film-coated tablets debossed \"OZ 10\" on one side and \"G\" on the other side.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "DuoTrav ist eine klare Augentropfen-Lösung.", "en": "DuoTrav is a clear eye-drop solution."}, "mt_gen": "DuoTrav is a clear Augentropfen-Lösung.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Quadrisol 100 mg / ml kann während der Trächtigkeit angewendet werden.", "en": "Quadrisol 100 mg / ml may be used during pregnancy."}, "mt_gen": "Quadrisol 100 mg / ml may be used during pregnancy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "5 - Bevor der Aufsatz befestigt wird, entfernen und verwerfen Sie den Alkoholtupfer und stellen Sie die Durchstechflasche auf eine ebene Fläche.", "en": "5 - Before adapter to remove and discard the alcohol swabs and adjust the vial on a flat surface."}, "mt_gen": "5 - Before adapter to remove and discard the alcohol swabs and adjust the vial on a flat surface.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Außerdem kam es unter der Behandlung mit Mirapexin bei mehr Patienten zu einer Linderung der Symptome.", "en": "Furthermore during treatment with Mirapexin more patients had alleviation of the symptoms."}, "mt_gen": "More symptoms during treatment with Mirapexin More patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Ergebnisse wurden für jede Studie einzeln und für beide Studien kombiniert ausgewertet.", "en": "The results were evaluated for each study individually and for both studies combined."}, "mt_gen": "The results were evaluated for each study injections and in both studies.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihre übliche Opioid-Therapie zur Behandlung Ihrer Dauerschmerzen sollten Sie fortsetzen und Sie können Ihren Arzt kontaktieren, um die korrekte Dosis bestätigt zu bekommen.", "en": "You should continue your usual opioid therapy for your persistent pain and you may contact your doctor to define the correct dose."}, "mt_gen": "your usual opioid therapy for your persistent pain you should continue and you may contact your doctor to define the correct dose is confirmed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "2. Was müssen Sie vor der Anwendung von Replagal beachten? 3.", "en": "What you should consider before you use Replagal 3."}, "mt_gen": "What you should consider before you use Replagal 3.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Tierarzneimittel darf nicht in Gewässer gelangen, da es im Wasser lebende Organismen schädigen kann.", "en": "The veterinary medicinal product should not be allowed to enter surface water, as it may be harmful to organisms living there."}, "mt_gen": "The veterinary medicinal product should not be allowed to enter surface water, as it may be harmful.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Insuman Infusat wurde für die Anwendung mit einem Hoechst Infusor und H -Tron entwickelt.", "en": "Insuman Infusat has been developed for use in Hoechst Infusor and H-Tron."}, "mt_gen": "Insuman Infusat has been developed for use in Hoechst Infusor and -Tron.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Unternehmen, das Cubicin herstellt, wird weitere Studien mit Cubicin durchführen, um zu untersuchen, ob Cubicin auf den Muskel wirkt und wie sicher und wirksam es bei Patienten mit Nierenerkrankungen und bei älteren Patienten ist.", "en": "The company that makes Cubicin will carry out further studies with Cubicin, to find out whether the muscle in the Cubicin works and how safe and effective in patients with kidney disease and in elderly patients."}, "mt_gen": "The company that makes Cubicin will carry out further studies with Cubicin, to find out whether the muscle in the Cubicin works and how safe and effective in patients with kidney disease and in elderly patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nehmen Sie dann die Verschlusskappe ab und setzen Sie sie so wieder auf, dass die 0 der Dosiermarke gegenüber liegt.", "en": "Always take the cap off and put it back on again, 0 is opposite the dosage indicator."}, "mt_gen": "Always take the cap off and put it back on again, 0 is opposite the dosage indicator.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter müssen darauf hingewiesen werden, während und nach der Behandlung mit Cidofovir ein wirksames Kontrazeptivum zu benutzen.", "en": "Women of childbearing potential must be advised to use effective contraceptives during and after treatment with cidofovir."}, "mt_gen": "Women of childbearing potential must be advised during and after treatment with cidofovir is an effective contraceptive.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Symptome einer Anämie sind ungewöhnliche Müdigkeit, Schwindel und Atemnot.", "en": "The symptoms of anemia are usually tiredness, feeling dizzy or breathlessness."}, "mt_gen": ", the symptoms of which are unusual tiredness, feeling dizzy or breathlessness.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wirkt Adenuric?", "en": "How does Adenuric work?"}, "mt_gen": "How does Adenuric work?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Levitra kann mit oder ohne Nahrung eingenommen werden.", "en": "Levitra can be taken with or without food."}, "mt_gen": "Levitra can be taken with or without food.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Selten (betreffen weniger als 1 von 1.000 Patienten):", "en": "Rare (affecting less than 1 in 1,000 patients):"}, "mt_gen": "Rare (affecting less than 1 in 1,000 patients):", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei immunsupprimierten Patienten wird eine wiederholte Behandlung nicht empfohlen.", "en": "In immunosuppressed patients, repeated treatment is not recommended."}, "mt_gen": "In immunosuppressed patients the readministration is not recommended.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Da keine Verträglichkeitsstudien durchgeführt wurden, darf 99mTc-Depreotid nicht mit anderen Arzneimitteln gemischt werden.", "en": "Since no tolerance studies were conducted, 99mTc-depreotide should not be mixed with other medicinal products."}, "mt_gen": "Since no studies were conducted, 99mTc-depreotide should not be mixed with other medicinal products.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Primärer Aldosteronismus: Patienten mit primärem Aldosteronismus sprechen im Allgemeinen nicht auf Antihypertensiva an, deren Wirkung auf der Hemmung des Renin-Angiotensin-Systems beruht.", "en": "Primary aldosteronism: Patients with primary aldosteronism generally will not respond to antihypertensive medicinal products acting through inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system."}, "mt_gen": "Primary aldosteronism: patients with primary aldosteronism generally will not respond to antihypertensive medicinal products acting through inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system, the renin angiotensin system.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "anderen Menschen schaden, auch wenn diese dieselben Symptome haben wie Sie.", "en": "other people harm, even if their symptoms are the same as yours."}, "mt_gen": "harm them, even if their symptoms are the same as yours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "22 Datum der letzten Verlängerung:", "en": "22 Date of latest renewal:"}, "mt_gen": "22 Date of latest renewal:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jedoch kann bei diesen Patienten eine Anfangsdosis in Betracht gezogen werden, die höher als 100 Mikrogramm liegt.", "en": "However, a starting dose higher than 100 micrograms should be considered in these patients."}, "mt_gen": "However, treatment should be considered in these patients, a starting dose higher than 100 micrograms.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die für Toltrazuril festgesetzte ADI beträgt 2 µg / kg Körpergewicht, d. h.", "en": "The set acceptable daily intake (ADI) of toltrazuril is 2 µg / kg of body weight, i. e."}, "mt_gen": "The suture anchor for oscillating toltrazuril is 2 µg / kg of body weight, i. e.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es kann keine Dosiseinstellung vorgenommen werden, ehe nicht der Dosierknopf herausgezo- gen wurde.", "en": "Dosage adjustment may not be carried out before the dosage knob is pulled out."}, "mt_gen": "It may not be undertaken, while not the Dose Knob herausgezo- exactly.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Behandlung von Zwölffingerdarmgeschwüren Die empfohlene Dosierung beträgt einmal täglich 2 Kapseln Lansoprazol-CT 15 mg (entsprechend 30 mg Lansoprazol) für 2 Wochen.", "en": "Treatment of duodenal ulcers: The recommended dose is 2 capsules once daily (equivalent to 30 mg lansoprazole) for 2 weeks."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment of duodenal ulcers The recommended dose is 2 capsules once daily (equivalent to 30 mg lansoprazole) for 2 weeks.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Medikamente zur Behandlung von Krämpfen / Krampfanfällen (Antikonvulsiva): Carbamazepin, Phenytoin, Phenobarbital.", "en": "Medicines used to treat convulsions / seizures (anticonvulsants): carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital."}, "mt_gen": "Medicines used to treat convulsions / seizures (anticonvulsants): carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hämatologische unerwünschte Reaktionen Eine hämatologische Toxizität wurde in klinischen Prüfungen sehr häufig beobachtet und ist dosislimitierend.", "en": "Haematological adverse reactions. The haematological toxicity was observed in clinical trials very frequently and is dose-limiting."}, "mt_gen": "Haematological adverse reactions The haematological toxicity was observed in clinical trials with very common and is dosislimitierend.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie bei anderen Arzneimitteln, die als subkutane Injektion gegeben werden, sollte die Injektionsstelle regelmäßig gewechselt werden.", "en": "As with other medicines, that should only be administered as a subcutaneous injection, the injection site should be changed regularly."}, "mt_gen": "As with other chemotherapy cycle, administered as a subcutaneous injection, injection site should be monitored regularly.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Auf diese Weise verringert INTEGRILIN die Gefahr sehr stark, dass sich ein Blutgerinnsel bildet, und trägt so dazu bei, einem weiteren Herzinfarkt vorzubeugen.", "en": "In this way INTEGRILIN starkly reduces the risk of a blood clot forming and contributing to preventing another heart attack."}, "mt_gen": "In this way INTEGRILIN reduces the risk of a extensive that of a blood clot forming and helps to another heart attack.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es liegen keine Daten vor, die belegen, dass unter der zusätzlichen Therapie mit Montelukast orale Kortikosteroide reduziert werden können.", "en": "No data hase demonstrated that concomitant therapy may be reduced with montelukast oral corticosteroids."}, "mt_gen": "There are no data have demonstrated that concomitant therapy with montelukast oral corticosteroids may be reduced.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "7 Die Überdosierung von Mimpara kann zu Hypokalzämie führen.", "en": "7 Incidence of Mimpara may lead to hypocalcaemia."}, "mt_gen": "7 Incidence of Mimpara may lead to hypocalcaemia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lipidveränderungen In plazebokontrollierten klinischen Studien wurden bei mit Olanzapin behandelten Patienten unerwünschte Veränderungen der Lipidwerte beobachtet (siehe Abschnitt 4.8.).", "en": "Lipid alterations. In patients treated with olanzapine undesirable alterations in lipid levels have been observed in placebo- controlled clinical trials (see section 4.8)."}, "mt_gen": "Lipid alterations in patients when treated with olanzapine Lipid alterations Undesirable alterations in lipids have been observed in placebo- controlled clinical trials (see section 4.8).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Irbesartan Winthrop wird angewandt um einen hohen Blutdruck (essenzielle Hypertonie) zu behandeln, zum Schutz der Niere bei Patienten mit hohem Blutdruck und Diabetes mellitus Typ 2, bei denen im Labor eine eingeschränkte Nierenfunktion nachgewiesen wurde.", "en": "Irbesartan Winthrop is used to treat high blood pressure (essential hypertension) and to protect the kidney in patients with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes and showed evidence of impaired kidney function in the laboratory."}, "mt_gen": "Irbesartan Winthrop is used to treat high blood pressure (essential hypertension) to protect the kidney in patients with high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and laboratory evidence of impaired kidney function.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Falls vom Arzt nicht anders verordnet, ist die übliche Anfangsdosis einmal täglich eine Tablette mit 30 mg.", "en": "Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, the usual starting dose is one tablet of 30 mg once daily."}, "mt_gen": "If unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor. The usual starting dose is one tablet of 30 mg once daily.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Warum kommt es zu einer Unterzuckerung (Hypoglykämie)?", "en": "Why does it cause abnormally low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia)."}, "mt_gen": "Why does cause abnormally low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Einseitiger log-rank-Test c:", "en": "One-sided log rank test c:"}, "mt_gen": "One- tailed log rank test c:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Selten (≥ 0,01%, < 0,1%) kann es in Verbindung mit einer Epoetin-beta-Behandlung zu Hautreaktionen wie Ausschlag, Juckreiz, Nesselsucht oder Reaktionen an der Injektionsstelle kommen.", "en": "Rarely (≥ 0.01% to < 0.1%) can skin reactions such as rash, itching, hives or reactions around the injection site, occur in relation to epoetin beta treatment."}, "mt_gen": "Rare (≥ 0.01% to 0.1%) may occur, epoetin beta treatment- related to skin reactions such as rash, itching, hives or reactions around the injection site.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Avonex wird zur Behandlung der Multiplen Sklerose (MS) angewendet.", "en": "Avonex is used to treat multiple sclerosis (MS)."}, "mt_gen": "Avonex is used to treat multiple sclerosis (MS).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sehr selten haben Patienten, die Temodal oder ähnliche Arzneimittel einnehmen, ein geringgradiges Risiko, andere Veränderungen der Blutzellen, einschließlich Leukämie, zu entwickeln.", "en": "Very rarely patients receiving Temodal and other similar medicines have a small risk of developing secondary cancers, including leukaemia."}, "mt_gen": "Very rarely patients receiving Temodal and medicines, a small risk of developing secondary cancers, including leukaemia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten, die andere mit Lebertoxizität assoziierte Arzneimittel erhalten, wird außerdem die Überwachung der Leberenzyme empfohlen.", "en": "In patients treated with other medicinal products associated with liver toxicity, monitoring of liver enzymes is also recommended."}, "mt_gen": "In patients treated with other medicinal products associated with liver toxicity, monitoring of liver enzymes is also recommended.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In diesen ng Fällen erfolgt die Impfung erst, wenn sich Ihr Kind erholt hat.", "en": "In these cases, the vaccination took place when your child has recovered."}, "mt_gen": "In these ng cases, aiming to vaccination until your child has recovered.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie mehr als die verordnete Dosis eingenommen haben, nehmen Sie sofort ärztliche Hilfe in Anspruch.", "en": "If you take more than the prescribed dose, get medical help immediately."}, "mt_gen": "If you take more than the prescribed dose, get medical help immediately.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Am 31. Oktober 2008 befasste die italienische Arzneimittelagentur Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco den CHMP mit der Angelegenheit.", "en": "On 31 October 2008, the Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco, referred the matter to the CHMP."}, "mt_gen": "On 31 October 2008, the Italian Medicines Agency Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco, referred the matter to the CHMP.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Ratten und Kaninchen zeigte Risperidon keine teratogene Wirkung.", "en": "In rats and rabbits, risperidone had no teratogenic effects."}, "mt_gen": "In rats and rabbits, risperidone had no teratogenic effects.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Informieren Sie bitte Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker, wenn eine der aufgeführten Nebenwirkungen Sie erheblich beeinträchtigt oder Sie Nebenwirkungen bemerken, die nicht in dieser Gebrauchsinformation angegeben sind.", "en": "If any of the side effects get serious, or if you notice any side effects not mentioned in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist."}, "mt_gen": "If any of the side effects get serious, or if you notice any side effects not mentioned in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn sie die Einahme von AZILECT abbrechen Wenn sie weitere Fragen zur Anwendung des Arzneimittels haben, fragen sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker.", "en": "If you stop taking AZILECT If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist."}, "mt_gen": "If you stop taking the Einahme AZILECT If you have any further questions on the use of this product, as they tell your doctor or pharmacist.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Glivec darf nicht bei Patienten angewendet werden, die möglicherweise überempfindlich (allergisch) gegenüber Imatinib oder einem der anderen Bestandteile sind.", "en": "Glivec should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to imatinib or to any of the other ingredients."}, "mt_gen": "Glivec should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to imatinib or to any of the other ingredients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "● Werfen Sie die Durchstechflasche in den Abfall.", "en": "• Dispose of the vial into the waste."}, "mt_gen": "• Dispose of the vial into the waste.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Anwendung von Copalia während der ersten drei Schwangerschaftsmonate wird nicht empfohlen.", "en": "The use of Copalia is not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy."}, "mt_gen": "The use of Copalia is not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Einige Patienten, die eine kombinierte antiretrovirale Therapie einnehmen, können die Knochenkrankheit Osteonekrose (Absterben von Knochengewebe durch mangelnde Blutversorgung des Knochens) entwickeln.", "en": "Some patients taking combination antiretroviral therapy may develop the bone disease osteonecrosis (death of bone tissue caused lack caused by loss of blood supply)."}, "mt_gen": "Some patients taking combination antiretroviral therapy may develop the osteonecrosis (death of bone tissue caused lack caused by loss of blood supply).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "48 Dieses Arzneimittel enthält nach der Rekonstitution 0,45 mmol Natrium (10 mg) pro Durchstechflasche.", "en": "48 This medicinal product reconstituted, contains 0.45 mmol sodium (10 mg) per vial."}, "mt_gen": "48 This medicinal product reconstituted, contains 0.45 mmol sodium (10 mg) per vial.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten mit fehlendem bis niedrigem Antikörperspiegel wiesen eine robuste Verringerung des GAG-Spiegels im Harn auf, während bei Patienten mit hohen Antikörpertitern eine variable Verringerung von GAG im Harn festzustellen war.", "en": "Patients with an absent to low levels of antibodies had a robust decrease in GAG-Spiegels in the urine, while a variable GAG reduction was found in patients with high antibody titers."}, "mt_gen": "Patients with prompt to low levels of robuste had a decrease in GAG-Spiegels in the urine, while a GAG reduction was found in patients with high antibody titers.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Einnahme von Remeron zusammen mit Nahrungsmitteln und Getränken Sie können sich schläfrig fühlen, wenn Sie während der Anwendung von Remeron Alkohol trinken.", "en": "Taking Remeron with food and drink: You may get drowsy if you drink alcohol while you are taking Remeron with food and drink."}, "mt_gen": "Taking Remeron with food and drink You may get drowsy if you drink alcohol while you are taking Remeron with food and drink.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Unbekannt *: Verstärkte Spontanblutungen bei hämophilen Patienten; Anämie einschließlich akute hämolytische Anämie, Thrombozytopenie (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "Not known *: increased spontaneous bleeding in patients with haemophilia; anemia including acute haemolytic anaemia; thrombocytopenia (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "Not known *: increased spontaneous bleeding in patients with haemophilia; anemia including acute haemolytic anaemia; thrombocytopenia (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die mit Carbaglu behandelten Patienten konnten ohne Einschränkungen bei der Ernährung oder die Verabreichung anderer Arzneimittel stabil gehalten werden.", "en": "The patients treated with Carbaglu could not be kept stable without restrictions on diet or the administration of other medicinal products."}, "mt_gen": "The patients treated with Carbaglu could not be kept without restrictions with diet or administration of other medicinal products.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist erforderlich, dass Sie Combivir regelmäßig jeden Tag einnehmen.", "en": "It is important that you take Combivir regularly every day."}, "mt_gen": "It is important that you take Combivir will need to take it every day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihre andere Hand ist somit frei, um den Kolben zu bewegen.", "en": "Your other hand is free to slowly to draw the plunger."}, "mt_gen": "Your other hand slowly to draw the plunger.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Erkrankungen der Haut und des Bindegewebes Häufig: Hautausschlag.", "en": "Hepatobiliary disorders Common: rash."}, "mt_gen": "Hepatobiliary disorders Common: rash.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pädiatrische Patienten Die verordnete Anzahl an Tabletten ist in ein Glas oder einen Becher (mit bis zu 120 ml) Wasser zu geben und solange zu rühren, bis sie sich aufgelöst haben.", "en": "Paediatric patients: The prescribed number of tablets should be placed in a glass or cup (with up to 120 ml) of water to give until stirring, until they have dissolved in the solution."}, "mt_gen": "Paediatric patients The prescribed number of tablets should be placed in a glass or cup (with up to 120 ml) of water to give until stirring, until they dissolved in the solution.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie sind erhältlich in PVC / PVDC / Aluminium-Blister mit 28 Tabletten [20, 30, 50, 98, 100 und 500 Tabletten].", "en": "They are available in PVC / PVDC / aluminium blisters packs of 28 tablets [20, 30, 50, 98, 100 and 500 tablets."}, "mt_gen": "They are available in PVC / PVDC / aluminium blisters packs of 28 tablets [20, 30, 50, 98, 100 and 500 tablets.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Falls sich Schaum bildet, kann es bis zur vollständigen Auflösung des Pulvers länger dauern.", "en": "If foam forms, it may take longer than usual to complete dissolution."}, "mt_gen": "If, it may take longer than usual to complete dissolution.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kinder und Jugendliche in klinischen Studien:", "en": "Children and adolescents in clinical trials:"}, "mt_gen": "Children and adolescents in clinical trials:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Anwendung von Copalia bei Patienten mit Leberfunktionsstörungen oder Gallenwegsobstruktion (Gallenabflussprobleme) sollte mit Vorsicht erfolgen.", "en": "The use of Copalia should be used with caution in patients who have problems with their liver or biliary obstructive disorders (problems with the elimination of bile)."}, "mt_gen": "The use of Copalia should be used with caution in patients who have problems with their liver or biliary obstructive disorders (problems with the elimination of bile).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Leberfunktionsstörungen Auf Grundlage von pharmakokinetischen Daten, die zeigen, dass es zu einer signifikanten Erhöhung der Plasmakonzentration von Losartan bei Patienten mit Leberzirrhose kommt, sollte eine niedrigere Dosis bei Patienten mit eingeschränkter Leberfunktion in der Vorgeschichte in Betracht gezogen werden.", "en": "Liver function impairment: Based on pharmacokinetic data which demonstrate that a significant increased plasma concentrations of losartan in liver cirrhotic patients, a lower dose should be considered in patients with impaired a history of liver function."}, "mt_gen": "Liver function impairment Based on pharmacokinetic data which demonstrate that a significant increased plasma concentrations of losartan in cirrhotic patients, a lower dose should not be used in patients with impaired liver function, a history of should be considered.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Empfohlen wird eine eine Dosis von 5,0 mg Difloxacin / kg Körpergewicht als einmalige Injektion.", "en": "The recommended dose of 5.0 mg difloxacin / kg body weight administered as a single injection."}, "mt_gen": "The recommended dose of 5.0 mg difloxacin / kg body weight administered as a single injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kinder unter 3 Jahren:", "en": "Children under the age of 3 years."}, "mt_gen": "Children under the age of 3 years of age and over:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Norvir sollte bevorzugt zu den Mahlzeiten eingenommen werden.", "en": "Norvir should be taken with meals."}, "mt_gen": "Norvir should be preferred with meals.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Abseamed war in Bezug auf die Erhöhung und Aufrechterhaltung der Anzahl der roten Blutkörperchen ebenso wirksam wie Eprex / Erypo.", "en": "Abseamed was as effective as in increasing and maintaining red blood cell counts Eprex / Erypo."}, "mt_gen": "Abseamed was as effective as in increasing and maintaining red blood cell counts as effective as Eprex / Erypo.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Azomyr Schmelztablette ist einzeln in Blisterpackungen mit 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 30, 50, 60, 90 und 100 Dosen der Schmelztablette abgepackt.", "en": "Azomyr orodispersible tablet is packed in unit dose blisters in packs of 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 30, 50, 60, 90 and 100 doses of orodispersible tablet."}, "mt_gen": "Azomyr orodispersible tablet is packed in unit dose blisters in packs of 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 30, 50, 60, 90 and 100 doses of orodispersible tablet.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es können Dosisanpassungen erforderlich sein, da Hydrochlorothiazid den Harnsäurespiegel im Serum erhöhen kann.", "en": "Dosage adjustments may be necessary as hydrochlorothiazide may raise the levels of serum uric acid."}, "mt_gen": "No dosage adjustments may be necessary as hydrochlorothiazide may prolong the levels of serum uric acid.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Konzentrat und Lösungsmittel zur Herstellung einer Infusionslösung.", "en": "Concentrate and solvent for producing infusion."}, "mt_gen": "Concentrate and solvent for solution for infusion.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "109 Hämatologische Abnormalitäten bei HCV / HIV co-infizierten Patienten:", "en": "105 Haematological abnormalities in HCV / HIV co-infected patients:"}, "mt_gen": "105 Haematological abnormalities in HCV / HIV co-infected patients:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Packung enthält 28 Tabletten 21 Filmtabletten mit 12,5 mg und 7 Filmtabletten mit 50 mg Losartan-Kalium.", "en": "Each pack contains 28 tablets 21 film-coated tablets of 12.5 mg and 7 film-coated tablets of 50 mg of losartan potassium."}, "mt_gen": "Each pack contains 28 tablets 21 film-coated tablets of 12.5 mg and 7 film- coated tablets of 50 mg of losartan potassium.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die am häufigsten in klinischen Studien beobachteten opportunistischen Infektionen waren Candidiasis, Infektionen durch Zytomegalie-Virus, Herpes simplex, Pneumocystis carinii-Pneumonien und Infektionen durch Mycobacterium avium.", "en": "The most frequently observed opportunistic infections in clinical studies were candidiasis, infections caused by the cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, Pneumocystis pneumonia and infections caused by Mycobacterium avium."}, "mt_gen": "The most frequently observed in clinical studies of opportunistic infections were candidiasis, infections caused by Zytomegalie-Virus, herpes simplex, azotobacteria, carinii-Pneumonien and infections caused by 23S.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Acticam sollte nicht zusammen mit anderen NSAIDs oder Glukokortikoiden verabreicht werden.", "en": "Acticam should not be administered in conjunction with other NSAIDs or glucocorticosteroids."}, "mt_gen": "Acticam should not be administered in conjunction with other NSAIDs or corticosteroids.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "se Behandlung im individuellen Fall überwiegt das Risiko (siehe Abschnitt 4.3 und 4.8).", "en": "ed individual treatment outweighs this risk (see section 4.3 and 4.8)."}, "mt_gen": "ed outweigh these risks in an individual patient, the risk (see section 4.3 and 4.8).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Skelettmuskulatur- und Bindegewebserkrankungen Häufig:", "en": "Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders Common:"}, "mt_gen": "Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders Common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei diesen Patienten können die phospholipid-umhüllten Mikrosphären die Lunge umgehen und direkt in den arteriellen Blutfluss gelangen.", "en": "In these patients, the phospholipide-enclosed microspheres may avoid the lungs and directly reach the arterial blood flow."}, "mt_gen": "In these patients, the phospholipid-umhüllten microspheres may be a woman who is in the lungs, and directly in the arterial blood flow.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die kleine Menge BYETTA, die bei der Vorbereitung des neuen Pens verbraucht wird, beeinträchtigt nicht die für den 30-Tage- Gebrauch benötigte Menge.", "en": "The small amount of BYETTA that is used in a New Pen Setup does not affect the amount required for the 30 day use."}, "mt_gen": "The small amount of BYETTA in New Pen Setup refrigerated again during this period, and does not affect the required for the 30-Tage- use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach der Injektion • Sobald Sie die Injektion beendet haben, entfernen Sie mit Hilfe der äußeren Schutzkappe die Nadel vom Pen.", "en": "After injecting • As soon as you have done the injection, unscrew the needle from the Pen using the outer needle cap."}, "mt_gen": "After injecting • As soon as you have done the injection, unscrew the needle from the Pen using the outer needle cap.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die pharmakokinetischen Eigenschaften von Kaletra bei älteren Menschen wurden nicht untersucht.", "en": "The pharmacokinetic properties of Kaletra in the elderly has not been studied."}, "mt_gen": "The pharmacokinetic properties of Kaletra in the elderly has not been studied.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese Symptome können Anzeichen eines sehr ernsten Zustandes sein, den man diabetische Ketoazidose nennt.", "en": "These may be signs of a very serious condition called diabetic ketoacidosis."}, "mt_gen": "These may be signs of a very serious condition called diabetic ketoacidosis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die gleichzeitige Gabe von Rapamune mit einem Calcineurin-Inhibitor kann das Risiko für Calcineurin-Inhibitor-induziertes hämolytisch-urämisches Syndrom / thrombotisch- thrombozytopenische Purpura / thrombotische Mikroangiopathie (HUS / TTP / TMA) erhöhen.", "en": "The concomitant use of Rapamune with a calcineurin inhibitor may increase the risk of calcineurin inhibitor induced haemolytic uraemic syndrome / thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura / thrombotic microangiopathy (HUS / TTP / TMA)."}, "mt_gen": "The concomitant use of Rapamune with a calcineurin inhibitor may increase the risk of Calcineurin-Inhibitor-induziertes haemolytic uraemic syndrome / thrombotisch- thrombocytopenic purpura / thrombotic microangiopathy (HUS / TTP / TMA).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein Gramm Renagel enthält ungefähr 180 mg (5,1 mMol) Chlorid.", "en": "Each gram of Renagel solution contains approximately 180 mg (5.1 mmol)."}, "mt_gen": "Each gram of Renagel solution contains approximately 180 mg (5.1 mmol).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Rivastigmin ist ein Hemmstoff der Acetyl- und Butyrylcholinesterase vom Carbamat-Typ, von dem angenommen wird, dass er die cholinerge Neurotransmission durch Verlangsamung des Abbaus von Acetylcholin fördert, welches von funktionell intakten cholinergen Neuronen freigesetzt wird.", "en": "Rivastigmine is an inhibitor of acetyl and butyrylcholinesterase of the carbamat-type, from which it is believed to facilitate cholinergic neurotransmission by slowing the degradation of acetylcholine released by functionally intact cholinergic neurones."}, "mt_gen": "Rivastigmine is an the degradation of functionally intact cholinergic neurones is believed to facilitate cholinergic neurotransmission by slowing the degradation of acetylcholine released by functionally intact cholinergic neurones.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie alle Arzneimittel kann Liprolog BASAL Nebenwirkungen haben, die aber nicht bei jedem auftreten müssen.", "en": "Like all medicines, Liprolog Basal can have side effects, although not everybody gets them."}, "mt_gen": "Like all medicines, Liprolog Basal can have side effects, although not everybody gets them.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für Emtriva 10 mg / ml Lösung zum Einnehmen gibt es eine separate Packungsbeilage.", "en": "For Emtriva 10 mg / ml oral solution, there is a separate package leaflet."}, "mt_gen": "For Emtriva 10 mg / ml oral solution, there is a separate package leaflet.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese Zustände sollten vor der Gabe von < Cozaar Comp > Tabletten ausgeglichen werden (siehe Abschnitte 4.2 und 4.3).", "en": "These conditions should be corrected prior to administration of Cozaar Comp tablets (see sections 4.2 and 4.3)."}, "mt_gen": "These conditions should be corrected prior to administration of Cozaar Comp tablets (see sections 4.2 and 4.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In der EU würde üblicherweise, wenn eine Studie durchgeführt werden müsste, die 50 µg / h-Stärke empfohlen.", "en": "If a study must be carried out in the EU, 50 µg / h strength would usually be recommended."}, "mt_gen": "In the EU would usually if a study will be performed, or arecholine, 50 µg / h-Stärke is recommended.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Bewertung des Zeitpunkts für das Einsetzen der Wirkung ist nicht möglich.", "en": "An evaluation of the time for the onset of the effect is not possible."}, "mt_gen": "Evaluation of threonine for the onset of effect is not possible.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Metaanalyse von neun Studien mit Patienten mit Typ 1 und Typ 2 Diabetes zeigte, dass der Nüchtern-Blutzucker von Patienten, die mit NovoMix 30 behandelt wurden, höher war, als der von Patienten, die mit biphasischem Humaninsulin 30 behandelt wurden.", "en": "A meta-analysis of nine studies in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes demonstrated that FPG of patients treated with NovoMix 30, was greater than that of patients treated with biphasic human insulin 30."}, "mt_gen": "A meta-analysis of nine studies in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes demonstrated that FPG of patients treated with NovoMix 30, was greater than that of patients treated with biphasic human insulin 30.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für äquivalente GONAL-f-Dosen der Darreichungsformen zur einmaligen Anwendung und zur mehrfachen Anwendung wurde Bioäquivalenz nachgewiesen.", "en": "For equivalent GONAL-f- doses of the dosage forms for single use only and multiple use, bioequivalence has been demonstrated."}, "mt_gen": "For equivalent GONAL-f-Dosen of the single use only and multiple, bioequivalence has been demonstrated.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "32 Informieren Sie bitte Ihren Arzt o der Apotheker, wenn Sie Nebenwirkungen bemerken, die nicht in dieser Gebrauchsinformation aufgeführt sind.", "en": "32 Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any side effects not mentioned in this leaflet."}, "mt_gen": "32 Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any side effects not mentioned in this leaflet.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verwenden Sie sie nicht, wenn die Lösung Teilchen enthält oder nicht klar ist.", "en": "Don't use it if the solution contains particles or is not clear."}, "mt_gen": "Don't use it if the solution contains particles or is not clear.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "26 Die zu verabreichende Menge und die Häufigkeit der Anwendung sollten sich immer an der klinischen Wirksamkeit im Einzelfall orientieren.", "en": "26 The amount to be administered and the frequency of administration should always be oriented to the clinical effectiveness in the individual case."}, "mt_gen": "26 The amount to be administered and the frequency of administration should always be oriented to the clinical effectiveness in the individual case.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie die Anwendung von Viani vergessen haben Wenn Sie vergessen haben, Viani anzuwenden, dann tun Sie es bitte zum nächsten fälligen Anwendungszeitpunkt.", "en": "If you forget to take Viani: If you forget to take Viani, then take it with your next dose."}, "mt_gen": "If you forget to take Viani If you forget to take Viani, then do if you take your next dose when your medicine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aerius Lyophilisat zum Einnehmen ist ein antiallergisches Arzneimittel, welches Sie nicht schläfrig macht.", "en": "Aerius oral lyophilisate is an antiallergy medicine that does not make you drowsy."}, "mt_gen": "Aerius oral lyophilisate is an antiallergy medicine that does not make you drowsy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenden Sie Enbrel immer genau nach Anweisung Ihres Arztes an. Bitte fragen Sie bei Ihrem Arzt oder Apotheker nach, wenn Sie sich nicht ganz sicher sind.", "en": "Always use Enbrel exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure."}, "mt_gen": "Always use Enbrel exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Stoffwechsel- und Ernährungsstörungen:", "en": "Metabolism and nutrition disorders:"}, "mt_gen": "Metabolism and nutrition disorders:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieses Arzneimittel darf nicht mit anderen Medikamenten außer den unter 6.6 genannten gemischt werden.", "en": "This medicinal product must not be mixed with any other medicines except those mentioned under section 6.6."}, "mt_gen": "This medicinal product must not be mixed with any other medicines except those mentioned under section 6.6.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Häufige Nebenwirkungen bei Kombination mit Levodopa waren Dyskinesien.", "en": "More frequent adverse drug reactions in combination with levodopa was dyskinesia."}, "mt_gen": "More frequent adverse drug reactions in combination with levodopa was dyskinesia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "5 Wechselwirkungen mit Stoffen, die von diesen Enzymen metabolisiert werden, z.B. orale Kontrazeptiva, Ciclosporin, Calciumkanalblocker und HMGCoA-Reduktasehemmer sind nicht zu erwarten.", "en": "5 Interactions with substances metabolised by these enzymes, e. g. oral contraceptives, cyclosporin, calcium channel blockers, and HMGCoA reductase inhibitors are not to be expected."}, "mt_gen": "5 Interactions with substances metabolised by these enzymes, e. g. oral contraceptives, cyclosporin, calcium channel blockers, and HMGCoA reductase inhibitors are not to be expected.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese Reaktionen sind hauptsächlich bei älteren, kardiovaskulär beeinträchtigten Patienten während der Behandlung mit Pregabalin bei einer neuropathischen Indikation zu beobachten.", "en": "These reactions occur mainly in elderly, cardiovascular impaired patients during treatment with pregabalin in neuropathic indication."}, "mt_gen": "These reactions are mainly elderly There have been post-marketing reports of patients during treatment with pregabalin in neuropathic indication.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für weitere Informationen siehe die Fachinformation zu Reyataz.", "en": "For further information, physicians should refer to the Reyataz."}, "mt_gen": "For further information, physicians should refer to the Reyataz.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Ergebnisse weisen auf keine pharmakodynamischen Wechselwirkungen mit diesen Arzneimitteln hin.", "en": "The results indicate no pharmacodynamic interactions with these drugs."}, "mt_gen": "The results indicate no pharmacodynamic interactions with these drugs.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese Ergebnisse wurden bei Patienten mit refraktärer Leukämie oder Lymphom gefunden, denen eine Dosis von 1.500 mg Nelarabin / m2 (Erwachsene) oder 650 mg / m2 (Kinder) gegeben wurde.", "en": "These results were found in patients with refractory leukaemia or lymphoma who were given a dose of 1,500 mg / m2 nelarabine (adults) or 650 mg / m2 (children)."}, "mt_gen": "These results were found in patients with refractory leukaemia or lymphoma who was a dose of 1,500 mg / m2 nelarabine (adults) or 650 mg / m2 (children).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hauptindikator für die Wirksamkeit war die Überlebensdauer der Patienten oder die Zeitspanne bis zum Beginn der Verschlimmerung ihrer Krebserkrankung.", "en": "The main measure of effectiveness was the length of time the patients survived or the time until the start of the worsening of their cancer."}, "mt_gen": "The main measure of effectiveness was the length of time the patients survived or the time until the start of worsening of their cancer.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Achtzig antiretroviral-naive Patienten wurden in einer dritten publizierten Studie erfasst.", "en": "Eighty antiretroviral-naive patients were published in a third study."}, "mt_gen": "Achtzig antiretroviral-naive patients were published in a third study.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Cetrotide enthält den Wirkstoff Cetrorelix in der Dosierung 0,25 mg oder 3 mg pro Durchstechflasche.", "en": "Cetrotide contains the active substance cetrorelix in dosing between 0.25 mg and 3 mg per vial."}, "mt_gen": "Cetrotide contains the active substance cetrorelix in dosing between 0.25 mg and 3 mg per vial.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das durchschnittliche Verhältnis der Lamivudin- bzw. Zidovudin-Konzentration in der Cerebrospinalflüssigkeit zum Serum- betrug 2 - 4 Stunden nach der oralen Verabreichung ca. 0,12 bzw. 0,5.", "en": "The mean lamivudine and Zidovudin concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid and serum was approximately 0.12 and 0.5 after 2 - 4 hours after oral administration."}, "mt_gen": "The mean lamivudine and Zidovudin-Konzentration in the semen and serum was 2 - 4 hours after oral administration of approximately 0.12 and 0.5.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vorbereitung und Injektion der Lösung Detaillierte Anwendungshinweise finden Sie umseitig.", "en": "Preparing and injecting the solution: Detailed instructions may be found on the back fo the page."}, "mt_gen": "Preparing and Injecting the solution ge Detailed instructions may be found umseitig.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein anhaltender Hämoglobinwert über 12 g / dl (7,5 mmol / l) sollte vermieden werden. Eine geeignete Dosisanpassung für den Fall, dass Hämoglobinwerte über 12 g / dl (7,5 mmol / l) beobachtet werden, wird weiter unten beschrieben.", "en": "A sustained haemoglobin level of greater than 12 g / dl (7.5 mmol / l) should be avoided; guidance for appropriate dose adjustment for when haemoglobin values exceeding 12 g / dl (7.5 mmol / l) are observed are described below."}, "mt_gen": "A sustained haemoglobin level of greater than 12 g / dl (7.5 mmol / l) should be avoided; guidance for appropriate dose adjustment for when haemoglobin values exceeding 12 g / dl (7.5 mmol / l) are observed are described below.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Auch Patienten, die einmal täglich eine CIALIS-Dosis von 2,5 mg oder 5 mg einnahmen, berichteten im Vergleich zu den mit Placebo behandelten Patienten von verbesserten Erektionen.", "en": "Patients taking one tablet once a day of CIALIS 2.5 mg or 5 mg also reported compared to placebo-treated patients improved erections."}, "mt_gen": "Patients taking one tablet once a day CIALIS-Dosis of 2.5 mg or 5 mg also reported compared to placebo-treated patients and improved erections.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Da keine Daten zur Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit für Kinder unter 18 Jahren vorliegen, wird Ranexa nicht zur Anwendung bei Kindern unter 18 Jahren empfohlen.", "en": "Because there are no safety and efficacy data are available for use in children below 18 years of age, Ranexa is not recommended for use in children below 18 years of age."}, "mt_gen": "Because there are no safety and efficacy data are available for use in children below 18 years of age, Ranexa is not recommended for use in children below 18 years of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In-vitro- Studien haben gezeigt, dass CYP2C8 und 3A4 an der Bildung von 6 alpha-Hydroxypaclitaxel bzw. 3 '- para-Dihydroxypaclitaxel beteiligt sind.", "en": "In vitro studies have shown that CYP2C8 and 3A4 are involved in the formation of 6 alpha-hydroxypaclitaxel and 3 para-dihydroxypaclitaxel."}, "mt_gen": "In vitro studies have shown that CYP2C8 and 3A4 involved in the 6 alpha-hydroxypaclitaxel and 3 '- para-Dihydroxypaclitaxel.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ab der 4. Woche:", "en": "From the 4th week:"}, "mt_gen": "From the 4th week:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sofort nach dem Öffnen anwenden.", "en": "Use immediately after opening."}, "mt_gen": "Use immediately after opening.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur Vorbeugung von Erbrechen sollte Cerenia Injektionslösung mindestens eine Stunde im Voraus verabreicht werden.", "en": "For the prevention of vomiting, Cerenia solution for injection should be administered more than 1 hour in advance."}, "mt_gen": "For the prevention of vomiting, Cerenia solution for injection should be more than 1 hour in advance.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die gleichzeitige Einnahme von CYP3A4-induzierenden Arzneimitteln kann möglicherweise eine Anpassung der Ivabradin-Dosis erforderlich machen.", "en": "Concomitant use of CYP3A4-inducing medicinal products may require an adjustment of the Ivabradine dose."}, "mt_gen": "Concomitant use of CYP3A4-induzierenden medicinal products may require an adjustment Ivabradin-Dosis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie ist < Cozaar Comp > einzunehmen?", "en": "How to take < Cozaar Comp >"}, "mt_gen": "How to take Cozaar Comp 4.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "© EMEA 2006 2 / 3 lebensbedrohlichen Infektionen, gegenüber den Risiken überwiegen, und empfahl, die Genehmigung für das Inverkehrbringen von VFEND zu erteilen.", "en": "© EMEA 2006 Grade 2 / 3 life-threatening infection, outweighed the risks and they recommended that VFEND be given marketing authorisation."}, "mt_gen": "© EMEA 2006) Grade 2 / 3 life-threatening infection, the risks and they recommended that VFEND be given marketing authorisation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Focetria wurde unter \"Außergewöhnlichen Umständen\" zugelassen.", "en": "17 Focetria has been authorised under \"exceptional circumstances."}, "mt_gen": "17 Focetria has been authorised under \"exceptional circumstances.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vor Öffnen der Packung lesen:", "en": "Prior to read in the opening of the pack:"}, "mt_gen": "Prior to read in the opening of the pack:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In Blisterpackungen sind Remeron 45 mg Filmtabletten in den folgenden Packungsgrößen erhältlich:", "en": "Remeron 45 mg film-coated tablets are supplied in the following blister pack sizes:"}, "mt_gen": "In blisters Remeron 45 mg film-coated tablets are supplied in the following pack sizes:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Unter keinen Umständen darf Humalog Mix25 intravenös angewendet werden.", "en": "Under no circumstances should Humalog Mix25 be given intravenously."}, "mt_gen": "Under no circumstances should Humalog Mix25 be given intravenously.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie die Einnahme von Actos 30 mg Tabletten vergessen haben:", "en": "If you forget to take Actos 30 mg tablets:"}, "mt_gen": "If you forget to take Actos 30 mg tablets:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gadovist ist eine klare, farblose bis schwach gelbliche Lösung.", "en": "Gadovist is a clear, colourless to pale yellow solution."}, "mt_gen": "Gadovist is a clear, colourless to pale yellow solution.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Emtricitabin zeigte im Rahmen von Langzeit-Karzinogenitätsstudien an Mäusen und Ratten bei oraler Anwendung kein kanzerogenes Potenzial.", "en": "Emtricitabine in long-term oral carcinogenicity studies in mice and rats did not show any carcinogenic potential."}, "mt_gen": "Emtricitabine in long-term oral carcinogenicity studies in mice and rats did not show any carcinogenic potential.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Inhaber dieser Arzneimittelzulassung wird PSURs im Abstand von 6 Monaten vorlegen, es sei denn, dass der CHMP andere Zeiträume festlegt.", "en": "The holder of this process will submit PSURs at an interval of 6 months, unless the CHMP specifies another time frame."}, "mt_gen": "The holder of this process will submit PSURs at an interval of 6 months, unless the other timelines of the CHMP.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weiße, runde HDPE-Flaschen mit weißem Polypropylenverschluss zu 30 oder 90 Filmtabletten.", "en": "White round HDPE bottles with a child resistant polypropylene closure containing 30 or 90 film-coated tablets."}, "mt_gen": "White round HDPE bottles with a child resistant polypropylene closure containing 30 or 90 film-coated tablets.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für Insuline gibt es keine spezifische Definition einer Überdosierung.", "en": "There is no specific definition of an overdose."}, "mt_gen": "Oedema may occur upon initiation of insulin therapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lactobacillus spp. Andere:", "en": "Lactobacillus Other:"}, "mt_gen": "defined Other:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tadalafil Lilly darf nicht von Frauen oder Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren angewendet werden.", "en": "Tadalafil Lilly should not be used by women or adolescents under 18 years of age."}, "mt_gen": "Tadalafil Lilly should not be used by women or adolescents under 18 years of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Es handelte sich nicht um eine multizentrische Studie.", "en": "- This is not a randomized, multicentre study."}, "mt_gen": "- This is not a randomized, multicentre study.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Humalog, Humalog NPL und Humalog Mix können subkutan (unter die Haut) in die Oberarme, die Oberschenkel, das Gesäß oder die Bauchdecke injiziert werden.", "en": "Humalog, Humalog NPL and Humalog Mix may be given subcutaneously (under the skin) by injection in the upper arms, thigh, buttock or abdomen."}, "mt_gen": "Humalog, Humalog NPL and Humalog Mix may be given subcutaneously (under the skin) by injection in the upper arms, thigh, buttock or abdomen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht über 30º C lagern.", "en": "Do not store above 30ºC."}, "mt_gen": "Do not store above 30ºC.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "2 der 4 oben genannten Patienten mit schwerwiegend erhöhten Leberwerten waren unter den Patienten, bei denen eine venookklusive Erkrankung der Leber diagnostiziert wurde.", "en": "2 of 4 of the above patients with severe high levels of liver enzymes were less than those patients diagnosed with hepatic veno-occlusive disease."}, "mt_gen": "2 of 4 of the above, patients with severe high levels of liver enzymes were less than those patients in whom HVOD has been diagnosed in the flock.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wichtige Informationen zum Bestandteil Gelborange S (E110) finden sich in Abschnitt 2.", "en": "Important information on an sunset yellow FCF (E110), see section 2."}, "mt_gen": "Important information on an sunset yellow FCF (E110), see section 2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anweisungen zur Vorbereitung und Verabreichung einer Humira-Injektion:", "en": "Instructions for the preparation and administration of a Humira injection:"}, "mt_gen": "Instructions give a:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kosmetische Effekte an der Behandlungsstelle, wie ein fettiges oder verklebtes Aussehen oder Verklebungen der Haare sind möglich.", "en": "Cosmetic effects of the treatment site, such as oily or sticky appearance of the hair, are possible."}, "mt_gen": "The effects of the treatment site, such as fettiges or the appearance of the biphenylmethane derivative has the formula clumpiness or more.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die folgenden Informationen sind nur für Ärzte bzw. medizinisches Fachpersonal bestimmt:", "en": "The following information is intended for medical or healthcare professionals only:"}, "mt_gen": "The following information is intended for intended for medical or healthcare professionals only:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weiße Flasche aus Polyethylen hoher Dichte (HDPE) mit zweiteiligem kindersicheren Verschluss (äußere Schicht: weißes Polyethylen hoher Dichte; innere Schicht: unbehandeltes Polypropylen), darin Dichteinlage aus geschäumtem Polyethylen niederer Dichte (LDPE).", "en": "Polyster white bottle (HDPE) with a two-piece child resistance cap (outer coat: a white high density polythylene; inner coat: raw polythylene), in which seal is made from foamed lower density polyethylene (LDPE)."}, "mt_gen": "White bottle (HDPE) with zweiteiligem child (: a white yarn; dimethyldiphenylsiloxane): ending), Dichteinlage 5-20 SH, polyethylene (LDPE).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "10 mg / kg einmal täglich.", "en": "10 mg / kg once daily."}, "mt_gen": "10 mg / kg once daily.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "307 Achten Sie beim Abziehen darauf, dass Sie die Schutzhülle nicht verbiegen oder drehen, um zu vermeiden, dass die Kanüle beschädigt wird.", "en": "307 Be careful not to bend or twist the cover during removal to avoid damage to the needle."}, "mt_gen": "307 Be careful, not to bend or twist the cover during removal to avoid damage to the needle.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Europäische Arzneimittel-Agentur (EMEA) wird jährlich jegliche neuen Informationen, die verfügbar werden, bewerten, und falls erforderlich, wird die Packungsbeilage aktualisiert werden.", "en": "The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) will review any new information which may become available, and this leaflet will be updated as necessary."}, "mt_gen": "The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) will review any new information which may become available, and this leaflet will be updated as necessary.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zeffix sollte nicht zusammen mit Zalcitabin eingenommen werden.", "en": "Zeffix should not be given with zalcitabine."}, "mt_gen": "Zeffix should not be given with zalcitabine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Cmax änderte sich nicht signifikant.", "en": "Cmax did not change significantly."}, "mt_gen": "Cmax did not change significantly.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist berichtet worden, dass Interferone die Aktivität der Zytochrom-P450-abhängigen hepatischen Enzyme bei Menschen und Tieren verringern können.", "en": "It has been reported that Interferone reduces the activity of the cytochrome-P450 dependant hepatic enzymes in humans and animals."}, "mt_gen": "It has been reported to Interferons may reduce the Zytochrom-P450-abhängigen hepatic enzymes in humans and animals.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese Kombination sollte mit Vor- sicht angewendet werden.", "en": "The combination should be used with caution."}, "mt_gen": "The combination should be used and concerned patients should be closely monitored sicht.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Besondere Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für den Anwender Personen mit bekannter Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber Chinolonen sollten den Kontakt mit dem Tierarzneimittel vermeiden.", "en": "Special precautions to be taken by the person: People with a known hypersensitivity to quinolones should avoid contact with the veterinary medicinal product."}, "mt_gen": "Special precautions to be taken by the person People with a known hypersensitivity to quinolones should avoid contact with the veterinary medicinal product.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Abnahme der CD4-Lymphozyten: Die Behandlung mit PegIntron in Kombination mit Ribavirin war mit einer Abnahme der absoluten CD4 + -Zellzahl innerhalb der ersten 4 Wochen verbunden ohne eine Reduktion des Anteils an CD4 + - Zellen.", "en": "CD4 lymphocytes decrease: Treatment with PegIntron in combination with ribavirin was associated with decreases in absolute CD4 + cell counts within the first 4 weeks without a reduction in CD4 + cell percentage."}, "mt_gen": "CD4 lymphocytes decrease: Treatment with PegIntron in combination with ribavirin was associated with decreases in absolute CD4 + cell counts within the first 4 weeks without a reduction in CD4 + cell percentage.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ältere Menschen Für ältere Menschen ist keine Dosisanpassung erforderlich.", "en": "Elderly. No dose adjustment is necessary for the elderly."}, "mt_gen": "Elderly No dose adjustment is necessary for the elderly.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bedecken Sie die behandelte Haut nicht mit Bandagen, Verbänden oder Binden, wenn Sie (Name (Phantasiebezeichnung) anwenden.", "en": "Do not cover the treated skin with bandages, if you take [Invented Name]."}, "mt_gen": "If you do not cover the treated skin with human immunoglobulin, if you take Invented Name.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Drücken Sie die Luft aus der Patrone und der Kanüle.", "en": "3 Expel air from the cartridge and needle."}, "mt_gen": "3 Expel air from the cartridge and needle.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Entfernen Sie die Nadel nach der Injektion und bewahren Sie den Pen ohne Nadel auf.", "en": "Remove the needle after injection and store the Pen without the needle."}, "mt_gen": "Remove the needle after injection and store the Pen with the needle attached.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist Liprolog und wofür wird es angewendet?", "en": "What Liprolog is and what it is used for."}, "mt_gen": "What Liprolog is and what it is used for 2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "E Drücken Sie den Injektionsknopf vollständig ein.", "en": "Press the injection button all the way in."}, "mt_gen": "Press the injection button all the way in.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": ".Kinzalmono kann zu oder unabhängig von den Mahlzeiten eingenommen werden.", "en": "Kinzalmono may be taken with or without food."}, "mt_gen": ".Kinzalmono may be taken with or without food.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mitochondriale Toxizität und Laktatazidose:", "en": "Mitochondrial toxicity and lactic acidosis:"}, "mt_gen": "Mitochondrial toxicity and lactic acidosis:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es liegen keine Daten zur gleichzeitigen Verabreichung von Menitorix mit Ganzkeim-Pertussis- und oralen Poliomyelitis-Impfstoffen vor.", "en": "There are no data on the concomitant administration of Menitorix with whole cell pertussis and oral poliomyelitis vaccines."}, "mt_gen": "There are no data on the concomitant administration of Menitorix with whole cell and oral Poliomyelitis-Impfstoffen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Überempfindlichkeit gegen den wirksamen Bestandteil oder gegen einen der sonstigen Bestandteile.", "en": "Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients."}, "mt_gen": "Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ampullen sind mit drei farbigen Ringen (pink - rot - rot) gekennzeichnet.", "en": "ampoules with three coloured rings (pink - red- red)."}, "mt_gen": "ampoules with three coloured rings (pink - red- red).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fragen Sie vor der Einnahme aller Arzneimittel Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker.", "en": "Ask your doctor or your pharmacist before the oral intake of any medicine."}, "mt_gen": "Pregnancy and breast-feeding Ask your doctor or your pharmacist.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In dieser Studie war die Belastungsdauer am längsten bei der Gruppe, die 1.500 mg erhalten hatte.", "en": "In this study, exercise duration was longest in the 1500 mg group."}, "mt_gen": "In this study, exercise duration was longest in the 1500 mg group.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die vorhandenen Daten reichen nicht aus, um bei Patienten mit schwerer Leberinsuffizienz Dosierungsempfehlungen festzulegen.", "en": "Available data are insufficient to assess dosing recommendations in patients with severe hepatic insufficiency."}, "mt_gen": "Available data are insufficient to assess in patients with severe hepatic insufficiency dosing recommendations.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach Anbruch kann das Arzneimittel für 28 Tage gelagert werden.", "en": "Once opened, the product may be stored for 28 days."}, "mt_gen": "Once opened, the product may be stored for 28 days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Mechanismus für dieses erhöhte Risiko ist nicht bekannt.", "en": "The mechanism for this increased risk is not known."}, "mt_gen": "The mechanism for this increased risk is not known.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Waschen Sie sich gründlich die Hände mit Wasser und Seife, bevor Sie das Arzneimittel zubereiten.", "en": "Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before you prepare the medicine."}, "mt_gen": "Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before you complete the medicine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Format Der Bericht soll die folgenden Tabellen gemäß dem vereinbarten Format mit zusammenfassenden Daten einschließen:", "en": "The report format should include the following tables in accordance with the agreed format with summary data:"}, "mt_gen": "The report format should include the following Tables of aggregate lethargy with pooled data in accordance with the agreed format defined as follows:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Wirkstoffe sind Lopinavir und Ritonavir.", "en": "The active substances are lopinavir and ritonavir."}, "mt_gen": "The active substances are lopinavir and ritonavir.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Insuman Comb 25 kann während der Stillzeit verwendet werden.", "en": "Insuman Comb 25 may be used during breastfeeding."}, "mt_gen": "Insuman Comb 25 may be used during breastfeeding.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Überdosierung von Benzodiazepin oder Benzodiazepin-ähnlichen Wirkstoffen manifestiert sich gewöhnlich durch zentralnervöse Dämpfung unterschiedlichen Grades von Benommenheit bis zum Koma.", "en": "overdose of benzodiazepine or benzodiazepine-like agents is usually manifested by degrees of central nervous system depression ranging from drowsiness to coma."}, "mt_gen": "overdose of benzodiazepine or benzodiazepine or benzodiazepine-like agents is usually manifested by degrees of central nervous system depression ranging from drowsiness to coma.