{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "regiment reorganized and redesignated 21 July 1942 as the 6th Cavalry Regiment, Mechanized.", "zh": "该团在 1942 年 7 月 21 日重组为第 6 机械化骑兵团。"}, "mt_gen": "1942 年 7 月 21 日重组为第 6 骑兵团 , 机械化。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "two inmates — Jack Jones and Marcel Williams — received lethal injections on April 24.", "zh": "4 月 24 日 , 两名囚犯 — — Jack Jones 和 Marcel Williams — — 被注射致死。"}, "mt_gen": "4 月 24 日 , 两名囚犯 - - - - Jack Jones 和 Marcel Williams - - - - 被注射致死。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hendrickson, Jr., Kenneth E. \"FDR Biographies,\" in William D. Pederson, ed.", "zh": "Hendrickson, Jr., Kenneth E. 《 FDR 传记》 , 载于 William D. Pederson , 编辑。"}, "mt_gen": "Hendrickson , Jr. , Kenneth E. , \"FDR 传记\" , 载于 William D. Pederson , 编辑。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1941, Nazi Germany invaded Eastern Europe, annexing much of the western USSR.", "zh": "1941 年 , 纳粹德国入侵东欧 , 吞并了苏联西部的大部分地区。"}, "mt_gen": "1941 年, 纳粹德国入侵东欧, 吞并了苏联西部的大部分地区.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on older parkas, the border was lined with a band of calfskin with fine decorative stitching, symbolizing footprints on snow.", "zh": "老式派克大衣的边上缝有一条小牛皮带 , 上面有精致的装饰缝纫 , 象征着雪上的足迹。"}, "mt_gen": "在老公园里 , 边上有一条小腿皮 , 上面有精致的装饰缝纫 , 象征着雪上的足迹。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "), Atlantic cod, copepods, euphausiids, pollock, and blue whiting made up the rest of the diet.", "zh": ") 、大西洋鳕鱼、桡足类、磷虾、鳕鱼类和蓝鳕鱼是它饮食其余的部分。"}, "mt_gen": ") 大西洋鳕鱼、铜足动物、幼稚动物、马铃薯和蓝鳕鱼构成了食物的其余部分。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sullivan, despite his June pronouncement, booked Presley for three appearances for an unprecedented $50,000.", "zh": "尽管苏利文在 6 月份发表了声明 , 但他还是以前所未有的 50, 000 美元预约了普雷斯利的三次露面。"}, "mt_gen": "尽管苏利文在 6 月份发表了声明 , 但他还是以前所未有的 50, 000 美元预约了普雷斯利的三次露面。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Jennings further angered Harrison when he attempted to secure a clerkship in the territorial legislature.", "zh": "詹宁斯试图获得领土立法机构的书记职位时 , 进一步激怒了哈里森。"}, "mt_gen": "詹宁斯试图在领土立法机构获得书记职位时, 进一步激怒了哈里森.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "canning Terrace was erected as almshouses and a gatehouse to the adjacent cemetery.", "zh": "坎宁台最初是作为救济院和附近墓地的门房而修建的。"}, "mt_gen": "在邻近的公墓里, 建起了一个温室和一个门厅.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the motorcade passed the first assassin, Mehmedbašić.", "zh": "车队经过了第一名刺客 Mehmedba š i ć 。"}, "mt_gen": "车队通过了第一名刺客 Mehmedba š i ć 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he fully awakens from his coma in the fifth season premiere.", "zh": "他在第五季第一集中从昏迷中完全醒来。"}, "mt_gen": "他在第五季首映中从昏迷中完全醒来.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the film reaches its climax with Elisabeth Welch belting out Stormy Weather.", "zh": "随着伊丽莎白 · 韦尔奇唱出《 Stormy Weather 》 , 这部电影达到了高潮。"}, "mt_gen": "这部电影以伊丽莎白 · 韦尔奇的风声达到了高潮.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she then went into drydock for an extensive refit in the Philadelphia Navy Yard, which lasted until January 1932.", "zh": "她随后被送到费城海军造船厂进行大规模整修 , 直到 1932 年 1 月才完成。"}, "mt_gen": "然后 , 她进入了沙滩 , 在费城海军基地进行了广泛的整修 , 直到 1932 年 1 月。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "these swellings are known as the primary brain vesicles and represent the beginnings of the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain.", "zh": "这些肿泡被称为初级脑泡 , 它们会发育称前脑、中脑和后脑。"}, "mt_gen": "这些肿胀被称为主要脑泡 , 代表着前脑、中脑和后脑的开始。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after a 52 yard punt from Neill out of his own endzone, the teams traded interceptions.", "zh": "当尼尔从球门区将球踢出 52 码之后 , 两队进行了互相拦截。"}, "mt_gen": "在尼勒从他自己的终点打了 52 码之后, 他们交换了截获.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Vanderbilt punted 17 times; Michigan punted 10 times.", "zh": "范德堡队弃踢了 17 次 , 密歇根队弃踢了 10 次。"}, "mt_gen": "范德比尔特被打了 17 下 , 密歇根被打了 10 下。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "often the bongocero plays the bell more during a piece, than the actual bongos.", "zh": "与真正的邦高鼓相比 , 邦戈塞罗通常会在一首乐曲中发出更多钟声。"}, "mt_gen": "通常, 邦戈塞罗在比赛中演奏的铃声比实际的铃声要多.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when you're backing a soloist, you play a riff over and over again.", "zh": "当你在为独奏者演奏背景时 , 你会不断重复演奏一段乐节。"}, "mt_gen": "当你支持独角兽的时候, 你会一次又一次地玩弄.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the timbales play the bell pattern, the congas play the supportive drum part, and the bongos improvise, simulating a lead drum.", "zh": "天巴鼓负责演奏钟声 , 康加鼓演奏背景的鼓声 , 邦高鼓负责即兴演奏 , 作为主旋律的鼓声。"}, "mt_gen": "提包按钟型演奏 , 锥形弹支承鼓部分 , 骨头即兴演奏 , 模拟铅鼓。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the ichthyosaur then sank to the depths, drowning and eventually becoming fossilized in the deep water.", "zh": "鱼龙随后下沉到深处 , 在淹死后最终变成了深海中的化石。"}, "mt_gen": "鱼龙随后沉到水深 , 淹死了 , 最终变成了深水中的化石。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Peter Stursberg, 101, Canadian writer and broadcaster.", "zh": "彼得 · 斯图尔斯伯格 , 101 岁 , 加拿大作家和广播员。"}, "mt_gen": "彼得 · 斯图尔斯伯格 , 101 岁 , 加拿大作家和广播公司。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Frank Udvari, 90, Canadian Hall of Fame NHL referee.", "zh": "Frank Udvari , 90 岁 , 加拿大 NHL 名人堂裁判。"}, "mt_gen": "Frank Udvari, 90 岁, 加拿大 NHL 名人堂裁判.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Botvinnik again regained the title in a rematch in 1961.", "zh": "1961 年 , Botvinnik 在重新比赛中重夺冠军。"}, "mt_gen": "1961 年, Botvinnik 在重新比赛中再次夺得冠军.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the President of the Republic appoints and removes the President of the Council.", "zh": "共和国总统任命和罢免该委员会的主席。"}, "mt_gen": "共和国总统任命和罢免该委员会的主席。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "however, Gidley retook the lead by overtaking Kanaan on the back stretch.", "zh": "不过 , 吉德利在非终点直道超过了卡南 , 重新取得领先。"}, "mt_gen": "不过, 吉德利在后腿上超过了卡南, 从而重新领先.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the nave and aisles are paved with freestone flags.", "zh": "教堂中殿和过道上都铺有毛石板。"}, "mt_gen": "河边和河道都铺着自由的旗帜.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "at some point between the 1760s and 1814 the present clerestory was constructed with its oval windows and fluted and coffered plasterwork.", "zh": "在 1760 年代和 1814 年之间的某个时候 , 现在的天窗是椭圆形和窗户和带有沟槽和镶板的石膏造型。"}, "mt_gen": "在 1760 年代和 1814 年之间的某个时候 , 用椭圆形的窗户建造了目前的洗涤器 , 并进行了液化和缓冲。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in Family Guy, Peter recreates Lewis' 'Chairman of the Board' scene from The Errand Boy.", "zh": "在《 Family Guy 》中 , 彼得重现了刘易斯在《 The Errand Boy 》中的 “董事会主席 ” 角色。"}, "mt_gen": "在《家庭盖伊》一书中 , 彼得从《埃兰德男孩》中重现了 Lewis '董事会主席' 的角色。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "during the season Gielgud was knighted in the 1953 Coronation Honours.", "zh": "在这个季节里 , 杰尔古德被授予 1953 年加冕荣誉。"}, "mt_gen": "在这个赛季里, 杰尔古德被授予 1953 年加冕荣誉.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "as the centrepiece of an ambitious new chapel, she commissioned a magnificent tomb for Henry at the basilica of Saint Denis.", "zh": "作为宏伟的新教堂的中心 , 她在圣丹尼斯圣殿为亨利委托建造了一座宏伟的坟墓。"}, "mt_gen": "作为宏伟的新教堂的中心 , 她在圣丹尼斯圣殿为亨利委托了一座宏伟的坟墓。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the modern Concert Hall owes its unique acoustics to its wood paneling.", "zh": "这座现代音乐厅的独特声学效果要归功于它的木材镶板。"}, "mt_gen": "现代音乐厅的独特声学要归功于它的木板.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "his rookie quarterback started with five touchdowns, no interceptions and over 255 yards per game.", "zh": "他的新秀四分卫以五次达阵开始 , 没有拦截 , 每场比赛超过 255 码跑动。"}, "mt_gen": "他的新秀四分卫开始时五下 , 没有截获 , 每场比赛超过 255 码。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "carbonate rocks dominantly consist of carbonate minerals such as calcite, aragonite or dolomite.", "zh": "碳酸盐岩石主要由碳酸盐矿物组成 , 如方解石、霰石或白云石。"}, "mt_gen": "碳酸盐岩石主要由碳酸盐矿物组成 , 如方解石、拉合石或白云石。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it includes a new intro verse by rapper Action Bronson, the final version would include a verse by rapper Bodega Bamz.", "zh": "它包含说唱歌手 Action Bronson 献唱的新开场段 , 最终版本将包含说唱歌手 Bodega Bam 的一段演唱。"}, "mt_gen": "它包括一个新的内在诗由雷鸣者行动布朗森 , 最后的版本将包括雷鸣者博德加班兹。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "over the next two seasons, Lietuvos rytas lost in the LKL finals to Žalgiris Kaunas.", "zh": "在接下来的两个赛季里 , Lietuvos rytas 在 LKL 决赛中输给 Ž algirisKaunas 。"}, "mt_gen": "在接下来的两个赛季里, 利图沃斯在 LKL 决赛中输给了泽尔吉里斯 · 考纳斯.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "this would make it larger than any other sauropod sacrum ever found, except those of Argentinosaurus and Apatosaurus.", "zh": "这将使它比任何其他已发现的蜥脚类骶骨都大 , 除了阿根廷龙和阿帕塔龙。"}, "mt_gen": "这将使它比任何其他任何曾经发现的沙丁鱼香肠都大 , 阿根廷龙和阿帕塔龙除外。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "unfazed, Matteo hires an assassin to bomb the resort to create chaos and mayhem.", "zh": "马特奥不慌不忙地雇用了一名刺客来轰炸度假村 , 从而引起混乱。"}, "mt_gen": "马特奥不慌不忙地雇用了一名刺客来轰炸制造混乱和混乱的手段.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "benthic invertebrate feeders prey primarily on immature insects, but will also consume other benthic invertebrates.", "zh": "深海无脊椎动物饲料主要捕食未成熟的昆虫 , 但也会吃掉其他深海无脊椎动物。"}, "mt_gen": "底栖无脊椎动物饲料主要捕食未成熟的昆虫 , 但也会消耗其他底栖无脊椎动物。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "each flotilla was commanded by a praefectus classis who reported to the local dux.", "zh": "每支小船队都由一位 praefectus classis 指挥 , 他会向当地的杜克斯报告。"}, "mt_gen": "每一个船队都是由一个合成一体的祷告师指挥的 , 他向当地的杜克斯报告。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Scots Greys charged directly into nearest of the squares.", "zh": "苏格兰人骑兵团直接向最近的广场进军。"}, "mt_gen": "苏格兰人格雷人直接向最近的广场进军.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the French quickly surrendered, with the Scots Greys capturing their colours.", "zh": "法国人很快投降了 , 苏格兰骑兵团夺取了他们的颜色。"}, "mt_gen": "法国人很快投降了 , 苏格兰人抓住了他们的颜色。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Trilobites with these sutures lose the entire surface of the eyes when molting.", "zh": "带有这些缝合的三叶草在蜕皮时会失去整个眼睛的表面。"}, "mt_gen": "这些缝合的三叶草在造型时失去了整个眼睛的表面.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "occasionally, the MR substituted other similar locomotives.", "zh": "偶尔 , MR 会取代其他类似的机车。"}, "mt_gen": "偶尔, MR 会取代其他类似的机车.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Schofield conjectures that they considered him a heretic.", "zh": "斯科菲尔德推测他们认为自己是异教徒。"}, "mt_gen": "斯科菲尔德猜想他们认为他是异教徒.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "one of the 20 escaped Blackgate prisoners mistook Batman's batarang for one of the boomerangs in Captain Boomerang's arsenal.", "zh": "在 20 名越狱的黑门囚犯中 , 有一人误认为蝙蝠侠的蝙蝠镖是回旋镖队长的其中一个回旋镖。"}, "mt_gen": "在 20 名越狱的黑门囚犯中 , 有一人误认为蝙蝠侠的警棍是波美朗上尉武库里的巨人之一。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the poem Gaudavaho, Yashovarman's courtier Vakpati credits him with victories in eastern and southern India.", "zh": "在诗歌《古达瓦霍》中 , 雅绍瓦尔曼的廷臣瓦克帕蒂将在印度东部和南部取得了胜利归功于他。"}, "mt_gen": "在诗《古达瓦霍》中 , 雅绍瓦尔曼的宫廷瓦克帕蒂认为他在印度东部和南部取得了胜利。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the dragonflies Odonata were the dominant aerial predator and probably dominated terrestrial insect predation as well.", "zh": "蜻蜓目是主要的空中捕食者 , 也可能是陆地昆虫的主要捕食者。"}, "mt_gen": "乌鸦是主要的空中捕食者 , 也可能是陆地昆虫捕食的主要对象。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "although outnumbered, the British eventually suppressed the Ndebele.", "zh": "尽管人数不足 , 但英国人最终还是镇压了恩代贝利人。"}, "mt_gen": "尽管数量超过了英国 , 但最终还是镇压了恩代贝利人。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Wesley Addy appeared as Jackson in some episodes of the 1976 PBS miniseries The Adams Chronicles.", "zh": "卫斯理 · 艾迪 ( Wesley Addy ) 出演了 1976 年 PBS 迷你剧《亚当斯纪事》中的杰克逊 ( Jackson ) 。"}, "mt_gen": "韦斯利阿迪作为杰克逊出现在 1976 年《亚当斯纪事》的几集《 PBS 迷你》中.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Eusebio Ríos, 73, Spanish international footballer and coach.", "zh": "EusebioR í os , 73 岁 , 西班牙国际足球先生和教练。"}, "mt_gen": "73 岁的 Eusebio R í os , 西班牙国际足球运动员兼教练。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "during diapause, butterflies fly to one of many overwintering sites.", "zh": "在滞育期间 , 蝴蝶会飞到许多越冬地点的其中一个。"}, "mt_gen": "在绝育期 , 蝴蝶飞向许多过冬地点之一。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "West of the escarpment were American elm, ash, beech, and black cherry.", "zh": "在悬崖的西边是美洲榆 , 白蜡木 , 山毛榉和黑樱桃。"}, "mt_gen": "西面是美国的精灵、灰烬、蜂蜜和黑樱桃.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Dorothy Uhnak, 76, American policewoman turned novelist.", "zh": "多萝西 · 乌纳克 , 76 岁 , 美国女警 , 后来成为小说家。"}, "mt_gen": "76 岁的多萝西 · 乌纳克 , 美国女警察变成了小说家。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Michael Barton, 91, English Surrey cricketer and president.", "zh": "迈克尔 · 巴顿 , 91 岁 , 英国萨里板球运动员兼总裁。"}, "mt_gen": "91 岁的迈克尔 · 巴顿 , 英国萨里板球运动员兼总裁。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ralph Ginzburg, 76, U.S. publisher who fought two First Amendment battles during the 1960s, multiple myeloma.", "zh": "Ralph Ginzburg , 76 岁 , 美国出版商 , 在 1960 年代参加了两次第一修正案之争 , 死于多发性骨髓瘤。"}, "mt_gen": "76 岁的 Ralph Ginzburg, 美国出版商, 他在 1960 年代参加了两次第一修正案的战斗, 多发性骨髓瘤.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Gwyn Jones, 89, Welsh physicist and public servant.", "zh": "格温 · 琼斯 ( Gwyn Jones ) , 89 岁 , 威尔士物理学家和公务员。"}, "mt_gen": "89 岁的 Gwyn Jones , 威尔士物理学家和公务员。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it will crumble and shatter It will crumble and shatter all the nations.", "zh": "它将颠覆和粉碎 , 它将颠覆和粉碎所有国家。"}, "mt_gen": "它将崩溃和粉碎它将崩溃和粉碎所有国家。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "cross, F. L., and E. A. Livingstone, eds., The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, \"Prophecy\", pp.", "zh": "Cross, F. L., 和 E. A. Livingstone 编辑 , 《基督教会牛津词典》 , “预言 ” , pp."}, "mt_gen": "克罗斯、 F. L. 和 E. A. 利文斯通编辑 , 《基督教会牛津词典》 , \"Prophecy\" , p.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Wadleigh rounded up a crew of about 100 from the New York film scene.", "zh": "沃德利从纽约电影界招募了大约 100 人到剧组。"}, "mt_gen": "Wadleigh 从纽约电影现场搜捕了大约 100 名观众.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 2006, recording as the Zozo Sisters, Ronstadt teamed with her new friend, musician and musical scholar Ann Savoy, to record Adieu False Heart.", "zh": "2006 年 , 朗斯塔特与新朋友、音乐家和音乐学者安 · 萨沃伊合作 , 以 ZoZo Sister 的名字录制了《 Adieu False Heart 》。"}, "mt_gen": "2006 年 , 朗斯塔特与新朋友、音乐家和音乐学者安 · 萨沃伊合作录制了《阿迪厄 · 假心》。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in London, Liszt performed at several private soirées and at concerts of other artists.", "zh": "在伦敦 , 李斯特 ( Liszt ) 在几个私人晚会和其他艺术家的音乐会上演出。"}, "mt_gen": "在伦敦, 利斯特在几个私人广场和其他艺术家的音乐会上演出.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in April 1926, shortly after his arrival, he recorded nine strikeouts over six innings against the Atlanta Black Crackers.", "zh": "1926 年 4 月 , 在进队不久后 , 他在对亚特兰大黑麦队的比赛中打出了六局九次三振出局的记录。"}, "mt_gen": "1926 年 4 月 , 在他抵达后不久 , 他记录了对亚特兰大黑麦队的 9 场突击比赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Chu Cheung Sing's mentor and the emperors advisor.", "zh": "朱祥成的导师和皇帝顾问。"}, "mt_gen": "楚昌星的导师和皇帝的导师。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Nam Tin dispatches Ma Chuen Kung, Ngau Dai Lik, and Yeung Mau to arrest Sou Fu.", "zh": "南田派出了马全功、牛大沥和杨茂前往抓捕苏富。"}, "mt_gen": "南田派马川孔、恩高台立和杨毛逮捕了苏富.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it is constructed of \"Hammer dressed stone with ashlar dressings and quoins\" and the roof is of slate.", "zh": "它是由 “锤子修整过的石头 , 带有方石堆装饰和隅石 ” 建造成的 , 屋顶是板岩。"}, "mt_gen": "它是由 \"铁锤打扮的石块 , 带领带 , 装饰和奎因\" 建造的 , 屋顶是石板。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "three hundred and sixty musketeers served in the Kongo army against the Portuguese at the Battle of Mbwila.", "zh": "在姆布维拉战役中 , 有 360 名枪手在孔戈军队中服役 , 对抗葡萄牙人。"}, "mt_gen": "在姆布维拉战役中 , 有 360 名枪手在孔戈军队中服役 , 对抗葡萄牙人。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Red Soviet Army invaded Armenia on 29 November 1920 from the northeast.", "zh": "1920 年 11 月 29 日 , 苏联红军从东北部入侵亚美尼亚。"}, "mt_gen": "1920 年 11 月 29 日 , 红苏军从东北部入侵亚美尼亚。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it retreated to Gutenfeld East Prussia on 26 September.", "zh": "它于 9 月 26 日撤退到东普鲁士的 Gutenfeld 。"}, "mt_gen": "它于 9 月 26 日撤退到东普鲁士的 Gutenfeld 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "here, Hanuman explores the demons' kingdom and spies on Ravana.", "zh": "在这里 , 哈努曼探索恶魔的王国和监视拉瓦那。"}, "mt_gen": "在这里 , 哈努曼探索恶魔的王国和拉瓦那的间谍。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he despatched Khiêm to Washington as the ambassador with Thảo, his main confidant, as his press attaché.", "zh": "他派 KHI ê m 去华盛顿当大使 , 他的亲信 Th ả o 作为新闻专员。"}, "mt_gen": "他派希姆去华盛顿当大使 , 他的主要知己 Thau 是他的新闻随员。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "next to the guild of linen weavers, the guild of wool weavers gained in importance.", "zh": "在亚麻布编织的行会旁边, 羊毛编织的行会变得越来越重要."}, "mt_gen": "在亚麻布编织的行会旁边, 羊毛编织的行会变得越来越重要.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "121 Skeet Ring and the Hillbilly Swingsters Sunset Beau / Sitting On Top Of The World 1949", "zh": "121 飞碟环和乡巴佬秋千日落博 / 坐在世界之巅 1949"}, "mt_gen": "121 Skeet Ring and the Hillbilly Swingster Sunset Beau / 坐在 1949 年的世界顶上", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he became an accomplished skier and a highly proficient skater.", "zh": "他成了一个出色的滑雪运动员和一个非常熟练的滑冰运动员."}, "mt_gen": "他成了一个出色的滑雪运动员和一个非常熟练的滑冰运动员.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "other early exegetes included a few Companions of Muhammad, like ʻAli ibn Abi Talib, ʻAbdullah ibn Abbas, ʻAbdullah ibn Umar and Ubayy ibn Kaʻb.", "zh": "其他早期被解职者包括穆罕默德的几个同伴 , 如阿里 · 伊本 · 阿比 · 塔利卜、阿卜杜拉 · 伊本 · 阿巴斯、阿卜杜拉 · 伊本 · 奥马尔和乌拜伊 · 伊本 · 卡布。"}, "mt_gen": "其他早期被解职者包括穆罕默德的几个同伴 , 如阿里 · 伊本 · 阿比 · 塔利卜、阿卜杜拉 · 伊本 · 阿巴斯、阿卜杜拉 · 伊本 · 奥马尔和乌拜伊 · 伊本 · 卡布。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they narrate myths, caste myths, or other narratives only to their patrons.", "zh": "他们只把神话、种姓神话或其他叙事讲述给他们的赞助人."}, "mt_gen": "他们只把神话、种姓神话或其他叙事讲述给他们的赞助人.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Aleut also carve walrus ivory for other uses, such as jewelry and sewing needles.", "zh": "阿留申还雕刻象牙的其他用途, 如珠宝和缝纫针头."}, "mt_gen": "阿留申还雕刻象牙的其他用途, 如珠宝和缝纫针头.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Irwin covers were not postmarked, either at liftoff or splashdown.", "zh": "欧文的封面在升空或坠落时都没有贴上邮票."}, "mt_gen": "欧文的封面在升空或坠落时都没有贴上邮票.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the British harshly punished those who would not by jailing them.", "zh": "英国人严厉惩罚那些不愿意监禁他们的人."}, "mt_gen": "英国人严厉惩罚那些不愿意监禁他们的人.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "an early ribbed vault in the Romanesque architecture of Sicily is that of the chancel at the Cathedral of Cefalù.", "zh": "西西里岛罗马式建筑中早期被撕裂的拱顶是塞法卢主教座堂的拱顶。"}, "mt_gen": "西西里岛罗马式建筑中早期被撕裂的拱顶是塞法卢主教座堂的拱顶。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Venetian Causeway and MacArthur Causeway connect Downtown with South Beach.", "zh": "威尼斯国道和麦克阿瑟国道连接市中心和南滩."}, "mt_gen": "威尼斯国道和麦克阿瑟国道连接市中心和南滩.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "and both the first and second Passovers took precedence over the Sabbath.", "zh": "第一次和第二次逾越节都优先于安息日。"}, "mt_gen": "第一次和第二次逾越节都优先于安息日。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "similarly, a Midrash taught that on Sukkot, the Israelites offered God 70 bulls as an atonement for the 70 nations.", "zh": "同样 , 一位米德拉什教授说 , 在苏科特 , 以色列人给上帝 70 只公牛作为对 70 个民族的赎罪。"}, "mt_gen": "同样 , 一位米德拉什教授说 , 在苏科特 , 以色列人给上帝 70 只公牛作为对 70 个民族的赎罪。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "because of their appearance with the palisade, Europeans termed them castles.", "zh": "由于他们出现在宫殿里, 欧洲人把他们称为城堡."}, "mt_gen": "由于他们出现在宫殿里, 欧洲人把他们称为城堡.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "relatively rare in the entire Zugspitze area are trees like the lime, birch, rowan, juniper and yew.", "zh": "在整个 Zugspitze 地区比较少见的树木是 , 如石灰树、桦树、山灰树、刺柏和红豆杉。"}, "mt_gen": "在整个 Zugspitze 地区比较少见的树木有石灰树、鸟树、划船树、松树和柳树。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "from here the ridge of the Waxensteinkamm stretches away over the Riffelspitzen to the Waxenstein.", "zh": "从这里 , 瓦森斯坦卡的姆山脊延伸到了瓦森斯坦山上的里弗尔斯皮坦河。"}, "mt_gen": "从这里 , 瓦森斯坦卡姆山脊延伸到了瓦森斯坦山上的里弗尔斯皮坦河。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "McKinley was open to persuasion by U.S. expansionists and by annexationists from Hawaii.", "zh": "麦肯利对美国扩张主义者和夏威夷吞并主义者的劝说持开放态度."}, "mt_gen": "麦肯利对美国扩张主义者和夏威夷吞并主义者的劝说持开放态度.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "other Indians never forgot the Tonkawa's allying with Texan colonists.", "zh": "其他印第安从未忘记通卡瓦人与德克萨斯州殖民者的结盟。"}, "mt_gen": "其他印度人从未忘记通卡瓦人与德克萨斯州殖民者的结盟。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he bled profusely, and Tom Carrington, artist for the Australasian Sketcher, used his handkerchief to compress the wound.", "zh": "他流了很多血 , 澳大利亚素描画家汤姆 · 卡灵顿用手帕压伤了伤口。"}, "mt_gen": "他流了血 , 澳大利亚素描画家汤姆 · 卡灵顿用手帕压伤了伤口。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the next game, Zimbabwe upset Sri Lanka by seven wickets.", "zh": "在下一场比赛中 , 津巴布韦被七只魔杖打倒了斯里兰卡。"}, "mt_gen": "在下一场比赛中 , 津巴布韦被七只魔杖打倒了斯里兰卡。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the abundance of birds is notable with over 800 species, including parrots, myna, peafowl, red junglefowl, weaverbirds, crows, herons, and barn owl.", "zh": "鸟类数量众多 , 有 800 多个物种 , 包括鹦鹉、八哥、孔雀、红丛鸟、乌鸦、苍鹭和仓鸮。"}, "mt_gen": "鸟类数量众多 , 有 800 多个物种 , 包括鹦鹉、真菌、珍珠鸟、红丛鸟、乌鸦、雌鸟和谷仓猫头鹰。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it lies between latitudes 9 ° and 29 ° N, and longitudes 92 ° and 102 ° E.", "zh": "它位于北纬 9 度至 29 度之间, 经度 92 度至 102 度之间。"}, "mt_gen": "它位于北纬 9 度至 29 度之间, 经度 92 度至 102 度之间。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on January 6, 1527, the nobility from Slavonia sided with John Zápolya.", "zh": "1527 年 1 月 6 日, 斯拉沃尼亚贵族站在约翰 · 萨波利亚一边."}, "mt_gen": "1527 年 1 月 6 日, 斯拉沃尼亚贵族站在约翰 · 萨波利亚一边.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "other councils forbade circumcision, Jewish rites and observance of the Sabbath and festivals.", "zh": "其他理事会禁止割礼、犹太教仪式和庆祝安息日和节日。"}, "mt_gen": "其他理事会禁止割礼、犹太教仪式和庆祝安息日和节日。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "many revolve around neighborhood and other local patron saints.", "zh": "许多人围绕着邻里和其他当地的守护神."}, "mt_gen": "许多人围绕着邻里和其他当地的守护神.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "West Tuscaloosa Central / Midtown Tuscaloosa Downtown Tuscaloosa The University of Alabama main campus Alberta City suburb Cottondale", "zh": "西图斯卡洛萨中部 / 中部图斯卡洛萨市中心图斯卡洛萨阿拉巴马大学阿尔伯塔市郊区科通代尔主要校园"}, "mt_gen": "西图斯卡洛萨中部 / 中部图斯卡洛萨市中心图斯卡洛萨阿拉巴马大学阿尔伯塔市郊区科通代尔主要校园", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "some species will bask or perch on chosen perches.", "zh": "有些物种会在选定的栖息地上浸泡或栖息."}, "mt_gen": "有些物种会在选定的栖息地上浸泡或栖息.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hungarian and Croat light hussars led by Count Hadik raided Berlin in 1757.", "zh": "1757 年 , 哈迪克伯爵领导的匈牙利和克罗地亚轻质的丈夫袭击了柏林。"}, "mt_gen": "1757 年 , 哈迪克伯爵领导的匈牙利和克罗地亚轻质的丈夫袭击了柏林。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1725, he betrothed her to Charles of Spain and her sister, Maria Anna, to Philip of Spain.", "zh": "1725 年 , 他把她嫁给了西班牙的查尔斯和她的姐姐玛丽亚 · 安娜 , 以及西班牙的菲利普。"}, "mt_gen": "1725 年 , 他把她嫁给了西班牙的查尔斯和她的姐姐玛丽亚 · 安娜 , 以及西班牙的菲利普。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she can react quickly enough to deflect bullets, lasers, and other projectiles with her virtually impenetrable bracelets.", "zh": "她能用几乎无法穿透的手镯迅速做出反应 , 使子弹、激光器和其他射弹发生偏转。"}, "mt_gen": "她能用几乎无法穿透的手镯迅速做出反应 , 使子弹、激光器和其他射弹发生偏转。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "along with her sword, she now also utilizes a shield.", "zh": "除了她的剑, 她现在还使用盾牌."}, "mt_gen": "除了剑, 她现在还使用盾牌.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Winston Ngozi Mankunku, 66, South African saxophone player.", "zh": "温斯顿 · 恩戈齐 · 曼昆库 , 66 岁 , 南非萨克管者。"}, "mt_gen": "温斯顿 · 恩戈齐 · 曼昆库 , 66 岁 , 南非萨克斯语运动员。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Nicholas Atkin, 49, British historian, meningitis.", "zh": "尼古拉斯 · 阿特金 , 49 岁 , 英国历史学家 , 脑膜炎。"}, "mt_gen": "尼古拉斯 · 阿特金 , 49 岁 , 英国历史学家 , 脑膜炎。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the main dome collapsed completely during a subsequent earthquake on 7 May 558, destroying the ambon, altar, and ciborium.", "zh": "在随后的 558 年 5 月 7 日地震中 , 主圆顶完全坍塌 , 破坏了碳氢化合物、祭坛和碳氢化合物。"}, "mt_gen": "在随后的 558 年 5 月 7 日地震中 , 主圆顶完全坍塌 , 破坏了碳氢化合物、祭坛和碳氢化合物。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Indians, Japanese, Arabs, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Thais, Malays and Indonesians as traders or immigrants.", "zh": "印度人、日本人、阿拉伯人、越南人、柬埔寨人、泰国人、马来人和印度尼西亚人作为商人或移民。"}, "mt_gen": "印度人、日本人、阿拉伯人、越南人、柬埔寨人、泰国人、马来人和印度尼西亚人作为商人或移民。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "while young they yield a delicious substance resembling blancmange.", "zh": "年轻的时候, 他们能生产出一种好吃的类似蒲公英的物质."}, "mt_gen": "年幼的时候, 他们能生产出一种好吃的类似蒲公英的物质.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 2010, he reappeared at the Proms with the John Wilson Orchestra in a Christmas concert special.", "zh": "2010 年 , 他在约翰威尔逊管弦乐队的舞会上参加了圣诞音乐会的特别节目。"}, "mt_gen": "2010 年 , 他在约翰威尔逊管弦乐队的舞会上参加了圣诞音乐会的特别节目。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Peter J. Fernandez portrayed Cross on seven Audiobook adaptations.", "zh": "彼得 J. 费尔南德斯在七部《观众记》改编中描绘了克罗斯."}, "mt_gen": "彼得 J. 费尔南德斯在七部《观众记》改编中描绘了克罗斯.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "some sutras expound upon the variant forms of spoken Sanskrit versus written Sanskrit.", "zh": "一些佛经阐述了口头梵语与书面梵语的变体形式."}, "mt_gen": "一些修道院阐述了口头梵语与书面梵语的变体形式.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Roodaka then mutates Nidhiki into an insectoid being, dooming him to a lifetime with the Hunters.", "zh": "然后 , 罗达卡把尼迪基突变为一只昆虫 , 使他和猎人在一起一辈子都会死。"}, "mt_gen": "罗达卡然后把尼迪基突变为一只昆虫 , 使他和猎人在一起一辈子都会死。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hakann oversees Nidhiki's betrayal and Lhikan overhearing the matter.", "zh": "Hakann 监督 Nidhiki 的背叛 , Lhikan 旁听此事。"}, "mt_gen": "Hakann 监督 Nidhiki 的背叛 , Lhikan 旁听此事。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she opened in Bitter Sweet at the Iroquois Amphitheater, Louisville, Kentucky, on July 19, 1954.", "zh": "1954 年 7 月 19 日, 她在肯塔基州路易斯维尔的 Iroquois 安菲剧院的 Bitter Sweet 开业."}, "mt_gen": "1954 年 7 月 19 日, 她在肯塔基州路易斯维尔的 Iroquois 安菲剧院的 Bitter Sweet 开业.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "modern cult films grew from 1960s counterculture and underground films, popular among those who rejected mainstream Hollywood films.", "zh": "现代邪教电影源于 1960 年代的反文化电影和地下电影 , 深受那些拒绝好莱坞主流电影的人的欢迎。"}, "mt_gen": "现代邪教电影源于 1960 年代的反文化电影和地下电影 , 深受那些拒绝好莱坞主流电影的人的欢迎。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Rick Mears ran the fastest lap thus far at 226.569 mph.", "zh": "瑞克迈尔斯跑得最快时速是 226.569 英里."}, "mt_gen": "瑞克迈尔斯跑得最快, 时速 226.569 英里.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Points scored in the Brazilian Grand Prix secured the Constructors' Championship for Renault in 2006.", "zh": "2006 年在巴西大奖赛中的点数获得了雷诺建筑师锦标赛的冠军。"}, "mt_gen": "2006 年巴西大奖赛中的点数获得了雷诺建筑师锦标赛的冠军。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "both the hog deer and Eld's deer are rare, whereas Indian sambar and Indian muntjac thrive in protected national parks, such as Khao Yai.", "zh": "猪鹿和伊德鹿都很见 , 而印度的桑巴和印度的门雀则在受到保护的国家公园如 Khao Yai 繁衍。"}, "mt_gen": "猪鹿和伊德鹿都是稀有的 , 而印度的桑巴和印度的门雀则在受到保护的国家公园如 Khao Yai 繁衍。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the former detects high frequencies and the latter low frequencies.", "zh": "前者检测高频率 , 后者检测低频。"}, "mt_gen": "前者检测高频率 , 后者检测低频。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the urine passes along paired ureters to the urinary bladder from which it is vented periodically into the cloaca.", "zh": "尿液通过配对输尿管进入尿囊 , 并从膀胱中定期排出。"}, "mt_gen": "尿液通过配对输尿管进入尿囊 , 并从膀胱中定期排出。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the battle raged on and Bushido overpowered our bionic hero.", "zh": "战斗怒气地进行, 布希杜战胜了我们的仿生英雄."}, "mt_gen": "战斗猛烈地进行, 布希杜战胜了我们的仿生英雄.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Paul Kalina of The Age said Dennis as Paul lightens things up and he prances about like \"a pantomime villain minus the moustache and cape.\"", "zh": "《时代》的保罗 · 卡莉娜说 , 当保罗点亮事情的时候 , 丹尼斯就像 \"一个哑剧恶棍减去胡子和披风\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "《时代》的保罗 · 卡莉娜说 , 当保罗点亮事情的时候 , 丹尼斯就像 \"一个哑剧恶棍减去胡子和披风\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "thus in the 17th century, the transportation of wheat cost 12 deniers per quintal and that of oats 6 deniers per quintal.", "zh": "因此 , 在 17 世纪 , 小麦的运输成本为每共担之 12 , 燕麦为每共担之 6 。"}, "mt_gen": "因此 , 在 17 世纪 , 小麦的运输成本为每五分之 12 , 燕麦为每五分之 6 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Spanish imperial eagle nests in the trees and feeds mainly on rabbits, but also birds, reptiles and carrion.", "zh": "西班牙帝国主义鹰栖息在树上 , 主要以兔子为食 , 但鸟类、爬行动物和马车也是如此。"}, "mt_gen": "西班牙帝国主义鹰栖息在树上 , 主要以兔子为食 , 但鸟类、爬行动物和马车也是如此。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Clark recaptured Fort Vincennes, and Hamilton along with it, on February 25, 1779, after the Siege of Fort Vincennes.", "zh": "1779 年 2 月 25 日 , 克拉克在文森堡的围攻后夺回了文森堡和汉密尔顿。"}, "mt_gen": "1779 年 2 月 25 日 , 克拉克在文森堡的围攻后夺回了文森堡和汉密尔顿。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Grand Canyon bats typically roost in desert uplands, but forage on the abundance of insects along the river and its tributaries.", "zh": "大峡谷蝙蝠通常栖息在荒漠的高原上 , 但以沿河及其支流的大量昆虫为饲料。"}, "mt_gen": "大峡谷蝙蝠通常栖息在荒漠的高原上 , 但以沿河及其支流的大量昆虫为饲料。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "there is some evidence that chlorhexidine mouthwash used prior to extractions prevents alveolar osteitis.", "zh": "有些证据表明 , 提取物前使用的氯己定口洗液可防止肺泡骨炎。"}, "mt_gen": "有一些证据表明 , 提取物前使用的氯己定口洗液可防止肺泡骨炎。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Kicap manis, sweetened soy sauce sometimes flavoured with star anise or garlic, is also a popular seasoning for cooking.", "zh": "辣椒芒果 , 加糖的酱油有时带有星级黄油或大蒜的味道 , 也是很受欢迎的烹调调味品。"}, "mt_gen": "辣椒芒果 , 加糖的酱油有时带有星级黄油或大蒜的味道 , 也是很受欢迎的烹调调味品。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in an attempt to kill his old foe, Shredder dumped mutagen in the sewers.", "zh": "为了杀死他的旧友, 碎纸机在下水道里倾弃了诱变因子"}, "mt_gen": "为了杀死他的旧敌人, 碎纸机在下水道里倾弃了羊毛蛋白.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a popular anecdote recounts that he lanced his own painful boil without hesitation, even as the barber charged with doing it trembled.", "zh": "一个受欢迎的传闻说 , 他毫不犹豫地喝了他自己的苦辣 , 即使负责做它的理发师颤抖。"