{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But they're quite poisonous I suppose, right?", "zh": "但是,我想他们很毒,对吧?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's because they have false expectations of what they're going to get.", "zh": "这是因为他们对他们将要获得什么有虚假的期望。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, I grew up in a small hometown of maybe fifty to a hundred thousand people.", "zh": "所以,我在一个大约有五十到十万人的小家乡长大。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sit down. Come on. I'm sorry.", "zh": "坐下 来 对不起"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "and that boat... 3.2 mil. I warned him. It has absolutely no resale value whatsoever.", "zh": "还有那条游艇 三百二十万 早警告过他 绝对没有再卖出去的价值"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's like working for Apple but you like Windows better.", "zh": "这就像为苹果公司工作,但你更喜欢Windows系统。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You think he's gonna kill you now?", "zh": "你现在认为他会杀了你?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't fucking know. He's the guy I call to deal with people like him. He's a rich man. He'll pay.", "zh": "不知道 遇到像他那类人 我只能找他去对付 他是有钱人 会还钱的"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, I didn't realize that.", "zh": "是的,我没有意识到。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "OK?", "zh": "就这样办吧?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And I got bronchitis while we were in Rome.", "zh": "当我们在罗马时我患上了支气管炎。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Have you considered therapy? I think just the annulment for today. There are some forms to fill out.", "zh": "你考虑过接受治疗吗? 我想今天办注销就好了 要填几份表格"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "People choose what they want.", "zh": "人们选择他们想要的东西。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You should have heard him tonight.", "zh": "你今晚该去听听他说什么了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He has true passion about Kenya.", "zh": "他对肯尼亚有着真正的热情。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He's super fast, but he has no endurance whatsoever.", "zh": "他超级快,但是他没有任何耐力。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Believe me, I'm gonna take care of you and he's gonna be OK.", "zh": "相信我 我会照顾好你们 他会没事的"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They claim that he hung the Petruzzos' cat on their garage door,", "zh": "他们说他在车房门上 吊死了Petruzzo的猫"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Maybe the whole season. And the backup kicker? He's right out of college.", "zh": "可能整赛季 那替补踢球手呢? 他刚从大学出来"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's like ghost towns.", "zh": "就像鬼城。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "car", "zh": "汽车"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Come on. Hey! It's all right.", "zh": "走 没事的"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The questions for finance are actually like real finance questions.", "zh": "金融问题实际上就是真正的财务问题。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Are you close to them?", "zh": "你与他们很亲密吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Did Trump say that?", "zh": "特朗普说过这话?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "so we'll see.", "zh": "那拭目以待吧"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yes.", "zh": "是。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Those are steep mountains.", "zh": "那些是陡峭的山。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And what did he say?", "zh": "他说了什么?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They have a baby on the way. Hello? Have you looked outside?", "zh": "他们的孩子快出生了 喂? 你看过外面了吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So far that's the only thing here I've been able to do.", "zh": "到目前为止,这是我能够做的唯一事情。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's complicated because of the love.", "zh": "变得复杂是因为爱"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "what's number one on their agenda?", "zh": "他们计划中什么是第一位的?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Did you get a chance to see that?", "zh": "你有机会看到吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I really like it a lot.", "zh": "我确实很喜欢它。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And so, my grandpa was a hospital administrator, before he retired.", "zh": "所以,我的爷爷在退休之前是医院管理员。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You could do a lot worse than Joey Tribbiani! I'm sorry, but you guys are wrong. I just don't want to be divorced three times.", "zh": "你做的比乔伊崔比亚尼烂多了 很抱歉,但是你们错了 我只是不想离三次婚"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But again, if your knee's bothering you don't hurt yourself.", "zh": "但是,如果你的膝盖困扰你,不要伤害自己。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No, it's better.", "zh": "不,它更好。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I like playing with little kids, it's part of the reason why I came here. I thought it would be interesting to teach kids.", "zh": "我喜欢和小孩玩耍,这是我来这里的原因之一。我以为教孩子会很有趣"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I can't believe you like Huskies.", "zh": "我不敢相信你居然喜欢哈士奇。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What is that? I don't know.", "zh": "那是什么? 我不知道"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's so easy to just buy anything 'cause you just swipe.", "zh": "买东西非常容易,因为你只是滑动屏幕而已。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, I had a free place to stay, and so I stayed with him for two weeks.", "zh": "所以,我有一个免费的地方留下来,所以我和他呆了两个礼拜。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "When I started seeing those I was just, like, yeah I don't really care about Facebook that much anymore.", "zh": "当我开始看到那些东西时,我就不是很在乎Facebook了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's my fault. I've condoned it for a long time. I haven't had a panic attack since my uncle shot me. Did you notice that?", "zh": "是我的错 迁就你太多了 自从叔叔枪伤我后就没发作过惊恐症 你注意到了吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Does he listen?", "zh": "他有听吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I always wondered how sports became sports.", "zh": "我一直想知道运动如何成为运动。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He's not here to eat. He's here for the rent. The rent, the rent. What are you talking about?", "zh": "他不是来吃的 是来收租的 收租 收租 胡说什么啊"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I wouldn't", "zh": "我不会"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That one's very popular, I think.", "zh": "那个人很受欢迎,我想。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's just a tourist trap.", "zh": "这只是一个旅游陷阱。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And yeah, it can get really fierce, but it's just something that the whole world is watching.", "zh": "是啊,这真的演变得非常激烈,不过这种事全世界都在关注。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So what can you do with that? a ceramics degree?", "zh": "那么你能用它做什么呢? 陶瓷学位?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So far I've been enjoying it though.", "zh": "到目前为止,我一直在享受它。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I started thinking, wow, a curry sandwich, that would be great.", "zh": "我开始思考,哇,一个咖喱三明治,那会很棒。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't need a tattoo.", "zh": "我不需要纹身。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's \"we\" now?", "zh": "现在说\"我们\"了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Instagram?", "zh": "Instagram?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The book is pretty good.", "zh": "这本书很不错。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He's very tall.", "zh": "他很高。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What math did you take?", "zh": "你学了什么数学科目?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But, then I got another one.", "zh": "但是,然后我又得到了一个。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I get the feeling that whenever I hear stories about he and his partner, that they're never in any real danger even if the situation seems differently.", "zh": "我感觉,每当我听到他和他的伴侣的故事,即使情况不同,他们也永远不会有任何真正的危险。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What? We're still married. Don't tell Rachel. See you later. Do you have any gum?", "zh": "什么? 我们还是夫妻 不要告诉瑞秋,待会见 你有口香糖吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Have you seen those videos of the pancakes that are like people?", "zh": "你看过那些像人一样的煎饼的视频吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The girl was developmentally disabled. Uncle Phil said he talked to you.", "zh": "这小姑娘发育不健全 Phil叔叔说跟你谈过了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You understand me?", "zh": "明白吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Don't you want a cookie? Sure. Thanks. Do you need a tissue?", "zh": "你不吃饼干吗? 好啊 谢谢 需要面纸吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It really is a party hotel.", "zh": "它确实是一个派对酒店。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Your dad's gone. You're the man of the house.", "zh": "你爸已经死了 你现在是一家之主"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, I can't go.", "zh": "所以我不能去。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "An era is defined as a significant period of time.", "zh": "一个时代就是一段重要的日子"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "John Jones is gone, I mean.", "zh": "约翰琼斯走了,我的意思是。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He shit in the fucking shower! Are you crazy?", "zh": "他在浴室拉屎 你是不是疯了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I thought she meant the dog.", "zh": "我以为她是指狗。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hello.", "zh": "你好。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But it seems that so many restaurants don't understand customer service and don't realize that it's much easier to have customers come back than to get new customers all the time.", "zh": "但是,似乎有这么多餐馆不了解客户服务,而且并没有意识到让挽留老客户比开发新客户更容易。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "We had two dogs, Ginger and Barkley.", "zh": "我们有两只狗,姜和巴克利。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So you lose the calories just by walking home.", "zh": "所以你只要走路回家就可以消耗卡路里。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Have you talked to his uncle?", "zh": "跟他叔叔谈过了吗"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Translator.", "zh": "翻译。