{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "震老师说道:“长弓居然为了它牺牲了自己一半的生命力?” 我点了点头,感情流露的说道:“小金是我最亲密的伙伴,我怎么能眼睁睁的看着它死呢。” 感到我心情的波动,小金将大头低了下来,蹭了我一下。 震老师摇了摇头,说道:“真是太不可思意了,看来是不用对长弓的这头龙幻兽集训了,即使是我也未必能打的过长弓和小金的联手,这次我们胜利的希望大多了。” 他早已经从小金强大的气息中知道了它的强度。", "en": "Teacher Zhen exclaimed, “Zhang Gong sacrificed half his life for the dragon?” I nodded and emotionally said, “Xiao Jin is my most important partner. How could I turn a blind eye and let him die?” Feeling the surge of my emotions, Xiao Jin lowered his head and nuzzled against me, prompting me to affectionately pat him. Teacher Zhen shook his head. “Unbelievable! It looks like it’s unnecessary to train the dragon as I doubt I’ll be able to defeat Zhang Gong with Xiao Jin’s assistance. Our chances of victory are much higher now.” He had already gauged Xiao Jin’s strength from his life force."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋挣扎着,可是她的力气,哪里是这群保镖的对手? 很快胳膊被钳制在身后,她被压得动也没办法动。 她紧张的抬头看向王文豪,还没说话,却见对方忽然举起了胳膊。 “啪!” 一巴掌狠狠落在她的脸上!", "en": "Qiao Lian struggled mightily, but her strength was no match for the group of bodyguards. Her arms were quickly wrenched behind her back and she was subdued. She was unable to move her body at all. She worriedly raised her head to look at Wang Wenhao. Before she could speak, she saw the other party suddenly raise his arm. “Piak!” A tight slap landed on her face!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "以后,还是尽力取悦她吧。他默默下了决心,脸色又红了一些,低下头,恭敬地垂首站立。 第181章 女尊第一花魁(2)", "en": "In the future, it’s better for me to do my best to please her. He silently made up his mind and blushed some more. He then lowered his head and stood there in a respectful manner. Chapter 181: The Monarch’s No. 1 Beauty (2)"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "这一次,他连挺直腰杆的力气都没了。 “其实,你们如果想要活命的话,也是有机会的。”青年突然开口。 三人纷纷抬头。 青年笑了笑,从身后取出一把格洛克18C,倒提着枪柄,轻轻拎到三人面前。 众人的神色顿时闪了闪。 “难道看不出来吗?” 青年将手枪拎得更近一些,用一种低沉蛊惑的语气道,“你们只要抢过这把枪,对着我的脑袋——砰一声,你们就得救了!” 杰克和瑞恩两人互相对视一眼,都有些拿捏不准眼前青年的真实用意。", "en": "This time around, he hardly had the strength left to sit upright. “There’s still a chance for you guys to come out of this alive,” the young man announced suddenly. The three of them raised their heads in unison. The young man smirked before revealing a Glock 18C from behind his back. He held the gun by its barrel and presented it before the three men. The three of them were slightly taken aback by the sudden development. “Can it be any more obvious?” The young man held the gun even closer to them and spoke in a grumbling, hypnotizing tone, “All you guys have to do is take this gun and point to my head — Bang. Just like that, you’re free!” Jake and Ryan exchanged a glance with each other. They had trouble grasping the young man’s true intentions."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "两人坐的餐桌上摆放了很多玫瑰花束,不是插瓶里的,是插在桌子两侧一个专门摆设的花篮里,布置得很精心,也很浪漫。 桌上还点了很多蜡烛,俨然烛光晚餐似的。 方池夏坐着有些不自在,一顿饭,只尝了一点点,就坐着等费司诺了。 她以为,他一个大男人,该是很快就解决完的。", "en": "The two sat on the table amidst the rose petals, even a bottle of wine and a flower basket were specially arranged on both sides of the table, thus giving off a very romantic setting. Coupled with numerous candles on the table and the surrounding area, it was a perfect candlelit dinner. Fang Chixia was sitting uncomfortably. She only tasted a bit of her meal and just sat to wait for Fei Si Nuo. She thought that with him being such a big man, he would be finished very soon."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "今天沈凉川不是出去开会去了吗? 怎么这么早就回来了? 她这幅样子,还能出去吗? 她咳嗽了一声,低声,眼珠子乱转的开口:“报社有个新闻让我去挖,我这就赶过去。” 沈凉川眸光一沉,当下命令道:“不许去。” 乔恋抬头,“沈先生……”话没说完,看见他眉眼一挑,改了称呼,“沈凉川,那个,我工作上的事情,你能不能不要干扰?” 如果他强行将她留下,她是不是会不开心? 沈凉川抿了抿嘴唇,“保护好自己。” “沈凉川你放心吧! 我绝对会安全的出去,安全的回来!”", "en": "Hadn’t Shen Liangchuan left earlier today to attend a meeting? Why was he back so early? Could she actually leave dressed like that? She coughed, her eyes spinning wildly, and said softly, “There’s a piece of news I need to uncover back at the news agency. I’m rushing over now.” Qiao Lian raised her head and said, “Mr. Shen—” Before she could finish speaking, he raised his eyebrows, so she immediately changed how she addressed him, “Shen Liangchuan, could you not interfere in my affairs when it comes to work? ” If he forced her to stay, would she be unhappy? Shen Liangchuan pursed his lips and said, “Take care of yourself.” Qiao Lian’s eyes brightened and immediately said sweetly, “All right! Shen Liangchuan, don’t worry! I will definitely leave in one piece and come back in one piece as well!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "他的话,说得漫不经心的。 明明方池夏来到这里就是他故意设计的,他却说得事不关己。 他装作什么事都没的样子,方池夏也无心跟他提餐厅时他故意周旋的事,若无其事地向着他走了过去。 “我是容熙的方池夏!” 当作什么事也没发生过似的,她对着他致意了下。 她这是在自我介绍,虽然两人也算认识了,但是对彼此的身份,却一无所知。 方池夏觉得,为了避免以后再被戏弄,她有必要了解下他的身份。 自我介绍的目的,是为了让他介绍下自己。 费司诺唇角冷艳地扬了扬,对着她伸出了自己的手,“R国克里斯家族,费司诺。 克里斯。” 他其实并没直接说明自己的身份,只是介绍了下自己的名字。 然而,一个姓说出后,却让方池夏震惊得眸子微微缩了缩。 克里斯家族,R国最古老最尊贵的家族,家族背景庞大,传说黑白通吃。 方池夏对R国其实了解得并不多,但是,最基本的常识还是知道的。 费司诺跟个没事的人似的,挑了张椅子坐下,脸色又恢复了散散漫漫的样子。", "en": "His words were put forwards so casually. It was obvious that Fang Chixia’s presence here was of his own design, but he made no mention of it. He pretended that everything was as it is. Fang Chixia also was not in the mind of raising the matters at the restaurant earlier. As if just socializing with him, she also walked over. “I’m Rongxi’s Fang Chixia!” Treating everything beforehand as if the wind, she expressed her greetings first. She introduced themselves for although they’ve interacted before, they knew nothing of each other’s identities. Fang Chixia decided that in order to avoid being teased in the future, she needed to understand her identity. The purpose of her introduction was just so he would do so himself. Fei Si Nuo curved a lip elegantly and extended his hand, “R country’s Chris Family, Fei Si Nuo. Chris (Ke Lisi). He has not introduced his status directly, but only mentioned his name. However, at the mention of his surname, Fang Chixia was horror-struck and her pupils constricted. The Chris Family, the oldest and most distinguished family in R, has a formidable family background and is legendary both in black and white. Fang Chixia didn’t know much about R, but was still informed of the most basic knowledge about it. Fei Si Nuo wasn’t raffled at all. He recovered his hand and sat back down, his face also returning to its nonchalance."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "钟灵挽了段誉的手臂,转身便走,低声道:“祸已闯下,快走!”围在司空玄身旁的都是神农帮中的好手,这些人一生采药使药,可说甚么毒物都见识过了,但这闪电貂来去如电,又如此剧毒,却是谁都不识其名。司空玄叫道:“快抓住这女娃娃,莫让她走了。”四条汉子应声跃起,分从两侧包抄了上来。钟灵连声呼哨,闪电貂从这人身上跃到那一人身上,只一霎眼间,已将四条汉子一一咬过,每条汉子不是滚倒在地,便缩成了一团。神农帮帮众虽见这小貂甚是可怖,但在帮主之前谁也不敢退缩,又有七八人呼啸追来。", "en": "Seizing this chance, Zhong Ling took hold of Duan Yu’s arm, and turned to leave, whispering, “Trouble made, leave here quickly!”“Don’t let the girl escape; hurry up to catch her!” shouted the master, around whom were the super fighters of the Shennong who, having life’s experience of gathering and using herbs, had seen every kind of poisonous things—it could be said—but didn’t know what the lightning virulent ermine was. And immediately, four men answered, jumped forward, and spurted from both sides to besiege Duan Yu and Zhong Ling. And this time Zhong Ling gave a series of whistles, at which her ermine jumped among the four enemies, and gave each a bite in a trice, leaving them all fall onto or curled on the ground. But another seven or eight of the enemies, who though feared the horrible ermine, dared not flinch in the presence of their master, run after them, yelling loudly."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"学程,我就要问你:恶毒妇是什么?\"", "en": "‘Xuecheng, I’ve a question for you: what does e-du-fu mean?’"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "至于后者,很可能是因为太阳在放大电波的同时.还叠加了一个波形.这个波形是有规律的,在外星文明的译解系境中根容易被剔除.但在她的肉眼看来.木星和太阳的辐射波形就大不相同了。这一点后来得到了证实。叠加的是一个正弦波。她警觉地四下看看。主机房中值班的还有三人.其中两人在一个角落聊天,一人在终端前打睦睡.而在监听系统的信息处理部分.能够查看接收内容识别度和访问译解系统的终端只有她面前这两台。她不动声色地迅速操作.将已接收到的信息全部转存到一个多重加密的隐形子目录中。用一年前接收到的一段噪声代替了这五个小时的内容。", "en": "As for the waveforms, it was possible that when the sun amplified the radio waves, it also added another wave to it. It would likely be a periodic wave that could be easily filtered out by the alien deciphering system, but to her unaided eye, the waveform from Jupiter and from the sun would appear very different. Years later, after Ye had left Red Coast, she would manage to confirm her last guess: The sun had added a sine wave.She looked around alertly. There were three others in the main computer room. Two of the three were chatting in a corner, while the last was napping before a terminal. In the data analysis section of the monitoring system, only the two terminals in front of her could view the recognizability rating of a signal and access the deciphering system.Maintaining her composure, she worked quickly and moved all of the received messages to a multiply-encrypted, invisible sub-directory. Then she copied over a segment of noise received a year ago as a substitute for the transmission received during the last five hours."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "行了几日,离昆明已远,始终不见吴三桂派兵马追来,众人渐觉放心。这天将到曲靖,傍晚时分,四骑马迎面奔来,一人翻身下马,对骁骑营的前锋说道,有紧急军情要禀报钦差大臣。韦小宝得报,当即接见,只见当先一人身材瘦小,面目黝黑,正要问他有何军情,站在他身后的钱老本忽道:“你不是邝兄吗?”那人躬身道:“兄弟邝天雄,钱大哥你好。”韦小宝向钱老本瞧去。钱老本点了点头,低声道:“是自己人。”韦小宝道:“很好,邝老兄辛苦了,咱们到后边坐。”", "en": "After several days of travelling, the city of Kunming was well and truly behind them, and there was no visible sign of the Satrap's troops following them. They felt they could finally begin to relax a little.One evening, as they were approaching the county town of Qujing, they saw four riders galloping towards them. One of them leapt from his horse and announced to the vanguard of Trinket's party that he was carrying important military intelligence for the Imperial Envoy Lord Wei. Trinket immediately summoned the manbefore him. He was a diminutive, scrawny, swarthy fellow. Trinket was about to interrogate him when Butcher Qian called out from behind him' 'Aren't you Brother Kuang?' The man bowed. 'At your service, Brother Qian!' Trinket glanced at Qian, and Qian nodded back, muttering' 'He's one of ours.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "周围没有其余的人,杨玲思脸部狰狞,顺着她的话喊道:“结婚又怎么样?我就是乐意做小三! 告诉你,离沈影帝远点!” 乔恋挑眉,“小三?” 她歪了歪头,漆黑的大眼睛,透出一股狡黠:“可是我记得,你明明才刚表白,而且……沈影帝好像拒绝你了,你想做小三? 沈影帝同意了吗?”杨玲思被她的话,刺激的几乎要跳脚,“那又怎么样? 告诉你,借着沈影帝结婚的热度,跟着一起上了头条的,是我!”", "en": "There was nobody around. Yang Lingsi contorted her face hideously and replied yelling, “So what even if you were married to him? I am happy to be his mistress! I’ll warn you again, leave Best Actor Shen alone!” Qiao Lian raised her eyebrows and said, “Mistress?”She tilted her head as her pitch-black eyes betrayed a certain cunningness. She said, “But if I remember correctly, you just confessed your love to him, and yet… He seems to have rejected you. Even then, you want to be his mistress? Has Best Actor Shen agreed to this?” Yang Lingsi was so provoked by her words that she almost started hopping out of anger. She said, “So what? I’m telling you, the person who will hit the headlines with Best Actor Shen is me! I’ll take advantage of the buzz surrounding his wedding.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "可在她进入以后,沈凉川的脸色,就一下子冷下来。", "en": "But after she had entered the room, Shen Liangchuan’s expression immediately turned cold."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "方池夏坐的是一张沙发,还有点小,她本来是想趁着这十几个小时好好休息下的,谁知刚一坐下,洛易北也跟着坐了下来。 这么小的一张沙发,两个人坐是有些拥挤的。 而且还靠的窗边摆设,这让方池夏腿都没地方放。 更可恶的是,洛易北的手脚也不知是不是故意的,长胳膊长腿的,随便一放,就把空间站了大半。 手臂还由后穿过她的脑勺,直接伸到她的眼皮底下来了。 这样的姿势,她就像是随时被他搂在怀里似的。 方池夏倒不别捏,只是觉得他的手脚有些阻碍她活动,手肘将他推了推,“你过去一点。” 洛易北没理她,双臂换了个姿势,慵懒地环在胸前,把她当靠枕似的,双腿懒懒换了个交叠的姿势,身体直接靠在了她的身上。 他本来就很高大,这么靠着方池夏,怎么看怎么不协调。 他似乎自己也不介意,脸上的表情还很惬意。 方池夏横了他一眼,气得牙痒痒的。 她在他那儿的用途是不是又多一种了?", "en": "Fang Chixia chose to sit on the sofa and a little space was left on it. She was thinking of making use of these more than ten hours to have a good rest. Who knew that after she just sat down, Luo Yibei also followed suit. With such a narrow sofa, two people sitting on it was somewhat crowded. Moreover, the side of the window was decorated leaving no space for Fang Chixia to rest her legs. What’s even more hateful was that whether it was intentional or not, Luo Yibei sprawled out with his long limbs occupying the majority of the space in front. His arm was also spread out behind her head and directly rested just beneath her eyelids. With this stance, she would likely be held in his embrace at any time. Fang Chixia refrained herself from pinching him. But vexed at how his hand and legs hindered her from moving, she elbowed him, “Move a little.” Luo Yibei ignored her. Instead, he changed positions. He lazily wrapped his arms around her waist, overlapped his legs reluctantly, and leaned bodily against her, using her lap as his pillow. With his tall stature, anyone would agree that him relying on Fang Chixia was entirely oafish. He didn’t seem to mind at all for coziness was apparent on his face. Fang Chixia scowled at him while gnashing her teeth in anger. Was there going to be more than one benefit she has with him?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "多隆道:“王爷聘请高人这个秘诀,可肯传授么?”康亲王微笑道:“多总管自己便是一等一的高手,还聘请武学高手来干甚么?”多隆道:“多谢王爷称赞。想那年咱们满洲武将在大校场较技,摄政亲王亲自监临,王爷和小将都曾得到摄政王的赏赐。听说这次鳌拜的余孽前来滋扰,王爷箭不虚发,亲手射死了二十多名乱党。”康亲王微微一笑,并不答话。那日他确是发箭射死了两名天地会会众,二十多名云云,未免多了十倍。韦小宝道:“这件事我是亲眼瞧见的。那时我耳边只听得飕飕乱响,前面不住大叫‘哎唷,哎唷!’后面大叫‘好箭,好箭!’”", "en": "'I think Your Highness must have some secret formula for attracting the stars of the profession to come and work for you,' said Dolong. 'I wish you'd tell me what it is.' 'My dear Chief, ' said the Prince, smiling, 'you're the starriest of stars yourself: what need do you have of recruiting star fighters?' 'You're very kind,' said Dolong. 'But I seem to remember, years ago, when we were competing with other young Manchu officers in the presence of the Regent, you and I both received prizes from the Regent for our skill in archery. I hear you were still shooting pretty well when you had that spot of bother here with Oboi's people. They tell me you shot more than twenty of them yourself.' Prince Kang smiled but said nothing. He had in fact shot two of the Triad raiders on the occasion Dolong was referring to. Dolong had enlarged the figure by a factor of ten. 'I was there,' said Trinket. 'I saw it all with my own eyes. I could hear the arrows whizzing past my ears and the cries of \"Aiyo! Aiyo!\" in front of me and \"Well shot! Well shot!\" behind.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "这个世界上,打游戏上可以赢过她的,当年只有子川。 甚至可以说,她打游戏,都是子川带出来的。 从一开始只是随便玩玩,到后来的沉迷,再到最后,成为高手中的高手,甚至将打游戏当成了人生的一种追求。 乔恋勾起了嘴唇,所以,她或许在别的方面都比不上沈凉川,可是说道打游戏,那绝对是她的强项。 赢了他,然后他就没话说了吧? 想到这里,她看向沈凉川。 他刚洗浴完毕,身上裹着浴巾,露出了结实的胸肌和腹肌。 房间里没有开吊灯,只有一盏昏黄的床头灯,让他的肌肤,散发着蜜色的光。 他的脸宛如神工雕刻,五官精致到人神共愤。 脸部轮廓分明,透着坚毅。 所以,哪怕他长得这么漂亮,可身上却从来没有娘娘腔的感觉,整个人给人很阳刚的感觉。 窗外星光璀璨,今天是BJ难得没有雾霾的天气。", "en": "The only person living in this world who could have actually beaten her at playing video games in her prime would have been Zi Chuan. From the time when she used to play video games casually, to the addiction that she experienced later, to the time that she finally became one of the best video gamers ever, video games had become one of her biggest passions in life. Qiao Lian curled her lips. Even though there were many areas in which she could not hope to match Shen Liangchuan, playing video games was certainly not one of them. After all, her ability to play video games was one of her strengths. He would be speechless once she had beaten him, right? As she thought about this, she looked at Shen Liangchuan. He had just finished showering. A towel was wrapped around his waist, exposing his compact abdominal and pectorial muscles. The only source of light in the room came from a dimly lit bedside lamp. His skin glowed brightly because of it. His face looked as sharp as a well-carved statue. His appearance was so exquisite that it could anger both mortals and deities alike. Hence, even though he looked extremely beautiful, he did not exude any femininity at all. Instead, his body exuded a sense of masculinity. The stars were brightly shining outside. Today was a rare day in which there was no fog whatsoever."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "下午我收拾好行李,去厨房倒杯水,发现饮水机空了,就给水站打了电话。过了半个小时,送水的男孩还是没来。本来不打算等了,但是上次没现金,借了他的钱,总觉得还是要还上。出门之前,能了结的事应该都了结一下。外面阴着天,我觉得越发囗渴,从柜子里翻出一只很破的铁壶,煮上了水。苍蓝的火焰在壶底吱吱燃烧,铁壶发出细琐的声响,我坐在沙发上,竟然睡着了,还做了梦。梦里我、大斌和子峰,我们还是一群少年的模样,在夜晚的巷子里奔跑,大家都喝了一些酒,似乎很快乐的样子,脸上的青春痘红得发光。就这样一直跑啊跑,跑到了大街上。大街上霓虹灯闪烁,有很多和我们一样的年轻人,他们拎着啤酒罐,朝不远处的广场走去。我们跳上了路边的一辆吉普车,红色的,引擎隆隆地发动起来,大家欢呼着,吹起了囗哨,把身体从车窗里探出去。在一派节日狂欢的气氛里,汽车疾速朝前方驶去。", "en": "This afternoon, when I was done packing, I went to the kitchen for a glass of water. The dispenser was empty so I called the water place. Half an hour later, there was still no sign of them. I would have cancelled the order, but I’d run out of cash the last time round and still owed the delivery guy. Best to tie up loose ends before leaving. Getting thirstier, I found a battered kettle in a cupboard, filled it, and put it on the stove to boil. The pale blue flame flickered and the kettle hissed. Waiting on the couch, I dozed off and dreamed of Dabin and Zifeng, looking the same as when we were teenagers, sprinting through the nighttime alleyways, drunk and merry. Even our acne was glowing. We ran all the way to the neon-lit main road, where a lot of people our age held beer bottles and walked towards the nearby square. We jumped into a red jeep, cheering and whistling, leaning out the windows as it sped ahead. It felt like a carnival."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "LiteraryTranslation"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "康熙道:“你知道我是皇帝之后,咱们再也不能真打了。”颇感意兴索然。韦小宝道:“我也觉得今天打来没什么劲道。”康熙忽然想起,说道:“我倒有个法儿。咱们既然不能再打,我只好瞧你跟别人打,过过瘾也是好的。来,你跟我去换衣服,咱们到布库房去。”韦小宝道:“布库房是什么地方?放布匹的库房吗?”康熙笑道:“不是的。布库房是武士练武摔交的地方。”韦小宝拍手笑道:“那好极了!”", "en": "Kang Xi sighed. 'Now that you know who I am, we'll never have a decent fight again!' He sounded genuinely depressed. 'I know what you mean,' replied Trinket. 'I felt it today. There wasn't really any punch in it.' Kang Xi's face suddenly lit up. 'I know,' he said, 'since we can't fight any more, I'll have to watch you fighting someone else. That'll be better than nothing. Come on, let's go and change. Then we'll go to the Dressing Rooms.' 'The what?' said Trinket. 'Is that where you store your robes?' Kang Xi laughed. 'No! It's where the real professionals go to practise fighting and wrestling.' Trinket clapped his hands excitedly: 'Excellent!'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "康熙道:“小桂子,你可知这些刺客是什么人?”韦小宝道:“我就是不知道。皇上明白他们的武功家数,多半早料到了。”康熙道:“本来还不能拿得稳,你刚才这一比划,又多了一层证明。”双手一拍,吩咐在上书房侍候的太监:“传索额图、多隆二人进来。”那两人本在书房外等候,一听皇帝传呼,便进来磕头。多隆是满洲正白旗的军官,进关之时曾立下不少战功,武功也甚了得,但一直受鳌拜排挤,在官场中很不得意,最近鳌拜倒了下来,才给康熙提升为御前侍卫总管,掌管乾清门、中和殿、太和殿各处宿卫。领内侍卫大臣共有六人,正黄、正白、镶黄三旗每旗两人,其中真正有实权的,只有掌管宫中宿卫的御前侍卫正副总管。多隆新任要职,宫里突然出现刺客,已一晚没睡,心下惴惴,不知皇帝与皇太后是否会怪罪。", "en": "'But seriously, Laurie,' said Kang Xi, 'who were these assassins?' '1 don't know. If you could recognize their style of kungfu, that should be a clue,' 'I am beginning to. It seems to point in one direction,' He clapped his hands, and sent one of the eunuchs to summon Songgotu and Dolong, the Chief Intendant of the Palace Guards. They were already waiting outside the Library, and hurried in to perform their kowtow. Dolong was a member of the Plain White Banner, a soldier of great Martial Arts prowess, who had served faithfully during the campaigns before the Manchus had finally entered the Pass. But Oboi had always kept him down. It was only after Oboi's fall that he had been promoted by Kang Xi to his present position, in charge of the Gate of Heavenly Purity, the Hall of Middle Harmony, the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and other central parts of the Forbidden City. There were six Intendants of the Guards, two each from the Plain Yellow, Plain White, and Bordered Yellow Banners. But Dolong was the one with the most power—and the most responsibility. He had been up all night, concerned that Their Majesties would hold him responsible for the unpardonable breach of security that had occurred."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "王一城将门打开,他进入屋内后,同寝室的其他人都好像当他不存在一样,做着自己的事情,没有一个人跟他说话。 等王一城往里走了几步,睡在房门旁边那个床位的男生突然掀开蚊帐瞪了他一眼:“说多少次了?” “进来随手关门,你腿瘸了,耳朵是不是也不好使?” 男生说话很难听,他不知道为什么好像很讨厌王一城。 “他不关门是因为后面还有人要进来,如果你需要道歉,我们几个可以替他给你道歉,只是不知道你需要哪种形式的道歉?” 陈歌抓着门把手进入屋内,他扫了一眼寝室的其他人。", "en": "Wang Yicheng opened the door. Even when he walked into the room, his roommates treated him like an invisible person. They kept doing their thing, and no one even acknowledged his presence. After Wang Yicheng took several steps into the room, the boy who had the bed closest to the door suddenly pulled off the cover to glare at him. “How many times I’ve told you this?” “Close the door after you enter. I know you’ve injured your leg, but have you injured your ears as well?” The boy used a very harsh tone; it sounded like he hated Wang Yicheng for some reason. “The reason he didn’t close the door is because someone else is coming in. If you want an apology, we can apologize on his behalf, but I wonder, what kind of apology do you require?” Chen Ge grabbed the doorknob and entered the room. He looked at the occupants."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "两名剑客谁都不理他,专心于他们的战斗。个子高的那位突然痛叫一声,剑“当啷”一声掉到地上,捂着胳膊跑了。另一位追了几步,冲着失利者的背影啐了一口。“呸,无耻之徒!”他弯腰拾起了自己的假发,抬头看到了汪淼,就用剑指着逃跑者的方向说,“他居然说微积分是他发明的!”说着他戴上假发,一只手捂着胸口对汪淼行了个欧式的鞠躬礼,“伊萨克·牛顿。”“那么跑了的那一位是莱布尼茨了?”汪淼问。“是他,无耻之徒!呸!!其实我根本不屑于同他争夺这项名誉,力学三定律的发现,就已经使我成为仅次于上帝的人,从星球运行到细胞分裂,无不遵从于这三个伟大的定律。现在有了微积分这个强有力的数学工具,以三定律为基础,掌握三个太阳运行的规律指日可待。”", "en": "Both swordfighters ignored him, concentrating on the duel. The taller one suddenly cried out in pain, and his sword fell to the ground with a clang. He turned and ran, holding his wounded arm. The other gave chase for a few steps and spat in the direction of the loser.\"Shameless!\" He bent down to pick up his wig. As he straightened up, he saw Wang. Pointing in the direction of the escapee, he said, ''He dared to claim that he invented calculus!\" He put on his wig, put a hand over his heart, and bowed courteously to Wang. \"Isaac Newton, at your service.\"\"Then the one who ran away must be Leibniz?\" Wang asked.\"Indeed, an unscrupulous man. I don't really care about this little claim to fame. Inventing the three laws of mechanics has already made me the greatest, God excepted. From planetary motion to cell division, everything follows the three great laws. Now, with the powerful mathematical tool that is calculus, it will only be a matter of time before we master the pattern of the motion of the three suns.\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那边厢李自成和李西华仍是恶斗不休。郑克塽和阿珂各执兵刃,站在李自成之侧,俟机相助。李自成一条禅杖舞将开来,势道刚猛,李西华剑法虽精,一时却也欺不近身。斗到酣处,李西华忽地手足缩拢,一个打滚,直滚到敌人脚边,剑尖上斜,已指住李自成小腹,喝道:“你今日还活得成么?”这一招“卧云翻”,相传是宋代梁山泊好汉浪子燕青所传下的绝招,小巧之技,迅捷无比,敌人防不胜防。阿珂和郑克塽都吃了一惊,待得发觉,李自成已然受制,不及相救。李自成突然塽目大喝,人人都给震得耳中嗡嗡作响,这一喝之威,直如雷震。李西华一惊,长剑竟然脱手。李自成飞起左腿,踢了他一个筋斗,禅杖杖头已顶在他胸口,登时将他压在木排之下,再也动弹不得。这一下胜败易势,只顷刻之间,眼见李自成只须禅杖舂落,李西华胸口肋骨齐断,心肺碎裂,再也活不成了。李自成喝道:“你如服了,便饶你一命。”", "en": "Throughout this unexpected encounter, Bash'em and young Li Xihua were continuing their struggle on the side of the raft. Zheng Keshuang and Green stood by the cabin at a slight distance, waiting for a chance to intervene. Li Xihua suddenly curled himself into a ball, and rolled swiftly forward to his opponent's feet, from which position he aimed his sword upwards at Bash'em's groin. 'Now!' he cried. 'Die!' It was a lethal move known as the Hidden Cloud Tumble, handed down (according to tradition) from one of the famous Outlaws of the Marsh, back in the Song dynasty. Bash'em was at Li Xihua's mercy. Zheng Keshuang and Green looked on aghast. Then suddenly Bash'em let out a great booming roar, like a mighty peal of thunder. Li Xihua was so taken aback, he let his sword fall from his grasp. Bash'em swung his left leg through the air, and sent Li Xihua tumbling backwards. In the same instant he brought his staff up against Li's chest, and pinned him to the boards of the raft. One thrust of the staff, and Li's ribs would be shattered, his entrails squashed to a pulp.'Surrender!' boomed the old man."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "《三体》第二级的场景开始时没有大的变化,仍旧是诡异寒冷的黎明,仍是那座大金字塔,但这次,金字塔的形状又恢复到东方样式。汪淼听到一阵清脆的金属撞击声,这声音反而更衬托了这寒冷黎明的寂静。他循声望去,看到金字塔根基处有两个黑影在闪动,灰暗的晨光中有金属的寒光在黑影间闪耀,那是两个人在斗剑。等目光适应了这昏暗后,汪淼大致看清了那两个格斗者的模样,从金字塔的形状看这应该是在东方国度,但那却是两个欧洲人,穿戴大致是欧洲十六七世纪的样子。格斗中个子矮的那人低头闪过一剑,银白色的假发掉在地上。几个回合之后,又有一个人绕过金字塔的拐角奔了过来,试图劝止这场格斗,但双方那呼啸的剑使他不敢上前,", "en": "The start of the second level of Three Body wasn't too different than the first: still the strange, cold dawn, still that colossal pyramid. But this time, the pyramid was back in the Egyptian style.Wang heard the crisp sound of metal striking against metal. The clashing only highlighted the silence of the chilly dawn. Searching for the source, he saw two dark shadows flickering at the foot of the pyramid. In the dim light, metallic glints flashed between the shadows: a swordfight.Once his eyes had adjusted, Wang saw the figures more clearly. Based on the shape of the pyramid, this should be someplace in Three Body's version of the East, but the two fighters were Europeans dressed in a sixteenth-or seventeenth-century style. The shorter one ducked below a swinging sword and his silvery wig fell to the ground. After a few more thrusts and parries, another man appeared around the corner of the pyramid and ran toward the fighters. He tried to get the two to stop, but the swinging blades whistling through the air prevented him from getting close."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "其余五名大汉“混帐王八蛋”的乱骂,纷纷扑来。茅十八身形灵便,使开擒拿手法,肘撞掌劈,顷刻间打倒了四个。另一个斜身以肩头受了茅十八一掌,伸手抓住他后腰,举将起来,随即将他身子倒转,要将他头顶往阶石上捣去。茅十八双腿连环,噗噗两声,都踢在他胸口。那大汉口一张,鲜血狂喷,双手立时松开。茅十八顺着那大汉仰面跌倒之势,双足已踹上他胸口,双掌一招“回风拂柳”,斜劈而出,正中第一名被酒壶掷中的大汉后心,喀喇一声响,那大汉断了几根肋骨,爬在桌上。茅十八一手拉住韦小宝,道:“小鬼头,就是会闯祸,快走!”两人发足往酒店门口奔去。", "en": "With renewed cries of 'Lousy turtle-spawn!' the remaining five Manchus now surged forward. Whiskers moved like a flash, using a dazzling variety of grapples, holds, and punches, landing first elbow and then fist, and in a matter of moments he had four of them flat on the floor. The fifth (and last) Manchu turned and caught Whiskers' fist on his shoulder; then he turned again, lunged, and seized Whiskers by the back. He lifted him up, spun him round, and was about to dash him head first on to the stone steps, when Whiskers locked his legs, uttered a couple of fearsome cries, and let loose with both feet, kicking with all his might at the man's chest. The Manchu gasped, blood spurted from his mouth, and his hands fell limp at his sides. As he tumbled to the ground, Whiskers planted both feet firmly on his chest. Then he swivelled and with both fists lunged diagonally at the wine-jug victim, thumping him hard in the back, and noisily smashing in several of his ribs and began hauling himself painfully up. Whiskers grabbed hold of Trinket: 'You little brat! You certainly know how to stir up trouble! Let's get out of here!' The two of them headed for the door."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她已经很努力地在弟弟面前,表现的很开心了。 可是没想到,哪怕他们平时再怎么不见,他依旧是那个能够第一时刻,就捕捉到她心情的人。 她笑着流着泪,侧头,将泪水擦掉以后,就回头,“我没有不开心。” “你哭了。” “是因为我们家小易长大了,所以我感动得嘛~好了,你现在的任务就是好好养身体,不要急功近利,我刚刚跟你的主治医生谈过了,他说果你强行增加康复训练,那么你的腿有可能就废了!以后一定要严格执行医生给你的训练,知道吗?” 乔易皱起眉头,“姐,我看病的钱,你到底是哪里来的?”", "en": "In front of her brother, she always tried her best to appear happy. But she would have never expected that he would still be the first one to tell her feelings, despite them barely seeing each other. She laughed while crying and turned her head to the side. After wiping her tears away, she looked back at him and said, “I’m not unhappy.” “I’m crying because our Xiao Yi has grown up and I’m really touched! Now, your main task is to recover well, don’t seek for immediate results. I’ve just talked to your doctor-in-charge and he said that if you push your rehabilitation practice, your legs may just completely become useless! In the future, you must stringently follow what your doctor had scheduled for you, ok?” Qiao Yi furrowed his brow. “Sister, where did the money for my medical expense come from?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"你以为我发了疯么?你以为我成了英雄或伟人了么?不,不的。这事情很简单;我近来已经做了杜师长的顾问,每月的薪水就有现洋八十元了。 \"也许如此罢。但是,你说:那丝是怎么来的?——自然,世上也尽有这样的人,譬如,我的祖母就是。我虽然没有分得她的血液,却也许会继承她的运命。然而这也没有什么要紧,我早已豫先一起哭过了……。\" \"好!事情是圆功了。\"慰老爷看见他们两面都显出告别的神气,便吐一口气,说。\"那么,嗡,再没有什么别的了。恭喜大吉,总算解了一个结。你们要走了么?不要走,在我们家里喝了新年喜酒去:这是难得的。\" 她停下糊纸锭,侧耳一听,什么响应也没有,又见他仰着头焦急的等着,不禁很有些抱歉了,便尽力提高了喉咙,尖利的叫:", "en": "Have I gone mad, you must be wondering? Have I become a national hero, a celebrity? Nothing of the sort. It’s quite simple. I’ve become esteemed aide to our even more esteemed local warlord, Divisional Commander Du,1 who retains my services at the princely rate of eighty dollars a month. ‘Maybe you’re right. But where did I get the silk for my cocoon in the first place? And there are plenty of people like me in the world; my grandmother for one. Even though we weren’t blood relatives, maybe she passed on her destiny to me. But I’ve shed all the tears I’m going to shed for her, and for myself.’ ‘Marvellous! An end at last,’ Mr Wei sighed, seeing that the adversaries seemed ready to take leave of each other. ‘ Well, I think that takes care of everything – congratulations all round, an awkward problem resolved. Leaving so soon? Why not stop to toast the New Year? This is quite an occasion.’ Pausing at her work, she listened for footsteps – nothing. Embarrassed by her husband’s obvious impatience, she tried screeching his family nickname instead:"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "马博仁、姚春、雷一啸、王武通四人走近前去。王武通和白寒松有过一面之缘,叹道:“白大侠果真逝世,可惜!”姚春特别仔细,伸手去搭了搭死人腕脉。白寒枫冷笑道:“你若治得我哥哥还阳,我……我给你磕一万二千个响头。”姚春叹了口气,道:“白二侠,人死不能复生,还请节哀。伤害白大侠的,果然是天地会的人?白二侠没弄错吗?”白寒枫叫道:“我……我弄错?我会弄错?”众人见他哀毁逾恒,足见手足之情极笃,都不禁为他难过,樊纲怒气也自平了,寻思:“他死了兄长,也难怪出手不知轻重。”", "en": "The four Martial Arts professionals approached the coffin. 'Yes, he's dead all right, ' said Wang Wutong, who had had a slight acquaintance with the elder Bo brother in the past. Yao Chun was a careful man, however, and felt the dead man's pulse, just in case. 'If you think you can cure my brother,' said Young Bo sarcastically, 'I'm willing to make you twelve thousand extra hard kowtows.' Yao Chun sighed. 'There's no way to bring the dead back to life, Mr Bo. You must try to moderate your grief. But was it really the Triads who killed your brother? Are you sure you haven't made a mistake?' 'Made a mistake?' Young Bo was shouting once more. 'How could I have made a mistake?' Seeing how deeply upset he was, the others realized the extent of his devotion to his dead brother and began to feel quite sorry for him. Even Brother Fan forgot his anger, reflecting that a man who has lost his elder brother might well be unaware just how hard he was hitting you."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "轩辕桓自从来到了狩猎场之后视线便一直凝在了百里红妆的身上,一段时间不见,百里红妆愈发的明艳照人了。 难道她真的喜欢帝北宸? 因为喜欢帝北宸,所以嫁人之后才会愈发美艳。 想到这一点,一种疯狂的不悦与嫉妒在轩辕桓的心头蔓延开来,这是他看上的女人却被帝北宸那个废物抢走了! “主人,轩辕桓那个家伙似乎一直盯着你呢。” 小黑不禁出声道。 这般毫不掩饰的目光想不让人注意都难,不过她对轩辕桓已经没有任何兴趣便任由他去吧。 小黑笑了笑,“主人的魅力还真是了不得。”", "en": "“Xuanyuan Huan arrived at the hunting ground, his eyes going straight to Baili Hongzhuang. In the time he didn’t see her, Baili Hongzhuang seemed to have grown even more beautiful and enchanting. Could it be that she truly loves Dibei Chen? Because she loved Dibei Chen, after marrying, she became all the more beautiful and alluring. Thinking of this, an uncontrollable and frantic jealousy filled Xuanyuan Huan. This was the woman he fancied. That that Dibei Chen trash dared to snatch her away! “Master, that Xuanyuan Huan keeps on staring at you.” Little Black couldn’t help but say. That sort of undisguised gaze was difficult to ignore, but she already had no interest in Xuanyuan Huan whatsoever. Little Black grinned, “Master’s charm is truly unlimited.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“你是谁?” 夏戊戌阴沉着脸问道。 他手里的大夏龙雀在颤抖,在咆哮,在愤怒…… 一直以来大夏龙雀都所向披靡,纵横无敌,杀敌无数,难逢敌手。 但是现在,大夏龙雀遇到了敌人,一柄仙器,与它不遑多让,一经碰撞,难分胜负。", "en": "“Who are you?” Xia Wuxu asked with a dark expression. The Dragonfinch in his hand was trembling. It was roaring in rage… Since the beginning, the Great Xia Dragonfinch had been invincible. It killed numerous people and had never met someone who was its match. But now, the Great Xia Dragonfinch had met a strong enemy. A Celestial Artifact that was not weaker than it. Both of them were on par after that single clash."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "胖头陀道:“白龙使,人家客气的,叫我胖尊者,不怎么客气的,叫我胖头陀。可是我瘦得这般模样,全然名不副实,你是不是觉得有点儿奇怪?”韦小宝道:“是啊。我早在奇怪,猜想人家跟著开玩笑,才这样叫的,可是教主也叫你胖头陀,他老人家可不会取笑你啊。”胖头陀叹了口长气,道:“我服了豹胎易筋丸,这是第二次了,那真是死去活来,现在还常常做噩梦。我本来很矮很胖,胖头陀三字,名不虚传。”韦小宝道:“啊,一服豹胎易筋丸,你就变得又高又瘦了?那好得很啊,你现在相貌堂堂,威武之极,从前是个矮胖子,一定不及现在神气。”胖头陀苦笑,说道:“话是不错,可是你想想,一个矮胖子,在三个月之内,身子忽然拉长了三尺,全身皮肤鲜血淋漓,这番滋味好不好受?若不是运气好,终于回归神龙岛,教主又大发慈悲,给了解药,我只怕还得再高两尺。”", "en": "'Hasn't it ever struck you as strange, White Dragon,' continued Fat Dhuta, 'that everyone calls me Fat Dhuta, when I'm so skinny?' 'Oh yes, I thought it was strange ages ago,' replied Trinket. 'I guessed it was some kind of joke. But I don't think the Leader is the joking type.' Fat Dhuta heaved a long sigh. 'This is my second dose of the pills. Last time was such a terrible experience, I still have nightmares about it. You see, I used to be short and fat,' 'Oh I get it!' said Trinket. 'You mean the first pill made you tall and thin? But that's great! I'm sure you're much better looking now than you used to be!' 'In theory, perhaps,' said Fat Dhuta with a bitter smile. 'But can you imagine how terrible it is to be stretched three feet in three months, till every inch of your skin is oozing blood? I would have been a couple of feet taller still if I hadn't, by a stroke of luck, returned to the island and been granted a dose of the antidote by our merciful Leader.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "小沫有一刻,心神俱动,悲切起来。 督主这是……不敢动吧。 一旦身体动了,脑子也要开始动起来,他那么聪明怎么可能不知道白薇薇已经死了。 他不愿承认,也不敢去深想,只能强迫自己就这样坐着,说服自己白薇薇只是睡着了,会醒来的。", "en": "In that moment, Xiao Mo’s heart was completely shredded by sadness. The Du Zhu… didn’t dare to move. Once the body moved, the brain would also began to move. He was so clever, how could he not know that Bai Weiwei was dead. He didn’t want to admit it, couldn’t bear to think too deeply. He could only force himself to sit like this. To convince himself that Bai Weiwei just slumbering, that she would wake up."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我说道:“考试不许交头接耳你不知道吗? 两耳不闻窗外事,一心只做案上书。” 木子显然被我的文学天赋惊的呆了一下,看她呆住的样子我不禁心中暗爽,这可是我昨天从亲王那里的《唐诗三百首》里刚看到的,只记得这一句,今天就用上了。 哈哈。 我奋力的抄写着,过了会儿,觉的不过瘾,干脆放到卷子上抄起来。", "en": "I replied, “We mustn’t whisper during the test! Your two ears and your nose shouldn’t be concerned with any external affairs, just focus on the exam with your heart and soul!” Mu Zi was stunned by my literary talent. ‘Seeing her stunned expression, I was secretly happy. This was something I read in the Three Hundred Poems from the prince’s mansion and was the only phrase I remembered. I managed to make use of it today! Haha!’ I copied down as much as I could. After a while, I was unsatisfied and just placed the cheat sheet directly next to the test paper and copied it."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "糟老头叹气,“难怪我师傅说,卖红薯都不能当神医,人人都将我当神了,就是神也没法让一个想死的人活下去啊。” 慕言君仅仅睡了两个时辰,眼睛就睁开。 他一惊,眼神难得出现惊慌,却发现自己无法动弹。", "en": "The old man sighed, “No wonder my master said, you can’t buy sweet potatoes in the capital as a divine doctor. Everyone takes me for a god, but even a god can’t make a person who wants to die to live, ah.” Mu Yanjun only slept for two hours, then his eyes opened. He was shocked, his eyes revealed a rare panic when he found himself unable to move."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "顾黄二人站起身来,走到画前仔细观看,只见大江浩浩东流,两岸峰峦无数,点缀着奇松怪石,只是画中云气弥漫,山川虽美,却令人一见之下,胸臆间顿生郁积之气。顾炎武道:“如此江山,沦于夷狄。我辈忍气吞声。偷生其间,实令人悲愤填膺。晚村兄何不便题诗一首。将二瞻先生之意,表而出之?”吕留良道:“好!”当即取下画来,平铺于桌。黄宗羲研起了墨。吕留良提笔沉吟半晌,便在画上振笔直书。顷刻诗成,诗云:", "en": "Gu and Huang got up and went over to examine the painting more closely. It was a picture of the Yangtze, the Great River, rolling majestically eastwards between innumerable peaks, with a suitable garnishing of gnarled pines and strange misshapen rocks: a very beautiful landscape were it not for the all-pervading mist and cloud which seemed calculated to create an oppressive feeling of gloom in anyone looking at it. 'This lovely land under the heel of the barbarian!' said Gu Yanwu. 'And we have to swallow our humiliation and go on living in it. It makes my blood boil. Why don't you do an inscription, Liuliang—a poem that will give voice to what Erzhan had in mind to say?' 'Very well,' said Lu Liuliang, and he took the huge scroll carefully down from the wall and spread it out on the desk, while Huang Zongxi set about grinding him some ink. He picked up a writing-brush and for some minutes could be observed muttering to himself in the throes of composition; then, writing straight on to the painting and with pauses only for moistening the brush, he quickly completed the following poem:"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "这话题还能继续进行下去吗? 她就又看向前方,“希望来的人是个风度翩翩的美少年,毕竟每个女人都有一个白马王子的梦嘛!” 一句话落下,沈凉川又看向她:“花痴。” 那副毒舌又嫌弃的样子,让她一下子想到子川。 不知道为什么,她最近一段时间,总是将两个人联想到一起。", "en": "How could she continue the topic? She looked forward again and said, “I hope that whoever arrives is a dapper and handsome teenager. After all, every woman has always dreamed of a Prince Charming!” When she finished speaking, Shen Liangchuan looked at her and said, “Hopeless idiot.” His sharp tongue and look of disdain reminded her of Zi Chuan. She did not know why, but recently she had been linking the two men together."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "沈凉川忍住骂她的冲动,又看了一眼她脸上惨不忍睹的面膜,到底还是忍不住说了一句:“你会不会用面膜!涂得这么坑坑洼洼的?” 那是脸肿了好吗? 可是这话题怎么接? 她眼珠子转了转,低下了头,做出一副做错事情的样子,“那个,对不起……我向往这个面膜很久了,可是一直买不起,今天突然看见了,一激动……就涂多了。”", "en": "Shen Liangchuan stopped himself from scolding her for her impulsiveness. He then glanced again at the awful way she had applied the facial mask and could not help but say, “Do you know how to apply a facial mask? Why is your face so bumpy?” That’s because it is swollen, OK? But how should she answer him? She rolled her eyes, lowered her head and put on a guilty expression. “Well, I’m sorry, but… I had been interested in this facial mask for so long, but never had the means to buy it. Today, I suddenly saw it and was overcome with emotion… so I accidentally applied too much of it.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "075- 死神的交易 “说吧,既然费尽心思把我引到这里,你想要在我身上得到什么,金钱?还是别的东西?” “很快你就会知道了。” 青年笑了笑,做出一个请的手势,“先生,你的孩子们都在等着你呢,请跟我来——” 德拉米尼面无表情的站起身,刚想迈步,可突然脚下一软,差点摔倒在地。 “没关系,这只是震撼弹和麻醉药的副作用而已,过几天就消退了。” 青年提醒道,可丝毫没有想要上前扶一把的意思。 德拉米尼只得咬了咬牙,强撑着身体站起来,扶着墙壁走了出去。 一直走出了房门,德拉米尼才发现自己所在的位置竟然是一间套房的卧室,而此时已经来到了套房的客厅之中。 “教父!” “教父大人!” 客厅中,两名年轻男子看到德拉米尼后连忙迎了上来,将他扶到沙发上坐下。 一时间,德拉米尼心中微微一暖,冲两人摇了摇头表示自己并没有事。 啪! 啪! 啪!", "en": "Chapter 75: Deal With The Devil “Spill it. Since you went through all the effort of taking me here, what do you want from me? Is it money? Or is it something else?” “You’ll know soon enough.” The young man smiled and gestured for Dlamini to follow him. “Sir, your children are waiting for you. Please come with me —” Dlamini got up with a drab expression on his face. The moment he tried to take a step, he felt his legs going limp for a split second and nearly fell onto the floor on all fours. “It’s alright, it’s just the side effect of the stun grenade and anesthetics. It’ll pass in a few days.” The young man remarked without the slightest intention of helping Dlamini up. Dlamini clenched his teeth bitterly and forced his stony body to get up. He used the wall for support as he headed outside. It was only until Dlamini walked out when he realized the room that he was in was the bedroom of a suite. He had now walked into the living room of the suite. “Godfather!” “Lord Godfather!” In the living room, two young men immediately greeted Dlamini when they saw him and helped him get seated on the couch. In that instant, Dlamini felt mildly touched. He shook his head to let them know that he was fine. “Clap!” “Clap!” “Clap!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "罗德勉强转过头,可以从窗口看见外面的蓝天和白云,自己是在哪里? 这里是什么地方? 究竟发生了什么事? 他还在做梦? 还是自己依然在游戏里? 至少罗德可以肯定,眼下的这个地方绝对不是自己那间狭小的出租公寓。 想到这里,疑惑立刻涌上了罗德的心头,他皱了下眉头,接着试图坐起身来。 “呜!!!” 而就在这时,一股巨痛忽然从罗德的胸口传来,他咬住牙关,停下动作。 而这时罗德才发现,自己的左肩和胸部,已经完全被绷带包裹住,虽然不知道发生了什么事,但是从那上面正在渗透的斑斑血迹来看,自己显然受伤不轻。 这绝对不是游戏!", "en": "Rhode could barely turn his head, but he still managed to catch a glimpse of the blue azure sky and white clouds outside. Where is he? What’s this place? What happened? Is he dreaming? Or is he still in the game? At least he was sure that this place wasn’t his small rental apartment. Doubts immediately flooded his mind. Then, Rhode frowned and tried to get up. “Ugh!” Suddenly, he felt an acute pain from his chest. He bit his lips and stopped moving. He found that his left shoulder and chest had been completely wrapped by a bandage. Although he did not know what happened, judging from the blood stain that permeated it, it seemed that his injury was quite severe. This is definitely not a game."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "可是走了两步,却又被拦住,以她的身手,根本就冲不过去! 她大急,四处寻找,忽然看到旁边有一个钢铁棍子,直接跑过来拎起来,赶回来冲到了沈凉川的周围,大喊道:“你去! 我拦住他们!” 沈凉川直接拒绝:“不行,你根本拦不住他们!” “对,我拦不住他们,可如果我冲进房间里,或许里面等待我的更猛,只有你冲进去,才有可能打断他们! 要不要保住宋原希,就看你了!” 她拿着那个棍子挥舞的虎虎生风,一时间没有人靠近。 沈凉川眯起眼睛,心里纠结起来。 她分析的很对,现在的情况最好是这样。 她拦在外面,他冲进救人。 这群人不是什么穷凶极恶之徒,不会伤害她的生命,可是里面的宋原希,却有可能会被毁掉一生。 想一想宋原希的性格,如果被人奸-污,她很可能会寻死。", "en": "However, before she could run more than a couple of steps, she was blocked again. Given her small stature, she would not be able to rush out of this brawl! She started to panic and looked around frantically. Suddenly, she saw a metal pipe lying on the side. She immediately ran over to pick it up before rushing back to Shen Liangchuan’s side. She then yelled, \"You should go! I’ll stop them in the meantime!\" Shen Liangchuan instantly rejected her idea, saying, \"No, you won’t be able to handle them!\" \"Indeed, I can’t stop all of them. But, if I rush into that room, there might be even more fearsome enemies waiting inside. Only you can enter and stop them! It’ll be up to you to protect Song Yuanxi!\" She swung the metal pipe she was holding wildly, so nobody dared to approach her for some time. Feeling conflicted, Shen Liangchuan narrowed his eyes. He had to go into the room and carry out the rescue while she handled things outside. These thugs were not vicious and unrelenting. Thus, they wouldn’t be itching to kill her. However, the trapped Song Yuanxi could have her life ruined if someone took advantage of her body. Given Song Yuanxi’s personality, he knew that if she was raped by a man, she might be driven to suicide."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那男孩一言不发,左手虚晃,韦小宝斜身避让,那男孩手肘斗出,正撞在他的腰里。韦小宝大叫一声,痛得蹲了下来。那男孩双手从他背后腋下穿上,十指互握,扣住了他后颈,将他上身越压越低。韦小宝右足反踢。那男孩双手猛推,将韦小宝身子送出,拍的一声,跌了个狗吃屎。韦小宝大怒,翻滚过去,用力抱住了男孩的双腿,使劲拖拉,那男孩站立不住,倒了下来,正好压在韦小宝身上。这男孩身材比韦小宝高大,立即以手肘逼住韦小宝后颈。韦小宝呼吸不畅,拚命伸足力撑,翻了几下,终于翻到了上面,反压在那男孩身上。只见他人小身轻压不住对方,又给那男孩翻了上来压住。", "en": "The boy said nothing, but feinted with his left fist. Trinket fell for it and dodged, and as he did so, the boy's elbow came crashing across into his midriff and winded him completely. He crumpled up and fell to the ground in excruciating pain. The boy now came at Trinket from behind, slipped both hands under his arms and laced his hands together around his throat, throttling him, and pressing him harder and harder down on to the ground. Trinket kicked frantically with his right foot, but then the boy loosed his hands and gave him a terrific shove which sent him rolling across the room like a puppy chasing its own tail. Trinket was furious. He came tumbling back, wrapped both arms round the boy's legs, and tugged at him with all his might. The boy crashed down right on top of him. He was quite a bit bigger than Trinket, and had soon succeeded in throttling him again and pinning him to the ground. Trinket began to choke, thrashed out with his feet to extricate himself, and finally managed to wriggle on top of the boy and hold him down. He was too light to maintain the upper hand for long, however, and soon the boy was back on top of him again."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "只听得这群人冲进了清凉寺中,叫嚷喧哗,良久不绝。韦小宝心道:“他们在寺里找不到老皇爷,不会找上这里来么?且看你这老贼秃如何抵挡?”果然又隔了约莫半个时辰,大群人拥向后山,来到小庙外。有人叫道:“进去搜!”行颠霍地站起,抓起了金杵,挡在禅房门口。韦小宝走到窗边,向外张去,月光下但见黑压压的都是人头,回头看玉林和行痴时,两人仍是坐着不动。双儿悄声道:“怎么办?”韦小宝低声道:“待会这些人冲进来,咱们救了老皇爷,从后门出去。”顿了一顿,又道:“倘若途中失散,我们到灵境寺会齐。”双儿点了点头,道:“就怕我抱不起老……老皇爷。”韦小宝道:“只好拖着他逃走。”", "en": "Trinket could now quite clearly hear the sound of rampaging going on within the monastery. 'When they can't find him there,' he thought to himself, 'they're bound to come up here. And what are you going to do about that, Bald Pate?' Sure enough, less than an hour later, they heard the mob burst out onto the rear hill and begin making its way through the darkness towards the little temple. There were cries of 'Search! Search!' Headlong now leapt to his feet with his cudgel in one hand, and stood barring the doorway. Trinket stole across to the window and looked outside. By the light of the moon, all he could make out was a crowd of heads. Back inside, Wayward and his Shifu were still sitting motionless. 'What should we do?' whispered Doublet. 'In a minute,' Trinket whispered back, 'when they break in, we'll escape with the Old Emperor out the back!' After a brief pause he continued: 'If we get separated, we'll meet up again at the Holy Precinct Monastery.' Doublet nodded."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "马克说道:“我父亲说,为了避免不必要的冲突,这件事早一点办比较好,他们已经决定,明天就去找特依公爵和三大家族去谈判了。” 我说道:“这么快啊。” 马克接着说道:“本来父亲想叫你一起去,可迪老师说,你是咱们的秘密武器,不能让对方知道。” 我说道:“我算什么秘密武器。 明天等他们的好消息吧,我回宿舍了。” 马克说道:“老大,你今天这是怎么了,受什么刺激了,走,怎么出去吃顿好的吧。”", "en": "Ma Ke replied, “My father said that in order to avoid unnecessary clashes, it would be better to start settling the problem as soon as possible. They decided to find Duke Te Yi and the three big families to negotiate terms tomorrow.” Ma Ke continued to explain, “Initially, father wanted to ask you to come join them, but Teacher Di said that you’re our secret weapon and that we shouldn’t let the opposing forces know about you.” How am I supposed to be a secret weapon? Anyway, I’ll just wait for the good news tomorrow and just head back to the dormitory.” Ma Ke asked, “Boss, what happened today? What made you so irritated? Let’s go out for a good meal!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "沈凉川豪门出身,家境应该非常不错,可是一般豪门的人都看不起娱乐明星,他怎么会进入娱乐圈? 这些问题,她以前从来没有考虑过,现在突然想起来,才意识到……其实她根本就不了解他。 除了知道,他是影帝,除了了解他在娱乐圈一路从一个小透明变成炙手可热的大明星。 就像是宋原希,那么莫名其妙的寄居在他们家,可是他却从来都没有,想要给她解释下的意思。 是因为……迟早要跟自己离婚,所以就不用说吗? 她又想起他们新婚夜的那天晚上,他说的话。 牢记自己的本分。", "en": "Shen Liangchuan had been born into a wealthy family, thus, he must have grown up in a rather affluent environment. However, most wealthy people did not look favorably upon celebrities. So, why had he entered the entertainment industry? She had never considered these questions. Only when she suddenly thought of this, did she realize that… she did not understand him at all. Apart from knowing that he had won a Best Actor award in the past and that he had arduously worked really hard to progress from a nobody to one of the most popular celebrities today, she knew nothing about him. She did not know why Song Yuanxi was bizarrely staying at their villa. Furthermore, he had never shown any intention to explain this to her. Was it because… he felt that there was no need to explain this to someone he would divorce sooner or later anyway? She recalled the conversation they had had on the night they became newlyweds. Always remember your duty."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "高佑明听见她这么说,也不勉强,这些年,这个话题早就进行过很多次。 他直接开口,“今天下午有一场电竞比赛,你来直播吗?” 乔恋知道,自己已经放了高佑明好几次鸽子,当下开口,“去,我现在就去!” 挂了电话,她看着主卧里的梳妆台,镜子里的女人脸颊上还没消肿。 她拿了口罩和帽子,捂得严严实实,下楼正打算出门的时候,沈凉川忽然推门进来,看见她的样子,微微一愣,“你去哪儿?”", "en": "When Gao Youming heard this, he stopped pressuring her. Over the past couple of years, he had broached this topic many times. Instead, he immediately said, “There’s a eSports match this afternoon. Are you going to attend the livestream?” Qiao Lian knew that she had stood Gao Youming up many times now. Thus, she instantly said, “I’m going! I’ll go now!” After hanging up, she stared at the dressing table in the master bedroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw that her face was still swollen. She picked up a mask and a hat, and she put them on firmly. Just as she was about to go outside, Shen Liangchuan suddenly pushed open the door. When he saw how she was dressed, he froze for a second before asking, “Where are you going?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "宋城对沈凉川使了个一个颜色,“那个,我们就是来看看,没事的话,我们就先走了。”话落,站起来。 这样的人,他要是想要签约,简直就是脑残了! 可没想到他站起来了,就听到沈凉川开口道:“我们QC娱乐公司,想要跟你签约,让你成我们的艺人,不知道你是否有这方面的打算?” 宋城一个跟头差一点就摔倒在地上,沈影帝这是怎么了?! 乔恋也差一点一头塞到在地上。 尼玛! 她这幅样子,沈凉川还要? 这家伙,不会是认出自己了吧?", "en": "Song Cheng hinted Shen Liangchuan with a look and said, “Ermmm, we just came here to take a look. If there’s nothing else, we’ll take our leave.” He would have to be a moron if he still wanted to sign such a person! Unexpectedly, when he stood up, Song Cheng heard Shen Liangchuan speak, “Our company, QC Media Company, wants to sign a contract with you and make you one our artists. May I ask if you have thought about this?” Song Cheng almost fell on the floor in shock. What was wrong with Best Actor Shen?! Akin to Song Cheng, Qiao Lian had almost fallen too after hearing Shen Liangchuan’s words. What the hell! Shen Liangchuan still wants to sign her despite the terrible image she showed?! Could it be that this guy had recognized her?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "喻楚丝毫不知道外间小侍从的心思,只是翻着原主的记忆,哭笑不得地想,原主虽然放荡,但还好……第一次还在呢。", "en": "Yu Chu naturally wasn’t aware of the attendant’s thoughts. She was just flipping through the original host’s memories, and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Although the original host was wanton, it wasn’t that bad… She’s still a virgin."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "李钰玥昨夜睡觉的时候就觉得脸上有些痒,挠了几下之后也未曾在意。 不曾想今日起来准备梳妆打扮的时候突然发现脸上长出了很多雀斑。 雀斑密密麻麻地布满了鼻翼两侧,原本出众的容颜因为这些雀斑的存在而变得丑陋不堪。 她第一时间去打水洗脸,可任何她如何清洗,这些雀斑就是根深蒂固地留在她的脸上,根本无法消散。 “怎么会这样!” 李钰玥惊恐地摸着自己的脸,“一夜之间我的脸怎么会变成这样?” 沉浸在震惊之中的李钰玥简直无法相信这个事实,甚至觉得自己是在做梦,这可是她引以为傲的脸蛋啊! 当李承乾和赵雯蔷来到屋内的时候便瞧见一片狼藉的一幕,丫头皆是呆在一旁不敢说话。", "en": "When Li Yuyue went to sleep last night, she felt her face was a little itchy. After scratching it a little, she no longer cared. She never thought that when she got up in the morning to dress and look into the mirror, she would see her face was completely covered in freckles! Densely packed freckles covered both sides of her nose, making her original, peerlessly beautiful face ugly. She immediately started washing her face, but no matter how she cleaned, the freckles were deeply rooted in her face. It was just impossible to wash out. “How could this be!” Li Yuyue stroked her face, frightened. “How did my face become like this overnight?” Li Yuyue was still immersed in shock. She simply couldn’t believe it was happening, that it was a dream. Her face that she was so proud of! When Li Chengqian and Zhao Wenqiang arrived at her room to see such a messy scene, the servant girls all stood to the side, not daring to speak."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋立马使劲摇头,坚决否认:“怎么可能是我!” 宋城点头,“逗你呢,这个人是粉丝会里面的老人了。” 乔恋尴尬的很,不敢说话。 尼玛,如果被发现乔恋凉川是自己,那还不羞死人了!", "en": "Qiao Lian immediately shook her head strongly, firmly denying it, “How could it be mine!” Song Cheng nodded his head. “I’m just teasing you, this fan is already a veteran in the fanclub.” Qiao Lian felt extremely awkward and she didn’t dare to speak. Dang it . If it was exposed that she was Qiaolian Liangchuan, it would be so embarrassing!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“好真实啊!”这是大部分玩家的第一个念头。 “这游戏我吹爆啊!也太逼真了吧?” “是啊!感觉我不是个玩家,而是个穿越者!” “别的游戏公司可以倒闭了,拿什么和《天尘》比?” 千言万语汇成一句话——“这游戏,牛逼!” 几分钟后,有的沙雕玩家还沉迷于一些奇奇怪怪的事情上无法自拔,而有的玩家则开始行动了起来。 不少习惯于看论坛的玩家则在心中想着: “也不知道有没有机会目睹一下传说中【紫殿】的风采?”", "en": "\"How real!\" this is the first thought of most players. \"I blew the game! Is it too realistic?\" \"Yes! I feel like I'm not a player, but a jumper!\" \"Other game companies can go bankrupt. What do you compare with Tianchen?\" Thousands of words converge into one sentence - \"this game is awesome!\" A few minutes later, some sand carving players were still addicted to some strange things, while others began to take action. Many players who are used to watching the forum think: \"I don't know if I have a chance to witness the style of the legendary purple hall?\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "他从来不习惯于伺候别人,所以只是喝了个水,竟然还洒出来一些,弄湿了她的衣服。 他盯着她的衣服,忽然间就有点想笑。 没关系,他不会的东西很多,都可以用来慢慢学。 想到这里,沈凉川又回头,拿起了一碗粥。 凑过来以后,就看到乔恋已经被他吓怕了,“沈,沈先生……你是接下来要拍一部照顾病人的戏份吗?” 所以,先拿她来练手? 乔恋已经懵了。 沈凉川嘴角再次抽了抽,终于不耐烦起来,“闭嘴!” 乔恋果断闭上了嘴巴,可整个人都松了口气。 这幅样子的沈凉川,才是正常的嘛!", "en": "He had never served others. Hence, even when all he had done was try to help her drink some water, he had inadvertently spilled some water on her clothes and made them wet. He stared at her clothes and suddenly had an urge to smile. No worries, he thought. Even though he did not know many things, he could always slowly learn these things. As he thought of this, Shen Liangchuan turned around again and picked up a bowl of porridge. When he approached her again, he realized that Qiao Lian was absolutely terrified of him. “Mr.- Mr. Shen… are you planning to act as a caretaker in an upcoming film?” Which was why he was currently practising on her first? Qiao Lian was thoroughly confused. The corners of Shen Liangchuan’s lips twitched again, and he finally shouted irritatedly, “Shut up!” Qiao Lian immediately shut her mouth. However, she breathed a sigh of relief. Shen Liangchuan was back to normal!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "韦小宝在马车中合眼睡了一觉。傍晚时分,忽听得马蹄声响,一乘马自后疾驰而来,奔到近处,听得一个男人大声喝道:“赶车的,车里坐的可是个小孩?”韦小宝认得是刘一舟的声音,不待车夫回答,便从车中探头出来,笑道:“刘大哥,你是找我吗?”只见刘一舟满头大汗,脸上都是尘土。他一见韦小宝,叫道:“好,我终于赶到你啦!”纵马绕到车前,喝道:“滚下来!”韦小宝见他神色不善,吃了一惊,问道:“刘大哥,我什么事得罪了你,惹你生气?”", "en": "Trinket dozed off as the cart rumbled along. Evening was drawing on, when he heard the sound of galloping hooves, and a horse pulled up alongside him. He heard a voice hailing the driver: 'Hey, you there! Have you got a boy in your cart?' Trinket recognized the voice as Liu Yizhou's. He poked his head out of the cart. 'Brother Liu!' he cried amiably. 'Are you looking for me?' He could see that Liu's face was streaked with sweat and dirt. 'I've found you at last!' cried Liu, and wheeled his horse round in front of the cart. 'Get down here at once!' he shouted, in a tone that was far from friendly. 'Brother Liu,' returned Trinket, greatly taken aback, 'what have I done wrong? Why are you angry with me?'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "喻楚本来想赶人,但转念一想,这里是女尊王朝,皇女身边带侍从,和王爷身边带丫鬟一样正常,如果她硬要赶人走,倒显得与这里格格不入了。 反正多一个人也不碍事。这少年是个很有眼色的,并不会打扰她。进了宫,在寝宫见到女皇,少不得又被慈爱地慰问一番。 女皇对这个小女儿是真宠爱,知道女儿喜欢美男,居然还帮她留意着。 这会儿见女儿过来,女皇便叫出来了几个,慈爱地示意喻楚随便挑。 喻楚不禁一个头两个大,打量眼前一众美男,听到女皇语重心长道:“皇儿,你今年都十八了……”", "en": "Yu Chu initially wanted to kick him out, but then she thought: This is a dynasty where females dominated the society, and it’s as normal for an imperial princess to have a male attendant by her side as it is for a king to have a maid by his side. Thus, if I drove him away, it would seem out of place. In any case, having one more person here won’t hurt anyway. This attendant was a very keen person, so he wouldn’t bother her. When Yu Chu entered the palace, she met the Empress in her bed-chamber and was affectionately consoled again. The Empress was truly fond of her youngest daughter. She knew that her daughter liked beautiful men, and helped her take note of them. Seeing her daughter coming over at this moment, the Empress called out a few and lovingly motioned Yu Chu to choose whomever she wanted. Yu Chu felt as if her head was about to explode. As she sized the group of beautiful men up, she heard the Empress say in a serious tone, “Daughter, you are already eighteen this year…”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "风际中收掌站立,说道:“道长,请除下道袍,得罪了!”玄贞一怔,不明他的用意,但依言除下道袍,略一抖动,忽然两块布片从道袍上飘了下来,却是两只手掌之形,道袍胸口处赫然是两个掌印的空洞。原来适才风际中已用掌力震烂了他道袍。玄贞不禁脸上变色,情不自禁的伸手按住胸口,心想风际中的掌力既将柔软的道袍震烂,自己决无不受内伤之理,一摸之下,胸口却也不觉有何异状。风际中道:“白大侠掌上阴力,远胜在下。徐大哥胸口早已受了极重内伤,再加上背心受了‘高山流水’的双掌之力,只怕性命难保。”", "en": "Brother Feng dropped his hands to his sides and addressed Father Obscurus. 'Sorry, Father. Would you mind taking off your gown?' Father Obscurus was somewhat startled by this request, but complied with it none the less. He took off his Taoist robe and gave it a shake. As he did so, two pieces of cloth fluttered from it to the floor, and when he held up the gown to look, there were two large holes in it where Brother Feng's hands had been thrust against his chest. He felt his chest in some alarm. A force sufficient to make holes in his gown must surely have caused considerable internal injury. But he appeared to be unhurt. 'Mr Bo's strike would have had more force in it than mine,' said Brother Feng. 'After two such blows to the chest and the Cataract on top of that I doubt the old man will live,’....."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "帝少为这个女人点了小提琴曲,还是卡侬!真让人嫉妒啊! “好。”夜云溪笑笑,扫了眼帝君邪,这是做什么?契约而已,难道真的要来全套??", "en": "Young master di had ordered a violin song for this woman, and it was Canon! It’s so jealous! “it is good.” Ye Yunxi smiled and glanced at Di Junxie. What is this? It’s just a contract, is it really going to be a full set? ?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我笑着说道:“其实,她憎恨你反而有好处,如果她一点都不在乎你,那你就真是一点希望都没有了。 现在,至少她会恨你,至少她心里有你的一席之地,至于怎么能让她由恨转变成爱,那就要看你的本事了。” 马克心动道:“做一件让她非常感动的事? 做什么啊?” 我一皱眉,说道:“你小子真是无药可救了,这种事情我怎么教你? 机会是你自己创造的,如果你不能在毕业前挽回海月的心,那你将真正的失去她。 你回去好好想想吧,我要修炼了,刚才魔法力消耗的非常厉害。” 马克说道:“谢谢你,老大,那我先回去了,你好好休息吧。” 马克走了,我静静的躺着,我想,刚才风凉用的哪个魔法怎么和我以前遇到的魔族竹竿魔法师用的哪个魔法很象啊,但又有些不同,好象更邪恶似的。 风凉出身日家族,也不可能是魔族啊,看来,他身上肯定有不寻常的秘密,以后在探索吧。 我闭上眼睛,努力催动着暗淡的金球,凝聚着魔法力。 光元素一点一点充实着金球,我逐渐进入了入定状态。", "en": "I smiled. \"Actually, there is a positive side to her hating you to the core. If she didn’t care about you, you would really have no hope at all. She hates you, which means you still have a place in her heart. Whether you can turn this hatred into love depends entirely on you.\" This got Ma Ke interested. \"What should I do to move her to that extent then?\" I frowned. \"You really are incorrigible! How could I teach you this? You have to create chances on your own. If you can’t change Hai Yue’s heart before graduation, you’ll really lose her. You have to head back and think carefully about what you want to do. I need to start cultivating now, I’ve used up a lot of my magic power.\" Ma Ke said, \"Thanks a lot Boss! I’ll head back now, you should rest up.\" It was very similar to the spell that the magic clan’s Zhu Gan used, but it was slightly different. It felt more sinister. Feng Liang Ri was from the Ri family, so he couldn’t be from the magic clan. He seemed to have unusual secret, one I would have to investigate later on. I closed my eyes and focused on the dim Gold Dan to gather magic power. Light element slowly filled the Gold Dan as I went into my meditative state."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她看见他嘴里这么说,眼光却射在她的脖子上,便觉得颧骨以下的脸上似乎有些热。她有时自己偶然摸到脖子上,尤其是耳朵后,指面上总感着些粗糙,本来早就知道是积年的老泥,但向来倒也并不很介意。