{"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich warte auf ein Termin für Abholung Was meinen sie mit zurückgeben bitte !", "en": "I'm waiting for an appointment for the pickup. What do you mean by return?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "genau", "en": "Accurate"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Suchen Sie die Herausforderung?", "en": "Looking for a challenge?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Haben wir noch Sahne im Kühlschrank?", "en": "Do we still have cream in the fridge?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Freiburg im Breisgau gilt als relativ fahrradfreundliche Stadt.", "en": "Freiburg im Breisgau is a relatively bike-friendly town."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hallo, grade bekomme ich die Mail das mein Paket aufgrund eines Fehlers meinerseits (hausnummer #NUMBER# anstelle #NUMBER# angegeben) zu euch zurück kommt. Ich habe versucht bei #PRS_ORG# anzurufen und es umleiten zu lassen, keine Chance. Kann es direkt erneut an mich versendet werden oder muss ich warten bis das Geld zurück überwiesen ist und die Bestellung erneut aufgeben? Würde für mich dann leider heißen das ich nicht noch mal bestellen werde weil es bereits schon sehr lange gedauert hat.", "en": "Hello, I just got an email saying that my package comes back to you due to an error on my part (house number #NUMBER# instead of #NUMBER# specified). I tried to call #PRS_ORG# and let it redirect, no chance. Can it be sent directly to me again or do I have to wait for the money to be transferred back and place the order again? Would then unfortunately mean that I will not order again because it has already taken a long time."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "#NAME# #ADDRESS# #ADDRESS# #EMAIL# uftrag #NUMBER# Auftrag*", "en": "#NAME# #ADDRESS# #ADDRESS# #EMAIL# Order #NUMBER# Order *"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nachdem beim Hausbau einiges schiefgegangen ist, verklagen Corinna und Manfred jetzt den Architekten.", "en": "After some things went wrong with the home construction, Corina and Manfred sued the architects."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie warm ist es in Hannover?", "en": "How warm is it in Hannover?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach dem fünften erfolglosen Versuch gab Valentin auf.", "en": "After his fifth try Valentin gave up."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das ist zwar ein früher Entwurf, aber die Grundidee lässt sich bereits erkennen.", "en": "Even with this being an early draft, the basic idea can already be seen."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "App aktivieren.", "en": "Activate app."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Oberklasse ist von Spurhalteassistent bis Einparkautomatik mit allem Pipapo ausgestattet.", "en": "The upper class is fully equipped with everything from lane departure warning system to automated parking."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Deponie verschandelt das Stadtbild.", "en": "The landfill spoils the cityscape."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gute Frage! Was kostet eine Dose Thunfisch?", "en": "Good question, how much is the can of tuna?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die zweite Brücke wurde von der Stadt finanziert, um Steuern zu erheben.", "en": "The second bridge was financed by the city to raise taxes."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bitte entschuldigen sie, aber der Stuhl wird als Bürostuhl verkauft. Wie kann ein Bürostuhl nach 9 Monaten kaputt gehen ? Die Gewährleistungsansprüche in Deutschland sind 24 Monate. Das ist wirklich sehr schlechter Service.", "en": "Please excuse us, but the chair is sold as an office chair. How can an office chair break after 9 months? The warranty claims in Germany are 24 months. This is a really bad service."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das muss man doch eleganter ausdrücken können!", "en": "That has to be explained more elegant!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nebst einer effizienteren Organisation erwartet man auch einen Rückgang von Mitarbeiterdiebstählen.", "en": "In addition to efficient organization, a decline in employee theft is also expected."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich habe Heute meine Bestellung bekommen leider ist der ganze andere Farbe plus Oberfläche ist gekratzt und Tischbein hat Abdruck. Bei der erste Lieferung war die Farbe genau wie auf der Webseite. Wir sind sehr enttäuscht!!!! Was können Sie mir anbieten? Wenn wir jetzt den Tisch tauschen werden bekomme ich noch andere Farbe oder wie?", "en": "I got my order today. Unfortunately it is a completely different color and the surface is scratched and the table leg has an imprint. In the first delivery, the color was just like on the website. We are very disappointed! What can you offer me? If we are going to exchange the table now, can I get another color?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nein! Ich werde nie mehr was bei #PRS_ORG# bestellen Große Enttäuschung!!!!", "en": "No. I will never order anything from #PRS_ORG# again. Great disappointment!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schneebericht für Sankt Anton anzeigen.", "en": "Show snow report for St. Anton."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich habe nur ein ehrliches Feedback hinterlassen, das mein Problem nicht gelöst wurde", "en": "I just left an honest feedback that my problem was not solved."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ist der Plan auch wirklich gut durchdacht?", "en": "Is the plan well thought through?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Testergebnis war negativ.", "en": "The test result was negative."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein flugunfähiger Vogel ist Fressfeinden, wie zum Beispiel Katzen, hilflos ausgeliefert.", "en": "A bird that is unable to fly is exposed to predators, such as birds."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur Feier des Tages dürfen alle mal den Windkanal ausprobieren.", "en": "To celebrate the day, everyone is allowed to try the wind channel."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Seit seinem Unfall im Alter von fünfundzwanzig Jahren ist der ehemalige Turmspringer querschnittsgelähmt.", "en": "Since his accident when he was twenty five years old, the former diver has been paralyzed."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gestern hat der Kollege zu mir gesagt, dass die Rückzahlung veranlasst wurde und nun sagen Sie mir dass ich erst das Ding zurückschicken muss. Ich kann ja wohl nichts dafür dass die Kommode komplett verstört bei mir ankommt Sehen Sie bitte im Screenshot was der Kollege geschrieben hat Da steht klar und deutlich dass die Rückzahlung veranlasst wurde und ich habe immer noch keine Rückzahlung per #PRS_ORG# erhalten Visitor uploaded: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# URL: #URL# Type: image/png Size: #NUMBER#", "en": "Yesterday, the colleague told me that the repayment was made and now you tell me that I first have to return the thing. It is not my fault, that the chest of drawers arrived completely destroyed. Please see the screenshot of what the colleague wrote There is clear that the repayment was initiated and I still haven't received a repayment via #PRS_ORG# Visitor uploaded: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# URL: #URL# Type: Image/png Size: #NUMBER#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Abwiegen und Abmessen sind bei Grundzutaten unvermeidlich.", "en": "Weighing and measuring is a necessity when it comes to the basic ingredients."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich habe heute Lasagne gegessen.", "en": "I had lasagna today."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Ökonomen werden langsam übermütig.", "en": "The economists are slowly becoming complacent"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kairo ist die Hauptstadt von Ägypten.", "en": "Kairo is the capital of Egypt."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Mumie im Sarg war noch gut erhalten.", "en": "The mummy in the casket was still in good condition."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Reykjavík ist die Hauptstadt von Island.", "en": "Reykjavík is the capital of Iceland."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Während der Fahrt mit der Zahnradbahn spüren einige Passagiere ein Knacken in den Ohren.", "en": "During their ride on the cog railroad, some passengers felt some cracking in their ears."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Können Sie mir die drei Varianten bitte per Email zukommen lassen und mir sagen wie ich sie wieder am besten erreiche", "en": "Could you please send me the three variants by e-mail and tell me the best way to reach you again?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Überqueren der einen Brücke war nur für Bürger der Stadt gestattet.", "en": "Crossing one of the bridges was only allowed to citizens of the town."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Email zur Stornierung wurde am 26.12.#NUMBER# versendet. Im übrigen zwei mal. Bestätigt wurde sie aber nicht.", "en": "The cancellation email was sent on 26.12.#NUMBER#. Two times, by the way. But it was not confirmed."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich danke Ihnen für die Hilfe", "en": "Thank you for your help."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ferdinand möchte Xenia einen Heiratsantrag machen.", "en": "Ferdinand wants to propose to Xenia."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Habe mich abgemeldet.", "en": "I did log out."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Original ist einfach weitaus besser.", "en": "The original is just so much better."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Prinzip haben beide Recht.", "en": "In principle both are right."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "San Marino ist die Hauptstadt von San Marino.", "en": "San Marino is the capital of San Marino."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Chat Verbindung ist weg und jetzt? Ich muss zwischendurch auch arbeiten!", "en": "The chat has been disabled. What now? I also have to work in the meantime!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nein, danke. Ich muss noch fahren.", "en": "No, thank you. I still have to drive."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jetzt wirst du aber unsachlich.", "en": "Now you're becoming subjective."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wo kann ich heute Abend zum Essen hingehen?", "en": "Where can I go for dinner tonight?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "super, danke! #ADDRESS#", "en": "Great, thank you! #ADDRESS#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Per Telefon oder Email oder per Chat?", "en": "By phone or email or by chat?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Atmen Sie tief ein und ganz langsam wieder aus.", "en": "Breathe in and slowly out."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dichter Qualm entwich aus dem Schornstein.", "en": "Tight smoke came out of the chimney."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sicher ist das Aufklärungsflugzeug eine teure Anschaffung.", "en": "Sure the reconnaissance plane is an expensive purchase."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "#NUMBER# Stornierung", "en": "#NUMBER# Cancellation"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich habe repariert, welches Symbol am unteren Rand?", "en": "I have repaired it. Which icon at the bottom?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich habe natürlich Zeit. Vielen lieben Dank und einen schönen Tag", "en": "Of course, I have time. Thank you very much and a nice day"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "alles klar", "en": "Alright."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": ":-| Ich Prüfe das. Ich spreche mit der Bank und Melde mich nochmal bei Ihnen danke für das Support", "en": ":-| I will check this. I will speak to the bank and contact you again. Thanks for the support."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn man diese geheime Zutat weglässt, funktioniert es nicht.", "en": "If you skip this secret ingredient, it doesn’t work."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Nil gilt traditionell als der längste Fluss der Welt.", "en": "Traditionally, the Nile is considered to be the longest river in the world."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Da ist noch nichts angekommen", "en": "Nothing has arrived yet."