}, "mt_gen": "一个受欢迎的传闻说 , 他毫不犹豫地喝了他自己的苦辣 , 即使负责做它的理发师颤抖。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Lucius spent most of the campaign in Antioch, though he wintered at Laodicea and summered at Daphne, a resort just outside Antioch.", "zh": "卢修斯在安蒂奥奇度过了大部分的竞选活动 , 尽管他在拉蒂齐亚打仗 , 并在安蒂奥奇郊外的度假胜地达夫内进行了总结。"}, "mt_gen": "卢修斯在安蒂奥奇度过了大部分的竞选活动 , 尽管他在拉蒂齐亚打仗 , 并在安蒂奥奇郊外的度假胜地达夫内进行了总结。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "air Group 9 aviators claimed several torpedo hits on Yamato just before the battleship exploded and sank.", "zh": "第九航空集团的飞行员声称 , 就在战舰爆炸和沉没之前 , 亚马图遭到了几枚鱼雷的袭击。"}, "mt_gen": "第九航空集团的飞行员声称 , 就在战舰爆炸和沉没之前 , 亚马图遭到了几枚鱼雷的袭击。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "bird lectured on natural philosophy, medical botany and urinary pathology from 1836 to 1853 at Guy's.", "zh": "从 1836 年到 1853 年, 鸟儿在盖伊学院讲授自然哲学、医学植物学和泌尿系病理学。"}, "mt_gen": "从 1836 年到 1853 年, 鸟儿在盖伊学院讲授自然哲学、医学植物学和泌尿系病理学.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he merely moistened the skin with vinegar before applying the zinc electrode.", "zh": "在施用锌电极之前, 他只是用醋润肤."}, "mt_gen": "在施用锌电极之前, 他只是用醋润肤.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "live oaks, southern pines, cabbage palms, magnolias, and others create the canopy.", "zh": "活的橡树, 南方的松树, 菜棕, 木兰和其他创造了林冠郁闭。"}, "mt_gen": "活橡树, 南方松树, 卷心菜棕榈树, 玉米花和其他创造了冠状花序.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after his proclamation in 1801 as Maharajah, Ranjit Singh began the modernisation of the Punjab Army.", "zh": "在 1801 年被宣布为 Maharajah 之后 , Ranjit Singh 开始了旁遮普省军队的现代化。"}, "mt_gen": "在 1801 年被宣布为 Maharajah 之后 , Ranjit Singh 开始了旁遮普省军队的现代化。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the 1988 graphic novel The Killing Joke, the Joker kidnaps Gordon after shooting and paralyzing Barbara.", "zh": "在 1988 年的图画小说《杀人的笑话》中, 小丑在枪击芭芭拉并使其瘫痪后绑架了戈登."}, "mt_gen": "在 1988 年的平面小说《杀人的笑话》中, 小丑在枪击芭芭拉并使其瘫痪后绑架了戈登.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "above the door from the southwest vestibule to the narthex another mosaic shows the Theotokos with Justinian and Constantine.", "zh": "从西南面的遗迹到纳赛尔的门上方 , 另一个镶嵌着西奥托科斯和朱斯丁和君士坦丁的作品。"}, "mt_gen": "从西南面的遗迹到纳赛尔的门上方 , 另一个镶嵌着西奥托科斯和朱斯丁和君士坦丁的作品。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the composition resembles the great baptistries in Ravenna, with apostles standing between palms and Christ in the middle.", "zh": "这篇作文类似拉文纳的大洗礼 , 使徒站在手掌和基督中间。"}, "mt_gen": "这篇作文类似拉文纳的大洗礼 , 使徒站在手掌和基督中间。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "at 6.39, Eusebius writes that Decius persecuted Christians because he hated Philip.", "zh": "6 点 39 分, 欧塞比乌斯写道, 德基尤斯因为憎恨菲利普而迫害基督徒."}, "mt_gen": "6 点 39 分, 欧塞比乌斯写道, 德基尤斯因为憎恨菲利普而迫害基督徒.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Bodleian Manuscript of Jerome's Version of the Chronicle of Eusebius.", "zh": "《尤斯比乌斯纪事杰罗姆版本的博德莱恩手稿》。"}, "mt_gen": "《尤斯比乌斯纪事杰罗姆版本的博德莱恩手稿》。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Brazil's Ronaldinho caught out England goalkeeper David Seaman with a lobbed free kick from 42 yards to send Brazil into the semis.", "zh": "巴西的罗纳尔迪尼奥以 42 码的自由踢球击出了英格兰门将西曼。"}, "mt_gen": "巴西的罗纳尔迪尼奥以 42 码的自由踢球击出了英格兰门将西曼。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she also appeared on an episode of McEntire's sitcom Reba, that aired on January 14, 2007.", "zh": "她也出现在 2007 年 1 月 14 日播放的麦蒂雷情景喜剧里."}, "mt_gen": "她还出现在 2007 年 1 月 14 日播放的麦蒂雷情景喜剧里.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "PIP ignores her affections for him as he pursues Estella.", "zh": "皮普在追赶埃斯特拉的时候忽视了她对他的爱。"}, "mt_gen": "皮普在追赶埃斯特拉的时候忽视了她对他的爱.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the first convict confesses to stealing food from the smithy.", "zh": "第一个罪犯承认偷了冶炼厂的食物."}, "mt_gen": "第一个罪犯承认偷了冶炼厂的食物.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the San Lucas and San Mateo barrios are sliced through by small arroyos and used to be surrounded by cornfields and pastures for cattle.", "zh": "San Lucas 和 San Mateo 路障被小阿拉伯皇马分割 , 过去被玉米地和牲畜牧场包围。"}, "mt_gen": "San Lucas 和 San Mateo 路障被小阿拉伯皇马分割 , 过去被玉米地和牲畜牧场包围。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the facade is topped by a wide cornice and inverted arches.", "zh": "前面有一个宽大的檐板和倒立的券门。"}, "mt_gen": "前面有一个宽大的拱门和倒立的拱门.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Marcial Maciel, 87, Mexican religious leader, founder of the Legionaries of Christ.", "zh": "马西西亚 · 马基尔 , 87 岁 , 墨西哥宗教领袖 , 基督军团创始人。"}, "mt_gen": "马西西亚 · 马基尔 , 87 岁 , 墨西哥宗教领袖 , 基督军团创始人。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Jack Brod, 98, American last original tenant of the Empire State Building.", "zh": "98 岁的杰克 · 布罗德是美国帝国大厦的最后一位原始租户。"}, "mt_gen": "98 岁的杰克 · 布罗德是美国帝国大厦的最后一位原始租户.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "duckweed can only grow in warmer, moist climates like Canada and the United States.", "zh": "浮萍只能在加拿大和美国这样温暖潮湿的气候中生长。"}, "mt_gen": "杂草只能在加拿大和美国这样温暖潮湿的气候中生长.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the flowers have simple nectar guides, with the nectaries usually hidden in narrow tubes or spurs, reached by the long \"tongue\" of the butterflies.", "zh": "花有简单的花蜜指引 , 花蜜通常藏在狭窄的管子或马刺里 , 被蝴蝶长的 \"舌头\" 所触及。"}, "mt_gen": "花有简单的花蜜指南 , 花蜜通常藏在狭窄的管子或马刺里 , 被蝴蝶长的 \"舌头\" 所触及。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "India primarily imported nonferrous metals, ores and metal scarps.", "zh": "印度主要进口有色金属 , 矿石和金属围巾。"}, "mt_gen": "印度主要进口有色金属、矿石和金属围巾。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "these boulders, or glacial erratics, lie in valleys and on mountaintops, including Bubble Rock on the South Bubble.", "zh": "这些巨石 , 即冰川流变的巨石 , 位于山谷和山顶上 , 包括南泡沫上的泡沫岩。"}, "mt_gen": "这些巨石 , 即冰川流变的巨石 , 位于山谷和山顶上 , 包括南泡沫上的泡沫岩。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "then, he finds the Black Lantern pummeling Jaime Reyes, Daniel, and Skeets.", "zh": "然后, 他发现黑灯饱以老拳了海梅 · 雷耶斯、丹尼尔和斯凯特。"}, "mt_gen": "然后, 他发现黑灯泡着海梅 · 雷耶斯、丹尼尔和斯凯特.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Friedrich Goldmann, 68, German composer and conductor.", "zh": "弗里德里希 · 戈德曼 , 68 岁 , 德国作曲家兼指。"}, "mt_gen": "弗里德里希 · 戈德曼, 68 岁, 德国作曲家兼指挥.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "traditional Catholic thought defended itself against the freethinkers and the followers of the German philosopher Karl C. F. Krause.", "zh": "传统的天主教思想为自己辩护 , 反对自由派和德国哲学家卡尔 · 克劳斯的追随者。"}, "mt_gen": "传统天主教思想为自己辩护 , 反对自由派和德国哲学家卡尔 · 克劳斯的追随者。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it borders the boroughs of Miguel Hidalgo, Cuauhtémoc, Coyoacán, Iztapalapa, Iztacalco and Álvaro Obregón.", "zh": "它与 Miguel Hidalgo 、 Cuauhtemoc 、 Coyoac á n 、 Iztaalapa 、 Iztaalco 和 Á lvaro Obregn 等城市接壤。"}, "mt_gen": "它与 Miguel Hidalgo 、 Cuauhtmoc 、 Coyoac á n 、 Iztaalapa 、 Iztaalco 和 Á lvaro Obregn 等城市接壤。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "wheat, an allotting agent of the Department of the Interior.", "zh": "小麦 , 内政部的一个配股代理。"}, "mt_gen": "麦特 , 内政部的一个拨款代理。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "at Heat Wave on July 15, 1995, Dreamer and The Pitbulls defeated Raven and The Dudley Brothers.", "zh": "在 1995 年 7 月 15 日的热浪中 , 梦想家和皮特堡击败了拉文和达德利兄弟。"}, "mt_gen": "在 1995 年 7 月 15 日的热浪上, 梦想家和皮特堡击败了拉文和达德利兄弟.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "tailors made the sewing of the leggings and vests.", "zh": "裁缝把腿和背心缝好了。"}, "mt_gen": "裁缝把腿和背心缝好了.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Maitraka Empire ruled Gujarat in western India from the c. 475 to 767 CE.", "zh": "从公元 475 年到 767 年 , 迈特拉卡帝国统治了印度西部的古吉拉特。"}, "mt_gen": "从公元 475 年到 767 年, 迈特拉卡帝国统治了印度西部的古吉拉特.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a large pediment with a cross mounted on its apex surmounts the central bay.", "zh": "一个巨大的三角楣 , 上面有一个十字架 , 它的顶端超过了中央海湾。"}, "mt_gen": "一个巨大的踏板, 上面有一个十字架, 它的顶端超过了中央海湾.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "his Irish ancestors emigrated from Carrickmore, County Tyrone in 1875.", "zh": "1875 年 , 他的爱尔兰祖先从季罗内县的卡里克摩移民。"}, "mt_gen": "1875 年, 他的爱尔兰祖先从季罗内县的卡里克摩移民.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "many of Cobain's paintings, collages, and sculptures appeared in the artwork of Nirvana's albums, such as the covers of Incesticide and In Utero.", "zh": "科班的许多绘画、拼贴和雕塑都出现在 Nirvana 的专辑作品中 , 如 Incesticide 和 utero 的封面。"}, "mt_gen": "科班的许多绘画、拼贴和雕塑都出现在 Nirvana 的专辑作品中 , 如杀虫剂和 utero 的封面。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on May 21, 2011, Foo Fighters headlined the middle day of the Hangout Music Festival in Gulf Shores, Alabama.", "zh": "2011 年 5 月 21 日 , 喷火战机乐队在阿拉巴马州海湾海岸举办了 \"红外滩音乐节\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "2011 年 5 月 21 日 , 福氏战士在阿拉巴马州海湾海岸举办了 \"红外滩音乐节\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on February 27, 2016, Lordi performed \"Hard Rock Hallelujah\" in the Finnish Eurovision final, as special guests.", "zh": "2016 年 2 月 27 日 , 洛迪作为特邀嘉宾在芬兰欧洲愿景决赛中表演了 \"硬岩哈卢杰\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "2016 年 2 月 27 日 , 洛迪作为特邀嘉宾在芬兰欧洲愿景决赛中表演了 \"硬岩哈卢杰\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 291 BC Quintus Fabius Maximus Gurges, as proconsul, defeated the Pentri, the largest Samnite tribe, and took their stronghold of Cominium Ocritum.", "zh": "公元前 291 年 , 作为领事 , 法比斯 · 马西穆斯 · 加迪尔击败了最大的萨姆尼特部落 Pentri , 并占领了他们的 8 号科摩罗大本营。"}, "mt_gen": "公元前 291 年 , 作为领事 , 法比斯 · 马西穆斯 · 加迪尔击败了最大的萨姆尼特部落 Pentri , 并占领了他们的 8 号科摩罗大本营。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "by August, the KPA steadily pushed back the ROK and the Eighth United States Army southwards.", "zh": "到 8 月 , 人民军稳步地将韩国和第八支美国陆军向南推后。"}, "mt_gen": "到了 8 月 , 人民军稳步地将韩国和第八支美国陆军向南推后。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Creed's costume choice upsets Kevin, who wears the same costume.", "zh": "克里德的服饰选择使凯文感到不快 , 他穿着同样的服饰。"}, "mt_gen": "克里德的服饰选择使凯文感到不快, 他穿着同样的服饰.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mansour Rahbani, 83, Lebanese composer and musician, pneumonia.", "zh": "Mansour Rahbani , 83 岁 , 黎巴嫩作曲家和音乐家 , 肺炎。"}, "mt_gen": "Mansour Rahbani , 83 岁 , 黎巴嫩作曲家和音乐家 , 肺炎。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after the 2018 regular season, Evans played for the Surprise Saguaros of the Arizona Fall League.", "zh": "2018 年常规赛结束后 , 埃文斯为亚利桑那州秋季联盟出人意料的萨瓜罗斯效力。"}, "mt_gen": "2018 年常规赛结束后, 埃文斯为亚利桑那州秋季联盟出人意料的萨瓜罗斯效力.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "under gaskets) or on surfaces in vapor spaces due to evaporation and condensation.)", "zh": "由于蒸发和凝结 , 在垫片下或蒸气空间表面。"}, "mt_gen": "由于蒸发和凝结 , 在垫片下或蒸气空间表面。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "reinforcements helped Havok and Polaris survive the villains.", "zh": "增援部队帮助哈沃克和波拉里斯在恶棍中幸存下来。"}, "mt_gen": "强化力量帮助哈沃克和波拉里斯在恶棍中幸存下来.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after the Reformation, some Bohemians went with the teachings of Martin Luther, especially Sudeten Germans.", "zh": "改革以后 , 一些波希米亚人接受了马丁路德的教导 , 特别是苏台德德意志人。"}, "mt_gen": "改革后, 一些波希米亚人接受了马丁路德的教导, 特别是苏台德德意志人.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after the Bohemian Reformation, most Czechs became followers of Jan Hus, Petr Chelčický and other regional Protestant Reformers.", "zh": "波希米亚改革后 , 大部分捷克人成为了 Jan Hus 、 Petr Chelcicky 和其他地区新教改革者的追随者。"}, "mt_gen": "波希米亚改革后 , 大部分捷克人成为了 Jan Hus 、 Petr chicki 和其他地区新教改革者的追随者。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the gestating female develops a pouch on her underside, where she raises her young.", "zh": "怀孕的女性在她的下侧长出一个袋 , 在那里她抚养她的年轻。"}, "mt_gen": "女孩儿在她的内侧发育了一个袋子, 在那里她抚养她的年轻.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "dingoes are known to kill echidnas by rolling them over onto their backs and attacking their underbellies.", "zh": "人们都知道 , 澳洲野犬通过把他们推倒在背上并攻击他们的腹部来杀死回声。"}, "mt_gen": "人们都知道 , 丁哥人通过把他们推倒在背上并攻击他们的腹部来杀死回声。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Hindu Widow's Remarriage Act 1856 empowers a Hindu widow to remarry.", "zh": "1856 年《印度教寡妇再婚法》授权印度教寡妇再婚。"}, "mt_gen": "1856 年《印度教寡妇再婚法》授权印度教寡妇再婚。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "humidity, which prevails during monsoons, diminishes at the arrival of winters.", "zh": "在季风中普遍存在的湿度在冬天到来时就会减少。"}, "mt_gen": "在季风中普遍存在的湿度在冬天到来时就会减少。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Lynsey steals India's necklace from Texas before planting it on Silas.", "zh": "林赛从德克萨斯州偷走了印度的项链 , 然后在西拉斯种植。"}, "mt_gen": "林赛从德克萨斯州偷走了印度的项链 , 然后在西拉斯种植。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Blessed Titus Brandsma, a Dutch Carmelite, died of a lethal injection in 1942.", "zh": "1942 年, 荷兰骑士团的神圣头衔 Brandsma 死于一次致命的注射。"}, "mt_gen": "1942 年, 荷兰骑士团的神圣头衔 Brandsma 死于一次致命的注射.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "priests and nuns of orders like the Jesuits, Franciscans and Benedictines hid children in monasteries, convents and schools.", "zh": "耶稣会、方济各会和本笃会等牧师和修女将儿童藏在寺院、教堂和学校里。"}, "mt_gen": "耶稣会、方济各会和本笃会等牧师和修女将儿童藏在寺院、教堂和学校里。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the libretto by Boris Kochno followed the literary fairy tale \"The swineherd and the princess\" created by Hans Christian Andersen.", "zh": "鲍里斯 · 科奇诺的《自由》遵循了汉斯 · 克里斯蒂安 · 安德森创作的文学童话《猪倌与公主》。"}, "mt_gen": "鲍里斯 · 科奇诺的《自由》遵循了汉斯 · 克里斯蒂安 · 安德森创作的文学童话《羊群与公主》。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in France again, public acclaim for her works came quickly, cresting in the 1920s.", "zh": "再次在法国 , 她的作品很快受到公众的赞誉 , 20 世纪 20 年代受到了公众的赞誉。"}, "mt_gen": "在法国 , 她的作品很快受到公众的赞誉 , 20 世纪 20 年代受到了公众的赞誉。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it specialised in humour, vulgarity and extreme abuse against the opponents of the Commune.", "zh": "它专注于幽默 , 粗俗和对公社反对者的极端虐待。"}, "mt_gen": "它专注于幽默、粗俗和对公社反对者的极端虐待.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "during the Siege of Paris she untiringly preached resistance to the Prussians.", "zh": "在巴黎的围攻中 , 她不倦地鼓吹抵抗普鲁士人。"}, "mt_gen": "在巴黎的围攻中, 她不倦地鼓吹抵抗普鲁士人.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "its exterminators, history has already nailed to that eternal pillory from which all of the prayers of their priest will not avail to redeem them. \"", "zh": "它的灭绝者 , 历史已经钉在这个永恒的柱石上 , 他们的牧师的所有祷告都将无济于事 \"。"}, "mt_gen": "它的灭绝者、历史已经钉在这个永恒的柱石上 , 他们的牧师的所有祷告都将无济于事 \"。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1978, the Regional Hunting Department transported 45 young moose to the center of Kamchatka.", "zh": "1978 年 , 地区狩猎部将 45 头年轻的野马运送到堪察加中心。"}, "mt_gen": "1978 年 , 地区狩猎部将 45 头年轻的野马运送到堪察加中心。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Kumarapala's Abu Paramara feudatory Yashodhavala killed Ballala in a battle, as attested by a Mount Abu inscription.", "zh": "Kumarapala 的 Abu Paramara 封建的 Yashodhavala 在一场战斗中杀害了 Ballala , Abu 山的一个碑文证明了这一点。"}, "mt_gen": "Kumarapala 的 Abu Paramara 封建的 Yashodhavala 在一场战斗中杀害了 Balala , Abu 山的一个碑文证明了这一点。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1862, the Tonkawa Massacre decimated the tribe.", "zh": "1862 年 , 通卡瓦大屠杀夺去了这个部落的生命。"}, "mt_gen": "1862 年 , 通卡瓦大屠杀夺去了这个部落的生命。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "as a reward the vila suckled him three times, and he could lift and throw a large boulder.", "zh": "作为回报 , 这个恶棍三次吸食了他 , 他可以举起并扔下一块大石头。"}, "mt_gen": "作为回报 , 这个恶棍三次吸食了他 , 他可以举起并扔下一块大石头。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "by 1940, the Icefields Parkway reached the Columbia Icefield area of Banff and connected Banff and Jasper.", "zh": "到 1940 年 , Icefields Parkway 到达哥伦比亚 Icefields 地区 Banff 并连接 Banff 和 Jasper 。"}, "mt_gen": "到 1940 年 , Icfield Parkway 到达哥伦比亚 Icfield 地区 Banff 并连接 Banff 和 Jasper 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Sirenian captured four illegal boats in the first three weeks of March, 2001.", "zh": "西里尼人在 2001 年 3 月头三个星期抓获了四艘非法船只。"}, "mt_gen": "西里尼人在 2001 年 3 月头三个星期抓获了四艘非法船只。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in August 1832 a large barque was wrecked between Kynance and Mullion Cove.", "zh": "1832 年 8 月, 在基尼姆斯湾和穆利翁湾之间 , 一艘大型驳船遇难。"}, "mt_gen": "1832 年 8 月, 在基尼姆斯湾和穆利翁湾之间, 一艘大型驳船遇难.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the band hired Midlands bassist / vocalist Glenn Hughes, formerly of Trapeze.", "zh": "乐队雇用了米德兰乐团 / 歌唱家 Glenn Hughes , 他以前是 Trapeze 乐队的成员。"}, "mt_gen": "乐队雇用了米德兰乐团 / 歌唱家 Glenn Hughes , 他以前是 Trapeze 乐队的成员。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they intersect a slight slope from the Dining Concourse just outside the Oyster Bar, under an archway covered with Guastavino tiling.", "zh": "他们在靠近牡蛎酒吧的餐厅里 , 在一条覆盖着瓜斯塔维诺车胎的拱门下交叉着一个小斜坡。"}, "mt_gen": "他们在靠近奥斯特酒吧的餐厅里 , 在一条覆盖着瓜斯塔维诺车胎的拱门下交叉着一个小斜坡。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Meryl, the Fiery Leader, allows nearby allies to recuperate stamina faster when saluting near them.", "zh": "火炬领袖梅里尔允许附近的盟友在靠近他们的时候更快地恢复耐力。"}, "mt_gen": "火炬领袖梅里尔允许附近的盟友在靠近他们的时候更快地恢复耐力.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "early debunkers included Chung Ling Soo, Henry Evans and Julien Proskauer.", "zh": "早期的揭穿者包括钟凌洙 , 亨利 · 埃文斯和朱利安 · 普罗斯科尔。"}, "mt_gen": "早期的借记者包括钟凌洙、亨利 · 埃文斯和朱利安 · 普罗斯科尔.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Allan Kardec coined the term Spiritism around 1860.", "zh": "艾伦 · 卡迪奇在 1860 年左右发明了精神主义一词。"}, "mt_gen": "艾伦 · 卡迪奇在 1860 年左右发明了斯皮蒂主义一词.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Dickens by noted portrait painter, Francis Alexander.", "zh": "著名肖像画家弗朗西斯 · 亚历山大的狄更斯。"}, "mt_gen": "著名肖像画家弗朗西斯 · 亚历山大的狄更斯.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "both stages have panelled timber doors and moulded skirtings and architraves, all painted.", "zh": "这两个阶段都有木门板和模样的踢脚板和拱门 , 都是油漆的。"}, "mt_gen": "这两个阶段都有木门板和模样的裙子和拱门, 都是油漆的.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the stable / coach shed, store, gardeners cottage, shed have similar drop board walls, weatherboard clad gables, scalloped bargeboards and finials.", "zh": "马厩 / 车棚、商店、园丁小屋、小屋有类似的落板墙、风化板夹具、剪刀板和精品。"}, "mt_gen": "马厩 / 车棚、商店、园丁小屋、小屋有类似的落板墙、风化板夹具、剪刀板和精品。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "some medieval ecclesiastical writers portrayed Muhammad as possessed by Satan, a \"precursor of the Antichrist\" or the Antichrist himself.", "zh": "一些中世纪的教会作家将穆罕默德描绘成被撒旦所拥有 , 撒旦是 \"反基督的前身\" 或反基督本身。"}, "mt_gen": "一些中世纪的教会作家将穆罕默德描绘成被撒旦所拥有 , 撒旦是 \"反基督的前身\" 或反基督本身。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on their trek, they notice a parachutist bailing out of her helicopter, prompting them to head inland.", "zh": "在徒步旅行中 , 他们注意到一位降落伞者从她的直升飞机上救了出来 , 促使他们向内陆驶去。"}, "mt_gen": "在徒步旅行中 , 他们注意到一位降落伞者从她的直升飞机上救了出来 , 促使他们向内陆驶去。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a variety of beans cooked with sofríto, sazón, pork chops, pork bones, ham, smoked ham hock, salchichón, potatoes, and carrots.", "zh": "各种各样的豆用索夫利特酱、萨松作料、猪排、猪肉骨头、火腿、熏制火腿鸡、香肠、土豆和胡萝卜煮热。"}, "mt_gen": "用软糖、萨松、猪排、猪肉骨头、火腿、熏制火腿鸡、三明治、土豆和胡萝卜烹制的各种豆类。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the anise in this slightly sweet drink that masks the flavor of the rum.", "zh": "在这种略微甜蜜的饮料中的酸味掩盖了朗姆酒的味道。"}, "mt_gen": "在这种略微甜蜜的饮料中的酸味掩盖了朗姆酒的味道.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "51 of Phoenix Racing for Larson's Sprint Cup Series debut.", "zh": "凤凰赛跑拉森的冲刺杯系列首场比赛。"}, "mt_gen": "凤凰赛跑拉森的冲刺杯系列首场比赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he became another in the succession of Montreal's great outfielders.", "zh": "在蒙特利尔伟大的外场球员接连的时候 , 他又成了另一位。"}, "mt_gen": "在蒙特利尔伟大的外场球员接连的时候, 他又成了另一位.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a thick sequence of andesite lava flows were erupted from the volcanic plug of Devastator Peak, creating the Pylon Assemblage.", "zh": "从 Devastator 峰的火山塞喷发了大量的安得石熔岩流 , 形成了 pylon 集合体。"}, "mt_gen": "从 Devastator 峰的火山塞喷发了大量的安得石熔岩流 , 形成了 pylon 集合体。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the geomorphology of the Mount meager massif resembles that of Glacier Peak, another Cascade Arc volcano in the U.S. state of Washington.", "zh": "米格山的地貌与美国华盛顿州的另一座瀑布弧火山冰川峰的地貌相似。"}, "mt_gen": "米格山的地貌与美国华盛顿州的另一座瀑布弧火山冰川峰的地貌相似。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Jim Sinyard fumbled the ensuing kickoff, which Corey recovered at the Oregon State 27.", "zh": "吉姆 · 辛迪尔摸索了一下随后的踢球 , 科里在俄勒冈州 27 号找到了这个机会。"}, "mt_gen": "吉姆辛迪尔摸索了一下随后的踢球 , 科里在俄勒冈州 27 号找到了这个机会。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Rams quick kicked, and Espalin fumbled the quick kick.", "zh": "雷姆迅速踢球 , 埃斯帕林漏接了一下快速踢球。"}, "mt_gen": "雷姆迅速踢球, 埃斯帕林摸索了一下快速踢球.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Rolling Stones commenced their Licks Tour here in 2002, getting into a blimp from the Parade Ground.", "zh": "滚石于 2002 年在这里开始了 Licks 巡演 , 从阅兵场进入了飞艇之旅。"}, "mt_gen": "\"滚石\" 于 2002 年在这里开始了独角兽巡回赛 , 进入了阅兵场。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he attempted to encircle Washington, but the Americans successfully withdrew.", "zh": "他试图包围华盛顿 , 但美国人成功地撤退了。"}, "mt_gen": "他试图包围华盛顿, 但美国人成功地撤退了.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the film premiered at the 45th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.", "zh": "这部电影在第 45 届卡洛维 · 瓦里国际电影节上首映。"}, "mt_gen": "这部电影在第 45 届卡洛维 · 瓦里国际电影节上首映。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "dialectical Christianity and Christian Materialism.", "zh": "基督教辩证法和基督教唯物主义。"}, "mt_gen": "基督教辩证法和基督教唯物主义。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after the memorial, Melissa apologizes for picking Ian over Spencer.", "zh": "在追悼会结束后 , 梅利莎为选择了伊恩而没选斯宾塞而道歉。"}, "mt_gen": "在纪念仪式结束后 , 梅利莎为挑选伊恩代替斯宾塞而道歉。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Midrash taught that Og was the refuse among the Rephaim, like a hard olive that escapes being mashed in the olive press.", "zh": "米德拉什教导我们 , 奥格是雷普海姆人的弃子 , 就像是一个因为太硬而免于被榨油的橄榄一样。"}, "mt_gen": "米德拉什教会我们 , 奥格是雷普海姆人的垃圾 , 就像一个被橄榄石压死的硬橄榄。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "similarly, secondary phosphines can react with chalcogens to form secondary phosphine chalcogenides.", "zh": "类似地 , 二次磷类化合物能与硫族元素反应生成二次磷硫化合物。"}, "mt_gen": "类似地, 二次磷酸能与硫原反应形成二次磷酸.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "halogens and chalcogens can also form halochalcogenate anions.", "zh": "卤素和硫族元素也可形成卤代铝酸盐阴离子。"}, "mt_gen": "卤素和硫原也可形成硫酸盐酯阴离子。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Tussauds Dalek prop appears in this serial under two guises; a grey drone and a Supreme Dalek painted in gloss black with white hemispheres.", "zh": "这个系列的杜莎达莱克道具会在两种伪装下出现 : 灰色无人机和最高达莱克 — — 被涂成光泽黑色与白色半球的版本。"}, "mt_gen": "达莱克的道具在这个系列中出现在两个伪装下 : 灰色无人机和最高达莱克 , 漆成光泽黑色与白色半球。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she wears an open lace ruff and a sheer, wired veil frames her head and shoulders.", "zh": "她戴着敞开的蕾丝飞边 , 她的头和肩部被金属框架遮住。"}, "mt_gen": "她戴着敞开的花边, 头顶和肩膀上镶着一条纯净的带线面纱.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "other fisheries of interest include alfonsino, anchovies, cod, cuttlefish, hake, mackerel, ray, sardines, sea bream, squid, and swordfish.", "zh": "其他有关的渔获包括 : 金眼鲷、凤尾鱼、鳕鱼、乌贼、狗鳕、鲭鱼、鳐鱼、沙丁鱼、海鲷、鱿鱼和剑鱼。"}, "mt_gen": "其他有关的渔业包括 : 阿尔方西诺、凤尾鱼、鳕鱼、乌贼、无须鱼、无须鱼、松鼠、射线、沙丁鱼、海风、鱿鱼和箭鱼。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ernst Cassirer asserted that \"the Prolegomena inaugurates a new form of truly philosophical popularity, unrivaled for clarity and keenness\".", "zh": "恩斯特 · 卡西雷尔声称 , “该绪论开创了一种真正受欢迎的哲学形式 , 它在清晰性和热诚方面无出其右 ” 。"}, "mt_gen": "恩斯特 · 卡西雷尔声称 , \"预兆开创了一种真正哲学上受欢迎的新形式 , 没有任何明确和强烈的竞争\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Pte Jenkins was awakened by the agitated bleating of the kid goat and espied an advancing Russian patrol.", "zh": "彼得 · 詹金斯被那小山羊的鼓动叫喊惊醒 , 并发现了一支正在行军的俄罗斯巡逻队。"}, "mt_gen": "彼得 · 詹金斯被那小山羊的鼓动惊醒 , 躲开了一支向前推进的俄罗斯巡逻队。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she reprises the role in the 2003 sequel X2, where she impersonates Sen. Robert Kelly, whom Magneto killed in the previous film.", "zh": "她在 2003 年的续集 X2 中再次饰演了这个角色 , 她模仿了参议院罗伯特 · 凯利 ( Robert Kelly ) , 后者在前一部电影中被万磁王杀害。"}, "mt_gen": "她在 2003 年的续集 X2 中出人意料地扮演了这个角色 , 她在其中模仿了罗伯特 · 凯利 ( Robert Kelly ) , 他在前一部电影中被马格尼托杀害。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "batting with greater caution than usual, he scored 120 before accidentally standing on his own wicket.", "zh": "他比平时更加谨慎地击球 , 在意外站在自己的三柱门上之前打出了 120 分。"}, "mt_gen": "他比平时更小心地打了 120 分, 然后偶然站在自己的手杖上.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "many of his former teammates and other famous baseball players served as pallbearers, and the Rev.", "zh": "他的很多前队友和其他著名的棒球运动员曾担任过抬棺者和教士。"}, "mt_gen": "他许多以前的队友和其他著名的棒球运动员曾担任过传球员和教士。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "at least two of the Russian Far East storms stacked up over the Gulf of Alaska during December 28.", "zh": "在 12 月 28 日期间 , 至少有两次俄罗斯远东风暴在阿拉斯加湾上空堆积。"}, "mt_gen": "12 月 28 日 , 俄罗斯远东至少有两次风暴在阿拉斯加湾上空堆积如山。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "three distilleries, a tannery, a foundry, a machine and pump factory.", "zh": "三家蒸馏厂、一家制革厂、一家铸造厂、一家机器和泵厂。"}, "mt_gen": "三家蒸馏厂、一家制革厂、一家铸造厂、一家机器和泵厂。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the first of these windows features four lancets containing depictions of saint Budoc, saint Magloire, saint Samson and saint Génevé.", "zh": "这些窗户中的第一个带有四个尖顶窗 , 其中有圣佛多克、圣马格卢瓦、圣桑森和圣热内韦的画像。"}, "mt_gen": "其中的第一个窗口有四个画廊 , 其中描述了圣佛多克、圣马格卢瓦、圣桑森和圣热内韦。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "from 1900 to 1906 the viticulture of Languedoc produced from 1,600 to 2,100 million liters.", "zh": "从 1900 年到 1906 年 , 朗格多克的葡萄酒产量从 16 亿升上升至 21 亿升。"}, "mt_gen": "从 1900 年到 1906 年 , 朗格多克的园艺产量从 16 亿升到 21 亿升不等。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"then five passed pawns struggled with the white rook.", "zh": "“接着 , 五只过路兵与白车缠斗。 ”"}, "mt_gen": "\"接着 , 有五只爪子经过 , 与白色的小溪搏斗。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Filipinos in Australia arrived in the early 1900s.", "zh": "在澳大利亚的菲律宾人是在二十世纪初到达的。"}, "mt_gen": "在澳大利亚的菲律宾人是在二十世纪初到达的。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "lovely Professional University conferred honorary Doctorate on Karzai on 20 May 2013", "zh": "2013 年 5 月 20 日 , 拉夫里科技大学授予卡尔扎伊荣誉博士学位"}, "mt_gen": "2013 年 5 月 20 日 , 可爱的专业大学授予卡尔扎伊荣誉博士学位", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after Titanic sank, lifeboat 6 eventually tied up with lifeboat 16.", "zh": "泰坦尼克号沉没后 , 6 号救生艇最终与 16 号救生艇捆绑在一起。"}, "mt_gen": "泰坦尼克号沉没后, 6 号救生艇最终与 16 号救生艇捆绑在一起.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Miller also declared himself a \"conservative libertarian\" in a 1996 Playboy interview.", "zh": "米勒还在 1996 年的《花花公子》采访中称自己是 “保守的自由主义者 ” 。"}, "mt_gen": "米勒还在 1996 年的花花公子采访中宣布自己是 \"保守派自由主义者\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the emperor responded by expelling the Franciscans and the Dominicans from Lombardy and electing his son Enzo as Imperial vicar for Northern Italy.", "zh": "作为回应 , 皇帝是把方济各会和多米尼加人赶出伦巴第 , 并选举他的儿子恩佐为北意大利的皇家牧师。"}, "mt_gen": "皇帝的回应是把方济各会和多米尼加人赶出伦巴第 , 并选举他的儿子恩佐为意大利北部的皇帝牧师。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Kodak licensed the manufacture of Kodak branded cameras to Vivitar in 2005 and 2006.", "zh": "2005 年和 2006 年 , 柯达公司向 Vivitar 公司授权制造柯达品牌的相机。"}, "mt_gen": "2005 年和 2006 年 , 柯达公司向 Vivitar 公司发放了制造柯达品牌摄像机的许可证。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Kodak Kodak Alaris Kodak Camera Catalog Info at Historic Camera", "zh": "柯达 , 柯达乐芮 , 柯达相机目录 , 历史相机信息"}, "mt_gen": "柯达 · 柯达 · 阿拉里斯 · 柯达 · 卡梅拉历史卡梅拉模拟信息", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Barthélémy Djabla, 72, Ivorian archbishop of Gagnoa.", "zh": "Barth é l é my Djabla , 72 岁 , 来自象牙海岸的加尼奥阿大主教。"}, "mt_gen": "Barth é l é my Djabla , 72 岁 , 科特迪瓦 Gagnoa 大主教。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Earl Palmer, 83, American rhythm and blues drummer, after long illness.", "zh": "厄尔 · 帕默 , 83 岁 , 美国节奏布鲁斯鼓手 , 死于长期疾病。"}, "mt_gen": "83 岁的厄尔 · 帕默, 美国的节奏和布鲁斯鼓手, 久病后.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the pair sang \"Dream a Little Dream of Me\" at a karaoke auction fundraiser.", "zh": "在卡拉 OK 拍卖会的募捐活动上 , 两人唱了《 Dream a Little Dream of Me 》。"}, "mt_gen": "在卡拉 OK 拍卖会的募捐活动上 , 两人唱了《我的小梦》。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "her grandfather King Karl hires a governess in the hopes of taming her.", "zh": "她的祖父卡尔国王雇用了一位家庭教师 , 希望能让她顺从。"}, "mt_gen": "她的祖父卡尔国王雇用了一位家庭教师, 希望能驯服她.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "education Review Office, Review Report, Auckland Grammar School, November 2011.", "zh": "教育审查办公室 , 审查报告 , 奥克兰文法学校 , 2011 年 11 月。"}, "mt_gen": "教育审查办公室 , 审查报告 , 奥克兰文法学校 , 2011 年 11 月。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1011, Mahmud despatched an expedition to conquer Ghur under Altuntash, governor of Herat, and Arslan Hajib, governor of Tus.", "zh": "1011 年 , 马哈茂德派出了一支远征队 , 在赫拉特总督 Altuntash 和图斯总督 Arsan Hajib 的领导下征服古尔。"}, "mt_gen": "1011 年 , 马哈茂德派出了一支远征队 , 在赫拉特省长 Altuntash 和图斯省长 Arsan Hajib 的领导下征服古尔。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Klingsor watches as Parsifal overcomes his knights, and they flee.", "zh": "克林索尔看着帕西法尔战胜了他的骑士 , 他们逃走了。"}, "mt_gen": "当帕西法尔战胜他的骑士时, 林格索尔看着他们逃跑.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Fox also hired a lookalike to impersonate Charity as well.", "zh": "福克斯还请了一个外表相似的人来模仿查瑞蒂。"}, "mt_gen": "福克斯还雇用了一个外表相似的人, 以模仿慈善.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Naveen Andrews portrayed former Iraqi Republican Guard Sayid Jarrah.", "zh": "纳文 · 安德鲁斯饰演前伊拉克共和国卫队 Sayid Jarrah 。"}, "mt_gen": "纳文 · 安德鲁斯描绘了前伊拉克共和国卫队 Sayid Jarrah 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the cyclone curved abruptly southward and dissipated just offshore of Veracruz on October 21.", "zh": "气旋突然向南偏转 , 并在 10 月 21 日在韦拉克鲁斯的近海消散。"}, "mt_gen": "气旋突然向南弯曲, 10 月 21 日在韦拉克鲁斯附近消散了.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "MS lesions mainly consist in demyelination and scarring in the fatty myelin sheaths around the axons of the brain and spinal cord.", "zh": "骨髓病变的主要表现为大脑轴突和脊髓周围的脂肪髓鞘出现髓鞘脱失和瘢痕。"}, "mt_gen": "骨髓病变主要表现在脑轴和脊髓周围的脂肪骨髓鞘中的脱黄和疤痕。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the doubles, she again partnered Kirilenko, defeating Ivanova / Yakimova, before losing to Coin / Pelletier in the quarterfinals.", "zh": "在双打比赛中 , 她再次与基里连科搭档 , 击败了伊万诺娃和雅基莫娃组合 , 然后在四分之一决赛中输给了科林和佩列蒂耶组合。"