{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Total of all sectors listed below", "de": "Alle nachstehend aufgeführten Sektoren insgesamt"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "all sectors", "de": "Alle Sektoren"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Find out more about the causes and risk factors for developing arterial thrombosis.", "de": "Weitere Informationen über die Ursachen und Risikofaktoren für das Auftreten einer arteriellen Thrombose."}, "hints": [{"en": "risk factors", "de": "Risikofaktoren"}, {"en": "arterial", "de": "arteriell"}, {"en": "thrombosis", "de": "Thrombose"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Proof of origin at licence application.", "de": "Ursprungsnachweis bei Lizenzbeantragung."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Proof of origin", "de": "Ursprungsnachweis"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "To ensure legal certainty and in order to guarantee a smooth transition of trade flows in the sector concerned, this Regulation should enter into force as a matter of urgency on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and apply from 1 January 2021.", "de": "Um Rechtssicherheit zu gewährleisten und einen reibungslosen Übergang der Handelsströme im betreffenden Sektor zu gewährleisten, sollte diese Verordnung unverzüglich am Tag nach ihrer Veröffentlichung im Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union in Kraft treten und ab dem 1. Januar 2021 gelten."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "legal certainty", "de": "Rechtssicherheit"}, {"en": "trade flows", "de": "Handelsströme"}, {"en": "sector", "de": "Sektor"}, {"en": "European Union", "de": "Europäischen Union"}, {"en": "Regulation", "de": "Verordnung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 shall continue to apply to programmes supported by the EAFRD under the 2014–2020 programming period and extended in accordance with Article 1 of this Regulation.", "de": "Die Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1303/2013 gilt weiterhin für die im Programmplanungszeitraum 2014-2020 aus dem ELER geförderten und gemäß Artikel 1 der vorliegenden Verordnung verlängerten Programme."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "EAFRD", "de": "ELER"}, {"en": "Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013", "de": "Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1303/2013"}, {"en": "programmes", "de": "Programme"}, {"en": "Article 1", "de": "Artikel 1"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "However, the data had moderate quality because of the many women in these studies, the low pregnancy rates, and the consistent results.", "de": "Die Qualität der Daten war jedoch mäßig, aufgrund der hohen Anzahl der Frauen in diesen Studien, der niedrigen Schwangerschaftsrate, und der konsistenten Ergebnisse."}, "hints": [{"en": "pregnancy rates", "de": "Schwangerschaftsrate"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It was designed in 1983 by architects Philip Johnson (alumnus of the University) and John Burgee.", "de": "Der Entwurf geschah 1983 durch die Architekten Philip Johnson (Absolvent der Universität) und John Burgee."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Philip Johnson", "de": "Philip Johnson"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Prices and factors affecting prices", "de": "Preise und die Preise beeinflussende Faktoren"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Prices", "de": "Preise"}, {"en": "factors", "de": "Faktoren"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "She became mother of Val, Boris and Rosalind Lorwin, her daughter was a psychology professor.", "de": "Sie war die Mutter von Val, Boris und Rosalind Lorwin, ihre Tochter war Professorin für Psychologie."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Boris", "de": "Boris"}, {"en": "daughter", "de": "Tochter"}, {"en": "psychology", "de": "Psychologie"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Finale is a city in the Mopani District Municipality in the province of Limpopo, South Africa.", "de": "Finale ist eine Stadt im Bezirk Mopani in der Provinz Limpopo in Südafrika."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Mopani District Municipality", "de": "Bezirk Mopani"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "BFCL.400 Balloon flight examiner certificates", "de": "BFCL.400 Ballonflugprüferberechtigungen"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "BFCL.400", "de": "BFCL.400"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Claudia is the female form of Claudia and may refer to:", "de": "Claudia ist die weibliche Form von Claudia und kann sich beziehen auf:"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Claudia", "de": "Claudia"}, {"en": "Claudia", "de": "Claudia"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "People receiving CCT were, however, less likely to be victims of violent or non-violent crime.", "de": "Menschen, die CCT erhielten, waren jedoch seltener Opfer vom gewalttätigen oder gewaltlosen Verbrechen."}, "hints": [{"en": "CCT", "de": "CCT"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Three studies were at low risk of selection bias relating to allocation concealment the majority of studies were at low risk of performance bias as they employed a form of intervention blinding.", "de": "Drei Studien hatten ein niedriges Selektionsbias im Zusammenhang mit der verdeckten Zuordnung, bei der Mehrzahl der Studien gab es ein niedriges Performance Bias, da sie eine Form der Interventionsverblindung verwendeten."}, "hints": [{"en": "selection bias", "de": "Selektionsbias"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who won the Republican nomination in the 1980 Presidential Election?", "de": "Wer gewann die republikanische Nominierung in den Präsidentenwahlen 1980?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Republican", "de": "republikanische"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which southeastern state did Donald Trump not win in 2020?", "de": "In welchen südöstlichen Staaten hat Donald Trump 2020 nicht gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Donald Trump", "de": "Donald Trump"}, {"en": "southeastern state", "de": "südöstlichen Staaten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Most of these side effects should pass in a few days, although some people find that they continue to have a dry cough.", "de": "Die meisten dieser Nebenwirkungen sollten in wenigen Tagen verschwinden, auch wenn manche Menschen feststellen, dass sie den trockenen Husten auch weiterhin haben."}, "hints": [{"en": "side effects", "de": "Nebenwirkungen"}, {"en": "cough", "de": "Husten"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Most trials compared a working ultrasound device with a sham device and thus protected against placebo effects.", "de": "In den meisten klinischen Studien wurde ein Ultraschall-Gerät mit einem Scheingerät verglichen und somit einen Schutz gegen Placebo-Wirkungen gewährt."}, "hints": [{"en": "placebo", "de": "Placebo"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Investment property carried at cost or in accordance with IFRS 16 within fair value model, at time of sale", "de": "Als Finanzanlage gehaltene Immobilien, die nach dem Anschaffungskostenmodell oder gemäß IFRS 16 innerhalb des Zeitwertmodells bewertet wurden, zum Verkaufszeitpunkt"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "IFRS 16", "de": "IFRS 16"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Did Henry VIII reign longer than Richard III?", "de": "Regierte Heinrich VII länger als Richard III?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Henry VIII", "de": "Heinrich VII"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Anderson was born in 1943 in Redondo Beach, California and is from Oakland, California.", "de": "Anderson wurde 1943 in Redondo Beach, Kalifornien, geboren und wuchs in Oakland, Kalifornien auf."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Anderson", "de": "Anderson"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Former Las Vegas showgirl Margaret Whitton (Rachel Phelps) inherits the Cleveland Indians baseball team from her deceased husband, Donald.", "de": "Das ehemalige Las-Vegas-Showgirl Margaret Whitton (Rachel Phelps) erbt das Baseballteam Cleveland Indians von Donald, ihrem verstorbenen Mann."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Margaret Whitton", "de": "Margaret Whitton"}, {"en": "Cleveland Indians", "de": "Cleveland Indians"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "the national security, public security or defence of the Member States;", "de": "die nationale Sicherheit, die öffentliche Sicherheit oder die Landesverteidigung der Mitgliedstaaten;"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "public security", "de": "öffentliche Sicherheit"}, {"en": "defence", "de": "Landesverteidigung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "An atoll in French Polynesia Niau is named Greig after Aleksey Greig.", "de": "Das Atoll Niau in Französisch-Polynesien wurde Greig nach Aleksej Greig benannt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Niau", "de": "Niau"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which actor played Spider-Man and was born in England?", "de": "Welcher in England geborene Schauspieler spielte Spiderman?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "actor", "de": "Schauspieler"}, {"en": "Spider-Man", "de": "Spiderman"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "You may also be prescribed another blood-thinning medication called clopidogrel, which you may need to take for a number of months.", "de": "Sie können auch ein anderes Arzneimittel, das Blut verdünnt, namens Clopidogrel bekommen, das Sie möglicherweise für mehrere Monate einnehmen müssen."}, "hints": [{"en": "clopidogrel", "de": "Clopidogrel"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Is Rue from District 9?", "de": "Ist Rue aus Distrikt 9?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Rue", "de": "Rue"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Catheters are associated with risks such as infection and can harm quality of life.", "de": "Katheter sind mit Risiken wie Infektionen verbunden und können die Lebensqualität beeinträchtigen."}, "hints": [{"en": "quality of life", "de": "Lebensqualität"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If unstable angina is suspected, you will be admitted to hospital.", "de": "Wenn die instabile Angina pectoris vermutet wird, werden Sie ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert."}, "hints": [{"en": "angina", "de": "Angina"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In November 2013, for this first update, a range of literature databases including MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched, and handsearching of reference lists was performed.", "de": "Im November 2013 wurde eine Reihe von Literatur-Datenbanken für dieses erste Update überprüft, einschließlich MEDLINE und EMBASE und Handsuche der Referenzlisten wurde durchgeführt."}, "hints": [{"en": "MEDLINE", "de": "MEDLINE"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The role of alpha blockers prior to removal of urethral catheter for acute urinary retention in men", "de": "Die Rolle der Alphablocker vor dem Entfernen des Harnröhrenkatheters für eine akute Harnretention bei Männern"}, "hints": [{"en": "urinary retention", "de": "Harnretention"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In early 2016, Senator Chris Widener was appointed to the Senate of Ohio in order to succeed Senator Bob Hackett, who resigned.", "de": "Zu Beginn des Jahres 2016 wurde Senator Chris Widener in den Senat von Ohio bestellt, um die Nachfolge von Senator Bob Hackett anzutreten, der zurücktrat."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Chris Widener", "de": "Chris Widener"}, {"en": "Senate of Ohio", "de": "Senat von Ohio"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The gain (loss) recognised from the transfer of financial assets during the part of the reporting period within which the greatest transfer activity took place when the total amount of proceeds from the transfer activity (that qualifies for derecognition) is not evenly distributed throughout the reporting period.", "de": "Der Gewinn (Verlust), der aus der Übertragung finanzieller Vermögenswerte während des Teils der Berichtsperiode erfasst wurde, innerhalb dessen die größte Übertragungstätigkeit stattgefunden hat, wenn die erzielten Gesamterlöse aus der Übertragungstätigkeit (die die Kriterien für eine Ausbuchung erfüllt) sich nicht gleichmäßig auf die Berichtsperiode verteilen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "financial assets", "de": "finanzieller Vermögenswerte"}, {"en": "reporting period", "de": "Berichtsperiode"}, {"en": "transfer activity", "de": "Übertragungstätigkeit"}, {"en": "proceeds", "de": "erzielten Gesamterlöse"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which Mario premiered in 1996 that was not in 2D?", "de": "Welches Mario-Spiel, das nicht in 2D war, erschien 1996?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Mario", "de": "Mario"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Determination of current address of the person to be examined is in progress ☐", "de": "Die Feststellung der aktuellen Anschrift der zu vernehmenden Person ist noch nicht abgeschlossen ☐"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "person to be examined", "de": "zu vernehmenden Person"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In order to show respect, the individuals support their left forearms with their right hand.", "de": "Als Zeichen des Respekts stützen Menschen ihren linken Unterarm auf ihre rechte Hand."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "individuals", "de": "Menschen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Field greens and root plants were generally not cultivated and grew gathered seasonally when they were in the wild.", "de": "Feldgemüse und Wurzelpflanzen wurden im Allgemeinen nicht angebaut sondern wuchsen je nach Saison in freier Wildnis, wo sie geerntet wurden."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "cultivated", "de": "angebaut"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Following the final disclosure, Airoldi submitted a document described as a newspaper article showing that a representative from a Union producer had commented on competition issues on the Union market.", "de": "Nach der endgültigen Unterrichtung legte Airoldi ein als Zeitungsartikel beschriebenes Dokument vor, aus dem hervorgehe, dass ein Vertreter eines Unionsherstellers zu Wettbewerbsfragen auf dem Unionsmarkt Stellung genommen habe."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Airoldi", "de": "Airoldi"}, {"en": "Union", "de": "Unionsherstellers"}, {"en": "competition issues", "de": "Wettbewerbsfragen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Governance Committee was intended to ‘bring together the local authorities, as funders of the [APFTE]’.", "de": "Zweck des Lenkungsausschusses war es, „die Gebietskörperschaften, die Finanzierungspartner der APFTE sind, zu vereinen“."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Governance Committee", "de": "Lenkungsausschusses Finanzierungspartner"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Sher Ahmed Akhundzada (also known as Sher Mohammed Akhundzada) is a tribal leader who from 2001 to 2005 was Governor of Helmand in Afghanistan.", "de": "Sher Ahmed Akhundzada (auch bekannt als Mohammed Akhundzada) ist ein Stammesführer, der 2001 bis 2005 Gouverneur von Helmand in Afghanistan war."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Sher Ahmed Akhundzada", "de": "Sher Ahmed Akhundzada"}, {"en": "Helmand", "de": "Helmand"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This review found that nursing programmes and interventions to manage breathlessness may produce beneficial effects and that some psychotherapeutic, psychosocial and educational interventions can play some role in improving the quality of life of patients.", "de": "Diese Überprüfung hat festgestellt, dass stillende Programme und Interventionen zur Bewältigung der Atemlosigkeit zu positiven Wirkungen führen können und dass manche psychotherapeutische, psychosoziale und erzieherische Maßnahmen eine Rolle bei der Verbesserung der Lebensqualität der Patienten spielen können."}, "hints": [{"en": "breathlessness", "de": "Atemlosigkeit"}, {"en": "psychotherapeutic", "de": "psychotherapeutisch"}, {"en": "psychosocial", "de": "psychosozial"}, {"en": "quality of life", "de": "Lebensqualität"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who has the most rushing yards in NFL history?", "de": "Wer hat die meisten Rushing Yards der NFL-Geschichte?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "NFL", "de": "NFL"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Unless specified otherwise in the basic act, such revenue shall constitute internal assigned revenue.", "de": "Sofern der Basisrechtsakt nichts Gegenteiliges bestimmt, gelten diese Einnahmen als interne zweckgebundene Einnahmen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "revenue", "de": "Einnahmen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 1974 Lao PDR established the Stage II fund with the help of the World Bank, the United Nations, and the Asian Development Bank.", "de": "1974 gründete Lao PDR mit Hilfe der Weltbank, der Vereinten Nationen und der Asiatischen Entwicklungsbank den Stage II-Fonds."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Lao PDR", "de": "Lao PDR"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In which installment of GTA was a character voiced by a popular actor who had also voiced a character in The Incredibles?", "de": "In welcher Folge von GTA wurde ein Charakter von einem beliebten Schauspieler geäßert, der auch einen Charakter in The Incredibles geäßert hatte?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "GTA", "de": "GTA"}, {"en": "actor", "de": "Schauspieler"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Type of ownership (the operator should choose the correct option)", "de": "Art der Eigentümerschaft (zutreffende Option vom Marktteilnehmer zu wählen)"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "ownership", "de": "Eigentümerschaft"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Article 25", "de": "Artikel 25"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Article 25", "de": "Artikel 25"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The final won by Jonathan Dasnières de Veigy with 7-6, 7-6 against Andrey Kuznetsov.", "de": "Jonathan Dasnières de Veigy gewann im Finale mit 7:6 und 7:6 gegen Andrey Kuznetsov."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Jonathan Dasnières de Veigy", "de": "Jonathan Dasnières de Veigy"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Consult your GP immediately if you have any of the following common side effects while taking medication for high blood pressure:", "de": "Fragen Sie Ihren Arzt sofort, wenn bei Ihnen eine der folgenden häufigen Nebenwirkungen während der Einnahme von Medikamenten gegen hohen Blutdruck auftritt:"}, "hints": [{"en": "side effects", "de": "Nebenwirkungen"}, {"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many times did Bill Russell not win an NBA championship while playing?", "de": "Wie oft gewann Bill Russell keine NBA Championship, während er spielte?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "NBA", "de": "NBA"}, {"en": "Bill Russell", "de": "Bill Russell"}, {"en": "championship", "de": "Championship"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The police also interviewed singer Rimi Tomy and the actor Kavya Madhavan, both close friends of Siddique and his wife Dileep, as part of the current investigation.", "de": "Im Rahmen der laufenden Ermittlungen verhörte die Polizei auch den Sänger Rimi Tomy und die Schauspielerin Kavya Madhavan, beides enge Freunde von Siddique und seiner Frau Dileep."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Rimi Tomy", "de": "Rimi Tomy"}, {"en": "Siddique", "de": "Siddique"}, {"en": "police", "de": "Polizei"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Securitisations are complex and heterogeneous and the users accessing information from securitisation repositories are diverse.", "de": "Verbriefungen sind komplex und heterogen, und es gibt ein breites Spektrum an Nutzern, die auf Informationen aus Verbriefungsregistern zugreifen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Securitisations", "de": "Verbriefungen"}, {"en": "information", "de": "Informationen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If you do, take some regular breaths and tell yourself that these feelings will go away.", "de": "Wenn es der Fall ist, machen Sie ein Paar regelmäßiger Atemzüge und sagen Sie sich, dass diese Gefühle verschwinden."}, "hints": [{"en": "breaths", "de": "Atemzüge"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Orthopaedic appliances, including crutches, surgical belts and trusses; splints and other fracture appliances; artificial parts of the body; hearing aids and other appliances which are worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to compensate for a defect or disability", "de": "Orthopädische Apparate und Vorrichtungen, einschließlich Krücken sowie medizinisch-chirurgische Gürtel und Bandagen; Schienen und andere Vorrichtungen zum Behandeln von Knochenbrüchen; künstliche Körperteile und Organe; Schwerhörigengeräte und andere Vorrichtungen zum Tragen in der Hand oder zum Implantieren in den oder zum Tragen am Körper, zum Beheben von Funktionsschäden oder Gebrechen"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "defect", "de": "Funktionsschäden"}, {"en": "disability", "de": "Gebrechen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 1974 Lao PDR established the Stage II fund with the help of the World Bank, the United Nations, and the Asian Development Bank.", "de": "1974 gründete Lao PDR den Fonds Stage II mit Unterstützung der Weltbank, der Vereinten Nationen und der Asian Development Bank."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Lao PDR", "de": "Lao PDR"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Blood transfusion for anaemia in patients with advanced cancer", "de": "Bluttransfusion für Anämie bei Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem Krebs"}, "hints": [{"en": "anaemia", "de": "Anämie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "[Refer: Net movement in regulatory deferral account balances related to profit or loss; Net movement in deferred tax arising from regulatory deferral account balances related to profit or loss]", "de": "[Siehe: Nettoveränderungen bei den auf den Gewinn oder Verlust entfallenden regulatorischen Abgrenzungsposten; Nettoveränderungen bei den latenten Steuern, die sich aus auf den Gewinn oder Verlust entfallenden regulatorischen Abgrenzungsposten ergeben]"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "profit", "de": "Gewinn"}, {"en": "deferred tax", "de": "latenten Steuern"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which actor has a child named Wednesday and starred in the Harry Potter movies?", "de": "Welcher Schauspieler aus den „Harry Potter“-Filmen hat ein Kind namens Wednesday?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "actor", "de": "Schauspieler"}, {"en": "child", "de": "Kind"}, {"en": "Wednesday", "de": "Wednesday"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The number of patients who discontinued treatment as a result of adverse events was also not significant in the studies reviewed.", "de": "Die Anzahl der Patienten, die die Behandlung aufgrund von Nebenwirkungen unterbrochen haben, war in den überprüften Studien auch nicht signifikant."}, "hints": [{"en": "adverse events", "de": "Nebenwirkungen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "For reasons that are not fully understood, high blood pressure is more common among people of Afro-Caribbean and south Asian (Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi) origin.", "de": "Aus Gründen, die noch nicht vollständig geklärt wurden, ist ein hoher Blutdruck häufiger bei Menschen der afrokaribischen und der südasiatischen (India, Pakistan und Bangladesch) Herkunft."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Marshall Scott III has been a superintendent since June 1, 2017, Chief Academic Officer is Lisa Moya, Chief Technology Officer is Josh Solis.", "de": "Marshall Scott III ist seit dem 1. Juni 2017 Superintendent. Chief Academic Officer ist Lisa Moya, Chief Technology Officer ist Josh Solis."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Marshall Scott III", "de": "Marshall Scott III"}, {"en": "Chief Academic Officer", "de": "Chief Academic Officer"}, {"en": "Chief Technology Officer", "de": "Chief Technology Officer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "ACE inhibitors can cause unpredictable effects if taken with other medications, including some over-the-counter (OTC) ones.", "de": "ACE-Hemmer können unvorhersehbare Wirkungen verursachen, wenn es zusammen mit anderen Medikamenten eingenommen wird, einschließlich einiger rezeptfreien Arzneimittel (OTC-Arzneimittel)."}, "hints": [{"en": "inhibitors", "de": "Hemmer"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In November 1989, Delaney became a member of the New York Stock Exchange and was a Senior Managing Director at Henderson Brothers, Inc., and Bear Wagner.", "de": "Im November 1989 wurde Delaney Mitglied des New York Stock Exchange und war Senior Managing Director bei Henderson Brothers, Inc. und Bear Wagner."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "New York Stock Exchange", "de": "New York Stock Exchange"}, {"en": "Delaney", "de": "Delaney"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Transformer bushings and circuit breaker insulators", "de": "Transformatorendurchführungen und Leistungsschalterisolatoren"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Transformer bushings", "de": "Transformatorendurchführungen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Was Jeremy Corbyn ever prime minister of the UK?", "de": "War Jeremy Corbyn jemals Premierminister des UK?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Jeremy Corbyn", "de": "Jeremy Corbyn"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "There was evidence of a reduced live birth rate in women who received lower doses (60 to 120 g) of weekly FSH when compared to daily FSH.", "de": "Es gab Aufschlüsse auf eine reduzierte Lebendgeburtenrate bei Frauen, die niedrigere Dosen (60 bis 120 g) des wöchentlichen FSH im Vergleich zum täglichen FSH erhielten."}, "hints": [{"en": "FSH", "de": "FSH"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When monthly results already provided to the Commission (Eurostat) are subject to revision, Member States shall provide the revised results no later than the month following availability of revised data", "de": "Werden monatliche Ergebnisse, die der Kommission (Eurostat) bereits bereitgestellt wurden, revidiert, stellen die Mitgliedstaaten die revidierten Ergebnisse spätestens einen Monat, nachdem die revidierten Daten verfügbar sind, bereit."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}, {"en": "Member States", "de": "Mitgliedstaaten"}, {"en": "data", "de": "Daten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What author has won the most awards?", "de": "Welcher Autor hat die meisten Auszeichnungen gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "author", "de": "Autor"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "La N883 jusque son intersection avec la N88 au niveau d’Aubange,", "de": "die N883 bis zur Kreuzung mit der N88 auf der Höhe von Aubange,"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "N883", "de": "N883"}, {"en": "N88", "de": "N88"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Verification under preferential trade arrangements adopted unilaterally by the Union", "de": "Überprüfung im Rahmen von einseitig von der Union festgelegten Präferenzhandelsregelungen"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "preferential trade arrangements", "de": "Präferenzhandelsregelungen"}, {"en": "Union", "de": "Union"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The team responded to the changes in the same game that next February 19 evening.", "de": "Die Mannschaft reagierte auf die Änderungen im selben Spiel am darauffolgenden Abend des 19. Februar."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "game", "de": "Spiel"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How tall is the singer of \"Single Ladies\"?", "de": "Wie groß ist die Sängerin von ''Single Ladies''?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "singer", "de": "Sängerin"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Most councils offer a discount on gym memberships for the over 60s.", "de": "Die meisten Räte bieten eine Ermäßigung auf Fitnessstudio für die Mitglieder über 60 Jahre."}, "hints": [{"en": "memberships", "de": "Mitglieder"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "To assess the effectiveness and safety of imiquimod for the treatment of AGW in non-immunocompromised adults.", "de": "Zur Bewertung der Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Imiquimod für die Behandlung von AGW bei nicht immungeschwächten Erwachsenen."}, "hints": [{"en": "imiquimod", "de": "Imiquimod"}, {"en": "AGW", "de": "AGW"}, {"en": "immunocompromised", "de": "immungeschwächt"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Spreading these proportions over a day will be easier than trying to include something from each food group in every meal.", "de": "Die Aufteilung dieser Anteile über den ganzen Tag ist leichter als es versuchen, etwas aus jeder Lebensmittelgruppe in jede Mahlzeit einzuschließen."}, "hints": [{"en": "food group", "de": "Lebensmittelgruppe"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In the event of true aspirin intolerance or allergy, clopidogrel 75mg daily can be considered as an alternative for some people.", "de": "Im Falle einer wirklichen Unverträglichkeit von Aspirin oder einer Allergie, Clopidogrel 75mg täglich kann als Alternative für manche Menschen angewendet werden."}, "hints": [{"en": "clopidogrel", "de": "Clopidogrel"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "On the one hand, the cost of financing DGSs should, in principle, be borne by credit institutions themselves and, on the other, the financing capacity of DGSs should be proportionate to their liabilities.", "de": "Einerseits sollten die Kosten dieser Finanzierung grundsätzlich von den Kreditinstituten selbst getragen werden, andererseits sollte die Finanzierungskapazität von Einlagensicherungsystemen in einem angemessenen Verhältnis zu ihren Verbindlichkeiten stehen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "financing capacity", "de": "Finanzierungskapazität"}, {"en": "credit institutions", "de": "Kreditinstituten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Vempati Chinna Satyam (October 15, 1929 -- July 29, 2012) was an Indian dancer and a guru of Kuchipudi - dance form.", "de": "Vempati Chinna Satyam (15. Oktober 1929 - 29. Juli 2012) war ein indischer Tänzer und Guru des Kuchipudi-Tanzes."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Vempati Chinna Satyam", "de": "Vempati Chinna Satyam"}, {"en": "Kuchipudi", "de": "Kuchipudi"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Further randomised clinical trials at low risk of random errors or systematic errors are necessary to assess the long-term survival and other benefits of various treatment options in these patients.", "de": "Weitere randomisierte klinische Studien mit einem niedrigen Risiko von zufälligen oder systematischen Fehler sind erforderlich, um das langzeitige Überleben und andere Vorteile von verschiedenen Behandlungsoptionen bei diesen Patienten zu beurteilen."}, "hints": [{"en": "randomised", "de": "randomisiert"}, {"en": "treatment options", "de": "Behandlungsoptionen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The format of delivered data shall be adequate to ensure that the data is interpreted in a manner that is consistent with its intended use.", "de": "Das Format der gelieferten Daten muss gewährleisten, dass die Daten in einer Weise ausgewertet werden, die dem Verwendungszweck entspricht."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "data", "de": "Daten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "CLARIFICATIONS OF TERMINOLOGY", "de": "ERLÄUTERUNGEN ZUR TERMINOLOGIE"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "TERMINOLOGY", "de": "TERMINOLOGIE"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "João Martins Pena and Francisca de Paula Julieta Pena was born in Rio de Janeiro, to Martins Pena.", "de": "João Martins Pena und Francisca de Paula Julieta Pena wurden in Rio de Janeiro als Kinder von Martins Pena geboren."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "João Martins Pena", "de": "João Martins Pena"}, {"en": "Francisca de Paula Julieta Pena", "de": "Francisca de Paula Julieta Pena"}, {"en": "Martins Pena", "de": "Martins Pena"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It should be accompanied by intensive stop smoking support to give you the best chance of quitting.", "de": "Es sollte von einer intensiven Rauchentwöhnung begleitet werden, um Ihnen die besten Voraussetzungen zum Aufhören zu bieten."}, "hints": [{"en": "quitting", "de": "Aufhören"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "These risk factors include:", "de": "Diese Risikofaktoren beinhalten:"}, "hints": [{"en": "risk factors", "de": "Risikofaktoren"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What role did Heath Ledger play in the 2008 movie, The Dark Knight?", "de": "Welche Rolle hat Heath Ledger im Film The Dark Knight von 2008 gespielt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Heath Ledger", "de": "Heath Ledger"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "There are several varieties of urticaria, but the most common forms are acute urticaria and chronic urticaria.", "de": "Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Urtikaria, die häufigsten Formen der Urtikaria sind jedoch akute und chronische Urtikaria."}, "hints": [{"en": "urticaria", "de": "Urtikaria"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "A hollow metal tube called a stent is inserted to widen the artery and stop it from blocking again.", "de": "Ein leeres Metallrohr genannt ein Stent wird eingesetzt, um die Arterie zu erweitern und zu verhindern, dass sie erneut verstopft wird."}, "hints": [{"en": "metal tube", "de": "Metallrohr"}, {"en": "stent", "de": "Stent"}, {"en": "artery", "de": "Arterie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Following his death in 1946, his papers on this project were still in a uniformly rough state.", "de": "Nach seinem Tod im Jahr 1946 waren alle seine Papiere zu diesem Projekt immer noch in der Rohfassung."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "project", "de": "Projekt"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) is a progressive or relapsing and remitting paralysing illness probably due to an autoimmune response which should benefit from corticosteroids.", "de": "Chronische inflammatorische demyelinisierende Polyradikuloneuropathie (CIDP) ist eine fortschreitende oder rezidivierende und remittierende paralysierende Erkrankung, wahrscheinlich aufgrund einer Autoimmun-Reaktion, die Glukokortikoide nütze."}, "hints": [{"en": "demyelinating", "de": "demyelinisierend"}, {"en": "relapsing", "de": "rezidivierend"}, {"en": "remitting", "de": "remittierend"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Decipium was the isolated term for a new chemical element proposed by Marc Delafontaine from the Mineral Samarskite.", "de": "Decipium war der isolierte Begriff für ein neues chemisches Element, das von Marc Delafontaine aus dem Mineral Samarskit vorgeschlagen wurde."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "chemical element", "de": "chemisches Element"}, {"en": "Marc Delafontaine", "de": "Marc Delafontaine"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When was the first Jurassic World released?", "de": "Wann kam der erste „Jurassic World“-Film in die Kinos?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Jurassic World", "de": "Jurassic World"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Title 15 — Total", "de": "Titel 15 — Total"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Title 15", "de": "Titel 15"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "You'll know when you are being vigorously active as, unlike moderate activity you won't be able to say more than a few words without pausing for breath.", "de": "Wenn Sie intensiv aktiv sind, merken Sie, dass Sie ohne Pause für einen Atemzug nicht mehr als ein paar Worte sagen können, ganz anders als wenn Sie moderate Aktivitäten ausüben."}, "hints": [{"en": "pausing", "de": "Pause"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Cục Đường thủy nội địa Việt Nam (Viet Nam Inland Waterways Agency)", "de": "Cục Đường thủy nội địa Việt Nam (Vietnamesische Behörde für Binnenwasserstraßen)"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Cục Đường thủy nội địa Việt Nam", "de": "Cục Đường thủy nội địa Việt Nam"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?", "de": "Wo ist die erste Ehefrau von Alexander dem Großen gestorben?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Alexander the Great", "de": "Alexander dem Großen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the name of the book series written by a person who also wrote Splinter of the Mind's Eye?", "de": "Wie heißt die Buchreihe, die von einer Person geschrieben wurde, die auch Splinter of the Mind's Eye geschrieben hat?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "book series", "de": "Buchreihe"}, {"en": "person", "de": "Person"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "flicker metric (PstLM) for LED and OLED light sources;", "de": "Flimmer-Messgröße (PstLM) für LED- und OLED-Lichtquellen;"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "LED", "de": "LED-"}, {"en": "OLED", "de": "OLED"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Two authors independently assessed titles, abstracts and the full-text of eligible studies, extracted data relating to the review's primary and secondary outcomes, and assessed studies' risk of bias.", "de": "Zwei Autoren haben unabhängig die Werke, Zusammenfassungen und Fulltexte der geeigneten Studien bewertet, die Daten in Bezug auf die primären und sekundären Endpunkte des Reviews extrahiert und das Verzerrungsrisiko der Studien beurteilt."