{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "To this lodging he at once removed Lucie and her child, and Miss Pross: giving them what comfort he could, and much more than he had himself. He left Jerry with them, as a figure to fill a doorway that would bear considerable knocking on the head, and returned to his own occupations. A disturbed and doleful mind he brought to bear upon them, and slowly and heavily the day lagged on with him.", "zh": "他立即把露西、孩子和普洛丝小姐搬到那里住下,尽可能为她们提供了舒适的条件——比自己的条件好多了。他把杰瑞—一他那脑袋很能挨几下——留给她们看门,自己便回去了。他为她们又是着急又是痛苦,日子过得极其缓慢沉重。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I returned to my stateroom. The captain and his chief officer stayed on the platform. The propeller was set in motion. The Nautilus swiftly retreated, putting us outside the range of the vessel’s shells. But the chase continued, and Captain Nemo was content to keep his distance. Near four o’clock in the afternoon, unable to control the impatience and uneasiness devouring me, I went back to the central companionway. The hatch was open. I ventured onto the platform. The captain was still strolling there, his steps agitated. He stared at the ship, which stayed to his leeward five or six miles off. He was circling it like a wild beast, drawing it eastward, letting it chase after him. Yet he didn’t attack. Was he, perhaps, still undecided? I tried to intervene one last time. But I had barely queried Captain Nemo when the latter silenced me: “I’m the law, I’m the tribunal! I’m the oppressed, and there are my oppressors! Thanks to them, I’ve witnessed the destruction of everything I loved, cherished, and venerated—homeland, wife, children, father, and mother! There lies everything I hate! Not another word out of you!”", "zh": "我回到房中。船长和他的副手留在平台上。推进器转动起来,诺第留斯号迅速避开,到战舰炮弹射程不能及的地方。但它仍然继续追来,尼摩船长仅仅使它保持一定距离。下午四点左右,使我非常苦恼的那种焦急不安的情绪,再也抑制不住我自己了,我又到中央楼梯那边去,嵌板开着。我冒险到平台上。船长脚步激动地还在那里踱来踱去。他注视在他后面五六海里的战舰。他像野兽一般,在战舰周围转来转去,把它引到东方,让它追来。不过他并不回击。他或者还是迟疑不决吗?我想作一次最后的努力。但我刚要开口,他就不许我说话,要我禁声。他对我说: “我是权利!我是正义!我是被压迫的,瞧,那就是压迫者!由于他,所有一切我热爱过的,亲热过的,尊敬过的,祖园、爱人、子女、我的父亲、我的母亲,他们全死亡了!所有我仇恨的一切,就在那里!您不许说话!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "At first, there were times, though she was a perfectly happy young wife, when her work would slowly fall from her hands, and her eyes would be dimmed. For, there was something coming in the echoes, something light, afar off, and scarcely audible yet, that stirred her heart too much. Fluttering hopes and doubts—hopes, of a love as yet unknown to her: doubts, of her remaining upon earth, to enjoy that new delight—divided her breast. Among the echoes then, there would arise the sound of footsteps at her own early grave; and thoughts of the husband who would be left so desolate, and who would mourn for her so much, swelled to her eyes, and broke like waves.", "zh": "她虽然是个年轻的妻子,百分之百地幸福,但手里的活计有时也会落下,目光有时也会逐渐暗淡。因为,在回音之中有某种东西正在向她走来,某种辽远的、几乎还听不见的轻柔的东西太沉重地扣击着她的心。飘忽不定的希望和疑虑分裂着她的胸臆——希望,对一种她还不知道的爱的希望;疑虑,对她是否能留在世上享有那新的欢乐的疑虑——因此,在那杂者的回音之中便出现了她自已早夭的坟头上的脚步声;她想到她丈夫会凄凉地留在世上,为她过分哀悼,便不禁有万千思绪涌入眼里,并像浪花一样崩散。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "A figure entering at the door threw a shadow on Madame Defarge which she felt to be a new one. She laid down her knitting, and began to pin her rose in her head-dress, before she looked at the figure.", "zh": "一个人影踅进门来,影子投在德伐日太太身上。她觉得是个新人,便放下毛线,往头巾上插上玫瑰,瞄了来人一眼。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But as the bushes shrank, the tree forms magnified. Actual petrified thickets and long alcoves from some fantastic school of architecture kept opening up before our steps. Captain Nemo entered beneath a dark gallery whose gentle slope took us to a depth of 100 meters. The light from our glass coils produced magical effects at times, lingering on the wrinkled roughness of some natural arch, or some overhang suspended like a chandelier, which our lamps flecked with fiery sparks. Amid these shrubs of precious coral, I observed other polyps no less unusual: melita coral, rainbow coral with jointed outgrowths, then a few tufts of genus Corallina, some green and others red, actually a type of seaweed encrusted with limestone salts, which, after long disputes, naturalists have finally placed in the vegetable kingdom. But as one intellectual has remarked, “Here, perhaps, is the actual point where life rises humbly out of slumbering stone, but without breaking away from its crude starting point.”", "zh": "不久,珊瑚树丛就紧密连攀起来,树枝分布增长起来,好像是真正的石质丛林和奇矮建筑的长槽在我们脚步面前摆开了。尼摩船长走人一条长廊般的黑暗过道,从这条倾斜的、过道,我们到了一百米深的地方。我们的蛇形玻璃管中的光学,照在这些天然的凹凸不平的拱形建筑物上面,照在像水晶烛台一般安排着的、火星点缀起来的下垂花板上,时时发生魔术般迷人的力量,在珊瑚的丛枝中间,我又看到一样新奇古怪的珊瑚树,海虱形珊瑚,节肢蝶形珊瑚,又有些团聚成堆的珊瑚,有的是青,有的是红,真的像是铺在石灰地上的海藻,这些珊瑚堆,生物学家经过长久的讨论后,才明确地把它们列入植物中。但根据一位思想家所指出,“它们或者就是生命刚从无知觉的沉睡中挣扎起来,又还没有完全脱离矿物的物性。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I had it for 30 Years.", "zh": "我拥有它30年了。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“我们吃饭是从来不喝酒的,这是规矩,”他的父亲补充说。", "en": "'We never drink spirits at this table, on principle,' added his father."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "我把钱给了他,他就打开了店铺后门。", "en": "I gave him the money and he opened a door at the back of the shop."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "We had been gone from the Nautilus for about an hour and a half. It was almost noon. I spotted this fact in the perpendicularity of the sun’s rays, which were no longer refracted. The magic of these solar colors disappeared little by little, with emerald and sapphire shades vanishing from our surroundings altogether. We walked with steady steps that rang on the seafloor with astonishing intensity. The tiniest sounds were transmitted with a speed to which the ear is unaccustomed on shore. In fact, water is a better conductor of sound than air, and under the waves noises carry four times as fast.", "zh": "我们离开诺第留斯号有一小时半左右了。正是快到中午的时候,我看见太阳光垂直地照下来,再没有曲折作用了。颜色变幻的花样渐渐没有了,翠玉和青玉的各种色度也从我们的头顶上消失了。我们步伐很规律地走着,踩夜地上发出异常响亮的声音。很轻微的声晌也很快地传出去。这是在陆地上时的耳朵所不熟悉的。本来,对于声音,水比空气是更好的传音体,它传播声音比空气快四倍。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He had not returned sooner, he replied, simply because he had no means of living in France, save those he had resigned; whereas, in England, he lived by giving instruction in the French language and literature. He had returned when he did, on the pressing and written entreaty of a French citizen, who represented that his life was endangered by his absence. He had come back, to save a citizen’s life, and to bear his testimony, at whatever personal hazard, to the truth. Was that criminal in the eyes of the Republic?", "zh": "他没有早些回来原因很简单,他回答道,因为他放弃了财产,在法国无以为生,而在英国他以教授法语和法国文学度日。他之所以在那时回来是因为一个法国公民的催促和书面请求,那人说明他若不回来他就有生命之虞。他是为了挽救一个公民的生命回来的,是不计一切个人安危来作证、来维护真理的。在共和国眼里这能算作犯罪么?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "More months, to the number of twelve, had come and gone, and Mr. Charles Darnay was established in England as a higher teacher of the French language who was conversant with French literature. In this age, he would have been a Professor; in that age, he was a Tutor. He read with young men who could find any leisure and interest for the study of a living tongue spoken all over the world, and he cultivated a taste for its stores of knowledge and fancy. He could write of them, besides, in sound English, and render them into sound English. Such masters were not at that time easily found; Princes that had been, and Kings that were to be, were not yet of the Teacher class, and no ruined nobility had dropped out of Tellson’s ledgers, to turn cooks and carpenters. As a tutor, whose attainments made the student’s way unusually pleasant and profitable, and as an elegant translator who brought something to his work besides mere dictionary knowledge, young Mr. Darnay soon became known and encouraged. He was well acquainted, more-over, with the circumstances of his country, and those were of ever-growing interest. So, with great perseverance and untiring industry, he prospered.", "zh": "十二个月来了又去了。查尔斯·达尔内先生在英格兰取得了优秀法语教师的地位。他也熟悉法国文学。要是在今天,他可能做个教授,可是在那时,他只能当个私人教师。他跟有时间也有兴趣的年轻人一起读书,一起研究一种在全世界普遍使用的活语言,并培养他们,使他们能欣赏它的知识与想象的宝库。而且他可以用正确的英语写研究法语和法国文学的文章,也可翻译出正确的英语。那时代他这样的能手并不容易找到,因为许多过去的王子和未来的国王还没有落到教员队伍中来,破落的贵族也还没被从台尔森银行帐簿里划掉名字,去当厨工或木匠。作为私人教师,他知识渊博,言辞蕴籍,使学生学得异常愉快,得益非浅;作为翻译者,他文体高雅,在译文中注入了许多不只是字典上的东西。因此达尔内先生很快就有了名气,而且深受称赞。何况,他对自己的国家的情况也很熟悉,而那也越来越引起人们的兴趣。因此,他靠了自己的坚毅顽强和不懈努力发达起来了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "A universal shout went up from the frigate. “Quiet!” Commander Farragut said. “Helm hard to leeward! Reverse engines!”", "zh": "战舰上处处发出喊声。 “不要作声,”法拉古舰长说,“把稳舵,船迎着凤:开倒车!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "我现在需要的正是箴言,就像我需要在脑袋上多几个洞一样。”", "en": "Right now I need aphorisms like I need holes in my heads.”"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "像过去的习惯那样天天和她见面,已经开了头的事情就会继续向前发展。", "en": "To encounter her daily in the accustomed manner would be to develop what had begun."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "We went swiftly down the mountain. Once past the petrified forest, I could see the Nautilus’s beacon twinkling like a star. The captain walked straight toward it, and we were back on board just as the first glimmers of dawn were whitening the surface of the ocean.", "zh": "我们很快就走下山岭。过了化石的森林后,我就望见了诺第留斯号的探照灯,像一颗星照在那里。船长一直向船走去,我们抵达船上,正是最早的曙尤照在海洋面上发白的时候。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "我们走进一个小房间,房间又冷又暗,里面一股恶心的气味。", "en": "We went into a little room. The room was cold and dark, and there was a horrible smell in it."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No more shore in sight. Nothing but the immenseness of the sea. A few sails were on the horizon, no doubt ships going as far as Cape São Roque to find favorable winds for doubling the Cape of Good Hope. The sky was overcast. A squall was on the way.", "zh": "陆地再也望不见,只见一片汪洋大海。天际有几只帆船,一定是到桑罗克角寻找顺风,绕过好望角去的船。天色明沉,恐怕要刮风了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Three-quarters of an hour later, we had completed our circular stroll and were back on board. Just then the crewmen finished loading the sodium supplies, and the Nautilus could have departed immediately. But Captain Nemo gave no orders. Would he wait for nightfall and exit through his underwater passageway in secrecy? Perhaps. Be that as it may, by the next day the Nautilus had left its home port and was navigating well out from any shore, a few meters beneath the waves of the Atlantic.", "zh": "三刻钟后,我们就完结了我们的环湖旅行,我们又回到船上。船上人员这时候已经把钠装载完毕,诺第留斯号可能立即就要开行。可是,尼摩船长并不下命令。他要等到夜间。是要秘密地从地下水道出去吗?或者是这样:、不管怎样,第二天,诺第留斯号已经离开它的港口,又在没有陆地的海面,大西洋水底下几米深的水层航行了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Our climb continued. The gradients got steeper and narrower. Sometimes they were cut across by deep pits that had to be cleared. Masses of overhanging rock had to be gotten around. You slid on your knees, you crept on your belly. But helped by the Canadian’s strength and Conseil’s dexterity, we overcame every obstacle. At an elevation of about thirty meters, the nature of the terrain changed without becoming any easier. Pudding stones and trachyte gave way to black basaltic rock: here, lying in slabs all swollen with blisters; there, shaped like actual prisms and arranged into a series of columns that supported the springings of this immense vault, a wonderful sample of natural architecture. Then, among this basaltic rock, there snaked long, hardened lava flows inlaid with veins of bituminous coal and in places covered by wide carpets of sulfur. The sunshine coming through the crater had grown stronger, shedding a hazy light over all the volcanic waste forever buried in the heart of this extinct mountain.", "zh": "我们继续往上走。石径愈来愈难走,愈来愈狭窄。有根深的空洞时时把路径切断,我们必须跳过去。许多兀起悬挂的大石要人绕路过去。我们跪下往前溜,我们附身爬着走。因为有康塞尔的便捷和加拿大人的帮助,——切阻碍都克服了。到了三十米左右高度,地面性质起了变化:不过还可以走。累积岩和粗面岩后面,接着是玄武岩。后一种结为许多气泡,一片片地摊开在那里。前一种形成规律的梭形,像一列石柱排起来,把这巨大穹窿的起拱石支起,真是天然建筑物的壮丽模型。其次在玄武石岩中间,有冷了的火石的长流迁回环绕,嵌上许多沥青的线纹,同时又一处处铺着硫磺形成的宽阔地毯。一道较强大的光线从上层洞口射入,它那隐约模糊的光辉向着所有这些永远埋在媳灭的火山里面的、从前被火力排出来的物质照下来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What had he seen? Then, lord knows why, the thought of the monster came into my head for the first time . . . ! But even so, that voice . . . ? Gone are the days when Jonahs took refuge in the bellies of whales!", "zh": "他看见了什么呢?当时我也不知道为什么忽然想起那怪物来了!……可是那人声究竟……现在并不是约拿③躲在鲸鱼肚子里的时代了!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "接着我朝脏商店里那些东西看着,有两三个坏苹果、几根烂香蕉。", "en": "Then I looked at the things in the dirty shop. There were two or three bad apples and some old black bananas:that was all."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The next day, March 21, bright and early at five o’clock in the morning, I climbed onto the platform. I found Captain Nemo there. “The weather is clearing a bit,” he told me. “I have high hopes. After breakfast we’ll make our way ashore and choose an observation post.”", "zh": "第二天,3月21日早晨五点,我走上平台,我看见尼摩船长已经在台上,他对我说: “天气清朗一些,太阳出来很有希望。早餐后,我们到地上去,选择一个地点,做我们的观察。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Malaysians, who do a booming business in these birds with the Chinese, have various methods for catching them that we couldn’t use. Sometimes they set snares on the tops of the tall trees that the bird of paradise prefers to inhabit. At other times they capture it with a tenacious glue that paralyzes its movements. They will even go so far as to poison the springs where these fowl habitually drink. But in our case, all we could do was fire at them on the wing, which left us little chance of getting one. And in truth, we used up a good part of our ammunition in vain.", "zh": "这种乌是马来亚人对中国人的一宗重要贸易;马来亚人用种种不同的方法来捕捉这种鸟,但我们都不能使用。他们或者把罗网安放在无双鸟喜欢居住的高树顶上,或者使用强力的雀胶,使它们粘上不能动。他们甚至于把毒药投到这些鸟经常去喝的泉水中。至于我们现在,只有在它们飞翔时进行射击这一种办法。我们很少有机会可以击中它们。果然我们确实白费了一些弹药。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He got a call a few days later saying that he got the job.", "zh": "几天后他接到一个电话,告诉他被录用了。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "These, the people tore to pieces and scattered far and wide with great enjoyment, while the tradesmen hurriedly shut up their shops; for a crowd in those times stopped at nothing, and was a monster much dreaded. They had already got the length of opening the hearse to take the coffin out, when some brighter genius proposed instead, its being escorted to its destination amidst general rejoicing. Practical suggestions being much needed, this suggestion, too, was received with acclamation, and the coach was immediately filled with eight inside and a dozen out, while as many people got on the roof of the hearse as could by any exercise of ingenuity stick upon it. Among the first of these volunteers was Jerry Cruncher himself, who modestly concealed his spiky head from the observation of Tellson’s, in the further corner of the mourning coach.", "zh": "人们把他这些东西撕了个粉碎,欢天喜地地到处乱扔。此刻商家急忙关了铺子,因为那时的人群是很可怕的怪物,什么事都干得出来。人群此时已到了准备打开灵车把棺材往外拖的地步。可某个更为聪明的天才却提出了另一个主意:倒不如大家快快活活把那东西送到它的目的地去。这时需要的正是现实的主意,因此,这个意见受到了热烈的欢迎。顷刻之间,马车上已经是里面八个、外面一打地坐满了人。人们又往灵车顶上爬。他们发挥出聪明才智,能呆得住多少就挤上了多少。在这批志愿人员中杰瑞·克朗彻是最早的一个。他挤到了送葬车的角落里,把他那铁蒺藜头客客气气地隐蔽了起来,不让台尔森的人看见。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The strong tide, so swift, so deep, and certain, was like a congenial friend, in the morning stillness. He walked by the stream, far from the houses, and in the light and warmth of the sun fell asleep on the bank. When he awoke and was afoot again, he lingered there yet a little longer, watching an eddy that turned and turned purposeless, until the stream absorbed it, and carried it on to the sea.—“Like me.”", "zh": "清晨静谧之中的澎湃的潮水是那么迅疾,那么深沉,那么可信,有如意气相投的挚友。他远离了房舍,沿着河边走去,竟沐着太阳的光亮与温暖,倒在岸边睡着了。他醒来站起身子,还在那儿逗留了一会儿,望着一个漩涡漫无目的地旋卷着,旋卷着,终于被流水吸去,奔向大海——“跟我一样!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "This said, Captain Nemo went below again to the Nautilus’s interior, followed by his chief officer. As for our craft, it no longer stirred, staying as motionless as if these coral polyps had already walled it in with their indestructible cement. “Well, sir?” Ned Land said to me, coming up after the captain’s departure. “Well, Ned my friend, we’ll serenely wait for the tide on the 9th, because it seems the moon will have the good nature to float us away!” “As simple as that?” “As simple as that.” “So our captain isn’t going to drop his anchors, put his engines on the chains, and do anything to haul us off?” “Since the tide will be sufficient,” Conseil replied simply.", "zh": "说完了这话,尼摩船长和跟在他后面的船副,又一同回到诺第留斯号船中。至于船,仍然是停着不动,好像那些珊瑚腔肠类动物已经把它们的牢固的洋灰在船身上堆砌起来了: “先生,,怎么样呢?”尼德,兰在船长走开后,到我面俞来对我说。。 “尼德好朋友,是这样,我们要耐心等待9日潮水到来,因为那一天,好像月球会很殷勤乐意地把我们送回大海上去。” “是这样吗?” “是这样。” “这位船长不把锚抛到海中去,不把链索结住机器,准备把船拉出来吗?” “既然潮水可以做到,当然用不着了。”康塞尔简单地回答"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "曾经那样吸引人的世界,在外面又变成了一出索然无味的哑剧了;而在这个表面上沉闷和缺少激情的地方,新奇的东西却像火山一样喷发出来,这是他在其它地方从来没有见到过的。", "en": "What had been the engrossing world had dissolved into an uninteresting outer dumb-show; while here, in this apparently dim and un-impassioned place, novelty had volcanically started up, as it had never, for him, started up elsewhere."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Reg hoped he would get another snow day soon.", "zh": "雷格希望很快会再有下雪天。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“当然,”福特长官回答道,“三分三十五秒钟以后吧。”", "en": "“Yes,” said Ford Prefect, “in three minutes and thirty-five seconds.”"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "This was perfectly true, but we had nearly forgotten the fact.", "zh": "这却是真话,但我们差不多完全忘记自己饿了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Meanwhile I examined the Nautilus’s engine with a fascination easy to imagine. “You observe,” Captain Nemo told me, “that I use Bunsen cells, not Ruhmkorff cells. The latter would be ineffectual. One uses fewer Bunsen cells, but they’re big and strong, and experience has proven their superiority. The electricity generated here makes its way to the stern, where electromagnets of huge size activate a special system of levers and gears that transmit movement to the propeller’s shaft. The latter has a diameter of 6 meters, a pitch of 7.5 meters, and can do up to 120 revolutions per minute.” “And that gives you?” “A speed of fifty miles per hour.”", "zh": "这时我以极大的兴趣研究着诺第留斯号的机器设备。 “您看,”尼摩船长对我说,“我用的是本生电池的装置,不是兰可夫电池的装置,后一种电力不强。本生电池的装置虽然简单,但电力很强,经验证明,确实如此。产生出来的电传到后面,使面积很大的电磁铁对杠杆和轮齿组成的特殊机构所起的作用,转动推进器的轮轴,全船于是就走动了。推进器的直径是六米,涡轮的直径是七米半,每秒钟可转一百二十转。, “那您可以达到的最大速度是多少呢?” “可以有一小时五十海里的高速度。·"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The quiet lodgings of Doctor Manette were in a quiet street-corner not far from Soho-square. On the afternoon of a certain fine Sunday when the waves of four months had rolled over the trial for treason, and carried it, as to the public interest and memory, far out to sea, Mr. Jarvis Lorry walked along the sunny streets from Clerkenwell where he lived, on his way to dine with the Doctor. After several relapses into business-absorption, Mr. Lorry had become the Doctor’s friend, and the quiet street-corner was the sunny part of his life.", "zh": "曼内特医生的幽静的寓所在一个平静的街角,距离索霍广场不远。叛国审判案受到四个月时光的冲刷,公众对它的兴趣和记忆已流入大海。一个晴朗的星期日下午,贾维斯·罗瑞先生从他居住的克拉肯威尔出发,沿着阳光普照的街道走着,要去曼内特医生处吃晚饭。经过业务上的反复交往之后,罗瑞先生已成了医生的朋友,那幽静的街角也成了他生命中一个日丽风和的成分。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was a cabin measuring six feet square and closely resembling those occupied by the helmsmen of steamboats on the Mississippi or Hudson rivers. In the center stood an upright wheel geared to rudder cables running to the Nautilus’s stern. Set in the cabin’s walls were four deadlights, windows of biconvex glass that enabled the man at the helm to see in every direction. The cabin was dark; but my eyes soon grew accustomed to its darkness and I saw the pilot, a muscular man whose hands rested on the pegs of the wheel. Outside, the sea was brightly lit by the beacon shining behind the cabin at the other end of the platform. “Now,” Captain Nemo said, “let’s look for our passageway.”", "zh": "那是一门每面有六英尺宽的小舱房,跟密西西比……和哈得逊河汽船上领航人所占的笼问差不多一样.舱房中间,有一架垂直放着的机轮转动,轮齿接在舵缆上,缆直通到比第留斯号的后面。叼个装上两面凸镜片的船窗,缺在舱间的复壁上,使守舵人四面八方都可以看见。这笼间是黑暗的,但我的眼睛不久就习惯了这种黑暗,我看见里面的领肮人。他很精壮,两手扶住机轮的车辆。在外面,平台上另一端的探照灯在笼间后面照耀,光映海面,分外明亮。 “现在,”尼摩船长说,“我们来找地道吧。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "When the mail got successfully to Dover, in the course of the forenoon, the head drawer at the Royal George Hotel opened the coach-door as his custom was. He did it with some flourish of ceremony, for a mail journey from London in winter was an achievement to congratulate an adventurous traveller upon.", "zh": "邮车上午顺利到达多佛。乔治王旅馆的帐房先生按照他的习惯打开了邮车车门,动作略带几分礼仪性的花哨,因为能在冬天从伦敦乘邮车到达这里是一项值得向具有冒险精神的旅客道贺的成就。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Among the fish that the Nautilus startled on its way, I’ll mention a one-meter lumpfish, blackish on top with orange on the belly and rare among its brethren in that it practices monogamy, a good-sized eelpout, a type of emerald moray whose flavor is excellent, wolffish with big eyes in a head somewhat resembling a canine’s, viviparous blennies whose eggs hatch inside their bodies like those of snakes, bloated gobio (or black gudgeon) measuring two decimeters, grenadiers with long tails and gleaming with a silvery glow, speedy fish venturing far from their High Arctic seas. Our nets also hauled in a bold, daring, vigorous, and muscular fish armed with prickles on its head and stings on its fins, a real scorpion measuring two to three meters, the ruthless enemy of cod, blennies, and salmon; it was the bullhead of the northerly seas, a fish with red fins and a brown body covered with nodules. The Nautilus’s fishermen had some trouble getting a grip on this animal, which, thanks to the formation of its gill covers, can protect its respiratory organs from any parching contact with the air and can live out of water for a good while.", "zh": "被诺第留斯号驶过所惊吓的鱼类中间,我举出硬鳍海兔;身长一米,脊背灰黑,肚腹橙黄,它对于夫妻爱情很是忠实——它虽然给自己的同类作了榜样,但并不被同类所模仿,有一条身材长大的油尼纳克鱼,是一种翡翠色的酥鱼,味道很美。有眼睛圆大的卡拉克鱼,头有点像狗的脑袋。有奇形鲫鱼,像蛇一样,是卵生的鱼。有弹形虾虎鱼,或河沙鱼,长两分米,黑色。有长尾鱼,尾很长,发出银色的光辉,是速度很快的鱼,一直可以跑到极北的海中去。船上鱼网也打到一条大胆、勇敢、强悍、多肉的鱼,这鱼头上有刺,鳍上有针,是长二至三米的海中蝎子,它是奇形鲫鱼、鳕鱼和鲑鱼的死敌;它是北方海中的刺鳝鱼,身上多瘤,栗子色,鲸红色。诺第留斯号的打鱼人费了些工夫才把这鱼捉到手:这鱼由于鳃盖结构特殊,接触干燥的空气后呼吸器官们得保全,因此它离开海水,还可以活一些时候。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "看见她大哭起来,克莱尔心里倒感到轻松了,因为刚才发生的事对苔丝的影响开始让他担心起来,其程度仅仅次于那番自白本身引起的痛苦。他耐心地、冷漠地等着,等到后来,苔丝把满腹的悲伤发泄完了,泪如涌泉的痛哭减弱了,变成了一阵阵抽泣。", "en": "Clare was relieved at this change, for the effect on her of what had happened was beginning to be a trouble to him only less than the woe of the disclosure itself. He waited patiently, apathetically, till the violence of her grief had worn itself out, and her rush of weeping had lessened to a catching gasp at intervals."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"Out of the way, you,\" he said, punching Harry in the ribs. Caught by surprise, Harry fell hard on the concrete floor. What came next happened so fast no one saw how it happened -- one second, Piers and Dudley were leaning right up close to the glass, the next, they had leapt back with howls of horror.Harry sat up and gasped; the glass front of the boa constrictor's tank had vanished. The great snake was uncoiling itself rapidly, slithering out onto the floor. People throughout the reptile house screamed and started running for the exits.As the snake slid swiftly past him, Harry could have sworn a low, hissing voice said, \"Brazil, here I come.... Thanks, amigo.\"The keeper of the reptile house was in shock. \"But the glass,\" he kept saying, \"where did the glass go?\"", "zh": "\"滚开,小子。\"达德里一边说一边一拳打在哈利的肋骨上。哈利在毫无防备的情况下重重的摔在水泥地上。接下来发生的事来得太突然以至于没有人看清楚了它是如何发生的——前一秒钟,皮尔斯和达德里还紧紧地趴在玻璃上;后一秒钟,他们就大呼小叫地拼命地往后跑。哈利爬起来,被眼前的情景惊呆了。挡住那条巴西蛇的玻璃窗转眼间消失了。那只巨大的蛇正迅速地舒展开身体,爬到了地上——整个爬虫馆内的人群尖叫着往出口处飞奔。当那条蛇缓缓地滑过哈利脚边时,哈利听到一个低低的,嘶嘶的声音说:\"我从巴西来的,谢谢你亲爱的。\"爬虫馆的管理员顿时吓呆了。\"那块玻璃。\"他喃喃自语,\"那块玻璃哪里去了?\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I was about to go below to alert them, when the chief officer climbed onto the platform. Several seamen were with him. Captain Nemo didn’t see them, or didn’t want to see them. They carried out certain procedures that, on the Nautilus, you could call “clearing the decks for action.” They were quite simple. The manropes that formed a handrail around the platform were lowered. Likewise the pilothouse and the beacon housing were withdrawn into the hull until they lay exactly flush with it. The surface of this long sheet-iron cigar no longer offered a single protrusion that could hamper its maneuvers.", "zh": "我正要下去通知他们的时候,船上副手走到平台上,有:好几个水手跟着他。尼摩船长没有看见他们,或不愿看见他们。当时就采取了可以称为诺第留斯号的“战斗准备”的某些措施;这些措施很简单。先把在平台周围作为栏杆的线网放下来:同样,探照灯和领航人的笼间也藏到船身里面,仅仅挨着船身露出在水面。这条长形钢板雪前烟的外部,连一个可能阻碍它行动的突出部分,现在也没有了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "FOR SOME WHILE the voyage of the Abraham Lincoln was marked by no incident. But one circumstance arose that displayed Ned Land’s marvelous skills and showed just how much confidence we could place in him.", "zh": "林肯号的航行,在这些天当中,并没有碰到什么意外。但发生了一件事,这件事使得尼德·兰显出了他惊人的技巧,同时也说明了我们对他的那种信任是应该的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "On May 8, while abreast of North Carolina, we were across from Cape Hatteras once more. There the Gulf Stream is seventy-five miles wide and 210 meters deep. The Nautilus continued to wander at random. Seemingly, all supervision had been jettisoned. Under these conditions I admit that we could easily have gotten away. In fact, the populous shores offered ready refuge everywhere. The sea was plowed continuously by the many steamers providing service between the Gulf of Mexico and New York or Boston, and it was crossed night and day by little schooners engaged in coastal trade over various points on the American shore. We could hope to be picked up. So it was a promising opportunity, despite the thirty miles that separated the Nautilus from these Union coasts.", "zh": "5月8日,跟北加罗林群岛在同一纬度上,我们还是与哈提拉斯角侧面遥遥相对。这时,大西洋暖流的宽度是七千五海里,它的深度是二百一十米。诺第留斯号继续随意冒险行驶。在船上好像没有什么管理和监督了。我要承认,在这种情况下,逃走的计划很可能实现,是的,有人居住的海岸到处都给人们以方便的藏身处。海上有许多汽船不断往来行驶,它们是从纽约或从波士顿到墨西哥湾的定期船只,又有那些小的二桅帆船在美洲沿海各地担任沿岸航行的工作。我们对很有希望能得到这些船只的接待。所以,现在是一个很好的机会。就是诺第留斯号离美洲联邦海岸有三十海里,也没有什么关系。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I went below to the cabin occupied by Ned Land and Conseil, and I informed them of the captain’s decision. I’ll let the reader decide how this news was received by the Canadian. In any case, there was no time for explanations. Four crewmen were waiting at the door, and they led us to the cell where we had spent our first night aboard the Nautilus.", "zh": "我走到尼德·兰和康塞尔所住的舱房中,告诉他们船长所作的决定。读者可以想象加拿大人得到这消息时是怎样情形。此外,我们也没有时间对这事作解释。四个船员早就等在门口,他们领我们到我们第一夜在诺第留斯号船上住过的那个房间里。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "既然还没有捉到他,至少直到现在证明他还是机智的。", "en": "Still, he has been justified of his wisdom up to date, at any rate, since he has not been taken."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"The gold ones are Galleons,\" he explained. \"Seventeen silver Sickles to a Galleon and twenty-nine Knuts to a Sickle, it's easy enough. Right, that should be enough for a couple of terms, we'll keep the rest safe for you.\" He turned to Griphook. \"Vault seven hundred and thirteen now, please, and can we go more slowly?\"\"One speed only,\" said Griphook.They were going even deeper now and gathering speed. The air became colder and colder as they hurtled round tight corners. They went rattling over an underground ravine, and Harry leaned over the side to try to see what was down at the dark bottom, but Hagrid groaned and pulled him back by the scruff of his neck.Vault seven hundred and thirteen had no keyhole.\"Stand back,\" said Griphook importantly. He stroked the door gently with one of his long fingers and it simply melted away.", "zh": "\"金色的称为帆船币,\"他解释道,\"17个镰刀币等于一个帆船币,而29个克拉币等于一个镰刀币,简单极了。好了,这些钱来支付两个学期的费用足够了。我们会帮你保存剩下那部分钱的。\"他转向格里霍克\"现在请带我们去713号金库,我们能走得再慢点吗?\"\"只有一种速度。\"格里霍克说。他们继续乘小车往下走,而且速度更快了,当他们呼啸而过一个接一个的拐角时,空气变得越来越冷。他们的小车嘎嘎地越过一座地下山谷,哈利靠向车的一边想看看漆黑的谷底到底有什么东西,但是哈格力拉着他的脖子把他拽了回来。713号金库找不到锁眼。\"往后站,\"格里霍克很严肃地说,他用一根细长的手指轻轻地敲了一下门就打开了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "他们今天到的这个地方,还是在泰波塞斯的同一个山谷里,不过在下游几英里的地方;四周是空旷的平地,她很容易就能看见他。", "en": "The place to which they had travelled to-day was in the same valley as Talbothays, but some miles lower down the river; and the surroundings being open she kept easily in sight of him."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And now, what were Ned Land’s views on this question of a marine monster? I must admit that he flatly didn’t believe in the unicorn, and alone on board, he didn’t share the general conviction. He avoided even dealing with the subject, for which one day I felt compelled to take him to task.", "zh": "目前,尼德·兰对于海怪问题的意见是怎样呢?我承认,他并不相信有什么海麒麟、独角鲸:船上的人,只有他不同意大家的看法。他甚至于避免讨论这件事情。但是,我想这事总有一天会使他谈到的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hermione nodded fervently, but Harry didn't say anything. His stomach had just dropped unpleasantly.Harry had never told Ron and Hermione that the Sorting Hat had seriously considered putting him in Slytherin. He could remember, as though it were yesterday, the small voice that had spoken in his ear when he'd placed the hat on his head a year before: You could be great, you know, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin would help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that...But Harry, who had already heard of Slytherin House's reputation for turning out Dark wizards, had thought desperately, Not Slytherin! and the hat had said, Oh, well, if you're sure ... better be Gryffindor...As they were shunted along in the throng, Colin Creevy went past.", "zh": "赫敏很热切地点头,可是哈利什么也没说。他的心突然很别扭地往下一沉。哈利一直没有告诉罗恩和赫敏,当初分院帽曾非常认真地考虑要把他放在斯莱特林。他清楚地记得一年前他把帽子戴到头上时,那个在他耳边说话的小声音,这一切就像发生在昨天一样。“你会非常成功的,你知道吗,都在你脑袋里藏着呢,斯莱特林会帮助你获得成功,这是毫无疑问的..”但是,哈利事先已经听说斯莱特林学院是培养黑巫师的,名声不好,所以他.不顾一切地在脑子里说:“不要去斯莱特林!”于是那帽子说:“哦,好吧,既然你这么确定..那就不妨去格兰芬多..” 宾斯教授糊里糊涂,把学生的名字全搞混了。三个人被拥过来的人群挤到了一边,这时,科林克里维从他们身边走过。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was on May 17, about 500 miles from Heart’s Content and 2,800 meters down, that I spotted this cable lying on the seafloor. Conseil, whom I hadn’t alerted, mistook it at first for a gigantic sea snake and was gearing up to classify it in his best manner. But I enlightened the fine lad and let him down gently by giving him various details on the laying of this cable.", "zh": "那是5月17日,距内心港约五百海里,在二千八百米深的地方,我看见放在侮底下的电线。康塞尔,我没有预先告诉池,看见电线,起初认为是一条巨大的海蛇,打算按照他平常的方法,把它分类。但我很快使这老实人明白过来,同时为安慰他的苦恼起见,我给他谈了这条海底电线装设的特殊过程。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "从水瓶里发出来的亮光,只是一心在研究颜色的问题。", "en": "The light from the water-bottle was merely engaged in a chromatic problem."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Her name and family? “Lucie Manette, only daughter of Doctor Manette, the good physician who sits there.” This answer had a happy effect upon the audience. Cries in exaltation of the well-known good physician rent the hall. So capriciously were the people moved, that tears immediately rolled down several ferocious countenances which had been glaring at the prisoner a moment before, as if with impatience to pluck him out into the streets and kill him.", "zh": "她叫什么名字?家庭? “叫露西.曼内特,曼内特医生的独生女。这位好医生就坐在卡尔马尼奥拉装:一七九二年左右在法国流行的一种服装,宽翻领短上衣(它本身就叫卡尔马尼奥拉衫),配黑色长裤,红色便帽和三色腰带。那儿。” 这句回答对听众产生了可喜的影响。赞美这位有名的好医生的叫喊声震动了大厅。受到感动的人们极其反复无常,几张凶恶的脸上立即珠泪滚滚,可刚才他们还咬牙切齿地瞪着他,仿佛按捺不住,要立即拉他上街杀掉。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The passenger booked by this history, was on the coach-step, getting in; the two other passengers were close behind him, and about to follow. He remained on the step, half in the coach and half out of; they remained in the road below him. They all looked from the coachman to the guard, and from the guard to the coachman, and listened. The coachman looked back and the guard looked back, and even the emphatic leader pricked up his ears and looked back, without contradicting.", "zh": "本故事记述的那位旅客已踩在邮车踏板上,正要上车,另外两位乘客也已紧随在后,准备跟着进去。这时那人却踩着踏板不动了--他半边身子进了邮车,半边却留在外面,那两人停在他身后的路上。三个人都从车夫望向卫士,又从卫士望向车夫,也都在听。车夫回头望着,卫兵回头望着,连那认真的头马也两耳一竖,回头看了看,并没有表示抗议。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Captain Nemo went out. Hissing sounds soon told me that water was being admitted into the ballast tanks. The Nautilus slowly settled and rested on the icy bottom at a depth of 350 meters, the depth at which the lower shelf of ice lay submerged. “My friends,” I said, “we’re in a serious predicament, but I’m counting on your courage and energy.” “Sir,” the Canadian replied, “this is no time to bore you with my complaints. I’m ready to do anything I can for the common good.” “Excellent, Ned,” I said, extending my hand to the Canadian. “I might add,” he went on, “that I’m as handy with a pick as a harpoon. If I can be helpful to the captain, he can use me any way he wants.” “He won’t turn down your assistance. Come along, Ned.”", "zh": "尼摩船长走了。不久发出哨声,我知道海水吸入储水池中。诺第留斯号慢慢下沉,停在三百五十米深的冰底下,这是冰山下部冰层潜入水底的深度。 “朋友们,”我说,“情形很是严重,但我相信你们能拿出你们的勇气和力量来。” “先生,”加拿大人回答我,“现在不是拿责骂来惹您讨厌的时候。我准备为大家共同的安全牺牲一切。” “好,尼德。”我伸手给加拿大人说。 “我又要说,”他补充说,“我使铁锨和使鱼叉一样灵活,如果我可能对船长有用,请他随便吩咐我吧。” “他一定不拒绝您的帮助。请跟我来,尼德。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Just then, leaning over the forecastle railing, I saw Ned Land below me, one hand grasping the martingale, the other brandishing his dreadful harpoon. Barely twenty feet separated him from the motionless animal.", "zh": "这时候,我伏在船头前面的栏杆上,看见尼德。兰在我下面,一手拉着帆索,一手挥动他锋利的鱼叉。就和这睡着的动物距离不过二十英尺了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "All these wonders I glimpsed in the space of a quarter of a mile, barely pausing, following Captain Nemo whose gestures kept beckoning me onward. Soon the nature of the seafloor changed. The plains of sand were followed by a bed of that viscous slime Americans call “ooze,” which is composed exclusively of seashells rich in limestone or silica. Then we crossed a prairie of algae, open-sea plants that the waters hadn’t yet torn loose, whose vegetation grew in wild profusion. Soft to the foot, these densely textured lawns would have rivaled the most luxuriant carpets woven by the hand of man. But while this greenery was sprawling under our steps, it didn’t neglect us overhead. The surface of the water was crisscrossed by a floating arbor of marine plants belonging to that superabundant algae family that numbers more than 2,000 known species. I saw long ribbons of fucus drifting above me, some globular, others tubular: Laurencia, Cladostephus with the slenderest foliage, Rhodymenia palmata resembling the fan shapes of cactus. I observed that green-colored plants kept closer to the surface of the sea, while reds occupied a medium depth, which left blacks and browns in charge of designing gardens and flowerbeds in the ocean’s lower strata.", "zh": "约在四分之一海里的空间内,我没有停步,几乎不断地看到这些珍品。尼摩船长向我招手,我跟着他走。不久,脚下的土壤变了性质.接连细沙平原的是一片胶粘的泥地,单独由硅土或石灰贝壳构成,美国人管它叫“乌兹”。接昔我们跑过一段海藻地,它们是未经海水冲走的海产植物,繁殖力很强。这种纤维紧密的草坪,踩在脚下软绵绵的,刁”以和人工织出的最柔软的地毯媲美。但是,不只我们脚下是绿草如茵,连我们头上也是一片翠绿。水面上轻飘飘地浮着一层海产植物,全部是取之不尽的海藻类,这类植物,我们已经知道的,至少有二千多种。我看见水中浮着很长的海带(有些作球形,有些作管状)、红花藻、叶子很纤细的薛苔、很像仙人掌的蔷薇藻。我注意到较近海面的一层是青绿色的海草,在更深一些的地方是红色的海草,黑色或赭色。的水草就在最深处,形成海底花园和草地。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Soon, scarcely blurred by their distance from us, the forms of some objects took shape before my eyes. I recognized the lower slopes of some magnificent rocks carpeted by the finest zoophyte specimens, and right off, I was struck by an effect unique to this medium.", "zh": "走了一会儿,看见前面有些东西,虽然形象仅仅在远方微微露出,但轮廓已清楚地在我眼前浮现。我看出这是海底岩石前沿好看的一列,石上满铺着最美丽的形形色色的植虫动物;我首先就被这种特有的景色怔住。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Harry sighed and stretched out on the bed. Yesterday he'd have given anything to be up here. Today he'd rather be back in his cupboard with that letter than up here without it.Next morning at breakfast, everyone was rather quiet. Dudley was in shock. He'd screamed, whacked his father with his Smelting stick, been sick on purpose, kicked his mother, and thrown his tortoise through the greenhouse roof, and he still didn't have his room back. Harry was thinking about this time yesterday and bitterly wishing he'd opened the letter in the hall. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia kept looking at each other darkly.When the mail arrived, Uncle Vernon, who seemed to be trying to be nice to Harry, made Dudley go and get it. They heard him banging things with his Smelting stick all the way down the hall. Then he shouted, \"There's another one! 'Mr. H. Potter, The Smallest Bedroom, 4 Privet Drive --'\"", "zh": "哈利叹了口气,躺在床上。昨天他为了能住上来什么都愿意做。可是他今天宁愿住回他的柜子,只要能把那封信还给他。第二天吃早餐的时候,没有一个人开口说话,达德里太吃惊了。不管他怎样尖叫,怎样用他的棍子使劲地打他的爸爸,故意装病也好,踢他的妈妈也好,甚至把他的宝贝乌龟从温室顶上丢下去,他都没法要回自己的房间。哈利则在想着昨天的这个时候,要是自己在楼下的时候就把信拆了就好了。帕尤妮亚姨妈和维能姨丈则面色阴沉地看着对方。邮件又来的时候,维能姨丈为了从表面上对哈利好一点,叫达德里下去拿信。他们听到达德里一边下楼一边用他的棍子敲打着经过的东西。紧接着只听一声大喊:\"又来一封信了!四号普里怀特街住在最小间卧室的哈利。波特先生收!\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“她生气了——她不懂我们在干什么——她会把牛奶桶踢翻的!”苔丝嘴里嚷着,一边轻轻地从克莱尔怀里挣脱出来,她的眼睛注意的是牛的动作,她的心里想的却是克莱尔和她自己。", "en": "'She is angry - she doesn't know what we mean - she'll kick over the milk!' exclaimed Tess, gently striving to free herself, her eyes concerned with the quadruped's actions, her heart more deeply concerned with herself and Clare."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mr. Stryver then called his few witnesses, and Mr. Cruncher had next to attend while Mr. Attorney-General turned the whole suit of clothes Mr. Stryver had fitted on the jury, inside out; showing how Barsad and Cly were even a hundred times better than he had thought them, and the prisoner a hundred times worse. Lastly, came my Lord himself, turning the suit of clothes, now inside out, now outside in, but on the whole decidedly trimming and shaping them into grave- clothes for the prisoner.", "zh": "然后斯特莱佛先生要求他的几个证人出席作了证。再以后克朗彻先生便听见副检察长先生把斯特莱佛先生为陪审团剪裁的衣服整个儿地翻了过来;他表示巴萨和克莱甚至比他估计的还要好一百倍,而囚犯则要坏一百倍。最后,法官大人发言,他把这件衣服时而翻了过来,时而又翻了过去,总而言之,肯定是把它整个儿重新剪裁了一次,做成了一件给囚犯穿的尸衣。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "A favourite at the Old Bailey, and eke at the Sessions, Mr. Stryver had begun cautiously to hew away the lower staves of the ladder on which he mounted. Sessions and Old Bailey had now to summon their favourite, specially, to their longing arms; and shouldering itself towards the visage of the Lord Chief Justice in the Court of King’s Bench, the florid countenance of Mr. Stryver might be daily seen, bursting out of the bed of wigs, like a great sunflower pushing its way at the sun from among a rank garden-full of flaring companions.", "zh": "斯特莱佛先生在老贝勒和在法院里都颇为受宠。此时他已开始小心却也大步地跨进他已登上的阶梯的下层。现在法庭和老贝勒必须特别张开他们渴望的双臂,召唤他们的宠儿。人们每天都要看到斯特莱佛先生那张红扑扑的脸从一片假发的园圃中冲出,有如一朵巨大的向日葵横冲直撞挤开满园姓紫嫣红的伙伴奔向太阳,向皇家法庭的大法官那张脸扑去。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Dan loves the sport of bowling.", "zh": "丹(Dan)喜欢保龄球运动。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The electric light suddenly went out, and two enormous waterspouts crashed onto the deck of the frigate, racing like a torrent from stem to stern, toppling crewmen, breaking spare masts and yardarms from their lashings.", "zh": "对面的电光突然熄灭,两团巨大的水猛扑到战舰甲板上来,像急流一般从船头冲至船尾,冲倒船上的人,打断了护墙桅的绳索。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "There the obsessive fears in my brain left me. I became surprisingly calm again. The ease with which I could move increased my confidence, and the many strange sights captivated my imagination.", "zh": "在水底下,缠绕我脑际的鲛鱼的念头没有了,我心中变得十分安静。由于动作方便,我增加了信心,水底下奇异的景象完全吸住了我的想象力。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“不过我希望你这毛病会好起来,那么,象这种每年有四千镑收入的阔少爷,你就可以眼看着他们一个个搬来做你的邻居了。”", "en": "\"But I hope you will get over it, and live to see many young men of four thousand a year come into the neighbourhood.\""}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "These occupations brought her round to the December month, wherein her father walked among the terrors with a steady head. On a lightly-snowing afternoon she arrived at the usual corner. It was a day of some wild rejoicing, and a festival. She had seen the houses, as she came along, decorated with little pikes, and with little red caps stuck upon them; also, with tricoloured ribbons; also, with the standard inscription (tricoloured letters were the favourite), Republic One and Indivisible. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death!", "zh": "这样的活动又把她带到了十二月,她的父亲仍然在恐怖之中昂首阔步地走着。一个微雪的下午,她来到她总要去的角落。那是一个疯狂的喜庆日子。她来时见到房屋点缀了刺刀,刺刀顶上点缀了红便帽,屋上还挂着三色彩带,还有标准的口号(字母也常用三个颜色书写):统一不可分割的共和国,自由平等博爱或死亡!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I wanted to see the lounge one last time. I went down the gangways and arrived at the museum where I had spent so many pleasant and productive hours. I stared at all its wealth, all its treasures, like a man on the eve of his eternal exile, a man departing to return no more. For so many days now, these natural wonders and artistic masterworks had been central to my life, and I was about to leave them behind forever. I wanted to plunge my eyes through the lounge window and into these Atlantic waters; but the panels were hermetically sealed, and a mantle of sheet iron separated me from this ocean with which I was still unfamiliar.", "zh": "我要最后看一次客厅。我从长廊走过去,我到了我不知度过了多少快意和有益的时间的那间陈列室。我两眼叮者所有这些财富,所有这些宝藏,就像一个人要永远流亡,走后不再回来的前夜中一样。这些自然界的神奇品,这些艺术上的杰作,这许多日子来,我的生命力全部集中在它门那里,现在我要永远抛开它们了。