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ja, das glaube ich, nur die Frage ist ja, ob ich in Euro bezahlen und mir die Decke nach Deutschland liefern lassen kann Können Sie das prüfen?", "en": "Yes, I believe that the only question is whether I can pay in euros and have the blanket delivered to Germany. Can you check that?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Johanna liegt mit einer Magen-Darm-Erkrankung flach.", "en": "Johanna lies flat with a gastrointestinal disease."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich interessiere mich für das #PRS_ORG# und möchte wissen ob es aus Holz ist?", "en": "I am interested in the #PRS_ORG# and would like to know if it is made of wood?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Man sieht den Code vor lauter Kommentaren nicht mehr.", "en": "You can’t even see the code among all the comments anymore."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Omi saß im Schaukelstuhl und strickte einen Pullover.", "en": "Grandma sat in a rocker and knitted a sweater."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mathematik ist die Kunst, das Rechnen zu vermeiden.", "en": "Mathematics is the art of avoiding to do math."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fluor ist das leichteste aller Halogene.", "en": "Fluor is the lightest of all halogens"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Liebes #PRS_ORG# team. Ich habe ein Produkt dass ich zurücksenden möchte da ich mich für eine andere Variante entschieden habe (diese auch schon bei Ihnen bestellt) Ich habe jedoch gesehen, dass sie die Rücksendekosten einrechnen was ich jetzt vermeiden möchte und auf eigene Kosten den Artikel zurücksenden möchte. Dies würde ich morgen gerne tun, was muss ich beachten? #PRS_ORG# Bestellnr. : #NUMBER#", "en": "Dear #PRS_ORG# Team. I have a product that I would like to send back, since I chose another variant (which I already ordered from you). However, I saw that you include the return shipping costs, which I would now like to avoid and return the item at my own expense. I would like to do this tomorrow, what do I need to consider? #PRS_ORG# Order No. : #NUMBER#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das ist keine zufriedenstellende Antwort und die Wartezeit hat sich nicht gelohnt Gibt es einen Premiumkunden Status bei Euch?", "en": "This is not a satisfactory answer and the waiting time was not worth it. Do you offer a premium customer status?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Anna, weißt du wo Charlotte ist?", "en": "Anna, do you know where Charlotte is?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das wäre super, danke!", "en": "That would be great, thank you!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Auf den Scheiterhaufen mit diesem Ketzer!", "en": "On the stake with this heretic!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "#NAME# meine Frau", "en": "#NAME# My wife."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "OK", "en": "OK."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nachrichten abrufen.", "en": "Retrieve messages."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ist verbunden", "en": "It's connected."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wegen der Corioliskraft weht der Wind meistens eher von Westen als von Osten.", "en": "Because of the Coriolis force, the wind usually blows from the west rather than from the east."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ach perfekt. Vielen lieben Dank!", "en": "Oh, perfect. Thank you so much!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "(Bestellnummer: #NUMBER#) #NAME# #ADDRESS# #ADDRESS#", "en": "Order number: #NUMBER# #NAME# #ADDRESS# #ADDRESS#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Straße gleicht einem Flickenteppich.", "en": "The road is like a patchwork rug."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Möchte heute noch jemand nach Bergheim fahren?", "en": "Does anyone still want to drive to Bergheim today?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Runde Fallschirme haben in der Mitte ein Loch, damit sie nicht zur Seite wegklappen.", "en": "Round parachutes have a hole in the middle, so that they don’t flap backwards."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Danke 😊😊 das war nur meine Frage", "en": "Thank you 😊😊 that was just my question."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wer später ernten will, muss heute sähen.", "en": "If you want to harvest later, you must sow today."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ok danke", "en": "Ok thank you."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Alles speichern.", "en": "Save everything."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Stell dir vor es geht, aber keiner kriegt's hin.", "en": "Imagine it works, but nobody succeeds."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mittlerweile wird es schon um vier Uhr dunkel.", "en": "Soon it will start getting dark by 4 o’clock."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mit diesem winzigen Seitenschneider hat man einfach nicht genug Hebel.", "en": "With this tiny side cutter, you just don’t get enough leverage."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nur weil es beim Nachbarn brennt, sollte man nicht die Rauchentwicklung in der eigenen Küche ignorieren.", "en": "Don’t ignore the smoke in your own kitchen just because your neighbor’s house is on fire."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Leider nein Hätte gerne das Bett bestellt :D", "en": "Unfortunately, no. I wanted to order the bed :D"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Visitor uploaded: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# URL: #URL# Type: image/png Size: #NUMBER# Ich stellte es zusammen und bemerkte dies dann, als ich den weichen Schaum nahm. Sehr traurig darüber. Ich hoffe, dass dies zurückgegeben wird und ich eine volle Rückerstattung habe. Dies ist auch ziemlich traurig, da der #NAME# viel dunkler als erwartet ist.", "en": "Visitor uploaded: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# URL: #URL# Type: image/png Size: #NUMBER# I put it together and noticed this when I took the soft foam. I am very sad about it. I hope that this will be returned and I will have a full refund. This is also quite sad, as the #NAME# is much darker than expected."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist beeindruckend, ihnen zuzusehen.", "en": "They’re impressive to watch."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ok, danke für die Auskunft.", "en": "Ok, thank you for the information."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "An der örtlichen Schule werden die Fünftklässler nach alter Tradition als Sextaner bezeichnet.", "en": "At the local school the fifth graders are called Sextans in line with old tradition."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "#NAME# #EMAIL# #ADDRESS#, Bestellnummer #NUMBER#", "en": "#NAME# #EMAIL# #ADDRESS#, Order number #NUMBER#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Experiment soll Aufschluss darüber geben, wie ehrlich Touristen sind.", "en": "The experiment is supposed to elucidate how honest tourists are."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schneeketten sind in Städten nur sehr selten nötig.", "en": "Snow chains are only rarely a necessity in cities."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Guten Tag - ich habe Interesse an dem Boone Esstisch, Weiß. Gibt es den auch in Groß 230cm?", "en": "Good afternoon! I'm interested in the Boone dining table, white. Is it also available in size 230 cm?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Manchmal tät ich gern noch etwas korrigieren.", "en": "Sometimes I would like to correct something more."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wer hat Lust auf eine Runde Bullshit-Bingo?", "en": "Who is in for one round of Bullshit-Bingo?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im medizinischen Bereich ist es um die IT-Sicherheit sehr schlecht bestellt.", "en": "In the medical sector, IT security is very poor."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Danke und einen schönen Tag", "en": "Thank you for your understanding"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hallo, ich wollte etwas bestellen und mir ist nach paar Tagen aufgefallen, dass ich den letzten Schritt bei der Zahlung vergessen habe. Leider ist das Produkt nun nicht mehr verfügbar. Wissen sie wann es wieder vorrätig sein wird ? Oder ob es überhaupt nochmal kommen wird? #PRS_ORG# mit Stauraum (180 x #NUMBER# cm), Zinngrau Vielen Dank im Voraus Mit freundlichen Grüßen #NAME#", "en": "Hello, I wanted to order something and after a few days I noticed that I had forgotten the last step in the payment. Unfortunately, the product is no longer available. Do you know when it will be back in stock? Or whether it will be back at all? #PRS_ORG# with storage space (180 x #NUMBER# cm), Pewter gray Thanks in advance. Best regards, #NAME#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nein, mir ist es nicht möglich eine andere Art der Verpackung zu beschaffen. Ich werde den Schrank abbauen und ihn dem Transportunternehmen so zur Verfügung stellen können.", "en": "No, it is not possible for me to get another type of packaging. I will be able to dismantle the closet and provide it to the shipping company in this way."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gegen eine Gruppe von drei Erwachsenen, die noch dazu bewaffnet sind, hat man als einzelner keine Chance.", "en": "As a single person you don't stand a chance against a group of three adults who are also armed."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Von der Abendsonne wird deine Haut nicht verbrennen.", "en": "The evening sun will not burn your skin."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zeige mir die kürzeste Route nach Hause.", "en": "Show me the shortest route home."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jetzt sind wir an dem Punkt angelangt, wo es sich nicht mehr rentiert.", "en": "Now we have reached the point where it is no longer viable."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Habt ihr auch den Petersdom besucht?", "en": "Did you also visit St. Peter’s Basilica?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Seine Mähne flatterte im Wind.", "en": "His mane was blowing in the wind."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wunderbar! Vielen Dank! Hoffe du hast einen tollen Rest der Woche :)", "en": "Wonderful! Thank you! I hope you have a great rest of the week. :)"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zum unterbrechungsfreien Abspielen hätte die Lesegeschwindigkeit jedoch nicht gereicht.", "en": "For uninterrupted playback, the reading speed would not have been enough."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nein", "en": "No."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Bauwerke der Epoche waren nur dank neuer Steinbearbeitungstechniken möglich.", "en": "The buildings of the era were made possible by newly invented techniques in stone masonry."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn es am Ladegerät hängt, klingelt das Handy nicht.", "en": "When it is connected to the charging thing, the phone does not ring."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mögen alle deine Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen.", "en": "May all your wishes come true."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ja das wäre perfekt machen wir das so", "en": "Yes, that would be perfect. We'll do it that way."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich möchte einen Artikel meiner Bestellungen reklamieren Visitor uploaded: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# URL: #URL# Type: image/jpeg Size: #NUMBER#", "en": "I would like to complain about an item from my orders. Visitor uploaded: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# URL: #URL# Type: image/jpeg Size: #NUMBER#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein Pressesprecher wollte die Vorwürfe weder dementieren noch bestätigen.", "en": "A press officer didn’t want to confirm nor deny the accusations."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In dieser Apotheke muss es doch Hustensaft geben!", "en": "They are bound to have cough syrup in this pharmacy!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Phil klagt über Bauchweh.", "en": "Phil complains about stomach pain."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Du warst alleine in Rostock?", "en": "You were alone in Rostock?