}, "hints": [{"en": "abstracts", "de": "Zusammenfassung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Having regard to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/123 of 24 January 2019 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of air traffic management (ATM) network functions, and in particular Articles 18 and 19 thereof,", "de": "gestützt auf die Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2019/123 der Kommission vom 24. Januar 2019 zur Festlegung detaillierter Durchführungsbestimmungen für die Netzfunktionen des Flugverkehrsmanagements, insbesondere auf die Artikel 18 und 19,"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}, {"en": "air traffic management", "de": "Flugverkehrsmanagements"}, {"en": "Articles 18 and 19", "de": "Artikel 18 und 19"}, {"en": "Implementing Regulation", "de": "Durchführungsverordnung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "We included 12 studies, involving 622 participants with 648 fractures.", "de": "Wir haben 12 Studien miteinbezogen, bei denen 622 Personen mit 648 Frakturen teilnahmen."}, "hints": [{"en": "fractures", "de": "Fraktur"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 1328, Mary married King Alfonso XI, who gave her Guadalajara, Talavera de la Reina and Olmedo as part of the Dower king Alfonso.", "de": "1328 heiratete Maria König Alfons XI., der ihr Guadalajara, Talavera de la Reina und Olmedo als Teil der Brautgabe von König Alfons schenkte."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Mary", "de": "Maria"}, {"en": "Talavera de la Reina", "de": "Talavera de la Reina"}, {"en": "Olmedo", "de": "Olmedo"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "To illustrate that not all of Tirrenia’s employees had to be taken over by the buyer, Italy mentions that Tirrenia’s workforce numbered 1414 at the moment when the due diligence took place while after the transfer of ownership to CIN this figure had fallen by 12 % to 1239 (of which 313 on temporary contracts).", "de": "Um zu veranschaulichen, dass nicht alle Mitarbeiter Tirrenias vom Käufer übernommen werden mussten, erwähnt Italien, dass die Belegschaft von Tirrenia zum Zeitpunkt der Due-Diligence-Prüfung 1414 Mitarbeiter zählte, während diese Zahl nach der Übertragung des Eigentums auf CIN um 12 % auf 1239 zurückgegangen sei (davon 313 mit befristeten Verträgen)."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "CIN", "de": "CIN"}, {"en": "transfer of ownership", "de": "Übertragung des Eigentums"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Has Mac Miller ever made a song with Ariana Grande?", "de": "Hat Mac Miller je einen Song zusammen mit Ariana Grande gemacht?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Mac Miller", "de": "Mac Miller"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Not everyone with angina will be suitable for surgery.", "de": "Nicht jeder mit Angina pectoris ist für die Operation geeignet."}, "hints": [{"en": "angina", "de": "Angina"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which US president spent the shortest time in office?", "de": "Welcher US-Präsident hat die kürzeste Zeitspanne im Amt verbracht?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "time", "de": "Zeitspanne"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Oral 5-aminosalicylic (5-ASA) preparations were intended to avoid the adverse effects of sulfasalazine (SASP) while maintaining its therapeutic benefits.", "de": "Orale 5-Aminosalicylsäure-Präparate (5-ASA) wurden zur Vermeidung der unerwünschten Wirkungen von Sulfasalazin (SASP) bestimmt, unter Beibehaltung seines therapeutischen Nutzens."}, "hints": [{"en": "ASA", "de": "ASA"}, {"en": "sulfasalazine", "de": "Sulfasalazin"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Many of those in post-dental and postoperative pain were small, and small studies can overestimate benefits.", "de": "Viele Studien von postdentalen und postoperativen Schmerzen waren klein, und kleine Studien können den Nutzen zu hoch schätzen."}, "hints": [{"en": "postoperative", "de": "postoperativ"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 2014 the site launched iOS and Android applications for product search; product features include live video product reviews with interactive question-and-answer sessions.", "de": "2014 brachte die Webseite iOS- und Android-Applikationen zur Produktsuche heraus: Produktfeatures enthalten Live-Videos zu Produktreviews mit interaktiven Sessions zum Thema „Fragen und Antworten“."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "live video product reviews", "de": "Live Videos Produktreviews"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Symptoms can occur in rare cases where a person has a very high blood pressure level so it is good to be aware of these.", "de": "Symptome können in seltenen Fällen auftreten, wenn eine Person einen sehr hohen Blutdruck hat, daher ist es gut, sich dessen bewusst zu sein."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many universities are located in Bath?", "de": "Wie viele Universitäten befinden sich in Bath?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "universities", "de": "Universitäten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 1938 he became the Government Anthropologist of the Egyptian-Anglo Sudan and conducted fieldwork with the Nuba.", "de": "Im Jahr 1938 wurde er Regierungsanthropologe des Anglo-Ägyptischen Sudan und führte Feldstudien bei den Nuba durch."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Government Anthropologist", "de": "Regierungsanthropologe"}, {"en": "Egyptian-Anglo Sudan", "de": "Anglo-Ägyptischen Sudan"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "medication, such as the oral contraceptive pill, or the type of painkillers that are known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen", "de": "Medikation, wie z.B. orale Empfängnisverhütungsmittel oder eine Art der Schmerzmittel, die so genannten nichtsteroidalen Antirheumatika (NSAIDs), wie z. B. Ibuprofen"}, "hints": [{"en": "painkillers", "de": "Schmerzmittel"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Each import licence application shall refer to a single order number and a single CN code.", "de": "Jeder Einfuhrlizenzantrag bezieht sich auf eine einzige laufende Nummer und einen einzigen KN-Code."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "order number", "de": "Nummer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Walking | NHS inform", "de": "Spazieren gehen | NHS inform"}, "hints": [{"en": "NHS", "de": "NHS"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If these get into the bloodstream, they can cause a stroke (our complications of atrial fibrillation section has more information on this).", "de": "Wenn diese in die Blutbahn gelangen, kann das einen Schlaganfall verursachen (unsere Sektion - Komplikationen von Vorhofflimmern - hat mehr Informationen zu diesem Thema)."}, "hints": [{"en": "bloodstream", "de": "Blutbahn"}, {"en": "atrial fibrillation", "de": "Vorhofflimmern"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Mount DeVoe is a mountain located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, southeast of Gold River and south of Rambler Peak.", "de": "Mount DeVoe ist ein Berg auf Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, südöstlich des Gold River und südlich des Rambler Peak."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Gold River", "de": "Gold River"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "BreadcrumbsHealth LibraryAArterial thrombosisSymptoms of arterial thrombosis", "de": "BreadcrumbsHealth LibraryAArterielle Thrombose Symptome der arteriellen Thrombose"}, "hints": [{"en": "thrombosisSymptoms of arterial", "de": "Thrombose"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When was Eragon born?", "de": "Wann wurde Eragon geboren?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Eragon", "de": "Eragon"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the first woman to become vice president of the United States?", "de": "Wer war die erste Frau, die Vizepräsidentin der USA wurde?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "first woman", "de": "erste Frau"}, {"en": "vice president", "de": "Vizepräsidentin"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Utley was born in Laguna, California in 1920. He graduated from the Choate School in Connecticut, and attended Pomona College and the University of Southern California.", "de": "Utley wurde 1920 in Laguna in Kalifornien geboren. Er absolvierte die Choate School in Connecticut und besuchte das Pomona College und die University of Southern California."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Choate School", "de": "Choate School"}, {"en": "Pomona College", "de": "Pomona College"}, {"en": "Utley", "de": "Utley"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "To move the ankles:", "de": "Die Knöchel zu bewegen."}, "hints": [{"en": "ankles", "de": "Knöchel"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "On December 7, 2017 NVIDIA officially announced the Nvidia TITAN V.", "de": "Am 7. Dezember 2017 kündigte NVIDIA offiziell die Nvidia TITAN V an."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "NVIDIA", "de": "NVIDIA"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 2018 Farrell was appointed as the new Bishop of Ossory by Pope Francis.", "de": "2018 wurde Farrell von Papst Franziskus zum neuen Bischof von Ossory ernannt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Farrell", "de": "Farrell"}, {"en": "Ossory", "de": "Ossory"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Georgetown is also a source of drinking water for Lake Georgetown and the nearby Round Rock city.", "de": "Georgetown ist auch eine Quelle für Trinkwasser für den Lake Georgetown und die nahe gelegene Stadt Round Rock."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Round Rock", "de": "Round Rock"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who had the longer reign, Queen Victoria or Queen Elizabeth II?", "de": "Wer hat länger regiert, Königin Victoria oder Königin Elisabeth II.?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Queen Victoria", "de": "Königin Victoria"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Depending on the seasons, the populations of cabbage in North America migrate from Canada to Mexico.", "de": "In Nordamerika migriert die Cabbage-Population je nach Jahreszeit von Kanada nach Mexiko."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "North America", "de": "Nordamerika"}, {"en": "Canada", "de": "Kanada"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the longest Stephen King book?", "de": "Welches ist das längste Buch von Stephen King?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Stephen King", "de": "Stephen King"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "For example, a 200g tin of tomato soup contains 1.4g of salt.", "de": "Zum Beispiel eine 200 g Dose Tomatensuppe enthält 1,4 g Salz."}, "hints": [{"en": "tomato soup", "de": "Tomatensuppe"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many studio solo albums has Pharrell Williams released?", "de": "Wie viele Solo-Studioalben hat Pharrell Williams veröffentlicht?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Pharrell Williams", "de": "Pharrell Williams"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Meta-analysis was conducted when appropriate by using standard methodological procedures as expected by The Cochrane Collaboration.", "de": "Eine Metaanalyse wurde bei Bedarf durchgeführt, durch die Verwendung von standardisierten methodischen Verfahren wie erwarten von The Cochrane Collaboration."}, "hints": [{"en": "Cochrane", "de": "Cochrane"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Pursuant to Article 50(2)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012, Croatia’s application to register the name ‘Varaždinski klipič’ was published in the Official Journal of the European Union.", "de": "Der Antrag Kroatiens auf Eintragung des Namens „Varaždinski klipič“ wurde gemäß Artikel 50 Absatz 2 Buchstabe a der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1151/2012 im Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union veröffentlicht."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Official Journal", "de": "Amtsblatt"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which war lasted longer, the Boer War or the Crimean War?", "de": "Welcher Krieg hat länger gedauert, der Burenkrieg oder der Krimkrieg?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Boer War", "de": "Burenkrieg"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What Twilight book was the longest?", "de": "Welches Twilight Buch war am längsten?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Twilight book", "de": "Twilight Buch"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "By way of derogation from Article 8(1) and points 87(a) and (b) of Annex VII to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072, the introduction into the Union of ash (Fraxinus L.) wood originating or processed in the United States (‘the specified wood’) shall be subject to compliance with the requirements set out in Article 2 and the Annex to this Regulation.", "de": "Abweichend von Artikel 8 Absatz 1 und Anhang VII Nummer 87 Buchstabe a und b der Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2019/2072 unterliegt das Einführen in die Union von Eschenholz (Fraxinus L.), das seinen Ursprung in den Vereinigten Staaten hat oder dort verarbeitet wurde („spezifiziertes Holz“), den in Artikel 2 und im Anhang der vorliegenden Verordnung festgelegten Anforderungen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Union", "de": "Union"}, {"en": "United States", "de": "Vereinigten Staaten"}, {"en": "Article 2", "de": "Artikel 2"}, {"en": "Annex", "de": "Anhang"}, {"en": "Article 8 (1)", "de": "Artikel 8 Absatz 1"}, {"en": "Annex VII", "de": "Anhang VII"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who is the wife of the richest rapper in the world?", "de": "Wer ist die Ehefrau des reichsten Rappers der Welt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "wife", "de": "Ehefrau"}, {"en": "rapper", "de": "Rappers"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In HR: Full admission to the Bar, required for legal representation services, is subject to a nationality condition (Croatian citizenship and, upon accession to the Union, citizenship of a Member State).", "de": "HR: Die für Rechtsvertretungsleistungen erforderliche uneingeschränkte Zulassung zur Anwaltskammer ist an ein Staatsangehörigkeitserfordernis (kroatische Staatsangehörigkeit und mit dem Beitritt zur Union Staatsangehörigkeit eines Mitgliedstaats) gebunden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "nationality condition", "de": "Staatsangehörigkeitserfordernis"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Council Recommendation provides that Member States should gradually lift the temporary restriction on non-essential travel to the EU as from 1 July 2020 in a coordinated manner with regard to the residents of the third countries listed in Annex I to the Council Recommendation.", "de": "In der Empfehlung des Rates ist vorgesehen, dass die Mitgliedstaaten schrittweise und koordiniert ab dem 1. Juli 2020 die vorübergehende Beschränkung nicht unbedingt notwendiger Reisen in die EU für Personen, die in den in Anhang I der Empfehlung des Rates aufgeführten Drittländern ansässig sind, aufheben sollten."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "non-essential travel", "de": "nicht unbedingt notwendiger Reisen"}, {"en": "Annex I", "de": "Anhang I"}, {"en": "Member States", "de": "Mitgliedstaaten"}, {"en": "EU", "de": "EU"}, {"en": "residents", "de": "Personen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How old was the lead guitarist of the Beatles when he died?", "de": "Wie alt war der Leadgitarrist der Beatles, als er starb?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Beatles", "de": "Beatles"}, {"en": "lead guitarist", "de": "Leadgitarrist"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "One of the major risk factors for glaucoma is increased pressure in the eye, known as ocular hypertension.", "de": "Einer der Hauptrisikofaktoren für ein Glaukom ist ein erhöhter Druck im Auge, bekannt als okuläre Hypertonie."}, "hints": [{"en": "major risk factors", "de": "Hauptrisikofaktor"}, {"en": "glaucoma", "de": "Glaukom"}, {"en": "ocular", "de": "okulär"}, {"en": "hypertension", "de": "Hypertonie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "On February 20, 1959, Prime Minister John Diefenbaker finished the project and the five dismantled arrows were completed.", "de": "Am 20. Februar 1959 beendete der Premierminister John Diefenbaker das Projekt und die fünf demontierten Arrows wurden fertiggestellt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "John Diefenbaker", "de": "John Diefenbaker"}, {"en": "project", "de": "Projekt"}, {"en": "dismantled arrows", "de": "demontierten Arrows"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which country has the most amount of rainforest?", "de": "Welches Land hat den größten Anteil an Regenwald?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "amount", "de": "Anteil"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Azusa campus of Azusa Pacific University is located in San Gabriel Valley, northeast of Los Angeles.", "de": "Der Azusa Campus der Azusa Pacific University liegt im San Gabriel Valley, nordöstlich von Los Angeles."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Azusa Pacific University", "de": "Azusa Pacific University"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The competent authority may only authorise operators to replace the means of identification of kept bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, camelid and cervid animals if the replacement does not compromise the traceability of the animals, including the traceability of the establishment in which they were born, and if individual identification of the animals, if applicable, remains possible.", "de": "Die zuständige Behörde darf Unternehmern nur dann gestatten, die Identifizierungsmittel gehaltener Rinder, Schafe, Ziegen, Schweine, Camelidae und Cervidae zu ersetzen, wenn die Ersetzung die Rückverfolgbarkeit der Tiere, einschließlich der Rückverfolgbarkeit ihres Geburtsbetriebs, nicht beeinträchtigt und wenn die individuelle Identifizierung der Tiere gegebenenfalls weiterhin möglich ist."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "means of identification", "de": "Identifizierungsmittel"}, {"en": "traceability", "de": "Rückverfolgbarkeit"}, {"en": "individual identification", "de": "individuelle Identifizierung"}, {"en": "competent authority", "de": "zuständige Behörde"}, {"en": "operators", "de": "Unternehmern"}, {"en": "establishment", "de": "Geburtsbetriebs"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Commission performed a simulation to assess the likely impact of an increase of Chinese import volumes were likely to have on the Union industry.", "de": "Die Kommission führte eine Simulation durch, um die wahrscheinlichen Auswirkungen eines Anstiegs der chinesischen Einfuhrmengen auf den Wirtschaftszweig der Union zu bewerten."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}, {"en": "Union", "de": "Union"}, {"en": "Chinese import volumes", "de": "chinesischen Einfuhrmengen"}, {"en": "likely impact", "de": "wahrscheinlichen Auswirkungen"}, {"en": "simulation", "de": "Simulation"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which horror movie made more money at the US Box Office, The Happening (2008) or The Conjuring (2013)?", "de": "Welcher Horrorfilm hat an den US-Kinokassen mehr eingenommen - „The Happening“ (2008) oder „The Conjuring“ (2013)?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "The Happening", "de": "The Happening"}, {"en": "The Conjuring", "de": "The Conjuring"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the tallest mountain in mainland Australia?", "de": "Welcher ist der höchste Berg auf dem australischen Festland?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "mountain", "de": "Berg"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In order to address that change, the United Kingdom has enacted legislation that deems design certificates issued before the transition period to have been issued under the laws of the United Kingdom with effect from the end of the transition period.", "de": "Um dieser Änderung Rechnung zu tragen, hat das Vereinigte Königreich mit Wirkung vom Ende des Übergangszeitraums Rechtsvorschriften erlassen, mit denen Konstruktionszertifizierungen, die vor dem Übergangszeitraum erteilt wurden, als nach dem Recht des Vereinigten Königreichs erteilt gelten."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "legislation", "de": "Rechtsvorschriften"}, {"en": "design certificates", "de": "Konstruktionszertifizierungen"}, {"en": "transition period", "de": "Übergangszeitraums"}, {"en": "transition period", "de": "Übergangszeitraums"}, {"en": "laws of the United Kingdom", "de": "Recht des Vereinigten Königreichs"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 284 BC, King Xi met with King Zhao of Qin in Western Zhou to form an alliance against Qi.", "de": "284 v. Chr. traf sich König Xi mit König Zhao von Qin im westlichen Zhou, um eine Allianz gegen Qi zu gründen."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "King Xi", "de": "König Xi"}, {"en": "King Zhao", "de": "König Zhao"}, {"en": "Qin", "de": "Qin"}, {"en": "Western Zhou", "de": "westlichen Zhou"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": ".1 Notwithstanding the requirements of Regulation III/2, a sufficient number of life jackets shall be stowed in the vicinity of the assembly stations so that passengers do not have to return to their cabins to collect their life jackets.", "de": ".1 Unbeschadet der Anforderungen der Regel III/2 muss eine ausreichende Zahl von Rettungswesten in der Nähe der Sammelplätze verstaut sein, damit Fahrgäste nicht in ihre Kabinen zurückkehren müssen, um ihre Rettungswesten zu holen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "assembly stations", "de": "Sammelplätze"}, {"en": "cabins", "de": "Kabinen"}, {"en": "passengers", "de": "Fahrgäste"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who is older, Johnny Depp or Tom Cruise?", "de": "Wer ist älter, Johnny Depp oder Tom Cruise?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Johnny Depp", "de": "Johnny Depp"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What war did the US participate in for a longer period of time, the War in Afghanistan or the Vietnam War?", "de": "An welchem Krieg waren die USA länger beteiligt, dem Krieg in Afghanistan oder dem Vietnamkrieg?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "War in Afghanistan", "de": "Krieg in Afghanistan"}, {"en": "US", "de": "USA"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Therefore, it is likely that you will only be referred for a coronary angiogram if:", "de": "Daher ist es wahrscheinlich, dass Sie nur auf ein koronares Angiogramm verwiesen werden, wenn:"}, "hints": [{"en": "coronary", "de": "koronar"}, {"en": "angiogram", "de": "Angiogramm"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who hosted the Grammys this year?", "de": "Wer war dieses Jahr Moderator der Grammys?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Grammys", "de": "Grammys"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If you notice an irregular heartbeat and / or have chest pain, see your doctor immediately.", "de": "Wenn Sie einen unregelmäßigen Herzschlag bemerken, und / oder Schmerzen im Brustkorb haben, besuchen Sie bitte unverzüglich Ihren Arzt."}, "hints": [{"en": "heartbeat", "de": "Herzschlag"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which is the only city to have hosted the Summer Olympic Games three times?", "de": "Welche ist die einzige Stadt, die dreimal Gastgeber der Olympischen Sommerspiele war?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Summer Olympic Games", "de": "Olympischen Sommerspiele"}, {"en": "city", "de": "Stadt"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 2012, the borough flipped and was won by incumbent Republican Mitt Romney, who took 51% of the vote to Democrat Barack Obama's 48%.", "de": "2012 änderte sich die Stimmungslage im Bezirk und der republikanische Amtsinhaber Mitt Romney konnte dort mit 51 % der Stimmen gegenüber 48 % für den Demokraten Barack Obama gewinnen."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "borough", "de": "Bezirk"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the last team that LeBron James beat in the NBA Finals that he did not win with the L.A. Lakers?", "de": "Welches ist das letzte Team, das LeBron James in den NBA-Finals geschlagen hat, welches er nicht mit den L.A. Lakers gewonnen hat?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "LeBron James", "de": "LeBron James"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In which countries does the U.S. not have diplomatic relations?", "de": "Mit welchen Ländern haben die USA keine diplomatische Beziehungen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "U.S.", "de": "USA"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many wives has President Donald Trump had?", "de": "Wie viele Ehefrauen hat Präsident Donald Trump gehabt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Donald Trump", "de": "Donald Trump"}, {"en": "wives", "de": "Ehefrauen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 [and Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395/Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 (ADJUST AS APPLICABLE)] and subject to the conditions specified below, the [Competent Authority] hereby certifies", "de": "Gemäß der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1178/2011 der Kommission [und Verordnung (EU) 2018/395 der Kommission/Durchführungsverordnung (EU) 2018/1976 der Kommission (NACH BEDARF ANPASSEN)] und vorbehaltlich der nachstehenden Bedingungen zertifiziert [zuständige Behörde] hiermit"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "conditions", "de": "Bedingungen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "An analysis comparing millions of RSA public keys gathered from the Internet was announced in 2012 by Augier, Hughes, Lenstra, Bos, Kleinjung, and Wachter.", "de": "2012 kündigten Augier, Hughes, Lenstra, Bos, Kleinjung und Wachter eine Analyse an, in der Millionen von RSA-Kryptoverschlüsselungen im Internet verglichen werden sollten."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Internet", "de": "Internet"}, {"en": "RSA", "de": "RSA"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If you have high blood pressure, you may need to take blood pressure-lowering medication for the rest of your life.", "de": "Wenn Sie einen Bluthochdruck haben, müssen Sie möglicherweise blutdrucksenkende Medikamente für den Rest Ihres Lebens einnehmen."}, "hints": [{"en": "high blood pressure", "de": "Bluthochdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Houston Main Building (HMB) formerly the Prudential Building, was a skyscraper in the Texas Medical Center, Houston, Texas.", "de": "Das Houston Main Building (HMB), vormals Prudential Building, war ein Wolkenkratzer im Texas Medical Center in Houston, Texas."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Houston Main Building", "de": "Houston Main Building"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He then taught school in Cleveland, OH and was the deputy superintendent from 1856-1859 of the schools in Toledo.", "de": "Er unterrichtete dann an einer Schule in Cleveland, OH, und war von 1856 bis 1859 stellvertretender Leiter der Schulen in Toledo."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "schools", "de": "Schulen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the wife of the 41st U.S. president?", "de": "Wer war die Frau des 41. US-Präsidenten?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "wife", "de": "Frau"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "OJ L 343, 22.12.2009, p. 1.", "de": "ABl. L 343 vom 22.12.2009, S. 1."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "OJ", "de": "ABl"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "On December 19, 2014, Marlins Eovaldi, Garrett Jones, and Domingo Germán traded to Yankees for New York against Martín Prado and David Phelps.", "de": "Am 19. Dezember 2014 wechselten Marlins Eovaldi, Garrett Jones, und Domingo Germán zu den Yankees nach New York im Tausch gegen Martín Prado und David Phelps."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Marlins", "de": "Marlins"}, {"en": "Yankees", "de": "Yankees"}, {"en": "Domingo Germán", "de": "Domingo Germán"}, {"en": "Martín Prado", "de": "Martín Prado"}, {"en": "New York", "de": "New York"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Irinotecan chemotherapy combined with fluoropyrimidines versus irinotecan alone for overall survival and progression-free survival in patients with advanced and / or metastatic colorectal cancer", "de": "Irinotecan-Chemotherapie kombiniert mit Fluoropyrimidin gegenüber alleinigem Irinotecan in Hinblick auf die Gesamtüberlebenschancen und das progressionsfreie Überleben bei Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem und / oder metastasierendem kolorektalem Karzinom"}, "hints": [{"en": "chemotherapy", "de": "Chemotherapie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Such a derogation would help beneficiaries who are unable to complete certain operations as a result of the crisis and wish to change them to prevent further economic losses or to better address the market situation.", "de": "Eine solche Abweichung würde Erzeugern helfen, die bestimmte Vorhaben infolge der Krise nicht abschließen konnten und sie ändern wollen, um weitere wirtschaftliche Verluste zu vermeiden oder die Marktlage besser zu bewältigen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "crisis", "de": "Krise"}, {"en": "economic losses", "de": "wirtschaftliche Verluste"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "People with a BMI of 40 or more are morbidly obese.", "de": "Patienten mit einem BMI von ≥ 40 oder mehr bezeichnet man als mit massiver Adipositas."}, "hints": [{"en": "BMI", "de": "BMI"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The station was founded by the British Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey in 1947 as Station F or Argentine Islands ''on Winter Island.", "de": "Die Station wurde 1947 von der British Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey als Station F oder Argentine Islands ''' auf der Winterinsel gegründet."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "British Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey", "de": "British Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey"}, {"en": "Argentine Islands", "de": "Argentine Islands"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When did the Achaemenid Empire end?", "de": "Wann endete das Achämenidenreich?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Achaemenid Empire", "de": "Achämenidenreich"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This widens your arteries and reduces your blood pressure.", "de": "Dies erweitert Ihre Arterien und senkt Ihren Blutdruck."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "A long-term result from only one trial indicated fluphenazine decanoate reduces the rate of relapse when compared with placebo ('dummy treatment').", "de": "Das Langzeit-Ergebnis aus nur einer Studie zeigte, dass Fluphenazin-Decanoat die Rückfallquote im Vergleich zum Placebo (Scheinbehandlung) verringert."}, "hints": [{"en": "fluphenazine", "de": "Fluphenazin"}, {"en": "placebo", "de": "Placebo"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Two review authors independently reviewed abstracts of eligible studies, extracted data and assessed risk of bias of included studies.", "de": "Zwei Review-Autoren haben die Zusammenfassungen der geeigneten Studien unabhängig überprüft, die Daten extrahiert und das Verzerrungsrisiko der aufgenommenen Studien bewertet."}, "hints": [{"en": "abstracts", "de": "Zusammenfassung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How old is the current head coach of the Chicago Bears?", "de": "Wie alt ist der aktuelle Cheftrainer der Chicago Bears?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "head coach", "de": "Cheftrainer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The rules on grants provided for in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council shall apply to this grant agreement.", "de": "Für diese Finanzhilfevereinbarung gelten die in der Verordnung (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates enthaltenen Vorschriften für Finanzhilfen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "European Parliament", "de": "Europäischen Parlaments"}, {"en": "Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046", "de": "Verordnung (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Eye problems can make it difficult to anticipate and spot slip or trip hazards in your home.", "de": "Augenprobleme können es schwierig machen, Rutschgefahr oder Stolperfalle in Ihrem Haus vorauszusehen und abzuschätzen."}, "hints": [{"en": "trip hazards", "de": "Stolperfalle"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The visibility range of the beacon", "de": "Sichtweite des Leuchtfeuers"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "beacon", "de": "Leuchtfeuers"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Heinz Kohut saw the normal self as a fixation upon a grandiose childhood stage, while other post-Freudians explored the role of fixation in aggression and criminality.", "de": "Heinz Kohut sah das normale Selbst als Fixierung auf eine grandiose Kindheitsphase, während andere Post-Freudianer die Rolle der Fixierung für Aggression und Kriminalität erforschten."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Heinz Kohut", "de": "Heinz Kohut"}, {"en": "fixation", "de": "Fixierung"}, {"en": "aggression", "de": "Aggression"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This evidence is based on studies with small sample sizes and risk of bias and requires confirmation in higher quality, adequately powered trials.", "de": "Diese Evidenz basiert auf den Studien mit geringen Stichprobengrößen und kleinem Verzerrungsrisiko und erfordert eine Bestätigung durch angemessen konzipierte Studien von einer höheren Qualität."}, "hints": [{"en": "sample sizes", "de": "Stichprobengröße"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In addition, this Regulation should also lay down rules to ensure that operators of approved germinal product establishments who cease their activity, prior to the date of withdrawal of the approval of their germinal product establishment, move the semen, oocytes or embryos collected or produced and stored in those germinal product establishments for further storage to a germinal product storage centre, or for reproduction purposes to an establishment where bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine or equine animals are kept, or for safe disposal or use as animal by-products in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council.", "de": "Darüber hinaus sollten in dieser Verordnung Vorschriften festgelegt werden, mit denen gewährleistet wird, dass Unternehmer von zugelassenen Zuchtmaterialbetrieben, die ihre Tätigkeit vor dem Datum des Entzugs der Zulassung für ihren Zuchtmaterialbetrieb einstellen, die in diesen Zuchtmaterialbetrieben gewonnenen oder erzeugten und gelagerten Samen, Eizellen oder Embryonen für die weitere Lagerung in ein Zuchtmaterialdepot oder zu Reproduktionszwecken in einen Betrieb verbringen, in dem Rinder, Schweine, Schafe, Ziegen oder Equiden gehalten werden, oder zur sicheren Entsorgung oder zur Nutzung als tierische Nebenprodukte gemäß Artikel 13 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1069/2009 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "operators", "de": "Unternehmer"}, {"en": "germinal product establishments", "de": "Zuchtmaterialbetrieben"}, {"en": "European Parliament", "de": "Europäischen Parlaments"}, {"en": "reproduction purposes", "de": "Reproduktionszwecken"}, {"en": "safe disposal", "de": "sicheren Entsorgung"}, {"en": "animal by-products", "de": "tierische Nebenprodukte"}, {"en": "Regulation", "de": "Verordnung"}, {"en": "Article 13", "de": "Artikel 13"}, {"en": "Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009", "de": "Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1069/2009"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the youngest Speaker of the House ever?", "de": "Wer war bisher der jüngste Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "House", "de": "Repräsentantenhauses"}, {"en": "Speaker", "de": "Sprecher"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 should therefore be amended accordingly,", "de": "Die Verordnung (EU) 2019/1021 sollte daher entsprechend geändert werden —"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Regulation (EU) 2019/1021", "de": "Verordnung (EU) 2019/1021"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Astronomer and UFO researcher Edward Weiler and the director of Goddard Space Flight Center Jacques Vallee also attended TGS.", "de": "Der Astronom und Ufo-Forscher Edward Weiler sowie der Leiter des Goddard Space Flight Center Jacques Vallee nahmen ebenfalls an TGS teil."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Goddard Space Flight Center", "de": "Goddard Space Flight Center"}, {"en": "Edward Weiler", "de": "Edward Weiler"}, {"en": "Jacques Vallee", "de": "Jacques Vallee"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "While the 33d Tactical Group was inactive, it was consolidated with the 33d Fighter Group as 33d Tactical Fighter Group.", "de": "Während die 33. taktische Gruppe inaktiv war, wurde sie mit der 33. Jägergruppe zur 33. taktischen Jägergruppe zusammengelegt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "33d Tactical Group", "de": "33. taktische Gruppe"}, {"en": "33d Fighter Group", "de": "33. Jägergruppe"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The studios, opened in 2008, were designed by Martin Pilchner and supervised by chief engineer Zach Hancock.", "de": "Die 2008 eröffneten Studios wurden von Martin Pilchner entworfen und der Bau wurde von Chefingenieur Zach Hancock überwacht."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Martin Pilchner", "de": "Martin Pilchner"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The absolute number is however the translation of a risk assessment that is based on a relative evaluation.", "de": "Die absolute Zahl ist jedoch das Ergebnis einer Risikobewertung, die auf einer relativen Bewertung basiert."