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pergoveris gehört zu der Gruppe von Hormonen, die als Gonadotropine bezeichnet werden und die an der normalen Regulierung der Fortpflanzung beteiligt sind.", "en": "Pergoveris belongs to a group of hormones, called gonadotrophins and are involved in the normal regulation of reproduction."}, "mt_gen": "Pergoveris belongs to a group of hormones, called gonadotrophins and the normal regulation of reproduction.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zubereitung von CANCIDAS GLUCOSEHALTIGE LÖSUNGEN DÜRFEN NICHT VERWENDET WERDEN, da CANCIDAS in glucosehaltigen Lösungen nicht stabil ist.", "en": "Preparation of glucose-containing CANCIDAS solutions may not be used, since CANCIDAS is not been stable in glucose-containing solutions."}, "mt_gen": "Preparing CANCIDAS GLUCOSEHALTIGE NOT P97 DÜRFEN AND, since CANCIDAS has not been stable in glucose-containing solutions.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dennoch ist bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung von Oseltamivir und Wirkstoffen mit einer geringen therapeutischen Breite, die über den gleichen Weg ausgeschieden werden (z.B. Chlorpropamid, Methotrexat, Phenylbutazon), Vorsicht geboten.", "en": "However, when it is taken in combination with Oseltamivir and substances with a small therapeutic window that are excreted the same pathway (e. g., chlorpropamide, methotrexate, phenylbutazone), caution should be used."}, "mt_gen": "However, when it is taken in combination with the use of a small therapeutic window of oseltamivir and active substances is excreted through the same pathway (e. g., chlorpropamide, methotrexate, phenylbutazone), caution should be used.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "18 Es wurden keine Studien zu den Auswirkungen auf die Verkehrstüchtigkeit und die Fähigkeit zum Bedienen von Maschinen durchgeführt.", "en": "18 No studies on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed."}, "mt_gen": "18 No studies on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Pulver ist weiß bis leicht gelblich.", "en": "The powder is white to slightly yellowish."}, "mt_gen": "The powder is white to slightly yellowish.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "2. Was müssen Sie vor der Anwendung von Fuzeon beachten? 3.", "en": "What you should consider before you use Fuzeon 3."}, "mt_gen": "What you should consider before you use Fuzeon 3.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht gebrauchte Spritzen oder Abfall sollten entsprechend den örtlich gültigen Vorschriften entsorgt werden.", "en": "Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of according to the local relevant laws."}, "mt_gen": "Any unused product or waste material should be applied according to the current veterinary medicinal product must be discarded.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- wenn Sie bestimmte seltene erbliche Augenerkrankungen haben (wie Retinitis pigmentosa).", "en": "- if you have certain rare hereditary disorders (such as retinitis pigmentosa)."}, "mt_gen": "- if you are taking certain rare hereditary disorders (such as retinitis pigmentosa).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "39 Abbildung C:", "en": "39 Diagram C:"}, "mt_gen": "39 Diagram C:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ciclosporin oder Pimozid) muss daher mit Vorsicht erfolgen. Glivec kann die Plasmakonzentration von anderen Substanzen, die über CYP3A4 metabolisiert werden, erhöhen (z. B.", "en": "ciclosporin or pimozide), therefore, should be considered with caution. Glivec may increase the plasma concentrations of other substances metabolised by CYP3A4 (e. g."}, "mt_gen": "ciclosporin or pimozide), therefore, should be considered with caution. Glivec may increase the plasma concentrations of other substances metabolised by CYP3A4 (e. g.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In einer Reihe von Tests zeigte Risperidon keine Genotoxizität.", "en": "In a series of tests, risperidone was not genotoxic."}, "mt_gen": "In a series of tests, risperidone was not genotoxic.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "10 mg einmal täglich (1 Tablette).", "en": "10 mg (one tablet) once a day."}, "mt_gen": "10 mg (one tablet) once a day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Er kann 1 bis 2 Monate oder länger anhalten.", "en": "It may last for 1-2 months or longer."}, "mt_gen": "It may last for 1-2 months or longer.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "21 Die Wirkungen von Pioglitazon werden wahrscheinlich über eine Verringerung der Insulinresistenz vermittelt.", "en": "21 Pioglitazone effects may be mediated by a reduction of insulin resistance."}, "mt_gen": "21 Pioglitazone effects may be mediated by a reduction of insulin resistance.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verwenden Sie die Injektionslösung nicht, wenn sie nicht klar ist oder Schwebstoffe enthält.", "en": "Do not use the solution if it is not clear or if it contains particles."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use the solution if she is not clear or if it contains particles.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bitte lesen Sie die der Impfstoffflasche beigefügte Packungsbeilage.", "en": "Please read the vaccine bottle enclosed package leaflet."}, "mt_gen": "Please read the Impfstoffflasche enclosed package leaflet.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Impfung mit Nobilis IB 4-91 kann in Abhängigkeit vom Gesundheits- und Allgemeinzustand der Hühner über einige Tage milde respiratorische Krankheitserscheinungen verursachen.", "en": "Vaccination with Nobilis IB 4-91, depending on the health and condition of the chickens, can cause mild respiratory signs of disease over a few days."}, "mt_gen": "Vaccination with Nobilis IB 4-91 can be depending on the health and condition of the chickens can cause mild respiratory signs of disease over a few days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Normalwert bei Personen ohne PKU beträgt etwa 60 Mikromol je Liter.", "en": "The normal range in persons without PKU is approximately 60 micromoles per litre."}, "mt_gen": "The normal range in persons without PKU is approximately 60 micromoles per litre.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit Alzheimer-Krankheit kommt es weder zu einer Akkumulation von Rivastigmin noch seines decarbamylierten Metaboliten.", "en": "In patients with Alzheimer's disease, it does not lead to an accumulation of rivastigmine or its decarbamylated metabolites."}, "mt_gen": "In patients with Alzheimer's disease does not lead to accumulation of rivastigmine or its decarbamylierten metabolites.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Tabletten müssen eingenommen werden.", "en": "The tablets must be taken."}, "mt_gen": "The tablets should be taken.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es werden angemessene Vorsichtsmaßnahmen empfohlen, zu denen die Verwendung von geeigneten Sicherheitsausrüstungen für die Zubereitung, Verabreichung und Entsorgung von VISTIDE gehören.", "en": "Appropriate precautions on the use of appropriate safety equipment for the preparation, administration and disposal of VISTIDE are recommended."}, "mt_gen": "Not recommended appropriate precautions, the use of appropriate Sicherheitsausrüstungen for the preparation, administration and disposal of VISTIDE.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In sehr seltenen Fällen wurde über einen tödlichen Verlauf berichtet.", "en": "Fatality has been reported in very rare cases."}, "mt_gen": "In very rare cases of fatal, have been reported.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pädiatrische Patienten Die Erfahrung bei Kindern unter 12 Jahren ist begrenzt.", "en": "Paediatric population: The experience in children under 12 years of age is limited."}, "mt_gen": "Paediatric population The experience in children under 12 years of age is limited.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Den vollständigen Wortlaut des EPAR für Privigen finden Sie hier.", "en": "The full EPAR for Privigen can be found here."}, "mt_gen": "The full EPAR for AVAMYS for Privigen can be found here.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "18 Monate. 6 Stunden nach Anbruch des Behältnisses.", "en": "18 months. 6 hours after first broaching the container."}, "mt_gen": "18 months. 6 hours after first broaching the container.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Anwendung von Simulect mit anderen Arzneimitteln Bitte informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, eine Krankenschwester oder Ihren Apotheker, wenn Sie andere Arzneimittel einnehmen / anwenden bzw. vor kurzem eingenommen / angewendet haben, auch wenn es sich um nicht verschreibungspflichtige Arzneimittel handelt.", "en": "37 Using Simulect with other medicines. Please tell your doctor, nurse or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, even those not prescribed."}, "mt_gen": "37 Using other medicines Please tell your doctor, nurse or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, even those not prescribed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese Reaktionen klingen normalerweise innerhalb einer Woche wieder ab.", "en": "These reactions usually disappear within one week."}, "mt_gen": "These reactions usually disappear within one week.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Um den Serumcalciumspiegel bei Vorliegen einer Hypokalzämie anzuheben, können calciumhaltige Phosphatbinder oder Vitamin D angewendet und / oder die Calciumkonzentration im Dialysat angepasst werden.", "en": "To address the serum calcium in the presence of hypocalcaemia, calcium containing phosphate binders or vitamin D may be used and / or the calcium concentration in the dialysate can be adjusted."}, "mt_gen": "To address the serum calcium in the presence of hypocalcaemia, containing calcium phosphate binders or vitamin D may be used and / or a plasticizer in the to be adjusted.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lösungen, die Partikel enthalten, dürfen nicht verwendet werden.", "en": "Solutions containing particles should not be used."}, "mt_gen": ", a water-like consistency, should not be used.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Steigerungs- und die Erhaltungsdosen sollten dem klinischen Ansprechen angepasst werden (siehe Abschnitt 5.2).", "en": "The increase and maintenance doses should be adjusted according to clinical response (see section 5.2)."}, "mt_gen": "The Steigerungs- and maintenance doses should be adapted according to clinical response (see section 5.2).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Wirkstoff in Implanon, Etonogestrel, ist ein synthetisches weibliches Hormon, das dem Progesteron ähnelt.", "en": "The active substance in Implanon, etonogestrel, and estradiol is a naturally occurring hormone, which is similar to the progesterone."}, "mt_gen": "The active substance in Implanon, etonogestrel, and estradiol (a naturally occurring hormone, which is similar to the progesterone.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Flaschen im Umkarton aufbewahren, um den Inhalt vor Licht zu schützen.", "en": "Vials in the outer carton in order to protect it from light."}, "mt_gen": "vials in the outer carton in order to protect it from light.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit schweren Leberproblemen oder Nierenproblemen sollte eine Dosis 10 mg nicht übersteigen.", "en": "In patients who have severe problems with their liver, or kidney problems should not exceed a dose of 10 mg."}, "mt_gen": "In patients who have severe problems with their liver, or kidney problems should not exceed a dose of 10 mg.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie ist ISENTRESS aufzubewahren? 6.", "en": "How to store ISENTRESS"}, "mt_gen": "How to store ISENTRESS", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Versuchen Sie, Glustin 45 mg Tabletten täglich - entsprechend den Anweisungen Ihres Arztes - einzunehmen.", "en": "Try to take Glustin 45 mg tablets daily as prescribed."}, "mt_gen": "Try to give Glustin 45 mg tablets daily as prescribed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit einer Natrium-kontrollierten Diät ist dies zu bedenken.", "en": "This should be considered in patients with a sodium-controlled diet."}, "mt_gen": "In patients with Natrium-kontrollierten diet, this is considered.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zwei Überprüfungen durch Cochrane deuten auf eine Wirksamkeit hin, wobei die Schlussfolgerung der zweiten Überprüfung etwas zurückhaltender ausfällt.", "en": "Two inspections by Cochrane suggest efficacy, with the conclusion of somewhat restrained review."}, "mt_gen": "Two Überprüfungen by Cochrane suggest efficacy, with the conclusion of somewhat zurückhaltender review.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Von 1.261 Patienten lag der K-Ras-Mutationsstatus vor.", "en": "From 1,261 patients, the K-RAS mutation status was available."}, "mt_gen": "From 1.261 patients, the rate of K-Ras-Mutationsstatus.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Prophylaxe der Influenza Postexpositions-Prophylaxe Für Jugendliche (im Alter von 13 bis 17 Jahren) und Erwachsene:", "en": "Prophylaxis of the influenza post-exposure. For adolescents (aged 13 to 17 years of age) and adults:"}, "mt_gen": "Prevention of influenza Post-exposure prevention for adolescents (aged 13 to 17 years of age) and adults:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "67 Teilen Sie Ihrem Arzt unbedingt mit, dass Sie Kinzalkomb einnehmen, wenn bei Ihnen eine Operation oder eine Narkose erforderlich ist.", "en": "67 You should tell your doctor that you are taking Kinzalkomb if you are to have surgery or anaesthesia."}, "mt_gen": "67 You should tell your doctor that you are taking Kinzalkomb if you have surgery or anaesthesia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "60% verglichen mit 50%, NS) im Vergleich zur Standardtherapie.", "en": "60% compared to 50%, NS), compared to standard care."}, "mt_gen": "60% compared to 50%, NS), compared to standard care.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten, die orale Antidiabetika erhalten und die mit VELCADE behandelt werden ist möglicherweise eine engmaschige Überprüfung der Blutzuckerwerte und eine Dosisanpassung ihrer Antidiabetika angezeigt.", "en": "Patients receiving oral hypoglycaemic medicinal products and VELCADE treatment may require close monitoring of their blood glucose levels and adjustment of the dose of their antidiabetics."}, "mt_gen": "In patients receiving oral hypoglycaemic medicinal products VELCADE treatment may require close monitoring of their blood glucose levels and adjustment of the dose of their antidiabetics.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist Revatio und wofür wird es angewendet?", "en": "What Revatio is and what it is used for"}, "mt_gen": "What Revatio is and what it is used for 2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "3 Treten diese Toxizitäten bei Patienten mit AIDS-assoziiertem Kaposi-Sarkom auf, so kann der empfohlene 2- bis 3wöchige Behandlungszyklus entsprechend modifiziert werden.", "en": "3 If these toxicities in patients with AIDS-KS, the recommended 2-3 week treatment cycle can be modified accordingly."}, "mt_gen": "3 If these toxicities in patients with AIDS-KS, recommended in the 12 3wöchige treatment cycle accordingly.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Infusion kann fortgesetzt werden mit einer Geschwindigkeit, die nur 50% - 25% derjenigen betragen sollte, bei der die Reaktion aufgetreten ist.", "en": "The infusion may be resumed at a rate of only 50% - 25% of the rate at which the reaction occurred."}, "mt_gen": "The infusion may be resumed at a rate of only 50% - 25% of those should be, at which the reaction occurred.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Leere Pens dürfen nicht wieder gefüllt und müssen ordnungsgemäß entsorgt werden.", "en": "Empty pens must never be refilled and must be properly discarded."}, "mt_gen": "Empty pens must never and must be properly discarded.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "133 hohen Werten (≥ 5,17 mmol / l) waren sehr häufig. 12 Erhöhte Plasmaprolaktinspiegel wurden bei 47,4% der jugendlichen Patienten ber ichtet.", "en": "133 high values (≥ 5.17 mmol / l) were very common. 12 Elevated plasma prolactin levels were reported im 47.4% oo the youths rested"}, "mt_gen": "133 high (≥ 5.17 mmol / l) were very common. 12 Elevated plasma prolactin levels 12 Elevated plasma prolactin levels were reported in 47.4% of adolescent patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welche Nebenwirkungen sind möglich? 5. Wie ist Icandra aufzubewahren?", "en": "Possible side effects 5 How to store Icandra 4."}, "mt_gen": "Possible side effects 5 How to store Icandra 4.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach der Zubereitung muss die zum einmaligen Gebrauch bestimmte Suspension zur Implantation unverzüglich verwendet werden.", "en": "After reconstitution, the single-use suspension for implantation should be used immediately."}, "mt_gen": "After reconstitution, the suspension should be set of implantation used immediately.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diuretika wie das in < Cozaar Comp > enthaltende Hydrochlorothiazid können Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Arzneimitteln haben.", "en": "Diuretics such as those in Cozaar Comp Hydrochlorothiazide may interact with other medicines."}, "mt_gen": "Diuretics such as them in Cozaar Comp Hydrochlorothiazide may interact with other medicines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Ergebnisse des Ames / Salmonella-Tests sowie des Chromosomenaberrationstests an Humanlymphozyten aus dem Peripherblut (HPBL) zeigten einen positiven mutagenen Effekt.", "en": "The results of the Ames / Salmonella tests and from the chromosome aberration tests on human lymphocytes in the peripheral blood show a positive mutagenic effect."}, "mt_gen": "The results of the Ames / Salmonella-Tests and assays, amino, and the Peripherblut (HPBL) showed a positive mutagenic effect.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dennoch war die die Häufigkeit von APTC- Ereignissen numerisch höher für Lumiracoxib im Vergleich zu Naproxen jedoch niedriger im Vergleich zu Ibuprofen.", "en": "Nevertheless, the APTC event rate was numerically higher for lumiracoxib than for naproxen but lower than for ibuprofen."}, "mt_gen": "Nevertheless, the 24 a numerically higher rate among events was higher for lumiracoxib, but it was compared with naproxen as low as compared to ibuprofen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Entfernen Sie die Schutzkappen aus Plastik von den Oberseiten der beiden Durchstechflaschen mit Lösungsmittel und SOMAVERT (Abb.", "en": "Remove the plastic caps from the Tops of the two vials with solvent and SOMAVERT (see Diagram 9)."}, "mt_gen": "Remove the plastic caps from the Tops of the two vials of solvent and SOMAVERT (see Diagram 9).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das renale Sicherheitsprofil von Truvada wurde nur in sehr begrenztem Umfang bei Patienten mit Nierenfunktionsstörungen untersucht (Kreatinin-Clearance < 80 ml / min).", "en": "The renal safety profile of Truvada has been studied only in very limited in patients with renal function impairment (creatinine clearance 80 ml / min)."}, "mt_gen": "The renal safety profile of Truvada has been studied only in very limited in patients with renal impairment (creatinine clearance 80 ml / min).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Allgemeinen wirken jedoch nichtsteroidale Triphenyläthylen-Derivate bei Ratten und beim Menschen hauptsächlich antiöstrogen, bei Mäusen östrogen.", "en": "In general, however, non-steroidal triphenylethylene derivates are effective in rats and antioestrogen mainly in humans, and oestrogen in mice."}, "mt_gen": "In general, however, work by the administration of a non-steroidal Triphenyläthylen-Derivate in rats and in humans, primarily in mice östrogen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "el weißes Vaselin, dickflüssiges Paraffin, Propylencarbonat, gebleichtes Wachs, Hartparaffin.", "en": "white vaseline, viscous paraffin, propylene carbonate, bleached wax, hard paraffin."}, "mt_gen": "ho stearyl alcohol, white soft paraffin, propylene carbonate, hard paraffin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt wird durch regelmäßig durchgeführte Bluttests sicherstellen, dass das Arzneimittel bei Ihnen anhaltend richtig wirkt.", "en": "Your doctor will carry out regular blood tests to ensure that your medicine is continuing to work properly."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor will 1513 due to carry out regular blood tests to ensure that your medicine is continuing to work properly persistent.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Beachten Sie bitte im Falle einer begleitenden antiviralen Therapie gegen Hepatitis B und / oder C auch die entsprechenden Produktinformationen dieser Arzneimittel.", "en": "Please be aware that in case of concomitant antiviral therapy for hepatitis B or C, and also to the relevant product information for these medicinal products."}, "mt_gen": "Please in case of concomitant antiviral therapy for hepatitis B or C, and also to the relevant product information for these medicinal products.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei den meisten Patienten setzt die antihypertensive Wirkung innerhalb von 2 Stunden nach Verabreichung einer oralen Einzeldosis ein; die maximale Blutdrucksenkung wird innerhalb von 4 − 6 Stunden erreicht.", "en": "In most patients, the onset of antihypertensive takes place within 2 hours after administration of a single oral dose, the maximum reduction in blood pressure is achieved within 4 - 6 hours."}, "mt_gen": "In most patients, onset of antihypertensive within 2 hours after administration of a single oral dose, the maximum reduction in blood pressure is achieved within 4 - 6 hours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Levitra kann zu jeder Zeit mit Tamsulosin angewandt werden.", "en": "Levitra may be administered at any time with tamsulosin."}, "mt_gen": "Levitra may be administered at any time with tamsulosin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In solchen Fällen bleibt der Verlust der renalen Funktion innerhalb der erwarteten Grenzen des natürlichen Fortschreitens der Erkrankung.", "en": "In such cases the loss of renal function stays within predicted limits of the natural progression of the disease."}, "mt_gen": "In such cases the loss of renal function within predicted limits of the natural progression of the disease.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Binocrit wird als Injektion unter die Haut (subkutan) gegeben.", "en": "Binocrit is given by injection under the skin (subcutaneously)."}, "mt_gen": "Binocrit is given by injection under the skin (subcutaneously).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die empfohlene Dosierung von Tekturna beträgt einmal täglich 150 mg.", "en": "The recommended dose of Tekturna is 150 mg once a day."}, "mt_gen": "The recommended dose of Tekturna is 150 mg once a day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "3 ml Lösung in einer Patrone (farbloses Glas, Typ 1) mit einem Kolben (Brombutylgummi, schwarz) und einer Bördelkappe (Aluminium) mit eingesetzter Dichtscheibe (Brombutyl- oder Polyisopren- Brombutylgummi).", "en": "3 ml solution in a cartridge (type 1 colourless glass) with a black plunger (bromobutyl rubber) and a flanged cap (aluminium) with a (bromobutyl or laminate of polyisoprene and bromobutyl rubber)."}, "mt_gen": "3 ml solution in a cartridge (type 1 colourless glass) with a black plunger (bromobutyl rubber) and a flanged cap (aluminium) with a (bromobutyl or laminate of polyisoprene and bromobutyl rubber).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sunitinib ist ein Hemmer des PDGF (platelet- derived growth factor) -Rezeptors α und β, des VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) -Rezeptors 1-3, des KIT (Stammzellfaktor) -Rezeptors, des FLT (Fms-like tyrosine kinase) 3-Rezeptors, des CSF (koloniestimulierenden Faktors) 1-Rezeptors und des RET (rearranged during transfection) -Rezeptors.", "en": "Sunitinib is an inhibitor of PDGF (platelet- derived growth factor) receptors α and β, VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) receptors 1-3, KIT (stem cell factor) receptors, FLT (Fms-like tyrosine kinase) 3 receptor, CSF (colony stimulating factors) 1 receptors and of RET (rearranged during transfection) receptors."}, "mt_gen": "Sunitinib identified (was derived neurotrophic factor receptor (PDGFRα and VEGFR3), (PDGFRβ), stem cell factor receptor (KIT), platelet-derived growth factor, stem cell factor receptor (KIT), Fms-like tyrosine kinase-3 (FLT3) and vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFR1, VEGFR2 and RET).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Überempfindlichkeit gegen den Wirkstoff, Aprepitant, oder gegen Polysorbat 80 oder einen der anderen sonstigen Bestandteile.", "en": "Hypersensitivity to the active substance, aprepitant, or to polysorbate 80 or to any of the other ingredients."}, "mt_gen": "Hypersensitivity to the active substance, aprepitant, or to polysorbate 80 or to any of the other ingredients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "1 ml enthält 604,72 mg Gadobutrol (entsprechend 1,0 mmol Gadobutrol bzw. 157,25 mg Gadolinium).", "en": "1 ml contains 604.72 mg gadobutrol (equivalent to 1.0 mmol gadobutrol containing 157.25 mg gadolinium)."}, "mt_gen": "1 ml contains 604.72 mg gadobutrol (equivalent to 1.0 mmol gadobutrol containing 157.25 mg gadolinium).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "795 Sie können die Dosis in 2er-Schritten von 2 bis maximal 40 Einheiten einstellen.", "en": "795 You can set the dose in steps of 2 units from 2 units to a maximum of 40 units."}, "mt_gen": "795 You can set the dose in steps of 2 units of 2 units to a maximum of 40 units.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt kann Ihnen erlauben, andere Arzneimittel, einschließlich solcher gegen Verstopfung, einzunehmen / anzuwenden.", "en": "Your doctor may tell you to use, or other medicines, including those for constipation, intending to take /."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor may tell you to use, or other medicines, including those for constipation, intending to take /.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dies ist besonders wichtig bei Patienten mit verringerter oder 103 fehlender Wahrnehmung von Hypoglykämie-Warnsymptomen oder häufigen Hypoglykämie- Episoden.", "en": "This is particularly important in those who have reduced or no preception of hypoglycaemia sysptoms or have frequent episodes of hypoglycaemia."}, "mt_gen": "This is particularly important in those who have reduced or those who have reduced or absent awareness lack of hypoglycaemia or have frequent episodes of hypoglycaemia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Benzylpenicillin wurde vom gemeinsamen FAO / WHO- Sachverständigenausschuss für Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe (JECFA) auf seiner 36.", "en": "Benzylpenicillin was by the common FAO / WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) was 36."}, "mt_gen": "benzylpenicillin the centers of the 1989 / WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) was 36.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Vergleich mit gesunden Probanden waren bei Patienten mit leichter Leberfunktionsstörung (Child-Pugh A) die mittlere AUC und Cmax um 17% bzw.", "en": "When compared to healthy subjects, patients with mild hepatic impairment (Child Pugh A), the mean AUC and Cmax of 17% and 108% respectively."}, "mt_gen": "When compared to healthy subjects in patients with mild hepatic impairment (Child Pugh A), the mean AUC and Cmax of 17% and 108% respectively.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "YENTREVE 20 mg ist in Packungen mit 28, 56 und 98 Hartkapseln erhältlich.", "en": "YENTREVE 20 mg is available in blister packs of 28, 56 or 98 capsules."}, "mt_gen": "YENTREVE 20 mg is available in blister packs of 28, 56 or 98 capsules.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Patienten sollen während der Therapie sorgfältig überwacht werden.", "en": "Patients should be monitored carefully during therapy."}, "mt_gen": "Patients should be monitored carefully during therapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Desloratadin zeigte antiallergische Eigenschaften bei in vitro-Studien.", "en": "Desloratadine showed anti-allergic properties in in vitro studies."}, "mt_gen": "Desloratadine showed a make-up cosmetic properties in in vitro studies.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Patienten hat Dasatinib ein großes scheinbares Verteilungsvolumen (2.505 l), was darauf hinweist, dass sich das Arzneimittel überwiegend im Extravasalraum verteilt.", "en": "In patients, dasatinib has a large volume of water (2.505 l), indicating that the medicine is predominantly distributed in the extravascular region."}, "mt_gen": "In patients with dasatinib has a large volume of water (2.505 l), indicating that the medicine is predominantly distributed in the Extravasalraum.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Rifabutin (300 mg einmal täglich) verringerte die Cmax und AUC von Voriconazol (200 mg zweimal täglich) um 69% bzw. 78%.", "en": "Rifabutin (300 mg once daily) decreased the Cmax and AUCτ of voriconazole at 200 mg twice daily by 69% and 78%, respectively."}, "mt_gen": "Rifabutin (300 mg once daily) decreased the Cmax and AUCτ of voriconazole at 200 mg twice daily by 69% and 78%, respectively.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die AUC eines pharmakologisch aktiven Metaboliten von Ranolazin war bei Patienten mit schwerer Nierenfunktionsstörung fünfmal größer.", "en": "The AUC of the active metabolite of ranolazine was five times larger in patients with severe renal impairment."}, "mt_gen": "The AUC of the active metabolite of ranolazine was: in patients with severe renal impairment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Überprüfen Sie anhand des Etiketts, ob Actrapid InnoLet den richtigen Insulintyp enthält.", "en": "Check the label to make sure that your Actrapid InnoLet contains the correct type of insulin."}, "mt_gen": "Check the label to make sure that your Actrapid InnoLet contains the correct type of insulin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für Patienten, die eine Behandlung mit Rebif beginnen, steht eine Packung mit Rebif 8,8 Mikrogramm und Rebif 22 Mikrogramm zur Verfügung, die dem Bedarf des Patienten für den ersten Behandlungsmonat entspricht.", "en": "For patients who are beginning treatment with Rebif, a pack of Rebif 8.8 micrograms and Rebif 22 micrograms are available to the patients' needs for the first month of treatment."}, "mt_gen": "For patients who proceed to treatment with Rebif, a pack of Rebif 8.8 micrograms and Rebif 22 micrograms are available to the patients' needs for the first month of treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine etwaige Nahrungsaufnahme hat keinen Einfluß auf den Umfang der Absorption, kann aber die Spitzenkonzentrationen um 1,5 - 2 Stunden verzögern.", "en": "A small food intake has no influence on absorption, but it may delay peak concentrations b 1.5 to 2 hours."}, "mt_gen": "The next step is to remove any Food intake has no influence absorption, but it may delay to a median of 1.5 to 2 hours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Methylhydroxybenzoat (E218) und Propylhydroxybenzoat (E216) können allergische Reaktionen hervorrufen (möglicherweise verzögert), Cetyl- und Stearylalkohol können lokale Hautreaktionen verursachen (z.", "en": "Methylhydroxybenzoate (E218) and propylhydroxybenzoate (E216) may cause allergic reactions (possibly delayed), cetyl alcohol and stearyl alcohol may cause local skin reactions (e. g."}, "mt_gen": "methylhydroxybenzoate (E218) and propylhydroxybenzoate (E216) that may cause allergic reactions (possibly delayed), rubber-like cetyl alcohol and stearyl alcohol may cause local skin reactions (e. g.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die vorhandenen Daten deuten darauf hin, dass Vimpat ein geringes Potenzial für Wechselwirkungen aufweist.", "en": "Available data suggest that lacosamide has a low potential for drug interactions."}, "mt_gen": "Available data suggest that lacosamide has a low potential for drug interactions.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird zur Schwangerschaftsverhütung angewendet.", "en": "It is used as birth control."}, "mt_gen": "It is used.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "MicardisPlus wird nicht empfohlen für die Anwendung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren.", "en": "MicardisPlus is not recommended for use in children and adolescents below 18 years of age."}, "mt_gen": "MicardisPlus is not recommended for use in children and adolescents below 18 years of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "2. Was müssen Sie vor der Anwendung von EVICEL beachten? 3.", "en": "What you should consider before you use EVICEL 3."}, "mt_gen": "What you should consider before you use EVICEL 3.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Außerdem darf es nicht bei Hunden angewendet werden, die überempfindlich (allergisch) gegen Mavacoxib, einen der sonstigen Bestandteile der Tablette oder Sulfonamide sind.", "en": "It should not be used in dogs who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to mavacoxib or to any of the other ingredients of the tablet or to sulphonamides."}, "mt_gen": "It should not be used in dogs who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to mavacoxib, to any of the other ingredients of the tablet or to sulphonamides.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tasigna ist angezeigt in der \"chronischen\" und \"akzelerierten\" Phase von CML.", "en": "Tasigna is used in the \"chronic\" and \"accelerated\" CML."}, "mt_gen": "Tasigna is used in the \"chronic\" and \"accelerated\" CML.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "* In Studie 1100.1090, aus der die Mehrzahl in Zusammenhang mit Nevirapin stehenden Nebenwirkungen (n = 28) kamen, kamen Granulozytopenien bei Patienten unter Plazebo häufiger vor als unter Nevirapin (3,3% versus 2,5%).", "en": "* Study 1100.1090, the majority of side-effects associated with nevirapine (n = 28), granulocytopenia occured more often than with patients treated with placebo than with nevirapine (3.3% vs 5.7%, respectively)."}, "mt_gen": "* Study 1100.1090, the majority of side-effects associated with the side effects of nevirapine (n = 28), as well as serious patients treated with placebo was more frequently than with nevirapine (3.3% vs 5.7%, respectively).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "4. Welche Nebenwirkungen sind möglich? 5.", "en": "4. What side effects are possible? 5."}, "mt_gen": "4. \"Possible side effects 5 How to store ATryn 6.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Ausmaß der Veränderungen der Nüchtern-Gesamt-Cholesterin-Werte, LDL- Cholesterin, Triglyceride und Prolaktin (siehe Abschnitte 4.4 und 4.8) war bei Jugendlichen größer als bei Erwachsenen.", "en": "The magnitude of changes in fasting total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and prolactin (see sections 4.4 and 4.8) were greater in adolescents than in adults."}, "mt_gen": "The magnitude of changes in fasting total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and prolactin (see sections 4.4 and 4.8) were greater in adolescents than in adults.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Kühlschrank lagern (2 ° C − 8 ° C).", "en": "Store in a refrigerator (2 ° C - 8 ° C)."}, "mt_gen": "Store in a refrigerator (2 ° C - 8 ° C).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei 35% der untersuchten Spender wurde nach Filgrastimapplikation und Leukapherese eine vorübergehende Thrombozytopenie (Thrombozytenwerte < 100 x 109 / l) beobachtet.", "en": "In 35% of the studied donors a transient thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 100 x 109 / l) was observed after Filgrastim application and leukapheresis."}, "mt_gen": "In 35% of the animals was donors and transient thrombocytopenia (platelet count 100 x 109 / l) were observed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Plavix gehört zu einer Gruppe von Arzneimitteln, die als Thrombozytenfunktionshemmer bezeichnet werden.", "en": "Plavix belongs to a group of medicines called antiplatelet medicinal products."}, "mt_gen": "Plavix belongs to a group of medicines called antiplatelet medicinal products.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Avonex-Injektion einmal wöchentlich.", "en": "One Avonex injection once weekly."}, "mt_gen": "One Avonex injection once weekly.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die glykämische Einstellung (HbA1c) mit Levemir ist mit NPH-Insulin vergleichbar, wobei das Risiko nächtlicher Hypoglykämien geringer und keine Gewichtszunahme damit verbunden ist.", "en": "Glycaemic control (HbA1c) with Levemir is comparable to that of NPH insulin, where the risk of nocturnal hypoglycaemia milder is and not associated with weight gain."}, "mt_gen": "The glycaemic control (HbA1c) with Levemir is comparable to that of human NPH insulin, where the risk of nocturnal hypoglycaemia mild and no weight gain.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mutagenität wurde weder in vitro noch bei in vivo-Studien beobachtet.", "en": "Mutagenicity has not been observed in vitro nor in in-vivo studies."}, "mt_gen": "Mutagenicity has been observed in vitro nor in in vivo studies.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In den klinischen Studien wurde eine Verschlechterung der Nierenfunktion wie folgt definiert:", "en": "In the clinical studies, a deterioration of the renal function is defined as follows:"}, "mt_gen": "In the clinical studies, deterioration of renal function as follows:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In seltenen Fällen kam es während einer Langzeitbehandlung zu einem Anstieg der Plasmareninaktivität und Tachykardie.", "en": "In rare cases during long-term treatment, an increase in plasma renin activity and tachycardia occurred."}, "mt_gen": "In rare cases during long-term treatment in an increase in plasma renin activity and tachycardia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie mehr KOGENATE Bayer 2000 I.E. injiziert haben als vorgesehen, informieren Sie bitte Ihren Arzt.", "en": "If you inject more KOGENATE Bayer 2000 IU than you should, please inform your doctor."}, "mt_gen": "If you inject more KOGENATE Bayer 2000 IU than you should, please inform your doctor.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Bedeutung dieser Veränderungen im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung eines hämatologischen Malignoms ist unbekannt.", "en": "The significance of these changes in terms of the development of haematological malignancy is unknown."}, "mt_gen": "The significance of these changes in terms of the development of haematological malignancy is unknown.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anleitung zur Rekonstitution 1.", "en": "Reconstitution instructions."}, "mt_gen": "Reconstitution instructions.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "71 Zu den weiteren Nebenwirkungen, die aus der Erfahrung nach der Marktzulassung beschrieben wurden, zählen: Herzklopfen, Brustschmerzen, plötzliche Todesfälle, Herzinfarkte oder vorübergehende Durchblutungsstörungen des Gehirns.", "en": "71 Other side effects reported from post-marketing experience include: pounding heartbeat, chest pain, sudden death, chest pains, heart attack or temporary decreased blood flow to parts of the brain."}, "mt_gen": "71 Other side effects reported from post-marketing experience include: pounding heartbeat, chest pain, sudden death, heart attack or temporary decreased blood flow to parts of the brain.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Durchstechflasche ViraferonPeg, Pulver zur Herstellung einer Injektionslösung enthält 100 Mikrogramm Peginterferon alfa-2b, auf Proteinbasis berechnet.", "en": "Each vial of ViraferonPeg, powder for solution for injection contains 100 micrograms of peginterferon alfa-2b as measured on a protein basis."}, "mt_gen": "Each vial of ViraferonPeg, powder for solution for injection contains 100 micrograms of peginterferon alfa-2b as measured on a protein basis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "er schwerwiegende Neutropenie (< 750 / mm3) oder schwerwiegende Thrombozytopenie (< 70.000 / mm3) auftritt. ng Für alle Patienten:", "en": "severe neutropaenia (750 / mm3) or severe thrombocytopaenia (70,000 / mm3) occur. ng For all patients:"}, "mt_gen": "ge severe neutropaenia (750 / mm3) or severe thrombocytopaenia (70,000 / mm3) auftritt. ng For all patients:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "4.7 Anwendung während der Trächtigkeit, Laktation oder Legeperiode Die Unbedenklichkeit des Tierarzneimittels während Trächtigkeit und Laktation ist nicht belegt (siehe Abschnitt 4.3).", "en": "4.7 Use during pregnancy, lactation or laying period The safety of the veterinary medicinal product during pregnancy and lactation has not been established (see section 4.3)."}, "mt_gen": "4.7 Use during pregnancy or lactation The safety of the veterinary medicinal product during pregnancy and lactation has not been established (see section 4.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Alternativ kann eine intrauterine Insemination (IUI) durchgeführt werden.", "en": "Alternatively, intrauterin insemination (IUI) can be conducted."}, "mt_gen": "Alternatively, veterinary medicament (IUI) will be conducted.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Berechnen Sie die Gesamtdosis und die Anzahl der benötigten Durchstechflaschen Elaprase.", "en": "Calculate the dose and the number of vials of Elaprase needed."}, "mt_gen": "Calculate the dose and the number of ORENCIA vials needed in vials of Elaprase.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Wirksamkeit von ZOSTAVAX wurde anhand der Zahl der Personen gemessen, die während der Studie Gürtelrose und postherpetische Schmerzen entwickelten.", "en": "The efficacy of ZOSTAVAX was measured by looking at the number of subjects during the study and shingles 19 developed."}, "mt_gen": "The efficacy of ZOSTAVAX was measured by looking at the number of subjects during the study and shingles 19 developed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Clomipramin und sein Hauptmetabolit Desmethylclomipramin verhindern, dass einige Neurotransmitter wieder in Nervenzellen in Gehirn und Rückenmark aufgenommen werden.", "en": "Clomipramine and its major metabolite, desmethylclomipramine, some of these neurotransmitters are being taken back up into nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord."}, "mt_gen": "Clomipramine and its major metabolite, desmethylclomipramine, some of these neurotransmitters are being taken back up into nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Injektionsnadel muss mindestens 6 Sekunden lang unter der Haut bleiben.", "en": "The needle must stay under the skin for at least six seconds."}, "mt_gen": "The needle must be discontinued for at least six seconds under the skin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für AK klinisch atypische oder malignitätsverdächtige Läsionen sollten einer Biopsie unterzogen werden, um die geeignete Behandlung zu bestimmen.", "en": "For AK clinically atypical or lesions suspected to be malignent, a biopsy should be carried out, in order to determine the appropriate treatment."}, "mt_gen": "For AK Clinically atypical or malignitätsverdächtige lesions should be 18% in order to determine the appropriate treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weitere Informationen über Lyrica:", "en": "2 / 3 Other information about Lyrica:"}, "mt_gen": "2 / 3 Other information about Lyrica:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Umgang und die Anwendung unterliegen den Bestimmungen der örtlich zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörde und / oder entsprechenden Genehmigungen.", "en": "The handling and use are subject to the regulations of the local competent official supervisory authority and / or appropriate licences."}, "mt_gen": "The handling and are subject to the regulations of the local competent official Aufsichtsbehörde and / or appropriate licences.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei humanen gereinigten Blutzellen zeigte sich ebenfalls mit nicht käuflich erwerblichen Formulierungen von Fosaprepitant in Konzentrationen von 2,3 mg / ml und darüber Hämolyse, obwohl Tests mit humanem Vollblut negativ waren.", "en": "In purified human blood cells, haemolysis did not appear either in commercially available formulations of fosaprepitant at concentrations of 2.3 mg / ml and above, although ests with regular whole blood were negative."}, "mt_gen": "In human blood cell counts; there was also not käuflich erwerblichen formulations of fosaprepitant at concentrations of 2.3 mg / ml and haemolysis, although negative tests with regular whole blood.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie eine größere Menge von Xagrid eingenommen haben, als Sie sollten:", "en": "If you take more Xagrid than you should:"}, "mt_gen": "If you take more Xagrid than you should:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Omalizumab geht bei Primaten in die Muttermilch über und ein Effekt auf den Säugling kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden.", "en": "Omalizumab is excreted into the milk and the effect on the suckling child cannot be excluded."}, "mt_gen": "Omalizumab is excreted into the milk and the effect on the suckling child cannot be excluded.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "16 Klinische Studien bei Morbus Crohn: In kontrollierten klinischen Studien waren Erhöhungen der ALT-Werte bei Patienten, die Adalimumab oder Placebo erhielten, vergleichbar.", "en": "Clinical studies in Crohn's disease clinical trials: in controlled clinical trials, elevations of ALT values were similar in patients receiving adalimumab or placebo."}, "mt_gen": "Clinical studies in Crohn's disease clinical trials: in controlled clinical trials, elevations of ALT were similar in patients receiving adalimumab or placebo.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie sollten Ihrem Arzt berichten, wenn Sie neue oder ungewöhnliche Symptome und Begebenheiten beobachten.", "en": "You should tell your doctor if you observe new or unusual symptoms and incidences."}, "mt_gen": "You should tell your doctor if you report a new or unusual symptoms and Begebenheiten.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vor einem weiteren Behandlungszyklus mit MabThera sind die Patienten erneut auf ein potenzielles Infektionsrisiko zu untersuchen.", "en": "Before an additional course of therapy with MabThera, patients should again be examined for the potential risk of infection."}, "mt_gen": "Before an additional course of therapy with MabThera, patients recur presents a risk of infection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Pferde sollten im Alter von 5 - 6 Monaten eine Grundimmunisierung aus zwei Injektionen im Abstand von 4 - 6 Wochen erhalten.", "en": "Horses should receive a basic immunization at 5 - 6 of two injections with an interval of 4 to 6 weeks."}, "mt_gen": "Preferably, horses should be aged 5 - 6 months primary vaccination schedule of two injections with an interval of 4 to 6 weeks.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Behandlung mit Fasturtec sollte von einem Arzt überwacht werden, der Erfahrung mit Chemotherapien bei hämatologischen Krebserkrankungen besitzt.", "en": "Treatment with Fasturtec should be supervised by a doctor who has experience in treating chemotherapy regimens in haematological cancer."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment with Fasturtec should be supervised by a doctor who has experience in treating chemotherapy regimens in haematological cancer.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wird Viraferon angewendet?", "en": "How is Viraferon used?"}, "mt_gen": "How is Viraferon used?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Arzneimittel besteht aus lipidumhüllten Perflutren-Mikrosphären.", "en": "The medicine consists of lipid-coated perflutren microspheres."}, "mt_gen": "The medicine consists of claims 1 to 14 Perflutren-Mikrosphären.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Den Haag, Niederlande, erteilt.", "en": "The Hague, the Netherlands."}, "mt_gen": "The Den Haag, The Netherlands.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Möglicher Einfluß von Olanzapin auf andere Arzneimittel Olanzapin kann die Wirkung von direkten und indirekten Dopamin-Agonisten abschwächen.", "en": "Potential for olanzapine to affect other medicinal products: Olanzapine may antagonise the effects of direct and indirect dopamine agonists."}, "mt_gen": "Potential for olanzapine to affect other medicinal products Olanzapine may antagonise the effects of direct and indirect dopamine agonists.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "47 Die Patienten erhielten 2 x 1000 mg MabThera im Abstand von zwei Wochen, sowie Methotrexat (10 - 25 mg / Woche).", "en": "47 Patients received 2 x 1000 mg MabThera at an interval of two weeks and methotrexate (10-25 mg / week)."}, "mt_gen": "47 Patients received 2 x 1000 mg MabThera at an interval of two weeks, and methotrexate (10-25 mg / week).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wirkungsweise Porfimer-Natrium ist eine Mischung von Porphyrin-Einheiten, die aus Ketten von zwei bis acht Einheiten besteht.", "en": "Mechanism action: Porfimer sodium is a mixture of porphyrin units, which are linked together in chains of two to eight units."}, "mt_gen": "Mechanism of action Porfimer sodium is a mixture of porphyrin units, which are linked together in chains of two to eight units.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird zur Behandlung folgender Krankheiten angewendet: • chronischer (langsam verlaufender) Hepatitis B (Lebererkrankung infolge einer Infektion mit dem Hepatitis-B-Virus) bei Erwachsenen; • chronischer Hepatitis C (Lebererkrankung infolge einer Infektion mit dem Hepatitis-C-Virus).", "en": "It is used for the treatment of the following diseases: • chronic (long-term) hepatitis B (a disease of the liver due to an infection by the hepatitis B virus) in adults; • chronic hepatitis C (a disease of the liver due to an infection by the hepatitis C virus)."}, "mt_gen": "It is used for the treatment of the following diseases: • chronic (long-term) hepatitis B (a disease of the liver due to an infection by the hepatitis B virus) in adults; • chronic hepatitis C (a disease of the liver due to an infection by the hepatitis C virus).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn die Behandlung abgebrochen wird:", "en": "If the treatment is stopped:"}, "mt_gen": "If the treatment is stopped:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "41 In sehr seltenen Fällen können sich leichte Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen zu schwerwiegenden Reaktionen wie Dyspnoe, Blutdruckabfall und manchmal Schock entwickeln.", "en": "In very rare cases mild hypersensitivity reactions may develop serious reactions with dyspnoea, fall in blood pressure and sometimes shock."}, "mt_gen": "In very rare cases mild hypersensitivity reactions may develop serious reactions with dyspnoea, fall in blood pressure and sometimes shock.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Während der Therapie mit EMEND wird CYP3A4 gehemmt.", "en": "During treatment with EMEND, CYP3A4 is inhibited."}, "mt_gen": "During treatment with EMEND, CYP3A4 is inhibited.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Zweifelsfall fragen Sie bitte Ihren Arzt.", "en": "If in doubt please consult your doctor."}, "mt_gen": "If in doubt please consult your doctor.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wirkt Irbesartan Hydrochlorothiazide Winthrop?", "en": "How does Irbesartan Hydrochlorothiazide Winthrop work?"}, "mt_gen": "How does Irbesartan Hydrochlorothiazide Winthrop work?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur Induzierung einer serologischen Reaktion auf die Neuraminidase N3, die als Marker für die Differenzierung von infizierten zu geimpften Tieren dienen kann.", "en": "For a serological response to neuramindase N3, which can be a marker for the differentiation of infected and vaccinated animals."}, "mt_gen": "For a serological response to differentiate the step of applying the product for the infected vaccinated animals.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gegebenenfalls muss die Nifedipin-Dosis verringert werden (siehe auch Unterabschnitt \"Auswirkungen von Nifedipine Pharmamatch retard auf andere Wirkstoffe\").", "en": "If necessary, the nifedipine dosage should be reduced (see also subsection \"Effects of Nifedipine Pharmamatch retard on other drugs\")."}, "mt_gen": "If necessary, the nifedipine dosage should be reduced (see also subsection \"Effects of Nifedipine Pharmamatch retard on other drugs\").", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Vergiftungsanzeichen schließen Durchfall, Blut in den Fäzes, Rückgang der Futteraufnahme, Dehydratation, Apathie und Entkräftung ein.", "en": "Symptoms of intoxication include diarrhoea, blood in faeces, reduction in appetite, dehydration, apathy and prostration."}, "mt_gen": "Symptoms of diarrhoea, blood in faeces, reduction in appetite, dehydration, apathy and prostration.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieses Arzneimittel darf außer mit den oben genannten nicht mit anderen Arzneimitteln gemischt werden.", "en": "This medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products except those mentioned above."}, "mt_gen": "This medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products except those mentioned above.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie die Einnahme von CellCept abbrechen:", "en": "If you stop taking CellCept:"}, "mt_gen": "If you stop taking CellCept:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei einem kleinen Prozentsatz Lamivudin-refraktärer Patienten waren ETVr-Substitutionen der Aminosäuresequenzen rtT184, rtS202 oder rtM250 bei Studienbeginn vorhanden.", "en": "In a small percentage of patients Lamivudin refractory patients were ETVr substitutions of the amino acid sequences at rtT184, rtS202, or rtM250 at baseline."}, "mt_gen": "In a small percentage of Lamivudin-refraktärer patients were ETVr substitutions at rtT184, rtS202, or rtM250 at baseline.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei mit Calcitonin behandelten, laktierenden Tieren wurde eine Unterdrückung der Milchbildung beobachtet.", "en": "In lactating cows treated with calcitonin, suppression of lactation were observed."}, "mt_gen": "In patients treated with calcitonin, lactating animals was suppression of enzymes were observed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "rz Welches Risiko ist mit Advasure verbunden?", "en": "er What is the risk associated with Advasure?"}, "mt_gen": "er What is the risk associated with Advasure?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "TachoSil ist ein gelblich-weißer Schwamm. Die aktive Seite des Schwammes, die mit Fibrinogen und Thrombin beschichtet ist, ist mit gelber Farbe gekennzeichnet.", "en": "TachoSil is a yellow-white sponge. The active side of the sponge, which is coated with fibrinogen and thrombin, is marked by a yellow colour."}, "mt_gen": "TachoSil is a gelblich-weißer the sponge. The active side of the sponge, which is coated with fibrinogen and thrombin, is marked by a yellow colour.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Test darf nicht durchgeführt werden, • wenn Sie in den letzten 28 Tagen Antibiotika oder Medikamente zur Behandlung der Infektion mit H. pylori angewendet haben.", "en": "The test must not be used, • if you have taken them antibiotics, or medicines for the treatment of infection with H. pylori within the last 28 days."}, "mt_gen": "The test must not be used, • if you have taken them within the last 28 days, antibiotics, or medicines for the treatment of infection with H. pylori.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Indikator für die Wirksamkeit war die Bildung schützender Antikörpermengen gegen Tetanustoxoid nach der Impfung.", "en": "The measure of effectiveness was the production of protective antibodies against tetanus toxoid after vaccination."}, "mt_gen": "The measure of effectiveness was the production of protective antibodies against tetanus toxoid Antikörpermengen after vaccination.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gelegentlich: Angstgefühl, Depressionen, Konzentrationsstörungen.", "en": "Uncommon: Uncommon: anxiety, depression, impaired concentration."}, "mt_gen": "Uncommon: Uncommon: anxiety, depression, impaired concentration.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "4) Sollten Sie die Nadel dennoch nicht entfernen können, bitten Sie jemand anderen um Hilfe.", "en": "4) If you cannot remove, ask someone for assistance."}, "mt_gen": "4) If the needle do not remove, ask someone other assistance.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten, die mit der Kombination von Herceptin plus Paclitaxel behandelt worden waren, trat eine Progression in der Leber signifikant seltener auf.", "en": "For patients who were treated with the combination of Herceptin and paclitaxel there was a significantly lower incidence of progression in the liver."}, "mt_gen": "For patients who were treated with the combination of Herceptin and paclitaxel were experienced a significantly lower incidence of progression in the liver.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "CIALIS ist nicht angezeigt zur Anwendung bei Frauen.", "en": "CIALIS is not intended for use by women."}, "mt_gen": "CIALIS is not indicated for use by women.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach intravenöser Anwendung liegt die Plasma-Clearance von Daptomycin bei ungefähr 7 bis 9 ml / h / kg, die renale Clearance bei 4 bis 7 ml / h / kg.", "en": "After intravenous administration, the apparent plasma clearance of daptomycin is approximately 7 to 9 ml / h / kg and its renal clearance is 4 to 7 ml / h / kg."}, "mt_gen": "After intravenous administration, the apparent plasma clearance of daptomycin is approximately 7 to 9 ml / h / kg and its renal clearance is 4 to 7 ml / h / kg.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Twinrix Erwachsene hat keine oder nur eine unwesentliche Auswirkung auf die Fahrtüchtigkeit und die Fähigkeit zur Bedienung von Maschinen.", "en": "Twinrix Adult has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines."}, "mt_gen": "Twinrix Adult has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Olanzapin-Behandlung wurde mit 2,5 mg / Tag begonnen und entsprechend der Beurteilung des Prüfarztes auf höchstens 15 mg / Tag titriert.", "en": "Olanzapine was started at 2.5 mg / day and titrated according to the investigator a maximum of 15 mg / day."}, "mt_gen": "Olanzapine was started at 2.5 mg / day and titrated according to the investigator a maximum of 15 mg / day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "EU / 1 / 02 / 212 / 020 100 Filmtabletten:", "en": "EU / 1 / 02 / 212 / 020 100 film-coated tablets:"}, "mt_gen": "EU / 1 / 02 / 212 / 020 100 tabs:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jedoch sollten wie bei allen ZNS-aktiven Substanzen die Patienten darauf hingewiesen werden, den Alkoholkonsum zu vermeiden.", "en": "However, as with all CNS-active substances, the patients should be advised to avoid alcohol consumption."}, "mt_gen": "However, as with all CNS-active substances, the patients should be advised to avoid alcohol consumption.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Chemisch gesehen handelt es sich bei Imidacloprid um ein Chloronicotylnitroguanidin.", "en": "Chemically speaking it is a chloronicotinyl nitroguanidine.."}, "mt_gen": "The metabolites was seen in imidacloprid is a Chloronicotylnitroguanidin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Während der Behandlung mit Leflunomid wurde in seltenen Fällen über schwere Leberschäden berichtet, darunter auch Fälle mit tödlichem Ausgang.", "en": "During treatment with leflunomide severe liver damage have been reported in rare cases, including cases of fatal outcomes."}, "mt_gen": "During treatment with leflunomide have been reported in rare cases severe liver damage, including cases of fatal outcomes.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach dem Auflösen und Verdünnen ist die Infusionslösung im Kühlschrank 24 Stunden lang haltbar, ist aber aus bakteriologischen Gründen sofort zu verwenden.", "en": "After reconstitution and dilution, the solution for infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours, but due to bacteriological reasons should be used immediately."}, "mt_gen": "After reconstitution and dilution, the solution for infusion in the refrigerator for 24 hours, but the shelf-life of bacteriological reasons should be used immediately.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Schmerzlinderung war bereits vier Stunden nach Therapiebeginn zu beobachten.", "en": "One improvement in pain reduction was observed in four hours following initiation of therapy."}, "mt_gen": "One improvement in pain reduction was observed in four hours following initiation of therapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ariclaim kann unabhängig von der Nahrungsaufnahme eingenommen werden.", "en": "Ariclaim can be taken with or without food."}, "mt_gen": "Ariclaim can be taken with or without food.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lassen Sie die Verschlusskappe aufgesetzt, um den Inhalt vor Licht zu schützen, wenn NovoMix 50 FlexPen nicht in Gebrauch ist.", "en": "Always keep the pen cap on when you're not using the NovoMix 50 FlexPen in order to protect it from light."}, "mt_gen": "Always keep the pen cap on when you're not using it in order to protect it from light when NovoMix 50 FlexPen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "DepoCyte darf nicht verdünnt oder mit anderen Arzneimitteln gemischt werden, da jede Änderung der Konzentration oder des pH-Werts die Stabilität der Mikropartikel beeinflussen kann.", "en": "DepoCyte must not be diluted or mixed with other medicinal products, as any changes in the concentration or ph-value can affect the stability of the product."}, "mt_gen": "DepoCyte must not be diluted or mixed with other medicinal products, as any changes in the subsequently affect the stability of the product.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Falls die Lösung nach Rekonstitution trüb ist oder Partikel enthält, muss das Arzneimittel verworfen werden.", "en": "If the reconstituted solution is cloudy or contains particles, it should be discarded."}, "mt_gen": "If the reconstituted solution is cloudy or contains particles, it should be discarded.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "VIRACEPT ist oral einzunehmen und sollte immer mit Nahrung eingenommen werden (siehe Abschnitt 5.2).", "en": "VIRACEPT to be taken orally and should always be ingested with food (see section 5.2)."}, "mt_gen": "VIRACEPT to take orally and should always be ingested with food (see section 5.2).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "17 sehr gering (< 20%).", "en": "17 very low (20%)."}, "mt_gen": "17 shown to be very low (20%).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In Bezug auf das Nutzen-Risiko-Verhältnis des Arzneimittels wurden erhebliche Unterschiede festgestellt.", "en": "With regards to the benefit / risk ratio of the product, significant differences had been identified."}, "mt_gen": "With regards to the benefit / risk balance of the product had been identified.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie die Einnahme von Thelin abbrechen Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, bevor Sie die Behandlung abbrechen.", "en": "If you stop taking Thelin, talk to your doctor before you stop treatment."}, "mt_gen": "If you stop taking Thelin, talk to your doctor before you stop treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine weitere Verdünnung mit 5% iger Glucose-Infusionslösung ist erforderlich, um eine Endkonzentration von 6 mg / ml zu erhalten.", "en": "Further dilution with a 5% glucose solution for infusion, is required to obtain a final concentration of 6 mg / ml."}, "mt_gen": "Further dilution with a 5% glucose solution for infusion, is required to a final concentration of 6 mg / ml.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Reduziertes fetales Gewicht wurde bei Ratten bei solchen Dosen gesehen, bei denen die Muttertiere eine schwere Hypokalzämie aufwiesen.", "en": "Reduziertes fetal weight was seen in certain doses in rats where the mother had severe hypocalcaemia."}, "mt_gen": "Reduziertes fetales weight was seen in rats in doses in whom the use of fondaparinux in pregnant women, severe hypocalcaemia in animal studies.