}, "mt_gen": "在双打比赛中 , 她再次与基里连科合作 , 击败了 Ivanova / Yakimova , 然后在四分之一决赛中输给了 Coin / Pelletier 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they decorated the vicinity with flowers and festoons.", "zh": "他们用鲜花和花彩来装饰附近。"}, "mt_gen": "他们用鲜花和化妆品装饰附近.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the gymnast then blocks off the vaulting platform into various twisting and / or somersaulting combinations.", "zh": "体操运动员随后在跳马做出各种扭动或者翻腾动作的组合。"}, "mt_gen": "然后 , 体操运动员将跳台阻塞成各种扭曲和 ( 或 ) 体操组合。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "others farmed beans, corn, melons, squash, and tobacco.", "zh": "其他人种植豆类、玉米、甜瓜、南瓜和烟草。"}, "mt_gen": "另一些种植豆类、玉米、瓜类、南瓜和烟草。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Western Musical Instruments such as Drums, bass, Keyboards, and Trumpets.", "zh": "像鼓、贝斯、键盘和小号这样的西方乐器。"}, "mt_gen": "西方乐器, 如鼓、低音、键盘和喇叭.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "cartoonist Thomas Nast drew a caricature of Fish and Rutherford B. Hayes as the Republican Party ticket.", "zh": "漫画家托马斯 · 纳斯特 (Thomas Nast) 把菲什和鲁瑟福 · 海斯的夸张形象画成共和党的门票。"}, "mt_gen": "漫画家托马斯 · 纳斯特 (Thomas Nast) 把鱼和鲁瑟福 · 海斯 (Rutherford B. Hayes) 画成共和党的车票。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the first edition, unrevised, Houghton Mifflin, 1981, hardcover, West, R., Turner, L.H.", "zh": "第一版 , 未经修订 , 胡顿 · 米夫林 , 1981 年 , 精装 , West, R., Turner, L. h."}, "mt_gen": "第一版未经修订 , 胡顿 · 米夫林 , 1981 年 , 硬质封面 , West , R. , Turner , L. h.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he hides it inside of a doll that belonged to Kendall.", "zh": "他把它藏在肯德尔的洋娃娃里。"}, "mt_gen": "他把它藏在属于肯德尔的洋娃娃里.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Boston, Association of the First Corps of Cadets, April 1919.", "zh": "波士顿 , 第一军校学员协会 , 1919 年 4 月。"}, "mt_gen": "波士顿 , 第一军校学员协会 , 1919 年 4 月。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ripley shoots it with a grappling hook, but the gun catches as the airlock door closes, tethering the alien to the shuttle.", "zh": "雷普利用钩爪射向它 , 但是枪刚好在空气闸门关闭时打中了 , 把外星人扯进了航天飞机里。"}, "mt_gen": "雷普利用一个抓斗的钩子射击它 , 但随着气锁门的关上 , 枪抓住了它 , 把外星人绑在航天飞机上。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Columbia receives more than 60 significant tributaries.", "zh": "哥伦比亚汇入了 60 多条重要支流。"}, "mt_gen": "哥伦比亚接受了 60 多个重要支流。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he collided with Landrith, knocking Landrith unconscious as he rolled over onto his back.", "zh": "他撞上了兰德里斯 , 在他的背上翻滚过去时 , 兰德里斯陷入昏迷。"}, "mt_gen": "他和 Landrith 相撞, 把 Landrith 推倒在背上, 昏迷不醒.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in May 1843 Macalister sold the property to Henry Harvey and Benjamin Lee from Parramatta, recouping his outlay of ₤800.", "zh": "1843 年 5 月 , Macalister 从 Parramatta 将房产出售给 Henry Harvey 和 Benjamin Lee , 收回了 800 英镑的支出。"}, "mt_gen": "1843 年 5 月 , Macalister 从 Parramatta 将房产出售给 Henry Harvey 和 Benjamin Lee , 收回了 800 英镑的支出。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "childlessness Familialism Family economics Household Nepotism Parent Stepfamily Voluntary childlessness", "zh": "无子女家庭主义 , 家庭经济学 , 家庭裙带关系 , 父母再婚家庭 , 自愿不生育"}, "mt_gen": "家庭经济学家庭裙带关系父系家庭自愿无子女", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "two central propositions underlie general relativity.", "zh": "广义相对论是两个中心命题。"}, "mt_gen": "两个中心命题是广义相对论的基础.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "ROBIDA had a swastika tattoo and flaunted Nazi insignias and paraphernalia on his website.", "zh": "罗比达有一个万字符纹身 , 并在自己的网站上炫耀各种纳粹标志和物品。"}, "mt_gen": "罗比达在他的网站上有一个斯瓦斯蒂卡纹身和炫耀的纳粹标志和隔膜。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Trigon, pulling out the wings from his eyes, compliments Tim before suddenly disappearing.", "zh": "特里贡从他的眼睛里拔出翅膀 , 在称赞完蒂姆后忽然消失了。"}, "mt_gen": "三贡从眼睛里掏出翅膀, 赞美蒂姆, 然后忽然消失了.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on April 30, 1980, Queen Juliana abdicated in favor of her daughter, Beatrix.", "zh": "1980 年 4 月 30 日 , 朱莉安娜女王向女儿比阿特丽克斯让位。"}, "mt_gen": "1980 年 4 月 30 日, 朱丽亚娜王后向女儿比阿特丽克斯投降.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "both descended from Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange.", "zh": "两人都是奥兰治亲王弗雷德里克 · 亨利的后裔。"}, "mt_gen": "两人都是橙色王子弗雷德里克 · 亨利的后裔.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a coronation begins with the procession into Westminster Abbey.", "zh": "加冕仪式从进入威斯敏斯特修道院的列队行进开始。"}, "mt_gen": "加冕仪式从步入威斯敏斯特修道院开始.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the larvae of some species, such as the common Mormon and the western tiger swallowtail look like bird droppings.", "zh": "一些物种的幼虫 , 如玉带凤蝶和西方虎凤蝶 , 看起来像鸟粪。"}, "mt_gen": "一些物种的幼虫 , 如普通的摩门教和西方的老虎燕尾看起来像鸟滴。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Kabir lobs the grenade into the jeep as Suraj picks up speed and races away.", "zh": "当 Suraj 加快速度逃走时 , Kabir 将手榴弹扔进了吉普车。"}, "mt_gen": "当 Suraj 加快速度并赛跑时 , Kabir 将手榴弹扔进吉普车。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Tyutcheva wanted Rasputin barred from the nurseries.", "zh": "蒂奇娃想要禁止拉斯普廷进入托儿所。"}, "mt_gen": "蒂奇娃想要禁止拉斯普廷进入托儿所。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"cyclic Testing of Column Bents Strengthened by Infill Walls,\" M.A.", "zh": "《通过填充墙体加强柱体的循环试验》 , 硕士。"}, "mt_gen": "\"通过填充墙体加强柱的循环试验\" , 硕士。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "one of General of Division Emmanuel Grouchy's dragoon brigades hewed a path through Hohenlohe's column.", "zh": "伊曼纽尔 · 格鲁奇的一支骑警旅开辟了一条穿过霍恩洛赫纵队的小路。"}, "mt_gen": "阿曼纽埃尔 · 格罗希的龙旅长之一在霍恩洛赫的纵队中开辟了一条小路.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "as of May 30th, 2019, the Black Jack Squadron is commanded by LTC Landgrave T. Smith and CSM William S. Schneider.", "zh": "截至 2019 年 5 月 30 日 , 黑杰克中队由 LTC Landgrave T. Smith 和 CSM William S. Schneider 指挥。"}, "mt_gen": "2019 年 5 月 30 日 , 黑杰克中队由 LTC Land 严重 T. Smith 和 CSM William S. Schneider 指挥。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Synoptic Gospels identify Satan and Beelzebub as the same.", "zh": "《对观福音书》认为撒旦即为别西卜。"}, "mt_gen": "\"合成 Gospels\" 将撒旦和 Beelzebub 鉴定为相同的.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Battlecarrier to retrieve Jones prompts The Pentagon into retaliating by unleashing a monster called the American Kaiju on the New Avengers.", "zh": "营救琼斯的战士促使五角大楼发动报复 , 向新复仇者放出一只名为 “美国怪兽 ” 的怪物。"}, "mt_gen": "营救琼斯的战士促使五角大楼发动报复 , 释放了一个叫作 \"新复仇者\" 的美国凯州怪物。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "meanwhile, Gnaeus Octavius, the Roman naval commander, sacked Melibœa.", "zh": "与此同时 , 罗马海军司令涅乌斯 · 奥克塔维乌斯解雇了梅利博亚。"}, "mt_gen": "与此同时 , 罗马海军指挥官涅乌斯 · 奥克塔维乌斯 ( Gnaeus Octavius ) 解雇了梅利博亚。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "during the day he sacrificed twenty oxen to Hercules without getting favourable omens.", "zh": "在这一天里 , 他把 20 头公牛献给了赫尔克里斯 , 却没有得到好的预兆。"}, "mt_gen": "在这一天里, 他把 20 头公牛献给了赫尔克里斯, 却没有得到好的预兆.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "bustles lengthened and slipped even lower, causing the fullness of the skirt to further diminish.", "zh": "裙撑被拉长 , 下摆得更低 , 使裙子的饱满度进一步降低。"}, "mt_gen": "蜂窝拉长, 滑倒得更低, 使裙子的饱满度进一步降低.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the walls were decorated with cornices, moldings, pilasters and at times blind arcades.", "zh": "墙上装饰着飞檐、装饰线、壁柱 , 有些地方还有假拱廊。"}, "mt_gen": "墙上装饰着玉米花、模特、枕头 , 有时还装饰着盲目的拱门。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "within a few months, several of the Party's regional formations and bureaus followed suit, permanently formalizing and deepening the schism.", "zh": "在几个月内 , 该党的一些区域组织和办事处也采取了同样的行动 , 此举正式公开地加深了分裂。"}, "mt_gen": "在几个月内 , 该党的一些区域组织和局也采取了同样的行动 , 永久地将分裂正式化并加深分裂。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "fecal leakage causing staining of undergarments Rectal bleeding mucous rectal discharge Rectal pain Pruritus ani", "zh": "粪便渗漏导致内衣污染 , 直肠出血粘液 , 直肠排泄 , 直肠疼痛 , 肛门瘙痒"}, "mt_gen": "直肠出血 , 直肠出血 , 直肠出血 , 直肠疼痛", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it lies between latitudes 29 ° and 34 ° N, and longitudes 34 ° and 36 ° E.", "zh": "它位于北纬 29 度至 34 度和经度 34 度至 36 度之间。"}, "mt_gen": "它位于北纬 29 度至 34 度和经度 34 度至 36 度之间。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on the January 7, 2016 episode of SmackDown taped on January 5, Cena aided Kalisto at ringside to victory against Del Rio.", "zh": "2016 年 1 月 7 日播出的一集《 SmackDown 》在 1 月 5 日录制 , 塞纳帮助卡利斯托击败了德尔里奥。"}, "mt_gen": "2016 年 1 月 7 日的斯麦克唐下事件录制在 1 月 5 日 , 塞纳在对阵德利奥的比赛中援助了卡利斯托。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Lockley and Hunt rediscovered fossil bird footprints in the Dakota Group near Golden Colorado.", "zh": "洛克利和亨特在科罗拉多州戈尔登附近的达科他群重新发现了鸟类足迹化石。"}, "mt_gen": "洛克利和亨特在金色科罗拉多州附近的达科他州集团重新发现了化石鸟类足迹.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "1962 Albert de Lapparent reinterpreted the dinosaur tracks from Spitzbergen.", "zh": "1962 年 , Albert de Lapparent 从斯皮茨伯格重新解释了恐龙的踪迹。"}, "mt_gen": "1962 年阿尔贝 · 德 · 洛宁从斯皮茨伯格那里重新解释了恐龙的踪迹.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in retaliation, Saladin twice besieged Kerak, Raynald's fortress in Oultrejordain, in 1183 and 1184.", "zh": "为了报复 , Saladin 于 1183 年和 1184 年两次围攻了 Raynald 在 Oultrejordain 的要塞 Kerak 。"}, "mt_gen": "为了报复 , Saladin 于 1183 年和 1184 年两次围困了 Raynald 在 Oultrejordain 的要塞 Kerak 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a curple refers to 1) the small of the waist before the flare of the hips or 2) a derrière, rump or behind.", "zh": "curple 是指 (1) 臀部前面腰部的小部分 , 或 (2) 臀部。"}, "mt_gen": "一个曲线是指 (1) 臀部闪光之前腰部的小部分 , 或 (2) 臀部、臀部或背部的小部分。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "however, Governor Kellogg then requested that Trobriand reseat the Republicans.", "zh": "但是 , 州长凯洛格随后要求特洛布兰为共和党人恢复席位。"}, "mt_gen": "但是 , 州长凯洛格随后要求特洛布兰重新吞并共和党。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he retired again in Malaysia with leaking hydraulics.", "zh": "他因液压泄漏而再次在马来西亚退休。"}, "mt_gen": "他因水力学泄漏而再次在马来西亚退休.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a marxist critique of a semicomparador economy, University of Vermont Press, 2018", "zh": "《对半竞争经济的马克思主义批判》 , 佛蒙特大学出版社 , 2018 年"}, "mt_gen": "马克思主义者对半官方经济的批评 , 佛蒙特大学出版社 , 2018 年", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "this infuriated Danío, who ordered his incarceration on December 9, 1722.", "zh": "这激怒了达尼奥 , 他在 1722 年 12 月 9 日下令将他监禁。"}, "mt_gen": "这激怒了达尼奥 , 他在 1722 年 12 月 9 日下令将他监禁。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "apparently, Presbytery and Synod blunted the intended discipline of his \"protests.\"", "zh": "显然 , 长老会和赛诺德了削弱了他本来想通过 \"抗议\" 表达的纪律。"}, "mt_gen": "显然 , 长老会和赛诺德混淆了他 \"抗议\" 的本意。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in October, 1843, the Presbytery met in Greenfield, Harrison County, Ohio, on the 9th.", "zh": "1843 年 10 月 9 日 , 长老会在俄亥俄州哈里森县格林菲尔德举行会议。"}, "mt_gen": "1843 年 10 月 , 长老会于 9 日在俄亥俄州哈里森县格林菲尔德举行会议。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "nicotine may result in arousal and wakefulness, mainly via incitement in the basal forebrain.", "zh": "尼古丁可能导致兴奋和失眠 , 主要的作用原理是对基底前脑的刺激。"}, "mt_gen": "尼古丁可能导致唤醒和觉醒 , 主要是通过在基底前脑中的煽动。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the cement paste premix may include admixtures such as accelerators or retarders, superplasticizers, pigments, or silica fume.", "zh": "水泥浆预混合料可能包括加速剂或阻燃剂、超增塑剂、颜料或硅粉等混合物。"}, "mt_gen": "水泥糊溢出物可能包括加速器或阻燃剂、超增塑剂、颜料或硅气等混合物。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "official website of the Vasa Museum Vasa's revival Report on the Vasa from the University of Miami.", "zh": "瓦萨博物馆官方网站 , 迈亚密大学编写的瓦萨复兴报告。"}, "mt_gen": "来自迈阿密大学的瓦萨博物馆官方网站《瓦萨复兴报告》。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Grand Vizier, Köprülü Fazıl Ahmet Pasha, sent the pirate Hasan Baba to subdue Mani.", "zh": "大维齐尔 K ö pr ü l ü FAZ ı l Ahmet Pasha 将海盗 Hasan Baba 派往征服 Mani 。"}, "mt_gen": "大维齐尔 , K ö pr ü l ü Fazl Ahme Pasha , 将海盗 Hasan Baba 派往征服 Mani 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Ottomans replaced him with Antony or Antonbey, Zanetbey's cousin.", "zh": "奥托曼人用安托尼或安托贝取代了他 , 前者是赞内特贝的表弟。"}, "mt_gen": "奥托曼人用安托尼或安托贝代替了他 , 后者是赞内特贝的表弟。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sabretooth then chases Peter, catching up to Wolverine and Parker and the two fight Sabretooth.", "zh": "剑齿虎随后追赶彼得 , 并赶上了金刚狼和帕克 , 接着他们开始与剑齿虎战斗。"}, "mt_gen": "萨布雷托乌斯追赶彼得, 追赶狼和帕克, 追赶萨布雷托乌斯的两场战斗.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Wolverine later regains consciousness and finds himself chained to the roof of the Blackbird.", "zh": "金刚狼后来恢复了意识 , 发现自己被锁在黑鸟的屋顶上。"}, "mt_gen": "狼后来恢复了知觉, 发现自己被锁在黑鸟的屋顶上.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sabretooth appears in the Wolverine versus Sabretooth motion comic, voiced by Ron Halder.", "zh": "剑齿虎出现在《金刚狼对剑齿虎》动画中 , 由 Ron Halder 配音。"}, "mt_gen": "萨布雷托乌斯出现在狼对萨布雷托乌斯运动漫画中, 由罗恩 · 哈尔德发出.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she finds Sean Kennedy's wallet while snooping in Warren's flat.", "zh": "她在沃伦的公寓打瞌睡时发现了肖恩 · 肯尼迪的钱包。"}, "mt_gen": "她在沃伦公寓打瞌睡时发现了肖恩 · 肯尼迪的钱包.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hannah waits at Justin and Ste's flat with her bags.", "zh": "汉娜拿着她的行李在贾斯汀和斯蒂的公寓里等待。"}, "mt_gen": "汉娜在贾斯汀和斯蒂的公寓里等着她的手提包。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when Hannah finds out, she realises Ash tampered with the bike and breaks up with him.", "zh": "当汉娜发现时 , 她就意识到阿什对摩托车做了手脚 , 于是就跟他分手了。"}, "mt_gen": "汉娜一发现, 她就意识到自己被自行车弄乱了, 就和他分手了.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Harrowitz discusses Poe's \"tales of ratiocination\" in the light of Charles Sanders Peirce's logic of making good guesses or abductive reasoning.", "zh": "根据查尔斯 · 桑德斯 · 皮尔斯 ( Charles Sanders Peirce ) 的猜测或归纳推理的逻辑 , 哈罗维茨讨论了坡的 “推理故事 ” 。"}, "mt_gen": "根据查尔斯 · 桑德斯 · 佩尔斯 ( Charles Sanders Peirce ) 的猜测或诱拐推理逻辑 , 哈罗维茨讨论了坡的 \"批准故事\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Napoleon caresses the eagle and smiles through his tears.", "zh": "拿破仑笑中带泪地爱抚这只鹰。"}, "mt_gen": "拿破仑爱抚老鹰, 通过泪水微笑.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "this stage feeds, then molts into the next nymph stage.", "zh": "在这个阶段进食 , 然后蜕变为下一个若虫阶段。"}, "mt_gen": "这个阶段供养, 然后磨成下一个阶段.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it comprises a central weatherboard gable with mainly slab walls, iron covered roof and skillions on the north, east and south sides.", "zh": "它由一个中央挡风三角墙组成 , 主要部分是板墙、铁盖屋顶和位于北边、东边和南边的棚屋。"}, "mt_gen": "它包括一个中央风化板电缆 , 主要是板墙、铁盖屋顶和南边、东边和南边的摩天大楼。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "outraged, he snatches it back and angrily exclaims it belonged to someone very important to him, and that she would not understand.", "zh": "他怒气冲冲地把它抢回来 , 愤怒地说它属于一个对他很重要的人 , 而她不会明白。"}, "mt_gen": "愤怒的是 , 他把它夺回来 , 愤怒地说它属于一个对他很重要的人 , 而她不明白。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in a dream, Gold celebrates Henry's birthday in the pawnshop along with David, Emma, Mary Margaret and Neal.", "zh": "在一个梦中 , 戈尔德和大卫、爱玛、玛丽 · 玛格丽特和尼尔一起在当铺庆祝亨利的生日。"}, "mt_gen": "在一个梦中 , 黄金和大卫、爱玛、玛丽玛格丽特和尼尔一起在糕点庆祝亨利的生日。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "deer, wildfowl, bass, pike, trout, and catfish were caught.", "zh": "鹿、野禽、鲈鱼、狗鱼、鳟鱼和鲶鱼被捕获。"}, "mt_gen": "鲸鱼、野禽、低音、派克、鳟鱼和渔获物被捕获.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Jesuit priest Daniel Lyons \"called Day 'an apostle of pious oversimplification.'", "zh": "耶稣会牧师丹尼尔 · 里昂把戴称为 \"虔诚得过于简单的使徒\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "耶稣会牧师丹尼尔 · 里昂 \"把天称为\" 虔诚的过分简单化使徒 \"。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the GIs and nurses dance in a holiday revue titled \"Thanksgiving Follies\".", "zh": "在一个名为 “感恩节的民俗“ 的节日狂欢中 , 艺人和护士们在跳舞。"}, "mt_gen": "在一个名为 \"感恩节的民俗\" 的节日狂欢中 , 艺人和护士们跳舞。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Liam kidnaps Maxine and the girls and ties them up in the loft.", "zh": "Liam 绑架了 Maxine 和女孩们 , 并将她们绑在阁楼上。"}, "mt_gen": "Liam 绑架了 Maxine 和女孩 , 并将她们绑在阁楼上。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "shielding and neutron absorber in nuclear reactors", "zh": "核反应堆中的屏蔽和中子吸收器"}, "mt_gen": "核反应堆中的屏蔽和中子吸收器", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1956, the Teatro Kursaal in Lugano hosted the first Eurovision Song Contest.", "zh": "1956 年 , 卢加诺的库尔萨尔剧院 ( Teatro Kursaal ) 举办了第一届欧洲歌唱大赛。"}, "mt_gen": "1956 年 , 卢加诺的 Teatro Kursaal 主办了第一次欧洲歌唱大赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on June 13, 1858, the steamboat's boiler exploded; Henry succumbed to his wounds on June 21.", "zh": "1858 年 6 月 13 日 , 轮船的锅炉发生爆炸 ; 亨利于 6 月 21 日伤重不治。"}, "mt_gen": "1858 年 6 月 13 日, 轮船的锅炉爆炸, 亨利于 6 月 21 日受伤.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the two shuffled between Sweden and Italy, before settling in Brighton, England.", "zh": "两人在瑞典和意大利之间来回奔波 , 然后在英国的布莱顿定居。"}, "mt_gen": "这两个人在瑞典和意大利之间争吵, 然后在英国的布莱顿定居.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Magic Band began recordings for Trout Mask Replica with bassist Gary \"Magic\" Marker at T.T.G.", "zh": "魔术乐队开始与 T. T. g 的贝斯手 Gary \"Magic\" Marker 为 Trout mask Replica 录制音乐。"}, "mt_gen": "魔棒在 T. T. g. 用助推 Gary \"魔术\" 标记开始录制魔术面具复制作品。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "occasionally he would eat large helpings of meat and desserts, after which he would purge himself.", "zh": "偶尔他会吃大量的肉和甜点 , 然后他就会催吐自己。"}, "mt_gen": "偶尔他会吃大量的肉和甜点 , 然后他就会清扫自己。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after defeating Cao Cao at Guan Du, Yuan Shao destroys Wei and kills all of their generals.", "zh": "在关都击败曹操后 , 袁绍击溃了魏军 , 并击毙了他们所有的将军。"}, "mt_gen": "在关都击败曹操后 , 袁少毁了魏军 , 杀死了所有的将军。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "LU Xun, a new strategists, then defeats Wei at Shiting with a defection ploy involving Zhou Fang.", "zh": "新任大都督陆逊随后凭借周鲂的策反计策在石亭击败了魏军。"}, "mt_gen": "新的战略家鲁迅随后在石亭击败了魏军 , 其叛变策略涉及周方。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "around 15,000 trekking Boers departed the Cape Colony and followed the eastern coast towards Natal.", "zh": "大约 15, 000 名布尔人徒步离开了开普敦殖民地 , 沿着东海岸向纳塔尔走去。"}, "mt_gen": "大约 15 000 名徒步旅行者离开了开普敦殖民地 , 沿着东海岸向纳塔尔走去。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Publius Cornelius Dolabella Maximus, consul in 283 BC.", "zh": "Publius Cornelius Dolabella maximus , 公元前 283 年担任领事。"}, "mt_gen": "公元前 283 年 , 领事 , 康涅利乌斯 · 多拉贝拉 · 马西穆斯。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "n. Scipio Asina, consul in 260 and 254 BC, during the First Punic War.", "zh": "n. Scipio Asina , 公元前 260 年和 254 年第一次布匿战争期间担任领事。"}, "mt_gen": "n. 前 260 年和公元前 254 年第一次旁遮普战争期间担任领事。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Marcus Cornelius M. f. Maluginensis, consul in 436 BC.", "zh": "Marcus Cornelius M. Maluginensis , 公元前 436 年担任领事。"}, "mt_gen": "马库斯 · 科涅利乌斯 · 马卢金托 , 公元前 436 年领事。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a large, natural, stone peak jutting high above a lake.", "zh": "一座雄伟的石峰耸立在湖面上。"}, "mt_gen": "一个巨大的, 自然的, 石峰, 高高地跳过湖面.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the two maids began arguing, each accusing the other of stealing her milk and bannock.", "zh": "两个女仆开始争吵 , 互相指责对方偷了她的牛奶和杏仁饼。"}, "mt_gen": "两个女仆开始争吵, 互相指责对方偷了她的牛奶和班诺克.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the quarterfinals, she defeated Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova and proceeded to the semifinals where she won against Monica Niculescu.", "zh": "在四分之一决赛中 , 她击败了阿纳斯塔西娅 · 帕夫柳琴科娃 , 进入半决赛。她在半决赛中战胜了莫妮卡 · 尼古列斯库。"}, "mt_gen": "在四分之一决赛中 , 她击败了阿纳斯塔西亚 · 帕夫卢琴科娃 , 进入半决赛 , 她在半决赛中战胜了莫妮卡 · 尼古列斯库。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "calm, wizened, he's intelligent and patient, though no scientist.", "zh": "冷静、干瘪 , 他聪明而耐心 , 尽管他不是科学家。"}, "mt_gen": "冷静 , 神奇 , 他聪明而耐心 , 尽管没有科学家。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Athenians hastened to rebel against Macedonia.", "zh": "雅典人急于反叛马其顿。"}, "mt_gen": "雅典人赶紧反抗马其顿.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Phocion delayed the inevitable garrisoning of defeated Athens as long as possible.", "zh": "福基翁尽可能地拖延了驻军被攻陷的雅典的时间 , 尽管此举无可避免。"}, "mt_gen": "种族灭绝使失败的雅典不可避免的守卫行动延后了尽可能长的时间.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a continuous modillion cornice runs along the top of the building, with a balustrade concealing the low hipped roof.", "zh": "一列飞檐托饰沿着建筑顶部布置 , 有一个阳台遮住了低矮的屋顶。"}, "mt_gen": "一个连续的模块化蜂窝沿着大楼的顶部运行 , 一个阳台隐藏了低矮的顶部。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the priest, with his assistants, says the psalm De profundis with the antiphon Si iniquitates.", "zh": "神父和他的助手们说 , 赞美诗 De profundis 带有对唱部分 Si iniquitates 。"}, "mt_gen": "神父和他的助手们说, 法师德普罗富斯和反磷 Si 犯了罪状.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Burges restored the stonework, and he added a covered parapet walk with embrasures and arrow slits.", "zh": "伯吉斯修复了这个石造工程 , 他增加了 &# x08; 一堵带有炮孔和箭缝的女墙。"}, "mt_gen": "烧伤恢复了石器的工作 , 他增加了一个有刺绣和箭缝的有盖的栏杆行走。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after the first edition, the vinyl scribble boards and crayons were replaced with six \"magic slates\" and wooden styli.", "zh": "在第一版之后 , 乙烯基涂鸦板和蜡笔被替换成 6 个 “魔法板 ” 和木制笔。"}, "mt_gen": "在第一版之后 , 乙烯基脚本板和蜡笔被 6 个 \"魔法板\" 和木制风格所取代。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he atoned with a $500 check to Hanna, the first of many.", "zh": "他给汉娜开了一张 500 美元的支票 , 他之后还开了很多张支票。"}, "mt_gen": "他给汉娜开了一张 500 美元的支票, 这是许多人中的第一个.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the later half of the 1880s Strindberg discovered Naturalism.", "zh": "1880 年代后半 , 斯特林德伯格发现了自然主义。"}, "mt_gen": "在 1880 年代后半叶 , 斯特林德伯格发现了自然主义。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Waltz, Cha Cha Cha, Quickstep, Rumba, Tango, Jive, Foxtrot, Paso Doble and Samba have all been danced since Series 1.", "zh": "从第 1 辑起 , 华尔兹、恰恰、快步舞、伦巴、探戈、牛仔舞、狐步舞、斗牛舞和桑巴等舞种都有演出过。"}, "mt_gen": "《华尔兹》、《 Cha Cha Cha 》、《快步》、《伦巴》、《 Tango 》、《 Jive 》、《 Foxtrot 》、《 Paso Doble 》和《 Samba 》自第一辑以来一直在跳舞。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1952, Kaps married his childhood sweetheart Nelly.", "zh": "1952 年 , 卡普斯和他童年的情人奈莉结婚。"}, "mt_gen": "1952 年, 卡普和他童年的情人耐莉结婚.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they next harvested spawning herring, gathered waterfowl eggs, and hunted geese.", "zh": "接下来 , 他们捕获产卵期的鲱鱼、采集水禽蛋和猎鹅。"}, "mt_gen": "他们接着捕捉产卵、采集水禽蛋和猎鹅.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "apart from elk, many other ungulates reside in the park, including bighorn sheep, moose, and mule deer.", "zh": "除了麋鹿以外 , 公园里也栖息者许多有蹄类动物 , 包括大角羊、驼鹿和长耳鹿。"}, "mt_gen": "除了母鹿 , 许多其他的丛林也居住在公园里 , 包括野羊、野鹿和毛鹿。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "running generally eastwest through many hairpin turns, the road crosses Milner Pass through the Continental Divide at an elevation of 10758 ft.", "zh": "这条带有多个发夹弯的道路大致东西延伸 , 在海拔 10758 英尺的高度穿过米尔纳山口和大陆分水岭。"}, "mt_gen": "这条路从东面穿过许多发夹转弯 , 在 10758 英尺的海拔处穿过大陆分界线。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Spartans previously played at Little Caesars Arena in December when they defeated Oakland.", "zh": "斯巴达人曾在 12 月上阵 Little Caesars Arena , 他们当时击败了奥克兰队。"}, "mt_gen": "斯巴达人以前曾在 12 月击败奥克兰的小凯撒竞技场玩耍.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "this causes problems in racing, eventing, Steeplechasing, and polo.", "zh": "这会影响赛跑、综合全能马术比赛、障碍赛和马球比赛。"}, "mt_gen": "这在赛跑、赛跑、赛跑和比赛中造成了问题.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the oiler War sepoy blew up, the tug Simla, the drifter Golden Drift and the destroyer were all damaged.", "zh": "油轮 War Sepoy 被炸毁 , 拖船 Simla 、漂网渔船 Golden Drift 和驱逐舰都被摧毁了。"}, "mt_gen": "油船的下水道被炸毁 , 拖船 Simla 、漂流的金色漂流和驱逐舰都被炸毁。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "McDonald's locations in South Korea serve a shrimp burger as well as a Bulgogi Burger, a pork patty in bulgogi marinade.", "zh": "麦当劳的韩国分店会销售虾肉汉堡和韩式烤肉汉堡 , 里面有一块淋上烤肉酱的猪肉排。"}, "mt_gen": "麦当劳在韩国的位置有一个虾汉堡和一个保加利亚汉堡 , 一个猪肉馅饼在肉汁里。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "McDonald's in Greece currently sells the Greek Mac, a Big Mac variant on pita bread with tzatziki sauce.", "zh": "希腊的麦当劳目前销售希腊巨无霸 , 这是一款用皮塔饼和酸奶黄瓜酱做成的特别版巨无霸。"}, "mt_gen": "在希腊的麦当劳目前出售的是希腊 Mac , 它是一种在皮塔面包上的大 Mac 变种 , 配上了调味汁。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he then throws off his rags and kills Antinous with his next arrow.", "zh": "然后他甩开了破布 , 用他的下一支箭杀死了安提诺乌斯。"}, "mt_gen": "然后, 他扔下他的破布, 用他的下一支箭杀死了 Antinous.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "near Saluda, South Carolina, an EF2 downed many trees and destroyed several outbuildings.", "zh": "在南卡罗来纳州的萨鲁达附近 , EF2 砍倒了许多树 , 摧毁了一些外围建筑。"}, "mt_gen": "在南卡罗来纳州的萨鲁达附近 , 一名欧洲金融情报组击落了许多树 , 摧毁了一些外围建筑。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "there the bison are vaccinated for parasites, infectious bovine rhino tracheitis, clostridium and bovine vibriosis.", "zh": "在那里 , 野牛接种了寄生虫、感染性牛犀牛气管炎 , 梭菌屬和牛病毒病的疫苗。"}, "mt_gen": "在那里, 野牛接种了寄生虫、感染性牛犀牛气管炎、衣原体和牛病毒病的疫苗.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "while Zoroastrians did this with metal mortar and pestle, the early Iranians pounded the stalks between two pressing stones.", "zh": "当 Zoroastrians 用杵臼这样做的时候 , 早期的伊朗人用两块压紧的石头敲打茎。"}, "mt_gen": "当 Zoroastrians 用金属迫击炮和石膏这样做的时候 , 早期的伊朗人用两块压紧的石头敲打茎。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Dámaso Verdolagas, or Padre Dámaso is a Franciscan friar and the former parish curate of San Diego.", "zh": "达马索 · 韦尔多拉加斯或帕德雷 · 达马索是法国的护士长 , 也是前圣迭戈教区的主教。"}, "mt_gen": "达马索 · 韦尔多拉加斯或帕德雷 · 达马索是法国的护士长 , 也是前圣迭戈教区的主教。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "outside of the regimental ceremonies, soldiers revered a vast array of deities.", "zh": "在团的仪式之外 , 士兵们崇敬着各种各样的神灵。"}, "mt_gen": "在团的仪式之外, 士兵们崇敬着各种各样的神灵.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they represent the cat, mouse, rooster and centipede.", "zh": "它们代表猫、老鼠、公鸡和蜈蚣。"}, "mt_gen": "它们代表猫、老鼠、公鸡和公鸡.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "as Peri runs away, she stumbles onto Patrick's corpse.", "zh": "佩里逃跑的时候, , 她绊倒了帕特里克的尸体。"}, "mt_gen": "佩里逃跑的时候, 她绊倒了帕特里克的尸体.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Nico then freaks out saying its Carly all over again, but Sienna manages to calm her down.", "zh": "尼科又惊慌失措地说了一遍卡莉的话 , 但西耶娜设法使她平静下来。"}, "mt_gen": "尼科又惊慌失措地说了一遍卡莉的话 , 但西耶娜设法使她平静下来。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she eventually moves back in with Sienna but poisons her soup as revenge.", "zh": "她最终搬回了锡耶纳 , 但毒死了她的汤作为报复。"}, "mt_gen": "她最终搬回了锡耶纳 , 但毒死了她的汤作为报复。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the series previously reran in North America in Quebec on Super écran, who rebroadcast the entire series from 2006 to 2008.", "zh": "该系列节目以前在魁北克的北美重播 , 在 2006 年至 2008 年期间重播了整个系列节目。"}, "mt_gen": "该系列节目以前在魁北克的北美重播 , 在 2006 年至 2008 年期间重播了整个系列节目。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Aysel Gürel, 80, Turkish lyric writer and actress, chronic bronchitis.", "zh": "Aysel G ü rel , 80 岁 , 土耳其抒情诗作家和女演员 , 慢性支气管炎。"}, "mt_gen": "Aysel G ü rel , 80 岁 , 土耳其抒情诗作家和女演员 , 慢性支气管炎。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "modern timpanists execute such passages with felt sticks.", "zh": "现代的定音鼓用手感棍子来执行这些段落。"}, "mt_gen": "现代计时器师使用手感棍子来执行这些段落.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "throughout 2008, Rihanna performed on the Glow in the Dark Tour alongside Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco and N.E.R.D.", "zh": "在整个 2008 年 , Rihanna 与 Kanye West 、 Lupe Fiasco 和 N. E. R. d. 一起在黑暗巡演了 Glow 。"}, "mt_gen": "在整个 2008 年 , Rihanna 与 Kanye West 、 Lupe Fiasco 和 N. E. R. d. 一起在黑暗巡回赛中表演了 Glow 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Carolina Panthers and the Jacksonville Jaguars wore patches to commemorate the 20th season of play for both franchises.", "zh": "卡罗莱纳豹队和杰克逊维尔美洲虎队都佩戴补丁 , 以纪念这两个球队的第 20 个赛季。"}, "mt_gen": "卡罗莱纳豹队和杰克逊维尔美洲虎队都佩戴补丁 , 以纪念这两个球队的第 20 个赛季。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the New York Giants wore a patch commemorating their 90th season.", "zh": "纽约巨人佩戴了一块补丁 , 纪念他们的 90 个赛季。"}, "mt_gen": "纽约巨人佩戴了一块补丁 , 纪念他们的 90 个赛季。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Constantine I therefore desisted, causing the wrath of Venizelos.", "zh": "因此, 君士坦丁我逃走了 , 引起了威尼泽洛人的愤怒。"}, "mt_gen": "因此, 君士坦丁我逃走了, 引起了威尼泽洛人的愤怒.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "bees gather honeydew produced by the vine hopper insects feeding on the tutu plant.", "zh": "蜜蜂采收的集蜜露是由以塔图植物为饲料的藤类寄生虫产生的。"}, "mt_gen": "蜜蜂采集的蜂蜜是由以塔图植物为饲料的藤类寄生虫产生的.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Early Portrait, from the Collection of the Prince of Liechtenstein and the Kunstmuseum Basel.", "zh": "《早期肖像画》 , 来自列支敦士登王子的收藏和巴塞尔昆士特博物馆。"}, "mt_gen": "《早期肖像画》 , 来自列支敦士登王子的收藏和巴塞尔昆士特博物馆。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "these included the Shore Kiosk, Pearl Kiosk, Marble Kiosk and the Basketmakers' Kiosk.", "zh": "其中包括 \"海岸亭\" 、 \"珍珠亭\" 、 \"大理石亭\" 和 \"篮子制造商亭\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "其中包括 \"海岸亭\" 、 \"珍珠亭\" 、 \"大理石亭\" 和 \"篮子制造商亭\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the window shutters next to the fireplace are decorated with nacre intarsia.", "zh": "壁炉旁边的窗户百叶窗装饰上了纳克雷 · 内塔西亚。"}, "mt_gen": "壁炉旁边的窗户百叶窗装饰上了纳克雷 · 内塔西亚.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "meanwhile, Natus Vincere plowed past Ninjas in Pyjamas as NiP only compiled 9 rounds through two maps.", "zh": "与此同时 , Natus Vincere 在 Pyjamas 通过 Ninjas , 因为 NIP 只通过两张地图汇编了 9 发子弹。"}, "mt_gen": "与此同时 , Natus Vincere 在 Pyjamas 通过 Nindas , 因为 NIP 只通过两张地图汇编了 9 发子弹。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it then passed just north of Fairview, completely destroying homes and debarking numerous hardwood trees.", "zh": "然后 , 它从 Fairview 的北面经过 , 完全摧毁了房屋 , 毁坏了许多硬木树。"}, "mt_gen": "然后它从 Fairview 的北面经过 , 完全摧毁了房屋 , 毁坏了许多硬木树。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the album skyrocketed to No.1 on the Billboard Top Latin Albums chart.", "zh": "这张专辑在拉丁唱片顶部的广告牌上飞涨到了第 1 位。"}, "mt_gen": "这张专辑在拉丁唱片顶部的广告牌上飞涨到了第 1 位.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Bradman gave his leading bowler Lindwall a heavy workload as the other bowlers appeared unthreatening.", "zh": "布拉德曼给了他领先的保龄人林德沃尔沉重的工作量 , 因为其他保龄人似乎没有威胁。"}, "mt_gen": "布拉德曼给了他领先的保龄人林德沃尔沉重的工作量 , 因为其他保龄人似乎没有威胁。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "England's batsmen dominated to reach stumps at 2 / 268.", "zh": "英格兰的击球手在 2 / 268 时占主导地位。"}, "mt_gen": "英格兰的击球手在 2 / 268 时占主导地位。