6 The new `` social choice '' fund will shun securities of companies linked to South Africa , nuclear power and in some cases , Northern Ireland excluded will be investments in companies with `` significant '' business stemming from weapons manufacture , alcoholic beverages or tobacco 6 The bond fund will invest in high-grade or medium-grade bonds , mortgages or asset-backed securities , including as much as 15 % in foreign securities The fund might buy and sell futures and options contracts , subject to approval by the New York State Insurance Department 3 or receive cash from the funds their jobs are terminated 3 Solo woodwind players have to be creative they want to work a lot 2 Solo woodwind players have to be creative if they want to work a lot their repertoire and audience appeal are limited 2 He commissions and splendidly interprets fearsome contemporary scores and does some conducting he does n't have to play the same Mozart and Strauss concertos over and over again 0 Today , the pixie-like clarinetist has mostly dropped the missionary work a touch of the old Tashi still survives 0 Just the thing for the Vivaldi-at-brunch set , the yuppie audience that has embraced New Age as its very own easy listening you ca n't dismiss Mr. Stoltzman 's music or his motives as merely commercial and lightweight 6 He believes in what he plays he plays superbly 6 that his new album , `` Inner Voices , '' had just been released , that his family was in the front row that it was his mother 's birthday 2 and that it was his mother 's birthday he was going to play her favorite tune from the record 10 He launched into Saint-Saens 's `` The Swan '' from `` Carnival of the Animals , '' a favorite encore piece for cellists , with lovely , glossy tone and no bite he offered the second movement from Saint-Saens 's Sonata for Clarinet , a whimsical , puckish tidbit that reflected the flip side of the Stoltzman personality 6 Then , as if to show that he could play fast as well , he offered the second movement from Saint-Saens 's Sonata for Clarinet , a whimsical , puckish tidbit that reflected the flip side of the Stoltzman personality so it went through the first half : an ingeniously chosen potpourri of pieces , none longer than five minutes , none that would disturb or challenge a listener 10 Mr. Stoltzman tied the composer in by proclaiming him `` the great improviser of the 18th century and built on the image by joining with Mr. Douglas in some Bach two-part inventions 10 and then built on the image by joining with Mr. Douglas in some Bach two-part inventions the two chanted and chortled their way through some murderous polyrhythms 10 the two then chanted and chortled their way through some murderous polyrhythms and with Mr. Gomez , soared and improvised on the composer 's tight `` Bebop Etudes 0 And so it went through the first half : an ingeniously chosen potpourri of pieces , none longer than five minutes , none that would disturb or challenge a listener The end of the first half brought what the standing-room-only crowd seemed to be waiting for : the pop singer Judy Collins 6 Glamorous and pure-voiced as ever , Ms. Collins sang Joni Mitchell 's `` For Free '' -- about an encounter with a street-corner clarinetist , to which Mr. Stoltzman contributed a clarinet obligatto -- and Mr. Douglas 's lush setting of a Gaelic blessing , `` Deep Peace Deep Peace '' featured a slide show of lovely but predictable images of clouds , beaches , deserts , sunsets , etc 0 It was all too mellow to be believed they probably would have gotten away with it , had they not felt compelled to add Ms. Collins 's signature tune , `` Amazing Grace , '' and ask for audience participation 5 Was this why some of the audience departed before or during the second half was it because Ms. Collins had gone 5 Was this why some of the audience departed before or during the second half was it because Ms. Collins had gone 2 Or was it Ms. Collins had gone 2 Either way it was a pity Mr. Stolzman offered the most substantial music of the evening just after intermission : Steve Reich 's `` New York Counterpoint , '' one of a series of Reich works that juxtapose a live performer with recorded tracks of his or her own playing 6 He warned us in advance that `` New York Counterpoint '' lasts 11 1/2 minutes He unfortunately illustrated this intricate , jazzy tapestry with Mr. Pearson 's images , this time of geometric or repeating objects , in a kitschy mirroring of the musical structure that was thoroughly distracting from Mr. Reich 's piece and Mr. Stoltzman 's elegant execution of it 1 It was enjoyable to hear accomplished jazz without having to sit in a smoke-filled club like the first half , much of it was easy to take and ultimately forgettable 1 Managers and presenters insist that chamber music concerts are a hard sell can audiences really enjoy them only if the music is purged of threatening elements , served up in bite-sized morsels and accompanied by visuals 3 but can audiences really enjoy them the music is purged of threatening elements , served up in bite-sized morsels and accompanied by visuals 1 It was not an unpleasant evening , certainly , thanks to the high level of performance , the compositional talents of Mr. Douglas , and the obvious sincerity with which Mr. Stoltzman chooses his selections it was neither deep nor lasting : light entertainment that was no substitute for an evening of Brahms 9 that he rarely gave his blessing to the claptrap that passes for `` consensus '' in various international institutions he liberated the U.S. from one of the world 's most corrupt organizations -- UNESCO 10 In fact , he liberated the U.S. from one of the world 's most corrupt organizations -- UNESCO the remaining members have been desperate for the United States to rejoin this dreadful group 1 Now UNESCO apologists are lobbying President Bush to renege on President Reagan 's decision to depart we can think of many reasons to stay out for the foreseeable future and well beyond 10 The U.S. , along with Britain and Singapore , left the agency its anti-Western ideology , financial corruption and top leadership got out of hand 6 when several of his top aides were uncovered as KGB plants and ejected from France when a mysterious office fire was set just before Congress sent accountants to trace U.S. funds 11 The personal antics of agency Director Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow drew much attention and a mysterious office fire was set just before Congress sent accountants to trace U.S. funds 10 and when a mysterious office fire was set Congress sent accountants to trace U.S. funds 1 Mr. M'Bow was an extreme case even his replacement , the more personally genial Spanish biochemist Federico Mayor , has had little success at achieving reforms 1 Glasnost may be partly responsible The exaggerated ideological approach undermined tolerance intrinsic to UNESCO 6 Soviets remain in charge of education programs , a former head of an African military tribunal for executions is in charge of culture a hard-line Polish communist in exile directs the human-rights and peace division 11 that seems to get muddled delivered through U.N. organizations 2 that seems to get muddled delivered through U.N. organizations 1 This can have its purposes at times there 's no reason to cloud the importance and allure of Western concepts of freedom and justice 2 that prevents the production of pollen The gene can prevent a plant from fertilizing itself 10 The gene thus can prevent a plant from fertilizing itself Such so-called male-sterile plants can be fertilized by pollen from another strain of the plant 2 Such so-called male-sterile plants can then be fertilized by pollen from another strain of the plant producing hybrid seed 2 That 's the male part , the tassel , and the female , the ear , are some distance apart on the corn plant 10 They sow a row of male-fertile plants nearby which pollinate the male-sterile plants 6 The first hybrid corn seeds produced using this mechanical approach were introduced in the 1930s they yielded as much as 20 % more corn than naturally pollinated plants 6 In China , a great number of workers are engaged in pulling out the male organs of rice plants using tweezers one-third of rice produced in that country is grown from hybrid seeds 10 The sterilizing gene is expressed the pollen is about to develop 6 The sterilizing gene is expressed just before the pollen is about to develop it deactivates the anthers of every flower in the plant 6 At Plant Genetic Systems , researchers have isolated a pollen-inhibiting gene that can be inserted in a plant to confer male sterility The researchers pulled off a second genetic engineering trick in order to get male-sterile plants in large enough numbers to produce a commercial hybrid seed crop 10 They attached a second gene , for herbicide resistance , to the pollen-inhibiting gene Both genes are inserted into a few greenhouse plants 10 Both genes are then inserted into a few greenhouse plants which are pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed 6 that half of the plants springing from these greenhouse-produced seeds will be male sterile and herbicide resistant half will be male fertile and herbicide susceptible 0 that the genetic approach will obviate the need for mechanical emasculation of anthers virtually all corn seeds currently planted are hybrids 0 One technique developed by some of these companies involves a chemical spray supposed to kill only a plant 's pollen there have been problems with chemical sprays damaging plants ' female reproductive organs and concern for the toxicity of such chemical sprays to humans , animals and beneficial insects 1 But there have been problems with chemical sprays damaging plants ' female reproductive organs and concern for the toxicity of such chemical sprays to humans , animals and beneficial insects the company 's chemical spray overcomes these problems and is `` gentle on the female organ 2 That 's pollination is more complex and involves insects as carriers in crops such as cotton 1 because pollination is more complex and involves insects as carriers in crops such as cotton easy in corn because the carrier is wind 2 while easy in corn the carrier is wind 10 you can sterilize to successfully pollinate the plant 1 Plant Genetic 's success in creating genetically engineered male steriles does n't automatically mean it would be simple to create hybrids in all crops he is negotiating with Plant Genetic to acquire the technology to try breeding hybrid cotton 3 Unwilling to put up new money for New Zealand those debts are repaid 1 Barred by its budget law from making any new domestic bond issues , Wellington 's Debt Management Office had been casting abroad to raise the 3 billion New Zealand dollars ( US $ 1.76 billion ) to NZ $ 4 billion it needs to come up with by the end of its fiscal year next June 30 With Japan 's cash-flush banks aligned against it raising money may be difficult 6 Not only can they block Wellington from raising money in Japan as the largest underwriters in the Eurobond market , they might be able to scuttle borrowings there , too 6 I think it would be irresponsible I am not about to be blackmailed by Japanese banks or any other international interests 6 Both sides are jealously guarding their turf relations have been at a flashpoint for months 6 The banks badly want to break into all aspects of the securities business the securities companies -- most of them smaller than the banks -- are seeking access only to limited kinds of banking that would n't open them to the full brunt of competition from the banks 11 The banks badly want to break into all aspects of the securities business the securities companies -- most of them smaller than the banks -- are seeking access only to limited kinds of banking that would n't open them to the full brunt of competition from the banks 6 Nomura , the world 's biggest securities company largely by virtue of its protected home field , and Industrial Bank of Japan , Japan 's most innovative and aggressive bank in capital markets abroad , captain the opposing sides their suspicions of each other run deep 6 Nomura started a credit-card venture with American Express Co. that allowed cardholders to use their Nomura securities accounts like a bank account , attracting the wrath of banks Industrial Bank of Japan started up a London securities subsidiary that sells Japanese stocks to non-Japanese institutions overseas , a move that stirred the anger of the stock brokerage firms 1 Babies , kiddies , '' growls their manager -- a fellow named Earl Weaver , who , in a different time , handled four World Series teams and now handles the Gold Coast Suns . `` Old-time kiddies , '' he says for the next few months , these boys of summers long past are going to be reveling in an Indian summer of the soul 2 it 's time for a new season to begin the baseball season is officially over 10 there is one more the baby-faced heroes of today reclaim these ballparks for spring training 11 he had the idea last January lying on a beach in Australia 10 730 responded he sent letters offering 1,250 retired major leaguers the chance of another season 2 who are eligible at 32 life behind the plate is so rough 0 Others , just released from the majors , hope the senior league will be their bridge back into the big-time as they hurl fireballs that smolder rather than burn , and relive old duels in the sun , it 's clear that most are there to make their fans cheer again or recapture the camaraderie of seasons past or prove to themselves and their colleagues that they still have it -- or something close to it 11 But it 's clear that most are there to make their fans cheer again or recapture the camaraderie of seasons past or prove to themselves and their colleagues that they still have it -- or something close to it they hurl fireballs that smolder rather than burn , and relive old duels in the sun 2 But it 's clear that most are there to make their fans cheer again or recapture the camaraderie of seasons past or prove to themselves and their colleagues that they still have it -- or something close to it they hurl fireballs that smolder rather than burn , and relive old duels in the sun 10 that he `` never looked back he left baseball in 1978 1 It does n't replace pitching in the majors it proves to me that I would have been able to play if I 'd stayed healthy 3 that I would have been able to play I 'd stayed healthy 10 These days he hustles to house-painting jobs in his Chevy pickup training with the Tropics 11 he vividly recounts getting the Red Sox 's Carl Yastrzemski to pop out to end the 1975 World Series , and repeating the feat against the Yankees ' Roy White in 1976 sipping a beer after practice 6 Someone will get a heart attack that will be the end of the whole story 1 Some of the game 's reigning philosophers dislike the idea of middle-aged men attempting a young man 's sport the ballplayers disagree 1 No one has worked out the players ' average age most appear to be in their late 30s 6 Some have been training for months ; others only recently left active status there 's pride 11 sweat dotting his brow he prepares for some practice swings 0 But the ballplayers disagree one ca n't help wonder whether the game will be just a little bit slower 2 At the weatherbeaten Pompano Beach municipal stadium , Mr. Blair , the 45-year-old former Oriole , knows his power is n't what it used to be he adjusts 0 He 's not thinking about home runs anymore , just base hits how sweet it is , '' he says 6 At the weatherbeaten Pompano Beach municipal stadium , Mr. Blair , the 45-year-old former Oriole , knows his power is n't what it used to be do n't expect many complete games by pitchers -- perhaps three out of 288 3 it 's no problem you know how to slide 8 And do n't expect many complete games by pitchers -- perhaps three out of 288 Expect `` tricky '' stuff from pitchers Expect brushbacks but no beanballs Even expect stolen bases expect slower fastballs 1 I wo n't be throwing 90 mph I will throw 80-plus 0 Stuffing a wad of Red Man into his cheek , he admits the fastball he brought into the majors in 1955 has become a slowball he is n't worried 10 Hani Zayadi was appointed president and chief executive officer of this financially troubled department store chain Mr. Zayadi was president and chief operating officer of Zellers Inc. , a retail chain that is owned by Toronto-based Hudson 's Bay Co. , Canada 's largest department store operator 6 Statistics Canada said service-industry output in August rose 0.4 % from July Statistics Canada reported that its industrial-product price index dropped 0.2 % in September , its third consecutive monthly decline 6 Separately , Statistics Canada reported that its industrial-product price index dropped 0.2 % in September , its third consecutive monthly decline It reported a 2.6 % decline in its raw-materials price index for September 2 it will buy back as much as 10 % of its 2.4 million shares outstanding the stock is undervalued 3 that he will relinquish the government 's so-called golden share in the company Jaguar shareholders agree 1 GM has been negotiating a friendly transaction with Jaguar that likely would involve joint ventures and an eventual stake of just under 30 % the government 's action , which caught Jaguar management flat-footed , may scuttle the GM minority deal by forcing it to fight for all of Jaguar 10 The share price was languishing at about 400 pence Ford 's Sept. 19 announcement of its interest in a minority stake 1 Such a countermove could end Jaguar 's hopes for remaining independent and British-owned it is n't clear how long GM would be willing to fight Ford for Jaguar 5 It 's either going to be a shootout there only may be one player in town 3 It is very hard to justify paying a silly price for Jaguar an out-and-out bidding war were to start now 6 Jaguar officials in the U.S. noted that Ford , as Jaguar 's largest shareholder , now has the power to call for such a meeting U.S. auto analysts noted that Ford is in the best position to benefit from the large number of Jaguar shares that have moved over the past month into the hands of arbitragers waiting for the highest takeover bid 2 Jaguar 's own defenses against a hostile bid are weakened fewer than 3 % of its shares are owned by employees and management 1 it has n't yet disclosed how many shares it now owns GM has U.S. approval to buy up to 15 % of Jaguar 's stock 2 Jaguar was shocked by Mr. Ridley 's decision management had believed the government would n't lift the golden share without consulting the company first 6 the government would n't lift the golden share without consulting the company first the government is taking a calculated risk 10 The British government retained the single golden share selling its stake in Jaguar in 2 to clear the way the playing field is level between all contestants 6 Sales of new cars in Europe fell 4.2 % in September from a year earlier analysts say the market could continue to soften in the months ahead 6 Tokyo stocks rebounded Tuesday from two consecutive daily losses in relatively active dealings London shares rose , while trading in Frankfurt , West Germany , ended higher 11 London shares also rose trading in Frankfurt , West Germany , ended higher 1 Advancing issues outnumbered decliners 542 to 362 208 issues were unchanged 1 Small-lot buying targeted at incentive-backed issues pushed up the Nikkei other sectors failed to attract investor interest and remained sluggish 11 First domestic interest rates are likely to stay at higher levels increased anticipation of inflation followed rising consumer prices reported last week 2 First domestic interest rates are likely to stay at higher levels increased anticipation of inflation followed rising consumer prices reported last week 0 Third , oil prices have n't declined supply has been increasing 6 Mitsubishi Estate ended the day at 2680 , up 150 The gains sparked buying interest in other real-estate companies 1 In London , prices finished at intraday peaks , comforted by a reassuring early performance on Wall Street and news that the British government will waive its `` golden share '' in auto maker Jaguar trading was very sketchy 2 But trading was very sketchy investment decision makers remain wary from gyrations and upsets of recent weeks 11 In Tokyo , the Nikkei index of 225 selected issues was up 132.00 points to 35549.44 In London , prices finished at intraday peaks the broad-based Financial Times 100-share index added 30.4 points to end at 2142.6 , while reaching its minimum of 2120.5 a half hour into the session 6 In Tokyo , the Nikkei index of 225 selected issues was up 132.00 points to 35549.44 In London , prices finished at intraday peaks the broad-based Financial Times 100-share index added 30.4 points to end at 2142.6 , while reaching its minimum of 2120.5 a half hour into the session 6 Meanwhile , the broad-based Financial Times 100-share index added 30.4 points to end at 2142.6 reaching its minimum of 2120.5 a half hour into the session 6 In London , prices finished at intraday peaks , comforted by a reassuring early performance on Wall Street and news that the British government will waive its `` golden share '' in auto maker Jaguar The market moved at early afternoon on news that Jaguar shares were being temporarily suspended at 746 pence ( $ 11.80 ) each 1 The golden share was scheduled to expire at the beginning of although the golden share has been waived , a hostile bidder for Jaguar would still have to alter the British concern 's articles of association which ban shareholdings of more than 15 % 1 But a hostile bidder for Jaguar would still have to alter the British concern 's articles of association which ban shareholdings of more than 15 % the golden share has been waived 11 the market was still listening to the parliamentary debate on the economy the London trading session drew to a close 2 On the Frankfurt Stock Exchange , share prices closed higher in fairly thin trading selective buying by foreigners helped propel prices 6 Contributing to the market 's reserved stance was the release later in the day of new data on the health of the U.S. economy , in the form of the U.S. index of leading indicators the end of the month position-squaring might have also played a minor role 6 Contributing to the market 's reserved stance was the release later in the day of new data on the health of the U.S. economy , in the form of the U.S. index of leading indicators Additionally , the end of the month position-squaring might have played a minor role 2 According to reports released by the two government agencies , domestic consumer and wholesale prices each rose by 0.2 % in October from the previous month consumer prices for the first 10 months of 1989 surged by 5 % and wholesale prices by 1.3 % 6 As a result , consumer prices for the first 10 months of 1989 surged by 5 % wholesale prices by 1.3 % 1 Typically , banks offer CD yields higher than those on Treasury bills , which are considered the safest short-term investments when market interest rates move up rapidly , increases in bank CD yields sometimes lag 3 But increases in bank CD yields sometimes lag market interest rates move up rapidly 6 The CD trend runs counter to the direction of short-term interest rates at the Treasury bill auction Monday Most yields on short-term jumbo CDs , those with denominations over $ 90,000 , moved in the opposite direction of Treasury bill yields 1 Most yields on short-term jumbo CDs , those with denominations over $ 90,000 , also moved in the opposite direction of Treasury bill yields.The average six-month yield on a jumbo CD was at 7.90 % , down from 7.93 % , Banxquote said.For longer-term CDs , yields were up.The average two-year and five-year jumbos were up 0.02 of a percentage point to 7.91 % and 7.96 % , respectively CDs sold through major broker-dealer networks were up slightly almost across the board 7 However , CDs sold through major broker-dealer networks were up slightly almost across the board The average six-month CD in that category added 0.05 percentage point to 8.35 % 0 It is offered by the flagship banks of New York 's Manufacturers Hanover Corp. in the one-year maturity only on average , the major California banks have the highest yields on CDs , according to Banxquote 11 I had to reach back to French 101 the monsieur avec clipboard leaned over my shoulder during the coffee phase of dinner and asked whether I wanted to ride in a montgolfiere 6 I was a last-minute ( read interloping ) attendee at a French journalism convention so far the festivities had been taken up entirely by eating , drinking , smoking , sleeping and drinking 1 The man with the clipboard represented a halfhearted attempt to introduce a bit of les sportif into our itinerary as the French embody a Zen-like state of blase when it comes to athletics ( try finding a Nautilus machine in Paris ) , my fellow conventioners were having none of it 2 But my fellow conventioners were having none of it the French embody a Zen-like state of blase when it comes to athletics 3 But as the French embody a Zen-like state of blase it comes to athletics 1 Back in the U.S.A. this kind of chi-chi airborne activity wins heartwarmingly covetous responses in Epinal , a gray 16th-century river town adjacent to France 's Vosges mountain region , none of these Yankee-come-lately enthusiasms for things aloft was evident 6 The first thing anybody will tell you about ballooning is that it requires zip in the way of athletic prowess , or even a measure of derring-do They will tell you that even if you hate heights , you can still balloon 0 that you can still balloon you hate heights 0 even if you hate heights that you can balloon 11 do n't look down you are ascending 11 In between came lots of coffee drinking watching the balloons inflate 11 I followed its progress from the `` chase car it was n't my turn in the balloon 6 the silver mists rise off the river the French cows amble about the fields 0 It 's hard not to feel that God 's in his heaven with this kind of bird's-eye view of the world your pilote in silly plaid beret kept pointing out how `` belle '' it all was 6 that you ca n't steer neither can your pilot 6 Most balloonists seldom go higher than 2,000 feet most average a leisurely 5-10 miles an hour 11 there is little sense of motion the balloon is cruising along at a steady altitude 11 does one feel , well , airborne in a picnic basket one is ascending 11 Attention , '' yelled our pilot our basket plunged into the canal 10 We scuttled along for a few feet he plunged us into the drink again 11 where we had the exquisite pleasure of scrambling out of the basket into the mud the French half of our ballooning tag team scrambled in 10 Back in the chase car , we drove around some more , got stuck in a ditch , enlisted the aid of a local farmer to get out the trailer hitch and pull us out of the ditch We rendezvoused with our balloon 6 It was the most exercise we 'd had all morning it was followed by our driving immediately to the nearest watering hole 11 where we watched a few French duffers maul the first tee we sat under Cinzano umbrellas 0 A whole morning of ballooning and I had been off the ground barely 30 minutes the event 's envy-quotient back in the U.S.A. was near peerless 11 I could n't resist rearing up on my soggy loafers and saluting we streaked by a blase gendarme 3 that the plunge in the stock market might have provoked a steep fall in the currency that might have `` unhinged financial markets the Treasury had n't intervened in foreign-exchange markets in September and early October to reduce the dollar 's value 6 that if the Treasury had n't intervened in foreign-exchange markets in September and early October to reduce the dollar 's value , the plunge in the stock market might have provoked a steep fall in the currency that might have `` unhinged financial markets intervention is `` highly visible , '' is taken seriously by financial markets and works better than `` was recognized some time ago 5 to testify jointly with Mr. Mulford and asked to appear after the Treasury official had completed his testimony 10 to appear the Treasury official had completed his testimony 6 Mr. Mulford said reports of tension between the Treasury and Fed have been exaggerated , insisting that they involved `` nuances Mr. Johnson said that `` in the scheme of things , these things are minor 0 The solution is stronger domestic growth { in Germany } because the growth of the German economy has been stronger than expected it 's difficult for the U.S. to argue that Germany ought to adopt more stimulative monetary and fiscal policies 2 But it 's difficult for the U.S. to argue that Germany ought to adopt more stimulative monetary and fiscal policies the growth of the German economy has been stronger than expected 1 Germany 's trade surplus is largely with other European countries rather than with the U.S nonetheless U.S. companies might be more successful in European markets if not for the German export push 0 Germany 's trade surplus is largely with other European countries rather than with the U.S But U.S. companies might be more successful in European markets if not for the German export push 8 In the past year , one inside director resigned three others retired 6 Some U.S. allies are complaining that President Bush is pushing conventional-arms talks too quickly , creating a risk that negotiators will make errors that could affect the security of Western Europe for years Concerns about the pace of the Vienna talks are being registered at the Pentagon 1 Mr. Bush has called for an agreement by next September at the latest some American defense officials believe the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should take more time to examine the long-term implications of the options being considered 10 to keep some short-range nuclear weapons on their soil Soviet armored forces are thinned out 5 that a reduction of NATO forces under a treaty will increase the possibility of a conventional Soviet attack the West retains a residual force of nuclear weapons in Europe 1 So far , no ally has complained openly , preserving the impression that NATO is in line with the Bush position that a quick agreement bringing Soviet conventional forces down to parity with NATO is the West 's top bargaining priority even though NATO negotiators have only 10 months left under the Bush timetable , they are still wrestling over such seemingly fundamental questions as `` What is a tank 0 they are still wrestling over such seemingly fundamental questions as `` What is a tank ? But NATO negotiators have only 10 months left under the Bush timetable 1 the Soviets would have to destroy some 1,800 tanks the U.S. would lose none 2 while the U.S. would lose none it has no light tanks in Europe 0 The Soviets complicated the issue by offering to include light tanks , which are as light as 10 tons.Oleg A. Grinevsky , the chief Soviet negotiator in the conventional-arms talks , argued that this would mean the Soviets would have to destroy some 1,800 tanks , while the U.S. would lose none because it has no light tanks in Europe the issue is stickier than it seems 6 France , Britain and Italy all have light tanks they would like to keep out of the talks some U.S. Army analysts worry that the proposed Soviet redefinition is aimed at blocking the U.S. from developing lighter , more transportable , high-technology tanks 10 The Soviets insisted that aircraft be brought into the talks argued for exempting some 4,000 Russian planes because they are `` solely defensive 2 for exempting some 4,000 Russian planes they are `` solely defensive 6 The dispute over that issue , according to one U.S. official , is a `` potential treaty stopper only President Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev may be able to resolve it 7 Accounting problems raise more knotty issues Greece and Turkey are suspected of overstating their arsenals in hopes that they can emerge from the arms-reduction treaty with large remaining forces to deter each other 3 So what you miss 50 tanks somewhere 3 that we ought to keep pressing ahead as quickly as possible we can get that { Warsaw Pact } superiority brought down to parity 6 The venture would be the latest in Coke 's rapid expansion of overseas investment The move reflects Coke 's eagerness to have a hand in developing the soft-drink markets in Pacific Basin countries 2 That 's when Coke looks to the Pacific area , it sees an economic and demographic gold mine 11 because it sees an economic and demographic gold mine Coke looks to the Pacific area 6 In countries such as Taiwan , South Korea and Singapore , economies are growing , resulting in a rise in disposable income that consumers can use for soft drinks unlike Europe and the U.S. , where populations are aging , the Pacific Basin countries have growing proportions of youths -- the heaviest consumers of Coca-Cola and other sodas 5 how the joint venture would be structured how much the company would invest in the transaction 1 it is too early to say how the joint venture would be structured , or how much the company would invest in the transaction In the past Coke has typically taken a minority stake in such ventures 10 Coke has tended to increase its control results were sluggish in a given country 6 In Singapore , per-capita consumption is about one-third that of the U.S combining Fraser & Neave 's own soft drinks with Coca-Cola 's gives the Singapore company more than half the share of the soda market there 6 Giovanni Agnelli , a limited partnership that is the master holding company for Fiat 's Agnelli family , owns approximately 75 % of the shares in Istituto Finanziario Industriale which owns approximately 40 % of Fiat , Italy 's biggest private-sector industrial group 11 Maria Sole Agnelli Teodorani , sister of Fiat Chairman Giovanni Agnelli , agreed to trade her shares in IFI for new ordinary shares in the limited partnership , which will give her control of 4.67 % of Giovanni Agnelli & Co The Aga Khan agreed to trade some of his stake in Luxembourg-based Ifint S.A. , another Agnelli family company , for 7.45 % of Giovanni Agnelli & Co. 's capital 6 Maria Sole Agnelli Teodorani , sister of Fiat Chairman Giovanni Agnelli , agreed to trade her shares in IFI for new ordinary shares in the limited partnership , which will give her control of 4.67 % of Giovanni Agnelli & Co The Aga Khan agreed to trade some of his stake in Luxembourg-based Ifint S.A. , another Agnelli family company , for 7.45 % of Giovanni Agnelli & Co. 's capital 6 The Aga Khan owns 10 % of Ifint 's capital IFI owns 23 % 6 As a result of the transaction Giovanni Agnelli & Co. will control 79.18 % of IFI 's ordinary shares Its capital will be raised to 232.4 billion lire ( $ 172.5 million ) from the current 204.3 billion lire 6 who is a longtime family friend and frequently goes sailing with Mr. Agnelli Mr. Agnelli and the Aga Khan have some business ties 6 Mr. Agnelli and the Aga Khan also have some business ties that the current agreement could lead to further collaboration 7 that the current agreement could lead to further collaboration Ifint earlier this year bought an 18 % stake in Alisarda , the Aga Khan 's airline , which flies between Italy and Sardinia 6 It unfortunately encourages others to engage in a highly dangerous and illegal activity that only a very few are doing now it treats such activities in a frivolous , cavalier fashion , with total indifference to common sense and public safety 6 Under the agreement with the House and Senate leaders , the minimum wage would rise from the current $ 3.35 an hour to $ 4.25 an hour by April 1991 Employers could pay a subminimum `` training wage '' for 90 days to new workers who are up to 19 years old , and then for another 90 days if the company institutes a specific training program for the newcomers 10 Employers could also pay a subminimum `` training wage '' for 90 days to new workers who are up to 19 years old and for another 90 days if the company institutes a specific training program for the newcomers 3 and then for another 90 days the company institutes a specific training program for the newcomers 0 that the final minimum-wage increase will meet the standards set by Mr. Bush they made a small compromise on the length of a training wage 1 Under the compromise , the $ 4.25 level would be reached nine months earlier the training subminimum would be shorter , unless it is tied to a training plan 5 while the training subminimum would be shorter it is tied to a training plan 1 that the training wage was a way of allowing employers to pay less than the minimum wage new workers need far less than six months to be trained for their jobs 6 In the Senate , Edward Kennedy ( D. , Mass . ) , chairman of the Labor Committee , and Pete Domenici , ( R. , N.M. ) ranking minority member of the Budget Committee , have been working on a compromise their soundings showed that the Senate appeared to be heading toward enough strength to override another Bush veto 3 they might have done better we 'd held their feet to the fire 1 Democrats `` yielded a great deal '' on the size of the increase concessions from the White House on the training wage , which he said make it `` less harsh 10 The AFL-CIO said the compromise has `` adequate safeguards , so the youth are not exploited and older workers are not displaced which opposed the administration 's subminimum idea 2 the compromise has `` adequate safeguards the youth are not exploited and older workers are not displaced 6 so the youth are not exploited older workers are not displaced 6 Capital requirements will be declining no new generating facilities will be required for several years 1 The price was n't disclosed one analyst estimated that it was $ 150 million 6 that disposing of the carpet business would improve `` total financial performance The move would allow the company to concentrate on core businesses , which include ceramic tile , floor coverings and furniture 6 The move also would allow the company to concentrate on core businesses , which include ceramic tile , floor coverings and furniture such a sale could help Armstrong reassure its investors and deter the Belzbergs 2 Recently it upgraded its plants it could make stain-resistant products with higher quality dyes 1 The government 's primary economic-forecasting gauge rose a slight 0.2 % in September the report offered little new information on the degree to which the U.S. economy is slowing 0 The small increase in the index of leading indicators does lend support to the view that the economy has slowed noticeably it does n't give much of a clue as to whether a recession is on the horizon 0 the decline supports other indications that the drop in mortgage rates earlier this year has had only a limited beneficial effect on the housing market September 's weakness followed two strong months for home sales 1 The September drop was the largest since a 19 % drop in January 1982 monthly changes in this measure are even less reliable than those in other economic indicators 2 it is 90 % confident only that new-home sales fell somewhere between 5 % and 23 % during the month the figures are based on a small sample 6 it is 90 % confident only that new-home sales fell somewhere between 5 % and 23 % during the month it takes four months to establish a trend 11 In another report yesterday , the Commerce Department said sales of new single-family houses plunged 14 % in September to an annual rate of 618,000 from 719,000 in August.The declines were particularly pronounced in the Northeast and in the South , where Hurricane Hugo was a factor . Although September 's weakness followed two strong months for home sales , the decline supports other indications that the drop in mortgage rates earlier this year has had only a limited beneficial effect on the housing market . The September drop was the largest since a 19 % drop in January 1982 , but monthly changes in this measure are even less reliable than those in other economic indicators.Because the figures are based on a small sample , the department said it is 90 % confident only that new-home sales fell somewhere between 5 % and 23 % during the month.The department also said it takes four months to establish a trend . So far this year , 534,000 newly built homes have been sold , down 4.5 % from the like months of 1988 . The index of leading indicators got a major boost in September from a surge in consumer expectations as measured by the University of Michigan.This measure had dropped sharply in August.The Commerce Department said that as a result of a new adjustment to the formula used to calculate the index , the influence of this component has been reduced . Of the 11 components to the index , only three others rose in September : the money supply , the length of the average work week and stock prices . Several components that track the health of the manufacturing sector of the economy turned down in September.These include new orders for manufactured consumer goods , lead times on vendor deliveries , orders for new plant and equipment , and backlogs of orders for durable goods the National Association of Manufacturers said yesterday a recent poll of 53 executives on its board found that 61 % do n't expect a recession to occur until 1991 or later 6 In another report yesterday , the Commerce Department said sales of new single-family houses plunged 14 % in September to an annual rate of 618,000 from 719,000 in August.The declines were particularly pronounced in the Northeast and in the South , where Hurricane Hugo was a factor . Although September 's weakness followed two strong months for home sales , the decline supports other indications that the drop in mortgage rates earlier this year has had only a limited beneficial effect on the housing market . The September drop was the largest since a 19 % drop in January 1982 , but monthly changes in this measure are even less reliable than those in other economic indicators.Because the figures are based on a small sample , the department said it is 90 % confident only that new-home sales fell somewhere between 5 % and 23 % during the month.The department also said it takes four months to establish a trend . So far this year , 534,000 newly built homes have been sold , down 4.5 % from the like months of 1988 . The index of leading indicators got a major boost in September from a surge in consumer expectations as measured by the University of Michigan.This measure had dropped sharply in August.The Commerce Department said that as a result of a new adjustment to the formula used to calculate the index , the influence of this component has been reduced . Of the 11 components to the index , only three others rose in September : the money supply , the length of the average work week and stock prices . Several components that track the health of the manufacturing sector of the economy turned down in September.These include new orders for manufactured consumer goods , lead times on vendor deliveries , orders for new plant and equipment , and backlogs of orders for durable goods the National Association of Manufacturers said yesterday a recent poll of 53 executives on its board found that 61 % do n't expect a recession to occur until 1991 or later 0 60 % of the executives said they would prefer that the Fed keep inflation-fighting as its top priority even if that means higher rates manufacturers often are quick to call for lower interest rates 0 they would prefer that the Fed keep inflation-fighting as its top priority that means higher rates 6 The average interest rate rose to 8.3875 % at Citicorp 's $ 50 million weekly auction of 91-day commercial paper , or corporate IOUs , from 8.337 % at last week 's sale that the average rate rose to 8.0087 % at its $ 50 million auction of 182-day commercial paper from 7.962 % at last week 's sale 0 An imaginative novelist writing a thriller about amateur spy-chasing might invent a Clifford Stoll it 's unlikely 6 but it 's unlikely It 's unnecessary 6 He is 37 , an astronomer with impressive credentials , and something of a genius at making computers do his bidding He is an entertaining writer 0 He probably did n't penetrate any top-secret files the KGB in East Berlin was willing to pay two of his associates , Peter Carl and Dirk Brezinski , $ 15,000 for some of the material Hess collected 10 he could enter Unix and become a `` super-user , '' with access to everything his cuckoo 's egg was laid 6 Mr. Stoll was scanning the heavens at the Keck observatory of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in 1986 when his grant ran low he was asked to switch to helping run the lab 's computers 0 Mr. Stoll suspected the intruder was one of those precocious students who has fun breaking into computers after much tracking , it became evident to Mr. Stoll , through various clues , that the hacker was not on the Berkeley campus or even in California 2 He made a midnight requisition of all the printers he could lay hands on he could monitor all the telephone lines coming into the lab 's computers 10 he rigged up an alarm system , including a portable beeper , to alert him when Sventek came on the line discovering that the hacker had taken over the dormant account of a legitimate user named Joe Sventek 11 to alert him Sventek came on the line 11 Mr. Stoll moved too the hacker moved 3 Sometimes he would drag his keychain across the terminal to create static or slow the system down to frustrate his quarry the hacker seemed to be into a sensitive file 6 The FBI initially showed little interest he had the impression other federal security agencies were tangled up in legal red tape 2 Seems to it 's possible that the CIA and the National Security Agency were more interested than they let on to Mr. Stoll 10 One of its international specialists , Steve White , took a quick interest in Mr. Stoll 's hunt tracing the hacker to West Germany 10 ultimately tracing the hacker to West Germany The West Germans took over 10 One of its international specialists , Steve White , took a quick interest in Mr. Stoll 's hunt , ultimately tracing the hacker to West Germany.The West Germans then took over and found Markus Hess 2 One of its international specialists , Steve White , took a quick interest in Mr. Stoll 's hunt , ultimately tracing the hacker to West Germany.The West Germans then took over and found Markus Hess 6 Mips Computer Systems Inc. today will unveil a new general-purpose computer that will compete with more expensive machines from companies such as Sun Microsystems Inc. and Digital Equipment Corp The closely held Sunnyvale , Calif. , company will announce an agreement to supply computers to Control Data Corp 6 The machine is part of an effort by Mips to establish itself as a supplier of computers , not just of integrated-circuit technology Mips wants to wedge into markets other than traditional RISC applications such as engineering 2 The Control Data deal is a boon for Mips it gives the the five-year-old company one more ally as it battles more established electronic concerns such as Sun , Hewlett-Packard Co. , Motorola Inc. and Intel Corp. for the emerging market for RISC machines 11 because it gives the the five-year-old company one more ally it battles more established electronic concerns such as Sun , Hewlett-Packard Co. , Motorola Inc. and Intel Corp. for the emerging market for RISC machines 7 They 're getting some major wins Last month Mips agreed to supply its computers to Nixdorf Computer AG of West Germany and France 's Groupe Bull 6 Sony Corp. , Tandem Computers Inc. and Digital Equipment have agreed to sell MIPS computers companies such as Japan 's NEC Corp. and West Germany 's Siemens A.G. have agreed to make Mips chips under license 5 to raise temporary working capital through debt issued from an agency that would n't be counted on the federal budget the RTC should consider using Treasury debt 11 The borrowing to raise these funds would be paid off assets of sick thrifts are sold 0 $ 50 billion to be spent to sell or merge sick S & Ls and their assets that is a net cost 11 The RTC will have to sell or merge hundreds of insolvent thrifts over the next three years the agency must raise cash to maintain assets , such as real estate , until they can be sold 3 In the meantime , the agency must raise cash to maintain assets , such as real estate they can be sold 10 In the meantime , the agency must raise cash to maintain assets , such as real estate , until they can be sold the short-term debt is paid off through the proceeds of selling the assets 10 the agency to sell savings and loans without their bad assets hold the assets until they can be sold under favorable conditions 3 then hold the assets they can be sold under favorable conditions 0 it has n't yet been determined how the RTC will raise the cash the administration does n't want it to be included on the federal budget 2 but the administration does n't want it to be included on the federal budget it would `` distort '' the budget process 1 it has n't yet been determined how the RTC will raise the cash , but the administration does n't want it to be included on the federal budget , because it would `` distort '' the budget process by requiring either exemptions from Gramm-Rudman or big increases in the budget deficit the worst possibility would be raising no working capital 3 the RTC may have to slow { S & L sales } or dump acquired assets through fire sales working capital financing is not provided 5 Not a gripping question you 're the pastry chef of this city 's Chez Panisse restaurant and you 've just lost your priceless personal dessert notebook 6 unless you 're the pastry chef of this city 's Chez Panisse restaurant you 've just lost your priceless personal dessert notebook 11 The tattered black binder was in chef Lindsey Shere 's purse it was stolen from her house recently 5 doubt the crime was driven by a passion for sweets they figure the culprit probably took money from Ms. Shere 's wallet and discarded all the tips in the five-by-eight-inch looseleaf 0 Chez Panisse has n't exactly subjected diners to vanilla ice cream because of the theft the restaurant 's ever-changing menu of five-course dinners requires constant improvisation 10 it supposedly has n't repeated a meal opening in 1971 2 Still , the restaurant 's ever-changing menu of five-course dinners requires constant improvisation that puts added pressure on Chez Panisse dessert-menu planners 1 Many in the Bay Area 's pastry community express disbelief that Ms. Shere kept only one copy of such valuable notes she has received moral support from Baker 's Dozen , a group of California pastry chefs that meets regularly to discuss issues like how to keep meringues from weeping and how bovine eating habits affect butter texture 11 There are so many possible proportions you consider how many things are made out of eggs and butter and milk 1 The company has declined requests to discuss the changes Mr. Weekes has said that Mr. Hollander wanted to have his own team 6 UNIFIRST Corp. declared a 2-for-1 stock split The Wilmington , Mass. , garment service company boosted its quarterly dividend 20 % to three cents a share adjusted for the split 6 UNIFIRST Corp. declared a 2-for-1 stock split UniFirst reported that net income rose 21 % to $ 3 million , or 29 cents a share adjusted for the split , for the fourth quarter ended Aug. 26 6 it would pay HealthVest $ 3.9 million in overdue rent and mortgage payments and repay $ 1.1 million in funds that HealthVest advanced for construction work on facilities Healthcare agreed to make monthly rent and mortgage payments of $ 2.7 million to $ 3 million to HealthVest during the standstill period 10 to be paid Healthcare successfully completes asset sales 2 the amount due above the amount paid will be added to the three-year note Healthcare actually owes HealthVest $ 4.2 million in rent and mortgage payments each month 2 which has been unable to pay its debts Healthcare has n't made complete rent and mortgage payments since July 2 it is able to make the payments it completed a transaction with Greenery Rehabilitation Group Inc. in which Greenery purchased stock and warrants for $ 500,000 and loaned Healthcare $ 9 million 0 Actually , about two years ago , the Journal listed the creation of the money fund as one of the 10 most significant events in the world of finance in the 20th century the Reserve Fund , America 's first money fund , was not named , nor were the creators of the money-fund concept , Harry Brown and myself 5 But the Reserve Fund , America 's first money fund , was not named were the creators of the money-fund concept , Harry Brown and myself 5 But the Reserve Fund , America 's first money fund , was not named were the creators of the money-fund concept , Harry Brown and myself 11 The crowning moment in the career of Joseph F. O'Kicki came 300 local and state dignitaries packed into his elegant , marble-columned courtroom here last year for his swearing in as President Judge of Cambria County 11 he was heralded by a trumpet fanfare the judge marched down the center aisle in his flowing black robe 0 To many , it was a ceremony more befitting a king than a rural judge seated in the isolated foothills of the southern Allegheny Mountains then Judge O'Kicki often behaved like a man who would be king -- and an arrogant and abusive one 1 To many , it was a ceremony more befitting a king than a rural judge seated in the isolated foothills of the southern Allegheny Mountains But Judge O'Kicki often behaved like a man who would be king -- and , some say , an arrogant and abusive one 1 it reflects the vulnerability of many small communities to domineering judges his case may be extreme 10 by reneging on a promise of a better paying job pocketing a $ 500 bribe 11 that the judge once called her to his office wearing nothing at all 0 however , they provide ample testimony to the awesome power of judges in rural communities only some of the allegations stand up 0 Some of the allegations are simply bizarre Even if only some of the allegations stand up they provide ample testimony to the awesome power of judges in rural communities 2 That power can sometimes be abused jurists in smaller jurisdictions operate without many of the restraints that serve as corrective measures in urban areas 2 Fear of alienating that judge is pervasive lawyers think twice before appealing a judge 's ruling , are reluctant to mount , or even support , challenges against him for re-election and are usually loath to file complaints that might impugn a judge 's integrity 10 As a result lawyers think twice appealing a judge 's ruling 6 He graduated near the top of his class , serving on the school law review with Richard Thornburgh It was in law school that Mr. O'Kicki and his first wife had the first of seven daughters 10 he was elected to his first 10-year term as judge in 1971 practicing law locally 6 He has been considered several times for appointments to federal district and appellate court vacancies in Pennsylvania when he ran unsuccessfully for a state appellate court seat in 1983 , the Pennsylvania Bar Association rated him `` one of the best available , '' after interviewing local lawyers 10 And the Pennsylvania Bar Association rated him `` one of the best available , '' after interviewing local lawyers he ran unsuccessfully for a state appellate court seat in 1983 10 And the Pennsylvania Bar Association rated him `` one of the best available interviewing local lawyers 10 What about those institutions that are supposed to be the bedrock of society , the banks and the bar association . . . ? '' wrote a columnist for the Tribune-Democrat , a newspaper in nearby Johnstown the scandal became public 3 the judicial process would n't be under the taint it is today a banker or a lawyer had spoken out years ago 11 Eventually he began ducking out of his office rather than face the judge he visited 11 Judge O'Kicki unexpectedly awarded him an additional $ 100,000 Mr. Green won a $ 240,000 verdict in a land condemnation case against the state in June 1983 3 Mr. Green thought little of it the judge walked up to him after the courtroom had cleared and suggested a kickback 10 until the judge walked up to him the courtroom had cleared 0 Appalled , Mr. Green never paid the money he did n't complain to the state 's Judicial Inquiry and Review Board , either , saying later that he feared retribution 6 Appalled , Mr. Green never paid the money , he testified saying that he feared retribution 6 Like most of Cambria County 's lawyers and residents who had dealings with the judge , Mr. Green declined to be interviewed for this article no one with a complaint about the judge would allow his name to be printed 6 I do n't have anything much to say that 's what you 're going to find from everyone else you talk to up here 11 The practice of law is a matter of biting one 's lip you live in a small community 2 The practice of law is a matter of biting one 's lip you live in a small community 3 One had best not dance on top of a coffin the lid is sealed tightly shut 11 He sipped tea sweetened with honey from his high-backed leather chair at his bench scribbling notes ordering spectators to stop whispering or to take off their hats in his courtroom 6 He sipped tea sweetened with honey from his high-backed leather chair at his bench scribbling notes ordering spectators to stop whispering or to take off their hats in his courtroom 10 Four years ago , he jailed all nine members of the Cambria County School Board for several hours they defied his order to extend the school year by several weeks to make up for time lost during a teachers ' strike 3 the years , months , weeks and days remaining mandatory retirement would force aside the presiding president judge , giving Judge O'Kicki the seniority required to take over as the county 's top court administrator 11 My name is judge , '' Judge O'Kicki told a car salesman in Ebensburg he bought a new red Pontiac Sunbird in October 1984 , according to the grand-jury report 1 The judge was considered imperious , abrasive and ambitious despite the judge 's imperial bearing , no one ever had reason to suspect possible wrongdoing 10 there was never any indication that he was doing anything wrong this came up and hit the press 10 The judge came under scrutiny in late 1987 the state attorney general 's office launched an unrelated investigation into corruption in Cambria County 11 the dealership had `` certain apprehensions '' about the judge 's reputation , according to the grand-jury report the judge bought his new Sunbird from James E. Black Pontiac-Cadillac in Ebensburg five years ago 10 The dealership took the extra step of having all the paper work for the transaction pre-approved by Ebensburg 's local lender , Laurel Bank as an additional precaution , the car dealership took the judge 's photograph as he stood next to his new car with sales papers in hand -- proof that he had received the loan documents 11 Then , as an additional precaution , the car dealership took the judge 's photograph he stood next to his new car with sales papers in hand -- proof that he had received the loan documents 0 Then , as an additional precaution , the car dealership took the judge 's photograph as he stood next to his new car with sales papers in hand -- proof that he had received the loan documents when the judge received his payment book , he disavowed the deal 10 But he disavowed the deal the judge received his payment book 10 But he disavowed the deal the judge went a step farther 10 a vice president asked him to intervene in an unrelated legal dispute involving a trust account Laurel Bank tried to repossess the car 2 I find myself in an adversary relationship with Laurel Bank I am not inclined to extend myself as far as any favors are concerned 3 Perhaps I may be inclined to reconsider your request my personal matters can be resolved with Laurel bank in the near future 10 the dealer had to repair it could be resold 0 The judge says he ca n't discuss in detail how he will defend himself at his trial he contends that if he were as corrupt as state prosecutors believe , he would be far wealthier than he is 3 that he would be far wealthier than he is he were as corrupt as state prosecutors believe 3 I lose my position , my career , my pension , my home and my investments I lose 1 that The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year that only 1.4 % of it comes from recycled paper 1 but that only 1.4 % of it comes from recycled paper the Los Angeles Times , for example , uses 83 % recycled paper 3 payable to holders of record on Nov. 10 the Securities and Exchange Commission approves this as the effective date of the registration statement 6 which will be traded on the national over-the-counter market which would be used for acquisitions and other general corporate purposes 1 The rate on the notes will be reset annually to give the issue a market value of 101 the maximum coupon at which the notes can be reset is 16 1/4 % 6 The issue is 6 % to 7 % overcollateralized 75 % of the loans are covered by a General Electric pool policy covering losses of as much as 10 % of the original principal balance of the loans 6 Berthold is based in Wildbad , West Germany and has operations in Belgium 6 EG & G Inc. said it acquired Laboratorium Prof.Dr . Berthold , a German maker of scientific instruments EG & G said it sold most of its Mason Research Institute subsidiary to Transgenic Sciences Inc. , a closely held biotechnology company based in Worcester , Mass 10 how much oil man William Herbert Hunt will owe the government his assets are liquidated 10 The surprise announcement came the IRS broke off negotiations with Mr. Hunt on a settlement of the one-time tycoon 's personal bankruptcy case 1 it also means that Mr. Hunt could be stripped of virtually all of his assets if the Tax Court rules against him in a 1982 case heard earlier this year in Washington , D.C the action removes one obstacle in the way of an overall settlement to the case 6 Although the action removes one obstacle in the way of an overall settlement to the case it means that Mr. Hunt could be stripped of virtually all of his assets if the Tax Court rules against him in a 1982 case heard earlier this year in Washington , D.C 3 that Mr. Hunt could be stripped of virtually all of his assets the Tax Court rules against him in a 1982 case heard earlier this year in Washington , D.C 6 The Internal Revenue Service said it is willing to let the U.S. Tax Court decide how much oil man William Herbert Hunt will owe the government after his assets are liquidated a federal judge hearing Mr. Hunt 's bankruptcy case yesterday turned down a proposed $ 65.7 million settlement between Mr. Hunt and Minpeco S.A. , another major creditor in the case 1 in which the IRS would get 70 % of the proceeds from a liquidating trust 30 % would go to other creditors 10 over how much Mr. Hunt would owe the government his assets are sold 1 The IRS had demanded $ 90 million Mr. Hunt would agree to no more than $ 60 million 3 he might have kept he had settled with the IRS 1 that Mr. Hunt stood to lose certain oil and gas properties , $ 200,000 in English pottery , a Colorado condominium and other assets he might have kept if he had settled with the IRS they wanted to roll the dice and we 're going to let them 6 But they wanted to roll the dice we 're going to let them 0 That may not come as a surprise to Americans who have watched the Japanese snap up properties in the U.S. from golf courses to a stake in Rockefeller Center it marks a big change for the Japanese , who shunned mortgage securities after getting burned by a big downturn in interest rates a few years back 10 who shunned mortgage securities getting burned by a big downturn in interest rates a few years back 1 You ca n't say it 's a `` tsunami '' ( tidal wave ) we 're making some headway 8 Earlier this year , Blackstone Group , a New York investment bank , had no trouble selling out a special $ 570 million mortgage-securities trust it created for Japanese investors.Industrial Bank of Japan , which claims to be the biggest Japanese buyer of U.S. mortgage securities , says it will more than double its purchases this year , to an amount one official puts at several billion dollars a Fannie Mae seminar this week promises to draw hundreds of prospective investors , who can be expected to channel tens of billions of dollars into the market in the next few years 10 Last year , there were only several big investors who were interested `` This year , some investors are changing their policies and investing a lot strong demand could help to drive down interest rates on mortgage securities 1 At the moment , Nomura is the only Japanese institution authorized to act as a primary seller of Fannie Mae instruments that they are considering asking to join the 59-dealer selling group 0 that the government would support them if necessary they are n't backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government 3 that the government would support them necessary 1 These securities are attractive to Japanese investors for three reasons there is a risk , which the Japanese discovered when they first dipped their toes into the market nearly five years ago 11 which the Japanese discovered they first dipped their toes into the market nearly five years ago 2 issuers of mortgage securities retain the right to buy back their bonds before maturity most mortgages can be prepaid or refinanced at any time 2 That 's a headache for long-term investors it forces them to reinvest their money -- usually at lower rates than the original mortgage securities carried 2 that people did n't understand the prepayment risk they were surprised and very disappointed by prepayment 2 mortgage securities pay interest monthly most mortgages require homeowners to make monthly payments 1 Compounding the trouble to Japanese investors , mortgage securities pay interest monthly , since most mortgages require homeowners to make monthly payments Japanese institutional investors are used to quarterly or semiannual payments on their investments , so the monthly cash flow posed administrative problems 2 But Japanese institutional investors are used to quarterly or semiannual payments on their investments the monthly cash flow posed administrative problems 2 But there is a risk , which the Japanese discovered when they first dipped their toes into the market nearly five years ago.Since most mortgages can be prepaid or refinanced at any time , issuers of mortgage securities retain the right to buy back their bonds before maturity.That 's a headache for long-term investors , since it forces them to reinvest their money -- usually at lower rates than the original mortgage securities carried Compounding the trouble to Japanese investors , mortgage securities pay interest monthly , since most mortgages require homeowners to make monthly payments.But Japanese institutional investors are used to quarterly or semiannual payments on their investments , so the monthly cash flow posed administrative problems Japanese investors steered clear of the mortgage securities 0 As a result , Japanese investors steered clear of the mortgage securities they did n't lose touch with the U.S. issuers 6 Since 1985 , Japanese investors have bought nearly 80 % of $ 10 billion in Fannie Mae corporate debt issued to foreigners , money that Fannie Mae uses to buy mortgages from U.S. banks Japanese investors took up nearly all of two $ 200 million Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits , a kind of collateralized mortgage obligation , that were offered to foreigners this year 6 Since 1985 , Japanese investors have bought nearly 80 % of $ 10 billion in Fannie Mae corporate debt issued to foreigners , money that Fannie Mae uses to buy mortgages from U.S. banks.And Japanese investors took up nearly all of two $ 200 million Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits , a kind of collateralized mortgage obligation , that were offered to foreigners this year further packaging of mortgage-backed securities , such as Blackstone 's fund , have reduced the effects of prepayment risk and automatically reinvest monthly payments so institutions do n't have to 2 In addition , further packaging of mortgage-backed securities , such as Blackstone 's fund , have reduced the effects of prepayment risk and automatically reinvest monthly payments institutions do n't have to 2 uninvited takeovers are still alive despite premature reports of their demise the debate about poison pills will continue to rage in the boardrooms of corporations and the halls of academia 1 they usually give current shareholders the right to buy more stock of their corporation at a large discount if certain events occur poison pills come in different colors and shapes 3 to buy more stock of their corporation at a large discount certain events occur 3 to buy more stock of their corporation at a large discount a hostile bidder acquires more than a specified percentage of the corporation 's stock 1 they usually give current shareholders the right to buy more stock of their corporation at a large discount if certain events occur these discount purchase rights may generally be redeemed at a nominal cost by the corporation 's directors if they approve of a bidder 3 However , these discount purchase rights may generally be redeemed at a nominal cost by the corporation 's directors they approve of a bidder 2 bidders to negotiate with a corporation 's directors who are put in a better position to pursue the long-term interests of the corporation 8 Does this team have a viable strategy for improving shareholder values does this strategy require implementation over an extended period 3 the answers to these questions are affirmative institutional investors are likely to be favorably disposed toward a specific poison pill 1 If the answers to these questions are affirmative , then institutional investors are likely to be favorably disposed toward a specific poison pill the problem is that once most poison pills are adopted , they survive forever 10 that they survive forever most poison pills are adopted 0 who will be the CEO in 10 years the current management team may be outstanding 0 what will be the strategy in 25 years the five-year strategy may be excellent 5 At the end of this period , the poison pill would be eliminated automatically a new poison pill were approved by the then-current shareholders , who would have an opportunity to evaluate the corporation 's strategy and management team at that time 10 the shareholder rights plan adopted by Pennzoil last year it received a huge litigation settlement from Texaco 5 This pill automatically expires after three years continued by a vote of the shareholders 10 The Ontario Supreme Court overturned Mr. Blair 's decision He resigned from his executive positions with Enfield 1 Buying 51 % of Rockefeller Group Inc. is right up Mitsubishi Estate Co. 's alley in one sense : The huge Japanese real estate company is entering a long-term relationship with a similarly conservative U.S. owner of tony urban property in another sense , the $ 846 million purchase is uncharacteristically nervy 1 On balance , we think it will be positive some Japanese government officials and businessmen worry that the prominent purchase is just the sort of deal that should be avoided for the time being 7 But some Japanese government officials and businessmen worry that the prominent purchase is just the sort of deal that should be avoided for the time being they criticize the timing 1 Officially , yes , we encourage the free flow of direct investment they did n't have to choose this particular moment 6 In Los Angeles , Arco Plaza was sold to Shuwa Corp. for $ 620 million in 1986 Sumitomo Life Insurance Co. paid $ 300 million for Atlanta 's IBM Tower last year 1 Those who have no money and are n't buying think it 's right to refrain those with money who want to buy for themselves pay no attention 1 Those who have no money and are n't buying think it 's right to refrain , but those with money who want to buy for themselves pay no attention to Mitsubishi Estate , the acquisition has just the elements that should win support from both sides 8 First of all , it is a friendly acquisition in which Rockefeller sought out Mitsubishi Estate and asked it to buy a majority share.Secondly , the two companies found a similarity in their business and development philosophies and intend to cooperate in a range of activities from real estate to telecommunications Mitsubishi Estate has no plans to interfere with Rockefeller 's management beyond taking a place on the board 6 We 'll continue to work with them , in keeping with the reputation of the company we 'll rely very much on their leadership 6 that has the pejorative connotation of doing the government 's bidding but suggests the clout inherent in maintaining such close ties 2 It 's known for its cautiousness it has had little need for bold overseas ventures 1 Rockefeller is n't the first overseas purchase for Mitsubishi Estate -- it has already played a leading role in designing Los Angeles 's Citicorp Plaza the Rockefeller investment is its largest 0 But the Rockefeller investment is its largest it will barely make a dent in Mitsubishi Estate 's finances 1 Mitsubishi Estate has n't decided how it will raise the funds for the purchase , which are due in cash next April the Marunouchi holdings alone are estimated to have a market value of as much as 10 trillion yen to 11 trillion yen 6 but the Marunouchi holdings alone are estimated to have a market value of as much as 10 trillion yen to 11 trillion yen as a member of the Mitsubishi group it is sure to win a favorable loan 6 Moreover , as a member of the Mitsubishi group it is sure to win a favorable loan the company could easily issue new convertible bonds or warrants 11 For Mitsubishi Estate , the Rockefeller purchase will catapult it firmly into the overseas real estate business , the one area where it has lagged notably behind Japanese competitors such as Mitsui , which had purchased the Exxon Building at home , Mitsubishi has control of some major projects 6 For Mitsubishi Estate , the Rockefeller purchase will catapult it firmly into the overseas real estate business , the one area where it has lagged notably behind Japanese competitors such as Mitsui , which had purchased the Exxon Building at home , Mitsubishi has control of some major projects 11 The centerpiece of that complex , the Landmark Tower , will be Japan 's tallest building it is completed in 1993 6 It is the largest private-sector landowner of the Minato-Mirai 21 project , a multibillion-yen development in the port city of Yokohama , about an hour outside Tokyo Mitsubishi is pushing ahead with a controversial plan to redevelop Marunouchi into a business center of high-tech buildings , a project budgeted for 30 years and six trillion yen 0 Time Warner Inc. and Sony Corp. may be today 's public enemies the two entertainment giants could end up becoming partners in a number of ventures as part of a settlement of their acrimonious legal dispute over Hollywood producers Peter Guber and Jon Peters 6 The two sides in the legal battle have hurled accusations of duplicity at each other for weeks both Warner and Sony have accused each other of trying to sabotage each other 's prospects for success in the entertainment business 1 The two sides in the legal battle have hurled accusations of duplicity at each other for weeks , and both Warner and Sony have accused each other of trying to sabotage each other 's prospects for success in the entertainment business it may amount to little more than posturing 6 the two have continued on-again , off-again settlement talks over the last few weeks the matter could be resolved within a week 1 Both Warner and Sony declined to comment on the terms of the settlement discussions the people familiar with the talks said that Warner is n't expected to get any cash in the settlement 5 that Warner is n't expected to get any cash in the settlement Sony is likely to agree to let Warner participate in certain of its businesses , such as the record club of Sony 's CBS Records unit 1 Warner has surpassed Sony as the largest record company it does n't have a powerful world-wide record club like CBS 6 Instead , Sony is likely to agree to let Warner participate in certain of its businesses , such as the record club of Sony 's CBS Records unit The two sides are discussing certain business ventures involving cable rights to Columbia 's movies 6 The two sides are also discussing certain business ventures involving cable rights to Columbia 's movies Sony is expected to agree to swap Columbia 's 35 % stake in the sprawling Burbank , Calif. , studio that Warner and Columbia share , in exchange for the old MGM studio lot that Warner acquired with the purchase of Lorimar Telepictures Corp 0 but the two entertainment giants could end up becoming partners in a number of ventures as part of a settlement of their acrimonious legal dispute over Hollywood producers Peter Guber and Jon Peters it may be tough for the two to have a smooth partnership in anything , in the wake of sworn affidavits filed over the last week 7 Still , it may be tough for the two to have a smooth partnership in anything , in the wake of sworn affidavits filed over the last week One came from CBS Records Chairman Walter Yetnikoff , who will head a committee that will oversee Sony 's entertainment division , including both records and movies 10 who will be chairman and co-chief executive officer of Time Warner the merger is complete 6 Mr. Ross denied that in his own affidavit , and called Mr. Yetnikoff 's remarks `` vicious '' and his claims `` reckless , irresponsible and baseless , '' saying Warner under his leadership has started a number of businesses in Japan Mr. Ross said he enjoys `` warm professional and personal relationships '' with Japanese executives including Sony Chairman Akio Morita , `` who has visited my home here 1 Still , it may be tough for the two to have a smooth partnership in anything , in the wake of sworn affidavits filed over the last week despite the acrimony between Mr. Ross and Mr. Yetnikoff , officials of the Time side of Time Warner have reportedly been increasingly interested in a settlement that might yield attractive business opportunities 10 as they have more than once Sony announced its plans to hire Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters 1 Talks between the two sides could unravel , of course , as they have more than once since Sony announced its plans to hire Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters both sides appear to be more willing now to meet each other 's terms to resolve the issue 6 But both sides appear to be more willing now to meet each other 's terms to resolve the issue although Warner has said it wanted the producers to fulfill the terms of their contract , the producers said in sworn court declarations that they did n't believe the relationship could be repaired after the acrimony of the legal battle 0 And the producers said in sworn court declarations that they did n't believe the relationship could be repaired after the acrimony of the legal battle Warner has said it wanted the producers to fulfill the terms of their contract 6 the relationship could be repaired after the acrimony of the legal battle to exclude Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters from any of the projects they were working on at Warner 0 to exclude Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters from any of the projects they were working on at Warner that does n't mean Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters might not eventually get their hands on some of their projects 10 producers are typically free to take it elsewhere a studio chooses not to actually make a movie that is in development 6 to exclude Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters from any of the projects they were working on at Warner Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters almost certainly would n't be able to participate in future sequels to `` Batman , '' the blockbuster hit they produced for Warner 1 Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters also almost certainly would n't be able to participate in future sequels to `` Batman , '' the blockbuster hit they produced for Warner in acquiring Guber-Peters Entertainment , Sony will actually get a piece of the profits from `` Batman , '' since the publicly held concern gets certain revenue from the movies Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters produce 2 But Sony will actually get a piece of the profits from `` Batman the publicly held concern gets certain revenue from the movies Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters produce 6 We believe our decision to plead ( guilty ) to these charges is responsible and proper our action today will allow Gulf Power to avoid prolonged , distracting legal proceedings 7 for making illegal political contributions on its behalf The Appleyard Agency allegedly made contributions from 1982 to 1984 to various funds for political candidates 10 The Appleyard Agency , for example , allegedly made contributions from 1982 to 1984 to various funds for political candidates submitted bills to Gulf Power 6 The contributions were funded by monthly payments of $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 to Appleyard in the guise of a `` special production fee '' -- in effect , hiding the nature of the payments from the Internal Revenue Service , federal prosecutors said The government indicated that former Gulf Power senior vice president Jacob F. `` Jake '' Horton was the mastermind behind the use of the ad agencies -- Appleyard , Dick Leonard Group II Inc. and Hemmer & Yates Corp. -- to make payments to various political candidates from 1981 to 1988 10 Mr. Horton , who oversaw Gulf Power 's governmental-affairs efforts , died mysteriously in a plane crash in April learning he might be fired following the uncovering of irregularities in a company audit 6 Under the program , dubbed Chivas Class , customers who send in two labels from Chivas bottles will receive an upgrade in seating class on some Trans World Airlines flights Repeat customers can purchase luxury items at reduced prices 1 Under the program , dubbed Chivas Class , customers who send in two labels from Chivas bottles will receive an upgrade in seating class on some Trans World Airlines flights.Repeat customers also can purchase luxury items at reduced prices at a time of mounting concern over alcohol abuse , some liquor marketers consider Seagram 's frequent buyer promotion risky 3 you get more you drink more 6 Last year , J & B Scotch offered 500 TWA frequent flier miles in exchange for a label Dewar 's gave discounts on Scottish merchandise to people who sent in bottle labels 1 Chivas Class is n't the first such promotion the scope of Seagram 's Chivas promotion sets it apart 1 MOST FOOD companies these days are trimming the fat and cholesterol content of their products to appeal to health-conscious consumers Goya Foods Inc. believes it can milk some sales by bucking the trend 6 Goya is selling Leche Fresca in nearly 500 grocery stores and bodegas in New York and parts of New Jersey it 's adding 15 to 20 new outlets a day 6 Jewelry displays in department stores were often cluttered and uninspired the merchandise was , well , fake 2 Jewelry displays in department stores were often cluttered and uninspired.And the merchandise was , well , fake marketers of faux gems steadily lost space in department stores to more fashionable rivals -- cosmetics makers 1 As a result , marketers of faux gems steadily lost space in department stores to more fashionable rivals -- cosmetics makers lately , retailers say , fake has become more fashionable 6 But lately fake has become more fashionable jewelry makers are beginning to use many of the same marketing tricks honed in the aggressive world of cosmetics 6 Last year , the total women 's fashion jewelry business topped $ 4.9 billion it 's growing fast , with annual sales gains of more than 10 % 8 They 're hiring models to stroll the aisles sporting their jewels they 're even beginning to borrow a perennial favorite of the beauty business -- offering a gift when consumers make a purchase 11 offering a gift consumers make a purchase 1 We 've started trying just about anything to keep sales moving in the stores there are limits 1 And jewelry makers are beginning to use many of the same marketing tricks honed in the aggressive world of cosmetics cosmetics firms still have one big marketing edge : They motivate sales people with commissions 0 Northwest Airlines settled the remaining lawsuits filed on behalf of 156 people killed in a 1987 crash claims against the jetliner 's maker are being pursued 6 but claims against the jetliner 's maker are being pursued Northwest , a unit of NWA Inc. , and McDonnell Douglas Corp. are pursuing counterclaims against each other in the crash near Detroit Metropolitan Airport 11 U.S. District Judge Julian A. Cook Jr. announced the settlements the jury trial was to begin yesterday 6 that pilots failed to set the plane 's wing flaps and slats properly for takeoff and failed to make mandatory preflight checks that would have detected the error a cockpit warning system failed to alert the pilots the flaps and slats were not set for takeoff 0 Sun Myung Moon , the Korean evangelist-industrialist who in 1954 founded the Unification Church , remains the mystery man behind a multimillion-dollar political and publishing operation based in this country and catering to the American right there may be less there than meets the eye 10 to convert millions of Americans to his unique brand of Christianity and to make the U.S. part of a unified international theocracy 10 More stable industries were to build an economically viable infrastructure for the Moon movement in North America , as they had in Japan and South Korea he would move his movement to Europe 0 More stable industries were to build an economically viable infrastructure for the Moon movement in North America , as they had in Japan and South Korea.Then he would move his movement to Europe that was not to be 0 that the church has 10,000 or more full-time American members and 25,000 `` associates . '' Some estimates have gone as high as 80,000 members that at its publicity-seeking heights , as when it organized a spectacular Yankee Stadium bicentennial rally in 1976 , there actually were only about 2,000 full-time Unification Church members in the U.S 0 For a while in the 1970s it seemed Mr . Moon was on a spending spree , with such purchases as the former New Yorker Hotel and its adjacent Manhattan Center ; a fishing/processing conglomerate with branches in Alaska , Massachusetts , Virginia and Louisiana ; a former Christian Brothers monastery and the Seagram family mansion ( both picturesquely situated on the Hudson River ) ; shares in banks from Washington to Uruguay ; a motion picture production company , and newspapers , such as the Washington Times , the New York City Tribune ( originally the News World ) , and the successful Spanish-language Noticias del Mundo these purchases can be misleading 1 Those teams of young fund-raisers selling flowers , peanuts or begging outright at traffic intersections brought in somewhere near $ 20 million a year during the mid-to-late 1970s those revenues were a pittance compared to the costs of Mr . Moon 's lavish international conferences , speaking tours , and assorted land buys 6 Virginia Commonwealth University sociologist David Bromley has concluded that profitable operations in the U.S. have been the exceptions rather than the rule journalists John Burgess and Michael Isikoff of the Washington Post have estimated that at least $ 800 million was transferred from Japan to the U.S. to deal with the church 's annual operating losses in this country 6 Start-up costs for the Washington Times alone were close to $ 50 million the total amount lost in this journalistic black hole was estimated at $ 150 million by 1984 11 According to veteran watchers of Unificationist affairs , such as Dr. J. Gordon Melton , director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion , almost all operations are being drastically reduced Mr . Moon now concentrates more on developing his empire in the Far East 2 According to veteran watchers of Unificationist affairs , such as Dr. J. Gordon Melton , director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion , almost all operations are being drastically reduced Mr . Moon now concentrates more on developing his empire in the Far East 2 But that was not to be Mr . Moon is in retreat , refocusing on the Far East 6 that the cash portion of its initial funding of $ 765 million will be depleted next year that alternative sources of funds will be necessary to meet its obligations 1 The trust ultimately expects to receive $ 2.5 billion from Manville its cash flow from investments has so far lagged behind its payments to victims 1 The trust is considering a sale of its Manville holdings Manville has the right of first refusal on any sales of its stock held by the trust 0 Manville and the trust are discussing the offer no decision has been made 6 In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission , the majority holder of Manville acknowledged that the cash portion of its initial funding of $ 765 million will be depleted next year , and that alternative sources of funds will be necessary to meet its obligations The filing said the trust is considering a sale of Manville securities in the open market ; an extraordinary dividend on the common stock ; or a recapitalization of Manville 6 All are non-Russian republics along the southern border of the Soviet Union all but Kirgizia have reported rioting in the past six months 3 How is a travel agent going to sell a holiday he can not guarantee a return flight 2 The two , Szeto Wah and Martin Lee , were deemed unfit they had condemned China 's crackdown on its pro-democracy movement 6 The committee is formulating Hong Kong 's constitution for when it reverts to Chinese control in 1997 Chinese lawmakers said the two can only return if they `` abandon their antagonistic stand against the Chinese government and their attempt to nullify the Sino-British joint declaration on Hong Kong 3 the two can only return they `` abandon their antagonistic stand against the Chinese government and their attempt to nullify the Sino-British joint declaration on Hong Kong 0 Israeli officials confirmed that Energy Minister Moshe Shahal and his Canadian counterpart , Jake Epp , discussed a possible Israeli purchase of a $ 1.1 billion Canadian nuclear reactor for producing electricity a Canadian Embassy official in Tel Aviv said that Canada was unlikely to sell the Candu heavy-water reactor to Israel 2 that Canada was unlikely to sell the Candu heavy-water reactor to Israel Israel has n't signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 6 The South Korean government is signing a protocol today establishing formal diplomatic relations with Poland The two are signing a trade agreement 1 that Seoul can loan money to Warsaw it can `` offer experience 6 Under the debt-equity program , potential investors will submit sealed bids on the percentage of discount they are willing to purchase the debt at the bids will be allocated based on these discount offers 6 that Imelda Marcos was n't brought to the U.S. against her will that marital privileges , which protect spouses from incriminating each other , do n't apply in her case 2 A federal judge ruled that Imelda Marcos was n't brought to the U.S. against her will and that marital privileges , which protect spouses from incriminating each other , do n't apply in her case Judge John F. Keenan of New York ordered Mrs. Marcos to turn over to the court all pleadings and documents she may have filed in foreign countries in opposition to U.S. requests for evidence 2 that she did n't have to turn over the documents she was brought here involuntarily 6 because she was brought here involuntarily because providing the materials would violate her marital privilege 2 that she did n't have to turn over the documents providing the materials would violate her marital privilege 7 The law is meant to overcome delays caused by defendants ' use of foreign procedures to block U.S. requests for records the documents could involve foreign business dealings or bank accounts 6 On the allegation of kidnapping , Judge Keenan wrote , `` The suggestion that Mrs. Marcos was brought to this country against her will is unsupported by affidavit or affirmation The judge said the two marital testimonial privileges cited by Mrs. Marcos do n't apply 1 The first one permits a witness to refuse to testify against her spouse that privilege 's purpose is `` fostering harmony in marriage 2 the privilege can no longer apply Mr. Marcos died Sept. 28 1 The second marital privilege cited by Mrs. Marcos protects confidential communications between spouses that privilege is meant to protect private utterances -- not litigation papers filed with foreign governments , as Mrs. Marcos 's attorneys maintained 1 he agreed with one of her concerns : that turning over the foreign documents could violate the defendant 's constitutional right against self-incrimination Judge Keenan threw out most of Mrs. Marcos 's objections 2 he agreed with one of her concerns : that turning over the foreign documents could violate the defendant 's constitutional right against self-incrimination he will examine the Marcos documents sought by the prosecutors to determine whether turning over the filings is self-incrimination 6 As a result , he said he will examine the Marcos documents sought by the prosecutors to determine whether turning over the filings is self-incrimination Judge Keenan directed the prosecutors to show that Mrs. Marcos 's Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination wo n't be violated 6 The firms will be registered under Japanese law as foreign legal consultants their practice with Japanese clients will be limited to advising them on matters of foreign law 6 and their practice with Japanese clients will be limited to advising them on matters of foreign law The office may be able to advise foreign and multinational clients on international law and general matters 6 to open a joint office in Tokyo The Sidley-Ashurst venture will be staffed by another Sidley partner specializing in corporate law , a partner from Ashurst concentrating on acquisitions and a Japanese attorney 6 alleging that it intentionally segregated job classifications by sex and paid employees in predominantly female jobs less than males in comparable jobs The UAW charged that the state applied its own standards for determining pay in a discriminatory manner 3 No one could voice an opinion everybody with more seniority had spoken first 2 No one could voice an opinion until everybody with more seniority had spoken first younger employees -- often the most enthusiastic and innovative -- seldom spoke up at all 1 Employees wore identification badges listing not only their names but also their dates of hire.No one could voice an opinion until everybody with more seniority had spoken first in 1986 , the badges and the `` do n't speak out of turn '' rule were abolished -- early steps in a cultural revolution still rolling on with all the subtlety of a freight train 6 A rule forbidding staffers to own competitors ' cars has been lifted now many designers drive foreign cars to get useful ideas 6 In recent years , Nissan has instituted flex-time work schedules and allowed employees to dress casually , even in blue jeans.A rule forbidding staffers to own competitors ' cars has been lifted , and now many designers drive foreign cars to get useful ideas.Nissan 's decades-old corporate song filled with references to Mount Fuji has been scrapped in favor of a snappy tune sung by a popular Japanese vocalist in a Japanese corporate first , Nissan recently opened the first coed company dormitory for single employees at the suburban Tokyo technical center 1 We had lots of internal debate about this one in the end , top management decided to follow the voice of the younger generation 10 We had lots of internal debate about this one But top management decided to follow the voice of the younger generation 0 The company 's turnaround is far from complete ; many crucial tests are just beginning its surprising progress so far holds important lessons for companies in trouble 5 A company 's culture ca n't be radically changed top management first admits that things have gone badly awry and then publicly leads the charge 10 unless top management first admits that things have gone badly awry and publicly leads the charge 3 that was a big deal a new person got to work on part of the speedometer 11 Desperately hoping to spark sales , Nissan transferred 5,000 middle managers and plant workers to dealerships President Kume ordered everyone from top executives to rookie designers to go `` town watching , '' to visit chic parts of Tokyo to try to gain insights into developing cars for trend-setters 6 Desperately hoping to spark sales , Nissan transferred 5,000 middle managers and plant workers to dealerships President Kume ordered everyone from top executives to rookie designers to go `` town watching , '' to visit chic parts of Tokyo to try to gain insights into developing cars for trend-setters 0 One group of middle-aged manufacturing men from the company 's Zama plant outside Tokyo was supposed to check out a trendy restaurant in the city when they arrived at the door , all were afraid to go in , fearing that they would be out of place 11 But all were afraid to go in they arrived at the door 10 that he had Nissan 's gloomy lobby exhibit refurbished Nissan borrowed other Honda practices , including an engineering `` idea contest '' to promote inventiveness 0 Such sudden cultural shifts may come across as a bit forced they seem to be genuine 9 but they seem to be genuine so much so that some older employees have resisted 5 They were n't fired but were neglected 6 A year ago , the company completely revamped its near-luxury sedan , the $ 17,699 Maxima Since then , Nissan has launched new versions of the $ 13,249 240SX sporty coupe and 300ZX sports car 0 Nissan initially planned to sell just 10,000 Paos sales have passed 50,000 6 but sales have passed 50,000 there 's a one-year waiting list for the car 8 One is the Pao , a tiny coupe with a peelback canvas top and tilted headlights that give it a droopy-eyed look there 's the S-Cargo , an offbeat delivery van with a snail-like body that inspired its name 6 The chairs are S-Cargo seats a gift shop sells such items as alarm clocks styled like the Pao 's oversized speedometer 10 Nissan had 29 % of the Japanese car market in 1980 beginning a depressing eight-year slide 0 Strong sales so far this year are certain to turn the tide even the 25 % market share that Nissan expects in 1989 will leave it far below its position at the beginning of the decade 6 Nissan concedes that it wo n't recoup all its market-share losses in Japan until at least 1995 even that timetable might prove optimistic 11 Nissan 's pace of new-model hits will slow arch-rival Toyota unleashes its own batch of new cars 6 Nissan concedes that it wo n't recoup all its market-share losses in Japan until at least 1995 , and even that timetable might prove optimistic in the U.S. , Nissan has grabbed 5.2 % of the car market so far this year , up from 4.5 % a year ago.But even that brings Nissan only to the share it had in 1987 , and leaves the company behind its high of 5.5 % in 1980 and 1982 0 Likewise , in the U.S. , Nissan has grabbed 5.2 % of the car market so far this year , up from 4.5 % a year ago even that brings Nissan only to the share it had in 1987 , and leaves the company behind its high of 5.5 % in 1980 and 1982 5 But this year , Honda has revamped the Accord and made it a midsized car Nissan has kept its new Stanza a bit smaller than that and cut the base price 6 % 1 at $ 11,450 , Stanza prices start $ 749 below the predecessor model have a more-powerful engine 1 Nissan 's risk is that its low-base-price strategy might get lost amid the highly publicized rebates being offered by Detroit 's Big Three on a new car , a rebate does n't work well '' because it cheapens the vehicle 's image 2 But `` on a new car , a rebate does n't work well it cheapens the vehicle 's image 3 Nissan will remain behind in the subcompact segment the new Stanza succeeds 10 Nissan started advertising Infiniti the cars hit American showrooms 2 The ads have generated some laughs but also plenty of attention they are so unlike any other U.S. auto advertising 1 The ads have generated some laughs but also plenty of attention because they are so unlike any other U.S. auto advertising Nissan 's sales goals for Infiniti are modest compared with Toyota 's targets for Lexus 10 I got worried I saw the Lexus sales projections 2 I got worried I saw the Lexus sales projections 1 When I saw the Lexus sales projections , I got worried on reflection he concluded that Nissan is being prudent in following its slow-startup strategy instead of simply copying Lexus 6 Infiniti is Nissan 's big business move for the 21st century we 're in no hurry to generate large profits right away 0 These days Nissan can afford that strategy profits are n't exactly robust 0 Nissan had record net income of 114.63 billion yen ( $ 868 million ) in the fiscal year ended last March 31 , a remarkable recovery from the 20.39 billion yen of two years earlier , when the company lost money on operations Nissan expects to earn only 120 billion yen in the current fiscal year , a modest increase of 4.7 % 10 That gives it an enviable strategic advantage but also plenty of managerial headaches its rivals catch up 7 That gives it an enviable strategic advantage , at least until its rivals catch up , but also plenty of managerial headaches Nissan 's U.S. operations include 10 separate subsidiaries -- for manufacturing , sales , design , research , etc . -- that report separately back to Japan 6 For example , Nissan 's U.S. operations include 10 separate subsidiaries -- for manufacturing , sales , design , research , etc . -- that report separately back to Japan in July , Nissan 's Tennessee manufacturing plant beat back a United Auto Workers organizing effort with aggressive tactics that have left some workers bitter 1 We are in a transitional phase from being a Japanese company to becoming an international company based in Japan Perhaps the biggest challenge will be to prevent a return to its former corporate rigidity as its recovery continues 11 Perhaps the biggest challenge , however , will be to prevent a return to its former corporate rigidity its recovery continues 2 We are still only half way through the turnaround of this company there are many more things to do 6 We are still only half way through the turnaround of this company there are many more things to do 1 We are still only half way through the turnaround of this company , and there are many more things to do that `` the momentum we have generated is unstoppable 1 Mr. Azoff has n't named the company yet any records it produces will be distributed by Warner 2 he chose Warner , the largest record company their standing in the entertainment industry is second to none 2 The White House is purposely not calling the meeting a summit there wo n't be any expectation of detailed negotiations or agreements 9 The White House is purposely not calling the meeting a summit so that there wo n't be any expectation of detailed negotiations or agreements that the unexpected meeting was scheduled at Mr. Bush 's request because of his preference for conducting diplomacy through highly personal and informal meetings with other leaders 5 that neither he nor Mr. Gorbachev expects any `` substantial decisions or agreements that the purpose is simply for the two to get `` better acquainted '' and discuss a wide range of issues without a formal agenda 1 A face-to-face meeting with Mr. Gorbachev should damp such criticism it will hardly eliminate it 0 Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell ( D. , Maine ) , who has been the most prominent Democratic critic of Mr. Bush 's handling of the Soviet relationship , praised the president for arranging the meeting he added : `` The mere fact of a meeting does n't deal with the substance of policy 2 they found it useful , I would say even necessary , to hold an interim informal meeting the two sides plan to hold a full-scale summit in late spring-early summer next year 0 that does n't mean they will be without an agenda no specific agreements are expected 3 their talks would include human rights , Soviet reforms , regional disputes , relations with allies , economic cooperation , arms control , and joint efforts to fight narcotics , terrorism and pollution the two leaders cover the subjects that have been featured in lower level U.S.