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So I got a lot of scholarships.", "zh": "所以我得到了很多的奖学金。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I think.", "zh": "我认为。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Military contracts, yes.", "zh": "军事合同,是的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Okay, well it sounds like you're really into Korean food, what do you think is the best Korean food you've had here.", "zh": "好吧,听起来你对韩国菜很感兴趣,你觉得你在这里吃过的最好吃的韩国食物是什么。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I went to go see Argentina versus Nigeria, which was cool.", "zh": "我去看阿根廷对尼日利亚,这很酷。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Well, she always wanted to go on a nice vacation every summer.", "zh": "好吧,她总是想每个夏天去度过美好的假期。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So we've talked a lot about me and my Adventures, but tell me about yourself, how is university going, what classes are you taking?", "zh": "所以我们谈了很多关于我和我的冒险,但告诉我关于你自己,大学怎么样,你在什么上课?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But back in the US, I was doing that quite often, at least twice a month.", "zh": "但是回到美国,我经常这么做,每个月至少要两次。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "familiar service to the Chinese guests", "zh": "熟悉的服务给中国客人"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Django.", "zh": "姜戈。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Well do you like, documentaries?", "zh": "那么你喜欢纪录片吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I've stayed in the Holiday Inn in Wudaokou here.", "zh": "我住在五道口的假日酒店。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, okay.", "zh": "是啊,好吧。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "but we saw", "zh": "但是我们看到了"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Look at what they wrote down.", "zh": "看看他们写下了什么。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's cheaper in the market, so if you wanna get the healthy stuff, it's more expensive.", "zh": "市场上更便宜,所以如果你想获得健康的东西,那就更贵了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's crazy.", "zh": "这是疯狂的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I like almost all of his songs.", "zh": "我几乎喜欢他所有的歌曲。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I'm so sorry, honey.", "zh": "对不起 乖儿子"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, exactly.", "zh": "是的,没错。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I like Ryan Giggs.", "zh": "我喜欢Ryan Giggs。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "but when, when I'm with the family, uh", "zh": "但是,当我和家人在一起的时候,"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You just have to make sure to tie the skates really tight, or your ankles will get really bad.", "zh": "你必须确保溜冰鞋系的很紧,否则你的脚踝会变得非常糟糕。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Going back home for a couple weeks.", "zh": "回家待几个礼拜。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She's actually transitioning into a new firm, recently.", "zh": "最近,她实际上正在过渡到一家新公司。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I have to tell Rachel, but....", "zh": "真的得告诉瑞秋了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "How about yourself?", "zh": "你自己怎么样?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Biggest health problem.", "zh": "最大的健康问题。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's easy.", "zh": "很简单"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Right.", "zh": "对。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What is the matter with you?", "zh": "你是怎么了?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But I like the acoustic version of it.", "zh": "但我喜欢它的声学版本。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah it is.", "zh": "是啊,就是。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I think, that makes a difference.", "zh": "我觉得这样做有用。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's not laundry.", "zh": "不是洗衣服的事"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Who? Phil. Phil's not his uncle. Him and I are second cousins.", "zh": "谁 Phil Phil不是他叔叔 他和我是远房堂兄妹"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But anyway, I wanted to go to ASU, but I ended up going to Grand Canyon University, which is a private school.", "zh": "但无论如何,我想去ASU,但我最后去了大峡谷大学,这是一所私立学校。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ohh, wow!", "zh": "哦,哇!"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It is totally spontaneous with me.", "zh": "这完全是我自发的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's not so bad.", "zh": "没有那么糟糕。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Come in. These are our cousins, Hugh and Carmela.", "zh": "请进 这是我们的表亲 Hugh和Carmela"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And what else did she do?", "zh": "她还做了什么?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Do you work in an office or do you work from home.", "zh": "你在办公室工作还是在家工作?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And I no longer look at him as a brother anymore because of how he ditched her, like she was nothing.", "zh": "而且我不再像以前那样把他当作兄弟看待,因为他把她甩掉的方式,好像她一文不值。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "one day, maybe, but", "zh": "有一天,也许,但是"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Very cool.", "zh": "很酷。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I couldn't hear you very well for a second, and I can hear you again.", "zh": "有那么一会儿我听不清你的声音,然后又听得见了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Is that the only reason why you're here? The panic attacks?", "zh": "那就是你来这的原因? 惊恐症?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's probably just because we're in the capital.", "zh": "这可能只是因为我们在首都。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I too have been to Mexico.", "zh": "我也去过墨西哥。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Why are you working at Apple then?", "zh": "为什么你在苹果公司工作?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Okay, now I wouldn't date you because you seem a little creepy.", "zh": "现在不能和你约会 你看起来有点神经质"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Shit.", "zh": "该死。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I'd search this hashtag.", "zh": "我会搜索这个标签。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The baseball is crazy.", "zh": "这棒球很疯狂"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Do you watch anything on the airplane?", "zh": "你在飞机上看到什么了吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The Giver?", "zh": "送礼者?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, I enjoyed it.", "zh": "所以,我很享受。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's just a little hard to believe. What's hard to believe? I mean, it's you guys. You do this kind of stuff, you know? You were gonna get married in Vegas, and then you backed out.", "zh": "只是有点难以相信 难以相信什么? 意思是 你们这些家伙啊,你们就是这样 明白吗? 你们在拉斯维加斯说要结婚然后又不结了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And now, they've been switching back and forth between beaches.", "zh": "而现在,他们已经在海滩之间来回切换了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I know.", "zh": "我知道。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But, it doesn't work for me in China.", "zh": "但是,对我来说在中国并不奏效。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That was me, not a fireboat. 10:30.", "zh": "刚才是我 不是消防船 十点半"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What are the million other possibilities? The FBl waiting to take you away?", "zh": "还有其它无数的可能呢? FBI随时都会抓你走"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "We were friends, you know. Butt buddies?", "zh": "你知道的 我们是好朋友 床上的好朋友?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I have some exciting news. You're pregnant.", "zh": "我有个好消息 你怀孕了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Have you dated anyone who's been divorced three times? That's not fair. Most guys that have been divorced three times are 60.", "zh": "是吗? 你交过离婚三次的男朋友吗? 这样问不公平 离三次婚的人通常都60岁了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So that's your second marriage in two years?", "zh": "这是2年内你的第二次结婚"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I have been losing. I'm fucking losing right now.", "zh": "我最近一直在输钱 刚又输了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I would have to say that university of Texas' tuition is pretty expensive because it's a really popular school to go to compared to", "zh": "我不得不说,德克萨斯大学的学费是相当昂贵的,因为这是一个非常受欢迎的学校"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Because I really want to know what you're saying.", "zh": "因为我真的想知道你在说什么。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Okay, I'll go first.", "zh": "好的,我先走。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "How?", "zh": "怎么样?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sure.", "zh": "当然。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Can I get you something? A coffee or a bun? I'll let you two talk.", "zh": "要点什么吗 咖啡还是点心? 让你们慢慢聊"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I think that's probably the best of them.", "zh": "我认为这可能是他们之中最好的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "There was a lot of suprises in there and stuff, very vivid imagination. Yes, I guess it was based on an old TV show or something like that but I had never seen.", "zh": "在那里有很多的惊喜和非常生动的想象力。是的,我想这是基于一个旧的电视节目或类似的东西,但我从来没有见过。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Llamas are great.", "zh": "骆驼好棒。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I feel like that's not worth saving the money 'cause then you just have to spend that money to get yourself to a doctor when you do get sick.", "zh": "我觉得这不值得省钱,因为那样当你生病的时候,你只得花钱去看医生。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So everyone's calling me Racquel.", "zh": "于是大家都叫我瑞寇"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "yeah", "zh": "是啊"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She should get him a dog.", "zh": "她应该给他一只小狗"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's the thing.", "zh": "就是这样。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I think that's what university is about, is not only are you learning about yourself, but you're also learning what does your professor want from you, and how do you communicate with others?", "zh": "我认为这就是所谓的大学,你不仅在了解自己,而且还在了解你的教授想从你身上获得什么,以及你该如何与他人进行沟通?