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after the bridge explodes, the armies disperse, and Tuco steals a horse and rides to Sad Hill to claim the gold for himself.", "zh": "桥梁爆炸后 , 军队解散 , Tuco 偷走了一匹马 , 骑马到 Sad Hill 为自己夺走黄金。"}, "mt_gen": "桥梁爆炸后 , 军队解散 , Tuco 偷走了一匹马 , 骑马到 Sad Hill 为自己夺走黄金。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "during 1962, Knievel broke his collarbone and shoulder in a motocross accident.", "zh": "1962 年, Knievel 在越野摩托车事故折断了他的锁骨和肩膀。"}, "mt_gen": "1962 年, Knievel 在一次车祸中折断了他的衣领和肩膀.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the English Department publishes a literary journal, The Southeast Review, founded in 1979 as Sundog.", "zh": "英语系出版了一份文学杂志《东南评论》, 成立于 1979 年, 是太阳犬。"}, "mt_gen": "英语系出版了一份文学杂志《东南评论》, 成立于 1979 年, 是太阳犬.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 2013, the Georgia Historical Society erected a historical marker at the birthplace of John C. Frémont in Savannah, Georgia.", "zh": "2013 年 , 格鲁吉亚历史学会在佐治亚州 Savannah 的 John C. fr é Mont 的出生地树立了一个历史标志。"}, "mt_gen": "2013 年 , 格鲁吉亚历史学会在佐治亚州 Savannah 的 John C. fr é Mont 的出生地树立了一个历史标志。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "cutaneous leishmaniasis occurs in Afghanistan, Algeria, Brazil, Colombia, Iran, Pakistan, Peru, Saudi Arabia, and Syria.", "zh": "白血病发生在阿富汗、阿尔及利亚、巴西、哥伦比亚、伊朗、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、沙特阿拉伯和叙利亚。"}, "mt_gen": "白血病发生在阿富汗、阿尔及利亚、巴西、哥伦比亚、伊朗、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、沙特阿拉伯和叙利亚。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "by slackening the tow ropes, paddle steamers could overcome the obstacle.", "zh": "通过松弛拖绳 , 划桨轮船可以克服障碍。"}, "mt_gen": "通过松弛拖绳, 划桨轮船可以克服障碍.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "MEGI moved northwest through the Ryūkyū islands before recurving northeastward towards South Korea and Japan.", "zh": "梅吉在向北朝朝韩国和日本的方向回转之前 , 穿过龙中岛向西北移动。"}, "mt_gen": "梅吉在向北朝朝韩国和日本的方向回转之前 , 穿过龙中岛向西北移动。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a reunited Outkast headlined on Friday, Muse on Saturday, and Arcade Fire on Sunday.", "zh": "团聚的 OutKast 周五在头条新闻上发表 , 缪斯在周六上演 , Arcade Fire 在周日上演。"}, "mt_gen": "周五, 周六, 周六, 周日, 一场重新统一的野战, 周日, 一场弧火.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1998 he captained Australia to its first rugby sevens tournament victory in ten years, winning the Paris Sevens.", "zh": "1998 年 , 他赢得了澳大利亚十年来第一个橄榄球七大锦标赛的胜利 , 赢得了巴黎七大锦标赛。"}, "mt_gen": "1998 年 , 他赢得了澳大利亚十年来第一个橄榄球七大锦标赛的胜利 , 赢得了巴黎七大锦标赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I ’ d tackled him legitimately to begin with, but he slipped away a nice offload.", "zh": "我一开始就合法地对付了他 , 但他却偷偷地把一个好的卸下的东西偷走了。"}, "mt_gen": "我一开始就合法地对付他 , 但他却偷偷地把一个好的卸下的东西偷走了。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Campese scored two tries in the Wallabies' second Test against the Pumas in 1995.", "zh": "1995 年 , 坎佩塞在瓦拉比斯对熊猫的第二次测试中获得了两分。"}, "mt_gen": "1995 年 , 坎佩塞在瓦拉比斯对熊猫的第二次测试中获得了两分。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sumerian potters decorated pots with cedar oil paints.", "zh": "苏美尔陶工用雪松油画装饰罐子。"}, "mt_gen": "苏美尔陶工用雪松油画装饰罐子.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "their librettos often saw a delicate balance between European romantic narratives and dramatic themes evoking nationalistic sentiments.", "zh": "他们的书常常在欧洲的浪漫叙事和唤起民族主义情绪的戏剧性主题之间看到微妙的平衡。"}, "mt_gen": "他们的狂欢常常在欧洲的浪漫叙事和唤起民族主义情绪的戏剧性主题之间看到微妙的平衡。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the gentry tripled to 15,000 from 5000 in the century after 1540.", "zh": "在 1540 年以后的一个世纪里 , 这个绅士从 5000 人增加了两倍 , 达到了 15, 000 人."}, "mt_gen": "在 1540 年以后的一个世纪里, 这个绅士从 5000 人增加了两倍, 达到了 15, 000 人.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"Teamsters Boss Testifies in a Symphony of the 5th.\"", "zh": "\"小伙子老板在第五场交响乐中作证。\""}, "mt_gen": "\"小伙子老板在第五场交响乐中作证。\"", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he removed Hassett for 13 and two balls later bowled Bradman for 33.", "zh": "他把哈塞特踢了 13 球, 后来把布拉德曼打了 33 球。"}, "mt_gen": "他把哈塞特踢了 13 球, 后来把布拉德曼打了 33 球.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he reigned as the undisputed heavyweight champion from 1970 to 1973, and as an amateur won a gold medal at the 1964 Summer Olympics.", "zh": "1970 年至 1973 年 , 他是无可争议的重量级冠军 , 1964 年夏季奥运会上 , 他作为业余选手赢得了一枚金牌。"}, "mt_gen": "1970 年至 1973 年 , 他是无可争议的重量级冠军 , 1964 年夏季奥运会上 , 他作为业余选手赢得了一枚金牌。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "winter maxima average 6 ° C in the Lowlands, with summer maxima averaging 18 ° C.", "zh": "低地冬最大值为 6 摄氏度 , 夏最大值平均为 18 摄氏度。"}, "mt_gen": "低地冬最大值为 6 摄氏度 , 夏最大值平均为 18 摄氏度。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Kyle Hendricks also shut out the Nationals, pitching seven shutout innings while allowing only two hits.", "zh": "凯尔亨德里克斯也将国民排除在外 , 投下了七局 , 但只允许两局击球。"}, "mt_gen": "凯尔亨德里克斯也将国民排除在外 , 投下了七局 , 但只允许两局击球。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the phalanx of the German bombers headed for Dungeness.", "zh": "德国轰炸机的法兰克斯向邓根斯驶去。"}, "mt_gen": "德国轰炸机的法兰克斯向邓根斯驶去.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "501 and 605 Squadrons with 17 Hurricanes to Kenley at just 5000 ft. North Weald ordered No.", "zh": "501 和 605 中队在 5, 000 英尺处与肯利发生 17 次飓风 , 北韦尔德定购。"}, "mt_gen": "501 和 605 中队在 5 000 英尺处与肯利发生 17 次飓风 , 北韦尔德定购。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "11 Group scrambled one Spitfire from RAF Hawkinge on the channel coast.", "zh": "11 个团体在海峡沿岸从 RAF Hawkinge 发射了一枪。"}, "mt_gen": "11 个团体在海峡沿岸从 RAF Hawkinge 发射了一枪。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Dobbs instantly seizes his pistol and marches Curtin into the underbrush where he shoots him point blank.", "zh": "多布斯当场抓起手枪 , 朝他的灌木丛里走去 , 他把他的枪打抵近射击。"}, "mt_gen": "多布斯当场抓起手枪 , 朝他的灌木丛里走去 , 他把他的枪打得一片空白。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they camped in tipis and wore their finest traditional regalia, making them among the most popular participants in the parade.", "zh": "他们在帐篷里露营 , 穿上了最好的传统礼服 , 成为游行中最受欢迎的参与者之一。"}, "mt_gen": "他们在帐篷里露营 , 穿上了最好的传统礼服 , 成为游行中最受欢迎的参与者之一。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "once whole again, she steamed to Hawaii, and after a brief sojourn at Pearl Harbor, headed toward the western Pacific on 12 July 1945.", "zh": "她又一次乘船去夏威夷 , 在珍珠港短暂逗留后 , 于 1945 年 7 月 12 日前往西太平洋。"}, "mt_gen": "她又一次乘船去夏威夷 , 在珍珠港短暂逗留后 , 于 1945 年 7 月 12 日前往西太平洋。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1999 BAPS opened its first traditional temple in Africa at Nairobi, Kenya.", "zh": "1999 年 , BAPS 在肯尼亚内罗毕开设了非洲第一座传统庙宇。"}, "mt_gen": "1999 年 , BAPS 在肯尼亚内罗毕开设了非洲第一座传统庙宇。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "next, at the USTA Challenger of Calabasas in Calabasas, USA with partner Cecil Mamiit, he reached the semis.", "zh": "接下来 , 在美国卡拉巴萨斯的 USTA 挑战者 , 在美国卡拉巴萨斯 , 他与合作伙伴塞西尔 · 马米伊特 , 他到达了半决赛。"}, "mt_gen": "接下来 , 在美国卡拉巴萨斯的 USTA 挑战者 , 在美国卡拉巴萨斯 , 他与合作伙伴塞西尔 · 马米伊特 , 他到达了半决赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "debating Judeophobia in 21st Century Britain, Profile Books Limited, 2003.", "zh": "《 21 世纪英国对犹太恐惧症的辩论》 , 概况书籍有限公司 , 2003 年。"}, "mt_gen": "《 21 世纪英国对犹太恐惧症的辩论》 , 概况书籍有限公司 , 2003 年。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "firemen also arrived, but the mob cut their fire hose with razors.", "zh": "消防队员也来了 , 但暴徒用剃须刀把他们的消防栓割下来。"}, "mt_gen": "消防队员也来了, 但暴徒用剃须刀把他们的消防栓割下来.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the attacker then pulls backwards and up, wrenching the opponent's neck and spine.", "zh": "攻击者然后往后拉 , 扭伤对手的脖子和脊柱。"}, "mt_gen": "攻击者然后往后拉 , 扭伤对手的颈部和脊柱。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the attacker then either pulls straight back on the chin or wrenches it to the side.", "zh": "然后 , 攻击者要么直接向后拉下巴 , 要么将下巴扳到侧面。"}, "mt_gen": "攻击者要么直接向后拉下巴 , 要么将下巴扳到侧面。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the wrestler next turns 180 degrees and leans back, compressing the spine.", "zh": "接下来的摔跤手转弯 180 度, 向后倾斜, 压住脊柱。"}, "mt_gen": "接下来的摔跤手转弯 180 度, 向后倾斜, 压住脊柱.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the wrestler then pulls back stretching the opponent's back, neck, and knee.", "zh": "然后摔跤手拉回对手的背部 , 脖子和膝盖。"}, "mt_gen": "摔跤手然后拉回对手的背部、颈部和膝盖.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "anticonvulsant as an adjuvant in the treatment of bipolar and schizophrenic disorders.", "zh": "抗惊厥剂作为治疗双极和精神分裂症的辅助剂。"}, "mt_gen": "抗惊厥剂作为治疗双极和精神分裂症的辅助剂.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he clinched the 2006 NASCAR Busch Series championship on October 13, 2006 at Lowe's Motor Speedway in the Dollar General 300.", "zh": "2006 年 10 月 13 日 , 他在洛氏 (Lowe 's Motor Speedway) 300 美元通用汽车 (Dollar General 300) 赢得了 2006 年纳斯卡布施系列冠军。"}, "mt_gen": "2006 年 10 月 13 日 , 他在洛氏 (Lowe 's Motor Speedway) 300 美元通用汽车 (Dollar General 300) 赢得了 2006 年纳斯卡布施系列冠军。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "later in the season, he scored his third Winston Cup Victory at Chicagoland Speedway.", "zh": "在本赛季的晚些时候, 他在芝加哥加兰速车道取得了他的第三场温斯顿杯胜利。"}, "mt_gen": "在本赛季的晚些时候, 他在芝加哥加兰速车道取得了他的第三场温斯顿杯胜利.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "as Cambria stares in disbelief at Coheed, she too starts to transform.", "zh": "当坎布里亚盯着科希德不敢相信的时候 , 她也开始改变。"}, "mt_gen": "当坎布里亚盯着科希德不敢相信的时候, 她也开始改变.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1985, President François Mitterrand commissioned a statue of Dreyfus by sculptor Louis Mitelberg.", "zh": "1985 年 , 法国总统密特朗委托雕塑家路易 · 米特伯格 (Louis Mitelberg) 创作了一尊德雷富斯雕像。"}, "mt_gen": "1985 年 , 法国总统密特朗委托雕塑家路易 · 米特伯格 (Louis Mitelberg) 创作了一尊德雷富斯雕像。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "these younger eruptions produced spatter cones, agglomerate and volcanic bombs, as well as trachybasalt, mugearite and Hawaiite lava flows.", "zh": "这些较年轻的喷发产生了飞溅锥体、集塊岩和火山炸弹 , 以及沙岩、闪石和夏威夷岩浆流。"}, "mt_gen": "这些较年轻的喷发产生了飞溅锥体、集聚体和火山炸弹 , 以及沙岩、闪石和夏威夷岩浆流。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "some of the steeper slopes of the Level Mountain Range are confined to Nivation and Solifluction.", "zh": "平坦山脉的一些陡坡被限制在裸体和孤立体上。"}, "mt_gen": "平坦山脉的一些陡坡被限制在裸体和孤立体上。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1976, New Jersey voters legalized casino gambling in Atlantic City.", "zh": "1976 年 , 新泽西州选民将大西洋市赌场赌博合法化。"}, "mt_gen": "1976 年 , 新泽西州选民将大西洋市赌场赌博合法化。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the superstructure was armored to protect the bases of the turrets, the funnels and the ventilator ducts in what he termed a breastwork.", "zh": "上层建筑是装甲的 , 以保护贝炮塔的基部 , 真菌和通风管在他所说的胸部工作。"}, "mt_gen": "上层建筑是装甲的 , 以保护贝雷帽的基部 , 真菌和通风管在他所说的胸部工作。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on the third he layered glaze and the final coverings of paint.", "zh": "他在第三层铺设了一层釉料和最后的油漆覆盖。"}, "mt_gen": "他在第三层铺设了一层釉料和最后的油漆覆盖.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "these light rail trolleys ran from Long Island to Williamsburg.", "zh": "这些轻轨小车从长岛开往威廉斯堡。"}, "mt_gen": "这些轻轨小车从长岛开往威廉斯堡.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the episode closes with Bloom reading a magazine story named Matcham ’ s masterstroke, by Mr. Philip Beaufoy, while defecating in the outhouse.", "zh": "最后 , 布卢姆在外屋叛逃时阅读了菲利普 · 波菲先生写的名为《马查姆的中风》的杂志报道。"}, "mt_gen": "最后 , 布卢姆在外屋叛逃时阅读了菲利普 · 波菲先生写的名为《马查姆的中风》的杂志报道。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a World Classics paperback edition with full critical apparatus.", "zh": "世界古典平装版 , 配有全套批判性仪器。"}, "mt_gen": "世界古典平装版, 配有全套批判性仪器.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "first commercialised by Valeo under their Cibié brand, these headlamps would revolutionise automobile design.", "zh": "这种头灯率先在 Valeo 旗下的 Cibi é 品牌投入商用 , 并为后来的汽车设计带来了革命性的变化。"}, "mt_gen": "这些头灯首先由 Valeo 在 Cibi é 品牌下商业化 , 将使汽车设计发生革命性的变化。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "similarly, owls may track down sleeping grouse, which also roost in vegetation but more openly than quail.", "zh": "同样 , 猫头鹰也捕猎睡觉的松鸡 , 后者也会在草木中栖息 , 但要比狐狸更容易发现。"}, "mt_gen": "同样 , 猫头鹰也可以追踪睡眠中的杂草 , 这种杂草也在植被中腐烂 , 但比狐狸更公开。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "naval Detachment in Turkish Waters, Rear Admiral Mark L. Bristol.", "zh": "土耳其水域海军分队 , 马克 · 布里斯托尔少将。"}, "mt_gen": "土耳其水上海军分队 , 马克 · 布里斯托尔少将。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter fantasy sequence of seven novels chronicles the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter.", "zh": "罗琳的《哈利波特》是由七部小说组成的幻想系列 , 记载了少年巫师哈利波特的冒险经历。"}, "mt_gen": "罗琳的《哈利波特》由七部小说组成的幻想系列记载了少年巫师哈利波特的冒险经历。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "most of the noncombatants gathered in the church sacristy for safety.", "zh": "大多数非战斗人员聚集在教堂的圣器室内躲避。"}, "mt_gen": "大多数非战斗人员聚集在教堂的神圣堂里, 是为了安全.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "charged leptons can combine with other particles to form various composite particles such as atoms and positronium.", "zh": "带电的轻子可与其他粒子结合 , 形成各种复合粒子 , 例如原子和正电子。"}, "mt_gen": "充电瘦吨可与其他粒子结合 , 形成各种复合粒子 , 如原子和正离子。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1435 Pope Eugene IV condemned slavery, of other Christians, in Sicut dudum; furthermore, he explicitly forbade the enslavement of the Guanches.", "zh": "1435 年 , 教皇尤金四世在 sicut Dudum 中谴责其他基督徒的奴役行为 ; 此外 , 他明确禁止奴役关契斯人。"}, "mt_gen": "1435 年 , 教皇尤金四世在四川杜杜姆谴责奴役其他基督徒 ; 此外 , 他明确禁止奴役关卡人。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when Spawn awakens, the creature tells him that ever since the metamorphosis, the suit will feed off of souls.", "zh": "当斯潘恩醒来的时 , 这只怪物告诉他 , 从变形开始 , 这套衣服将以灵魂为食物。"}, "mt_gen": "当斯潘恩醒来的时候 , 生物告诉他 , 自从变质以来 , 这套衣服将以灵魂为食物。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the shell serves as external armor, although loggerhead sea turtles cannot retract their heads or flippers into their shells.", "zh": "甲壳被用作外部装甲 , 虽然头部更长的海龟不能将头和四肢缩入壳中。"}, "mt_gen": "外壳充当外甲 , 虽然海龟不能将海龟的头撤回 , 也不能将海龟拖入贝壳。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when sperm whales socialize, they emit complex patterns of clicks called codas.", "zh": "抹香鲸在社交时会发出结构复杂的咔哒声。"}, "mt_gen": "当精子鲸社会化的时候, 它们就会释放出称为熊猫的复杂的点击模式.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the False Dmitriy's retinue includes the Jesuits Lawicki and Czernikowski, and the monks Varlaam and Misail of the Chudov Monastery.", "zh": "false Dmitriy 的随从包括 Jesuits Lawicki 和 Czernikowski , 以及丘多夫修道院的僧侣 Varlaam 和 Misail 。"}, "mt_gen": "\"假 Dmitriy\" 的视线包括 Lawicki 和 Zernikowski 耶稣会以及 Chudov 修道院的 Varlaam 和 Misail 僧侣。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "nestled in the trees between the Conservatory of Flowers and Haight Street, Hippie Hill displays a lifestyle unique to San Francisco.", "zh": "嬉皮山坐落于花房和海特街之间的树林里 , 它展现出了旧金山独有的生活方式。"}, "mt_gen": "位于花卉保护所和海特街之间的树林里 , 希皮山展现了旧金山独有的生活方式。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he retired former New York Met outfielder Timo Perez for the final out in the fourth inning, and was named the winning pitcher by the official scorer.", "zh": "他在第四局淘汰了前纽约大都会队外野手佩雷斯 , 并被官方计分员评为最佳投手。"}, "mt_gen": "他在第四局的决赛中退役了前纽约队外场球员佩雷斯 , 并被官方计分员任命为中奖投手。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "this liquor would supposedly induce melancholia in the drinker, hence the name.", "zh": "据称这种酒可能会引起饮酒者忧郁 , 因此得名。"}, "mt_gen": "这种酒可能会引起饮酒者的忧郁, 因此会引起名字.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Gen. John Bell Hood's division straddled the turnpike, loosely connected with Jackson's right flank.", "zh": "约翰 · 贝尔 · 胡德将军的部队越过了关隘 , 松散地与杰克逊的右翼连接在一起。"}, "mt_gen": "约翰 · 贝尔 · 胡德将军的部门跨过了转弯, 松散地与杰克逊的右侧连接在一起.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Doubleday's regiments retired to the turnpike in an orderly fashion.", "zh": "道布尔迪的部队井然有序地撤回关隘。"}, "mt_gen": "Doubleday 的部队井然有序地退伍到了转弯处.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "his paternal grandfather Henry Haynes was a gunsmith and mechanic, and tutored Haynes about metallurgy.", "zh": "他的祖父亨利 · 海恩斯是一个枪匠和机械师 , 并且教导过海恩斯冶金学。"}, "mt_gen": "他的祖父亨利 · 海恩斯是一个枪匠和机械师, 并且指导海恩斯冶金.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she disguises herself and talks to Rama in sweet tones.", "zh": "她把自己伪装起来 , 用甜蜜的语气跟拉玛谈话。"}, "mt_gen": "她伪装自己, 用甜蜜的音调跟拉玛谈话.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he easily kills one of Ravana's sons, prince AKSHAYA.", "zh": "他轻而易举地杀死了拉瓦纳的一个儿子 , 阿克沙亚王子。"}, "mt_gen": "他轻而易举地杀死了拉瓦纳的一个儿子 , 阿克沙亚王子。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "some common nicknames translate into English as \"small\", \"fatty\", \"pig\", \"little\", \"frog\", \"banana\", \"green\", or \"girl / boy\".", "zh": "一些常见的绰号被翻译成英文 , 如 \"small\" 、 \"Fatty\" 、 \"pig\" 、 \"little\" 、 \"Frog\" 、 \"banana\" 、 \"green\", or \"girl / boy\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "一些常见的绰号被翻译成英文 , 如 \"小\" 、 \"脂肪\" 、 \"猪\" 、 \"小\" 、 \"青蛙\" 、 \"香蕉\" 、 \"绿色\" 或 \"女孩 / 男孩\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Śiva further ordains Paraśurāma to surrender his bow and arrows to Rāma, and to merge his Avatāra into the Rāma Avatāra.", "zh": "希瓦还命令帕拉苏拉玛将弓箭交还给拉马 , 并将他的阿瓦塔拉融合到拉玛的阿瓦塔拉。"}, "mt_gen": "希瓦还命令帕拉希拉马将弓箭交还给拉马 , 并将他的阿瓦塔拉并入拉马阿瓦塔拉。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Commonwealth Games gold medallists for the Isle of Man", "zh": "英联邦运动会马恩岛金牌得主"}, "mt_gen": "英联邦运动会马恩岛金牌得主", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "later Punisher finds Bullseye's coma bed and shoots him in the head.", "zh": "后来 , 惩罚者发现靶眼的昏迷在床 , 然后一枪打到他的头上。"}, "mt_gen": "后来 , 旁观者发现 Bullseye 的昏迷床 , 将他射中头部。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the final, Leonard boxed the great Cuban knockout artist Andrés Aldama, who scored five straight knockouts to reach the final.", "zh": "在决赛中 , 莱纳德击败了古巴击倒大师安德烈斯 · 阿尔达玛 , 后者凭借五次连续击倒杀进了决赛。"}, "mt_gen": "在决赛中 , 莱纳德击败了伟大的古巴淘汰艺术家安德烈斯 · 阿尔达马 ( Andr é s Aldam a ) 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hagler backed off, and Leonard danced away with Hagler in pursuit.", "zh": "哈格勒退后了 , 莱纳德跳起来后哈格勒追了上去。"}, "mt_gen": "哈格勒退后了, 莱纳德和哈格勒一起去追赶.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Leonard fought Wilfred Benítez for the WBC Welterweight Championship on November 30, 1979, at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada.", "zh": "1979 年 11 月 30 日 , 莱纳德在内华达州拉斯维加斯的凯撒宫与威尔弗雷德 · 贝尼特斯争夺 WBC 次中量级锦标赛的冠军。"}, "mt_gen": "1979 年 11 月 30 日 , 伦纳德在内华达州拉斯维加斯的凯撒宫与威尔弗雷德 · 贝尼特斯争夺 WBC 威尔士锦标赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a more prominent animal is the jaguar or ocelot, often mislabeled as a “tiger ” in the various dances that feature it.", "zh": "一种更突出的动物是美洲虎或豹猫 , 它们的许多动作通常让人误认为是一种 “老虎 ” 。"}, "mt_gen": "一种更突出的动物是美洲虎或洞穴 , 在各种以它为特征的舞蹈中常常被误称为 \"老虎\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the ritualism belonged to Apollo from the beginning.", "zh": "这种仪式开始时是属于阿波罗的。"}, "mt_gen": "仪式从一开始就属于阿波罗。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "emo combined the fatalism, theatricality and isolation of The Smiths with hardcore punk's uncompromising, dramatic worldview.", "zh": "爱莫把《史密斯夫妇》的宿命论、戏剧性和孤立与硬核朋克毫不妥协、戏剧性的世界观结合起来。"}, "mt_gen": "爱莫把史密斯夫妇的宿命论、戏剧性和孤立与强硬派庞克毫不妥协、戏剧性的世界观结合起来.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the west façade of the cathedral comprises two great spires and a magnificent portal with a series of angels decorating the arch's voussoirs.", "zh": "大教堂的西面有两个大尖顶和一个雄伟的门廊 , 豪华的拱门上装饰着各种天使。"}, "mt_gen": "大教堂的西面有两个大尖顶和一个雄伟的门户 , 有一系列天使装饰拱门的豪华。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the chapel also contains the tombs of Bishop Y.Cabellic and Canon Olivier de Conquer.", "zh": "教堂里还有 Y. Cabellic 主教和 Canon Olivier de Conquer 的坟墓。"}, "mt_gen": "教堂里还有 Y. Cabellic 主教和 Canon Olivier de Conquer 主教的坟墓。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "but the sultana's wine is poisoned with Teledji accusing the Scions of regicide while denouncing Raubahn for his negligence.", "zh": "但是 , 苏丹王妃的葡萄酒被下毒了 , Teledji 指责 Scions 犯下使君醉 , 同时谴责 Raubahn 玩忽职守。"}, "mt_gen": "但是 , 苏丹的酒被 Teledji 毒死了 , 他指责科学分子重新杀人 , 同时谴责 Raubahn 玩忽职守。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "detective Tanner later divulges to the Liars that someone dialed Charlotte from the Two Crows diner the night she passed away.", "zh": "探长坦纳后来向欺骗者透露 , 在夏洛特去世的当晚 , 有人从两只乌鸦餐厅拨打了夏洛特的电话。"}, "mt_gen": "探长坦纳后来向说谎者透露 , 有人在夏洛特去世的当晚把夏洛特从两只乌鸦的晚餐里拨通了电话。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the most common breeding birds are the willow warbler, common chaffinch, and redwing.", "zh": "最常见的育种鸟类是柳莺、苍头燕雀和红翼鸫。"}, "mt_gen": "最常见的育种鸟类是柳树、普通的蝴蝶和红色的鸟.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in December 2012, Snoop released his second single from Reincarnated, \"Here Comes the King\".", "zh": "2012 年 12 月 , Snoop 发行了《 Reincarnated 》的第二首单曲《 Here Comes the King 》。"}, "mt_gen": "2012 年 12 月 , 斯诺普从复活节中释放了他的第二个单曲 \"国王来了\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he told reporters that he was rechristened Snoop Lion by a Rastafarian priest in Jamaica.", "zh": "他告诉记者 , 他在牙买加被一位拉拉斯特法里教神父重新取名为 “Snoop Lion ” 。"}, "mt_gen": "他告诉记者 , 他被牙买加的一位拉斯塔法里神父称为 \"狮子座\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "other common dishes are smoked salmon, oysters, caviar and foie gras.", "zh": "其他常见的菜式是熏制鲑鱼、牡蛎、鱼子酱和鹅肝酱。"}, "mt_gen": "其他常见的菜是熏制鲑鱼、牡蛎、鱼子酱和泡菜.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "inscriptions mention guilds of weavers, oilmen, artisans, basket and mat makers and fruit sellers.", "zh": "铭文提到了织工、油工、工匠、篮子和垫子工匠的以及水果贩子的行会。"}, "mt_gen": "报名者包括编织者、油工、工匠、篮子和垫子制造商以及水果销售商。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Egyptians fired from the rooftops, from balconies and windows.", "zh": "埃及人从屋顶、阳台和窗户开枪。"}, "mt_gen": "埃及人从屋顶、阳台和窗户开枪。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Brickyard and sidewalks also contain white brick mosaics of the athletics logo and other patterns.", "zh": "砖块广场和人行道上还有白砖镶嵌的田径标志和其他图案。"}, "mt_gen": "砖场和人行道上还有白砖镶嵌的田径标志和其他图案。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "if I'd sung all of \"Nothin 'on You\", it might've sounded like some' 90s R & B. \"", "zh": "如果我唱完整首《 Nothin 'on You 》的话 , 这听起来就像是 90 年代的 R & B 歌曲。"}, "mt_gen": "如果我唱了所有的 \"不在你身上\" , 听起来可能就像大约 90 年代的研究和 B \"", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the tour grossed more than $300 million worldwide.", "zh": "这次巡回演唱会在全世界的收入超过 3 亿美元。"}, "mt_gen": "这次旅游在全世界的销售额超过 3 亿美元.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Dejazmatch paid homage to Empress Zewditu, but snubbed Tafari.", "zh": "德贾兹马特向祖迪图皇后致敬, 但却对塔法里不屑一顾."}, "mt_gen": "德贾兹马特向祖迪图皇后致敬, 但却对塔法里不屑一顾.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "also, the Bushy Park Circuit hosted the Race of Champions and Global RallyCross Championship in 2014.", "zh": "此外 , 灌木公园赛道在 2014 年举办了 Race of Champions 和 Global RallyCross Championship 。"}, "mt_gen": "此外 , Bushy 公园赛道在 2014 年主办了冠军赛和全球十字锦标赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it had a high rounded stern with large aftcastle, forecastle and bowsprit at the stem.", "zh": "它有一个高高的圆形的船尾 , 配有前后甲板和船首斜桁。"}, "mt_gen": "它有一个高高的圆形的船尾, 在茎上有一个大的城堡, 预兆和碗刺.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a plaza of light grey granite surrounds the fountain and extends toward Memorial Avenue.", "zh": "浅灰色花岗岩广场的中间是一座喷泉 , 并一直延伸到纪念大街。"}, "mt_gen": "喷泉周围有一片浅灰色花岗岩, 延伸到纪念大道.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the center of the Hemicycle is an apse 20 ft across and 30 ft high.", "zh": "在半圆形建筑的中心是一个 20 英尺宽、 30 英尺高的半圆形壁龛。"}, "mt_gen": "在半圆形自行车的中心是一只 20 英尺高、 30 英尺高的猿.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Golden Horde invaded the Ilkhanate under Abu Sa'id in 1318, 1324, and 1335.", "zh": "金帐汗国在 1318 年、 1324 年和 1335 年入侵了阿布 · 赛义德统治下的伊儿汗国。"}, "mt_gen": "金马在 1318 年、 1324 年和 1335 年入侵了阿布 · 赛义德统治下的伊尔罕纳特。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "soon afterwards he rebuilt the facade, adding three deep portals, each with a tympanum, an arch filled with sculpture illustrating biblical stories.", "zh": "不久之后 , 他重建了立面 , 增加了三个深的入口 , 每个入口都有一个弧形顶饰 , 一个布满圣经故事雕塑的拱门。"}, "mt_gen": "不久之后 , 他重建了面孔 , 增加了三个深奥的门户 , 每个门户都有一个体操 , 一个拱形 , 里面装满了描述圣经故事的雕塑。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he compares the fossil to Rhamphorhynchus, a Solnhofen pterosaur which also possessed a long, bony tail.", "zh": "他把化石与喙嘴翼龙相比较 , 这是一种索尔恩霍芬翼龙 , 它也有一条长的骨头尾巴。"}, "mt_gen": "他把化石比作 Rhamphorhynchus , 一个 Solnhofen pterosaur , 它也有一个长的骨头尾巴。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the imprint of the horn sheath also remains, which shows a rounded thickening of the claw that tapers to a very sharp point.", "zh": "角鞘的痕迹也保留下来了 , 这表明爪子从厚实逐渐变细成为非常锋利的尖端。"}, "mt_gen": "角鞘的印记也留下了 , 这显示了爪的圆形增厚 , 逐渐变细到非常锋利的点。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the method of inhumation usually involves a dolmen.", "zh": "这种埋葬方法通常要用到一个石墓碑。"}, "mt_gen": "挖掘尸体的方法通常涉及洋娃娃.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the king could neither punish nor imprison any noble on a whim.", "zh": "国王既不能凭空惩罚或监禁任何贵族。"}, "mt_gen": "国王既不能凭空惩罚也不能任意监禁任何贵族.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "recently, Lithuanian linguists advocated dropping the usage of this Polish loanword.", "zh": "最近 , 立陶宛语言学家主张放弃使用这个波兰语借用词。"}, "mt_gen": "最近 , 立陶宛语言学家主张放弃使用这个波兰词汇。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he participated in the 16th Judan, the 3rd Tengen, and the 26th Oza preliminaries.", "zh": "他参加了第 16 届 Judan 、第 3 届 Tengen 和第 26 届 Oza 预赛。"}, "mt_gen": "他参加了第 16 届犹太教、第 3 届登根教和第 26 届奥扎预赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the early Middle Ages, the conquest of Shewa by the Ifat Sultanate ignited a rivalry for supremacy with the Solomonic dynasty.", "zh": "在中世纪早期 , 伊法特苏丹国对希瓦的征服引发了其与索洛蒙王朝的霸权争斗。"}, "mt_gen": "在中世纪早期 , 伊法苏丹对希瓦的征服引发了与索洛蒙王朝的霸权争斗。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Observer also features a standard cryptic crossword, the Everyman, compiled by Allan Scott.", "zh": "《观察家》还提供了一个标准的加密填字游戏 — — 《 Everyman 》 , 由艾伦 · 斯科特编写。"}, "mt_gen": "《观察家》还提供了一个标准的加密字眼 - - 《每个人》, 由艾伦斯科特编译.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Batman defeats Ra's by releasing the souls of Ra's ’ s enemies from a magical weapon Ra's wields.", "zh": "蝙蝠侠从拉斯使用的魔法武器释放出了拉斯敌人的灵魂 , 并以此击败了他。"}, "mt_gen": "蝙蝠侠击倒了拉斯 , 把拉斯的敌人的灵魂从魔术武器拉的导线上解放出来。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the monastery area, Montenegro painted the Feast of the Holy Cross, which depicts Vasconcelos as the protector of muralists.", "zh": "在修道院地区 , 蒙特内格罗画出了《圣十字架的盛宴》 , 这幅画将巴斯孔塞洛斯描绘成壁画家的保护者。"}, "mt_gen": "在修道院地区 , 黑山画出了圣十字节 , 将 Vasconelos 描绘成杀人犯的保护者。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Leonard debuted on a Saturday in November 1911, losing in three rounds at the Fondon Athletic Club in New York.", "zh": "莱纳德于 1911 年 11 月的一个星期六首次亮相 , 在纽约的丰登田径俱乐部三轮失利。"}, "mt_gen": "莱纳德于 1911 年 11 月的一个星期六首发 , 在纽约的伦敦田径俱乐部三轮失利。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he also appears in the spinoff called Samurai Warriors Katana.", "zh": "他还出现在名名为 SAMURAI Warriors Katana 的衍生作品里。"}, "mt_gen": "他还出现在名叫 SAMURAI Warriors Katana 的主角里。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Daulne auditioned scores of female singers looking for the right combination of voices for an a cappella ensemble.", "zh": "道恩试听了数十位女歌手 , 寻找合适的声音来组成一支阿卡贝拉乐团。"}, "mt_gen": "道恩试探了数十位女歌手 , 寻找合适的组合声音的卡佩拉合唱。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Geneon Entertainment also released the soundtrack to the anime on June 24, 2005.", "zh": "2005 年 6 月 24 日 , Geneon Entertainment 也发行了该动画片的原声带。"}, "mt_gen": "2005 年 6 月 24 日, 创世纪娱乐界也发行了动画的音轨.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Robert Mouawad Private Museum near Beirut's Grand Serail exhibits Henri Pharaon's private collection of archaeology and antiques.", "zh": "贝鲁特大塞拉尔附近 Grand Serail 的 Robert Mouawad 私人博物馆展出 Henri Pharaon 的私人考古和古董收藏。"}, "mt_gen": "靠近贝鲁特的 Grand Serail 的 Robert Mouawad 私人博物馆展出 Henri Pharaon 私人收藏的考古和古董。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Osiris thus became Egypt's most important afterlife deity.", "zh": "因此 , 奥西里斯成为埃及最重要的冥神。"}, "mt_gen": "因此 , 奥西里斯成为埃及最重要的余生神。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "as a result, it escaped the depredations of the English Commonwealth.", "zh": "因此 , 它摆脱了英联邦的掠夺。"}, "mt_gen": "因此 , 它逃脱了英国联邦的掠夺。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in November 1892, he married Octavia Stewart Hillhouse, a granddaughter of Joseph Stewart, the first commandant of Alcatraz.", "zh": "1892 年 11 月 , 他与奥克塔维亚 · 斯图尔特 · 希尔豪斯结婚 , 后者是阿尔卡特拉兹第一任指挥官约瑟夫 · 斯图尔特的孙女。"}, "mt_gen": "1892 年 11 月 , 他与奥克塔维亚 · 斯图尔特 · 希尔豪斯结婚 , 后者是阿尔卡特拉兹第一任指挥官约瑟夫 · 斯图尔特的孙女。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he pretty much recreates his own Kelly Family, by touring with his wife and kids.", "zh": "在带着妻子和孩子们一起巡回演出的过程中 , 他几乎重建了自己的凯利一家。"}, "mt_gen": "他和他的妻子和孩子们一起游览, 几乎重新创造了他自己的凯利家庭.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after a tour of Europe, the Whips folded in October 1968.", "zh": "在欧洲巡演之后 , Whips 在 1968 年 10 月解散。"}, "mt_gen": "1968 年 10 月, 在欧洲游览之后, 辉普人折叠在一起.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "over the next many generations, the Scots of Darien branched out into other frontiers of North America.", "zh": "在接下来的许多代人中 , 达里安的苏格兰人拓展到北美的其他边疆。"}, "mt_gen": "在接下来的几代人中 , 达里安的苏格兰人扩展到北美的其他边界。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "film badges showed 67 overdoses between August 6 and 9.", "zh": "胶片式射线计量器显示 8 月 6 日至 9 日期间有 67 次药物过量。"}, "mt_gen": "影片徽章显示 8 月 6 日至 9 日期间有 67 次过量。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "443 Squadron on a patrol over the Seine, near Paris.", "zh": "443 中队在巴黎附近的塞纳河巡逻。"}, "mt_gen": "在巴黎附近塞纳巡逻的中队 443 人。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Fatimid caliphate began to collapse when its governors the Zirids seceded.", "zh": "当统治者 Zirids 退位后 , 法蒂玛王朝开始崩溃。"}, "mt_gen": "当法蒂米德哈里发的州长齐里斯离开时, 他开始崩溃.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "old Irish camb, camm \"curved\", \"bent\" or \"twisted\").", "zh": "旧爱尔兰语 , camb , CAMM , “curved ” 、“ Bent ” 或 “twisted ” ) 。"}, "mt_gen": "旧爱尔兰野营 , 野营 \"弯曲\" , \"弯曲\" 或 \"扭曲\") 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "AMC / Jeep Transmissions AMC 20 Amco, American Motors, Inc. of New York City, active from 1917 to 1922.", "zh": "AMC / 吉普变速器 AMC 20 Amco , 纽约市美国汽车公司 , 于 1917 年至 1922 年活跃。"}, "mt_gen": "AMC / Jeep Transates AMC 20 Amco, American Motors, Inc. of New York City, in 1917 - 1922.