我又要通过客厅的玻璃,把我的眼光潜入大西洋的水底下,可是嵌板紧闭着,一块铁板把我隔开了我还不认识的这个大洋。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "When our breadfruit harvesting was done, we took to the trail to complete this “dry-land dinner.”", "zh": "当我们摘完了面包果,我们就去寻找,要把我们的“地上”午餐丰富完备起来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Red with blood, motionless by the beacon, Captain Nemo stared at the sea that had swallowed one of his companions, and large tears streamed from his eyes.", "zh": "尼摩船长全身血红,站在探照灯附近,一动也不动,眼盯着吞噬了他的一个同伴的大海,大滴的泪珠从他的眼里淌了出来"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"That's why you late, is it?\" said Hagrid, frowning at Filch. \"Bin lecturing them, eh? 'Snot your place to do that. Yeh've done your bit, I'll take over from here.\"\"I'll be back at dawn,\" said Filch, \"for what's left of them,\" he added nastily, and he turned and started back toward the castle, his lamp bobbing away in the darkness.Malfoy now turned to Hagrid.\"I'm not going in that forest, he said, and Harry was pleased to hear the note of panic in his voice.\"You are if you want to stay at Hogwarts,\" said Hagrid fiercely. \"Yeh've done wrong and now yehve got to pay for it.\"\"But this is servant stuff, it's not for students to do. I thought we'd be copying lines or something, if my father knew I was doing this, he'd tell you that's how it is at Hogwarts,\" Hagrid growled.", "zh": "\"这就是你迟到的原因,对吗?\"哈格力问,对费驰皱了下眉。\"给他们一个教训,嗯?由你来做实在有失身份呢?你已经完成你的那份职责了吧,现在开始他们几个就由我接手好了。\"\"我会在天亮时回来的,\"费驰说,\"看看他们会变得怎样。\"他很猥亵地加上一句同时转身就走回城堡去,他的灯光在黑暗中上下跳动。马尔夫随即转向哈格力。\"我不会进那座森林的。\"他说,这时哈利很高兴地听出他嗓音里的惊慌失措。\"如果你想留在霍格瓦彻的话,你就必须进去,\"哈格力严厉地说。\"你做了错事,所以你必须为它负责。\"\"但这可是一件大险事,这不应该由学生做。我想我们应该写写检讨或其他。假如我爸爸知道我这样子的话,他会——告诉你,这就是霍格瓦彻!\"哈格力咆哮,\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hagrid was so huge that he parted the crowd easily; all Harry had to do was keep close behind him. They passed book shops and music stores, hamburger restaurants and cinemas, but nowhere that looked as if it could sell you a magic wand. This was just an ordinary street full of ordinary people.Could there really be piles of wizard gold buried miles beneath them? Were there really shops that sold spell books and broomsticks? Might this not all be some huge joke that the Dursleys had cooked up? If Harry hadn't known that the Dursleys had no sense of humor, he might have thought so; yet somehow, even though everything Hagrid had told him so far was unbelievable, Harry couldn't help trusting him.\"This is it,\" said Hagrid, coming to a halt, \"the Leaky Cauldron. It's a famous place.\"It was a tiny, grubby-looking pub. If Hagrid hadn't pointed it out, Harry wouldn't have noticed it was there. The people hurrying by didn't glance at it. Their eyes slid from the big book shop on one side to the record shop on the other as if they couldn't see the Leaky Cauldron at all. In fact, Harry had the most peculiar feeling that only he and Hagrid could see it. Before he could mention this, Hagrid had steered him inside.", "zh": "哈格力的身材如此巨大以致于很容易挤开拥挤的人群,而哈利所要做的就是跟在哈格力的身后,他们路过书店、音乐店、汉堡包店和电影院,但似乎没有一个地方看上去可以卖一根魔法手杖给哈利,这仅仅是一条挤满了普通人的十分平常的街而已。那成堆的魔法金币真的可能会理在这地底下吗?真的有店卖咒语书和魔法扫帚吗?这不会是杜斯利所想出的一个大笑话吧?如果不是哈利知道杜斯利缺乏幽默感的话,他也许真的会这么想,但是,尽管哈格力告诉他的一切是如此的令人难以置信,哈利还是不由自主的相信他。\"这就是了。\"哈格力说着,直向一个小站走过去,'易漏的大锅'.一个非常有名的地方。其实它是个很小而又肮脏的酒吧。如果不是哈格力指出来,哈利压根儿没注意到它,行色匆匆的人们一眼也没瞧这家小店,他们的目光从街一边的大书店滑到另一边的唱片店,都好像根本看不见\"易漏的大锅\"似的,事实上,哈利很奇怪地感觉到只有他和哈格力能看见它,但在他提起这之前,哈格力已经拉着他进去了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "By noon we were no farther along than at eight o’clock in the morning.", "zh": "中午,我们跟早晨八点一样,一点没有进展。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“我——我真心地爱你,真正地爱你,这是不用说的。可是我——现在不能再往前走了——这让你难过了——我也和你一样感到吃惊呢。你不会以为我在你没有防备时太鲁莽吧?——我来得太快,也没有想一想,你会不会?”", "en": "'That I - love you dearly and truly I need not say. But I - it shall go no further now - it distresses you - I am as surprised as you are. You will not think I have presumed upon your defencelessness - been too quick and unreflecting, will you?'"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Crustaceans are subdivided into nine orders, and the first of these consists of the decapods, in other words, animals whose head and thorax are usually fused, whose cheek-and-mouth mechanism is made up of several pairs of appendages, and whose thorax has four, five, or six pairs of walking legs. Conseil used the methods of our mentor Professor Milne-Edwards, who puts the decapods in three divisions: Brachyura, Macrura, and Anomura. These names may look a tad fierce, but they’re accurate and appropriate. Among the Brachyura, Conseil mentions some amanthia crabs whose fronts were armed with two big diverging tips, those inachus scorpions that—lord knows why—symbolized wisdom to the ancient Greeks, spider crabs of the massena and spinimane varieties that had probably gone astray in these shallows because they usually live in the lower depths, xanthid crabs, pilumna crabs, rhomboid crabs, granular box crabs (easy on the digestion, as Conseil ventured to observe), toothless masked crabs, ebalia crabs, cymopolia crabs, woolly-handed crabs, etc. Among the Macrura (which are subdivided into five families: hardshells, burrowers, crayfish, prawns, and ghost crabs) Conseil mentions some common spiny lobsters whose females supply a meat highly prized, slipper lobsters or common shrimp, waterside gebia shrimp, and all sorts of edible species, but he says nothing of the crayfish subdivision that includes the true lobster, because spiny lobsters are the only type in the Mediterranean. Finally, among the Anomura, he saw common drocina crabs dwelling inside whatever abandoned seashells they could take over, homola crabs with spiny fronts, hermit crabs, hairy porcelain crabs, etc.", "zh": "甲壳纲分为丸目,其中第一目包括十脚节肢动物,这些动物通常是头部和胸部连接起来,口腔器官由好几对节时组成,又有四对、五对或六对胸部的脚或走动的脚。康塞尔遵照我们的老师密尔·爱德华的方法,把十脚节肢动物分为三部:短尾部,长尾部和无尾部。这些名字稍微有点通俗,但很明白,很正确。在短尾部中,康塞尔举出“阿马地’蟹,前头有两支分开的长刺:蝎子蟹——我不知道因为什么~一希腊人拿这蟹来象征智慧。棍形海蜘蛛,刺形海蚁蛛,这些东西可能是迷路到达浅海底中来了,因为它们通常是在水很深的地方。十足蟹,矢形蟹,菱形蟹,粒形蟹——康塞尔指出,这蟹很容易消化;无齿的伞花蟹,螃蟹,西蟹,毛绒蟹等。在长尾部中,分为五科:装甲科,掘脚科,无定位科,虾科,足目科;康塞尔举出普通的龙虾(母龙虾肉是很受人重视的),熊虾,或海蝉,河虾,以及各种食用的虾但他没有说到无定位科的区别,其中有对虾这一属,因为地虾是地中海中唯一的对虾属。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I stared in silence at the high, sheer wall we were skirting just then, the firm base of the sandy mountains on the coast. For an hour we went along it in this fashion, staying only a few meters away. Captain Nemo never took his eyes off the two concentric circles of the compass hanging in the cabin. At a mere gesture from him, the helmsman would instantly change the Nautilus’s heading.", "zh": "我默默地注视我们此刻走过的十分陡峭险峻的高墙,这是沿海高厚沙地的坚牢基础。我们在一个钟头内沿着这座高墙走,相距只不过几米,尼摩船长两眼不离那个挂在笼间,有两个大小同心圆的罗盘,看他做一个手势,领航人就每时每刻改变诺第留斯号行驶的方向。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Who gave them out, whence they last came, where they began, through what agency they crookedly quivered and jerked, scores at a time, over the heads of the crowd, like a kind of lightning, no eye in the throng could have told; but, muskets were being distributed—so were cartridges, powder, and ball, bars of iron and wood, knives, axes, pikes, every weapon that distracted ingenuity could discover or devise. People who could lay hold of nothing else, set themselves with bleeding hands to force stones and bricks out of their places in walls. Every pulse and heart in Saint Antoine was on high-fever strain and at high-fever heat. Every living creature there held life as of no account, and was demented with a passionate readiness to sacrifice it.", "zh": "是谁抛上来的,是从哪儿抛上来的,从哪儿开始抛的,是什么人经手抛的,人群中没有人看见。武器一次几十把,摇晃着、颤动着跳了出来,出现在人群的头上,有如电闪。跳出来的还有毛瑟枪、子弹、火药、炮弹、木棍、铁棍、刀子、斧子、长矛。总之,发了疯的创造精神所能搜寻到或设计出的一切武器都有。得不到别的东西的人们便用血淋淋的手从墙上挖出石头和砖块。圣安托万的每一次脉动和心跳都疾速而火热,像是发了高烧。那儿的每一个人都发了狂,都已把生死置之度外,火辣辣地准备拿出生命作牺牲。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In the zoophyte branch, class Alcyonaria, one finds the order Gorgonaria, which contains three groups: sea fans, isidian polyps, and coral polyps. It’s in this last that precious coral belongs, an unusual substance that, at different times, has been classified in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. Medicine to the ancients, jewelry to the moderns, it wasn’t decisively placed in the animal kingdom until 1694, by Peysonnel of Marseilles.", "zh": "在植虫动物门、翡翠纲中,有矾花这一目,这一目包含矾花、木贼和珊瑚三科。珊瑚属于珊瑚科,是一种奇怪的东西,曾经先后被分人矿物、植物和动物类。在古代它是治病的药方,在近代是装饰的珍宝,一直封1694年:,马赛人皮桑尼尔才明确地把它们作为动物分类。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "你说呢,曼丽?", "en": "What say you, Mary?"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Two days passed. The Abraham Lincoln stayed at half steam. On the offchance that the animal might be found in these waterways, a thousand methods were used to spark its interest or rouse it from its apathy. Enormous sides of bacon were trailed in our wake, to the great satisfaction, I must say, of assorted sharks. While the Abraham Lincoln heaved to, its longboats radiated in every direction around it and didn’t leave a single point of the sea unexplored. But the evening of November 4 arrived with this underwater mystery still unsolved.", "zh": "两天过去了,林肯号以低速度慢慢前进。在可能碰到这个动物的海面上,人们想尽方法引起它的注意或刺激它迟钝的神经。人们把一大块一大块的腊肉拉在船后,——但我应该说,这内使鲨鱼们感到十分满意。林肯号一停下来,许多小船放下去,马上就向战舰周围各方出发,不让一处海面不被搜索到。11月4日晚上到了,这个潜在海底的秘密还是没有揭露出来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "不久她就走到了他的身后,因为克莱尔漫无目的,走得很慢。", "en": "She was soon close at his heels, for Clare walked slowly and without purpose."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "怪物慢慢地站起来,取下头上的盖布放在椅子上。", "en": "The creature stood up slowly. It took the old cloth off its head, and put it on the chair."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But even so, was the man going to let us die of starvation, locked up in this cramped prison, exposed to those horrible temptations to which people are driven by extreme hunger? This grim possibility took on a dreadful intensity in my mind, and fired by my imagination, I felt an unreasoning terror run through me. Conseil stayed calm. Ned Land bellowed.", "zh": "但是,他把我们关在这狭小的牢房里,不给我们饭吃。听任我们因此链而走险,是不是存心要饿死我们呢,这个可怕的念头在我心中是这样强烈,我感到有一种莫名其妙的恐惧侵袭着我。康塞尔还是若无其事。尼德。兰就像猛虎般在吼叫。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Breakfast over, I made my way ashore. The Nautilus had gone a few more miles during the night. It lay well out, a good league from the coast, which was crowned by a sharp peak 400 to 500 meters high. In addition to me, the skiff carried Captain Nemo, two crewmen, and the instruments—in other words, a chronometer, a spyglass, and a barometer.", "zh": "早餐完了,我就到地上去。诺第留斯号在夜间又向上前进了好几海里。船正在大海中,距岸整整有一里,岸上有高四百至五百米的尖峰矗立。小艇载了我和尼摩船长,两个船员,以及仪器,即航海时计、望远镜和晴雨表。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Whether he had really been to any one, or whether he had been all that time traversing the streets, was never known. As he stood staring at them, they asked him no question, for his face told them everything. “I cannot find it,” said he, “and I must have it. Where is it?” His head and throat were bare, and, as he spoke with a helpless look straying all around, he took his coat off, and let it drop on the floor. “Where is my bench? I have been looking everywhere for my bench, and I can’t find it. What have they done with my work? Time presses: I must finish those shoes.” They looked at one another, and their hearts died within them. “Come, come!” said he, in a whimpering miserable way; “let me get to work. Give me my work.” Receiving no answer, he tore his hair, and beat his feet upon the ground, like a distracted child. “Don’t torture a poor forlorn wretch,” he implored them, with a dreadful cry; “but give me my work! What is to become of us, if those shoes are not done to- night?” Lost, utterly lost!", "zh": "他是真去找过谁,还是一直在街上转悠,没有人知道。他站在那儿呆望着他们。他们却没有问他,因为他那张脸已说明了一切。 “我找不到了,”他说,“我一定得找到。它到哪儿去了?” 他光着头,敞着领子,无可奈何地东望望西望望说。他脱掉了外衣,却让它落到地上。 “我的凳子呢?我哪儿都找遍了,找不着。我的活几呢?他们把它弄哪儿去了?时间很紧,我得做完鞋。” 两人彼此看看:彻底完了。. “好了,好了!”他痛苦地低声说,“让我工作吧。把我的活儿给我。” 他得不到回答便扯头发、顿脚,像个任性的孩子。 “不要折磨一个可怜的孤老头子吧,”他凄苦地叫着乞求他们,“把活儿给我!若是今天晚上鞋做不完,我们怎么得了?” 完了,全完了!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Violent squalls assaulted us during the daytime. Thanks to certain heavy mists, we couldn’t see from one end of the platform to the other. The wind shifted abruptly to every point on the compass. The snow was piling up in such packed layers, it had to be chipped loose with blows from picks. Even in a temperature of merely -5 degrees centigrade, every outside part of the Nautilus was covered with ice. A ship’s rigging would have been unusable, because all its tackle would have jammed in the grooves of the pulleys. Only a craft without sails, driven by an electric motor that needed no coal, could face such high latitudes.", "zh": "在这些日子里,猛烈的冰屑时常来袭击我们.由于有浓厚的云雾,乎台的这一端到那一端都不可能看清楚。暴风从罗盘针指的各个方向突然刮起。白雪堆成十分坚硬的冰层,简直要用尖利铁锨来弄开它。仅仅在零下五度的温变,诺第留斯号外部全被冰层封住了。一只平常的船可能是没有法子行驶,囚为所有的绞辅绳索都冰在滑车沟中了。只有这艘没有帆而装有可以不用煤的电动机的船才能冒险跑到这样高的纬度中来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I crept forward through the Nautilus’s dark gangways, pausing after each step to curb the pounding of my heart.", "zh": "我沿着诺第留斯号的黑暗过道,一步一步摸索着前进,走一步停一下,抑制住心上的跳动。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I gaped at the captain. “You don’t understand?” he said to me. “Not in the least.” “Well, come along and you’ll see!”", "zh": "我眼盯着船长。” “您不明白吗?”他对我说。 “一点不明白。” “那么,您来吧,您就可以看见了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mr. Cruncher’s temper was not at all improved when he came to his breakfast. He resented Mrs. Cruncher’s saying grace with particular animosity. “Now, Aggerawayter! What are you up to? At it again?” His wife explained that she had merely “asked a blessing.” “Don’t do it!” said Mr. Crunches looking about, as if he rather expected to see the loaf disappear under the efficacy of his wife’s petitions. “I ain’t a going to be blest out of house and home. I won’t have my wittles blest off my table. Keep still!” Exceedingly red-eyed and grim, as if he had been up all night at a party which had taken anything but a convivial turn, Jerry Cruncher worried his breakfast rather than ate it, growling over it like any four-footed inmate of a menagerie. Towards nine o’clock he smoothed his ruffled aspect, and, presenting as respectable and business-like an exterior as he could overlay his natural self with, issued forth to the occupation of the day.", "zh": "克朗彻先生到吃早饭时脾气仍然毫无好转,他对克朗彻太太做祈祷怀着一种特别的厌恶。 “好了,他奶奶的!你又玩什么花样了?又在干什么?” 他的妻子回答说,她只不过在“乞求保佑”。 “可别求!”克朗彻先生四面望望说,仿佛希望面包因为他妻子的请求而消失。“我可不愿给保佑得没了房子没了家,饭桌上没了吃的。闭嘴!” 他双眼通红,脾气很大,仿佛彻夜不眠参加了晚会回来,而那晚会又无丝毫乐趣。他不是在吃早饭,而是在拿早饭发脾气,像动物园里的居民一样对它嗥叫。快到九点他才放下他耸起的鬣毛,在他那本色的自我外面摆出一副受人尊敬的公事公办的样子,出去开始他一天的工作。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was the popular theme for jests; it was the best cure for headache, it infallibly prevented the hair from turning grey, it imparted a peculiar delicacy to the complexion, it was the National Razor which shaved close: who kissed La Guillotine, looked through the little window and sneezed into the sack. It was the sign of the regeneration of the human race. It superseded the Cross. Models of it were worn on breasts from which the Cross was discarded, and it was bowed down to and believed in where the Cross was denied.", "zh": "它是俏皮话的主题:“治疗头痛的最佳良药”;“药到病除,使你头发永不花白”;“它让你的皮肤特别娇嫩,顷刻苍白”;“国家级剃头刀,一切脑袋保证剃光”;“谁要亲吻断小姐,往小窗户瞧一眼,一个喷嚏就栽进她口袋里。”它是人类复兴的象征,取代了十字架的地位。它的模型被佩带在扔开了十字架的胸口上。凡是十字架叫人否定的地方,它就受到膜拜和信仰。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The spectators saw in the two figures, a young lady of little more than twenty, and a gentleman who was evidently her father; a man of a very remarkable appearance in respect of the absolute whiteness of his hair, and a certain indescribable intensity of face: not of an active kind, but pondering and self-communing. When this expression was upon him, he looked as if he were old; but when it was stirred and broken up—as it was now, in a moment, on his speaking to his daughter—he became a handsome man, not past the prime of life.", "zh": "观众看到的两个人一个是刚过二十的小姐,另一个显然是她的父亲。后者以他满头的白发十分引人注目。他脸上带着一种难以描述的紧张表情:并非活跃性的紧张,而是沉思的内心自省的紧张。这种表情在他脸上时,他便显得憔悴苍老,可是那表情一消失 --现在它就暂时消失了,因为他跟女儿说话一-他又变成了一个漂亮的男人,还没有超过他的最佳年华。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was during the night of December 9-10 that the Nautilus encountered this army of distinctly nocturnal mollusks. They numbered in the millions. They were migrating from the temperate zones toward zones still warmer, following the itineraries of herring and sardines. We stared at them through our thick glass windows: they swam backward with tremendous speed, moving by means of their locomotive tubes, chasing fish and mollusks, eating the little ones, eaten by the big ones, and tossing in indescribable confusion the ten feet that nature has rooted in their heads like a hairpiece of pneumatic snakes. Despite its speed, the Nautilus navigated for several hours in the midst of this school of animals, and its nets brought up an incalculable number, among which I recognized all nine species that Professor Orbigny has classified as native to the Pacific Ocean.", "zh": "就是在12月9日和10日夜间,诺第留斯号碰见一大群喜欢夜出的软体动物。估计起来,它们的数目不止数千百万。它们遵循着槽白鱼和沙丁鱼所走的路线,从温带地方转移到较暖的水域去。我们通过很厚的透亮玻璃,看见它们向后倒退,极端迅速地游泳,运用它们的运动卿管转动,追赶鱼类和软体动物,吃小鱼,或被大鱼吃掉。它们把天生就的头上十只腿脚在难以形容地胡乱抓爬,好像小孩玩的蛇形吹气管子。诺第留斯号,不管它走得多么快,但在这大群动物中间也走了好几个钟头,鱼网打到了无数的这种抢乌贼,其中我看到了被奥宾尼分类的九种太平洋品种。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Every eye looked toward the point indicated.", "zh": "大家的眼光都转向他手指的地方。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "A wild-looking woman, whom even in his agitation, Mr. Lorry observed to be all of a red colour, and to have red hair, and to be dressed in some extraordinary tight-fitting fashion, and to have on her head a most wonderful bonnet like a Grenadier wooden measure, and good measure too, or a great Stilton cheese, came running into the room in advance of the inn servants, and soon settled the question of his detachment from the poor young lady, by laying a brawny hand upon his chest, and sending him flying back against the nearest wall.", "zh": "一个满面怒容的妇女抢在旅馆仆役之前跑进屋里。罗瑞尽管很激动,却也注意到她全身一片红色。红头发,特别的裹身红衣服。非常奇妙的女帽,像是王室卫队掷弹兵用的大容量的木质取酒器,或是一大块斯梯尔顿奶酪。这女人立即把他跟那可怜的小姐分开了 --她把一只结实的手伸到他胸前一搡,便让他倒退回去,撞在靠近的墙上。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "After our position fix, the Nautilus’s latitude bearings were modulated to the southwest. Our prow pointed to the Indian Ocean. Where would Captain Nemo’s fancies take us? Would he head up to the shores of Asia? Would he pull nearer to the beaches of Europe? Unlikely choices for a man who avoided populated areas! So would he go down south? Would he double the Cape of Good Hope, then Cape Horn, and push on to the Antarctic pole? Finally, would he return to the seas of the Pacific, where his Nautilus could navigate freely and easily? Time would tell.", "zh": "从这里起,诺第留斯号的方向,在纬度线上弯下来;向西南驶去。船头是向着印度洋。尼摩船长打算带我们到什么地方去呢?他又上溯回到亚洲侮岸去吗?他要走近欧洲海岸吗?他是要躲避有人居住的陆地吧,但从航行方向看,这也是不可能的。那么他要往南去吗?他要先过好望角是一个。,然后再过合恩角,向南极走去吗?最后,他又要回到太平洋中来,他的诺第留斯号在太平洋中航行方便自由吗?那只有将来才能使我知道。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“苔丝,”他说,尽量把话说得轻松些,“我不能住在——这个房间里了——就是现在。我要到外面走一走。”", "en": "'Tess,' he said, as gently as he could speak, 'I cannot stay - in this room - just now. I will walk out a little way.'"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "“Lots of people come who haven’t been invited,” she said suddenly. “That girl hadn’t been invited. They simply force their way in and he’s too polite to object.”“I’d like to know who he is and what he does,” insisted Tom. “And I think I’ll make a point of finding out.”“I can tell you right now,” she answered. “He owned some drug-stores, a lot of drug-stores. He built them up himself.”The dilatory limousine came rolling up the drive.“Good night, Nick,” said Daisy.“Thank you for your supporting...”Her glance left me and sought the lighted top of the steps, where THREE O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING, a neat, sad little waltz of that year, was drifting out the open door. After all, in the very casualness of Gatsby’s party there were romantic possibilities totally absent from her world. What was it up there in the song that seemed to be calling her back inside? What would happen now in the dim, incalculable hours? Perhaps some unbelievable guest would arrive, a person infinitely rare and to be marvelled at, some authentically radiant young girl who with one fresh glance at Gatsby, one moment of magical encounter, would blot out those five years of unwavering devotion.", "zh": "\"来的人有好多并不是邀请来的,\"她忽然说,\"那个女孩子就没有接到邀请。他们于脆闯上门来,而他又太客气,不好意思谢绝。\"\"我很想知道他是什么人,又是于什么的,\"汤姆固执地说,\"并且我一定要去打听清楚。\"\"我马上就可以告诉你,\"她答道,\"他是开药房的,好多家药房。是他一手创办起来的。\"那辆姗姗来迟的大型轿车沿着汽车道开了上来。\"晚安,尼克。'黛西说。她的目光离汗了我,朝着灯光照亮的最上一层台阶看去,在那里一支当年流行的哀婉动人的小华尔兹舞曲《凌晨三点钟》正从敞开的大门传出来。话说回来,正是在盖茨比的晚会的随随便便的气氛之中,就有她自己的世界中完全没有的种种浪漫的可能性。那支歌曲里面有什么东西仿佛在呼唤她回到里面去呢?现在在这幽暗的、难以预测的时辰里会发生什么事情呢?也许会光临一位令人难以置信的客人,一位世上少有的令人惊异不已的佳人,一位真正艳丽夺目的少女,只要对盖茨比看上一眼,只要一刹那魔术般的相逢,她就可以把五年来坚贞不移的爱情一笔勾销。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The cetacean had rammed our frigate at about eleven o’clock in the evening. I therefore calculated on eight hours of swimming until sunrise. A strenuous task, but feasible, thanks to our relieving each other. The sea was pretty smooth and barely tired us. Sometimes I tried to peer through the dense gloom, which was broken only by the phosphorescent flickers coming from our movements. I stared at the luminous ripples breaking over my hands, shimmering sheets spattered with blotches of bluish gray. It seemed as if we’d plunged into a pool of quicksilver.", "zh": "战舰跟那鲸鱼冲撞的时间是在夜间十一点钟左右。所以到太阳升起,我们还得游泳八个小时。我们替换着游,游八小时必然可以做到。海面相当平静,我们还不至于过度疲劳。有时,我的眼光想看透深沉的黑暗,但什么也看不见,只有那由于我们游泳动作激起的浪花透出一点闪光来。在我手下破碎的明亮的水波,点缀在镜子般闪闪的水而上,就好像一块块青灰色的金属片。真可以说,我们是在水银中游泳了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Helen lived in the state of Washington.", "zh": "海伦住在华盛顿州。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I started moving, groping my way. After five steps I encountered an iron wall made of riveted boilerplate. Then, turning around, I bumped into a wooden table next to which several stools had been set. The floor of this prison lay hidden beneath thick, hempen matting that deadened the sound of footsteps. Its naked walls didn’t reveal any trace of a door or window. Going around the opposite way, Conseil met up with me, and we returned to the middle of this cabin, which had to be twenty feet long by ten wide. As for its height, not even Ned Land, with his great stature, was able to determine it.", "zh": "我摸索着慢慢地走。走了五步,我碰到一堵铁墙,墙是用螺丝钉铆住的铁板。然后,我转回来,撞上一张木头桌子,桌子边放有几张方板凳。这间监狱的地板上铺着很厚的麻垫子,走起来没有一点脚步声。光光的墙壁摸不出有问窗的痕迹。康塞尔从相反的方向走过来,碰着我;我们回到这舱房的中间,这舱房大约长二十英尺,宽十英尺。至于高度,尼德·兰身材虽高,也没有能衡量出来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The terrain consisted mostly of thick slime mixed with petrified branches, but it changed little by little near four o’clock in the afternoon; it grew rockier and seemed to be strewn with pudding stones and a basaltic gravel called “tuff,” together with bits of lava and sulfurous obsidian. I expected these long plains to change into mountain regions, and in fact, as the Nautilus was executing certain turns, I noticed that the southerly horizon was blocked by a high wall that seemed to close off every exit. Its summit obviously poked above the level of the ocean. It had to be a continent or at least an island, either one of the Canaries or one of the Cape Verde Islands. Our bearings hadn’t been marked on the chart—perhaps deliberately—and I had no idea what our position was. In any case this wall seemed to signal the end of Atlantis, of which, all in all, we had crossed only a small part.", "zh": "下午四点左右,地面上夹带有化石枝叶的厚泥土渐渐改变了;石头愈来愈多,有好些变质岩,玄武石凝灰岩,同时又有硫磺火石和黑暇石散在中间。我想山岳地带不久就要接上辽阔的平原。真的,在诺第留斯号更往前驶的时候,我望见南方的天际水平线,被一带高墙挡起来,好像完全没有出路似的。很显然,墙顶是超出大洋水面了。那可能是大陆,至少也是一个岛,或加纳里群岛之一,或青角群岛之一)船方位的标记还没有做——可能是有意这样——我不知道我们所在的方位。总之,这座高墙我看来是标记出大西洋洲的尽头,我们没有走过的恐怕也只有很小的一部分了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "难道要我相信这些话吗?", "en": "Am I to believe this?"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Meanwhile, crazed with terror, the unhinged Papuans beat a retreat. As for us, half laughing, we massaged and comforted poor Ned Land, who was swearing like one possessed.", "zh": "巴布亚人害怕得发狂,都向后退走。我们笑着,安慰不幸的尼德。兰,用手摩擦他,他像魔鬼附身一样,大声地咒骂."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "要使他们相信,在政治上,中国境内各民族是真正平等的;在经济上,他们的生活会得到改善;在文化上,也会得到提高。", "en": "We should convince the various minority nationality people that, politically, all nationalities within China's boundaries are truly equal, that their living standards can be improved and that their cultural level can be raised."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No! I wasn’t the subject of his hate because he wasn’t even looking at me; his eyes stayed stubbornly focused on that inscrutable point of the horizon.", "zh": "不!这仇恨的对象并不是我,因为他并不看我,因为他的眼睛仍然坚定不移地盯着夭际神秘不可知的那一点。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No doubts were possible! This animal, this monster, this natural phenomenon that had puzzled the whole scientific world, that had muddled and misled the minds of seamen in both hemispheres, was, there could be no escaping it, an even more astonishing phenomenon—a phenomenon made by the hand of man.", "zh": "再不可能怀疑了!这动物,这怪东西,这天然的怪物,它使整个学术界费尽了心血,它使东西两半球的航海家糊里糊涂,现在应当承认,它是一种更惊人的怪东西,它是人工制造的怪东西。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So, the time came for him to bid Lucie good night, and they separated. But, in the stillness of the third hour of the morning, Lucie came downstairs again, and stole into his room; not free from unshaped fears, beforehand.", "zh": "三个人就像这样一直过到跟露西道了晚安才分手。但是等到凌晨三点万籁俱寂的时候,露西却又下了楼,偷愉地进了父亲的卧室:她仍然没有摆脱她自己也弄不清楚的某种担心。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In essence, it was a cluster of countless open-sea infusoria, of noctiluca an eighth of an inch wide, actual globules of transparent jelly equipped with a threadlike tentacle, up to 25,000 of which have been counted in thirty cubic centimeters of water. And the power of their light was increased by those glimmers unique to medusas, starfish, common jellyfish, angel-wing clams, and other phosphorescent zoophytes, which were saturated with grease from organic matter decomposed by the sea, and perhaps with mucus secreted by fish.", "zh": "是的,这是海中点滴微虫和粟粒夜光虫无穷无尽的集体的结合,是有细微触须的真正透明小胶球,在三十立方厘的水中,它们的数目可以有二万五千。又因为有水母、海盘、章鱼、海枣以及其他发光植虫动物(满浸被海水分解了的有机物体的泡沫,或满浸鱼类所分泌的粘液)特别产生的微光,它们的光更加增强。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Annoyed, he contacted the retailer to complain about the damage.", "zh": "他很生气,联系了零售商投诉损坏。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I tried to hit it with a spade, but it dug down where I couldn't see.", "zh": "我试图用铁锹打它,但它钻进了我看不见的地方。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I gave a yell of despair! Conseil pounced on his rifle and aimed at a savage swinging a sling just ten meters away from him. I tried to stop him, but his shot went off and shattered a bracelet of amulets dangling from the islander’s arm. “Conseil!” I shouted. “Conseil!” “Eh? What? Didn’t master see that this man-eater initiated the attack?” “A shell isn’t worth a human life!” I told him. “Oh, the rascal!” Conseil exclaimed. “I’d rather he cracked my shoulder!”", "zh": "我发出了一声绝望的喊声!康塞尔拿起我的枪,对准在十米外挥动投石机的一个土人,就要打。我正要阻止他,但他的枪弹已经放出去了,粉碎了挂在土人胳膊上的护身灵镯。 “康塞尔!“康塞尔!”我喊。 “怎么啦!先生没有看见这个土人开始攻击了吗?· “一个贝壳不能跟一个人的性命相比!”我对他说) “啊!混蛋东西!”康塞尔喊,“他就是打碎我的肩骨,我觉得也比打碎这贝壳好一些!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Conseil didn’t have time to complete the compliment. In the midst of the general silence, a voice became audible. It was Ned Land’s voice, and it shouted: “Ahoy! There’s the thing in question, abreast of us to leeward!”", "zh": "康塞尔没有说完他的“恭维”话。在全船的沉默当中,大家听到了一个人的声音,那是尼德·兰的声音,他喊着: “看哪!我们寻找了多时的那家伙就在那里,正斜对着我们呢!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Everybody present, except the one wigged gentleman who looked at the ceiling, stared at him. All the human breath in the place, rolled at him, like a sea, or a wind, or a fire. Eager faces strained round pillars and corners, to get a sight of him; spectators in back rows stood up, not to miss a hair of him; people on the floor of the court, laid their hands on the shoulders of the people before them, to help themselves, at anybody’s cost, to a view of him—stood a-tiptoe, got upon ledges, stood upon next to nothing, to see every inch of him. Conspicuous among these latter, like an animated bit of the spiked wall of Newgate, Jerry stood: aiming at the prisoner the beery breath of a whet he had taken as he came along, and discharging it to mingle with the waves of other beer, and gin, and tea, and coffee, and what not, that flowed at him, and already broke upon the great windows behind him in an impure mist and rain.", "zh": "除了那个戴假发望天花板的人之外,每个人的注意力都集中到了被告身上。那儿的全部人类的呼吸都向他滚去,像海涛,像凤,像火焰。急切的面孔努力绕过柱头,转过犄角,都想看到他。后排的观众站起了身,连他的一根头发也不肯放过;站着的人手扶着前面的人的肩头往前看,不管是否影响了别人,只想看个明白 --他们或踮起脚尖、或踩在墙裙上、或踩在简直踩不住的东西上,要想看到囚徒身上的各个部位。杰瑞站在站立的人群中很显眼,好像是新门监狱带铁蒺藜的墙壁的一个活的部分,他那有啤酒味儿的鼻息向囚犯吹去(他在路上才喝了一盅),也把那气味跟别人的气味- 一啤酒味、杜松子酒味、茶味、咖啡味等等--混合到了一起,形成了一股浪潮。那浪潮已融合为一股浑浊的雾和雨向他冲刷过来,也已经向他身后的大窗户冲刷过去。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He was a man of about sixty, handsomely dressed, haughty in manner, and with a face like a fine mask. A face of a transparent paleness; every feature in it clearly defined; one set expression on it. The nose, beautifully formed otherwise, was very slightly pinched at the top of each nostril. In those two compressions, or dints, the only little change that the face ever showed, resided. They persisted in changing colour sometimes, and they would be occasionally dilated and contracted by something like a faint pulsation; then, they gave a look of treachery, and cruelty, to the whole countenance. Examined with attention, its capacity of helping such a look was to be found in the line of the mouth, and the lines of the orbits of the eyes, being much too horizontal and thin; still, in the effect of the face made, it was a handsome face, and a remarkable one.", "zh": "这是个六十岁左右的男人。衣饰豪华,态度傲慢,那张脸像个精致的假面。脸色是透明的苍白,五官轮廓分明,老是板着。那鼻子若不是在两道鼻翼上略微凹下了些,便可以算得上漂亮。而他那脸上仅有的变化却正表现在那凹陷之处(或叫鼻翼小窝)。那地方有时不断改变颜色,有时又因为轻微的脉搏跳动而扩大或缩小,有时又给整个面孔带来一种奸诈、残忍的表情。但若仔细观察,你又会发现这种表情的根子却在嘴边和眼角的皱纹上。那些皱纹都太淡,太细。不过,就那张脸给人的印象而言,它还是漂亮的,引人注目的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“不行。”他说,“店铺现在关门了,你明天来吧。”", "en": "‘Well, you can't, ’ he said. ‘The shop's closing now. You can come back tomorrow. ’"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "With a solemn interest in the lighted windows where the people were going to rest, forgetful through a few calm hours of the horrors surrounding them; in the towers of the churches, where no prayers were said, for the popular revulsion had even travelled that length of self-destruction from years of priestly impostors, plunderers, and profligates; in the distant burial-places, reserved, as they wrote upon the gates, for Eternal Sleep; in the abounding gaols; and in the streets along which the sixties rolled to a death which had become so common and material, that no sorrowful story of a haunting Spirit ever arose among the people out of all the working of the Guillotine; with a solemn interest in the whole life and death of the city settling down to its short nightly pause in fury; Sydney Carton crossed the Seine again for the lighter streets.", "zh": "西德尼·卡尔顿怀着庄严的兴趣望着还有灯光闪烁的窗户,窗里的人能得到几小时平静便忘却了四周的恐怖,要睡觉了。他望着教堂的塔楼,那儿已没有人作祈祷,因为多年来以牧师身分出现的骗子手、强盗和花花公子已普遍使人深恶痛绝到了宁肯自我毁灭的程度。他望着远处的墓地,墓地大门上标明是划拨给“永恒的休息”的。他望着爆满的监狱,望着街道,一批批囚犯就是沿着这些街道走向死亡的。死亡早已是司空见惯、不足为奇,断头台的行动在世人心里已引不起什么冤魂不散的凄惨传说。他怀着庄严的兴趣观察着这个在喧哗激怒之中落入夜间短暂休眠的城市,观察着它的生命与死亡。他再度行过了塞纳河,踏入了灯光较为明亮的市街。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Captain Nemo called out. A steward appeared. The captain gave him his orders in that strange language I couldn’t even identify. Then, turning to the Canadian and Conseil: “A meal is waiting for you in your cabin,” he told them. “Kindly follow this man.” “That’s an offer I can’t refuse!” the harpooner replied.", "zh": "尼摩船长喊人,一个侍者进来。船长用我听不懂的那种语言吩咐了几句。然后他转身对加拿大人和康塞尔说: “在你们的舱房里,正等着你们进餐呢,请你们跟着这个人去.” “这个,我不拒绝!”鱼叉手回答。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She decided she would give a speech about dolphins.", "zh": "她决定做一个关于海豚的演讲。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Rosie drew a big sunflower and painted it with watercolor.", "zh": "罗西画了一个很大的向日葵,并用水彩填了色。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The hatches were opened—or torn off, if you prefer—and waves of clean air were admitted into every part of the Nautilus.", "zh": "嵌板是打开了,可以说是拔开了,纯洁空气像潮水一般涌人诺第留斯号船上所有各部分来了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He wrote a long letter to Lucie, showing her that he had known nothing of her father’s imprisonment, until he had heard of it from herself, and that he had been as ignorant as she of his father’s and uncle’s responsibility for that misery, until the paper had been read. He had already explained to her that his concealment from herself of the name he had relinquished, was the one condition—fully intelligible now—that her father had attached to their betrothal, and was the one promise he had still exacted on the morning of their marriage. He entreated her, for her father’s sake, never to seek to know whether her father had become oblivious of the existence of the paper, or had had it recalled to him (for the moment, or for good), by the story of the Tower, on that old Sunday under the dear old plane-tree in the garden. If he had preserved any definite remembrance of it, there could be no doubt that he had supposed it destroyed with the Bastille, when he had found no mention of it among the relics of prisoners which the populace had discovered there, and which had been described to all the world. He besought her—though he added that he knew it was needless—to console her father, by impressing him through every tender means she could think of, with the truth that he had done nothing for which he could justly reproach himself, but had uniformly forgotten himself for their joint sakes. Next to her preservation of his own last grateful love and blessing, and her overcoming of her sorrow, to devote herself to their dear child, he adjured her, as they would meet in Heaven, to comfort her father.", "zh": "他写了一封长信给露西,说在她告诉他之前他并不知道她父亲被幽禁的事,又说在那篇手稿宣读之前他跟她一样并不知道自己的父亲和叔叔对这场苦难所负的责任。他曾对她解释过他何以没有告诉她他已放弃的姓氏,因为那是她父亲对他俩订婚所提出的唯一条件,也是在他们结婚那天早上他所要求的唯一承诺__现在看来这要求是完全可以理解的了。他要求她,为了她父亲的缘故不要去打听他是否已忘掉了这份手稿,也不要去打听很久以前那个星期天在花园里的梧桐树下那有关伦敦塔的谈话是否暂时或永久让他想起了那份手稿。若是他还清楚记得,便无疑是以为它已随着巴士底狱一起毁掉了,因为他发现向全世界宣传的巴士底狱囚犯遗物中并没有这件东西。他请求她——虽然他也说用不着他提醒——用一切她所能想出的委婉办法去说服父亲,让他明白一个事实:他并没有做过任何应当负责的事,相反他倒是为了他们一直忘了自己。他希望她牢记自己对她最后的充满感激之情的爱和祝福,希望她节哀顺变,把她的爱奉献给他们亲爱的孩子。他们是会在天堂重逢的。他还恳求她安慰她的父亲。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Nevertheless, not a moment was lost; not a moment! This Foulon was at the Hotel de Ville, and might be loosed. Never, if Saint Antoine knew his own sufferings, insults, and wrongs! Armed men and women flocked out of the Quarter so fast, and drew even these last dregs after them with such a force of suction, that within a quarter of an hour there was not a human creature in Saint Antoine’s bosom but a few old crones and the wailing children.", "zh": "可是,她们却一点时间也没有浪费,一点也没有!这富伦此时正在市政厅,有可能被释放。只要圣安托万还没有忘记他们所受过的苦难、羞辱和冤屈,就绝不能释放他。拿起武器的男人和妇女从圣安托万区一哄而出,跑得飞快,并以极大的吸引力把最后的人都带了去。不到一刻钟,圣安托万的心脏除了皱巴巴的老太婆和哭闹着的儿童之外就再也没有人了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I gaped at the captain. I thought my hearing had gone bad. “At close quarters?” I repeated. “Yes, sir. Our propeller is jammed. I think the horn-covered mandibles of one of these squid are entangled in the blades. That’s why we aren’t moving.” “And what are you going to do?” “Rise to the surface and slaughter the vermin.” “A difficult undertaking.” “Correct. Our electric bullets are ineffective against such soft flesh, where they don’t meet enough resistance to go off. But we’ll attack the beasts with axes.” “And harpoons, sir,” the Canadian said, “if you don’t turn down my help.” “I accept it, Mr. Land.” “We’ll go with you,” I said. And we followed Captain Nemo, heading to the central companionway. There some ten men were standing by for the assault, armed with boarding axes. Conseil and I picked up two more axes. Ned Land seized a harpoon.", "zh": "我眼盯着船长。我想我并没有听明白他的话。 “肉搏吗?\"我重复一下说。 “对,先生。推进器停住了。我想有一条枪乌贼的下颚骨撞进轮叶中去了。因此就阻碍了船,不能行动。” “您将要怎么办?” “浮上水面,把这条害虫宰了。” “是件困难的事呀。” “是的。电气弹对于这团软肉没有办法,软内没有足够的抵抗力,不能让弹爆发。我们还是用斧子来砍。” “也可以用又来叉,先生,”加拿大人说,“如果您不拒绝我加入,我一定来帮忙。” “我接受您的帮助,兰师傅。” “我们陪您一同去。”我说。我们跟着尼摩船长,向中央楼梯走去。楼梯边有十来个人,拿着冲锋用的斧子,准备出击。康塞尔和我,我们拿了两把斧子。尼德·兰手执一杆鱼叉。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Betsy had to be taken to the hospital to be fitted with a cast.", "zh": "贝琪不得不被送到医院打石膏。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Then I put it back in the cleaner for a bit.", "zh": "然后再把它放进清洁剂里泡一会。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“是啊,”赞福德苦涩地说,“相当正确。相当深刻。", "en": "“Yeah,” said Zaphod bitterly, “very good. Very deep."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Fred worked out daily, avoided fast food, and skipped dinner.", "zh": "弗雷德每天锻炼,杜绝快餐不吃晚餐。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "By then the Nautilus had reduced speed. It moved ahead at a saunter, so to speak. I observed that the Red Sea’s water was becoming less salty the closer we got to Suez.", "zh": "诺第留斯号的速度那时很缓慢。可以说,它是慢步溜达着前进。我注意到,红海的水愈接近苏伊士,愈少威味了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They then put their clothes up neatly.", "zh": "然后他们将衣服收好。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Commander Farragut then decided to use more direct methods. “Bah!” he said. “So that animal is faster than the Abraham Lincoln. All right, we’ll see if it can outrun our conical shells! Mate, man the gun in the bow!”", "zh": "法拉古舰长决定采取更为直接的办法。 “呵!”他说,“这东西比林肯号走得还快!好吧j我们看看它是不是能躲开我们的锥形炮弹。水手长,叫炮手都到船前头的炮边来。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "At three o’clock in the morning, full of uneasiness, I climbed onto the platform. Captain Nemo hadn’t left it. He stood in the bow next to his flag, which a mild breeze was unfurling above his head. His eyes never left that vessel. The extraordinary intensity of his gaze seemed to attract it, beguile it, and draw it more surely than if he had it in tow! The moon then passed its zenith. Jupiter was rising in the east. In the midst of this placid natural setting, sky and ocean competed with each other in tranquility, and the sea offered the orb of night the loveliest mirror ever to reflect its image. And when I compared this deep calm of the elements with all the fury seething inside the plating of this barely perceptible Nautilus, I shivered all over. The vessel was two miles off. It drew nearer, always moving toward the phosphorescent glow that signaled the Nautilus’s presence. I saw its green and red running lights, plus the white lantern hanging from the large stay of its foremast. Hazy flickerings were reflected on its rigging and indicated that its furnaces were pushed to the limit. Showers of sparks and cinders of flaming coal escaped from its funnels, spangling the air with stars.", "zh": "早晨三点,我心中很不安,到平台上去。尼摩船长并没有走开。他站在船前头,挨近他的旗,旗受微风吹动,在他头上招展。他两眼不离开那艘战舰。他目光炯炯,有如电照,好像是吸引它,诱惑它,像驳船一样更确实可靠地把它位过来!那时月亮经过子午线。木星升起在东方。在这和平的大自然中间,天空和海洋彼此竞赛安静,大海给黑夜的月轮当作一面最美丽的明镜,恐怕这面明镜从没有这样美地把月亮的影子照出来呢。当我想到海天一色的深沉安静,跟所有酝酿在极其渺小的诺第留斯号里面的愤怒相比,较,我感到我整个生命都颤抖了。战舰在距我们两海里的地方。它驶前来,老是向着那表示诺第留斯号所在的磷光追来。我看见战舰绿色和红色的表示方位的灯光,以及挂在前面大桅椅上的白色船灯。模糊的反射光线显出它上面的船具,同时指出它的火力过度猛烈。一阵一阵的火花,一团一团燃着的煤渣,从它的烟囱中喷出来,像星光一样,散人空中。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was a hard day, that day of being among them, with the first reservation of their joint lives on his mind. It was a hard matter to preserve the innocent deceit of which they were profoundly unsuspicious. But, an affectionate glance at his wife, so happy and busy, made him resolute not to tell her what impended (he had been half moved to do it, so strange it was to him to act in anything without her quiet aid), and the day passed quickly. Early in the evening he embraced her, and her scarcely less dear namesake, pretending that he would return by-and-bye (an imaginary engagement took him out, and he had secreted a valise of clothes ready), and so he emerged into the heavy mist of the heavy streets, with a heavier heart.", "zh": "那一天好难熬一一他跟父女俩在一起,心里却保留了共同生活以来的第一次秘密。要对坦诚相待、毫无芥蒂的他们进行清白的欺骗,确实今人难受。他满怀柔情地望着快活地忙碌着的妻子,心里更认定了不能把即将发生的事告沂她(他曾几乎想对她和盘托出,因为没有她无言的帮助,他做任何事都感到别扭)。这一天匆匆过去了。黄昏时他拥抱了她,也拥抱了跟她同名也同样可爱的宝宝,装作马上就会回来的样子(他借口有约会外出,导巴收拾了一箱衣物偷存在外面)。他便这样进入了沉重街道的沉重的雾里,带着一颗比那雾还要沉重的心。