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "• Wenn Sie mit der Einnahme von STOCRIN begonnen haben, achten Sie auf:", "en": "• Once you start taking STOCRIN, look out for:"}, "mt_gen": "• Once you start taking STOCRIN, look out for:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Arzneimittel für Kinder unzugänglich aufbewahren.", "en": "Keep out of reach and sight of children."}, "mt_gen": "Keep out of reach and sight of children.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es liegen keine Berichte von klinischen Fällen einer Kreuzreaktivität vor.", "en": "There are no reports of clinical case of cross-reactivity."}, "mt_gen": "There are no reports of clinical case of cross-reactivity.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welches Risiko ist mit ProMeris verbunden?", "en": "What is the risk associated with ProMeris?"}, "mt_gen": "What is the risk associated with ProMeris?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Da normales Immunglobulin vom Menschen bereits seit einiger Zeit zur Behandlung dieser Krankheiten angewendet wird, waren gemäß den derzeit geltenden Richtlinien nur zwei kleine Studien erforderlich, um die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Kiovig bei Patienten festzustellen.", "en": "As human normal immunoglobulin for some time to treat these diseases, were in accordance with current guidelines, only two small studies were needed to establish the effectiveness and safety of Kiovig in patients."}, "mt_gen": "As human normal immunoglobulin for some time to treat these diseases, were in accordance with current guidelines, only two small studies were needed to establish the effectiveness and safety of Kiovig in patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "las Die in Tabelle 2 aufgelisteten Nebenwirkungen, wurden in klinischen Studien mit Kindern berichtet.", "en": "The adverse reactions listed in Table 1 have been reported in clinical trials with children."}, "mt_gen": "ris The adverse reactions listed in Table 1, have been reported in clinical trials with children.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "las Antagonisten, Heparine, Heparinoide oder niedermolekulare Heparine (NMH).", "en": "Antagonists, heparin, heparinoids or low molecular weight heparins (LMWH)."}, "mt_gen": "ris vitamin K antagonist should be administered in accordance with the information of low molecular weight heparins (LMWH).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "* Fieber trat bei 6,3% der mit TachoSil behandelten Patienten, und bei 5,9% der Patienten, die der Vergleichs- behandlung unterzogen wurden, auf.", "en": "* fever occurred in 6.3% of patients treated with TachoSil, and 5.9% of patients who underwent the same treatment."}, "mt_gen": "* fever occurred in 6.3% of patients treated with TachoSil, and 5.9% of patients receiving the neurites, EXTRACTS FOR THE TREATMENT.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weitere Informationen zu Biosimilar-Produkten sind dem Frage-und-Antwortdokument zu entnehmen (hier).", "en": "Other information about biosimilar products is found in the Frequently asked questions document (here)."}, "mt_gen": "2 / 3 Other information about Biosimilar-Produkten are found to Frage-und-Antwortdokument (here).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "12. November 2002 Datum der letzten Verlängerung der Zulassung:", "en": "12 November 2002 Date of last renewal:"}, "mt_gen": "12 November 2002 Date of last renewal:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verkehrstüchtigkeit und das Bedienen von Maschinen Der Einfluss von Pelzont auf die Verkehrstüchtigkeit oder Fähigkeit zum Bedienen von Maschinen wurde nicht untersucht.", "en": "Driving and using machines. The effects of Pelzont on the ability to drive or use machines have not been studied."}, "mt_gen": "Driving and using machines The effects of Pelzont on the ability to drive or use machines have not been studied.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das mediane Überleben betrug 442 Tage (Xeloda + Docetaxel) gegenüber 352 Tagen (Docetaxel allein).", "en": "The median survival was 442 days (Xeloda + docetaxel) vs. 352 days (docetaxel alone)."}, "mt_gen": "The median survival was 442 days (Xeloda + docetaxel) vs. 352 days (docetaxel alone).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Elimination: Efavirenz besitzt eine relativ lange terminale Halbwertszeit von mindestens 52 Stunden nach Einzeldosen und 40 - 55 Stunden nach Mehrfachdosen.", "en": "Elimination: efavirenz has a relatively long terminal half-life of at least 52 hours after single doses and 40 - 55 hours after multiple doses."}, "mt_gen": "Elimination: efavirenz has a relatively long terminal half-life of at least 52 hours after single doses and 40 - 55 hours after multiple doses.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen wie gastrointestinale (0,8%) und intrakranielle Blutungen (0,5%) wurden berichtet.", "en": "Serious side effects such as gastrointestinal (0.8%) and intracranial haemorrhage (0.5%) have been reported."}, "mt_gen": "Serious side effects such as gastrointestinal (0.8%) and intracranial haemorrhage (0.5%) have been reported.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anzeichen von Unverträglichkeit bei Hühnern wurden bei bis zu 150 mg Tylvalosin pro kg Körpermasse und Tag über eine Dauer von 5 Tagen nicht festgestellt.", "en": "Signs of intolerance in chickens have not been observed in up to 150 mg tylvalosin per kg bodyweight per day for a period of 5 days."}, "mt_gen": "Signs of intolerance in chickens have not been observed in up to 150 mg tylvalosin per kg bodyweight per day for a period of 5 days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese EC50-Werte liegen weit unter dem Konzentrationsbereich von 87 µM bis > 100 µM für eine 50-prozentige Zelltoxizität.", "en": "This EC50 values are well below the range of 87 µM to > 100 µM for 50 percent cell toxicity."}, "mt_gen": "This EC50 values are well below the range of 87 µM to 100 µM for 50-prozentige.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sildenafil zur Behandlung von Erektionsstörungen (erektile Dysfunktion), wenn Sie gleichzeitig an einer Lungenerkrankung, genannt pulmonal-arterielle Hypertonie leiden, die Ihnen Schwierigkeiten beim Atmen bereitet.", "en": "Sildenafil to treat erectile dysfunction, if you currently suffer from pulmonary disease, called pulmonal-arterielle hypertension, that causes difficulty in breathing."}, "mt_gen": "sildenafil to treat erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction), if you are currently suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, called pulmonal-arterielle suffer from hypertension, difficulty in breathing, rosacea.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In kontrollierten Studien, in denen der prozentuale Anteil der Schlafzeit pro Schlafphase gemessen wurde, zeigte sich, daß Zerene die Schlaf-Phasen nicht beeinflußt.", "en": "In controlled trials in which the percentage of sleep time was measured for each sleep stage, it has been shown that Zerene did not influence sleep stages."}, "mt_gen": "In controlled trials in which the percentage of spent was measured, it has been shown that the Zerene 18 preserve sleep stages.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "1) wird nicht erwartet, dass es an Proteine bindet, 2) wird erwartet, dass der Stoffwechselabbau dem Verlauf anderer Proteine folgen wird, z.B. Peptid- Hydrolyse, 3) ist es ein unwahrscheinlicher Kandidat für Interaktionen zwischen Arzneimitteln.", "en": "1) it is not expected to bind to proteins, 2) expected that waste products follow the course of other proteins, i. e. peptide hydrolysis, 3), it is not expected to bind for drug-drug interactions."}, "mt_gen": "1), it is not expected to bind to proteins, 2) expected to follow 80-100% course of other proteins, i. e. peptide hydrolysis, 3), it is not expected to bind for drug-drug interactions.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "LeukoScan darf während der Schwangerschaft nicht angewendet werden.", "en": "LeukoScan should not be used during pregnancy."}, "mt_gen": "LeukoScan should not be used during pregnancy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Auftreten unerwünschter Reaktionen ist hauptsächlich auf die pharmakologischen Eigenschaften des Arzneimittels zurückzuführen. Die meisten unerwünschten Reaktionen sind vorübergehender Natur.", "en": "The occurrence of adverse reactions are mainly due to the pharmacological properties of the medicinal product. The majority of the adverse reactions were transient."}, "mt_gen": "4.8 Undesirable effects The occurrence of adverse reactions are mainly due to the pharmacological properties of the medicinal product. The majority of the adverse reactions were transient.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anschließend erhielten die Patienten jeder Behandlungsgruppe über 6 Monate diese Erhaltungstherapie.", "en": "Then, the patients in each treatment group received 6 months of maintenance therapy."}, "mt_gen": "Then, the patients in each treatment group who received 6 months of maintenance therapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie einmal an einem Tag Ihre Tablette nicht eingenommen haben, nehmen Sie Ihre normale Dosis (1 Tablette) am nächsten Tag.", "en": "If you not taken your tablet on one day, take your normal dose (1 tablet) the next day."}, "mt_gen": "If you are given once a day on your tablet, take your normal dose (1 tablet) the next day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist leichter, NovoMix 30 zu resuspendieren, wenn es Raumtemperatur erreicht hat.", "en": "It is easy to resuspend NovoMix 30 when it has reached room temperature."}, "mt_gen": "It is mild, NovoMix 30 is to be stressed when it has reached room temperature.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lösen Sie das Cetrotide 0,25 mg-Pulver nur mit dem in der Fertigspritze enthaltenen Wasser auf.", "en": "Reconstitute the Cetrotide 0.25 mg powder only with the water contained in the pre-filled syringe."}, "mt_gen": "Reconstitute the Cetrotide 0.25 mg powder only with the water contained in the pre-filled syringe.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei überschießender Reaktion ist die Behandlung zu beenden und kein hCG zu verabreichen.", "en": "If an excessive response is obtained, treatment should be stopped and hCG withheld."}, "mt_gen": "If an excessive response response is obtained, treatment should be stopped and hCG withheld.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Interferon alfa-2b-Behandlung ist dann wieder mit der Hälfte der ursprünglichen Dosierung zu beginnen.", "en": "Interferon alfa -2b treatment is to be restarted at 50% of the previous dose."}, "mt_gen": "Interferon alfa -2b treatment is to be restarted at 50% of the previous dose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "75 Es werden möglicherweise nicht alle Packungsgrößen in den Verkehr gebracht.", "en": "75 Not all pack sizes may be marketed."}, "mt_gen": "75 Not all pack sizes may be marketed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Durchstechflasche mit 500 µg Romiplostim.", "en": "Vial containing 500 µg of romiplostim."}, "mt_gen": "vial containing 500 µg of romiplostim.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vivanza ist ein Arzneimittel, das den Wirkstoff Vardenafil enthält.", "en": "Vivanza is a medicine that contains the active substance vardenafil."}, "mt_gen": "Vivanza is a medicine that contains the active substance vardenafil.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Erwachsene Folgende Dosierungen werden für spezifische Infektionstypen empfohlen:", "en": "Adults: the following dosages are recommended for specific types of infections:"}, "mt_gen": "Adults: the following dosages are recommended for specific types of infections:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Außerdem müssen Sie im Fall von Nebenwirkungen möglicherweise sorgfältig beobachtet werden.", "en": "In addition, you may need to be carefully in the case of side effects may be observed."}, "mt_gen": "In addition, you may need to be carefully in the case of side effects may be observed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Therapie sollte mit einer täglichen Dosis von 200 mg eingeleitet werden.", "en": "Treatment should be initiated at a daily dose of 200 mg."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment should be initiated at a daily dose of 200 mg.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das akute Koronarsyndrom bezeichnet eine Gruppe von Erkrankungen, zu der instabile Angina (starke Brustschmerzen) und Herzinfarkt zählen.", "en": "The acute coronary syndrome indicates a group of conditions of unstable angina (a severe chest pain) and myocardial infarction."}, "mt_gen": "The acute coronary syndrome as a group of conditions of unstable angina (a severe chest pain) and myocardial infarction.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach Herstellung der Infusionslösung hat ECALTA einen Alkoholgehalt, der dem eines kleinen Glases Wein oder Bier entspricht.", "en": "After production of the infusion solution, ECALTA has an alcoholic content, equivalent to a glass of wine or beer."}, "mt_gen": "After infusion solution has a group consisting of ECALTA, algxnic acid, is a wine or beer.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Tablette CoAprovel 150 mg / 12,5 mg enthält 150 mg Irbesartan und 12,5 mg Hydrochlorothiazid.", "en": "Each tablet of CoAprovel 150 mg / 12.5 mg contains 150 mg irbesartan and 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide."}, "mt_gen": "Each tablet of CoAprovel 150 mg / 12.5 mg contains 150 mg irbesartan and 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die erhaltene Lösung muss weiter verdünnt werden (siehe Abschnitt 6.6).", "en": "The reconstituted solution must be further diluted (see section 6.6)."}, "mt_gen": "The reconstituted solution must be further diluted (see section 6.6).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Resistenzentwicklung gegen 24 Caspofungin in vitro wurde für Aspergillus spp. nicht entdeckt.", "en": "The emergence of resistance to 24 caspofungin in vitro was not discovered for Aspergillus."}, "mt_gen": "The emergence of resistance to 24 caspofungin in vitro susceptibility to lopinavir has not been identified.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nur bei nüchternen Tieren anwenden.", "en": "Use only under fasting conditions."}, "mt_gen": "Use only under fasting conditions.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenden Sie OPATANOL nur dann an beiden Augen an, wenn Ihr Arzt dies angewiesen hat.", "en": "Only use OPATANOL in both eyes if your doctor tells you so."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use OPATANOL only in both eyes if your doctor tells.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker, bevor Ihnen der Impfstoff verabreicht wird.", "en": "Ask your doctor or pharmacist before you start receiving this vaccine."}, "mt_gen": "Ask your doctor or pharmacist before you start receiving this vaccine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aclasta-behandelte Patientinnen von 75 Jahren und älter hatten ein um 60% verringertes Risiko für Wirbelkörperfrakturen verglichen mit Placebo-Patienten (p < 0,0001).", "en": "Aclasta treated patients 75 years of age and older, had a 60% reduced risk for vertebral compared with placebo patients (p 0.0001)."}, "mt_gen": "Aclasta-behandelte patients 75 years of age and older, had a 60% reduced risk for vertebral compared with placebo patients (p 0.0001).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Man erwartet, dass das Sicherheitsprofil von Luveris dem von aus Urin gewonnenem hLH sehr ähnlich ist, mit Ausnahme von Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen und Beeinträchtigungen an der Injektionsstelle.", "en": "It is expected that the safety profile of Luveris is very similar to that of hLH, derived from urine, with the exception of hypersensitivity reactions and impairment at the site of the injection."}, "mt_gen": "It is expected that the safety profile of Luveris with urine derived is very similar to that of the sensor, with the exception of hypersensitivity reactions and impairment at the site of the injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Während der klinischen Entwicklung wurde nur eine begrenzte Anzahl von Kindern (12) mit essentieller Thrombozytämie (im Alter von 5 * - 17 Jahren) mit Anagrelid behandelt.", "en": "During the clinical development, only a limited number of children (12) with essential thrombocythaemia (age 5 * -17 years of age) were treated with anagrelide."}, "mt_gen": "During the clinical development, only a limited number of children (12) with essential thrombocythaemia (age 5 * - 17 years of age) treated with anagrelide.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "FABLYN wirkt sich nicht auf das Risiko eines ER-negativen oder eines ER-negativen, invasiven Mammakarzinoms aus.", "en": "FABLYN does not affect the risk of ER-negative or ER-negative, invasive breast cancer."}, "mt_gen": "FABLYN does not work on the risk of ER-negativen or ER-negativen, invasive breast cancer by rest.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Lösung darf nicht angewendet werden, wenn Sie Schwebstoffe enthält oder nicht klar ist.", "en": "The solution should not be given if it contains particles or is not clear."}, "mt_gen": "The solution should not be given if it contains particles or is not clear.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "innerhalb dieses 4-Wochen-Zeitraumes nicht angewendet, sollte es verworfen werden.", "en": "is not used within this 4 week period, it should be discarded."}, "mt_gen": "is not used within this 4-Wochen-Zeitraumes, it should be discarded.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Innerhalb jeder Systemorganklasse gemäß MedDRA und Häufigkeitsgruppe werden die Nebenwirkungen nach abnehmender Inzidenz angegeben.", "en": "Within each system organ class according to MedDRA and each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are listed in descending order of incidence."}, "mt_gen": "Within each system organ class, and each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are listed in descending order of incidence.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Impfstoff enthält kein lebendes PCV2.", "en": "The vaccine contains carboxymethylated PCV2."}, "mt_gen": "The vaccine contains carboxymethylated PCV2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach Gabe hoher subkutaner Dosen von Tacrolimus kam es bei männlichen Tieren zu einer verminderten Spermafunktion.", "en": "In male animals at high subcutaneous doses of tacrolimus, reduced sperm function was noted."}, "mt_gen": "rats at high subcutaneous doses of tacrolimus in male Reduced sperm function was noted.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn zu viel Lösung in der Spritze ist, halten Sie sie mit der Kanüle in Augenhöhe nach oben und drücken den Kolben behutsam, bis die Spritze die ordnungsgemäße Flüssigkeitsmenge enthält.", "en": "If too much solution is left in the syringe, hold the syringe with the needle at eye height and press the plunger with caution until the syringe contains the correct amount of fluid."}, "mt_gen": "If too much solution is left in the syringe, hold the syringe with the needle Hold the plunger upwards until the syringe and the syringe gently draw the proper functioning of lowering.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gemäß Artikel 33 Absatz 4 der Richtlinie 2001 / 82 / EG des Rates in der geänderten Fassung wurde der CVMP mit der Angelegenheit befasst.", "en": "According to Article 33 (4) of Directive 2001 / 82 / EC, as amended, the matter was referred to the CVMP matter."}, "mt_gen": "According to Article 33 (4) of Directive 2001 / 82 / EC, as amended, the matter was referred to the CVMP matter.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei bestehender Einschränkung der Nierenperfusion kann daher die Anwendung von Etoricoxib zu einer Reduktion der Prostaglandinsynthese und nachfolgend der Nierendurchblutung führen und dadurch die Nierenfunktion beeinträchtigen.", "en": "With pre-existing compromised renal perfusion the use of etoricoxib may cause a reduction of the prostate gland synthesis and subsequently lead to renal blood flow and, in doing so, impair renal function."}, "mt_gen": "Patients at pre-existing significantly impaired use of etoricoxib, as a reduction of prostaglandin synthesis are and impair renal function.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zum Auflösen nur die in der Faltschachtel enthaltene vorgefüllte Spritze verwenden.", "en": "For reconstitution, only use the pre-filled syringe contained in the carton."}, "mt_gen": "For reconstitution of only the contained in the carton pre-filled syringe.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "37 6 Wochen nach Anbruch oder als Ersatz mitgeführt (unter 30 ° C).", "en": "37 6 weeks after beginning or carried as a spare (below 30 ° C)."}, "mt_gen": "37 6 weeks when used or carried as a spare (below 30 ° C).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die gleichzeitige Gabe von CELSENTRI mit Rifampicin und Efavirenz wird nicht empfohlen.", "en": "The concomitant use of CELSENTRI with rifampicin and efavirenz is not recommended."}, "mt_gen": "The concomitant use of CELSENTRI with rifampicin and efavirenz is not recommended.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Trotz dieser Maßnahmen kann die Möglichkeit der Übertragung infektiöser Erreger bei Verabreichung von Arzneimitteln, die aus menschlichem Blut oder Plasma hergestellt sind, nicht gänzlich ausgeschlossen werden.", "en": "Despite these measures, the possibility of transmitting infectious pathogens when administering medicinal products prepared from human blood or plasma include selection of donors, cannot be totally excluded."}, "mt_gen": "Despite these measures, the possibility of transmitting, when medicinal products prepared from human blood or plasma include selection of donors, screening agents cannot be totally excluded.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Linderung von Entzündung und Schmerzen bei akuten und chronischen Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates.", "en": "Alleviation of inflammation and pain in both acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders."}, "mt_gen": "Alleviation of inflammation and pain in both acute and chronic musculo- skeletal disorders.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "28 Alle Ergebnisse der präklinischen Sicherheitsuntersuchungen sind auf die pharmakologischen Effekte von NovoSeven zurückzuführen.", "en": "28 All results of the preclinical safety investigations are considered to be caused by the pharmacological effect of NovoSeven."}, "mt_gen": "28 All results, Sicherheitsuntersuchungen considered to be caused by the pharmacological effect of NovoSeven.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Andere Dopamin-Antagonisten wirkten sich negativ auf das Lernvermögen und die motorische Entwicklung der Nachkommen aus, wenn sie bei trächtigen Tieren angewendet wurden.", "en": "Other dopamine antagonists, caused negative effects on learning and motor development in the offspring, when administered to pregnant animals."}, "mt_gen": "Other dopamine antagonists, caused negative effects on learning and motor development in the offspring, when administered to pregnant animals.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Störungen des Stoffwechsels und Ernährungsstörungen:", "en": "Metabolic disorders and dietary disorders:"}, "mt_gen": "metabolic disorders Psychiatric disorders:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "97 Interferone können oxidative Stoffwechselprozesse beeinträchtigen.", "en": "97 Interferons can impair oxiditave metabolic processes."}, "mt_gen": "97 Interferons.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Selten: symptomatische Hypocalcämie, meist bei Patienten mit entsprechenden prädisponierenden Faktoren (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "Rare: symptomatic hypocalcaemia, mostly in patients with predisposing conditions (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "Rare: symptomatic hypocalcaemia, mostly in patients with predisposing conditions (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die chemische und physikalische Anbruchstabilität wurde über 48 Stunden bei 2 ° C bis 30 ° C in 0,9% iger (9 mg / ml) Kochsalzlösung zur Injektion nachgewiesen.", "en": "Chemical and physical in-use tability has been demonstrated for 48 hours at 2 ° C to 30 ° C; in 0.9% sodium chloride 9 mg / ml sodium chloride solution for injection."}, "mt_gen": "Chemical and physical in-use Anbruchstabilität has been demonstrated for 48 hours at 2 ° C to 30 ° C; in 0.9% sodium chloride 9 mg / ml sodium chloride solution for injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "8 Lenalidomid keinen hemmenden Effekt auf CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1 oder CYP3A besitzt.", "en": "8 studies indicate that lenalidomide has no inhibitory effect on CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1 or CYP3A."}, "mt_gen": "8 studies indicate that lenalidomide has no inhibitory effect on CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1 or CYP3A.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Daten zur Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit mit Degarelix beschränken sich auf eine einjährige Behandlungsdauer.", "en": "The data on the efficacy and safety of degarelix (MSs) are limited to 1 year of treatment."}, "mt_gen": "The data on the efficacy and safety of degarelix (MSs) to 1 year of treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Etwa 10% der verabreichten Dosis wird als Metabolit über den Urin ausgeschieden.", "en": "Approximately 10% of the administered dose is excreted as metabolite in the urine."}, "mt_gen": "Approximately 10% of the administered dose is excreted as metabolite excreted in the urine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Während der Behandlung mit Somatropin kann sich eine Hypothyreose entwickeln. Eine unbehandelte Hypothyreose kann die optimale Wirkung von NutropinAq verhindern.", "en": "During treatment with somatropin may develop. Hypothyroidism may prevent the optimal effect of NutropinAq."}, "mt_gen": "During treatment with somatropin may develop. Hypothyroidism may prevent the optimal effect of NutropinAq.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Peak / Trough-Verhältnis von Doxazosin-Retardtabletten beläuft sich auf weniger als die Hälfte des Peak / Trough-Verhältnisses von Doxazosin-Tabletten mit sofortiger Freisetzung.", "en": "The peak / trough ratio of doxazosin prolonged release tablets was less than half of the peak / trough ratio of doxazosin immediate release tablets."}, "mt_gen": "The peak / Trough-Verhältnis the use of doxazosin prolonged release tablets and hence to less than half that of peak bone mass / Trough-Verhältnisses treatment with doxazosin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Vildagliptin-vermittelte Hemmung von DPP-4 ist geschlechtsunabhängig.", "en": "The Vildagliptin-mediated inhibition of the DPP-4 enzyme is not related to gender."}, "mt_gen": "The Vildagliptin-vermittelte inhibition of the DPP-4 enzyme is geschlechtsunabhängig.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Basierend auf vorhandene Thrombozytenbestimmungen begann die Verringerung der Thrombozytenzahl bei 5 Patienten 8 bis 12 Wochen nach der ersten Gabe von Raptiva. Bei den anderen Patienten trat das Absinken der Thrombozytenzahl später ein.", "en": "Based on the existing platelet determinations the reduction of the platelet count started in 5 patients for 6 to 12 weeks after the first administration of Raptiva. The other patients experienced a decrease later."}, "mt_gen": "Based on the faceplate Thrombozytenbestimmungen started the reduction in the platelet count in 5 patients for 6 to 12 weeks after the first administration of Raptiva. The other patients experienced a decrease of the number of later.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "1 ml Suspension in einer Fertigspritze (Glasart I) ohne Kanüle und mit einem Stopfen (Chlorobutyl). Packungsgrößen:", "en": "1 ml of suspension for injection in a pre-filled syringe (Type I glass) without needle with a plunger stopper (chlorobutyl). Pack sizes:"}, "mt_gen": "1 ml of suspension for injection in a pre-filled syringe (Type I glass) without needle with a plunger stopper (chlorobutyl).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie dürfen das Arzneimittel nach dem auf Faltschachtel und Behältnis angegebenen Verfalldatum (EXP) nicht mehr anwenden.", "en": "Do not use this medicine after the expiry date (EXP)."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use this medicine after carton and after the expiry date (EXP).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der primäre Endpunkt dieser prospektiven Studie war die Gesamtmortalität.", "en": "The primary endpoint of this prospective study was to determine the total mortality."}, "mt_gen": "The primary endpoint of this prospective study was to determine the all-cause mortality.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "32 Halluzinationen oder Müdigkeit können auftreten.", "en": "32 Hallucinations or somnolence can occur."}, "mt_gen": "32 Hallucinations or somnolence can occur.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Warum wurde CYSTAGON zugelassen?", "en": "Why has CYSTAGON been approved?"}, "mt_gen": "Why has CYSTAGON been approved?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein Kunststoffadapter und eine Dosierspritze zur Verabreichung der Lösung in den Mund werden zur exakten Dosierung mitgeliefert.", "en": "The adapter and oral dosing syringe to administer the solution into the mouth is supplied by an exact dose."}, "mt_gen": "The adapter and oral dosing syringe to administer the solution into the mouth and be supplied.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "rz Gleiche wie für r-HuEPO, aber Ihr Arzt wird Ih nen sagen, wie viel und wann Sie Nespo anwenden sollen.", "en": "The same as with r-HuEPO but your doctor will will tell you how much and when you should take Nespo."}, "mt_gen": "er the same as with r-HuEPO but your doctor will divinylbenzeac should tell you how much and when you should take Nespo.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vorsicht ist auch geboten, wenn Kaletra gleichzeitig mit anderen Arzneimitteln eingenommen wird.", "en": "Caution is also needed by patients taking Kaletra at the same time as other medicines."}, "mt_gen": "Caution is also needed by patients taking Kaletra at the same time as other medicines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "XERISTAR darf bei Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren nicht angewendet werden.", "en": "XERISTAR should not be used in children and adolescents under the age of 18 years of age."}, "mt_gen": "XERISTAR should not be used in children and adolescents under the age of 18 years of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Patienten betrug die mittlere terminale Halbwertzeit von Dasatinib zirka 5-6 Stunden.", "en": "In patients, the mean terminal elimination half-life of dasatinib was 5-6 hours."}, "mt_gen": "In patients, the mean terminal elimination half-life of dasatinib spoken 5-6 hours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die häufigsten Nebenwirkungen von Ranexa (beobachtet bei 1 bis 10 von 100 Patienten) sind Schwindel, Kopfschmerzen, Verstopfung, Erbrechen, Nausea (Übelkeit) und Asthenie (Schwächegefühl).", "en": "The most common side effects of Ranexa (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are dizziness, headache, constipation, vomiting, nausea (feeling sick) and asthenia (weakness)."}, "mt_gen": "The most common side effects with Ranexa (seen in between 1 and 10 patients in 100) are dizziness, headache, constipation, vomiting, nausea (feeling sick) and asthenia (weakness).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tasmar ist ein Arzneimittel, das den arzneilich wirksamen Bestandteil Tolcapon enthält.", "en": "Tasmar is a medicine that contains the active substance tolcapone."}, "mt_gen": "Tasmar is a medicine that contains the active substance tolcapone.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mit besonderer Sorgfalt sollte bei der Anwendung von radioaktiven Arzneimitteln bei Kindern und Jugendlichen vorgegangen werden.", "en": "Particular care should be taken when administering radioactive medicinal products to children and adolescents."}, "mt_gen": "Particular care should be taken when administering radioactive medicinal products to children and adolescents.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Patienten sollten daher während dieser Zeit engmaschig überwacht werden.", "en": "Patients should be closely monitored during this time."}, "mt_gen": "Patients should be closely monitored during this time.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Wirkungen von Invega wurden zunächst in Versuchsmodellen getestet, bevor sie an Menschen untersucht wurden.", "en": "The effects of Invega were first tested in experimental models before being studied in three main studies involving humans"}, "mt_gen": "The effects of Invega were first tested in experimental models before being studied in three main studies involving.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Auftragen des Tierarzneimittels kann örtlich ein vorübergehend öliges Aussehen, Verkleben oder Verkrusten des Fells an der Auftragungsstelle verursachen.", "en": "The application of the veterinary medicinal product may produce a transient, oily appearance and clumping or spiking of the fur at the application site."}, "mt_gen": "The application of the veterinary medicinal product may produce a transient appearance, oily appearance and clumping or spiking of the fur at the application site.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei der Mehrzahl der Patientinnen waren diese Reaktionen reversibel.", "en": "In the majority of patients, these reactions were reversible."}, "mt_gen": "In the majority of patients, these reactions were reversible.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ältere Patienten: Bei Patienten über 65 Jahre liegen nur eingeschränkte Erfahrungen vor (siehe Abschnitt 5.2). Daher sollte CELSENTRI bei dieser Patientenpopulation mit Vorsicht eingesetzt werden.", "en": "Elderly: Experience is limited in patients over the age of 65 years (see section 5.2), therefore CELSENTRI should be used with caution in this patient population."}, "mt_gen": "Elderly: In patients over the age of 65 years is limited (see section 5.2), therefore CELSENTRI should be used with caution in this patient population.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Laropiprant Wirkmechanismus Durch Nicotinsäure ausgelöster Flush wird vorwiegend über die Freisetzung von Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) in der Haut vermittelt.", "en": "Laropiprant Mechanism of action: The nicotinic acid triggered flushing is cleared predominantly by the release of aldosterone from the container of the prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) in the skin."}, "mt_gen": "Laropiprant Mechanism of action The nicotinic acid ausgelöster flushing is cleared predominantly by the release of aldosterone from the container of the prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) in the skin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patientinnen, die planen, schwanger zu werden, ist die Anwendung des Arzneimittels sorgfältig abzuwägen.", "en": "In those patients who are planning to become pregnant, the use of the product should be considered with caution."}, "mt_gen": "In those patients who are planning to become pregnant, the use of the product should be considered with caution.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Aufbewahrung hat gemäß den lokalen Bestimmungen für radioaktives Material zu erfolgen.", "en": "Storage should be prescribed in accordance with local requirements for rotation."}, "mt_gen": "Storage should be prescribed in accordance with local requirements for rotation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Faltschachteln mit einer Flasche mit 60 Filmtabletten.", "en": "19 Cartons containing a bottle containing 60 tablets."}, "mt_gen": "19 Cartons containing one bottle containing 60 tablets.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Behandlung der Osteoporose bei postmenopausalen Frauen und bei Männern mit einem hohen Frakturrisiko (siehe Abschnitt 5.1).", "en": "Treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and in men who are at risk of fracture (see section 5.1)."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and in men who are at risk of fracture (see section 5.1).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Deshalb wurde die Niere als das bestimmende Gewebe für die Wartezeit betrachtet.", "en": "Therefore, the kidney was considered the tissue for the waiting period."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore, the kidney was considered to be effective than said tissues for the waiting period.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verletzung und Vergiftung Gelegentlich: Katheter-bezogene Komplikationen, Schmerzen nach Applikation, Blutung nach Applikation, Brennen.", "en": "Injury and poisoning Uncommon: catheter-related complications, post procedural pain, haemorrhage, burns."}, "mt_gen": "Injury and poisoning Uncommon: Katheter-bezogene complications, post procedural pain, haemorrhage.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ceftriaxon kann nicht durch Dialyse entfernt werden.", "en": "Ceftriaxone may not be removed by haemodialysis."}, "mt_gen": "Ceftriaxone may precipitate are not removed by haemodialysis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "68 • wenn Ihr Kind eine schwere Infektion mit hohem Fieber hat. Es kann notwendig sein, die Impfung bis zur Genesung zu verschieben.", "en": "68 • if your child has a severe infection with a high temperature. It may be necessary to postpone the vaccination until recovery."}, "mt_gen": "68 • if your child has a severe infection with a high temperature. It may be necessary to postpone the vaccination until recovery.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Xolair wird Ihnen von einem Arzt oder medizinischem Personal als Injektion direkt unter die Haut verabreicht.", "en": "Xolair will be given to you by a doctor or nurse as an injection directly under the skin."}, "mt_gen": "Xolair will be given to you by a doctor or nurse as an injection just under the skin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "0,9%] enthält jede Durchstechflasche 62,5, 125, 250 bzw. 500 I.E. Moroctocog alfa je ml der hergestellten Injektionslösung (ausgehend von der Stärke von Moroctocog alfa, das heißt 250, 500, 1.000 oder 2.000 I.E.).", "en": "(0.9%) solution], each vial contains 62.5, 125, 250 or 500 IU moroctocog alfa per 1 ml of the prepared solution for injection (based on the strength of moroctocog alfa, i.e., 250, 500, 1000, or 2000 IU)."}, "mt_gen": "(0.9%) solution], each vial contains 62.5, 125, 250 or 500 IU moroctocog alfa per 1 ml of the prepared solution for injection (based on the strength of moroctocog alfa, i.e., 250, 500, 1000, or 2000 IU).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "27 Wie viel sollen Sie einnehmen? Die einzunehmende Menge Galvus hängt vom jeweiligen Krankheitszustand ab.", "en": "How much to take. The amount of Galvus depends on the individual condition."}, "mt_gen": "How much to take Adults: How much to take The amount of Galvus depends on how the share of sitagliptin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verständigen Sie Ihren Arzt so rasch wie möglich, wenn Sie mehr als die vorgeschriebene Dosis von Pradaxa eingenommen haben.", "en": "Contact your doctor as soon as possible if you take more than the prescribed dose of Pradaxa."}, "mt_gen": "Contact your doctor as soon as possible if you take more than the prescribed dose of Pradaxa taken.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welche Risiken sind mit Wilzin verbunden?", "en": "What is the risk associated with Wilzin?"}, "mt_gen": "What is the risk associated with Wilzin?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das theoretische Risiko für die Übertragung der Creutzfeld-Jacob-Krankheit (CJK) kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden.", "en": "The theoretical risk for the transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJK) cannot be excluded."}, "mt_gen": "The theoretical risk for the transmission of Physiologically (CJK) cannot be excluded.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sprechen Sie unverzüglich mit Ihrem Arzt bzw. suchen Sie die Notfallambulanz des nächstgelegenen Krankenhauses auf:", "en": "Tell your doctor immediately. You should also seek out the Emergency Department of your nearest hospital:"}, "mt_gen": "Tell your doctor immediately. You should also beat Emergency Department of your nearest hospital:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "zu Wenn Sie mehr ACOMPLIA eingenommen haben, als Sie sollten, informieren Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker.", "en": "If you take more ACOMPLIA than you should, tell your doctor or pharmacist."}, "mt_gen": "too If you take more ACOMPLIA than you should, tell your doctor or pharmacist.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In diesen Fällen kann die Reaktionsfähigkeit beeinträchtigt sein.", "en": "In these cases, the ability to react may be decreased."}, "mt_gen": "In these cases, the ability to react may be decreased.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "MRA-Untersuchungen vaskulärer Strukturen sind bis zu einer Stunde nach Verabreichung dieses Arzneimittels in hoher Auflösung möglich.", "en": "MRA examinations of vascular structures are possible for up to one hour after administration of this medicinal product."}, "mt_gen": "MRA-Untersuchungen vascular structures for up to one hour after this medicinal product in possible.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "19 Kinder Die Pharmakokinetik nach Verabreichung von Einzel- und Mehrfachdosen wurde bei pädiatrischen Patienten mit pulmonal arterieller Hypertonie untersucht, die mit Dosen entsprechend dem Körpergewicht therapiert wurden (siehe Abschnitt 4.2 und 5.1).", "en": "19 Children The pharmacokinetics of single and multiple oral doses were studied in paediatric patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension who were treated on the basis of body weight (see section 4.2 and 5.1)."}, "mt_gen": "19 Children The pharmacokinetics of single and multiple oral doses were studied in paediatric patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension who were treated on the basis of body weight (see section 4.2 and 5.1).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Pulver sollte in ein Glas Wasser gegeben und sofort nach der Zubereitung während der Mahlzeit eingenommen werden.", "en": "The powder should be mixed in a glass of water and should be used immediately after reconstitution during a meal."}, "mt_gen": "The powder should be mixed in a glass of water and should be used immediately after reconstitution during a meal.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Dieses Arzneimittel wurde Ihnen persönlich verschrieben und darf nicht an Dritte weiter.", "en": "- This medicine has been prescribed for you personally and you should not pass it on to others."}, "mt_gen": "- This medicine has been prescribed for you personally and you should not pass it on to others.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie müssen regelmäßigen Kontakt zu Ihrem Arzt halten.", "en": "You must remain in regular contact with your doctor."}, "mt_gen": "You must remain in regular contact with your doctor.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "56 x 1 Tabletten:", "en": "56 x 1 tablets:"}, "mt_gen": "56 x 1 tablets:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "19 Es gibt keine klinisch signifikanten Wechselwirkungen bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung von Emtricitabin mit Indinavir, Zidovudin, Stavudin, Famciclovir oder Tenofovirdisoproxilfumarat.", "en": "19 There are no clinically significant interactions following co- administration of emtricitabine with indinavir, zidovudine, stavudine, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate or famciclovir."}, "mt_gen": "19 There are no clinically significant interactions following co- administration of emtricitabine with indinavir, zidovudine, stavudine, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate or famciclovir.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In sehr seltenen Fällen nahmen die Blutungen einen schweren oder sogar tödlichen Verlauf.", "en": "In very rare cases, bleeding was severe or even fatal."}, "mt_gen": "In very rare cases, bleeding had severe or even fatal.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Klinisch relevante Wechselwirkungen: Anagrelid hemmt die zyklische AMP-Phosphodiesterase III (PDE III).", "en": "No clinically relevant interactions: anagrelide inhibits cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase III (PDE III)."}, "mt_gen": "No clinically relevant interactions: anagrelide inhibits cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase III (PDE III).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Einige Todesfälle sind aufgetreten, überwiegend bei Überdosierung in Kombination mit anderen Arzneimitteln, aber auch mit Duloxetin allein bei einer Dosierung von ungefähr 1000 mg.", "en": "Some deaths have occurred primarily through overdose in combination with other medicines, but also with duloxetine alone at a dose of approximately 1000 mg."}, "mt_gen": "Some deaths have occurred primarily in overdose in combination with other medicines, but also with duloxetine alone at a dose of approximately 1000 mg.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Infusionsgeschwindigkeit richtete sich nach der Verträglichkeit, mit einer Dauer von 90 Minuten für die erste Infusion.", "en": "The rate of infusion was determined by the patient's tolerability, with duration of 90 minutes for the first infusion."}, "mt_gen": "The rate of infusion richtete after the patient's tolerability and with duration of 90 minutes for the first infusion.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pergoveris enthält Natrium, aber weniger als 1 mmol (23 mg) Natrium pro Dosis, das heißt, es ist nahezu \"natriumfrei.\"", "en": "Pergoveris contains less than 1 mmol (23 mg) sodium per dose, i. e. it is essentially \"sodium-free.\""}, "mt_gen": "Pergoveris contains less than 1 mmol (23 mg) sodium per dose, i. e. it is essentially \"sodium-free.\"", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten mit mittelschwerer bis schwerer Niereninsuffizienz: Daten, die das Wirksamkeits- / Sicherheits-Verhältnisses belegen, liegen für Patienten mit Niereninsuffizienz nicht vor.", "en": "Patients with moderate to severe renal impairment: there are no data to support the efficacy / safety ratio in patients with renal insufficiency."}, "mt_gen": "Patients with moderate to severe renal impairment: there are no data to support the efficacy / Sicherheits-Verhältnisses efficacy / safety ratio in patients with renal insufficiency.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie bei anderen Antikoagulanzien treten am häufigsten Blutungen auf.", "en": "As with other anticoagulants bleeding bleeding occurs most frequently."}, "mt_gen": "As with other anticoagulants are most common bleeding.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die erste Gruppe erhielt über einen Zeitraum von 52 Wochen wöchentlich eine Placebo-Injektion.", "en": "The first group received placebo injections every week for 52 weeks."}, "mt_gen": "The first received placebo injections every week for 52 weeks. na", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verkehrstüchtigkeit und das Bedienen von Maschinen Es wurden keine Studien durchgeführt zur Wirkung von Efient auf die Verkehrstüchtigkeit und das Bedienen von Maschinen.", "en": "Driving and using machines: No studies have been conducted on the effects of Efient on the ability to drive or to use machines."}, "mt_gen": "Driving and using machines No studies have been conducted on the effects of Efient on the ability to drive or to use machines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "NeoSpect ist nur für diagnostische Zwecke bestimmt.", "en": "NeoSpect is for diagnostic use only."}, "mt_gen": "NeoSpect is for diagnostic use only.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "17 Reaktionen zu einer schweren Anaphylaxie.", "en": "17 reactions of severe anaphylaxis."}, "mt_gen": "17 reactions of severe anaphylaxis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hierzu zählt zumindest je ein Arzneimittel aus jeder der folgenden zur Behandlung einer HIV-Infektion eingesetzten Arzneimittelklassen: Proteasehemmer, nicht nukleosidische Reverse-Transkriptase-Hemmer und nukleosidische Reverse-Transkriptase-Hemmer.", "en": "This will consist of at least a medicine from each of the following types of medicines used for the treatment of HIV infection: protease inhibitors, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors."}, "mt_gen": "This will consist of at least a medicine of each of the following for the treatment of HIV infection at types of medicines used: protease inhibitors, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Xigris sollte deshalb während der Schwangerschaft nur mit eindeutiger Indikationsstellung angewendet werden.", "en": "Therefore, Xigris should not be used during pregnancy unless clearly indicated."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore, Xigris should not be used during pregnancy unless clearly indicated and used.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird empfohlen, die Behandlung bis zur Progression der Grunderkrankung fortzuführen.", "en": "It is recommended that the treatment is continued until the progression of the underlying disease."}, "mt_gen": "It is recommended that the progression of the underlying disease continue.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die endgültige Verkaufspackung besteht aus einer Pappschachtel mit entweder zwei oder fünf einzeln in Folie verpackten, sterilisierten Implantatinjektoren zusammen mit einem nicht sterilen Betätiger.", "en": "The final package for sale consists of a cardboard box with either two or five single, individually packed implant injections together with a non-sterile actuator."}, "mt_gen": "The final as package for sale consists of a Cardboard box with either two or five packed individually in a distal end, which Implantatinjektoren together with a ProCPB.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "34 Verteilung Die Serumproteinbindung beträgt für Ramipril etwa 73% und für Ramiprilat etwa 56%.", "en": "34 Distribution. The serum protein binding for ramipril is about 73% and about 56% for ramprilrat."}, "mt_gen": "34 Distribution The Serumproteinbindung is ramipril is about 73% and that of ramiprilat about 56%, respectively.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schutzkappen von den Durchstechflaschen mit Pulver und Lösungsmittel entfernen.", "en": "Remove the protective caps from the vials of powder and solvent."}, "mt_gen": "Remove the protective caps from the vials of powder and solvent.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hierbei handelt es sich um ein kompliziertes Verfahren, bei dem das Knochenmark des Patienten, einschließlich der Leukämiezellen, zerstört und durch Stammzellen ersetzt wird, die das Knochenmark \"rekolonisieren.\"", "en": "This is a complex procedure, where the bone marrow of the patient, including the leukaemia cells are destroyed and replaced by stem cells, which \"recolonise\" the bone marrow."}, "mt_gen": "This is a complex procedure of a patient, including leukaemia cells, is destroyed and replaced by the bone marrow that \"recolonise '.\"", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Brechen Sie die Behandlung mit Insulin Human Winthrop Rapid nicht ab, ohne mit einem Arzt zu sprechen, der Ihnen sagt, was zu tun ist.", "en": "Do not stop taking Insulin Human Winthrop Rapid without speaking to a doctor, who will tell you what to do."}, "mt_gen": "Do not stop Insulin Human Winthrop Rapid without speaking to a doctor, who will.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie Tandemact aussieht und Inhalt der Packung:", "en": "What Tandemact looks like and the contents of the pack."}, "mt_gen": "What Tandemact looks like and contents of the pack", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine langfristige Überdosierung kann möglicherweise Zeichen und Symptome einer Akromegalie nach sich ziehen, die den bekannten Wirkungen eines Überschusses an menschlichem Wachstumshormon entsprechen.", "en": "A long-term overdose may imply potential signs and symptoms of acromegaly that correspond with the known effects of a surplus of human growth hormone."}, "mt_gen": "One long-term overdose may potentially signs and symptoms of acromegaly, staphylococcal scalded the known effects of human growth hormone.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Generell muss Kinzalkomb vor Beginn einer Schwangerschaft durch geeignete blutdrucksenkende Arzneimittel ersetzt werden.", "en": "Appropriate antihypertensive drug must usually replace Kinzalkomb before starting a pregnancy."}, "mt_gen": "Appropriate antihypertensive drug must usually replace Kinzalkomb before starting a pregnancy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "● Drücken Sie während der Dosiseinstellung nicht den Injektionsknopf, da sonst Insulin austritt.", "en": "568 • Do not push the injection button while turning, as insulin will come out."}, "mt_gen": "568 • Do not push the injection button while turning, as insulin will come out.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Geschlecht hatte keine klinisch relevante Auswirkung auf die pharmakokinetischen Parameter.", "en": "Gender had no clinically significant effect on pharmacokinetic parameters."}, "mt_gen": "Gender had no clinically significant effect on pharmacokinetic parameters.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die N88S-Substitution wurde nur selten bei Patienten mit virologischem Versagen bei Behandlung mit Atazanavir beobachtet.", "en": "The N88S substitution has been observed rarely in patients experiencing virological failure during treatment with atazanavir."}, "mt_gen": "The N88S-Substitution has been observed rarely in patients experiencing virological failure with atazanavir.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Durchstechflasche zu 20 ml enthält 500 Mikrogramm.", "en": "One vial of 20 ml contains 500 micrograms."}, "mt_gen": "One vial of 20 ml contains 500 micrograms.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es liegen keine Daten vor über die Anwendung von TMZ bei Patienten mit schwerer Leberfunktionsstörung (Child-Pugh- Klassifizierung C) oder mit Nierenfunktionsstörung.", "en": "There are no data are available on the use of TMZ in patients with severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh classification C) or with renal impairment."}, "mt_gen": "There are no data are available on the use of TMZ in patients with severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh classification C) or with renal impairment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei der Anwendung derartiger Kombinationen ist Vorsicht geboten, eine Überwachung der therapeutischen Konzentrationen wird empfohlen (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "Caution should be taken when using these combinations, monitoring at therapeutic concentrations is recommended (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "These combinations Caution should be taken in monitoring at therapeutic concentrations is recommended (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In den meisten Fällen ist die subkutane Anwendung vorzuziehen.", "en": "In most cases, subcutaneous use is preferable."}, "mt_gen": "In most cases, subcutaneous use are preferable.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weiße, hexagonale, bikonvexe Tabletten mit einem eingeprägten Schwert-Logo auf der einen Seite und der Einprägung \"N8\" auf der anderen Seite.", "en": "White, hexagonal, biconvex tablets embossed with a sword logo on one side and \"N8\" on the other side."}, "mt_gen": "Sublingual tablets, white hexagonal biconvex tablets, embossed with a sword logo on one side and \"N8\" on the other side.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Sicherheit von Equilis Te wurde in mehreren Studien unter Laborbedingungen und unter Praxisbedingungen bei einer großen Zahl von Pferden ab einem Alter von zwei Monaten untersucht.", "en": "The safety of Equilis Te has been studied in several studies under laboratory and field conditions in a large number of horses, from the age of 2 months."}, "mt_gen": "The safety of Equilis Te has been studied in several studies under laboratory and field conditions in a large number of horses, from the age of 2 months.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach Verabreichung einer doppelten Dosis wurden keine anderen als die unter Abschnitt 4.6 beschriebenen Symptome beobachtet.", "en": "Following the administration of a double dose of vaccine, no adverse reactions other than those described under section 4.6 have been observed."}, "mt_gen": "Following the administration of a double dose of vaccine no adverse reactions other than those described under section 4.6 have been observed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In-vitro-Studien an Rattenhepatozyten zufolge weist Ambrisentan zudem keine induzierende Wirkung auf Pgp, BSEP oder MRP2 auf.", "en": "In vitro studies of rat hepatocytes have shown that ambrisentan also has no inducing effect on Pgp, BSEP or MRP2."}, "mt_gen": "In vitro studies have Rattenhepatozyten the questionability of ambrisentan also has no inducing effect on Pgp, BSEP or MRP2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wirkt Kineret?", "en": "How does Kineret work?"}, "mt_gen": "How does Kineret work?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Solche Blutungen können unter anderem auftreten, weil der Patient kürzlich eine Biopsie, einen Schlaganfall, eine größere Operation hatte oder über 65 Jahre alt ist.", "en": "Such bleeding may occur because the patient have had recent biopsy, stroke, major surgery or over 65 years of age."}, "mt_gen": "Such bleeding may occur because the patient have had recent biopsy, stroke, major surgery or over 65 years of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Rasilez HCT 300 mg / 12,5 mg Filmtabletten sind violett-weiße, ovale Filmtabletten mit dem Aufdruck \"CVI\" auf der einen und \"NVR\" auf der anderen Seite.", "en": "Rasilez HCT 300 mg / 12.5 mg film-coated tablets are violet white, oval film-coated tablets imprinted with \"CVI\" on one side and \"NVR\" on the other side."}, "mt_gen": "Rasilez HCT 300 mg / 12.5 mg film-coated tablets are violet white, oval film-coated tablets imprinted with \"CVI\" on one side and \"NVR\" on the other side.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein Verlust des Ansprechens oder das Versagen, ein Ansprechen der Thrombozyten mit Romiplostim innerhalb des empfohlenen Dosisbereiches aufrecht zu erhalten, sollte eine Suche nach den ursächlichen Faktoren nach sich ziehen (siehe Abschnitt 4.4, Verlust des Ansprechens auf Romiplostim).", "en": "A loss of response or failure to maintain a platelet response with romiplostim within the recommended dose range, should prompt a search for causative factors (see section 4.4, loss of response to romiplostim)."}, "mt_gen": "A loss of response or failure respond platelet counts with romiplostim within the recommended dose range, should prompt a search for causative factors in the scalded (see section 4.4, loss of interest in response to romiplostim).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei der Behandlung von Patienten mit stark eingeschränkter Leberfunktion ist Vorsicht geboten, da es möglicherweise zu einer verringerten Rotigotin-Clearance kommen kann.", "en": "In the treatment of patients with severe hepatic impairment, caution should be exercised, as it may result in decreased Rotigotin-Clearance."}, "mt_gen": "In the treatment of patients with severe hepatic impairment, caution should be exercised, as it may result in decreased Rotigotin-Clearance may occur.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Lyophilisate zum Eingeben sind in folgenden Packungsgrößen erhältlich:", "en": "The oral lyophilisates are presented in the following pack sizes:"}, "mt_gen": "The oral lyophilisates are presented in the following pack sizes:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dosierung Die empfohlene Dosis beträgt 0,5 ml - 3,0 ml pro Patient.", "en": "Posology The recommended dose is 0.5 ml - 3.0 ml per patient."}, "mt_gen": "Posology The recommended dose is 0.5 ml - 3.0 ml per patient.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist als blaugrüne, kapselförmige Tabletten erhältlich.", "en": "It is available as blue-green, capsule-shaped tablets."}, "mt_gen": "It is available as blaugrüne, capsule-shaped tablets.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese Gebrauchsinformation beinhaltet:", "en": "This Package Leaflet contains:"}, "mt_gen": "This Package Leaflet contains:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die meisten Therapieversager mit einer andauernden oder wiederkehrenden Staphylococcus aureus Infektion litten an einer tiefen Infektion und erhielten nicht die erforderliche operative Behandlung.", "en": "Most subjects with persistent or recurrent Staphylococcus aureus infection suffered from a deeper infection and did not receive the required surgical treatment."}, "mt_gen": "Most subjects with persistent or recurrent Staphylococcus aureus infection suffered from a deep tissue infection and HIV / HBV co-infected patients not receiving the end of treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Deshalb müssen Sie, wenn Sie hormonale Verhütungsmittel anwenden, zusätzlich eine Barriere-Methode (z. B. ein Kondom für die Frau, Diaphragma oder einen Verhütungs-Schwamm oder Ihr Partner muss auch ein Kondom benutzen).", "en": "Therefore, if you are taking hormonal contraceptives, you must use an additional barrier contraception (such as condoms for women, diaphram, contraceptive sponge or your partner must also use a condom)."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore, if you are taking hormonal contraceptives, Barrier contraception (such as condom, Therefore, if you or your partner must also use a condom).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach oraler Gabe wird Ibafloxacin bei Hunden schnell resorbiert. Die maximale Wirkstoffkonzentration im Blut wird 1-2 Stunden nach Verabreichung erreicht.", "en": "ibafloxaciI is rapidly absorbed following oral administration in dogs, with maximum drug concentration in the blood at 1-2 hours after administration."}, "mt_gen": "Following oral administration in dogs, ibafloxacin is rapidly absorbed with maximum plasma drug concentration in the blood at 1-2 hours after administration.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Warten Sie, bis sich das Pulver vollständig gelöst hat (in der Regel weniger als 10 Minuten).", "en": "Wait until the powder is completely dissolved (usually less than 10 minutes)."}, "mt_gen": "Wait until the powder is completely dissolved (usually less than 10 minutes).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In Fällen von mittelgradiger Leberinsuffizienz (Zirrrhose, Child-Pugh Klasse A oder B) sollte die Anfangsdosis 5 mg betragen und nur mit Vorsicht erhöht werden.", "en": "In cases of moderate hepatic insufficiency (Zirrrhose, Child-Pugh Class A or B), the starting dose should be 5 mg and only increased with caution."}, "mt_gen": "In cases of moderate hepatic insufficiency (Zirrrhose, Child-Pugh Class A or B), the starting dose should be 5 mg and only increased with caution.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Seit Markteinführung wurden solche Ereignisse bei Patienten unter Axura berichtet.", "en": "Since the market launch, these events have been reported in patients treated with Axura."}, "mt_gen": "In post- marketing experience these events have been reported in patients treated with Axura.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "KOGENATE Bayer 500 I.E. wird zur Behandlung und Vorbeugung von Blutungen bei Patienten mit Hämophilie A (angeborener Faktor VIII-Mangel) eingesetzt.", "en": "KOGENATE Bayer 500 IU is used for the treatment and prevention of bleeding in patients with haemophilia A (congenital factor VIII deficiency)."}, "mt_gen": "KOGENATE Bayer 500 IU is used for the treatment and prevention of bleeding in patients with haemophilia A (congenital factor VIII deficiency).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die gleichzeitige Anwendung von Celecoxib zusammen mit einem NSAR vom Nicht-Aspirin-Typ sollte vermieden werden.", "en": "The concomitant use of celecoxib administered with NSAIDs, that are non-aspirin, should be avoided."}, "mt_gen": "The concomitant use of celecoxib administered with NSAIDs by the Nicht-Aspirin-Typ should be avoided.