-Soviet meetings 6 that three million Soviets have lost their jobs as a result of perestroika the number could grow to 16 million by the year 2005 0 Economists in Moscow are now proposing that the state start a system of unemployment benefits one Bush administration official knowledgeable about the summit plan cautioned against assuming that there will be bold new initiatives on the Soviet economy or other issues 5 that there will be bold new initiatives on the Soviet economy or other issues This is vintage George Bush 2 that the U.S. should show more willingness to cut sea forces -- Washington 's area of greatest superiority the Kremlin follows through on announced plans to cut land forces -- the Soviets ' area of greatest strength 2 That meeting sent shivers through the Western alliance Mr. Reagan was pulled into discussing the possible elimination of nuclear weapons without consulting American allies 0 Mr. Bush said that he initiated talks with the Soviets on the informal meeting by sending a proposal to Mr. Gorbachev last July , which the Soviet leader readily accepted word of the possible session was closely held by the president and a handful of top aides , and word of it did n't reach many second-level officials until the past few days 6 But word of the possible session was closely held by the president and a handful of top aides word of it did n't reach many second-level officials until the past few days 0 it actually was the arguments of leaders within the Soviet bloc itself that led the president to seek the December meeting President Bush 's political critics at home have been urging him to open a more direct dialogue with Mr. Gorbachev 0 Mr. Bush drafted a letter to Mr. Gorbachev suggesting an informal get-together to precede their formal summit next year flying home from those discussions 10 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro said its potential losses from lending to Iraq could reach 1.175 trillion lire ( $ 872 million ) BNL reported that its Georgia branch had taken on loan commitments topping $ 3 billion without the Rome-based management 's approval 6 State-owned BNL , Italy 's largest bank , has filed charges against the branch 's former manager , Christopher Drogoul , and a former branch vice president , alleging fraud and breach of their fiduciary duties BNL said that its board had approved `` after an in-depth discussion , '' a letter to the Bank of Italy outlining measures the state-owned bank has taken or plans to take to improve controls on its foreign branches 6 The central bank had ordered BNL to come up with a suitable program by yesterday Bank of Italy has ordered BNL to shore up its capital base to account for potential foreign loan losses , and the Rome bank has outlined a 3 trillion lire capital-raising operation 6 Bank of Italy has also ordered BNL to shore up its capital base to account for potential foreign loan losses the Rome bank has outlined a 3 trillion lire capital-raising operation 1 Maybe he did n't start it Mohandas Gandhi certainly provided a recognizable beginning to non-violent civil disobedience as we know it today 10 His policies went beyond his control and resulted . . . in riots and disturbances and a renewed campaign of civil disobedience `` resulted in rioting and a second imprisonment 1 I am not a proponent of everything Gandhi did some of his law breaking was justified because India was then under occupation by a foreign power , and Indians were not able to participate fully in decisions that vitally affected them 2 but some of his law breaking was justified India was then under occupation by a foreign power , and Indians were not able to participate fully in decisions that vitally affected them 6 because India was then under occupation by a foreign power Indians were not able to participate fully in decisions that vitally affected them 0 but some of his law breaking was justified because India was then under occupation by a foreign power , and Indians were not able to participate fully in decisions that vitally affected them It is difficult to justify civil disobedience , non-violent or not , where citizens have full recourse to the ballot box to effect change 2 for breaking the law some individual or group disagrees with it 1 The case of Rosa Parks , the black woman who refused to sit at the back of the bus , comes to mind as an illustration most cases of non-violent civil disobedience are not nearly so benign 1 It is true that both are non-violent there is a fundamental difference between them 10 but let me make just a few tangential remarks about lawful demonstrations we get on with that 1 They are useful to call public attention to grievances they have little value in educating anyone about the issues in dispute 10 Demonstrations are particularly apt to degenerate into criminal conduct they leave the site of the grievance and become mobile 2 Demonstrations are particularly apt to degenerate into criminal conduct they leave the site of the grievance and become mobile 1 The crimes may appear small the prices can be huge 3 and will not move the authorities carry them away 1 The demonstration was non-violent and involved only a simple misdemeanor its impact on that individual was violent and terminal 0 The demonstrators have been non-violent the result of their trespasses has been to seriously impair the rights of others unconnected with their dispute 2 that TV has done more than its share to popularize and promote non-violent civil disobedience the second situation hypothesized above would be simply a case of `` chickens coming home to roost 5 so the second situation hypothesized above would be simply a case of `` chickens coming home to roost maybe the TV network would lose nothing 1 that only harms other people indirectly does irreparable damage to the nation as a whole 2 who urged and supported their defections giving great help and comfort to the enemy propagandists 2 Under the guise of `` healing the wounds of the nation , '' President Carter pardoned thousands of draft evaders giving dignity to their allegations of the war 's `` immorality 3 who can complain future generations called upon to defend the U.S. yield to the temptation to avoid the danger of combat by simply declaring the war immoral and hiding until it is over 10 and hiding it is over 8 It is difficult , however , to justify civil disobedience , non-violent or not , where citizens have full recourse to the ballot box to effect change The public has a tendency to equate lawful demonstrations with non-violent civil disobedience The subject of this discussion is non-violent civil disobedience ; but , before we get on with that , let me make just a few tangential remarks about lawful demonstrations.They are useful to call public attention to grievances , but they have little value in educating anyone about the issues in dispute At best , demonstrations are overused and boringly uninformative ; at worst , they can become the stimuli that lead to law breaking Let us look for a moment at another type of non-violent civil disobedience that only harms other people indirectly , yet does irreparable damage to the nation as a whole I think it important to point out the extraordinarily high visibility of non-violent civil disobedience in these days of intensive media coverage 6 Give television a chance to cover live any breaking of the law no second invitation will be required 3 the chance that he is sincere is much greater than if the leader produced the movement the movement produced the leader 3 it is probable that a thorough airing of the dispute by calm and rational debate would have been the better course you have not 10 Mr. Agnew was vice president of the U.S. from 1969 he resigned in 1973 6 The quarter-to-quarter comparison was also enhanced by charges taken in the year-earlier period , including $ 11 million related to the modernization of a pulp and newsprint mill in Alabama In the 1989 period interest expense and tax rates were lower than a year ago 1 The agents will make more than routine inquiries about such items as marital status and dependents ; they want to look at living standards and business assets they also are to see that taxpayers get all allowable tax benefits and to ask if filers who sought IRS aid were satisfied with it 6 The agents will make more than routine inquiries about such items as marital status and dependents But they are to see that taxpayers get all allowable tax benefits and to ask if filers who sought IRS aid were satisfied with it 0 Courts have ruled that taxpayers must submit to TCMP audits the IRS will excuse from the fullscale rigors anyone who was audited without change for either 1986 or 1987 1 Long-debated proposals to simplify the more than 150 civil penalties and make them fairer and easier to administer are in the House tax bill they were stripped from the Senate bill after staffers estimated penalty revenue would fall by $ 216 million over five years 10 But they were stripped from the Senate bill staffers estimated penalty revenue would fall by $ 216 million over five years 0 But they were stripped from the Senate bill congressional aides say penalty reform is a strong candidate for enactment , even if not this time around 0 penalty reform is a strong candidate for enactment not this time around 0 penalty reform is a strong candidate for enactment some provisions may be modified 6 States are following suit taxpayer groups are urging legislation in many other states 6 its efforts begun in 1989 have led to the introduction of bills in Massachusetts , Minnesota and Colorado to establish evenhanded procedures affecting all kinds of taxpayers The group seeks uniformity among states in provisions for taxpayers ' rights 6 the rate stays 11 cents for each added mile unaltered : 12 cents for charitable activities and nine cents for medical and moving costs 1 HE RODE HIS HOBBY he could n't milk it 0 The court often weighs deductions of sideline-business costs : Do they stem from a profit-seeking activity or a nondeductible hobby it 's rare to see both functions in one case 6 He claimed losses totaling $ 42,455 the IRS denied them all 10 and dropped the sideline his best brood mare died 0 that Givens managed horse-breeding in a businesslike way he took little businesslike care with his cattle 3 which would have to come out of money both hope to use to pay off other bankruptcy claims paid 10 An earlier plan fell apart Eastern changed its business plan 3 in which pilots accepted a substantial pay cut no other labor group got a raise 10 some Machinists union supervisors received a 20 % pay raise Texas Air took control of Eastern 1 Eastern has disputed the claim a federal district court , an appeals court and now the arbitrator have all sided with the pilots 1 The general public may not know his name he 's famous -- make that infamous -- in advertising circles 10 Now Mr. Achenbaum is joining them beating them 0 They have since mellowed one senior Young & Rubicam executive , echoing others , said : `` I think ad agencies owe Carl { Spielvogel } a vote of thanks for getting him out of the consulting business 1 I think ad agencies owe Carl { Spielvogel } a vote of thanks for getting him out of the consulting business industry executives also believe hiring Mr. Achenbaum is a shrewd move for Backer Spielvogel , a unit of Saatchi & Saatchi 6 although one senior Young & Rubicam executive , echoing others , said : `` I think ad agencies owe Carl { Spielvogel } a vote of thanks for getting him out of the consulting business But industry executives believe hiring Mr. Achenbaum is a shrewd move for Backer Spielvogel , a unit of Saatchi & Saatchi 7 At Backer Spielvogel , he will work with clients and potential clients on marketing strategies aside from agency compensation issues , he helped Nissan come up with its positioning and pricing for its new Infiniti line 11 At Backer Spielvogel , he will work with clients and potential clients on marketing strategies His client contacts could prove a gold mine for an agency that has had few new business wins of late 6 At Backer Spielvogel , he will work with clients and potential clients on marketing strategies His client contacts could prove a gold mine for an agency that has had few new business wins of late 2 I 've done over 40 ad agency searches { for clients } I have a pretty good notion of what clients are interested in when they look for an agency 11 of what clients are interested in they look for an agency 6 Carl has a much higher degree of intimacy with his clients than is ordinary for an agency his size with Al 's record of being a delver and a detail guy , you can see how the two fit 10 I picked up the phone and said , ` Why do n't you come to us the announcement came out 10 Mr. Achenbaum was a senior executive at J. Walter Thompson Co becoming a consultant in 1974 3 the agency made $ 15 million a client spent $ 100 million on TV time 1 Ad agencies typically earned a straight 15 % commission Mr. Achenbaum pioneered negotiated fees , which often worked out to less than 15 % 3 in which an ad agency in some cases must pay a client it drops the account 10 He spent most of his career formulating marketing strategies , but became best-known for chipping away at ad agency compensation He became so well-known for cutting compensation , however , that clients did n't seek him out for anything else 1 But Mr. Achenbaum pioneered negotiated fees , which often worked out to less than 15 % .More recently , he negotiated `` indemnification '' clauses in which an ad agency in some cases must pay a client if it drops the account He ultimately became so well-known for cutting compensation that clients did n't seek him out for anything else 6 Mr. Achenbaum helped Morgan in its recent agency search he has a long relationship with Hyundai 6 he 'll be very good at that { new job } much better at that than at { the price-cutting } he 's been doing recently 3 he would put his account up for review WPP 's bid were successful 0 During the takeover , Mr. Hahn said he would put his account up for review if WPP 's bid were successful he did n't 6 For years , the company 's ads were tied in with pitches for Cannon sheets or Martex towels , for example an announcer at the end of the ads would tell customers where to `` find the true performance label 6 which he founded in 1977 which created ads for the black market 1 to retire next year not necessarily to end his influence 6 whose hair is thinning and gray whose face has a perpetual pallor 0 whose hair is thinning and gray and whose face has a perpetual pallor The prime minister continues to display an energy , a precision of thought and a willingness to say publicly what most other Asian leaders dare say only privately 6 It took Zhao Ziyang ( former premier and party chief ) 10 years to build a team of economists who understood how the Western economies work now that team is part in exile , part being rusticated and part missing 2 That 's very sad for China and for Asia China could have been a good engine for growth , not just for Hong Kong and Taiwan but for Japan , Korea and the rest of Asia 1 to liberalize economically and retain political control 2 that the Soviets face a deeper dilemma they have been more in blinkers than the Chinese 1 Mikhail Gorbachev is ahead of China 's leaders in his awareness of the world the Soviet peoples are more introverted than the Chinese 0 I would think that the Soviets face a deeper dilemma because they have been more in blinkers than the Chinese -- I mean keeping their people cut off from the outside world the Soviet Union , while falling far short of the efficiency of a Western economy , may well manage to improve considerably 1 the Soviet Union may well manage to improve considerably falling far short of the efficiency of a Western economy 3 America can keep up the present situation -- her markets open for another 15 years , with adjustments , and Japan can grow and not cut back , and so too , Korea , Taiwan , Hong Kong , Singapore , ASEAN , Australia and New Zealand in 15 years , the economies of these countries would be totally restructured to be able to almost sustain growth by themselves 6 If America can keep up the present situation -- her markets open for another 15 years , with adjustments Japan can grow and not cut back , and so too , Korea , Taiwan , Hong Kong , Singapore , ASEAN , Australia and New Zealand 6 In such an arrangement , `` all benefit if the Europeans come in , they benefit too 3 And they benefit too the Europeans come in 6 We think it is n't such a great burden , that it carries no stigma we are prepared to do it 6 that they want to dispose of yet they need 1 that they want to dispose of and they need 11 They let me down the Japanese came down { during World War II } 2 I do n't feel down or done in I show British serials on my television network or read their books 1 I mean it is a normal adult relationship the Filipinos and the Americans , when I talk to them , there 's so much passion about Filipino manhood being diminished as a result of being squatted upon by the Americans and so on 11 But the Filipinos and the Americans there 's so much passion about Filipino manhood being diminished as a result of being squatted upon by the Americans and so on I talk to them 1 The occasional Englishman tries to put on airs we let it pass 11 It 's just comic they try to pretend they 're still the master race 0 Many people see it that way they have just taken it for granted 6 To get the Khmer Rouge as part of a process for elections when they lose , then we can expect China to stop aid 11 And then we can expect China to stop aid they lose 10 And when they lose we can expect China to stop aid 10 to have made use of the Khmer Rouge and discard them 11 Everything looked good neurosurgeon Walter Levy and colleagues carefully cut away a woman 's spinal tumor at the Cleveland Clinic in 1978 10 Everything looked good as neurosurgeon Walter Levy and colleagues carefully cut away a woman 's spinal tumor at the Cleveland Clinic in 1978 she woke up paralyzed 6 the probe could improve the diagnosis of brain and nerve disorders such as strokes and multiple sclerosis holding the promise of safer spinal surgery 3 the hand-held electromagnets generate nerve impulses that zip down motor nerves and activate muscles , making , say , a finger twitch positioned over the brain 's motor-control area 5 squeeze my fingers as hard as you can raise your arm 3 they do n't work at all a patient is unconscious 1 In the 1960s , Mayo Clinic researchers developed magnetic devices to stimulate motor nerves in the hand and other limbs for brain tests , the unwieldy machines `` would have required patients to stand on their heads 10 The field took off in 1985 scientists at Britain 's Sheffield University developed a handy , compact magnet for brain stimulation 6 Since then , at least two commercial versions have been put on the U.S. market an estimated 500 have been sold 1 we can use { the devices } routinely in surgery yet we 're getting close 7 The devices could help indicate when surgery would help paralyzed car-crash victims occasionally have some intact spinal tissues that , if preserved by emergency surgery , enable partial recovery 3 that enable partial recovery preserved by emergency surgery 1 For example , paralyzed car-crash victims occasionally have some intact spinal tissues that , if preserved by emergency surgery , enable partial recovery such operations typically are n't performed because there is no sign right after an injury that surgery would be beneficial 2 But such operations typically are n't performed there is no sign right after an injury that surgery would be beneficial 3 The cost { of magnetic stimulators } would seem like peanuts we could retrieve limb function '' in such people 0 Scientists caution there is a chance the magnet technique might spark seizures in epileptics no significant problems have been reported among hundreds of people tested with the devices 6 The main sensation is `` like a rap on the head feeling like a puppet jerked with invisible strings 6 One apparent side effect is a minor increase in a brain hormone some doctors who have conducted hours of tests on themselves report temporary headaches 6 At the University of Kentucky , a team led by Dean Currier , a physical therapy researcher , is testing the stimulators in conjunction with electric shocks to induce muscle contractions to help prevent wasting of thigh muscles after knee surgery a Purdue University team led by heart researcher W.A . Tacker hopes to develop ways to magnetically induce cardiac muscle contractions 1 The devices might someday serve as temporary pacemakers or restarters for stopped hearts The devices ' most remarkable possibilities involve the brain 6 Similar studies are expected to reveal how stroke patients ' brains regroup -- a first step toward finding ways to bolster that process and speed rehabilitation Scientists are exploring memory and perception with the new machines 3 the subjects do n't recall seeing the first group of letters the jolt is timed just right 11 Joint-research programs have proliferated U.S. companies seek to spread the risks and costs of commercializing new superconductors and to meet the challenges posed by foreign consortia , especially in Japan 2 Joint-research programs have proliferated U.S. companies seek to spread the risks and costs of commercializing new superconductors and to meet the challenges posed by foreign consortia , especially in Japan 10 they signed a three-year , $ 11 million agreement to collaborate on superconductor research The Wilmington , Del. , chemicals concern signed research superconductor agreements with Oak Ridge National Laboratory and with Argonne National Laboratory 10 They pay interest only for 115 months with principal payments beginning 10 As part of the transaction , J.C. Penney will sell a portion of its credit-card receivables to its JCP Receivables Inc. unit which will transfer them to a master trust 0 Here in this new center for Japanese assembly plants just across the border from San Diego , turnover is dizzying , infrastructure shoddy , bureaucracy intense.Even after-hours drag ; `` karaoke '' bars , where Japanese revelers sing over recorded music , are prohibited by Mexico 's powerful musicians union 20 Japanese companies , including giants such as Sanyo Industries Corp. , Matsushita Electronics Components Corp. and Sony Corp. have set up shop in the state of Northern Baja California 10 Keeping the Japanese happy will be one of the most important tasks facing conservative leader Ernesto Ruffo he takes office Nov. 1 , as the first opposition governor in Mexico 's modern history 0 Mexico , with its desperate need for investment , and Japan , with its huge budget surplus , would seem like a perfect match the two countries remain separated by a cultural barrier wider than the ocean 1 He already has finagled a $ 2 billion loan from the Japanese government Mexico urgently needs more help 1 For the PRI to stand a chance , Mr. Salinas has to press on with an economic program that so far has succeeded in lowering inflation and providing moderate economic growth maintaining the key components of his strategy -- a stable exchange rate and high level of imports -- will consume enormous amounts of foreign exchange 11 it falls from the tree by itself the fruit is ripe 3 it falls from the tree by itself the fruit is ripe 6 that there is a lot of Japanese money waiting behind the gate that by slightly opening the gate , that money will enter Mexico 2 that there is a lot of Japanese money waiting behind the gate that by slightly opening the gate , that money will enter Mexico 10 Mexico is sending a number of missions to Japan looking for a major breakthrough investment in telecommunications , petrochemicals or tourism that other Japanese would follow the leader 1 Mexico is sending a number of missions to Japan looking for a major breakthrough investment in telecommunications , petrochemicals or tourism Japanese investors say that their reluctance to invest stems not only from concerns about Mexico 's economic outlook , but also reservations about Mexico 's recently revamped investment law 6 It created special 20-year trusts to allow foreigners 100 % ownership in some once-closed industries It made artful use of semantics , redefining as non-strategic industries some that had been in the national domain 5 He could develop the beach through a trust but is trying have his grandson become a naturalized Mexican so his family gains direct control 2 have his grandson become a naturalized Mexican his family gains direct control 3 We must do more to help the Japanese here in Baja we want them to invest elsewhere 1 Plant operators are heartened by Mr. Ruffo 's pledge to cut corruption associated with the ruling party officials Mr. Ruffo frets that an even bigger problem could be protectionism from the U.S 1 Half of those polled see the currency trending lower over the next three months the others forecast a modest rebound after the New Year 1 Those with a bullish view see the dollar trading up near 1.9000 marks and 145 yen the dollar bears see the U.S. currency trading around 1.7600 marks and 138 yen 11 the dollar will slip the Federal Reserve eases interest rates 2 the dollar will slip the Federal Reserve eases interest rates 6 Robert White , a vice president and manager of corporate trade at First Interstate of California , agreed with that view and predicted the U.S. federal funds rate will drop to between 7 3/4 % and 8 % within 60 days from its current level at 8 13/16 % Mr. White predicted a half-point cut in the U.S. discount rate in the near future 6 In last month 's survey , a number of currency analysts predicted the dollar would be pressured by a narrowing of interest rate differentials between the U.S. and West Germany in early October the West German central bank raised its discount and Lombard rates by a full percentage point 6 Several other European central banks , notably in Britain , followed the West German Bundesbank 's lead by raising their own key rates a week later , Japan raised its official discount rate by a half point to 3.75 % 10 Several other European central banks , notably in Britain , followed the West German Bundesbank 's lead by raising their own key rates a week later , Japan raised its official discount rate by a half point to 3.75 % 1 After a surprisingly sharp widening in the U.S. August merchandise trade deficit -- $ 10.77 billion from a revised $ 8.24 billion in July and well above expectations -- and a startling 190-point drop in stock prices on Oct. 13 , the Federal Reserve relaxed short-term interest rates predictions that central banks of the Group of Seven ( G-7 ) major industrial nations would continue their massive dollar sales went astray , as the market drove the dollar downward on its own 2 But predictions that central banks of the Group of Seven ( G-7 ) major industrial nations would continue their massive dollar sales went astray the market drove the dollar downward on its own , reacting to Wall Street 's plunge and subsequent price volatility , lower U.S. interest rates and signs of a slowing U.S. economy 11 But predictions that central banks of the Group of Seven ( G-7 ) major industrial nations would continue their massive dollar sales went astray the market drove the dollar downward on its own , reacting to Wall Street 's plunge and subsequent price volatility , lower U.S. interest rates and signs of a slowing U.S. economy 2 that uncertainty about U.S. stocks and bonds has made Japanese investors leery of holding those securities in the near term damping dollar demand 1 that uncertainty about U.S. stocks and bonds has made Japanese investors leery of holding those securities in the near term , thus damping dollar demand once U.S. equities regain some stability , players will move back into dollar-denominated investments , especially Treasury bonds 10 But players will move back into dollar-denominated investments , especially Treasury bonds U.S. equities regain some stability 11 whose value rises interest rates decline 3 some panic will be seen 135 is broken 11 the dollar to recover within the next three months to around 1.88 marks U.S. economic data , particularly U.S. trade figures , level off 1 he expects U.S. interest rates to decline , dragging the dollar down to around 1.80 marks by the end of January after a short-lived dash to 1.87 marks by the end of November I 'm not one of these great dollar bears you see more of these days 1 that the new chancellor , John Major , will take a tough line in his autumn statement later this month , helping to underpin the pound the currency will remain at risk 6 West Germany will repeal the unpopular turnover tax on securities transactions as of Jan. 1 , 1991 the government will repeal the 1 % transaction tax on the first-time purchase of stakes in companies 2 The securities-turnover tax has been long criticized by the West German financial community it tends to drive securities trading and other banking activities out of Frankfurt into rival financial centers , especially London , where trading transactions is n't taxed 1 The tax has raised less than one billion marks ( $ 545.3 million ) annually in recent years the government has been reluctant to abolish the levy for budgetary concerns 10 the government will lose the tax disappears 3 guarantees its abolition the current center-right coalition loses the elections in December 1990 3 an increase to $ 4.25 an hour over three years and accompanied by a lower wage for the first six months of a job 3 that this administration will stray from its own course on this and other issues they simply stay the course 1 Chemical said Steven Edelson resigned recently one individual close to the situation said the resignation was forced 6 The head trader of Chemical Banking Corp. 's interest-rate options group has left the company , following valuation errors that resulted in a $ 33 million charge against its third-quarter results Chemical confirmed that it took an undisclosed charge in the second quarter for losses on forward-rate agreements involving foreign currency written by its branch in Frankfurt , West Germany 6 the second-quarter charge was `` not material that no personnel changes were made as a result 2 the second-quarter charge was `` not material and that no personnel changes were made 1 they echo a 1987 incident in which Bankers Trust New York Corp. restated the value of its foreign exchange options contracts downward by about $ 80 million the incidents involving interest-rate options and forward-rate agreements are unrelated 2 These complex products require close monitoring each must be valued separately in light of current market conditions 11 he acquired a treasure-trove of Americana along with a well-known but ailing security business : Pinkerton 's Inc Thomas W. Wathen went big league last year 6 There was a wanted poster offering `` Rewards for the Arrest of Express and Train Robbers Frank James and Jesse W. James '' and the original Pinkerton 's logo with an open eye and the inscription `` We Never Sleep , '' which inspired the phrase `` private eye there were two gold watches once owned by Allan Pinkerton 1 Then there were two gold watches once owned by Allan Pinkerton there were supposed to be three 0 that it can also bring a host of unforeseen problems acquiring a big brand-name company can be a shortcut to growth 6 that while acquiring a big brand-name company can be a shortcut to growth it can bring a host of unforeseen problems 1 Over the next 20 years , California Plant Protection opened 125 offices around the country although California Plant Protection was netting bigger and bigger clients it still did n't have the name recognition of Pinkerton 's 0 Yet it still did n't have the name recognition of Pinkerton 's California Plant Protection was netting bigger and bigger clients 2 Yet although California Plant Protection was netting bigger and bigger clients it still did n't have the name recognition of Pinkerton 's when American Brands Inc. decided to sell the unit in 1987 as part of a divestiture of its food and security industries operations , Mr. Wathen saw a chance to accomplish several objectives 11 So Mr. Wathen saw a chance to accomplish several objectives American Brands Inc. decided to sell the unit in 1987 as part of a divestiture of its food and security industries operations 11 he could easily merge Pinkerton 's operations with his own slashing overhead costs 2 he could easily merge Pinkerton 's operations with his own while slashing overhead costs the two already operated in many of the same cities 6 He could acquire a staff of loyal Pinkerton 's employees , many of whom had spent their entire careers with the firm , he could eliminate a competitor he could get the name recognition he 'd wanted 6 Mr. Wathen saw a chance to accomplish several objectives Mr. Wathen relished the chance to demonstrate an entrepreneur like himself , who 'd spent his whole career in the security business , could run Pinkerton 's better than an unfocused conglomerate or investment banker 1 Mr. Wathen also relished the chance to demonstrate an entrepreneur like himself , who 'd spent his whole career in the security business , could run Pinkerton 's better than an unfocused conglomerate or investment banker there were hitches , not the least of which was that he proceeded almost blindly in doing the $ 95 million acquisition , which was completed in January 1988 3 it might have scared us off we had 6 Pinkerton 's had locked itself into low-price contracts to win new business , with no hope of profitability until the contracts expired regional offices were `` egregiously overstaffed 6 One office had 19 people doing the work of three half of the employees had company automobiles 10 the new Pinkerton 's will have sales of about $ 610 million this year and operating profit roughly double the industry average of 2 % -3 % of sales divesting itself of $ 120 million of unprofitable business 10 He began by closing 120 of the combined companies ' 260 offices in two months , eliminating about 31 % of the company 's 2,500-person adminstrative staff , including more than 100 sales positions.He shut down the company 's tony New York headquarters Mr. Wathen raised Pinkerton 's rates 6 Next , Mr. Wathen raised Pinkerton 's rates he got rid of low-margin businesses 10 Next , Mr. Wathen raised Pinkerton 's rates he got rid of low-margin businesses 1 Mr. Wathen , who says Pinkerton 's had a loss of nearly $ 8 million in 1987 under American Brands , boasts that he 's made Pinkerton 's profitable again Mr. Wathen 's team still must pay down about $ 82 million of long-term bank debt from the acquisition within the next four years 6 Last year , earnings of the combined companies did n't cover debt service Pinkerton 's was forced to borrow $ 20 million of subordinated debt 2 Last year , earnings of the combined companies did n't cover debt service Pinkerton 's was forced to borrow $ 20 million of subordinated debt 3 We would n't have had to refinance a lot of the problems had n't been there 1 the firm will be able to service debt and turn a modest profit 6 We have previously had discussions with representatives of Pinkerton 's Inc. concerning the { sale of the company } we concluded that we did not have liability under the contract 2 we have no further comment this is now a litigation matter 6 that American Brands misrepresented the financial condition of Pinkerton 's before the sale , failed to disclose pending lawsuits and material contracts in which Pinkerton 's was in default , had n't registered the Pinkerton 's name and trademark in the United Kingdom and did n't tell California Plant Protection about some labor controversies then there 's the case of the missing gold watch 6 that American Brands misrepresented the financial condition of Pinkerton 's before the sale , failed to disclose pending lawsuits and material contracts in which Pinkerton 's was in default , had n't registered the Pinkerton 's name and trademark in the United Kingdom and did n't tell California Plant Protection about some labor controversies And there 's the case of the missing gold watch 6 The key to Pinkerton 's future will be sticking to what it does best -- being a security company The company is renewing its emphasis on investigations , particularly undercover investigations for corporations 1 that side of the business has traditionally been the more `` glamorous '' of the two and it carries historical and sentimental value investigations now account for only about 5 % of Pinkerton 's total revenue 6 that side of the business has traditionally been the more `` glamorous '' of the two it carries historical and sentimental value 11 Farm prices in October edged up 0.7 % from September raw milk prices continued their rise 2 Farm prices in October edged up 0.7 % from September raw milk prices continued their rise 1 Broiler prices fell 6.5 cents in October to 30.6 cents a pound turkey prices rose 1.2 cents a pound to 38.5 cents 1 Hogs rose $ 3.40 to $ 46.80 a hundredweight in October beef cattle slipped 80 cents to $ 67.40 for each hundred pounds and calves dropped 90 cents to $ 90.20 8 while beef cattle slipped 80 cents to $ 67.40 for each hundred pounds calves dropped 90 cents to $ 90.20 8 Soybeans averaged $ 5.28 a bushel , down 42 cents from September ; corn averaged $ 2.20 , down seven cents sorghum grain averaged $ 3.61 for each hundred pounds , down 19 cents , according to the department 10 the offer will proceed the Bermuda Supreme Court lifts or modifies an interim injunction restraining the company from buying its shares 1 Last week , housing lobbies persuaded Congress to raise the ceiling to $ 124,875 , making FHA loans more accessible to the well-to-do it does that at the cost of deepening the taxpayer 's exposure if the FHA is forced to pay for more loans going sour 3 of deepening the taxpayer 's exposure the FHA is forced to pay for more loans going sour 6 But it does that at the cost of deepening the taxpayer 's exposure if the FHA is forced to pay for more loans going sour the higher mortgage ceiling is only the starter kit for what Senator Alan Cranston and Majority Leader George Mitchell have in mind for housing 2 the FHA can wind up lending more than a house is worth a purchaser can use an FHA loan to finance all points and closing costs 3 many borrowers would be better off walking away from their homes and leaving taxpayers with the losses housing prices continue to fall 0 A group of 27 Senators has written Mr. Kemp urging him to reject Cranston-Mitchell and focus on programs that empower the poor rather than create vast new government obligations even if he agrees , Mr. Kemp does n't write the nation 's housing law 3 But Mr. Kemp does n't write the nation 's housing law he agrees 0 But Mr. Kemp does n't write the nation 's housing law he agrees 6 Congress does the majority of Members cynically view the current discrediting of HUD as mainly a chance to shove through their own slate of projects 6 that Mr. Pierce is only part of the problem a part that 's gone 3 Members of Congress will `` have to start looking into , and doing something about , the practices of their colleagues HUD is to be reformed 1 Proponents of expanding FHA programs say they merely want to help home buyers who are frozen out of high-priced markets the FHA program is hemorrhaging bad loans 6 Jack Kemp has submitted a package of reforms they are surely headed for the Capitol Hill sausage-grinder 6 A final agreement has not been signed the moves will not have a material effect on the company 11 that halves its huge deficit with cuts in defense spending and capital outlays striving to improve supplies to frustrated consumers 6 that halves its huge deficit with cuts in defense spending and capital outlays striving to improve supplies to frustrated consumers 1 they had made a good start that the most difficult work was still ahead 3 it will be able to halve this year 's 120 billion ruble ( US $ 193 billion ) deficit the government can stick with them 11 At times I sequester my mind I must think with precision 11 Detached from all other thoughts trying to reach a decision 0 At times I sequester my mind When I must think with precision , Detached from all other thoughts While trying to reach a decision often nothing 's resolved , To my frustration and fury : With pros and cons in limbo , I feel like a hung jury 1 and nobody expects the U.S. to rush toward radical restructuring of the health-care system there are signs that labor-management cooperation could change the politics of health-care legislation and the economics of medicine 2 business executives are dealing with congressional Democrats who champion health-care revision the Bush administration is n't taking the initiative on health issues 1 At 11.1 % of gross national product , U.S. health costs already are the highest in the world Japan 's equal 6.7 % of GNP , a nation 's total output of goods and services 2 Labor is upset many companies are using higher employee insurance premiums , deductibles and co-payments to deflect surging medical costs to workers 1 They hope they can buy some government cost discipline this is a false hope 1 No magic bullet will be discovered next year , an election year 1991 could be a window for action 3 Any major attempt to revamp the health-care system is likely to trigger opposition from politically powerful interest groups , particularly the American Medical Association , and perhaps from the public as well Congress takes steps that patients fear will limit the availability of care 10 to measure the effectiveness of medical treatments and to draft medical-practice guidelines 11 that such standards will improve treatment limiting unnecessary tests and medical procedures 6 This involves trade-offs { it } cuts against the grain of existing consumer and even provider conceptions of what is ` necessary 2 This involves trade-offs { it } cuts against the grain of existing consumer and even provider conceptions of what is ` necessary 6 The NAM embraces efforts to measure the effectiveness of medical treatments and then to draft medical-practice guidelines The AFL-CIO embraces treatment guidelines 6 The AFL-CIO also embraces treatment guidelines it 's toying with an approach that would impose health-expenditure ceilings or budgets on the government as a whole and on individual states as a way to slow health-care spending 6 the agreement is subject to shareholder and regulatory approval that it hopes to complete the transaction early next year 1 namely , industrial companies can continue bidding for one another financial buyers such as leveraged buy-out firms will be at a disadvantage in obtaining financing 6 The way the world is shaping up , the strategic buyer is going to be the rule the financial buyer is going to be the exception 1 The combined company would have had 1988 sales of $ 13.1 billion such a combination also presents great risks 6 A Georgia-Pacific acquisition of Nekoosa would create the largest U.S. forest-products company But such a combination presents great risks 3 At a time when most analysts and industry consultants say pulp and paper prices are heading for a dive , adding capacity and debt could squeeze Georgia-Pacific the industry declines more than the company expects 6 At a time when most analysts and industry consultants say pulp and paper prices are heading for a dive , adding capacity and debt could squeeze Georgia-Pacific if the industry declines more than the company expects any unexpected strengthening of the dollar would hurt Georgia-Pacific because two of Nekoosa 's major product lines -- containerboard , which is used to make shipping boxes , and market pulp -- are exported in large quantities 2 Moreover , any unexpected strengthening of the dollar would hurt Georgia-Pacific two of Nekoosa 's major product lines -- containerboard and market pulp -- are exported in large quantities 6 the acquisition would more than double the company 's debt of almost $ 3 billion It could be a drag on Georgia-Pacific earnings 2 It also could be a drag on Georgia-Pacific earnings the roughly $ 1.5 billion in goodwill -- the amount by which the bid exceeds Nekoosa 's book value of $ 1.5 billion -- will have to be subtracted from earnings over a period of decades 6 That means goods could be manufactured closer to customers , saving shipping costs production runs would be longer , cutting inefficiencies from adjusting machinery between production cycles 6 Moreover , production runs would be longer , cutting inefficiencies from adjusting machinery between production cycles Georgia-Pacific could save money in selling pulp , because the company uses its own sales organization while Nekoosa employs higher-cost agents 2 And Georgia-Pacific could save money in selling pulp the company uses its own sales organization while Nekoosa employs higher-cost agents 1 because the company uses its own sales organization Nekoosa employs higher-cost agents 1 Mr. Hahn said Georgia-Pacific has accounted in its strategy for a `` significant downturn '' in the pulp and paper industry , an event that he said would temporarily dilute earnings he said that even under those conditions , the company still would realize a savings of tens of millions of dollars in the first year following a merger 6 Georgia-Pacific owns 349,900 Nekoosa shares and would need federal antitrust clearance to buy more than $ 15 million worth U.S. clearance is needed for the proposed acquisition 6 The company 's chairman , Mr. Laidig , and a group of advisers met at the offices of Wachtel Lipton Rosen & Katz , a law firm specializing in takeover defense Nekoosa is being advised by Goldman , Sachs & Co 3 which stands to receive a $ 15 million fee the takeover succeeds , and the law firm of Shearman & Sterling 1 Nekoosa 's poison pill allows shareholders to vote to rescind it Georgia-Pacific is n't likely to pursue such a course immediately 2 but Georgia-Pacific is n't likely to pursue such a course immediately that would take 90 to 120 days , and would n't affect the provisions of the Maine law 8 Canadian Pacific could n't be reached for comment MacMillan Bloedel said it has n't any plans to make a bid for Nekoosa 2 that there wo n't be a flurry of takeovers the industry 's continuing capacity-expansion program is eating up available cash 6 that there wo n't be a flurry of takeovers because the industry 's continuing capacity-expansion program is eating up available cash a foreign paper company with deeper pockets than Georgia-Pacific to end up acquiring Nekoosa , signaling to the rest of the industry that hostile bids are unproductive 1 This is a one-time event , '' said Lawrence Ross of PaineWebber Inc. , referring to the Georgia-Pacific bid many analysts believe that , given the attractiveness of paper companies ' cash flows , as well as the frantic consolidation of the paper industry in Europe , there will be at least a few more big hostile bids for U.S. companies within the next several months 10 I 'm going to go after somebody someone comes after me 6 the industry 's capacity-expansion program hindering takeover activity it 's a lot cheaper and quicker to buy a plant than to build one 6 Moreover , `` it 's a lot cheaper and quicker to buy a plant than to build one a number of analysts said that Japanese paper companies are hungry to acquire additional manufacturing capacity anywhere in the world 6 But many analysts believe that , given the attractiveness of paper companies ' cash flows , as well as the frantic consolidation of the paper industry in Europe , there will be at least a few more big hostile bids for U.S. companies within the next several months.The buyers , these analysts added , could be either foreign or other U.S.concerns Shearson Lehman 's Mr. Devario said that , to stay competitive , the U.S. paper industry needs to catch up with the European industry 10 there have been more than 100 mergers and acquisitions within the European paper industry the most-recent wave of friendly takeovers was completed in the U.S. in 1986 2 Private industry 's labor costs rose 1.2 % in the third quarter , matching the second-quarter pace health insurance costs continued to soar 11 Private industry 's labor costs rose 1.2 % in the third quarter , matching the second-quarter pace health insurance costs continued to soar 11 this would have happened two or three years ago the labor market tightened 6 It is a considerably delayed reaction it 's not a severe one at all 11 In the 12 months ended in September , wages and salaries of private-sector workers rose 4.4 % health insurance costs spurted by 13.7 % 1 In the 12 months ended in September , wages and salaries of private-sector workers rose 4.4 % health insurance costs spurted by 13.7 % 7 Labor costs are climbing at a far more rapid pace in the health care industry than in other industries wages of private-sector hospital workers leaped 6.6 % in the 12 months ended in September , compared with 4.4 % for workers in all industries 6 Labor costs continued to rise more rapidly in service industries than in goods-producing industries them rising much more in the Northeast than elsewhere 2 it withdrew its offer to acquire Mesa Airlines the Farmington , N.M. , carrier did n't respond to its offer by the close of business yesterday , a deadline StatesWest had set for a response 0 it withdrew its offer to acquire Mesa Airlines StatesWest is n't abandoning its pursuit of the much-larger Mesa 10 StatesWest had proposed acquiring Mesa for $ 7 a share and one share of a new series of StatesWest 6 % convertible preferred stock it values at $ 3 a share Mesa had rejected a general proposal from StatesWest to combine the two carriers in some way 6 A shiny new takeover deal sparked a big rally in stock prices Bond prices edged higher 1 Prices of other paper makers rose sharply Georgia-Pacific fell $ 2.50 a share , to $ 50.875 11 that opportunities increase for others to engage in the controversial practice the big brokerage firms back out of program trading for their own accounts or for clients 5 profits could remain disappointing the Federal Reserve eases interest rates soon to stimulate the economy 1 Yesterday 's major economic news -- a 0.2 % rise in the September index of leading economic indicators -- had little impact on financial markets the next important piece of news on the economy 's health -- this morning 's release of the national purchasing manager 's survey for October -- could prompt investors into action 3 it could further depress bond prices while bolstering stock prices and the dollar the national survey confirms a pickup in the manufacturing sector 11 it could further depress bond prices bolstering stock prices and the dollar 1 it could further depress bond prices bolstering stock prices and the dollar 6 The rally notwithstanding , there are plenty of worries about the short-term course of stock prices bond investors are laboring under the onus of a national debt ceiling debate 1 the Nov. 79 schedule could be delayed unless Congress and the president act soon to lift the nation 's debt ceiling the Treasury is expected to announce details of its November quarterly refunding operation today 5 the Nov. 79 schedule could be delayed Congress and the president act soon to lift the nation 's debt ceiling 1 The company did n't specify reasons for the strong earnings gain Bouygues said its first-half profit is n't indicative of the full-year trend because of the highly seasonal nature of many of the company 's activities 0 The campaign , a patriotic celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights , does n't mention cigarettes or smoking even before it begins , the campaign is drawing fire from anti-smoking advocates , who criticize Philip Morris 's attempt to bolster its beleaguered image by wrapping itself in the document that is a cornerstone of American democracy 10 But the campaign is drawing fire from anti-smoking advocates it begins 0 that its name recognition among most consumers remains unusually low its array of brands -- including Maxwell House coffee , Jell-O , Cheez Whiz , and Miller beer -- blanket supermarket shelves 3 it follows they 'll think well of our products they think well of the company through our support of the Bill of Rights 0 this has nothing to do with cigarettes , nor will it ever Philip Morris typically tries to defend the rights of smokers with free-choice arguments 6 this has nothing to do with cigarettes will it ever 1 this has nothing to do with cigarettes , nor will it ever , '' the spokesman says some anti-smoking activists disagree 2 I 'm outraged this company is portraying itself at the heart of American culture and political freedom and in fact it 's a killer 6 because this company is portraying itself at the heart of American culture and political freedom in fact it 's a killer 1 because this company is portraying itself at the heart of American culture and political freedom and it 's a killer 1 Many marketers say Philip Morris 's approach will be effective they agree that the ads ' implied smoking message is unmistakable 3 that 's brilliant you can do that and at the same time send a message that supports your business 6 RJR Nabisco Inc. and American Brands Inc. say they have no plans to follow Philip Morris 's lead RJR Nabisco is currently under fire for having sent 80-second videotapes touting its Now brand to consumers who smoke American Brands ' Carltons 1 The Nasdaq Composite Index surged 4.26 , or about 0.94 % , to 455.63 the move lagged a stronger rise in New York Stock Exchange issues 8 The Big Board 's composite index was up more than 1.4 % the Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 1.6 % 8 Microsoft added 2 1/8 to 81 3/4 Oracle Systems rose 1 1/2 to 23 1/4 1 Technology stocks woke up the rise may be yet another `` one-day phenomenon 6 Technology stocks bore the brunt of the OTC market 's recent sell-off traders say it 's natural that they rebound sharply now that the market has turned around 2 Technology stocks bore the brunt of the OTC market 's recent sell-off traders say it 's natural that they rebound sharply now that the market has turned around 2 it 's natural that they rebound sharply the market has turned around 10 it 's natural that they rebound sharply the market has turned around 1 it 's natural that they rebound sharply now that the market has turned around conservative investors would do well to sell into the strength 11 They are always the first to be sold people are taking profits 2 They are always the first to be sold when people are taking profits people are most scared of the high-technology stocks 1 rallies in the group historically have lifted the market weakness in the sector often sank unlisted share prices broadly 1 Analysts say rallies in the group historically have lifted the market , while weakness in the sector often sank unlisted share prices broadly increasing volatility in the sector has exhausted investors who try to follow its dips and swings 11 The stocks have been pummeled repeatedly by inventory gluts and disappointing earnings the industry matures and slows 1 The technology sector of the Dow Jones Equity Market Index has risen only about 6.24 % this year the Nasdaq Composite Index has gained 18.35 % 1 the technology group 's gains were more than halved the composite index lost less than a third of its year-to-date gains in the market 's recent decline 1 many software and semiconductor stocks have continued to outperform the market computer stocks have taken the biggest hit from the slowdown in the industry 6 Microsoft is up more than 50 % this year Intel is up more than 40 % 6 The group is divided primarily between software , semiconductors and computers The technology group is split between large companies and small 1 with the biggest stocks trading as blue-chip issues in the institutional marketplace the smaller stocks churn on their individual merits or faults 1 The brokerage firm tracks technology stocks with its Technology Index the firm also tracks smaller technology companies as a subset of the larger group 6 The brokerage firm tracks technology stocks with its Technology Index But the firm tracks smaller technology companies as a subset of the larger group 2 the stocks tend to fall behind they are n't traded as much as many other issues 1 the stocks tend to fall behind interest-rate-sensitive stocks in general are stalled 1 Yesterday , bank stocks lagged behind the overall OTC market that the recent slide in bank and thrift stocks was at least halted yesterday 11 Jaguar topped the most-active list its American depository receipts climbed 1 3/4 to 13 5/8 with more than 6.6 million ADRs traded 3 it would waive its `` golden share '' in the luxury auto maker shareholders vote to allow a suitor to acquire more than 15 % of the company 10 It surged 2 3/4 to 6 on volume of more than 1.7 million shares the company agreed to be acquired by Japan 's Chugai Pharmaceutical for about $ 110 million -- almost double the market price of Gen-Probe 's stock 10 Priam Corp. lost 5/32 to 3/32 filing for protection from its creditors under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code 10 Dycom Industries gained 3/4 to 16 3/4 it said it agreed to buy Ansco & Associates and two affiliates for cash and stock 6 A permanent smoking ban on virtually all domestic airline routes won approval from the House which sent to President Bush a nearly $ 67 billion fiscal 1990 bill including the first construction funds for the space station 11 A permanent smoking ban on virtually all domestic airline routes won approval from the House which sent to President Bush a nearly $ 67 billion fiscal 1990 bill including the first construction funds for the space station 1 The smoking prohibition remains attached to a $ 27.1 billion transportation bill that must still overcome budget obstacles in Congress yesterday 's action put to rest any lingering resistance from tobacco interests 1 On a 394-21 roll call , the House adopted the underlying transportation measure the bill still faces budget questions because it also is the vehicle for an estimated $ 3.1 billion in supplemental appropriations for law enforcement and anti-drug programs 2 But the bill still faces budget questions it also is the vehicle for an estimated $ 3.1 billion in supplemental appropriations for law enforcement and anti-drug programs 6 The additional spending pushes the measure more than $ 2 billion above its prescribed budget ceiling the House Appropriations Committee leadership must now seek a waiver in hopes of completing action today 2 The additional spending pushes the measure more than $ 2 billion above its prescribed budget ceiling the House Appropriations Committee leadership must now seek a waiver in hopes of completing action today 6 No single bill this year includes more discretionary spending for domestic programs apart from the space station , the measure incorporates far-reaching provisions affecting the federal mortgage market 8 The current ceiling on home loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration is increased to $ 124,875 during fiscal 1990 in anticipation of increased lending , the cap on FHA loan guarantees would rise to approximately $ 73.8 billion 6 And in anticipation of increased lending , the cap on FHA loan guarantees would rise to approximately $ 73.8 billion the bill gives authority to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to facilitate the refinancing of high-interest loans subsidized by the government under the so-called Section 235 home-ownership program for lower-income families 1 This provision met early and strong resistance from investment bankers worried about disruptions in their clients ' portfolios the promise of at least $ 15 million in new savings helped to forge a partnership between HUD Secretary Jack Kemp and lawmakers wanting to protect their projects elsewhere 6 The estimated $ 1.8 billion for the space station would be double last year 's level total appropriations for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration would grow 16 % to nearly $ 12.4 billion 6 A string of costly projects , including the high-speed national aerospace plane and the advanced communications technology satellite , would continue to be developed within these limits while imposing a statutory cap of $ 1.6 billion on future spending , the bill would give NASA $ 30 million for the start-up of the CRAF-Cassini mission , a successor to the Voyager space probe 0 And the bill would give NASA $ 30 million for the start-up of the CRAF-Cassini mission , a successor to the Voyager space probe imposing a statutory cap of $ 1.6 billion on future spending 11 And the bill would give NASA $ 30 million for the start-up of the CRAF-Cassini mission , a successor to the Voyager space probe imposing a statutory cap of $ 1.6 billion on future spending 6 A permanent smoking ban on virtually all domestic airline routes won approval from the House , which separately sent to President Bush a nearly $ 67 billion fiscal 1990 bill including the first construction funds for the space station the National Science Foundation is promised a 7.7 % increase to bring its appropriations to $ 2.07 billion 6 Separately , the National Science Foundation is promised a 7.7 % increase to bring its appropriations to $ 2.07 billion while pursuing these initiatives , Congress and the White House are squeezed too by steady increases -- $ 551 million -- in veteran 's medical care 11 And Congress and the White House are squeezed too by steady increases -- $ 551 million -- in veteran 's medical care pursuing these initiatives 6 The result is that all sides resort to sleight of hand to make room for competing housing and environmental programs the commitments now will drive excess spending into fiscal 1991 2 The result is that all sides resort to sleight of hand to make room for competing housing and environmental programs the commitments now will drive excess spending into fiscal 1991 1 Senior members of the House Budget Committee are reduced in frustration to raising doomed parliamentary obstacles to individual bills admit that much of the disorder now stems from the fiscal legerdemain associated with their own summit agreement with the White House this past spring 2 It 's hard to get the administration 's attention on anything the whole agreement was built on gimmickry 1 Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Byrd ( D. , W.Va. ) strongly resisted deeper cuts sought by the House at a time when the White House wants to kill the entire program , Republicans have been among its leading champions 8 Sen. Pete Domenici ( R. , N.M. ) , the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee , used his influence to preserve more than $ 132,000 in subsidies for air service to Sante Fe , N.M more than $ 2.1 million would go for service to eight communities in the western Nebraska district of GOP Rep. Virginia Smith on the House Appropriations Committee 7 that nearly 40 % of its revenues come from the subsidies that , in some cases , exceed the cost of a ticket a passenger can fly from Chardon , Neb. , to Denver for as little as $ 89 to $ 109 , according to prices quoted by the company.But given the few number of users , the cost to the federal government per passenger is estimated at $ 193 , according to House and Senate appropriations committees 0 For example , a passenger can fly from Chardon , Neb. , to Denver for as little as $ 89 to $ 109 , according to prices quoted by the company given the few number of users , the cost to the federal government per passenger is estimated at $ 193 , according to House and Senate appropriations committees 11 The House action yesterday came the Senate remained mired in difficulties over a $ 17.25 billion measure covering the budgets for the State , Commerce , and Justice departments in fiscal 1990 1 but has now provoked jurisdictional fights with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee , which jealously protects its prerogatives over operations at the State Department The same jealousy can breed confusion in the absence of any authorization bill this year 1 House and Senate appropriators sought to establish a Nov. 30 deadline after which their bill would become the last word on how funds are distributed on a 53-45 roll call this provision was stripped from the bill last night 10 But on a 53-45 roll call this provision was stripped from the bill last night Foreign Relations Chairman Claiborne Pell ( D. , R.I. ) complained that it was an intrusion on exclusive powers vested in his panel for more than three decades 2 analysts were free to pick a number the value of its assets was n't known 6 Throw in its railroad , minerals , pipeline and oil assets the Chicago-based conglomerate should be worth 30 a share 2 Throw in its railroad , minerals , pipeline and oil assets the Chicago-based conglomerate should be worth 30 a share 6 and the Chicago-based conglomerate should be worth 30 a share why should holders expect to realize that presumed `` worth 1 With real estate experts Olympia & York and Samuel Zell 's Itel owning close to 40 % of Santa Fe 's stock , management was under pressure -- in a favored phrase of Wall Street -- to quickly `` maximize values value , it turns out , is only what a buyer will pay 6 But value , it turns out , is only what a buyer will pay with the company 's recent announcement that it is contemplating a partial sale of its real estate , the values suddenly look poorer 2 the imputed value of the real estate itself is close to $ 3 billion the real estate unit also includes debt 3 it would have a value of $ 1.65 billion the railroad is valued on a private market basis -- at the same multiple of earnings as in the recent sale of CNW 6 A compromise between bulls and bears puts remaining assets and cash -- including its 44 % stake in its publicly traded pipeline -- at $ 2 billion Santa Fe has $ 3.7 billion in debt 6 Santa Fe also has $ 3.7 billion in debt its railroad lost a $ 750 million antitrust suit 6 which is on appeal which could be settled for one-third that amount 1 That nets out to about $ 17 a share for the company on a private market basis Santa Fe , currently trading at 18 7/8 , is n't likely to realize private market values by selling assets , because the tax against it would be onerous 2 But Santa Fe is n't likely to realize private market values by selling assets the tax against it would be onerous 5 But Santa Fe is n't likely to realize private market values by selling assets Its plan is to spin off the remainder of its real estate unit and to possibly do the same with its mining and energy assets 2 that the sum of the parts may be greater than the whole its businesses are valued in different ways 1 Robert D. Krebs , Santa Fe 's chairman , argues that since its businesses are valued in different ways , `` the sum of the parts may be greater than the whole it is n't clear why that should be so 6 The spinoff argument , after all , reverses the current notion that assets are worth more to private buyers than to public shareholders real estate usually has n't traded well under public ownership 10 the real estate properties would trade at a discount the realty unit is spun off 6 We believe the real estate properties would trade at a discount . . . after the realty unit is spun off what about the cost , and risk , of waiting to realize the hypothetical private market values 11 he is recalculating the worth of the company 's assets and is sticking to his `` buy '' recommendation on the belief that he will find `` values '' of 30 a share 3 for any reason I do n't have the values I wo n't recommend it 0 Her recent report classifies the stock as a `` hold it appears to be the sort of hold one makes while heading for the door 11 one makes heading for the door 9 the California pension fund is getting a bargain price that would n't have been offered to others The real estate has a higher value than the pending deal suggests 2 the pension fund will be a useful political ally in a state where development is often held hostage to zoning boards most of the unit 's real estate is in California 6 Since most of the unit 's real estate is in California , the pension fund will be a useful political ally in a state where development is often held hostage to zoning boards with Itel and O & Y on the unit 's board , the real estate will be run by `` a very unusual group '' to say the least 2 In other words : The real estate has a higher value than the pending deal suggests And with Itel and O & Y on the unit 's board , the real estate will be run by `` a very unusual group '' to say the least It is possible that Santa Fe 's real estate -- even in a state imperiled by earthquakes -- could , one day , fetch a king 's ransom 1 It is possible then that Santa Fe 's real estate -- even in a state imperiled by earthquakes -- could , one day , fetch a king 's ransom its properties will be developed over 15 to 20 years 2 But its properties will be developed over 15 to 20 years despite Wall Street 's rosy talk of quickly `` maximizing values , '' holders could be in for a long wait 1 Intelogic Trace Inc. said it is exploring alternatives to maximize shareholder value , including the possible sale of the company Asher B. Edelman insisted that the announcement did n't have anything to do with the ongoing battle for control of Datapoint Corp 10 Intelogic was spun off from Datapoint four years ago Mr. Edelman took control of Datapoint 6 The results surpassed analysts ' forecasts , which averaged around # 200 million Marks & Spencer responded in trading on London 's Stock Exchange with an eight pence rise to 188 pence 2 The results surpassed analysts ' forecasts , which averaged around # 200 million Marks & Spencer responded in trading on London 's Stock Exchange with an eight pence rise to 188 pence 6 Sales increased 11 % to # 2.5 billion from # 2.25 billion operating profit climbed 13 % to # 225.7 million from # 199.8 million 11 Sales increased 11 % to # 2.5 billion from # 2.25 billion operating profit climbed 13 % to # 225.7 million from # 199.8 million 1 Sales in North America and the Far East were inflated by acquisitions , rising 62 % to # 278 million Operating profit dropped 35 % to # 3.8 million 6 Federal and state thrift examiners said they saw evidence of criminal wrongdoing in the collapse of Lincoln Savings & Loan Association a California regulator described an attempted `` whitewash '' by deputies of chief federal regulator Danny Wall 6 In a riveting day of hearings before the House Banking Committee , the examiners described finding shredded documents , a mysterious Panamanian subsidiary , millions of dollars funneled into a Swiss bank , and a complacent attitude by Mr. Wall 's deputies , one of whom was portrayed as acting more like a public-relations man for the thrift than a federal regulator A California official said he sent the Federal Bureau of Investigation a packet of documents relating to a previously reported $ 400,000 contribution from Lincoln 's parent solicited by Sen. Alan Cranston ( D. , Calif . ) 10 Lincoln 's principal owner , Charles Keating Jr. , and his family drew off at least $ 34 million from the thrift in salaries , bonuses and proceeds from securities sales federal authorities seized it earlier this year 1 He said the evidence pointed to wrongdoing by Mr. Keating `` and others he did n't allege any specific violation 6 the evidence pointed to wrongdoing by Mr. Keating `` and others , '' although he did n't allege any specific violation he saw evidence that crimes had been committed 6 He said 30 % of the loans he sampled were `` dead meat on the day they were made The state examiner said supervisors of a parallel federal examination seemed so reluctant to demand write-downs of Lincoln 's bad loans that he immediately grew suspicious 10 that he immediately grew suspicious my concerns about a whitewash became even more serious 6 You opened the file up it just jumped at you 10 You opened the file up it just jumped at you 10 Federal officials seized the association in April the parent corporation entered bankruptcy-law proceedings 10 Federal officials seized the association in April , a day after the parent corporation entered bankruptcy-law proceedings The government brought a $ 1.1 billion fraud suit against Mr. Keating and others 1 Federal officials seized the association in April , a day after the parent corporation entered bankruptcy-law proceedings.The government later brought a $ 1.1 billion fraud suit against Mr. Keating and others Rep. Gonzalez has complained that regulators waited far too long ignoring a recommendation from regional officials to place Lincoln into receivership two years before it failed 10 a recommendation from regional officials to place Lincoln into receivership it failed 6 State thrift examiner Eugene Stelzer said he found the chief federal examiner Steve Scott to be totally uninterested in one allegedly fraudulent series of transactions David Riley , a federal examiner who worked under Mr. Scott , said he found his chief oddly upbeat about Lincoln 10 that he and other examiners saw `` a truck with a sign on it that said it was from the ` Document Destruction Center Lincoln 's parent entered bankruptcy proceedings 2 They shredded it it contained financial information about their creditors and depositors 6 whether the increase , effective Jan. 1 , 1990 , will stick whether other major steelmakers will follow suit 1 The increase is on the base price , which is already being discounted by virtually all steel producers LTV 's move marks the first effort by a major steelmaker to counter the free fall in spot prices 1 that steel prices , adjusted for inflation , increased only 1.7 % between 1981 and the fourth quarter of 1988 the prices of other industrial commodities increased nearly five times as much 11 that steel prices , adjusted for inflation , increased only 1.7 % between 1981 and the fourth quarter of 1988 the prices of other industrial commodities increased nearly five times as much 1 At the same time , steelmakers are trying to invest more to modernize technology and make themselves more competitive the company is also trying to prevent further price drops 6 At the same time , steelmakers are trying to invest more to modernize technology and make themselves more competitive the company is trying to prevent further price drops 6 the company is also trying to prevent further price drops that LTV may be trying to send a signal to major customers , such as Chrysler Corp. and Whirlpool Corp. , that steelmakers need more money 10 spot steel prices will continue to fall through early 1990 and reverse themselves 0 Mr. Marcus believes spot steel prices will continue to fall through early 1990 and then reverse themselves He is n't convinced that the price decline reflects falling demand 2 He is n't convinced , though , that the price decline reflects falling demand the world economy remains relatively strong 6 that the price decline reflects falling demand while customers such as steel service centers are continuing to reduce inventories through the fourth quarter , they eventually will begin stocking up again 1 And they eventually will begin stocking up again customers such as steel service centers are continuing to reduce inventories through the fourth quarter 6 but began offering sizable discounts over the summer LTV was the first steelmaker to publicly boost discounts for buyers of cold rolled sheet steel and hot-dipped galvanized sheet steel 1 The Treasury plans to raise $ 2.3 billion in new cash with the sale Monday of about $ 16 billion in short-term bills to redeem $ 13.71 billion in maturing bills it will postpone the auction unless it has assurances of enactment of legislation to raise the statutory debt limit before the scheduled auction date 3 it will postpone the auction it has assurances of enactment of legislation to raise the statutory debt limit before the scheduled auction date 3 the contract will be renewed for five more years by that time , the network reaches 14 million homes 10 transplanting a toad 's gene into bacteria which reproduced toad genes 11 they saw dollar signs Boyer met Robert Swanson , an M.I.T.-trained chemist-turned-entrepreneur in 1976 6 The next to be cloned , human insulin , had market potential Genentech licensed it to Eli Lilly , which produced 80 % of the insulin used by 1.5 million U.S. diabetics 2 The next to be cloned , human insulin , had market potential Genentech licensed it to Eli Lilly , which produced 80 % of the insulin used by 1.5 million U.S. diabetics 0 At the time , Genentech had only one profitable year behind it ( a modest $ 116,000 on revenue of $ 2.6 million in 1979 ) and no product of its own on the market the $ 36 million issue they floated in 1980 opened at $ 35 and leaped to $ 89 within 20 minutes 7 The trip from the test tube was not without snags Boyer and Cohen both still university researchers , had to be talked into applying for a patent on their gene-splicing technique -- and then the Patent Office refused to grant it 6 Boyer and Cohen , for instance , both still university researchers , had to be talked into applying for a patent on their gene-splicing technique then the Patent Office refused to grant it 10 Boyer and Cohen , for instance , both still university researchers , had to be talked into applying for a patent on their gene-splicing technique and the Patent Office refused to grant it 10 and then the Patent Office refused to grant it That judgment was reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court 6 that it bought 43,000 shares of Cie. de Navigation Mixte , apparently to help fend off an unwelcome takeover bid for the company that a unit of Framatome S.A. bought Navigation Mixte shares , this purchase covering more than 160,000 shares 10 to buy its stock trading opened Monday 6 In addition to Unocal 's 153,000 barrel-a-day refinery near Lemont , Ill. , the new venture would control 17 distribution terminals , a lubricating-oil blending and packaging plant , and 131 company-owned Unocal service stations the venture would serve another 3,300 independent Unocal gasoline stations 1 Senate leaders traded proposals aimed at speeding action on legislation to narrow the deficit and raise the federal government 's debt limit the major stumbling block remains President Bush 's proposal to cut the capital-gains tax rate 6 Democrats want the tax provision to be a separate bill , subject to the usual procedural obstacles Republicans want to try to protect the measure by combining it with two politically popular issues that Democrats could find hard to block 11 Democrats want the tax provision to be a separate bill , subject to the usual procedural obstacles Republicans want to try to protect the measure by combining it with two politically popular issues that Democrats could find hard to block 10 Last night Mr. Dole proposed streamlining the fiscal 1990 deficit-reduction bill and passing a long-term extension of the federal debt ceiling without any accompanying amendments meeting with Mr. Bush and administration officials at the White House 1 that a presidential rejection would give their party a valuable issue in next year 's congressional elections that could make it vulnerable to a veto by Mr. Bush 3 that the administration would give up its demand for the capital-gains tax cut faced with a potential default 6 it retained the investment banking firm of Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Inc. to act as its financial adviser , assisting in the evaluation of various financial and strategic alternatives , including debt refinancing , raising capital , recapitalization , a merger or sale of the company The company retained attorney Martin P. Levin , a director of the company and former head of the Times-Mirror Publishing Group , as an adviser 2 Stock prices surged a multibillion-dollar takeover proposal helped restore market players ' confidence about the prospects for further deal-making 11 Stock prices surged a multibillion-dollar takeover proposal helped restore market players ' confidence about the prospects for further deal-making 2 Paper and forest-products stocks were especially strong the offer for Great Northern Nekoosa by Georgia-Pacific triggered speculation that the industry could be in for a wave of merger activity 11 Paper and forest-products stocks were especially strong the offer for Great Northern Nekoosa by Georgia-Pacific triggered speculation that the industry could be in for a wave of merger activity 1 The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 41.60 to 2645.08 some late selling caused the market to retreat from session highs 6 the buy programs came from very large institutional accounts that were active in the stock-index futures markets 6 Some 1,111 Big Board issues advanced in price only 448 declined 1 Some 1,111 Big Board issues advanced in price only 448 declined 6 Some 1,111 Big Board issues advanced in price and only 448 declined broader market averages rose sharply 8 Standard & Poor 's 500-Stock Index climbed 5.29 to 340.36 , the Dow Jones Equity Market Index added 4.70 to 318.79 the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index climbed 2.65 to 5 that other suitors for the company would surface that the bid would be raised 6 The $ 3.18 billion bid creates a better feeling that there 's value in the market at current levels and renews prospects for a hot tape the market 's surge reflected an easing of concerns about volatility because of moves by a number of brokerage firms to curtail or cease stock-index arbitrage 1 Traders and analysts alike said the market 's surge also reflected an easing of concerns about volatility because of moves by a number of brokerage firms to curtail or cease stock-index arbitrage traders also said arbitrage-related trading contributed to the market 's surge 6 the market 's surge also reflected an easing of concerns about volatility because of moves by a number of brokerage firms to curtail or cease stock-index arbitrage arbitrage-related trading contributed to the market 's surge , as buy programs boosted prices shortly after the opening and sporadically through the remainder of the session 2 arbitrage-related trading contributed to the market 's surge buy programs boosted prices shortly after the opening and sporadically through the remainder of the session 11 arbitrage-related trading contributed to the market 's surge buy programs boosted prices shortly after the opening and sporadically through the remainder of the session 1 Georgia-Pacific fell 2 1/2 to 50 7/8 most paper and forest-products stocks firmed as market players speculated about other potential industry takeover targets 11 but most paper and forest-products stocks firmed market players speculated about other potential industry takeover targets 2 but most paper and forest-products stocks firmed market players speculated about other potential industry takeover targets 8 Within the paper sector , Mead climbed 2 3/8 to 38 3/4 on 1.3 million shares , Union Camp rose 2 3/4 to 37 3/4 , Federal Paper Board added 1 3/4 to 23 7/8 , Bowater gained 1 1/2 to 27 1/2 , Stone Container rose 1 to 26 1/8 Temple-Inland jumped 3 3/4 to 62 1/4 8 Pfizer gained 1 7/8 to 67 5/8 , Schering-Plough added 2 1/4 to 75 3/4 , Eli Lilly rose 1 3/8 to 62 1/8 Upjohn firmed 3/4 to 38 6 Pfizer gained 1 7/8 to 67 5/8 , Schering-Plough added 2 1/4 to 75 3/4 , Eli Lilly rose 1 3/8 to 62 1/8 and Upjohn firmed 3/4 to 38 SmithKline Beecham rose 1 3/8 to 39 1/2 6 investor Carl Icahn has recently increased his stake in USX which reported earnings that were in line with expectations 10 Paramount Communications gained 1 1/8 to 55 7/8 losing one point Monday amid rumors of a delay 10 BankAmerica climbed 1 3/4 to 30 PaineWebber boosted its investment opinion on the stock to its highest rating 2 BankAmerica climbed 1 3/4 to 30 PaineWebber boosted its investment opinion on the stock to its highest rating 10 the 20 % decline in shares of the bank the firm lowered its rating in early October 6 Hunter will receive 390,000 shares of a new series of Cilcorp convertible preferred stock with a face value of $ 39 million for the businesses Cilcorp will assume $ 22 million of Hunter 's existing debt 6 Cilcorp Inc. , Peoria , Ill. , said it agreed to acquire the environmental consulting and analytical service businesses of Hunter Environmental Services Inc. of Southport , Conn Cilcorp said it plans to purchase as many as 1.4 million shares , or 10 % of its common stock outstanding from time to time on the open market and through privately negotiated transactions 0 military authorities said they had confiscated the equivalent of more than $ 1.5 million to make up for the unpaid taxes residents claimed a victory 11 In East Berlin , Communist Party officials considered legalizing New Forum , the country 's largest opposition alliance about 20,000 demonstrators staged protests in three cities to press demands for democratic freedoms 1 The House approved a permanent smoking ban on nearly all domestic airline routes as part of a $ 27.1 billion transportation bill that must overcome budget obstacles in Congress 6 The House approved a permanent smoking ban on nearly all domestic airline routes as part of a $ 27.1 billion transportation bill that must still overcome budget obstacles in Congress The chamber sent to Bush a nearly $ 67 billion fiscal 1990 measure that includes the first construction funds for a space station 6 In Washington , the Senate voted to condemn Ortega 's threat to cancel the truce Bush said he would review U.S. policy toward Managua , including the possibility of renewing military aid to the rebels 6 South Africa 's government dismissed demands by right-wing Conservatives , the nation 's main opposition party , for emergency talks on Pretoria 's recent tolerance of dissent The government urged whites to refrain from panic over growing black protests , such as the massive anti-apartheid rally Sunday on the outskirts of Soweto 1 The State Department denied asylum to a Vietnamese man who escaped from his homeland by lashing himself to the rudder housing of a tanker for two days in monsoon seas that the Immigration and Naturalization Service would review the stowaway 's request 6 Ogden Projects Inc. said net income jumped to $ 6.6 million , or 18 cents a share , in the third quarter Ogden Corp. reported third-quarter net income of $ 27.1 million , or 67 cents a share , more than twice the $ 13.5 million , or 34 cents a share , a year earlier 11 Ogden Projects Inc. said net income jumped to $ 6.6 million , or 18 cents a share , in the third quarter Ogden Corp. reported third-quarter net income of $ 27.1 million , or 67 cents a share , more than twice the $ 13.5 million , or 34 cents a share , a year earlier 6 which has interests in solid-waste recovery and hazardous-waste cleanup which has interests in building maintenance and management 6 the New York Stock Exchange is considering reinstituting a `` collar '' on program trading that it abandoned last year , according to people familiar with the Big Board The exchange may step up its disclosure of firms engaged in program trading 1 Big Board officials would n't comment publicly in an interview in which he called the stock market 's volatility a `` national problem , '' Big Board Chairman John J. Phelan Jr. said , `` We are going to try to do some things in the short intermediate term '' to help the situation 1 that the Big Board has been trying to deal quietly with the issue that banning computer-assisted trading strategies entirely , as some investors want , would be like `` taking everybody out of an automobile and making them ride a horse 6 The exchange has a board meeting scheduled for tomorrow it is expected that some public announcement could be made after that 6 Mr. Phelan has n't been making public remarks in recent days many people have urged him to take more of a leadership role on the program trading issue 10 Early last year the Big Board instituted the collar a 140-point , one-day drop in the Dow 6 that the Big Board is considering a variety of actions to deal with program trading another big Wall Street brokerage firm joined others that have been pulling back from program trading 6 Shearson , which in September was the 11th-biggest program trader on the Big Board , had already suspended stock-index arbitrage for its own account CS First Boston Inc. 's First Boston Corp. unit , the fifth-biggest program trader in September , is `` preparing a response '' to the program-trading outcry 0 Mr. Phelan is an adroit diplomat who normally appears to be solidly in control of the Big Board 's factions he has been getting heat from all sides over program trading 4 I 'm guilty of it bringing the message is a crime 1 that his predicting continued volatility is just `` how the world is this does n't mean he is satisfied with the market 's big swings 7 Each one has a different agenda in a special meeting Monday with Mr. Phelan , senior officials of some of the Big Board 's 49 stock specialist firms complained that the exchange is no longer representing their interests 9 Many specialist firms resent the Big Board 's new `` basket '' product that allows institutions to buy or sell all stocks in the Standard & Poor 's 500-stock index in one shot the specialists view this as yet another step toward electronic trading that could eventually destroy their franchise 2 Many specialist firms resent the Big Board 's new `` basket '' product that allows institutions to buy or sell all stocks in the Standard & Poor 's 500-stock index in one shot the specialists view this as yet another step toward electronic trading that could eventually destroy their franchise 1 The basket product is being supported by some big brokerage firms -- another member of Mr. Phelan 's splintered constituency it has got off to a slow start 2 Mr. Phelan has had difficulty convincing the public that the Big Board is serious about curbing volatility the exchange clearly relishes its role as the home for $ 200 billion in stock-index funds 6 which buy huge baskets of stocks to mimic popular stock-market indexes like the Standard & Poor 's 500 which sometimes employ program trading 1 The Big Board wants to keep such index funds from fleeing to overseas markets only as long as it `` handles it intelligently 11 The Big Board wants to keep such index funds from fleeing to overseas markets but it `` handles it intelligently 3 The Big Board wants to keep such index funds from fleeing to overseas markets but it `` handles it intelligently 1 Computers have made trading more rapid that can be fixed with some fine-tuning 3 you can slow them down you { can } speed things up 1 Volatility is greater than program trading volatility wo n't go away 1 it 's proper to worry about program trading it 's only a piece of the business 7 but it 's only a piece of the business that big institutions have so much control over public investments that they can cause big swings in the market , regardless of index arbitrage 1 A lot of people would like to go back to 1970 , '' before program trading I would like to go back to 1970 we 're not going back to 1970 6 is greater than program trading that if stock-market volatility persists , the U.S. may lose its edge as being the best place to raise capital 3 that the U.S. may lose its edge as being the best place to raise capital stock-market volatility persists 3 a significant number of { U.S. } companies will go over there to raise money that continues 6 The program trading situation seems to have driven individual investors as well as others out of the market even Europeans are suspicious 1 In coming days , when the Big Board formulates its responses to the program-trading problem , Mr. Phelan may take a more public role in the issue For now Mr. Phelan said : `` I refuse to get out there and tell everybody everything is hunky-dory.We have a major problem , and that problem is volatility 6 We have a major problem that problem is volatility 6 The compromise proposal would boost the minimum wage to $ 4.25 an hour by April 1991 from $ 3.35 now The legislation includes a lower `` training wage '' for new workers who are teen-agers 2 which abandoned such a `` collar '' last year it did n't prevent sharp price swings 0 Great Northern Nekoosa reacted coolly to Georgia-Pacific 's takeover bid of $ 58 a share , or $ 3.19 billion the suitor said all terms are negotiable 2 Stock prices rallied the Georgia-Pacific bid broke the market 's recent gloom 11 Stock prices rallied the Georgia-Pacific bid broke the market 's recent gloom 6 The Dow Jones industrials finished up 41.60 , at 2645.08 The dollar and bond prices closed higher 1 Leading indicators rose a slight 0.2 % in September , a further indication the economy is slowing but without any clear sign of whether a recession looms new-home sales plunged 14 % in the month 11 Leading indicators rose a slight 0.2 % in September , a further indication the economy is slowing but without any clear sign of whether a recession looms new-home sales plunged 14 % in the month 2 A bidding war for Jaguar became more likely Britain unexpectedly decided to end restrictions blocking a takeover of the luxury car maker 10 A bidding war for Jaguar became more likely Britain unexpectedly decided to end restrictions blocking a takeover of the luxury car maker 1 LTV Steel is boosting prices of flat rolled steel products an average 3 % it 's unclear whether the increases , set for Jan. 1 , 1990 , will stick 10 Southern 's Gulf Power unit paid $ 500,000 in fines pleading guilty to conspiracy to make illegal political contributions and tax evasion 2 USX 's profit dropped 23 % in the third quarter improved oil results failed to offset weakness in the firm 's steel and natural gas operations 11 Treasury bonds received an additional boost from news that sales of new single-family homes fell 14 % in September U.S. trading began 1 Economists said the report raised speculation that the economic slowdown could turn into a recession , which would pave the way for the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates later in the day , a report by the Purchasing Management Association of Chicago cast doubt on the recession scenario 10 its October index of economic activity rose to 51.6 % having been below 50 % for three consecutive months 1 A reading below 50 % indicates that the manufacturing industry is slowing a reading above 50 % suggests that the industry is expanding 10 Bond prices fell the Chicago report was released 1 New two-year notes ended unchanged three-year and four-year notes were slightly lower 8 New two-year notes ended unchanged three-year and four-year notes were slightly lower 8 Municipal bonds ended unchanged to as much as 1/2 point higher mortgage-backed securities were up about 1/8 point 1 Municipal bonds ended unchanged to as much as 1/2 point higher mortgage-backed securities were up about 1/8 point 10 In October 1979 IBM offered $ 1 billion in debt securities the Federal Reserve raised interest rates 3 The company `` ca n't be bullish they 're doing a sizable 30-year bullet 3 IBM might increase the size of the offering to as much as $ 1 billion investor demand is strong 11 the bonds will come a little richer and in a larger amount the pricing time arrives 6 Treasury prices ended mixed in light trading Short-term rates were mixed 10 Beatrice cut its high-yield offering to $ 251 million from a planned $ 350 million it became clear the company would have to give investors higher yields 8 In the two-part offering , $ 151 million of senior subordinated reset notes were priced at 99.75 and carried a rate of 13 3/4 % the $ 100 million of senior subordinated floating rate notes were priced to float at 4.25 percentage points above the London Interbank Offered Rate , or LIBOR 1 In the two-part offering , $ 151 million of senior subordinated reset notes were priced at 99.75 and carried a rate of 13 3/4 % the $ 100 million of senior subordinated floating rate notes were priced to float at 4.25 percentage points above the London Interbank Offered Rate , or LIBOR 6 Since the recent deterioration of the junk-bond market , at least two other junk issuers have said they plan to scale back planned high-yield offerings several issues have been postponed 1 favorable market conditions in September prompted the company to plan more debt than necessary given the changes in the market conditions that have occurred since then , we decided to sell only the amount needed to proceed with our contemplated recapitalization 1 A month ago , when Beatrice first filed to sell debt , the company had planned to offer $ 200 million of its senior subordinated reset notes at a yield of 12 3/4 % By October market conditions had deteriorated and the reset notes were targeted to be offered at a yield of between 13 1/4 % and 13 1/2 % 6 By October , however , market conditions had deteriorated the reset notes were targeted to be offered at a yield of between 13 1/4 % and 13 1/2 % 2 By October , however , market conditions had deteriorated the reset notes were targeted to be offered at a yield of between 13 1/4 % and 13 1/2 % 6 By October , however , market conditions had deteriorated and the reset notes were targeted to be offered at a yield of between 13 1/4 % and 13 1/2 % investors demanded stricter convenants 6 We were oversold today we bounced back 10 We were oversold today we bounced back 6 There were no { sell } lists the calendar is lightening up a bit 1 West German bonds firmed a bit after Monday 's fall traders said the market remains bearish due to speculation that interest rates could rise again 8 Germany 's 7 % bond due October 1999 was unchanged at 99.35 to yield 7.09 % the 6 3/4 % notes due July 1994 rose 0.025 point to 97.275 to yield 7.445 % 1 Germany 's 7 % bond due October 1999 was unchanged at 99.35 to yield 7.09 % the 6 3/4 % notes due July 1994 rose 0.025 point to 97.275 to yield 7.445 % 11 British government bonds were little changed investors awaited an address on economic policy by John Major , the new Chancellor of the Exchequer 2 British government bonds were little changed investors awaited an address on economic policy by John Major , the new Chancellor of the Exchequer 8 Britain 's benchmark 11 3/4 % bond due 2003/2007 rose 2/32 to 111 1/2 to yield 10.14 % the 11 3/4 % notes due 1991 were unchanged at 98 21/32 to yield 12.95 % 1 Britain 's benchmark 11 3/4 % bond due 2003/2007 rose 2/32 to 111 1/2 to yield 10.14 % the 11 3/4 % notes due 1991 were unchanged at 98 21/32 to yield 12.95 % 1 Terms were n't disclosed industry executives said the units were sold for $ 40 million 1 The Financial Accounting Foundation voted 12-2 that FASB accounting rules supercede GASB rules in regard to utilities , hospitals , and colleges and universities owned by the government GASB rules apply for other government units 10 the government-owned entities were supposed to follow FASB rules the GASB was founded in 1984 , 11 years after the FASB 5 the government-owned entities were supposed to follow FASB rules the GASB superceded them 1 The foundation vote is effective for the affected government entities with fiscal years that begin starting next Jan. 1 and makes the financial results of the hospitals , colleges and schools easier to compare with for-profit businesses it may lead to separate financial reports based on different rules for the government entities under FASB rules and those still under GASB rules 6 that the loss was magnified by accounting adjustments that the company 's loss was smaller on a cash basis 2 that the loss was magnified by accounting adjustments that the company 's loss was smaller on a cash basis 5 that its ability to service debt would be hurt and Avery 's shareholder value would `` continue to erode it sold Uniroyal 6 that its ability to service debt would be hurt Avery 's shareholder value would `` continue to erode 2 that its ability to service debt would be hurt Avery 's shareholder value would `` continue to erode 10 Messrs.Peltz and May will waive their direct salaries and bonuses Avery makes an acquisition 0 Until Avery makes an acquisition , Messrs.Peltz and May will waive their direct salaries and bonuses For at least the next six months Avery will continue to pay $ 200,000 a month for management services to a company controlled by Messrs.Peltz and May , according to the proxy material 6 it had a 45.2 % stake in the Louisville , Ky. , fast-food company that it planned to seek a majority of seats on Rally 's nine-member board 6 Fujitsu Ltd. said it wants to withdraw its controversial one-yen bid to design a waterworks computer system for the city of Hiroshima Japan 's Fair Trade Commission said it was considering launching an investigation into whether the bid , the equivalent of less than a penny , violates anti-monopoly laws 11 Fujitsu Ltd. said it wants to withdraw its controversial one-yen bid to design a waterworks computer system for the city of Hiroshima Japan 's Fair Trade Commission said it was considering launching an investigation into whether the bid , the equivalent of less than a penny , violates anti-monopoly laws 1 Eight companies submitted bids Fujitsu won the contract by essentially saying it would do the job for free 10 to wait for the outcome of any government investigation deciding what to do 6 The agency said it monitored Newmark & Lewis 's advertised prices before and after the ad campaign , and found that the prices of at least 50 different items either increased or stayed the same The consumer agency disputed Newmark & Lewis 's continuing strategy of advertising `` new lower prices '' when allgedly there have n't been price reductions since June 1 11 of advertising `` new lower prices allgedly there have n't been price reductions since June 1 6 On Friday , when only a dozen common stocks hit 52-week highs on the New York Stock Exchange , five were gold-mining issues another four were utilities 11 After all , gold prices usually soar inflation is high 1 After all , gold prices usually soar when inflation is high Utility stocks thrive on disinflation 2 Utility stocks , on the other hand , thrive on disinflation the fat dividends utilities pay look more attractive when prices are falling ( or rising slowly ) 11 because the fat dividends utilities pay look more attractive prices are falling ( or rising slowly ) 0 At first glance , gold and utilities seem strange bedfellows the two groups have something very important in common 0 It 's as if investors , the past few days , are betting that something is going to go wrong they do n't know what 3 these stocks might well fall back the stock market and the economy catch their breath and show that they 're on firmer footing 6 If the stock market and the economy catch their breath and show that they 're on firmer footing , these stocks might well fall back that happened to some extent yesterday , as industrial stocks rebounded , partly on news of takeovers in the paper industry 11 Indeed , that happened to some extent yesterday industrial stocks rebounded , partly on news of takeovers in the paper industry 1 If the stock market and the economy catch their breath and show that they 're on firmer footing , these stocks might well fall back a lot of investors clearly have revived their interest in gold and utility shares 6 Inventories are creeping up ; car inventories are already high big auto makers are idling plants 6 Beyond that , money managers and analysts see other problems.Inventories are creeping up ; car inventories are already high , and big auto makers are idling plants.Takeover fever has cooled , removing a major horse from the market 's cart Britain 's unsettled political scene worries some investors 3 the market 's going to flounder the Fed does not come to the rescue and produce lower short-term interest rates over the next 30 days 1 Such defensive issues as food , tobacco , and drug stocks have been in favor for some time many of these stocks have now become expensive 1 Gold stocks are n't cheap on this basis , either , with many selling for 20 times earnings or more.Even utility stocks are n't all that inexpensive , at an average of 14 times earnings the two groups represent a further step in defensiveness 3 it may signal that the market is in for rough times gold stocks and utilities continue to lead 0 Last Friday , 96 stocks on the Big Board hit new 12-month lows by Mr. Granville 's count , 493 issues were within one point of such lows 1 Mr. Stovall does n't expect an actual recession he does expect `` a muffler dragger '' of an economy , with `` very slow growth , maybe one quarter of no growth at all 2 You go into them they move counter to the general market 1 that gold stocks had been down so long they were `` ready for a bounce that `` you do n't buy { gold stocks } based on powerful fundamentals 5 The earning power { of gold mining companies } is restricted the gold price hops up over $ 425 an ounce 6 Robert Stovall , a veteran New York money manager and president of Stovall/ Twenty-First Securities , has money in both gold and utility issues Abby Cohen , an investment strategist for Drexel Burnham Lambert , thinks it makes sense to have some money in both utilities and gold 1 My outlook is for a decline of about 10 % in corporate profits '' in 1990 a bunch of utilities '' should post profit increases 11 that it usually rises the dollar is weak 2 that it usually rises the dollar is weak 6 Even a small reduction is unacceptable to suggest otherwise is penny-wise and pound-foolish 2 Even a small reduction is unacceptable to suggest otherwise is penny-wise and pound-foolish 2 The reason environmentalists `` do n't mind seeing new crises arise '' is there are new crises 4 consider for a moment that the Pomton Lakes Reservoirs in northern New Jersey , which supply the tristate area with drinking water , are riddled with toxic PCBs you are doubtful 5 that mankind does not rule over this natural environment but is the integral , symbiotic player within nature 's workings 1 Mr. Melloan 's column was right on the money I wish it could have gone one step further 2 to understand the science I can explain it to corporate colleagues facing major changes in product design 1 The last of the measurements reported was in 1985 recent conversations with Mr. Scotto indicated that he knew of no recent changes in the trend 2 To me , this calls into question the validity of the Rowland-Molina theory and hence the whole chlorofluorocarbons replacement effort This threatens the massive vested interests of which you have written 10 I was urged to get back to the agenda topic I expressed amazement that no one was undertaking a more current and credible UV-B study 1 that a private group , of which Du Pont is a part , is funding a modest program to continue data gathering at the Scotto report stations as well as to develop more sophisticated UVB measuring instruments this is almost an underground activity 1 I intend to urge that UV-B be monitored whenever I can recognizing that professional environmentalists may feel threatened 