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I need to talk to you.", "zh": "有事跟你谈"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Normally, he doesn't sweat this much.", "zh": "他平常不会流这么多汗"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Come on!", "zh": "加油"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "How are the hostels in Europe?", "zh": "欧洲的酒店怎样?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Saw it on TV,", "zh": "我在电视上看过"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "All the problems you had with Hector's dad... I'm not like that. I know. It's not just that.", "zh": "你和Hector父亲有过很多问题 ... 我不是他父亲那种人 我知道 但不仅仅是那样"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I had one cousin he's like two years older than me.", "zh": "我有一个表哥,他比我大两岁。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "For sure? Yeah, next time I'll call first. Did you see that pissy attitude?", "zh": "确定? 下一次我会先打电话 你看见那怕死的表情吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's not that big a deal.", "zh": "根本没那么严重"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "When I said that Chandler and I wanted to live together...", "zh": "我说钱德和我想住在一起"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I'm trying to live a happy life now that I'm graduated from school, and ever since he got married, he hasn't spoken to my mother or I ever again.", "zh": "从学校毕业之后,我就在努力过幸福的生活,而他自从结婚以来,就再也没有和我母亲或者我说过一句话。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's always good, yeah.", "zh": "这总是很好,耶。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Nothing else.", "zh": "没有其他的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I have never heard about that.", "zh": "我从来没有听说过那。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's what I'm trying to figure out.", "zh": "这就是我想要弄清楚的东西。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The more he makes, the more he spends. His wife?", "zh": "赚的越多 花的越多 他老婆?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Good. You two going home together?", "zh": "很好 你们两个要一起回家?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I heard it's really pretty in that building.", "zh": "我听说那栋建筑内部很漂亮。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I think so.", "zh": "我想是这样。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He's five.", "zh": "他五岁"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But, then when I asked her more, she's just not interested in furthering that conversation, which I found interesting.", "zh": "不过,然后我就多问了她几句,她却没兴趣再就那个话题说下去了,我觉得那个话题挺有趣的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I actually like Facebook, how I can connect with people.", "zh": "我实际上喜欢Facebook,因为它让我能够与人联系。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You know what you should do?", "zh": "你知道该怎么做吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Where some of our family is from.", "zh": "我们家庭的一些成员来自哪里。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And tell me about your future.", "zh": "告诉我你的未来。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Basically, Rachel and I were in Vegas, and we got drunk.", "zh": "基本上,瑞秋和我在拉斯维加斯 我们喝醉了…"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Did you ever train your pets?", "zh": "你有没有训练过你的宠物?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And also I think there are a lot of filters on Instagram, right?", "zh": "而且我觉得Instagram上有很多滤镜,对吧?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You always say you want Hector to have brothers and sisters.", "zh": "你一直说想Hector有弟弟妹妹"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ross?", "zh": "罗斯"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I hope so.", "zh": "我也希望"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So I guess because a finance lady from Syracuse she had a class on it.", "zh": "所以我想是因为一个来自锡拉丘兹的金融界女士,她上了一个相关的课程。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You got a lot of Jews in your business, right? My business? Yeah, this.", "zh": "你在生意中接触过很多犹太人 对吧? 我的生意? 对"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You'll have been divorced three times. You'll have a life, you'll date..", "zh": "你离过三次婚 还是会有私生活、还会约会…"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "OK, but you'll think about it?", "zh": "好的 不过你会考虑吧?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't think I actually try to actively follow them.", "zh": "我觉得我并非真的很积极地关注他们。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You don't. you can't, you don't really, you never worked like a serious job.", "zh": "你不会。你不能,你从来没有认真地工作过。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, especially in an island.", "zh": "是的,特别是在一个岛上。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "If something was literally important someone's gonna call you.", "zh": "如果某事真的重要,有人会打电话给你。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Do you like ice skating in the winter?", "zh": "你喜欢在冬天溜冰吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Come on. Tony's not gonna hurt you.", "zh": "别这样 Tony不会伤害你的"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hi, how you doing?", "zh": "嗨,你怎么样?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I dunno.", "zh": "我不知道。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Go to the bedroom and lock the door. What's going on?", "zh": "回睡房把门锁了 出什么事了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The movie is all right.", "zh": "这部电影是很好看。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, all of them use it.", "zh": "是的,他们都用它。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I gotta tell her. I told Ross and Phoebe. She's the only one left.", "zh": "我得赶快告诉她 我已经告诉罗斯和菲比 只剩她了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "'Cause hamsters, they only live about a year or two, right?", "zh": "“因为仓鼠,它们只活一两年左右吧?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Is he just wasting his breath? Is that what you're telling us?", "zh": "他在浪费口舌吗? 这就是你告诉我们的?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Worries me. I thought we were getting along pretty good finally,", "zh": "让我很担心 还以为我们最终会相处融洽"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Well, you lose sometimes.", "zh": "总有输的时候"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Of course they would lie to the public, that's what they've been doing.", "zh": "他们当然会对公众说谎,这就是他们一直在做的事情。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Louisiana, fast.", "zh": "路易斯安那州,快。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I know there's a lot of seismic, volcanic activity, because my father's family, my grandpa, they live at the base of the twin volcano.", "zh": "我知道有很多地震,火山活动,因为我父亲的家人,我的爷爷,他们住在双火山的基地。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And every time I go to her house, yeah, it smells so bad.", "zh": "每次我去她家,是的,闻起来都很糟糕。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I know at the beginning of this conversation you talked about pasta.", "zh": "我知道在谈话的开始你谈到了面食。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Okay", "zh": "好"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I'm not dating at all anymore.", "zh": "事实上我再也不约会了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I was only dating guys that were bad for me.", "zh": "我老是看上对我不好的男人"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And it's just not a good way to interact with people, I think.", "zh": "我认为这不是一种与人互动好方法。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But, having a higher education has made you see beyond those stereotypes, yeah?", "zh": "但是,接受高等教育使你看到超越这些刻板印象,是吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Well, it's late. I should be getting back.", "zh": "很晚了 要回家了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You gotta hand it to them, when it comes to money...", "zh": "一旦涉及金钱 你就得乖乖把它交给他们"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, so I want to talk more about a set of campus it was awesome because you could get drunk and campus security when it come and knock on your your student dorm be like, hey stop drinking.", "zh": "是的,我想谈更多关于校园的事,因为那真是太棒了。您可以喝醉酒,而当校园保安来时,他们会敲您的学生宿舍门,然后叫您停止喝酒。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yes, yes, yes. But I do not love her.", "zh": "对,但是我并不爱她"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, it was really challenging, but the kids were all super sweet, so willing to learn.", "zh": "所以真的很有挑战性,但孩子们都很甜蜜,所以愿意学习。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "How the fuck are you? Fucking prostate keep me pissing all night. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.", "zh": "最近过得好吗? 该死的前列腺 让我整晚都要上厕所 我可不想让它成为我的头号敌人"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "what she's been through, how you're upsetting her?", "zh": "她受了那么多苦 你还这样来气她?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "When I move in, can I get a gumball machine?", "zh": "等我搬进来 可以买一台泡泡糖机吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Do as I ask. What are you doing here?", "zh": "按我说的做 来这干嘛"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's a mansion. Pass me the salad.", "zh": "是别墅 递色拉过来"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Alright, you know what", "zh": "好的,你知道吗"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hey, roomie. Okay, bye. There's something important I have to tell you.", "zh": "嗨,室友 好,再见 瑞秋,我有重要的事要告诉你"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I have no clue.", "zh": "我没有任何线索。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So I think WeChat is very convenient.", "zh": "所以我觉得微信很方便。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Alright.", "zh": "好的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What is that supposed to mean? Sometimes you call me Carlo Jr.", "zh": "什么意思 有时候你叫我小Carlo"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "OK.", "zh": "好吧"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Of course. So Ross and Rachel got married. Monica and Chandler almost got married. You think we should hook up?", "zh": "不客气 罗斯和瑞秋结婚了 莫妮卡和钱德差点结婚 你认为我们要不要也搞在一起?