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "risk assessment", "de": "Risikobewertung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "With an added sugar content not exceeding 30 % by weight", "de": "mit einem Gehalt an zugesetztem Zucker von 30 GHT oder weniger"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "sugar content", "de": "Zucker"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Article 10", "de": "Artikel 10"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Article 10", "de": "Artikel 10"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Is Aaron Rodgers older than Tom Brady?", "de": "Ist Aaron Rodgers älter als Tom Brady?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Aaron Rodgers", "de": "Aaron Rodgers"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "‘dairy products’ means dairy products as defined in point 7.2. of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004;", "de": "„Milcherzeugnisse“ bezeichnet Milcherzeugnisse im Sinne der Begriffsbestimmung nach Anhang I Nummer 7.2 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 853/2004;"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "dairy products", "de": "Milcherzeugnisse"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Is Roethlisberger still the quarterback for Pittsburgh?", "de": "Ist Roethlisberger noch der Quarterback von Pittsburgh?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Roethlisberger", "de": "Roethlisberger"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How did Malcolm X. die?", "de": "Wie starb Malcolm X?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Malcolm X.", "de": "Malcolm X"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Return on investments followed the same downward trend.", "de": "Die Kapitalrendite folgte demselben rückläufigen Trend."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Return on investments", "de": "Kapitalrendite"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who played Harry Potter in the Harry Potter movies?", "de": "Wer spielte Harry Potter in den Harry Potter Filmen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Harry Potter", "de": "Harry Potter"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Given the high mortality, severe morbidity and increasing incidence of transfusion-associated circulatory overload, determining the therapeutic utility of pre-transfusion loop diuresis is an urgent need.", "de": "Aufgrund der hohen Mortalität, hoher Morbidität und Erhöhung der Inzidenz von schwerer transfusionbezogenen Kreislaufüberladung, die Bestimmung des therapeutischen Nutzens von prätransfusionellen Schleifendiuretika ist dringend erforderlich."}, "hints": [{"en": "morbidity", "de": "Morbidität"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Shoulder mobility (that is, lateral arm movements and forward flexion) is better in the short term when starting shoulder exercises earlier compared to later.", "de": "Die Schulterbeweglichkeit (d. h. seitliche Armbewegungen und Vorlaufflexion) ist kurzfristig besser, wenn die Schulterübungen früher begonnen werden im Vergleich zu dem späteren Beginn."}, "hints": [{"en": "arm movements", "de": "Armbewegungen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This member stands for the aggregate of continuing and discontinued operations.", "de": "Dieses Element steht für die Summe der fortgeführten und aufgegebenen Geschäftsbereiche."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "aggregate", "de": "Summe"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "RMBS — Prime", "de": "RMBS — Prime"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "RMBS", "de": "RMBS"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Massé was born in Holland, Michigan, grew up in Westchester County, New York, and lived during her youth in Europe.", "de": "Massé wurde in Holland, Michigan, geboren, wuchs in Westchester County, New York, auf und lebte in ihrer Jugend in Europa."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Massé", "de": "Massé"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The empirical observation of GLA's anti-inflammatory effects argues that the actual effects of DGLA dominate.", "de": "Die empirische Beobachtung der entzündungshemmenden Effekte von GLA zeigen, dass die tatsächlichen Effekte von DGLA dominieren."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "DGLA", "de": "DGLA"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "A CD with themes from 14 of his films was released in 2008 by Philip Powers and produced by 1M1 records.", "de": "Eine CD mit Titelsongs von 14 seiner Filme wurde 2008 von Philip Powers herausgebracht und von 1M1 Records produziert."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Philip Powers", "de": "Philip Powers"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Fanwood is located in the 12th Congressional District and is part of the 22nd State Legislative District in New Jersey.", "de": "Fanwood liegt im 12. Kongresswahlkreis und gehört zum 22. Bundesstaatlichen Legislativ-Wahlkreis in New Jersey."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "12th Congressional District", "de": "12. Kongresswahlkreis"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Ungarala Rambabu is a Telugu film, written and managed by Paruchuri Kiriti and produced by Kranthi Madhav.", "de": "Ungarala Rambabu ist ein Telugu-Film, geschrieben und geleitet von Paruchuri Kiriti und produziert von Kranthi Madhav."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Ungarala Rambabu", "de": "Ungarala Rambabu"}, {"en": "Paruchuri Kiriti", "de": "Paruchuri Kiriti"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "New anticoagulants New anticoagulants such as dabigatran, rivoroxaban and apixaban have been developed which do not require dose changes and continuous blood test monitoring.", "de": "Neue Antikoagulanzien Neue Antikoagulanzien wie Dabigatran, Rivoroxaban und Apixaban wurden entwickelt, sie erfordern keine Dosisänderungen und kontinuierliche Blutuntersuchungen."}, "hints": [{"en": "anticoagulants", "de": "Antikoagulanzien"}, {"en": "dabigatran", "de": "Dabigatran"}, {"en": "apixaban", "de": "Apixaban"}, {"en": "blood test", "de": "Blutuntersuchung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, the Environment and Water Management)", "de": "Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft", "de": "Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft , Umwelt Wasserwirtschaft"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Dotty was born in 1923 in Gloucester and died in 2014 in Boston.", "de": "Dotty wurde 1923 in Gloucester geboren und starb 2014 in Boston."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Dotty", "de": "Dotty"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This device uses an inflatable cuff and has a scale of mercury, like a thermometer.Your pulse is heard by the health professional taking your blood pressure, through a stethoscope placed on your artery.", "de": "Das Gerät verwendet eine aufblasbare Manschette und hat eine Quecksilberskala, wie ein Thermometer. Ihr Puls wird durch den Gesundheitsexperten wahrgenommen, der Ihnen den Blutdruck messt, durch ein Stethoskop über Ihre Arterie."}, "hints": [{"en": "cuff", "de": "Manschette"}, {"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}, {"en": "stethoscope", "de": "Stethoskop"}, {"en": "artery", "de": "Arterie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Hawker (PLZ: 2614) is a suburb of the Belconnen district of Canberra, located within the Australian Capital Territory, Australia.", "de": "Hawker (PLZ: 2614) ist ein Vorort des Belconnen-Distrikts Canberra innerhalb des Australian Capital Territory, Australien."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Belconnen district", "de": "Belconnen Distrikts"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The species are members of various ecological groups, including xerophytic shrubs, lianas and trees, tropical plants, mycoheterotrophs, as well as different herbaceous representatives.", "de": "Die Arten gehören zu verschiedenen ökologischen Gruppen, darunter xerophytische Sträucher, Lianen und Bäume, tropische Pflanzen, Mykoheterotrophe, sowie verschiedene krautartige Vertreter."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "lianas", "de": "Lianen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Together with Nick, Jeremy, McCrae and Howard he was part of the ``Moving Company ''Alliance early in the season.", "de": "Gemeinsam mit Nick, Jeremy, McCrae und Howard war er zu Beginn der Staffel Teil der Allianz „Moving Company“."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "McCrae", "de": "McCrae"}, {"en": "Howard", "de": "Howard"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "On 13 May 2013 the Council adopted Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 430/2013 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed on imports of threaded tube or pipe cast fittings, of malleable cast iron, originating in the People’s Republic of China (‘PRC’) and Thailand and terminating the proceeding with regard to Indonesia (‘the original investigation’).", "de": "Am 13. Mai 2013 erließ der Rat die Durchführungsverordnung (EU) Nr. 430/2013 des Rates zur Einführung eines endgültigen Antidumpingzolls und zur endgültigen Vereinnahmung des vorläufigen Zolls auf die Einfuhren von gegossenen Rohrformstücken, Rohrverschlussstücken und Rohrverbindungsstücken, mit Gewinde, aus verformbarem Gusseisen (seit Änderung der Verordnung: „aus Temperguss und aus Gusseisen mit Kugelgrafit“) mit Ursprung in der Volksrepublik China (im Folgenden „VR China“) und Thailand und zur Einstellung des Verfahrens gegenüber Indonesien (im Folgenden „Ausgangsuntersuchung“)."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Council", "de": "Rat"}, {"en": "anti-dumping duty", "de": "Antidumpingzolls"}, {"en": "Council Implementing Regulation", "de": "Durchführungsverordnung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Was the Dirk Pitt series created by Clive Cussler?", "de": "Wurde die Dirk-Pitt-Serie von Clive Cussler entwickelt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "series", "de": "Serie"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Judith was daughter of his sister Eliza who had died in about 1748.", "de": "Judith war die Tochter seiner Schwester Eliza, die ca. 1748 gestorben war."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Judith", "de": "Judith"}, {"en": "Eliza", "de": "Eliza"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "To date there is no evidence available in the literature showing that treatment reduces complications of the disease related to quality of life and mortality.", "de": "Bis heute gibt es keine Beweise in der Fachliteratur, die zeigen, dass die Behandlung die Komplikationen der Krankheit im Zusammenhang mit der Lebensqualität und Sterblichkeit verringert."}, "hints": [{"en": "quality of life", "de": "Lebensqualität"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Significant distortions according to Article 2(6a)(b), second indent of the basic Regulation: State presence in firms allowing the state to interfere with respect to prices or costs", "de": "Nennenswerte Verzerrungen im Sinne des Artikels 2 Absatz 6a Buchstabe b zweiter Gedankenstrich der Grundverordnung: staatliche Präsenz in Unternehmen, die es dem Staat ermöglicht, Preise oder Kosten zu beeinflussen"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "state", "de": "Staat"}, {"en": "prices", "de": "Preise"}, {"en": "costs", "de": "Kosten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "They were there for us to enjoy and they were there for us to pray.", "de": "Sie waren für uns da, um uns zu erfreuen und sie waren für uns da, um zu beten."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "us", "de": "uns"}, {"en": "enjoy", "de": "erfreuen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In the summer of 1924 he went to Smackover in South - Arkansas to work on the oil boom in an office in Norphlet near Union County.", "de": "Im Sommer 1924 ging er nach Smackover im Süden von Arkansas, um im Zuge des Ölbooms in einem Büro in Norphlet nahe Union County zu arbeiten."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Smackover", "de": "Smackover"}, {"en": "South- Arkansas", "de": "Süden von Arkansas"}, {"en": "Norphlet", "de": "Norphlet"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Data sets and definition of fields", "de": "Datensätze und Definition der Felder"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Data sets", "de": "Datensätze"}, {"en": "definition", "de": "Definition"}, {"en": "fields", "de": "Felder"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Does Giannis Antetokounmpo have more championships than Joel Embiid?", "de": "Hat Giannis Antetokounmpo mehr Meisterschaften gewonnen als Joel Embiid?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Giannis Antetokounmpo", "de": "Giannis Antetokounmpo"}, {"en": "championships", "de": "Meisterschaften"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Sterling Brown was most known for his authentic southern black dialect.", "de": "Sterling Brown war vor allem für seinen authentischen afroamerikanischen Südstaatendialekt bekannt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Sterling Brown", "de": "Sterling Brown"}, {"en": "southern", "de": "Südstaatendialekt"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "the cost of any adjustments to remuneration approved by the Council during the financial year.", "de": "die Auswirkungen der vom Rat im Laufe des Haushaltsjahres zu beschließenden etwaigen Anpassungen der Gehälter."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Council", "de": "Rat"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "His children were Carolyn and Cynthia (died 1970), Brennan, Matt Pelosi, Laurence (born 1971) and Andrew (born 1981).", "de": "Seine Kinder waren Carolyn und Cynthia (1970 verstorben), Brennan, Matt Pelosi, Laurence (1971 geboren) und Andrew (1981 geboren)."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Carolyn", "de": "Carolyn"}, {"en": "Cynthia", "de": "Cynthia"}, {"en": "Laurence", "de": "Laurence"}, {"en": "Andrew", "de": "Andrew"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Talking about panic attacks (external link)", "de": "Über Panikattacken reden (ein externer Link)"}, "hints": [{"en": "panic attacks", "de": "Panikattacke"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When did the Green Bay Packers win their last Super Bowl?", "de": "Wann haben die Green Bay Packers ihren letzten Super Bowl gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Green Bay Packers", "de": "Green Bay Packers"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Is Shaquille O'Neal taller than LeBron James?", "de": "Ist Shaquille O'Neal hochgewachsener als LeBron James?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Shaquille O'Neal", "de": "Shaquille O'Neal"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Alaja, is a small populated place in the Balkan province in western Turkmenistan on the Caspian Sea.", "de": "Alaja ist eine kleine Ansiedlung in der Provinz Balkan in West-Turkmenistan am Kaspischen Meer."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Balkan", "de": "Balkan"}, {"en": "Turkmenistan", "de": "Turkmenistan"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the name of the NBA team in Memphis?", "de": "Wie lautet der Name des NBA Teams in Memphis?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "NBA team", "de": "NBA Teams"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "TITLE 27", "de": "TITEL 27"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "TITLE 27", "de": "TITEL 27"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which is the only US state that does not have more than one syllable in its name?", "de": "Welcher US-Staat hat als einziger nicht mehr als eine Silbe im Namen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "syllable", "de": "Silbe"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The dynamic peak white luminance dynamic test pattern selected by either procedure shall be declared and used for all luminance testing.", "de": "Das in einem dieser Verfahren ausgewählte dynamische Spitzenweißluminanz-Testbild ist anzugeben und bei allen Luminanzprüfungen zu verwenden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "procedure", "de": "Verfahren"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Article 192 of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 lays down disease preventive measures in relation to the transport of aquatic animals and empowers the Commission to lay down supplementing rules for the cleaning and disinfection of the means of transport of aquatic animals, water exchanges, water discharges and biosecurity measures, in order to mitigate the possible risks arising from the transportation of those aquatic animals within the Union.", "de": "In Artikel 192 der Verordnung (EU) 2016/429 sind Seuchenpräventionsmaßnahmen für die Beförderung von Wassertieren festgelegt, und der Kommission wird die Befugnis übertragen, ergänzende Vorschriften für die Reinigung und Desinfektion der Transportmittel von Wassertieren, für den Wasserwechsel, die Abwasserentsorgung und für Maßnahmen zum Schutz vor biologischen Gefahren festzulegen, um die etwaigen Risiken im Zusammenhang mit dem Transport dieser Wassertiere innerhalb der Union zu mindern."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}, {"en": "disease preventive measures", "de": "Seuchenpräventionsmaßnahmen"}, {"en": "means of transport", "de": "Transportmittel"}, {"en": "risks", "de": "Risiken"}, {"en": "transportation", "de": "Transport"}, {"en": "Regulation (EU) 2016/429", "de": "Verordnung (EU) 2016/429"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "However, other results showed, overall, the effects and outcomes, including adverse effects for fluphenazine (decanoate and enanthate) are similar to other oral and depot antipsychotics.", "de": "Allerdings zeigten andere Ergebnisse insgesamt, dass die Auswirkungen und Folgen, einschließlich der Nebenwirkungen für Fluphenazin (Decanoat und Enantat) ähnlich sind wie bei anderen oralen und Depot-Antipsychotika sind."}, "hints": [{"en": "adverse effects", "de": "Nebenwirkung"}, {"en": "fluphenazine", "de": "Fluphenazin"}, {"en": "antipsychotics", "de": "Antipsychotika"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When was the last Godfather movie released?", "de": "Wann wurde der letzte „Der Pate“-Film veröffentlicht?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Godfather movie", "de": "Pate -Film"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "So avoid eating too much red meat, fried foods, some ready meals and butters.", "de": "Vermeiden Sie es deshalb, zu viel rotes Fleisch, Gebratenes, einige Fertiggerichte und Buttersorten zu essen."}, "hints": [{"en": "ready meals", "de": "Fertiggericht"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Although H. procumbens, S. alba, S. officinale L., S. chilensis, and lavender essential oil also seem to reduce pain more than placebo, evidence for these substances was of moderate quality at best.", "de": "Obwohl H. procumbens, S. alba, S. officinale L., S. chilensis, und ätherisches Lavendelöl auch bei der Schmerzlinderung besser als Placebo zu sein scheinen, die Evidenz für diese Präparate war von maximal moderater Qualität."}, "hints": [{"en": "placebo", "de": "Placebo"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Have the Atlanta Falcons won a Super Bowl?", "de": "Haben die Atlanta Falcons einen Super Bowl gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Atlanta Falcons", "de": "Atlanta Falcons"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The following lifestyle changes are known to reduce high blood pressure:", "de": "Die folgenden Änderungen des Lebensstils sind bekannt, einen hohen Blutdruck zu senken:"}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The daily average total value of the institution’s exposures to its central bank, calculated over the full reserve maintenance period of the central bank just preceding the date referred to in point (c) of Article 429a(5) CRR, that are eligible to be excluded in accordance with point (n) of Article 429a(1) CRR.", "de": "Der tagesdurchschnittliche Gesamtwert der Risikopositionen des Instituts gegenüber seiner Zentralbank, berechnet über die vollständige, dem in Artikel 429a Absatz 5 Buchstabe c CRR genannten Datum unmittelbar vorangehende Mindestreserve-Erfüllungsperiode der Zentralbank, die für einen Ausschluss gemäß Artikel 429a Absatz 1 Buchstabe n CRR infrage kommen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "central bank", "de": "Zentralbank"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Actively improving how Union nature directives are implemented provides the setting within which landcare initiatives are taking place.", "de": "Die Maßnahmen im Rahmen dieser Landschaftsschutz-Initiativen umfassen eine aktive Verbesserung der Umsetzung der Naturschutzrichtlinien der Union."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Union", "de": "Union"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which awards were Powerwolf nominated for in Metal Hammer 2013 but did not receive?", "de": "Für welche Preise wurde Powerwolf in Metal Hammer 2013 nominiert, hat sie aber nicht gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Powerwolf", "de": "Powerwolf"}, {"en": "Metal Hammer", "de": "Metal Hammer"}, {"en": "2013", "de": "2013"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who is the only female track and field athlete to ever win six Olympic gold medals and was born in Los Angeles, CA?", "de": "Wer ist die einzige Leichtathletin, die jemals sechs olympische Goldmedaillen gewonnen hat, und wurde in Los Angeles, CA, geboren?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Olympic gold medals", "de": "olympische Goldmedaillen"}, {"en": "female track and field athlete", "de": "Leichtathletin"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was a member of the 2021 U.S. men's national basketball team and was born in Washington, D.C.?", "de": "Wer war Mitglied der US-Basketball-Nationalmannschaft der Männer 2021 und wurde in Washington, D.C. geboren?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "member", "de": "Mitglied"}, {"en": "born", "de": "geboren"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Yamato Colony, California was a Japanese agricultural community located in Livingston, California.", "de": "Yamato Colony, Kalifornien war eine japanische Agrargemeinschaft in Livingston, Kalifornien."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Yamato Colony, California", "de": "Yamato Colony, Kalifornien"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Prosipho crassicostatus is a species of sea snail, a true gastropod mollusk in the family Buccinidae, the marine whelks.", "de": "Prosipho crassicostatus ist eine Meeresschnecke, ein Bauchfüßer-Weichtier aus der Familie der Buccinidae, den Meeres-Hornschnecken."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "family", "de": "Familie"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "A hip fracture is a serious injury and almost always requires treatment with surgery.", "de": "Eine Hüftfraktur ist eine schwere Verletzung und erfordert fast immer eine Operation."}, "hints": [{"en": "hip fracture", "de": "Hüftfraktur"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the tallest building in the capital of New York?", "de": "Was ist das höchste Gebäude in der Hauptstadt von New York?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "tallest building", "de": "höchste Gebäude"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the tallest building in the country where Mount Rushmore is located?", "de": "Welches ist das höchste Gebäude in dem Land, in dem sich Mount Rushmore befindet?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "building", "de": "Gebäude"}, {"en": "Mount Rushmore", "de": "Mount Rushmore"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,", "de": "DAS EUROPÄISCHE PARLAMENT UND DER RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION —"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT", "de": "EUROPÄISCHE PARLAMENT"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many queens has Great Britain had?", "de": "Wie viele Königinnen hat Großbritannien gehabt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Great Britain", "de": "Großbritannien"}, {"en": "queens", "de": "Königinnen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Therefore, the support should only be granted for the scrapping of fishing vessels.", "de": "Die Unterstützung sollte somit nur für das Abwracken von Fischereifahrzeugen gewährt werden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "support", "de": "Unterstützung"}, {"en": "scrapping", "de": "Abwracken"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Alexandra Coppinger played the role of the youngest sister Hazel in the new TV-series ''Dead Gorgeous''.", "de": "Alexandra Coppinger spielte die Rolle der jüngsten Schwester Hazel in der neuen TV-Serie „Dead Gorgeous”."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Alexandra Coppinger", "de": "Alexandra Coppinger"}, {"en": "Hazel", "de": "Hazel"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Adults who are over 40 and have not been diagnosed with high blood pressure should have their blood pressure checked at least once every five years.", "de": "Erwachsene, die über 40 sind und ein hoher Blutdruck bei ihnen nicht diagnostiziert wurde, sollten sich den Blutdruck mindestens einmal alle fünf Jahre messen lassen."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The breed standard describes the dog as a strong temperament and a sharp individuality, distrustful of strangers.", "de": "Der Zuchtstandard beschreibt den Hund als temperamentvoll, selbstständig und misstrauisch gegenüber Fremden."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "breed standard", "de": "Zuchtstandard"}, {"en": "temperament", "de": "temperamentvoll"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "European Standard laying down Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation vessels http://cesni.eu/en/documents/es-trin-2017/", "de": "Europäischer Standard der technischen Vorschriften für Binnenschiffe http://cesni.eu/de/documents/es-trin-2017/."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Technical Requirements", "de": "technischen Vorschriften"}, {"en": "Inland Navigation", "de": "Binnenschiffe"}, {"en": "European Standard", "de": "Europäischer Standard"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Capped amount shall be calculated separately for each exposure as the lower amount between minimum coverage requirement for this exposure and total provisions and adjustments or deductions for the same exposure.", "de": "Der gedeckelte Betrag wird für jede Risikoposition einzeln berechnet, und zwar als Mindestdeckungsanforderung für die betreffende Risikoposition oder als Summe der Rückstellungen und Anpassungen oder Abzüge für dieselbe Risikoposition, je nachdem, welcher Betrag niedriger ist."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "deductions", "de": "Abzüge"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It is well known from the United States (Maine, Oregon, California) and British Columbia (Canada).", "de": "Es ist gut bekannt aus den Vereinigten Staaten (Maine, Oregon, Kalifornien) und British Columbia (Kanada)."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "United States", "de": "Vereinigten Staaten"}, {"en": "British Columbia", "de": "British Columbia"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If the parliamentary election in 1983 had been a local election, the Socialist Left would have received 8 seats in Parliament.", "de": "Wenn die Parlamentswahlen 1983 lokal stattgefunden hätten, hätte die sozialistische Linke 8 Sitze im Parlament erhalten."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Socialist Left", "de": "sozialistische Linke"}, {"en": "parliamentary election", "de": "Parlamentswahlen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "For multi-exposure derivatives, in cases of uncertainty, the deals shall be allocated according to the following order of precedence:", "de": "Bestehen bei Derivaten mit mehreren Risikopositionen diesbezüglich Unsicherheiten, gilt für die Geschäfte eine Zuordnung in der unten aufgeführten Rangfolge:"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "deals", "de": "Geschäfte"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many playable characters are in the original Mortal Kombat game?", "de": "Wie viele spielbare Charaktere gibt es im ursprünglichen \"Mortal Combat\"-Spiel?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "playable characters", "de": "spielbare Charaktere"}, {"en": "original", "de": "ursprünglichen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The station was established in 1947 by the British Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey as Station F or ``Winter Island ''in the Argentine islands.", "de": "Die Station wurde 1947 vom British Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey als Station F oder „Winter Island“ auf den Argentinischen Inseln errichtet."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "British Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey", "de": "British Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many teams has Kristaps Porziņģis played for in the NBA?", "de": "Für wie viele Teams hat Kristaps Porziņģis in der NBA gespielt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Kristaps Porziņģis", "de": "Kristaps Porziņģis"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Oral 5-ASA was found to be more effective than placebo (fake drug) for maintaining remission.", "de": "Orale 5-ASA war für die Remissionserhaltung wirksamer als das Placebo (Scheinmedikament)."}, "hints": [{"en": "ASA", "de": "ASA"}, {"en": "placebo", "de": "Placebo"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Having regard to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (‘the EEA Agreement’), and in particular Article 98 thereof,", "de": "gestützt auf das Abkommen über den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum (im Folgenden „EWR-Abkommen“), insbesondere auf Artikel 98,"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Article 98", "de": "Artikel 98"}, {"en": "European Economic Area", "de": "Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum"}, {"en": "EEA", "de": "EWR"}, {"en": "Area", "de": "Wirtschaftsraum"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Patients who undergo appendectomy for complicated appendicitis, defined as gangrenous or perforated appendicitis, are more likely to suffer from postoperative complications.", "de": "Patienten, die sich einer Appendektomie aufgrund einer komplizierten Appendizitis unterziehen, die als gangränöse oder perforierte Appendizitis definiert ist, leiden häufiger von postoperativen Komplikationen."}, "hints": [{"en": "appendectomy", "de": "Appendektomie"}, {"en": "appendicitis", "de": "Appendizitis"}, {"en": "gangrenous", "de": "gangränös"}, {"en": "postoperative", "de": "postoperativ"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Does the United Kingdom have a president?", "de": "Hat das Vereinigtes Königreich einen/eine Präsident/in?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "United Kingdom", "de": "Vereinigtes Königreich"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Has a president of the U.S. ever been impeached?", "de": "Wurde ein Präsident der USA je wegen Amtsvergehen angeklagt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "U.S.", "de": "USA"}, {"en": "president", "de": "Präsident"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Regular blood pressure checks if diagnosed with high blood pressure", "de": "Regelmäßige Kontrollen des Blutdrucks, wenn Sie die Diagnose eines hohen Blutdrucks haben"}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Manufactured gases", "de": "Industriell erzeugte Gase"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Manufactured gases", "de": "Industriell erzeugte Gase"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This personnel is intended to take over the tasks that were entrusted to external contractors handling the administration of individual experts and to manage programmes in third countries.", "de": "Dieses Personal soll die bislang von externen Auftragnehmern wahrgenommenen Verwaltungstätigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit den unabhängigen Sachverständigen übernehmen und Programme in Drittländern verwalten."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "administration", "de": "Verwaltungstätigkeiten"}, {"en": "programmes", "de": "Programme"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It was not possible to calculate the NNT.", "de": "Es war nicht möglich, die NNT zu berechnen."}, "hints": [{"en": "NNT", "de": "NNT"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Talent manager Melody Jones (Robyn Arthur) approaches Nina and asks her to sign with her.", "de": "Talentmanager Melody Jones (Robyn Arthur) wendet sich an Nina und möchte sie unter Vertrag nehmen."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Melody Jones", "de": "Melody Jones"}, {"en": "Nina", "de": "Nina"}, {"en": "Nina", "de": "Nina"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "B. Manufacture of tobacco products", "de": "B. Tabakverarbeitung"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Manufacture of tobacco products", "de": "Tabakverarbeitung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Analysis included assessment of risk of bias, quality of evidence of individual studies, heterogeneity, and statistical analysis of the effects on seizure remission and cognition.", "de": "Die Analyse umfasste die Bewertung des Verzerrungsrisikos, die Qualität der Evidenz der einzelnen Studien, die Heterogenität und eine statistische Analyse der Auswirkungen auf die Anfallsremission und die Kognition."}, "hints": [{"en": "heterogeneity", "de": "Heterogenität"}, {"en": "cognition", "de": "Kognition"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many times has the oldest Beatle been married?", "de": "Wie oft war der älteste Beatles-Sänger verheiratet?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Beatle", "de": "Beatles Sänger"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When did Clint Eastwood direct his first movie?", "de": "Wann führte Clint Eastwood zum ersten Mal Regie?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Clint Eastwood", "de": "Clint Eastwood"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If your blood pressure is very high", "de": "Wenn Ihr Blutdruck sehr hoch ist"}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The only exception was for undertakings that could prove they had suffered damage from the fires.", "de": "Die einzige Ausnahme betraf die Unternehmen, denen nachweislich Schäden durch die Brände entstanden waren."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "damage", "de": "Schäden"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "These three paternal dynasties ruled the kingdom of Waalo with the Mbooj maternal family.", "de": "Diese drei patrilinearen Dynastien regierten das Königreich Waalo zusammen mit der matrilinearen Mbooj-Familie."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Waalo", "de": "Waalo"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which game in the Final Fantasy series has Firion as a character?", "de": "In welchem Spiel der Final Fantasy-Reihe gibt es Firion als Charakter?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Firion", "de": "Firion"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "IT: Unbound for activities reserved to agronomist and ‘periti agrari’.", "de": "IT: Ungebunden für die Agronomen und ‚Periti agrari‘ vorbehaltenen Tätigkeiten."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "activities", "de": "Tätigkeiten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which city is the actor who played Batman in the movie Batman Begins from?", "de": "Aus welcher Stadt kommt der Schauspieler, der Batman in „Batman Begins” gespielt hat?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "actor", "de": "Schauspieler"}, {"en": "Batman Begins", "de": "Batman Begins"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many American presidents were born in Iowa?", "de": "Wie viele amerikanische Präsidenten sind in Iowa geboren?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "American presidents", "de": "amerikanische Präsidenten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Article 10(3), introductory wording and points (b) and (c)", "de": "Artikel 10 Absatz 3 einleitender Satz und Buchstaben b und c"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "introductory wording", "de": "einleitender Satz"}, {"en": "points (b) and (c)", "de": "Buchstaben b und c"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Furthermore, a triple threat match for the United States Championship was between Champion Jack Swagger, The Miz and Kofi Kingston.", "de": "Außerdem wurde die United States Championship in einem Triple-Threat-Match zwischen Jack Swagger, The Miz und Kofi Kingston entschieden."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "United States Championship", "de": "United States Championship"}, {"en": "The Miz", "de": "The Miz"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Born in Leiden, de Ruiter has played for RKC Waalwijk, FC Den Bosch, Excelsior, FC Utrecht and FC Emmen.", "de": "Der in Leiden geborene de Ruiter hat für RKC Waalwijk, FC Den Bosch, Excelsior, FC Utrecht und FC Emmen gespielt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "FC Utrecht", "de": "FC Utrecht"}, {"en": "de Ruiter", "de": "de Ruiter"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What city has Eric Johnson as it's mayor and is the city where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated?", "de": "In welcher Stadt war Eric Johnson als Bürgermeister tätig und ist auch die Stadt, in der Präsident John F. Kennedy ermordet wurde?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Eric Johnson", "de": "Eric Johnson"}, {"en": "John F. Kennedy", "de": "John F. Kennedy"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Pearson's strict stance against racial and political egalitarianism also manifested in a consistent opposition to Marxism and socialism.", "de": "Pearsons strenge Haltung gegen rassischen und politischen Egalitarismus manifestierte sich auch in einer konsequenten Opposition zum Marxismus und Sozialismus."