1 few experts question the connection now like all scientific theories , it had its initial opponents 1 In the September issue of Scientific American , Thomas E. Graedel , distinguished member of the technical staff at AT & T Bell Laboratories , and Paul J. Crutzen , director of the air chemistry division of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz , West Germany , wrote , `` It is now quite evident that chlorofluorocarbons , particularly CFC-11 and CFC-12 are the major culprits responsible for ozone depletion . '' Mr. Melloan quotes Peter Teagan and invokes the name of Arthur D. Little Inc. to support his statement unlike Messrs.Graedel and Crutzen , who are both pioneers in the study of atmospheric chemistry , Mr. Teagan has no special expertise in the area 6 that scientists `` needed new crises to generate new grants and contracts that environmental groups need them to stay in business 10 MiniScribe Corp. disclosed it had a negative net worth of $ 88 million as of July 2 and hinted that it might be forced to file for protection under bankruptcy laws saying it had been the victim of widespread fraud 6 Nearly two months after saying it had been the victim of widespread fraud , MiniScribe Corp. disclosed it had a negative net worth of $ 88 million as of July 2 and hinted that it might be forced to file for protection under bankruptcy laws Richard Rifenburgh , chairman and chief executive of the Longmont , Colo. , disk-drive maker said the company continued losing money in the third quarter and expects to sustain further losses through the end of the year 3 that the company could file for bankruptcy-law protection settlement talks fail 6 Mr. Rifenburgh told industry analysts he is moving `` aggressively '' to negotiate out-of-court settlements on a number of shareholder lawsuits , but noted that the company could file for bankruptcy-law protection if settlement talks fail Mr. Rifenburgh noted that 150 million shares of MiniScribe common stock were traded during the past three years , `` so there 's a tremendous amount of exposure 2 that 150 million shares of MiniScribe common stock were traded during the past three years there 's a tremendous amount of exposure 6 that its financial results for the past three fiscal years would have to be restated because of the allegedly fraudulent accounting and marketing practices that inflated revenues and net income MiniScribe has n't filed any financial statements for 1989 10 The release of MiniScribe 's new balance sheet came it introduced its new line of one-inch disk drives 0 it is the first with an 80-megabyte drive it is not the first company to produce the thinner drives 6 that at least four other disk-drive makers will have competitive one-inch drives early next year that the industry already operates on very thin margins 6 that at least four other disk-drive makers will have competitive one-inch drives early next year and that the industry already operates on very thin margins The company faces delisting by the National Association of Securities Dealers 6 MiniScribe filed a status report with the NASD on Monday , detailing its efforts to comply with listing requirements and requesting an extension of the exception , but has n't received a response.MiniScribe common closed yesterday at $ 1.9375 , down 6.25 cents , and has been trading for several months at less than $ 3 a share U.S. Attorney Jerry Rafferty in Denver is reviewing the report prepared by MiniScribe 's outside directors , to determine if criminal charges should be brought before a grand jury 11 MiniScribe filed a status report with the NASD on Monday , detailing its efforts to comply with listing requirements and requesting an extension of the exception , but has n't received a response.MiniScribe common closed yesterday at $ 1.9375 , down 6.25 cents , and has been trading for several months at less than $ 3 a share U.S. Attorney Jerry Rafferty in Denver is reviewing the report prepared by MiniScribe 's outside directors , to determine if criminal charges should be brought before a grand jury 6 The MiniScribe report outlines a host of allegedly fraudulent practices , including the shipment of bricks and defective disk drives that were booked as sales , and inventory forgeries in accounting records The internal investigation criticized MiniScribe 's auditors , Coopers & Lybrand , for allegedly ignoring numerous red flags 6 about how Congress really works why voters in , say , West Virginia got a federally funded university project and building while voters in Arkansas did not 1 about and why voters in , say , West Virginia got a federally funded university project and building voters in Arkansas did not 1 An imaginative producer could easily have created a fast-moving and interesting piece about how Congress really works -- and why voters in , say , West Virginia got a federally funded university project and building while voters in Arkansas did not nobody did such a piece 6 Traditional standards of relevancy and importance ( `` is this something the public ought to know '' ) will be replaced by a much broader test ( `` is this something the public is interested in knowing '' ) since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health 10 Traditional standards of relevancy and importance ( `` is this something the public ought to know '' ) will be replaced by a much broader test ( `` is this something the public is interested in knowing '' ) since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health 2 And reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism 6 And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health visual images will be more vivid , sensational and , sometimes , gruesome 10 Over the past two years , the Fed has given a handful of banks ' securities affiliates permission to underwrite and deal in a variety of corporate , asset-backed and municipal securities that had been the sole domain of securities firms 1 Over the past two years , the Fed has given a handful of banks ' securities affiliates permission to underwrite and deal in a variety of corporate , asset-backed and municipal securities that had previously been the sole domain of securities firms the Fed limited the revenue that banks could earn from these new underwriting activities to no more than 10 % of the revenue earned from other securities activities long open to banks , such as dealing in U.S. Treasurys 1 For some banks that 10 % ceiling created problems by allowing BT Securities Inc. to handle private placements , the Fed boosted the volume of new types of underwriting that the unit can do 5 The percent difference compares actual profit with the 30-day estimate where at least three analysts have issues forecasts in the past 30 days actual profit is compared with the 300-day estimate 11 they have pedaled 20 miles they return to their desks at 1 p.m 0 With 65 % of its sales coming from mountain bikes , Specialized is widely considered to be a market leader today , the company needs its entrepreneurial spirit more than ever 2 One large competitor after another is leaping into the booming market Specialized helped create Mr. Sinyard 's company must innovate more than ever to stay ahead of them 1 Thus , Mr. Sinyard 's company must innovate more than ever to stay ahead of them , by developing new products specifically for mountain biking At the same time it must become more structured to better manage its growth 11 It is a problem common to small companies that have grown fast their success attracts big-time competitors 9 It is a problem common to small companies that have grown fast their success attracts big-time competitors 1 We still had a system that was probably appropriate for $ 10 million to $ 20 million in sales the company 's sales were soaring 11 We still had a system that was probably appropriate for $ 10 million to $ 20 million in sales the company 's sales were soaring 11 learned working for Citicorp 6 We 're finally getting some understanding of what the company 's long-term horizon should begin to look like it 's been very painful 1 We 're finally getting -- and it 's been very painful -- some understanding of what the company 's long-term horizon should begin to look like it 's risky 6 At a recent trade show , convention-goers lined up to view a new Specialized bike frame that weighs just 2.7 pounds -- a pound less than the lightest mountain-bike frame on the market At the trade show , Specialized unveiled a revolutionary three-spoked bike wheel developed jointly by Specialized and Du Pont Co 1 It currently costs $ 750 Mr. Sinyard thinks the price can be reduced within three years to between $ 200 and $ 250 1 Hoping to stay ahead of the pack , the company is emphasizing innovation demands on the company 's creativity are certain to grow 11 Competition is intensifying larger companies invade a mountain-bike market Mr. Sinyard 's company once had virtually all to itself 2 Competition is intensifying larger companies invade a mountain-bike market Mr. Sinyard 's company once had virtually all to itself 6 Accessories not only sell faster than whole bikes they offer profit margins nearly double the 25 % to 30 % or so on sales of complete cycles 10 Trek Bicycle Corp entered the mountain-bike business in 1983 Trek made only traditional road bikes 1 Trek previously made only traditional road bikes it did n't take a rocket scientist to change a road bike into a mountain bike 10 At Giant Bicycle Inc. , Rancho Dominguez , Calif. , sales have tripled the company entered the U.S. mountain-bike business in 1987 1 In response to the internationalization of the business , Mr. Sinyard 's company is replacing independent distributors overseas with wholly owned subsidiaries.The move will cut out the cost of a middleman and give Specialized more control over marketing and sales With some of the bigger players consolidating their strength , the game has changed 6 John Franco , 47 years old , formerly vice chairman of Capital Holding Corp. and president of its Accumulation Investment Group , was named chief executive officer of this insurance holding company , effective Dec. 1 I.C.H . named Steven B. Bing , 42 , senior vice president since 1986 , as president 10 to raise about # 450 million ( $ 711 million ) the satellite-TV venture makes its delayed debut next spring 8 We 'll raise it through bank loans.We 'll raise it through { new } equity we 'll raise it through existing shareholders '' as well as through junk bonds 6 Bond Corp. , British Satellite 's biggest investor , would like to withdraw from the satellite-TV consortium analysts have speculated Hollywood studios might buy the Bond stake 2 Bond Corp. , British Satellite 's biggest investor , would like to withdraw from the satellite-TV consortium analysts have speculated Hollywood studios might buy the Bond stake 1 Bond Corp. , British Satellite 's biggest investor , would like to withdraw from the satellite-TV consortium , and analysts have speculated Hollywood studios might buy the Bond stake Mr. Simonds-Gooding said he is n't talking to any studios about investing 11 you 'll { actually } get the money you 're on the air 6 that British Satellite 's potential U.K. lenders `` are saying , ` When you 're on the air , you 'll { actually } get the money The bankers insist that the loans depend on the consortium raising more money from new and existing backers 1 Tokyo stocks posted a second-consecutive loss Monday trading in Frankfurt , West Germany , was mixed 10 The index settled off the high of 2117.1 posted Wall Street opened stronger 1 The index settled off the high of 2117.1 posted after Wall Street opened stronger it showed strength throughout the session 6 The 30-share index settled 23.2 points higher at 1701.7.Volume was only 256.6 million shares , breaking the previous 1989 low of 276.8 million shares recorded Oct. 23 Turnover was down substantially from 840.8 million shares on Friday 0 fresh buying interest was sidelined ahead of a potential market-affecting debate in the House of Commons set for Tuesday the market was stronger 10 In London trading , Courtaulds , a chemicals and textiles company , increased 15 pence to 362 it disclosed plans to spin off its textiles operations into a separately listed company on Jan. 1 10 fresh buying was drawn into Jaguar a senior executive of Daimler-Benz , the auto maker , told a British television interviewer during the weekend that the West German company held talks with the luxury auto maker over possible joint ventures 1 its name further underlined the growing interest in the British concern Daimler has said it is n't interested in mounting a bid for Jaguar 6 Other winners Monday included nonferrous metals Petroleum companies were popular because of expectations of a weaker dollar , which cuts dollar-denominated crude-oil prices 11 turnover was particularly thin investors waited for Wall Street to set the direction for the week 2 turnover was particularly thin investors waited for Wall Street to set the direction for the week 11 A few blue-chip stocks posted strong gains the majority of shares ended little changed 1 A few blue-chip stocks posted strong gains the majority of shares ended little changed 1 Courtaulds ' restructuring is among the largest thus far in Britain it is dwarfed by B.A.T Industries PLC 's plans to spin off roughly # 4 billion in assets to help fend off a takeover bid from Anglo-French financier Sir James Goldsmith 2 Courtaulds ' moves could boost the company 's value by 5 % to 10 % the two entities separately will carry a higher price earnings multiple than they did combined 6 Some analysts have said Courtaulds ' moves could boost the company 's value by 5 % to 10 % , because the two entities separately will carry a higher price earnings multiple than they did combined Courtaulds said the moves are logical because they will allow both the chemicals and textile businesses to focus more closely on core activities 2 the moves are logical they will allow both the chemicals and textile businesses to focus more closely on core activities 10 Courtaulds has been under pressure to enhance shareholder value takeover speculators -- including Australian financier Kerry Packer -- surfaced holding small stakes last year 0 Courtaulds is moving to keep its institutional shareholders happy Mr. Packer has since sold his stake 3 Both parts can only realize their full potential and be appropriately valued by the market they are separately quoted companies 2 if they are separately quoted companies which each will gain 1 The Japanese concern has a 40 % stake the local partner has a 60 % stake 6 Officials said they were n't sure how the money will be distributed among overseas units , but added that NEC Semiconductors U.K. Ltd. will receive priority Officials disclosed it 's possible that NEC may reduce domestic production of one-megabit chips to five million a month from six million , beginning January , because of deteriorating market prices 0 Japanese steel companies are apparently focusing on domestic sales it does n't necessarily mean that local sales contracts are increasing that markedly 1 During the first hour of trading yesterday , prices fell as much as 1/4 point , or down about $ 2.50 for each $ 1,000 face amount market activity was energized as investors started to view the lower price levels as attractive 2 But market activity was energized investors started to view the lower price levels as attractive 10 But market activity was energized investors started to view the lower price levels as attractive 6 But market activity was energized as investors started to view the lower price levels as attractive the Treasury 's $ 17.6 billion auction of short-term bills , which generated strong buying interest , helped to lift the bond market out of the doldrums 6 We saw good retail demand by small banks , individuals and institutions that is one reason why the market advanced '' late in the day 6 We saw good retail demand by small banks , individuals and institutions and that is one reason why the market advanced '' late in the day the change in sentiment reflected perceptions that the slate of economic statistic due this week will be `` conducive to a bond market rally 6 Tomorrow , the October purchasing managers report is due on Thursday comes October chain-store sales 3 it could be delayed Congress and President Bush fail to increase the Treasury 's borrowing capacity 6 Mortgage-backed securities were up less than 1/8 point investment-grade corporate bonds were unchanged 6 The average discount rate on three-month bills was 7.78 % the rate on six-month bills was 7.62 % 10 to raise funds quickly the current authority to issue debt expires at midnight tonight 6 The Treasury bills sold yesterday settle today , rather than the standard settlement day of Thursday because of the early settlement , the three-month bills actually have a 93-day maturity , and the six-month bills have an 184-day maturity 6 And because of the early settlement , the three-month bills actually have a 93-day maturity the six-month bills have an 184-day maturity 1 Because of the early settlement , the Federal Reserve was unable to purchase bills for its system account analysts expect the Fed to buy Treasury bills that were auctioned yesterday in the secondary market 6 that were auctioned yesterday in the secondary market The Treasury held a hastily scheduled $ 2 billion sale of 51-cash management bills yesterday 2 Rates are determined by the difference between the purchase price and face value higher bidding narrows the investor 's return while lower bidding widens it 1 Thus , higher bidding narrows the investor 's return lower bidding widens it 1 The percentage rates are calculated on a 360-day year the coupon equivalent yield is based on a 365-day year 6 The 13-week bills mature Feb. 1 the 26-week bills mature May 3 , 1990 10 The junk bond prices of Western Union Corp. tumbled the company said it wo n't proceed with an exchange offer to holders of its reset notes 0 they started falling soon afterward the notes held at a price of 92 to 93 immediately after the reset 6 Yesterday , Western Union 's senior secured reset notes fell 3 3/4 points , or about $ 37.50 for each $ 1,000 face amount , to close at 50 1/4 Other Western Union securities were lower 1 The company 's 7.90 % sinking fund debentures were quoted at a bid price of 14 1/4 and an offered price of 30 the 10 3/4 % subordinated debentures of 1997 were being bid for at 28 and offered at around 34 3/4 6 spreads between the bid and offered prices of Western Union junk bonds have been widening for some time in certain cases , bids for Western Union securities are not available 6 of $ 200 million of senior subordinated reset notes maturing in 1997 and $ 150 million of subordinated floating rate notes maturing in 1997 11 In the new-issue market for junk securities , underwriters at Salomon Brothers Inc. are expected to price today a $ 350 million junk bond offering by Beatrice Co underwriters at Morgan Stanley & Co. are expected today to price a $ 350 million high-yield offering by Continental Cablevision Inc 6 In the new-issue market for junk securities , underwriters at Salomon Brothers Inc. are expected to price today a $ 350 million junk bond offering by Beatrice Co underwriters at Morgan Stanley & Co. are expected today to price a $ 350 million high-yield offering by Continental Cablevision Inc 6 Ginnie Mae 's 9 % issue for November delivery finished at 98 1/2 , up 4/32 its 10 % issue at 102 3/8 , up 4/32 11 In the derivative market , insurance companies have scaled back their purchases of Remic securities , or real estate mortgage investment conduits they assess potential claims from the recent California earthquake and hurricane in the Carolinas 2 The PACs appeal to insurance companies and other investors they have higher yields than topgrade corporate bonds and carry the guarantee of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae , quasi-federal agencies 1 The improved tone in the municipal market , largely an offshoot of the New York City sale 's reception , helped municipal futures rebound from early lows the spread between the contract and Tbond futures continued to grow more negative 11 having pulled off a morning low of 91-23 cash municipals rebounded 6 December municipal futures ended up 11/32 point to 92-14 front month T-bond futures settled the afternoon session up a slightly greater 13/32 at 99-04 1 The benchmark 11 3/4 % bond due 2003/2007 rose 10/32 to 111 14/32 to yield 10.14 % the Treasury 's 12 % notes due 1995 rose 7/32 to 103 5/8 to yield 11.04 % 1 The 7 % Treasury bond due October 1999 ended off 0.60 point to 99.35 to yield 7.09 % the 6 3/4 % notes due 1994 fell 0.35 point to 97.25 to yield 7.45 % 11 Japanese government bonds continued to erode the dollar remained resilient against the yen 0 Such transactions numbered 670 in the second quarter , up from 527 a year earlier the total value declined for deals of $ 100 million and up 11 Air-traffic problems This time of year leave us in stitches we notice around our airport A holding pattern for witches 2 Air-traffic problems This time of year leave us in stitches we notice around our airport A holding pattern for witches 6 The move is sure to heighten concerns about increased Japanese investment in U.S. biotechnology firms It is likely to bolster fears that the Japanese will use their foothold in U.S. biotechnology concerns to gain certain trade and competitive advantages 10 Gen-Probe , an industry leader in the field of genetic probes last year signed an agreement for Chugai to exclusively market its diagnostic products in Japan for infectious diseases and cancer Chugai agreed to fund certain associated research and development costs 6 That arrangement apparently has worked well Thomas A. Bologna , president and chief executive officer of Gen-Probe , founded in 1983 , said the sale of the company means `` we will be able to concentrate on running the business rather than always looking for sources of financing 2 the sale is sure to increase concerns that Japanese companies will buy American know-how and use it to obtain the upper hand in biotechnology trade and competition the U.S. leads in most areas of biotechnology -- largely because of research investment by the U.S. government -- 6 that the sale will facilitate Gen-Probe 's marketing of a diagnostic test for acquired immune deficiency syndrome , or AIDS Chugai will help Gen-Probe with its regulatory and marketing expertise in Asia 6 A half-dozen Soviet space officials , in Tokyo in July for an exhibit , stopped by to see their counterparts at the National Space Development Agency of Japan after a few pleasantries , the Soviets unexpectedly got serious 10 The Soviets have a world-leading space program , the guests noted.Would n't the Japanese like a piece of it The visitors listed technologies up for sale , including launch services and propulsion hardware 1 That Moscow , with its dilapidated economic machine , would try to sell high technology to Japan , one of the world 's high-tech leaders , sounds like a coals-to-Newcastle notion the Soviet Union has areas where it is n't behind Japan 6 Japan-U.S. trade relations are bumpy these days some Japanese favor decreasing their reliance on U.S. technology in light of the FSX fighter-plane flap 6 Japan-U.S. trade relations are bumpy these days , and some Japanese favor decreasing their reliance on U.S. technology in light of the FSX fighter-plane flap , when U.S. officials reversed an earlier decision and refused to share certain crucial fighter-plane technology despite its image as a technology superpower , Japan has a lot of weaknesses 1 It 's a world leader in auto manufacturing its aviation industry is struggling , and its space program is years behind the U.S. , the Europeans and the Soviets 6 but its aviation industry is struggling its space program is years behind the U.S. , the Europeans and the Soviets 6 One question being debated in the Soviet Union is how to use the defense sector 's research-and-production expertise in the rest of the economy The Soviets hope to make better use of their considerable expertise in theoretical science 1 Where they lag behind the Japanese is in turning the scientific inventiveness into improved production the Japanese have proved adept at making use of Soviet inventions 10 Kobe Steel Ltd. adopted Soviet casting technology in 1966 and used it for 14 years it developed its own system 6 They believe technology is one of their best bets some Soviet officials say Moscow will even consider declassifying military know-how if the price is right 3 Moscow will even consider declassifying military know-how the price is right 1 But they also hope to benefit from Japanese manufacturing expertise the Soviets ca n't expect direct technology flow from Japan 6 But , while the Soviets ca n't expect direct technology flow from Japan they hope to benefit from Japanese manufacturing expertise 0 The Soviet Union has a lot of know-how it has been difficult to put that into actual production because of various structural problems in the economy 0 such discussions would be fraught with political complications the Japanese find Soviet technology desirable 6 So far , the Soviets have provided only the sketchiest information about their technology and business plans what they have shown is n't impressive 0 It scared brokers most survived 6 Institutions had become active market players in the early 1970s and sought exchange seats to handle their own trades the industry was rife with brokers trying to secure big client orders by using kickbacks , gifts , women and junkets 0 The change prompted the rise of discount brokers and a reduction in securities research firms there are currently more exchange members than in 1975 , with the bigger houses gaining a larger share of total commissions 1 with the bigger houses gaining a larger share of total commissions Commissions account for a smaller share of investment-house business as takeover advisory fees have soared 2 Commissions , however , account for a smaller share of investment-house business takeover advisory fees have soared 6 which were forced to end 183 years of charging fixed commissions Foreign stock markets have ended fixed commissions in recent years 6 that Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter , Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher and Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole will lead the U.S. group Michael Boskin , chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers will be a member 6 that Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter , Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher and Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole will lead the U.S. group.Michael Boskin , chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers , also will be a member that Charles Harper , chairman of ConAgra Inc. , and John McGillicuddy , chairman of Manufacturers Hanover Corp. , will be among a group of at least 15 business and labor representatives in the presidential mission 6 Warner and Mr. Azoff declined comment , as did MCA , where Mr. Azoff had also been discussing such a venture record industry executives familiar with the talks said Mr. Azoff and Warner came to an agreement yesterday to form a 50-50 joint-venture company funded by Warner and run by Mr. Azoff 1 it is possible that he could do so later Mr. Azoff wo n't produce films at first 10 Although Mr. Azoff wo n't produce films at first that he could do so 11 Like Mr. Geffen 's arrangement , the venture gives Mr. Azoff a link to the world 's largest and most successful record distributor For Warner it gives the company a second young partner with a finger on the pulse of the hottest trends in the music business 1 The 41-year-old Mr. Azoff , a former rock ` n ' roll manager , is credited with turning around MCA 's once-moribund music division in his six years at the company Mr. Azoff had been negotiating for more than a year to get out of his MCA contract , which expired in 1991 6 Mr. Azoff reportedly was bored and frequently clashed with top MCA management over a number of issues such as compensation and business plans Mr. Azoff was eager to return to a more entrepreneurial role in which he had a big financial stake in his own efforts 0 The soreness went away about a week after the shot the rowing machine has n't been touched since 0 Yet the rowing machine has n't been touched since he has moved it across the country with him twice 11 A San Francisco lawyer , Mr. Panelli rowed religiously he first got the machine 6 but it left grease marks on his carpet it was boring 6 Half of those surveyed said they simply walk these days for exercise The survey detected a bit more interest in golf , a positive sign for country clubs and golf club makers 1 The survey 's findings certainly are n't encouraging for marketers of health-club memberships , tennis rackets and home exercise equipment people 's good intentions , if not their actions , are keeping sales of some fitness products healthy 7 but people 's good intentions , if not their actions , are keeping sales of some fitness products healthy sales of treadmills , exercise bikes , stair climbers and the like are expected to rise 8 % to about $ 1.52 billion this year , according to the National Sporting Goods Association , which sees the home market as one of the hottest growth areas for the 1990s 1 For instance , sales of treadmills , exercise bikes , stair climbers and the like are expected to rise 8 % to about $ 1.52 billion this year , according to the National Sporting Goods Association , which sees the home market as one of the hottest growth areas for the 1990s even that group knows some people do n't use their machines as much as they should 0 With more than 15 million exercise bikes sold in the past five years a lot of garages , basements and attics must be populated with them the average price of such bikes rose last year to $ 145 7 Electronic gimmicks are key Premark International Inc. peddles the M8.7sp Electronic Cycling Simulator , a $ 2,000 stationary cycle 0 She 's trying to sell a $ 150 exercise bike she bought about five years ago for her roommate rather than write off home fitness equipment , she traded up 3 that I feel guilty I look at it , and I 'm not on it 6 that if I look at it I 'm not on it 6 between what people say what they do 2 The discrepancy may be asking people about their fitness regime is a bit like inquiring about their love life 6 People say they swim that may mean they 've been to the beach this year 1 she says the percentage of Americans who do `` real exercise to build the heart '' is only 10 % to 20 % she applauds the fact that more Americans are getting up from the television to stroll or garden 0 That target has been revised to 30 % by the year 2000 even that goal may prove optimistic 6 she can do for life by pulling a golf cart , she still gets a good workout 10 I 'm really wiped out walking five hours 3 you 'll go stiff you sit down all the time 6 If you sit down all the time , you 'll go stiff it 's relaxing 3 Sometimes you can go out and walk it right off you have a headache 1 Only about a quarter of the respondents said they exercise to lose weight.Slightly more , like Leslie Sherren , a law librarian in San Francisco who attends dance aerobics five times a week , exercise to relieve stress fully 90 % of those polled felt they did n't need to belong to a health club 6 They 're too crowded everybody 's showing off 6 The guys are being macho the girls are walking around in little things 1 They 're not there to work out at least they show up 1 membership revenues will rise about 5 % this year from last year 's $ 5 billion that the group is considering offering `` a behavior-modification course , similar to a smoking-cessation program , to teach people ways to stay with it 1 People who start bowling expecting it to be a pleasurable exercise `` have been generally disappointed , '' the report said not Richard Cottrell , a San Francisco cab driver who bowls in two weekly leagues 1 I ca n't do anything score-wise I like meeting the girls 0 bowling helps him shed pounds that effort is sometimes thwarted by the fact that `` when I 'm drinking , I bowl better 10 that I bowl better I 'm drinking 3 that I bowl better I 'm drinking 6 The down trend was partly the result of tighter credit sparked by a discount rate increase by the Bank of Japan in May The central bank unexpectedly raised the base rate by half a percentage point to 3.75 % Oct. 11 as part of an inflation-fighting move that indirectly increases interest rates charged on new home construction loans 3 Who ya gon na call there 's somethin ' strange in your neighborhood 3 Who ya gon na call there 's something ' weird and it do n't look good 6 If there 's something ' weird it do n't look good 3 the Monroe , Conn. , couple are perfect demons it comes to busting ghosts 3 you can call any one of a swelling band of skeptics such as Richard Busch psychics do n't work , but your house still seems haunted 6 If psychics do n't work your house still seems haunted 6 Mr. Busch says there is a scientific explanation for all haunts he can even tell you how to encourage the spirits 10 eat a big pizza and go to bed 3 Like Hollywood 's Ghostbusters , Kentucky 's stand ready to roll haunts get out of hand 0 Like Hollywood 's Ghostbusters , Kentucky 's stand ready to roll when haunts get out of hand they do n't careen around in an old Cadillac , wear funny suits or blast away at slimy spirits 10 Mr. Baker discovered a rat dragging a trap across the rafters a Louisville woman complained that a ghost was haunting her attic 3 hobos often hole up in abandoned houses the weather cools 6 People see activity in there the next thing you know , you 've got a haunting 1 she never believed in ghosts before lately her vacuum cleaner turned itself on , a telephone flew off its stand , doors slammed inexplicably , and she heard footsteps in her empty kitchen 8 but lately her vacuum cleaner turned itself on , a telephone flew off its stand , doors slammed inexplicably she heard footsteps in her empty kitchen 6 to see who was there it was nobody 6 You tangle the base cord around a chair leg the receiver does seem to fly off 6 Interstate 64 is a block away heavy traffic can sure set a house to vibrating 3 to return the haunting continues 6 It 's reassuring it usually works 6 The Rev . Alphonsus Trabold , a theology professor and exorcism expert at St. Bonaventure University in Olean , N.Y. , frequently is asked to exorcise unruly spirits he often obliges 3 you ask it to be gone the person believes there 's an evil spirit 0 Father Trabold often uses what he calls `` a therapeutic exorcism '' : a few prayers and an admonition to the spirit to leave sometimes more energetic attacks are required 6 I attend so does a television crew from New York City 6 A Scottish dwarf built the small red house 110 years ago now his demonic ghost haunts it 10 Suddenly the woman begins swaying and writhing 11 She 's being attacked by the demon , '' Mrs. Warren stagewhispers the priest sprinkles holy water over the squirming woman , and the television camera grinds 6 as the priest sprinkles holy water over the squirming woman the television camera grinds 1 A half-hour later , the woman is smiling and chatting ; the demon seems to have gone Mr. Warren says the woman has `` psychic burns '' on her back from the confrontation 11 This was an invisible , powerful force that 's almost impossible for a layman to contemplate , '' Mr. Warren says solemnly the ghostbusting entourage packs up to leave 1 This was an invisible , powerful force that 's almost impossible for a layman to contemplate This time I think we got it 1 BROKERAGE HIRING languishes amid market turmoil survivors earn more 1 Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. counts under 39,000 workers , down 100 from the start of the year and off 8,500 from after its merger and the market collapse two years ago.Another major firm has cut 6,000 workers , 13 % of its staff , since Black Monday.The Bureau of Labor Statistics says securities firms in New York City alone have slashed 17,000 jobs from the December 1987 peak of 163,000 Average annual earnings of those who have hung on surged to $ 78,625 last year from $ 69,553 in 1987 6 Illinois Company Investments had been trimming its ranks until last summer then it was acquired by Household International Inc 10 Illinois Company Investments had been trimming its ranks until last summer But it was acquired by Household International Inc 0 Ironically , `` up until the quake , we desperately tried to fill jobs , '' especially for crane and bulldozer operators the Oct. 17 temblor put a halt to much nonessential building , and heavy rains last week slowed the rest 6 But the Oct. 17 temblor put a halt to much nonessential building heavy rains last week slowed the rest 1 SKILLED WORKERS aplenty are available to cope with earthquake damage The supply of experienced civil engineers is tighter 0 In recent months , California 's Transportation Department has been recruiting in Pennsylvania , Arizona and Texas for engineers experienced in road and bridge design with the state offering only $ 39,000 a year and California 's high standard of living , `` there are n't too many to choose from 0 THE IRS may taketh what the Labor Department giveth stay tuned 3 that IRS regulations being drafted could put companies in violation of the tax code they make loans to retiree shareholders and directors but do n't make them available to other former workers who usually earned less 10 the question wo n't be settled the regulations are issued `` shortly 1 The IRS says the question wo n't be settled until the regulations are issued `` shortly violation could bring substantial tax penalties to both employer and employees 1 Executives universally believe workers should know their employer-sponsored benefits three out of four managers ca n't accurately state the value of their own packages 1 Employees like the option firms say it 's too tough to run 1 Fast-food jobs are n't popular no matter what they pay , '' says a Tufts official.Working students , she explains , want `` some satisfaction . '' University of Michigan students look for jobs related to planned careers Carnegie Mellon says some students conclude they can help their careers most by hitting the books 0 Student job postings at Boston University slip 10 % this year following a 10 % drop in 1988 there are an ample number and pay is up to $ 7.20 an hour from $ 6.90 last year 6 Still , the school says there are an ample number pay is up to $ 7.20 an hour from $ 6.90 last year 0 The favorite remains Fernando Collor de Mello , a 40-year-old former governor of the state of Alagoas after building up a commanding lead , the moderate to conservative Mr. Collor has slipped to about 30 % in the polls from a high of about 43 % only a few weeks ago 10 But the moderate to conservative Mr. Collor has slipped to about 30 % in the polls from a high of about 43 % only a few weeks ago building up a commanding lead 6 Two left-wing politicians , Socialist Leonel Brizola , a former governor of Rio de Janeiro state , and Marxist-leaning Luis Inacio da Silva , currently are running neck and neck at about 15 % three other candidates are given a chance of reaching the Dec. 17 runoff election between the two biggest vote-getters : Social Democrat Mario Covas and two conservatives , Paulo Salim Maluf , a former governor of the state of Sao Paulo , and Guilherme Afif Domingos 3 this could lead it to open up and deregulate its sheltered economy Brazil devises an economic strategy allowing it to resume growth and service debt 0 just as Argentinian President Carlos Saul Menem has been doing he was elected on a populist platform 6 we could either be a trillion-dollar economy by the end of the century or stay where we are where we are is bad 0 That might have been considered hyperinflation not long ago Argentina endured price increases of almost 200 % in July before bringing the rate down sharply in August and September 10 but Argentina endured price increases of almost 200 % in July bringing the rate down sharply in August and September 1 but Argentina endured price increases of almost 200 % in July before bringing the rate down sharply in August and September massive internal debt has forced the government to borrow massively on the domestic market and to offer inflation-adjusted returns of 2 % to 3 % a month just to get investors to hold on to its paper 10 to wait three minutes for a dial tone picking up the telephone 10 to wait three minutes for a dial tone after picking up the telephone and to be interrupted by a busy signal before finishing dialing the number 10 and then to be interrupted by a busy signal finishing dialing the number 6 Among the results is a frequent breakdown of public services a national electricity shortage might not be far off 6 Economists , businessmen and some politicians agree that the answer is an orthodox economic austerity program including reduced state spending ; focusing spending on vital areas such as education , health and welfare ; turning state companies private ; reforming the tax system , raising public service rates to match costs ; and possibly a temporary wage and price freeze and a devaluation of the cruzado Analysts say it 's inevitable that Brazil will seek to renegotiate its $ 115 billion foreign debt , on which it suspended interest payments last month 1 that the answer is an orthodox economic austerity program including reduced state spending ; focusing spending on vital areas such as education , health and welfare ; turning state companies private ; reforming the tax system , raising public service rates to match costs ; and possibly a temporary wage and price freeze and a devaluation of the cruzado that a tough economic program would have to be accompanied by measures to shield the poor from its recessionary effects 1 Of the three candidates with a serious chance of winning , Mr. Collor comes closest to advocating the sort of measures that economists say are necessary his inexperience raises doubts that he would have the political power to carry them out 1 The 67-year-old Mr. Brizola has been vague about his intentions and often inflammatory in his rhetoric analysts say he probably would be pragmatic 0 Mr. da Silva , a 43-year-old former factory worker and labor leader , is the most radical , vowing to withhold payments on the foreign debt and saying he `` would n't go around putting the country up for sale to the highest bidder despite the differences in what they say , according to some analysts here , economic constraints mean the next president may not have many choices about what he does 1 The law has prevented $ 216 million of unnecessary expenditures since 1986 , according to William S. Conn , president of the Kentucky Hospital Association according to David Jones , Humana 's chief executive , it promotes technology monopolies , stifles innovation and raises prices 3 Humana may move its insurance operations , including 3,000 jobs in Louisville , to another state the Legislature does n't repeal the law , due for revision in 1990 1 The company complains that it paid $ 10 million to non-Humana hospitals in its latest fiscal year for services provided to its insurance plan members Humana says its own facilities could serve its insured for less if they were properly equipped 3 its own facilities could serve its insured for less they were properly equipped 10 demand for a similar kidney-stone smashing machine at a Humana hospital in Louisville fell 34 % a hospital in Lexington installed a lithotripter last year 6 that $ 8,000 represents an extreme case that its regular charge for lithotripsy is $ 4,900 11 When a hospital in Lexington installed a lithotripter last year , demand for a similar kidney-stone smashing machine at a Humana hospital in Louisville fell 34 % .The Humana hospital responded by jacking up prices to make up for lost revenue , Mr. Conn says , and now charges as much as $ 8,000 for the procedure , which costs only about $ 3,500 in Lexington another hospital 's proposal for a new-generation lithotripter is pending before the board that administers the certificate-of-need law.Humana , which wants to acquire one of the new machines itself , is on the record as opposed to the proposal 6 When a hospital in Lexington installed a lithotripter last year , demand for a similar kidney-stone smashing machine at a Humana hospital in Louisville fell 34 % .The Humana hospital responded by jacking up prices to make up for lost revenue , Mr. Conn says , and now charges as much as $ 8,000 for the procedure , which costs only about $ 3,500 in Lexington another hospital 's proposal for a new-generation lithotripter is pending before the board that administers the certificate-of-need law.Humana , which wants to acquire one of the new machines itself , is on the record as opposed to the proposal 6 More than half of 300 residents responding to recent survey said they 'd prefer a guaranteed salary over traditional fee-for-service compensation in their first professional position 81 % preferred a group practice or health maintenance organization , while just 11 % favored solo practice 1 And 81 % preferred a group practice or health maintenance organization just 11 % favored solo practice 11 she shared a room just like most patients Catherine Bobar spent several weeks at the Medical Center of Vermont recently with a bone infection in her toe 1 WHEN Catherine Bobar spent several weeks at the Medical Center of Vermont recently with a bone infection in her toe , she shared a room just like most patients unlike most patients , her roommate was her husband 11 It helps us , and them they 're here 6 It helps us , and them , while they 're here it certainly makes them a better health-care team when they get home 11 and it certainly makes them a better health-care team they get home 6 It helps us , and them , while they 're here , and it certainly makes them a better health-care team when they get home It saves money 2 room charges are lower -- about $ 100 less per day than a regular room at the Vermont hospital patients require less attention from nurses and other staff 6 The group led by Birmingham , Mich. , publicist William D. McMaster did n't name an investment banker backing the deal or say how much its members will contribute to the offer some individuals identified with the group said they have n't committed any money to the bid and were n't aware of it until they heard about it in local news accounts over the weekend 10 and were n't aware of it they heard about it in local news accounts over the weekend 1 In his letter to Knight-Ridder President James K. Batten , Mr. McMaster said he arrived at the $ 68 million figure using Knight-Ridder 's corporate financial statements and comments by Knight-Ridder officials that the Free Press has a $ 50 million value in salvage in an interview , Mr. McMaster said he and his investment banker would need access to full financial records before firming up the offer 10 he and his investment banker would need access to full financial records firming up the offer 6 Mitsui expects the antibiotic products to be exported to Southeast Asia and Africa It hopes to enter the U.S. market 2 it is proposing the change the provisions of its senior notes restrict it from making distributions on its units outstanding 1 NRM suspended its common distribution in June 1988 and the distribution on its $ 2 cumulative convertible acquisition preferred units in September unpaid distributions on the acquisition preferred are cumulative and would total $ 23 million a year , hurting NRM 's financial flexibility and its ability to raise capital 6 However , unpaid distributions on the acquisition preferred are cumulative and would total $ 23 million a year , hurting NRM 's financial flexibility and its ability to raise capital that tax advantages for partnerships have diminished under new tax laws and said it would save $ 2 million a year in administrative costs from the change 6 After the transaction , current common unitholders will own about 21.3 % of Edisto , current acquisition preferred holders will own 72.3 % current stockholders of Edisto will own about 6.4 % , about the same stake as Edisto owns now in NRM 1 Cleveland-based Sherwin-Williams produces paints and coatings the Los Angeles-based Whittaker coatings group produces industrial coatings 10 and will lease the 19-story facility it moves to a new quarters in 1992 10 net sales of stock funds slowed in September , according to the Investment Company Institute , a trade group hitting two-year highs this summer 2 Confidence was starting to come back we did n't have wildly volatile days 0 Net sales of stock funds in September totaled $ 839.4 million , down from $ 1.1 billion in August if reinvested dividends are excluded , investors put in only $ 340 million more than they pulled out for the month 3 But investors put in only $ 340 million more than they pulled out for the month reinvested dividends are excluded 6 Most of the those who left stock funds simply switched into money market funds investors actually became net buyers 0 Investors in stock funds did n't panic the weekend after mid-October 's 190-point market plunge.Most of the those who left stock funds simply switched into money market funds.And some fund groups said investors actually became net buyers the stock market swings have continued 1 In October , net sales of stock funds at Fidelity dropped sharply that new accounts , new sales , inquiries and subsequent sales of stock funds are all up this month from September 's level 3 that follows through next month it will be a different story 1 If that follows through next month , then it will be a different story sales `` based on a few days ' events do n't tell you much about October 's trends 3 we would now be hearing about `` discord '' and `` disarray '' on foreign policy Mr. Gates had been allowed to say these things 11 just as they were Vice President Quayle voiced similar sentiments 0 If Mr. Gates had been allowed to say these things , we would now be hearing about `` discord '' and `` disarray '' on foreign policy It 's somehow OK for Secretary Baker himself to say all the same things 6 It 's somehow OK for Secretary Baker himself , however , to say all the same things he did 3 the Soviet leader must leap he is going to succeed 1 Perhaps Mr. Gates would emphasize more than Mr. Baker the many hurdles the Soviet leader must leap if he is going to succeed everyone agrees that Mr. Gorbachev 's problems result from the failure of his own system 6 GATT membership will not matter to Donbas coal miners short of soap will a START treaty make any difference to Ukrainian nationalists 1 They all understand point one : Nothing the U.S. can do will make much difference in whether Mr. Gorbachev succeeds with perestroika so long as Mr. Gorbachev is easing his grip on his empire , everyone we 've heard agrees that the U.S. can benefit by engaging him 3 why not a deal can be made to cut the world 's Ortegas loose from Moscow 1 We do n't expect much good from nuclear-arms control conventional-arms talks might demilitarize Eastern Europe 6 There 's nothing in the least contradictory in all this it would be nice to think that Washington could tolerate a reasonably sophisticated , complex view 0 There 's nothing in the least contradictory in all this , and it would be nice to think that Washington could tolerate a reasonably sophisticated , complex view much of the political culture seems intent on castigating the Bush administration for not `` helping '' Mr. Gorbachev 2 Yet much of the political culture seems intent on castigating the Bush administration for not `` helping '' Mr. Gorbachev every time a Bush official raises a doubt about Mr. Gorbachev , the Washington community shouts `` Cold War '' and `` timidity , '' and an administration spokesman is quickly trotted out to reply , `` Mr.Bush wants perestroika to succeed 2 So every time a Bush official raises a doubt about Mr. Gorbachev , the Washington community shouts `` Cold War '' and `` timidity an administration spokesman is quickly trotted out to reply , `` Mr.Bush wants perestroika to succeed 6 So every time a Bush official raises a doubt about Mr. Gorbachev , the Washington community shouts `` Cold War '' and `` timidity an administration spokesman is quickly trotted out to reply , `` Mr.Bush wants perestroika to succeed 9 Its symptoms include a cold sweat at the sound of debate , clammy hands in the face of congressional criticism , and fainting spells when someone writes the word `` controversy . '' As one unidentified official clearly in the late stages of the disease told the Times : `` Baker just felt that there were some lines in the speech that could be misinterpreted and seized by the press the problem is not intra-administration disagreement , but preoccupation with the prospect that perestrokia might fail , and its political opponents will ask `` Who lost Gorbachev 6 In short , the problem is not intra-administration disagreement , but preoccupation with the prospect that perestrokia might fail its political opponents will ask `` Who lost Gorbachev 1 Mr. Baker may want to avoid criticism from Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell as Secretary of State his audience is the entire Free World , not just Congress 0 these are not very complicated thoughts the press is ready to seize and misinterpret 2 Most murders are state crimes any federal capital-punishment law probably would turn out to be more symbolism than substance 0 The law that Sen. Thurmond is pushing would be irrelevant in the case of the Maryland restaurant murders and almost all other killings the bill is riding high on the furor over drug trafficking 10 Senate Republicans have finally gotten a full-blown death-penalty bill through committee repeatedly failing to attach death-penalty amendments to unrelated legislation 1 In 1972 , the high court swept aside all capital-punishment laws -- federal and state alike -- as unconstitutional in 1976 , the court permitted resurrection of such laws , if they meet certain procedural requirements 3 resurrection of such laws they meet certain procedural requirements 7 But in 1976 , the court permitted resurrection of such laws , if they meet certain procedural requirements juries would have to consider specific `` aggravating '' and `` mitigating '' factors before deciding whether to condemn someone to death 10 to consider specific `` aggravating '' and `` mitigating '' factors deciding whether to condemn someone to death 1 Since that 1976 ruling , 37 states have reintroduced the death penalty congressional Democrats have blocked the same from occurring at the federal level , with the exception of a 1988 law allowing capital punishment for certain drug-related homicides 6 The Thurmond bill would establish a federally administered death sentence for 23 crimes , most of which were formerly punishable by death under federal statutes that the Supreme Court invalidated The Thurmond bill would add five new crimes punishable by death , including murder for hire 6 The Thurmond bill would establish a federally administered death sentence for 23 crimes , most of which were formerly punishable by death under federal statutes that the Supreme Court invalidated the Senate last week passed a bill permitting execution of terrorists who kill Americans abroad 7 Most of the crimes incorporated in the Thurmond bill are exceedingly rare killing a Supreme Court justice or deliberately causing a train wreck that results in a death 6 Most of the crimes incorporated in the Thurmond bill are exceedingly rare only 28 defendants would have been eligible for federal death sentences if the Thurmond bill had been in effect in the past three years , according to a study by the Senate Judiciary Committee 's Democratic staff 3 In fact , only 28 defendants would have been eligible for federal death sentences according to a study by the Senate Judiciary Committee 's Democratic staff the Thurmond bill had been in effect in the past three years 1 Republicans acknowledge that few people would be executed under the Thurmond bill they contend that is n't the point 6 Many scholars are of the opinion that the mere existence of the penalty deters many people from the commission of capital crimes Executions , regardless of how frequently they occur , are proper retribution '' for heinous crimes 0 the new federal drug-related crimes punishable by death since last November may result in a jump in capital sentences that has n't happened so far 10 Sen. Edward Kennedy ( D. , Mass . ) attached an amendment that would allow a defendant to escape from a death sentence in jurisdictions shown to have meted out executions in a racist manner the bill left committee 6 A large number of studies suggest that state judges and juries have imposed the penalty in a racially discriminatory fashion the Kennedy amendment would invade not only federal but state sentencings , in two important ways 6 It would allow all defendants to introduce statistical evidence showing racially disproportionate application of the death penalty in the past it would shift the burden to prosecutors to disprove that discrimination caused any statistical racial disparities 2 executions everywhere might come to a halt most prosecutors would n't be able to demonstrate conclusively that racial considerations did n't affect sentencing 6 Mr. Kennedy failed to get his amendment incorporated into last year 's anti-drug legislation it will be severely attacked on the Senate floor this time around 1 Mr. Kennedy failed to get his amendment incorporated into last year 's anti-drug legislation , and it will be severely attacked on the Senate floor this time around if it survives , it could prompt other statutory changes , according to the Mr. Burr 3 But it could prompt other statutory changes , according to the Mr. Burr it survives 6 Narrowing the penalty in this fashion would clearly reduce whatever deterrent effect it now has that , in turn , would only strengthen the argument of those who oppose execution under any circumstances 10 Narrowing the penalty in this fashion would clearly reduce whatever deterrent effect it now has And that would only strengthen the argument of those who oppose execution under any circumstances 0 Vice Chancellor Maurice A. Hartnett III of Delaware 's Court of Chancery heard arguments for more than two hours here he made no comment and asked no questions 6 Michael Rauch , an attorney for Dow Jones , defended the offer as adequate , based on what the company considers realistic projections of Telerate 's revenue growth , in the range of 12 % He contended that the plaintiffs failed to cite any legal authority that would justify such an injunction 0 it and its subsidiary 's creditors agree that the parent company owes the unit money they have n't been able to reach agreement on the amount 6 its Lone Star Steel Co. unit sued it in federal court here , seeking to recover an intercompany receivable valued at a minimum of $ 23 million The Lone Star Steel lawsuit asks the court to rule that Lone Star Technologies is jointly responsible for a $ 4.5 million Lone Star Steel pension payment that was due , but was n't paid , in September and that the parent company ca n't recover the amount from its subsidiary if the parent company makes the payment 6 that Lone Star Technologies is jointly responsible for a $ 4.5 million Lone Star Steel pension payment that was due , but was n't paid , in September that the parent company ca n't recover the amount from its subsidiary if the parent company makes the payment 3 and that the parent company ca n't recover the amount from its subsidiary the parent company makes the payment 6 Lone Star Technologies Inc. said its Lone Star Steel Co. unit sued it in federal court here , seeking to recover an intercompany receivable valued at a minimum of $ 23 million Lone Star Technologies said the bankruptcy court granted Lone Star Steel an extension until year end on its exclusive period to present a reorganization plan 11 but is protected from creditor lawsuits it tries to work out a plan to pay its debt 6 On the afternoon of Oct. 17 , after hours of haggling with five insurance-claims adjusters over settling a toxic-waste suit , four lawyers had an agreement in hand as Judge Thomas M. Jenkins donned his robes so he could give final approval , the major earthquake struck , its epicenter not far from his courtroom in Redwood City , Calif 11 But the major earthquake struck , its epicenter not far from his courtroom in Redwood City , Calif Judge Thomas M. Jenkins donned his robes 2 as Judge Thomas M. Jenkins donned his robes he could give final approval 6 Lights flickered on and off ; plaster dropped from the ceiling , the walls still shook an evacuation alarm blared outside 11 Let 's close the door , '' said the judge he climbed to his bench 6 At stake was an $ 80,000 settlement involving who should pay what share of cleanup costs at the site of a former gas station , where underground fuel tanks had leaked and contaminated the soil the lawyers were just as eager as the judge to wrap it up 6 We were never going to get these insurance companies to agree again the insurance adjusters had already bolted out of the courtroom 3 always you read it into the record you 've got a settlement 6 that British lawyers have to wear wigs in court that these wigs are made from horses ' tails 6 Applause for `` Sometimes , Talk Is the Best Medicine , '' in your Oct. 5 Marketplace section the `` art of doctoring '' does contribute to better health results and discourages unwarranted malpractice litigation 6 That amounts to more than $ 350 billion a year it is estimated that more than 20 % of that , $ 70 billion , goes to `` defensive medicine '' -- those measures taken by doctors to protect themselves from the most unlikely possibilities 2 that more than 20 % of that , $ 70 billion , goes to `` defensive medicine '' -- those measures taken by doctors to protect themselves from the most unlikely possibilities we all stand to benefit if patient-physician relations become a `` partnership 3 to benefit patient-physician relations become a `` partnership 5 which plants will close when Chrysler will make the moves 1 In an interview with the trade journal Automotive News , Mr. Iacocca declined to say which plants will close or when Chrysler will make the moves he said , `` we have too many plants in our system.So the older or most inefficient capacity has got to go 2 we have too many plants in our system the older or most inefficient capacity has got to go 3 the No . 3 auto maker , along with other U.S. manufacturers , might be forced to `` realign . . . capacity market demand does n't improve 1 At Chrysler 's 1990 model preview last month , Chrysler Motors President Robert A. Lutz said the No . 3 auto maker , along with other U.S. manufacturers , might be forced to `` realign . . . capacity '' if market demand does n't improve Mr. Iacocca 's remarks are the most specific indication to date of how many plants could be in jeopardy 11 that as many as five of its U.S. and Canadian plants may not survive the mid-1990s it struggles to trim its excess vehicle-production capacity 5 we have the inescapable fact that the transplants are adding capacity the market goes to 19 million units 6 The Japanese-managed plants eventually will have the capacity to build some 2.5 million vehicles in the U.S that will translate into `` market share that is going to have to come out of somebody 11 it acquired it bought American Motors Corp. in 1987 6 Already Chrysler has closed the Kenosha , Wis. , plant it acquired when it bought American Motors Corp. in 1987 Chrysler has launched a $ 1 billion cost-cutting program that will cut about 2,300 white-collar workers from the payroll in the next few months 2 that the proposal is simply an `` expression of interest under Chapter 11 Revco has `` exclusivity rights '' until Feb. 28 6 because under Chapter 11 Revco has `` exclusivity rights '' until Feb. 28.Those rights prevent anyone other than Revco from proposing a reorganization plan under Chapter 11 , a reorganization plan is subject to approval by bondholders , banks and other creditors 6 a Revco reorganization might force bondholders to accept a `` cheap deal that the Bass group 's offer would give them more money 1 he feared a Revco reorganization might force bondholders to accept a `` cheap deal , '' and that the Bass group 's offer would give them more money the group is offering to pay off bondholders in cash only -- $ 260.5 million -- and no equity 10 but issued a response yesterday a copy of the proposal was made public by bondholders 6 Its problem is that management paid too much in the leveraged buy-out the current $ 515 million debt load is keeping Revco in the red 3 it could still be profitable bought at the right price 6 If bought at the right price , it could still be profitable Revco 's 1,900 stores in 27 states represent a lot of real estate and demographics are helping pharmacies : The nation 's aging population will boost demand for prescription drugs 6 In addition , Revco 's 1,900 stores in 27 states represent a lot of real estate demographics are helping pharmacies 6 that includes the Robert M. Bass Group The partnership includes American Express Co. , Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S. and Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc 0 Acadia would sell up to 10 % of the equity in the reorganized company to creditors and bondholders in exchange for the cash distribution creditors and bondholders would receive no discount for their shares 1 both the company and the bondholders have put forth reorganization plans little progress has been made since negotiations began this summer 10 but little progress has been made negotiations began this summer 2 Any reorganization proposal is difficult to assess it must be agreed upon by the company , bondholders , banks and other creditors 1 It 's not like the board can decide '' by itself , Mr. Sells said , adding , `` we 're indifferent to ( the Bass ) plan.We just want a plan that satisfies creditors and at the end leaves a healthy Revco Mr. Schulte , the bondholders ' adviser , said Revco was dragging its feet in responding to the proposal 6 Futures prices fell during three of five sessions last week the losses , individually and cumulatively , were greater than the advances 6 Two of the major factors buoying prices , the prolonged strikes at the Highland Valley mine in Canada and the Cananea mine in Mexico , were finally resolved the premiums paid by the U.S. government on a purchase of copper for the U.S. Mint were lower than expected , and acted as a price depressant 11 that the concern among traders is whether the prospective increased supply will find buyers because of uncertainty over national economies production improves 1 Recently , Japan has been buying copper elsewhere as Highland Valley and Cananea begin operating , they are expected to resume their roles as Japan 's suppliers 11 But they are expected to resume their roles as Japan 's suppliers Highland Valley and Cananea begin operating 6 Highland Valley has already started operating Cananea is expected to do so soon 1 that as production improves , the concern among traders is whether the prospective increased supply will find buyers because of uncertainty over national economies traders disregarded a potential production disruption in Chile and a continued drop in inventories 10 on whether to strike a two-year labor pact ends today 3 that it was that a strike could encourage other walkouts in Chile there was any concern 0 London Metal Exchange copper inventories fell 550 tons last week to 83,950 tons , a smaller-than-expected decline that development also had little effect on traders ' sentiment 6 However , traders disregarded a potential production disruption in Chile and a continued drop in inventories But that development had little effect on traders ' sentiment 6 Consumer stocks of copper in the U.S. fell to 44,000 tons at the end of September from 54,000 tons a month earlier stocks of copper held by consumers and merchants outside of the U.S. at the end of July stood at 123,000 tons , down from 125,000 tons in June 11 The prices of most corn , soybean and wheat futures contracts dropped slightly farmers in the Midwest continued to rebuild stockpiles that were depleted by the 1988 drought 1 Buying by the Soviets has helped to prop up corn prices in recent weeks a lack of any new purchases kept prices in the doldrums 10 The reports said Brazil would give up 500,000 bags of its quota and Colombia 200,000 bags These reports were denied by a high Brazilian official 6 The Colombian minister was said to have referred to a letter that he said President Bush sent to Colombian President Virgilio Barco , and in which President Bush said it was possible to overcome obstacles to a new agreement The minister was quoted as saying that a new pact could be achieved during the first half of next year , according to the analyst 10 The market turned quiet according to one analyst rising sharply late last week 1 Last week 's uncertainty in the stock market and a weaker dollar triggered a flight to safety yesterday the market lacked such stimuli 2 There was some profit-taking prices for all the precious metals had risen to levels at which there was resistance to further advance 6 There was some profit-taking because prices for all the precious metals had risen to levels at which there was resistance to further advance The dollar was slightly firmer and prompted some selling , as well , according to the analyst 10 some Western observers assumed Mikhail Gorbachev had launched the Soviet Union on a course that would lead inevitably to the creation of a market economy the Supreme Soviet passed laws on workers ' rights in May 1987 and on self-managing cooperatives a year later 2 some Western observers assumed Mikhail Gorbachev had launched the Soviet Union on a course that would lead inevitably to the creation of a market economy the Supreme Soviet passed laws on workers ' rights in May 1987 and on self-managing cooperatives a year later 6 that Mr. Gorbachev might not survive the opposition that his reforms would arouse that the whole process might be reversed 3 he and these Western observers have good reason to fear for his future Mr. Gorbachev 's goal is the creation of a free market 2 If Mr. Gorbachev 's goal is the creation of a free market , he and these Western observers have good reason to fear for his future economic liberalization within communist societies leads inexorably to demands for fundamental political reform accompanied by civil unrest 11 These fears were clearly apparent last week , Secretary of State James Baker blocked a speech by Robert Gates , deputy national security adviser and Soviet expert , on the ground that it was too pessimistic about the chances of Mr. Gorbachev 's economic reforms succeeding 1 These fears were clearly apparent when , last week , Secretary of State James Baker blocked a speech by Robert Gates , deputy national security adviser and Soviet expert , on the ground that it was too pessimistic about the chances of Mr. Gorbachev 's economic reforms succeeding the Soviet leader 's readiness to embark on foreign visits and steady accumulation of personal power , particularly since the last Politburo reshuffle on Sept. 30 , do not suggest that Mr. Gorbachev is on the verge of being toppled ; nor does he look likely to reverse the powers of perestroika 6 Yet the Soviet leader 's readiness to embark on foreign visits and steady accumulation of personal power , particularly since the last Politburo reshuffle on Sept. 30 , do not suggest that Mr. Gorbachev is on the verge of being toppled does he look likely to reverse the powers of perestroika 6 Yet the Soviet leader 's readiness to embark on foreign visits and steady accumulation of personal power , particularly since the last Politburo reshuffle on Sept. 30 , do not suggest that Mr. Gorbachev is on the verge of being toppled ; nor does he look likely to reverse the powers of perestroika the Soviet miners strike this summer clearly demonstrated that Mr. Gorbachev must proceed with economic reform 1 that Mr. Gorbachev is on the verge of being toppled ; nor does he look likely to reverse the powers of perestroika is he so clever that he has achieved the political equivalent of making water run uphill 6 But is he so clever that he has achieved the political equivalent of making water run uphill has he truly persuaded the Communist Party to accept economic change of a kind that will , sooner or later , lead to its demise 7 An alternative and more convincing explanation , confirmed by recent events and a close inspection of the Gorbachev program , is that the new Soviet economic and social structures are intended to conform to a model other than that of the market while the laws on individual labor activity allow a citizen to earn a living independent of the state , strict provisions are attached on how far this may lead to the development of a free market 1 For example strict provisions are attached on how far this may lead to the development of a free market the laws on individual labor activity allow a citizen to earn a living independent of the state 10 workers must seek permission from the local soviet ( council ) becoming self-employed , or setting up a cooperative 6 The soviets have the legal right to turn down applications and impose conditions they appear to be exercising these powers 7 The soviets have the legal right to turn down applications and impose conditions , and they appear to be exercising these powers Private dressmaking is allowed in 10 Soviet republics but banned by five ; shoemaking is allowed in seven but illegal in nine 10 The controls on cooperatives appeared relatively liberal first introduced 1 The controls on cooperatives appeared relatively liberal when first introduced that changed following a resolution from the Supreme Soviet banning cooperatives from operating in some areas of the economy , and permitting activity in others only if the cooperatives are under contract to the state 3 and permitting activity in others the cooperatives are under contract to the state 6 All independent media activity is now illegal , which perhaps is not surprising so is the manufacture of perfume , cosmetics , household chemicals and sand candles 3 these latest resolutions are nothing short of reckless Mr. Gorbachev is looking toward unleashing the productive forces of the market 1 that he is bent on creating economic structures of a kind that would scarcely find favor with the Austrian or Chicago schools of economic thought Mr. Gorbachev wishes to move away from some rigid central controls 2 We do not share this approach it would immediately destroy the social situation and disrupt all the processes in the country 6 Having rejected central economic planning for economic reasons , and the market for fear of the social ( political ) consequences , Mr. Gorbachev seeks a `` third way '' that would combine the discipline and controls of the former with the economic benefits of the latter Mr. Gorbachev 's proposals display a close conceptual resemblance to the tenets of Italian fascism , whose architects spoke specifically of a `` third way '' : of having produced a historic synthesis of socialism and capitalism 1 The fascist concept of corporatism envisaged an `` organic '' society in which citizens were spiritually and morally unified , and prepared to sacrifice themselves for the nation a parliamentary system based on abstract political rights and groups was held to cause , rather than resolve , conflict 11 The closeness of Soviet perestroika to the fascist social blueprint of Mussolini was evident Mr. Gorbachev presented his economic vision to the Soviet Congress 6 he rejected a socialist planned economy embraced the free market 5 In doing so , he neither rejected a socialist planned economy nor embraced the free market he proposed a `` law-governed economy , '' in which there would be a `` clear-cut division between state direction of the economy and economic management 1 To ensure the loyalty of the business sector , Mr. Gorbachev may offer concessions and powers that will allow the business community to preserve its own interests , probably by restricting competition Mr. Gorbachev must ensure that within this `` alliance '' the business sector remains subordinate to the party 5 that a cooperative be closed its prices be reduced 1 The most important development in Mr. Gorbachev 's policy for marginalizing the opposition movement is the claim that the U.S.S.R. also suffers from terrorism Mr. Gorbachev would appear to see his central task as that of ensuring that foundations of an alliance among labor , capital and the state are properly laid before the demands for a multiparty system reach a crescendo 10 that foundations of an alliance among labor , capital and the state are properly laid the demands for a multiparty system reach a crescendo 3 he or his heir would be wellplaced to rein in political opposition , and to re-establish control in Eastern Europe he were able to construct a popular and efficient corporatist system 1 The South was off 2 % after the first nine months the North Central region was up 3 % 11 The South was off 2 % after the first nine months the North Central region was up 3 % 3 A small decline in total construction for the entire year is possible contracting for housing does n't increase in response to this year 's lower mortgage rates 2 Newly contracted residential work edged up 2 % in September to an annualized $ 121.2 billion multifamily building rebounded from a very weak August 0 weakness early in the year held the nine-month total to $ 69.6 billion , up just 1 % from a year earlier the third quarter was the best so far this year for non-residential building 1 Public-works and utility projects , also known as non-building contracting , grew 18 % to $ 52.2 billion in September the nine-month total of $ 36.9 billion was down 3 % from a year earlier 10 to get any behind-schedule road and bridge construction under way the clock ran out 6 Moody 's Investors Service Inc. said it lowered ratings on long-term debt of CS First Boston Inc. , the holding company of Wall Street giant First Boston Corp. , because of First Boston 's `` aggressive merchant banking risk '' in highly leveraged takeovers Moody 's confirmed the Prime-1 rating , its highest , on CS First Boston 's commercial paper , or short-term corporate IOUs 6 In downgrading CS First Boston 's subordinated domestic , Euromarket and Swiss debt to single-A-3 from single-A-2 it downgraded Financiere Credit Suisse-First Boston 's senior and subordinated Swiss debt to single-A-2 from single-A-1 and lowered Financiere CSFB N.V. 's junior subordinated perpetual Eurodebt , guaranteed by Financiere Credit Suisse -- First Boston , to single-A-3 from single-A-2 10 First Boston 's merchant banking risks mounted last month highly leveraged Campeau Corp. , First Boston 's most lucrative client of the decade , was hit by a cash squeeze and the high-risk junk bond market tumbled 2 First Boston 's merchant banking risks mounted last month highly leveraged Campeau Corp. , First Boston 's most lucrative client of the decade , was hit by a cash squeeze and the high-risk junk bond market tumbled 6 as highly leveraged Campeau Corp. , First Boston 's most lucrative client of the decade , was hit by a cash squeeze the high-risk junk bond market tumbled 11 First Boston financings for several other highly leveraged clients , including Ohio Mattress , unraveled the high-risk junk bond market plummeted 2 First Boston financings for several other highly leveraged clients , including Ohio Mattress , unraveled the high-risk junk bond market plummeted 6 CS First Boston `` has consistently been one of the most aggressive firms in merchant banking that `` a very significant portion '' of the firm 's profit in recent years has come from merchant banking-related business 6 Quotron provides price quotations for securities , particularly stocks Quotron provides trading and other systems , services for brokerage firms , and communications-network services 11 Independent providers of financial information , including Quotron , have been under some pressure the major securities houses try to regain their hold on the production of market data and on the related revenue 2 Independent providers of financial information , including Quotron , have been under some pressure the major securities houses try to regain their hold on the production of market data and on the related revenue 0 The company has no immediate plans to close any operations Quotron may subcontract some work that it has been doing in-house , including refurbishment and production of Quotron 1000 equipment used in delivering financial data 6 that last week , Kidder , Peabody & Co. , the securities subsidiary of General Electric Co. , chose a Quotron subsidiary to provide order-processing services Oct. 24 it will market the automated trading system of broker-dealer Chapdelaine Government Securities Inc 0 Quotron is n't profitable on Citicorp 's books because of the interest charges the New York bank holding company incurred in buying the financial-data concern for $ 680 million Citicorp `` does view Quotron ) as being crucial to the financial-services business in the 1990s 2 and diminished in national interest both teams came from the San Francisco Bay area 6 A network spokesman would n't comment ABC Sports officials declined to be interviewed 1 A network spokesman would n't comment , and ABC Sports officials declined to be interviewed some industry executives said ABC , in anticipation of a four-game sweep , limited its losses by jacking up the number of commercials it aired in the third and fourth games 1 A World Series telecast typically carries 56 30-second commercials by the fourth game ABC was cramming in 60 to 62 ads to generate extra revenue 1 CBS Sports President Neal Pilson has conceded only that CBS will have a loss in the first year other industry executives contend the losses could reach $ 250 million over four years and could go even higher if the World Series end in four-game romps 3 and could go even higher the World Series end in four-game romps 10 the next night it drew 17.4 % of homes came the earthquake and a damaging delay of 11 days 1 An analyst 's opinion to that effect even sent Capital Cities/ABC shares soaring two weeks ago interest instead decreased 5 ABC 's ratings would go up because of the intense focus on the event in the aftermath of the earthquake But interest decreased 11 Bargain hunters helped stock prices break a weeklong losing streak bond prices and the dollar inched higher 10 The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 6.76 points to 2603.48 in light trading losing more than 92 points last week 0 the focus in currency markets was on the beleaguered British pound the dollar rose slightly against most major currencies 10 Trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange dwindled to only 126.6 million shares yesterday major brokerage firms continued to throw in the towel on program trading 2 Trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange dwindled to only 126.6 million shares yesterday major brokerage firms continued to throw in the towel on program trading 6 Kidder Peabody became the most recent firm to swear off stock-index arbitrage trading for its own account Merrill Lynch late yesterday took the major step of renouncing the trading strategy even for its clients 0 as major brokerage firms continued to throw in the towel on program trading that did n't eliminate program trading from the market 1 The Dow industrials shot up 23 points in the opening hour , at least in part because of buy programs generated by stock-index arbitrage , a form of program trading involving futures contracts interest waned as the day wore on and investors looked ahead to the release later this week of two important economic reports 11 But interest waned the day wore on and investors looked ahead to the release later this week of two important economic reports 6 But interest waned as the day wore on investors looked ahead to the release later this week of two important economic reports 1 Stock prices rose in light trading declining issues on the New York Stock Exchange outnumbered gainers 774 to 684 , and broader market indexes were virtually unchanged 6 But declining issues on the New York Stock Exchange outnumbered gainers 774 to 684 broader market indexes were virtually unchanged 0 pressured by last week 's resignations of key Thatcher administration officials The British pound rose Monday to $ 1.5820 from Friday 's $ 1.5795 3 why does Kawasaki-Rikuso Transportation Co. sometimes need a week just to tell its clients how soon it can ship goods from here to Osaka Japanese companies are so efficient 2 Japanese corporations ' reputation as hi-tech powerhouses is only half right the companies have lacked office computers considered standard equipment in the U.S. and Western Europe 1 Their factories may look like sets for a Spielberg movie their offices , with rows of clerks hunched over ledgers and abacuses , are more like scenes from a Dickens novel 6 Kawasaki-Rikuso , a freight company , set up its own software subsidiary this year and is spending nearly a year 's profit to more than double the computer terminals at its main office.In April , the Long-Term Credit Bank linked its computers in Tokyo with its three American offices PC sales in Japan in the first half of 1989 were 34 % higher than in the year-earlier period 6 Combined PC and work-station use in Japan will jump as much as 25 % annually over the next five years , according to some analysts , compared with about 10 % in the U.S with a labor shortage and intense competitive pressure to improve efficiency , more and more Japanese companies are concluding that they have no choice 1 the prospect of an even more efficient Japanese economic army may rattle foreigners it also offers opportunities 6 the prospect of an even more efficient Japanese economic army may rattle foreigners But it offers opportunities 6 Japan may be a tough market for outsiders to penetrate the U.S. is hopelessly behind Japan in certain technologies 1 and the U.S. is hopelessly behind Japan in certain technologies for now , at least , Americans are far better at making PCs and the software that runs them 1 After years of talking about selling in Japan , more and more U.S. companies are seriously pouring in the Japanese have to go a long way to catch up 6 Personal Computer '' yearbooks are lined up on nearly every desk dog-eared copies of Nikkei Computer crowd magazine racks 0 Personal Computer '' yearbooks are lined up on nearly every desk , and dog-eared copies of Nikkei Computer crowd magazine racks amid the two dozen bureaucrats and secretaries sits only one real-life PC 1 Japanese sales were flat for most of that time American PC sales have averaged roughly 25 % annual growth since 1984 and West European sales a whopping 40 % 6 Japanese office workers use PCs at half the rate of their European counterparts and one-third that of the Americans Japanese offices tend to use computers less efficiently than American offices do 7 In Japan , many desktop terminals are limited to one function and ca n't communicate with other machines The market planning and sales promotion office of Nomura Securities Co. has more than 30 computers for its 60 workers , a respectable ratio 1 The market planning and sales promotion office of Nomura Securities Co. , for example , has more than 30 computers for its 60 workers , a respectable ratio the machines are n't on employees ' desks ; they ring the perimeter of the large office 11 To transfer information from one to the other , employees make printouts and enter the data manually.To transmit charts to branch offices , they use a fax machine a woman sitting next to a new Fujitsu terminal writes stock-market information on a chart with a pencil and adds it up with a hand calculator 6 To transfer information from one to the other , employees make printouts and enter the data manually.To transmit charts to branch offices , they use a fax machine a woman sitting next to a new Fujitsu terminal writes stock-market information on a chart with a pencil and adds it up with a hand calculator 0 Some Japanese operations , such as securities-trading rooms , may be ahead of their American counterparts basically , there 's little analysis done on computers in Japan 6 Of course , simply buying computers does n't always solve problems many American companies have erred by purchasing technology they did n't understand 1 Of course , simply buying computers does n't always solve problems , and many American companies have erred by purchasing technology they did n't understand healthy skepticism is only a small reason for Japan 's PC lag 2 Japan has no history of typewriter use the Japanese `` alphabet '' is so huge 6 Because the Japanese `` alphabet '' is so huge , Japan has no history of typewriter use so `` keyboard allergy , '' especially among older workers , remains a common affliction 2 Japan has no history of typewriter use and keyboard allergy , '' especially among older workers , remains a common affliction 1 Japanese `` salarymen '' usually share large , common tables and rely heavily on old-fashioned personal contact most American employees have their own private space 6 Top Japanese executives often make decisions based on consensus and personal relationships rather than complex financial projections and fancy presentations Japan 's management system makes it hard to impose a single , integrated computer system corporatewide 6 Because the Japanese `` alphabet '' is so huge , Japan has no history of typewriter use , and so `` keyboard allergy , '' especially among older workers , remains a common affliction While most American employees have their own private space , Japanese `` salarymen '' usually share large , common tables and rely heavily on old-fashioned personal contact.Top Japanese executives often make decisions based on consensus and personal relationships rather than complex financial projections and fancy presentations.And Japan 's management system makes it hard to impose a single , integrated computer system corporatewide a computer processing the Japanese language needs a huge memory and much processing capability , while the screen and printer need far better definition to depict accurately the intricate symbols.Until recently , much of the necessary technology has been unavailable or at least unaffordable 6 Besides , a computer processing the Japanese language needs a huge memory and much processing capability the screen and printer need far better definition to depict accurately the intricate symbols 0 Some analysts estimate the average PC costs about 50 % more in Japan than the U.S the complex language is n't the only reason 1 The U.S. market , too , is dominated by a giant , International Business Machines Corp early on , IBM offered its basic design to anybody wanting to copy it 2 and increases software firms ' incentive to write packages they can be sold to users of virtually any computer 3 Sony CD owners could listen to a Sony version of Madonna 's `` Like a Prayer '' but not one made for a Panasonic player a record industry lacked a common standard 6 NEC wo n't release its code every one of the dozen or so makers has its own proprietary operating system -- all incompatible with each other 1 IBM established its standard to try to stop falling behind upstart Apple Computer NEC was ahead from the start and did n't need to invite in competitive allies 11 NEC wo n't release its code , and every one of the dozen or so makers has its own proprietary operating system -- all incompatible with each other the big players have n't tried to copy the NEC standard 6 NEC wo n't release its code , and every one of the dozen or so makers has its own proprietary operating system -- all incompatible with each other the big players have n't tried to copy the NEC standard 6 NEC disapproves of such machines marketing one would jeopardize their relationship 1 only about 8,000 are written for NEC tens of thousands of software packages using the IBM standard are available in the U.S 2 In Japan , `` software is four to five years behind the U.S hardware is four to five years behind 2 because hardware is four to five years behind NEC is enjoying a monopoly 2 that prices are higher in Japan customers put a greater emphasis on quality and service than they do in the U.S 2 that some technological advances trail those in the U.S the Japanese still import basic operating systems from American companies 1 While American PC sales have averaged roughly 25 % annual growth since 1984 and West European sales a whopping 40 % , Japanese sales were flat for most of that time the market is changing 6 not only to make certain tasks easier but to transform the way the company is run 2 who supervise their subordinates orders would be properly acted on 1 Managers have long been those who supervise their subordinates so orders would be properly acted on new managers will have to be creators and innovators 6 But new managers will have to be creators and innovators for that purpose it is necessary to create an environment where information from both inside and outside the company can be reached easily , and also shared 6 where information from both inside and outside the company can be reached easily and shared 11 The government is funding several projects to push PC use In the private sector , practically every major company is setting explicit goals to increase employees ' exposure to computers more computer makers now are competing for the new business 1 That has n't generated much sales this summer Microsoft rallied all the major NEC competitors to make their new machines compatible with the IBM OS/2 standard 6 A healthy , coherent Japanese market could also make it far easier for Japanese companies to sell overseas , where their share is still minimal it could also help American companies , which also are starting to try to open the market 6 A healthy , coherent Japanese market could also make it far easier for Japanese companies to sell overseas , where their share is still minimal But it could help American companies 6 for Japanese companies to sell overseas , where their share is still minimal which are starting to try to open the market 0 the Japanese computer industry is difficult for outsiders to enter no formal trade barriers exist 3 we would have been in in 1983 or 1984 it were an open market 0 it is still only `` studying '' Japan , the only nation that has n't adopted IBM-oriented specifications it has opened a New Zealand subsidiary 6 Though no formal trade barriers exist , the Japanese computer industry is difficult for outsiders to enter because general retail centers such as ComputerLand have little presence in Japan , sales remain in the iron grip of established computer makers 2 And sales remain in the iron grip of established computer makers general retail centers such as ComputerLand have little presence in Japan 1 And because general retail centers such as ComputerLand have little presence in Japan , sales remain in the iron grip of established computer makers the Americans are also to blame 6 the Japanese computer industry is difficult for outsiders to enter But the Americans are to blame 6 though long a leader in the Japanese mainframe business , did n't introduce its first PC in Japan until five years after NEC did that was n't compatible even with the U.S. IBM standard 6 They long made little effort here American companies charge too much 1 They long made little effort here the U.S. companies are redoubling their efforts 6 that could run in both Japanese and English that substantially enhances compatibility with its American products 1 It may take five years to break even in Japan it 's an enormous business opportunity 2 This is it kills the unborn , a job at which it actually is not outstandingly efficient , zapping only 50 % to 85 % of them depending on which study you read ( prostaglandin , taken in conjunction with the pill , boosts the rate to 95 % ) 1 zapping only 50 % to 85 % of them depending on which study you read surgical abortion is 99 % effective 6 the abortion part alone lasts three days the clinical part comprises a week 's worth of visits 0 one woman in a Swedish trial required a transfusion for most it resembles a menstrual period , with bleeding lasting an average of 10 days 10 taken a woman misses her menstrual period up through the seventh week of pregnancy 0 So far , all the studies have concluded that RU-486 is `` safe safe , '' in the definition of Marie Bass of the Reproductive Health Technologies Project , means `` there 's been no evidence so far of mortality 10 The drug seems to suppress ovulation for three to seven months it is taken 0 Some women clearly have no trouble eventually conceiving again : The studies have reported repeaters in their programs there are no scientific data on this question 3 which occurs the drug fails to induce an abortion 6 It typically takes from eight to 10 years to obtain the Food and Drug Administration 's approval for a new drug the cost of testing and marketing a new drug can range from $ 30 million to $ 70 million 1 The Health and Human Services Department currently forbids the National Institutes of Health from funding abortion research as part of its $ 8 million contraceptive program the Population Council , a 37-year-old , $ 20 million nonprofit organization that has the backing of the Rockefeller and Mellon foundations and currently subsidizes most U.S. research on contraceptives , has recently been paying for U.S. studies of RU-486 on a license from its French developer , Roussel-Uclaf , a joint subsidiary of the German pharmaceutical company Hoechst and the French government 6 For a woman whose period is late , using RU-486 means no waiting , no walking past picket lines at abortion clinics , and no feet up in stirrups for surgery It means she will never have to know whether she had actually been pregnant 2 RU-486 is being administered in France only under strict supervision in the presence of a doctor a woman who used RU-486 to have an abortion would have to make three trips to the clinic past those picket lines ; an initial visit for medical screening and to take the pill , a second trip 48 hours later for the prostaglandin , administered either via injection or vaginal suppository , and a third trip a week later to make sure she has completely aborted 6 Thus , a woman who used RU-486 to have an abortion would have to make three trips to the clinic past those picket lines ; an initial visit for medical screening ( anemics and those with previous pregnancy problems are eliminated ) and to take the pill , a second trip 48 hours later for the prostaglandin , administered either via injection or vaginal suppository , and a third trip a week later to make sure she has completely aborted because timing is so critical with RU-486 , she will learn , via a pelvic examination and ultrasound , not only that she is pregnant , but just how pregnant she is 2 Furthermore she will learn , via a pelvic examination and ultrasound , not only that she is pregnant , but just how pregnant she is timing is so critical with RU-486 3 it would put the federal government into the contraceptive marketing business for the first time this passes 6 it would put the federal government into the contraceptive marketing business for the first time It could put the government into the RU-486 business 10 We will not know a first generation of female guinea pigs has put the abortion pill through the clinical test of time 6 That means that the U.S. trade deficit was running closer to $ 75 billion than to $ 95 billion in 1988 , and $ 55 billion ( annualized ) rather than $ 80 billion in the first quarter of 1989 These revised figures may explain some of the recent strength of the dollar 1 Too early to tell a trade deficit that is significantly smaller than we imagined does suggest a review of our trade posture 1 It does not relieve the need for our market-opening efforts for both goods and services it does suggest that it is our exports of services , and not just borrowing , that is financing our imports of goods 0 The tab even covers $ 8 million in commitment fees owed to Citicorp and Chase Manhattan Corp their failure to obtain $ 7.2 billion in bank loans for the buy-out was the main reason for its collapse 3 to reimburse certain of the buy-out group 's expenses out of company funds the transaction was n't completed 6 the buy-out group is entitled to be repaid $ 26.7 million in fees for its investment bankers , Lazard Freres & Co. and Salomon Brothers Inc. , and its law firm , Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison The buy-out group is entitled to $ 16 million to repay a fund created by the pilots union for an employee stock ownership plan 6 from collecting up to $ 53.7 million in fees UAL stock rose $ 4 a share to $ 175 in composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange on reports that Los Angeles investor Marvin Davis has asked United Airlines unions if they 're interested in cooperating with Mr. Davis in a new bid for UAL 0 that Los Angeles investor Marvin Davis has asked United Airlines unions if they 're interested in cooperating with Mr. Davis in a new bid for UAL neither the pilots nor the machinists appear interested 6 But neither the pilots nor the machinists appear interested Mr. Davis is barred from making a new bid under terms of an agreement he made with UAL in September unless UAL accepts an offer below $ 300 a share 5 and Mr. Davis is barred from making a new bid under terms of an agreement he made with UAL in September UAL accepts an offer below $ 300 a share 6 Kidder , Peabody & Co. , a unit of General Electric Co. , announced it would stop doing stock-index arbitrage for its own account Merrill Lynch & Co. pulled out of the practice altogether 11 Mr. Phelan 's meeting with the floor brokers comes according to exchange officials he prepares to explain the exchange 's position on program trading to key congressional regulators in a closed session tomorrow 11 The program-trading outcry was taken to a new level giant Contel Corp. said it and 20 or more of the Big Board 's listed companies are forming an unprecedented alliance to complain about the exchange 's role in program trading 2 Merrill 's move is one of the most sweeping program-trading pullbacks of recent days the big securities firm will no longer execute stock-index arbitrage trades for customers 6 and Merrill Lynch & Co. pulled out of the practice altogether it is lobbying for significant regulatory controls on program trading , including tough margin -- or down-payment -- requirements and limits on price moves for program-driven financial futures 2 index arbitrage `` has been clearly identified in the investing public 's mind as a contributing factor to excess market volatility Merrill wo n't execute such trades until `` effective controls '' are in place 10 so Merrill wo n't execute such trades effective controls '' are in place 6 so Merrill wo n't execute such trades until `` effective controls '' are in place it would cease index arbitrage altogether 1 Last Thursday , PaineWebber Group Inc. also said it would cease index arbitrage altogether the firm was n't as big an index arbitrager as Merrill is 6 Index arbitrage does n't have a `` negative impact on the market as a whole Kidder 's customers were `` sophisticated '' enough to know that 1 Just a week ago , Mr. Carpenter staunchly defended index arbitrage at Kidder , the most active index-arbitrage trading firm on the stock exchange this year.Index arbitrage , Mr. Carpenter said last week , does n't have a `` negative impact on the market as a whole '' and Kidder 's customers were `` sophisticated '' enough to know that yesterday , Mr. Carpenter said big institutional investors told us they would n't do business with firms '' that continued to do index arbitrage for their own accounts 1 Kidder denied that GE 's chairman and chief executive , John F. Welch , had anything to do with Kidder 's decision at least one chief executive said he called Mr. Welch to complain about Kidder 's aggressive use of program trading , and other market sources said they understood that Mr. Welch received many phone calls complaining about Kidder 's reliance on index arbitrage as a major business 6 But at least one chief executive said he called Mr. Welch to complain about Kidder 's aggressive use of program trading other market sources said they understood that Mr. Welch received many phone calls complaining about Kidder 's reliance on index arbitrage as a major business 0 Supporters of index arbitrage have n't been publicly sticking up for the trading strategy , as some did during the post-crash outcry of 1987 Merrill Lynch , in its statement about pulling out of index arbitrage , suggested that the current debate has missed the mark 6 that `` the causes of excess market volatility are far more complex than any particular computer trading strategy there are legitimate hedging strategies used by managers of large portfolios such as pension funds that involve program trading as a means of protecting the assets of their pension beneficiaries 2 Merrill 's index arbitragers will continue to do other kinds of computer-assisted program trading there probably wo n't be any layoffs at the firm 11 But Merrill Lynch , in its statement about pulling out of index arbitrage , suggested that the current debate has missed the mark . Merrill said it continues to believe that `` the causes of excess market volatility are far more complex than any particular computer trading strategy Bear Stearns Chairman and Chief Executive Alan C. Greenberg said his firm will continue stock-index arbitrage for its clients 6 But Merrill Lynch , in its statement about pulling out of index arbitrage , suggested that the current debate has missed the mark . Merrill said it continues to believe that `` the causes of excess market volatility are far more complex than any particular computer trading strategy Bear Stearns Chairman and Chief Executive Alan C. Greenberg said his firm will continue stock-index arbitrage for its clients 3 they are crazy they think they are going to stop index arbitrage by causing a few Wall Street firms to quit 6 Pressure from big institutional investors has been the major catalyst for Wall Street 's program-trading pullback there was speculation yesterday that Fidelity Investments and other large mutual-fund companies might soon follow the lead of Kemper Corp. and other institutions in cutting off trading business to securities firms that do program trading 1 A Fidelity spokesman in Boston denied the speculation , saying the program-trading issue was more of a regulatory problem a much smaller mutual fund company , the USAA Investment Management Co. unit of USAA , San Antonio , Texas , said it informed nine national brokerage firms it will cease business with them unless they stop index-arbitrage trading 5 it will cease business with them they stop index-arbitrage trading 2 he had no time to work yesterday he received so many phone calls , faxes and letters supporting his view that the Big Board has been turned into a `` gambling casino '' by program traders 11 Robert Guy , an associate curator at the Princeton Art Museum , was previewing a June antiquities sale at the auction house he recognized the kylix 6 To confirm Mr . Guy 's identification , Sotheby 's and IFAR exchanged photos by fax the waiting man , apparently innocent of knowledge that the kylix was stolen , agreed to release it 6 The cup had been insured in short order it was given over to a Chubb & Son representative 10 The theft was discovered early this year Ms. Hammond took her post 1 when Mr. Krisher was hospitalized for depression on Oct. 6 , he had reason to celebrate 5 to sell 44 of the most important stolen strips to Mr. Russell for $ 62,800 New York City police seized the stolen goods , and Mr. Krisher avoided jail 6 Instead , New York City police seized the stolen goods Mr. Krisher avoided jail 6 The air-waybill number was changed en route paper work showing that the crates had cleared customs was misplaced 2 The air-waybill number was changed en route , and paper work showing that the crates had cleared customs was misplaced it was a week before three of the four crates could be located in a bonded warehouse and the Gauguin discovered missing 0 the Gauguin may be `` lost Heathrow authorities have been watching a group of allegedly crooked baggage handlers for some time 0 The government offered a reward for the return of the antiquities routine police work led to the recovery 10 Carlos Perches Trevino and Ramon Sardina Garcia had hidden the haul in a closet in the Perches family 's home for a year they took the art to Acapulco and began to trade some of it for cocaine 6 The artist 's melancholy subjects bring high prices on the world market the U.S. State Department notified IFAR of the theft in February 1988 0 Trompe l'oeil painting is meant to fool the eye Robert Lawrence Trotter , 35 , of Kennett Square , Pa. , took his fooling seriously 2 it is recalling about 3,600 of its 1990-model Escorts the windshield adhesive was improperly applied to some cars 6 Ford Motor Co. said it is recalling about 3,600 of its 1990-model Escorts because the windshield adhesive was improperly applied to some cars Ford and Mazda Motor Corp. 