现在在他的注视之下,对着这葵绿异香的洋肥皂,可不禁脸上有些发热了,而且这热又不绝的蔓延开去,即刻一径到耳根。她于是就决定晚饭后要用这肥皂来拚命的洗一洗。 \"是的。他的妻子大概死了三四年了罢,没有续娶。——否则,便要不肯将余屋租给我似的单身人。\"他说着,冷冷地微笑了。", "en": "His eyes fell, as he spoke, on to the back of her neck, and an uncomfortable warmth spread through her face. From time to time, she would notice a certain roughness to the back of her neck, especially just behind her ears. She’d never minded it much – it was just dirt, long-accumulated dirt. But his inquisitorial scrutiny, in the company of this green imported soap, forced a hot flush out to the tips of her ears. After dinner, she resolved, she would give herself a thorough scrubbing. ‘No. Even though his wife died three or four years ago… If he had, there wouldn’t be bachelor accommodation going for someone like me.’ He gave a slight smile – one without any warmth."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"你看,多么胡涂!\"道统大嚷道。 学程在喉咙底里答应了一声\"是\",恭恭敬敬的退去了。 \"并没有多久。\"我说,\"你到那里去了?\" 冬至的祭祖时节,她做得更出力,看四婶装好祭品,和阿牛将桌子抬到堂屋中央,她便坦然的去拿酒杯和筷子。 \"后来呢?\" 我四顾,客厅里暗沉沉的,大约只有一盏灯;正屋里却挂着白的孝帏,几个孩子聚在屋外,就是大良二良们。 \"这以前呢?\" 一九二五年十一月六日。 \"还是到他家。他给他们说和也不止一两回了,我都不依。这倒没有什么。这回是他家新年会亲,连城里的七大人也在……。\" 在酒楼上 \"不。说是来和我商量,就要将这孩子过继给我的。\"", "en": "‘You nincompoop!’ Daotong shouted. Mangling another ‘yes’ deep in his throat, Xuecheng respectfully withdrew. ‘Not long,’ I said. ‘Where’ve you been?’ ‘Nowhere much. As the winter solstice came again, bringing with it the sacrifice, she worked harder than ever. When she saw Aunt setting out the sacrificial objects, lifting the table into the centre of the hall with Aniu, she confidently approached, to take up the wine cups and chopsticks. ‘And after that?’ I looked about me: Lianshu’s old room was sunk in quiet, dimly lit by probably a single lamp. White mourning curtains hung in the front room. A few children had gathered outside – the Liangs. ‘And before that?’ 6 November 1925 ‘That’s right. He’s tried sorting this mess out a couple of times now, but I’ve never agreed to his terms. Right now, though, all his relatives are gathered for the New Year – even Mr Qi, from town.’ UPSTAIRS IN THE TAVERN ‘No. They’ve something they want to talk to me about. They want me to adopt the boy.’"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "言如生甩给她一个白眼,“温栩栩,你自恋了。” “难道我长的不好看么?” 温栩栩皱眉,嘟着嘴故作生气。 言如生楞了一下,继而笑起来,托着栩栩上半身的那只手,在她的胸上使劲儿的捏了一下。 低头瞪着她,咬牙切齿,“……狡猾的笨女人。” 他加快了步伐,走到床边,一点儿也不怜香惜玉,直接将栩栩往床上一抛,然后他一粒不等一粒的解开衬衣扣子。 解开皮带,脱掉身上所有的束缚,然后钻进被窝,压在栩栩的身上。 简单粗暴,一点也不唯美。 深邃的黑眸与她对望,栩栩的心跳不受控制的加速。 是的,在一起这么多年了,每每这样跟他对视,她的心里还是如小鹿乱撞,羞赧尴尬。", "en": "Yan Rusheng rolled his eyes. “Wen Xuxu, you think too highly of yourself.” “Are you implying that I’m not pretty?” Wen Xuxu pouted as she frowned at him. Yan Rusheng was momentarily stumped before breaking into a smile. His hand, which was on her waist, traveled to her chest before he pinched her. He bent to glare at her with malice in his eyes. “You… sly and stupid woman.” He hastened his footsteps and walked to the bed. Throwing his gentleness to the wind, he threw Xuxu on the bed. Then he removed his shirt impatiently. After removing his belt and every other clothing on him, he pounced on Xuxu. He was rough and acting on his whims. He gazed into the depths of Xuxu’s eyes and her heartbeat raced rapidly. After all these years, her heart would still pound and race whenever she looked into his eyes. She would always feel bashful and shy."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "形成天狗的黑气爆炸开来,空中只剩下已经暗淡无光的金球,我赶快凭借余力将它收了回来,我的魔法力消耗巨大,还好金球没有被消化掉。 对面的风凉脸上出现怪异的表情,我大叫一声,不好,风凉喷出漫天的血雾,鲜血从他的七窍中渗出,他的身体轰然倒地。 我用一个短距离瞬间转移飞快的移动到他身边,心中暗叹,刚才我根本无法留手,否则也许会被他发出的魔法真的吞噬掉。 我来到他身前,他的头发已经恢复了原来的颜色,形状凄厉,我拼尽余力,赶快用了一个元灵恢复术稳住了他的元神。", "en": "The ‘Heavenly Hound’ exploded, leaving the dim Gold Dan in the air. I immediately used my remaining power to retrieve it. I had used a lot of magic power, but luckily the Gold Dan hadn’t been completely used up. Not good ! Feng Liang spat out a mist of blood. Blood came gushing out from all seven of his apertures and he fell to the ground. I used short distance teleportation to move to his side. ‘ Previously I really couldn’t have held back! If not, I really would’ve been engulfed by that magic spell.’ When I appeared in front of him, his hair had gone back to normal. He was in a severe condition. I immediately used my remaining power to cast a recovery spell to stabilize his condition."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她只得压下心底的怒气,端着温婉大方的笑容,温柔的开腔:“七妹妹,自家姐妹,和气生财。” “方才四姐姐将小钰伤到昏迷的时候,怎么就没想过,那也是你们的八弟?” 夜清落冷嗤一声。 夜清浅被瘪,脸色微变:“灵儿向来就不懂分寸,八弟的事情,大姐在这儿给你赔礼道歉。” “你的道歉值几个钱?” 夜清落不屑的白了她一眼,“现在我将你杀了,再向你道歉可好?” “你……”夜清浅被呛的半晌说不出话来,面色憋得通红,一双水润盈盈的眼睛,登时浮出了几分水雾。", "en": "The only thing she could do was to suppress her temper and showed her most generous smile, as she impelled gently: “my seventh sister, we are after all a family and harmony breeds fortune.” “Family? Why don’t our fourth sister remember that Yu’er is our eighth brother when she wounded him till he is unconscious?” Ye Qing Luo barked out in a cold tone. Ye Qing Qian was taken aback by her words as her face turned into a shade of white: ” Ling’er doesn’t grasp the seriousness of Eighth Brother’s matter, let me apologise to you on her behalf.” “How much is your apology worth?” Ye Qing Luo dismissed her and rolled her eyes. “how about I kill you now and apologise to you?” “You….” Ye Qing Qian had been rebutted thoroughly that her face was turned red from snuffing out as her eyes became so watery that tears were ready to spill any point in time."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋站起来,看着夏叶华伸长的脖子,忽然开口:“妈,你如果不放心,我就去看看。” 夏叶华立马点头,“唉唉,你去看看,没有人盯着,我这心里七上八下的。 乔恋点了点头,站起来往外走。 刚走到院子里,忽然感觉身后有人靠近,她回头,就看到沈凉川站在她的身后,然后越过她,启动车子,“上车。” 乔恋一愣,这才反应过来,沈凉川是去送她。 她上车,车子发动,他们朝着附近的星巴克咖啡馆开过去。 到了以后,车子停在路边,透过玻璃窗,可以看到宋原希紧张的坐在靠窗的位置上。", "en": "Qiao Lian stood up. When she noticed Xia Yehua’s craned neck, she suddenly said, “Mom, if you’re worried about her, I’ll go and look after her on your behalf.” Xia Yehua immediately nodded and said, “Ahh, yes, go and look after her. Without someone doing that, my heartbeat will keep beating erratically. I’m truly afraid that she will be conned by that man!” Qiao Lian nodded, stood up and walked outside. Just as she reached the courtyard, she suddenly felt a presence behind her. She turned and saw Shen Liangchuan standing behind her. He walked past her, turned on the car’s engine and said, “Get in.” Qiao Lian froze for a second before reacting. Shen Liangchuan was going to drive her to the cafe. She got in and the car drove towards the nearby Starbucks cafe. Once they had arrived, he stopped the car at the roadside. Through the glass window, she saw Song Yuanxi nervously sitting near the cafe’s window."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "康亲王杰书禀承康熙之意,嘱咐众人道:“皇上仁孝,不欲杀戮太众,惊动了太皇太后和皇太后,因此鳌拜大逆不道之事,不必暴之于朝,只须将他平素把持政事、横蛮不法的罪状,一桩桩的列出来便是。”王公大臣齐声称颂圣德。行刺皇帝,非同小可,鳌拜固然要凌迟处死,连他全族老幼妇孺,以及同党的家人、族人,无一能够幸免,这一件大案办下来,牵累一广,少说也要死数千之众。康熙虽恨鳌拜跋扈,却也不愿乱加罪名于他头上,更不愿累及无辜。康熙亲政时日已经不短,但一切大小政务,向来都由鳌拜处决,朝中官员一直只听鳌拜的话办事,今日拿了鳌拜,见王公大臣的神色忽然不同,对自己恭顺敬畏得多。康熙直到此刻,方知为君之乐,又向韦小宝瞧了一眼,见他缩在一角,一言不发,心想:“这小子不多说话,乖觉得很。”", "en": "Prince Kang communicated to them the Emperor's own instructions. 'His Majesty is a person of great benevolence and filial devotion. He does not wish to see many innocent people die as a result of this incident, nor does he wish to alarm the Empress Dowager unnecessarily. He has therefore decided not to make public Lord Oboi's wicked treason. He will only charge him with attempting to monopolize power and to intimidate others.' The Princes and Ministers were unanimous in their praise of the Emperor's wisdom. The attempted assassination of the Emperor was indeed a very serious offence, and for this Oboi would undoubtedly have had to pay the penalty of death by the Slow Process. In addition to this his entire clan, old and young, and all of his associates and their clans, would have been put to death. The whole thing would probably have involved several thousand people. However much Kang Xi disliked Oboi, he was not willing to go to these lengths, or to implicate so many others in the villain's downfall. Kang Xi himself had not held the reins of power for very long and every one of his actions had until now been vetted by Oboi. All the officials at Court had always taken their orders from Oboi. Now that Oboi had been arrested Kang Xi noticed how quickly the Princes and Ministers changed their tune. For the first time he was tasting the true joy of being a ruler. He looked over towards Trinket and saw him sitting huddled quietly in a corner. The boy's silence had been most discreet, he thought to himself."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "寝室编号完全相同,但是西校区的413寝室里除了四号床,其他床上都住有学生,东校区则正好相反,只有四号床住有人,其他床都是空的。 “咱们社团里的秘密不要告诉别人,大家尽量低调一些,这所学校里有像我一样的老师,也有不那么好说话的老师。” 陈歌时刻保持着警戒,他们在实验楼闹出的动静太大,校方很可能已经开始调查。 “留给我的时间不多了,去413寝室看完之后,要先避避风头。”", "en": "The numbering of the room was similar, but in Room 413 of the western campus, other than the fourth bed, the other beds were occupied. Conversely, on the eastern campus, it was the total opposite; only the fourth bed was occupied, and the others were empty. “We should keep our club’s secret from other people. Try to keep a low profile. There are staff like myself at the school, but there are also other staff who might not share my views.” Chen Ge was on high alert. They had created too big a commotion at the lab building, so the school might have started an investigation already. There’s not much time left for me. After checking Room 413, we should find a place to hide for a while."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "【另外,这么一点小事儿,沈影帝就发公告,会不会事后你又开始骂他小题大做?至于王文豪和沈影帝之间,你又怎么知道他们无冤无仇?】 她这个消息刚发出去,就听到沈凉川一个助理喊道:“这个乔恋凉川,说话很犀利啊!” 乔恋吓了一跳,手指一抖,差一点把手机掉在地上。 她猛地抬头,就看到大家都在看手机,显然关注着这一场口水大战。 此时,大家就齐刷刷抬头看向乔恋。 乔恋顿时口干舌燥,不自觉的将手机藏进口袋里。 宋城开玩笑的说道:“这个微博名,不会是乔小姐的吧?”", "en": "In addition, if he had made a public announcement just on such small matters, would you have criticized that he was making a mountain out of a molehill? As for the relationship between Wang Wenhao and Best Actor Shen, how do you know that there is no grudge or hate between them?] Right after she published her comment, she heard one of Shen Liangchuan’s assistant shout, “This Qiaolian Liangchuan’s words are really incisive!” Qiao Lian was shocked. Her finger trembled and she almost dropped her phone on the floor. She immediately lifted her head up and realized that everyone was glued to their phones, watching this word battle. And at that moment, everyone lifted their heads to look at Qiao Lian. Qiao Lian immediately panicked as her mouth turned dry and she unconsciously placed her phone into her pocket. Song Cheng jokingly said, “Could it be that this Weibo account in Ms. Qiao’s?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“太子,你这么说红妆会伤心的!” “何必有那么多顾忌!” 轩辕桓不屑地看了百里红妆一眼,“如若不是百里红妆是将军的嫡小姐,我才不会与她定下婚约,我喜欢的是玉颜你啊!” 百里红妆看着眼前上演的龌龊戏码,心头冷笑不断,这百里玉颜还真是白莲花啊! 当着一个自杀未遂的人面前,竟然能够恬不知耻地做出这种事情,这两人的人品当真让人叫绝! 好在原本的百里红妆已经死了,否则亲眼瞧着面前的这一幕,只怕会受不了再度自杀吧! 百里红妆打量着眼前的轩辕桓,枉当初百里红妆那么倾慕他。", "en": "“Crown Prince, if you say that, Hongzhuang will be sad!” “Why do you have so many worries!” Xuanyuan Huan looked disdainfully at Baili Hongzhuang, “If it wasn’t for the fact that Baili Hongzhuang was the General Household’s young miss, I never would’ve had an arranged marriage with her! I like you, Yuyan, ah!” Baili Hongzhuang looked at the filthy drama playing out in front of her as her heart sneered unceasingly, this Baili Yuyan really has no face! Doing such in front of someone suicidal, and to even be shameless enough to make up such a play, these two people really are amazing, ah! Fortunately the real Baili Hongzhuang is dead, otherwise if she were to see such a drama, afraid that she might attempt suicide again! Baili Hongzhuang inspected the present Xuanyuan Huan before sighing in her heart- ah, the original Baili Hongzhuang really adored him in vain!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "他永远都忘不掉,那个衣冠楚楚的男人,到底做过怎样肮脏而又下贱的事! 原来,今天他留意到的这个看起来让他很舒心的女孩,就是程卫国的女儿呀? 听说,程卫国膝下就这么一个女儿,宝贝疼爱的厉害。 贺季晨眉心蹙的更厉害了一些:“到底怎么了?” 韩知返回神,他意识到自己的失态,急忙压下眼底露出的情绪,抬头,冲着贺季晨一如既往的温润一笑:“没什么,就是被惊到了,没想到你的剧组里,居然是这么的卧虎藏龙!” 贺季晨信了韩知返,没再说话。 韩知返看贺季晨神情如常,没察觉到自己的异样,定下了心,然后就垂下眼帘,遮掩住自己眼底克制不住又翻滚而起的情绪。 程卫国,程未晚,程未晚,程卫国…… 他在心底反反复复的将这两个人的名字念了好几遍,念到最后,竟念出了咬牙切齿的恨意和狠意。 他这一辈子,都不可能会放过程卫国,或者说,他一直都在找一个机会,一个可以让程卫国生不如死的机会……程未晚的出现,好像就是他的机会。", "en": "He would never forget the dirty, lowly thing that the well-dressed man did! So the woman he noticed today who made him feel so peaceful was Cheng Weiguo’s daughter? He heard Cheng Weiguo only had that one daughter who he loved so dearly. He Jichen creased his brows a little harder. “What the hell’s wrong?” Han Zhifan snapped back to his senses and realized that he was lost for a moment and hurriedly pushed down the feelings in his eyes. He looked up at He Jichen and shot him his usual warm smile. “Nothing, I was just shocked. I never imagined that such a hidden gem would be on your production team!” He Jichen believed Han Zhifan, so he didn’t pursue it any further. Seeing as He Jichen looked normal and didn’t pick up on anything, Han Zhifan felt more at ease. Then he looked down to hide the boiling emotions in his eyes. Cheng Weiguo, Cheng Weiwan, Cheng Weiwan, Cheng Weiguo… He repeated those two names in his mind over and over again until he eventually gritted his teeth with hatred and ferocity. In this lifetime, he would never forgive Cheng Weiguo. He had been waiting for an opportunity to give Cheng Weiguo a fate worse than death… With Cheng Weiwan’s appearance, this might just be that opportunity for him."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "韦小宝问道:“你到哪里去?”茅十八道:“你问来干么?”韦小宝道:“咱们既是朋友,我自然要问问。”茅十八脸一沉,骂道:“你奶奶的,谁是你朋友?”韦小宝退了一步,小脸儿胀得通红,泪水在眼中滚来滚去,不明白他为什么好端端突然大发脾气。茅十八道:“你为什么用石灰撒在那史松的眼里?”声音严厉,神态更是十分凶恶。韦小宝甚是害怕,退了一步,颤声道:“我…… 我见他要杀你。”茅十八问道:“石灰哪里来的?”韦小宝道:“我……我买的。”茅十八道:“买石灰来干什么?”韦小宝道:“你说要跟人打架,我见你身上有伤,所以……所以买了石灰粉帮你。”茅十八大怒,骂道:“小杂种,你奶奶的,这法子哪里学来的?”", "en": "'Where are you going?' asked Trinket. 'What's that to you?' 'You're my friend: that's what.' Whiskers' face darkened: ' Tour friend? Me? Never!' Trinket backed away. His face flushed, tears started from his eyes. He couldn't understand why Whiskers should suddenly be so angry with him. 'Why did you throw lime in the Captain's eyes?' His voice was stern, his face grim. Trinket had never seen him like this. He retreated, terrified, and replied in trembling tones: 'I... I thought he was going to kill you!' 'And where did you get the lime from?' 'I... bought it.' 'And why did you do that?' 'You said you'd be fighting, and I could see you were badly wounded ... So I bought it, to help you . . .''Why, you little bastard!' cried Whiskers angrily. 'Where in hell's name did you pick up a cheap trick like that?'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "李力世和关安基躬身答应。陈近南转过身来,在灵位前跪下,从香炉中拿起三枝香来,双手捧住,朗声道:“ 属下陈近南,在万云龙大哥灵位之前立誓:属下的弟子韦小宝倘若违犯会规,又或是才德不足以服众,属下立即废了他青木堂香主的职司,决不敢有半分偏私。我们封他为香主,是遵守誓言,他日如果废他,也是遵守誓言。属下陈近南倘若不遵此誓,万大哥在天之灵,教我天雷轰顶,五马分尸,死于鞑子鹰爪之下。”说着举香拜了几拜,将香插回香炉,磕下头去。", "en": "Brother Li and Big Beaver bowed their assent to his request. The Helmsman turned from them towards the altar and knelt down in front of the spirit tablets; then, taking three of the burning joss-sticks from the incense-burner and raising them in both hands, in a loud, clear voice that all could hear, he delivered himself of the following oath: 'I, Chen Jinnan, solemnly swear before the spirit tablet of Dragon Brother that if my apprentice Trinket Wei should transgress the rules of the Society or in other ways prove unworthy, I will immediately, without prejudice or partiality, dismiss him from the position of Master of the Green Wood Lodge. Even as it is in fulfilment of an oath that we now appoint him, so it will be in fulfilment of this oath I now swear that we shall dismiss him. And if I should fail so to do, may the spirit of Dragon Brother looking down from Heaven cause my body to be struck by lightning or torn in pieces by horses or trampled under the feet of the Tartars.' Having finished his oath, he lifted up the joss-sticks, bowed his head several times, replaced them in the incense-burner, then knelt down again and kowtowed."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "宋城跟着沈凉川下楼,到了楼下,这才开口,“我觉得这个忘川,跟乔小姐有点相似,可是你看她行事,哪里有一点像是乔小姐?乔小姐那么恬静,她也太欢脱了!” 沈凉川:……你哪知道眼睛看到乔恋恬静了? 两个人走到小区门口处,各自上车。 过了一会儿,宋城发现沈凉川还没发动车子,走过来,叩响了他的车窗:“沈哥,怎么了?” 沈凉川:“没怎么。” “那你怎么不走?” “你先走。” 宋城:……“你还有事儿?” “嗯。” 宋城:……所以,刚刚你多说一句话,会死人吗? 他深深叹了口气,点了点头,“那我留下来陪你吧。” 毕竟是个大明星,被人看到了不好。 他靠在车边,点燃了一支烟,抽了一口,然后随口询问了一句:“沈哥,你等谁呢?” 宋城:……得! 当他没问!", "en": "Song Cheng followed Shen Liangchuan down the stairs. When he reached the first floor, he spoke, “I feel that Wang Chuan is similar to Ms. Qiao. But if the way she acts is totally different from Ms. Qiao. Ms. Qiao is so quiet, but Wang Chuan is so cheerful and funny!” Shen Liangchuan: … How is Qiao Lian a quiet person in any way? They both walked to the exit of the housing estate and entered their respective cars. After a while, Song Cheng realized that Shen Liangchuan hadn’t started his car. He walked over and knocked on Shen Liangchuan’s car window. “Brother Shen, is there anything wrong?” Shen Liangchuan replied, “No.” “Then why aren’t you leaving?” “You can leave first.” Song Cheng asked, “You still have something to do?” “Yes.” Song Cheng thought, “… So, would it kill for you to talk a bit more about it?” He sighed deeply and nodded. “I will stay to accompany you then.” He was a famous actor after all, it wouldn’t be good if someone spotted him. He stood by the car and lit a cigarette. After he took a breath, he casually asked, “Brother Shen, who are you waiting for?” “For whom I’m supposed to.” Fine! Take it as if I never asked!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“感觉不到的,它们就是在细菌的手指尖上全部转化成能量,那个细菌也未必能感到什么。”“那你刚才想说什么?”“没想说什么,我什么都不知道,一个虫子能知道什么?”“可你是个虫子中的物理学家,知道的总比我多,对这事,你至少没像我这样茫然。就算我求你了,要不今晚我睡不好觉的。”“我要是说得多了,你怕是更睡不好。算了,操这份心有什么用?我们应该学习魏成和大史他们的达观,干好自己的事儿就行了。走,我们去喝点儿,然后回去睡个虫子的好觉吧。”“没关系,我已经没有放射性了。”史强对 坐在旁边的汪淼说,“这两天,我让人家像洗面 口袋似的翻出来洗了个遍。这次会议本来没安排 你参加,是我坚决要求请你来的,嘿.我保准咱 哥俩这次准能出风头的。”", "en": "\"You wouldn't feel anything. Even if they turned into energy on a bacterium, the bacterium probably wouldn't feel anything.' Then what were you trying to say?\"Nothing. I don't know' anything. What can a bug know?\"\"But you're a physicist among bugs. You know more than I do. At least you aren't completely at a loss when faced with the knowledge of these protons. I beg you. Tell me. Otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight.\"\"If I tell you more, you really won't be able to sleep. Forget it. What's the point of worrying? We should learn to be as philosophical as Wei Cheng and Shi Qiang. Just do the best within your responsibility. Let's go drinking and then go back to sleep like good bugs.\"\"Don't worry,\" Shi Qiang said to Wang, as he sat down next to him at the meeting table. \"I'm not radioactive anymore. The last couple of days they've washed me inside and outside like a flour sack. They didn't originally think you needed to attend this meeting, but I insisted. Heh. I bet the two of us are going to be important this time.\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "警察们的做法没错,错的却是这群公众人员,受到的关注太多。 如果被抓走,即便是查到没毒,可是事情闹到微博上去,会有多少人相信他的清白? ! 所以,沈凉川不能被抓住。", "en": "It wasn’t wrong of the police to be doing what they were currently doing, but it was wrong for them to be paying undue attention to these public figures. If a celebrity was arrested, even if it was later confirmed that they did not take drugs, such a scandal would get posted on Weibo. By then, who would believe in their innocence?! As such, Shen Liangchuan must not be caught no matter what."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "隔了两日,是我要动身回城的前一天,便听到村人都遭了魔似的发议论,说连殳要将所有的器具大半烧给他祖母,余下的便分赠生时侍奉,死时送终的女工,并且连房屋也要无期地借给她居住了。亲戚本家都说到舌敝唇焦,也终于阻当不住。 我就邀他同坐,但他似乎略略踌躇之后,方才坐下来。我起先很以为奇,接着便有些悲伤,而且不快了。细看他相貌,也还是乱蓬蓬的须发;苍白的长方脸,然而衰瘦了。精神跟沉静,或者却是颓唐,又浓又黑的眉毛底下的眼睛也失了精采,但当他缓缓的四顾的时候,却对废园忽地闪出我在学校时代常常看见的射人的光来。 \"申飞……。", "en": "Two days passed, taking us up to the day before I was due to set off back to the town. By now, the devil himself seemed to have got among the villagers. They were saying that Lianshu was planning to burn most of his grandmother’s things, so she could use them in the afterlife, and give the rest to the faithful maidservant woman who had seen her through her funeral – even let her stay on in the house for as long as she wanted. His relatives remonstrated with him till they were hoarse, but he wasn’t to be dissuaded. I immediately invited him to join me; after a hesitation, he accepted. I was first perplexed, and then saddened and perturbed by his reluctance. Beneath his characteristically untidy hair and beard, I noted, lay a long, pale, exhausted-looking face. He looked subdued, or perhaps melancholy. His eyes – overshadowed by thick, dark eyebrows – seemed to have dulled. But as he looked slowly about him, and down over the abandoned garden, they suddenly brightened with a piercing gleam I remembered from our schooldays. ‘It must be ten years,’ Think what you like of me, Shenfei."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“朱雀。” 竹屋内,白颜正望着嬉戏打闹的白小晨与小龙儿,蓦然间,她听到外面传来一阵吵闹的声音,柳眉轻蹙:“外面发生什么事了?为何有吵闹的声音?” “你出去看看。” 朱雀拱了拱拳头,领命退下,半响之后,她推开竹屋的门走了进来,迟疑的说道:“王后,外面有两个人,是来找你的……” “找我?” 白颜扬眉,“那我出去看看,是谁来找我。” 话落,她从椅子上缓步站起,向着门外而去。 屋外,血色天空之下,两人颤颤巍巍的从前方爬来,或许是爬的路太多,导致他们的身下淌过一条血痕,落入白颜的眼中,分外的刺目。 “你们这是在干什么?”", "en": "“Suzaku.” While inside the dainty looking bamboo cabin, Bai Yan was just in the middle of watching her son and Dragony playing out in the front yard when she overheard the commotion: “What’s happening outside, why is there so much noise?” “Go have a look.” Arching her first, the phoenix woman left as told to investigate only to return not long afterwards. Hesitant in her voice: “Queen, there are two people outside wanting to meet you….” “Looking for me?” raising a brow, Bai Yan was rather surprised by the answer. “I’ll go out and meet them then.” Getting up from the chair, Bai Yan casually strolled out of the cabin to find two unexpected people quivering at her entrance. Perhaps it’s the fact that they had climbed up the mountain in such an indignant manner, but those kneecaps had already been ridden with blood, thus leaving a trail behind themselves as well. “What are you two doing?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "马克沉默了,他叹息着说道:“老大,你为什么要这么做,为什么事先不通知我一声呢,这下,我是真的没有希望了。” 我轻轻的摇了摇头,说道:“你不要这样想,希望还是有的,你只要保有对海月真挚的爱心,不可能也会变成可能。” “刚才我和风凉比试的时候,他最后用那个天狗噬日你看到了吗?” 马克点了点头,说道:“看到了,怎么了?” 我说道:“你有没有觉的那时的他很邪恶的样子,如果,他真的有邪恶的本性海月还是很可能放弃他的,这次我选择他做比试对象,一是想为你出口气,二是想看看他的实力,三是想从他的魔法中找出他为人的缺点,只有把握住他人性上的缺点,你才有机会,你懂吗?” 马克露出思考的神色,想了想,说道:“退一万步说,即使海月和风凉吹了,她恐怕也不可能喜欢上我吧,在她心里,我的形象已经是劣无可劣了。”", "en": "Ma Ke quietly sighed, \"Boss, why did you do that? Why didn’t you inform me before you challenged Feng Liang Ri? After this, I have no hope of getting her.\" I slowly shook my head. \"Stop thinking like this, there is still hope. As long as you continue to love Hai Yue, nothing is impossible.\" \"When I fought against Feng Liang, did you see the last spell he cast, ‘Heavenly Sun Devouring Hound?\" Ma Ke nodded. \"I saw, why?\" I replied, \"Don’t you feel that he looked really sinister at that time? If he really does have an evil personality, there is a big chance that Hai Yue will dump him. There are three reasons as to why I challenged him. First, I wanted to help you to get your revenge. Second, I wanted to have a look at his power, and lastly, I also wanted to figure out his personality flaws through his magic power. If I know his weak points, then you will stand a chance in getting Hai Yue. Do you understand?\" Ma Ke looked thoughtful. \"I believe that even if they really break up, she still won’t fall for me. There’s nobody she hates more than me.\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "一大早,我就起来了,活动了活动筋骨,运行了一变战虎大哥教我的升龙决斗气,斗气最近不知不觉中有了些进入到拔萃的阶段了,我试了试,已经勉强可以从地上飘起来了,斗气从脚下涌出,速度非常快,虽然我只能坚持5分钟,可还是让我惊喜异常,我终于可以飞拉。 太棒了。 心情比昨天好了一些,我来到教室,又是那老头的课,我坐到自己的座位上,看也不看木子。 老头说道:“同学们,下面我们开始上课,昨天的考试成绩已经出来了,总的来说还不错,大家都通过了,只是有些人用了不正当的手段。", "en": "I woke up early in the morning and started moving my body to warm up before circulating the Ascending Dragon’s Battle Spirit that Zhan Hu had taught me. My battle spirit had improved a lot without me noticing. After putting in lots of effort, I managed to hover above the ground. The battle spirit rapidly rushed out from under my feet. I was really surprised that I could levitate, even though I could only maintain it for five minutes. It was just too awesome! My mood was slightly better. When I entered the classroom, it was that old mage’s lesson. I sat in my seat without even glancing at Mu Zi. The old mage said, “I’ll start class now. The results for yesterday’s test are out. Overall, everyone did well and passed, but some students passed using dishonest methods. I hope you know that laziness won’t lead to any good fortune. Alright! Today I will be teaching…”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "金发少女有些疑惑的眨了眨她的眼睛,两边的马尾也伴随着她的动作微微晃动,湛蓝色的双眼清澈透明,给人一种活泼的感觉。 “在两天前,你倒在帕菲尔德山原里,受了相当严重的伤。” “如果不是‘银色天枰’商会的货船经过的话,恐怕就相当不妙了。” “真不知道你究竟是和什么战斗,左边的身体受到了相当严重的伤害,那个时候可真是非常的危险啊。” 等等,左肩? 罗德愣了一愣,他立刻想起来,自己之前在和虚空之龙战斗的最后,不就是左侧受到了攻击吗? 可是那是自己在游戏中的人物受伤,和玩家本身应该没有关系才对吧,但是现在,受伤的却是他本人? 虽然眼前的事态是一片混乱,但是罗德还是很快就冷静了下来,这是他作为一个顶级玩家和全世界最强大的网游公会会长的心理素质。 而在和眼前这位金发少女的交谈中,罗德也得知了自己现在的情况,他身受重伤倒在帕菲尔德平原之中,而银色天枰商会的浮空船则正巧路过,便将他救了上来。 根据这位金发少女的说法,罗德一开始的情况很不乐观,但是他的恢复能力却相当不错。", "en": "The blonde girl curiously blinked her eyes, her twin tails following her movement. Her blue eyes were clear and transparent, exuding a cheerful disposition. “Two days ago, you fell in the middle of the Paphield Plains and suffered a very serious injury.” “If it was not because of the Silver Libra’s merchant guild floating ship passing by, I am afraid it would be even worse.” “I do not know what kind of monster you fought against, but the left side of your body received a very serious injury. It can be really dangerous.” Wait, left shoulder… Rhode froze in surprise for a moment. He immediately thought about the last battle with the Void Dragon before, wasn’t it his left shoulder that was attacked? But it was his game avatar that was injured, and there was supposed to be no connection to the player itself, right? But now, the one who got injured was him? Although the situation in front of him was a mess, Rhode still quickly calmed down. As the top player and the world strongest guild leader, he had a strong mentality, and in the middle of the conversation with the blonde girl in front of him, he had also learned about his current situation. He was seriously injured in the Paphield Plains, and Silver Libra Merchant Guild floating ship happened to pass by, so they saved him. According to what the blonde girl had said, his condition was pretty bad, but his ability to recover was pretty good."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她像是受了炮烙似的缩手,脸色同时变作灰黑,也不再去取烛台,只是失神的站着。直到四叔上香的时候,教她走开,她才走开。这一回她的变化非常大,第二天,不但眼睛窈陷下去,连精神也更不济了。而且很胆怯,不独怕暗夜,怕黑影,即使看见人,虽是自己的主人,也总惴惴的,有如在白天出穴游行的小鼠,否则呆坐着,直是一个木偶人。不半年,头发也花白起来了,记性尤其坏,甚而至于常常忘却了去掏米。 \"阿阿,好好,莫哭莫哭,我的好孩子。\"他弯下腰去抱她。 \"学程,\"他看着他的脸说,\"那一句查出了没有?\"", "en": "This time, she made no move towards the candlesticks. There she stood, until Uncle told her to leave when he came in to burn incense. This – this transformed her. The next day, her eyes seemed sunken with dejection, as she crept about, more listlessly than ever. Like a mouse venturing out of its hole in daylight, she was terrified of everything: of the darkness, of shadows, of other people – even her employers. Sometimes she would simply sit, blank and stupid, as if carved out of wood. Within six months, her hair began to grey, her memory to deteriorate further. Often, she would forget even to wash the rice. ‘There, there, don’t cry.’ He bent down to pick her up. Peering to left and right, he observed that Xuecheng’s mouth had just made room for it. ‘Found that phrase for me yet, Xuecheng?’ He looked over at his son, tucking an unrewarding bunch of yellowing leaves into his mouth."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "游戏里打人打的超级爽,被打几下也不觉得怎么样,可现实中……真尼玛疼!", "en": "Her consciousness had already started blurring, but one thought flashed through her mind. She had such a great time beating people up in video games. Even if her character got hit, she wouldn’t feel a thing. However, in real life… getting beaten up hurts like hell!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "海老公一声长笑,叫道:“小鬼,你上了当啦!”左足向后踹出,砰的一声,踹在韦小宝胸口,登时将他踹得飞出数丈。原来海老公和太后比拚内力,已操胜券,忽听得有人从假山后走了出去,脚步声正是平时听得熟了的韦小宝,这小鬼中了自己一掌,居然不死,心下颇为诧异,生怕他出去召唤侍卫前来,救了太后,那当真是功亏一篑,灵机一动,便出声指点,诱他来攻击自己背心。韦小宝临敌应变的经验不丰,果然便上了当。海老公这一脚正踹在他胸口。韦小宝腾云驾雾般身在半空,一口鲜血呕了出来。", "en": "'Young devil! I fooled you, didn't I!' Just as victory seemed to be within his grasp, the old eunuch had heard the sound of someone coming out from behind the rockery and recognized the footsteps as Trinket's—with some surprise, because he thought the blow he dealt him earlier must have killed him. If Trinket got away he might call the guards, the Empress Dowager would be rescued, and the task he had worked on for so long and so very nearly completed would come to nothing. His fertile brain supplied him with the only ploy that might stop the boy leaving the garden and dispose of him altogether. The ruse had worked. Insufficiently experienced in the duplicities of combat, Trinket had allowed himself to be taken in, and now he was sailing several yards through the air, and coughing out a full mouthful of blood."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "他能够说什么,难道告诉莉洁,自己是在和被称之为创世五龙之一的虚空之龙战斗时受伤的? “因为我是在夜晚遭受到攻击的,所以我也没有看清楚对方究竟是什么,它们数量很多,速度也快,我想,或许是‘那边’的东西吧。” “我明白了。” 虽然罗德没有详细说明,但是莉洁却似乎了解什么似的点了点头,接着她仔细的检查完罗德的伤口,这才站起身来。 “两天没有吃饭,我想你一定很饿了吧,请稍等,我现在立刻去弄些吃的来。” “啊,对了,我还要向团长报告一下这件事,我想他很快就会来看你的。” 说完这番话,少女便很有礼貌的向罗德微微点了点头,接着转身走出了房间。", "en": "What could he say? Should he say that he was injured because he fought one of the five creator dragons, the Void Dragon? “I did not see what it was because I was attacked at night. There were a lot of them and they were very quick. I think that maybe they were things from ‘the other side’.” “I understand.” Although Rhode did not elaborate, Lize seemed to know what it was and nodded. By then, she had also finished checking at Rhode’s wound, so she stood up. “You have not eaten for two days, so you must be hungry. Please wait. I will get some food for you to eat.” “Ah, yes, I would like to report this matter to my leader, I think he will come to see you soon.” Having said that, she nodded towards him politely and then left the room."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "韦小宝首先附和。吴应熊鼓掌叫好。其余众宾也都说:“是极,是极!”康亲王笑道:“众位朋友,许多贵宾都想见见各位的功夫,却不知怎样个练法。”左首武师席上一个中年汉子霍地站起,朗声说道:“我只道康王爷爱重人才,这才前来投靠,哪知却将我们当作江湖上卖把式的人看待。列位大人要瞧耍猴儿、走绳索的,何不到天桥上去?告辞!”说着左手一起,击在椅背之上,拍的一声,椅背登时粉碎。大踏步便向门外走去。众人愕然失色。", "en": "Trinket was the first to support this request; the Heir followed, clapping excitedly; and all the other guests echoed their agreement. Prince Kang beamed and turned to the men at the two tables. 'My good friends,' he said, 'all these honoured guests are longing to see something of your skills. What would be the best way of showing them something?' A man of middle years who had been sitting at the left-hand of the two tables leapt to his feet and began speaking in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear. 'I agreed to enter Prince Kang's service because I thought he had a genuine appreciation of talent, ' he said. 'I hadn't expected to be treated as a travelling buffoon. If what these honoured gentlemen want is acrobatics and tight-rope walking, I suggest they'll find what they are looking for in the Bridge of Heaven area. Excuse me, I'm going.' But before he did so, he lifted up his left hand and brought it crashing down on the back of his chair, which disintegrated with a bang. Then, while the assembled company looked on aghast, he began striding from the hall."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "众人在药店前前后后查察,又到地窖中细看,寻不到半点端倪。眼见天色已晚,苏冈、白寒枫、王武通等人告辞回家,约定分头在北京城中探访,樊纲道:“苏四侠、白二侠,你们瞧明白了没有?今晚半夜,我们可要放火烧屋,毁尸灭迹了。”苏冈点头道:“都瞧明白了。好在邻近无人,将店铺烧了也好,免得官府查问。”苏冈和白寒枫去后,青木堂众人纷纷议论,都说徐天川定是给沐王府掳去的,否则哪有迟不迟、早不早,刚打死了对方的人,徐天川便失了踪?最多是苏冈、白寒枫二人并不知情而已。众人跟着商议如何放火烧屋。韦小宝一听得要放火烧屋,登时大为兴奋。", "en": "They combed through the shop from front to back without finding anything, then went down below into the secret chamber, but still they could find no clue. As it was getting late, the two from Willow Lane and the four professionals began their leave-taking, arranging before they went each to carry out investigations in different parts of the city. Brother Fan asked Su Gang and Young Bo if they had seen all they wanted to see. 'Make sure you have, ' he said. 'As there's no one living nearby, we'll be setting fire to this place some time round about midnight to get rid of the bodies. We don't want the authorities nosing in on this.' As soon as Su Gang and Young Bo had gone, a long discussion began among the Triads about what had happened. All agreed that Brother Xu's kidnapping was almost certainly the work of the Mu faction, otherwise his disappearance at precisely the time when the shop was ransacked and the apothecary and his assistants killed made no sort of sense. The most that could be said in Su Gang and Young Bo's defence was that it could have been done by other members of the Mu clan without their connivance. Having dealt with that question, they began discussing the means they would employ to burn down the shop. Here was a matter to engage Trinket's excited attention; but Father Obscurus warned him against taking part."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "糟老头又给他扎了一针,“本来不想救你的,毕竟你这样的人心肠歹毒无比,救活了你指不定这天下要乱成什么样子。” 慕言君声音轻柔而诡异,“松开我。” 糟老头摇头,“这可不行,我救不活你的心尖人,救了你也算是赔偿了。” 慕言君突然凄厉笑起来,“你偿不了,怎么可能偿得了,你就算救活这天下所有人,都偿不了她一根头发。”", "en": "The old man pierced him with another needle, “I didn’t want to save you, after all, your heart is incomparably poisonous. To save someone like you today, wouldn’t it mean that the world will be messed up.” Mu Yanjun’s voice was soft and strange, “Let me go.” The old man shook his head, “This I can not, I couldn’t save the little person in your heart. Saving you is compensation.” Mu Yanjun suddenly began to smile bitterly, “You can’t pay, how could it be compensated, even if you saved all the world, it couldn’t repay one hair of hers.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "他刚刚那话是不由自主的夸赞,后来的安慰,也是挑着好听的说。其实,真正的三皇女,哪有什么好…… 还“懒得让他知道孤的好”?她自己夸自己,说得倒是理直气壮。 但……镜子里,少女的脸艳色无双,眉梢眼尾都是极致的风情,慵懒地把玩着一支金钗,小动作勾得人心里直痒。竟生出一种好好取悦她的渴望…… 少年被自己的想法吓了一跳,脸色越发红了起来,咬唇慢慢梳发。——殿下或许又受什么刺激了吧。 他根本没想过,三皇女会真的放弃弥心郎君。弥心郎君的美色、身份都是天下无双,三皇女对人家死缠烂打的事全京都都知道,说她会放弃?整个京都没人信吧。 不过,一边想着,少年一边依旧忍不住生出微妙的喜悦。如果三皇女真的放弃了那位郎君,自然是好事。", "en": "The words of praise he’d involuntarily blurted out and the words of comfort from earlier were just said to please her. Truthfully speaking, from what he knew, the Third Imperial Princess didn’t seem to possess any good traits… To think that Her Highness actually said that she was too lazy to show Young Lord Mixin her good traits… She was just praising herself, yet said it in such a righteous manner. But… In the mirror, a young girl’s unparalleled face was reflected, and her features were gorgeous to the point of perfection. As he watched her lazily play with the gold hairpin, her small movements tickled his heart and he felt a desire to please her. The attendant was startled by his own thoughts, and his face grew redder by the second. He bit his lips and continued to slowly comb her hair. Her Highness has probably gotten provoked again. The thought of the Third Imperial Princess genuinely giving up on Ye Mixin didn’t even cross his mind. Ye Mixin’s good looks and status were unparalleled in this world, and the fact of the Third Imperial Princess stalking him was known all over the Capital. Thus, who would believe it if they were told that she would give up on him? No one. However, while pondering about it, the attendant felt a subtle joy bubble up in his heart. It is naturally a good thing if the Third Imperial Princess has really given up on Young Lord Mixin."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但叶文洁的学生从事的项目与这些射电望远镜没有什么关系,沙瑞山博士的实验室主要接收三颗卫星的观测数据:1989年11月升空、即将淘汰的微波背景探测卫星COBE,2003年发射的威尔金森微波各向异性探测卫星WMAP和(2007)年欧洲航天局发射的普朗克高精度宇宙微波背景探测卫星Planck。宇宙整体的微波背景辅射频谱非常精确地符合温度为2726K的黑体辐射谱,具有高度各向同性。但在不同局部也存在大约百万分之五涨落的幅度。沙瑞山的工作就是根据卫星观测数据,重新绘制一幅更精确的全宇宙微波辐射背景图。这个实验室不大,主机房中挤满了卫星数据接收设备,有三台终端分别显示来自三颗卫星的数据。", "en": "But the work of Sha Ruishan, Ye's student, had nothing to do with these radio telescopes. Dr. Sha s lab was mainly responsible for receiving the data transmitted from three satellites: the Cosmic Background Explorer, COBE, launched in November of 1989 and about to be retired; the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, WMAP, launched in 2003; and Planck, the space observatory launched by the European Space Agency in 2009.Cosmic microwave background radiation very precisely matched the thermal black body spectrum at a temperature of 2. 7255 K and was highly isotropic—meaning nearly uniform in every direction—with only tiny temperature fluctuations at the parts per million range. Sha Ruishan's job was to create a more detailed map of the cosmic microwave background using observational data.The lab wasn't very big. Equipment for receiving satellite data was squeezed into the main computer room, and three terminals displayed the information sent by the three satellites."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "他刚要开锁,突然间背上一阵剧痛,心头烦恶,便欲呕吐,勉强开锁进门,坐在椅上,不住喘气。沐剑屏道:“你……你身子不舒服么?”韦小宝道:“见了你的羞花闭月之貌,身子就舒服了。”沐剑屏笑道:“我师姊才是羞花闭月之貌,我脸上有只小乌龟,丑也丑死了。”方怡道:“喂,咱们怎么逃出宫去,你得给想个法子。”韦小宝这些日子来到处受人奉承,但一回到自己屋里,便感十分孤寂无聊,忽然有方沐两个年轻姑娘相陪,虽然每一刻都有给人撞见的危险,可实在舍不得她们就此离去,说道:“这可得慢慢想法子。你们身上有伤,只要踏出这房门一步,立刻便给人拿了。”", "en": "As Trinket was unlocking the door, he felt a sharp pain shooting up his back, and experienced a renewed desire to vomit. He dragged himself into the room, and sat down panting on a chair, 'What's the matter? Does it hurt again?' asked the Little Countess, The sight of your flowerlike face has made me feel better already,' returned the irrepressible Trinket, 'It's my sister-in-arms who has the flowerlike face,' protested the Little Countess playfully. 'If you remember, my face has a turtle carved on it, and is ugly as anything! 'How are we going to get out of here?' asked Fang Yi after a moment's silence. 'You must think of a way.' But Trinket was beginning to enjoy having the two girls to come home to. Life had been rather lonely without them. He was in no hurry to see them go. 'We'll have to take things one at a time,' was his reply. 'You're both wounded, and if you try to escape now, it will be easy for them to catch you.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "海老公左手扬起,突然拍出。韦小宝吃了一惊,向右一避,忽然背上拍拍两声,已被海老公打中,登时跪倒在地动弹不得,心下大骇:“这一下糟了,他……他要取我性命。”海老公道:“这是‘大慈大悲千叶手’的第一手,叫做‘南海礼佛’。你背上已给打中了两处穴道,不过打穴功夫十分难练,要以上乘内功作根基,跟皇上过招,又难道真能打他穴道,叫他跪在你面前?你只须记住了手法,装模作样的比比架式,也就是了。”说着伸手在他背心两处穴道上按了按。韦小宝手足登时得能动弹,心神略定,慢慢站起身来,心道:“原来老乌龟是教我功夫,可吓得我魂灵出窍,这会儿也不知归了窍没有。”", "en": "Suddenly Old Hai lunged out with his left. Trinket dodged to the right, but the next thing he knew he had taken two sharp blows on his back, and was down on his knees, incapable of further motion of any sort. 'This is it!' he thought to himself in terror. 'Now he's going to kill me!' That,' said Hai coolly, 'is the first move in the Merciful Guanyin style. It's called Buddha of the South Seas. Two vital points in your back have been closed. Closing points is an advanced form of kungfu—built on a solid foundation of Inner Force development. Don't imagine you can actually do this when you next fight the Emperor. Just remember the move, and go through the motions.' Old Hai pressed the points on Trinket's back, and Trinket's hands and feet came back to life. He could move again. He tried to compose himself, and stood up. 'So the Old Turtle was just teaching me a move!' he thought to himself. 'He scared the wits out of me—in fact I'm not sure they've managed to find their way back in again yet!'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "气愤愤的回到客店,将包裹往桌上一丢,倒头便睡,一觉醒来,天已大黑,客店中吃饭的时候已过,他又舍不得另叫饭菜,愁肠饥火,两相煎熬,再也睡不着觉,当下解开包裹,翻开那部《明书辑略》阅看。看得几页,眼前金光一闪,赫然出现一张金叶。吴之荣一颗心怦怦乱跳,揉了揉眼细看,却不是金叶是什么?当下一阵乱抖,从书中抖了十张金叶出来,每一张少说也有五钱,十张金叶便有五两黄金。其时金贵,五两黄金抵得四百两银子。", "en": "He reached the inn in a thoroughly bad temper, dumped the bundle on the table, threw himself down on the bed, and was soon asleep. When he woke up it was already dark. The inn had long since ceased serving supper, but he didn't feel he could afford to order a separate meal. What with the pangs of hunger and anxiety about his predicament, there seemed little prospect of his getting to sleep again. To pass the time he took the Epitome from the bundle, opened it up, and began to read. After he had read a few pages, he thought he could see the glint of gold. He turned over the page and there, shining before him, was a whole sheet of gold leaf. His heart pounded with excitement. Could it be? He rubbed his eyes and looked again. Yes, it was gold all right. He picked up each volume in turn and shook it wildly. From each of them sheets of gold leaf dropped out, ten in all. Each sheet, he calculated, must weigh at least five pennyweights. That meant a total of five taels of gold. The relative value of gold to silver at that time was eighty to one, so five taels of gold represented four hundred taels of silver."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "韦小宝隐隐知道不妙,显已上了夏国相的大当,只是其中关窍,却想不出来,沉吟道:“今天吴三桂给人行刺,受伤很重,不是你刺的?”沐剑屏道:“自然不是。我从来没见过吴三桂,他会死吗?”韦小宝摇头道:“我不知道。你自己的身分来历,有没有跟他们说?”沐剑屏道:“没有。我甚么也不说,审问我的武官很生气,问我是不是哑巴。韦大哥,你从前也说过我是哑巴。”韦小宝在她脸上轻轻一吻,道:“你是我的亲亲小哑巴,我还说要在你脸上雕一只小乌龟呢。”沐剑屏又羞又喜,眼光中尽是柔情,却不敢转头去瞧他。", "en": "Trinket sensed that all was not well. He had clearly fallen for some ruse of General Xia's. But exactly what was going on he could not fathom. 'So the Satrap's wounds were not inflicted by you?' 'Of course not. I've never set eyes on him. Tell me, do you think he's going to die?' Trinket shook his head. 'I don't know. Did you tell them who you were?' 'No. I didn't tell them anything. The officer interrogating me got angry, and asked me if I was dumb. Remember, you once said I was dumb?' Trinket lent over her and kissed her gently. 'Yes, my little dumb girl, and I still want to carve a turtle on your pretty little face.' The Little Countess felt a strange sense of pleasure at Trinket's words, and there was a glow of affection in her eyes. But she did not turn to look at him."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“我将立刻为您占卜。”周文王说着,走到阴阳鱼中央盘腿坐下,抬头望着大殿的顶部,目光仿佛穿透了厚厚的金字塔看到了星空,他的双手手指同时在进行着复杂的运动,组合成一部高速运转的计算器。寂静中,只有大鼎中的汤发出咕嘟咕嘟的声响,仿佛煮在汤中的巫师在梦呓。周文王从阴阳图中站起来,头仍仰着,说:“下面将是一段为期四十一天的乱纪元;然后将出现为期五天的恒纪元,接下来是为期二十三天的乱纪元和为期十八天的恒纪元,然后是为期八天的乱纪元,当这段乱纪元结束后,大王,您所期待的长恒纪元就到来了,这个恒纪元将持续三年零九个月,其间气候温暖,是一个黄金纪元。”", "en": "\"1 will forecast it for you right now, \" King Wen said. He sat down in the middle of the yin-yang symbol, his legs curled under him. He raised his head to look up at the ceiling of the Great Hall, his gaze seeming to penetrate the thick stones of the pyramid, until it reached the stars. The fingers of his two hands began a series of rapid, complex movements, like components of a calculating machine. In the silence, only the soup in the cauldron in the corner made any noise, boiling and bubbling as though the shaman being cooked within was dream-talking in his sleep.King Wen stood up in the middle of the yin-yang symbol. With his face still lifted to the ceiling, he said, \"Next will be a Chaotic Era lasting forty-one days. Then comes a five-day Stable Era. Thereafter, there will be a twenty-three-day Chaotic Era followed by an eighteen-day Stable Era. Then we'll have an eight-day Chaotic Era. But when this Chaotic Era is over, my king, the long Stable Era you've been waiting for will begin. That Stable Era will last three years and nine months. The climate will be so mild that it will be a golden age. \""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "柳妈的打皱的脸也笑起来,使她蹙缩得像一个核桃,干枯的小眼睛一看祥林嫂的额角,又钉住她的眼。祥林嫂似很局促了,立刻敛了笑容,旋转眼光,自去看雪花。 \"你好,八三!恭喜恭喜!……\" \"然而主人没有工夫谈文艺的时候怎么办呢?那么,不理她,听她站在外面老是剥剥的敲?这大约不行罢。或者《理想之良人》里面都写着,——那恐怕确是一部好小说,我如果有了稿费,也得去买他一部来看看……。\" \"阿阿,可爱的嘴唇……\"他想。 我即刻很后悔我的话。但他却似乎并不介意,只竭力地喝酒,其间又竭力地吸烟。 \"你将以我为什么东西呢,你自己定就是,我都可以的。 一九二四年二月七日 学程吓得倒退了两步,站得更挺了。他虽然有时觉得他走路很像上台的老生,却从没有将他当作女人看待,他知道自己答的很错了。", "en": "Mrs Liu’s sour frown also broke into a smile, puckering her face up like a walnut, her tiny, shrivelled pupils darting from her interlocutor’s forehead to her eyes. Discomforted by her scrutiny, Xianglin’s wife stopped smiling and looked away, out at the snowflakes. ‘Well met, Basan! Happy New Year!’ ‘But what about the times when the husband is too busy to talk about the arts? Does he just ignore her, while she stands outside, hammering at the door? I don’t think that would do. Maybe An Ideal Husband has some light to shed on the question – I really must read it , I’m sure it’s excellent. I’ll buy myself a copy the moment I get paid for this article – ’ ‘Those wonderful lips…’ he thought. I immediately regretted my facetiousness. And yet he didn’t seem to take offence, concentrating on drinking and, in between whiles, smoking. Think what you like of me, Shenfei. I don’t mind. 7 February 1924 The alarmed Xuecheng took two steps back and tried standing even straighter. Although, in his considered opinion, his father walked a little like one of the funny old men in a Beijing opera, he’d never found him particularly womanly."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "大海一般幽深的底色,蓝色从上至下由深变浅,裙摆处恍若是清浅的海滩,长裙外蒙着一层薄纱,纱面上的碎片亮如星辰,随着她的走动,星辰点点闪烁,美艳绝伦! “好美!” “像夜晚的海之精灵!” “感觉神秘又美丽呢!” 尽管对情儿这个职业很不屑,但美人就是美人。 大家都对这条裙子很满意,不过帝君邪扫了一眼,便皱了皱眉头:“脱下来。” “为什么?”夜云溪很好奇,大家都说好看不是么? 帝君邪的脸色更难看了。 是好看,不过齐胸礼服什么的太暴露了,再往下拉一点,跟没穿上衣有什么两样?还有后背,露那么大一片,是想勾引谁?所以!!“换这件!” 帝君邪脸色难看又递过来一条裙子,夜云溪无语换掉。 这次的长裙难得中规中举,小立领的设计连脖子都包死了,帝君邪满意的点点头:“就这件。”", "en": "The background color is as deep as the sea, blue from top to bottom becomes lighter, and the skirt is like a shallow beach. The long skirt is covered with a layer of tulle, and the fragments on the surface are as bright as stars. Walking around, the stars flicker, beautiful! “What a nice view!” “Like a sea spirit at night!” “It feels mysterious and beautiful!” Although I am disdainful of the profession of love, beauty is beauty. Everyone is very satisfied with this skirt, but Dijunxie glanced at it, then frowned: “Take it off.” “why?” Yeyunxi is very curious, everyone said, is it good? Di Junxie’s face was even more ugly. It looks good, but the breast-length dress is too revealing, so pull it down a little bit, so what is the difference with no shirt? And the back, showing so much, who do you want to seduce? and so! ! “Change this one!” Di Junxie had an ugly face and handed over another skirt, and Ye Yunxi changed it silently. This time, the long skirt is rarely in the middle of the standard. The design of the small stand-up collar even wraps up the neck. Di Junxie nodded in satisfaction: “That’s it.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "十五分钟之后,在四条街之外,我爸爸驾驶的桑塔纳与一辆大卡车迎面相撞。桑塔纳被甩出很远,四轮朝上。我爸爸的颅骨被撞碎,挡风玻璃把他的额头刺了一个窟窿,血汩汩地涌出来。载着高浓度酒精的血,淌过他的脸,仿佛要让他再醉一次。", "en": "Fifteen minutes later and four blocks away, my father’s Volkswagen Santana collided head-on with a truck. The car was flung quite a distance, and landed with its wheels in the air. Dad’s skull was smashed, and glass from the windshield sliced open his forehead. Alcohol-rich blood poured over his face, as if to get him drunk one last time."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "LiteraryTranslation"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "特依公爵开口了,他说道:“亲王殿下,您好,我们到晚了。” 亲王微笑着说道:“公爵不用客气,是我方早来了一会儿。 既然双方都到齐了,我们就开始吧。” 特依公爵沉声说道:“好,就让今天来决定王国的命运吧。” 一个沙哑浑厚的声音传了过来,“你们都准备好了吗?” 亲王和特依公爵同时躬身说道:“是的,大祭祀,请您准许我们开始比试。” 大祭祀微微叹了口气,扫视众人,说道:“这次比试是没有办法的办法,我希望你们双方都不要下手太重,你们都是王国的功臣和人才,王国今后还要*你们去支撑,前几天我夜观星象时发现在不久的将来人类会大祸临头,你们必须保持力量才能去应付未知的劫难。 你们明白吗?", "en": "Duke Te Yi said, “Your Highness, I’m sorry we were late.” The Prince  said smilingly, “You don’t have to be this courteous. It’s my group that came early. Since all forces has arrived, shall we start the competition?” Duke Te Yi said solemnly, “Alright! Let’s start the battle that will decide the fate of the Kingdom.” A hoarse voice said, “Are all of you prepared?” The Prince  and Duke Te Yi bowed simultaneously and said. “Yes we are! Honourable High Priest, please give us the permission to start the competition.” The High Priest sighed a little and glanced at everyone before replying, “This competition happened inevitably, but I hope that you all won’t seriously harm your opponents. You’re the supporters and talents of the Kingdom. The Kingdom still needs your support. I foretold from gazing the stars a few days ago that there’ll be a serious calamity that will bound to happen on the human race in the near future. You’ve to conserve as much powers as possible so as to be able to deal with the unknown dangers. Do you understand?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那丽人向他凝望半晌,呜咽道:“韦大人云天高义,小女子不知如何报答才是。”忽然双膝下跪,盈盈拜倒。韦小宝叫道:“不对,不对。”也即跪倒,向着她冬冬冬的磕了几个响头,说道:“你是仙人下凡,观音菩萨转世,该当我向你磕头才是。”那丽人低声道:“这可折杀我了。”伸手托住他双臂,轻轻扶住。两人同时站起。韦小宝见她脸颊上挂着几滴泪水,晶莹如珠,忙伸出衣袖,给她轻轻擦去,柔声安慰:“别哭,别哭,便有天大的事儿,咱们也非给办个妥妥当当不可。”", "en": "She gazed at him. Then she sobbed' 'Your gallantry is more than I can ever be worthy of!' Suddenly she fell to her knees and began kowtowing to him, knocking her head repeatedly on the ground before him. 'No, ma'am!' cried Trinket. 'You mustn't!' He also fell to his knees, and began knocking his head in rhythm with hers. 'You are a beauty descended to this mortal earth from fairy realms,' he began. 'You are the Goddess of Mercy reborn. I beg you to accept my humble service.' 'I shall die of shame!' she mumbled almost inaudibly. She took hold of him by the arms and gave him the gentlest and chastest of embraces. Then the two of them rose to their feet. Trinket could see the tears glistening like pearls on her cheeks, and hurried to wipe them away .with the sleeve of his gown. 'Don't cry!' he comforted her. 'Whatever it is that is troubling you, together we will find a way to put things right! I promise we will!'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"幸福的家庭,……\"他听到孩子的呜咽了,但还是腰骨笔直的想,\"孩子是生得迟的,生得迟。或者不如没有,两个人干干净净。——或者不如住在客店里,什么都包给他们,一个人干干……\"他听得呜咽声高了起来,也就站了起来,钻过门幕,想着,\"马克思在儿女的啼哭声中还会做《资本论》,所以他是伟人,……\"走出外间,开了风门,闻得一阵煤油气。孩子就躺倒在门的右边,脸向着地,一见他,便\"哇\"的哭出来了。", "en": "‘My happy family…’ he thought on, still sitting upright, hearing his daughter wailing in the background, ‘put off having children. Or maybe don’t have any. Life is so much tidier when it’s just the two of you… or maybe I should have them live in a hotel, where everything gets taken care of for you, where a person can get on with…’ After the wailing increased in volume, he stood up and made his way through the door-curtain. ‘Marx wrote Das Kapital as his children screamed about him,’ he thought to himself. ‘The mark of a great man…’ Going through to the kitchen, he opened the storm-door and smelt kerosene. Just to the right of the door, his daughter was lying face-down on the ground. The moment she saw him, she began sobbing again."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "从来没有玩过游戏的人,当然是输的惨不忍睹,五比五的对战,往往一场游戏里面,她要死十几次。 好友们都劝她,别用小乔这个人物,因为她攻击力弱,偏偏她又喜欢打前锋,可乔恋却非常固执坚持,哪怕玩到后面,她解锁了很多功能后,始终用的就是这么一个角色。 她认识子川的时候,是玩游戏生涯的第二天。 当时随机分配,她就看到一个头像是一幅水墨画、很清雅的人进入了他们的对手组。 跟她一组的成员,顿时悲鸣一片! “靠! 子川来了,我们还玩的有什么意思?” “我可以现在退出吗?” \"子川别闹,跟你们队玩吧,别跟我们小罗喽玩!” 乔恋迷迷瞪瞪的询问了一句:“子川是谁?” 一句话,屏幕上安静了几秒钟。 过了一会儿,有人弱弱开口:“妹子,你是新手吧?” “子川你都不认识? 全服第一的高手啊!” “子川平时都是跟他们队友玩的,你看了全服排行榜了吗?” 乔恋看见那些话,眼睛立马一亮。", "en": "She had never played such games before and as expected, she had lost terribly. In a 5 VS 5 battle, she would die over ten times in a match. Her friends all advised her not to use Xiao Qiao as her character, as Xiao Qiao was weak in attack. In addition, Qiao Lian liked to play the forward characters, but she was really stubborn. Even after unlocking many functions and after playing for a long time, Qiao Lian still insisted in using Xiao Qiao as her character. When she met Zi Chuan, it was her second day playing the game. After their teams were randomly assigned, Qiao Lian saw a elegant person with a profile picture of a Chinese brush painting enter the opposing team. [“Dang! Zi Chuan’s here, what’s the point of us playing?”] [“Can I quit the match now?”] [“Dang it! Zi Chuan, please don’t mess around with us and go play with your team!] Qiao Lian asked in confusion, [“Who is Zi Chuan?”] Her teammates quietened down for a few seconds after her question. After a while, someone questioned weakly, “Young lady, you’re a noob right?” “You don’t even know who Zi Chuan is? He’s the best player on the server!” “Zi Chuan normally plays with his teammates, have you seen the server’s rankings before?” After hearing them, her eyes immediately shone."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "百里红妆淡淡应了一声,俏脸神色如常,好似并未将此事放在心上。 纵然百里红妆掩饰得极好,帝北宸还是看见了她眼中一闪而逝的波澜,眼底漫开了些许温暖。 帝北宸在百里红妆的身旁坐了下来,深若大海的眸子凝视着百里红妆漆黑如墨的眼,神色认真道:“我走了之后,你好好照顾自己,不要让自己受伤。” 百里红妆本想嘲笑帝北宸两句,可在瞧见帝北宸眼底的担心与牵挂之后,话语便生生卡在了喉咙里,再也无法说出来。 “我会尽快回来的。”", "en": "Baili Hongzhuang agreed indifferently, her face the same as ever as if she didn’t care at all. Even though Baili Hongzhuang hid her feelings extremely well, Dibei Chen still managed to see through to the turmoil in her heart. His eyes turned a little warm. Dibei Chen took a seat beside Baili Hongzhuang. His pupils deep like an ocean’s gazed at Baili Hongzhuang’s that were black as ink, his face serious: ”I need to go out later. You must take good care of your body, don’t let yourself get injured.” Baili Hongzhuang wanted to laugh at the few words Dibei Chen had said, but when she saw the deep worry in Dibei Chen’s eyes, her voice got stuck on her throat and she was unable to say anything. “I will come back as soon as possible.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "韦小宝本来对沐王府颇为忌惮,但既邀武林中一批大有名望之人同去,那就笃定泰山,有胜无败,这好比用灌铅骰子跟羊牯赌钱,怎可置身局外?说道:“我如不去,那就不好玩了。我的姓名身份,你们别跟外人说就是。”玄贞道人道:“倘若韦香主乔装改扮了,那就没人知道他在宫里办事……”韦小宝没听他说完,当时即拍手叫好,连称:“妙极,妙极!”这主意正投其所好,上门生事,本已是十分有趣,改装之后去生事,更是妙上加妙。众人本来都觉若非韦香主率领,各人担的干系太大,见他如此热心。争着要去,自无异议。徐老头道:“大伙儿……大伙儿千万要小心。韦香主扮……扮作什么人?”众人望着韦小宝,听他示下。", "en": "Trinket had started off being rather scared of the Mu mob, but when it was proposed to invite some of the city's leading Martial Arts experts to go with them, he decided that victory was a hundred per cent certain. It would be like playing against donkeys with loaded dice. He couldn't bear to miss it. 'Oh, but if I don't go I'll miss all the fun,' he said. 'You don't have to tell anyone who I am or what I do.' 'I suppose the Master could go in disguise,' said Father Obscurus. 'No one would know then that he worked in the Palace.' 'Yes, yes!' Trinket was clapping his hands delightedly almost before Father Obscurus had finished speaking. Visiting a strange house with a view to creating a disturbance was Trinket's idea of fun. But to be able to dress up as well—that was really something! The others had been thinking that to go without Trinket as their leader would be taking too much responsibility on themselves, .- so when they saw him so determined to go, they felt little inclined to dissuade him. But old Xu still seemed dubious. 'For God's sake all of you ... be careful. What will you ... be disguised . . . as?' The others all looked at Trinket to hear what he would say."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "沈凉川攥紧拳头,挡在他身前的女孩就大喊道:“还不快去!” 那凶巴巴的语气……那自以为是的样子,让他眼神一深。 他抿了抿嘴唇,忽然开口:“小乔,保重。” 正处于混乱当中,乔恋根本就听不清楚他说了什么,只是大声的嘶吼道:“快去!”", "en": "Shen Liangchuan clenched his fists. The girl standing in front of him yelled, \"Why aren’t you going?!\" His gaze darkened when he saw that fierce expression… and that selfish look. He pursed his lips and suddenly said, “Take care, Xiao Qiao.” Due to the chaos around her, Qiao Lian could not hear what he said clearly. She loudly yelled again, “Go, quickly!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "肚子咕噜咕噜直叫唤,昨晚都没有吃饭,先去食堂吧,马克这小子怎么没来找我。", "en": "My stomach kept on growling. I hadn’t eaten anything since last night, so I figured I’d head to the canteen. I wondered why Ma Ke hadn’t come to find me."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "一行人一路缓缓回京。路上九难传了韦小宝一路拳法,叫他练习。但韦小宝浮动跳脱,说甚么也不肯专心学武。九难吩咐他试演,但见他徒具架式,却是半分真实功夫也没学到,叹道:“你我虽有师徒之名,但瞧你性子,实不是学武的材料。这样罢,我铁剑门中有一项‘神行百变’功夫,是我恩师木桑道人所创,乃是天下轻功之首。这项轻功须以高深内功为根基,谅你也不能领会。你没一门傍身之技,日后遇到危难,如何得了?我只好教你一些逃跑的法门。”", "en": "Trinket and his party made their way by slow stages northwards, back to the Capital. Occasionally the White Nun would give him some Martial Arts training. But Trinket was his usual fickle, unconcentrated self. She could see he was just going through the motions. 'I despair of you!' she said. 'You'll never master anything. What can we do with you' I'd like to have been able to teach you the branch of Iron Sword kungfu known as the Hundred Changes, but most of it requires a proper mastery of Inner Force, which you'll never have. What I could do is to teach you the part which doesn't require too much in the way of Inner Force' that's the part called the Art of the Hundred Flights, or the Secret of Escape.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "果然,老头拿着一叠卷子走了进来,先扫视了一圈,然后沉声道:“今天考魔法知识,希望大家都准备好了。” 说完,还特意看了我一眼。 卷子发了下来,哇,都是高级魔法的知识问答,其实,这些对我来说并不是很难,不过,两年没有正经上课了,这些问答类知识早就记不清楚了,如果是魔法使用的话就好多了,还好有木子给我准备的小条。 我将小条贴在前面同学的椅子上,飞快的超着,木子小声嘀咕道:“你也太明目张胆了吧。”", "en": "The old man took a stack of paper and entered the classroom. He surveyed the class once before saying, “There is a test on your magic knowledge today. I hope that everyone is prepared for the test!” After speaking, he intentionally looked at me. The test was handed out, and all of the questions were on advanced spells. Actually, it wasn’t too difficult for me. However, it had been two years since I had last properly listened to class. I only vaguely remembered those advanced spells. I would’ve been much better off with a test on the usage of spells. Luckily, I still had the small paper note that Mu Zi gave to me. I sticked the slip of paper onto the chair of the student in front of me. Mu Zi immediately whispered, “You’re being too obvious!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "木子在一旁说道:“哇,要这么多啊,我以前一顿也就70个钻石币左右,让你破费了哦。” 我还能说什么,从空间袋中取出了紫晶卡递给了服务员,服务员恭敬的接了过来,说道:“您是用紫晶卡的啊,那我们给您打个八折,您稍等。” 听了她的话我心里舒服了一点。", "en": "! It costs so much now. I used to spend only seventy diamond coins for a meal previously. I’m sorry you have to pay so much money.” What else could I say? I took my amethyst card from my spatial dimension and passed it to the waitress. The waitress respectfully took it from me and said, “We’ll give you an eight percent discount for using an amethyst card. Please wait for a moment.” After hearing her words, my heart felt slightly better."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "没想到凶悍无比的夜七小姐的战宠,这么的……咳,可爱。 夜清灵的手腕,已经开始抖动起来。 显然是已经控制不住邪剑的暴动了。 无数的玄阴之气,在邪剑之中窜动着。 邪剑,本是以阴气为主。 在吸食人血之后,尤其是女子的鲜血,剑身便已是克制不住的颤动着。", "en": "One would never expect that the fierce and tough war pet of Ye’s Seventh Miss actually looked…. erm…. adorable. Ye Qing Ling’s wrist had begun to shake considerably. It was clear that she could no longer hold on to the berserk mode evil sword. Ripples of profound Yin waves was swirling within the evil sword itself. The evil sword was mainly based on negative energy. It could no longer resisted the temptation after tasting the human blood, especially female ones."