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Überprüfen Sie, ob sich das Sichtfenster gelb verfärbt hat.", "en": "Check that the inspection window has turned yellow."}, "mt_gen": "Check that the inspection window yellow pellet.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wurde gezeigt, dass Risperidon und 9-Hydroxy-Risperidon in geringen Mengen auch in die menschliche Muttermilch ausgeschieden werden.", "en": "It has been demonstrated that risperidone and 9-hydroxy-risperidone are excreted as even small amounts into human breast milk."}, "mt_gen": "It has been demonstrated that risperidone and 9-hydroxy-risperidone are excreted as small amounts of even into human breast milk.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Abhängig von den Ergebnissen dieser Tests kann der Arzt die Dosis, die Sie einnehmen müssen, ändern.", "en": "Depending on the results of these tests, the doctor may change the dose you need to take."}, "mt_gen": "Depending on the results of these tests, the doctor may change the dose you need to take.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine versehentliche paravenöse Injektion ist unbedingt zu vermeiden.", "en": "Accidental parevnous injection should be avoided at all costs."}, "mt_gen": "Accidental paravenöse continue injection should be made as provided.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Packung enthält eine Injektionsnadel (25 G; 16 mm).", "en": "Each pack contains a hypodermic needle (25 G; 16 mm)."}, "mt_gen": "Each pack contains a hypodermic needle (25 G; 16 mm).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es liegen keine Erfahrungen mit Patienten mit Niereninsuffizienz (Serum-Kreatinin ≥ 2 x ULN für das jeweilige Alter) vor, und Clofarabin wird überwiegend über die Nieren ausgeschieden (siehe Abschnitte 4.3 und 4.4).", "en": "There is no experience in patients with renal insufficiency (serum creatinine ≥ 2 x ULN for age) and clofarabine is predominately excreted by the kidney (see sections 4.3 and 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "There is no experience in patients with renal insufficiency (serum creatinine ≥ 2 x ULN for age) and clofarabine is predominately excreted, and Clofarabine is known to be mainly excreted by the kidney (see sections 4.3 and 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schilddrüsenfunktionsstörungen während der Behandlung mit Interferon alfa-2b und Ribavirin sind beobachtet worden.", "en": "A thyroid dysfunction has been observed during treatment with interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin."}, "mt_gen": "occasionally during treatment with interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin has been observed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "OPTISON soll ausschließlich bei Patienten angewendet werden, bei denen die Untersuchung ohne Kontrastverstärkung zu keinem ausreichenden Ergebnis geführt hat.", "en": "OPTISON should only be used in patients in whom the study without contrast enhancement does not produce enough outcome."}, "mt_gen": "OPTISON should only be used in patients in whom the study without contrast enhancement does not produce enough outcome.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ist Ihre Injektion beendet, entsorgen Sie unverzüglich alle Nadeln und leeren Ampullen in dem zur Verfügung gestellten für spitze Gegenstände vorgesehenen Behälter.", "en": "Once you have finished your injection, immediately discard all needles and empty ampoules in the appropriate container for sharp objects."}, "mt_gen": "Once you have finished your injection, immediately discard all needles and empty ampoules in the contribution of oligosaccharides.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur Beurteilung müssen Leberfunktionstests (insbesondere zur Bestimmung von Leberwerten und Bilirubin) durchgeführt werden.", "en": "For assessment, liver function tests (in particular for the determination of liver values and bilirubin) should be performed."}, "mt_gen": "To assess the liver function tests (in particular must be available for liver function tests and bilirubin) should be performed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Packungsbeilage beachten. er ng 4.", "en": "Pay attention to the package leaflet. lon 4."}, "mt_gen": "leaflet for further information. lon 4.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Reaktionen an der 42 Injektionsstelle traten gewöhnlich innerhalb des ersten Behandlungsmonats auf.", "en": "The injection site reactions: Injection site reactions usually occurred in the first month."}, "mt_gen": "The injection site reactions Injection site reactions usually occurred in the first month.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der 150 ml Packungsgröße ist ein Messlöffel oder eine Applikationsspritze fûr Zubereitungen zum Einnehmen mit Skalierungen von 2,5 ml- und 5 ml-Dosen beigelegt.", "en": "The 150 ml package size includes a measuring spoon or syringe for preparation with scales of 2.5 ml and 5 ml."}, "mt_gen": "150 ml package is a spoon or syringe In case an oral measuring syringe is provided, marked for doses of 2.5 ml and 5 ml.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zudem wurde ein systematischer Review von 57 klinischen Studien mit insgesamt 9000 Tumorpatienten durchgeführt.", "en": "A systematic review has also been performed in 57 clinical trials comprising a total of 9000 patients."}, "mt_gen": "A systematic review has also been performed in 57 clinical trials comprising a total of 9000 patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Erkrankungen der Nieren und Harnwege Häufig Anstieg der Kreatinin- und Harnstoffwerte im Serum, insbesondere bei Patienten mit eingeschränkter Nierenfunktion.", "en": "Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tracts. Common. Increase of the creatinine and urea levels in the serum, particularly in patients with impaired renal function."}, "mt_gen": "Renal and urinary disorders Common increase in creatinine and Harnstoffwerte in the serum, particularly in patients with impaired renal function.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die sonstigen Bestandteile sind Alkohol, Ölsäure, Butylhydroxytoluol (E321) und Macrogolglycerolricinoleat.", "en": "The other ingredients are alcohol, oleic acid, butylated hydroxytoluene (E321) and macrogolglycerol ricinoleate."}, "mt_gen": "− The other ingredients are alcohol, butylated hydroxytoluene (E321) and polyoxyl 35 castor oil.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "• Nehmen Sie Mimpara NICHT ein, wenn Sie allergisch (überempfindlich) gegenüber Cinacalcet oder einem der sonstigen Bestandteile von Mimpara sind.", "en": "• Do NOT take Mimpara if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to cinacalcet or any of the other ingredients of Mimpara."}, "mt_gen": "• Take NOT take Mimpara if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to cinacalcet or any of the other ingredients of Mimpara.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "10 Nicht bekannt:", "en": "10 Not known:"}, "mt_gen": "10 Not known:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die behandlungsbedingten Nebenwirkungen traten häufiger innerhalb der ersten 6 Monate nach einer Umstellung auf Rapamune auf.", "en": "Treatment-related adverse reactions occurred more often within the first 6 months after the patient switched to Rapamune."}, "mt_gen": "The treatment-related undesirable effects occurred more often within the first 6 months after the patient is switched to Rapamune.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In den Studien zur Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit von Maraviroc (siehe Abschnitt 5.1) gab es keine Einschränkungen hinsichtlich der Nahrungszufuhr.", "en": "In the studies of the effectiveness and safety of maraviroc (see section 5.1), there were no restrictions regarding the intake of food."}, "mt_gen": "In the studies of the effectiveness and safety of maraviroc (see section 5.1), there was no restrictions regarding the discontinuations.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "IM Olanzapin wurde bei Patienten mit Alkohol- oder Arzneimittelvergiftung nicht untersucht (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "IM olanzapine has not been studied in patients with medication poisoning (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "IM olanzapine has not been studied in patients with Arzneimittelvergiftung (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fondaparinux wird hauptsächlich über die Nieren ausgeschieden.", "en": "Fondaparinux is primarily excreted by the kidney."}, "mt_gen": "Fondaparinux is primarily excreted by the kidney.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Geschlecht hatte keinen Einfluss auf die pharmakokinetischen Parameter außer, dass tmax ungefähr 1,5 Stunden bei Frauen und 0,17 Stunden bei Männern betrug.", "en": "Gender had no effect on the pharmaokinetic parameters except that tmax is about 1.5 hours in women and 0.17 hours in men."}, "mt_gen": "Gender had no effect on the sensitivity tmax is about 1.5 hours in women and 0.17 hours was observed in men.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "216 Streichen Sie mit einem Alkoholtupfer über den gewünschten Bereich.", "en": "216 From from the chosen area with an alcohol swab."}, "mt_gen": "216 of polyetherpolyurethane foam compositions you the chosen area with an alcohol swab.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bisher wurden keine Wechselwirkungen zwischen Beromun und anderen Arzneimitteln beobachtet; dennoch sollte mit Vorsicht vorgegangen werden.", "en": "To date, no interactions were observed between Beromun and other medicinal products; however, caution should be exercised."}, "mt_gen": "To date, no interactions were observed between Beromun and other medicinal products; however, caution should be exercised.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nebenwirkungen wie z. B. niedriger Blutdruck, Bewusstlosigkeit, Sehstörungen und eine länger als 4 Stunden anhaltende Peniserektion auftreten können.", "en": "Adverse events, such as low blood pressure, passing out, visual changes and penile erection lasting longer that 4 hours may occur."}, "mt_gen": "adverse events, such as low blood pressure, passing out, visual changes and for more than 4 hours after penile erection lasting may occur.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Lösung kann durchsichtige bis weißliche Eiweiß-Partikel enthalten.", "en": "The solution may contain clear to off-white particles."}, "mt_gen": "The solution is clear to off-white Eiweiß-Partikel.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird empfohlen, die Fische nach der Injektion in Abständen von ungefähr 50 bis 100 Tagesgraden abzustreifen.", "en": "It is recommended that the fish be removed at intervals of approximately 50 to 100 day degrees after injection."}, "mt_gen": "It is recommended that the fish after injection at intervals of approximately 50 to 100 Tagesgraden 16.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie bei anderen Antipsychotika sollte Aripiprazol mit Vorsicht bei Patienten angewendet werden, bei denen in der Familienanamnese eine QT-Verlängerung auftrat.", "en": "As with other antipsychotics, aripiprazole should be used with caution in patients with a family history of QT prolongation."}, "mt_gen": "As with other antipsychotics, aripiprazole should be used with caution in patients in whom family history of QT prolongation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Infektionen an der Injektionsstelle (einschließlich Abszess und Cellulitis) traten bei 1,5% der Patienten auf.", "en": "Infections at the site of the injection (including abscess and cellulitis) were reported in 1.5% of patients."}, "mt_gen": "infection at the site of the injection (including abscess and cellulitis) were reported in 1.5% of patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "August 2002 sowie am 14.", "en": "14 August 2002 and 14 March 2006."}, "mt_gen": "14 August 2002 and 14 March 2006.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Präklinische und klinische In-vitro- und In-vivo-Studien haben gezeigt, dass Somatropin therapeutisch dem menschlichen Wachstumshormon hypophysären Ursprungs entspricht.", "en": "Pre-clinical and clinical in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that somatropin correlates therapuetically with the human growth hormone of pituitary origin."}, "mt_gen": "Pre-clinical and clinical in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that somatropin (human growth hormone of pituitary origin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Er blockiert ein Enzym namens Protease, das an der Vermehrung des HIV beteiligt ist. Wenn das Enzym blockiert wird, kann sich das Virus nicht normal vermehren.", "en": "It blocks an enzyme called protease, which is involved in the increase of HIV. If the enzyme is blocked, the cannot increase."}, "mt_gen": "It blocks an enzyme called protease, which is involved in the reproduction of HIV. When the enzyme is blocked, the immune system.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ist (siehe Abschnitte 4.8 und 4.9).", "en": "(see sections 4.8 and 4.9)."}, "mt_gen": "(see sections 4.8 and 4.9).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "42 Die klinische Bedeutung dieser Befunde ist nicht bekannt.", "en": "42 The clinical significance of these findings is unknown."}, "mt_gen": "42 The clinical significance of these findings is unknown.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Klinische Symptome und Anzeichen eines leichten ovariellen 25 Überstimulationssyndroms sind Unterleibsschmerzen, Übelkeit, Durchfall und geringe bis mäßige Vergrößerung der Ovarien und Ovarialzysten.", "en": "Clinical symptoms and signs of mild ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome are abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhoea, and mild to moderate enlargement of ovaries and ovarian cysts."}, "mt_gen": "Clinical symptoms and signs of mild ovarian signs of mild ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome are abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhoea, and mild to moderate enlargement of ovaries and ovarian cysts.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Alternativ kann Ihr Arzt auch eine Anfangsdosis von 1-mal wöchentlich 450 I.E. / kg empfehlen.", "en": "Alternatively, your doctor may recommend a starting dose of once weekly 450 IU / kg."}, "mt_gen": "Alternatively, your doctor may recommend a starting dose of once weekly 450 IU / kg.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Selten: Nebenwirkungen, die bei 1 bis 10 von 10.000 Patienten auftreten können. Sehr selten:", "en": "Rare: side effects which may occur in 1 to 10 out of 10,000 patients. ─ Very rare:"}, "mt_gen": "Rare: side effects which may occur in 1 to 10 out of 10,000 patients. ─ Very rare:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Klopfen Sie leicht mit den Fingern an den oberen Ampullenteil, so dass alle Flüssigkeit vom Ampullenhals in den unteren Teil fließt.", "en": "Gently tap with your fingers on the top so that any fluid in the neck of the lower part of each area flows."}, "mt_gen": "Gently tap with your fingers flick the top so that any fluid in the neck of the lower part of each area.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verteilung Das Verteilungsvolumen von Fondaparinux ist begrenzt (7-11 Liter).", "en": "Distribution: The distribution volume of fondaparinux is limited (7-11 litres)."}, "mt_gen": "Distribution The distribution volume of fondaparinux is limited (7-11 litres).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "28 / 33 Das Tierarzneimittel darf bei bekannter Überempfindlichkeit gegen Fluoxetin oder andere selektive Serotonin-Wiederaufnahme-Hemmer (SSRI) nicht angewendet werden.", "en": "28 / 33 The veterinary medicinal product should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to fluoxetine or other selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI)."}, "mt_gen": "28 / 33 The veterinary medicinal product should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to fluoxetine or other selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Andernfalls sollte für 48 Stunden nach der Visudyne-Behandlung nicht gestillt werden.", "en": "Otherwise, mothers should not breast-feed their infants for 48 hours following Visudyne treatment."}, "mt_gen": "Otherwise, mothers should not breast-feed their infants for 48 hours following Visudyne treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Legen Sie Apidra nicht in die Nähe des Gefrierfachs oder eines Kühlelements.", "en": "Do not put Apidra next to the freezer compartment or a cooling element."}, "mt_gen": "Do not put Apidra next to the freezer compartment or a Kühlelements.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Silicagel- Trockenmittel befindet sich entweder in einem eigenen Beutel oder in einem kleinen Behälter und darf nicht verschluckt werden.", "en": "The silica gel desiccant comes in either its own sachet or in a small container and should not be swallowed."}, "mt_gen": "The Silicagel- a desiccant to keep the own sachet or in a small and should not be swallowed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tablettenüberzug: Hypromellose, Macrogol 400, Titandioxid (E171), und Polysorbat 80 (E433).", "en": "Tablet coating: hypromellose, macrogol 400, titanium dioxide (E171), and polysorbate 80 (E433)."}, "mt_gen": "Tablet coating: hypromellose, macrogol 400, titanium dioxide (E171), and polysorbate 80 (E433).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein kausaler Zusammenhang wird vermutet; der Wirkungsmechanismus ist jedoch nicht geklärt.", "en": "A causal relationship has been presumed, although the mechanism of action has not been elucidated."}, "mt_gen": "A causal relationship has been evoked, although the mechanism of action has not been elucidated.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Tablette enthält Lactose-Monohydrat (ca. 95 mg), Sojalecithin (E322) (ca. 0,25 mg) und Allurarot AC Aluminium Lake (E129) (ca. 0,11 mg).", "en": "Each tablet contains lactose monohydrate (approximately 95 mg), Lecithin (Soya) (E322) (approximately 0.25 mg) and Allura red AC Aluminium Lake (E129) (approximately 0.11 mg)."}, "mt_gen": "Each tablet contains lactose monohydrate (approximately 95 mg), Lecithin (Soya) (E322) (approximately 0.25 mg) and Allura red AC Aluminium Lake (E129) (approximately 0.11 mg).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "172 Eine antiretrovirale Kombinationstherapie kann zudem erhöhte Blutwerte für Milchsäure und Zucker, erhöhte Blutfettwerte (Hyperlipämie) sowie eine Insulinresistenz verursachen.", "en": "172 One antiretroviral therapy may also cause raised lactic acid and sugar in the blood, hyperlipaemia (high levels of fats in the blood) and resistance to insulin."}, "mt_gen": "172 One antiretroviral therapy may also cause raised lactic acid and sugar in the blood, hyperlipaemia (high levels of fats in the blood) and resistance to insulin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Neoclarityn Schmelztabletten sind in Einzeldosisbehältnissen als Blisterpackung, zusammengesetzt aus Laminatblisterfilm mit Folienabdeckung, erhältlich.", "en": "Neoclarityn orodispersible tablets are supplied in Laminatblisterfilm with foil cover."}, "mt_gen": "Neoclarityn orodispersible tablets are supplied in Laminatblisterfilm with craters are available.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dies gilt insbesondere für die nachstehend aufgeführten Arzneimittel, wenn diese gleichzeitig mit Micardis eingenommen werden:", "en": "This applies especially to the medicines listed below if taken at same time with Micardis:"}, "mt_gen": "This applies especially to the medicines listed below and, at the same time with Micardis is taken:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Überwachung der Plasmakonzentrationen und unerwünschten Wirkungen wird empfohlen.", "en": "Monitoring of plasma concentrations and adverse effects is recommended."}, "mt_gen": "Monitoring of plasma concentrations and adverse effects is recommended.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Kleinkindern steigt bei versehentlicher Einnahme das Risiko einer NSAID-Nebenwirkung.", "en": "In young children, the risk of NSAID side effects increase in the case of accidental ingestion."}, "mt_gen": "In young children, the risk of NSAID-Nebenwirkung in case of accidental ingestion.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein Beutel enthält eine ausreichende Crememenge zur Behandlung eines mit Feigwarzen infizierten Bereichs von 20 cm ².", "en": "One sachet contains a sufficient amount of cream for the treatment of genital warts in areas of 5 cm2."}, "mt_gen": "One sachet contains a sufficient amount Crememenge treat on 5 cm2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "IONSYS wird dem Patienten nach einer Operation gegeben.", "en": "IONSYS is given after an operation."}, "mt_gen": "IONSYS is given after an operation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Perfusion muss abgebrochen werden, wenn die kumulative Leckage in den Körperkreislauf > 10% erreicht.", "en": "The perfusion should be discontinued if the cumulative leakage into the systemic circulation is below 10%."}, "mt_gen": "The perfusion should be discontinued if the cumulative leakage into the systemic circulation 10%.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Therapie mit ACE-Hemmern wie Ramipril oder Angiotensin-II-Rezeptor- Antagonisten (AIIRAs) sollte während einer Schwangerschaft nicht begonnen werden.", "en": "Treatment with ACE inhibitors such as ramipril or angiotensin II receptor antagonists (AIIRAs) should not be initiated during pregnancy."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment with ACE inhibitors such as ramipril or angiotensin II receptor antagonists (AIIRAs) should not be initiated during pregnancy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt wird entscheiden, ob ReFacto AF während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit angewendet werden darf.", "en": "Your doctor will decide whether ReFacto AF may be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor will decide whether ReFacto AF should not be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "VISTIDE ist nur zur intravenösen Infusion bestimmt und darf nicht intraokular injiziert werden.", "en": "VISTIDE is for intravenous infusion and must not be injected intraocularly."}, "mt_gen": "VISTIDE is for intravenous infusion and must not be injected into a pressure.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "VFEND ist ein Antimykotikum (Medikament gegen Pilzinfektionen).", "en": "VFEND is an antifungal medicine for the treatment of fungal infections."}, "mt_gen": "VFEND is an antifungal medicine for the treatment of fungal infections).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die tägliche Gesamtdosis sollte verteilt auf gleiche Einzeldosen zu jeder Mahlzeit eingenommen werden (z.B. dreimal täglich).", "en": "The total daily dose should be equally divided doses with food (e. g., three times a day)."}, "mt_gen": "The total daily dose should be equally divided doses with food (e. g., three times a day).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gelegentlich kam es zur Bildung von Papeln (bei weniger als 1% der behandelten Hunde).", "en": "It uncommonly resulted in the formation of papules (in less than 1% of treated dogs)."}, "mt_gen": "occurred uncommonly produce papules (in less than 1% of treated dogs).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Anwendung von Exforge bei Patienten mit Leberfunktionsstörungen oder Gallenwegsobstruktion (Gallenabflussprobleme) sollte mit Vorsicht erfolgen.", "en": "Exforge in patients who have problems with their liver or biliary obstructive disorders (problems with the elimination of bile) should be used with caution."}, "mt_gen": "The use of Exforge in patients who have problems with their liver or biliary obstructive disorders (problems with the elimination of bile) should be used with caution.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In experimentellen Modellen war Mycophenolatmofetil nicht tumorerzeugend.", "en": "In experimental models, mycophenolate mofetil was not tumourigenic."}, "mt_gen": "In experimental models, mycophenolate mofetil was not tumourigenic.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lesen Sie vor der Anwendung die Packungsbeilage.", "en": "Read the package leaflet before use."}, "mt_gen": "Read the package leaflet before use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es werden möglicherweise nicht alle Packungsgrößen in den Handel gebracht.", "en": "Not all pack sizes may be available on the market."}, "mt_gen": "Not all pack sizes may be available in the plasma.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Messen Sie nochmals 23 ml Wasser mit dem Messbecher ab und füllen es in die Flasche.", "en": "Measure 23 ml of water again by filling the measuring cup and into the bottle."}, "mt_gen": "Read and again 23 ml of water by filling the measuring cup and into the bottle.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Setzen Sie danach die Einnahme einer Tablette einmal pro Woche wie planmäßig vorgesehen an dem von Ihnen gewählten Tag fort.", "en": "Then take one tablet once a week, as scheduled as the day you have chosen day."}, "mt_gen": "Put then take one tablet once a week, as scheduled as the day you have chosen day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Efient vermindert das Risiko weiterer Herzinfarkte oder Schlaganfälle oder an einem dieser atherothrombotischen Ereignisse zu versterben.", "en": "Efient reduces the risk of further heart attack or stroke or to decrease any of these atherothrombotic events."}, "mt_gen": "Efient reduces the risk of too versterben further heart attack or stroke or to any of these atherothrombotic events.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Pulver zur Herstellung der Injektionslösung enthält:", "en": "The powder for solution for injection contains:"}, "mt_gen": "The powder for solution for injection contains:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lapatinib behielt eine signifikante Aktivität gegen Brustkrebszelllinien, die in vitro in einem Trastuzumab-enthaltenden Medium für Langzeitwachstum selektiert wurden.", "en": "Lapatinib maintained a significant activity against breast cancer cell lines that were selected in vitro in a trastuzumab-containing medium for longterm growth."}, "mt_gen": "Lapatinib Agency a significant activity against Brustkrebszelllinien in vitro in Trastuzumab-enthaltenden selected for Langzeitwachstum.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei den meisten Rassen ist Ibaflin in den ersten 8, bei schweren Rassen in den ersten 18 Lebensmonaten kontraindiziert.", "en": "For the majority of breeds, the use of ibafloxacin is contraindicated in the first 8 months, and in heavy breeds, in the first 18 months."}, "mt_gen": "For the majority of breeds the use of ibafloxacin is contra-indicated in dogs less than 8 months of severe breeds during the first several less than 18 months is contraindicated.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit leichten bis mittelschweren Nierenfunktionsstörungen ist keine Dosisanpassung notwendig.", "en": "No dosage adjustment is necessary in patients with mild to moderate renal impairment."}, "mt_gen": "No dosage adjustment is necessary in patients with mild to moderate renal impairment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Einnahme von Parareg mit Nahrungsmitteln führt zu einer ungefähr 50 - 80% igen Erhöhung der Bioverfügbarkeit.", "en": "Taking Parareg with food results in an approximately 50 - 80% increase in bioavailability."}, "mt_gen": "Taking Parareg with food results in approximately 50 - 80% increase in bioavailability.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten bei der Injektion haben, wählen Sie einen festeren Injektionsuntergrund.", "en": "If you have difficulties with the injection, choose a firmer injection site."}, "mt_gen": "If you have a th pen from the injection site.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die gleichzeitige Anwendung von Voriconazol (300 mg zweimal täglich) und Warfarin (30 mg Einzeldosis) erhöhte die maximale Prothrombinzeit um 93%.", "en": "Concomitant use of voriconazole (300 mg twice daily) and warfarin (30 mg single dose) increased prothrombin time by 93%, respectively."}, "mt_gen": "Concomitant use of voriconazole (300 mg twice daily) and warfarin (30 mg single dose) with increased prothrombin time by 93%, respectively.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was muss ich tun, bevor ich mir selbst eine subkutane Injektion mit Biograstim gebe?", "en": "What should I do before I give myself a subcutaneous injection of Biograstim?"}, "mt_gen": "What should I do before I give myself a subcutaneous injection of Biograstim?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Prothrombinzeit (PT) wird von Rivaroxaban bei Verwendung von Neoplastin als Reagenz dosisabhängig und in enger Korrelation zur Plasmakonzentration (r = 0,98) beeinflusst.", "en": "Prothrombin time (PT) was influenced by rivaroxaban in the use dose-dependently of Neoplastin as reagent and in correlation to plasma concentration (r = 0.98)."}, "mt_gen": "Prothrombin time (PT) of rivaroxaban in the use of Neoplastin is dose- dependent and in correlation to treat plasma concentration (r = 0.98).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Den vollständigen Wortlaut des EPAR für Neupro finden Sie hier.", "en": "The full EPAR for AVAMYS for Neupro can be found here."}, "mt_gen": "The full EPAR for AVAMYS for Neupro can be found here.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt kann Ihre Dosis bei Bedarf auf 8 mg pro Tag erhöhen.", "en": "Your doctor may increase your dose as needed up to 8 mg per day."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor may increase your dose as needed up to 8 mg per day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Elimination 5-ALA wird schnell eliminiert bei einer terminalen Halbwertszeit von 1-3 Stunden.", "en": "Elimination 5-ALA is rapidly eliminated with a terminal half-life of about 1-3 hours."}, "mt_gen": "Elimination 5-ALA is rapidly eliminated with a terminal half-life of about 1-3 hours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "4) ADROVANCE soll nicht vor dem Schlafengehen oder vor dem ersten täglichen Aufstehen eingenommen werden.", "en": "4) ADROVANCE should not be taken at bedtime or before getting up for the day."}, "mt_gen": "4) ADROVANCE should not be taken at bedtime or before getting up for the day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mycamine wird außerdem für die Behandlung einer Candidose im Ösophagus (der Speiseröhre) bei Patienten im Alter über 16 Jahren angewendet, bei denen eine intravenöse Behandlung geeignet ist.", "en": "Mycamine is also used for the treatment of candidiasis in the oesophagus (gullet) in patients over the age of 16 years of age, who are suitable for intravenous treatment."}, "mt_gen": "Mycamine is also used for the treatment of candidiasis in the oesophagus (gullet) in patients over the age of 16 years of age, in which a intravenous treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach peroraler Einnahme von 2 x 600 mg / Tag wurde der Steady State nach ca. vier Wochen erreicht, wobei die mittleren Plasmakonzentrationen im Steady State ungefähr 2.200 ng / ml betrugen.", "en": "Following oral dosing with 2 x 600 mg / day, steady-state was reached after approximately four weeks, with mean steady state plasma concentrations at approximately 2,200 ng / ml."}, "mt_gen": "Following oral dosing with 2 x 600 mg / day, steady-state was reached by approximately four weeks, with mean steady state plasma concentrations approximately 2,200 ng / ml.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "56 werden konnte. Es wurden keine neuen toxischen Effekte in Folge der systemischen Exposition mit Olanzapin festgestellt.", "en": "56. No new toxic effect resulting from systemic exposure to olanzapine could be identified."}, "mt_gen": "56. No new toxic effect resulting from systemic exposure to olanzapine could be identified.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "77 Resorption Die mittlere absolute Bioverfügbarkeit der Kapseln beträgt 98%.", "en": "77 Resorption The mean absolute bioavailability of the capsules is 98%."}, "mt_gen": "77 Absorption The mean absolute bioavailability is 98%.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Manchmal treten die Nebenwirkungen schon nach der ersten Anwendung von Ciprofloxacin auf.", "en": "Sometimes there are side effects after the first administration of ciprofloxacin."}, "mt_gen": "Sometimes there are side effects after the first administration of ciprofloxacin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ältere Patienten: Aufgrund der unzureichenden Anzahl älterer Patienten in klinischen Studien konnte nicht festgestellt werden, ob diese anders ansprechen als jüngere Patienten.", "en": "2 Elderly patients: insufficient numbers of elderly patients have been evaluated in clinical studies to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects."}, "mt_gen": "2 Elderly patients: insufficient numbers of elderly patients have been evaluated in clinical studies to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Einnahme von EXJADE.", "en": "Taking EXJADE."}, "mt_gen": "taking EXJADE.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Durchstechflasche mit Herceptin:", "en": "vial containing Herceptin:"}, "mt_gen": "vial containing the lyophilised Herceptin:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei diesen Studien wurde das Prüfpräparat zusätzlich zur aktuellen Behandlung des Patienten, die eine Kombination aus Digoxin, Antikoagulanzien, Diuretika, Sauerstoff und Vasodilatanzien (z. B. Calcium-Antagonisten, ACE-Hemmer) umfassen konnte, angewandt.", "en": "In these studies, the investigational drug was used in addition to the current treatment of the patient, which comprised of a combination of digoxin, anticoagulants, diuretics, oxygen and vasodilators (e. g. calcium antagonists, ACE inhibitors)."}, "mt_gen": "In these studies, in addition to the current study to treat patients who could be a combination of digoxin, anticoagulants, diuretics, oxygen and Vasodilatanzien (e. g. Rarely, ACE inhibitors).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine antiretrovirale Kombinationsbehandlung kann auch erhöhte Blutwerte für Milchsäure und Zucker, eine Hyperlipidämie (erhöhte Blutfettwerte) und eine Insulinresistenz verursachen.", "en": "One antiretroviral combination treatment may also cause a higher concentration of lactic acid and sugar in the blood, hyperlipidaemia (increased fats in the blood) and resistance to insulin."}, "mt_gen": "One antiretroviral combination treatment may also lactic acid and sugar in the blood, increased fats in the blood) and resistance to insulin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Darüber hinaus werden die 5 '-oxo-Analoga von 5-und 6-Hydroxyemedastin und des N-Oxids in geringerem Umfang als weitere Metaboliten gebildet.", "en": "In addition, the 5-oxo analogue of 5-und 6-hydroxy-emedastin and to a lesser extent N-oxides are constructed of metabolites."}, "mt_gen": "In addition, the -oxo-Analoga of 5-und 6-Hydroxyemedastin and to a lesser extent by eight further metabolites.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Wirkstoff in Myfenax, Mycophenolatmofetil, ist ein Immunsuppressivum. Im Körper wird es zu Mycophenolsäure umgewandelt, die ein Enzym mit der Bezeichnung \"Inosinmonophosphat- dehydrogenase\" blockiert.", "en": "The active substance in Myfenax, mycophenolate mofetil, is an immunosuppressant. In the body it is metabolised to mycophenolic acid, which blocks an enzyme with the identification IMP dehydrogenase."}, "mt_gen": "The active substance in Myfenax, mycophenolate mofetil, is an immunosuppressant in transplants, in one study with a total of 1,493 adults following kidney enzyme.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Bildung von Antikörpern auf andere Impfstoffe könnte abgeschwächt sein (siehe auch Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "The antibody response to other vaccines may be diminished (see also section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "The antibody response to other vaccines may be diminished (see also section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aufgrund der unzureichenden Datenlage kann eine Anwendung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen nicht empfohlen werden.", "en": "Due to insufficient data, use in children and adolescents cannot be recommended."}, "mt_gen": "Due to insufficient data on use in children and adolescents cannot be recommended.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Setzen Sie das vorgeschriebene Dosierungsschema fort.", "en": "Continue the prescribed dosing regime."}, "mt_gen": "Put the prescribed dosing regime.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine angemessene ärztliche Überwachung in Übereinstimmung mit den gebräuchlichen Therapierichtlinien für Antipsychotika ist ratsam.", "en": "Appropriate supervision and monitoring in accordance with the therapy guidelines for antipsychotics."}, "mt_gen": "Appropriate supervision and monitoring in accordance with the Therapierichtlinien for antipsychotics.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten mit einer Kreatininclearance < 50 ml / min dürfen nicht mit Ribavirin behandelt werden (siehe Abschnitt 4.3).", "en": "Patients with creatinine clearance of less than 50 ml / minute must not be treated with ribavirin (see section 4.3)."}, "mt_gen": "Patients with creatinine clearance 50 ml / minute must not be treated with ribavirin (see section 4.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Anhörung des Inhabers der Genehmigung für das Inverkehrbringen fand am 18. Januar 2005 statt.", "en": "Oral explanations were given by the Marketing Authorisation Holders on 18 January 2005."}, "mt_gen": "Oral explanations were given by the Marketing Authorisation Holders on 18 January 2005.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es dürfen nur klare und farblose Lösungen ohne sichtbare Partikel verwendet werden.", "en": "Only clear and colourless solutions without visible particles should be used."}, "mt_gen": "Only clear and colourless solutions without visible particles should be used.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "November 1995 Datum der letzten Verlängerung:", "en": "27 November 1995 Date of latest renewal:"}, "mt_gen": "27 November 1995 Date of latest renewal:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Infektionen, Sepsis und febrile Neutropenien traten bei 17%, 2% bzw. 4% der Patienten auf.", "en": "Infections, sepsis and febrile neutropenia occurred in 17%, 2% and 4% of patients."}, "mt_gen": "Infections, sepsis and febrile neutropenia occurred in 17%, 2% and 4% of patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hauptindikator für die Wirksamkeit war die Ansprechrate.", "en": "The main measure of effectiveness was the response rate."}, "mt_gen": "The main measure of effectiveness was the response rate.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit mittelschweren bis schweren Nierenproblemen sollte der behandelnde Arzt die Nierenfunktion sorgfältig überwachen.", "en": "In patients with moderate or severe problems with their kidneys, the treating physician should have their renal function monitored carefully."}, "mt_gen": "In patients with moderate or severe problems with their kidneys, the treating physician should have their renal function carefully.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In der Regel ist für eine reduzierte Empfindlichkeit eine Kombination aller drei Mutationen erforderlich.", "en": "Usually a combination of all three mutations is required for reduced susceptibility."}, "mt_gen": "Usually the reduced susceptibility to a combination of all three mutations is required.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie Fisteln haben, aus denen Eiter austritt, informieren Sie bitte Ihren Arzt.", "en": "If you have fistulae, which comes out from the needle, please tell your doctor."}, "mt_gen": "If you have fistulae, which comes out from the needle, please tell your doctor.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pharmakokinetische Daten zu Zoledronsäure bei Patienten mit Hyperkalzämie sowie bei Patienten mit Leberinsuffizienz liegen nicht vor.", "en": "No pharmacokinetic data is available for the use of zoledronic acid in patients with hypercalcaemia as well as in patients with hepatic insufficiency."}, "mt_gen": "No pharmacokinetic data are available for the use of zoledronic acid in patients with hypercalcaemia and in patients with hepatic insufficiency have not been established.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein Konservierungsmittel, das in AZOPT enthalten ist (Benzalkoniumchlorid), kann weiche Kontaktlinsen verfärben.", "en": "A preservative in AZOPT (benzalkonium chloride) that can discolour soft lenses."}, "mt_gen": "A preservative in AZOPT (benzalkonium chloride) that can discolour soft lenses.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Ende des Filterdorns durch den Gummistopfen der BeneFIX - Durchstechflasche einführen.", "en": "Insert the end of the filter tip through the rubber stopper of the BeneFIX - vial."}, "mt_gen": "The end of the Filterdorns through the rubber stopper of the BeneFIX - vial.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird daher empfohlen, 14 Tage vor und nach der Impfung mit diesem Produkt keine anderen Impfstoffe einzusetzen.", "en": "It is recommended that no other vaccine should be administered 14 days before or after vaccination with the product."}, "mt_gen": "It is recommended that no other vaccine should be administered, 14 days before or after vaccination with the product.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "• Allergische Reaktionen, einschließlich anaphylaktischer Reaktionen, Angioödeme, Hautrötungen und Urtikaria.", "en": "• Allergic reactions, including anaphylactic reaction, angioedema, skin rash and urticaria."}, "mt_gen": "• Allergic reactions, including anaphylactic reaction, angioedema, skin rash and urticaria.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Trennen Sie die Applikationsspritze von der Flasche.", "en": "Remove the syringe from the bottle."}, "mt_gen": "Remove the syringe from the bottle.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Pharmakokinetik von Voriconazol ist infolge seiner Sättigungskinetik des Metabolismus nicht linear.", "en": "The pharmacokinetics of voriconazole are non-linear due to saturation of its metabolism."}, "mt_gen": "The pharmacokinetics of voriconazole are non-linear due to saturation of its metabolism.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dadurch kann das Risiko, Nebenwirkungen zu entwickeln, zunehmen.", "en": "This allows the risk of developing side effects."}, "mt_gen": "This allows the risk of developing side effects.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Benommenheit und Kopfschmerzen bei einem Patienten, der 1.440 mg Aprepitant eingenommen hatte, wurden berichtet.", "en": "Dizziness and headaches in one patient who ingested 1,440 mg of aprepitant have been reported."}, "mt_gen": ", dizziness, and headache in one patient who ingested 1,440 mg of aprepitant, have been reported.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie das von Ihrem Arzt ver- schriebene Humalog KwikPen erhalten.", "en": "Make sure you get the Humalog KwikPen that your doctor has told you to use."}, "mt_gen": "Make sure you get the Humalog KwikPen that your doctor has told you to use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Durchstechflasche enthält 1,17 g 5-Amino-4-oxopentansäure, entsprechend 1,5 g 5-Amino-4-oxopentansäure-hydrochlorid (5-ALA HCl).", "en": "One vial contains 1.17 g of 5-aminolevulinic acid, equivalent to 1.5 g of 5-Amino-4-oxopentansäure-hydrochlorid (5-ALA HCl)."}, "mt_gen": "One vial contains 1.17 g of 5-aminolevulinic acid, equivalent to 1.5 g of 5-Amino-4-oxopentansäure-hydrochlorid (5-ALA HCl).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "< Cozaar > 12,5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg und 100 mg enthalten Kalium in den folgenden Mengen:", "en": "< Cozaar > 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg contain potassium in the following amounts:"}, "mt_gen": "Cozaar 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg of potassium in the following amounts:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Kombination mit einem reversiblen MAOI (z.B. Moclobemid) wird nicht empfohlen.", "en": "The combination with a reversible MAOI (e. g. moclobemide) is not recommended."}, "mt_gen": "The combination with a reversible MAOI (e. g. moclobemide) is not recommended.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen zur Reproduktion wurden mit Ibritumomab-Tiuxetan nicht durchgeführt.", "en": "Animal experimenal studies regarding reproductive function have not been performed with ibritumomab tiuxetan."}, "mt_gen": "Animal studies regarding reproductive function have not been performed with ibritumomab tiuxetan.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "57 Imidacloprid ist wirksam gegen adulte Flöhe und deren Larvenstadien.", "en": "57 Imidacloprid is effective against larval flea stages and adult fleas."}, "mt_gen": "57 Imidacloprid is effective against larval flea stages and adult fleas.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die IRMS-Ausgangsparameter und die Einstellung müssen täglich optimiert werden.", "en": "The IRMS initial parameter and the intake must be optimised daily."}, "mt_gen": "The IRMS-Ausgangsparameter and must be daily.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anschließend führt Ihr Arzt eine Blutuntersuchung durch, um festzustellen, wie gut die Behandlung wirkt und wie lange sie fortgeführt werden sollte.", "en": "Then, your doctor will check your blood tests, to see how well the treatment is working and how long it should be continued."}, "mt_gen": "Then, your doctor will check your blood tests, to see how well the treatment is working and how long it should be continued.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Name Ihres Arzneimittels ist EVRA transdermales Pflaster.", "en": "The name of your medicine is EVRA transdermal patch."}, "mt_gen": "The name of your medicine is EVRA transdermal patch.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Außerdem konnte gezeigt werden, dass Paxene bei einigen Krebsarten die Überlebenszeit verlängert.", "en": "It also has been shown that Paxene increases the survival rate in some types of cancer."}, "mt_gen": "It also has been shown that the survival of Paxene in some types of cancer.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn die Symptome länger anhalten (siehe Abschnitt 4.8), kann eine klinische Intervention (Aspiration und / oder chirurgische Entfernung) notwendig sein.", "en": "If the symptoms continue longer (see section 4.8), a clinical intervention (aspiration and / or surgical intervention) may be necessary."}, "mt_gen": "When symptoms of prolonged (see section 4.8), in a clinical intervention (aspiration and / or removal of the eye) using the formula may be necessary.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es gibt keine Erfahrungen bei Kindern (siehe Abschnitt 5.2).", "en": "There is no experience in children (see section 5.2)."}, "mt_gen": "There is no experience in children (see section 5.2).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Anwendung von Ribavirin Teva erfolgt in Kombination mit Interferon alfa-2b (3 Millionen internationale Einheiten (MIE) pro m2 Körperoberfläche dreimal pro Woche, an jedem zweiten Tag.", "en": "The use of Ribavirin Teva in combination with interferon alfa-2b (3 million international units (MIU) per square metre body surface area given three times per week, every other day)."}, "mt_gen": "The use of Ribavirin Teva in combination with interferon alfa-2b (3 million international units (MIU) per square metre body surface area given three times per week, every other day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Ärzte sollten eine mögliche Einnahme von Nicotinsäure aus Vitaminpräparaten und Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln berücksichtigen, wenn sie Trevaclyn verordnen.", "en": "Physicians should consider the nicotinic acid intake from vitamins and nutritional supplements when prescribing Trevaclyn."}, "mt_gen": "Physicians should consider the nicotinic acid intake from vitamins and nutritional supplements when prescribing Trevaclyn.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie sollten daher angemessene Vorsichtsmaßnahmen treffen, um dies zu verhindern.", "en": "You should therefore continue to use appropriate precautions to prevent this."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore, you should therefore continue to use appropriate precautions to prevent this.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Ratten wurde nach Gabe von Tigecyclin kein Anzeichen für Photosensibilität beobachtet.", "en": "In rats, no signs of photosensitivity reactions have been observed after administration of tigecycline."}, "mt_gen": "In rats, no signs of photosensitivity reactions have been observed after administration of tigecycline.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kombinationstherapie ViraferonPeg 1,5 Mikrogramm / kg / Woche in Kombination mit Ribavirin-Kapseln.", "en": "Combination therapy ViraferonPeg 1.5 micrograms / kg / week in combination with ribavirin capsules."}, "mt_gen": "Combination therapy ViraferonPeg 1.5 micrograms / kg / week in combination with ribavirin capsules.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Arzt kann Patienten, z. B. solchen, die sich einer Blutwäsche (Hämodialyse) unterziehen müssen, oder Patienten über 75 Jahren, eine niedrigere Dosis - insbesondere bei Therapiebeginn - empfehlen.", "en": "The doctor may advise starting treatment in certain patients such as undergoing haemodialysis (hemodialysis), or in those over the age of 75 years, a lower dose, especially when starting treatment in certain."}, "mt_gen": "The doctor may advise starting treatment in certain patients such as undergoing haemodialysis (hemodialysis), or those over the age of 75 years, a lower dose, especially when starting treatment in certain.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie alle Arzneimittel kann Corlentor Nebenwirkungen haben, die aber nicht bei jedem auftreten müssen.", "en": "Like all medicines, Corlentor may cause side effects, although not everybody gets them."}, "mt_gen": "Like all medicines, Corlentor may cause side effects, although not every body gets them.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Efavirenz, einer der Wirkstoffe von Atripla, kann noch längere Zeit in Ihrem Blut vorhanden sein, nachdem Sie die Einnahme beendet haben.", "en": "efavirenz, one of the active ingredients of Atripla, can be present for a long time in your blood after you have stopped taking it."}, "mt_gen": "efavirenz, one of the active ingredients of Atripla, long time in your blood may exist after you have stopped taking it.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Erkrankungen des Blutes und des Lymphsystems Häufig:", "en": "Gastrointestinal disorders of the blood and the lymphatic system Common:"}, "mt_gen": "Gastrointestinal disorders Blood and the lymphatic system disorders Common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lithium: Ein reversibler Anstieg der Serumlithiumkonzentration und deren Toxizität wurde bei gleichzeitiger Verabreichung von Lithium und Angiotensin-Converting-Enzym-Hemmern berichtet.", "en": "Lithium: A reversible increase in serum lithium concentrations and its toxicity was reported during concomitant administration of lithium with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors."}, "mt_gen": "Lithium: reversible increases in Serumlithiumkonzentration and toxicity have been reported during concomitant administration of lithium with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Wirkstoff in Prezista, Darunavir, ist ein Proteasehemmer.", "en": "The active substance in Prezista, darunavir, is a protease inhibitor."}, "mt_gen": "The active substance in Prezista, darunavir, is a protease inhibitor.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "2. Was müssen Sie vor der Anwendung von CYSTAGON beachten? 3.", "en": "What you should consider before you use CYSTAGON."}, "mt_gen": "What you should consider before you use CYSTAGON 3.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Paroxetin sollte nicht für die Behandlung von Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren angewendet werden.", "en": "Paroxetine should not be used for the treatment of children and adolescents under the age of 18 years of age."}, "mt_gen": "Paroxetine should not be used for the treatment of children and adolescents under the age of 18 years of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Überprüfen Sie dies bitte vor jeder Injektion.", "en": "Always check yourself before the injection."}, "mt_gen": "Always check yourself.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine randomisierte, doppelblinde, Parallelgruppen-Design, Placebo-kontrollierte Studie über 6 Monate mit gleichem Design wurde an 192 Erwachsenen mit mittelschwerem bis schwerem atopischen Ekzem durchgeführt.", "en": "A randomized, double-blind, parallel-group design, placebo-controlled study for 6 months with the same design was conducted on 192 adults with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis."}, "mt_gen": "A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel group, double-blind, placebo-controlled study for 6 months with a design was conducted on 192 adults with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach der möglichst umfassenden Entfernung des Hirntumors hätte der Operateur Cerepro in bis zu 70 kleinen Injektionen in den Bereich eingebracht, aus dem der Tumor entfernt wurde.", "en": "After the fullest possible removal of the brain tumour, the surgeon would have introduced Cerepro in up to 70 small injections int the area, from which the tumour was removed."}, "mt_gen": "When a comprehensive minimise the removal of the brain that would have 12 Cerepro in up to 70 young injections in the nose, was removed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie bei anderen Impfstoffen ist zu erwarten, dass bei Patienten unter immunsuppressiver Therapie möglicherweise keine ausreichende Immunantwort erzielt wird.", "en": "As with other vaccines it can be expected that an adequate response may not be achieved in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy."}, "mt_gen": "As with other vaccines it may be expected that an adequate response may not be achieved in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "101 − Die Anwendung von Agenerase Kapseln (ohne Ritonavir) wurde bei Patienten mit einer Leberkrankung untersucht.", "en": "101 − The use of Agenerase capsules (without ritonavir) has been studied in patients with liver disease."}, "mt_gen": "101 − The use of Agenerase capsules (without ritonavir) has been studied in patients with Leberkrankung.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt muss unter Umständen die Dosierung dieser anderen Arzneimittel anpassen oder sonstige Vorsichtsmaßnahmen treffen.", "en": "Your doctor may need to change the dose of these other medications or take other precautions."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor may need to change the dose of these other medications or take other precautions.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit PAH weitet Sildenafil die Lungenarterie und andere Blutgefäße in der Lunge, was den Blutdruck in der Lungenarterie senkt. Wie wurde Revatio untersucht?", "en": "In patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension, sildenafil dilates the pulmonary artery and other blood vessels in the lungs, reducing the blood pressure in the pulmonary artery. How has Revatio been studied?"}, "mt_gen": "In patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension of sildenafil in the neutron-rich re-emitted and other blood vessels in the lungs, leading to lower blood pressure in the pulmonary artery. How has Revatio been studied?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine mindestens 30% ige Schmerzreduktion verzeichneten 65% der mit Duloxetin behandelten Patienten gegenüber 40% der mit Placebo behandelten Patienten.", "en": "65% of the levels of patients treated with duloxetine and 40% of the patients treated with placebo showed a 30% reduction in pain."}, "mt_gen": "One for at least 30% pain reduction of 65% of the levels of duloxetine and 40% of the patients treated with placebo.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei der Verabreichung von Prac-tic sollte der Anwender weder rauchen, noch essen oder trinken.", "en": "When Prac-tic is administered, the user should not smoke, eat or drink."}, "mt_gen": "When Prac-tic should not smoke, eat or drink.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mit jedem Schritt sollte die Dosis um 25 I.E. pro kg 3-mal pro Woche erhöht bzw. reduziert werden.", "en": "With every step the dose should be reduced by 25 IU / kg 3 times per week, or reduced."}, "mt_gen": "With the dose should be reduced by 25 IU / kg 3 times per week, or reduced.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Obwohl nicht eindeutig belegbar, deuten die Daten einer der Studien auf eine mögliche Verschlechterung der Herzinsuffizienz bei mit Enbrel behandelten Patienten hin.", "en": "Although not conclusive, data from one of the trials suggest a possible worsening of heart failure in patients treated with Enbrel."}, "mt_gen": "Although not conclusive, data from one of the trials suggest a possible worsening of heart failure in patients treated with Enbrel.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Xeloda enthält 150 mg Capecitabin, das selbst noch kein Zytostatikum ist.", "en": "Xeloda contains 150 mg of capecitabine, which itself is not a cytostatic agent."}, "mt_gen": "Xeloda contains 150 mg of capecitabine, which itself is not a cytostatic agent.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was sollten Sie tun, wenn eine Dosis ausgelassen wird?", "en": "What should you do if a dose is missed."}, "mt_gen": "What should you do if a dose would be missed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Studie (ADDRESS) wurde bei Patienten mit schwerer Sepsis und niedrigerem Sterberisiko durchgeführt (nahezu 3 000 Patienten, Vergleich mit Placebo).", "en": "One trial (ADDRESS) has been performed in patients with severe sepsis and lower risk of death (almost 3,000 patients, compared with placebo)."}, "mt_gen": "One trial (ADDRESS) has been performed in patients with severe sepsis and lower death (almost 3,000 patients, compared with placebo).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wofür wird Tasmar angewendet?", "en": "What is Tasmar used for?"}, "mt_gen": "What is Tasmar used for?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Spritzen in dieser Aufdosierungspackung sind mit den entsprechenden Dosierungen gekennzeichnet (0,25, 0,5, 0,75 oder 1,0 ml).", "en": "The syringes in this titration pack with \"are the corresponding doses (0.25, 0.5, 0.75 or 1.0 ml)."}, "mt_gen": "The syringes in this titration pack with \"are the corresponding doses (0.25, 0.5, 0.75 or 1.0 ml).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ge Sehr häufig:", "en": "uth Very common:"}, "mt_gen": "uth Very common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Markierung (0,1, 0,2, 0,3 usw.) stellt ein Zehntel eines Milliliters (0,1 ml) dar.", "en": "Each mark (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, etc) represents one-tenth of a millilitre (0.1 ml)."}, "mt_gen": "Each mark (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, etc) represents one-tenth of a millilitre (0.1 ml).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Normales Immunglobulin vom Menschen enthält hauptsächlich funktionell intaktes Immunglobulin G (IgG) mit einem breiten Spektrum an Antikörpern gegen infektiöse Erreger.", "en": "Human normal immunoglobulin contains mainly immunoglobulin G (IgG) with a broad spectrum of antibodies against infectious agents."}, "mt_gen": "Human normal immunoglobulin contains mainly immunoglobulin G (IgG) with a broad spectrum of antibodies against infectious agents.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine erhöhte Inzidenz für Uterus-Adenocarcinome wurde in der Kanzerogenitätsstudie an Ratten bei der höchsten Dosisgruppe festgestellt.", "en": "An increased incidence of uterus adenocarcinoma was found in a rat carcinogenicity study in the highest dose group."}, "mt_gen": "An increased incidence of Uterus-Adenocarcinome was found in a rat carcinogenicity study in the highest dose group.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es werden nur wenige Dosen ZYPREXA zur Injektion gebraucht.", "en": "Only a few doses of ZYPREXA after an injection."}, "mt_gen": "Only a few doses of ZYPREXA after an injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn eine größere Menge von Bonviva angewendet wurde Sie können niedrige Blutspiegel von Calcium, Phosphor oder Magnesium entwickeln.", "en": "If you use more Bonviva than was administered: You can develop low blood levels of calcium, phosphorus."}, "mt_gen": "If you use more Bonviva was administered to you can develop low blood levels of calcium, phosphorus.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist Avandamet und wofür wird es angewendet?", "en": "What Avandamet is and what it is used for 2."}, "mt_gen": "What Avandamet is and what it is used for 2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Von einer Anwendung von Neoclarityn in der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit wird abgeraten.", "en": "nursing a baby, taking Neoclarityn during pregnancy and breast-feeding is not recommended."}, "mt_gen": "nursing a baby, taking Neoclarityn during pregnancy and breast-feeding is not recommended.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die gleichzeitige Anwendung von anderen N-Methyl-D-Aspartat (NMDA) -Antagonisten, wie Amantadin, Ketamin oder Dextromethorphan sollte vermieden werden.", "en": "Concomitant use of other N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists such as amantadine, ketamine or dextromethorphan should be avoided."}, "mt_gen": "Concomitant use of other N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists such as amantadine, ketamine or dextromethorphan should be avoided.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Behandlung mit Revasc sollte unter der Leitung eines Arztes eingeleitet werden, der in der Behandlung von Gerinnungsstörungen erfahren ist.", "en": "Treatment with Revasc should be initiated under the guidance of a physician experienced in the treatment of coagulation disorders."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment with Revasc should be initiated under the guidance of a physician experienced in the treatment of coagulation disorders.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Ihr Arzt kann dafür sorgen, dass in regelmäßigen Abständen körperliche Untersuchungen oder Röntgenuntersuchungen zur Kontrolle der Wirkungen des Arzneimittels auf Haut und Knochen durchgeführt werden.", "en": "- Your doctor may ensure that periodically physical examinations or X-ray examinations monitoring the effects of the medicinal product on the skin and bones are carried out."}, "mt_gen": "- Your doctor may ensure that periodically physical examinations or Your doctor could require monitoring of effects of the medicinal product on the skin and bones.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Übergang von Pegvisomant in die Muttermilch wurde in tierexperimentellen Studien nicht untersucht.", "en": "The excretion of pegvisomant in milk has not been studied in animals."}, "mt_gen": "The excretion of pegvisomant in milk has not been studied in animals.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hämatokrit in kurzen Abständen überwachen.", "en": "monitor haematocrit in short intervals."}, "mt_gen": "haematocrit intervals.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verwenden Sie eine Cetrotide 3 mg-Lösung nicht, wenn sie Schwebstoffe enthält oder nicht klar ist.", "en": "Do not use a Cetrotide 3 mg solution if it contains particles or is not clear."}, "mt_gen": "Use a Cetrotide 3 mg-Lösung not be administered if it contains particles or is not clear.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "58 (1,25 mmol / l) innerhalb von vier Wochen ist zu vermeiden.", "en": "58 (1.25 mmol / l) over a four week period should be avoided."}, "mt_gen": "58 (1.25 mmol / l) over a four week period should be avoided.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind in Tabelle 9 dargestellt.", "en": "Key results are presented in Table 9."}, "mt_gen": "Key results are presented in Table 9.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- zu ergreifende Maßnahmen, wenn Sie sich unwohl fühlen oder krank werden.", "en": "- measures to be taken if you feel unwell or sick."}, "mt_gen": "- too ergreifende measures if you feel unwell or sick.