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But, I feel like they're a little bit different still.", "zh": "但是,我觉得他们有点不同。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Are you pregnant? No, but I'm throwing this shirt away. I think there was a little misunderstanding before.", "zh": "你怀孕了? 没有,但我要扔掉这件衣服 觉得刚才有一些误会"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I mean, have you taken a statistics class before?", "zh": "我的意思是,你以前是否上过统计课?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The one.", "zh": "唯一的那个。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "As a child you see three basic things, and you're like, pick one.", "zh": "作为一个孩子你会看到三个基本的东西,你就选择一个。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I was.", "zh": "我曾是。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Wow, so many different topics.", "zh": "哇,这么多不同的话题。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It could just be that I need to do a lot of stretching and get it used to activity or something.", "zh": "这可能只是我需要做很多的伸展,并让它习惯于活动。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "cos Vito brought in three times what you do on construction.", "zh": "因为Vito赚的钱多你搞建筑工程的三倍"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Lunch.", "zh": "午饭"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Seriously. I believe you. It was in the middle of a meeting, so no one wants to correct her.", "zh": "是真的 我相信 当时正在开员工大会 当然不会有人纠正她"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't like the way he talks. Hostile remarks.", "zh": "我不喜欢他的措词 充满敌意的信号"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "10:30. What would you like for breakfast? Renata? Renata?", "zh": "十点半了 想吃什么早餐? Renata? Renata?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Wow.", "zh": "哇。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You must have felt like a princess, sitting in your bathtub with the TV, being able to watch anything that you want.", "zh": "你必须感觉像一个公主,坐在你的浴缸看电视,能看任何你想看的节目。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She plays violin.", "zh": "她演奏小提琴。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He did a challenge, and he wore a suit every single day, for one year.", "zh": "他做了一个挑战,他每天都穿西装长达一年。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I should talk to him. He's impossible to talk to. It's not easy to substitute for a dad. I know.", "zh": "我应该先和他谈谈 他根本没法沟通 充当父亲的角色不容易 知道"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't know if it was last year or two years ago but I was really impressed with, I think it's called, The World According To Walter Mitty, did you ever see that?", "zh": "我不知道是去年还是两年前,但我的印象真的很深刻,我记得它叫做“瓦尔特·米蒂的世界”,你看过吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What's this? Your clothes. I just did laundry a couple days ago.", "zh": "这是什么? 你的衣服 我几天前洗干净了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Some of the artists are really gruesome, they tell stories of rapes or murders, different things like this.", "zh": "一些艺术家真的很可怕,他们讲的是强奸或谋杀的故事,这样的事情很不同。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, yeah.", "zh": "嗯是的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What's the matter?", "zh": "什么事"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So what happened at school today?", "zh": "今天学校怎么样了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "This trouble you're causing, I'm disappointed cos you always were a good kid. You don't even know me.", "zh": "你引起的这个麻烦 . 我很失望 因为你一向是个好孩子 你根本就不认识我"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "God fucking damn it!", "zh": "操!"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's mine. And what about this? Whose is this? That's mine.", "zh": "我的 那这个呢? 也是我的"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Talk to you soon.", "zh": "以后再聊。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Because they have a bunch of stuff and you can download it without paying any fees at all.", "zh": "因为他们有一堆东西,你可以下载它,而不需要支付任何费用。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I raised kids. I get it.", "zh": "我养育过小孩子 我明白"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "yeah, it's, I mean", "zh": "是的,这是我的意思"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "middle school's rough.", "zh": "中学生活是困难的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hey, Marie. How you holding up? He snuck out again last night.", "zh": "Marie 最近怎么样? 他昨晚又偷偷跑出去了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, you said you went to Europe before, right?", "zh": "那么,你说你以前去过欧洲,是吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And it is going to happen. It is? Really? Yeah, sweetie.", "zh": "就这样了 是吗? 真的? 没错,亲爱的"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "you know", "zh": "你懂"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It took a few years, but it's pretty strong now.", "zh": "花了几年时间,但它现在很强大。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "How about you?", "zh": "你呢?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No!", "zh": "不!"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't remember.", "zh": "我不记得了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yes. Second in two years. Third, overall. I have been a divorce attorney for 23 years... and never have I had so much business from one client.", "zh": "对,2年两次,总共三次 我当了23年离婚律师 还没有单独为一个客户服务这么多次"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Thank you, Tony.", "zh": "谢谢 Tony"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But Renata's got a migraine. That's too bad.", "zh": "Renata的偏头痛发作 太遭了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What? Vito, my name is Steve. I'm here to help you. You're gonna come with us now, all right?", "zh": "搞什么啊 Vito 我叫Steve 是来帮你的 你要跟我们走 明白吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What about Ross? I don't want to go into the whole thing. But", "zh": "那罗斯呢? 我不想多说,不过…"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And we also had great amenities.", "zh": "并且我们也有很好的设施。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I wake up and I just end up upside down.", "zh": "我醒来,发现自己倒过来了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But yeah, no.", "zh": "但是,没有。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But there was a change so my flight was delayed and I didn't have actually any time to, meet with them anymore.", "zh": "但是有一个变化,所以我的航班被推迟了,我真的没有有时间与他们见面了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Neither do I.", "zh": "我也不。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Well, now she's a social worker, but she used to be a freedom fighter.", "zh": "那么现在她是一个社会工作者,但她曾经是个自由战士。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, she was a good bunny.", "zh": "是的,她曾是个好兔子。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's not like him. Makes me worry. Yeah, I can see that. What are you thinking?", "zh": "这不是他的为人 让我很担心 我明白 你在想什么?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, it includes so many things.", "zh": "是的,它包括了这么多东西。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Gross!", "zh": "啊! 恶心!"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Un-fucking-believable.", "zh": "难以置信"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Come here! We should pop the champagne or go out or something. Maybe. I don't know.", "zh": "过来 我们该开香槟庆祝或者出去吃一顿 或许吧 不知道"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What? Marie called. He got expelled cos he took a shit in the shower in gym class.", "zh": "出什么事了 Marie打过电话 因为在体操课上在浴室里拉屎他被开除出校了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Anyways, let's see.", "zh": "不管怎样,走着瞧。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, and like I said now if I have kids.", "zh": "是的,就像我现在说的,如果我有孩子。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She's on the diving team.", "zh": "她在潜水队。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Let me go! Mom, no! It's gonna be OK.", "zh": "放开! 妈! 别! 没事的"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yes I think that's the kind of job I'd like to do.", "zh": "是的,我认为这是我想做的那种工作。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's the same material.", "zh": "这是相同的材料。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I am so attracted to him right now.", "zh": "我突然觉得他好有魅力"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hey, Phoebe.", "zh": "嗨,菲比"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Don't you miss good food?", "zh": "难道你不会错过美食吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So now he got even more publicity.", "zh": "所以现在他甚至得到了更多的宣传。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I think it was Macy's.", "zh": "我认为是梅西百货。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I watched Dexter's Laboratory and Scooby-Doo.", "zh": "我看过德克斯特实验室和Scooby-Doo。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, because he's shooting a movie in Beijing.", "zh": "是的,因为他在北京拍电影。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I hear lots of people get excited about sandstorms.", "zh": "我听到很多人对沙尘暴感到兴奋。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's the dream of every little American girl.", "zh": "这是每一个美国小女孩的梦想。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "because, yeah", "zh": "因为,是的"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Trust me.", "zh": "相信我"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's not even the real Mexico either.", "zh": "它甚至不是真正的墨西哥。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But if I'm out and about, I'll either use my iPod, or I'll use my phone.", "zh": "但是,如果我在外面,我要不就用iPod,要不就用手机。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Good to see you.", "zh": "很高兴见到你"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "911. What is the emergency?", "zh": "911中心 有什么紧急情况"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I need to be there for some odd reason.", "zh": "因为一些奇怪的原因,我必须要在那里。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "hundred percent finish rate.", "zh": "百分百完成率。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I went to Lego World.", "zh": "我进入了乐高世界。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's really hard for them to really affect your normal day-to-day kind of thing.", "zh": "要让他们真正影响到你的日常生活挺难的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I really enjoy them, and you can listen to them any mood of the day.", "zh": "我真的非常喜欢这些音乐,无论心情如何你都可以听这些音乐。