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I rushed to the window and saw crusts of coral: fungus coral, siphonula coral, alcyon coral, sea anemone from the genus Caryophylia, plus myriads of charming fish including greenfish, damselfish, sweepers, snappers, and squirrelfish; underneath this coral covering I detected some rubble the old dredges hadn’t been able to tear free—iron stirrups, anchors, cannons, shells, tackle from a capstan, a stempost, all objects hailing from the wrecked ships and now carpeted in moving flowers.", "zh": "我急急走到玻璃隔板面前观看,只见珊瑚礁石的基地盖满了菌生植物、管状植物、翡翠海草、石竹小草,在它下面,在成千成万物十分可爱的鱼类《鲍鱼、雕纹鱼、卿筒鱼、裂骨鱼、金鱼)中间,我认出了打捞机无法打捞的一些残废物品,如铁马磴、锚、炮、炮弹、绞盘架、船头废料等等,全是遇难船只留下的东西,现在都披上活生生的花朵了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The three went on, and Young Jerry went on, until the three stopped under a bank overhanging the road. Upon the top of the bank was a low brick wall, surmounted by an iron railing. In the shadow of bank and wall the three turned out of the road, and up a blind lane, of which the wall—there, risen to some eight or ten feet high—formed one side. Crouching down in a corner, peeping up the lane, the next object that Young Jerry saw, was the form of his honoured parent, pretty well defined against a watery and clouded moon, nimbly scaling an iron gate. He was soon over, and then the second fisherman got over, and then the third. They all dropped softly on the ground within the gate, and lay there a little—listening perhaps. Then, they moved away on their hands and knees.", "zh": "三个人往前走,小杰瑞也往前走。走到一道俯瞰大路的石塄坎之下。石塄坎顶上有一道矮砖墙,上面是一道铁栏杆。三人在石塄坎与砖墙的阴影下脱离正路,穿进一条死胡同,那短墙在此升高了八至十英尺,形成了胡同的一侧墙壁。小杰瑞在一个角落蹲了下来,往胡同里望去。他看到的头一个东西就是他那可敬的父亲的身影,在略带云翳的如水月色衬托之下轮廓分明,正灵巧地往一道铁栅门上爬,很快就翻了过去。第二个钓鱼人也翻了过去,然后是第三个。三个人都轻轻地落在门内的地面上,躺了一会儿——大约是在听听声音,然后便手脚并用地爬走了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She began to skate on her own, slowly.", "zh": "她开始自己慢慢滑。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "我感到恶心,房间里的气味难闻极了。", "en": "I felt ill, and the smell in the room was very bad."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I was perfectly abreast of this question, which was the big news of the day, and how could I not have been? I had read and reread every American and European newspaper without being any farther along. This mystery puzzled me. Finding it impossible to form any views, I drifted from one extreme to the other. Something was out there, that much was certain, and any doubting Thomas was invited to place his finger on the Scotia’s wound.", "zh": "我自然也熟悉当时议论纷纷的这个问题,而且我怎能不知道呢?我把美国和欧洲的各种报刊读了又读,但没有获得进一步的了解。因为这个怪物,我作了种种猜测。由于自己拿不定主意,我始终摇摆于极端不同的见解之间。这是一件真实的事,那是无可置疑的;怀疑这事的人,请他们去摸一摸斯各脱亚号的裂口好了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "很明显,他非常小心谨慎提防着,不放别人认出他来。", "en": "So little that it was evident that he had carefully guarded himself against identification."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Meanwhile Captain Nemo had called a halt. My companions and I stopped walking, and turning around, I saw the crewmen form a semicircle around their leader. Looking with greater care, I observed that four of them were carrying on their shoulders an object that was oblong in shape.", "zh": "可是尼摩船长站住了。我的同伴和我也停止前进,我回过头来,看见船员们作半圆形围绕着他们伪首领。我更细心地看,看到其中有四人肩上抬着一件长方形的东西。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She stared as she watched it fall.", "zh": "她眼睁睁看着它倒下。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "One of our nets had hauled up a type of very flat ray that weighed some twenty kilograms; with its tail cut off, it would have formed a perfect disk. It was white underneath and reddish on top, with big round spots of deep blue encircled in black, its hide quite smooth and ending in a double-lobed fin. Laid out on the platform, it kept struggling with convulsive movements, trying to turn over, making such efforts that its final lunge was about to flip it into the sea. But Conseil, being very possessive of his fish, rushed at it, and before I could stop him, he seized it with both hands.", "zh": "我们的一张网打到一种很板平的扁鱼,把这鱼的尾巴截去,就可以成为一个完全的圆盘,它重有二十公斤左右。鱼身下面是白的,上面是淡红的,带有深蓝色的圆点,并且圆点周围有黑圈,表皮很光滑·,后面是一支中间开裂的蛤。它摆在平台上,极力挣扎,全身抽搐,想翻过身子来,它费了这么大的力量,最后一次蹦跳,居然就要蹦到海中去了。可是康塞尔看着这条鱼,立即扑上去,我要拦住他的时候,他两手已经把鱼抓住了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "毛主席在《〈共产党人〉发刊词》中指出,中国革命的三个基本问题,一个是统一战线问题,一个是武装斗争问题,一个是党的建设问题。", "en": "In “Introducing The Communist”, Chairman Mao pointed out that the united front, armed struggle and Party building are the three fundamental questions in the Chinese revolution."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Jeremiah reconsiders career paths.", "zh": "杰里迈亚重新考虑自己的职业规划。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She watched as the workers added dye to the hot candy.", "zh": "她看着工人们把染料加到热的糖果中。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The temperature was fairly low. Exposed to the outside air, the thermometer marked -2 degrees to -3 degrees centigrade. But we were warmly dressed in furs, for which seals and aquatic bears had paid the price. Evenly heated by all its electric equipment, the Nautilus’s interior defied the most intense cold. Moreover, to find a bearable temperature, the ship had only to sink just a few meters beneath the waves.", "zh": "温度相当的低,温度表放在外面,指着零下二度至三度.但我们穿着皮的衣服。很暖和.这些皮是海豹和海熊供应我们的.诺第留斯号内部经常有电气机发热,不怕严寒;并且,要得到使人可以受得住的温度,到达不太寒不太热的所在,那它只需潜下水底几米深就成了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The skiff headed southward. The oarsmen took their time. I watched their strokes vigorously catch the water, and they always waited ten seconds before rowing again, following the practice used in most navies. While the longboat coasted, drops of liquid flicked from the oars and hit the dark troughs of the waves, pitter-pattering like splashes of molten lead. Coming from well out, a mild swell made the skiff roll gently, and a few cresting billows lapped at its bow.", "zh": "小艇向南驶去,艇中的潜水人并不急子下水。他们的桨使劲地在水中划,我注意到这是海军战舰上常用的方法。每寸秒划一下。小艇在一定的速度上前进,水珠像熔铅散射出的液体一样,落在漆黑的水波中嘶嘶作响。一阵不大的波浪从海面冲来,使小艇发生轻微的颠簸,有些浪花飞溅到它的前头。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Arriving at the summit of this peak, Captain Nemo carefully determined its elevation by means of his barometer, since he had to take this factor into account in his noon sights.", "zh": "尼摩船长走到峰顶上,拿晴雨表小心测量尖峰的高度,因为在他的观察中,峰高也要估计在内。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Leisurely, our four horses are taken out; leisurely, the coach stands in the little street, bereft of horses, and with no likelihood upon it of ever moving again; leisurely, the new horses come into visible existence, one by one; leisurely, the new postilions follow, sucking and plaiting the lashes of their whips; leisurely, the old postilions count their money, make wrong additions, and arrive at dissatisfied results. All the time, our overfraught hearts are beating at a rate that would far outstrip the fastest gallop of the fastest horses ever foaled.", "zh": "我们的四匹马给懒洋洋地牵走了,马车车厢懒洋洋地停在小街上,马匹没有了,仿佛再也不会行动了。新的驿马一匹又一匹懒洋洋地出现了。新的车夫懒洋洋地跟在后面,编着鞭梢,用嘴吮着。原来的车夫懒洋洋地数着钱,算错了加法,一肚子不高兴。在这整个儿的时间里,我们那负担过重的心都在狂跳,跳得比世界上最快的马的最迅猛的奔跑还要快。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I didn’t answer the Canadian. I wanted no arguments. Deep down, I was determined to fully exploit the good fortune that had put me on board the Nautilus.", "zh": "我不回答加拿大人。我不愿意争论。实际上,对于命运中所能有的一切机会,我心中都要尽力思考。难道不正是命运把我送到诺第留斯号船上来的吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "那张桌子上坐着四个情意绵缠的姑娘,对她们来说,那天早晨太阳的光芒突然黯淡无光了,鸟儿的啼鸣也变得嘶哑难听了。", "en": "For four impassioned ones around that table the sunshine of the morning went out at a stroke, and the birds muffled their song."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Captain Nemo was obviously familiar with this bivalve’s existence. This wasn’t the first time he’d paid it a visit, and I thought his sole reason for leading us to this locality was to show us a natural curiosity. I was mistaken. Captain Nemo had an explicit personal interest in checking on the current condition of this giant clam.", "zh": "尼摩船长分明是知道这只双壳动物的存在。他到这个地方来不止一次了,我想他带我们到这里来只是要给我们看一件天然的奇物。我搞错了。尼摩船长有特别目的,是为了解这车渠的情况而来的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "克莱尔做一些毫不相干的事,拨了拨炉火;他听说的事甚至还没有完全进入到他的内心里去。", "en": "Clare performed the irrelevant act of stirring the fire; the intelligence had not even yet got to the bottom of him."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "As Mr. Lorry received these confidences, and as he watched the face of his friend now sixty-two years of age, a misgiving arose within him that such dread experiences would revive the old danger. But, he had never seen his friend in his present aspect: he had never at all known him in his present character. For the first time the Doctor felt, now, that his suffering was strength and power. For the first time he felt that in that sharp fire, he had slowly forged the iron which could break the prison door of his daughter’s husband, and deliver him. “It all tended to a good end, my friend; it was not mere waste and ruin. As my beloved child was helpful in restoring me to myself, I will be helpful now in restoring the dearest part of herself to her; by the aid of Heaven I will do it!” Thus, Doctor Manette. And when Jarvis Lorry saw the kindled eyes, the resolute face, the calm strong look and bearing of the man whose life always seemed to him to have been stopped, like a clock, for so many years, and then set going again with an energy which had lain dormant during the cessation of its usefulness, he believed.", "zh": "罗瑞先生听着推心置腹的密谈,望着现已六十二岁的朋友的脸,不禁担心起来,害怕这种恐怖的经历会引发往日那危险的疾病。可是,他却从来没见过他的老朋友像现在这个样子,有现在这样的性格。医生第一次感到了他经历过的苦难原来是一种力量和权威。他第一次感到他已在那熊熊的烈火里锻炼成了钢铁,现在可以打破他女婿的牢门,把他救出来了。“往日的一切都通向一个好的结果,我的朋友,并不完全是浪费和破坏。当初我心爱的女儿帮助我恢复了健康,现在我也要帮助她恢复跟她一体的最亲爱的那个部分。我要靠上天的帮助完成这一工作!”这就是曼内特医生此时的情况。贾维斯·罗瑞看到了他那燃烧的目光、坚定的面容、沉着有力的表情和态度。当他心目中医生过去的生活似乎永远像一座多年停摆的时钟,可现在他确信他又以被废弃后所积蓄的沉睡的精力嗒嗒地走了起来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "必须做点儿什么;做什么呢?", "en": "Some consequent action was necessary; yet what?"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Jenny was worried her boss would fire her.", "zh": "珍妮担心她的老板会开除她。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "A moment of profound silence followed. Defarge and his wife looked steadfastly at one another. The Vengeance stooped, and the jar of a drum was heard as she moved it at her feet behind the counter. “Patriots!” said Defarge, in a determined voice, “are we ready?” Instantly Madame Defarge’s knife was in her girdle; the drum was beating in the streets, as if it and a drummer had flown together by magic; and The Vengeance, uttering terrific shrieks, and flinging her arms about her head like all the forty Furies at once, was tearing from house to house, rousing the women.", "zh": "随之而来是一阵深沉的静默。德伐日和他的妻子彼此凝视了一会儿。复仇女神弯下了身子,有大鼓的响动传出,那是她从柜台后自己脚边把它搬了出来。 “爱国者们!”德伐日以坚定的声音说,“准备好了没有?” 德伐日太太的刀立即插进了腰带;大鼓在街上响起,仿佛有魔法让大鼓和鼓手一起飞了出去;复仇女神发出可怕的尖叫,双臂在头顶上挥舞,仿佛有四十个复仇女神集于她一身,冲进了一间间的屋子,去鼓动妇女们上街。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I confess that such discussions with the Canadian always baffled me. I didn’t want to restrict my companions’ freedom in any way, and yet I had no desire to leave Captain Nemo. Thanks to him and his submersible, I was finishing my undersea research by the day, and I was rewriting my book on the great ocean depths in the midst of its very element. Would I ever again have such an opportunity to observe the ocean’s wonders? Absolutely not! So I couldn’t entertain this idea of leaving the Nautilus before completing our course of inquiry. “Ned my friend,” I said, “answer me honestly. Are you bored with this ship? Are you sorry that fate has cast you into Captain Nemo’s hands?”", "zh": "我承认,跟加拿大人饲·论这事,总是让我心中很为难。我一点也不想妨碍我的同伴们得到自由,同时我自己又完全没有离开尼摩船长的愿望。由于他,由于他的船,我日复一日地完成了我的海底研究,也就是在海底把我这部关于海底宝藏的书重写出来。我还能再得到这样一个机会来观察这些海洋的秘密吗?当然不可能!所以我就不可能想象在我们的周期考察完成之前就离开诺第留斯号。 “尼德朋友,”我说,“请您直率地回答我。您在这船上觉得厌烦无聊吗?您很悔恨命运把您送到尼摩船长手中来吗?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What a struggle! Ned Land quickly grew enthusiastic and even ended up applauding. Brandished in its captain’s hands, the Nautilus was simply a fearsome harpoon. He hurled it at those fleshy masses and ran them clean through, leaving behind two squirming animal halves. As for those daunting strokes of the tail hitting our sides, the ship never felt them. No more than the collisions it caused. One sperm whale exterminated, it ran at another, tacked on the spot so as not to miss its prey, went ahead or astern, obeyed its rudder, dived when the cetacean sank to deeper strata, rose with it when it returned to the surface, struck it head-on or slantwise, hacked at it or tore it, and from every direction and at any speed, skewered it with its dreadful spur.", "zh": "好一场恶斗!就是尼德·兰,不久也兴高采烈起来,终于大拍其掌.诺第留斯号变成为一支厉害的鱼叉,由船长的手来挥动。投向那些肉团,一直穿过去:穿过之后,留下那怪物的两半片蠕动的身躯。大头鲸厉害的尾巴扑打船的侧边,它一点也不觉得。大头鲸冲憧它,它也没有感觉。打死了一条大鲸,它又跑去打另一条,它立即转过来,不肯放走它的猎物;它向前、向后,完全听掌舵人的指挥;大头鲸沉入深的水层,它就潜下去追,大头鲸浮到水面来,它也跟着上来,或正面打,或侧面刺,或切割,或撕裂,四面八方,纵横上下,就用它那可怕的冲角乱刺乱戳。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And in truth, the ocean was deserted. Not a sail on the horizon. The tips of Crespo Island had disappeared during the night. The sea, absorbing every color of the prism except its blue rays, reflected the latter in every direction and sported a wonderful indigo tint. The undulating waves regularly took on the appearance of watered silk with wide stripes.", "zh": "这时洋面上空无一物。天边一只船也没有。克利斯波岛的高地在夜间走过不见了。海洋把三棱镜分出的其他颜色都吸收了,只把蓝色向四面八方反射出去,带上一种十分好看的靛蓝色。好像一幅条纹宽阔的天光蓝毛布,在层叠的波涛上很规律地摊开。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In fact, I had already resorted to speeding up my inhalations in order to extract from the cell what little oxygen it contained, when suddenly I was refreshed by a current of clean air, scented with a salty aroma. It had to be a sea breeze, life-giving and charged with iodine! I opened my mouth wide, and my lungs glutted themselves on the fresh particles. At the same time, I felt a swaying, a rolling of moderate magnitude but definitely noticeable. This boat, this sheet-iron monster, had obviously just risen to the surface of the ocean, there to breathe in good whale fashion. So the ship’s mode of ventilation was finally established.", "zh": "事实上,我不得不加紧呼吸,把这房间里很少的一点氧气都吸取了,这时候,我忽然吸到一股带海水咸味的新鲜空气,我感到凉爽轻快。这正是使人精神焕发的海风;含有大量碘质的海风!我张大了嘴,让肺部充满了新鲜气体。同时我感到船在摇摆。这铁皮怪分明是浮到海面上来,用鲸鱼呼吸的方式呼吸了。因此我完全肯定了这船调换空气的办法。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I opened it impatiently. It was written in a script that was clear and neat but a bit “Old English” in style, its characters reminding me of German calligraphy.", "zh": "我拿过信来,立刻把信拆开。信上的字体写得清楚……很干净,但带一点古体,使人想起是有些像德文字体。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Assuredly, the Nautilus didn’t avoid the heavily traveled seas of Europe, and from this insight I concluded that the ship would take us back—perhaps very soon—to more civilized shores. I expected Ned Land to greet this news with unfeigned satisfaction.", "zh": "很显然,诺第留斯号并不逃避多人往来的欧洲海面,我因此可以说——或者不久——它要把我们带到比较文明的陆地海中去。我想尼德·兰听到这个特别消息,一定非常满意。在好几天内,我们长时间都在做各种各样的实验,研究不同深度水层的盐分含量,海水的感电作用,海水的染色作用,海水的透明传光作用。在所有这些情况中,尼摩船长处处显示出他的奇特才能,也处处都显示出他对我的好感。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "他没有回答;她跳起来,脸色像生了病一样苍白。", "en": "He did not answer; and, sickly white, she jumped up."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "但是两个老人谁也没有回家,直到几个儿子等得不耐烦了,他们才走进门来。原来两个只顾别人的老人,一心劝说他们教区里几个生病的教民吃饭,自相矛盾地要把他们囚禁在肉体的牢狱里,而把他们自己吃饭的事全给忘了。", "en": "But neither of the old people had arrived, and it was not till the sons were almost tired of waiting that their parents entered. The self-denying pair had been occupied in coaxing the appetites of some of their sick parishioners, whom they, somewhat inconsistently, tried to keep imprisoned in the flesh, their own appetites being quite forgotten."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"Ah, sir, ask no more, ask no more of poor Dobby,\" stammered the elf, his eyes huge in the dark. \"Dark deeds are planned in this place, but Harry Potter must not be here when they happen - go home, Harry Potter, go home. Harry Potter must not meddle in this, sir, 'this too dangerous -\"\"Who is it, Dobby?\" Harry said, keeping a firm hold on Dobby's wrist to stop him from hitting himself with the water jug again. \"Who's opened it? Who opened it last time?\"\"Dobby can't, sir, Dobby can't, Dobby mustn't tell!\" squealed the elf. \"Go home, Harry Potter, go home!\"\"I'm not going anywhere!\" said Harry fiercely. \"One of my best friends is Muggle-born; she'll be first in line if the Chamber really has been opened -\"", "zh": "“啊,先生,别再问了,别再追问可怜的多比了。”小精灵结结巴巴地说,眼睛在黑暗中大得像铜铃。“这里有人在策划阴谋,在事情发生的时候,哈利.波特千万不能待在这里。回家吧,哈利波特。回家。哈利波特决不能插手这件事,先生,太危险了—— ”“那是谁,多比?”哈利说,同时牢牢地抓住多比的手腕,不让他再用水罐打自己的脑袋。“谁打开了密室?上次是谁打开的?”“多比不能说,先生,多比不能说,多比绝对不能说!”小精灵尖叫着。‘‘回家吧,哈利波特,回家吧”“我哪儿也不去!”哈利烦躁地说,“我最好的一个朋友就是麻瓜出身的,如果密室真的被打开了,她是首当其冲—— ”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Aside and in special compartments, strings of supremely beautiful pearls were spread out, the electric light flecking them with little fiery sparks: pink pearls pulled from saltwater fan shells in the Red Sea; green pearls from the rainbow abalone; yellow, blue, and black pearls, the unusual handiwork of various mollusks from every ocean and of certain mussels from rivers up north; in short, several specimens of incalculable worth that had been oozed by the rarest of shellfish. Some of these pearls were bigger than a pigeon egg; they more than equaled the one that the explorer Tavernier sold the Shah of Persia for 3,000,000 francs, and they surpassed that other pearl owned by the Imam of Muscat, which I had believed to be unrivaled in the entire world.", "zh": "另外,在特殊的格子中,摆着最美丽的串珠,被电光照得发出星星的火花,其中有从红海的尖角螺中取出来的玫瑰红色珠,有蝶形海耳螺的青色珠,有黄色珠,蓝色珠,黑色珠,以及各海洋中各种软体动物,北方海中蚌蛤类的新奇产品。最后是价值不可估计的宝珠,那是从最稀罕的珍珠贝中取出来的。其中有的比鸽蛋大,它们的价值要超过旅行家达成尼埃卖给波斯国王得价三百万的那颗珍珠,就是和我认为世界上独一无二的、马斯加提教长的另一颗珍珠比较起来,它们还是贵重得多。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "On April 16 we raised Martinique and Guadalupe from a distance of about thirty miles. For one instant I could see their lofty peaks.", "zh": "4月16日,在三十海里左右的距离,我们看见了马丁尼克岛和加德路披岛。我有一个时候望见岛上群山的高峰。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "On a bed there lay a man some forty years old, with strongly molded features, the very image of an Anglo-Saxon.", "zh": "房中床上,躺着一个四十岁左右的人,外貌坚强有力,是真正盎格鲁一萨克逊③人的典型。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Captain Nemo finished his sentence with a vehement gesture. Then, addressing me directly, as if to drive away an ugly thought: “Professor Aronnax,” he asked me, “do you know the depth of the ocean floor?” “At least, captain, I know what the major soundings tell us.” “Could you quote them to me, so I can double-check them as the need arises?” “Here,” I replied, “are a few of them that stick in my memory. If I’m not mistaken, an average depth of 8,200 meters was found in the north Atlantic, and 2,500 meters in the Mediterranean. The most remarkable soundings were taken in the south Atlantic near the 35th parallel, and they gave 12,000 meters, 14,091 meters, and 15,149 meters. All in all, it’s estimated that if the sea bottom were made level, its average depth would be about seven kilometers.” “Well, professor,” Captain Nemo replied, “we’ll show you better than that, I hope. As for the average depth of this part of the Pacific, I’ll inform you that it’s a mere 4,000 meters.”", "zh": "尼摩船长做个激烈的手势结束了他这句话。一会儿。他直接来问我,好像要把一些不祥的思想驱逐出去似的,他问: “阿龙纳斯先生,您知道海洋有多深吗?” “船长,我至少知道一些主要的探测海深所得的结果。” “您可以给我举出来,让我必要时加以检查吗?\" “下面是我从记忆中可以说出来的一些数字。”我答,“如果我没有记错,北大西洋的平均深度为八千二百米,地中海为二千五百米。在南大西洋,南纬35度的地方,做了成绩优良的探测,结果有的是一万二千米,有的是一万四千零九十一米,有的又是一万五千一百四十九米,总起来说,照一般的估计,如果把海底平均起来,它的平均深度可能是七千米左右.” “好,教授,,尼摩船长答,“我希望,我们可以给您说些更确切的数字。就是我们目前所在的太平洋这一部分的平均深度仅仅为四千米。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "These rocks were hung with huge weeds, immense sea tangle, gigantic fucus—a genuine trellis of water plants fit for a world of giants.", "zh": "这些岩石上面铺着层层的阔大海产草叶,宽大的昆布类,巨大的黑角菜,简直就是海产植物形成的墙壁,正好与地唐巨人①的世界相配。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Lucie was to be married to-morrow. She had reserved this last evening for her father, and they sat alone under the plane-tree. “You are happy, my dear father?” “Quite, my child.” They had said little, though they had been there a long time. When it was yet light enough to work and read, she had neither engaged herself in her usual work, nor had she read to him. She had employed herself in both ways, at his side under the tree, many and many a time; but, this time was not quite like any other, and nothing could make it so. “And I am very happy to-night, dear father. I am deeply happy in the love that Heaven has so blessed—my love for Charles, and Charles’s love for me. But, if my life were not to be still consecrated to you, or if my marriage were so arranged as that it would part us, even by the length of a few of these streets, I should be more unhappy and self-reproachful now than I can tell you. Even as it is—” Even as it was, she could not command her voice.", "zh": "露西明天就要结婚了。她把这最后的晚上留给了爸爸。两人单独坐在梧桐树下。 “你高兴吗,亲爱的爸爸?” “很高兴,孩子。” 两人在那儿已坐了许久,却没有多说话。在天色还明亮可以工作和读书时,她没有做日常的女红针黹,也没有念书给爸爸听——她曾不知多少次坐在树下他的身边,做过针线活儿,给他念过书,这一回却不同,她没有理由那样做。 “我今天晚上很高兴,爸爸。上天赐给了我爱情:我对查尔斯的爱情和查尔斯对我的爱情。我感到非常快乐。可是如果我不能依旧把我的生命奉献给你,或是我婚姻的安排竟要我跟你分开,即使不过几条街的距离,我也不会像我刚才告诉你的那么快乐的。我会责备自己。即使就像现在这样—一” 即使像现在这样,她已经禁不住带了些哽咽。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "THE NEXT DAY I woke up with my head unusually clear. Much to my surprise, I was in my stateroom. No doubt my companions had been put back in their cabin without noticing it any more than I had. Like me, they would have no idea what took place during the night, and to unravel this mystery I could count only on some future happenstance.", "zh": "第二天,我醒来,头脑特别清爽。令我十分吃惊的是,我竟在我的房中。我的同伴一定也回到他们舱房中去了,可能他们跟我一样,一点没有觉得。夜间所有的经过他们也一点不知道,像我完全不知道一样,要想揭开这个神秘,我只有依靠将来的偶然机会了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"I'm not ill,\" said Harry. \"I think it's a warning... it means danger's coming....\"Ron couldn't get worked up, it was too hot.\"Harry, relax, Hermione's right, the Stone's safe as long as Dumbledore's around. Anyway, we've never had any proof Snape found out how to get past Fluffy. He nearly had his leg ripped off once, he's not going to try it again in a hurry. And Neville will play Quidditch for England before Hagrid lets Dumbledore down.\"Harry nodded, but he couldn't shake off a lurking feeling that there was something he'd forgotten to do, something important. When he tried to explain this, Hermione said, \"That's just the exams. I woke up last night and was halfway through my Transfiguration notes before I remembered we'd done that one.\"Harry was quite sure the unsettled feeling didn't have anything to do with work, though. He watched an owl flutter toward the school across the bright blue sky, a note clamped in its mouth. Hagrid was the only one who ever sent him letters. Hagrid would never betray Dumbledore. Hagrid would never tell anyone how to get past Fluffy... never... but --", "zh": "\"我想这不是病,这只是一种暗示,暗示着危险就要来临了。\"哈利说。罗恩懒洋洋地不愿起来——天气实在太闷热了。\"哈利,放松一点吧。荷术思说得对,只要那块石头附近有丹伯多,就肯定安全的。而且,我们根本就没有什么证据证明,史纲皮已经找到了通过弗拉菲这一关的方法。上次他差点被弗拉菲撕断了腿,我想短时间内他是不会再多次冒险的。\"哈利点了点头,但有一个念头却在脑中无论如何也赶不走:我一定忘记了做一件事,而且是非常重要的事。当他试着跟他们解释这种感觉时,荷米恩说:\"这都是因为考试。昨晚我醒过来去温习易咨术的笔记,温到一半才记起这科已经考完了。\"但哈利很清楚地知道这种不踏实的感觉并不是因为考试带来似。他抬头望见一只猫头鹰口里衔着一张便条振翅飞向学校的方向。只有哈格力曾给他写过信。而哈格力绝不会出卖丹伯多的,他绝不会告诉任何人如何过弗拉菲这一关的,绝不会„„滁非——"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "户外的空气显然已经消除了他全凭冲动行事的所有倾向;她知道他现在看见她,是觉得她毫无光彩了——她的一切都是平淡无奇了;", "en": "The outdoor air had apparently taken away from him all tendency to act on impulse; she knew that he saw her without irradiation - in all her bareness;"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The sea is of no great depth at the Grand Banks. A few hundred fathoms at best. But to the south there is a deep, suddenly occurring depression, a 3,000-meter pit. Here the Gulf Stream widens. Its waters come to full bloom. It loses its speed and temperature, but it turns into a sea.", "zh": "纽芬兰岛暗礁脉间,海水并不很深,大约至多不过几百米。但向南一点,海底就突然下陷,形成一个深三千米的涧穴。在这里,暖流就扩大了,它的水流完全散开了。它的速度减低,它的温度下降,它变为海了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The entire day passed without my being honored by a visit from Captain Nemo. The panels in the lounge didn’t open. Perhaps they didn’t want us to get tired of these beautiful things. The Nautilus kept to an east-northeasterly heading, a speed of twelve miles per hour, and a depth between fifty and sixty meters.", "zh": "整整一天过去了,尼摩船长始终没有来看我。客厅的嵌板没有打开也许人家不愿意我们对于美丽的事物接触得太多吧。诺第留斯号行驶的方向仍是东北偏东,速度为每小时十二海里,距离海面五十至六十米。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Seven prisoners released, seven gory heads on pikes, the keys of the accursed fortress of the eight strong towers, some discovered letters and other memorials of prisoners of old time, long dead of broken hearts,—such, and such—like, the loudly echoing footsteps of Saint Antoine escort through the Paris streets in mid-July, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine. Now, Heaven defeat the fancy of Lucie Darnay, and keep these feet far out of her life! For, they are headlong, mad, and dangerous; and in the years so long after the breaking of the cask at Defarge’s wine-shop door, they are not easily purified when once stained red.", "zh": "七个囚徒被释放了出来,七个血淋淋的人头插在了矛尖上,那受到诅咒的有八个堡垒的要塞的钥匙、某些被发现的信件、很久以前就怀着破碎的心死去的囚徒的遗物—一诸如此类的东西在一千七百八十九年七月中旬被圣安托万的震天动地的脚步声护送着通过了巴黎市街。现在,但愿上天击败露西·达尔内的幻想,不让那脚步侵入她的生活!因为那脚步疾速、疯狂,而且危险;而在德伐日酒店门前跌破了酒桶多年之后,那些脚步一旦染成红色是很难洗净的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Sal decided to keep buying lotto tickets each week.", "zh": "萨尔决定继续每周买彩票。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In all weathers, in the snow and frost of winter, in the bitter winds of spring, in the hot sunshine of summer, in the rains of autumn, and again in the snow and frost of winter, Lucie passed two hours of every day at this place; and every day on leaving it, she kissed the prison wall. Her husband saw her (so she learned from her father) it might be once in five or six times: it might be twice or thrice running: it might be, not for a week or a fortnight together. It was enough that he could and did see her when the chances served, and on that possibility she would have waited out the day, seven days a week.", "zh": "无论在什么天气——在冬天的霜雪里,春天的寒风里,夏天炙热的阳光里,秋天绵绵的细雨里,然后又是冬天的霜雪里,露西每天都要在这里度过两小时,每天离开时都要亲吻监狱的墙壁。她去六次,她的丈夫也许能看到她一次(她的父亲这样告诉她),有时也可能连续两天都能看到,有时也可能一两个礼拜都看不到。只要他有机会看见她,而且碰巧果然看见那一种可能性她情愿一周七天,每天去站一整天。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Slightly observant of the smoky lights; of the people, pipe in mouth, playing with limp cards and yellow dominoes; of the one bare-breasted, bare-armed, soot-begrimed workman reading a journal aloud, and of the others listening to him; of the weapons worn, or laid aside to be resumed; of the two or three customers fallen forward asleep, who in the popular high-shouldered shaggy black spencer looked, in that attitude, like slumbering bears or dogs; the two outlandish customers approached the counter, and showed what they wanted.", "zh": "这两位带点外国味的顾客走进了朦胧的灯光里,经过了口里衔着烟斗、手上玩着软沓沓的纸牌或泛黄的多米诺骨牌的人,走过了一个光着上身、满身烟尘、大声读着报的人和他的听众,走过了人们挂在世卜或放在手边备用的武器,也走过了两三个躬着身子睡觉的人一一他们穿着流行的高肩粗布黑短衫,像是几头酣睡的熊或狗。他俩对这些都不加理睬,径直走到了柜台边,交代了要买的东西。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"But, Professor,\" piped up Parvati Patil, \"you'd probably have to use Dark Magic to open it -\"\"Just because a wizard doesn't use Dark Magic doesn't mean he can't, Miss Pennyfeather,\" snapped Professor Binns. \"I repeat, if the likes of Dumbledore -\"\"But maybe you've got to be related to Slytherin, so Dumbledore couldn't -\" began Dean Thomas, but Professor Binns had had enough.\"That will do,\" he said sharply. \"It is a myth! It does not exist! There is not a shred of evidence that Slytherin ever built so much as a secret broom cupboard! I regret telling you such a foolish story! We will return, if you please, to history, to solid, believable, verifiable fact!\"And within five minutes, the class had sunk back into its usual torpor.", "zh": "“可是,教授,”帕尔提佩蒂尔尖声说话了,“大概必须用黑魔法才能打开它—— ”“一个巫师没有使用黑色魔法,并不意味着他不会使用,彭妮费瑟小姐,,宾斯教授厉声地说,“我再重复一遍,既然邓布利多那佯的人—— ”“说不定,必须和斯莱特林有关系的人才能打开,所以邓布利多不能—— ”迪安托马斯还没说完,宾斯先生就不耐烦了。“够了,”他严厉地说,“这是一个神话!根本不存在!没有丝毫证据说明斯莱特林曾经建过这样一个秘密扫帚棚之类的东西。我真后悔告诉了你们这个荒唐的故事!如果你们愿意的话,让我们再回到历史,回到实实在在的、可信、可靠的事实上来吧!”不出五分钟,同学们又陷入了那种昏昏沉沉的睡意中。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Caroline never drinks carbonated beverages.", "zh": "卡洛琳从不喝碳酸饮料。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "AT THIS SHOUT the entire crew rushed toward the harpooner—commander, officers, mates, sailors, cabin boys, down to engineers leaving their machinery and stokers neglecting their furnaces. The order was given to stop, and the frigate merely coasted.", "zh": "一听到这喊声,全体船员,从舰长、军官、水手长一直到水手、练习生,甚至工程师也丢下机器,火夫也离开锅炉,大家都向鱼叉手这边跑来。停船的命令发出了,船只凭本身余下的动力走着。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "By six o’clock in the evening, we were back on the beach. The skiff was aground in its usual place. The Nautilus, looking like a long reef, emerged from the waves two miles offshore.", "zh": "下午六点,我们回到了海滩。我们的小艇仍然停在原来的地方。诺第留斯号好像一座很长的礁石:在离岸两海里的海面现出来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Extending over an expanse of 100 leagues north to south, and over 90 leagues east to west, this island group lies between latitude 2 degrees and 6 degrees south, and between longitude 174 degrees and 179 degrees west. It consists of a number of islands, islets, and reefs, among which we noted the islands of Viti Levu, Vanua Levu, and Kadavu.", "zh": "这群岛所占的面积,从北至南为一百里,从东至西为九十里,位于南纬6度至2度,西经174度至179度之间。这群岛是由很多小岛如维蒂岛、万奴岛和甘杜朋等岛组成的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Things didn't improve for the Gryffindors as the Potions lesson continued. Snape put them all into pairs and set them to mixing up a simple potion to cure boils. He swept around in his long black cloak, watching them weigh dried nettles and crush snake fangs, criticizing almost everyone except Malfoy, whom he seemed to like. He was just telling everyone to look at the perfect way Malfoy had stewed his horned slugs when clouds of acid green smoke and a loud hissing filled the dungeon.Neville had somehow managed to melt Seamus's cauldron into a twisted blob, and their potion was seeping across the stone floor, burning holes in people's shoes. Within seconds, the whole class was standing on their stools while Neville, who had been drenched in the potion when the cauldron collapsed, moaned in pain as angry red boils sprang up all over his arms and legs.", "zh": "之后的几节药学深里,情况一点好转的迹象都没有。史纲皮让同学们分成两人一组,教他们如何混合几种简单的药草来治疗烫伤。他穿着他那件宽大的黑斗篷在地牢里走来走去,看他们怎样称那些干等麻和磨碎了的蛇牙。几乎每一个人都挨了骂,只有马尔夫幸免于难。看来史纳皮有点喜欢马尔夫,他告诉大家,要好好地看看马尔夫是怎么做的。当酸性的绿雾从炖着的蛞蝓角上冒起,发出一阵阵嘶嘶的时候,马尔夫他处理得多么好啊!尼维尔却不知道鼓捣了些什么,他居然把谢默斯的大汽锅烧穿了,他们偎着的药汁顺着地势到处流,在同学们的鞋子上烫出一个又一个小洞洞。不到一会儿,整个班的学生都站到他们的桌子上去了。只有尼维尔没来得及跳上桌子,结果,被彻底烧坏的大汽锅倒了下来,药汁溅得他全身都是。他的手臂和腿都被烫红了,尼维尔忍不住呜呜地哭了起来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The summer light struck into the corner brilliantly in the earlier part of the day; but, when the streets grew hot, the corner was in shadow, though not in shadow so remote but that you could see beyond it into a glare of brightness. It was a cool spot, staid but cheerful, a wonderful place for echoes, and a very harbour from the raging streets.", "zh": "上午,太阳的光灿烂地照入这个街角,可等到街道渐热的时候,这街角却已笼罩在树荫里。树荫不太深,穿过它还可以看到耀眼的阳光。那地方清凉、安谧、幽静,今人陶醉,是个听回声的奇妙地方,是扰攘的市廛之外的一个避嚣良港。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I waited for Captain Nemo. But he didn’t appear. The clock marked the hour of five.", "zh": "我等着尼摩船长,但他不出来。大钟正指五点。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They showed her how to fish and showed her the stars.", "zh": "他们向她展示了如何钓鱼并给她看了星空。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "On February 9 the Nautilus cruised in the widest part of the Red Sea, measuring 190 miles straight across from Suakin on the west coast to Qunfidha on the east coast.", "zh": "2月9日,诺第留斯号浮出在红海最宽阔的一部分海面上,海面的西岸是苏阿京,东岸是光享达,直径是一百丸十海里。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I observed that all these exhibits from the vegetable kingdom were attached to the seafloor by only the most makeshift methods. They had no roots and didn’t care which solid objects secured them, sand, shells, husks, or pebbles; they didn’t ask their hosts for sustenance, just a point of purchase. These plants are entirely self-propagating, and the principle of their existence lies in the water that sustains and nourishes them. In place of leaves, most of them sprouted blades of unpredictable shape, which were confined to a narrow gamut of colors consisting only of pink, crimson, green, olive, tan, and brown. There I saw again, but not yet pressed and dried like the Nautilus’s specimens, some peacock’s tails spread open like fans to stir up a cooling breeze, scarlet rosetangle, sea tangle stretching out their young and edible shoots, twisting strings of kelp from the genus Nereocystis that bloomed to a height of fifteen meters, bouquets of mermaid’s cups whose stems grew wider at the top, and a number of other open-sea plants, all without flowers. “It’s an odd anomaly in this bizarre element!” as one witty naturalist puts it. “The animal kingdom blossoms, and the vegetable kingdom doesn’t!”", "zh": "我观察到,所有这里的植物界产品,跟土壤只是表面上连接起来。它们没有根,支持它们的不管是固体、是沙、是贝、是甲壳或石子,都没有什么影响,它们所要求的只是一个支点,而不是借以生长购力量。这些植物只是自己发展起来,它们生存的唯一资源就是那维持它们和滋养它们的海水。它们大部分不长叶子,只长出奇形怪状的小片,表面的色彩很有限,只有玫瑰红、洋红、青绿、青黄、灰褐、古铜等颜:色。我在这里又看到的,不是像在诺第留斯号船上风干的标本,而是恬生生的、似乎迎凤招展地作扇子般展开的孔雀彩贝,大红的陶瓷贝,伸长像可食的嫩笋一样的片形贝。细长柔软,一直长到十五米高的古铜藻,茎在顶上长大的一束一柬瓶形水草,以及其他许多的海产植物,通通没有花。一位很风趣的生物学家曾说过:“动物类开花,植物类不开花,大海真是奇异例外的环境,古怪新奇的自然!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "After Ned was dressed, I reentered the lounge, whose windows had been uncovered; stationed next to Conseil, I examined the strata surrounding and supporting the Nautilus.", "zh": "当尼德装备好了,我回到客厅,厅中的嵌板都开了,我站在康塞尔旁边,细看那顶住诺第留斯号的周围冰层。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "After school, Alex went to his friend's house to play video games.", "zh": "亚历克斯放学后去朋友家玩电子游戏。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I was pursuing the policy that we had seen the last of him, when on November 16, while reentering my stateroom with Ned and Conseil, I found a note addressed to me on the table.", "zh": "我不再指望见他了。到了11月16比我跟尼德·兰和康塞尔回到我房中的时候,看见桌上有一封给我的信。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "她要是没有看见水坑里的星星,她就不会知道星星正在她的头顶上闪烁——宇宙中最大的物体竟反映在如此卑微的东西中。", "en": "she would not have known they were shining overhead if she had not seen them there - the vastest things of the universe imaged in objects so mean."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "As I said, Commander Farragut had carefully equipped his ship with all the gear needed to fish for a gigantic cetacean. No whaling vessel could have been better armed. We had every known mechanism, from the hand-hurled harpoon, to the blunderbuss firing barbed arrows, to the duck gun with exploding bullets. On the forecastle was mounted the latest model breech-loading cannon, very heavy of barrel and narrow of bore, a weapon that would figure in the Universal Exhibition of 1867. Made in America, this valuable instrument could fire a four-kilogram conical projectile an average distance of sixteen kilometers without the least bother.", "zh": "我前面说过,法拉古舰长这人很细心,他把打巨大鲸鱼类用的各种装备都带在船上。就是一只捕鲸船也不会装备得更完备了。我们船上的武器,应有尽有,从手投的鱼叉。一直到鸟枪的开花弹和用炮发射的铁箭。在前甲板上装有一门十分完善的后膛炮,炮身很厚,炮口很窄,这种炮的模型曾在1867年的万国博览会中展览过。这门宝贵的大炮:是美国造的,可以发出重四公斤的锥形炮弹,射程是十六公里。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "My baby blanket disappeared.", "zh": "我的婴儿毯不见了。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "一个农场主应不应该娶一个妻子?一个农场主的妻子应该是客厅里的蜡像呢,或者应该是一个懂得干农活的女人呢?", "en": "Would not a farmer want a wife, and should a farmer's wife be a drawing-room wax-figure, or a woman who understood farming?"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Pronouncing these words in an extremely sharp tone, Captain Nemo gave me a curt bow. This was my dismissal, and I reentered my stateroom.", "zh": "用干脆的语气说完了这些话后,尼摩船长轻轻地点点头。这是让我走开的表示,我就回我房中来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“当然不会,”安琪尔快活地说,回头去找蜜酒。", "en": "'Of course,' said Angel cheerfully, looking round for the mead."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Harry couldn't feel too excited about this. He didn't think the Dursleys would like him any better in Majorca than they did on Privet Drive.\"Right - I'm off into town to pick up the dinner jackets for Dudley and me. And you,\" he snarled at Harry. \"You stay out of your aunt's way while she's cleaning.\"Harry left through the back door. It was a brilliant, sunny day. He crossed the lawn, slumped down on the garden bench, and sang under his breath: \"Happy birthday to me ... happy birthday to me. . . No cards, no presents, and he would be spending the evening pretending not to exist. He gazed miserably into the hedge. He had never felt so lonely.More than anything else at Hogwarts, more even than playing Quidditch, Harry missed his best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. They, however, didn't seem to be missing him at all. Neither of them had written to him all summer, even though Ron had said he was going to ask Harry to come and stay.Countless times, Harry had been on the point of unlocking Hedwig's cage by magic and sending her to Ron and Hermione with a letter, but it wasn't worth the risk. Underage wizards weren't allowed to use magic outside of school.", "zh": "哈利并不怎么兴奋,他不认为德思礼一家到了马乔卡就会比在女贞路多喜欢他一点儿。“好—— 我去城里拿达力和我的礼服。你呢,”他对哈利吼道,“不要在你姨妈洗衣服的时候去碍手碍脚。”哈利从后门出来。外面天气晴朗,阳光灿烂。他穿过草坪,一屁股坐在花园长凳上,压着嗓子唱了起来:“祝我生日快乐..祝我生日快乐..” 没有贺卡,没有礼物,今晚还要他假装自己不存在。他悲伤地注视着树篱,他从未感到这样孤独。他分外想念他最好的朋友罗恩韦斯莱和赫敏格兰杰,胜过想念霍格沃茨其他的一切,甚至包括魁地奇球。可他们好像一点儿也不想他。整个暑假谁都没有给他写信,罗恩还说要请哈利去他家做客呢。一次又一次,哈利差点儿要用魔法打开海德薇的笼子,让它捎封信给罗恩和赫敏。但这太冒险了。未成年的巫师是不能在校外使用魔法的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "有太太的呢,还是单身汉?", "en": "Is he married or single?"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\" Then she suddenly smiled.\"Your father would have been proud,\" she said. \"He was an excellent Quidditch player himself.\"\"You're joking.\"It was dinnertime. Harry had just finished telling Ron what had happened when he'd left the grounds with Professor McGonagall. Ron had a piece of steak and kidney pie halfway to his mouth, but he'd forgotten all about it.\"Seeker?\" he said. \"But first years never -- you must be the youngest house player in about a century, said Harry, shoveling pie into his mouth. He felt particularly hungry after the excitement of the afternoon. \"Wood told me.\"Ron was so amazed, so impressed, he just sat and gaped at Harry.", "zh": "接着她出人意外地笑了:\"你的父亲一定会很自豪的。你知道吗?你父亲可是一位很棒的快迪斯比赛选手。\"\"你不是说笑吧?\"吃晚饭的时候,哈利把下午他跟着麦康娜教授离开草地后所发生的事一五一十地告诉了罗恩。罗恩当时正准备把一块牛排羊肾薄饼放进嘴里,一惊之下,居然连嘴里的薄饼都忘了嚼。\"搜索员?\"他问,\"可是从没有一年级生„„你将会是豪斯杯选手中最年轻的一个!有多少年没有年纪这么小的选手参赛啦?\" \"„„一百年吧!\"哈利往嘴里塞了一块薄饼,含糊不清地说。下午兴奋了那么久,现在他觉得非常饿。\"是伍德告诉我的。\"罗恩又震惊又好奇,他呆呆地坐在那儿看着哈利,一句话都说不了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Our strength returned promptly, and when I looked around, I saw that we were alone on the platform. No crewmen. Not even Captain Nemo. Those strange seamen on the Nautilus were content with the oxygen circulating inside. Not one of them had come up to enjoy the open air.", "zh": "我们的气力很快就恢复过来,我看一下我们周围,在平台上的只有我们三人:没有一个船上的人员。尼摩船长也不见。诺第留斯号的奇怪的水手们仅仅呼吸那流通到船内的空气就满足了。没有一人出来享受那外面的新鲜空气。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "读书人的风度差不多消逝了;客厅里的青年人的风度更加看不见了。", "en": "The manner of the scholar had nearly disappeared; still more the manner of the drawing-room young man."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Near two o’clock in the morning, I went to snatch a few hours of sleep. Conseil did likewise. I didn’t encounter Captain Nemo while going down the gangways. I assumed that he was keeping to the pilothouse.", "zh": "早晨两点左右,我要回房中休息几小时。康塞尔也和我一样,要回房休息,穿行过道的时候,我没有碰见尼摩船长,我想他一定在那领航人的笼间中了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "他们走路走得肚子饿了,安琪尔饿得尤其厉害,他现在是在户外工作的人,已经习惯了在奶牛场老板的简陋饭桌上吃那些丰富的廉价食物。", "en": "The walk had made them hungry, Angel in particular, who was now an outdoor man, accustomed to the profuse dapes inemptae of the dairyman's somewhat coarsely-laden table."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Just then night fell suddenly, and the waves barely surged in the breeze, spreading placidly around the Nautilus’s side plates.", "zh": "这时候,黑夜突然来临,微风仅能掀起一些海浪在诺第留斯号边缘下缓慢地推过去。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Over an extensive area, the soil consisted of that igneous gravel called “tuff,” reddish in color as if made from crushed bricks. The ground was covered with slag, lava flows, and pumice stones. Its volcanic origin was unmistakable. In certain localities thin smoke holes gave off a sulfurous odor, showing that the inner fires still kept their wide-ranging power. Nevertheless, when I scaled a high escarpment, I could see no volcanoes within a radius of several miles. In these Antarctic districts, as is well known, Sir James Clark Ross had found the craters of Mt. Erebus and Mt. Terror in fully active condition on the 167th meridian at latitude 77 degrees 32’.", "zh": "土质在很长的空间上现出锗红色的凝灰岩,就像一层层的砖石构成的一样。火山的烧石,喷出的火石,浮石的石屑遍布地上。人们不可能不认识这陆地的构成是火山的来源。在某些地方还有轻微的喷烟,发出硫磺气味,证明内部的火仍然保持着它伸张发展的力量。可是,我攀上一座高耸的悬崖,半径几海里的圆周内望不见火山。大家知道,在南极地带内,,詹姆斯·罗斯①在东经160度,纬度77度32分上,找到了还在活动的爱列贝斯和铁罗尔火山喷口。