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ORENCIA ist erhältlich in Packungen mit entweder 1, 2 oder 3 Durchstechflaschen und wird entsprechend mit 1, 2 oder 3 Silikon-freien Spritzen geliefert.", "en": "ORENCIA is available in a pack containing either 1, 2, or 3 vials and is equivalent to 1, 2, or 3 silicone-free syringes."}, "mt_gen": "ORENCIA is available in a pack containing either 1, 2, or 3 vials and is equivalent to 1, 2, or 3 silicone-free syringes.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Sicherheit von Fondaparinux 2,5 mg wurde untersucht bei:", "en": "The safety of fondaparinux 2.5 mg has not been studied in the following conditions:"}, "mt_gen": "The safety of fondaparinux 2.5 mg has not been studied in the following conditions:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Komplikationen durch die Überdosierung dieses Arzneimittels sind unwahrscheinlich.", "en": "Complications of the overdose of this medicine are unlikely."}, "mt_gen": "Complications of the overdose of this medicine are unlikely.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "SIFROL 0,7 mg Tabletten sind weiß, rund, flach und mit einer Prägung versehen.", "en": "SIFROL 0.7 mg tablets are white, round, flat, embossed with a code."}, "mt_gen": "SIFROL 0.7 mg tablets are white, round, flat, embossed with a code.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Intrinsa ist nur für Frauen angezeigt, die sich durch die Entfernung der Eierstöcke und der Gebärmutter in der Menopause befinden.", "en": "Intrinsa is indicated for women who are in menopause after their ovaries and womb were removed."}, "mt_gen": "Intrinsa is indicated for women who have surgical removal of the ovaries and of the womb in the menopause.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "IGFBP-3 liegt bei Patienten mit schwerem primärem IGF-1-Mangel reduziert vor, was eine erhöhte Clearance von IGF-1 bei diesen Patienten im Vergleich zu gesunden Personen zur Folge hat.", "en": "IGFBP-3 is reduced in patients with severe Primary IGF1, resulting in increased clearance of IGF1 in these patients compared to healthy subjects."}, "mt_gen": "IGFBP-3 is reduced in patients with severe Primary IGFD, resulting in increased clearance of IGF-1 in these patients compared to healthy subjects.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten können sich das Arzneimittel selbst spritzen, sofern sie entsprechend geschult worden sind.", "en": "Patients may inject this medicine themselves, provided that they have been trained."}, "mt_gen": "Patients may feel injecting this medicine yourself, provided that they have been trained.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Reproduktionstoxikologie: Zoledronsäure war teratogen bei der Ratte bei subkutanen Dosen von ≥ 0,2 mg / kg.", "en": "Reproductive toxicology: zoledronic acid was teratogenic in the rat at subcutaneous doses ≥ 0.2 mg / kg."}, "mt_gen": "Reproductive toxicology: zoledronic acid was teratogenic in the rat at subcutaneous doses ≥ 0.2 mg / kg.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei bereits mit Proteaseinhibitoren (PIs) vorbehandelten Patienten soll die Wahl von Nelfinavir basierend auf der Untersuchung individueller viraler Resistenzen und der bisherigen Behandlung erfolgen.", "en": "Already observed in patients previously treated with protease inhibitors (PIs), the choice of nelfinavir should be based on individual viral resistance evaluation and treatment."}, "mt_gen": "In already observed with protease inhibitors (PIs) previously treated patients, the choice of nelfinavir should be based on individual viral resistance evaluation and treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "VIRAMUNE ist bei Patienten mit schwerer Leberfunktionsstörung (Child-Pugh C) kontraindiziert (siehe Abschnitt 4.3).", "en": "VIRAMUNE is contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic impairment (Child Pugh C) (see section 4.3)."}, "mt_gen": "VIRAMUNE is contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic impairment (Child Pugh C) is contraindicated (see section 4.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese können 1 bis 10 von 100 Patienten betreffen.", "en": "These may affect 1 to 10 in every 100 patients."}, "mt_gen": "These may affect 1 to 10 in every 100 patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie schwanger sind, dürfen Sie STOCRIN nur einnehmen, wenn Sie und Ihr Arzt entschieden haben, dass dies unbedingt erforderlich ist.", "en": "If you are pregnant, you should take STOCRIN only if you and your doctor decide it is clearly needed."}, "mt_gen": "If you are pregnant, you should take STOCRIN only if you and your doctor decide it is clearly needed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es gibt nur begrenzt Erfahrungen mit der Selbstverabreichung von Xolair.", "en": "There is limited experience with self-administration of Xolair."}, "mt_gen": "There is limited experience with the absorbent of Xolair.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "96 Schritt 1.", "en": "96 Step 1."}, "mt_gen": "96 Step 1.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Kindern (nicht bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch) traten jedoch klinisch signifikante systemische toxische Wirkungen bei Dosen auf, die für die Behandlung von Erwachsenen zugelassen sind.", "en": "In children (not according to regulated use), however, clinically significant systemic toxic effects occurred at doses approved for the treatment of adults."}, "mt_gen": "In children (not bestimmungsgemäßer use); however there were clinically significant systemic toxic effects occurred at doses approved for the treatment of adults.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Knochenprobleme Einige Patienten, die eine kombinierte antiretrovirale Therapie einnehmen, können die Knochenkrankheit Osteonekrose (Absterben von Knochengewebe durch mangelnde Blutversorgung des Knochens) entwickeln.", "en": "Bone problems: Some patients taking a combined antiretroviral therapy may develop osteonecrosis (death of bone tissue caused by loss of blood supply)."}, "mt_gen": "Bone problems Some patients taking combination antiretroviral therapy may develop the osteonecrosis (death of bone tissue caused lack caused by loss of blood supply).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "726 aus Zucker gewinnt) führen. Brechen Sie die Behandlung mit Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 25 nicht ab, ohne mit einem Arzt zu sprechen, der Ihnen sagt, was zu tun ist.", "en": "Do not stop Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 25 treatment without speaking to a doctor, who will tell you what must be done."}, "mt_gen": "726 needs to. Do not stop Insulin Human Winthrop Comb 25 without speaking to a doctor, who will.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bisher sind keine relevanten epidemiologischen Daten verfügbar.", "en": "To date, no relevant epidemiological data is available."}, "mt_gen": "To date, no relevant epidemiological data are available.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ältere Patienten, die mit TCF behandelt werden, sollten engmaschig überwacht werden.", "en": "Elderly patients treated with TCF should be closely monitored."}, "mt_gen": "Elderly patients treated with TCF should be closely monitored.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach der Rekonstitution sollte die Lösung klar, farblos und frei von Fremdpartikeln sein.", "en": "After reconstitution the solution should be clear, colourless and free from foreign particles."}, "mt_gen": "After reconstitution the solution should be clear, colourless and free from foreign particles.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das mediane PFS war 167 Tage für Patienten, die randomisiert Nexavar erhielten, verglichen mit 84 Tagen für Placebo-Patienten (HR = 0,44; 95% Konfidenzintervall:", "en": "The median PFS was 167 days for patients randomised to Nexavar compared to 84 days for placebo patients (HR = 0.44; 95% CI:"}, "mt_gen": "The median PFS was 167 days for patients randomised to Nexavar compared to 84 days for placebo patients (HR = 0.44; 95% CI:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In diesem Fall sollten Sie sich unverzüglich an Ihren Arzt wenden, da Sie möglicherweise eine schwere Entzündung des Dickdarms (pseudomembranöse Kolitis) haben.", "en": "In this case you should immediately consult your doctor, since you may have a severe inflammation of the large intestine (pseudomembranous colitis)."}, "mt_gen": "In this case you should immediately consult your doctor, since you may have a severe inflammation of the large intestine (pseudomembranous colitis).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wurden keine therapeutischen klinischen Studien mit Zomarist durchgeführt.", "en": "There have been no therapeutic clinical trials conducted with Zomarist."}, "mt_gen": "There have been no therapeutic clinical trials conducted with Zomarist.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Besonderes Augenmerk galt dabei den therapeutischen Anwendungsgebieten von Gemzar.", "en": "Particular attention was paid to the therapeutic area of application of Gemzar."}, "mt_gen": "Particular attention was the therapeutic indications of Gemzar.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Einige Patienten können auf die Anfangsdosen von Filgrastim sehr schnell und mit einem erheblichen Anstieg der Neutrophilenzahl reagieren.", "en": "Some patients may react very fast and with a considerable increase in the neutrophil count to the initial doses of filgrastin."}, "mt_gen": "Some patients may have reduced antibody response to initial doses of filgrastim is very rapid, and a considerable increase in the neutrophil count.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Obwohl keine Untersuchungen durchgeführt worden sind, kann diese Kombination zu starken Erhöhungen der Plasmakonzentrationen von Bosentan führen.", "en": "Although no studies have been conducted, the use of this combination may cause large increases in plasma concentrations of bosentan."}, "mt_gen": "Although no studies have been conducted, the use of this combination may cause large increases in plasma concentrations of bosentan.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur Hämodialyse als Therapiemaßnahme bei Überdosierung liegen keine Erfahrungen vor.", "en": "For hemodialysis as a therapeutic measure no experience of an overdose have not been established."}, "mt_gen": "For hemodialysis Therapiemaßnahme overdose have not been established.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "gegeben werden; der Impfstoff kann gleichzeitig mit Hepatitis B-Immunglobulin gegeben werden, die Injektionen sollten jedoch an unterschiedlichen Körperstellen erfolgen.", "en": "be given simultaneously with hepatitis B immunoglobulin, but at a separate injection site."}, "mt_gen": "be given simultaneously with hepatitis B immunoglobulin, but at a separate injection site.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In den Faeces repräsentierte unverändertes Tipranavir den Hauptteil der fäkalen Radioaktivität (79,9%).", "en": "In faeces, unchanged tipranavir represented the main part of the faecal radioactivity (79.9%)."}, "mt_gen": "In faeces, unchanged tipranavir tablet-shaped in faecal radioactivity (99.9%).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Warten Sie, bis die Fläche trocken ist.", "en": "Wait for the area to dry."}, "mt_gen": "Wait for the area to dry.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Alkohol wurde dabei so verabreicht, dass die Alkohol-Absorption maximiert war (keine Nahrungsaufnahme seit dem vorangegangenen Abend bis 2 Stunden nach der Alkohol-Gabe).", "en": "The Alcohol was given so that the alcohol absorption was maximised (had not eaten since previous evening until 2 hours after the administration of alcohol)."}, "mt_gen": "The Alcohol nifedipine was given so that maximizes the Alkohol-Absorption (not eaten since previous evening until 2 hours after the Alkohol-Gabe).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Verabreichung erfolgt subkutan, vorzugsweise in die Bauchfalte.", "en": "Administration should take place subcutaneously, preferably in the stomach folds."}, "mt_gen": "patient's subcutaneous injection, preferably in Bauchfalte.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Bioverfügbarkeit von Levodopa ist bei Frauen signifikant höher als bei Männern.", "en": "The bioavailability of levodopa is significantly higher in women than in men."}, "mt_gen": "The bioavailability of levodopa is significantly higher in women than in men.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "43 nicht hämodialysierbar.", "en": "43 is not removed by haemodialysis."}, "mt_gen": "43 is not removed by haemodialysis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Packungen mit 1 oder 3 Durchstechflaschen.", "en": "Pack sizes of 1 or 3 vials."}, "mt_gen": "Pack sizes of 1 or 3 vials.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Entfernen Sie die Kappe von der 1-ml-Spritze.", "en": "Remove the cap from the 1 ml syringe."}, "mt_gen": "Remove the cap from the 1 ml syringe.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten mit psychiatrischen Störungen in der Anamnese scheinen ein größeres Risiko für diese schweren, psychiatrischen Nebenwirkungen zu haben, mit Häufigkeiten von 0,3% für manische Reaktionen bis zu Häufigkeiten von 2,0% jeweils für schwere Depressionen bzw. Selbstmordgedanken.", "en": "Patients with a history of psychiatric disorders appear to be at greater risk of these serious psychiatric adverse reactions with frequencies of each of the above events ranging from 0.3% for manic reactions to 2.0% for both severe depression and suicidal ideation."}, "mt_gen": "Patients with a history of psychiatric disorders appear to be at greater risk of these serious psychiatric adverse reactions with frequencies of each of the above events ranging from 0.3% for manic reactions to 2.0% for both severe depression and suicidal ideation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Veranschlagt sind Mittel für die Anschaffung von Büromöbeln, und anderen Möbeln, insbesondere ergonomischen Möbeln, Regalen für die Archive usw.", "en": "This appropriation is intended to also office furniture, and other furniture, in particular ergonomic furniture, shelves for archive etc."}, "mt_gen": "This appropriation is intended to also Büromöbeln, and other processed, processed amidine comprises hexamidine, Regalen for Archive, etc.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Um die Möglichkeit einer Verklumpung zu minimieren ist es wichtig, die Blutmenge, die in das Infusionbesteck gelangt, zu begrenzen.", "en": "In order to minimise the possibility of agglutination, it is important to limit the amount of blood entering the agglutination."}, "mt_gen": "In order to minimise the possibility of agglutination, it is important to limit the amount of blood entering the agglutination.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieser Unterschied beruht auf der Sättigungskapazität der Enzym- Ramiprilat-Bindung.", "en": "This difference is based on the saturation capacity of the enzyme-ramiprilat binding."}, "mt_gen": "This difference is related to an Ramiprilat-Bindung.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Geschlecht Es wurden keine bedeutenden geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede beobachtet.", "en": "Gender: No relevant difference between genders was observed."}, "mt_gen": "Gender There were no relevant difference between genders was observed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bringen Sie die Dosierpumpe auf der Flasche an Nehmen Sie die Pumpe aus dem Beutel.", "en": "Fix the metering pump to the bottle. Take the pump from the sachet."}, "mt_gen": "Allow the metering pump bottle and take the sachets.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Wirksamkeit und Unbedenklichkeit von Zidovudin wurde bei Patienten mit bestehenden signifikanten Leberstörungen nicht belegt.", "en": "The efficacy and safety of zidovudine has not been established in patients with significant underlying liver disorders."}, "mt_gen": "The efficacy and safety of zidovudine has not been established in patients with significant underlying liver disorders.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In klinischen Studien am Menschen zeigte Vareniclin ein geringes Missbrauchspotenzial.", "en": "In clinical studies in man, varenicline has demonstrated a low potential for abuse."}, "mt_gen": "In clinical studies in man, varenicline has demonstrated a low Missbrauchspotenzial.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Basierend auf systemischer Exposition und Verträglichkeit sind Dosisanpassungen bei älteren Patienten nicht erforderlich, außer es liegt eine schwere Niereninsuffizienz vor (Kreatinin-Clearance unter 30 ml / min) (siehe Abschnitt 4.2).", "en": "On the basis of drug exposure and tolerability, the dosage adjustments are not required for elderly patients, unless there is evidence of severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance below 30 ml / min) (see section 4.2)."}, "mt_gen": "On the basis of drug exposure and tolerability, the dosage adjustments are not required for elderly patients, unless there is evidence of severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance below 30 ml / min) (see section 4.2).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht mit einem anderen Impfstoff oder immunologischen Produkt außer dem beigefügten Lösungsmittel mischen.", "en": "Do not mix with any other vaccine or immunological product except the solvent provided."}, "mt_gen": "Do not mix with any other vaccine or immunological product except the solvent provided.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "PROTELOS ist nur für die Anwendung an postmenopausalen Frauen bestimmt.", "en": "PROTELOS is only intended for use in postmenopausal women."}, "mt_gen": "PROTELOS is only intended for use in postmenopausal women.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Einheitlichkeit der Gutachten und Beurteilungsberichte der wissenschaftlichen Ausschüsse (CHMP und CVMP) aus zulassungsrechtlicher und wissenschaftlicher Sicht sowie deren Qualität sollen weiter verbessert werden.", "en": "The consistency of the opinion and assessment of the Scientific Committees (CHMP and CVMP) and Regulatory Forum due to the formation of quality should be improved."}, "mt_gen": "The consistency of the opinion and assessment of the Scientific Committees (CHMP and CVMP) and Regulatory Forum due to the formation of quality should be improved.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "3 ml Suspension in einer Patrone (farbloses Glas, Typ 1) mit einem Kolben (Brombutylgummi, Typ 1) und einer Bördelkappe (Aluminium) mit einem Stopfen (Brombutyl- oder Polyisopren- Brombutylgummi, Typ 1).", "en": "3 ml suspension in a cartridge (type 1 colourless glass) with a plunger (bromobutyl rubber (type 1)) and a flanged cap (aluminium) with a stopper (bromobutyl or laminate of polyisoprene and bromobutyl rubber (type 1))."}, "mt_gen": "3 ml suspension in a cartridge (type 1 colourless glass) with a plunger (bromobutyl rubber (type 1)) and a flanged cap (aluminium) with a stopper (bromobutyl or laminate of polyisoprene and bromobutyl rubber (type 1)).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Infusionslösung und 6 Ampullen mit Wasser für Injektionszwecke Es werden möglicherweise nicht alle Packungsgrößen in den Verkehr gebracht.", "en": "Solution for infusion and 6 ampoules of water for injections, not all pack sizes may be marketed."}, "mt_gen": "Solution for infusion and 6 ampoules of water for injections, not all pack sizes may be marketed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "LUMIGAN ist eine klare Augentropfen-Lösung mit dem Wirkstoff Bimatoprost.", "en": "LUMIGAN is a clear eye drop solution containing the active substance bimatoprost."}, "mt_gen": "LUMIGAN is a clear eye drop solution containing the active substance bimatoprost.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zevalin wird nicht direkt angewendet, sondern muss vor der Anwendung radioaktiv markiert werden.", "en": "Zevalin is not used on its own, but must be radiolabelled before use."}, "mt_gen": "Zevalin is not used on its own, but must be radiolabelled before use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie können OptiSet außen mit einem feuchten Tuch abwischen.", "en": "You can wipe off OptiSet with a damp cloth."}, "mt_gen": "You can take OptiSet with a damp cloth.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sobald der Patient wieder bei Bewusstsein ist, empfiehlt sich die Gabe von Kohlenhydraten, um einen Rückfall zu vermeiden.", "en": "Once the patient is conscious, the recommended approach is administration of relapse should be avoided."}, "mt_gen": "Once the patient is conscious, the recommended approach is administration of relapse should be avoided.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Einfluss von Rimonabant auf die prä- und postnatale Entwicklung wurde an der Ratte in Dosierungen von bis zu 10 mg / kg / Tag untersucht.", "en": "The effects of rimonabant on prenatal and postnatal development was studied in rats at doses of up to 10 mg / kg / day."}, "mt_gen": "The effects of rimonabant on pre- and postnatal development was studied in rats at doses of up to 10 mg / kg / day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das mediane Gesamtüberleben wurde in keiner der vier Behandlungsgruppen erreicht.", "en": "The median overall survival was not achieved the four treatment groups."}, "mt_gen": "The median overall survival was not achieved the four treatment groups.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei niedrigem Blutzuckerspiegel hat Vildagliptin keine Wirkung.", "en": "In low blood sugar levels, vildagliptin has no effect."}, "mt_gen": "In low blood sugar levels, vildagliptin has no effect.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Duloxetin sollte mit Vorsicht angewendet werden bei Patientinnen, die eine Leberschädigung haben oder die andere Arzneimittel einnehmen, die zu Leberschädigung führen können.", "en": "Duloxetine should be used with caution in patients who have liver disease or who are taking other medicines that may cause damage to the liver."}, "mt_gen": "Duloxetine should be used with caution in patients who have liver disease or who are taking other medicines that may cause damage to the liver.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für einzelne Patienten kann eine langsamere Aufdosierung von Gabapentin angezeigt sein.", "en": "For individual patients, a slower escalation of gabapentin dosing may be indicated."}, "mt_gen": "For individual patients may be a slower meals; gabapentin may be indicated.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tierexperimentelle Studien haben gezeigt, dass Anti-OP-1-Antikörper der IgG-Klasse in die Milch der Muttertiere ausgeschieden werden.", "en": "Animal studies have shown excretion of IgG class anti-OP-1 antibodies into milk."}, "mt_gen": "Animal studies have shown excretion of IgG class anti-OP-1 antibodies into milk.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tolcapon ist ein Wirkstoff mit niedrigem Extraktionsquotienten (0,15) und einer mittleren systemischen Clearance von rund 7 l / h.", "en": "Tolcapone is an active substance with low extraction ratios (0.15) and a mean systemic clearance of approximately 7 l / h."}, "mt_gen": "Tolcapone is an orally active substance with low Extraktionsquotienten (0.15) and a mean systemic clearance of approximately 7 l / h.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten, die keine extensive Chemotherapie erhalten haben, ist eine einzelne Leukapherese oft ausreichend.", "en": "For patients who do not have extensive chemotherapy a single leucapherese is often sufficient."}, "mt_gen": "For patients who do not have extensive chemotherapy, a single Ar 1 is often sufficient.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Umstellung zu NovoMix 70 von einem anderen Insulinpräparat kann eine Anpassung der Dosis und der Zeit der Verabreichung erfordern.", "en": "The conversion to NovoMix 70 from another insulin product may require an adjustment in the dose and the time of dosing."}, "mt_gen": "Switching with NovoMix 70 If you switch from another states may require an adjustment in the dose of the time of dosing.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "319 Falls weitere Informationen über das Arzneimittel gewünscht werden, setzen Sie sich bitte mit dem örtlichen Vertreter des Pharmazeutischen Unternehmers in Verbindung.", "en": "319 If you want more information about this medicine, please contact the local representative of the pharmaceutical company."}, "mt_gen": "319 If you want more information about this medicine, please contact the local representative of the Marketing Authorisation Holder.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "5 mg; weiß:", "en": "5 mg; white:"}, "mt_gen": "5 mg; white:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es gibt keine Erfahrungen bezüglich der Anwendung von Imprida bei schwangeren Frauen.", "en": "There is no experience regarding the use of Imprida in pregnant women."}, "mt_gen": "There is no experience regarding the use of Imprida in pregnant women.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "10 Präklinische Daten Die antihyperglykämische Wirkung von Rosiglitazon wurde in einigen Tiermodellen für den Typ-2- Diabetes gezeigt.", "en": "10 Preclinical data. The antihyperglycaemic activity of rosiglitazone has been demonstrated in a number of animal models of type 2 diabetes."}, "mt_gen": "10 Preclinical data The antihyperglycaemic activity of rosiglitazone has been demonstrated in a number of animal models of type 2 diabetes.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Studien wurden mit Katzen und Hunden verschiedener Altersgruppen, verschiedenen Geschlechts und unterschiedlicher Rasse durchgeführt.", "en": "The studies were conducted in cats and dogs of various age groups, gender and race."}, "mt_gen": "The studies were conducted in cats and dogs of various age groups, gender and race.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Yentreve darf nicht bei Patientinnen mit bestimmten Lebererkrankungen oder schwerer Nierenerkrankung angewendet werden.", "en": "Yentreve should not be used in patients with certain types of liver disease or severe kidney disease."}, "mt_gen": "Yentreve should not be used in patients with certain types of liver disease or severe kidney disease.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Parareg führte zu einer Senkung der PTH-Spiegel um 42% verglichen mit einer Erhöhung um 8% bei Patienten unter Placebo.", "en": "Parareg resulted in a decrease in PTH levels decreased by 42% compared with 8% in the patients adding placebo."}, "mt_gen": "Parareg resulted in a decrease in PTH levels decreased by 42% compared with 8% in the patients adding placebo.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Je- des dieser Arzneimittel enthält eine eigene Gebrauchsinformation als Anleitung.", "en": "Every one of this medicinal product comes with its own patient information leaflet."}, "mt_gen": "Je- of this medicinal product contains comes with another patient information leaflet.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "15 TESAVEL kann unabhängig von der Nahrungsaufnahme eingenommen werden.", "en": "15 TESAVEL can be taken with or without food."}, "mt_gen": "15 TESAVEL can be taken with or without food.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welches Risiko ist mit RoActemra verbunden?", "en": "What is the risk associated with RoActemra?"}, "mt_gen": "What is the risk associated with RoActemra?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nadeln werden nicht bereitge- stellt.", "en": "Needles are not provided."}, "mt_gen": "Needles are not bereitge-.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Therapie mit Ribavirin ist kontraindiziert bei schwangeren Frauen.", "en": "Ribavirin therapy is contraindicated in women who are pregnant."}, "mt_gen": "Ribavirin therapy is contraindicated in women who are pregnant.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ZYPREXA Pulver zur Herstellung einer Injektionslösung darf nicht in einer Spritze mit anderen im Handel erhältlichen Arzneimitteln gemischt werden.", "en": "ZYPREXA powder for solution for injection must not be mixed in the same syringe with any other of the medicinal products."}, "mt_gen": "ZYPREXA powder for solution for injection must not be mixed in the same syringe with any other of the medicinal products.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten müssen auf die Bildung von Faktor IX-Hemmkörpern (Inhibitoren) hin überwacht werden.", "en": "Patients should be monitored for the development of factor IX inhibitors."}, "mt_gen": "Patients should be monitored for the development of factor IX inhibitors.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Datum, an dem das Produkt aus dem Kühlschrank genommen wurde, muss auf dem Umkarton vermerkt werden.", "en": "The date the product is removed from the refrigerator, must be noted on the outer carton."}, "mt_gen": "The date the product is removed from the refrigerator, must be noted on the outer carton.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sobald eine Azidose vorliegt, in jeglicher Form, muss Janumet sofort abgesetzt werden und andere entsprechende korrektive Maßnahmen sind zu ergreifen.", "en": "Once a acidosis of Myozyme occurs, Janumet must be stopped immediately and other appropriate corrective measures initiated."}, "mt_gen": "Once a acidosis of Myozyme occurs, Janumet must be stopped immediately and other appropriate corrective measures initiated.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die rheumatoide Arthritis ist eine entzündliche Erkrankung der Gelenke.", "en": "The rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints."}, "mt_gen": "The rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Arzt oder die Sprechstund enhilfe wird Quintanrix als Injektion in den Muskel verabreichen.", "en": "The doctor or consultation hours Quintanrix is given by injection into the muscle."}, "mt_gen": "The doctor or Sprechstund enhilfe Quintanrix is given by injection into the muscle.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Olanzapin Teva 15 mg Filmtabletten ist in Packungen mit 28, 30, 35, 50, 56 oder 70 Filmtabletten erhältlich.", "en": "Olanzapine Teva 15 mg film-coated tablets are available in cartons of 28, 30, 35, 50, 56 or 70 film- coated tablets."}, "mt_gen": "Olanzapine Teva 15 mg film-coated tablets are available in cartons of 28, 30, 35, 50, 56 or 70 film- coated tablets.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Von den 271 Patienten, die im Rahmen von klinischen ITP-Studien Romiplostim erhielten, waren 55 (20%) im Alter von 65 Jahren und älter und 27 (10%) waren 75 Jahre und älter.", "en": "Of the 271 patients eho received romiplostim as part of clinical ITP studies, 55 (20%) were aged 65 years and older, and 27 (10%) were ≥ 75 years of age and older."}, "mt_gen": "Of the 271 patients treated in clinical ITP-Studien patients receiving romiplostim were 55 (20%) aged 65 years and older, and 27 (10%) were ≥ 75 years of age and older.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zu Einzelheiten der Studie und zu den besonderen Patientenmerkmalen, auf denen diese Indikation basiert, siehe Abschnitt 5.1.", "en": "For further details of the study and special patient characteristics based on this indication, see section 5.1."}, "mt_gen": "For further details of the study and generating special, this indication is based on a protein, see section 5.1.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "17 • Die Eltern und die Patienten sollten darüber aufgeklärt werden, dass die Möglichkeit von allergischen Reaktionen besteht und dass bei Eintreten einer allergischen Reaktion die Behandlung sofort eingestellt und ein Arzt aufgesucht werden muss. • Informationen zur Immunogenitätsprobe.", "en": "17 • Parents and patients should be advised that there is a possibility of allergic reactions and that if this response be interrupted, prompt medical attention should be sought. • Immunogenicity sampling information."}, "mt_gen": "17 • Parents and patients should be advised that there is a possibility of allergic reactions and that if this response be interrupted and prompt medical attention should be sought. • Immunogenicity sampling information.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei nicht vollständig geheilten Patienten kann die Behandlung für weitere vier Wochen fortgeführt werden.", "en": "In patients who have not fully recovered, the treatment may be continued for an additional four weeks."}, "mt_gen": "In fully HCV sequence corresponding to patients, treatment may be continued for an additional four weeks.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fragen Sie Ihren Apotheker, wie das Arzneimittel zu entsorgen ist, wenn Sie es nicht mehr benötigen.", "en": "Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required."}, "mt_gen": "Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Darüber hinaus hat bei Patienten mit kongestiver Herzinsuffizienz der NYHA Klassen I bis II eine placebokontrollierte Ein-Jahresstudie eine Verschlechterung oder mögliche Verschlechterung der Herzinsuffizienz bei 6,4% der mit Rosiglitazon behandelten Patienten gezeigt.", "en": "A placebo-controlled one-year trial in patients with congestive heart failure in the NYHA class I-II demonstrated worsening or possible worsening of heart failure occurred among 6.4% of patients treated with rosiglitazone."}, "mt_gen": "In a placebo-controlled one-year trial in patients with congestive heart failure NYHA class I-II, a placebo-controlled one-year trial demonstrated worsening or possible worsening of heart failure occurred in 6.4% of patients treated with rosiglitazone.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In hohen Dosen fand sich bei Ratten eine ZNS-dämpfende Wirkung und Reizung des Gastrointestinaltrakts.", "en": "At high doses, there was ZNS-dampening effect and irritation in gastrointestinal tracts."}, "mt_gen": "At high doses, there was ZNS-dämpfende effect and irritation in rats.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Auf Grundlage von In-vitro- und In-vivo-Studien wird Raltegravir hauptsächlich über den Stoffwechselweg der UGT1A1-vermittelten Glukuronidierung eliminiert.", "en": "On the basis of in vitro and in vivo studies of raltegravir is primarily eliminated by the liver share UGT1A1 mediated glucuronidation."}, "mt_gen": "On the basis of in vitro and in vivo studies of raltegravir is primarily eliminated by the liver share UGT1A1-vermittelten glucuronidation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "NeuroBloc kann mit (0,9)% iger Natriumchlorid-Injektionslösung (9 mg / ml) verdünnt werden.", "en": "NeuroBloc can be diluted with (0.9)% sodium chloride injection solution (9 mg / ml)."}, "mt_gen": "NeuroBloc can be diluted with sodium chloride (0.9)% of either sodium chloride 9 mg / ml).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten über 50 kg beträgt die übliche Dosis 50 mg einmal täglich.", "en": "For patients weighing over 50 kg, the usual dose is 50 mg once a day."}, "mt_gen": "For patients aged over 50 kg, the usual dose is 50 mg once a day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Epoetin alfa HEXAL besitzt einen nach dem gegenwärtigen Stand der Wissenschaft höchstmöglichen Reinheitsgrad.", "en": "Epoetin alfa HEXAL Bexarotene posseses a highest possible degree of purity according to the current state of science."}, "mt_gen": "Epoetin alfa HEXAL Bexarotene is inserted into the current This leaflet was last approved in Wissenschaft maximum possible.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist kein Gegenmittel bei Überdosierung von Topotecan bekannt.", "en": "There is no known antidote for topotecan overdose."}, "mt_gen": "There is no known antidote for topotecan overdose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die folgenden Daten sind Ergebnisse von Studien, die mit Pioglitazon bzw. Glimepirid jeweils einzeln durchgeführt wurden.", "en": "The following data are findings from studies performed with pioglitazone or glimepiride individually."}, "mt_gen": "The following data are findings in studies performed with pioglitazone or glimepiride individually.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Veranschlagt sind ferner Mittel zur Deckung der Ausgaben für die Veranstaltung dieser Sitzungen, soweit sie nicht durch die bestehende Infrastruktur gedeckt sind.", "en": "This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure for organising these meetings, if they are not covered by exisitng infrastructure."}, "mt_gen": "This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure on the meeting of these meetings, if they are not the thermostat aggravates existing Infrastruktur.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Bläschen wirken als Reflektor für den Ultraschallstrahl und liefern ein besseres Echo als das Gewebe des Körpers.", "en": "The blisters work as a reflector for the ultra sound beam and provides a better contrast agent than the retinoic acid."}, "mt_gen": "The work in blisters for the flow and provide a better contrast agent that the retinoic acid.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "17 Es wurden Fälle von schweren Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen (wie Anaphylaxie und Angioödem) berichtet bei Patienten, die EXJADE angewendet haben.", "en": "17 There have been cases of severe hypersensitivity reactions (such as anaphylaxis and angioedema) have been reported in patients who have used EXJADE."}, "mt_gen": "17 There have been cases of severe hypersensitivity reactions (such as anaphylaxis and angioedema) have been reported in patients who have used EXJADE.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten, die mit Zonegran behandelt wurden, sind Nierensteine aufgetreten.", "en": "For patients who have been treated with Zonegran, kidney stones have occured."}, "mt_gen": "For patients who have been treated with Zonegran, kidney stones.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Fertigspritze (0,5ml) enthält 22 Mikrogramm (6 M.I.E. *) Interferon beta-1a * *.", "en": "Each pre-filled syringe (0.5 ml) contains 22 micrograms (6 MIU *) of interferon beta-1a * *."}, "mt_gen": "Each pre-filled syringe (0.5 ml) contains 22 micrograms (6 MIU *) of interferon beta-1a * *.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sofern eine Lymphopenie auftritt, ist die Prophylaxe fortzusetzen bis sich die Lymphopenie bis zum Grad ≤ 1 bessert.", "en": "If a lymphopenia occurs, no further treatment until the prophylaxis of lymphopenia until the patient's clinical Grade ≤ 1."}, "mt_gen": "If a lymphopenia occurs, no further treatment until the prophylaxis of lymphopenia until the patient's clinical Grade ≤ 1.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Unternehmen setzte den CHMP davon in Kenntnis, dass es für Patienten, die derzeit an klinischen Versuchen mit Voraxaze teilnehmen, keine Konsequenzen gibt.", "en": "The company informed the CHMP that there are no consequences for patients currently included in clinical trials with Voraxaze."}, "mt_gen": "The company informed the CHMP that for patients currently included in clinical trials with Voraxaze, no consequences.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aus diesem Grund sollte Lenalidomid nicht in der pädiatrischen Altersgruppe (0 - 17 Jahre) angewendet werden.", "en": "Therefore, lenalidomide should not be used in the paediatric age group (0-17 years)."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore, lenalidomide should not be used in the paediatric age group (12-17 years).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine regelmäßige Kontrolle des Blutdrucks ist empfehlenswert.", "en": "Periodic monitoring of the blood pressure is recommended."}, "mt_gen": "Periodic monitoring of the blood pressure is recommended.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Topisch überdosiertes TRAVATAN kann mit lauwarmem Wasser aus den Augen gespült werden.", "en": "The overdosed TRAVATAN may be washed with warm water from the eyes."}, "mt_gen": "The überdosiertes TRAVATAN may be flushed with warm water the eyes.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die gleichzeitige Verabreichung von Voriconazol mit Carbamazepin und Phenobarbital ist kontraindiziert (siehe Abschnitt 4.3).", "en": "Concomitant use of voriconazole with carbamazepine and phenobarbital is contraindicated (see section 4.3)."}, "mt_gen": "Concomitant use of voriconazole with carbamazepine and phenobarbital is contraindicated (see section 4.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "11 Eradikationstherapie wurden bisher beobachtet:", "en": "11 used in eradication therapy have been found so far:"}, "mt_gen": "11 used in eradication therapy have been found so far:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Rahmen der Hauptstudien wurde Trazec mit Placebo (Scheinmedikament) oder mit anderen Arzneimitteln zur Behandlung von Typ 2-Diabetes (Metformin, Glibenclamid oder Troglitazon) verglichen.", "en": "The main studies compared Trazec to placebo (a dummy treatment), or to other medicines used to treat type 2 diabetes (metformin, glibenclamide or troglitazone)."}, "mt_gen": "The main studies compared Trazec to placebo (a dummy treatment), or to other medicines used to treat type 2 diabetes (metformin, glibenclamide or troglitazone).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Exelon 6,0 mg Hartkapsel enthält 6,0 mg Rivastigmin.", "en": "Each Exelon 6.0 mg capsule contains 6.0 mg of rivastigmine."}, "mt_gen": "Each Exelon 6.0 mg capsule contains 6.0 mg of rivastigmine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Rückenschmerzen, Muskelkrämpfe, Myalgie Selten:", "en": "back pain, muscle spasms, myalgia Rare:"}, "mt_gen": "back pain, muscle spasms, myalgia Rare:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die verwendete Zylinderam- pulle darf zwischen den Injektionen nicht aus dem Pen entfernt werden.", "en": "The used cartridge may not be removed from the pen between the injections."}, "mt_gen": "The check to see if the cartridge is not between injections will be removed from the Pen using the outer needle cap.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Metabolismus bei Pferden wurde nicht untersucht.", "en": "The metabolism in horses has not been studied."}, "mt_gen": "The metabolism in horses has not been studied.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "dass das Virus auf dieses Arzneimittel nicht mehr anspricht (Entwicklung von Resistenzen).", "en": "the virus no longer responds to this medicine (development of resistance)."}, "mt_gen": "will respond to this medicine resistance).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine versehentliche Injektion ist gefährlich - lesen Sie vor der Anwendung die Packungsbeilage.", "en": "Accidental injection is dangerous - see package insert before use."}, "mt_gen": "Accidental injection is dangerous - see package insert before use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Wirkstoff in ReFacto AF, Moroctocog alfa, ist ein Protein des Blutgerinnungsfaktors (ein Stoff, der die Blutgerinnung unterstützt).", "en": "The active substance in ReFacto AF, moroctocog alfa, is a blood coagulation factor protein is a photosensitising agent (a, which helps blood to clot)."}, "mt_gen": "The active substance in ReFacto AF, moroctocog alfa, is a blood coagulation factor protein is a photosensitising agent (a, which helps blood to clot).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "27 Erythropoetin auf die Knochenmarkszellen konnten nicht festgestellt werden.", "en": "27 Erythropoietin on bone marrow cells could not be detected."}, "mt_gen": "27 erythropoietin on bone marrow cells could not be detected.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie wird durch Injektion in den Muskel verabreicht.", "en": "It is given by injection into the muscle."}, "mt_gen": "It is given by injection into the muscle.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Behandlung mit Siklos kann dann mit einer etwas niedrigeren Dosis wieder aufgenommen werden (siehe Abschnitt 4.2).", "en": "Treatment with Siklos may then be reinitiated with a lower dose (see section 4.2)."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment with Siklos may then be reinitiated with a lower dose (see section 4.2).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sollte es ab dem zweiten Schwangerschaftstrimester zu einer Exposition mit AII-RAs gekommen sein, werden Ultraschalluntersuchungen der Nierenfunktion und des Schädels empfohlen.", "en": "Should there be an exposure with AIIRAs in the second trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound check of renal function and skull is recommended."}, "mt_gen": "Should the second trimester of pregnancy exposure to AIIRAs have occurred from the pregnancy, ultrasound check of renal function and skull is recommended.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "28% der Patienten hatten vor Studienbeginn eine oder mehrere radiologisch nachgewiesene Wirbelfrakturen.", "en": "28% of the patients had one or more radiologically proven vertebral fractures prior to study."}, "mt_gen": "28% of the patients had prior to study entry or radiologically proven vertebral fractures.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Venöse thromboembolische Ereignisse Bei rund 1,0% der Patienten mit soliden Tumoren, die SUTENT u. a. bei GIST und MRCC in klinischen Studien erhielten, wurde über behandlungsbedingte venöse thromboembolische Ereignisse berichtet.", "en": "Venous thromboembolic events: In approximately 1% of patients with solid tumours receiving SUTENT among other medicines in GIST and MRCC clinical trials, treatment-related venous thromboembolic events have been reported."}, "mt_gen": "Venous thromboembolic events In approximately 1.0% of patients with solid tumours receiving SUTENT in GIST and MRCC in clinical trials, treatment-related venous thromboembolic events have been reported.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In den veröffentlichten Studien wurde gezeigt, dass die Schubrate bei Patienten im Alter zwischen 12 und 18 Jahren sank.", "en": "From published studies, it was shown that the relapse rate in patients aged between 12 and 18 years of age decreased."}, "mt_gen": "From published studies, it was shown that the relapse rate in patients aged between 12 and 18 years of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist GONAL-f?", "en": "What is GONAL-f?"}, "mt_gen": "What is GONAL-f?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach zwei Jahren zeigten 93,4% (p < 0,001) der Patienten, die Bonviva 150 mg einmal monatlich und 78,4% der Patienten, die Ibandronsäure 2,5 mg täglich erhielten, einen Anstieg der BMD des gesamten Hüftknochens über oder gleich dem Ausgangswert.", "en": "After two years 93.4% (< p 0.001) of patients receiving Bonviva 150 mg once monthly and 78.4% of patients receiving ibandronic acid 2.5 mg daily had total hip BMD increases above or equal to baseline."}, "mt_gen": "At two years 93.4% (p 0.001) of patients receiving Bonviva 150 mg once monthly and 78.4% of patients receiving ibandronic acid 2.5 mg daily had total hip BMD increases above or equal to baseline.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aufgrund eingeschränkter Daten zur Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit sollte Rasilez HCT bei Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz mit Vorsicht angewendet werden.", "en": "Due to limited data on the efficacy and tolerability in patients with heart failure, Rasilez HCT should be used with caution."}, "mt_gen": "Because impaired data on the efficacy and tolerability of Rasilez HCT in patients with heart failure should be used with caution.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die empfohlene Dosis für diese Patienten ist einmal täglich 5 mg jeweils zur etwa gleichen Tageszeit.", "en": "The recommended dose for these patients is 5 mg once a day, approximately the same time."}, "mt_gen": "The recommended dose for these patients is 5 mg once a day, approximately the same time.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wird Exelon angewendet?", "en": "How is Exelon used?"}, "mt_gen": "How is Exelon used?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es kann alleine oder zusammen mit anderen Tropfen, z.B. Betablockern angewendet werden, die ebenfalls den Augeninnendruck senken.", "en": "It can be used alone or in combination with other drops, e. g. beta-blockers, which also reduce pressure."}, "mt_gen": "It can be used alone or in combination with other drops, e. g. beta-blockers, which also reduce pressure.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Panretin wird zweimal täglich auf die Hautläsionen, nicht jedoch auf die umgebende gesunde Haut, aufgetragen. Hierbei wird ausreichend Gel verwendet, um auf jede Läsion eine dicke Schicht Gel aufzutragen.", "en": "Panretin is taken twice a day to the skin lesions, but to the surrounding healthy skin. Enough gel is used to apply a thick coat of gel to every lesion."}, "mt_gen": "Panretin is taken twice a day to the skin lesions, but do not respond to the surrounding skin. This is given using enough to lesion every 13 of gel.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine wiederholte Ovitrelle-Exposition wurde nur bei männlichen Patienten untersucht.", "en": "Repeated Ovitrelle-Exposition has only been studied in male patients."}, "mt_gen": "Repeated Ovitrelle-Exposition has only been studied in male patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Sicherheit von TachoSil bei Verwendung während der Schwangerschaft oder Stillzeit wurde in kontrollierten klinischen Studien nicht untersucht.", "en": "The safety of TachoSil when used during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied in controlled clinical trials."}, "mt_gen": "The safety of TachoSil when used during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied in controlled clinical trials.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "49 Informieren Sie sofort Ihren Arzt, wenn Sie schwanger sind oder eine Schwangerschaft planen.", "en": "49 Tell your doctor immediately if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant."}, "mt_gen": "49 Tell your doctor immediately if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Imprida wurde bei keiner anderen Patientenpopulation außer Hypertonikern untersucht.", "en": "Imprida has not been studied in any patient population other than those suffering from hypotension."}, "mt_gen": "Imprida has been studied in any patient population other than hypertension except in hypertension.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn die beiden Substanzen zusammengemischt werden, wird Fibrinogen durch Thrombin in kleinere Einheiten zerlegt, die als Fibrine bezeichnet werden.", "en": "If the concentrations of both substances are mixed, fibrinogen is disassembled by thrombin in small units, called Fibrine."}, "mt_gen": "If the concentrations of both substances, fibrinogen is caused by thrombin (the pressrure, called Fibrine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die empfohlene Rebif-Dosis beträgt 44 Mikrogramm und wird dreimal wöchentlich als Injektion unter die Haut verabreicht.", "en": "The recommended Rebif dose is 44 micrograms and is given three times a week as an injection under the skin."}, "mt_gen": "The recommended should is 44 micrograms and will be given three times a week as an injection under the skin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Langfristige topische Anwendung führte bei der Ratte zu systemischer Toxizität einschließlich Veränderungen an Nieren, Pankreas, Augen und Nervensystem.", "en": "The longterm topical use in rats has led to systemic toxicity including changes in the kidneys, pancreas, eyes and nervous system."}, "mt_gen": "The systemic exposure of a changes, pancreas, eyes and nervous system.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Falls indiziert, sollte eine Behandlung zur Verringerung der Resorption (Aktivkohle, Laxanzien oder Magenspülung) durchgeführt werden.", "en": "If indicated, treatment to reduce absorption (Activated charcoal, laxatives or gastric lavage) should be conducted."}, "mt_gen": "If indicated, to treat should be made to reduce absorption (Activated charcoal, laxatives or gastric lavage) will be conducted.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Serumlipasewerte sollten monatlich oder wie klinisch angezeigt kontrolliert werden.", "en": "The serum lipase value should be monitored monthly or as clinically indicated."}, "mt_gen": "The Serumlipasewerte should be monthly or as clinically indicated.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Radikalbildung kann erfolgen, nachdem Porfimer-Natrium Licht absorbiert hat, um ein Porphyrinmolekül im angeregten Zustand zu erzeugen.", "en": "The radical formation may occur after porfimer sodium has absorbed light, to create a porphyrin molecule in a stimulated state."}, "mt_gen": "The 260 may be absorbed after porfimer sodium, that is Porphyrinmolekül polytetramethyleneetherdiol, and post-liver transplantation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In seltenen Fällen wurde über eine Laktatazidose bei Patienten, die Lamivudin zur Behandlung der Hepatitis B erhielten, berichtet.", "en": "Rare cases of lactic acidosis in patients receiving lamivudine for the treatment of hepatitis B, have been reported."}, "mt_gen": "Rare cases of lactic acidosis in patients receiving lamivudine for the treatment of hepatitis B, have been reported.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie bereits Antidepressiva, Arzneimittel gegen Angstzustände oder zum Schlafen (Tranquilizer) einnehmen, können Sie sich benommen fühlen, wenn ZYPADHERA gegeben wird.", "en": "If you are already taking antidepressants, medicines taken for anxiety or to help you sleep (tranquillisers), you may feel drowsy if ZYPADHERA is given."}, "mt_gen": "If you are already taking antidepressants, medicines taken for anxiety or to help you sleep (tranquillisers), you may feel drowsy if ZYPADHERA is given.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das System sollte vom Patienten nur bei Schmerzen aktiviert werden.", "en": "The system should be activated by the patient only when in pain."}, "mt_gen": "The system should be activated by the patient only in pain.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sorgfältige Überwachung von Wirksamkeit und Nebenwirkungen wird empfohlen bei gleichzeitiger Gabe von Atovaquon und Indinavir / Ritonavir.", "en": "Careful monitoring of therapeutic and adverse effects is recommended when atovaquone is concomitantly administered with indinavir / ritonavir."}, "mt_gen": "Careful monitoring of therapeutic and adverse effects is recommended when atovaquone is concomitantly administered with indinavir / ritonavir.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ohnmacht (Synkope) ist ein häufiges Symptom der Erkrankung selbst, kann aber auch unter der Behandlung mit Ventavis auftreten.", "en": "Fainting (syncope) is a common symptom of the disease itself, but can also occur during treatment with Ventavis."}, "mt_gen": "fainting (syncope) is a common symptom of the disease itself, but can also occur during treatment with Ventavis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "er nach Gabe des 90- und 180fachen der empfohlenen intramuskulären oder subkutanen Dosis von 2 Millionen I.E. / m ² abortive Wirkungen nachweisen.", "en": "Corresponding to 90 and 180 times the recommended intramuscular or subcutaneous dose of 2 million IU / m2."}, "mt_gen": "groups (corresponding to 90 and 180 times the recommended intramuscular or subcutaneous dose of 2 million IU / m2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei der Bewertung von Nebenwirkungen werden folgende Häufigkeitsangaben zugrunde gelegt:", "en": "The frequency of the side effects on the following frequency data:"}, "mt_gen": "The frequency of the side effects on the following frequency data:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Verringerung der Dosierung von Rifabutin um mindestens 75% wird bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung von Telzir mit Ritonavir empfohlen.", "en": "A reduction of the dose of rifabutin by at least 75% is recommended when co-administered with Telzir with ritonavir."}, "mt_gen": "Reductions in the dose of rifabutin by at least 75% is recommended when co-administered with Telzir with ritonavir.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "AVAGLIM ist bei Patienten mit schweren Nierenfunktionsstörungen kontraindiziert (Kreatinin- Clearance weniger als 30 ml / min, siehe Abschnitt 4.3).", "en": "AVAGLIM is contraindicated in patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml / min) (see section 4.3)."}, "mt_gen": "AVAGLIM is contraindicated in patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml / min) (see section 4.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Sicherheitsprofil von VIAGRA beruht auf 8691 Patienten, die in 67 Plazebo-kontrollierten klinischen Studien mit den empfohlenen Dosierungen behandelt wurden.", "en": "The safety profile of VIAGRA is based on 8691 patients included in 67 placebo-controlled clinical trials treated with recommended doses."}, "mt_gen": "The safety profile of VIAGRA is based on 8691 patients included in 67 placebo-controlled clinical trials with recommended doses.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schwere Infektionen traten bei etwa 4% der Patienten auf.", "en": "Serious infections occurred in approximately 4% of patients."}, "mt_gen": "Serious infections occurred in approximately 4% of patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "April 2004 und 13. April 2009 verlängert.", "en": "The marketing authorisation was renewed on 13 April 2004 and on 13 April 2009."}, "mt_gen": "The marketing authorisation was renewed on 13 April 2004 and on 13 April 2009.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie eine größere Menge von Zomarist eingenommen haben, als Sie sollten Wenn Sie zu viele Tabletten Zomarist eingenommen haben oder wenn jemand anders Ihre Tabletten eingenommen hat, sprechen Sie sofort mit einem Arzt oder Apotheker.", "en": "If you take more Zomarist than you should: If you have taken too many tablets of Zomarist, or if someone else takes your tablets, talk to a doctor or pharmacist immediately."}, "mt_gen": "If you take more Zomarist than you should If you have taken too many tablets of Zomarist, or if someone else takes your tablets, talk to a doctor or pharmacist immediately.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Daher ist Vorsicht geboten bei Arzneimitteln, die bekannt dafür sind, PR Prolongationen zu induzieren.", "en": "Therefore, caution should be exercised with other medicinal products that are known to induce PR prolongations."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore, caution should be exercised with other medicinal products are known, PR Prolongationen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In den Föten weiblicher Ratten, denen die 8-20-fache Dosis der maximalen Humandosis von 200 mg / kg verabreicht worden war, wurden an verschiedenen Stellen Defizite in der Skelettknochenbildung festgestellt.", "en": "In the fetus of female rats who were given 8-20 times the maximum human dose of 200 mg / kg, deficits in the skeletal bone formation were observed in various locations."}, "mt_gen": "In the fetus / female rats who 8-20-fache dose of the maximum human dose of 200 mg / kg was given, injection sites and deficits was observed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die orale Gabe von Folsäure und die intramuskuläre Gabe von Vitamin B12 verändern nicht die Phar- makokinetik von Pemetrexed.", "en": "Oral administration of folic acid and the intramuscular administration of vitamin B12 does not alter the Phar- makokinetik of pemetrexed."}, "mt_gen": "Oral administration of folic acid and the intramuscular administration of vitamin B12 does not alter the Phar- makokinetik of pemetrexed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es enthält Spuren von IgA (weniger als 0,05 mg / ml).", "en": "It contains traces of IgA (less than 0.05 mg / ml)."}, "mt_gen": "It contains traces of IgA (less than 0.05 mg / ml).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In einer klinischen Studie hatte Sitagliptin eine geringe Wirkung auf die Plasmakonzentrationen von Digoxin, was darauf hinweist, dass Sitagliptin P-Glykoprotein leicht hemmen könnte.", "en": "In a clinical study of Sitagliptin had a small effect on the plasma concentrations of digoxin, indicating that sitagliptin is a mild inhibitor of P-glycoprotein."}, "mt_gen": "In a clinical study of Sitagliptin had a small effect on the plasma concentrations of digoxin, indicating that sitagliptin is a mild inhibitor of P-glycoprotein.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Behandlung wird so lange fortgesetzt, bis die Erkrankung fortschreitet.", "en": "Treatment will continue for as long as the disease to get worse."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment will continue for as long as the disease to get worse.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "CEPROTIN kann Spuren von Heparin enthalten.", "en": "CEPROTIN may contain traces of heparin."}, "mt_gen": "CEPROTIN may contain traces of heparin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "108 Veränderungen werden im Allgemeinen vom Patienten nicht wahrgenommen (keine Symptome), sind leicht und reversibel und machen meist keine besondere Behandlung erforderlich.", "en": "108 Changes are generally not noticed by the patient (no symptoms), are reversible and mild, and most often do not require particular treatment."}, "mt_gen": "108 changes are generally not noticed by the patient (no symptoms), are usually reversible and mild, and most often do not require particular treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie das natürliche Hormon Erythropoetin erhöht MIRCERA die Anzahl der roten Blutkörperchen und den Hämoglobingehalt in Ihrem Blut.", "en": "Like the natural hormone erythropoietin, MIRCERA increases the number of red blood cells and haemoglobin level in your blood."}, "mt_gen": "As the natural hormone erythropoietin, MIRCERA increases the number of red blood cells and haemoglobin level in your blood.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "101 Eine leichte Form der Hypoglykämie kann durch Aufnahme von Glukose oder Zucker oder anderen zuckerhaltigen Produkten behoben werden.", "en": "101 A mild form of hypoglycaemia can be caused by the intake of glucose or sugar or other sugary products."}, "mt_gen": "101 Mild hypoglycaemic episodes will respond to oral administration of glucose or other sugar or saccharated products.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tierexperimentelle Studien haben eine Ausscheidung von Methylnaltrexoniumbromid in die Muttermilch gezeigt.", "en": "Animal studies have shown excretion of methylnaltrexone bromide in milk."}, "mt_gen": "Animal studies have shown excretion of methylnaltrexone bromide is excreted in milk.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es liegen keine bzw. keine kompletten Erkenntnisse über die Pharmakokinetik von Somatropin bei geriatrischen oder pädiatrischen Populationen, bei unterschiedlichen Rassen sowie bei Patienten mit Nieren-, Leber- oder Herzinsuffizienz vor.", "en": "There are no or no complete data on the pharmacokinetics of somatropin in elderly or paediatric populations in various races as well as in patients with renal, hepatic or heart failure."}, "mt_gen": "There are no or no complete data on the pharmacokinetics of somatropin in elderly or paediatric populations in various breeds as well as in patients with renal, hepatic or heart failure.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur intramammären Anwendung.", "en": "For intramammary use."}, "mt_gen": "Intramammary use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In den Studien wurde die Konzentration einer Substanz im Blut (glykosyliertes Hämoglobin, HbA1c) gemessen, die anzeigt, wie gut der Blutzucker eingestellt ist.", "en": "The studies measured the level of a substance in the blood called glycosylated haemoglobin, HbA1c, which gives an indication of how well the blood glucose is controlled."}, "mt_gen": "The studies measured the level of a substance in the blood called glycosylated haemoglobin, HbA1c), which gives an indication of how well the blood glucose is controlled.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine stufenweise Reduktion der Dosis oder ihrer Häufigkeit erscheint nicht vorteilhaft.", "en": "One gradual reduction in dose or frequency does not appear to infants."}, "mt_gen": "One gradually reduction in dose or frequency does not appear to infants.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "© EMEA 2007 2 / 3 beispielsweise einer Hepatitis-B- oder Hepatitis-C-Infektion) kann bei der Einnahme von VIRAMUNE das Risiko einer Leberschädigung erhöht sein.", "en": "© EMEA 2007 Grade 2 / 3 with their liver (including hepatitis B As) may increase the risk of liver damage when taking VIRAMUNE."}, "mt_gen": "© EMEA 2007) Grade 2 / 3 with their liver (including hepatitis B As) may increase the risk of liver damage when taking VIRAMUNE.