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Auch wenn mir die Kunden auf die Nerven gehen, muss ich Höflichkeit bewahren.", "en": "Even if customers go on my nerves, I have to stay polite."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Frau Rahn spricht von einem Geniestreich.", "en": "Mrs. Rahn calls it a stroke of genius."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sieht aus wie eine Zuhälterkarre.", "en": "It looks like a pimp’s car."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist möglich, dass wir nach Hamburg fahren", "en": "It’s possible that we’ll go to Hamburg."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Außerdem sollte man sich den Zeitpunkt notieren.", "en": "Additionally, one should note the point in time."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ich hatte die Decke schon im Warenkorb und könnte sie jetzt kaufen!!! Was soll ich tun?", "en": "I had the blanket already in the shopping cart and could buy it now!!! What should I do?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schade, ich hätte gerne weiter bei Ihnen bestellt, aber wenn mir der Gutschein nicht angerechnet wird, dann werde ich aus Prinzip nicht mehr bestellen. Falls Sie es sich anders überlegen dann geben Sie mir Bescheid. Ansonsten war das dann heute der letzte Kontakt. Dann schicken Sie mir bitte noch die Nummer für das Sideboard. Im lockdown hat sowieso kein Baumarkt geöffnet.....", "en": "Too bad, I would have liked to keep ordering from you, but if the voucher is not credited to me, then I will by principle no longer order from you. Should you reconsider, please, let me know. Otherwise, this is it. Then please send me the number for the sideboard. During lockdown no hardware store is open anyway."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was heißt das auf Slowenisch?", "en": "What does that mean in Slovenian?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hallo #NAME#! Können Sie mir weiterhelfen zu meiner Frage? Muss ich stornieren oder gibt es andere Optionen, den deutlich günstigeren Preis zu erhalten?", "en": "Hello #NAME#! Can you help me with my question? Do I need to cancel or are there other options to get the much cheaper price?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "bis wann melden Sie sich? Falls die Lieferung nicht in meine Wohnung erfolgen kann, muss ich die Bestellung stornieren !", "en": "By what time will you get in touch? If the delivery cannot be made to my apartment, I'll have to cancel the order!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Unsere Kunden schätzten die Ehrlichkeit von Frau Mielke.", "en": "Our customers appreciate Ms. Mielke’s honesty."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sehr geehrte Fahrgäste, unser nächster Halt wäre Wolfsburg gewesen.", "en": "Dear passengers, our next stop would have been Wolfsburg."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Herr Kunze hat gerade eine Blinddarm-OP hinter sich.", "en": "Mr. Kunze just had an appendectomy."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was meinen Sie mit gefangen?", "en": "What do you mean when you say caught?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie kann ich jetzt die Bestellung stornieren?", "en": "How can I cancel the order now?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieser Schicksalsschlag war eine Zäsur in ihrem Leben.", "en": "This blow of fate was a turning point in her life."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Hände auf den Rücken!", "en": "Hands behind your back!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Überqueren Sie diese Kreuzung und biegen Sie direkt danach links ab.", "en": "Cross the intersection and turn left right away."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mit Tausenden dieser Brillen kann man vor der nächsten totalen Sonnenfinsternis ein Vermögen verdienen.", "en": "With thousands of these glasses one can earn assets before the next total solar eclipse."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kauf doch selbst eine Karte für deine Mutter.", "en": "Just buy a card for your mum on your own."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Elf Profis treiben Sport, Millionen Zuschauer werden fett.", "en": "Eleven pros are playing sports, millions of viewers are getting fat."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich habe mich bereits am Finger geschnitten Das ist eine absolute Frechheit", "en": "I have already cut my finger This is an absolute farce"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hör auf damit!", "en": "Stop that!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nein, danke, das war alles", "en": "No, thank you, that was all"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie kann ich die Schriftgröße ändern?", "en": "How can I change the font size?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jetzt bestellen.", "en": "Order now."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Guten Morgen, meine Hübsche!", "en": "Good morning, my beautiful."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Pazifik ist der größte Ozean der Welt.", "en": "The pacific is the biggest ocean in the world."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Herzlichen Dank #NAME#", "en": "Thank you very much, #NAME#!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ok beide gelöscht", "en": "Ok, both deleted."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das ist ein äußerst klischeehaftes Studentenfahrrad.", "en": "This is a very clichéd student bike."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "oh schade.... dann ist er ein bisschen zu niedrig..... habe nämlich einen relativ hohen Esstisch..... Habt ihr auch Stühle, die etwas höher sind? #NAME#?", "en": "Oh, too bad.... then he's a bit too low..... because i have a relatively high dining table..... Do you also have chairs that are slightly higher? #NAME#?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ok", "en": "Ok."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hallo, ich habe gerade gesehen das sie Vitrine #NAME# ausverkauft ist. Das ist sehr schade. Wird sie noch produziert? Oder ist sie ganz aus dem Sortiment genommen? Gibt es die Möglichkeit diese Vitrine in einem anderen Land zu bestellen? Viele Grüße, #NAME#", "en": "Hi, I just saw, that she showcase #NAME# is sold out. This is a shame. Will it still be produced? Or is it completely removed from the assortment? Is it possible to order this display case in another country? Regards #NAME#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn du deinen Spinat nicht aufisst, gibt es für dich keinen Nachtisch.", "en": "If you don't eat your spinach, there will be no dessert for you."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vor der Prüfung sollte man keine streitigen Diskussionen mit dem Prüfer beginnen.", "en": "You shouldn’t start contentious discussions with the examiner before the exam."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wann werden wir endlich Spinnenfäden in großem Stil synthetisieren können?", "en": "When are we going to finally synthesize spider threads on a big scale?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Damit hat er die Büchse der Pandora geöffnet.", "en": "In doing so, he opened Pandora’s box."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihnen wird empfohlen, eine Pause einzulegen.", "en": "You are recommended to take a break."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Damals lag Turbo-Pascal voll im Trend.", "en": "Back then Turbo-Pascal was super trendy."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "App löschen.", "en": "Delete app."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Willst du dich nicht mit raus setzen?", "en": "Don’t you want to sit outside with me?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es funktioniert. Vielen vielen Dank für die Hilfe Wünsche Ihnen noch einen schönen Abend", "en": "It works. Thank you so much for your help. Have a nice evening."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Alles klar Danke, schönen Tag noch", "en": "Alright. Thank you, have a nice day!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In der Statik betrachtet man nur Aufgaben im Gleichgewicht.", "en": "In statics, you only look at balanced tasks."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Muss denn wirklich in jeder Abteilung Geschlechterparität herrschen?", "en": "Does gender equality really have to prevail in every department?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aber die haben ja auch viel zu verlieren.", "en": "But they have a lot to lose."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Derzeit sind uns noch die Hände gebunden.", "en": "At the moment, our hands are still tied."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das verstehe ich, nur kann ich die Decke jetzt bestellen und nach Deutschland liefern lassen, die im Warenkorb ist?", "en": "I understand this, only can I order the blanket now and have it delivered to Germany, which is in the shopping cart?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ah OK, verstanden. Und werde ich definitiv eine E-Mail von ihnen erhalten?", "en": "Ah okay, understood. And will I definitely receive an e-mail from you?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Am Zoll wurden zwei Schmuggler dingfest gemacht.", "en": "Two smugglers were taken into custody at customs."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ja bitte an die Korrekte Adresse liefern: #NAME# #ADDRESS#", "en": "Yes, please deliver it to the correct address: #NAME# #ADDRESS#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie können ihrem Manager ausrichten, dass sie nun zwei Stammkunden verloren haben. Mein Freund hat ebenfalls über seinen Account diverse Möbel für unsere Wohnung bestellt. Das werden wir nun nicht mehr machen. Nein, der Defekt ist erst nach einigen Monaten aufgetreten. Ein Bürostuhl muss eine normale Nutzung aushalten. Sonst dürfen sie ihn nicht als Bürostuhl verkaufen. Unabhängig davon, gilt die Gewährleistung von 24 Monaten.", "en": "You can tell your manager that they have lost two regular customers. My friend has also ordered various furniture for our apartment through his account. We will no longer do that. No, the defect occurred only after a few months. An office chair must withstand normal use. Otherwise they may not sell it as an office chair. Regardless of this, the warranty is valid for 24 months."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Beirut ist die Hauptstadt von Libanon.", "en": "Beirut is the capital of Lebanon."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Amsterdam ist die Hauptstadt der Niederlande.", "en": "Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Haben Maschinen Gefühle?", "en": "Do machines have feelings?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Soldaten bissen ins Brot.", "en": "The soldiers took a bite of bread."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Also, lass uns mal lieber höher klettern.", "en": "So, lets climb up higher."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Niko lehnte höflich aber bestimmt ab.", "en": "Niko declined politely but decidedly."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die größten Städte Englands sind London, Birmingham und Manchester.", "en": "London, Birmingham and Manchester are the biggest cities in England."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vergesst nicht, einen Daumen hoch zu geben und meinen Kanal zu abonnieren!", "en": "Do not forget go give a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich kann seit 2 Wochen keine Bücher mehr kaufen. Es kommt nach der Bestätigung immer folgende Fehlermeldung: oops - someting went wrong - try again later. Ich habe den #PRS_ORG# gel#PRS_ORG#n, neu gestartet, mit dem PC verbunden, synchronisiert und repariert. Nichts hat geholfen. #EMAIL# Ich glaube, das war am 17.01.#NUMBER#.", "en": "I have not been able to buy books for 2 weeks now. After the confirmation the following error message always appears: Oops - someting went wrong - try again later. I have restarted, connected, synchronized and repaired the #PRS_ORG#. #PRS_ORG# Nothing helped. #EMAIL# I think that was on 17th Jan #NUMBER#."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hast du auch eine Quelle für deine Behauptungen?", "en": "Do you have a source for your claim?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Danke", "en": "Thank you"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie nahm einen tiefen Zug und musste husten.", "en": "She inhaled deeply and had to cough."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Michael hat die Rolle dafür bekommen.", "en": "Michael got the role for it."