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Marxism", "de": "Marxismus"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "supplement paragraph 1 of this Article by establishing technical screening criteria for determining the conditions under which a specific economic activity qualifies as contributing substantially to sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; and", "de": "in Ergänzung des Absatzes 1 des vorliegenden Artikels technische Bewertungskriterien festzulegen, anhand deren bestimmt wird, unter welchen Bedingungen davon auszugehen ist, dass eine bestimmte Wirtschaftstätigkeit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Nutzung und zum Schutz von Wasser- und Meeresressourcen leistet; und"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "sustainable use", "de": "nachhaltigen Nutzung"}, {"en": "protection", "de": "Schutz"}, {"en": "water", "de": "Wasser-"}, {"en": "Article", "de": "Artikels"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Gone with the Wind takes place during which war?", "de": "Welcher Krieg ist Schauplatz von Vom Winde verweht?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Gone with the Wind", "de": "Welcher Winde"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many teams has Kevin Durant played for?", "de": "Für wie viele Mannschaften hat Kevin Durant gespielt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Kevin Durant", "de": "Kevin Durant"}, {"en": "teams", "de": "Mannschaften"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many movies were nominated for Best Picture in 2002?", "de": "Wie viele Filme wurden 2002 für den Preis des Besten Films nominiert?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Best Picture", "de": "Besten Films"}, {"en": "movies", "de": "Filme"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many states do not have an NBA team?", "de": "In wie vielen Staaten gibt es kein NBA-Team?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "NBA", "de": "NBA"}, {"en": "states", "de": "Staaten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many Zelda games were there before Zelda II was released?", "de": "Wie viele Zelda-Spiele gab es, bevor Zelda II veröffentlicht wurde?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Zelda II", "de": "Zelda II"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Drinking too much can damage your health and lead to weight gain.", "de": "Ein übermäßiger Alkoholgenuss kann Ihre Gesundheit schädigen und zu einer Gewichtszunahme führen."}, "hints": [{"en": "weight gain", "de": "Gewichtszunahme"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The most widely used medications for treating high blood pressure are described below:", "de": "Die am häufigsten verwendeten Medikamente gegen Bluthochdruck sind nachfolgend beschrieben:"}, "hints": [{"en": "high blood pressure", "de": "Bluthochdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Results on HRQoL in two studies on MLD were also contradictory.", "de": "Ergebnisse über HRQoL in zwei Studien über MLD waren auch widersprüchlich."}, "hints": [{"en": "MLD", "de": "MLD"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "A chest X-ray may be performed and will identify any lung problems that may have caused the atrial fibrillation.", "de": "Brust Röntgen kann durchgeführt werden und wird Lungenprobleme erkennen, die möglicherweise das Vorhofflimmern verursacht haben."}, "hints": [{"en": "lung problems", "de": "Lungenproblem"}, {"en": "atrial fibrillation", "de": "Vorhofflimmern"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "An EP called Dido Live with three of the seventeen live tracks on the DVD was digitally released exclusively on the iTunes Store on June 21, 2005.", "de": "Eine EP mit dem Titel Dido Live mit drei der siebzehn Live-Aufnahmen der DVD wurde am 21. Juni 2005 ausschließlich digital im iTunes Store veröffentlicht."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Dido Live", "de": "Dido Live"}, {"en": "iTunes Store", "de": "iTunes Store"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Verified questionnaire replies of the sampled Union producers.", "de": "Geprüfte Fragebogenantworten der in die Stichprobe einbezogenen Unionshersteller."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Union", "de": "Unionshersteller"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which Carthaginian general invaded Italy in 218 BC, but did not conquer it?", "de": "Welcher General Karthagos ist im Jahr 218 v. Chr. in Italien einmarschiert, hat es aber nicht erobert?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Italy", "de": "Italien"}, {"en": "Carthaginian general", "de": "General Karthagos"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Most medications that are used to treat high blood pressure have some side effects (see below for details of the specific side effects of each type of medication).", "de": "Die meisten Medikamente zur Behandlung des hohen Blutdrucks haben einige Nebenwirkungen (Details zu den spezifischen Nebenwirkungen der einzelnen Medikamenten siehe unten)."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}, {"en": "side effects", "de": "Nebenwirkungen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In the absence of any further comments, the Commission confirmed its conclusions set out in recital 209 of the provisional Regulation.", "de": "Da keine weiteren Stellungnahmen eingingen, bestätigte die Kommission ihre in Erwägungsgrund 209 der vorläufigen Verordnung gezogenen Schlussfolgerungen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When did the final Chinese dynasty end?", "de": "Wann endete die letzte chinesische Dynastie?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Chinese dynasty", "de": "chinesische Dynastie"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Where was the singer of Genie in a Bottle born?", "de": "Wo wurde die Sängerin von Genie in a Bottle geboren?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Genie in a Bottle", "de": "Genie in a Bottle"}, {"en": "singer", "de": "Sängerin"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Activities will be closely aligned with and complement current pilot projects for Roma inclusion (ROMACT) and additional Cohesion policy funding tools which could be mobilised.", "de": "Die Maßnahmen werden eng auf die laufenden Pilotprojekte zur Integration der Roma (ROMACT) und auf zusätzliche Instrumente der Kohäsionspolitik, die in der Folge genutzt werden könnten, abgestimmt."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "pilot projects", "de": "Pilotprojekte"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Following the death of Ali, Muawiyah came to power and established a dynasty.", "de": "Nach dem Tod von Ali, kam Muawiyah an die Macht und errichtete eine Dynastie."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Muawiyah", "de": "Muawiyah"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He served as a missionary for the LDS Church in Czechoslovakia and was a bishop in Nevada.", "de": "Er war als Missionar für die LDS-Kirche in der Tschechoslowakei tätig und Bischof in Nevada."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Czechoslovakia", "de": "Tschechoslowakei"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Three trials of a nursing intervention to manage breathlessness showed benefit in terms of symptom experience, performance status and emotional functioning.", "de": "Drei Studien der Pflegeintervention zur Bewältigung der Atemlosigkeit zeigten Nutzen in Bezug auf Symptom- Erfahrungen, den Performance Status und emotionales Verhalten."}, "hints": [{"en": "breathlessness", "de": "Atemlosigkeit"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Karen Lieve Ria Hostens is married to J. Peter Burgess, Cooperation Delegate for the International Committee of the Red Cross, and father to three children.", "de": "Karen Lieve Ria Hostens ist verheiratet mit J. Peter Burgess, Kooperationsbeauftragter des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz, und Vater von drei Kindern."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Karen Lieve Ria Hostens", "de": "Karen Lieve Ria Hostens"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Find out more about complications of high blood pressure.", "de": "Informieren Sie sich über Komplikationen eines hohen Blutdrucks."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He was a prominent member of the core team during the early years of the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta, the first Indian Institute of Management.", "de": "In den ersten Jahren des Indian Institute of Management in Kalkutta, dem ersten Indian Institute of Management, war er ein prominentes Mitglied des Kernteams."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Indian Institute of Management", "de": "Indian Institute of Management"}, {"en": "Indian Institute of Management", "de": "Indian Institute of Management"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When is the next Game of Thrones book going to be released?", "de": "Wann wird das nächste Game-of-Thrones-Buch veröffentlicht?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Game of Thrones book", "de": "Game of Thrones Buch"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Point (c) of Article 19(1) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/61", "de": "Artikel 19 Absatz 1 Buchstabe c der Delegierten Verordnung (EU) 2015/61"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/61", "de": "Delegierten Verordnung (EU) 2015/61"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The interest rate of the above loans is subsidised and set in accordance with the terms of Decision No 36579/Β.1666/27.8.2007 by the Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance.", "de": "Der Zinssatz der obigen Kredite wird vergütet und gemäß den Bedingungen des Beschlusses des Ministers für Wirtschaft und Finanzen Nr. 36579/B.1666/27.8.2007 festgelegt."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "interest rate", "de": "Zinssatz"}, {"en": "loans", "de": "Kredite"}, {"en": "terms", "de": "Bedingungen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Plastics and rubber machines – Size reduction machines – Part 1: Safety requirements for blade granulators and shredders", "de": "Kunststoff- und Gummimaschinen — Zerkleinerungsmaschinen — Teil 1: Sicherheitsanforderungen für Schneidmühlen und Schredder"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Safety requirements", "de": "Sicherheitsanforderungen"}, {"en": "blade granulators", "de": "Schneidmühlen"}, {"en": "shredders", "de": "Schredder"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The most studied treatments were injection of the local anaesthetic lidocaine, or the painkillers fentanyl or remifentanil, into the vein before injecting rocuronium.", "de": "Die meisten untersuchten Behandlungen waren Injektionen des örtlich wirksamen Betäubungsmittel Lidocain oder die Schmerzmittel Fentanyl oder Remifentanil, die vor der Injektion von Rocuronium in die Vene geleitet werden."}, "hints": [{"en": "anaesthetic", "de": "Betäubungsmittel"}, {"en": "lidocaine", "de": "Lidocain"}, {"en": "painkillers", "de": "Schmerzmittel"}, {"en": "remifentanil", "de": "Remifentanil"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "A multiverse is a collection of alternative universes with similar nature and a universal hierarchy.", "de": "Ein Multiversum ist eine Ansammlung alternativer Universen mit ähnlichen Naturstrukturen und einer universalen Hierarchie."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "multiverse", "de": "Multiversum"}, {"en": "alternative universes", "de": "alternativer Universen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This is the Zen style of serving and eating meals practiced in formal temples.", "de": "Das ist der Zen-Stil des Dienens und Speisens der in offiziellen Tempeln praktiziert wird."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Zen style", "de": "Zen Stil"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Excessive alcohol consumption can increase both cholesterol levels and blood pressure.", "de": "Übermäßiger Alkoholkonsum kann sowohl den Cholesterinspiegel als auch den Blutdruck erhöhen."}, "hints": [{"en": "alcohol consumption", "de": "Alkoholkonsum"}, {"en": "cholesterol levels", "de": "Cholesterinspiegel"}, {"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This heterogeneity was not explained by the a priori subgroup analyses (upper limb versus lower limb fracture, smoking status).", "de": "Diese Heterogenität wurde nicht durch eine a priori Subgruppenanalyse erklärt (Fraktur der oberen Extremität versus untere Extremität, Raucherstatus)."}, "hints": [{"en": "heterogeneity", "de": "Heterogenität"}, {"en": "fracture", "de": "Fraktur"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If your blood pressure is slightly high", "de": "Wenn Ihr Blutdruck leicht erhöht ist"}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The preparatory action focuses on China as the fastest-growing tourism source market in the world.", "de": "Der Schwerpunkt der vorbereitenden Maßnahme liegt auf China als dem am schnellsten wachsenden touristischen Quellmarkt der Welt."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "tourism source market", "de": "touristischen Quellmarkt"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "These frequently included enhanced support from family, peers, or allied health professionals such as pharmacists, who often delivered education, counseling, or daily treatment support.", "de": "Diese umfassten häufig eine verstärkte Unterstützung aus der Familie, der Kollegen oder der Angehörigen der Gesundheitsfachkräfte, wie zum Beispiel Pharmazeuten, die häufig die Ausbildung, die Beratung oder Unterstützung bei der täglichen Behandlung vermittelt haben."}, "hints": [{"en": "health professionals", "de": "Gesundheitsfachkräfte"}, {"en": "pharmacists", "de": "Pharmazeuten"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "At the request of either Party, representatives of the Parties shall meet when necessary to consult with each other in the framework of the Joint Committee on matters arising out of the application of this Agreement, to supervise its operation and to discuss arrangements for cooperation in addition to those provided for in this Agreement.", "de": "Auf Antrag einer der Vertragsparteien kommen bei Bedarf Vertreter der Vertragsparteien zusammen, um im Rahmen des Gemischten Ausschusses über Fragen zu beraten, die sich bei der Umsetzung dieses Abkommens ergeben, seine Umsetzung Abkommens zu überwachen und Vereinbarungen für die Zusammenarbeit zu erörtern, die über die im Abkommen vorgesehenen hinausgehen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "cooperation", "de": "Zusammenarbeit"}, {"en": "arrangements", "de": "Vereinbarungen"}, {"en": "Parties", "de": "Vertragsparteien"}, {"en": "Joint Committee", "de": "Ausschusses"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It empties into Peachtree Creek, which then flows into the Chattahoochee River, south of Vinings and Paces.", "de": "Er fließt in den Peachtree Creek, der dann südlich von Vinings und Paces in den Chattahoochee River mündet."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Vinings", "de": "Vinings"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many Supreme Leaders of North Korea have there been?", "de": "Wie viele Oberste Führer von Nordkorea hat es gegeben?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Supreme Leaders of North Korea", "de": "Oberste Führer von Nordkorea"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If you're concerned, you should seek advice from your doctor or midwife.", "de": "Wenn Sie betroffen sind, sollten Sie Rat bei Ihrem Arzt oder Ihrer Hebamme suchen."}, "hints": [{"en": "midwife", "de": "Hebamme"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which writer spent some years in Ghana and worked there as feature editor for the African Review?", "de": "Welcher Schriftsteller verbrachte ein paar Jahre in Ghana und arbeitete dort als ein Kulturredakteur für The African Review?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "writer", "de": "Schriftsteller"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It was raised in 1943 -- in 1944 by the Germans and sunk twice by allied bombers and finally scrapped in 1946 -- in 1947.", "de": "Es wurde von 1943 - 1944 von den Deutschen errichtet, zweimal von alliierten Bombern versenkt und schließlich 1946 ausrangiert."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "scrapped", "de": "ausrangiert"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Uncoupling protein 1 was discovered in 1978 and was first cloned in 1988.", "de": "Das Entkopplerprotein 1 wurde 1978 entdeckt und 1988 erstmals geklont."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Uncoupling protein 1", "de": "Entkopplerprotein 1"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He recorded with Billy Eckstine's band and played the Lionel Hampton band in 1946.", "de": "Er machte Aufnahmen mit Billy Eckstines Band und spielte 1946 bei der Lionel Hampton Band."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Lionel Hampton", "de": "Lionel Hampton"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Therefore Decision (EU) 2016/2248 (ECB/2016/36) should be amended accordingly,", "de": "Daher sollte der Beschluss (EU) 2016/2248 (EZB/2016/36) entsprechend geändert werden —"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Decision", "de": "Beschluss"}, {"en": "amended", "de": "geändert"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "1i Productions is an American board game publisher. It was founded in 2004 by Colin Byrne, William and Jenna.", "de": "1i Productions ist ein amerikanischer Brettspieleverlag. Er wurde von Colin Byrne, William and Jenna im Jahr 2004 gegründet."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "1i Productions", "de": "1i Productions"}, {"en": "William", "de": "William"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "As soon as Takayama explains the story, Asakawa believes him and insists on seeing the tape.", "de": "Asakawa glaubt Takayama die Geschichte sofort und besteht darauf das Band zu sehen."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Takayama", "de": "Takayama"}, {"en": "Asakawa", "de": "Asakawa"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Loyang's team defeated Raffles Institution in the opening round and Xinmin Secondary School in the quarter-finals, before losing to Hwa Chong Institution in the semi-finals.", "de": "Das Team von Loyang schlug Raffles Institution in der Eröffnungsrunde und Xinmin Secondary School im Viertelfinale, bevor es im Halbfinale gegen Hwa Chong Institution verlor."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Raffles Institution", "de": "Raffles Institution"}, {"en": "Xinmin Secondary School", "de": "Xinmin Secondary School"}, {"en": "Hwa Chong Institution", "de": "Hwa Chong Institution"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Is Naples the capital of Italy?", "de": "Ist Neapel die Hauptstadt von Italien?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Naples", "de": "Neapel"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "notification as provided for in Article 18(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;", "de": "einer Meldung gemäß Artikel 18 Absatz 1 der Verordnung (EU) 2016/429;"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "notification", "de": "Meldung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Retzius was born in Stockholm, the son of anatomist Anders Retzius (and grandson of the naturalist and chemist Anders Jahan Retzius).", "de": "Retzius wurde in Stockholm als Sohn des Anatoms Anders Retzius (und Enkel des Naturalisten und Chemikers Anders Jahan Retzius) geboren."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Retzius", "de": "Retzius"}, {"en": "Anders Retzius", "de": "Anders Retzius"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which team won the 2019 World Series?", "de": "Welches Team konnte die 2019 World Series gewinnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "team", "de": "Team"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Historically, the electrical current applied to the chest has travelled in one direction between the electrodes.", "de": "In der Vergangenheit wurde der an die Brust angelegte elektrische Strom in eine Richtung zwischen den Elektroden geschickt."}, "hints": [{"en": "electrodes", "de": "Elektroden"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Imiquimod for anogenital warts in non-immunocompromised adults", "de": "Imiquimod für anogenitale Warzen bei nicht immungeschwächten Erwachsenen"}, "hints": [{"en": "anogenital", "de": "anogenital"}, {"en": "warts", "de": "Warzen"}, {"en": "immunocompromised", "de": "immungeschwächt"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "No trial reported on: the time to complete ulcer healing; ulcer-free survival following treatment for sickle cell leg ulcers; quality of life measures; or incidence of amputation.", "de": "Kein Studie berichtete über: die Zeit bis zur vollständigen Heilung des Geschwürs; ulzerafreies Überleben nach der Behandlung der Sichelzell-Beinulzera; die Lebensqualitätsmessungen; oder die Inzidenz einer Amputation."}, "hints": [{"en": "ulcer", "de": "Geschwür"}, {"en": "ulcers", "de": "Geschwür"}, {"en": "amputation", "de": "Amputation"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Preparedness and prevention", "de": "Vorsorge und Prävention"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Preparedness and prevention", "de": "Vorsorge und Prävention"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The reduced production of thyroid hormones is the main feature of the clinical state termed hypothyroidism.", "de": "Die verringerte Produktion von Schilddrüsenhormonen ist das wichtigste Merkmal des klinischen Zustands der sogenannten Schilddrüsenunterfunktion."}, "hints": [{"en": "hypothyroidism", "de": "Schilddrüsenunterfunktion"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In May, Spencer McLaren arrived as Kieran Fletcher, a love interest for established character Sally Fletcher (Kate Ritchie).", "de": "Im Mai kam Spencer McLaren als Kieran Fletcher, in den sich die bestehende Figur Sally Fletcher (Kate Ritchie) verliebt, dazu."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Spencer McLaren", "de": "Spencer McLaren"}, {"en": "Sally Fletcher", "de": "Sally Fletcher"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "5-ASA therapy is more expensive than SASP, so SASP may be the preferred option where cost is an important factor.", "de": "5-ASA Therapie ist teurer als SASP, so kann SASP dort bevorzugt werden, wo die Kosten einen wichtigen Faktor vorstellen."}, "hints": [{"en": "ASA", "de": "ASA"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "With her I have been able to fulfill some of my musical dreams with early styles and this new style is really big, fresh and naturally fluent.", "de": "Mit ihrer Hilfe konnte ich mir einige meiner musikalischen Träume früherer Stile erfüllen und dieser neue Stil ist wirklich groß, frisch und auf natürliche Art und Weise flüssig."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "musical dreams", "de": "musikalischen Träume"}, {"en": "early styles", "de": "früherer Stile"}, {"en": "new style", "de": "neue Stil"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Too much saturated fat and sugar in your child's diet can lead to high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure in later life.", "de": "Zu viel gesättigtes Fett und Zucker in der Nahrung Ihres Kindes kann zum hohen Cholesterinspiegel, Diabetes und Bluthochdruck im späteren Erwachsenenalter führen."}, "hints": [{"en": "high blood pressure", "de": "Bluthochdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which X-Factor winner did not get the Christmas number 1 in the UK Singles Chart after they were beaten by Rage Against The Machine?", "de": "Welcher X-Factor-Gewinner schaffte es an Weihnachten nicht auf Platz 1 der britischen Singles-Charts, nachdem er von Rage Against The Machine geschlagen wurde?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Christmas", "de": "Weihnachten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Did Metroid Prime come out before 2020?", "de": "Kam Metroid Prime vor dem Jahr 2020 auf den Markt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Metroid Prime", "de": "Metroid Prime"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Council Directive 86/278/EEC of 12 June 1986 on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture (OJ L 181, 4.7.1986, p. 6).", "de": "Richtlinie 86/278/EWG des Rates vom 12. Juni 1986 über den Schutz der Umwelt und insbesondere der Böden bei der Verwendung von Klärschlamm in der Landwirtschaft (ABl. L 181 vom 4.7.1986, S. 6)."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "agriculture", "de": "Landwirtschaft"}, {"en": "Council Directive 86/278/EEC", "de": "Richtlinie 86/278/EWG"}, {"en": "L", "de": "L"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "re-assembly of the single-use device;", "de": "Wiederzusammenbau des Einmalprodukts;"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "re-assembly", "de": "Wiederzusammenbau"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If a blood clot blocks the arteries leading to part of the heart muscle, it will cause a heart attack.", "de": "Wenn ein Blutgerinnsel die Arterien blockiert, die zum Teil des Herzmuskels führen, das führt zu einem Herzinfarkt."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood clot", "de": "Blutgerinnsel"}, {"en": "heart muscle", "de": "Herzmuskel"}, {"en": "heart attack", "de": "Herzinfarkt"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Having a serious phobia of anything can make life extremely difficult.", "de": "Eine ernsthafte Phobie vor etwas zu haben kann das Leben extrem beeinträchtigen."}, "hints": [{"en": "phobia", "de": "Phobie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This review aimed to identify whether blood transfusion was a useful treatment for patients with advanced cancer who were anaemic.", "de": "Diese Überprüfung zielte darauf ab, festzustellen, ob eine Bluttransfusion eine nützliche Behandlung für anämische Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem Krebs war."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood transfusion", "de": "Bluttransfusion"}, {"en": "anaemic", "de": "anämisch"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which American League East teams has Edwin Jackson not played for?", "de": "Für welche Teams der American League East hat Edwin Jackson nicht gespielt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "American League East", "de": "American League East"}, {"en": "Edwin Jackson", "de": "Edwin Jackson"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "They achieved some success, playing live shows in Melbourne, Geelong and Shepparton.", "de": "Sie hatten einigen Erfolg bei live Auftritten in Melbourne, Geelong und Shepparton."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Geelong", "de": "Geelong"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Sahib Khan was born into the Tiwana family of Shahpur, the son of Ahmad Yar Khan.", "de": "Sahib Khan gehört zur Familie Tiwana aus Shahpur; er ist der Sohn von Ahmad Yar Khan."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Sahib Khan", "de": "Sahib Khan"}, {"en": "Tiwana family", "de": "Familie Tiwana"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "You can find out more about atrial fibrillation at:", "de": "Sie können mehrere Informationen über Vorhofflimmern finden:"}, "hints": [{"en": "atrial fibrillation", "de": "Vorhofflimmern"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What was the last Studio Ghibli to not be made by Miyazaki?", "de": "Wie hieß der letzte Studio Ghibli, der nicht aus der Feder von Miyazaki stammt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Studio Ghibli", "de": "Studio Ghibli"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many studio albums have HIM released?", "de": "Wie viele Studio-Alben hat HIM veröffentlicht?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "HIM", "de": "HIM"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He appeared as a glassmaker and worked with many different bands on various musical instruments.", "de": "Er trat als Glasmacher auf und arbeitete mit vielen verschiedenen Bands auf verschiedenen Musikinstrumenten."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "glassmaker", "de": "Glasmacher"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Azusa campus of Azusa Pacific University is located in San Gabriel Valley, northeast of Los Angeles.", "de": "Der Azusa Campus der Azusa Pacific University liegt in San Gabriel Valley, nordöstlich von Los Angeles."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Azusa Pacific University", "de": "Azusa Pacific University"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He moved to South Africa in 2003 and lived there 16 months before returning to London in September 2004.", "de": "Er zog 2003 nach Südafrika und lebte dort 16 Monate, bevor er im September 2004 nach London zurückkehrte."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "South Africa", "de": "Südafrika"}, {"en": "London", "de": "London"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "the margin of dumping established in relation to the imports from each country is above the de minimis threshold laid down in Article 9(3) of the basic Regulation and the volume of imports from each country is not negligible; and", "de": "die ermittelte Dumpingspanne für die Einfuhren aus jedem einzelnen Land über der festgelegten Geringfügigkeitsschwelle nach Artikel 9 Absatz 3 der Grundverordnung liegt und das Volumen der Einfuhren aus jedem einzelnen Land nicht unerheblich ist und"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "margin of dumping", "de": "Dumpingspanne"}, {"en": "imports", "de": "Einfuhren"}, {"en": "volume of imports", "de": "Volumen der Einfuhren"}, {"en": "basic Regulation", "de": "Grundverordnung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In early 2016, Senator Chris Widener was appointed to the Senate of Ohio in order to succeed Senator Bob Hackett, who resigned.", "de": "Anfang 2016 wurde Senator Chris Widener nach dem Rücktritt von Senator Bob Hackett als dessen Nachfolger in den Senat von Ohio berufen."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Chris Widener", "de": "Chris Widener"}, {"en": "Senate of Ohio", "de": "Senat von Ohio"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It was the only stage in Tehama County until 1991, and provided the only public cinema until 1993.", "de": "Bis 1991 war es das einzige Theater in Tehama County, und diente bis 1993 als einziges öffentliches Kino."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Tehama County", "de": "Tehama County"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Interest on deposits which has accrued until, but has not been credited at, the date on which a relevant administrative authority makes a determination as referred to in point (8)(a) of Article 2(1) or a judicial authority makes a ruling as referred to in point (8)(b) of Article 2(1) shall be reimbursed by the DGS.", "de": "Einlagenzinsen, die bis zu dem Tag, an dem eine einschlägige Verwaltungsbehörde die Feststellung nach Artikel 2 Absatz 1 Nummer 8 Buchstabe a trifft oder ein Gericht die Entscheidung nach Artikel 2 Absatz 1 Nummer 8 Buchstabe b fällt, aufgelaufen, zu diesem Tag aber noch nicht gutgeschrieben sind, werden vom Einlagensicherungssystem erstattet."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Article 2 (1)", "de": "Artikel 2 Absatz 1"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The risk factors for a blood clot in an artery include:", "de": "Die Risikofaktoren eines Blutgerinnsels in einer Arterie enthalten:"}, "hints": [{"en": "risk factors", "de": "Risikofaktoren"}, {"en": "artery", "de": "Arterie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The way the heart beats in atrial fibrillation means that there is a risk of blood clots forming in the heart chambers.", "de": "Die Art und Weise wie Ihr Herz schlägt bei Vorhofflimmern bedeutet ein Risiko, dass sich die Blutgerinnseln in den Herzkammern bilden."}, "hints": [{"en": "atrial fibrillation", "de": "Vorhofflimmern"}, {"en": "blood clots", "de": "Blutgerinnsel"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What was the first eruption of Mount St. Helens?", "de": "Was war der erste Ausbruch des Mount St. Helens?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "eruption", "de": "Ausbruch"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who is the current Kansas City Chiefs starting quarterback who was born in Tyler, Texas?", "de": "Wer ist der aktuelle Starting Quarterback der Kansas City Chiefs, der in Tyler, Texas, geboren wurde?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Kansas City Chiefs", "de": "Kansas City Chiefs"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He was survived by his wife Carol Ober, his daughter Viola and four grandchildren.", "de": "Ihn überlebte seine Frau Carol Ober, seine Tochter Viola und vier Enkelkinder."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Viola", "de": "Viola"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In the summer of 1924 he went to Smackover in South - Arkansas to work on the oil boom in an office in Norphlet near Union County.", "de": "Im Sommer 1924 ging er nach Smackover in Süd-Arkansas, um in einem Büro in Norphlet in der Nähe von Union County im florierenden Ölgeschäft zu arbeiten."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Smackover", "de": "Smackover"}, {"en": "South- Arkansas", "de": "Süd-Arkansas"}, {"en": "Norphlet", "de": "Norphlet"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The fourth was in the caused by the resignation of Joseph Hemphill sometime after May, 1826, filled by Thomas Kittera.", "de": "Der vierte wurde durch den Rücktritt von Joseph Hemphill, dessen Nachfolge Thomas Kittera antrat, nach Mai 1826 verursacht."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Joseph Hemphill", "de": "Joseph Hemphill"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "of 12 May 2020", "de": "vom 12. Mai 2020"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "of 12 May 2020", "de": "vom 12. Mai 2020"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "After medical treatment, Strozzi started private acting lessons with Josip Freudenreich, as recommended by Dimitrija Demeter.", "de": "Strozzi begann nach einer medizinischen Behandlung auf Empfehlung von Dimitija Demeter Schauspielunterricht bei Josip Freudenreich zu nehmen."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Strozzi", "de": "Strozzi"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If you've had problems with bifocals or varifocals, or are considering using them, ask your optician for advice.", "de": "Wenn Sie Probleme mit Bifokal- oder Varifokalgläser haben, oder bedenken sie zu verwenden, fragen Sie Ihren Augenoptiker um Rat."}, "hints": [{"en": "optician", "de": "Augenoptiker"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Electrocardiogram (ECG) Suspected cases of unstable angina and heart attacks are diagnosed using anelectrocardiogram (ECG).", "de": "Elektrokardiogramm (EKG) Mutmaßliche Fälle von instabiler Angina pectoris und Herzinfarkte werden mit einem Elektrokardiogramm (EKG) diagnostiziert."}, "hints": [{"en": "Suspected", "de": "mutmaßlich"}, {"en": "angina", "de": "Angina"}, {"en": "heart attacks", "de": "Herzinfarkt"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Towanda Creek is located in the southwestern Bradford County (41.655805, -76.850706), in the valley of Canton.", "de": "Der Towanda Creek liegt im Südwesten des Bradford County (41,655805, -76,850706) im Tal von Canton."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Bradford County", "de": "Bradford County"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Where appropriate, the administrator shall consider how specific limitations in the capacity of the possible implementing actors should be addressed, in accordance with Article 66(6).", "de": "Gegebenenfalls prüft der Verwalter, wie spezifische Kapazitätsbeschränkungen der möglichen durchführenden Akteure gemäß Artikel 66 Absatz 6 angegangen werden sollten."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "limitations", "de": "Kapazitätsbeschränkungen"}, {"en": "implementing actors", "de": "durchführenden Akteure"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Thus improvement was about twice as common with prednisone.", "de": "Daher tritt die Verbesserung mit Prednison etwa doppelt so häufig auf."}, "hints": [{"en": "prednisone", "de": "Prednison"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which U.S. states do not have a population of at least 1 million?", "de": "In welchem Bundesland der USA leben nicht mehr als 1 Million Menschen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "U.S. states", "de": "Bundesland USA"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Fanwood is located in the 22nd Congressional District and is part of New Jersey's 12th state legislative district.", "de": "Fanwood liegt im 22. Wahlbezirk und gehört zum 12. State Legislative District von New Jersey."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "22nd Congressional District", "de": "22. Wahlbezirk"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the largest city in the United Kingdom by population?", "de": "Welche Stadt im Vereinigten Königreich hat die größte Bevölkerungszahl?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "United Kingdom", "de": "Vereinigten Königreich"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who has won more Masters Tournaments, Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus?", "de": "Wer hat mehr Masters-Turniere gewonnen, Tiger Woods oder Jack Nicklaus?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Tiger Woods", "de": "Tiger Woods"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "taking blood - to check your haemoglobin for anaemia, your blood glucose for diabetes and your cholesterol level", "de": "Blutentnahme - um Ihr Hämoglobin auf Anämie, Ihren Blutzucker wegen Diabetes mellitus und Ihren Cholesterinspiegel zu überprüfen,"}, "hints": [{"en": "haemoglobin", "de": "Hämoglobin"}, {"en": "anaemia", "de": "Anämie"}, {"en": "blood glucose", "de": "Blutzucker"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Point (c) of Article 254(1) CRR", "de": "Artikel 254 Absatz 1 Buchstabe c CRR"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Article 254(1) CRR", "de": "Artikel 254 Absatz 1 CRR"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Vaccines for preventing severe Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) infections in people with sickle cell disease", "de": "Impfstoffe zur Vorbeugung schwerer Haemophilus influenzae Typ b-Infektionen (Hib) bei Menschen mit Sichelzellkrankheit"}, "hints": [{"en": "Haemophilus", "de": "Haemophilus"}, {"en": "Hib", "de": "Hib"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Antiviral agents are important in managing influenza and include the neuraminidase inhibitors zanamivir and oseltamivir.", "de": "Antivirale Wirkstoffe sind wichtig im Umgang mit der Influenza, einschließlich der Neuraminidase-Hemmer Zanamivir und Oseltamivir."