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "【乔恋凉川:有些人的话真的过了,事情真相怎么样,我相信清者自清。 他结婚被爆,你说他高调沸沸扬扬,他不上节目维持低调,你说他胸无点墨,所以要么你教教大家,怎么做一个公众人物? 奉劝某些人,请你嘴巴积德。】 回击的理智又犀利,微信群里顿时一片欢呼。 大大大舌头:呵呵,又来了一个脑残粉。 【既然是清白的,为什么到现在都不发公告?再说了,王文豪和他无冤无仇,他干什么这么黑沈凉川?乔恋凉川:请问,何为脑残?】", "en": "[Qiaolian Liangchuan: Some people really go overboard. I believe that the person involved knows the truth best and that he is innocent. After his marriage was exposed, you claim that he was an attention-seeker, yet because he does not join variety shows, you claim that he is uneducated. So why don’t you teach everyone how to be a public figure? I advise some people to accumulate virtue verbally.] Her reply was rational and sharp, causing the rest to cheer her in the WeChat group. But ‘Big big big tongue’ shot back in no time. He knows best if he’s innocent? Does he have the ability to be innocent? If he is innocent, why hasn’t he made any announcements to clarify himself? Furthermore, Wang Wenhao has nothing against him, why would he want to wreck Shen Liangchuan’s reputation?][Qiaolian Liangchuan: May I ask, why are we brainless?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "第2章 轩辕桓一把将百里玉颜拉了回来,眼中闪烁着淫邪的笑意,双手更是在百里玉颜的身上放肆游离着。 “玉颜,这个废物死了也是解脱,你还这么关心她做什么?” 如若不是玉颜喊着他一同来看,他根本不愿意见到这个废物瞎子。 他堂堂太子竟然有这样一个未婚妻,暗地里不知道被多少人耻笑! 好不容易取消了婚约,他终于能够不再见到这个废物,没想到这女人竟然吞金自尽! 对于这种一哭二闹三上吊的戏码,他最是厌恶,这个女人就是企图用这样的方式来挽回他的心! 百里玉颜脸上漫开了欣喜的笑容,任由轩辕桓在她的身上胡作非为,嘴上却依旧说着矫情做作的话语。 “太子殿下,红妆是我的妹妹,我怎么能让她做傻事呢?” “玉颜,你就是这么善良,我真是爱死你了。” 轩辕桓笑容灿烂,当着瞎子百里红妆的面如此施为倒是有一种说不出来的快感! 百里玉颜心头窃喜,一边配合着轩辕桓的动作,一边继续扮演者好姐姐的身份。", "en": "Chapter 2 Xuanyuan Huan pulled Baili Yuyan back, his eyes flashing with wanton lewdness as he smiled. His hands roamed her body wildly. “Yuyan, that trash is free to die, so why do you care so much about what she did?” If it wasn’t for Yuyan shouting at him to come and see her together, he never would’ve wanted to even glance at such trash. For he, the dignified Crown Prince to have such a fiancee, who knew how many people had silently ridiculed him behind his back! When the marriage was absolved, he had thought that he finally had no need to see that trash. But he didn’t think that this woman would’ve actually tried to commit suicide! Regarding this kind of woman who cries first, cause trouble second, and hangs oneself third, he loathes the most, women who try to use this method to steal his love! Baili Yuyan face held a happy smile as she let Xuanyuan Huan run amok on her body, but her mouth continued to speak hypocritical words, “Your Majesty, the Crown Prince, Hongzhuang is still my sister. How could I let her do such a foolish thing?” “Yuyan, you’re so kind. I really do love you.” Xuanyuan Huan smiled brightly, playing so wantonly right in front of the blind Baili Hongzhuang face really gives an indescribable sense of pleasure! Baili Yuyan chuckled in her heart, moving with Xuanyuan Huan’s hands as she continued to play the role of a good older sister."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "雨老师的声音传了出来,“请进。” 我推开教室门,走了进来,我低着头对老师说道:“对不起,老师,我迟到了。” 雨老师说道:“下回注意,快回座位上去吧。” 雨老师这么好说话啊,哈哈,渡过一关。 我的心放了下来,走到自己的座位上坐下。 看来昨天我战胜风凉在班里的影响很大啊。 我偷看了一眼边上的木子,她是唯一一个在我进来的时候没对我行注目礼的人,我小声对她说道:“喂,昨天我和风凉比试的时候你在没在啊。” 木子头也不回,冷冷的说道:“没在。 上课的时候不要和我说话。”", "en": "I pushed open the classroom door. When I walked into the classroom, I lowered my head. “Teacher, I’m sorry for being late.” I could feel that all of the students are looking in my direction. Teacher Yu said, “Please remember to be on time next time and quickly take your seat.” Teacher Yu is really so easy going! Haha, it seems that I’ve been let off the hook! I calm down and sit back in my seat. It looks like the victory over Feng Liang had a huge effect in the class! I peeked at Mu Zi, who was at my side. She was the only one who hadn’t looked at me since I entered the classroom. I whispered to her, “Hey, were you there when I fought against Feng Liang yesterday? Mu Zi didn’t look at me and coldly replied, “I wasn’t and please stop talking to me during class.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "正在夜清灵提心吊胆之际,却见夜清落径直走向游鬼。 “前辈,我已拜过师门,不能背叛师门,拜入你的门下,倘若前辈不嫌弃的话,请收下我弟弟小钰为徒。” 她对游鬼虽不了解,但也清楚,这绝对是个性情中人,而且势力强大。 正所谓肥水不流外人田,她不能拜师,也得把游鬼圈到自己人这边。", "en": "While Ye Qing Ling trembled in fear, Ye Qing Luo went over to Old Man Gui You instead. “Senior, I had acknowledged a teacher previously and have to honour my words, if you do not mind, please accept my brother Xiao Yu as your disciple instead.” She might not understand Old Man Gui You well, but she was aware that he was definitely a straightforward person and held immense influential power. As the saying goes, save the best for family; even though she couldn’t accept Old Man Gui You as her teacher, she would still have to sway him to her side."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我告别了马克,回到自己的宿舍,躺在床上,心中波涛汹涌,我为什么会为了木子感到心痛呢,难道我真的爱上她了。 不会,一定不会,她有什么好,既不漂亮,又不温柔。 虽然嘴上这么说,可木子的身影总是在我眼前挥之不去。", "en": "After bidding farewell to Ma Ke, I returned to the dormitory and lay on the bed. My heart was roaring like the sea. ‘Why did Mu Zi make my heart hurt so much? Could it be that I have really fallen in love with her? No, that’s impossible! What’s so good about her? She’s neither beautiful nor gentle! Yet, Mu Zi’s silhouette continues to appear in front of me.’"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那队长道:“皇太后怕公主回京之后,不奉新皇谕旨,因此命小将保护公主。” 苏菲亚胀红了脸,怒道:“新皇?新皇是谁?”那队长道:“新皇是彼得一世陛下。”苏菲亚仰天大笑,说道:“彼得?彼得是个十岁小孩子,他会做甚么沙皇?你说的甚么皇太后,就是娜达丽亚了?”那队长道:“正是。”苏菲亚的父亲阿莱克修斯•米海洛维支沙皇娶过两位皇后。第一位皇后子女甚多,前皇西奥图三世和苏菲亚公主都是她所生,另有个小儿子叫做伊凡。第二位皇后娜达丽亚年轻得多,只生了一个儿子,便是彼得。苏菲亚道:“你领我进宫,我见娜达丽亚评道理去。我弟弟伊凡年纪比彼得大,为甚么不立他做沙皇?朝里的大臣怎样了?大家都不讲理么?”那队长道:“小将只奉皇太后和沙皇的命令,请公主别见怪。”说着拉了苏菲亚坐骑的马缰,折而向东。", "en": "'The Tsarina feared that when you were back in Moscow you would be unwilling to submit to the orders of the new Tsar, so she has ordered us to take you under our protection,' said the captain. The Princess was scarlet'faced with anger' 'New Tsar' Who is this new Tsar?' 'His Imperial Majesty Peter the First' said the captain. The Princess threw back her head and laughed' 'Peter is a child of ten, how can he possibly be Tsar' I suppose the Tsarina you are talking about is his mother Natalia.' 'Just so' said the captain. The Princess' father, Tsar Alexius Mikhailovich, had married twice. Princess Sophia was one of several children he had had by his first wife. His second wife Natalia had only borne him this little boy, Peter. 'Take me inside and I shall have this out with Natalia' said the Princess imperiously. 'My brother Ivan is older than Peter; they should have made him Tsar. What are the boyars at court doing' Have they all taken leave of their senses?' 'Your Highness must forgive me, I am only doing my duty' said the captain, and taking her horse by the bridle he began turning it round, so that it faced away from the entrance to the palace."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "洪夫人微笑道:“将功赎罪?你有什么功劳?我还道你派去的人,当真忠心耿耿的在为教主办事。哪知道在北京,却在干这些风流勾当。”黑龙使又连连磕头,额头上鲜血涔涔而下。韦小宝心下不忍,想说几句对他有利的言语,一时却想不出来。黑龙使膝行而前,叫道:“教主,我跟着你老人家出生入死,虽无功劳,也有苦劳。”洪夫人冷笑道:“你提从前的事干什么?你年纪这样大了,还能给教主办多少年事?黑龙使这职位,早些不干,岂不快活?”黑龙使抬起头来,望着洪教主,哀声道:“教主,你对老部下,老兄弟,真没半点旧情吗?”", "en": "'Atone with good service? What good service have you ever performed?' The smile was still there, but fainter. 'I thought that the people you sent to Peking on this mission were doing their duty properly, working loyally for their Leader. But it seems they were just indulging in debauchery,' The Black Dragon Marshal kept knocking his head on the ground, and blood was pouring from his forehead. Trinket felt sorry for him and wanted to put in a good word for him, but could think of nothing to say. The Black Dragon Marshal hobbled forward on his knees. 'Leader, I braved so many dangers with you!' he cried. 'What's the use of talking about the past?' sneered Madame Hong. 'You're getting old. It's high time you stepped aside.' The Black Dragon Marshal raised his head and turned to Leader Hong. 'Leader, have you no feeling left for an old Comrade?'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "马克脸上一红,说道:“老大,你别拿我开涮了,我算什么小王爷,我永远都是你的兄弟嘛。 快去告诉父王,就说我带长弓魔导士回来了。” 守卫尊敬的看了我一眼,心想,现在的年轻人都这么厉害,这么小的年纪就是魔导士了。 转身先跑进府内传讯去了。 马克在前面带路,一边走一边说道:“我先带你到父亲的书房去吧,他一般都在那里会见客人。” 我微笑着说道:“在你家,当然听你的,走吧。” 亲王府里的建筑都非常高大,古色古香的,假山林立,府内的树林在月光下婆娑摇曳。 每隔20米就可以看到站岗的守卫。 走了一会儿,终于到了马克所谓的书房了,这那里是书房嘛,简直就是一个小型的图书馆,足有500平米大,周围伫立着高大的书柜,摆满了各种各样琳琅满目的书籍。", "en": "Ma Ke’s face reddened. “Boss, stop making fun of me! How can I be a young prince? I will always be your brother. Quickly go and inform my father and say that I brought the magic scholar Zhang Gong.” The second sentence was meant for the guard. Ma Ke said I was only a magic scholar so that he wouldn’t expose my actual abilities. The guard respectfully looked at me. The youngsters this days are incredible. He’s able to become a magic scholar at such a young age. He then turned around and ran into the mansion to relay the message. Ma Ke led the way in front of me. While we walked, he said, “I will first bring you to my father’s study as he usually meets his guest there.” I smiled and replied. “At your house, I will definitely listen to you. Let’s go!” The height of the interior of the mansion was very tall. It was both interesting and appealing. There was a rock garden and a forest in the mansion that quivered under the moonlight. Every 20m stood a guard. After walking for a while, we finally reached the study that Ma Ke had previously mentioned. How was it a study? It looked like a small scale library instead. It was 500 m in diameter and tall bookshelves surrounded the place. Many books were dazzlingly lined up on the bookshelves."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋忽然眼睛一亮! 等到沈凉川走出来,就看到乔恋坐在沙发上,笑眯眯的盯着他,脸上透着得意洋洋:“忘川有消息了!” 她说,想要跟她签约,先跟她打一局游戏,赢了再说!” 所以,沈影帝怎么可能赢了她?", "en": "When Shen Liangchuan walked out, he saw Qiao Lian sitting on the sofa. She was smiling at him, an expression of joy on her face. “I have news from Wang Chuan! She said that in order for her to consider signing a contract with your company, you must first beat her in a video game match!” She was Xiao Qiao after all — that Xiao Qiao who could back up her reputation with her amazing video game skills! Thus, how could Best Actor Shen possibly win her?!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "叶文洁回头看,在那座带院子的高干小楼上,绍琳正撩开窗帘的一角向这边偷窥。叶文洁无言地抱起冬冬走了,以后再也没有回来过。叶文洁多方查访当年打死父亲的那四个红卫兵,居然查到了她们中的三个。这三个人都是返城知青,现在她们都没有工作。叶文洁得知她们的地址后,分别给她们写了一封简单的信,约她们到当年父亲遇害的操场上谈谈。叶文洁并没有什么复仇的打算。在红岸基地的那个旭日初升的早晨,她已向包括她们在内的全人类复了仇,她只想听到这些凶手的忏悔,看到哪怕是一点点人性的复归。这天下午下课后,叶文洁在操场上等着她们。她并没有抱多大希望,几乎肯定她们是不会来的,但在约定的时间,三个老红卫兵来了。", "en": "Ye looked up at the residential apartment building reserved for high-level cadres. Shao Lin had lifted a corner of the curtain to peek down at them. Without a word, Ye bent down to pick up Dong Dong and left. She never returned.Ye searched and searched for information about the four female Red Guards who had killed her father, and eventually managed to locate three of them. All three had been sent down to the countryside(*39) and then returned, and all were unemployed. After Ye got their addresses, she wrote a brief letter to each of them, asking them to meet her at the exercise grounds where her father had died. Just to talk.Ye had no desire for revenge. Back at Red Coast Base, on that morning of the transmission, she had gotten revenge against the entire human race, including those Red Guards. But she wanted to hear these murderers repent, wanted to see even a hint of the return of humanity.That afternoon after class, Ye waited for them on the exercise grounds. She didn't have much hope, and was almost certain that they wouldn't show up. But at the time of the appointment, the three old Red Guards came."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "谁让你没有第一时间把报道发出来? 呵,我在刘志兴手机上看到你在酒店的定位,就知道沈影帝肯定在华茂酒店。” “你知道个屁! 那是王文豪栽赃陷害!”", "en": "When Su Meimei heard her words, she calmly spoke, “What? Are you complaining that I had snatched your credits? It’s not my fault that you didn’t publish the article as soon as you could. Heh, I saw your location in the hotel from Liu Zhixing’s phone and I realized that Best Actor Shen must have been in Hua Mao Hotel.” “You don’t know anything! That was due to Wang Wenhao’s setup to frame him.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那姓段青年微笑道:“在下单名一誉字,从来没学过甚么武艺。我看到别人摔交,不论他真摔还是假摔,忍不住总是要笑的。”左子穆听他言语中全无恭敬之意,不禁心中有气,道:“那有甚么好笑?”段誉轻摇手中折扇,轻描淡写的道:“一个人站着坐着,没甚么好笑,躺在床上,也不好笑,要是躺在地下,哈哈,那就可笑得紧了。除非他是个三岁娃娃,那又作别论。”左子穆听他说话越来越狂妄,不禁气塞胸臆,向马五德道:“马五哥,这位段兄是你的好朋友么?”", "en": "“My name is Duanyu,” the lad returned with a thin smile. “And I never have any training in Kungfu. But as for my discourtesy, when see someone stumbling, it always makes me laugh even if it is pretended.”“For what?” curtly retorted Zuo Zimu, who sensed no deference in the answer, which irritated him.“If he is standing, sitting or lying on the bed,” replied the lad gently waving his folding fan, without any solemnness, “it is not laughable, but if lying on the floor, then it is another pair of shoes, Hah, Hah, except he is a three-year-old baby.”His remark sounded more and more arrogant, Zuo Zimu felt, which was lighting a bomb of anger in his chest. And then he addressed Ma Wude, “Brother Ma, is brother Duan your buddy?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "高佑明看了看,距离直播时间还有五分钟,于是再次开口:“其实你看现在这些被称为大神的人玩游戏很厉害,可真正厉害的高手,真正的鼻祖,就在lot里面。那里面的子川,如果放到现在,那就是no.1!”", "en": "Gao Youming noticed that there were still five minutes before the livestream began. Thus, he spoke again, “Even though nowadays some players get called the ‘gods of gaming’, because of their gaming prowess, the real ‘god of gaming’ and the one who started it all was a player from LOT. That player, called Zi Chuan, would definitely be the best player in the world if he still played some of these modern games today!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "联系了一天,她觉得自己操作的可以了,所以……如果她能够打死了这个子川,是不是就证明她很厉害? 年少的不服气,加上她好强的性子,让她打定了主意,活动了一下手腕,就对着电脑开打。 游戏开始,她盯着小地图,却发现……咦? 子川怎么没动? 子川没动,双方打的很激烈,她也在自己的位置,盯着子川。 过了五分钟,子川这才动了,开始往中间位置走。 乔恋一下子兴奋起来,游戏的里的人物一蹦一跳朝着子川赶过去。 她也不恋战,偷偷摸摸的靠近了他,顿时站起来,攻击! 第一刀砍上去,她正兴奋的打算砍第二刀,就发现……屏幕上显示出您已阵亡! 乔恋不服气。 等了几秒钟,复活。 再次往前冲,砍! 这次,子川正在被大家包围,她砍了两刀,还想要再砍,根本就看不清楚屏幕上发生了什么,一阵爆炸,接着又显示:您已阵亡!", "en": "After practicing for a day, she felt that she was well-versed with the controls. Thus… if she could kill this Zi Chuan, did it mean that she was incredible? The youth’s unwillingness to submit coupled with her eagerness to excel, she was determined. She exercised her wrist and started the game. When the game started, she stared at the mini map, only to realize… Eh? Why wasn’t Zi Chuan moving? Both teams were having a intense fight, while Zi Chuan stayed at his spot without moving. Qiao Lian also stayed at her position and stared at Zi Chuan. After five minutes, Zi Chuan then started action and moved towards the center of the map. Qiao Lian was immediately filled with excitement. Her in-game character was running after Zi Chuan. She didn’t like team fights, so she secretly closed in on Zi Chuan, immediately stood up and attacked! After her first hit and just when she was excitedly going plan her second, she realized… the screen had declared her death. What the hell! Qiao Lian was unwilling to admit defeat. After waiting for a few seconds, she revived. And once again, she rushed forward and hit! This time, Zi Chuan was surrounded by everyone. She hit him twice, but when she was about to hit again, an explosion occurred and before she knew it, the screen had announced her death again. Qiao Lian: …"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "黑袍少年轻哼一声,脸上敌意稍减,但对赵峰还是没什么好眼色。 有小贼猫搭线,赵峰很快认识了临岚郡柳家的三人。 布衣老者,几人都称他为“柳伯”,是临岚柳家的长老。 蓝裳少女叫柳婷玉,是该族新一辈的天才翘楚,但赵峰从柳伯对她的溺爱程度来看,身份不是表面上这么简单。 最后那个黑袍少年,名叫柳冬,对柳婷玉十分爱慕,宛如护花使者一般。 赵峰心中了然一笑,对三人的身份来历,基本摸清了。 临岚郡柳家,在天蓬大国,只是一个微不足道的小族,如同赵族在湘云国的地位。 即便是这样的小家族,居然有半步真灵境的长老坐镇。 由此可见,天蓬大国的修行发展,完全超越十三国一个时代。", "en": "The youth in black harrumphed coldly but the enmity on his face didn’t decrease. With the little thieving cat as the connection line, Zhao Feng soon knew the three people. The plainly dressed elder who was called “Uncle Liu” was an Elder of the Overlooking Mist Liu family. The girl in blue was called Liu Tingyu and was a genius of the younger generation but from the spoiledness Uncle Liu gave her, one could tell that her identity wasn’t as simple as it looked. The youth in black was called Liu Dong, a lover of Liu Tingyu’s. Zhao Feng smiled and understood the background of the three. The Overlooking Mist Province Liu family was a tiny family in the Canopy Great Country, just like how the Zhao family was in the Cloud Country. But even such a small family had Elder’s at half-step True Spirit Realm. From this, one could see that the advancement of cultivation in the Canopy Great Country had far exceeded the Thirteen Countries."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "其实.叶文洁对人类恶的一面的理性思考.从她看到《寂静的春天》那天就开始了。随着与杨卫宁关系的日益密切,叶文洁通过他,以收集技术资料的名义,购进了许多外文的哲学和历史经典著作.斑斑血迹装饰着的人类历史令她不寒而栗.而那些思想家的卓越思考,将她引向人性的最本质也是最隐秘之处。其实,就是在这近乎世外桃源的雷达峰上.人类的非理性和疯狂仍然每天都历历在目。叶文洁看到,山下的森林.每天都在被她昔日的战友疯狂砍伐.荒地面积日益扩大.仿佛是大兴安岭被剥去皮肤的部分.当这些区域连成一片后.那幸存的几片林木倒显得不正常了。烧荒的大火在那光秃秃的山野上燃起.雷达峰成了那些火海中逃生的鸟儿的避难所.当火烧起来时,基地里那些鸟凄惨的叫声不绝于耳,它们的羽毛都被烧焦了。", "en": "Yes rational consideration of humanity's evil side began the day she read Silent Spring. As she grew closer to Yang Weining, he was able to get her many classics of foreign-language philosophy and history under the guise of gathering technical research materials. The bloody history of humanity shocked her, and the extraordinary insights of the philosophers also led her to understand the most fundamental and secret aspects of human nature.Indeed, even on top of Radar Peak, a place the world almost forgot, the madness and irrationality of the human race were constantly on display. Ye saw that the forest below the peak continued to fall to the deranged logging by her former comrades.Patches of bare earth grew daily, as though those parts of the Greater Khingan Mountains had had their skin torn off. When those patches grew into regions and then into a connected whole, the few surviving trees seemed rather abnormal. To complete the slash-and-burn plan, fires were lit on the bare fields, and Radar Peak became the refuge for birds escaping the fiery inferno. As the fires raged, the sorrowful cries of birds with singed feathers at the base never ceased."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "加百列背后的六对洁白的羽翼缓缓浮现,天使战甲包裹,他戴着头盔,只有一对眼睛露在面前,高冷道:“大天使长,加百列!” 夏戊戌一皱眉,这个名字很怪,他第一次听说。 大皇子则是激动道:“就是他,他和这个秃驴是一伙的,之前就是他们抢走了我的世界坐标,现在肯定在后面搭建传送阵,世界坐标最大的作用,就是搭建世界级传送阵!” 夏戊戌眼神一冷,搭建世界级传送阵,这是要找很多帮手来啊。 “你找死。” 加百列看着大皇子,冷哼一声,手里的仙剑如玉一般,洁白透明,轻轻一划。 轰隆隆! 一抹剑气飚射十几丈,直接切割过来。 加百列要杀了这个聒噪的大皇子。 “在我面前,你也敢杀人?” 夏戊戌怒道,大夏龙雀挥舞,直接把这道剑气给劈砍碎了。 轰隆隆! 剑气与刀气的碰撞,席卷了方圆,黑土飞扬,十分粗犷,看着很恐怖。 大皇子吓得跌倒在地上,刚才那一剑,他真的感受到了死亡的气息。", "en": "The six pairs of wings behind Gabriel’s back slowly appeared. He was wrapped in angel war armor and wore a helmet that only showed his eyes. He said coldly, “Archangel Gabriel!” Xia Wuxu frowned. This name was so weird and it was the first time he had heard it. The Crown Prince said emotionally, “He is the one. He is on the same side as this bald monk and he was the one who snatched the World Coordinates from me. They are definitely building the World Grade Teleportation Formation behind there. The most valuable use of the World Coordinates is to build the formation!” Xia Wuxu’s gaze turned cold. They were building the World Grade Teleportation Formation to find more experts? “You are asking to die.” Gabriel looked at the Crown Prince and scoffed coldly. The celestial sword in his hand was like jade; it was white and transparent. He slashed forwards lightly. Explosion! Sword energy shot out a few hundred feet and slashed towards the Crown Prince. Gabriel wanted to kill the noisy Crown Prince. “You dare to kill someone when you are in front of me?” Xia Wuxu was furious. He waved the Great Xia Dragonfinch to shatter the sword energy. Explosion! The sword energy and blade energy clashed, sweeping the black soil around. The shockwaves looked really terrifying and intense. The Crown Prince was so terrified that he fell down to the ground. That sword really caused him to feel what death was like."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "林永超拍腿大叫:“是极,是极!我天地会兄弟已给吴三桂杀了这许多,单杀这贼子一人,如何抵得了命?”众人想到要诛灭吴三桂全家及手下众恶,都是十分兴奋,但过不多时,大家面面相觑,心中均想:“这件事当真甚难。”蔡德忠道:“少林、武当两派人多势众,武功又高,那是一定要联络的。”黄土堂香主姚必达踌躇道:“少林寺方丈晦聪大师,在武林中声望自是极高,不过他向来十分老成持重,不肯得罪官府。这几年来,更定下一条规矩,连俗家子弟也不许轻易出寺下山,生怕惹祸生事。要联络少林派,这中间恐怕有很多难处。”", "en": "'It's true,' cried Lin Yongchao, quite convinced now and slapping his thigh to prove it. 'So many of our Brothers have lost their lives because of him, even if we could assassinate him, his life alone couldn't pay for theirs.' All now set their minds to work to think of some master-plan for eliminating Wu Sangui together with his whole family and all his evil henchmen; but after sitting for a considerable time in silent cogitation, they found themselves looking at each other helplessly. The same unspoken conclusion was in every mind: 'This is going to be much more difficult than we thought.' 'Among the Martial Arts fraternity the Shaolin people and the Wudang people have got the biggest membership and the highest standards,' said Cai Dezhong. 'I certainly think we ought to contact them.' Yao Bida, the Master of the Yellow Earth Lodge, was not so sure. 'Father Wisdom, the abbot of the Shaolin Monastery, is the most influential of the Shaolin High Masters,' he said, 'but he's gone very respectable in his old age and scared of doing anything that might offend the authorities. These last few years, in order to avoid incidents, he's made it a rule that no monk, not even a lay brother, may leave the monastery except on the most urgent business. If we did get in touch with the Shaolin people, I think we'd find ourselves up against a lot of difficulties.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"后来怎么样呢?\"四婢还问。 \"老了。\" 他诧异地看着我,过了一会,眼光便移到他自己的膝髁上去了,于是就吸烟,没有回答。 \"这是环境教坏的。\" 我很诧异了,还不料他竟肯这样的迁就,一时说不出话来。", "en": "‘Then what happened?’ Aunt asked. ‘She’s gone.’ He glanced at me in surprise, then looked down at his knees and, without answering my question, applied himself to his latest cigarette. ‘That’s nurture, not nature.’ I said nothing, startled by how low he was willing to stoop."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "然后她问:“这些你都是怎么下手的?我怎么不知道?” 她撇撇嘴,好像没话找话聊似的。", "en": "She asked, “How did you manage to do all these? Why wasn’t I aware at all?” She pouted. Her mind raced for other things to say."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "亲王脸上露出真心的笑容,亲切的说:“长弓,你放心吧,现在对抗魔族才是最重要的,特依公爵这个人过于自私了,三大家族又不是一个统一的整体,如果他们当政肯定会导致国家衰退的,这次,咱们不是要发动政变,而是要和平的解决继承王位的问题,百姓是无辜的,我绝对不会让他们受到战争的伤害。” 真是老油条,他肯定是看出我对百姓的关心,这么说是在安我的心。 我点了点头,道:“好的,叔叔,那就先这样,我先回去了,您等我的好消息吧。”", "en": "The prince smiled honestly and cordially said, “Zhang Gong, don’t worry! Right now, fighting the Magic race is most important.  Duke Te Yi is an extremely selfish person and the three big families are also not united; if they really governed the kingdom, they’d lead the kingdom’s downfall. We mustn’t conduct a coup d’etat right now, but instead find a peaceful method to solve the inheritance of the throne. The commoners are innocent. I definitely won’t let them be harmed by the power battle.” He really is an old fox; he definitely noticed that I care greatly about the commoners and said that to appease me. I nodded. “Alright, uncle. Let’s leave it as it is. I’ll head back first. You just have to wait for my good news!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "喻楚暗暗吸了口气,脑中思索着原主平日的性格气质,半靠在床上,懒懒地冲人挥了挥手,“你下去。” 少年愣了下。贵女起床当然需要侍从服侍。身份尊贵的贵女们,身边养几个长相合心的侍从,负责一切事宜。 尤其像三皇女这样……生性放荡的贵女,起床时不仅要人服侍,顺便调戏一下侍从都是常有的事。突然莫名的驱逐,让少年不禁抬了下头,望了床榻上的贵女一眼。 三皇女半躺在床上,微微眯着眼睛,那张极好看的容颜,带着刚刚睡醒不甚清醒的感觉,懒懒的,不知怎么回事,忽然惹得他心里一跳。少年慌忙低头,面色绯红。 以往不是没伺候三皇女起床过,但却从没觉得,她有如此好看…… 三皇女长了一张好看的脸,在整个京都也不见女子比她漂亮,但偏偏这位皇女放荡急色,还是草包一个。 人一旦真正猥琐起来,就算长得再好看,也让人生不出旖旎的念头。所以,京都的男子都对这位皇女避之不及,没人愿意惹上她。", "en": "Yu Chu secretly sucked in a deep breath. As she thought about the original host’s usual temperament, she half-leaned on the bed and lazily waved her hand. “You can leave.” The young man froze. Typically speaking, when a noblewoman like her woke up, attendants had to stay there and wait upon them. Moreover, most noblewomen usually kept several likable attendants at their side to wait upon them and let them take care of all kinds of matters. It was especially true for someone of noble status like the Third Imperial Princess, who led a dissipated life… Generally speaking, when it came to these women of noble status, not only did these attendants wait upon them, but it was also quite normal for these noblewomen to take some liberties with them. As the young man inexplicably got dismissed, he couldn’t help but raise his head and sweep a glance at the Third Imperial Princess on the bed. She was half lying on the bed, her eyes slightly squinted. That half-sober gorgeous countenance gave off a languid feeling. He didn’t know why, but his heart suddenly skipped a beat at that beautiful sight. The young man hurriedly lowered his head, his face flushed scarlet. It wasn’t like it was his first time waiting upon the Third Imperial Princess, but he’d never felt that she was this attractive in the past… The Third Imperial Princess had stunning features, and in the whole Capital there was no woman prettier than her, but it just so happened that she was dissolute and a good-for-nothing. If someone was genuinely uncouth, then others wouldn’t find them attractive no matter how good-looking they were. Therefore, the men living in the Capital were avoiding her at all costs, and no one wanted to provoke her."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“小姐,您穿哪一件都很好看,真让人难以选择呢!” “是啊是啊,超级难选择的,不然都买下吧!” 都买?有没有搞错?吃个饭而已,以为是梯台走秀吗? 见服务员都拿不下主意,帝君邪干脆起身,从一堆衣服里挑了一件深色星空款长裙递了过去。“这件。” “这件?”夜云溪接过来,扫了一眼,除了多了些闪闪发光的东西,不还是裙子? 但她也只能换上,走出更衣室。 那一瞬,连服务员都不知道该说什么好了。 这条裙子,真的很适合夜云溪!简直就像为她量身打造!", "en": "“Miss, which one you wear looks good, it’s really hard to choose!” “Yeah, yeah, it’s super difficult to choose, otherwise you can buy it all!” Buy all? Is there a mistake? Just have a meal, thought it was a catwalk show? Seeing that the waiters couldn’t make up their minds, Di Junxie got up, picked a dark starry sky dress from a pile of clothes and handed it over. “this.” “this?” Ye Yunxi took it and glanced at it, except for something more shining, isn’t it a skirt? But she can only switch on and walk out of the locker room. At that moment, even the waiter didn’t know what to say. This dress is really suitable for Yeyunxi! It’s like tailor-made for her!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "韦小宝身在半空,突然见到山坡上有七八名灰衣僧人向上走来,看模样便是清凉寺后庙所见少林十八罗汉中的人物,转头一看,又见到了几名,连同西首山坡上来的几名,共是十七八名,心下大喜,暗道:“贼头陀,你武功再强,也敌不过少林十八罗汉。”那头陀又道:“快说,快说!”眼见韦小宝东张西望,顺着他目光瞧去,见山坡上东、北、西三面缓缓上来的十余名和尚,却也不放在心上,问道:“那些和尚来干甚么?”韦小宝道:“他们听说大师父武功高强,十分佩服,前来拜你为师。”那头陀摇头道:“我从来不收徒弟。”大声喝道:“喂,你们快快都给我滚蛋,别来啰唆!”这一声呼喝,群山四应,威势惊人。", "en": "Trinket from his vantage point in mid-air caught sight of a party of seven or eight monks in grey climbing up the mountainside. He was soon able to identify them as some of the Eighteen Shaolin Lohans whom he had seen in the temple behind the Pure Coolness Monastery. When the Dhuta swivelled him in a new direction, he saw a few more clambering up from the west. He counted. Yes, there were altogether eighteen of them. Trinket cheered silently to himself: 'Damn you, you putrid Dhuta! You'll never beat the Eighteen Lohans of Shaolin, not in a month of Zen Sundays!' 'Tell me, quickly!' the Dhuta barked. 'Where did you get it from?' He noticed Trinket looking around and, following his line of vision, spotted the monks climbing slowly from the east, north, and west. But he did not seem particularly concerned. 'What are they doing up here?' he asked nonchalantly. 'The fame of your kungfu has probably reached them, and they want to be your disciples!' Trinket taunted him. 'I don't take disciples,' the Dhuta said, somewhat obtusely, shaking his head. 'Hey, you bonzes,' he bellowed. 'Scram! Go away!' His mighty voice echoed across the valley."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她瞪大眼睛盯着沈凉川,可对方神色浅淡,那双黝黑的眼眸看不出任何情绪。 如果认出自己,应该不会这么客气,所以说……他这是没认出来喽? 乔恋忍不住开口,“沈先生,为什么你想签约我?” 说到这里,还剧烈的咳嗽了一声,“今天还感冒了。”", "en": "She widened her eyes and stared at Shen Liangchuan, but he was expressionless and she couldn’t see any emotion in his black eyes. If he had recognized her, he wouldn’t have been so polite, so… did it mean that he hadn’t recognized her? Qiao Lian couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Shen, why do you want to sign me?” After saying so, she coughed violently and continued, “And I even caught the flu today.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“如果没有它的话,恐怕我们也不可能这么快的将货物运入中央地区。” “说实话,我当初打算开扩这片市场时还曾经遭人反对,不过现在看起来,我的选择的确是正确的。” “但是,请恕我直言,您没有选择大型航道,反而从这里走,虽然会节省时间,不过危险程度也会提高。” “听说最近另外一边可不安宁啊。而且,我想您也听船长提醒过了,这附近最近似乎有风蛇出没,万一………” 男子的面色变的有些凝重,他转过头,将视线投向了不远处的山脉。 高耸入云的山峰挡住了他的视线,看不到后面是什么样子。 但是依稀可以看见,在那远方的天空并不是湛蓝纯粹,而是带着一抹阴沉的黑暗。 那并不是他们应该涉足的世界。 “放心吧,哪有那么多万一,富贵险中求,这就是我花那么大价钱雇佣你们的原因!” “区区几条蛇而已,不是吗?” 商人伸出手去,拍了拍男子的肩膀。 “对了,我们救上来那个年轻人现在怎么样了?” “还没有死吧。”", "en": "“If it were not for this thing, I am afraid we won’t be able to move the goods into the central area this quickly.” “To be honest, I always opposed the idea of opening a market, but now it seems that my choice was correct.” “Please forgive me for being frank, but if you do not choose a wider route, even if we went from here, although it will save more time, the degree of danger will also increase.” “I heard that the other side is not quiet, and I think you have also listened to the captain’s reminder that it seems there were Wind Serpents around here recently, what if…” The man’s face darkened. He turned his head, shifting his sight to somewhere not far from the mountains. Towering peaks blocked his line of sight, making him unable to see what was behind. But he could faintly perceive that the distant sky was not pure blue, and there was a touch of cloudy darkness. That’s not the world they should get involved with. “Do not worry, how can there be so many ifs? Money comes from danger. This is the reason why I spend so much money to hire you!” “Only a few serpents, is that not it?” The merchant stretched out his hand and patted the man’s shoulder. “Yes, what about the condition of the young man we saved?” “Is he still alive?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"我么?——没有。一两个钱,是不好意思拿出去的。她不是平常的讨饭,总得……。\"", "en": "‘Me?… No. I only had a couple of coppers on me , I’d have been embarrassed to give her so little. She wasn’t your ordinary sort of beggar, and…’"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "主编听到这话,怒视乔恋,拿着手机走过来,“乔恋,你是不是不想干了!我给你打了这么多电话,你竟然敢不接?”乔恋疑惑的从包里掏出手机,“我手机没反应啊!” 主编低头,打开免提,手机里响起“嘟—嘟—”的声音,“我这里是打通没人接状态,你手机怎么会没响?你以为不接我电话,今天就不需要给结果了吗?” 乔恋打开手机,入目却是一个陌生的屏保。 电光火石间,她猛地想起来,自己是将手机扔在了沙发上,可是上班的时候却从茶几上拿的,那她拿的这手机……是谁的? 一个念头,猛地窜上来。 仿佛是为了验证她的猜测,主编的电话,忽然被接通。 对面直接响起沈凉川不耐烦的声音:“喂。”", "en": "The chief editor heard her words, stared angrily at Qiao Lian, and walked over. Her hands were holding a cell phone, “Qiao Lian, do you still wish to work here!? I’ve called you so many times! How dare you not answer my calls?” The chief editor lowered her head and flipped her cell phone open. The sounds “Du… du…” were clearly coming from her cell phone. “The status on my phone is clearly that of a placed call with nobody picking up on the other end. How could your cell phone not ring? Did you think that if you did not accept my call, you would not have to provide me with results today?” Qiao Lian checked her phone, but what she saw was an unfamiliar screensaver. At that instant, she desperately tried to recall what happened. She had thrown her own phone on the sofa but when she had been about to leave for work, she had picked up a cell phone from the coffee table. So the phone that she was presently clutching in her hands… Whose phone was it? Only one thought scurried to her mind. As if to confirm her hypothesis, the chief editor’s call suddenly went through. At the other end of the call, an impatient Shen Liangchuan answered it with a simple, “Hello”."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "敢打她,就要接受她笔杆子的报复! 将视线从屏幕上挪开,就看到苏美美正站在屏幕后,见她抬头,讥讽的笑道:“呵,表现的再认真,今天还不是要滚!” 这声音有点高,让办公室里的人,齐刷刷看过来。 乔恋挑眉,用手托住下巴,哀怨的叹了口气,“苏美美,我的确是闭月羞花了一点点,可是你也不用这么时刻关注我吧,我不是百合啊!” “离职信会不会写? 用不用我帮你啊!” 乔恋笑:“啊,虽然你经验比我丰富,但是我目前还不需要!” 众人哄堂大笑。 苏美美快气死了,扭头看到主编黑着脸从办公室走出来,苏美美立马开口:“主编,乔恋在这儿!”", "en": "If a person dared to hit her, they better be prepared to suffer the revenge from her pen! She shifted her gaze away from the monitor and saw Su Meimei standing behind it. Su Meimei raised her head and said mockingly, “Hmph, no matter how serious your performance is, you will still have to leave today.” The voice was slightly loud, resulting in the people inside the office looking over in her direction at the same time. Qiao Lian raised her eyebrow and supported her chin with her hand. She sighed plaintively and said, “Su Meimei, I am indeed quite attractive. However, you do not need to pay attention to me at every single moment. I’m not that beautiful!” Su Meimei turned livid with rage at her words and said, “Qiao Lian, don’t you dare act glib in front of me! I’m telling you, the chief editor has already said that if you are unable to identify who Madam Shen is, she will fire you! Do you know how to write a resignation letter? Or do you need me to help you with it?” Qiao Lian smiled and said, “Ah, even though you have more experience in this area than me, I currently don’t need your help.” Su Meimei was almost dying of rage. She turned away and saw the chief editor walk out from her office with a dark expression, showing her anger. Su Meimei immediately opened her mouth and said, “Chief, Qiao Lian is here!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "一句话落下,他以迅雷不及掩耳之势,“啪”的一下子,又打在了乔恋的左脸上! 乔恋头一歪,满头青丝,都因为这剧烈的动作散落下来,遮在她的脸上。 接着下巴被捏住,王文豪凑过来,“我看看对称了没? 咦,似乎左边力道轻了一些,要么,我再补上一巴掌?” 话说到这里,就看到乔恋忽然笑了。 王文豪眯起了眼睛。 乔恋开口:“王先生,如果我是你,打了人我会赶紧走。” 王文豪一愣。 乔恋的眼睛,就看向自己的口袋中。 王文豪伸手,将她的手机拿出来。 却发现她已经拨打了110!", "en": "Right when he had finished speaking, he swiftly slapped Qiao Lian’s left cheek again! Qiao Lian’s head shook violently. The violent action had caused her hair to fall across her face, covering it. Then Wang Wenhao leaned closer and gripped her chin again. “Let me see, is your face balanced yet? It seems that the mark on the left side of your face is lighter, so I should slap it again, right?” As he finished speaking, he saw Qiao Lian suddenly crack a smile. Wang Wenhao narrowed his eyes. Qiao Lian opened her mouth and said, “Mr. Wang, if I were you, I would choose to immediately flee the scene after slapping someone.” Wang Wenhao looked at her, stunned. Wang Wenhao reached into the pocket she was looking at and took out her cell phone… Only to find out that she had already called 911!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "司机吞了吞口水:“姑娘,得罪了。” 说完,逃跑般的跑回到车里,扭动钥匙就开车。 可是,谁又能想到,当车子缓缓的开动的时候,SH不经意的一眼改变了他往后的一生。 SH看向窗外,躺在地上,面部朝上的女人让他的心震了一下。 是她,怎么会是她,她怎么会这么惨的躺在这里。 “停车。”SH喊到。 坐在前面的邻度不明白的回头:“SH怎么了?” “听到我说话没有,停车。”SH怒吼的一声让司机停下车来。 停车之后,SH礼貌的跑下车,冲向位于路旁的路雨惜,一把抱上之后直接抱上车。 邻度无法理解,为什么SH会这么做:“小主,你这是?” “少废话,快点开车,快点回去,让Lo来看看。” 邻度只是他的部下,他没办法抗命,所以,他只能点头。", "en": "The driver swallowed his saliva. “Miss, I’m sorry. ” With that, he ran back to the car as if he was running away. He turned the key and started the car. However, who would have thought that when the car slowly drove away, SH’s casual glance would change his life for the rest of his life. Sh looked out of the window and lay on the ground. The woman whose face was facing up made his heart tremble. It was her. How could it be her? How could she be lying here in such a miserable state. “Stop the car, ” Sh shouted. Lin Du, who was sitting in front, turned around in confusion. “Sh, WHAT’S WRONG? ” “Did you hear what I said? Stop the car, ” Sh roared and asked the driver to stop the car. After stopping the car, SH politely ran out of the car and rushed to Lu Yuxi, who was by the roadside. He hugged her and directly carried her into the car. Lin Du could not understand why SH would do this. “little master, what are you doing? ” “stop talking nonsense. Drive quickly. Go back quickly and let Lo take a look. ” Lin Du was only his subordinate. He could not disobey orders, so he could only nod."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "当下左子穆笑道:“辛师妹今年派出的四名弟子,剑术上的造诣着实可观,尤其这第四场我们赢得更是侥幸。褚师侄年纪轻轻,居然练到了这般地步,前途当真不可限量,五年之后,只怕咱们东西两宗得换换位了,呵呵,呵呵!”说着大笑不已,突然眼光一转,瞧向那段姓青年,说道:“我那劣徒适才以虚招‘跌扑步’获胜,这位段世兄似乎颇不以为然。便请段世兄下场指点小徒一二如何?马五哥威震滇南,强将手下无弱兵,段世兄的手段定是挺高的。”", "en": "Now, when the contest finished, Zuo Zimu smiled. “Sister Xi, your four disciples participating in the contest are really good at swordplay! And especially in the fourth round, we just snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Nephew Zhu is so young, but his skills are so excellent. Surely he has a promising future, and five years later we would exchange our position, I am afraid, Hah, Hah!” Loudly he laughed, but, all of a sudden, he fixed his eyes on the lad Duan, and said, “Just ago, my inferior disciple had won his competition by a move called ‘Stumbling Gait,’ but it seemed that you didn’t appreciate it. Then, how about giving him some advices by fighting with him? And I know Brother Ma is well known for his high Martial Arts in the south of Yunnan, then you must be an excellent fighter as a disciple of a famous teacher with thunderous reputation, I suppose.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"人生的变化多么迅速呵!这半年来,我几乎求乞了,实际,也可以算得已经求乞。然而我还有所为,我愿意为此求乞,为此冻馁,为此寂寞,为此辛苦。但灭亡是不愿意的。你看,有一个愿意我活几天的,那力量就这么大。然而现在是没有了,连这一个也没有了。同时,我自己也觉得不配活下去;别人呢?也不配的。同时,我自己又觉得偏要为不愿意我活下去的人们而活下去;好在愿意我好好地活下去的已经没有了,再没有谁痛心。使这样的人痛心,我是不愿意的。然而现在是没有了,连这一个也没有了。快活极了,舒服极了;我已经躬行我先前所憎恶,所反对的一切,拒斥我先前所崇仰,所主张的一切了。我已经真的失败,——然而我胜利了。 \"此后,我大约不再写信的了,我这习惯是你早已知道的。何时回来呢?倘早,当能相见。——但我想,我们大概究竟不是一路的;那么,请你忘记我罢。我从我的真心感谢你先前常替我筹划生计。但是现在忘记我罢;我现在已经好了。", "en": "How fast things change! The past six months have practically, in fact properly, reduced me to begging. But there were still things I wanted to accomplish, things I was willing to beg for, to suffer cold, hunger and loneliness for. And I wasn’t ready to be destroyed. Just because someone else wanted me to live. Now he is gone, there is no one. I don’t deserve to go on living, but neither do a great many others. And now, I want to live for my enemies. Those who wished me well are gone – there’s no one left to hurt, no one to suffer for what I do. I wouldn’t want to cause people like that grief. I’ve now done everything I used to despise, and turned my back on everything I used to believe in. There’s a wonderful sense of release, of happiness in giving up, in going over to the other side. I’ve failed – but also won. I probably won’t write again. You know what I’m like. When are you coming back? If you hurry, we might yet meet; but I think it unlikely – we’ve taken different paths. Best forget all about me. Thank you for trying to help me – you can give up now. I’m ‘fine’."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "小郡主年纪幼小,功夫自然没练得到家。点穴功夫原本艰难繁复,人身大穴数百,相去只是数分,慌慌忙忙之中点错了也属寻常,但她曾得明师指点,这三下认穴极准,劲力虽然不足,穴位却丝毫无错,可是新学乍用,究竟没多大自信,韦小宝又愁眉苦脸,装得极像,她以为真的点错了死穴,急道:“莫非……莫非我点了你的‘膻中穴’ 么?”韦小宝道:“正是,正是‘膻中穴’,你也不用难过,你……你……不是故意的,我死之后,决不怪你。阎……阎罗王问起,我决不说是你点死我的……我说我自己不小心,手指头在自己身上一点,就点死了。”小郡主听他答允在阎罗王面前为自己隐瞒,又是感激,又是过意不去,忙道:“快……快把穴道解了再说,或许还有救。”", "en": "There was one thing he was right about, however. Opening and closing Vital Points is a highly advanced branch of kungfu. There are hundreds of such points dotted all over the body, some of them situated just a few centimetres from one another. The Little Countess was young and far from expert in this art, so it was quite plausible that in the heat of the moment she might have closed the wrong points. (In actual fact, she had done nothing of the kind. She had closed the three correct points with great accuracy, though with a certain lack of force in her fingers.) Trinket's display of agony was so convincing that she now began to doubt herself. 'Maybe I opened your Middle Chest point by mistake?' she said anxiously. 'Yes, yes, that's it!' replied Trinket. 'But don't worry, I... I know you didn't do it on purpose. I won't blame you when I'm dead. When the King of Hell asks me how I died, I swear I won't tell. I'll say I did it myself. I'll say it was all my own fault!' The Little Countess felt her heart welling with gratitude and remorse. 'Don't say any more, let's...let's open your points first. Maybe there's still a chance!'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "佑明与忘川一起合作直播,是他们知道的。 宋城这才拍了拍自己的胸口,“吓死我了!忘川呢?” 这话落下,次卧的房门打开。 大家齐刷刷看过去,宋城顿时吓了一跳,“我去……!” 沈凉川顺着他的视线看过去,就看到一个女人,蓬头垢面,不对,不是垢面,脸上涂着一层厚厚的粉丝,大眼睛被化妆弄得很乱,那妆容,就跟鬼似得,连原本的五官都看不出来了! 而且,她身上穿着一件宽松的大毛绒睡衣,睡眼朦胧的走出来,看到了两个人,粗声粗气的开口:“你们好,我是忘川。” 高佑明都吓了一跳,别人见经纪人都会把自己打扮的漂亮的,可这个忘川……怎么这么奇葩! 乔恋心里美滋滋的坐下,心想着自己这幅样子,恐怕对方肯定要走了吧? 如果这样的自己,对方还想着签下来,那才是匪夷所思。 宋城使劲盯着她,觉得简直是太诡异了! 乔恋就这么大方的任对方打量,然后直接开口:“你们……来干嘛的?” 说着,还伸出手指头,扣了扣自己的脚。 那副样子,简直是要多猥琐就有多猥琐!", "en": "They knew that Youming and Wang Chuan worked together to hold the livestream. Song Cheng then patted his chest and exclaimed, “You gave me a shock! Where’s Wang Chuan?” After he asked, the door opened. Shen Liangchuan followed Song Cheng’s gaze and saw a woman. The woman had an unkempt appearance and a dirty face. Wait, it was not that her face was dirty, it was that she had applied a thick layer of makeup powder on her face. Her eyes had a thick eye makeup that had been messily applied. Her makeup made her look like a ghost, so it was completely impossible to see her original features. Furthermore, she donned loose and large woolen pajamas. She walked out of the room, half-awake, and when she saw the two men, she rasped, “Hi, I’m Wang Chuan.” Even Gao Youming was shocked by her appearance. Usually people would dress up prettily when meeting their managers, but Wang Chuan… why was she so weird! Qiao Lian happily sat down, believing that they would leave after seeing how she looked like. It would be unimaginably queer if they decide to sign her, even though she was weirdo. Song Cheng stared at her intensely, thinking that it was too strange. Qiao Lian openly allowed both of them to size her up and said, “What… are y’all here for?” As she said this, she even stuck out her fingers and scratched her legs. She looked extremely sleazy!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "方怡轻轻叹了口气,问道:“我们昨晚进宫来的同伴,不知有几人死了,几人给拿了?遭难的人叫什么名字,你可知道么?”韦小宝摇头道:“不知道。你既然关心,我可以给你去打听打听。”方怡低声道:“多谢你啦。”韦小宝自从和她相逢以来,从未听她说话如此客气,心下略感诧异。沐剑屏道:“尤其要问问,有一个姓刘的,可平安脱险了没有。”韦小宝问道:“姓刘的?刘什么名字?”沐剑屏道:“那是我们刘师哥。叫做刘一舟。他……他是我师姊的心上人,那可……那可……”突然嗤的一声笑,原来方怡在她肢窝中呵痒,不许她说下去。韦小宝“啊”的一声,道:“刘一舟,嗯,这……这可不妙。”", "en": "Fang Yi gave a little sigh. 'I wonder how many of our men lost their lives last night? Do you know any of their names?' Trinket shook his head. T could find out for you, though, if you want me to.' Thank you,' said Fang Yi very quietly. 'I would,' Trinket had never heard her speak so nicely to him before. He found it somewhat puzzling. 'Yes,' added the Little Countess, 'She'd specially like you to find out if a man by the name of Liu managed to get away.' 'Liu?' said Trinket. 'Who's he?' 'He's our brother-in-arms. We all studied under the same Shifu. His name is Yizhou. Fang's . . . she's in love with him. So you must. . ,' Suddenly she burst out laughing. Fang Yi was squeezing her under the arm, in an attempt to stop her from saying any more. Trinket let out a little cry. 'Oh dear! I know who you mean. I'm afraid he's in serious trouble.' 'What do you mean?' Fang Yi burst out."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "小沫觉得,只有白薇薇的尸身开始腐烂了,督主才会真正恢复理智,知道他牵着手的人,已经死去多时。 可是奇怪的是,白薇薇的尸体竟然没有任何改变。 甚至是她苍白的脸色好了不少,身体虽然冰凉,但是却跟睡着了无疑。 任何一丝尸体的特征都没有出现。 慕言君守着她,眼神越来越亮。 那神医糟老头终于被押来了,他吃着护心丸,“我这条老命估计也去了大半。” 慕言君已经五天没有睡觉了,谁都能看出他身体多疲惫。 但是他整个人却异常清醒,清醒得可怕而不正常。", "en": "Xiao Mo thought that only when Bai Weiwei’s body began to rot, would the Du Zhu would really recover his sanity. Realizing that he was holding hands with a person who had been dead for many hours. But strangely, Bai Weiwei’s body did not change. Rather her pale complexion was much better. Aside from the coldness of her body, there was no reason to suspect that she wasn’t just resting. No trace of the characteristics of a corpse appeared. As Mu Yanjun stayed beside her, his eyes were getting brighter and brighter. The divine doctor, that rotten old man was finally escorted in. He ate a heart protecting pill, “I estimate this old life is also mostly gone. “ Mu Yanjun had not slept for five days, who couldn’t see how physically tired he was. Yet his whole consciousness was unusually awake, terribly sober and abnormal."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "小金的龙角已经发育完成了,每只龙角上都有三个分叉,一身漂亮的金鳞是他坚实的铠甲,腹下五只巨大的龙爪划的地面出现一道道小沟,最漂亮的是背上那对巨大的龙翼,金光闪闪的拍打着它巨大的身躯。 它传给我一个信息问我要攻击谁。 除了我以外,他们都惊呆了,连迪老师也不例外,迪老师说道:“两年不见,小金都长这么大了。” 马克则羡慕的说道:“哇,老大,小金好漂亮啊。” 震老师说道:“这就是龙吗? 它发出的气息是那么的强大,好象还不是普通的龙。”", "en": "The golden dragon’s horns had already fully grown, and each had branched into three points. Golden scales covered his body like a strong armour. He had five large claws, and made some claw marks on the ground. The enormous wings on his back were the most beautiful part of the body. Golden light also glowed from its’ enormous body. He sent me a mental message asking me who he should attack. I hurriedly told him that he just needed to remain still. Except for me, everyone, including Teacher Di, was stunned. Teacher Di said, flabbergasted, “It’s only been two years and Xiao Jin has grown so much!” Wah ! Boss, Xiao Jin is so beautiful!” Teacher Zhen said, “This is a dragon? It’s life force is so strong. He doesn’t seem to be an ordinary dragon.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "夜清落深吸一口气,不管游鬼动了什么手脚,只要是考十项考核的话,她就没问题! 旋即,她抬步,迈向了宝塔。 忽然,天边一道旋风带来一阵风暴般的玄气,将整片天空笼罩。 原本晴朗的天气,在这一瞬,黑压压的一片,阴沉的可怕。 围观群众皆是被那道强大的玄气吸引,视线齐刷刷的看了过去。 天边,由远及近,露出了几道身影。 “那……那是什么!” “九尾狐! 竟然是圣兽九尾狐!” “难道是……他来了?” 只见黑压压的天空上,一只白色的九尾狐,悬空而立。 九尾狐四肢燃烧着火花,九条长尾,随风摆动。 在九尾狐的四周,则是四名身着黑衣劲装的人。 九尾狐缓缓地落定在主审台之上,完完全全将那三名夫子挡在了身后。", "en": "Ye Qing Luo took a deep breath and braced herself to face the challenges regardless of what he had done as long as she passed them! Immediately she stepped forward and headed for the pagoda. All of a sudden, a whirlwind from the horizon brought along a torrential profound Qi that covered the entire sky. The initial sunny weather had transformed into a gloomy dark tone at this moment. The onlookers were attracted by the strong and powerful mystic air and tried to peer through further. From a distance, several figures began to emerge over the horizon. “What… what’s that?!” “Nine tailed fox! It’s the sacred beast nine tailed fox!” “There is only one that is in possession of nine tails….. ” In the midst of the pitch dark sky, a snow white nine tailed fox stood in mid-air. The sacred beast’s limbs were glittered in sparkles and the nine tails were swayed elegantly with the wind. Surrounding the nine tailed fox were four people dressed in black. It gradually settled itself on the main stage, entirely blocked the three senior masters behind him."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那老者沉着脸道:“大惊小怪的,我还道是遇上了敌人呢。死人有什么可怕?”一名汉子道:“不是可怕,是……是希奇古怪。”那老者道:“什么希奇古怪?”另一名汉子道:“东边一间屋子里,都……都是死人灵堂,也不知共有多少。”那老者沉吟道:“有没有死人和棺材?”两名汉子对望了一眼,齐道:“没……没瞧清楚,好像没有。”那老者道:“多点几根火把,大伙儿瞧瞧去。说不定是座祠堂,那也平常得紧。”", "en": "The old man scowled. 'Stop panicking! I thought for a moment you had run into a real enemy! There's nothing to fear from a dead man!' 'But they're . . . spooky!' 'What do you mean, spooky? 'One of the rooms on the right is full of... hundreds of shrines to the dead!' 'Are there any bodies or coffins?' asked the old man. Two of the men exchanged glances. 'We couldn't see too clearly,' they both replied at the same time. 'We don't think so.' 'Light some more torches, and we will all go in together. It's probably just something perfectly ordinary, like an ancestral shrine.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "轩辕桓摔了一个狗吃屎,整个人四仰八叉地倒在地上,哪还有之前的得意样? “姐姐,你们怎么了?” 百里红妆心头冷笑,却故作神色慌张,一脸茫然地看着前方。 轩辕桓连忙站了起来,神色十分尴尬,伸手就去扶前边的百里玉颜。 然而,轩辕桓刚向前迈了一步,脚下又是一滑,直接撞向了前方!", "en": "Xuanyuan Huan fell flat on his face, his whole body splayed out as he twitched. Now, how could he ever be so arrogant like before? “Sister, are you okay?” Baili Hongzhuang sneered, but her voice was panicked as she stared out blankly. Xuanyuan Huan quickly stood up, embarrassed before reaching out a hand to help Baili Yuyan. But just as he stepped forward, at the foot of the bed, he tripped and fell forward!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "沈凉川皱着眉头,盯着面前的女孩。 她脸上涂着乱七八糟的东西,看着是绿色的,黏糊糊的,正在房间里一蹦一跳,看到他,顿时弯腰,扶住了肚子。 沈凉川的额头跳动了几下,整个人都不好了:“你在干什么?” 他当然知道是面膜,可不是说在拉肚子吗?还有心情敷面膜? 乔恋瞅见他冰冷的脸色,立马紧绷起自己的神经,“那个,其实,拉肚子和敷面膜是绝配!毕竟在厕所的时间,太无聊了。” 沈凉川额头滑下三条黑线。 乔恋咳嗽了一声,“您要不要试试?”", "en": "Shen Liangchuan frowned and stared at the girl in front of him. Her face was covered in a mess of sticky green things and she was currently jumping inside the room. After noticing him, she momentarily bent over and clutched her stomach. Shen Liangchuan furrowed his brow and his mood immediately soured. “What are you doing?” He obviously knew that it was a facial mask, but hadn’t she said that she had a stomachache? How could she be in the right mood to apply a facial mask? Qiao Lian looked at his icy expression and immediately tensed up. “Well, actually, having a stomachache and applying a facial mask really complement each other! It gets boring when you’re stuck in the toilet.” Shen Liangchuan furrowed his brow even more. Qiao Lian coughed and said, “Do you want to try it?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "宋城这话一出,助理就笑了,“宋哥,这可是你说的! ‘忘川’那么神秘,基本上很少有人能够联系上她,你知道怎么联系?” 宋城挠了挠头,笑了笑,“努力试试呗!” 这个话题绕过,大家又商量着敲定了几个人。 到了晚上九点,各自离开。", "en": "After Song Cheng said so, the assistant laughed. “Brother Song, I’ll take your word for it! ‘Forget Chuan’ is really mysterious and most people are unable to contact her. Do you know how to?” Song Cheng scratched his head and laughed. “I’ll make effort and try!” After this topic ended, everyone continued the discussion and chose a few people. When it reached 9 pm, the team took their leave separately."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "另一件事则令她震惊:虽然身在监听部,但发射部有些事情还让她去做。一次,她无意中看到了未来几次发射计划的频率设置,发现在第304、318和325次发射中,确定的发射频率己低出了微波范围,不可能在目标上产生任何热效应。这天,突然有人通知叶文洁到基地总部办公室去,从那名军官的语气和神色中,叶文洁感到了不样。走进办公室后,一个似曾相识的场景出现了:基地的主要领导都在场,还有两名不认识的军官,一看就是更高一级部门来的人,所有人冰冷的目光聚焦到她身上。但这么多年的风风雨雨形成的敏感告诉她,今天倒霉的人可能不是她,她最多是一个陪葬品。她看到雷志成政委坐在一角,神色黯然。", "en": "Another event also shocked her. Even though she was now in the Monitoring Department, sometimes the Transmission Department still needed her. One time, she accidentally saw the frequency settings for a few upcoming transmissions. She discovered that the designated frequencies for transmissions 304, 318, and 325 were lower than microwave range and could not result in any heating effect in the target.One day, an officer summoned Ye to the main base administrative office out of the blue. From the officer's tone and expression, Ye knew that something had gone wrong.As she walked into the office, the scene before her seemed familiar: All the senior officers of the base were present, along with two officers she didn't know. However, she could tell at a glance that they were from higher up in the chain of command.Everyone's icy stares focused on her, but the sensitivity she had developed over the stormy years informed her that she wasn't the one in big trouble today. She was at most a sideshow. She saw Commissar Lei sitting in a corner with a dejected look."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "见百里红妆迟迟不归,他们一连寻找了诸多医师,得到的都是相同的结果。", "en": "Seeing Baili Hongzhuang slow coming back, they looked for other doctors, only to get the same outcome."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那样一个庞大的势力,根本不是百里红妆一人能够抗衡的,心中竟是忍不住为百里红妆担心起来。 百里红妆并未休息,而是直接开始修炼。 原本是因为皇室狩猎赛在即,她想要尽快提升修为,在皇家狩猎赛上一鸣惊人。 自从昨日了解了蓝家的事情之后更是加重了她修炼的念头,蓝家那等庞然大物,她若是没有足够的实力,根本连说话的资格都没有。 既然重活一世,她便不会让自己留下任何遗憾,而这一切的前提就是拥有实力! 三日之后,百里红妆准备出宸王府前往神医坊,因为成亲之事,这三****都没有去神医坊,今日是时候该去了。", "en": "The Lan Family was a great power Baili Hongzhuang just couldn’t even begin to compete with. His heart couldn’t help but worry about her. Baili Hongzhuang didn’t rest and directly started to cultivate. At first, because the royal hunting feast was very soon, she wanted to increase her strength as much as possible, becoming an overnight hero, a dark horse. But since learning about the Lan Family yesterday, her will to cultivate only intensified. In front of the Lan Family, and such monsters, without enough strength, she didn’t even have the right to speak. Since she’s living a second life, she absolutely will not allow herself to leave any regrets. For everything, she needed strength! After three days, Baili Hongzhuang prepared to go to Godly Doctor Square. Because of the marriage, she didn’t go to Godly Doctor Square for three whole days. Now, it was time for her to return."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“怎么,不敢动手?难道是怕我身后的人?”青年故意朝身后看了一眼,对守在角落的手下说道,“程超,你先出去,没我的命令不许进来。” “是,老板。”被称为程超的男子顿时拉开门,毫不犹豫地走出了房间。 “看,现在没人看管你们了。” 青年回过头,再次将枪拎近了一些,甚至怼到其中一名男子的脸上,“把它拿起来,快啊,像个男人。” 叫杰克的男子迟疑地接过了枪。 “好了,接下来,打开保险,对准我的眉心。”", "en": "“What is it, too afraid to do it? What are you, afraid of the people backing me?” The young man made a show of turning around to look at his subordinate standing guard in the corner. “Cheng Cao, why don’t you head out first and don’t come back unless I ordered you to.” “Yes, Boss.” The man called Cheng Cao promptly opened the door and walked out of the room without the slightest bit of hesitation. “Look. Nobody is watching you now.” The young man turned around and held the gun closer. It was almost hovering right in front of one of the man’s faces now. “Take it, hurry up. Be a man.” The man named Jack took the gun hesitantly. “Alright. Next, take off the safety and aim it between my eyes.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "子川为什么突然没有赴约,子川到底是怎么回事儿,到了现在,还没有给她一个交代。 她其实事后,思考了很多很多,就只想到了一个原因。 如果说,子川是因为她的原因厌弃了她,那么,就只能是那一件事儿吧。 她低下了头,看向自己被包扎的右手。 乔恋的伤看着严重,其实那群人不是专门的打手,所以并没有骨折什么的,三天后就办理了出院手续。 沈凉川这段时间,几乎每天都在医院里呆着。 两个人也不怎么说话,乔恋无聊就刷刷微博,沈凉川则是看剧本。", "en": "Why had Zi Chuan suddenly not shown up to the agreed-upon meeting? What exactly had happened to Zi Chuan? Until now, nobody had given her a satisfactory explanation for this. In reality, after what happened, she had thought about it for a long time. Ultimately, she could only think of one reason. If there was something that could have made Zi Chuan detest her, it had to have been that incident after all. She lowered her head and looked at her bandaged right arm. Even though Qiao Lian’s injuries looked serious, in fact, the thugs that had beaten her up were not professional fighters. Hence, no bones were broken, and she was able to settle her hospital dischargement paperwork after only three days. During this time, Shen Liangchuan had practically stayed with her at the hospital every single day. Neither of them spoke much. Qiao Lian scrolled through her Weibo when she was bored, whereas Shen Liangchuan kept browsing his script."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“姑娘家,还是矜持一些为好。” 百里红妆轻描淡写地望了李钰玥一眼,其意味不言而喻。 李钰玥一怔,没想到百里红妆竟然会拿着这一点来说事,说来她现在的确尚未和太子完婚,只是未来的太子妃。", "en": "“It’s still better for Miss to rely on her family.” Baili Hongzhuang played it down as she looked at Li Yuyue, the meaning in her words clear.“ Li Yuyue was startled and didn’t expect for Baili Hongzhuang to actually say such a thing, that she and the Crown Prince still hadn’t married, making her only the future Crown Princess."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我想了想说道:“魔法的最高档次是不是就是指魔导师的数量对比啊?” 亲王点了点头。 我接着问道:“他们有那些魔导师呢。” 亲王说道:“东大陆共有十大魔导师,而我国占了八席,对方三大家族的族长都是有魔导师实力的,再加上皇家魔法师团的团长土系魔导师敦于·诶他们就占了四席。 我说道:“那另外四席呢?” 亲王说道:“另外四席是排名第一的皇家高级魔法学院的院长空间系魔导师传松·震魔导师(不愧是学空间系魔法的连名字都和空间魔法有关,传送阵? )排名第三的皇家中级魔法学院院长光系魔导师劳伦·迪,也就是你的老师,排名第7的中级魔法学院副院长火系魔导师星的·龙,也就是马克的老师。 最后是排名第九的皇家高级魔法学院的副院长火系魔导师斯笛·烈。”", "en": "I thought before asking, “Does the highest level magic competition refers to the competition of how many Magisters there are in both of the opposing forces? The prince nodded. I continued to ask, “How many Magisters do the opposing forces have?” The prince replied saying, “In the northern part of this world, there are ten Grand Magister. This kingdom has eight Magisters. The opposing three main powers, including the Royal Magic Union Mage Union’s leader earth Magister Dun Yu Xi, has four Magisters in total. Dun Yu Xi has also always been the second rank of the Magisters.” I wondered, “Who are the other four Magisters?” The prince explained, “One of the other four Magisters is the Royal Advanced Magic Academy’s principal, Chuan Song Zhen, a Spatial Magister. (He is worthy of learning spatial magic as even his name is related to time as his name means to be able to change time?) The third ranked Magister is the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy’s principal, light Magister Lao Lun Di. He is also your teacher. The seventh ranked is the Intermediate Magic Academy’s vice principal, fire Magister Xin De Long, Ma Ke’s mentor. The ninth ranked is the Royal Advanced Magic Academy’s vice principal, fire Magister Si Di Lie.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“放心吧,哪有那么多万一,富贵险中求,这就是我花那么大价钱雇佣你们的原因!” “区区几条蛇而已,不是吗?” 商人伸出手去,拍了拍男子的肩膀。 “对了,我们救上来那个年轻人现在怎么样了?” “还没有死吧。” “莉洁已经为他包扎了伤口,现在他正在昏睡,应该不会有什么生命危险。” “这样就好。” 听到男子的回答,商人满意的点了点头,不过随后他很快就皱起了眉。 “但是,那个年轻人究竟是受的什么伤啊,从那伤口来看,很象是大蜥——不过帕菲尔德北部有这种古怪的东西吗?” “我也不清楚,大人,不过想来应该是非常凶猛的野兽,希望我们不要碰上就好了。”", "en": "“Do not worry, how can there be so many ifs? Money comes from danger. This is the reason why I spend so much money to hire you!” “Only a few serpents, is that not it?” The merchant stretched out his hand and patted the man’s shoulder. “Yes, what about the condition of the young man we saved?” “Is he still alive?” “Lize has bandaged his wound, and now he is sleeping. His condition supposedly will not be life-threatening.” “That’s good.” Hearing the man’s answer, the merchant nodded with satisfaction, but then he quickly frowned. “But what kind of wound is that from? Looking at the wound, it seems like it was from a big lizard, but is there anything like that in the north of Paphield?” “I do not know, Lord, but it’s supposedly a very ferocious beast. I hope we do not run into them.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "孩子们便跟着一齐拥进去,立刻又各人吹着一个口琴一拥而出,一出客厅门,不知怎的便打将起来。有一个哭了。 \"怎么死的?\"", "en": "The children surged towards him, began tooting on their harmonicas then jostled their way out again. Just out of the door, a fight mysteriously broke out and one of them began to cry. ‘What did she die of?’"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"然而我也爱那家里的,终日坐在窗下慢慢地做针线的祖母。虽然无论我怎样高兴地在她面前玩笑,叫她,也不能引她欢笑,常使我觉得冷冷地,和别人的祖母们有些不同。但我还爱她。可是到后来,我逐渐疏远她了;这也并非因为年纪大了,已经知道她不是我父亲的生母的缘故,倒是看久了终日终年的做针线,机器似的,自然免不了要发烦。但她却还是先前一样,做针线;管理我,也爱护我,虽然少见笑容,却也不加呵斥。直到我父亲去世,还是这样;后来呢,我们几乎全靠她做针线过活了,自然更这样,直到我进学堂……。\" \"还是为她。……这真是烦死我了,已经闹了整三年,打过多少回架,说过多少回和,总是不落局……。\" \"这倒有点像。这个……。