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In another three I'll be in charge of the day shifts.", "zh": "再过三个月就是日班经理"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I do not have feelings for Rachel, okay? Oh, what's wrong?", "zh": "我对瑞秋没有感觉,好吗? 怎么了?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You got married again? Yes.", "zh": "你又结婚了 对"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's Swelligant and Meadow Gold.", "zh": "现在是Swelligant 和 Meadow Gold之争"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I've never been more convinced of your love for her.", "zh": "我现在更确信你爱她"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ginny Sack had to move in with her daughter.", "zh": "Ginny要搬去和女儿住"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "because state law allows them to strike the kids.", "zh": "因为那两个州的法律允许打儿童"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And there was only certain days where you could see each other at each other's dorms.", "zh": "只有某些日子你可以在彼此的宿舍看到对方。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't want you eating cat food.", "zh": "可不想你以后要吃猫粮"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "We'll need witnesses who can testify that you were not of sound mind. It's no problem. We'll need you and Rachel to testify before a judge.", "zh": "必须有证人证明 你们当时神智不清 没问题 需要你和瑞秋得向法官说明"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So what? We're not speaking now? Listen to me, come here. What?", "zh": "那又怎么样? 我们现在没话可说了? 过来听我说 什么事"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Fucking Christ.", "zh": "该死的"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Once you know the stories, it's not that bad. My first marriage: my wife's hidden her sexuality. It's not my fault.", "zh": "一旦知道内情就没那么糟了 第一次婚姻:老婆隐瞒性取向 不是我的错"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's stuff that would get me pumped up to workout.", "zh": "这让我充满动力去锻炼。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "This is when she first started, I think.", "zh": "这是她第一次开始的时候,我想。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sometimes history can be quite boring, but he just always made it so fun.", "zh": "有时候历史可以很无聊,但他总是让它变得很有趣。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You read this incorrectly?", "zh": "你把这个读错了吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, what do you think my dreams mean for me?", "zh": "那么,你觉得我的梦想对我来说意味着什么?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She said, \"He's obviously still in love with this Rachel girl.\"", "zh": "她说 “他显然还爱着这个瑞秋”"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I've heard that some people have never even seen a miniature giraffe.", "zh": "我听说有些人从未见过微型长颈鹿。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I like her.", "zh": "我喜欢她。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I'm really happy for you guys. Congratulations. See you later.", "zh": "真替你们高兴 恭喜,再见"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And I studied with very influential people and", "zh": "我和非常有影响力的人一起学习"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And then Bush would be absolutely insane.", "zh": "那么布什绝对会疯了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And then, throughout the day, she'd just cut up pears and feed them to me.", "zh": "然后,一整天,她只是切梨,喂他们给我。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hey.", "zh": "嘿。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Only five hundred euros?", "zh": "只有五百欧元?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Fine. If this is what you think, forget about... the whole three-divorce thing. I'll go to my lawyer's office right now and get this marriage annulled.", "zh": "好,如果你们这么想 忘掉那什么三次离婚吧 我现在就去找律师办注销"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Okay, perfect.", "zh": "好的,完美。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I will admit.", "zh": "我会承认"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's true.", "zh": "确实如此。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So I'm gonna ask you this question.", "zh": "因此我会问你这个问题。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Well you'll have to give him addresses that are safest for him.", "zh": "好吧,你必须给他最安全的地址。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "two minutes.", "zh": "2分钟。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I left right after.", "zh": "我吃完就走"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I had a lot of support. Brian and Janine must be so happy.", "zh": "我有大家的支持 Brian和janine肯定很开心了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Come on. No, let me go!", "zh": "快走 不 放开我"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You didn't lose.", "zh": "你没输"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Congratulations, Philly.", "zh": "恭喜 philly"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You can hear me now, right?", "zh": "你现在可以听到我了吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Oh, my God, come here, come here. It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay. Thank you.", "zh": "天哪 过来,没事,一切都会好起来的 谢谢"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't get it.", "zh": "我不明白"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I love you too. So marry me, then. And we'll have kids.", "zh": "我也爱你 那就嫁给我 我们会生儿育女"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's just that he's obviously still in love with this Rachel girl. What?", "zh": "只是他显然还爱着这个瑞秋 什么?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Very good question.", "zh": "很好的问题。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Should we hang up?", "zh": "我们应该挂断电话吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But now, I've forgotten all of it.", "zh": "但现在我已经忘记了所有这一切。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "How are you doing?", "zh": "你好吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But, I found a spot to hang it, but I actually never use it.", "zh": "但是,我找到了一个挂钩它的地方,但实际上从来没有使用过它。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I think so, it's a good story.", "zh": "我也这么认为。这是一个很好的故事。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hey. Long time.", "zh": "大家好 很久不见"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Females lived all together in one dorm, and males lived all together in the other dorm.", "zh": "女性一起住在一个宿舍,男性一起住在另一个宿舍。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I know it's hard, but it's the best thing for him.", "zh": "我知道很难接受 但对他来说 这是最好的办法"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Are you okay?", "zh": "你还好吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Have you seen Rachel? No, why?", "zh": "你看到瑞秋了吗? 没有,怎样?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't remember what the title is, but she walks out, it's the music video, and she's arguing with a boyfriend and she walks out at the end and lights the house on fire, which was very interesting.", "zh": "我不记得是什么标题,但她走出去,这是音乐录影带,她和一个男朋友争吵,她最后离开了,并点燃了房子,这很有趣。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Do you have a current partner that has pets, or that doesn't have pets?", "zh": "你现在的伴侣有宠物还是没有宠物?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, I do like cooking.", "zh": "是的,我喜欢做饭。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Wake up, Vito.", "zh": "Vito 该起床了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "When I'm gone you can live in a dumpster for all I care.", "zh": "我死后 你睡垃圾堆我也不在乎"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, I like watching.", "zh": "是的,我喜欢看。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "This was a couple years ago.", "zh": "这是几年前。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The squirrel.", "zh": "松鼠。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Right now I don't have any kind of equipment.", "zh": "现在,我没有任何装备。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah?", "zh": "是吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's gonna be like what happened with Obama.", "zh": "它会像发生在奥巴马身上的一样。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ross, you're being ridiculous. You are cute and smart and sweet. That is much more important than three stupid divorces.", "zh": "罗斯,别傻了 你可爱聪明又体帖 这比离婚三次重要多了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And you get to pick your seats, so you don't have to show up early.", "zh": "你可以选择你的座位,所以你不必很早出现。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "have very successful careers", "zh": "有非常成功的职业"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And you, Meg? Well, I don't care about the divorces, either. But I wouldn't date him.", "zh": "梅格你呢? 我也不在意离婚的事 但不会和他约会"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What?", "zh": "啥事?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And star maps?", "zh": "星图?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, I tried, American football, for two days and then, I quit.", "zh": "是的,我试了两天美式足球,然后我退出了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's not my point. Well, I get busy.", "zh": "我不是这个意思 我很忙啊"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She was a great girl.", "zh": "她是个好女孩"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You don't have to have a housemate but you get your own room.", "zh": "你不必有室友,但你有自己的房间。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And it makes me want to dance.", "zh": "它让我想跳舞。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I actually have three, 'cause if I'm at home or in my room, I'll probably use my computer.", "zh": "我实际上有三个,因为如果我在家里或在我的房间里,我可能会用我的电脑。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The three of us are gonna have such a good time living together!", "zh": "我们三个在一起一定会很开心"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Never.", "zh": "一点也没有"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I told them I have all the documents, but I just told them the school didn't provide what they said they were going to.", "zh": "我告诉他们我有所有的文件,但是我刚才告诉他们,学校没有提供他们要说的话。