}, "hints": [{"en": "neuraminidase", "de": "Neuraminidase"}, {"en": "inhibitors", "de": "Hemmer"}, {"en": "oseltamivir", "de": "Oseltamivir"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who is the oldest current NFL quarterback on a roster?", "de": "Wer ist derzeit der älteste NFL-Quarterback auf einem Roster?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "NFL", "de": "NFL"}, {"en": "quarterback", "de": "Quarterback"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "As well as a fast and irregular heartbeat, you may also experience:", "de": "Sowie einen raschen und unregelmäßigen Herzschlag können Sie ebenfalls das folgende erleben:"}, "hints": [{"en": "heartbeat", "de": "Herzschlag"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "32017 D 2113: Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2017/2113 of 11 September 2017 (OJ L 317, 1.12.2017, p. 119).’", "de": "32017 D 2113: Delegierter Beschluss (EU) 2017/2113 der Kommission vom 11. September 2017 (ABl. L 317 vom 1.12.2017, S. 119)“."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission Delegated", "de": "Delegierter Kommission"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Massé was born in Westchester County, New York, grew up in Holland, Michigan, and lived in Europe during her teens.", "de": "Massé wurde in Westchester County, New York, geboren, wuchs in Holland, Michigan, auf und lebte während ihrer Teenagerzeit in Europa."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Massé", "de": "Massé"}, {"en": "Europe", "de": "Europa"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Water consumption of the eco 40-60 programme at rated capacity (WW,full)", "de": "Wasserverbrauch des Programms ‚eco 40-60‘ bei Nennkapazität (WW,full)"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "eco 40-60 programme", "de": "Programms eco 40-60"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Ned Lambton and McEwen divorced in 1995, and since then she has married the musician Jools Holland.", "de": "Ned Lambton und McEwen ließen sich 1995 scheiden und danach heiratete sie den Musiker Jools Holland."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Ned Lambton", "de": "Ned Lambton"}, {"en": "McEwen", "de": "McEwen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Observer on board", "de": "Beobachter an Bord"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Observer", "de": "Beobachter"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the best-selling MMORPG game of all-time?", "de": "Welches ist das meistverkaufte MMORPG Spiel aller Zeiten?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "MMORPG game", "de": "MMORPG Spiel"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "By way of derogation from Articles 86(2) and 136(1) of this Regulation, the commitments for the REACT-EU resources shall be decommitted in accordance with the rules to be followed for the closure of the programmes.", "de": "Abweichend von Artikel 86 Absatz 2 und Artikel 136 Absatz 1 der vorliegenden Verordnung werden Mittelbindungen für die Mittel aus REACT-EU gemäß den für den Abschluss der Programme geltenden Regelungen aufgehoben."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "REACT-EU", "de": "REACT-EU"}, {"en": "Articles 86 (2)", "de": "Artikel 86 Absatz 2"}, {"en": "136 (1)", "de": "136 Absatz 1"}, {"en": "commitments", "de": "Mittelbindungen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which city was Tony Blair born?", "de": "Welches ist die Geburtsstadt von Tony Blair?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Tony Blair", "de": "Tony Blair"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Buccinum pulchellum is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Buccinidae, the true whelks.", "de": "Buccinum pulchellum ist eine Spezies der Meeresschnecken, ein Meeres-Gastropod-Weichtier der Familie Buccinidae, der echten Wellhornschnecken."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "species", "de": "Spezies"}, {"en": "family", "de": "Familie"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "We searched the Cochrane Renal Group's Specialised Register to 13 January 2015 through contact with the Trials' Search Co-ordinator using search terms relevant to this review.", "de": "Wir untersuchten die Cochrane Renal Group 's Specialised Register bis zum 13. Januar 2015 durch Kontakt mit dem Koordinator der Studiensuchen unter Verwendung von Suchbegriffen, die für dieses Review relevant sind."}, "hints": [{"en": "Cochrane", "de": "Cochrane"}, {"en": "search terms", "de": "Suchbegriff"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In which state was the group Outkast formed in?", "de": "In welchem Bundesstaat wurde die Gruppe Outkast gegründet?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Outkast", "de": "Outkast"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The peak regiment had been removed, and the original artillery regiment retained the number of the standard light regiment.", "de": "Das Spitzenregiment war entfernt worden, und das ursprüngliche Artillerieregiment behielt die Nummer des Standardlichtregiments bei."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "regiment", "de": "Spitzenregiment"}, {"en": "artillery regiment", "de": "Artillerieregiment"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which governors from California have not been Republican since 1990?", "de": "Welche Gouverneure von Kalifornien seit 1990 waren nicht republikanisch?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Republican", "de": "republikanisch"}, {"en": "California", "de": "Kalifornien"}, {"en": "governors", "de": "Gouverneure"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When did Beyoncé win her first Grammy?", "de": "Wann gewann Beyonce ihren ersten Grammy?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Beyoncé", "de": "Beyonce"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What Wheel of Time book has the least pages?", "de": "Welcher Band von Das Rad der Zeit hat am wenigsten Seiten?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Wheel of Time book", "de": "Band Rad der Zeit"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "His father, Alfie Byrne, was a representative, senator and lord mayor of Dublin, another brother Patrick Byrne was also TD.", "de": "Sein Vater Alfie Byrne war Abgeordneter, Senator und Bürgermeister von Dublin, ein weiterer Bruder Patrick Byrne war ebenfalls TD."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Patrick Byrne", "de": "Patrick Byrne"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It is also the fifth highest building in Russia, the sixth highest in Europe and one of the 90 Supertall skyscrapers in the world.", "de": "Es ist außerdem das fünfthöchste Gebäude in Russland, das sechsthöchste in Europa und einer der 90 superhohen Wolkenkratzer der Welt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Europe", "de": "Europa"}, {"en": "Supertall skyscrapers", "de": "superhohen Wolkenkratzer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the population of the state where The Palouse is located?", "de": "Wie groß ist die Bevölkerung des Bundesstaats, in dem sich die Palouse befindet?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "The Palouse", "de": "die Palouse"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "amending for the 312th time Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida organisations", "de": "zur 312. Änderung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 881/2002 des Rates über die Anwendung bestimmter spezifischer restriktiver Maßnahmen gegen bestimmte Personen und Organisationen, die mit den ISIL (Da’esh)- und Al-Qaida-Organisationen in Verbindung stehen"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "ISIL", "de": "ISIL"}, {"en": "persons", "de": "Personen"}, {"en": "entities", "de": "Organisationen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What country was part of the Axis Powers and the location of the Battle of Okinawa?", "de": "Welches Land gehörte zu den Achsenmächten und war Schauplatz der Schlacht von Okinawa?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Axis Powers", "de": "Achsenmächten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Yes, Pauline says, but Frannie is still suspicious.", "de": "Ja, sagt Pauline, aber Frannie ist immer noch misstrauisch."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Pauline", "de": "Pauline"}, {"en": "Frannie", "de": "Frannie"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 1912, the Indian National Congress held its 27th session at Bankipore, under the presidency of Rao Bahadur Raghunath Narasinha Mudholkar from the central provinces of Amravati and Berar.", "de": "1912 hielt der indische Nationalkongress in Bankipur seine 27. Tagung, unter dem Vorsitz von Rao Bahadur Raghunath Narasinha Mudholkar aus den Zentralprovinzen Amravati und Berar."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Indian National Congress", "de": "indische Nationalkongress"}, {"en": "Rao Bahadur Raghunath Narasinha Mudholkar", "de": "Rao Bahadur Raghunath Narasinha Mudholkar"}, {"en": "Amravati", "de": "Amravati"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When was the first movie of the Mission Impossible franchise released?", "de": "Wann wurde der erste Film der Mission Impossible Filmreihe veröffentlicht?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "movie", "de": "Film"}, {"en": "Mission Impossible franchise", "de": "Mission Impossible Filmreihe"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "``In 80 minutes around the world ''with Robert E. Sherwood, is an American pre-code - documentary film by director Douglas Fairbanks from 1931 and by Douglas Fairbanks and Victor Fleming written.", "de": "„In 80 Minuten um die Welt“ mit Robert E. Sherwood ist ein amerikanischer Pre-Code-Dokumentarfilm aus dem Jahre 1931 von Regisseur Douglas Fairbanks, geschrieben von Douglas Fairbanks und Victor Fleming."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Douglas Fairbanks", "de": "Douglas Fairbanks"}, {"en": "Victor Fleming", "de": "Victor Fleming"}, {"en": "documentary film", "de": "Dokumentarfilm"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Long was born in Israel, migrated as a young man to Australia and settled there in 1961.", "de": "Long wurde in Israel geboren, wanderte als junger Mann nach Australien aus und ließ sich dort 1961 nieder."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Long", "de": "Long"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which Chronicles of Narnia book is the shortest?", "de": "Welches Buch der Chroniken von Narnia ist das kürzeste?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Chronicles of Narnia", "de": "Chroniken von Narnia"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 1291, Mahaut married Otto IV, Count of Burgundy. She married the mother of three children, including two girls who became kings of France.", "de": "1291 heiratete Mahaut Otto IV., Graf von Burgund. Sie heiratete die Mutter von drei Kindern, darunter zwei Mädchen, die Könige von Frankreich wurden."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Mahaut", "de": "Mahaut"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who's won more head-to-head tennis matches between each other, Novak Djokovic or Roger Federer?", "de": "Hat Novak Djokovic oder Roger Federer mehr Duelle gegen den anderen gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Novak Djokovic", "de": "Novak Djokovic"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Adam Surat (``Inner Strength '') is a documentary film directed by Tareque Masud in 1989 about the Bangladeshi painter Sheikh Mohammed Sultan.", "de": "Adam Surat („Inner Strength“) ist ein Dokumentarfilm, der von Tareque Masud 1989 über den bangladeschischen Maler Sheikh Mohammed Sultan gedreht wurde."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Tareque Masud", "de": "Tareque Masud"}, {"en": "Adam Surat", "de": "Adam Surat"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "We identified five randomised controlled trials with a total of 1,726 patients comparing the combination of IRI and fluoropyrimidine with IRI alone.", "de": "Wir erfassten fünf willkürlich angelegte und kontrollierte Studien mit insgesamt 1726 Patienten, die die Kombination von IRI und Fluoropyrimidin mit alleinigem IRI vergleichen."}, "hints": [{"en": "IRI", "de": "IRI"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Consignments of bumble bees shall only be permitted to enter the Union if such consignments have been dispatched to the Union in closed containers, each containing a colony of a maximum of 200 adult bumble bees, with or without a queen.", "de": "Sendungen von Hummeln dürfen nur dann in die Union verbracht werden, wenn die Sendungen in geschlossenen Transportbehältern/Containern transportiert werden, wobei jeder einzelne Transportbehälter/Container ein Volk von höchstens 200 erwachsenen Hummeln, mit oder ohne Königin, enthält."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Union", "de": "Union"}, {"en": "Union", "de": "Union"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Components of elastic potential systems store mechanical energy if they are deformed to the system when applied to forces.", "de": "Komponenten elastischer potentieller Systeme speichern mechanische Energie, wenn sie bei Krafteinwirkung am System verformt werden."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "mechanical energy", "de": "mechanische Energie"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Secured lending and capital market-driven transactions with a residual maturity of no more than 30 days where the counterparty is not a central bank and where the transaction is collateralised by assets that, whether or not they are re-used in another transaction, would qualify in accordance with Articles 7 and 10 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/61 as liquid assets of the category referred to in point (f) of Article 10(1).", "de": "Besicherte Kreditvergaben und Kapitalmarkttransaktionen mit einer Restlaufzeit von höchstens 30 Tagen, wobei die Gegenpartei keine Zentralbank und das Geschäft durch Aktiva besichert ist, die unabhängig davon, ob sie bei einem anderen Geschäft wiederverwendet werden, nach den Artikel 7 und 10 der Delegierten Verordnung (EU) 2015/61 als liquide Aktiva der in Artikel 10 Absatz 1 Buchstabe f genannten Kategorie eingestuft würden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "liquid assets", "de": "liquide Aktiva"}, {"en": "central bank", "de": "Zentralbank"}, {"en": "Delegated Regulation", "de": "Delegierten Verordnung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Cancellopollia gracilis is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Buccinidae, the true whelks.", "de": "Cancellopollia gracilis ist eine Meeresschneckenart, ein meeresgastropodenartiges Weichtier aus der Familie der Buccinidae, der Echten Wellhornschnecken."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "marine gastropod mollusk", "de": "meeresgastropodenartiges"}, {"en": "family", "de": "Familie"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The hospital stay was longer in the drainage group than in the no drainage group (MD 2.04 days; 95% CI 1.46 to 2.62) (34.4% increase of an'average' hospital stay).", "de": "Die Krankenhausaufenthalt war in der Drainage-Gruppe länger als in der Gruppe ohne Drainage (MD 2,04 Tage; 95% KI 1,46 bis 2,62) (34,4% Anstieg des' durchschnittlichen 'Krankenhausaufenthalts)."}, "hints": [{"en": "hospital stay", "de": "Krankenhausaufenthalt"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The position of AVK relied on information-gathering through requests for information and questionnaires sent to licensed rail freight transport operators and to customers (enterprises purchasing such services, large manufacturers and logistics companies).", "de": "Die Stellungnahme der AVK gründet auf Daten, die mittels an zugelassene Schienengüterverkehrsunternehmen und Kunden (Unternehmen, die solche Leistungen erwerben, große Hersteller und Logistikunternehmen) versandten Auskunftsersuchen und Fragebögen erhoben wurden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "AVK", "de": "AVK"}, {"en": "rail freight transport operators", "de": "Schienengüterverkehrsunternehmen"}, {"en": "large manufacturers", "de": "große Hersteller"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "On July 29, 1791, Sarah married Lea Thomas Wright Hill (1765 -- 1842) at St. Martin's Church in Birmingham and had 8 children.", "de": "Sarah heiratete Lea Thomas Wright Hill (1765-1842) am 29. Juli 1791 in der St. Martin’s Church in Birmingham und bekam 8 Kinder."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Sarah", "de": "Sarah"}, {"en": "Lea Thomas Wright Hill", "de": "Lea Thomas Wright Hill"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "While the 33d Fighter Group was inactive, it was consolidated as 33d Tactical Fighter Group with the 33d Tactical Group.", "de": "Während die 33d Fighter Group inaktiv war, fusionierten die 33d Tactical Fighter Group und die 33d Tactical Group."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "33d Fighter Group", "de": "33d Fighter Group"}, {"en": "33d Tactical Fighter Group", "de": "33d Tactical Fighter Group"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The province of Badakhshan is one of 28 districts of the Ishkashim district in eastern Afghanistan.", "de": "Die Provinz Badakhshan ist eine der 28 Distrikte des Distrikts Ishkashim in Ost-Afghanistan."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Badakhshan", "de": "Badakhshan"}, {"en": "Ishkashim", "de": "Ishkashim"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What man was a dictator who was responsible for a genocide that killed millions of people and was the leader of an Axis Power during World War II?", "de": "Welcher Mann war der für den Völkermord verantwortliche Diktator, bei dem Millionen von Menschen ums Leben kamen und war auch der Anführer der Achsenmächte während des Zweiten Weltkriegs?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "genocide", "de": "Völkermord"}, {"en": "millions of people", "de": "Millionen von Menschen"}, {"en": "Axis Power", "de": "Achsenmächte"}, {"en": "dictator", "de": "Diktator"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which Portuguese explorer achieved the first European navigation from the Atlantic to Asia and was killed in the Battle of Mactan?", "de": "Welcher portugiesische Entdecker schaffte die erste europäische Schifffahrt vom Atlantik nach Asien und wurde in der Schlacht von Mactan getötet?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Asia", "de": "Asien"}, {"en": "Portuguese explorer", "de": "portugiesische Entdecker"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which continents aren't the smallest in size?", "de": "Welche Kontinente sind nicht die kleinsten?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "continents", "de": "Kontinente"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The time between check-ups can vary from 3 months to 2 years, depending on how healthy your teeth and gums are and your risk of future problems.", "de": "Die Zeit zwischen den Untersuchungen kann von drei Monaten bis zu zwei Jahren variieren, je nachdem wie gesund Ihre Zähne und das Zahnfleisch sind und wie hoch Ihr Risiko für zukünftige dentale Probleme ist."}, "hints": [{"en": "gums", "de": "Zahnfleisch"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which American Civil War battle lasted the longest?", "de": "Welche Schlacht im Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg dauerte am längsten?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "American Civil War battle", "de": "Schlacht Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "As a result, TS’s board requested additional capital from its owners given that there were no alternatives to obtain the necessary financing, and TS was facing a situation where they could not complete the renovation and expansion.", "de": "Daher hatte der Vorstand von TS seine Anteilseigner um zusätzliches Kapital ersucht, da ansonsten keine Möglichkeit bestand, die nötigen Finanzmittel zu erhalten; insoweit musste TS befürchten, dass die Modernisierung und Erweiterung nicht zum Abschluss gebracht werden konnten."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "TS", "de": "TS"}, {"en": "renovation", "de": "Modernisierung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Land Basie Land is a 1964 studio album of Billy Byers and his orchestra, composed and arranged by Count Basie.", "de": "Basie Land ist ein Studioalbum von Billy Byers und seinem Orchester aus dem Jahr 1964, komponiert und arrangiert wurde es von Count Basie."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Billy Byers", "de": "Billy Byers"}, {"en": "Land Basie Land", "de": "Basie Land"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Hunter syndrome or mucopolysaccharidosis II is a rare genetic disease that occurs when an enzyme that the body needs is either missing or malfunctioning.", "de": "Die Morbus Hunter, auch Mukopolysaccharidose II genannt, ist eine seltene genetische Krankheit, die auftritt, wenn ein Enzym, das der Körper braucht, entweder fehlt oder fehlerhaft ist."}, "hints": [{"en": "mucopolysaccharidosis", "de": "Mukopolysaccharidose"}, {"en": "enzyme", "de": "Enzym"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "For all porcine animals admitted to a semen collection centre, the following requirements shall apply:", "de": "Alle in eine Besamungsstation eingestallten Schweine müssen folgende Anforderungen erfüllen:"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "requirements", "de": "Anforderungen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the villain in the seventh Call of Duty?", "de": "Wer war der Bösewicht im siebten Call of Duty?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "villain", "de": "Bösewicht"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Thiazide diuretics have been known to reduce the level of potassium in your blood, which can interfere with your heart and kidney functions.", "de": "Es ist bekannt, dass Thiaziddiuretika die Höhe von Kalium in Ihrem Blut reduzieren, wodurch Ihr Herz und Nieren beeinträchtigt werden können."}, "hints": [{"en": "potassium", "de": "Kalium"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "point (e)(5) is replaced by the following:", "de": "Punkt (e)(5) erhält folgende Fassung:"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "point (e)(5)", "de": "Punkt ( e ) 5"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Moreover, Scandlines et al. refer to the case-law of the European Courts and the Commission decision-making practice, arguing that it is irrelevant whether Femern A/S can determine its own prices or is subject to state-regulated prices.", "de": "Darüber hinaus verweisen Scandlines et al. auf die Rechtsprechung der Gerichte der Europäischen Union und die Entscheidungspraxis der Kommission und argumentieren, es sei unerheblich, ob Femern A/S die eigenen Preise festlegen kann oder einer staatlichen Preisregelung unterliegt."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Scandlines", "de": "Scandlines"}, {"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}, {"en": "Femern A/S", "de": "Femern"}, {"en": "case-law", "de": "Rechtsprechung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who is taller, Tom Cruise or Dustin Hoffman?", "de": "Wer ist größer, Tom Cruise oder Dustin Hoffman?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Tom Cruise", "de": "Tom Cruise"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was senator from NJ and ex pro NBA player?", "de": "Wer war Senator von New Jersey und ein Ex-NBA-Profispieler?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "NJ", "de": "Jersey"}, {"en": "NBA", "de": "NBA"}, {"en": "senator", "de": "Senator"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the son of the French queen assassinated in 1793?", "de": "Wer war Sohn der Französischen Königin, die 1793 ermordet wurde?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "French queen", "de": "Französischen Königin"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "After Finch had returned to the main camp, Mitchell arrived with tragic news.", "de": "Nachdem Finch in das Hauptlager zurückgekehrt war, traf Mitchell mit schrecklichen Neuigkeiten ein."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Finch", "de": "Finch"}, {"en": "Mitchell", "de": "Mitchell"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The next town hall was built in the Baroque style in 1627 and was damaged in 1650, 1653, 1735 and 1779.", "de": "Das nächste Rathaus wurde 1627 im Barock-Stil erbaut und 1650, 1653, 1735 und 1779 beschädigt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "damaged", "de": "beschädigt"}, {"en": "town hall", "de": "Rathaus"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Suspected cases of stroke are diagnosed using CT scans or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to scan the brain.", "de": "Die vermuteten Fälle vom Schlaganfall werden mittels CT Scans oder mit einer Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) diagnostiziert, um Gehirn zu scannen."}, "hints": [{"en": "magnetic resonance imaging", "de": "Magnetresonanztomographie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "We reviewed the available evidence to determine whether some methods, such as manual lymph drainage (a massage therapy), compression, exercise or only education could help prevent lymphoedema.", "de": "Wir überprüften die verfügbaren Daten, um festzustellen, ob einige Methoden, wie manuelle Lymphdrainage (eine Massage-Therapie), Kompression, Übung oder nur Bildung zu einer Lymphödemverhinderung beitragen könnten."}, "hints": [{"en": "lymph drainage", "de": "Lymphdrainage"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This catabolic state can be treated with anabolic agents that reverse the protein breakdown.", "de": "Dieser katabolische Zustand kann mit Anabolika behandelt werden, die die Proteolyse umkehren."}, "hints": [{"en": "catabolic", "de": "katabolisch"}, {"en": "anabolic agents", "de": "Anabolika"}, {"en": "protein breakdown", "de": "Proteolyse"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who has written more books, J.K. Rowling or Stephenie Meyer?", "de": "Wer hat mehr Bücher geschrieben, JK Rowling oder Stephenie Meyer?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "J.K. Rowling", "de": "JK Rowling"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the shortest-serving Supreme Court Justice?", "de": "Wer war der Richter des Obersten Gerichtshofs mit der kürzesten Amtszeit?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Supreme Court", "de": "Obersten Gerichtshofs"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Sir Thomas Dutton (August 1, 1421 - September 23, 1459) was an English medieval knight who was the son of Sir John Dutton and Margaret Savage.", "de": "Sir Thomas Dutton (1. August 1421-23. September 1459) war ein englischer Ritter im Mittelalter und Sohn von Sir John Dutton und Margaret Savage."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Sir Thomas Dutton", "de": "Sir Thomas Dutton"}, {"en": "Sir John Dutton", "de": "Sir John Dutton"}, {"en": "English", "de": "englischer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Both daughters died before he did, in Tosca in 1976 and in Janear 1981.", "de": "Beide Töchter starben vor ihm, 1976 in Tosca und 1981 in Janear."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Janear", "de": "Janear"}, {"en": "Tosca", "de": "Tosca"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "She moved with her parents from Finland to Estonia at the age of 3 years and is currently living in Helsinki.", "de": "Sie zog mit ihren Eltern im Alter von 3 Jahren von Finnland nach Estland und lebt derzeit in Helsinki."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "parents", "de": "Eltern"}, {"en": "Finland", "de": "Finnland"}, {"en": "Estonia", "de": "Estland"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He lives in Maribor and Ljubljana, Slovenia and directs mostly in Slovenia and Croatia.", "de": "Er lebt in Maribor und Ljubljana, Slowenien, und arbeitet hauptsächlich in Slowenien und Kroatien."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "He", "de": "Er"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Oaklyn is located in the 6th Congressional District and is part of the 1st State Legislative District in New Jersey.", "de": "Oaklin liegt im 6. Kongressbezirk und ist Teil des 1. staatlichen legislativen Bezirks in New Jersey."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Oaklyn", "de": "Oaklin"}, {"en": "6th Congressional District", "de": "6. Kongressbezirk"}, {"en": "1st State Legislative District", "de": "1. staatlichen legislativen Bezirks"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Commission and the Member States shall cooperate in the implementation of the work programme.", "de": "Die Kommission und die Mitgliedstaaten arbeiten bei der Durchführung des Arbeitsprogramms zusammen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}, {"en": "Member States", "de": "Mitgliedstaaten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "GTN can also be used prior to doing an activity that you might be afraid will bring angina on.", "de": "GTN kann auch vor einer Aktivität angewendet werden, die Sie befürchten, weil sie Angina auslösen könnte."}, "hints": [{"en": "angina", "de": "Angina"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Has Drew Barrymore ever been in a movie with Adam Sandler?", "de": "War Drew Barrymore jemals mit Adam Sandler zusammen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Drew Barrymore", "de": "Drew Barrymore"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This is the formal style of serving and eating meals practiced in Zen temples.", "de": "Das ist die förmliche Art zum Servieren und Essen von Mahlzeiten, wie sie in Zen-Tempeln praktiziert wird."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "meals", "de": "Mahlzeiten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This deficit is problematic given that many stations of the CTBT’s International Monitoring System are, or will be, located on the territory of developing and emerging countries and are managed by the country’s institutions.", "de": "Dieses Defizit ist problematisch, da sich zahlreiche Stationen des Internationalen Überwachungssystems des CTBT im Hoheitsgebiet von Entwicklungs- bzw. Schwellenländern befinden oder befinden werden und von landeseigenen Institutionen verwaltet werden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "deficit", "de": "Defizit"}, {"en": "stations", "de": "Stationen"}, {"en": "territory", "de": "Hoheitsgebiet"}, {"en": "developing", "de": "Entwicklungs-"}, {"en": "managed", "de": "verwaltet"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the only single player game in the Fallout series that allows the player to build their own settlements?", "de": "Welches ist das einzige Einzelspielerspiel in der Fallout-Reihe, in dem der Spieler seine eigenen Siedlungen bauen kann?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Fallout series", "de": "Fallout Reihe"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which Democratic candidate did not win the general election in both 1952 and 1956?", "de": "Welcher demokratische Kandidat hat die allgemeine Wahl weder 1952 noch 1956 gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Democratic", "de": "demokratische"}, {"en": "general election", "de": "allgemeine Wahl"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the president of the US when the Korean War started?", "de": "Wer war Präsident der USA, als der Koreakrieg ausbrach?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Korean War", "de": "Koreakrieg"}, {"en": "US", "de": "USA"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Alpha blockers relax prostatic smooth muscle cells thereby decreasing the resistance to urinary flow and by doing so could improve urinary symptoms.", "de": "Alphablocker entspannen die glatten Muskelzellen der Prostata und verringern damit die Resistenz gegen Harnfluss und dadurch könnten sie die urinalen Symptome verbessern."}, "hints": [{"en": "muscle cells", "de": "Muskelzellen"}, {"en": "urinary", "de": "urinal"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Join your local gym or sports club this will give you access to specialised equipment, classes and training from qualified instructors.", "de": "Besuchen Sie Ihr örtliches Fitnessstudio oder Sportverein, diese ermöglichen Ihnen den Zugang zu einer spezialisierten Ausrüstung und Aufsicht von qualifizierten Fitness-Trainern."}, "hints": [{"en": "sports club", "de": "Sportverein"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Reordination is the original ordination of a cleric whose second ordination is questionable.", "de": "Reordination ist die ursprüngliche Ordination eines Klerikers, dessen zweite Ordination fragwürdig ist."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Reordination", "de": "Reordination"}, {"en": "ordination", "de": "Ordination"}, {"en": "cleric", "de": "Klerikers"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Member States should be able to set their national threshold for the exemption at the level that best suits their economic and political conditions, subject to the upper threshold provided for under this Directive.", "de": "Die Mitgliedstaaten sollten ihren nationalen Schwellenwert für die Steuerbefreiung — unter Einhaltung des in der vorliegenden Richtlinie festgelegten oberen Schwellenwerts — so festlegen können, wie es ihren wirtschaftlichen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen am besten entspricht."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "exemption", "de": "Steuerbefreiung"}, {"en": "economic", "de": "wirtschaftlichen"}, {"en": "upper threshold", "de": "oberen Schwellenwerts"}, {"en": "Member States", "de": "Mitgliedstaaten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Only randomised and quasi-randomised clinical trials of alpha blockers for trial without a urethral catheter following an episode of acute urinary retention in men were included.", "de": "Es wurden nur randomisierte und quasi-randomisierte klinische Studien der Alphablocker für die Studie ohne Harnröhrenkatheter nach einer akuten Harnretention bei Männern einbezogen."}, "hints": [{"en": "randomised", "de": "randomisiert"}, {"en": "urinary retention", "de": "Harnretention"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This updated review includes more recent studies and evaluates the effectiveness, dose-responsiveness, and safety of 5-ASA preparations used for maintenance of remission in quiescent ulcerative colitis.", "de": "Diese aktualisierte Überprüfung schließt aktuellere Studien ein und bewertet die Wirksamkeit, die Dosis-Reaktionsfähigkeit und die Sicherheit von 5-ASA-Präparaten zur Remissionserhaltung in der Ruhephase der Colitis ulcerosa."}, "hints": [{"en": "ASA", "de": "ASA"}, {"en": "colitis", "de": "Colitis"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "For example, you may only experience symptoms when climbing stairs or if you are under a lot of stress.", "de": "Zum Beispiel können Sie Symptome nur beim Treppensteigen empfinden, oder wenn Sie unter großem Stress sind."}, "hints": [{"en": "climbing stairs", "de": "Treppensteigen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Comments on the support for capital investment", "de": "Stellungnahmen zur Unterstützung für Kapitalinvestitionen"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "capital investment", "de": "Kapitalinvestitionen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When a surface has a constant Gaussian curvature of zero, it is a developable surface and the geometry of the surface is Euclidean geometry.", "de": "Wenn eine Oberfläche eine konstante Gaußsche Krümmung von Null hat, handelt es sich um eine entwickelbare Oberfläche, und die Geometrie der Oberfläche ist Euklidische Geometrie."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "developable surface", "de": "entwickelbare Oberfläche"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which wide receiver has the most touchdowns?", "de": "Welcher Wide Receiver hat die meisten Touchdowns?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "wide receiver", "de": "Wide Receiver"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Finally, when imiquimod use was compared with any other provider-administered treatment it was unclear whether there were differences in terms of complete regression.", "de": "Wenn Imiquimod Anwendung mit anderen vom Provider verabreichten Behandlungen verglichen wurde, es war unklar, ob es Unterschiede in Bezug auf die vollständige Regression gab."}, "hints": [{"en": "imiquimod", "de": "Imiquimod"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Council Regulation (EU) No 729/2014 of 24 June 2014 on denominations and technical specifications of euro coins intended for circulation (Recast) (OJ L 194, 2.7.2014, p. 1).", "de": "Verordnung (EU) Nr. 729/2014 des Rates vom 24. Juni 2014 über die Stückelungen und technischen Merkmale der für den Umlauf bestimmten Euro-Münzen (Neufassung) (ABl. L 194 vom 2.7.2014, S. 1)."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "denominations", "de": "Stückelungen"}, {"en": "technical specifications", "de": "technischen Merkmale"}, {"en": "circulation", "de": "Umlauf"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many states make up the midwest in the United States?", "de": "Wie viele Bundesländer der USA gehören zum mittleren Westen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "midwest", "de": "mittleren Westen"}, {"en": "states", "de": "Bundesländer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Four different alpha blockers were tested (alfuzosin, tamsulosin, doxazosin and silodosin).", "de": "Vier verschiedene Alphablocker wurden getestet (Alfuzosin, Tamsulosin, Doxazosin und Silodosin)."}, "hints": [{"en": "tamsulosin", "de": "Tamsulosin"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Two measurements are used to measure blood pressure:", "de": "Zwei Messungen werden zur Messung des Blutdrucks benutzt:"}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "An international independent group of experts examined the impact of the accident and concluded that no one was killed or poisoned as a result of the accident.", "de": "Eine internationale Gruppe unabhängiger Experten untersuchte die Auswirkung des Unfalls und zog den Schluss, dass in dessen Folge niemand getötet oder vergiftet wurde."