\"", "en": "‘I also loved my other grandmother, who sat by the window all day slowly doing her needlework. But however hard I tried to get her to laugh, I could never coax a smile out of her. I felt she was shutting me out – she seemed different from my friends’ grandmothers. But I still loved her. Afterwards, though, we somehow became more distant with each other. Not because I was older and knew she wasn’t my father’s natural mother. I got bored with her – sitting there, day in, day out, year in, year out, working mechanically away at her sewing. But on she went, doing her needlework, looking after me, loving me. Though I hardly ever saw her smile, she never told me off, either. After my father died, when her sewing became our only source of income, she withdrew even further into herself. Then I left for school…’ ‘Yes. Three years it’s been going on now – it’s driving me mad. All those fights, all those meetings, nothing ever settled.’ ‘Look,’ he showed it to Siming, pointing out a place in the text. ‘This sounds a bit like it…’"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "回到母校一段时间后,叶文洁带着冬冬去了母亲绍琳那里。丈夫惨死后,绍琳很快从精神错乱中恢复过来,继续在政治夹缝中求生存。她紧跟形势高喊口号,终于得到了一点报偿,在后来的“复课闹革命”中重新走上了讲台。但这时,绍琳却做出了一件出人意料的事,与一位受迫害的教育部高干结了婚,当时那名高干还在干校住 “牛棚”劳改中。对此绍琳有自己的深思熟虑,她心里清楚,社会上的混乱不可能长久,目前这帮夺权的年轻造反派根本没有管理国家的经验,现在靠边站和受迫害的这批老干部迟早还是要上台执政的。后来的事实证明她这次赌博是正确的,“文革”还没有结束,她的丈夫已经部分恢复了职位,十一届三中全会后,他迅速升到了副部级。绍琳凭着这个背景,在这知识分子重新得到礼遇的时候,很快青云直上。在成为科学院学部委员之后,她很聪明地调离了原来的学校,很快升为另一所名牌大学的副校长。", "en": "After she had been back at Tsinghua for a while, Ye took Dong Dong to see her grandmother, Shao Lin. After her husband's death, Shao had soon recovered from her mental breakdown and found ways to survive in the tiny cracks of politics. Her attempts to chase the political winds and shout the right slogans finally paid off, and later, during the \"Return to Class, Continue the Revolution\" phase(*36), she went back to teaching.But then Shao did something that no one expected. She married a persecuted high-level cadre from the Education Ministry. At that time, the cadre still lived in a \"cowshed\" for reform through labor(*37). This was part of Shao's long-term plan. She knew that the chaos in society could not last long. The young rebels who were attacking everything in sight had no experience in managing a country. Sooner or later, the persecuted and sidelined old cadres would be back in power.Her gamble paid off. Even before the end of the Cultural Revolution, her husband was partially restored to his old position. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh CPC Central Committee(*38), he was soon promoted to the level of a deputy minister. Based on this background, Shao Lin also rose quickly as intellectuals became favored again. After becoming a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, she very wisely left her old school and was promoted to be the vice president of another famous university."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "周围的结界已经散了,海月第一个跑了过来,眼中射出狠毒的目光,死死的盯着我,说道:“你好狠,风凉死了,我要你给他陪葬。” 温柔的水,化冰成锥,冲。 我刚刚把剩余的能量全都输给风凉了,松了口气,应该是能保住他的性命。 冰锥已经飞了过来,我浑身无力的眼看着冰锥飞了过来,当它刚要穿胸而过的时候,我的体内突然涌出一股我不熟悉的能量,在冰锥入体半寸的地方挡住了它。 但冰锥强大的冲击力还是将我打的飞了起来,内脏受到了强烈的震荡,我“哇”的一声喷出一口鲜血。 就这么一把抄起风凉转身走了。 马克叹了口气,赶快回身扶起我,问道:“老大,你怎么样。” 我捂着疼痛的胸口,惨哼道:“还死不了。 海月真够狠的。” 马克说道:“这下完了,以后咱们和她成死敌了,不过,老大,你真行,在刚才那种情况下还有余力发出防御魔法,我算服了。” 海水站了过来,马克下意识的挡在我身前。", "en": "The first person to run up after the barrier dispersed was Hai Yue. She glared at me viciously and shouted, \"You are ruthless! If Feng Liang dies, I will make sure you are buried along with him!\" Gentle water, form a cone of ice and charge towards my foe. I had just used all of my remaining power to help Feng Liang. I heaved a sigh of relief; it should be enough to secure his life. The ice cone flew over. With my whole body devoid of strength, I could only watch as it hurtled towards me. When the cone was about to pierce through my chest, an unfamiliar power suddenly surged out from my body and stopped the ice cone after it pierced half an inch into my body. The impact of the ice cone still made me fly backwards and sent violent shock through my body; which made me spat out a mouthful of blood. After this outburst, she lifted Feng Liang, turned around and walked away. Ma Ke sighed and hurriedly came to help me. \"Boss, are you ok?\" I held onto my pain throbbing chest and said, \"I will survive, but Hai Yue was really fierce.\" Ma Ke said, \"We will be her enemies from now on! There is nothing we can do to salvage the situation! That said, you really are capable, Boss. Even after such a tough match, you still had enough power to cast a defensive spell at the end. I’m truly impressed by your strength.\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "如果有明星们在这里吸毒,那么今天在这个酒店里的所有明星,都会被带走检查体内是否有毒。 她咽了口口水,紧紧攥住了拳头。 沈凉川肯定没有吸毒,她十分确定。 然而即便是这样,被警察带走了,他的名誉肯定也会受到损伤。 一想到这里,她就尾随那些警察们,直奔各个包间。 一群正在腾云驾雾的人被警察们带出来,一个个的脸上都带着享受的感觉,看上去猥琐又恶心。 这个包间里,不是沈凉川。 她接着往下一个包间走。 正在走的时候,忽然听到了一道熟悉的声音,“我没吸毒! 我们只是聚在一起玩玩!” 这是……王文豪的声音! 乔恋扭头,就看到王文豪被警察抓住,正在往外走。 警察们根本不听他的解释,直接带着人出去。 刚刚走到门口处,王文豪突然大喊了一声:“沈凉川也在这里! 他也吸毒!” 一句话,让警队队长拧起眉头,接着对两个警员开口,“你们再去搜!” “是。” 乔恋急了。", "en": "If there were celebrities taking drugs here, then every single celebrity present in this hotel today would be carted off by the police to undergo drug tests. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and clenched her fists tightly. She was extremely certain that Shen Liangchuan did not do drugs. However, even if this was true, his reputation would certainly be tarnished once he got carted off by the police. Once she thought of this, she tailed the policemen and dashed among the different compartments as well. A group of people were being brought out by the police, their heads clearly in the clouds. Expressions of enjoyment and relaxation were on all of their faces, but these expressions just made their appearance look both wretched and disgusting. This room was not Shen Liangchuan’s. She walked to the next room. As she was walking, she suddenly heard a familiar voice saying, “I wasn’t taking drugs! We were only socializing.” This was… Wang Wenhao’s voice! Qiao Lian turned her head and saw that Wang Wenhao was being escorted by the police outside. The policemen were clearly ignoring his explanations and continued taking him outside. Right when they reached the entranceway, Wang Wenhao suddenly shouted, “Shen Liangchuan is also here! He’s also taking drugs.” His words caused the squad’s leader to frown and immediately say to two policemen, “Both of you, go back and search again!” “Yes, sir.” Qiao Lian was panicking."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋噌的站起来,“妈,我还有事儿,先走了!” 可跑到外面时,他的车子已经无影无踪。 乔恋给他拨打电话想要解释清楚,可对面却始终无人接听。 他气坏了吧? 所以根本就不听她的解释。 乔恋咬住了嘴唇,眼眶里渐渐含上一层泪水。 她站在别墅门口处,深呼吸了好几口气,这才往报社里走。 沈凉川开着车,在街道上乱闯。 体内的暴躁与愤怒,夹杂着他不愿意承认的悲伤,彻底笼罩了他。 他勾起了嘴唇,觉得自己真的很可笑。 宋城打电话给他,说网络上发了个一个报道,询问是不是乔恋发的。 他信誓旦旦的开口不会是她,这其中应该是有什么误会。", "en": "Qiao Lian stood up and said, “Mum, I still have something to do, I’ll take my leave first!” However, by the time she reached the door, his car had disappeared. Qiao Lian decided to call him to explain herself, but he refused to pick up the phone. He must be furious. That meant that he absolutely wouldn’t want to hear her explanation. Qiao Lian bit her lips and tears surged in her eyes. She stood outside the villa and only started making her way to the news agency after taking a few deep breaths. Shen Liangchuan was driving the car aimlessly down the streets. The irritation and anger in him, coupled with the sorrow he wasn’t willing to admit, completely enveloped him. He curved his lips, feeling like he was really laughable. Song Cheng had called him and asked if the article online had been posted by Qiao Lian. He vowed that it couldn’t be her and claimed that there must have been a misunderstanding."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "石小白思索了一下,说道:“似乎只要贴近就行了。” “什么!?”梨子瞪大了眼睛,怒声道:“那你为什么要握住老娘的胸……那里!”梨子伸出双手按住石小白的肩膀,眼里燃烧着火焰。 “因为……本王很好奇!”石小白一本正经地说道。", "en": "Shi Xiaobai thought for a moment and said, “It seems like it just needs to be close.” “What!?”Riko stared widely as she boomed angrily, “Then why did you grab my boo…there!” Riko reached out her hands to press down on Shi Xiaobai’s shoulders, her eyes burning with flames. “Because…This King was very curious!” Shi Xiaobai said in dead seriousness."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "海水眼中闪烁着复杂的光芒,说道:“我没有恶意的,让我看看长弓的伤势,好吗?” 马克回头用询问的眼光看了我一眼,见我微微一点头,马克闪到了一旁。 海水吟唱道:“温柔的水,用你慈善的心化做治疗之水,抚平眼前的伤痛吧。” 水元素开始在她手上聚集,形成一个兰色的小球飞向我的胸口,一股冰凉的感觉流遍全身,胸口的伤逐渐愈合了,内脏的震痛也好了许多。 只是过量释放的魔法力一时还恢复不了。 我微笑着说道:“谢谢你,海水。”", "en": "There was a complicated glimmer in Hai Shui’s eyes as she spoke. \"I don’t have any bad intentions. Just let me have a look at Zhang Gong’s wound, will you?\" Ma Ke turned his head and looked at me questioningly. After seeing me nodding my head, Ma Ke stepped aside. Hai Shui chanted, \" Gentle water, use your kind heart to form a recovery potion and completely heal the wound before you.\" The water elements gathered in her hand and formed a light blue colored ball that flew towards my chest. An icy feeling flowed through my entire body as the wound on my chest slowly healed and my internal injuries recovered and my internal pain I was feeling felt much better. Only the massive amount of magic power I had used had not fully recover. I smiled, \"Hai Shui, thank you.\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "他伸出胳膊,抵在墙上,这姿势……难道沈凉川要跟她玩壁咚? 下一秒,就听到他的问话:“所以,你就可以随便戏弄别人?", "en": "He stretched out his arm and placed it on the wall. This position… Could it be that he wanted to kabedon [1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabedon] her? The next second, she heard his question, “So, you can play with others as you please?!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "而三皇女……她总是一副急色猥琐的模样,破坏了原本的美感,这会儿脸上没有什么表情,那份美顿时显现出来了,眼尾轻挑,艳色几乎令人不敢直视。 少年看得微微呆住,那句夸赞不由自主便说出了口。如果放在其他贵女那里,这算得上逾距了,但对喜欢调戏男子的三皇女来说,却是情趣。 三皇女瞥了他一眼,果然没训斥他有失规矩。少年心里一喜,动作更殷勤了一些,小心地挽好皇女的长发。 只是,直到梳妆快结束,今天一直隐隐期待着的调戏,也并没有到来。少年咬了咬嘴唇,小心试探道:“殿下……可是心情不好?” 身为男子,还是侍从,为自己的贵女排忧解难,温柔安抚,是件很正常的事。以往的三皇女,也总是喜欢这样温柔小意的伺候。", "en": "As for the Third Imperial Princess… She always had a look of infatuation when she saw beautiful men, spoiling her original beauty. This time, however, she was totally expressionless, which accentuated her gorgeous features. The outer corners of her eyes were slightly arched, and her looks were so captivating that one didn’t dare to look straight at her. The young man was slightly stunned. He’d subconsciously blurted out those words of praise. If he said that in front of other noblewomen, this was considered acting out of line. However, he was now in front of the Third Imperial Princess, who loved to flirt with men, so his words ought to please her and provoke her interest. Yu Chu glanced at him but didn’t reprimand him for acting out of line. The young man was overjoyed, thus he served her more diligently, carefully tightening Yu Chu’s long hair. By the time he was done waiting upon her, the teasing that he was vaguely looking forward to sadly didn’t happen. He bit his lips and carefully probed, “Your Highness… Are you in a bad mood?” As a man, and her close attendant, it was normal for him to help sort out her problems and comfort her when she was unhappy. In the past, the Third Imperial Princess enjoyed this kind of gentle and thoughtful service."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "报道上有王文豪去沈凉川公司找他对峙的视频。 身为记者,在发生当时的事情时,她下意识录了下来。 这篇报道一出,引起一片轰动!", "en": "Together with the article, there was a video that showed Wang Wenhao looking for trouble with Shen Liangchuan at Shen Liangchuan’s office. As a reporter, when she had witnessed their argument, she had subconsciously recorded it. When the article was published online, it immediately caused a huge stir!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "王文豪说到这里,嘿嘿一笑。 还想说什么,忽然察觉到身后有人靠近。 他回头,就看到沈凉川,眼瞳一缩,舔着脸笑,却见沈凉川往前一步,一把揪住他的衣领,接着一拳头对着他的脸就砸过来!", "en": "As Wang Wenhao spoke, he laughed heartily. Just as he was about to continue speaking, he suddenly felt a presence approaching him from behind. He turned around and saw Shen Liangchuan. His eyes narrowed and attempted to smile at him. However, Shen Liangchuan took a step forward, grabbed his tie and threw a punch at his face!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“帝北宸,你可知道皇城附近有什么地方适合修炼,例如瀑布之类的?” 经过昨日一番思量之后,她觉得呆在屋内修炼只能够提升修为,却无法淬炼肉身。 前世她自小就浸泡各种药材,体质一直十分强悍,可惜这一世并非如此。 百里红妆的身体别说是比其他人强了,因为长期的营养不良,她的体质根本连寻常人不如。 即便现在修炼了,依旧无法将全部实力发挥出来,这其中的根本原因就是体质问题。 正是因此,百里红妆才决定先离开王府去修炼。 唯有体质提高了,她的战斗力才能够全部发挥出来。 何况,体质的修炼对她的修为也有着一定的好处。", "en": "“Dibei Chen, do you know any places in the Imperial City that are good for cultivativation, like a waterfall or something? After thinking about yesterday, she believed that staying in the house would only raise her cultivation, but wouldn’t strength the flesh. In her previous life, since young she was soaked in all sorts of medicinal and herbal baths, making her physique very powerful. Unfortunately, it was very different in this life. Baili Hongzhuang’s body wasn’t at all stronger than others, and because of malnutrition, her consitution was even weaker than most other people. Even if she was cultivating now, she was still incapable of using her full power because her foundation, her body, was too shaky. Since it was like this, Baili Hongzhuang chose to leave the palace to cultivate outside. Only by improving her physique, can her true fighting strength come out. Furthermore, cultivating the body can also bring her great benefits."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "‘科学边界’试图开辟一条新的思维途径,简单地说就是试图用科学的方法找出科学的局限性,试图确定科学对自然界的认知在深度和精度上是否存在一条底线——底线之下是科学进入不了的。现代物理学的发展,似乎隐隐约约地触到了这条底线。”“很好。”常伟思说, “据我们了解,这些自杀的学者大部分与‘科学边界’有过联系,有些还是它的成员。但没有发现诸如邪教精神控制或使用违法药物这类的犯罪行为。也就是说,即使‘科学边界’对那些学者产生过影响,也是通过合法的学术交流途径。汪教授,他们最近与您有联系,我们想了解一些情况。”", "en": "“Members of the Frontiers of Science want to attempt a new way of thinking. To put it simply, they want to use the methods of science to discover the limits of science, to try to find out if there is a limit to how deeply and precisely science can know nature—a boundary beyond which science cannot go. The development of modern physics seems to suggest that such a line has been touched.”“Very good,” General Chang said. “According to our investigation, most of the scholars who committed suicide had some connection with the Frontiers of Science, and some were even members. But we’ve found no evidence of the use of illegal psychotropic drugs or techniques akin to the psychological manipulation of religious cults. In other words, even if the Frontiers of Science influenced them, it was only through legal academic exchanges. Professor Wang, since they recently contacted you, we’d like to ask you for some information.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "他的“喂”字刚传过来,她就巴拉巴拉说了一通:“子川,我早就到了,一个人待着好无聊,你到哪儿了啊?”", "en": "Just as he answered the call with a “Hello”, she immediately started speaking incessantly. “Zi Chuan, I arrived early and have been here by myself for quite some time now. I’m bored! Where are you?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "可如果能注意到他,就会发现他的视线,却总是若有似无的飘到王文豪身上。 宋城站在他的身边,察觉到这一点以后,就忍不住拽了拽他的胳膊。 沈凉川淡淡回头,看向他,目露询问。 “沈哥,您到底是要干什么啊? 能不能告诉我,好让我有个心理准备。 您这样突然跑过来参加这么一个小剧组的发布会,又什么都不说就这么杵着,我心里瘆的慌。” 沈凉川听到这话,抿了一口香槟,接着,将香槟杯放下。 旋即,他迈开了修长的步伐。 宋城的心都提了起来,紧跟在他身后。 沈凉川一步一步往前,走到了前方。 王文豪正在跟别的三流小明星套近乎,那个人询问,“听说你打了一个狗仔?” “对啊,现在的狗仔就是惹人厌恶,我早就想动手教训他们了! “你这样,就不怕跟他们结仇啊?” “我都这样了,我怕什么? 当初沈影帝以正当防卫为借口,将一名狗仔打了,告到了法庭上去不也不了了之吗?", "en": "If anyone had paid attention to him, they would have noticed that his gaze kept drifting over to Wang Wenhao. Song Cheng stood at his side. After noticing his behavior, he could not help but pinch his arm. Shen Liangchuan turned around and looked at him casually, with a questioning face. “Brother Shen, what are you planning to do? Can you tell me beforehand so that I can prepare myself mentally. You suddenly decide to come and attend such a small-scale press conference, yet you have been completely silent and are now just standing here and doing nothing? My heart is beating anxiously right now.” After Shen Liangchuan heard him speak, he sipped a mouthful of champagne and put the glass down. Then, he walked away in long strides. Song Cheng was extremely nervous and followed him. Shen Liangchuan walked forward, one step at a time, until he reached the front of the room. Wang Wenhao was currently ingratiating himself with a C-list celebrity. The celebrity asked, “Hey, I heard that you beat a paparazzi?” “Yeah, the paparazzi nowadays are so disgusting. I have wanted to teach them a lesson myself for some time now!” \"Are not you afraid of becoming an enemy of them?\" “I’ve already done it, so what should I be scared of? That time Best Actor Shen beat up a reporter, he claimed that it was in self-defence so that he would have an excuse if he got sued, right? At that time, nobody said anything”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "亲王说道:“希望如此吧,长弓啊,你既然是马克的朋友,也就是我的子侄辈了,我也不和你客气了,别老叫亲王亲王的了,听着那么疏远,以后你就叫我奥尔叔叔吧。” 虽然明知道他在笼络我,但我心中对他的好感还是在不断的增加。 亲王接着说:“昨天马克对我说你遇到了魔族,让我非常吃惊,魔族是咱们人类的公敌,如果让他们入侵到东大陆来,咱们人类就完了。 你把当时的详细情况跟叔叔说说。” 我说道:“好。” 于是,将当初在希宁湖的遭遇从头到尾说了一遍,亲王听完了,沉吟着,过了良久才说道:“真不知道魔族是怎么作到的,他们竟然能通过斯特伦要塞而到这边来,真是太不可思意了。” 我说道:“有没有可能他们翻过天堕山呢?” 马克替父亲回答道:“那是没有可能的,天堕山山高耸入云,从半山腰开始就完全被冰雪覆盖了,根本不是任何生物可以逾越的。” 我说道:“他们又不是王室,凭什么来争夺王位?”", "en": "The prince replied, “Let’s hope so. Since you are a friend of Ma Ke’s and the same age as my son, I’m not being formal to you, so please stop calling me prince. It makes me feel like we are far from each other. From now on, you can just call me uncle Ao Er.” The prince continued to say, “Yesterday, I was in shock when I hear from Ma Ke that you’ve met the Magic race. The Magic race is our human race’s enemy. If we allow them to invade the northern side of the world, then our human race will go extinct. Can you tell the whole incident to uncle in detail?\" I replied, “Alright!” I told him the story of meeting the demon race at Serene Dream lake. After the prince heard what I said, he sighed. “I really don’t know how they managed to do that. They actually crossed Si Te Lun to reach our land. It’s just too unbelievable!” I asked, “Could they have climbed over the Heavenly Falling Mountain? Ma Ke replied for his father, “It’s impossible. The Heavenly Falling Mountain reaches high above the clouds and the midpoint of the mountain is completely covered in snow and ice. It’s impossible for any life forms to pass through that point.” I asked, “If they aren’t royal, how are they going to fight for the throne?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "洛易北明显感觉到了她的不安,两只小手把他的浴袍揪了又揪,都快扯下来了。 昨晚那么英勇连他都敢袭击的人,现在也知道害怕吗? 现场确实太混乱了,那感觉像是天王巨星登场似的,而且很嘈杂。", "en": "Her uneasiness was unmistakable to Luo Yibei who laid his eyes on her two little hands that tugged and tugged at his bathrobe, almost tearing it off. The one who bravely attacked him last night now knows how to be afraid? The chaos in the room continued. Similar to when a giant superstar was on stage, it was annoyingly noisy."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那位长老收留我住下,我对他说,想找个清静省心的方式混完这辈子算了。长老说,这里并不清静,是旅游区,进香的人也很多;大隐隐于市,要清静省心,自己就得空。我说我够空了,名利于我连浮云都算不上,你庙里那些僧人都比我有更多的凡心。长老摇摇头:空不是无,空是一种存在,你得用空这种存在填满自己。这话对我很有启发,后来想想,这根本不是佛家理念,倒像现代的某种物理学理论。长老也说了,他不会同我谈佛,理由与那位中学老师一样:对我这号人没用。第一天晚上,在寺院的小屋里我睡不看,没想到这世外桃源是如此的不舒服,被褥都在山雾中变潮了,床硬邦邦的。于是,为了催眠,我便试图按长老说的那样,用“空”来填充自己:", "en": "The abbot asked me to stay. I told him, \"I want to find a peaceful, easy way to just muddle through the rest of my life.\" The abbot said, \"This place isn't really peaceful There are lots of tourists, and many pilgrims too. The truly peaceful can find peace in a bustling city. And to attain that state, you need to empty yourself.\" I said, \"I'm empty enough. Fame and fortune are nothing to me. Many of the monks in this temple are worldlier than me.\" The abbot shook his head and said, \"No, emptiness is not nothingness. Emptiness is a type of existence. You must use this existential emptiness to fill yourself.\"His words were very enlightening to me. Later, after I thought about it a bit, I realized that it wasn't Buddhist philosophy at all, but was more akin to some modern physics theories. The abbot also told me he wasn't going to discuss Buddhism with me. His reason was the same as my high school teacher's: With my sort, he'd just be wasting his time.That first night, I couldn't sleep in the tiny room in the temple. I didn't realize that this refuge from the world would be so uncomfortable. My blanket and sheet both became damp in the mountain fog, and the bed was so hard. In order to make myself sleep, I tried to follow the abbot's advice and fill myself with \"emptiness.\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "王文豪脸上被啐了一口的血,他扭头也没躲过去,再回头,脸色更加难看。 他松开了乔恋的下巴,后退了一步,拿起纸张擦了擦,“呦,还是性子烈的!我就喜欢……跟你这种人玩!”", "en": "She spat a mouthful of blood on Wang Wenhao’s face. He didn’t managed to avoid it, even after turning his head around. When he turned his head back, the expression on his face had become even more gruesome. He let go of Qiao Lian’s chin and walked backwards to pick up a tissue and wipe his face. “Oh, you’re feisty! I love… to play with these sorts of people.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "大皇子眼里厉芒一闪。 “你们杀不掉我。”路西法收起六柄魔刃,道。 “他们十个如果杀不掉,那在我们几个呢?” 一道充满愤怒的声音响起。 “还有我们,也是为了诛杀你而来。” 又是一道充满愤怒的声音。 路西法眉头一皱。", "en": "A sharp glow flashed in the Crown Prince’s eyes. “You all won’t be able to kill me,” Lucifer kept the six demon blades and said. “If the 10 of them can’t, then what about the few of us?” A furious voice rang out. “What about us? We also came to kill you.” Another person said furiously. Lucifer frowned."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋忍不住看向沈凉川。 他带着帽子和口罩,看不到他的表情,只能看到那双眼睛里闪烁着寒光。 她愣神间,又有人冲上来,沈凉川一把拽住她的胳膊,将她拉到旁边,一脚对着那人踢过去:“你发什么呆?” 怒骂一声,他就又回头,跟另外一个人打在一起。 乔恋这才回过神来,两个人都将后背交给对方,跟这群人撕缠在一起。 可是……不能这样。 乔恋咬住了嘴唇:“我看到宋原希被带着走到前面倒数第二间房间,必须赶紧过去制止,再这样跟他们纠缠在一起,原希会出事的!” 只要缠上二十分钟,里面该干的事儿就都干了。 这话一出,沈凉川看了看四周,“我刚刚已经报警,但是警察过来怎么也要二十分钟,我挡住他们,你过去救人。” 乔恋听到这话,二话不说就往前走。", "en": "Qiao Lian could not help but look at Shen Liangchuan. He was wearing a hat and a mask, so she was unable to see the expression on his face. She could only notice his eyes, which were shining with a cold gleam. As she froze in shock, someone rushed up again. Shen Liangchuan immediately grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side. He then kicked the man and said, \"Why are you staring blankly into space?\" After scolding her, he turned his head around and fought another man who was close by. Only then did Qiao Lian snap back to reality. She stood with her back against Shen Liangchuan and started resisting the group of men. Qiao Lian bit her lip and said, \"I saw Song Yuanxi being taken to the second-to-last room at the end of the hallway in front of us. We need to rush over and rescue her. If we keep fighting off these men, something will happen to Yuanxi!\" If they didn’t manage to save her within 20 minutes, the immoral act currently taking place in the room would have concluded by then. Once she said this, Shen Liangchuan looked at his surroundings. \"I’ve already called the police, but it’ll take at least 20 minutes for them to arrive. I’ll block them while you rush over to save her.\" As soon as Qiao Lian heard this, she ran forward without another word."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "苏冈皱起了眉头,将众人送出门外。玄贞向马博仁、姚春、雷一啸、王武通四人道了劳,抱拳作别。天地会一行人回到回春堂药店。刚到店门口,就见情形不对,柜台倒坍,药店中百余只小抽屜和药材散了一地。众人抢进店去,叫了几声,不听得有人答应,到得内堂,只见那胖掌柜和两名伙计都已死在地下。这药店地处偏僻,一时倒无人聚观。玄贞吩咐高彦超:“上了门板,别让闲人进来。咱们快去看徐大哥。”拉开地板上的掩盖,奔进地窖,叫道:“徐大哥,徐大哥!”地窖中空空如也,徐天川已不知去向。", "en": "Su Gang frowned and hurriedly conducted Trinket and his party to the door. When they were outside, Father Obscurus thanked Ma Boren and the other professionals for their trouble and then the two parties, Triads and professional witnesses, went their separate ways. When they got back to the apothecary's shop, the Triads could see, as soon as they opened the door, that something was wrong. The counter had collapsed under some heavy weight and the hundreds of little drawers in which the drugs were stored had been emptied and lay amidst their scattered contents in promiscuous confusion on the floor. They rushed inside the shop shouting, but there was no reply from the fat apothecary or his two assistants. They found all three of them lying dead in the inner room. The shop was in a quiet, out-of-the-way area, otherwise there would have been a crowd of onlookers by now; but just in case someone should arrive and try to get in, Father Obscurus told Brother Gao to bar the door on the inside before they went to look for Brother Xu. That done, they took up the cover of the secret stairway and rushed to the underground chamber, shouting as they went. But Brother Xu had disappeared without trace."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“小叶啊,到了现在,对发射系统这块你已经很熟悉了,这也是红岸系统的攻击部分,是它的主体,说说你对这套系统的整体看法?”雷政委说,他们这时坐在雷达峰的那道悬崖前,这里是基地最僻静的所在。那笔直的绝壁似乎深不见底,最初令叶文洁胆战心惊,但现在她很喜欢一个人到这里来。对雷政委的问话,叶文洁有些不知所措。她只负责设备的维护和维修,对红岸系统的整体情况,包括它的作用方式、攻击目标等,一概不知,也不允许她知道,每次常规发射她都不能在场。她想了想,欲言又止。“大胆说吧。没关系。”雷政委扯下身边的一根草手里摆弄着说。", "en": "Commissar Lei said, \"Wenjie, by now you're pretty familiar with the transmission system. This is also Red Coast's offensive component, its principal part. Can you give me your views of the system as a whole?\"They were sitting at the lip of the steep cliff on Radar Peak, the most deluded spot on the base. The cliff seemed to drop straight off into a bottomless abyss. At first, the spot had frightened Ye, but now she liked to come here by herself.Ye wasn't sure how to answer Commissar Lei's question. She was only responsible for maintaining and repairing equipment and knew nothing about Red Coast as a whole, including its operation, targets, and so on. Indeed, she wasn't allowed to know. She wasn't even permitted to be present at the transmission. She pondered the question, began to speak, and stopped herself.\"Go ahead, speak your mind,\" Commissar Lei said. He ripped out a blade of grass next to him and played with it absentmindedly."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "下课铃声响了,我才悠悠醒过来,旁边的木子正在收拾东西,我冲她笑嘻嘻的说:“我请你吃饭好不好,今天怎么样,老师都让我说的没话了吧。” 木子冷斥道:“谁和你一起吃饭,会影响我的食欲。 你那些都是歪理,老师不和你计较才对。” 我做出一个被冤枉的表情,道:“怎么会是歪理呢,这可是经过我很长时间的研究所得哦。 吃个饭怕什么,一起去吧。” 木子冷哼一声,头也不回的走了。 我心想,拽什么拽,我非把你追到手不可,你等着好了。 长的很一般嘛,还这么拽。", "en": "When the bell signalling the end of school rang, I slowly began to wake. While Mu Zi was still packing up her desk, I happily smiled at her and said, \"Can I treat you to a meal? How was the lesson today? What I said made the teacher speechless!\" Mu Zi coldly replied, \"Who would want to eat with you? You would only ruin my appetite. Besides, everything you said was false. The teacher just didn’t want to fuss about you.\" I showed a wronged expression. “How was it false? Those were my results from a long period of research. What’s so scary about me treating you to a meal? Let’s go together!” Mu Zi coldly snorted and walked away without looking back at me. I thought, why are you playing so hard to get, even though your looks are just average? I will definitely make you fall for me, just wait for it."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但今天显然不一样。三皇女没有露出一丝心情不好的表情,看起来和往常一样,但偏偏对他冷淡了许多: “没有。”连回答都如此简单。 少年咬唇,仔细想了想,小声安慰道,“殿下勿需担心,弥心郎君只是心气高些,他早晚会知道殿下的好的。” 喻楚挑了挑眉。叶弥心——是丞相府的公子。也是剧情中那个所谓的美少年。 身份的尊贵养出他绝好的气度,容貌又俊美,身形修长好看。", "en": "But today was evidently different. The Third Imperial Princess didn’t seem to be in a bad mood and she looked the same as usual, but she was much colder to him. “No.” Even her answer was so simple. The young man bit his lips and pondered over this carefully before comforting in a low voice, “Your Highness, you needn’t worry. Young Lord Mixin is just a little high-minded, but sooner or later, he will understand Your Highness’ good traits.” Yu Chu raised an eyebrow. Ye Mixin, the son of the Prime Minister. He was the so-called beautiful young man that cheated the original host of her feelings. His noble household had raised him into a young lad with excellent bearing and handsome features. His physique was also slender and attractive."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "苏瑞眼角余光斜睨到他的反应,很随意地顺着他的视线看了一眼,瞥见孑然一身的方池夏,所有的动作,顿时僵了住。 为什么来的只有她? 苏瑞主动要求来到这里,就是因为洛易北才来的。 进入餐厅后,紧张兮兮的担心自己这里没做好,那里不够好的,也全都是因为洛易北。 然而,现在,洛易北没来就算了,为什么还偏偏是她那不想看到的人? 一想到上次方池夏和洛易北的关系,苏瑞看她的眼神就夹枪带剑的。 方池夏来到这里之前其实也并不知道自己要见的人是谁,如果知道是苏瑞,她肯定也是不会来的。 苏瑞随时看她的眼神都带刺似的,来了不是自己给自己招事吗? 更让方池夏意外的是,费司诺也在! 现在是什么状况? 怔怔地看着座位上的两人,方池夏一时懵住了。 他是……王室的人? “真巧啊!” 从出现在这里后,一直一副事不关己样的费司诺在看到她后终于来了点精神,坐起身,唇角一勾,他先和她打了声招呼。", "en": "Su Rui captured his reactions and casually slanted a glance at the side. At the glimpse of Fang Chixia alone, all her movements suddenly froze in place. Why was she the only one who’s here? Su Rui volunteered for this deal in order to meet Luo Yibei. Since she entered the restaurant, she’d been unable to settle down, nervous and worried that she wasn’t presentable enough, all because of Luo Yibei. However, now that Luo Yibei failed to come, she even wondered, was it because he didn’t like to see her? At the thought of his relationship with Fang Chixia the last time they met, Su Rui fixed a gaze at her with guns and swords drawn. Unbeknownst to Fang Chixia, she was to meet Su Rui. If she had known it was her, she would certainly declined coming here. Su Rui has always looked at her with thorns in her eyes. Wasn’t this just digging a pit for herself? What caught Fang Chixia even more off guard was that Fei Si Nuo was at the table, too! What was with this situation? Looking left and right at the two people, Fang Chixia took a second to calm herself down. Was he… a royalty? “What a coincidence!” Fei Si Nuo was bored the moment he arrived, but after seeing her, he finally came to a little spirit. He smiled as he sat upright and first greeted her."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "第805章 最后一个故事 “在东校区?” 周图明显犹豫了一下,不管是学长还是老师都曾警告过新生,不要靠近东校区,他们没有说明具体的原因,但从他们说话的语气中能够听出东校区很危险。 “你们对东校区有很深的误解,那里其实和这里差不多,只是两个校区的管理方式完全不同,他们活在真实的恐怖里,而你们活在虚假的幸福中。” 陈歌看着周图的眼睛:“相比较你们,其实他们更加接近希望,因为他们至少知道自己是谁,知道解脱的办法。” 陈歌没有欺骗周图,不管是东校区还是西校区的学生,他们全部被困在了这所学校里。", "en": "Chapter 805: Last Story “It’s in the eastern campus?” Zhou Tu was obviously hesitant. He had received warnings from both the school and the seniors to stay away from the eastern campus, but they did not give a specific reason. However, from their tone, he could tell that the eastern campus was a very dangerous place. “You guys have a deep misunderstanding about the eastern campus. It is actually not that different from here, but there are two different administrative styles to the management. The people there live in actual terror, but you guys live in a fake happiness.” Chen Ge looked into Zhou Tu’s eyes. “Compared to you lot, they are actually closer to hope because at least they know who they are and know how to achieve salvation.” Chen Ge did not lie to Zhou Tu; be it the students from eastern or western campus, they were both trapped in the school."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "皇帝道:“你一定要杀苏克萨哈,到底自己有什么原因?”鳌拜道:“我有什么原因?难道皇上以为奴才有什么私心?”越说声音越响,语气也越来越凌厉,顿了一顿,又厉声道:“奴才为的是咱们满洲人的天下。太祖皇帝、太宗皇帝辛辛苦苦创下的基业,可不能让子孙给误了。皇上这样问奴才,奴才可当真不明白皇上是什么意思!”韦小宝听他说得这样凶狠,吃了一惊,忍不住探头望去,只见一条大汉满脸横肉,双眉倒竖,凶神恶煞般的走上前来,双手握紧了拳头。一个少年“啊”的一声惊呼,从椅子中跳了起来。这少年一侧头间,韦小宝情不自禁,也是“啊”的一声叫了出来。这少年皇帝不是别人,正是天天跟他比武打架的小玄子。", "en": "'What is it that makes you so determined to take Suksaha's life?' 'Me, Your Majesty?' protested Oboi. 'Are you implying that I have some personal motive in this?' His voice rose, his tone became more strident and aggressive. After a short pause he continued, almost threateningly: 'I am asking this for the sake of the Manchu Throne! Your Majesty's ancestors fought bitterly to create the Empire; their grandchildren must not let it all come to nothing! Your Majesty, I find your insinuation hard to comprehend!' Trinket was shocked by Oboi's menacing tone. He poked his head round the bookcase and saw a giant of a man striding towards the throne, the great jowls of his face twitching fiercely, his brows beetling, his fists clenched tightly before him. There was a boyish cry, and a tall youth jumped down from the Dragon Throne. He turned his face, and Trinket let out a boyish—and utterly amazed—cry of his own. The young Emperor, the Manchu Monarch, was none other than his friend and daily sparring partner—Misty!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "次日领军缓缓南行,到得中午时分,两名御前侍卫从京中快马追来,说道:“皇上有密旨”。韦小宝大喜,当即召集众侍卫、骁骑营众军官在中帐接旨。那宣旨的侍卫站在中间,朗声说道:“骁骑营正黄旗副都统兼御前侍卫副总管韦小宝听者:朕叫你去少林寺办事,谁叫你中途多管闲事?听信小人的胡说八道,诬陷功臣,这样瞎搞,岂不令藩王寒心?那些乱七八糟的说话,从此不许再提,若有一言一语泄漏了出去,大家提了脑袋回京来见朕罢。钦此。”韦小宝一听,只吓得背上出了一身冷汗,只得磕头谢恩。", "en": "Kang Xi's response was both swift and unexpected. At noon next day, when the troops had struck camp and were proceeding slowly on their southward march, they were overtaken by two mounted members of the Palace Guards, galloping at a tremendous pace. They were carrying a Secret Edict from the Emperor, which Trinket gathered his staff round him to receive. Though beginning with a full list of Trinket's tides, it was not written in the usual Court language but in wording that he could actually understand when it was read out to him: ' . . . You are supposed to be going to the Shaolin Monastery to carry out my orders. Who told you to meddle with things that don't concern you while you were on your way? You have been listening to the lying gossip of someone who wants to undermine the reputation of a loyal officer. What sort of effect is this going to have on the Satrap when he gets to know about it? If I hear another word of this nonsense, the whole lot of you will be coming back to Peking without your heads. Hear and Obey.' Trinket kowtowed fearfully, the cold sweat running down his back. Zhang Kangnian and the other officers looked rather pale."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "从图书馆走出来,已经接近黄昏。起风了,天空中翻卷着枯黄的叶子。太阳还赖在地平线不走,像一个苟延残喘的独裁者,指挥着已经溃不成军的阳光。", "en": "It was evening by the time I left the library. The wind was rising, and withered yellow leaves swirled through the air. The sun lurked on the horizon like a dictator clinging to power, its rays a defeated army."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "LiteraryTranslation"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "希望即将到来的这个人,是个好人。 她相信,宋原希跟她一样,不会在意来的这个人的美丑。 时间一分一秒划过,她静静盯着前方。 过了很久,这才察觉到旁边有一道目光,正在看着她。 她扭头,对上沈凉川凉凉的眼神,微微一愣。 男人的目光又是那种复杂的,让人一眼看不到底的表情,带着一种审视的样子,让她觉得这个男人,像是想要读懂她的想法。 车里的安静,的确让人觉得尴尬。 她忍不住开口打破沉静:“你说,原希要见得这个人,怎么样?” 沈凉川看着她,听到她说的话,垂下头,“我怎么知道。”", "en": "She fervently hoped that the man that was about to show up was a decent person. She believed that Song Yuanxi, like her, would not care about the looks of the man that was going to show up. She quietly kept staring forward as time passed slowly by. Only after a long while did she notice that someone beside her had fixed his gaze on her. She turned her head. When her eyes met Shen Liangchuan’s cool gaze, she froze momentarily. He had a complicated look in his eyes, and had an unfathomable expression on his face as he scrutinized her. His scrutiny made her feel as though this man was trying to understand her thoroughly. There was an awkward silence in the car. Finally, she could not stop herself from breaking the silence by saying, “Tell me. What do you think about Yuanxi’s decision to meet this person?” Shen Liangchuan looked at her, processed her words and lowered his head, saying, “How should I know.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "因此,听到侍从小声安慰的话语,她勾唇笑了下,懒懒道:“他不知道孤的好……孤还懒得让他知道呢。” 她看着镜子里美貌的脸,翘了翘唇,勾起一抹似有似无的笑意。前几个位面,原主的心愿都太柔和了,还是这个位面比较合她心意。 而她身后的少年,闻言就呆住了。他听到了什么?一向恨不得挂在弥心郎君身上的三皇女,说,懒得让人家知道她的好?少年的脸色极其古怪。", "en": "Therefore, when she heard the attendant’s words of comfort, she smirked and languidly said, “He isn’t aware of this princess’ good traits, huh? Well, this princess is also too lazy to show him anything.” As she stared at her beautiful face in the mirror, the corner of her lips curled upwards into a faintly discernible smile. The hosts’ wishes in the first few realms were too smooth and easy. This realm’s unfulfilled wish was more to her liking. The attendant, however, instantly froze upon hearing her words. What did I just hear? The Third Imperial Princess, who always stuck to Young Lord Mixin like glue, actually said that she was too lazy to show him her good traits? The attendant’s expression was extremely odd."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "门轻轻地被拉开,又轻轻地被关上,只留了贺季晨一人的套房里,顿时安静无比。 他靠着沙发,坐了良久,直到手机设定的睡眠时钟响起,他才起身,进了卧室。 因为手上有伤,贺季晨去洗手间,简单的洗漱了一下,就躺上了床。 身下压了一个硬物,有些不舒服,他蹙了蹙眉心,伸出手将硬物摸了出来,是贺余光的手机。", "en": "The door gently opened and shut, suddenly causing the room to fall incredibly silent. Now there was only He Jichen left in the room. He sat on the sofa for quite some time before the alarm on his phone rang. He finally got up and walked out of the bedroom. Because of the wound on his hand, He Jichen went to the restroom to quickly freshen up before he laid back in bed. A hard object under his body felt a little uncomfortable. He furrowed his brows and pulled out the hard object. It was He Yuguang’s phone."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那头陀道:“甚么东西?”韦小宝道:“是我从家里偷出来的一大叠银票。”那头陀道:“吹牛!银票哪有那么多的?”探手到他怀里一摸,拿了那包裹出来,解开来赫然是一部经书。他一怔之下,登时满脸堆欢,叫道:《四十二章经》,《四十二章经》!急忙包好了,放入自己怀里,抓住韦小宝胸口,将他高高举起,厉声喝道:“哪里来的?”这一句话可不易答了,韦小宝笑道:“嘻嘻,你问这个么?说来话长,一时之间,哪说得完。”他拖延时刻,要想一番天衣无缝的言语,骗过这头陀。要说经书从何而来,胡乱捏造个原由,自是容易之极,但经书已入他手,如何骗得回来,可就难了。那头陀大声问道:“是谁给你的?”", "en": "'What have we here?' asked the Dhuta. 'Just a wad of banknotes I stole from home.' 'Rubbish! It's much too thick!' The Dhuta reached forward, extracted the packet from Trinket's inner pocket, and unwrapped it. He was stunned by what he saw. The Sutra! The Sutra!' he shouted, a big grin spreading all over his face. He hurriedly wrapped the Sutra up again, and placed it in the bosom of his own gown. He grasped Trinket by the chest, and lifted him up into the air. 'Where did you get this?' he yelled at him. This was no easy question. 'Well. . . it's a ... a long story,' stammered Trinket nervously. Til need some time to explain everything He was playing for time again, trying to figure out a story that would not only convince the Dhuta of the Sutra's origins (that was easy enough), but also persuade him to relinquish possession of it. 'Who gave it to you?' the Dhuta asked loudly."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "见这两人呆呆的跪在地上并不动弹,白颜的脸色微微沉下:“怎么?” “你们还等着我扶你们起来?” 女子这凌厉的声音落入了火羽的耳中,惊得火羽立刻从地上爬了起来,他的裤腿上都是鲜血,站都无法站稳。", "en": "Getting annoyed in the face after getting no reaction from the two: “What?” “Do you want me to help lift you two up or something?” Sure enough, the fierce voice finally knocked them both out of the dazed state. Jerking up in his haste, Fire Plume suddenly found himself unable to steady his legs due to the scrapes he suffered so far."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "木子奇怪的看了看我,问道:“什么事情那么高兴啊?” 我*到她跟前,到离她脸很近的地方才停下,说道:“因为你已经不那么排斥我了啊,我当然高兴了,做梦都梦到你拉。” 木子一把把我推开,嗔道:“讨厌,离我远点,不是告诉你了,咱们是不可能的,你死了这条心吧。” 我又凑过去,恬着脸道:“有什么不可能,事在人为嘛,只要你喜欢我就行了。 怎么样,现在是不是被英俊潇洒、风流倜傥、玉树临风、高大威猛的我迷住了。” 木子的脸一红,说道:“谁迷你呀,离我远点拉,这里是教室,让别人看到多不好。” 我大喜道:“那这么说不在教室就可以亲近你了。” 木子的脸更红了,说道:“讨厌,抓人家的语病,我可没这么说,你快坐好了,要上课了,今天老师可要考试的哦,你难道忘了吗?” 木子第一次在我面前流露出小女儿状。", "en": "Mu Zi curiously looked at me. “What happened to make you this happy?” I leaned towards her and stopped only when I was really close to her face. “Because you don’t seem to despise me as much already. I’m definitely happy about that and even dreamt about you.” Mu Zi pushed me away. “You’re so hateful. Keep your distance! Didn’t I tell you that it’s impossible for us to be together? Just give up on me already!” I moved closer to her again. “Why is it impossible? This matter depends only on the individual. As long as you like me, it’ll be enough. So? Have you been captivated by my handsomeness, talent and great strength?” Mu Zi’s face reddened. “Who is captivated  by you? Keep your distance! We are in a classroom. It’s bad to be seen like this by others!” I laughed. “In that case, if it isn’t in a classroom, I can be intimate with you?” didn’t mean it that way. You should sit down already- class is starting. Don’t tell me that you’ve forgotten that the teacher is going to test us today?” This was the first time Mu Zi showed me her childish side."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我躬身施礼,说道:“亲王殿下,您好,很荣幸见到您。” 亲王说道:“到我这里就当到你自己家一样,没那么多礼数,快坐吧,马克,你也过来吧。” 说着,自己先坐了下来。 我和马克坐到亲王的对面,侍从端上了茶点,亲王说道:“你们都退下吧,没有我的命令任何人不准*近书房30米范围之内。” 侍从和护卫都下去了。 亲王拿起茶杯品了一口,抬起头看着我,说道:“听小儿马克说你已经修炼到魔导师的境界了,真是可喜可贺啊!”", "en": "I bowed and said, “Your Highness, it is a pleasure to meet you.” The prince said, “You can treat my place as your own home. There is no need for etiquette. Please have a seat. Ma Ke, come and join us.” As he said that, he just sat down first. While Ma Ke and I sat facing the prince, servants served us some tea. “You can all retire for the night. Without my order, no one is to be within thirty meter circumference from the study.” “Understood!” The servants and guards withdrew. The prince took a sip of his tea before raising his head and said, “I heard from my son, Ma Ke, that you’ve already reached the Magisters level. This is really worthy for a celebration!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“哦——”汪淼沉吟良久,本来,对于三体世界的奥秘,他心中已经有了一个模糊的理论,但墨子说的这件事将他所想的全推翻了,“怎么会是……突然的呢?”他懊恼地说。“现在是汉朝,西汉还是东汉我也不清楚。”“你也是一直活到现在?”“我有使命,要准确观测太阳的运行。那些巫师、玄学家和道学家们都是些无用的东西,他们四体不勤、五谷不分,动手能力极差,只是沉浸于自己的玄想中。但我不同,我能做出实际的东西来!”他指指平台上的众多仪器说。“凭着这些就能达到你的目的吗?”汪淼指了指仪器,特别是那个神秘的大铜球说。", "en": "\"Hmmm... \" Wang thought hard about this information. He had already formed some vague ideas about the workings of the world of Three Body. But this bit of news from Mozi overturned all his theories. \"How can it be... sudden? \" he muttered in annoyance.\"Were now in the Han Dynasty—I'm not sure if it's the Western Han or the Eastern Han. \"\"You've stayed alive until now? \"\"I have a mission: observing the precise movements of the sun. Those shamans, metaphysicians, and Daoists are all useless. Like those proverbial bookish men who could not even tell types of grains apart, they do not labor with their hands, and know nothing practical. They have no ability to do experiments, and they're immersed in their mysticism all day long. But I'm different. I know how to make things. \" He pointed to the numerous instruments on the platform.\"Do you think these can lead you to your goal? \" Wang nodded specifically at the giant copper sphere."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "跃出窗外,拉了韦小宝的手,出隆福门,过永寿宫、体元殿、保华殿,向北来到火场。韦小宝拾起一根炭条,在一块木片上画了只雀儿,用乱石堆成一堆,将木条插入石堆。白衣尼忽道:“有人来啦!”火场是宫中焚烧废物的所在,深夜忽然有人到来,事非寻常。韦小宝一拉白衣尼的手,躲到了一只大瓦缸之后,只听得脚步声细碎,一人奔将过来,站定身四下一看,见到了韦小宝所插的木条,微微一怔,便走过去拔起。这人一转身,月光照到脸上,韦小宝见到正是陶红英,心中大喜,叫道:“姑姑,我在这里。”从瓦缸后面走了出来。", "en": "This time it was Trinket who led the way. The burning-ground was the area in which the Palace rubbish was burned. The first thing he did when they got there was to look for an odd piece of board and a bit of charred wood. He used the charred wood to draw a crude picture of a bird. Then he made a little pile of stones, stuck a bit of wood in the top of it, and propped the bird picture up against the stones. There's someone coming!' said the White Nun as he was finishing. He took her hand and the two of them crouched down behind a large earthenware water-jar. There was a hurried patter of footsteps. Someone ran into the middle of the burning-ground, stopped, looked round in each direction, caught sight of the stone-heap with a visible start, then ran over to it and picked up the picture of the bird. Just at that moment the moon came out from behind a cloud and Trinket could see that it was Aunt Tao. He rose and stepped out from behind the jar. 'Auntie!' he called softly. 'Here I am. I'm over here.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "可在这三个人手里,条理清晰,分工明确,进度飞速。 路西法则是拿着六柄魔刃,在一一尝试融合。 第七柄魔刃还在来的路上。 路西法没有离开太远,他是天心和尚后面的屏障,顺带要把破界之刃合起来。 就在路西法研究魔刃的时候,远处传来了雷鸣般的气势。", "en": "In the hands of these three, the process was really orderly and efficient. They progressed really swiftly. Lucifer held the six demon blades and tried to merge them one by one. The seventh blade was still on the way. Lucifer wasn’t far away. He was the barrier behind Heaven Heart and had nothing to do, so he tried to merge the World Breaking Blade. Just as Lucifer was studying it, a thunder-like sound spread out from the distance."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "等王一城往里走了几步,睡在房门旁边那个床位的男生突然掀开蚊帐瞪了他一眼:“说多少次了?” “进来随手关门,你腿瘸了,耳朵是不是也不好使?” 男生说话很难听,他不知道为什么好像很讨厌王一城。 “他不关门是因为后面还有人要进来,如果你需要道歉,我们几个可以替他给你道歉,只是不知道你需要哪种形式的道歉?” 陈歌抓着门把手进入屋内,他扫了一眼寝室的其他人。 蚊帐男见到陈歌顿时怂了,没有说话,黑着脸重新将蚊帐拉上。 “白老师,这就是四号床,因为没人住,所以我们就用来放行李了。” 王一城指着四号床,上面扔着几个行李箱,这个寝室里只有他的行李是放在自己床下面的,其他人都把杂物和行李扔到了四号床上。 陈歌对四号床很熟悉,他自己就在东校区的四号床上躺过。 走到四号床旁边,这张床虽然没有住人,但是却铺有被褥和床单,只不过那些床上用品现在被行李和杂物弄脏了。", "en": "After Wang Yicheng took several steps into the room, the boy who had the bed closest to the door suddenly pulled off the cover to glare at him. “How many times I’ve told you this?” “Close the door after you enter. I know you’ve injured your leg, but have you injured your ears as well?” The boy used a very harsh tone; it sounded like he hated Wang Yicheng for some reason. “The reason he didn’t close the door is because someone else is coming in. If you want an apology, we can apologize on his behalf, but I wonder, what kind of apology do you require?” Chen Ge grabbed the doorknob and entered the room. He looked at the occupants. When the lad saw Chen Ge, his courage dissipated. With a growl, he pulled the cover back. “Mr. Bai, this is bed number four. Because it is unoccupied, we use it to store our luggage.” Wang Yicheng pointed at the fourth bed. Several suitcases and bags of trash were left on it. In this bedroom, only Wang Yicheng’s stuff was left beside his bed, the other people threw their stuff onto bed four. Chen Ge was very familiar with bed four because he had slept on it on the eastern campus. Walking up to the bed, he noticed that even though no one used this bed, there were bed sheets and covers. They had been made dirty by the luggage and trash that was left there."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋这辈子,只挨过两巴掌。 一巴掌是上次杨玲思打的。 第二巴掌,就是王文豪。", "en": "During her entire lifetime to date, Qiao Lian had only endured two slaps to her face. One was the slap that she received from Yang Lingsi last time. The other, was the one that was just inflicted to her face by Wang Wenhao."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "距离晚饭还有一段时间,我找到马克一起回宿舍聊了会儿天,又指导了他一些魔法。 晚上吃完饭后我开始了我每天必行的修炼——睡觉。 一觉醒来,顿觉神清气爽,体内充盈的魔法力呼之欲出。 正好马克来了,我对他说:“马克,有没有兴趣和我打一场,我浑身有些痒痒了。” 马克连忙摇手道:“不必了,我可不想被你虐,和你不是一个等级的,比什么。 想打架还不容易吗? “学院十大高手? 怎么回事?” “是这样,学院有个排名,前十位的就是学院十大高手了。” “怎么才能进排名啊。” “很简单啊,你直接向排行榜上的人挑战就行了,赢了哪个那个的排名就是你的了,下面的排名顺延。” “你现在有名次吗?” 马克骄傲的说:“当然有拉,我可是排在第五名的哦。”", "en": "There was still time before dinner so I went to chat with Ma Ke in the dormitory and taught him some magic. After dinner, I did my everyday routine of cultivation: I slept. Once I awoke, I felt very refreshed and full of magic power ready to be used at any time. Just as I was about to go and look for him, Ma Ke arrived. “Ma Ke! Are you interested in a spar with me? My body is itching for one!” Ma Ke instantly shook his head. “That’s not necessary! My level of magic can’t be compared to yours so how would that even be a competition? And I don’t want to be bullied by you. If you really want to fight, it’s not that difficult. You just need to challenge the top ten ranked students of the school.” “The top ten ranked students of the academy? What’s that?” “This academy has a ranking system. Those who can get themselves ranked are the top experts of the academy.” “That’s really easy! You just need to challenge a student who has a higher rank than yours. If you win the match, you will get that person’s rank and the ranking below that position will shift.” “Do you have a rank?” Ma ke proudly exclaimed, “Of course I do! I am currently fifth ranked.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我撇了一下嘴,从书包里拿出白纸,又开始我的情书攻势,奋笔急挥课间休息我都没出去,第四节课的时候终于完成了2000多字的大作。 我写的并不是很肉麻,只是将昨天和风凉比试时我的感受写了下来,最后加了几句对木子的爱慕之情,我拿着写好的信,弹了一下,心中暗想,希望这次别被木子又撕坏了,那我可就得不偿失了,也许真的就没有机会了,不知道为什么我现在想报复她的念头越来越淡了,反而有些喜欢她冰冷的性格。 我试探着将写好的白纸放到她的桌子上,她转头瞪我一眼,我回她一个微笑。 她拿起白纸看了起来,看到并不是肉麻的情书而是战况分析,她认真了起来,好象看的津津有味似的,有门,哈哈,太好了。 木子翻过白纸,在背面写了些字,递还给我,我几乎高兴的叫出声来,太好了,她终于没有再毁了我的信,还给我回了,一种豁然贯通的畅快感觉流遍了我的全身。", "en": "I pouted and took a piece of paper out from my bag to resume the love letter battle. I frantically wrote on the paper and didn’t even bother to head out during the break. Finally, after the fourth period, I finished writing my 2000 word masterpiece. What I wrote wasn’t corny at all. It was the feelings I had felt when I sparred with Feng Liang. I used the remaining few sentences to express my feelings for Mu Zi. I flipped through the pages: I hope this time Mu Zi won’t tear it up. If she really tears it up, it will mean failure. I won’t have any more chances to make her fall for me. Currently, I don’t know why, but my feelings of revenge are lessening. I even like her cold attitude instead of hating it. I placed the papers on her table and waited to see if she would take them. She turned her head and glared at me while I smiled back at her. She took a look at the papers and, found that they weren’t some corny love letter, but a battle analysis. She became serious and looked really interested in what she was reading. Mu Zi flipped through the pages and wrote a few words on the last page before handing them back to me. I almost screamed out in joy because she didn’t tear up my letter and even replied. A soothing feeling passed through my entire body."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“我叫莉洁.诺艾露,是星月佣兵团的成员,一名灵师,叫我莉洁就可以了。” 少女大大方方的对罗德进行了自我介绍。 “我叫罗德.艾兰特。” 虽然还没有办法整理眼前的状况,但是罗德略一犹豫,还是报上了自己在游戏里的身份和id。 “来自东方山原,是一名冒险者。” “冒险者,原来如此,所以你才会孤身一人在那么遥远的深山里啊。” 听到罗德的回答,莉洁并没有感到意外,因为在这片大陆上,有不少冒险者都喜欢独自一人进行四处探索,所以罗德报上的这个身份并没有什么太大的问题。 “不过,你究竟是在和什么战斗?” “为什么会受这么重的伤?” “我记得在这片平原地区,应该没什么特别可怕的怪物才对啊。” 听到少女的询问,罗德有些为难的笑了笑。", "en": "“My name is Lize Noir, I am a member of the Crescent Star mercenary group. I am a Cleric. You can just call me Lize.” The girl straightforwardly introduced herself to Rhode. “I’m Rhode Alander.” Even though he still could not completely sort out the situation, he hesitated for a moment, but he still told her his ID from the game. “I am an adventurer from the Eastern Plains.” “So you are an adventurer, that was why you were alone in the vast mountain.” After hearing Rhode’s answer, Lize did not feel surprised because, in this continent, there were many adventurers who liked to explore alone, so Rhode’s identity was not much of a problem. “But what kind of thing did you fight with actually?” ”How did you get such a serious injury?“ “I remember that there should be no high leveled monsters in particular in the plains.” Hearing her inquiry, Rhode showed a bitter smile."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "一口水喝光,沈凉川抬起头来,盯着她的傻样,“张嘴吗?” 乔恋噌的坐起来。 因为动作的太急,拉扯到了伤口,所以她倒吸了一口气。 沈凉川急忙扶住了她。 下一秒,乔恋的手,放在了他的额头上,自言自语道:“没发烧啊!” 所以,她觉得自己这行为不正常吗? 可任何一个丈夫,对妻子做出这种事情,都是正常的吧? 又想到自从她嫁给自己以后的情景,沈凉川垂下眼帘。 是啊。 他是对她不好,才会导致只是喂了一口水,对方就这么大的反应。 她对自己,到底是有多么的恐惧啊! 沈凉川又拿起吸管,往她嘴边放,“张嘴。” 乔恋就张开了嘴巴。", "en": "After she swallowed the water, Shen Liangchuan lifted his head and stared at her dumbfounded expression. “Are you going to open your mouth?”\t6 Due to her sudden movement, she had accidentally stretched an injury, so she gasped deeply. Shen Liangchuan hurriedly tried to support her. The next second, Qiao Lian’s hands were placed on his forehead. She mumbled to herself, “He doesn’t have a fever!” So, she thought his actions were unnatural? However, it was usually normal for a husband to do such things for his wife, right? Then, he recalled the events that happened since she had married him, and he lowered his eyes again. Indeed. He had treated her poorly, which explained why she had such a huge reaction when all he had done was to try to give her water. How terrified was she of him? Shen Liangchuan picked up a straw and placed it near her mouth. “Open up.” Qiao Lian opened her mouth."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "根据这位金发少女的说法,罗德一开始的情况很不乐观,但是他的恢复能力却相当不错。 “我叫莉洁.诺艾露,是星月佣兵团的成员,一名灵师,叫我莉洁就可以了。” 少女大大方方的对罗德进行了自我介绍。 “我叫罗德.艾兰特。” 虽然还没有办法整理眼前的状况,但是罗德略一犹豫,还是报上了自己在游戏里的身份和id。 “来自东方山原,是一名冒险者。” “冒险者,原来如此,所以你才会孤身一人在那么遥远的深山里啊。” 听到罗德的回答,莉洁并没有感到意外,因为在这片大陆上,有不少冒险者都喜欢独自一人进行四处探索,所以罗德报上的这个身份并没有什么太大的问题。 “不过,你究竟是在和什么战斗?” “为什么会受这么重的伤?” “我记得在这片平原地区,应该没什么特别可怕的怪物才对啊。” 听到少女的询问,罗德有些为难的笑了笑。 他能够说什么,难道告诉莉洁,自己是在和被称之为创世五龙之一的虚空之龙战斗时受伤的? “因为我是在夜晚遭受到攻击的,所以我也没有看清楚对方究竟是什么,它们数量很多,速度也快,我想,或许是‘那边’的东西吧。” “我明白了。”", "en": "According to what the blonde girl had said, his condition was pretty bad, but his ability to recover was pretty good. “My name is Lize Noir, I am a member of the Crescent Star mercenary group. I am a Cleric. You can just call me Lize.” The girl straightforwardly introduced herself to Rhode. “I’m Rhode Alander.” Even though he still could not completely sort out the situation, he hesitated for a moment, but he still told her his ID from the game. “I am an adventurer from the Eastern Plains.” “So you are an adventurer, that was why you were alone in the vast mountain.” After hearing Rhode’s answer, Lize did not feel surprised because, in this continent, there were many adventurers who liked to explore alone, so Rhode’s identity was not much of a problem. “But what kind of thing did you fight with actually?” ”How did you get such a serious injury?“ “I remember that there should be no high leveled monsters in particular in the plains.” Hearing her inquiry, Rhode showed a bitter smile. What could he say? Should he say that he was injured because he fought one of the five creator dragons, the Void Dragon? “I did not see what it was because I was attacked at night. There were a lot of them and they were very quick. I think that maybe they were things from ‘the other side’.” “I understand.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "这类人则被称之为异人。 也不知道是何原因,没人怀疑他们来自于另一个世界,只认为因为天道崩塌,使得他们变得不一样了。 似乎有一只无形的大手,操控着什么。 它给玩家设定了这样的一个异人身份,而非异族。 路浔刚穿越的时候在想,这里好像就是一个真实的世界。可此刻,一切的一切又显得这里好像就是一个游戏。 或许……是二者的结合? 他暂时还无法想明白这些。 此刻,在路浔眼前浮现的,则是一条又一条的提示信息。 “【叮!公测开始!】” “【欢迎来到《天尘》1.0版本——天道崩塌!】” 路浔关闭了眼前的提示信息,打开师徒界面看了下,在记名弟子那一栏里,他的侍剑童子莫观基与韩八归,已显示在线! 就在此刻,玩家们已在天尘大陆的各地,纷纷降临! “时代变了。”路浔轻声道。 天尘大陆各处,除了少部分参与过内测的幸运玩家外,大部分玩家还是第一次接触这个世界。 他们好奇的左看右看,时不时的会有人蹦几下。 有人在抚摸着周围的花草树木,有人在摸自己的脸蛋与身体,有人甚至在研究着衣服可以脱到哪一步……", "en": "Such people are called aliens. I don't know why. No one doubts that they come from another world. They just think that they have become different because of the collapse of the way of heaven. It seems that there is an invisible hand that controls something. It sets such an alien identity for the player, not an alien. When Lu Xun first crossed, he thought that this seemed to be a real world. But at the moment, everything seems to be a game here. Maybe... Is it a combination of the two? He can't figure it out yet. At the moment, in front of Lu Xun, there are one prompt message after another. \"[Ding! Open beta starts!]\" \"[welcome to Tianchen version 1.0 - Tiandao collapse!]\" Lu Xun closed the prompt in front of him, opened the master-student interface and looked at it. In the column of registered disciples, his sword boy Mo Guanji and Han Bagui have been displayed online! At this moment, players have come all over the Tianchen continent! \"Times have changed,\" Lu Xun whispered. Everywhere in Tianchen mainland, except for a few lucky players who have participated in the internal test, most players are in contact with the world for the first time. They looked left and right curiously, and someone would jump a few times from time to time. Some people are touching the flowers and trees around, some are touching their face and body, and some are even studying where to take off their clothes"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "哪怕他心如磐石不可撼动,平时再怎么清高的人,面对网络水军的污蔑,肯定都是不开心的吧? 她不想他不开心,所以在心里组织了一下语言,这才开口道:“沈先生,其实您不用太过在意网络上的那些评论,支持您的粉丝怎么也会支持你的。至于那些黑粉,都是别人的小号,故意黑你呢!” 她絮絮叨叨,可他的神色却越来越冷。 乔恋终于察觉到,自己似乎说错话了? 可还没想明白,就看见他冷哧一声。 沈凉川是真的生气了,她口口声声对网络的鄙视,让他想到了他们的网恋。 她从来都不看好那段感情吧? 可既然不看来,又为什么一点点诱人深入! 他噌的站起来,绕过办公桌,向她走过来。 沈凉川背着光,一步一步来到了她的面前,暧昧的气息,一瞬间笼罩了她。 她忍不住后退,他就再次往前。 直到她身后一凉,这才察觉到自己背部已经贴到了墙壁上。", "en": "Although he was usually unaffected by everything around him, no matter how aloof someone could be, in the face of internet ghostwriters, he would definitely get unhappy. She didn’t want him to stay unhappy, thus she made up a speech in her heart. Then, she began, “Mr. Shen, you don’t have to worry about those comments online. The fans who support you will always continue doing so. And those who hate you are using the accounts of others to criticize you on purpose! Internet violence is so terrible nowadays and honestly I really dislike the internet. Through the internet, the real feelings between people are disappearing…” She continued nagging, but his expression kept turning colder. Qiao Lian finally realized that she seemed to have said something wrong. But before she could figure out what had gone wrong, he made an annoyed sound. Shen Liangchuan was really angry. She was speaking about how she looked down on the internet and how it reminded her of their online relationship. Then, if she hadn’t seen a future with it, why had she attracted him to delve deeper into it? He stood up, went around the table and walked towards her. He turned his back on the light and stood in front of her. A shady atmosphere immediately enveloped her. She couldn’t help but take some steps backwards. But everytime she did so, he would take a step forward. It continued until she suddenly felt coldness behind her, when she realized she was against the wall."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"也还是为了无聊的事。\"他一口喝干了一杯酒,吸几口烟,眼睛略为张大了。\"无聊的。——但是我们就谈谈罢。\" 堂前有了灯光,就是号召晚餐的烽火,合家的人们便都齐集在中央的桌子周围。灯在下横;上首是四铭一人居中,也是学程一般肥胖的圆脸,但多两撇细胡子,在菜汤的热气里,独据一面,很像庙里的财神。左横是四太太带着招儿;右横是学程和秀儿一列。碗筷声雨点似的响,虽然大家不言语,也就是很热闹的晚餐。", "en": "‘For more stupid, pointless things.’ He drained the wine at a gulp, then took a few draws on his cigarette, his eyes opening a little wider. ‘Utterly pointless – but I might as well tell you about them.’ Lamplight filled the hall to summon everyone to dinner; the family responded by crowding round the table in the centre of the room. The lamp was set at the foot of the table, while Siming sat alone at the head, his plump, round face – the face Xuecheng had inherited – annotated by two fine, falling strokes of moustache, like that of the God of Wealth presiding over steaming bowls of offerings. His wife and Zhao’er sat along the left-hand flank of the table, while Xuecheng and Xiu’er lined up to the right. Five pairs of chopsticks clattered busily on bowls. Although to begin with no one spoke, there was no shortage of incident."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋想到这里,噌的站了起来,猫着身体凑到房门的猫眼处,往外看,就直接对上一只大眼睛! 乔恋吓了一跳,噌的后退,就听到宋城开口,“还没好吗? 我都看他们直播比赛结束了啊!” 竟然还没走。 而且,还在看直播比赛。 简直是太过分了!", "en": "With this in mind, she suddenly stood up and crept to the peephole of the room door. As she looked out, she was met with a pair of big eyes. This gave Qiao Lian a shock, and she moved back. She heard Song Cheng speak, “Is she not done? The livestream looks as if it’s about to end!” They were actually still there. And they were even watching the livestream. They were seriously going overboard!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“那好,这属于个人隐私,我没必要回答你们的问题。”还啥都成隐私了,像你这样一个著名学者,总该对公共安全负责吧。”史强把手中的烟头扔掉,又从压扁了的烟盒里抽出一根。“我有权不回答,你们请便吧。”汪淼说着要转身回屋。“等等!”史强厉声说,同时朝旁边的年轻警官挥了一下手, “给他地址和电话,下午去走一趟。”“你要干什么!”汪淼愤怒地质问,这争吵引得邻居探出头来,想看看出了什么事。“史队!你说你一一”年轻警官生气地将史强拉到一边,显然他的粗俗不止是让汪淼一人不适应。", "en": "“All right then. Please respect my privacy. I don’t need to answer your questions.”