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But we don't have overpopulation in our country.", "zh": "但我们国家人口不足。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Oh, God!", "zh": "喔!"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was significant for me. Maybe it wasn't significant to you!", "zh": "对我很重要 或许对你不重要"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Wow. I know. Then I'll marry Chandler for the money. And you'll marry Rachel and have the beautiful kids. Great.", "zh": "哇 我知道 然后我会为钱嫁给钱德 你会娶瑞秋生几个漂亮小孩 太好了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Aren't they from L. A.?", "zh": "他们不是来自洛杉矶吗."}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They're also the builders.", "zh": "他们也是承建商"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Goodbye.", "zh": "再见。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "My life is an embarrassment. I should just go live under somebody's stairs.", "zh": "我的人生很难堪 我应该去住在别人的楼梯底下"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't know if she will.", "zh": "我不知道她会不会。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "buying coffee outside of the hotel.", "zh": "在酒店外面买咖啡。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You know, got to see Messi play.", "zh": "你知道的,可以看梅西踢球。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Come up to them, and ask them a bunch of questions in Chinese, and I had no Chinese at the time.", "zh": "来找他们,用中文问他们一些问题,当时我不会中文。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Madam, your dessert.", "zh": "夫人 你的甜品"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, so that could be a problem.", "zh": "是的,这可能是一个问题。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ginger", "zh": "生姜"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Right, but it is still considered a language.", "zh": "对,但它仍然被认为是一种语言。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, I don't really know what they are.", "zh": "是的,我真的不知道他们是什么。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ohh.", "zh": "喔。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "All right, yeah.", "zh": "好的,耶。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's so cute.", "zh": "那真可爱。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yes, I do know Steve Buscemi.", "zh": "是的,我认识Steve Buscemi。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ohh my gosh.", "zh": "哦,我的天啊"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What's your favorite rap song?", "zh": "你最喜欢的说唱曲子是什么?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They're really scary.", "zh": "他们真的很可怕"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I can hear you.", "zh": "我可以听见你说话。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Can I get you some coffee? No, I think it's time for our talk here.", "zh": "能给你点咖啡吗? 不用了 我认为是时候好好谈谈了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So stop talking about your money!", "zh": "所以别说那是你的钱!"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Do you smoke?", "zh": "你抽烟吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Okay, whose is this?", "zh": "这是谁的?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I mean, not for Americans, but for", "zh": "我的意思是,不是为了美国人,而是为了"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I mean, I've always done my own laundry, but I remember teaching some girls how to separate your clothes", "zh": "我的意思是,我一直自己洗衣服,但我记得教一些女孩如何分开你的衣服"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, that's all I remember from the Chinchilla.", "zh": "是的,就是我从钦奇利亚记得的一切。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Funny.", "zh": "滑稽。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's a very good point.", "zh": "这是一个非常好的点。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Alright, I guess we should get started at some point here.", "zh": "好的,我想我们应该从这里某处开始吧。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Okay, us", "zh": "好的,我们"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You look like a Puerto Rican whore. You make me sick.", "zh": "你看起来就像个波多黎各妓女 真恶心"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, I'm reading Ross Geller Magazine.", "zh": "对,我在看罗斯盖勒杂志"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Oh, all right. But I gotta say, I don't think six years counts as an era.", "zh": "好吧 但老实说 我不认为6年是一个时代"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I guess because I like both of those things, and the way they mixed it together made it feel very believable.", "zh": "我想是因为我喜欢这两种东西,而且它们混合在一起的方式让它感到非常可信。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Do you take any sort of medicine to maintain your weight, or your health?", "zh": "你服用任何药物来维持你的体重或健康吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Boy in love.", "zh": "恋爱中的男孩。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Okay, so Jack is fifteen and Amy is nineteen, so she's a year ahead of me.", "zh": "好,杰克十五岁,艾米十九岁,所以她比我年长一年。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And my school has really good connections with other medical schools, but they themselves were not in medical school.", "zh": "我学校与其他医学院校有很好的联系,但他们自己也不在医学院。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Have a seat. Listen to me, Chandler and I... are going to live together... Here. Oh, my God. That's so great!", "zh": "坐 听我说 钱德和我要一起住在这里 天哪,真是太棒了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I took an eight a.m. math class as well.", "zh": "我也上了八点的数学课。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, he was talking with Colbert about whether he would be able to be president, because obviously he's", "zh": "所以,他正在和科尔伯特谈论他是否能够担任总统,因为显然他是"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Come here.", "zh": "过来"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hey. Oh, look, here's an article about people who marry people and don't tell them. Really?", "zh": "嗨 有一篇文章在讨论两人结了婚却不告诉对方 真的?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "standing, yeah", "zh": "站在,是的"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, in a way it was a win-win situation, where the US wanted more, but they couldn't get more because, for whatever reason, with, manufacturing in China.", "zh": "所以,在某种程度上,这是一个双赢的局面,这是美国想要的,但无论什么原因,他们不能因为在中国的制造而获得更多。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And their opening band was another band that I'm a huge fan of.", "zh": "他们的开场乐队是另一支乐队,我是该乐队的死忠粉。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No, maybe six or seven years ago.", "zh": "不,也许是六七年前。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And so that was our first time we went to see the movie theaters here in Beijing.", "zh": "所以这是我们在北京第一次去电影院。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sounds like it takes some serious dedication and effort.", "zh": "听起来像需要一些认真的奉献和努力。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What does your family do for work?", "zh": "你家人做什么工作?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I gotta go. I've got an acting job.", "zh": "我得走了,有戏要演"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, knows.", "zh": "是的,知道。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "There are different types of cats, right?", "zh": "有不同类型的猫,对吧?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mami!", "zh": "妈咪!"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Lot of free time.", "zh": "很多空闲时间。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She just plays violin, but she dances while she plays violin, so she's very entertaining to watch.", "zh": "虽然她只是演奏小提琴,但她会在演奏小提琴的同时跳舞,所以她的表演娱乐性非常强。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Because sometimes I don't really care about all the things that you're posting and you're a great person and like I like you a lot but I don't care so you know you're just taking up my time.", "zh": "因为有时候我真的不在乎你发布的所有事情,而且你是一个伟大的人,像我一样喜欢你,但我不在乎你知道你只是占据我的时间。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Well, I do. There's this camp in ldaho and they handle kids like him.", "zh": "我有办法 有个在爱达荷州的训练营 专门改造他那样的孩子"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Never lend friends money, Eli.", "zh": "永远别借钱给朋友 Eli"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's true.", "zh": "这是真的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But still, it's a big change. The end of an era, you might say. Are you okay? You're not blinking. I'm fine. I was thinking about how it's an end of an era.", "zh": "但是个大转变 也可以说是一个时代的结束 你还好吗?眼睛都没眨 我很好 只是在想一个时代要结束了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What? That's good, right?", "zh": "怎么了 赢了 是吧?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, that's a huge deal.", "zh": "所以,这是一笔很大的交易。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mom!", "zh": "妈!"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No.", "zh": "没有。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I watched a little gymnastics.", "zh": "我观看了一个小小的体操表演。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "For a month and a half.", "zh": "一个半月。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Recently, we've been staying at Bellagio.", "zh": "最近我们一直住在贝拉焦。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Linguistics, because it's very interesting, because no one would ever think that", "zh": "语言学,因为它很有趣,因为没有人会想到。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "There's a chicken and broccoli kind of dish they had over there, which is pretty good, and it's pretty cheap.", "zh": "那里有一种鸡肉和西兰花菜,很好,也很便宜。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The Supreme Court was not part of the original checks.", "zh": "最高法院不是原始检查的一部分。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "well", "zh": "好吧"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And I have loved her in the past... but now, she is just my wife. Phoebe, will you help me out here? Well, I thought you loved her when you married her.", "zh": "过去确实爱过她 但现在她只是我的妻子 菲比,帮我说句话好吗? 好吧,我原以为你娶她时你爱她"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yes exactly.", "zh": "对,就是这样。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Because I was having four heart attacks at the same time.", "zh": "因为我同时有四次心脏病发作。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "All right.", "zh": "好的"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I'm gonna ask my mom now.", "zh": "我现在要问我妈妈。