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wird es einer Kuh verabreicht, erkennt das Immunsystem des Tieres die Bakterien als \"fremd\" und stellt Antikörper gegen sie her.", "en": "When it is given to a cow, the animal's immune system recognises the bacteria as \"foreign'and restores antibodies against them."}, "mt_gen": "When it is given to a cow, the animal's immune system recognises the bacteria as \"foreign'and restores antibodies against them.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Inhaber der Herstellungserlaubnis werden weiterhin halbjährliche PSURs einreichen.", "en": "MAHs will continue to submit half-annual PSURs."}, "mt_gen": "Manufacturing measurement will be MAHs will continue to submit annual PSURs.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Durchstechflasche enthält 5 ml Injektionslösung, entsprechend 500 I.E. Insulin.", "en": "Each vial contains 5 ml of solution for injection, equivalent to 500 IU insulin."}, "mt_gen": "Each vial contains 5 ml of solution for injection, equivalent to 500 IU insulin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Flaschen aus Polyethylen hoher Dichte (HDPE) mit Polypropylenverschluss mit 30 Kapseln.", "en": "High-density polyethylene bottles (HDPE) with polypropylene child resistant closure containing 30 capsules."}, "mt_gen": "High-density polyethylene bottles (HDPE) with polypropylene child resistant closure containing 30 capsules.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei 18% der Isolate traten 4 oder mehr der folgenden 6 Substitutionen auf, die als kritische Substitutionen für Proteaseinhibitoren betrachtet werden:", "en": "18% of isolates experienced 4 or more of the following six substitutions, which was considered as a critical substitute fro protease inhibitors:"}, "mt_gen": "In 18% of isolates experienced 4 or more of the following six substitutions, which was considered as a critical esterified with a protease inhibitors:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "TRAVATAN enthält Benzalkoniumchlorid, das bekanntermaßen weiche Kontaktlinsen verfärbt.", "en": "TRAVATAN contains benzalkonium chloride, which is known to discolour contact lenses."}, "mt_gen": "TRAVATAN contains benzalkonium chloride, which is known to contact lenses.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welches Risiko ist mit NovoMix verbunden?", "en": "What is the risk associated with NovoMix?"}, "mt_gen": "What is the risk associated with NovoMix?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eingeschränkte Nierenfunktion: Die Ausscheidung (Clearance) von Entecavir sinkt mit abfallender Kreatinin-Clearance (siehe Abschnitt 5.2).", "en": "Renal impairment: the clearance of entecavir decreases with decreasing creatinine clearance (see section 5.2)."}, "mt_gen": "Renal impairment: the clearance of entecavir decreases with decreasing creatinine clearance (see section 5.2).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Einnahme von Viread wurde nicht bei Patienten im Alter von über 65 Jahren untersucht.", "en": "Taking Viread has not been studied in patients aged over 65 years of age."}, "mt_gen": "Taking Viread has not been studied in patients aged over 65 years of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Obwohl extensive CYP 2D6-Metabolisierer niedrigere Risperidon und höhere 9-Hydroxy-Risperidon Konzentrationen als schlechte Metabolisierer aufweisen, ist die Pharmakokinetik von Risperidon und 9-Hydroxy-Risperidon zusammen (d. h. der aktiven antipsychotischen Fraktion) nach Einmal- und Mehrfachgabe bei extensiven und schlechten CYP 2D6- Metabolisierern vergleichbar.", "en": "Although extensive metabolisers have lower risperidone and higher 9-hydroxy-risperidone concentrations than poor metabolisers, the pharmacokinetics of risperidone and 9-hydroxy-risperidone combined (i. e., the active antipsychotic fraction), after single and multiple doses, are similar in extensive and poor metabolisers of CYP 2D6."}, "mt_gen": "Although extensive CYP 2D6-Metabolisierer lower risperidone and higher 9-hydroxy-risperidone concentrations was poor metabolisers, pharmacokinetics of risperidone and 9-hydroxy-risperidone are coadministered (i. e., the active antipsychotic fraction) after single and multiple doses and poor CYP 2D6 metabolisers convert it much more similar to extensive metabolizers.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Insuman Rapid wird subkutan verabreicht.", "en": "Insuman Rapid is administered subcutaneously."}, "mt_gen": "Insuman Rapid is administered subcutaneously.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie alle Arzneimittel kann INTANZA Nebenwirkungen haben, die aber nicht bei jedem auftreten müssen.", "en": "Like all medicines, INTANZA can have side effects, although not everybody gets them."}, "mt_gen": "Like all medicines, INTANZA can have side effects, although not everybody gets them.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hypotonisch-hyporesponsive Episoden, Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen an der Injektionsstelle (z. B. Dermatitis, Pruritus, Urtikaria).", "en": "Hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes, hypersensitivity reactions at the injection site (e. g. dermatitis, pruritus, urticaria)."}, "mt_gen": "Hypotonisch-hyporesponsive episodes, hypersensitivity reactions at the injection site (e. g. dermatitis, pruritus, urticaria).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "41 Patienten, deren IgE-Basiswert oder Körpergewicht in Kilogramm außerhalb der Grenzen der Dosierungstabelle liegen, sollten nicht mit Xolair behandelt werden.", "en": "41 Patients whose IgE base value or body weight in kilograms is over the limits of the dosing table should not be given Xolair."}, "mt_gen": "41 patients whose IgE-Basiswert or body weight in kilograms in the limits of the dosing table should not be given Xolair.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieser Vernebler überwacht das Atemmuster, um die Aerosolimpulszeit zu ermitteln, die für eine Abgabe der voreingestellten Dosis von 2,5 oder 5 Mikrogramm Iloprost erforderlich ist.", "en": "This nebuliser monitors the breathing to identify the aerosol pulse duration, which is required for the pre-set dose of 2.5 or 5 micrograms iloprost."}, "mt_gen": "This nebuliser monitors the breathing, Aerosolimpulszeit to identify and the pre-set dose of 2.5 or 5 micrograms iloprost is required.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die TYSABRI Durchstechflasche ist vor dem Verdünnen und der Anwendung auf Partikel zu prüfen.", "en": "The TYSABRI vial should be checked before dilution and use on particles."}, "mt_gen": "The TYSABRI vial should be given before dilution, and discolouration prior to administration.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- wenn Schläfrigkeit eine Gefahr für Ihre Sicherheit darstellen könnte;", "en": "- If drowsiness is likely to be associated with a risk to your safety;"}, "mt_gen": "- If drowsiness are likely to be associated with a risk to safety grounds;", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kombination mit Cisplatin und 5-Fluorouracil gegeben.", "en": "Given in combination with cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil."}, "mt_gen": "in combination with cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nehmen Sie nicht die doppelte Dosis ein, wenn Sie die vorherige Einnahme vergessen haben.", "en": "Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten tablet."}, "mt_gen": "Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten tablet.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei körpergewichtsbezogener Dosierungseinstellung haben Alter (≥ 12 Jahre) und Geschlecht keinen erkennbaren Effekt auf die Zonisamid-Exposition bei Patienten mit Epilepsie bei Steady-state-Dosierung.", "en": "In doses settings related to body weight, age (≥ 12 years of age) and gender did not have observable effects on the zonisamide exposure in patients with epilepsy on steady-state dosage."}, "mt_gen": "In körpergewichtsbezogener Dosierungseinstellung age (≥ 12 years of age) and gender did not observable effect on the Zonisamid-Exposition in patients with epilepsy in steady-state.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Losartan ist bei Männern ebenso wirksam wie bei Frauen, bei jüngeren Hypertonikern (unter 65 Jahren) ebenso wie bei älteren.", "en": "Losartan is a equally effective in males and females, and in younger and older hypertensive patients (less than 65 years) and elderly."}, "mt_gen": "Losartan is a equally effective in males and females, and in younger and older hypertensive patients (less than 65 years) and elderly.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dem Patienten sollte geraten werden, Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zur Vermeidung von Hypoglykämien beim Führen von Fahrzeugen zu treffen.", "en": "Patients should be advised to take precautions to avoid hypoglycaemia when driving."}, "mt_gen": "Patients should be advised to take precautions to avoid hypoglycaemia or have frequent episodes of hypoglycaemia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fentanyl führte zu mutagenen Effekten bei Säugetierzellen in vitro, vergleichbar mit anderen Opioidanalgetika.", "en": "Fentanyl resulted in mutagenic effects, which is similar to that in other opioid analgesics."}, "mt_gen": "Fentanyl resulted in mutagenic effects which is similar to that in other opioid analgesics.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nadel nicht wiederverwenden.", "en": "Do not use needle again"}, "mt_gen": "not wiederverwenden.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "rz des Hämatokritwertes, der Erythrozytenzahl und der Retikulozyten, welche mit den erwarteten pharmakologischen Wirkungen korrespondierten.", "en": "Haemotocrit level, erythrocytes number, reticulocyte which corresponded with the expected pharmacological effects."}, "mt_gen": "er in packed cell volume, red blood cell counts and reticulocytes, which correspond to the expected pharmacological effects.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Häufige Nebenwirkungen (weniger als 10 von 100 Patienten betroffen):", "en": "Common side effects (affecting less than 10 in every 100 patients):"}, "mt_gen": "Common side effects (affecting less than 10 in every 100 patients):", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In anderen Fällen ging die Überdosierung mit Symptomen wie Schläfrigkeit, Übelkeit, Gastritis, Nystagmus, Myoklonien, Koma, Bradykardien, reduzierter Nierenfunktion, Hypotonie und Atemdepression einher.", "en": "In other cases, overdose was accompanied by symptoms such as somnolence, nausea (feeling sick), gastritis, nystagmus, myoclonus, coma, bradycardia, reduced renal function, hypotension and respiratory depression."}, "mt_gen": "In other cases, reduction in overdose with symptoms such as somnolence, nausea (feeling sick), gastritis, nystagmus, myoclonus, coma, bradycardia, reduced renal function, hypotension and respiratory depression.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Infusionsdauer beträgt mindestens 30 Minuten.", "en": "The infusion time is at least 30 minutes."}, "mt_gen": "The infusion time is at least 30 minutes.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "erhöhte Plasmakonzentrationen von Clozapin und Pimozid.", "en": "Increased plasma concentrations of clozapine and pimozide."}, "mt_gen": "Increased plasma concentrations of clozapine and pimozide.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Arzneimittel einnehmen, die Ihr Immunsystem unterdrücken (Ihr Immunsystem schützt Sie vor Infektionen und einigen Krankheiten).", "en": "taking medicines that suppress your immune system (your body's immune system protects you against infection and some cancerous cells."}, "mt_gen": "are taking medicines that suppress your immune system (your body's immune system protects you against infection and some cancerous cells.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Datum der letzten Verlängerung:", "en": "Date of latest renewal:"}, "mt_gen": "Date of latest renewal:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In den Studien I - V bei rheumatoider Arthritis wurden zu mehreren Zeitpunkten Serumproben von Patienten auf Autoantikörper untersucht.", "en": "In the studies I - V, serum samples were tested at multiple timepoints from patients with reumatoid arthritis for autoantibodies."}, "mt_gen": "In the studies I - V in rheumatoid arthritis were tested at multiple timepoints for Patients had serum samples.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieser Zustand ist vor der Verabreichung von Sprimeo auszugleichen, andernfalls sollte die Behandlung unter engmaschiger medizinischer Überwachung begonnen werden.", "en": "This condition should settle prior to administration of Sprimeo, or the treatment should start under close medical supervision."}, "mt_gen": "This condition should corrected prior to administration of Sprimeo, or the treatment should start under close medical supervision.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vorsicht ist geboten, wenn APTIVUS / Ritonavir bei Patienten mit abnormalen Leberenzymwerten oder einer Hepatitis in der Anamnese angewendet werden soll.", "en": "Caution should be exercised when APTIVUS / ritonavir is to be administered in patients with abnormal liver enzymes or a history of hepatitis B."}, "mt_gen": "Caution should be exercised when APTIVUS / ritonavir in patients with abnormal liver enzymes or a history of hepatitis B is to be administered.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Veränderungen der Stimme, Heiserkeit.", "en": "- Changes in voice, hoarseness."}, "mt_gen": "- Changes, hirsutism or clitoromegaly, hoarseness.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Actrapid wird 30 Minuten vor einer Mahlzeit verabreicht.", "en": "Actrapid is given 30 minutes before a meal."}, "mt_gen": "Actrapid is given 30 minutes before a meal.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Sicherheit von Refludan in Schwangerschaft oder Stillzeit wurde am Menschen bisher nicht untersucht.", "en": "The safety of Refludan during pregnancy or lactation has not been investigated in humans so far."}, "mt_gen": "The safety of Refludan during pregnancy or lactation has not been investigated in humans so far.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dosisabgabe Auf der Oberseite des IONSYS-Systems befinden sich eine Dosiertaste und eine rote Leuchtanzeige.", "en": "Dose administration. On the top of the IONSYS system there is a dosing button and red light."}, "mt_gen": "dose on the top of the IONSYS dosing and red light.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bitte beachten Sie, dass Noxafil nur für Erwachsene vorgesehen ist (älter als 18 Jahre).", "en": "Please note that Noxafil is only for use in adults (older than 18 years of age)."}, "mt_gen": "Please note that Noxafil is only for use in adults (older than 18 years of age).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie ist Doribax aufzubewahren?", "en": "How to store Doribax"}, "mt_gen": "How to store Doribax", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "20 Sehr selten: Nicht bekannt:", "en": "20 Very rare: Not known:"}, "mt_gen": "20 Very rare: Not known:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bitte beachten Sie bei einer antiviralen Begleittherapie für eine Hepatitis B oder C die relevanten Produktinformationen zu diesen Arzneimitteln.", "en": "Please be aware of relevant product information on medicinal products for concomitant antiviral therapy for hepatitis B or C."}, "mt_gen": "Please with concomitant antiviral therapy for hepatitis B or C, the relevant product information for these medicinal products.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nebenwirkungen, die bei der Anwendung von Salmeterol oder Fluticasonpropionat auftraten, sind nachfolgend aufgeführt, geordnet nach Systemorganklassen und Häufigkeit.", "en": "Adverse reactions reported with the use of salmeterol or fluticasone propionate are listed below by system organ class and by frequency."}, "mt_gen": "Adverse reactions reported with the use of salmeterol or fluticasone propionate are listed below, by system organ class and by frequency.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Einige dieser Nebenwirkungen können schwerwiegend sein und zu einer Einweisung in das Krankenhaus führen.", "en": "Some of these effects may be serious and lead to hospitalisation."}, "mt_gen": "Some of these effects may be serious and lead to proper training in the hospital.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "38,5 mg Lactose-Monohydrat, Magnesiumstearat, Hypromellose, Titandioxid (E 171), Talkum, Triacetin, Eisen (III) -hydroxid-oxid x H2O (E 172) und Eisen (III) -oxid (E 172).", "en": "38.5 mg of lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium dioxide (E171), talc, triacetin, iron oxide yellow (E172), potassium hydroxide, and black iron oxide (E 172)."}, "mt_gen": "38.5 mg of lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium dioxide (E171), talc, triacetin, iron oxide yellow (E172), potassium hydroxide, and black iron oxide (E 172).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eventuell verordnet Ihnen der Arzt während der Behandlung mit Cubicin auch noch weitere Antibiotika, je nachdem, an welchem / welchen Infektionstypen Sie leiden.", "en": "You may prescribe the physician during treatment with Cubicin and other antibiotics, depending on the acrylic types of infections you are suffering from."}, "mt_gen": "You may prescribe the physician during treatment with Cubicin and other antibiotics, depending on the acrylic types of infections you are suffering from.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nur für die Anwendung unter tierärztlicher Aufsicht.", "en": "For use only under the supervision of a veterinary supervision."}, "mt_gen": "For use only under the supervision of a veterinary supervision.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "276 zusätzlichen Zuckerreste unterscheiden sich molekular nicht von denen des endogenen Hormons.", "en": "276 additional sugar residues do not differ from the endogenous hormone."}, "mt_gen": "276 additional Zuckerreste do not discriminate from the endogenous hormone.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "100 mg Lösungsmittel:", "en": "100 mg 1 vial + 1 ampoule Solvent:"}, "mt_gen": "100 mg 1 vial + 1 ampoule Solvent:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Derzeit liegen nicht sehr viele Informationen über die Behandlung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit MabThera vor. Wenn Sie unter 18 Jahren sind, fragen Sie gegebenenfalls Ihre Eltern / Ihre Erziehungsberechtigten, Ihren Arzt, ob MabThera für Sie geeignet ist.", "en": "Currently there is not very much information on the treatment of children and adolescents with MabThera. If you are under 18 years of age, ask your parents / your legal guardians or your doctor whether MabThera is suitable for you."}, "mt_gen": "Currently there are not very many information on the treatment of children and adolescents treated with MabThera. If you are under 18 years of age, ask your parents / your Erziehungsberechtigten your doctor whether MabThera is suitable for you.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "1 ml der rekonstituierten Lösung enhält 90 mg Enfuvirtid.", "en": "1 ml of the reconstituted solution contains 90 mg enfuvirtide."}, "mt_gen": "1 ml of the reconstituted solution is then set 90 mg enfuvirtide.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Psychiatrische Erkrankungen Gelegentlich: Beklemmung, Insomnie. Selten:", "en": "Psychiatric disorders. Uncommon: mobility decreased, insomnia."}, "mt_gen": "Psychiatric disorders Uncommon: mobility decreased, insomnia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- Beschränkungen der Behandlungsdauer mit der Tageshöchstdosis von 375 mg auf 4 Wochen;", "en": "- Restrictions of the duration of treatment with the maximal daily dose is 375 mg every 4 weeks;"}, "mt_gen": "- milking, the duration of treatment of the maximal daily dose is 375 mg every 4 weeks;", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In vielen Berichten wurde die verstärkte Wirkung oraler Antikoagulantien bei Patienten mit der Behandlung von antibakteriellen Substanzen, insbesondere bei Fluorchinolonen, beschrieben.", "en": "There have been many reports of increase in the effect of oral anticoagulants in patients with the treatment of antibacterial agents, particularly with fluorochinolones."}, "mt_gen": "There have been many reports of oral anticoagulants in patients with antibacterial agents, particularly in patients, including fluoroquinolones.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht über 30oC lagern.", "en": "Do not store above 30oC."}, "mt_gen": "Do not store above 30oC.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- schwere Anämie und Neutropenie.", "en": "- severe anaemia and neutropenia."}, "mt_gen": "- severe anaemia and neutropenia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Alopezie, Pruritus *, Hauttrockenheit *, Hautausschlag *, er vermehrtes Schwitzen Häufig:", "en": "Alopecia, pruritus *, dry skin *, skin rash *, sweating increased Common:"}, "mt_gen": "Alopecia, pruritus *, skin dry *, rash *, sweating increased Common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese Reaktionen können sehr früh während der ersten Infusion, aber auch bei nachfolgenden Infusionen auftreten.", "en": "These reactions may occur very early during the first infusion, but also with subsequent infusions."}, "mt_gen": "These reactions may occur very early during the first infusion, but also with subsequent infusions.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten, die an einer seltenen erblichen Fructose-Intoleranz, Glucose- Galactose-Malabsorption oder Saccharase-Isomaltase-Insuffizienz leiden, sollten nicht mit RotaTeq geimpft werden.", "en": "Patients who have a rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or saccharase-isomaltase deficiency should not be vaccinated with RotaTeq."}, "mt_gen": "Patients who have a rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or Saccharase-Isomaltase-Insuffizienz should not be vaccinated with RotaTeq.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Außerdem maskieren sie die Anzeichen eines Hyperthyreoidismus und verstärken die Prinzmetal-Angina und verschiedene periphere und zentrale Kreislaufstörungen sowie eine Hypotension.", "en": "They may also mask the signs of hyperthyroidism and cause worsening of Prinzmetal's angina and various peripheral and central circulatory disorders and hypotension."}, "mt_gen": "They may also mask the signs of hyperthyroidism and cause worsening of Prinzmetal-Angina and various peripheral and central circulatory disorders and hypotension.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Zubereitung der gebrauchsfertigen VISTIDE-Lösung muss in einer Laminar-Flow-Box vorgenommen werden.", "en": "The preparation of ready-made VISTIDE solution must be performed in a laminar flow box."}, "mt_gen": "Use according to one of the VISTIDE-Lösung should be done.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit Nierenproblemen muss die Dosis unter Umständen angepasst werden.", "en": "For people with kidney problems, the dose may need to be adjusted."}, "mt_gen": "For people with kidney problems, the dose may need to be adjusted.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht über + 25ºC lagern.", "en": "Do not store above 25 ° C"}, "mt_gen": "Do not store above 25 ° C", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Viani Evohaler sollen nicht für die Akutbehandlung von Asthmasymptomen eingesetzt werden, für die ein schnell und kurz wirksamer Bronchodilatator benötigt wird.", "en": "Viani Evohaler should not be used for the acute treatment of asthma symptoms, a quicker and faster working bronchodilator is needed for that."}, "mt_gen": "Viani Evohaler should not be used for corticosteroid therapy, and rapidly.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein Abklingen der Pankreatitis bei einer symptomatischen Behandlung wurde beobachtet.", "en": "The resolution of pancreatitis in symptomatic treatment has been observed."}, "mt_gen": "The resolution of pancreatitis in symptomatic treatment has been observed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In den Phase-III-RESIST-Studien traten erhöhte Transaminasen im APTIVUS / Ritonavir-Arm signifikant häufiger auf als im Vergleichsarm.", "en": "In the phase III RESIST studies transaminases were increased in the APTIVUS / ritonavir arm was significantly more frequently in the comparator arm."}, "mt_gen": "In the Phase-III-RESIST-Studien transaminases were increased in the APTIVUS / ritonavir arm was significantly higher in the comparator arm.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weitere Informationen siehe Abschnitt 5.1.", "en": "For further information, see section 5.1."}, "mt_gen": "For further information, see section 5.1.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Eliminierungshalbwertszeit der aktiven freien Säure nach topischer Gabe konnte aufgrund ihrer geringen Plasmakonzentrationen und der raschen Ausscheidung nicht bestimmt werden.", "en": "The elimination half life of active free acid after topical administration has not been determined because of their low plasma concentrations and to a rapid elimination."}, "mt_gen": "The Eliminierungshalbwertszeit of active after topical administration has not been determined because of their low plasma concentrations and to a rapid elimination.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vermeiden Sie während des Auflösungsvorgangs die Bildung von Luftblasen.", "en": "Avoid the formation of air bubbles during the dissolution process."}, "mt_gen": "Avoid during the Auflösungsvorgangs the formation of air bubbles.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Kindern und Jugendlichen, die mit IntronA in Kombination mit Ribavirin behandelt wurden, wurde häufiger von Suizidabsichten und Suizidversuchen während der Behandlung und während der 6 Folgemonate nach der Behandlung im Vergleich zu erwachsenen Patienten (2,4% zu 1%) berichtet.", "en": "Among children and adolescents treated with IntronA in combination with ribavirin, suicidal ideation or attempts were reported more frequently during treatment and during the 6 month follow-up period after treatment compared to adult patients (2.4% vs 1%)."}, "mt_gen": "Among children and adolescents treated with IntronA in combination with ribavirin, suicidal ideation or attempts were reported more frequently during treatment and during the 6-month follow-up period after treatment compared to adult patients (2.4% vs 1%).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Wartezeit für Milch betrug 2,5 Tage.", "en": "The withdrawal period for milk was 2.5 days."}, "mt_gen": "The withdrawal period for milk was 2.5 days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die entnommene Menge des Infusionslösungskonzentrats muss in 100 ml steriler 0,9% iger Natriumchloridlösung oder 5% iger Glukoselösung verdünnt werden.", "en": "The removed amount of infusion solution concentrate must be diluted in 100 ml of sterile 0.9% sodium chloride or 5% glucose solution."}, "mt_gen": "The promptly, and the amount of liquid concentrate must be diluted in 100 ml sterile 0.9% sodium chloride or 5% glucose solution.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "15 ml Flasche.", "en": "15 ml bottle."}, "mt_gen": "15 ml bottle.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie alle Arzneimittel kann Privigen Nebenwirkungen haben, die aber nicht bei jedem auftreten müssen.", "en": "Like all medicines, Privigen can have side effects, although not everybody gets them."}, "mt_gen": "Like all medicines, Privigen can have side effects, although not everybody gets them.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Patienten erhielten zum Erhalt stabiler Hämoglobinkonzentrationen randomisiert entweder weiterhin ihre Therapie wie zum Zeitpunkt des Einschlusses oder wurden auf MIRCERA umgestellt.", "en": "Patients received randomised stable haemoglobin concentrations either in addition to their therapy at the time of enrolmment or they were switched to MIRCERA."}, "mt_gen": "Patients were randomized to stay on their treatment at the time of enrollment or to be switched to MIRCERA in order.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Behandlung mit Somatropin durchgeführt werden.", "en": "Treatment with somatropin should be performed."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment with somatropin should be performed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sollten Sie außergewöhnlich schlank sein, so verwenden Sie nur den Oberschenkel oder den äußeren Oberarm zur Injektion.", "en": "If you are exceptionally thin, use only the thigh or outer surface of the arm for injection."}, "mt_gen": "If you are exceptionally thin, use only the thigh or outer surface of the arm for injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Um eine Verabreichung einer Fentanyl-Dosis auszulösen, sollte der Patient die Dosiertaste zweimal innerhalb von 3 Sekunden drücken.", "en": "To ensure a single dose of fentanyl, the patient should press the dose button twice within 3 seconds."}, "mt_gen": "To ensure a single dose of fentanyl, the patient should be the button twice within 3 seconds.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Injektionsstelle ist täglich zu wechseln, um einer Lipohypertrophie vorzubeugen.", "en": "The injection site should be rotated on a daily basis, to avoid lipohypertrophy."}, "mt_gen": "The injection site should be rotated on a daily basis, to avoid lipohypertrophy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihre Blutzuckerwerte können auf zu hohe Werte ansteigen oder auf zu niedrige Werte abfallen (siehe \"Niedriger Blutzucker\" in Abschnitt 4).", "en": "Your blood sugar levels may become too high or too low (see \"Low blood sugar'in Section 4)."}, "mt_gen": "Your blood sugar levels may become too high or too low (see \"Low blood sugar'in Section 4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Wirkungen von Azomyr Sirup bei eingeschränkt metabolisierenden Kindern unter 2 Jahren wurden nicht untersucht.", "en": "The effects of Azomyr syrup in restricted metabolizing children less than 2 years of age have not been studied."}, "mt_gen": "The effects of Azomyr syrup in same children less than 2 years of age have not been studied.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Drücken Sie die Nadelschutzvorrichtung SANFT gegen eine ebene Fläche; nutzen Sie dazu eine Ein-Hand- Technik.", "en": "Press the protection device SANFT against on a flat surface using the one-handtechnique."}, "mt_gen": "Press the protection device SANFT according to the Ein-Hand- against on a flat surface; the body to use your alone.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Warum wurde Efient zugelassen?", "en": "Why has Efient been approved?"}, "mt_gen": "Why has Efient been approved?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Procoralan sollte während der Mahlzeiten eingenommen werden.", "en": "Procoralan should not be used during meals."}, "mt_gen": "Procoralan should not be used during meals.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Haltbarkeit der zubereiteten Suspension beträgt 14 Tage.", "en": "The shelf-life of the reconstituted suspension is 14 days."}, "mt_gen": "The shelf-life of the reconstituted suspension is 14 days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Rahmen dieses Konzepts haben die EMEA und die zuständigen nationalen Behörden das EU- Benchmarkingsystem eingeführt, das neben Peer-Review-Besuchen regelmäßige Maßnahmen zur Selbstbewertung vorsieht.", "en": "Within this concept of the EMEA and the national competent authorities from the EU benchmarking system, the peer review visits provide regular measures for self-assessment."}, "mt_gen": "Within this concept of the EMEA and the national competent authorities from the EU Benchmarkingsystem, Peer-Review-Besuchen regular measures Selbstbewertung.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Verdünnungsmittel enthält Natriumchlorid, Kaliumchlorid, Magnesiumchlorid-Hexahydrat, Natriumacetat-Trihydrat, Natrium-D-gluconat, Natriumhydroxid und Wasser für Injektionszwecke.", "en": "The diluent contains sodium chloride, potassium chloride Magnesiumchlorid-Hexahydrat, Natriumacetat-Trihydrat, Natrium-D-gluconat, sodium hydroxide and water for injections."}, "mt_gen": "The diluent contains Sodium chloride, potassium chloride Magnesiumchlorid-Hexahydrat, Natriumacetat-Trihydrat, Natrium-D-gluconat, sodium hydroxide and water for injections.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Sensitivität von DaTSCAN bei der Unterscheidung einer Demenz durch Lewy-Körperchen von anderen Arten der Demenz lag zwischen 75,0 und 80,2%.", "en": "The sensitivity of DaTSCAN in newborns with dementia due to Lewy bodies with other types of dementias ranged from 75.0 and 80.2%, respectively."}, "mt_gen": "The sensitivity of DaTSCAN in newborns with dementia due to Lewy bodies with other types of dementias ranged from 75.0 and 80.2%, respectively.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In klinischen Studien mit KOGENATE Bayer trat dies bei 14% der nicht vorbehandelten Patienten und bei 17% der Kinder, die in der Vergangenheit weniger als fünf Tage behandelt worden waren, ein.", "en": "In clinical trials, the substitution therapy with KOGENATE Bayer, this has occurred in 14% of treatment-naïve patients and in 17% of children who have a history of less than five days."}, "mt_gen": "In clinical trials, the substitution therapy with KOGENATE Bayer, this has occurred in 14% of treatment-naïve patients and in 17% of children who have a history of less than five days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "9 NovoRapid Durchstechflaschen sind für den Gebrauch mit Insulinspritzen mit der entsprechenden Dosierskala vorgesehen.", "en": "9 NovoRapid vials are for use with insulin syringes with the corresponding Dosierskala."}, "mt_gen": "9 NovoRapid vials are for use with insulin syringes with the corresponding Dosierskala.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Auswirkungen von ECALTA bei stillenden Frauen sind nicht bekannt.", "en": "Pregnancy and breast-feeding The effects of ECALTA in breast-feeding women are not known."}, "mt_gen": "Pregnancy and breast-feeding The effect of ECALTA in breast-feeding women are not known.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Beim Menschen wird Insulin glargin im Subkutangewebe an der Carboxylgruppe der Beta-Kette teilweise abgebaut. Dabei entstehen die aktiven Metaboliten 21A-Gly-Insulin und 21A-Gly-des-30B- Thr-Insulin.", "en": "In humans, insulin glargine is subcataneous tissue is broken down partially to the carboxyl group of the beta chain. This occurs at the active metabolite 21A-Gly-Insulin and 21A-Gly-des-30B- Thr-Insulin."}, "mt_gen": "In humans, insulin glargine is Subkutangewebe represented by any of the Beta-Kette. This may occur at the active metabolite 21A-Gly-Insulin and 21A-Gly-des-30B- Thr-Insulin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Interstitielle Lungenerkrankung (einschließlich schnell fortschreitende Erkrankung, Lungenfibrose und Pneumonitis) Erkrankungen des Gastrointestinaltrakts Häufig:", "en": "Interstitial lung disease (including rapidly progressive renal disease, pneumonitis and pulmonary disorders Common:"}, "mt_gen": "Interstitial lung disease (including rapidly progressive renal disease, pneumonitis and pulmonary disorders Common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kinder und Jugendliche Die Behandlung mit MIRCERA wird bei Kindern und Jugendlichen nicht empfohlen, da es bei diesen Patienten nicht untersucht wurde.", "en": "Children and adolescents Treatment with MIRCERA is not recommended for use in children and adolescents, as it has not been studied in these patients."}, "mt_gen": "Children and adolescents Treatment with MIRCERA is not recommended for use in children and adolescents, as it has not been studied in these patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Direktes Sonnenlicht oder helle Raumbeleuchtung vermeiden.", "en": "Avoid direct sunlight or bright room lighting."}, "mt_gen": "Direct sunlight (for example indoor light should be made as provided.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der arzneilich wirksame Bestandteil von Docetaxel Winthrop, Docetaxel, gehört zu der Gruppe der Arzneimittel zur Krebstherapie, die als Taxane bezeichnet werden.", "en": "The active substance in Docetaxel Winthrop, docetaxel, belongs to the group of medicines known as the \"taxanes'."}, "mt_gen": "The active substance in Docetaxel Winthrop, docetaxel, belongs to the group of medicines known as the \"taxanes' (142,162).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Komponente 2: Calciumchlorid, Humanalbumin, Mannitol, Natriumacetat und Wasser für Injektionszwecke.", "en": "Component 2: calcium chloride, human albumin, mannitol, sodium acetate and water for injections."}, "mt_gen": "Component 2: calcium chloride, human albumin, mannitol, sodium acetate, glacial acetic acid and water for injections.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In ausgedehnten Felduntersuchungen wurden keine Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem Mittel und routinemäßig eingesetzten Tierarzneimitteln sowie medizinischen oder chirurgischen Verfahren beobachtet.", "en": "In extensive field testing, no interaction was observed between the routinely used veterinary medicinal products or medical or surgical procedures."}, "mt_gen": "In extensive field testing, no interaction was observed between the routinely used veterinary medicinal products or medical or surgical procedures.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Insuman Basal wird in Patronen, fest verbunden mit Patronenhaltern, angeboten; sie bilden den auswechselbaren Teil des Insulinpens OptiClik.", "en": "Insuman Basal comes in a cartridge sealed in a plastic container, which is the disposable part of OptiClik insulin pen."}, "mt_gen": "Insuman Basal comes in a cartridge sealed in a plastic container, which is the disposable part of OptiClik, an insulin pen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das bedeutet, dass Myfenax einem bereits in der Europäischen Union (EU) zugelassenen \"Referenzarzneimittel,\" CellCept, ähnlich ist.", "en": "This means that Myfenax is already authorised in the European Union (EU) called a \"reference medicine similar to that of CellCept."}, "mt_gen": "This means that Myfenax is already authorised in the European Union (EU) called a \"reference medicine similar to that of CellCept.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Valtropin darf nicht angewendet werden, wenn der Patient einen aktiven Tumor hat oder lebensgefährlich erkrankt ist.", "en": "Valtropin should not be used if the patient has an active tumour or is critically ill."}, "mt_gen": "Valtropin should not be used if the patient, or a lebensgefährlich.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten, bei denen eine Remission eintrat (definiert als das Verschwinden von malignen Zellen aus der Zerebrospinalflüssigkeit bei gleichzeitiger Nichtprogression der neurologischen Symptome) wurde eine Konsolidierungs- und Erhaltungstherapie für die Dauer von bis zu 29 Wochen angeschlossen.", "en": "In patients who have undergone a remission (defined as the clearance of malignant cells from the cerebrospinal fluid with the nonprogression of neurological symptoms) a consolidation and maintenance therapy followed for up to 26 weeks."}, "mt_gen": "In patients who have undergone remission eintrat (clearance of at least one type of the cerebrospinal fluid when Nichtprogression of neurological symptoms) were Konsolidierungs- and maintenance therapy for up to 26 weeks.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "32% in Studie C / I98-580).", "en": "32% in trial C / I98-580)."}, "mt_gen": "32% in trial C / I98-580).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei 2oC - 8oC lagern (im Kühlschrank).", "en": "Store at 2o C - 8o C (in a refrigerator)."}, "mt_gen": "In 2oC - 8oC (in a refrigerator).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nehmen Sie einmal täglich eine Tablette.", "en": "Take one tablet once a day."}, "mt_gen": "Take one tablet once a day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aspartam ist ein Ausgangsstoff von Phenylalanin, welches für Personen mit Phenylketonurie schädlich sein kann.", "en": "Aspartame is a benzyl phenylalanine, which may be harmful for people with phenylketonuria."}, "mt_gen": "Aspartame is a benzyl phenylalanine, which may be harmful for people with phenylketonuria.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird empfohlen, Standardleitlinien zur Behandlung der Dyslipidämie zu Rate zu ziehen.", "en": "It is recommended that standard guidelines for the treatment of dyslipidaemia must be consulted."}, "mt_gen": "It is recommended that Standardleitlinien for the treatment of dyslipidaemia must be consulted.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "- wenn Sie nicht gegen eine Meningitisinfektion geimpft wurden.", "en": "- if you have not been vaccinated against meningitis."}, "mt_gen": "- if you have not been vaccinated against Meningitisinfektion.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Yondelis muss unter der Aufsicht eines Arztes verabreicht werden, der Erfahrung in der Anwendung von Chemotherapien besitzt.", "en": "Yondelis must be given under the supervision of a doctor who has experience in the use of chemotherapy."}, "mt_gen": "Yondelis must be given under the supervision of a doctor who has experience in the use of chemotherapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Keine besonderen Anforderungen an die Lagerung.", "en": "No special precautions for storage."}, "mt_gen": "No special precautions for storage.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie bei anderen HMG-CoA-Reduktase-Hemmern ist bei der 15 Aufnahme von Rosuvastatin durch die Leber der Membrantransporter OATP-C beteiligt.", "en": "As with other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, the hepatic uptake of rosuvastatin involves the membrane transporter OATP-C."}, "mt_gen": "As with other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, the As with other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, the hepatic uptake of rosuvastatin involves the membrane transporter OATP-C.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verteilung Die Bindung des aktiven Metaboliten an Plasmaproteine ist gering, wobei ungefähr 50% an Albumin und Alpha-1-Säure-Glykoprotein gebunden werden.", "en": "Distribution: The binding of the active metabolite bound to plasma proteins is low, approximately 50% to albumin and alpha 1 acid glycoprotein."}, "mt_gen": "Distribution of the active metabolite bound to plasma proteins is low, approximately 50% of albumin and Alpha-1-Säure-Glykoprotein.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "87 Die Pharmakokinetik von Voriconazol ist infolge seiner Sättigungskinetik des Metabolismus nicht linear.", "en": "87 The pharmacokinetics of voriconazole are non-linear due to saturation of its metabolism."}, "mt_gen": "87 The pharmacokinetics of voriconazole are non-linear due to saturation of its metabolism.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Führen Sie nach dem Resuspendieren die im Folgenden beschriebenen Schritte der Injektion ohne Verzögerung durch.", "en": "After you have resuspended, carry out the following stages of injection without delay."}, "mt_gen": "After you have resuspended, the following stages of injection without delay.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Atripla ist in Flaschen mit 30 Tabletten erhältlich (in der Flasche befindet sich außerdem ein Beutel Silicagel, das Ihre Tabletten schützt und nicht herausgenommen werden darf).", "en": "Atripla capsules are supplied in bottles of 30 tablets (the bottle also contains silica gel, which protects your tablets and should not be taken out)."}, "mt_gen": "Atripla capsules are supplied in bottles of 30 tablets (in the bottle also on top of sachet on your tablets and should not be taken.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Entacapon erhöht die Bioverfügbarkeit von Levodopa aus Standardkombinationen von Levodopa mit Benserazid um 5- 10% stärker als aus Standardkombinationen von Levodopa mit Carbidopa.", "en": "Entacapone increases the bioavailability of levodopa from standard levodopa / benserazide preparations by 5-10% more than from standard levodopa / carbidopa preparations."}, "mt_gen": "Entacapone increases the bioavailability of levodopa from standard levodopa / benserazide preparations to 10% more than from standard levodopa / carbidopa preparations.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist besser, wenn dem Säugling die letzte Dosis verabreicht wird, bevor er 20 bis 22 Wochen alt ist.", "en": "It is better if the last dose is given to the baby before it reaches 20 or 22 weeks of age."}, "mt_gen": "It is better if the baby is the last dose is given before 16 weeks of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Mäusen kam es zu einer dosisabhängigen ECL-Zell-Hyperplasie des Magens sowie zu Lebertumoren und Adenomen des Rete testis.", "en": "In mice, dose-related gastric ECL cell hyperplasia developed as well as liver tumours and adenoma of rete testis."}, "mt_gen": "In mice, dose-related gastric ECL cell hyperplasia developed as dose-related as well as liver tumours and adenoma of rete testis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit Niereninsuffizienz ist keine Dosisanpassung erforderlich.", "en": "No dose adjustment is necessary in patients with renal insufficiency."}, "mt_gen": "No dose adjustment is necessary in patients with renal insufficiency.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Auftreten extrapyramidaler Symptome ist ein Risikofaktor für tardive Dyskinesien.", "en": "The onset of extrapyramidal symptom is a risk factor for tardive dyskinesia dyskinesia."}, "mt_gen": "The onset of extrapyramidal symptoms is a risk factor for tardive dyskinesia dyskinesia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "42 unten stehend zusammengefasst. Da diese Angaben dem Spontanmeldesystem entnommen wurden, ist die Häufigkeit der Nebenwirkungen unbekannt.", "en": "42 mild to moderate musculoskeletal pain are summarized in the table below. Since these data come from the spontaneous reporting system, the frequency of the adverse reactions is unknown."}, "mt_gen": "42 mild to moderate musculoskeletal pain are summarized in the table below. Since these data come from the spontaneous reporting system, the frequency of the adverse reactions is unknown.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Anwendung von Tandemact bei Patienten unter 18 Jahren wird aufgrund unzureichender Daten zur Unbedenklichkeit und Wirksamkeit nicht empfohlen.", "en": "The use of Tandemact in patients below 18 years of age is not recommended due to insufficient data on safety and efficacy."}, "mt_gen": "The use of Tandemact in patients below 18 years of age is not recommended due to insufficient data on safety and efficacy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "47 Leflunomid zeigte in Tiermodellen keine antigene Wirkung.", "en": "47 Leflunomide exhibits no antigen effects."}, "mt_gen": "47 Leflunomide exhibits no.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "37 Protopic darf auf den meisten Körperstellen angewendet werden, auch im Gesicht, am Hals, in den Ellenbeugen und Kniebeugen.", "en": "37 Protopic should not be used on most parts of the body, including the face and neck and in the creases of your elbows and knees."}, "mt_gen": "37 Protopic should not be used on most parts of the body, including the face and neck and in the creases of your elbows and knees on.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nebenwirkungen, die in klinischen Studien mit Efient berichtet wurden, umfassen:", "en": "Side effects that have been seen in clinical trials with Efient include:"}, "mt_gen": "Side effects have been seen in clinical trials with Efient, have been reported include:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mahlzeiten beeinflussen die Bioverfügbarkeit von Dabigatranetexilat nicht, verzögern jedoch die Zeit bis zur maximalen Plasmakonzentration um 2 Stunden.", "en": "Meals do not affect the bioavailability of dabigatran etexilate, however they delay the time to peak plasma concentration by 2 hours."}, "mt_gen": "Meals do not affect the bioavailability of dabigatran etexilate is not, however, delay to assess the time to peak plasma concentration at 2 hours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Filmtablette enthält 200 mg Efavirenz.", "en": "Each film-coated tablet contains 200 mg of efavirenz."}, "mt_gen": "Each film-coated tablet contains 200 mg of efavirenz.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Orale Kontrazeptiva, Thiazide, Glucokortikoide, Schilddrüsenhormone und Betasympathomimetika, Wachstumshormon und Danazol.", "en": "Oral contraceptives, thiazides, glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones and beta-sympathomimetics, growth hormone and danazol."}, "mt_gen": "Oral contraceptives, thiazides, glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones and beta-sympathomimetics, growth hormone and danazol.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mit Wasser einnehmen.", "en": "Take with water."}, "mt_gen": "With you are taking.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese Indikation beruht auf den Verträglichkeits- und Wirksamkeitsdaten von zwei doppelblinden, plazebokontrollierten Studien bei vorbehandelten Patienten (siehe Abschnitt 5.1).", "en": "This indication is based on safety and efficacy data from two double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in treatment-experienced patients (see section 5.1)."}, "mt_gen": "This indication is based on safety and efficacy data from two double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in treatment-experienced patients (see section 5.1).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In drei vergleichenden, kontrollierten Studien war die Immunantwort, die mit der flüssigen und der lyophilisierten Formulierung von Rotarix erreicht wurde, vergleichbar.", "en": "In three comparative, controlled studies the immune response with the lyophilised formulation of Rotarix was comparable."}, "mt_gen": "Three comparative, controlled studies of the immune response was achieved with the lyophilised formulation of Rotarix was comparable.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anschließend wird wieder nach dem gewohnten Behandlungsplan verfahren.", "en": "Subsequently, it will proceed according to the usual treatment plan."}, "mt_gen": "Then will be returned to the usual treatment schedule.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei erheblichen Veränderungen des Körpergewichts sollte die Dosis angepasst werden (siehe Tabellen 2 und 3).", "en": "When significant changes in body weight occur, the dose should be adjusted (see Tables 2 and 3)."}, "mt_gen": "When significant changes in body weight, the dose should be adjusted (see Tables 2 and 3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wurden keine spezifischen Untersuchungen mit ZYPADHERA bei älteren Patienten durchgeführt.", "en": "No specific studies performed with ZYPADHERA in elderly patients."}, "mt_gen": "No specific studies performed with ZYPADHERA in elderly patients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Kindern wurde die Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit von Zometa nicht untersucht.", "en": "In children, the safety and efficacy of Zometa has not been studied."}, "mt_gen": "In children, the safety and efficacy of Zometa have not been studied.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "PegIntron wird als Pulver mit Peginterferon alfa-2b in einer Stärke von 100 Mikrogramm als Einzeldosis angeboten.", "en": "PegIntron is offered as a powder with peginterferon alfa-2b at a strength of 100 micrograms as a single dose."}, "mt_gen": "PegIntron is presented as a powder of peginterferon alfa-2b and a solvent for solution at a strength of 100 micrograms as a single dose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Agenerase 150 mg Weichkapseln sind einer Packung mit 2 Plastikflaschen zu je 240 Kapseln erhältlich.", "en": "Agenerase 150 mg soft capsules in a pack containing 2 plastic bottles each with 240 soft capsules."}, "mt_gen": "Agenerase 150 mg soft capsules in a pack containing 2 Plastikflaschen of 240 soft capsules.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kinder und Jugendliche: Die übliche Dosis beträgt: - von 1 bis 6 Jahren:", "en": "Children and adolescents: The usual dose is: - from 1 to 6 years of age:"}, "mt_gen": "Children and adolescents: The usual dose is: - from 1 to 6 years of age:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pioglitazon darf nicht bei Patienten mit eingeschränkter Leberfunktion angewendet werden (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "Pioglitazone should not be used in patients with hepatic impairment (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "Pioglitazone should not be used in patients with hepatic impairment (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In Studien mit Emtricitabin wurde zudem über Kopfschmerzen berichtet (siehe Abschnitt 4.8).", "en": "In studies with emtricitabine headaches have also been reported (see section 4.8)."}, "mt_gen": "In studies with emtricitabine has been reported for headache (see section 4.8).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wurden keine klinischen Untersuchungen zur Pharmakokinetik von Panitumumab bei Patienten mit Nieren- oder Leberinsuffizienz durchgeführt.", "en": "There have been no clinical studies on the pharmacokinetics of panitumumab in patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency."}, "mt_gen": "There have been no clinical studies on the pharmacokinetics of panitumumab have not been performed in patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die maximale Plasmakonzentration wird etwa 10 Minuten nach Beendigung der subkutanen Infusion erreicht.", "en": "The peak plasma concentration is reached approximately 10 minutes after the subcutaneous infusion."}, "mt_gen": "The peak plasma concentration is reached approximately 10 minutes after the subcutaneous infusion.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In allen rekombinanten viralen Klonen, die die I50L-Substitution innerhalb einer Vielzahl genetischer Grundmuster aufweisen, zeigte sich eine phänotypische Resistenz auf Atazanavir.", "en": "In all recominant viral clones, that display the I50L substitution within a variety of genetic basic patterns, showed a phenotypic resistance to atazanavir."}, "mt_gen": "In all of the coemulsifier, or Resistance within a variety of aspiration Grundmuster showed a phenotypic resistance to atazanavir.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Ausmaß dieser zusätzlichen Blutdrucksenkung war ähnlich der Blutdrucksenkung, die beobachtet wurde nach alleiniger Gabe von Sildenafil an gesunde Probanden (siehe Abschnitt 5.1).", "en": "The magnitude of these additional reduction in blood pressure was similar to that of blood pressure that has been observed when sildenafil was administered alone to healthy subjects (see section 5.1)."}, "mt_gen": "The magnitude of these additional reduction in blood pressure was similar to that of blood pressure has been observed when sildenafil was administered alone to healthy subjects (see section 5.1).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schwerwiegende Infektionen traten bei 6,3% der mit Enbrel über eine Dauer von bis zu 48 Monaten behandelten Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis auf.", "en": "Serious infections occurred in 6.3% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with Enbrel for up to 48 months in patients."}, "mt_gen": "Serious infections occurred in 6.3% of patients treated with Enbrel for up to 48 months in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die PPE ist charakterisiert durch schmerzhafte, gerötete makulare Hauteruptionen.", "en": "PPE is characterised by painful or drug skin eruptions."}, "mt_gen": "PPE is characterised by painful or drug Hauteruptionen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fälle von Pankreatitis wurden berichtet (Symptome sind andauernde starke Schmerzen im Bauchbereich).", "en": "Cases of pancreatitis have been reported (symptoms are persistent severe pain in the abdomen)."}, "mt_gen": "Cases of pancreatitis have been reported (symptoms are persistent severe pain in the abdomen).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Überempfindlichkeit gegen den Wirkstoff oder einen der sonstigen Bestandteile Die Verwendung von CYSTAGON ist während der Stillzeit kontraindiziert.", "en": "Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients: The use of CYSTAGON is contra-indicated during breast-feeding."}, "mt_gen": "Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients The use of CYSTAGON is contra-indicated during breast-feeding.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Penicillin-resistente Stämme von Streptococcus pneumoniae sind aufgrund einer Veränderung der Penicillin-Bindungsproteine kreuzresistent gegen Cephalosporine wie Cefuroxim.", "en": "Penicillin-resistant strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae are cross-resistant to cephalosporins such as cefuroxime due to a change in Penicillin-Binding Proteins."}, "mt_gen": "Penicillin-resistente strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae are cross-resistant to cephalosporins such as cefuroxime due to a change in Penicillin-Binding Proteins.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "LDL-Apherese) oder wenn solche Maßnahmen nicht geeignet sind.", "en": "LDL-apheresis) or if such treatments are not appropriate."}, "mt_gen": "low-density lipoproteins (LDL) or if such treatments are not appropriate.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welche Maßnahmen werden zur Gewährleistung der sicheren Anwendung von Omnitrope ergriffen?", "en": "Which measures are being taken to ensure the safe use of Omnitrope?"}, "mt_gen": "Which measures are being taken to ensure the safe use of Omnitrope?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Johanniskraut Nebenwirkungen könnten häufiger auftreten, wenn CYMBALTA zusammen mit pflanzlichen Zubereitungen angewendet wird, die Johanniskraut (Hypericum perforatum) enthalten.", "en": "Side-effects of St John's wort may be more common during concomitant use of CYMBALTA and used Herbal preparations containing St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)."}, "mt_gen": "St John's wort Undesirable effects may be more common during concomitant use of CYMBALTA and used Herbal preparations containing St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anwendung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen:", "en": "Use in children and adolescents:"}, "mt_gen": "Use in children and adolescents:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Temodal-Behandlung kann eine Verminderung bestimmter Arten von Blutkörperchen verursachen.", "en": "The Temodal treatment may be cause a reduction of certain types of blood cells."}, "mt_gen": "The Temodal-Behandlung may be cause of certain types of blood cells.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "EXP Nach dem Öffnen 6 Monate verwendbar.", "en": "EXP Once opened, use within 6 months."}, "mt_gen": "EXP Once opened, use by 6 months.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Lösung wird klar bis leicht schillernd und farblos erscheinen.", "en": "The solution will be clear to slightly opalescent and colourless."}, "mt_gen": "The solution will be clear to slightly opalescent and colourless.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "EU / 1 / 02 / 212 / 015 20 Filmtabletten:", "en": "EU / 1 / 02 / 212 / 015 20 tabs:"}, "mt_gen": "EU / 1 / 02 / 212 / 015 20 tabs:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fünf dieser Patienten wiesen eine Chromoblastomykose durch Fonsecaea pedrosoi und 4 Patienten ein Myzetom auf, meist verursacht durch Madurella-Spezies.", "en": "Five of these patients had chromoblastomycosis due to Fonsecaea pedrosoi and 4 patients had a mycetoma, usually caused by the madurella species."}, "mt_gen": "Five of these patients had Chromoblastomycosis due to Fonsecaea pedrosoi and 4 patients on Mycetoma, usually caused by Madurella-Spezies.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der CHMP bewertete ferner die Einheitlichkeit der extrapyramidalen Symptome und die Hinweise auf eine Regression der Geschlechtsreifung.", "en": "The CHMP assessed the consistency of the extrapyramidal symptoms and the evidence of regression of sexual maturation."}, "mt_gen": "The CHMP assessed the consistency of the extrapyramidal symptoms and the evidence of regression of sexual maturation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ADVATE wird nach dem Auflösen des lyophilisierten Produktes mit dem mitgelieferten sterilisierten Wasser für Injektionszwecke intravenös verabreicht.", "en": "ADVATE is administered intravenously and is administered intravenously after reconstitution of the lyophilised product with the water for injections."}, "mt_gen": "ADVATE is administered intravenously and after reconstitution of the lyophilised product are provided with the stirrer and water for injections.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit überaktiver Blase, die durch eine Instabilität oder Hyperreflexie des Detrusormuskels gekennzeichnet ist, haben zystometrische Studien gezeigt, dass Oxybutynin das maximale Fassungsvermögen der Harnblase steigert und das Volumen bis zur ersten Detrusorkontraktion erhöht.", "en": "In patients with overactive bladder, or autonomic instability of the detrusor muscle, cystometric studies have shown that oxybutynin maximum changes and increases the volume of drug equal to the detrusor contraction."}, "mt_gen": "In patients with overactive bladder, or autonomic instability of the Detrusormuskels, zystometrische studies have shown that oxybutynin maximum changes and increases the volume of drug equal to the Detrusorkontraktion.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Actraphane 40 Penfill 100 I.E. / ml Injektionssuspension in einer Patrone.", "en": "Actraphane 40 Penfill 100 IU / ml suspension for injection in a cartridge."}, "mt_gen": "Actraphane 40 Penfill 100 IU / ml suspension for injection in a cartridge.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Stalevo enthält Sucrose (1,9 mg pro Tablette).", "en": "Stalevo contains sucrose (1.9 mg / tablet)."}, "mt_gen": "Stalevo contains sucrose (1.9 mg / tablet).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "7 Ein minimaler Antikörperspiegel, der mit einem Schutz assoziiert wird gegen CIN Grad 2 oder 3 oder gegen eine persistierende Infektion, hervorgerufen durch einen der im Impfstoff enthaltenen HPV- Typen, ist für HPV-Impfstoffe nicht definiert.", "en": "7 No minimal antibody level associated with protection against CIN of grade 2 or 3 or against persistent infection, caused by types of HPV in the vaccine, has not been identified for HPV vaccines."}, "mt_gen": "7 No minimal antibody level associated with protection against CIN of grade 2 or 3 or against persistent infection associated with HPV vaccine has been identified for HPV vaccines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Klingen die Symptome unter einer Dosis von 30 mg pro Tag nicht innerhalb von 4 Wochen ab, sollte eine weiterführende Diagnostik erfolgen.", "en": "If the symptoms do not resolve within 4 weeks at a dose of 30 mg per day, another diagnosis should be carried out."}, "mt_gen": "46 symptoms at a dose of 30 mg per day within 4 weeks, it should be done for continuation.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Astemizol oder Terfenadin (üblicherweise zur Behandlung allergischer Symptome - dieses Arzneimittel könnte ohne Verschreibung erhältlich sein);", "en": "astemizole or terfenadine (commonly used to treat allergy symptoms - this medicine may be available without prescription);"}, "mt_gen": "astemizole or terfenadine (commonly used to treat allergy symptoms - this medicine may be available without prescription);", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "129 wenn Sie Irbesartan Winthrop zur Behandlung einer diabetischen Nierenerkrankung erhalten. In diesem Fall wird Ihr Arzt regelmäßig Blutuntersuchungen durchführen, vor allem zur Bestimmung der Kaliumspiegel bei schlechter Nierenfunktion, wenn bei Ihnen eine Operation ansteht oder Sie Narkosemittel erhalten sollen.", "en": "129 if you receive Irbesartan Winthrop for diabetic kidney disease. In this case your doctor may perform regular blood tests, especially for measuring blood potassium levels in case of poor kidney function if you are going to have an operation, or be given anaesthetics."}, "mt_gen": "129 if you receive Irbesartan Winthrop for diabetic kidney disease. In this case your doctor may perform regular blood tests, especially for measuring blood potassium levels in case of poor kidney function if you are going to have an operation, or be given anaesthetics You must tell.