“Your privacy? You’re a famous academic. You have a responsibility toward the public welfare.” Shi threw away the butt and took out another cigarette from a flattened pack.“I have the right to not answer. Please leave.” Wang turned around to go back inside.“Wait!” Shi shouted. He waved at the young cop next to him. “Give him the address and phone number. You can come by in the afternoon.”“What are you really after?” Wang said, his voice now tinged with anger. The argument brought the neighbors, curious about what was happening, out into the hallway.“Captain Shi!” The young cop pulled Shi aside and continued speaking to him in hushed, urgent tones. Apparently, Wang wasn’t the only one annoyed by his rough manners."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "如此又过月余,韦小宝这一日又在茶馆中听《英烈传》。茶博士见他是宫中太监,给的赏钱又多,总是给他留下最好的座头,泡的是上好香茶。韦小宝这些日子来给人奉承惯了,对茶博士的恭谨巴结虽不怎么希罕,听在耳里却也着实受用。坛上说书说的是大将军徐达挂帅出征,将鞑子兵赶往蒙吉。京师之地,茶馆里听书的旗人甚多,说书先生不敢公然提“鞑”二字,只说是元兵元将,但也说得口沫横飞,精神十足。", "en": "More than a month passed by in this manner; then a day came when he found himself once more in the tea-house to hear another instalment of Heroes of the Ming. The waiter, knowing that this was a Palace Eunuch who gave generous tips, led him to one of the reserved tables and served him with the highest grade of jasmine-scented tea. These days Trinket was accustomed to preferential treatment and took the flattering attentions of the waiter more or less for granted; still, the man's deferential way of speaking was very agreeable to the ear. The storyteller on his little platform had reached the point in the story where the great General Xu Da takes command and drives the Tartars back into Mongolia. Since this was Peking, the Capital of the Manchu Empire, there were many Manchus in the audience, so the storyteller dared not use the word 'Tartar' when referring to the Mongols. But this had not prevented him from working himself up into a fine frenzy of excitement. The listeners at the nearer tables were in serious danger of being hit by flying spittle."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我爸爸酗酒,这是再明白不过的事了。虽然对于酗酒知之甚少,可是我模模糊糊的意识到,这是一件能把一个人彻底摧毁的事。我爸爸可能已经被它毁掉了。从前那个清醒、睿智、充满野心的男人不存在了。现在的他麻木、昏聩、颓废… 我第一次清晰的意识到,人所拥有的一切都是脆弱的,不稳定的,那些与生俱来的天性并不像岩石一样坚固,所有的天赋都可能被收走,所有的美德都可能被污损。人是会改变的,完全变成另外一个人。一个熟悉的人忽然变得陌生起来,这令我感到很恐惧,然而让我觉得奇妙而温暖的是,我发现自己并没有因此而停止爱他。纵使他已经不再是我所爱的样子,面目全非,爱却没有消失,甚至没有丝毫的减损。爱是像岩石一样坚固的东西,它令我觉得骄傲。那么恒久的爱,一定不会是毫无用处的。所以我相信我总能为爸爸做点什么。", "en": "It was clear to me that my dad was a drunk, and although I didn’t fully understand what that meant, I knew it could destroy a person. He may already be destroyed. The clear-headed, wise, ambitious man no longer existed, leaving only this numb, confused husk. For the first time, I understood how everything a person had was fragile and unstable. Our natures were not fixed, our talents could be taken away, our virtue could be polluted. Anyone could become a completely different person. Someone you knew inside out could turn into a stranger—a horrifying thought, though it seemed magical and heartwarming that I hadn’t stopped loving him. Even with him completely transformed, my love hadn’t been damaged at all. I was proud of my rock-solid love. Surely such enduring love would have its uses. I believed I would be able to do something for my father."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "LiteraryTranslation"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "看到这一幕,青年的嘴角不禁挑起一抹嘲讽的笑意,慢条斯理的鼓掌道,“真是一幅父慈子孝的场景啊……我听闻在意大利有一种风俗——” “意大利人认为:整个世界对于尚在认知过程中的儿童过于危险,于是为了能更好的教导儿童,必需让他们认两个父亲,于是就出现了教父这么一种称呼,不知你们是否也是如此?” “没错。”德拉米尼闻言昂首道,“杰克和瑞恩都是为我而死的兄弟的孩子,由我亲手抚养长大,是我最信任的亲人和助手。” “原来如此……” 青年嘴角的嘲讽更深了,他用夸张的肢体语言看向两人,“你们觉得呢,德拉米尼先生是你们最亲的人吗?” 被称为杰克和瑞恩的青年闻言浑身一颤,不禁低下头去。 “什么意思?”德拉米尼皱眉道。 “这些是之前的录音。”青年从口袋中掏出一支录音笔举在半空,同时轻轻按下开关。", "en": "Upon witnessing the scene before him, Chen Chen could not stop himself from breaking out into a smile full of mockery. He applauded slowly and said, “What a heartwarming picture displaying the love between father and son… There’s a saying in Italy that went like this — “The Italians think that the world is far too dangerous a place for young children in the midst of their development. To better cultivate their young, they need to have two fatherly figures in their lives. And that was how the term godfather came to be. I wonder if you guys share the same ideal?” “That’s right.” Dlamini looked up upon hearing Chen Chen’s remark. “Jack and Ryan are both children of my loyal brothers who have died for my cause. I brought them up with my own two hands. They are my dearest family and assistant.” “I see…” The mockery hanging by the corner of the young man’s lips grew ever wider. He turned to the two men and asked while making exaggerated gestures with his hands, “What do you guys think? Is Mr. Dlamini here your dearest family?” The young men named Jack and Ryan felt a shiver creeping down their spines and immediately turned their heads to the ground. “What do you mean?” Dlamini asked, frowning. “Here are some recordings we obtained recently.” The young man retrieved a recording pen from his pocket and presented it in front of him. He turned it on."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "言如生一脸鄙视的说着,“幸好我替你把那根棒棒糖吃了,七彩颜色,都是色素染的,当时把我舌头和嘴唇都吃的五颜六色,垃圾食品,廉价货。” 栩栩:“……” 照他这么说,她还要感谢他代劳吃了别人送给她的东西? 栩栩觉得又好气又好笑,实在忍不住,伸手使劲儿的在言如生的脑门上戳了一下,“言如生,你丫怎么不上天呢?” 真是得了便宜还卖乖,这种事儿他最喜欢做了。 说完,她又看着他,好笑的问:“所以你曾经不喜欢郝局长就是因为郝棒?” 虽然是问,但是语气笃定。 “……”言如生瘪嘴沉默,算是默认了。 栩栩一个不妨,又跌进他那深邃的黑眸里,她嘟着嘴‘呃’了一声,目光又尴尬的移向别处。", "en": "Yan Rusheng hissed menacingly. “Luckily, I ate the candy. It was filled with food coloring that it stained my entire tongue with all the colors. It’s a rubbish food. And miserly!” Xuxu was speechless. So, according to him, she should be thankful that he ate the candy on her behalf? Xuxu bit back a laugh while feeling annoyed too. Her eyes roved over his face and she jabbed him hard in his forehead. “Yan Rusheng, you’re really atrocious!” He had gotten what he wanted, and yet he was still pretending. This was really his forte. Amused, she probed, “So because of his son, you disliked bureau chief?” She may have posed him a question, but she sounded assertive. Yan Rusheng pressed his lips quietly to admit it. Xuxu accidentally met his eyes once more and her face turned red. She hurriedly averted her gaze."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我楞楞的看着她又消灭了一堆食物,木子拍拍独自,说道:“痛快哦,真好,结帐吧,我不吃了。” 我暗自抹了把冷汗,她可终于不吃了。 我把服务员叫了过来,告诉她结帐,不一会儿,服务员拿着帐单走了过来,微笑着说:“先生,一共是103个钻石币4个金币8个银币。” 我惊呼道:“什么,抢劫吗? 要这么多。” 难怪木子要我多带钱了,被痛宰了。", "en": "On the sidelines, I watched in awe as she wiped out yet another pile of food. Mu Zi patted her stomach. “That’s really satisfying and wonderful! Alright! You can settle the bill already. I’m not eating anymore.” I secretly wiped off my cold sweat. She had finally stopped eating. I called the waitress over and asked for the check, which she promptly brought. “Mister, the total will be one hundred and three diamond coins, four gold coins and eight silver coins.” I cried out, “What! Isn’t this robbery? So much?” I looked at the waitress in disgust. She patiently explained, “Mister, the ingredients here are rather rare. For example, the dragon meat costs two diamond coins per portion...” ‘No wonder Mu Zi told me to bring more money! I’ve been thoroughly cheated for wanting to treat her.’"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "大皇子带着十位道圣,一下子冲过来。 他们把路西法团团围住,一个两个盯着路西法。 “你也是天心和尚的同伙?” 大皇子冷声问道。 “是又如何,不是又如何?” 路西法淡漠的问道。 “不是就赶紧给我让开,别让我误伤无辜。” 大皇子冷冷道。 “如果是同伙,那就去死吧!”", "en": "The Crown Prince brought 10 Dao Saints to charge over. They surrounded Lucifer and all of them stared at him. “You are Heaven Heart’s partner?” The Crown Prince asked coldly. “What if I am? What if I’m not?” Lucifer asked calmly. “If you aren’t, then move aside. Don’t let me harm an innocent person.” The Crown Prince said coldly. “If you are partners, then die!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "然后低头看了看时间,“我约了对方十点在附近的星巴克咖啡馆见,现在时间差不多了,我先走了!” 说到这里,就高兴地跑了出去,从沈凉川面前经过的时候,不好意思的低下了头,“凉川哥,我去了。” 乔恋看向沈凉川,发现他此刻的眸光特别的复杂,眼神没有盯着宋原希,反而在看着自己。 她莫名其妙的挑了挑眉,就见他淡淡开口,“嗯。” 宋原希也没在意,直接跑出去,过了一会儿,有司机开车送她出门。", "en": "Then, she lowered her head and looked at the time. “We agreed to meet each other at the nearby Starbucks cafe at ten o’clock. It’s almost time, so I’ll take my leave first!” As she said this, she happily ran outside. When she passed by Shen Liangchuan, she lowered her head, embarrassed. “Brother Liangchuan, I’ll be heading out now.” Qiao Lian looked at Shen Liangchuan and noticed that he had an unfathomable look in his eyes. He was not gazing at Song Yuanxi. Instead, he was looking at himself. Baffled, she twitched her eyebrows, only to see him open his mouth and say simply, “OK.” Song Yuanxi did not notice his expression and immediately ran out. After a while, a chauffeur picked her up and drove her."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那道人笑道:“夫人,那条五彩神龙,是我无根道人杀的。你要处罚,尽管动手,何必连累旁人?”洪夫人坐回椅中,微笑道:“你自己认了,再好也没有。道长,教主待你不薄吧?委你为赤龙门掌门使,那是教主一人之下,万人之上的高职,你为什么要反?”无根道人说道:“属下没有反。黑龙使张淡月有大功于本教,只因属下有人办事不利,夫人便要取他性命,属下大胆向教主和夫人求个情。”洪夫人笑道:“倘若我不答应呢?”", "en": "'Madame,' continued the Taoist. 'It was I who did it. I, Rootless the Taoist, killed the snake. Punish me. There is no need to put the blame on anyone else.' 'So you confess. Very good.' Madame Hong smiled as she returned to her chair. 'But why? The Leader has been so good to you; he appointed you Red Dragon Marshal, above all other Comrades except for himself. Why would you want to turn against him?' 'I have no desire to turn against him. I just wish to beg mercy for the Black Dragon Marshal. He has done so much for our Sect over the years. It seems wrong to kill him just because some of his subordinates have failed to perform their duties.' 'What if I decline your request?' Still the smile."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "留住性命,还有未来的日子让夜枫钰奋斗。 沧老头不会无缘无故的说出这番话。 夜清落深深地望了眼擂台上,那嘴角溢着血水,却还是顽强不肯撒手的夜枫钰。 深深吸了口气,阖上双眸。 凝聚神识,人便已回到了观众区。 话还未说完,手上已被塞了一袋上玄石。 夜清落的身形迅速在观众区移动,诡异的步伐,几个辗转,人便已到了主审台后。 主审台后,摆放了几张桌子。 几个身穿白色长袍的年长者,懒散的坐在那儿。 夜清落注意到,他们长袍上镶嵌着勋章不同。 是条杠状,颜色不一。 应该是代表了他们在上玄学院的地位。 夜清落目光迅速搜寻,最后定在了一名老者身上。 那老头趴在桌子上睡觉,一旁贴着龙飞凤舞的两个大字——公正。 夜清落看不到他的胸章,想必这应该就是公正夫子了。 夜清落走了过去。 还在相互聊天的几个夫子,此时竟然都止住了声音,一个个瞪大了眼睛,诧异的望向夜清落。", "en": "As long as he was still around, he could still fight on in days to come. Old Man Cang would not have made all this talk without a cause. Ye Qing Luo gazed at her brother on the stage where he fought stubbornly regardless of his injuries. She took a deep breath and shut her eyes. Coagulating her senses, she was back to the audience area outside the Heavenly Pagoda. The bag of heavenly stones was planted into her palm before she could even finish her sentence. Ye Qing Luo’s shadow had speedily drifted through the audience area where she arrived by the main stage with a few twists and turns. There were several tables at the back of the main stage. A few elderly dressed in white robes sat around dowdily. She had noticed that there were various types of badges sewn on their clothes. The badges were bar-shaped in different colours. It could most probably represent their status in the Heavenly Academy. The young lady browsed through the group of elderly quickly before deciding on one. He had lied on the table to take a catnap and next to the table was a banner flapped in the wind with the word Justice written on it. She could not see his badge but presumably that he was the man she was looking for. Ye Qing Luo walked over briskly. The rest of them who were still chatting with each other abruptly ended their conversation as they sat there with their widen eyes and bewilder look watching the young lady."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "一句突如其来的问话,让沈凉川脚步一顿,凉凉的目光看向她。 乔恋被看的有些心虚,低下了头。 她真是晕了头了,怎么能问出这种问题来? 悄悄抬头瞅向他,就见他依旧面无表情的盯着自己,那副样子,似乎在苦恼于怎么回答? 她急忙转移了话题,“沈,沈先生……你吃饭了吗?” 沈凉川这才回过神来,盯着乔恋看了一会儿,“没。” 乔恋指着锅,“那……你要吃面条吗? “好。” 话还没说完,沈凉川就又浅淡的回答。", "en": "Her sudden question caused Shen Liangchuan to stop in his tracks, as he gave her a cold glance. Under his glance, Qiao Lian felt guilty and lowered her head. She was so muddled, how could she have asked such a question? She secretly lifted her head to look at him and realized that he was looking back at her with the same emotionless expression. He looked like he was vexing over how to give her a reply. She hurriedly changed the topic, “M- Mr. Shen… have you eaten?” It was then that Shen Liangchuan came back to reality. After staring at Qiao Lian for a while, he said, “No.” Qiao Lian pointed at the pot and said, “Then, do you want some noodles? All the servants in the house have gone to villa 18 and they will only send food back at seven, and—” “Ok.” Before she could finish her sentence, Shen Liangchuan had replied emotionlessly."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "又是“轰”的一声,我被迪老师的魔法高高抛了起来,防御罩完全被炸破了,还好我融合了部分斗气,将伤害减到最低,但仍免不了喷出一口鲜血,我飞快的给自己加了一个元灵恢复术,恢复自己的身体,然后全神戒备准备应付迪老师下一次攻击。 由于一时轻敌,震老师这回可是受了不轻的震伤。 我和迪老师都收回准备继续攻击的魔法,我不好意思跑过去扶着震老师,说道:“您没事吧,您太强了,我不得不全力出手。” 震老师摇了摇头,说道:“不怪你,怪我自己,今天就到这里吧,我要赶快养伤,明天就要比赛了,马克他们也再练习一会儿也差不多了。” 伤势对震老师来说还是很容易治疗的,主要他是要将自己迪老师等震老师走了以后小声的问我道:“你刚才用的是不是上回你对我说的那个魔法斗气相结合的攻击方法。” 我点了点头,说道:“是啊,虽然威力不错,但就是汇聚的速度慢了些。”", "en": "I was tossed high up by Teacher Di’s magic spell. My protective barriers was completely broken as a result of resisting his attack. I was lucky that I had fused some Dou Qi into the barriers as it had decreased the severity of the attack to its lowest. It was still inevitable that I coughed out a mouthful of blood. I hurriedly cast a light element recovery spell to heal my body as a preparation to face Teacher’s Di next move. Teacher Zhen was seriously hurt this time due to underestimating me. Teacher Di and I withdrew the offensive spells that we had prepared to cast. I awkwardly ran forward to support Teacher Zhen. “Are you alright? You’re too strong for me to hold back and had to fight with all of my might.” Teacher Zhen shook his head and said, “You’re not the one to be blamed. It should be me. Let’s stop training for the day as I need to tend to my wounds as soon as possible since the competition will be starting tomorrow. The training of Ma Ke by Si Di and Xing De should also be stopping soon.” Injuries weren’t hard to treat for Teacher Zhen with his current skills. After Teacher Zhen walked away, Teacher Di whispered to me, “Was that the fusion of light elements and Dou Qi that you had told me before?” I nodded. “That’s right! Although the power of the fusion spell is strong, the speed to fuse them takes some times.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "顿时,录音笔播放了一段对话,都眼前的青年提问,两人回答,而有关的内容全是德拉米尼的各种秘密。 “你们……”只是听了一小段,德拉米尼眼中便闪过一丝杀意,刚想发怒,可一想到自己如今的处境,顿时苦笑一声,重重陷进沙发里。", "en": "The recording pen immediately played back a previous conversation. In the recording, the young man asked the questions while the other two answered them accordingly. The answers they provided consisted of all sorts of secrets concerning Dlamini. “You two…” A flash of anger appeared in Dlamini’s eyes just after listening to a small part of the recording. He wanted to scream bloody murder but when he thought about his current circumstances, the only thing that came out was a bitter smile before he slumped back into the couch."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "他这话的语速放得很低缓,一字一字,问得异常的清晰,看着她的时候,目光似乎还闪烁了一下。 方池夏怔了怔,讪讪回了他一句,“不是还有那么多人在里面吗?” 很淡然的一句话,听起来也没什么不对,然而,却是让洛易北的脸色都沉了下来。", "en": "The pace of his inquiry was dragged slowly, one word a time, making it unusually clear. His eyes also seemed to twinkle. Fang Chixia was caught off-guard, but returned instantly, “Weren’t there many people inside?” There was nothing wrong with this indifferent answer, but it made Luo Yibei’s face somber"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我接过白纸,上面有一行歪歪曲曲的字,我楞住了,不是为内容,而是为这个字体,哇,木子写的字也太、太难看了吧,简直就像蝌蚪文。 我歪着头看了她一眼,强忍着笑意,仔细辨认着她画的那些蝌蚪。 还好,我的辨认能力还算强,认了个七七八八,她写的是,你的实力确实很强,可以击败风凉·日,但咱们是不可能的,请你以后不要再骚扰我。 看了她写的字,我不但不感到沮丧,反而非常高兴,因为我知道,我终于有一点打动她的心了,至少她肯回我的信,不是像以前那样满不在乎,有希望,大有希望啊。 我将白纸仔细的折好收了起来。 欲速则不达,明天在继续我爱的公事吧,我就不信我潮水般的进攻会毫无效果。 上午放学后,我找到马克,我问他:“早上你怎么没叫我啊?” 马克说道:“我不是怕你昨天战斗太剧烈,恢复不过来嘛,看你的样子,好象没什么事了。”", "en": "I took back the letter and saw a line of unkempt words. I was shocked not because of what she wrote, but rather because her handwriting was just too awful! It looked just like tadpole writing. I turned my head to look at her before looking back at her writing. While suppressing my laughter, I seriously tried to decipher the words from her tadpole handwriting. Luckily, my deciphering skills were strong and I somewhat understood what she had written:\"You are indeed very strong as you were able to defeat Feng Liang Ri, but it is just impossible for us to be together. From now on, please stop disturbing me.\" As I read her words, I didn’t feel any sadness, but instead became extremely happy! I’ve finally moved her! This isn’t the same uncaring attitude as before; she replied me. There’s hope! Great hope! I carefully stashed the letter. My passion hadn’t seem to reach her yet. I will continue trying to chase her tomorrow. I believe that if I continue to chase her without giving up, I’ll get some results. After school, I found Ma Ke. “Why didn’t you come to get me this morning?” Ma Ke replied, “I was afraid that the after effects of yesterday were too severe, and that you hadn’t fully recovered. Judging from your appearance, it seems that you are fine already.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在嘱咐了帝北宸闭上眼睛之后,百里红妆就开始为帝北宸易容。 这么一张英俊的脸,她可得好好装扮一番。 “主人,帝北宸的英俊相貌完全被你给毁了。” 瞧着百里红妆易容出的脸庞,小黑不忍地蒙住了双眼,这简直不可直视啊。", "en": "After telling Dibei Chen to close his eyes, Baili Hongzhuang began to change Dibei Chen’s face. Such a handsome face, she might as well disguise it nicely. “Master, Dibei Chen’s beautiful face was completely destroyed by you.” Looking at the new face Baili Hongzhuang made, Little Black couldn’t bear it and covered his eyes. This was simply something you couldn’t look at."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "钱老板道:“属下带小郡主进宫来时,已点了她背心上的神堂穴、阳纲穴,还点了她后颈的天柱穴,让她不能动弹,说不出话。韦香主要放她吃饭,就可解开她穴道,不过最好先点她腿上环跳穴,免得她逃跑。沐王府的人武功甚高,这小姑娘倒不会多少武功,却也不可不防。”韦小宝想问他什么叫神堂穴、环跳穴,如何点穴、解穴,但转念一想,自己是青木堂香主,又是总舵主的弟子,连点穴、解穴也不会,岂不是让下属们太也瞧不起?反正对付一个小姑娘总不是什么难事,点头道:“知道了。”钱老板道:“请韦香主借一把刀使。”", "en": "'Before I brought her in, I closed the Holy Hall and Yang Cord points on her back and the Pillar of Heaven one on her neck so that she couldn't move or speak,' said the butcher. ' If you want her to eat anything, you'll have to open them up again; but before you do that, I'd advise you to first close the Ring Jump points on her legs so that she can't run away. The Mu people are all very skilled in the Martial Arts, and though a young girl like this isn't likely to know much about that sort of thing, it isn't worth taking any chances.' Trinket wanted to ask him where the Holy Hall and Ring Jump vital points were and how you closed and opened them; but then he remembered that, as Master of the Green Wood Lodge and a disciple of the great Helmsman, he was probably expected to know about these things and felt sure his subordinates would despise him if they found out that he was totally ignorant of these matters; so he just nodded and said that he would. 'Anyway, ' he thought, 'I shouldn't have any difficulty in handling her. She's only a girl.' 'Could you lend me a knife, Master?' said Butcher Qian."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "蚊帐男见到陈歌顿时怂了,没有说话,黑着脸重新将蚊帐拉上。 “白老师,这就是四号床,因为没人住,所以我们就用来放行李了。” 王一城指着四号床,上面扔着几个行李箱,这个寝室里只有他的行李是放在自己床下面的,其他人都把杂物和行李扔到了四号床上。 陈歌对四号床很熟悉,他自己就在东校区的四号床上躺过。 走到四号床旁边,这张床虽然没有住人,但是却铺有被褥和床单,只不过那些床上用品现在被行李和杂物弄脏了。", "en": "When the lad saw Chen Ge, his courage dissipated. With a growl, he pulled the cover back. “Mr. Bai, this is bed number four. Because it is unoccupied, we use it to store our luggage.” Wang Yicheng pointed at the fourth bed. Several suitcases and bags of trash were left on it. In this bedroom, only Wang Yicheng’s stuff was left beside his bed, the other people threw their stuff onto bed four. Chen Ge was very familiar with bed four because he had slept on it on the eastern campus. Walking up to the bed, he noticed that even though no one used this bed, there were bed sheets and covers. They had been made dirty by the luggage and trash that was left there."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "舟中生涯,又别有一番天地。方怡陪着他喝酒猜拳,言笑不禁,直到深夜,服侍他上床后,才到隔舱安睡,次日一早,又来帮他穿衣梳头。韦小宝心想:“她此刻还不知我不是太监,只道我们做夫妻毕竟是假的,甚么时候才跟她说穿?”舟行数日,这日两人偎倚窗边,同观海上日出,眼见海面金蛇万道,奇丽莫名。方怡叹道:“当日我去行刺鞑子皇帝,只道定然命丧宫中,哪知道老天爷保佑,竟会遇着了你,今日更同享此福。好弟弟,你的身世,我可一点也不明白,你怎么进宫,又怎样学的武功?”韦小宝笑道:“我正想跟你说,就只怕吓你一跳,又怕你欢喜得晕了过去。”", "en": "Trinket found life on board utterly blissful. Fang Yi was by his side all day, drinking and playing 'guess-finger' games, chattering away with him freely until midnight, when she would see him to bed, and settle herself in the next cabin. In the morning, she would come over to help him dress and comb his hair. 'She still thinks I'm a eunuch,' Trinket mused to himself one day. 'She still thinks this being together is all a sham, and that we could never be like a real married couple. I wonder when I should tell her the truth?' A few days later, what seemed like a perfect opportunity presented itself. They were standing together at the cabin window, watching the spectacle of the sun rising above the eastern sea, its golden beams swimming like so many sea snakes on the surface of the water. Fang Yi heaved a sigh. 'When I went to Peking to kill the Tartar Emperor, I honestly believed it was my destiny to the there in the Palace. Then by the grace of Heaven, I met you! And now here we are, having this wonderful time together. I wish you'd tell me something about yourself, who you are, and where your family comes from. How did you end up in the Palace? Where did you learn your kungfu?' There are a couple of things I was planning to tell you,' replied Trinket with a slightly nervous smile. 'But I was afraid they might come as a bit of a shock. Or else you'd be so happy you'd faint with joy!'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "小窗旁边贴着一张公告,上面写着严禁学生在宿舍使用大功率电器,禁止学生在宿舍自己做饭。 “我记得东校区宿舍楼公告上写的好像是——最近有恶性案件发生,禁止学生在熄灯后外出。” 一墙之隔,几乎是两个世界,就像是“门”内和“门”外一样。 穿过走廊,陈歌和几名社团成员来到了413宿舍门口。 “这个宿舍跟其他宿舍没什么区别的。” 王一城将门打开,他进入屋内后,同寝室的其他人都好像当他不存在一样,做着自己的事情,没有一个人跟他说话。", "en": "There was a notice stuck next to the window. It spoke of various warnings like the using of high voltage electrical appliances and using a stove fire in the dormitory. If I remember correctly, the notice on the board in the eastern campus’ dormitory read, ‘Due to the recent vicious crimes happening around campus, students are forbidden from leaving the dormitory after lights out.’ A wall separated two different walls, just like how it was inside and outside the door. Walking down the corridor, the group finally reached the door to Room 413. “This dormitory is no different from other dormitories. I don’t understand why we’re here.” Wang Yicheng opened the door. Even when he walked into the room, his roommates treated him like an invisible person. They kept doing their thing, and no one even acknowledged his presence."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“没错,我不管你用何种手段何种借口,你只要扛住电厂连续数天没有电抵达开普敦市的压力就足够了,只要你能做到,我保证你……”青年顿了顿,转身走出门外。“毫发无伤!”", "en": "“That’s right, I don’t care what strings you have to pull or what excuse you have to give them. As long as you can hold off the pressure from the officials about there being no power in Cape Town for a few days, that’s more than enough. As long as you can do that, I can assure you that you’ll be…”The young man paused for a moment. He turned around and stepped out the door.“Completely unharmed!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“这对我们的科学家也很恐惧,怎样做到呢?”“很简单,我们已经编制了使智子自行二维展开的软件,展开完成后,用那个巨大的平面包住地球,这个软时还可以使展开后的平面是透明的,但在宇宙背景辐射的波段上,其透明度可以进行调节……当然,智子进行各种维度的展开时,可以显示更宏伟的‘神迹’,相应的软件也在开发中。这些‘神迹’将制造一种足以将人类科学思想引上歧途的氛围,这样,我们可以用神迹计划对地球世界中物理学以外的科学形成强有力的遏制。”“最后一个问题:为什么不把已有的四个智子全部发往地球呢?”", "en": "\"This would be very frightening for our scientists as well. How would this be accomplished?\"\"Very simple. We have already written the software to allow a sophon to unfold itself into two dimensions. After the unfolding is complete, the huge plane can wrap itself around the Earth. This software can also adjust the membrane so that it's transparent, but the degree of transparency can be tuned in the frequencies of the cosmic micro-wave background. ...Of course, as sophons fold and unfold into different dimensions, they can display even more amazing 'miracles.' The software for accomplishing these is still being developed, but these 'miracles' will create a mood sufficient to divert human scientific thought onto the wrong path. This way, we can use the Miracle Plan to effectively restrain scientific endeavors outside of physics on Earth.\"\"One last question: Why not send all four of the completed sophons to Earth?\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我一鞠躬,地下忽然有人呜呜的哭起来了,定神看时,一个十多岁的孩子伏在草荐上,也是白衣服,头发剪得很光的头上还络着一大绺苎麻丝。 庄木三正在数洋钱。慰老爷从那没有数过的一叠里取出一点来,交还了\"老畜生\";又将两份红绿帖子互换了地方,推给两面,嘴里说道:", "en": "As I bowed to the deceased, someone at ground level began sobbing. Turning, I discovered a child around nine years old lying face down on the straw mourning mat, also dressed in white, a hank of linen tied around his shaved head. Zhuang Musan, meanwhile, was counting out silver dollars. Mr Wei removed a few from an unchecked pile, and handed them to the swinish father-in-law. He then swapped the two wedding notices round, and pushed them towards the relevant parties."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"我真傻,真的,\"她说,\"我单知道雪天是野兽在深山里没有食吃,会到村里来;我不知道春天也会有。我一大早起来就开了门,拿小篮盛了一篮豆,叫我们的阿毛坐在门槛上剥豆去。他是很听话的孩子,我的话句句听;他就出去了。我就在屋后劈柴,淘米,米下了锅,打算蒸豆。我叫,阿毛!没有应。出去一看,只见豆撒得满地,没有我们的阿毛了。各处去一向,都没有。我急了,央人去寻去。直到下半天,几个人寻到山坳里,看见刺柴上挂着一只他的小鞋。大家都说,完了,怕是遭了狼了;再进去;果然,他躺在草窠里,肚里的五脏已经都给吃空了,可怜他手里还紧紧的捏着那只小篮呢。……\"她于是淌下眼泪来,声音也呜咽了。", "en": "‘I was so stupid,’ she said. ‘I knew wolves came down into the villages when it snowed, because there was nothing to eat in the mountains. But I didn’t know they came in spring, too. As soon as it was light, I got up, opened the door, and put some beans in a little basket, then told Ah-mao to sit on the doorstep to shell them. Such a good little boy, he was, you know, always doing whatever I told him, so out he went. I was out back chopping wood and washing rice. After I’d got the rice in the pot, I wanted to steam the beans, too. But when I called out Ah-mao! he didn’t reply, and when I went out to look, all I could see was the beans, scattered all over the ground – but no Ah-mao. I asked everywhere – no sign of him. Then I started to get worried, and begged my neighbours to go out looking for him. That afternoon, they got as far as the valley, where someone spotted one of his little shoes caught on a bramble. He’s done for, they all said – he must have been taken by a wolf. A bit further in, there they found him, in the lair, his guts eaten away, his poor little hand still holding tight on to that basket…’ She broke down into sobs."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "娱乐圈,不乏明星和记者之间的矛盾,可却几乎没有明星直接动手打人,所以她刚刚才没有防范。 现在看来……这个杨玲思,简直是个奇葩。 她嘲讽的看着杨玲思:“如果我没记错的话,沈影帝昨天才刚刚结婚,怎么就是你的了? 难道你是沈太太?”", "en": "In the entertainment industry, regardless of how much conflict there was between stars and reporters, no star dared to physically strike a reporter. As such, she hadn’t had her guard up just now. But looking at it now… This lady, Yang Lingsi, was clearly out of her mind. She looked at Yang Lingsi tauntingly, saying, “If I remember correctly, Best Actor Shen was just married yesterday, was it you he married? Are you actually Mrs. Shen?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“不,是失败啊!她的世界太单纯,只有那纯空灵的理论。那些东西一崩溃,就没有什么能支撑她活下去了。”“叶老师,您这么想我觉得也不对,现在发生了一此让我们难以想象的事,这是一次空前的理论灾难,做出这种选择的科学家又不只是她一人。”“可只有她一个女人,女人应该像水一样的,什么样的地方都能淌得过去啊。”告辞时,汪淼才想到了来访的另一个目的,于是他向杨母说起了观测宇宙背景辐射的事。“哦,这个,国内有两个地方正在做,一个在乌鲁木齐观测基地,好像是中科院空间环境观测中心的项目;另一个很近,就在北京近郊的射电天文观测基地,是中科院和北大那个联合天体物理中心搞的。前面那个是实际地面观察,北京这个只是接收卫星数据,不过数据更准确、全面一些。那里有我的一个学生,我帮你联系一下吧。”杨母说着,去找电话号码,然后给那个学生打电话,似乎很顺利。", "en": "\"No. I failed. Her world was too simple, and all she had were ethereal theories. When they collapsed, she had nothing to lean on to keep on living. \"\"Professor Ye, I can't say that I agree with you. Right now, events are happening that are beyond our imagination. It's an unprecedented challenge to our theories about the world, and she's not the only scientist to have stumbled down that path. \"\"But she was a woman. A woman should be like water, able to flow over and around anything. \"As Wang was about to leave, he remembered the other purpose for his visit. He mentioned to Ye his wish to observe the cosmic microwave background.\"Oh, that. There are two places in China that work on it. One is an observatory in Urumqi—I think it's a project by the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Space Environment Observation Center. The other is very close by, a radio astronomy observatory located in the suburbs of Beijing, which is run by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Peking University's Joint Center for Astrophysics. The one in Urumqi does ground observation, and the one here just receives data from satellites, though the satellite data is more accurate and complete. I have a former student working there, and I can make a call for you. \" Ye found the phone number and dialed it. The ensuing conversation seemed to go smoothly."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "身为记者,她时刻面临着危险,所以手机里的快捷键1就是110,在刚进入报社,看见王文豪的那一刻,她就拨打了电话。 王文豪的脸色果然很难看,伸出手指点了点她,看她此刻已经满身狼狈,形容凄惨,心里的恶气出了一口,当下挥手:“我们走!” 保镖松开乔恋,她几乎都要站立不稳,她两只手撑着旁边的桌子,眸光抬起,看向闻讯而来的苏美美、主编,甚至是总编刘志兴。 王文豪怎么会找到报社来、主编明明应该打电话通知她不要来报社才是最正确的选择,可是这三个人……却算计了她! 好得很! 此仇不报,她就不姓乔!", "en": "As a reporter, she was frequently in the line of danger, so the speed dial number on her phone was 110. When she entered the news agency and saw Wang Wenhao, she immediately placed a call that instant! Wang Wenhao’s expression was indeed ugly. He raised his finger and pointed at her. As he looked at her current state—with countless bruises all over her body, a pitiful state indeed—the anger in his heart slightly lessened. He waved a hand and said, “Let’s go!” The bodyguards released Qiao Lian. She was unsteady on her feet, so her hands gripped tightly onto a nearby desk for support. She fixed her gaze at Su Meimei, who had walked over after seeing the commotion, the chief editor and even the managing editor, Liu Zhixing. When Wang Wenhao found his way to the news agency, the chief editor should have called her to inform her that the correct choice for her was not tp come to the agency building. However, these three people… had instead schemed against her! Fine! It was all fine! If she does not take revenge against them, then her surname would no longer be ‘Qiao’!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "站了起来走了几步,说道:“这些经书十分要紧,小兄弟,我真盼你能助我,将太后那几部《四十二章经》都盗了出来。”韦小宝沉吟道:“老婊子如果伤重,终于活不成,这几部经书,恐怕会带到棺材里去。”陶宫娥道:“不会的,决计不会。我却担心神龙教教主棋高一着,捷足先得,这就糟了。”“神龙教教主”这五字,韦小宝却是第一次听见,问道:“那是什么人?”陶宫娥不答他的问话,在房中踱步兜了几个圈子,见窗纸渐明,天色快亮,转过身来,道:“这里说话不便,唯恐隔墙有耳,咱们走罢!”将三具尸首提到客店门外,放入大车。", "en": "She paced up and down the room. Those Sutras are of the greatest importance. I am counting on you, my young friend, to help me steal them from her.' 'But she may die,' said Trinket in a low voice, 'and then she'll take them with her to her grave.' That's very unlikely,' said Tao. 'What I fear is that the Leader of the Mystic Dragon Sect will move first. If he should lay his hands on them, that would be a disaster of the greatest magnitude!' This was the first time Trinket had heard tell of this leader or his sect. 'Who's he?' he asked. Tao made no reply, but continued pacing round the room. First light was beginning to glimmer through the window. 'We had better not talk any more here. These walls have ears!' They dragged the corpses out and lifted them onto the cart."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "脸颊上的刮伤是被王文豪手上的戒指划伤的,上了消炎药,医生开口:“好了以后,会先留个疤,估计要过一两个月才能消掉。” 乔恋点头,对着镜子看自己肿成猪头似得脸。 脑海中已经闪现出好几个报复报社的方案,可是现在还不可以执行。 她攥紧了拳头,深呼吸了一口气,不着急,不着急……等她拿到记者证。 乔恋回到别墅,直接上了楼,两个保姆毕竟不如李管家那么细心,没有察觉到她的异样。 她躺在主卧的大床上,冰敷着脸颊。 脸颊上火辣辣的疼痛虽然有所缓解,可还是疼。 那种委屈压抑的她死死咬住嘴唇,豆大的泪珠,还是顺着脸颊滚落下来。 她急忙伸出手,擦了眼泪,可是眼泪却不受控制的往外流。 “软蛋! 你哭什么?” 她边咒骂自己,边擦着眼泪。 就在这时,耳畔处忽然传来了汽车鸣笛声。 她噌的坐起来,沈凉川……回来了?", "en": "The gash on her face had been caused by the ring on Wang Wenhao’s hand. After applying some anti-inflammatory medicine, the doctor said, “With regards to the gash on your face, the scar will only fade after one to two months.” Qiao Lian nodded and looked at her swollen face in the mirror. A couple of revenge plans against the news agency flashed across her mind, but she knew that now was not the time to implement any of them. She clenched her fists and took a deep breath. She should not begin taking revenge until she had received her press pass. Qiao Lian returned to the villa and immediately went upstairs. Given that the two servants were not as observant as Caretaker Li, they did not notice her odd appearance. She laid down on the large bed in the master bedroom and applied ice to her face. Furthermore, the shame she felt was amplified exponentially in the quiet bedroom. The injustice she felt caused her to bite her lip savagely as she tried not to cry. However, ultimately, large teardrops started rolling down her face. She hurriedly wiped the tears off her face with her hands, but tears still kept rolling down her face uncontrollably. “Idiot! You soft bastard! Why are you crying?” She cursed at herself as she continued wiping away her tears. Right at this moment, she heard the sound of a car horn emanating from somewhere nearby. She sat up immediately. Was Shen Liangchuan… nearby?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "两个人默默无言了良久,直到杯中的酒,快要喝尽时,韩知返才清了清嗓音,再次开口,找了个自己比较感兴趣的事情,转移了话题:“对了,今天给女二号处理伤口,后来又给你处理伤口的那个女孩,是你们剧组随行的医生?” “不是,是编剧,程未晚。” “程未晚,她就是《三千痴》的作者?这么年轻啊,不对啊,她不是写书的吗?怎么会医啊?” “哦,她父亲叫程卫国。” 程卫国?韩知返的指尖,蓦地握紧了高脚杯,开口的声调,略显的有些激动:“程卫国?你是说,她父亲就是那个全球闻名的医术大师,程卫国?” 贺季晨轻点了点头,干脆利索的回了一个字:“对。” 第272章 你从来都不是一个人,你还有我(2) 随着贺季晨话音的落定,韩知返忽然就将高脚杯重重的放在了茶几上。 贺季晨蹙了蹙眉心,转头纳闷的看了一眼韩知返:“怎么了?” 韩知返没说话,盯着高脚杯的眼神,却变得有些狠厉。 程卫国……即使这三个字,化成灰,他也能认得出来。", "en": "The two of them stayed silently like that for a long time until they’d almost finished drinking their glasses. Then Han Zhifan cleared his throat and changed the subject to something more interesting: “Oh, right! Today, the woman who helped take care of the supporting actress’s wound and your wound… is she the on-call doctor for the production cast and crew?” “No, that was the screenwriter, Cheng Weiwan.” “Cheng Weiwan is the writer of “Three Thousand Lunatics”? She’s so young! That can’t be right… wasn’t she a writer? How does she know about medicine?” “Oh, her dad is Cheng Weiguo.” Cheng Weiguo? Han Zhifan’s fingers suddenly gripped the tall glass hard. His voice sounded a little excited. “Cheng Weiguo? You’re telling me that her dad is the world-famous doctor, Cheng Weiguo?” He Jichen nodded gently and swiftly replied with one word, “Yeah.” Chapter 272: You Were Never Alone, You Still Have Me (2) Translator: Paperplane Editor: Caron_ As He Jichen finished what he said, Han Zhifan suddenly slammed his tall glass onto the coffee table. He Jichen furrowed his brows and turned to look over at Han Zhifan in confusion. “What’s wrong?” Han Zhifan didn’t say anything, but his gaze upon the tall glass grew intense. Cheng Weiguo… Even if he turned to ashes, he’d still be able to recognize those three words."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "百里玉颜更是兴奋,这件事情完全是由她所导演,先前百里红妆那般对她,这一次她一定会让百里红妆也不好过。 随着下人的一声提醒,百里红妆缓缓走下了马车。 视线之中,一个巨大的狩猎场出现在了她的面前,明黄色的栅栏将其包围,处处彰显着华丽与尊贵。 皇室狩猎赛时间定为三天,后方的帐篷则是为众人休息所用,此刻正是狩猎赛准备开始的时候,因而大家早已经聚集在了狩猎场。 众人望着缓缓行来的百里红妆,眼中不约而同漫上了惊艳的光。", "en": "Baili Yuyan was even more excited. This entire play was staged by her. Before, Baili Hongzhuang treated her like that, this time, she’ll let Baili Hongzhuang suffer. With the sound of a reminder, Baili Hongzhuang slowly walked out of the carriage. A vast hunting field appeared in front of her, surrounded by a bright, golden fence. Everywhere was beautiful and noble. The royal hunting competition was set in 3 days. Everybody rested in the rear tents. The hunt was ready to begin, and everybody was already gathered in the field. Everyone stared at Baili Hongzhaung, an incredulous light in their eyes."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“莉洁已经为他包扎了伤口,现在他正在昏睡,应该不会有什么生命危险。” “这样就好。” 听到男子的回答,商人满意的点了点头,不过随后他很快就皱起了眉。 “但是,那个年轻人究竟是受的什么伤啊,从那伤口来看,很象是大蜥——不过帕菲尔德北部有这种古怪的东西吗?” “我也不清楚,大人,不过想来应该是非常凶猛的野兽,希望我们不要碰上就好了。” 说着,男子下意识的扫了一眼船舱的入口,随后他重新转过头,望向前方。 罗德睁开了眼睛。 发生了什么事? 他茫然的注视着眼前的天花板,大脑一片昏沉。 他记得自己之前应该是在废墟高台上率领团队和龙魂大陆之中最强大的boss虚空之龙战斗,而且成功的拿到了首杀,他确定自己得到了成就与系统提示,而接着,虚空之龙的最后一击也带走了他的生命。 本来按照原本的计划,罗德应该会在墓地复活,然后下线登出。 但是就在他被虚空之龙打死的瞬间,整个世界立刻变的一片漆黑,仿佛被强制隔离了一般,随后,罗德便失去了意识。 这怎么可能? 难道说是游戏出了什么问题?", "en": "“Lize has bandaged his wound, and now he is sleeping. His condition supposedly will not be life-threatening.” “That’s good.” Hearing the man’s answer, the merchant nodded with satisfaction, but then he quickly frowned. “But what kind of wound is that from? Looking at the wound, it seems like it was from a big lizard, but is there anything like that in the north of Paphield?” “I do not know, Lord, but it’s supposedly a very ferocious beast. I hope we do not run into them.” While talking, the man’s eyes subconsciously swept the entrance of the cabin, then he turned his head again, looking forward. Rhode opened his eyes. W-what happened? He stared at the ceiling; his brain was dizzy. He remembered that he had been leading his team to fight the most powerful boss in the Dragon Soul Continent, the Void Dragon, and had successfully gotten the first kill. He was sure that he had got the achievement and system prompt, but then, the Void Dragon’s last attack also took his life away. According to his plan, Rhode should’ve respawned and then he would log out. But the moment he was killed by the Void Dragon, his whole vision immediately become dark, as if he was forced to log off. Then he lost his consciousness. How can this be? Did I encounter a bug in the game?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“恒纪元能持续多长时间?”汪淼问。“一天或一个世纪,每次多长谁都说不准。”周文王坐在沙一上,仰头看着正午的太阳。“据记载,西周曾有过长达两个世纪的恒纪元,唉,生在那个时代的人有福啊。”“那乱纪元会持续多长时间呢?”“不是说过嘛,除了恒纪元都是乱纪元,两者互为对方的间隙。”“那就是说,这是一个全无规律的混乱世界?!”“是的,文明只能在较长的气候温暖的恒纪元里发展。大部分时间里,人类集体脱水存贮起来,当较长的恒纪元到来时,再集体浸泡复活,生产和建设。”", "en": "\"How long does a Stable Era last? \" Wang asked.As short as a day or as long as a century. No one can predict long one will last. \" King Wen sat on the sandglass, lifting his head to gaze at the noonday sun. \"According to historical records, the Western Zhou Dynasty experienced a Stable Era lasting two centuries. How lucky to be born during such a time! \"\"Then how long does a Chaotic Era last? \"\"I already told you. Other than Stable Eras, all other times belong to Chaotic Eras. Each of them takes up the time not occupied by the other. \"\"So, this is a world in which there are no patterns? \"\"Yes. Civilization can only develop in the mild climate of Stable Eras. Most of the time, humankind must collectively dehydrate and be stored. When a long Stable Era arrives, they collectively revive through rehydration. Then they proceed to build and produce. \""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "之前拿着帝尊大人的衣角,现在又被游鬼老头看上。 越想,夜清浅心底就越是妒火中烧。 小手攥着精美的衣袍,攥出了条条皱褶。 “去哪里进行考核?” 夜清落不想再浪费时间。 游鬼老头嘴角一勾,眼底掠过一丝狡黠,白袍一个晃动,广场中央的上玄宝塔,微晃了下。 旋即,在上玄宝塔下方,打开了一扇门。 话没说出口,就被游鬼老头一个眼神瞪了回去。 这扇门,有问题? 那三名夫子的表情,显然是很诧异。 他还真是执着……为了收她为徒,简直是拼了。", "en": "Previously she had gotten in good books with Di Mou Xuan and now Old Man You Gui. The more she thought about it, the more jealousy her heart stirred and sting her sharply. Her tiny hands rubbed and tugged profusely on her robe to curb her unhappiness. Not wanting to waste any more time, Ye Qing Luo asked: “So, where should I head for the assessment?” Old Man You Gui gave a smirk as his eyes looked slyly towards his robe. With a sway, the Heaven Pagoda that stood in the centre of the square shook lightly. Instantly, a door at the underside of the pagoda opened. The old man turned back and laid his cold harsh eagle eye at them before they could complete the sentence. What was the complication behind the door? Flabbergasted was written all over the three senior masters’ faces. He was really persistent…..to take her as his disciple and had gone for the limit."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "听言,百里红妆疑惑地皱起了眉,以帝北宸的性子应该对逛街之事不感兴趣才对吧,怎么会突然提起与她同游一说? “娘子现在好歹也是宸王妃了,平日里穿的衣服太过素净,不如再去置办几身,即便平日里不愿意穿,进宫的时候也穿戴一番,如何?” 百里红妆这才明白了过来,不论怎么说她现在也是宸王的人,代表的是宸王的脸面,出席一些场合若是太素净,的确是不合适。 百里红妆应道。", "en": "Hearing his words, Baili Hongzhuang frowned, confused. Knowing Dibei Chen’s personality, he wouldn’t be the type to like window shopping. Why would he suddenly ask her to go on a walk? “In any case, wifey is now Princess Chen. Usually, the clothes you wear are always very simple and neat so it’d be better to buy some new ones. Even if you don’t want to wear it everyday, just at least wear it when we visit the Royal Palace. What do you think?” Baili Hongzhuang finally understood. No matter what, she was now one of Prince Chen’s people and represented his honor. For Prince Chen’s face, it indeed wouldn’t be appropriate for her to attend any gatherings with such plain clothing. “Okay.” Baili Hongzhuang agreed."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "沈凉川在这部剧中,饰演的是一个大财阀的董事长,剧中男主创业初期,想要跟他们合作,可沈凉川根本就不给他机会。 无奈之下,女主杨玲思为了爱挺身而出,不要命的半路拦车,才终于给男主迎来转机。 今天,他们要拍的,就是这场戏。 剧组中。 导演给沈凉川讲戏,“沈老师,你一会儿开车到这里刹车就行了,车速不用太快,远镜头我们用替身补拍就行。” “第56场34次——action!” 沈凉川开着一辆黑色的兰博基尼,抬头预估了下距离,然后就看到站在远处的杨玲思。 他的脑海中,忽然闪过那张瓷白小脸上的巴掌印。 他眉眼一冷,到了指定位置,原本应该踩刹车的脚,却用力踩到油门上! 车子骤然加速,直奔杨玲思! 剧组现场顿时一片混乱。 快刹车!” “快点闪开! 闪开!", "en": "In this drama, Shen Liangchuan was playing the role of the CEO of a large enterprise. The drama’s male protagonist was in the early stages of starting a business and he wanted to work for his company. However, Shen Liangchuan would not provide him with such an opportunity. Having run out of other options, the female protagonist Yang Lingsi boldly stepped forward to assist the male protagonist out of love. She risked her life to stop traffic in the middle of the road and by doing so, she changed the male protagonist’s fate for the better. The director was explaining a scene to Shen Liangchuan. He said, “Teacher Shen, later, when you are driving the car, step on the brakes at this spot. You don’t have to drive too quickly. For the zoomed out shots, we will use a stunt double when reshooting.” “Scene 56, take 4. Action!” Shen Liangchuan drove a black Lamborghini. He raised his head to estimate the approximate distance, but he then saw Yang Lingsi, who was standing in the distance. Suddenly, an image of a petite, porcelain white face with the imprint of a slap flashed across his brain. His features grew cold and at the designated spot, he harshly stepped on the accelerator instead of stepping on the brakes. The car abruptly sped up and headed straight towards Yang Lingsi! The film set instantly became a scene of absolute chaos. “Brake! Stop the car, quick!” “Get out of the way! Jump aside!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "寒石山离城是旱道一百里,水道七十里,专使人叫连殳去,往返至少就得四天。山村僻陋,这些事便算大家都要打听的大新闻,第二天便轰传她病势已经极重,专差也出发了;可是到四更天竟咽了气,最后的话,是:\"为什么不肯给我会一会连殳的呢?……\"", "en": "Since Hanshi Mountain was more than thirty miles from town overland, and almost twenty-five by water, it would take four days to send for Lianshu and bring him back. The day after she fell ill, news of the grandmother’s sickness spread through this isolated community, and a messenger was dispatched. By the early hours of that same day, however, she had breathed her last. ‘Why won’t you let me see Lianshu?’"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "静静地看着他,方池夏盯着他那张精工雕琢的脸看了好一会儿,也不知道自己是怎么了,竟然鬼使神差的将手中的被单盖在了他的身上。 洛易北闭着的眼睛倏然睁开,目光定定落在了她的脸上。 方池夏的身体是倾过来的,脸刚好在他的头顶上方,手再被他这么按压住,身体被他往前稍微带了带。 而洛易北是平躺着的,头枕在她的腿上。 这样的姿势,看起来像极了方池夏是凑过来吻他似的。 两个人的脸距离很近,四目相对,方池夏甚至能很清晰地看到自己在他眼中的缩影。 “方小姐,你这是在干什么?” “在尼斯还得住那么长一段时间,走到哪儿都得靠着你,吃的,住的,工作方面的,你要是有个什么,到时候麻烦的是我。” 方池夏被他看得有些不自在,若无其事地为自己的行为找了个理由,想要把手抽回,洛易北一条手臂忽然勾住她的后脑勺,按压着她的脑袋往下一倾,唇贴着他的唇吻了下来。", "en": "Fang Chixia surveyed his sculpted face for a while. She didn’t know what overcame her for she suddenly covered him gently with the blanket. After tucking him in, she withdrew her hand only to be detained by a cold hand. Fang Chixia was startled. She stopped moving and looked down to find his eyes fixed on her face. Fang Chixia has been leaning down and her face was just above his head. His hand stopped her from straightening up and instead brought her slightly downwards. Luo Yibei was lying flat with his head resting on her lap so the posture seemed like Fang Chixia was leaning over to sneak a kiss on him. “Miss Fang, what are you doing?” Luo Yibei’s gaze first glanced at the hand that has just covered him with the blanket. Teasingly, he let his eyes wander on her eyes, her nose and then her lips… “I must stay in Nice for so long. When we get there, I have to rely on you everywhere for food, accommodation, and work. If anything happens to you, it would be me who’ll be in trouble.” Fang Chixia was somewhat discomfited staring so closely at him. After justifying her action, she withdrew her hand but Luo Yibei raised a hand and forced her head down. He raised his head up, tilting his face as he claimed her lips for a kiss."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "之前还热情高涨准备询问更多的一群记者被他吼得身体哆嗦了一下,你看看我,我看看你,心里很不甘。 难得有这么劲爆的新闻,谁不想挣个头条? 可是,看着洛易北那张冷得冰封十里的脸,却没人有胆继续留下,最后一窝蜂的全散了下去。 周围,再次安静了下来。 方池夏的脸缓缓抬起,侧目看了眼周围,轻吁了口气。 洛易北斜睨了眼她仍旧拽着他浴袍的手,又看了眼自己被她拽得都快滑落的浴袍,冷冽的眸轻阖了阖,面无表情吐出一句,“怎么? 昨晚没尽兴,还想再来一次?” 方池夏一怔,看了看衣衫半褪,都几乎可以用“男色诱/惑”来形容的他,手像是触碰到什么病菌似的,厌恶地缩了回来。 背转过身,她说得很是嫌弃。 洛易北眉梢一挑,唇角扬起一抹鄙夷,“是吗? 可是,昨晚我并没有从你的表情看出来。” 顿了下音,又加了一句,“对了,你还一直抱着我不肯放手。” 轻飘飘的一句话,悠悠传入方池夏耳中,方池夏整个人完全傻住了。", "en": "The reporters who were highly enthusiastic and psyched up to ask more questions before, with his roar, shivered and looked at each other not knowing what to do. It was rare to have such a hot scoop. Who doesn’t want to earn a headline? But at the sight of Luo Yibei’s frozen face, no one had the courage to stay and the swarm of bees scattered at last. All around, it was quiet again. Fang Chixia’s face slowly raised, looked around then breathed a sigh of relief. Luo Yibei squinted at the hands still tugging at his bathrobe and looked at the bathrobe she pulled down all over herself. His cold eyes closed then with a blank expression spat out, “What? Didn’t have a blast last night? Do you want to do it again?” Fang Chixia was startled. She looked at the clothes she half shed and could almost use “Male temptation” to describe him. Her hands equivalent to touching germs were flung back in disgust. “Your skills are terrible!” she said, turning her back. Luo Yibei’s brows picked up and his lips rose in ridicule, “Really? Why didn’t I see that on your face last night?” After a pause, he added, “Right, you even held me last night and refused to let go.” The buoyant words fluttered leisurely to Fang Chixia’s ears and her whole person felt completely foolish."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“首批舰队最后完成启航准备,还需要多长时间?”“元首,舰队的建议还处在最后阶段,具备航行能力至少还需要六万时。”“我将请执政官联席会议审议我的计划:舰队建成后立即启航,就向着那个方向。”“元首,在那样的接收频率上,即使方向的定位也不是太准确。要知道,舰队只能以百分之—光速航行,而且其动力储备只够进行一次减速,也不可能沿那个方向进行大范围搜索,如果目标距离不明,整个舰队最终的结局就是坠入宇宙深渊。”“但看看我们星系的三颗太阳吧,其中任何一颗的气层同时都可能膨胀,吞没我们这最后一颗行星。所以,没有别的选择,这个险必须冒。”", "en": "\"How long would it take to complete the preparations for the first wave of the fleet?\"\"Princeps, the fleet is still in the last phase of construction. At least sixty thousand more hours are needed before the ships are spaceworthy.\"\"I will soon present my plan for approval by the Joint Session of Consuls. After construction is complete, the fleet should set sail in that direction at once.\"\"Princeps, given the frequency of the transmission, even the direction of the source cannot be ascertained with great accuracy. The fleet is only capable of cruising at one-hundredth the speed of light. Also, it only has enough power in reserve to perform one deceleration, making it impossible to conduct a wide-area search in that direction. If the distance to the target is unclear, the fleet will ultimately fall into the abyss of space.\"\"But look at the three suns around us. At any moment, the plasma outer layer of one of them may begin to expand and swallow its last planet, our world. We have no other choice. We must make this gamble.\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"她的晚年,据我想,是总算不很辛苦的,享寿也不小了,正无须我来下泪。况且哭的人不是多着么?连先前竭力欺凌她的人们也哭,至少是脸上很惨然。哈哈!……可是我那时不知怎地,将她的一生缩在眼前了,亲手造成孤独,又放在嘴里去咀嚼的人的一生。而且觉得这样的人还很多哩。这些人们,就使我要痛哭,但大半也还是因为我那时太过于感情用事……。", "en": "‘I don’t think her life was too bad, towards the end. She’d lived a good long time. There was no need for me to cry as well; she’d had plenty of tears shed for her – a lot of them by people who’d tried their hardest to make her life miserable while she was alive. Hypocrites!’ He laughed. ‘But somehow, at that moment, her whole life seemed to play out before my eyes – a life of diligently self-inflicted isolation. And there are plenty of people like her. Maybe I was just emotional because of the funeral, but I suddenly wanted to weep for all these people."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "夏国相和马宝两名总兵双双出迎。夏国相是吴三桂的女婿,位居十总兵之首,向韦小宝行过礼后,说道:“韦爵爷,王爷被遇刺的讯息,想来你已得知了。王爷受伤不轻,不能亲自迎接,还请恕罪。”韦小宝吃了一惊,道: “王爷受了伤?不是说没受伤吗?”夏国相脸有忧色,低声道:“王爷胸口给刺客刺了一剑,伤口有三四寸深……”韦小宝失惊道:“啊哟,这可糟了。”夏国相皱起眉头,说道:“王爷这番能……能不能脱险,眼前还难说得很。我们怕动摇了人心,因此没泄漏,只说并没受伤。韦爵爷是自己人,自然不能相瞒。”韦小宝道: “我去探望王爷。”", "en": "Two of the Satrap's top officers came out to receive Trinket' General Xia, and Brigadier Ma Bao. Xia was married to the Satrap's daughter and was commander'in'chief of the Satrap's army. He bowed politely to Trinket.'Viscount Wei, I think you must have heard the news of the attempt on Prince Wu's life. He is seriously wounded, and hopes you will forgive him for being unable to receive you in person.''I thought he had escaped unharmed!' exclaimed Trinket.'Indeed not. His Highness received a sword wound in the chest,' replied Xia, speaking in a tone of subdued gravity. The blade entered to a depth of some three or four inches.''But that's terrible!' cried Trinket.General Xia frowned.'It is too soon to know whether His Highness will live. We nave not wanted to cause a disturbance, and have withheld the news from the public. Instead we have let it be understood that His Highness escaped unharmed. But since you are his close friend, sir, we considered it imperative to tell you the truth.' 'I must go in and call on His Highness,' said Trinket. 'I insist.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "不论是李钰玥还是百里红妆都是百里玉颜厌恶的对象,因而在知晓此事的第一时间她便已经将此事宣扬了出去。 未来太子妃在宸王府被揍,宸王妃又是前一任的太子妃,此事实在太过劲爆,因而吸引了所有人的注意力。 “原本我听说李钰玥为了能在皇室狩猎赛上取得好表现可是花费了不少功夫,今日却没有前来,想必是昨日在宸王府受得伤势太过严重。” “不论是宸王爷还是宸王妃在成亲之后作风都一改以往,看来不像以前那么好欺负了。” “李丞相已经来了,这百里红妆一到必定会上演一出好戏,还真是让人期待啊!” 众人议论云云,眼中皆是闪烁着兴奋的光芒,这种好戏平常可很难见到啊。", "en": "Whether it was Li Yuyue or Baili Hongzhuang, they were all targets Baili Yuyan loathed so immediately after finding out, she had to spread the news. The future Crown Princess was beaten in Chen Palace, and Chen Wangfei was the former Crown Princess. This fact was simply too overwhelming, attracting everybody’s attention. “Originally I heard Li Yuyue spent a lot of effort preparing for the royal family’s hunting competition to make a good performance. But today she still hasn’t come. Its likely that she must’ve suffered too great of an injury at Chen Palace.” “Whether it was Chen Wang or Chen Wangfei, they both seemed to have changed a lot after getting married. It looks like they aren’t easily bullied anymore.” “Prime Minister Li already came. Baili Hongzhuang must’ve staged a good show, truly letting people look forward, ah!” …… People busily talked, their eyes flashing with excitement. A good show like this was truly hard to come by."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "陈近南摇手道:“够了,够了!天下千千万万人在骂吴三桂,可是这厮还是好好做他的平西王。骂是骂他不死的,行刺也不是办法。”宏化堂香主李式开矮小瘦削,说话很轻,骂人也不多,这时说道:“依属下之见,就算咱们大举入滇,将吴三桂杀了,于大局也无多大好处。鞑子另派总督、巡抚,云南老百姓一般的翻不了身。吴三桂这汉奸罪孽深重,若是一刀杀了,未免太也便宜了他。”陈近南点头道:“此言甚是有理,却不知李兄弟有何高见?”李式开道:“这件事甚为重大,大伙儿须得从长计议。属下也想不出什么好法子。还是听从总舵主的指点。”", "en": "'All right, that's enough! There are millions of other people cursing Wu Sangui besides you, but it doesn't make a blind bit of difference: the wretched fellow is still Satrap of the West. Cursing never killed anyone. In any case, assassination is not the answer.' In the silence that followed, Li Shikai, the Master of the Transformation Lodge, a small, thin, soft-voiced little man, who had contributed least to the outburst of swearing, was the only one who spoke. 'As I see it,' he said, 'even if we were to organize a large-scale raid into Yunnan and succeeded in killing Wu Sangui, the general situation would not be very much improved. The Tartars would simply appoint a Military Governor and a Civil Governor in his place and the people of Yunnan would be just as badly oppressed as they were before. In any case, the evil done by that wicked traitor is so great that assassination would be letting him off too lightly.' The Helmsman nodded approvingly. That's very true. What in your opinion ought to be done?' This is such an important matter that I think it needs a lot more discussion by all of us,' said Li Shikai. 'I haven't myself any useful suggestion to make, but I should very much like to hear what the Helmsman has to say on the subject.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她拎着包往外走,忽然想起什么,扭头看了看,从茶几上捞起手机放进包里,这才冲出去上班。 她刚离开,佣人走过来打扫卫生,将沙发上的手机,放在茶几上。", "en": "She carried her bag and was about to head outside when she suddenly remembered something. She turned her head, scooped up a cell phone lying on the coffee table and placed it inside her bag. Only then did she rush out of the mansion to go to work. Just as she left, a servant walked over to sweep and clean the place. She saw a cell phone lying on the sofa and placed it on the coffee table."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "次日一早,他便到上书房侍候。康熙低声道:“我要你办一件事,你有没有胆子?”韦小宝道:“你叫我办事,我还怕什么?”康熙道:“这件事非同小可,办得不妥,你我俱有性命之忧。”韦小宝微微一惊,说道:“最多我有性命之忧。你是皇帝,谁敢害你?再说,你照看着我,我说什么也不能有性命之忧。”心想须得把话说在前头,我韦小宝如有性命之忧,唯你皇帝是问,你可不能置之不理。康熙道:“鳌拜这厮横蛮无礼,心有异谋,今日咱们要拿了他,你敢不敢?”", "en": "Early the following day he went to the Upper Library. Kang Xi said to him softly: 'There's something important I want you to do for me. I'm not sure you have the courage for it.' To which Trinket replied: 'You give me the order, and I'll find the courage!' 'This is no ordinary matter, ' said Kang Xi. 'If it is not done properly, then you and I could both be risking our lives.' Trinket was a little taken aback by this. 'I might be risking my life, ' he said, 'but you're the Emperor. Who would dare harm you? Besides, with you to protect me, how could I be afraid for my life?' What he really meant was: 'If I should ever be in any danger, I hope you'll take care of me.' Kang Xi replied: 'This villain Oboi is abusing his power and taking more and more liberties. He is plotting treason. Today the two of us are going to lay hands on him. Are you game?'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“很好,汪教授,你符合继续进入《三体》的条件。”“谢谢,我可以问几个问题吗?”汪淼急切地说。“不可以,不过明天晚上有一个《三体》网友聚会,欢迎您参加。”管理员给了汪淼一个地址。《三体》网友的聚会地点是一处僻静的小咖啡厅。在汪淼的印象中,这个时代的游戏网友聚会都是人数众多的热闹盛会,但这次来的连自己在内也只有七个人,而那六位,同自己一样,不论怎么看都不像游戏爱好者。比较年轻的只有两位,另外五位,包括一位女士,都是中年人,还有一个老者,看上去有六七十岁了。汪淼本以为大家一见面就会对《三体》展开热烈的讨论,但现在发现自己想错了。《三体》那诡异而深远的内涵,己对其参与者产生了很深的心理影响,使得每个人,包括汪淼自己,都很难轻易谈起它。", "en": "\"Very good, Professor Wang. You satisfy the conditions for continuing in Three Body.\"\"Thank you. Can I ask you a few questions?\"\"You may not. But tomorrow night there will be a meet-up for Three Body players. We welcome you to attend.\" The administrator gave Wang an address.The location for the Three Body players' meet-up was a small, out-of-the-way coffee shop.Wang had always imagined game meet-ups would be lively events full of people, but this meet-up consisted of only seven players, including himself.Like Wang, the other six did not look like gaming enthusiasts. Only two were relatively young. Another three, including a woman, were middle-aged. There was also an old man who appeared to be in his sixties or seventies.Wang had originally thought that as soon as they met they'd begin a lively discussion of Three Body, but he was wrong. The profound but strange content of Three Body had had a psychological impact on the participants. All the players, including Wang himself, couldn't bring it up easily."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "少年本来也紧张而无奈,想着又要被三皇女调戏一番了……不过他并没想过逃离,毕竟身份只是侍从,不像那些贵公子们,有更好的妻主人选。 能被一个皇女看上,尽力讨好取悦,被收作填房,就是天大的造化了。 今天没被要求伺候,少了讨好皇女的机会,但从情感上来说,他就算身份低微,也未尝没幻想过一个貌美有才的妻主,而不是一个猥琐的草包。内心应该庆幸才对…… 少年低声应是,随即退了出去。但不知为什么,退到外间停下之后,他又鬼使神差地看了眼屏风。 那后面映出一个曼妙的女子身影,随意慵懒的穿衣动作,竟让人有些……面红心跳。 少年忽然想,其实三皇女也不错,虽然人很猥琐,还是个草包,但确实长得漂亮,而且身份高贵啊……", "en": "The young man was naturally nervous and helpless, thinking that he would be molested by the Third Imperial Princess again, but he didn’t consider escaping. After all, he was only a servant unlike those noble princes and noblemen, who had a choice to choose their own wives and masters. Normally, as servants, if they were favored by an Imperial Princess, they would do their best to curry favor with her. If by chance they were taken in as a second husband afterward, it was already considered their greatest blessing. Since he was dismissed today, he had less opportunity to please the Imperial Princess. However, truthfully speaking, even though his status was that of a lowly attendant, he had also dreamed of having a beautiful and talented wife or master, and not a wretched good-for-nothing. Therefore, inwardly, he ought to be rejoicing instead… The young man softly acknowledged with a ‘yes’ before retreating. But for some reason, he halted his steps after withdrawing to the outer room, and unexpectedly swept a glance at the folding screen again. A delicate and graceful woman’s figure was reflected behind that screen. Her casual and languid movements actually made him feel a little…His face reddened and his heart skipped a beat. The young man suddenly thought: In fact, the Third Imperial Princess isn’t that bad. Although she’s very dissolute and a good-for-nothing, she’s really good-looking and has a noble identity…"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "虽然是第一次见面,但戴在江晨头上连通着幽灵特工数据库的全息头盔中,却存储有他的照片和个人信息。 仅仅是一个照面,关于他的情报便投影在了全息屏幕上。 脸被按在车盖上,这萨尔德斯到也算硬气,愣是不愿投降,咬牙切齿地说道。 “我什么都不会说,你杀了我吧……” “杀了你?” “我还什么都没问呢。” 江晨咧嘴笑了笑,根本没在意他那不合作的态度,腾出右手掏出来一支针管,毫不客气地扎在了他的后肩。 “唔——!” 喉咙发出一声抗拒的嘶吼,萨尔德斯圆瞪着布满血丝的双眼,但很快瞳孔中的神采便黯淡了下去。 江晨干脆松开了擒住他的手,普通人注射了吐真剂还能反抗,根本不存在这种先例。 将萨尔德斯翻了个面,江晨一字一顿地问道。 “卡门在哪?” “地下掩体……的研究所内。” “地下掩体在哪?” “入口在基地正中央,只能通过升降梯进入。” “入口的旁边有两座停机坪,你走过去就能看到。” 一问一答,很快江晨便得到了想要的情报。 “很好,现在你可以如愿了。”", "en": "Although it was the first time they were meeting, Jiang Chen’s holographic helmet, which was connected to the Ghost Agent’s database, stored photos and personal information related to Sardes. His information was projected onto the holographic screen. Sardes’ face was pressed against the hood of the vehicle. He was certainly tough as he was reluctant to surrender. He gnashed his teeth. “I won’t say anything. Just kill me…” “Kill you?” “I didn’t ask anything yet.” Jiang Chen grinned and smiled. He didn’t care about Sardes’ uncooperative attitude. Jiang Chen freed his right hand, pulled out a needle and injected it into Sardes’ back. “AHHHH!” Sardes growled in resistance. His eyes began to look bloodshot, and soon, the light in his pupils faded. Jiang Chen simply let his hands go. No ordinary person could resist the truth-telling serum. Jiang Chen turned Sardes around and asked one word at a time. “Where is Carmen?” “Underground research institute in the underground bunker…” “Where is the underground bunker?” “The entrance is in the middle of the base and can only be accessed through the elevator.” “There are two aprons next to the entrance.” Jiang Chen soon got the information he wanted. “Good, now your wish has been granted.