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, I mean in the beginning it was not, it was a struggle.", "zh": "是的,我的意思是一开始不是,这是一场斗争。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hey, man, you feeling better? We have something to tell you. Oh, my God! You're pregnant!", "zh": "有没有好一点? 乔伊,我们有事要告诉你 天哪,你怀孕了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Joey's my best friend. I'm not your best friend? You just said...", "zh": "乔伊也是我最好的朋友 我不是你最好的朋友吗? 你自己刚才说…"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was actually, that's when I first came to China.", "zh": "其实那是我刚来中国的时候。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The songs that just have some deep meaning in them, and you can tell that the people singing them really care about what they're singing.", "zh": "这些歌曲在他们中有一些深刻的意义,你可以说,唱歌的人真正在乎他们在唱的歌。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Really well. Surprisingly well. She didn't cry. She wasn't angry or sad. And you're upset because you didn't make your best friend cry?", "zh": "非常好,令人意外的好 没有哭,也没有生气或难过 你很不爽是因为没把最好的朋友弄哭?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was cool.", "zh": "这很酷。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ohh, that's cool.", "zh": "哦,那太酷了"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You mean, we're not gonna live together anymore? No Oh, my God. I'm gonna miss you so much. I'm gonna miss you.", "zh": "意思是 我们不能再住在一起了? 不行了 天哪,我会好想你 我也会想你"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Francesca.", "zh": "Francesca"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, I can't really do that.", "zh": "所以我真的不能这样做。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Because I was terrible at math, terrible.", "zh": "因为我的数学很糟糕,很糟糕。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No, nothing specially, that's marketing for them and stuff, but he says he prefers Spotify.", "zh": "不,没有什么特别的,对他们而言那只是营销,但他说他更喜欢Spotify。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You put in a lot just so you win that two hundred, three hundred bucks?", "zh": "你投入这么多,只是为了赢得了两三百块钱?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Jesus Christ. Be a man. Be the kind of man she needs, strong, masculine.", "zh": "天啊 做个男人 做她需要的那种男人 强壮 有男子气概"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Traveling to Australia is so much money.", "zh": "去澳大利亚旅游真费钱。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's great.", "zh": "那很棒。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She's just embarrassed.", "zh": "是她自找麻烦"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Renata. Renata", "zh": "Renata. Renata"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "so, I guess we", "zh": "所以,我猜我们"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ohh, where'd you live?", "zh": "哦,你住在哪里?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What?", "zh": "什么?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was just like I'm never setting a foot here ever again.", "zh": "这就像是我再也不会在这里立足了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, another artist that I really like is Bon Iver.", "zh": "所以,我真正喜欢的另一位艺术家是Bon Iver。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Why don't you tell me what happened?", "zh": "为什么不告诉我怎么回事"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Not by choice.", "zh": "不是自己选择的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Wait! Wait! Ross, can I just talk to you for just a second? We'll be late for the movie.", "zh": "等等! 罗斯,可以跟你谈一下吗? 快赶不上电影了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Stop. Let me go! It'll be OK. You have to be strong. You're doing the right thing.", "zh": "停手 放开我 一切都会好起来的 你要坚持住 做得没错"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's not a direct message to you.", "zh": "这不是给你的直接信息。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But, I always just thought it was because it poops everywhere.", "zh": "但是,我一直以为这是因为它到处大便。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I lend the guy money. Suddenly I'm the schmuck. Why does he need your money?", "zh": "我借钱给别人 突然间我就成坏人 他为啥要借你的钱"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And he's also not very good.", "zh": "他也不是很好。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And there's additional space.", "zh": "还有额外的空间。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's why I'm not going to the Olympics.", "zh": "这就是为什么我不去参加奥运会。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And I wrote just the worst review.", "zh": "我只写了最糟糕的评论。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "When he stayed in my room for one night.", "zh": "当他在我的房间住了一个晚上。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So good.", "zh": "太好了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It is silly.", "zh": "很傻"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And more than ever the American dollar is as strong as ever.", "zh": "而且美元比以往任何时候都更强势。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "last song I remember listening to would be", "zh": "我记得我听的最后一首歌是"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I made them. Oh, My God, they're so yummy!", "zh": "我做的 天哪,真好吃"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, I really wanna budget this semester and next semester, so I can have enough money to make plans to do a lot of fun stuff.", "zh": "所以,我确实想为这个学期和下个学期作预算,所以我可以有足够的钱来计划做一些很有趣的事情。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But, I can also dig metal.", "zh": "但是,我也能挖金属。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So is there a particular cat that you want?", "zh": "那么这里有你想要的特定的猫吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ohh, did you hear about the organic farming that has been taking place in Detroit?", "zh": "哦,你听说过在底特律的有机农业吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "ohh, I", "zh": "啊,我"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "We always like to get drunk and watch the Kate episode.", "zh": "我们总是喜欢喝醉并且看凯特情节。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "By the way, what was your major?", "zh": "顺便问一下,你的专业是什么?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "but he is so angry.", "zh": "不过他那么愤怒"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So gross.", "zh": "好恶心。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The worst day. You're finally making progress at work, then your boss calls you Racquel. Listen, for the first four years of my work, everybody called me Sha-la-lap", "zh": "今天真惨 你以为自己终于受重视了 结果老板却叫你瑞寇 前4年工作中 大家都叫我夏拉拉"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What? Hi. My friend Ross is about to be divorced for the third time. But wouldn't you date him? And if you wait right here, I'll go get Ross.", "zh": "干嘛? 我的朋友罗斯即将三度离婚 但你不会和他约会吧? 稍候,我去找罗斯来"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's a good little movie. Jesus Christ, it's 11:30.", "zh": "是部不错的电影 天啊 都十一点半了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "There's a little bit of extra room.", "zh": "有一点额外的空间。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "When he first came out, they didn't think he was a real artist because he wasn't actually singing.", "zh": "当他第一次出来的时候,他们并不认为他是一个真正的艺术家,因为他没有唱歌。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You know, he really helped me when I was in the hospital.", "zh": "你知道 我住院的时候他帮过我"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ohh yeah.", "zh": "哦耶。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I'm so happy for you guys!", "zh": "真替你们高兴"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Come and knock on our door We'll be waiting for you", "zh": "来敲我的门 (《三人行》主题曲) 我们等着你"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I'm good.", "zh": "我很好。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mostly.", "zh": "大多数。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And then didn't Ronda end up winning the match in eight seconds?", "zh": "Ronda不是在八秒内就赢了比赛吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What else?", "zh": "还有什么?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And the diving is very interesting.", "zh": "潜水是非常有趣的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I'm sorry, honey.", "zh": "对不起"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She wants 100 grand to relocate on account of Vito Junior already has his own social worker.", "zh": "她想要十万去搬家 因为小Vito已经需要社工协助了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's hard to say.", "zh": "这很难说"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I saw another video on YouTube, where the girl was trying dog treats with her dogs, like different kinds of dog treats, and rating them.", "zh": "我在YouTube网站上看到过另外一个视频,那里的女孩正在和狗一起尝试狗粮,就像不同种类的狗粮一样,并对其进行评分。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So we just decided to, just kind of grin and bear it.", "zh": "所以我们决定笑一下并忍受它。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I did.", "zh": "我做了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, I have one.", "zh": "是的,我有一个。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hey. Sil.", "zh": "嗨 Sil"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They're just all talk, like you said, and I constantly had problems with them.", "zh": "他们只是说话,就像你说的那样,我经常遇到问题。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Not once did we do that. Don't you remember that night, it was late and I was feeling sick...", "zh": "我们一次也没做过 你不记得那天晚上已经很晚了,我不舒服"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sit. I had to drop Eli off at physical therapy.", "zh": "坐 我刚送Eli去物理治疗"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I mean, it can be a really great product that creates these wonderful sauces.", "zh": "我的意思是,它可以是一个非常好的产品,因为它可以创造这些美妙的酱汁。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He knows how to do everything.", "zh": "他知道如何做一切"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No, I benefit in many ways. Decide if you wanna keep coming, but you know there are protocols that you have to be followed", "zh": "不是 我在这里受益良多 你要决定是否想继续接受治疗 但要知道这儿有协议需要遵循"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And what else?", "zh": "还有什么?