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the dyed fabric batiks of the artisanal center of Kloto represent stylized and colored scenes of ancient everyday life.", "zh": "克洛托手工中心的蜡染布展现了古代日常生活的风格和色彩。"}, "mt_gen": "克洛托手工中心的染色织物蜡烛代表了古代日常生活中风格化的色彩场景。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "his promises remedied most of the Estates' grievances and almost 50 barons and prelates confirmed their loyalty to him on 21 September.", "zh": "他承诺弥补了庄园的大部分申诉 , 近 50 名男爵和主教长在 9 月 21 日证实了他们对他的忠诚。"}, "mt_gen": "9 月 21 日 , 他的承诺弥补了庄园的大部分冤情 , 近 50 名男爵和前辈证实了他们对他的忠诚。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "621 returned to service in September 2017, repainted in 1950s green and cream livery.", "zh": "621 辆在 2017 年 9 月重新投入使用 , 并重新油漆成 1950 年代的绿色和奶油色。"}, "mt_gen": "621 人在 2017 年 9 月返回工作岗位 , 在 1950 年代重新油漆绿色和奶油油脂。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "women's clothes are often decorated with tribal motifs, coins, sequins, metallic thread, and appliques.", "zh": "妇女的衣服通常是用部落图案、硬币、亮片、金属线和贴花装饰的。"}, "mt_gen": "妇女的衣服通常是用部落图案、硬币、序列、金属线和苹果装饰的。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ismail Gulgee, 81, Pakistani painter, homicide by strangulation.", "zh": "Ismail Gulgee , 81 岁 , 巴基斯坦画家 , 死于勒脖谋杀。"}, "mt_gen": "Ismail Gulgee , 81 岁 , 巴基斯坦画家 , 被勒死。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "225.Mahatejaa, The Lords effulgence covers the entire universe", "zh": "225. Mahatejaa , 主的光辉布满全宇宙。"}, "mt_gen": "225. Mahatejaa , 《贵族的流逝》涵盖了整个宇宙。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "426.Bahuprasaadaay, The giver of the highest grace", "zh": "426. Bahuprasaadaay , 最高恩典的给予者"}, "mt_gen": "426. Bahuprasaadaay , 给予最高恩典的人", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in Falgun 1832 B.S., he succeeded in exiling Bahadur Shah, Dal Mardan Shah and Guru Gajraj Mishra on three heinous charges.", "zh": "在印度历 1832 年十一月 , 他以三项令人发指的罪名成功流放了 Bahadur Shah , Dal Mardan Shah 和 Guru Gajraj Mishra 。"}, "mt_gen": "在公元前 1832 年 FalGun1832 年 , 他成功地将 Bahadur Shah 、 Dal Mardan Shah 和 Guru Gajraj Mishra 放逐 , 罪名是三项滔天罪行。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the massacre shattered the aura of mythology that still surrounded the Royal Family, exposing their far too human intrigues.", "zh": "屠杀粉碎了仍然环绕着王室的神话的光环 , 暴露了他们过于人性化的阴谋。"}, "mt_gen": "大屠杀打破了仍然围绕着皇室的神话氛围 , 暴露了他们过于人性化的阴谋。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "generally, when the Apache fought, they stripped off all their clothes except their breechclouts.", "zh": "一般来说 , 阿帕奇人在打架时会把腰布以外的衣服都脱光。"}, "mt_gen": "一般来说, 阿帕奇人打架时, 他们把衣服都脱光了, 只有他们的短裤除外.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Harvey replaced the injured Barnes, while Saggers replaced the injured Tallon behind the stumps.", "zh": "哈维替换了受伤的巴恩斯 , 而萨格斯替换了受伤在门柱后的塔。"}, "mt_gen": "哈维替换了受伤的巴恩斯, 而萨格斯替换了受伤的塔隆在树桩后面.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Victorian spin duo bowled the majority of the overs in both innings.", "zh": "维多利亚队的旋球双人组在两局投出了大部分轮次。"}, "mt_gen": "维多利亚时代的旋转双打在这两局中赢得了大多数的胜利.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he also participated in the assemblies of the Synod of Bishops.", "zh": "他还参加了主教联盟的大会。"}, "mt_gen": "他还参加了主教联盟的大会。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in England, William the Conqueror commissioned the Domesday Book in 1086.", "zh": "在英格兰 , 征服者威廉于 1086 年委托出版了《末日审判书》。"}, "mt_gen": "在英国, 征服者威廉于 1086 年委托人出版了《周三书》.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Church of England also preserves Catholic Order by adhering to episcopal polity, with ordained orders of bishops, priests and deacons.", "zh": "英格兰教会也通过遵循主教政体来维持天主教秩序 , 主教、牧师和执事制定规定。"}, "mt_gen": "英格兰教会也通过遵守主教、牧师和执政官的教规来维护天主教秩序。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "with Jasmine safely in the castle, Belle confesses her love to the beast.", "zh": "在茉莉安全进入城堡后 , 贝尔向野兽坦白了自己的爱意。"}, "mt_gen": "随着茉莉花在城堡里的安全, 贝尔向野兽坦白了她的爱.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "there, he lectured on pathology, taught the use of microscopes, and supervised dissections of cadavers.", "zh": "他在那里讲解病理学 , 教授显微镜的用法 , 并监督尸体的解剖。"}, "mt_gen": "他在那里讲解病理学 , 教授显微镜的使用 , 并监督尸体的解剖。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the tribe hosts the Crow Fair, a large pow wow, rodeo, and parade, annually.", "zh": "该部落每年举办一次 Crow Fair , 一场大型歌舞 , 牛仔竞技表演和游行盛典。"}, "mt_gen": "部落每年都举办庄稼博览会, 这是一场盛大的播种、露台和游行.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the south side of the complex also featured brick piers, pilasters, and pilaster / column combinations.", "zh": "建筑群的南侧也有砖墩、壁柱和壁柱 / 立柱的组合。"}, "mt_gen": "建筑群的南侧也有砖墩、枕头和枕头 / 柱组合。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Annette, now strained from Bill, plots with Usher, no longer Vice President, to assassinate Claire.", "zh": "安妮特现在和比尔关系紧张 , 她与不再是副总统的厄瑟密谋暗杀克莱尔。"}, "mt_gen": "安妮特现在和比尔关系紧张 , 他和不再是副总统的乌瑟密谋暗杀克莱尔。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he then defeated qualifier Teymuraz Gabashvili for a spot in the quarterfinals.", "zh": "然后他击败了 teymuraz Gabashvili , 在四分之一决赛中取得一席之地。"}, "mt_gen": "然后他击败了特穆拉兹加巴什维利在四分之一决赛中的一席之地.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Barry Allen appears in DC Super Heroes vs. Eagle Talon, voiced by Daisuke Namikawa.", "zh": "巴里 · 艾伦 ( Barry Allen ) 出现在《 DC Super Heroes vs. Eagle Talon 》中 , 由南川大辅 ( Daisuke Namikawa ) 配音。"}, "mt_gen": "Barry Allen 出现在 DC 超级英雄诉鹰塔隆, 由 Daisuke Namikawa 说.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "this alludes to the upcoming Flash event, Flashpoint.", "zh": "这暗示了即将到来的闪光事件 , 闪点。"}, "mt_gen": "这暗示了即将到来的闪光事件 , 闪点。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "forts 72 and 73, as well as the Karczma Żelazna inn and the brickyard received constant grapeshot fire.", "zh": "72 号和 73 号要塞以及 Karczma Zelazna 旅馆和砖厂不断遭到霰弹火力的袭击。"}, "mt_gen": "72 号和 73 号要塞以及 Karczma Zelazna 旅馆和砖厂不断遭到严寒的火力袭击。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Jones criticized Hoover's execution of the RFC as too little and too late.", "zh": "琼斯批评胡佛对 RFC 的执行太少太晚。"}, "mt_gen": "琼斯批评胡佛对 RFC 的处决太少太晚.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the painted bat and Hardwicke's woolly bat, also vesper bats, live in the forests of southern China.", "zh": "彩蝠和哈氏彩蝠 , 也是蝙蝠科 , 生活在中国南部的森林中。"}, "mt_gen": "粉刷的蝙蝠和 Hardwicke 的羊毛蝙蝠 , 也是泡泡蝙蝠 , 生活在中国南部的森林中。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "from the 8th century come Byzantine crucifixes and the famous Ardagh Chalice from Ireland, decorated with cloisonne.", "zh": "从 8 世纪开始就有拜占庭十字架和著名的爱尔兰 Ardagh Chalic , 以景泰蓝陶瓷装饰。"}, "mt_gen": "从 8 世纪开始 , 来自爱尔兰的拜占庭十字架和著名的 Ardagh Chalice , 装饰有布洛伊松。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "carved and decorated wooden screens and reredos remain from the 13th century onwards.", "zh": "雕刻和装饰的木制屏风和雕像从 13 世纪一直保留到现在。"}, "mt_gen": "从 13 世纪开始 , 雕刻和装饰的木制屏幕和复制品仍然存在。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Matthew Paris, Chronicler and illuminator, from St Albans, was in Trondheim in 1248.", "zh": "来自圣阿尔本的年代史编者和照明家马修 · 巴黎与 1248 年在特隆赫姆。"}, "mt_gen": "1248 年, 来自圣阿尔本的纪事和照明家马修 · 巴黎在特隆赫姆.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "enraged, Genghis counters with two consecutive head shots to Hannibal's brass helmet, severely denting it and knocking Hannibal dizzy.", "zh": "愤怒的 Genghis 发出还击 , 向 Hannibal 的黄铜头盔连续打了两枪 , 使头盔严重凹陷 , 并把 Hannibal 击晕。"}, "mt_gen": "愤怒的是 , Genghis 柜台连续两枪击中 Hannibal 的黄铜头盔 , 严重击打 Hannibal 头晕。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he disarms the knight who then desperately grabs and takes William's shield away.", "zh": "他卸掉了那个骑士的武装 , 他随后拼命抓住并夺走了威廉的盾牌。"}, "mt_gen": "他解除了那个骑士的武装, 他随后拼命抓住威廉的盾牌.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they all used the clinker fashion of planking, i.e. the planks overlapped one another.", "zh": "它们都采用了熟料的铺设方式 , 即木板互相重叠。"}, "mt_gen": "他们都采用熟料的种植方式, 即木板相互重叠.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1167, Henry II marched into Auvergne, and in 1170 he also attacked Bourges.", "zh": "1167 年 , 亨利二世进军奥弗涅 , 1170 年 , 他还袭击了布尔日。"}, "mt_gen": "1167 年 , 亨利二世步入 Auvergne , 1170 年 , 他还袭击了 Bourges 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it lies between latitudes 33 ° and 43 ° N, and longitudes 32 ° and 6 ° W.", "zh": "它位于北纬 33 度至 43 度和西经 32 度至 6 度之间。"}, "mt_gen": "它位于北纬 33 度至 43 度和经度 32 度至 6 度之间。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Dschungel \"jungle\") but appears in a few loanwords only.", "zh": "Dschungel “jungle ” ) , 但仅出现在一些借词中。"}, "mt_gen": "\"丛林\" ( Dschungel \"jungle\" ) 但只出现在几句话里。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the wins put the Canucks back into first in the Northwest.", "zh": "这些胜利让 Canucks 重回西北地区的第一名。"}, "mt_gen": "赢了, 西北地区的花旗又回到了第一名.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it lies between latitudes 2 ° S and 12 ° N, and longitudes 41 ° and 52 ° E.", "zh": "它位于南纬 2 度至北纬 12 度之间, 东经 41 度至 52 度之间。"}, "mt_gen": "它位于南纬 2 度至北纬 12 度之间, 经度 41 度至 52 度之间。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "then, in storyline, Hardy began dating Trish Stratus after saving her from Steven Richards and Victoria in March.", "zh": "然后 , 在故事情节中 , 哈迪在三月份从史蒂文 · 理查兹和维多利亚救下了崔西 · 斯特拉特斯之后就开始跟她约会。"}, "mt_gen": "接着 , 在故事中 , 哈迪在 3 月份从史蒂文 · 理查兹和维多利亚那里救了她之后 , 开始和特里什 · 斯特拉图斯约会。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Courtney Love, American singer songwriter and actress.", "zh": "科特妮 · 洛芙 , 美国歌手、作曲家和女演员。"}, "mt_gen": "孔蒂 · 爱是美国歌手、作曲家和女演员.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "one of the Saviors, Iago, evades the walkers on the road, pulling the other Savior's target and causing him to stumble.", "zh": "其中一个救世主伊阿戈避开了路上的行人 , 拉开了另一个救世主的目标 , 使他跌倒在地。"}, "mt_gen": "其中一个救世主伊阿戈避开了路上的行人 , 拉开了另一个救世主的目标 , 使他跌倒在地。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Navy built a seaplane hangar and two seaplane runways, as well as extended the taxiways and roads.", "zh": "海军建造了一个水上飞机机库和两个水上飞机跑道 , 并扩展了滑行道和道路。"}, "mt_gen": "海军建造了一个海机机库和两个海机跑道 , 并扩大了滑行道和道路。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "then Christ descends from the Crucifix of the altar and leaves the church. \"", "zh": "然后 , 基督从祭坛的十字架上下来 , 离开教堂。 ”"}, "mt_gen": "然后, 基督从祭坛的十字架上下来, 离开教堂. \"", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "thus its president Werner furloughed the three on 9 November.", "zh": "因此 , 其总裁韦纳在 11 月 9 日停职了这三人。"}, "mt_gen": "因此 , 其总统韦纳在 11 月 9 日对这三个人大发雷霆。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Harpists imitate The Blues Brothers, wearing similar hats and sunglasses at all times.", "zh": "Harpist 模仿 The Blues Brothers , 总是戴着跟他们类似的帽子和太阳镜。"}, "mt_gen": "Harpist 模仿蓝军兄弟会, 时时刻刻戴着类似的帽子和太阳镜.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "each denizen addresses other denizens as the title \"mārisa\".", "zh": "每个居民都以 “m ā Risa ” 的头衔称呼其他居民。"}, "mt_gen": "每个德尼兹人将其他德尼兹人称为 \"m ä Risa\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the new Senators honoured Finnigan by retiring his # 8 jersey.", "zh": "为了表彰菲尼根 , 新任参议员将他的 8 号球衣退役了。"}, "mt_gen": "新参议员退休了菲尼根的 8 号运动衫, 以此来表彰菲尼根.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergensis and two or three times for Homo sapiens).", "zh": "直立人 , 海德堡人和智人的两倍到三倍。"}, "mt_gen": "直立人, 异体人, 异体人, 异体人两三次).", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Bulls shocked the Cavs in Game 1 dominating them and never trailing.", "zh": "公牛队在第一场比赛中震惊了骑士队 , 他们统治整场比赛 , 从未落后。"}, "mt_gen": "公牛在第一场比赛中震撼了骑兵, 他们在第一场比赛中占了上风.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Rembrandt incorporates Claudian's more passionate characterizations.", "zh": "伦勃朗融合了克劳迪安更热情的特征。"}, "mt_gen": "伦勃朗纳入了克劳迪恩更有激情的描述。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he fought some brigands at Sedatania and defeated them.", "zh": "他在塞达塔尼亚攻击了一些强盗 , 并击败了他们。"}, "mt_gen": "他在塞达塔尼亚和一些强盗打仗, 击败了他们.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Daken at the Marvel Database Project UncannyXmen.net Spotlight on Daken", "zh": "漫威数据库计划的戴肯 , UncannyXmen. net , 戴肯聚光灯"}, "mt_gen": "达肯州 Marvel 数据库项目 UncanyXmen. net 点光州达肯州", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Daken evades their firepower and jumps out the window.", "zh": "达肯避开了他们的火力 , 跳出窗户。"}, "mt_gen": "达肯避开火力, 跳出窗外.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the hall of bulls in Lascaux, Dordogne, France, dates from about 15,000 to 10,000 BCE.", "zh": "法国多尔多涅省拉斯科的公牛场建于公元前 15, 000 至 10, 000 年。"}, "mt_gen": "法国多多尼拉索克斯的公牛大厅大约在公元前 15, 000 至 10, 000 间。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "much like his watercolour monotype technique, it was a hybrid of drawing and printmaking.", "zh": "跟他的水彩画单色技艺很相似 , 它是绘画和印刷的结合。"}, "mt_gen": "和他的水彩画单型技术很相似, 它是绘画和印刷的混合体.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Byzantine Empire collapsed when Mehmed the Conqueror conquered Constantinople on 29 May, 1453.", "zh": "1453 年 5 月 29 日 , 当征服者穆罕默德占领君士坦丁堡时 , 拜占庭帝国轰然瓦解。"}, "mt_gen": "1453 年 5 月 29 日, 当征服者穆罕默德征服君士坦丁堡时, 拜占庭帝国崩溃了.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Constantine assumed the empire as a tetrarch in 306.", "zh": "君士坦丁在 306 年夺取了帝国的统治 , 成为了四个皇帝之一。"}, "mt_gen": "306 年君士坦丁把帝国当做皇室.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "were Haji Jamil Beg Khan, Muhammad Tahir of Persia, haji Manzur, a eunuch of the royal harem.", "zh": "哈吉 · 贾米尔 · 贝格 · 汗 ( Haji Jamil Beg Khan ) , 波斯的穆罕默德 · 塔希尔 ( Muhammad Tahir ) , 哈吉 · 曼祖尔 ( Haji Manzur ) , 皇家后宫的太监。"}, "mt_gen": "他们是 Haji Jamil Beg Khan 、 Muhammad Tahir (波斯) 、 haji Manzur (王室庄园的一个姑妈) 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the muralists conveyed historic and political messages.", "zh": "壁画家传达了历史和政治信息。"}, "mt_gen": "杀人犯传达了历史和政治信息。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Mormon Tabernacle Choir traveled to Japan for its second tour in 1985.", "zh": "摩门教圣殿合唱团于 1985 年到日本进行第二次巡回演出。"}, "mt_gen": "摩门教圣殿合唱团于 1985 年第二次访问日本.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he encounters Jediah Caul, a former member of the Green Lantern Corps, who combats and infects Brainiac's ship.", "zh": "他遇见了前绿灯军团成员 Jediah Caul , 他与 Brainiac 的船交战并使其受感染。"}, "mt_gen": "他遇见了前绿灯军团成员 Jediah Caul , 他与 Brainiac 的船进行战斗并感染了该船。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he criticised speculative philosophy, equating metaphysics with ideology.", "zh": "他批评投机哲学把形而上学和意识形态等同起来。"}, "mt_gen": "他批评投机哲学, 把形而上学和意识形态等同起来.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "contention arose between Marx and his fellow communists, whom he denounced as \"adventurists\".", "zh": "马克思与他的共产主义同志之间产生了分歧 , 他指责他们是 “冒险主义者 ” 。"}, "mt_gen": "马克思和他所谴责的 \"冒险家\" 的共产党员之间产生了分歧。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Cappie and Rebecca begin a secret romance while Casey and Rusty try to get over their respective exes.", "zh": "卡皮和丽贝卡开始了秘密的恋情 , 而凯西和鲁斯蒂在努力忘掉他们各自的前任。"}, "mt_gen": "卡皮和丽贝卡开始了秘密的浪漫 , 而凯西和鲁斯蒂试图超越他们各自的性伴侣。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the season finale, Rusty and Calvin both become actives in their respective fraternities, Kappa Tau and Omega Chi.", "zh": "在本季大结局中 , 鲁斯蒂和卡尔文在各自的兄弟会 — — 卡帕陶和奥米加齐之中都变得很活跃。"}, "mt_gen": "在本赛季的决赛中 , 鲁斯蒂和卡尔文在各自的兄弟会卡帕陶和奥米加齐中都变得很活跃。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Casey quits CRU Law to go to Washington with Cappie, who \"accidentally\" graduated.", "zh": "凯西 ( Casey ) 退出了 CRU 法律系 , 与 “意外 ” 毕业的 Cappie 一起去华盛顿。"}, "mt_gen": "凯西退出了 CRU 法律 , 与卡皮一起去华盛顿 , 卡皮 \"意外\" 毕业。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "at the news of the surrender the crews burst out in an orgy of joy and mayhem.", "zh": "一听到投降的消息 , 船员们欢欣鼓舞 , 樂壞了。"}, "mt_gen": "一听到投降的消息 , 船员们欢欣鼓舞 , 大发雷霆。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when Aresia perishes in the plane crash, Hippolyta mourned Aresia's death.", "zh": "当阿雷西亚在飞机失事中死亡时 , 希波丽塔哀悼阿雷西亚的死亡。"}, "mt_gen": "当阿雷西亚在飞机失事中死亡时 , 希波丽塔哀悼阿雷西亚的死亡。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the bands play with very slow tempos and melodic tones, creating an atmosphere of darkness and melancholia.", "zh": "乐队演奏着非常缓慢的调子和旋律的音调 , 创造了一种黑暗和忧郁的气氛。"}, "mt_gen": "乐队演奏着非常缓慢的调子和旋律的音调 , 创造了一种黑暗和忧郁的气氛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "former Australian cricketer and commentator Dean Jones rated Kohli's innings as \"one of the greatest ODI knocks of all time\".", "zh": "前澳大利亚板球运动员兼评论员迪恩 · 琼斯 ( Dean Jones ) 将 Kohli 的投篮评为 \"有史以来最大的 ODI 击球之一\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "前澳大利亚板球运动员兼评论员迪恩 · 琼斯 ( Dean Jones ) 将 Kohli 的投篮评为 \"有史以来最大的 ODI 击球之一\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Chan competed once again at the 2010 World Championships.", "zh": "陈再次参加了 2010 年世界锦标赛."}, "mt_gen": "陈再次参加了 2010 年世界锦标赛.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Chan easily nabbed his eighth national tile at the 2016 Canadian Figure Skating Championships", "zh": "在 2016 年加拿大花样滑冰锦标赛上 , 陈轻而易举地刺了他的第八个国家的瓷砖"}, "mt_gen": "在 2016 年加拿大花样滑冰锦标赛上 , 陈轻而易举地刺了他的第八个国家的瓷砖", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "instead of using a traditional volley or overhead smash, she prefers to hit a powerful \"swinging\" volley when approaching the net or attacking lobs.", "zh": "她不喜欢使用传统的推擋或凌空击球 , 而是喜欢在接近网时或攻击时打一个强大的 \"摇摆\" 伏击。"}, "mt_gen": "她不喜欢使用传统的伏击或高空击球 , 而是喜欢在接近网时或攻击龙虾时打一个强大的 \"摇摆\" 伏击。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "however the Avengers intercede in the conversation and go into battle with Magneto and the Young Avengers.", "zh": "然而 , 复仇者在谈话中进行了交涉 , 与马格尼托和年轻复仇者出戰了。"}, "mt_gen": "然而 , 复仇者在谈话中进行了交涉 , 与马格尼托和年轻复仇者展开了战斗。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mount Everest attracts many climbers, some of them highly experienced mountaineers.", "zh": "珠穆朗玛峰吸引了许多登山者 , 其中一些是经验丰富的登山者。"}, "mt_gen": "珠穆朗玛峰吸引了许多登山者 , 其中一些是经验丰富的登山者。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "small jugs contained condiments like olive oil, vinegar and sweeteners.", "zh": "小罐子里含有橄榄油、醋和甜味剂等调味品."}, "mt_gen": "小罐子里含有橄榄油、醋和甜味剂等调味品.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Percy Goodman, Bertie Harragin, Lebrun Constantine, George Challenor and Harold Austin all batted well on occasions.", "zh": "珀西 · 古德曼、伯蒂 · 哈拉金、莱布伦 · 康斯坦丁、乔治 · 埃斯多尔和哈罗德 · 奥斯汀有时都打得很好。"}, "mt_gen": "珀西 · 古德曼、伯蒂 · 哈拉金、莱布伦 · 康斯坦丁、乔治 · 埃斯多尔和哈罗德 · 奥斯汀有时都打得很好。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "according to Christopher Peterson, \"eudaimonia trumps hedonism\".", "zh": "根据克里斯托弗 · 彼得森的说法 , \"eudaimonia 胜过享乐主义\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "根据克里斯托弗 · 彼得森的说法 , \"eudaimonia 胜过享乐主义\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when they neared the surf Roelfzema and Tazelaar slipped off the boat and waded onto the beach.", "zh": "当他们接近冲浪时 , Roelfzema 和 Tazelaar 从小船上滑下来 , 挥舞到海滩上。"}, "mt_gen": "当他们接近冲浪时 , Roelfzema 和 Tazelaar 从小船上滑下来 , 挥舞到海滩上。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "writers eventually killed off villains Ezekiel Rage and Dr. Jeremiah Surd in favor of new adversaries.", "zh": "作家最终杀死了恶棍 Ezekiel Rage 和 Jeremiah SURD 博士 , 支持新的对手。"}, "mt_gen": "作家最终杀死了恶棍 Ezekiel Rage 和 Jeremiah SURD 博士 , 支持新的对手。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in Sweden, young people visited holy springs as \"a reminder of how John the Baptist baptised Christ in the River Jordan.\"", "zh": "在瑞典 , 年轻人访问圣泉是为了 \"提醒约翰是如何在约旦河中洗礼基督的。\""}, "mt_gen": "在瑞典 , 年轻人访问圣泉是为了 \"提醒约翰是如何在约旦河中洗礼基督的。\"", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "above the main door the entablature contained a plaque with the name of the builders and a skull and crossbones.", "zh": "主门上方有一块牌子 , 上面写着建筑师的名字 , 还有一个头骨和交叉骨头。"}, "mt_gen": "主门上方有一块牌子 , 上面写着建筑师的名字 , 还有一个头骨和交叉骨头。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in an episode that aired in 1992, Celeste Holm played Kelly's jokester of a paternal grandmother.", "zh": "在 1992 年播出的一集中 , 西里斯特 · 霍尔姆扮演了凯利的一位祖母的笑话。"}, "mt_gen": "在 1992 年播出的一集中 , 西里斯特 · 霍尔姆扮演了凯利的一位祖母的笑话。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "right after them ranked the Bourbons, descended from a younger brother of Philip III.", "zh": "紧随其后的是来自菲利普三世的一个弟弟的波旁人。"}, "mt_gen": "紧随其后的是来自菲利普三世的一个弟弟的波旁人。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after a daring approach, Tunny fired six torpedoes at the battleship from her bow tubes.", "zh": "在大胆接近之后, 通妮从弓管里向战舰发射了 6 枚鱼雷."}, "mt_gen": "在大胆接近之后, 通妮从弓管里向战舰发射了 6 枚鱼雷.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "however, a study of his marginalia reveals an early antipathy to Martin Luther and an admiration for Erasmus.", "zh": "然而 , 对他的边缘化的研究表明 , 他对马丁 · 路德早有反感 , 对伊拉斯莫斯也有钦佩。"}, "mt_gen": "然而 , 对他的边缘化的研究表明 , 他对马丁 · 路德早有反感 , 对伊拉斯莫斯也有钦佩。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "but heroes on paper might degenerate into vagabonds in practice, Corinnas into courtezans. \"", "zh": "但纸上的英雄在实践中可能会堕落为流浪汉 , 科林纳斯则会堕落为宫廷。 \""}, "mt_gen": "但纸上的英雄在实践中可能会堕落为流浪汉 , 科林纳斯则会堕落为宫廷。 \"", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the squadron sailed on 28 August, and rounded Cape Horn on 13 September.", "zh": "中队于八月二十八日航行 , 九月十三日环绕非洲之角。"}, "mt_gen": "中队于 8 月 28 日航行 , 9 月 13 日环绕非洲之角。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "49th and 50th streets resembled \"causeways skimming the surface of a lake\".", "zh": "第 49 条和第 50 条街道类似于 \"从湖面滑行的堤道\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "第 49 条和第 50 条街道类似于 \"从湖面滑行的堤道\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "large carnivores include cougar, black bear, coyote, bobcat, and the Cascade mountain fox, an endemic subspecies of the red fox.", "zh": "大型食肉动物包括美洲狮、黑熊、考尤特、黑猫和瀑布山狐狸 , 后者是红狐狸的一种特有亚种。"}, "mt_gen": "大型食肉动物包括美洲狮、黑熊、考尤特、黑猫和瀑布山狐狸 , 后者是红狐狸的一种特有亚种。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Sun's Louise Randell branded it a \"horrifying knife drama\" and \"emotional farewell\".", "zh": "太阳的路易丝兰德尔把它称为 \"可怕的刀戏\" 和 \"情感告别\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "太阳的路易丝兰德尔把它称为 \"可怕的刀戏\" 和 \"情感告别\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "two separate bands of English privateers attempted to loot the town of Tuineje.", "zh": "两个不同的英国私人团伙企图抢劫 Tuineje 镇。"}, "mt_gen": "两个不同的英国私人团伙企图抢劫 Tuineje 镇。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Dayak Iban ceased practising headhunting in the 1930s.", "zh": "20 世纪 30 年代 , Dayak Iban 停止了猎头活动。"}, "mt_gen": "20 世纪 30 年代 , Dayak Iban 停止了猎头活动。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "at its peak resides William Smith's all female dorms.", "zh": "在高峰的地方住着威廉史密斯所有的女宿舍."}, "mt_gen": "在高峰的地方住着威廉史密斯所有的女宿舍.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "most ribbon tweeters emit sound in a dipole pattern.", "zh": "大多数带式推特都以偶极模式发出声音."}, "mt_gen": "大多数带式推特都以偶极模式发出声音.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "militants fired on them from makeshift bunkers beneath the stairwell.", "zh": "好战分子从楼梯间下面的临时掩体中向他们开枪."}, "mt_gen": "好战分子从楼梯间下面的临时掩体中向他们开枪.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Taylor eventually moves in with Steffy and her granddaughter, Kelly.", "zh": "泰勒最终和斯蒂菲和她的孙女凯利住在一起了."}, "mt_gen": "泰勒最终和斯蒂菲和她的孙女凯利住在一起了.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sweden's rich flora of petroglyphs include many hundred footprints, singles and in pairs.", "zh": "瑞典丰富的石油糖类植物包括数百条足迹、单条和成对的足迹。"}, "mt_gen": "瑞典丰富的石油糖类植物包括数百条足迹、单条和成对的足迹。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Edmonton Oilers finished first overall in their last WHA regular season.", "zh": "埃德蒙顿石油公司在他们的最后一个 WHA 常规赛中取得了第一名."}, "mt_gen": "埃德蒙顿石油公司在他们的最后一个 WHA 常规赛中取得了第一名.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she reached the singles quarterfinals of the 1996 Australian Open and the singles semifinals of the 1996 US Open.", "zh": "她进入了 1996 年澳大利亚公开赛单打的四分之一决赛和 1996 年美国公开赛的半决赛。"}, "mt_gen": "她进入了 1996 年澳大利亚公开赛的四分之一决赛和 1996 年美国公开赛的半决赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Gen. John King's brigade of U.S. Army regulars relieved Croxton.", "zh": "约翰 · 金将军的美国陆军正规军解除了克罗斯顿的职务."}, "mt_gen": "约翰 · 金将军的美国陆军正规军解除了克罗斯顿的职务.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Rajesh bought Rajendra Kumar's bungalow named Dimple in Carter Road for 31 lakhs in 1970 and renamed it Ashirwaad.", "zh": "1970 年 , Rajesh 以 31 拉赫的价格买下了 Rajendra Kumar 在卡特路的豪宅 , 改名为 Ashirwaad 。"}, "mt_gen": "1970 年 , Rajesh 以 31 拉赫的价格买下了 Rajendra Kumar 在卡特路的豪宅 , 改名为 Ashirwaad 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "5; Ginastera's Variaciones Concertante; Tchaikovsky's Symphony No.", "zh": "5 ; Ginastera 的变体协奏曲 ; Tchaikovsky 的交响曲"}, "mt_gen": "5 ; Ginastera 的变体协奏曲 ; Tchaikovsky 的交响曲", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "doom disappears before Tony regains consciousness.", "zh": "在托尼恢复知觉之前 , 厄运就消失了。"}, "mt_gen": "在托尼恢复知觉之前 , 厄运就消失了。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "ultimately, the talks foundered on the entrenched opposition of the Catholic ultramontanes.", "zh": "最终 , 谈判因天主教超蒙大帝根深蒂固的反对而破裂。"}, "mt_gen": "最终 , 谈判因天主教超蒙大帝根深蒂固的反对而破裂。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the watercolourist Noel Leaver studied and later taught at the former Burnley School of Art.", "zh": "水彩画家 Noel Leaver 在前伯恩利艺术学院学习 , 后来在那里任教。"}, "mt_gen": "水彩画家 Noel Leaver 在前伯恩利艺术学院学习 , 后来在那里任教。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Spirit of Fire escapes just as Forge overloads the reactor, destroying the Forerunner fleet.", "zh": "\"火的精神\" 正在逃逸, 就像福格重载反应堆, 摧毁了先锋舰队."}, "mt_gen": "\"火的精神\" 正在逃逸, 就像福格重载反应堆, 摧毁了先锋舰队.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after defeating Kang, each of the Avengers return to their timelines.", "zh": "击败康 ( Kang) 后 , 每个复仇者都回到了他们的时间表。"}, "mt_gen": "击败康后 , 每个复仇者都回到了他们的时间表。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Muskie often flew on Sinatra's private plane while traveling around California.", "zh": "Muskie 在加利福尼亚旅行时经常乘坐 Sinatra 的私人飞机."}, "mt_gen": "Muskie 在加利福尼亚旅行时经常乘坐 Sinatra 的私人飞机.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "this epithet resonates with the story in the Ramayana about his emotional devotion to Rama and Sita.", "zh": "这首诗与《拉玛亚娜》中关于他对拉玛和西塔的情感奉献的故事产生了共鸣。"}, "mt_gen": "这首诗与《拉玛亚娜》中关于他对拉玛和西塔的情感奉献的故事产生了共鸣。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "instead, the league stumbled upon something as storied as the Stanley Cup with the provenance of a famous portrait.", "zh": "相反 , 联盟偶然发现了像斯坦利杯这样的故事 , 有一幅著名肖像的出处。"}, "mt_gen": "相反 , 联盟偶然发现了像斯坦利杯这样的故事 , 有一幅著名肖像的出处。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1848 New Bedford resident Lewis Temple invented the toggling harpoon, an invention that would revolutionize the whaling industry.", "zh": "1848 年 , 新的贝德福德居民刘易斯圣殿发明了可笑的鱼叉 , 这将使捕鲸业发生革命性变化。"}, "mt_gen": "1848 年 , 新的贝德福德居民刘易斯圣殿发明了可笑的鱼叉 , 这将使捕鲸业发生革命性变化。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he follows her to Peyton Place and, after blackmailing Leslie, abducts her.", "zh": "他跟着她去了佩顿广场, 敲诈了莱斯利之后, 绑架了她."}, "mt_gen": "他跟着她去了佩顿广场, 敲诈了莱斯利之后, 绑架了她.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1962 Mantle and Maris starred as themselves in the movie Safe at Home!", "zh": "1962 年, 曼特尔和马里斯在电影《安全的家》中扮演了主角!"}, "mt_gen": "1962 年, 曼特尔和马里斯在电影《安全的家》中扮演了主角!", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "as a teenager, Mantle rooted for the St. Louis Cardinals.", "zh": "在十几岁的时候 , 曼特尔就为圣路易斯的卡迪纳尔人助威。"}, "mt_gen": "在十几岁的时候 , 曼特尔就为圣路易斯的卡迪纳尔人扎根。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Danvers and Medusa find Minoru and Bloodstone just before Dazzler and Singularity arrive.", "zh": "丹佛和梅杜萨在达兹勒和奇异到达之前就找到了米诺鲁和血石。"}, "mt_gen": "丹佛和梅杜萨在达兹勒和奇异到达之前就找到了米诺鲁和血石。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the two classic varieties of smallpox are variola major and variola minor.", "zh": "天花的两大经典品种是大天花和小天花."}, "mt_gen": "天花的两大经典品种是大天花和小天花.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in his studio he mounted a bicycle wheel upside down onto a stool, spinning it occasionally just to watch it.", "zh": "在他的工作室里 , 他把自行车的轮子倒置安装在一个大便上 , 偶尔旋转它只是为了看它。"}, "mt_gen": "在他的工作室里 , 他把自行车的轮子倒倒在一个大便上 , 偶尔旋转它只是为了看它。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Lydia makes the compass tattoo reappear on Peter's arm and he wakes up.", "zh": "莉迪娅让罗盘纹身重现在彼得的胳膊上, 他醒来了."}, "mt_gen": "莉迪娅让罗盘纹身重现在彼得的胳膊上, 他醒来了.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the congregation operates St. Benedict Nursery in Harlem, and St. Edward Food Pantry on Staten Island.", "zh": "该教会在 Harlem 开办圣本笃护士班 , 在 Staten 岛开办圣爱德华食品店。"}, "mt_gen": "该教会在 Harlem 开办圣本笃 t 护士班 , 在 Staten 岛开办圣爱德华食品店。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the 1920s and 30s met with unprecedented economic boom.", "zh": "20 世纪 20 年代和 30 年代迎来了前所未有的经济繁荣。"}, "mt_gen": "20 世纪 20 年代和 30 年代迎来了前所未有的经济繁荣。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "neither male nor female montane voles release high quantities of oxytocin or vasopressin when they mate.", "zh": "雄性和雌性猴子在交配时都不会释放大量的催产素或血管紧张素。"}, "mt_gen": "雄性和雌性猴子在交配时都不会释放大量的催产素或血管紧张素。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when montane voles mate, they form no strong attachments, and separate after copulation.", "zh": "当山地田鼠交配时, 它们不会形成强烈的附着, 并在交配后分离."}, "mt_gen": "当猴鼠交配时, 它们不会形成强烈的附着, 并在交配后分离.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it quickly dissipated, but soon touched down again on Barker's Island, where it again quickly dissipated.", "zh": "它很快就消散了 , 但很快又在巴克岛上落下 , 又在那里消散了。"}, "mt_gen": "它很快就消散了 , 但很快又在巴克岛上落下 , 又在那里消散了。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1887, Alexander Miles of Duluth patented an electric elevator.", "zh": "1887 年, 杜鲁兹的 Alexander Miles 申请了电梯子的专利."}, "mt_gen": "1887 年, 杜鲁兹的 Alexander Miles 申请了电梯子的专利.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "although they scored only once on an RBI single from Kelsey Bruder in the first inning, the Gators ran away with the game in the second.", "zh": "虽然他们在第一局中只从凯西布卢德获得过一次 RBI 单打 , 但在第二局的比赛中他们还是跑了。"}, "mt_gen": "虽然他们在第一局中只从凯西布卢德获得过一次 RBI 单打 , 但在第二局的比赛中他们还是跑了。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "notwithstanding, the Red Wings would finish atop of the Central Division and the NHL standings.", "zh": "尽管如此 , 红翼队将在中央区和 NHL 站结束比赛。"}, "mt_gen": "尽管如此 , 红翼队将在中央区和 NHL 站结束比赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "from 1974 another hundred Uruguayans disappeared also in Argentina.", "zh": "从 1974 年起 , 又有 100 名乌拉圭人在阿根廷失踪。"}, "mt_gen": "从 1974 年起 , 又有 100 名乌拉圭人在阿根廷失踪。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Hindus live in Alberta.", "zh": "穆斯林、锡克教徒、佛教徒和印度教徒住在艾伯塔省。"