's U.S. sales arm said they are recalling about 88,500 1988-model Mercury Tracers and 220,000 1986 , 1987 and 1988 model Mazda 323s equipped with 1.6-liter fuel-injected engines to replace the oil filler cap 10 to retain the windshield in place in a crash test at 30 miles per hour properly applied 2 owners should return the cars to dealers the windshields can be removed and securely reinstalled 6 Both companies will replace the oil filler cap with a ventilated oil filler cap Both will inspect and replace , if necessary , oil filters and oil strainers , at no charge to owners 6 Ford said the term on its warranty is already six years or 60,000 miles Ford said it will offer $ 750 cash rebates to buyers of its 1990-model Ford Bronco sport utility vehicle 6 it will offer $ 750 cash rebates to buyers of its 1990-model Ford Bronco sport utility vehicle it will offer buyers the option of financing as low as 6.9 % on 24-month loans 6 it will also offer buyers the option of financing as low as 6.9 % on 24-month loans Ford offered the low financing rate option on 1989-model Broncos , which previously carried a $ 750 cash discount 10 Ford also offered the low financing rate option on 1989-model Broncos which carried a $ 750 cash discount 6 the federal appeals court ruling , which favored LTV , threatened to transform the agency from an insurer of troubled pension plans into an `` open-ended source of industry bailouts The ruling may determine how quickly LTV is able to complete its Chapter 11 reorganization 11 In January 1987 the agency terminated the three LTV pension plans LTV Steel continued operating while under reorganization 1 that the agency 's insurance assumes the liabilities and pays the pension benefits already owed under the plans workers do n't accrue new benefits 2 LTV would be responsible only for benefits paid under the new pension plans the federal pension agency had taken over the old plans 1 Because the federal pension agency had taken over the old plans , LTV would be responsible only for benefits paid under the new pension plans the agency viewed the creation of the new plans as an abuse of federal pension law and an attempt to transfer the liability of the $ 2.3 billion shortfall from LTV to federal insurance 6 But the agency viewed the creation of the new plans as an abuse of federal pension law and an attempt to transfer the liability of the $ 2.3 billion shortfall from LTV to federal insurance The agency concluded that LTV 's financial status had improved while it was under reorganization 11 that LTV 's financial status had improved it was under reorganization 6 LTV challenged the order a federal district court in New York in June 1988 ruled that the agency improperly ordered LTV to reassume responsibility for the plans 6 The appeals court said there was no evidence that Congress intended to allow the pension agency to consider a company 's creation of new benefit plans as a basis for ordering that company to reassume liability for old plans The appeals court said the agency had to consider a company 's long-term ability to fund pension plans , not just short-term improved financial status 2 that it was disappointed that the court agreed to hear the case it believes the move will further delay its Chapter 11 proceedings 1 that it was disappointed that the court agreed to hear the case because it believes the move will further delay its Chapter 11 proceedings it is confident that the Supreme Court will uphold the lower-court decisions 11 to continue discussions with the agency about a settlement the case is being reviewed 6 The Nissan logo flashed on the screen for a moment then came a taped plea for donations from former President Reagan 10 The Nissan logo flashed on the screen for a moment and came a taped plea for donations from former President Reagan 1 By advertising disaster relief , these companies are hoping to don a white hat and come out a hero the strategy can backfire 3 the companies may end up looking like rank opportunists instead of good Samaritans the ads appear too self-serving 6 At Nissan , `` we felt we wanted to do something to help them gather money we had this airtime on Monday Night Football 1 advertisers in the past couple of years have learned to turn on a dime , to crash out ads in days or even hours TV commercials typically take weeks to produce 1 The ads are just the latest evidence of how television advertising is getting faster on the draw as advertisers latch onto disasters with increasing frequency , they risk hurting themselves as much as helping the cause 11 But they risk hurting themselves as much as helping the cause advertisers latch onto disasters with increasing frequency 6 People see extra messages in advertising if a manufacturer is clearly trying to get something out of it . . . if it 's too transparent . . . then consumers will see through that 3 a manufacturer is clearly trying to get something out of it and consumers will see through that 3 it 's too transparent and consumers will see through that 2 It can backfire companies can step across the line and go too far , be too pushy 1 because companies can step across the line and go too far , be too pushy that only a few of the quake-related campaigns have been `` tasteless '' and that `` the majority have been truly beneficial to the people who need the help 6 that only a few of the quake-related campaigns have been `` tasteless that `` the majority have been truly beneficial to the people who need the help 0 however , he wo n't be paying for it the campaign was Mr. Gibbons 's idea 0 Burger King 's chief executive officer , Barry Gibbons , stars in ads saying that the fast-food chain will donate 25 cents to the Red Cross for every purchase of a BK Doubles hamburger While the campaign was Mr. Gibbons 's idea he wo n't be paying for it 6 The donations will come out of the chain 's national advertising fund , which is financed by the franchisees by basing donations on BK Doubles , a new double-hamburger line the fast-food chain is trying to push , Burger King works a sales pitch into its public-service message 6 Burger King 's chief executive officer , Barry Gibbons , stars in ads saying that the fast-food chain will donate 25 cents to the Red Cross for every purchase of a BK Doubles hamburger Toyota 's upscale Lexus division , a sponsor of the World Series , put in a plug for Red Cross donations in a World Series game it sponsored 6 Toyota 's upscale Lexus division , a sponsor of the World Series , also put in a plug for Red Cross donations in a World Series game it sponsored New York Life made a plea for Red Cross donations in newspaper ads in the San Francisco area 0 they 're piggybacking on our reputation she has no problem with that 11 they 're piggybacking on our reputation they 're helping us 0 The Red Cross does n't track contributions raised by the disaster ads it has amassed $ 46.6 million since it first launched its hurricane relief effort Sept. 23 10 but it has amassed $ 46.6 million it first launched its hurricane relief effort Sept. 23 10 Northrup King Co. , Golden Valley , Minn. , awarded its $ 4 million field-crop-seeds account to Creswell , Munsell , Fultz & Zirbel , a Cedar Rapids , Iowa , division of Young & Rubicam The account had been handled by Saatchi & Saatchi Wegener , New York 3 he may be able to look back on this election as the high-water mark of far-left opposition he follows the correct path 0 The far left had some good issues it did not have good programs for dealing with them 0 Unemployment still is officially recorded at 16.5 % , the highest rate in Europe actual joblessness may be lower 6 Housing is scarce public services -- the court system , schools , mail service , telephone network and the highways -- are in disgraceful condition 6 It could point to plenty of ailments that the Spanish economic rejuvenation so far has failed to cure The left is critical of the style of the Socialist government -- a remarkable parallel to the situation in Britain 2 In that time more than 1.2 million jobs have been created the official jobless rate has been pushed below 17 % from 21 % 6 Mr. Gonzalez and his colleagues , particularly the finance minister , Carlos Solchaga , are charged with having abandoned their socialist principles and with having become arrogant elitists who refuse even to go on television ( controlled by the state ) to face their accusers Mr. Gonzalez has split with the left in reaffirming Spain 's NATO commitment and in renewing a defense treaty with the U.S 0 Mr. Gonzalez and his colleagues , particularly the finance minister , Carlos Solchaga , are charged with having abandoned their socialist principles and with having become arrogant elitists who refuse even to go on television ( controlled by the state ) to face their accusers Mr. Gonzalez is not quite a closet supply-side revolutionary 6 He did not go as far as he could have in tax reductions he combined them with increases in indirect taxes 1 Mr. Gonzalez is not quite a closet supply-side revolutionary , however.He did not go as far as he could have in tax reductions ; indeed he combined them with increases in indirect taxes the best the far-left could do was not enough to deter the biggest voting bloc -- nearly 40 % -- from endorsing the direction Spain is taking 2 to cut public subsidies and transfers making funds available for public services starved of money for six years 10 along comes Mr. Ortega in Costa Rica this weekend to `` blunder '' into the hands of what are often called conservatives American liberalism had pulled the arms plug on the Contras and their friend Ronald Reagan 3 Mr. Ortega should give them a break the conservatives ask them to vote for bullets instead of bandages 6 that making George Bush look silly in a photograph with him will trigger Noriegan fulminations that announcing an end to the liberals ' cease-fire will produce mainly their concern over the Contras ' military activities in northern Nicaragua 1 the government of Spain approved the marketing of its Proleukin interleukin-2 drug to treat kidney cancer Spanish authorities must clear the price for the treatment 6 Spanish authorities must still clear the price for the treatment that it expects to receive such approval by year end 6 they were considering the new reporting requirements the expected publication of the proposal in the Federal Register today is the first official step toward creating final regulations 0 Another suggestion would draw banks more directly into tracking down money launderers by developing a `` suspicious international wire transfer profile , '' which banks would use to spotlight questionable payments banks may prefer using a profile that targets selected transactions , rather than a blanket reporting requirement 1 Banks now are required only to report cash deposits or withdrawals of $ 10,000 or more wire transfers from a standing account -- including those bigger than $ 10,000 -- are n't reported 1 A Western Union spokesman , citing adverse developments in the market for high-yield `` junk '' bonds , declined to say what alternatives are under consideration some holders of the Western Union notes expect the company to propose a more-attractive debt swap that will give them a substantial equity stake in the company 2 Western Union has had major losses in recent years its telex business has faltered in the face of competition from facsimile machines 10 Western Union has had major losses in recent years its telex business has faltered in the face of competition from facsimile machines 6 as its telex business has faltered in the face of competition from facsimile machines as other business ventures have gone awry 2 Western Union has had major losses in recent years and other business ventures have gone awry 11 Western Union has had major losses in recent years and other business ventures have gone awry 10 The notes became burdensome reset provisions allowed their interest rate to be raised to 19.25 % last June 2 The notes became burdensome reset provisions allowed their interest rate to be raised to 19.25 % last June 6 Western Union must make $ 48 million in interest payments on the reset notes on Dec. 15 it fully intends to meet the payments 1 Western Union must make $ 48 million in interest payments on the reset notes on Dec. 15 , and a company spokesman said it fully intends to meet the payments Western Union has said it must lower the interest rate on its debt to regain full financial health 6 The Nasdaq bank index fell 5.00 to 432.61 the insurance index fell 3.56 to 528.56 11 The Nasdaq bank index fell 5.00 to 432.61 the insurance index fell 3.56 to 528.56 6 The Nasdaq bank index fell 5.00 to 432.61 , while the insurance index fell 3.56 to 528.56 the `` other finance '' index dropped 3.27 to 529.32 11 The Nasdaq bank index fell 5.00 to 432.61 , while the insurance index fell 3.56 to 528.56 , and the `` other finance '' index dropped 3.27 to 529.32.The largest financial issues , as measured by the Nasdaq financial index , tumbled 3.23 to the index of the 100 biggest non-financial stocks , the Nasdaq 100 , gained 0.47 to 438.15 6 The Nasdaq bank index fell 5.00 to 432.61 , while the insurance index fell 3.56 to 528.56 , and the `` other finance '' index dropped 3.27 to 529.32.The largest financial issues , as measured by the Nasdaq financial index , tumbled 3.23 to the index of the 100 biggest non-financial stocks , the Nasdaq 100 , gained 0.47 to 438.15 2 who sell loss-making stocks they can deduct their losses from this year 's income 6 many portfolio managers are selling now rather than risk seeing their gains erode further Tax-loss sellers , those investors who sell loss-making stocks so they can deduct their losses from this year 's income , are getting out 6 The stocks that have been the best are having big pullbacks the ones that have been the worst are getting clobbered 2 We are advising a lot of our clients to make moves that make sense to them , rather than waiting until the last minute things have been so volatile 10 Weisfield 's surged 14 to 53 agreeing in principle to be acquired by a unit of Ratners Group for $ 50 a share 10 Mid-State Federal Savings Bank advanced 1 1/2 to 20 1/4 it said it is in talks with a possible acquirer 11 Jaguar assumed its recently customary place on the OTC most active list its American depository receipts gained 1/4 to 11 7/8 on volume of 1.2 million shares and Daimler-Benz joined the list of companies interested in the British car maker 2 Jaguar assumed its recently customary place on the OTC most active list its American depository receipts gained 1/4 to 11 7/8 on volume of 1.2 million shares and Daimler-Benz joined the list of companies interested in the British car maker 6 as its American depository receipts gained 1/4 to 11 7/8 on volume of 1.2 million shares Daimler-Benz joined the list of companies interested in the British car maker 11 and Daimler-Benz joined the list of companies interested in the British car maker General Motors and Ford Motor continue their pursuit of the company 6 and Daimler-Benz joined the list of companies interested in the British car maker General Motors and Ford Motor continue their pursuit of the company 6 Ford has acquired more than 13 % of Jaguar 's shares GM has received U.S. regulatory clearance to buy 15 % 10 Late Friday , the company reported a loss of $ 51.3 million for the third quarter earning $ 9.2 million a year before 10 Abraham Lincoln Federal Savings Bank sank 4 to 13 1/2 announcing a shakeup that will change senior management and reorganize the bank 's mortgage business as a separate unit 6 after announcing a shakeup that will change senior management and reorganize the bank 's mortgage business as a separate unit The bank said it will establish a loan-loss reserve of $ 2.5 million to $ 4 million against a construction loan that is in default 10 The bank said it has received no offers and that its board will review whether to continue soliciting bids which said it was for sale 6 it has received no offers that its board will review whether to continue soliciting bids 3 which unleash the chaotic growth of cells that characterizes cancer damaged 10 that the accumulation of several of these altered genes can initiate a cancer and propel it into a deadly state 11 they make proteins that hold a cell 's growth in check functioning normally 1 When functioning normally , they make proteins that hold a cell 's growth in check if the genes are damaged -- perhaps by radiation , a chemical or through a chance accident in cell division -- their growth-suppressing proteins no longer work , and cells normally under control turn malignant 3 But their growth-suppressing proteins no longer work , and cells normally under control turn malignant the genes are damaged -- perhaps by radiation , a chemical or through a chance accident in cell division 2 But their growth-suppressing proteins no longer work cells normally under control turn malignant 0 Oncogenes must be present for a cell to become malignant researchers have found them in normal as well as in cancerous cells 10 An oncogene may turn proliferating cells malignant the tumor-suppressor gene has been damaged 2 Either copy can make the proteins needed to control cell growth for cancer to arise , both copies must be impaired 2 A person who is born with one defective copy of a suppressor gene , or in whom one copy is damaged early in life , is especially prone to cancer he need only lose the other copy for a cancer to develop 10 The Dedham , Mass. , couple knew that any child of theirs had a 50 % chance of being at risk for retinoblastoma , an eye cancer that occurs about once every 20,000 births Bonnie became pregnant in 1987 11 having lost an eye to the rare tumor he was only two months old 10 Mr. Quinlan , 30 years old , knew he carried a damaged gene , having lost an eye to the rare tumor when he was only two months old his mother had suffered the same fate when she was a baby 11 after his mother had suffered the same fate she was a baby 2 that little Will Quinlan had not inherited a damaged retinoblastoma supressor gene and faced no more risk than other children of developing the rare cancer 1 All this may not be obvious to the public , which is concerned about advances in treatment I am convinced this basic research will begin showing results there soon 10 Dr. Dryja made his retinoblastoma discovery in 1986 last spring , researchers reported finding a gene called p53 which , if impaired , turns healthy colon cells cancerous 3 which turns healthy colon cells cancerous impaired 3 that they are especially prone to cancer people inherit defective versions of these genes 11 The tumor developed the second , normal copy also was damaged 0 when a pediatrician named Alfred G. Knudson Jr. proposed that retinoblastoma stemmed from two separate genetic defects there was no way to prove Dr. Knudson 's `` two-hit '' theory 1 Back then , scientists had no way of ferreting out specific genes under a microscope they could see the 23 pairs of chromosomes in the cells that contain the genes 1 He assumed the missing piece contained a gene or genes whose loss had a critical role in setting off the cancer he did n't know which gene or genes had disappeared 10 But he did n't know which gene or genes had disappeared a scientific team led by molecular geneticist Webster Cavenee , then at the University of Utah , found the answer 1 It was an audacious claim in Baltimore , Dr. Vogelstein , a young molecular biologist at Johns Hopkins Medical School , believed Dr. Knudson was right , and set out to repeat the Cavenee experiment in cells from other cancers 10 and set out to repeat the Cavenee experiment in cells from other cancers Dr. Vogelstein turned his attention to colon cancer , the second biggest cancer killer in the U.S. after lung cancer 2 colon cancer might also arise from multiple `` hits '' on cancer suppressor genes it often seems to develop in stages 9 It often is preceded by the development of polyps in the bowel , which in some cases become increasingly malignant in identifiable stages a cascade of genetic damage might be occurring 3 benign polyps would develop both copies of a certain gene were knocked out 3 the polyps would progress to malignancy both copies of a second gene were then deleted 10 benign polyps would develop If both copies of a second gene were deleted 1 It was the confirming evidence we all needed that { gene } losses were critical to the development of a common tumor Dr. Vogelstein had yet to nail the identity of the gene that , if damaged , flipped a colon cell into full-blown malignancy 3 that flipped a colon cell into full-blown malignancy damaged 10 Dr. Vogelstein was dubious that the search was over they found it last winter 1 The deletion Dr. Vogelstein found was in exactly the same spot as p53 Mr. Levine had said the p53 gene caused cancer by promoting growth , whereas the Johns Hopkins scientists were looking for a gene that suppressed growth 1 But Mr. Levine had said the p53 gene caused cancer by promoting growth the Johns Hopkins scientists were looking for a gene that suppressed growth 10 Despite that they found the two were identical the Johns Hopkins scientists compared the gene they had found in the human cancer cells with the Mr. Levine 's p53 gene 2 that the gene , when inherited in a damaged form , may predispose women to the cancer breast cancer often strikes multiple members of certain families 3 that the gene may predispose women to the cancer inherited in a damaged form 6 In a report out last week , John Minna and colleagues at the National Cancer Institute say that about half the cells taken from lung cancer tissue they tested are missing this gene There are reports from several labs , as yet unpublished , of missing p53 genes in tissue taken from kidney , brain and skin cancers 6 people who inherit a defective gene somewhere on one of their two copies of chromosome 3 are especially prone to lung cancer that the retinoblastoma suppressor gene may be involved in some lung cancers , as well as several other more common cancers , too 1 It may even be possible to replace defective genes with healthy versions no one has come close to doing that so far 1 Many investors give Michael Foods about as much chance of getting it together as Humpty Dumpty now at least there 's a glimmer of hope for the stock 10 the stock dropped nearly 19 % the company this month announced lower-than-forecast sales of Easy Eggs 2 the stock dropped nearly 19 % the company this month announced lower-than-forecast sales of Easy Eggs 5 Michael wo n't confirm the identities of any Easy Egg customers will it say much of anything else 1 These federal-court suits accuse the officers of failing to disclose that Easy Eggs were unlikely to sell briskly enough to justify all of Michael 's production capacity at least Burger King has signed on , and says that by year end it wo n't be using any shell eggs 2 and says that by year end it wo n't be using any shell eggs.The Miami fast-food chain , owned by Grand Metropolitan of Britain , expects to consume roughly 34 million pounds of liquefied eggs annually there is reason to believe that Michael 's hopes for a bacteria-free , long-shelf-life egg were n't all hype 0 So there is reason to believe that Michael 's hopes for a bacteria-free , long-shelf-life egg were n't all hype caution is advisable 1 There has been no announcement of the Burger King arrangement by either party , possibly for fear that McDonald 's and other fast-food rivals would seize on it in scornful advertising Burger King operators independently confirm using Michael 's product 6 The extent of Marriott 's use is n't known Marriott officials could n't be reached for comment 6 not only because of disappointing earnings { because } the credibility gap is certainly not closing 2 The stock , in my opinion , is going to go lower , not only because of disappointing earnings but the credibility gap is certainly not closing 10 The CEO , Richard G. Olson , replied `` yes , '' but would n't elaborate A spokesman said that Mr. Olson was being `` conservative '' in his estimate 0 A spokesman said later that Mr. Olson was being `` conservative '' in his estimate the spokesman added that while Michael will earn less than last year 's $ 1.20 a share , it thinks Street estimates of $ 1 or so are low 1 that it thinks Street estimates of $ 1 or so are low Michael will earn less than last year 's $ 1.20 a share 1 He argues that Michael Foods is misunderstood : `` This is a growth company in the packaged food industry -- a rare breed , like finding a white rhino . '' Earnings are n't keeping pace , he says , because of heavy investments in the egg technologies and drought-related costs in its potato business Mr . Carver believes the company 's egg product wo n't help the bottom line in the short run 0 the company 's egg product wo n't help the bottom line in the short run it `` makes sense -- it 's more convenient '' and justifies its price because of health and sanitation concerns 6 to an alternative egg product made by Michael Foods which processes potatoes 1 Michael , which also processes potatoes , still relies on spuds for about a fourth of its sales and nearly half its pretax profit dry growing conditions in the Red River Valley of Minnesota and North Dakota are pushing spot prices of potatoes beyond what Michael contracted to pay last spring 0 Company lawyers recently sent letters to growers saying that Michael `` would take very seriously any effort . . . to divert its contracted-for potatoes to other outlets that profit margins in the potato business will be down again this year 6 Pierre Peladeau , a Canadian newspaper publisher little-known in the U.S. , figures to become a big player in North American printing his ambitions do n't end there 6 The purchase , expected to be completed by year end , will make Quebecor the second-largest commercial printer in North America , behind only R.R . Donnelley & Sons Co. , Chicago . The printing customers that Quebecor will gain through Maxwell Graphics include the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade , Time , Sports Illustrated and TV Guide the transaction is just Mr. Peladeau 's latest step in a larger design : to build Quebecor through acquisitions into an integrated paper , publishing and printing concern with a reach throughout North America 1 Quebecor still lags in the Quebec circulars market Mr. Peladeau 's former employees are expanding across Canada 10 but plunged to under 10,000 the La Presse strike ended 2 but plunged to under 10,000 the La Presse strike ended 0 The tabloid 's circulation soared to 80,000 , but plunged to under 10,000 when the La Presse strike ended Mr. Peladeau stuck with the venture 6 to launch the Journal de Montreal Quebecor publishes a second tabloid in Montreal , the struggling 18-month-old Montreal Daily News ; dailies in Quebec City and Winnipeg , Manitoba ; and dozens of weeklies covering most of Quebec 6 A series of recent acquisitions made it the dominant magazine publisher in Quebec After a recent merger , it is the only province-wide distributor of magazines and newspapers in Quebec 6 to launch the Journal de Montreal Quebecor also publishes a second tabloid in Montreal , the struggling 18-month-old Montreal Daily News ; dailies in Quebec City and Winnipeg , Manitoba ; and dozens of weeklies covering most of Quebec.A series of recent acquisitions made it the dominant magazine publisher in Quebec.After a recent merger , it is also the only province-wide distributor of magazines and newspapers in Quebec with Maxwell Communication , the company controls 54 % of Donohue Inc. , a Quebec City pulp and paper concern 1 Quebecor has n't decided how it will finance its share of the purchase it most likely will use debt 6 The U.S . Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued New York state for age discrimination against appointed state judges the commission intervened in a Connecticut state judge 's age-bias suit in federal court in New Haven 2 the mandatory-retirement age hurts the court system it deprives the state of experienced judges still capable of serving on the bench 2 he is n't eligible to be reappointed to the bench at the end of the year Justice Rubin turned 76 on May 9 0 The suit seeks a permanent injunction , back pay for judges who have been forced to retire , reinstatement of retired judges and `` other affirmative relief necessary to eradicate the effects of ( New York 's ) unlawful employment practices The suit 's impact on New York may be narrow 6 Most New York judges are elected the federal age-discrimination law does n't apply to elected officials 10 Under New York law , elected judges must retire at age 70 but can be appointed to two-year terms until they reach 76 10 but then can be appointed to two-year terms they reach 76 1 Most New York judges are elected In Connecticut most state judges are appointed by the governor and approved by the state legislature 10 Mr. Thornburgh will be free to disband the strike forces according to David Runkel , a Justice Department spokesman Congress approves a $ 479 million appropriation for federal law-enforcement and drug-interdiction agencies 10 that organized-crime activity will increase the units are dissolved and their responsibilities transferred to U.S. attorneys ' offices 6 once the units are dissolved their responsibilities transferred to U.S. attorneys ' offices 2 The Eastern District unit in Brooklyn , N.Y. , lost seven of its 15 attorneys this year the lawyers were troubled by the proposed reorganization 1 Some former strike-force personnel say the units have already begun to break up Mr. Runkel contends there has been no exodus of strike-force lawyers 6 27 lawyers have left 21 have been hired 10 27 lawyers have left and 21 have been hired Mr. Thornburgh announced his plan 3 Mr. Thornburgh would be required to reinstate the units next year an proposed omnibus crime bill is passed 2 Shelly Hancock , a male county court judge in Houston , refused to let a woman plead guilty to a drunk-driving charge her skirt stopped three inches above her knees 0 The woman appeared in court Thursday to enter her plea when she started to approach the bench , she was stopped by Judge Hancock 11 but she was stopped by Judge Hancock she started to approach the bench 10 Warner has filed a $ 1 billion breach of contract suit in Los Angeles Superior Court against Sony and the Guber-Peters duo who are countersuing Warner for trying to interfere in Sony 's acquisition of Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc. and Guber Peters Entertainment Co. in two transactions valued at over $ 5 billion 0 attorneys for the two sides apparently began talking again yesterday in an attempt to settle the matter before Thursday settlement talks had been dropped 11 they had taken Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters at their word the producers told them that getting out of the contract would be no problem because of a previous oral agreement 2 the Sony executives had n't seen the contract it was n't relevant once Guber and Peters told them Warner would let them terminate it at any time 10 because `` it was n't relevant Guber and Peters told them Warner would let them terminate it at any time 1 who did have access to the contracts who were n't part of the negotiations between Sony and the duo 6 Yesterday , in documents filed in connection with that case , Warner accused Sony officials of falsely claiming that they never read the five-year contract requiring the two producers to make movies exclusively for Columbia Warner executives filed new sworn affidavits denying claims by Messrs.Guber and Peters that the two sides had an oral agreement that enabled the producers to terminate their contract with Warner should the opportunity to run a major studio come up 1 denying claims by Messrs.Guber and Peters that the two sides had an oral agreement that enabled the producers to terminate their contract with Warner should the opportunity to run a major studio come up Sony intends to prove that the oral agreement did in fact exist , and that even the existing written contract does n't preclude the producers from taking executive posts at another studio 6 new sworn affidavits denying claims by Messrs.Guber and Peters that the two sides had an oral agreement that enabled the producers to terminate their contract with Warner should the opportunity to run a major studio come up that the oral agreement did exist 6 that the oral agreement did in fact exist that even the existing written contract does n't preclude the producers from taking executive posts at another studio 11 that Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters could in theory run Columbia still fulfilling their contract to produce movies for Warner 6 Such a dual role would be `` impractical and unethical that concept is as silly as suggesting that the head coach of the Los Angeles Dodgers could simultaneously be general manager of the San Francisco Giants Warner said it paid the two producers a fixed annual salary of $ 3 million 0 Boeing Co. 's third-quarter profit leaped 68 % Wall Street 's attention was focused on the picket line , not the bottom line 9 but Wall Street 's attention was focused on the picket line , not the bottom line the earnings report unfolded as representatives of the world 's No . 1 jet maker and the striking Machinists union came back to the negotiating table for their first meeting in two weeks 11 In fact , the earnings report unfolded representatives of the world 's No . 1 jet maker and the striking Machinists union came back to the negotiating table for their first meeting in two weeks 10 the parties will continue to sit down daily a new settlement proposal emerges or the talks break off again 5 until a new settlement proposal emerges the talks break off again 2 Sales climbed 71 % to $ 6.36 billion from $ 3.72 billion the company capitalized on the ravenous global demand for commercial airliners 2 the precise impact on Boeing 's sales , earnings , cash flow and short-term investment position could n't be determined it 's impossible to gauge how long the walkout by 55,000 Machinists rank and file will last 1 Despite the progress , Boeing indicated that the work stoppage , now in its 27th day , will have `` a serious adverse impact '' on the current quarter The investment community strongly believes that the strike will be settled before there is any lasting effect on either Boeing or its work force 10 that the strike will be settled there is any lasting effect on either Boeing or its work force 0 those dollars actually would just be deferred until 1990 the company could see fourth-quarter revenue shrink by nearly $ 5 billion if it is n't able to deliver any more planes this year 3 Although the company could see fourth-quarter revenue shrink by nearly $ 5 billion it is n't able to deliver any more planes this year 6 Although the company could see fourth-quarter revenue shrink by nearly $ 5 billion if it is n't able to deliver any more planes this year , those dollars actually would just be deferred until 1990 the company is certain to get out some aircraft with just supervisors and other non-striking employees on hand 10 Boeing had been counting on turning 96 aircraft out the door in the present period the union rejected the company 's offer and the strike was launched with the graveyard shift of Oct. 4 6 Before the union rejected the company 's offer the strike was launched with the graveyard shift of Oct. 4 1 It 's not a pretty picture it would just mean a great first and second quarter next year 1 You do n't want to minimize this and say nobody is looking at it the strike has n't gone on long enough for Boeing to lose business in any real sense 0 the company 's share price has held up so well in Mr. Smith 's words , `` most companies would have unraveled '' by now 0 the company 's share price has held up so well when , in Mr. Smith 's words , `` most companies would have unraveled '' by now Boeing went through its normal verbal gymnastics and played up the downside 7 that the company `` faces significant challenges and risks , '' on both its commercial and government contracts that spending on Pentagon programs is shrinking , and Boeing is either the prime contractor or a major supplier on many important military projects , including the B-2 Stealth bomber , the V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft and the Air Force 's next-generation tactical fighter 6 that spending on Pentagon programs is shrinking Boeing is either the prime contractor or a major supplier on many important military projects , including the B-2 Stealth bomber , the V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft and the Air Force 's next-generation tactical fighter 6 Because of cost overruns on fixed-price military work the company 's defense business will record `` a significant loss '' in 1989 production-rate increases that have been implemented on the 737 , 747 , 757 and 767 programs have resulted in `` serious work force skill-dilution problems 6 Suppliers and subcontractors are experiencing heightened pressure to support delivery schedules of course , there 's the unsteady labor situation 6 Besides the Machinists pact , accords representing 30,000 of the company 's engineering and technical employees in the Puget Sound and Wichita , Kan. , areas expire in early December a contract with the United Auto Workers at the company 's helicopter plant in Philadelphia expired Oct. 15 1 On top of that , Boeing would make cost-of-living adjustments projected to be 5 % for each year of the contract The union has called the offer `` insulting 11 that the company provided inaccurate cost information to the Air Force negotiating contracts to replace the aluminum skins on the KC-135 tanker aircraft 6 This is virgin territory , unclaimed it 's going to be nasty 2 the company `` intends to be a party to any transportation system that goes up there that it would consider joint ventures with other players 6 the company `` intends to be a party to any transportation system that goes up there that it would consider joint ventures with other players 10 A number of issues still need to be resolved Canadian regulators give any project the final go-ahead 3 the project would be viable gas prices reach US $ 3.25 a thousand cubic feet by 1995 , in current dollars , up from a current spot price of about US $ 1.50 6 First , the price of natural gas will have to almost double U.S. gas buyers must decide whether they want to enter firm contracts for Mackenzie delta gas or develop Alaskan reserves in the Prudhoe Bay area first , a project that has been on hold for more than a decade 6 it 's too early to say whether Alaskan or Mackenzie delta gas would flow to market first it plans to seek regulatory approval to build an alternative line , the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System further north toward Alaska 3 it would build another smaller pipeline connecting Mackenzie Delta reserves to the Alaska mainline that option is favored by gas buyers and regulators 6 U.S. gas buyers must also decide whether they want to enter firm contracts for Mackenzie delta gas or develop Alaskan reserves in the Prudhoe Bay area first , a project that has been on hold for more than a decade It 's likely that regulators will try to forge some kind of consensus between the would-be pipeline builders before undertaking any hearings into rival projects 10 that regulators will try to forge some kind of consensus between the would-be pipeline builders undertaking any hearings into rival projects 5 that is n't in the cards the company would prefer to work with other `` interested parties '' on a joint proposal 4 well , that 's their strategy they think it gives them some kind of priority position 0 In recent years , unions and community groups have won big commitments from banks to make low-interest loans in certain neighborhoods by threatening to hold up proposed acquisitions with protests to the Fed about reinvestment act compliance Few petitions have actually delayed or scuttled mergers 0 it was disappointed by the delay it would cooperate with regulatory authorities 3 Florida National would almost double First Union 's banking franchise in Florida to $ 17 billion in assets acquired 6 Texas Air has run into difficulty reselling about $ 20 million of debt securities because of problems in the junk bond market plans to raise another $ 20 million through changes to an insurance policy have hit a snag 1 It is unclear what caused the creditors to do an about-face on exploring alternatives to Eastern 's new reorganization plan since Eastern first filed for Chapter 11 protection March 9 , it has consistently promised to pay creditors 100 cents on the dollar 10 However it has consistently promised to pay creditors 100 cents on the dollar Eastern first filed for Chapter 11 protection March 9 2 some committee members successfully argued that there 's little reason yet to explore a different plan , according to one person familiar with the creditors ' position the carrier is still pledging to do that 6 that the committee has not yet taken any position on Eastern 's reorganization plan that the two sides were still negotiating 2 Such a change meant the reorganization plan the creditors had agreed on was no longer valid the two sides had to begin negotiating again 10 The move comes Paribas announced that it was preparing to bid for 66.7 % control of Navigation Mixte 6 Munich-based Allianz 's brief explanatory statement said it is acting to protect its own interests as a shareholder of Navigation Mixte The Allianz statement reinforced the belief that the takeover battle could be a long one 6 Allianz 's entry reflects the increasing eagerness of West German companies to get involved in what until now were considered internal French affairs Deutsche Bank , Dresdner Bank and Commerzbank all have expressed eagerness to expand in France before 1992 10 Commerzbank had hoped to buy a stake in Credit Lyonnais the Socialists returned to government last year and canceled plans to privatize the large French bank 0 The banks we think would fit into our concept are either government-owned or not for sale Deutsche Bank would be able to pay a good price 0 they said Allianz currently holds between 5 % and 10 % of Navigation Mixte , an apparent increase from the 5 % stake that Navigation Mixte officials had earlier announced Allianz officials were n't willing to comment in any detail on their plans 6 Paris market sources said they believed Allianz was buying yesterday morning Navigation Mixte moved up 108 francs ( $ 17.19 ) to close at 1,908 francs in heavy trading 6 Allianz currently holds between 5 % and 10 % of Navigation Mixte , an apparent increase from the 5 % stake that Navigation Mixte officials had earlier announced Allianz holds a 50 % stake in Navigation Mixte 's insurance subsidiary , one of France 's largest insurance groups 10 which it bought for about 6.5 billion francs Paribas launched its bid 6 Allianz 's statement stressed the company 's previously announced position that Paribas 's offer price is too low Allianz suggested , without saying so directly , that it regrets that Paribas is n't bidding for all of Navigation Mixte 's shares 3 that remaining Navigation Mixte shares will fall in value Paribas wins its 66.7 3 which could n't be sure of selling all their shares they tendered to Paribas 11 that it will boost its Navigation Mixte stake as it sees fit over the coming days to protect itself it has French regulatory officials ' approval 5 Paribas currently intends to offer 1,850 francs a share for Navigation Mixte shares that receive full dividends this year.It is to offer 1,800 francs for shares created on July 1 , which receive partial dividends it would offer to swap three Paribas shares for one Navigation Mixte share 6 Paribas already holds about 18.7 % of Navigation Mixte the acquisition of the additional 48 % would cost it about 11 billion francs under its current bid 10 depending on how many holders of Navigation Mixte warrants exchange them for shares the bid expires 10 MiniScribe has been on the rocks it disclosed early this year that its earnings reports for 1988 were n't accurate 2 MiniScribe has been on the rocks it disclosed early this year that its earnings reports for 1988 were n't accurate 6 The thrift hired an investment banker earlier this month to advise it regarding a possible sale or merger Mercury is shrinking itself , part of its plan to change its emphasis from buying mortgage loans from mortgage brokers to making loans directly 10 Rally 's , a fast-food chain based in Louisville , Ky. , is contending that Mr. Sugarman and two other company directors failed to disclose to the Securities and Exchange Commission that they intended to acquire a big Rally stake Mr. Sugarman has contended that the other major shareholder group has ties to a competing fast food chain , Wendy 's International Inc 0 The ad agency had approached Ms. Midler about appearing she declined 10 but she declined The agency turned to a former backup singer for Ms. Midler 3 the sellers have appropriated what is not theirs a distinctive voice of a professional singer is widely known and is deliberately imitated in order to sell a product 1 The award is likely to force Madison Avenue to further rethink how they use famous songs in ads far less than the $ 10 million , including punitive damages , that Ms. Midler sought 7 The award that Ms. Midler sought , is likely to force Madison Avenue to further rethink how they use famous songs in ads Last year 's appeals court decision spawned several suits , reportedly including a recent action by the heirs of singer Bobby Darin against McDonald 's Corp. over its `` Mac Tonight '' TV commercials , a rough parody of Mr. Darin 's `` Mack the Knife '' trademark 2 The appeals-court decision last year was particularly surprising the same court had dismissed a similar case in 1970 involving singer Nancy Sinatra and a tire ad -- also a Young & Rubicam product 1 that Nancy Sinatra is not distinctive that Bette Midler is 1 I am not sure that judges , many of whom I like very much , are proper repositories for making distinctions about pop singers that the latest decisions are having a chilling effect 6 it acquired the tissue operations of Buhrmann-Tetterode N.V. of the Netherlands for about $ 77 million the acquisition includes production assets of Invercon Papermils , a maker of household tissue products for the U.K. and Ireland 2 the tender offer is being extended until 5 p.m. EST tomorrow Anchor is still seeking this waiver 1 Some analysts predict that in the absence of market-moving news to push the U.S. unit sharply higher or lower , the currency is likely to drift below 1.80 marks this week others reject the view , and forecast the dollar will continue to hold its current tight trading pattern 1 foreign exchange dealers said that any hopes that the pound would soon post significant gains have evaporated sterling bounced back from session lows in a bout of short-covering yesterday 10 that Mrs. Thatcher has hit the lowest popularity rating of any British leader polling began 50 years ago 6 that statements made over the weekend to quell concern about the stability of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 's government and the future of her economic program largely failed to reassure investors and bolster the flagging British unit Comments by John Major failed to damp market concern , despite his pledge to maintain relatively high British interest rates 3 According to one London-based analyst , even higher interest rates wo n't help the pound Britain 's government continues to appear unstable 0 According to one London-based analyst , even higher interest rates wo n't help the pound if Britain 's government continues to appear unstable One U.S. trader dismissed sterling doomsayers while acknowledging there is little immediate upside potential for the U.K. unit 11 One U.S. trader , however , dismissed sterling doomsayers acknowledging there is little immediate upside potential for the U.K. unit 1 There is no question that the situation is bad we may be painting a gloomier picture than we should 10 the pound will continue to trade in a very volatile fashion , with `` fits of being oversold and overbought recovering its losses 6 He predicts the pound will continue to trade in a very volatile fashion , with `` fits of being oversold and overbought '' before recovering its losses Dealers note that the general lack of enthusiasm for the yen has helped bolster the U.S. dollar 1 Commercial Federal Savings will continue to market Visa and MasterCard programs Monogram provides `` operational and marketing support '' and actually owns the accounts 11 hundreds of thousands of East Germans massed in the streets of Leipzig , Halle and Schwerin to call for internal freedoms and the legalization of the New Forum opposition group the country 's new leader , Egon Krenz , prepared to travel to Moscow today for talks with Soviet leader Gorbachev 1 hundreds of thousands of East Germans massed in the streets of Leipzig , Halle and Schwerin to call for internal freedoms and the legalization of the New Forum opposition group Krenz vowed to preserve the Communist Party 's hold on political power and said East Germans should n't destabilize the nation with unrealistic demands 3 they could be sentenced to death convicted 6 A court in Jerusalem sentenced a Palestinian to 16 life terms for forcing a bus off a cliff July 6 , killing 16 people He received 20-year sentences for each of the 24 passengers injured 1 the White House wants to continue producing the weapons even after an international treaty calling for their destruction is signed the Kremlin has urged a ban on output of the poison gases 10 to continue producing the weapons an international treaty calling for their destruction is signed 11 Baker 's remarks came the White House urged both sides to honor the truce 6 armed police would replace soldiers in Tiananmen Square as part of a scaling down of Beijing 's five-month-old state of emergency the U.S. Embassy has filed three protests in as many days with China 's government , alleging harassment of diplomats and their families 11 hundreds of suvivors accused the government of a feeble response following the temblors rescue teams continued searching for victims 10 Britain 's Thatcher summoned senior advisers for strategy talks opinion polls showed the prime minister 's popularity had hit a record low following the resignation last Thursday of Chancellor of the Exchequer Lawson 2 Britain 's Thatcher summoned senior advisers for strategy talks opinion polls showed the prime minister 's popularity had hit a record low following the resignation last Thursday of Chancellor of the Exchequer Lawson 6 Lawmakers in Hungary approved legislation granting amnesty to many people convicted of crimes punishable by less than three years in prison They established an office to control government and party finances 6 In the first nine months of 1989 , Nixdorf said , sales rose 5 % amid good growth in selected areas such as banks and trading companies The company cited some success in damping cost increases and said it wants to return to profitability in 1990 2 which surprised analysts it appeared to be unsolicited 6 GE 's Kidder Peabody unit said it would stop doing stock-index arbitrage for its own account Merrill Lynch said it was halting such trading entirely 6 Two more securities firms bowed to the outcry over program trading the Big Board met with angry stock specialists 3 that all manufacturers of an anti-miscarriage drug are liable for injuries or deaths the actual maker is n't known 0 Boeing posted a 68 % jump in third-quarter earnings Wall Street 's attention was focused on the continued strike at the aircraft maker 1 that the company expects somewhat slower per-share earnings growth in 1990 annual growth should return to the traditional figure of about 7 % thereafter 10 that the company expects somewhat slower per-share earnings growth in 1990 although annual growth should return to the traditional figure of about 7 % 6 As factors contributing to the temporary slowdown , he cited one-time rate reductions prescribed by California regulators as a prelude to a new framework that removes profit constraints He mentioned increased capital investment by Pacific Bell for network improvements 5 The engine plant may encompass plans for a joint components venture with Jaguar a separate engine plant may be built as part of GM 's planned tie-up with the British luxury car maker 11 Cray Research said development costs of several competing projects were squeezing its earnings growth it announced the planned breakup in May 0 the decline occurred revenue rose 30 % to more than $ 8.3 million from $ 6.4 million a year earlier 6 it filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code and announced a 35 % reduction in its world-wide employment it was scrapping one of its major new products , a 760-megabyte drive 1 which did n't hold much promise of generating substantial orders technically proficient 2 which did n't hold much promise of generating substantial orders financing problems caused a nine-month delay in getting the product to market 6 the swap will allow both state-controlled companies to reinforce operations in their main markets that the move shows the dynamism of France 's state-sector concerns The approval ends any hope that Banque Nationale de Paris , another state-sector bank , might have had about taking Credit Lyonnais 's place in the accord 6 The move will help the bank to keep up with international solvency ratios being phased in by the Bank for International Settlements and will represent the first time that its voting shares have been held by a party other than the government 6 Japanese companies have long been accused of sacrificing profit to boost sales Fujitsu Ltd. has taken that practice to a new extreme 2 it issued the low bid it wanted a foot in the door of a potentially lucrative market 2 We desperately wanted the contract we want experience in the field 2 We expect a big market in the future in the long term it will be profitable 1 I understand the firm 's enthusiasm in getting the deal such a large company would have been better off showing a little more discretion 6 I understand the firm 's enthusiasm in getting the deal , but such a large company would have been better off showing a little more discretion Fujitsu officials admitted they may have been a little overzealous 2 and will take measures this kind of thing does n't happen in the future 9 to win a contract to design a mapping system for the city of Hiroshima 's waterworks Fujitsu won the right to design the specifications for a computerized system that will show water lines throughout the city 2 Fujitsu will have to design the system it would be compatible with other makers ' equipment 1 A waterworks official said Fujitsu will have to design the system so it would be compatible with other makers ' equipment industry officials expressed concern that the initial project might give Fujitsu an edge in winning more lucrative contracts later 6 Japanese local governments are expected to invest heavily in computer systems over the next few years many companies expect that field to provide substantial revenue 6 Karstadt AG said sales for its domestic group rose 4.6 % in the first nine months of 1989 from a year earlier The West German retailing group said that the results of the first three quarters suggest it will meet its profit goal for the year 1 Earnings at the department-store division should remain at least stable income at the mail-order and tourism units is likely to fall slightly from 1988 6 Executives at Nekoosa could n't be reached officials at Georgia Pacific declined to comment 1 Executives at Nekoosa could n't be reached , and officials at Georgia Pacific declined to comment Analysts were surprised 2 Analysts , however , were surprised the tender offer appeared unsolicited 6 The two companies would appear to be a logical fit because of their complementary lines analysts described the offer as fair 0 The two companies would appear to be a logical fit because of their complementary lines , and analysts described the offer , representing a 36 % premium over Nekoosa 's market price , as fair industry observers still questioned whether Georgia Pacific will ultimately prevail 0 The two companies would appear to be a logical fit because of their complementary lines , and analysts described the offer , representing a 36 % premium over Nekoosa 's market price , as fair But industry observers questioned whether Georgia Pacific will ultimately prevail 1 Nekoosa has lagged the market in the same period Georgia-Pacific 's stock has outperformed the market in the past two years 1 According to the Value Line Investment Survey , demand for Nekoosa 's commodity paper has weakened , prompting earnings to decline by 6.6 % in the third quarter ended Sept. 30 Georgia-Pacific `` is in a comparatively good position to deal with weakening paper markets 2 Georgia-Pacific `` is in a comparatively good position to deal with weakening paper markets its production is concentrated not in the Northwest but in the South 6 because its production is concentrated not in the Northwest but in the South it is n't exposed to the weakening newsprint business , and is strong in the less-cyclical tissue business 6 Georgia-Pacific 's $ 530 million acquisition of Brunswick Pulp & Paper Co. last year which included the assumption of $ 135 million in debt 6 Analog Devices Inc. said it may purchase as many as one million of its common shares over the next several months Analog said that a one million share buy-back program announced in March is substantially complete 3 to be able to win called on 9 that the Navy possesses its own air force ( the carrier fleet ) and its own army ( the Marines ) which has its own air force 0 Of course these turf battles are unseemly , wasteful and potentially dangerous and should be resolved in the interest of national security Mr. Lehman seems to be part of the problem rather than part of the answer 2 who resigned as Navy secretary he could n't get his 1,000-ship Navy 1 I personally do not want to hasten Mr. Lehman 's demise I can see him figuring prominently in his own article 10 that was his Mr. Corr signed on 6 Succeeding him as chairman and chief executive will be Frank Lorenzo , chairman and chief executive of Continental 's parent , Texas Air Corp The airline named Mickey Foret as president 6 Top executives at Continental have n't lasted long , especially those recruited from outside Mr. Corr 's tenure was shorter than most 2 The 48-year-old Mr. Corr was hired he was credited with returning Trans World Airlines Inc. to profitability while he was its president from 1986 to 1988 11 with returning Trans World Airlines Inc. to profitability he was its president from 1986 to 1988 10 he was an executive with a manufacturing concern that 1 At Continental he cut money-losing operations , which helped produce a modest profit in this year 's second quarter Mr. Corr , a stunt pilot in his spare time , was understood to be frustrated by what he regarded as limited freedom under Mr. Lorenzo 0 Mr. Lorenzo is known for keeping close tabs on Texas Air 's operating units not officially an executive at Continental during Mr. Corr 's tenure 1 It 's unclear what role , if any , Mr. Lorenzo 's recent exploration of a possible sale of a stake in Continental had in Mr. Corr 's departure One source familiar with the airline said that Mr. Corr was n't informed in advance during the summer when Mr. Lorenzo began discussions with potential buyers 10 Another longtime ally , Phil Bakes , currently heads Eastern , now in Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings Mr. Bakes had a turn at running Continental 11 The company acquired the debt it paid $ 155 million to purchase Wilson last year 2 The company acquired the debt it paid $ 155 million to purchase Wilson last year 5 The percent difference compares actual profit with the 30-day estimate where at least three analysts have issues forecasts in the past 30 days actual profit is compared with the 300-day estimate 2 That is Sidhpur has a near-monopoly on the world 's supply of flea seed 10 Americans have begun scarfing up psyllium in their breakfast cereals the link to cholesterol was disclosed 3 this dusty farm district could become the epicenter of a health-food fad to rival all fads since cod-liver oil further research proves the seed 's benefits 3 it will be huge psyllium takes the place of oat bran 1 it is as good a cash crop as mustard or fenugreek , a legume they have no desire to eat a bowl of psyllium each morning , and , perhaps , little need 6 that has been used for centuries by folk doctors here , mainly as a laxative and anti-diarrheal Folk doctors prescribe it for kidney , bladder and urethra problems , duodenal ulcers and hemorrhoids.Some apply it to gouty joints 1 For decades , psyllium husk has been the main ingredient in such laxatives as Procter & Gamble Co. 's Metamucil , the top-selling brand in the U.S. , and Ciba-Geigy Corp. 's Fiberall some time ago , researchers discovered that soluble fibers also lower cholesterol levels in the blood 6 For decades , psyllium husk has been the main ingredient in such laxatives as Procter & Gamble Co. 's Metamucil , the top-selling brand in the U.S. , and Ciba-Geigy Corp. 's Fiberall that soluble fibers lower cholesterol levels in the blood 6 The FDA has asked Kellogg and General Mills to show research that their cereals are safe It ordered P & G to produce more studies to buttress its claims that Metamucil can lower cholesterol 1 The FDA has asked Kellogg and General Mills to show research that their cereals are safe.It also ordered P & G to produce more studies to buttress its claims that Metamucil can lower cholesterol the agency has n't yanked psyllium off store shelves 3 other companies are expected to rush to market with psyllium products the FDA approves the new uses of psyllium 1 It 's going to be a sensational thing , '' says Mr. Krishnamurthy of P & G in Bombay.Says psyllium exporter Mr. Patel : `` I just got back yesterday from the U.S.In the newspapers , on the radio and TV , psyllium is everywhere the news of the boom has yet to trickle down to the farmers 6 They only know of one use for the crop , as a laxative with psyllium prices currently languishing in the wake of a bumper crop , they think of the seed as a marginal crop , something to grow between summer wheat crops 2 You get a rain at the wrong time the crop is ruined 1 They want psyllium prices low for their purchases next year there 's a catch 1 Small crops are grown in Pakistan , France , Spain , Italy , Belgium and Brazil their quality ca n't compare to that of Indian psyllium 0 there are other spots on the globe , and in India , where the seed could be grown no one has made a serious effort to transplant the crop 2 Many farmers have decided to plant mustard , fennel , cumin , fenugreek or castor-oil seeds when next year 's psyllium crop is harvested in March , it may be smaller than the 16,000 metric tons of the past few years -- right at the crest of the psyllium boom 11 So it may be smaller than the 16,000 metric tons of the past few years -- right at the crest of the psyllium boom next year 's psyllium crop is harvested in March 2 So when next year 's psyllium crop is harvested in March , it may be smaller than the 16,000 metric tons of the past few years -- right at the crest of the psyllium boom the world could experience its first psyllium shortage 0 Small businesses say a recent trend is like a dream come true : more-affordable rates for employee-health insurance , initially at least then they wake up to a nightmare 10 Small businesses say a recent trend is like a dream come true : more-affordable rates for employee-health insurance , initially at least But they wake up to a nightmare 3 The reasonable first-year rates can be followed by increases of 60 % or more a covered employee files a major claim 10 the last increase coming one of its three workers developed a herniated disk 2 the last increase coming one of its three workers developed a herniated disk 6 She said her employer ca n't afford the rate increases she fears she wo n't find another job with a benefit plan covering her ailment 3 that small businesses not only ca n't keep reasonably priced employee-health insurance claims are filed 3 but often ca n't get coverage at all a worker is termed medically uninsurable 6 collect premiums from the healthy , dump the sick let them pay their own bills 2 the insurance industry has turned to the small-employer market that was once a backwater for them larger companies increasingly self-insure , or use reserves to pay their own workers ' medical bills 11 the insurance industry has turned to the small-employer market that was once a backwater for them larger companies increasingly self-insure , or use reserves to pay their own workers ' medical bills 3 Insurance companies will offer a good rate no one is sick 1 Insurance companies will offer a good rate if no one is sick it 's a roll of the dice 2 One case of cancer or a high-risk pregnancy with a sick infant rates go up 40 % to 60 % 6 Small-business people end up paying insurance premiums worth two to three times the cost of one illness some of its member companies have been denied insurance because individual workers had medical problems that ranged from a mild cardiac condition to psychological counseling after a divorce , hemorrhoids and overweight 2 some of its member companies have been denied insurance individual workers had medical problems that ranged from a mild cardiac condition to psychological counseling after a divorce , hemorrhoids and overweight 1 that stiff competition among its members to insure businesses likely to be good risks during the first year of coverage has aggravated the problem in the small-business market that rapid rate increases are directly tied to the soaring cost of health care 2 insurance companies use policies aimed at excluding bad risks their competitors do 1 insurance companies use policies aimed at excluding bad risks because their competitors do the general practice makes it more difficult to combine small groups of people into larger groups 2 to combine small groups of people into larger groups spreading the risk over a larger base of premiums 11 You ca n't ask one carrier to underwrite on social grounds that might destroy it in the marketplace 3 You ca n't ask one carrier to underwrite on social grounds that might destroy it in the marketplace 1 that is strongly opposed by small business who say it would just compound the insurance-cost problems they support the idea , included in the Kennedy-Waxman bill , of new laws or regulations requiring greater use of community rating , which pegs rates to the use of health care by a community or other large group , and is designed to prevent insurance companies from taking only low-risk small companies as clients 1 they support the idea , included in the Kennedy-Waxman bill , of new laws or regulations requiring greater use of community rating , which pegs rates to the use of health care by a community or other large group , and is designed to prevent insurance companies from taking only low-risk small companies as clients first on the list of priorities is to prohibit state laws requiring the inclusion of specialty items , such as psychiatric care , in basic health plans 10 there were only 70 mental-health clinics in the state the state of Wisconsin mandated that mental-health care be covered 6 But first on the list of priorities is to prohibit state laws requiring the inclusion of specialty items , such as psychiatric care , in basic health plans The insurance-industry association strongly disagrees with the proposed community rating , which `` does n't save one dollar 1 The complexities of the insurance problem make the outcome difficult to predict to Ms. Allen , the employee whose back problem triggered a huge insurance-rate increase , the issue was simple 11 What good is having health insurance it 's so expensive that it becomes impossible to keep after only one major claim 1 Belgium 's inflation has been rising steadily for the past year the latest rise is slower than gains in September and August 10 Reiss & Co. B.V. of the Netherlands filed a request with the Federal Trade Commission under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act for permission to buy more than $ 15 million of Nashua 's stock but less than 25 % an affiliate of Unicorp Canada disclosed a stake of less than 5 % in Nashua , according to Daniel M. Junius , Nashua 's treasurer 1 Nashua 's stock has fluctuated sharply on takeover speculation , rising to a high for the year of $ 42.875 a share in June from $ 29.75 in March the company has had weak results so far this year , with earnings declining 43 % to $ 13.7 million , or $ 1.43 a share , on a 4 % decline in revenue to $ 713.5 million through the first nine months of the year 10 Nashua announced the Reiss request the market closed 6 it amended its shareholder rights plan by reducing to 10 % from 20 % the level of ownership by an outsider that would trigger the issuance to other holders of rights to buy additional shares of Nashua common at half price the company 's board authorized the purchase of up to an additional one million shares 0 that the company nonetheless is attractive as a `` classic breakup candidate Nashua 's performance this year has been `` atrocious 1 that while Nashua 's performance this year has been `` atrocious the company is attractive as a `` classic breakup candidate 2 that the company nonetheless is attractive as a `` classic breakup candidate there 's no similarity between its { four } businesses 10 The current account deficit on France 's balance of payments narrowed to 1.48 billion French francs ( $ 236.8 million ) in August from a revised 2.1 billion francs in July the July figure was estimated at a deficit of 613 million francs 6 the company would provide more details today that it expects to reach a definitive agreement by the end of the week 1 Manufacturers have survived the turmoil in China largely unscathed.Signs of revival seem evident in Hong Kong 's hard-hit hotel sector in the stock and real-estate markets , activity remains spotty even though prices have regained much of their lost ground 0 But in the stock and real-estate markets , activity remains spotty prices have regained much of their lost ground 1 These benefits seem secure despite China 's current economic and political troubles to Hong Kong , China is n't purely business 6 But to Hong Kong , China is n't purely business It is the sovereign power that , come 1997 , will take over this British colony 11 That promise sounds shaky those same leaders have fallen back on Marxist dogma and brute force to crush their nation 's democracy movement 2 That promise sounds shaky those same leaders have fallen back on Marxist dogma and brute force to crush their nation 's democracy movement 10 Outflows of people and capital from Hong Kong have been growing the sovereignty issue first arose in the early 1980s 2 Only four months have passed since the Beijing massacre few are prepared to predict its ultimate impact 1 It may experience an upswing or two in between with local investors shaken by China 's political and economic turmoil a genuine recovery may not arrive until Hong Kong can prove itself secure under Chinese sovereignty 10 But a genuine recovery may not arrive Hong Kong can prove itself secure under Chinese sovereignty 3 But a genuine recovery may not arrive Hong Kong can prove itself secure under Chinese sovereignty 10 the scenario as depicted by the middle-of-the-road group bears a remarkable resemblance to the difficulties Hong Kong currently faces the China crisis erupted 2 the scenario as depicted by the middle-of-the-road group bears a remarkable resemblance to the difficulties Hong Kong currently faces the China crisis erupted 1 Such a pace of growth would be unusually slow for Hong Kong respectable for mature industrialized economies 11 Given Hong Kong 's record , Mr. Mushkat 's `` realists '' might have sounded unduly conservative the interviews took place two years ago 10 the government has projected 1989 GDP growth of 5 % taking into account the fallout from the China crisis 5 a further downward revision may be justified the economy stages a more convincing rally 1 We are n't looking at anything like a doomsday scenario clearly we 're entering a difficult period 1 The market has grown relatively quiet since the China crisis if the Japanese return in force , their financial might could compensate to some extent for local investors ' waning commitment 3 But their financial might could compensate to some extent for local investors ' waning commitment the Japanese return in force 1 Even before the China crisis , weak U.S. demand was slowing local economic growth strong consumer spending in the U.S. two years ago helped propel the local economy at more than twice its current rate 6 Conversely , strong consumer spending in the U.S. two years ago helped propel the local economy at more than twice its current rate that global forces will continue to govern Hong Kong 's economic rhythm 10 local businessmen will probably overcome their 1997 worries and continue doing business as usual external conditions , such as U.S. demand , swing in the territory 's favor 1 Indeed , a few economists maintain that global forces will continue to govern Hong Kong 's economic rhythm economic arguments , however solid , wo n't necessarily impress Hong Kong 's 5.7 million people 10 having fled China 's unending cycles of political repression and poverty the Communist Party took power in 1949 2 Many are refugees , having fled China 's unending cycles of political repression and poverty since the Communist Party took power in 1949 many of those now planning to leave Hong Kong ca n't easily be swayed by momentary improvements in the colony 's political and economic climate 1 hardly anyone doubts that it poses a threat no one professes to know the exact cost of such a `` brain drain '' to the economy 3 economic growth is bound to be affected the economy loses a big portion of its work force that also happens to include its most productive members 11 When the economy loses a big portion of its work force that happens to include its most productive members 6 When the economy loses a big portion of its work force that happens to include its most productive members 1 big institutional investors are likely to continue these strategies at full blast Wall Street is retreating from computer-driven program trading 1 most Wall Street firms remain open to handle program trading for customers the trading halts are offered as a sign of concern about recent stock market volatility 2 and frequently swap between stocks and futures to capture profits abrupt swings in the stock market are not likely to disappear anytime soon 6 Consequently , abrupt swings in the stock market are not likely to disappear anytime soon without Wall Street firms trading for their own accounts , the stock-index arbitrage trading opportunities for the big funds may be all the more abundant 2 Stock-index funds have grown in popularity over the past decade pension funds and other institutional investors have sought a low-cost way to match the performance of the stock market as a whole 11 Stock-index funds have grown in popularity over the past decade pension funds and other institutional investors have sought a low-cost way to match the performance of the stock market as a whole 7 Some stock-index funds are huge Wells Fargo Investment Advisers managed $ 25 billion in stock investments tracking the S & P 500 at the end of June , according to Standard & Poor 's Corp 1 Stock-index funds frequently use the futures markets as a hedging tool that is a far less aggressive strategy than stock-index arbitrage , in which traders buy and sell big blocks of stocks with offsetting trades in stock-index futures to profit from price differences 6 The 190-point plunge in the stock market Oct. 13 has heightened concerns about volatility while signs of an economic slowdown , softer corporate earnings and troubles with takeover financing all have contributed to the stock market 's recent weakness , many investors rushed to blame program trading for aggravating market swings 1 And many investors rushed to blame program trading for aggravating market swings signs of an economic slowdown , softer corporate earnings and troubles with takeover financing all have contributed to the stock market 's recent weakness 11 And many investors rushed to blame program trading for aggravating market swings signs of an economic slowdown , softer corporate earnings and troubles with takeover financing all have contributed to the stock market 's recent weakness 6 it would no longer trade with firms committed to stock-index arbitrage , including the three that later suspended stock-index arbitrage trading on Friday Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. and Founders Asset Management Inc. cut off brokerage firms that engage in program trading 1 Morgan Stanley 's trading halt for its own account is likely to shake up firms such as Kidder , Peabody & Co. that still do such trades for their own account it is still doing stock-index arbitrage trades for customers 6 Morgan Stanley 's trading halt for its own account the firm is putting up money to form a group of regulators , investors and investment banks to find out if stock-index arbitrage artificially induces stock-market volatility 5 Merrill Lynch & Co. recommended program-trading reforms late Friday , including higher margins on stock-index futures and greater regulatory coordination Mr. Cayne of Bear Stearns said his firm is working with regulators to balance margin requirements to `` enhance stabilization 6 Merrill Lynch & Co. recommended program-trading reforms late Friday , including higher margins on stock-index futures and greater regulatory coordination Mr. Cayne of Bear Stearns said his firm is working with regulators to balance margin requirements to `` enhance stabilization 11 an investor must put up buying a security 2 Stock-index arbitrage attempts to reestablish the link between the stock and futures markets it sells the more `` expensive '' market and buys the `` cheaper '' one 6 Stock-index arbitrage , because it sells the more `` expensive '' market and buys the `` cheaper '' one , attempts to reestablish the link between the stock and futures markets the adjustments are often abrupt 1 Stock-index arbitrage , because it sells the more `` expensive '' market and buys the `` cheaper '' one , attempts to reestablish the link between the stock and futures markets , and the adjustments are often abrupt unequal trading rules allow the futures market to trade differently from stocks , which invites frequent bouts of stock-index arbitrage in the first place 2 Put these together you get programs about rape 2 this episode does a decent job of tracing the social repercussions of the crime the show has acquired a sense of place by being filmed on location in Georgia 1 Obviously , it 's harder to establish a sense of place in a one-shot TV movie tonight 's offering , `` Settle the Score '' ( 9-11 p.m. EST , on NBC ) , does n't even try 1 This tale of a Chicago policewoman returning home to find the man who raped her 20 years earlier is supposed to be set in the Ozarks it 's more like an illustration of what Ben Stein describes in his study of social attitudes in the TV industry 1 that it was partly in response to such attitudes that he is now `` a dweller on one of the two islands off the coast of America is exile in Hollywood enough 6 The sole sympathetic character is the prodigal daughter Kate ( Jaclyn Smith ) she is tolerable only by virtue of having nothing in common with her kinfolk , a truly benighted pack of Southern Protestants whose grim existence consists mostly of growing peaches and repressing sex 11 that someone tied her hands behind her back , thrust her head into a gunny sack , brutally raped and beat her , and then left her to die in a cold-storage room she was a teen-ager 10 that someone tied her hands behind her back , thrust her head into a gunny sack , brutally raped and beat her and left her to die in a cold-storage room 11 who pauses at the word `` sin '' and glares at the daughter he has n't seen for two decades saying grace at the supper table 2 who pauses at the word `` sin '' and glares at the daughter he has n't seen for two decades he knows in his heart that she enjoyed what happened in the cold-storage room , and has been indulging the same taste ever since in the fleshpots of Chicago 1 People like Pa do exist , of course in Mr. Sohmer 's Ozarks , he is but the tip of the patriarchal iceberg 2 Add the fact that any one of them , including Pa , could be her attacker you have a setting that does n't resemble small-town America , or even Hollywood 's nightmare of small-town America , so much as a paranoid feminist dystopia like Margaret Atwood 's `` The Handmaid 's Tale , '' itself soon to be ( you guessed it ) a Hollywood movie 11 Josh makes clumsy passes at Kate she 's seething with anger and fear 1 Josh makes clumsy passes at Kate when she 's seething with anger and fear we know from the outset that he 's not a member of the evil patriarchy 3 you ca n't guess why he 's so sweet to his sister when everybody else hates her As for Lincoln I 'm not going to tell you 11 why he 's so sweet to his sister everybody else hates her 1 why he 's so sweet to his sister everybody else hates her 11 to leave his wife at home tending to her bruises and cigarette burns he bullies Kate into a dance that consists of drooling on her while trying to break her ribs 11 of drooling on her trying to break her ribs 1 As for the women , they 're pathetic even these insulting caricatures are not as bad as the moral hypocrisy at the heart of `` Settle the Score 1 In the aforementioned episode of `` In the Heat of the Night , '' we saw Althea being attacked we were n't invited to enjoy the spectacle 1 In the aforementioned episode of `` In the Heat of the Night , '' we saw Althea being attacked , but we were n't invited to enjoy the spectacle In Mr. Sohmer 's film we are urged to share the perverse excitement of the rapist creeping up on his victim , as the camera ogles Kate in various stages of undress and lingers on the sight of her trussed-up body during frequent flashbacks to the rape 11 In Mr. Sohmer 's film , by contrast , we are urged to share the perverse excitement of the rapist creeping up on his victim the camera ogles Kate in various stages of undress and lingers on the sight of her trussed-up body during frequent flashbacks to the rape 6 in which she and Josh are stranded in the city after insisting on separate motel rooms , she knocks on his door to pour out her feelings about the rape -- wearing nothing but a mini-slip and a push-up bra 10 and she knocks on his door to pour out her feelings about the rape -- wearing nothing but a mini-slip and a push-up bra insisting on separate motel rooms 10 Crossland Savings Bank 's stock plummeted management recommended a suspension of dividend payments on both its common and preferred stock 2 Crossland Savings Bank 's stock plummeted management recommended a suspension of dividend payments on both its common and preferred stock 2 after management recommended a suspension of dividend payments on both its common and preferred stock Crossland may not meet the new government capital criteria effective Dec. 7 2 the savings bank may not qualify for the capital requirements under the proposed guidelines , its $ 380 million of preferred stock does n't meet the `` core capital '' criteria outlined under the new Financial Institutions Reform , Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 6 Crossland Savings Bank 's stock plummeted after management recommended a suspension of dividend payments on both its common and preferred stock because Crossland may not meet the new government capital criteria effective Dec. 7 . In composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange Friday , Crossland closed at $ 5.25 , down $ 1.875 , a 26 % decline Crossland reported a third-quarter loss of $ 175.5 million , or $ 13.44 a share 2 to revise its business objectives and to write down the asset value of some previous acquisitions 1 Net interest income for the third quarter declined to $ 35.6 million from $ 70.1 million a year ago non-interest income rose to $ 23.5 million from $ 22 million 6 Standard & Poor 's Corp. lowered the rating on Crossland 's preferred stock to double-C from single-B-minus and placed it on CreditWatch for possible further downgrade It placed on CreditWatch for possible downgrade other securities , including the double-B-minus/B rating of Crossland 's certificates of deposit and the single-B rating of its senior subordinated capital notes 2 Open it two soulful eyes on a boy 's brown face peer out from the page , pleadingly 1 No he 's endangered all the same 2 ABC has n't had much luck with shows featuring blacks in recent years the producers of one new arrival are a bit desperate 6 ABC has n't had much luck with shows featuring blacks in recent years the producers of one new arrival are a bit desperate 2 ABC has n't had much luck with shows featuring blacks in recent years , and the producers of one new arrival are a bit desperate producers Alyce and Topper Carew spun their Rolodexes and gathered names of black opinion makers to mount a direct-mail campaign 6 Using direct mail for a TV show is like fishing for whale with a breaded hook.It just is n't done employing this kind of gut-wrenching plea to black consciousness makes it even more unusual 0 Using direct mail for a TV show is like fishing for whale with a breaded hook.It just is n't done.But employing this kind of gut-wrenching plea to black consciousness makes it even more unusual Mr. Carew thinks he can reach a good chunk of the three million-plus black homes he needs by mailing to the almost 10,000 blacks who form what he calls `` the grapevine 1 The grapevine is n't organized it exists 1 I want white America to talk about it , too I 'm convinced that the grapevine is what 's happening 9 but the mailing was sent without the network 's blessing The letter takes a jab at ABC for being a laggard in black programming 6 it is aware of the producers ' action , but the mailing was sent without the network 's blessing the grapevine idea is threatening to turn into a weed : The tactic apparently has inspired sample viewings , but accolades are slow in coming 11 it is aware of the producers ' action , but the mailing was sent without the network 's blessing the grapevine idea is threatening to turn into a weed : The tactic apparently has inspired sample viewings , but accolades are slow in coming 11 Meanwhile the grapevine idea is threatening to turn into a weed the Sunday evening show struggles to stay afloat against the tough competition of `` Murder , She Wrote 1 The tactic apparently has inspired sample viewings accolades are slow in coming 7 Some shows just do n't impress this is one of them 2 it helps to have input and access to transportation companies the cost of transporting gas is so important to producers ' ability to sell it 0 Since its founding in 1818 , Brooks Brothers , the standard-bearer of the Ivy League look , has eschewed flashy sales promotions and fashion trends -- the rules that most retailers live by with sales growth sluggish and other men 's stores putting on the heat , the venerable retailer can no longer afford such a smug attitude 2 But with sales growth sluggish and other men 's stores putting on the heat , the venerable retailer can no longer afford such a smug attitude two weeks ago , thousands of Brooks Brothers charge customers -- customers conditioned to wait for twice-yearly clearance sales -- got a surprise : an invitation to come in and buy any one item for 25 % off 6 One ad shows a bright red jacket paired with a black leather skirt the ad copy is cheeky : `` How can you be a Wall Street hot shot without at least one Brooks Brothers suit in your portfolio 11 Brooks Brothers ' annual operating profit was about $ 41.8 million on sales of $ 290.1 million acquired in May 1988 by British retailer Marks & Spencer PLC 11 it will be playing catch up Brooks Brothers jumps into the fashion fray 1 Many clothiers , especially Ralph Lauren , have cashed in on the recent popularity of updated Ivy League and English styles.In keeping with men 's broader fashion scope today , businessmen are dabbling in English and Italian suits that are conservative but not stodgy The rigid Ivy League customer , Brooks Brothers ' bread and butter is becoming extinct 11 Many clothiers , especially Ralph Lauren , have cashed in on the recent popularity of updated Ivy League and English styles.In keeping with men 's broader fashion scope today , businessmen are dabbling in English and Italian suits that are conservative but not stodgy The rigid Ivy League customer , Brooks Brothers ' bread and butter is becoming extinct 2 Many clothiers , especially Ralph Lauren , have cashed in on the recent popularity of updated Ivy League and English styles.In keeping with men 's broader fashion scope today , businessmen are dabbling in English and Italian suits that are conservative but not stodgy.The rigid Ivy League customer , Brooks Brothers ' bread and butter , meanwhile is becoming extinct Brooks Brothers has lost customers to stores that offer more variety such as Paul Stuart , Barneys New York and Louis , Boston 3 the shop risks alienating its old-line customers it promotes fashion too much 6 By making a break from tradition , Brooks Brothers is seeking a delicate balance.If it promotes fashion too much , the shop risks alienating its old-line customers ; by emphasizing `` value , '' it risks watering down its high-minded mystique Fashion industry consultants question whether the company can make significant strides in its women 's business , given that its customer base is less established and that conservative business dress for women is on the decline 6 given that its customer base is less established that conservative business dress for women is on the decline 6 Marks & Spencer plans to open roughly 18 more U.S. stores in the next five years Marks & Spencer is considering opening stores across Europe sometime in the future 11 by broadening its merchandise assortment keeping its `` traditional emphasis 1 by broadening its merchandise assortment keeping its `` traditional emphasis 6 that Brooks Brothers ' focus is to boost sales by broadening its merchandise assortment while keeping its `` traditional emphasis The British parent is streamlining 6 Brooks Brothers recently shut one of its two shirt plants in Paterson , N.J. , and has closed boys ' departments in all but 20 stores Brooks Brothers is remodeling its stores 2 More shirts and sweaters will be laid out on tables , instead of sitting behind glass cases customers can `` walk up and touch them 2 Brooks Brothers is chasing more of that business the biggest growth in menswear is in casual sportswear 6 that we are very conservative we only sell one type of suit 1 The perception out there is that we are very conservative and we only sell one type of suit referring to Brooks Brothers ' signature three-button `` sack suit , '' with a center-vented jacket and boxy fit it now offers more two-button versions and suits with a tapered fit 6 But it now offers more two-button versions and suits with a tapered fit It plans to add suits cut for athletic men with broader upper bodies 6 Ferro Corp. said it will buy back as many as one million common shares Ferro said it would cancel the unused portion of a 1987 buy-back plan for administrative reasons 6 Arthur Price abruptly quit as president and chief executive officer of MTM Entertainment Inc. , a Los Angeles production company that has fallen on hard times Mr. Price , 61 years old , stepped down from the board of TVS Entertainment PLC , the British TV company that last year bought MTM , producer of such TV programs as `` Hill Street Blues '' and `` The Mary Tyler Moore Show 10 that he will `` assume overall responsibility '' for MTM 's operations a successor is named 6 Mr. Gatward declined to comment Mr. Price could n't be reached on Friday 1 leaving MTM was a very difficult decision that `` it is now time for a change 1 The $ 320 million purchase of MTM represented an audacious international move for TVS TVS stunned industry analysts last month by disclosing that it expected MTM to post an operating loss for this year 6 But TVS stunned industry analysts last month by disclosing that it expected MTM to post an operating loss for this year In that announcement , TVS said it was trimming production finance and hiring a new U.S. sales manager 10 Mr. Price co-founded MTM in 1969 with U.S. actress Mary Tyler Moore and Grant Tinker , her then-husband Mr. Tinker left to become chairman of National Broadcasting Co 10 Institut Merieux S.A. said it would extend its bid , due to expire last Thursday , to Nov. 6 Merieux said it would ensure its bid remained open pending a final decision by Canadian regulators on whether to approve the takeover 10 the offer will be approved it submits details of its proposed investments to federal regulators 2 the offer will be approved it submits details of its proposed investments to federal regulators 6 Two rival bidders for Connaught BioSciences extended their offers to acquire the Toronto-based vaccine manufacturer Friday the Ontario Supreme Court said it will postpone indefinitely a ruling on the lawsuit launched by the University of Toronto against Connaught in connection with the Merieux bid 6 General Motors Corp. 