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "international independent group of experts", "de": "internationale Gruppe unabhängiger Experten"}, {"en": "accident", "de": "Unfalls"}, {"en": "impact", "de": "Auswirkung"}, {"en": "killed", "de": "getötet"}, {"en": "poisoned", "de": "vergiftet"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Has Bruno Mars ever collaborated with Adele?", "de": "Hat Bruno Mars je mit Adele zusammengearbeitet?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Bruno Mars", "de": "Bruno Mars"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "We did not conduct meta-analysis as none of the included trials assessed identical chemotherapy regimens.", "de": "Wir haben keine Metaanalyse durchgeführt, denn keine der einbezogenen Studien gleiche Chemotherapie-Schemata bewertet haben."}, "hints": [{"en": "chemotherapy", "de": "Chemotherapie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Two glasses of white wine or two pints of lager (approximately four units):", "de": "Zwei Gläser Weißwein oder ein Liter Lagerbier (ungefähr vier Einheiten):"}, "hints": [{"en": "white wine", "de": "Weißwein"}, {"en": "lager", "de": "Lagerbier"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Loyang team defeated the Raffles Institution in the opening round and the Xinmin Secondary School in the quarter-finals before losing to the Hwa Chong Institution in the semi-finals.", "de": "Das Loyang-Team besiegte die Raffles Institution in der Vorrunde und die Xinmin Secondary School im Viertelfinale, bevor sie im Halbfinale gegen die Hwa Chong Institution verloren."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Raffles Institution", "de": "Raffles Institution"}, {"en": "Xinmin Secondary School", "de": "Xinmin Secondary School"}, {"en": "Hwa Chong Institution", "de": "Hwa Chong Institution"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The likely incidence of lymphoedema ranged from 5% to 27% (early start) compared to 4% to 20% (for delayed start) during the first 6 to 12 months after surgery.", "de": "Die wahrscheinliche Inzidenz von Lymphödem reichte von 5% bis zu 27% (früher Einsatz) im Vergleich zu 4% bis 20% (später Einsatz) während der ersten 6 bis 12 Monate nach der Operation."}, "hints": [{"en": "lymphoedema", "de": "Lymphödem"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What James Cameron movie was nominated for Best Director but did not win?", "de": "Welcher Film von James Cameron wurde für den Oscar als Bester Film nominiert, gewann ihn aber nicht?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "James Cameron", "de": "James Cameron"}, {"en": "Best Director", "de": "Bester Film"}, {"en": "movie", "de": "Film"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If you're unsteady on your feet and need to get up during the night, planning ahead will help you to move around safely.", "de": "Wenn Sie sich unsicher auf den Beinen fühlen und müssen während der Nacht aufstehen, sich das vorher einzuplanen wird Ihnen helfen sich sicher zu bewegen."}, "hints": [{"en": "unsteady", "de": "unsicher"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "We examined the evidence regarding the effect of herbal medicine on pain in people with non-specific low-back pain (LBP).", "de": "Wir haben die Beweise für die Wirkung von Phytotherapeutika auf Schmerzen bei Patienten mit nicht spezifizierten Kreuzschmerzen (LBP) untersucht."}, "hints": [{"en": "LBP", "de": "LBP"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "You will usually experience pain in your chest, back or abdomen (tummy).", "de": "Üblicherweise werden Sie Schmerzen in der Brust, in den Rücken oder im Bauch (Abdomen) fühlen."}, "hints": [{"en": "abdomen", "de": "Abdomen"}, {"en": "tummy", "de": "Bauch"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Commission qualified this tax scheme as a government revenue otherwise due being foregone or not collected in the sense of 3(1)(a)(ii) of the basic Regulation.", "de": "Die Kommission stufte diese Steuervergünstigungen als normalerweise zu entrichtende Abgaben, auf die die Regierung verzichtetet oder die die Regierung nicht erhebt, im Sinne des Artikels 3 Absatz 1 Buchstabe a Ziffer ii der Grundverordnung ein."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which war lasted longer, the Korean War or the Vietnam War?", "de": "Welche Krieg hat länger gedauert, der Koreakrieg oder der Vietnamkrieg?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Korean War", "de": "Koreakrieg"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Level 2 exercises - Exercise video - Falls | NHS inform", "de": "Übungen Stufe 2 - Video mit Übungen - Stürze NHS inform"}, "hints": [{"en": "NHS", "de": "NHS"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Criterion 6 – Information criteria", "de": "Kriterium 6 — Informationskriterien"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Information criteria", "de": "Informationskriterien"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In fact, the Commission is subject to binding deadlines to complete the investigation.", "de": "Die Kommission unterliegt bindenden Fristen für den Abschluss der Untersuchung."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}, {"en": "binding deadlines", "de": "bindenden Fristen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This trial also found that there were more side-effects in participants taking pregabalin compared to those taking placebo.", "de": "Diese Studie fand auch Aufschlüsse darüber, dass es mehr Nebenwirkungen bei den Teilnehmern gab, die Pregabalin bekamen, als bei denen, die ein Placebo bekamen."}, "hints": [{"en": "pregabalin", "de": "Pregabalin"}, {"en": "placebo", "de": "Placebo"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which gaming system has more games, Xbox or Playstation?", "de": "Für welche Gamingplatform gibt es mehr Spiele, Xbox oder Playstation?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "gaming system", "de": "Gamingplatform"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Repeated use of postcoital hormonal contraception is not currently recommended due to the higher risk of side effects and lower contraceptive effectiveness compared to other modern methods of contraception.", "de": "Wiederholte Anwendung der postkoitalen hormonellen Kontrazeption ist derzeit nicht empfohlen, da das Risiko von Nebenwirkungen höher und die kontrazeptive Wirksamkeit im Vergleich zu anderen modernen Methoden der Empfängnisverhütung niedriger ist."}, "hints": [{"en": "postcoital", "de": "postkoital"}, {"en": "side effects", "de": "Nebenwirkungen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The tournament was played by 42 clubs, divided into six pools of seven clubs.", "de": "An dem Turnier nahmen 42 Clubs teil, die in sechs Gruppen von jeweils sieben Clubs aufgeteilt wurden."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "tournament", "de": "Turnier"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who is the oldest Academy Award winning movie director?", "de": "Wer ist der älteste Regisseur, der einen Oscar gewonnen hat?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Academy Award", "de": "Oscar"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Although beta-blockers are not the preferred method of treatment for high blood pressure, they may be considered for younger people if:", "de": "Obwohl Betablocker nicht die bevorzugte Methode der Behandlung gegen hohen Blutdruck sind, können sie bei jüngeren Menschen in Betracht gezogen werden, wenn:"}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "From 8.4.2021 until 16.4.2021", "de": "8.4.2021 - 16.4.2021"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "8.4.2021 until 16.4.2021", "de": "8.4.2021 - 16.4.2021"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": ".3 so that neither the rescue boat nor its stowage arrangements will interfere with the operation of any survival craft at any other launching station;", "de": ".3 dass weder das Bereitschaftsboot noch seine Aufstellvorrichtungen die Bedienung eines Überlebensfahrzeugs an irgendeiner anderen Aussetzstation beeinträchtigen;"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "stowage arrangements", "de": "Aufstellvorrichtungen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Commission has published the application for the approval of the Union amendments to the product specification in the Official Journal of the European Union, as required by Article 97(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.", "de": "Die Kommission hat den Antrag auf Genehmigung von Unionsänderungen der Produktspezifikation gemäß Artikel 97 Absatz 3 der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1308/2013 im Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union veröffentlicht."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}, {"en": "Union", "de": "Unionsänderungen"}, {"en": "product specification", "de": "Produktspezifikation"}, {"en": "Article 97 (3)", "de": "Artikel 97 Absatz 3"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is a malignant disease of the lymphatic system of the body.", "de": "Beim Hodgkin-Lymphom (HL) handelt es sich um eine maligne Erkrankung des lymphatischen Systems des Körpers."}, "hints": [{"en": "lymphoma", "de": "Lymphom"}, {"en": "malignant", "de": "maligne"}, {"en": "lymphatic", "de": "lymphatisch"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Your diet should include no more than 6g (0.2oz or one teaspoon) of salt a day, as too much salt will increase your blood pressure.", "de": "Ihre Ernährung sollte nicht mehr als 6 g (0,2 oz oder 1 Teelöffel) Salz pro Tag enthalten, weil zu viel Salz Ihren Blutdruck erhöhen wird."}, "hints": [{"en": "teaspoon", "de": "Teelöffel"}, {"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Surveillance zone as referred to in Article 1:", "de": "Überwachungszone gemäß Artikel 1:"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Surveillance zone", "de": "Überwachungszone"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In defining and implementing its policies and activities, the Union is to take into account requirements linked to the promotion of a high level of employment, the guarantee of adequate social protection, the fight against poverty and social exclusion, a high level of education and training and protection of human health as laid down in Article 9 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).", "de": "Bei der Festlegung und Durchführung ihrer Politik und ihrer Maßnahmen hat die Union gemäß Artikel 9 des Vertrags über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union (AEUV) den Erfordernissen im Zusammenhang mit der Förderung eines hohen Beschäftigungsniveaus, mit der Gewährleistung eines angemessenen sozialen Schutzes, mit der Bekämpfung von Armut und sozialer Ausgrenzung sowie mit einem hohen Niveau der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung und des Gesundheitsschutzes Rechnung zu tragen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "poverty", "de": "Armut"}, {"en": "education", "de": "Bildung"}, {"en": "human health", "de": "Gesundheitsschutzes"}, {"en": "Union", "de": "Union"}, {"en": "Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union", "de": "Vertrags über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When did the author who wrote Grapes of Wrath die?", "de": "Wann ist der Autor von \"Früchte des Zorns\" gestorben?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "author", "de": "Autor"}, {"en": "Grapes of Wrath", "de": "Früchte des Zorns"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Statistical value", "de": "Statistischer Wert"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Statistical value", "de": "Statistischer Wert"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "``2 ''Benjamin Hough was married on August 29, 1806 by Stephen Ford, Justice of Peace, in Jefferson County with Elizabeth Core.", "de": "„2“ Benjamin Hough wurde am 29. August 1806 von Stephen Ford verheiratet, einem Friedensrichter, in Jefferson County mit Elizabeth Core."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Jefferson County", "de": "Jefferson County"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "As part of the snow plan, the aerodrome operator shall:", "de": "Im Rahmen des Schneeplans muss der Flugplatzbetreiber"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "aerodrome operator", "de": "Flugplatzbetreiber"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 1953 Raymond Gadabu died after a long illness, and was succeeded as Head Chief by Timothy Detudamo.", "de": "Raymond Gadabu starb 1953 nach langer Krankheit und Timothy Detudamo trat seine Nachfolge als Head Chief an."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Raymond Gadabu", "de": "Raymond Gadabu"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many Despicable Me movies are there?", "de": "Wie viele Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich-Filme gibt es?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Despicable Me movies", "de": "Ich unverbesserlich Filme"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Lovey and Dude Romeo of Green Bay Wisconsin have appeared extensively online and in YouTube videos Puli PrayingOriginally from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.", "de": "Lovey und Dude Romeo von Green Bay Wisconsin sind ausführlich online und in den YouTube-Videos Puli PrayingOriginally aus Pittsburgh Pennsylvania in Erscheinung getreten."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Lovey", "de": "Lovey"}, {"en": "Dude Romeo", "de": "Dude Romeo"}, {"en": "YouTube", "de": "YouTube"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the English king who signed a treaty making him heir to the French throne but never became king of France?", "de": "Welcher König von England hat einen Vertrag unterzeichnet, der ihn zum Erben des französischen Throns macht, wobei er aber nie König von Frankreich wurde?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "English", "de": "England"}, {"en": "French", "de": "französischen"}, {"en": "king", "de": "König"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "NCAs shall ensure that the reference data recorded in RIAD pursuant to Article 3(1) and (2) is complete, accurate and up-to-date at the latest one working day preceding the remittance dates specified in Article 3 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014.", "de": "Die NCAs stellen sicher, dass die Referenzdaten, die gemäß Artikel 3 Absatz 1 und 2 in RIAD erfasst werden, spätestens einen Arbeitstag vor den in Artikel 3 der Durchführungsverordnung (EU) Nr. 680/2014 der Kommission festgelegten Einreichungsterminen vollständig, genau und aktuell sind."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "NCAs", "de": "NCAs"}, {"en": "RIAD", "de": "RIAD"}, {"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Ahmet Delia was early active during the Albanian war of resistance against the invading Serb army in 1912.", "de": "Ahmet Delia war 1912 frühzeitig im albanischen Widerstandskrieg gegen die einfallende serbische Armee aktiv."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Ahmet Delia", "de": "Ahmet Delia"}, {"en": "Albanian war of resistance", "de": "albanischen Widerstandskrieg"}, {"en": "Serb", "de": "serbische"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Shook was an electronic music magazine produced underground in London that covered various forms of British music and black music.", "de": "Shook war ein in London produziertes Underground-Magazin für Elektromusik das über verschiedene Formen britischer Musik und Black Music berichtete."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "British music", "de": "britischer Musik"}, {"en": "Shook", "de": "Shook"}, {"en": "London", "de": "London"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "OJ L 123, 12.5.2016, p. 1.", "de": "ABl. L 123 vom 12.5.2016, S. 1."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "OJ L", "de": "ABl L"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What happens in atrial fibrillation?", "de": "Was passiert bei Vorhofflimmern?"}, "hints": [{"en": "atrial fibrillation", "de": "Vorhofflimmern"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "For example, ACE inhibitors are more effective as a first-choice medication for treating high blood pressure in white people, whereas calcium channel blockers, or thiazide diuretics, tend to work better for black people.", "de": "ACE-Hemmer sind beispielsweise wirksamer als Medikament der ersten Wahl gegen Bluthochdruck bei weißen Menschen, während Calciumkanalblocker oder Thiaziddiuretika neigen dazu, bei schwarzen Menschen besser zu wirken."}, "hints": [{"en": "inhibitors", "de": "Hemmer"}, {"en": "high blood pressure", "de": "Bluthochdruck"}, {"en": "calcium channel blockers", "de": "Calciumkanalblocker"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Commission has to evaluate whether the level of protection stemming from the cadmium limit value set in the Hungarian legislation is effective in protecting the health and life of humans on the one hand, and the environment on the other.", "de": "Die Kommission muss beurteilen, ob das Schutzniveau, das sich aus dem in den ungarischen Rechtsvorschriften festgelegten Cadmiumgrenzwert ergibt, im Hinblick auf den Schutz der Gesundheit und des Lebens von Menschen einerseits und der Umwelt andererseits wirksam ist."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}, {"en": "health", "de": "Gesundheit"}, {"en": "life", "de": "Lebens"}, {"en": "environment", "de": "Umwelt"}, {"en": "Hungarian", "de": "ungarischen"}, {"en": "legislation", "de": "Rechtsvorschriften"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Regulation (EU) 2015/755 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2015 on common rules for imports from certain third countries (OJ L 123, 19.5.2015, p. 33).", "de": "Verordnung (EU) 2015/755 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 29. April 2015 über eine gemeinsame Regelung der Einfuhren aus bestimmten Drittländern (ABl. L 123 vom 19.5.2015, S. 33)."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "European Parliament", "de": "Europäischen Parlaments"}, {"en": "Regulation (EU) 2015/755", "de": "Verordnung (EU) 2015/755"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If you have a high carbon monoxide reading or have stopped smoking in the previous 2 weeks, you'll be referred to your local NHS Stop Smoking Service.", "de": "Wenn Sie einen hohen Kohlenmonoxid-Messwert haben oder das Rauchen in den letzten zwei Wochen aufgegeben haben, werden Sie an Ihren örtlichen medizinischen Dienst für Rauchentwöhnung (in Schottland \"NHS Stop Smoking Service\") überwiesen."}, "hints": [{"en": "carbon monoxide", "de": "Kohlenmonoxid"}, {"en": "NHS", "de": "NHS"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who is the current vice president and the only female to hold the office?", "de": "Wer ist die derzeitige Vizepräsidentin und die einzige Frau in diesem Amt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "current vice president", "de": "derzeitige Vizepräsidentin"}, {"en": "female", "de": "Frau"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He was trained by Dale Romans and ridden in his most important races by jockey John Velazquez.", "de": "Er wurde von Dale Romans trainiert und in seinen wichtigsten Rennen von Jockey John Velazquez geritten."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Dale Romans", "de": "Dale Romans"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Many still face a short survival time during which they may suffer physical and psychological problems associated with the cancer and with side effects of treatment.", "de": "Viele Patienten können immer noch angesichts einer kurzen Überlebenszeit unter physischen und psychischen Problemen leiden, im Zusammenhang mit Krebs und Nebenwirkungen der Behandlung."}, "hints": [{"en": "survival time", "de": "Überlebenszeit"}, {"en": "side effects", "de": "Nebenwirkungen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many Pan American Games has Michael Jordan won gold medal in?", "de": "Bei wie vielen Panamerikanischen Spielen hat Michael Jordan eine Goldmedaille gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Pan American Games", "de": "Panamerikanischen Spielen"}, {"en": "Michael Jordan", "de": "Michael Jordan"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Where the Joint Committee is called upon to adopt modifications to the Protocol in accordance with Article 5, Article 6(3) and Article 7(1) and (2) of the Protocol, the Commission shall be authorised to approve the proposed modifications on behalf of the Union, under the following conditions:", "de": "Wenn der Gemischte Ausschuss Änderungen des Protokolls gemäß Artikel 5, Artikel 6 Absatz 3 und Artikel 7 Absätze 1 und 2 des Protokolls zu erlassen hat, ist die Kommission berechtigt, die vorgeschlagenen Änderungen unter den folgenden Bedingungen im Namen der Union zu genehmigen:"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Joint Committee", "de": "Ausschuss"}, {"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}, {"en": "Article 6 (3)", "de": "Artikel 6 Absatz 3"}, {"en": "Article 7 (1)", "de": "Artikel 7 Absätze 1"}, {"en": "modifications", "de": "Änderungen"}, {"en": "Protocol", "de": "Protokolls"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The following are hereby appointed as alternate members of the Committee of the Regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 January 2025:", "de": "Folgende Personen werden zu stellvertretenden Mitgliedern des Ausschusses der Regionen für die verbleibende Amtszeit, d. h. bis zum 25. Januar 2025, ernannt:"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Committee of the Regions", "de": "Ausschusses der Regionen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Understanding your healthy weight: BMI and WHR", "de": "Wie Sie Ihr gesundes Gewicht messen können: BMI und THV (Taille-Hüft-Verhältnis)"}, "hints": [{"en": "BMI", "de": "BMI"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In addition, this solution was also beneficial for Tirrenia (and therefore for its owner Italy) as the latter would not have to pay severance costs for the staff that was rehired by CIN.", "de": "Darüber hinaus war diese Lösung auch für Tirrenia (und damit für den Eigentümer Italien) von Vorteil, da das Unternehmen keine Abfindungskosten für das von CIN wieder eingestellte Personal zahlen musste."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Tirrenia", "de": "Tirrenia"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This made him the first 994nd grader to play for the roosters.", "de": "Dies machte ihn zum ersten 994er, der für die Rooster spielte."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "994nd grader", "de": "994er"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "We also searched online trials registries for ongoing trials.", "de": "Wir haben auch Online-Register für die laufenden klinischen Studien untersucht."}, "hints": [{"en": "registries", "de": "Register"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "We searched CENTRAL 2013, Issue 2, MEDLINE (January 1950 to March week 1, 2013), EMBASE (1974 to March 2013) and the Science Citation Index (2001 to March 2013).", "de": "Wir untersuchten CENTRAL 2013, Ausgabe 2, MEDLINE (Januar 1950 bis März, 1. Woche, 2013), EMBASE (1974 bis März 2013) und Science Citation Index (2001 bis März 2013)."}, "hints": [{"en": "Issue", "de": "Ausgabe"}, {"en": "MEDLINE", "de": "MEDLINE"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "AT, BG, CY, CZ, DK, EE, ES, EL, FI, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LV, MT, PL, RO, SI, SK: Limitations on acquisition of land and real estate by foreign investors.", "de": "AT, BG, CY, CZ, DK, EE, ES, EL, FI, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LV, MT, PL, RO, SI, SK: Beschränkungen für den Erwerb von Grundstücken und Immobilien durch ausländische Investoren."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "land", "de": "Grundstücken"}, {"en": "real estate", "de": "Immobilien"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors work by blocking the actions of some of the hormones that help to regulate blood pressure.", "de": "Angiotensinkonversionsenzym-Hemmer (ACE-Hemmer) arbeiten durch Blockade der Wirkungen von einigen Hormonen zur Regulierung des Blutdrucks."}, "hints": [{"en": "inhibitors", "de": "Hemmer"}, {"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Common side effects associated with 5-ASA included flatulence, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, headache, dyspepsia (indigestion), and nasopharyngitis (inflammation of the nasal passages).", "de": "Zu häufigen Nebenwirkungen im Zusammenhang mit 5-ASA gehörten Blähungen, Bauchschmerzen, Übelkeit, Durchfall, Kopfschmerzen, Dyspepsie (Verdauungsstörungen) und Nasopharyngitis (Entzündung der Nasengänge)."}, "hints": [{"en": "abdominal pain", "de": "Bauchschmerz"}, {"en": "nausea", "de": "Übelkeit"}, {"en": "diarrhea", "de": "Durchfall"}, {"en": "dyspepsia", "de": "Dyspepsie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Wright moved to New York from Chapel Hill, NC.", "de": "Wright zog von Chapel Hill, NC nach New York."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Wright", "de": "Wright"}, {"en": "New York", "de": "New York"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which book has sold the most in the world?", "de": "Von welchem Buch wurden weltweit die meisten Exemplare verkauft?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "book", "de": "Buch"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "According to the United States Census Bureau, Southport is a total area of, which has land and, or 0.91%, is water.", "de": "Gemäß dem statistischen Bundesamt der USA hat Southport eine Gesamtfläche von , wovon Land und , oder 0,91 % Wasser sind."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Southport", "de": "Southport"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "You should check, and care for, your feet regularly including cutting and filing your toenails if needed.", "de": "Sie sollten Ihre Füße regelmäßig kontrollieren und pflegen, einschließlich Schneiden und Feilen Ihrer Zehennägel, falls erforderlich."}, "hints": [{"en": "toenails", "de": "Zehennägel"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Mark Machin was CEO of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, which was replaced in June 2016 by Mark Wiseman.", "de": "Mark Machin war CEO des Canada Pension Plan Investment Board und wurde im Juni 2016 durch Mark Wiseman ersetzt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Mark Machin", "de": "Mark Machin"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This means that if you have one risk factor you'll probably also have others.", "de": "Dies bedeutet, wenn Sie einen Risikofaktor haben, werden Sie wahrscheinlich auch andere Risikofaktoren haben."}, "hints": [{"en": "risk factor", "de": "Risikofaktor"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which school did the winner of the 1947 Heisman trophy attend?", "de": "Welche Schule besuchte der Gewinner der Heisman-Trophäe 1947?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "winner", "de": "Gewinner"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which German city held trials for World War II war crimes?", "de": "In welcher deutschen Stadt fanden Prozesse wegen Kriegsverbrechen im Zweiten Weltkrieg statt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "World War II", "de": "Zweiten Weltkrieg"}, {"en": "German city", "de": "deutschen Stadt"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "cardioversion (a controlled electrical shock to reset the heart rhythm)", "de": "Kardioversion (ein kontrollierter Elektroschock, der den Herzrhythmus zurücksetzt)"}, "hints": [{"en": "electrical shock", "de": "Elektroschock"}, {"en": "heart rhythm", "de": "Herzrhythmus"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "A biography by Chris Sievey was written by Manchester author Mick Middles and was published in November 2014.", "de": "Eine Biographie von Chris Sievey wurde von Autor Mick Middles aus Manchester geschrieben und im November 2014 veröffentlicht."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Chris Sievey", "de": "Chris Sievey"}, {"en": "Mick Middles", "de": "Mick Middles"}, {"en": "Manchester", "de": "Manchester"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "For this variable the number of employees and self-employed persons is that of the year of the enterprise birth as defined under A7.", "de": "Für diese Variable entspricht die Zahl der Lohn- und Gehaltsempfänger und Selbstständigen der Zahl im Jahr der unter A7 definierten Unternehmensgründung."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "variable", "de": "Variable"}, {"en": "employees", "de": "Gehaltsempfänger"}, {"en": "year", "de": "Jahr"}, {"en": "enterprise birth", "de": "Unternehmensgründung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "the data collected and assessed by the Member State concerned on which the TACs adopted are based;", "de": "die vom betroffenen Mitgliedstaat gesammelten und ausgewerteten Daten, auf die sich die beschlossenen TACs stützen;"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Member State", "de": "Mitgliedstaat"}, {"en": "TACs", "de": "TACs"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who is the all-time leader in rebounds in the NBA?", "de": "Wer ist der Allzeit-Führende bei den Rebounds in der NBA?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "rebounds", "de": "Rebounds"}, {"en": "all-time leader", "de": "Allzeit"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This assessment has to be done by reference to the provisions regulating the aid, its modalities and its limits.", "de": "Maßstab für diese Bewertung sind die Bestimmungen, in denen die Beihilfe geregelt wird, sowie die dort vorgesehenen Modalitäten und Beschränkungen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "modalities", "de": "Modalitäten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He has played professionally in Greece, Russia, Italy, France, Puerto Rico, Portugal, and Indonesia, winning national championships in Indonesia and Greece.", "de": "Er spielte professionell in Griechenland, Russland, Italien, Frankreich, Puerto Rico, Portugal und Indonesien. Außerdem gewann er in Indonesien und Griechenland die nationalen Meisterschaften."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Indonesia", "de": "Indonesien"}, {"en": "national championships", "de": "nationalen Meisterschaften"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "On 13 November 2016, David Machado murdered Dennis Wallace in Fox Grove Park near the city of Hughson.", "de": "Am 13. November 2016 ermordete David Machado Dennis Wallace im Fox Grove Park nahe der Stadt Hughson."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "David Machado", "de": "David Machado"}, {"en": "Dennis Wallace", "de": "Dennis Wallace"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which album by Kanye West came out in 2019?", "de": "Welches Album von Kanye West ist 2019 herausgekommen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Kanye West", "de": "Kanye West"}, {"en": "album", "de": "Album"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 1977, Rob Taylor traveled to Scotland and Norway with Barber to climb waterfalls.", "de": "1977 reiste Rob Taylor mit Barber nach Schottland und Norwegen, um Wasserfälle zu erklimmen."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Rob Taylor", "de": "Rob Taylor"}, {"en": "Barber", "de": "Barber"}, {"en": "Scotland", "de": "Schottland"}, {"en": "Norway", "de": "Norwegen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Level 1 exercises - Exercise video - Falls | NHS inform", "de": "Übungen Stufe 1 - Video mit Übungen - Stürze NHS inform"}, "hints": [{"en": "NHS", "de": "NHS"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Those rules should connect in a clearer manner the customs authorities’ deadlines for entering the amount of import or export duty in the accounts in accordance with Article 105(1) of the Code and the time limits for the declarants to lodge the different types of supplementary declaration.", "de": "Durch diese Vorschriften sollten die für die Zollbehörden geltenden Fristen für die buchmäßige Erfassung des Einfuhr- oder Ausfuhrabgabenbetrags gemäß Artikel 105 Absatz 1 des Zollkodex und die für die Anmelder geltenden Fristen für die Abgabe der verschiedenen Arten ergänzender Zollanmeldungen eindeutiger miteinander verknüpft werden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "declarants", "de": "Anmelder"}, {"en": "Article 105 (1)", "de": "Artikel 105 Absatz 1"}, {"en": "Code", "de": "Zollkodex"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What age was Billy Holiday when she was discovered?", "de": "In welchem Alter wurde Billie Holliday entdeckt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Billy Holiday", "de": "Billie Holliday"}, {"en": "age", "de": "Alter"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He was born in Frederiksberg and has died in Copenhagen.", "de": "Er wurde in Frederiksberg geboren und ist in Kopenhagen gestorben."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Frederiksberg", "de": "Frederiksberg"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If you are pregnant the dentist should only perform an x-ray in an emergency situation.", "de": "Wenn Sie schwanger sind, sollte der Zahnarzt nur in einer Notsituation eine Röntgenaufnahme durchführen."}, "hints": [{"en": "emergency situation", "de": "Notsituation"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Beta-blockers, work by slowing down your heart rate and the force of your heart.", "de": "Betablocker wirken durch eine Verlangsamung der Herzfrequenz und der Kraft Ihres Herzens."}, "hints": [{"en": "heart rate", "de": "Herzfrequenz"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 80 minutes around the world with Douglas Fairbanks is an American pre-code documentary from 1931 directed by Douglas Fairbanks and Victor Fleming and by Robert E. Sherwood.", "de": "„In 80 Minuten um die Welt“ mit Douglas Fairbanks ist ein amerikanischer Pre-Code-Dokumentarfilm von Douglas Fairbanks, Victor Fleming und Robert E. Sherwood aus dem Jahre 1931."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Douglas Fairbanks", "de": "Douglas Fairbanks"}, {"en": "Victor Fleming", "de": "Victor Fleming"}, {"en": "pre-code", "de": "Pre-Code"}, {"en": "documentary", "de": "Dokumentarfilm"}, {"en": "American", "de": "amerikanischer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many children does the star of Forrest Gump have?", "de": "Wie viele Kinder hat der Hauptdarsteller aus „Forest Gump“?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Forrest Gump", "de": "Forest Gump"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which female artist has won the most Grammy Awards?", "de": "Welche Künstlerin hat die meisten Grammy Awards gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "female artist", "de": "Künstlerin"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In August 2017, Aluri Chakrapani also joined the team to play the role of producer Prakash Raj as well.", "de": "Im August 2017 wurde das Team durch Aluri Chakrapani erweitert, der die Rolle des Produzenten Prakash Raj spielt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Aluri Chakrapani", "de": "Aluri Chakrapani"}, {"en": "Prakash Raj", "de": "Prakash Raj"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "OJ L 268, 18.10.2003, p. 29.", "de": "ABl. L 268 vom 18.10.2003, S. 29."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "OJ L", "de": "ABl L"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Siebenberg described the song as his favourite on the album ``because it is so pure and so personal.", "de": "Siebenberg nannte ihn seinen Lieblingssong auf dem Album „denn er ist so rein und so persönlich.”"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Siebenberg", "de": "Siebenberg"}, {"en": "album", "de": "Album"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "According to Robert Prior, Robert Goldsmith was the grandfather of the poet, playwright, and writer, Oliver Goldsmith, the first of the family to settle with Ballyoughter.", "de": "Laut Robert Prior war Robert Goldsmith der Großvater des Poeten, Bühnenautors und Schriftstellers Oliver Goldsmith, der sich als erstes Familienmitglied in Ballyoughter niederließ."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Robert Goldsmith", "de": "Robert Goldsmith"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 2018 Pope Francis was appointed as the new Bishop of Ossory by Farrell.", "de": "2018 wurde Papst Franziskus von Farrell zum neuen Bischof von Ossory ernannt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Pope Francis", "de": "Papst Franziskus"}, {"en": "Ossory", "de": "Ossory"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "the reimbursement of the additional costs incurred by officials in consequence of their secondment outside the institution.", "de": "die Erstattung der zusätzlichen Kosten, die Beamten infolge ihrer Abordnung außerhalb des Organs entstehen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "reimbursement", "de": "Erstattung"}, {"en": "costs", "de": "Kosten"}, {"en": "secondment", "de": "Abordnung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The President of the ECB", "de": "Die Präsidentin der EZB"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "ECB", "de": "EZB"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Champix also helps to relieve other withdrawal symptoms which can be experienced when stopping smoking.", "de": "Champix hilft auch dabei, andere Entzugserscheinungen zu lindern, die bei der Rauchentwöhnung auftreten können."}, "hints": [{"en": "withdrawal symptoms", "de": "Entzugserscheinungen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "A tendency to develop high blood pressure also often runs in families.", "de": "Eine Tendenz zur Entwicklung eines hohen Blutdrucks liegt ebenfalls häufig in der Familie."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Martin Damm and Radek Štěpánek won in the final 6 -- 2, 6 -- 4, against Jonas Björkman and Fabrice Santoro.", "de": "Martin Damm und Radek Štěpánek gewannen das Finale mit 6:2, 6:4 gegen Jonas Björkman und Fabrice Santoro ."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Martin Damm", "de": "Martin Damm"}, {"en": "Radek Štěpánek", "de": "Radek Štěpánek"}, {"en": "Jonas Björkman", "de": "Jonas Björkman"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was formerly a WWE superstar and now a mayor?", "de": "Wer war früher ein WWE-Superstar und ist nun ein Bürgermeister?