}, "mt_gen": "穆斯林、锡克教徒、佛教徒和印度教徒生活在艾伯塔省。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they wore flowing ties, and smocks suitable to the realm.", "zh": "他们戴着流畅的领带和适合王国的气味."}, "mt_gen": "他们戴着流畅的领带和适合王国的气味.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Wolverine also attacks the Fantastic Four in the Baxter Building.", "zh": "金刚狼也攻击巴克斯特大楼里的奇特四号。"}, "mt_gen": "狼还攻击巴克斯特大楼里的奇特四号。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the band was founded in 1995 by percussionist Shawn Crahan, drummer Joey Jordison and bassist Paul Gray.", "zh": "乐队于 1995 年由打击乐家肖恩 · 克拉汉、乔伊 · 乔迪森鼓手和保罗 · 格雷乐团创立。"}, "mt_gen": "乐队于 1995 年由打击乐家肖恩 · 克拉汉、乔伊 · 乔迪森鼓手和保罗 · 格雷乐团创立。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a Jehovah's Witness minister from Lake Jackson preached in English, quoting Paul the Apostle's words in 1 Corinthians 15.", "zh": "一位来自杰克逊湖的耶和华见证人牧师用英语传道 , 引用了一位哥林人 15 中的使徒保罗的话。"}, "mt_gen": "一位来自杰克逊湖的耶和华见证人牧师用英语传道 , 引用了一位哥林人 15 中的使徒保罗的话。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "many ducks provide food for raptors such as bald eagles and peregrine falcons as well as an occasional coyote or bobcat.", "zh": "许多鸭子为猛禽提供食物 , 如秃鹰和珍珠鹰 , 以及偶尔的小狗或小猫。"}, "mt_gen": "许多鸭子为猛禽提供食物 , 如秃鹰和珍珠鹰 , 以及偶尔的小狗或小猫。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it turned to the northeast, dissipating on November 29.", "zh": "它转向了东北部, 于 11 月 29 日消散了."}, "mt_gen": "它转向了东北部, 于 11 月 29 日消散了.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the 1930s and 1940s Chinese market gardens flourished on the riverbank just over this washaway to the west.", "zh": "20 世纪 30 年代和 40 年代 , 中国的市场花园在河岸上发展兴旺 , 就在这个通往西方的地方。"}, "mt_gen": "20 世纪 30 年代和 40 年代 , 中国的市场花园在河岸上蓬勃发展 , 就在这个通往西方的地方。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Neuer Hauptbau opens with an oval vestibule decorated by Carlo Carlone.", "zh": "诺伊豪普特包是由卡洛 · 卡龙装饰的椭圆形前厅打开的。"}, "mt_gen": "诺伊豪普特包是由卡洛 · 卡龙装饰的椭圆形前厅打开的.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "construction of Ludwigsburg Palace cost the Duchy of Württemberg 3,000,000 florins.", "zh": "卢德维斯堡宫的建设花费了符腾堡王国 300 万古尔登。"}, "mt_gen": "卢德维斯堡宫的建设花费了符腾堡王国 300 万花卉。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "whiskey sauce, served with beef steaks and roasts White sauce.", "zh": "威士忌酱 , 配牛排和烤肉。"}, "mt_gen": "威士忌调味汁, 配牛排和烤肉.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when hunting sea turtles, they appear to simply bite through the carapace around a flipper, immobilizing the turtle.", "zh": "当猎取海龟时 , 它们似乎只是咬破了一只海龟周围的胡萝卜 , 使海龟无法活动。"}, "mt_gen": "当猎捕海龟时 , 它们似乎只是咬破了一只海龟周围的胡萝卜 , 使海龟无法活动。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "yet another battery deployed on the flank of Mercer's battery and shot up its horses and limbers and pushed Mercer back.", "zh": "另一个电池部署在 Mercers 电池的侧面 , 并开枪射击它的马和四肢 , Mercer 推后美世。"}, "mt_gen": "还有一个电池部署在美世电池的侧面 , 并开枪射击它的马和四肢 , 推后美世。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Zafar tries to impress Yasmine by dueling with her with a sword.", "zh": "扎法尔用剑与亚斯敏决斗 , 试图给她留下深刻印象。"}, "mt_gen": "扎法尔用剑与亚斯敏决斗, 试图给她留下深刻印象.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "its teachings against promiscuity and homosexual behavior).", "zh": "它反对乱交和同性恋行为的教义 ) 。"}, "mt_gen": "它反对乱交和同性恋行为的教义 ) 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "for example, the strophe, antistrophe and epode of the ode form are often separated into one or more stanzas.", "zh": "例如 , 正旋舞歌、回舞歌和长短句交替往往被分割为一个或多个詩節。"}, "mt_gen": "例如 , 阴极形态的阴极、反阴极形态和阴极形态往往被分割为一个或多个阴极。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Espérandieu wanted a subtle red that would harmonise with the mosaics and not clash too much with the whiteness of the Carrara marble.", "zh": "埃斯佩兰迪厄想要一个微妙的红色 , 它将与马赛克和谐 , 而不是与卡拉大理石的白色太多的冲突。"}, "mt_gen": "埃斯佩兰迪厄想要一个微妙的红色 , 它将与马赛克和谐 , 而不是与卡拉大理石的白色太多的冲突。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 2008, Tulsa funded 39.2 million to build a new ballpark in the Greenwood District near downtown for the Drillers.", "zh": "2008 年 , Tulsa 斥资了 3, 920 万美元在市中心的 Greenwood 区建造了一个新的钻探公园。"}, "mt_gen": "2008 年 , Tulsa 资助 3 920 万人在市中心的 Greenwood 区建造了一个新的钻探公园。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "some planted the gardens, plowed and harrowed, harvested crops, and even laid tiles for drainage.", "zh": "有些人种植花园、耕田和耙地、收割农作物 , 甚至铺设排水瓦片。"}, "mt_gen": "有些人种植花园、耕田和栏杆、收割作物 , 甚至铺设排水瓦片。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "McCoy finished the season with six touchdowns against nine interceptions.", "zh": "麦科伊在本赛季结束时对 9 次拦截进行了 6 次抢截。"}, "mt_gen": "麦科伊在本赛季结束时对 9 次拦截进行了 6 次冲击战.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "because of the oppression by Roman Catholic King Louis XIII of France, many Protestant Huguenots fled to England.", "zh": "由于法国罗马天主教国王路易十三世的压迫 , 许多新教徒 Huguenot 逃往英国。"}, "mt_gen": "由于法国罗马天主教国王路易十三世的压迫 , 许多新教徒 Huguenot 逃往英国。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "drawing on several of his earlier \"Bab Ballad\" poems, Gilbert imbued this plot with mirth and silliness.", "zh": "吉尔伯特借鉴他以前的几首 \"巴布 · 巴莱德\" 诗 , 以欢笑和愚蠢的方式将这一阴谋灌输给世人。"}, "mt_gen": "吉尔伯特借鉴他以前的几首 \"巴布 · 巴莱德\" 诗 , 以欢笑和愚蠢的方式将这一阴谋灌输给世人。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Cup Series then headed to the repaved Kansas Speedway.", "zh": "然后 , 世界杯系列赛跑到了被击退的堪萨斯赛车场。"}, "mt_gen": "世界杯系列赛跑到了被击退的堪萨斯斯皮德威.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the chorus tries to drown out his blaspheming with more prayer, and he taunts them by singing a vulgar song.", "zh": "合唱团试图用更多的祷告淹没他亵渎的神灵 , 他唱了一首粗俗的歌来嘲弄他们。"}, "mt_gen": "合唱团试图用更多的祷告淹没他亵渎的神灵 , 他唱了一首粗俗的歌来嘲弄他们。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "reconciling with Lizaveta Prokofyevna, the Prince visits the Epanchins at their dacha.", "zh": "王子与 Lizaveta Prokofyevna 和睦相处, 在他们的 dacha 拜访了 Epanchins 夫妇。"}, "mt_gen": "王子与 Lizaveta Prokofyevna 和睦相处, 在他们的 dacha 拜访了 Epanchins 夫妇.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "these buildings had long naves and small rectangular chancels; porticus sometimes surrounded the naves.", "zh": "这些建筑有长长的中殿和小的矩形的圣坛。门廊有时包围中殿。"}, "mt_gen": "这些建筑有长长的天花板和小的矩形天花板 ; 孔隙有时环绕着天花板。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mahmud of Ghazni sacked the Somnath Temple in 1026, looted it, and destroyed the famous Shiva linga of the temple.", "zh": "加兹尼的马哈穆德在 1026 年洗劫了索姆纳塔寺 , 抢劫了该寺 , 摧毁了著名的希瓦林木。"}, "mt_gen": "加兹尼的马哈穆德在 1026 年洗劫了索姆纳塔寺 , 抢劫了该寺 , 摧毁了著名的希瓦林木。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Muhammad and his companions, now 10,000 strong, marched into Mecca.", "zh": "穆罕默德和他的同伴现在有 10, 000 人 , 他们步入麦加。"}, "mt_gen": "穆罕默德和他的同伴现在有 10, 000 人 , 他们步入麦加。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Dionysus arrives in his true, divine form, banishes Agave and her sisters, and transforms Cadmus and his wife Harmonia into serpents.", "zh": "狄俄尼索斯以他真实的神圣的形式来到这里 , 驱逐了阿加夫和她的姐妹们 , 并把卡德穆斯和他的妻子和谐变成了蛇。"}, "mt_gen": "狄俄尼索斯以他真实的神圣的形式来到这里 , 驱逐了阿加夫和她的姐妹们 , 并把卡德穆斯和他的妻子和谐变成了农奴。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Jarrett wrestled at No Mercy nonetheless, losing the Intercontinental Championship to Chyna.", "zh": "然而 , 贾雷特在 \"不仁慈\" 比赛中摔跤 , 把洲际锦标赛输给了切纳。"}, "mt_gen": "然而, 贾雷特在 \"不仁慈\" 比赛中摔跤, 把洲际锦标赛输给了切纳.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "1 in the Greek, Norwegian and German album charts, and charted the Top 10 in France, Hungary and Sweden.", "zh": "在希腊、挪威和德国专辑中排名第 1 位 , 在法国、匈牙利和瑞典排名第 10 位。"}, "mt_gen": "在希腊、挪威和德国专辑中排名第 1 位 , 在法国、匈牙利和瑞典排名第 10 位。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he ordered the 2nd Squadron, 7th Cavalry to attack across the native skidway.", "zh": "他命令第二中队 , 第 7 骑兵冲过本土的天桥。"}, "mt_gen": "他命令第二中队 , 第 7 骑兵冲过本土的天桥。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "4th Squadron activated 20 February 1963 at Fort Benning, Georgia.", "zh": "1963 年 2 月 20 日 , 第四中队在格鲁吉亚本宁堡启动。"}, "mt_gen": "1963 年 2 月 20 日 , 第四中队在格鲁吉亚本宁堡启动。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "staff Paymaster Heinze walked past one of the covers, spotted them and spat at them calling them \"stinking swines.\"", "zh": "工作人员薪金主任海因策走过其中一个封面 , 发现它们并向它们吐痰 , 称它们为 \"臭猪\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "工作人员薪金主任海因策走过其中一个封面 , 发现它们并向它们吐痰 , 称它们为 \"臭猪\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "for meat, deer, bear, elk, duck, swan, and small rodents such as squirrel.", "zh": "肉、鹿、熊、加拿大馬鹿、鸭子、天鹅和松鼠等小啮齿动物。"}, "mt_gen": "肉、鹿、熊、鹿、鸭子、天鹅和松鼠等小啮齿动物.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Douglas, Mark, \"Fashions, Youth\", in Encyclopedia of Contemporary British Culture, ed.", "zh": "Douglas, Mark, 《时尚 , 青年》 , 《当代英国文化百科全书》编辑。"}, "mt_gen": "Douglas, Mark, 《时尚 , 青年》 , 《当代英国文化百科全书》编辑。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the portal is also adorned with a wavy oval, similar to Art Nouveau townhouses in Munich.", "zh": "该门户还装饰了一个波浪形椭圆形 , 类似慕尼黑的新艺术城。"}, "mt_gen": "该门户还装饰了一个波浪形椭圆形 , 类似慕尼黑的新艺术城。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "directed by Yukio Ninagawa, it starred Kotaro Yoshida as Titus, Rei Asami as Tamora, Shun Oguri as Aaron and Hitomi Manaka as Lavinia.", "zh": "在 Ninagawa 的指导下 , 它将 Kotaro Yoshida 命名为 \"泰图斯\" , Rei Asami 命名为 \"塔莫拉\" , Shun Oguri 命名为 \"奥隆\" , Hitomi Manaka 命名为 \"拉维尼亚\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "在 Ninagawa 的指导下 , 它将 Kotaro Yoshida 命名为 \"泰图斯\" , Rei Asami 命名为 \"塔莫拉\" , Shun Oguri 命名为 \"奥隆\" , Hitomi Manaka 命名为 \"拉维尼亚\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "his voice also calms the newborn of survivor Claire.", "zh": "他的声音也安抚了幸存者克莱尔的新生儿。"}, "mt_gen": "他的声音也安抚了幸存者克莱尔的新生儿.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "an extremely rare tornado touched down in Hawaii late on March 23, on the island of Lanai.", "zh": "3 月 23 日 , 在夏威夷的拉奈岛上 , 一场罕见的龙卷风降临。"}, "mt_gen": "3 月 23 日 , 在夏威夷的拉奈岛 , 一场罕见的龙卷风降临。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "an F3 clipped the north edge of Metropolis, Illinois, and an F4 wedge devastated Crosstown, Missouri.", "zh": "一个 F3 剪辑了伊利诺伊州大都会的北边 , 一个 F4 楔形破坏了密苏里州的克罗斯斯敦。"}, "mt_gen": "一个 F3 剪辑了伊利诺伊州大都会的北边 , 一个 F4 楔形破坏了密苏里州的克罗斯斯敦。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "canoes were traditionally paddled, with the paddler facing the bow of the boat.", "zh": "独木舟传统上是划桨的 , 划桨者面对船头。"}, "mt_gen": "独木舟传统上是划桨的, 划桨者面对船头.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "one distinguishes between \"Product\" and \"Patient\" CROs.", "zh": "一种是区分 \"产品\" 和 \"病人\" CROs 。"}, "mt_gen": "一种是区分 \"产品\" 和 \"病人\" CRO 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "many of these absentee landlords lived in England.", "zh": "其中许多不在英国的地主住在英国。"}, "mt_gen": "其中许多不在英国的地主住在英国.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Grand Master and Grand Croix of the Legion of Honour Médaille militaire Commemorative medal of the 1859 Italian Campaign", "zh": "1859 年意大利运动荣誉梅代勒军团大师和大克罗伊纪念奖"}, "mt_gen": "1859 年意大利运动荣誉梅代勒军团大师和大克罗伊纪念奖", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on April 29, the gunboats spent most of the day bombarding two Confederate forts.", "zh": "4 月 29 日 , 炮舰在一天的大部分时间里轰炸了两个美利堅聯盟國的堡垒。"}, "mt_gen": "4 月 29 日 , 炮舰在一天的大部分时间里轰炸了两个邦联要塞。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after the Civil War, Texas ranchers raised large herds of longhorn cattle.", "zh": "内战结束后 , 德克萨斯州的牧场主们养起了大批的长老牛群。"}, "mt_gen": "内战结束后, 德克萨斯州的牧场主们养起了大批的长老牛群.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "during World War I they produced 100,000 Enfield oilers for Birmingham Small Arms Company rifles.", "zh": "第一次世界大战期间 , 他们生产了 10 万支用于伯明翰小武器公司步枪的进入油田的石油。"}, "mt_gen": "第一次世界大战期间 , 他们生产了 10 万支用于伯明翰小武器公司步枪的进入油田的石油。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he constructed a hall for recitation of Tevaram hymns and engraved the hymns in copper plates.", "zh": "他建造了一个大厅来背诵 Tevaram 赞歌 , 并将赞歌刻在铜板上。"}, "mt_gen": "他建造了一个大厅来背诵 Tevaram 赞歌 , 并将赞歌刻在铜板上。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they include the goblin shark, basking shark, megamouth shark, the thresher sharks, shortfin and longfin mako sharks, and great white shark.", "zh": "这些鲨鱼包括欧氏尖吻鲛、姥鲨、巨口鲨、長尾鯊、短鳍鲨和长翅鲨以及大白鲨。"}, "mt_gen": "这些鲨鱼包括妖精鲨鱼、碱性鲨鱼、大嘴鲨、脱粒鲨鱼、短鳍鲨和长翅鲨以及大白鲨。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a weak libretto and unsatisfactory staging exacerbated the poor reception.", "zh": "软弱的自由放电和不满意的分期表演加剧了不良的接待。"}, "mt_gen": "软弱的自由放电和不满意的分期表演加剧了不良的接待。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she finished the competition with 19 medals; 9 golds, 5 silvers and 5 bronzes.", "zh": "她以 19 枚奖牌、 9 枚金牌、 5 枚银牌和 5 枚铜牌结束了比赛。"}, "mt_gen": "她以 19 枚奖牌、 9 枚金牌、 5 枚银牌和 5 枚铜牌结束了比赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "this saliva serves as an anticoagulant; without it the female mosquito's proboscis might become clogged with blood clots.", "zh": "这种唾液可以起到抗凝剂的作用 ; 没有它 , 雌性蚊子的长鼻可能会被血块堵住。"}, "mt_gen": "这种唾液可以起到抗凝剂的作用 ; 没有它 , 雌性蚊子的阴茎可能会被血块堵住。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "among those were 16,100 Chinese, 3,600 Mongolians, 700 Manchus and 10,300 Koreans.", "zh": "其中 16, 100 名中国人、 3, 600 名蒙古人、 700 名满族人和 10, 300 名韩国人。"}, "mt_gen": "其中 16 100 名中国人、 3 600 名蒙古人、 700 名满族人和 10 300 名韩国人。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "generally aloof, Smerdyakov admires Ivan and shares his atheism.", "zh": "总本而言 , 斯梅尔迪亚科夫崇拜伊万 , 也赞同他的无神论。"}, "mt_gen": "一般而言, 斯梅尔迪亚科夫崇拜伊万, 也赞同他的无神论.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ferdinand chose the Jesuit Bartholomew Viller his confessor.", "zh": "费迪南德选择了耶稣会巴托洛姆维勒 , 他的供认人。"}, "mt_gen": "费迪南德选择了耶稣会巴托洛姆维勒 , 他的供认人。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in \"Weight Loss\", Andy continually pesters Angela with ideas for their wedding.", "zh": "在 \"减肥\" 中 , 安迪不断地用结婚的念头抚摸安吉拉。"}, "mt_gen": "在 \"体重损失\" 中 , 安迪不断地用结婚的念头抚摸安吉拉。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "notwithstanding his philhellenism, Hadrian was also a traditionalist.", "zh": "尽管他酷好希腊文化 , 但他也是一位传统主义者。"}, "mt_gen": "尽管哈德里安信奉哲学思想 , 但他也是一位传统主义者。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "squid Magnetometry is an extremely sensitive absolute Magnetometry technique.", "zh": "SQUID 磁强计是一种极其敏感的绝对磁强计技术。"}, "mt_gen": "SQUID 磁强计是一种极其敏感的绝对磁强计技术.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Terre Haute, Indianapolis and Eastern Traction Company Frank Sprague Rotary converter Mercury Vapor Rectifier", "zh": "Terre Haute 、印第安纳波利斯和东方轨道公司 Frank Sprague 旋转转换器水星蒸气整流器"}, "mt_gen": "Terre Haute 、印第安纳波利斯和东方轨道公司 Frank Sprague 旋转转换器水星蒸气整流器", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "his batting against spin bowling in particular was a crowd pleaser, highlighted by his extravagant footwork in charging the bowlers.", "zh": "特别是他对自旋保龄球的击打是一个人群的乐趣 , 他的奢侈的足球队充电保龄球突出了他。"}, "mt_gen": "特别是他对自旋保龄球的击打是一个人群的乐趣 , 他的奢侈的足球队充电保龄球突出了他。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the ensuing avalanche closes the outlet to Deception Pass \"forever.\"", "zh": "随后的雪崩关闭了欺骗通道 \"永远\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "随后的雪崩关闭了欺骗通道 \"永远\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "1, August 1947 \"Zorro Saves an American\", West Magazine Vol.", "zh": "1947 年 8 月 1 日 , “佐罗拯救了美国人 ” , 《西部杂志》第一卷。"}, "mt_gen": "1, August 1947 \"Zorro Saves an American\", West Magazine Vol.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "one of the heroes, Idas, accuses him of cowardice; the prophet Idmon in turn accuses Idas of drunken vainglory.", "zh": "其中一位英雄伊达斯指责他懦弱 ; 先知伊德蒙反过来又指责伊达斯醉酒。"}, "mt_gen": "其中一位英雄伊达斯指责他懦弱 ; 先知伊德蒙反过来又指责伊达斯醉酒。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "North American river otters often reside in beaver ponds.", "zh": "北美水獺经常居住在河狸池中。"}, "mt_gen": "北美的河槽经常居住在海鸥池中.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Cochran called Fuhrman \"a genocidal racist, a perjurer, America's worst nightmare and the personification of evil\".", "zh": "Cochran 称 fuhrman 为 \"种族灭绝的种族主义者 , 骗子 , 美国最糟糕的恶梦和邪恶的化身\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "Cochran 称 fuhrman 为 \"种族灭绝的种族主义者 , 骗子 , 美国最糟糕的恶梦和邪恶的化身\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "therefore, storytellers in England adapted legends of Charlemagne and his 12 Peers to the Arthurian tales.", "zh": "因此 , 英国的故事演说家将查理曼和他的 12 只宠物的传奇改编成阿尔苏里亚的故事。"}, "mt_gen": "因此 , 英国的故事演说家将查理曼和他的 12 只宠物的传奇改编成阿尔苏里亚的故事。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Karl rescues the esky and he and Susan bury Audrey at Sonya's nursery.", "zh": "卡尔解救了母狗 , 他和苏珊把奥黛丽埋葬在索尼娅的托儿所里。"}, "mt_gen": "卡尔解救了黑鬼, 他和苏珊把奥黛丽埋葬在索尼娅的托儿所里.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Times named Susan's amnesia storyline as one of their top 15 most memorable Neighbours moments.", "zh": "《泰晤士报》将苏珊的健忘症故事命名为他们 15 强最难忘的邻居时刻之一。"}, "mt_gen": "《泰晤士报》将苏珊的失忆症故事命名为他们 15 强最难忘的邻居时刻之一.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Phra That Montein hall contains several small gilded pagodas containing the ashes of Royal ancestors.", "zh": "摩天大堂里有几座镀金的小宝塔 , 里面有王室祖先的灰烬。"}, "mt_gen": "摩天大堂里有几座镀金的小宝塔 , 里面有王室祖先的灰烬。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after that the priest and the nun raped her together.", "zh": "之后 , 牧师和修女强奸了她。"}, "mt_gen": "之后 , 牧师和修女强奸了她。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he spent the 1966 and 1967 seasons with the Buffalo Bisons in the International League.", "zh": "1966 年和 1967 年 , 他在国际联盟和水牛双胞胎一起度过了赛季。"}, "mt_gen": "1966 年和 1967 年, 他在国际联盟和水牛双胞胎一起度过了赛季.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "odontocetes, such as the sperm whale, possess teeth with cementum cells overlying dentine cells.", "zh": "齿鲸小目 , 这样的抹香鲸有牙齿, 有胶质细胞, 附着在密度细胞上。"}, "mt_gen": "象精子鲸这样的卵巢有牙齿, 有胶质细胞, 附着在密度细胞上.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they hover over a nest containing a pair of courting sunfish, and gradually descend to reach the pair just as they spawn.", "zh": "他们栖息在一个鸟巢上 , 里面有一对谈恋爱的太阳鱼 , 并逐渐下降到他们产下的那一对。"}, "mt_gen": "他们栖息在一个鸟巢上 , 里面有一对可爱的太阳鱼 , 并逐渐下降到他们产下的那一对。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "however, the Professor reactivates Danger and she defeats the pirates in turn.", "zh": "然而 , 教授重新激活了危险 , 她反过来击败了海盗。"}, "mt_gen": "然而 , 教授重新激活了危险 , 她反过来击败了海盗。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in \"Membership Drive,\" Raptarr joins the second incarnation of the Justice Force.", "zh": "在 \"会籍车道\" 中 , Raptarr 加入了司法部队的第二个化身。"}, "mt_gen": "在 \"成员车道\" 中 , Raptarr 加入了司法部队的第二个化身。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Delta Upsilon at Dartmouth College was founded as Epsilon Kappa Phi, a local fraternity, at Dartmouth College in 1920.", "zh": "达特茅斯学院的德尔塔乌普西隆于 1920 年在达特茅斯学院成立 , 是当地的兄弟会。"}, "mt_gen": "达特茅斯学院的德尔塔乌普西隆于 1920 年在达特茅斯学院成立 , 是当地的兄弟会。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1909, the local fraternity became New Hampshire Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon.", "zh": "1909 年, 当地的兄弟会成为西格玛菲埃普西伦的新罕布什尔州阿尔法分会。"}, "mt_gen": "1909 年, 当地的兄弟会成为西格玛菲埃普西伦的新罕布什尔州阿尔法分会.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Bastami shrine hosts a pond of black softshell turtles.", "zh": "巴斯塔米神社拥有一个黑软贝壳的海龟池塘."}, "mt_gen": "巴斯塔米神殿有一个黑软贝壳海龟池塘.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "suddenly, Spangles peels off his head to reveal an alien underneath it.", "zh": "突然, Spangles 从他的脑袋上剥下皮, 露出它下面有一个外星人."}, "mt_gen": "突然, 西班牙人从他的脑袋上剥下皮, 露出它下面有一个外星人.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after a huge loss against New Zealand, Pakistan defeated Zimbabwe by 7 wickets.", "zh": "在对新西兰的巨大损失之后 , 巴基斯坦以 7 三柱门击败了津巴布韦。"}, "mt_gen": "在对新西兰的巨大损失之后 , 巴基斯坦以 7 场击败了津巴布韦。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they lost wickets regularly and only 4 batsmen scored double figures.", "zh": "他们经常丢掉三柱门 , 只有 4 名击球手得分双倍。"}, "mt_gen": "他们经常丢球 , 只有 4 名击球手得分双倍。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "for a brief stint, former New Zealand Prime Minister Robert Muldoon appeared as the Narrator.", "zh": "简短地讲 , 新西兰前总理罗伯特 · 穆尔顿作为旁白出现了短暂的一阵子."}, "mt_gen": "新西兰前总理罗伯特 · 穆尔顿作为旁白出现了短暂的一阵子.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the episode \"Child's Play\", he mentions receiving a combined score of 950 on his SATs.", "zh": "在 \"儿童游戏\" 一集中 , 他提到在他的 Sats 中获得了 950 分的总和。"}, "mt_gen": "在 \"儿童游戏\" 一集中 , 他提到在他的 Sats 中获得了 950 分的总和。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "numerous tornadoes touched down along the Dryline that evening, with the strongest tornadoes touching down in Texas.", "zh": "那天晚上 , 许多龙卷风沿着干线落下来 , 最大的龙卷风在德克萨斯州落下来。"}, "mt_gen": "那天晚上 , 许多龙卷风沿着干线落下来 , 最大的龙卷风在德克萨斯州落下来。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it conquered much of Mount Lebanon and the Chouf District.", "zh": "它征服了黎巴嫩山和丘夫区的大部分地区。"}, "mt_gen": "它征服了黎巴嫩山和 Chouf 区的大部分地区。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the film stars Ryan Gosling as an unnamed Hollywood stunt driver who moonlights as a getaway driver.", "zh": "这部电影的主角是莱恩 · 戈斯林 ( Ryan Gosling ) , 他是一位无名的好莱坞特技司机 , 但他也是逃跑司机。"}, "mt_gen": "这部电影的主角是莱恩 · 戈斯林 ( Ryan Gosling ) , 他是一位无名的好莱坞特技司机 , 月光照亮了他的身影。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 2015, director and animator Paul J Bolger released the first in a trilogy of graphic novels recounting the tales of Cú Chulainn.", "zh": "2015 年 , 导演兼动画师保罗 · J · 博格 ( Paul J Bolger ) 发布了三部曲中首部描述楚兰故事的平面小说。"}, "mt_gen": "2015 年 , 导演兼动画师保罗 · J · 博格 ( Paul J Bolger ) 发布了三部曲中首部描述楚兰故事的平面小说。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "practices in the ashrams and the person of Sathya Sai Baba", "zh": "Sathya Sai Baba 的族长和本人的做法"}, "mt_gen": "Sathya Sai Baba 的族长和本人的做法", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "custom built by Toyota, it is 20 ft long and 6.5 ft wide, with extra amenities such as bulletproofing and a granite entryway.", "zh": "定制的丰田是 20 英尺长 , 6.5 英尺宽 , 配有防弹和花岗岩入口等额外设施。"}, "mt_gen": "丰田的风俗习惯是 20 英尺长 , 6.5 英尺宽 , 配有防弹和花岗岩入口等额外设施。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when the badger steps on a carpet between him and Gabool, he plummets down into a dark pit.", "zh": "当猎犬踏上他和加博尔之间的地毯时 , 他暴跌在一个黑暗的坑里。"}, "mt_gen": "当猎犬踏上他和加博尔之间的地毯时 , 他跌倒在一个黑暗的坑里。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when the hares finally exhaust their supply of arrows, they fight with their lances.", "zh": "当野兔最终用完箭之后 , 他们便用长矛战斗。"}, "mt_gen": "当干草最终耗尽了他们的箭供给时, 他们就会与他们的鱼叉搏斗.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "instead Democratic machines flourished in each of the boroughs, with Tammany Hall in Manhattan the most prominent.", "zh": "相反 , 民主机器在每个城市都很繁荣 , 曼哈顿的塔姆莫尔大厅是最突出的。"}, "mt_gen": "相反 , 民主机器在每个城市都很繁荣 , 曼哈顿的塔姆莫尔大厅是最突出的。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "at Lockdown Abyss, Jeff Jarrett, Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy defeated Sting, Desmond Wolfe, Robert Roode and James Storm.", "zh": "在洛克当深渊 , 杰夫 · 贾雷特、罗布 · 范丹和杰夫 · 哈迪击败了斯汀、德斯蒙德 · 沃尔夫、罗伯特 · 罗德和詹姆斯 · 斯托姆。"}, "mt_gen": "在洛克当深渊 , 杰夫 · 贾雷特、罗布 · 范丹和杰夫 · 哈迪击败了斯汀、德斯蒙德 · 沃尔夫、罗伯特 · 罗德和詹姆斯 · 斯托姆。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the choral oratorio Audubon by James Kallembach was premiered on November 9, 2018 in Boston, Massachusetts by Chorus pro Musica.", "zh": "2018 年 11 月 9 日 , 詹姆斯 · 卡伦巴赫 ( James Kallembach ) 在马萨诸塞州波士顿主持的奥杜邦合唱团由支持 Musica 合唱团主演。"}, "mt_gen": "2018 年 11 月 9 日 , 詹姆斯 · 卡伦巴赫 ( James Kallembach ) 在马萨诸塞州波士顿主持的奥杜邦合唱团由支持 Musica 合唱团主演。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "to dangle fat catalogs of their wares before the eager eyes of any buyers. \"", "zh": "在任何买家急切的目光面前摆弄他们的商品的脂肪目录。 \""}, "mt_gen": "在任何买家急切的目光面前摆弄他们的商品的脂肪目录。 \"", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the commander of the French VII Corps, Major General Georges de Bazelaire, decorated MacArthur with the Croix de Guerre.", "zh": "法国第七军团指挥官 Georges de Bazelaire 少将向麦克阿瑟颁发了克罗伊 - 德格雷号勋章。"}, "mt_gen": "法国第七军团指挥官 Georges de Bazelaire 少将向麦克阿瑟颁发了克罗伊 - 德格雷号勋章。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "saddle butterflyfish usually flutter gently rather than swim.", "zh": "鞍斑蝴蝶魚通常轻轻地颤抖而不是游泳."}, "mt_gen": "海绵蝴蝶通常轻轻地颤抖而不是游泳.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "at least 145,000 prisoners from the Łódź Ghetto perished at Chełmno in several waves of deportations lasting from 1942 to 1944.", "zh": "1942 年至 1944 年期间 , 至少有 145 000 名来自罗兹盖托的囚犯在几波驱逐中丧生。"}, "mt_gen": "1942 年至 1944 年期间 , 至少有 145 000 名来自罗兹盖托的囚犯在几波驱逐中丧生。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it feeds primarily on large ungulates, though it also eats smaller animals, livestock, carrion, and garbage.", "zh": "它主要靠有蹄动物养活 , 但也吃小动物、牲畜、马车和垃圾。"}, "mt_gen": "它主要靠大丛林养活 , 但也吃小动物、牲畜、马车和垃圾。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mister Mxyzptlk crashes the battle mixing up Superman, Batman, and StarGirl's minds.", "zh": "姆克西兹普特克先生把超人、蝙蝠侠和星女星的思想混为一谈, 打乱了这场战斗."}, "mt_gen": "姆克西兹普特克先生把超人、蝙蝠侠和星女星的思想混为一谈, 打乱了这场战斗.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "like Starbucks, the Stars and Bucks serves cappuccinos in ceramic cups, and offers free Wifi.", "zh": "于星巴克一样 , 星巴克在陶瓷杯中提供卡普奇诺斯 , 并提供免费的 Wi - Fi 。"}, "mt_gen": "和星巴克一样 , 星巴克和星巴克在陶瓷杯中提供卡普奇诺斯 , 并提供免费的维菲。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in her first semifinal since 2011, she beat Nina Bratchikova.", "zh": "在 2011 年以来的第一个半决赛中 , 她击败了 Nina Bratchikova 。"}, "mt_gen": "在 2011 年以来的第一个半决赛中 , 她击败了 Nina Bratchikova 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in August 1993, Vikernes fatally stabbed Mayhem guitarist Euronymous during an altercation at the latter's apartment.", "zh": "1993 年 8 月 , Vikernes 在 Mayham 的公寓发生争吵时 , 用致命的刀刺伤了 Mayham 吉他手的名字。"}, "mt_gen": "1993 年 8 月 , Vikernes 在 Mayham 的公寓发生争吵时 , 用致命的刀刺伤了 Mayham 吉他手的名字。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Paulo Eduardo Andrade Ponte, 77, Brazilian Roman Catholic prelate, Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão.", "zh": "保罗 · 爱德华多 · 安德拉德 · 庞特 , 77 岁 , 巴西罗马天主教 , 马拉尼昂圣路易斯大主教。"}, "mt_gen": "保罗 · 爱德华多 · 安德拉德 · 庞特 , 77 岁 , 巴西罗马天主教 , 马拉尼昂圣路易斯大主教。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "George Hedges, 57, American lawyer and archaeologist, melanoma.", "zh": "现年 57 岁的 George Hedges , 美国律师和考古学家 , 黑色素瘤。"}, "mt_gen": "57 岁的 George Hedges , 美国律师和考古学家 , 黑色素瘤。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in Maastricht, only ten Crutched Friars took holy orders between 1760 and 1796.", "zh": "在马斯特里赫特, 在 1760 年至 1796 年期间, 只有十个十字架修道士接受了圣令."}, "mt_gen": "在马斯特里赫特, 在 1760 年至 1796 年期间, 只有十个十字架修道士接受了圣令.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the windows of the choir bays, between the apse and the nave, are blind.", "zh": "合唱团海湾的窗子, 在后殿和中殿之间, 是盲目的."}, "mt_gen": "合唱团海湾的窗子, 在山顶和山顶之间, 是盲目的.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "English Language Theatre Group, The Hamburg Exiles Rugby Club, several cricket clubs, and The Morris Minor Register of Hamburg.", "zh": "英语剧团、汉堡流亡者橄榄球俱乐部、几个板球俱乐部和汉堡莫里斯未成年人登记簿。"}, "mt_gen": "英语剧团、汉堡流亡者橄榄球俱乐部、几个板球俱乐部和汉堡莫里斯未成年人登记簿。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he'd nurtured a close relationship with Prime Minister Sarit Thanarat.", "zh": "他与萨里特 · 塔那拉特总理建立了密切的关系."}, "mt_gen": "他与萨里特 · 塔那拉特总理建立了密切的关系.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "oysters, scallops, clams, ark clams, mussels and cockles are the most commonly consumed kinds of bivalve, and are eaten cooked or raw.", "zh": "牡蛎、扇贝、蛤蜊、方蛤、贻贝和蛤是最常用的两条鱼 , 都是煮熟或生吃的。"}, "mt_gen": "牡蛎、扇贝、扇子、方舟、贻贝和鸡尾酒是最常用的两条鱼 , 都是煮熟或生吃的。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the ligament and byssus, if calcified, are composed of aragonite.", "zh": "韧带和贝萨斯, 如果钙化, 是由拉戈尼特组成的."}, "mt_gen": "韧带和贝萨斯, 如果钙化, 是由拉戈尼特组成的.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Johnson bemoans the repetitiveness of news coverage.", "zh": "约翰逊痛斥着新闻报导的重复."}, "mt_gen": "约翰逊痛斥着新闻报导的重复.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she also performed the ballad on December 13, 2008, live at The X Factor finale in the UK.", "zh": "她也在 2008 年 12 月 13 日表演了这首歌曲 , 现场直播在英国的 The X Factor 决赛中。"}, "mt_gen": "她还在 2008 年 12 月 13 日表演了这首歌曲 , 现场直播在英国的 X 要素决赛中。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "BHANJI Dhanji of Devaliya from Vaijapur to Nagarsol terminating at MANMAR.", "zh": "从 Vaijapur 到 Nagarsol 的 Darmiya 的 Bhanji Dhanji 在 Manmar 终点。"}, "mt_gen": "从 Vaijapur 到 Nagarsol 的 Darmiya 的 Bhanji Dhanji 在 Manmar 终点。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it was controversial for scenes in which Jackson rubs his crotch, vandalizes cars, and throws a garbage can through a storefront.", "zh": "对于杰克逊在店前擦擦他的裤裆、破坏汽车和扔垃圾桶的场面 , 这是有争议的。"}, "mt_gen": "对于杰克逊在店前擦擦他的手套、破坏汽车和扔垃圾桶的场面 , 这是有争议的。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "sometimes used as a synonym for picadillo, especially in arroz a la cubana.", "zh": "有时用作皮卡迪略的同义词, 特别是在阿罗兹 a la Cubana."}, "mt_gen": "有时用作皮卡迪略的同义词, 特别是在阿罗兹 a la Cubana.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Raleigh kills Knifehead and walks Gipsy back to shore.", "zh": "Raleigh 杀死了 Knifehead , 然后走了 Gipsy 回到岸边。"}, "mt_gen": "Raleigh 杀死了 Knifemed , 然后走了 Gipsy 回到岸边。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the museum features memorabilia from the D & RGW and other railroads.", "zh": "博物馆里有 D & RGW 和其他铁路的纪念品."}, "mt_gen": "博物馆里有 D & RGW 和其他铁路的纪念品.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Martian Manhunter appears as a playable character in DC Unchained.", "zh": "火星猎手在直流无链中出现了一个可玩的角色."}, "mt_gen": "火星猎手在直流无链中出现了一个可玩的角色.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "year One of Destiny featured two small expansions, The Dark Below in December 2014 and House of Wolves in May 2015.", "zh": "首年的命运期出现了两个小扩张 : 2014 年 12 月的《黑暗之下》和 2015 年 5 《狼屋》。"}, "mt_gen": "首年的命运期出现了两个小扩张 : 2014 年 12 月的黑暗面和 2015 年 5 月的狼之家。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "against Victoria in Sydney, he scored 106 in a hard hitting innings with the tail.", "zh": "在悉尼对维多利亚的比赛中, 他在苦战用尾巴打了 106 分."}, "mt_gen": "在悉尼对维多利亚的比赛中, 他用尾巴打了 106 分.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after the victory of Alp Arslan at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071, the Great Seljuq Empire overran much of the Byzantine Empire.", "zh": "1071 年阿尔卑斯兰在曼齐克特战役中获胜后 , 大塞尔朱克帝国征服了拜占庭帝国的大部分地区。"}, "mt_gen": "1071 年阿尔卑斯兰在曼齐克特战役中获胜后 , 大塞尔朱克帝国征服了拜占庭帝国的大部分地区。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Bonifacio delegated Dr. Pío Valenzuela as the Katipunan's emissary to Dapitan.", "zh": "博尼法西奥委托皮奥 · 巴伦苏埃拉博士担任卡蒂普南的使节给达皮坦."