's GMC Truck division put a $ 750 cash incentive on its 1990 full-sized Jimmy and Suburban trucks The program offers low-rate financing in lieu of the cash rebate 10 Judge Harold C. Abramson raised the possibility talks to end a feud between two major creditors failed and all three reorganization plans in the case ran into roadblocks 6 after talks to end a feud between two major creditors failed all three reorganization plans in the case ran into roadblocks 3 what remains of the oil tycoon 's once-vast estate would be sold off quickly with most of the proceeds going to the Internal Revenue Service the case is converted to Chapter 7 1 Judge Abramson told a courtroom filled with nearly two dozen attorneys that he was concerned about the toll mounting legal bills will take on Mr. Hunt 's shrinking estate and about the fact that , following voting by creditors , none of the reorganization plans appeared to be viable in their present form admitting such a move would be `` devastating '' to most creditors 11 a company continues to operate under protection from creditors ' lawsuits it works out a plan to pay its debts 10 he would move quickly hearing testimony later this week in the bitter dispute between Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. and Minpeco S.A. , a minerals concern owned by the Peruvian governmemt 1 Minpeco has agreed to settle for an allowed claim of as much as $ 65.7 million claiming that penalties , legal fees and interest have driven the value of its claim to more than $ 250 million 1 While claiming that penalties , legal fees and interest have driven the value of its claim to more than $ 250 million , Minpeco has agreed to settle for an allowed claim of as much as $ 65.7 million even that is disputed by Manufacturers Hanover which , in alliance with the IRS , contends that Minpeco has already collected more than its actual damages from other defendants in the silver-conspiracy case 6 Despite long private sessions in both New York and Dallas , the two sides ended the week `` 6,000 miles and many dollars apart , '' according to attorney Hugh Ray , who represents Manufacturers Hanover inside the courtroom , the judge said he would fine attorneys for the two creditors $ 50 every time they referred to each other with terms such as `` liar '' or `` slime 11 Despite long private sessions in both New York and Dallas , the two sides ended the week `` 6,000 miles and many dollars apart , '' according to attorney Hugh Ray , who represents Manufacturers Hanover inside the courtroom , the judge said he would fine attorneys for the two creditors $ 50 every time they referred to each other with terms such as `` liar '' or `` slime 0 A reorganization plan proposed jointly by the IRS and Manufacturers Hanover was stalled by a negative vote from Minpeco.The mineral concern 's own reorganization plan met a similar fate after opposition from the IRS and Manufacturers Hanover Neither plan is dead 6 Neither plan is dead , however the judge could force creditors to accept some version of them after ruling on the Minpeco-Manufacturers Hanover dispute 10 and the judge could force creditors to accept some version of them ruling on the Minpeco-Manufacturers Hanover dispute 11 Neither plan is dead , however , and the judge could force creditors to accept some version of them after ruling on the Minpeco-Manufacturers Hanover dispute settlement negotiations continue between Mr. Hunt and the IRS 6 Neither plan is dead , however , and the judge could force creditors to accept some version of them after ruling on the Minpeco-Manufacturers Hanover dispute settlement negotiations continue between Mr. Hunt and the IRS 10 on how much Herbert Hunt will continue to owe the government his assets are sold 1 Terms have n't been finalized the transaction is expected to close by year end 3 Automatic Data will issue about 3.6 million shares all the debt is converted to common 2 Automatic Data is redeeming the bonds the after-tax cost of the interest on the bonds is higher than the dividend yield on the common 10 Dow Jones & Co. extended its tender offer of $ 18 a share , or about $ 576 million , for the 33 % of Telerate Inc. that it does n't already own until 5 p.m. EST , Nov. 6 The offer had been scheduled to expire at midnight Friday 10 that has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission Dow Jones launched the offer on Sept. 26 1 The supplement contains various information that has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission since Dow Jones launched the offer on Sept. 26 it does n't change the terms and conditions of the offer except to extend its expiration date 1 that Telerate 's management expects the company 's revenue to increase by 20 % annually Dow Jones based its projections of Telerate 's performance on a 12 % revenue growth forecast 9 Telerate shares fell 50 cents on Friday to close at $ 20 each in New York Stock Exchange composite trading Dow Jones shares fell 50 cents to close at $ 36.125 in Big Board composite trading 0 Late last week , representatives of Dow Jones and Telerate began negotiations about the terms of the offer those talks did n't result in any changes in the offer 6 In addition to being broadcast on cable television the movie is being distributed on videocassettes 6 Concord New Horizons Corp. , creators of a 1988 movie called Nam Angels , used the gang 's name and trademarks without authorization , the not-for-profit corporation says in a complaint filed in federal court named in the suit is Media Home Entertainment Inc. of Culver City , Calif. , its parent , Heron Communications Inc. , and Broadstar Television of Los Angeles , holders of the copyright on the movie 6 the Angels are angry with their depiction in the movie being upset with the film 's use of the Hells Angels name and logos 6 Nam Angels shows Angels fighting with each other and depicts them as showing no remorse when a member is killed 10 as showing no remorse a member is killed 6 Douglas H. Miller , self-employed in the oil and gas securities business , was named chairman of this oil and gas exploration company Mr. Miller was named chief executive officer 6 Lawrence M. Gressette Jr. , president , was elected to the additional posts of chairman and chief executive officer of this utility holding company , effective Feb. 1 , 1990 who was elected chairman and chief executive of all Scana subsidiaries 11 six people were dead ( three from heart attacks ) , and everyone wondered what in the world they were shooting at the smoke cleared 6 When the smoke cleared , six people were dead ( three from heart attacks ) everyone wondered what in the world they were shooting at 1 Well , thousands of Californians on the scene insisted the ammo had been uselessly aimed at a large , hardy UFO you will just have to make your own decision about such sightings 6 There have been a ton of them greater beings than the editors of the National Enquirer have shown interest 3 I 'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public , and the scientists I become president 2 I am convinced that UFOs exist I have seen one 1 Jimmy Carter went further in a 1976 campaign promise : `` If I become president , I 'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public , and the scientists.I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one . . . you know about campaign promises 1 It still does n't look like governments are coughing up everything they know despite their efforts to convince the world that we are indeed alone , the visitors do seem to keep coming and , like the recent sightings , there 's often a detail or two that suggests they may actually be a little on the dumb side 6 Still , despite their efforts to convince the world that we are indeed alone , the visitors do seem to keep coming like the recent sightings , there 's often a detail or two that suggests they may actually be a little on the dumb side 7 that suggests they may actually be a little on the dumb side witnesses in Voronezh say the pinheaded behemoths and their robot friend , after strolling around the city park , left behind some rocks 10 the pinheaded behemoths and their robot friend left behind some rocks strolling around the city park 10 In a 1961 incident , a Soviet mail plane disappeared off the radar screen radioing its position to ground control in Sverdlovsk 10 Speculation as to the nature of aliens will no doubt continue we wake up one morning to find they 've taken over `` The Today Show , '' the way they overwhelm an entire town in Jack Finney 's `` Invasion of the Body Snatchers '' ( Fireside/Simon & Schuster , 216 pages , $ 8.95 ) 6 The apparent crash became top secret the alien creatures went away upset with the rude ways of human beings 11 Trustcorp Inc. will become Society Bank & Trust its merger is completed with Society Corp. of Cleveland 10 Akzo NV fell out of bed the economy stumbled in the mid-1970s 11 Now Akzo says it is in far better shape to cope a new downturn in the chemical industry looms 1 The fibers business now accounts for only 20 % of Akzo 's sales Akzo has n't yet found a way to achieve another goal : a large presence in the U.S. market for prescription drugs 1 prices for U.S. pharmaceutical companies remain too high , making it unlikely that Akzo will pursue any major acquisitions in that area Akzo is considering `` alliances '' with American drug companies , although he would n't elaborate 1 But he said Akzo is considering `` alliances '' with American drug companies he would n't elaborate 3 A bigger test will come next year bulk chemical prices slump in Europe 7 that Akzo is less exposed than many of its rivals to the most volatile chemical products Akzo has only minor petrochemical operations , is small in plastics and does n't make fertilizers 2 that Akzo is less exposed than many of its rivals to the most volatile chemical products while Akzo profited less than many rivals from the boom of recent years in petrochemicals and plastics , it has less to fear from the current slump 1 Thus it has less to fear from the current slump Akzo profited less than many rivals from the boom of recent years in petrochemicals and plastics 1 that Akzo is less exposed than many of its rivals to the most volatile chemical products The company is exposed to bulk chemicals 1 they are generally stable in Europe bulk-chemical prices have begun falling in the U.S 1 A decline may come in the first half of 1990 the market does n't appear on the verge of a severe downturn 6 In a less glamorous field , Akzo is the world 's biggest producer of industrial salt , used as a raw material for the chemical industry as well as for such tasks as melting ice Akzo makes products derived from salt , such as chlorine and caustic soda 1 In the fibers division , profit remains weak , largely because of persistent overcapacity Akzo is still slimming down 1 Akzo has high hopes for some emerging fiber businesses , such carbon fibers and aramid , extremely strong fibers used to reinforce tires and metals and to make such products as bullet-proof vests the polyester and rayon markets remain mostly bleak 2 Sales growth of 10 % a year seems possible Akzo expects its Twaron business to become profitable in 1990 6 Akzo has high hopes for some emerging fiber businesses , such carbon fibers and aramid , extremely strong fibers used to reinforce tires and metals and to make such products as bullet-proof vests Akzo has spent heavily on acquisitions in paints , auto finishes and industrial coatings 7 Akzo also has spent heavily on acquisitions in paints , auto finishes and industrial coatings In August it completed the $ 110 million acquisition of Reliance Universal Inc. , a U.S. maker of industrial coatings for wood , metals and plastics , from Tyler Corp 2 Akzo is likely to see strong profit growth from coatings it realizes cost savings and other benefits from its greater scale 6 Akzo is the leading seller of birth-control pills in Europe but is still seeking regulatory approvals to enter that market in the U.S. and Japan Akzo has small operations in diagnostic tests , generic drugs and veterinary products 7 as in summarily sacking exchange controls and slashing the top rate of income taxation to 40 % 0 We 're sorry to see Nigel Lawson 's departure from the British government in the end his resignation as Chancellor of the Exchequer may be a good thing 1 We 're sorry to see Nigel Lawson 's departure from the British government But his resignation as Chancellor of the Exchequer may be a good thing 3 But in the end his resignation as Chancellor of the Exchequer may be a good thing it works as he no doubt intends -- by forcing Prime Minister Thatcher and her counterparts elsewhere to confront the genuine intellectual issues involved 9 But in the end his resignation as Chancellor of the Exchequer may be a good thing it works as he no doubt intends -- by forcing Prime Minister Thatcher and her counterparts elsewhere to confront the genuine intellectual issues involved 6 Nigel Lawson 's departure from the British government who resigned as personal adviser to Mrs. Thatcher 6 There are the supply-side globalists , who seek to spread the advantages of a common currency through fixed exchange rates there are the twin-deficit Keynesians , who predict/advocate devaluations to balance trade flows 6 He not only slashed marginal tax rates , initially sparking fresh growth in Britain he wanted to regulate monetary policy by targeting exchange rates , indeed joining the European Monetary System 1 Sir Alan is a dyed-in-the-wool monetarist , inclined to defend floating rates to the death no doubt agreeing with Mr. Lawson on everything else 6 By accounting definitions , this had to produce a sudden trade deficit As in the U.S. , it produced a sudden burst in the demand for sterling , that is a surge in the sterling monetary aggregates , M-Whatever 1 Faced with a similar situation , Paul Volcker let the dollar soar monetary aggregates also grew so rapidly monetarists issued egg-on-the-face warnings of inflation 6 Faced with a similar situation , Paul Volcker let the dollar soar though monetary aggregates grew so rapidly monetarists issued egg-on-the-face warnings of inflation 2 Faced with a similar situation , Paul Volcker let the dollar soar this devastated the U.S. manufacturing sector 1 Mr. Lawson chose to `` shadow '' the deutsche mark not allowed to join the EMS 1 He reaped inflation along with rapid growth , no doubt validating Sir Alan 's predictions in the Prime Minister 's mind more recently , the pound has been falling with high inflation , which has also seemed almost impervious to the high interest rates Mr. Lawson deployed to stop it 6 But more recently , the pound has been falling with high inflation which has seemed almost impervious to the high interest rates Mr. Lawson deployed to stop it 2 But more recently , the pound has been falling with high inflation , which has also seemed almost impervious to the high interest rates Mr. Lawson deployed to stop it the British experience presents a genuine puzzle that reaches far beyond the shores of Albion 10 We had been soliciting opinions on it Mr. Lawson 's resignation 6 To begin with , we should note that in contrast to the U.S. deficit , Britain has been running largish budget surpluses We should add Mr. Lawson 's own explanation , as we understand it 6 We should also add Mr. Lawson 's own explanation , as we understand it We should concede that in the British experience the monetarist cause regains some of the credibility it lost in the U.S. experience 1 Perhaps the fiscal shock of tax cuts is after all best absorbed by floating rates of course in the event Mr. Lawson resigned over whether to support a weak pound , not restrain a strong one 6 that Mr. Roberts not only chides the Chancellor for being too easy because of a desire to constrain sterling but led the chorus saying that Mr. Volcker was too tight when he let the dollar rise 11 that Mr. Volcker was too tight he let the dollar rise 7 The globalists tend to think Mr. Lawson ran onto technical reefs In fixing rates the choice of initial parities is crucial and perhaps he picked the wrong pound-DM rate 6 In fixing rates the choice of initial parities is crucial , for example perhaps he picked the wrong pound-DM rate 3 Perhaps the shock would have been less they 'd fixed to another low-tax , deregulated , supply-side economy 6 that the retirement of gilts for cash is equivalent to an expansionary open-market operation it is the definition of an open market operation to expand the money supply 6 Alan Reynolds of Polyconomics adds his suspicion that the unrecognized inflationary culprit is the budget surplus Mr. Reynolds notes that since British banks have no reserve requirements , high interest rates are less likely to curb inflation than to cause recession 2 that high interest rates are less likely to curb inflation than to cause recession British banks have no reserve requirements 6 to decide between the Chancellor and her adviser neither policy was followed 6 In the end , neither policy was followed instead of learning anything we are left with a mystery 9 In the end , neither policy was followed , and instead of learning anything we are left with a mystery shadowing '' a currency is anything but fixing ; it is an open announcement that the exchange rate target has no credibility 11 All the more so strong voices are heard opposing the policy 2 In particular , `` shadowing '' a currency is anything but fixing ; it is an open announcement that the exchange rate target has no credibility.All the more so when strong voices are heard opposing the policy.Better to have a true monetarist policy , just for the experience Mr. Lawson had to resign 9 So Mr. Lawson had to resign his move was sparked by remarks in excerpts from Sir Alan 's autobiography in The American Economist , a 10,000-circulation academic journal 1 In the end his move was sparked by remarks in excerpts from Sir Alan 's autobiography in The American Economist , a 10,000-circulation academic journal it was the underlying situation that became intolerable 6 Ogilvy under the fastidious Mr. Roman gained a reputation as occasionally being high-handed in its treatment of clients , of preaching what strategy a client should -- indeed , must -- follow some of its top client-service executives , including Mr. Phillips , were promoted to the point they were saddled with administrative duties , with little time to see clients 1 And some of its top client-service executives , including Mr. Phillips , were promoted to the point they were saddled with administrative duties , with little time to see clients Mr. Phillips recently freed himself up to spend more time with clients by delegating much of his administrative work to a deputy 6 But Mr. Phillips recently freed himself up to spend more time with clients by delegating much of his administrative work to a deputy He plans to get to know clients that Mr. Roman was closer to , such as Lever Brothers , American Express and Seagram 6 he hopes to improve client service Mr. Phillips hopes to finally implement a reorganization announced earlier this year but put on hold by the WPP takeover 6 Under his watch , office politicking was often rampant in the agency 's New York operation the office there has had a dismal new-business record for more than a year 6 Under his watch , office politicking was often rampant in the agency 's New York operation and the office there has had a dismal new-business record for more than a year while last week the agency hired a top Chiat/Day/Mojo executive , Bill Hamilton , to try to bolster its work , `` Graham has to get the revenue of that New York office moving 1 And Graham has to get the revenue of that New York office moving last week the agency hired a top Chiat/Day/Mojo executive , Bill Hamilton , to try to bolster its work 1 The one thing Mr. Phillips clearly does have going for him is continuity it is n't certain if that will be enough 6 The last thing they need is enormous disruption at the top Graham is obviously a long-term member of the Ogilvy Mafia , as we call it 3 Mr. Phillips and Mr. Roman are indeed quite similar in substance not in style 1 Mr. Phillips and Mr. Roman are indeed quite similar in substance not in style 1 Mr. Phillips would rather delegate Mr. Roman is a workaholic detailsman 1 Mr. Phillips would rather delegate , leaving him time for his interests outside the office Mr. Roman seems rarely to cut loose at all 0 Mr. Roman , by contrast , seems rarely to cut loose at all he did appear at Ogilvy 's Halloween party Friday decked out in duck feet and a duck hat , costumed as a `` lame duck 6 the company 's expected margin improvement will be all but inevitable margins will be helped , too , by some other cost-saving steps 6 But margins will be helped , too , by some other cost-saving steps The fact that the agency will now be part of a U.K. company , under British accounting rules , will make the profit picture look better 11 Mr. Klein will work with Mr. Kroll on some of the agency 's joint venture activities and acquisitions the case is pending 0 the company still makes financial filings because of its publicly traded debt management led a leveraged buy-out of R.H. Macy in July 1986 11 we will be concentrating on buying and selling merchandise our customers need and want our competitors are concerned with their financial viability and possible ownership changes 1 we will be concentrating on buying and selling merchandise our customers need and want our competitors are concerned with their financial viability and possible ownership changes 6 In a letter to investors , Chairman Edward S. Finkelstein wrote that he expects the company to `` benefit from some of the disruption faced by our competitors In his letter , Mr. Finkelstein referred to the recent San Francisco earthquake 1 The volume and profit impact on our fiscal first quarter will not be positive looking at the whole fiscal year , we do n't see the effect as material 6 Roughly $ 2 billion of that debt has already been repaid from previous asset sales RJR expects to use another $ 2 billion from the pending , two-part sale of most of its Del Monte unit 1 and RJR expects to use another $ 2 billion from the pending , two-part sale of most of its Del Monte unit That sale could still fall through if financing problems develop 3 That sale , however , could still fall through financing problems develop 2 That sale , however , could still fall through if financing problems develop it remains crucial for RJR to obtain top dollar for its smaller assets like the candy brands 10 it has agreed to sell nearly $ 5 billion of RJR assets KKR bought RJR in February for $ 25 billion of debt 1 Baby Ruth and Butterfinger are both among the top-selling 15 chocolate bars in the U.S RJR 's overall share of the roughly $ 5.1 billion market is less than 5 % 11 Last year catastrophe losses totaled $ 5 million net was $ 235.5 million , or $ 2.07 a share 1 The insurer has started processing claims from the Northern California earthquake nearly two weeks ago because these claims are more difficult to evaluate and have been coming in more slowly , the company has no estimate of the impact of the earthquake on fourth-quarter results 2 But the company has no estimate of the impact of the earthquake on fourth-quarter results these claims are more difficult to evaluate and have been coming in more slowly 1 Profit for its commercial insurance division fell 30 % to $ 59 million Aetna 's employee benefits division posted a 34 % profit gain to $ 106 million 1 Here was the state security appartus poised to pounce on any words or acts of provocation , let alone revolution the words that boomed over the loudspeakers bore messages of peace , unity , negotiation and discipline 6 We stand for peace today we will stand for peace tomorrow 10 who , along with five of his colleagues , served 26 years in prison being released two weeks ago 11 The government of President F.W . de Klerk is using this situation to improve its international image and head off further economic sanctions the many organizations inside the country that back the ANC are taking the opportunity to regain their strength and mobilize their supporters even though the state of emergency , which has severely curtailed black opposition , remains in force 6 The government of President F.W . de Klerk is using this situation to improve its international image and head off further economic sanctions the many organizations inside the country that back the ANC are taking the opportunity to regain their strength and mobilize their supporters even though the state of emergency , which has severely curtailed black opposition , remains in force 1 Meanwhile , the many organizations inside the country that back the ANC are taking the opportunity to regain their strength and mobilize their supporters the state of emergency , which has severely curtailed black opposition , remains in force 6 the country was at a crossroads that Mr. de Klerk `` may yet earn a place among the peacemakers of our country '' if he chooses a `` path of genuine political settlement 3 and that Mr. de Klerk `` may yet earn a place among the peacemakers of our country he chooses a `` path of genuine political settlement 0 The government and the ANC , the bitterest of enemies , are engaged in an elaborate mating dance designed to entice each other to the negotiating table this does n't mean that either the government or the ANC is changing stripes -- or that either has moved significantly closer to the other 5 that either the government or the ANC is changing stripes that either has moved significantly closer to the other 1 The government may ease repression in some areas it still keeps a tight grip in others 7 The government may ease repression in some areas , but it still keeps a tight grip in others it releases Mr. Sisulu without conditions , yet his son , Zwelakhe , a newspaper editor , is restricted to his home much of the day and is n't allowed to work as a journalist 1 For instance , it releases Mr. Sisulu without conditions his son , Zwelakhe , a newspaper editor , is restricted to his home much of the day and is n't allowed to work as a journalist 2 both the government , which approved the rally , and the organizers , who orchestrated it , denied it was an ANC rally the ANC remains banned 1 They both called it a `` welcome home '' gathering an ANC rally by any other name is still an ANC rally 11 Mr. Sisulu repeated the ANC 's demands on the government to create a climate for negotiations a police helicopter circled overhead 6 Release all political prisoners unconditionally ; lift all bans and restrictions on individuals and organizations ; remove all troops from the black townships ; end the state of emergency cease all political trials and political executions 3 the ANC would be prepared to discuss suspending its guerrilla activities these conditions are met 11 it seemed like the company had pulled the plug on its century-old power generation business Westinghouse Electric Corp. shuttered its massive steam turbine plant in Lester , Pa. , three years ago 10 When Westinghouse Electric Corp. shuttered its massive steam turbine plant in Lester , Pa. , three years ago , it seemed like the company had pulled the plug on its century-old power generation business now Westinghouse is enjoying a resurgence in demand for both steam and combustion turbines and may even join the growing legion of independent electric producers 6 But now Westinghouse is enjoying a resurgence in demand for both steam and combustion turbines and may even join the growing legion of independent electric producers with its new venture with Japan 's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. , announced last week , it is poised to penetrate growing markets overseas 6 Most are from independent producers instead of regulated utilities Westinghouse believes it will ride a wave of demand stretching over the next six years 6 But now Westinghouse is enjoying a resurgence in demand for both steam and combustion turbines and may even join the growing legion of independent electric producers Westinghouse 's own role as a supplier is changing 1 In the past , the company usually took token equity positions in power plants it supplied as a `` kicker '' to close deals last June 's annnouncement that Westinghouse would put up all of the $ 70 million to build a new 55-megawatt plant could herald a new age 1 We have n't decided on a strategy yet we could become an independent producer depending on whether we 're the developer or just the supplier 6 Under the agreement , Westinghouse will be able to purchase smaller combustion turbines from its Japanese partner , and package and sell them with its own generators and other equipment Westinghouse jointly will bid on projects with Misubishi , giving it an edge in developing Asian markets 6 Under the agreement , Westinghouse will be able to purchase smaller combustion turbines from its Japanese partner , and package and sell them with its own generators and other equipment . Westinghouse also jointly will bid on projects with Misubishi , giving it an edge in developing Asian markets the two companies will develop new steam turbine technology , such as the plants ordered by Florida Power , and even utilize each other 's plants at times to take advantage of currency fluctuations 0 we can also work jointly on some projects , and we 'll gain a lot of sourcing flexibility we 'll still compete against Mitsubishi 6 Even though we 'll still compete against Mitsubishi we can work jointly on some projects , and we 'll gain a lot of sourcing flexibility 6 we can also work jointly on some projects we 'll gain a lot of sourcing flexibility 2 Westinghouse carefully crafted the agreement the Justice Department earlier this year successfully challenged a proposed steam turbine joint venture with Asea Brown Boveri 2 which , unlike utilities , are n't regulated and do n't need government approval to construct new plants 0 about half of its new orders for turbines to come from independent producers for at least the next six years that demand from independent producers could evaporate if prices for fuel such as natural gas or oil rise sharply or if utilities , which have been pressured by regulators to keep down rates , are suddenly freed to add significant generating capacity 3 that demand from independent producers could evaporate prices for fuel such as natural gas or oil rise sharply 5 if prices for fuel such as natural gas or oil rise sharply if utilities are suddenly freed to add significant generating capacity 3 that demand from independent producers could evaporate or utilities are suddenly freed to add significant generating capacity 0 it is prepared that scenario occurs 0 The company already is gearing up for a renaissance of nuclear power it has n't received an order for a domestic nuclear plant in a decade 10 we expect it 'll be on line by 2000 we see an order 1 The boys with the white elephants on their sleeves might not have made the earth move much they certainly did some impressive things with baseballs 0 and brought their big heat -- Will Clark and Kevin Mitchell -- to the plate with one out and a runner on Clark flied out to short right field and Mitchell 's drive to left was caught on the warning track by Rickey Henderson 6 But Clark flied out to short right field Mitchell 's drive to left was caught on the warning track by Rickey Henderson 11 But Clark flied out to short right field and Mitchell 's drive to left was caught on the warning track by Rickey Henderson 62,000 sets of lungs exhaled as one 2 I told him to make Mitchell reach for everything that 's what we did 10 I told him to make Mitchell reach for everything that 's what we did 3 he mighta hit it out it had been 1 and managed to stir their fans only once.That came in the seventh inning of Game Four when , trailing 8-2 , they scored four times and brought their big heat -- Will Clark and Kevin Mitchell -- to the plate with one out and a runner on if the A 's had n't won in four , they would have prevailed in five , or six , or seven 3 But they would have prevailed in five , or six , or seven the A 's had n't won in four 1 The best baseball teams win six of 10 games the worst win four of 10 1 Baseball ai n't football , where the good teams beat up on the bad ones These A 's got few grades as low as B on their 1989 report card 10 and flattened the Toronto Blue Jays four games to one for the American League pennant stomping their cross-bay rivals 10 The pithiest testimony to their domination of the just-concluded tournament came from Giants ' manager Roger Craig his team had fallen in Game Three to a five-home-run barrage that tied a 61-year-old Series record 6 Their 85 total bases broke a record for a four-game set their nine home runs tied one 6 The sole A not to homer was cleanup hitter Mark McGwire , their regular-season leader with 33 he contributed five hits plus a diving fielding play on a ground ball in Game Three that stopped a Giant rally while the issue still was in doubt 11 that stopped a Giant rally the issue still was in doubt 0 The sole A not to homer was cleanup hitter Mark McGwire , their regular-season leader with 33 , and he contributed five hits plus a diving fielding play on a ground ball in Game Three that stopped a Giant rally while the issue still was in doubt Even with that power show the Oakland Series ' star , certified by the Most Valuable Player award , was a pitcher , Dave Stewart 11 Afterward Stewart said he thought his championship-team ring would outshine his individual trophy the A 's toasted their victory with beer 3 Give me four or five more Series with these guys I do n't care if I ever win a Cy Young 6 his championship-team ring would outshine his individual trophy the possibility of an A 's ring cycle , a/k/a a dynasty , was a major topic of post-game discussion Saturday 6 The last Series sweep , by the Cincinnati Reds , came in 1976 which was the first year of baseball player free agency 0 It was widely predicted that free agency would allow the glamorous , `` big market '' teams to monopolize the best talent quite the opposite has occurred 6 The rationale for responding to your customers ' needs faster than the competition can is clear managers today are probably more aware of speed as a competitive variable than ever before 1 In fact , managers today are probably more aware of speed as a competitive variable than ever before for many , managing speed does not come naturally 6 Haste makes waste Do n't cut corners 1 Most of us grew up believing in the axioms ` Haste makes waste ' and ` Do n't cut corners , ' ideas that seem to run counter to the concept of managing speed in the real world , you learn that speed and quality are not a trade-off 2 The packages must be sorted quickly and distributed to smaller vans for delivery couriers can be on the road by 8:35 1 No customer is present at the morning package sort the process is nevertheless critical to customer satisfaction 1 No customer is present at the morning package sort but the process is critical to customer satisfaction 1 We suspected there was downtime built into our process we did n't know just where it was until we completed our data gathering 3 But we did n't know just where it was we completed our data gathering 6 The vans leave at least 15 minutes earlier , on average , than they used to service levels have increased to the point where they 're consistently above 99 % 10 First , they produced a flowchart detailing the process by which an air-separation plant actually gets built they identified snags in the process 10 The Tonawanda team determined that holdups for inspections were the main problem and identified which kinds of delays involved critical inspections and which were less critical or could be handled by workers already on the line The team proposed modifications in their work process to management 2 First , we have better quality assurance than ever the people building the product have taken on more responsibility for the quality of their own work 6 We needed contributions from all these departments to generate the proposal instead of gathering their input piecemeal , we formed the team , which reached consensus on the proposal objectives and produced a statement of work to guide all the functions that were involved 2 We cleared up questions and inconsistencies very quickly the people who had the skills and perspective required to resolve them were part of the task team 6 They effectively lead team efforts to reduce cycle time they prepare all their people to increase the speed and improve the quality of their own work 1 Home taping of pre-recorded music cuts into record industry revenues banning home taping would hurt consumers even more 0 A recent agreement between the recording industry and electronics manufacturers requires that any digital audio tape , or DAT , recorder sold in the U.S. have a built-in device that restricts its ability to make second copies from DAT tape copies of digital compact disks the disappointing sales of DAT machines here and abroad so far have not seemed to warrant the three years of legal wrangling that went into the agreement 1 Under current copyright laws , it is considered `` fair use '' to reproduce copyrighted material for one 's personal use or for use by one 's family or friends copying for purposes of resale or profit is prohibited 6 The study says that the `` ambiguous legal status '' of home copying makes it `` appropriate to examine the effects on consumers , as well as on industry The study says that advent of new communications technologies makes `` an explicit congressional definition of the legal status of home copying more desirable in order to reduce legal and market uncertainties and to prevent de facto changes to copyright law through technology , '' and says that finding an `` appropriate balance of harms and benefits is a political decision , not a technical one 6 Werner K. Rey believes fortunes are made by being friendly in little more than a decade of being friendly the 46-year-old Mr. Rey has grown from a modest banker to a billionaire 0 Shareholders must approve the merger at general meetings of the two companies in late November approval is almost certain since Mr. Rey and a friendly Adia management are in control 2 But approval is almost certain Mr. Rey and a friendly Adia management are in control 6 I like to succeed which he likes 9 He was simply the first in this country to realize that treasures were just lying around waiting to be picked up Rey found companies with weak earnings but rich assets 1 Switzerland 's most famous raider says he is n't one the Swiss financial press in general , as well as many analysts , have had a hard time making up their minds about Mr. Rey and his un-Swiss ways 1 Investing four million Swiss francs earned from his financial transactions and two million Swiss francs from his parents and his wife , Mr. Rey acquired 20 % of Bally 's shares such tactics were alien to Switzerland in 1976 , and still are n't common because of share restrictions that companies are allowed to maintain 2 Eventually , Mr. Rey was forced to sell his Bally shares to the weapons maker Oerlikon-Buehrle Holding AG establishment pressure grew on this hostile move into the Swiss old boys ' network 1 I bought from willing shareholders Mr. Rey has been very careful since then to make sure his moves are welcome 6 Nevertheless , Mr. Rey has been very careful since then to make sure his moves are welcome he has worked to shed his raider image 1 With the nonferrous metals business undermined in Switzerland by tough foreign competition and high domestic costs , this looked like a dull undertaking Mr. Rey brought about a merger in the next few years between the country 's major producers 1 Once again the company 's future looked less than rosy after restructuring under new management , the profits began rolling in 6 A major boost to Mr. Rey 's respectability among the Swiss came in 1986 when he sold 60 % of his Phibro Bank to the conservative Swiss cantonal banks In 1987 , Mr. Rey bested leading publishing houses to take over Switzerland 's Jean Frey AG , a major producer of magazines and newspapers with the recent acquisition of 30 % of Winterthur-based machinery manufacturer Gebrueder Sulzer AG , Mr. Rey has enjoyed the status of white knight 11 In 1979 , his career as an industrialist began with the acquisition of the Swiss metals works Selve , based in Thun.With the nonferrous metals business undermined in Switzerland by tough foreign competition and high domestic costs , this looked like a dull undertaking.But Mr. Rey brought about a merger in the next few years between the country 's major producers ; the increased efficiency has perked up the industry . Three years later , machinery producer Ateliers de Constructions Mecaniques de Vevey S.A. was to become part of the Rey empire.Once again the company 's future looked less than rosy.But after restructuring under new management , the profits began rolling in . A major boost to Mr. Rey 's respectability among the Swiss came in 1986 when he sold 60 % of his Phibro Bank to the conservative Swiss cantonal banks.They renamed it Swiss Cantobank and are using it to expand abroad.In 1987 , Mr. Rey bested leading publishing houses to take over Switzerland 's Jean Frey AG , a major producer of magazines and newspapers . And with the recent acquisition of 30 % of Winterthur-based machinery manufacturer Gebrueder Sulzer AG , Mr. Rey has enjoyed the status of white knight.Sulzer preferred him to financier Tito Tettamanti , whose secretive raid on the company 's stock had led to a bitter battle as such strategic investments have mounted , the merchant-banking arm of Mr. Rey 's Omni Holding has been busily buying and selling dozens of companies , often after a financial or corporate restructuring 6 In 1979 , his career as an industrialist began with the acquisition of the Swiss metals works Selve , based in Thun.With the nonferrous metals business undermined in Switzerland by tough foreign competition and high domestic costs , this looked like a dull undertaking.But Mr. Rey brought about a merger in the next few years between the country 's major producers ; the increased efficiency has perked up the industry . Three years later , machinery producer Ateliers de Constructions Mecaniques de Vevey S.A. was to become part of the Rey empire.Once again the company 's future looked less than rosy.But after restructuring under new management , the profits began rolling in . A major boost to Mr. Rey 's respectability among the Swiss came in 1986 when he sold 60 % of his Phibro Bank to the conservative Swiss cantonal banks.They renamed it Swiss Cantobank and are using it to expand abroad.In 1987 , Mr. Rey bested leading publishing houses to take over Switzerland 's Jean Frey AG , a major producer of magazines and newspapers . And with the recent acquisition of 30 % of Winterthur-based machinery manufacturer Gebrueder Sulzer AG , Mr. Rey has enjoyed the status of white knight.Sulzer preferred him to financier Tito Tettamanti , whose secretive raid on the company 's stock had led to a bitter battle as such strategic investments have mounted , the merchant-banking arm of Mr. Rey 's Omni Holding has been busily buying and selling dozens of companies , often after a financial or corporate restructuring 11 Meanwhile the merchant-banking arm of Mr. Rey 's Omni Holding has been busily buying and selling dozens of companies , often after a financial or corporate restructuring such strategic investments have mounted 1 The internal transaction within the Rey empire puzzled Harpener 's small shareholders it makes sense for Inspectorate-Adia to focus on its main businesses of product inspection and temporary help 0 Ultimate expects the 3 1/2-year agreement to generate $ 100 million in sales it would n't estimate profit 6 In the second step of a reorganization that began earlier this year , Boeing Co. said it will create a Defense and Space Group to consolidate several divisions Boeing officials and representatives of the Machinists union met separately last night with a federal mediator in an attempt to break the month-old strike that has shut the aerospace giant 's assembly lines at a time when it has an $ 80 billion backlog of jetliner orders 11 In the second step of a reorganization that began earlier this year , Boeing Co. said it will create a Defense and Space Group to consolidate several divisions Boeing officials and representatives of the Machinists union met separately last night with a federal mediator in an attempt to break the month-old strike that has shut the aerospace giant 's assembly lines at a time when it has an $ 80 billion backlog of jetliner orders 6 Boeing has said repeatedly it wo n't expand its offer the machinists have responded that the offer is n't good enough 1 and the machinists have responded that the offer is n't good enough the resolve of some of the striking 57,000 machinists might be weakening 11 its military business is feeling the effects of a declining defense budget after a strong buildup during the Reagan presidency Boeing 's commercial business is booming 1 its military business is feeling the effects of a declining defense budget after a strong buildup during the Reagan presidency Boeing 's commercial business is booming 6 it will create a Defense and Space Group to consolidate several divisions it also will reorganize all its work in Wichita into military and commercial divisions 6 In May , the company consolidated its Aerospace and Electronics groups it will reorganize all its work in Wichita into military and commercial divisions 5 A two-day meeting of representatives of Cocom , the 17-nation group that oversees exports of sensitive goods to communist countries , did n't take any substantive decisions on trimming the list of items under controls did it ease restrictions on exports to Poland and Hungary , according to U.S. officials who attended the talks 6 A two-day meeting of representatives of Cocom , the 17-nation group that oversees exports of sensitive goods to communist countries , did n't take any substantive decisions on trimming the list of items under controls did it ease restrictions on exports to Poland and Hungary , according to U.S. officials who attended the talks 6 The U.S. had been under pressure from several Cocom members , especially France , West Germany and Italy , to ease restrictions on some types of machine tools Some countries have been pressing for special treatment for Hungary and Poland just as special treatment had been agreed on for China 11 Some countries also have been pressing for special treatment for Hungary and Poland just as special treatment had been agreed on for China they move toward more democratic rule 1 Some countries also have been pressing for special treatment for Hungary and Poland as they move toward more democratic rule , just as special treatment had been agreed on for China representatives at the meeting decided that this was `` a matter for further discussion at future meetings 0 that `` all of us ( Cocom members ) look at the changes in Hungary and Poland in a positive way a question of this scope deserves further discussion and study 6 that `` all of us ( Cocom members ) look at the changes in Hungary and Poland in a positive way , but a question of this scope deserves further discussion and study the meeting agreed to continue treating China as a special case , despite the recent repression of dissent there , but to offer no further concessions 0 this meeting `` put in motion '' procedural steps that would speed up both of these functions that no specific decisions were taken on either matter 6 The quarter was terrible the future looks anything but encouraging 6 On top of that , the Blue Bell , Pa. , concern took a $ 230 million charge related to the layoffs of 8,000 employees The company took a write-off of $ 150 million to cover losses on some fixed-price defense contracts 2 The company also took a write-off of $ 150 million to cover losses on some fixed-price defense contracts some new managers took a hard look at the prospects for that slow-growing business 6 On top of that , the Blue Bell , Pa. , concern took a $ 230 million charge related to the layoffs of 8,000 employees company also took a write-off of $ 150 million to cover losses on some fixed-price defense contracts Unisys set up an unspecified reserve -- apparently $ 60 million to $ 70 million -- to cover the minimum amount it will have to pay the government because of its involvement in the defense-procurement scandal 6 In addition , Unisys set up an unspecified reserve -- apparently $ 60 million to $ 70 million -- to cover the minimum amount it will have to pay the government because of its involvement in the defense-procurement scandal Unisys noted that it paid $ 78.8 million in taxes during the quarter , even though tax payments normally would be minimal in a quarter that produced such a big loss 0 that it paid $ 78.8 million in taxes during the quarter tax payments normally would be minimal in a quarter that produced such a big loss 6 Unisys had an operating loss of about $ 30 million.On top of that , the Blue Bell , Pa. , concern took a $ 230 million charge related to the layoffs of 8,000 employees company also took a write-off of $ 150 million to cover losses on some fixed-price defense contracts , as some new managers took a hard look at the prospects for that slow-growing business.In addition , Unisys set up an unspecified reserve -- apparently $ 60 million to $ 70 million -- to cover the minimum amount it will have to pay the government because of its involvement in the defense-procurement scandal that it paid $ 78.8 million in taxes during the quarter , even though tax payments normally would be minimal in a quarter that produced such a big loss it reduced computer inventories a further $ 100 million during the quarter , leaving it within $ 100 million of its goal of a reduction of $ 500 million by the end of the year 1 it reduced computer inventories a further $ 100 million during the quarter , leaving it within $ 100 million of its goal of a reduction of $ 500 million by the end of the year its European business was weak during the quarter , a worrisome sign given that the company has relied on solid results overseas to overcome weakness in the U.S. over the past several quarters 6 Still , Unisys said its European business was weak during the quarter , a worrisome sign given that the company has relied on solid results overseas to overcome weakness in the U.S. over the past several quarters The company reported slower growth in another important business : systems that use the Unix operating system 3 That would be a huge problem it were to continue 2 That would be a huge problem if it were to continue Unisys is betting its business on the assumption that customers want to move away from using operating systems that run on only one manufacturer 's equipment and toward systems -- mainly Unix -- that work on almost anyone 's machines 6 its European business was weak during the quarter , a worrisome sign given that the company has relied on solid results overseas to overcome weakness in the U.S. over the past several quarters slower growth in another important business : systems that use the Unix operating system Unisys must deal with its increasingly oppressive debt load 6 He said the strength of the world-wide economy is suspect , and does n't see much revenue growth in the cards He said that the price wars flaring up in parts of the computer industry will continue through next year 6 The information-systems industry is still going to be a high-growth business we 're confident that we have tremendous assets as a company 1 The information-systems industry is still going to be a high-growth business , and we 're confident that we have tremendous assets as a company we do n't minimize the challenges of the near term 0 Some had predicted earnings of more than $ 4 a share for this year , up from last year 's fully diluted $ 3.27 a share on earnings of $ 680.6 million the company said Friday that it had losses of $ 673.3 million through the first nine months , compared with earnings a year earlier of $ 382.2 million , or $ 2.22 a share fully diluted , as revenue inched up 1.4 % to $ 7.13 billion from $ 7.03 billion 2 that it had losses of $ 673.3 million through the first nine months , compared with earnings a year earlier of $ 382.2 million , or $ 2.22 a share fully diluted revenue inched up 1.4 % to $ 7.13 billion from $ 7.03 billion 6 that it had losses of $ 673.3 million through the first nine months , compared with earnings a year earlier of $ 382.2 million , or $ 2.22 a share fully diluted , as revenue inched up 1.4 % to $ 7.13 billion from $ 7.03 billion Unisys is expected to do little better than break even in the fourth quarter 2 Friday that it had losses of $ 673.3 million through the first nine months , compared with earnings a year earlier of $ 382.2 million , or $ 2.22 a share fully diluted , as revenue inched up 1.4 % to $ 7.13 billion from $ 7.03 billion.And Unisys is expected to do little better than break even in the fourth quarter he is cutting his earnings estimate for next year to $ 2 a share from $ 3 1 The break-even point for next year is much lower is it low enough 3 Donald H. Straszheim surely understands a TV weatherman gets butterflies facing the camera again after a questionable forecast 11 The chief economist of Merrill Lynch & Co. finds himself in such a position he buzzes the Midwest on his first road trip since backpedaling on a major prediction 6 Mr. Straszheim expects he will take some heat he 's right 7 Since the last time he traveled this way several months ago , he has recanted a series of bold forecasts of a recession In February 1988 Merrill Lynch 's weekly commentary announced that `` the economy is likely to fall into recession in early 1989 6 The forecasts were widely disseminated in a splashy ad campaign launched in the summer of 1988 , Merrill Lynch urged investors to buy bonds 2 long-term interest rates , then above 9 % , could drop to 7 % by the end of 1989 bonds , which benefit from falling rates , would be a good buy 6 and , in a splashy ad campaign launched in the summer of 1988 , Merrill Lynch urged investors to buy bonds The firm raised the percentage of bonds in its model portfolio from 40 % to 45 % and later to 55 % 0 In February 1988 , for example , Merrill Lynch 's weekly commentary announced that `` the economy is likely to fall into recession in early 1989 this September he took a detour if not a U-turn 6 He softened the talk about a recession Now he is predicting economic growth of 2.9 % this year and 2.1 % next year , a more optimistic outlook than the consensus of some four dozen top forecasters surveyed by Blue Chip Economic Indicators newsletter 6 Now , in fact , he is predicting economic growth of 2.9 % this year and 2.1 % next year , a more optimistic outlook than the consensus of some four dozen top forecasters surveyed by Blue Chip Economic Indicators newsletter just recently , Merrill Lynch cut the recommended bondholdings back to 50 % 1 they are n't such changes might sound minor 6 Now a rocky stock market and weak corporate profits may further threaten the economy that `` it may prove to be the case that we got whipsawed -- that we pulled the recession forecast at just the wrong time 1 Pestered by bosses , brokers , clients and media people and pushed by their own egos , Wall Street economists are forecasting about everything from broad economic trends to the dinkiest monthly indicator the surprisingly durable seven-year economic expansion has made mincemeat of more than one forecast 1 Some smaller clients do n't seem to notice his switch with some clients , the talk can heat up a bit 10 A good half-hour into breakfast at the Palmer House , Mr. O'Brien looks up from his plate Mr. Straszheim says something about people who believe interest rates are about to nosedive 1 He does n't fully succeed Mr. Straszheim lists an array of interest-rate scenarios 1 Dennis O'Brien , the treasurer of Commonwealth Edison Co. in Chicago , adopts a polite approach , waiting for an opportunity to ask about the forecast In a chilly conference room at Alliance Capital Management in Minneapolis the firm 's money managers seem ready to pin Mr. Straszheim to the wall 5 Do we want to go through this can we ask you why you changed your forecast just when it 's about to be right 5 Do we want to go through this can we ask you why you changed your forecast just when it 's about to be right 11 why you changed your forecast it 's about to be right 1 that the new outlook , though still weak , does n't justify calling a recession right now We could have a recession '' at some point 10 We 're not running that ad campaign any more , '' Mr. Straszheim snaps in a rare show of irritation.He adds , `` I think it was a fairly decent call Mr. Straszheim says It 's hard to pin this on one factor 6 His new forecast calls for `` a soft landing it may be right 10 You make a forecast then you become its prisoner 10 You make a forecast and you become its prisoner 6 and then you become its prisoner It is hard to back away from a widely publicized forecast 6 It is indeed hard to back away from a widely publicized forecast Mr. Straszheim is fidgeting with the handcuffs on this trip 6 that in the past it considered seeking control of Milton Roy , of St. Petersburg , Fla. , through a merger or tender offer that it expects to continue to evaluate an acquisition from time to time 1 In New York Stock Exchange composite trading Friday , Milton Roy shares leaped $ 2 , to $ 18.375 each Crane sank $ 1.125 , to $ 21.125 a share 10 Thermo Electron acquired some 6 % of Milton Roy 's common stock throwing in the towel and reducing its stake in early September 2 The Chancellor of the Exchequer , Nigel Lawson , resigned Prime Minister Thatcher would not fire her trusted adviser Sir Alan Walters 2 the dispute is worth examining there is an effort to `` anchor the dollar '' either to gold or other currencies 10 Mr. Lawson flooded the country with money to prevent the pound from rising against the mark Mrs. Thatcher cut the top tax rate to 40 % 2 Mr. Lawson flooded the country with money to prevent the pound from rising against the mark Mrs. Thatcher cut the top tax rate to 40 % 2 Mr. Lawson flooded the country with money to prevent the pound from rising against the mark he reignited the inflation that Mrs. Thatcher , through a long and costly effort , had subdued 3 the British would have been unable to cut their exorbitant tax rates the pound had been tied to the mark 3 it makes itself more attractive to investors and drives up the value of its currency a country cuts tax rates 2 This misguided policy could not prevent a British trade deficit Mr. Lawson saddled Mrs. Thatcher with a record trade deficit , renewed inflation and high interest rates -- three political failures in a row 10 that the flow abroad of British capital slowed , to 50 billion pounds ( $ 79 billion at the current rate ) in 1988 from 93 billion pounds in 1986 the top tax rate was cut to 40 % 5 The most important governments have ignored the role of low tax rates in attracting real capital investment emphasizing financial flows in response to high interest rates 10 First comes monetary expansion to drive down the currency 's value that was pushed up by tax-rate reduction when the currency falls , interest rates are raised to attract financial flows in order to stabilize the exchange rate 10 Then interest rates are raised to attract financial flows in order to stabilize the exchange rate the currency falls 6 This policy is totally mindless Sir Alan is correct to point out its deficiencies 5 German reunification is likely to require Germany 's neutralization the Soviet Union collapses 10 The implications for Britain , France and the rest of Europe of having their currencies tied to the economic policy of a neutral country need considering we judge Mr. Lawson 's resignation to be unfortunate 10 The figures came the government released a report showing that consumer spending propelled U.S. economic expansion in the third quarter while -- on an inflation-adjusted basis -- business investment slowed , government spending declined , and exports were flat 11 that consumer spending propelled U.S. economic expansion in the third quarter on an inflation-adjusted basis -- business investment slowed , government spending declined , and exports were flat 6 while -- on an inflation-adjusted basis -- business investment slowed , government spending declined exports were flat 1 The figures came a day after the government released a report showing that consumer spending propelled U.S. economic expansion in the third quarter while -- on an inflation-adjusted basis -- business investment slowed , government spending declined , and exports were flat the new statistics show that by September , the burst in spending seemed to be tapering off 6 In August , personal income rose 0.3 % spending grew 0.9 % 10 Car sales slackened in September the 1990 models were introduced 11 RA acquired the Howick coal mine Oct. 20 CRA said that it was looking for a partner for the mine 6 Control Data Corp thinks it will be healthy enough soon to consider repurchasing public debt the company now sees alliances with others as the way back to prosperity in what it calls `` the data solutions '' business 1 I 'm not saying everything is hunky-dory we have completed the transition 2 Now , following asset sales that shrank revenue by more than one-third this year alone , Control Data is flush with cash its senior executives are talking openly about possibly buying back some of the company 's $ 172.5 million in subordinated convertible debentures next year 6 the company is achieving `` modest positive cash flow from operations we expect that to continue into 1990 1 future restructuring would be a question of strategy a few assets are still being shopped -- including the sports and entertainment ticketing portion of the company 's Ticketron unit 9 Ticketron 's automated wagering business , which operates lotteries in a half dozen states , is not for sale Control Data intends to bid for the coming Minnesota lottery contract and is seeking new applications for the technology overseas 1 Control Data 's semiconductor business , VTC Inc. , continues to lose money they consider some of the technology vital to national defense and so are reluctant to dispose of it 2 they consider some of the technology vital to national defense and are reluctant to dispose of it 10 that those costs were running at nearly 35 % of group revenue Control Data scrapped its ETA Systems Inc. supercomputer business this past spring 1 Reviewing the company 's scrape with disaster , Mr. Price conceded it had tried to do too much on its own . `` Absolutely , '' he said while its stock is selling at about half Control Data 's estimated breakup value , neither Messrs.Perlman nor Price said he spends much time considering the possibility of a hostile takeover 0 But neither Messrs.Perlman nor Price said he spends much time considering the possibility of a hostile takeover its stock is selling at about half Control Data 's estimated breakup value 11 I find it hard to ignore our environmental problems I start my commute to work with eyes tearing and head aching from the polluted air 2 I find it hard to ignore our environmental problems I start my commute to work with eyes tearing and head aching from the polluted air 11 I find it hard to ignore our environmental problems I try to enjoy the beaches and come home covered with tar and oil 2 I find it hard to ignore our environmental problems I try to enjoy the beaches and come home covered with tar and oil 11 I find it hard to ignore our environmental problems I hear of numerous deaths related to irresponsible processing of cheese and use of chemicals in fruit growing 2 I find it hard to ignore our environmental problems I hear of numerous deaths related to irresponsible processing of cheese and use of chemicals in fruit growing 1 simply ignoring our problems will result in their severity increasing and spreading throughout the state , the nation and the world there are no easy low-cost solutions 0 I realize you were just looking for something snotty to say about California and its environmental movement picking Frank Lloyd Wright to say it for you was a bad call 10 Wright 's organic architecture demonstrated a keen sensitivity to the environment decades it became fashionable among `` la-la activists 9 Wright 's organic architecture demonstrated a keen sensitivity to the environment decades before it became fashionable among `` la-la activists Wright said all his life that the greatest lessons he learned were derived from the study of nature 1 Perhaps Mr. Reagan , who claimed that air pollution is caused by trees , is the man you should be quoting to back up your position that economics is more important than the Earth it was Frank Lloyd Wright who said , `` Is this not Anti-Christ ? The Moloch that knows no God but more 11 Would-be naysayers should have the burden of proving reasonable necessity they urge a prohibition for enactment into law 3 Would-be naysayers should have the burden of proving reasonable necessity they urge a prohibition for enactment into law 6 Revenue last year increased by more than 11 % over 1988 net income nearly tripled from restated year-earlier net of $ 900 million 1 Systemwide , IATA airlines carried 632 million passengers last year , 2 % more than in 1987 passenger-kilometers , the distance flown while carrying people , increased 5.3 % in 1988 11 flown carrying people 6 the definition of anti-Soviet crimes had narrowed , the laws had changed people no longer have to fear a simple slip of the tongue 2 to curb dog-meat consumption it offends foreigners 3 the producers would be fighting over two scripts with nothing but an opening scene in common this battle were a movie 10 he was `` shocked Mr. Ross refused a meeting and made it clear he would stop them 2 he was `` shocked Mr. Ross refused a meeting and made it clear he would stop them 9 Warner denies Mr. Ross ever said any such thing and denies virtually everything Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters say in their affidavits 1 The battery of legal documents filed in the past week in connection with the suit provide a peek into the inner workings of this Hollywood dogfight they also make it clear that the first thing a judge will have to decide is which , if any , version of events in this morass is fiction , and which fact 6 The battery of legal documents filed in the past week in connection with the suit provide a peek into the inner workings of this Hollywood dogfight But they make it clear that the first thing a judge will have to decide is which , if any , version of events in this morass is fiction , and which fact 1 that what it really wants is for the producers to fulfill their contractual obligations the bitterness of this battle and the accusations flying on both sides make it unlikely that the decade-long relationship between Warner and its two most prolific producers can ever be repaired 1 Warner says it is willing to settle the matter out of court So far Sony has n't been willing to meet its considerable financial demands 5 Sony , for its part , could decide that the cost of a Warner settlement or court fight is too high choosing to find someone else to run Columbia 0 to find someone else to run Columbia that too would be costly given the financial arrangement already guaranteed to Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters 1 In that case , Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters might not suffer financially they would be left without their dream job of running a studio and with a considerably scarred relationship with Warner 1 At the center of any court fight will be the differing interpretations of the written contract between Warner and the two producers other murkier issues will play a big role 3 allowed them to terminate the current written contract the opportunity to run a major studio came up 6 that Warner was `` taking over '' the picture another producer would be giving all of the orders 6 Over his objections the film 's release date was moved up `` by many months '' to December plans for a soundtrack `` worth millions of dollars '' were dropped 3 just tell him everything is fine he calls you up 6 Warner Brothers production president Mark Canton called him Oct. 19 and said Mr. Peters is `` off the picture the new producer on the film , Bruce Baird , told editors to screen the picture without telling stars Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell or Mr. Peters 3 just lie and tell them it will be done someone asks 6 just lie tell them it will be done 10 that Mr. Semel `` hugged and congratulated me , and expressed joy that we had finally realized our long-term ambition of running and having an equity position in a major entertainment company he advised Warner President Terry Semel of the Sony offer at lunch on Sept. 25 6 he could n't sign any documents that `` the deal , although apparently a good one for him and Mr. Peters , would have a very negative impact on Warner 1 and that `` the deal would have a very negative impact on Warner apparently a good one for him and Mr. Peters 6 he would contact Mr. Ross and Warner Brothers Chairman Robert Daly that , in a conference call , the three agreed they could n't let the producers out of their contract 6 that Mr. Semel did convey that information that Mr. Semel said Mr. Ross was `` crazy because of the Time deal 6 that Mr. Semel did convey that information and that Mr. Semel said Mr. Ross was `` crazy because of the Time deal that Mr. Daly `` told us that even if Sony did not want us , Warner 's relationship with us already was irreparably damaged , that there was no way ` to put the egg together , ' and that it would sue Sony for tons of money 0 that Warner 's relationship with us already was irreparably damaged , that there was no way ` to put the egg together , ' and that it would sue Sony for tons of money Sony did not want us 6 Warner 's relationship with us already was irreparably damaged , that there was no way ` to put the egg together that it would sue Sony for tons of money 6 that even if Sony did not want us , Warner 's relationship with us already was irreparably damaged , that there was no way ` to put the egg together , ' and that it would sue Sony for tons of money that Mr. Ross probably would n't object `` if it were anybody other than Sony 3 that Mr. Ross probably would n't object it were anybody other than Sony 1 that Mr. Ross probably would n't object `` if it were anybody other than Sony Sony is a problem 1 According to this theory , Warner executives , hoping to strengthen their relationships with the producers , encouraged Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters in their ambitions to build a major entertainment company the Warner executives in their affidavits deny ever telling the producers they could get out of their written contract 1 they have 50 projects in development for Warner that not all of the projects will be used 7 that not all of the projects will be used that since 1985 , he and Mr. Peters have developed over 85 movie projects , and Warner has `` passed '' or chosen not to produce at least 76 6 that since 1985 , he and Mr. Peters have developed over 85 movie projects Warner has `` passed '' or chosen not to produce at least 76 6 it purchased Cable USA Inc. , a privately held cable television system in Carroll County , Ga. , a suburb of Atlanta The company has acquired Sundance Publishers and Distributors Inc. , a family owned producer and distributor of educational materials in Littleton , Mass 1 the good news is that the deficits are not heading up you ca n't be satisfied with deficits at this level and we 're not 6 but you ca n't be satisfied with deficits at this level we 're not 10 on cleaning up the thrift industry the year ended on Sept. 30 2 the savings-and-loan outlays were pushed into fiscal 1990 the Resolution Trust Corp. could n't spend the money fast enough 0 The 1989 deficit would have been nearly $ 10 billion larger had the government been able to spend as much as Congress intended on cleaning up the thrift industry before the year ended on Sept. 30.Because the Resolution Trust Corp. could n't spend the money fast enough , the savings-and-loan outlays were pushed into fiscal 1990 the 1989 deficit still exceeded the $ 136 billion target set by the Gramm-Rudman deficit-reduction law by $ 16 billion , a reminder of that law 's shortcomings 1 The Treasury marked up its forecast by $ 17 million in July that proved to be about $ 5 billion too optimistic 2 that were issued in September this year Oct. 1 fell on a Sunday 11 to recommend paying a modest dividend the board of directors met Friday 1 The company suffered a loss of $ 270 million in 1985 its financial situation has been improving since then 10 The company suffered a loss of $ 270 million in 1985 its financial situation has been improving since then 3 that foreign companies can acquire Japanese companies the alternative for the Japanese company is extinction 1 The myths that Japan is not open to concerns from outside has been demolished at a stroke Sansui is a special case 6 It expects to post a loss of 6.4 billion yen for the year ending tomorrow its liabilities currently exceed its assets by about 13.8 billion yen 3 they are not for sale you find sound , healthy companies in Japan 2 Statistics on acquisitions by foreigners vary in detail unlike Sansui most of the Japanese companies acquired by foreigners are privately held 1 Statistics on acquisitions by foreigners vary in detail , because unlike Sansui , which is listed on the Tokyo and Osaka stock exchanges , most of the Japanese companies acquired by foreigners are privately held by all accounts foreign companies have bought only a relative handful of Japanese companies this year , while Japanese companies have acquired hundreds of foreign companies 1 But by all accounts foreign companies have bought only a relative handful of Japanese companies this year Japanese companies have acquired hundreds of foreign companies 6 But by all accounts foreign companies have bought only a relative handful of Japanese companies this year do analysts expect the Sansui deal to touch off a fresh wave of foreign purchases 3 webs of cross-shareholdings between friendly Japanese companies and fiercely independent Japanese corporate attitudes repel most would-be acquirers the strong yen and the high stock prices of Japanese companies were n't deterrents enough 3 Usually it has few alternatives remaining a Japanese company is ready to sell 6 Usually when a Japanese company is ready to sell , it has few alternatives remaining the grim demeanors of Sansui 's directors at a joint news conference here left little doubt that this was not the company 's finest hour 1 Sansui was once one of Japan 's premier makers of expensive , high-quality stereo gear for audiophiles in recent years , the market has moved toward less expensive `` mini-component '' sets , miniaturized amplifiers and receivers and software players that could be stacked on top of each other 2 Sansui 's deepening financial problems became a vicious circle the yen soared in recent years 1 Sansui lacked the money to build new plants in Southeast Asia competitors moved production offshore in response to the sagging competitiveness of Japanese factories 0 Our company has not been able to cope very effectively with '' changes in the marketplace even a Japanese company that looks like a dog may turn out to be a good investment for a foreign concern 1 Attitudes { toward being acquired } are still negative they 're becoming more positive 1 Whether Polly Peck 's acquisition makes sense remains to be seen at the news conference , Mr. Nadir brimmed with self-confidence that he can turn Sansui around 2 it ( Sansui ) needs it can compete and become a totally global entity capable of competing with the best in the world 6 using Sansui 's engineers to design the new products while Polly Peck is n't jettisoning the existent top-management structure of Sansui , it is bringing in a former Toshiba Corp. executive as executive vice president and chief operating officer 1 And it is bringing in a former Toshiba Corp. executive as executive vice president and chief operating officer Polly Peck is n't jettisoning the existent top-management structure of Sansui 6 The bolstered cellular agreement between BellSouth Corp. and LIN Broadcasting Corp. carries heightened risks and could fail to fend off McCaw Cellular Communications Inc. , the rival suitor for LIN the amended pact shows how McCaw 's persistence has pushed LIN and BellSouth into a corner , forcing huge debt on the proposed new company 1 The plan still calls for LIN to combine its cellular telephone properties with BellSouth 's and to spin off its broadcasting operations under new terms of the agreement LIN holders would receive a special cash dividend of $ 42 a share , representing a payout of about $ 2.23 billion , shortly before the proposed merger 1 it expects to borrow the money to pay the dividend commitments from banks still have n't been obtained 6 But under new terms of the agreement LIN holders would receive a special cash dividend of $ 42 a share , representing a payout of about $ 2.23 billion , shortly before the proposed merger New York-based LIN would exercise its right to buy out for $ 1.9 billion the 55 % equity interest of its partner , Metromedia Co. , in a New York cellular franchise 6 it expects to borrow the money to pay the dividend That money would have to be borrowed 0 he estimated that the company would n't be profitable until 1994 or later he expressed confidence that the proposed new company 's cash flow would be sufficient to cover interest payments on the debt 1 At some point , it will become non-economical for one company I do n't think we 're at that point yet 3 to give extra protection to holders the regional Bell company ever decides to buy the rest of the new cellular company 6 BellSouth added a provision designed to give extra protection to holders if the regional Bell company ever decides to buy the rest of the new cellular company McCaw 's bid has a similar clause 6 BellSouth added a provision designed to give extra protection to holders if the regional Bell company ever decides to buy the rest of the new cellular company BellSouth agreed to pay as much as $ 10 a share , or $ 540 million , if , after five years , the trading value of the new cellular company is n't as high as the value that shareholders would have realized from the McCaw offer 3 to pay as much as $ 10 a share , or $ 540 million after five years , the trading value of the new cellular company is n't as high as the value that shareholders would have realized from the McCaw offer 1 We did n't think a sleeping { Bell } mentality would be willing to take on dilution Kenneth Leon , a telecommunications analyst with Bear , Stearns & Co. , finds the BellSouth proposal still flawed because the company does n't have to wait five years to begin buying more LIN shares 2 But Kenneth Leon , a telecommunications analyst with Bear , Stearns & Co. , finds the BellSouth proposal still flawed the company does n't have to wait five years to begin buying more LIN shares 6 BellSouth 's revised proposal surprised many industry analysts , especially because of the company 's willingness to accept some dilution of future earnings BellSouth 's cellular operations were among the first in the country to become profitable 1 Analysts were predicting 1990 BellSouth earnings in the range of $ 3.90 a share , or $ 1.9 billion now those estimates are being scaled back 1 In national over-the-counter trading , LIN shares soared $ 4.625 to closed at $ 112.625 McCaw fell $ 2.50 a share to $ 37.75 9 that McCaw , in an attempt to buy time , might consider filing an antitrust suit against BellSouth with the Justice Department and U.S. District Judge Harold Greene McCaw seemed to hint at that option in a brief statement 6 Market makers in Nasdaq over-the-counter stocks are adding their voices to the swelling chorus of complaints about program trading Their motivation has a strong practical aspect 6 Program trading is hazardous to their paychecks Program trading causes the Nasdaq Composite Index to lose ground against other segments of the stock market 6 Because of program trading it is more difficult to trade many OTC stocks without sharp price moves , a condition known as illiquidity the price volatility that is amplified by program trading is undercutting efforts to woo individual investors back to an OTC market that sorely misses them 1 Some of these problems are neither new nor unique to the OTC market the big , often tumultuous slide in stock prices this month has turned some of those who have been profiting from the practice against it 11 that he was n't troubled by program trading it began in the pre-crash bull market 2 that he was n't troubled by program trading when it began in the pre-crash bull market it added liquidity and people were pleased to see stock prices rising 6 because it added liquidity people were pleased to see stock prices rising 10 We were n't as concerned they became sell programs 0 who now thinks it adds unnecessary volatility Shearson Lehman executes program trades for clients 1 Merrill Lynch , Goldman Sachs and Kidder Peabody , in addition to Shearson , do program-trade OTC stocks they do so only for customers 1 Of course , there were sell programs in past years , too they seem to hurt market makers more painfully these days 6 when individual investors fled the market trading activity dwindled 11 to sell investors other holders are n't selling 6 Market makers , to cut costs , slashed inventories of stocks they keep on hand to sell investors when other holders are n't selling to protect their reduced capital investment from eroding further , market makers became quicker to lower price quotes when sell programs are in progress 11 to lower price quotes sell programs are in progress 11 to buy shares from sellers no one else will 11 for us to put money at risk you know you 're going to lose 1 It makes no sense for us to put money at risk when you know you 're going to lose this skittishness is creating liquidity problems in certain OTC stocks 11 It 's harder to sell stocks the sell programs come in 2 It 's harder to sell stocks when the sell programs come in some market makers do n't want to { take the orders 6 No one has big positions no one wants to take big risks 1 that program trading is hurting the market 's efforts to bring back small investors while makers suffer losses when program trading drags the market down , they also make money when program trading pushes the prices higher 1 But they also make money when program trading pushes the prices higher makers suffer losses when program trading drags the market down 3 while makers suffer losses program trading drags the market down 6 But while makers suffer losses when program trading drags the market down they make money when program trading pushes the prices higher 3 But they also make money program trading pushes the prices higher 3 the composite tumbles as well as the Dow Jones Industrial Average the computers say `` sell 1 that the Nasdaq Composite frequently is left behind the industrial average and the S & P 500 usually recover as buy programs kick in 11 while the industrial average and the S & P 500 usually recover buy programs kick in 7 that while the industrial average and the S & P 500 usually recover as buy programs kick in , the Nasdaq Composite frequently is left behind Eight trading days after Oct. 12 , the day before the stock market plunge the Nasdaq Composite had fallen 4.3 % , compared with 3.3 % for the S & P 500 , 3.5 % for the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index and 3.6 % for the industrial average 10 Weisfield 's rocketed 9 1/2 to 39 the jewelry store operator said it is in preliminary discussions , with a party it would n't identify , regarding the possible acquisition of the company 2 Weisfield 's rocketed 9 1/2 to 39 the jewelry store operator said it is in preliminary discussions , with a party it would n't identify , regarding the possible acquisition of the company 10 Starpointe Savings Bank rose 3 to 20 the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. approved Dime Savings Bank of New York 's $ 21-a-share acquisition of Starpointe 10 London share prices closed sharply lower Friday in active trading Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson 's resignation slapped the market and Wall Street 's rapid initial sell-off knocked it down 6 after Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson 's resignation slapped the market Wall Street 's rapid initial sell-off knocked it down 10 It showed some early resilience central bank support firmed sterling 1 It showed some early resilience after central bank support firmed sterling the weight of Wall Street late in London trading , and signs of further weakness in the British pound , proved a hefty load to bear 10 New York stocks recovered some of their losses the London market closed 1 the turnover , largely confined to the 100-share index stocks , partly reflected the flurry of activity typical at the close of a two-week trading account and the start of a new account Friday 's focus on the top-tier stocks telegraphed active overseas selling and showed the broad-based fears over the status of the U.K. economy and Britain 's currency in the wake of the upheaval in Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 's cabinet 6 Among the other actively traded blue-chip issues , Imperial Chemical Industries dropped 11 to # 10.86 , Hanson skidded 9.5 to 200.5 British Telecom fell 10 to 250 0 Dealers placed heavy buy orders in the morning to start the first trading day for November transactions they failed to sell these stocks to client investors , who were cautious about the sharp gains these issues made this week 6 that selling pressure was n't enormous that the DAX dropped Friday more on a lack of any substantial buying interest 3 the market itself looks very cheap you take away the outside influences 10 institutions to take a reserved stance on the sidelines as well the market in New York settles down somewhat 6 Elsewhere , share prices closed lower in Paris , Zurich , Amsterdam , Brussels and Stockholm , and were mixed in Milan Share prices closed lower in Sydney , Hong Kong , Singapore , Taipei , Manila , Wellington and Seoul 10 who served 26 years in prison being released two weeks ago 6 President de Klerk 's government permitted the rally security forces did n't interfere 1 Senate Majority Leader Mitchell said on NBC-TV that Ortega had made `` a very unwise move lawmakers have n't raised the possibility of renewing military aid to the Contras following Ortega 's weekend threat to end a truce 6 that cuts spending for new installations by 16 % The measure moves more than $ 450 million in the Pentagon budget to home-state projects from foreign bases 6 Afghan guerrillas bombarded Kabul in a weekend assault that Western diplomats called one of the biggest offensives since the Soviet Union completed a troop withdrawal in February The rebels reportedly tightened a blockade on roads leading to the capital , and government forces shelled a guerrilla-held area in western Afghanistan 6 The rebels also reportedly tightened a blockade on roads leading to the capital government forces shelled a guerrilla-held area in western Afghanistan 2 Gen. Michel Aoun rejected the pact it fails to provide a timetable for a Syrian troop pullout from Lebanon 11 The plane failed to reach Molokai 's airport Saturday on a flight from the neighboring island of Maui 10 orders were up a nominal 5 % adjustment for inflation 1 foreign orders declined 4 % after inflation and 1 % on a nominal basis domestic orders climbed an adjusted 8 % and a nominal 11 % in September 1 Domestic orders were up a real 11 % and a nominal 14 % foreign orders rose a real 1 % and a nominal 5 % 11 more than 500 executives packing the room snapped to attention Michael S. Perry took the podium at a recent cosmetics industry event 10 First Unilever , the Anglo-Dutch packaged-goods giant , spent $ 2 billion to acquire brands such as Faberge and Elizabeth Arden Procter & Gamble Co. agreed to buy Noxell Corp. for $ 1.3 billion 1 P & G and Unilever bring with them great experience with mundane products like soap and toilet paper , sparking disdain in the glitzy cosmetics trade they also bring mammoth marketing clout , sparking fear 6 P & G and Unilever bring with them great experience with mundane products like soap and toilet paper , sparking disdain in the glitzy cosmetics trade but they bring mammoth marketing clout , sparking fear 1 there 's little doubt they will shake up the industry it is far from certain that companies best known for selling Promise margarine and Tide detergent will succeed in cosmetics 1 For now , both companies are keeping quiet about their specific plans industry watchers expect them to blend the methodical marketing strategies they use for more mundane products with the more intuitive approach typical of cosmetics companies 0 Likely changes include more emphasis on research , soaring advertising budgets and aggressive pricing some cosmetics-industry executives wonder whether techniques honed in packaged goods will translate to the cosmetics business 6 Cosmetics companies roll out new makeup colors several times a year since most products can be easily copied by competitors , they 're loath to test them with consumers 2 and they 're loath to test them with consumers most products can be easily copied by competitors 4 it does n't mean they are packaged goods upscale cosmetics look like packaged goods and smell like packaged goods 7 Both companies are conservative marketers that rely on extensive market research P & G rarely rolls out a product nationally before extensive test-marketing 6 P & G set out to reposition the brand by broadening the product line to include facial cleansers and moisturizers for sensitive skin It redesigned Oil of Olay 's packaging , stamping the traditional pink boxes with gold lines to create a more opulent look 6 It also redesigned Oil of Olay 's packaging , stamping the traditional pink boxes with gold lines to create a more opulent look P & G shifted its ad campaign from one targeting older women to one featuring a woman in her mid-30s vowing `` not to grow old gracefully 1 Unilever wo n't comment Schering denies the brand is for sale 1 most makers of upscale cosmetics spend relatively little on national ads the two are among the world 's biggest advertisers 5 most makers of upscale cosmetics spend relatively little on national ads they focus on events in department stores and pour their promotional budgets into gifts that go along with purchases 7 most makers of upscale cosmetics spend relatively little on national ads Estee Lauder spends only an estimated 5 % of sales on advertising in the U.S 6 Estee Lauder , for example , spends only an estimated 5 % of sales on advertising in the U.S he has no plans to change his strategy 1 The presence of Unilever and P & G is likely to increase the impact of advertising on cosmetics The most dramatic changes probably will come in new-product development 2 demand for mass-market items that are high quality but only mid-priced -- particularly skin-care products -- is expected to increase the trend continues 7 As the trend continues , demand for mass-market items that are high quality but only mid-priced -- particularly skin-care products -- is expected to increase This fall L'Oreal Group , ordinarily a high-end line , rolled out a drug-store line of skin-care products called Plenitude , which retail for $ 5 to $ 15 7 Unlike the old-line cosmetics houses , Unilever and P & G both have enormous research and development bases to draw on for new products P & G is noted for gaining market leadership by introducing products that offer a technical edge over the competition 7 P & G , in fact , is noted for gaining market leadership by introducing products that offer a technical edge over the competition Sales of its Tide detergent soared earlier this year after P & G introduced a version that includes a bleach safe for all colors and fabrics 10 Sales of its Tide detergent soared earlier this year , for example P & G introduced a version that includes a bleach safe for all colors and fabrics 0 The packaged-goods marketers may try filling that gap with a spate of new products success for Unilever and P & G is far from guaranteed , as shown by the many consumer-product companies that have tried and failed to master the quirky beauty business 10 Colgate sold the brand seven years later the brand languished 2 Colgate sold the brand seven years later the brand languished 2 In this niche , makeup colors change seasonally they are linked to ready-to-wear fashions 2 careful training of store sales staffs by cosmetics companies is important brand loyalty is weak and most cosmetics purchases are unplanned 6 Because brand loyalty is weak most cosmetics purchases are unplanned 6 Because brand loyalty is weak and most cosmetics purchases are unplanned , careful training of store sales staffs by cosmetics companies is important cultivating a luxury image strong enough to persuade consumers to pay more than $ 15 for lipstick or eye makeup requires a subtle touch that packaged-goods companies have yet to demonstrate on their own 11 to trust each other it comes to setting policy on covert activities 3 it could infuse covert action planning with a level of care and confidence that has n't been seen in years that attitude lasts 6 Over the past week , the president has agreed to keep the committee informed , usually in advance , of covert actions and to put key intelligence decisions in writing Mr. Bush has pledged to respect the 14-year-old executive order barring U.S. agents from assassinating foreign leaders or helping others to do so 6 Mr. Bush has pledged as well to respect the 14-year-old executive order barring U.S. agents from assassinating foreign leaders or helping others to do so Despite objections by the CIA , Mr. Bush has agreed to the establishment of an inspector general at the CIA who would be independent of the CIA director 6 In return , the Senate panel has dropped efforts to enact legislation requiring the administration to inform it within 48 hours of the launching of any covert activity It has removed a ban on CIA use of a contingency fund for covert acts and has agreed to wipe away some tortured and legalistic restrictions on coup planning put in place to ensure that the CIA did n't get back in the assassination game 3 to notify the odious Panamanian dictator , Manuel Noriega the U.S. learned of a coup plot that might endanger his life 6 Mr. Bush even disclosed privately that one Reagan-era deal with Congress required him to notify the odious Panamanian dictator , Manuel Noriega , if the U.S. learned of a coup plot that might endanger his life The president hinted he might veto this year 's intelligence authorization bill if it is too restrictive 3 he might veto this year 's intelligence authorization bill it is too restrictive 5 not to press its advantage to the kind of constitutional confrontation sought by conservative Republicans who do n't want any congressional oversight of intelligence activities Mr. Bush and his aides made it clear they respected Congress 's role and felt they could work with the conservative Mr. Boren and the moderate Mr. Cohen to iron out their differences 6 that there had been `` a meeting of the minds '' with the White House that the committee had given Mr. Bush `` a clean slate , '' free of the impediments imposed during the Reagan years 1 There may be a truce in the long war of nerves between the White House and Congress over how this country conducts secret intelligence operations abroad There are some details to be nailed down 6 Mr. Bush is reserving the right in `` rare '' instances to keep Congress in the dark , asserting a constitutional prerogative the committee does n't recognize a pending Justice Department interpretation of the assassination ban could raise questions that would have to be settled 6 And a pending Justice Department interpretation of the assassination ban could raise questions that would have to be settled both sides may face political critics 6 Some conservatives will accuse the president of promising Congress too much they continue anonymously attacking CIA Director William Webster for being too accommodating to the committee 6 At the same time , some congressional liberals will accuse Sens.Boren and Cohen of wimping out they will warn that the lawmakers ' concessions raise the specter of more internationally embarrassing covert operations like the mining of Nicaraguan harbors and the Iran arms sales 1 At the same time , some congressional liberals will accuse Sens.Boren and Cohen of wimping out , and they will warn that the lawmakers ' concessions raise the specter of more internationally embarrassing covert operations like the mining of Nicaraguan harbors and the Iran arms sales if the cooperative attitude holds and there is greater consultation on covert activities , the country could be entering an era when such hare-brained schemes are scrapped before they get off the drawing boards , while risky but well-planned secret operations can be undertaken without fear that a panicky Congress will balk 3 But the country could be entering an era when such hare-brained schemes are scrapped before they get off the drawing boards , while risky but well-planned secret operations can be undertaken without fear that a panicky Congress will balk the cooperative attitude holds and there is greater consultation on covert activities 6 if the cooperative attitude holds there is greater consultation on covert activities 10 when such hare-brained schemes are scrapped they get off the drawing boards 1 when such hare-brained schemes are scrapped before they get off the drawing boards risky but well-planned secret operations can be undertaken without fear that a panicky Congress will balk 11 the government faces a daunting job of rebuilding confidence in its policies the air clears from last week 's storm of resignations and reshufflings 6 The prime minister and her new chancellor of the exchequer , the untested John Major , need to haul the country through something like a recession to bring down inflation and set the economy moving again.Mrs . Thatcher has to come to terms with European economic integration , beginning with the European Monetary System , which Britain is committed to joining fully someday the government has to convince a rattled financial community -- and voters -- it is proceeding coherently toward its goals 1 It sounds like the work of a decade the deadline is late 1991 , when Mrs. Thatcher is expected to call another national election 0 supporters wonder if her steely , autocratic ways are the right formula today Mrs. Thatcher has pulled through other crises 6 Mr. Lawson quit in exasperation Sir Alan Walters , the adviser , announced his resignation within an hour 6 Economists have been anticipating a slump for months it will be deeper and longer than they had thought 1 A mild slowdown probably would have run its course by early 1991 the grueling downturn now expected could stretch into 1992 3 Recovery could be hampered Britain 's major trading partners in Europe cool off as expected in late 1990 and 1991 1 she would prefer doing so in late 1991 Mrs. Thatcher does n't need to call an election until June 1992 3 she will be very vulnerable the economy shows no sign of turning around in about year 's time 10 Britain would join its inflation rate fell and the EC liberalized capital movements 6 once its inflation rate fell the EC liberalized capital movements 3 and responding in kind the Frankfurt authorities move interest rates 11 many harbor hopes last week 's debacle will prompt change Conservatives rally around Mrs. Thatcher during the crisis 11 we know The new one we purchase in hopes it will do , Despite every wonder that 's stated , Means more speed , more graphics , more memory , too , But also more quickly out- dated we queasily start The search for replacements 1 I know when dividends are due ; When bonds should be retired what gets by me every time Is has the milk expired 3 Wives May Not Benefit Men Do Chores 3 they tend to substitute for chores done by the kids rather than by the wife HUSBANDS take on more housework 6 Not unexpectedly , wives , whether working or non-working , did by far the most -- about 80 % of the shopping , laundry and cooking , and about two-thirds of housecleaning , washing dishes , child care and family paper work.Only for yardwork and home maintenance did women do less than half the researchers found that while children 's household tasks eased the mother 's burden appreciably , the husband 's helping hand `` appears to lighten the children 's load almost on a one-for-one basis and to reduce the wife 's responsibility only modestly 1 that the husband 's helping hand `` appears to lighten the children 's load almost on a one-for-one basis and to reduce the wife 's responsibility only modestly children 's household tasks eased the mother 's burden appreciably 1 In these families , husbands took on 80 % more chores than in couples with only grammar school education the kids with highly educated parents did 68 % less housework than those in less-educated families 3 on how much property people may own or how much income they may keep they want welfare help on medical bills 10 that anywhere from one-fourth to one-half of all elderly long-term care patients are obliged to spend themselves into poverty qualifying for Medicaid assistance 0 that anywhere from one-fourth to one-half of all elderly long-term care patients are obliged to spend themselves into poverty before qualifying for Medicaid assistance that `` a surprisingly small proportion '' -- only about 10 % -- of residents start out as private payers but `` spend down '' to Medicaid levels in a single nursing home stay before they die or are discharged 10 but `` spend down '' to Medicaid levels in a single nursing home stay they die or are discharged 11 ( Another one-third are already on Medicaid a considerably higher proportion than the analysts anticipated . ) they enter the nursing homes 1 that `` a surprisingly small proportion '' -- only about 10 % -- of residents start out as private payers but `` spend down '' to Medicaid levels in a single nursing home stay before they die or are discharged a remarkably high percentage -- over half -- are private payers throughout their stay , even a fairly lengthy one 1 About one-third pay out of their own pockets the rest are covered throughout by Medicare , private insurers or the Veterans Administration 1 while the rest are covered throughout by Medicare , private insurers or the Veterans Administration The Brookings and Urban Institute authors caution that most nursing home stays are of comparatively short duration , and reaching the Medicaid level is more likely with an unusually long stay or repeated stays 6 that most nursing home stays are of comparatively short duration reaching the Medicaid level is more likely with an unusually long stay or repeated stays 6 that most nursing home stays are of comparatively short duration , and reaching the Medicaid level is more likely with an unusually long stay or repeated stays those who manage to pay their own way often do so only by selling their homes , using up life savings or drawing heavily on children and other relatives 6 that the Reagan years would produce a staunchly conservative younger generation the youngest adults somewhat more pro-Reagan and pro-Republican than other adults 0 the youngest adults indeed somewhat more pro-Reagan and pro-Republican than other adults this `` does not translate into support for conservatism in general or into conservative positions on feminist and civil rights issues 6 that men and women in the 18 to 24 age bracket are considerably more liberal on race and gender than were the 18 to 24 year olds in NORC 's polling in the early 1970s and early 1980s They were as liberal or more liberal than any other age group in the 1986 through 1989 surveys 7 Answers to a dozen questions in the 1986 , 1987 , 1988 and 1989 national surveys reveal that men and women in the 18 to 24 age bracket are considerably more liberal on race and gender than were the 18 to 24 year olds in NORC 's polling in the early 1970s and early 1980s 66 % of the 18 to 24 year olds in the four latest surveys favored an `` open housing '' law prohibiting homeowners from refusing on racial grounds to sell to prospective buyers.That compares with 58 % of the similar age group in the 1980 through 1982 surveys and 55 % in the 1972 through 1975 surveys 10 He had been summoned to the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party he finished his lunch at the Savoy Hotel , an unlikely prelude to a bureaucratic brow-beating 2 that he was taking my butt to the Central Committee they can . . . '' whack , whack , whack his hand made vigorous spanking gestures on his left palm 10 I told my driver , '' he said , `` that he was taking my butt to the Central Committee so they can . . . '' whack , whack , whack his hand made vigorous spanking gestures on his left palm . `` They feel the need from time to time to ` educate ' me And indeed , as he reported , that was the import of the meeting 2 We 're standing in gasoline do n't smoke 9 U.S. and northern European diplomats confirm Mr. Korotich 's assessment that glasnost is in no immediate danger a very high-ranking Soviet official told an American official at a diplomatic dinner that no change in the policy was contemplated 11 it sold 250,000 copies Mr. Korotich took it over in 1986 1 When Mr. Korotich took it over in 1986 , it sold 250,000 copies ; today it sells 3.4 million Pravda has retained only 57 % of its 1986 readership 0 Glasnost has made celebrities of men like Mr. Korotich as astounding as the changes that have already occurred are , there is a fragility to glasnost 2 Censorship is n't a Marxist invention.The czars were no civil libertarians.As late as the 1890s , the Russian government prevented any coverage of famines.It even directed newspapers not to publish anything that might stain the honor of the Turkish sultan 's wives glasnost is not a value woven with steel threads into the fabric of Russian society 10 I 'd be destroying myself , '' replies Mr. Korotich who asks , `` What would that accomplish 6 His answer reveals his vulnerability it draws the line that Soviet society must cross to enter the normal dialogue of Western culture 6 A state trial judge in Illinois gave preliminary approval to a proposed settlement of a suit against a Bank of New York Co. unit , Irving Trust Co. , over the interest rates on Irving 's former One Wall Street Account money-market deposit accounts Judge Albert Green , in Cook County Circuit Court in Chicago recognized the suit 10 that the Fed would first give a green light to the economy by making credit readily available and turn on the red and bring growth to a screeching halt 1 that the Fed would first give a green light to the economy by making credit readily available and then turn on the red and bring growth to a screeching halt under Alan Greenspan that has changed 9 A supremely cautious man , the Fed chairman is forever blinking yellow his caution has become legendary within the government 10 he often concludes that more data are needed thoroughly digesting reams of information 6 After thoroughly digesting reams of information , he often concludes that more data are needed when he finally decides to act , his movements sometimes seem excrutiatingly small 11 and his movements sometimes seem excrutiatingly small he finally decides to act 10 to see what happened Monday morning making any public statement 6 But he refused , claiming that he wanted to see what happened Monday morning before making any public statement Mr. Greenspan 's decision to keep quiet prompted a near-mutiny within the Fed 's ranks 1 The statement angered Chairman Greenspan it was greeted with applause by the Bush administration and the financial markets 6 A `` senior Fed official '' spoke on Saturday after the market swoon to both the Washington Post and the New York Times , saying the Fed was prepared to provide as much credit as the markets needed while the mutinous Fed member has n't gone public , some Fed governors , most notably Vice Chairman Manuel Johnson , are known to have disagreed with the chairman 's decision to remain silent 1 And some Fed governors , most notably Vice Chairman Manuel Johnson , are known to have disagreed with the chairman 's decision to remain silent the mutinous Fed member has n't gone public 5 whether Mr. Greenspan `` made a statement himself whether that was a newspaper report 6 A surprisingly small amount of reserves was added to the banking system by the end of that week , the key federal funds interest rate , which is largely controlled by the Fed , had settled at 8.75 % , barely changed from the level of just under 9 % that prevailed the previous week 6 Those concerns are n't expressed in public the administration and the Fed have been going out of their way in the past two weeks to dispel any impression that they are at odds 1 In fact , the administration and the Fed have been going out of their way in the past two weeks to dispel any impression that they are at odds the split is there 6 Factory payrolls and production fell in September the auto industry and housing are in a severe crunch 1 The economy is showing signs of weakness , particularly among manufacturers Mr. Greenspan remains reluctant to loosen policy 2 But Mr. Greenspan remains reluctant to loosen policy he faces a phalanx of presidents of regional Fed banks who oppose credit easing 6 partly because he faces a phalanx of presidents of regional Fed banks who oppose credit easing the chairman has a wary eye aimed a year or two down the road 1 Inflation may be stable at the moment if the Fed eases too soon prices may begin to accelerate again next year 3 But prices may begin to accelerate again next year the Fed eases too soon 6 But if the Fed eases too soon prices may begin to accelerate again next year if the Fed holds tight , it may be able gradually to reduce inflation 3 Moreover it may be able gradually to reduce inflation the Fed holds tight 6 We 've gotten through two stock market crashes we 've gone through an election without any major problems 1 So far , Mr. Greenspan 's cautious approach to policy has served both him and the nation well such caution is no guarantee against mistakes 3 Chairman Greenspan could well become an open target that happens 3 such proposals could gain strong momentum the economy turns down 6 of which ECI will sell 990,000 co-founders will sell 110,000 shares 1 In an age of specialization , the federal judiciary is one of the last bastions of the generalist even on the federal bench , specialization is creeping in 6 But even on the federal bench , specialization is creeping in it has become a subject of sharp controversy on the newest federal appeals court 10 The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit was created in 1982 to serve , among other things , as the court of last resort for most patent disputes patent cases moved through the court system to one of the 12 circuit appeals courts 1 Some patent lawyers had hoped that such a specialty court would be filled with experts in the field the Reagan administration thought otherwise , and so may the Bush administration 6 But the Reagan administration thought otherwise so may the Bush administration 6 Three seats currently are vacant three others are likely to be filled within a few years 2 Three seats currently are vacant and three others are likely to be filled within a few years patent lawyers and research-based industries are making a new push for specialists to be added to the court 1 We do not feel that seats are reserved ( for patent lawyers ) we will take it into consideration 10 who served at the claims court trial level he was appointed to the Federal Circuit two years ago 1 The Justice Department 's view is shared by other lawyers and at least one member of the court , Judge H. Robert Mayer , a former civil litigator who served at the claims court trial level before he was appointed to the Federal Circuit two years ago some lawyers point to Eli Lilly & Co. vs.Medtronic , Inc. , the patent infringement case the Supreme Court this month agreed to review , as an example of poor legal reasoning by judges who lack patent litigation experience 3 the decision will have billion-dollar consequences for the manufacturers of medical devices , color and food additives and all other non-drug products that required Food & Drug Administration approval the Supreme Court holds in Medtronic 's favor 8 Lisa Raines , a lawyer and director of government relations for the Industrial Biotechnical Association , contends that a judge well-versed in patent law and the concerns of research-based industries would have ruled otherwise Judge Newman , a former patent lawyer , wrote in her dissent when the court denied a motion for a rehearing of the case by the full court , `` The panel 's judicial legislation has affected an important high-technological industry , without regard to the consequences for research and innovation or the public interest 10 And Judge Newman , a former patent lawyer , wrote in her dissent The panel 's judicial legislation has affected an important high-technological industry , without regard to the consequences for research and innovation or the public interest the court denied a motion for a rehearing of the case by the full court 2 And Judge Newman , a former patent lawyer , wrote in her dissent The panel 's judicial legislation has affected an important high-technological industry , without regard to the consequences for research and innovation or the public interest the court denied a motion for a rehearing of the case by the full court 11 who was derided as a `` tool-and-die man GE brought him in to clean up Kidder in 1987 6 By the end of this year , 63-year-old Chairman Silas Cathcart -- the former chairman of Illinois Tool Works who was derided as a `` tool-and-die man '' when GE brought him in to clean up Kidder in 1987 -- retires to his Lake