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Glücklicherweise ist der Untergrund an dieser Stelle sehr griffig.", "en": "Fortunately, the surface is very grippy at this point."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hallo, ich würde gerne das #PRS_ORG# aus der Bestellung #NUMBER# zurückgeben. Ich habe mich tatsächlich schon für ein neues bei #PRS_ORG# entschieden allerdings würde ich die Retoure ganz gerne erstmal so schnell wie möglich abwickeln. Viele Grüße #NAME#", "en": "Hello, I would like to return the #PRS_ORG# from the order #NUMBER#. I actually decided to buy a new one at #PRS_ORG#, but I would love to complete the return as soon as possible. Best regards, #NAME#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Außerdem ist er für das Spiel gegen die Borussia gesperrt.", "en": "He is also suspended for the match against Borussia."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Tallinn ist die Hauptstadt von Estland.", "en": "Tallinn is the capital of Estonia."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieser Laser ist so stark, dass man damit Metall schneiden kann.", "en": "This laser is so strong that it can be used to cut metal."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Akquisition der Daten ist nur der erste Schritt.", "en": "The acquisition of the data is only the first step."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Manche Wissenschaftler glauben, dass der Ursprung dieses Signals ein Neutronenstern ist.", "en": "Some scientists believe that the signal’s origin is a neutron star."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der einäugige Gnom will uns wohl unbedingt das Leben schwer machen.", "en": "The one-eyed gnome probably wants to make life difficult for us."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Um die Verletzungsgefahr zu verringern, nehmt bitte euren Schmuck ab.", "en": "Please take off your jewelry to reduce the risk of injury."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Problem ist, wir denken nicht groß genug.", "en": "The problem is we aren’t thinking big enough."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nina bringt ihre beiden Kinder in die Kita.", "en": "Nina brings both of her kids to daycare."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Alle Flüge von und nach Malaga wurden annulliert.", "en": "All flight from and to Malaga have been cancelled."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zur Bibliothek hinzufügen.", "en": "Add to library."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Suche Züge nach Düsseldorf.", "en": "Look for trains to Düsseldorf."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ist angemeldet", "en": "I'm logged in."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Guten Tag, ich habe eine Frage zu Ihrer Serie von #PRS_ORG# Beworben werden diese Produkte mit zusätzlich zu erwerbenden Hockern, diese können wir aber leider bei Ihnen nicht finden. Können sie helfen?", "en": "Good afternoon, I have a question regarding your #PRS_ORG# series. These products are advertised with stools which can additionally be purchased, but unfortunately we cannot find them. Could you lend me a hand?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das ist alles. Danke!", "en": "That's all. Thank you!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bekomme ich dafür eine Bestätigung per Mail? Das habe ich von Ihren Kolleginnen schon 3 Mal versichert bekommen...wie verlässlich ist Ihre Auskunft? Wann wird sich die Spedition mit mir in Verbindung setzen?", "en": "Will I receive a confirmation by e-mail? I have been assured of this 3 times by your colleagues... how reliable is your information? When will the forwarding company contact me?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Okay. Das Sofa haben Sie aber schon zurückerhalten? Weil dafür gab es auch keine Bestätigung.", "en": "OK. But you have already received the sofa back? Because there was no confirmation of this either."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das ist nett.", "en": "That's nice."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wir müssen intubieren, meinte der Notfallsanitäter zu seiner Kollegin.", "en": "We have to intubate, the EMT paramedic said to his coworker."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn Sie mir den Gutschein verlängern, dann werde ich gleich eine größere Bestellung aufgeben, aber immerhin habe ich das beschädigte Möbelstück behalten und nicht zurückgeschickt. Und dass das vergangene Jahr anders als gedacht verlief konnte ich nicht ahnen und habe es eben nicht zeitgerecht einlösen und klären können. Aber den Schaden habe ich als Kunde und das akzeptiere ich so nicht.", "en": "If you extend the voucher to me, then I will place a larger order immediately, but after all I kept the damaged piece of furniture and did not return it. And that the past year was different than expected I could not guess and just could not redeem it in time and clarify it. But I have the damage as a customer and I do not accept that."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Beim Zoll wird man meistens einfach durchgewunken.", "en": "You usually just get waved through at customs."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Konzern fürchtet um seine Reputation.", "en": "The company is worried about its reputation."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Elbe fließt durch Dresden, Magdeburg und Hamburg und mündet in die Nordsee", "en": "The Elbe flows through Dresden, Magdeburg and Hamburg and flows into the North sea."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schön Tag noch.", "en": "Have a nice day ahead."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dies hier bestellen.", "en": "Order this."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Meteorologen sagen einen milden Winter voraus.", "en": "Meteorologists predict a mild winter."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Nutzpflanzen wiederum filtrieren und reinigen das Abwasser, welches dann zurückgeführt werden kann.", "en": "The useful plants filter and clean the waste water in turn, which can then be lead back."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hier gibt es viele Handtaschendiebe, also seien Sie wachsam.", "en": "There are many pickpockets here so be aware."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "alles klar perfekt", "en": "All right, perfect."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In Stralsund musst du dann den Intercity in Richtung Stuttgart nehmen, welcher auch in Rostock hält.", "en": "In Stralsund, you get on the intercity train to Stuttgart, which also stops in Rostock."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Den Reisepass sollte man stets griffbereit haben.", "en": "You should always have your passport handy."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wer zündet mitten im Sommer den Kamin an?", "en": "Who lights the fireplace in the middle of the summer?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Edmund hat sich ins Ausland abgesetzt.", "en": "Edmund moved abroad."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Na also, warum nicht gleich so?", "en": "Why not like that from the start?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "genau", "en": "Exactly."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bestellnummer #NUMBER# #NAME# reicht das ? :-)", "en": "Order number #NUMBER# #NAME# Is that enough? :-)"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein Problem mit dem proprietären Treiber verhindert, dass der Computer aus dem Standby aufwacht.", "en": "A problem with the proprietary driver prevents that the computer awakes from the standby mode."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Boss war bereits vorgewarnt.", "en": "The boss has already been warned."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "#NAME# #ADDRESS# #EMAIL# Bestellnummer: #NUMBER#", "en": "#NAME# #ADDRESS# #EMAIL# Order number: #NUMBER#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ja", "en": "Yes."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Beim Thema Gastfreundschaft gibt es kulturelle Unterschiede.", "en": "There are cultural differences on the topic of hospitality."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Gegensatz zu den Passagieren konnte sich die Crew retten.", "en": "Unlike the passengers, the crew was able to save themselves."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Charakteristisch für die Passstraße sind die vielen Lawinentunnel.", "en": "Characteristic for the pass road are the many avalanche tunnels."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie lange werde ich heute zur Arbeit brauchen?", "en": "How long is it going to take me to get to work today?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ferdinand hatte die Kapuze tief ins Gesicht gezogen.", "en": "Ferdinand pulled the hood down low over his face."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dies führt zu Truppenabzügen aus der Stadt.", "en": "This leads to troop withdrawals from the town."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ich muss das ausdrucken und auf den Paket kleben und bei der Post abgeben, das wars oder? hier muss ich nichts weiter anklicken/angeben/ausfüllen?", "en": "I have to print it out and stick it on the parcel and leave it at the post office, that's it? Here I don't have to click/specify/fill in any more?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kann ich es jetzt bestellen? Oder erst im april", "en": "Can I order it now? Or only in April?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Thats okay! I am happy to take the full refund - i am seeing this as a sign haha Opps! Entschuldigung, das ist okay! Ich freue mich über die volle Rückerstattung - ich sehe dies als Zeichen, haha #NUMBER# / 5000 Translation results Können Sie mir Details zur Sammlung per E-Mail senden? Ich muss sicherstellen, dass es vor der Abholung zerlegt und sicher verpackt wird.", "en": "That's okay! I am happy to take the full refund - I am seeing this as a sign, haha. Opps! Sorry, that's okay! I am happy about the full refund - I see this as a sign, haha. #NUMBER# / 5000 Translation results Can you send me details of the collection by e-mail? I have to make sure that it is disassembled and securely packed before the pick-up."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Halten Sie sich genau an den vereinbarten Text, dann läuft alles glatt.", "en": "Stick closely to the agreed-upon script, and it will all go well."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Liebes #PRS_ORG#-Team, Heute kam meine #PRS_ORG# an, jedoch kann ich diese nicht ineinanderschieben und somit verkürzen. Können Sie mir da weiter helfen? Sonst müsste ich sie zurückschicken, da sie sonst für den Zweck nicht geeignet ist. Ich würde mich über eine Rückmeldung freuen", "en": "Dear #PRS_ORG# team, Today my #PRS_ORG# arrived, but I can't push it into each other and thus shorten it. Can you help me with this? Otherwise I would have to send it back, because otherwise it is not suitable for the purpose. I would be happy about a feedback"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ok trotzdem vielen Dank! dann werde ich woanders kaufen sobald das geld zurück ist. Bekomme ich das aber Problemlos zurück?", "en": "Alright, thank you anyway. I will buy somewhere else as soon as I have my money back. Do I get my money back without any trouble?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aus Schiffslänge und Form der Nase lässt sich die mögliche Höchstgeschwindigkeit berechnen.", "en": "With the length of the ship and the form of the nose, the possible maximum speed can be calculated."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Visitor uploaded: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# URL: #URL# Type: image/jpeg Size: #NUMBER# Ja, genau Sehr schade nach der langen Lieferzeit", "en": "Visitor uploaded: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# URL: #URL# Type: image/jpeg Size: #NUMBER# Yes, exactly. Very sad, after the long delivery time."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Timer auf dreißig Sekunden stellen.", "en": "Set timer to thirty seconds."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieser einzelne Diamant ist so kostbar wie dreiundvierzig Goldbarren.", "en": "This single diamond is worth as much as forty-three bars of gold."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nick sprudelte vor Ideen.", "en": "Nick was spluttering with ideas."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Spülmaschine ist fertig.", "en": "The dish washer is ready."