}, "mt_gen": "博尼法西奥委托皮奥 · 巴伦苏埃拉博士担任卡蒂普南的使节给达皮坦.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she eventually manipulates Phil into admitting the truth.", "zh": "她最终操纵菲尔承认了真理."}, "mt_gen": "她最终操纵菲尔承认了真相.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "American Home Missionary Association, and Congregational Home Missionary Society.", "zh": "美国家庭传教士协会和教会家庭传教士协会."}, "mt_gen": "美国家庭传教士协会和教会家庭传教士协会.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Episcopal Church Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.", "zh": "圣公会教会国内外传教会。"}, "mt_gen": "圣公会教会国内外传教会。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "1 Dry Dock were smaller dry docks of around 150 ft long and with entrances less than 40 ft.", "zh": "1 干船坞是较小的干船坞 , 约 150 英尺长 , 入口不到 40 英尺。"}, "mt_gen": "1 干码头是较小的干码头 , 约 150 英尺长 , 入口不到 40 英尺。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "as she falls, she strikes her head on the stonework, and drowns unconscious in the floodwaters surrounding the Castle.", "zh": "当她跌倒的时候 , 她把头撞在石头上 , 淹死在城堡周围的洪水中 , 失去知觉。"}, "mt_gen": "当她跌倒的时候 , 她把头撞在石头上 , 淹死在城堡周围的洪水中 , 失去知觉。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "inhabiting a mural that leads to the Underworld from Persephone's solarium, they regulate the seasons and appear as four maidens.", "zh": "他们在从珀瑟福尔的独木屋进入地下世界的壁画中调节季节 , 并出现为四个少女。"}, "mt_gen": "他们在从珀瑟福尔的独木屋进入地下世界的壁画中调节季节 , 并出现为四个少女。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when Zane spanks Trudy at a social gathering for her conceit, he expects to lose his job.", "zh": "当赞妮在社交集会上自负的时候 , 特鲁迪预计会丢掉工作。"}, "mt_gen": "当赞妮在社交集会上自负的时候 , 特鲁迪预计会丢掉工作。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Senator William Borah in the 1963 episode \"The Lion of Idaho.\"", "zh": "参议员威廉 · 博拉在 1963 年的《爱达荷州的狮子》一集中."}, "mt_gen": "参议员威廉 · 博拉在 1963 年的《爱达荷州的狮子》一集中.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "frames without top tubes such as \"Old Faithful\" by Graeme Obree.", "zh": "没有顶管的框架 , 如格莱姆 · 奥布里的 \"老实\" 。"}, "mt_gen": "没有顶管的框架 , 如格莱姆 · 奥布里的 \"老实\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in one of the key individual tussles, Kieran Dooley curbed Duignan's influence at midfield.", "zh": "基兰 · 多利在关键的个人争吵之一中 , 遏制了杜尼安在中场的影响。"}, "mt_gen": "基兰 · 多利在其中一个关键的个人赛事中 , 遏制了杜尼安在中场的影响。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "this gospel begins with the preaching of John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus.", "zh": "这福音从浸礼会的约翰和耶稣的洗礼开始."}, "mt_gen": "这福音从浸礼会的约翰和耶稣的洗礼开始.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "at the Oakey reunion, Kirsten kisses Ned who rejects her.", "zh": "在奥奇的聚会上 , 基尔斯汀吻了拒绝她的奈德。"}, "mt_gen": "在奥奇的聚会上 , 基尔斯汀吻了拒绝她的奈德。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "significant buildings within the Georgian Dockyard", "zh": "格鲁吉亚船坞内的重要建筑物"}, "mt_gen": "格鲁吉亚船坞内的重要建筑物", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the first level has an arch flanked by pilasters and niches with sculptures of the Sacred Heart and John the Evangelist.", "zh": "第一层有拱形的侧面 , 由朝圣者和圣心的雕塑和福音派的约翰。"}, "mt_gen": "第一层有拱形的侧面 , 由朝圣者和圣心的雕塑和福音派的约翰。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "among the most important is the Byzantine dromon, the predecessor to the Italian galea sottila.", "zh": "其中最重要的是拜占庭仙人掌, 它是意大利仙人掌的前身."}, "mt_gen": "其中最重要的是拜占庭仙人掌, 它是意大利仙人掌的前身.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ragnhild departed Demerara on 10 March for Trinidad, arriving on 11 March.", "zh": "Ragnhild 于 3 月 10 日离开 Demerara 前往特立尼达和多巴哥 , 于 3 月 11 日抵达特立尼达和多巴哥。"}, "mt_gen": "Ragnhild 于 3 月 10 日离开 Demerara 前往特立尼达和多巴哥 , 于 3 月 11 日抵达特立尼达和多巴哥。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she sailed from Casablanca on 2 March with a cargo of phosphates.", "zh": "3 月 2 日 , 她带着磷酸盐从卡萨布兰卡启航。"}, "mt_gen": "3 月 2 日 , 她带着磷酸盐从卡萨布兰卡启航。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "this makes them especially vulnerable to slavers from Essos.", "zh": "这使他们特别容易受到埃索斯奴隶的伤害。"}, "mt_gen": "这使他们特别容易受到埃索斯奴隶的伤害。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a mezzanine crosses the arcade's north and south wings.", "zh": "夹层横跨拱门的北翼和南翼."}, "mt_gen": "火炬横跨拱门的北翼和南翼.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "decorated revolving doors also exist at the northern and southern entrances, at Park Place and Barclay Street respectively.", "zh": "北面和南面入口 , 公园广场和巴克莱街也分别设有装饰旋转门。"}, "mt_gen": "北面和南面入口 , 公园广场和巴克莱街也分别设有装饰旋转门。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Aaron swears to kill Robert if Liv dies, but she survives.", "zh": "如果利夫死了的话 , 然后亚伦发誓就杀了罗伯特 , 但她还活着。"}, "mt_gen": "亚伦发誓如果利夫死了就杀了罗伯特 , 但她还活着。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "with nowhere else to go Robert stays at Val and Eric's B & B.", "zh": "罗伯特没有别的去处 , 呆在瓦尔和埃里克的 B & B 。"}, "mt_gen": "罗伯特没有别的去处 , 呆在瓦尔和埃里克的 B & B 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in Skien his dialect provoked negative reactions from his peers.", "zh": "在斯基恩 , 他的方言引起了同龄人的负面反应。"}, "mt_gen": "在斯基恩 , 他的方言引起了同龄人的负面反应。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "called the Daimos Daggers / Double Daggers in the Filipino English dub.", "zh": "在菲律宾语中称为 Daimos Daggers / Double Daggers 。"}, "mt_gen": "在菲律宾语中称为 Daimos Daggers / 双 Daggers 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the sermon describes the conflated woman as a \"second Eve\" who compensates for the disobedience of the first Eve through her obedience.", "zh": "布道词将这个混杂的女人描述为 \"二夜\" , 通过她的顺从来补偿一夜的不顺从。"}, "mt_gen": "布道将这个混杂的女人描述为 \"二夜\" , 通过她的顺从来补偿一夜的不顺从。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he immediately sends as a gift to Rome 70,000 bushels of wheat, 50,000 bushels of barley, and 240 pounds of gold.", "zh": "他立即向罗马赠送了 70, 000 蒲式耳的小麦、 50, 000 蒲式耳的大麦和 240 磅黄金作为礼物。"}, "mt_gen": "他立即向罗马赠送了 70, 000 套小麦、 50, 000 套大麦和 240 磅黄金作为礼物。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Janković again partnered Srebotnik in the doubles.", "zh": "Jankovi ć 在双打比赛中再次与 SreBotnik 合作。"}, "mt_gen": "Jankovi ć 在双打比赛中再次与 SreBotnik 合作。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she also competed in the doubles tournament with Katarina Srebotnik and lost in the semifinals.", "zh": "她还参加了与卡塔琳娜 · 斯雷博尼克的双打比赛 , 并在半决赛中输掉了。"}, "mt_gen": "她还参加了与卡塔琳娜 · 斯雷博尼克的双打比赛 , 并在半决赛中输掉了。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "one of his grandsons, Peter, married Alice Gardner Plimpton.", "zh": "他的孙子彼得嫁给了爱丽丝 · 加德纳 · 普林普顿。"}, "mt_gen": "他的一个孙子彼得嫁给了爱丽丝 · 加德纳 · 普林普顿。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Lycoming County 14.7889 mills and Tioga County at 15.8987 mills.", "zh": "李明县 14.7889 磨坊和蒂奥加县 15.8987 磨坊。"}, "mt_gen": "李明县 14.7889 磨坊和 Tioga 县 15.8987 磨坊。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "multicultural Greek Council Delta Lambda Phi Delta Xi Phi Omega Phi Alpha Sigma Lambda Beta Sigma Lambda Gamma", "zh": "希腊多文化理事会 Delta Lambda Phi Delta Xi Phi Omega Phi Alpha Sigma Lambda Beta Sigma Lambda Gamma"}, "mt_gen": "希腊多文化理事会 Delta Lambda Phi Delta 西 Phi Omega Phi Alpha Sigma Lambda Beta Sigma Lambda Gamma", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Muir, the Sierra Club and Robert Underwood Johnson fought against inundating the valley.", "zh": "穆尔、山地俱乐部和罗伯特 · 安德伍德 · 约翰逊反对淹没山谷."}, "mt_gen": "穆尔、山地俱乐部和罗伯特 · 安德伍德 · 约翰逊反对淹没山谷.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 2007, she starred opposite Tyler Perry as a psychotherapist in the film Why Did I Get Married?.", "zh": "2007 年 , 她在电影《我为什么要结婚》中主演了泰勒 · 佩里作为心理医生的角色。"}, "mt_gen": "2007 年 , 她在电影《我为什么要结婚》中主演了泰勒 · 佩里作为心理医生的角色。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he overdosed on barbiturates, and cut an artery in his right arm with a razor blade.", "zh": "他过量服用巴比妥 , 并用剃须刀在右臂上割断动脉。"}, "mt_gen": "他过量服用巴比妥, 用剃须刀在右臂上割断动脉.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "January 21 Manny Pacquiao exacts his revenge on Erik Morales by stopping him in the 10th round.", "zh": "1 月 21 日曼尼 · 帕奎奥 ( Manny Pacquiao ) 在第 10 轮比赛中阻止埃里克 · 莫拉莱斯 , 以此作为对他的报复。"}, "mt_gen": "1 月 21 日曼尼 · 帕奎奥 ( Manny Pacquao ) 在第 10 轮比赛中阻止埃里克 · 莫拉莱斯 , 以此作为对他的报复。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Judah becomes the new Undisputed Welterweight Champion.", "zh": "犹大成为新的无可争议的次中量级冠军。"}, "mt_gen": "犹大成为新的无可争议的威尔士冠军.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "cook tells Jill about the Posy Princess competition, where contestants win posies at various tests, and the girl who wins the most posies wins.", "zh": "库克告诉吉尔波西公主的比赛 , 选手在各种考试中获胜 , 而赢得最多职位的女孩获胜。"}, "mt_gen": "库克告诉吉尔波西公主的比赛 , 选手在各种考试中获胜 , 而赢得最多职位的女孩获胜。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "R A Cooke, Atlas of the Great Western Railway, 1947, Wild Swan Publications Limited, Didcot, 1997", "zh": "R A Cooke , 《大西部铁路地图集》 , 1947 年 , 野生天鹅出版物有限公司 , 迪德科特 , 1997 年"}, "mt_gen": "R A Cooke , 《大西部铁路地图集》 , 1947 年 , 野生天鹅出版物有限公司 , Didcot , 1997 年", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "grape leaves and pomegranate rinds, as well as other plants, provide different shades of yellow.", "zh": "葡萄叶和石榴酸以及其他植物提供不同的黄色色泽."}, "mt_gen": "葡萄叶和石榴酸以及其他植物提供不同的黄色色泽.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they show a fine weave of about 4650 asymmetrical knots per square decimeter", "zh": "它们显示出每平方厘米约 4650 个不对称结的精细编织"}, "mt_gen": "它们显示出每平方厘米约 4650 个不对称结的精细编织", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"sometimes he manipulates even me\", admitted one psychiatrist.", "zh": "\"有时他甚至操控我\" , 一位精神科医生承认。"}, "mt_gen": "\"有时他甚至操纵我\" , 一位精神科医生承认。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he wears a long, fringed, hooded robe with a cape reaching to his ankles.", "zh": "他穿了一件长长的, 边缘的, 戴着头罩的长袍, 披肩伸向脚踝."}, "mt_gen": "他穿了一件长长的, 边缘的, 戴着头罩的长袍, 披肩伸向脚踝.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "DXVA 2.0 supports only Enhanced Video Renderer as the video renderer on Windows Vista.", "zh": "DxVA 2.0 只支持增强视频查询器作为 Windows Vista 上的视频查询器。"}, "mt_gen": "DxVA 2.0 只支持增强视频查询器作为视窗 Vista 上的视频查询器.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the 1851 OS shows formal gardens with a boundary wall, paths and a central feature, possibly a pond.", "zh": "1851 年的操作系统展示了正式的花园 , 有一个边界墙、道路和一个中心特征 , 可能是一个池塘。"}, "mt_gen": "1851 年的操作系统展示了正式的花园 , 有一个边界墙、道路和一个中心特征 , 可能是一个池塘。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in contrast, the open front porch featured unusual pierced square columns and an intricate frieze and porch railing.", "zh": "相反 , 开放的前门廊有不同寻常的穿孔方柱和复杂的冰冻和门廊栏杆。"}, "mt_gen": "相反 , 开放的前门廊有不同寻常的穿孔方柱和复杂的冰冻和门廊栏杆。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1785 the Moros burned several towns in the Visayas and captured a Prau in Bulacan Province, near Manila.", "zh": "1785 年 , Moros 人在 Visayas 烧毁了几个城镇 , 并在马尼拉附近的 Bulacan 省夺取了一片草原。"}, "mt_gen": "1785 年 , Moros 人在 Visayas 烧毁了几个城镇 , 并在马尼拉附近的 Bulacan 省夺取了一片草原。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the entranceway under the marquise features a Cold Spring dark rainbow granite.", "zh": "在侯爵下面的入口处有一个寒春深色彩虹花岗岩."}, "mt_gen": "在侯爵下面的入口处有一个寒春深色彩虹花岗岩.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "unknown to David a new persona emerges and kills another persona.", "zh": "大卫不认识的一个新角色出现了 , 杀死了另一个角色。"}, "mt_gen": "大卫不认识的一个新人物出现了, 杀死了另一个人.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "thus arose the saying that of \"nine gates, eight tangs, one old bell\".", "zh": "\"九门 , 八塔 , 一个旧钟\" 的谚语就这样出现了。"}, "mt_gen": "\"九门八塔 , 一个旧钟\" 的谚语就这样出现了。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "brachiopods, conodonts and sponges fossils are rarely found.", "zh": "腕足动物门、牙豆类和海绵化石很少见。"}, "mt_gen": "鲜有足足、牙豆类和海绵化石被发现。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "while batting, he stood very straight and side on to the bowler.", "zh": "击球时 , 他站得很直 , 站在保龄球手旁边."}, "mt_gen": "击球时, 他站得很直, 站在保龄球手旁边.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "also packaged are Deluxe Bumblebee in a New York taxicab redeco and figurines of Raf Esquivel and Jack Darby.", "zh": "包装的还有纽约一辆出租车上的豪华 Bumblebee 和 Raf Esquivel 和 Jack Darby 的人物。"}, "mt_gen": "包装的还有纽约一辆出租车上的豪华 Bumblbee 和 Raf Esquivel 和 Jack Darby 的人物。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the arch consists of three fornices with four giant order Corinthian columns.", "zh": "拱门由三个拱门组成 , 有四个巨大的科林斯柱。"}, "mt_gen": "拱门由三个拱门组成, 有四个巨大的科林斯柱.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the three other crews outbid Jacky and her crew for the best hammock spaces.", "zh": "另外三个人超过了杰基和她的机组人员获得最好的吊床空间."}, "mt_gen": "另外三个人超过了杰基和她的机组人员获得最好的吊舱空间.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a menu might include potato leek soup, carrot and bean salad, lamb with saffron, an assortment of cheeses, and grapefruit.", "zh": "菜单可能包括马铃薯利克汤、胡萝卜和豆沙拉、藏红羊肉、各种奶酪和葡萄柚。"}, "mt_gen": "菜单可以包括马铃薯利克汤、胡萝卜和豆沙拉、雪花羊肉、各种奶酪和葡萄。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "just below them were those with the lesser rank of chevalier or seigneur.", "zh": "在他们下面的是那些级别较低的骑士或骑士。"}, "mt_gen": "在他们下面的是那些级别较低的骑士或骑士.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the 2012 festival featured concerts starring Andrea Bocelli, Julio Iglesias and other musicians.", "zh": "2012 年的音乐节包括由 Andrea Bocelli , Julio Iglesias 和其他音乐家主演的音乐会。"}, "mt_gen": "2012 年的音乐节包括由 Andrea Bocelli 、 Julio Iglesias 和其他音乐家主演的音乐会。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Leopoldo O'Donnell, 1st Duke of Tetuan, Spanish general and statesman, a descendant of Calvagh O'Donnell, chieftain of Tyrconnell.", "zh": "Leopoldo O 'Donnell, 第一代 Tetuan 公爵 , 西班牙将军兼政治家 , Calvagh O' Donnell 的后裔 , Tyrconnell 酋长。"}, "mt_gen": "Leopoldo O 'Donnell, 第一代 Tetuan 公爵 , 西班牙将军兼政治家 , Calwanh O' Donnell 的后裔 , Tyrconnell 酋长。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "for Copa games, the Sounds play as the vihuelas de Nashville.", "zh": "在科帕游戏中 , The Sounds 将扮演纳什维尔的维韦拉斯."}, "mt_gen": "在科帕游戏中, 听起来像纳什维尔的维韦拉斯.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a guitar's fret and headstock extend upward from these bands on each sleeve.", "zh": "吉他的品格和琴头架从每个袖子上的这些波段向上延伸."}, "mt_gen": "吉他的弹奏和首饰从每个袖子上的这些波段向上延伸.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the playoffs, the Spurs fell to the Pacers in six games.", "zh": "在季后赛中, 马刺在六场比赛中落到了步兵队的位置."}, "mt_gen": "在季后赛中, 马刺在六场比赛中落到了步兵队的位置.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it premiered in New York the week of 23 January 1947.", "zh": "它于 1947 年 1 月 23 日这一周在纽约首演。"}, "mt_gen": "它于 1947 年 1 月 23 日这一周在纽约首演。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1987, the film version of Ironweed premiered at the Palace Theatre.", "zh": "1987 年 , 《钢铁草》的电影版本在宫廷剧院首映。"}, "mt_gen": "1987 年, 伊龙威德的电影版本在宫廷剧院首映.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the nine lords of the night each governed one of the underworld realms.", "zh": "黑夜的九位领主分别统治着地下世界的一个领域。"}, "mt_gen": "晚上的九位领主分别统治着地下世界的一个领域.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Walter Corry became a cornet in the Dragoons of the Cromwellian army.", "zh": "沃尔特 · 科里成了克伦威利亚军队龙队的一名士兵。"}, "mt_gen": "沃尔特 · 科里成了克伦威利亚军队龙队的一名士兵.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "however, in the pub, Cora repeatedly insults Rainie to the point where Rainie slaps her, before Cora punches her back.", "zh": "然而 , 在酒吧里 , 科拉一再侮辱兰妮 , 使她在科拉拳打脚踢她的时候。"}, "mt_gen": "然而 , 在酒馆里 , 科拉一再侮辱兰妮 , 使她在科拉拳打脚踢她的时候。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "wicketkeeper Arthur McIntyre played well and produced some good batting performances.", "zh": "冰球手阿瑟 · 麦金太尔演奏得很好 , 并产生了一些很好的击球表演。"}, "mt_gen": "冰球手阿瑟 · 麦金太尔演奏得很好, 并产生了一些很好的击球表演.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "chief, Arbiter, Elites, Johnson, Keyes, and U.N.S.C.", "zh": "Elites 、 Johnson 、 Keyes 和 U. n. S. c. 首席仲裁员"}, "mt_gen": "Elites 、 Johnson 、 Keye 和 U. S. c. 首席仲裁员", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "several tenths of a mile downstream of the latter tributary, it enters Jessup and turns abruptly west.", "zh": "在后一条支流下游十分之一英里处 , 它进入杰苏普 , 突然向西转。"}, "mt_gen": "在后一条支流下游十分之一英里处 , 它进入杰苏普 , 突然向西转。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in August 2003, writer Karl Bollers penned an ongoing series showcasing her origins titled Emma Frost.", "zh": "2003 年 8 月 , 作家卡尔 · 博尔斯创作了一部连续剧 , 展示她的起源 , 名为《爱玛 · 弗洛斯特》。"}, "mt_gen": "2003 年 8 月 , 作家卡尔 · 博尔斯创作了一部连续剧 , 展示她的起源 , 名为《爱玛 · 弗洛斯特》。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yuvraj's innings of 112 came from 129 deliveries with 15 fours and two sixes.", "zh": "尤夫拉杰的 112 局来自 129 次 15 小时和 2 次 6 秒的分娩。"}, "mt_gen": "尤夫拉杰的 112 局来自 129 次 15 小时和 2 次 6 秒的分娩。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "sandy Scott, 75, Canadian professional wrestler, pancreatic cancer.", "zh": "75 岁的桑迪 · 斯科特 , 加拿大专业摔跤运动员 , 胰腺癌。"}, "mt_gen": "75 岁的桑迪 · 斯科特 , 加拿大专业摔跤运动员 , 胰腺癌。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after the events of the Age of X, Gambit chooses not to wipe his memory.", "zh": "在 X 世纪的事件之后 , 甘比特选择不抹去他的记忆。"}, "mt_gen": "在 X 世纪的事件之后, 甘比特选择不抹去他的记忆.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "after the firefight with Chief American Horse at the ravine, Mills sent yet another messenger, the third, to Crook.", "zh": "在峡谷与美国马长的交火之后 , 米尔斯又派了另一个使者 , 第三个使者去了克鲁克。"}, "mt_gen": "在峡谷与美国马长的交火之后 , 米尔斯又派了另一个使者 , 第三个使者去了克鲁克。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hans von Bülow premiered the First Piano Concerto and championed other Tchaikovsky works both as pianist and conductor.", "zh": "汉斯 · 冯 · 比洛为首届钢琴协奏会首演 , 并为其他柴科夫斯基担任钢琴家和指挥。"}, "mt_gen": "汉斯 · 冯 · 比洛为首届钢琴协奏会首演 , 并为其他柴科夫斯基担任钢琴家和指挥。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "many avow descent from nomadic Arab tribes that migrated to Palestine during or shortly after the Islamic conquest.", "zh": "许多人承认在伊斯兰征服期间或之后不久移民到巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯游牧部落的血统。"}, "mt_gen": "许多人承认在伊斯兰征服期间或之后不久移民到巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯游牧部落的血统。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she recorded a shutout in an international friendly as the starting goalkeeper against France on March 14.", "zh": "3 月 14 日 , 她在一个国际友谊会上录制了一场关门比赛 , 作为首发对阵法国的守门员。"}, "mt_gen": "3 月 14 日 , 她在一个国际友谊会上录制了一场关门比赛 , 作为首发对阵法国的守门员。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Theseus charges him, interrupting the rite, and after a battle he stabs Asterion with his dagger.", "zh": "塞修斯指控他 , 打断了仪式 , 在一场战斗之后 , 他用刀子刺伤了阿斯特里翁。"}, "mt_gen": "塞修斯指控他, 打断了仪式, 在一场战斗之后, 他用刀子刺伤了阿斯特里翁.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "bibliography of the American Civil War Bibliography of Abraham Lincoln Bibliography of Ulysses S. Grant", "zh": "亚伯拉罕 · 林肯《尤利西斯 · 格兰特美国内战书目》书目"}, "mt_gen": "亚伯拉罕 · 林肯《尤利西斯 · 格兰特美国内战书目》书目", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on a 1965 trip near Penny, Kalman Malzsencizky mistook his friend, Bela Bill Cservenka, for a moose and fatally shot him.", "zh": "1965 年在宾尼附近的一次旅行中 , 卡尔曼 · 马尔赞西奇基误认为他的朋友贝拉 · 比尔 · 塞文卡是个疯子 , 并将他枪杀。"}, "mt_gen": "1965 年在宾尼附近的一次旅行中 , 卡尔曼 · 马尔赞西奇基误认为他的朋友贝拉 · 比尔 · 塞文卡是个疯子 , 并将他枪杀。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Huskies then traveled to Berkeley to face # 7 California.", "zh": "然后 , 爱斯基摩犬前往伯克利面对 7 号加州。"}, "mt_gen": "胡斯基人然后前往伯克利去面对加利福尼亚州 7 号.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "then, after worshiping the crucifix held by the Jesuit priest Father António Esquipano, they began their march towards the Balana fortalice.", "zh": "然后 , 在崇拜耶稣会神父 Ant ó nio Esquipano 的十字架之后 , 他们开始向巴拉那堡垒进军。"}, "mt_gen": "然后 , 在崇拜耶稣会神父 Ant ó nio Esquipano 的十字架之后 , 他们开始向巴拉那堡垒进军。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Kentand M. Henini, Monochromatic terahertz acoustic phonon emission from piezoelectric superlattices, Jour.", "zh": "Kentand M. Henini , 单色 Terahertz 音频发射来自压电超级顶点 , Jour."}, "mt_gen": "Kentand M. Henini, 单色 Terahertz 音频发射来自压电超级顶点, Jour.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Fire clears out dead and downed wood, providing fewer obstacles for lodgepole pines to flourish.", "zh": "火清除了枯死和倒下的木材 , 为木的生长提供了更少的障碍。"}, "mt_gen": "火清除了枯死和倒下的木材, 减少了栖息地松树繁盛的障碍.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Yellowstone Park bison herd is the oldest and largest public bison herd in the United States.", "zh": "黄石公园野牛群是美国最古老 , 最大的公牛群。"}, "mt_gen": "黄石公园野牛群是美国最古老、最大的公牛群。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Joker destroys the hospital and escapes with a busload of hostages.", "zh": "小丑摧毁了医院 , 并带着一堆人质逃走。"}, "mt_gen": "Joker 摧毁了医院 , 并带着一堆人质逃走。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "pookie Hudson, 72, American lead singer of The Spaniels, complications of thymus cancer.", "zh": "72 岁的 Pookie Hudson, 《西班牙人》美国主唱, 胸腺癌并发症。"}, "mt_gen": "72 岁的 Pookie Hudson, 《西班牙人》美国主唱, 胸腺癌并发症.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Harry Melbourne, 94, Australian inventor of the Freddo Frog chocolate, golden staph infection.", "zh": "94 岁的哈里 · 墨尔本 , 澳大利亚弗莱多 · 弗洛格巧克力发明家 , 金色葡萄球菌感染。"}, "mt_gen": "94 岁的哈里 · 墨尔本, 澳大利亚弗莱多 · 弗洛格巧克力发明家, 金色史达普感染.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "many sponges have internal skeletons of Spongin and / or spicules of calcium carbonate or silicon dioxide.", "zh": "许多海绵内有海绵骨骼和 / 或碳酸钙或二氧化硅的辛辣。"}, "mt_gen": "许多海绵内有海绵骨骼和 / 或碳酸钙或二氧化硅的辛辣。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "inside the colonnade would be statues of 30 prominent Revolutionary War heroes as well as statues of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.", "zh": "在柱廊里将有 30 位著名革命战争英雄的雕像以及《独立宣言》签字人的雕像。"}, "mt_gen": "在领馆里将有 30 位著名革命战争英雄的雕像以及《独立宣言》签字人的雕像。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the osprey sometimes passes through the park as it migrates between northern Africa and Scandinavia.", "zh": "鹗有时在北非和斯堪的纳维亚之间迁徙时穿过公园。"}, "mt_gen": "猎物有时在北非和斯堪的纳维亚之间迁徙时穿过公园.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "migraine with aura, or \"classic migraine\", usually involves migraine headaches accompanied by an aura.", "zh": "偏头痛常伴有偏头痛 , 即 \"典型偏头痛\" , 伴有偏头痛。"}, "mt_gen": "偏头痛常伴有偏头痛 , 即 \"典型偏头痛\" , 伴有偏头痛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he candidly depicted his battles against both the Confederates and internal army foes.", "zh": "他坦率地描述了他与邦联和国内军队敌人的战斗。"}, "mt_gen": "他坦率地描述了他与邦联和国内军队敌人的战斗.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in July 1969, Mboya — a prominent and popular Luo KANU politician — was assassinated by a Kikuyu.", "zh": "1969 年 7 月 , 著名和受欢迎的卢克努政治家姆博亚被基库尤暗杀。"}, "mt_gen": "1969 年 7 月 , 著名和受欢迎的卢克努政治家姆博亚被基库尤暗杀。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "apart from a minor skirmish at Clifton Moor, the Jacobite army evaded pursuit and crossed back into Scotland on 20 December.", "zh": "除了在 Clifton Moor 发生小规模的小规模冲突外 , Jacobite 军队于 12 月 20 日逃避追击 , 越过边界返回苏格兰。"}, "mt_gen": "除了在 Clifton Moor 发生小规模的小规模冲突外 , Jacobite 军队于 12 月 20 日逃避追击 , 越过边界返回苏格兰。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "such theories, usually posited by northern Europeans, advocated the superiority of white Aryans to Semitic Jews.", "zh": "这种理论通常是由北欧人提出的 , 主张白人亚里亚人比犹太人优越。"}, "mt_gen": "这种理论通常是由北欧人提出的 , 主张白人亚里亚人比犹太人优越。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on the whole hardwoods like teak and mahogany, the material for most stateroom furnishings, are more resistant to decay.", "zh": "在所有的硬木中 , 柚木和桃花心木大多数定时装饰品的材料都更耐腐烂。"}, "mt_gen": "在所有的硬木中 , 如茶叶和芒果等大多数定时装饰品的材料都更耐腐烂。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "John Fardell, then General Manager of the Christchurch Transport Board, officially opened the tramway on 6 January 1968.", "zh": "当时的克赖斯特彻奇运输委员会总经理 John Fardell 于 1968 年 1 月 6 日正式开通有轨电车。"}, "mt_gen": "当时的克赖斯特彻奇运输委员会总经理 John Fardell 于 1968 年 1 月 6 日正式开通有轨电车。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "mainlanders from Istanbul run some bars, boutiques and guesthouses.", "zh": "伊斯坦布尔的内地人经营一些酒吧、精品店和旅馆。"}, "mt_gen": "伊斯坦布尔的内地人经营一些酒吧、精品店和宾馆。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Petillia Q. f. Modesta, buried at Aquileia, with a monument from her husband, Gaius Mutillius, a decurion at Aquileia.", "zh": "Petillia Q. f. Motilia , 埋葬在 Aquileia , 其丈夫 Gaius Mutillius 在 Aquileia 有一座纪念碑。"}, "mt_gen": "Petillia Q. f. Motilia , 埋葬在 Aquileia , 其丈夫 Gaius Mutillius 在 Aquileia 有一座纪念碑。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the former he starred alongside Shahid Kapoor, Sunil Shetty and Rimi Sen while in the latter he starred alongside Kareena Kapoor and Bobby Deol.", "zh": "在前者 , 他与沙希德 · 卡波尔、苏尼尔 · 谢提和里米 · 森一起主演 , 而在后者 , 他与卡雷娜 · 卡波尔和鲍比 · 迪奥一起主演。"}, "mt_gen": "在前者 , 他与沙希德 · 卡波尔、苏尼尔 · 谢提和里米 · 森一起主演 , 而在后者 , 他与卡雷娜 · 卡波尔和鲍比 · 迪奥一起主演。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Chopin's mazurkas and waltzes are all in straightforward ternary or episodic form, sometimes with a coda.", "zh": "肖邦的马铃卡和华尔兹舞都是直截了当的三元或偶发的形式 , 有时与熊猫。"}, "mt_gen": "肖邦的马铃卡和华尔兹舞都是直截了当的三元或偶发的形式 , 有时与熊猫。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a rather grumpy, but magicical troll who always cooks up different potions for different purposes.", "zh": "一种相当讨厌但神奇的巨兽, 它总是为了不同的目的而制作不同的药剂."}, "mt_gen": "一种相当讨厌但神奇的巨兽, 它总是为了不同的目的而制作不同的药剂.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a colorful female woodpecker who appeared occasionally during the first two seasons.", "zh": "在头两个季节偶尔出现的多彩的啄木鸟."}, "mt_gen": "在头两个季节偶尔出现的多彩的雌鸟.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Caveman is a friendly caveman who first appeared in the episode \"Dudley and the Caveman\".", "zh": "穴居人是一个友好的穴居人 , 他第一次出现在 \"达德利和穴居人\" 的剧集中。"}, "mt_gen": "骑士是一个友好的骑士 , 他第一次出现在 \"达德利和骑士\" 的剧集中。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "RAF fighters from RAF Northolt, RAF Tangmere and RAF Middle Wallop intercepted.", "zh": "来自皇家空军北托尔特派、皇家空军唐米派和皇家空军中瓦洛普派的皇家空军战斗人员遭到拦截。"}, "mt_gen": "来自皇家空军北托尔特派、皇家空军唐米派和皇家空军中瓦洛普派的皇家空军战斗人员遭到拦截。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "with a win over Iowa, the Buckeyes would clinch a third consecutive outright Big Ten title.", "zh": "随着爱荷华州的胜利, Buckeyes 将连续第三次获得十大冠军."}, "mt_gen": "随着爱荷华州的胜利, Buckeyes 将连续第三次获得十大冠军.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Leo also secures an apartment for himself and David.", "zh": "利奥还为自己和大卫找到了一套公寓。"}, "mt_gen": "利奥还为自己和大卫找到了一套公寓。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "orchestras in Chicago include the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Lyric Opera of Chicago, and the Chicago Sinfonietta.", "zh": "芝加哥的管弦乐队包括芝加哥交响乐团、芝加哥的抒情歌剧院和芝加哥的辛菲涅塔。"}, "mt_gen": "芝加哥的管弦乐队包括芝加哥交响乐团、芝加哥的抒情歌剧院和芝加哥的辛菲涅塔。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "dwarf elephants, dwarf hippopotamus, dwarf mammoths, dwarf deer, and giant flightless owls were native to Pleistocene Crete.", "zh": "侏儒大象、侏儒海马、侏儒猛犸、侏儒鹿和巨型非飞行猫头鹰原产于新世克里特。"}, "mt_gen": "侏儒大象、侏儒海马、侏儒哺乳动物、侏儒鹿和巨型非飞行猫头鹰原产于新世克里特。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "also from the eleventh century the Midrash Wayosha mentions Messiah ben Joseph.", "zh": "同样从 11 世纪开始, 米德拉什 · 瓦约沙提到了梅西亚 · 本 · 约瑟夫."}, "mt_gen": "同样从 11 世纪开始, 米德拉什 · 瓦约沙提到了梅西亚 · 本 · 约瑟夫.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Phantom and Hoku's sire and a purebred grey Mustang stallion, Smoke lived on River Bend Ranch until he died.", "zh": "幻影和北空的筛子和一匹纯灰色的野马 , 烟一直生活在河边奔腾牧场直到他死。"}, "mt_gen": "幻影和北空的筛子和一匹纯灰色的野马 , 烟一直生活在河边奔腾牧场直到他死。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the stone relates to the old parish of Monklands and the legend of the 'aul' Kirk stane '.", "zh": "这颗石头与蒙克兰古老的教区和 \"高尔柯克斯坦\" 的传说有关。"}, "mt_gen": "这颗石头与蒙克兰古老的教区和 \"高尔柯克斯坦\" 的传说有关。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Pavelić singled out Slavko and Dido Kvaternik as scapegoats for all the NDH's troubles.", "zh": "Pavelii ć 挑出斯拉夫科和 Dido Kvaternik 作为国家人类发展基金会所有麻烦的替罪羊。"}, "mt_gen": "Pavelii ć 挑出斯拉夫科和 Dido Kvaternik 作为国家人类发展基金会所有麻烦的替罪羊。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I scored 114 in the first innings and 97 in the second.", "zh": "我在第一局得分 114 分, 在第二局得分 97 分."}, "mt_gen": "我在第一局得分 114 分, 在第二局得分 97 分.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it aired on ABC from October 18, 1988, to May 20, 1997, and again from March 27, 2018 to May 22, 2018.", "zh": "它从 1988 年 10 月 18 日至 1997 年 5 月 20 日在美国广播公司播出 , 并从 2018 年 3 月 27 日至 2018 年 5 月 22 日再次播出。"}, "mt_gen": "它从 1988 年 10 月 18 日至 1997 年 5 月 20 日在美国广播公司播出 , 并从 2018 年 3 月 27 日至 2018 年 5 月 22 日再次播出。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the village marked the 1972 centenary of its incorporation with festivities on the lawn of Village Hall.", "zh": "该村于 1972 年成立一百周年 , 在乡村大厅的草坪上举办庆祝活动。"}, "mt_gen": "该村于 1972 年成立一百周年 , 在乡村大厅的草坪上举办庆祝活动。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "repudiated the custom of smearing charcoal on the forehead on Ash Wednesday.", "zh": "星期三, 取消了在前额涂抹木炭的习俗."}, "mt_gen": "星期三, 取消了在前额涂抹木炭的习俗.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Details of the sometimes shocking excesses of baron bailies can make painful reading.", "zh": "关于有时令人震惊的男爵救助过度行为的细节可以让人痛苦地阅读。"}, "mt_gen": "关于有时令人震惊的男爵救助过度行为的细节可以让人痛苦地阅读。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the birds found here are median egret, cormorant, darter, Snakebird.", "zh": "在这里发现的鸟是中位的白鹭、墨鸦、蛇鹈、蛇鸟."}, "mt_gen": "在这里发现的鸟是中位的灰姑娘、死神、更黑的、蛇鸟.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "triple buffering reduces this latency significantly.", "zh": "三次缓冲显著减少了这一延迟。"}, "mt_gen": "三次缓冲显著减少了这一延迟。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "but she stops smiling when she notices Littlefinger glaring sinisterly at her and Jon.", "zh": "但是当她注意到利特手指恶毒地盯着她和乔恩的时候, 她停止了微笑."}, "mt_gen": "但是当她注意到利特手指恶毒地盯着她和乔恩的时候, 她停止了微笑.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 2015, Trace Beaulieu and Frank Conniff began performing together as \"The Mads\", riffing movies at live screenings across the U.S.", "zh": "2015 年 , Trace Beaulieu 和 Frank Connif 开始一起表演 \"老太太\" , 在全美现场直播中播放电影。"}, "mt_gen": "2015 年 , Trace Beaulieu 和 Frank Connif 开始一起表演 \"老太太\" , 在全美现场直播中播放电影。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "seeing weakness and discord in the ranks of their German overlords, his Bohemian subjects revolted.", "zh": "他的波希米亚臣民看到德国军阀队伍中的软弱和不和, 就起义了."}, "mt_gen": "他的波希米亚臣民看到德国军阀队伍中的软弱和不和, 就起义了.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "pragmatism Cybrary, David Hildebrand & John Shook.", "zh": "实用主义赛卜拉里 , 大卫 · 席德布兰德和约翰 · 舒克。"