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Warum wurde Januvia zugelassen?", "en": "Why has Januvia been approved?"}, "mt_gen": "Why has Januvia been approved?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es kam zu 939 Ereignissen in der Iscover-Gruppe und 1 020 in der ASS-Gruppe.", "en": "There were 939 events in the Iscover group and 1,020 in the clopidogrel group."}, "mt_gen": "There were 939 events in the Iscover-Gruppe and 1 020 in the clopidogrel group.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nebenwirkungen, die (mit > 0,5%) häufiger als unter Plazebo und in mehr als einem Einzelfall bei Patienten auftraten, die in Doppelblindstudien Pioglitazon in Kombination mit Metformin erhielten, sind im Folgenden gemäß MedDRA-Terminologie nach Organsystemklassen und absoluter Häufigkeit aufgeführt.", "en": "Side effects in that more commonly (with > 0.5%) occured than under placebo and as more than an isolated case in patients receiving pioglitazone in double-blind studies in combination with metformin, are listed below according to MedDRA terminology according to organ system classes and absolute frequency."}, "mt_gen": "Side effects in excess (0.5%) of placebo and as more than an isolated case in patients receiving pioglitazone in double-blind studies in combination with metformin, are listed below as MedDRA preferred term by system organ class and absolute frequency.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Beim Menschen liegen ca. 80% der Memantin-verwandten Stoffe im Blut als Ausgangssubstanz vor.", "en": "In humans, there are approximately 80% of the Memantin-related substances in the blood as parent compound."}, "mt_gen": "In humans, there are approximately 80% of the Memantin-verwandten substances in the blood as parent compound.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Er / Sie wird die richtige Retacrit-Dosis für Sie ermitteln, die Dauer der Behandlung festlegen und bestimmen, auf welchem Weg Ihnen das Arzneimittel gegeben werden soll.", "en": "He / she will work out the correct Retacri dose for you to use, how long the treatment and what was the medicine will be given."}, "mt_gen": "He / she will work out the correct Retacrit-Dosis for you to use, how long the treatment and what route the medicine will be given.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hauptindikator der Wirksamkeit war der Prozentsatz der Patienten mit geringem Vitamin-D-Spiegel.", "en": "The main measure of effectiveness was the percentage of patients with low vitamin D levels."}, "mt_gen": "The main measure of effectiveness was the percentage of patients with low vitamin D levels.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pharmakotherapeutische Gruppe: Ultraschall-Kontrastmittel, Phospholipid-Mikrosphären, ATC-Code:", "en": "Pharmacotherapeutic group: ultrasound contrast agent, phospholopid microspheres, ATC code:"}, "mt_gen": "Pharmacotherapeutic group: cupric L-alaninate, Phospholipid-Mikrosphären, ATC code:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie besitzen eine Selektivität für humane, nicht aber murine Interferone, was auf eine Speziesspezifität hinweist.", "en": "They exhibit selectivity for human but not murine interferons, suggesting species specificity."}, "mt_gen": "They exhibit selectivity for human but not murine interferons, suggesting species specificity.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese erhöhte sich auf 8,0 cm im ersten und 5,8 cm im zweiten Behandlungsjahr.", "en": "This increased by 8.0 cm and 5.8 cm in the second year of treatment."}, "mt_gen": "These increased by 8.0 cm and 5.8 cm in the first year of treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pädiatrische Patienten unter Hämodialyse Die Behandlung unterteilt sich in zwei Phasen:", "en": "Paediatric patients on haemodialysis. The treatment is divided into two stages:"}, "mt_gen": "Paediatric patients on haemodialysis The treatment is divided into two stages:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die übliche Efient Dosis ist einmal täglich 10 mg.", "en": "The usual dose of Efient is 10 mg once a day."}, "mt_gen": "The usual dose of Efient is 10 mg once a day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Außerdem dürfen Sie keinesfalls schwanger werden, solange Sie mit Thalidomide Celgene behandelt werden.", "en": "In addition, you must not become pregnant while you are being treated with Thalidomide Celgene."}, "mt_gen": "In addition, you must not become pregnant while you are being treated with Thalidomide Celgene.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Reaktion ist zwei bis drei Tage nach der Impfung am stärksten ausgeprägt, doch die betroffene Fläche sollte nicht größer als 3 mal 8 cm sein.", "en": "The response is most pronounced two to three days after vaccination, but the treated area should not exceed 3 cm by 8 cm."}, "mt_gen": "The response is most pronounced, but the treated area should not exceed 3 cm by 8 cm may be two to three days after vaccination.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bewahren Sie die Euterinjektoren in der Originalpackung auf.", "en": "Keep the syringes in the outer carton."}, "mt_gen": "Keep the syringes in the outer carton.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schieben Sie den Kolben bis zu der Zahl (ml) auf der Spritze vor, die der Tevagrastim-Dosis entspricht, die Ihr Arzt Ihnen verordnet hat.", "en": "Push the plunger up to the number (ml) that matches the dose of Tevagrastim is that your doctor has prescribed."}, "mt_gen": "Push the plunger up to the number (ml) that matches the dose of Tevagrastim is that your doctor has prescribed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Für die Reinigung wischen Sie das Mundstück des Diskus mit einem trockenen Tuch ab.", "en": "To clean, wipe the rubber membrane of the discus with a dry cloth."}, "mt_gen": "For the process, wipe the rubber membrane of the Diskus with a dry cloth.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Flasche aus Polyethylen hoher Dichte (HDPE) mit kindergesichertem Verschluss.", "en": "High density polyethylene bottles (HDPE) with a child-resistant closure."}, "mt_gen": "bottle (HDPE) bottle with a child-resistant closure.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Viread darf auch nicht gleichzeitig mit Adefovirdipivoxil angewendet werden.", "en": "Viread should also not be administered concomitantly with adefovir dipivoxil."}, "mt_gen": "Viread should also not be administered concomitantly with adefovir dipivoxil.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Insgesamt vertrugen die Patienten die Konsolidierungs- und Erhaltungstherapie besser als die Induktionstherapie.", "en": "Overall, the patients tolerated the consolidation and maintenance therapy better than standard induction treatment."}, "mt_gen": "Overall, the patients were the Konsolidierungs- and maintenance therapy better than standard induction treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "701 Wenn Ihr Blutzuckerspiegel zu stark abfällt, können Sie bewusstlos werden.", "en": "701 If your blood sugar level is falling too much you may become unconscious."}, "mt_gen": "701 If your blood sugar level is falling too much you may become unconscious.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "25 Lesen Sie vor der Anwendung die Packungsbeilage.", "en": "25 Read the package leaflet before use."}, "mt_gen": "25 Read the package leaflet before use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Wirkstoff in Neoclarityn, Desloratadin, ist ein Antihistaminikum.", "en": "The active substance in Neoclarityn, desloratadine, is an antihistamine."}, "mt_gen": "The active substance in Neoclarityn, desloratadine, is an antihistamine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten im Vergleichsarm erhielten 100 mg / m2 Cisplatin (P), gefolgt von 1000 mg / m2 5-Fluorouracil (F) pro Tag über 5 Tage.", "en": "Patients in the comparator arm received 100 mg / m2 of cisplatin (P), followed by 1000 mg / m2 of 5-fluorouracil (F) per day for 5 days."}, "mt_gen": "Patients in the comparator arm received 100 mg / m2 of cisplatin (P), followed by 5-fluorouracil (F) 1000 mg / m2 per day for 5 days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten mit der seltenen hereditären Fructose-Intoleranz sollten dieses Arzneimittel nicht anwenden.", "en": "Patients with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance should not take this medicine."}, "mt_gen": "Patients with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance should not take this medicine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gegen Gichtanfälle wird eine Prophylaxe von mindestens 6 Monaten empfohlen (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "The attacks prophylaxis is recommended for at least 6 months (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "The Attacks prophylaxis is recommended for at least 6 months (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Anwendung bei Patienten mit Herzkrankheiten sollte auf Patienten mit leichten Erkrankungen beschränkt werden.", "en": "Use in patients with heart disease should be limited to patients with mild illness."}, "mt_gen": "Use in patients with heart disease should be limited to patients with mild illness.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Ergebnisse zur Wirksamkeit sind in der nachfolgenden Tabelle aufgeführt:", "en": "Efficacy results are presented in the following table:"}, "mt_gen": "Efficacy results are presented in the following table:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Fraktion von Bortezomib, die an Plasmaproteine gebunden wurde, war nicht konzentrationsabhängig.", "en": "The fraction of bortezomib which is bound to plasma proteins was not concentration-dependent."}, "mt_gen": "The fraction of bortezomib, which is bound to plasma proteins was not concentration-dependent.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Linearität / Nichtlinearität Im Bereich therapeutischer Dosierungen stiegen die C max und die Fläche unter der Konzentrations- Zeit-Kurve (AUC) für Vildagliptin annähernd proportional zur Dosis.", "en": "Linearity / non-linearity. Within the range of therapeutic doses, C max and the area under the plasma concentrations time curves (AUC) for vildagliptin increased roughly proportionately to the dose."}, "mt_gen": "Linearity / non-linearity Near at therapeutic doses plasma concentrations increased C max and the area under the plasma concentrations versus time curves (AUC) for vildagliptin in an approximately dose proportional manner over the therapeutic dose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Besonders bei Langzeitbehandlung wurde von Lichtempfindlichkeit berichtet (siehe auch Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "Exposure photosensitivity reactions have been reported, especially in long-term (see also section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "Especially long-term exposure was photosensitivity reactions have been reported (see also section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "79 Informieren Sie bitte Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker, wenn eine der aufgeführten Nebenwirkungen Sie erheblich beeinträchtigt oder Sie Nebenwirkungen bemerken, die nicht in dieser Gebrauchsinformation angegeben sind.", "en": "79 If any of the side effects get serious, or if you notice any side effects not mentioned in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist."}, "mt_gen": "79 If any of the side effects get serious, or if you notice any side effects not mentioned in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Metformin ist ein Biguanid mit antihyperglykämischer Wirkung und senkt sowohl die basale als auch die postprandiale Plasmaglucose.", "en": "Metformin is a biguanide with the diagnosis of epilepsy and antihyperglycaemic effects, lowering both basal and postprandial plasma glucose."}, "mt_gen": "Metformin is a biguanide with the diagnosis of epilepsy and antihyperglycaemic effects, lowering both basal and postprandial plasma glucose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieser Effekt ist möglicherweise auf die Induktion des Bupropion-Stoffwechsels zurückzuführen.", "en": "This effect may be due to the induction of Bupropion metabolism."}, "mt_gen": "This effect may be due to the induction of Bupropion-Stoffwechsels.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hämoglobinabfall, Abfall des Hämatokrit, Neutropenie, Thombozytopenie, Anstieg des Serumkaliums, Erhöhung der Leberfunktionswerte einschließlich Erhöhung des Serumbilirubins, Niereninsuffizienz und - funktionseinschränkung, Erhöhung des Serumkreatinins, Angioödem, Myalgie, Vaskulitis, Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen einschließlich Serumkrankheit.", "en": "Decreases in haemoglobin, decrease in haematocrit, neutropenia, Thombozytopenie, increase in serum potassium in patients at risk for liver function, including increase in serum bilirubin, renal insufficiency and functional impairment, increase in serum creatinine, angioedema, myalgia, vasculitis, hypersensitivity reactions, including serum sickness like disease."}, "mt_gen": "decreases in haemoglobin, decrease in haematocrit, neutropenia, Thombozytopenie, increase in serum potassium in patients at risk for liver function, including increase in serum bilirubin, renal insufficiency and - funktionseinschränkung, increase in serum creatinine, angioedema, myalgia, vasculitis, hypersensitivity reactions, including serum sickness like disease.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Erfahrungen beim Menschen mit einer akuten Überdosierung von REYATAZ sind begrenzt.", "en": "Experience of acute overdose with REYATAZ is limited."}, "mt_gen": "experience of acute overdose with REYATAZ is limited.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Dosierung sollte anhand der Faktor IX-Aktivität, der pharmakokinetischen Parameter wie Halbwertszeit und Recovery, ebenso wie nach der klinischen Situation berechnet werden, um die Dosierung angemessen anzupassen.", "en": "The dosage should be adjusted on the basis of plasma factor IX activity parameters such as half-life and recovery, as well as the clinical situation in order to adjust the dose as appropriate."}, "mt_gen": "The dosage should be adjusted on the basis of plasma factor IX activity parameters such as half-life and recovery, as well as the clinical situation in order to adjust the dose as appropriate.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ibraxion ist vor Gebrauch zu schütteln. Die Injektion erfolgt subkutan (unter die Haut) am Hals im Bereich vor der Schulter.", "en": "Ibraxion should be shaken before use. The injection is given subcutaneously (under the skin) in the neck at the front of the shoulder."}, "mt_gen": "Ibraxion is shaken before use. The injection is given subcutaneously (under the skin) in the neck at the front of the shoulder.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In der zweiten Woche nimmt der Patient Vimpat 100 mg Tabletten zweimal täglich.", "en": "In the second week, the patient takes Vimpat 100 mg tablets twice a day."}, "mt_gen": "In the second week, the patient takes Vimpat 100 mg tablets twice a day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist Pritor 80 mg und wofür wird es angewendet?", "en": "What is Pritor 80 mg is and what it is used for 2."}, "mt_gen": "What is Pritor 80 mg is and what it is used for 2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Insulinglulisin hat eine geringe Plasmaproteinbindung, ähnlich wie Humaninsulin.", "en": "Insulin glulisine has a low plasma protein binding, similar to human insulin."}, "mt_gen": "Insulin glulisine has a low plasma protein binding, similar to human insulin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei einer Verschlechterung des klinischen Zustands ist eine Umstellung auf eine für das schwere Krankheitsstadium empfohlene Therapie (z. B. Epoprostenol) zu erwägen (siehe Abschnitt 4.2).", "en": "If clinical condition worsens, a switch to recommended therapy for the severe stage of the disease (e. g., epoprostenol) should be considered (see section 4.2)."}, "mt_gen": "In a clinical condition is switched to a recommended the severe stage of the disease (e. g., epoprostenol) should be considered (see section 4.2).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wurde ein Zusammenhang zwischen der viszeralen Lipomatose und Proteasehemmern (PI) sowie der Lipoatrophie und nukleosidanalogen Reverse-Transkriptase-Hemmern (NRTI) hergestellt.", "en": "A connection was produced between visceral lipomatosis and protease inhibitors (PIs) as well as lipoatrophy and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs)."}, "mt_gen": "A A connection between visceral lipomatosis and protease inhibitors (PIs) and lipoatrophy and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine klinisch relevante Hyperkaliämie wurde mit Kinzalkomb zwar nicht berichtet, Risikofaktoren für die Entstehung einer Hyperkaliämie umfassen jedoch unter anderem Niereninsuffizienz und / oder Herzinsuffizienz und Diabetes mellitus.", "en": "Although clinically relevant hyperkalaemia has not been documented with Kinzalkomb, risk factors for the development of hyperkalaemia include, however, amongst others, renal insufficiency and / or heart failure, and diabetes mellitus."}, "mt_gen": "Although clinically significant hyperkalaemia has not been documented with Kinzalkomb, risk factors for the development of, hyperkalaemia, including renal insufficiency and / or heart failure, and diabetes mellitus.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "4.4 Besondere Warnhinweise und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Anwendung In einzelnen Fällen kann die Anwendung von Nifedipin zu schweren Beschwerden einer Angina pectoris führen, wahrscheinlich aufgrund einer schnellen Resorption und einer zu schnellen Senkung des Blutdrucks.", "en": "4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use: In individual cases the use of nifedipine may lead to severe symptoms of angina pectoris, probably due to the rapid absorption and rapid decrease in blood pressure."}, "mt_gen": "4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use In individual cases, may lead to the use of nifedipine has led to severe symptoms of angina, probably due to the rapid absorption and rapid and the blood pressure to lower.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In einigen Fällen sind diese Symptome mit grippeähnlichen Symptomen assoziiert.", "en": "In some cases, these symptoms are associated with \"flu-like\" symptoms."}, "mt_gen": "In some cases, these symptoms are associated with \"flu-like\" symptoms.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Sicherheitsprofil bei diesen Patienten im Alter von < 18 Jahren scheint ähnlich dem bei Erwachsenen beobachteten Sicherheitsprofil zu sein.", "en": "The safety profile in these patients aged 18 years of age were shown to be similar to that seen in adults."}, "mt_gen": "The safety profile in these patients aged 18 years of age were shown to be similar to that seen in adults.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sympathomimetika können den antihypertonen Effekt der ACE-Hemmer abschwächen.", "en": "Sympathomimetics may weaken or suppress entirely the antihypertonen effect of ACE inhibitors."}, "mt_gen": "Sympathomimetics may weaken or suppress entirely the antihypertonen effect of ACE inhibitors.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pharmakotherapeutische Gruppe: Anti-Androgen, ATC-Code:", "en": "Pharmacotherapeutic group: anti-androgens, ATC code:"}, "mt_gen": "Pharmacotherapeutic group: anti-androgens, ATC code:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Patienten sollten während dieser Phase genau überwacht werden.", "en": "Patients should be monitored closely during this phase."}, "mt_gen": "Patients should be monitored closely during this phase.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Erfahrung an Kindern ist begrenzt.", "en": "The experience in children is limited."}, "mt_gen": "The experience in children is limited.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Reiben Sie die Injektionsstelle nicht.", "en": "If needed, you may cover the injection site with a plaster."}, "mt_gen": "If needed, you may cover the injection site with a plaster.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "SIFROL 0,35 mg Tabletten sind weiß, oval, flach und mit einer Prägung versehen.", "en": "SIFROL 0.35 mg tablets are white, oval, round, flat, embossed with a code."}, "mt_gen": "SIFROL 0.35 mg tablets are white, oval, round, flat, embossed with a code.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Rektumschmerzen / -beschwerden Weiche Stühle Stuhlinkontinenz Abdominales Spannungsgefühl * Zahnbeschwerden Zahnfleischbeschwerden Erkrankungen der Nieren und Harnwege Häufig:", "en": "Rectum pains / discomfort Loose stools Stool incontninence abdominal distension * Dental discomfort Dental Gum discomfort Renal and urinary disorders common:"}, "mt_gen": "Rektumschmerzen / discomfort Loose stools melan-A / Abdominales abdominal distension * Zahnbeschwerden Zahnfleischbeschwerden Renal and urinary disorders Common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit Diabetes, übergewichtigen Patienten sowie Patienten im Alter von über 65 Jahren führte Sprimeo ebenfalls dazu, dass der Blutdruck sank.", "en": "In patients with diabetes, patients who were overweight, and those who were over 65 years of age, resulted in Sprimeo also reduced blood pressure."}, "mt_gen": "In patients with diabetes, patients who were overweight, and those who were over 65 years of age, resulted in Sprimeo also reduced blood pressure.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Präzipitate von Ceftriaxon in den Nieren pädiatrischer Patienten, meist bei Kindern älter als 3 Jahre, die entweder mit hohen Tagesdosen (z.B.", "en": "Ceftriaxone precipitate in the kidneys of paediatric patients, mostly in children older than 3 years eho have received either high doses daily (e. g."}, "mt_gen": ", and conservative management of Ceftriaxone precipitate in kidney paediatric patients, mostly in children older than 3 years with either high doses daily (e. g.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Allerdings besteht die Möglichkeit von schwerwiegenderen Folgen (einschließlich Todesfälle) bei Dosierungen, die weit über den therapeutischen Dosen liegen, insbesondere wenn es sich um Überdosierungen mit verschiedenen Arzneimitteln handelt.", "en": "However, there is the possibility of serious consequences (including fatalities) at doses that are far higher than the therapeutic doses, particularly if it is an overdose with various medicines."}, "mt_gen": "However, the possibility of granulocytopenia (including fatalities), and, at higher doses, as available, particularly if it is overdose with various medicines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Demnach leisten die Metabolite keinen Beitrag zur pharmakologischen Wirkung von Tacrolimus.", "en": "Thus, the metabolites do not contribute to the pharmacologic effect of tacrolimus."}, "mt_gen": "Thus, the metabolites do not contribute to the pharmacologic effect of tacrolimus.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Unter diesen Umständen sollte eine Impfung gegen Pertussis ausgesetzt und die Immunisierung mit Diphtherie / Tetanus-, Hepatitis B-, und Polio-Impfstoffen fortgesetzt werden.", "en": "In these circumstances the vaccination course against pertussis should be discontinued and the diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, and polio vaccines."}, "mt_gen": "In these circumstances the vaccination course should be continued against pertussis and the Diphtheria / diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, and polio vaccines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Unfruchtbare Frauen, die sich einer künstlichen Befruchtung unterziehen, im Speziellen IVF, haben oft Eileiteranomalien. Deshalb könnte die Häufigkeit von ektopischen Schwangerschaften erhöht sein.", "en": "Infertile women undergoing artificial insemination in special IVF often have fallopian tube abnormalities. Therefore the incidence of ectopic pregnancies might increase."}, "mt_gen": "Unfruchtbare women undergoing toxic side effects undergoing IVF, IgE, often Eileiteranomalien have therefore could explain the incidence of ectopic pregnancies might be increased.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hydrochlorothiazid kann sowohl das Plasmavolumen als auch die uteroplazentale Durchblutung reduzieren.", "en": "Hydrochlorothiazide may reduce both plasma volume as well as uteroplacental blood flow."}, "mt_gen": "Hydrochlorothiazide may reduce both plasma volume as well as uteroplazentale blood flow.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Enthält Glycerol, Zinkoxid, Natriummonohydrogenphosphat 7 H2O und m-Cresol als Konservie- rungsmittel in Wasser für Injektionszwecke.", "en": "Contains glycerol, dibasic sodium phosphate 7H20 with m-cresol as conservatives in water for injections."}, "mt_gen": "Contains glycerol, dibasic sodium phosphate 7H20 with m-cresol as Konservie- rungsmittel in water for injections.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Derzeit verfügbare Daten von Schwangeren zeigen keine zu Missbildungen führende oder den Fetus / das Neugeborene betreffende Toxizität.", "en": "Currently available data in pregnant women do not indicate toxicity leading to deformities or that affects the foetus / newborn."}, "mt_gen": "currently available data in pregnant women do not indicate an effective and or malformations to the foetus toxicity.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie Auto fahren oder eine Maschine bedienen, besprechen Sie dies bitte mit Ihrem Arzt. Er wird Ihre Krankheitssituation und Ihr Ansprechen auf das Medikament berücksichtigen und Sie beraten, ob Sie diese Tätigkeiten einstellen sollten.", "en": "If you drive a car or operate machinery, please discuss this with your doctor. They will take your disease situation and your response to the medicine into account and should advise you whether you can take part in these activities."}, "mt_gen": "If you dial a car should not drive or operate machinery, please discuss this with your doctor. It is your disease and your tolerance of the response to the medicine into account and should advise you whether you can take these activities.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Wirkung hält mindestens über 24 Stunden an.", "en": "The effect lasts for at least 24 hours."}, "mt_gen": "The effect lasts for at least 24 hours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vaginale Blutungen wurde bei 74 (2,6%) der Frauen unter FABLYN gegenüber 37 (1,3%) unter Plazebo berichtet.", "en": "The bleeding was reported in 74 (2.6%) of the women treated with FABLYN compared to 37 (1.3%) on placebo."}, "mt_gen": "The bleeding was reported in 74 (2.6%) of the women treated with FABLYN compared to 37 (1.3%) on placebo.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ribavirin sowie seine Triazolcarbamid- und Triazolcarbonsäure-Metaboliten werden ebenfalls über die Niere ausgeschieden.", "en": "Ribavirin and its metabolites are also renally excreted via the kidney."}, "mt_gen": "ribavirin and its metabolites are also excreted renally excreted via the kidney.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "geänderten Fassung für Arzneimittel, die 90 mg Etoricoxib enthalten.", "en": ", as amended, for medicinal products containing 90 mg etoricoxib."}, "mt_gen": ", as amended, for medicinal products containing 90 mg etoricoxib.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit schwerer Leberfunktionsstörung muss Fondaparinux mit Vorsicht angewendet werden (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": ", fondaparinux should be used with caution in patients with severe hepatic impairment (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": ", fondaparinux should be used with caution in patients with severe hepatic impairment (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Daher darf Pioglitazon nicht in der Stillzeit angewendet werden.", "en": "Therefore, pioglitazone should not be administered to breast- feeding women."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore, pioglitazone should not be administered to breast- feeding women.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Verabreichung von Mycophenolatmofetil in Mehrfachdosen an Patienten mit schweren chronischen Nierenfunktionsstörungen ist nicht untersucht worden.", "en": "Administration of multiple doses of mycophenolate mofetil in patients with severe chronic renal impairment has not been studied."}, "mt_gen": "Administration of multiple doses of mycophenolate mofetil in patients with severe chronic renal impairment has not been studied.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "el Klinische Studien haben gezeigt, dass Darbepoetin alfa eine ähnliche Wirksamkeit ohne jegliche Erhöhung des Dosisbedarfes hatte, wenn es als einzelne Injektion entweder alle drei Wochen, alle zwei Wochen oder einmal wöchentlich verabreicht wurde.", "en": "Clinical studies have demonstrated that darbepoetin alfa had similar effectiveness when used without any increase in total dose, when administered as a single injection either once every three weeks, once every two weeks, or once weekly."}, "mt_gen": "Clinical studies have demonstrated that darbepoetin alfa had similar effectiveness when used without any increase in total dose requirements that darbepoetin alfa had similar effectiveness when administered as a single injection either once every three weeks, once every two weeks, or once weekly.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Gabe von Velmetia in Kombination mit Insulin wurde nicht ausreichend untersucht.", "en": "Administration of Velmetia in combination with insulin has not been adequately studied."}, "mt_gen": "Administration of Velmetia in combination with insulin has not been adequately studied.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verwendbar bis Monat / Jahr Nach Anbruch innerhalb von 6 Monaten aufbrauchen.", "en": "EXP month / year Once broached, use within 6 months."}, "mt_gen": "EXP month / year Once broached, use within 6 months.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bicalutamid 150 mg Filmtabletten (Ingers Industrial Solutions s.r.o.) sind Generika, die Bicalutamid als arzneilich wirksamen Bestandteil enthalten.", "en": "Bicalutamide 150 mg film-coated tablets (Ingers Industrial Solutions s. r. o.) are generics containing bicalutamide as the active substance."}, "mt_gen": "Bicalutamide 150 mg film-coated tablets (Ingers Industrial Solutions s. r. o.), markets of bicalutamide contains the active substance.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dadurch wird Infektionen vorgebeugt.", "en": "Thereby, infections are prevented."}, "mt_gen": "Thereby, infections).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weitere Informationen über Wilzin:", "en": "2 / 3 Other information about Wilzin:"}, "mt_gen": "2 / 3 Other information about Wilzin:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine passive Stickstoffmonoxid Exposition während der Schwangerschaft und in der Stillzeit ist zu vermeiden.", "en": "A passive nitric oxide exposure during pregnancy and while breast-feeding should be avoided."}, "mt_gen": "One passive nitric oxide exposure during pregnancy and in breast-feeding women should be made as provided.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "273 Zur Mischbarkeit und Nichtmischbarkeit mit anderen Insulinen siehe Abschnitt 6.6.", "en": "273 Concerning mixing or incompatibility with other insulins see section 6.6."}, "mt_gen": "273 Concerning mixing or incompatibility with other insulins see section 6.6.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei jeder Injektion sollte eine andere Einstichstelle gewählt werden, um Hautveränderungen (z.", "en": "The injection site should be changed for each injection, inorder to skin disorders (e. g."}, "mt_gen": "The injection site should be changed for each injection site, skin disorders (e. g.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Okuläre Veränderungen Wie bei anderen Interferonen wurde bei Pegasys in seltenen Fällen über Retinopathien einschließlich Netzhautblutungen, Cotton-Wool-Herde, Papillenödem, Optikusneuropathie und retinalen Arterien- bzw.", "en": "Ocular changes: As with other interferons, Pegasys has been reported in rare instances including retinal haemorrhages, cotton wool spots, papilloedema, optic neuropathy, and retinal arteries."}, "mt_gen": "Ocular changes As with other interferons, Pegasys has been reported in rare instances including retinal haemorrhages, Cotton-Wool-Herde, papilloedema, vision due to non-arteritic anterior ischaemic and cotton wool.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Weitere Dosisanpassungen sollten in Abhängigkeit vom klinischen Erscheinungsbild und dem Auftreten von Nebenwirkungen vorgenommen werden.", "en": "Other dose adjustments should be based on the clinical MOS and the occurrence of adverse events."}, "mt_gen": "Other dose adjustments should be based on clinical MOS and the occurrence of adverse events.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Interferonspiegel im Urin lagen bei allen drei Applikationsarten unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze.", "en": "Urine levels of interferon were below limit of detection in each of the three routes of administration."}, "mt_gen": "Urine levels of interferon were below each of the three routes of administration below the limit of detection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "(ein Bakterium, das Keuchhusten verursacht), Bestandteile des Hepatitis-B-Virus und Polysaccharide (Zucker) des Bakteriums Haemophilus influenzae Typ B (\"Hib\":", "en": "(a bacterium that causes whooping cough), hepatitis B virus excipients and polysaccharides (sugar) of the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae type b (\"Hib\":"}, "mt_gen": "(a bacterium that causes whooping cough), hepatitis B virus excipients and polysaccharides (sugar) of the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae type b (\"Hib\":", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Manche Arzneimittel können die Qualität der gewonnenen Aufnahmen beeinträchtigen.", "en": "Some medicines may interfere with the quality of the scans."}, "mt_gen": "Some medicines may interfere with the quality of the scans.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine angemessene Körpertemperatur und Flüssigkeitszufuhr sollten aufrecht erhalten werden.", "en": "Appropriate body temperature and hydration should be maintained."}, "mt_gen": "Appropriate body temperature and hydration should be maintained.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Fertigspritze enthält keinerlei Konservierungsstoffe und darf nur für eine einmalige Injektion verwendet werden.", "en": "The pre-filled syringe does not contain any preservative and must only be used for a single injection."}, "mt_gen": "Keep the pre-filled syringe does not contain any preservative and must only be used for a single injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die antivirale In-vitro-Wirksamkeit von Telbivudin wurde an der HBV-exprimierenden humanen Hepatom-Zelllinie 2.2.15 untersucht.", "en": "The in vitro antiviral activity of telbivudine was assessed in the human HBV-expressing, hepatoma cell lines, according to 2.2.15 studied."}, "mt_gen": "The in vitro antiviral activity of telbivudine was assessed in the HBV-exprimierenden according to 2.2.15 studied.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie alle Arzneimittel kann Pelzont Nebenwirkungen haben, die aber nicht bei jedem auftreten müssen.", "en": "Like all medicines, Pelzont can have side effects, although not everybody gets them."}, "mt_gen": "Like all medicines, Pelzont can have side effects, although not everybody gets them.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Größe der Veränderung ist jedoch klinisch nicht relevant, so dass Vildagliptin mit oder ohne Nahrung gegeben werden kann.", "en": "The magnitude of change is not clinically relevant, so that vildagliptin may be given with or without food."}, "mt_gen": "the magnitude of change is not clinically relevant, so that vildagliptin with or without food, may be given.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Impfungen sollten nicht während und nicht für eine gewisse Zeit nach der Behandlung mit Protopy verabreicht werden.", "en": "Vaccinations should not be given during treatment and for a certain time after treatment with Protopy."}, "mt_gen": "Vaccinations should not be given during treatment and for a certain time after treatment with Protopy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die zweite Studie schloss einen Dosisbereich von 2,0 mg / m ² bis zu 5,2 mg / m ² bei Kindern (n = 8), Heranwachsenden (n = 3) und jungen Erwachsenen (n = 3) mit Leukämie ein.", "en": "The second study included a dose range of 2.0 mg / m2 to 5.2 mg / m2 in children (n = 8), adolescents (n = 3), and young adults (n = 3) with leukaemia."}, "mt_gen": "The second study included a dose range of 2.0 mg / m2 to 5.2 mg / m2 in children (n = 8), adolescents (n = 3), and young adults (n = 3) with leukaemia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Serumkonzentration anderer Bindungsproteine könnte erhöht sein.", "en": "The serum concentration of other ligands may be increased."}, "mt_gen": "The serum concentration of other of said catheter may be of the events may be increased.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Falls weitere Informationen über das Arzneimittel gewünscht werden, setzen Sie sich bitte mit dem örtlichen Vertreter des Pharmazeutischen Unternehmers in Verbindung.", "en": "If you want more information about this medicine, please contact the local representative of the Marketing Authorisation Holder."}, "mt_gen": "If you want more information about this medicine, please contact the local representative of the Marketing Authorisation Holder.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach der Rekonstitution mit 1,2 ml Wasser für Injektionszwecke wird 1,0 ml Lösung (entsprechend 0,9 mg Thyrogen) entnommen und dem Patienten verabreicht.", "en": "After reconstitution with 1.2 ml water for injections, 1.0 ml of solution (corresponding to 0.9 mg of Thyrogen) is withdrawn and administered to the patient."}, "mt_gen": "After reconstitution with 1.2 ml water for injections, 1.0 ml of solution (corresponding to 0.9 mg of Thyrogen) and withdrawn from the patient.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Auch bei Babys mit Rechts- Links- oder erheblichem Links-Rechts-Shunt (anormalem Blutkreislauf im Herzen) darf INOmax nicht angewendet werden.", "en": "INOmax should not be used in babies with upper left or any Links-Rechts-Shunt (abnormal tissue circulation in the heart)."}, "mt_gen": "INOmax should not be used in babies with upper left or any Links-Rechts-Shunt (abnormal tissue circulation in the heart).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anschließend sollten 2 Kapseln einmal pro Tag über insgesamt 28-35 Tage eingenommen werden.", "en": "Thereafter, 2 capsules to be taken once daily for a total of 35 days."}, "mt_gen": "Thereafter, 2 capsules to be taken once daily for a total of 35 days.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Ratte und Kaninchen wurde gezeigt, dass Fulvestrant nach intramuskulären Einzeldosen die Plazenta passiert.", "en": "In rats and rabbits, it was shown that fulvestrant after intramuscular doses crosses the placenta."}, "mt_gen": "In rats and rabbits, it was shown that fulvestrant after intramuscular doses crosses the placenta.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ganzkörperbräuner und vermeiden Sie soweit möglich direktes Sonnenlicht. Im Freien schützende Kleidung und breitkrempige Hüte tragen.", "en": "Body tanners and avoid direct sunlight as much as possible. Outide, protective clothing and wide-brimmed protective clothing and wide-brimmed caps."}, "mt_gen": "Ganzkörperbräuner and avoid possible sunlight. In the Free protective clothing and breitkrempige Hüte.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach einem Monat kann die Dosis auf 8 mg einmal täglich gesteigert werden.", "en": "After one month, the dose may be increased by 8 mg once daily."}, "mt_gen": "After one month, the dose may be increased to 8 mg once daily.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Da Nateglinid stark an Plasmaproteine gebunden wird, ist die Dialyse keine geeignete Maßnahme, um Nateglinid aus dem Blut zu entfernen.", "en": "As nateglinide is highly bound to plasma proteins, dialysis is not an efficient means of removing it from the blood."}, "mt_gen": "As nateglinide is highly bound to plasma proteins, dialysis is not an efficient means of removing it from the blood.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wofür wird PegIntron angewendet?", "en": "What is PegIntron used for?"}, "mt_gen": "What is PegIntron used for?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "REGRANEX ist nicht für die Daueranwendung vorgesehen.", "en": "REGRANEX is not intended for continuous use."}, "mt_gen": "REGRANEX is not intended for continuous use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit starkem Erbrechen (Grad 3 oder 4) in vorausgegangenen Therapiezyklen kann eine antiemetische Therapie erforderlich sein.", "en": "In patients with severe vomiting (Grade 3 or 4) during a previous therapy cycle, ASS therapy may be necessary."}, "mt_gen": "In patients with severe vomiting (Grade 3 or 4) during a course of ASS therapy may be necessary.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Bewertung der Pharmakokinetik ist bei Impfstoffen nicht erforderlich.", "en": "Evaluation of pharmacokinetics is not required for vaccines."}, "mt_gen": "Evaluation of pharmacokinetics is not required for vaccines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach der Injektion sollte die In- jektionsstelle nicht massiert werden.", "en": "After injection, the site of injection should be massaged."}, "mt_gen": "After injection that jektionsstelle should be massaged.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "2. Was müssen Sie vor der Einnahme von DULOXETINE BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM beachten? 3.", "en": "What you should know before you take DULOXETINE BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM 3."}, "mt_gen": "What you should know before you take DULOXETINE BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM 3.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sehr selten kann es zu einer vorübergehenden, örtlich begrenzten Reizung an der Applikationsstelle kommen.", "en": "Very rarely a temporary, localized irritation at the site of application may occur."}, "mt_gen": "Very rarely a transient or that are debilitated and underweight at the site of application.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei gesunden Freiwilligen wird innerhalb von 2 Stunden nach Beginn einer intravenösen Xigris- Infusion mit konstanter Rate mehr als 90% des Steady-States erreicht.", "en": "In healthy volunteers steady state is reached by more than 90% within 2 hours after initiation of Xigris and intravenous infusion."}, "mt_gen": "In healthy volunteers is reached within 2 hours after initiation of Xigris and intravenous infusion of more than 90% of the Steady-States with sodium caprylate.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Empfänger von Lebertransplantaten Die Unbedenklichkeit und Wirksamkeit von Telbivudin bei Empfängern von Lebertransplantaten ist nicht bekannt.", "en": "Liver transplant recipients: The safety and efficacy of telbivudine in liver transplant recipients is unknown."}, "mt_gen": "A liver transplant recipients The safety and efficacy of telbivudine in liver transplant recipients is unknown.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie dürfen Firazyr nach dem auf dem Etikett angegebenen Verfalldatum nicht mehr anwenden.", "en": "Do not use Firazyr after the expiry date which is stated on the label."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use Firazyr after the expiry date which is stated on the label.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Behandlung von Sodbrennen und saurem Aufstoßen: eine 15 mg oder 30 mg Schmelztablette täglich für 4 Wochen.", "en": "Treatment of heartburn and acid regurgitation: one 15 mg or 30 mg oro-dispersible tablet every day for 4 weeks."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment of heartburn and acid regurgitation: one 15 mg or 30 mg oro-dispersible tablet every day for 4 weeks.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vor Beginn der Behandlung mit Icandra ist eine Bestimmung der Leberfunktionswerte durchzuführen, um die Ausgangswerte des Patienten zu ermitteln.", "en": "Before initiation of therapy with Icandra is LFTs should be performed, to determine the patient's baseline values."}, "mt_gen": "Before initiation of therapy with Icandra is LFTs should be performed, the patient's baseline.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "10 Erkrankungen des Blutes und des Lymphsystems Sehr häufig:", "en": "10 Blood and lymphatic system disorders Very common:"}, "mt_gen": "10 Blood and lymphatic system disorders Very common:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die maximale Behandlungsdauer beträgt 72 Stunden (3 Systeme), wobei die meisten Patienten nur ein System benötigen sollten.", "en": "The maximum treatment length is 72 hours (3 systems), with the majority of patients only needed one system."}, "mt_gen": "A maximum of 72 hours (-20-bromo-16-deoxo-16-fluoropristinamycin 3), with the majority of patients, only a need should be metabolized.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bis zu drei PDT-Zyklen (im Abstand von mindestens 90 Tagen) sollten an einem vorher behandelten Segment vorgenommen werden, falls es weiterhin eine HGD aufweist, oder an einem neuen Segment, wenn das anfängliche Barrett-Segment > 7 cm lang war.", "en": "Up to three courses of PDT (minimum of 90 days) should be given to a previously treated segment, if he / she is still shows HGD or to a new segment if the initial Barrett was 7 cm, respectively."}, "mt_gen": "Up to three courses of PDT (minimum of 90 days) should be given to a previously treated segment, if he / she is still shows HGD or to a new segment if the initial Barrett was 7 cm, respectively.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "IntronA ist als Pulver in den Stärken 18 Millionen I.E. / ml für den Gebrauch als Einzeldosis erhältlich.", "en": "IntronA is supplied as a powder at strengths of 5 million IU / ml for use as a single dose."}, "mt_gen": "IntronA is supplied as a powder at strengths of 5 million IU / ml for use as a single dose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "September 2005 ein befürwortendes Gutachten.", "en": "September 2005 gave a positive report."}, "mt_gen": "September 2005 gave a positive opinion.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Einnahme mit anderen Arzneimitteln Bitte informieren Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker, wenn Sie andere Arzneimittel, insbesondere Rifampicin, einnehmen bzw. vor kurzem eingenommen haben, auch wenn es sich um nicht verschreibungspflichtige Arzneimittel handelt.", "en": "Taking other medicines please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are using any other medicines, especially rifampicin, or have recently taken any other medicines, even those not prescribed."}, "mt_gen": "Taking other medicines Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are using any other medicines, especially rifampicin, you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, even those not prescribed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Antiretrovirale Kombinationstherapien, einschließlich solcher die auf REYATAZ (mit oder ohne Ritonavir) basieren, werden mit Dyslipidämien in Verbindung gebracht.", "en": "Antiretroviral combination therapies, including those based on REYATAZ (with or without ritonavir), are associated with dyslipidaemia."}, "mt_gen": "Combination antiretroviral therapies, including those on REYATAZ (with or without ritonavir), based on dyslipidaemia.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei einigen Patienten mit unzureichender Wirksamkeit kann eine Dosis von 200 mg zweimal täglich die Wirkung steigern.", "en": "In some patients with insufficient efficacy, a dose of 200 mg twice daily can increase the effect."}, "mt_gen": "In some patients with insufficient efficacy may increase to a dose of 200 mg twice daily of the effect.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Während der Behandlung mit Kineret dürfen Sie keine Lebendimpfstoffe erhalten;", "en": "During treatment with Kineret you should not receive live attenuated vaccines;"}, "mt_gen": "During treatment with Kineret you should not receive live attenuated vaccines;", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Besondere Vorsicht ist geboten, wenn Emselex bei Patienten angewendet wird, die wegen eines Engwinkelglaukoms behandelt werden (siehe Abschnitt 4.3).", "en": "Particular caution should be used when Emselex is used in patients who are treatment for narrow-angle glaucoma (see section 4.3)."}, "mt_gen": "Particular caution should be used when Emselex is used in patients who are treatment for narrow-angle glaucoma (see section 4.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Am 26. Januar 1999 erteilte die Europäische Kommission dem Unternehmen SP Europe eine Genehmigung für das Inverkehrbringen von Temodal in der gesamten Europäischen Union. Die Genehmigung für das Inverkehrbringen wurde am 26.", "en": "The European Commission granted SP the Europe Marketing Authorisation for Temodal throughout the European Union on 26 January 1999. The Marketing Authorisation was renewed on 26 March 2006."}, "mt_gen": "The European Commission is SP Europe Marketing Authorisation for Temodal throughout the European Union on 26 January 1999. The Marketing Authorisation was renewed on 26 March 2006.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Studien mit Isoform-selektiven chemischen Hemmsubstanzen und cDNA-exprimierten UDP- Glukuronosyltransferasen (UGT) zeigen, dass UGT1A1 das hauptsächlich für die Bildung von Raltegravir-Glukuronid verantwortliche Enzym ist.", "en": "Studies with isoform-selective chemical inhibitory substances and cDNA-expressed UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGT) show that UGT1A1 is the major enzyme responsible for the formation of raltegravir-glucuronide."}, "mt_gen": "Studies with Isoform-selektiven chemical Hemmsubstanzen and cDNA-expressed UDP- Glukuronosyltransferasen (UGT) show that UGT1A1 is the major enzyme responsible for the formation of Raltegravir-Glukuronid.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fosavance darf nicht bei Patienten angewendet werden, die möglicherweise überempfindlich (allergisch) gegen Alendronat, Vitamin D3 oder einen der sonstigen Bestandteile sind.", "en": "Fosavance should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to alendronate, vitamin D3 or any of the other ingredients."}, "mt_gen": "Fosavance should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to alendronate, vitamin D3 or any of the other ingredients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Infusion von Xigris kann 12 Stunden nach größeren invasiven Eingriffen oder Operationen fortgesetzt werden, sofern eine adäquate Hämostase erzielt ist.", "en": "The infusion of Xigris may be continued for 12 hours after major invasive surgery or surgery, unless adequate haemostasis is achieved."}, "mt_gen": "The infusion of Xigris may be continued for 12 hours after major invasive surgery or surgery, unless adequate haemostasis is achieved.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Gesamthäufigkeit von Infektionen lag bei 75,9% bzw. 75,6%, die der schweren Infektionen bei 26,1% bzw. 24,8% in der Basiliximab- bzw. der Placebo-Gruppe.", "en": "The overall incidence of infections was 75,9% and 75.6% of the patients, of those severe infections 26.1% and 24.8% in the basiliximab and placebo."}, "mt_gen": "The overall incidence of infections was 75,9% and 75.6% of the patients, severe infections in 26.1% and 24.8% in the basiliximab and placebo.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Obwohl statistisch mit größerer Häufigkeit als unter Placebo aufgetreten, war Schläfrigkeit in den meisten Fällen leicht bis mittelschwer ausgeprägt.", "en": "Although statistically at a greater incidence than with placebo was somnolence, in most cases mild to moderate in severity."}, "mt_gen": "Although statistically at a greater incidence than with placebo was somnolence in most cases mild to moderate in severity.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Bedeutung der Ergebnisse dieser Studien für pädiatrische Patienten ist nicht bekannt.", "en": "The relevance of the findings of these studies for paediatric patients is unknown."}, "mt_gen": "The relevance of the findings of these studies for paediatric patients is unknown.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wurde Zomarist untersucht?", "en": "How has Zomarist been studied?"}, "mt_gen": "How has Zomarist been studied?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie Cholestagel aussieht und Inhalt der Packung Cholestagel Tabletten sind grauweiße, kapselförmige Filmtabletten mit dem Aufdruck \"Cholestagel\" auf einer Seite.", "en": "What Cholestagel looks like and contents of the pack Cholestagel tablets are off-white, capsule-shaped film-coated tablets imprinted with \"Cholestagel\" on one side."}, "mt_gen": "What Cholestagel looks like and contents of the pack Cholestagel tablets are off-white, capsule-shaped film-coated tablets imprinted with \"Cholestagel\" on one side.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, bevor Sie Jalra einnehmen, wenn eine der nachfolgenden Bedingungen bei Ihnen zutrifft: wenn Sie Typ-1-Diabetes haben (d.h.", "en": "Talk to your doctor before you take Jalra if any of the above apply to you: if you have type 1 diabetes (i. e."}, "mt_gen": "Talk to your doctor before you take Jalra if any of the above apply to you: if you have type 1 diabetes (i. e.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie bereiten Sie die Kineret-Injektion vor?", "en": "How to prepare the Kineret injection?"}, "mt_gen": "How to prepare the Kineret-Injektion before?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die sonstigen Bestandteile sind: Calciumtrimetasilikat, Crospovidon, Magnesiumstearat, Indigocarmin (E 132) als Pulver sowie Hypromellose und Triacetin.", "en": "The other ingredients are: The other ingredients are calcium silicate, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, indigo carmine (E 132), as powder as well as hypromellose and triacetin."}, "mt_gen": "The other ingredients are: The other ingredients are calcium silicate, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, indigo carmine (E 132), as powder, hypromellose and triacetin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur einmaligen Anwendung bestimmt.", "en": "Single use only."}, "mt_gen": "A single use only; any unused portions.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wird empfohlen, die Konzentration dieser Arzneimittel häufiger zu überwachen bis sich die Plasmaspiegel stabilisiert haben.", "en": "It is recommended that the concentrations of these drugs should be monitored more frequently until the plasma levels have been stabilised."}, "mt_gen": "It is recommended that the concentrations of these drugs should be monitored more frequently until the plasma levels have been stabilised.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zum Einfluss von TRISENOX auf den APL-Subtyp mit t (11; 17) und t (5; 17) Chromosomentranslokation liegen keine Erfahrungen vor.", "en": "There is no experience in the effect of TRISENOX on the APL subtype with t (11; 17), and t (5; 17), chromosome translocations."}, "mt_gen": "For the effect of TRISENOX on the APL-Subtyp with t (11; 17), and t (5; 17), Chromosomentranslokation have not been established.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Keine Dosisanpassung erforderlich, wenn Saquinavir / Ritonavir mit Ketoconazol in Dosen von ≤ 200 mg / Tag kombiniert wird.", "en": "No dose adjustment is considered necessary when saquinavir / ritonavir and ketoconazole are combined at doses of ≤ 200 mg / day."}, "mt_gen": "No dose adjustment is considered necessary when saquinavir / ritonavir and ketoconazole at doses of ≤ 200 mg / day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Kühlschrank lagern (2 ° C - 8 ° C).", "en": "Store in a refrigerator (2 ° C - 8 ° C)."}, "mt_gen": "Store in a refrigerator (2 ° C - 8 ° C).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "42 Innerhalb jeder Häufigkeitsgruppe werden die Nebenwirkungen nach abnehmendem Schweregrad angegeben.", "en": "42 Within each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of decreasing seriousness."}, "mt_gen": "42 Within each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of decreasing seriousness.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In Zweifelsfällen sollten Urinproben untersucht werden.", "en": "If in doubt, urine samples should be evaluated."}, "mt_gen": "In Zweifelsfällen Analysis of urine samples should be evaluated.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Pharmakokinetik von Abatacept bei Kindern und Jugendlichen wurde nicht untersucht.", "en": "The pharmacokinetics of abatacept in children and adolescents have not been studied."}, "mt_gen": "The pharmacokinetics of abatacept in children and adolescents have not been studied.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kühl lagern (2 ° C bis + 8 ° C).", "en": "Store refrigerated (2 ° C to + 8 ° C)."}, "mt_gen": "Store refrigerated (2 ° C to + 8 ° C).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Blutzuckerspiegel kann durch viele Faktoren beeinflusst werden.", "en": "Your blood sugar level may be influenced by many factors."}, "mt_gen": "Your blood sugar level may be influenced by many factors.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist Preotact und wofür wird es angewendet?", "en": "What Preotact is and what it is used for"}, "mt_gen": "What Preotact is and what it is used for 2.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verwenden Sie nur Nadeln, die für SoloStar geeignet sind.", "en": "Only use needles that are compatible for use with SoloStar."}, "mt_gen": "Only use needles that are compatible for use with SoloStar.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das lyophilisierte Pulver sollte mit 5,3 ml einer 9 mg / ml (0,9%) Natriumchlorid-Injektionslösung oder 50 mg / ml (5%) Dextrose-Injektionslösung rekonstituiert werden, um eine Konzentration von 10 mg Tigecyclin / ml zu erhalten.", "en": "The lyophilised powder should be reconstituted with 5.3 ml of 9 mg / ml (0.9%) of sodium chloride solution for injection or 50 mg / ml (5%) glucose solution for injection to achieve a concentration of 10 mg / ml of tigecycline."}, "mt_gen": "The lyophilised powder should be reconstituted with 5.3 ml of sodium chloride 9 mg / ml (0.9%) solution for injection or glucose 50 mg / ml (5%) solution for injection to achieve a concentration of 10 mg / ml of tigecycline.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "QT-Verlängerung Für Tasigna wurde gezeigt, dass es die kardiale ventrikuläre Repolarisation gemessen als QT-Intervall auf der EKG-Oberfläche in konzentrationsabhängiger Weise verlängert.", "en": "QT prolongation: It has been shown that tasigna extends that the potential to prolong cardiac ventricular repolarization, measured as QT Interval on the EKG surface in a concentration dependant fashion."}, "mt_gen": "QT prolongation for Tasigna has been shown that the potential to prolong cardiac ventricular repolarization (QT Interval of EKG-Oberfläche is prolonged in konzentrationsabhängiger.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Enthält Lactose. Packungsbeilage beachten.", "en": "contains lactose See leaflet for further information."}, "mt_gen": "Lactose See leaflet for further information.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei ersten Anzeichen einer Lichtempfindlichkeit sollte die Behandlung beendet werden.", "en": "At the first signs of photosensitivity treatment should be discontinued."}, "mt_gen": "At the first signs of photosensitivity should be discontinued.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dies bedeutet, dass es im Wesentlichen \"natriumfrei\" ist.", "en": "This means that it is essentially \"sodium-free.\""}, "mt_gen": "This means that it is essentially \"sodium-free.\"", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In nicht-endemischen Gebieten können Katzen ohne besondere Vorsichtsmaßnahmen behandelt werden, da kein Risiko einer patenten Herzwurminfektion besteht.", "en": "In non-endemic areas cats can be treated without special precautions as there is no risk of a heartworm infection."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore they can be treated without special precautions no risk of special considerations.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der in Dynastat enthaltene Wirkstoff Parecoxib ist eine Vorstufe (Prodrug) von Valdecoxib.", "en": "The active substance in Dynastat is parecoxib contained is a \"prodrug'of valdecoxib."}, "mt_gen": "The active substance in Dynastat is parecoxib contained is a \"prodrug'of valdecoxib.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "69 In den klinischen Studien wurde während der Therapie mit MIRCERA eine leichte Abnahme der Thrombozytenzahl beobachtet, die aber innerhalb des Normbereichs blieb.", "en": "69 During treatment with MIRCERA, a slight decrease in the platelet count was observed but remained within the normal limits."}, "mt_gen": "69 In clinical trials has been observed during treatment with MIRCERA, a slight decrease in platelet counts remaining but within the institutions normal limits.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten können das nicht rekonstituierte Präparat bei Raumtemperatur über einen einmaligen Zeitraum von bis zu 4 Wochen vor der Verwendung aufbewahren.", "en": "Patients may store the unreconstituted product in use at room temperature for one single period of up to 4 weeks before use."}, "mt_gen": "Patients may not be reconstituted product in use at room temperature for one single period of up to 4 weeks before use.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Unterschied in der thrombozytenaggregationshemmenden Wirkung zwischen einigen COX-1-hemmenden NSAR und selektiven COX-2-Hemmern könnte möglicherweise von klinischer Relevanz für Patienten sein, die für thromboembolische Ereignisse besonders gefährdet sind.", "en": "The difference in efficacy between some COX-1 inhibiting NSAIDs and COX-2 selective inhibitors may be of clinical significance in patients at risk of thromboembolic events."}, "mt_gen": "The difference in efficacy between Therefore in antiplatelet activity between some COX-1 inhibiting NSAIDs and COX-2 selective inhibitors may be of clinical significance in patients at risk of thromboembolic events constitute a special risk.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aldurazyme sollte deswegen während der Schwangerschaft nicht angewendet werden, es sei denn, dies ist eindeutig erforderlich.", "en": "Aldurazyme should therefore not be used during pregnancy unless it is clearly necessary."}, "mt_gen": "Aldurazyme should therefore not be given to be used during pregnancy unless it is clearly necessary.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "\"Welche Nebenwirkungen sind möglich?\") Wenn Sie besonders empfindlich sind, kann dadurch Ihre Fahrtüchtigkeit oder Ihre Fähigkeit zum Bedienen von Maschinen beeinflusst werden.", "en": "\"Possible side effects\"). If you are especially sensitive, this might influence your ability to drive or use machines."}, "mt_gen": "\"Possible side effects\"). If you are especially sensitive, this might influence your ability to drive or use machines.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In- vitro- und in-vivo-Studien deuten darauf hin, dass Venlafaxin durch CYP3A4 zu einem weniger aktiven Nebenmetaboliten, N-Desmethylvenlafaxin, verstoffwechselt wird.", "en": "In vitro and in vivo studies indicate that venlafaxine is metabolised by CYP3A4 to a less active N-desmethylvenlafaxine."}, "mt_gen": "injections In vitro and in vivo studies indicate that venlafaxine is metabolised by CYP3A4 to, N-Desmethylvenlafaxin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Patienten mit etwaiger Überempfindlichkeit (Allergie) gegen Tigecyclin oder einen der sonstigen Bestandteile darf Tygacil nicht angewendet werden.", "en": "In patients with some hypersensitivity (allergy) to tigecycline or any of the other ingredients, Tygacil must not be used."}, "mt_gen": "In patients with ability of hypersensitivity (allergy) to tigecycline or any of the other ingredients of Tygacil must not be used.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sebivo war bei den \"HBeAg-positiven\" Patienten wirksamer als Lamivudin: 75% von ihnen sprachen auf Sebivo und 67% auf Lamivudin an.", "en": "Sebivo was in the \"HBeAg-positive\" patients more effective than lamivudine: 75% responded to Sebivo and 67% to lamivudine."