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nee, Fräulein, so nicht!", "en": "No, Miss, not like that!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es fehlt das gewisse Etwas.", "en": "It is missing that certain something."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Rückerstattung Bestellnr. : #NUMBER# Ich warte schon wochen lang auf termin", "en": "Refunds Order No. #NUMBER# I have been waiting for weeks for an appointment."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Energiebedarf der Welt wäre mit erneuerbaren Energien nicht zu decken, wenn der Pro-Kopf-Verbrauch überall so hoch wie in Europa wäre.", "en": "Renewables would not meet the world's energy needs if per capita consumption were as high as it is in Europe."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ich habe noch eine Frage: die Tagesdecke #PRS_ORG#, gibt es die auch in Übergröße, also in 240/240 zum Beispiel?", "en": "I have another question: The bedspread #PRS_ORG#, is it also in oversize available, in 240/240 for example?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Qualität der Daten sollte möglichst oft gleich hoch sein oder bleiben.", "en": "The quality of the data should be or remain as high as possible."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie hört den Song rauf und runter.", "en": "She listens to the song over and over again."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Alles klar. Sind da. Vielen Dank für ihre Gedult und Hilfe!", "en": "Alright. They are there. Thank you for your patience and help!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schade, die habe ich geschenkt bekommen und sie ist zu klein :(", "en": "Too bad that it was given to me as a gift and it is too small :("}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Findest du es in Ordnung, den Sperrmüll anderer nach nützlichen Dingen zu durchsuchen?", "en": "Do you think it's okay to search other people's bulky trash for useful things?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Juba ist die Hauptstadt vom Südsudan.", "en": "Juba is the capital of South Sudan."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gibt es in Hamm ein schönes Museum?", "en": "Is there a nice museum in Hamm?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie lange müssen wir jetzt noch auf dich warten?", "en": "How much longer do we have to wait for you now?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sobald sich der Dozent zur Tafel dreht, geht das Geplapper los.", "en": "As soon as the docent turns to the blackboard, the babbling starts."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Preise werden sich verdreifachen.", "en": "Prices will triple."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Alles klar. Vielen Dank", "en": "Alright. Thank you."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Obwohl Leipzig mehr Einwohner hat, ist Dresden die Landeshauptstadt von Sachsen.", "en": "Even though Leipzig has more inhabitants, Dresden is the capital of Saxony."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Egal, es ist echt lecker.", "en": "Whatever, it is delicious."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die ersten Hybridantriebe aus Diesel- und Elektromotor wurden in U-Booten verbaut.", "en": "The first hybrid engines use diesel and electric motors were installed in submarines."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Den Schuss nicht hören.", "en": "Don't hear the shot."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Eine so niedrige Gutschrift finde ich fast unverschämt. Damit sind wir nicht einverstanden", "en": "I find such a low credit almost outrageous. We do not agree with this."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Zahlen sie monatlich, vierteljährlich, halbjährlich oder jährlich ihren Beitrag?", "en": "Do they pay their dues monthly, quarterly, bi-annually or annually?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ja Und das seit wochen", "en": "Yes. For weeks."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sobald die erste Apotheke auf dem Mond öffnet, werden Mondpreise mit Apothekenpreisen kombiniert.", "en": "As soon as the first pharmacy will open on the moon, pharmacy prices will be combined with moon prices."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie konnte ich mich nur so täuschen?", "en": "How could I delude myself so much?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr könntet euch ruhig auch mal beteiligen!", "en": "You could help out for once!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wieso sollten sich die Teilchen so stark anziehen?", "en": "Why should particles be so attracted to one another?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "und wie geht es jetzt weiter?", "en": "And what happens now?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nein, alles erledigt. Dankeschön. Schönen Tag noch. :)", "en": "No, everything is done. Thank you very much! I wish you a nice day. :)"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Auch für Sie Freundliche und schnelle Hilfe, Dankeschön", "en": "Same for you! Friendly and quick help. Thank you!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bestellnummer siehe oben #ADDRESS# #EMAIL#", "en": "Order number is listed above #ADDRESS# #EMAIL#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Normalerweise wäre ihm das viel zu ungesund.", "en": "Normally it would be too unhealthy for him."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der BMW hat mich geschnitten und ich musste ausweichen.", "en": "The BMW cut me off and I had to swerve."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Seit zwei Stunden schon dümpelt der Download vor sich hin.", "en": "The download has been bumbling for two hours now."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Richtig zubereitet schmeckt sogar Kohlrabi lecker.", "en": "When cooked right, even Kohlrabi tastes delicious."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wer ist der Schlagzeuger aus eurer Band?", "en": "Who’s the drummer in your band?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mit finsterer Miene betrachtete Rolf die Herren in den grauen Anzügen.", "en": "Rolf looked at the gentlemen in the grey suits with a dark expression."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "#ADDRESS# ja.", "en": "#ADDRESS# Yes."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "So morsch, wie der Stamm ist, würde ich ihn lieber nicht als Lastenträger einsetzen.", "en": "Because of how rotten the trunk is, I would rather not use it to carry loads."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Offensichtlich hatte der Stuhl einen nicht ersichtlichen Mangel bei Verkauf. Wie kann so ein Polsterschaden nach 9 Monaten ansonsten auftreten ?", "en": "Obviously, the chair had an invisible defect during sale. How else can such a padding damage occur after only 9 months?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wer keine eigenen Schlittschuhe hat, kann sich vor Ort welche leihen.", "en": "If one does not have any ice skates, they can be rented on-site."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Beamte griff zum Telefonhörer und wählte eine Nummer.", "en": "The officer grabbed the phone and dialed a number."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wir müssen den Kater auch noch kastrieren lassen.", "en": "We need to get the tomcat castrated as well."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welche Filme kann man heute in Gießen im Kino schauen?", "en": "What movies can you watch at the cinema in Giessen today?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aber ich hätte gerne eine Flasche ohne Kohlensäure.", "en": "But I would like to have a bottle without gas."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hallo, ich habe letzte Woche und heute Morgen um ein Rücksendeettikett für meine Bestellung #NUMBER# angesucht. Mir wurde gesagt, dass mir eines zugeschickt wird. Da ich noch keines erhalten habe (im SPAM Ordner auch nicht), wollte ich jetzt mal nachfragen, wie lange dies in der Regel dauert. Vielen lieben Dank.", "en": "Hello, I applied for a return label for my order #NUMBER# last week and this morning. I was told that one thing was sent to me. Since I did not receive one more (in the SPAM folder also not), I wanted to ask now how long this usually takes. Thank you very much."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Material der Verpackung können wir entsorgen? Wir haben keine Möglichkeiten diese so lange aufzubewahren. Wir würden den Tisch wie von ihnen angeboten nutzen als sei es unserer", "en": "Can we dispose of the packaging material? We have no means to keep it for so long. We would use the table as offered by you as if it were ours."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nachdem sie den Schleichweg durch den Wald genommen hatten, waren sie von Mücken zerstochen.", "en": "After she had taken the secret path through the forest, she was pricked all over by mosquitos."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es kommt wieder die selbe Meldung", "en": "The same message is coming up again."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "#EMAIL#", "en": "#EMAIL#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein Storch plustert sein Gefieder auf.", "en": "A stork puffs up its plumage."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wüstensand eignet sich nicht für die Herstellung von Beton.", "en": "Desert sand is not appropriate for production of concrete."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Auftritt von Marissa war phänomenal.", "en": "The performance of Marissa was phenomenal."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Kobold naschte vom grüngelben Schleim.", "en": "The goblin munched on the greenish yellow mucous."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vegetarier futtern den armen Tieren ihre Nahrung weg!", "en": "Vegetarians eat the poor animals’ food."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "okay bis wann bekomme ich die Email? Bisher ist noch nichts da", "en": "Okay. Until when will I receive the email? So far there is nothing."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kann ich eine Bestellung auch jetzt schon aufgeben und Anfang Juni erst liefern lassen?", "en": "Can I place an order now and have it delivered at the beginning of June?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ok", "en": "Ok."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "hallo #NAME# ich würde gerne einen gutscheincode herschenken so wie bei #PRS_ORG# gift vouchers geht das bei ihnen?", "en": "Hello #NAME# I would like to give away a voucher code as with #PRS_ORG# gift vouchers Is that possible with you?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie findet Sushi eigentlich eklig.", "en": "She actually thinks that sushi is disgusting."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Besteht zu diesem Thema noch Redebedarf?", "en": "Is there still a need to talk regarding this topic?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Australien ist keine Insel sondern ein Kontinent.", "en": "Australia is not an island, it is a continent."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei Sauerstoffüberschuss wiederum können Stickoxide entstehen.", "en": "In case of excess Oxygen, Nitrogen oxide van be formed."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Erzeugnisse der Massentierhaltung schmecken zwar, bringen aber viele Probleme mit sich.", "en": "The products of mass livestock farming are tasty, but they bring many problems with them."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was tut man gegen ein fusselndes Handtuch?", "en": "What do you do about a towel that has fuzzes?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ist es in Nürnberg nebelig?", "en": "Is it foggy in Nürnberg?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Auto vorheizen.", "en": "Preheat the car."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die sind dort bereits hinterlegt", "en": "They are already deposited there."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ist das Wetter in Leverkusen besser als in Ludwigshafen am Rhein?", "en": "Is the weather in Leverkusen better than in Ludwigshafen at the Rhein?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gut, wie wäre es mit einem anderen Vorschlag?", "en": "Fine, how about another suggestion?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Danke für die Hintergrundinformationen.", "en": "Thanks for the background information."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "#NAME#... auf der deutschen Seite ist die Decke ausverkauft", "en": "#NAME#... on the German side the blanket is sold out."