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋瞪大了眼睛,不明所以的看着他。 这幅委屈的模样,让沈凉川格外的烦躁! 他眯起眼睛,深邃的看着她。 八年前的耻辱和仇恨,让他甚至产生了一个想法,恨不得想要掐死她。 这样,就可以一了百了。 可是……看着她修长的脖颈,他却怎么也下不了手。 甚至想到上次保姆虐待她的事情,他才发现,他根本就看不得她受伤。 他有多深爱,只有他自己知道。 可这份深爱,在她的嘴中,却一文不值,只是网络上的虚妄。 他那么骄傲的人,却将自己的爱情送给别人践踏。 这个想法一出,体内的暴躁又开始慢慢加剧,让他恨不得占有她! 他猛地低头,大手擒住了她的下巴,却在察觉到女孩睫毛紧张的颤抖时,停下了自己的动作。 他忽然觉得自己很可悲,嗤笑了一下,他后退一步,拿起纸巾擦了擦自己的手,像是怕沾染到什么脏东西似得,然后他转身,往楼下走。", "en": "Qiao Lian widened her eyes and looked at him confusedly. Her wronged expression only irritated him even more! He narrowed his eyes and stared deeply into hers. All the shame and hate that he had experienced eight years ago had sparked a notion within him—he wanted nothing more than to strangle her. That way, he could settle things once and for all. However, as he looked at her elongated neck, he could not bear to take action. He thought of the time when she was being mistreated by the servants. Only then did he realize that he could not bear to watch her get hurt. Only he knew of the depth of his love for her. However, this deep love he had was not worth a single penny in her eyes. To her, it was part of the artificiality of the Internet. He was such a proud man. Yet, he had given away his love to someone who would trample all over it. As he thought about this, the irritation within his body began to slowly intensify again. He wanted nothing more than to take advantage of her entire body! He immediately lowered his head and grabbed her chin with his large hands. However, he stopped his movements after observing that the girl’s eyelashes were trembling nervously. He suddenly felt pity for himself and laughed. He took a step back and wiped his hands with a tissue, as though they had been stained by a dirty object. Then, he turned away and walked downstairs."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我被震退了三步,而迪老师却没有丝毫移动。 原来是这样,还不容我多想,震老师发出的次元斩和迪老师发出的光斩剑就已经呼啸的攻了过来。 既然分散的力量不行,我就用集中的好了,我将金丹中的魔法力分出一半,凝聚成一个金色的实体小球出现在左手上。 然后迅速的用短距离瞬间转移躲开了迪老师的进攻,把小光球扔向了震老师发出的小次元斩。 听到迪老师的赞美我心中一喜,左手收回能量球,右手发出一道光剑斩向震老师。 光剑居然顺利的劈中,我吓了一跳,仔细一看,才发现原来是残影而已。 震老师早已经移动到我的背后,大喝一声:“狂暴空间。” 我仿佛觉得周围的空间都扭曲混乱起来,自己的身体竟然逐渐不受自己控制了,发出撕裂般的疼痛,这就是空间系的高级魔法吗?", "en": "‘So that’s why I was forced backwards,’ A small dimensional slash from Teacher Zhen and a light blade from Teacher Di struck at me simultaneously, barely giving me enough time to think. Since the dispersed light elements weren’t powerful enough, I focused the elements’ powers. I withdrew half of my Gold Dan’s power to form a small ball in my left hand. I then used short distance teleportation to avoid Teacher’s Di attack and tossed the light ball towards Teacher Zhen’s small dimensional slash. Teacher Zhen was startled and immediately cancelled his spell as it wasn’t strong enough to counter the powerful, highly compacted light ball. Teacher Di laughed. “That’s right! That’s the way to counter spells!” Hearing Teacher Di’s praise, I was elated. I dissipated the light ball in my left hand and cast a light blade at Teacher Zhen with my right hand. The light blade actually hit him. I was in shock! However, after I took a second look, I realized that what I had hit was just an afterimage. Teacher Zhen had already teleported behind me and shouted, “ I felt my surroundings warp. It felt as though my body was out of my control, and I was in so much pain, as if I was being shred to pieces."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她未必知道她的悲哀经大家咀嚼赏鉴了许多天,早已成为渣滓,只值得烦厌和唾弃;但从人们的笑影上,也仿佛觉得这又冷又尖,自己再没有开口的必要了。她单是一瞥他们,并不回答一句话。 \"意思,——意思我不很明白。\" 但有一年的秋季,大约是得到祥林嫂好运的消息之后的又过了两个新年,她竟又站在四叔家的堂前了。桌上放着一个荸荠式的圆篮,檐下一个小铺盖。她仍然头上扎着白头绳,乌裙,蓝夹祆,月白背心,脸色青黄,只是两颊上已经消失了血色,顺着眼,眼角上带些泪痕,眼光也没有先前那样精神了。而且仍然是卫老婆子领着,显出慈悲模样,絮絮的对四婶说:", "en": "Perhaps it hadn’t yet dawned on her that her sorrow, having been chewed deliciously for so long, had now been reduced to dregs, to be spat out in disgust. But even she could read the mockery in their smiles, comprehending that no response was required, beyond a silent glance across at them. ‘I… I’m not sure what it means,’ he prevaricated. But one autumn – probably a couple of years after the news of her change in fortune had been put about – Xianglin’s wife stood again in Uncle’s hall. A round basket, shaped like a water chestnut, she had placed on a table; her bedding lay under the eaves. She wore the same black skirt, blue jacket and lighter blue waistcoat as before, her hair still tied back with a white cord. Her face still had a greenish-yellow tinge to it; but the pink had left her cheeks. Tears hung at the corners of eyes cast dully down at the floor. As before, she was in the company of Mrs Wei, who – her features arranged into an expression of charitable indulgence – verbosely explained matters to Aunt."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "提到他马克明显脸上一暗,但接着摇了摇头,道:“他虽然很厉害但比我只高一名,排第四。” “啊? 那我就猜不出了,剩下我认识的都还不如你啊。 快告诉我是谁吧。”", "en": "When I mentioned him, Ma Ke’s expression darkened, but he still continued to shake his head. “Although he is powerful, he is only one rank higher than me at fourth.” “Ah~ I definitely won’t be able to guess it. Those were all the students I know so just quickly tell me, who is the third ranker?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋呆呆的看着那条微信,心里忽然产生了一种复杂的情绪。 王文豪打了她两巴掌,沈凉川打了他两巴掌。 这幅样子,让她的脑海中又想起曾经的子川。 她记得,游戏中,她最讨厌被杀。 因为被杀以后,就要焦急等待复活。 可是自己的职业,自身不抗打,很容易就被杀掉。 所以,如果谁杀了她,她就会默默记住,让子川再杀回去。 而且不多不少,对方杀她几次,子川就必须杀回去几次。 这样就是为了震慑所有人,让大家都明白,跟他们打比赛,一定不可以对小乔追着打杀,否则就会得到子川的报复。 沈凉川打了王文豪,让她想到了曾经的子川。", "en": "Qiao Lian stared at that message dazedly, complex emotions were emerging in her heart. Wang Wenhao had slapped her twice, so Shen Liangchuan had punched him twice. This made her recall the Zi Chuan she knew. She remembered that she used to hate being killed in the game. As whenever she got killed, she would have to anxiously wait for revival. However, since she didn’t play tank, she easily got killed. Thus, if anyone killed her, she would remember it and ask Zi Chuan to kill him. And, the number of times Zi Chuan retaliated and killed this player would be the exact number of times this person had killed her. This was done in order to shock everyone, let them understand that when they were competing against both of them, they couldn’t be chasing after Xiao Qiao and trying to kill her. Or else, they would receive Zi Chuan’s revenge. Shen Liangchuan had beaten Wang Wenhao up, which reminded her of Zi Chuan."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"她于是详细的告诉我,说是大约从去年春天以来,她就见得黄瘦,后来忽而常常下泪了,问她缘故又不说;有时还整夜的哭,哭得长富也忍不住生气,骂她年纪大了,发了疯。可是一到秋初,起先不过小伤风,终于躺倒了,从此就起不来。直到咽气的前几天,才肯对长富说,她早就像她母亲一样,不时的吐红和流夜汗。但是瞒着,怕他因此要担心,有一夜,她的伯伯长庚又来硬借钱,——这是常有的事,——她不给,长庚就冷笑着说:你不要骄气,你的男人比我还不如!她从此就发了愁,又伯羞,不好问,只好哭。长富赶紧将她的男人怎样的挣气的话说给她听,那里还来得及?况且她也不信,反而说:好在我已经这样,什么也不要紧了。", "en": "‘I then got a minutely detailed account of what had happened. “Last year, probably around New Year it was, she’d started to look pale and thin. She’d often be bursting into tears, but never tell you why. Sometimes, she’d cry all night. In the end, Chang Fu lost his temper, told her she’d turned into a crazy old maid. Then in early autumn, it must have been, she took to her bed with a slight cold and never got up. Just a few days before she died, she finally told Chang Fu she’d been spitting blood and getting night sweats for ages, just like her mother. But she hadn’t said anything – she hadn’t wanted him to worry. One night, her uncle, Chang Geng, had come by again, wanting to borrow money as usual. When she wouldn’t give him any he smirked and told her not to act so superior. Her father had arranged for her to marry a complete good-for-nothing – not even half the man he was. She was never the same after this: always sad, always bursting into tears – too shy to ask anything directly. As soon as Chang Fu found out, he told her what a fine fellow her fiancé was; but the damage had been done. She didn’t believe him. Just as well I haven’t long left, she said."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "罗德可以肯定这一点,要知道虽然科技现在已经相当发达,而做为全世界第一个虚拟全境网游的龙魂大陆也有运用不少高科技技术。但是按照规则,玩家是不可能体会到疼痛的,这是为了让人将现实与游戏区分开来,同时也有着降低玩家门槛的考虑。 而在玩家受伤时,代替疼痛,游戏会利用降低玩家的行动速度,用代表危急的红色来遮挡视线等一系列用来干扰玩家正常游戏的方式进行警告和提醒,而不是真正的模拟出痛苦来。 这种行为在全息模拟技术刚刚出现时就在社会上引起过相当大的争论,龙魂大陆的运营公司自然不可能不知道这一点。 罗德低下头,注视着自己的右手,那并不是游戏中自己所塑造的角色,不是那个充满了肌肉和野性的身躯。 相反,眼前的这只手臂纤细瘦弱,因为常年没有照射到太阳的缘故,皮肤有些病态的苍白。 这是现实中自己的身体,他很清楚这一点。 但是,自己怎么会受了伤的? 而且,这里也不象是医院啊? 罗德抬头望去,整个房间看起来好像是个舱室,没有灯,也没有电话,更没有呼叫铃。", "en": "Rhode was undoubtedly certain of this. He knew that although the current technology was quite advanced, and as the world’s first virtual reality game, Dragon Soul Continent Online had also used a lot of high-tech technology, but according to the rules, it was impossible for the player to experience pain. The reason was so that people could distinguish between reality and the game. Also, for the sake of the players, they had to reduce the pain threshold. If the player was injured, instead of pain, the game would reduce the player’s speed and use red color to block the player’s line of sight. It was done so to warn and remind them, rather than the real simulation of pain. When the virtual reality simulation technology first appeared in the world, it had caused a lot of controversies. Dragon Soul Continent’s operating company naturally knew it too. Rhode lowered his head and looked at his right hand. Its shape was not like his character from the game; his body was not that full of muscle nor was it mighty. On the contrary, the arm in front of him was small and thin. Since he had almost never exposed himself to the sunlight, his skin was a little bit pale. This was definitely his own body; he was sure of it. However, how did he get hurt? Was this place a hospital? Rhode scanned his surroundings; the whole room looked like a cabin—no lights, no phone, no call bell."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "韦小宝心想:“我扮个富家公子呢,还是扮个小叫化?”他在妓院之中,见到来嫖院的王孙公子衣饰华贵,向来甚是羡慕。一直没机会穿着。微一沉吟,从怀中摸出三张五百两银子的银票来,道:“这里是一千五百两银子,相烦哪一位大哥去给我买些衣衫。”众人都是微微一惊。几个人齐声道:“哪得着这许多银子?”韦小宝道:“我银子有的是,衣衫买得越贵越好,再买些珠宝戴了起来,谁也不知我是宫里的小……小太监了。”玄贞道人道:“韦香主说得是。高兄弟,你去买韦香主的衣衫。”", "en": "Either a rich boy or a little beggar-boy, he thought. It would have to be one or the other. When he was a lad in the brothel he had often admired the flashy outfits of the rich young toffs who came to visit the girls, but had never had a chance to wear anything like that himself. It didn't take him long to decide. 'Here's fifteen hundred taels, ' he said, fishing three banknotes out of his inside pocket. 'Will one of you Brothers take this and buy some clothes for me?' A little shock of surprise ran through the men. 'But you don't need all that much,' several of them cried out simultaneously. 'I've got plenty of money, ' said Trinket. The more expensive the clothes are the better. You can buy a bit of jewellery for me as well. If I dress like a young swell, no one's going to guess that I'm a ... a eunuch.' (The word still stuck in his throat.) The Master's right,' said Father Obscurus. 'Brother Gao, why don't you buy the Master's disguise for him?'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "韦小宝道:“不,不!我……我是不大明白。”索额图道:“我说把那一百万两银子,咱哥儿俩拿来平分了,每人五十万两。兄弟要是嫌少,咱们再计议计议。”韦小宝脸色都变了,他在扬州妓院中之时,手边只须有一二两银子,便如是发了横财一般,在皇宫之中和人赌钱,进出大了,那也只是几十两以至一二百两银子的事,突然听到一分便分到五十万两,几乎不相信自己的耳朵。索额图适才不住将珍宝塞在他的手里,原是要堵住他的嘴,要他在皇帝面前不提鳌拜财产的真相。否则的话,只要他在皇上跟前稍露口风,不但自己吞下的赃款要尽数吐出,断送了一生前程,势必还落个大大的罪名。他见韦小宝脸色有异,忙道:“兄弟要怎么办,我都听你的主意便是。”韦小宝舒了口气,说道:“我说过一切凭大哥作主的。只是分给我五十万……五十万两银子,未免……未免那个……太……太多了。”", "en": "'Oh no! No, I really don't understand—' 'What I am suggesting is that we should share the one million, and each take five hundred thousand. But if that seems too little to you, I'm sure we could work it out some other way, ' Trinket stood there gawping. In the whore-house in Yangzhou he had never had more than a tael or two in his possession, and now suddenly he was about to become a wealthy man. Why, even when he'd been gambling at the Palace he'd never won much more than twenty or thirty taels at a sitting—at the very most a hundred or two. And here he was, being asked if he'd accept half a million ... He could hardly believe his ears. Songgotu's thinking was to pile Trinket so high with wealth that he would be obliged to maintain a discreet silence about the whole operation. Seeing the look of utter astonishment on Trinket's face, he hurriedly added: 'Brother, you just tell me how you want to deal with this and I'll go along with whatever you say.' Trinket let out a long breath: 'As I've already said, I leave the decision entirely to you. It's just that... for me ... half a million seems a little bit... much!'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "夜清落当真要毁了三泉宗不成?“怎么?四姐姐莫不是怕了?” 夜清落狭长媚眸微扬,嘴角噙着一抹戏谑的笑意。 夜清灵气的浑身发抖,刚要开口,便被夜清浅掐了把手臂的肉。 她忍着,没理会夜清落的激将法。 “即便四姐姐不敢应战,想必公正夫子也会对四姐姐手中的玄阴之物,做一番全面的检查。”夜清落幽幽叹息一声,似是随口提起的呢喃着。 可这呢喃,隔了大老远,却是清楚的传到夜清灵的耳膜里。", "en": "Ye Qing Luo really had the intention to ruin Three Spring Sect?“Why? Is Fourth Sister having cold feet? Ye Qing Luo narrowed her eyes as a sly smile showed on her face, waiting to watch a good show. Ye Qing Ling was so mad that her body shook in anger, she could hardly contain herself any further and was about to rebuke Ye Qing Luo when she felt a pinch on her arm. She took it all in instead of falling into Ye Qing Luo’s trap. “Even if Fourth Sister dared not face the challenge, I presume that the Masters of Justice would be interested to get a closer look at the evil sword in your hands” Ye Qing Luo deliberately let out a sigh, as if she murmured casually. But this murmur had travelled to Ye Qing Ling’s ears despite standing at such a far distance."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "双肩已经便河水砸的铁青,双手双脚更是在被冲出去的过程中碰撞到得一片青紫,一些地方更是渗出了血迹。 短短一天,她简直遍体鳞伤。 “这具身体的素质实在是差。” 百里红妆暗叹一声,想要将这具身体的速度彻底提升起来,只怕还需要不少时间。 就在这时,帝北宸的声音突然自洞穴之外传了进来。 百里红妆缓缓走出了洞穴,只见帝北宸正微笑着望着自己,黒木却并不在他的身旁。 “你怎么来了?” 她可是注意到帝北宸后来自己也修炼去了,他们可是说好了修炼之时互不打扰的。", "en": "Her two shoulders were already pounded gray by the waterfall, hands, and feet purple from crashing against the rocks as blood bled from a few parts of her body. After one short day, she was already completely covered with cuts and bruises. “This body’s innate quality is really lacking.” Baili Hongzhuang sighed. It would take a very long time if she wanted to speed up this body’s cultivation. “Wifey.” At this moment, Dibei Chen’s voice suddenly sounded outside the cave. Baili Hongzhuang slowly left the cave, only to see Dibei Chen standing, looking at her with a smile. Hei Mu wasn’t by his side. “Why did you come?” She had noticed Dibei Chen later left to cultivate on his own, but they had previously agreed not to interfere with each other’s cultivation."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "依游鬼护短的性子,夜清落还不在上玄学院横着走? 他们的想法,都是希望夜清落考核失败,他们就有足够的借口,拒绝夜清落入院。 可现在多了一个帝尊大人! 他们内心几乎是崩溃的。 后果简直太吓人,他们不敢想啊! “考核应该没问题,不过半个时辰嘛……嘿嘿嘿……”游鬼狡黠的笑着,眉眼弯弯,“老子特地选了上玄宝塔最复杂的十项考核,这徒弟,老子是收定了!” 三个夫子纷纷往帝墨玄的方向看去。 却发现,帝墨玄一直闭目养神,对游鬼的话,并未表现半点不悦。 几人才松了口气,一个个围着游鬼,不让他再说话。 “最复杂的十项考核,半个时辰,怎么可能嘛!” 三泉宗区域,夜清灵露出幸灾乐祸的笑容,“小废物也太会逞能了,我看她连考核都无法通过,尽会给夜家抹黑。” 众人心中,也是如此想的。 几百年前,那个创下十二个时辰记录的,考核的还是简单的十项考核! 夜清浅的视线,一直放在帝墨玄身上。", "en": "The way Old Man Gui You covered up for errors, wouldn't Ye Qing Luo make the situation worse? What they were hoping, was for her to fail the assessment so that they would have ample excuses to refuse her entry. But the overlord was in the picture now! Their hearts were nearly crushed. The consequences were simply too scary to even think about it! \"The assessment should not be a problem, but half an hour….. kekeke…\" Old Man Gui You laughed slyly, \"I had chosen the most complexed ten components of the Heaven Pagoda. This disciple, yours truly is determined to take in!\" The three senior masters looked over to the direction of Di Mo Xuan one by one. Only to see that he was resting his eyes and showed no response to what the old man Gui You had said. They sighed a sense of relief and quickly surrounded Old Man Gui You to keep him from speaking again. \"The top ten most complex components within half an hour, impossible!\" At the Three Spring Sect section, Ye Qing Ling was gloating in smiles, \"that useless thing thinks of herself too highly, I doubt she can make it and will smear our Ye’s reputation!\" That was the exact thoughts in the minds of everyone. The record held several hundred years ago was twelve hours and it was the simplest ten components! Ye Qing Qian's vision had only set on Di Mo Xuan."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她到了楼上主卧,再次拿起手机,发现那个大大大舌头不敢再说话。 微信群里面已经在庆贺了。 【川流不息:乔恋,干得好,不愧是做记者的!】 微信朋友圈里,很多能够显示个人信息的。 乔恋刚成为记者的时候,一个不小心泄露了自己的职业,就被群里的人知道了。 【川流不息:可是现在这件事儿闹得这么大,要怎么处理? 我们这么对骂也不是个办法。】 【萌萌猫:不息,你联系宋先生了吗?】 【川流不息:还没有,他的电话根本打不进去。】 一些很忠实的粉丝,其实跟明星关系很近的,像是川流不息,基本上沈凉川的行程都可以获知。 【萌萌猫:其实我有个办法,王文豪这么多年跟沈影帝一直不和,经常微博上做出一些暗示,还有一些节目上也会有蛛丝马迹,我们可以做一份剪裁视频传到网上,让大家知道王文豪这是气数将尽,所以拉沈影帝垫背呢!】", "en": "When she reached the master bedroom, she picked up her phone again and realized that the user named ‘Big big big tongue’ didn’t dare to continue commenting. The WeChat group had already started celebrating. [Chuanliu Buxi: Qiao Lian, well done, no wonder you’re a journalist!] In the WeChat moments, almost everyone showed their personal information. When Qiao Lian had just begun her profession as a reporter, she had accidentally divulged her profession and it was thus known by the members of the group. [Chuanliu Buxi: But now what should we do with this messy situation? The way of us scolding one another isn’t going to solve the problem.] [Cute cute cat: Buxi, have you contacted Mr. Song?] [Chuanliu Buxi: Not yet, I can’t get through his phone.] Some very loyal fans had close relationships with the artists. An example of this was Chuanliu Buxi, who had managed to even attain Shen Liangchuan’s schedule. [Cute cute cat: Actually, I have a solution. Wang Wenhao had a feud with Best Actor Shen for many years and he often hints about it on his Weibo. There are even traces of it on some shows. We can make a video with all these hints complied and let everyone know that because Wang Wenhao’s luck has run out, he is making use of Best Actor Shen to cushion his fall!]"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她转过头,通红的双眼狠厉如恶鬼,死死盯着周遭的人,最后她看着燕青丝道:“等我死了,你们这些人都是凶手,我变成鬼也不会放过你们……” 说完,众人是见贺兰秀色从地上抓起一片锋利的碎玻璃,一咬牙在自己手腕上重重划下去。 众人惊呼,谁没想到贺兰秀色竟然会割腕自杀,毕竟死不是谁都敢去做的。 贺兰秀色无声落泪,大颗大颗的眼泪从眼睛里滚下来,她道:“爸爸……我会用我的死告诉你,你被他们骗了,我真的是你女儿,我没有骗你……” 殷红的血从被深深划伤的手腕中流出来。 燕青丝眯起眼睛,置之死地而后生,竟然真的能对自己下得了这样的狠手,贺兰秀色比她妈厉害! 从今天她的表现来看,心机和手段,或许都比贺兰夫人要更上一层楼,以往装傻装天真,其实,她才是个真正的婊中极品。", "en": "She turned her head. Her bloodshot eyes were as vicious as a vengeful ghost’s. She glared at everyone, then she focused her attention on Yan Qingsi. “All of you are the instigators of my death,” she said. “I’ll never forgive you even if I become a spirit…” When she was done, the crowd watched as Helan Xiuse grabbed a dagger-like shard of glass from the floor, clenched her teeth, and drew a deep line over her wrist. The crowd gasped in shock. No one could imagine that Helan Xiuse would slit her wrists to commit suicide, especially when killing oneself was not easy to do. Helan Xiuse cried silently. Her tears rolled down in big, fat drops. “Dad…I’ll use my death to prove their lies to you,” she said. “I’m really your daughter. I’m not lying to you…” Bright red blood flowed out of the deeply cut wrist. Yan Qingsi narrowed her eyes. She would survive because she cornered herself into this situation. She actually dared to do this to herself. Helan Xiuse was even more vicious than her mother! From her actions today, her plans and her schemes, she was probably a cut above even Mrs. Helan. She had always pretended to be idiotic, innocent. She was actually a top-notch wolf clothed in sheep’s clothing."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "李钰玥此刻只想压百里红妆一筹,这两天皇城第一美人之名被夺,她觉得众人看向她的目光都不一样了,平日里一些关系不佳的官家小姐都借此来讥讽她。 今日她本就心情不佳,来到霓裳坊也是想买两身衣裳来缓和心情,没想到冤家路窄竟然遇到了惹她心情不好的正主——百里红妆!", "en": "Right now, Li Yuyue could only think about beating down Baili Hongzhuang. For the past 2 days since her title as the no.1 beauty of the Imperial City was robbed, she could feel everyone look at her with different eyes and the highborn women she didn’t get along with often came to mock her. Today her mood wasn’t very good so she decided to come to Jichang Market and buy some clothes to improve her spirit. But she didn’t expect to meet enimies on a narrow road, the woman who put her in such a bad temper– Baili Hongzhuang!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "他走到书桌之前,看到那张披了绣龙锦缎的椅子,忽有个难以抑制的冲动:“他妈的,这龙椅皇帝坐得,老子便坐不得?”斜跨一步,当即坐入了椅中。他初坐下时心中怦怦乱跳,坐了一会,心道:“这椅子也不怎么舒服,做皇帝也没什么了不起。”毕竟不敢久坐,便去书架上找那部《四十二章经》。可是书架上几千部书一部叠着一部。那些书名一百本中难得有一两个字识得。他拚命去找《四》字,“四”字倒也找到了好几次,可是下面却没有“十”字“二”字。原来他找到的全是《四书》,甚么《四书集注》、《四书正义》之类。找了一会,看到了一部《十三经注疏》,识得了“十三”二字,欢喜了片刻,但知道那终究不是《四十二章经》。", "en": "Once more he stood before the inlaid rosewood table and gazed at the brocade cover draped over the chair, with its dragon embroidered in gold thread. Suddenly he had an irresistible impulse. 'Oh mother's! If the Emperor can sit on this dragon seat, why shouldn't old Trink!' One stride and he was there, sitting on the chair. At first his heart pounded with excitement. But then he thought to himself: 'This chair isn't even particularly comfortable. Being Emperor isn't so very special after all.' He did not stay seated for long but was soon scanning the bookshelves for the Sutra in Forty-Two Sections. There were literally thousands of books stacked on top of each other. And he could decipher hardly a single one of the tides. He looked desperately for the number Four, but of the tides that contained it, none had a Ten or a Two to make up the requisite total. (They were in fact all editions of the famous Four Books of Confucianism—The Annotated Four Books, The Four Books Expounded, etc.) He searched again and located a tide that began with a Ten and a Three—Thirteen (it was an edition of the Thirteen Classics)—and experienced a momentary thrill before he realized that it was not what he was looking for."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "就在百里红妆将长裙拿起的时候,一道纤细的手臂同样落在了这衣裙之上。 柳眉微抬,百里红妆疑惑地看向身旁的女子,便瞧见李钰玥面露不屑地望着她。 “这件衣服,我要了!” 一开口,李钰玥的语声便透着难言的强势,根本不允许百里红妆抗拒半分。 百里红妆嘴角缓缓勾勒出妖娆的笑,“黎姑娘,这件衣服似乎是本王妃先拿在手上的,所以,它是我的。” 见百里红妆竟敢拒绝自己,李钰玥的脸色瞬间变得铁青,“我说这件衣服是我的,它就是我的!” “我倒是不知道李小姐行事如此霸道。” 百里红妆依旧云淡风轻,“不过,这份霸道于我而言,不管用。” 右手微微用力,百里红妆直接将衣裙拿在了手中。 这个女人即便要嚣张也得找对人选,她百里红妆可从来不是好欺负的。 “百里红妆!” 李钰玥提高了嗓音,“我可是堂堂太子妃,你敢得罪我,想死不成?” 百里红妆轻笑一声,眸光却是渐渐冰冷,“李小姐,你与太子定下了婚约是不错,不过你现在尚未出嫁,也只不过是未来的太子妃,不至于这么着急想出嫁吧?”", "en": "A slender arm fell on the dress just as Baili Hongzhuang picked it up. Lifting her head, Baili Hongzhuang looked at the woman confused only to see Li Yuyue face, looking at her disdainfully. “This dress, I want it!” Opening her mouth, Li Yuyue’s voice was domineering, not allowing Baili Hongzhuang to speak a single word. An utterly enchanting smile formed from the corners of Baili Hongzhuang’s lips: “Miss Li, the dress seemed to be in this Princess’s hands first, and is thus mine.” Seeing Baili Hongzhuang dare to refute her, Li Yuyue’s complexion ashened, “I said I wanted this dress, so it’s mine!” “I never knew Miss Li was actually so overbearing.” Baili Honzhuang’s voice was still clear and gentle, “Only, your overbearing attitude means nothing to me.” Her right hand slightly forceful, Baili Hongzhuang directly pulled the dress into her arms. This woman was just too arrogant choosing her target. She, Baili Hongzhuang, was never one easy to be bullied. “Baili Hongzhuang!” Li Yuyue raised her voice, “I am the majestic Crown Princess, daring to offend me, do you want to die?” “Haha.” Baili Hongzhuang laughed softly, but the light in her eyes began to grow cold, “Miss Li, you still haven’t married the Crown Prince. Right now, you’re only the future Crown Princess, aren’t you just anxious to get married?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "汪淼摘下3K眼镜,虚弱地靠着车轮坐在地上。在他的眼中,午夜的城市重新恢复了可见光波段所描绘的现实图景,但他的目光游移,在捕捉另外一些东西:对面动物园大门旁的一排霓虹灯中有一根灯管坏了,不规则地闪烁着;近处的一棵小树上的树叶在夜风中摇动,反射着街灯的光,不规则地闪烁着;远处北京展览馆俄式尖顶上的五角星也在反射着下面不同街道上车灯的光,不规则地闪烁着……汪淼按莫尔斯电码努力破译着这些闪烁。他甚至觉得,旁边几幅彩旗正在风中飘出的皱褶、路旁一洼积水表面的涟漪,都向他传递着莫尔斯电码……他努力地破译着,感受着幽灵倒计时的流逝。", "en": "Wang took off the 3K glasses and sat down weakly on the ground, leaning against the wheel of his car. The city at night gradually recovered the reality of visible light. But his eyes roamed, trying to capture other sights. By the entrance of the zoo across the street, there was a row of neon lights. One of the lights was about to burn out and flickered irregularly. Nearby, a small trees leaves trembled in the night breeze, twinkling without pattern as they reflected streetlight. In the distance, the red star atop the Beijing Exhibition Center's Russian-style spire reflected the light from the cars passing below, also twinkling randomly....Wang tried to interpret the flickers as Morse code. He even felt that the wrinkles in the flags flapping next to him and the ripples in the puddle on the side of the road might be sending him messages. He struggled to understand all the messages, and felt the passing of the countdown, second by second."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "青年握住杰克手中的枪杆,放在自己的眉心上,然后缓缓张开双手,双手手指不停地划动,以示自己毫无戒备。 杰克的眼神不断闪烁,似乎在犹豫着。 “开枪啊?” 青年笑得更加肆意了,一双眼睛如同漆黑的深渊,“你该不会还不敢开枪吧?开枪都没力气,还说是黑社会?” 可就在这时,拿枪的杰克突然神色一闪,闪电般打开了保险,同时重重扣下了扳机! 他之前的犹豫,竟然全是一种伪装! 可是,诡异的事情发生了!", "en": "The young man grabbed the gun still held by Jack and directed it between his eyes. He then proceeded to raise his hands and wiggle his fingers to show that he was left completely unguarded. Jack blinked uncontrollably and seemed to be hesitating. “Shoot?” The young man made a show of laughing in their faces, his eyes were like the mouths leading to a depthless abyss. “Don’t tell me you don’t have the guts to pull the trigger? You call yourselves the mafia and when you don’t even have what it takes to pull a trigger?” In this split instant, there was an abrupt change in Jack’s eyes. In a swift motion, he rapidly took the gun off its safety and pulled the trigger with all the force he could muster! All of his previous hesitations were merely an act! However, something bizarre occurred!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我叹道:“没办法啊,你昨天也看到了,他用的那个魔法太邪门了,象黑暗魔法似的,如果我不全力反击,也许你今天就见不到我了。” 海水笑笑,说道:“人家并没有怪你嘛,昨天还要谢谢你,如果不是你及时给风凉治疗,恐怕他就真要一命呜呼了。 虽然是公平比试,但在学院出了人命可不是闹着玩的,何况他背后还有日家族庞大的势力支撑着,对了,说到日家族,最近你要小心些,说不定他们会来报复你的,昨天风凉的爷爷日家族的老族长思封·日得知风凉被你打成重伤后,暴跳如雷。 如果你不是在学院,恐怕他早就来找你算帐了,那个老顽固可是非常护短的,最好你们这段时间深居简出一些,等风凉好了,他的气估计也就消了。”", "en": "I sighed, “I didn’t have any other choices at that moment. You should’ve seen the match. The magic spell he used was too unusual. It seemed to be dark magic. If I hadn’t fought with all my might, you probably wouldn’t be able to see me today.” Hai Shui giggled and replied, “Feng Liang not only didn’t blame you, but wanted to thank you for what you did yesterday. If you hadn’t treated him immediately, he would have died already. Although it is an impartial competition, the results will be undesirable if someone really loses his life in the academy. Furthermore, he has the powerful Ri family supporting him! That’s right! About the Ri family, you should keep an eye out for them. You never know when they will get their revenge. Yesterday, after Feng Liang’s grandfather, an esteemed elder of the Ri family, Si Feng Ri, found out that you severely injured Feng Liang, he was raged in anger. If you hadn’t been in the academy, he would’ve already come to get his revenge. That stubborn old man will do anything to maintain the prestige of his family. For now, you should try and keep a low profile. He should calm down after Feng Liang recovers.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "大家都叫她祥林嫂;没问她姓什么,但中人是卫家山人,既说是邻居,那大概也就姓卫了。她不很爱说话,别人问了才回答,答的也不多。直到十几天之后,这才陆续的知道她家里还有严厉的婆婆,一个小叔子,十多岁,能打柴了;她是春天没了丈夫的;他本来也打柴为生,比她小十岁:大家所知道的就只是这一点。 \"自然。你还以为教的是abcd么?我先是两个学生,一个读《诗经》,一个读《孟子》。新近又添了一个,女的,读《女儿经》。连算学也不教,不是我不教,他们不要教。\" \"阿,——纬甫,是你么?我万想不到会在这里遇见你。\" \"连你也来欺侮我!不会帮忙,只会捣乱,——连油灯也要翻了他。晚上点什么?……\" \"并不。但有时也这样想。或者寻些谈资。\"", "en": "Everyone called her Xianglin’s wife. Though no one ever asked her what her surname was, it was probably Wei, as she had come from the village of Weijiashan – literally the ‘Mountain of the Wei Family’, where everyone shared the clan surname. She said very little, speaking out only when spoken to, and briefly even then. It took a good ten days to reveal she had a tyrannical mother-in-law; a brother-in-law around ten years old, who could gather firewood; and that she had lost her husband – a woodcutter, too, around ten years her junior – that spring. That was about the sum total of what was known of her. ‘Of course. What did you think – that I was teaching English? I started off with two students, one doing The Book of Odes and the other Mencius. I’ve just got a new one, a girl – she’s studying Classical Maxims for Young Ladies. I don’t even teach maths: not because I don’t want to, but because they don’t want it.’ ‘Weifu? Imagine – us meeting here! I can hardly believe it.’ All you do is make more work for me… Why on earth did you push the lamp over? What are we going to do for light this evening?’ ‘No. Well, sometimes, maybe. Or maybe you’re after anecdote material.’"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "韦小宝经他一提,立时省悟,暗吃一惊,忙将经书放还桌上,说道:“是极,是极!索大人,多承你指点。我不懂这中间的道理,险些惹了大祸。”索额图笑道:“桂公公说哪里话来?皇上差咱哥儿俩一起办事,你的事就是我的,哪里还分什么彼此?我如不当桂公公是自己人,这番话也不敢随便出口了。”韦小宝道:“你是朝中大官,我……我只是个小……小太监,怎么能跟你当自己人?”索额图向屋中众官挥了挥手,道:“你们到外边侍候。”众官员躬身道:“是,是!”都退了出去。索额图拉着韦小宝的手,说道:“桂公公,千万别说这样的话,你如瞧得起我索某,咱二人今日就拜了把子,结为兄弟如何?”这两句话说得甚是恳切。韦小宝吃了一惊,道:“我……我跟你结拜?怎……怎配得上啊?”", "en": "Trinket got the message at once. He also got the fright of his life and immediately put the Sutra back down on the table. 'You're absolutely right, ' he said. 'Songgo my friend, I'm really glad you tipped me off. I understand so little about these things. Nearly got myself into a pile of trouble.' Songgotu smiled. 'Come come, Laurel Goong-goong, we were sent on this mission together. Your affairs are mine too. If I hadn't thought of you as a friend I would hardly have dared to say what I did just now.' 'But you are a great Minister of Court, while I am just a little ... a little eunuch! How could I possibly deserve to be called your friend!' Songgotu waved the assembled officials out of the room: 'Would you please leave us alone for a moment.' They bowed and left. Songgotu took Trinket by the hand: 'Goong-goong, you really mustn't speak like that. Allow me to share with you a heartfelt desire of mine: it is that we should swear an oath today and become blood-brothers.' He said this in the most touchingly earnest tone of voice. Trinket was greatly taken aback. 'But. . . how could I swear an oath with you? I'm not worthy. . .'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "等了好一会,四名小监宣召康亲王和索额图进来。二人一进上书房,眼见死尸狼藉,遍地血污,这一惊实是非同小可,立即跪下连连磕头,齐声道:“皇上万福金安。”康熙道:“鳌拜大逆不道,携刀入宫,胆敢向朕行凶。幸好祖宗保祐,尚膳监小监小桂子会同众监,力拒凶逆,将其擒住。如何善后,你们瞧着办罢。”康亲王和索额图向来和鳌拜不睦,受其排挤已久,陡见宫中生此大变,又惊又喜,再向皇帝请安,自陈疏于防范,罪过重大,幸得皇帝洪福齐天,百神呵护,鳌拜凶谋得以不逞。", "en": "After a little while Prince Kang and Songgotu arrived in answer to the Emperor's summons. When they entered the Upper Library and saw the tangled pile of dead bodies and blood, the two nobles were appalled. They fell to their knees at once and began performing the kowtow, crying: 'Health and long life to Your Majesty!' 'Lord Oboi,' replied Kang Xi, 'dared to rebel against me. He brought weapons with him into the Palace, wishing to harm my person. Luckily my ancestors have protected me, and the young eunuch Laurel and other young eunuchs defended me against this vicious attack. They have taken the man captive. I now call on you to advise me what best course of action to follow.' Neither Prince Kang nor Songgotu had been on good terms with Oboi. In fact they had long been at the receiving end of his bullying. This sudden turn of events both surprised and pleased them. Having once more prayed for the Emperor's long life, they bewailed their own negligence that had led to this dire state of affairs, and thanked providence that the Emperor had been able to deal with the situation with such dispatch and nip the conspiracy in the bud."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "礼仪?不好意思,姐真的懂哦!抬头扫了眼四周,夜云溪勾了勾嘴角,优雅拿起刀叉。姿势,满分!气质,也满分! 上流社会的礼仪她又不是不会,配不配得上帝君邪她不在意,但没有人可以轻视她夜云溪。因为你们会的,她夜云溪也会,就算不会,她长了脑子,一样可以学!娇小的女人勾起一抹傲慢的笑意,黑眸懒懒扫过那几张嫉妒的嘴脸,优雅从容咽下牛肉,姿势漂亮到让人移不开视线。 “那真的不是哪个家族的大小姐?” “简直完美!” “打扰一下,这位先生为小姐点了一首《卡侬》,请欣赏。”当架着小提琴的侍应生来到餐桌旁的时候,周围响起一阵抽气声。", "en": "etiquette? Sorry, sister really understands! Lifting his head and glanced around, Ye Yunxi hooked the corner of his mouth and picked up the knife and fork gracefully. Posture, full marks! Temperament, also full marks! She doesn’t know the etiquette of the upper class, and she doesn’t care if she is worthy of God Junxie, but no one can despise her Yeyunxi. Because you will, she will also Yeyunxi, even if she doesn’t, she can learn as much as she grows her mind! The petite woman evoked an arrogant smile, her dark eyes swept across the jealous faces, gracefully and calmly swallowing the beef, her posture was so beautiful that she couldn’t look away. “Is that really the eldest lady of which family?” “Simply perfect!” “Excuse me, this gentleman ordered a song “Canon” for the lady, please enjoy it.” When the waiter with the violin came to the table, there was a gasp."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那老仆擦完筷子,恭恭敬敬的递过。韦小宝接过筷子,在鳌拜那碗猪肉中不住搅拌,说道:“嗯,猪肉倒也不少。平时都这么多吗?我瞧你很会偷食!”那老仆道:“每餐都有不少猪肉,小人不敢偷食的。”心下诧异:“这位小公公怎么知道我偷犯人的肉吃,可有点希奇!”韦小宝道:“好,你送去给犯人吃。”那老仆道:“是,是!”又装了三大碗白饭,连同那大碗白菜猪肉,装在盘里,捧去给鳌拜。", "en": "Having now finished his meticulous wiping of the chopsticks, the old orderly brought them back and handed them very respectfully to Trinket, who busied himself for some time picking over the contents of the bowl with them. 'Hm, ' he said presently. There's a lot of meat here. Do you always give him as much meat as this? I'm sure you're quite capable of stealing bits of it to eat yourself.' 'Oh, I wouldn't dare, ' said the old orderly. 'He always gets as much as this, every mealtime, ' But while he said this, he was thinking, 'Funny, I wonder how this little Goong-goong knows that I always sneak a bit for myself. Very strange 'All right, ' said Trinket. 'Give the prisoner his food then, ' The old man filled three large bowls with boiled rice, put them, together with the bowl of pork and cabbage stew, on a tray and carried the lot off to Oboi's cell."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那就变成真的……是什么鬼? 能不能不要总说些让人误会的话! 夜清落在心底默默地为帝尊大人的撩妹技能,怒点三十二个大赞! 不能胡思乱想,不能有任何过多想法! 夜清落给自己催着眠,旋即深吸了一口气,忽然手肘一抬,紧接着抬起腿,往后猛踢。 帝墨玄似是早就料到夜清落的举动。", "en": "Let it become the truth…… what the hell? Gosh, could we not say words that will let people get the wrong idea? Ye Qing Luo was secretly impressed by Di Mo Xuan’s skill of teasing girls. Can't let your thoughts run wild, can't have any wild thoughts! She tried to brainwash herself, took a deep breath and on spur of moment lifted her elbow as she raised her legs and kicked madly. Di Mo Xuan seemed to be able to read her like a book."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "美少年是她姐姐的人,并不喜欢她,不过是逢场作戏,虚与委蛇而已。她敬重的姐姐,更是要她的命。所以她不甘心。 她的心愿就是报复这对男女。她要让为了继位杀害自己的大姐,这辈子都得不到皇位,让那个欺骗自己感情的少年,这辈子都得不到爱情。 喻楚想,这可咋整。皇位还算简单,但爱情?她怎么确保那人得不到爱情?剧情都不说了吗,人家和大皇女两情相悦啊!", "en": "The good-looking young man was her eldest sister’s lover and didn’t like her. He was merely playing along with her and feigned civility. And, the sister she’d deeply respected all those years actually wanted her dead. She wasn’t resigned to this outcome. Her wish was to take revenge on this couple. She wouldn’t let her eldest sister, who killed her for the sake of succession, get the throne in this lifetime. As for the young man, who toyed with her feelings, she would make sure he never got love in this life. Yu Chu thought: How am I supposed to accomplish this? It was easy for me to stop the succession to the throne, but love? How can I possibly guarantee that the young man would never get love? Didn’t the plot already mention that the two of them were in love with each other?!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“抱歉,我想你可能是误会了什么。” 青年闻言,轻轻摇了摇手指,蹲下身道,“我可不需要你的发电厂的所有权,我说了,我只是‘借用几天’。” “我懂你的意思……” 德拉米尼闻言,反倒摇了摇头,“没有用的,这家电厂可是供应着大半个开普敦市的电力,虽然电厂的所有权在我手上,可是我却没有权利将发出的电调往其它城市,市政厅也不会允许我这么做。” “谁说我要将电调往其它地方?” 闻言,青年反而笑了起来,“你不需要关系电的去向问题,只需要帮我做一件事就够了。” 说着,青年转过身朝门外走去,边走边说道,“我需要你帮我挡住‘头顶上’的压力。” “压力,你是说官方?”德拉米尼倒吸一口冷气。", "en": "“I’m sorry, I believe you might have understood what I meant.” The young man wagged his finger and squatted down next to him. “I don’t need ownership of your power plant. I already said ‘borrow for several days’.” “I understand what you meant…” Dlamini shook his head when he heard the young man. “It’s not gonna work, the power plant is responsible for supplying energy to more than a good half of Cape Town. Even though I have complete rights to the power plant, I simply don’t have the authority to direct the power to another city. The city hall won’t let me do that.” “Who told you that I was going to direct it to another place?” Instead, the young man responded with a smile. “You don’t have to worry about where the electric is going to, there’s just one thing you need to do for me.” After that, the young man headed toward the door as he continued. “I only need you to deal with the pressure from ‘upstairs’.” “Pressure, you’re talking about the officials?” Dlamini took a sharp breath."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "江晨咧嘴笑了笑,根本没在意他那不合作的态度,腾出右手掏出来一支针管,毫不客气地扎在了他的后肩。 “唔——!” 喉咙发出一声抗拒的嘶吼,萨尔德斯圆瞪着布满血丝的双眼,但很快瞳孔中的神采便黯淡了下去。 江晨干脆松开了擒住他的手,普通人注射了吐真剂还能反抗,根本不存在这种先例。 将萨尔德斯翻了个面,江晨一字一顿地问道。 “卡门在哪?” “地下掩体……的研究所内。” “地下掩体在哪?” “入口在基地正中央,只能通过升降梯进入。” “入口的旁边有两座停机坪,你走过去就能看到。” 一问一答,很快江晨便得到了想要的情报。 “很好,现在你可以如愿了。” 江晨掏出手枪对着他的脑袋补了一枪,然后将他的尸体丢在了一边。 这是个相当痛快的死法,但对于威名远扬的箭头公司总经理萨尔德斯先生,以这种默默无闻的形式死去,或许比死亡本身更令他痛苦……如果死人会痛苦的话。 “地下掩体么。” 望向基地中央的方向,江晨的嘴角勾起了一抹冷笑。 无论卡门还在图谋着什么,他的好运也该到头了。", "en": "Jiang Chen grinned and smiled. He didn’t care about Sardes’ uncooperative attitude. Jiang Chen freed his right hand, pulled out a needle and injected it into Sardes’ back. “AHHHH!” Sardes growled in resistance. His eyes began to look bloodshot, and soon, the light in his pupils faded. Jiang Chen simply let his hands go. No ordinary person could resist the truth-telling serum. Jiang Chen turned Sardes around and asked one word at a time. “Where is Carmen?” “Underground research institute in the underground bunker…” “Where is the underground bunker?” “The entrance is in the middle of the base and can only be accessed through the elevator.” “There are two aprons next to the entrance.” Jiang Chen soon got the information he wanted. “Good, now your wish has been granted.” Jiang Chen took out a pistol and ended him then tossed his body aside. It was a quick way to die, but for the well-known Arrow general manager Mr. Sardes, death in this obscure form might be more painful than death itself… if the dead felt pain. “The underground bunker?” Looking at the center of the base, Jiang Chen sneered. No matter what Carmen was plotting, his good fortune should be over."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但要对付叶哲泰,仅凭她那几句口号是不行的。他们决定亮出今天为老师准备的新武器,其中的一人对台下挥了一下手。叶哲泰的妻子,同系的物理学教授绍琳从台下的前排站起来,走上台。她身穿一件很不合体的草绿色衣服,显然想与红卫兵的色彩拉近距离,但熟悉绍琳的人联想到以前常穿精致旗袍讲课的她,总觉得别扭。“叶哲泰!”绍琳指着丈夫喝道,她显然不习惯于这种场合,尽量拔高自己的声音,却连其中的颤抖也放大了,“你没有想到我会站出来揭发你,批判你吧!?是的,我以前受你欺骗,你用自己那反动的世界观和科学观蒙蔽了我!现在我醒悟了,在革命小将的帮助下,我要站到革命的一边,人民的一边!”", "en": "But against someone like Ye Zhetai, a few slogans like that were insufficient. The Red Guards decided to bring out the new weapon they had prepared against their teacher. One of them waved to someone offstage. Ye’s wife, physics professor Shao Lin, stood up from the crowd’s front row. She walked onto the stage dressed in an ill-fitting green outfit, clearly intended to imitate the military uniform of the Red Guards. Those who knew her remembered that she had often taught class in an elegant qipao, and her current appearance felt forced and awkward.“Ye Zhetai!” She was clearly unused to such theater, and though she tried to make her voice louder, the effort magnified the tremors in it. “You didn’t think I would stand up and expose you, criticize you? Yes, in the past, I was fooled by you. You covered my eyes with your reactionary view of the world and science! But now I am awake and alert. With the help of the revolutionary youths, I want to stand on the side of the revolution, the side of the people!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "其实,我用进化算法已经找到了一百多种稳定状态,把那些轨迹画出来,足够办一个后现代派画展了。但这不是我的目标,三体问题的真正解决,是建立这样一种数学模型,使得三体在任何一个时间断面的初始运动矢量已知时,能够精确预测三体系统以后的所有运动状态。这也是申玉菲渴望的目标。但平静的生活到昨天就结束了,我遇到了麻烦事。“这就是你要报的案了吧?”大史问。“是的,昨天有个男人来电话,说如果我不立刻停止三体间题的研究,就杀了我。”“那人是谁?”“不知道。”“电话号码?”“不知道,我那个电话没有来电显示。”", "en": "But my evolutionary algorithm has already discovered more than a hundred stable configurations. Drawings of their orbits would fill a gallery with postmodern art, but that's not my goal. The real solution to the three-body problem is to build a mathematical model so that, given any initial configuration with known vectors, the model can predict all subsequent motion of the three-body system. This is also what Shen Yufei craves.But my peaceful life ended yesterday.\"This is the crime you're reporting?\" Shi Qiang asked.\"Yes. A man called yesterday and told me that if I didn't cease my research, I would be killed.\"\"Who was he?\"\"I don't know.\"\"Phone number?\"\"Don't know. Caller ID showed nothing.\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "太后冷笑道:“怎么啦?你只愿服侍皇上,不愿服侍我,是不是?”韦小宝道:“服侍太后和皇上都是一样,奴才一样的忠心耿耿,尽力办事。”太后道:“那就好了。御膳房的差使,你也不用当了,专门在慈宁宫便是。”韦小宝道:“是,多谢太后恩典。”康熙见太后要了韦小宝,怏怏不乐,说了几句闲话,便辞了出来。韦小宝跟着出去。太后道:“小桂子,你留着,让旁人跟皇上回去。我有件事交给你办。”韦小宝道:“是!”眼怔怔瞧着康熙的背影出了慈宁宫,心想:“你这一去,我可就糟了,不知以后还见不见得着你。”忍不住便想大哭。", "en": "'Don't you warn to serve me?' asked the Empress Dowager, with a chilling laugh. 'Do you only ever want to serve the Emperor?' 'I am devoted to both Your Majesties!' That's fine then. From now on, you don't need to bother with the Imperial Catering Department. You're just to stay here with me.' 'Yes, Your Majesty. Much obliged, Your Majesty.' Kang Xi himself was thoroughly unhappy about this arrange-ment. He made a few perfunctory remarks, and took his leave. Trinket followed him out. 'Laurel, come back!' cried the Empress Dowager. The others can perfectly well look after the Emperor. I need you for something here.' 'Yes Majesty!' Trinket watched Kang Xi disappear out of sight, thinking to himself: 'Now that you're gone, I'm done for! I'll probably never see you again!' He feit himself about to burst into tears."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "从山阳到历城,又到太谷,一总转了大半年,终于寻不出什么事情做,我便又决计回S城去了。到时是春初的下午,天气欲雨不雨,一切都罩在灰色中;旧寓里还有空房,仍然住下。在道上,就想起连殳的了,到后,便决定晚饭后去看他。我提着两包闻喜名产的煮饼,走了许多潮湿的路,让道给许多拦路高卧的狗,这才总算到了连殳的门前。里面仿佛特别明亮似的。我想,一做顾问,连寓里也格外光亮起来了,不觉在暗中一笑。但仰面一看,门旁却白白的,分明帖着一张斜角纸。我又想,大良们的祖母死了罢;同时也跨进门,一直向里面走。", "en": "From Shanyang to Licheng to Taigu, I spent the next six months almost constantly on the move. When finally all my other options seemed exhausted, I decided to return to S—. I arrived on an overcast afternoon in early spring, as the sky hesitated over whether or not to rain. As there were vacancies in my old lodgings, I took up a room there. I had set to thinking about Lianshu on my journey back, and resolved to go and call on him after dinner. I walked along a succession of damp streets and around a succession of dozing dogs, bearing two packages containing the steamed cakes for which Wenxi is renowned, until I finally reached Lianshu’s gate. It seemed very bright inside: maybe even an aide-de-camp’s lodgings got to share the brilliance of their occupant , I smiled to myself through the gloom. I then noticed a strip of white mourning paper pasted diagonally across the side of the gate. The Liang grandmother must have died, I thought to myself, heading inside."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "大史几乎不为人察觉地摇摇头. “没有合适位置,那小东西精得能捉鬼,狙击手的长家伙一瞄准她就会觉察.说完,大史径直向前走去,拨开人群,站到中间的空地上.“站住.”核弹女孩向大史抛了个媚眼警告道,右手拇指紧按在起爆开关上,指甲油在电筒光中闪亮着.\"悠着点儿丫头,有件事你肯定想知道.”大史站在距女孩七八米远处,从衣袋中掏出一个信封,\"你母亲找到了.\"女孩儿神采飞扬的眼睛立刻黯淡了下来.但这时,这双眼睛真的通向她的心灵。大史趁机义向前跨了两步,将自己与女孩的间距缩短至五米左右,女孩警惕地一举核弹.用目光制止了他.但她的注虑力已经被大大分散了。刚才扔掉假核弹的两人中的一个向大史走来.伸手来拿他举着的信封.大史闪电般抽出手枪·他抽枪的动作正好被取信的人挡住.女孩没有看到.她只看到取信人的耳边亮光一闪.怀中的核弹就被击中爆炸了.", "en": "Almost imperceptibly, Da Shi shook his head. \"There's no good position. She's sharp as a tack. As soon as she's targeted by a sniper scope, she'll know.\"Da Shi strode forward. He pushed the crowd apart and stood in the middle of the empty space.\"Stop,\" the young woman warned Da Shi, staring at him intently. Her right thumb was poised over the detonator. Her face was no longer smiling in the flashlight beams.Calm down, Da Shi said, standing about seven or eight meters from her. He took an envelope from his pocket. \"I have some information you'll definitely want to know. Your mother has been found.\"The young woman's feverish eyes dimmed. At that moment her eyes were truly windows to her soul.Da Shi took two steps forward. He was now no more than five meters from her. She raised the bomb and warned him with her eyes, but she was already distracted. One of the two ETO members who had tossed away fake bombs strode toward Da Shi to take the envelope from him. As the man blocked the woman's view of Da Shi, he drew his gun with a lightning-fast motion. The woman only saw a flash by the ear of the man trying to take the letter from Da Shi before the bomb in her hands exploded."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "小郡主急道: “你两个又不相识,一见面就吵嘴,快别吵了。师姊,你怎么到这里来?是……是来救我么?”那女子道:“我们不知道你在这里。大伙儿不见了你,到处找寻,找不到……”说到这里,已是上气不接下气。韦小宝道:“没力气说话,就少说几句。”那女子道:“我偏要说。你怎么样?”韦小宝道:“你有本事就说下去。人家小郡主多么温柔斯文,哪似你这般泼辣。”", "en": "The Little Countess interrupted them. 'Would the two of you please stop? You don't even know each other! Sister, what are you doing here? Did you come ... to rescue me?' 'No, we didn't even know you were here. When we found out that you'd disappeared, we searched everywhere, but it was hopeless . . .' She was already out of breath. 'Why don't you just shut up!' said Trinket. 'And if I don't shut up? What are you going to do to me then?' 'Nothing,' replied Trinket. 'You'll wear yourself out sooner or later. Oh dear! The Little Countess is such a nice, gentle girl; but you're—'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "况且,电话始终可以打通,说明对方的手机不会没电。 她一边继续给他拨打着电话,一边拦截了一辆出租车,对出租车司机交代了一个他觉得莫名其妙的问题,“师傅,你带着我随便走,绕着这个咖啡馆,将所有的路,都走十分钟可以走到的位置。” 她焦急的看着窗外,这一条道路上,却没有看到一个车祸。 她更急了。 直接跑到了最近的警察局,询问那附近是否有发生车祸。 得到的回答是:“是有一起追尾事故,但是他们自己走保险解决,所以已经离开了。” 不会是子川。 子川一向准时,而且子川一向心细。 她每天跟子川约定什么时间上线,但凡他会迟到一分钟,也会发个短信给自己说一声的。 她从警局出来,再给子川打电话,对方已经关机了。 乔恋急忙又回到了咖啡馆,一动也不敢动。 她怕子川来找她看不到她,一向没有耐心的人,就这么在咖啡馆,整整做了一个下午。", "en": "Furthermore, the fact that his phone number always rang meant that his phone had not run out of battery. As she continued to call him, she flagged down a cab and asked the cab driver a question that he found extremely strange, “Could you randomly drive me around this cafe and stop at any place which can be reached from the cafe in exactly ten minutes?” She worriedly stared through the car window. However, she did not see any car accidents along the road. In the end, she went directly to the nearest police station and asked if any car accidents had happened nearby. The answer she received was as follows, “There was a tailgating accident. However, they have settled their respective car insurance issues, so they left the scene.” Zi Chuan had always been both punctual and meticulous. Whenever she agreed with Zi Chuan to log in at a particular time, he would send a private message to inform her when he was late, even if it was by a single minute. She walked out of the police station and called Zi Chuan’s phone number again. However, he had already switched off his cell phone. Qiao Lian hurriedly went back into the cafe and didn’t dare to step out again. She was afraid that Zi Chuan would arrive at the cafe and not be able to find her. Thus, a habitually impatient person sat at a cafe for an entire afternoon."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“那我还是呢。” “这血型又不是检验亲子的关键,得DNA啊。” “对啊,我还是A型血呢。” 贺兰秀色哭着嘶喊:“你们住口,住口……” 她泪流满面,哽咽道:“爸爸……我知道你现在看我怎么都不顺眼,我知道你很愤怒,可是……可是,求求您了,求您冷静一下,不要被愤怒控制住头脑,以前所有人都说哥哥跟您年轻的时候一模一样,您忘了吗?” “我哥哥总是您的孩子啊?” “妈妈这样精明的人,如果第一个孩子真的不是您的孩子,她都能想出那样的办法处理掉,那么,她怎么会允许让一个不是您的孩子留在贺兰家,这不就等于给自己埋了一个定时炸弹,妈妈不会这样做的,她不会那么蠢的,……” 贺兰秀色的话的确是有一些道理,倒是让贺兰明德愣了一下。 贺兰秀色紧跟着道:“如果您真的怀疑我,没关系,我不会怪您,您永远都是我最爱的爸爸,但是……爸爸,我不能陪着您了,我不能受这样的侮辱,我会向您证明我的清白。”", "en": "“Then I’m one of them too.” “Blood type isn’t the key to verifying paternity—it’s DNA.” “That’s right. I’m an A-type too.” “Shut up. Shut up…” Helan Xiuse shrieked, crying. Tears streaked her entire face. “Dad…I know that I look disagreeable to you now, I know that you’re angry, but…But please calm down. I’m begging you. Don’t let yourself be controlled by rage. Everybody said that brother looks just like you when you were younger. Did you forget?” “My brother has always been your son. “Mom is clever. If she could think of a way to get rid of her first child, which was not your child, why would she let a child that wasn’t yours stay in the Helan family? If she did, wouldn’t she have planted a ticking time bomb for herself? Mom wouldn’t do this. She wouldn’t be so stupid…” There was logic in Helan Xiuse’s words. It stunned Helan Mingde for a moment. “It’s okay if you suspect me,” Helan Xiuse continued quickly. “I won’t blame you. You’ll always be my dearest Dad. But…Dad, I can’t go along with you. I can’t take these false accusations. I’ll prove my innocence to you.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "沈凉川淡淡“嗯”了一声,还想说什么,对面就传来了宋城接下来的声音,“可是,你猜我看到了谁?” 沈凉川一愣,“谁?” “你啊! 沈哥,你开着车在小区门口处溜达什么呢?你也来劝服忘川的?” 沈凉川又是一愣,扭头,就看到不远处宋城的车子停在那里。 挂了电话,他靠边停车。 宋城屁颠屁颠跑过来,沈凉川先发制人:“你怎么在这儿?” “高佑明每次直播都是在自己家里。 忘川实在是太神秘了,到现在谁也不知道她的身份,我想我们经纪公司想要签约她,只能走高佑明这条路了! 我已经拿到了高佑明家的门牌号,一会儿直接将人拦在他们家里。” 沈凉川无可无不可的“嗯”了一声。", "en": "Shen Liangchuan silently nodded in affirmation. However, just as he was intending to speak, Song Cheng continued, “However, guess who I just saw?” Shen Liangchuan froze and said, “Who?” “You, of course! Brother Shen, why are you driving near the entrance to this residential area? Are you also here to persuade Wang Chuan?” Shen Liangchuan froze again. As he turned around, he saw Song Cheng parking his car at a nearby spot. Song Cheng ran over to him eagerly. Shen Liangchuan said preemptively, “Why are you here?” “Song Cheng pointed at the residential area and said, “I heard that Wang Chuan always livestreams with Gao Youming, and Gao Youming always streams from his own home. Wang Chuan is really quite mysterious; until now, nobody has found out her identity. I realized that the only way our management company will be able to sign a contract with her will be through Gao Youming! I already have Gao Youming’s address. In a while, I’ll directly confront him inside his own home.” Shen Liangchuan shrugged and nodded casually."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "方池夏对他很无语,重新复述了一次,“我刚说的话,两位有意见吗? 如果没意见,那么,这份合同两位先看看,看后我们直接签了吧?” 她觉得,费司诺虽然看起来有点坏,有点邪,有点怪,但是,并不像不好说话的人。 然而,他只是淡淡瞥了她一眼,然后,指了指苏瑞,面不改色飘出一句,“不好意思哦,我是作陪的,决定权还得在这位小姐手里。” 苏瑞明显没料到他会来上这么一句,看着他的眼神有些怪异。 苏瑞很清楚,只要有她和费司诺在的场合,任何大权,绝对是掌握在费司诺手里。 现在竟然说出这种话,他也好意思?", "en": "Fang Chixia was speechless. She repeated, “I just said, do you have other concerns?” If there aren’t, then please take a look at the contract first. Afterwards, why don’t we directly sign it?” Her hunch was telling her that this Fei Si Nuo may look a bit bad, evil, and even strange, but he wasn’t one to create troubles for others. Except that, he just glanced at her and pointed at Su Rui. Without batting an eyelid, he said, “I’m sorry. I’m only a companion. All decisions will be in this young lady’s hands.” Su Rui was obviously uninformed with this sudden claim. She looked askance at him. Su Rui was very clear that as long as she and Fei Si Nuo are together, any kind of power was absolutely in his hands. Now that he has said such a thing, was he interested in her, too?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "沈凉川挽起衬衫的袖子,走进厨房,将地上的青菜和肉丝扫进垃圾筐里,接着拿起一块肉,切好以后放进小碗里面腌制,开火,炒肉,动作娴熟,看着竟然还有一些美感。 乔恋就在旁边站着,等到面快煮好的时候,他才将青菜和肉丝重新放进锅里,搅拌了一下,两碗热气腾腾的面条,就出锅了。 简直是……色香味俱全! 乔恋拿起筷子吃了一口,眼睛刷的就亮了,“好吃!” 跟这个一比,她跟小易那三年,简直吃的就是猪食! 盯着女孩吃饭的样子,沈凉川的眸色更加柔和。 她还是那么简单,一碗面条,就容易打发。 可这么心思单纯的人,怎么会做出那种事儿来…… 如果不是亲眼所见,自己是绝对不会相信的。 想到这里,他的神色又冷下来,忽然没了胃口。", "en": "Shen Liangchuan rolled up his sleeves and walked into the kitchen. He picked up the vegetables and meat strips on the floor and threw them into the dustbin. Afterwards, he picked up a piece of meat, cut it and placed it into the small bowl to marinate it. Then, he turned on the fire and fried the meat. His actions were adept, they even looked artistic. Qiao Lian stood beside him. By the time the noodles were almost done cooking, he had already placed the vegetables and meat strips into the pot and stirred them. Shortly after, the two hot bowls of noodles were ready to be served. This was really… a perfect combination of color, aroma and taste! Qiao Lian picked up her chopsticks and took a mouthful. Her eyes shone at once. “It’s delicious!” Comparing this to the noodles she cooked, the food she had been eating with Xiao Yi for the past three years was literally pig’s food! As Shen Liangchuan watched the girl eat, his glance got increasingly gentle. She was still that simple, she could be appeased by a bowl of noodles. However, why would a person with such innocent thoughts do such a thing? He would have never believed it if he hadn’t seen it for himself. As he thought about it, his expression became cold again and he suddenly lost his appetite."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "*降临派:这是三体叛军最本原最纯粹的一脉,主要由伊文斯物种共产主义的信奉者组成。他们对人类本性都已彻底绝望,这种绝望最初来源于现代文明导致的地球物种大灭绝,(伊文斯就是其典型代表。)后来,降临派对人类的憎恨开始有了不同的出发点,并非只局限于环保和战争等,有些上升到了相当抽象的哲学高度。与后来人们的想象不同,这些人大都是现实主义者,对于他们为之服务的外星文明也并未抱太多的期望,他们的背叛只源于对人类的绝望和仇恨,麦克·伊文斯的一句话已成为降临派的座右铭:我们不知道外星文明是什么样子,但知道人类。拯救派:这是在三体叛军出现相当长的时间后才产生的一个派别,它本质上是一个宗教团体,由三体教的教徒组成。", "en": "The Adventist group was the purest, most fundamentalist strand of the ETO, comprised mainly of believers in Evans's Pan-Species Communism. They had completely given up hope in human nature. This despair began with the mass extinctions of the Earth's species caused by modern civilization.Later, other Adventists based their hatred of the human race on other foundations, not limited to issues such as the environment or warfare. Some raised their hatred to very abstract, philosophical levels. Unlike how they would be imagined later, most of them were realists, and did not place too much hope in the alien civilization they served either. Their betrayal was based only on their despair and hatred of the human race. Mike Evans gave the Adventists their motto: We don't know' what extraterrestrial civilization is like, but we know humanity.The Redemptionists didn't appear until long after the ETO's founding. This groups nature was a religious organization, and the members were believers in the Trisolaran faith."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "!” 一阵尖锐的“叱”的刹车声,让所有人都目瞪口呆,震惊的看着面前的一切。 兰博基尼停下,在距离杨玲思,只有零点零一米的距离! 整个现场一片安静。 五秒钟后,杨玲思双腿一软,狼狈的摔倒在地上,她吓得全身发抖,脸色苍白,整个人狼狈至极! 沈凉川从车上下来,淡漠的视线扫过在场所有人,半响后才轻飘飘吐出一句话:“抱歉,没分清楚刹车和油门。” 导演看着他,想骂却又不敢,最后只能挤出一抹笑:“快去看看杨玲思!”", "en": "“Skiiiiid!” The sharp noise of a car braking made everybody on set look towards the car with their mouths agape. Shocked, they tried to take in everything that they were seeing. The Lamborghini had stopped. There was only a 0.01 meter distance between the car and Yang Lingsi! The entire set fell into absolute silence.After five seconds, Yang Lingsi felt her legs give way, and she clumsily fell onto the floor. Her entire body was shaking in shock, and her face was pale. Her entire figure looked extremely sorry indeed. Shen Liangchuan stepped out of the car. His gaze swept over everybody on the set indifferently and only after a long while did he softly mumble out, “Apologies, I mixed up the brakes and the accelerator.” The director looked at him. He wanted to scold him, but he didn’t dare do so. At last, he could only squeeze out a reluctant smile and said, “Quick, check on Yang Lingsi!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "应该是我现在就读的高级魔法学院的院长和副院长了。 我和马克冲着他们鞠了一躬,一起说道:“各位老师好。” 迪老师还没说话,那位穿黑色魔法袍的老魔法师说道:“你们不用多礼了,这是长弓吧,劳伦你收了个好徒弟啊。” 我看了看迪老师,迪老师微笑着说道:“长弓,这位就是皇家高级魔法学院的院长空间系魔导师传松·震老师,上回我给你的哪本魔法阵的书就是他写的。 我重新见礼说道:“两位老师好。” 震老师说道:“长弓现在在丝雨哪个班就读吧?” 我回答道:“是。” 震老师说道:“长弓这两天我们几个老家伙要对你进行特训,以应付大后天的比赛,你也知道这关系到咱们艾夏王国未来的命运,所以我们希望你能努力用心的用这两天的时间来提升自己,马克会和你一起接受本次特训,他作为这次比赛的替补。 你们都是国家的栋梁,我们都老了,以后就要看你们的了。”", "en": "‘They are probably the principal and vice principal of the Advanced Magic Academy.’ Ma Ke and I bowed towards them and jointly said, “Greetings to the teachers.” Teacher Di hadn’t said anything, but the old mage wearing a black robe said, “You don’t need to be this polite! You must be Zhang Gong. Ah, Lao Lun found such an exceptional successor.” As I looked at Teacher Di, he smilingly said, “Zhang Gong, this is the Royal Advanced Magic Academy’s Principal, Spatial Magister Teacher Chuan Song Zhen. The magic array book I gave you last time was written by him. I greeted them again. “It is my pleasure meeting you teachers.” Teacher Zhen said, “Zhang Gong, are you in Teacher Si Yu’s class?” I replied, “Yes!” Teacher Zhen said, “Zhang Gong, for the next two days we will give you special training for the competition that will be held in three days. You should know that this competition determines the fate of the Kingdom of Aixia so we hope that you will work hard in these two days to improve your abilities. Ma Ke will also be training with you. He’ll serve as a reserve for the competition. You will be the kingdom’s new pillars as we are already getting old. You will have to depend on yourselves in the future.” ‘"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "工兵穿着厚重的防爆服,冒死冲进火场,从废墟中拖出尚未殉爆的弹药。 还能动的士兵全都动了起来,寻找着自己的队伍集结。 萨尔德斯望着窗外的火光,呆滞的瞳孔中渐渐印上了一层绝望。 浓烟遮蔽了整个基地,火光将整片夜空都染成了红色,简直就如世界末日一样。 “谢特……” 喃喃自语着,他挪动着灌铅似得双腿,缓缓离开了窗边。", "en": "The engineer soldiers with heavy explosion-proof suits rushed into the flames to pull out any unexploded ammunition from the ruins. All the soldiers who could still move began to mobilize while they searched for their missing team members. Sardes looked at the fire outside the window, and despair gradually appeared in his blank pupils. Smoke covered the entire base. Flame stained the entire night sky red. The scene resembled doomsday. “Sh*t…” Sardes muttered to himself. He moved his heavy legs and slowly left the window."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "一边吃我一边问她道:“木子,你每天都吃这么多,为什么不会胖啊?” 木子瞥了我一眼,说道:“怎么不会胖,比以前要胖了些哦。” 我说道:“是吗? 我怎么没看出来,我觉的你还是胖一点的好。” 正在这时候,一个娇嫩的声音传了过来,“长弓,你在这里吃饭啊。” 我回头一看,是海水来了。 我奇怪的问道:“你晚上不是应该回家吃饭吗? 怎么跑食堂来了。” 海水走到我身边,并没有回答我的问题,皱着眉头看着木子说道:“长弓,你怎么和木子在一起啊。 木子,你好。” 