:"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And then, once you had managed to find them, there were the classes themselves. There was a lot more to magic, as Harry quickly found out, than waving your wand and saying a few funny words.They had to study the night skies through their telescopes every Wednesday at midnight and learn the names of different stars and the movements of the planets. Three times a week they went out to the greenhouses behind the castle to study Herbology, with a dumpy little witch called Professor Sprout, where they learned how to take care of all the strange plants and fungi, and found out what they were used for.Easily the most boring class was History of Magic, which was the only one taught by a ghost. Professor Binns had been very old indeed when he had fallen asleep in front of the staff room fire and got up next morning to teach, leaving his body behind him. Binns droned on and on while they scribbled down names and dates, and got Emetic the Evil and Uric the Oddball mixed up.", "zh": "其实只要你努力地去找那些神奇的门和楼梯,你会学到很多东西的。哈利很快就发现,这些比挥挥魔杖说说有趣的咒语的那些魔法要深奥多了。每个星期三半夜,学生们都得用望远镜来观察夜空,学习不同星星的名字和行星们的运行轨道。另外,他们一个星期有三次机会到城堡后面的温室里学习植物常识。教他们这门课的是史普露教授,她是个矮胖的小女巫。史普露教授会教他们怎样留意那些千奇百怪的植物和菌类并且找出这些植物和菌类的用途。最枯燥无味的课当属《魔法历史》了,这是唯-一门由鬼魂来教授的学科。宾西教授实在是个老糊涂了,有一次他在教工休息室里睡觉,那儿半夜着火了他都不知道。第二天早上,他傻乎乎地起来就上课去了,结果连身体都留在那儿忘了拿。宾西老头总是像只蜜蜂似的在上面嗡嗡地讲课,大家却只是死记下一些名字和日期而已,甚至还常把马里格弊病和古怪维里格搞混掉。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She threatened not to come to the wedding.", "zh": "她威胁说不来参加婚礼。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They left her at the corner of the street, and Carton led the way to Mr. Lorry’s, which was within a few minutes’ walk. John Barsad, or Solomon Pross, walked at his side.", "zh": "他们把她留在街角之后卡尔顿便领路往罗瑞先生住处走去。那地方只有几分钟的路程。约翰·巴萨,或是所罗门·普洛丝,走在他身边。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Marcy received a valentine from her boyfriend.", "zh": "玛西收到了一个她男朋友送的情人节礼物。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "“These things excite me so,” she whispered.“If you want to kiss me any time during the evening, Nick, just let me know and I’ll be glad to arrange it for you. Just mention my name. Or present a green card. I’m giving out green——”“Look around,” suggested Gatsby.“I’m looking around. I’m having a marvelous——”“You must see the faces of many people you’ve heard about.”Tom’s arrogant eyes roamed the crowd.“We don’t go around very much,” he said. “In fact, I was just thinking I don’t know a soul here.”“Perhaps you know that lady.” Gatsby indicated a gorgeous, scarcely human orchid of a woman who sat in state under a white plum tree. Tom and Daisy stared, with that peculiarly unreal feeling that accompanies the recognition of a hitherto ghostly celebrity of the movies.", "zh": "\"这些东西真叫我兴奋,\"她低声说,\"如果你今晚上任何时候想吻我,尼克,你让我知道好了,我一定高兴为你安排。只要提我的名字就行,或者出示一张绿色的请帖。我正在散发绿色的……\"\"四面看看。\"盖茨比敦促她。\"我正在四面看啊。我真开心极……\"\"你一定看到许多你听见过的人物的面孔。\"汤姆傲慢的眼睛向人群一扫。\"我们平时不大外出,\"他说,\"实际上,我刚才正在想我这里一个人都不认识。\"\"也许你认得那位小姐。\"盖茨比指出一位如花似玉的美人,端庄地坐在一棵白梅树下。汤姆和黛西目不转睛地看着,认出来这是一位一向只在银幕上见到的大明星,几乎不敢相信是真的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“放心吧,我的好太太,等到有了二十个,我一定去一个个拜望到。”", "en": "\"Depend upon it, my dear, that when there are twenty I will visit them all.\""}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The old man reversed the oar and put the blade between the shark's jaws to open them. He twisted the blade and as the shark slid loose he said, \"Go on, galano. Slide down a mile deep. Go see your friend, or maybe it's your mother.\" The old man wiped the blade of his knife and laid down the oar. Then he found the sheet and the sail filled and he brought the skiff onto her course. \"They must have taken a quarter of him and of the best meat,\" he said aloud. \"I wish it were a dream and that I had never hooked him. I'm sorry about it, fish. It makes everything wrong.\"", "zh": "老人把桨颠倒过来,把桨片插向鲨鱼的上下额之间,撬开它们。当他扭转桨片时,鲨鱼渐渐松了嘴,他说:滚开,虎鲨!回到一哩深的地方去。去找你的朋友吧,或你妈妈吧。老人把刀子的刃部擦干净,把桨放下来,之后他又找到了帆脚索,风再度把帆鼓起,将小船带回它的航道。那条鱼的身体一定有四分之一惨遭掠夺了,而且还是最好的肉,他大声地说:但愿这是一场梦,但愿我没钓到这条鱼。鱼啊!我为你现在的遭遇感到痛心,它扰乱了一切。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "他用手指去摸她,手指头按进内里,感到像绒毛一样柔软。", "en": "He touched her with his fingers, which sank into her as into down."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That, hereupon he had ascertained, through the registers on the table, that his son-in-law was among the living prisoners, and had pleaded hard to the Tribunal—of whom some members were asleep and some awake, some dirty with murder and some clean, some sober and some not—for his life and liberty. That, in the first frantic greetings lavished on himself as a notable sufferer under the overthrown system, it had been accorded to him to have Charles Darnay brought before the lawless Court, and examined. That, he seemed on the point of being at once released, when the tide in his favour met with some unexplained check (not intelligible to the Doctor), which led to a few words of secret conference. That, the man sitting as President had then informed Doctor Manette that the prisoner must remain in custody, but should, for his sake, be held inviolate in safe custody. That, immediately, on a signal, the prisoner was removed to the interior of the prison again; but, that he, the Doctor, had then so strongly pleaded for permission to remain and assure himself that his son-in-law was, through no malice or mischance, delivered to the concourse whose murderous yells outside the gate had often drowned the proceedings, that he had obtained the permission, and had remained in that Hall of Blood until the danger was over.", "zh": "他看了桌上的花名册,肯定了他的女婿还存活着的囚犯名单里,于是苦苦请求审判官们——他们有的睡着了、有的醒着、有的满身血污、有的干净、有的清醒、有的醉了——保全他的性命、给他自由。由于他是已被推翻的制度的引人注目的受害者,他们对他表现了慷慨而疯狂的欢迎,而且同意立即把查尔斯·达尔内带到这个无法无天的法庭审讯。达尔内差不多快被释放时,有利于他的潮流似乎受到了某种没有解释的阻挡(医生没弄明白),于是秘密开了个小会,交换了几句话。然后坐在主席座位的人便通知曼内特医生,囚犯还须扣押,但因为医生的缘故,要作安全扣押,不受侵犯。随即一声令下,囚犯又被带走,关进了监牢。医生于是强烈要求批准他留下,以便保证他的女婿不至因恶意或偶然被交给暴民。(暴民们在大门外要求杀人的叫嚣曾多次淹没了审判的发言)他得到了批准,便留在了流血的大厅里,直到危险过去。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "他正要去吻那张迷人的小嘴,但是由于他温柔的良知而克制住了自己。", "en": "He had been on the point of kissing that too tempting mouth, but he checked himself, for tender conscience' sake."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Finally, at noon, we were plowing the waves of the Red Sea.", "zh": "到了中午,我们就走在红海里面了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Three cheers greeted this order. The hour of battle had sounded. A few moments later, the frigate’s two funnels vomited torrents of black smoke, and its deck quaked from the trembling of its boilers.", "zh": "大家欢呼三声来迎接这道命令。战斗的号角响了。过了一些时候,战舰上两个烟囱吐出一道一道的黑烟,甲板在汽锅的震动下震动起来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What proof had he of this?", "zh": "对此他有何证明?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "During the night of February 16-17, we entered the second Mediterranean basin, whose maximum depth we found at 3,000 meters. The Nautilus, driven downward by its propeller and slanting fins, descended to the lowest strata of this sea.", "zh": "在2月16日至17日的夜间,我们进入了地中海的第二道水域,最深的地方有三千米。诺第留斯号受机轮的推动,随侧面的纵斜机板溜下,一直潜到最下的水层。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Why not? the President desired to know.", "zh": "为什么,庭长要求知道。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The coxswain pronounced a few words in his bizarre language, and no doubt he alerted his men to keep on their guard. Arriving within twenty feet of the skiff, the dugong stopped, sharply sniffing the air with its huge nostrils, pierced not at the tip of its muzzle but on its topside. Then it gathered itself and sprang at us.", "zh": "小艇艇长说了几句他的奇怪语言,当然是他通知水手们,大家要小心警戒。海马到了离小艇二十英尺的水面上停住,它那不在嘴尖端,而在嘴上部敞开的大鼻孔,突然吸着空气。然后,鼓起气力,向我们扑来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“苔丝——到现在你还是一点儿不爱我吗?”", "en": "'Tessy - don't you love me ever so little now?'"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "我推开门走了进去。", "en": "I opened the door and went in."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "All things, however, were in their places; all was quiet; and he lay asleep, his white hair picturesque on the untroubled pillow, and his hands lying quiet on the coverlet. She put her needless candle in the shadow at a distance, crept up to his bed, and put her lips to his; then, leaned over him, and looked at him.", "zh": "不过,一切依然如故,十分平静。父亲睡着了,白发衬在不曾受到干扰的枕上,像幅图画;双手安详地放在盖被上。她把手上那用不着的蜡烛放在远远的暗处,悄悄走到他的床前,把嘴唇放到他的嘴唇上,然后躬下身子端详着他。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "This tree is distinguished from other trees by a straight trunk forty feet high. To the naturalist’s eye, its gracefully rounded crown, formed of big multilobed leaves, was enough to denote the artocarpus that has been so successfully transplanted to the Mascarene Islands east of Madagascar. From its mass of greenery, huge globular fruit stood out, a decimeter wide and furnished on the outside with creases that assumed a hexangular pattern. It’s a handy plant that nature gives to regions lacking in wheat; without needing to be cultivated, it bears fruit eight months out of the year.", "zh": "这种树跟别的树不同的地方是它的树干笔直,有四十英尺高。树顶十分美丽,作环形,由耳珠很多的阔大树叶组成,在一个生物学家看来,充分地显示出这是“面包果树”,很运气的是这树在马斯卡林群岛已经移植成功了。在团团的青绿丛中,垂下粗大的球形果子,约一分米大,外表凹凸不平,好像六角形。这是大自然恩赐给不产麦地区的有用植物,不用耕种,一年中有八个月都结面包果供应人们。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"It won't matter that we never asked Myrtle, then!\" he said to Harry. \"Hermione'll probably have all the answers when they wake her up! Mind you, she'll go crazy when she finds out we've got exams in three days' time. She hasn't studied. It might be kinder to leave her where she is till they're over.\"Just then, Ginny Weasley came over and sat down next to Ron. She looked tense and nervous, and Harry noticed that her hands were twisting in her lap.\"What's up?\" said Ron, helping himself to more porridge.Ginny didn't say anything, but glanced up and down the Gryffindor table with a scared look on her face that reminded Harry of someone, though he couldn't think who.\"Spit it out,\" said Ron, watching her.Harry suddenly realized who Ginny looked like. She was rocking backward and forward slightly in her chair, exactly like Dobby did when he was teetering on the edge of revealing forbidden information.", "zh": "“那么,我们去不去问桃金娘就没有什么关系了!”他对哈利说,“等他们使赫敏苏醒过来后,她也许就能回答出所有的问题! 不过你别忘了,如果她发现还有三天就要考试,肯定会急疯了的。她还没来得及复习啊!也许更仁慈的做法是让她保持现状,等考试结束了再说。”就在这时,金妮韦斯莱走了过来,坐在罗恩旁边。她显得非常紧张,惶恐不安。哈利注意到,她的两只手在膝盖上紧紧地扭在一起。“怎么啦?”罗恩说着,又给自己添了些粥。金妮韦斯莱没有说什么,上下打量着格林分多的桌子,脸上透露着意思害怕,好像想起了哈利或者其他人。“有话快说。”罗恩望着她说道。哈利突然想起金妮的这副神情像谁了。看她在椅子里微微地前后摇晃的样子,哈利想起每当多比要向他透露一些不能说的秘密、欲言又止时,也是这样晃来晃去的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She got up off the couch and went into the kitchen.", "zh": "她从沙发上坐起来,去了厨房。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That night—it was the fourteenth of August—he sat up late, and wrote two fervent letters; one was to Lucie, explaining the strong obligation he was under to go to Paris, and showing her, at length, the reasons that he had, for feeling confident that he could become involved in no personal danger there; the other was to the Doctor, confiding Lucie and their dear child to his care, and dwelling on the same topics with the strongest assurances. To both, he wrote that he would despatch letters in proof of his safety, immediately after his arrival.", "zh": "八月十四日晚他熬夜写了两封热情洋溢的信。一封给露西,说明他有重大任务必须去巴黎一趟,并向她详细解释了他深信在那儿不会有危险的理由。另一封信是给医生的,请他代为照顾露西和他们亲爱的孩子,也谈了上面的问题,并竭力保证不会出意外。对两人他都答应一到巴黎立即来信报告平安。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "一个怪物坐在桌子后面的椅子上。", "en": "A creature sat on a chair behind a table."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "可是她们爱她们的丈夫,都不如我爱你呀!", "en": "And yet the woman has not loved him as I do you!"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Her dress became covered in bird poop.", "zh": "她的裙子上沾满了鸟屎。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“但是我怎样对克里克太太说呢?”安琪尔说。", "en": "'But what shall I tell the dairyman's wife?' said Angel."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Meanwhile we went ever onward, and these vast plains of sand seemed endless. My hands parted liquid curtains that closed again behind me, and my footprints faded swiftly under the water’s pressure.", "zh": "我们不停地走动,广阔的细沙平原好像是漫无边际。我用手拨开水帘,走过后它又自动合上,我的脚迹在水的压力下也立即就消失了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ned Land was on familiar terms with this fruit. He had already eaten it on his many voyages and knew how to cook its edible substance. So the very sight of it aroused his appetite, and he couldn’t control himself. “Sir,” he told me, “I’ll die if I don’t sample a little breadfruit pasta!” “Sample some, Ned my friend, sample all you like. We’re here to conduct experiments, let’s conduct them.” “It won’t take a minute,” the Canadian replied.", "zh": "尼德·兰很熟悉这些面包果。他从前在多次旅行中已经吃过了,他很知道怎样调制这种可吃的东西。所以看见这些果子,马上就引起他的食欲,他再也忍耐不住了。 “先生,”他跟我说,“如果我不尝一尝这面包树的面条子,真要急死我了!” “尝尝吧,尼德·兰好朋友,您随意尝吧。我们是到这里来获得经验的,那我们就试试看吧。” “那费不了很多的时间.\"加拿大人回答。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But that damned animal also did a speed of 18.5.", "zh": "但那个可恶的动物每小时的速度也是十八海里半。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "How long I was sunk in this torpor I cannot estimate; but when I awoke, it seemed as if the sun were settling toward the horizon. Captain Nemo was already up, and I had started to stretch my limbs, when an unexpected apparition brought me sharply to my feet.", "zh": "我沉迷在这种昏睡中有多少时候,那我不能估计;但当我醒来的时候,看看太阳已经向西边低下去了。尼摩船长已经站起来,我也开始伸展我的四肢,就在这个时候,出现一件意外的东西,我立即站起两脚。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "At a depth of ten meters, we walked amid a swarm of small fish from every species, more numerous than birds in the air, more agile too; but no aquatic game worthy of a gunshot had yet been offered to our eyes.", "zh": "在十米深的地方,我们就走在一大群各种各类的小鱼中间,比空中飞乌的数量还多,也更敏捷,但还没有值得我们枪击的水产猎物在我们眼前出现。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It took us two hours to reach the summit of this half-crystal, half-basalt peak. From there our eyes scanned a vast sea, which scrawled its boundary line firmly against the background of the northern sky. At our feet: dazzling tracts of white. Over our heads: a pale azure, clear of mists. North of us: the sun’s disk, like a ball of fire already cut into by the edge of the horizon. From the heart of the waters: jets of liquid rising like hundreds of magnificent bouquets. Far off, like a sleeping cetacean: the Nautilus. Behind us to the south and east: an immense shore, a chaotic heap of rocks and ice whose limits we couldn’t see.", "zh": "我们费了两个钟头,才到达这座云斑岩、玄武岩掺杂的尖峰上面。从上面看,我们的眼光望见一片广阔的海,海在北面天空中清楚现出它的最后界线来。我们脚下,是眩眼的光辉的白冰场。我们头上,是从云雾中现出来的淡白的蔚蓝色。在北方,太阳的轮盘像一只火球一样,已经被水平线的锋刃削开一角了。海水中间,有美丽好看的喷水花束成千成百地放出来。远远的所在,是那诺第留斯号,像酣睡着的鲸科动物一样。在我们后面,东方和南方,有一片广阔的陆地,是望不见边际的岩石和冰群的凌乱层台。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Dad and I are playing iPad games and eating handfuls at a time.", "zh": "我和爸爸在玩 iPad 游戏,一次吃一把。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "班纳特先生尽管在自己太太面前自始至终都说是不想去拜访彬格莱先生,事实上一直都打算去拜访他,而且还是跟第一批人一起去拜访他的。等到他去拜访过以后,当天晚上太太才知道实情。这消息透露出来的经过是这样的--他看到第二个女儿在装饰帽子,就突然对她说: “我希望彬格莱先生会喜欢你这顶帽子,丽萃。”", "en": "Mr. Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr. Bingley. He had always intended to visit him, though to the last always assuring his wife that he should not go; and till the evening after the visit was paid, she had no knowledge of it. It was then disclosed in the following manner. Observing his second daughter employed in trimming a hat, he suddenly addressed her with, \"I hope Mr. Bingley will like it, Lizzy.\""}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Work began immediately and was carried on with tireless tenacity. Instead of digging all around the Nautilus, which would have entailed even greater difficulties, Captain Nemo had an immense trench outlined on the ice, eight meters from our port quarter. Then his men simultaneously staked it off at several points around its circumference. Soon their picks were vigorously attacking this compact matter, and huge chunks were loosened from its mass. These chunks weighed less than the water, and by an unusual effect of specific gravity, each chunk took wing, as it were, to the roof of the tunnel, which thickened above by as much as it diminished below. But this hardly mattered so long as the lower surface kept growing thinner.", "zh": "工作立即开始,以十分坚持的顽强力气来进行。不是在诺第留斯号周围挖掘,这样可能带来更大的困难,尼摩船长是另外在距船左舷八米远的地方画了一个巨大的圆圈他的人员就在这圆圈的周围数处同时挖掘,不久,铁锨很有劲的打进了坚硬的冰,一块一块的冰从冰场凿开来。由于体重的新奇作用,这些冰块没有水重,它们于是飞跑到冰们顶上去了,这样一来,下面是减薄,上面就增厚了。但没关系,下层的冰总是削薄了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "For once in his life, the poor lad didn’t address me “in the third person.”", "zh": "这可怜的老实人对我说话不用“第三人称”,这是第一次。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“当然可以,先生。请坐。”他朝我看了看,笑了笑说:“来杯水吗,先生?”", "en": "‘Yes, sir, of course. Here's a chair. ’He looked at me, smiling. ‘Would you like a glass of water, sir?’"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Now, from the days when it was always summer in Eden, to these days when it is mostly winter in fallen latitudes, the world of a man has invariably gone one way—Charles Darnay’s way—the way of the love of a woman.", "zh": "从永远是夏日的伊甸园到大部分是冬日的今天的堕落人世,男人的世界总要走一条一成不变的路一一要追求一个女人的爱。这也是查尔斯·达尔内的路。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was the Dover road that lay, on a Friday night late in November, before the first of the persons with whom this history has business. The Dover road lay, as to him, beyond the Dover mail, as it lumbered up Shooter’s Hill. He walked up hill in the mire by the side of the mail, as the rest of the passengers did; not because they had the least relish for walking exercise, under the circumstances, but because the hill, and the harness, and the mud, and the mail, were all so heavy, that the horses had three times already come to a stop, besides once drawing the coach across the road, with the mutinous intent of taking it back to Blackheath. Reins and whip and coachman and guard, however, in combination, had read that article of war which forbade a purpose otherwise strongly in favour of the argument, that some brute animals are endued with Reason; and the team had capitulated and returned to their duty.", "zh": "十一月下旬的一个星期五晚上,多佛大道伸展在跟这段历史有关的几个人之中的第一个人前面。多佛大道对此人说来就在多佛邮车的另一面。这时那邮车隆隆响着往射手山苦苦爬去。这人正随着邮车跟其他乘客一起踏着泥泞步行上山。倒不是因为乘客们对步行锻炼有什么偏爱,而是因为那山坡、那马具、那泥泞和邮件都太叫马匹吃力,它们已经三次站立不动,有一次还拉着邮车横过大路,要想叛变,把车拖回黑荒原去。好在缰绳、鞭子、车夫和卫士的联合行动有如宣读了一份战争文件的道理。那文件禁止擅自行动,因为它可以大大助长野蛮动物也有思想的理论。于是这套马便俯首投降,回头执行起任务来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I let the gallant lad babble as he pleased, without giving him much in the way of a reply. I was concerned about Captain Nemo’s absence during our session the previous afternoon, and I hoped to see him again today.", "zh": "我让这个好好先生随心所欲他说话,没有回答他的每一句。我一心想着为什么还看不见尼摩船长,从我们昨天聚谈以后,他一直没有露面,我希望今天能看到他。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "There I fell to thinking about the incidents that marked our excursion over the Mannar oysterbank. Two impressions inevitably stood out. One concerned Captain Nemo’s matchless bravery, the other his devotion to a human being, a representative of that race from which he had fled beneath the seas. In spite of everything, this strange man hadn’t yet succeeded in completely stifling his heart.", "zh": "在船上,我把我们在马纳尔一带礁石岩脉间旅行所遭遇到的事故细细回想一下。其中有值得注意的两点一定要握出来。一点是关于尼摩船长的无比勇敢,另一点是关于他对人类、对于逃到海底下去的这一种族的一个代表的牺牲精神。不管他怎么说,这个古怪的人还没有能完全斩断他爱人的心情。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was six o’clock in the morning. We arrived at the mountain’s lower gradients. But in grappling with them, we had to venture up difficult trails through a huge thicket.", "zh": "时间是清早六点。我们现在到了这山的俞列石栏了,但要走近石栏,必须从广阔的乱石丛林间,很难走的小径中冒险穿行。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She hit rock bottom when she lost her family and kids.", "zh": "失去家人和孩子后,她的人生跌到了谷底。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"Is it true?\" he said. \"They're saying all down the train that Harry Potter's in this compartment. So it's you, is it?\"\"Yes,\" said Harry. He was looking at the other boys. Both of them were thickset and looked extremely mean. Standing on either side of the pale boy, they looked like bodyguards.\"Oh, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle,\" said the pale boy carelessly, noticing where Harry was looking. \"And my name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.\"Ron gave a slight cough, which might have been hiding a snigget. Draco Malfoy looked at him.\"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford.\"He turned back to Harry. \"You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.\"", "zh": "\"整个列车的人都说哈利.波特在这个包厢里,是真的吗?那么,你就是哈利吧?\"\"是的。\"哈利打量着另外两个孩子,他俩长得又矮又壮,看上去十分粗鲁。他俩一左一右站着,很像是灰脸孩子的两名保镖。\"噢,他是克来伯,他是高尔\"灰男孩心不在焉地介绍,\"我叫马尔夫,杰高.马尔夫。\"罗恩轻轻咳了一声,也许是在暗地里偷笑吧。杰高.马尔夫看着他。\"你觉得我的名字很好笑,对吧?不用问,我也知道你是谁。我爸告诉过我,威斯里家族的人都是红头发、满脸雀班,而且还有多得养不起的孩子。\"他又转向哈利.波特,\"你很快就会发现魔法世家里也有好坏之分,相信你也不想误交损友吧,我在这方面可以帮你。\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry. Phoenixes burst into flame when it is time for them to die and are reborn from the ashes. Watch him . . .\"Harry looked down in time to see a tiny, wrinkled, newborn bird poke its head out of the ashes. It was quite as ugly as the old one.\"It's a shame you had to see him on a Burning Day,\" said Dumbledore, seating himself behind his desk. \"He's really very handsome most of the time, wonderful red and gold plumage. Fascinating creatures, phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads, their tears have healing powers, and they make highly faithful pets.\"In the shock of Fawkes catching fire, Harry had forgotten what he was there for, but it all came back to him as Dumbledore settled himself in the high chair behind the desk and fixed Harry with his penetrating, light-blue stare.", "zh": "“福克斯是一只凤凰,哈利。凤凰到了将死的时候,就会自焚,然后从灰烬里再生。你看着它..”哈利一低头,正好看见一只小小的、全身皱巴巴的小雏鸟从灰烬中探出脑袋。它的相貌和老鸟一般丑陋。“真遗憾,你不得不在涅日见到他,”邓布利多说着,在桌子后面坐了下来,“它大部分时间是非常漂亮的:全身都是令人称奇的红色和金色羽毛。凤凰真是十分奇特迷人的生命。它们能携带极为沉重的东西,它们的眼泪具有疗伤的作用,而且它们还是特别忠诚的宠物。”哈利在福克斯自焚引起的惊恐中,暂时忘记了他到这里来的原因。可是此刻,当邓布利多在桌后的高背椅上坐下,用他浅蓝色的、具有穿透力的目光盯住他的时候,他一切都想起来了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "看吧,你的脸一暴露出来,爱你的他就要恨你;", "en": "Behold, when thy face is made bare, he that loved thee shall hate;"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“什么?起码是你认识的惟一一个总统吧!整个银河系的!”", "en": "“Hey, what? Only President you know! Of the whole Galaxy!”"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Saint Antoine had been, that morning, a vast dusky mass of scarecrows heaving to and fro, with frequent gleams of light above the billowy heads, where steel blades and bayonets shone in the sun. A tremendous roar arose from the throat of Saint Antoine, and a forest of naked arms struggled in the air like shrivelled branches of trees in a winter wind: all the fingers convulsively clutching at every weapon or semblance of a weapon that was thrown up from the depths below, no matter how far off.", "zh": "那天上午,圣安托万区有黑压压的一大片衣衫褴褛的人潮水一般涌来涌去。在攒动的人头上不时有光芒闪过,那是熠耀在阳光下的战刀和刺刀。圣安托万的喉咙发出巨大的吼声,赤棵的手臂的森林在空中摇摆,有如冬季寒风中干枯的枝条,所有的手指都往武器或类似武器的东西抓去,无论它在多远的地方。武器是从下面的深处抛上来的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Along the narrow walls of this passageway, I saw only brilliant streaks, hard lines, fiery furrows, all scrawled by our speeding electric light. With my hand I tried to curb the pounding of my heart.", "zh": "地道两边狭窄的高墙上,我只看见飞奔的速度在电光下所画出的辉煌线纹、笔直线条、火色痕迹。我的心跳动不止,我用手压住心头。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Captain Nemo led me to the Nautilus’s stern and invited me into a cabin located next to the sailors’ quarters.", "zh": "尼摩船长带我到诺第留斯号的后部,让我走进挨着水手住所的一间舱房。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Then the doctor called him at work.", "zh": "他在工作时接到医生的电话。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "During this part of our voyage, we navigated on the surface of the waves for entire days. The sea was nearly deserted. A few sailing ships, laden for the East Indies, were heading toward the Cape of Good Hope. One day we were chased by the longboats of a whaling vessel, which undoubtedly viewed us as some enormous baleen whale of great value. But Captain Nemo didn’t want these gallant gentlemen wasting their time and energy, so he ended the hunt by diving beneath the waters. This incident seemed to fascinate Ned Land intensely. I’m sure the Canadian was sorry that these fishermen couldn’t harpoon our sheet-iron cetacean and mortally wound it.", "zh": "在这部分的旅行中,我们整天在水面上航行。海好像是被人造弃了的一样。只有几艘帆船,运货物到印度,向好望角驶去。一天,我们被一只捕鲸船的小艇追逐,他们一定认为我们的船是价值很大的巨大鲸鱼。但尼摩船长不愿使那些勇敢的打鱼人白费时间和气力,他叫船潜入水中,结束了他们的追逐。这个意外事件使尼德·兰发生浓厚兴趣。我想,加拿大人对我们这条钢板鲸鱼没有被打鱼人的鱼叉叉死,心中一定觉得很可惜,我想我大概没有想错。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The President required the name of that citizen. The accused explained that the citizen was his first witness. He also referred with confidence to the citizen’s letter, which had been taken from him at the Barrier, but which he did not doubt would be found among the papers then before the President.", "zh": "庭长问那公民是谁。被告说那公民便是他的第一个证人。他还很有把握地提起那人的信,那是在城门口从他身上取走的,他相信可以在庭长的卷宗中找到。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Its owner went downstairs into the courtyard, got into his carriage, and drove away. Not many people had talked with him at the reception; he had stood in a little space apart, and Monseigneur might have been warmer in his manner. It appeared, under the circumstances, rather agreeable to him to see the common people dispersed before his horses, and often barely escaping from being run down. His man drove as if he were charging an enemy, and the furious recklessness of the man brought no check into the face, or to the lips, of the master. The complaint had sometimes made itself audible, even in that deaf city and dumb age, that, in the narrow streets without footways, the fierce patrician custom of hard driving endangered and maimed the mere vulgar in a barbarous manner. But, few cared enough for that to think of it a second time, and, in this matter, as in all others, the common wretches were left to get out of their difficulties as they could.", "zh": "这张脸的主人走下了楼,来到院子里,坐上他的马车走掉了。在招待会上跟他说诉的人不多,他站在略微离开人群的地方,而大人对他的态度却不太热情。此时此刻他颇为得意,因为看到普通老百姓在他的马车前四散奔逃,常常险些被车撞倒。他的手下人赶起车来仿佛是在对敌人冲锋陷阵,而这种鲁莽的做法并没有从主人的眉梢,嘴角引来丝毫制止的意思。即使在那个耳聋的城市和暗哑的时代,人们的抱怨有时其实是能听得见的,说是那种古罗马贵族式的凶狠的赶马习惯在没有人行道的大街上野蛮地威胁着平民百姓的生命或把他们变成残废。可是注意到这类事件并加以考虑的人却很少。因而在这件事上也跟在别的事上一样,普通的穷苦百姓便只有自行努力去克服困难了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "啊!现在我权且给你们一个非常一般的回答。", "en": "Ah, I can only give you a very general answer to that for the moment."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"It was noon when I hooked him,\" he said. \"And I have never seen him.\" He had pushed his straw hat hard down on his head before he hooked the fish and it was cutting his forehead. He was thirsty too and he got down on his knees and, being careful not to jerk on the line, moved as far into the bow as he could get and reached the water bottle with one hand. He opened it and drank a little. Then he rested against the bow. He rested sitting on the un-stepped mast and sail and tried not to think but only to endure. Then he looked behind him and saw that no land was visible. That makes no difference, he thought. I can always come in on the glow from Havana. There are two more hours before the sunsets and maybe he will come up before that. If he doesn't maybe he will come up with the moon. If he does not do that maybe he will come up with the sunrise. I have no cramps and I feel strong. It is he that has the hook in his mouth. But what a fish to pull like that. He must have his mouth shut tight on the wire. I wish I could see him. I wish I could see him only once to know what I have against me.", "zh": "我在中午钓到它,他说,直到现在,都还没有看过它呢?他还没有钓到鱼之前,一直都将头上的草帽用力地往下压,使得他的额头现在像是被割过般的发疼。他的口也渴了,为了怕触动鱼线,他跪下来,尽量小心翼翼地将一只手伸向船头拿水瓶。他打开水瓶喝了点水,然后坐在船桅杆和帆座上,靠着船头休息,尽量叫自己不要去想什么,只要忍耐就是了。他回头望了望,发现已经完全看不见陆地了。他想,这也没什么关系,哈瓦那那儿的光总会指引我进港的。离太阳下山还有两个小时,也许那鱼在太阳下山之前就会浮出水面了。如果没有的话,或许它会和月亮一起出现。而如果再不是的话,它大概就会和明天的太阳一起升起。我不常抽筋,而且感觉自己还很健壮,何况嘴里衔着鱼钩的是那条鱼哩。可是,能这样拖着渔船走的鱼,真是不可思议。它一定是把嘴巴闭得紧紧地,咬着钓上的铁线。真希望能看看它,只要一眼就行,好让我晓得到底是什么在与我作对。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In London, he had expected neither to walk on pavements of gold, nor to lie on beds of roses; if he had had any such exalted expectation, he would not have prospered. He had expected labour, and he found it, and did it and made the best of it. In this, his prosperity consisted.", "zh": "在伦敦,他从未梦想过走在黄金路面上或睡在玫瑰花坛里。有了这种高雅的理想他是发达不起来的。他希望劳动,也参加了劳动,便竭尽全力地劳动。他的发达靠的是这个。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Captain Anderson called an immediate halt, and one of his sailors dived down to assess the damage. Within moments they had located a hole two meters in width on the steamer’s underside. Such a leak could not be patched, and with its paddle wheels half swamped, the Scotia had no choice but to continue its voyage. By then it lay 300 miles from Cape Clear, and after three days of delay that filled Liverpool with acute anxiety, it entered the company docks.", "zh": "安德生船长吩咐马上停船,并且命令一个潜水员下水检查船身的损坏情形。一会儿,他知道船底有一个长两米的大洞。这样一个裂口是没法堵住的,斯各脱亚号尽管机轮有一半浸在水里,但也必须继续行驶。当时船离克利亚峡还有三百海里,等船驶进公司的码头,已经误了三天期,在这三天里,利物浦的人都为它惶惶不安。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Then, following the captain’s example, I let myself be crowned with my heavy copper sphere, and our air tanks immediately went into action.", "zh": "然后,跟着船长,我也戴起那沉重的铜球,我们的空气储藏器立即活动起来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "His parents don't let him watch unless he does his chores.", "zh": "他的父母不让他看,除非他做家务。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And yet, observing the strange law of contradiction which obtains in all such cases, the time was long, while it flamed by so fast. A revolutionary tribunal in the capital, and forty or fifty thousand revolutionary committees all over the land; a law of the Suspected, which struck away all security for liberty or life, and delivered over any good and innocent person to any bad and guilty one; prisons gorged with people who had committed no offence, and could obtain no hearing; these things became the established order and nature of appointed things, and seemed to be ancient usage before they were many weeks old. Above all, one hideous figure grew as familiar as if it had been before the general gaze from the foundations of the world—the figure of the sharp female called La Guillotine.", "zh": "按照在这种情况下流行的奇怪的矛盾法则,时间是漫长的,虽然它火烧火燎地飞逝着。京城里的革命法庭,全国的四五万个革命委员会,还有那剥夺了自由或生命的一切安全并把善良无辜者交到邪恶的罪犯手里的嫌疑犯法,沾满了无处申诉的无辜者鲜血的监狱,这些新东西刚建立不久便已形成了固定的秩序和性质,几周之间已仿佛成了历史悠久的成规。其中的佼佼者则是一个仿佛在众目睽睽之下从世界的地基里冒出来的越来越为人们所熟悉的狰狞形象.——那位犀利的小姐,芳名断头台。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "路上奶牛和马的脚印都积满了水,天上下的雨水虽然把它们淹没了,但是却没有把它们冲刷掉。", "en": "The cow and horse tracks in the road were full of water, the rain having been enough to charge them, but not enough to wash them away."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "On January 25, the ocean being completely deserted, the Nautilus spent the day on the surface, churning the waves with its powerful propeller and making them spurt to great heights. Under these conditions, who wouldn’t have mistaken it for a gigantic cetacean? I spent three-quarters of the day on the platform. I stared at the sea. Nothing on the horizon, except near four o’clock in the afternoon a long steamer to the west, running on our opposite tack. Its masting was visible for an instant, but it couldn’t have seen the Nautilus because we were lying too low in the water. I imagine that steamboat belonged to the Peninsular & Oriental line, which provides service from the island of Ceylon to Sydney, also calling at King George Sound and Melbourne.", "zh": "1月25日,洋面完全荒凉,什么也没有,这一天诺第留斯号是浮出水面来度过的。强大的推进器搅动水波,把水流喷人高空。在这种情况下,人们怎么会不把它当作一条巨大的鲸鱼类动物呢?这一天四分之三的时间我都在乎台上。我远望大海。天边什么也没有,只在下午四点的时候·,有一艘长形的汽船,跟我们对渡而行,在西方行驶。这船的桅杆有一个时候可以看见,但它不可能看见紧挨着水面的诺第留斯号。我想这艘汽船是属于印度半岛和东方航线轮船公司的,它航行于锡兰岛和悉尼之间,中途停泊在佐治玉呷和墨尔本港。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I climbed onto the platform. Night had already fallen, because in this low latitude the sun sets quickly, without any twilight. I could see Gueboroa Island only dimly. But numerous fires had been kindled on the beach, attesting that the natives had no thoughts of leaving it.", "zh": "我又回平台上来。黑夜已经来临,因为在这低纬度的地区,太阳落下得很快,并且没有黄昏的时候。我看那格波罗尔岛很是模糊不清。但有许多火光在海滩上闪耀,证明这些土人不想走开,守在那里。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mrs. Weasley had appeared, holding a long poker like a sword. Mr. Weasley's eyes jerked open. He stared guiltily at his wife.\"C-cars, Molly, dear?\"\"Yes, Arthur, cars,\" said Mrs. Weasley, her eyes flashing. \"Imagine a wizard buying a rusty old car and telling his wife all he wanted to do with it was take it apart to see how it worked, while really he was enchanting it to make it fly.\"Mr. Weasley blinked.\"Well, dear, I think you'll find that he would be quite within the law to do that, even if - er - he maybe would have done better to, um, tell his wife the truth .... There's a loophole in the law, you'll find .... As long as he wasn't intending to fly the car, the fact that the car could fly wouldn't -\"\"Arthur Weasley, you made sure there was a loophole when you wrote that law!\" shouted Mrs. Weasley. \"Just so you could carry on tinkering with all that Muggle rubbish in your shed! And for your information, Harry arrived this morning in the car you weren't intending to fly!\"", "zh": "韦斯莱夫人走了进来,手里举着一根拨火棍,像举着一把剑。韦斯莱先生张大了嘴巴,心虚地看着他的妻子。“汽一汽车,莫丽,亲爱的?”“对,亚瑟,汽车。”韦斯莱夫人眼里冒着火,“想想看,一个巫师买了辆生锈的旧汽车,对他妻子说他只想把它拆开,看看内部的构造,可实际上他用魔法把它变成了一辆会飞的汽车。”韦斯莱先生眨了眨眼。“哦,亲爱的,我想你会发现他这样做并没有违法,尽管他也许应该事先把真相告诉妻子..法律中有个漏洞,你会发现..只要他不打算用它飞行,汽车会飞这一事实并不—— ”“亚瑟韦斯莱,你写法律的时候故意留了一个漏洞!”韦斯莱夫人嚷道,“就为了能在你的棚子里捣鼓那些麻瓜的东西! 告诉你,今天早上哈利就是坐那辆你不打算用它飞行的汽车来的!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The virtuous servant, Roger Cly, swore his way through the case at a great rate. He had taken service with the prisoner, in good faith and simplicity, four years ago. He had asked the prisoner, aboard the Calais packet, if he wanted a handy fellow, and the prisoner had engaged him. He had not asked the prisoner to take the handy fellow as an act of charity—never thought of such a thing. He began to have suspicions of the prisoner, and to keep an eye upon him, soon afterwards. In arranging his clothes, while travelling, he had seen similar lists to these in the prisoner’s pockets, over and over again. He had taken these lists from the drawer of the prisoner’s desk. He had not put them there first. He had seen the prisoner show these identical lists to French gentlemen at Calais, and similar lists to French gentlemen, both at Calais and Boulogne. He loved his country, and couldn’t bear it, and had given information. He had never been suspected of stealing a silver tea-pot; he had been maligned respecting a mustard-pot, but it turned out to be only a plated one. He had known the last witness seven or eight years; that was merely a coincidence. He didn’t call it a particularly curious coincidence; most coincidences were curious. Neither did he call it a curious coincidence that true patriotism was his only motive too. He was a true Briton, and hoped there were many like him.", "zh": "道德高尚的仆人罗杰·克莱很快就完成了宣誓仪式。他四年前开始朴实、单纯地为该囚犯工作。在加莱邮船上他问囚犯是否需要一个勤杂工,囚犯就雇用了他。并不是要求囚犯怜悯而雇用的 --想也没想过这样的事。他开始对囚犯产生了怀疑,然后就监视他。他在旅行中整理囚犯衣物时曾在口袋里多次见过类似的文件。曾经从囚犯抽屉里取出过这些文件。不是事先放进去的。他,在加莱见过囚犯把这几份文件给法国人看过。在加莱和波伦那又曾见他把同样的文件给法国人看过。他热爱祖国,不禁义愤填膺,于是告发了他。从没有涉嫌盗窃过一个银茶壶。曾经因为一个芥末壶遭过冤枉,那壶其实是镀银的。他认识刚才那个证人已经七八年,完全出于巧合。他并没说是特别出奇的巧合。大部分的巧合都有些出奇。真正的爱国主义也是他唯一的动机。他并不把这叫作出奇的巧合。他是个真正的不列颠人,但愿许多人都能像他一样。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She told me that not very many of the other kids got them all right.", "zh": "她告诉我其他没有很多孩子全部答对。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Defarge refreshed himself with a draught of wine—but, he took less than was given to the stranger, as being himself a man to whom it was no rarity—and stood waiting until the countryman had made his breakfast. He looked at no one present, and no one now looked at him; not even Madame Defarge, who had taken up her knitting, and was at work. “Have you finished your repast, friend?” he asked, in due season. “Yes, thank you.” “Come, then! You shall see the apartment that I told you you could occupy. It will suit you to a marvel.” Out of the wine-shop into the street, out of the street into a courtyard, out of the courtyard up a steep staircase, out of the staircase into a garret—formerly the garret where a white-haired man sat on a low bench, stooping forward and very busy, making shoes.", "zh": "德伐日喝了点酒,润了润喉咙,但比客人喝得少,因为酒对他并不希罕。他喝完就站在那儿等那乡下人吃早饭。他不看任何人,任何人也不后弥;甚至德伐日太太也不看他。现在她又拿起毛线活儿打了起来。 “点心吃完了么,朋友?”到了时候他问道。 “吃完了,谢谢。” “那就来吧!我带你到我刚才告诉你打算给你住的房间去。这房间对你最合适不过。” 两人出了酒店,进了街道,出了街道,进了院子,出了院子,上了一道陡直的楼梯,出了楼梯,进了一个阁楼——以前有一个白发的老头曾坐在这间阁楼的凳于上,佝偻着身子忙着做鞋。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "我是一个医生,我很了解事故和病人。", "en": "I am a doctor, so I know a lot about accidents and ill people."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Rory was allergic to gluten and strawberries.", "zh": "罗里对谷蛋白和草莓过敏。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The chateau burned; the nearest trees, laid hold of by the fire, scorched and shrivelled; trees at a distance, fired by the four fierce figures, begirt the blazing edifice with a new forest of smoke. Molten lead and iron boiled in the marble basin of the fountain; the water ran dry; the extinguisher tops of the towers vanished like ice before the heat, and trickled down into four rugged wells of flame. Great rents and splits branched out in the solid walls, like crystallisation; stupefied birds wheeled about and dropped into the furnace; four fierce figures trudged away, East, West, North, and South, along the night-enshrouded roads, guided by the beacon they had lighted, towards their next destination. The illuminated village had seized hold of the tocsin, and, abolishing the lawful ringer, rang for joy.", "zh": "府第燃烧着;附近的树木一让火舌舔到便干焦萎缩;远处的森林被那四个凶恶的人点燃之后又用一道新的烟雾的森林把那烧得白炽的华厦包围起来。熔化的铅和铁在喷泉的大理石盆里沸腾,烧干了泉水;灭烛器似的塔楼尖顶在高温前像冰一样熔化,滴落下来变作了四个奇形怪状的火池;坚实的墙壁以结晶的纹样作树枝形迸裂,迸出了巨大的豁口和裂缝。鸟儿们吓昏了,在空中打着旋儿栽进大熔炉里。四个凶猛的形象在他们造成的灯塔光里大步地沿着为黑暗所包裹的道路向东西南北四面走去,走向新的目标。火光照耀的村子已夺走了警钟,赶走了法定敲钟人,自己欢乐地敲了起来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Overlaid with silver dish covers, various platters had been neatly positioned on the table cloth, and we sat down to eat. Assuredly, we were dealing with civilized people, and if it hadn’t been for this electric light flooding over us, I would have thought we were in the dining room of the Hotel Adelphi in Liverpool, or the Grand Hotel in Paris. However, I feel compelled to mention that bread and wine were totally absent. The water was fresh and clear, but it was still water—which wasn’t what Ned Land had in mind. Among the foods we were served, I was able to identify various daintily dressed fish; but I couldn’t make up my mind about certain otherwise excellent dishes, and I couldn’t even tell whether their contents belonged to the vegetable or the animal kingdom. As for the tableware, it was elegant and in perfect taste. Each utensil, spoon, fork, knife, and plate, bore on its reverse a letter encircled by a Latin motto, and here is its exact duplicate:", "zh": "食品用银制的罩子盖着,两边对称地在桌布上摆好了,我们在饭桌前坐下。很显然,我们是跟有文化和有礼貌的人打交道,如果没有那照耀着我们的电光,我简直要以为自己不是在利物浦阿德费旅馆里,就是在巴黎的大饭店里。可是我得声明一句,面包和酒完全没有。饮水很新鲜、很清凉,但不过是水,水不是尼德·兰爱喝的。在端来给我们吃的肉类中间,有几种我认得是烹调得很精致的鱼:但有几盘很好吃的菜,我说不出名日来,甚至于它们是植物是动物,我都不敢说。至于桌上的食具,更是精美,无可指摘。每一件东西,匙子、叉子、刀、盘,上面都有一个字母,字母周围有一句题词,我们照原来的样式抄在下面:"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "啊,安琪尔——我母亲说有时候会发生这种事的!", "en": "O Angel - my mother says that it sometimes happens so!"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“我并没有发疯!”她说。", "en": "'I am not out of my mind,' she said."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I heard its teeth grind on sheet iron, and the dugong disappeared, taking our harpoon along with it. But the barrel soon popped up on the surface, and a few moments later the animal’s body appeared and rolled over on its back. Our skiff rejoined it, took it in tow, and headed to the Nautilus.", "zh": "我听到牙齿在小艇铁板上的喳喳声响,海马沉没不见了,把叉带走了。但不久小木桶浮上水面来,一会儿,海马的躯体现出,脊背翻过来了。小艇划向前去,把它拖在后面,向诺第留斯号划去。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Scanty and insufficient suppers those, and innocent of meat, as of most other sauce to wretched bread. Yet, human fellowship infused some nourishment into the flinty viands, and struck some sparks of cheerfulness out of them. Fathers and mothers who had had their full share in the worst of the day, played gently with their meagre children; and lovers, with such a world around them and before them, loved and hoped.", "zh": "晚饭不多,量不足,没有肉,也没有别的佐料,只有劣质的面包。然而人和人的友谊却给这硬邦邦的食物加上了营养,从人和人之间碰撞出了几星快乐的火花。参与了那天最凶狠的活动的父母跟他们的瘦弱的孩子们温情地说着话;情人们在周围和眼前这样的世界里爱恋着,怀着希望。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ned needed no persuading and started our story all over again, most of which I could follow. Its content was the same, but the form differed. Carried away by his volatile temperament, the Canadian put great animation into it. He complained vehemently about being imprisoned in defiance of his civil rights, asked by virtue of which law he was hereby detained, invoked writs of habeas corpus, threatened to press charges against anyone holding him in illegal custody, ranted, gesticulated, shouted, and finally conveyed by an expressive gesture that we were dying of hunger.", "zh": "尼德·兰一点不推托,把我讲过的话又讲了一遍,他讲的我差不多都听得懂。内容是一样的,但形式不同了。加拿大人,由于他的性格,说话时很激动。他愤愤地埋怨人家蔑视人权,把我们关在这里,质问人家凭什么法律扣留我们,他引证了“人身保障法”的条文(奇*书*网.整*理*提*供),说要控诉非法羁禁他的人,他全身激动,指手画脚,大声叫喊,最后,他用富于表情的手势,让对方明白,我们饿得要命。