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "WWE", "de": "WWE"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Coronary angioplasties are also often used as an emergency treatment after a heart attack.", "de": "Koronarangioplastien werden ebenfalls als eine Notfallbehandlung nach einem Herzinfarkt häufig angewendet."}, "hints": [{"en": "emergency treatment", "de": "Notfallbehandlung"}, {"en": "heart attack", "de": "Herzinfarkt"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "refer yourself to a registered nutritionist - a comprehensive list of nutritionists is available through the Association of Nutrition", "de": "Vereinbaren Sie selbst einen Termin mit einem eingetragenen Ernährungswissenschaftler - eine umfassende Liste der Ernährungswissenschaftler bietet Ihnen die \"Association of Nutrition\" oder die \"Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung\"."}, "hints": [{"en": "nutritionist", "de": "Ernährungswissenschaftler"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the smallest state by area in the United States and is home to Jerimoth Hill?", "de": "Welches ist der flächenmäßig kleinste Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten und die Heimat von Jerimoth Hill?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "United States", "de": "Vereinigten Staaten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Article 6", "de": "Artikel 6"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Article 6", "de": "Artikel"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who has won more Grammy Awards than any other rapper?", "de": "Wer hat mehr Grammy Awards gewonnen als jeder andere Rapper?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Grammy Awards", "de": "Grammy Awards"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He was married to Elisabeth Young (1854 -- 1932) and was the father of the ship's magnate Thomas Fearnley and landowner N. O. Young Fearnley.", "de": "Er war mit Elisabeth Young (1854 - 1932) verheiratet und Vater des Schiffsmagnaten Thomas Fearnley und des Landbesitzers N. O. Young Fearlney."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Elisabeth Young", "de": "Elisabeth Young"}, {"en": "Thomas Fearnley", "de": "Thomas Fearnley"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Did the Greek army led by King Agamemnon conquer the city of Troy?", "de": "Hat die griechische Armee unter der Führung von König Agamemnon die Stadt Troja erobert?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "King Agamemnon", "de": "König Agamemnon"}, {"en": "Greek army", "de": "griechische Armee"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011 should therefore be amended accordingly.", "de": "Die Durchführungsverordnung (EU) Nr. 540/2011 sollte daher entsprechend geändert werden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011", "de": "Durchführungsverordnung (EU) Nr. 540/2011"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the first king of the first dynasty of Babylon?", "de": "Wer war der erste König der ersten babylonischen Dynastie?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "first king", "de": "erste König"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "contributing to minimise the differences in the regulatory systems, standards and certification processes of the Parties;", "de": "Beitrag zur Minimierung der Unterschiede zwischen den Regulierungssystemen, Normen und Zertifizierungsverfahren der Parteien;"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "standards", "de": "Normen"}, {"en": "certification processes", "de": "Zertifizierungsverfahren"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In the first film, Count Dracula had to break up a fight between them and Murray, Wayne and Frank over the entertainment dispute.", "de": "Im ersten Film musste Graf Dracula einen Streit über Entertainment zwischen ihnen und Murray, Wayne und Frank beenden."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Count Dracula", "de": "Graf Dracula"}, {"en": "Wayne", "de": "Wayne"}, {"en": "Frank", "de": "Frank"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Currently they tend to be reserved for patients who are intolerant of warfarin or are unable to obtain steady levels of blood thinning with warfarin.", "de": "Sie sind in der Regel derzeit nur für Patienten reserviert, die Warfarin nicht vertragen oder nicht in der Lage sind gleichmäßige Ebenen der Blutverdünnung mit Warfarin zu erreichen."}, "hints": [{"en": "warfarin", "de": "Warfarin"}, {"en": "blood thinning", "de": "Blutverdünnung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the leader of the country that invaded Ethiopia in October 1935?", "de": "Wer war der Anführer des Landes, das im Oktober 1935 in Äthiopien einmarschiert ist?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "leader", "de": "Anführer"}, {"en": "invaded", "de": "einmarschiert"}, {"en": "country", "de": "Landes"}, {"en": "Ethiopia", "de": "Äthiopien"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "UN Regulation No 134 on uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles and their components with regard to the safety-related performance of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles (HFCV) (‘UN Regulation No 134’) currently also applies in the Union in respect of type-approval of hydrogen systems in motor vehicles.", "de": "Die UN-Regelung Nr. 134 über einheitliche Bestimmungen für die Genehmigung von Kraftfahrzeugen und Kraftfahrzeugbauteilen hinsichtlich der sicherheitsrelevanten Eigenschaften von mit Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen betriebenen Fahrzeugen(im folgenden „UN-Regelung Nr. 134“) gilt derzeit auch in der Union hinsichtlich der Typgenehmigung von Wasserstoffsystemen in Kraftfahrzeugen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Union", "de": "Union"}, {"en": "type-approval", "de": "Typgenehmigung"}, {"en": "hydrogen systems", "de": "Wasserstoffsystemen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Regulation (EU) 2018/1092 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 establishing the European Defence Industrial Development Programme aiming at supporting the competitiveness and innovation capacity of the Union's defence industry (OJ L 200, 7.8.2018, p. 30).", "de": "Verordnung (EU) 2018/1092 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 18. Juli 2018 zur Einrichtung des Europäischen Programms zur industriellen Entwicklung im Verteidigungsbereich zwecks Förderung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und der Innovation in der Verteidigungsindustrie der EU (ABl. L 200 vom 7.8.2018, S. 30)."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "European Parliament", "de": "Europäischen Parlaments"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Elizabeth Elizabeth Prudden, immigrated from England in 1653 to Milford, Connecticut, married Roger Pritchard", "de": "Elizabeth Prudden wanderte von 1653 aus England nach Milford, Connecticut, ein und heiratete Roger Pritchard"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Roger Pritchard", "de": "Roger Pritchard"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This is demonstrated in particular by the decision of the investigating judge of 7 March 2018 granting permission for a special investigation in absentia.", "de": "Ein Beleg hierfür ist insbesondere die Entscheidung des Untersuchungsrichters vom 7. März 2018, mit der die Genehmigung für eine Sonderermittlung in Abwesenheit erteilt wird."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "investigating judge", "de": "Untersuchungsrichters"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who created the Perry Mason mystery stories?", "de": "Wer schrieb die Perry-Mason-Krimis?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Perry Mason", "de": "Perry Mason"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How old was the first emperor of Rome when he died?", "de": "Wie alt war der erste Kaiser von Rom bei seinem Tod?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "first emperor of Rome", "de": "erste Kaiser von Rom"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "To compare the effectiveness and safety of vitrification and slow freezing as oocyte cryopreservation techniques for fertility outcomes in women undergoing assisted reproduction.", "de": "Zum Vergleich der Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit der Verglasung und des langsamen Tiefgefrieren als Techniken der Kryokonservierung von Eizellen für Fruchtbarkeitsergebnisse bei Frauen, die sich einer assistierten Reproduktion unterziehen."}, "hints": [{"en": "vitrification", "de": "Verglasung"}, {"en": "oocyte", "de": "Eizelle"}, {"en": "cryopreservation", "de": "Kryokonservierung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the population of the state where Mount Rushmore is?", "de": "Was ist die Bevölkerungszahl des Bundesstaates, in dem sich Mount Rushmore befindet?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "population", "de": "Bevölkerungszahl"}, {"en": "state", "de": "Bundesstaates"}, {"en": "Mount Rushmore", "de": "Mount Rushmore"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who won Album of the Year in 2019?", "de": "Wer gewann 2019 den Preis für Album des Jahres?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Album of the Year", "de": "Album des Jahres"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What female artist won the most Grammys in 2020?", "de": "Welche Künstlerin hat 2020 die meisten Grammys gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Grammys", "de": "Grammys"}, {"en": "female artist", "de": "Künstlerin"}, {"en": "most", "de": "meisten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Did Kevin Durant leave the Warriors?", "de": "Hat Kevin Durant die Warriors verlassen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Kevin Durant", "de": "Kevin Durant"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the singer of Oops I Did It Again that had problems with her conservatorship?", "de": "Wer ist die Sängerin von Oops I did it again, die Probleme mit ihrer Vormundschaft hatte?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "singer", "de": "Sängerin"}, {"en": "Oops I Did It Again", "de": "Oops I did it again"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The third line of the last verse was modified during the reign of Alexander I of Yugoslavia in ``Kralja Aleksandra, Bože hrani ''.", "de": "Unter der Herrschaft von Alexander I. von Jugoslawien wurde die dritte Zeile der letzten Strophe zu „Kralja Aleksandra, Bože hrani” geändert."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Alexander I of Yugoslavia", "de": "Alexander I. von Jugoslawien"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This Regulation shall enter into force on the sixtieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.", "de": "Diese Verordnung tritt am sechzigsten Tag nach ihrer Veröffentlichung im Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union in Kraft."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Regulation", "de": "Verordnung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Parties take note of the European Commission’s intention to promptly launch the procedure for the adoption of adequacy decisions with respect to the UK under the General Data Protection Regulation and the Law Enforcement Directive, and its intention to work closely to that end with the other bodies and institutions involved in the relevant decision-making procedure.", "de": "Die Vertragsparteien nehmen die Absicht der Europäischen Kommission zur Kenntnis, unverzüglich das Verfahren zur Annahme von Angemessenheitsbeschlüssen – im Rahmen der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung und der Richtlinie zum Datenschutz bei der Strafverfolgung – in Bezug auf das Vereinigte Königreich einzuleiten und zu diesem Zweck eng mit den anderen Gremien und Institutionen zusammenzuarbeiten, die an dem entsprechenden Beschlussverfahren beteiligt sind."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "other bodies and institutions", "de": "anderen und Institutionen"}, {"en": "General Data Protection Regulation", "de": "Datenschutz Grundverordnung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It is well known from the United States (Maine, Oregon, California) and British Columbia (Canada).", "de": "Es ist aus den USA (Maine, Oregon, Kalifornien) und British Columbia (Kanada) bekannt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "United States", "de": "USA"}, {"en": "British Columbia", "de": "British Columbia"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "After the stop in Schüptitz had been discontinued in 2011, it was restored after civil protests in 2012.", "de": "Nachdem der Halt in Schüptitz 2011 nicht mehr angefahren wurde, wurde er nach Bürgerprotesten 2012 wieder in Betrieb genommen."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "civil protests", "de": "Bürgerprotesten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Laces, buckles or Velcro strap fastenings that hold the shoe comfortably and securely on the foot.", "de": "Schnürsenkel, Schnallen oder Klettverschlüsse, die den Schuh am Fuß bequem und sicher befestigen."}, "hints": [{"en": "buckles", "de": "Schnallen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation - this comes and goes, usually stopping within 48 hours without any treatment.", "de": "Paroxysmales Vorhofflimmern - das kommt und geht, in der Regel stoppt es innerhalb von 48 Stunden ohne Behandlung."}, "hints": [{"en": "atrial fibrillation", "de": "Vorhofflimmern"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Italian television series AleX was produced by Giorgio Schottler, Guglielmo Duccoli and Alfredo Castelli and written by videotime.", "de": "Die italienische Fernsehserie AleX wurde von Giorgio Schottler, Guglielmo Duccoli und Alfredo Castelli produziert und von Videotime geschrieben."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Guglielmo Duccoli", "de": "Guglielmo Duccoli"}, {"en": "Alfredo Castelli", "de": "Alfredo Castelli"}, {"en": "Italian television series AleX", "de": "italienische Fernsehserie AleX"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The script was written by James Costigan and directed by William Hale (credited as Billy Hale).", "de": "Das Drehbuch wurde von James Costigan geschrieben und Regie führte William Hale (erscheint in den Credits als Billy Hale)."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "James Costigan", "de": "James Costigan"}, {"en": "William Hale", "de": "William Hale"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Stephen Pearl Andrews was an individualist anarchist and close partner of Josiah Warren.", "de": "Stephen Pearl Andrews war ein individualistischer Anarchist und enger Verbündeter von Josiah Warren."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Stephen Pearl Andrews", "de": "Stephen Pearl Andrews"}, {"en": "individualist anarchist", "de": "individualistischer Anarchist"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He was married to Elisabeth Young (1854 -- 1932) and was the father of shipping magnate N. O. Young Fearnley and landowner Thomas Fearnley.", "de": "Er war verheiratet mit Elisabeth Young (1854-1932) und der Vater von Versandmogul N. O. Young Fearnley sowie dem Grundbesitzer Thomas Fearnley ."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Elisabeth Young", "de": "Elisabeth Young"}, {"en": "N. O. Young Fearnley", "de": "N. O. Young Fearnley"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If your angina is not being controlled with drug therapy, it is likely that your doctor will refer you to a cardiologist.", "de": "Wenn Sie Angina pectoris nicht mit einer medikamentösen Therapie unter Kontrolle haben, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass Ihr Arzt Sie zu einem Kardiologen schicken wird."}, "hints": [{"en": "angina", "de": "Angina"}, {"en": "cardiologist", "de": "Kardiologe"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Parts and accessories (not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter) for machines, appliances, instruments or apparatus of Chapter 90", "de": "Teile und Zubehör (im Kapitel 90 anderweit weder genannt noch inbegriffen) für Maschinen, Apparate, Geräte, Instrumente oder andere Waren des Kapitels 90"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Chapter 90", "de": "Kapitel Kapitels"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When was the last Pirate of the Caribbean movie released?", "de": "Wann erschien der letzte Teil der Filmreihe „Fluch der Karibik“?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Pirate of the Caribbean movie", "de": "Filmreihe Fluch der Karibik"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What was the first gaming system that Mario Kart was on?", "de": "Was war das erste Spielsystem, auf dem Mario Kart lief?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Mario Kart", "de": "Mario Kart"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "``Everything But You ''is a song of 1945, composed by Don George, written by Duke Ellington and Harry James.", "de": "„Everything But You“ ist ein Lied von 1945, komponiert von Don George, geschrieben von Duke Ellington und Harry James."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Duke Ellington", "de": "Duke Ellington"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In December 1969 the 49th Army Division 29th Army Division became.", "de": "Im Dezember 1969 wurde aus der 49. Army Division die 29. Army Division."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "49th Army Division", "de": "49. Army"}, {"en": "29th Army Division", "de": "29. Army Division"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "renewable energy, circular and bio-economy;", "de": "Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen, Kreislaufwirtschaft und Bioökonomie,"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "circular", "de": "Kreislaufwirtschaft"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When did the lead singer of Nirvana Die?", "de": "Wann ist der Leadsänger von Nirvana gestorben?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Nirvana", "de": "Nirvana"}, {"en": "lead singer", "de": "Leadsänger"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many have Congressional Medals of Honor been given to American soldiers?", "de": "Wie viele Congressional Medals of Honor wurden an amerikanische Soldaten vergeben?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Congressional Medals of Honor", "de": "Congressional Medals of Honor"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This could involve blood tests and a general health check.", "de": "Dies könnte die Blutuntersuchungen und allgemeine Gesundheits-Checks beinhalten."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood tests", "de": "Blutuntersuchung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was a queen of Naples and Sicily and wife of Ferdinand I?", "de": "Wer war eine Königin von Neapel und Sizilien und Ehefrau von Ferdinand I.?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Naples", "de": "Neapel"}, {"en": "Sicily", "de": "Sizilien"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What are the benefits of a coronary angioplasty?", "de": "Was sind die Vorteile einer Koronarangioplastie?"}, "hints": [{"en": "coronary angioplasty", "de": "Koronarangioplastie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "You could split this up into easily manageable 30 minute workouts over 5 days of the week.", "de": "Sie können diese Übungen in leichte handhabbare 30-Minuten-Workouts über fünf Tage in der Woche aufteilen."}, "hints": [{"en": "workouts", "de": "Workouts"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Find out more about controlling your cholesterol on the Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland website.", "de": "Weitere Informationen über die Kontrolle Ihrer Cholesterinwerte finden Sie auf der Website Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland."}, "hints": [{"en": "Chest", "de": "Chest"}, {"en": "Stroke", "de": "Stroke"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Part 3 of Annex III for the item referred to in point (b) of Article 5(1);", "de": "Anhang III Teil 3 für den Gegenstand von Artikel 5 Absatz 1 Buchstabe b;"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Annex III", "de": "Anhang III"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Clovis Kalyebara was born in the ``Kabarole District '', Kichwamba Sub County, in the village of Harugongo, Western Uganda.", "de": "Clovis Kalyebara wurde in Harugongo geboren, einem Dorf im „Kabarole District“, Subcounty Kichwamba, West-Uganda."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Clovis Kalyebara", "de": "Clovis Kalyebara"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "You need to do falls prevention exercises regularly for them to be effective.", "de": "Sie müssen die Übungen zur Sturzprävention regelmäßig durchführen, damit sie wirksam sind."}, "hints": [{"en": "falls prevention", "de": "Sturzprävention"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "John Milton refers to Shakespeare and quotes Angela Warren ``Comus '':'' Under the glassy, cool, light-translated wave``.", "de": "John Milton bezieht sich auf Shakespeare und zitiert Angela Warren „Comus“: „Unter der glasigen, kühlen, lichtdurchlässigen Welle“."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "John Milton", "de": "John Milton"}, {"en": "Shakespeare", "de": "Shakespeare"}, {"en": "Angela Warren", "de": "Angela Warren"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In our investigation of bleeding events, however, we found an increased risk of bleeding for patients treated with antithrombin.", "de": "Bei unserer Untersuchung von Blutungen stießen wir jedoch auf ein erhöhtes Risiko für Blutungen bei Patienten, die mit Antithrombin behandelt wurden."}, "hints": [{"en": "antithrombin", "de": "Antithrombin"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Where possible, recognised standards and standardised messages shall be used.", "de": "Soweit möglich, werden anerkannte Standards und standardisierte Mitteilungen verwendet."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "recognised standards", "de": "anerkannte Standards"}, {"en": "standardised messages", "de": "standardisierte Mitteilungen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who is the highest paid NBA player?", "de": "Wer ist der höchstbezahlte Spieler der NBA?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "NBA", "de": "NBA"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How is blood pressure measured?", "de": "Wie wird der Blutdruck gemessen?"}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Typically, ultrasound treatment involves placing a special device in contact with the skin overlying the fracture site for around 20 minutes on a daily basis.", "de": "In der Regel umfasst die Ultraschallbehandlung die Unterbringung einer besonderen Vorrichtung in den Kontakt mit der Haut über der Frakturstelle für etwa 20 Minuten täglich."}, "hints": [{"en": "ultrasound treatment", "de": "Ultraschallbehandlung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When was the first Hunger Games movie released?", "de": "Wann kam der erste Hunger Games Film heraus?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "first Hunger Games movie", "de": "erste Hunger Games Film"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Is Zidane Tribal the main character in Final Fantasy IX?", "de": "Ist Zidane Tribal die Hauptfigur in „Final Fantasy IX“?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Zidane Tribal", "de": "Zidane Tribal"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Stopping this medication suddenly will lead to serious side effects, such as a rise in blood pressure or chest pain caused by reduction in oxygen to your heart muscle (angina).", "de": "Das plötzliche Absetzen dieses Arzneimittels wird zu schwerwiegenden Nebenwirkungen führen, wie ein Blutdruckanstieg oder Brustschmerzen, verursacht durch Reduktion des Sauerstoffs für die Herzmuskeln (Angina)."}, "hints": [{"en": "side effects", "de": "Nebenwirkungen"}, {"en": "chest pain", "de": "Brustschmerz"}, {"en": "angina", "de": "Angina"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Only those provisions that are essential for the application of the rules of the internal market in respect of Northern Ireland should be included in Annex 2 to the Protocol.", "de": "Nur diejenigen Bestimmungen, die für die Anwendung der Binnenmarktvorschriften in Bezug auf Nordirland wesentlich sind, sollten in Anhang 2 des Protokolls aufgenommen werden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Northern Ireland", "de": "Nordirland"}, {"en": "internal market", "de": "Binnenmarktvorschriften"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Keep it clean and in good working order, and check the rubber stoppers or wheels for wear.", "de": "Halten Sie es sauber und funktionsfähig und überprüfen Sie den Gummistopfen oder Räder ob sie nicht abgenutzt sind."}, "hints": [{"en": "rubber stoppers", "de": "Gummistopfen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many Punic wars have been fought?", "de": "Wie viele Punische Kriege wurden geführt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Punic wars", "de": "Punische Kriege"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "During this first year, Larco Hoyle received some advice from his uncle, Victor Larco Herrera, founder of the same museum in Lima.", "de": "Während diesem ersten Jahr erhielt Larco Hoyle manchen Rat von seinem Onkel, Victor Larco Herrera, Gründer eben dieses Museums in Lima."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Larco Hoyle", "de": "Larco Hoyle"}, {"en": "museum", "de": "Museums"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which Grammy Award was Kyoto nominated for but did not win?", "de": "Für welchen Grammy Award war Kyoto nominiert, hat jedoch nicht gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Kyoto", "de": "Kyoto"}, {"en": "Grammy Award", "de": "Grammy Award"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Member State shall report here emissions from natural disturbances.", "de": "Der Mitgliedstaat muss die Emissionen infolge natürlicher Störungen melden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "emissions", "de": "Emissionen"}, {"en": "Member State", "de": "Mitgliedstaat"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In what year did the video game set in the Kingdom of Hyrule first debut?", "de": "In welchem Jahr debütierte das Videospiel im Königreich Hyrule zum ersten Mal?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Kingdom of Hyrule", "de": "Königreich Hyrule"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Lusaghbyur (formerly romanised as Lusakhpyur; Svanverdi and Svan) is a village in the Shirak province of Armenia.", "de": "Lusaghbyur (früher in Lusakhpyur romanisiert; Svanverdi und Svan) ist ein Dorf in der Provinz Shirak in Armenien."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Shirak", "de": "Shirak"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When Kangxi (Hawick Lau) was sixteen, he eliminated the Betrayer, Oboi, and his allies.", "de": "Als Kangxi (Hawick Lau) 16 Jahre alt war, beseitigte er den Verräter Oboi und seine Verbündeten."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Kangxi", "de": "Kangxi"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which game in the Final Fantasy series sold the most copies?", "de": "Welches Spiel in der Final-Fantasy-Reihe hat die meisten Exemplare verkauft?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "game", "de": "Spiel"}, {"en": "series", "de": "Reihe"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the nationality of the 2020 MotoGP World Championship winner?", "de": "Welche Nationalität hat der Sieger der MotoGP-Weltmeisterschaft 2020?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "2020 MotoGP World Championship", "de": "MotoGP Weltmeisterschaft 2020"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Swiss pioneer John Sutter (1803 - 1880) was in August 1839 with other euro-American settlers in Alta California.", "de": "Der Schweizer Pionier John Sutter (1803-1880) war im August 1839 mit anderen Euro-amerikanischen Siedlern in Oberkalifornien."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "John Sutter", "de": "John Sutter"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Antiplatelets reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke by interfering with the normal clotting mechanism in the blood, making it less likely to form clots.", "de": "Thrombozytenaggregationshemmer verringern Ihr Risiko eines Herzinfarkts oder Schlaganfalls und zwar dadurch, dass sie den normalen Mechanismus der Gerinnung im Blut stören, wodurch es weniger wahrscheinlich ist, dass Gerinnsel gebildet werden."}, "hints": [{"en": "heart attack", "de": "Herzinfarkt"}, {"en": "clotting", "de": "Gerinnung"}, {"en": "clots", "de": "Gerinnsel"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "An analysis of millions of public RSA keys collected from the Internet was announced in 2012 by Lenstra, Hughes, Augier, Bos, Kleinjung and Wachter.", "de": "Eine Analyse von Millionen öffentlicher RSA-Schlüssel, die aus dem Internet gesammelt werden, wurde 2012 von Lenstra, Hughes, Augier, Bos, Kleinjung und Wachter angekündigt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Internet", "de": "Internet"}, {"en": "Kleinjung", "de": "Kleinjung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the female author born in England in 1819 that used a male pen name?", "de": "Wer war die 1819 in England geborene Schriftstellerin, die ein männliches Pseudonym verwendete?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "female author", "de": "Schriftstellerin"}, {"en": "England", "de": "England"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "We searched The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE (OvidSP), EMBASE Classic and EMBASE, eleven other databases, the web, and clinical trials registers.", "de": "Wir durchsuchten Cochrane Library, MEDLINE (OvidSP), EMBASE Classic und EMBASE, elf weitere Datenbanken, das Internet, und das Register der klinischen Studien."}, "hints": [{"en": "Cochrane", "de": "Cochrane"}, {"en": "MEDLINE", "de": "MEDLINE"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which Avengers movie had the highest budget?", "de": "Welcher Avengers-Film hatte das höchste Budget?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Avengers", "de": "Avengers"}, {"en": "movie", "de": "Film"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The effective medium can be characterized by simple cross-sections of absorption and emission at frequencies of Formula 2 and Formula 3.", "de": "Der effektive Mittelwert kann bei Frequenzen aus Formel 2 und Formel 3 durch einfache Absorptions- und Emissionsquerschnitte beschrieben werden."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Formula 2", "de": "Formel 2"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who has won more NBA Championships, LeBron James or Steph Curry?", "de": "Wer hat mehr NBA-Meisterschaften gewonnen, LeBron James oder Steph Curry?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "LeBron James", "de": "LeBron James"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many weeks did the 2018 NFL season last?", "de": "Wie viele Wochen lang dauerte die NFL Spielzeit des Jahres 2018?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "NFL", "de": "NFL"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "supplement paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article by establishing technical screening criteria for determining the conditions under which a specific economic activity qualifies as contributing substantially to climate change mitigation; and", "de": "zur Ergänzung der Absätze 1 und 2 des vorliegenden Artikels technische Bewertungskriterien festzulegen, anhand deren bestimmt wird unter welchen Bedingungen davon auszugehen ist, dass eine bestimmte Wirtschaftstätigkeit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz leistet; und"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "technical screening criteria", "de": "technische Bewertungskriterien"}, {"en": "economic activity", "de": "Wirtschaftstätigkeit"}, {"en": "Article", "de": "Artikels"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Six vasopressor drugs are available and are used successfully to increase blood pressure to reverse circulatory failure in critical care.", "de": "Sechs Vasopressor-Medikamente sind verfügbar und werden erfolgreich verwendet, um den Blutdruck zu erhöhen und ein Kreislaufversagen in der kritischen Behandlung zu verhindern."}, "hints": [{"en": "vasopressor", "de": "Vasopressor"}, {"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}, {"en": "circulatory failure", "de": "Kreislaufversagen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If it blocks an artery in the brain, it will cause a stroke.", "de": "Wenn es eine Arterie im Gehirn blockiert, es wird einen Schlaganfall verursachen."}, "hints": [{"en": "artery", "de": "Arterie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Some people with atrial fibrillation have no symptoms and are completely unaware that their heart rate is irregular.", "de": "Einige Menschen mit Vorhofflimmern haben keine Symptome und wissen überhaupt nicht dass ihre Herzfrequenz unregelmäßig ist."}, "hints": [{"en": "atrial fibrillation", "de": "Vorhofflimmern"}, {"en": "heart rate", "de": "Herzfrequenz"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "information to occupants,", "de": "Informationen für die Nutzer,"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "information", "de": "Informationen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Maritsa Lazari was born in Cyprus in October 1943 and emigrated with her family to London, England at the age of 16.", "de": "Maritsa Lazari wurde im Oktober 1943 in Zypern geboren und emigrierte im Alter von 16 Jahren mit ihrer Familie nach London, England."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Maritsa Lazari", "de": "Maritsa Lazari"}, {"en": "Cyprus", "de": "Zypern"}, {"en": "England", "de": "England"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "He is co-recipient of the renowned Carnegie Scholarship for Mathematics with Lucas (Martin Hansen).", "de": "Er erhält zusammen mit Lucas (Martin Hansen) das renommierte Carnegie Mathematik-Stipendium."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Lucas", "de": "Lucas"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "IFRS", "de": "IFRS"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "IFRS", "de": "IFRS"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 844/2012 of 18 September 2012 setting out the provisions necessary for the implementation of the renewal procedure for active substances, as provided for in Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market (OJ L 252, 19.9.2012, p. 26).", "de": "Durchführungsverordnung (EU) Nr. 844/2012 der Kommission vom 18. September 2012 zur Festlegung der notwendigen Bestimmungen für das Erneuerungsverfahren für Wirkstoffe gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1107/2009 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates über das Inverkehrbringen von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (ABl. L 252 vom 19.9.2012, S. 26)."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission Implementing Regulation", "de": "Durchführungsverordnung"}, {"en": "European Parliament", "de": "Europäischen Parlaments"}, {"en": "plant protection products", "de": "Pflanzenschutzmitteln"}, {"en": "Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009", "de": "Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1107/2009"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How is atrial fibrillation defined?", "de": "Wie wird Vorhofflimmern definiert?"}, "hints": [{"en": "atrial fibrillation", "de": "Vorhofflimmern"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Navarro is a partido in the northeast of the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina.", "de": "Navarro ist ein Partido im Nordosten der Provinz Buenos Aires in Argentinien."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "province of Buenos Aires", "de": "Provinz Buenos Aires"}, {"en": "Navarro", "de": "Navarro"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Researchers define binge drinking as consuming eight or more units in a single session for men and six or more for women.", "de": "Forscher definieren Komatrinken für Männer als den Verbrauch von acht oder mehr Einheiten in einer einzigen Sitzung und sechs oder mehr Einheiten für Frauen."}, "hints": [{"en": "binge drinking", "de": "Komatrinken"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which US president was the tallest?", "de": "Welcher US-Präsident war der größte?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "US president", "de": "US Präsident"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "ANNEX 3", "de": "ANHANG 3"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "ANNEX 3", "de": "ANHANG 3"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Shoes that are too big or small, or with squashed backs.", "de": "Zu große oder zu kleine Schuhe, oder mit zerdrückter Rückseite."}, "hints": [{"en": "squashed", "de": "zerdrückt"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Boulder Dushanbe Tea House was a gift from Mayor Maksud Ikramov of Dushanbe to the city of Boulder, Colorado.", "de": "Das Boulder Dushanbe Tea House war ein Geschenk des Bürgermeisters von Dushanbe Maksud Ikramov an die Stadt Boulder, Colorado."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Boulder Dushanbe Tea House", "de": "Boulder Dushanbe Tea House"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This review compared IRI and fluoropyrimidine with IRI alone in terms of overall survival, progression-free survival, toxicity, response rates and quality of life.", "de": "Diese Bewertung verglich IRI und Fluoropyrimidin mit alleinigem IRI im Hinblick auf die Gesamtüberlebenschancen, progressionsfreies Überleben, die Toxizität, Rückfallquoten und die Lebensqualität."}, "hints": [{"en": "IRI", "de": "IRI"}, {"en": "quality of life", "de": "Lebensqualität"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Did Another One Bites the Dust come out before 1982?", "de": "Ist Another One Bites the Dust vor 1982 erschienen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Another One Bites the Dust", "de": "Another One Bites the Dust"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "One out of the two studies measured pain where participants in the resistance training group reported pain more often at three months and six months compared to the control group.", "de": "In einer der beiden Studien wurden Schmerzen gemessen, wobei die Teilnehmer in der Gruppe mit Resistenztraining die Schmerzen als häufiger über 3 Monate angegeben haben, im Vergleich zu 6 Monaten der Kontrollgruppe."