木子客气的笑了笑,说道:“海水,是你呀,来,一起吃饭吧?”", "en": "As I ate, I asked Mu Zi, “Mu Zi, how can you not get fat after eating so much everyday?” Mu Zi glanced at me and said, “How have I not gained weight? I’m much fatter than before.” I replied, “Really? I can’t see it. I think it would be better if you were slightly fatter.” At this moment, a gentle voice said. “So you’re eating here, Zhang Gong.” I turned around and saw Hai Shui. I curiously asked, “Aren’t you supposed to eat your dinner at home? Why are you at the canteen?” Hai Shui walked to my side, but didn’t reply to my question. She frowned at Mu Zi. “Zhang Gong, why are you with Mu Zi? Mu Zi, how are you?” Mu Zi smiled politely and replied, “So it’s Hai Shui! Let’s eat together!”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "不仅如此,对方甚至伸出手臂,将枪递到了瑞恩眼前。 “你是魔鬼!”瑞恩发出一声尖叫,他迅速夺过枪,就想朝眼前的青年射去! 可是下一秒,他发现自己的身体也不能动了…… 砰!又是一声枪响,瑞恩也彻底垂下了脑袋,他的额头多出一颗拳头大小的弹孔,而他的手臂也诡异地伸了出来,将枪递到了德拉米尼眼前。 仿佛是一场死亡接力…… “巫术?还是某种高科技?” 德拉米尼瞪圆了眼睛,他不可思议的望着递到眼前的黑色手枪,却不由得再次想到自己和英德尔后颈处的伤口。", "en": "As if that was not enough, he extended his arm and presented the gun in front of Ryan. “You’re the devil!” Ryan screeched in horror. He snatched the gun faster than he could blink and shot at the young man! The very next second, he realized his body was frozen as well… “Bang!” Another gunshot. Ryan’s head slumped down meekly. A bullet hole the size of a fist appeared on his forehead. Similarly, his arm popped forward freakishly to present the gun in front of Dlamini. It was like some sort of relay race of death… “Witchery? Or is this the work of some form of advanced technology?” Dlamini’s eyes were wide open as he stared at the gun passed to him in disbelief. He could not help but form the connection with the wound on the back of Indell’s and his neck."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "糟老头见他醒了,“我给你扎针呢,你心神俱衰,不过给你养养,你就该去见阎王。” 慕言君眼神阴沉下去,脸色苍白憔悴,却煞气十足,让人看了不寒而栗。 糟老头又给他扎了一针,“本来不想救你的,毕竟你这样的人心肠歹毒无比,救活了你指不定这天下要乱成什么样子。” 慕言君声音轻柔而诡异,“松开我。” 糟老头摇头,“这可不行,我救不活你的心尖人,救了你也算是赔偿了。” 慕言君突然凄厉笑起来,“你偿不了,怎么可能偿得了,你就算救活这天下所有人,都偿不了她一根头发。”脱险了", "en": "The rotten old man saw he was awake, “I gave you acupuncture, your heart was in decline, but I gave you treatment. Otherwise, you would go to see King Yama.” Mu Yanjun eyes were dark. His face was pale, but full of anger, enough to make others shudder. The old man pierced him with another needle, “I didn’t want to save you, after all, your heart is incomparably poisonous. To save someone like you today, wouldn’t it mean that the world will be messed up.” Mu Yanjun’s voice was soft and strange, “Let me go.” The old man shook his head, “This I can not, I couldn’t save the little person in your heart. Saving you is compensation.” Mu Yanjun suddenly began to smile bitterly, “You can’t pay, how could it be compensated, even if you saved all the world, it couldn’t repay one hair of hers.”Finally Safe from Danger"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"可是我听说去年年底施家送给慰老爷一桌酒席哩,八公公。\"蟹壳脸道。", "en": "‘I heard the Shis threw a banquet for Mr Wei just before the New Year,’ the man with the crab-shell face interjected."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "司机更是不可思议的抬头,刚刚自己也只是开玩笑的想想,说小主会帮自己把这个姑娘给救了,没有想到,居然是真的。 “愣什么愣,给我开车。” 邻度被SH堵住,正好没有地方撒气,司机正好成了他的出气筒。 看着额头还有脸庞都是滑落的血,SH眉头皱紧。", "en": "The driver looked up in disbelief. He was only joking just now, saying that the young master would help him save this girl. He did not expect it to be true. “What are you waiting for? Drive. ” Lin Du was blocked by SH, so he had nowhere to vent his anger. The driver had just become his punching bag. Looking at the blood that was dripping from his forehead and face, SH frowned."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "沈凉川:……好声好气的照顾她不行,这家伙是有受虐倾向吗? 将一碗粥凶巴巴的喂给她吃,那副情景,真是怎么看怎么怪异。 等到乔恋吃饱了,这才躺下。 沈凉川也喝了粥,这会儿去厕所。 乔恋躺在病床上,却怎么也睡不着了。 脑子里一直闪现着刚刚沈凉川异样的举动。 难道说……跟自己相处的久了,所以这个人终于发现自己天生丽质难自弃,爱上她了? 想到这里,乔恋就喜滋滋的拿起手机,打开了前置摄像头,可没想到这么看过去……就发现她的脸此刻肿胀的厉害,跟猪头没啥区别。", "en": "Shen Liangchuan thought, “Why can’t I be gentle with her? Is she a masochist?” He harshly fed the bowl of porridge to her. These circumstances… were strange indeed. Qiao Lian only laid back down after she had her fill of porridge. Shen Liangchuan also ate some porridge, and then proceeded to go to the toilet. Qiao Lian laid on the hospital bed, but could not sleep no matter how hard she tried. The abnormal behavior that Shen Liangchuan had just exhibited kept flashing through her mind. Could it be that… he had finally noticed her heavenly beauty, after interacting with her for such a long period? And he had finally fallen for her? As she thought about this, Qiao Lian happily took her cell phone and switched on the front-facing camera. However, when she looked at herself… she realized that her face was severely swollen. It was so swollen that it looked like a pig’s head!"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "了解情况后,喻楚心里喜忧参半。喜的是,这是一个女尊世界,女尊男卑,身为女人的好处不少。忧的是……这次的寄体,在这个世界的风评,也着实太差了点…… 她从床上起身,影子映在里间的屏风上,床纱外一室金碧辉煌。 外间侯着的侍从立刻鞠躬,脚步轻轻地走了进来,低着头,紧张的声音带着少年时期的沙哑:“皇女殿下,您要起身么?” 喻楚抬头打量一眼,发现这少年长得不错,眉清目秀,低垂的眉眼很是温顺,一方面有着对自己的惧怕,另一方面,也带着点小心翼翼的讨好。这就是女尊啊。", "en": "After understanding the situation, Yu Chu’s heart was mixed with hope and fear. The good news was that this was a female-dominated society. Being a woman had many benefits in this world where women were superior to men. However, there was one thing to worry about; the original host’s reputation was extremely bad… As she got up from the bed, her shadow was reflected on a folding screen in the inner room. Outside the veiled bed was a resplendently decorated room. The attendant who was waiting outside immediately bowed and came in with lithe footsteps. His head was lowered as he nervously asked in a slightly husky voice, “Your Highness, you’re awake?” Yu Chu looked up to size him up. She noticed that he was quite good-looking, with delicate features. His humble attitude made him appear very docile. On the one hand, he feared her but on the other hand, he proceeded with caution to please her. This is how it feels to be revered as a woman, huh?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "只是不知道,这场局到底是为谁而设。 “方池夏!” 推开人群,洛易北的目光梭巡在现场,一个地方一个地方地寻找了起来。 现场人很多,一切井然有序的样子,似乎并没有人觉察到异常。 周围的气氛,很诡谲。 危险,似乎随时都可能被触发。 洛易北没心情管那么多不相关的人,但是,方池夏的事,他不可能不管。 “方池夏!” 洛易北寻找了好一会儿都没找到人,目光变得有些凌乱了起来。 周围只有细细碎碎宾客聊天的声音,并没有任何回应传来。 “方池夏——”洛易北推开人群往外走了几步,正准备走出大厅继续寻找,却在瞥见不远处向着这边本来的人影时愣了住。", "en": "He just wasn’t in the know who this game was for. “Fang Chixia!” Pushing the crowd away, Luo Yibei gaze sifted back and forth, combing every corner of the place. There were a lot of people on the scene and everything was in order. No one seemed to have noticed the anomaly. The venue was truly deceptive. The danger was likely to be triggered at any time. Luo Yibei wasn’t in the mood to consider so many unrelated people but Fang Chixia was someone he couldn’t ignore. “Fang Chixia!” Luo Yibei has been searching for a while, but with her figure nowhere, his eyes turned apprehensive. There was only a fine shredding of guests chatting, but there was no response around. “Fang Chixia –” Luo Yibei pushed his way out of another crowd and walked a few steps away. He was about to go out of the hall to continue searching when he caught a glimpse of her figure tripping in her rush to get inside."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“您没认错,我是爱因斯坦,一个对上帝充满信仰却被他抛弃的可怜人。”“刚才那个大月亮是怎么回事?我前几次来没有见过它。”“它已经凉下来了。”“谁?”“大月亮啊,我小时候它还热着,升到中天时能看到核心平原上的红光,现在凉下来了……你没听说过大撕裂吗?”“没有,怎么回事?”爱因斯坦叹息着摇摇头:“不提了,往事不堪回首,我的过去,文明的过去,宇宙的过去,都不堪回首啊!”“您怎么落到这个地步?”汪淼掏掏口袋,真的掏出了一些零钱,他弯腰将钱放到帽子里。“谢谢哥白尼先生,但愿上帝不抛弃您吧,不过我对此没有信心。我感觉,您和牛顿他们到东方用人列运算的那个模型,已很接近于正确了,但所差的那么一点点,对牛顿或其他的人来说是一道不可逾越的鸿沟。", "en": "\"You're not. I'm Einstein, a pitiful man full of faith in God, though abandoned by Him.\"\"What is that giant moon? I've never seen it the previous times I was here.\"\"It's already cooled off.\"\"What?\"'The big moon. When I was little it was still hot. When it rose to the middle of the sky, I could see the red glow from the central plains But now it's cold. . . . Haven't you heard about the great rip?\"\"No. What's that?\"Einstein sighed and shook his head. \"Let s not speak of it. Forget the past. My past, civilizations past, the universe's past—all of it too painful to recall.\"\"How did you get to be like this?\" Wang searched in his pocket and found some change. He bent over and dropped the money into the hat.\"Thank you, Mr. Copernicus. Let's hope that God doesn't abandon you, though I don't have much faith in that. I feel that the model you and Newton and the others created in the East with the help of the human-formation computer was very close to being correct. But the little bit of error left was like an uncrossable chasm for Newton and the others."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我在报社已经干了8个月了,再有4个月,就满一年可以拿到记者证。” 知道她不听自己劝告,乔易转移话题:“姐,跟你商量个事儿?” “什么?” “你能不能帮我换个男护工。 “为什么?” “因为我已经长大了啊!” “小易,你怎么这么可爱!” 从医院里走出来,乔恋像是回血了一样,整个人再次充满了动力。 主编的刁难算什么? 只要熬过这四个月,拿到记者证,姐还不稀罕给你打工了呢! 晚上六点,乔恋下了公交车,正打算往8号别墅走,却接到了夏叶华的电话:“小乔,今晚来18号吃饭,我们大家吃一顿团圆饭。” 乔恋到达18号别墅时,发现院子里停着今天沈凉川开走的那辆车。 这么说,沈凉川回来了? 是不是因为看到报道,知道那新闻不是自己发的,乖乖回来道歉了? 这么想着,她就扬起头,走进客厅中。 客厅沙发上坐着他们三个人,她进门之前,他们说说笑笑。", "en": "After she attained her reporter’s certificate, she would be able to investigate the reason for her parents death from eight years ago. Knowing that she wouldn’t heed his advice, Qiao Yi changed the topic. “Sister, can I discuss something with you?” “What?” “Can you change my caretaker to a male one?” “Why?” “It’s because I have grown up!” “… Hahahahahaha! Xiao Yi, why are you so cute!” When Qiao Lian walked out of the hospital, she looked like she had revived and was gushed with energy. What could her chief editor even do to her? As long as she survived these four months and successfully got her reporter’s certificate, she wouldn’t bother to continue working for them. At 6 pm, Qiao Lian alighted from the bus. When she intended to walk to villa 8, she received a call from Xia Yehua. “Xiao Qiao, come to villa 18 for dinner tonight. Let’s have dinner together.” When Qiao Lian reached villa 18, she realized that the car Shen Liangchuan had driven today was parked there. Did that mean that Shen Liangchuan was back? Had he realized that the article hadn’t been her doing and returned back to apologize? As the thoughts were running through her mind, she lifted her head up and walked into the living room. The three of them sat on the sofa in the living room and they were happily conversing before she entered."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "只要和连殳一熟识,是很可以谈谈的。他议论非常多,而且往往颇奇警。使人不耐的倒是他的有些来客,大抵是读过《沉沦》的罢,时常自命为\"不幸的青年\"或是\"零余者\",螃蟹一般懒散而骄傲地堆在大椅子上,一面唉声叹气,一面皱着眉头吸烟。还有那房主的孩子们,总是互相争吵,打翻碗碟,硬讨点心,乱得人头昏。但连殳一见他们,却再不像平时那样的冷冷的了,看得比自己的性命还宝贵。听说有一回,三良发了红斑痧,竟急得他脸上的黑气愈见其黑了;不料那病是轻的,于是后来便被孩子们的祖母传作笑柄。", "en": "Once you got to know Lianshu, though, he turned out to be quite a talker. He had a great many views on all kinds of subjects – many of them startlingly acute. The most tiresome thing about him was his other guests: fashionably disaffected youths, most of them, who spent the good part of their time draped over his chairs, like indolent crabs, scowling, smoking and railing against the harsh cruel world that had turned them into ‘superfluous men’. Then there were his landlord’s children, always fighting and arguing with each other, knocking over bowls and plates, cadging cakes and sweets, till your ears buzzed with their racket. But Lianshu melted the moment he saw them: they seemed to be more precious to him than his own life. Once, when the next to youngest came down with measles, I heard he was so worried even the grandmother laughed at him afterwards – when the illness turned out not to be serious – for his excessive anxiety."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她忽然意识到什么,急忙扭头,用头发遮住脸颊。 可做完这些,她又想到,恐怕……脸上的巴掌印,他已经看到了吧? 可是,他看见了,却没说话,也没有在他脸上看到惊讶的神色,这说明……他早就知道自己被打了? 乔恋的眼睛一下子亮了,猛地回头,冲动的询问:“沈先生,你是因为我,才打了王文豪吗?”", "en": "She suddenly realized something and hurriedly turned her head, covering her cheeks with her hair. But after doing so, she suddenly realized that he probably had already seen the hand marks on her cheeks. Yet, after he had seen it, he hadn’t spoken nor shown any signs of surprise, which meant that… he already knew she had been slapped? So… Qiao Lian’s eyes immediately shone, as she suddenly turned her head and rashly asked, “Mr. Shen, did you hit Wang Wenhao because of me?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "这下可坏了,被那老眼昏花的老头发现了,他嘴角嗪着一丝奸笑,向我笔直的走了过来,木子吓的不敢抬头。 要被他抓住我就麻烦大了,怎么办,现在收纸条已经来不及了,死就死了,出绝招吧。 我非常坦然的直起腰,直视老师,然后把答案纸放在鼻子上用力一擤,之后潇洒的扔出一个抛物线扔到了角落里,老头瞪了瞪眼睛,也终于没有勇气把罪证拣起来。 看他转身走了,我长长的出了一口气,心道:好险,好险。 我旁边的木子已经趴在桌子上笑的不行了。", "en": "‘This is bad! The old man noticed me.’ He grinned and walked directly towards me. Mu Zi was so frightened she didn’t dare look up. ‘If I get caught by him, I’ll be in great trouble! What should I do? It’s too late to hide the notes. Since I’m dead already, I’ll use my ultimate move!’ I calmly sat upright and looked at the teacher. I placed the slip of paper in front of my nose and blew my nose really hard, which resulted to the paper to land into a corner of the classroom. The teacher glared at me, but didn’t dare to pick up the evidence that I was cheating. That was extremely close !’ Mu Zi who was sitting beside me giggled uncontrollably as she laid her upper body on the table."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "狂风吹过峡谷,在草原上掀起了阵阵波澜。 正在俯首啃食着青嫩草叶的野牛抬起头来,望向天空。 在那里,一艘数十米长的木制商船正悬浮在空中,满张的船帆在风的吹动向鼓起,向前缓慢的移动着。 “无论什么时候看,这风潮都是如此壮观。” 身穿皮甲的中年男子站在甲板旁,向下俯瞰着这一望无际的草原与美景。 “对于我们商人来说,这也是难得的商机。” 站在中年男子身边的,是一个略微有些肥胖的商人,他留着一头古怪的卷发,穿着商人的长袍,两只小眼睛微微眯起,活象是在算计什么似的注视着眼前的风景,看他的样子,仿佛就连眼前的这副美景,都可以拿去卖钱似的。", "en": "The wind blew through the canyon and set off waves to the prairie. The wild cows that were bowing to eat the green grass looked up towards the sky. There, a ten-meter long wooden merchant ship was floating in the air. The ship moved forward slowly as the sail bellied with the wind. “No matter how you see it, this scenery sure is a magnificent one.” A middle-aged man in leather armor stood next to the deck, looking down at the endless grassland and its beauty. “For us merchants, this is also a rare opportunity.” Standing next to the middle-aged man was a slightly overweight merchant. He had a weird curly hair and was wearing a merchant’s robe. His small eyes were slightly narrowed as if he was planning something while gazing at the scenery in front of him. Looking at him, it was as if he was thinking that the beautiful scenery in front of him could be sold."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"你不知道,我可是比先前更怕去访人了。因为我已经深知道自己之讨厌,连自己也讨厌,又何必明知故犯的去使人暗暗地不快呢?然而这回的差使是不能不办妥的,所以想了一想,终于回到就在斜对门的柴店里。店主的母亲,老发奶奶,倒也还在,而且也还认识我,居然将我邀进店里坐去了。我们寒暄几句之后,我就说明了回到S城和寻长富的缘故。不料她叹息说:", "en": "I don’t like to make unnecessary trouble for myself any more. ‘You have no idea how much I hate calling on people – even more than I used to. I know what a burden I am, even to myself; why should I force my unhappiness on others? But I had to see the business through now, so I eventually decided to go over to the tinder store opposite. There I found old Mrs Fa, the owner’s mother, who recognized me and invited me in to sit down. After a bit of small talk, I explained why I was looking for Chang Fu. ‘ “Poor Ah-shun,” she sighed."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“所以,你要获得的力量在我的……咳,我的那里?”梨子羞得难以启齿,她一个未经世事,甚至连恋爱都没谈过的黄花大闺女哪受得了被人握住了那个地方,还要拿出来讨论。 石小白点头道:“没错。” “呼,那你为什么不早说!”梨子眉头挑了起来。 “你没问。”石小白理所当然地说道。 梨子哑然,她刚才确实太过着急了没问清楚,但你握住人家那里都不知道先征求下意见?知不知道这是性骚扰? 哼,这混蛋一定是故意的,活脱脱就是一个小色狼!梨子心里暗骂着,忽然苦着脸说道:“一定要……握住那里才能使用异能?” 这个异能限制也太操蛋了吧?握住女性的****才能施展?如果是这样的话,她还怎么当他的实验对象……被毫无预兆地握一次已经几乎让她崩溃了,如果要一次又一次重复实验的话,她估计会害羞致死吧?", "en": "“So, the strength you want to obtain is in my…cough, there?” Riko was so embarrassed that she could not even bring up the matter. She had yet to engage in the worldly pleasures, and she was even a pure and innocent girl who had never even dated. So how could she bring up the matter for discussion after having her sensitive spot grabbed? Shi Xiaobai nodded and said, “That’s right.” “Hu, why didn’t you tell me earlier!” Riko began knitting her eyebrows. “You didn’t ask.” Shi Xiaobai said matter-of-factly. Riko was stunned silent. Indeed, she did not ask in her nervousness, but don’t you know that you need to ask for someone’s opinion if you were grabbing that spot? Do you know what is sexual harassment? Hmph, this bastard must be doing it on purpose. He is nothing but a young pervert! Riko cursed in her heart as she said with a bitter face, “Must…you grab there to be able to use your superpower?” Wasn’t this superpower limitation too fucked up? It could only be used by grabbing a girl’s breast?If that was the case, how was she to become his experimental subject…?She had nearly suffered a mental breakdown when her breast was grabbed without any warning. If they had to repeat the experiment, wouldn’t she die of embarrassment?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她伸出纤纤玉指,“这个乔恋啊,进入记者行业不过半年多的时间,已经挖了好几个大新闻了。 第一,当年有两个明星为了竞争女一号,其中一个潜规则,将另外一个挤压下去,后来是她报道出来的。” 还想说些什么,高佑明已经咳嗽了一声,打断了她。 乔恋回头,“你今天嗓子不舒服?” 宋城:“你怎么知道这个记者叫乔恋啊,我记得,她的笔名叫小乔,你就算是知道她,也应该只知道笔名才对。” 乔恋:……丫的宋城,竟然给她设置语言陷阱。 但是……打死都不承认,自己就是忘川。", "en": "She stuck out her lengthy fingers and said, “This Qiao Lian has been in the industry for just half a year and she has already dug out so many influential articles. Firstly, there were two female artists who were fighting for the female lead. One of them turned to underhand means to win the position. She reported that incident.” She wanted to continue, but Gao Youming had coughed and cut her off. Qiao Lian looked back at him and asked, “Are you not feeling well today?” Song Cheng asked, “How did you know that this reporter’s name is Qiao Lian? I believe her pen name is Xiao Qiao. Even if you did know her, you could only know pen name.” Dang it, Song Cheng, he had set up a verbal trap for her. But… she would rather die than confess that she was Wang Chuan."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我乘她不再紧接的问,迈开步便走,勿勿的逃回四叔的家中,心里很觉得不安逸。自己想,我这答话怕于她有些危险。她大约因为在别人的祝福时候,感到自身的寂寞了,然而会不会含有别的什么意思的呢?——或者是有了什么豫感了?倘有别的意思,又因此发生别的事,则我的答活委实该负若干的责任……。但随后也就自笑,觉得偶尔的事,本没有什么深意义,而我偏要细细推敲,正无怪教育家要说是生着神经病;而况明明说过\"说不清\",已经推翻了答话的全局,即使发生什么事,于我也毫无关系了。", "en": "I fled back to my uncle’s house, taking immediate advantage of her failure to produce another question. I was deeply unsettled. Had I made things worse for her, I wondered, by replying in the way I did? Seeing everyone else busy with their own New Year’s Sacrifice probably made her all the more conscious of her own loneliness. But had she meant something else altogether? Had she had a premonition of some kind? If she had meant something else, and something happened because of what I’d said to her, then I would be responsible – to a degree – for whatever it was… But then I laughed at myself: it was just a random encounter, nothing more than that. And here I was, obsessively going back over it – no wonder certain educationalists have diagnosed me a neurotic. Anyway, I was perfectly insured with that last ‘I don’t really know.’ Even if something did now happen, it could have nothing to do with me."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "回到教室,我的心情沉重起来,如果国王陛下一旦死了,艾夏很有可能就会分裂,这可是我最不想看到的,现在三方割据,一个弄不好,艾夏就会元气大伤。 如果真说起来,要以马克的父亲可扎·奥尔最有资格继承王位,他毕竟是国王陛下的亲弟弟,实力应该也以他最强,可就目前的形式来看,另两大势力显然有合作的意向,他们联合起来,恐怕可扎·奥尔亲王就不好对付了,尤其是特依公爵,他手里有皇家魔法师团这个王牌,真是头疼。 不行,如果真的打起来,启不是会生灵涂炭吗? 有没有办法阻止呢,以我一个人的力量能做什么,就算我是魔导师恐怕也阻止不了这种大规模的战役吧。 晚上见了马克的父亲我到要看看他是怎么样的一个人。 突然,我的面前多了一张纸条,我一楞,然后拿起纸条,只见上面写着:想什么呢,那么入神。", "en": "If the Emperor dies, there is a high chance that the kingdom of Aixia will become segregated. It’ll be worst case scenario that I don’t want to see. Now there are three groups of main powers. If one falls, it will badly influence Aixia. To be truthful, Ma Ke’s father, Ke Zha Ao Er, should be the top candidate for the throne as he is the Emperor’s blood related brother. His strength is also stronger than that of the Emperor. However, in the current situation, the other two main powers obviously have the intention of teaming up. It’ll be hard for Prince Ke Zha Ao Er to fight against them,  especially since Duke Te Yi has the Royal Magic Mage Union as his main trump card. This is so frustrating! What does this really have to do with me? It isn’t as if I am also fighting for the throne. But no, if the war really happens, doesn't it mean that it’ll be a terrible situation? Is there a way to avoid this? As an individual, what can I do? Even if I am a Magister, there is still no hope of stopping this war. During the meeting with Ma ke’s father tonight, I’ll try to understand what kind of person he is. Suddenly, there was a piece of paper in front of me. I sat, stunned for a while, before picking up the paper and reading it. This was what was written on the paper,"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "夜清灵此时也毫无退路,尤其听到游鬼想要研究这把剑时,心中就更加忐忑不安。 吓得畏畏缩缩的跟在夜清落的身后。 “四小姐,等等。” 蓦地,主审台上,那道久未响起的清越嗓音,忽然传来。 夜清灵脚步一顿,瞳仁瞪大,狂喜的扭过头。 帝尊大人是在唤她? 帝尊大人竟然主动唤她! 帝墨玄潋滟的眸光微眯,极尽慵懒的伸出修长的手指,抚上瑰红的薄唇。 这一举动,令夜清灵血槽顿空,面红耳赤的,险些快要迷晕了过去。 “既是比试,无需给我面子,全力以赴便是。” 帝墨玄薄唇轻扬。 这一句话,犹如五雷轰顶。", "en": "There was no turning back for Ye Qing Ling especially after she heard that Old Man Gui You’s interest in the sword made her heart sink further. She began to freak out and shrank behind Ye Qing Luo’s shadow.\"Miss,please wait\"! The nice crisp tone rang across from the main stage out of the blue. Ye Qing Ling paused her footsteps, her eyes widened in astonishment to hear the voice as she turned back in ecstatic glee. Was the Overlord calling out to her? The Overlord did call out to her! The Overlord’s eyes glistened as he sluggishly stretches out his slender fingers and caressed his rosy lips. This movement caught Ye Qing Ling by surprise. She felt the heat growing in her cheeks that was literally about to faint. “Since this is a competition, you do not have to give me face, just do your best.” He smiled at her. This sentence came to her like a flash of lightning."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"四翁!\"外面的暗中忽然起了极响的叫喊。 \"你呀。我想:这总是你自己愿意了,不然……。\" 他觉得存身不住,便熄了烛,踱出院子去。他来回的踱,一不小心,母鸡和小鸡又唧唧足足的叫了起来,他立即放轻脚步,并且走远些。经过许多时,堂屋里的灯移到卧室里去了。他看见一地月光,仿佛满铺了无缝的白纱,玉盘似的月亮现在白云间,看不出一点缺。 但他一出去,孩子们的声音便寂然,而且似乎都走了。他还追上去,说些话,却不听得有回答。他也就阴影似的悄悄地回来,仍将一把花生米放在纸包里。", "en": "‘Siming, old chap!’ a voice boomed out of the darkness. ‘What?’ ‘You must have wanted it, or else – ’ Sensing he was on enemy territory, Siming blew out the candle and went into the courtyard. As he paced up and down, the hen and chicks kept on waking up to protest about the noise, forcing him to tiptoe further away. Eventually, the hall lamp shifted towards the bedroom. He gazed at the moonlight, carpeting the ground like a bolt of white silk. A full moon nestled, like a jade dish, between the clouds. But the moment he went out, the children’s voices faded to nothing – they’d obviously run away. He chased after them, trying to say something, but I didn’t hear their reply. Slipping back inside, he replaced the handful of peanuts in the bag."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "电话结束,他的目光不动声色地看向了方池夏的方向。 方池夏坐在沙发上在帮团团打理毛发,若无其事地逗着它,和它说说笑笑的,也不管人家听不听得懂。 洛易北站在几米开外,静静地看着她,盯着她看了好一会儿,他若无其事地说,“我会出国一段时间。” 方池夏正牵扯着团团两只爪子的手顿了顿,目光微滞。 洛易北不动声色地观察着她的反应,又说,“去法国尼斯。” 他在观察她的反应,听洛熙宸说了出国的事后,他就是想知道她对这事是怎么看的。 方池夏对他的话很意外。 他不是没出国过,身在他这样的高位,出国是常事。 但是,前面的几次,他从来不会主动告诉她行程。 两个人就像是陌路人似的,他要去哪儿,就直接走了,俨然除了晚上的时候,她根本不存在他身边似的。 但是现在,他却主动跟她说,甚至都不需要她问。 方池夏在他的话后始终没说话,沉默了好一会儿,脸缓缓抬了起来。", "en": "At then end of the call, his eyes subtly wandered across Fang Chixia’s face. Fang Chixia was propped on the sofa caressing Tuantuan’s fur. She kept on petting and teasing it, with tingles of laughter from time to time, regardless of the cat’s inability to understand human speech. Standing a few meters away, Luo Yibei lingered over her for a while and casually said, “I will be going abroad for some time.” Fang Chixia was at the moment holding two of Tuantuan’s claws but hearing him stilled her eyes. Luo Yibei studied her reaction and added, “I’m going to Nice.” His eyes were fixated on her reaction. Listening to Luo Xichen’s order, he just wanted to know what she thought of it. Fang Chixia was surprised. He has been abroad many times. In such a position, going abroad for him was a common occurence. But, previously, he had never taken the initiative to tell her of his trips. They were resembled two strangers. When he needed to go somewhere, he goes straight away. Except in the evening of course, as if she didn’t exist around him. But now, he volunteered to tell her that and didn’t even need her to ask. Fang Chixia made no response but after a moment’s silence, her face slowly lifted up."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "还吃,我连忙挥手道:“不了,不了,还是等一切都定下来再庆祝吧,今天不知道为什么,我感觉特别累,我先回去休息了。” 马克说道:“那好吧,我就不打扰你了,睡一觉明天就好了。”", "en": "I hurriedly waved my hands at Ma Ke, fearful of the thought of eating again. “No! Wait until everything is settled, then we’ll celebrate. I don’t know why, but I feel extremely tired today so I’ll head back first.” Mark said, \"Well, I won't bother you. you will be fine tomorrow. \""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我不能在这里待太久。等会儿雪小一些,就要去火车站了。今晚我要出一趟远门,其实下午就应该走了,你来找我的时候,我正在等一个送水的人,要是他早点来,我们恐怕就不会遇到。", "en": "I can’t stay long. As soon as the snow dies down, I need to get to the train station. I’m going far from here. Actually, I ought to have left this afternoon. When you showed up at my door, I thought you were the water delivery guy. If he’d come any earlier, we might have missed each other."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "LiteraryTranslation"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "如果只是真元,金煌道人不屑一顾,弹指间就可令对方飞灰湮灭,但叶尘刚刚施展了血爆术,真元与气血结合在一起,相当于燃烧的真元,基础实力暴增,仅仅如此也就罢了,偏偏叶尘还是一位剑客,一位领悟七成剑意的剑客,两者叠加在一起,星极境中期强者大意之下都要饮恨,而他先前根本没把流云宗众人放在眼里,只运转了五六成真元,更不要谈燃烧真元了。", "en": "If it was only zhen yuan, Jin Huang would not even blink an eye and would be able to kill his opponent with a flick of his finger. However, Ye Chen had just performed the Blood Explosion attack, which had combined his zhen yuan and his Qi and blood, which would be equivalent to burning zhen yuan, bringing his attacking power to the next level. Nonetheless, if it were just that, then it would still be an easy fight for him. But Ye Chen was a sword artist, with seventy percent sword intent. Combining all the factors together, even a Mid Astral Reaching Realm warrior would be killed if he were reckless. Earlier, he did not care about the Sky Cloud Martial School at all, so he had only used around sixty percent of his zhen yuan, not to even mention burning his zhen yuan."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "进得北京城时,天色已晚,不便进宫。韦小宝来到西直门一家大客店“如归客栈”,要了间上房,歇宿一宵后,明日去见康熙,奏明一切。寻思:“那瘦得要命的胖头陀拚命想夺我这部经书,说不定暗中还跟随着我。十八位少林和尚既去,他再来下手抢夺,我和双儿可抵挡不了。还是麻烦着一点儿,先将经书藏得好好的,明儿到宫里去带领大队侍卫来取,呈给小皇帝,这叫做‘万失一无 ’!”于是命于八买备应用物事,遣出双儿,闩上了门。关窗之前,先查明窗外并无胖头陀窥探,这才用油布将那部《四十二章经》包好,拉开桌子,取出匕首,在桌子底下的砖墙上割了一洞。那匕首削铁如泥,剖砖自是毫不费力。将经书放入墙洞,堆好砖块,取水化开石灰,糊上砖缝。石灰干后,若非故意去寻,决计不会发现。", "en": "By the time Trinket and his two remaining companions entered the city, it was too late to return to the Palace. Instead Trinket went to rather a grand hostelry called The Happy Return, just inside the West Straight Gate, and there he rented an upper room, planning to stay overnight before reporting to Kang Xi the next day. Tat Dhuta is obviously desperate to get hold of my Sutra,' he thought to himself, 'and he may have trailed me here. Without the Eighteen Lohans to protect us, Doublet and I wouldn't stand a chance. I'd better hide the Sutra for the time being. Tomorrow I can come back for it with an escort of guards, and take it to His Majesty. That sounds like a pretty foolproof plan!' He despatched Wurtle to buy some necessities and sent Doublet out of the room as well, shutting the door behind her. He looked around carefully outside to make sure that Fat Dhuta was not lurking anywhere, and closed the windows. Then he wrapped the Sutra in oilskin, moved the table away from the wall, and took out his dagger. Prising a brick from the wall where the table had stood, he slid the package into the hollow, replaced the brick, and resealed it as best he could. When he'd finished, his handiwork was barely noticeable."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她苦笑了一下,拍了一下自己的脑袋瓜。 乔恋,你到底在想什么呢! 【川流不息:乔恋,你跟沈影帝认识吗? 沈影帝为什么替你报仇? 快点从实招来! 【乔恋:你想多了。 退出微信,看了看时间,发现已经下午五点了。 保姆们被李管家叫到了18号别墅,说是在整理宋原希的房间,家里没人,她下楼进入厨房,打算做一碗面吃。 切菜的声音太大,她就没听到外面传来的汽车声音。 王文豪被打,她心情很好,哼着小曲扭着屁股,正将青菜和肉丝、面条一股脑扔进了锅里,忽然听到了身后的声音:“你就这么煮面?” 一句话,吓得她手一软,青菜什么的全掉在地上! 她咽了口口水,回头,就看到沈凉川穿着白色衬衫,静静的站在门口处。 也不知道他在那里看了多久,让人觉得瘆的慌! 乔恋瞪大了眼睛,“沈,沈先生,您怎么回来了?”", "en": "She gave a bitter laugh and patted her head. Qiao Lian, what are you thinking about! [Chuanliu Buxi: Qiao Lian, do you know Best Actor Shen? Why is Best Actor Shen taking revenge for you? Hurry up, tell me the truth!] [Qiao Lian: You are overthinking.] After turning off WeChat, she checked the time and realized that it was already five in the afternoon. The servants had been summoned to villa 18 by Caretaker Li to tidy up Song Yuanxi’s room. Hence, no one was at home, so she entered the kitchen with the intentions to cook a bowl of noodles for herself. The chopping sound she made when cutting the vegetables was too loud, thus she didn’t hear the engine of the car. She was in a good mood, as Wang Wenhao had been beaten up. Therefore, she was humming and shaking her buttocks while putting the vegetables, meat and noodles into the pot. However, she suddenly heard a voice behind her, “This is how you cook noodles?” That one sentence gave her a shock. Her hands loosened their grip and all the vegetables dropped on the floor. She swallowed and turned around. Her eyes met with Shen Liangchuan’s, who was standing at the door and donning a white shirt. She had no idea as to how long he had been standing there, which caused her to delve into panic. Qiao Lian widened her eyes. “M- Mr. Shen, why are you back?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在课堂上,我又象昨天一样拿出一张纸,奋笔急挥,大意是:木子,得息你是学院第三高手让我非常惊讶,为了有能配的上你的实力,我决定今天挑战排名前十的学院高手,你能为我去助阵吗? 我发现,我越来越喜欢你了……(剩下就是大家平常给女朋友写的情书中的内容了哈哈,小弟在这里就不费述了。 向昨天一样,写完后,将第二封情书又给了木子。 我拿着情书又一次递了过去,笑道:“你看看吧,可是很正经的事哦。 不看会后悔的。” 木子先是瞪了我一眼,然后飞快的看了一遍,可能是看到我写的肉麻处,居然破天荒的脸红了一下。 有门,看来我还要再接再厉。 可惜,我的情书下场还是很悲惨,又变成了球形,这回她并没有抛给我,而是直接扔出了窗外。", "en": "During the lesson, I did the same thing as the day before. I took out a paper and frantically wrote on it. It read: Mu Zi, I was extremely surprised to find that you are the academy’s third ranker. To prove that my power matches your strength, I have decided to challenge one of the other top ten experts of the academy. Can you cheer me on? Right now I’m just falling more and more in love with you… (The rest of the letter’s contents were typical of what one would write to his girlfriend. I shall not waste my time by writing all of that down.) Just like the day before, after I wrote the letter, I gave it to Mu Zi. She coldly looked at me and did not take the letter. “You are just too bored.” I tried to give the love letter to her again. “Just take a look, this is important! If you don’t read it, you will regret it.” Mu Zi glared at me before skimming through the letter. Her face started to turn red, perhaps because what I wrote was too corny. It seemed that I still stood a chance, so I need to be even more serious. It was just too bad that my letter was treated extremely terribly. She crumpled it into a ball, but this time she did not throw it back to me.She just directly threw it out the window."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "玉林道:“老衲只是猜想。”韦小宝心想:“这老和尚邪门,只怕真有些法力。”心中可不敢再骂他了,规规矩矩的坐了下来。玉林道:“皇上差韦施主来见行痴,有什么说话?”韦小宝心想:“这老和尚甚么都知道,瞒他也是无用。”说道:“皇上得知老皇爷尚在人世,又喜又悲,派我来向老皇爷磕头请安。如果……如果老皇爷肯返驾回宫,那是再好不过了。”康熙本说查明真相之后,自己上五台山来朝见父皇,这话韦小宝却瞒住了不说。玉林道:“皇上命施主带来甚么信物?”韦小宝从贴肉里衣袋中,取出康熙亲笔所写御札,双手呈上,道:“大师请看。”御札上写的是:“敕令御前侍卫副总管钦赐穿黄马褂韦小宝前赴五台山一带公干,各省文武官员受命调遣,钦此。”玉林接过看了,还给韦小宝,道:“原来是御前侍卫副总管韦大人,多有失敬了。”", "en": "'I was just guessing.' 'What a weird old boy!' thought Trinket to himself, and silently resolved to show him a little more respect. 'So what has His Majesty asked you to come and talk to Brother Wayward about?' 'He seems to know everything!' Trinket thought to himself. 'No use trying to pull the wool over his eyes!' 'When His Majesty learned that his father was still alive, he was both happy and sad. He sent me here to kowtow and to bring a devoted son's heartfelt greetings. His Majesty would be overjoyed if... if His Old Majesty were willing to return to the Palace.' He made no mention of Kang Xi's intention to pay a visit to Wutai himself, if the news that his father was there proved to be true. He was keeping that back for the time being. Yulin asked to see something in writing from the Emperor, and Trinket produced Kang Xi's handwritten letter and presented it to him respectfully with both hands. Yulin read it and handed it back to Trinket. 'So you are Lieutenant-Colonel Wei of the Palace Guards? My humblest respects!'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "船便在新的静寂中继续前进;水声又很听得出了,潺潺的。八三开始打磕睡了,渐渐地向对面的钩刀式的脚张开了嘴。前舱中的两个老女人也低声哼起佛号来,她们撷着念珠,又都看爱姑,而且互视,努嘴,点头。 新正将尽,卫老婆子来拜年了,已经喝得醉醺醺的,自说因为回了一趟卫家山的娘家,住下几天,所以来得迟了。她们问答之间,自然就谈到祥林嫂。 \"……所以主人的书房门永远是关起来的。\"他走回来,坐下,想,\"有事要商量先敲门,得了许可才能进来,这办法实在对。现在假如主人坐在自己的书房里,主妇来谈文艺了,也就先敲门。——这可以放心,她必不至于捧着白菜的。", "en": "The boat glided on in renewed silence, the water still lapping against the sides. Basan dozed off, his mouth hanging slowly open opposite the sickle toes of Aigu’s shoes. Two old women in the front cabin began muttering Buddhist chants, fingering their rosaries and glancing at Aigu, then at each other, lips pursed, nodding significantly. As the month drew to a close, a rather tipsy Mrs Wei called to wish the family a happy New Year. She was later than usual, she said, because she’d been staying with her mother’s family a few days. Inevitably, the subject of Xianglin’s wife came up. ‘The husband always keeps the door to his study shut,’ he thought, returning to his desk. ‘In the case of queries arising, the petitioner first knocks on the door, then enters only on receiving permission from the room’s occupant – now that’s how things should be done. Even the wife knocks – even if she wants to come and discuss the arts with her husband… He’s no need to worry , she’s not the kind of person who barges in with an armful of cabbages."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她明白叶弥心不喜欢自己,本来已经决定放弃,叶弥心却应了大皇女的要求,对她偶尔关切,让她重燃希望,最后利用这份感情,顺利杀了她。 他还说,他觉得对她假笑讨好,是他此生最大的耻辱。 所以,三皇女才如此仇恨。她从未伤害任何人,自己的生命和尊严,却都被拿来践踏。所以,她要复仇。 第183章 女尊第一花魁(4) 现在,这具身体里是喻楚,她又不喜欢叶弥心,更别提原主的心愿还是报复叶弥心。", "en": "She later understood that Ye Mixin didn’t like her and had already decided to give up, but Ye Mixin had agreed to the Eldest Imperial Princess’ request then and started giving her some attention and treating her well occasionally, which rekindled her hope. In the end, he’d misused her affection to successfully end her life. He even told her that whenever he had faked a smile to please her, those moments were his greatest humiliation. Thus, the Third Imperial Princess wasn’t resigned to her fate and hated the couple to the core. She’d never hurt anyone, yet they were cruel enough to trample on her life and dignity. Therefore, she wanted vengeance. Chapter 183: The Monarch’s No. 1 Beauty (4) Now, Yu Chu was the one occupying this body, and she didn’t like Ye Mixin. Not to mention that the original host’s wish was to get back at Ye Mixin."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "康亲王明知刚才这一场虽非正式比武,其实是己方输了,也赏两锭大银给神照,不过既替他遮羞,也为自己掩饰,表示不分胜败。他心有不甘,又看得太不过瘾,心想:“这高个儿的功夫固然不错,但吴应熊带来的其余随从,定然及不上他。我手下众武师却各有惊人绝艺,单是那齐元凯的功夫,比之神照和尚恐怕就只高不低。”他本来称神照为上人,适才一显武功之后,心中对他打了折扣,“上人”登时变成了“和尚”,朗声道:“刚才比武没比成,不免有点……有点那个美中不足。齐师傅,请你邀十五位武师,大家拿了兵刃,十六个对十六个,跟平西王世子带来的十六位随从过过招。小王爷,你吩咐他们亮兵刃罢!”", "en": "Prince Kang knew very well that, although there hadn't been a proper fight, his own man had got the worst of the encounter. It was merely to cover up Father Illuminatus's embarrassment that he had awarded two ingots to both of them, pretending that there was nothing to choose between them. But he was not very happy with the outcome, and his craving for excitement was unappeased. 'This big fellow is not at all bad, ' he thought, 'but the rest of the Heir's retainers probably aren't nearly so good, whereas my lot are all of them exceptional. That Qi just now, for example: I wouldn't be surprised if he was even better than the monk, not to mention all the others,’ In his imagination the champion whom he normally thought of as 'Father Illuminatus' had already been demoted to 'the monk'. 'Well, that little exchange was very interesting, ' he said, 'but it wasn't—what shall we say?—quite what we had hoped for. Friend Qi, why don't you pick fifteen of your colleagues and arm yourselves for a little bout with His Grace's sixteen gentlemen?' He turned to the Heir. Tell your men to let us see their weapons, Your Grace, so that we can match them with our own.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "第一千零六十四章 箭头公司的末日 在迫击炮的压制下,基地内混乱异常,根本没有人注意到有这么一支特种部队混入到了营地内。 几乎没有费多大功夫,库特波夫便在预定目标上放置了信标,然后带着小队从基地中撤出,安全抵达撤离点后,呼叫了空袭。 很快,俄罗斯隐形轰炸机从云层上方呼啸而过,投下的四枚航弹准确地命中了基地内两座弹药库与两座燃料库。 爆炸的冲击波扫过整个营地,直接吹垮了周围一圈的混凝土建筑。 殉爆的弹药与燃烧的火团在营地内横飞,引起了一连串的连锁反应,到处都是是火焰,到处都是血和尸体。 驻守在营地内的亲卫旅顿时折损近半,剩下的人也多数带伤,几乎找不出个完整的人来。 医疗兵扛着担架在基地中穿行,搜寻着失去行动力的伤员。", "en": "Chapter 1064: The End of Arrow Under the suppression of mortars, the military base was in chaos. No one noticed a special force team sneaking in. Without expending extra effort, Kutpov placed a beacon on the target then withdrew from the base with the team. After they safely arrived at the evacuation point, they called for an airstrike. Soon, the Russian stealth bomber whizzed through the clouds, and the four bombs landed precisely on the two ammunition depots and two fuel depots at the base. The shock wave of the explosion was sent through the entire base and collapsed the concrete buildings around the points of impact. The exploded ammunition and burning fireballs were sent scattering across the camp and caused a series of chain explosions. Flames, blood, and corpses were everywhere. The guards stationed at the base suffered severe casualties, and the rest were injured. Medical soldiers with stretchers rushed inside the base. They searched for the wounded and immobilized."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "木子说道:“用这个什么什么卡这么好啊,还可以打折,我也要去办一张。” 我已经决定了,以后尽量不请木子吃饭,我饭桶的名号要让给她了。 木子突然可怜西西的看着我。 我问道:“怎么了?” 木子不好意思的说:“我能不能再要一升碧海潮升带回去下午喝,好好喝哦,只要五个钻石币而已。” 我顿时感觉一阵天旋地转,嘴中应道:“好,随便你吧。” 如何从碧海潮升出来的我已经不记得了,当我有意识的时候,已经回到了教室开始上下午课了。 木子捅了捅我,说道:“你想什么呢,这么入神。 你要不要也喝点碧海潮升。” 我说道:“哦,没想什么。 你自己喝吧。” 木子前面的一位女同学转头对木子说:“你喝的什么呀,有一股清香的味道。” 那女生说道:“哇,是碧海潮升呀,我听说过,很贵的,你真有钱。” 木子指了指我,说道:“不是我有钱,是长弓买的,给你来点吧。”", "en": "Mu Zi anxiously asked, “What was that useful card you used to get discounts? I want to get one of those as well!” ‘I won’t offer to treat Mu Zi to more meals in the future. My White Rice Bucket title should go to her.’ Mu Zi suddenly looked pitifully at me. I asked, “What’s the matter?” Ascending Jade Tide to drink in the afternoon? It’s really nice and is only five diamond coins.” I instantly felt as if the sky was spinning and the earth going round. “Alright! Whatever you say!” I don’t know how I returned to school as when I snapped back to reality I was already in class for the afternoon lessons. Mu Zi nudged me. “What are you thinking about so deeply? Do you also want to drink some Ascending Jade Tide I replied, “ Oh! I’m not thinking of anything. You can drink that by yourself.” The female student in front of Mu Zi asked, “What are you drinking? It has a sweet scent.” Mu Zi replied, “It’s Ascending Jade Tide . I heard it’s really expensive. You’re really loaded with money.” Mu Zi pointed at me. “It wasn’t my money. Zhang Gong bought it. I can share some with you.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“这又是一个了不得的现象:所有国家同时保密,而且做的这么严实。我现在可以肯定一点:敌人是个狠角色,上面害怕了!我太熟悉常伟思了,从他那里就能看出来,他是天塌下来都不怕的人,但现在塌下来的可能不止是天了。他们被吓得够呛,他们根本没有信心战胜那个敌人。”“要这样,那太可怕了。”“不过谁都有怕的东西,那个狠角色也有;越厉害的角色,它怕的东西对它就越致命。”“那它怕什么?”“怕你们,怕科学家。而且奇怪的是,你们研究的东西越是没有实际用处,越是天马行空不着边际,像杨冬那号的,它就越怕,比你怕宇宙眨眼更怕,所以才出手这么狠。要是杀你们有用,它早就把你们杀光了,但最有效的办法还是扰乱你们的思想,人死了还会有别人,但思想乱了,科学就完了。”", "en": "\"Ah, that's another thing. All the countries are keeping a tight lid on this, and they've been successful so far. I can guarantee you that the enemy is incredibly powerful. Those in charge are terrified! I know General Chang very well. He's the sort who's afraid of nothing, not even the sky falling, but I can tell that he's worried about something much worse right now. They're all scared out of their wits, and they have no confidence that we'll win. \"\"If what you say is true, then we should all be frightened. \"\"Everyone is afraid of something. The enemy must be, too. The more powerful they are, the more they have to lose to their fears. \"\"What do you think the enemy is afraid of? \"\"You! Scientists! The odd thing is that the less practical your research is, the more they're afraid of you—like abstract theories, the kind of thing Yang Dong worked on. They are more frightened of such work than you are of the universe winking at you. That's why they're so ruthless. If killing you would solve the problem, you'd all be dead by now. But the most effective technique remains disrupting your thoughts. When a scientist dies, another will take his place. But if his thoughts are confused, then science is over. \""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我心里奇怪,为什么她一点都不奇怪海水认识我呢? 海水将手搭在我的肩头,笑着对木子说道:“你和长弓很熟吗? 结伴来这里吃饭。” 木子说道:“谁和他很熟啊,我们是同班同学嘛。” 我皱了皱眉头,生气的说道:“木子,你怎么又这样,今天上午你不是刚答应做我女朋友的吗?” 木子笑道:“怎么又生气了,是暂时女朋友哦。 我还要考验你的。”", "en": "‘I wonder why she isn’t curious about how Hai Shui knows me.’ Hai Shui placed her hands on my shoulders and smiled towards Mu Zi. “Are you and Zhang Gong familiar enough with each other to be eating together?” Mu Zi replied shyly, “How can I be familiar with him? We’re just classmates.” I frowned and said angrily, “Mu Zi, how can you still be like that? Didn’t you agreed to be my girlfriend this morning?” Mu Zi smiled. “Why are you angry again? I’m only your temporary girlfriend! I still need to test you.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "王一城听后反应有些奇怪,他连连摆手:“还是算了吧,我住的那个宿舍没什么好看的。” “你在说这句话的时候声音比平时高,语速变快,眼神飘忽不定,你这孩子还真是不擅长撒谎。” 陈歌轻轻搂住王一城的肩膀:“为什么不想让我们过去?” “你担心我们看到什么?” “我……” 王一城想了半天也不知道该怎么说,最后目光转向了其他方向:“没什么,我们直接过去吧。” “好。” 王一城住在西校区的413寝室,林思思住在东校区的413寝室。", "en": "After hearing that, Wang Yicheng gave a strange reaction. He quickly shook his hands. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. There’s nothing worth seeing in my bedroom.” “When you said that, your tone was higher than normal, and you also spoke faster. Other than that, your eyes were fluttering. You are really bad at lying.” Chen Ge touched Wang Yicheng’s shoulder lightly. “Why won’t you let us go there?” “What are you worried about us seeing?” “I…” Wang Yicheng thought about it for a long time but could not come up with an excuse. Finally, he turned his head away. “It’s nothing. In that case, let’s go now.” “Sure.” Wang Yicheng lived in Room 413 of the western campus while Lin Sisi stayed at Room 413 of the eastern campus."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "弥心郎君身份尊贵,嫁进皇女府的话,肯定是个管得严的夫君。到时候,殿下的夫郎们还好说,像身边姿色稍好的侍从,恐怕就要被清理了吧。这可不是好事。 他想通之后,温柔地小声道:“殿下说的是,殿下值得更好的男子。” 对这句话,喻楚不置可否,只是扬眉看了眼镜子,若有所思。 身后的少年又问:“殿下可是要出门?” “嗯,”喻楚点点头,“先去宫里,给母亲请个安。你去准备吧。” “是。”少年连忙应道。 皇女府的马车本就豪华,原主又是个大纨绔,装饰就更加夸张了。整个京都,恐怕没人不认识这驾马车。 驾车的是个女子,喻楚挑帘走进马车,服侍她的少年便也跟着走了进来,恭敬地跪坐在不远处,添茶倒水。", "en": "Young Lord Mixin has a noble status, so if he marries into Her Highness’ residence, he will definitely be a very strict husband. When the time comes, the male concubines would still be okay, but the first thing he’d probably do is to get rid of the attendants with slightly better looks. This wasn’t a good thing. After he thought about it, he softly said, “Your Highness is right. Your Highness deserves a better man.” Yu Chu didn’t deny his words. She merely raised an eyebrow and stared at the mirror with a pensive look. The attendant then asked, “Is Your Highness going out?” “Mhmm,” Yu Chu nodded. “I’m going to the palace to pay Mother a visit. You go and get ready.” “Yes,” the attendant hastily answered. The carriage of their residence was already luxurious enough, but the original host was a prodigal person, so the decoration was even more exaggerated. In all of the Capital, everyone would be able to recognize this carriage. The carriage driver was a woman. Yu Chu lifted the curtain and walked into the carriage. The attendant who was waiting upon her also followed her in, respectfully kneeling close by, pouring her tea and water."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "京都不知道多少女人暗暗垂涎他,却碍于身份,抢不能抢,勾搭吧,人家又心气高,至今没人能勾搭到手。 三皇女也是垂涎大军中的一员。虽说不敢直接逼丞相的公子嫁她,但她仗着身份,总是没脸没皮地实施勾搭大计。结果……也可想而知。 身为京都有名的花痴加草包,叶弥心那样心高气傲的贵公子,当然对她厌恶至极。人家喜欢的是大皇女那样,才貌双全的女子。可不是三皇女这样的。不仅游手好闲,还是个花心大萝卜。 叶弥心本来完全不搭理她,后来为了大皇女的计划,才忍辱负重委曲求全,偶尔给她一两个好脸色。——甚至根本没有说过任何喜欢她的话,可怜的三皇女,就已经对这偶尔的好脸色心满意足了。 她也许曾经花心,爱各种美人。但后来,也是真的喜欢叶弥心。", "en": "Many women in the Capital secretly coveted him, but because of their noble status, they couldn’t just grab him on the streets and fool around with him. Moreover, he was a proud and arrogant person, so no one had managed to succeed in pursuing him yet. The Third Imperial Princess was also one of those coveters. Although she didn’t dare to force Ye Mixin to marry her, she relied on her status to shamelessly pursue him. As for the results, it was as one could imagine… After all, she was an infamous love-struck fool and good-for-nothing in the Capital, so a proud and arrogant nobleman like Ye Mixin naturally disliked her a lot. The person Ye Mixin liked was the talented and good-looking Eldest Imperial Princess, and not someone like the Third Imperial Princess. Not only was she an idler, but she was also a nymphomaniac. Ye Mixin had completely ignored her at first, but for the sake of the Eldest Imperial Princess’ grand plan, he later endured humiliation and compromised, occasionally giving her some attention. He had never said anything about liking her, but the poor Third Imperial Princess was already satisfied as long as he didn’t ignore her. She might have been fickle and loved all kinds of beauties in the past, but after meeting Ye Mixin, she had truly fallen in love with him."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "康熙拍手笑道:“鳌少保,只怕你要输了。”鳌拜奋拳正要往韦小宝头顶打落,听得康熙这么说,心道:“原是跟我闹着玩的,怎能跟小孩子们一般见识?”手臂一偏,劲力稍收,拍的一声响,这拳打在韦小宝右肩,只使了一成力。但他力大无穷,当年战阵中与明军交锋,双手抓起明军官兵四下乱掷,来去如风,当者披靡。韦小宝只马马虎虎的学过几个月武功,又是个小孩,虽有众小监相助,却如何奈得了他?这一拳打将下来,韦小宝一个踉跄,向前摔倒,顺势左肘撞出,正撞在鳌拜腰眼之中。", "en": "Kang Xi was clapping his hands and crying with glee: 'Guardian, you seem to be losing!' Oboi had been just about to bring his fist down with a crack on Trinket's head when he heard the Emperor speak. 'So it's all for sport after all!' he thought to himself. 'Of course! As if these children could really think themselves a match for me!' As this thought went through his mind he deflected his blow on to Trinket's right shoulder and withheld some of its force. It should be remembered how enormous Oboi's strength was. In past encounters with the Ming army, he had been known to pick up soldiers with his bare hands and hurl them around on the battlefield. Trinket was a mere child, who barely knew the rudiments of kungfu, and even with this mob of little eunuchs to help him, he simply did not stand a chance. This one blow of Oboi's sent him straight down on to the floor. As he went down he managed to stick out his left elbow and dig it sharply into Oboi's midriff."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她把原主的记忆梳理了一遍。在这个女尊男卑的世界,原主的身份也很尊贵,是王朝的三皇女。就是人品差了点,没用了点,急色了点,其他还是挺好的……嘛。 二皇女早夭,女皇陛下只有大皇女和三皇女两个女儿,对大皇女管教比较严格,对小女儿就是真的溺爱了。这也是三皇女最大的靠山。要不是女皇宠原主,就凭大皇女的手段,原主早不知道死多少次了。 而原主的心愿,也和大皇女有关。 原主是放荡不羁的性格,爱好各种美人,从没想过争夺王位,只想等大姐继位之后,当个闲散的亲王。大皇女却不放过她。", "en": "She combed through the original host’s memories. The original host’s identity was very honorable in this female-dominated society. She was this dynasty’s Third Imperial Princess. It’s just that her character was poor, and she was a bit useless and dissolute… Other than this, she was still fine, I guess… The Second Imperial Princess died early, so the Empress had only two daughters left, the Eldest Imperial Princess and Third Imperial Princess. She was relatively strict with the Eldest Imperial Princess, but spoiled her youngest daughter to the skies. The Empress was, thus, the Third Imperial Princess’ biggest supporter. If it were not for the Empress favoring the original host, the latter would’ve already died many times over by the means of the Eldest Imperial Princess. The original host’s wish was, in fact, related to her eldest sister. With a wanton and unrestrained character, the original host loved all kinds of handsome men, and never bothered fighting for the throne. She merely wanted to be an idle princess after her eldest sister succeeded the throne. The Eldest Imperial Princess, however, didn’t let her off."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "段誉道:“我没门派。我受业师父姓孟,名讳上述下圣,字继儒。我师父专研易理,于说卦、系辞之学有颇深的造诣。”他说的师父,是教他读经作文的师父。可是那老汉听到甚么“易理”、“说卦、系辞”,还道是两门特异的武功,又见段誉折扇轻摇,颇似身负绝艺、深藏不露之辈,倒也不敢怠慢了,虽想不起武林中有哪一号叫做“孟述圣”的人物,但对方既说他“有颇深的造诣”,想来也不见得是信口胡吹,便道:“既是如此,段少侠请稍候,我去通报。”", "en": "“I don’t belong to any school,” replied Duan Yu. “And my teacher is Meng Shuxeng, who studied Yi Li, and was an expert at Divination and Xi Ci”The teacher he mentioned wasn’t the teacher of kungfu, but of letters. However the elder man thought ‘Yi Li’ and ‘Divination Xi Ci’ were two kinds of special kung fu. So he dared not slight Duan Yu, who fanning himself leisurely looked like a terrific fighter with concealed tiptop kungfu. And he though didn’t know whether or not there was someone called Meng Shuxeng in the kungfu word, thinking it wasn’t a brag that his disciple said he was an expert, said, “Well, please wait a moment, Mrs. Duan. And I am going to inform my master.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "来到酒店的大堂时,一个专门负责接待的酒店服务员迎了上来。 “您这边跟我来。” 那人领着她,径直来到了偌大的餐厅。 到的时候,餐厅里和外面的花园一样,也没什么人。 整间屋子烛光朦胧,各色的香薰蜡烛点在餐厅的各个角落,橘色的光晕很淡,但是却很温暖。 这里布置得非常漂亮,四处撒落着玫瑰花瓣,像是专门精心布置过的,又像是原本就是这么设计的。 费司诺从餐厅另一端的出口向着这边走来,他的步伐很缓慢,目光隔着朦朦胧胧的烛光看向这边的她,唇角好看地扬了扬。 他和洛易北气场不同,洛易北属于冷冽型,他属于邪气妖孽型,看似散散漫漫,但是无形中却给人以强大的压迫力。 这个男人是只修行千年的狐狸! 这是方池夏看到费司诺后的第一反应。 “没想到才分开几分钟,我们又见面了,方小姐!” 费司诺慢条斯理走向她,拉开其中一张椅子坐下,目光好整以暇看向她的方向。", "en": "When she arrived at the hotel lobby, a hotel waiter who was specially responsible for reception greeted her. “Please come with me.” The man led her straight to a huge dining area. At this moment, the dining area resembled a garden outside, but nobody was there. The whole area was lit by candle light and the scented candles of various colrs were placed in every corner of the dining hall. The orange glow was very light but warm. It was furnished beautifully, with rose petals scattered around it, as if specially designed, as if decorated on purpose. Fei Si Nuo entered at the other end of the dining hall. His pace gradually slowed down, looking at her with the glow of the candle lights magnifying the smile on his lips. His aura was totally different from Luo Yibei. Luo Yibei belonged to the cold-indifferent type while he belonged to the evil-enchanting type, which seemed to disperse invisibly around giving people an oppressive force. This man must be a fox who has been existence for thousands of years! This has been Fang Chixia’s first impression on him. “I didn’t expect that in a few minutes after we separated, we’ll meet again, Miss Fang!” Fei Si Nuo approached her slowly, pulled back one of the chairs and sat down while his eyes stayed on her face."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "她跑得很快,礼服的裙摆很长,大概是有些绊脚,最后索性被她提了起来。 费司诺想要跟上去,几个随从忽然从屋外奔跑着进来,把他拉了住,“少爷,这里不安全! 我们先离开吧!” “放手!” 费司诺推开几个人的手,想要继续往里面走,然而,却再次被几人拉住,“少爷,听我们的,先出去吧!” 费司诺愤恨地啪的一拳头击打在身侧的石柱上,没继续往前,但是也没跟着离开。 大厅里。 洛易北在陪同着几个熟人聊了几句之后,也觉察到这个夜晚的不同寻常。 那股伴随着风不时吹入的汽油味,其实在人那么多的宴客大厅,并不是很明显,尤其是现场还有那么多女人身上的香水味掩饰。 但是,他的嗅觉比常人敏锐,可以觉察到一般人觉察不出的东西。 想要离开,可这个时候方池夏也不知道去哪儿了。 打电话,意外发现手机来到了这里竟然没有信号! 连信号都阻断了,看来,今晚这里早就被人设好了局。", "en": "She bolted speedily but due to her long dress, she stumbled several times along the way. In the end, she raised the skirt up. Fei Si Nuo wanted to follow her but a few entourage suddenly came from the outside of the villa and blocked him. “Young Master, it’s not safe! Let’s get out of here!” “Let go!” Fei Si Nuo shove a few people’s hands and attempted to go inside. However, he was once again pulled back by his security. “Young Master, listen to us. Please go out first!” Fei Si Nuo’s resentful fist landed on a stone pillar on his side. He made no move perisisting forward but he didn’t follow them outside either. In the hall. After a few chats with several acquaintances, Luo Yibei was also alerted by the difference in their surroundings. The whiff of gasoline that was blown in by the wind from time to time was not so distinct in the banquet hall, especially with so many women bathed in bottles of perfumes. However, his sense of smell was sharper than that of an ordinary person so he could distinguish what the average person can’t detect. He wanted to leave but he has no idea where Fang Chixia has gone to. When he tried to call her, he found out that the signal in the place was non-existent! If even the signal in the area was blocked, then the game tonight has long been premeditated."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"不要紧的!\"道统大声说。\"我算过了,还无须乎多加广告费。但是诗题呢?\"", "en": "‘Don’t worry!’ Daotong brayed. ‘I’ve totted it up – doesn’t take us over the word limit. But what about the poem?’"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“你看吧,那是冬冬小时候的画儿。”杨母在门口说。汪淼捧起桦皮本,轻轻地一页页翻看。每幅画上都有日期,明显是母亲为女儿注上的,就像他刚进门时看到的那样。汪淼又发现了一件(多少让他不可理解的)事:从画上的日期看,这时的杨冬已经三岁多了,这么大的孩子通常都能够画出比较分明的人或物体的形状;但杨冬的画仍然只是随意纷乱的线条,汪淼从中看出了一种强烈的恼怒和绝望,一种想表达某种东西又无能为力的恼怒和绝望,这种感觉,是这种年龄的普通孩子所不具有的。杨母缓缓地坐到床沿上,双眼失神地看着汪淼手中的桦皮本,她女儿就是在这里,在安睡中结束自己的生命。汪淼在杨母身边坐下,他从来没有过如此强烈的愿望,要与他人分担痛苦。", "en": "\"It's okay, \" Ye said from the door. \"Those are pictures Dong Dong drew when she was little. \"Wang picked up the birch-bark notebook and gently flipped through it Ye had dated each picture for her daughter, just like she had been doing for Nan Nan in the living room.Wang saw that, based on the dates on the pictures, Yang Dong was three when she drew them. Normally, children of that age are able to draw humans and objects with clear shapes, but Yang Dong's pictures remained only messes of random lines. They seemed to express a kind of passionate anger and desperation born out of a frustrated desire to express something—not the sort of feeling one would expect in a child that young.Ye slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, her eyes staring at the notebook, lost in thought. Her daughter had died here, ended her life while she slept. Wang sat next to her. He had never felt such a strong desire to share the burden of another's pain."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "找个借口推辞掉,她就打算将录音和刚刚写的稿子先发出去,可是,她忽然意识到……有录音的手机还在沈凉川手里! 乔恋找了个没人的地方,给自己的手机拨电话。 电话响了好几声才被接听,沈凉川开口:“喂。” “是我!” 乔恋往四周看了看,感觉跟做贼似得,“我应该是拿错了手机。” “不是应该,而是的确。” 隔着手机,都能感受到那凉飕飕的语气。 乔恋顿时开口:“我不是故意的,这样,我现在去剧组跟你换回来。” 给主编打了招呼,乔恋从报社离开。 半个小时后,她在剧组外,看到上次带她进组换药的小姑娘:“乔小姐,沈老师正在拍戏,让你以探班记者的身份进组。” 乔恋接过工作证,跟她去了拍摄现场。", "en": "She quickly found an excuse to reject her. However, right when she was about to send out the voice recording alongside the article she had written, to her dismay, she realized with a frown on her face that… The voice recording was on her phone, which was still in the hands of Shen Liangchuan! Qiao Lian looked for a spot with no one around and called her own cell phone. It was only picked up after a few rings as Shen Liangchuan spoke, “Hello.” “It’s me!” Qiao Lian looked around carefully, she felt like she was acting like a thief, “I think I took the wrong phone.” “It’s not ‘you think’, it is you have.” Even though they were speaking through the cell phone, Qiao Lian could feel that cold tone of his. Qiao Lian immediately replied, “I did not do it on purpose. How about you let me go to the filming set and exchange it with you?” After she notified the chief editor, Qiao Lian left the news agency. After half an hour, she stood outside the filming set and met with the lady who had previously guided her in to medicate her wound. “Ms. Qiao, Teacher Shen is currently filming. He asked to allow you into the filming set with the identity of a visiting reporter.” Qiao Lian took the working pass and entered the filming location with her."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "半个小时过去了,我面前足足有了十几个空盘子,这里的食物确实是很不错,是我有生以来吃的最好的一顿了,我满足的拍拍自己的肚子,长出了一口气,看向木子。 哇,不是吧,她居然还在吃,她的战斗力也太强了,面前的空盘子一点也不少,而且我记得刚才她还有到我这里夹过菜。 我傻傻的拿起一张餐巾纸递了过去,说道:“你慢点吃。 别噎着。” 木子接过餐巾纸,往嘴上一抹。 模糊不清的说道:“你快吃啊,我不客气了。” 我目瞪口呆的看着她,直到点的菜完全被她消灭干净为止。", "en": "After half an hour passed, over ten empty plates lay in front of me. The food was really good. It was the best meal I’d had since birth. I patted my stomach in satisfaction, then exhaled deeply and looked at Mu Zi. ‘This can’t be happening- she’s still eating. She really knows how to eat!’ There were many empty plates in front of her too, and I remembered her taking some food from my dishes. I dumbfoundedly passed her a serviette and said, “Take your time to eat! Don’t choke on it!” Mu Zi took the serviette and wiped her mouth. She indistinctly said, “You should also eat, I won’t be so polite anymore.” After she finished saying that, she continued to eat. I stared at her, stupefied, until she completely finished all of the dishes she’d ordered."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋之前与高佑明做直播的时候,就在高佑明的家里。 她不愿意出现在公众面前,收益也是高佑明分给她,所以她在直播界虽然因为神秘而小有名气,其实收入并不高,最多只能改善一下生活。 她每个月的直播次数都是有限的,也从不接收采访与广告。 高佑明边调试边扭头询问她,“真不知道,你直播是为了什么。” 乔恋勾起嘴唇,“当然是因为兴趣啊!” 高佑明一愣,“兴趣?” “嗯,我喜欢玩游戏。”", "en": "In the past, when Qiao Lian used to livestream with Gao Youming, it had always been at Gao Youming’s house. She wasn’t willing to appear in front of the public, so Gao Youming was in charge of paying her. Hence, even though she was quite popular due to her secretive identity, in reality her earnings from livestreaming were rather small. At most, her income from doing this could only improve her living standards by a little. She could only do a few livestreams a month. Furthermore, she never accepted interviews or advertising requests. As Gao Youming adjusted his microphone, he asked her, “I really don’t know why you even livestream in the first place.” Why she livestreamed… Qiao Lian smirked and said, “Because it’s interesting, of course!” Gao Youming momentarily froze and said, “Interesting?” “Yeah, I like to play video games, after all,” Qiao Lian said simply, choosing to give short, concise replies."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "这位好姐姐知道妹妹爱美男,特意派了个美少年引诱她,三皇女被对方的气质与美貌迷得神魂颠倒,最后被哄得一杯毒酒下肚,才得知真相。", "en": "This good eldest sister of hers knew that she loved beautiful men, so she specially sent a gorgeous young man over to seduce her. The Third Imperial Princess was captivated by the young lad’s temperament and beauty, and fell head over heels for him. In the end, she was coaxed into downing a cup of poisoned wine, only to learn the truth right before her death."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "江晨掏出手枪对着他的脑袋补了一枪,然后将他的尸体丢在了一边。 这是个相当痛快的死法,但对于威名远扬的箭头公司总经理萨尔德斯先生,以这种默默无闻的形式死去,或许比死亡本身更令他痛苦……如果死人会痛苦的话。 “地下掩体么。” 望向基地中央的方向,江晨的嘴角勾起了一抹冷笑。 无论卡门还在图谋着什么,他的好运也该到头了。 