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "By then all our past sufferings were forgotten. The memory of that imprisonment under the ice faded from our minds. We had thoughts only of the future. Captain Nemo no longer appeared, neither in the lounge nor on the platform. The positions reported each day on the world map were put there by the chief officer, and they enabled me to determine the Nautilus’s exact heading. Now then, that evening it became obvious, much to my satisfaction, that we were returning north by the Atlantic route. I shared the results of my observations with the Canadian and Conseil. “That’s good news,” the Canadian replied, “but where’s the Nautilus going?” “I’m unable to say, Ned.” “After the South Pole, does our captain want to tackle the North Pole, then go back to the Pacific by the notorious Northwest Passage?” “I wouldn’t double dare him,” Conseil replied. “Oh well,” the Canadian said, “we’ll give him the slip long before then.” “In any event,” Conseil added, “he’s a superman, that Captain Nemo, and we’ll never regret having known him.” “Especially once we’ve left him,” Ned Land shot back.", "zh": "那时我们忘记了所有过去的痛苦。那次被困在冰群中的记忆都不留在我们心中了。我们只是想到将来。尼摩船长并不露面,在客厅中,在平台上都看不见他。他的副手每天往地图上记录方位,让我知道诺第留斯号走的确实方向。就在这天晚上,我很满意,方向很明确,我们是从大西洋的水路到北方去。我把我观察所得的结果告诉了加拿大人和康塞尔。 “好消息呀!”加拿大人说,“不过诺第留斯号到哪里去呢广 “那我可不能说,尼德。” “它的船长是不是到过了南极,又要到北极去冒险,从西北方的著名水道回来呢?” “也不能不相信他会这样做。”康塞尔回答说。 “那么,”加拿大人说“我们就不能客气,恕不奉培了” “总之,”康塞尔补充“:,“这个尼摩船长是一个杰出人物,我们认识了他,绝不至后悔。“特别是在离开了他的时候!”尼德,兰立即回答说。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The skiff couldn’t avoid the collision. Half overturned, it shipped a ton or two of water that we had to bail out. But thanks to our skillful coxswain, we were fouled on the bias rather than broadside, so we didn’t capsize. Clinging to the stempost, Ned Land thrust his harpoon again and again into the gigantic animal, which imbedded its teeth in our gunwale and lifted the longboat out of the water as a lion would lift a deer. We were thrown on top of each other, and I have no idea how the venture would have ended had not the Canadian, still thirsting for the beast’s blood, finally pierced it to the heart.", "zh": "小艇不可能躲开它的冲撞,艇身翻倒了一半,海水跑进艇中有一两吨之多。这水必须排出去。由于艇长的机灵,艇身只是斜面的而不是正面的受到海马攻击,所以没被憧翻沉没。尼德。兰紧靠在小艇前头,把鱼叉向巨大的动物刺去,这东西牙齿咬住小艇的边缘,把小艇顶出水面,像狮子咬小鹿那样。我们都被撞翻,彼此身子压着,如果不是那狠命地跟海马战斗的加拿大人把叉打中了动物的心脏,我真不知道这次的冒险打猎将怎样结束呢。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Harry, Ron, and Hermione left the castle together, crossed the vegetable patch, and made for the greenhouses, where the magical plants were kept. At least the Howler had done one good thing: Hermione seemed to think they had now been punished enough and was being perfectly friendly again.As they neared the greenhouses they saw the rest of the class standing outside, waiting for Professor Sprout. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had only just joined them when she came striding into view across the lawn, accompanied by Gilderoy Lockhart. Professor Sprout's arms were full of bandages, and with another twinge of guilt, Harry spotted the Whomping Willow in the distance, several of its branches now in slings.Professor Sprout was a squat little witch who wore a patched hat over her flyaway hair; there was usually a large amount of earth on her clothes and her fingernails would have made Aunt Petunia faint. Gilderoy Lockhart, however, was immaculate in sweeping robes of turquoise, his golden hair shining under a perfectly positioned turquoise hat with gold trimming.", "zh": "哈利、罗恩和赫敏一同出了城堡,穿过菜地向温室走去,那里培育着各种有魔力的植物。吼叫信至少做了一件好事:赫敏似乎觉得他们已经受了足够的惩罚,现在她又像从前那样友好了。他们走近温室,看到其他同学都站在外面,等着斯普劳特教授。哈利、罗恩和赫敏刚加入进去,就看见斯普劳特教授大步从草坪上走来,身边跟着吉德罗洛哈特。斯普劳特教授的手臂上搭着很多绷带,哈利远远望见那棵打人柳的几根树枝用绷带吊着,心中又是一阵歉疚。斯普劳特教授是一位矮墩墩的女巫,飘拂的头发上扣了一顶打补丁的帽子,衣服上总沾着不少泥土,若是佩妮姨妈看见她的指甲,准会晕过去。可吉德罗洛哈特却从头到脚一尘不染,飘逸的青绿色长袍,闪光的金发上端端正正地戴着一顶青绿色带金边的礼帽。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“为什么,亲爱的?”", "en": "'Why, dear?'"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "同时心里计划着,决心再重新进入到那个世界里去。", "en": "resolve upon a plan for plunging into that world anew."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“我不相信郎格太太肯这么做。她自己有两个亲侄女。她是个自私自利、假仁假义的女人,我睢不起她。”", "en": "\"I do not believe Mrs. Long will do any such thing. She has two nieces of her own. She is a selfish, hypocritical woman, and I have no opinion of her.\""}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "白天,他的感情的确压倒了他的理智。", "en": "Feeling had indeed smothered judgment that day."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Conseil was in dead earnest, but I didn’t subscribe to his views. However, the situation had changed in only a short time and we hadn’t noticed. Now some twenty dugout canoes were surrounding the Nautilus. Hollowed from tree trunks, these dugouts were long, narrow, and well designed for speed, keeping their balance by means of two bamboo poles that floated on the surface of the water. They were maneuvered by skillful, half-naked paddlers, and I viewed their advance with definite alarm.", "zh": "康塞尔说的是老实话,不过我不赞同他的意见。可是目前的情形已经很不对了,这一点我们还没有觉察到。这时,有二十多只独木舟正围绕着诺第留斯号。这种独木舟是中空的树身做的,很长,很窄。为了便于行驶,配上两条浮在水面的竹制长杆,使舟身可以平衡不倾斜地摆动。独木舟由半光着身体、巧妙使用自由桨板的上人驾驶,我看见他们驶向前来,心中不能不害怕起来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In the midst of the stone mazes furrowing this Atlantic seafloor, Captain Nemo moved forward without hesitation. He knew this dark path. No doubt he had often traveled it and was incapable of losing his way. I followed him with unshakeable confidence. He seemed like some Spirit of the Sea, and as he walked ahead of me, I marveled at his tall figure, which stood out in black against the glowing background of the horizon.", "zh": "在这大西洋下面罗列起来的石头迷楼中间,尼摩船长一点不迟疑,大步前进。他很熟悉这阴暗的道路。他一定时常来,不可能迷路。我跟着他走,信心很坚定。我觉得他是一位海中的神灵,当他走在我面前的时候,我赞美他的魁梧身材,在天际水平的晶莹背景上作黝黑色显现出来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So the skiff didn’t leave shipside that day, much to the displeasure of Mr. Land who couldn’t complete his provisions. The adroit Canadian spent his time preparing the meat and flour products he had brought from Gueboroa Island. As for the savages, they went back to shore near eleven o’clock in the morning, when the heads of coral began to disappear under the waves of the rising tide. But I saw their numbers swell considerably on the beach. It was likely that they had come from neighboring islands or from the mainland of Papua proper. However, I didn’t see one local dugout canoe.", "zh": "所以这一天小艇不能离大船了,使得尼德·兰师傅很是失望,他不可能补足他所要的食物了。这个手巧的加拿大人于是利用他的时间,来准备他从格波罗尔岛上带回来舶肉类和面粉。至于那些土人,在早晨十一点左右,当珊瑚石尖顶开始在上涨的潮水下隐没不见时,都回到岸上去了。但我看见他们在海滩上的人数大量增加了。大约他们是从邻近小岛来的,或者就是从巴布亚本岛来的。不过我还没有看到一只上人的独木舟。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It then occurred to me that if Ned had chosen these waterways for our escape attempt, we wouldn’t have come out alive from this sea of fire.", "zh": "于是我心中想,如果尼德·兰选择这-带的海来实行我们的逃走计划,我们恐怕不能活着走出这火海吧。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ever busily winding the golden thread that bound them all together, weaving the service of her happy influence through the tissue of all their lives, and making it predominate nowhere, Lucie heard in the echoes of years none but friendly and soothing sounds. Her husband’s step was strong and prosperous among them; her father’s firm and equal. Lo, Miss Pross, in harness of string, awakening the echoes, as an unruly charger, whip-corrected, snorting and pawing the earth under the plane-tree in the garden!", "zh": "露西永远忙着用金丝把他们缠绕到一起。她用她的辛勤织成幸福的影响,放它弥漫于他们的生活之中,不多不少,恰如其分。在多年的回音中她听见的都是友爱和安慰,在其中,她丈夫的脚步是健壮而兴旺的,她父亲的脚步是坚定而匀称的,喏,普洛丝小姐的脚步则是野性难驯的战马的回音,但她受到了金丝笼头的羁绊和鞭子的教育,也只能在小院的梧桐树下喷喷鼻息,刨刨泥土而已!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "出现的这个女人的形象引起了她对自己的同情,觉得自己是受了委屈的那个女人。她进一步想到了自己的情形,眼睛里充满了泪水;她转过身去,于是自怜的泪水就像决堤的江水一样流了出来。", "en": "The image raised caused her to take pity upon herself as one who was ill-used. Her eyes filled as she regarded her position further; she turned round and burst into a flood of self-sympathetic tears."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They were discussing this question, and were almost building up some weak structure of hope on his prolonged absence, when they heard him on the stairs. The instant he entered the room, it was plain that all was lost.", "zh": "他们正在讨论这个问题,因他久久不归差不多产生了几分希望。这时却传未了医生上楼的脚步声。他一进门一切便明白了:完了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mr. Jarvis Lorry and Miss Manette, emerging from the wine-shop thus, joined Monsieur Defarge in the doorway to which he had directed his own company just before. It opened from a stinking little black courtyard, and was the general public entrance to a great pile of houses, inhabited by a great number of people. In the gloomy tile-paved entry to the gloomy tile-paved staircase, Monsieur Defarge bent down on one knee to the child of his old master, and put her hand to his lips. It was a gentle action, but not at all gently done; a very remarkable transformation had come over him in a few seconds. He had no good-humour in his face, nor any openness of aspect left, but had become a secret, angry, dangerous man. “It is very high; it is a little difficult. Better to begin slowly.” Thus, Monsieur Defarge, in a stern voice, to Mr. Lorry, as they began ascending the stairs. “Is he alone?” the latter whispered. “Alone! God help him, who should be with him!” said the other, in the same low voice. “Is he always alone, then?” “Yes.” “Of his own desire?” “Of his own necessity. As he was, when I first saw him after they found me and demanded to know if I would take him, and, at my peril be discreet—as he was then, so he is now.” “He is greatly changed?” “Changed!” The keeper of the wine-shop stopped to strike the wall with his hand, and mutter a tremendous curse. No direct answer could have been half so forcible. Mr. Lorry’s spirits grew heavier and heavier, as he and his two companions ascended higher and higher.", "zh": "贾维斯·罗瑞先生和曼内特小姐就这样从酒店走了出来,在德伐日先生刚才对那几个人指出的门口跟他会合了。这门里面是一个又黑又臭的小天井,外面是一个公共入口,通向一大片人口众多的住房。德伐日先生经过青砖铺地的人口走进青砖铺地的楼梯口时,对他往日的主人跪下了一只脚,把她的手放到了唇边。这原是一个温和的动作,可在他做来却并不温和。几秒钟之内他便起了惊人的变化,脸上那温和、开朗的表情完全消失了,变成了一个神秘的、怒气冲冲的危险人物。 “楼很高,有点不好走。开始时不妨慢一点。”三人开始上楼,德伐日先生用粗重的声音对罗瑞先生说。 “他是一个人么?”罗瑞先生问。 “一个人?上帝保佑他,还有谁能跟他在一起?”另一个人同样低声说。 “那么,他总是一个人?” “是的。” “是他自己的意思么?” “他非如此不可。他们找到我,问我愿不愿意接手时--那对我有危险,我必须小心--他就是那样,现在还是那样。” “他的变化很大么?” “变化!” 酒店老板停下脚步,一拳揍在墙上,发出一声凶狠的诅咒,这个动作比什么直接的回答都更有力。罗瑞先生和两个伙伴越爬越高,心情也越来越沉重。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "办不到,我的好老爷,办不到,我自己还不认识他呢;你怎么可以这样嘲笑人?", "en": "Impossible, Mr. Bennet, impossible, when I am not acquainted with him myself; how can you be so teasing?"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "David was an author that had trouble finding inspiration for his work.", "zh": "大卫是一位作家,他很难找到灵感来创作作品。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "For certain, I came to quickly, because someone was massaging me so vigorously it left furrows in my flesh. I half opened my eyes. . . . “Conseil!” I muttered. “Did master ring for me?” Conseil replied.", "zh": "一定是由于我身体受到有力的摩擦,我才很快苏醒过来。我迷述糊糊地半睁开我的眼睛…… “康塞尔!”我低声说。 “先生叫我吗?\"康塞尔答。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“我也瞧不起她,”班纳特先生说;“你倒不指望她来替你效劳,这叫我听到高兴。”", "en": "\"No more have I,\" said Mr. Bennet; \"and I am glad to find that you do not depend on her serving you.\""}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The shadow of a large high-roofed house, and of many over-hanging trees, was upon Monsieur the Marquis by that time; and the shadow was exchanged for the light of a flambeau, as his carriage stopped, and the great door of his chateau was opened to him. “Monsieur Charles, whom I expect; is he arrived from England?” “Monseigneur, not yet.”", "zh": "那时一幢高大的建筑物的阴影和片片婆娑的树影己落到侯爵身上。马车停了下来。阴影被一支火炬的光取代,高大的前门对侯爵敞开了。 “我等着查尔斯先生到来,他从英格兰到了么?” “先生,还没有。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "A large cask of wine had been dropped and broken, in the street. The accident had happened in getting it out of a cart; the cask had tumbled out with a run, the hoops had burst, and it lay on the stones just outside the door of the wine-shop, shattered like a walnut-shell.", "zh": "街上落下一个大酒桶,磕散了,这次意外事件是在酒桶从车上搬下来时出现的。那桶一骨碌滚了下来,桶箍散开,酒桶躺在酒馆门外的石头上,像核桃壳一样碎开了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“安琪尔!——安琪尔!我还是个孩子啊——事情发生的时候我还是个孩子啊!男人的事我还一点也不懂啊。”", "en": "'Angel! - Angel! I was a child - a child when it happened! I knew nothing of men.'"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The court was all astir and a-buzz, when the black sheep—whom many fell away from in dread—pressed him into an obscure corner among the crowd. Mr. Lorry was there, and Doctor Manette was there. She was there, sitting beside her father.", "zh": "那只黑色的绵羊(许多人一见他便吓得躲开)把他塞进入群中一个不起眼的角落去时,法庭里正是一片喧哗与骚动。罗瑞先生在那儿,曼内特医生在那儿,她在那儿,坐在她父亲身边。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She suddenly fell and was unable to walk.", "zh": "她突然摔倒,不能走路了。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "By December 15 we had left the alluring Society Islands in the west, likewise elegant Tahiti, queen of the Pacific. In the morning I spotted this island’s lofty summits a few miles to leeward. Its waters supplied excellent fish for the tables on board: mackerel, bonito, albacore, and a few varieties of that sea serpent named the moray eel.", "zh": "12月15日,我们在东边望到了使人留恋的社会群岛和作为太平洋玉后的啊娜多姿的塔希提岛。我早晨在距离几里的下方,望见了这岛上的高耸的山峰。沿岛水产供应我们船上餐桌许多美味的鱼,鳍鱼、鲤鱼、乳白鱼,以及好几种属于鳗鱼类的海蛇。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Near one o’clock, Captain Nemo gave the signal to halt. Speaking for myself, I was glad to oblige, and we stretched out beneath an arbor of winged kelp, whose long thin tendrils stood up like arrows.", "zh": "到一点钟左右,尼摩船长发出暂时休息的信号。在我来说,我很高兴能休息一下,我们于是在一个海草华盖下面躺下来,这海草的细长枝条像箭一般直插着。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Our full electric power was then put on the pumps, which instantly began to expel water from the ballast tanks. After a few minutes we had checked our fall. The pressure gauge soon indicated an ascending movement. Brought to full speed, the propeller made the sheet-iron hull tremble down to its rivets, and we sped northward. But how long would it take to navigate under the Ice Bank to the open sea? Another day? I would be dead first! Half lying on a couch in the library, I was suffocating. My face was purple, my lips blue, my faculties in abeyance. I could no longer see or hear. I had lost all sense of time. My muscles had no power to contract. I’m unable to estimate the hours that passed in this way. But I was aware that my death throes had begun. I realized that I was about to die . . .", "zh": "于是把所有的电力都送到抽水机上,抽水机立即把储水池中的水排出。几分钟后,我们的下降停止。并且不久,压力表就指出船是在上升。推进器全速开行,船身钢板发生震动,一直在螺丝钉上都感到,它带我们向北方驶去。但是,现在从冰山下到自由海的航行,要延长多少时候呢,还要一天吗?如果是这样的话,那我仍不免要死在前头了!我半身躺在图书室的长沙发椅上,我不能出气了。我的脸孔发紫,我的双唇变蓝,我身体器官失灵。我看不见,我听不到。时间的概念在我心中消减了。我的肌肉不能伸缩了。这样度过的时间,我不可能估量。但我意识到我临死的痛苦开始了。我明白我是快要死了……"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They looked in vain. The Hope and the Search passed right by Vanikoro without stopping there; and overall, this voyage was plagued by misfortune, ultimately costing the lives of Rear Admiral d’Entrecasteaux, two of his subordinate officers, and several seamen from his crew. It was an old hand at the Pacific, the English adventurer Captain Peter Dillon, who was the first to pick up the trail left by castaways from the wrecked vessels. On May 15, 1824, his ship, the St. Patrick, passed by Tikopia Island, one of the New Hebrides. There a native boatman pulled alongside in a dugout canoe and sold Dillon a silver sword hilt bearing the imprint of characters engraved with a cutting tool known as a burin. Furthermore, this native boatman claimed that during a stay in Vanikoro six years earlier, he had seen two Europeans belonging to ships that had run aground on the island’s reefs many years before.", "zh": "他的搜寻完全没有结果,完全落空了。希望号和搜索号甚至于经过万尼科罗群岛面前没有停留,总起来说,这次、航行很不幸,因为当土尔加斯朵,他的两名副手和他船员中的好几名水手都丢了性命。.第一个把这次遇难人的无可争辩的可靠遗物找出来的,是一位经常航行在太平洋上的老航海家狄勇船长。1824年5月15日,他的船圣巴土利克号,经过新赫布里底群岛之一的第克贝亚岛附近。在那里,一个印第安人乘着独木舟,靠近他的船边,卖给他-把银质的刀柄,柄上有镂别的文字痕迹。这个印第安人又说,六年前,他在万尼科罗岛住下来的时候,曾看见过两个欧洲人,他们是一只遇难船砌船员,这船多年前撞在岛附近的暗礁上了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Eventually I healed.", "zh": "最终我好了。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "As the day declined into the afternoon, and the air, which had been at intervals clear enough to allow the French coast to be seen, became again charged with mist and vapour, Mr. Lorry’s thoughts seemed to cloud too. When it was dark, and he sat before the coffee-room fire, awaiting his dinner as he had awaited his breakfast, his mind was busily digging, digging, digging, in the live red coals.", "zh": "已是下午时分,有时清明得可以看见法国海岸的空气又蒙上了雾霭与水气。罗瑞先生的思想也似乎蒙上了雾霭。黄昏时他坐到了咖啡室的壁炉前,像早上等待早餐一样等着晚餐,这时他心里又在匆匆忙忙地挖呀,挖呀,挖呀,在燃烧得通红的煤块里挖。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "However, during the day of March 16, these tracts of ice completely barred our path. It wasn’t the Ice Bank as yet, just huge ice fields cemented together by the cold. This obstacle couldn’t stop Captain Nemo, and he launched his ship against the ice fields with hideous violence. The Nautilus went into these brittle masses like a wedge, splitting them with dreadful cracklings. It was an old-fashioned battering ram propelled with infinite power. Hurled aloft, ice rubble fell back around us like hail. Through brute force alone, the submersible carved out a channel for itself. Carried away by its momentum, the ship sometimes mounted on top of these tracts of ice and crushed them with its weight, or at other times, when cooped up beneath the ice fields, it split them with simple pitching movements, creating wide punctures.", "zh": "但是,在3月16日那天,层层的冰群完全把我们的路挡住了。这还不是真正的冰山,只是寒冷冻结起来的阔大冰地。这种障碍物不能阻止尼摩船长,诺第留斯号用猛烈怕人的力量向冰地冲去。像楔子一般穿进这粉未的块团中,响得伯人的破裂声把冰块划开了。那是古代的攻城机,被无穷大的力量推动一样。冰的碎片投射到高空,像雹子那样在我们周围落下。单单由于它本身所有的推动力,我们的船就挖出一条水路。有时,由于它力量的凶猛,它爬到冰田上来,它的重量压碎了冰地,或偶然套在冰地下,它就用简单的摇摆动作,把冰分开,造成阔大的裂口。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "HOW I GOT ONTO the platform I’m unable to say. Perhaps the Canadian transferred me there. But I could breathe, I could inhale the life-giving sea air. Next to me my two companions were getting tipsy on the fresh oxygen particles. Poor souls who have suffered from long starvation mustn’t pounce heedlessly on the first food given them. We, on the other hand, didn’t have to practice such moderation: we could suck the atoms from the air by the lungful, and it was the breeze, the breeze itself, that poured into us this luxurious intoxication! “Ahhh!” Conseil was putting in. “What fine oxygen! Let master have no fears about breathing. There’s enough for everyone.” As for Ned Land, he didn’t say a word, but his wide-open jaws would have scared off a shark. And what powerful inhalations! The Canadian “drew” like a furnace going full blast.", "zh": "我怎样到平台上来,我不能说。或者是加拿大人把我抱上来的。但我呼吸、我细细尝到那大海的兴奋刺激的空气了。我的两个同伴在我旁边也尽情狂吸这新鲜的空气。不幸受苦的人们长久没有吃东西,是不能马上尽情乱吃人们第一次给他们的食物的;我们却正相反,我们用不着节制,我们可以尽各人的肺量吸取这海上的空气。而给我们送来这种快意迷醉的,正是那海风,正是那海风! “啊!”康塞尔说,“氧,真好!先生不用怕呼吸了!现在并不缺少,人人都可以有了。”至于尼德·兰,他不说话,但他张开大嘴,简直要让鲨鱼看见都害怕。多么大力的呼吸!加拿大人好像正在燃烧的火炉,在那里“抽气”呢。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "接着她就软倒在地上,跪在他的脚边,就这样缩成了一团。", "en": "Presently she slid down upon her knees beside his foot, and from this position she crouched in a heap."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "At eight o’clock the mist rolled ponderously over the waves, and its huge curls were lifting little by little. The horizon grew wider and clearer all at once.", "zh": "八点,浓雾沉重地在海面上滚动,它那巨大的气团渐渐地散开了。天际也渐渐扩大,渐渐明朗了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "After breakfast near ten o’clock, we went down onto the embankment. “So here we are, back on shore,” Conseil said. “I’d hardly call this shore,” the Canadian replied. “And besides, we aren’t on it but under it.”", "zh": "吃了早饭,十点左右,我们下船来,到岸上去。 “我们又在陆地上了。”康塞尔说。 “我不叫这个是陆地,”加拿大人回答,“并且我们不是在上,而是在下。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "When I had absorbed a chestful of this clean air, I looked for the conduit—the “air carrier,” if you prefer—that allowed this beneficial influx to reach us, and I soon found it. Above the door opened an air vent that let in a fresh current of oxygen, renewing the thin air in our cell.", "zh": "我一边自由呼吸着新鲜空气,一边寻找把这种养人的气体送到我们周围的那个东西,或不如说“通气管子”,我不久便找到了。在房门上面,开有一个通气孔,一阵一阵的新鲜空气就从这通气孔进来,填补房中不足的空气。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "A bottle of good claret after dinner does a digger in the red coals no harm, otherwise than as it has a tendency to throw him out of work. Mr. Lorry had been idle a long time, and had just poured out his last glassful of wine with as complete an appearance of satisfaction as is ever to be found in an elderly gentleman of a fresh complexion who has got to the end of a bottle, when a rattling of wheels came up the narrow street, and rumbled into the inn-yard.", "zh": "饭后一瓶优质红葡萄酒对于在通红的煤块里挖掘的人除了有可能使他挖不下去之外,别无妨碍。罗瑞先生已经悠闲了许久,刚带着心满意足的神情斟上最后一杯。这位因喝完了足足一瓶酒而容光焕发的老年绅士露出了完全满足的神态。此时那狭窄的街道上却响起了辚辚的车轮声,然后隆隆的车声便响进了院子。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“噢!是个单身汉,亲爱的,确确实实是个单身汉!一个有钱的单身汉;每年有四五千磅的收入。真是女儿们的福气!”", "en": "\"Oh! single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!\""}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“哎,最亲爱的。”", "en": "'Yes, dearest.'"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Up the broad flight of shallow steps, Monsieur the Marquis, flambeau preceded, went from his carriage, sufficiently disturbing the darkness to elicit loud remonstrance from an owl in the roof of the great pile of stable building away among the trees. All else was so quiet, that the flambeau carried up the steps, and the other flambeau held at the great door, burnt as if they were in a close room of state, instead of being in the open night-air. Other sound than the owl’s voice there was none, save the falling of a fountain into its stone basin; for, it was one of those dark nights that hold their breath by the hour together, and then heave a long low sigh, and hold their breath again.", "zh": "侯爵下了马车,由火炬手引导走上了一道宽阔浅平的大石阶,脚步声恰足以惊醒远处林里马厩屋顶上的枭鸟,使它大声提出了抗议,此外一切平静。台阶上和大门前火炬熊熊,直竖着,宛如在关闭的大厅里,而非在户外的夜空中。枭啼之外只有喷泉飞溅到石盆里的沙沙声;因为那是个一连几小时屏息不作声,然后发出一声低低的长叹,又再屏息不作声的黑夜。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "For six months the war seesawed. With inexhaustible zest, the popular press took potshots at feature articles from the Geographic Institute of Brazil, the Royal Academy of Science in Berlin, the British Association, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., at discussions in The Indian Archipelago, in Cosmos published by Father Moigno, in Petermann’s Mittheilungen,* and at scientific chronicles in the great French and foreign newspapers. When the monster’s detractors cited a saying by the botanist Linnaeus that “nature doesn’t make leaps,” witty writers in the popular periodicals parodied it, maintaining in essence that “nature doesn’t make lunatics,” and ordering their contemporaries never to give the lie to nature by believing in krakens, sea serpents, “Moby Dicks,” and other all-out efforts from drunken seamen. Finally, in a much-feared satirical journal, an article by its most popular columnist finished off the monster for good, spurning it in the style of Hippolytus repulsing the amorous advances of his stepmother Phaedra, and giving the creature its quietus amid a universal burst of laughter. Wit had defeated science.", "zh": "在六个月当中,争论继续着。彼此有理,各执一词。当时流行的小报都兴致勃勃地刊登争论的文章,它们不是攻击巴西地理学院、柏林皇家科学院、不列颠学术联合会或华盛顿斯密孙学院发表的权威论文,就是驳斥印度群岛报、摩亚诺神父的宇宙杂志、皮德曼的消息报里面的讨论和法国及其他各国大报刊的科学新闻。这些多才的作家故意曲解反对派也常引证的林奈①的一句话:“大自然不制造蠢东西”;恳求大家不要相信北海的大怪鱼、大海蛇、“莫比·狄克”和疯狂的海员们臆造出来的其它怪物的存在,不要因此而否定了大自然。最后,某一著名尖刻的讽刺报有一位最受欢迎的编辑先生草草了事地发表一篇文章物主义的一些基本范畴和基本原理。强调马克思主义哲学必,处理了这个怪物;他像夷包列提②那样,在大家的笑声中,给这佳物最后一次打击、把它结果了。于是机智战胜了科学。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The basin fell to the ground broken, and the water flowed to the feet of Madame Defarge. By strange stern ways, and through much staining blood, those feet had come to meet that water.", "zh": "脸盆落到地下摔碎了,水流到德伐日太太脚边——那双脚曾从血泊中走过,步伐威严而独特。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "To Mr. Lorry, he commended them all, and explained his worldly affairs. That done, with many added sentences of grateful friendship and warm attachment, all was done. He never thought of Carton. His mind was so full of the others, that he never once thought of him.", "zh": "他向罗瑞先生托付了全家,安排了他的世俗事务。写完这些,他又加上许多话作为结束,表示了深沉的友情和殷切的怀念。他没有想到卡尔顿。他心里塞满了别人,一次也没想到他。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"I want it understood, Cornelius, that Hagrid has my full confidence,\" said Dumbledore, frowning at Fudge.\"Look, Albus,\" said Fudge, uncomfortably. \"Hagrid's record's against him. Ministry's got to do something - the school governors have been in touch -\"\"Yet again, Cornelius, I tell you that taking Hagrid away will not help in the slightest,\" said Dumbledore. His blue eyes were full of a fire Harry had never seen before.\"Look at it from my point of view,\" said Fudge, fidgeting with his bowler. \"I'm under a lot of pressure. Got to be seen to be doing something. If it turns out it wasn't Hagrid, he'll be back and no more said. But I've got to take him. Got to. Wouldn't be doing my duty -\"\"Take me?\" said Hagrid, who was trembling. \"Take me where?\"\"For a short stretch only,\" said Fudge, not meeting Hagrid's eyes. \"Not a punishment, Hagrid, more a precaution. If someone else is caught, you'll be let out with a full apology -\"", "zh": "“我希望你明白,康奈利,我是完全信任海格的。”邓布利多对福吉皱着眉头说道。“可是你瞧,阿不思,”福吉很不自然地说,“海格的前科记录对他不利啊。魔法部不得不采取一些措—— 已经和校董事会取得了联系。”“不过康奈利,我还是要告诉你,把海格带走根本无济于事。”邓布利多说。他的蓝眼睛里闪烁着哈利从未见过的怒火。“你从我的角度看一看吧,”福吉说,手里玩弄着他的礼帽,“我压力很大呀。必须做点什么才行。如果最后查出来不是海格,他还会回来的,一句话也没有。可是我不得不把他带走。我难道不该履行自己的—— ”“把我带走?”海格说,他浑身瑟瑟发抖,“ 带到哪儿?”“时间很短,”福吉说,不去看海格的眼睛,“不是惩罚,只是一种预防措施。如果抓住了另外一个人,就会把你放出来,并致以充分的歉意..”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The prisoner had got into a coach, and his daughter had followed him, when Mr. Lorry’s feet were arrested on the step by his asking, miserably, for his shoemaking tools and the unfinished shoes. Madame Defarge immediately called to her husband that she would get them, and went, knitting, out of the lamplight, through the courtyard. She quickly brought them down and handed them in;—and immediately afterwards leaned against the door-post, knitting, and saw nothing.", "zh": "囚徒进了马车,他的女儿也跟着上去了,罗瑞先生刚踩上踏板,却被他的问题挡住了一- 老人在痛苦地追问他的皮匠工具和没做完的鞋。德伐日太太立即告诉丈夫她去取,然后便打着毛线走出灯光,进了天井。她很快便拿来了东西,递进马车--又立即靠在门框上打起毛线来,什么都没看见。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The Nautilus had cleared 8,100 miles. We logged 9,720 miles when we passed between the Tonga Islands, where crews from the Argo, Port-au-Prince, and Duke of Portland had perished, and the island group of Samoa, scene of the slaying of Captain de Langle, friend of that long-lost navigator, the Count de La Pérouse. Then we raised the Fiji Islands, where savages slaughtered sailors from the Union, as well as Captain Bureau, commander of the Darling Josephine out of Nantes, France.", "zh": "诺第留斯号已经走了八千一百海里的海程了。当它穿过东加塔布群岛和航海家群岛之间的时候,测程器的记录已经到了九千七百二十海里;汤加塔布群岛是从前阿尔戈号、太子港号和博兰公爵号的船员丧生的地方,航海家群岛是拉·白鲁斯的朋友、郎格尔船长被杀的所在。不久我又望见了维蒂群岛,岛上的土人曾经屠杀过和合号的水手和指挥可爱的约瑟芬号的南特人布罗船长。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "此刻它们就出现在他的面前,红红的嘴唇充满了生气,它们送过来一阵清风,吹过他的身体,这阵清风吹进了他的神经,几乎使他颤栗起来;", "en": "and now, as they again confronted him, clothed with colour and life, they sent an aura over his flesh, a breeze through his nerves, which wellnigh produced a qualm;"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Even if I had discovered that some fabulous, mythological creature really existed, it wouldn’t have given me such a terrific mental jolt. It’s easy enough to accept that prodigious things can come from our Creator. But to find, all at once, right before your eyes, that the impossible had been mysteriously achieved by man himself: this staggers the mind!", "zh": "看到最怪诞、最荒唐、甚至神话式的生物,也不会使我惊骇到这种程度。造物者手中造出来的东西怎么出奇,也容易了解。现在一下子看到那种不可能的事竟是奥妙地由人的双手实现的,那就不能不使人感到十分惊讶了!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "After changing clothes, I climbed onto the platform, and in the grip of dreadfully obsessive thoughts, I sat next to the beacon.", "zh": "我换了衣服,走上平台,心中正受着可怕思想的缠绕。就走到探照灯旁边坐下。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "My first concern was to look for the frigate. Had the crew seen me go overboard? Was the Abraham Lincoln tacking about? Would Commander Farragut put a longboat to sea? Could I hope to be rescued?", "zh": "我浮出水面来最关心的一件事就是看看战舰在哪里。船上是不是有人看见我掉下水了?林肯号是不是改变方向了?法拉古舰长是不是放小艇下海了?我能不能得救?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Just then a fairly loud hissing told me that the ballast tanks were filling, and the Nautilus sank beneath the waves of the Atlantic.", "zh": "这时候,发出相当响的啸声,我晓得船上储水池盛满水了,诺第留斯号潜入大茵洋水底下去了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"What d'you mean? You were there - you heard me -\"\"I heard you speaking Parseltongue,\" said Ron. \"Snake language. You could have been saying anything - no wonder Justin panicked, you sounded like you were egging the snake on or something - it was creepy, you know -\"Harry gaped at him.\"I spoke a different language? But - I didn't realize - how can I speak a language without knowing I can speak it?\"Ron shook his head. Both he and Hermione were looking as though someone had died. Harry couldn't see what was so terrible.\"D'you want to tell me what's wrong with stopping a massive snake biting off Justin's head?\" he said. \"What does it matter how I did it as long as Justin doesn't have to join the Headless Hunt?\"", "zh": "“你这是什么意思?你当时也在场.你听见我说话的。”“我听见你用蛇佬腔说话,”罗恩说,“就是蛇的语言。你说什么都有可能。怪不得贾斯廷惊恐万状呢,听你说话的声音,就好像你在怂恿那条蛇似的。那是令人毛骨悚然的,你知道。”哈利目瞪口呆地望着他。“我说的是另一种语言?可是—— 我没有意识到—— 我怎么可能说另一种语言,自己却不知道呢?”罗恩摇了摇头。他和赫敏都显得心情沉重,就好像有人死了似的。哈利不明白有什么事情这么可怕。“你愿不愿告诉我,阻止一条丑陋的大蛇把贾新廷的脑袋咬掉,这有什么不对呢?”他说,“只要贾斯廷没有加入无头鬼的行列,我是怎么做的又有什么关系呢?’,"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I arrived at the corner door of the lounge. I opened it gently. The lounge was plunged in profound darkness. Chords from the organ were reverberating faintly. Captain Nemo was there. He didn’t see me. Even in broad daylight I doubt that he would have noticed me, so completely was he immersed in his trance. I inched over the carpet, avoiding the tiniest bump whose noise might give me away. It took me five minutes to reach the door at the far end, which led into the library.", "zh": "我走到客厅屋角上的门。我轻轻地打开它。厅里面完全黑暗。大风琴的声音微弱响着。尼摩船长在那里。他没有看见我。我想,就是在明亮的灯光下,他恐怕也看不见我,因为他神游天外,他完全被吸引在梦幻的乐声里。我在地毯上慢慢挪动,十分小心不和任何东西相碰,以免发出声响。我费了五分钟才走到客厅那边通到图书室的门。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "For two hours our fishing proceeded energetically but without bringing up any rarities. Our dragnet was filled with Midas abalone, harp shells, obelisk snails, and especially the finest hammer shells I had seen to that day. We also gathered in a few sea cucumbers, some pearl oysters, and a dozen small turtles that we saved for the ship’s pantry.", "zh": "在两个钟头内,我们打鱼进行得相当活跃,但没有打到罕见的珍品。打捞器里面装满了驴耳贝、竖琴贝、河贝子,特别又打到了我今天才看见的最好看的糙鱼,我们又打了一些海参,产珍珠的牡蛎和一打左右的小鳖,这些都打来作为船上的食用品。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Harry and Hermione were all for it, so at eight o'clock that evening they hurried back to the Great Hall. The long dining tables had vanished and a golden stage had appeared along one wall, lit by thousands of candles floating overhead. The ceiling was velvety black once more and most of the school seemed to be packed beneath it, all carrying their wands and looking excited.\"I wonder who'll be teaching us?\" said Hermione as they edged into the chattering crowd. \"Someone told me Flitwick was a dueling champion when he was young - maybe it'll be him.\"\"As long as it's not -\" Harry began, but he ended on a groan: Gilderoy Lockhart was walking onto the stage, resplendent in robes of deep plum and accompanied by none other than Snape, wearing his usual black.Lockhart waved an arm for silence and called ' \"Gather round, gather round! Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent!", "zh": "哈利和赫敏都赞成去,于是,晚上八点,他们又匆匆回到礼堂。长长的饭桌消失了,沿着一面墙出现了一个镀金的舞台,由上空飘浮的几百支蜡烛照耀着。天花板又一次变得像天鹅绒一般漆黑,全校的同学几乎都来了,挤挤挨挨的,每个人都拿着自己的魔杖,满脸兴奋。“不知道由谁来教我们,”他们侧着身子挤进叽叽喳喳的人群,赫敏说,“有人告诉我,弗立维年轻的时候曾是决斗冠军,也许就是他来教我们吧。”“只要不是—— ”哈利的话没说完,转成了一句呻吟,只见吉德罗。洛哈特走上舞台,穿着紫红色的长袍,光彩照人,他身边的人不是别人,正是斯内普,还穿着他平常那身黑衣服。洛哈特挥手叫大家安静,然后大声喊道:“围过来,围过来!每个人都能看见我吗?都能听见我说话吗?太好了!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Monseigneur having eased his four men of their burdens and taken his chocolate, caused the doors of the Holiest of Holiests to be thrown open, and issued forth. Then, what submission, what cringing and fawning, what servility, what abject humiliation! As to bowing down in body and spirit, nothing in that way was left for Heaven—which may have been one among other reasons why the worshippers of Monseigneur never troubled it.", "zh": "大人吃下了他的巧克力,解除了四个手下人的负担,命令最神圣之中最神圣的大门敞开,然后迈步出场。好一个低眉垂首、阿谀逢迎、胁肩谄笑、卑躬屈膝的场面!那从肉体到精神的- 躬到地就是对上苍也没有这样恭顺--这也许正是大人的崇拜者们从不去打扰上天的一个原因吧!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was nothing to her, that an innocent man was to die for the sins of his forefathers; she saw, not him, but them. It was nothing to her, that his wife was to be made a widow and his daughter an orphan; that was insufficient punishment, because they were her natural enemies and her prey, and as such had no right to live. To appeal to her, was made hopeless by her having no sense of pity, even for herself. If she had been laid low in the streets, in any of the many encounters in which she had been engaged, she would not have pitied herself; nor, if she had been ordered to the axe to-morrow, would she have gone to it with any softer feeling than a fierce desire to change places with the man who sent her there.", "zh": "一个清白无辜的男人要为父辈的罪行而死亡,这在她完全不算一回事。她看见的不是他,而是他的父辈。那个男人的妻子要变成寡妇,女儿要变成孤儿,这在她也不算一回事。那种惩罚还不够,因为她们都是她天生的敌人,是她的战利品,本没有活下去的权利。要使她谅解是办不到的,她没有怜惜之心,甚至对自己也如此。若是她在自己参加过的战斗中倒下了,她也不会怜惜自己;若是她被送上断头台,她也只会咬牙切齿恨不得让送她上断头台的人跟她易地而处,却没有丝毫怨艾伤感的柔情。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Two other passengers, besides the one, were plodding up the hill by the side of the mail. All three were wrapped to the cheekbones and over the ears, and wore jack-boots. Not one of the three could have said, from anything he saw, what either of the other two was like; and each was hidden under almost as many wrappers from the eyes of the mind, as from the eyes of the body, of his two companions. In those days, travellers were very shy of being confidential on a short notice, for anybody on the road might be a robber or in league with robbers. As to the latter, when every posting-house and ale-house could produce somebody in “the Captain’s” pay, ranging from the landlord to the lowest stable non-descript, it was the likeliest thing upon the cards. So the guard of the Dover mail thought to himself, that Friday night in November, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, lumbering up Shooter’s Hill, as he stood on his own particular perch behind the mail, beating his feet, and keeping an eye and a hand on the arm-chest before him, where a loaded blunderbuss lay at the top of six or eight loaded horse-pistols, deposited on a substratum of cutlass.", "zh": "除了刚才那人之外,还有两个人也在邮车旁艰难地行进。三个人都一直裹到颧骨和耳朵,都穿着长过膝盖的高统靴,彼此都无法根据对方的外表辨明他们的容貌。三个人都用尽多的障碍包裹住自己,不让同路人心灵的眼睛和肉体的眼睛看出自己的形迹。那时的旅客都很警惕,从不轻易对人推心置腹,因为路上的人谁都可能是强盗或者跟强盗有勾结。后者的出现是非常可能的,因为当时每一个邮车站,每一家麦酒店都可能有人“拿了老大的钱”,这些人从老板到最糟糕的马厩里的莫名其妙的人都有,这类花样非常可能出现。一千七百七十五年十一月底的那个星期五晚上,多佛邮车的押车卫士心里就是这么想的。那时他正随着隆隆响着的邮车往射手山上爬。他站在邮件车厢后面自己的专用踏板上,跺着脚,眼睛不时瞧着面前的武器箱,手也搁在那箱上。箱里有一把子弹上膛的大口径短抢,下面是六或八支上好子弹的马枪,底层还有一把短剑。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "An instant later, the longboat’s sailors helped us overboard one after the other, and we set foot on level sand in a meter and a half of water. Captain Nemo gave us a hand signal. We followed him down a gentle slope and disappeared under the waves.", "zh": "一会儿,小艇上的水手们把我们一个一个扶人水中,在一米半的深处,我们的脚踩在平坦的沙上。尼摩船长对我们做个手势,我们跟着他走,沿着逐渐下斜的坡道走,我们就没入到水底下了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "No white-haired man was there now; but, the three men were there who had gone out of the wine-shop singly. And between them and the white-haired man afar off, was the one small link, that they had once looked in at him through the chinks in the wall.", "zh": "现在这儿没有了那白发老人,但那分别走出酒店的三个人却在这儿。他们和远处那白发老头之间有过一点小小的瓜葛:曾从墙缝里窥视过他。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "From inside the boat, there suddenly came noises of iron fastenings pushed roughly aside. One of the steel plates flew up, a man appeared, gave a bizarre yell, and instantly disappeared.", "zh": "突然,一片猛然推动铁板的声音从船里面发出来。一块铁板掀起了,出来一个人,这人怪叫了一声,立即又进去不见了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I’m sure that Captain Nemo expected no replies from me, and it seemed pointless to pitch in with “Ah yes,” “Exactly,” or “How right you are!” Rather, he was simply talking to himself, with long pauses between sentences. He was meditating out loud. “Yes,” he said, “the ocean owns a genuine circulation, and to start it going, the Creator of All Things has only to increase its heat, salt, and microscopic animal life. In essence, heat creates the different densities that lead to currents and countercurrents. Evaporation, which is nil in the High Arctic regions and very active in equatorial zones, brings about a constant interchange of tropical and polar waters. What’s more, I’ve detected those falling and rising currents that make up the ocean’s true breathing. I’ve seen a molecule of salt water heat up at the surface, sink into the depths, reach maximum density at -2 degrees centigrade, then cool off, grow lighter, and rise again. At the poles you’ll see the consequences of this phenomenon, and through this law of farseeing nature, you’ll understand why water can freeze only at the surface!”", "zh": "当然尼摩船长并不等待我的答话,我觉得跟他说许多“当然”、“一定”和“您对”,没有什么用处。他说话,与其说是对着我,不如说是对着他自己,他说完每一句后,中间停顿相当长的时间。这实在是一种特殊形式的沉思. “是的,”他说,“海洋有真正的循环作用,要引起这作用,单由造物者在海中增加热、盐和微生动物就成了。正是,热力造成海水的不同密度,使海中发生许多顺流和逆流。水汽蒸发,在北极区域完全没有,在赤道地带就很为活动,造成热带海水和极圈海水间永远不停的交流。此外,我又注意过那些由上而下和由下而上的水流,.形成真正的海洋呼吸作用。我看见了海水的分子,在水面上受到热力,沉人根深的地方,至零下二度的时候,密度到了最大,然后,温度再降低,它的重量减轻,又浮上来了。您将在极圈地方看到这种现象所产生的结果,您将了解到,冰冻作用之所以只在水面上才发生,就是由于有远见的大自然的这个规律。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Soon I had put on my clothes, which were woven from strands of seashell tissue. More than once their composition provoked comments from Conseil. I informed him that they were made from the smooth, silken filaments with which the fan mussel, a type of seashell quite abundant along Mediterranean beaches, attaches itself to rocks. In olden times, fine fabrics, stockings, and gloves were made from such filaments, because they were both very soft and very warm. So the Nautilus’s crew could dress themselves at little cost, without needing a thing from cotton growers, sheep, or silkworms on shore.", "zh": "我很快穿好了贝足丝织造的衣服。这一身衣料不止一次引起了康塞尔的思索。我告诉他,这身衣料是由发光的、丝一般柔软的纤维制成,这些纤维产在海石上,是地中海沿岸很丰富的一种像“猪腔形”介壳贝类留下的。从前人们拿来做成很好看的衣料,袜子,手套,因为它们又软又暖。诺第留斯号的船员一点不需要陆地上的棉花、羊毛和蚕丝,就可以穿起物美价廉的衣服。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I took a last look at the wounded man, then I replied: “This man will be dead in two hours.” “Nothing can save him?” “Nothing.”", "zh": "我最后看一下伤员,然后回答: “这人在两小时内就要死了。” “没有什么办法可以救他吗?” “没有。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Then I began to wonder if this eccentric individual was even on board. Since that night when the skiff had left the Nautilus on some mysterious mission, my ideas about him had subtly changed. In spite of everything, I thought that Captain Nemo must have kept up some type of relationship with the shore. Did he himself never leave the Nautilus? Whole weeks had often gone by without my encountering him. What was he doing all the while? During all those times I’d thought he was convalescing in the grip of some misanthropic fit, was he instead far away from the ship, involved in some secret activity whose nature still eluded me? All these ideas and a thousand others assaulted me at the same time. In these strange circumstances the scope for conjecture was unlimited. I felt an unbearable queasiness. This day of waiting seemed endless. The hours struck too slowly to keep up with my impatience.", "zh": "我于是心中又问,这个古怪的人是不是在船上。自从那一夜,小艇离开了诺第留斯号执行一个神秘的使命,我对于这个人的思想,略为改变了一些。我想,不管他怎么说,尼摩船长跟陆地一定还保留某一种关系。难道他从不离开诺第留斯号吗?有时候,整整几个星期过去了,我都碰不见他。在这个期间他做什么事呢?我以为他是愤世嫉俗,心存厌世,不愿见人,是不是他到远处去,完成某种我一直不知道内容性质的秘密行动呢?所有这些思想,以及其它无数的想法,同时涌到我心中来。在我们所处的奇特情况中,胡乱猜测是无穷无尽的。我感到一种不可忍受的不安。这一天的等待好象是无止境的由于心中烦躁,时间实在是过得太慢了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I left the captain in the dying man’s cabin and I repaired to my stateroom, very moved by this scene. All day long I was aquiver with gruesome forebodings. That night I slept poorly, and between my fitful dreams, I thought I heard a distant moaning, like a funeral dirge. Was it a prayer for the dead, murmured in that language I couldn’t understand?", "zh": "我出来,让船长一人留在危急病人的房里,我回到我的房中,为了刚才的场面情绪很激动。那一整天,我心中有种种不祥的预感,十分不安。夜间睡得不好,睡梦中时常惊醒,觉得听到了远远传来的悲叹和好像唱丧歌的声音。