}, "hints": [{"en": "control group", "de": "Kontrollgruppe"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Notes with concern that not all agencies and bodies of the Union have published on their respective websites the declarations of interest for members of the management boards, executive leadership and seconded experts; regrets that some agencies still publish declarations of absence of conflict of interest; highlights that it is not up to the board members or executives to declare themselves to have an absence of conflict of interest; calls for a unified model of declarations of interest to be implemented by all agencies; stresses the importance of establishing an independent ethics body to assess conflict of interest and revolving door situations throughout the institutions, agencies and other bodies of the Union; urges the Member States to ensure that all seconded experts publish their respective declarations of interest and CVs on the respective agency websites;", "de": "stellt mit Besorgnis fest, dass nicht alle Agenturen und Einrichtungen der Union auf ihrer jeweiligen Website die Interessenerklärungen der Verwaltungsratsmitglieder, der höheren Führungsebene und der abgeordneten Sachverständigen offengelegt haben; bedauert, dass einige Agenturen immer noch „Erklärungen zum Nichtvorliegen von Interessenkonflikten“ veröffentlichen; betont, dass es nicht den Verwaltungsratsmitgliedern bzw. Führungskräften selbst obliegt, sich für frei von Interessenkonflikten zu erklären; fordert ein einheitliches Muster für Interessenerklärungen, das von sämtlichen Agenturen anzuwenden ist; betont, dass es wichtig ist, ein unabhängiges Ethikgremium einzurichten, das in allen Organen, Einrichtungen und sonstigen Stellen der Union Interessenkonflikte und Drehtüreffekte bewertet; fordert die Mitgliedstaaten auf, dafür zu sorgen, dass alle abgeordneten Sachverständigen ihre jeweilige Interessenerklärung und ihren Lebenslauf auf der Website der jeweiligen Agentur veröffentlichen;"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "declarations of interest", "de": "Interessenerklärungen"}, {"en": "Union", "de": "Union"}, {"en": "executive leadership", "de": "Verwaltungsratsmitglieder"}, {"en": "seconded experts", "de": "abgeordneten Sachverständigen"}, {"en": "agencies", "de": "Agenturen"}, {"en": "bodies", "de": "Einrichtungen"}, {"en": "board members", "de": "Verwaltungsratsmitgliedern"}, {"en": "Member States", "de": "Mitgliedstaaten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Exportören av de varor som omfattas av detta dokument (tullmyndighetens tillstånd eller behörig statlig myndighet nr …) försäkrar att dessa varor, om inte annat tydligt markerats, har förmånsberättigande … ursprung.", "de": "Exportören av de varor som omfattas av detta dokument (tullmyndighetens tillstånd eller behörig statlig myndighet nr ...) försäkrar att dessa varor, om inte annat tydligt markerats, har förmånsberättigande ... ursprung."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "statlig myndighet", "de": "statlig myndighet"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Point 4.6, Appendix 3 to Annex I", "de": "Anhang I Anlage 3 Nummer 4.6"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Annex I", "de": "Anhang I"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Blood and urine tests may also be carried out in order to check for conditions that are known to cause an increase in blood pressure, such as kidney infections.", "de": "Blut- und Urintests können zur Untersuchung der Erkrankungen durchgeführt werden, die bekanntermaßen eine Erhöhung des Blutdrucks verursachen, wie z.B. der Niereninfektionen."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The first track, ``Every Morning '', is the acoustic version of the last guitar version of`` Morning''.", "de": "Das erste Stück „Every Morning“ ist die akustische Version der letzten Gitarrenversion von „Morning“."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Morning", "de": "Morning"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which 2020 NBA All-Star captain was not picked first overall in the NBA draft?", "de": "Welcher NBA-All-Star-Kapitän der Saison 2020 wurde beim NBA-Draft nicht an erster Stelle gewählt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "captain", "de": "Kapitän"}, {"en": "NBA", "de": "NBA"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the original lead singer for Slayer?", "de": "Wer war der ursprüngliche Leadsänger für Slayer?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "lead singer", "de": "Leadsänger"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Were the Incas founded before 1500?", "de": "Wurden die Inka vor 1500 gegründet?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Incas", "de": "Inka"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Artillery weapons (for example, guns, howitzers and mortars)", "de": "Artilleriewaffen (z. B. Kanonen, Haubitzen, Mörser (Granatwerfer))"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Artillery weapons", "de": "Artilleriewaffen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This appropriation is intended to cover the financing of the actions listed in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 331/2014 with the aim of protecting euro banknotes and coins against counterfeiting and related fraud, by supporting and supplementing the measures undertaken by the Member States and assisting the competent national and Union authorities in their efforts to develop among themselves and with the Commission a close and regular cooperation and an exchange of best practice, where appropriate including third countries and international organisations.", "de": "Diese Mittel dienen der Finanzierung der in Artikel 8 der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 331/2014 genannten Maßnahmen mit dem Ziel, Euro-Banknoten und -Münzen gegen Geldfälschung und damit verbundene Betrugsdelikte zu schützen, indem die Maßnahmen der Mitgliedstaaten gefördert und ergänzt werden und die zuständigen nationalen Behörden und der Union bei ihren Bemühungen um eine künftige enge und regelmäßige Zusammenarbeit untereinander und mit der Kommission und um einen Austauschs bewährter Verfahren untereinander und mit der Kommission, gegebenenfalls auch unter Einbeziehung von Drittländern und internationalen Organisationen, unterstützt werden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Member States", "de": "der Mitgliedstaaten"}, {"en": "counterfeiting", "de": "gegen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Was Kanye West born before or after Nas?", "de": "Ist Kanye West vor oder nach Nas geboren?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Kanye West", "de": "Kanye West"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "For the calculation of these theoretical maximum electricity quantities, the following elements should be taken into consideration as a minimum:", "de": "Bei der Berechnung dieser theoretischen maximalen Strommengen sollten mindestens folgende Elemente berücksichtigt werden:"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "elements", "de": "Elemente"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 2021.", "de": "Diese Verordnung tritt am 1. Januar 2021 in Kraft."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Regulation", "de": "Verordnung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "touching the chair or kitchen counter with a finger", "de": "den Stuhl oder die Küchentheke mit einem Finger zu berühren"}, "hints": [{"en": "kitchen counter", "de": "Küchentheke"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Toxicity and other safety testing including pharmacology", "de": "Toxizitäts- und andere Unbedenklichkeitsprüfungen, einschließlich pharmakologischer Tests"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Toxicity", "de": "Toxizitäts-"}, {"en": "pharmacology", "de": "pharmakologischer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The school has well maintained classrooms and an intelligent faculty, most of the classes are good classes.", "de": "Die Schule verfügt über gut gepflegte Klassenzimmer und eine intelligente Fakultät, die meisten Klassen sind gute Klassen."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "school", "de": "Schule"}, {"en": "classes", "de": "Klassen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "``Everything But You ''is a 1945 song composed by Don George with lyrics written by Duke Ellington and Harry James.", "de": "\"Everything But You\" ist ein Song der 1945 von Don George komponiert wurde. Der Text stammt von Duke Ellington und Harry James ."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Don George", "de": "Don George"}, {"en": "Duke Ellington", "de": "Duke Ellington"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Monolithic integrated circuits", "de": "monolithisch integrierte Schaltungen"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Monolithic integrated circuits", "de": "monolithisch integrierte Schaltungen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Since 2000, Meyers has been making specific, large-format wall drawings in museums and galleries.", "de": "Seit 2000 fertigt Meyers spezielle, großformatige Wandzeichnungen für Museen und Galerien an."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Meyers", "de": "Meyers"}, {"en": "museums", "de": "Museen"}, {"en": "wall drawings", "de": "Wandzeichnungen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "For most cases, these compatibility conditions are outlined in the Authority’s state aid guidelines.", "de": "In den meisten Fällen sind diese Anforderungen an die Vereinbarkeit den Leitlinien der Überwachungsbehörde für staatliche Beihilfen zu entnehmen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "compatibility conditions", "de": "Anforderungen Vereinbarkeit"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The series then converges almost everywhere.", "de": "Die Serie konvergiert dann beinahe überall."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "series", "de": "Serie"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Common side effects of calcium channel blockers should pass within a few days once your body gets used to the medication, these include:", "de": "Häufige Nebenwirkungen eines Calciumkanalblockers sollten innerhalb von wenigen Tagen aufhören, sobald sich Ihr Körper auf das Medikament gewöhnt, dazu zählen:"}, "hints": [{"en": "side effects", "de": "Nebenwirkungen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Pull your tummy muscles in and move slowly up on to your toes.", "de": "Ziehen Sie Ihre Bauchmuskeln hinein und erheben Sie sich langsam hoch auf die Zehen."}, "hints": [{"en": "tummy muscles", "de": "Bauchmuskeln"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many Mario Kart games has NDcube developed?", "de": "Wie viele „Mario Kart”-Spiele hat NDCube entwickelt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "NDcube", "de": "NDCube"}, {"en": "Mario Kart", "de": "Mario Kart"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "“runway condition assessment matrix (RCAM)” means a matrix that allows the assessment of the runway condition code (RWYCC), using associated procedures, from a set of observed runway surface conditions and pilot report of braking action;", "de": "‚Bewertungsmatrix für den Pistenzustand‘ (Runway Condition Assessment Matrix, RCAM): eine Matrix, die die Bewertung des Pistenzustandscodes (RWYCC) unter Verwendung der zugehörigen Verfahren ermöglicht und dabei auf eine Reihe von Beobachtungen des Zustands der Pistenoberfläche und Pilotenberichte über die Bremswirkung zurückgreift;"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "pilot report", "de": "Pilotenberichte"}, {"en": "set", "de": "Reihe"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "People with diabetes are at risk of developing numbness in the feet, which prevents them from sensing where their foot is on the floor.", "de": "Bei Menschen mit Diabetes gibt es ein erhöhtes Risiko für Taubheitsgefühl in den Füßen, das sie daran hindert, Ihre Füße auf dem Boden richtig zu fühlen."}, "hints": [{"en": "numbness", "de": "Taubheitsgefühl"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Flavia Alejandra Gleske Fajin, better known as Flavia Gleske (born 15 May 1978) is a Venezuelan actress and model.", "de": "Flavia Alejandra Gleske Fajin, besser bekannt als Flavia Gleske (geboren am 15. Mai 1978) ist eine venezolanische Schauspielerin und Model."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Flavia Gleske", "de": "Flavia Gleske"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many Oscar awards has Leonardo DiCaprio won?", "de": "Wie viele Oscar Auszeichnungen hat Leonardo DiCaprio gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Leonardo DiCaprio", "de": "Leonardo DiCaprio"}, {"en": "Oscar awards", "de": "Oscar Auszeichnungen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Did J. K. Rowling write any novels under a pseudonym?", "de": "Hat J. K. Rowling irgendwelche Romane unter einem Pseudonym geschrieben?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "J. K. Rowling", "de": "J. K. Rowling"}, {"en": "novels", "de": "Romane"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Wa Kyun is an island in the Andaman Sea, just off the coast of the State of Mon, in the southern area of Burma.", "de": "Wa Kyun ist eine Insel in der Andamanensee, dicht vor der Küste des Bundesstaates Mon im Süden von Burma."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Wa Kyun", "de": "Wa Kyun"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many Olympics has Suni Lee competed in?", "de": "An wie vielen Olympischen Spielen hat Suni Lee teilgenommen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Suni Lee", "de": "Suni Lee"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "A UK tour started in May 1983, featuring additional guitarist Robin George for live performances.", "de": "Eine Tour durch das Vereinigte Königreich begann im Mai 1983 mit dem zusätzlichen Gitarristen Robin George für Live-Auftritte."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Robin George", "de": "Robin George"}, {"en": "UK", "de": "Königreich"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It is located east of Nanuet, south of Chestnut Ridge, west of Blauvelt, New York, and north of Montvale and Old Tappan, New Jersey.", "de": "Es liegt östlich von Nanuet, südlich von Chestnut Ridge, westlich von Blauvelt, New York, und nördlich von Montvale und Old Tappan, New Jersey."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Montvale", "de": "Montvale"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This is because when the atria in the heart do not contract properly there is a risk of blood clot formation.", "de": "Das liegt daran, wenn die oberen Kammern im Herzen sich nicht richtig zusammenziehen, es besteht das Risiko der Bildung von Blutgerinnseln."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood clot", "de": "Blutgerinnsel"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "During your eye examination, you should let the optometrist know if you've:", "de": "Während Ihrer Augenuntersuchung sollten Sie Ihrem Optometristen mitteilen, ob Sie:"}, "hints": [{"en": "eye examination", "de": "Augenuntersuchung"}, {"en": "optometrist", "de": "Optometrist"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who ran for president in 2000 and graduated from Yale University?", "de": "Wer kandidierte 2000 für das Präsidentenamt und hat einen Abschluss von der Yale University?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "president", "de": "Präsidentenamt"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The differential operator, written by William Rowan Hamilton and called del or nabla, is symbolically defined in the form of a vector.", "de": "Der Differenzialoperator, geschrieben von William Rowan Hamilton und genannt del oder nabla, wird symbolisch in Form eines Vektors dargestellt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "William Rowan Hamilton", "de": "William Rowan Hamilton"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The heart has its own network of blood vessels known as the coronary arteries.", "de": "Das Herz hat ein eigenes Netz von Blutgefäßen, bekannt als Koronararterien."}, "hints": [{"en": "coronary arteries", "de": "Koronararterien"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In terms of scope of the renewed measure, ESMA believes that limiting it to one or several sectors or to any subset of issuers may not achieve the desired outcome.", "de": "Was den Anwendungsbereich der verlängerten Maßnahme angeht, ist die ESMA der Ansicht, dass das angestrebte Ergebnis verfehlt werden könnte, wenn der Anwendungsbereich auf einen oder mehrere Sektoren oder auf eine Teilmenge von Emittenten beschränkt würde."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "ESMA", "de": "ESMA"}, {"en": "sectors", "de": "Sektoren"}, {"en": "issuers", "de": "Emittenten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Is The Louvre the largest museum in the world?", "de": "Ist der Louvre das größte Museum der Welt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "The Louvre", "de": "der Louvre"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which of Henry VIII's wives did not predecease him?", "de": "Wer von den Ehefrauen, die Heinrich VIII. hatte, ist nicht vor ihm gestorben?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Henry VIII's wives", "de": "den Ehefrauen Heinrich VIII."}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which book in the Lord of the Rings series was published in 1955?", "de": "Welches Buch der Serie Der Lord der Ringe erschien 1955?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Lord of the Rings series", "de": "Serie Lord der Ringe"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Final adjustment to accommodate placement of feet in accordance with paragraph 2.6 for various passenger compartment configurations is permitted.", "de": "Es darf eine abschließende Anpassung der Füße vorgenommen werden, um die Vorschriften des Absatzes 2.6 bei verschiedenen Fahrgastraumkonzepten zu berücksichtigen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "passenger compartment configurations", "de": "Fahrgastraumkonzepten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When brain swelling does occur, pressure inside the skull rises.", "de": "Wenn Hirnschwellungen auftreten, steigt gleichzeitig der Druck im Schädel."}, "hints": [{"en": "brain swelling", "de": "Hirnschwellung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When Jack Nitzsche first heard ``Stubborn Kind of Fellow ''he was so excited he lost control of his car while driving down Sunset Boulevard with Phil Spector.", "de": "Als Jack Nitzsche zum ersten Mal von „Stubborn Kind of Fellow“ hörte, war er so aufgeregt, dass er die Kontrolle über sein Auto verlor, als er mit Phil Spector den Sunset Boulevard entlang fuhr."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Jack Nitzsche", "de": "Jack Nitzsche"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which Kings Field game was never released in America?", "de": "Welches \"Kings Field\"-Spiel kam nie in Amerika heraus?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Kings Field game", "de": "Kings Field -Spiel"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who has more World Series titles, the New York Yankees or the Boston Red Sox?", "de": "Wer hat mehr World-Series-Titel gewonnen, die New York Yankees oder die Boston Red Sox?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "New York Yankees", "de": "New York Yankees"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "rectifications of a purely formal nature and minor modifications to Annex 9-A (Coverage of Government Procurement for the Union) or 9-B (Coverage of Government Procurement for Viet Nam).", "de": "Berichtigungen rein formaler Natur oder geringfügige Änderungen des Anhangs 9-A (Geltungsbereich im öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen der Union) oder 9-B (Geltungsbereich im öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen Vietnams)."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Annex 9-A", "de": "Anhangs 9-A"}, {"en": "9-B", "de": "9-B"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Airports where at least one Ryanair aircraft and its crew are permanently based.", "de": "Flughafen, an dem mindestens ein Ryanair-Flugzeug und seine Besatzung fest stationiert sind."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Ryanair", "de": "Ryanair"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Applicants shall submit their applications to the Commission in accordance with the instructions set out in the call for selection.", "de": "Die Antragsteller reichen ihre Anträge gemäß den Anweisungen in der Aufforderung zur Auswahl bei der Kommission ein."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/217 will apply from 1 October 2021.", "de": "Die Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2020/217 gilt ab dem 1. Oktober 2021."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Delegated Regulation", "de": "Delegierte Verordnung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many wives did King Louis XVI of France have?", "de": "Wie viele Ehefrauen hatte König Ludwig XVI von Frankreich?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "King Louis XVI", "de": "König Ludwig XVI"}, {"en": "France", "de": "Frankreich"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Do not drink grapefruit juice if you are taking calcium channel blockers because it can lower your blood pressure.", "de": "Trinken Sie keinen Grapefruitsaft wenn Sie Calciumkanalblocker einnehmen, denn es kann Ihren Blutdruck senken."}, "hints": [{"en": "grapefruit juice", "de": "Grapefruitsaft"}, {"en": "calcium channel blockers", "de": "Calciumkanalblocker"}, {"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many Golden Globe Awards has Denzel Washington won?", "de": "Wie viele Golden Globes hat Denzel Washington gewonnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Golden Globe Awards", "de": "Golden Globes"}, {"en": "Denzel Washington", "de": "Denzel Washington"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When did the author who wrote The Martian Chronicles die?", "de": "Wann starb der Autor von Die Mars-Chroniken?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "author", "de": "Autor"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Nadia Lutfi (born Paula Mohamed Mostafa Shafiq; 3 January 1938) is a retired Egyptian actress.", "de": "Nadia Lutfi (geboren als Paula Mohamed Mostafa Shafiq am 3. Januar 1938) ist eine ägyptische Schauspielerin im Ruhestand."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Nadia Lutfi", "de": "Nadia Lutfi"}, {"en": "Egyptian", "de": "ägyptische"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who is the most recent governor of Pennsylvania who is not a Democrat?", "de": "Wer ist der letzte Gouverneur von Penssylvania der kein Demokrat ist?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Pennsylvania", "de": "Penssylvania"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "A number of health conditions, such as diabetes and kidney disease, have also been linked to an increase risk of developing primary high blood pressure.", "de": "Eine Reihe von Erkrankungen, wie Diabetes und Nierenerkrankung, sind ebenfalls mit einem erhöhten Risiko für die Entwicklung des primären hohen Blutdrucks verbunden."}, "hints": [{"en": "kidney disease", "de": "Nierenerkrankung"}, {"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Champix (varenicline) is a prescription-only, non-nicotine medication, which has been developed specially to help smokers stop.", "de": "Vareniclin (Champix) ist ein rezeptpflichtiges, nikotinfreies Medikament, das speziell entwickelt wurde, um Rauchern zu helfen."}, "hints": [{"en": "varenicline", "de": "Vareniclin"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many athletes who have competed in the Olympics have held political office?", "de": "Wie viele Athleten, die bei den Olympischen Spielen am Wettkampf teilnahmen, haben ein politisches Amt innegehabt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Olympics", "de": "Olympischen"}, {"en": "athletes", "de": "Athleten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which Canadian provinces do not have a coastline?", "de": "Welche Provinzen von Kanada liegen nicht ans Meer?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Canadian provinces", "de": "Provinzen Kanada"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which Kendrick Lamar album did not come out in the 2010s?", "de": "Welches Kendrick-Lamar-Album ist nicht in den 2010ern erschienen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "album", "de": "Album"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many Olympic medals does Valarie Allman have that are not silver?", "de": "Wie viele olympische Medaillen hat Valarie Allman, die nicht aus Silber sind?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Valarie Allman", "de": "Valarie Allman"}, {"en": "Olympic medals", "de": "olympische Medaillen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Ten studies met the inclusion criteria for the review, and nine studies provided information for the review.", "de": "Zehn Studien erfüllten die Einschlusskriterien für die Überprüfung und neun Studien lieferten Informationen für die Überprüfung."}, "hints": [{"en": "inclusion criteria", "de": "Einschlusskriterien"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?", "de": "Wer führte die erste römische Invasion in Großbritannien an?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Roman invasion", "de": "römische Invasion"}, {"en": "invasion", "de": "Invasion"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which is bigger, the Great Wall of China or the Pyramids?", "de": "Was ist größer, die Chinesische Mauer oder die Pyramiden?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Great Wall of China", "de": "Chinesische Mauer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Field greens and root plants were generally not cultivated and grew gathered seasonally when they were in the wild.", "de": "Feldgemüse und Wurzelpflanzen wurden im Allgemeinen nicht angebaut, sondern wuchsen saisonal in freier Wildbahn und wurden dort geerntet."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "cultivated", "de": "angebaut"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Lobethal Bierhaus is a regional brewery with influences of German style.", "de": "Lobethal Bierhaus ist eine regionale Brauerei in deutsch beeinflusstem Stil."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "German", "de": "deutsch"}, {"en": "Lobethal Bierhaus", "de": "Lobethal Bierhaus"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "His father died in his youth, and his mother, Catherine A. Fagan, married Samuel Adams in 1842, who two years later became the governor of Arkansas.", "de": "Sein Vater starb in seiner Jugend, und seine Mutter, Catherine A. Fagan, heiratete 1842 Samuel Adams, der zwei Jahre später Gouverneur von Arkansas wurde."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "father", "de": "Vater"}, {"en": "Samuel Adams", "de": "Samuel Adams"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC (OJ L 396, 30.12.2006, p. 1).", "de": "Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1907/2006 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 18. Dezember 2006 zur Registrierung, Bewertung, Zulassung und Beschränkung chemischer Stoffe (REACH), zur Schaffung einer Europäischen Agentur für chemische Stoffe, zur Änderung der Richtlinie 1999/45/EG und zur Aufhebung der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 793/93 des Rates, der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1488/94 der Kommission, der Richtlinie 769/76/EWG des Rates sowie der Richtlinien 91/155/EWG, 93/67/EWG, 93/105/EG und 2000/21/EG der Kommission (ABl. L 396 vom 30.12.2006, S. 1)."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "European Parliament", "de": "Europäischen Parlaments"}, {"en": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93", "de": "Aufhebung der Verordnung (EWG) Nr."}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Similarly, the executive director and CEO of major producer China Hongqiao Group, Zhang Bo, was elected as a member of the 12th session of the Shandong Provincial People’s Congress and awarded the title of ‘National Model Worker’ in 2010.", "de": "Ebenso wurde der Geschäftsführer und Generaldirektor des wichtigen Herstellers China Hongqiao Group, Zhang Bo, zum Mitglied des 12. Volkskongresses der Provinz Shandong gewählt und 2010 mit dem Titel „Vorbildlicher Arbeiter der Nation“ ausgezeichnet."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Shandong Provincial People’s Congress", "de": "Volkskongresses Provinz Shandong"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The French constituency of Finistère is a 1st constituency in the Finistère ``département ''.", "de": "Der französische Wahlkreis Finistère ist der 1. Wahlkreis der Region Finistère."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Finistère", "de": "Finistère"}, {"en": "Finistère", "de": "Finistère"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This exercise will teach you to recognise and reduce muscle tension.", "de": "Diese Übung wird Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie die Muskelspannung erkennen und verringern."}, "hints": [{"en": "muscle tension", "de": "Muskelspannung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "At the end of a positive experience, InMoment's GoRecommend product offers customers social feedback and then measures the effectiveness of this review or a recommendation.", "de": "Am Ende einer positiven Erfahrung bieten die GoRecommend-Produkte von InMoment den Kunden soziales Feedback und messen dann die Effektivität dieser Bewertung oder einer Empfehlung."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "social feedback", "de": "soziales Feedback"}, {"en": "effectiveness", "de": "Effektivität"}, {"en": "review", "de": "Bewertung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The biography has now been published in Britain, the USA (St Martin's 2013), Hungary (Swiat Ksiazki, 2013), Poland and China.", "de": "Die Biographie ist jetzt in Großbritannien, den USA (St. Martin’s, 2013), Ungarn (Swiat Ksiazki, 2013), Polen und China erschienen."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "USA", "de": "USA"}, {"en": "Hungary", "de": "Ungarn"}, {"en": "Poland", "de": "Polen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Positions treated with the CR Standardised Approach", "de": "Positionen, bei denen nach dem CR-Standardansatz verfahren wird"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "CR Standardised Approach", "de": "CR Standardansatz"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Keep hydrated by drinking water and other soft drinks regularly", "de": "Trinken Sie regelmäßig Wasser und andere Erfrischungsgetränke, um genug Flüssigkeiten zu erhalten"}, "hints": [{"en": "soft drinks", "de": "Erfrischungsgetränke"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The technology used in the 48 Volt efficient motor-generator combined with a 48 Volt/12 Volt DC/DC converter supplied by SEG Automotive Germany GmbH has already been approved for use in conventional ICE powered and certain NOVC-HEV passenger cars by Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/314 as well as for use in conventional ICE powered and certain NOVC-HEV light commercial vehicles by Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/313, as an innovative technology capable of saving CO2 emissions in a way that is only partially covered by the measurements performed as part of the emission test under the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) set out in Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008.", "de": "Die in dem von der SEG Automotive Germany GmbH gelieferten effizienten 48-Volt-Motorgenerator in Kombination mit dem 48-Volt-/12-Volt-Gleichspannungswandler verwendete Technologie wurde bereits mit dem Durchführungsbeschluss (EU) 2019/314 zur Verwendung in Personenkraftwagen mit konventionellem Verbrennungsmotor und in bestimmten nicht extern aufladbaren Hybridelektrofahrzeuge und mit dem Durchführungsbeschluss (EU) 2019/313 zur Verwendung in leichten Nutzfahrzeugen mit konventionellem Verbrennungsmotor und in bestimmten leichten Nutzfahrzeugen mit nicht extern aufladbarem Hybridelektroantrieb als innovative Technologie genehmigt, deren Einsparungen von CO2-Emissionen nur teilweise durch Messungen im Rahmen der Emissionsprüfung nach dem in der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 692/2008 der Kommission beschriebenen Neuen europäischen Fahrzyklus (im Folgenden „NEFZ“) nachgewiesen werden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "SEG Automotive Germany GmbH", "de": "SEG Automotive Germany GmbH"}, {"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}, {"en": "CO2 emissions", "de": "CO2"}, {"en": "New European Driving Cycle", "de": "Neuen europäischen Fahrzyklus"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "After the wedding in his hometown Sakarya the couple flew to Barcelona, Spain.", "de": "Nach der Hochzeit in seiner Heimatstadt Sakarya flog das Paar nach Barcelona, Spanien."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "wedding", "de": "Hochzeit"}, {"en": "couple", "de": "Paar"}, {"en": "Sakarya", "de": "Sakarya"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which presidential primary did John McCain run in, but not win?", "de": "Bei welchen Vorwahlen trat John McCain an, ohne jedoch zugewinnen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "John McCain", "de": "John McCain"}, {"en": "presidential primary", "de": "Vorwahlen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which team in the National League does Bryce Harper play on?", "de": "In welchem Team der National League spielt Bryce Harper mit?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "National League", "de": "National League"}, {"en": "Bryce Harper", "de": "Bryce Harper"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What year was Nintendo founded?", "de": "In welchem Jahr wurde Nintendo gegründet?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Nintendo", "de": "Nintendo"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many times did Jimi Hendrix perform at Monterrey?", "de": "Wie viele Male trat Jimi Hendrix beim Monterrey Pop Festival auf?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Jimi Hendrix", "de": "Jimi Hendrix"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "animals other than those listed in points (a) and (b) (Title 3).", "de": "alle anderen als die unter Buchstaben a und b genannten Tiere (Titel 3)."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "animals", "de": "alle Tiere"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "amending, for the purposes of its adaptation to technical and scientific progress, Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures", "de": "zur Änderung des Anhangs VI Teil 3 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1272/2008 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates über die Einstufung, Kennzeichnung und Verpackung von Stoffen und Gemischen zwecks Anpassung an den technischen und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "packaging", "de": "Verpackung"}, {"en": "substances", "de": "Stoffen"}, {"en": "mixtures", "de": "Gemischen"}, {"en": "European Parliament", "de": "Europäischen Parlaments"}, {"en": "Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008", "de": "Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1272/2008"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Dotty was born in Boston in 1923 and died in Gloucester in 2014.", "de": "Dotty wurde 1923 in Boston geboren und starb 2014 in Gloucester."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Dotty", "de": "Dotty"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "However, some people may need to continue with warfarin if there is a high chance of their atrial fibrillation returning and they have a moderate to high risk of a stroke.", "de": "Einige Patienten müssen jedoch weiterhin Warfarin einnehmen, wenn ein hohes Risiko besteht, dass Vorhofflimmern wieder auftritt und sie haben ein mäßiges bis hohes Risiko eines Schlaganfalls."}, "hints": [{"en": "warfarin", "de": "Warfarin"}, {"en": "atrial fibrillation", "de": "Vorhofflimmern"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Three days Jonas spent in the belly of fish, Jesus will spend three days in the grave.", "de": "Jonas verbrachte drei Tage im Bauch des Fisches, Jesus wird sich drei Tage im Grab befinden."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Jonas", "de": "Jonas"}, {"en": "Jesus", "de": "Jesus"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This can cause you to trip or lose your balance - particularly on stairs or going up or down kerbs or steps.", "de": "Dies kann dazu führen, dass Sie stolpern oder das Gleichgewicht verlieren - vor allem auf den Stufen oder wenn Sie die Bordsteine oder Treppen begehen."}, "hints": [{"en": "kerbs", "de": "Bordstein"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "However, Kaposi's sarcoma continues to be diagnosed in HIV-infected patients.", "de": "Das Kaposi-Sarkom wird weiterhin bei HIV-infizierten Patienten diagnostiziert."}, "hints": [{"en": "Kaposi", "de": "Kaposi"}, {"en": "sarcoma", "de": "Sarkom"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The studies differed widely according to medical condition, patient population, intervention, measures of adherence, and clinical outcomes.", "de": "Die Studien waren sehr unterschiedlich je nach dem gesundheitlichen Zustand, Patientenkollektiv, Intervention, Maßnahmen zur Adhärenz und den klinischen Ergebnissen."}, "hints": [{"en": "patient population", "de": "Patientenkollektiv"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Treatment for boys with phimosis has become controversial.", "de": "Die Behandlung von Jungen mit Phimose ist umstritten geworden."}, "hints": [{"en": "phimosis", "de": "Phimose"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Tres vidas distintas, is a 1969 Mexican telenovela transmitted by Televisa and originally produced by Telesistema Mexicano.", "de": "Tres vidas distintas, ist eine mexikanische Telenovela von 1969, die von Televisa übertragen und ursprünglich von Telesistema Mexicano produziert wurde."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Televisa", "de": "Televisa"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}