}, "mt_gen": "Sebivo was in the \"HBeAg-positive patients\" was more effective than lamivudine: 75% responding to Sebivo and 67% to lamivudine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Erfahrungen zur Anwendung von Kaletra bei Schwangeren liegen nicht vor.", "en": "Experience with the use of Kaletra in pregnant women is not available."}, "mt_gen": "experience with the use of Kaletra in pregnant women are not available.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Keine besonderen Anforderungen an die Lagerung.", "en": "No special precautions for storage."}, "mt_gen": "No special precautions for storage.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Wirkungen von Mycograb wurden zunächst in Versuchsmodellen getestet, bevor sie beim Menschen untersucht wurden.", "en": "The effects of Mycograb were first tested in experimental models before being studied in humans."}, "mt_gen": "The effects of Mycograb were first tested in experimental models before being studied in humans.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "64 Da keine klinischen Erfahrungen mit stillenden Frauen vorliegen, darf Aranesp in der Stillzeit nicht angewendet werden.", "en": "64 As there is no clinical experience with lactating women is available, Aranesp should not be administered to women who are breast-feeding."}, "mt_gen": "64 As there is no clinical experience with lactating women Aranesp should not be administered to women who are breast-feeding.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Dosis kann stufenweise auf bis zu 45 mg einmal täglich erhöht werden.", "en": "The dose can be escalated up to 45 mg once daily."}, "mt_gen": "The dose can be escalated up to 45 mg once daily.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die übliche onkologische Praxis zur Aufrechterhaltung der Neutrophilenzahl bei Neutropenien besteht entweder in der Gabe von anderen Arzneimitteln (z. B.", "en": "The usual oncological practice for the maintenance of the neutrophile counts in neutropenia is the administration of other medicinal products (e. g."}, "mt_gen": "The usual ostomy practice to maintain a neutrophil counts in either neutropenia with concurrent administration of other medicinal products (e. g.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Darüber hinaus sind die langfristigen sicherheitsrelevanten Auswirkungen von Remeron auf Wachstum, Reifung, kognitive Entwicklung und Verhaltensentwicklung in dieser Altersgruppe noch nicht nachgewiesen worden.", "en": "Also, the long-term safety effects on the effects of Remeron on growth, maturation, and cognitive and behavioural development in this age group have not yet been demonstrated."}, "mt_gen": "Also, the long-term safety effects on the effects of Remeron on growth, maturation, and cognitive and behavioural development in this age group have not yet been demonstrated.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie diese Symptome entwickeln, müssen Sie dies sofort Ihrem Arzt mitteilen.- wenn Sie in zahnärztlicher Behandlung sind oder sich einem zahnärztlichen Eingriff unterziehen müssen, teilen Sie Ihrem Zahnarzt mit, dass Sie mit Bondenza behandelt werden.", "en": "If you develop these symptoms, tell your doctor immediately.- if you are under treatment or will undergo dental surgery, tell your dentist that you are being treated with Bondenza."}, "mt_gen": "If you develop these symptoms, tell your doctor mitteilen.- if you are under treatment or will undergo dental surgery, tell your dentist that you are being treated with Bondenza.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patienten mit selten vorkommender hereditärer Galaktose-Intoleranz, mit Lapp-Laktasemangel oder Glukose-Galaktose-Malabsorption dürfen dieses Arzneimittel nicht anwenden.", "en": "Patients with rare hereditary galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine."}, "mt_gen": "Patients with rare naturally rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hohe Plasmakonzentrationen von 3-OMD sind mit einem schlechten Ansprechen von Patienten mit Morbus Parkinson auf die Levodopa-Therapie in Verbindung gebracht worden.", "en": "High plasma concentrations of 3-OMD is associated with poor response to levodopa therapy in patients with Parkinson's disease."}, "mt_gen": "High plasma concentrations of 3- is associated with poor response in patients with Parkinson's disease and has been associated with levodopa therapy.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Einstellung des pH-Wertes der Liposomen • 1,9 ml Myocet-Liposomen entnehmen.", "en": "pH-adjustment of the lipsomes • Withdraw 1.9 ml of Myocet liposomes."}, "mt_gen": "pH-adjustment • Withdraw 1.9 ml of Myocet liposomes.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Daher sind bei diesen Patienten keine speziellen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen oder Dosisanpassungen erforderlich (siehe Abschnitt 4.2 und 5.2).", "en": "Therefore, these patients have no special precautions or dose adjustments required (see section 4.2 and 5.2)."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore, these patients have no special precautions or dose adjustments are required (see section 4.2 and 5.2).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Daher sollte die zeitgleiche Behandlung mit Wirkstoffen, die das Potential einer CYP3A4-Hemmung haben, vermieden werden (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "Therefore, concomitant treatment with agents that have the potential for inhibition of CYP3A4, should be avoided (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "Therefore, concomitant treatment with agents that the potential for inhibition of CYP3A4, should be avoided (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Auftreten von schwerer Hämatotoxizität sollte die MabCampath-Behandlung bis zum Abklingen des hämatotoxischen Ereignisses unterbrochen werden.", "en": "In case of severe haematological toxicity MabCampath should be discontinued until the haematotoxic events subside."}, "mt_gen": "In case of severe haematological toxicity MabCampath should be discontinued until the haematotoxic event.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "TRISENOX wird intravenös über 1-2 Stunden infundiert.", "en": "TRISENOX must be administered intravenously over 1-2 hours."}, "mt_gen": "TRISENOX must be administered intravenously over 1-2 hours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Teratogenität manifestiert sich in partieller Ossifikation der Schädelknochen, fehlenden Augenhöhlen, Hydrocephalie, zweiteiligen Sternebrae, fehlenden Lendenwirbel.", "en": "The teratogenicity is manifested as partial ossification of cranial boners, lack of eye socket, hydrocephaly, bipartite sternebrae, missing lumbar vertebrae."}, "mt_gen": "The teratogenicity is manifested as partial ossification, lack of straight-chain, Hydrocephalie, rat air, missing film.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Personen mit bekannter Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber nicht-steroidalen Antiphlogistika (NSAIDs) sollten den direkten Kontakt mit dem Produkt vermeiden.", "en": "People with known hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should avoid contact with the veterinary medicinal product."}, "mt_gen": "People with known hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should avoid contact with the veterinary medicinal product.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sagen Sie Ihrem Arzt, wenn Sie schwanger sind oder beabsichtigen, schwanger zu werden.", "en": "Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant."}, "mt_gen": "Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn solche Kombinationen erforderlich sind, muss eine engmaschige Überwachung auf Toxizitäten hin erfolgen (siehe Abschnitt 4.4).", "en": "If such combinations are needed, close monitoring of toxicities must follow (see section 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "If such combinations are needed, close monitoring of toxicities (see section 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Herzerkrankungen Dekompensierte Herzinsuffizienz (2,3% bei 70 Monaten medianer Nachbeobachtung) wurde ebenfalls berichtet.", "en": "Cardiac disorders congestive heart failure (2.3% in 70 months median follow-up) were also reported."}, "mt_gen": "Cardiac disorders congestive heart failure (2.3% in 70 months median follow-up) were also reported.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Adalimumab wurde so konzipiert, dass es an einen chemischen Botenstoff im Körper, den sogenannten Tumornekrosefaktor (TNF), bindet.", "en": "Adalimumab has been designed to bind to a chemical messenger in the body called tumour necrosis factor (TNF)."}, "mt_gen": "Adalimumab has been designed to bind to a chemical messenger in the body called tumour necrosis factor (TNF).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "H Halten Sie den FlexPen mit der Injektionsnadel nach oben und klopfen Sie ein paar Mal mit dem Finger leicht gegen die Patrone, damit sich vorhandene Luftblasen oben in der Patrone sammeln.", "en": "119 Hold your FlexPen with the needle pointing upwards and tap the cartridge gently with your finger a few times to make any air bubbles collect at the top of the cartridge."}, "mt_gen": "119 Hold your FlexPen with the needle pointing upwards and tap the cartridge gently with your finger a few times to make any air bubbles collect at the top of the cartridge.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fuzeon wurde ursprünglich unter \"außergewöhnlichen Umständen\" zugelassen, da es aus wissenschaftlichen Gründen nicht möglich gewesen war, umfassende Informationen über das Arzneimittel zu erlangen.", "en": "Fuzeon was originally authorised under \"exceptional circumstances' because for scientific reasons it had not been possible to obtain complete information on the medicine."}, "mt_gen": "Fuzeon was originally authorised under \"exceptional circumstances', because for scientific reasons it had not been possible to obtain complete information on the medicine.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein anhaltender Hämoglobinwert über 12 g / dl (7,5 mmol / l) sollte vermieden werden. Eine geeignete Dosisanpassung für den Fall, dass Hämoglobinwerte über 12 g / dl (7,5 mmol / l) beobachtet werden, wird weiter unten beschrieben.", "en": "A sustained haemoglobin level of greater than 12 g / dl (7.5 mmol / l) should be avoided. Guidance for appropriate dose adjustment for when haemoglobin values exceeding 12 g / dl (7.5 mmol / l) are observed is described below."}, "mt_gen": "A sustained haemoglobin level of greater than 12 g / dl (7.5 mmol / l) should be avoided; guidance for appropriate dose adjustment for when haemoglobin values exceeding 12 g / dl (7.5 mmol / l) are observed are described below.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die gleichzeitige Anwendung von Pioglitazon mit Gemfibrozil (einem Cytochrom P450 2C8- Inhibitor) oder mit Rifampicin (einem Cytochrom P450 2C8-Induktor) erhöht bzw. senkt die Plasmakonzentration von Pioglitazon (siehe Abschnitt 4.5).", "en": "Concomitant administration of pioglitazone with gemfibrozil (an inhibitor of cytochrome P450 2C8) or with rifampicin (an inducer of cytochrome P450 2C8) is reported to increase the plasma concentration of pioglitazone (see section 4.5)."}, "mt_gen": "Concomitant administration of pioglitazone with gemfibrozil (an inhibitor of cytochrome P450 2C8) or with rifampicin (an inducer of cytochrome P450 2C8) is reported to increase the plasma concentration of pioglitazone (see section 4.5).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pharmakotherapeutische Gruppe: Nukleosidale und nukleotidale Inhibitoren der Reversen- Transkriptase, ATC Code:", "en": "Pharmacotherapeutic group: nucleoside and nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors Pharmacotherapeutic group:"}, "mt_gen": "Pharmacotherapeutic group: nucleoside and nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors Pharmacotherapeutic group:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wird Vivanza angewendet?", "en": "How is Vivanza used?"}, "mt_gen": "How is Vivanza used?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die meisten, aber nicht alle dieser Männer wiesen vor Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels Herzerkrankungen auf.", "en": "Most, but not all of these men had cardiac disorders before starting to take this medicine."}, "mt_gen": "Most, but not all of these men had before you start to take this medicine Cardiac disorders.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur Anwendung bei Patienten unter 8 Jahren liegen keine pharmakokinetischen Daten vor.", "en": "No pharmacokinetic data is available on the use in patients below 6 years of age."}, "mt_gen": "There are no pharmacokinetic data are available on the use in patients below 6 years of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anagrelid hemmt zyklische AMP-Phosphodiesterase III.", "en": "Anagrelide inhibits cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase III."}, "mt_gen": "Anagrelide inhibits cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase III.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Zunahme der Digoxin-Exposition könnte dadurch verursacht werden, dass Darifenacin und Digoxin um das P-Glykoprotein konkurrieren.", "en": "The increase in digoxin exposure may be caused by the fact that darifenacin and digoxin compete for the P-glycoprotein."}, "mt_gen": "The increase in digoxin exposure may be caused by that darifenacin and digoxin, to compete for the P-glycoprotein.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Macugen ist bei Patienten unter 18 Jahren nicht untersucht worden.", "en": "Macugen has not been studied in patients below the age of 18."}, "mt_gen": "Macugen in patients below the age of 18 years have not been established.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Überdosierung mit Hydrochlorothiazid geht mit einer Elektrolytverarmung (Hypokaliämie, Hypochlorämie, Hyponatriämie) und Dehydratation als Folge einer übermäßigen Diurese einher.", "en": "Overdose with hydrochlorothiazide is associated with electrolyte depletion (hypokalaemia, hypochloremia, hyponatraemia) and dehydration resulting from excessive diuresis."}, "mt_gen": "Overdose with hydrochlorothiazide is associated with Elektrolytverarmung (hypokalaemia, hypochloremia, hyponatraemia) and dehydration resulting from excessive diuresis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie sich wegen möglicher Nebenwirkungen sorgen, sprechen Sie bitte mit Ihrem Arzt darüber.", "en": "If you are worried about the potential of adverse reactions, talk to your doctor first."}, "mt_gen": "If you are due to the potential for adverse reactions in nursing infants, talk to your doctor first.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Allerdings ist Ciprofloxacin, ähnlich wie eine Reihe anderer Chinolone, bei Tieren, die einer für den Menschen relevanten Dosis ausgesetzt wurden, phototoxisch.", "en": "However, ciprofloxacin is phototoxic, similar to a number of other quinolones in animals which were discontinued in human-relevant doses."}, "mt_gen": "However, ciprofloxacin is similar to that a number of other quinolones, in animals, the dose for humans were relevant phototoxic.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach intravenöser Verabreichung bei gesunden Probanden zeigt Interferon beta-1a einen steilen multi- exponentiellen Abfall, wobei sich der Serumspiegel proportional zur Dosis verhält.", "en": "Following intravenous administration to healthy volunteers, interferon beta-1a exhibits a sharp multi- exponential decline, with serum levels proportional to the dose."}, "mt_gen": "Following intravenous administration to healthy volunteers, interferon beta-1a exhibits a sharp multi- exponential decline, with serum levels proportional to the dose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Pulver zur Herstellung einer Injektionslösung sollte sich ohne Schütteln vollständig lösen.", "en": "The powder for the production of a solution for injection should be fully dissolved without shaking."}, "mt_gen": "The powder for solution for injection should be fully recovered without shaking.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Faktor IX-Aktivität im Plasma wird entweder als Prozentsatz (bezogen auf normales menschliches Plasma) oder in Internationalen Einheiten (bezogen auf einen internationalen Standard für Faktor IX im Plasma) ausgedrückt.", "en": "Factor IX activity in plasma is expressed either as a percentage (relative to normal human plasma) or in International Units (relative to an international standard for factor IX in plasma)."}, "mt_gen": "Factor IX activity in plasma is expressed either as a percentage (relative to normal human plasma) or in International Units (relative to an international standard for factor IX in plasma).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "30-50% größer bei Frauen). Für Phenylacetylglutamin fanden sich jedoch keine derartigen Unterschiede.", "en": "30-50% greater in females). For phenylacetylglutamine, however, there were no differences."}, "mt_gen": "30-50% greater in females). For phenylacetylglutamine, however, there were no differences.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welches Risiko ist mit Thymanax verbunden?", "en": "What is the risk associated with Thymanax?"}, "mt_gen": "What is the risk associated with Thymanax?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lapatinib hemmt das ErbB-abhängige Wachstum von Tumorzellen in vitro und in verschiedenen Tiermodellen.", "en": "Lapatinib inhibits the ErbB-dependent growth of tumour cells in vitro and in various animal models."}, "mt_gen": "Lapatinib inhibits the ErbB-abhängige growth of tumour cells in vitro and in various animal models.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei der Injektion von Gadovist in Venen mit kleinem Lumen, kann es zu unerwünschten Reaktionen wie Rötung und Schwellung kommen.", "en": "While injecting Gadovist into veins with a small lumen there can have adverse reactions such as redness and swelling may occur."}, "mt_gen": "While injecting Gadovist into veins with a small lumen there can have adverse reactions such as redness and swelling may occur.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei sehr kleinen Kindern, kann die Injektion in den Oberschenkel vorgenommen werden.", "en": "In very young children, the injection may be done in the thigh."}, "mt_gen": "In very young children, the injection may be done in the thigh.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Je nach klinischem Ansprechen und Verträglichkeit kann die Dosis in Schritten von 400 mg / Tag alle zwei Tage bis zu einer maximal empfohlenen Dosis erhöht werden, wie in der folgenden Tabelle angegeben.", "en": "According to clinical response and tolerability, the dose may be increased to 400 mg / day every other day or up to the maximum recommended dose as shown in the table below."}, "mt_gen": "According to clinical response and tolerability, the dose may be increased to 400 mg / day every other day or up to the maximum recommended dose as shown in the table below.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Blutet die Stelle, so versehen Sie diese mit einem Heftpflaster. • Entsorgen Sie den vorgefüllten ViraferonPeg-Injektor mit der Nadel sicher in einem verschlossenen, festen Behälter.", "en": "If there is bleeding, cover with an adhesive bandage. • Discard the ViraferonPeg pre-filled pen with the needle safely in a closed rigid container."}, "mt_gen": "If there is bleeding, cover with an adhesive bandage. • Discard the ViraferonPeg pre-filled pen with the needle safely in a closed rigid container.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Karzinogenese-Studien wurden mit Dasatinib nicht durchgeführt.", "en": "Carcinogenic studies have not been conducted with dasatinib."}, "mt_gen": "Karzinogenese-Studien have not been conducted with dasatinib.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Informieren Sie bitte Ihren Arzt, wenn einer der aufgeführten Nebenwirkungen Sie beeinträchtigt.", "en": "Tell your doctor if any of the side effects get serious."}, "mt_gen": "Tell your doctor if any of the side effects gets serious.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Schwellenwert (no- observed-adverse-effect level NOAEL) entspricht mindestens dem 118-Fachen der humantherapeutischen Exposition basierend auf der AUC der empfohlenen Tagesdosis.", "en": "The threshold (no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) corresponds to at least 118 times the human exposure based on the AUC of the recommended daily human dose."}, "mt_gen": "The threshold (no- observed-adverse-effect (NOAEL) level, at systemic exposure levels at least 118-Fachen times the human exposure based on the AUC of the recommended daily human dose.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die aktuellen pädiatrischen Indikationen sind, was die Indikation anbelangt, einheitlich, allerdings nicht in Bezug auf die Definition der pädiatrischen Altersgruppe und die Dosierung für diese Gruppen.", "en": "The current paediatric indications are uniform, however, they are not in relation to definition of the paediatric age group and the dose for these groups."}, "mt_gen": "The current paediatric indications, the indication, it is not, however, the definition of the paediatric age group and the dose for these two groups.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie ist Fuzeon aufzubewahren?", "en": "How to store Fuzeon"}, "mt_gen": "How to store Fuzeon", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Basierend auf den Erfahrungen mit Glimepirid und mit anderen Sulfonylharnstoffen müssen folgende Interaktionen hervorgehoben werden.", "en": "Based on the experience with glimepiride and with other sulphonylureas the following interactions highlighted."}, "mt_gen": "Based on the experience with glimepiride and with other sulphonylureas the following interactions highlighted.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In drei dieser Studien wurde Byetta mit Placebo (einem Scheinmedikament) bei zusätzlicher Gabe zu Metformin (336 Patienten), Sulfonylharnstoffen (377 Patienten) oder beiden Arten von Arzneimitteln (733 Patienten) verglichen.", "en": "In three of these studies, Byetta was compared with a placebo (a dummy treatment), when added to metformin (336 patients), sulphonylureas (377 patients) or both types of medicines (733 patients)."}, "mt_gen": "In three of these studies, Byetta was compared with a placebo (a dummy treatment), when added to metformin (336 patients), sulphonylureas (377 patients) or both types of medicines (733 patients).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Daten zur Pharmakokinetik von Patienten mit Homocystinurie, die langfristig Betain erhalten, sind den Daten von gesunden Freiwilligen sehr ähnlich.", "en": "Data on the pharmacokinetics of patients with homocystinuria, who received longterm treatment with betaine, are very similar to healthy volunteers."}, "mt_gen": "Data on the pharmacokinetics of betaine in the long term, the data from healthy volunteers is very similar to that of patients with homocystinuria.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Retardtabletten Die 8 mg Filmtabletten sind blau, oval, bikonvex und tragen auf einer Seite die Prägung \"FT '.", "en": "Prolonged-release tablets: The 8 mg film-coated tablets are blue, oval, biconvex, film-coated, and engraved on one side with the letters \"FT '."}, "mt_gen": "Prolonged-release tablets The 8 mg film-coated tablets are blue, oval, biconvex, film-coated, and engraved on one side with the letters \"FT '.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "12 besonderen Gefahren für den Menschen erkennen. Langzeitstudien an Tieren zur Kanzerogenität wurden nicht durchgeführt.", "en": "12 recognize particular risks for humans. Long- term animal studies on carcinogenicity have not been performed."}, "mt_gen": "12 Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard. in long- term carcinogenicity have not been performed.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Drehen Sie vorsichtig die Durchstechflasche zusammen mit der Spritze auf den Kopf.", "en": "Carefully turn the vial and syringe assembly upside down."}, "mt_gen": "Carefully turn the vial and syringe assembly upside down.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei gesunden Personen liegt die minimal oral wirksame Dosis bei etwa 0,6 mg.", "en": "In healthy subjects, the minimum effective oral dose is approximately 0.6 mg."}, "mt_gen": "In healthy subjects, the minimum effective oral dose is approximately 0.6 mg.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Nebenwirkungen führten nur selten zum Abbruch der Behandlung mit VIRACEPT.", "en": "The adverse reactions rarely resulted in discontinuation of treatment with VIRACEPT."}, "mt_gen": "The adverse reactions rarely resulted in discontinuation of treatment with VIRACEPT.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Antragsteller soll ferner die Fertigstellung dieser Studie und die Abfassung eines Ergebnisberichts innerhalb eines angemessenen Zeitraums (z.B.", "en": "The Applicant should also be in the finalisation of study and the wording of the results report within an appropriate period (e. g."}, "mt_gen": "The Applicant should also be in this study and the Abfassung of Ergebnisberichts within appropriate period (e. g.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "INOmax wird dem Baby nach Verdünnung mit dem Sauerstoff- / Luftgemisch über das Beatmungsgerät verabreicht.", "en": "INOmax is administered to the baby after dilution with oxygen / air mixture via the respiratory mask"}, "mt_gen": "INOmax may possibly be harmful to the baby is given after dilution with / air mixture for the treatment of alcoholism.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vermeiden Sie eine Durchdringung der Bauchwandmuskulatur oder des Fettgewebes.", "en": "Avoid a penetration of the abdominal musculature or fat tissue."}, "mt_gen": "Prior is Bauchwandmuskulatur or fat tissue.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "B. hormonelle Kontrazeptiva wie die \"Pille\"), einige Glukokortikoide (z.", "en": "B. hormonal contraceptives such as the \"pill\"), some glucocorticoids (e. g."}, "mt_gen": "B. hormonal contraceptives such as the \"pill\"), some glucocorticoids (e. g.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "4. Mit der eingestochenen Spritze Überdruck in der Durchstechflasche durch Entnahme des dem zugeführten Pertechnetat entsprechenden Volumens Gas über der Lösung ausgleichen.", "en": "4. Balance the solution with the pierced needle by applying excess pressure in the vial by removing an equivalent volume of gas of the loaded pertechnetate."}, "mt_gen": "4. With Before removing the syringe from the vial, withdraw a volume of gas from to foaming of the solution.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schließen Sie den Pen durch Aufsetzen der Verschlußkappe.", "en": "Close the pen by attaching the cap on your pen."}, "mt_gen": "Close the pen by attaching the cap on your pen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine Durchstechflasche ist jeweils nur zum einmaligen Gebrauch bestimmt; nicht verwendete Reste sind zu entsorgen.", "en": "One vial is only intended for single use only; any unused solution should be discarded.."}, "mt_gen": "One vial is only intended for single use only; any unused solution should be discarded..", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie dürfen das Arzneimittel nach dem auf dem Umkarton und der Blisterpackung angegebenen Verfalldatum nicht mehr anwenden.", "en": "Do not use after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and blister."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and blister.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Unternehmen wird die Wirksamkeit der Kombination von Ceplene und Interleukin-2 und die Art und Weise des Wirkmechanismus der Kombination in weiteren Studien eingehender untersuchen.", "en": "The company will review the effectiveness of the combination of Ceplene and interleukin-2 and the way of the mechanism of action in more detail in other studies."}, "mt_gen": "The company will review the effectiveness of the combination of Ceplene and interleukin-2 and the way the knowledge of the mechanism of action in more detail in other studies.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pradaxa ist ein Arzneimittel, das zur Vorbeugung der Bildung von Blutgerinnseln eingesetzt wird.", "en": "Pradaxa is a medicine that is used to prevent the formation of blood clots."}, "mt_gen": "Pradaxa is a medicine that is used to prevent the formation of blood clots.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Fertigspritzen werden entweder mit (1er- und 4er- Packung) oder ohne eine (1er-Packung) Verblisterung angeboten.", "en": "The syringes are provided either with (1- & 4-pack) or without (1-pack) a blister wrapping."}, "mt_gen": "The syringes are provided either with (1- & 4-pack) or without (1-pack) a blister wrapping.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "1 Sublingualtablette enthält: Buprenorphin 2 mg (als Buprenorphinhydrochlorid) und Naloxon 0,5 mg (als Naloxonhydrochlorid-Dihydrat).", "en": "Each tablet contains 2 mg buprenorphine as buprenorphine hydrochloride and 0.5 mg naloxone (as naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate)."}, "mt_gen": "Each tablet contains 2 mg buprenorphine as buprenorphine hydrochloride and 0.5 mg naloxone (as naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei diesen Studien wurde Foetotoxizität, jedoch keine Teratogenizität in Ratten und Kaninchen nur bei intravenösen Dosen (größer als das Äquivalent von 4 mg / kg) und bei größerer (täglicher) Häufigkeit als bei den klinischen Anwendungen gefunden.", "en": "In these studies, foetotoxicity, but not teratogenicity, occured in rats and rabbits only in intravenous doses (greater than a dose of 4 mg / kg) and at greater frequency (daily) compared to clinical applications."}, "mt_gen": "In these studies, foetotoxicity, but not free from either teratogenic potential in rats and rabbits only in intravenous doses (greater than a dose of 4 mg / kg) and in an overdose (daily) as compared to the incidence of clinical applications.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gleichzeitige Anwendung von Posaconazol mit CYP3A4-Substraten kann zu stark erhöhten Expositionen gegenüber CYP3A4-Substraten führen, wie für Tacrolimus, Sirolimus, Atazanavir und Midazolam nachfolgend beispielhaft beschrieben.", "en": "Concomitant use of posaconazole with CYP3A4 substrates may greatly lead to increased exposures to CYP3A4 substrates, such as for tacrolimus, sirolimus, atazanavir and midazolam described below."}, "mt_gen": "Concomitant use of posaconazole with CYP3A4 substrates may greatly lead to increased exposures to CYP3A4 substrates, such as for tacrolimus, sirolimus, atazanavir and midazolam are described below beispielhaft.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vimpat muss zweimal täglich eingenommen werden.", "en": "Vimpat must be taken twice a day."}, "mt_gen": "Vimpat must be taken twice a day.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenden Sie Liprolog Mix50 Pen immer genau nach Anweisung des Arztes an.", "en": "Always use Liprolog Mix50 Pen exactly as your doctor has told you."}, "mt_gen": "Always use Liprolog Mix50 Pen exactly as your doctor has told you.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Schwamm und das Dibotermin alfa verschwinden nach und nach in dem Maße wie Knochen gebildet wird.", "en": "The sponge and the dibotermin alfa disappear gradually in the proportion that bones are formed."}, "mt_gen": "The sponge and the dibotermin alfa and disappear in such as bones.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Pharmakotherapeutische Gruppe: Antianämika, ATC-Code:", "en": "Pharmacotherapeutic group: antianaemic, ATC code:"}, "mt_gen": "Pharmacotherapeutic group: antianaemic, ATC code:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kinder Die Pharmakokinetik von Oseltamivir ist in Pharmakokinetik-Studien mit Einmalgabe bei Kindern im Alter von 1 bis 16 Jahren untersucht worden.", "en": "Children The pharmacokinetics of oseltamivir was studied in pharmacokinetic studies with single doses in children aged 1 to 16 years of age."}, "mt_gen": "Children The pharmacokinetics of oseltamivir in 51 Elderly Exposure to the active metabolite, single dose in children aged 1 to 16 years of age.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nicht im Kühlschrank lagern oder einfrieren.", "en": "Do not refrigerate or freeze."}, "mt_gen": "Do not refrigerate or freeze.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "NovoNorm darf nicht bei Patienten angewendet werden, die möglicherweise überempfindlich (allergisch) gegen Repaglinid oder einen der sonstigen Bestandteile sind.", "en": "NovoNorm should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to repaglinide or to any of the excipients."}, "mt_gen": "NovoNorm should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to repaglinide or to any of the excipients.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "1 Durchstechflasche mit 167,7 mg Pulver enthält:", "en": "1 vial with 167.7 mg powder contains:"}, "mt_gen": "1 vial with 167.7 mg powder contains:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lesen Sie auch den Abschnitt \"Besondere Vorsicht bei der Anwendung\" in der Packungsbeilage von Peginterferon alfa-2b oder Interferon alfa-2b.", "en": "Also, be sure to read the \"Take special care with\" section of the Package Leaflet for peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b."}, "mt_gen": "Also, be sure to read the \"Take special care with\" section of the Package Leaflet for peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt hat ViraferonPeg speziell für Sie und Ihren derzeitigen Krankheitszustand verordnet. Teilen Sie sich mit niemandem dieses Medikament.", "en": "Your doctor has prescribed ViraferonPeg specifically for you and your current condition; do not share this medicine."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor has prescribed ViraferonPeg specifically for you and your current condition; do not share this medicine. Tell this medicine with anyone else.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Durchstechflasche mit 5 ml Lösung enthält 250 Mikrogramm Palonosetron (als Hydrochlorid).", "en": "Each vial of 5 ml of solution contains 250 micrograms of palonosetron (as hydrochloride)."}, "mt_gen": "Each vial of 5 ml of solution contains 250 micrograms of palonosetron (as hydrochloride).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "0,088 mg, 0,7 mg und 1,1 mg; oval:", "en": "0.088 mg, 0.7 mg and 1.1 mg; oval:"}, "mt_gen": "0.088 mg, 0.7 mg and 1.1 mg; oval:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Glutaminspiegel im Plasma sollte unter 1000 µmol / l gehalten werden.", "en": "Plasma glutamine levels should be less than 1,000 µmol / l."}, "mt_gen": "Plasma glutamine should be less than 1,000 µmol / l.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Dauer der Wirkung in den klinischen Studien war unterschiedlich.", "en": "The duration of effect in the clinical trials was different."}, "mt_gen": "The duration of action in the clinical trials.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Fertigspritze enthält 7,5 mg Fondaparinux-Natrium in 0,6 ml Injektionslösung.", "en": "Each pre-filled syringe contains 7.5 mg fondaparinux sodium in 0.6 ml solution for injection."}, "mt_gen": "Each pre-filled syringe contains 7.5 mg fondaparinux sodium in 0.6 ml solution for injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "5 Kinder, deren Mütter Angiotensin-II Rezeptorantagonisten eingenommen haben, sollten hinsichtlich einer Hypotension engmaschig überwacht werden (siehe auch Abschnitte 4.3 und 4.4).", "en": "5. Children born to mothers who have taken AIIRAs should be closely observed for hypotension (see also sections 4.3 and 4.4)."}, "mt_gen": "5 children born to mothers who have taken AIIRAs should be closely observed for hypotension (see also sections 4.3 and 4.4).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Sicherheit des Impfstoffes bei trächtigen Kühen ist noch nicht vollständig bewiesen, die bislang erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen jedoch, dass der Impfstoff zumindest während der letzten drei Trächtigkeitsmonate unbedenklich eingesetzt werden kann.", "en": "The safety of the vaccine in pregnant cows is not yet fully established, the results achieved, however, indicate that the vaccine is safe to use at least during the last three months of term."}, "mt_gen": "The safety of the vaccine in pregnant cows is not yet fully established, the results have achieved, however, indicate that the vaccine is safe at least used during the last three Trächtigkeitsmonate.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verwenden Sie jeden vorgefüllten Injektor für nur eine Injektion.", "en": "Only use each pre-filled pen for one injection."}, "mt_gen": "Only use each pre-filled pen for one injection.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie glauben, dass mit Lantus etwas nicht in Ordnung ist, lassen Sie es durch Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker überprüfen.", "en": "If you think you may have a problem with Lantus, have it checked by your doctor or pharmacist."}, "mt_gen": "If you think you may have a problem with Lantus, have it checked by your doctor or pharmacist.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In Testverfahren zu Mitochondrienstruktur, Funktion und DNA-Gehalt hatte Telbivudin in Konzentrationen von bis zu 10 μ M keine nennenswerte toxische Wirkung und bewirkte in vitro keine Zunahme der Milchsäure-Produktion.", "en": "In test procedures on mitochondria structure, function and DNA content, Telbivudine mitochondria did not have toxic effects at concentrations of up to 10 μ and seemed to have no in vitro increase in the milk acid production."}, "mt_gen": "In antigenicity and assays, and DNA content had Telbivudine at concentrations of up to 10 μ M did not inhibit toxic effects is unlikely to be beneficial in vitro and no incremental increase in Milchsäure-Produktion.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der arzneilich wirksame Bestandteil in Posaconazole SP, Posaconazol, ist ein Antimykotikum aus der Gruppe der Triazole.", "en": "The active substance in Posaconazole SP, posaconazole, is an antifungal that belongs to the triazoles group."}, "mt_gen": "The active substance in Posaconazole SP, posaconazole, is an antifungal that the triazoles.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Setzen Sie vorsichtig die äußere Injektionsnadelkappe wieder auf (siehe Abbildung Q).", "en": "Put the needle cap gently on the injection (See Diagram Q)."}, "mt_gen": "Put gently 392 to injection needle cap (See Diagram Q).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter müssen geeignete Verhütungsmaßnahmen anwenden.", "en": "Women of childbearing potential should use appropriate contraceptive measures."}, "mt_gen": "Women of childbearing potential should use appropriate contraceptive measures.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Innerhalb von 5 bis 8 Wochen nach der zwölften und letzten Dosis Efalizumab (1,0 mg / kg / Woche) kehrten die CD11a-Spiegel mit einer Schwankungsbreite von ± 25% wieder auf die Ausgangswerte zurück.", "en": "Within 4 weeks after the mutation and the last dose of efalizumab (1.0 mg / kg / week) CD11a levels returned to the baseline with a margin of fluctuation of ± 25%."}, "mt_gen": "Within 4 weeks after the mutation and the last dose of efalizumab (1.0 mg / kg / week) levels CD11a-Spiegel within ± 25% of baseline.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach Verabreichung einer Einzeldosis Leflunomid an Probanden, die Mehrfachdosen Rifampicin (nichtspezifischer Cytochrom- P450-Induktor) erhielten, waren die A771726-Spitzenspiegel um etwa 40% erhöht, während sich die AUC nicht deutlich änderte.", "en": "After administration of a single dose of leflunomide in healthy volunteers, who had received multiple doses of rifampicin (non-specific cytochrome P450 inductor) patients who were receiving A771726 peak levels were increased by approximately 40%, while the AUC did not significantly change."}, "mt_gen": "After administration of a single dose of leflunomide in healthy volunteers, multiple doses of rifampicin (nichtspezifischer Cytochrom- P450-Induktor) patients who were receiving A771726-Spitzenspiegel were increased by approximately 40%), with AUC) did not significantly.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Suspension kann bei Katzen jeglichen Körpergewichts durch Auftropfen (unter leichtem Druck auf die Quetschflasche) verabreicht werden.", "en": "The suspension can be given to cats of any weight in drops (using light pressure on the squeeze bottle)."}, "mt_gen": "The suspension can be given to patients for cats (below given).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kapselhülle: Gelatine, Glycerol, D-Sorbitol (E420) und Sorbitollösung, Titandioxid, rote Tinte zum Bedrucken.", "en": "Capsule shell: gelatin, glycerol, d-sorbitol (E420) and sorbitol solution, titanium dioxide, red printing ink."}, "mt_gen": "Capsule shell: gelatin, glycerol, d-sorbitol (E420) and insertion, titanium dioxide, red printing ink.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn es zu einer Blutung kommt, kann eine chirurgische Behandlung oder die Gabe von Bluttransfusionen erforderlich sein.", "en": "If bleeding occurs, a surgical treatment or the a treatment or blood transfusions may be required."}, "mt_gen": "If bleeding occurs, with surgery or receiving blood transfusions may be required.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Akutes Koronarsyndrom (ACS) Die Anwendung von Rosiglitazon bei Patienten mit einem akuten Koronarsyndrom wurde nicht im Rahmen von kontrollierten klinischen Studien untersucht.", "en": "Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) The use of rosiglitazone in patients with acute coronary syndrome has not been studied within the scope of controlled clinical trials."}, "mt_gen": "4 Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) The use of rosiglitazone in patients with acute coronary syndrome has not been studied in controlled clinical trials.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Wirkmechanismus von NeuroBloc für die Blockierung der neuromuskulären Überleitung erfolgt in drei Schritten:", "en": "The mechanism of action of NeuroBloc for blocking of neuromuscular pathways - takes place in in three steps:"}, "mt_gen": "The mechanism of action of NeuroBloc in neuromuscular pathways - in three steps:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Arzt wird die richtige Dosis basierend auf Ihrem Körpergewicht berechnen.", "en": "Your doctor will work out the right dose based on your body weight."}, "mt_gen": "Your doctor will work out the right dose based on your body weight.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach einer akuten Überdosierung kann der Magen mit einer Magenspülung oder Induktion von Erbrechen entleert werden.", "en": "After an acute overdose, the stomach may be emptied with induction of vomiting or gastric lavage."}, "mt_gen": "After an acute overdose, the stomach may be associated with vomiting, gastric lavage or by induction of emesis.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie dürfen sie nicht benutzen, wenn Beschädigungen sichtbar sind oder eine Lücke zwischen dem Gummistopfen und dem weißen Band besteht.", "en": "Do not use it if there is visible damage or a hole between the rubber stopper and the white band."}, "mt_gen": "Do not use it if you are observed below 25 ° C of at least a part of the rubber stopper and the white.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "298 Dosierung • Üblicherweise sollten Sie Liprolog BASAL als Ihr Basalinsulin verwenden.", "en": "298 Dosage • You should normally inject Liprolog Basal as your basal insulin."}, "mt_gen": "298 Dosage • You should normally inject Liprolog Basal as your basal insulin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nehmen Sie sofort ungefähr 10 bis 20 g Zucker, z. B. Traubenzucker, Würfelzucker oder ein zuckergesüßtes Getränk zu sich.", "en": "Take about 10 to 20 g sugar immediately, such as glucose, sugar cubes or a sugar-sweetened beverage."}, "mt_gen": "Always take about 10 to 20 g sugar, such as glucose, sugar cubes or a sugar-sweetened beverage Immediately.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bilden Sie nun durch vorsichtiges Zusammendrücken der Haut in der zuvor desinfizierten Hautregion eine Hautfalte.", "en": "Form a skin fold by carefully pinching the skin in the previously disinfected area."}, "mt_gen": "Hold the skin by the site of previously like pinch a fold of loose skin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ratten eine leichte, dosisabhängige Abnahme des Gesamtwachstums nach Behandlung der Tiere mit Ribavirin (siehe Abschnitt 5.3) (siehe Abschnitt 5.3).", "en": "Rats have demonstrated a minor, dose-related decrease in overall growth after treatment with ribavirin (see section 5.3)."}, "mt_gen": "rats have demonstrated a minor, dose-related decrease in overall growth in neonatal rats dosed with ribavirin (see section 5.3) treatment (see section 5.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Rest wurde als Metaboliten ausgeschieden.", "en": "The remainder was excreted in urine as metabolites."}, "mt_gen": "The remainder was excreted in urine as metabolites.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "B. Patienten mit schweren Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen wie instabiler Angina pectoris oder schwerer Herzinsuffizienz), nicht anzuwenden.", "en": "e. g. do not use with patients with severe cardiovascular disease such as unstable angina or severe heart failure."}, "mt_gen": "(e. g. patients with severe cardiovascular disease such as unstable angina or severe heart failure).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wirkt Abraxane?", "en": "How does Abraxane work?"}, "mt_gen": "How does Abraxane work?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine klinisch bedeutsame Hypocalcämie (sehr niedrige Serumcalciumspiegel) sollte durch intravenöse Gabe von Calciumgluconat korrigiert werden.", "en": "Clinically relevant hypocalcaemia (very low serum calcium levels) should be corrected by intravenous administration of calcium gluconate."}, "mt_gen": "Clinically relevant hypocalcaemia (very low serum calcium levels) should be corrected by intravenous administration of calcium gluconate.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie wirkt Enbrel?", "en": "How does Enbrel work?"}, "mt_gen": "How does Enbrel work?", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Behandlung mit GONAL-f sollte unter der Aufsicht eines Arztes eingeleitet werden, der in der Behandlung von Fertilitätsstörungen erfahren ist.", "en": "Treatment with GONAL-f should be initiated under the supervision of a physician experienced in the treatment of fertility problems."}, "mt_gen": "Treatment with GONAL-f should be initiated under the supervision of a physician experienced in the treatment of fertility problems.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Actraphane 30 40 I.E. / ml Injektionssuspension in einer Durchstechflasche.", "en": "Actraphane 30 40 IU / ml suspension for injection in a vial."}, "mt_gen": "Actraphane 30 40 IU / ml suspension for injection in a vial.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie alle Arzneimittel kann ZYPREXA Nebenwirkungen haben, die aber nicht bei jedem auftreten müssen.", "en": "Like all medicines, ZYPREXA can have side effects, although not everybody gets them."}, "mt_gen": "Like all medicines, ZYPREXA can have side effects, although not everybody gets them.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Verfahren wurde am 19. September 2005 eingeleitet.", "en": "The procedure started on 19 September 2005."}, "mt_gen": "The referral procedure started on 19 September 2005.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie die Einnahme von Baraclude vergessen haben Es ist wichtig, keine Dosis auszulassen.", "en": "If you forget to take Baraclude It is important that you do not miss any doses."}, "mt_gen": "If you forget to take Baraclude It is important that you do not miss any doses.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "März 2000 Datum der letzten Verlängerung: 9.", "en": "9 March 2000 Date of last renewal:"}, "mt_gen": "9 March 2000 Date of last renewal:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tadalafil hat gefäßerweiternde Eigenschaften, die eine leichte und vorübergehende Blutdrucksenkung bewirken (siehe Abschnitt 5.1) und dadurch den blutdrucksenkenden Effekt von Nitraten verstärken (siehe Abschnitt 4.3).", "en": "36 has vasodilator properties, resulting in mild and transient decreases in blood pressure (see section 5.1) and as such potentiate the hypotensive effect of nitrates (see section 4.3)."}, "mt_gen": "36 has vasodilator properties, resulting in mild and transient decreases in blood pressure (see section 5.1) and as such potentiate the hypotensive effect of nitrates (see section 4.3).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das HA-Virus wird in humanen, diploiden MRC-5-Zellen vermehrt. HBsAg wird durch Kultur gentechnisch veränderter Hefezellen in einem selektiven Medium hergestellt.", "en": "The haemagglutinin A virus is increased in human diploid MRC-5 cells. HBsAg is produced by a genetically modified yeast cell culture in a selective medium."}, "mt_gen": "The HA-Virus, is increased in human diploid MRC-5-Zellen. HBsAg is 0.05 to 1 Hz in yeast cells in a selective medium, of genetically.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "22 bis 47%) und um 44% unter Valsartan 320 mg (95% CI:", "en": "22 up to 47% and at 44% under 320 mg of valsartan (95% Cl:"}, "mt_gen": "22 to 47%) and 44% valsartan 320 mg (95% CI:", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Anwendung von Didanosin als magensaftresistente Kapseln zwei Stunden vor oder gleichzeitig mit Tenofovirdisoproxilfumarat stieg die AUC für Didanosin um im Mittel 48% bzw. 60%.", "en": "Using didanosine, in entericcoated capsules form, two hours before or concurrently with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, the AUC for didanosine increased by a mean of 48% and 60%, respectively."}, "mt_gen": "Using didanosine is available as capsules, 4-demethoxy-daunorubicin two hours before or concurrently with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, the AUC for didanosine was increased by a mean of 48% and 60%, respectively.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie / Ihr Kind INCRELEX anwenden / anwendet, sollten Sie / Ihr Kind risikoreiche Tätigkeiten (z. B. anstrengende körperliche Betätigungen) 2 bis 3 Stunden nach der Injektion von INCRELEX vermeiden. Das gilt vor allem zu Beginn der Behandlung mit INCRELEX.", "en": "If you / your child is taking INCRELEX, you / your child has risky activities (e. g. unplanned strenuous exercise) comprises 2 to 3 hours after the injection of INCRELEX should be made as provided. This applies particularly when you start treatment with INCRELEX."}, "mt_gen": "If you miss / your child is taking INCRELEX, you / your child has risikoreiche activities (e. g. unplanned strenuous exercise) comprises 2 to 3 hours after the injection of INCRELEX should be made as provided. This applies particularly when you start treatment with INCRELEX.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Patienten sind darüber zu informieren, dass sie Revasc erhalten haben.", "en": "Patients should tell that have received Revasc."}, "mt_gen": "Patients should tell that have received Revasc.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "37 Entsprechend der individuellen Dosis wird die benötigte Zahl der Durchstechflaschen aus dem Kühlschrank genommen.", "en": "37 Corresponding to the individual dose, the number of vials to be reconstituted are removed from the refrigerator."}, "mt_gen": "37 Determine the number of vials to be reconstituted based and remove the vials from the refrigerator.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lebensjahres: • Cetirizin ist indiziert für die Linderung nasaler und okulärer Symptome einer saisonalen und perennialen allergischen Rhinitis. • Cetirizin ist indiziert für die Linderung einer chronischen idiopathischen Urtikaria.", "en": "Year of life: • cetirizine is indicated for the relief of nasal and ocular symptoms of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis. • cetirizine is indicated for the relief of chronic idiopathic urticaria."}, "mt_gen": "year of life: • cetirizine is indicated for the relief of nasal and ocular symptoms of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis. • cetirizine is indicated for the relief of chronic idiopathic urticaria.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schwangerschaft Zum Gebrauch von Emedastin in der Schwangerschaft liegen keine adäquaten Daten vor.", "en": "Pregnancy: There is no adequate data on the use of emedastine in pregnant women."}, "mt_gen": "There are no adequate data on pregnancy For the use of emedastine in pregnant women.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diese lokalen Hautreaktionen können mit der Stimulation der lokalen Immunantwort zusammenhängen.", "en": "These local skin reactions may be related to the stimulation of local immune response."}, "mt_gen": "These local skin reactions can be related to the stimulation of local immune response.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zu den vielen Risikofaktoren für die Entwicklung dieser Erkrankung können unter anderem die Dauer der antiretroviralen Kombinationsbehandlung, die Anwendung von Corticosteroiden, Alkoholkonsum, eine starke Unterdrückung des Immunsystems (Verminderung der Aktivität des Immunsystems) oder ein höherer Body-Mass-Index gehören.", "en": "Some of the many risk factors for developing this disease may include immunosuppression, the use of corticosteroid use, alcohol consumption, severe immunosuppression (reduction in the activity of the immune system), higher body mass index."}, "mt_gen": "some of the many risk factors for developing this disease may include immunosuppression, the use of corticosteroid use, alcohol consumption, severe immunosuppression (reduction in the activity of the immune system), higher body mass index.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Paxene Konzentrat zur Herstellung einer Infusionslösung ist indiziert zur Behandlung von: • fortgeschrittenem, AIDS-assoziierten Kaposi-Sarkom, wenn bestimmte andere Behandlungen (liposomale Anthrazykline) versucht worden sind, aber keinen Erfolg hatten.", "en": "Paxene concentrate for solution for infusion is indicated for the treatment of: • advanced, AIDS-assoziierten Kaposi's sarcoma when certain other treatments (liposomal anthracyclines) have been tried but have."}, "mt_gen": "Paxene concentrate for solution for infusion is indicated for the treatment of: • advanced, AIDS-assoziierten Kaposi's sarcoma when certain other treatments (liposomal anthracyclines) have been tried but have.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Blutzuckerspiegel zu stark abfallen (Hypoglykämie).", "en": "Blood sugar may become too low (hypoglycaemia)."}, "mt_gen": "may become too low (hypoglycaemia).", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dosisanpassung aufgrund nicht hämatologischer Toxizität Regelmäßige körperliche Untersuchungen und eine Kontrolle der Nieren- und Leberfunktion müssen durchgeführt werden, um nicht-hämatologische Toxizitäten festzustellen.", "en": "Dose modification due to haematological toxicity. Regular physical examinations and monitoring of renal and hepatic function should be performed in order to establish non-haematological toxicities."}, "mt_gen": "Dose modification due to haematological toxicity not Regular physical examinations and monitoring of renal and hepatic function should be performed in order to establish non-haematological toxicities.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Außenseite der Trägerschicht ist beige und trägt den Aufdruck Neupro 6 mg / 24 h.", "en": "The outside of the backing layer is tan-coloured and imprinted with Neupro 6 mg / 24 h."}, "mt_gen": "The outside of the backing layer is tan-coloured and imprinted with Neupro 6 mg / 24 h.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Blutproben zur Beurteilung der Lamotriginspiegel nach dauerhafter Beendigung der Anwendung des hormonellen Kontrazeptivums sollten nicht in der ersten Woche nach Absetzen der Pille entnommen werden.", "en": "Blood samples for the evaluation of lamotrigine levels after sustained termination of use of hormonal contraceptive should not be given during the first week following discontinuation of the pill."}, "mt_gen": "blood samples for the evaluation of lamotrigine levels after sustained termination of use of hormonal contraceptive should not be given during the first week following discontinuation of the pill.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Äußerlich kann Protaphane NovoLet durch Abwischen mit einem medizinischen Tupfer gereinigt werden.", "en": "You can clean the exterior of your Protaphane NovoLet by wiping it with a medicinal swab."}, "mt_gen": "You can clean the exterior of your Protaphane NovoLet by wiping it with a medicinal swab.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach oraler Gabe von Glimepirid betrugen die terminalen Halbwertszeiten beider Metaboliten jeweils 3 bis 6 bzw. 5 bis 6 Stunden.", "en": "Following oral administration of glimepiride, mean terminal half-lives of both metabolites were 3 to 6 and 5 to 6 hours respectively."}, "mt_gen": "Following oral administration of glimepiride, mean terminal half-lives of both metabolites for 3 to 6 and 5 to 6 hours.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dauer der Anwendung: • Keppra ist zur Langzeitbehandlung vorgesehen.", "en": "Duration of treatment: • Keppra is used as a long-term treatment."}, "mt_gen": "Duration of treatment: • Keppra is used as a chronic treatment.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ausführliche Informationen zu diesem Arzneimittel sind auf der Website der Europäischen Arzneimittel Agentur (EMEA) http: / / www.emea.europa.eu / verfügbar.", "en": "Detailed information on this medicinal product is available on the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) web site: http: / / www.emea.europa.eu /."}, "mt_gen": "Detailed information on this medicinal product is available on the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) web site: http: / / www. emea. europa. eu /.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur Einzelbehandlung von Schweinen oder von kleinen isolierten Schweinegruppen.", "en": "For single treatment pigs or of small isolated groups of pigs."}, "mt_gen": "For use in individual or small reaction Schweinegruppen.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Anwendung bei Tieren, die jünger als sechs Monate oder leichter als 5 kg Körpergewicht sind, oder bei alten Tieren kann zusätzliche Risiken mit sich bringen.", "en": "Use in animals under six months of age or weighing less than 5 kg bodyweight or in unpremedicated geriatric animals may result in additional risks."}, "mt_gen": "Use in animals under six months of age or weighing less than 5 kg bodyweight, in unpremedicated geriatric animals may result in additional risks.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Stillzeit: In der Milch laktierender Ratten wurden Amprenavir-verwandte Stoffe nachgewiesen, es ist jedoch nicht bekannt, ob Amprenavir bei Menschen in die Muttermilch übergeht.", "en": "Lactation: In lactating rats, amprenavir-related substances has been demonstrated, but it is not known whether amprenavir is excreted in human milk."}, "mt_gen": "Lactation: In lactating rats, Amprenavir-verwandte has been demonstrated, but it is not known whether amprenavir is excreted in human milk.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie werden angehalten werden, abzustillen.", "en": "You will be instructed to stop breastfeeding."}, "mt_gen": "You will be instructed to stop breastfeeding.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "88 Erythropoetin ist ein Wachstumsfaktor, der in erster Linie die Produktion roter Blutzellen anregt.", "en": "88 Erythropoietin is a growth factor that primarily stimulates red blood cell counts."}, "mt_gen": "88 Erythropoietin is a growth factor that primarily stimulates red blood cell counts.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Spironolactone, der Wirkstoff in PRILACTONE, blockiert die Wirkung eines Hormons namens Aldosteron in Nieren, Herz und Blutgefäßen.", "en": "Spironolactone, the active ingredient in PRILACTONE, blocks the action of a hormone called aldosterone in kidneys, heart and blood vessels."}, "mt_gen": "spironolactone, the active ingredient in PRILACTONE, which means that it blocks the action of a hormone called aldosterone in kidney, heart and blood vessels.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Epivir wurde darüber hinaus bei 615 Kindern untersucht.", "en": "Epivir has also been studied in 615 children."}, "mt_gen": "Epivir has also been studied in 615 children.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Telbivudin ist kein Substrat, Hemmstoff oder Induktor des Cytochrom-P450- (CYP450) - Enzymsystems (siehe Abschnitt 5.2). Aus diesem Grund ist das Potenzial für CYP450-vermittelte Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen mit Sebivo gering.", "en": "Telbivudine is not a substrate, inhibitor or inducer of the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzyme system (see section 5.2). Therefore, the potential for CYP450 mediated interactions with Sebivo is low."}, "mt_gen": "Telbivudine is not a substrate, inhibitor or inducer of the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) - speed (see section 5.2). Therefore, the potential for CYP450 mediated interactions with Sebivo is low.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "AUC: ↓ 31% (↓ 8 bis ↓ 47) Cmin: ↓ 40% Eine ähnliche Reduktion der Indinavirexposition wurde auch beobachtet, wenn Indinavir 100 mg alle 8 Stunden mit Efavirenz einmal täglich gegeben wurde.", "en": "AUC: ↓ 31% (↓ 8 to ↓ 47) Cmin: ↓ 40% A similar reduction in indinavir exposure has also been observed when 1000 mg indinavir was given every 8 hours with efavirenz once a day."}, "mt_gen": "AUC: ↓ 31% (↓ 8 to ↓ 47) Cmin: ↓ 40% A similar reduction in Indinavirexposition has also been observed when indinavir 1000 mg q8h given with efavirenz 600 mg daily.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "NovoRapid ist zur Injektion unter die Haut (subkutan) vorgesehen oder zur kontinuierlichen Infusion in einem Pumpensystem.", "en": "NovoRapid is for injection under the skin (subcutaneously) or to be used in a continuous infusion."}, "mt_gen": "NovoRapid is for injection under the skin (subcutaneously) or to be used in a continuous infusion.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die mittlere Änderung der Hüft-BMD nach einjähriger Alendronat-Therapie bestand aus einer Zunahme gegenüber dem Ausgangswert um 4,5%, während sie nach 1 Jahr unter Placebo durch eine Abnahme um 0,1% gekennzeichnet war.", "en": "The mean change in hip-BMD after one year Alendronat therapy consisted of the lumbar spine increased by 4.5% compared with placebo are characterised by a decrease of 0.1%."}, "mt_gen": "The mean change in BMD at least one year Alendronat-Therapie consisted of the lumbar spine increased by 4.5% compared with placebo are characterised by a decrease of 0.1%.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Drücken Sie den Dosierkopf so weit wie möglich herunter.", "en": "Press the nozzle down as far as possible."}, "mt_gen": "Press the nozzle as far as possible.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Studien an Gewebekulturen deuten darauf hin, dass ein Zellwachstum bei humanen Tumoren der Brust durch Prolaktin stimuliert werden kann.", "en": "Tissue culture studies suggest that cell growth in a human breast tumours may be stimulated by prolactin."}, "mt_gen": "tissue culture studies suggest that cell growth in a human breast tumours may be stimulated by prolactin.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Untersuchungen zur Reproduktionstoxizität erbrachten keine Hinweise auf Wirkungen auf die Fertilität oder embryofetale bzw. postnatale Entwicklung.", "en": "Reproductive toxicity studies have shown no evidence of effects on fertility or embryo-foetal and postnatal development."}, "mt_gen": "Reproductive toxicity studies have shown no evidence of effects on fertility or embryo-foetal and postnatal development.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jede Uterusblutung unter OPTRUMA ist daher unerwartet und bedarf einer vollständigen Abklärung durch einen Facharzt.", "en": "Each bleeding of the uterus under OPTRUMA is unexpected and a full evaluation by a specialist is required."}, "mt_gen": "Each Uterusblutung OPTRUMA is unexpected and a full evaluation by a specialist.", "data_name": "wmt17_APE", "task_type": "ape"}