罗斯柴尔德家族的命运将如同他们开始的那样,因为一场战争声名鹊起,因为一场战争默默无闻地死去…… 然而就在这时,远处传来了一声凄厉的尖啸。", "en": "Jiang Chen took out a pistol and ended him then tossed his body aside. It was a quick way to die, but for the well-known Arrow general manager Mr. Sardes, death in this obscure form might be more painful than death itself… if the dead felt pain. “The underground bunker?” Looking at the center of the base, Jiang Chen sneered. No matter what Carmen was plotting, his good fortune should be over. The fate of the Rothschild family would end as it began, fame because of a war, obscurity because of a war… However, at that moment, there were fierce screams from the distance."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "汪淼和斯坦顿上校坐在半山坡一座凉亭的躺椅上,两人都穿着宽大的花衬衣,大草帽扔在一边,看上去就是两个普通的游客。(在这个位置,下面的运河尽收眼底。)就在他们下方的运河两岸上,分别平放着两根二十四米长的钢柱,五十根一百六十米的超强度纳米丝已经按约零点五米的间距连接在两根钢柱上,只是每根纳米丝靠右岸的一端还连接了一段普通钢丝,这可以使纳米丝随着系在上面的坠物沉入河底,这样做是为了让其他的船只通过。好在运河上的运输并不像汪淼想象的那么繁忙,平均每天只有四十艘左右的大型船舶通过。两根钢柱的一端都与活动铰结相连,只有等待“审判日”号前面的最后一艘船通过,才能拉回普通钢丝,把纳米丝在右岸钢柱上做最后固定,然后钢柱才能立起来。行动的代号是“古筝”,这是很自然的联想,而纳米丝构成的切割网则被称为 “琴”", "en": "Wang and Colonel Stanton sat on lounge chairs under an awning halfway up the slope. Both wore loose, colorful shirts, with their Panama hats tossed to the side, looking like two tourists.Below, on each shore of the canal, a twenty-four-meter steel pillar lay flat against the ground, parallel to the shore. Fifty ultrastrong nano-filaments, each 160 meters long, were strung between the pillars. At the end on the eastern shore, every filament was connected to a length of regular steel wire. This was to give the filaments enough slack so that they could sink to the bottom of the canal, aided by attached weights. The setup permitted other ships safe passage. Luckily, traffic along the canal wasn't quite as busy as Wang had imagined. On average, only about forty large ships passed through each day.The operation's code name was \"Guzheng,\" based on the similarity between the structure and the ancient Chinese zither by that name. The slicing net of nanofilaments was thus called the \"zither.\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "海水摇了摇头,叹道:“为什么你们和姐姐的关系闹的这么僵呢,不要怪姐姐,好吗? 她是被愤怒冲昏了头脑。” “怎么会呢,如果我遇到这种情况没准比她还激动呢,快回去看看你姐姐吧,我没事了。” 海水的脸上露出一丝笑意,甜甜的道:“谢谢你,长弓,那我先回去了。” “再见。” 看着海水的背影,马克说道:“老大,看来海水对你真的有意思哦,要不,她怎么会为你治伤呢。” 我皱眉道:“别瞎说,还不快扶我回去。” 马克扶起我向着宿舍的方向走去。 “我们是不可能的,海水才是你应该的选择。” 说完,转身向另一个方向走去。 当然,我是听不到这些了。 回到宿舍,马克对我说道:“老大,你感觉怎么样。” 我躺在床上,说道:“马克,不要怪我,好吗?”", "en": "Hai Shui shook her head, \"Why did your relationship with sister become so terrible? Please don’t blame sister, alright? She was just too angry to think about what she was saying.\" \"Why would I blame her? If I had been in her shoes, I probably would’ve reacted even more fiercely than she did. I’m alright already, you should head back to check on your sister.\" Hai Shui was elated and said sweetly, \"Thank you, Zhang Gong! I’ll head back. See you later!\" \"See you later!\" Watching Hai Shui’s back fade, Ma Ke said, \"Boss, it looks like Hai Shui really does have feelings for you. If she didn’t, she never would’ve treated you.\" I frowned and said, \"Stop talking nonsense and help me go back.\" Ma Ke supported me all the way back to the dormitory. \"It is impossible for us to be together, you should have chosen Hai Shui instead.\" After muttering these words, she turned around and walked in the opposite direction. I didn’t hear the mutters at all. After we reached the dormitory, Ma Ke asked, \"Boss, how are you feeling?\" I lay on the bed. \"Ma Ke, please don’t blame me, okay?\""}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "不知道为什么,明明是记忆中的子川,明明是深埋在心底的子川,却在现在,似乎一点点的鲜明起来。 她放下手机,躺在床上,胡思乱想中,不知不觉中睡着了。 睡梦中,她看到了前方穿着铠甲的子川,在急速的奔跑。 她是小乔,想要追过去看看他,却发现自己怎么跑也跑不动。 她在黑暗中焦急的伸出了手,大喊着:“子川,子川,等等我!” 子川真的停下了,他慢慢回过头来。 乔恋就对着他笑了起来,可在看到他的脸时,整个人猛地一惊:“沈凉川? 怎么是你? 噌的睁开了眼睛,这才发现,自己做梦了。 梦里的情景,回想起来,都让人觉得匪夷所思。", "en": "She didn’t understand why, but the Zi Chuan in her memories, the one that had been deeply buried in her heart, was slowly emerging now. She put down her phone and laid on her bed. She fell asleep unknowingly, as she indulged in weird thoughts. In her dream, she saw Zi Chuan, who was donning an armor and running forward at a very high speed. She was Xiao Qiao, but when she wanted to rush forward to look at him, she realized that she couldn’t move at all. She reached out her hand anxiously in the dark, shouting, “Zi Chuan, Zi Chuan, wait for me!” Zi Chuan really stopped and slowly turned around. Qiao Lian then started smiling at him, but when she saw his face, she suddenly jumped in shock. “Shen Liangchuan? Why is it you?” It was when she opened her eyes that she realized that she had been dreaming. After recalling the dream, she realized that it was outrageous."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "过了一会儿,沈凉川换好衣服,从楼上下来,随手拿起茶几上的手机,揣进口袋中,走出去。 经纪人和助理已经在保姆车中等着,他上车后,助理小心的开口:“沈哥,我已经给保安打了招呼,以后再也不会有记者出现在您门前的情况了!” 沈凉川无可无不可的“嗯”了一声,拿起剧本,车内就彻底安静下来。 虽然是去《初恋》剧组客串,只有几场戏,可他却一如既往的认真。", "en": "After a while, Shen Liangchuan came downstairs, having just finished changing his clothes. As he passed by the coffee table, he picked up the cell phone lying on top of it. He stuffed it into his pocket and left the mansion. His manager and assistant were already waiting in the nanny van. After he entered the van, his assistant said cautiously, “Brother Shen, I have already talked to the security officer. From now on, there will be no more incidents of reporters standing in front of your door!” Shen Liangchuan grunted his affirmation in an indifferent manner. He picked up his script and the interior of the van fell into absolute silence. First Love as a cameo and he was only acting in a few scenes, as always, he was still taking his role seriously."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "白颜眉头轻皱,冷声问道。 二长老脸色苍白,颤抖的身子匍匐在地,哆嗦着道:“王后,我是来向你负荆请罪的,当日,是我轻信了那个冒牌货,才让王后误会了王,一切都是我的错,我愿意任打任骂,请王后降罪。” “不,王后,是我的错,是我没有将王的命令带给你,事实上,当日王为解除妖界封印而离开了王宫,他让我回来通知王后,我并没有能够做到,这才给了奸人有机可乘。” 火羽跪在地上,满脸是泪:“千错万错都是我的错,王后想打想骂,我绝无二话。”他将身后的竹条拿到手中,两掌相托,递到白颜面前,深深的低下了脑袋,一脸的视死如归。", "en": "Slightly furrowing her brow, Bai Yan snaps at the two men. Pale in the face, Second Elder uncomfortably answers first: “Queen, I am here to atone for my sin. That day I foolishly believed in that imposter’s word and caused the misunderstanding between you and His Majesty, everything is my fault. I am willing to bear any form of punishment you see fit, please punish me.” “No Queen, the fault is mine and not Second elder’s. His Majesty ordered me to bring you word of his departure in order to lift the seal, but I got careless and mishandled the mission. This is all my fault, please punish me instead.” Kneeling there with tears slobbering up his face, Fire Plume held nothing back and pulled one of the bamboo sticks out from his back."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "一张木桌,两把椅子以及一个固定在墙边的柜子就是这里的全部家当。 不知道为什么,罗德觉得自己似乎在什么地方见到过这个场景似的。 而就在罗德仔细打量这个房间时,门忽然打开了。 一个穿着白袍的金发少女走进了房间,她望着半坐起来的罗德,有些惊讶的睁大了双眼。 “你醒了?太好了!!” 少女口中所说的并不是汉语,也不是英语,但是罗德却能够清楚的理解她在说什么。 这让罗德都不由的有些吃惊,他知道这种语言。 这是尼姆语,龙魂大陆的官方语言之一! “感觉怎么样?还好吗?” 但是少女并没有在意罗德的表情,她迅速走到了罗德的身边,仔细的检查起了他的左肩和胸口。 “你的伤可真严重,坦白说,我都有些担心你能不能撑住……” “这是………” 罗德皱了下眉头,却不知道该怎么说,他转过头去,望向旁边墙上的镜子,那里清晰的倒映着自己的面孔,那的确是他的脸没有错,但是却不应该出现在这里才对啊。 “你忘记了吗?”", "en": "A wooden table, two chairs and a fixed cabinet on the wall were the only things in the room. He did not know why, but he felt like he had seen this somewhere. While he was studying the room carefully, the door suddenly opened. A blonde girl wearing a white robe entered the room. She looked at Rhode who was half-sitting in surprise, with her eyes wide open. “You have woken up? That’s great!!” The girl did not speak Chinese or English, but he seemed to be able to clearly understand it. He could not help but feel a little bit surprised because he knew the language too. This is the Nimus language, one of the official language in the Dragon Soul Continent! “How are you feeling?” However, the girl did not care about Rhode’s expression. She quickly went to his side, carefully checking his left shoulder and chest. “Your injury is really serious. Frankly, I was worried whether you would survive or not…” “This is…” He frowned but did not know what to say. He turned his head, looking at the mirror next to the wall where a clear reflection of his face could be seen. It was indeed his face, no doubt about it, but it was not supposed to appear here. “Did you forget?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "妈哒! 这是个什么鬼情况! 夜清落紧蹙着细眉,努力的睁开沉重的眼皮。 刚一睁开,就被极为耀眼的光芒,刺的她眼皮一痛。 一幕幕陌生的画面,宛如走马灯在脑海里不断的回旋。 斑斓画面一过,那些景象,像是强行插入的记忆,快速的在脑海里重叠,旋即渐渐归于平静。 接收完这些记忆后,夜清落再次睁开了眼睛。 这一次,她的眼睛适应了屋内的烛光摇动,灯火明耀。 奢华精致的房间,颇有古风意味,白色纱帐随风浮动。 四颗夜明珠伫立在房间四个角落,散发着莹莹的光芒。 最忒玛坑爹的是,她现在四肢大敞的躺在一张圆木桌上,自己原本那具引以为傲的身材,变成了纤细娇弱的少女身体,只着了一件白色长袍。 靠! 她这样躺在桌子上,是当做食物,等待着别人把她吃掉吃掉吃掉咩? 尼玛她不就是从飞机上跳了下来,就把自己的灵魂转移到了这么一具小屁孩的身体里了? 而且,刚穿越就这么惨,还能不能愉快的玩耍了?", "en": "Damn it, what kind of crappy drama is happening? Ye Qing Luo scrunched her brows together, mustering all her energy to lift her heavy eyelids. Just as she opened them, her eyes were stung by a bright light. Suddenly, her mind reeled and it felt as if a there was an explosion in her head. Fragments of unfamiliar pictures and scenes started to flood her mind. It continued to flash in her mind non stop when she suddenly realized that these fragments were forcing themselves into her own memories as they melded and fused together. Soon, everything was calm. After she received these memories, Ye Qing Luo tried to pry open her eyes again. This time, her eyes adapted quickly and focused on the candles. It was a luxurious room, exquisitely decorated in an ancient flavour. Four night pearls stood on each corner of the room, illuminating the room aglow. What seemed even more shocking was that she was now lying atop a wooden table, her voluptuous figure was now instead a slender and delicate girl's body, with only a white robe on. What the?! Lying on the table like this seemed to be as if she was some kind of food and waiting for someone to eat her up? Damn it! Didn’t she jump off the plane? How did her soul end up in this little girl’s body? And since she’s been given a new lease of life, wasn’t this start a bit too miserable?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "韦小宝动身启程,天色已晚,但圣旨要他即日离京,说什么也非得出城不可。出永定门行了二十里,便即扎营住宿。骁骑营是卫护皇帝的亲兵,都是满洲的亲贵子弟,服用饮食,无不高出寻常士兵十倍。大家在京中耽得久了,出京走走,无不兴高采烈,何况又不是去拚命打仗,到河南公干,那是朝廷出了钱请他们游山玩水,实是大大的优差。韦小宝吃了酒饭,睡觉太早,于是召集张康年、赵齐贤等众侍卫、骁骑营的参领佐领军官,齐到中军帐中。众人均想:“皇上不知差韦副都统去干办什么大事,他传我们去,定是要宣示特旨。”", "en": "Although it was evening by the time the troops were ready, the Emperor had insisted that they should start immediately, so Trinket had to get them outside the city before nightfall. After leaving by the South Gate, they had in fact only marched seven miles or so before it was necessary to pitch camp. The Valiants, recruited exclusively from the Manchu aristocracy and fed and housed ten times better than ordinary troops, were the Emperor's own household regiment. Cooped up for long periods in the Capital, they looked on this tour of duty outside, particularly when they learned that no fighting was involved, as a government-paid holiday, and all were in festive mood and looking forward to the trip. After supper and a drink or two, Trinket, feeling little inclined to sleep, had the forty Palace Guards and the officers of the Valiant Regiment summoned to his capacious headquarters tent. Being still ignorant of the purpose of the expedition, they assumed that he had summoned them for a briefing; but it was something quite different that he had in mind."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“足够了。”沙瑞山挥手打断了汪淼的话,“那你就应该知道,与我们观测的不同部分的微小不均匀不同,宇宙整体辐射背景波动是随着宇宙的膨胀,在宇宙时间尺度上缓慢变化的,以Planck卫星的精度,直到一百万年后都未必能测出这种变化,你却想在今天晚上发现它百分之五的波动?!知道这意味着什么吗?这意味着整个宇宙像一个坏了的日光灯管那样闪烁!”而且是为我闪烁。汪淼心里说。“叶老师这是在开什么玩笑。”沙瑞山摇摇头说。“但愿真是个玩笑。”汪淼说,本想告诉他,叶文洁并不知道详情,但又怕因此招致他的拒绝,不过这倒是他的心里话。", "en": "\"That's more than enough, \" Sha interrupted, waving his hands. \"Then you must know that unlike the local variations we observe in different parts of the universe, the overall fluctuation in the cosmic microwave background is correlated with the expansion of the universe. It's a very slow change measured at the scale of the age of the universe. Even with the sensitivity of the Planck satellite, continuous observation for a million years might not detect any such shift, But you want to see a five percent fluctuation tonight? Do you realize what that would mean? The universe would flicker like a fluorescent tube that's about to burn out! \"And it will be flickering for me, Wang thought.\"This must be some joke from Professor Ye, \" Sha said.\"Nothing would please me more than to discover that it was a joke \" Wang said. He was about to tell Sha that Ye didn't know the details of his request, but he was afraid that Sha would then refuse to help him."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "原来徐天川同方怡、沐剑屏二人前赴石家庄,行出不远,便和吴立身、敖彪、刘一舟三人相遇。吴立身等三人在清宫中身受酷刑,虽未伤到筋骨,但全身给打得皮破肉绽,坐了大车,也要到石家庄去养伤,道上相逢,自有一番欢喜。但方怡对待刘一舟的神情却和往日大不相同,除了见面时叫一声“刘师哥”,此后便十分冷淡,对他再也不瞅不睬。刘一舟几次三番要拉她到一旁,说几句知心话儿,方怡总是陪着沐剑屏不肯离开。刘一舟又急又恼,逼得紧了。方怡道:“刘师哥,从今以后,咱二人只是师兄妹的情份,除此之外,什么也不用提,也不用想。”", "en": "It transpired that on their way south to Shijiazhuang, old Xu and the two girls had run into Shaker Wu, his disciple Ao Biao (the Blue Tiger), and (Pale-Face) Liu. The three men were planning to rest awhile and recover from the beatings and torture they had suffered during their detention in the Palace. They were delighted to see the Little Countess and Fang Yi. But Liu soon noticed a change in the way Fang behaved towards him. She hardly even looked at him, and seemed strangely cold. Whenever he tried to draw her aside, so that they could have a moment together, she seemed to cling to the Little Countess. Liu was greatly put out by this. He questioned her about it, and finally she said: 'From this day forth, we are obliged to treat each other as brother- and sister-in-arms. It must go no further than that.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "整个基地都沉浸在火与混乱中,时不时还能听见迫击炮的爆响,所有能扛枪的佣兵都顶上了前线,与暴.民们争夺着基地正门的控制权。 除了一个警卫班守在指挥部前,整个大后方已经看不到什么人了。 对于江晨和阿伊莎来说,这和不设防根本没什么两样。 一共十名警卫,两名警卫站在哨塔上,其余八名分别站在一楼和二楼的入口处。 阿伊莎取出鬼魂狙击步枪,悄无声息地解决了那两个站在哨塔上的警卫,然后利用视野的死角,逐一击毙了楼上楼下的八人。 待阿伊莎解决了指挥部外的警卫班,江晨取出了步枪,抬步向正门走去,就在他经过门口那辆悍马车时,却是正好撞上了从指挥部内仓皇逃出的萨尔德斯,以及指挥部的参谋。 对上视线,双方明显都愣了下。 那名参谋最先反应了过来,立刻将手伸进怀中掏枪,然而他的手还没摸到胸口,便被反应更快的阿伊莎爆了头。 萨尔德斯正想反抗,却被江晨轻松控制住,反剪着双手按在了一旁的悍马车上。 “萨尔德斯,男,43岁。” “任箭头公司总经理,兼任最高指挥官,我说的对吗?”", "en": "The entire base was immersed in fire and chaos, and there were still explosions from mortars from time to time. All the mercenaries fought on the front line and fought with the refugees for control of the entrance. Except for a company guarding the command center, no one was in the rear. For Jiang Chen and Ayesha, it was no different than having no defense. A total of ten guards—two guards standing in the sentry tower, and the remaining eight were stationed at the entrance of the first and second floors. Ayesha took out the Ghost Sniper Rifle and quietly took down the two guards standing in the tower then used blind spots in their field of vision to kill the eight people upstairs and downstairs one by one. When Ayesha took care of the guards, Jiang Chen took out a rifle and moved to the command center. Just as he passed the Hummer at the entrance, he just happened to bump into Sardes and his advisor fleeing. When their eyes met, both sides stopped. The advisor first responded and immediately pulled out his gun, but he didn’t reach them in time before Ayesha pinned him down. Sardes was trying to resist but was easily controlled by Jiang Chen and his hands were pinned against the Hummer. “Sardes, male, 43.” “The general manager of Arrow and the highest commander. Am I right?”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "如果不是夏戊戌救他,他必死无疑。 因为他没有天心和尚那样的本事,无法抵挡仙器一击! “多谢夏戊戌大人!” 大皇子擦着冷汗,感激不尽道。 “你现在带着自己的手下去前方,把他们的传送阵破坏掉,我和这个人决斗。” 夏戊戌冷冷道。 在知道天心和尚等人要建设一-个世界级传送阵的时候,夏戊戌立马就想到了开元魔门被洗劫的事情。 开元魔门可是有能建造世界级传送阵的材料的! 下一秒,夏戊戌就知道,绝对不能让的对方把世界级传送阵建设好,不然一旦帮手来了,他们可能会前功尽弃! 所以他才救下大皇子,不然他才懒得管大皇子这个废物! 没错,大皇子在夏戊戌的眼里,就是一个废物! 大皇子不知道内情,反而对夏戊戌感激的不行,认为夏戊戌是个真正的高人,看得清楚局势,知道谁有用,救下他,他就可以摧毁龙觅虚的邪恶计划。 “龙觅虚,天心秃驴,不管你们有什么计谋,我把世界级传送阵给毁了,你们的计划不攻自破。” 大皇子冷笑起来。", "en": "If Xia Wuxu hadn’t saved him, he would have definitely died. That was because he didn’t have Heaven Heart’s ability to block a strike from a Celestial Artifact! “Thank you, Xia Wuxu!” The Crown Prince wiped off the cold sweat and he was filled with gratitude. “Bring your men forwards and destroy the Teleportation Formation. I will fight against this person.” Xia Wuxu said coldly. After learning that Heaven Heart was building a World Grade Teleportation Formation, Xia Wuxu instantly thought back to what happened to Founder Demon Sect. Founder Demon Sect did have the materials to craft the World Grade Teleportation Formation. He knew that he definitely couldn’t allow them to build the World Grade Teleportation Formation. Otherwise, once their helpers arrived, all their efforts would go to waste. This was why he saved the Crown Prince. If he hadn’t, he would be too lazy to interact with such a person. That’s right, the Crown Prince was just a piece of trash to him! The Crown Prince didn’t know, instead, he felt really grateful toward Xia Wuxu; he felt like he was a real expert who had the ability to see the big picture. He knew who was useful and saved him so that he could help thwart Long Mixu’s evil plans. “Long Mixu, Heaven Heart, I don’t care what plans you have. I will destroy the World Grade Teleportation Formation and your plan will just collapse.” The Crown Prince laughed coldly."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "一头青丝,随着劲风飞扬,裙角宛若一朵绽放的艳丽花朵。 女子容颜倾国倾城,浑身散发着令人窒息的美。 一只巴掌大小的小猫儿,坐在女子的肩头,为女子又添了几分柔和。 所有人的视线,紧随跟在女子身上,无法移开。 “半个时辰,我通过了。” 女子粉唇轻扬,仰头凝向主审台。 口吻平淡,神情淡然,对于自己半个时辰内通过十项考核,没有丝毫激动的意思。 三名夫子下巴都掉地上了,他们一个个不可置信的揉了揉眼睛。 还有夫子,身形一晃,径直步入了上玄宝塔内,去查探是不是哪儿出了漏洞,让夜清落作弊了。 可在宝塔内周游了一圈,也没发现任何问题。", "en": "A lady in red paced herself gracefully forward with her long silky hair dancing in sync with the wind and her skirt bloomed like a rose. Her facial features were ravishingly beautiful, and something radiated from within that rendered her irresistible to both genders. A palm sized kitten sat on the lady’s shoulder made her looked even more demure. No one was able to take their eyes off her. “I have passed the assessment within the half hour timeframe.” Her pink lips parted slightly while she leaned up to the main stage. Her tone was dull, and the expression was bland like there was no excitement for passing all the ten stages in half an hour. The three senior masters’ jaws literally dropped open and they couldn’t help but rubbed their eyes incredulously on what they saw. One other master even bolted into the Heaven Pagoda in a blink to ensure that there were no loopholes for Ye Qing Luo to cheat. Despite circled for a round, there was nothing wrong with the Pagoda."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋正瞪大了眼睛看着沈凉川笑,病房门被推开。 夏叶华带着宋原希走了进来。 宋原希咬住了嘴唇,红着眼眶,一进门,就忍不住掉下了眼泪:“嫂子,对不起……都怪我,我没想到他是那种人。” 一句话,让乔恋抬起头来。 夏叶华忍不住开口:“好了,幸亏这次的事情有惊无险。 但是这次的事情也告诉我们,网络上的认识的人形形色色,必须提高警惕。 下次可不许干这么危险的事儿了!” 宋原希点了点头,然后就走到了旁边,默默的低着头流泪。 乔恋盯着她。 她了解宋原希现在的心情,肯定特别的难过悲伤。 可她还是觉得,宋原希比她好一些。 至少,她能看清楚自己网恋的那个人是个什么样子的人。 至少,她明白对方是有所图的。 可是她呢?", "en": "As a wide-eyed Qiao Lian watched Shen Liangchuan smile, the door to the hospital ward was pushed open. Xia Yehua walked in with Song Yuanxi in tow. Song Yuanxi bit her lip and also walked in. Her eyes were red, and the moment she entered, she could not help but burst into tears. “Sister-in-law, I’m sorry… it’s all my fault. I did not know that he was that kind of person.” Qiao Lian lifted her head when she heard this. Xia Yehua quickly added, “All right, it’s our good fortune that nothing bad happened this time. However, this incident has also taught us that people we meet online sometimes are not who they say they are, which is why we must all be extraordinarily alert when surfing the Internet. Don’t ever do something like this again!” Song Yuanxi nodded and then walked to the side. As she lowered her head silently, tears continued to roll down her face. Qiao Lian looked at her. She understood how Song Yuanxi was currently feeling. She was definitely extremely upset. However, she still felt that Song Yuanxi had fared better than her. At least, she had been able to clearly see what kind of man she had entered into an online relationship with. At least, she had understood that he had ulterior motives for getting to know her. But what about Qiao Lian herself?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "指着沐剑屏道:“她是小小老婆,大小老婆要上了手铐,小小老婆不必。”众将给方怡上了手铐。钦差大人的奇言怪语,层出不穷,众将听得多了,这时也已不以为异了。这时坐在地下的只剩下了阿珂一人,只见她头发散乱,衣衫不整,穿的是男子打扮,却是明艳绝伦,双手紧紧抓住长袍的下摆,遮住裸露的双腿,低下了头,双颊晕红。众兵将均想:“钦差大人这几个大小老婆,以这个老婆最美。”只听韦小宝道:“她是我明媒正娶的元配夫人,待我扶她起来。”走上两步,说道:“娘子请起!”伸手去扶。", "en": "Then, pointing to the Little Countess''And that's my junior concubine. Only the senior one needs to be handcuffed.'The guards obeyed. There was no end to His Excellency Lord Wei's strange ways. But they were used to such things. None of it was out of character.This only left Green Girl to be accounted for. She sat there on the ground, her hair a tangled mess, her clothes in total disarray. She was still in male attire, but looked none the less attractive for it. She was clutching the end of her scholar's gown in a vain attempt to conceal her bare legs from the gaze of the guards. She hung her head, and a flush spread across her cheeks.There was a silent consensus among the guards that this one (whoever she was) was definitely the prettiest of Lord Wei's wives and concubines.This is my lawfully, duly betrothed, most honourable lady wife!' pronounced Trinket. 'I'll help her up.'He walked towards her and extended a hand.'Up you get, my darling!'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "沈凉川盯着病床上的人,嘴角抽了抽,将水凑到乔恋嘴边,“张嘴。” 乔恋看着他,没动。 沈凉川:“张不张嘴?” 梦中的他怎么都这么凶巴巴的? 他以为还是在现实中,自己会害怕他啊? 她顿时咧嘴,“不张!” 这话落下,就见他忽然喝了一口水,接着低下头来,直接堵住了她的嘴唇。 乔恋不可置信的看着他,当那股温热的清流进入口中以后,她这才猛地反应过来,这……不是在梦里。 这是真实的?", "en": "Shen Liangchuan stared at the person lying on the hospital bed, while his lips twitched. He then brought the glass to Qiao Lian’s lips again and said, “Open your mouth.” Qiao Lian looked at him, motionless. Shen Liangchuan said, “Are you going to open your mouth or not?” Why did he always have such a harsh tone in her dreams? Did he think that she would be afraid of him, like she usually was in reality? She momentarily grinned and said, “I’m not opening my mouth!” As she finished speaking, he suddenly took a mouthful of water. Then, he lowered his head and immediately covered her mouth with his lips. Qiao Lian stared at him unbelievably. Only when that warm stream of water entered her mouth did she react to the situation. This… wasn’t a dream after all. This was reality?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "想到这里,嘴里的小黄鱼一下子变得有些苦涩,她垂着头,过了很久,才终于回复了一句:“好的。” 一顿饭,接下来吃的都有点心不在焉。 吃完以后,乔恋坐着沈凉川的车,往家里开。 路上,她的手机忽然响了起来,拿起来发现是主编打来的电话。 她眉头微微一蹙,接听,对面就传来了主编的声音:“乔恋,王文豪就打了你一巴掌,你这休息了几天了?” 乔恋抿紧嘴唇。 主编继续开口,“呵,还是你不想上班了? 那也请你给公司里递交离职申请书!” 乔恋笑眯眯的开口,“我明天就去上班。”", "en": "As she thought about this, the small piece of yellow croaker she was chewing suddenly turned bitter. She lowered her head and thought for a long while, before finally replying, “All right.” She absently ate the rest of her meal. After they had finished eating, Qiao Lian sat in Shen Liangchuan’s car as it drove towards the villa. On the way, her cell phone suddenly rang. When she picked it up, she realized that the chief editor was calling her. Her frowned slightly as she answered the call. The chief editor’s voice emanated from the other end, saying, “Qiao Lian, Wang Wenhao only slapped you once, so why are you taking leave for so many days?” Qiao Lian pursed her lips. The chief editor continued saying, “Heh, do you not want to work anymore? Then please hand in your resignation letter!” Qiao Lian smiled and said, “I’ll be coming to work tomorrow.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "可此时此刻,乔恋却来不及欣赏那些美景,因为,与她来说,这世界上最美的那颗星,就在她面前。 这颗星,在她人生最昏暗的日子,为她指明了方向。 所以,她对沈凉川有一种超越崇拜的感情,那种感情,让她面对沈凉川,总是觉得矮人一等。 她乔恋从小到大,一直都是娇娇女,高高在上,哪怕后来家族败落,她也从来没有对人这么迁就过,除了沈凉川。 所以,她心里其实是有些埋怨的。 现在,她就要用忘川的身份,教训一下这个人,也算是给自己找回一点面子。 想到这里,她就顿时兴奋起来。 不知道等会儿,沈凉川被自己打的屁滚尿流后,会不会气哭了?", "en": "However, at this moment, Qiao Lian had no time to enjoy the scenery outside. That’s because to her, the star that shone the brightest in the entire world was right in front of her. This star had guided her in the right direction during the darkest days of her life. Thus, she idolized Shen Liangchuan. Due to this idolization, she felt small and diminutive when facing him. Growing up, she had always felt as though she stood above everybody else. Even if her household was about to collapse, she would never compromise for anybody, except for Shen Liangchuan. Hence, she felt a sense of resentment within her. Now, she would teach him a lesson under the guise of ‘Forget Chuan’. At least this way, she could regain some dignity. As she thought about this, she became momentarily excited. Later, after she crushed Shen Liangchuan, would he start crying out of anger?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "尤其……最爱吸取人血。 一旦玄阴之物沾了人血,玄阴之气便会暴动。 夜清落打的,就是这个主意。 邪剑暴动,莫说是现在被毁了心玉的夜清灵,就是之前玄气尚在的夜清灵,也是没有办法控制。 “你这是犯规!” 夜清灵之前就听夜清浅警告过,千万不能将自己的血,流到剑上。 此时,眼看着自己手中的鲜血,霎时间被邪剑汲取,慌了神。 夜清落摸了摸肩头的七七:“犯规? 这是我的战宠,我用它协助作战,有何不可?” 上玄学院的考核,的确没有明文规定,不许使用战宠。 毕竟,能收服一只战宠,那也是玄者的能力。 能和战宠配合默契的战斗,那也是玄者的本事。 擂台下那帮人瞪大眼睛,盯着夜清落肩头那团白点儿,下巴都快掉地上了。 战、战宠? 有战宠长成那样的吗?", "en": "In particular…. its favourite was to savour the human blood. Once any objects with profound yin got in touch with human blood, the profound Qi will go berserk. And that was exactly what Ye Qing Luo was hoping to achieve. The moment the evil sword entered the berserk mode, even if Ye Qing Ling hadn’t lost her Profound Jade Heart there was no way that she could control it. “You are playing foul!” Ye Qing Ling had been warned by Ye Qing Qian previously that one must strictly abide the rule of not letting her blood to be in contact with the evil sword or the consequences would be severe. At this point, all she could do was watch her blood being consumed by the evil sword as she panicked. Ye Qing Luo caressed Qi Qi tenuously: “Foul? This is my war pet and I am using it to assist in my battle, what’s wrong with that?” The Heavenly Academy rules did not indicate that no war pets were allowed during battle. Afterall, it was the student’s ability to be able to conquer a war pet. It would also depend on the skills of the student in engaging the cooperation of the war pet to assist. The entire mob of people watching under the ring were astonished to see the white furry ball on Ye Qing Luo’s shoulder. War, war pet? You mean a war pet looked like this?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "就先說說我自己。說說我們家。還有我家那時的鄰居家。我家那時的鄰居他不是一般的鄰居呀。說出來祢們不會相信我家竟和他家一個村。一個鎮。竟然他是我家的鄰居呢。竟然我家是他家的鄰居呢。", "en": "Let me begin by telling you about myself, my family, and our neighbor at the time. This neighbor was not any ordinary neighbor, to the point that you wouldn’t even believe we lived in the same village and the same town. But he was, after all, our neighbor. He was our neighbor."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "LiteraryTranslation"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "贺季晨盯着杯中晶莹剔透的液体,神情淡淡的看了良久,才抬头,看了一眼韩知返,出声说:“不可能的人。” 说着,贺季晨就垂了眼帘,有着无数伤感从他眉骨之间流露而出,他再开口的声音很轻,却藏着浓烈的化不开的悲痛:“但凡是有点可能,只要是她,我都会毫不犹疑的回头,只是她,从来都没给过我这点可能……” 顿了顿,贺季晨又出声:“……也没想过要给我这点可能。” 室内的气氛,一瞬间变得有些沉重。", "en": "He Jichen stared at the liquid through the crystal clear glass with a dull expression on his face for a long time. Then he looked up at Han Zhifan and said, “Someone who’s impossible to be with.” As He Jichen said this, he looked down with infinite sorrow in his eyes. When he spoke again, his voice was soft with a hidden, immense sorrow. “But in any case, there’s a possibility. As long as it’s her, I would turn back with no hesitation, but she’s never given me the slightest chance…” After a pause, He Jichen said, “…and she’s never thought about giving me a chance.” The atmosphere in the room instantly turned a little somber."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "木子敲了我头一下,说道:“讨厌,我就和别的小男生去约会,怎么样? 要是害怕的话你留下来监督我啊。” 从她的神色中我看出了一丝不舍。 我用很正经的语气对木子说道:“木子,其实我也舍不得离开你啊,可这件事情实在太重要了,你等我吧,不和你多说了,我要赶快走了,再见。” 说完,我站了起来。 木子沉默了一下,说道:“注意安全,平安回来。” 从她的话中我听出她好象知道我要去做危险的事似的。 我点了点头没有说话,因为我怕会舍不得离去,转身走出了教室,先回宿舍找到了马克,然后结伴回皇家中级魔法学院。 来到迪老师的办公室外,我喊道:“迪老师,我回来了。” 迪老师慈祥的声音从屋子里传了出来:“长弓回来了,快进来吧。” 走进迪老师的办公室,屋子里有四个人,除了迪老师和龙老师以外,还有两位老魔法师。", "en": ".” Mu Zi knocked on my head. “You’re so annoying! I’ll definitely go on dates with other guys. What are you going to do about it? If you’re scared, then stay to check on me.” Her expression showed a sign of reluctance over me leaving her. I seriously replied, “Mu Zi, I also can’t bear to part from you, but this matter is very important. Please just wait for me. I can’t continue to chat with you as I need to leave already. See you later.” After saying that, I stood up. Mu Zi remained silent for a while. “Please be careful and come back safely!” From her words, it seemed like she knew that I was going to do something dangerous. I wordlessly nodded as I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to leave if I continued to chat with her. I turned around and walked out of the classroom then went back to the dormitory to find Ma Ke first so we could head to the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy together. After arriving outside of Teacher Di’s office, I shouted, “Teacher Di, I’m back!” Teacher Di’s benevolent voice came out from the room, “Zhang Gong, You’re back, quickly come inside!” When we walked into the office, there were already four people inside. Other than Teacher Di and Teacher Long, there were two other old magicians I didn’t know."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "然后,在她不知道打了第几个电话时,对方终于接听。", "en": "Then, after a countless number of calls, the other party finally picked up the call."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "方池夏人都已经来到这里了,虽然苏瑞的出现让她很意外,可还是僵硬向着两人走了过去。 看到苏瑞,她就猜得到这次的签约,恐怕要被自己搞黄了。 不过,在她的字典里,也没有退缩两个字。 来都来了,自然得硬着头皮过去。 “两位好,我是容熙派来的代表。” 拉开两人对面的椅子坐下,方池夏正了正色,将手中带来的合约推给了两人,“洛易北先生让我来的,这份合约和以往每年容熙跟王室签约的一样,两位先过目一下,如果觉得没问题的话,我们在这里就签了吧,如何?” 苏瑞从看到她出现后,整个人就跟泄气的皮球似的,焉哒哒地倚着沙发,只是盯着她看,也没说话。 “两位有意见吗?” 方池夏的目光又转向了费司诺。 费司诺也在盯着她看,不过,他的目光不像苏瑞那样敌对,他看她的眼神很散漫,甚至还有点饶有兴味的样子。 方池夏被他看得挺不自在的,将文件往他面前推了推,她提高了音量,“这位先生!” “怎么了?” 费司诺在她的话后回过神,潋滟的长眸轻抬了抬,像是还有点茫然的样子。", "en": "Fang Chixia might have been surprised with Su Rui’s presence, but she still walked stiffly towards the two. The moment she saw Su Rui, she could guess that the signing would be yellowed by herself. Nevertheless, retreat has never been in her dictionary. Since she accepted the job, she naturally has to thicken her scalps. “Greetings to you both. I’m the representative sent by Rongxi.” Pulling the chair opposite the two, she sat down. Fang Chixia presented the contract in her hands in front of them, “Mr. Luo Yibei let me come. This contract is the same as that of the previous year when Rongxi signed with the royal family. First take a look at it. If you feel there’s no problem, we will sign it here immediately. What do you think?” After her arrival, Su Rui has turned like a deflated rubber duck, leaning against the sofa, just staring at her, but not talking. “Do you have any other concerns?” Fang Chixia’s gazed turned to Fei Si Nuo. Fei Si Nuo himself was staring at her also, but his eyes weren’t as hostile as Su Rui. His dazed countenance was brimming with even a hint of interest. Fang Chixia was quite discomfited. Pushing the documents in front of him, she raised her voice, “This gentleman!” “What’s the matter?” Fei Si Nuo snapped back to his senses and lightly lifted his lashes, making him appear still dazed."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "韦小宝向方怡又望了一眼,想起她引自己走入林中,让毒蛇咬噬,诸多做作,海船上种种甜言蜜语,全是假意,不由得甚是气愤,向她狠狠白了一眼,道:“开船罢!”船上水手拔锚起碇,岸上鞭炮声大作,送行者齐声说道:“恭祝白龙使旗开得胜,马到成功,为教主立下大功!”海船乘风扬帆,缓缓离岛。岸上众人大声呼叫:“教主宝训,时刻在心……”韦小宝心想:“我若不知方姑娘已经入教,倒会时时刻刻记著她。这么一来,倒也一无牵挂。”但想到方怡的柔情缠绵,心下不禁一片惆怅。", "en": "Trinket glanced at Fang Yi, and recalled how she had lured him into the woods to be bitten by poisonous snakes, and how she had pretended to be affectionate towards him on the ship. He could feel himself about to explode with rage. 'Set sail!' he ordered. As the sailors were raising the anchor, the people on shore let off firecrackers, and continued to shout 'Every Success to Our White Dragon Marshal!' and 'Obey the Leader's Teachings! Follow Him to Victory!' as the ship moved slowly away from the jetty. 'If I didn't know that Fang Yi was a member of the Sect, I'd be missing her dreadfully,' he thought to himself. 'But as it is, I couldn't care less!' Even so, when he thought of her tenderness on their journey to the island, he couldn't help feeling disconsolate."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "当时她听到这个名字,知道学校有叫这么一个名字的人,也觉得好消极了。 只是那个家伙不是个书呆子吗?怎么也会送她东西? “是啊,这名字起的真贱,起名字的人更贱。”", "en": "When she first heard of this name, she remembered him instantly. But wasn’t he a nerd? Why would he send her a gift? “Exactly, I hated his name. And whoever gave him that name.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“不是我,我是去接丁博士的。”汪淼心里一动,便向司机打听丁仪的住处,司机告诉了他。当天晚上,他就去找丁仪。推开丁仪那套崭新的三居室的房门,汪淼闻到了一股酒味,看到丁仪躺在沙发上,电视开着,他的双眼却望着天花板。汪淼四下打量了一下,看到房间还没怎么装修,也没什么家具和陈设,宽大的客厅显得很空,最显眼的是客厅一角摆放的一张台球桌。对汪淼的不请自来,丁仪倒没表示反感,他显然也想找人说话。“这套房子是三个月前买的,”丁仪说,“我买房子 干什么?难道她真的会走进家庭?”他带着醉意笑着摇摇头。", "en": "“No, it wasn’t me. I took Dr. Ding here.”Wang had a new idea. He asked the driver to take him to Ding’s address instead.As soon as he opened the door to Ding Yi’s brand-new three-bedroom apartment, Wang smelled alcohol. Ding was lying on the sofa with the TV on, staring at the ceiling. The apartment was unfinished, with only a few pieces of furniture and little decoration, and the huge living room seemed very empty. The most eye-catching object was the pool table in the corner.Ding didn’t seem annoyed by Wang’s unannounced visit. He was clearly in the mood to talk to someone.“I bought the apartment about three months ago,” Ding said. “Why did I buy it? Did I really think she was going to become interested in starting a family?” His laugh sounded drunk."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "寝室编号完全相同,但是西校区的413寝室里除了四号床,其他床上都住有学生,东校区则正好相反,只有四号床住有人,其他床都是空的。 “咱们社团里的秘密不要告诉别人,大家尽量低调一些,这所学校里有像我一样的老师,也有不那么好说话的老师。” 陈歌时刻保持着警戒,他们在实验楼闹出的动静太大,校方很可能已经开始调查。 “留给我的时间不多了,去413寝室看完之后,要先避避风头。” 西校区的男生宿舍楼一共有四栋,学生数量是东校区的好几倍,现在还没有熄灯,正是男生寝室楼最热闹的时候,洗漱声、塑料盆掉落的声音、交谈声,站在楼下都能听得清清楚楚。 “这栋楼跟东校区差不多。” 陈歌表现得非常自然,跟在四名学生后面一起进入了第一栋楼。 宿管居住的小屋房门紧闭,不过玻璃窗户开着,里面有一个五十多岁的大妈正在哼歌,她看起来心情不错。", "en": "The numbering of the room was similar, but in Room 413 of the western campus, other than the fourth bed, the other beds were occupied. Conversely, on the eastern campus, it was the total opposite; only the fourth bed was occupied, and the others were empty. “We should keep our club’s secret from other people. Try to keep a low profile. There are staff like myself at the school, but there are also other staff who might not share my views.” Chen Ge was on high alert. They had created too big a commotion at the lab building, so the school might have started an investigation already. There’s not much time left for me. After checking Room 413, we should find a place to hide for a while. There were four floors in total in the western campus’ male dormitory. The number of students was several times higher than the number on the eastern campus. It was not yet time for lights out, and the time they arrived was the most chaotic, lively time at the dormitory. The sound of washing, plastic basins falling, and chatting could be heard when they stood outside the building. “This building looks similar to the one on the eastern campus.” Chen Ge acted very normal as he entered the first building with the four students. The door to the manager’s room was closed, but the window was open. A middle-aged woman in her fifties was humming a ditty inside; she seemed to be in a good mood."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "mZPRT_Web_Fiction"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "到来的这个男人,长相还算普通,带着一个眼镜,离得远,所以他们看不清楚对方的样子,可穿着整洁,看着还算靠谱。 宋原希脸色通红,有些拘谨的跟对方握手,然后两个人就坐下来。 他们在咖啡厅里面聊天,乔恋就和沈凉川在车子里,远远的看着。 男人很主动地样子,说了什么话,宋原希就顿时笑起来。 然后她羞涩的低下了头,摸了摸自己的头发。 男人身体往前倾,这幅样子,很明显对宋原希很感兴趣,宋原希就更加的羞涩了,那副欲语还羞的样子,是个男人看见了,都会生出保护欲吧? 乔恋盯着前方,就看到那个男人又伸了伸手,招来了服务员。 他们点了几个糕点,边吃边聊天。", "en": "The man who arrived seemed rather normal and was wearing a pair of glasses. Due to the distance, they could not see the man’s looks clearly. However, his clothes looked tidy and he looked reliable. Song Yuanxi blushed a lot and cautiously shook the man’s hand. Then, the couple sat down next to each other. They chatted with each other in the cafe, as Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan sat in the car and watched them from afar. The man seemed quite proactive. Each time he spoke, Song Yuanxi would immediately start laughing. Then, she would shyly lower her head and touch her hair. The man leaned forward. His expression clearly indicated that he was extremely interested in Song Yuanxi, and she got even more shy. Her timid expression would make any man want to protect her if they saw it, right? Qiao Lian saw the man waving his hand to summon a waiter. They ordered several cakes and pastries, and chatted with each other as they ate."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "他伸出另一只手,拍打着她被打肿的脸颊,刺激着她的疼痛,“唉,一边有个巴掌印,另一边没有,就实在不协调,用不用我帮你对称一下?” 乔恋咬牙切齿,嘴角留下了鲜血,她使劲盯着王文豪,忽然“呸!” 了一声! 她向来吃软不吃硬! 这个王文豪想要用武力来让她求饶,做梦!", "en": "He used his other hand to slap her already-swollen cheeks, intensifying the pain. “Ah, there’s a handprint on one cheek, but no handprint on the other. That’s certainly not balanced at all, so should I rectify the situation for you?” Qiao Lian clenched her teeth, the corners of her mouth stained with fresh blood. She stared intensely at Wang Wenhao before suddenly spitting at him! Ptui! She had always been the type of person that responded better to reason rather than coercion. If this Wang Wenhao intended to use violence to make her beg for mercy, he could banish the notion right now."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乔恋惊吓的咽了口口水,这才往前走,来到两个人面前,露出一抹笑意,“好巧啊,你们会在这里?” 沈凉川不答反问:“你在这里……挖新闻?” 乔恋呵呵傻笑,“我,对,听说忘川在这里做直播啊,所以我就来看看。” “挖到了吗?” “没有。”", "en": "Qiao Lian swallowed her saliva in shock and approached them. She smiled and said, “This is such a coincidence! Why are both of you here?” Shen Liangchuan didn’t answer her question and instead, replied with another, “You are here to… dig for news?” Qiao Lian giggled and replied, “I- yes, I heard that Wang Chuan was doing a livestream here and I came to take a look.” “Did you find any news?” “No.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "韦小宝一碗面还只吃得几筷,只见三个西藏喇嘛走进店来,靠街坐了,一叠连声的叫:“拿面来!拿面来!”一名喇嘛瞥眼见到双儿颈中那串明珠,左肘撞了撞同伴,努嘴示意。另外两人一见,登时喜容满脸,目不转睛的打量那串珠子。韦小宝心道:“不好,这三个家伙想拦路打劫。”取出一块碎银子,叫面店中一名店伴去雇一辆大车,匆匆吃完面,上了大车,吩咐车夫向西快跑。驰出数里,只听得车后马蹄声响,韦小宝向后张去,果见那三名喇嘛骑马追来,向双儿道:“那三个恶人要抢你的珠子,给了他们算了,回头我另买一串给你。”双儿道:“是!也不用买过。”", "en": "Trinket had hardly eaten more than two or three mouthfuls of noodles, when he saw three Tibetan lamas walk into the inn. They sat down at a table near the door and began yelling, in broken Chinese, for noodles. One of them looked suspiciously at Doublet's necklace, and nudged his companions. Soon they were all ogling the pearls. Trinket took them for common thieves. He quickly finished his noodles, hired a cart, and set off again at once, ordering the driver to head west and make good speed. They had only progressed a mile or so when they heard the sound of galloping horses behind them. It was the three lamas from the inn. They're after your pearls!' Trinket cried to Doublet. 'Why don't we just hand them over? I can easily get you some more.' 'Of course!' agreed Doublet. 'But there's no need to get me any more.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "倒是帝君邪嘴角勾着似笑非笑的弧度,成功让路边一群妹纸脸红心跳。 “我觉得我有跟朋友吃饭的权利。”夜云溪决定就这件事争取自己的权益。 “我想你并不明白契约的意思。”男人大刀阔斧的开车,涌进来的风吹乱了他漆黑的碎发,迷离了那双细长深邃的眸子。 “未婚妻的意思,就是比起别人,你应该更先优于我。” 这倒也是。夜云溪搓搓下巴,回忆起以前见到过的小情侣,那如胶似漆的状态让她下意识打了个冷战。 算了,现在还不用做到如胶似漆那一步。 “去哪里?”这次又要带她学什么? “验证一下你的学习成果。” 验证?怎么验?疑惑的时候,车子停在高档社区的一家餐厅前。 这餐厅格调很高,除了饭菜价格贵,只接待有钱人之外,还有一条规定,那就是出入这里的人,必须穿正装! 也就是说,现在夜云溪这一身运动服加球鞋是别想进去的。“这里?你确定?”确定她进得去?", "en": "The corners of Dijunxie’s mouth were curved like a smile, and he successfully made a group of girls on the roadside blush and heartbeat. “I think I have the right to eat with friends.” Ye Yunxi decided to fight for his rights in this matter. “I don’t think you understand the meaning of the contract.” The man drove drastically, and the influx of wind disturbed his dark and broken hair, and blurred the long and deep eyes. “The fiancee means that you should be better than me first than others.” This is also true. Ye Yunxi rubbed her chin and recalled the little lovers she had seen before. The gluey state made her subconsciously fight a cold war. Forget it, now there is no need to do the glue-like step. “Where to go?” What are you going to take her to learn this time? “Verify your learning results.” verification? How to verify? When in doubt, the car stopped in front of a restaurant in an upscale neighborhood. This restaurant has a very high style. In addition to expensive meals and only accepting wealthy people, there is also a rule that people who enter and leave here must wear formal attire! In other words, Ye Yunxi’s sportswear and sneakers don’t even want to go in now. “Here? Are you sure?” Are she sure she can get in?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "沈凉川的声音很有辨识度,格外有特色。 所以他只说了一个字,整个办公室还是安静下来。 乔恋懵了。 主编也傻眼了,不可置信的盯着自己的手机,“打……打错了?” 下一刻,乔恋猛地扑过去,直接将主编的手机抢过来,尖声开口道:“亲爱滴!我们手机拿错了!” 话落,她对周围人笑了笑,快速开口:“我忙呢,先挂了,一会儿再给你打!” 也不等沈影帝再说一句话,直接挂断电话! 整个房间,还在安静着。 半响,有人开口:“乔恋,你谈恋爱了?” 乔恋点头。 “你男朋友的声音,怎么这么像沈影帝?” 乔恋噌的抬起头来,很认真的开口:“告诉你们吧,沈影帝就是我老公!” “切~知道你是沈影帝的粉儿,可你都有男朋友了,就别跟我们抢老公了!” 她这么说话,大家反而不信了,一个个扭过头去,继续上班。 乔恋听到这话,却忽然一阵恍惚。", "en": "Shen Liangchuan’s voice was very recognizable, as it was really unique. Thus, although he had only said a word, the whole office had quietened down. Qiao Lian was muddled. The chief editor was also dumbfounded. She stared at her cell phone in disbelief, “I… I called the wrong person?” The next moment, Qiao Lian hurriedly snatched the cell phone from the hands of the chief editor as she shrieked, “Darling! We have accidentally exchanged our phones!” After she finished her sentence, she looked at the people around her, smiled, and quickly continued, “I’m busy right now, I’ll hang up first. Call you back later!” Before Best Actor Shen could reply, she had hung up. The whole room was still in silence. After a while, someone questioned, “Qiao Lian, you are dating?” Qiao Lian nodded her head. “Why does the voice of your boyfriend sound so similar to Best Actor Shen’s?” Qiao Lian looked up and answered with seriousness, “Let me tell you all, Best Actor Shen is my husband!” “Tsk. We all know that you are a fan of Best Actor Shen. However, since you already have a boyfriend, you should stop vying with us for Best Actor Shen!” Ironically, no one believed her when she said that. They turned their heads and continued with their work. When Qiao Lian heard their words, she suddenly fell into a trance."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "当元力尽数消耗的时候再吞食丹药,丹药的效用便能够最大化的发挥出来,只不过鲜少有修炼者能够将元力尽数用完。", "en": "When the power stored inside a pill is consumed, one would usually enter a state of cultivation to fully maximise the pill’s benefits. Very few cultivators could completely absorb all of the pill’s power almost instantaneously."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "亲王的话立刻获得了我的好感,从他一进门就对我这个小辈非常客气,现在又没有直接问我魔族的事,而是先祝贺我成为魔导师,可见他对人才的重视。", "en": "The prince’s wording instantly gave me a good feeling. Ever since he entered the room, he was very polite, and he didn’t directly ask about the Magic race, but instead congratulated me on becoming a Magister. It could be seen that he highly valued talented people."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "宋城就替他打开车门,“沈哥,如果你跟我一起去的话,先说好了啊! 人家忘川直播从来不露脸,所以很可能长得不好看,不过这年头,长得不好看的化个妆也能见人,所以我猜测,这个忘川很有可能有什么残缺,你要是看到了人家,可不许做出嫌弃的样子啊!” 一句话落下,沈凉川凉凉看了他一眼。 宋城立马闭上嘴巴。 两个人往居民区走,来到高佑明的家中,按响门铃,很快,房门被打开。", "en": "Song Cheng opened the car door for him and said, “Brother Shen, if you are coming with me, let me tell you something first. Don’t forget, Wang Chuan never reveals her face when she livestreams. Thus, she could be rather unattractive in person. However, in this day and age, even the most unattractive person can look somewhat decent with a bit of makeup. Hence, I’m guessing that Wang Chuan might not look too good. Once you see her in person, don’t show a disdained expression on your face!” As he finished speaking, Shen Liangchuan looked at him coldly. Song Cheng immediately shut his mouth up. Both of them walked towards the residential area. Once they arrived at Gao Youming’s house, they rang the doorbell. Almost instantly, someone opened the door."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“过来!”一把勾住细软腰身,将人搂入怀里,柔软的触感让帝君邪十分满意。果然如演习的时候看到的一样,手感不错。他下意识勾了勾嘴角,低头看向怀里的人。 夜云溪也在看他,漂亮的眉眼显然因为他而有些不愉快,如此近的距离甚至越过了她的防线,烟草气味夹杂着陌生的气息,让她多少有些不安。 “亲爱的,你得习惯。”帝君邪贴近她的耳朵,柔声低语。 军队里男人多,但大家都是哥们,打打闹闹管了,从来没有人贴着而过对她说话! 夜云溪脸色微红,狠狠瞪了一眼帝君邪。然,男人不怒反笑,长臂一捞,倒把人禁锢的更紧了。 “这是情人之间,最基本的接触。”", "en": "“come!” He hooked the thin waist and hugged the person into his arms. The soft touch made Di Junxie very satisfied. Sure enough, it feels good as seen during the exercise. He hooked his mouth subconsciously and looked down at the person in his arms. Ye Yunxi was also looking at him, her beautiful eyebrows were obviously a little unpleasant because of him, such a close distance even crossed her line of defense, the smell of tobacco mixed with unfamiliar smell made her somewhat uneasy. “Honey, you have to get used to it.” Di Junxie leaned close to her ear and whispered softly. There are many men in the army, but everyone is a buddy, and no one has ever talked to her next to her! Ye Yunxi’s face turned red, and he glared at Di Junxie. Of course, the man laughed instead of anger, and with a long arm, he held him tighter. “This is the most basic contact between lovers.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "【川流不息:这个可以有!乔恋,做视频的事情就麻烦你了!】 【乔恋:没问题!】 她身为记者,现在经常做一些这些东西,所以很熟练。 粉丝群里人多力量大,很快就搜索出来一大堆的两人不和的视频或者是微博截图。乔恋打开自己的电脑,工作起来。 天渐渐黑下来,很快就到了晚上十点。 宋城他们开了几个小时的会,各自散了。 当沈凉川推开卧室房门时,乔恋吓了一跳。 急忙将电脑关上,然后抱着电脑站起来,看向他。 他神色依旧淡定,他看上去似乎并未受到那些绯闻的干扰,心情不错。 那种气定神闲的样子,让她的心,也跟着沉稳下来。", "en": "[Chuanliu Buxi: This works! Qiao Lian, we’ll trouble you to make the video!] [Qiao Lian: No problem!] As a reporter, she had to do these things regularly, thus she was really skilled at it. The fanclub had many people and it was powerful. So, in no time, they were able to find a whole compilation of videos and Weibo screenshots that proved the feud between both of them. The sky slowly darkened and before she knew it, it was already 10 pm. Song Cheng and the team had carried out a meeting that had lasted a few hours and thereafter, they had dismissed it and left. When Shen Liangchuan pushed open the door of the bedroom, Qiao Lian jumped in shock. She hurriedly turned off her laptop, stood up with it in her hands and looked at him. He still looked calm and he seemed to be in a good mood, unaffected by those rumors. His calm demeanor influenced her, as she felt her heart compose itself."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "男人似乎很照顾宋原希,非常热情主动,哪怕离得这么远,也能感受到他说话肯定也幽默风趣。 目测了一下这个男人刚刚的身高,似乎,跟原希差不多,是不是有点太矮了? 不过,不能通过外表看待一个人。 至少这个人看上去文质彬彬,很靠谱,不是那种滑头小子。 乔恋垂下眼眸,觉得宋原希的运气,比她真是好太多了。 当年的她……也是傻乎乎等在那里。 距离子川说好的时间,还有五分钟的时候,她接听了一个电话。 电话只是小姐妹嘘寒问暖的声音,跟对方贫了几句,记挂着即将到来的子川,她很快就找了个缘由挂段了电话,再去看时间,他应该已经到了吧?", "en": "The man seemed to really care for Song Yuanxi. He was passionate and animated. Even from afar, she could tell that their conversation was probably interesting indeed. Looking at the man’s height, it seems that his height was just about the same as Yuanxi’s. Wasn’t he just a tad too short? However, she should not judge a person based on their appearance. At least this guy looked polite, reliable and not too sketchy. Qiao Lian lowered her eyes. She felt that Song Yuanxi’s luck was much better than hers. That fateful day so many years ago, her past self had also stupidly waited there. When there were only five minutes left until Zi Chuan’s promised arrival time, her phone started ringing. She picked up the call. The person on the other line was just her friend, asking about her well-being. After chatting for a while, she remembered that Zi Chuan was about to arrive and thus found a convenient excuse to hang up the phone. She looked at the time again. He must be almost here, right?"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "想到这里,韩知返彻底没了继续赖在贺季晨房间的意思,“时间也不早了,我回我房间休息了。” 贺季晨微微颔首,没留韩知返,但在他起身的那一刻,他忽然像是想起什么一样,喊住了韩知返:“对了。” “恩?”韩知返停下所有动作,望向了贺季晨。 贺季晨仰起头,将杯中的红酒喝得一干二净,然后才迎向韩知返的目光,语气淡淡的出声说:“最近我要留在剧组里,抽不开身,所以有件事,我需要拜托你。” “什么事,你直接说就是了。” “你回北京,帮我查一下,季忆三年前在哪个医院做过人流手术……”他在季忆的房间,亲耳听到千歌说她四年前做人流手术的时候,险些丧命,若是真像千歌说的那样,她恨他,不愿要他的孩子,怎么会那么凶险,难不成其中有什么他不知道隐情? 想着,贺季晨又补了句:“记得,我要最详细的情况。” “好。”韩知返一口答应了下来,他看贺季晨没别的要嘱咐的了,便道了声“再见”,离开了。", "en": "At that thought, Han Zhifan lost interest in lounging around in He Jichen’s room. “It’s getting late, so I’m heading back to my room to get some rest.” He Jichen nodded slightly. He didn’t try to make Han Zhifan stay, but he remembered something the moment that he got up and cried to Han Zhifan, “Ah yeah!” “Mm?” Han Zhifan stopped everything he was doing and stared at He Jichen. He Jichen raised his head and downed the red wine then glanced over at Han Zhifan and said in a dull voice, “I have to stay on set and can’t step away, so there’s something I wanted to ask of you.” “What is it? Just say it and it’s done.” “Go back to Beijing and help me find out which hospital Ji Yi had her abortion done at three years ago…” Back in Ji Yi’s room, he heard Qian Ge mention how Ji Yi almost lost her life during her abortion years ago. If it really happened how Qian Ge described it, why would she risk so much to avoid having his child? Could there possibly be some kind of hidden reason he didn’t know about? At that thought, He Jichen added, “Remember, I want the most comprehensive rundown of what happened.” “Alright,” promised Han Zhifan. Seeing as He Jichen had no other orders, he said goodbye and left."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“我陪你一起去。” 帝北宸淡淡出声,声音却透着毋庸置疑的意味。", "en": "“I’ll accompany you, we’ll go together.” Dibei Chen’s voice was indifferent, but his tone revealed his certainty on his decision. He would not change his mind."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "小郡主道:“我不信。你就是爱说话损人。”韦小宝道:“你叫不叫?”小郡主红着脸摇摇头。韦小宝见她娇羞的模样,不禁有些心动,说道:“小乌龟新刻不久,修补是很容易的。时间挨得久了,再要修补,如果留下一条乌龟尾巴修不去,只怕你将来懊悔。”小郡主虽然对他的话将信将疑,总是企盼一试,倘若真如他所说,将来脸上留下一条乌龟尾巴,那可仍是难看之极,当下胀红了脸,嗫嚅道:“你……你可不是骗我?”韦小宝道:“我骗你干什么?你越叫得早,我越早动手,你的脸蛋儿越修补得好,乖乖的快叫罢!”", "en": "'I don't believe you, ' said the Little Countess. 'All you seem to care about is saying things that are hurtful.' 'Are you going to say it?' said Trinket. The Little Countess blushed again and shook her head. She blushed so prettily that Trinket was just a tiny bit affected. 'It would be easy to clear the marks off your face now, only a short time after it was carved, ' he said, 'but the longer it's left, the harder it will be to cure. Suppose you were to end up with a little turtle's tail on your face that I couldn't get rid of? You'd be sorry then that you hadn't let me do it sooner.' The Little Countess wasn't sure whether to believe him or not, but putting ointment on her face couldn't do any harm, even if it didn't do any good; and she certainly didn't want to risk the awful disfigurement of a turtle's tail on her cheek; so she was now quite eager to try. 'Are you . . . are you sure you aren't just fooling me?' she asked him falteringly. Her face was scarlet. 'Why should I want to fool you?' said Trinket. The sooner I put the ointment on, the sooner the marks will vanish. So just hurry up and say it.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我小声说道:“小心哈喇子把卷子弄湿了。” 木子这才强忍着笑意,抬起头接着做起卷子来。 我看了看自己的卷子,由于刚才抄的速度还比较快,已经写了70%多的题了,应该可以顺利过关了吧,剩下的内容我胡乱写了些,就写意的*在椅背上等着下课收卷了。 终于熬到下课了,卷子收了上去,我得意的对木子说道:“这下肯定没问题,哈哈,谢谢你拉。 我请你吃饭怎么样。” 木子说道:“你刚才的反应真快,老师都快被你气死了,明知道你在作弊都抓不到证据。” 我洋洋得意的笑道:“当然,本人可是反映一流哦,你到底跟不跟我去吃饭啊。” 木子想了想,眼中闪过一丝狡猾的目光,沉吟道:“好吧,不过,不能在学校吃食堂哦,我要到外面去吃。” 我大方的说道:“没问题,地点随你挑,中午一放学咱们就去。”", "en": "I whispered, “Make sure you don’t get saliva on your paper.” Mu Zi then forced herself to stop laughing. She raised her head to continue answering the test questions. I looked at my paper. Since I’d copied quickly, I’d answered seventy percent of the questions. I would at least pass. I absent-mindedly answered the rest of the questions, then leaned back in my chair and waited for the papers to be collected. The lesson finally ended. After the test papers were collected, I happily said to Mu Zi, “There should be no problem this time. Haha. Thank you so much for your help. How about I treat you to lunch today?” Mu Zi replied, “Your reaction earlier was really fast. The teacher should be terribly angry with you this time. He obviously knows that you were cheating, but can’t get the evidence.” I complacently smiled and said, “Of course! I am a counter expert! Are you or are you not going to have lunch with me?” Mu Zi thought for a moment. A hint of cunningness flashed through her eyes. “Alright! However, I don’t want to eat at the academy’s canteen. I want to leave the academy to eat.” I generously said, “No problem! You can pick where to eat. After classes today, let’s go and eat.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "一句话落下,房间里顿时一片诡异的安静。 高佑明直接捂住了自己的脸,就没见过这么自恋的! 宋城也抽了抽嘴角,不就是一个记者吗? 怎么这个忘川这么崇拜她? 沈凉川唇角都忍不住微微勾起,没说话,那双眼睛里却闪烁着细碎的光。 乔恋像是根本就没有察觉到几个人的样子似得,继续开口:“咱们混娱乐圈的,当然会对几个有名的记者颇多关注。 这个乔恋,我还真的关注了!” 沈凉川一直觉得自己身为记者挖别人隐私不好,趁此机会,当然要替自己说上几句好话。", "en": "When she ended her sentence, there was a strange silence in the room. Gao Youming covered his face, he had never seen someone so narcissistic. Song Cheng curved his lips. Wasn’t she just a reporter? Why did Wang Chuan adore her so much? Even Shen Liangchuan couldn’t help but slightly curve his lips. He didn’t speak, but his eyes were sparkling. Qiao Lian acted as if she hadn’t noticed their looks and continued speaking, “As part of the entertainment industry, we are bound to pay more attention to some famous reporters. I’ve actually taken notice of this reporter named Qiao Lian!” Shen Liangchuan had always thought that it was inappropriate for her to invade others’ privacy as a reporter. Thus, she had to take this chance to put in good words for herself."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "吴应熊笑道:“他们有什么武功?只不过是父王府里的亲兵,一向跟着兄弟,知道兄弟的脾气,出门之时,贪图个使唤方便而已。”多隆笑道:“小王爷这可说得太谦了。你瞧这两位太阳穴高高鼓起,内功已到了九成火候。那两位脸上、颈中肌肉纠结,一身上佳的横练功夫。还有那几位满脸油光,背上垂的大辫子,多半是假发打的,你如教他们摘下帽子来,定是秃顶无疑。”吴应熊微笑不答。索额图笑道:“我只知多总管武功高强,没想到你还有一项会看相的本事。”", "en": "The Heir smiled deprecatingly. 'There's nothing tip-top about them. They're just members of my father's personal bodyguard who happen to have known me for a long time and are used to my little ways. That's the only reason they were chosen: so that I could have people around who know how to serve me.' 'Your Grace is too modest,' said Dolong with a laugh. 'Look at the way the temples bulge out on those two big fellows. You can see that their Inner Force has been cultivated to the highest peak of perfection. And look at the knotted muscles on the necks and faces of those two there: that's the product of inner training. And those ones there who look as if their faces have been oiled: those great thick pigtails hanging down their backs are almost certainly false ones. Ten to one if you told them to take their hats off, you'd find that they were bald.' The Heir smiled but made no reply. Songgotu seemed amused. 'I knew you were a great expert in the Martial Arts, Chief,' he said, 'but I didn't know you were a skilled physiognomist as well.'"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BiPaR"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "\"学程!\"四铭记起了一件事似的,忽而拖长了声音叫,就在她对面的一把高背椅子上坐下了。", "en": "‘Xuecheng!’ Siming bawled out, as if he’d just remembered something, then sat down on the high-backed chair opposite her."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "par3"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "马克笑着道:“这个第三你也认识的,就是你的同桌木子·默。” 我惊讶的道:“竟然会是她,我没感觉出她有多强啊。 太不可思意了吧。” 马克笑道:“这有什么不可思意的,木子为人很低吊的,但她的风系魔法是我所见过用的最好的,魔法控制力比我只高不低,绝对有魔导士的水平,要不是土克风的话也许第一有可能就是她的了。 那年我刚入学的时候,新生比武大会我就是输在她手上的,当初我还不服呢,可后来每次和她对上,我都是屡战屡败,现在我都不敢和她打了。” 我叹了口气,道:“你知道不,今天我才给她写了封情书。”", "en": "Ma Ke grinned and said, “You know the third ranked person; she is none other than the girl who sits beside you, Mu Zi Mo.” I said in shock, “I wouldn’t have thought that it would be her. She didn’t seem that powerful. This is too unbelievable!” Ma Ke smiled and replied, “Why is it unbelievable? Mu Zi is a very low profile person, but her wind magic is the best I’ve ever seen. Her magic control is greater than mine. She is definitely at the magic scholar level. If it wasn’t for Tu Ke Feng, it’s possible that the first rank would be hers. When I first attended this academy, I lost when I fought against her during the newcomer students’ battle event. I was not satisfied with the outcome of the battle, so I challenged her many times afterward, but lost every time. Now I don’t dare to duel with her. If you challenge her, I’ll treat it as you helping me take my revenge.” I sighed. “You didn’t know about this, but today I wrote her a love letter.”"}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "BWB"} {"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "“不如巅峰的和尚,回去也抵挡不住十位道圣。” 夏戊戌不屑道,完全不担心。 刚才两柄仙器的碰撞,最受伤的还是天心和尚,他直面仙器之威。 不是一柄仙器之威! 而是两柄仙器之威! 他没有重伤不起,甚至没有直接死掉都算好的! 现在的天心和尚,没有了之前的战斗力。 加百列眼睛一眯,仙剑在手,直接一刺:“去死!” 龙觅虚,米迦勒,乌仙儿在紧张的建设,按照阵图上的要求,一一落实。 不长的功夫,这座传送阵已经初见端倪,有了底层的地基。 而后在不断的添加东西,把传送阵搭建起来。 这是一个很精细的活,龙觅虚和乌仙儿这两位女士处理,力求万无一失。 尤其是龙觅虚,她的女皇梦现在只差最后一步了。 只要传送阵能搭建起来,李仙道跨界而来,她的女皇梦就可以实现。 龙觅虚比谁都要认真,细心。 米迦勒负责运送各种大型的物件和宝物,一个大型的世界级传送阵,就算有阵图,根据阵图来,也很麻烦。", "en": "“A monk who isn’t at his peak won’t be able to fight the other 10 Dao Saints even if he returns.” Xia Wuxu said with disdain, not worried at all. When the two Celestial Artifacts clashed, Heaven Heart was badly injured as he faced them head-on. It wasn’t the strength of one Celestial Artifact! But, two! It was amazing that he wasn’t heavily injured and had even managed to survive! At the moment, Heaven Heart didn’t have the same combat strength as before. Gabriel squinted his eyes and stabbed the Celestial Sword in his hand forwards. “Die!” Long Mixu, Michael, Wu Xian’er were nervously building the World Grade Teleportation Formation! They carefully followed the instructions in the blueprints, one by one. In just a short time, the rough outline could be seen and the foundation layer had already been built. They were now adding new things to build it up. This was a really detailed and precise job which was perfect for Long Mixu and Wu Xian’er. Especially Long Mixu who was on her final step before she managed to reach her dreams. As long as this Teleportation Formation was built and Li Xiandao could cross over, her dream would be fulfilled. Long Mixu was more serious and focused than anyone else. Michael was in charge of moving the large-sized treasures and materials. Even if they had the blueprints, it was still problematic and tough to build a large World Grade Teleportation Formation."}, "task_type": "domain_literature", "data_name": "wmt23_Literary"}