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Welche Stücke sind verfügbar?", "en": "Which pieces are available?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Jetzt geht gar nichts mehr. Mein Konto ist Anscheinend gesperrt und die Sprache ist englisch", "en": "Now nothing works anymore. My account is apparently blocked and the language is English."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das heist das sie nicht mehr produziert wird?", "en": "Does that mean that it is no longer produced?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Darf ich mir dein Schweißgerät ausleihen?", "en": "May I borrow your welding machine?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das ging aber gründlich daneben.", "en": "This completely backfired."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Unterlass das.", "en": "Omit that."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hallo #NAME# ich interessiere mich für den #PRS_ORG# Stuhl. Weiß aber nicht, wie hoch die Sitzfläche ist.....", "en": "Hello #NAME# I am interested in the #PRS_ORG# chair. But don't know how high the seat is....."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bodybuilder kennen das Phänomen.", "en": "Bodybuilders know the phenomena."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bujumbura ist die Hauptstadt von Burundi.", "en": "Bujumbura is the capital of Burundi."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kigali ist die Hauptstadt von Ruanda.", "en": "Kigali is the capital of Rwanda."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr Privatjet wird gerade noch betankt, ist ansonsten aber startklar.", "en": "Your private jet is being refueled right now, but it is ready to take off otherwise."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Okay", "en": "OK."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Sturzflug erreichen Steinadler Geschwindigkeiten von über dreihundert Stundenkilometern.", "en": "When they dive, golden eagles can reach speeds of up to 300 kilometers per hour."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist denn abzusehen, wann der Schrank wieder geliefert werden könnte? Ihn so zu behalten ist für mich keine Option...", "en": "Is it foreseeable when the closet could be delivered again? Keeping it like this is not an option for me..."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich habe 6 #PRS_ORG# gekauft und wollte aber 8 Kaufen. Jedoch gab es keine mehr. Jetzt sind sie wieder verfügbar und ich will das Sie bitte 2 stühle zur Bestellung hinzufügen und mir das in Rechnung stellen. Vielen Dank", "en": "I bought 6 #PRS_ORG# and wanted to buy 8. However, they were no longer available. Now they are available again and I want you to add 2 chairs to the order and send me the bill. Thank you!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das ist sehr nett. Vielen Dank!", "en": "This is very nice. Thank you!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Doha ist die Hauptstadt von Katar.", "en": "Doha is the capital of Katar."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Haben wir Puderzucker auf Vorrat?", "en": "Do we have any icing sugar in stock?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Man könnte auch sagen, er ist lebensmüde.", "en": "You could say he’s suicidal."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bagdad ist die Hauptstadt vom Irak.", "en": "Bagdad is the capital of Iraq."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Habe direkt mit meinem #PRS_ORG#, ein buch gekauft es scheint auch drauf zu sein. Sobal ich es öffnen möchte kommt die Meldung, ups! Dieses Dokument könnte nicht geöffnet werden. Datei ist möglicherweise Fehlerhaft melden sie sich beim Kundenservice. Soweit ich es erkennen kann ist es eine #PRS_ORG# epub Datei. Können sie mir weiterhelfen? #EMAIL# Heute mittag Mr. #NAME#", "en": "I bought a book directly with my #PRS_ORG#, it seems to be on it too. When I want to open the message comes up \"Oops! This document could not be opened. The File may be faulty, please contact customer service.\" As far as I can see it is a #PRS_ORG# epub file. Can you help me? #EMAIL# This afternoon Mr. #NAME#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Beides", "en": "Both."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Manche Ameisen können verschiedene Polarisationen des Lichtes unterscheiden.", "en": "Some ants can differentiate between different polarizations of light."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gerne! Danke", "en": "You're welcome. Thank you."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dieses Lied per E-Mail mit Johanna teilen.", "en": "Share this song with Johanna via email."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mit Giro- oder Kreditkarte?", "en": "With Giro- or credit card?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hallo, leider komme ich nicht ins Kundenkonto rein. Könnten Sie mir bitte die Rechnung aus der Bestellnummer #NUMBER# nocheinmal auf die oben angegebene Mail Adresse schicken? #PRS_ORG#", "en": "Hello, unfortunately I don't get into the customer account. Could you please send me the invoice from the Order number #NUMBER# again to the email address stated above? #PRS_ORG#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hallo, wir haben eine Anfrage wegen unsere kaputten Couch geschickt und ich würde gerne den aktuellen Stand wissen, da wir die Couch gerade nicht nutzen können - Bestellnummer #NUMBER# - Bestelldatum 07.03.#NUMBER# - Bestellung als Gast - #PRS_ORG# Récamiere links), Ägäisblau Artikelnummer: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# - Lieferadresse #NAME# #ADDRESS# - Email #EMAIL#", "en": "Hello, We sent an inquiry about our broken couch and I would like to know the current status, as we can't use the couch at the moment. - Order number #NUMBER# - Order date 07.03.#NUMBER# - Ordering as a guest - #PRS_ORG# Récamiere left), Aegean blue Item number: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# - Delivery address #NAME# #ADDRESS# - Email: #EMAIL#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die freigewordenen Ressourcen sollen dann in Forschung und Entwicklung fließen.", "en": "The freed resources should flow into research and development."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vielen lieben Dank", "en": "Thank you so much"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Danke!", "en": "Thank you!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "schicken Sie mir bitte irgendeine Transaktionsnummer.. oder sonst was, was dabei helfen könnte Überweisungsbestätigung... etc", "en": "Please send me any transaction number... or anything else that could help. Transfer confirmation... etc."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Während sie an den Marterpfahl gefesselt waren, beobachteten sie die Indianer bei ihrem Ritual.", "en": "While they were tied to the stake, they observed the Indians performing their ritual."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Okay. Können Sie mir noch sagen, wann der Kurier mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen wird? Und ob eine Abholung nächste Woche sicher ist?", "en": "Okay. Can you tell me when the courier will contact me? If a collection next week is to be expected?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nein, das können wir nicht.", "en": "No, we can't do that."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kein Problem", "en": "No problem."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "wie meinen sie das in dieser charge? wieso sagt es bei mir 16 wochen?", "en": "What do you mean by in this charge? Why does it say to me 16 weeks?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Genau!", "en": "Exactly."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Räum den Geschirrspüler leer!", "en": "Empty the dish washer!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Im Schrank steht auch Tee mit Cranberry-Geschmack.", "en": "In the shelf is a tea with cranberry taste."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gestern wurde mir gesagt es wurde veranlasst und ich habe bisher nicht bekommen #NAME# #ADDRESS# #ADDRESS# #PHONENUMBER# #EMAIL#", "en": "Yesterday, i was told it was issued, and I haven't received it so far #NAME# #ADDRESS# #ADDRESS# #PHONENUMBER# #EMAIL#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Du musst mir eines versprechen.", "en": "You have to promise me one thing."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Möbel sind doch noch nicht fertig?", "en": "The furniture is not finished yet?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Fliege zurück zum Mutterschiff!", "en": "Fly back to the mothership."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sind sie schon mal auf den #PRS_ORG# Stühlen gesessen?", "en": "Have you ever sat on the #PRS_ORG# chairs?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Moment, ich muss Kirsten noch kurz verabschieden.", "en": "One moment, I have to say goodbye to Kirsten."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ist gut, danke. Ich erwarte zeitnah, bis spätestens Anfang nächster Woche eine Rückmeldung. Danke für Ihre Unterstützung #NAME#.", "en": "That's good, thank you. I expect to receive feedback at the beginning of next week at the latest. Thank you for your support #NAME#."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Visitor uploaded: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# URL: #URL# Type: image/png Size: #NUMBER# Hallo liebes #PRS_ORG# Team, ich habe mich bei euch bereits unter dem Kundenkontakt mit der Nummer #PHONENUMBER# gemeldet.", "en": "Visitor uploaded: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# URL: #URL# Type: Image/png Size: #NUMBER# Hello dear #PRS_ORG# team, I have already registered under the customer contact with the number #PHONENUMBER#."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Und noch mal über Kontakt-Formular", "en": "And again via contact form."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was genau lief schief?", "en": "What exactly went wrong?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "#ADDRESS#, #PHONENUMBER#", "en": "#ADDRESS#, #PHONENUMBER#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Patricia warnte ihre Mitspielerinnen.", "en": "Patricia warned her fellow players."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Unterschied zwischen Tomographie und Projektion lässt sich am einfachsten grafisch erklären.", "en": "The easiest way to explain the difference between tomography and projection is with graphs."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es muss immer erst etwas passieren, damit sich etwas ändert.", "en": "Something always has to happen first for something to change."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Marion ist durch Vitamin B an die Stelle gekommen.", "en": "Marion got the position through vitamin B."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wann gibt es ein Stoffmuster von dem Sofa #NAME# in salbeigrün?", "en": "When will there be a fabric pattern of the sofa #NAME# in sage green?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das können Sie vergessen, das habe ich doch gestern schon mehrmals erklärt!! Das ist eine Kommode aus Glas und die gesamten Seiten sind aufgeplatzt, somit liegt überall Glas und der Karton ist kaputt Die Kommode steht in meiner Wohnung und #PRS_ORG# weigert sich in die Wohnung zu kommen wegen den #PRS_ORG# Bestimmungen Das bedeutet, dass die Kommode nicht abgeholt werden kann, weil keiner in meine Wohnung rein darf", "en": "You can forget that, I have already explained this several times yesterday!! This is a dresser out of glass, and the entire sides are burst, so everywhere is glass and the carton is broken The dresser is in my apartment and #PRS_ORG# refuses to come to the apartment because of the #PRS_ORG# regulations This means that the chest of drawers cannot be picked up because no one is allowed to enter my apartment"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nehmen sie die Stornierung bitte auf. Das wird dann ja rechtlich relevant sein. Ich fertige eine Screen-Shot.", "en": "Please accept the cancellation. That will be legally relevant. I'll make a screenshot."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Guten Tag! Leider ist die Decke in Deutschland ausverkauft. Kann ich die bei Ihnen kaufen und in Euro bezahlen? Es handelt sich um die Tagesdecke #PRS_ORG# in blaugrün.", "en": "Good day! Unfortunately, the blanket is sold out in Germany. Can I buy it from you and pay in euros? It is about the bedspread #PRS_ORG# in blue green."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Habe insgesamt 5 Bücher drauf. 