Forest , Ill. , home that means 42-year-old Michael Carpenter , president and chief executive since January , will for the first time take complete control of Kidder and try to make good on some grandiose plans 0 Its 1,400-member brokerage operation reported an estimated $ 5 million loss last year Kidder expects it to turn a profit this year 9 Its 1,400-member brokerage operation reported an estimated $ 5 million loss last year Kidder is a minor player in just about every business it does except computer-driven program trading 2 But even that niche is under attack several Wall Street firms pulled back from program trading last week under pressure from big investors 8 The firm 's brokerage force has been trimmed its mergers-and-acquisitions staff increased to a record 55 people 10 that Kidder will finally tap the resources of GE he assumes full control 11 One of GE 's goals was to take advantage of `` syngeries '' between Kidder and General Electric Capital Corp. , GE 's corporate-finance unit , which has $ 42 billion in assets it bought 80 % of Kidder in 1986 1 So far , instead of teaming up , GE Capital staffers and Kidder investment bankers have bickered We 've really started to exploit the synergy between GE Capital and Kidder Peabody 0 The units have worked on 37 investment banking deals this year not all of them have panned out 0 It 's been a steadily improving relationship without many actual deals to show off , Kidder is left to stress that it finally has `` a team '' in place , and that everyone works harder 8 that it finally has `` a team '' in place that everyone works harder 11 that on weekends Mr. Newquist `` often gets value-added ideas flying his single-engine Cessna Centurion on the way to Nantucket 11 that every CEO recognizes as a viable alternative considering a merger deal 6 much closer to the clientele of Goldman , Sachs & Co. than a serve-the-world firm like Merrill Lynch or Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc that these types of investors are `` sophisticated '' enough not to complain about Kidder 's aggressive use of program trading 10 As part of the upscale push , Kidder is putting brokers through a 20-week training course , turning them into `` investment counselors '' with knowledge of corporate finance Theoretically , the brokers will be able to funnel `` leads '' on corporate finance opportunities to Kidder 's investment bankers 2 As part of the upscale push , Kidder is putting brokers through a 20-week training course , turning them into `` investment counselors '' with knowledge of corporate finance Theoretically , the brokers will be able to funnel `` leads '' on corporate finance opportunities to Kidder 's investment bankers 1 Theoretically , the brokers will then be able to funnel `` leads '' on corporate finance opportunities to Kidder 's investment bankers skeptics caution that this kind of cross-pollination between brokers and investment bankers looks great on paper , but does n't always happen 0 Kidder competitors are n't outwardly hostile to the firm competitors say that Kidder 's hiring binge involving executive-level staffers , some with multiple-year contract guarantees , could backfire unless there are results 5 that Kidder 's hiring binge involving executive-level staffers , some with multiple-year contract guarantees , could backfire there are results 6 Mr. Cathcart is credited with bringing some basic budgeting and planning discipline to traditionally free-wheeling Kidder He improved the firm 's compliance procedures for trading 11 Smiling broadly he talks about Mr. Carpenter 5 In coming years Kidder is `` gon na hum We 're ready to implement at this point 0 the contract was signed Wednesday in Tokyo with USI Far East officials Contract details have n't been made public 10 At an estimated $ 360 million , the project would represent the single largest foreign investment in the Philippines President Corazon Aquino took office in February 1986 6 At an estimated $ 360 million , the project would represent the single largest foreign investment in the Philippines since President Corazon Aquino took office in February 1986 It is considered critical to the country 's efforts to both attract other investment from Taiwan and raise heavy industry capabilities 1 The project has been in and out of the pipeline for more than a decade workers ca n't break ground until legal maneuvers to block the complex are resolved , moves which caused the signing to remain questionable up to the last moment 10 However , workers ca n't break ground legal maneuvers to block the complex are resolved , moves which caused the signing to remain questionable up to the last moment 1 The country 's Supreme Court dismissed the suit Mr. Garcia late last month filed for a reconsideration 6 a member of the Philippines ' House of Representatives has sued to stop the plant President Aquino has yet to sign into law a bill removing a stiff 48 % tax on naphtha , the principal raw material to be used in the cracker 1 In addition , President Aquino has yet to sign into law a bill removing a stiff 48 % tax on naphtha , the principal raw material to be used in the cracker at a news conference Thursday , Mrs. Aquino backed the project and said her government was attempting to soothe the feelings of residents at the original site , adjacent to the government 's major petroleum refinery in Bataan province 1 We have tried our best to tell the people in Bataan that maybe this time it will not go to them certainly we will do our best to encourage other investors to go to their province 1 The project appeared to be on the rocks earlier this month when the other major partner in the project , China General Plastics Corp. , backed out that USI Far East is confident other investors will take up the slack 6 Three new issues begin trading on the New York Stock Exchange today one began trading on the Nasdaq/National Market System last week 8 On the Big Board , Crawford & Co. , Atlanta , ( CFD ) begins trading today beginning trading today on the Big Board are El Paso Refinery Limited Partnership , El Paso , Texas , ( ELP ) and Franklin Multi-Income Trust , San Mateo , Calif. , ( FMI ) 5 it 's far more than the budgetary gimmick it may seem at first glance it 's a device that could send shock waves through the president 's entire relationship with Democrats and Republicans alike in Congress , fundamentally enhance the power of the presidency and transform the way the government does its business 0 it would set off a political earthquake that may sound like an arcane maneuver of little interest outside Washington 6 White House aides know it 's a step that ca n't be taken lightly for that reason , the president may back down from launching a test case this year 1 They prefer to put off the line-item veto until at least next year Mr. Bush and some other aides are strongly drawn to the idea of trying out a line-item veto 2 Those bills ca n't easily be vetoed in their entirety they often are needed to keep the government operating 2 that Mr. Bush does n't need to wait for a law giving him the veto the power already is implicit in the Constitution 10 and shall be approved by him or . . . disapproved by him the same shall take effect 6 that such a move would be immediately challenged in court that it would quickly make its way to the Supreme Court to be ultimately resolved 2 It 's a major issue they would n't want to leave it at a lower level 6 It 's a major issue they would n't want to leave it at a lower level 3 the president could call and declare that he would single-handedly kill the BART funds unless the congressman `` shapes up '' on the foreign-policy issue a president had a line-item veto and wanted to force him to support a controversial foreign-policy initiative 5 that he would single-handedly kill the BART funds the congressman `` shapes up '' on the foreign-policy issue 1 Proponents maintain that a president would choose to use a line-item veto more judiciously than that there may be another problem with the device : Despite all the political angst it would cause , it might n't be effective in cutting the deficit 8 Governors have found that they have to use the device sparingly to maintain political comity it is n't even clear that some pork-barrel projects can be hit with a line-item veto because they tend to be listed in informal conference reports accompanying spending bills rather than in the official bills themselves 2 And it is n't even clear that some pork-barrel projects can be hit with a line-item veto they tend to be listed in informal conference reports accompanying spending bills rather than in the official bills themselves 0 Despite all the political angst it would cause , it might n't be effective in cutting the deficit that the veto would have what Mr. Glazier calls an important `` chilling effect '' on all manner of appropriations bills 10 putting many spending projects into legislation in the first place for fear of the embarrassment of having them singled out for a line-item veto 0 Indeed some are opposed a majority of Republican lawmakers favor a line-item veto 10 pushing for a line-item veto now Conservatives may regret it 10 and shall be approved by him , or being disapproved by him , shall be repassed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives , according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill the same shall take effect 8 The oat-bran craze has cost the world 's largest cereal maker market share.The company 's president quit suddenly now Kellogg is indefinitely suspending work on what was to be a $ 1 billion cereal plant 1 The company said it was delaying construction because of current market conditions the Memphis , Tenn. , facility was n't to begin turning out product until 1993 , so the decision may reveal a more pessimistic long-term outlook as well 2 But the Memphis , Tenn. , facility was n't to begin turning out product until 1993 the decision may reveal a more pessimistic long-term outlook as well 1 Kellogg 's current share is believed to be slightly under 40 % General Mills ' share is about 27 % 2 Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios have eaten away sales normally going to Kellogg 's corn-based lines they are made of oats 3 he would n't be surprised over the next two years or so , General Mills ' share increased to 30 % or more 10 construction would n't resume market conditions warrant it 1 Kellogg indicated that it has room to grow without adding facilities General Mills finds itself constrained from boosting sales further because its plants are operating at capacity 2 General Mills , meanwhile , finds itself constrained from boosting sales further its plants are operating at capacity 11 we will look at resuming our involvement with our plan we regain our leadership level where we have been 6 As we regain our leadership level where we have been as we continue to put new products into the marketplace and need additional capacity 11 and we will look at resuming our involvement with our plan we continue to put new products into the marketplace and need additional capacity 1 The new facility was to have been the world 's most advanced cereal manufacturing plant , and Kellogg 's largest construction project in recent weeks , construction-industry sources reported that early preparation work was slowing at the 185-acre site 6 that the project was in trouble that the company 's plans for a surge in market share may have been overly optimistic 2 that the project was in trouble that the company 's plans for a surge in market share may have been overly optimistic 0 Mr. LaMothe , Kellogg 's chairman and chief executive officer , forecast an earnings increase for the full year he called current market conditions `` highly competitive 0 the exchanges are n't fully prepared to go their separate ways the split has long been expected 1 The finance minister 's order was n't sparked by a single event and does n't indicate a souring in relations between the neighboring countries the two closely linked exchanges have been drifting apart for some years , with a nearly five-year-old moratorium on new dual listings , separate and different listing requirements , differing trading and settlement guidelines and diverging national-policy aims 1 Imports rose 11 % to 18.443 trillion lire in September from a year earlier exports rose 17 % to 16.436 trillion lire 1 In the nine months , imports rose 20 % to 155.039 trillion lire exports grew 18 % to 140.106 trillion lire 1 Import values are calculated on a cost , insurance and freight ( c.i.f . ) basis exports are accounted for on a free-on-board ( f.o.b . ) basis 11 Banco Exterior de Espana is seeking to shed its image of a state-owned bank and move into new activities competition heats up in Spain 's crowded bank market 8 The government directly owns 51.4 % Factorex , a financial services company , holds 8.42 % 1 Banco Exterior de Espana is seeking to shed its image of a state-owned bank and move into new activities that Banco Exterior may have waited too long to diversify from its traditional export-related activities 3 Catching up with commercial competitors in retail banking and financial services will be difficult market conditions turn sour 3 Banco Exterior could be a prime partner -- or even a takeover target -- for either a Spanish or foreign bank seeking to increase its market share after 1992 that proves true 1 With 700 branches in Spain and 12 banking subsidiaries , five branches and 12 representative offices abroad , the Banco Exterior group has a lot to offer a potential suitor they are n't interested in a merger 5 they are n't interested in a merger they are working to transform Banco Exterior into an efficient bank by the end of 1992 1 Banco Exterior was created in 1929 to provide subsidized credits for Spanish exports The market for export financing was liberalized in the mid-1980s 2 The market for export financing was liberalized in the mid-1980s , however , forcing the bank to face competition.At the same time , many of Spain 's traditional export markets in Latin America and other developing areas faced a sharp decline in economic growth the volume of Banco Exterior 's export credit portfolio plunged from 824 billion pesatas ( $ 7.04 billion ) as of Dec. 31 , 1986 , to its current 522 billion pesetas 6 As a result , the volume of Banco Exterior 's export credit portfolio plunged from 824 billion pesatas ( $ 7.04 billion ) as of Dec. 31 , 1986 , to its current 522 billion pesetas The other two main pillars of Banco Exterior 's traditional business -- wholesale banking and foreign currency trading began to crumble under the weight of heavy competition and changing client needs 10 Banco Exterior was run by politicians who lacked either the skills or the will to introduce innovative changes Mr. Luzon took the helm last November 1 Until Mr. Luzon took the helm last November , Banco Exterior was run by politicians who lacked either the skills or the will to introduce innovative changes Mr. Luzon has moved swiftly to streamline bureaucracy , cut costs , increase capital and build up new areas of business 0 the country still has one of the most profitable markets in Europe Spain has an excess of banks 6 The bank is now aggressively marketing retail services at its domestic branches Expansion plans include acquisitions in growing foreign markets 1 it 's interested in purchasing banks in Morocco , Portugal and Puerto Rico the bank 's retail activities in Latin America are likely to be cut back 10 to create a brokerage house the four Spanish stock exchanges underwent sweeping changes in July 11 The late start may be a handicap for the bank Spain continues to open up its market to foreign competition 1 The late start may be a handicap for the bank as Spain continues to open up its market to foreign competition Mr. Luzon contends that the experienced team he brought with him from Banco Bilbao Vizcaya , where he was formerly director general , will whip the bank 's capital market division into shape by the end of 1992 6 that the experienced team he brought with him from Banco Bilbao Vizcaya will whip the bank 's capital market division into shape by the end of 1992 it 'll use its international network to channel investment from London , Frankfurt , Zurich and Paris into the Spanish stock exchanges 6 He intends to add to the litigation staff Mr. Pearce has encouraged his staff to work more closely with GM 's technical staffs to help prevent future litigation 6 GM lawyers have been working with technicians to develop more uniform welding procedures -- the way a vehicle is welded has a lot to do with its durability The lawyers monitor suits to identify specific automobile parts that cause the biggest legal problems 1 The Manhattan U.S. attorney 's office stressed criminal cases from 1980 to 1987 , averaging 43 for every 100,000 adults the New Jersey U.S. attorney averaged 16 10 with embezzling more than $ 100 million from that country and fraudulently concealing much of the money through purchases of prime real estate in Manhattan 6 The U.S. attorney 's office , in documents it filed in response , said Mrs. Marcos was making the `` fanciful -- and factually unsupported -- claim that she was kidnapped into this country '' in order to obtain classified material in the case The office said Mrs. Marcos and her husband were n't brought to the U.S. against their will after Mr. Marcos was ousted as president 10 Mrs. Marcos and her husband were n't brought to the U.S. against their will Mr. Marcos was ousted as president 6 they were in this country at the invitation of President Reagan that they were enjoying the hospitality of the U.S 2 that the federal court lacks jurisdiction in the case she was taken to the U.S. against her wishes 1 A federal judge in Manhattan threw out the indictment , finding that the seven-year delay violated the defendant 's constitutional right to a speedy trial The appeals court said the judge did n't adequately consider whether the delay would actually hurt the chances of a fair trial 10 to give the bar 's voluntary program three years to prove its effectiveness considering mandatory pro bono 3 to `` just say no auto makers pressure them to stockpile cars on their lots 10 who has been feuding with the Big Three he took office earlier this year 1 U.S. car dealers had an average of 59 days ' supply of cars in their lots at the end of September dealers should slash stocks to between 15 and 30 days to reduce the costs of financing inventory 5 It `` is going to sound neat to the dealer his 15-day car supply does n't include the bright red one that the lady wants to buy and she goes up the street to buy one 6 when his 15-day car supply does n't include the bright red one that the lady wants to buy she goes up the street to buy one 2 when his 15-day car supply does n't include the bright red one that the lady wants to buy she goes up the street to buy one 6 A grand jury has been investigating whether officials at Southern Co. conspired to cover up their accounting for spare parts to evade federal income taxes The grand jury has been investigating whether Gulf Power executives violated the federal Utility Holding Company Act 6 Officials at Gulf Power could n't be reached for comment prosecutors declined to comment 0 the company is prepared to defend its tax and acccounting practices if any charges are brought against it Southern Co. has been reluctant to discuss the grand jury investigations 3 to defend its tax and acccounting practices any charges are brought against it 0 that an internal audit had disclosed that at least one vendor had used false invoices to fund political causes the political contributions had been made more than five years ago 6 it reached an agreement in principle with International Business Machines Corp. on a systems operations contract calling for IBM to operate First Tennessee 's computer and telecommunications functions under the agreement , First Tennesse would continue to develop the software that creates customer products and sevices 6 that any improvement in the broadest measure of trade , known as the current account , `` is likely at best to be very modest the possibility of deterioration in the current account next year can not be excluded 1 The Treasury 's report again took South Korea to task for its exchange-rate policies The Treasury expressed pleasure with the government of Taiwan 10 The Senate , 84-6 , voted to increase to $ 124,000 the ceiling on insured mortgages from the FHA by voice vote , the Senate voted a pork-barrel bill for domestic military construction 11 The agreement was announced by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias Friday President Bush and other leaders from the Western Hemisphere gathered in the Central American nation for a celebration of democracy 0 Costa Rica had been negotiating with the U.S. and other banks for three years the debt plan was rushed to completion in order to be announced at the meeting 10 that it will provide significant reduction in the level of debt and debt service owed by Costa Rica implemented 2 that it will provide significant reduction in the level of debt and debt service owed by Costa Rica implemented 6 The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are expected to provide approximately $ 180 million to help support the deal additional funds are expected from Japan 6 The Treasury said it plans to sell $ 2 billion of 51-day cash-management bills today , raising all new cash The Treasury announced details of this week 's unusual bill auction 6 The Treasury also announced details of this week 's unusual bill auction The Treasury said noncompetitive tenders will be considered timely if postmarked no later than Sunday , Oct. 29 , and received no later than tomorrow 3 noncompetitive tenders will be considered timely postmarked no later than Sunday , Oct. 29 , and received no later than tomorrow 6 the sale will add capital and reduce the level of investments in subsidiaries for the thrift holding company Recently , the boards of both the parent company and the thrift voted to suspend dividends on preferred shares of both companies and convert all preferred into common shares 1 The banking operation had a loss of $ 8.7 million in the second quarter , largely because of problem real-estate loans the insurance operations earned $ 884,000 0 On the surface , the overall unemployment rate is expected to be little changed from September 's 5.3 % the actual head count of non-farm employment payroll jobs is likely to be muddied by the impact of Hurricane Hugo , strikes , and less-than-perfect seasonal adjustments 2 that next month 's data is n't likely to be much better it will be distorted by San Francisco 's earthquake 1 A reading of less than 50 % indicates an economy that is generally contracting a reading above 50 % indicates an economy that 's expanding 2 that the purchasers ' report is valuable it often presents the first inkling of economic data for the month 0 that the purchasers ' report is valuable because it often presents the first inkling of economic data for the month Some people use the purchasers ' index as a leading indicator , some use it as a coincident indicator 1 Some people use the purchasers ' index as a leading indicator , some use it as a coincident indicator the thing it 's supposed to measure -- manufacturing strength -- it missed altogether last month 3 it tends to miss the next month , too it misses one month 2 Usually , October `` is n't a very interesting month { for retail figures } school clothes have been bought and people are waiting for December to buy Christmas presents 6 because school clothes have been bought people are waiting for December to buy Christmas presents 1 Usually , October `` is n't a very interesting month { for retail figures } because school clothes have been bought and people are waiting for December to buy Christmas presents he will watch the numbers to get an inkling of whether consumers ' general buying habits may slack off as much as their auto-buying apparently has 6 that are curbing the accuracy of seasonal adjustments built into the employment data Seasonal factors are expected to have taken their toll on September new-home sales 0 Construction spending is believed to have slipped about 0.5 % from August levels economists noted the rate probably will pick up in the months ahead in response to hurricane and earthquake damage 1 Factory owners are buying new machinery at a good rate this fall sluggish sales of new cars and trucks raise questions about fourth-quarter demand from the important automotive industry 7 The outlook is positive for the intermediate to long term September orders for all U.S. producers were slightly above the monthly average for 1988 , a good year for the industry 6 Aerospace orders are very good export business is still good 0 they have n't been canceled some automotive programs have been delayed 1 September orders for all U.S. producers , in fact , were slightly above the monthly average for 1988 , a good year for the industry sales of North American-made 1990-model cars are running at an annual rate of only six million , down from 7.1 million a year earlier.And truck sales also are off more than 20 % 8 But sales of North American-made 1990-model cars are running at an annual rate of only six million , down from 7.1 million a year earlier truck sales also are off more than 20 % 6 But sales of North American-made 1990-model cars are running at an annual rate of only six million , down from 7.1 million a year earlier And truck sales are off more than 20 % 3 to remain cautious about spending their sales do n't pick up 1 Auto makers , who began deferring some equipment purchases last spring , can be expected to remain cautious about spending if their sales do n't pick up Machine tool executives are hopeful that recent developments in Eastern Europe will expand markets for U.S.-made machine tools in that region 11 There is demand for state-of-the-art machine tools in the Soviet Union and in other Eastern European countries those nations strive to improve the efficiency of their ailing factories as well as the quality of their goods 2 There is demand for state-of-the-art machine tools in the Soviet Union and in other Eastern European countries those nations strive to improve the efficiency of their ailing factories as well as the quality of their goods 0 Machine tool executives are hopeful , however , that recent developments in Eastern Europe will expand markets for U.S.-made machine tools in that region there 's a continuing dispute between machine tool makers and the Defense Department over whether sophisticated U.S. machine tools would increase the Soviet Union 's military might 1 The Commerce Department says go the Defense Department says stop 3 West German and other foreign producers are likely to grab most of the sales in Eastern Europe that controversy continues 6 Today 's presses are large and costly machines a few orders can produce a high total for one month that does n't necessarily indicate a trend 2 Today 's presses are large and costly machines a few orders can produce a high total for one month that does n't necessarily indicate a trend 11 Shipments have run well ahead of 1988 all year machine tool builders produce against relatively good backlogs 0 That was up 2.8 % from a year earlier orders for the first nine months of 1989 were down 19 % from the comparable 1988 period 4 they 're truly talking mega they talk mega-issues 6 whether there is enough money to fund the new issues without depressing stock trading in the relatively unregulated Indian stock markets , investors frequently do n't know what they are getting when they subscribe to an issue 11 Moreover , in the relatively unregulated Indian stock markets , investors frequently do n't know what they are getting they subscribe to an issue 6 A prospectus in India does n't always tell a potential investor much.Some of the large amounts are being raised by small firms once money is raised , investors usually have no way of knowing how it is spent 10 In addition investors usually have no way of knowing how it is spent money is raised 10 The Indian stock markets have been on a five-year high , with dips and corrections Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi started liberalizing industry 0 The Indian stock markets have been on a five-year high , with dips and corrections , since Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi started liberalizing industry the last stock market boom , in 1986 , seems small compared with the current rush to market 6 This year 's biggest issue , $ 570 million of convertible debentures by engineering company Larsen & Toubro Ltd. , is the largest in Indian history it is n't the only giant issue 0 Convertible debentures -- bonds that can later be converted into equity shares -- are the most popular instrument this year many companies are also selling nonconvertible bonds or equity shares 6 Convertible debentures -- bonds that can later be converted into equity shares -- are the most popular instrument this year though many companies are selling nonconvertible bonds or equity shares 2 In the past , the socialist policies of the government strictly limited the size of new steel mills , petrochemical plants , car factories and other industrial concerns to conserve resources and restrict the profits businessmen could make industry operated out of small , expensive , highly inefficient industrial units 11 he ushered in new rules for business Mr. Gandhi came to power 3 companies should export the output was too great for the domestic market 1 India 's overregulated businessmen had to be persuaded they have started to think big 6 Some of the projects being funded by the new issues are the first fruits of Mr. Gandhi 's policy they require more capital than the smaller industrial units built in the past 2 Some of the projects being funded by the new issues are the first fruits of Mr. Gandhi 's policy they require more capital than the smaller industrial units built in the past 6 Mr. Gandhi has called general elections for November many businessmen fear that he and his Congress ( I ) Party will lose 6 Some companies are raising money in anticipation of a government less predictable than Mr. Gandhi 's , and possibly more restrictive that some of the money raised in the current spate of issues will be used as campaign donations before the elections 0 No one admits to anything India 's industrialists have a history of making under-the-table campaign donations 0 prices on India 's 16 stock exchanges are holding up so far many investors are selling parts of their portfolios to buy the new issues 1 The `` markets are headed for growth unheard of and unseen before with growth come growing pains 6 But with growth come growing pains never has this been clearer on the Indian capital market than now 6 Various ministries decided the products businessmen could produce and how much government-owned banks controlled the financing of projects and monitored whether companies came through on promised plans 1 The government has been content with this far-reaching , subtle form of control , exercised on a case-by-case basis with no clear rules or guidelines now , with large amounts being raised from investors , the government 's dawdling on regulation and disclosure requirements has a more dangerous aspect 0 The Securities and Exchange Board of India was set up earlier this year , along the lines of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission New Delhi has n't pushed the legislation to make it operational 0 Mr. Dave , its head , acts cheery and patient he makes no bones about the need to get to work 5 the big questions are n't asked of companies coming to market most investors have to rely on the rumor-happy Indian press 0 its new owners frequently raise funds on the local market Larsen & Toubro had n't raised money from the public in 38 years 10 it is n't always certain how it is used the money is raised 7 Once the money is raised , it is n't always certain how it is used Larsen & Toubro says it 's raising $ 570 million to use as supplier credit on large engineering jobs 6 Unlike other companies , it has n't pin-pointed specific projects for the funds even when specific projects are described in prospectuses , the money often is used elsewhere 11 the money often is used elsewhere specific projects are described in prospectuses 0 the money often is used elsewhere specific projects are described in prospectuses 1 They 're trying to plug the various loopholes they 're totally unprepared for this 3 S.A. brewing would make a takeover offer for all of Bell Resources according to the commission it exercises the option 6 Under the accord , Finnair agreed to coordinate flights , marketing and other functions with SAS , the 50 % -state-owned airline of Denmark , Norway and Sweden The pact calls for coordination between Finnair and Switzerland 's national carrier , Swissair 1 Neither disclosed details pending board meetings next month Officials hinted that SAS would take a stake of at least 6 % in Finnair 2 General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. are now going head to head in the markets for shares of Jaguar PLC GM got early clearance from the Federal Trade Commission to boost its stake in the British luxury car maker 10 General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. are now going head to head in the markets for shares of Jaguar PLC GM got early clearance from the Federal Trade Commission to boost its stake in the British luxury car maker 6 Ford got a similar go-ahead earlier in October that the No . 2 U.S. auto maker had raised its stake to 13.2 % , or 24.2 million shares , from 12.4 % earlier in the week 5 With the golden share as protection , Jaguar officials have rebuffed Ford 's overtures and moved to forge an alliance with GM 1 Jaguar officials have indicated they are close to wrapping up a friendly alliance with GM that would preserve Jaguar 's independence no deal has been announced 1 Jaguar officials have indicated they are close to wrapping up a friendly alliance with GM that would preserve Jaguar 's independence Ford has said it 's willing to bid for all of Jaguar , despite the objections of Jaguar chairman Sir John Egan 0 that Ford may try to force the issue by calling for a special shareholder 's meeting and urging that the government and Jaguar holders remove the barriers to a full bidding contest before December 1990 a Ford spokeswoman in Dearborn said Friday the company has n't requested such a meeting yet 10 that would n't preclude a full Ford bid the golden share expires 5 There 's either a minority { stake } package capable of getting Jaguar shareholder approval there is n't 3 { the deal } wo n't be put forward '' to shareholders there is n't 6 Jaguar and GM hope to win Jaguar shareholders approval for the accord partly by structuring it in a way that would n't preclude a full Ford bid once the golden share expires Union sentiment could influence shareholder reaction to a Jaguar-GM accord 3 they are going to be in big trouble '' with unionists over any Jaguar deal they try to build it somewhere else { in Europe } besides the U.K 10 These are the last words Abbie Hoffman ever uttered , more or less he killed himself 6 These are the last words Abbie Hoffman ever uttered , more or less , before he killed himself You Are There , sort of 2 The segment is soon to be broadcast on the CBS News series `` Saturday Night With Connie Chung further blurring the distinction between fiction and reality in TV news 0 Ms. Chung 's program is just one of several network shows ( and many more in syndication ) that rely on the controversial technique of reconstructing events , using actors who are supposed to resemble real people , living and dead Ms. Chung 's is said to be the only network news program in history to employ casting directors 0 Broadcasters have a healthy appreciation of the role entertainment values play in captivating an audience the network now needs to `` broaden the horizons of nonfiction television , and that includes some experimentation 6 But the network now needs to `` broaden the horizons of nonfiction television that includes some experimentation 6 Since its premiere Sept. 16 , the show on which Ms. Chung appears has used an actor to portray the Rev . Vernon Johns , a civil-rights leader , and one to play a teenage drug dealer.It has depicted the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie.On Oct. 21 , it did a rendition of the kidnapping and imprisonment of Associated Press correspondent Terry Anderson , who was abducted in March 1985 and is believed to be held in Lebanon.The production had actors playing Mr. Anderson and former hostages David Jacobsen , the Rev . Benjamin Weir and Father Lawrence Jenco ABC News has branched out into entertainment gimmickry 5 Call it a fad call it the wave of the future 6 NBC 's re-creations are produced by Cosgrove-Meurer Productions which makes the successful prime-time NBC Entertainment series `` Unsolved Mysteries 0 The marriage of news and theater has been consummated nonetheless not exactly inevitable 3 News programs appeal to the networks ' cost-conscious corporate parents they score well in the ratings 2 News programs appeal to the networks ' cost-conscious corporate parents they are so much less expensive to produce than an entertainment show is -- somewhere between $ 400,000 and $ 500,000 for a one-hour program 1 The network deals a lot with unknowns , including Scott Wentworth , who portrayed Mr. Anderson , and Bill Alton as Father Jenco the network has some big names to contend with , too 6 who is paid $ 1.6 million a year who recently did a guest shot of her own on the sitcom `` Murphy Brown 0 That is n't much compared with what Bill Cosby makes , or even Connie Chung for that matter the money is n't peanuts either , particularly for a news program 6 CBS News now hires featured actors beginning at $ 2,700 a week CBS News is re-enacting the 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear accident in Middletown , Pa. , with something less than a cast of thousands 6 They 're filming right now at the bank down the street they want shots of people getting out of cars and kids on skateboards 0 Hollywood on the Hudson it is n't a re-enactment may have the flavor 2 Some producers seem tentative about the technique , squeamish even the results , while not news , are n't exactly theater either , at least not good theater 6 So the results , while not news , are n't exactly theater either , at least not good theater some people do think that acting out scripts is n't worthy of CBS News , which once lent prestige to the network and set standards for the industry 10 it 's no longer news , it 's drama you add dramatizations 3 it 's no longer news , it 's drama you add dramatizations 6 Once you add dramatizations , it 's no longer news , it 's drama that has no place on a network news broadcast 6 Criticism of the Abbie Hoffman segment is particularly scathing among people who knew and loved the man they find it distasteful that CBS News is apparently concentrating on Mr. Hoffman 's problems as a manic-depressive 6 I wanted to be interviewed to get Abbie 's story out maybe talking about the illness will do some good 1 he was concerned at first that the script would `` misrepresent an astute political mind , one that I admired that his concerns were allayed 1 who had done so much who was also a manic-depressive 6 who had done so much but who was a manic-depressive 11 to keep up with its Japanese clients they grow in the U.S. and Europe 3 we wo n't be able to catch up with demand we do n't do something 1 Last year , Dentsu 's foreign business accounted for less than 10 % of total billings the company is aiming at 20 % in the near future 7 So far , it appears cautious about taking the big step Dentsu has been approached by banks and securities companies a number of times to invest in the troubled British marketing group Saatchi & Saatchi PLC But Dentsu has n't looked seriously at Saatchi 0 Dentsu has been approached by banks and securities companies a number of times to invest in the troubled British marketing group Saatchi & Saatchi PLC Dentsu has n't looked seriously at Saatchi 0 it is laying the groundwork for international growth it has no concrete acquisition plans or deadlines 6 For the year ended March 31 , Dentsu sales rose 19 % to $ 8.9 billion from $ 7.5 billion net income jumped 59 % to $ 102 million from $ 64 million 1 Dentsu 's billings last year were larger than those of Young & Rubicam , the world 's second-largest ad agency , according to a survey by the publication Advertising Age success overseas in unfamiliar markets could be trickier than for other industries such as manufacturers 11 On its own , Dentsu 's muscle in Japan may count for little in major foreign markets seeking non-Japanese clients 2 But success overseas in unfamiliar markets could be trickier than for other industries such as manufacturers an acquisition may prove the necessary course 1 Thus , an acquisition may prove the necessary course Japanese agencies are cautious about expanding abroad because client relationships are different 2 But Japanese agencies are cautious about expanding abroad client relationships are different 0 many clients would also be Japanese companies expanding overseas acquiring a foreign company would expand Japanese advertising agencies ' business to foreign clients 6 Although acquiring a foreign company would expand Japanese advertising agencies ' business to foreign clients many clients would be Japanese companies expanding overseas 0 Although acquiring a foreign company would expand Japanese advertising agencies ' business to foreign clients , many clients would also be Japanese companies expanding overseas the different business system would make it hard for Dentsu to provide these Japanese companies the same kind of services they do in Japan 10 The preferred shares will carry a floating annual dividend equal to 72 % of the 30-day bankers ' acceptance rate until Dec. 31 , 1994 the rate will be renegotiated 3 that other buyers will be sought by bid or auction no agreement is reached 10 That introduction comes Compaq Computer Corp. , believing it had a lead of three to six months on competitors , introduced the first U.S. notebook computer with such features 0 That introduction comes only two weeks after Compaq Computer Corp. introduced the first U.S. notebook computer with such features Despite the inevitable comparison with Compaq Texas Instruments ' new notebook wo n't be a direct competitor 1 Texas Instruments will be selling most of its machines to the industrial market and to value-added resellers and original-equipment manufacturers Compaq sells its machines to businesses through computer retailers 6 Texas Instruments Inc. , once a pioneer in portable computer technology , today will make a bid to reassert itself in that business by unveiling three small personal computers The introductions mark Texas Instruments ' plunge back into a technology it has all but ignored for the past several years 0 the only portable machines it has introduced since the first part of the decade have been `` dumb '' terminals with limited on-board processing ability the Dallas-based computer giant introduced the first portable data terminal in 1971 -- a 38-pound monster -- and the world 's first microprocessor-based portable in 1976 11 Now that is about to change Texas Instruments begins marketing two 14-pound laptop PCs with 20 megabyte and 40 megabyte hard drives 9 The laptops are not revolutionary and are tardy in a market first opened by GRiD Systems Corp. , now a unit of Tandy Corp. , almost two years ago 1 The laptops are not revolutionary and , indeed , are tardy in a market first opened by GRiD Systems Corp. , now a unit of Tandy Corp. , almost two years ago the notebook , with the more advanced microprocessor and hard disk , is more innovative 0 Its keyboard , according to industry consultants , is better than Compaq 's its battery life of two to three hours is shorter 0 It does n't have an internal floppy disk drive a snap-on drive can be purchased separately 10 Shearson 's application is the first the Taiwan Securities and Exchange Commission announced June 21 that it would allow foreign brokerage firms to do business in that country 1 Sales increased a more modest 4.8 % in the South and 4.4 % in the Midwest sales in the oil-patch state of Texas surged 12.9 % and sales in South Carolina jumped 10.6 % in the period 8 Sales increased a more modest 4.8 % in the South and 4.4 % in the Midwest sales in the oil-patch state of Texas surged 12.9 % and sales in South Carolina jumped 10.6 % in the period 8 But sales in the oil-patch state of Texas surged 12.9 % sales in South Carolina jumped 10.6 % in the period 1 sales of general merchandise in the West for the first seven months of 1989 rose 6.6 % above year-earlier levels . Sales increased a more modest 4.8 % in the South and 4.4 % in the Midwest.But sales in the oil-patch state of Texas surged 12.9 % and sales in South Carolina jumped 10.6 % in the period In the Northeast sales declined 0.4 % in the period , with sales in New England falling 2.6 % 8 sales of general merchandise in the West for the first seven months of 1989 rose 6.6 % above year-earlier levels . Sales increased a more modest 4.8 % in the South and 4.4 % in the Midwest.But sales in the oil-patch state of Texas surged 12.9 % and sales in South Carolina jumped 10.6 % in the period In the Northeast sales declined 0.4 % in the period , with sales in New England falling 2.6 % 0 The Northern California earthquake and Hurricane Hugo are likely to temporarily damp sales growth in the West and South Carolina the regional trends would continue through Christmas 2 The Christmas quarter is important to retailers it represents roughly a third of their sales and nearly half of their profits 8 In 1987 , the West had the slowest sales growth the South and the Midwest were first and second respectively , according to the council 0 that they could see some benefits later on retailers probably wo n't ever recover sales lost because of the California quake and Hurricane Hugo 10 although retailers probably wo n't ever recover sales lost because of the California quake and Hurricane Hugo that they could see some benefits 11 Stores such as Sears that sell big-ticket durable goods might actually get a boost consumers rush to replace items lost in the disasters 2 Stores such as Sears that sell big-ticket durable goods might actually get a boost consumers rush to replace items lost in the disasters 10 everyone got concerned that the same thing would happen at our plant the plant was destroyed 1 Newport officials did n't respond Friday to requests to discuss the changes at the company earlier , Mr. Weekes had said Mr. Hollander wanted to have his own team on the board 6 MEDICINE SHOPPE INTERNATIONAL Inc. declared a 3-for-2 stock split , and substantially boosted the dividend payout The company changed its dividend policy 0 that it has the funds to pay the dividend that it does n't have the surplus or profit required under Delaware law for payment of the dividend 1 Under terms of the stock , the Yukon ESOP can demand that the stock be redeemed for $ 4,090,000 on Nov. 30 it is legally prohibited from making the redemption 6 NBI , a maker of word-processing systems , said it ca n't predict if any of the preferred stock will be converted NBI said it has hired Prudential-Bache Securities Inc. as its financial adviser and investment banker to help it restructure financially and improve its balance sheet 6 Insurers may see claims resulting from the San Francisco earthquake totaling nearly $ 1 billion -- far less than the claims they face from Hurricane Hugo the recent spate of catastrophes should jolt property insurance rates in coming months 2 That 's only about 30 % of California homes and businesses had earthquake insurance to cover the losses 0 The estimated earthquake losses are low compared with the $ 4 billion in claims that insurers face from Hurricane Hugo that the combination of the Bay area earthquake , Hugo and last week 's explosion at the Phillips Petroleum Co. 's refinery in Pasadena , Texas , will cause property insurance and reinsurance rates to jump 10 Insurers buy this insurance protection for themselves by giving up a portion of the premiums they collect on a policy to another firm -- a reinsurance company which accepts a portion of any losses resulting from this policy 2 Insurers buy this insurance protection for themselves by giving up a portion of the premiums they collect on a policy to another firm -- a reinsurance company which accepts a portion of any losses resulting from this policy 10 many insurers exhausted their reinsurance coverage Hugo hit 6 companies scrambled to replace reinsurance coverages again Lloyd 's syndicates turned to the London market excess lines for protection of their own 3 insurers who took big losses this fall and had purchased little reinsurance in recent years will be asked to pay some pretty hefty rates they want to buy reinsurance for 1990 1 insurers who took big losses this fall and had purchased little reinsurance in recent years will be asked to pay some pretty hefty rates if they want to buy reinsurance for 1990 companies with few catastrophe losses this year and already big buyers of reinsurance are likely to see their rates remain flat , or perhaps even decline slightly 1 Insurers typically retain a small percentage of the risks they underwrite and pass on the rest of the losses some large insurers , such as State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. , do n't purchase reinsurance , but fund their own program 2 A few years ago , State Farm , the nation 's largest home insurer , stopped buying reinsurance no one carrier could provide all the coverage that it needed and the company found it cheaper to self-reinsure 6 because no one carrier could provide all the coverage that it needed the company found it cheaper to self-reinsure 2 it 's impossible to get a clear picture of the quake 's impact on fourth-quarter earnings few insurers have announced what amount of losses they expect to see from the earthquake 8 Transamerica expects an after-tax charge of less than $ 3 million against fourth-quarter net ; Hartford Insurance Group , a unit of ITT Corp. , expects a $ 15 million or 10 cents after-tax charge Fireman 's Fund Corp. expects a charge of no more than $ 50 million before taxes and after using its reinsurance 10 and Fireman 's Fund Corp. expects a charge of no more than $ 50 million before taxes and using its reinsurance 6 At the same time , shareholders approved the adoption of a rights plan and a super-majority voting approval requirement They approved the relocation of the company 's registered office to Toronto from Vancouver and a name change to NHI Nelson Holdings International Ltd 3 The rights plan would be triggered a person or group acquires 20 % or more of the common shares outstanding without making an offer to all shareholders 2 that the three investors broke securities laws they did n't disclose their intentions to acquire a big Rally 's stake 6 it may seek control of Rally 's The Patterson group may seek control 6 it filed suit in U.S. District Court in Delaware against a group led by Burt Sugarman , seeking to block the investors from buying more shares it formed a committee of three directors , who are n't associated with either the Patterson or Sugarman groups , to analyze the situation 6 But the proposed transaction calls for an exchange of the debt for new debentures of lower face value and reduced cash interest debt holders would be offered an equity position in Leaseway 0 Leaseway fulfilled payment requirements of its debt obligations since the leveraged buy-out our performance since the { buy-out } makes it imperative to implement actions that will further improve our cash flow 6 Lawmakers have n't publicly raised the possibility of renewing military aid to the Contras President Bush parried the question at a news conference here Saturday 3 only that that 's going to change the equation 180 degrees there 's an all-out military offensive 1 Lawmakers have n't publicly raised the possibility of renewing military aid to the Contras , and President Bush parried the question at a news conference here Saturday , saying only that `` if there 's an all-out military offensive , that 's going to change the equation 180 degrees Mr. Ortega 's threat over the weekend to end a 19-month cease-fire with the rebels seeking to topple him , effectively elevated the Contras as a policy priority just as they were slipping from the agendas of their most ardent supporters 11 But Mr. Ortega 's threat over the weekend to end a 19-month cease-fire with the rebels seeking to topple him , effectively elevated the Contras as a policy priority they were slipping from the agendas of their most ardent supporters 3 that he would continue to abide by the cease-fire the U.S. ends its financial support for the Contras 11 it came Nicaragua is under special international scrutiny in anticipation of its planned February elections 6 Outside observers are gathering in Nicaragua to monitor the registration and treatment of opposition candidates important U.S. lawmakers must decide at the end of November if the Contras are to receive the rest of the $ 49 million in so-called humanitarian assistance under a bipartisan agreement reached with the Bush administration in March 0 Mr. Ortega 's threat practically guarantees that the humanitarian aid will be continued few lawmakers anticipated that the humanitarian aid would be cut off next month 6 Senate Minority Leader Robert Dole ( R. , Kan. ) said yesterday on `` Meet the Press '' : `` I would hope after his { Mr.Ortega 's } act yesterday or the day before , we 'd have unanimous support for quick action on remaining humanitarian aid Sen. Dole said he hoped for unanimous support for a resolution he plans to offer tomorrow denouncing the Nicaraguan leader 0 Mr. Ortega 's statement provides Contra supporters with the opportunity to press the administration on the issue renewing military aid had been considered out of the question , rejected by Congress and de-emphasized by the Bush administration 3 that they should call for military aid the { February } election is voided by the Sandinistas 0 that congressional Democrats intend to honor the March agreement to give non-lethal support to the Contras through the February elections that the agreement requires that the Contras not initiate any military action 11 Mr. Ortega 's threat to breach the cease-fire comes U.S. officials were acknowledging that the Contras have at times violated it themselves 11 Mr. Baker 's assistant for inter-American affairs , Bernard Aronson acknowledged : `` It 's never very clear who starts what maintaining that the Sandinistas had also broken the cease-fire 0 Mr. Baker 's assistant for inter-American affairs , Bernard Aronson acknowledged : `` It 's never very clear who starts what maintaining that the Sandinistas had also broken the cease-fire 6 that the Contras have at times violated it themselves that the Sandinistas had broken the cease-fire 10 that the U.S. has cut off aid to some rebel units it was determined that those units broke the cease-fire 2 that the U.S. has cut off aid to some rebel units it was determined that those units broke the cease-fire 6 In addition to undermining arguments in favor of ending Contra aid Mr. Ortega 's remarks played to the suspicions of some U.S. officials and conservatives outside the government that he is searching for ways to manipulate or void the February elections 5 that he is n't responding to the military attacks he is searching for ways to strengthen his hand prior to the elections 11 that he is n't responding to the military attacks he is searching for ways to strengthen his hand prior to the elections 0 it has no current intention to pursue such a possibility Petrie Stores has considered seeking to acquire the remaining equity of Deb Stores 6 Increasing personal spending and capital investment are fueling growth Rising export sales contributed to strong growth 8 Pretax profit is expected to increase 18 % to 22 billion yen net income is expected to rise 53 % to 10.5 billion yen 1 He said Gulf Canada will likely report an extraordinary gain from the sale in the fourth quarter he would n't offer a specific estimate 8 In the period just ended , computers accounted for 44 % of total sales electrical devices made up 23 % 10 The tender offer will be followed by the sale of all of Erbamont 's assets , subject to all of its liabilities , to Montedison Erbamont will be liquidated 2 the transaction is being structured this way the laws of the Netherlands Antilles do n't provide for merger transactions 3 it would seek to liquidate the computer-printer maker `` as soon as possible a merger is n't consummated 2 which it rejected the $ 283.7 million offer was not fully financed 6 with the biggest growth coming in sales of foodstuffs such as margarine , coffee and frozen food Oils and fats did well 3 it might once again fall behind its chief New York competitor , the Commodity Exchange the exchange falters in these moves 6 On Friday , the Merc 's board announced that it had approved Sabine Pipe Line Co. 's Henry Hub in Erath , La. , as the delivery site for its long-awaited natural gas futures contract It said that it would start trading the contract as soon as the CFTC approved it 10 that it would start trading the contract the CFTC approved it 10 and has been executive vice president since March 1988 He held posts of senior vice president of compliance and senior vice president and general counsel 1 Only three weeks earlier , the Merc had turned to one of its own executives , 40-year-old R. Patrick Thompson , to replace Rosemary T. McFadden as president the Comex in July imported a highly regarded outsider , Arnold F. Staloff , as its president 1 and is considered a specialist in new financial products Mr. Thompson is n't bereft of experience with new products 2 Our members are eager to begin trading this contract we expect no difficulty in attracting locals to the natural gas pit 0 Federal authorities in New York started investigating exchanges in May no indictments have been handed down there 6 It levied the smallest number of suspensions of traders and fines of the four largest commodity exchanges studied over the past five years It had both the fewest , and least experienced , investigators per million contracts traded 3 that the 1990 business plan calls for having adequate compliance people to ensure that exchange rules are being followed the natural gas contract boosts volume at the exchange strongly 11 to enter trades they make them 2 The GAO has recommended the creation of a system to record trade data an independent , verifiable audit trail can be established to prevent customer fraud 6 The Merc is now cooperating with the Comex in developing such a device to provide such an audit trail The Chicago exchanges are working on such a device 1 In January , the New York Merc signed a letter of intent with the Chicago Merc as a preliminary step to joining their electronic system called Globex in May , the Chicago Merc said it was looking into creating a common system with the Chicago Board of Trade , and it suspended negotiations with the New York Merc 6 But in May , the Chicago Merc said it was looking into creating a common system with the Chicago Board of Trade it suspended negotiations with the New York Merc 2 But in May , the Chicago Merc said it was looking into creating a common system with the Chicago Board of Trade it suspended negotiations with the New York Merc 1 the market could pop up to the $ 1.22 to $ 1.25 level without too much difficulty it wo n't climb further 6 it wo n't climb further he expects it to remain in a trading range between $ 1.10 and $ 1.25 6 that the equity markets will set the tone for the industrial metals this week traders should keep an eye on Wall Street 2 that the equity markets will set the tone for the industrial metals this week traders should keep an eye on Wall Street 6 He said last week 's activity in gold could portend a move to $ 390 an ounce for the December contract He said traders should keep an eye on the stock market , because `` if the stock market rallies , that could spell trouble for the precious metals 2 traders should keep an eye on the stock market if the stock market rallies , that could spell trouble for the precious metals 3 because that could spell trouble for the precious metals the stock market rallies 6 In recent weeks , warm and dry weather has sped the Midwest harvest that is permitting farmers to rebuild the stockpiles that were cut by the 1988 drought 2 In recent weeks , warm and dry weather has sped the Midwest harvest that is permitting farmers to rebuild the stockpiles that were cut by the 1988 drought 3 many Midwest grain elevators will probably sell futures contracts today at the Chicago Board of Trade the weather allowed farmers to work in their fields over the weekend 6 If the weather allowed farmers to work in their fields over the weekend for whether the Soviet Union continues its traditional fall buying of U.S. grain 11 There may be some activity in soybean prices this week investors try to get rid of the contract for November delivery 5 to take physical delivery of a contract preferring to profit from its price swings and then end any obligation to take delivery or make delivery as it nears expiration 10 to profit from its price swings and end any obligation to take delivery or make delivery as it nears expiration 11 and then end any obligation to take delivery or make delivery it nears expiration 11 they more than doubled their prices for pulp , a raw material used in all sorts of paper , to $ 830 a metric ton this past spring from $ 380 a ton at the start of 1986 the good times rolled 1 As the good times rolled they more than doubled their prices for pulp , a raw material used in all sorts of paper , to $ 830 a metric ton this past spring from $ 380 a ton at the start of 1986 now the companies are getting into trouble because they undertook a record expansion program while they were raising prices sharply 2 But now the companies are getting into trouble they undertook a record expansion program while they were raising prices sharply 11 because they undertook a record expansion program they were raising prices sharply 3 Robert Schneider of Duff & Phelps sees paper-company stock prices falling 10 % to 15 % in 1990 , perhaps 25 % there 's a recession 0 Paper companies concede that business has been off recently they attribute much of the weakness to customer inventory reductions 11 Last week Mr. Adler lowered his rating from hold to `` avoid '' on Boise Cascade , Champion International , Great Northern Nekoosa , International Paper , Louisiana Pacific and Weyerhaeuser Oppenheimer 's Mr. Palmero is steering clear of Gaylord Container , Stone Container and Federal Paper Board 6 Last week Mr. Adler lowered his rating from hold to `` avoid '' on Boise Cascade , Champion International , Great Northern Nekoosa , International Paper , Louisiana Pacific and Weyerhaeuser Oppenheimer 's Mr. Palmero is steering clear of Gaylord Container , Stone Container and Federal Paper Board 2 that it is better positioned than most companies for the coming overcapacity its individual mills can make more than one grade of paper 0 that markets generally are stable some risk of further price deterioration exists 2 analysts are skeptical of it it 's carrying a lot of debt 6 We 've gotten our costs down we 're better positioned for any cyclical downturn than we 've ever been 2 that next year the share prices of some companies may fall at most only 5 % to 10 % the stock prices of some paper companies already reflect an expected profit slump 0 A company such as Federal Paper Board may be overly discounted and looks `` tempting '' to him he is n't yet recommending the shares 2 that it is `` virtually the sole major paper company not undergoing a major capacity expansion and should be able to lower long-term debt substantially next year 6 the company expects record earnings in 1989 we 're still pretty bullish '' on 1990 6 it will report a write-off of $ 2.5 million , or seven cents a share , for its fourth quarter ended yesterday the effective interest rate on the $ 410 million of total remaining bank debt after the restructuring is 10.66 % 2 that the anticipated earnings increase is fairly modest Nissan is spending heavily to bolster its dealership network in Japan and because of currency-exchange fluctuations 1 Last year Nissan exported slightly over one million vehicles , and produced 570,000 cars and trucks at its factories in North America , Europe and Australia by 1992 Nissan will build one million vehicles a year outside Japan , or sufficient to equal exports 6 The company said it has agreed to sell the extrusion division for $ 15 million to R.D . Werner Co. , a closely held firm based in Greenville , Pa The company said it continues to explore all options concerning the possible sale of National Aluminum 's 54.5 % stake in an aluminum smelter in Hawesville , Ky 6 The sale of the extrusion division is subject to audit adjustments for working capital changes through the closing The agreement provides for potential payments of additional proceeds to National Aluminum over the next two years , depending on the plant 's shipping levels 11 The municipal bond market is bracing for tough times through the end of the year it struggles to absorb an oversupply of bonds and two of its best customers turn into sellers 6 as it struggles to absorb an oversupply of bonds two of its best customers turn into sellers 2 Commercial banks and property/casualty insurers have been dumping their securities for weeks `` Most dealers can not continue to absorb this supply yields on long-term muni bonds now stand at about 95 % of long-term Treasury yields , the highest such level in more than two years 1 Individuals eager for tax-free income drove up bond prices , making state and local government debt one of the best-performing types of fixed-income investments during the period while analysts say that municipal bonds still offer good value , you would n't know it by the way institutional investors are rushing to dump their holdings 0 But you would n't know it by the way institutional investors are rushing to dump their holdings analysts say that municipal bonds still offer good value 11 that property/casualty firms will sell even more munis they scramble to raise cash to pay claims related to Hurricane Hugo and the Northern California earthquake 6 as they scramble to raise cash to pay claims related to Hurricane Hugo and the Northern California earthquake Fundamental factors are at work 11 that supply of new issues will continue to rise sharply demand tapers off 7 Some of the recent selling could actually be considered a positive sign Mutual funds are said to be selling existing municipal bonds to raise cash to buy new issues 2 some portfolio managers are assuming that bonds bought now will appreciate in value as the municipal bond market rebounds municipal bonds yields have risen at a time when interest rates generally have fallen 11 that bonds bought now will appreciate in value the municipal bond market rebounds 1 that the mutual funds are selling muni bonds that have a negative convexity -- those that have appreciated in price slowly relative to the decline in interest rates the market 's tone could pick up this week if New York City 's $ 787 million bond offering goes well 3 the market 's tone could pick up this week New York City 's $ 787 million bond offering goes well 6 The city 's economy is growing weaker expenditures are rising as tax revenue is falling 11 The city 's economy is growing weaker and expenditures are rising tax revenue is falling 0 The city has issued so much supply recently that some people are getting a little concerned.They 'd like to see some other names in their portfolios investors may be overreacting to the market 's problems 5 the Treasury to cancel today 's three-month and six-month sale and to sell $ 17 billion of cash management bills it would sell $ 2 billion of 51-day cash management bills today 1 that the weekly sale of $ 15.6 billion of three-month and six-month bills will take place today , as usual the sale will settle tomorrow instead of Thursday 6 Treasury bonds fell sharply on confusion about this week 's Treasury debt auction and rumors that a major Japanese investor was unloading large amounts of long-term bonds The market was hurt by rumors that Nippon Kangyo Kakumaru , a Japanese brokerage firm , was unloading some of the 30-year bonds it recently purchased 6 that it agreed to sell its Baby Ruth , Butterfinger and Pearson candy businesses to Nestle Foods , a unit of the Swiss-based food concern The sale includes a manufacturing plant in Franklin Park , Ill 6 RJR 's subordinated discount debentures of 2001 , which traded as low as 45 Friday , finished the day at 46 7/8 Other RJR securities closed higher 10 RJR Holdings Capital Corp. 's 14.7 % convertible pay-in-kind securities maturing in 2009 closed 1/2 higher at 86 1/2 trading as low as 85 1/4 6 The premium the elderly pay for coverage of doctor 's bills under Part B of the Medicare health insurance plan will rise to $ 29 a month in 1990 from $ 27.90 a second Part B premium to cover the cost of the new program of insurance against catastrophic illness will rise to $ 4.90 a month from $ 4 , if Congress does n't change the program 3 In addition , a second Part B premium to cover the cost of the new program of insurance against catastrophic illness will rise to $ 4.90 a month from $ 4 Congress does n't change the program 0 In addition , a second Part B premium to cover the cost of the new program of insurance against catastrophic illness will rise to $ 4.90 a month from $ 4 , if Congress does n't change the program The House has voted to repeal most of the Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 which would end the monthly catastrophic-care premium , as well as an unpopular income surtax paid by about 40 % of the wealthier Medicare beneficiaries 1 Under a less-sweeping Senate plan , the catastrophic-care monthly premium would continue , rising to $ 4.90 next year the surtax would be abolished 3 the monthly Part B premium will be $ 29 next year the House prevails in its efforts to kill the catastrophic-care plan 3 the premium will be $ 33.90 , with the additional $ 4.90 going to pay for expanded hospital coverage under Part A of Medicare the Senate plan prevails 6 Jim Pattison Industries , a holding company with annual sales of about C $ 1.9 billion , largely from car dealerships and grocery stores , did n't elaborate on the statement a company official declined further comment 6 Jim Pattison Industries Ltd. , one of a group of closely held companies owned by entrepreneur James Pattison , said it `` intends to seek control '' of 30 % -owned Innopac Inc. , a Toronto packaging concern Innopac reported a fourth-quarter loss of about C $ 2.6 million , or 18 Canadian cents a share , reflecting inventory write-downs 0 PROGRAM TRADING is being curbed by more securities firms big institutional investors are expected to continue the practice 0 Bear Stearns , Morgan Stanley and Oppenheimer joined PaineWebber in suspending stock-index arbitrage trading for their own accounts stock-index funds are expected to continue launching big programs through the market 2 The slowdown raises questions about the economy 's strength spending fueled much of the third-quarter GNP growth 11 Personal spending rose 0.2 % in September , the smallest gain in a year personal income edged up 0.3 % 6 Personal spending rose 0.2 % in September , the smallest gain in a year personal income edged up 0.3 % 1 Factory owners are buying new machinery at a healthy rate this fall weak car sales raise questions about future demand from the auto sector 1 LIN Broadcasting and BellSouth sweetened their plan to merge cellular phone operations , offering LIN holders a special $ 42-a-share payout the new pact will force huge debt on the new firm and could still fail to thwart rival suitor McCaw Cellular 11 Unisys posted a $ 648.2 million loss for the third quarter it moved quickly to take write-offs for various problems and prepare for a turnaround 2 Unisys posted a $ 648.2 million loss for the third quarter it moved quickly to take write-offs for various problems and prepare for a turnaround 0 Sansui Electric agreed to sell a 51 % stake to Polly Peck of Britain for $ 110 million the accord does n't suggest Japan is opening up to more foreign takeovers 10 Nashua strengthened its poison-pill plan announcing a Dutch firm is seeking to buy up to 25 % of the New Hampshire copier company 2 Thomas Jefferson sold Congress on the idea of the decimal system for currency saving Americans the headaches of pounds , shillings and pence 1 Thomas Jefferson sold Congress on the idea of the decimal system for currency , thus saving Americans the headaches of pounds , shillings and pence he struck out with the decimal system of metric weights and measures the French had invented 5 But he struck out with the decimal system of metric weights and measures the French had invented Congress opted for the inches , feet and yards the colonists had brought with them 11 industry was far ahead Congress finally passed the Metric Conversion Act in 1975 2 it inspired little more than jokes the law made compliance voluntary 1 Today much of U.S. industry , particularly companies manufacturing or selling overseas , have made metrics routine the public is barely aware 7 Today , though the public is barely aware , much of U.S. industry , particularly companies manufacturing or selling overseas , have made metrics routine General Motors uses metric terms for its automobile bodies and power trains 0 General Motors , for example , uses metric terms for its automobile bodies and power trains In auto advertising items such as wheelbases are still described in inches 11 The Pentagon has led the charge military alliances spread world-wide 2 The Pentagon has led the charge military alliances spread world-wide 1 The Pentagon has led the charge like the auto makers , when dealing with Mr. Everyman the Pentagon sticks to the tried and true 11 Still , like the auto makers the Pentagon sticks to the tried and true dealing with Mr. Everyman 6 its field staff signed up the 500 schools in 238 school districts after only eight weeks company executives now expect to reach their start-up goal of 1,000 schools before the end of this year 6 Subscribing schools get the 12-minute daily Channel One news program Subscribers get the Classroom Channel and the Educator 's Channel 6 The Educational Network , as Mr. Whittle has named the three programs , has been offered to 1,290 school districts Whittle continues to negotiate with 919 districts 2 Channel One was rejected students watching the program did n't fare particularly better on a 28-question current events quiz than a control school without the program and school absences were almost unchanged during the period when the program was being aired 8 because students watching the program did n't fare particularly better on a 28-question current events quiz than a control school without the program school absences were almost unchanged during the period when the program was being aired 8 The number of correct responses was 45 % on the test school absences did n't change much 1 The pilot program was received well ( by teachers and students ) there was n't reason enough to sign up 0 We even invited the public to stop by and see the program there was n't much interest 11 in which each company remains independent working together to market and sell their products 1 in which each company remains independent working together to market and sell their products 6 Hewlett-Packard acquired 730,070 common shares from Octel as a result of an Aug. 10 , 1988 , stock purchase agreement That accord called for Hewlett-Packard to buy 730,070 Octel shares in the open market within 18 months 6 According to the filing , Hewlett-Packard acquired 730,070 common shares from Octel as a result of an Aug. 10 , 1988 , stock purchase agreement.That accord also called for Hewlett-Packard to buy 730,070 Octel shares in the open market within 18 months Hewlett-Packard acquired a two-year option to buy an extra 10 % , of which half may be sold directly to Hewlett-Packard by Octel 6 Following is a weekly listing of unadited net asset values of publicly traded investment fund shares , reported by the companies as of Friday 's close shown is the closing listed market price or a dealer-to-dealer asked price of each fund 's shares , with the percentage of difference 10 the Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost 194.69 points , or 7 % , closing Friday at 2596.72 , down 17.01 peaking at 2791.41 on Oct. 9 8 The number of issues falling on the New York Stock Exchange each day is eclipsing the number of gainers the number of stocks hitting new lows far outstrips the number setting new highs 1 Opinions vary about how important the UAL deal was to the market 's health analysts generally agree that the market gyrations created as the UAL plan crumbled revealed a fundamental change in investor psychology 11 created the UAL plan crumbled 3 it would n't have been greeted with anything like the impact it has had over the past two weeks this had happened a few months ago when the atmosphere was still very positive 6 Sure , price action is volatile that 's scary 0 Sure , price action is volatile and that 's scary all-in-all stocks are still a good place to be 7 The only way you can make it a big deal is to draw linkages that just do n't make sense that investors may have assumed that just because UAL could n't get financing , no leveraged buy-outs can get financing 2 that no leveraged buy-outs can get financing UAL could n't get financing 2 that the market would collapse if no more LBOs could be done leveraged buy-outs are the only thing propping up stock prices 3 that the market would collapse no more LBOs could be done 6 There may not be as many the buyers may not get away with some of the things they 've done in the past 0 There may not be as many and the buyers may not get away with some of the things they 've done in the past deals wo n't disappear 5 not to milk the cash flow because it 's a good fit 2 in which somebody is taking over a company but it 's a good fit 6 There will still be deals even without deals the market would remain healthy 7 And even without deals the market would remain healthy that there has n't been a merger or acquisition among the 30 stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average since 1986 , yet that average only three weeks ago hit a record high 0 that there has n't been a merger or acquisition among the 30 stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average since 1986 that average only three weeks ago hit a record high 2 Those stocks are up their earnings are up and their dividends are up 8 because their earnings are up their dividends are up 11 For the long-term investor who picks stocks carefully , the price volatility can provide welcome buying opportunities short-term players scramble frantically to sell stocks in a matter of minutes 2 For the long-term investor who picks stocks carefully , the price volatility can provide welcome buying opportunities short-term players scramble frantically to sell stocks in a matter of minutes 6 Even the volatility created by stock index arbitrage and other computer-driven trading strategies is n't entirely bad , in Mr. Connolly 's view Kidder Peabody 's Mr. Jarrett sees some benefits to the stock market 's recent drop 11 that we got a little pop somebody came along with a pin -- in this case the UAL deal 0 We 've run into a market that was beginning to run out of steam and get frothy The balloon had been blown up so big that when somebody came along with a pin -- in this case the UAL deal -- we got a little pop that at current levels the stock market is comfortably valued , even with the economy obviously slowing 2 does n't mean it 's going lower from here we 've got some realism back in the market 6 At current levels of economic activity and earnings , stocks are fairly valued any chance for prices to surge above fair value lies in the speculation that accompanies a vigorous merger and buy-out business , and UAL has obviously put a damper on that 6 But any chance for prices to surge above fair value lies in the speculation that accompanies a vigorous merger and buy-out business UAL has obviously put a damper on that 6 there have been some judicial and legislative changes in the merger area all of this changes the arithmetic of deals 2 there have been some judicial and legislative changes in the merger area all of this changes the arithmetic of deals 0 I 'm not saying they 've stopped altogether future deals are going to be structured differently and bids probably wo n't be as high 6 but future deals are going to be structured differently bids probably wo n't be as high 6 But any chance for prices to surge above fair value lies in the speculation that accompanies a vigorous merger and buy-out business , and UAL has obviously put a damper on that that 's not the only problem for stocks 0 M & A is getting all the headlines right now these other things have been building up more gradually 6 Third-quarter earnings have been generally disappointing with economic data showing a clear slowing , the outlook for earnings in the fourth quarter and all of 1990 is getting worse 6 There are a lot more downward than upward revisions it looks like people are questioning corporate profits as a means of support for stock prices 3 the economy slips into a recession this is n't a level that 's going to hold 11 Stock prices tumbled for a third consecutive day earnings disappointments , a sluggish economy and a fragile junk bond market continued to weigh on investors 2 Stock prices tumbled for a third consecutive day earnings disappointments , a sluggish economy and a fragile junk bond market continued to weigh on investors 6 Oil stocks escaped the brunt of Friday 's selling several were able to post gains , including Chevron 1 Both companies declined to comment on the rumors several industry analysts told the Professional Investor Report they believed it was plausible that Pennzoil may be buying Chevron shares as a prelude to pushing for a restructuring of the company 8 Elsewhere in the oil sector , Exxon rallied 7/8 to 45 3/4 ; Amoco rose 1/8 to 47 ; Texaco was unchanged at 51 3/4 Atlantic Richfield fell 1 5/8 to 99 1/2 8 Hecla Mining rose 5/8 to 14 ; Battle Mountain Gold climbed 3/4 to 16 3/4 ; Homestake Mining rose 1 1/8 to 16 7/8 ; Lac Minerals added 5/8 to 11 ; Placer Dome went up 7/8 to 16 3/4 ASA Ltd. jumped 3 5/8 to 49 5/8 6 The precious metals sector outgained other Dow Jones industry groups by a wide margin for the second consecutive session Gold mining stocks traded on the American Stock Exchange showed strength 8 Echo Bay Mines rose 5/8 to 15 7/8 ; Pegasus Gold advanced 1 1/2 to 12 Corona Class A gained 1/2 to 7 1/2 10 Unisys dropped 3/4 to 16 1/4 posting a third-quarter loss of $ 4.25 a share , including restructuring charges 1 Unisys dropped 3/4 to 16 1/4 after posting a third-quarter loss of $ 4.25 a share , including restructuring charges other important technology issues were mixed 8 Digital Equipment tacked on 1 1/8 to 89 1/8 Hewlett-Packard fell 3/8 to 49 3/8 11 which closed unchanged at 28 3/8 2.7 million shares changed hands 10 The company 's decision was made First Hospital failed to obtain financing for its offer 2 The company 's decision was made First Hospital failed to obtain financing for its offer 1 For several months , officials at the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board have suspected that a metallurgical flaw in the disk led to a crack that ultimately caused the tail engine to break apart in flight investigators could confirm their theory only after the recent retrieval of a big chunk of Flight 232 's tail engine from a cornfield near the Sioux City Airport in Iowa 6 there was n't any way to detect the flaw at that time that the process has since been changed to decrease the chance that such flaws would occur 6 that the company has been working with the FAA all along on this issue and `` will comply fully with the required inspections that the recalls will have no impact on GE 's engine production 6 A spokesman for GE said that the company has been working with the FAA all along on this issue and `` will comply fully with the required inspections But he pointed out that the recalls will have no impact on GE 's engine production 3 you have much more confidence in predictions for the future you can use data to reconstruct what happened in the past 2 These measurements can indicate temperature changes the rates of evaporation of these oxygen atoms differ as temperatures change 11 because the rates of evaporation of these oxygen atoms differ temperatures change 2 that interior regions of Asia would be among the first to heat up in a global warming they are far from oceans , which moderate temperature changes 0 Researchers at Ohio State University and Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology in China have analyzed samples of glacial ice in Tibet and say temperatures there have been significantly higher on average over the past half-century than in any similar period in the past 10,000 years the ice-core samples are n't definitive proof that the so-called greenhouse effect will lead to further substantial global heating , Mr. Thompson acknowledged 2 increased carbon dioxide emissions will cause the Earth to warm up carbon dioxide prevents heat from escaping into space 3 that temperatures should have risen fairly uniformly over the past century , reflecting the increase in carbon dioxide that 's the case 5 that temperatures should have risen fairly uniformly over the past century the Dunde ice-core record shows increasing temperatures from 1900 through the early 1950s , decreasing temperatures from the late 1950s through the mid-1970s , then higher temperatures again through last year 10 decreasing temperatures from the late 1950s through the mid-1970s higher temperatures again through last year 0 Climate varies drastically due to natural causes ice samples from Peru , Greenland and Antarctica all show substantial signs of warming 6 its vice president for manufacturing resigned its Houston work force has been trimmed by 40 people , or about 15 % 11 that cuts spending for new installations by 16 % revamping the Pentagon budget to move more than $ 450 million from foreign bases to home-state projects 6 that cuts spending for new installations by 16 % revamping the Pentagon budget to move more than $ 450 million from foreign bases to home-state projects 6 The fiscal 1990 measure builds on a pattern set earlier this year by House and Senate defense authorizing committees overseas spending is most vulnerable 7 and -- at a time of retrenchment for the military and concern about the U.S. 's standing in the world economy -- overseas spending is most vulnerable Total Pentagon requests for installations in West Germany , Japan , South Korea , the United Kingdom and the Philippines are cut by almost two-thirds 1 Total Pentagon requests for installations in West Germany , Japan , South Korea , the United Kingdom and the Philippines , for example , are cut by almost two-thirds lawmakers added to the military budget for construction in all but a dozen states at home 11 that instead of the Pentagon 's proposed split of 60-40 between domestic and foreign bases , the reduced funding is distributed by a ratio of approximately 70-30 lawmakers used their positions to garner as much as six times what the Pentagon had requested for their individual states 0 their increases above Pentagon requests -- 640 % and 430 % , respectively -- were much greater because of the influence of Republicans at critical junctures spending for Iowa and Oregon was far less 1 By an 84-6 margin , the Senate approved the bulk of the spending Friday the bill was then sent back to the House to resolve the question of how to address budget limits on credit allocations for the Federal Housing Administration 10 By an 84-6 margin , the Senate approved the bulk of the spending Friday but the bill was sent back to the House to resolve the question of how to address budget limits on credit allocations for the Federal Housing Administration 0 The House Democratic leadership could seek to waive these restrictions the underlying bill is already under attack for excesses elsewhere 6 Appropriations committees have used an assortment of devices to disguise as much as $ 1 billion in spending as critics have awakened to these devices , the bill can seem like a wounded caribou trying to make it past ice and wolves to reach safer winter grazing 10 and the bill can seem like a wounded caribou trying to make it past ice and wolves to reach safer winter grazing critics have awakened to these devices 2 and the bill can seem like a wounded caribou trying to make it past ice and wolves to reach safer winter grazing critics have awakened to these devices 10 of being transferred to faster-spending areas the budget scorekeeping is completed 7 Much of the excess spending will be pushed into fiscal 1991 , and in some cases is temporarily parked in slow-spending accounts in anticipation of being transferred to faster-spending areas after the budget scorekeeping is completed a House-Senate conference ostensibly increased the National Aeronautics and Space Administration budget for construction of facilities to nearly $ 592 million , or more than $ 200 million above what either chamber had previously approved.Part of the increase would provide $ 90 million toward ensuring construction of a costly solid rocket-motor facility in Mr. Whitten 's Mississippi.But as much as $ 177 million , or nearly 30 % of the account , is marked for potential transfers to research , management and flight accounts that are spent out at a faster clip 1 Part of the increase would provide $ 90 million toward ensuring construction of a costly solid rocket-motor facility in Mr. Whitten 's Mississippi as much as $ 177 million , or nearly 30 % of the account , is marked for potential transfers to research , management and flight accounts that are spent out at a faster clip 8 House Speaker Thomas Foley won $ 510,000 for a project in his district in Washington state $ 1.3 million , earmarked by Sen. Daniel Inouye , amounts to a business subsidy under the title `` Hawaiian sugar mills job retention 10 it was agreed instead to take money from HUD to subsidize needed improvements in two settling ponds for the mills this plan met resistance 2 it was agreed instead to take money from HUD to subsidize needed improvements in two settling ponds for the mills this plan met resistance 5 to add language relaxing environmental restrictions on two mills on the Hamakua coast that are threatening to close it was agreed to take money from HUD to subsidize needed improvements in two settling ponds for the mills according to Mr. Inouye 's office 0 the same economic factors affected us as affects the black people Mr. Farney writes about we were white 0 I 've never forgotten or lost contact with those memories of the 1930s I 've been blessed with academic degrees and some success in the materialistic world 6 Following World War II the surplus people were dumped into the mainstream of society with no Social Security , no skills in the workplace , no hope for their future except welfare today , many of their children , grandchildren and great-grandchildren remain on welfare 2 Following World War II the surplus people were dumped into the mainstream of society with no Social Security , no skills in the workplace , no hope for their future except welfare today , many of their children , grandchildren and great-grandchildren remain on welfare 11 Following World War II , when one family with mechanized equipment could farm crops formerly requiring 20 families , the surplus people were dumped into the mainstream of society with no Social Security , no skills in the workplace , no hope for their future except welfare.And today , many of their children , grandchildren and great-grandchildren remain on welfare the landowners continue receiving generous subsidies that began during New Deal days 1 Following World War II , when one family with mechanized equipment could farm crops formerly requiring 20 families , the surplus people were dumped into the mainstream of society with no Social Security , no skills in the workplace , no hope for their future except welfare.And today , many of their children , grandchildren and great-grandchildren remain on welfare the landowners continue receiving generous subsidies that began during New Deal days 5 In the meantime , the landowners continue receiving generous subsidies that began during New Deal days those who choose not to farm can lease their lands and crop allotments for handsome sums 1 Farmers in the Midwest and other areas have suffered those along the Mississippi continue to prosper with holdings that were built with the sweat of men and women living in economic slavery 6 of men and women living in economic slavery when they were no longer needed , they were turned loose unprepared to build lives of their own 10 of men and women living in economic slavery when they were no longer needed , they were turned loose unprepared to build lives of their own 10 And they were turned loose unprepared to build lives of their own they were no longer needed 2 breaking this cycle will be next to impossible the cycle of poverty along the lower Mississippi goes back so many generations 0 Sadly , the cycle appears not as waves but as a downward spiral the evidence that we have not hit bottom is found in the fact that we are not yet helping ourselves 2 the questions continue as fodder for the commissions and committees , for the media and politicians we refuse to face the tough answers 11 Does the Delta deserve government help in attracting industry the majority of residents , black and white , do not realize racism alienates potential employers 3 Does the Delta deserve government help in attracting industry the majority of residents , black and white , do not realize racism alienates potential employers 11 Should we focus on the region 's infant-mortality rate the vocal right-wingers and the school boards , mayors and legislators prohibit schools from teaching the two ways ( abstinence or contraceptives ) of decreasing teen pregnancy 3 Should we focus on the region 's infant-mortality rate the vocal right-wingers and the school boards , mayors and legislators prohibit schools from teaching the two ways ( abstinence or contraceptives ) of decreasing teen pregnancy 6 expansion plans are mentioned at the old company somebody says , `` Aw heck , guys , nobody can do it like Japan or South Korea 10 expansion plans are mentioned at the old company somebody says , `` Aw heck , guys , nobody can do it like Japan or South Korea 6 For years , we tried to ignore the problem of poverty now that it has gotten out of hand it 's a new crusade for the media and our Democratic Congress 2 and it 's a new crusade for the media and our Democratic Congress it has gotten out of hand 3 but the same problems exist you travel to Washington , Boston , Chicago or New York 10 Many middle-class people would love free food , Medicaid insurance , utilities and rent maybe I could stay home and have seven children and watch Oprah Winfrey , like Beulah in the article , instead of having one child and working constantly just to stay above water , like so many families in this country 2 Many middle-class people would love free food , Medicaid insurance , utilities and rent maybe I could stay home and have seven children and watch Oprah Winfrey , like Beulah in the article , instead of having one child and working constantly just to stay above water , like so many families in this country 6 that it was going to reduce employment in production operations of the group by 8 % , or 400 people during which it lost as many as 400 employees 1 A few years ago , Mobil restructured the entire company during an industrywide shakeout since then U.S. oil production has declined and Mobil wants to focus its oil-finding efforts overseas 6 But since then U.S. oil production has declined Mobil wants to focus its oil-finding efforts overseas 2 But since then U.S. oil production has declined Mobil wants to focus its oil-finding efforts overseas 8 During the coming months , layers of management will be peeled away regional offices will become more autonomous 0 Field offices at New Orleans ; Houston ; Denver ; Midland , Tex . ; Bakersfield , Calif. ; Oklahoma City ; and Liberal , Kan. , will be maintained the staffs at some of those locations will be slashed while at others the work force will be increased 1 But the staffs at some of those locations will be slashed at others the work force will be increased 7 But the staffs at some of those locations will be slashed while at others the work force will be increased employment in Denver will be reduced to 105 from 430.But on the West Coast , where profitable oil production is more likely than in the midcontinent region , the Bakersfield , Calif. , office staff of 130 will grow by 175 to 305 1 For instance , employment in Denver will be reduced to 105 from 430 on the West Coast , where profitable oil production is more likely than in the midcontinent region , the Bakersfield , Calif. , office staff of 130 will grow by 175 to 305 6 Now , the nationwide average yield on a six-month CD is just under 8 % 8.5 % is about the best around 0 With $ 150 billion of CDs maturing this month , a lot of people have been scouring the financial landscape for just such an investment investors looking for alternatives are n't finding it easy 8 Yields on most fixed-income securities are lower than several months ago the stock market 's recent gyrations are a painful reminder of the dangers there 4 you 're not going to find it you 're looking for a significantly higher yield with the same level of risk as a CD 0 If you 're looking for a significantly higher yield with the same level of risk as a CD , you 're not going to find it There are some alternatives that income-oriented investors should consider 9 Short-term municipal bonds , bond funds and tax-deferred annuities are some of the choices investors may want to look at securities that reduce the risk that CD holders are confronting right now , of having to reinvest the proceeds of maturing short-term certificates at lower rates 2 That 's municipal-bond interest is exempt from federal income tax -- and from state and local taxes too , for in-state investors 2 These securities get top credit ratings the issuers have put aside U.S. bonds that will be sold to pay off holders when the municipals are retired 10 that will be sold to pay off holders the municipals are retired 3 Buyers can look forward to double-digit annual returns they are right 1 Buyers can look forward to double-digit annual returns if they are right they will have disappointing returns or even losses if interest rates rise instead 3 But they will have disappointing returns or even losses interest rates rise instead 5 if they are right if interest rates rise 11 The price movements get bigger the maturity of the securities lengthens 7 Bond resale prices , and thus fund share prices , move in the opposite direction from rates.The price movements get bigger as the maturity of the securities lengthens Consider two bond funds from Vanguard Group of Investment Cos. that were both yielding 8.6 % on a recent day.The Short Term Bond Fund , with an average maturity of 2 1/2 years , would deliver a total return for one year of about 10.6 % if rates drop one percentage point and a one-year return of about 6.6 % if rates rise by the same amount.But , in the same circumstances , the returns would be a more extreme 14.6 % and 2.6 % for the Vanguard Bond Market Fund , with its 12 1/2-year average maturity 3 The Short Term Bond Fund , with an average maturity of 2 1/2 years , would deliver a total return for one year of about 10.6 % and a one-year return of about 6.6 % if rates rise by the same amount rates drop one percentage point 1 The Short Term Bond Fund , with an average maturity of 2 1/2 years , would deliver a total return for one year of about 10.6 % if rates drop one percentage point and a one-year return of about 6.6 % if rates rise by the same amount in the same circumstances , the returns would be a more extreme 14.6 % and 2.6 % for the Vanguard Bond Market Fund , with its 12 1/2-year average maturity 3 You get equity-like returns '' from bonds you guess right on rates 3 bond fund investors ' returns will be about equal to the funds ' current yields interest rates do n't change 10 Investment gains are compounded without tax consequences money is withdrawn 0 Investment gains are compounded without tax consequences until money is withdrawn a 10 % penalty tax is imposed on withdrawals made before age 59 1/2 7 Some current rates exceed those on CDs a CD-type annuity from North American Co. for Life & Health Insurance , Chicago , offers 8.8 % interest for one year or a 9 % rate for two years 1 Annuities are rarely a good idea at age 35 because of the withdrawal restrictions at age 55 , `` they may be a great deal 3 to go into money funds rates are rising 0 The conventional wisdom is to go into money funds when rates are rising and shift out at times such as the present , when rates seem headed down today 's highest-yielding money funds may beat CDs over the next year even if rates fall 3 Still , today 's highest-yielding money funds may beat CDs over the next year rates fall 2 That 's top-yielding funds currently offer yields almost 1 1/2 percentage points above the average CD yield 3 the increasing return on the money fund will partly offset the lower-than-expected return from the bond fund rates unexpectedly rise 0 the FDA plans to examine Dr. Toseland 's evidence and is considering its own study here there have been no reports of similar sudden unexplained deaths among diabetics in the U.S 10 that the deaths may have occurred human insulin blunted critical warning signs indicating hypoglycemia , or low blood sugar , which can kill diabetics 2 that the deaths may have occurred human insulin blunted critical warning signs indicating hypoglycemia , or low blood sugar , which can kill diabetics 1 no evidence of unexpected deaths from hypoglycemia had shown up in a study of 1,500 diabetics that has been under way at NIH for five years officials conducting the study had n't been looking for signs of problems related to hypoglycemia unawareness 0 The human-based drug starts the blood sugar dropping sooner and drives it down faster there is enough of a difference to be clinically significant 2 that the Pentagon can not determine priorities it has no strategy 6 We 'd do the strategy then we 'd come around and do the budget 10 We 'd do the strategy and we 'd come around and do the budget 10 This wo n't happen strategists come down from their ivory tower and learn to work in the real world of limited budgets and uncertain futures 10 we identify national goals and the threats to these goals , we shape a strategy to counter these threats , we determine the forces needed to execute the strategy finally forging the budgets needed to build and maintain the forces 10 As it is , we identify national goals and the threats to these goals , we shape a strategy to counter these threats , we determine the forces needed to execute the strategy before forging the budgets needed to build and maintain the forces 2 As it is , we identify national goals and the threats to these goals , we shape a strategy to counter these threats , we determine the forces needed to execute the strategy before forging the budgets needed to build and maintain the forces 6 These procedures consume millions of man-hours of labor and produce tons of paper each year , their end product -- the Five Year Defense Plan -- promptly melts away 10 These procedures consume millions of man-hours of labor and produce tons of paper each year , their end product -- the Five Year Defense Plan -- promptly melts away 2 The Pentagon 's strategists produce budgets that simply can not be executed they assume a defense strategy depends only on goals and threats 1 because they assume a defense strategy depends only on goals and threats Strategy is about possibilities , not hopes and dreams 6 These people have different agendas as a result the preservation of jobs is becoming the real goal of defense `` strategy 2 That puts the real strategic decisions in the hands of others : bean counters , budgeteers , and pork-barrelers.These people have different agendas And the preservation of jobs is becoming the real goal of defense `` strategy 10 They ought to examine how a range of optimistic to pessimistic budget scenarios would change the defense program They would develop priorities by identifying the least painful program cuts as they moved from higher to lower budgets 2 They ought to examine how a range of optimistic to pessimistic budget scenarios would change the defense program They would develop priorities by identifying the least painful program cuts as they moved from higher to lower budgets 11 by identifying the least painful program cuts they moved from higher to lower budgets 6 They would then develop priorities by identifying the least painful program cuts as they moved from higher to lower budgets They would identify the best way to add programs , should the budget come in at higher levels 6 Our five-year plan contains three accounting devices -- negative money , an above guidance management reserve and optimistic inflation estimates -- which understate the spending the Pentagon has committed itself to