}, "mt_gen": "实用主义赛卜拉里 , 大卫 · 席德布兰德和约翰 · 舒克。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Ottoman Sultan, Murad III, ordered the Grand Vizier, Koca Sinan Pasha, to invade Royal Hungary in August 1593.", "zh": "奥斯曼苏丹 ( Murad III ) 于 1593 年 8 月命令大维齐尔 ( Grand Vizier ) 科卡 · 西南帕夏 ( Koca Sinan Pasha ) 入侵匈牙利王国。"}, "mt_gen": "奥斯曼苏丹 ( Murad III ) 于 1593 年 8 月命令大维齐尔 ( Grand Vizier ) 科卡 · 西南帕夏 ( Koca Sinan Pasha ) 入侵匈牙利王国。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "retrieved March 20, 2010 < / ref > < ref name = \"pemberton\" >", "zh": "2010 年 3 月 20 日检索 < / ref > < ref name = \"Pemberton\" >"}, "mt_gen": "2010 年 3 月 20 日检索 < / ref > < ref name = \"Pemberton\" >", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "of three orca ecotypes in the Antarctic, one preys on minke whales, the second on seals and penguins, and the third on fish.", "zh": "在南极的三个山地生态型中 , 一个捕食了明科鲸鱼 , 第二个捕食了海豹和企鹅 , 第三个捕食了鱼类。"}, "mt_gen": "在南极的三个山地生态型中 , 一个捕食了明科鲸鱼 , 第二个捕食了海豹和企鹅 , 第三个捕食了鱼类。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "French Huguenots set up their own Reformed congregations.", "zh": "法国胡盖诺特人成立了自己的改革会。"}, "mt_gen": "法国胡盖诺特人成立了自己的改革会。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "parkland composes 17.8% of the borough, covering a total of 2686 acre.", "zh": "公帕克兰占全市的 17.8% , 总面积为 2686 英亩。"}, "mt_gen": "公园占全市的 17.8% , 总面积为 2686 英亩。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "only the 1st North Carolina Cavalry could keep a foothold across the ford.", "zh": "只有第一辆北卡罗来纳州的卡瓦里才能在福特河对岸站稳脚跟。"}, "mt_gen": "只有第一辆北卡罗来纳州的卡瓦里才能在福特河对岸站稳脚跟。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Efnysien kills the warriors by squeezing the bags.", "zh": "伊夫尼森用挤压袋子的方法杀死战士."}, "mt_gen": "伊夫尼森用挤压袋子的方法杀死战士.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Joel and drummer Jon Small left the Hassles in 1969 to form the duo Attila, releasing an eponymous debut album in July 1970.", "zh": "1969 年 , Joel 和鼓手 Jon 很小离开了 Hassles , 组成了二重奏 Attila , 于 1970 年 7 月发行了首张匿名首张专辑。"}, "mt_gen": "1969 年 , Joel 和鼓手 Jon 很小离开了 Hassles , 组成了二重奏 Attila , 于 1970 年 7 月发行了首张匿名首张专辑。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "rope, H. E. G. \"My Memory of Hilaire Belloc,\" The Irish Monthly, Vol.", "zh": "Rope, H. E. g. , \"我对希拉尔 · 贝洛克的记忆\" , 《爱尔兰月刊》 , 第二卷。"}, "mt_gen": "Rope, H. E. g. , \"我对 Hilaire Belloc 的记忆\" , 《爱尔兰月刊》 , 第二卷。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "here and in her fiction, Renault portrays Demosthenes as corrupt, cowardly and cruel.", "zh": "在她的小说中, 雷诺把德莫斯提内斯描绘成腐败、懦弱和残忍的人."}, "mt_gen": "在她的小说中, 雷诺把德莫斯提内斯描绘成腐败、懦弱和残忍的人.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "desperate to keep Emily and Zander apart, Edward faked his own mugging and blamed Zander.", "zh": "爱德华急于把艾米莉和赞德分开, 他自己假装抢劫, 责备赞德."}, "mt_gen": "爱德华急于把艾米莉和赞德分开, 他自己假装大吵大闹, 责备赞德.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in August 2012 a teaser image for the Dark Avengers displayed U.S.", "zh": "2012 年 8 月 , 黑暗复仇者的预告片在美国展示。"}, "mt_gen": "2012 年 8 月 , 黑暗复仇者的茶叶图像展示了美国。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "more than a simple accompaniment, the push the harmonies forward, revealing it unexpectedly at every turn.", "zh": "不仅仅是一个简单的伴奏, 它推动和声向前发展, 在每个转弯时都会出乎意料地显示出来."}, "mt_gen": "不仅仅是一个简单的伴奏, 它推动和谐向前, 在每个转弯时都会出乎意料地显示出来.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 1989, Quincy Jones' album Back on the Block included Vaughan in a brief scatting duet with Ella Fitzgerald.", "zh": "1989 年 , 昆西 · 琼斯 (Quincy Jones) 的专辑《回到原地》 (Block) 包括了沃汉 (Vaughan) 与埃拉?"}, "mt_gen": "1989 年 , 昆西? 琼斯 (Quincy Jones) 的专辑《回到原地》 (Block) 包括了沃汉 (Vaughan) 与埃拉?", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the fast of Nineveh, commemorating the preaching of Jonah.", "zh": "尼尼微的飞快 , 纪念约拿的传道。"}, "mt_gen": "尼尼微的飞快 , 纪念约拿的传道。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yudhishthira asks Bhishma, \"what constitutes the highest penances?\"", "zh": "尤德希希蒂亚问比什马: \"什么是最高的刑罚?\""}, "mt_gen": "尤德希希蒂亚问比什马: \"什么是最高的刑罚?\"", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Union troopers pursued the retreating Confederates with enthusiasm.", "zh": "联邦部队热情地追击撤退的邦联。"}, "mt_gen": "联邦部队热情地追击撤退的邦联。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "this work also contains the song Ben Backstay, about a boatswain.", "zh": "这篇作品还包含了本反留下来的歌曲 , 关于一只船。"}, "mt_gen": "这篇作品还包含了本反留下来的歌曲 , 关于一只船。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "sea turtles, particularly hawksbill sea turtles, feed on sponges.", "zh": "海龟, 特别是海龟, 以海绵为食."}, "mt_gen": "海龟, 特别是海龟, 以海绵为食.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "over Christmas she rekindles her relationship with Steve.", "zh": "在圣诞节期间, 她恢复了与史蒂夫的关系."}, "mt_gen": "圣诞节过后, 她恢复了与史蒂夫的关系.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Egyptians would color themselves with red ochre during celebrations.", "zh": "埃及人在庆祝活动中会用红色色调染色."}, "mt_gen": "埃及人在庆祝活动中会用红色色调染色.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the initial burst scatters the shells across the sky before they explode.", "zh": "最初的爆破在炮弹爆炸之前把它们散落在空中."}, "mt_gen": "最初的爆破在炮弹爆炸之前把它们散落在空中.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 2019, the Braves reverted to a variation of the original red alternate uniform minus the white piping.", "zh": "在 2019 年 , 勇士们恢复了原来的红色交替均匀减去白色管道的变化。"}, "mt_gen": "2019 年 , 勇士们恢复了原来的红色交替均匀减去白色管道的变化。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "thus, the Lord turned himself into a Swayambhu idol, with his consorts and Ananta.", "zh": "于是, 主就把自己变成了一个游荡的偶像, 和他的配偶和安南塔在一起."}, "mt_gen": "于是, 主就把自己变成了一个游荡的偶像, 和他的配偶和安南塔在一起.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Buccaneers ranked last in the league in the ratio of touchdowns scored to touchdowns allowed.", "zh": "布卡尼队在联盟中排名第 1 位的触点得分与允许触点的比率。"}, "mt_gen": "布卡尼队在联盟中排名第 1 位的触点得分与允许触点的比率。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Noun then joins the Sanaga northeast of Monatélé.", "zh": "the Noun 随后加入 Monat é l é 东北的 Sanaga 。"}, "mt_gen": "Noun 随后加入 Monat é l é 东北的 Sanaga 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Jaime Chavez, Dylan Mares and Darío Suárez each scored for Miami FC 2, and Mario Daniel Vega earned the shutout.", "zh": "查韦斯 (Jaime Chavez) 、迪兰马雷斯 (Dylan Mares) 和达里奥? 苏亚雷斯 (Dr í o Su á rez) 各为迈阿密第二足球俱乐部 (Miami FC 2) 得分 , 马里奥"}, "mt_gen": "查韦斯 (Jaime Chavez) 、迪兰? 马雷斯 (Dylan Mares) 和达里奥? 苏亚雷斯 (Dr í o Su á rez) 各为迈阿密第二足球俱乐部 (Miami FC 2) 得分 , 马里奥?", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "however, she seems dissatisfied and impulsively betrays Scythe, causing a shootout between her and the Zahlen Schwestern.", "zh": "然而 , 她似乎不满意并冲动地背叛了 Scythe , 导致她与 Zahlen SchWestern 之间的枪战。"}, "mt_gen": "然而 , 她似乎不满意并冲动地背叛了 Scythe , 导致她与 Zahlen SchWest 之间的枪战。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Robert Perloff, 92, American psychologist and academic.", "zh": "罗伯特 · 佩洛夫 , 92 岁 , 美国心理学家和学者。"}, "mt_gen": "罗伯特 · 佩洛夫 , 92 岁 , 美国心理学家和学者。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when snarling, wailing, or squawking, the animal curls the upper lip and points its ears forward.", "zh": "当咆哮、哭泣或咳嗽时, 它会卷起上唇, 把耳朵指向前方."}, "mt_gen": "当动物尖叫、哭泣或咳嗽时, 它会卷起上唇, 把耳朵指向前方.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in South Australia, koalas were extirpated by 1920 and subsequently reintroduced.", "zh": "在南澳大利亚州 , 树袋熊到 1920 年被灭绝 , 后来又被重新引入。"}, "mt_gen": "在南澳大利亚州 , 考拉到 1920 年被灭绝 , 后来又被重新引入。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "breeding occurs in and around hibernacula in fall.", "zh": "秋季冬眠期间和周围发生繁育."}, "mt_gen": "秋季冬眠期间和周围发生繁育.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"Easter, 1916\", a poem by the poet and playwright W.B.", "zh": "\"复活节 , 1916 年\" , 诗人和剧作家 W. b. 的一首诗。"}, "mt_gen": "\"复活节 , 1916 年\" , 诗人和剧作家 W. b. 的一首诗。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the coronations of Charles II in 1661 and Anne in 1702 were on St George's Day, the feast of the patron saint of England.", "zh": "1661 年查尔斯二世和 1702 年安妮的加冕仪式是在英国守护神圣乔治节上举行的。"}, "mt_gen": "1661 年查尔斯二世和 1702 年安妮的加冕仪式是在英国守护神圣乔治节上举行的。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "around Mifflinburg, it rises to its peak of 100 milligrams per liter.", "zh": "在米夫林堡周围, 它上升到了每公升 100 毫克的高峰."}, "mt_gen": "在米夫林堡周围, 它上升到了每公升 100 毫克的高峰.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "while the critics panned Penny Arcade, they praised Cagney and Blondell.", "zh": "当评论家们抨击佩妮 · 阿尔卡德的时候, 他们称赞了卡尼和金发女郎."}, "mt_gen": "当评论家们抨击佩妮 · 阿尔卡德的时候, 他们称赞了卡尼和金发女郎.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "15th Cruiser Squadron sortied on 17 January January to join the escort for both convoys.", "zh": "1 月 17 日分队的第 15 巡洋舰中队参加了这两个车队的护送。"}, "mt_gen": "1 月 17 日分队的第 15 巡洋舰中队参加了这两个车队的护送。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it is housed in a marquee opposite the grandstand of the racecourse in the enclosure and in 2016 will offer over 450 real ales and over 100 ciders.", "zh": "它位于赛马场外围区的阳台对面的大门罩中 , 2016 年将提供 450 多只真正的真麦啤酒和 100 多个苹果酒。"}, "mt_gen": "它位于赛马场外围区的阳台对面的一个游泳场 , 2016 年将提供 450 多只真正的大白蚁和 100 多座城市。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "they examined \"radical\" crowds, such as those labeled as goths and punks and if their appearances fulfilled a functions for their inhibition.", "zh": "他们检查了 \"激进\" 人群 , 例如那些被称为神灵和穿孔雀的人群 , 以及他们的外表是否发挥了抑制作用。"}, "mt_gen": "他们检查了 \"激进\" 人群 , 例如那些被称为神灵和穿孔雀的人群 , 以及他们的外表是否发挥了抑制作用。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "by May 1941, Sinatra topped the male singer polls in Billboard and DownBeat magazines.", "zh": "直至 1941 年 5 月 , Sinatra 在 Billboard 和 DownBeat 杂志中名列男歌手榜首。"}, "mt_gen": "到 1941 年 5 月, Sinatra 在广告牌和 DowBeat 杂志的男歌手民意测验中位居榜首.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the DJ Don Letts would play reggae and punk tracks at clubs such as The Roxy.", "zh": "DJ Don Letts 会在 The Roxy 等俱乐部演奏雷鬼和朋克曲目。"}, "mt_gen": "DJ 唐莱茨将在 \"罗克斯\" 等俱乐部进行重奏和拳击赛.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Earl Robert joins them, with a proper carriage for the reliquary, in the journey back to Shrewsbury.", "zh": "罗伯特伯爵加入了他们返回什鲁斯伯里的旅程 , 带着一辆适合运送圣遗物的马车。"}, "mt_gen": "罗伯特伯爵和他们一起 , 带着一辆合适的马车 , 在返回什鲁兹伯里的旅程中安顿下来。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "acetate in the cytosol is unavailable for lipid biosynthesis in the plastid.", "zh": "细胞质中的乙酸盐无法用于质体中的脂质生物合成。"}, "mt_gen": "细胞质中的醋酸酯不能用于塑料中的脂质生物合成.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "its façade is decorated with more 3,000 statues, gargoyles and chimeras.", "zh": "其立面装饰着 3, 000 多个雕像、石像鬼和奇美拉。"}, "mt_gen": "它的外表装饰了 3, 000 多座雕像、装饰品和雕像。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Suns' \"Association\" uniforms featured \"Suns\" in orange and the numbers in purple.", "zh": "太阳 \"协会\" 制服的特点是橙色的 \"太阳\" 和紫色的数字。"}, "mt_gen": "太阳 \"协会\" 制服的特点是橙色的 \"太阳\" 和紫色的数字。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 2004, the Suns reacquired Steve Nash, and immediately returned into playoff contention.", "zh": "2004 年 , 太阳队重新买入了史蒂夫 · 纳什 , 并立即重返了季后赛。"}, "mt_gen": "2004 年 , 太阳队重新收购了史蒂夫 · 纳什 , 并立即恢复了季后赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Finnish Navy commissioned two corvettes, Turunmaa and Karjala, in 1968.", "zh": "1968 年 , 芬兰海军投入使用了两艘护卫舰 Turunmaa 和 Karjala 。"}, "mt_gen": "1968 年 , 芬兰海军委托两艘护卫舰 Turunmaa 和 Karjala 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "1 and 111 Squadrons, which attacked the Tul keram aerodrome with aerial bombing.", "zh": "第 1 中队和第 111 中队 , 用空中轰炸袭击了图尔 · 基拉姆机场。"}, "mt_gen": "1 个和 111 个中队 , 用空中轰炸攻击 Tul Keram 机场。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "correspondent of the Royal Institute of the Netherlands in 1809.", "zh": "于 1809 年担任荷兰皇家学院的通讯员。"}, "mt_gen": "荷兰皇家研究所通讯员 , 1809 年。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "prospect Park's rolling hills also accommodate sledding during the winters.", "zh": "在冬季 , 展望公园的连绵起伏的丘陵也适合雪橇滑雪。"}, "mt_gen": "展望公园的滚滚山丘也适合冬天的滑雪.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ang then empowers the Dragon band and the new Golden Dragon fights the Zodiac Master.", "zh": "然后安格为龙环注入了能量 , 新的金龙与黄道大师战斗。"}, "mt_gen": "然后安格增强了 \"龙\" 乐队和新的 \"金龙\" 与 \"黄道带大师\" 的战斗能力.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when Duncan interrogates Dag about the gang's location, he corners Torgeir in the Flamingo.", "zh": "当邓肯审问达格这个团伙的位置时 , 他在弗拉明戈把托尔吉尔逼入绝境。"}, "mt_gen": "当邓肯询问达格这个团伙的位置时, 他在弗拉明戈的托尔吉尔角.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 2006, Corgan and Chamberlin reconvened to record a new Smashing Pumpkins album, Zeitgeist.", "zh": "2006 年 , Corgan 和 Chamberlin 再次聚首 , 录制了 Smashing Pumkins 的新专辑《 Zeitgeist 》。"}, "mt_gen": "2006 年, Corgan 和 Chamberlin 又重新录制了一本新的《粉碎潘金斯》专辑《宙特盖斯》.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Whitby sailed from Gravesend on 27 April 1841.", "zh": "惠特比号于 1841 年 4 月 27 日从格雷夫森德起航。"}, "mt_gen": "1841 年 4 月 27 日, 惠特比号从格拉夫桑德号起航.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Scottish Saltires threw away a good bowling performance at Grace Road against Leicestershire Foxes.", "zh": "苏格兰撒丁岛人在格雷斯路对莱斯特郡狐狸的比赛中打出了出色都投球。"}, "mt_gen": "苏格兰萨尔铁雷斯在格雷斯路对莱斯特郡狐狸的比赛中抛出了很好的保龄球表现.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "because of the introduction of predators such as cats, rats, ferrets, and stoats during European colonisation, the kakapo was almost wiped out.", "zh": "由于在欧洲殖民时期引入了掠食性动物 , 例如猫 , 大鼠 , 雪貂和矮脚猫 , 因此 , 鸮鹦鹉几乎灭绝。"}, "mt_gen": "由于在欧洲殖民统治期间引入了捕食者 , 如猫、老鼠、雪和白蚁 , 卡卡波几乎被消灭了。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "doctor Octopus later waged a gang war with Hammerhead.", "zh": "后来 , 章鱼博士与锤头进行了帮派战争。"}, "mt_gen": "后来, 章鱼医生与汉默黑德进行了帮派战争.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "local ingredients are often integrated into Asian offerings, for example Chinese steamed walleye and Nepalese curried bison.", "zh": "当地原料往往被融入到亚洲的食物中 , 例如中国的蒸玻璃梭鲈和尼泊尔的咖哩野牛。"}, "mt_gen": "当地原料往往被纳入亚洲产品中 , 例如中国的蒸锅和尼泊尔的咖哩野牛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Irish Sea lies west of England and the Celtic Sea to the southwest.", "zh": "爱尔兰海位于英格兰以西 , 凯尔特海位于西南方。"}, "mt_gen": "爱尔兰海位于英格兰以西, 凯尔特海位于西南.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "later, in Los Angeles, he prays in a Mosque and overhears violent rhetoric from a Muslim doctor Faisal Rahman.", "zh": "后来 , 他在洛杉矶的清真寺祈祷时 , 无意中听到了穆斯林医生费萨尔 · 拉赫曼的暴力言论。"}, "mt_gen": "后来 , 在洛杉矶 , 他在清真寺祈祷 , 并无意中听到穆斯林医生费萨尔 · 拉赫曼的暴力言论。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "invaded, annexed, and subsequently partitioned Poland.", "zh": "入侵、吞并 , 随后分裂了波兰。"}, "mt_gen": "入侵、吞并并随后分裂了波兰。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the band toured the US with Exodus and Europe with Diamond Head and Dungeon.", "zh": "乐队与 Exodus 一起在美国巡回演出 , 与 Diamond Head 和 Dungeon 在欧洲巡回演出。"}, "mt_gen": "乐队带着金刚石头饰和地牢巡视了美国和欧洲.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "art would react to her attractive body by wincing, loudly shouting \"Ho — leeeee!\"", "zh": "art 会呲牙咧嘴 , 大声喊道 “Ho - Leeeeee ! ” , 以回应她那诱人的身体。"}, "mt_gen": "艺术会对她迷人的身体做出反应, 摇摇晃晃地大声喊道: \"哦 - - 嘿!\"", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the V & A also hosts the Nelson Mandela Gateway, through which ferries depart for Robben Island.", "zh": "曼德拉之门也在 V & A 广场上 , 渡船会穿过这个门前往罗本岛。"}, "mt_gen": "脆弱性和适应也是纳尔逊曼德拉门户的东道主 , 通过该门户渡船前往罗本岛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in September, Pérez teamed with González to defeat Rivera and Miguel \"Mr. Big\" Maldonado.", "zh": "9 月 , 佩雷斯与冈萨雷斯联手击败了里维拉和米格尔 · 马尔多纳多。"}, "mt_gen": "9 月 , 佩雷斯与冈萨雷斯合作 , 击败里韦拉和米格尔 · 马多纳多。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on 16 December, they traveled to the Fu Tou Shan, possibly near Fuzhou.", "zh": "12 月 16 日 , 他们前往可能在福州附近的扶头山。"}, "mt_gen": "12 月 16 日 , 他们前往傅头山 , 可能在福州附近。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "she defeated Anna Tatishvili and Monica Puig before losing to Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova in the quarterfinals.", "zh": "她击败了安娜 · 塔蒂什维利和莫妮卡 · 皮格 , 然后在四分之一决赛中输给了阿纳斯塔西亚 · 帕夫卢琴科娃。"}, "mt_gen": "她击败了安娜 · 塔蒂什维利和莫妮卡 · 皮格 , 然后在四分之一决赛中输给了阿纳斯塔西亚 · 帕夫卢琴科娃。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "oriental carpet Armenian carpet Kurdish rugs Persian rug Turkmen rug", "zh": "东方地毯、亚美尼亚地毯、库尔德地毯、波斯地毯、土库曼地毯"}, "mt_gen": "东方地毯亚美尼亚库尔德地毯、波斯地毯、土库曼地毯", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Beverly admits that \"the roving life fascinates me.\"", "zh": "贝弗利承认 \"漫游的生活让我着迷。\""}, "mt_gen": "贝弗利承认 \"漫游的生活让我着迷。\"", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mughal Bengal became increasingly independent under the Nawabs of Bengal in the 18th century.", "zh": "18 世纪 , 孟加拉在孟加拉纳瓦布人统治下变得越来越独立。"}, "mt_gen": "18 世纪 , 孟加拉在孟加拉纳瓦布统治下变得越来越独立。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on November 4, 2016, Cole performed at Jay Z and Beyoncé's Hillary Clinton Rally in Cleveland, Ohio, along with Big Sean and Chance the Rapper.", "zh": "2016 年 11 月 4 日 , 在 Jay Z 和碧昂斯为希拉里 · 克林顿举行的俄亥俄州克利夫兰造势活动中 , Cole 与 Big Sean 和 Chance the Rapper 联手演出。"}, "mt_gen": "2016 年 11 月 4 日 , 科尔在俄亥俄州克里夫兰的杰伊 Z 和比永塞的希拉里 · 克林顿 · 拉利 , 以及大肖恩和猛禽的机会演出。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "afterwards, Gally asks Yugo about the scar on his right wrist.", "zh": "之后 , 加利询问 Yugo 询问他右手腕上的疤痕时怎么会是。"}, "mt_gen": "后来, 盖莉问尤戈右手腕上的伤疤.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the humorous Dylan reemerged on \"I Shall Be Free No.", "zh": "幽默的迪伦 ( Dylan ) 再次出现在 “我应该自由 ” 。"}, "mt_gen": "幽默的迪兰重新浮现在 \"我将自由不。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "later Ganassi debuted rookie Robby Gordon in selected events.", "zh": "后来 , 加纳西在某些的活动中让新人罗比戈登亮相。"}, "mt_gen": "后来 , 加纳西在选定的活动中首次推出了新奇罗比戈登。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Todd, James T., & Morris, Edward K. Modern Perspectives on John B. Watson and Classical Behaviorism.", "zh": "Todd, James T., & Morris, Edward K. 。《关于约翰 · 沃森和古典行为主义的现代观点》。"}, "mt_gen": "托德、詹姆斯 · T. & 莫里斯、爱德华 · K. 关于约翰 · 沃森和古典行为主义的现代观点。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "for over three thousand years these Dead Men haunted the White Mountains, only venturing out to tryst at the Stone of Erech.", "zh": "三千多年来 , 这些死人一直在白山中游荡 , 只有在去埃雷奇之石聚集的时候才会离开。"}, "mt_gen": "三千多年来 , 这些死人一直在白山中游荡 , 只是冒昧地在埃雷克的石头上尝试。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "to Masons the sprig of evergreen is a symbol of immortality.", "zh": "对梅森人来说 , 常绿的小树枝是永生的象征。"}, "mt_gen": "对梅森来说, 常绿的香味是永生的象征.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he entered the English Civil Wars on the side of the \"Roundheads\" or Parliamentarians, nicknamed \"Old Ironsides\".", "zh": "他站在议员阵营加入了英国内战 , 绰号为 “老铁甲军 ” 。"}, "mt_gen": "他加入了英国内战 , 站在 \"圆头\" 或议员的一边 , 别名为 \"老铁边形\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "sirens sounded and bells tolled around the country.", "zh": "全国各地都响起了警钟 , 响起了钟声。"}, "mt_gen": "全国各地都响起了警钟 , 响起了钟声。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in 2006, the Sooners competed with a relatively young team.", "zh": "2006 年 , Sooners 与一支相对年轻的团队竞争。"}, "mt_gen": "2006 年 , 索乌人与一支相对年轻的球队竞争。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it has crenellated parapets, turrets and iron verandah posts.", "zh": "它有锯齿状的栏杆、炮塔和铁廊柱。"}, "mt_gen": "它已经发射了伞形飞机、炮塔和铁柱。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "when Peter apologises to Leanne, she throws eggs at him and refuses to forgive him.", "zh": "彼得向莉安道歉时 , 她向他扔鸡蛋 , 拒绝原谅他。"}, "mt_gen": "彼得向莉安道歉时, 她向他扔鸡蛋, 拒绝原谅他.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "nevertheless, he bowled 54 overs and took eight wickets in the match.", "zh": "尽管如此 , 他还是投了 54 球 , 在比赛中拿到了 8 个小门。"}, "mt_gen": "尽管如此, 他还是打了 54 球, 在比赛中赢了 8 场.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "three of Hitler's siblings — Gustav, Ida, and Otto — died in infancy.", "zh": "希特勒的三个兄弟姐妹 — — 古斯塔夫、伊达和奥托 — — 都在婴儿期夭折了。"}, "mt_gen": "希特勒的三个兄弟姐妹 - - 古斯塔夫、伊达和奥托 - - 在幼年就死了。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "mesopelagic plankton feeders have small mouths with fine gill rakers, while the piscivores have larger mouths and coarser gill rakers.", "zh": "中层浮游生物摄食者的嘴很小 , 有精细的鳃耙 , 食鱼性动物的嘴更大 , 鳃耙也更粗糙。"}, "mt_gen": "中上层浮游生物饲养者的嘴很小 , 有精致的刺甲 , 而异味者的嘴更大 , 刺甲也更粗。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ixtle thread is also used to embroider leather items such as hats, bridles, reigns, cinches.", "zh": "龙舌兰麻线也被用来刺绣皮革物品 , 如帽子、缰绳、马鞍、肚带。"}, "mt_gen": "刺线也被用来刺绣皮革物品, 如帽子, 桥牌, 座椅, 煤渣.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it is laid on in two coats with a skimming float, scoured off at once, and then trowelled.", "zh": "它被滚筒涂在两层外膜之间 , 立即研磨 , 然后抹平。"}, "mt_gen": "它被放在两件外套上 , 上面有闪烁的浮子 , 一次刮掉 , 然后翻了起来。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in Chuck Jones' Filet Meow, Jerry orders a shark from the pet store to scare Tom away from eating a goldfish.", "zh": "在查克 · 琼斯 ( Chuck Jones ) 的《菲力猫叫》 ( filet Meow ) 中 , 杰瑞从宠物店订购一条鲨鱼 , 以吓唬汤姆不敢吃金鱼。"}, "mt_gen": "在恰克琼斯的菲莱米奥 , 杰瑞从宠物店订购了一只鲨鱼 , 吓唬汤姆不要吃金鱼。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Minot Downtown Business & Professional Association", "zh": "迈诺特市区商业与专业协会"}, "mt_gen": "迷你市中心商业与专业协会", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "sportscaster Larry Conley was also a starter, along with Tom Kron and Thad Jaracz.", "zh": "体育节目主持人拉里 · 康利以及汤姆 · 克朗和塞德 · 贾拉兹也是首发。"}, "mt_gen": "康利 (Larry Conley) 与汤姆? 克龙 (Tom Kron) 和 Thad Jaracz (Thad Jaracz) 一起也是一名运动员.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he increasingly antagonized his supporters with foreign policy miscues.", "zh": "他越来越多地因外交政策错误而使支持者感到反感。"}, "mt_gen": "他越来越多地用外交政策的错误来对抗他的支持者.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "all Rambler Americans received a new grille insert with prominent chromed horizontal bars.", "zh": "所有 rambler American 都升级了新的进气格栅 , 上面有醒目的镀铬横杠。"}, "mt_gen": "所有的兰布勒美国人都收到了一个新的格栅插件, 上面有突出的彩色水平条.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "who could blame Alfie if he kicked Kat to the kerb?", "zh": "如果他将 Kat 踢到路边 , 谁能怪 Alfie ?"}, "mt_gen": "谁能责备阿菲, 如果他把凯特踢到角落里?", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a detachment of the Russian Caucasus Army marched on Tehran.", "zh": "一支俄罗斯高加索军支队进军德黑兰。"}, "mt_gen": "俄罗斯高加索地区军队的一支小分队在德黑兰游行.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in Prambanan, the stylized vajra replaced ratna as the temple's pinnacles.", "zh": "在普兰巴南 , 风格化的金刚杵取代了藤条作为寺庙的尖顶。"}, "mt_gen": "在潘巴南, 风格化的瓦赫拉取代拉特纳为庙宇的尖顶.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hanna, along with many of the President's close allies, hurried to his bedside.", "zh": "汉娜 ( Hanna ) 与总统的许多亲密盟友一起 , 匆匆赶到他的床旁。"}, "mt_gen": "汉娜和总统的许多亲密盟友匆忙走到他的床边。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Guinness Brewers Project also released two craft beers, Dublin Porter and West Indies Porter.", "zh": "健力士啤酒厂项目还推出了两种精酿啤酒 , 都柏林波特和西印度群岛波特。"}, "mt_gen": "吉尼斯酿酒厂项目还发行了两款手工艺品啤酒 : 都柏林酿酒厂和西印度群岛酿酒厂。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "by Layman with a Notebook, and Eight Points of the Oxford Group by C. Irving Benson.", "zh": "是雷曼写的笔记本 , 是牛津集团的八分 , 是欧文本森写的。"}, "mt_gen": "是雷曼写的笔记本 , 是牛津集团的八分 , 是欧文本森写的。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the existing wooden paths are anchored within the travertine sediments, creating the danger of seepage and cracks of the weak travertine.", "zh": "现有的木质小路被锚固在石灰华沉积物中 , 造成渗漏和弱石灰华开裂的危险。"}, "mt_gen": "现有的木制道路被锚定在梯田沉积物中 , 造成了薄弱梯田渗漏和裂纹的危险。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Wukong absorbed Tropical Storm Sonamu shortly before landfall in Japan.", "zh": "悟空在日本登陆前不久吸收了热带风暴清松。"}, "mt_gen": "武康在日本登陆前不久吸收了热带风暴索纳穆.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "on 1 October the 1st Panzer Army under Ewald von Kleist swept south to encircle the two attacking Soviet armies.", "zh": "10 月 1 日 , 在埃瓦尔德 · 冯 · 克莱斯特 ( Ewald von Kleist ) 领导下的第 1 装甲军横扫南面 , 包围了两支正在进攻的苏联军队。"}, "mt_gen": "10 月 1 日 , Ewald von Kleist 领导的第一支装甲部队向南扫荡 , 包围了这两支进攻的苏联军队。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "gold alloys are used in restorative dentistry, especially in tooth restorations, such as crowns and permanent bridges.", "zh": "金合金被用于修复牙科 , 特别是用于牙冠和永久性牙桥等牙齿修复项目中。"}, "mt_gen": "金合金被用于修复牙科 , 特别是在牙冠和永久性桥梁等牙齿修复中。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "a third Highlander, Dougal Gregor, fights on Jarvie's behalf until a Lowlander, Duncan Galbraith of Garschattachin, intervenes to calm things down.", "zh": "第三位高地人道格拉尔 · 格里高代表贾维战斗 , 直到低地人 Garschattachin 的邓肯 · 加尔布雷思出手干预才使局势平静下来。"}, "mt_gen": "第三位高地人 Dougal Gregor 代表 Jarvie 打仗 , 直到一名洛兰人 Garschattin 的 Duncan Galbraith 干预 , 平息了局势。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Ctenophorus decresii lizard displays polymorphism with varying colors of their throats.", "zh": "Ctenophorus decresii 蜥蜴表现出多态性 , 喉咙颜色各异。"}, "mt_gen": "石灰石蜥蜴表现出多态性, 喉咙颜色各异.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "each kilogram that they unpacked from the bags was worth $100 for the kitty.", "zh": "他们从袋子卸下的每公斤都值 100 美元的小猫。"}, "mt_gen": "他们从袋子里拆下的每公斤都值 100 美元买这只小猫.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he tells Mélisande that she disgusts him and drags her around the room by her hair.", "zh": "他告诉梅里桑德 , 她很讨厌他 , 并拽着她的头发把她拖到房间周围。"}, "mt_gen": "他告诉梅利桑德 , 她厌恶他 , 用头发把她拖到房间里。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "guns founders lead guitarist Guns, drummer Rob Gardner and bassist Ole Beich.", "zh": "Guns 的创始人是吉他手 Guns , 鼓手 Rob Gardner 和贝斯手 Ole Beich 。"}, "mt_gen": "枪手们领导吉他手枪手们, 鼓手罗布 · 加德纳和助教奥勒 · 贝奇.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Abhay apologises to Piya for his behavior the previous night.", "zh": "Abhay 因自己在昨晚的行为对 Piya 表示歉意。"}, "mt_gen": "Abhay 对 Piya 前一天晚上的行为表示歉意.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "C Squadron arrived on 6 December and the squadrons screened at Menastir.", "zh": "c 中队于 12 月 6 日抵达 , 中队在 Menastir 进行了筛查。"}, "mt_gen": "c 中队于 12 月 6 日抵达 , 中队在 Menastir 进行了筛查。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "under Hendricks, Hornsby's batting average dipped to .281.", "zh": "不如亨德里克斯 , 霍恩斯比的平均击中率下降到 0.281 。"}, "mt_gen": "在亨德里克斯的统治下 , 霍恩斯比的击球平均下降到了. 281 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in the first game of a Doubleheader against the Cardinals, Hornsby broke his ankle while advancing to third base.", "zh": "在对阵红雀队的第一局比赛中 , 霍恩斯比在进三垒时扭伤了脚踝。"}, "mt_gen": "在对阵卡迪纳斯的第一场比赛中 , 霍恩斯比在向三垒进军的同时扭伤了脚踝。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Soviet garrison held out in underground tunnels, capitulating on 20 June.", "zh": "苏联驻军在地下隧道中驻守 , 于 6 月 20 日投降。"}, "mt_gen": "苏联驻军在地下隧道中驻守, 于 6 月 20 日投降.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in Codex Arundel page 94 verso, the universal Renaissance genius compares the hanging of the world in the universe to the dotter in the egg.", "zh": "在《阿伦德尔抄本》第 94 页的背面 , 这位文艺复兴时期的全才将悬浮在宇宙中的世界比作鸡蛋的卵黄。"}, "mt_gen": "在《法典》第 94 页 , 文艺复兴时期的普世天才将世界在宇宙中的悬浮比作鸡蛋中的虚幻。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the highway headed northeast through Keene, where it intersected Route 10 and Route 12.", "zh": "这条公路向东北穿过基恩 , 那是 10 号公路和 12 号公路的交汇处。"}, "mt_gen": "这条公路向东北穿过基恩, 在那里与 10 号公路和 12 号公路相交.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "over 100 revolts and uprisings occurred in at least 19 ghettos and elsewhere in Eastern Europe.", "zh": "在 19 个犹太社区和东欧各地发生了 100 多次起义和反抗。"}, "mt_gen": "在东欧至少 19 个贫民区和其他地方发生了 100 多次起义和起义。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Gary enrols in a TAFE course to qualify as a chef.", "zh": "为了获得主厨资格 , 加里报名参加 TAFE 课程。"}, "mt_gen": "加里报名参加 TAFE 课程, 成为厨师.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "baptism also initiates one into the visible church and the covenant of grace.", "zh": "洗礼也将一个人带进了有形的教会和恩典之约。"}, "mt_gen": "洗礼也使一个人进入可见的教堂和恩典的盟约.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the hypothesis predicts that observed bamboo flowering intervals should factorize into small prime numbers.", "zh": "该假设预测 , 观察到的竹子开花间隔期应分解为较小的质数。"}, "mt_gen": "该假设预测 , 观察到的竹花间隔期应考虑到少量的质数。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory.", "zh": "《人类进化和史前百科全书》。"}, "mt_gen": "《人类进化和史前百科全书》。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the battles against the centaurs and Amazons, as well as the Gigantomachy, all three depicted on the Parthenon, were recurring themes on many temples.", "zh": "与半岛人和亚马逊人的战斗 , 以及巨人之战 , 这三个场景都在帕特农神庙中描绘了 , 它们是许多神庙中反复出现的主题。"}, "mt_gen": "与半岛人和亚马逊人的战斗 , 以及帕台农神庙上描绘的三大巨人的争斗 , 都是许多庙宇中反复出现的主题。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "unlike other triplets, the Leitz Anastigmat has the diaphragm between the first and second elements.", "zh": "与其他三合透镜不同的是 , 莱茨无收差透镜在第一和第二元件之间有一个光圈。"}, "mt_gen": "与其他三位一体不同的是 , Leitz Anastigmat 拥有第一和第二元素之间的隔膜。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "ten reels of microfilm accompanied by a printed guide.", "zh": "10 卷微胶卷 , 附有冲印指南。"}, "mt_gen": "10 卷微胶卷 , 附有印刷指南。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Latin Historiography and Poetry in the Early Empire Generic Interactions.", "zh": "早期帝国普通互动中的拉丁史学与诗歌。"}, "mt_gen": "早期帝国广义相互作用中的拉丁文史学与诗歌.", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sigurðarkviða hin skamma repeats the story of Sigurd once again.", "zh": "西古达克维扎 · 欣 · 斯卡玛再次重复西古尔德的故事。"}, "mt_gen": "西古达克维扎 · 欣 · 斯卡玛再次重复西古尔德的故事。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "in that stretch, Palmer averaged 204 yards per game with four touchdowns and five interceptions.", "zh": "在那段时间里 , 帕默平均每场跑动 204 码 , 有 4 次达阵和 5 次拦截。"}, "mt_gen": "在这一阶段 , 帕默平均每场比赛 204 码 , 有 4 次触点和 5 次截获。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "it dwells upon the special merit and sanctity of the shrine of Kamakhya.", "zh": "它详述了 Kamakhya 神社的特殊功绩和神圣性。"}, "mt_gen": "它详述了 Kamakhya 神社的特殊功绩和神圣性。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "he competed in the 2017 Audi Sport TT Cup, finishing ninth, and currently competes in ADAC GT Masters driving for Mercedes.", "zh": "他参加了 2017 年奥迪体育 TT 杯的比赛 , 获得了第九名 , 目前正代表奔驰车队参加 ADAC GT 大师赛。"}, "mt_gen": "他参加了 2017 年奥迪体育 TT 杯的比赛 , 第九场比赛结束 , 目前还参加了奔驰赛车主教练的比赛。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Totem, 'spiritual, symbolic or sacred emblem of a tribe.'", "zh": "图腾 , “一个部落的精神、象征或神圣的符号。 ”"}, "mt_gen": "图腾 , \"一个部落的精神、象征或神圣的象征\" 。", "data_name": "wmt21_APE", "task_type": "ape"}