4 davon gehen. Nur das eine das ich heute gekauft habe geht nicht", "en": "I have a total of 5 books on it. 4 of those work fine. Only the one I bought today is not working."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wann wird meime Lampe geliefert", "en": "When will my lamp be delivered?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wollt ihr nicht von all euren Abenteuern berichten?", "en": "Don’t you want to talk about all your adventures?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "So zumindest habe ich es verstanden.", "en": "At least that is how I understood it."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie geht es nun weiter?", "en": "What will happen now?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn es in dem Schneckentempo weitergeht, sitzen wir morgen noch hier.", "en": "If this snail pace continues, we’ll still be here tomorrow."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gute Nacht.", "en": "Good night."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Lassen wir die kinetische Komponente erst mal weg.", "en": "Let’s forget about the kinetic components for now."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich warte!", "en": "I am waiting!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die kommt dann aber viel später an Und ich muss nochmal Versandkosten zahlen", "en": "But it wasn't delivered on time. And I have to pay the shipping costs again."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn sie nicht produziert wurden, sollte man den Auftrag stornieren können.", "en": "If they were not produced, you should be able to cancel the order."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Super, habe nämlich Sorge dass die Artikel bald nicht mehr vorrätig sind Wünsche Ihnen ein schönes Wochenende! Lieben Dank für die Hilfe 😊 Tschüss 😊", "en": "Great, I'm worried that the articles will soon be out of stock I wish you a nice weekend. Thank you for the help 😊 Goodbye!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Habt ihr schon gefrühstückt?", "en": "Did you have breakfast yet?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Keine Polizei, keine Tricks – sonst sterben die Geiseln.", "en": "No police, no tricks - otherwise the hostages will die."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Gleich zu Beginn des Thrillers wird der Direktor im Hinterhof ermordet.", "en": "Directly at the beginning of the thriller the director is killed in the backyard."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie funktioniert das? Das herunterladen?", "en": "How does this work? Download this?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Verkauft der Automat auch Fahrkarten nach Mülheim an der Ruhr?", "en": "Does the machine issue tickets to Mühlheim on the Ruhr as well?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Einschlägige Casinos werden immer stärker frequentiert.", "en": "Relevant casinos are being frequented more and more."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mit anderen Worten: Weiter so!", "en": "In other words: continue like that!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ihr könnt mich doch nicht einfach zurücklassen!", "en": "You can’t just leave me behind!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Doch ohne weitere Maßnahmen lässt sich der Verfall nicht aufhalten.", "en": "But without further measures the decay cannot be stopped."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Des Weiteren steht auf meiner Liste noch ein gewisser Richard Kaufmann.", "en": "Furthermore, a so-called Richard Kaufmann is on my list."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "alles klar tschüss", "en": "All right, goodbye."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "wo ist diese Bestellung BESTELLT AM 05.10.#NUMBER# (Bestellnummer: #NUMBER#", "en": "Where is this order? Ordered on 05.10.#NUMBER# (Order number: #NUMBER#)"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "wird der volle Betrag zurückerstattet vom Kaufpreis bei Abholung?", "en": "Will the full amount be refunded from the purchase price at pickup?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Frankfurt ist eines der Drehkreuze für internationalen Luftverkehr.", "en": "Frankfurt is a hub for international air travel."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Kolleginnen haben mir eine Rücksendung bzw. Abholung durch die Spedition für nächste Woche versprochen.", "en": "The colleagues promised me a return or pick-up by the forwarding company for next week."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Matthias sucht nach Möglichkeiten, Sport in seinen Tagesablauf zu integrieren.", "en": "Matthias is looking for a way to integrate sport into his daily schedule."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das ist direkt neben dem Hauptbahnhof.", "en": "It’s right next to the train station."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "#PHONENUMBER#", "en": "#PHONENUMBER#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich hab leider meine Bestellnummer nicht mehr, habe im November die #PRS_ORG#-Lampe gekauft und wollte wissen, wann ich mit ihr rechnen kann", "en": "Unfortunately I don't have my order number anymore, bought the #PRS_ORG# lamp in November and wanted to know when I can expect it?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "habe gestern Mail von Ihnen bekommen. es geht um €#NUMBER#", "en": "Yesterday, I received an email from to you. It's about €#NUMBER#."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In der Dunkelheit sehen wir unschärfer und farblos.", "en": "We see more blurred and colorless in the darkness."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nein erst wenn ich drauf tippe kommt ein extra Feld mit der Meldung", "en": "No only when I tap on it a separate field comes up with the message."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Danke Sie auch", "en": "Thank you as well"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich weiß.", "en": "I know."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "das lowboard bestelle ich, wenn es uns nicht gefällt können wir es zurück geben? Können wir es in HH auch abholen?", "en": "If I order the lowboard and don't like it, can we give it back? Can we also pick it up in HH?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Programm starten.", "en": "Start the program."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Woher hat der Knabe nur seine Aggressionen?", "en": "Where does the boy get his aggressions from?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hat man sie erwischt?", "en": "Did she get caught?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Und die Kommode? Erhalten wir in den nächsten Wochen nochmal ein Update zum genauen Liefertermin?", "en": "And the dresser? Will we receive an update for the exact delivery date in the next weeks?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hi #NAME# Ich hatte über das Kontaktformular ein Artike zurückgegeben bzw eine Rückgabe aufgegeben und wollte nachfragen ob das ankam oder bearbeitet wird, da ich noch keine BEstätigung bekommen habe.", "en": "Hello #NAME# I had requested the return of an article via the contact form and wanted to ask if it arrived or is being processed, since I have not received any confirmation yet."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Unfassbar, dieser riesige Andrang nur wegen eines Telefons!", "en": "Incredible, such a crowd of people just because of a telephone!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Danke bye", "en": "Thank you, bye!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hier wurde mir mitgeteilt, dass der Artikel wieder abgeholt wird #ADDRESS#, #EMAIL#, #ADDRESS# Bestellnummer #NUMBER#", "en": "Here I was told that the article will be picked up again #ADDRESS#, #EMAIL#, #ADDRESS# Order number #NUMBER#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es ist Fluch und Segen zugleich.", "en": "It is hell and heaven at the same time."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wenn ich ein Buch auf den #PRS_ORG# runtergeladen habe, kommt die Meldung Ihr #PRS_ORG# authorisiert dieses Buch nicht gibt es da Probleme?", "en": "If I download a book to the #PRS_ORG#, I receive the message \"Your #PRS_ORG# does not authorize this book\". Are there any problems?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sie aber bitte auch :)", "en": "You too :)"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Danke", "en": "Thank you!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Akupunktur funktioniert nicht, wenn man nicht dran glaubt.", "en": "Acupuncture doesn’t work if you don’t believe in it."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Habe ich noch süße Sahne im Kühlschrank?", "en": "Do I still have sweet cream in the fridge?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das Stauende liegt hinter einer Kurve.", "en": "The end of the traffic jam is behind a bend."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich bitte darum.", "en": "I kindly ask you to do so."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hallo", "en": "Hello!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Du benutzt ständig irgendwelche Redewendungen, die ich nicht kenne.", "en": "You’re always using some idioms I don't know all the time."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ja", "en": "Yes."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es wurde die Tischplatte für 8 Personen statt jene für 6 Personen geliefert. Das untergestell ist jenes für 6 Personen.", "en": "The table top for 8 persons was delivered instead of the one for 6 persons. The underframe is that for 6 persons."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich war im Chat mit #PRS_ORG#, der hat mich gefragt, ob ich eine Lieferbestätigung für meinen Schrank bekommen habe.", "en": "I was chatting with #PRS_ORG#, who asked me if I had received a delivery confirmation for my closet."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Putzfrauen sind ideale Spione.", "en": "Cleaning staff are perfect spies."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das ist super. #NUMBER# Dank war so enttäuscht, weil ich darauf gewartet habe und dann konnte ich es nicht aufbauen", "en": "That's great. #NUMBER# thanks. I was so disappointed because I waited for it and then I couldn't set it up."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vierundzwanzig Türchen warten darauf, geöffnet zu werden.", "en": "Twenty four little doors are waiting to be opened."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kohlenwasserstoffe treten meistens in Form von Ketten auf.", "en": "Hydrocarbons usually occur in the form of chains."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was heisst das jetzt für mich? brauche ich einen Anwalt?", "en": "What does that mean for me now? Do I need a lawyer?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Vatikanstadt ist die Hauptstadt vom Vatikan.", "en": "Vatican city is the capital of Vatican."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Deine Aufgabe ist es, die Schaulustigen abzulenken.", "en": "Your job is to distract the audience."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Du meinst Heuschrecken und Mehlwürmer?", "en": "You mean locusts and mealworms?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie warm wird es heute?", "en": "How warm is it going to be today?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Falls es nicht geht, wäre ich mit eine Nachlass oder Gutschein auch zufrieden. Unter Umständen finde ich einen Abnehmer für die Möbel. Nur über 1.000 Euro für Ware die ich nicht benötige sind dann doch etwas viel. Visitor uploaded: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# URL: #URL# Type: image/png Size: #NUMBER#", "en": "If it is not possible, I would also be satisfied with a discount or voucher. I may find a buyer for the furniture. About 1.000 Euros for goods that I do not need is a bit much. Visitor uploaded: #ALPHANUMERIC_ID# URL: #URL# Type: Image/png Size: #NUMBER#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mit Tempomat wird mir immer so langweilig, dass ich nicht mehr richtig aufpasse.", "en": "With cruise control it always gets so boring that I don’t properly pay attention."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sehr viele Länderflaggen enthalten die Farben Blau, Weiß und Rot.", "en": "Many national flags are made up of the colors blue, white and red."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ottawa ist die Hauptstadt von Kanada.", "en": "Ottawa is the capital of Canada."