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Jeez.", "zh": "天哪"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I'm also reading a text message.", "zh": "我也在读一条短信。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Did you have to get extra lungs or stomachs implanted as well?", "zh": "你有没有额外的肺或胃植入呢?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That is very true.", "zh": "这是非常真实的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That's just for the deterrent factor.", "zh": "那只是一种威慑"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hi Norah, this is Amy.", "zh": "嗨,Norah,这是Amy。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't know what to say. Look, I know you're scared, OK?", "zh": "我不知道说什么好了 知道你被吓呆了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And if I took it out of the WeChat, I still gotta transfer into the bank.", "zh": "如果我把它从WeChat里取出来,我还要转入银行。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "really hard to find, even in regular stores.", "zh": "真的很难找到,即使在普通商店。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I mean, it's the end of an era! I know!", "zh": "意思是 是一个时代的结束 我知道"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sorry.", "zh": "抱歉。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You're being funny.", "zh": "真搞笑"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Not impressed by, what's the actor's name, I have forgotten.", "zh": "我并没有留下深刻的印象,那演员的名字是什么,我已经忘记了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "How are you, baby?", "zh": "你好吗 亲爱的"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Let me elaborate on that.", "zh": "让我详细解释一下那。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And, but did you get to see him?", "zh": "而且,但是你有没有看到他?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Social worker?", "zh": "社工?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I can only talk like this when I suck in my gut.", "zh": "当我吸吮我的肠道时,我只能这样说话。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't get it, why he's together with one of the Kardashians, though.", "zh": "我不明白,为什么他和其中一个卡尔达什人在一起。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was very odd.", "zh": "那很奇怪"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No! Chandler and I are moving in together. Oh, that's good! But if you were pregnant, what would you name it? Hint, Phoebe. What's up?", "zh": "不是,钱德和我决定同居 太好了 不过如果你有了宝宝要叫什么名? 提示:菲比 怎么了?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Her dad's gone, her brother's a psycho,", "zh": "爸死了 哥是个疯子"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I brought your money.", "zh": "我带了你的钱来"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No, shorter than that.", "zh": "不,比这短。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "and you said I would feel better tomorrow? Oh, yeah. I remember that.", "zh": "你说我明天就会好一点? 对,我记得"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You and the furniture and the cars.", "zh": "你和那些家具 衣服 车子"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, last question before we have to hang up.", "zh": "所以,在我们挂断之前的最后一个问题。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Anyways, yeah, so what about nephews?", "zh": "不管怎样,侄子怎么样?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I have a lot of people who are from different countries, and the only way I can connect with them is through Facebook or whatever their home website pages are.", "zh": "我认识很多来自不同国家的人,我唯一可以与他们联系的方式是通过Facebook,或他们的家庭网站页面所在的任何网站。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No, I haven't seen the cat.", "zh": "不,我没看过那只猫。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "My friends from Shanghai stayed there.", "zh": "我上海的朋友呆在那里"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "For example, the pool parties, or there's two amazing clubs.", "zh": "比如说有泳池派对,还有两个非常棒的俱乐部。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Which hotel was it?", "zh": "是哪家酒店?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Have some pride in that, even if you don't know who she is.", "zh": "有一些自豪感,即使你不知道她是谁。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She's in the lead!", "zh": "她带头了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Because I was going to go to Hong Kong this week.", "zh": "因为本周我要去香港"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But it was three separate beds in there.", "zh": "但是那里有三张单独的床。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "My girlfriend is also a lawyer, but she's much better than me.", "zh": "我的女朋友也是律师,但她比我强多了。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What was that? Sorry. Mix-up. How was the movie? I haven't seen it yet.", "zh": "那是什么? 抱歉,弄错了 电影好看吗? 我还没看"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And I should know. I'm in construction. I'm glad to hear you approve.", "zh": "我自己也搞建筑 我应该知道 很高兴听到你的赞扬"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What can I do?", "zh": "我能帮上什么?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Wait, have you been to Korea, or no?", "zh": "等等,你去韩国吗,还是没有?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, if your boyfriend wanted to come see you in your dorm room, he had to wait until a certain day, at a certain time, to come see you.", "zh": "所以,如果你男朋友想来你的宿舍看你,他必须等到某一天的某个时候才能来看你。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I can honestly say I don't know that I've ever answered that question before.", "zh": "我可以诚实地说我不知道​​我以前曾经回答过这个问题。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Can you repeat that?", "zh": "你可以再说一遍吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Do you wish?", "zh": "你愿意吗?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Because if you want to make predictions on what could work and what won't work.", "zh": "因为如果你想预测什么有效和什么无效。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The most enjoyable trip I've ever been on was probably last year, when I was in Brazil.", "zh": "我去过最愉快的旅行大概是去年,当时我在巴西。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "and I learned a lot from that class.", "zh": "我从该课上学到了很多东西。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yep.", "zh": "是的。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah, I have.", "zh": "是的,我有。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Why? I mean, I love you.", "zh": "为什么? 我是说 我爱你"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "do you know, uhh", "zh": "呃,你知道吗"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What about you?", "zh": "你呢?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I also have learned a lot about myself.", "zh": "我也学到了很多关于我自己的东西。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I just don't want my tombstone to read: \"Ross Geller: Three Divorces.\" Don't worry about that. Your tombstone can say whatever you want. It can say, \"Ross Geller: Good at Marriage.\"", "zh": "我不希望我的墓碑上刻着 “罗斯盖勒,离婚三次” 不必担心那个 墓碑你爱刻什么就刻什么 可以刻 “罗斯盖勒,婚姻高手”"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And then I said, he was very tall.", "zh": "然后我说,他很高。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They were so cute.", "zh": "他们很可爱。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I got some spare change here too. It's a joke.", "zh": "我还剩一点零钱 开个玩笑嘛"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I need to give this back to you.", "zh": "要把这戒指还给你"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I'm not. That was my scariest voice. You're brave.", "zh": "不怕 那是我最害怕的声音 你真勇敢"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You like it? It's gorgeous.", "zh": "喜欢吗? 太美了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "and I'm not losing any sleep.", "zh": "我可不想浪费睡眠时间"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They allow corporal punishment. His guidance counsellor told me about those places, and they're in Utah and ldaho", "zh": "他们允许体训 他的训导主任给我提过这些地方 在犹他州和爱达荷州都有"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Do you want to go to Joey and Chandler's? I can't. It's not there.", "zh": "“要不要去乔伊和钱德家?” “不行,已经不在了”"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And I can get out, \"Joey, I have to...\" Then I lose my nerve and I finish with, \"go to the bathroom.\" He may think I'm sick.", "zh": "我只能说出“乔伊,我得…” 然后我就失去勇气改说“去上厕所” 他可能以为我有病"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What about someone who looks like Rachel? I will think about the therapy. So I was thinking that maybe we should start dividing up our stuff.", "zh": "那找一个长得像瑞秋的人呢? 我会考虑接受治疗 我想应该开始分东西了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I worry, Tony. I do. You already got shot.", "zh": "我很担心 Tony 真的很担心 你已经被枪伤过"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yeah?", "zh": "噢 是吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "the minute Monica and I break up, I'm moving right back in. Maybe that's now. If you're gonna move in with him... I feel it is my responsibility to tell you the truth about him.", "zh": "只要莫妮卡和我一分手 就搬回去住 就现在好了? 如果你要跟他住 我觉得有责任来告诉你他的真面目"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Not a huge fan.", "zh": "不是死忠粉。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I get blamed for everything.", "zh": "什么事都怪我"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Cause we had travel insurance.", "zh": "因为我们有旅游保险。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I don't do overtime for free.", "zh": "我不免费加班"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I've been to many games there.", "zh": "我玩过那里的很多游戏。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Well, unless you don't like tuna.", "zh": "除非你不喜欢金枪鱼。"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Why can't I think of the name right now?", "zh": "为什么我现在记不起这个名字?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Of course you're my best friend. Would you tell Rachel?", "zh": "你当然是我最好的朋友 但请你告诉瑞秋好吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It's not a professional voice recorder, right?", "zh": "这不是专业的录音机,对吧?"}, "data_name": "MSLT", "task_type": "domain_colloquial"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "You leaving already? Yeah, it's late.", "zh": "要走了? 嗯 很晚了"}, "task_type": "domain_colloquial", "data_name": "mZPRT_Movie_Subtitle"}