by almost $ 100 billion The 1990 plan assumes inflation will decline to 1.7 % by 1994 3 What happens these increases do not materialize 6 This scenario has been the rough position of the U.S. Senate since 1985 it reduces the baseline by $ 106 billion between 1990 and 1994 8 Scenario 1 , known as the `` Constant Dollar Freeze , '' reimburses the Pentagon for inflation only -- it slopes upward at 4 % per year.This scenario has been the rough position of the U.S. Senate since 1985 , and it reduces the baseline by $ 106 billion between 1990 and 1994 . Scenario 3 , the `` Current Dollar Freeze , '' has been the approximate position of the House of Representatives for about four years.It freezes the budget at its current level , and forces the Pentagon to eat the effects of inflation until 1994.This reduces the baseline by $ 229 billion . Scenario 2 extends the recent compromises between the House and the Senate ; it splits the difference between Scenarios 1 and 3 , by increasing the budget at 2 % per year.It reduces the baseline by $ 169 billion Scenario 4 reduces the budget by 2 % per year for the next five years -- a total reduction of $ 287 billion 3 they would have to sacrifice more and more other programs -- such as carrier battlegroups or army divisions -- as they moved toward lower budget levels for example , they choose to keep the B-2 Stealth bomber 7 This exercise would reveal the true cost of a particular program by forcing the strategists to make hard decisions If they choose to keep the B-2 Stealth bomber , they would have to sacrifice more and more other programs -- such as carrier battlegroups or army divisions -- as they moved toward lower budget levels 11 they would have to sacrifice more and more other programs -- such as carrier battlegroups or army divisions they moved toward lower budget levels 0 that the idea of a strategic review merely resurrects the infamous Zero-Based Budgeting ( ZBB ) concept of the Carter administration ZBB did not involve the strategic planners in the Joint Chiefs of Staff , and therefore degenerated into a bean-counting drill driven by budget politics 2 But ZBB did not involve the strategic planners in the Joint Chiefs of Staff and degenerated into a bean-counting drill driven by budget politics 2 that even thinking about lower budgets will hurt national security the door will be opened to opportunistic budget cutting by an irresponsible Congress 6 This argument plays well in the atmosphere of gaming and mistrust permeating the Pentagon and Congress unfortunately , there is some truth to it 0 This argument plays well in the atmosphere of gaming and mistrust permeating the Pentagon and Congress , and unfortunately , there is some truth to it in the end , it must be rejected for logical as well as moral reasons 2 that the Pentagon should act irresponsibly acting responsibly will provoke Congress into acting irresponsibly 9 that the Pentagon should deliberately exaggerate its needs in the national interest that it is justified in committing a crime -- lying to Congress -- because it is morally superior 2 in other words , that it is justified in committing a crime it is morally superior 4 we must understand the trade-offs they imply before we make commitments we want meaningful priorities 10 we must understand the trade-offs they imply we make commitments 0 a massive sell-off probably wo n't occur in the near future bullish dollar sentiment has fizzled 0 weakness in the pound and the yen is expected to offset those factors Wall Street 's tough times and lower U.S. interest rates continue to undermine the dollar 11 weakness in the pound and the yen is expected to offset those factors Wall Street 's tough times and lower U.S. interest rates continue to undermine the dollar 10 The rise came traders continued to dump the pound after the sudden resignation Thursday of British Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson 2 The rise came traders continued to dump the pound after the sudden resignation Thursday of British Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson 1 The rise came as traders continued to dump the pound after the sudden resignation Thursday of British Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson once the pound steadied with help from purchases by the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York , the dollar was dragged down by the stock-market slump that left the Dow Jones Industrial Average with a loss of 17.01 points 10 But the dollar was dragged down by the stock-market slump that left the Dow Jones Industrial Average with a loss of 17.01 points the pound steadied with help from purchases by the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1 Mr. Scalfaro and others do n't see the currency decisively sliding under support at 1.80 marks and 140 yen soon some analysts say the dollar eventually could test support at 1.75 marks and 135 yen 3 to strengthen substantially there are dollar retreats 0 it is in critical condition the pound has attempted to stabilize 10 and hit the week 's low of $ 1.5765 Mr. Lawson resigned from his six-year post because of a policy squabble with other cabinet members 2 and hit the week 's low of $ 1.5765 Mr. Lawson resigned from his six-year post because of a policy squabble with other cabinet members 1 who Friday expressed a desire for a firm pound and supported the relatively high British interest rates that he said `` are working exactly as intended '' in reducing inflation the market remains uneasy about Mr. Major 's policy strategy and the prospects for the pound 0 it is widely believed that Mr. Lawson 's willingness to prop up the pound with interest-rate increases helped stem pound selling in recent weeks the Bank of England 's tight monetary policy has fueled worries that Britain 's slowing economy is headed for a recession 3 that currency is expected to fall sharply there are any signs that Mr. Major will be less inclined to use interest-rate boosts to rescue the pound from another plunge 0 There 's very little upside to sterling that near-term losses may be small because the selling wave that followed Mr. Major 's appointment apparently has run its course 2 that near-term losses may be small the selling wave that followed Mr. Major 's appointment apparently has run its course 1 There 's very little upside to sterling , '' Mr. Roberts says , but he adds that near-term losses may be small because the selling wave that followed Mr. Major 's appointment apparently has run its course some other analysts have a stormier forecast for the pound , particularly because Britain 's inflation is hovering at a relatively lofty annual rate of about 7.6 % and the nation is burdened with a struggling government and large current account and trade deficits 2 But some other analysts have a stormier forecast for the pound Britain 's inflation is hovering at a relatively lofty annual rate of about 7.6 % and the nation is burdened with a struggling government and large current account and trade deficits 8 particularly because Britain 's inflation is hovering at a relatively lofty annual rate of about 7.6 % the nation is burdened with a struggling government and large current account and trade deficits 3 the Bank of England may raise Britain 's base lending rate by one percentage point to 16 % the pound falls closer to 2.80 marks 0 If the pound falls closer to 2.80 marks , the Bank of England may raise Britain 's base lending rate by one percentage point to 16 % such an increase could be viewed by the market as `` too little too late 2 to spend lonely hours at home there is no transportation for someone in a wheelchair 2 to be denied employment you are disabled 6 it filed with federal antitrust regulators for clearance to buy more than 50 % of the stock of Rally 's Inc. , a fast-food company based in Louisville , Ky A second group of three company directors is seeking control of the fast-food chain 5 The percent difference compares actual profit with the 30-day estimate where at least three analysts have issues forecasts in the past 30 days actual profit is compared with the 300-day estimate 6 DPC Acquisition Partners , a hostile suitor for Dataproducts Corp. , filed a petition in federal district court in Los Angeles seeking to have its standstill agreement with the computer printer maker declared void it proceeded with a $ 10-a-share tender offer for the company 1 Dataproducts had sought a buyer for several months it is now in the midst of a restructuring plan and management says the company is no longer for sale 6 but it is now in the midst of a restructuring plan the company is no longer for sale 10 The contract was first proposed more than two years ago but the colony 's markets were hit hard by the October 1987 global stock crash 6 but shortly afterward , the colony 's markets were hit hard by the October 1987 global stock crash The subsequent drive to reform Hong Kong 's markets has embroiled the interest-rate futures contract 10 futures-exchange officials still have a way to go they answer all the remaining detailed questions about the contract 1 The exchange had forecast that the contract would begin trading by December that it is n't likely to start until the first quarter of next year 6 Analysts and financial officials in the British colony consider the new contract essential to the revival of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange , which has never fully recovered from the October 1987 crash local banks say the new contract is important in helping them offset their Hong Kong-dollar exposure 3 it may do much to restore confidence in futures trading in Hong Kong the contract is as successful as some expect 1 Two years ago , the futures exchange was the envy of other would-be futures centers in the week following the 1987 stock crash , the exchange verged on collapse , and the stock and futures markets in Hong Kong were closed for four days 6 But in the week following the 1987 stock crash , the exchange verged on collapse the stock and futures markets in Hong Kong were closed for four days 1 futures trading in Hong Kong was relatively heavy and went smoothly Asian markets struggled to cope with the uncertainty caused by the Oct. 13 plunge in New York stock prices 11 futures trading in Hong Kong was relatively heavy and went smoothly Asian markets struggled to cope with the uncertainty caused by the Oct. 13 plunge in New York stock prices 6 While Asian markets struggled to cope with the uncertainty caused by the Oct. 13 plunge in New York stock prices , futures trading in Hong Kong was relatively heavy and went smoothly That was the case in the days following the June 4 massacre in Beijing , which caused a sharp drop in Hong Kong stock prices 3 those two banks are there the balance of the banking institutions will be there 0 the U.S. and Hong Kong economies do n't always move in lock step the currency is pegged to the U.S. dollar , with a fixed exchange rate of HK $ 7.8 to the American currency 1 Just a few months ago , the three-month Eurodollar rate was around 9.5 % three-month Hibor hit highs above 11 % 11 Just a few months ago , the three-month Eurodollar rate was around 9.5 % three-month Hibor hit highs above 11 % 6 The wounds from the 1987 crash have n't yet healed not all claims against the exchange clearinghouse -- by those who bet the Hang Seng index would fall -- have been settled 6 trading in the contract is likely to start slowly that there may be limits on how much the contract can grow 2 that there may be limits on how much the contract can grow the Hong Kong dollar is n't a widely traded currency 3 the contract will be considered a success it starts trading 500 to 1,000 lots a day 6 And Mr. Gilmore cautions that there may be limits on how much the contract can grow because the Hong Kong dollar is n't a widely traded currency Exchange officials point out that Hibor futures were designed for institutions and corporations , not for the type of small individual investors who were very active in Hang Seng index futures and defaulted in the 1987 crash 0 That should help to inspire confidence many bankers remain nervous , especially as the start-up of the contract continues to be delayed 11 But many bankers remain nervous the start-up of the contract continues to be delayed 2 But many bankers remain nervous the start-up of the contract continues to be delayed 6 which rose to 221.61 billion yen in the first half from 200.70 billion yen a year earlier Pulp , processed and miscellaneous paper sales surged 1 Pretax profit is seen at 45.00 billion yen , down from 47.17 billion yen net income is estimated at 23.500 billion yen , up from 23.031 billion yen 6 The company did n't provide an explanation for the softer pretax profit performance officials could n't be reached for comment 1 Pretax profit was estimated at 23.0 billion yen , down from 25.51 billion yen net income was estimated at 12 billion yen , up from 11.95 billion yen 1 The company declined to estimate the value of the Norwegian holding Eugene L. Nowak , an analyst at Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. , forecast that the sale will bring in `` $ 200 million or substantially more 2 he attaches particular importance to the proposed sale it suggests that the company is willing to sell oil and gas assets that are n't part of its major strategic strengths 10 The offering , Series 1989-89 , backed by Fannie Mae 9 % securities , brings Fannie Mae 's 1989 Remic issuance to $ 33.2 billion and its total Remic volume to $ 45.3 billion the program began in April 1987 6 World Bank ( agency ) -- # 100 million of 10 7/8 % bonds due Aug. 15 , 1994 , offered at 96.95 to yield 11.71 % , via Baring Brothers & Co . Tap on outstanding # 100 million issue issued were 10 billion yen of bonds due Dec. 5 , 1994 , priced at 101 1/2 , with coupon paid in Australian dollars , via LTCB International Ltd 10 Interest during first year paid semiannually at 7.51 % interest paid annually at 7.65 % 6 Also issued were 10 billion yen of bonds due Dec. 5 , 1994 , priced at 101 1/2 , with coupon paid in Australian dollars , via LTCB International Ltd. Interest during first year paid semiannually at 7.51 % The World Bank offered 100 million Swiss francs of 6 % bonds due Nov. 16 , 1999 , priced at 101 1/4 to yield 5.83 % via Credit Suisse 6 First National Bank of Chicago will act as trustee the transaction will be supported by an 8 % letter of credit issued by Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank Ltd. , Chicago branch 10 the repurchase of as many as 300,000 common shares market conditions are suitable 3 the repurchase of as many as 300,000 common shares market conditions are suitable 6 I have just returned from France the net exchange rate charged on my Visa account was more favorable than I obtained for traveler 's checks in any of the several banks where I converted them 6 In a first step , Dresdner Bank will buy 32.99 % of BIP for 1,015 French francs ( $ 162 ) a share , or 528 million francs ( $ 84.7 million ) it will buy all shares tendered by shareholders on the Paris Stock Exchange at the same price from today through Nov. 17 6 In a first step , Dresdner Bank will buy 32.99 % of BIP for 1,015 French francs ( $ 162 ) a share , or 528 million francs ( $ 84.7 million ) .Dresdner Bank said it will also buy all shares tendered by shareholders on the Paris Stock Exchange at the same price from today through Nov. 17 the bank has an option to buy a 30.84 % stake in BIP from Societe Generale after Jan. 1 , 1990 at 1,015 francs a share 6 According to the ministry , retail sales at major department stores were up 12 % to 745.7 billion yen sales at supermarkets rose 6.7 % to 642 billion yen 11 it 's tough to trade stocks in continental Europe the going gets tough 2 On so-called Manic Monday , Oct. 16 , stock prices plunged across Europe trading problems erupted 6 On so-called Manic Monday , Oct. 16 , stock prices plunged across Europe trading problems erupted 11 In Brussels disgusted traders watched helplessly a software failure before opening on Manic Monday prevented trading for two days 10 In Brussels disgusted traders watched helplessly as a software failure before opening on Manic Monday prevented trading for two days.For 48 hours , no one had any idea precisely how much his securities were worth . By Wednesday , frustrated Belgian brokers reopened the market by using the time-honored method of quoting stocks with chalk on a blackboard The Belgian computer system was repaired and restarted on Tuesday of this week , with the aid of Toronto Stock Exchange officials who developed the system 11 the crush led to Manic Monday 's worst decline : German stocks ended down 13 % banks processed six-foot telexes of sell orders 10 In France , more than half the top 25 blue-chip stocks -- including such giants as BSN and Elf Aquitaine -- did n't open Wall Street rallied late in the European trading day 1 In France , more than half the top 25 blue-chip stocks -- including such giants as BSN and Elf Aquitaine -- did n't open until Wall Street rallied late in the European trading day by that time , many big institutions had switched business to London 6 On Manic Monday , the volume of German shares traded in London more than tripled to 2.2 million the volume of French shares rose 48 % 1 On Manic Monday , the volume of German shares traded in London more than tripled to 2.2 million , and the volume of French shares rose 48 % German domestic stock volume in Frankfurt only doubled that day 0 they still are the most closely watched stocks and are often viewed as a barometer for the local markets generally the widely traded shares that are quoted in London account for only a small portion of those totals 5 Against this backdrop , one thing that does n't seem likely to result from 1992 is a single European stock market there increasingly is a group of international brokerage and trading firms that operate in most European financial centers -- including European giants such as Barclays Bank PLC and Deutsche Bank , as well as Merrill Lynch & Co. and Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. of the U.S. and Japan 's Nomura Securities Co 3 These firms are calling the shots it comes to deciding in which market to transact a trade 6 These firms , which often have acquired a local brokerage firm , are calling the shots when it comes to deciding in which market to transact a trade senior officials of two U.S. securities houses say they switched trades in European stocks to the London market last week when they could n't unwind positions on the Continent 3 I would be much happier this volume { in German stocks } were in Frankfurt rather than London 1 Nobody around here will tell you they are happy the system did n't work it 's just one of those things that happened 1 They all said they invested huge amounts of money they either did n't buy the right machines or they wasted it 5 But they either did n't buy the right machines they wasted it 5 We do n't want Brussels deciding conditions for workers they are necessary and useful 6 Unice -- an acronym for the Union of Industrial and Employers ' Confederations of Europe -- fears that the charter will force EC countries to adopt a single pattern in labor relations The British government strongly opposes the charter in its current form 1 France will propose a slightly watered-down version of the charter to be discussed by EC social-affairs ministers on Monday the cosmetic changes are n't expected to win over Britain 2 We still have serious differences with the text it provides for a `` regulation of the labor market 1 European Community employers fear that the EC Commission 's plans for a `` charter of fundamental social rights '' is a danger to industrial competitiveness The British government also strongly opposes the charter in its current form that producing a charter acceptable to both Britain and European industry is n't an unattainable goal 10 to adopt the charter having rebutted the action program 3 the Sharpshooter can pump tomorrow they finish today 6 Investment capital is creeping back oil properties are fetching more 6 Mideast politics have calmed down the squabbling within the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries seems under control for now 6 A recession or new OPEC blowup could put oil markets right back in the soup the new stirrings are faint , and some question their extent 6 Also , the new stirrings are faint some question their extent 6 Drilling activity is still far below eight years ago , there 's no hiring surge some companies continue to shrink 6 that halted U.S. oil exploration and drove many veteran oil men and companies out of the business The same roller-coaster prices that halted U.S. oil exploration and drove many veteran oil men and companies out of the business played havoc with the nation 's inflation rate , the trade deficit and oil users ' corporate and personal budgets 6 Corporate planners can plan again consumers `` should be comfortable 6 About a year ago , it ended an on-again , off-again internal production war that had put prices on a roller coaster and pitched oil towns from Houston to Caracas into recession.Saudi Arabia , OPEC 's kingpin , abandoned a policy of flooding the market to punish quota-cheaters.About the same time , the Iran-Iraq war , which was roiling oil markets , ended global petroleum demand has been climbing 6 Consumers offer security of markets OPEC provides security of supply 3 But production could increase to 23 million or 24 million barrels a day they walk out without any effort to resolve their problem 6 trucks rumble along the dusty roads burly men in hard hats sweat and swear through the afternoon sun 10 as it found it went looking for a partner for the Sharpshooter 3 you can do things you would n't do with the volatility of the past few years you know you 've got stability in price 1 The activity is enough to move some oil-service prices back up a little there is money to be made 11 Most oil companies forecast revenue of $ 15 for each barrel of crude produced they set exploration and production budgets for this year 2 Prices have averaged more than $ 2 a barrel higher than that -- not a windfall , but at least a pleasant bonus for them according to a Dun & Bradstreet Corp. survey , companies that had been refusing to spend even their very conservative budgets may loosen up before year end 3 Funds for drilling may inch up more next year oil prices stay stable 1 institutions are starting to see there are cycles to these things , and this one is beginning to turn it 's still difficult to raise money for a pure wildcat program 6 institutions are starting to see there are cycles to these things this one is beginning to turn 0 The appetite for oil-service stocks has been especially strong some got hit yesterday when Shearson Lehman Hutton cut its short-term investment ratings on them 6 Contractors such as Parker Drilling Co. are raising cash again through stock offerings for the first time in years , two oil-service companies recently went public 3 Out in the oil fields shortages could appear activity picks up much more 2 Out in the oil fields shortages could appear so many roughnecks , roustabouts and others left after the crash 2 who arrived late at the Sharpshooter with his crew he had started early in the morning setting up tanks at another site 10 Last year , `` I was off a straight month one time for two to three weeks 6 who arrived late at the Sharpshooter with his crew because he had started early in the morning setting up tanks at another site Norman Young , a `` mud-logger '' at the Sniper well , has worked all but about nine days of this year Butch McCarty , who sells oil-field equipment for Davis Tool Co. , is busy 10 after riding the oil-field boom to the top surviving the bust running an Oklahoma City convenience store 6 that there certainly is n't any drilling boom the number of rigs active in the U.S. is inching up 11 After 11:30 a.m. or so `` we have them standing and waiting , '' she says she whips out orders for hamburgers and the daily special ( grilled roast beef , cheese and jalapeno pepper sandwich on whole wheat , potato salad , baked beans and pudding , plus coffee or iced tea.Price : $ 4.50 ) 6 The U.S. Attorney 's office filed a criminal complaint against six bank employees charging them with conspiracy in the scheme Two other men were charged with participating in the operation 6 Arrested were Jose O. Lopez , 27 years old , of Whittier , Calif. , the vault supervisor ; Carlos O. Huerta , 29 , of La Puente ; Luis A. Arroyo , 36 , of Los Angeles ; Ignacio Rojas Jr. , 32 , of Baldwin Park ; Doris Moreno , 37 , of Bell Gardens ; and Ana L. Azucena , 27 , of Huntington Park Geno M. Apicella , 27 , of Los Angeles , and Terrell N. Madison , 27 , of Hawthorne , were charged with participating in the conspiracy 1 Such an offer could torpedo a plan by Lion Nathan Ltd. of New Zealand to acquire half the brewing interests it would probably increase the amount of cash that debt-ridden Bond Corp. would earn from the transaction 3 S.A. Brewing will make a takeover offer for all of Bell Resources it exercises the option 9 Contrary to what might be expected based on the headline on John R. Dorfman 's recent Money Matters article ( `` Pros Hit Theorists Right Where It Hurts '' Oct. 3 ) , I was able to stand proudly before my undergraduate finance students and proclaim that the findings of your yearlong experiment on stock picking is completely consistent with what they have been taught in the classroom I do not find the fact that your group of pros ' monthly selections of four stocks outperforms the market in general to be inconsistent with market efficiency 10 who invested $ 100,000 a year ago in the first four stocks selected by your pros and sold those one month later 1 that an investor who invested $ 100,000 a year ago in the first four stocks selected by your pros and then sold those one month later , purchasing the four new pro picks , and repeated this process for the year would have accumulated $ 166,537 , excluding account dividends , taxes and commissions an investor holding the Dow Jones portfolio over the year would have accumulated only $ 127,446 2 Accepted theories state that investors require higher returns on riskier investments rather than seeing the excess returns to the pro-selected portfolio as being abnormal , I see those returns as simply compensations for taking on added risk 3 I would select a stock with the greatest amount of undiversifiable risk you asked me to select a stock with the highest expected return 6 Your hypothetical investor is simply being compensated for taking on this added risk your hypothetical investor has forsaken the gains to be had in reducing risk by diversifying his portfolio 4 Mr. Dorfman provides confirming evidence of this phenomenon he reports that your staff of dart throwers would have accumulated only $ 112,383 by randomly selecting four new stocks to be held in a portfolio each month 11 Mr. Dorfman provides confirming evidence of this phenomenon he reports that your staff of dart throwers would have accumulated only $ 112,383 by randomly selecting four new stocks to be held in a portfolio each month 7 that the stocks recommended by your pros tend to be substantially riskier than a diversified portfolio your pickers ' recommendations for the coming month are , on average , 22.5 % riskier than holding the market portfolio according to Value Line 's Beta estimates 6 where one agent was stabbed another was shot and killed 0 They looked like ordinary vacationers at first then they put two loaded pistols to his temple and demanded he open the safe 10 They looked like ordinary vacationers at first But they put two loaded pistols to his temple and demanded he open the safe 10 they stabbed him in the back and made off with $ 2,000 and 280 blank tickets he initially refused 2 they stabbed him in the back and made off with $ 2,000 and 280 blank tickets he initially refused 11 many agents have started changing their open-door policies word of the crime spree has spread 2 many agents have started changing their open-door policies word of the crime spree has spread 6 As word of the crime spree has spread , many agents have started changing their open-door policies The robberies have set off a controversy involving the airlines 10 by confiscating the tickets they 're used 1 Agents say airlines , which track ticket numbers of all stolen tickets , should be doing more to catch the thieves by confiscating the tickets when they 're used airlines say it would be too expensive and cause too many delays if they started using computerized scanners to check tickets at the gate 3 it would be too expensive and cause too many delays they started using computerized scanners to check tickets at the gate 9 The law -- the first of its kind -- requires car rental companies in Texas to charge only `` reasonable '' rates for collision-damage waiver insurance the law says the rates must closely reflect what the company 's actual expenses have been to replace damaged cars 10 car rental companies were charging as much as $ 12 a day for the waiver in Texas the law went into effect last month 3 they 're telling the truth now they 've been charging 300 % more than what is reasonable 1 that at least it 's now charging only $ 3.95 a day in Texas some competitors are charging $ 6.99 10 Flight Attendants Lag Jets Even Land 3 it may be because he or she has been working 20 straight hours YOUR FLIGHT attendant seems a little weary 2 it may be he or she has been working 20 straight hours 2 This happens the FAA does n't have any rules on duty time for flight attendants 1 because the FAA does n't have any rules on duty time for flight attendants it strictly restricts duty time for pilots and air traffic controllers , usually to a maximum of 10 consecutive hours 7 such long hours for attendants pose a safety risk tired flight attendants might not react quickly enough during an emergency evacuation 6 They have to work such long hours then we expect them to be heroes if there 's an evacuation 10 They have to work such long hours and we expect them to be heroes if there 's an evacuation 3 them to be heroes there 's an evacuation 1 Why do you maintain the House-passed capital-gains plan is a `` temporary '' reduction it is not 6 But in any event tax `` payments '' on capital gains will be lower with indexation than under current law , even though the tax `` rate '' is the same under both systems this is the important point 0 But in any event tax `` payments '' on capital gains will be lower with indexation than under current law the tax `` rate '' is the same under both systems 6 The reduction eases the burden on portfolio changes and frees capital to seek more productive or more appropriate uses what is really significant is the indexation of capital gains after 1991 6 A large part of the long-term appreciation of assets reflects inflation the taxation of inflation-created capital gains is confiscation 11 that people ignore the prospect of having a substantial part of their capital confiscated they decide whether to save or how to invest 3 that people ignore the prospect of having a substantial part of their capital confiscated they decide whether to save or how to invest 1 The Financial Accounting Standards Board said it will soon issue a rule requiring disclosure about the financial risk of certain financial instruments the chief rule-making body for accountants backed off one part of its original proposal made earlier this year that would have required a breakdown of certain balance-sheet items related to off-balance sheet instruments 7 The balance-sheet detail was opposed by many banks and thrifts that felt the cost of supplying such data was n't worth the value of the disclosures Under the initial proposal banks would have been required to disclose that portion of allowances for loan losses that reflects specific letters of credit for which customers had defaulted 3 that would occur the outside party involved in the instrument failed to perform 6 Poughkeepsie Savings Bank said a plan to sell its South Carolina branch offices to First Citizens Bank , of Columbia , S.C. , fell through Poughkeepsie expects to post a one-time charge of $ 8.3 million 6 Poughkeepsie Savings Bank said a plan to sell its South Carolina branch offices to First Citizens Bank , of Columbia , S.C. , fell through . Poughkeepsie also expects to post a one-time charge of $ 8.3 million , resulting in a net loss for the third quarter the bank is increasing its loan-loss reserves for the third quarter by $ 8.5 million before taxes 6 Poughkeepsie said it is continuing to try to sell itself , under a June agreement with a dissident-shareholder group The bank said its effort would continue past the Nov. 1 deadline set in that agreement and that the litigation between the two sides might resume as a result 6 its effort would continue past the Nov. 1 deadline set in that agreement that the litigation between the two sides might resume as a result 2 its effort would continue past the Nov. 1 deadline set in that agreement and that the litigation between the two sides might resume 2 Kinder-Care Inc. was dropped from the consumer services industry group of the Dow Jones Equity Market index the company split itself in a restructuring 3 that can induce immunity to whooping cough used as a vaccine 6 that , if used as a vaccine , can induce immunity to whooping cough Unfortunately , the toxin is poisonous 0 that only one was responsible for the toxin 's virulence it took all five genes to produce the toxin 10 Ordinarily in genetic engineering each of these genes , minus the one that caused the virulence , would have been transferred to another bacterium , called E. coli which would produce a nonvirulent version of the toxin 0 The researchers said they did this the toxin did n't induce immunity to whooping cough 10 they did this The scientists took the five toxin genes and triggered a mutation in the one gene that caused virulence 10 The scientists then took the five toxin genes and triggered a mutation in the one gene that caused virulence using a new technique ( called homologous recombination ) for introducing genes into cells , they transferred all five genes to bacteria closely related to the pertussis organism 5 At a time when foreign banks are pouring vast resources and personnel into West Germany 's financial center , the opening of a three-man office on a Frankfurt side street should n't attract much attention of course , it happens to be run by the Rothschilds 10 In 1796 , Mayer Amschel Rothschild founded Bankhaus M.A . Rothschild & Sons and sent his four sons to London , Paris , Vienna and Naples to begin the bank 's expansion during the early 19th century 2 The original bank in Frankfurt closed in 1901 after the death of Wilhelm Carl von Rothschild the family 's banking activities focused on London and Paris 6 The original bank in Frankfurt closed in 1901 after the death of Wilhelm Carl von Rothschild the family 's banking activities focused on London and Paris 0 that by the end of the 19th century , Berlin had replaced Frankfurt as Germany 's financial center the chief reason for the closure was rooted in a family tradition that would n't allow a bank to bear the Rothschild name without a Rothschild in its management 2 At the time we had only daughters we had to close the bank 0 the Rothschilds ' place in Frankfurt 's history is still recalled by the city park and a street bearing the Rothschild name its palatial residence was destroyed by bombs during World War II 11 The persecution pursued the Rothschilds across Europe the Nazis grabbed countries , confiscating the family 's property in the process 0 For a member of the Rothschild family , the return to Frankfurt is a very meaningful event it might not mean as much to German banking as it means to us 6 although it might not mean as much to German banking as it means to us the competition is n't greatly concerned 3 It would be surprising they did n't come to Frankfurt in time for 1992 6 It would be surprising if they did n't come to Frankfurt in time for 1992 they bring an interesting tradition 5 The new representative office , with one manager and two assistants -- none a member of the Rothschild family -- will carry out no banking operations of its own it is to seek out corporate financing business and sell investment products on behalf of the family 's mainstay banking units : N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd. in London , Rothschild & Cie. in Paris and Rothschild Bank AG in Zurich 2 He left his job as general manager of Shearson Lehman Hutton Holdings Inc. 's Frankfurt office When the Rothschilds called , I could n't resist 10 because I could n't resist the Rothschilds called 11 In Europe , the Rothschilds banks are focusing on mergers and acquisitions European industry restructures ahead of 1992 3 But we do make exceptions they are very young and have very rich parents 11 it is time to consider extreme measures program trading comes under renewed attack for causing stock market gyrations 10 trading on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and other exchanges has boomed to the point where trading in stock-index futures rivals that in the stocks themselves stock futures were created in 1982 6 that stocks and `` derivatives '' such as futures and options `` form a single market that derivatives make it a more liquid market 6 But increasingly , people are questioning that view the critics include some of the country 's most successful investors 6 Warren Buffett has been on record as opposing stock-index futures since their inception in 1982 Mario Gabelli , another star in the investing world , says , `` My gut says the negatives of futures and synthetics far outweigh the benefits 3 that they will move away from stocks futures cause investors to lose confidence in stocks 6 that if futures cause investors to lose confidence in stocks , they will move away from stocks those who remain will demand a higher return and over time raise the cost of capital to companies 1 traders now routinely check the futures markets in Chicago before they buy or sell stocks it was once expected that futures would mimic stock prices 10 traders now routinely check the futures markets in Chicago they buy or sell stocks 10 the New York Stock Exchange follows Chicago futures prices jump up or down 3 the New York Stock Exchange follows Chicago futures prices jump up or down 7 When Chicago futures prices jump up or down , the New York Stock Exchange follows On Tuesday the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 80 points in little more than an hour.Then , in the space of a 20-minute coffee break , the average rallied almost all of the way back 10 On Tuesday , for instance , the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 80 points in little more than an hour in the space of a 20-minute coffee break , the average rallied almost all of the way back 6 they should close down the futures exchange then we could get back to investing 10 they should close down the futures exchange we could get back to investing 6 that stocks experienced volatile swings long before futures few people complain about futures when stock prices are rising 11 And few people complain about futures stock prices are rising 10 that trading baskets of stocks began in the 1970s the advent of futures 2 it ca n't add to volatility stock-index arbitrage merely narrows the gap between prices in the futures and stock markets 6 For one thing , the Chicago futures exchanges have political and financial clout -- including many friends in Congress traders say that futures have become an accepted part of the financial landscape 3 we 'll take it to Australia or Tokyo futures are n't permitted here 1 the average value of one day 's trading amounts to $ 7.6 billion average dollar volume on the Big Board last year was $ 5.3 billion 3 they can hold on to specific stocks and sell a corresponding amount of futures contracts managers fear that the overall stock market will fall , but want to continue owning stocks 3 they can hold on to specific stocks and sell a corresponding amount of futures contracts managers fear that the overall stock market will fall , but want to continue owning stocks 6 futures are useful as a way to hedge portfolios that brokerage firms rely on futures as hedging tools when they buy and sell big blocks of stocks from institutions 0 And one Chicago futures trader notes that brokerage firms rely on futures as hedging tools when they buy and sell big blocks of stocks from institutions criticism of futures generally comes from Wall Street 11 that brokerage firms rely on futures as hedging tools they buy and sell big blocks of stocks from institutions 1 Margin requirements for speculators on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange are currently about 7 % an investor in stocks must put up 50 % in cash 2 futures encourage people to think of stocks as a single commodity , rather than as investments in individual businesses futures inhibit the basic purpose of the stock market : to accurately price securities so that capital and investment flows where it 's needed most 2 to accurately price securities capital and investment flows where it 's needed most 7 The S & P 500 index futures `` transferred the identity of 500 stocks into one unit-making them a simple commodity to trade It took away the need to know the bad third-quarter report of IBM 6 The S & P 500 index futures `` transferred the identity of 500 stocks into one unit-making them a simple commodity to trade Of course , portfolio trading -- the increasingly common practice of buying or selling baskets of actual stocks treats stocks as homogenous commodities 2 Stockholders , as a group , can win they own a share of corporate earnings , which can grow and boost stock prices 1 Stockholders , as a group , can win Futures are a zero sum game -- a market for making side bets about the direction of stock prices 2 the two companies will be notified they can begin negotiations with Brussels on how to modify the pact 6 in which Air France gained access to five domestic French routes under Air Inter 's flight numbers the domestic airline got to fly to five cities outside of France under the flag of Air France 2 we will work again on the text and the contents of the accord they { the EC } have doubts 10 GM sought U.S. antitrust clearance last week to purchase more than $ 15 million worth of Jaguar shares according to GM officials here and at the company 's Detroit headquarters The No . 1 U.S. auto maker wrote Jaguar that it intends `` to go to that 15 % '' level once it wins the U.S. clearance to go beyond $ 15 million 10 that it intends `` to go to that 15 % '' level it wins the U.S. clearance to go beyond $ 15 million 6 But an all-out bidding war between the world 's top auto giants for Britain 's leading luxury-car maker seems unlikely powerful political pressures may convince the Conservative government to keep its so-called golden share , which limits any individual holding to 15 % , until the restriction expires on Dec. 31 , 1990 10 which limits any individual holding to 15 % the restriction expires on Dec. 31 , 1990 10 The government retained the single share part of a nationalistic practice of protecting former government-owned enterprises to deflect criticism of privatization selling its stake in Jaguar in 1984 3 Ford is willing to bid for 100 % of Jaguar 's shares both the government and Jaguar shareholders agree to relax the anti-takeover barrier prematurely 2 Ford might succeed many shareholders are speculators keen for a full bid or institutional investors unhappy over Jaguar management 's handling of its current financial difficulties 0 GM Chairman Roger Smith answered the legislators ' questions about it over lunch Tuesday the visit was unrelated to Jaguar 6 And powerful political pressures may convince the Conservative government to keep its so-called golden share Politics influences the government 's thinking on the anti-takeover restriction 5 The Conservatives do n't dare jeopardize marginal Tory seats in Coventry , where Jaguar has headquarters can the government easily back down on promised protection for a privatized company while it proceeds with controversial plans to privatize most of Britain 's water and electricity industries 11 nor can the government easily back down on promised protection for a privatized company it proceeds with controversial plans to privatize most of Britain 's water and electricity industries 9 Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher might , however , be receptive to any request by Jaguar Chairman Sir John Egan for the restriction 's early removal to let GM amass more than 15 % or mount a friendly suitor bid against Ford Sir John -- rather than the government or Jaguar shareholders -- may hold the key that unlocks the golden share 2 the situation in the U.S. is still uncertain reduced production in the country 's automotive industry has resulted in weakened demand for rolling bearings 2 SKF 's results for the first nine months lived up to market expectations brokerage firms had predicted a pretax profit of 1.74 billion to 1.86 billion kronor 1 He has not changed those around him have 0 public views toward the environment have significantly improved Utah is not yet a haven for environmentalism 3 he should have taken an advisory role instead of one of forcing his personal preferences Mr. Redford wanted to be accepted by the people of Utah 6 If Mr. Redford wanted to be accepted by the people of Utah , he should have taken an advisory role instead of one of forcing his personal preferences his actions imply that it is too damaging or costly for society to provide jobs through power-plant construction , coal mining or to build roads for public safety because of the adverse impact on the environment , but it is just fine and dandy for him to transform a mountain high in the Wasatch Range into a ski resort 1 that it is too damaging or costly for society to provide jobs through power-plant construction , coal mining or to build roads for public safety because of the adverse impact on the environment it is just fine and dandy for him to transform a mountain high in the Wasatch Range into a ski resort 11 he 'll go with little of the fanfare that accompanies many of his foreign travels President Bush travels to Costa Rica today 0 When President Bush travels to Costa Rica today , he 'll go with little of the fanfare that accompanies many of his foreign travels the two-day trip still has managed to fuel controversy over his administration 's policies in Central America 0 When President Bush travels to Costa Rica today , he 'll go with little of the fanfare that accompanies many of his foreign travels But the two-day trip has managed to fuel controversy over his administration 's policies in Central America 6 These critics object to Mr. Bush 's participation in a meeting that includes Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega among the guests they argue he wo n't help Washington 's standing in the region by trumpeting the U.S. commitment to democracy less than a month after his administration played an ineffectual role in the failed coup attempt in Panama 10 by trumpeting the U.S. commitment to democracy his administration played an ineffectual role in the failed coup attempt in Panama 2 it will do more damage than good it will legitimize people like Daniel Ortega 1 improvements in Costa Rica 's economic condition warrant the cut in aid , which the country uses mainly to make payments on its $ 4.5 billion foreign debt that the recent drop in coffee prices , combined with the country 's continuing struggle to reinvigorate its economy , make the support as necessary as ever 2 We are crossing the river we need a little more help to get to the other side 1 Democrats argue that Costa Rica deserves more assistance for the same reason that Mr. Bush is attending the celebration this weekend peace efforts by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias have n't always helped the country 's cause in Washington 6 Mr. Arias 's long-time refusal to support the U.S. 's campaign against leftist Nicaragua earned him the ire of the Reagan White House more recently , he insisted on signing a five-nation agreement intended to disarm Nicaragua 's U.S.-backed Contra rebels faster than the Bush administration would prefer 0 they insist that Mr. Bush wo n't be extending the Nicaraguan leader any special courtesies they acknowledge the president will attend several meals and a working session also attended by Mr. Ortega 6 they insist that Mr. Bush wo n't be extending the Nicaraguan leader any special courtesies The administration made clear its continuing distate for the leftist Nicaraguan government in recent days 6 they insist that Mr. Bush wo n't be extending the Nicaraguan leader any special courtesies.The administration also made clear its continuing distate for the leftist Nicaraguan government in recent days Officials insist Mr. Bush will use the trip to highlight his own initiatives for pushing democracy in the region , fighting illegal drugs and assisting the less developed countries 1 There wo n't be any formal resolutions or communiques we still see this as an opportunity to discuss many , many very important issues 0 There wo n't be any formal resolutions or communiques But we see this as an opportunity to discuss many , many very important issues 6 They want late-night shuttles to the biology labs.They want a 24-hour library like college radicals everywhere , they are talking about a demonstration 2 SONGsters are mad as heck about campus anti-intellectualism they are n't going to take it anymore , at least not without trying a few really neat ideas first 10 We could have called ourselves the Academic Intellectual Society but everyone would have said , ` Oh , you mean the nerd-and-geek club 1 Some people may think of nerds as calculator-toting , socially awkward individuals with shirt-pocket liners for their pencils and a preoccupation with computers and matters numerical.Geeks , by at least one definition , are chicken-mutilating circus freaks SONG founder Jeremy Kahn , a Harvard junior , thinks of nerds and geeks more as `` nonconformists , '' albeit with a studious bent 3 that students could call they have an urge to delay studying 2 Nerds and geeks sometimes find themselves a bit isolated at Harvard high priority is being given to creating a computerized matchmaking service `` where instead of being matched for eye color , you could be matched for similar intellectual interests 7 where instead of being matched for eye color , you could be matched for similar intellectual interests I 'm a math major , but I want to know about psychobiology.Hopefully , I 'd find someone in psychobiology who wanted to know more about mathematics 6 It could work finding a volunteer to write the computer program is n't a problem 6 The FDIC cleared the move yesterday the banks must wait at least 30 days before closing the purchase 10 and the banks must wait at least 30 days closing the purchase 10 William J. Russo was named senior vice president , public affairs and advertising , for this financial and travel services concern 's American Express Bank Ltd. subsidiary Mr. Russo , 38 years old was first vice president , public affairs and advertising , at the banking unit 2 At the same time , moves toward tighter air-quality standards are spurring interest in lighter or alternative fuels that do n't pollute as much as fuel refined from `` heavy '' crudes , generally high in sulfur the scramble is on for lighter crudes globally , and for natural gas in the U.S 6 Recently Saudi Arabia and Venezuela , traditional heavy-crude producers , have boasted of new finds of light , low-sulfur oil by their national oil companies Venezuela has earmarked $ 200 million in new money for light-crude exploration 6 Recently Saudi Arabia and Venezuela , traditional heavy-crude producers , have boasted of new finds of light , low-sulfur oil by their national oil companies.Venezuela has also earmarked $ 200 million in new money for light-crude exploration some oil companies are trying to lock in future supplies 2 He made a special trip to examine U.S. environmental trends they are often followed in Europe 11 ENI needs to know what 's coming it prepares to spend some $ 1.3 billion on upgrading its refineries 6 Now the wildlife refuge has been closed to the industry , possibly for years a group of companies led by Chevron Corp. has been unable to pump oil found off the California coast in the early 1980s 6 Now the wildlife refuge has been closed to the industry , possibly for years.Similarly , a group of companies led by Chevron Corp. has been unable to pump oil found off the California coast in the early 1980s.A huge production system built in the sea off Santa Barbara and ashore is sitting idle the push for cleaner fuels is increasing the attractiveness of natural gas 11 leading reformers have drawn up a blueprint for change designed to push the nation much closer to a free-market system the Soviet Union grapples with its worsening economy 6 They lay out a clear timetable and methodology for liberalizing the system of setting prices , breaking up huge industrial monopolies and putting unprofitable state-owned companies out of business They address such taboo subjects as the likelihood of unemployment and high inflation , and recommend ways to soften the social consequences 0 the article was written by Leonid Abalkin and a small group of colleagues it was published unsigned in the latest edition of the weekly Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta 7 The economic ideas in the document are much bolder than current policies the proposed overhaul of prices -- an extremely sensitive political topic -- is far more precise than the vague plans announced by Mr. Gorbachev in 1987 and later dropped 10 announced by Mr. Gorbachev in 1987 and dropped 6 The economic ideas in the document are much bolder than current policies But the proposals display political savvy 3 who stand to lose out they are implemented 11 the blueprint represents a powerful first shot in what is likely to be a fierce battle over economic reform policy-makers draw up proposals for the next five-year plan 5 and concede that `` quick and easy paths to success simply do n't exist they map out a strategy in several phases from now until 1995 6 The entire system of centrally set prices would be overhauled free-market prices introduced for most wholesale trade and some retail trade 1 Consumers would still be able to buy some food and household goods at subsidized prices luxury and imported items , including food , would be sold at market prices 11 The blueprint is at its vaguest referring to the fate of the two powerful economic institutions that seem likely to oppose such sweeping plans : the State Planning Committee , known as Gosplan , and the State Committee for Material Supply , or Gossnab 11 that both organizations would increasingly lose their clout the changes , particularly the introduction of wholesale trade and the breakup of state monopolies , take effect 2 that both organizations would increasingly lose their clout the changes , particularly the introduction of wholesale trade and the breakup of state monopolies , take effect 3 I always lift the hood my car does n't start 3 I coolly take them apart gadgets at home do n't work 1 I 'll admit there 's nothing wrong That I ever do find it 's nice when people say I appear mechanically inclined 4 But it 's nice people say I appear mechanically inclined 3 people will learn to read there are TV program listings 0 Albert Engelken and Robert Thomson had never met for 38 years their lives had been intertwined in a way peculiar to the sports world 0 Mr. Engelken , now a transit-association executive in Washington , D.C. , and Mr. Thomson , a paper-products salesman in Montvale , N.J. , had n't even talked to each other one recent day , they became much closer 0 Like many sports buffs , Mr. Engelken has turned cynic his is a story about a hero in an era of sports anti-heroes , and about what Babe Ruth , Mr. Engelken reminds us , once called `` the only real game in the world 6 But his is a story about a hero in an era of sports anti-heroes , and about what Babe Ruth once called `` the only real game in the world To Mr. Engelken , it is a story `` about love , because I 'm blessed to have a wife who still thinks her slightly eccentric husband 's 50th birthday deserves the ultimate present 2 To Mr. Engelken , it is also a story `` about love I 'm blessed to have a wife who still thinks her slightly eccentric husband 's 50th birthday deserves the ultimate present 6 Baseball fans throughout New York had sweated out a long summer with their teams now it had come to this : a battle between the two for the National League pennant -- down to the last inning of the last game , no less 11 The Giants scored once and had runners on second { Whitey Lockman } and third { Clint Hartung Bobby Thomson advanced to the plate 11 The tension mounted Ralph Branca , again on the mound , stared down the batter 10 The pitch sailed toward Bobby Thomson high and inside and with a crack of the bat , was sent rocketing back into the lower leftfield stands 2 Mr. Thomson , a tall , Scottish-born , right-hand hitter , stepped into the batter 's box . `` Thomson took a called strike The tension mounted as Ralph Branca , again on the mound , stared down the batter.He wound up and let loose a fastball.The pitch sailed toward Bobby Thomson high and inside and then , with a crack of the bat , was sent rocketing back into the lower leftfield stands . `` Giants fans went into euphoria Bobby Thomson was made a legend 11 where he was he heard the famous Russ Hodges radio broadcast -- the one that concluded with Mr. Hodges shouting , over and over , `` The Giants win the pennant , the Giants win the pennant 6 Mr. Engelken and Mr. Thomson drifted in different directions in the subsequent years the Polo Grounds , located under Coogan 's Bluff in upper Manhattan , was replaced by a public-housing project 10 posting a lifetime .270 batting average and chalking up 264 home runs retiring and going into paper-goods sales 6 Mr. Engelken moved south to Washington he took with him enduring memories of the homer of 1951 10 Mr. Engelken -- no slouch on the romantic front -- gave her the ultimate compliment : `` You look prettier than Bobby Thomson 's home run his wife , Betsy , came down the aisle on their wedding day in 1966 1 The couple 's first dog , Homer , was named after the Great Event unwitting friends assumed he was the namesake of the poet 6 When his wife , Betsy , came down the aisle on their wedding day in 1966 , Mr. Engelken -- no slouch on the romantic front -- gave her the ultimate compliment : `` You look prettier than Bobby Thomson 's home run . '' The couple 's first dog , Homer , was named after the Great Event when Mr. Engelken 's sister , Martha , who was born two days before the home run , reached her 25th birthday , Mr. Engelken wrote his sports hero to tell him of the coincidence of events 10 And Mr. Engelken wrote his sports hero to tell him of the coincidence of events Mr. Engelken 's sister , Martha reached her 25th birthday 10 It does n't seem like 25 years I hit that home run to celebrate your birth 6 The family license plate reads `` ENG 23 , '' the first three letters of the family name and -- no surprise here -- Bobby Thomson 's uniform number on Mr. Engelken 's 40th birthday , his wife bought a book detailing the big homer and sent it off to Mr. Thomson to be autographed 6 At the appointed exit , the family pulled over Mrs. Engelken went to get her papers 6 Bertie , '' she said , `` Happy 50th Birthday.This is Bobby Thomson there he was 6 His hero signed photographs of the homer and diplomatically called Ralph Branca `` a very fine pitcher when Mr. Engelken asked him why he took time off from work for somebody he did n't even know , Bobby Thomson replied : `` You know , Albert , if you have the chance in life to make somebody this happy , you have an obligation to do it 10 And Bobby Thomson replied : `` You know , Albert , if you have the chance in life to make somebody this happy , you have an obligation to do it Mr. Engelken asked him why he took time off from work for somebody he did n't even know 3 You know , Albert you have an obligation to do it you have the chance in life to make somebody this happy 0 In an interview , Mr. Thomson , who is married and has three grown children , says he has few ties to baseball these days , other than playing old-timers games now and again his fans , to his constant amazement , never let him forget the famous four-bagger 0 In response to the letters , Mr. Thomson usually sends an autographed photo with a polite note , and rarely arranges a rendezvous when Betsy Engelken wrote him , saying she could stop near his New Jersey home , it seemed different 11 But it seemed different Betsy Engelken wrote him , saying she could stop near his New Jersey home 10 Mr. Engelken wrote it all down the Engelken family got back from its trip up north 1 You might not find one in the ` Jurisprudence ' column who knows ? You might meet up with him at that bank of telephone booths just off Exit 10 of the New Jersey Turnpike 10 Torstar will be free to increase its 22.4 % stake in Southam , or to make an offer for the whole company that agreement expires 6 To be profitable , the paper requires more circulation building circulation is an expensive undertaking 6 of cutting costs to obtain maximum profits from its operations disposing of `` chronically under-performing '' assets 11 of cutting costs to obtain maximum profits from its operations disposing of `` chronically under-performing '' assets 11 to cut costs in its newspaper division through layoffs and asset sales reaching joint venture and acquisition agreements in other areas 6 Operating profit in the company 's abrasives segment rose 16 % operating profit in the engineering materials segment rose 2 % 6 In 1987 , a quarter of the population owned 91 % of the nation 's 71,895 square kilometers of private land 10 % of the population owned 65 % of the land devoted to housing 6 In 1987 , a quarter of the population owned 91 % of the nation 's 71,895 square kilometers of private land and 10 % of the population owned 65 % of the land devoted to housing that only about a third of Korean families own their own homes 3 I 'm afraid of a popular revolt this situation is n't corrected 6 I 'm afraid of a popular revolt if this situation is n't corrected during the past three months there have been several demonstrations at the office complex where the Land Bureau is housed , and at the National Assembly , demanding the government put a stop to real-estate speculation 10 Grace periods ranging from two to five years the full scope of the penalties takes effect 0 There is no violation of the capitalistic principle of private property in what we are doing the constitution empowers the government to impose some controls , to mitigate the shortage of land 6 that as much as 67 % of corporate-owned land is held by 403 companies that as little as 1.5 % of that is used for business 2 The chief culprits are big companies and business groups that buy huge amounts of land `` not for their corporate use , but for resale at huge profit The Ministry of Finance has proposed a series of measures that would restrict business investment in real estate even more tightly than restrictions aimed at individuals 3 that apartment prices are unlikely to go down the policies work to slow or stop speculation 0 it is confident about future earnings and cash flow for 1990 and beyond profits were `` squeezed '' in 1989 , mainly as a result of higher raw-material costs 6 the ordinance is intended to prevent the concentration of group homes for the mentally retarded from changing `` the character and flavor of the neighborhood the ordinance will benefit the mentally retarded 2 but it has not been sufficiently effective unfortunately , it came too late 10 Ten years ago , the newspaper El Espectador began warning of the rise of the drug mafias and of their leaders ' aspirations to control Colombian politics , especially the Congress nothing was done 11 Then nothing was done it would have been easier to resist them 2 Then , when it would have been easier to resist them , nothing was done my brother was murdered by the drug mafias three years ago 6 Then , when it would have been easier to resist them , nothing was done my brother was murdered by the drug mafias three years ago 8 Within the past two months a bomb exploded in the offices of the El Espectador in Bogota , destroying a major part of its installations and equipment only last week the newspaper Vanguardia Liberal in the city of Bucaramanga was bombed , and its installations destroyed 2 And only last week the newspaper Vanguardia Liberal in the city of Bucaramanga was bombed its installations destroyed 6 And only last week the newspaper Vanguardia Liberal in the city of Bucaramanga was bombed its installations destroyed 8 Distribution centers are bombed advertisers are intimidated 3 there is little doubt that the drug mafia 's terrorism someday will extend to all the newspapers published in the free world the Colombian media accept this new and hideous censorship 6 but it has not been sufficiently effective , because , unfortunately , it came too late The American people and their government woke up too late to the menace drugs posed to the moral structure of their country 4 Reduction of drug consumption is the requirement for victory not the total cessation 8 Luxurious homes and ranches have been raided by the military authorities sophisticated and powerful communications equipment have been seized 6 More than 300 planes and helicopters have been impounded at airports a large number of vehicles and launches has been confiscated 8 More than 300 planes and helicopters have been impounded at airports , and a large number of vehicles and launches has been confiscated The military has captured enormous arsenals of powerful and sophisticated weapons , explosives and other war-like materiel 6 Much has been accomplished public opinion decisively supports the government and the army 0 Much has been accomplished and public opinion decisively supports the government and the army on the other hand , none of the key drug barons have been captured 1 Much has been accomplished and public opinion decisively supports the government and the army but none of the key drug barons have been captured 6 Laundered drug money has served only to increase , unrealistically , the price of real estate Drug money has gone to buy expensive cars , airplanes , launches and nightclubs where drugs are consumed 6 But most of the drug money is kept in investments and in financial institutions outside Colombia the cooperation of those financial institutions is essential to the success of the drug battle 2 The price of coffee has gone down almost 45 % since the beginning of the year , to the lowest level ( after inflation ) since the Great Depression Colombia will earn $ 500 million less from its coffee this year than last 2 Our coffee growers face reductions in their income this tempts them to contemplate substituting coca crops for coffee 8 Thirty-four thousand of its children live in foster homes 50,000 residents have no homes at all 1 Thirty-four thousand of its children live in foster homes 50,000 residents have no homes at all 8 Its tax base is shrinking , a $ 1 billion budget deficit looms the city faces contract negotiations with all major municipal unions next year 10 the man most likely to gain custody of all this is a career politician named David Dinkins the dust and dirt settle in an extra-nasty mayoral race 11 however , voters still have very little idea what they can expect from him the campaign hits the home stretch 0 he has few major political programs that he can call his own he is widely described as a man with deep convictions 11 Now even some supporters wonder what he will do if he wins the mayoralty on Nov. 7 election day nears 3 what he will do he wins the mayoralty on Nov. 7 6 They wonder whether he has the economic know-how to steer the city through a possible fiscal crisis they wonder who will be advising him 3 Will he be in the thrall of the most liberal of his allies or will he tilt toward the real-estate interests that have funneled money into his campaign he wins 5 Will he , if he wins , be in the thrall of the most liberal of his allies , who advocate such policies as rent control for commercial buildings will he tilt toward the real-estate interests that have funneled money into his campaign 6 But Mr. Dinkins has stumbled in the past two weeks over his campaign 's payments to a black activist who is a convicted kidnapper , and over his handling of a stock sale to his son Polls have recorded some slippage in Mr. Dinkins 's support among Jewish voters , and citywide projections now put his lead at between four and 20 percentage points 6 Polls also have recorded some slippage in Mr. Dinkins 's support among Jewish voters citywide projections now put his lead at between four and 20 percentage points 1 A lot of people think I will give away the store I can assure you I will not 1 The city is full of aging bridges , water mains and roadways that are in need of billions of dollars worth of repair.Renewed efforts to fight drugs and crime will be costly tax revenues are lagging 6 tax revenues are lagging after a decade of explosive job growth on Wall Street , a period of contraction is under way 0 he will drop 3,200 jobs from the city payroll that wo n't be enough 3 that could grow there is a recession 3 Mr. Dinkins will probably have no choice but to raise taxes on overburdened businesses or cut spending in already under-serviced neighborhoods elected 1 His supporters are not venal their solution to everything will be to spend more money , and he wo n't have any money 6 but their solution to everything will be to spend more money he wo n't have any money 1 No doubt , Mr. Dinkins has been a calming influence even in his front-runner campaign , he has shown signs of the indecisiveness and confusion 10 to fester a full week Mr. Dinkins faced the media 10 and was largely inaccessible to the media the stock story broke 6 A story about how he mishandled the sale to his son of his stock in a media company controlled by his political patron Percy Sutton was allowed to fester a full week before Mr. Dinkins faced the media His campaign was caught flat-footed amid allegations it paid almost $ 10,000 for what it said was a `` get-out-the-vote '' effort by black activist Sonny Carson , a convicted kidnapper who later said publicly that he is `` anti-white Mr. Dinkins has failed to allay Jewish voters ' fears about his association with the Rev . Jesse Jackson , despite the fact that few local non-Jewish politicians have been as vocal for Jewish causes in the past 20 years as Mr. Dinkins has 10 joining a local Democratic political club in the 1950s , linking up with black urban leaders such as Charles Rangel , Basil Paterson and Mr. Sutton , and getting himself elected to the state assembly in 1965 Mr. Dinkins became more deeply indebted to Mr. Sutton and other city pols , including then-City Council President Paul O'Dwyer , when they helped him get appointed city clerk , a largely ceremonial post responsible for the city 's marriage bureau , among other things 10 Later , Mr. Dinkins became more deeply indebted to Mr. Sutton and other city pols , including then-City Council President Paul O'Dwyer they helped him get appointed city clerk , a largely ceremonial post responsible for the city 's marriage bureau , among other things 2 Later , Mr. Dinkins became more deeply indebted to Mr. Sutton and other city pols , including then-City Council President Paul O'Dwyer they helped him get appointed city clerk , a largely ceremonial post responsible for the city 's marriage bureau , among other things 10 I sat down with Charlie { Rangel } , Basil { Paterson } and David I left 6 When I left , I sat down with Charlie { Rangel } , Basil { Paterson } and David David said , 'Who will run for borough president 6 When I left , I sat down with Charlie { Rangel } , Basil { Paterson } and David , and David said , 'Who will run for borough president I said , 'You will 1 He really is the personification of the patronage system the guy is so personally decent , people tend to forget that 10 Mr. Dinkins lost twice by wide margins finally getting elected borough president in 1985 6 Mr. Dinkins lost twice by wide margins before getting elected borough president in 1985 10 Mr. Dinkins lost twice by wide margins before getting elected borough president in 1985 6 Mr. Dinkins lost twice by wide margins before finally getting elected borough president in 1985 he made little of the post and was best known among city politicians for his problems making up his mind on matters before the city 's Board of Estimate , the body that votes on crucial budget and land-use matters 11 how meetings would crawl into the early morning hours Mr. Dinkins would march his staff out of board meetings and into his private office to discuss , en masse , certain controversial proposals 3 He would have got a lot more done he made up his mind faster 0 I had some problem from time to time on the length of time he would take to make up his mind that he did n't delay his support of Mr. Dinkins and that he backs the Democratic candidate enthusiastically 6 that he did n't delay his support of Mr. Dinkins that he backs the Democratic candidate enthusiastically 10 some allies cringed a little more he later sided with striking hospital workers 2 some allies cringed a little more he later sided with striking hospital workers 10 when Mr. Dinkins suggested weakening the law forbidding public employees to go on strike When he sided with striking hospital workers 10 When he later sided with striking hospital workers Mr. Dinkins promised he would issue a three-year moratorium on construction of garbage-incinerator plants 10 Then Mr. Dinkins promised he would issue a three-year moratorium on construction of garbage-incinerator plants receiving an endorsement from environmental groups 2 That announcement was roundly criticized by Mayor Koch the city faces a garbage crisis and has already spent $ 5 million planning for an incinerator that would be scrapped under Mr. Dinkins 's proposal 0 Mr. Dinkins 's position papers have more consistently reflected anti-development sentiment his public statements have at times been confusing 6 While his public statements have at times been confusing , Mr. Dinkins 's position papers have more consistently reflected anti-development sentiment he favors a more cooperative approach toward the neighboring states of New Jersey and Connecticut in the battle over companies thinking of moving employees out of New York City 11 but he can be reasonable it comes down to it 11 But Andrew Cuomo , the politically seasoned son of the New York governor , is also said to have taken a more active role on strategy the Dinkins campaign hit tough times this month 6 The key man seems to be the campaign manager , Mr. Lynch But as the Dinkins campaign hit tough times this month , Andrew Cuomo , the politically seasoned son of the New York governor , is said to have taken a more active role on strategy 3 his mayoralty may take on a more anti-development flavor she remains influential with Mr. Dinkins 6 But Lincoln Center President Nathan Leventhal , who would head a Dinkins transition team , is more mainstream , as is real-estate executive Anthony Gliedman , another insider Mr. Dinkins has said he would receive economic advice from a board that would include American Express Co. chairman James D. Robinson III , investment banker Felix Rohatyn , leveraged-buy-out specialist Reginald Lewis and attorney Joseph Flom 6 Mr. Dinkins also has said he would receive economic advice from a board that would include American Express Co. chairman James D. Robinson III , investment banker Felix Rohatyn , leveraged-buy-out specialist Reginald Lewis and attorney Joseph Flom Some business leaders and others believe that Mr. Dinkins would place significant responsibility in the hands of a deputy mayor with a strong administrative background 6 Names of possible deputies that have surfaced include former mayoral candidate Richard Ravitch , former schools chancellor Frank Macchiarola and Messrs.Leventhal and Gliedman there are Mr. Dinkins 's old-time Harlem colleagues , such as U.S. Rep. Rangel , former Deputy Mayor Paterson and Mr. Sutton 3 we are making a sad mistake any of us think we 're going to sidetrack David 's determination to be the best possible mayor because of his obligations to us 0 David is a pragmatist Mr. Dinkins 's sense of pragmatism often comes across more as an insider 's determination not to upset the political apple cart 6 David is a pragmatist Mr. Dinkins 's sense of pragmatism often comes across more as an insider 's determination not to upset the political apple cart 10 He is taken aback in an interview asked whether , as mayor , he plans on reforming the political `` fiefdoms '' that perpetuate the monumental ineffectiveness of New York 's school system 2 He is taken aback in an interview asked whether , as mayor , he plans on reforming the political `` fiefdoms '' that perpetuate the monumental ineffectiveness of New York 's school system 11 exposed the house lurched two feet off its foundation during last week 's earthquake 2 exposed the house lurched two feet off its foundation during last week 's earthquake 11 dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt she slogs through the steady afternoon rain 2 Equipped with cellular telephones , laptop computers , calculators and a pack of blank checks , they parcel out money their clients can find temporary living quarters , buy food , replace lost clothing , repair broken water heaters , and replaster walls 0 The Victorian house that Ms. Johnson is inspecting has been deemed unsafe by town officials she asks a workman toting the bricks from the lawn to give her a boost through an open first-floor window 10 she spends nearly four hours measuring and diagramming each room in the 80-year-old house , gathering enough information to estimate what it would cost to rebuild it inside 11 a tenant returns with several friends to collect furniture and clothing she works inside 3 you ca n't do your job you do n't 11 For Aetna and other insurers , the San Francisco earthquake hit resources in the field already were stretched 11 Aetna senior claims executives from the San Francisco area were at the company 's Hartford , Conn. , headquarters for additional training on how to handle major catastrophes , including earthquakes the earthquake rocked northern California last week 2 the company chartered three planes to fly these executives back to the West Coast and bring along portable computers , cellular phones and some claims adjusters commercial airline flights were disrupted 10 In a few instances , Aetna knew it would probably be shelling out big bucks a client called or faxed in a claim 7 In a few instances , Aetna knew it would probably be shelling out big bucks , even before a client called or faxed in a claim officials at Walnut Creek office learned that the Amfac Hotel near the San Francisco airport , which is insured by Aetna , was badly damaged when they saw it on network television news 11 For example , officials at Walnut Creek office learned that the Amfac Hotel near the San Francisco airport was badly damaged they saw it on network television news 2 For example , officials at Walnut Creek office learned that the Amfac Hotel near the San Francisco airport was badly damaged they saw it on network television news 6 Adjusters must count the number of bathrooms , balconies , fireplaces , chimneys , microwaves and dishwashers But they must assign a price to each of these items as well as to floors , wallcoverings , roofing and siding , to come up with a total value for a house 11 he found them living in a mobile home parked in front of their yard Aetna adjuster Bill Schaeffer visited a retired couple in Oakland last Thursday 10 The house itself was pushed about four feet off its foundation and collapsed into its basement 6 The next day , Mr. Schaeffer presented the couple with a check for $ 151,000 to help them build a new home in the same neighborhood He is working with a real-estate agent to help find them an apartment to rent while their home is being built 11 to rent their home is being built 1 Many of the adjusters employed by Aetna and other insurers have some experience with construction work or carpentry such skills were alien to Toni Johnson 3 that she might want to look into a position at Aetna she was interested in a job that would constantly challenge her 11 Recently , a contractor saved her from falling three stories she investigated what remained of an old Victorian house torched by an arsonist 11 the house begins to creak and sway Ms. Johnson stands outside the Hammack house after winding up her chores there 10 As Ms. Johnson stands outside the Hammack house winding up her chores there 6 It is an aftershock , one of about 2,000 since the earthquake it makes her uneasy 11 The next day she jumps at the slightest noise she prepares a $ 10,000 check for the Hammacks 3 that their policy covers the replacement cost the appliances ca n't be salvaged 6 We can lose money on this you did n't want me to buy earthquake insurance 6 Earthquake insurance costs about $ 2 to $ 4 annually for every $ 1,000 of value high deductibles mean it generally pays only when there is a catastrophe 3 it generally pays there is a catastrophe 2 Earthquake insurance costs about $ 2 to $ 4 annually for every $ 1,000 of value , and high deductibles mean it generally pays only when there is a catastrophe many Californians believe they can get by without it 0 The apartment she shares with a 12-year-old daughter and her sister was rattled , books and crystal hit the floor nothing was severely damaged 10 She did n't have hot water for five days Last Sunday , Ms. Johnson got a chance to water her plants 11 I could n't waste this water there are people in Watsonville who do n't have fresh water to drink 10 She has n't played any music out of respect for those who died on Interstate 880 where the roadway collapsed the earthquake hit 10 By a 4-0 vote , it allowed AT & T to continue offering special discount packages to big customers , called Tariff 12 by a separate 4-0 vote , it chose the narrowest possible grounds to strike down a different discount plan , called Tariff 15 , that AT & T offered to Holiday Corp 2 that AT & T could n't continue to offer its discount plan MCI 's offer had expired 9 The agency said that because MCI 's offer had expired AT & T could n't continue to offer its discount plan But the agency did n't rule whether AT & T had the right to match offers by competitors if that means giving discounts not generally available to other phone users 3 whether AT & T had the right to match offers by competitors that means giving discounts not generally available to other phone users 6 whether AT & T had the right to match offers by competitors AT & T offered a similar Tariff 15 discount to Resort Condominium International , of Indianapolis , to meet another MCI bid 2 they expect to re-examine how AT & T is regulated competition has increased 1 AT & T applauded the FCC 's actions MCI , of Washington , was displeased with the FCC decision concerning Tariff 12 6 The Federal Communications Commission allowed American Telephone & Telegraph Co. to continue offering discount phone services for large-business customers and said it would soon re-examine its regulation of the long-distance market AT & T filed a countersuit against MCI accusing it of misleading consumers through allegedly `` false and deceptive '' advertising 3 fund managers will face increasing pressure to sell off some of their junk to pay departing investors in the weeks ahead the heavy outflows continue 2 Mutual fund groups have n't lost control of much of the outgoing money the impact on the $ 950 billion mutual fund industry as a whole probably will be slight 1 So the impact on the $ 950 billion mutual fund industry as a whole probably will be slight tremors are likely in the junk-bond market 10 you have strong redemptions that day and for two days following go back to normal 0 Vanguard 's $ 1 billion High Yield Bond Portfolio has seen $ 161 million flow out since early September ; $ 14 million of that seeped out Friday Oct. 13 alone two-thirds of the outflow has been steered into other Vanguard portfolios 2 Junk-fund holders have barely broken even this year fat interest payments barely managed to offset declining prices 6 Fidelity 's junk fund has fallen 2.08 % this year through Oct. 19 the Vanguard fund rose 1.84 % the T. Rowe Price fund edged up 0.66 % 3 Funds might be forced to accept lower prices they expand their selling to the securities of less-creditworthy borrowers 2 Funds might be forced to accept lower prices if they expand their selling to the securities of less-creditworthy borrowers then , asset values of the funds could plunge more than they have so far 10 Funds might be forced to accept lower prices And asset values of the funds could plunge more than they have so far 6 The surprise resignation yesterday of British Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson sent sterling into a tailspin against the dollar by creating uncertainties about the direction of the British economy The U.S. unit firmed against other currencies on the back of sterling 's tumble , as market participants switched out of pounds 11 The U.S. unit also firmed against other currencies on the back of sterling 's tumble market participants switched out of pounds 6 The surprise resignation yesterday of British Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson sent sterling into a tailspin against the dollar The pound dropped precipitously against the mark 6 Mr. Lawson 's resignation shocked many analysts , despite the recent recurring speculation of a rift between the chancellor and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher only hours earlier , Mrs. Thatcher had called Mr. Lawson 's economic policies `` sound '' and said she has `` always supported '' him 6 that Mr. Lawson 's replacement , John Major , the British foreign minister , will take time to establish his credibility in the meantime , sterling could trend downward in volatile trade 11 that Mr. Lawson 's replacement , John Major , the British foreign minister , will take time to establish his credibility and sterling could trend downward in volatile trade 0 Mr. Foley of Lloyds noted that Mr. Lawson 's replacement , John Major , the British foreign minister , will take time to establish his credibility and , in the meantime , sterling could trend downward in volatile trade Mr. Foley predicted few economic policy changes ahead , commenting that Mr. Major shares `` a very similar view of the world '' with Mr. Lawson 6 But Mr. Foley predicted few economic policy changes ahead , commenting that Mr. Major shares `` a very similar view of the world '' with Mr. Lawson Bob Chandross , chief economist at Lloyds Bank in New York noted that the pound 's sharp decline is pegged more to uncertainty in the market than a vision of altered United Kingdom economic policies 5 Mr. Lawson 's withdrawal will have little long-term impact on exchange rates Mr. Lawson 's resignation leads to a change in British interest-rate policy or posturing toward full inclusion in the European Monetary System 's exchange-rate mechanism 6 The surprise resignation yesterday of British Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson announcing his resignation Thursday was Alan Walters , Mrs. Thatcher 's economic adviser and Mr. Lawson 's nemesis 0 the Federal Reserve Bank to buy pounds for dollars The Fed 's move only proved a stopgap to the pound 's slide 6 The Fed 's move , however , only proved a stopgap to the pound 's slide the Fed intervened for a second time at around $ 1.5825 , according to New York traders 11 The pound , which had been trading at about $ 1.6143 in New York prior to Mr. Lawson 's announcement , sank more than two cents to $ 1.5930 , prompting the Federal Reserve Bank to buy pounds for dollars dollar trading was relatively uninspired throughout the session , according to dealers 6 of which 1.8 million will be sold by Home Nutritional Services 2.2 million will be sold by Healthdyne , via Smith Barney , Harris Upham & Co 6 of which 1,365,226 will be offered by the company 334,774 will be offered by holders , via Alex.Brown & Sons Inc. , Hambrecht & Quist Inc. and Wessels , Arnold & Henderson 6 of which 1,003,884 shares are to be sold by the company 496,116 shares are to be sold by holders , via Morgan Stanley & Co. and Hambrecht & Quist 6 it 's ridiculous indeed by now ridiculous may be the only way to describe how the U.S. decides to take -- or rather , not to take -- covert action 9 it 's ridiculous and by now ridiculous may be the only way to describe how the U.S. decides to take -- or rather , not to take -- covert action 5 to take covert action or not to take 10 Mr. Boren himself did n't discover the warn-your-enemy nuance Mr. Bush told him privately at the White House last week 3 Mr. Boren might even succeed this were 1949 1 If this were 1949 , Mr. Boren might even succeed in 1989 most senators have other ideas 2 Ohio Democrat Howard Metzenbaum refused to support any plan that might get people hurt , a charming notion for a great power.Maine Republican William Cohen said the plan might violate the assassination ban the administration dropped it 3 that they have to bring their lawyers they plan a coup 3 that his committee approves covert operations there 's a `` consensus 1 It does n't mean unanimous , '' he insists he implies it means a bipartisan majority 2 Why was containment so successful it had bipartisan support 3 that even Grenada or the Libyan raid would have taken place consensus '' had been required 6 He would that is something the president ought to know before he goes ahead 10 But that is something the president ought to know he goes ahead 3 Maybe every senator shared the principles of Mr. Boren 3 that the problem goes beyond legal interpretation even David Boren can get mired in this sort of mess 2 that we ca n't abolish these oversight committees we 've seen too many abuses of executive power 1 The reply of the Metzenbaums and Cohens is that we ca n't abolish these oversight committees because we 've seen too many abuses of executive power Panama illustrates that their substitute is a system that produces an absurd gridlock 11 This morning I thought of how fortunate it was that we made the decision to be residents of an expanding community with so many opportunities and where so much is happening I drove the 13 miles to my law office and endured the routine heavy traffic during that twice-daily journey 2 being fired at age 44 , with five children at home my views and actions were deemed unsettling by a timid , small-town employer 10 being fired at age 44 , with five children at home my views and actions were deemed unsettling by a timid , small-town employer 10 Yet I buried him in the church cemetery of a small Missouri town my youngest child died two years ago 2 Yet when my youngest child died two years ago , I buried him in the church cemetery of a small Missouri town after all , even the bitterest critic of rural exclusivity harbors a continuing yearning for those scarce , rural virtues thought to exist amid fields , forests and country lanes 2 Shipbuilding became a point of pride Finnish shipyards remained profitable long after rivals collapsed all over Europe 10 as Finnish shipyards remained profitable rivals collapsed all over Europe 3 But it might turn out to be remembered most as a blemish on Finland 's international reputation Waertsilae Marine joins the ranks of failed shipyards 0 All the ships are covered by loan guarantees from a state export financing agency it 's not clear whether they will actually be built 3 that shippers will counter with a hail of lawsuits the government makes good a threat to withdraw its guarantee commitments 0 State loan guarantees are rarely a source of controversy some bankers cited possible parallels between the Waertsilae Marine case and the collapse of Norway 's state-owned Kongsberg Vappenfabrikk AS two years ago 2 In that case , international banks and investors incurred big losses they incorrectly believed the company 's debt carried implicit state guarantees 6 Doubts about the quality of state credit guarantees could reduce the competitive strength of Finnish companies in world markets where financing often is the key to winning orders state-owned Finnish companies lacking formal state guarantees could face greater difficulty raising funds in international financial markets 10 Under the rescue plan , Waertsilae sold 51 % of its stake to a group of banks and pension funds The government guaranteed financing to complete the order backlog and took control of the board 2 to combine Waertsilae Marine with two other struggling firms and ensure Finland 's survival as a shipbuilding nation 10 but was thwarted the parent Waertsilae concern pulled out at the last minute 2 but was thwarted the parent Waertsilae concern pulled out at the last minute 2 But the bankers got cold feet recently government officials complained they had been misled about the shipyard 's actual financial condition , and hinted the credit guarantees might be withdrawn 10 it was the state 's refusal to explicitly reaffirm the credit guarantees that led Union Bank and Postipankki to halt lending to Waertsilae Marine in a boardroom showdown , state-appointed directors voted to file for bankruptcy , apparently under instructions from Finland 's Industry Minister Ilkka Suominen 11 Mr. Suominen had grown increasingly worried about the state 's potential financial exposure Waertsilae Marine 's losses ballooned to more than double the figure estimated in August 2 Mr. Suominen had grown increasingly worried about the state 's potential financial exposure Waertsilae Marine 's losses ballooned to more than double the figure estimated in August 10 The talks may drag on for weeks any concrete result is announced 6 But there appear to be few , if any , suitors the potential losses make any rescue scheme unlikely 5 Indeed , the potential losses make any rescue scheme unlikely the politicians once again change tack and agree to pick up the bill 6 the repayment or redemption of the long-term debt , and the outstanding Class A cumulative exchangeable preferred stock of Cable News Network , was made possible by an offering of about $ 750 million of debentures and notes and $ 900 million in bank borrowings the company called its 12 7/8 % senior subordinated notes due 1994 , with an aggregate principal amount of $ 200 million , for redemption on Dec. 15 6 it will temporarily idle its Arlington , Texas , assembly plant for one week beginning Monday because of slow sales slow sales are forcing it to close its Detroit assembly plant the week beginning Monday 6 The plant builds chassis for recreational vehicles about 450 workers will be affected by the closing 6 I think you 'll see share prices go down sterling now is under something of a cloud 10 The pound immediately began to take a buffetting the resignations were announced 6 At 15 % , base interest rates are the highest in eight years the 7.6 % annual inflation rate is by far the highest in the European Community 10 Yesterday the index dove 32.5 points to close at 2129.4 the resignations were announced 6 it will incur a second-half loss as a result of the market plunge which will omit its second-half dividend 10 The price plummeted a proposed leveraged buy-out of the airline fell through 10 many European companies to mark time in the hope that share prices will come down bidding for American companies 3 industrial buyers in Europe have the opportunity of getting reasonable prices in the U.S prices in the States go down 1 If prices in the States go down , industrial buyers in Europe have the opportunity of getting reasonable prices in the U.S Everybody and his sister have opened up M & A shops.It 's difficult to see that there 's going to be enough business to go around 10 He did n't stop he got to Jackson Hole , Wyo 6 The percentage of your day spent twiddling your thumbs got greater the work day kept getting longer 10 My wife and I will stay through the skiing season or the money runs out 1 Not a great deal unlike London , out here I 've never heard anybody blow a car horn in anger 10 But any move by the banks to take over Qintex Australia 's management could threaten its ability to operate its national television network under Australian broadcast license rules That could substantially reduce the value of the television assets 1 when Mr. Skase agreed to buy MGM/UA Communications Co the transaction faltered in September , when Qintex Australia was forced to increase its offer to US $ 1.5 billion following a counterbid from Rupert Murdoch 6 The government is sharpening its newest weapon against white-collar defendants : the power to prevent them from paying their legal bills defense lawyers are warning that they wo n't stick around if they do n't get paid 3 that they wo n't stick around they do n't get paid 3 that the government may move to seize the money that Mr. Antar is using to pay legal fees the founder and former chairman of Crazy Eddie Inc. is indicted 3 he could be left without top-flight legal representation the government succeeds in seizing Mr. Antar 's assets 2 he could be left without top-flight legal representation according to individuals familiar with the case his attorneys are likely to quit 6 If the government succeeds in seizing Mr. Antar 's assets , he could be left without top-flight legal representation , because his attorneys are likely to quit , according to individuals familiar with the case A seizure would make the case the largest -- and one of the first -- in which lawyers ' fees have been confiscated in a prosecution unrelated to drugs 1 The people who suffer in the short run are defendants the people who suffer in the long run are all of the people , because there wo n't be a vigorous private bar to defend the Bill of Rights 2 but the people who suffer in the long run are all of the people there wo n't be a vigorous private bar to defend the Bill of Rights 10 According to individuals familiar with Mr. Antar 's case , prosecutors issued their warning this week one of Mr. Antar 's attorneys asked whether legal fees might be subject to seizure 2 that any money he has used to pay attorneys derives from illegal activities the money can be taken from the lawyers even after they are paid 10 Therefore the money can be taken from the lawyers they are paid 6 his office `` just responded to an attorney 's question about whether we would go after attorney 's fees that is different from actually doing it , although we reserve that right 10 According to department policy , prosecutors must make a strong showing that lawyers ' fees came from assets tainted by illegal profits any attempts at seizure are made 1 According to department policy , prosecutors must make a strong showing that lawyers ' fees came from assets tainted by illegal profits before any attempts at seizure are made criminal defense lawyers worry that defendants are being deprived of their Sixth Amendment right to counsel and a fair trial if the government can seize lawyers ' fees 3 that defendants are being deprived of their Sixth Amendment right to counsel and a fair trial the government can seize lawyers ' fees 6 Still , criminal defense lawyers worry that defendants are being deprived of their Sixth Amendment right to counsel and a fair trial if the government can seize lawyers ' fees They worry that if the government applies asset-forfeiture laws broadly , the best defense lawyers will be unwilling to take criminal cases unless they are assured of being paid 3 that the best defense lawyers will be unwilling to take criminal cases unless they are assured of being paid the government applies asset-forfeiture laws broadly 5 that the best defense lawyers will be unwilling to take criminal cases they are assured of being paid 2 it is prudent to take all possible precautions against another such market collapse like earthquakes , stock market disturbances will always be with us 1 In general , markets function well and adjust smoothly to changing economic and financial circumstances there are times when they seize up , and panicky sellers can not find buyers 6 But there are times when they seize up panicky sellers can not find buyers 11 disorderly market conditions prevailed : The margins between buying bids and selling bids widened ; trading in many stocks was suspended ; orders took unduly long to be executed ; and many specialists stopped trading altogether the market tumbled 8 The margins between buying bids and selling bids widened ; trading in many stocks was suspended ; orders took unduly long to be executed many specialists stopped trading altogether 10 As the market tumbled , disorderly market conditions prevailed : The margins between buying bids and selling bids widened ; trading in many stocks was suspended ; orders took unduly long to be executed ; and many specialists stopped trading altogether These failures contributed to the fall in the market averages 6 Uncertainty extracted an extra risk premium margin-calls triggered additional selling pressures 2 His skis spread farther and farther apart soon he is out of control 11 In the additional time they provide even more order imbalances might pile up would-be sellers finally get their broker on the phone 5 It 's doubtful , though , whether circuit breakers do any real good an appropriate institution should be charged with the job of preventing chaos in the market : the Federal Reserve 10 It lent money to banks and encouraged them to make funds available to brokerage houses They lent money to their customers 6 In 1987 , it pumped billions into the markets through open market operations and the discount window.It lent money to banks and encouraged them to make funds available to brokerage houses.They , in turn , lent money to their customers -- who were supposed to recognize the opportunity to make a profit in the turmoil and buy shares The Fed has the power to set margin requirements 2 Instead of flooding the entire economy with liquidity and increasing the danger of inflation 2 the Fed could support the stock market directly by buying market averages in the futures market stabilizing the market as a whole 6 More carefully targeted intervention might actually reduce the need for government action taking more direct action has the advantage of avoiding sharp increases in the money supply , such as happened in October 1987 5 for the government or the central bank to buy or sell IBM or General Motors shares the Fed could buy the broad market composites in the futures market 1 Disorderly market conditions could be observed quite frequently in foreign exchange markets in the 1960s and 1970s since the member countries of the International Monetary Fund agreed to the `` Guidelines to Floating '' in 1974 , such difficulties have been avoided 10 But such difficulties have been avoided the member countries of the International Monetary Fund agreed to the `` Guidelines to Floating '' in 1974 2 But such difficulties have been avoided the member countries of the International Monetary Fund agreed to the `` Guidelines to Floating '' in 1974 2 But since the member countries of the International Monetary Fund agreed to the `` Guidelines to Floating '' in 1974 , such difficulties have been avoided the mere existence of a market-stabilizing agency helps to avoid panic in emergencies 3 do n't fix it it ai n't broke 0 If it ai n't broke , do n't fix it this could be a case where we all might go broke if it is n't fixed 3 where we all might go broke it is n't fixed 3 It would be damaging to industry and to the financial sector in general , to say nothing of banks prudence does not guide the financing of leveraged transactions 10 His remarks were distributed to the press Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson announced his resignation last evening 10 and are likely to be cleared up most computers using the chip as their `` brains '' appear on the market sometime next year 0 On Friday , Intel began notifying customers about the bugs which cause the chip to give wrong answers for some mathematical calculations while International Business Machines Corp. and Compaq Computer Corp. say the bugs will delay products , most big computer makers said the flaws do n't affect them 0 But most big computer makers said the flaws do n't affect them International Business Machines Corp. and Compaq Computer Corp. say the bugs will delay products 6 These bugs do n't affect our schedule at all , '' he said AST Research Inc. and Sun Microsystems Inc. said the bugs wo n't delay their development of 486-based machines 0 But most big computer makers said the flaws do n't affect them concern about the chip may have been responsible for a decline of 87.5 cents in Intel 's stock to $ 32 a share yesterday in over-the-counter trading , on volume of 3,609,800 shares , and partly responsible for a drop in Compaq 's stock in New York Stock Exchange composite trading on Wednesday 1 You can do that you 're taking a risk 0 Compaq still plans to announce new 486 products on Nov. 6 it does n't know when its machine will be commercially available 2 That 's a break from Compaq tradition the company does n't announce products until they 're actually at the dealers 10 because the company does n't announce products they 're actually at the dealers 2 The problem is being ballyhooed the 486 is Intel 's future flagship 6 Intel 's microprocessors are the chips of choice in many of today 's personal computers the 80486 microprocessor is the spearhead of the company 's bid to guard that spot in the next generation of machines 0 the 486 is an extremely high-profile product these sorts of bugs are not at all uncommon 10 that began dominating the market IBM picked the 16-bit 8088 chip for its first personal computer 5 Big personal computer makers and many makers of engineering workstations are developing 486-based machines Of the big computer makers , only Apple Computer Co. bases its machines on Motorola chips 0 it is significant the joint venture affects only a small part of Bethlehem 's operations 2 it is significant it marks the first time the nation 's No . 