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Kaum zu glauben!", "en": "Unbelievable!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Hallo, wird es die zur #PRS_ORG# zugehörigen Kissen, die auch auf den Produkt-Fotos abgebildet sind, bald wieder geben? Danke!", "en": "Hello, will the pillows associated with the #PRS_ORG#, which are also shown on the product photos, be available soon again? Thank you!"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Renate hält die Vorstellung für utopisch.", "en": "Renate considers the notion utopic."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Santiago de Chile ist die Hauptstadt von Chile.", "en": "Santiago de Chile is the capital of Chile."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Die Ware hat unter 20 Euro gekostet. Die Gebühr entspricht 40% des Warenwertest.... Ich bin #PRS_ORG# Großkunde und somit ist es kein Problem für mich. Brauche lediglich eine Nummer oder Anweisung was ich den Paket beilegen sollte damit es von Ihnen als Retoure getrackt werden kann.", "en": "The goods cost under 20 euros. The fee is equal to 40% of the merchandise value... I am a major #PRS_ORG# customer and so it's not a problem for me. I just need a number or instruction which I should add to the package so that it can be tracked by you as a return."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Semmeln ist ein bayrisches Wort für Brötchen.", "en": "“Semmeln” is a Bavarian term for bread rolls."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Siehst du Gefühle als Schwäche an?", "en": "Do you see feelings as weakness?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wünsche ich ihnen auch :)", "en": "Wishing you the same :)"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Philosophie fällt am Donnerstag aus.", "en": "Philosophy is cancelled on Thursday."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ok schade, trotzdem Danke.", "en": "Ok, too bad, still thank you."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In Ordnung. Wir werden nichts mehr bei ihnen bestellen. Wenn sie die Umsätze von mir und meinen Freund #NAME# (gleiche Adresse) addieren, haben sie offensichtlich gute Kunde verloren. Das dürfen sie gerne an ihren Manager weiterleiten. Das ist nicht Wettbewerbsfähig. Auf Wiedersehen", "en": "All right. We will no longer order anything from you. If you add the revenue of me and my friend #NAME# (same address), you obviously lost a very good customer. You can forward this to your manager. This is not competitive. Goodbye"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ok, scheint zu gehen Danke", "en": "Ok, seems to work. Thank you."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Schließlich begaben sich Finja und Gaby gemeinsam zum Fundbüro.", "en": "Eventually Finja and Gaby went to the lost and found office together."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mit einem erwartungsvollen Blick wandte sie sich mir zu.", "en": "With an expectant look she turned to me."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "ok", "en": "Okay"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Beim Flaschendrehen musste sie einen Typen küssen, den sie gar nicht kannte.", "en": "When she spun the bottle, she had to kiss a guy she didn’t even know."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Auf der Webseite. Müsste jetzt aber drin sein", "en": "On the website. But it should be in there now."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Diesen Gesichtsausdruck kenne ich von deiner Schwester.", "en": "I know the facial expression from your sister."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Womit wollen wir die Zucchini füllen?", "en": "With what do we want to fill the zucchini?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist gemeint? Aus- und wieder einschalten?", "en": "What do you mean? Turn off and on again?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Elf Meilen vor der Küste ist ein Tanker auf Grund gelaufen.", "en": "A tanker ran aground eleven miles off the coast."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wir wollen beenden diesen Jammer, darum öffnen wir die Speisekammer.", "en": "We want to end this misery and so we open the pantry."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Aber netter Versuch!", "en": "But nice try!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Guten Morgen, ich hatte gestern schon den Chat gestartet bezgl. einer Rechnung. Habe Sie leider nicht erhalten. Daten #NAME# Am #PRS_ORG# #ADDRESS# #EMAIL# Bestellung #NUMBER-0# Des weiteren würde ich gerne wissen ob ich noch 23 Stück bestellen kann", "en": "Good morning, I had already started the chat yesterday regarding an invoice. Unfortunately, I did not receive it. Data #NAME# On #PRS_ORG# #ADDRESS# #EMAIL# Order #NUMBER-0# Furthermore I would like to know if I can still order 23 pieces."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "So viel Tiefgründigkeit traue ich denen nicht zu.", "en": "I don't trust them to be that deep."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "🤦🏻‍♀️", "en": "🤦🏻‍♀️"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "De jure gibt es ein Verbot, das aber de facto nicht umgesetzt wird.", "en": "There is a de jure ban, but it is not de facto enforced."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wie viele Synonyme für die Zusammenkunft unzufriedener Menschen fallen euch ein?", "en": "How many synonyms for the gathering of dissatisfied people can you think of?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das ist Teamgeist!", "en": "That is team spirit!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es kommt selten vor, dass jemand seine eigenen Eltern verklagt.", "en": "It rarely ever occurs that someone sues their own parents."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nach sechs Monaten kommt es zur Beweislastumkehr.", "en": "After six months there is a turn-around of evidence."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Regeln wie Frauen und Kinder zuerst sind auch nicht mehr zeitgemäß.", "en": "Rules like women and children first are also no longer up to date."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Frontalunterricht wird oft als langweilig und ineffektiv kritisiert.", "en": "Frontal teaching is often criticized as boring and ineffective."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "okay", "en": "Okay."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Nikosia ist die Hauptstadt der Republik Zypern.", "en": "Nicosia is the capital of the Republic of Cyprus."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Ansager zählt laut von zehn herunter.", "en": "The annunciator counts down from ten loudly."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Meine Reise brachte mich nach Cottbus", "en": "My journey brought me to Cottbus."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ich weiß nicht, warum Annabel sich der Illusion hingibt, sie hätte alles im Griff.", "en": "I don’t know why Annabel thinks she knows what to do."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ja genau und die Verpackung habe ich noch.", "en": "Yes, exactly and I still have the packaging."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ok Wie lange dauert es noch?", "en": "Ok. How long does it take?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was heißt das auf Englisch?", "en": "What does that mean in English?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "#ADDRESS#", "en": "#ADDRESS#"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ist es auch möglich den Preisunterschied zurücküberwiesen zu bekommen ?", "en": "Is it also possible to get back the price difference?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "die Reparatur ist jetzt abgeschlossen. Dies hatte ich bereits vor dem Chat versucht. Vor dem Kauf hatte ich allerdings nicht den E-#PRS_ORG# neu gestartet. Soll ich das jetzt tun?", "en": "The repair is now complete. I had tried this before the chat. Before the purchase, however, I had not restarted the e-#PRS_ORG#. Should I do this now?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Wieso träumen wir?", "en": "Why do we dream?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Neunzehnhundertzweiundachtzig wurde der Staudamm errichtet.", "en": "The dam was built in nineteen eighty-two."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ist das ein Unfallfahrzeug?", "en": "Is that an accident vehicle?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ja haben wir beide s neu gemacht und benutzen die Version 4.5... könnte ja sein, dass sie schon öfters von Problemem gehört haben", "en": "Yes, we redid both and use version 4.5... I thought maybe they have heard about these problems before."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Der Nebel war so dicht, dass Steven seine eigenen Hände kaum noch sehen konnte.", "en": "The fog was so heavy, Steven could hardly see his own hands."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Was ist in diesem Bild zu sehen?", "en": "What can you see in that picture?"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Mission gescheitert!", "en": "Mission failed!"}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ja, ich habe mich bereits vor einigen Monaten gemeldet. Da wurden leider alle Gewährleistungsansprüche abgelehnt. Wir haben uns rechtlich nochmal informiert und haben sie deswegen nochmal angeschrieben. Wir haben uns ursprünglich schon vor einem halben Jahr gemeldet.", "en": "Yes, I already reported it a few months ago. Unfortunately, all warranty claims were rejected. We informed ourselves legally again and therefore wrote you again. We originally reported it half a year ago."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Bei der Landung hat Sina sich auf die Zunge gebissen.", "en": "Sina bit her tongue during landing."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Retoure der Auftragsnummer #NUMBER# Wann wird das Geld zurück auf mein Konto überwiesen?", "en": "Return of the Order number #NUMBER# When will the money be transferred back to my account?"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Taxis dürfen in zweiter Reihe halten.", "en": "Cabs can stop in the second row."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Das ist sehr ehrenwert, nickte Benny anerkennend.", "en": "“That is honorable”, nodded Benny acknowledging."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein mageres Gemisch verbrennt effizienter.", "en": "A lean mixture burns more efficiently."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Einige Dinge können auch in einem Konsulat erledigt werden.", "en": "Some things can be handled at a consulate as well."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "In vielen afrikanischen Staaten ist französisch Amtssprache.", "en": "In many African states French is the official language."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ein kleines Dankeschön wäre schon angebracht.", "en": "A small token of appreciation would be appropriate."}, "data_name": "wmt20_robustness", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Sehr geehrtes #NAME# Team, Ich habe soeben meine Lieferung erhalten und hätte gerne gewusst ob Schrauben als Teil der Lieferung vorgesehen waren. Ich würde gerne den #PRS_ORG# Spiegel (Tür) an den vorgesehenen Haken montieren. MfG", "en": "Dear #NAME# Team, I just received my delivery and would like to know if screws were provided as part of the delivery. I would like to mount the #PRS_ORG# mirror (door) on the provided hook. Kind regards,"}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Es hat nicht jeder die Zeit für Ihren bekloppten Chat und falsch gelieferte Billigware aus China. Ihr Fehler, den Sie beheben und nicht alle aus unserem Haushalt. Kontaktieren Sie Frau #NAME#. Ich kann nicht jeden Tag mit ihnen chatten", "en": "Not everyone has time for your stupid chat and incorrectly delivered cheap goods from China. It was your error, so you fix it, and not everyone from our household. Contact Mrs. #NAME#. I can't chat with you every day."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Dankeschön ebenfalls", "en": "Thank you also."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "de", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"de": "Ok. Wie geht es jetzt weiter? Was ist mit den Büchern bzw wie bekomme ich die wieder auf meinen #PRS_ORG#? Mein Englisch ist zwar nicht mehr so gut, aber das bekomme ich hin", "en": "Okay. How do we proceed now? What about the books or how do I get them back on my #PRS_ORG#? My English is no longer very good, but I'm sure I can achieve that."}, "data_name": "wmt22_chat", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"}