这是对死者的祷词,用那种我不能懂得语言说出来的祷词吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "So I was marveling at this delightful sunrise, so life-giving and cheerful, when I heard someone climbing onto the platform.", "zh": "我正在欣赏使人愉快的日出景象,忽然听到有人走上平台来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "However, near midnight it disappeared, or to use a more appropriate expression, “it went out,” like a huge glowworm. Had it fled from us? We were duty bound to fear so rather than hope so. But at 12:53 in the morning, a deafening hiss became audible, resembling the sound made by a waterspout expelled with tremendous intensity.", "zh": "不过,快到半夜的时候,它不见了,或用一句更准确的话说,它像一只大萤火虫一样不发光了。它逃了吗?我介就怕它逃,我们不希望它逃。但到早晨零点五十三分的时候传来一种震耳欲聋的啸声,好橡被极强的压力挤出的水柱所发的啸声那样。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The sea was magnificent, the skies clear. This long aquatic vehicle could barely feel the broad undulations of the ocean. A mild breeze out of the east rippled the surface of the water. Free of all mist, the horizon was ideal for taking sights.", "zh": "海上风平浪静,天空清朗无云。长长的船身差不多感不到海洋的阔大波动。一阵轻微的东风吹皱了洋面。夭惭全无烟雾,可以望得很远。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "班纳特太太没有理睬他,可是忍不住气,便骂起女儿来。", "en": "Mrs. Bennet deigned not to make any reply; but unable to contain herself, began scolding one of her daughters."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That evening Captain Nemo was forced to open the spigots of his air tanks and shoot a few spouts of fresh oxygen through the Nautilus’s interior. Without this precaution we wouldn’t have awakened the following morning.", "zh": "这一晚上,尼摩船长必须打开储藏库的龙头,放出数阵纯洁空气到诺第留斯号内部。没有这种措施,也许我们早上就不能醒来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The captain went out, and soon I saw that at his orders, the Nautilus had halted its upward movement. In fact, it soon would have hit the underbelly of the Ice Bank, but it had stopped in time and was floating in midwater. “That was a close call!” Conseil then said. “Yes. We could have been crushed between these masses of ice, or at least imprisoned between them. And then, with no way to renew our air supply. . . . Yes, that was a close call!” “If it’s over with!” Ned Land muttered.", "zh": "船长走了,我不久看见,人们得到他的命令,诺第留斯号的上升停止了。是的,它可能碰上冰山的下部,让它留在水中是好些。 “我们侥幸出险了!”康塞尔于是说。 “是的,我们可能在这些冰块间被压扁,至少被困往。那时,因为不能调换空气,……是的,我们侥幸出险了!” “让它完蛋好了!”加拿大人低声咕噜着。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Captain Nemo walked in front, and his companion followed us a few steps to the rear. Conseil and I stayed next to each other, as if daydreaming that through our metal carapaces, a little polite conversation might still be possible! Already I no longer felt the bulkiness of my clothes, footwear, and air tank, nor the weight of the heavy sphere inside which my head was rattling like an almond in its shell. Once immersed in water, all these objects lost a part of their weight equal to the weight of the liquid they displaced, and thanks to this law of physics discovered by Archimedes, I did just fine. I was no longer an inert mass, and I had, comparatively speaking, great freedom of movement.", "zh": "尼摩船长走在前面,他的同伴在后面距离好几步跟随着我们。康塞尔和我,彼此紧挨着,好像我们可以通过我们的金属外壳交谈似的。我不再感到我的衣服,我的鞋底,我的空气箱的沉重了,也不觉得这厚厚的圆球的分量,我的脑袋在圆球中间摇来晃去,像杏仁在它的核中滚动一般。所有这些物体,在水中失去了一部分重量,即它们排去的水的重量,因此我进一步了解了阿基米德发现的这条物理学原理。我不再是一块呆立不动的物体,差不多可以说能够运动自如了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "To this effect, in as few or fewer words, the Public Prosecutor.", "zh": "公众检察官的发言极简短,大意如此。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The narwhale seemed motionless. Was it asleep perhaps, weary from its workday, just riding with the waves? This was our chance, and Commander Farragut was determined to take full advantage of it.", "zh": "那条独角鲸好像是停着不动。也许白天跑得累了。它睡着了,它随着海水荡漾。这是一个好机会,法拉古舰长决定利用这次机会。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“我倒愿意对她说,我们非常喜欢她的蜜酒和血肠。她是那种友好、快活一类的人,我一回去,她肯定就要立即问我的。”", "en": "'I rather wanted to say we enjoyed the mead and the blackpuddings very much. She is a kind, jolly sort of body, and is sure to ask me directly I return.'"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I could hardly wait until our position was reported on the chart. Near 11:30 the ballast tanks emptied, and the submersible rose to the surface of the ocean. I leaped onto the platform. Ned Land was already there.", "zh": "我等待着把船的方位记在地图上,心中有些着急。十一点左右,储水池空了,船浮上洋面。我跑到平台上,尼德已经先在那里了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The steaming water was injected into the icy water outside, and after three hours had passed, the thermometer gave the exterior temperature as -6 degrees centigrade. That was one degree gained. Two hours later the thermometer gave only -4 degrees.", "zh": "开水的放射开始,三小时后,在外面的温度表指着零下六度;温度提高一度。两小时后,温度表只指在零下四度了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yes. Like the mariner in the old story, the winds and streams had driven him within the influence of the Loadstone Rock, and it was drawing him to itself, and he must go. Everything that arose before his mind drifted him on, faster and faster, more and more steadily, to the terrible attraction. His latent uneasiness had been, that bad aims were being worked out in his own unhappy land by bad instruments, and that he who could not fail to know that he was better than they, was not there, trying to do something to stay bloodshed, and assert the claims of mercy and humanity. With this uneasiness half stifled, and half reproaching him, he had been brought to the pointed comparison of himself with the brave old gentleman in whom duty was so strong; upon that comparison (injurious to himself) had instantly followed the sneers of Monseigneur, which had stung him bitterly, and those of Stryver, which above all were coarse and galling, for old reasons. Upon those, had followed Gabelle’s letter: the appeal of an innocent prisoner, in danger of death, to his justice, honour, and good name.", "zh": "是的,正如在古老故事里的老水手一样,海风和洋流已把他送进了磁礁的磁力圈,那礁石正把他不容抗拒地吸引过去。他心里出现的每一并事都在越来越迅速有力地把他推向那可怕的磁力。他心里隐藏的不安是:在他自己不幸的国土上某些坏人正在追求邪恶的目标。他明知自己比他们强,却并不在那几努力制止流血、坚持仁爱和人道的要求。他一半是压抑这种不安,一半又受这种不安的谴责,禁不住把自己跟那个责任感很强的勇敢老人作了个尖锐的对比。这种不利的对比立即令他感到侯爵大人在冷笑,那冷笑今他无地自容。他也感到斯特莱佛在冷笑,他那根据陈旧的理由所发出的冷笑尤其粗野、令人难堪。何况还有加伯尔的信:一个无辜的囚徒,有了生命危险,要求他给予正义、荣誉和切实的名分。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "安琪尔转身去找克里克太太送给他的血肠,他已经吩咐按照在奶牛场烤血肠的方法把它们好好地烤一烤,他希望他的父亲和母亲能像他自己一样,非常喜欢这种加了香料的美味血肠。", "en": "Angel looked round for Mrs Crick's black-puddings, which he had directed to be nicely grilled, as they did them at the dairy, and of which he wished his father and mother to appreciate the marvellous herbal savours as highly as he did himself."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He was to be told (said Monseigneur) that supper awaited him then and there, and that he was prayed to come to it. In a little while he came. He had been known in England as Charles Darnay.", "zh": "侯爵吩咐告诉他晚餐已经在等候,请他立即前来。他不久就到了。我们在英国早已认识他,他是查尔斯·达尔内。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Doctor Manette received such patients here as his old reputation, and its revival in the floating whispers of his story, brought him. His scientific knowledge, and his vigilance and skill in conducting ingenious experiments, brought him otherwise into moderate request, and he earned as much as he wanted.", "zh": "曼内特医生在这儿应诊,他的病家是他往日的声誉和悄悄流传的有关他的故事所唤醒的名声带来的。他的科学知识和他进行创新的手术实验时的机警与技巧也给他带来了一定数量的病家,因此他能得到他所需要的收入。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Then, just as he was about to strike, the cetacean would steal off with a swiftness I could estimate at no less than thirty miles per hour. And even at our maximum speed, it took the liberty of thumbing its nose at the frigate by running a full circle around us! A howl of fury burst from every throat!", "zh": "可是,在他准备投叉的时候,这条鲸鱼立即逃开了,它行动敏捷,照我来看,它的速度每小时至少是三十海里。甚至在我们的船以最快速度航行的时候,它竟然能够绕船一周,似乎跟我们开玩笑呢[奇+书+网]!愤怒的喊声从大家的胸膛中迸发出来!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "On this second day, Mr. Lorry saluted him cheerfully by his name, and spoke to him on topics that had been of late familiar to them. He returned no reply, but it was evident that he heard what was said, and that he thought about it, however confusedly. This encouraged Mr. Lorry to have Miss Pross in with her work, several times during the day; at those times, they quietly spoke of Lucie, and of her father then present, precisely in the usual manner, and as if there were nothing amiss. This was done without any demonstrative accompaniment, not long enough, or often enough to harass him; and it lightened Mr. Lorry’s friendly heart to believe that he looked up oftener, and that he appeared to be stirred by some perception of inconsistencies surrounding him.", "zh": "第二天罗瑞先生叫着他的名字向他欢欢喜喜打了个招呼,而且跟他谈起双方近来都熟悉的问题。他并未回答,但显然听见了他的话,而且思考着,尽管头脑不清楚。这就鼓舞了罗瑞先生。他让普洛丝小姐白天进屋好几趟来干家务活儿。.那时他们很快地谈起露西,谈起露西的父亲(他就在旁边),跟平时完全一样,仿佛并无异常。这一切都做得很自然,并没有故意表现什么,每次时间很短,也不太频繁,不致令他心烦。罗瑞先生那友好的心感到了轻松,他相信医生抬头听他说话的次数增加了,也好像看出了周围有许多跟他的感觉不一致的东西,受到了刺激。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Two things at once impressed themselves on Mr. Lorry, as important above all others; the first, that this must be kept secret from Lucie; the second, that it must be kept secret from all who knew him. In conjunction with Miss Pross, he took immediate steps towards the latter precaution, by giving out that the Doctor was not well, and required a few days of complete rest. In aid of the kind deception to be practised on his daughter, Miss Pross was to write, describing his having been called away professionally, and referring to an imaginary letter of two or three hurried lines in his own hand, represented to have been addressed to her by the same post.", "zh": "罗瑞先生感到有两件事比任何其它的事都重要:第一,一定要对露西保密;第二,一定要对所有认识他的人保密。他立即跟普洛丝小姐合作采取措施解决了第二个问题,对了外宣称医生身体欠安,需要彻底休养几天。为了对他的女儿进行善意的欺骗,普洛丝小姐必须写一封信去,说是医生到外地出诊去了,还提到他一封并不存在的亲笔信,说是只有潦潦草草的两三行与此信同一班邮车寄给她。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "These thoughts were clearly readable on my face; but Captain Nemo remained content with inviting me to follow him, and I did so like a man resigned to the worst. We arrived at the dining room, where we found breakfast served. “Professor Aronnax,” the captain told me, “I beg you to share my breakfast without formality. We can chat while we eat. Because, although I promised you a stroll in my forests, I made no pledge to arrange for your encountering a restaurant there. Accordingly, eat your breakfast like a man who’ll probably eat dinner only when it’s extremely late.”", "zh": "我的脸色清楚地透露了我这种想法,但尼摩船长不说:什么,只请我跟着他走俄就像不顾一切地听天由命的人一样跟着他。我们到了饭厅,早餐早就摆好在那里了。 “阿龙纳斯先生,”船长对我说,“我请您用饭,不要客:气。我们一边吃饭,一边谈话。尽管我答应您可以去林中散步,但我并没有向您保证可以在林中碰到一家饭馆。所以请您尽量吃,就像一个要很迟才能回来吃午饭的人一样地多吃一点。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Conseil couldn’t believe his eyes, and he questioned me about the causes of this odd phenomenon. Luckily I was in a position to answer him. “That’s called a milk sea,” I told him, “a vast expanse of white waves often seen along the coasts of Amboina and in these waterways.” “But,” Conseil asked, “could master tell me the cause of this effect, because I presume this water hasn’t really changed into milk!” “No, my boy, and this whiteness that amazes you is merely due to the presence of myriads of tiny creatures called infusoria, a sort of diminutive glowworm that’s colorless and gelatinous in appearance, as thick as a strand of hair, and no longer than one-fifth of a millimeter. Some of these tiny creatures stick together over an area of several leagues.” “Several leagues!” Conseil exclaimed. “Yes, my boy, and don’t even try to compute the number of these infusoria. You won’t pull it off, because if I’m not mistaken, certain navigators have cruised through milk seas for more than forty miles.”", "zh": "康塞尔以为自己的眼睛昏花了,不敢相信,他问我这种新奇现象的原因。很幸运,我可以答得出来。 “这就是人们所称道的奶海,”我对他说,“是阔大的白色水流,时常在盎波尼岛海岸和这一带海中看到。” “不过,”康塞尔问,“先生可以让我知道是什么原因产生这种效果吗?因为,我想这海水并没有变成奶呀!” “不,康塞尔,这种使你惊奇的白色是由于水中有无数亿万的细微滴虫,那是一种发光的微虫,外形是胶质无色的,有一根头发那样厚,长也不超过一毫米的五分之一。这些微生滴虫在好几里长的海面上彼此连接起来、形成一片白色。” “好几里长!”康塞尔喊道。 “是的,老实人、你不用去计算这些滴虫的数量。你一定算不出来,因为我听说过,某些航海家在这奶海上走了四十多海里远。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Captain Nemo stopped, straightened up, took a few steps along the platform, and returned to me: “As for those billions of tiny animals,” he went on, “those infusoria that live by the millions in one droplet of water, 800,000 of which are needed to weigh one milligram, their role is no less important. They absorb the marine salts, they assimilate the solid elements in the water, and since they create coral and madrepores, they’re the true builders of limestone continents! And so, after they’ve finished depriving our water drop of its mineral nutrients, the droplet gets lighter, rises to the surface, there absorbs more salts left behind through evaporation, gets heavier, sinks again, and brings those tiny animals new elements to absorb. The outcome: a double current, rising and falling, constant movement, constant life! More intense than on land, more abundant, more infinite, such life blooms in every part of this ocean, an element fatal to man, they say, but vital to myriads of animals—and to me!”", "zh": "尼摩船长不作声了,站起来,在乎台上走了几步,又向我走回来。他说: “至于那些原生秒水虫,那些一滴水中便有亿千万的不可计数的微生动物,它们在一毫克的水量中便有八十万个,它们的作用也是一样重要。它们吸收了海中的盐,消化了水中的固体物质,它们是真正石灰质陆地的造成者,因为它们制造了珊瑚和水熄啊!这滴水,当它的矿物质被吸去了的时候,变轻了,又浮到水面上来,在水面吸收了由于蒸发作用而抛弃在那里的盐质,又变重了,沉下去,重新给那些微生动物带来了可吸收的新物质。因此而发生上下循环不已的潮流,永远是不停的运动,永远是不断的生命。生命力,比在陆地上更强大的生命力,在海洋的所有部分更丰富地,更无穷地尽量发展。人们说,海洋是人类致命的地方,但对无数的动物——和对我,它是真正生命的所在!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I took one last look at the sea, a little yellowish near the landing places of Japan, and I went below again to the main lounge.", "zh": "我最后看一下海面,因为靠近日本海岸,海面微作努色,然后我回到客厅中来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "There was no one bidden to the marriage but Mr. Lorry; there was even to be no bridesmaid but the gaunt Miss Pross. The marriage was to make no change in their place of residence; they had been able to extend it, by taking to themselves the upper rooms formerly belonging to the apocryphal invisible lodger, and they desired nothing more.", "zh": "除了罗瑞先生之外再没有邀请别的客人,连伴娘都没有,只有瘦高的普洛丝小姐。他们婚后并不改变住处,只是扩大了住房,连楼上的房子也租了过来,此外不打算再增加什么——楼上的房子以前是由传说中的看不见的住户居住的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "One of these chieftains came fairly close to the Nautilus, examining it with care. He must have been a “mado” of high rank, because he paraded in a mat of banana leaves that had ragged edges and was accented with bright colors.", "zh": "其中一个头领走到相当接近诺第留斯号的地方,很叙心地考察这只船。他好像是一个高级的“马多”,因为他披着一条香蕉树叶编的围巾,中边上织成花样,并且染了很鲜明的颜色。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Then the Nautilus drew near the beaches of Africa, where the sea is considerably deeper. There, through the open panels and in a midwater of crystal clarity, our ship enabled us to study wonderful bushes of shining coral and huge chunks of rock wrapped in splendid green furs of algae and fucus. What an indescribable sight, and what a variety of settings and scenery where these reefs and volcanic islands leveled off by the Libyan coast! But soon the Nautilus hugged the eastern shore where these tree forms appeared in all their glory. This was off the coast of Tihama, and there such zoophyte displays not only flourished below sea level but they also fashioned picturesque networks that unreeled as high as ten fathoms above it; the latter were more whimsical but less colorful than the former, which kept their bloom thanks to the moist vitality of the waters.", "zh": "随后,诺第留斯号走近非洲海岸,这一带的海就深得多了。这里,在水晶一般清澈的海水中间,从打开的嵌板,我可以细细看那色彩鲜明的珊瑚的奇妙丛林,那披上海带和黑角莱的华美青绿毛皮的一片片宽大岩石。与利比亚海岸相接的这些火山的暗礁和小岛,铺排成地毯一般,景色变化无穷,真是无法形容,无法描写!但是,海底这些丛生的枝状动物表现得最美丽的地方;还是在诺第留斯号就要驶到的东部的海岸附近。那是在铁哈马海岸一带,因为在这一带海岸,不单海面下有一层一层的花一般的植虫动物,而且这些植虫动物在二十米水深左右满是组成五色斑烂的图象花纹,但水底下的比接近水面的一层变化更多,颜色较为黯淡,因为近水面的一层受海水的湿润,保持着鲜艳的颜色。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "When Captain Nemo spoke in this way, he was transfigured, and he filled me with extraordinary excitement. “There,” he added, “out there lies true existence! And I can imagine the founding of nautical towns, clusters of underwater households that, like the Nautilus, would return to the surface of the sea to breathe each morning, free towns if ever there were, independent cities! Then again, who knows whether some tyrant . . .”", "zh": "当尼摩船长这样说话的时候,他的容貌完全改变了,使哉产生一种特殊的心情。他又说:‘所以,海洋中才有真正的生活!我打算建设水中的城市,集体的海底住宅,像诺第留斯号一般,每天早晨浮上水面来呼吸。如果成功的话,那一定是自由自在的城市,独立自主的城市!不过,又有谁知道,不会有些专制魔王……、"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "店里有个男人,穿着一件旧外套,嘴里叼着一支烟。", "en": "There was a man in the shop. He was a dirty man in an old coat with a cigarette in his mouth."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Around the Nautilus the sea was boiling furiously. A stream of waves, bearing from southeast to northwest at a speed of two and a half miles per hour, broke over heads of coral emerging here and there. “That’s one rough sea!” Ned Land told me. “Abominable indeed,” I replied, “and hardly suitable for a craft like the Nautilus.” “That damned captain,” the Canadian went on, “must really be sure of his course, because if these clumps of coral so much as brush us, they’ll rip our hull into a thousand pieces!”", "zh": "在诺第留斯号周围,海水汹涌湃澎,翻滚沸腾。海浪从东南奔向西北,以两海里半的速度冲在处处露出尖峰的珊瑚礁上。 “真是凶恶的海!”尼德·兰对我说。 “对,是可憎恨的海,”我回答,“像诺第留斯号这样的船都不好应付呢。” “那位怪船长,”加拿大人又说,“一定是十分熟悉他走的航路,因为我看见有一堆对珊瑚礁石,一不小心,触上了可就幢的粉碎.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And yet nobody prolonged his underwater work beyond the time allotted him. His shift over, each man surrendered to a gasping companion the air tank that would revive him. Captain Nemo set the example and was foremost in submitting to this strict discipline. When his time was up, he yielded his equipment to another and reentered the foul air on board, always calm, unflinching, and uncomplaining.", "zh": "可是,没有谁超出指定的时间,延长自己在水下的工作。备人工作完了,各人就将有氧气放出来的气箱交给自己的同伴。尼摩船长自己先做个榜样,他第一个遵守这种严格的纪律。时间到了,他把他的气箱给另一个人,回到船上有害的大气中,他老是那么镇定,一点不示弱,不发一句怨言。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Dinner-time, and still no Hundreds of people. In the arrangements of the little household, Miss Pross took charge of the lower regions, and always acquitted herself marvellously. Her dinners, of a very modest quality, were so well cooked and so well served, and so neat in their contrivances, half English and half French, that nothing could be better. Miss Pross’s friendship being of the thoroughly practical kind, she had ravaged Soho and the adjacent provinces, in search of impoverished French, who, tempted by shillings and half-crowns, would impart culinary mysteries to her. From these decayed sons and daughters of Gaul, she had acquired such wonderful arts, that the woman and girl who formed the staff of domestics regarded her as quite a Sorceress, or Cinderella’s Godmother: who would send out for a fowl, a rabbit, a vegetable or two from the garden, and change them into anything she pleased.", "zh": "晚饭时间到了,“数以百计的人”仍然没有出现。在家务活动之中,普洛丝小姐负责的是下层工作,她总干得很出色。她做的饭菜用料虽然一般,却是烹调得体,设计精美,半英国式半法国式,出类拔萃。普洛丝小姐的友谊是很实际的。她在索霍区和附近地区四处搜寻贫困的法国人,付出一先令或半克朗的金币向她们学来烹调的秘诀。她从这些式微的高卢后裔处学来了那么多精采的技术,就连仆妇女佣中的佼佼者也都把她看作女巫或是灰姑娘的教母:只须从禽场菜圃订购一只鸡、一只兔、一两棵菜,便能随心所欲做出自己想做的美味佳肴。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "WE HAD FINALLY arrived on the outskirts of this forest, surely one of the finest in Captain Nemo’s immense domains. He regarded it as his own and had laid the same claim to it that, in the first days of the world, the first men had to their forests on land. Besides, who else could dispute his ownership of this underwater property? What other, bolder pioneer would come, ax in hand, to clear away its dark underbrush?", "zh": "我们到底走到森林的边缘了,这可能是尼摩船长的广大领土中最美好的一处。他把森林看作是他的,他把森林的所有权归他自己,像世界开辟的时候,最初出现的一批人霸占所有权一样。其实,又有谁能够跟他争这海底财产的所有权呢?哪有比他更大胆的开荒者,手拿着斧子,敢来这里砍伐荆棘,开垦田地呢?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"Ahem,\" said Dumbledore. \"I have a few last-minute points to dish out. Let me see. Yes...\"First -- to Mr. Ronald Weasley...\"Ron went purple in the face; he looked like a radish with a bad sunburn.\"...for the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor house fifty points.\"Gryffindor cheers nearly raised the bewitched ceiling; the stars overhead seemed to quiver. Percy could be heard telling the other prefects, \"My brother, you know! My youngest brother! Got past McGonagall's giant chess set!\"At last there was silence again.\"Second -- to Miss Hermione Granger... for the use of cool logic in the face of fire, I award Gryffindor house fifty points.\"Hermione buried her face in her arms; Harry strongly suspected she had burst into tears. Gryffindors up and down the table were beside themselves -- they were a hundred points up.", "zh": "\"啊嗨,\"丹伯多校长继续说。\"现在我有一份最新的积分榜要推出。让我看看。对了„„第一样是给„„是给罗恩。威斯里先生的!\"罗恩的脸一下子变为紫色,看起来活像一根晒黑的红萝卜。\"„„因为他是霍格瓦彻许多年来出现的最优秀的棋师!我奖给格林芬顿队罗恩50分!格林芬顿的欢呼声几乎要把房顶震破了,连头上的星星也仿佛活泼了起来。伯希兴奋的声音在不停地响起:\"我的弟弟,你知道吗?我的小弟弟,成为大棋师了!\"最后,终于又回恢了寂静。\"第二,是关于荷米恩.格兰佐小姐的„„她很了不起地在烈火面前运用了冷静的逻辑。我再奖给格林芬顿50分!\"荷米恩用手捂住了脸,令哈利很怀疑她是不是又在哭了。旁边的格林芬顿学生们在椅子上跳上跳下——当然了,因为他们又多了100分啦!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The door of the Doctor’s room opened, and he came out with Charles Darnay. He was so deadly pale—which had not been the case when they went in together—that no vestige of colour was to be seen in his face. But, in the composure of his manner he was unaltered, except that to the shrewd glance of Mr. Lorry it disclosed some shadowy indication that the old air of avoidance and dread had lately passed over him, like a cold wind.", "zh": "门开了,医生和查尔斯·达尔内走了出来。医生脸色惨白,一丝血色也没有——他俩进屋去时他并不如此。但是,他态度镇定,神色如常,不过罗瑞先生精明的目光却也看出了一些模糊的迹象,表明过去的回避与畏惧的神气又曾如一道寒风在他身上刮过。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ned Land still kept up the most tenacious skepticism; beyond his spells on watch, he pretended that he never even looked at the surface of the waves, at least while no whales were in sight. And yet the marvelous power of his vision could have performed yeoman service. But this stubborn Canadian spent eight hours out of every twelve reading or sleeping in his cabin. A hundred times I chided him for his unconcern. “Bah!” he replied. “Nothing’s out there, Professor Aronnax, and if there is some animal, what chance would we have of spotting it? Can’t you see we’re just wandering around at random? People say they’ve sighted this slippery beast again in the Pacific high seas—I’m truly willing to believe it, but two months have already gone by since then, and judging by your narwhale’s personality, it hates growing moldy from hanging out too long in the same waterways! It’s blessed with a terrific gift for getting around. Now, professor, you know even better than I that nature doesn’t violate good sense, and she wouldn’t give some naturally slow animal the ability to move swiftly if it hadn’t a need to use that talent. So if the beast does exist, it’s already long gone!”", "zh": "尼德。兰总是抱着不肯轻信的态度;除了轮到他在甲板上看守以外,他甚至故意不看洋面——至少在没有发现鲸鱼的时候是这样。他的神奇的眼力有很大的用处,可是在十二小时中有八小时,这位固执的加拿大人只是在舱房中看书或睡觉,我多少次责备他的冷淡和不关心。 “算了吧!”他答,“阿龙纳斯先生,什么都没有,就算海中真有什么怪物,我们可能有机会看见它吗?我们不是漫无计划地瞎捡吗?据说在太平洋的北部海中,又有人看见了这个无法找到的怪物,这我并不否认:但是,自从那次碰见后,两个月已经过去了,要是根据您的这条独角鲸的怪脾气来看,它决不愿意长久停在这一带海上!它移动极快,不可捉摸。并且,教授,您比我更了解,自然造物,决不自相矛盾,它决不使天性迟缓的动物,有快速走动的能力,因为这种能力对·它并无必要。所以,这种动物如果存在的话,它早就跑远了!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Nevertheless, Conseil kept towing me. Sometimes he looked up, stared straight ahead, and shouted a request for directions, which was answered by a voice that was getting closer and closer. I could barely hear it. I was at the end of my strength; my fingers gave out; my hands were no help to me; my mouth opened convulsively, filling with brine; its coldness ran through me; I raised my head one last time, then I collapsed. . . .", "zh": "不过康塞尔还拖着我。他有时抬起头来,直往前看,发出呼喊,回答他的声音越来越近了。我几乎没有听见,我的气力尽了,我的手指都僵了,我的手再不能支持我了:我的嘴抽搐着,一张开就灌满海水:冷气侵袭着我。我最后一次抬起头来,一会儿又沉下去了……"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He wanted to be class president.", "zh": "他想当班长。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In essence, over a period of time several ships had encountered “an enormous thing” at sea, a long spindle-shaped object, sometimes giving off a phosphorescent glow, infinitely bigger and faster than any whale.", "zh": "这事大体是这样:不久以前,好些大船在海上碰见了一一个“庞然大物”,一个很长的物体,形状很像纺锤,有时发出磷光,它的体积比鲸鱼大得多,行动起来也比鲸鱼快得多。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Time was, when a poet sat upon a stool in a public place, and mused in the sight of men. Mr. Cruncher, sitting on a stool in a public place, but not being a poet, mused as little as possible, and looked about him.", "zh": "过去曾有诗人坐在公共场所的一条板凳上望着行人进行沉思。克朗彻先生也坐在公共场所的一条板凳上,可他不是诗人,因此只是四面张望,尽可能地不去沉思。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The boy was back now with the sardines and the two baits wrapped in a newspaper and they went down the trail to the skiff, feeling the pebbled sand under their feet, and lifted the skiff and slid her into the water. \"Good luck old man.\" \"Good luck,\" the old man said. He fitted the rope lashings of the oars onto the thole pins and, leaning forward against the thrust of the blades in the water, he began to row out of the harbor in the dark. There were other boats from the other beaches going out to sea and the old man heard the dip and push of their oars even though he could not see them now the moon was below the hills. Sometimes someone would speak in a boat. But most of the boats were silent except for the dip of the oars. They spread apart after they were out of the mouth of the harbor and each one headed for the part of the ocean where he hoped to find fish. The old man knew he was going far out and he left the smell of the land behind and rowed out into the clean early morning smell of the ocean.", "zh": "现在,男孩带着沙丁鱼和包在报纸里的两副鱼饵回来了。一路上感觉着底下的沙石,他们循着小路来到了小船停泊的地方,把小船抬起来,让它滑向水里去。祝你好运,老先生。祝你好运。老人说。他把桨上的绳圈套在桨栓上,然后将桨叶向后深深地插入水中,身体同时往前一倾,老人的小船便在黑暗中挺进,划出了海港。这时也有从其它海滩出发的船只正纷纷划向大海。此时月亮已经下山了,老人虽看不见那些船只,但他可以听见他们的船桨下水和划水的声音。有时船里有会说话的声音,但是大部份的船除了划桨声外,都是沈静的。船只一出了海港口便各奔东西了,每个人都各自划向希望可以捕到鱼的地方去。老人晓得他要划得很远,于是便把土地的气息抛在身后,大肆地向清晨海洋的清新气息之处划去。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "我是真心爱你的,最亲爱的苔丝,我完全是一片真心啊!”", "en": "I am devoted to you, Tessy, dearest, in all sincerity!'"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "我希望你别这么做。", "en": "I desire you will do no such thing."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What lightning flashed through my mind! Atlantis, that ancient land of Meropis mentioned by the historian Theopompus; Plato’s Atlantis; the continent whose very existence has been denied by such philosophers and scientists as Origen, Porphyry, Iamblichus, d’Anville, Malte-Brun, and Humboldt, who entered its disappearance in the ledger of myths and folk tales; the country whose reality has nevertheless been accepted by such other thinkers as Posidonius, Pliny, Ammianus Marcellinus, Tertullian, Engel, Scherer, Tournefort, Buffon, and d’Avezac; I had this land right under my eyes, furnishing its own unimpeachable evidence of the catastrophe that had overtaken it! So this was the submerged region that had existed outside Europe, Asia, and Libya, beyond the Pillars of Hercules, home of those powerful Atlantean people against whom ancient Greece had waged its earliest wars!", "zh": "我心中豁然开朗了!大西洋城,铁奥庞比③的古代梅罗勃提城,柏拉图@的大西洋洲,被奥利烟尼⑤、薄非尔③、杨布利克①、唐维尔②、马尔台一伯兰③、韩波尔所否认,他们把这地方的沉没不见,说是完全由于神话传说的故事所造成,但被波昔端尼斯④、蒲林尼、安米恩一麦雪林⑤、铁豆利安⑤、恩格尔①、许列尔③、杜尼福②、贝丰⑤、达维查克②所承认,这个洲,这块陆地,出现在我的眼底了,并且又有它沉没时所受到的灾祸的无可争辩的实物证据!那么,这就是那块沉没的陆地,在欧洲、亚洲、利比亚之外,在海久尔山柱的外面,上面居住着那强大的大西洋种族,最初对他们进行过多次战争的就是古代希腊。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "A gentle slope gravitated to an uneven bottom whose depth was about fifteen fathoms. This bottom was completely different from the one I had visited during my first excursion under the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Here I saw no fine-grained sand, no underwater prairies, not one open-sea forest. I immediately recognized the wondrous region in which Captain Nemo did the honors that day. It was the coral realm.", "zh": "一段轻微的斜坡路通到崎岖不平的地面,深度大约为二十五米左右。这地面跟我第一次在太平洋水底下散步时看见过的完全不一样。这里没有细沙,没有海底草地,没有海底树林,我立即认识这一天尼摩船长请我们来的这个神奇地方;这个地方是珊瑚王国。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In the submissive way of one long accustomed to obey under coercion, he ate and drank what they gave him to eat and drink, and put on the cloak and other wrappings, that they gave him to wear. He readily responded to his daughter’s drawing her arm through his, and took—and kept—her hand in both his own.", "zh": "他们给他东西吃,他就吃;给他东西喝,他就喝;给他东西穿,他就穿;给他东西围,他就围,一副长期习惯于担惊受怕、逆来顺受的样子。他的女几揽住他的胳膊,他反应很快,立即用双手抓住她的手不放。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“我的好老爷,你怎么舍得这样糟蹋自己的新生亲生女儿?你是在故意叫我气恼,好让你自己得意吧。你半点儿也不体谅我的神经衰弱。”", "en": "\"Mr. Bennet, how can you abuse your own children in such way? You take delight in vexing me. You have no compassion on my poor nerves.\""}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Worn out by anxious watching, Mr. Lorry fell asleep at his post. On the tenth morning of his suspense, he was startled by the shining of the sun into the room where a heavy slumber had overtaken him when it was dark night.", "zh": "罗瑞先生被忧心忡忡的观察弄得筋疲力尽,在他的岗位上睡着了。在他提心吊胆度过的第十个早上,他被射进屋里的阳光惊醒了,原来他在夜里昏昏沉沉睡了一个好觉。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"Dreadful thing, Dumbledore,\" said Malfoy lazily, taking out a long roll of parchment, \"but the governors feel it's time for you to step aside. This is an Order of Suspension - you'll find all twelve signatures on it. I'm afraid we feel you're losing your touch. How many attacks have there been now? Two more this afternoon, wasn't it? At this rate, there'll be no Muggle-borns left at Hogwarts, and we all know what an awful loss that would be to the school.\"\"Oh, now, see here, Lucius,\" said Fudge, looking alarmed, \"Dumbledore suspended - no, no - last thing we want just now\"The appointment - or suspension - of the headmaster is a matter for the governors, Fudge,\" said Mr. Malfoy smoothly. \"And as Dumbledore has failed to stop these attacks -\"", "zh": "“事情糟糕透了,”马尔福先生懒洋洋地说,一边拿出一卷长长的羊皮纸,“董事会觉得应该让你走人了。这是罢免令—— 你会看到十二位董事都在上面签了名。我们觉得你恐怕没有发挥你的才能。到现在为止,已经发生了多少起攻击事件?今天下午就是两起,是吗? 照这个速度,霍格沃茨的麻瓜学生就会一个不剩了,我们都知道那将是学校的一个可怕的损失。”“哦,怎么,你说什么,卢修斯,”福吉说,他显得很惊慌,“邓布利多被罢免..不,不..我们现在绝对不愿意..” “对校长的任命—— 啊,不,是罢免—— 是董事会的事情,福吉,” 马尔福先生用平稳的语调说,“既然邓布利多未能阻止这些攻击..”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "On this note I was about to withdraw; but Captain Nemo detained me and invited me to take a seat next to him. He questioned me with interest on our excursions ashore and on our hunting, but seemed not to understand the Canadian’s passionate craving for red meat. Then our conversation skimmed various subjects, and without being more forthcoming, Captain Nemo proved more affable.", "zh": "他说完了这话,我要退出了,但尼摩船长把我留下,要、我坐在他身边。他很关心地问我们登陆游荡的经过,我们打猎的情形,他好像完全不了解加拿大人爱吃肉类的那种需要。然后谈话转到各种问题上,尼摩船长虽然并不比从前更容易流露内心情感,但却露出了比较和蔼可亲的样子。在许多他提到的问题中间,我们谈到诺第留斯号目前所处的地位,因为它正搁浅在杜蒙·居维尔几乎要丢了性命的这个海峡中。一会儿,船长对我说起这件事:"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "如果你爱的的确是我,啊,你怎能那样看我,那样对我说话呢?", "en": "If it is I you do love, O how can it be that you look and speak so?"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "“Yes?” The name was unfamiliar.“Hell of a note, isn’t it? Get my wire?”“There haven’t been any wires.”“Young Parke’s in trouble,” he said rapidly. “They picked him up when he handed the bonds over the counter. They got a circular from New York giving ’em the numbers just five minutes before. What d’you know about that, hey? You never can tell in these hick towns——”“Hello!” I interrupted breathlessly. “Look here—this isn’t Mr. Gatsby. Mr. Gatsby’s dead.”There was a long silence on the other end of the wire, followed by an exclamation . . . then a quick squawk as the connection was broken.I think it was on the third day that a telegram signed Henry C. Gatz arrived from a town in Minnesota. It said only that the sender was leaving immediately and to postpone the funeral until he came.", "zh": "\"是吗?\"这名字很生疏。\"那封信真够呛,是不?收到我的电报了吗?\"\"什么电报也没有。\"\"小派克倒霉了,\"他话说得很快,\"他在柜台上递证券的时候给逮住了。刚刚五分钟之前他们收到纽约的通知,列上了号码。你想得到吗?在这种乡下地方你没法料到……\"\"喂!喂!\"我上气不接下气地打断了他的话,\"你听我说--我不是盖茨比先生。盖茨比先生死了。\"电话线那头沉默了好久,接着是一声惊叫……然后卡嗒一声电话就挂断了。我想大概是第三天,从明尼苏达州的一个小城镇来了一封署名亨利·C·盖兹的电报。上面只说发电人马上动身,要求等他到达后再举行葬礼。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Not only that; but the village, light-headed with famine, fire, and bell- ringing, and bethinking itself that Monsieur Gabelle had to do with the collection of rent and taxes—though it was but a small instalment of taxes, and no rent at all, that Gabelle had got in those latter days—became impatient for an interview with him, and, surrounding his house, summoned him to come forth for personal conference. Whereupon, Monsieur Gabelle did heavily bar his door, and retire to hold counsel with himself. The result of that conference was, that Gabelle again withdrew himself to his housetop behind his stack of chimneys; this time resolved, if his door were broken in (he was a small Southern man of retaliative temperament), to pitch himself head foremost over the parapet, and crush a man or two below.", "zh": "这还不够,被饥馑、大火和钟声冲昏了头脑的村子想起了加伯尔先生还要收租税,便急于要跟他谈判,尽管加伯尔先生近来只收了一点分期交纳的赋税,而地租房租则分文未收。他们包围了他的房子,传唤他出来当而交谈。加伯尔先生只好把大门死死关闭,躲起来考虑办法。考虑的结果是重新躲到那排烟囱背后的屋顶上去。这回他下定了决心,若是门被闯开,他便从雉堞顶上栽下去抓住一两个人同归于尽(他是个南方人,个子虽小,复仇心却很重)。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"Well, he certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after Hagrid was expelled,\" said Riddle carelessly.\"I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the Chamber again while I was still at school. But I wasn't going to waste those long years Id spent searching for it. I decided to leave behind a diary, preserving my sixteen-year-old self in its pages, so that one day, with luck, I would be able to lead another in my footsteps, and finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work.\"\"Well, you haven't finished it,\" said Harry triumphantly. \"No one's died this time, not even the cat. In a few hours the Mandrake Draught will be ready and everyone who was Petrified will be all right again -\"\"Haven't I already told you,\" said Riddle quietly, \"that killing Mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore? For many months now, my new target has been -you.\"", "zh": "“是啊,自从海格被开除后,他就一直密切地监视着我,非常讨厌。”里德尔漫不经心地说,“我知道,我在学校的时候再打开密室就不保险了。但是我不想把这么多年寻找密室的努力付诸东流。我决定留下一本日记,在那些纸页里保存那个十六岁的我,这样,有朝一日,凭借运气,我就可以引导另一个人沿着我的足迹,完成萨拉查斯莱特林高贵的事业。”“可是,你并没有完成,”哈利得意地说,“这次一个人也没死,就连那只猫也没死。几个小时之内,曼德拉草药水就配制好了,那些被石化的人就都可以活过来了。”“我刚才不是对你说过了吗?”里德尔轻声慢语地说,“对我来说,杀死泥巴种已经不重要了。许多月来,我的新目标一直是—— 你。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "For the time being, Ned Land was content to chop these trunks into pieces, as if he were making firewood; later he would extract the flour by sifting it through cloth to separate it from its fibrous ligaments, let it dry out in the sun, and leave it to harden inside molds.", "zh": "尼德·兰此刻只是把树干砍成片,像他砍那要烧的劈柴一般,准备将来提取树干上的粉,让粉通过一块薄布,使它跟纤维丝分开,把它晾在太阳下,让水汽干了,然后把它放在模中,让它凝固起来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "她似乎是对白天发生的事保持镇静,但实际上是几乎给吓坏了,他自己也因为这件事的新奇、不容思索和受环境支配的结果而惶惶不安起来,因为他是一个易于激动和爱好思索的人。", "en": "She seemed stilled, almost alarmed, at what had occurred, while the novelty, unpremeditation, mastery of circumstance disquieted him - palpitating, contemplative being that he was."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The ghost of a smile glided across the captain’s lips, and that was all. “To the Nautilus,” he said.", "zh": "一个轻淡的微笑在船长的嘴唇间露出来,此外并没有——句别的话了。 “回诺第留斯号船上去。”他说。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "ALTHOUGH I WAS startled by this unexpected descent, I at least have a very clear recollection of my sensations during it.", "zh": "我虽然由于意外落水而吓得发慌,但我还是很清楚地记得我当时的感觉。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Captain Nemo’s first concern was to revive this unfortunate man. I wasn’t sure he would succeed. I hoped so, since the poor devil hadn’t been under very long. But that stroke from the shark’s tail could have been his deathblow.", "zh": "尼摩船长首先关心的事是要救活这个不幸的采珠人。我不知道他是否可以成功。我希望他可以成功,因为这个可怜人浸在水中时间并不很久。但鲨鱼尾巴的打击可能是致命的重伤。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ned Land stared at me still more intently and finally unpursed his lips: “We’ll do it this evening,” he said.", "zh": "尼德·兰的眼睛更盯得我厉害,最后,张开嘴巴,他说: “实行我的计划就在今夜。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Captain Nemo led me to the central companionway. In midstair he opened a door, went along the upper gangways, and arrived at the wheelhouse, which, as you know, stands at one end of the platform.", "zh": "尼摩船长领我到中央楼梯,在楼梯栏杆的中腰,他打开一扇门,沿上层的长廊走去,到了领航人的笼间里,上面说过,这笼间在平台的前方尖端。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "As for any hope of being rescued by Commander Farragut, that had to be renounced completely. We were being swept westward, and I estimate that our comparatively moderate speed reached twelve miles per hour. The propeller churned the waves with mathematical regularity, sometimes emerging above the surface and throwing phosphorescent spray to great heights.", "zh": "至于希望得到法拉古舰长来救的想法,现在要完全放弃了。我们被拖到西方去,我估计船的速度相当缓慢,每小时约十二海里。船的推进器搅动海水,十分规律,有时船浮出一些,向高空喷出磷光的水柱。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“目前我正在解决这个问题。哇,这可是个棘手的大问题。你们再稍等一会儿。”说完它又恢复了沉默,正好和三双眼睛瞪着阿瑟·邓特时那种令人窒息的沉默相配。", "en": "“just coping with that problem right now, and wow, it’s a biggy. Be with you in a while.” It lapsed back into a silence that was only matched for sheer intensity by the silence of the three people staring at Arthur Dent."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"What did Lockhart want with you, Hagrid?\" Harry asked, scratching Fang's ears.\"Giving me advice on getting' kelpies out of a well,\" growled Hagrid, moving a half-plucked rooster off his scrubbed table and setting down the teapot. \"Like I don' know. And banging on about some banshee he banished. If one word of it was true, I'll eat my kettle.\"It was most unlike Hagrid to criticize a Hogwarts' teacher, and Harry looked at him in surprise. Hermione, however, said in a voice somewhat higher than usual, \"I think you're being a bit unfair. Professor Dumbledore obviously thought he was the best man for the job -\"\"He was the only man for the job,\" said Hagrid, offering them a plate of treacle fudge, while Ron coughed squelchily into his basin. \"And I mean the only one. Getting very difficult ter find anyone fer the Dark Arts job.", "zh": "“洛哈特来你这儿干吗,海格?”哈利挠着牙牙的耳朵问。“教我怎么防止水妖钻进水井,”海格愤愤地说,从擦得很干净的桌子上拿走一只拔了一半毛的公鸡,摆上茶壶,“好像我不知道似的。还吹嘘他怎么驱除女鬼。其中要有一句是真的,我就把茶壶给吃了。”批评霍格沃茨的教师,这完全不像海格的为人,哈利吃惊地看着他。赫敏则用比平常稍高的声调说:“我想你有点不公正,邓布利多教授显然认为他是最合适的人选—— ”“是惟一的人选,”海格给他们端上一盘乳脂软糖,罗恩对着脸盆吭吭地咳着,“我是说惟一的一个。现在找一个黑魔法防御术课老师很困难,人们都不大想干,觉得这工作不吉利。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The coffee-room had no other occupant, that forenoon, than the gentleman in brown. His breakfast-table was drawn before the fire, and as he sat, with its light shining on him, waiting for the meal, he sat so still, that he might have been sitting for his portrait.", "zh": "那天上午咖啡室里除了这位穿褐色礼服的先生再也没有客人。他的餐桌已拉到壁炉前面,他坐在那儿等待着早餐时,炉火照在他身上,他却一动不动,仿佛在让人给他画像。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I stared at the last rays wreathing this peak, while shadows were gradually climbing its gradients.", "zh": "我注视那照在尖峰顶上的最后阳光和那从尖峰层峦渐次上来的黑影。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The Nautilus kept to its southeasterly heading. On December 1 it cut the equator at longitude 142 degrees, and on the 4th of the same month, after a quick crossing marked by no incident, we raised the Marquesas Islands. Three miles off, in latitude 8 degrees 57’ south and longitude 139 degrees 32’ west, I spotted Martin Point on Nuku Hiva, chief member of this island group that belongs to France. I could make out only its wooded mountains on the horizon, because Captain Nemo hated to hug shore. There our nets brought up some fine fish samples: dolphinfish with azure fins, gold tails, and flesh that’s unrivaled in the entire world, wrasse from the genus Hologymnosus that were nearly denuded of scales but exquisite in flavor, knifejaws with bony beaks, yellowish albacore that were as tasty as bonito, all fish worth classifying in the ship’s pantry.", "zh": "诺第留斯号的方向仍是向着东南方。12月1月,它在西经142度上越过赤道线;4日,经过顺利的迅速行驶后,我们望见了马贵斯群岛。相距三海里远,在南纬8度57分,西经139度32分,我看见奴加衣瓦岛的马丁尖呻,这是法属马贵斯群岛中的最重要的一个岛。我只看到天边满是丛林密布的山岭,因为尼摩船长不喜欢接近陆地,所以我没看见别的。在这一带海面上,鱼网打得了好些美丽的鱼类。比如哥利芬鱼,天蓝色的鳍,金黄色的尾巴,肉味鲜美无比。赤裸鱼,差不多没有鳞甲,但也很好吃;带骨腮的骨眶鱼,黑黄的塔查鱼,比鲤鱼还好吃;所有这些鱼都值得放到船上餐厅中供人食用。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Half an hour had already gone by without our situation changing, when our eyes were suddenly spirited from utter darkness into blinding light. Our prison lit up all at once; in other words, it filled with luminescent matter so intense that at first I couldn’t stand the brightness of it. From its glare and whiteness, I recognized the electric glow that had played around this underwater boat like some magnificent phosphorescent phenomenon. After involuntarily closing my eyes, I reopened them and saw that this luminous force came from a frosted half globe curving out of the cabin’s ceiling. “Finally! It’s light enough to see!” Ned Land exclaimed, knife in hand, staying on the defensive. “Yes,” I replied, then ventured the opposite view. “But as for our situation, we’re still in the dark.” “Master must learn patience,” said the emotionless Conseil.", "zh": "半个钟头过去了,我们的情形一点没有改变,就在这时候,我们眼前的黑暗忽然转变为极度的光明。我们的牢狱突然明亮了,就是说,房中突然充满了十分强烈的发光体,我起初简直受不了这种光亮。看见这雪白、强烈的光,我认出,这就是发生在潜水艇周围,很美丽的磷光似的电光。我自然而然地闭了一下眼睛,一会儿又睁开,我看见光线是从装在舱顶上的一个半透明的半球体中发出来的。 “好了!我们能看清楚了广尼德·兰喊,手拿着刀,作防卫的姿势。 “是的,我们能看清楚了,”我答,同时提出相反的意见,“不过我们的处境还是跟刚才一般黑暗。” “愿先生耐心些。”冷静的康塞尔说。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It would have been better if he had shouted. Harry hated the disappointment in his voice. For some reason, he was unable to look Dumbledore in the eyes, and spoke instead to his knees.He told Dumbledore everything except that Mr. Weasley owned the bewitched car, making it sound as though he and Ron had happened to find a flying car parked outside the station. He knew Dumbledore would see through this at once, but Dumbledore asked no questions about the car. When Harry had finished, he merely continued to peer at them through his spectacles.\"We'll go and get our stuff,\" said Ron in a hopeless sort of voice.\"What are you talking about, Weasley?\" barked Professor McGonagall.\"Well, you're expelling us, aren't you?\" said Ron.Harry looked quickly at Dumbledore.\"Not today, Mr. Weasley,\" said Dumbledore. \"But I must impress upon both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to both your families tonight. I must also warn you that if you do anything like this again, I will have no choice but to expel you.\"", "zh": "他要是大声嚷嚷还好一些,哈利真怕听他那种失望的语气。不知为什么,他不能正视邓布利多的眼睛,只好对着他的膝盖说话。他把一切都告诉了邓布利多,只是没提那辆车是韦斯莱先生的,好像他和罗恩是碰巧发现车站外有一辆会飞的汽车的。他知道邓布利多一眼就会看穿,但邓布利多没有问汽车的问题。哈利讲完后,他只是继续透过眼镜盯着他们。“我们去拿东西。”罗恩绝望地说。“你在说什么,韦斯莱?”麦格教授喊道。“我们被开除了,是不是?”罗恩说。哈利赶紧去看邓布利多。.“今天没有,韦斯莱先生,”邓布利多说,“但我必须让你们感到自己行为的严-45-重性,我今晚就给你们家里写信。我还必须警告你们,要是再有这样的行为,我就只能开除你们了。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "我说那是一个怪物,它不像你和我,不是男人也不是女人。", "en": "I say a creature, because it was not a man or a woman, like you or me."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "We shook hands.“Oh, and do you remember.”—she added——” a conversation we had once about driving a car?”“Why—not exactly.”“You said a bad driver was only safe until she met another bad driver? Well, I met another bad driver, didn’t I? I mean it was careless of me to make such a wrong guess. I thought you were rather an honest, straightforward person. I thought it was your secret pride.”“I’m thirty,” I said. “I’m five years too old to lie to myself and call it honor.”She didn’t answer. Angry, and half in love with her, and tremendously sorry, I turned away.", "zh": "我们俩握了握手。\"哦,你还记得吗,\"她又加了一句,\"我们有过一次关于开车的谈话?\"\"啊……记不太清了。\"\"你说过一个开车不小心的人只有在碰上另一个开车不小心的人之前才安全吧?瞧,我碰上了另一个开车不小心的人了,是不是?我是说我真不小心,竟然这样看错了人。我以为你是一个相当老实、正直的人。我以为那是你暗暗引以为荣的事。\"\"我三十岁了,\"我说,\"要是我年轻五岁,也许我还可以欺骗自己,说这样做光明正大。\"她没有回答。我又气又恼,对她有几分依恋,同时心里又非常难过,只好转身走开了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "On Halloween morning they woke to the delicious smell of baking pumpkin wafting through the corridors. Even better, Professor Flitwick announced in Charms that he thought they were ready to start making objects fly, something they had all been dying to try since they'd seen him make Neville's toad zoom around the classroom.Professor Flitwick put the class into pairs to practice. Harry's partner was Seamus Finnigan (which was a relief, because Neville had been trying to catch his eye). Ron, however, was to be working with Hermione Granger. It was hard to tell whether Ron or Hermione was angrier about this. She hadn't spoken to either of them since the day Harry's broomstick had arrived.\"Now, don't forget that nice wrist movement we've been practicing!\" squeaked Professor Flitwick, perched on top of his pile of books as usual. \"Swish and flick, remember, swish and flick. And saying the magic words properly is very important, too -- never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest.\"", "zh": "万圣节终于到了。一大清早,大家就闻到了走廊那边飘过来的供南瓜的香味。更让人兴奋的事情是教咒语的费立维克教授今天宣布,他认为大家已经有足够的能力学习物体移动法了。自从大家看了费立维克教授念咒让尼维尔的蟾蜍满教室乱飞的精彩表演之后,早已对这门物体移动法艳羡得不见了。费立维克教授讲解要点后,他把全班学生分成两人一组进行练习。哈利分到的拍档是谢默斯(这让哈利大松了一口气,因为分组的时候尼维尔曾经拼命地向他使眼色要和他一组)。罗恩就没那么顺利了,他不得不要同荷米恩合作。两个人都气乎乎的,荷米恩自从哈利收到新扫帚的那天起就一直没跟他们俩说过话。\"别忘了,手腕的转动一定要轻点!我们刚才已经练习过一遍了。\"费立维克像往常一样跳上他的那一大堆书上嚷。\"先往上挥,再往上拂!记住,先往下挥再往下拂。最关键的是要念对咒语!以前有个巫师老爱把\"B \"发成\"D \"的音,结果他一念'uffalo'就念成了'Duffalo ',然后他就发现自己躺在地板上,一只大水牛一屁股坐到了他的胸口上!\"(注:英文中buffalo )之意为\"水牛\")"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Supervising our work, working himself, Captain Nemo passed near me just then. I touched him with my hand and pointed to the walls of our prison. The starboard wall had moved forward to a point less than four meters from the Nautilus’s hull.", "zh": "这时候,尼摩船长指挥工作,他自己也工作,从我身边走过。我手挨他,把我们冰监牢的墙壁指给他看。船右舷的冰墙挨近诺第留斯号的船身不及四米了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "This bird belonged to the finest of the eight species credited to Papua and its neighboring islands. It was a “great emerald,” one of the rarest birds of paradise. It measured three decimeters long. Its head was comparatively small, and its eyes, placed near the opening of its beak, were also small. But it offered a wonderful mixture of hues: a yellow beak, brown feet and claws, hazel wings with purple tips, pale yellow head and scruff of the neck, emerald throat, the belly and chest maroon to brown. Two strands, made of a horn substance covered with down, rose over its tail, which was lengthened by long, very light feathers of wonderful fineness, and they completed the costume of this marvelous bird that the islanders have poetically named “the sun bird.”", "zh": "这只无双鸟属于巴布亚和邻近群岛出产的八种无双鸟中最美的一种。这是“大翡翠”无双鸟,最罕有的一种。它有三分米长,头比较小,眼睛也不大,就在嘴近边。它的嘴是黄色,脚爪和指甲是褐色,翼是臻子色,翼端是朱红色,头上和颈后是淡黄色,喉间是翡翠色,腹部和胸部是栗子色,因此,它看来像是十分华丽的各种色彩的综合。而且尾巴上耸起两个角形的绒毛绿球,和很细腻的很轻飘的细长羽毛连接,好像拖垂的长带,于是这一切就把这只奇鸟的整个形象完全美化起来了,所以当地上人很诗意地称它为“太阳的鸟”。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "After cruising along the Cartier, Hibernia, Seringapatam, and Scott reefs, the solid element’s last exertions against the liquid element, we were beyond all sight of shore by January 14. The Nautilus slowed down in an odd manner, and very unpredictable in its ways, it sometimes swam in the midst of the waters, sometimes drifted on their surface.", "zh": "既经走过了嘉地埃、依比尼亚、西林加巴当、斯各脱暗礁群,这是在海水中浮出的最后礁石了,1月14日我们看不见陆地了。诺第留斯号的速度特别缓慢,好像非常任性,有时在水中走,有时又浮出水面来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Fred is brand new to exercising and just joined a gym.", "zh": "弗雷德是健身新手,他刚加入一家健身房。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The sweet scents of the summer night rose all around him, and rose, as the rain falls, impartially, on the dusty, ragged, and toil-worn group at the fountain not far away; to whom the mender of roads, with the aid of the blue cap without which he was nothing, still enlarged upon his man like a spectre, as long as they could bear it. By degrees, as they could bear no more, they dropped off one by one, and lights twinkled in little casements; which lights, as the casements darkened, and more stars came out, seemed to have shot up into the sky instead of having been extinguished.", "zh": "夏夜的馨香在他四周升腾,随着雨点落下而更加氤氲活跃了。雨点一视同仁地洒在不远处泉水边那群满身灰尘和衣衫褴褛的劳累的人身上。补路工还在对他们起劲地吹嘘着那幽灵似的人,似乎只要他们肯听就可以老吹下去。他说话时挥动着他那蓝帽子,大概没了那帽子他就夫去了分量。人群受不住雨淋,一个个慢慢走散了。小窗里有了灯光闪烁。小窗越来越暗,灯光逐渐熄灭,天空却出现了更多的灯光,仿佛小窗的灯光已飞到天上,并未消失。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "As he was saying these words, the door opened. A steward entered.* He brought us some clothes, jackets and sailor’s pants, made out of a fabric whose nature I didn’t recognize. I hurried to change into them, and my companions followed suit.", "zh": "当他说这话的时候,房门开了,进来一个侍者,他给我们送来衣服,海上穿的上衣和短裤,衣服的质料我简直不认得。我赶快拿来穿上,我的同伴跟我一样,穿上了衣服。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "As for me, what had harrowed my heart in the thick of this struggle was the despairing yell given by this unfortunate man. Forgetting his regulation language, this poor Frenchman had reverted to speaking his own mother tongue to fling out one supreme plea! Among the Nautilus’s crew, allied body and soul with Captain Nemo and likewise fleeing from human contact, I had found a fellow countryman! Was he the only representative of France in this mysterious alliance, obviously made up of individuals from different nationalities? This was just one more of those insoluble problems that kept welling up in my mind!", "zh": "对我个人来说,在这次战斗中,那个不幸的人发出的最后绝望的呼喊把我的心肠撕碎了。这个可怜的法国人,忘记他在船上约定的语言,又说出祖国和母亲的话来,发出最后一次的呼救!诺第留斯号所有的船员,他们全是身心跟尼摩船长还结在一起的,他们是跟他一样躲避人类的;那么,其中有一个是我的同胞!在这个神秘的团体中一这个团体显然由不同国籍的人组成一~代表法国的只是他一个人吗?这又是不断横在我心头的不可解的一个问题!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "She was so excited when she showed me her test.", "zh": "她非常激动地给我看她的测试。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Harry and Ron headed upstairs, smothering their laughter at Malfoy's obvious rage and confusion. \"Well, it's true,\" Harry chortled as they reached the top of the marble staircase, \"If he hadn't stolen Neville's Remembrall I wouln't be on the team....\"\"So I suppose you think that's a reward for breaking rules?\" came an angry voice from just behind them. Hermione was stomping up the stairs, looking disapprovingly at the package in Harry's hand.\"I thought you weren't speaking to us?\" said Harry.\"Yes, don't stop now,\" said Ron, \"it's doing us so much good.\"Hermione marched away with her nose in the air.Harry had a lot of trouble keeping his mind on his lessons that day. It kept wandering up to the dormitory where his new broomstick was lying under his bed, or straying off to the Quidditch field where he'd be learning to play that night. He bolted his dinner that evening without noticing what he was eating, and then rushed upstairs with Ron to unwrap the Nimbus Two Thousand at last.", "zh": "哈利和罗恩走上楼梯,他们的笑声让马尔夫又生气又迷惑。\"真是的。\"他们走下大理石楼梯后,哈利哈哈地笑着说,\"如果他不是偷了尼维尔的记忆球的话,我可能没有机会加入飞行队呢\"所以你认为这是对你违反纪律的嘉奖喽?\"背后忽然传来一个生气的声音。荷米恩跺着脚走上楼梯,不以为然地看了看哈利手中的包裹。\"噢,我以为你从此不再和我们说话了?\"哈利挪揄说。\"对了,你该坚持住!\"罗恩说,\"这样我们会好过点。\"荷米恩气坏了,扭头就走。这天一整天哈利都没法子集中精神听课。他的心一会儿想到放在宿舍床底的\"灵光2000\",一会儿又想到晚上要到飞行训练营地去学习。吃晚餐时,他简直是在狼吞虎咽,连自己吃的是什么都不知道。一吃完晚餐,哈利和罗恩马上冲上楼拆开包裹。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "象现在这样,他应当知道,旅馆主人会去向警察报告的,必然要把他的失踪和凶杀案联系起来。", "en": "As it is, he must know that he will be reported to the police by the hotel manager and that his disappearance will be connected with the murder."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The great grindstone, Earth, had turned when Mr. Lorry looked out again, and the sun was red on the courtyard. But, the lesser grindstone stood alone there in the calm morning air, with a red upon it that the sun had never given, and would never take away.", "zh": "罗瑞先生再次望向窗外时,地球这大磨刀石已经转动,太阳已在院里映出一片血红。那小磨刀石却还孤零零地站在清晨静谧的空气里,猩红一片一—那猩红却不是太阳染成的,太阳也带不走。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I was mulling this over when the captain approached, cool and calm, forever in control of himself, looking neither alarmed nor annoyed. “An accident?” I said to him. “No, an incident,” he answered me. “But an incident,” I replied, “that may oblige you to become a resident again of these shores you avoid!”", "zh": "我正在这样想的时候,尼摩船长很冷静,好像一点也不激动,一点也不失望地走近前来,他总是那样胸有成竹。 “出了什么事故吗?我对他说. “不,是偶然的事件.\"他回答我 “是偶然的事件,”我又说,“但它或者要使您重新做您不愿意做的陆上居民呢!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。这样的单身汉,每逢新搬到一个地方,四邻八舍虽然完全不了解他的性情如何,见解如何,可是,既然这样的一条真理早已在人们心目中根深蒂固,因此人们总是把他看作自己某一个女儿理所应得的一笔财产。", "en": "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Three minutes to go. Was that the sea, slapping hard on the rock like that? And (two minutes to go) what was that funny crunching noise? Was the rock crumbling into the sea?One minute to go and he'd be eleven. Thirty seconds... twenty ... ten...nine -- maybe he'd wake Dudley up, just to annoy him -- three... two...one...BOOM.The whole shack shivered and Harry sat bolt upright, staring at the door. Someone was outside, knocking to come in.BOOM. They knocked again. Dudley jerked awake. \"Where's the cannon?\" he said stupidly.There was a crash behind them and Uncle Vernon came skidding into the room. He was holding a rifle in his hands -- now they knew what had been in the long, thin package he had brought with them. \"Who's there?\" he shouted. \"I warn you -- I'm armed!\"", "zh": "还有三分钟。潮浪拍击岩石的声音是那样的吗?还有两分钟。嘎吱嘎吱的声音是从哪里发出来的?是岩石被打落到海里的声音吗?还有一分钟他就十一岁了。还有三十秒钟„„二十秒„„十秒——九秒——可能他应该把达德里吵醒——3——2——1——只听一声巨响。整个木屋都颤抖了。哈利直直地坐了起来,盯着门口。有人正在外面敲门。又是一阵巨响,他又敲了一次,达德里被吵醒了。“大炮在哪里?”他愚蠢地说。只听到身后一片哗啦声,维能姨丈冲进了这间房子,手上举着一把步枪,现在他们知道他买的那只长条袋子里的东西是什么了, \"谁在外面?\"他嚷道,\"我警告你——我可是有枪的!\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "There I found Conseil, who wanted to know the upshot of my interview with the captain. “My boy,” I replied, “when I expressed the belief that these Papuan natives were a threat to his Nautilus, the captain answered me with great irony. So I’ve just one thing to say to you: have faith in him and sleep in peace.” “Master has no need for my services?” “No, my friend. What’s Ned Land up to?” “Begging master’s indulgence,” Conseil replied, “but our friend Ned is concocting a kangaroo pie that will be the eighth wonder!”", "zh": "我见康塞尔在房中,他想知道我跟船长会谈的结果 “老实人,”我回答,\"当我觉得他的诺第留斯号是要受巴布亚上人的严重威胁的时候,船长带着十足嘲讽的神气回答了我。所以我只跟你说一点,就是:相信他,安心睡觉。” “先生没有事需要我做吗?” “没有,老实人。尼德·兰干什么去了?” “请先生原谅我,”康塞尔回答,“尼德好朋友正在做袋:鼠肉饼,这将成为美味的珍品呢!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I read the whole article.", "zh": "我阅读了整篇文章。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Dad and I love popcorn.", "zh": "我和爸爸喜欢爆米花。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In the instinctive association of prisoners with shameful crime and disgrace, the new-comer recoiled from this company. But the crowning unreality of his long unreal ride, was, their all at once rising to receive him, with every refinement of manner known to the time, and with all the engaging graces and courtesies of life.", "zh": "由于把囚犯跟可耻的罪恶和羞辱本能地作了联想,新来的人在人群前畏缩了。但是在他那离奇的长途跋涉之后却出现了最离奇的经历:那些人立即全部站了起来,用那个时代最彬彬有礼的态度和生活中最迷人的风雅与礼仪接待了他。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Discovered in 1511 by the Portuguese Francisco Serrano, these shores were successively visited by Don Jorge de Meneses in 1526, by Juan de Grijalva in 1527, by the Spanish general Alvaro de Saavedra in 1528, by Inigo Ortiz in 1545, by the Dutchman Schouten in 1616, by Nicolas Sruick in 1753, by Tasman, Dampier, Fumel, Carteret, Edwards, Bougainville, Cook, McClure, and Thomas Forrest, by Rear Admiral d’Entrecasteaux in 1792, by Louis-Isidore Duperrey in 1823, and by Captain Dumont d’Urville in 1827. “It’s the heartland of the blacks who occupy all Malaysia,” Mr. de Rienzi has said; and I hadn’t the foggiest inkling that sailors’ luck was about to bring me face to face with these daunting Andaman aborigines.", "zh": "这岛于1511年为葡萄牙人佛朗西斯.薛郎诺所发现,以后接着来的,1526年有唐·约瑟、·德·米纳色斯)152宁年有格利那瓦,1528年有西班牙将军阿尔瓦·德·萨维德拉,1545年有尤哥·奥铁兹,1616年有荷兰人舒田,1753.年有尼古拉.苏留克.塔斯曼.胡每尔.嘉铁列、爱德华、布几威尔、库克、贺列斯特,1792年有当土尔加一斯朵,1823年有斗比列,1827年有杜蒙·居维尔;雷恩兹说过:“巴布亚是占据全部马来亚的黑人的集中地。”我很相信,这次航行的偶然机会,已经把我拉到可怕的安达孟尼人面前来了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I was prepared to greet Captain Nemo, but it was his chief officer who appeared—whom I had already met during our first visit with the captain. He advanced over the platform, not seeming to notice my presence. A powerful spyglass to his eye, he scrutinized every point of the horizon with the utmost care. Then, his examination over, he approached the hatch and pronounced a phrase whose exact wording follows below. I remember it because, every morning, it was repeated under the same circumstances. It ran like this: “Nautron respoc lorni virch.”", "zh": "我正准备招呼尼摩船长,但上来的人不是他,而是他的副手。他在平台上向前走,好像没有看见我似的。他拿一架倍数很大的望远镜,十分细心地观察四周的天边、观察过后,他走近嵌板,说了一句话,这句话的语音拼法完全跟下面写的一样。我所以把它记下来,是因为每天早晨,在同样的情况下,总是听到这句话。这句话是这样: “诺土隆一雷斯扑一罗宜一维尔希。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"I'll explain when we get out of here,\" said Harry with a sideways glance at Ginny, who was crying harder than ever.\"But --\"\"Later,\" Harry said shortly. He didn't think it was a good idea to tell Ron yet who'd been opening the Chamber, not in front of Ginny, anyway. \"Where's Lockhart?\"\"Back there,\" said Ron, still looking puzzled but jerking his head up the tunnel toward the pipe. \"He's in a bad way. Come and see.\"Led by Fawkes, whose wide scarlet wings emitted a soft golden glow in the darkness, they walked all the way back to the mouth of the pipe. Gilderoy Lockhart was sitting there, humming placidly to himself.\"His memory's gone,\" said Ron. \"The Memory Charm backfired. Hit him instead of us. Hasn't got a clue who he is, or where he is, or who we are. I told him to come and wait here. He's a danger to himself\"", "zh": "“等我们离开这里以后,我再慢慢向你解释。”金妮的哭声比以前更大了,哈利瞟了金妮一眼,说道。“可是—— ”“以后再说。”哈利赶紧说道。他认为最好不要告诉罗恩是谁打开了密室,至少不能当着金妮的面告诉他。“洛哈特呢?”“在那儿呢,”罗恩说着,咧开嘴笑了,他把头对着隧道通向水管的地方扬了扬,“他的情况很糟糕。过去看看吧。”福克斯宽阔的鲜红色翅膀,在黑暗中放射出一道柔和的金光。他们跟在它后面,一路返回到水管的入口处。吉德罗洛哈特坐在那里,自得其乐地哼着小曲儿。“他的记忆消失了,”罗恩说,“遗忘魔咒向后发射了,没有击中我们,倒把他自己给击中了。他完全不记得自己是谁,在什么地方,也不认识我们了。我叫他上这儿来等着。他在那里待着不安全。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "During this whole time of low tide, the islanders lurked near the Nautilus, but they weren’t boisterous. I often heard them repeat the word “assai,” and from their gestures I understood they were inviting me to go ashore, an invitation I felt obliged to decline.", "zh": "在整个低潮期间,这些土人在诺第留斯号周围转来转去;但他们并不大声喧闹。我常常听到他们一再说“阿洗”这句话,从他们的手势来看,我懂得他们是要我到岛上去,但我想对他们这个邀请还是谢绝的好。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "A wonderful corner for echoes, it has been remarked, that corner where the Doctor lived. Ever busily winding the golden thread which bound her husband, and her father, and herself, and her old directress and companion, in a life of quiet bliss, Lucie sat in the still house in the tranquilly resounding corner, listening to the echoing footsteps of years.", "zh": "前面说过,医生居住的街角是个听回音的绝妙处所。露西永远忙着用金丝缠裹着她的丈夫、父亲、自己和她的老管家老伙伴,让大家过着平静幸福的日子。她常坐在平静的反响着回音的安谧的屋子里听着岁月的脚步回响。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "We were fully afloat, as I have said; but on both sides of the Nautilus, about ten meters away, there rose dazzling walls of ice. There also were walls above and below. Above, because the Ice Bank’s underbelly spread over us like an immense ceiling. Below, because the somersaulting block, shifting little by little, had found points of purchase on both side walls and had gotten jammed between them. The Nautilus was imprisoned in a genuine tunnel of ice about twenty meters wide and filled with quiet water. So the ship could easily exit by going either ahead or astern, sinking a few hundred meters deeper, and then taking an open passageway beneath the Ice Bank.", "zh": "我们完全在水中,像我说过的一般;不过,在诺第留斯号的两边,相距十米左右,各竖起一道雪白眩目的冰墙。船上下两方,也有同样的冰墙。船上面,因为冰山的下层冰面遮起来,像宽阔的天花板。船下面,因为翻倒下去的冰块慢恨溜下去,在两侧的冰墙上找到一个支点,维持它目前的这种地位。诺第留斯号是被困在真正的冰的地洞中了,这地涧有二十米左右宽,里面是平静的水。所以,它出来并不困难,或向前进,或向后退,然后再往下数百米左右,在冰山下面找到一条通路就可以了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "None of the weeds carpeting the seafloor, none of the branches bristling from the shrubbery, crept, or leaned, or stretched on a horizontal plane. They all rose right up toward the surface of the ocean. Every filament or ribbon, no matter how thin, stood ramrod straight. Fucus plants and creepers were growing in stiff perpendicular lines, governed by the density of the element that generated them. After I parted them with my hands, these otherwise motionless plants would shoot right back to their original positions. It was the regime of verticality.", "zh": "林中地上并没有生长什么草,小树上丛生的枝权没有一根向外蔓延,也不弯曲垂下,也不向横的方面伸展。所有草木都笔直伸向洋面。没有枝条,没有叶带,不管怎么细小,都是笔直的,像铁杆一般。海带和水藻,受到海水强大密度的影响,坚定不移地沿着垂直线生长。而且这些水草叉是静止不动的,当我用手分开它们的时候,一放手,它们立即回复原来的笔直状态。这林子简直就是垂直线的世界。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“他住到这儿来,就是为了这个打算吗?”", "en": "\"Is that his design in settling here?\""}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Lockhart bounded into the room and the class stared at him. Every other teacher in the place was looking grimmer than usual, but Lockhart appeared nothing short of buoyant.\"Come now,\" he cried, beaming around him. \"Why all these long faces?\"People swapped exasperated looks, but nobody answered.\"Don't you people realize,\" said Lockhart, speaking slowly, as though they were all a bit dim, \"the danger has passed! The culprit has been taken away -\"\"Says who?\" said Dean Thomas loudly.\"My dear young man, the Minister of Magic wouldn't have taken Hagrid if he hadn't been one hundred percent sure that he was guilty,\" said Lockhart, in the tone of someone explaining that one and one made two.\"Oh, yes he would,\" said Ron, even more loudly than Dean.", "zh": "洛哈特连蹦带跳地进了教室,同学们吃惊地盯着他。学校里的其他每一位老师都显得比平常严肃,可洛哈特看上去倒是轻松愉快“好了,好了,”他喜洋洋地看着四周,说道,“你们干吗都拉长着脸啊?”大家交换着恼怒的目光,但没有人回答。“难道你们没有发现吗,”洛哈特说着,放慢语速,似乎他们都有些迟钝似的,“危险已经过去了!罪犯已经被带走了。”“谁这么说?”迪安托马斯大声说。“我亲爱的年轻人,如果魔法部部长没有百分之百地认定海格有罪的话,是不会把他带走的。” 洛哈特说,那种口气,就好像某人在解释一加一等于二那样。“哦,那不一定。”罗恩说,声音比迪安的还大。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Once we got there, the weather was perfect!", "zh": "我们抵达目的地时,天气好极了!"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "这就是他们一场婚宴的下场。", "en": "This was what their Agape had come to."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I was readily compensated for this delay by fascinating research. During those two days of April 11-12, the Nautilus didn’t leave the surface of the sea, and its trawl brought up a simply miraculous catch of zoophytes, fish, and reptiles.", "zh": "我很容易拿有兴味的研究来补偿这次的迟误。在4月11日至12日的两天内,诺第留斯号没有离开海面,船上鱼网打倒的植虫类、鱼类和爬虫类非常丰富,成绩惊人。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength, nor of his wife. He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach. They played like young cats in the dusk and he loved them as he loved the boy. He never dreamed about the boy. He simply woke, looked out the open door at the moon and unrolled his trousers and put them on. He urinated outside the shack and then went up the road to wake the boy. He was shivering with the morning cold. But he knew he would shiver himself warm and that soon he would be rowing. The door of the house where the boy lived was unlocked and he opened it and walked in quietly with his bare feet. The boy was asleep on a cot in the first room and the old man could see him clearly with the light that came in from the dying moon. He took hold of one foot gently and held it until the boy woke and turned and looked at him. The old man nodded and the boy took his trousers from the chair by the bed and, sitting on the bed, pulled them on.", "zh": "他早已不再梦见暴风雨,也不再梦见女人,或发生过的大事,不再梦见大鱼,与人打架、比力道,也不再梦见亡妻了。如今他只梦见各种不同的地方以及海滩上的狮子。狮子们像小猫似地在暮霭中嬉戏,他喜爱它们,正如他喜爱那男孩一样,但他却从来没有梦见过男孩。他就这么醒来了,往敞开的门外望了一下月亮,然后把卷着的裤子解开来穿上。他到小屋外边小解后,就上路走去叫醒小男孩。他在清晨寒冷的空气中发着抖,但他晓得多发抖个几下,便可以让自己暖和起来,而且马上就要划动船桨了。男孩的房门没上锁,他开了门,蹑手蹑脚轻轻地走进去。男孩就睡在第一个房间的小床上,借着外面即将消沉的月光,老人可以很清楚地看见男孩。他轻柔地握住男孩的一只脚,直到男孩醒来转身望着他。老人对他点点头,男孩从床边椅子上拿起裤子,坐在床边把它穿上。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Our breakfast consisted of several dishes whose contents were all supplied by the sea, and some foods whose nature and derivation were unknown to me. They were good, I admit, but with a peculiar flavor to which I would soon grow accustomed. These various food items seemed to be rich in phosphorous, and I thought that they, too, must have been of marine origin.", "zh": "午餐有好几道菜,全是海里的东西,其中有些荤菜,我简直不知道它们的性质和出处。我承认这些食品都很好,虽然有一种特殊味道,但我也吃得惯。这些式样不同的菜看来都富于磷质,所以我想这一定全是海中的产物。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "我们要分辨真正的敌友,不可不将中国社会各阶级的经济地位及其对于革命的态度,作一个大概的分析。", "en": "To distinguish real friends from real enemies, we must make a general analysis of the economic status of the various classes in Chinese society and of their respective attitudes towards the revolution."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The Nautilus’s general heading was southeast, and it stayed at a depth between 100 and 150 meters. However, from lord-knows-what whim, one day it did a diagonal dive by means of its slanting fins, reaching strata located 2,000 meters underwater. The thermometer indicated a temperature of 4.25 degrees centigrade, which at this depth seemed to be a temperature common to all latitudes.On November 26, at three o’clock in the morning, the Nautilus cleared the Tropic of Cancer at longitude 172 degrees. On the 27th it passed in sight of the Hawaiian Islands, where the famous Captain Cook met his death on February 14, 1779. By then we had fared 4,860 leagues from our starting point. When I arrived on the platform that morning, I saw the Island of Hawaii two miles to leeward, the largest of the seven islands making up this group. I could clearly distinguish the tilled soil on its outskirts, the various mountain chains running parallel with its coastline, and its volcanoes, crowned by Mauna Kea, whose elevation is 5,000 meters above sea level. Among other specimens from these waterways, our nets brought up some peacock-tailed flabellarian coral, polyps flattened into stylish shapes and unique to this part of the ocean.", "zh": "诺第留斯号所走的大方向是东南方,它所在的深度总是保持在一百米和一百五十米之间。但有一天,我不知道因为什么理由,它使用那两块纵斜机板,沿着纵斜线潜下去,一直到二千米的深度.温度表正指摄氏4.25度,好像在这样深度的水里,不管在什么地带,温度都是共同一律的:月26日早晨三点,诺第留斯号在西经172度上越过了北回归线。27H,它远远可以望见夏威夷群岛,这是1779年2日14日有名的航海家库克被杀死的地方。我们自出发以来到现在,已经走了四千八百六十里了。这天早晨,我上平台望见在下凤两里左右的夏威夷岛,它是形成这群岛的七个岛中最大的一个。我清楚地看到它的已经开发地带的边缘,跟海岸线平行的各支山脉和拔海立千米的火山群;高耸在它上面的,是摩那罗亚火山:在这一带海中伪其它品种中间,鱼网还打到了孔雀扇形珊瑚,那是外形美观的扁平水螅类,是这一部分太平洋的特产动物。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "At these words Ned Land stood up quickly. Nearly strangled, the steward staggered out at a signal from his superior; but such was the commander’s authority aboard his vessel, not one gesture gave away the resentment that this man must have felt toward the Canadian. In silence we waited for the outcome of this scene; Conseil, in spite of himself, seemed almost fascinated, I was stunned.", "zh": "尼德·兰听到这些话,立刻站了起来。侍者被掐得半死不活,看见他的主人一招手,便蹒跚地走出去了,一点也没有流露他对加拿大人的愤恨,这说明了船长在船上有很高的威信。康塞尔不禁有点奇怪,我也吓得发愣,我们默默等待这事的结局。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Paralyzed, rigid with anguish, my hair standing on end, my eyes popping out of my head, short of breath, suffocating, speechless, I stared—I too! I was glued to the window by an irresistible allure!", "zh": "我麻痹了,像被临死的痛苦僵化了,头发竖起来了,两眼睁得很大,呼吸急促喘不过来,没有气息,没有声音,我也两眼盯着看!一种不可抗拒的吸引力使我紧紧贴在玻璃上面!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "They were a party of three on horseback—Tom and a man named Sloane and a pretty woman in a brown riding-habit, who had been there previously.“I’m delighted to see you,” said Gatsby, standing on his porch. “I’m delighted that you dropped in.”As though they cared!“Sit right down. Have a cigarette or a cigar.” He walked around the room quickly, ringing bells. “I’ll have something to drink for you in just a minute.”He was profoundly affected by the fact that Tom was there. But he would be uneasy anyhow until he had given them something, realizing in a vague way that that was all they came for. Mr. Sloane wanted nothing. A lemonade? No, thanks. A little champagne? Nothing at all, thanks. . . . I’m sorry——", "zh": "他们一行三人是骑马来的--汤姆和一个姓斯隆的男人,还有一个身穿棕色骑装的漂亮女人,是以前来过的。\"我很高兴见到你们,\"盖茨比站在阳台上说,\"我很高兴你们光临。\"仿佛承他们的情似的!\"请坐,请坐。抽支香烟或者抽支雪茄。\"他在屋子里跑来跑去,忙着打铃喊人,\"我马上就让人给你们送点什么喝的来。\"汤姆的到来使他受到很大震动。但是他反正会感到局促不安,直到他招待了他们一点什么才行,因为他也隐约知道他们就是为了这个才来的。斯隆先生什么都不要。来杯柠檬水?不要,谢谢。来点香摈吧?什么都不要,谢谢……对不起……"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Off the Falkland Islands on June 30, the frigate came in contact with a fleet of American whalers, and we learned that they hadn’t seen the narwhale. But one of them, the captain of the Monroe, knew that Ned Land had shipped aboard the Abraham Lincoln and asked his help in hunting a baleen whale that was in sight. Anxious to see Ned Land at work, Commander Farragut authorized him to make his way aboard the Monroe. And the Canadian had such good luck that with a right-and-left shot, he harpooned not one whale but two, striking the first straight to the heart and catching the other after a few minutes’ chase!", "zh": "6月30日,在马露因海面上,林肯号向美国的捕鲸船打听那条独角鲸的消息,这些捕鲸船都说役碰见。但其中一只名叫孟禄号的捕鲸船船长,知道尼德·兰在我们船上。要请他帮忙,追捕已经发现了的一条鲸鱼。法拉古舰长很想看看尼德·兰的本领,就准许他到孟禄号船上去。我们的加拿大朋友运气真好,不仅是打了一条鲸鱼,而且是打了两条,他投出双叉,一叉直刺人一条鲸鱼的心脏,追赶了几分钟以后,另一条也被捕获了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "As soon as I laid down the phone rang.", "zh": "我刚躺下,电话响了。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The captain stopped suddenly. A gesture from him brought us to a halt, and however much I wanted to clear this wall, I had to stop. Here ended the domains of Captain Nemo. He had no desire to pass beyond them. Farther on lay a part of the globe he would no longer tread underfoot.", "zh": "尼摩船长突然停住脚步。他向我们打手势,要我们停下来,我虽然很想穿过这道墙,但我不能不止步,这里是尼摩船长的领地的最后界限。他不愿意走过这界限。过这界限便是他的脚步不愿踩踏的地球的陆地部分了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "那么,好太太,你正可以占你朋友的上风,反过来替她介绍这位贵人啦。", "en": "Then, my dear, you may have the advantage of your friend, and introduce Mr. Bingley to her."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Some moments later, we saw a dozen crewmen set foot on the shelf of ice, among them Ned Land, easily recognized by his tall figure. Captain Nemo was with them.", "zh": "几分钟后,我们看见十多个船员下到冰地上,其中有尼德·兰,由于他的身材高大,很容易认出。尼摩船长跟他门在一起。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "An unbearable heaviness weighed me down. Near three o’clock in the afternoon, this agonizing sensation affected me to an intense degree. Yawns dislocated my jaws. My lungs were gasping in their quest for that enkindling elastic fluid required for breathing, now growing scarcer and scarcer. My mind was in a daze. I lay outstretched, strength gone, nearly unconscious. My gallant Conseil felt the same symptoms, suffered the same sufferings, yet never left my side. He held my hand, he kept encouraging me, and I even heard him mutter: “Oh, if only I didn’t have to breathe, to leave more air for master!”", "zh": "一种不可忍受的重浊空气使我难过。下午三点左右,这种痛苦感觉到了猛烈的程度。呵欠喘气把我的上下鄂都弄歪了。我的肺叶迫切寻求有活力的氧,“白是呼吸所必不可少的东西,|Qī- shū- ωǎng|现在愈来愈稀薄了。我的精神完全在昏沉沉的状态中。我没有气力地躺下来,差不多失去了知觉。我的忠实的康塞尔有了同样的病征,受着同样的苦府,他在我身边,再不离开我。他拉着我的手,他鼓励我,我还听到他低声说: “啊!如果我可以不呼吸,让先生可以多有些空气!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "These polyparies were sticking to rocks, shells of mollusks, and even the stalks of water plants. They adorned the smallest crevices, some sprawling, others standing or hanging like coral outgrowths. I told Conseil that sponges are fished up in two ways, either by dragnet or by hand. The latter method calls for the services of a diver, but it’s preferable because it spares the polypary’s tissue, leaving it with a much higher market value.", "zh": "这些水螅丛附在岩石上,软体动物的介壳上,并且附在蛇婆茎上8它们把最轻微的凹凸都铺平了,有的是摆开来)有的是竖起或垂下,像珊瑚形成的瘤一样。我告诉了康塞尔,海绵可用两种方法来采取,或用打捞机,或用手。后一种方法要使用潜水的采绵人,这种方法比较好,因为不损伤水螅丛的纤维,可以给它保留了很高的使用价值。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“你为什么哭了,亲爱的?”他问。", "en": "'Why do you cry, my darling?' he said."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "A man with a bloated face opened the strong wicket, to whom Defarge presented “The Emigrant Evrémonde.” “What the Devil! How many more of them!” exclaimed the man with the bloated face. Defarge took his receipt without noticing the exclamation, and withdrew, with his two fellow-patriots. “What the Devil, I say again!” exclaimed the gaoler, left with his wife. “How many more!” The gaoler’s wife, being provided with no answer to the question, merely replied, “One must have patience, my dear!” Three turnkeys who entered responsive to a bell she rang, echoed the sentiment, and one added, “For the love of Liberty;” which sounded in that place like an inappropriate conclusion.", "zh": "一个面部浮肿的人打开了一道结实的小门,德伐日把“外逃分子埃佛瑞蒙德”交绘了他。 “见鬼!外逃分子怎么这么多呀!”面部浮肿的人叫道。 德伐日没有理会他的叫喊,取了收条,带着他的两个爱国者伙伴走掉了。 “我再说一遍,真他妈见鬼!”典狱长单独跟他的妻子在一起时说道,“还要送来多少!” 典狱长的老婆不知道该怎么回答,只说了一句,“要有耐心,亲爱的!”她按铃叫来的三个看守都响应这钟情绪,一个说,“因为热爱自己呗。”在那样的地方作出这样的结论,可真有些不伦不类。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The savages approached without running, but they favored us with a show of the greatest hostility. It was raining stones and arrows. Ned Land was unwilling to leave his provisions behind, and despite the impending danger, he clutched his pig on one side, his kangaroos on the other, and scampered off with respectable speed.", "zh": "这些土人并不快跑,慢慢走来;可是他们做种种表示故意的动作。石块和弓筋像雨点一般打来。尼德·兰不愿意放弃所有的食物,不顾近在眼前的危险,一边拿野猪,一边拿袋鼠,相当快地把食物收拾起来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Brightly lit, the engine room measured at least 20 meters in length. It was divided, by function, into two parts: the first contained the cells for generating electricity, the second that mechanism transmitting movement to the propeller.", "zh": "这个机器间,照得通明,有二十多米长。内部很自然地分成两部分:第一部分放着生产电力的原料,第二部分装着转动螺旋桨的机器。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Conseil made one final effort, and bracing his hands on my shoulders, while I offered resistance with one supreme exertion, he raised himself half out of the water, then fell back exhausted. “What did you see?” “I saw . . . ,” he muttered, “I saw . . . but we mustn’t talk . . . save our strength . . . !”", "zh": "康塞尔用尽最后的力量,托住我的肩膀,我尽力抗拒我最后的一次痉挛,他半身浮出水面望望,然后又筋疲力尽地躺下 “你看见什么吗?” “我看见……”他低声说,“我看见……我们不要说话……我们保留我们剩下的力量吧!……”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "似乎是为了缓解这种紧张气氛,沃贡人选择了在此刻开火。", "en": "As if to relieve the tension, the Vogons chose that moment to start firing."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Had I accidentally caused these symptoms of anger? Did this incomprehensible individual think I had detected some secret forbidden to guests on the Nautilus?", "zh": "是我无心引起了他的这种愤怒神气吗?是这个神秘不可解的人物认为我看出了诺第留斯号的客人不应当知道的某些秘密吗?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "他们对着富农说:“我们早进了农会,你们为什么还迟疑?”富农带着讥笑的声调说道:“你们上无片瓦,下无插针之地,有什么不进农会!", "en": "\"We joined the peasant association long ago,\" they say to the rich peasants, \"why are you still hesitating? # The rich peasants answer mockingly, \"What is there to keep you from joining? # You people have neither a tile over your heads nor a speck of land under your feet! \""}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I showed my companions this small, stray rock in the middle of the north Pacific. “If Captain Nemo does sometimes go ashore,” I told them, “at least he only picks desert islands!”", "zh": "我把这个处在太平洋北部的小岛指给我的同伴看。我对他们说:“尼摩船长即使偶然想上陆地,他一定也要选择那些荒凉无人的地方。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "On January 16 the Nautilus seemed to have fallen asleep just a few meters beneath the surface of the water. Its electric equipment had been turned off, and the motionless propeller let it ride with the waves. I assumed that the crew were busy with interior repairs, required by the engine’s strenuous mechanical action. My companions and I then witnessed an unusual sight. The panels in the lounge were open, and since the Nautilus’s beacon was off, a hazy darkness reigned in the midst of the waters. Covered with heavy clouds, the stormy sky gave only the faintest light to the ocean’s upper strata.", "zh": "1月16日,诺第留斯号好像昏睡在海面下仅仅几米深的地方。船上的电力机械不走,机轮停着不动,让船随着海水游来游去。我心中想,船上船员恐怕正在作内部修理工作,由于机件的机械运动很激烈,修理是必要的。我的同伴和我,在这时亲眼看到一种很新奇的景象。客厅的嵌板敞开,由于诺第留斯号的探照灯没有点着,水中充满模模糊糊的阴暗。骚动的和遮满密云的天空照在海洋上部水层中的,是一种迷糊不足的光线。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "哦!亲爱的,你得知道,郎格太太说,租尼日斐花园的是个阔少爷,他是英格兰北部的人;听说他星期一那天,乘着一辆驷马大轿车来看房子,看得非常中意,当场就和莫理斯先生谈妥了;他要在‘米迦勒节’以前搬进来,打算下个周未先叫几个佣人来住。", "en": "Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it that he agreed with Mr. Morris immediately; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The mom became furious and smacked her.", "zh": "妈妈生气了,打了她一巴掌。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I led the Canadian to the room where the Nautilus’s men were putting on their diving suits. I informed the captain of Ned’s proposition, which was promptly accepted. The Canadian got into his underwater costume and was ready as soon as his fellow workers. Each of them carried on his back a Rouquayrol device that the air tanks had supplied with a generous allowance of fresh oxygen. A considerable but necessary drain on the Nautilus’s reserves. As for the Ruhmkorff lamps, they were unnecessary in the midst of these brilliant waters saturated with our electric rays.", "zh": "我带加拿大人到诺第留斯号的船员穿潜水衣的房子中。我把尼德·兰的提议告诉船长,船长接受了。加拿大人穿上他的海中衣服,不久就跟他的工作同伴们一样准备好了。每人背上一个卢格罗尔的空气箱,由储藏库供应了大量的纯空气。对诺第留斯号的空气储藏库来说,这是大量的,然而是必要的支出。至于兰可夫灯,在这满是电光的明亮海水中间是没有用的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I could clearly see the shore, which featured a few sparse trees here and there. The skiff advanced toward Mannar Island, which curved to the south. Captain Nemo stood up from his thwart and studied the sea.", "zh": "我清楚地看见陆地,稀疏的树木散在各处。小艇向马纳尔岛前进,岛南部渐渐扩大。尼摩船长站起来,看一下海回。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "DURING THE DAY of January 29, the island of Ceylon disappeared below the horizon, and at a speed of twenty miles per hour, the Nautilus glided into the labyrinthine channels that separate the Maldive and Laccadive Islands. It likewise hugged Kiltan Island, a shore of madreporic origin discovered by Vasco da Gama in 1499 and one of nineteen chief islands in the island group of the Laccadives, located between latitude 10 degrees and 14 degrees 30’ north, and between longitude 50 degrees 72’ and 69 degrees east.", "zh": "1月29日,锡兰岛远在天边看不见了,诺第留斯号的速度是每小时二十海里,驶人把马尔代夫群岛和拉克代夫群岛分开的弯弯曲曲的水道中。它又沿吉檀岛行驶,这岛原是珊瑚岛,1499年被法斯科·德·嘉马①发现,为拉克代夫群岛的十九座主要岛屿之一,位于北纬10度和14度30分之间,东经69度和50度72分之间。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I stared in the direction of the ship I had spotted. It was heading toward the Nautilus, and you could tell it had put on steam. Six miles separated it from us. “What sort of craft is it, Ned?” “From its rigging and its low masts,” the Canadian replied, “I bet it’s a warship. Here’s hoping it pulls up and sinks this damned Nautilus!” “Ned my friend,” Conseil replied, “what harm could it do the Nautilus? Will it attack us under the waves? Will it cannonade us at the bottom of the sea?” “Tell me, Ned,” I asked, “can you make out the nationality of that craft?” Creasing his brow, lowering his lids, and puckering the corners of his eyes, the Canadian focused the full power of his gaze on the ship for a short while. “No, sir,” he replied. “I can’t make out what nation it’s from. It’s flying no flag. But I’ll swear it’s a warship, because there’s a long pennant streaming from the peak of its mainmast.”", "zh": "我眼光向我早先见到的那只汽船的方位望去。它向诺第留斯号驶来,人们看到它加大气压,迅速追赶。它距我们只有六海里。 “尼德,那是什么船?” “看它的帆索船具,看它的桅杆高度,”加拿大人回答,“我敢打赌那是一艘战舰。它希望追上我们,必要的话,把诺第留斯号这怪物击沉!” “尼德朋友,”康塞尔说,“它可能对诺第留斯号加以伤害吗?它可能做水下攻击吗?“它可能炮轰海底吗?” “尼德,您告诉我,”我说,“您能认出这船的国籍吗?” “不,”他回答,“先生,我不能认出它是属于哪一国籍。它没有挂旗。但我可以肯定,它是一艘战舰。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I was lagging behind some twenty paces when I saw Captain Nemo suddenly come back toward me. With his powerful hands he sent me buckling to the ground, while his companion did the same to Conseil. At first I didn’t know what to make of this sudden assault, but I was reassured to observe the captain lying motionless beside me.", "zh": "我走在尼摩船长后面约二十步左右,看见尼摩船长突然向我面前转回来。他用他有力的手,把我按倒在地下,他的同伴对康塞尔也同样做。初时我对于这次突然的攻击,作种种的猜想,但我看见船长也躺在我近边,不敢动,心中就安然了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Two score and twelve were told off. From the farmer-general of seventy, whose riches could not buy his life, to the seamstress of twenty, whose poverty and obscurity could not save her. Physical diseases, engendered in the vices and neglects of men, will seize on victims of all degrees; and the frightful moral disorder, born of unspeakable suffering, intolerable oppression, and heartless indifference, smote equally without distinction.", "zh": "五十二个,一个一个点了名,从七十岁的赋税承包商到二十岁的女裁缝。前者的全部财富买不回他的命,后者的贫穷与低贱也救不了她的命。生理的疾病产生于人们的罪恶和疏忽,它对病人是不分尊卑一律折磨的。道德上的严重混乱产生于难以描述的苦难、无法忍受的压迫和没有人性的冷酷,它也是不分良莠一律打击的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "我停下来,看着这张照片。", "en": "I stopped in front of the shop and looked at the picture."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "That day the Nautilus crossed an odd part of the Atlantic Ocean. No one is unaware of the existence of that great warm-water current known by name as the Gulf Stream. After emerging from channels off Florida, it heads toward Spitzbergen. But before entering the Gulf of Mexico near latitude 44 degrees north, this current divides into two arms; its chief arm makes for the shores of Ireland and Norway while the second flexes southward at the level of the Azores; then it hits the coast of Africa, sweeps in a long oval, and returns to the Caribbean Sea.", "zh": "这一天,诺第留斯号走过了大西洋很新奇的一部分海面。大家知道大西洋中有那名为“漩流”的大暖流存在。暖流从佛罗里达湾出未,向斯勃齐堡湾流去。但在流入墨西哥湾之前,在北纬44度左右,暖流分为两支:主流奔向爱尔兰和挪威海岸,支流弯折向南,与阿棱尔群岛在同一纬度,然后抵达非洲海岸,画一个长长的椭圆形,回到安的列斯群岛。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It lay back on the pillow of Monsieur the Marquis. It was like a fine mask, suddenly startled, made angry, and petrified. Driven home into the heart of the stone figure attached to it, was a knife. Round its hilt was a frill of paper, on which was scrawled: “Drive him fast to his tomb. This, from Jacques.”", "zh": "石雕人面靠在侯爵枕头上,长在侯爵身上,像一个精巧的假面,突然受到惊吓,发起脾气来,于是变成了石雕。一把刀子深深地插在石像心窝里,刀把上挂了一张纸条,上面潦潦草草写了一行: “催他早进坟墓。雅克奉赠。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The skiff approached cautiously to within three fathoms of the animal. The oars hung suspended above their rowlocks. I was crouching. His body leaning slightly back, Ned Land brandished his harpoon with expert hands. Suddenly a hissing sound was audible, and the dugong disappeared. Although the harpoon had been forcefully hurled, it apparently had hit only water. “Damnation!” exclaimed the furious Canadian. “I missed it!” “No,” I said, “the animal’s wounded, there’s its blood; but your weapon didn’t stick in its body.” “My harpoon! Get my harpoon!” Ned Land exclaimed.", "zh": "小艇小心地挨近海马,只有五六米远了。所有的桨都、挂在铁圈子上不动。我身子站起一半。尼德·兰全身有些往后仰,老练的手挥动鱼叉,把叉找出。忽然听到一声呼啸,海马沉下不见了。龟叉用力过猛,可能是打在水中了。 “鬼怪东西!”愤怒的加拿大人喊道,“我没有打中它!” “打中了,”我说,“那东西受伤了,瞧,那不是它的血?不过你的叉并没有钉在它的身上。” “我的鱼叉!我的鱼叉!”尼德·兰喊。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "As soon as I was dressed, I made my way to the main lounge. It was deserted.", "zh": "我穿好了衣服就到客厅去,那里还没有人。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "不要说了,不要辩解了。", "en": "Don't, Tess; don't argue."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ned Land was not mistaken. We were in the presence of a ship whose severed shrouds still hung from their clasps. Its hull looked in good condition, and it must have gone under only a few hours before. The stumps of three masts, chopped off two feet above the deck, indicated a flooding ship that had been forced to sacrifice its masting. But it had heeled sideways, filling completely, and it was listing to port even yet. A sorry sight, this carcass lost under the waves, but sorrier still was the sight on its deck, where, lashed with ropes to prevent their being washed overboard, some human corpses still lay! I counted four of them—four men, one still standing at the helm—then a woman, halfway out of a skylight on the afterdeck, holding a child in her arms. This woman was young. Under the brilliant lighting of the Nautilus’s rays, I could make out her features, which the water hadn’t yet decomposed. With a supreme effort, she had lifted her child above her head, and the poor little creature’s arms were still twined around its mother’s neck! The postures of the four seamen seemed ghastly to me, twisted from convulsive movements, as if making a last effort to break loose from the ropes that bound them to their ship. And the helmsman, standing alone, calmer, his face smooth and serious, his grizzled hair plastered to his brow, his hands clutching the wheel, seemed even yet to be guiding his wrecked three-master through the ocean depths!", "zh": "尼德·兰并没有弄错。我们面前是一只船,上面弄断了的护桅索仍然挂在链上二船壳看来还很好,船沉下来至多不过是几小时以前的事。三根断桅从甲板上两英尺高的地方砍下来,表明这只遇难的船不得不把桅墙牺牲了。但船是侧躺着,内部装得很满,是向左舷倾斜的。这种落在波涛中的残骸的景象,看来实在是凄惨;更为凄惨的,是看见甲板上还有躺着挂在绳索上的尸体!我看见有四具尸体——四个男子,其中一人站在舵边一还有一个妇人手中抱着一个小孩,在船尾眺板格子上站着。这妇人还年轻。有诺第留斯号的电光的照亮,我可以看出她那还没有被海水所腐蚀的面容。她作最后绝望的努力,把小孩举在她头上,这可怜的小生命正把两只小手抱着妈妈的脖子呢!四个水手的姿态我觉得非常伯人,因为他们身躯抽搐得不成样子,他们作最后的努力,摆脱那把他们缠在船上的绳索,然后才死去。唯有那个看航路的舵手,比较镇定,面貌很清楚、很严肃,灰白的头发贴在前额,痉挛的手放在舵轮上,他好像是还在深深的海底驾驶着他那只遇难的三桅船!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "“Gatz is my name.”“—Mr. Gatz. I thought you might want to take the body West.”He shook his head.“Jimmy always liked it better down East. He rose up to his position in the East. Were you a friend of my boy’s, Mr.—?”“We were close friends.”“He had a big future before him, you know. He was only a young man, but he had a lot of brain power here.”He touched his head impressively, and I nodded.“If he’d of lived, he’d of been a great man. A man like James J. Hill. He’d of helped build up the country.”“That’s true,” I said, uncomfortably.He fumbled at the embroidered coverlet, trying to take it from the bed, and lay down stiffly—was instantly asleep.", "zh": "\"我姓盖兹。\"\"盖兹先生,我以为您也许要把遗体运到西部去。\"他摇了摇头。\"杰米一向喜欢待在东部。他是在东部上升到他这个地位的。你是我孩子的朋友吗,先生?\"\"我们是很知己的朋友。\"\"他是大有前程的,你知道。他只是个年轻人,但是他在这个地方很有能耐。\"他郑重其事地用手碰碰脑袋,我也点了点头。\"假使他活下去的话,他会成为一个大人物的,像詹姆斯·J·希尔那样的人,他会帮助建设国家的。\"\"确实是那样,\"我局促不安地说。他笨手笨脚地把绣花被单扯来扯去,想把它从床上拉下来,接着就硬邦邦地躺下去--立刻就睡着了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "她领会不到话里微妙的辛辣意味,她只是把它们当作敌意的声音加以接受,知道那表示他在忍受着愤怒。", "en": "The charms of their subtlety passed by her unappreciated, and she only received them as inimical sounds which meant that anger ruled."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "但是自从他吻她的时候以来,什么也没有发生变化;或者不如说,一切事物在本质上都没有发生变化。", "en": "And yet nothing had changed since the moments when he had been kissing her; or rather, nothing in the substance of things."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The first cable was put down during the years 1857-1858; but after transmitting about 400 telegrams, it went dead. In 1863 engineers built a new cable that measured 3,400 kilometers, weighed 4,500 metric tons, and was shipped aboard the Great Eastern. This attempt also failed.", "zh": "第一条海底电线是在1857年和1858年间装设的,但传达了四百次左右的电报后,就不能用了。1863年工程师们制造一条新线,长三千四百公里,贡四千五百吨,由大东方号装运。但这次的装设又失败了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "稍微注意一下马——稍微注意一下就足够了。”", "en": "Just give an eye to the horse - it will be quite sufficient.'"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "When I shared these impressions with him, he answered me in a tone touched with emotion: “That Indian, professor, lives in the land of the oppressed, and I am to this day, and will be until my last breath, a native of that same land!”", "zh": "当我把这一点向他提出来的时候,他口气稍微有些激动地回答我: “教授,这个印度人是一个被压迫国家的人民,我的心还在这个国家,并且,直到我最后一口气,我的心也是在这个国家!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "“Has it?” When he realized what I was talking about, that there were twinkle-bells of sunshine in the room, he smiled like a weather man, like an ecstatic patron of recurrent light, and repeated the news to Daisy. “What do you think of that? It’s stopped raining.”“I’m glad, Jay.” Her throat, full of aching, grieving beauty, told only of her unexpected joy.“I want you and Daisy to come over to my house,” he said, “I’d like to show her around.”“You’re sure you want me to come?”“Absolutely, old sport.”Daisy went up-stairs to wash her face—too late I thought with humiliation of my towels—while Gatsby and I waited on the lawn.", "zh": "\"是吗?\"等他明白我说的是什么,又发觉屋子里阳光闪烁时,他像一个气象预报员又像一个欣喜若狂的回归光守护神似的露出了笑容,又把消息转报给黛西,\"你看多有趣,雨停了。\"\"我很高兴,杰伊。\"她的声音哀艳动人,可是她吐露的只是她意外的喜悦。\"我要你和黛西一起到我家里来,\"他说,\"我很想领她参观参观。\"\"你真的要我来吗?\"\"绝对如此,老兄。\"黛西上楼去洗脸--我很羞惭地想起了我的毛巾,叮惜为时太晚了--盖茨比和我在草坪上等候。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But, as it always happens, just when a decision had been made to chase the monster, the monster put in no further appearances. For two months nobody heard a word about it. Not a single ship encountered it. Apparently the unicorn had gotten wise to these plots being woven around it. People were constantly babbling about the creature, even via the Atlantic Cable! Accordingly, the wags claimed that this slippery rascal had waylaid some passing telegram and was making the most of it.", "zh": "事情往往就是这样,等人们决定要追赶这怪物的时候。怪物再也不出现了。在两个月的时间内,谁都没有得到怪物的消息,也没有海船碰见它。好像这条海麒麟已经得到了人们准备进攻它的情报。因为大家说得大多了,甚至于用大西洋的海底电线来说!所以,喜欢说笑话的人说,这个精灵的东西一定在中途偷听了电报,现在它启己有了防备。不再随便出来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The unseen force was drawing him fast to itself, now, and all the tides and winds were setting straight and strong towards it. He left his two letters with a trusty porter, to be delivered half an hour before midnight, and no sooner; took horse for Dover; and began his journey. “For the love of Heaven, of justice, of generosity, of the honour of your noble name!” was the poor prisoner’s cry with which he strengthened his sinking heart, as he left all that was dear on earth behind him, and floated away for the Loadstone Rock.", "zh": "那看不见的力量正吸引着他迅速前去,而漫天的怒潮与狂飙也都往那儿飞卷。他把两封信交给了一个可靠的看门人,要他晚上十一点半送去,不能更早些,这才骑上去多佛的马,开始了旅行。“看在对上天、对正义、对慷慨无私、对你高贵姓氏的爱的分上!”这是那可怜的囚徒的呼唤。他就是用这呼唤鼓起勇气,抛开了他在这世上所爱的一切,向那磁礁漂流而去的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Today's chore is to clean his room.", "zh": "今天的家务是收拾他的房间。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "All at once his arm shot forward and the harpoon was launched. I heard the weapon collide resonantly, as if it had hit some hard substance.", "zh": "忽然,他的胳膊使劲地一伸,鱼叉投了出去。我听到鱼叉发出响亮的声音,像是碰上了坚硬的躯壳。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But I mustn’t let these fantasies run away with me! Enough of these fairy tales that time has changed for me into harsh realities. I repeat: opinion had crystallized as to the nature of this phenomenon, and the public accepted without argument the existence of a prodigious creature that had nothing in common with the fabled sea serpent.", "zh": "我又让自己浸沉在种种空想中了.现在要停止这些空想,因为,在我看来,时间已经把这些空想变成为可怕的现实。我再说一次,当时对于这件怪事的性质有这一种意见,就是大家都一致承认有一种神奇东西的存在,而这种东西和怪诞的大海蛇并没有丝毫共同之点。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It would have been difficult by a far brighter light, to recognise in Doctor Manette, intellectual of face and upright of bearing, the shoemaker of the garret in Paris. Yet, no one could have looked at him twice, without looking again: even though the opportunity of observation had not extended to the mournful cadence of his low grave voice, and to the abstraction that overclouded him fitfully, without any apparent reason. While one external cause, and that a reference to his long lingering agony, would always—as on the trial—evoke this condition from the depths of his soul, it was also in its nature to arise of itself, and to draw a gloom over him, as incomprehensible to those unacquainted with his story as if they had seen the shadow of the actual Bastille thrown upon him by a summer sun, when the substance was three hundred miles away.", "zh": "即使灯光明亮了许多,要在这位面貌聪颖,腰板挺直的曼内特医生身上辨认出当年巴黎阁楼里的那个老鞋匠也已十分困难。但是多看过他一眼的人即或还没有机会从他那低沉阴郁的嗓门听见那凄苦的调子,不曾见到那每每无缘无故便丧魂落魄的黯淡神态,也往往想多看他一眼。能使他从灵魂深处泛起这种情绪的可以是一种外在的因素,即重提那长期纠缠过他的痛苦经历(比加在这次审判中),也可能是由于这种情绪的本质而自行出现,将他笼罩在阴霾之中,这时候,不知道他来龙去脉的人便难免感到迷惑,仿佛看到夏天的太阳把现实中的巴士底监狱的阴影从三百英里之外投射到他的身上。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Enjoy your holidays! Yours sincerely,Harry looked up from the letter and gulped.\"You didn't tell us you weren't allowed to use magic outside school,\" said Uncle Vernon, a mad gleam dancing in his eyes. \"For got to mention it .... Slipped your mind, I dare say .....He was bearing down on Harry like a great bulldog, all his teeth bared. \"Well, I've got news for you, boy . ... I'm locking you up .... You're never going back to that school ... never ... and if you try and magic yourself out - they'll expel you!\"And laughing like a maniac, he dragged Harry back upstairs.Uncle Vernon was as bad as his word. The following morning,he paid a man to fit bars on Harry's window. He himself fitted a cat- flap in the bedroom door, so that small amounts of food could be pushed inside three times a day. They let Harry out to use the bathroom morning and evening. Otherwise, he was locked in his room around the clock.Three days later, the Dursleys were showing no sign of relenting, and Harry couldn't see any way out of his situation. He lay on his bed watching the sun sinking behind the bars on the window and wondered miserably what was going to happen to him.", "zh": "祝暑期愉快!哈利抬起头,喉咙噎住了。“你没告诉我们你不能在校外使用魔法,”弗农姨父说,眼里闪着疯狂的光芒,“忘说了..丢到脑后了吧,我猜..”他像一条大斗牛狗那样向哈利压下来,牙齿全露在外面。“啊,我有消息要告诉你,小子..我要把你关起来..你永远别想回那个学校..永远..如果你用魔法逃出去—— 他们会开除你的!”一阵狂笑之后他把哈利拽回楼上 。弗农姨父说到做到,第二天就找了个人给哈利的窗户上安了铁条。他亲自在卧室门上装了一个活板门,一天三次送一点儿食物进去。他们每天早晚让哈利出来上厕所,其他时间都把他锁在屋里。三天后,德思礼一家还丝毫没有发慈悲的迹象,哈利想不出脱身的办法。他躺在床上看太阳在窗栅后面落下,悲哀地想着自己今后的命运。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Meanwhile, fearing that Dumont d’Urville wasn’t abreast of Dillon’s activities, the French government sent a sloop of war to Vanikoro, the Bayonnaise under Commander Legoarant de Tromelin, who had been stationed on the American west coast. Dropping anchor before Vanikoro a few months after the new Astrolabe’s departure, the Bayonnaise didn’t find any additional evidence but verified that the savages hadn’t disturbed the memorial honoring the Count de La Pérouse.", "zh": "当时法国政府怕杜蒙·屠维尔不知道狄勇的工作结果,派出巴沿尼号小战舰到万尼科罗群岛,战舰由列哥郎·德·土浪美林指挥,当时停在美洲西部海岸。巴沿尼号在浑天仪号离开了几个月后,开到了万尼科罗岛面前,并没有找到什么新的材料,仅仅看见土人对于拉·白鲁斯的墓没有破坏。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "A shrill sound of laughter and of amused voices—voices of men, women, and children—resounded in the street while this wine game lasted. There was little roughness in the sport, and much playfulness. There was a special companionship in it, an observable inclination on the part of every one to join some other one, which led, especially among the luckier or lighter- hearted, to frolicsome embraces, drinking of healths, shaking of hands, and even joining of hands and dancing, a dozen together. When the wine was gone, and the places where it had been most abundant were raked into a gridiron- pattern by fingers, these demonstrations ceased, as suddenly as they had broken out. The man who had left his saw sticking in the firewood he was cutting, set it in motion again; the women who had left on a door-step the little pot of hot ashes, at which she had been trying to soften the pain in her own starved fingers and toes, or in those of her child, returned to it; men with bare arms, matted locks, and cadaverous faces, who had emerged into the winter light from cellars, moved away, to descend again; and a gloom gathered on the scene that appeared more natural to it than sunshine.", "zh": "抢酒的游戏正在进行。街上响起了尖声的欢笑和兴高采烈的喧哗--男人、女人和孩子的喧哗。这场游戏中粗鲁的成份少,快活的成份多。其中倒有一种独特的伙伴感情,一种明显的逗笑取乐的成份。这种倾向使较为幸运和快活的人彼此欢乐地拥抱、祝酒、握手,甚至使十多个人手牵着手跳起舞来。酒吸完了,酒最多的地方划出了许多像炉桥似的指爪印。这一场表演也跟它爆发时一样突然结束了。刚才把锯子留在木柴里的人又推起锯子来。刚才把盛满热灰的小罐放在门口的妇女又回到小罐那里去了- 一那是用来缓和她自己或孩子饥饿的手指或脚趾的疼痛的。光着膀子、蓬松着乱发、形容枯槁的男人刚才从地窖里出来,进入冬天的阳光里,现在又回到地窖里去了;这儿又聚起一片在这一带似乎比阳光更为自然的阴云。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mr. Solicitor-General then, following his leader’s lead, examined the patriot: John Barsad, gentleman, by name. The story of his pure soul was exactly what Mr. Attorney-General had described it to be—perhaps, if it had a fault, a little too exactly. Having released his noble bosom of its burden, he would have modestly withdrawn himself, but that the wigged gentleman with the papers before him, sitting not far from Mr. Lorry, begged to ask him a few questions. The wigged gentleman sitting opposite, still looking at the ceiling of the court.", "zh": "副检察长先生于是跟随他上司的榜样询问了爱国志士:此人是约翰·巴萨先生。他那纯洁的灵魂的故事跟检察长先生所描写的完全一样,若是有缺点的话,也许是描写得太精确了一点。在他卸下他那高贵的心胸中的重负之后,他原可以谦抑地退场的,可是坐在罗瑞先生身边不远、面前放了一大摞文件的戴假发的先生却要求对他提出几个问题。此时坐在他对面的另一个戴假发的先生仍然在望着法庭的天花板。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "“Why’s that?”“Nobody’s coming to tea. It’s too late!” He looked at his watch as if there was some pressing demand on his time elsewhere. “I can’t wait all day.”“Don’t be silly; it’s just two minutes to four.”He sat down miserably, as if I had pushed him, and simultaneously there was the sound of a motor turning into my lane. We both jumped up, and, a little harrowed myself, I went out into the yard.Under the dripping bare lilac-trees a large open car was coming up the drive. It stopped. Daisy’s face, tipped sideways beneath a three-cornered lavender hat, looked out at me with a bright ecstatic smile.“Is this absolutely where you live, my dearest one?”", "zh": "\"那是为什么?\"\"没有人来喝茶啦。时间太晚了!\"他看了看他的表,仿佛别处还有紧急的事等着他去办。\"我不能等一整天。\"\"别傻,现在刚刚是四点差两分。\"他苦恼地坐了下来,仿佛我推了他似的,正在这时传来一辆汽车拐进我巷子的声音。我们俩都跳了起来,然后我自己也有点慌张地跑到院子里去。在滴着水的没有花的紫丁香树下,一辆大型的敞篷汽车沿着汽车道开了上来。车子停了。黛西的脸在一顶三角形的浅紫色帽子下面歪向一边,满面春风、心花怒放地朝我看着。\"你千真万确是住在这儿吗,我最亲爱的人儿?\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Just then a huge cave opened up in our path, hollowed from a picturesque pile of rocks whose smooth heights were completely hung with underwater flora. At first this cave looked pitch-black to me. Inside, the sun’s rays seemed to diminish by degrees. Their hazy transparency was nothing more than drowned light.", "zh": "这时候,我们面前现出一个宽大的石洞,洞在满铺各种海底花草的岩石堆中。起初,我看这洞中很黑暗。照到这里的太阳光好像渐渐微弱,以至熄灭了。剩下的模糊的亮光只不过是浸在水里的光线罢了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The interior was unprosperous and bare; the only car visible was the dust-covered wreck of a Ford which crouched in a dim corner. It had occurred to me that this shadow of a garage must be a blind, and that sumptuous and romantic apartments were concealed overhead, when the proprietor himself appeared in the door of an office, wiping his hands on a piece of waste. He was a blond, spiritless man, anaemic, and faintly handsome. When he saw us a damp gleam of hope sprang into his light blue eyes.“Hello, Wilson, old man,” said Tom, slapping him jovially on the shoulder. “How’s business?”“I can’t complain,” answered Wilson unconvincingly. “When are you going to sell me that car?”", "zh": "车行里毫无兴旺的气象,空空如也。只看见一辆汽车,一部盖满灰尘、破旧不堪的福特车,蹲在阴暗的角落里。我忽然想到,这间有名无实的车行莫不是个幌子,而楼上却掩藏着豪华温馨的房间,这时老板出现在一间办公室的门口,不停地在一块抹布上擦着手。他是个头发金黄、没精打采的人,脸上没有血色,样子还不难看。他一看见我们,那对浅蓝的眼睛就流露出一线暗淡的希望。\"哈罗,威尔逊,你这家伙,\"汤姆说,一面嘻嘻哈哈地拍拍他的肩膀,\"生意怎么样?\"\"还可以,\"威尔逊缺乏说服力地回答,\"你什么时候才把那部车子卖给我?\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“这是我夏天穿的最好一件衣服。我出门时穿着它很暖和,我哪儿知道要骑着马走路,哪儿知道要走到深夜呢。”", "en": "'It's my best summer one. 'Twas very warm when I started, and I didn't know I was going to ride, and that it would be night.'"}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In the days coming up to it, she asked her dad for a pony.", "zh": "在生日前夕,她向自己的父亲索要一匹小马。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And Conseil, in his serene voice, described for the third time the various vicissitudes of our story. But despite our narrator’s fine accent and stylish turns of phrase, the German language met with no success.", "zh": "康塞尔拿他很镇定的语调,将我们的经过情形作了第三次的叙述。可是,不管讲述人怎样把话说得婉转漂亮,音调怎样和谐动听,德语也无济干事。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Just then, as if to take my side in the argument, a bubbling began astern of this strange submersible—whose drive mechanism was obviously a propeller—and the boat started to move. We barely had time to hang on to its topside, which emerged about eighty centimeters above water. Fortunately its speed was not excessive. “So long as it navigates horizontally,” Ned Land muttered, “I’ve no complaints. But if it gets the urge to dive, I wouldn’t give $2.00 for my hide!”", "zh": "这时候,好像是为了要证明我的论据是对的,这个奇异东西的后面沸腾起来,它现在开行了,推动它的分明是那推进器。我们赶快紧紧把住它那浮出水面约八十厘米的上层。还算运气,它的速度并不十分快。它如果就这样在水平面上行驶,我倒一点不在乎,”尼德·兰低声说,“但是,如果它忽然异想天开沉到水底下去,那我的性命就靠不住了!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart.Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was exempt from my reaction—Gatsby, who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn.If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away.This responsiveness had nothing to do with that flabby impressionability which is dignified under the name of the “creative temperament.”—it was an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person and which it is not likely I shall ever find again.", "zh": "我不再要参与放浪形骸的游乐,也不再要偶尔窥见人内心深处的荣幸了。唯有盖茨比--就是把名字赋予本书的那个人--除外,不属于我这种反应的范围--盖茨比,他代表我所真心鄙夷的一切。假如人的品格是一系列连续不断的成功的姿态,那么这个人身上就有一种瑰丽的异彩,他对于人生的希望具有一种高度的敏感,类似一台能够记录万里以外的地震的错综复杂的仪器。这种敏感和通常美其名曰\"创造性气质\"的那种软绵绵的感受性毫不相干--它是一种异乎寻常的水葆希望的天赋,一种富于浪漫色彩的敏捷,这是我在别人身上从来发现过的,也是我今后不大可能会再发现的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The Nautilus’s nets hauled up several types of sea turtle from the hawksbill genus with arching backs whose scales are highly prized. Diving easily, these reptiles can remain a good while underwater by closing the fleshy valves located at the external openings of their nasal passages. When they were captured, some hawksbills were still asleep inside their carapaces, a refuge from other marine animals. The flesh of these turtles was nothing memorable, but their eggs made an excellent feast.", "zh": "诺第留斯号的鱼网打到好几种海龟,它们是海甲鱼属,背后隆起,龟甲很是宝贵。这些龟容易潜入水中,闭起鼻腔外孔的活肉塞,就可以在水中停留很久。|Qī-shū- ωǎng|有些海甲鱼被网打来的时候,它们还在甲壳中睡觉,那是为了要躲避海中动物的捕捉,这些甲鱼肉一般说是不好吃的,但甲鱼蛋却是美味的珍品。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "On January 18 the Nautilus lay in longitude 105 degrees and latitude 15 degrees south. The weather was threatening, the sea rough and billowy. The wind was blowing a strong gust from the east. The barometer, which had been falling for some days, forecast an approaching struggle of the elements.", "zh": "1月18日,诺第留斯号到了东经105度和南纬15度的地方。天气很坏,海上险恶,多风浪。大凤猛烈地从东方吹来。风雨表好几天以来就下降了,预告不久将有暴风和雨——海水和空气的恶斗。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "班纳特先生没有理睬她。", "en": "Mr. Bennet made no answer."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The carriage turned about, and drove on at its former speed. “I repeat this conversation exactly as it occurred. I have no doubt that it is, word for word, the same. I describe everything exactly as it took place, constraining my mind not to wander from the task. Where I make the broken marks that follow here, I leave off for the time, and put my paper in its hiding-place. “The carriage left the streets behind, passed the North Barrier, and emerged upon the country road. At two-thirds of a league from the Barrier—I did not estimate the distance at that time, but afterwards when I traversed it—it struck out of the main avenue, and presently stopped at a solitary house, We all three alighted, and walked, by a damp soft footpath in a garden where a neglected fountain had overflowed, to the door of the house. It was not opened immediately, in answer to the ringing of the bell, and one of my two conductors struck the man who opened it, with his heavy riding glove, across the face.", "zh": "马车掉过头,用刚才的速度飞驰而去。 “我是按实际情况复述这次谈话的,字字句句都如实记录,这我毫不怀疑。我控制了我的思想,不让它游离我的工作。我如实准确地描述了一切。我在这里划上暂停号,把我写下的文件隐藏起来,准备以后再写。” “马车把街道丢在后面,穿过北门关隘进入乡间道路。在离开关隘三分之二里格时——当时我没有估计距离,是在下次通过时估计的—一马车离开了大路,在一套独立的宅院前停下了。我们下了车,沿着花园潮湿柔软的小径走去。那儿有一温泉水,由于无人管理,已经溢流出来,流到宅院门口。拉了门铃却无人立即开门,等到门开了,引我来此的其中一人便用他那厚重的骑马手套揍了来开门的人一个耳光。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "What money would be drawn out of Tellson’s henceforth, and what would lie there, lost and forgotten; what plate and jewels would tarnish in Tellson’s hiding-places, while the depositors rusted in prisons, and when they should have violently perished; how many accounts with Tellson’s never to be balanced in this world, must be carried over into the next; no man could have said, that night, any more than Mr. Jarvis Lorry could, though he thought heavily of these questions. He sat by a newly-lighted wood fire (the blighted and unfruitful year was prematurely cold), and on his honest and courageous face there was a deeper shade than the pendent lamp could throw, or any object in the room distortedly reflect—a shade of horror.", "zh": "今后哪些钱会从台尔森银行取走?哪些钱会永远留在那儿,再也没人想起?哪些金银器皿和珠宝饰物会在台尔森的仓库里失去光泽,而它的寄存人则在监牢里憔悴或是横死?有多少台尔森银行的帐目在人世会无法结算,只好转到另一个世界去处理?那天晚上没有人能说清楚,贾维斯·罗瑞先生也说不清楚。他怀着这些问题苦苦思索了许久。他坐在新燃起的木柴火边(那年遭灾歉收,偏又冷得很早),他那诚实而勇敢的面庞上有一种阴影,那阴影比头顶上摇晃的灯光所能投射的、比屋里一切所能扭曲反射的都要深沉—一是恐怖的阴影。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I hesitated to speak my mind. “You may talk freely,” the captain told me. “This man doesn’t understand French.”", "zh": "我迟疑不敢说。 “您可以说,”船长对我说,“这人不懂得法语。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“那也说不定。不过,让我们听听结果如何吧,麦克先生。没有什么线索可以查清这个人吗?”", "en": "\"That may or may not be. But let us hear the end, Mr. Mac. Was there nothing to identify this man?\""}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Yes. By birth.", "zh": "是的。按出生国籍是的。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Mike had a free Saturday.", "zh": "麦克(Mike)星期六有空。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And this reaction wasn’t long in coming. For three months, during which each day seemed like a century, the Abraham Lincoln plowed all the northerly seas of the Pacific, racing after whales sighted, abruptly veering off course, swerving sharply from one tack to another, stopping suddenly, putting on steam and reversing engines in quick succession, at the risk of stripping its gears, and it didn’t leave a single point unexplored from the beaches of Japan to the coasts of America. And we found nothing! Nothing except an immenseness of deserted waves! Nothing remotely resembling a gigantic narwhale, or an underwater islet, or a derelict shipwreck, or a runaway reef, or anything the least bit unearthly!", "zh": "三个月来(在这三个月当中,真是一天等于一世纪),林肯号跑遍了太平洋北部所有的海面,有时向着看到的鲸鱼冲去,有时忽然离开航线,有时突然掉转船头,有时一下子停住……它不惜弄坏机器,不惜浪费动力,从日本海岸到美洲海岸,没有一处不曾搜索过。但是,什么也没有看见!看见的只是那浩瀚无边的大海!至于什么巨大的独角鲸、潜在水中的海岛,沉没的破船、飞走的暗礁,以及什么神秘的东西,却都没有看见!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Half an hour later, guided by its electric trail, we reached the Nautilus. The outside door had been left open, and Captain Nemo closed it after we reentered the first cell. Then he pressed a button. I heard pumps operating within the ship, I felt the water lowering around me, and in a few moments the cell was completely empty. The inside door opened, and we passed into the wardrobe.", "zh": "半小时后,有电光引路,我们到达了诺第留斯号。外部的门仍然开着,尼摩船长一见我们都已经走进了第一个小房中后,就把门关起来。然后他手按一个圆钮;我听到船内部的抽水机活动起来,我觉得我周围的水渐渐低下去,过了一会儿,小房中的水便完全排出去了。内部的门打开来,我、们走进了储衣室。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "早饭以后,他和他的两个哥哥一起出门散步,他的两个哥哥都是非福音教徒,受过良好的教育,他们都是高品位的青年,品行端正,性格谨慎;他们都是由教育机床一年年生产出来的无可挑剔的模范人物。", "en": "After breakfast he walked with his two brothers, non-evangelical, well-educated, hall-marked young men, correct to their remotest fibre; such unimpeachable models as are turned out yearly by the lathe of a systematic tuition."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "I talked to my doctor about it later.", "zh": "后来我告诉了我的医生这件事。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"Snape wants the stone for Voldemort... and Voldemort's waiting in the forest... and all this time we thought Snape just wanted to get rich....\"\"Stop saying the name!\" said Ron in a terrified whisper, as if he thought Voldemort could hear them.Harry wasn't listening.\"Firenze saved me, but he shouldn't have done so.... Bane was furious... he was talking about interfering with what the planets say is going to happen.... They must show that Voldemort's coming back.... Bane thinks Firenze should have let Voldemort kill me.... I suppose that's written in the stars as well.\"\"Will you stop saying the name!\" Ron hissed.\"So all I've got to wait for now is Snape to steal the Stone,\" Harry went on feverishly, \"then Voldemort will be able to come and finish me off... Well, I suppose Bane'll be happy.\"", "zh": "\"史纳皮想为福尔得摩特拿那块石头„„而福尔得摩特一定正在森林里等着他——直以来我们还以为史纳皮拿那块石头是为了钱呢!\"\"别再说那个名字了!\"罗恩恐惧地低声请求哈利,好像福尔得摩特在听着他们说话似的。哈利却不听。\"佛罗伦斯救了我,但其实他是不该这样做的,所以班尼生气极了„„他说这样就违背了火星显示出来的,那个安排好了的未来„„那些人头马一定预测到福尔得摩特将会复活,因为班尼要佛罗伦斯任由福尔得摩特杀死我„„这一行动或者也是记载在那些星座上的了。\"\"你可不可以不再说那个名字呢!\"罗恩十分不满。\"现在我所能做的就是等史纳皮来把那块石头偷走,然后福尔得摩特就可以轻而易举地结束了我„„\"哈利越说越气愤,\"那样,班尼就会满意了。\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "它一动不动地坐在这间又冷又暗又脏的房间里的椅子上,眼睛盯着桌子,由于阴冷,这个怪物的头上盖着一块布,在他面前的桌子上放着一朵枯萎的花。", "en": "The creature did not move or look at us. It sat very quietly on the chair in the cold, dark, dirty room, and looked at the table. On the table in front of it, there was a dead flower."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But, though the Doctor tried hard, and never ceased trying, to get Charles Darnay set at liberty, or at least to get him brought to trial, the public current of the time set too strong and fast for him. The new era began; the king was tried, doomed, and beheaded; the Republic of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death, declared for victory or death against the world in arms; the black flag waved night and day from the great towers of Notre Dame; three hundred thousand men, summoned to rise against the tyrants of the earth, rose from all the varying soils of France, as if the dragon’s teeth had been sown broadcast, and had yielded fruit equally on hill and plain, on rock, in gravel, and alluvial mud, under the bright sky of the South and under the clouds of the North, in fell and forest, in the vineyards and the olive- grounds and among the cropped grass and the stubble of the corn, along the fruitful banks of the broad rivers, and in the sand of the sea-shore. What private solicitude could rear itself against the deluge of the Year One of Liberty—the deluge rising from below, not falling from above, and with the windows of Heaven shut, not opened!", "zh": "尽管医生努力奋斗,从不松懈,想让查尔斯·达尔内获释,或至少得到审讯,但是,当时的社会潮流却太迅猛激烈,使他无法抵挡。新的时期开始了,国王受到了审判、判了死刑、砍掉了脑袋,那“自由平等博爱或死亡”的共和国向武装进攻的世界宣布了“若不胜利宁可死亡”。巴黎圣母院巨大的塔楼顶上黑色的旗帜日夜招展。三十万人的大军为抗击全世界的暴君响应号召从法兰西各地猛然崛起,仿佛田野上遍撒了龙齿,结满了果实:从山上也从平原上;从岩石上,也从碎石上和冲积土壤上;在南方明朗的天空之下,也在北方积云的天空之下;从丘陵里,也从森林里;从葡萄园,也从橄榄地;在剪过的草地上,也在气过的庄稼地上;沿着广阔的河流的结着果实的河岸,也沿着海岸的沙滩,到处都结出了龙齿的果实。有什么个人的忧患能抗衡“自由元年”的滚滚洪流呢—一那洪水是从下面涌起的,而不是从天上落下的,天上的窗户紧闭着,而不是敞开着!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Chest heaving with emotion, Wood turned to Harry.\"It'll be down to you, Harry, to show them that a Seeker has to have something more than a rich father. Get to that Snitch before Malfoy or die trying, Harry, because we've got to win today, we've got to.\"\"So no pressure, Harry\" said Fred, winking at him.As they walked out onto the pitch, a roar of noise greeted them; mainly cheers, because Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were anxious to see Slytherin beaten, but the Slytherins in the crowd made their boos and hisses heard, too. Madam Hooch, the Quidditch teacher, asked Flint and Wood to shake hands, which they did, giving each other threatening stares and gripping rather harder than was necessary.\"On my whistle,\" said Madam Hooch. \"Three ... two ... one. . .", "zh": "伍德激动得胸脯起伏,他转向哈利。“就看你的了,哈利,要使他们看到,作为一名找球手,单靠一个有钱的爸爸是不够的。要么赶在马尔福之前抓住金色飞贼,要么死在赛场上,哈利,因为我们今天必须取胜,我们必须取胜。”“所以别有压力,哈利。”弗雷德冲他眨眨眼睛,说道。他们出来走向赛场时,迎接他们的是一片喧闹的声音。主要是欢呼喝彩,因为拉文克劳和赫奇帕奇都希望看到斯莱特林被打败,但同时也能听见人群里斯莱特林们的嘘声和喝倒彩的声音。魁地奇裁判霍琦夫人请弗林特和伍德握了握手,他们用威胁的目光互相瞪视着,并且不必要地把对方的手攥得很紧很紧。“听我的哨声,”霍琦夫人说,“三—— 二—— 一—— ”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "门一关上,班纳特太太便对她的几个女儿说“孩子们,你们的爸爸真太好了,我不知道你们怎样才能报答他的恩典;再说,你们还应该好好报答我一番呢。", "en": "\"What an excellent father you have, girls,\" said she, when the door was shut. \"I do not know how you will ever make him amends for his kindness; or me either, for that matter."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Affected, and impressed with terror as they both were, by this spectacle of ruin, it was not a time to yield to such emotions. His lonely daughter, bereft of her final hope and reliance, appealed to them both too strongly. Again, as if by agreement, they looked at one another with one meaning in their faces. Carton was the first to speak: “The last chance is gone: it was not much. Yes; he had better be taken to her. But, before you go, will you, for a moment, steadily attend to me? Don’t ask me why I make the stipulations I am going to make, and exact the promise I am going to exact; I have a reason—a good one.” “I do not doubt it,” answered Mr. Lorry. “Say on.” The figure in the chair between them, was all the time monotonously rocking itself to and fro, and moaning. They spoke in such a tone as they would have used if they had been watching by a sick-bed in the night.", "zh": "尽管两人都为这种心灵毁灭的惨象感到恐惧,时间却不容他们流露自已的情绪。他那孤苦伶仃的女儿太令两人难过,她已失去了最后的希望和依傍。两人再度表现出默契,彼此望望,脸上表现了同一个意思。卡尔顿第一个说话: “本来机会就不多,可现在连身后的机会都没有了。是的,医生最好还是到他女儿那儿去。但是在你离开之前你能否用一点时间仔细听我讲一讲?我要提出一些条件,还要你答应我做一些事情__别问我理由,我有理由,有充分的理由。” “这我不怀疑,”罗瑞先生回答,“说吧!” 那坐在两人之间的人,—直在单调地一起一伏地呜咽着。两人用夜间守候在病床边的人的口气交谈起来。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "After such imaginary discourse, the passenger in his fancy would dig, and dig, dig—now with a spade, now with a great key, now with his hands—to dig this wretched creature out. Got out at last, with earth hanging about his face and hair, he would suddenly fan away to dust. The passenger would then start to himself, and lower the window, to get the reality of mist and rain on his cheek.", "zh": "在这样想象中的对话之后,那乘客又在幻想中挖呀,挖呀,挖个不止--有时用一把铁锹,有时用一把大钥匙,有时用手--要把那可怜的人挖出来。终于挖出来了,脸上和头发上还带着泥土。他可能突然消失,化为尘土。这时那乘客便猛然惊醒,放下车窗,回到现实中来,让雾和雨洒落到面颊上。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The fountain in the village flowed unseen and unheard, and the fountain at the chateau dropped unseen and unheard—both melting away, like the minutes that were falling from the spring of Time—through three dark hours. Then, the grey water of both began to be ghostly in the light, and the eyes of the stone faces of the chateau were opened.", "zh": "村里,泉水奔流着,看不见,也听不到;庄园里,喷泉喷溅着,看不见,也听不到;两者都像从时间之泉喷出的分分秒秒,喷出便消失,喷了三个黑暗的小时。然后两者的灰白的水都在晨曦里闪着幽灵似的光,庄园的石头面孔睁开了眼睛。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Her friends thought that participating in a sport may help her.", "zh": "她的朋友认为参加运动也许可以帮助她。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Ned Land didn’t reply. His pursed lips and frowning brow indicated that he was in the grip of his monomania. “Look here,” I went on, “as yet there’s no cause for despair. We’re going up the coast of Portugal. France and England aren’t far off, and there we’ll easily find refuge. Oh, I grant you, if the Nautilus had emerged from the Strait of Gibraltar and made for that cape in the south, if it were taking us toward those regions that have no continents, then I’d share your alarm. But we now know that Captain Nemo doesn’t avoid the seas of civilization, and in a few days I think we can safely take action.”", "zh": "尼德·兰不回答。他紧闭的嘴唇,他紧蹙的眉毛,表示他心中有一个坚定的思想死死纠缠着他。 “瞧着吧,”我又说,“事情并不是完全没有希望。我们现在沿葡萄牙海岸上溯了。不远就是法国、英国,我们可以很容易找到一个逃走的地方。啊!如果诺第留斯号从直布罗陀海峡出来,往南方驶去,如果它把我们带到没有陆地的那些区域去,那我心中跟您一样,感到烦恼。但是,我们现在知道尼摩船长并不躲避有文化的海面,我想在几天内,您可以比较安全地来执行您的计划。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "But this mystery would inevitably be cleared up, and soon, because Captain Nemo gave orders to increase speed; at once the engine stepped up its drive power, setting the propeller in swifter rotation.", "zh": "此外,这个神秘必须弄清楚,并且要很快弄清楚,因为船上得到尼摩船长的命令,机器增加推动力,机器转动更快了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "And above all, what must he have thought when Captain Nemo pulled a bag of pearls from a pocket in his diving suit and placed it in the fisherman’s hands? This magnificent benefaction from the Man of the Waters to the poor Indian from Ceylon was accepted by the latter with trembling hands. His bewildered eyes indicated that he didn’t know to what superhuman creatures he owed both his life and his fortune.", "zh": "特别是,当尼摩船长从衣服口袋中取出一个珍珠囊,放在他手中时,他心中会怎样想呢。这位水中人给锡兰岛的穷苦印度人的贵重施舍物,由一只发抖的手接过去了。在他惊奇的眼睛里表示出了救他的性命和给他财产的,一定是不可思议的超人的神灵。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "By July 23 the Great Eastern was lying no farther than 800 kilometers from Newfoundland when it received telegraphed news from Ireland of an armistice signed between Prussia and Austria after the Battle of Sadova. Through the mists on the 27th, it sighted the port of Heart’s Content. The undertaking had ended happily, and in its first dispatch, young America addressed old Europe with these wise words so rarely understood: “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good will.”", "zh": "7月23日,大东方号把海底线装到了只距纽芬兰岛八i公里的时候,人们从爱尔兰打电报给它,说普鲁土和奥地利在萨多瓦战事后已经成立了停战协定。17日,它在浓雾中安装到内心港。海底电线的工作顺利地完成了。第一封海底电报是青年的美洲向老年的欧洲发出的刁:为时人所了解的下面几句言词:“光荣是属于天上的上帝,和平是属于地上的善良的人们。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In a few seconds we were safe on top of the cave. “What happened?” Conseil asked. “Some new phenomenon?” “Not quite, my friends!” I replied. “It was the tide, merely the tide, which wellnigh caught us by surprise just as it did Sir Walter Scott’s hero! The ocean outside is rising, and by a perfectly natural law of balance, the level of this lake is also rising. We’ve gotten off with a mild dunking. Let’s go change clothes on the Nautilus.”", "zh": "几分钟后,我们就安全地到了这岩洞的顶上。 “这是怎么一回事?\"康塞尔问,“又有新的奇怪现象吗? “朋友们,”我回答,“没有什么!那是潮水,像司备脱①小说中所说的人物的遭遇一样,突然来袭我们的,不过是那潮水!大西洋在外面涨起,由于自然的平衡法则,湖中的水平面同样要上升,我们洗了半个澡出来了。我们得回诺第留斯号换衣服去。”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The battle between sperm whales and baleen whales had already begun when the Nautilus arrived. It maneuvered to cut into the herd of long-skulled predators. At first the latter showed little concern at the sight of this new monster meddling in the battle. But they soon had to sidestep its thrusts.", "zh": "当诺第留斯号驶到的时候,大头鲸和长须鲸已经开始战斗了。诺第留斯号的动作是要把这群大头怪物拦住。最初,这些怪物看见这只新奇东西参加战斗,并不激动,跟平常一样。但不久它们就不得不防备它的攻击了。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The thermometer marked -12 degrees centigrade, and a fresh breeze left a sharp nip in the air. Ice floes were increasing over the open water. The sea was starting to congeal everywhere. Numerous blackish patches were spreading over its surface, announcing the imminent formation of fresh ice. Obviously this southernmost basin froze over during its six-month winter and became utterly inaccessible. What happened to the whales during this period? No doubt they went beneath the Ice Bank to find more feasible seas. As for seals and walruses, they were accustomed to living in the harshest climates and stayed on in these icy waterways. These animals know by instinct how to gouge holes in the ice fields and keep them continually open; they go to these holes to breathe. Once the birds have migrated northward to escape the cold, these marine mammals remain as sole lords of the polar continent.", "zh": "温度表降到零下十二度,寒风吹来,刺人肌骨。冰群在:流动的水上愈来愈多了。海面渐渐冻结。无数灰黑的冰块摆在水面上,这表示新的冰层形成了。很显然,南极的海面在冬季六个月全是结冰的,绝对无法通过。这个时期鲸鱼类怎样呢?当然它们从冰山下面出去,找寻比较适宜居住的海水。至于海豹和海马,习惯了严寒的天气,是仍然留在这冰天雪地中的。这些动物天赋有本能在这冰场中挖掘洞穴,老是让洞门敞开,它们可以到洞口来呼吸。鸟类被寒冷所迫,迁移到北方去。这时只有这些哺乳类动物是这南极大陆的唯一主人。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It was so clearly beyond hope to reason with him, or try to restore him, that—as if by agreement—they each put a hand upon his shoulder, and soothed him to sit down before the fire, with a promise that he should have his work presently. He sank into the chair, and brooded over the embers, and shed tears. As if all that had happened since the garret time were a momentary fancy, or a dream, Mr. Lorry saw him shrink into the exact figure that Defarge had had in keeping.", "zh": "想跟他讲道理,想使他清醒,都显然无济于事。他俩仿佛配合默契,—人伸出一只手放在他肩上,劝他在炉火前坐下,而且告诉他马上给他找到活计。医生倒在椅子里呆望着灰烬,流起泪来。罗瑞先生眼看他又完全缩回到了当初德伐日照顾他时的模样,仿佛阁楼时期以后所发生的一切都不过是瞬间的幻觉。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"I don't need a cloak to become invisible,\" said Dumbledore gently. \"Now, can you think what the Mirror of Erised shows us all?\"Harry shook his head.\"Let me explain. The happiest man on earth would be able to use the Mirror of Erised like a normal mirror, that is, he would look into it and see himself exactly as he is. Does that help?\"Harry thought. Then he said slowly, \"It shows us what we want... whatever we want...\"\"Yes and no,\" said Dumbledore quietly. \"It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts. You, who have never known your family, see them standing around you. Ronald Weasley, who has always been overshadowed by his brothers, sees himself standing alone, the best of all of them.However, this mirror will give us neither knowledge or truth. Men have wasted away before it, entranced by what they have seen, or been driven mad, not knowing if what it shows is real or even possible.", "zh": "\"我并不需要借助披风来隐形。\"丹伯多温柔地说:\"现在,你知道魔法之镜能够做些什么了吗?\"哈利摇了摇头。\"我解释给你听吧,对于世界上最快乐幸福的人,它只是一面普通的镜子,也就是说,他在镜子中看到的是他真实的自己,你现在懂了吗?\"哈利想了想,慢慢地说:\"它显示出我们想要的一切东西„„\"\"是,也不尽是。\"丹伯多平静地说,\"它能显示出我们心中最深的,最想得到的渴望。你从来没有见过你的家人,所以你看到他们站在你的周围,罗恩.威斯里总是笼罩在他兄弟们的阴影之下,所以他看到自己站在那里,成为兄弟们中的娇娇者。然而,这面镜子既不告诉我们真相,又不增长我们的知识。人们在它的面前变得很脆弱,沉迷于他们所见到的,甚至变疯了,但不知他们所看见的是真还是假。\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "\"Dumbledore?\" he said, dashing to the door to make sure. Fred was right. There was no mistaking that silver beard.Harry could have laughed out loud with relief He was safe. There was simply no way that Snape would dare to try to hurt him if Dumbledore was watching.Perhaps that was why Snape was looking so angry as the teams marched onto the field, something that Ron noticed, too.\"I've never seen Snape look so mean,\" he told Hermione. \"Look -they're off Ouch!\"Someone had poked Ron in the back of the head. It was Malfoy.\"Oh, sorry, Weasley, didn't see you there.\"Malfoy grinned broadly at Crabbe and Goyle.\"Wonder how long Potter's going to stay on his broom this time? Anyone want a bet? What about you, Weasley?\"Ron didn't answer; Snape had just awarded Hufflepuff a penalty because George Weasley had hit a Bludger at him. Hermione, who had all her fingers crossed in her lap, was squinting fixedly at Harry, who was circling the game like a hawk, looking for the Snitch.", "zh": "\"丹伯多?\"他说着,向门口冲过去确定真假。弗来德说对了,银色的胡须,绝对是他。哈利释然地大笑起来,他安全了。如果丹伯多教授在旁观看的话,史纳皮就没有办法试图伤害他了。可能这也是当两队进场时,史纳皮满面不高兴的原因吧。\"我还没见过史纳皮如此狼狈过。\"罗恩告诉荷米恩,\"看!他们出来了。哎哟!\"有人在他的后面推了一下,那人正是马尔夫。\"噢,对不起,我没有看见你在前面。\"马尔夫向克来伯和高尔咧着大嘴笑。\"猜猜这次波特将在他的扫帚上呆多久?谁想打赌?你呢,威斯里?\"罗恩没有理会他,史纲皮刚才宣判由海夫巴夫进行罚球,因为乔治.威斯里用可尔夫球打了他。荷米恩握紧拳头,眯着眼死盯着哈利,他正像鹰一样在半空中周旋,寻找着史尼斯球。"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Judy and the son arrived shortly before Hal.", "zh": "朱迪和儿子到新家后,哈尔很快也到了。"}, "data_name": "XStoryCloze", "task_type": "domain_literature"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "This diver didn’t see us. A shadow cast by our crag hid us from his view. And besides, how could this poor Indian ever have guessed that human beings, creatures like himself, were near him under the waters, eavesdropping on his movements, not missing a single detail of his fishing!", "zh": "这个采珠人看不见我们。岩石的阴影挡住了他的视线。并且,这个可怜的印度人哪能想到,在水底下有人,有像他那样的人,偷看他的动作,细细观察他采珠的情形呢?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "p2p-data"} {"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "“我想你现在一心想的就是农业了,别的什么也不想了,是不是,我的朋友?”费利克斯带着悲伤和严肃的神情,透过眼镜看着远方的田野,在说完了其它的事情后对他的弟弟说。", "en": "'I suppose it is farming or nothing for you now, my dear fellow,' Felix was saying, among other things, to his youngest brother, as he looked through his spectacles at the distant fields with sad austerity."}, "data_name": "UM-corpus_novel", "task_type": "domain_literature"}