2 steelmaker has joined forces with a foreign partner 2 and even more so the market has already peaked 11 and even more so the market has already peaked 2 Bethlehem had little choice but to go with a European steelmaker its competitors already have tapped the Japanese and South Korean industry leaders 6 Bethlehem Steel Corp. has agreed in principle to form a joint venture with the world 's second-largest steelmaker , Usinor-Sacilor of France , to modernize a portion of Bethlehem 's ailing BethForge division Bethlehem is working with the United Steelworkers union to consolidate BethForge 's two machine shops and four heat-treatment facilities of the press-forge operations 10 Bethlehem plans to concentrate its forgings business on nuclear fabrication , hardened steel and large-diameter steel rolls for rolling mills and selected custom-die applications the consolidation is complete 4 consider the case of Columbia Savings & Loan you 're still wondering about the causes of the slump in the junk-bond market 10 Well it not only artificially increased the supply of these bonds in the market but also eliminated one of the few profitable investments thrifts have made Congress in its recent S & L bailout mandated that the thrifts sell off all their junk-bond holdings by 1994 2 Well it not only artificially increased the supply of these bonds in the market but also eliminated one of the few profitable investments thrifts have made Congress in its recent S & L bailout mandated that the thrifts sell off all their junk-bond holdings by 1994 6 Well it not only artificially increased the supply of these bonds in the market but eliminated one of the few profitable investments thrifts have made 1 Now , we regard this as a largely phony issue the `` long term '' is nonetheless a big salon topic all around the Beltway 0 Now , we regard this as a largely phony issue but the `` long term '' is a big salon topic all around the Beltway 2 that Columbia had this huge loss the new congressionally mandated rules forced it to adjust the book value of its soon-to-be-sold junk bonds to the lower of either their cost or market value 3 that let it fall into the hands of Congress you want to wreck something that works 10 Most of the 300 employees at the oil company 's midtown headquarters building -- including much of senior management -- were unaware of the plan informed at a morning meeting by Chairman Lawrence G. Rawl 6 Mobil Corp. is in the process of vacating its headquarters here huge operations like J.C. Penney & Co. and Trans World Airlines have recently left 0 We are dismayed there 's nothing we can do about it now 1 New York authorities reacted with concern and even some anger to the idea of the nation 's third-largest corporation leaving without giving them an opportunity to accommodate it Dallas welcomed the move 11 it was beyond all expectations we were told it was Exxon 10 Exxon will rent part of an existing office tower the building is completed 1 The company wo n't say how much it will save during at its interim location , sources say it will likely pay rent of $ 10 to $ 15 per square foot 6 it will cost less to run its headquarters at Las Colinas than in New York In Texas , taxes and development costs are lower 6 it will cost less to run its headquarters at Las Colinas than in New York In Texas , taxes and development costs are also lower by eliminating the typically long New York commutes between office and home , management will expect employees to work 40 hours a week in Dallas , rather than a 35-hour work week in New York 11 Canadian production of market pulp rose 1 % in September from a year earlier the industry operated at 87 % of capacity 2 Canadian production of market pulp rose 1 % in September from a year earlier the industry operated at 87 % of capacity 6 IMA Holdings Corp. completed its $ 3 billion acquisition of American Medical International Inc The price includes assumption of about $ 1.4 billion in debt 6 In March , American Medical received a $ 24-a-share offer to take the company private from an investor group including large holder M. Lee Pearce It was considering a restructuring to help boost the stock price 10 but the auction was surprisingly won by IMA , which bid $ 28 a share and asked Mr. Gilleland to stay on as an equity participant IMA early this month lowered its offer to $ 26.50 a share amid turbulence in the junk bond market 10 Then IMA early this month lowered its offer to $ 26.50 a share amid turbulence in the junk bond market extending its offer four times waiting for a congressional tax ruling 11 American Medical accepted the offer indicating it had heard from two other suitors 6 But they never materialized IMA completed the purchase yesterday 3 that discretionary power could have an impact on the markets rumors were to circulate about when the exchanges might be closed 1 Mr. Breeden contended that discretionary power could have an impact on the markets if rumors were to circulate about when the exchanges might be closed.He added that the president already has the power to close the markets in an emergency Mr. Brady argued that the SEC is closer to the markets and in a better position to understand when the exchanges are under such stress that they should be closed 6 Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady said that Congress should grant the Securities and Exchange Commission the power to close the stock markets in periods of crisis Mr. Brady said he asked the Working Group on Financial Markets to determine whether futures margins are too low 6 whether futures and equity margin requirements are consistent at these levels whether futures margins are adequate 6 This raises questions whether futures and equity margin requirements are consistent at these levels and whether futures margins are adequate , '' Mr. Brady said Mr. Brady said he expects the leveraged buy-out phenomenon to `` end under ( its ) own weight 0 the LBO phenomenon will be a thing of the past it wo n't stop completely 10 to `` see what the market has produced as a cure taking any action 6 Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady said that Congress should grant the Securities and Exchange Commission the power to close the stock markets in periods of crisis Separately , Mr. Brady said he asked the Working Group on Financial Markets to determine whether futures margins are too low Mr. Brady also said he expects the leveraged buy-out phenomenon to `` end under ( its ) own weight Mr. Brady agreed with senators ' concerns about recent stock-market volatility , and said he realizes that the gyrations are scaring investors from investing in stocks 0 I do not have a view of whether we should do anything about program trading at this time Mr. Brady endorsed the market-revision bill that both houses of Congress will try to push through this session 6 That bill would require brokerage firms to disclose the financial positions of their holding companies , mandate large traders ' reporting of program or block trades , and improve clearing and settlement of trades between the futures and stock markets The bill would give the SEC the power to close the markets , a discretion that former SEC Chairman David Ruder wanted but Mr. Breeden does n't 6 The complex bill covers a wide range of provisions that would affect the funding and authority of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and would profoundly change the way the industry is regulated The bill elevates even minor rule infractions to felonies and provides for recovery of punitive damages in civil lawsuits and arbitration cases without any showing of willful misconduct 6 Many aspects of the bill are salutary , providing appropriate public safeguards that can and should be instituted throughout the industry some of the bill 's requirements , including broad representation on the exchanges ' boards of directors and strong measures to prevent conflicts of interest , already have been put in place by the Coffee , Sugar & Cocoa Exchange and other futures exchanges 9 All foreign markets are aggressively courting U.S. business several London markets already offer lower costs for trading in the same or very similar contracts 5 doing business with independents and hire their own salaried floor brokers 8 One section of the bill would make all commodity brokerage firms and floor brokers liable for damages without willful misconduct Another measure makes commodity brokerage firms liable for violations committed by independent floor brokers who execute trades for them under the bill , a number of legitimate , longstanding business practices would be arbitrarily banned , unless the CFTC were to take specific and timely action to permit them to continue 5 Finally , under the bill , a number of legitimate , longstanding business practices would be arbitrarily banned the CFTC were to take specific and timely action to permit them to continue 9 Finally , under the bill , a number of legitimate , longstanding business practices would be arbitrarily banned , unless the CFTC were to take specific and timely action to permit them to continue regulation will occur through inaction and happenstance , rather than through a normal deliberative procedure 0 The affected practices include the placing of oral orders and trading between affiliated brokers in some cases trading with affiliates may be the only way to obtain the best execution for a client 6 The affected practices include the placing of oral orders and trading between affiliated brokers precluded would be dual trading 10 to be banned by legislative fiat the CFTC carefully considers all the consequences of a ban and what the regulatory alternatives are 2 the temptation becomes strong to summarily overhaul a market system that has served for more than 100 years problems surface 11 the temptation becomes strong to summarily overhaul a market system that has served for more than 100 years problems surface 6 On the hungry streets of Naguib Mahfouz 's Cairo , life is nasty , brutish and wickedly entertaining Mr. Mahfouz 's Cairo has Sufi sheiks and saintly wives who look to God , not crime , for their salvation 6 But they do show the range of a restless intellect whose 30-odd novels span five decades and include work of social realism , protest and allegory They chart the evolution of a city that has grown tenfold in the author 's lifetime , from a colonial outpost of fez-wearing pashas to a Third World slum choking on its own refuse 6 The Beginning and the End , '' easily the best of the three , belongs to Mr. Mahfouz 's `` realistic '' period it is the one for which he is most renowned 10 His daughter turns to dressmaking to peddling herself for a few piasters 2 One son sacrifices his own career his avaricious brother can succeed 8 One son sacrifices his own career so that his avaricious brother can succeed another helps support the family with money siphoned from crime 1 One son sacrifices his own career so that his avaricious brother can succeed another helps support the family with money siphoned from crime 8 Mourning for the father is overshadowed by the shame of burying him in a pauper 's grave.The family moves to another house at night to conceal shabby belongings from neighbors the successful son wishes his embarrassing siblings dead 1 As a critique of middle-class mores , the story is heavy-handed its unsentimental sketches of Cairo life are vintage Mahfouz 6 We see , smell and hear slums filled with `` the echoes of hawkers advertising their wares interspersed with abusive language , rattling coughs and the sound of people gathering spittle in their throats and spewing into the street we meet engaging crooks , such as Hassan `` the Head , '' famed for his head-butting fights , his whoring and his hashish 6 Hassan comes to a bad end so does almost everyone else in the book 0 the prose is closer to Balzac 's `` Pere Goriot '' than it is to `` Arabian Nights the setting is exotic 11 Mr. Mahfouz began writing there was no novelistic tradition in Arabic 2 Mr. Mahfouz began writing when there was no novelistic tradition in Arabic he modeled his work on Western classics 6 In one sense , this limits him But the familiarity of his style makes his work accessible 2 But the familiarity of his style also makes his work accessible the streets of Cairo come alive for the Western reader as vividly as Dickens 's London or Dostoevski 's St. Petersburg 10 I am the hope and the dream , the redemption of cowards , '' he says in one of many interior monologues he recalls the words of his Marxist mentor : `` The people ! Theft ! The holy fire 6 By 1961 , Mr. Mahfouz 's idealism had vanished or become twisted , as it has in Said Cairo 's spirited squalor has gone gray 6 The Thief and the Dogs '' is a pioneering work , the first stream-of-consciousness novel in Arabic The 1981 novel `` Wedding Song '' is experimental , and another badly aimed bullet 6 The story of a playwright 's stage debut unfolds in first-person monologues , in the manner of Faulkner 's `` The Sound and the Fury the device obscures more than it illuminates 6 Buried in the work is a meditation on the morality of art , and on the struggle for integrity in an unfair world again , the themes get tangled in Mr. Mahfouz 's elliptical storytelling 1 The clutter of the 1940s remains its color has drained away , and the will to overcome has been defeated 6 but its color has drained away the will to overcome has been defeated 8 Characters complain ceaselessly about food queues , prices and corruption the ubiquitous opium addict is now a cynical and selfish man who gripes : `` Only government ministers can afford it these days 0 Norwood has made `` no detailed plans it has engaged in talks with other shareholders 6 Norwood is controlled by Daniel L. Barnett and Paul A. Reese , both officers of Boston-based Oasis Capital Management Inc. , a small Boston money management firm involved in the group is Robert F. Angelo , formerly Phoenix 's senior vice president , field operations 6 The tentative agreement provides for wage increases of 85 cents an hour retroactive to Sept. 25 , 1989 , and for increases of 19 cents , 70 cents and 35 cents an hour effective Jan. 1 , 1991 , 1992 and 1993 , respectively It provides for benefit adjustments , including a partial restoration of vacations and holidays , as well as work-rule changes to increase productivity 5 to abolish it Congress 's idea of reform is to increase this slush fund by $ 28.4 million 6 HUD has no paper work whatsoever on 30 of the projects , none of the others has been approved not a single congressional hearing has been held on any of them 1 Of course , this kind of blatant congressional pork-barreling is called `` constituent service '' by Members the same kind of noncompetitive favoritism at HUD is labeled `` influence peddling 10 The 40 pet projects were discovered buried in the appropriations bill for HUD and some other agencies it returned from a conference committee that was called to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions 6 They are often closed to the public no minutes are taken 2 We had intercepted during the year an estimated $ 5 billion street value of cocaine The GNP of the Bahamas is probably somewhere between one and two billion dollars you get an idea of the leverage there and elsewhere that our market for drugs has brought about 3 at least to contain them they can not be rehabilitated 6 that the conceptual base of the current program is flawed the program is not likely to work 6 We designed a comprehensive program we worked hard on it 2 You 're looking at a guy whose motorcade was attacked in Bolivia by the drug terrorists I 'm personally a veteran of this war 10 we 're not really going to get anywhere we can take the criminality out of the drug business and the incentives for criminality out of it 3 you wipe out the criminal incentives , including , I might say , the incentive that the drug pushers have to go around and get kids addicted , so that they create a market for themselves you do that 2 to go around and get kids addicted they create a market for themselves 2 They wo n't have that incentive they wo n't have that market 2 that the conceptual base of the current program is flawed and the program is not likely to work the conceptual base needs to be thought out in a different way 3 I am catching your attention read a bold and informative article in this September 's issue of Science by Ethan Nadelmann on this subject 2 Sometimes at a reception or cocktail party I advance these views people head for somebody else 6 Sometimes at a reception or cocktail party I advance these views people head for somebody else 3 that the next time around it will still be true that everyone is scared to talk about it somebody does n't get up and start talking about this now 1 Imports of goods and services soared exports were flat 0 many analysts expect it to slow considerably in the fourth quarter the economy showed no change of pace from the second quarter 11 to slow considerably in the fourth quarter demand for autos falls , partly because of higher prices on models introduced last month 2 to slow considerably in the fourth quarter demand for autos falls , partly because of higher prices on models introduced last month 2 the rise in the value of the U.S. dollar this year will further crimp progress in trade it makes exports more expensive and imports cheaper 6 the rise in the value of the U.S. dollar this year will further crimp progress in trade business investment is expected to continue to be sluggish 2 which have since turned up a bit inflation probably will edge up from the third-quarter rate in the final three months of 1989 11 Generally , the Bush administration expressed satisfaction with the economy 's progress it heads into its eighth year of sustained growth next month 6 Inflation is lower than I think people expected it to be I think that 's good news 6 that the economies of the country 's major trading partners are strong prices of U.S. products are still competitive 6 But administration officials were concerned over the bleak trade report Some analysts were disturbed by a pickup in the growth of business inventories 0 it can hurt the economy a buildup of these stocks adds to GNP 2 it can hurt the economy a pileup of unsold goods can lead to production cuts and layoffs 6 The contract provides additional equipment for Northrop , the prime contractor on the missile and supports a 1990 purchase of 90 missiles for follow-on flight tests 11 Unlike larger contractors with a broad enough base to weather the downturn easily , these companies are suffering big drops in business once-lucrative specialty niches in the massive military market erode or even disappear 2 Unlike larger contractors with a broad enough base to weather the downturn easily , these companies are suffering big drops in business once-lucrative specialty niches in the massive military market erode or even disappear 10 the Fairfax , Va. , company , posted a 23 % drop in earnings for this year 's first half quadrupling annual earnings over four years to $ 6.8 million in 1988 10 three years of steady growth ended with a 69 % drop in income in this year 's first half orders for its aircraft and submarine parts dwindled 2 three years of steady growth ended with a 69 % drop in income in this year 's first half orders for its aircraft and submarine parts dwindled 3 why not make money off that trend the Defense Department is so intent on saving money 6 Among the company 's current efforts : repairing old parts at 25 % of the cost of replacing them UNC is selling new parts , if needed , directly to the military instead of through a prime contractor 3 UNC also is selling new parts directly to the military instead of through a prime contractor needed 6 At as little as one-third of the government 's cost , the company is running a program to train Army helicopter pilots It is taking over the maintenance of certain Navy aircraft with 40 % fewer people than the military used 6 In another approach , tiny Iverson Technology is trying to resume its growth by braving the new world of commercial products QuesTech Inc. , Falls Church , Va. has acquired some companies outside the military market 6 QuesTech Inc. , Falls Church , Va. , also has acquired some companies outside the military market it 's trying to transfer its skill at designing military equipment to commercial ventures 6 It was our first acquisition it was a mistake 6 A one-time write-off for booking nonexistent revenue was partly to blame so were lower profits from a stingier contract with the Army and delays in getting paid 6 The company not only merged three military-electronics manufacturing operations but closed an unrelated plant that makes ordnance devices used in fighter planes and missiles 0 He was arrested on at least three other occasions in the '60s and '70s : for assault and unlawful confinement , for fraud and forgery of private documents , and for extortion not indicted 3 that some machikin `` clutch on like hyenas '' and even take over the client 's company the client ca n't repay the loan 6 the stake was apparently the first of its kind for Aska , an entity separate from Aichi the acquisition left many people wondering who this man was and what his intentions were 3 That is the company reported results correctly 6 The Tokyo Regional Taxation Office declines to comment Mr. Kori , the tycoon 's secretary , says the problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion over what was considered income 0 The small , wiry Mr. Morishita comes across as an outspoken man of the world when asked what exactly he does in business , he immediately takes offense . `` Are you stupid ? '' he snaps . `` You should know what questions to ask to get people to answer 2 he immediately takes offense asked what exactly he does in business 10 he immediately takes offense asked what exactly he does in business 3 for instance , the gossipy weekly magazines are often quick to link the demise with Aichi a small company goes belly-up 10 for instance , the gossipy weekly magazines are often quick to link the demise with Aichi a small company goes belly-up 7 Not many people know the details of Mr. Morishita 's business , but it 's a source of rumors about shady dealings When a small company goes belly-up the gossipy weekly magazines are often quick to link the demise with Aichi 6 He spends most weekends flying his helicopter to one of his nine courses He owns courses in the U.S. and France 0 last year he attended a New York gala where his daughter made her debut he was n't keen on going 6 The gruff financier recently started socializing in upper-class circles He leads an opulent life style 3 he might be flying out to Chicago tomorrow he heard that soybeans make money today 10 whose chief executive officer , James Gatward , will oversee the company a successor is named 6 that it had taken a huge $ 350 million provision for loan losses at the Arizona bank , the result of the state 's worsening real-estate market its bank in Texas reported a loss of $ 23.5 million for the quarter 6 that its consumer banks in Oregon , California , Nevada and Washington performed well during the quarter that nonperforming assets at these banks declined by 14 % over the year-ago period 3 1989 will be the first year that the measure has shown an increase since 1981 this pattern continues 2 The figures exclude lump-sum payments and cost-of-living adjustments the actual wage increases may have been bigger 11 the use of Filipino was deemed unwise by the predominantly middle class we started the program six years ago 6 Resistance to a national language comes primarily from members of the country 's elite , who generally prefer English while better-off Filipinos are quick to cite the logic in using a language as widespread as English , they are often slow to reveal that they are prejudiced against Filipino 11 But they are often slow to reveal that they are prejudiced against Filipino better-off Filipinos are quick to cite the logic in using a language as widespread as English 1 But they are often slow to reveal that they are prejudiced against Filipino better-off Filipinos are quick to cite the logic in using a language as widespread as English 6 Resistance to a national language comes primarily from members of the country 's elite There 's resentment 0 They argue that their own languages should have equal weight that the majority of the country 's population understands Filipino more than any other language 11 As they did the Philippines was a colony of the U.S 0 teachers for the most part teach in English it is a foreign language for most Philippine children 2 teachers for the most part teach in English , even though it is a foreign language for most Philippine children they often speak one language at home , another at school 10 there was an uproar from many legislators President Corazon Aquino announced last year that the language would be used in official communications 2 there was an uproar from many legislators President Corazon Aquino announced last year that the language would be used in official communications 0 When President Corazon Aquino , whose command of Filipino is spotty , announced last year that the language would be used in official communications , there was an uproar from many legislators , who continue to conduct debates mostly in English many proponents of Filipino see resistance to the language finally crumbling 0 With an audience totaling more than 400,000 , `` Batibot '' consistently ranks in the country 's top-four most-watched daytime programs advertising revenue is inadequate 1 Batibot '' lacks the polish of `` Sesame Street the production is the equal of any local program 6 But the production is the equal of any local program the show 's creativity makes up for any technological deficiencies 6 CMS ENERGY Corp. said management would recommend to its board today that its common stock dividend be reinstated at a `` modest level '' later this year CMS reported third-quarter net of $ 68.2 million , or 83 cents a share , up from $ 66.8 million , or 81 cents a share , a year ago 11 it will sell 1.8 million of the new shares Home Nutritional Services will sell the remaining 2.2 million 1 it will sell 1.8 million of the new shares Home Nutritional Services will sell the remaining 2.2 million 10 to be sold as part of the power-tool manufacturer 's effort to reduce debt and consolidate operations it acquired Emhart earlier this year 6 The move significantly expanded Black & Decker 's product line but significantly increased its debt load 6 Earlier this year , Black & Decker put three Emhart businesses on the auction block : the information and electronics segment , the Dynapert electrical assembly business and Mallory Capacitors it would sell two other undisclosed Emhart operations if it received the right price 3 it would sell two other undisclosed Emhart operations it received the right price 6 Our divestiture program is on schedule we remain confident that we will achieve our stated goal of over $ 1 billion in net proceeds 10 The company 's stock plunged it first announced that it planned to acquire Emhart 2 The company 's stock plunged it first announced that it planned to acquire Emhart 10 this law has required that anyone proposing a merger must make a filing describing the effects on all relevant markets the bad days of Big is Bad antitrust enforcement 10 that anyone proposing a merger must make a filing describing the effects on all relevant markets The Hart-Scott filing is reviewed and any antitrust concerns usually met 6 The Hart-Scott filing is then reviewed any antitrust concerns usually met 6 that the proceeds will be used to increase the budgets of the antitrust division at Justice and the Federal Trade Commission this would `` establish the precedent that the government may charge parties for the privilege of being sued regardless of whether the government prevails 3 they can expect strong dividends again next year holders avoid tendering to Paribas 1 that over the past 20 years , Mr. Fournier has built his company through astute stock-market activity and has warded off at least three takeover attempts This time he could face a real battle 0 Paribas still needs the go-ahead from the Commission des Operations de Bourse , a government regulatory agency that is considered likely 6 If holders avoid tendering to Paribas , he added , they can expect strong dividends again next year Mr. Fournier noted that Navigation Mixte joined Paribas 's core of shareholders when Paribas was denationalized in 1987 , and said it now holds just under 5 % of Paribas 's shares 10 he sought approval to boost his Paribas stake above 10 % he realized that Paribas 's intentions were n't friendly 2 he sought approval to boost his Paribas stake above 10 % he realized that Paribas 's intentions were n't friendly 10 but he sought approval to boost his Paribas stake above 10 % the bid was launched 6 The petition is still pending Mr. Fournier downplayed the likelihood of his organizing a takeover bid of his own for the much-larger Paribas 0 the large institutions that hold nearly 50 % of Navigation Mixte 's capital all strongly support him they are n't so sure 7 they are n't so sure that it will remain neutral 5 it will offer 1,850 francs ( $ 296.95 ) each for Navigation Mixte shares that enjoy full dividend rights , and 1,800 francs each for a block of shares issued July 1 , which will receive only partial dividends this year it is to offer three Paribas shares for one Navigation Mixte share 6 The zero-coupon subordinated notes have no periodic interest payments.Each note is being offered at $ 308.32 per $ 1,000 principal amount at maturity , representing an 8 % yield to maturity each note can be converted into Blockbuster Entertainment common stock at a rate of 13.851 shares per note 6 that only seven managed to avoid paying federal income taxes last year compared with 40 in 1986 , the last year the old tax rules were in effect , and 16 in 1987 , when some of the new tax provisions went into effect 41 companies that paid no federal income tax from 1981 through 1985 -- despite billions of dollars of profits -- ended up paying an average of 27.9 % of their income in federal taxes in 1988 11 The report , released yesterday , comes Congress is considering a number of special tax breaks only three years after the sweeping tax-revision legislation abolished or curtailed many loopholes 10 as Congress is considering a number of special tax breaks the sweeping tax-revision legislation abolished or curtailed many loopholes 10 to defer taxes a project was completed 6 In the corporate realm , the 1986 law abolished the investment-tax credit , scaled back use of an accounting method that allowed large contractors to defer taxes until a project was completed and strengthened the so-called alternative minimum tax , a levy to ensure all money-making businesses pay some federal tax corporations are now shouldering a bigger share of the tax burden , as the authors of the 1986 law hoped 0 Tax reform is working Under the new tax-reform law , the days of widespread , wholesale corporate tax avoidance have come to an end Kroger Co. , Pinnacle West Capital Corp. , CSX Corp. , Illinois Power Co. , Media General Inc. , Santa Fe Southern Pacific Corp. and Gulf States Utilities Co. , did n't pay any federal income tax last year although they garnered a total of $ 1.2 billion in profits 0 Still , Kroger Co. , Pinnacle West Capital Corp. , CSX Corp. , Illinois Power Co. , Media General Inc. , Santa Fe Southern Pacific Corp. and Gulf States Utilities Co. , did n't pay any federal income tax last year they garnered a total of $ 1.2 billion in profits 6 Still , Kroger Co. , Pinnacle West Capital Corp. , CSX Corp. , Illinois Power Co. , Media General Inc. , Santa Fe Southern Pacific Corp. and Gulf States Utilities Co. , did n't pay any federal income tax last year six of those companies received refunds 0 helping galvanize efforts to overhaul the tax code even though companies are paying more taxes , many are still paying less than the statutory rate 6 But many are still paying less than the statutory rate 45 companies paid effective tax rates of below 10 % of their income 0 significant corporate tax avoidance continues the overall picture is very encouraging 1 We have the money to buy operating a U.S. department-store chain would be very difficult 6 The Japanese have watched the Europeans and Canadians stumble in the U.S. market they fret that business practices that have won them huge profits at home wo n't translate into success in the U.S 2 The Japanese have watched the Europeans and Canadians stumble in the U.S. market they fret that business practices that have won them huge profits at home wo n't translate into success in the U.S 6 the main reason they are reluctant to jump into the fray in the U.S. is that -- unlike manufacturing -- retailing is extremely sensitive to local cultures and life styles Japanese department stores are wary of attracting negative publicity 6 Britain 's B.A.T Industries PLC is trying to unwind its U.S. retailing operations debt-ridden Campeau Corp. of Toronto is giving up the 17-store Bloomingdale 's group 0 that Japan is about to embark on a major buying binge speculation heated up yesterday when Tokyu Department Store Co. confirmed a report in Nihon Keizai Shimbun , Japan 's leading business daily , that Tokyu is talking with Campeau about buying Bloomingdale 's 1 that Tokyu is talking with Campeau about buying Bloomingdale 's is Tokyu the only Japanese retailer interested in Bloomingdale 's 6 Seven Japanese department-store groups were approached by investment bankers representing Bloomingdale 's chairman , Marvin Traub more than half are seeking additional information on the group 10 Federated ran into a cash crunch it was acquired last year by Campeau 2 Federated ran into a cash crunch it was acquired last year by Campeau 4 Traub needs a Japanese and a European partner to make it work you look at the economics 10 First they set up overseas merchandising offices to import items and track new fashion trends they opened small gift shops mostly aimed at Japanese tourists 6 Last March , Isetan invested 1.5 billion yen ( $ 10.6 million ) in a venture with Barney 's Inc. , an up-scale New York specialty clothier Mitsukoshi recently increased its equity stake in Tiffany & Co. to 13 % 6 that his company 's image is similar to Saks 's that there is some interest in the idea 0 Eiji Nakazato , a Takashimaya general manager , admits that his company 's image is similar to Saks 's and that there is some interest in the idea he stops there 1 We 'd like to do business in America it looks tough 2 people are going to relax and say well that 's fine , the Holy See is out of the hole we say we covered our deficit this year 0 Chinese officials are trying to use the Canton Trade Fair to lure back overseas traders after the bloody crackdown on dissent attendance is down from previous years 2 They are angry about the government they hold back the goods 1 that 21,000 guests visited during the first five days , a 10 % drop from the spring exhibition that the number of foreign businessmen was greater than the previous fair 0 Some lousy earnings reports whacked the stock market bond prices fell only slightly and the dollar rose a little against most major currencies 6 but bond prices fell only slightly the dollar rose a little against most major currencies 6 that third-quarter corporate earnings have n't been very good the effect hit home particularly hard yesterday 10 Compaq Computer nose-dived $ 8.625 a share , to $ 100 , and pulled other technology issues lower after reporting lower-than-expected earnings the stock market closed Wednesday 2 Later yesterday the nation 's major auto makers added to the gloom they each reported their core auto operations were net losers in the third quarter 0 analysts are increasingly predicting much more sluggish growth -- and therefore more corporate earnings disappointments -- for the fourth quarter the economy grew an estimated 2.5 % in the third quarter , in line with expectations 1 they were cheered by inflation measures in the data that showed prices rising at a modest annual rate of 2.9 % bond investors would have preferred growth to be a little slower 11 The 249-166 roll call came the chamber approved a compromise bill allocating $ 17.2 billion to the departments of State , Justice , and Commerce in fiscal 1990 and imposing increased fees on business interests making filings with the government 6 An estimated $ 40 million would come annually from a new $ 20,000 charge on pre-merger notifications to the Justice Department Securities and Exchange Commission filing fees would rise by 25 % to fund a $ 26 million increase in the agency 's budget 3 I do n't know how anyone can oppose this you 're for paying the claims 1 No payments would be made this year beginning in fiscal 1991 , the bill commits the government to annual payments of as much as $ 500 million until the total liability of $ 1.25 billion is met 10 but the bill commits the government to annual payments of as much as $ 500 million the total liability of $ 1.25 billion is met 0 among the 53 Democrats voting against treating the payments as an entitlement , 42 came from the 13 states in the Old Dixiecrat South and its borders Republicans led the opposition 6 The odd mix of departments in the underlying bill makes it one of the more eclectic of the annual appropriations measures it is a lightning rod for a running battle over the fate of the Legal Services Corp 10 but would sharply curb the power of the current board successors are agreed to by the Bush administration 6 The conservative bent of the incumbent appointees , named by former President Reagan , has divided Republicans on back-to-back roll calls , 206-199 and 223-178 , the Appropriations Committee leadership turned back efforts to weaken or strip the proposed restrictions first added by Sen. Warren Rudman ( R. , N.H . ) 3 which both face serious cuts the income is n't realized 6 The Federal Bureau of Investigation is slated to receive $ 30 million by charging for fingerprint services in civil cases the judiciary will rely on another $ 32 million from bankruptcy charges , including a 33 % increase in the current filing fee 6 The $ 17.2 billion total for the bill does n't include an estimated $ 1.2 billion in supplemental anti-drug funds approved by the House-Senate conference yesterday the rush of money is already provoking jealousy among states competing for assistance 6 The House agreed to defer for a year a scheduled 50 % increase in the required state matching funds for law-enforcement grants by a 287-123 margin , the chamber stripped a Senate initiative to raise the minimum grant for smaller states , such as New Hampshire and Delaware , to $ 1.6 million from $ 500,000 6 The measure includes $ 2 million secured by Mr. Rudman for a marine-research project at the University of New Hampshire Sen. Ernest Hollings ( D. , S.C. ) used his power to add $ 10 million for an advanced technology initiative in the Commerce Department 6 The Big Three U.S. auto makers posted losses in their core North American automotive businesses for the third quarter expectations of continued slow vehicle sales and price wars are casting a pall over the fourth period 8 GM 's common closed at $ 44.375 a share , down 50 cents , Ford fell 37.5 cents to end at $ 47.50 Chrysler eased 37.5 cents to $ 22.25 11 the Big Three , with GM in the lead , slashed North American production and launched a retail discounting blitz Japanese auto makers gained market share 11 The price war peaked in the third quarter according to industry officials Big Three factory discounts climbed to more than $ 1,000 a vehicle 0 As Japanese auto makers gained market share , the Big Three , with GM in the lead , slashed North American production and launched a retail discounting blitz the costly efforts did little to slow Japanese market gains , and domestic car sales have plunged 19 % since the Big Three ended many of their programs Sept. 30 6 But the costly efforts did little to slow Japanese market gains domestic car sales have plunged 19 % since the Big Three ended many of their programs Sept. 30 10 and domestic car sales have plunged 19 % the Big Three ended many of their programs Sept. 30 2 and domestic car sales have plunged 19 % the Big Three ended many of their programs Sept. 30 3 the cuts will go deeper and incentives will sprout again sales do n't pick up 6 the cuts will go deeper incentives will sprout again 0 that cost-cutting and tight production capacity will make results `` better in this downturn than in prior downturns , '' when Ford had net losses Ford expects the U.S. economy to weaken through the end of 1990 , causing weaker sales and production 2 Ford expects the U.S. economy to weaken through the end of 1990 , causing weaker sales and production fourth-quarter profit will come in below 1988 results 0 As a result , fourth-quarter profit will come in below 1988 results the drop wo n't be as sharp as the 44 % third-quarter decline 0 He said the loss was n't `` that much different '' from Ford 's $ 37 million loss on U.S. automotive operations he declined to be specific 6 An 8.5 % drop in North American factory sales of cars and trucks cut into revenue rebates to dealers and customers more than offset gains from price increases on 1990 model vehicles delivered during the period 6 An 8.5 % drop in North American factory sales of cars and trucks cut into revenue , and rebates to dealers and customers more than offset gains from price increases on 1990 model vehicles delivered during the period But GM 's results illustrate the increasing diversity of its operations 11 In one breakdown , GM attributed half of its net to its two big technology units , Electronic Data Systems Corp. and GM Hughes Electronics Corp overseas auto operations are on track to exceed last year 's record full-year net of $ 2.7 billion 6 In one breakdown , GM attributed half of its net to its two big technology units , Electronic Data Systems Corp. and GM Hughes Electronics Corp overseas auto operations are on track to exceed last year 's record full-year net of $ 2.7 billion 3 This cushion could come in handy GM has to trim fourth-quarter North American production schedules more than the already scheduled 9.5 % 0 it 's unlikely the company will surpass last year 's $ 4.9 billion full-year profit net for the first nine months was up 1.9 % to $ 3.52 billion on revenue of $ 95.57 billion 2 so named it does not fit neatly into a category such as tragedy , comedy or history 6 Last season , Hartford Stage director Mark Lamos mounted a production at Lincoln Center currently two other productions overlap with Mr. Boyd 's 10 Angelo summarily condemns Claudio to death Angelo hears that the young man Claudio has made his fiancee pregnant before he could marry her 2 Angelo summarily condemns Claudio to death Angelo hears that the young man Claudio has made his fiancee pregnant before he could marry her 10 that the young man Claudio has made his fiancee pregnant he could marry her 11 however the obdurate ruler immediately falls in love with her and , in a supreme act of hypocrisy , demands that Isabella yield up her virtue to him in exchange for her brother 's life Claudio 's sister , Isabella , a novitiate in a convent , goes to Angelo to plead her brother 's case 11 When , however , Claudio 's sister , Isabella , a novitiate in a convent , goes to Angelo to plead her brother 's case , the obdurate ruler immediately falls in love with her and , in a supreme act of hypocrisy , demands that Isabella yield up her virtue to him in exchange for her brother 's life the Duke appears on the scene disguised as a friar and becomes involved in a series of intrigues that has everyone fearing the worst possible outcome until the Duke arranges a last minute reprieve for all concerned 10 that has everyone fearing the worst possible outcome the Duke arranges a last minute reprieve for all concerned 11 a prison cell , consisting of an enlarged wire cage , rolls forward on iron wheels on the platform the action requires 11 the performers bring the dramatic high points to life with intense energy and intelligence Isabella ( Ellen Lauren ) confronts her brother Claudio ( Matt Loney ) in his cell , explaining the price she has been asked to secure his freedom 11 the performers bring the dramatic high points to life with intense energy and intelligence Isabella and the disguised Duke ( Philip Kerr ) conspire to trick Angelo 11 the performers bring the dramatic high points to life with intense energy and intelligence and Mariana ( Annalee Jefferies ) , a woman wronged by Angelo , confronts him with his past misdeeds 3 the results are far less satisfactory however , he decides to be modern 1 At such moments Mr. Boyd makes it clear that he has the capacity to be a superior interpreter of Shakespeare When he decides to be modern , or more accurately , when he decides to be trendy , the results are far less satisfactory 5 When , however , he decides to be modern more accurately , when he decides to be trendy 3 the results are far less satisfactory he decides to be trendy 1 It 's a valid approach it puts a heavy burden on the director to show an uncommon degree of imagination and taste 10 he is brought on stage nude except for the manacles on his wrists and ankles Claudio is arrested 11 Lucio not only slaps the mother superior on her rear , but brings along a voluptuous companion ( Jill Powell ) , not in Shakespeare 's script , to undulate lasciviously the opportunist Lucio ( Jack Stehlin ) visits the convent to inform Isabella of her brother 's fate 11 When Claudio is arrested , he is brought on stage nude except for the manacles on his wrists and ankles.When the opportunist Lucio ( Jack Stehlin ) visits the convent to inform Isabella of her brother 's fate , Lucio not only slaps the mother superior on her rear , but brings along a voluptuous companion ( Jill Powell ) , not in Shakespeare 's script , to undulate lasciviously the pimp Pompey ( Glen Allen Pruett ) , dressed in black leather and a prominent codpiece , indulges in enough obscene gestures and pelvic thrusts to launch a space probe 6 When Claudio is arrested , he is brought on stage nude except for the manacles on his wrists and ankles.When the opportunist Lucio ( Jack Stehlin ) visits the convent to inform Isabella of her brother 's fate , Lucio not only slaps the mother superior on her rear , but brings along a voluptuous companion ( Jill Powell ) , not in Shakespeare 's script , to undulate lasciviously the pimp Pompey ( Glen Allen Pruett ) , dressed in black leather and a prominent codpiece , indulges in enough obscene gestures and pelvic thrusts to launch a space probe 7 The problem here is not in the concept but in its lack of discrimination The inclusion at one point of a list of glitzy modern-day malefactors , ranging from Jim Bakker and Leona Helmsley to Zsa Zsa Gabor , is a bid for a cheap laugh unworthy of Mr. Boyd 's ability 11 it received its founder , Nina Vance , was at the height of her powers 6 Only time will tell if Mr. Boyd can restore to the Alley the acclaim it received when its founder , Nina Vance , was at the height of her powers it is clear he is going to give it a shot 10 to come up with at least 60 votes they can address the issue 6 he intends to use Senate procedures to force advocates of the tax cut to come up with at least 60 votes before they can address the issue neither Democrats nor Republicans are predicting that the capital-gains forces can produce enough votes 6 The 60-vote requirement will be there they do n't have the 60 votes 6 GOP leaders continued to press for a vote on the amendment to the Eastern Europe aid measure they threatened to try to amend any other revenue bill in the Senate with the capital-gains provision 6 They accuse the Democrats of unfairly using Senate rules to erect a 60-vote hurdle.Democrats counter that the Republicans have often used the same rules to suit their own ends The two sides traded accusations about the cost of the Packwood plan 6 that the proposal was fraught with budget gimmickry that would lose billions of dollars in the long run which would create a new type of individual retirement account 6 The Packwood proposal would reduce the tax depending on how long an asset was held It would create a new IRA that would shield from taxation the appreciation on investments made for a wide variety of purposes , including retirement , medical expenses , first-home purchases and tuition 6 The transaction , for cash and stock , would represent the biggest European takeover since 1980 for New York-based Marsh & McLennan , the world 's largest insurance broker It 's the first major sign of the long-awaited consolidation in the European insurance industry as the European Community Commission moves toward a single market by 1992 11 It 's also the first major sign of the long-awaited consolidation in the European insurance industry the European Community Commission moves toward a single market by 1992 1 Earlier this year , New York Life Insurance Co. agreed to acquire Windsor Group Ltd. , a first step toward establishing a presence in the European market ahead of 1992 most U.S. insurers have n't rushed to change the way they do business in Europe because they believe the European market will still be dominated by a handful of domestic companies 2 most U.S. insurers have n't rushed to change the way they do business in Europe they believe the European market will still be dominated by a handful of domestic companies 2 he sought the combination all our large clients in Germany are becoming European companies or multinational companies and they expect an insurance broker '' to serve them as well in Paris as in Germany 6 because `` all our large clients in Germany are becoming European companies or multinational companies they expect an insurance broker '' to serve them as well in Paris as in Germany 11 the U.S. market is strengthening related computer technology gains in sophistication and quality 6 Net for the nine months was $ 254 million , or $ 5.94 a share , up 56 % from $ 163 million , or $ 4.06 a share , a year earlier Net for the year-earlier nine months included a gain of $ 9.7 million , or 15 cents a share , in the carrying value of the Conner investment 6 it agreed to be acquired by Star States Corp. for stock valued at $ 13.75 a share , or about $ 24.4 million the agreement gives Star States the option to acquire 588,300 of Diversified 's 1,774,326 shares outstanding `` under certain circumstances 6 it will select the plant site early next year production is expected to begin in 1991 6 Call Jim Wright 's office in downtown Fort Worth , Texas , these days the receptionist still answers the phone , `` Speaker Wright 's office 11 Call Jim Wright 's office in downtown Fort Worth , Texas , these days the receptionist still answers the phone , `` Speaker Wright 's office 0 Mr. Wright by law enjoys a $ 120,000 annual office expense allowance , three paid staffers , up to $ 67,000 for stationery and telephones and continued use of the franking privilege he were still in his old job 6 Mr. Wright by law enjoys a $ 120,000 annual office expense allowance , three paid staffers , up to $ 67,000 for stationery and telephones and continued use of the franking privilege.Not to mention a generous federal pension There is a busy schedule of speaking engagements at $ 10,000 a pop , at tony places including the Yale Political Union 6 Mr. Deaver confessed to his alcoholism during his trial on perjury charges He is a recovering workaholic 3 everybody lays off someone says , ' I 've turned to God 2 When someone says , ' I 've turned to God , ' everybody lays off have Charles Colson and Jeb Magruder launched successful post-Watergate careers at the pulpit 0 Thus have Charles Colson and Jeb Magruder launched successful post-Watergate careers at the pulpit it does n't always work so smoothly 10 SEC enforcement chief John Fedders retreated to a Trappist monastery in rural Virginia allegations surfaced in a 1985 divorce contest that he had beaten his wife 0 He is now in solo law practice in Washington his fees have been meager and he failed in efforts to win a chunk of his ex-wife 's royalties on her tell-all book 6 but his fees have been meager he failed in efforts to win a chunk of his ex-wife 's royalties on her tell-all book 10 he resigned media reports questioned the propriety of a 1986 junk-bond investment 10 he resigned almost immediately after media reports questioned the propriety of a 1986 junk-bond investment any official investigations took hold 0 Anne Burford , the former EPA chief who resigned under fire in 1983 during a flap with Congress , was kayoed in the confrontation she was never charged with official wrondgoing 10 when , in 1986 , she was charged on allegations of public drunkenness and cleared 1 You could say she survived it was n't easy on her 1 Rita Jenrette , the former wife of Abscam-indicted Rep. John Jenrette , has yet to hit it big in Hollywood with roles in such movies as `` Zombie Island Massacre '' and `` Aunt Ida 's Bikini Shop , '' she is doing a lot better than her former husband 1 Richard Secord , the retired Air Force general felled in the Iran-Contra scandal , is all but ruined -- forced to sell his Virginia home and pull his kids out of college , according to a recent fund-raising appeal sent out on his behalf his co-defendant in the case -- also a former military officer by the name of Oliver North -- has been busily and profitably burnishing his involvement in the affair 3 All Bets Are Off Sex Is Involved 6 Sex scandals make people look careless and silly one of the worst sins in Washington is to be laughed at 0 Sex scandals make people look careless and silly , and one of the worst sins in Washington is to be laughed at Rep. Gerry Studds of Massachusetts was handily re-elected because of the candor with which he handled revelations that he had sex with a male congressional page in 1983 10 who lost his seat in 1980 he was caught soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy 2 who lost his seat in 1980 he was caught soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy 1 the private sector sometimes will the political establishment is reluctant to forgive sexual misadventures 3 Gucci Gulch -- the fabled halls of the Capitol inhabited by lobbyists and their imported shoes -- offers a welcome environment for fallen officials all else fails 11 Gucci Gulch -- the fabled halls of the Capitol inhabited by lobbyists and their imported shoes -- offers a welcome environment for fallen officials all else fails 0 After a few weeks in seclusion , Mr. Mack opened a consulting firm not to enable him to directly lobby 0 After a few weeks in seclusion , Mr. Mack opened a consulting firm , but not to enable him to directly lobby ; that would require him to disclose his clients by registering as a lobbyist Mr. Mack says he talks to `` 30 members of Congress a week 10 to come to the Deaver home his troubles erupted 3 I can always auction it off at Sotheby 's things get really tough 0 The expected Canadian move has been welcomed by the Bush administration Canada has opposed such U.S. actions as the trade embargo against Cuba , the invasion of Grenada and the military support for Nicaragua 's Contra guerrillas 1 it has n't been a Washington priority the U.S. also has supported Canadian membership 6 Latin American countries have long urged Canada to join the OAS in the hopes that it would be a counterweight to the U.S Even though the U.S. has supported Canadian membership 3 Canada , at times , could be an awkward OAS partner for the U.S its United Nations voting record is an indication 3 that Latin American countries would be `` profoundly disappointed Canada were to follow the U.S. lead in the OAS 1 Cuba has been suspended from OAS membership the organization 's members are discussing Cuba 's reinstatement 1 Older movies have plenty of violence it is portrayed in keeping with the more restrictive social conventions of the time 7 Older movies have plenty of violence , though it is portrayed in keeping with the more restrictive social conventions of the time in which the entire comedy is based on actor Dennis Price 's murdering eight titled relatives ( all played by Alec Guinness ) because they snubbed his mother and stand in the way of his acquiring the family title 2 on actor Dennis Price 's murdering eight titled relatives ( all played by Alec Guinness ) they snubbed his mother and stand in the way of his acquiring the family title 6 For example , one of my favorite movies is the 1949 British comedy `` Kind Hearts and Coronets , '' in which the entire comedy is based on actor Dennis Price 's murdering eight titled relatives ( all played by Alec Guinness ) because they snubbed his mother and stand in the way of his acquiring the family title one of the most popular comedy genres of the 1930s and '40s was the `` murder mystery/ comedy . '' The `` Thin Man '' series of movies , as well as many others , based their entire comedic appeal on the star detectives ' witty quips and puns as other characters in the movies were murdered 6 modern comedies contain violence , sex and foul language to any greater degree than other recent movies Mr. Knight made a poor choice in picking `` A Fish Called Wanda '' as an example of the deplorable state of modern comedy movies 11 and peer in the window of a Boeing 747 -- from the outside it takes off 0 Sex and violence are routinely included they are irrelevant to the script 6 Sex and violence are routinely included even when they are irrelevant to the script high-tech special effects are continually substituted for good plot and character development 9 Many modern scriptwriters seem to be incapable of writing drama , or anything else , without foul-mouthed cursing.Sex and violence are routinely included even when they are irrelevant to the script , and high-tech special effects are continually substituted for good plot and character development we have a movie and television industry that is either incapable or petrified of making a movie unless it carries a PG-13 or R rating 5 that is either incapable or petrified of making a movie it carries a PG-13 or R rating 2 In short , we have a movie and television industry that is either incapable or petrified of making a movie unless it carries a PG-13 or R rating copious amounts of gratuitous sex , violence and gutter language are included as a crutch 6 However , these faults are not the exclusive property of modern comedies Mr. Knight errs when he attempts to link this modern phenomenon too closely to a single category of movie making 2 However , these faults are not the exclusive property of modern comedies Mr. Knight errs when he attempts to link this modern phenomenon too closely to a single category of movie making 11 Mr. Knight errs he attempts to link this modern phenomenon too closely to a single category of movie making 2 it wants shareholders to approve the split it would `` enhance the marketability '' and trading of the stock 3 the number of shares outstanding would decrease to five million from 50 million , and par value would rise to 10 cents from a penny approved at a shareholder meeting in December 6 the number of shares outstanding would decrease to five million from 50 million par value would rise to 10 cents from a penny 2 the number of shares outstanding would decrease to five million from 50 million par value would rise to 10 cents from a penny 1 Terms were n't disclosed Duriron said the deal will be completed through an exchange of stock 6 Du Pont Co. reported that third-quarter profit grew a robust 19 % from a year ago on the strength of the company 's operations in various chemicals and fibers , and in petroleum Du Pont raised its quarterly dividend to $ 1.20 a share from $ 1.05 , a change that will increase the annualized payout to shareholders by some $ 140 million 11 which lowers the value of overseas earnings they are translated into dollars 3 which lowers the value of overseas earnings they are translated into dollars 10 We have n't benefited the shareholder as much as we need to , '' said Edgar Woolard Jr. , Du Pont 's chairman and chief executive officer , in an interview he entered his current position in April 6 The Wilmington , Del. , company reported net of $ 547 million , or $ 2.36 a share Du Pont announced plans for a 3-for-1 stock split 2 Du Pont still holds an edge in making the pigment the company was `` first in with the technology '' to lower costs 1 Du Pont holds about 23 % of the world-wide market , the largest single share , at a time when growing uses for the pigment have kept it in tight supply others are now adding low-cost production capacity 11 Profit climbed to $ 98 million from $ 71 million in the petroleum segment Du Pont 's Conoco Inc. oil company was helped by crude oil prices higher than a year ago and by higher natural gas prices and volume 2 Profit climbed to $ 98 million from $ 71 million in the petroleum segment Du Pont 's Conoco Inc. oil company was helped by crude oil prices higher than a year ago and by higher natural gas prices and volume 2 herbicide use in some areas of the U.S. was delayed earlier in the year by heavy rains increasing sales in the third quarter 6 Profit from coal fell to $ 41 million from $ 58 million , partly because of a miners ' strike profit from polymers dropped to $ 107 million from $ 122 million amid what Du Pont called lower demand and selling prices in certain packaging and industrial markets 6 that a conference be convened next fall to write a new treaty for the EC allowing a European central bank that the treaty be ratified by 1992 6 Mr. Mitterrand proposed that a conference be convened next fall to write a new treaty for the EC allowing a European central bank , and that the treaty be ratified by 1992 Mr. Mitterrand proposed a separate `` Bank for Europe '' that would channel development money to the East 1 The U.S. tends to look at Eastern Europe { not including the Soviet Union } as Europe looks at Latin America : important but far away for us in Western Europe , these are Europeans next door 1 West Germany is a net exporter of capital the U.S. is n't 1 yesterday France announced a three-year , four billion French franc ( $ 650 million ) aid plan for Poland American aid efforts have been limited by budget problems 1 Despite sudden changes in the strategic equation , some Western European leaders , especially British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher , remain skeptical about European political and economic unity , and are unlikely to let East-West concerns change their minds British analysts are beginning to link the issues 6 that the Marshall Plan of U.S. aid to Europe `` did n't just throw money at post-war Europe it liberalized and opened up those markets 1 Most of the West 's leaders have finally concluded that we all want perestroika { Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev 's policy of economic restructuring } to succeed they have n't yet drawn the operational policy conclusions 6 that with communism collapsing Mr. Gorbachev scrambling to rejuvenate the Soviet economy 11 that with communism collapsing Mr. Gorbachev scrambling to rejuvenate the Soviet economy 2 Our interest lies in a controlled transformation , a contained nuclear reaction we need to help him , and not just with words 1 Mr. Roper in London sees a more positive scenario many commentators , particularly French ones , worry that hasty and emotional reaction to the changes in the East might lead to dangerous pressures for a denuclearized Europe or the speeded-up withdrawal of American troops 11 Mr. Roper in London sees a more positive scenario many commentators , particularly French ones , worry that hasty and emotional reaction to the changes in the East might lead to dangerous pressures for a denuclearized Europe or the speeded-up withdrawal of American troops 3 it should be that much easier to make more progress toward the economic and social reforms that are now starting in the East both sides feel comfortable 3 that are triggered a hostile bidder acquires more than 20 % of the shares outstanding 3 the rights allow holders to buy additional shares at 50 % of the then current market price or , at the board 's discretion , to receive securities or assets triggered 6 Dominion Textile Inc. holders adopted a shareholder-rights plan at the annual meeting Dominion Textile posted net income of 4.7 million Canadian dollars ( $ 4 million ) , or 12 Canadian cents a share , for the fiscal-first quarter ended Sept. 30 11 Dominion Textile Inc. holders adopted a shareholder-rights plan at the annual meeting Dominion Textile posted net income of 4.7 million Canadian dollars ( $ 4 million ) , or 12 Canadian cents a share , for the fiscal-first quarter ended Sept. 30 6 Computer Sciences will perform data processing work for the Postal Service under the three-year contract which includes two additional option years for which compensation has n't yet been fixed 6 the purchase was undertaken to participate in ventures in and around New York City The company hopes the latest acquisition will help secure large construction orders from Japanese concerns with U.S. operations 10 Mr. Schwarz , 52 years old , will succeed Daniel P. Davison Feb. 1 Mr. Davison reaches the company 's mandatory retirement age of 65 2 U.S. Trust , a 136-year-old institution that is one of the earliest high-net worth banks in the U.S. , has faced intensifying competition from other firms that have established , and heavily promoted , private-banking businesses of their own U.S. Trust 's earnings have been hurt 0 As a result , U.S. Trust 's earnings have been hurt Mr. Schwarz welcomes the competition in U.S. Trust 's flagship businesses , calling it `` flattery 1 U.S. Trust recently introduced certain mutual-fund products , which allow it to serve customers with minimum deposits of $ 250,000 the company advertised at the $ 2 million level 10 U.S. Trust recently introduced certain mutual-fund products , which allow it to serve customers with minimum deposits of $ 250,000 the company advertised at the $ 2 million level 1 We have always taken smaller accounts now we are looking for smaller accounts that will grow 7 Quarterly net income this year has risen just over comparable periods in 1988 , when year-end net was below the 1987 level In this year 's third quarter net was $ 10.5 million , or $ 1.05 a share , compared with $ 10.3 million , or $ 1.02 a share , a year earlier 6 We will have a reasonably flat year this year , '' Mr. Schwarz says Mr. Schwarz said costs associated with U.S. Trust 's planned move to midtown Manhattan from Wall Street will continue to be a drag on earnings through 1990 0 Mr. Schwarz 's great-grandfather founded the New York toy store F.A.O . Schwarz his family no longer has ties to the company 6 H. Marshall Schwarz was named chairman and chief executive officer of U.S. Trust Corp. , a private-banking firm with assets under management of about $ 17 billion Mr. Schwarz , who is president of U.S. Trust , will be succeeded in that post by Jeffrey S. Maurer , 42 , who is executive vice president in charge of the company 's asset-management group U.S. Trust created a four-member office of the chairman , effective Feb. 1 6 Mr. Roberts continues as treasurer Mr. Wonham remains responsible for the offices of comptroller , planning , marketing and general services 6 Donald M. Roberts , 54 , treasurer , and Frederick S. Wonham , 58 were named vice chairmen Frederick B. Taylor , 48 , was named a vice chairman and chief investment officer , a new post 10 Frederick B. Taylor , 48 , also was named a vice chairman and chief investment officer , a new post He held similar responsibilities 6 Frederick B. Taylor , 48 , also was named a vice chairman and chief investment officer , a new post Mr. Taylor was named a director 11 Frederick B. Taylor , 48 , also was named a vice chairman and chief investment officer , a new post Mr. Taylor was named a director 6 One of those new computers , called Sparcstation 1 , accounted for nearly half of the 28,000 systems Sun shipped in the quarter More than two-thirds of the systems shipped were products introduced in April 0 More than two-thirds of the systems shipped , meanwhile , were products introduced in April problems in manufacturing , forecasting demand and getting the bugs out of a new management information system made it extremely difficult for Sun to meet demand for its newest computers well into the summer 6 But problems in manufacturing , forecasting demand and getting the bugs out of a new management information system made it extremely difficult for Sun to meet demand for its newest computers well into the summer These problems resulted in Sun reporting a $ 20.3 million loss for its fourth quarter ended June 30 6 the issues that hurt Sun 's performance earlier this year are now `` largely '' behind the firm that Sun 's profitability should increase throughout the fiscal year 6 Sun Microsystems Inc. , snapping back to profitability after its first quarterly loss as a public firm , said it earned $ 5.2 million , or seven cents a share , in the fiscal first quarter Sun reported a record backlog of orders 1 Sun faces increasing competition from Digital Equipment Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co this indicates continued strong demand for the company 's desk-top computers 6 Sun faces increasing competition from Digital Equipment Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co Sun is vulnerable to competition from International Business Machines Corp and Next Inc 6 to bring Sharon Steel Corp. out of Chapter 11 proceedings to acquire the company 's steel-related assets in a transaction valued at more than $ 300 million 3 to purchase as much as $ 50 million in equity in the new company for the confirmation of the plan necessary 6 that such financing is already being sought that a formal proposal would be made to Sharon 's Chapter 11 trustee and other Sharon creditors over the next few days 0 Two old friends , George Bush and Deng Xiaoping , are trying to limit further damage to U.S.-China ties as Congress prepares a fresh package of sanctions against Beijing , the already-tense relationship could get worse 2 But the already-tense relationship could get worse Congress prepares a fresh package of sanctions against Beijing 11 he told the president that the Chinese `` made statements to me that I regard as a first step toward reconciliation he met with Mr. Bush on his return 6 We must not shirk our responsibility we can not just blame the demonstrators 6 The Chinese leader , Mr. Lee informed Mr. Bush , expressed some regret for what had happened in Beijing and conceded that China 's officials bore some responsibility Mr. Lee reported to the president that , in a separate meeting , Communist Party chief Jiang Zemin said the Chinese leadership `` looked kindly on the students who took part in the demonstrations 6 that , in a separate meeting , Communist Party chief Jiang Zemin said the Chinese leadership `` looked kindly on the students who took part in the demonstrations Mr. Jiang pledged that the Chinese Red Cross would publish `` very soon '' a list of those killed 6 Mr. Jiang also pledged that the Chinese Red Cross would publish `` very soon '' a list of those killed he told the physicist that China 's leaders were `` very much concerned '' about the deaths and had arranged aid for the victims ' families 0 I transmitted my conversations to the White House I was not acting as a messenger 1 that the Chinese never asked him to convey their statements to President Bush that the White House spontaneously invited him to do so 0 The president does n't want to have legislative sanctions he may not have a choice 1 A university student got eight years for participating in the rallies an 18-year-old worker got 10 years 6 they will step up the campaign of arrests and intimidation against those who participated in the demonstrations has Beijing hinted to its citizens that it will publish the identities of those killed 6 So far , the victims are officially considered evil-doers their families receive no compensation 11 gunned down by a stray bullet cycling to work 11 In the U.S. , there are still people who want to crush China and interfere in our internal affairs , '' Zhu Qizhen , China 's new ambassador to the U.S. , said he left for Washington last week 1 they are likely to mirror those Mr. Bush enacted shortly after the massacre as legislative action , they would carry greater weight and would be more difficult to rescind 3 U.S.-China ties could spin downward , out of control the two sides are n't careful 10 The patients began receiving EPO injections about a month before their scheduled surgery They began donating blood twice a week , receiving an EPO injection each time 3 blood was n't taken tests indicated a low number of red cells 1 This team initially called its new model Personal Retirement Account , or `` PRA it did n't sing 2 But it did n't sing they opted for IRA 10 This caused an explosion of IRA promotions by brokers , banks , mutual funds and others in 1986 Congress sharply reduced the number of people who could qualify for its benefits and IRA tax-deductions slowed their roaring growth 1 This caused an explosion of IRA promotions by brokers , banks , mutual funds and others in 1986 Congress sharply reduced the number of people who could qualify for its benefits and IRA tax-deductions slowed their roaring growth 2 But in 1986 Congress sharply reduced the number of people who could qualify for its benefits IRA tax-deductions slowed their roaring growth 1 Commercial transactions will continue to be based on the official rate of about 0.63 rubles to the dollar for Soviet citizens who travel abroad for business or tourism , the rate will jump to 6.26 rubles to the dollar 6 But for Soviet citizens who travel abroad for business or tourism , the rate will jump to 6.26 rubles to the dollar the devaluation will apply to foreigners ' transactions 2 But it did n't elaborate it remains unclear how far Western tourists and foreigners living in Moscow will be allowed to benefit from the sweeping rate cut 11 the discrepancy has become ever greater Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has opened up the country to foreign trade 2 the discrepancy has become ever greater Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has opened up the country to foreign trade 10 They use dollars to buy Western items such as video recorders and personal computers and sell them at a huge mark-up 0 With more than 300 billion rubles in savings accounts and little to spend them on , Soviet consumers grumble at the exorbitant black-market prices for such goods they buy them anyway 11 to iron out exchange-rate discrepancies Moscow moves toward making the ruble convertible -- a goal that Soviet bankers and economists say is still far away 0 Rumors of an impending devaluation have been circulating in Moscow for weeks the size of the cut took many Western bankers by surprise 8 Soviet firms that hold some are unwilling to part with it joint ventures are n't yet allowed to participate 6 Soviet firms that hold some are unwilling to part with it , and joint ventures are n't yet allowed to participate The Kremlin has been unwilling to provide hard currency for the auction 5 to provide hard currency for the auction using a lot of it to finance emergency imports of consumer goods 3 that would enable the State Bank to increase its dollar reserves and would mop up some of the excess rubles in the economy at the same time foreign tourists and businesses could sell their currencies freely at the new , better exchange rate 7 But the amounts they exchange may be limited most Soviet hotels demand payment in hard currency from Western visitors 5 the devaluation could cause difficulties for the people it is primarily meant to help : Soviets who travel abroad other rules are changed 1 Over the past three years , thousands of people here have made use of looser travel restrictions to get their first taste of life abroad under current rules , they are allowed to change just 200 rubles into dollars and other currencies for each trip 3 the black market for dollars probably will continue to thrive it is n't 1 International Business Machines Corp. made news this summer when it landed an unusual contract to manage all of Eastman Kodak Co. 's data-processing needs the computer giant appears to have lost a second key contract with Kodak to archrival Digital Equipment Corp 6 that it has entered negotiations with Maynard , Mass.-based Digital to manage all of its voice and data communications needs IBM had bid for the business 11 we wanted to get the best vendor for that service we decided to look outside the company for critical data-processing and communications services 6 This year is the 75th anniversary of the Federal Reserve System it 's time to take a fresh look at the nation 's central bank 7 After 75 years there may be a few things that are worth reexamining The regional Federal Reserve Bank setup may be out of date 1 In earlier years it may have seemed reasonable to give Richmond , Va. , a bank and allow Los Angeles only a branch of the San Francisco bank times have changed 1 and some members of Congress think it 's time to take a fresh look at the nation 's central bank Some of the would-be reformers want to restore an arrangement we once had -- or , at least , part of it 10 In the beginning , the treasury secretary and the comptroller of the currency were both ex officio members of the Federal Reserve Board in 1935 , when Congress was trying to find someone or something to blame for the Great Depression , it decided to drop both the secretary and the comptroller from the board 1 In the beginning , the treasury secretary and the comptroller of the currency were both ex officio members of the Federal Reserve Board in 1935 , when Congress was trying to find someone or something to blame for the Great Depression , it decided to drop both the secretary and the comptroller from the board 11 that he felt that he had a great deal of power he was on the board 6 that he had a great deal of power somehow that was a good thing 1 that the change would accomplish much at least Congress , as in 1935 , would be doing something 6 Nicholas Brady , the incumbent treasury secretary , is of course aware of the proposal he does n't like it much 1 That may have pleased the secretary H. Erich Heinemann , chief economist of the investment firm of Ladenburg , Thalmann & Co. , suggests that Mr. Brady may figure he already has all the power he needs 9 Like most treasury secretaries , Mr. Brady takes a keen interest in monetary matters , of course He was taking an especially keen interest in board matters even before he went to the treasury 10 He was , in fact , taking an especially keen interest in board matters he went to the treasury 6 what went wrong what should be done about it 0 This recommendation might have encouraged a turf-hungry bureaucrat to try to expand his power so far Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has n't made a pitch for the job 6 The Fed has plenty of responsibilities in times of market turmoil in 1987 and again in 1989 it appears to have handled them well 6 that he still likes the ideas the commission advanced nearly two years ago In recent weeks Mr. Brady has joined other administration officials in trying to urge the Fed toward lower interest rates 1 the Fed may be slightly more interested in curbing inflation than the administration is the administration may put slightly more emphasis on spurring economic growth 0 The inflation-growth argument is an old one Mr. Brady , on the board or off , is surely trying to influence Fed policy 1 The treasury can do something on its own to have any hope of success it needs help from the Fed 1 The Fed has been intervening in foreign currency markets , all right through August , at least , it appeared to be `` sterilizing '' the intervention 9 but through August , at least , it appeared to be `` sterilizing '' the intervention it was offsetting purchases of marks and yen by buying dollars in the domestic money market 2 it may make them tread a little carefully , for fear of what the central bank may do traders see the Fed is in the exchange market 1 Now , sterilized intervention may have some effect that sterilized intervention has little or no lasting impact on currency values 0 After August the Fed may have stopped sterilizing it 's hard to see much impact on the dollar 1 The Fed has let interest rates slip slightly whether the main reason was dollar intervention , the gloomy reports on manufacturing employment , or the Friday 13 market drop , only Mr. Greenspan and his associates know 2 Trying to manage exchange rates to some desired level would mean diverting monetary and fiscal policies from their customary roles and risking excessive inflation and unemployment and inadequate capital formation 6 This has been a week of stunning events behind what was once called the Iron Curtain and interesting shifts in official American policy toward Moscow It has been a week when inside-the-beltway Washington has had a high old time gnawing over ex-President Reagan 's multimillion-dollar junket in Japan 4 The latter may seem oddly irrelevant given the big picture not downright trivial 6 The latter may seem oddly irrelevant , if not downright trivial , given the big picture the way we have handled it in the nation 's capital has done nothing to dispel that impression 9 and the way we have handled it in the nation 's capital has done nothing to dispel that impression however , Mr. Reagan 's casual debasement of the office he so recently held raises issues about which Americans can actually do something 6 Hungary is no longer a `` Socialist Peoples '' republic , the Communist Party no longer has automatic delegates in the U.S.S.R. 's Congress of Peoples Deputies Egon Krenz was not backed unanimously by his fellow party functionaries when he took over as East Germany 's new maximum leader 11 and Egon Krenz was not backed unanimously by his fellow party functionaries he took over as East Germany 's new maximum leader 9 All of that is just for starters so the hundreds of thousands of Eastern Europeans in the streets seem to hope and are certainly demanding 6 Of like , though lesser , note , Secretary of State James Baker put the administration four-square behind perestroika and glasnost , and therefore behind Mikhail Gorbachev , in a pair of carefully reasoned speeches over the past week or so last but not least , President George Bush now views the changes in Eastern Europe as `` absolutely extraordinary '' and believes that Mr. Krenz `` ca n't turn the clock back '' in East Germany because the change is too inexorable , '' as he told the New York Times 's R.W . Apple Jr 2 that Mr. Krenz `` ca n't turn the clock back '' in East Germany the change is too inexorable 9 Of like , though lesser , note , Secretary of State James Baker put the administration four-square behind perestroika and glasnost , and therefore behind Mikhail Gorbachev , in a pair of carefully reasoned speeches over the past week or so.And , last but not least , President George Bush now views the changes in Eastern Europe as `` absolutely extraordinary '' and believes that Mr. Krenz `` ca n't turn the clock back '' in East Germany because the change is too inexorable after some highly visible dithering and public airing of differences , the administration has come down on the side of those who believe that what we are witnessing from Berlin to Siberia is a good thing to be welcomed , rather than a new thing to be feared or viewed with suspicion 11 All of this is what history will note the record of this time is put down 1 All of this is what history will note when the record of this time is put down For journalists this has also been a week to give a lot of space and time to Ron and Nancy 's sales appearance in Japan on behalf of a communications giant and its controversial founder 6 All of this is what history will note when the record of this time is put down For journalists , however this has been a week to give a lot of space and time to Ron and Nancy 's sales appearance in Japan on behalf of a communications giant and its controversial founder 6 The Japanese industrialist has coughed up at least $ 2 million , the Japanese government has put up just about as much , or so it is reported at least one estimate puts the total tab at $ 7 million 6 what he had always done before his election and thereafter 6 He was performing for pay why should anyone expect anything more 2 and why should anyone expect anything more there 's more to the matter than Ronald Reagan 's personal values , or lack of them 6 The theme song for the 1980s has been , `` Anything Goes it has been whistled with gusto from Wall Street to some of the highest peaks of televangelism 4 that America has always suffered from a bad case of schizophrenia it comes to the dichotomy between what is professed and what is practiced 1 between what is professed what is practiced 1 The moral flabbiness born of the exclusive worship of the bitch goddess success . . . that , with the squalid cash interpretation put on the word success , is our national disease if it was the national disease in 1906 , it is today the national commonplace 1 But it is today the national commonplace it was the national disease in 1906 3 do it there is no law against it 3 use them the law leaves loopholes 3 full speed ahead there is no moral prohibition that expressly forbids it 6 If there is no moral prohibition that expressly forbids it , full speed ahead if you are caught or if people complain , simply argue that `` everyone does it '' or `` no one said I should n't `` and brazen it out 3 And simply argue that `` everyone does it '' or `` no one said I should n't `` and brazen it out you are caught 5 if you are caught if people complain 3 And simply argue that `` everyone does it '' or `` no one said I should n't `` and brazen it out or people complain 5 that `` everyone does it no one said I should n't 3 As a last recourse apologize for having disappointed those who trusted you but deny having actually done anything wrong all else has failed and you are pinned 10 As a last recourse apologize for having disappointed those who trusted you but deny having actually done anything wrong all else has failed and you are pinned 6 when all else has failed you are pinned 1 As a last recourse apologize for having disappointed those who trusted you deny having actually done anything wrong 7 As a last recourse , when all else has failed and you are pinned , apologize for having disappointed those who trusted you but deny having actually done anything wrong See Jim Bakker 's remarks upon being sentenced to prison this Tuesday for defrauding the faithful 6 We have people in high place still lying through their teeth about Iran-Contra that apparently is n't going to change 2 The occasional media witch hunt about some politician 's private peccadilloes notwithstanding , the general inclination is to offer a version of the old refrain , `` Who am I to judge no standards , no judgment and no values 2 You are mad he 's making so much money 2 No , we ought to be mad he has demeaned the office we gave him 6 He was referring to the `` absolutely extraordinary '' events in Eastern Europe it is a defensible position 1 and it is a defensible position there is no defense at all for the ethos of the 1980s 2 we slithered and slipped down the long slope now we have as its quintessential symbol a former president huckstering for a foreign poohbah 1 and now we have as its quintessential symbol a former president huckstering for a foreign poohbah perhaps that is a fitting symbol for the United States of 1989 : Everything for sale ; nothing of real value 10 Mr. Drabinsky and Vice Chairman Myron Gottlieb are negotiating financing offering C $ 16.40 a share to acquire all of Cineplex 's shares outstanding 6 that the two executives have n't reached a final decision to proceed with a bid that until an offer is made the board will continue seeking higher offers from other bidders 5 and that the board will continue seeking higher offers from other bidders an offer is made 3 it will reimburse them a maximum of C $ 8.5 million for expenses related to a bid Messrs.Drabinsky and Gottlieb mail an offer to shareholders by Nov. 22 5 to tender their holdings to an offer by Mr. Drabinsky a higher offer is made by another bidder 11 MCA holds half of Cineplex 's equity and 33 % of its voting rights through restricted voting shares Bronfman interests hold about 24 % of the company 's equity 1 MCA holds half of Cineplex 's equity and 33 % of its voting rights through restricted voting shares Bronfman interests hold about 24 % of the company 's equity 6 Mr. Drabinsky 's offer `` is all cash it 's for all of the company 3 shareholders will have every reason to be glad a bid materializes at that price 1 If a bid materializes at that price , shareholders will have every reason to be glad the question of financing still remains 10 to buy for $ 57 million and lease back to Cineplex its 18-screen theater complex in Universal City , Calif 3 to buy for $ 57 million and then lease back to Cineplex its 18-screen theater complex in Universal City , Calif Mr. Drabinsky succeeds in an offer 6 MCA and the Bronfman associates agreed in principle to buy for $ 57 million and then lease back to Cineplex its 18-screen theater complex in Universal City , Calif. , if Mr. Drabinsky succeeds in an offer if a bid by Mr. Drabinsky is successful , Cineplex expects Rank Organisation PLC to acquire the 51 % of Cineplex 's Film House unit it does n't own , and provide Mr. Drabinsky with additional loan financing 3 Rank Organisation PLC to acquire the 51 % of Cineplex 's Film House unit it does n't own , and provide Mr. Drabinsky with additional loan financing a bid by Mr. Drabinsky is successful 6 Messrs.Drabinsky and Gottlieb are `` anywhere close '' to arranging financing that investors will need a solid offer before the stock begins to rise again 10 and that investors will need a solid offer the stock begins to rise again 6 Hoechst AG 's Chairman Wolfgang Hilger said the company wants to have a substitute product to completely replace ozone-damaging chlorofluorocarbons by 1995 BASF AG , another large chemicals company , said it formed a separate division that will study the environmental impact of plastics and will investigate all possibilities of recycling plastics 0 The test markets will be in northern California , Arizona and Colorado , some of the hottest bottled-water markets not specified 6 In Geneva , where world trade talks are being held under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade , or GATT , the European Community called the U.S. proposal `` a step backward Japan 's minister of agriculture , forestry and fisheries told a committee of Japan 's parliament that Washington 's proposal was impractical and that Tokyo would continue to heavily subsidize its rice farmers 6 that Washington 's proposal was impractical that Tokyo would continue to heavily subsidize its rice farmers 6 Some of America 's biggest trading partners gave a quick thumbs-down to a U.S. proposal to liberalize world trade and reduce farm-product subsidies The U.S. proposal was criticized by food-importing developing countries 1 the poorest nations are likely to need help in the meantime that food-importing nations would eventually become self-sufficient in a free-market system 10 that food-importing nations would eventually become self-sufficient in a free-market system the poorest nations are likely to need help 10 by converting certain non-tariff barriers into tariffs that , together with existing tariffs would be phased out over 10 years 1 The U.S. argues that its plan would ease the transition to freer agriculture trade by converting certain non-tariff barriers into tariffs that , together with existing tariffs , then would be phased out over 10 years the EC is strongly opposed to converting agricultural supports into tariffs 6 that its plan would ease the transition to freer agriculture trade by converting certain non-tariff barriers into tariffs that , together with existing tariffs , then would be phased out over 10 years countries could temporarily raise tariffs on certain products if they experience an unusually heavy volume of imports 3 countries could temporarily raise tariffs on certain products they experience an unusually heavy volume of imports 11 The EC , with a population of 320 million , has 8.5 million farmers the U.S. , with a population of about 245 million , has only two million farmers 1 The EC , with a population of 320 million , has 8.5 million farmers the U.S. , with a population of about 245 million , has only two million farmers 0 Japan 's objections to the U.S. plan center around its desire to stay self-sufficient in rice , a staple food foreign producers are far more efficient 0 Under the agreement Bell Atlantic would be buying Control Data 's customer base and its approximately 100 U.S. maintenance facilities in about 33 cities Control Data would continue to provide maintenance services for customers of its Cyber product line 1 The biographer/critic , '' Judge Leval wrote , `` should not be required simply to express . . . conclusions without defending them by example Judge Leval felt constrained by an earlier decision of the Second Circuit Court forbidding a biographer of J.D . Salinger to quote from Mr. Salinger 's personal letters 0 He distinguished the two cases : In Salinger the quotations were for the purpose of enlivening the biography rather than of proving points about the subject the Salinger decision created a strong presumption against fair use of unpublished materials 2 that a few of Mr. Miller 's quotations from Mr. Hubbard 's unpublished writings failed the fair-use test they were not necessary to prove historical points 2 that a few of Mr. Miller 's quotations from Mr. Hubbard 's unpublished writings failed the fair-use test and infringed copyright 1 that a few of Mr. Miller 's quotations from Mr. Hubbard 's unpublished writings , because they were not necessary to prove historical points , failed the fair-use test and therefore infringed copyright the proper remedy lay in a suit for damages , not in an injunction 6 Decisions by the Second Circuit itself had recognized that public interest in the subject matter and the indispensability in particular cases of verbatim quotations are vital components of fair use the injunction Judges Miner and Altimari would so readily have granted had New Era sued in time 2 Suppression of the book would operate as a prior restraint and involve the First Amendment 6 Suppression of the book would operate as a prior restraint and thus involve the First Amendment Responsible biographers and historians constantly use primary sources , letters , diaries , and memoranda 6 Moreover Responsible biographers and historians constantly use primary sources , letters , diaries , and memoranda it would be irresponsible to ignore such sources of information 6 Now , scholars in fulfilling their responsibility do not claim the right to invade every collection of papers that bears upon their topics of investigation of course they agree that people can impose restrictions on the use of their papers , whether in their own possession or as donated or sold to libraries 1 And of course they agree that people can impose restrictions on the use of their papers , whether in their own possession or as donated or sold to libraries in the `` Bare-Faced Messiah '' case the author found most of his material in court records or via the Freedom of Information Act 6 But in the `` Bare-Faced Messiah '' case the author found most of his material in court records or via the Freedom of Information Act when responsible scholars gain legitimate access to unpublished materials , copyright should not be permitted to deny them use of quotations that help to establish historical points 3 And copyright should not be permitted to deny them use of quotations that help to establish historical points responsible scholars gain legitimate access to unpublished materials 11 And copyright should not be permitted to deny them use of quotations that help to establish historical points responsible scholars gain legitimate access to unpublished materials 0 Judges Miner and Altimari do not appear to have a clue at the moment they are the judges who are making the law 3 he deserves to be enjoined an author quotes `` more than minimal amounts '' of unpublished copyrighted materials 1 The courts have not defined `` minimal amounts publishers take it to mean about 50 words 10 Janet Malcolm , a professional writer on psychiatric matters , wrote a series of articles for the New Yorker published in book form by Knopf under the title `` In the Freud Archives 10 Janet Malcolm , a professional writer on psychiatric matters , wrote a series of articles for the New Yorker , later published in book form by Knopf under the title `` In the Freud Archives Mr. Masson brought a libel suit against Ms. Malcolm , the New Yorker and Knopf 6 As a public figure , Mr. Masson had to prove malice as proof of malice , Mr. Masson contended that defamatory quotations ascribed to him by Ms. Malcolm were in fact fabricated 2 As a public figure , Mr. Masson had to prove malice as proof of malice , Mr. Masson contended that defamatory quotations ascribed to him by Ms. Malcolm were in fact fabricated 6 The quotes could not be found on the tapes the two judges who decided the case for Ms. Malcolm and her publishers conceded that , for the purpose of their decision , `` we assume the quotations were deliberately altered 0 For all historians and most journalists , this admission would have been sufficient to condemn the Malcolm articles Judge Arthur Alarcon , joined by Judge Cynthia Holcomb Hall , took the astonishing position that it is perfectly OK to fabricate quotations so long as a judge finds that the fabrications do not alter substantive content or are rational interpretations of ambiguous remarks 3 that the reader assumes that these are the speaker 's precise words or at least his words purged of `` uh '' and `` you know '' and grammatical error a writer uses quotation marks in reporting what someone has said 1 the right to deliberately alter quotations is not , in my view , a concomitant of a free press judges have an obligation under the First Amendment to safeguard freedom of the press 7 to deliberately alter quotations Ms. Malcolm wrote that Mr. Masson described himself as `` the greatest analyst who ever lived . '' No such statement appears on the tapes 1 The majority cited Mr. Masson 's remark `` It 's me alone . . . against the rest of the analytic world '' as warrant for the Malcolm fabrication as Judge Kozinski noted , the context shows that Mr. Masson 's `` me alone '' remark referred not to his alleged pre-eminence in his profession but to the fact that his position on a particular issue was not shared by anyone else 6 that the phrase was a rational interpretation of Mr. Masson 's description of himself as a `` private asset but a public liability '' to Anna Freud that in any case it was not defamatory 0 Mr. Masson emerges `` as a grandiose egotist . . . and , in the end , a self-destructive fool it is not Janet Malcolm who calls him such 1 Masson has lost his case the defendants , and the profession to which they belong , have lost far more 6 Scopes was convicted and fined $ 100 his conviction was reversed on appeal because the fine was excessive under Tennessee law 2 and his conviction was reversed on appeal the fine was excessive under Tennessee law 6 It has always been so so it seems to be with the case of Elizabeth Morgan , the Washington , D.C. , plastic surgeon jailed in a child custody case for refusing to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter 1 It presents no great issue of legal principle , no overriding question of family law or the law of contempt it turns on the disputed and elusive facts of `` who did what to whom 2 It is difficult , if not impossible , for anyone who has not pored over the thousands of pages of court pleadings and transcripts to have a worthwhile opinion on the underlying merits of the controversy we must look elsewhere for an explanation of the unusual power this case has exerted over the minds of many , not just in Washington but elsewhere in the country and even the world 1 The first is that it represents an intense battle in what James Thurber used to caricature as `` the war between the sexes although Thurber did so gently and lightheartedly , many of Dr. Morgan 's supporters have taken Thurber 's memorable title `` The Male Animal '' quite literally 1 But many of Dr. Morgan 's supporters have taken Thurber 's memorable title `` The Male Animal '' quite literally Thurber did so gently and lightheartedly 3 that Congress would have rushed to pass a private relief bill freeing her she were an uneducated , black , working-class woman 5 that if she were an uneducated , black , working-class woman , Congress would have rushed to pass a private relief bill freeing her that the president would have hurried to sign the bill `` out of compassion for her plight 8 The first is that it represents an intense battle in what James Thurber used to caricature as `` the war between the sexes A second theme is the undercurrent of social class and race in the public reaction to the Morgan case the case of Dr. Morgan gave Congress an opportunity to act with unaccustomed decisiveness and to engage in one of its favorite pastimes -- bashing the District of Columbia government 6 The local government is discredited in the eyes of many residents for a variety of reasons congressmen read the same newspapers and watch the same TV newscasts as other people in the area do 1 Congress is paralyzed from acting on such great issues of the day as the federal budget deficit a bill tailored to the interests of a single individual passed Congress with almost unimaginable speed , before the judicial process had run its course , and , indeed , while the Morgan case was awaiting a ruling by the appellate court 10 Yet a bill tailored to the interests of a single individual passed Congress with almost unimaginable speed the judicial process had run its course 6 before the judicial process had run its course indeed , while the Morgan case was awaiting a ruling by the appellate court 11 Yet a bill tailored to the interests of a single individual passed Congress with almost unimaginable speed and , indeed the Morgan case was awaiting a ruling by the appellate court 2 Congress is paralyzed from acting on such great issues of the day as the federal budget deficit.Yet a bill tailored to the interests of a single individual passed Congress with almost unimaginable speed , before the judicial process had run its course , and , indeed , while the Morgan case was awaiting a ruling by the appellate court The Morgan case tells us much more about the current state of sex , class , race and politics in our society than it does about the facts of Dr. Morgan 's particular situation 1 it offered to acquire Arby 's Inc. , the fast-food operator , for $ 205 million The proposal was immediately rebuffed by Arby 's parent , DWG Corp 11 net income fell 22 % in the third quarter , reflecting declining military spending and slumping GM vehicle production net at GM 's finance arm , General Motors Acceptance Corp. , fell 3.1 % 1 net income fell 22 % in the third quarter , reflecting declining military spending and slumping GM vehicle production net at GM 's finance arm , General Motors Acceptance Corp. , fell 3.1 % 1 Meanwhile , net at GM 's finance arm , General Motors Acceptance Corp. , fell 3.1 % Electronic Data Systems Corp. , GM 's data processing subsidiary , boosted net 16 % 1 Profit at the unit fell to $ 110.6 million , or 37 cents a share , from $ 142.4 million , or 45 cents a share , largely because of a $ 24 million one-time charge associated with Hughes 's previously announced plan to reduce employment by at least 6,000 people by year end Even excluding the charge net fell 5 % 6 The earnings drop at GM Hughes Electronics is a sign of tough times at both the defense operations of Hughes Aircraft Co. and GM 's North American automotive operations , which are a primary customer for the Delco Electronics Corp. side of the GM Hughes unit GM 's North American vehicle production fell 8.4 % from a year ago , which hurt Delco Electronic 's earnings 6 The bids remain subject to evaluation by the federal bankruptcy court supervising PS of New Hampshire 's reorganization They are indirectly subject to approval by the state of New Hampshire 6 Each of the four parties bidding for PS of New Hampshire proposes a complex financial package to satisfy creditors and shareholders and proposes a formula to limit rate increases to satisfy the state 2 The new round of bidding would seem to complicate the decision making for Judge James Yacos , the bankruptcy judge overseeing the case the company 's stockholders , unsecured creditors and regulators each are currently backing different plans 6 The new round of bidding would seem to complicate the decision making for Judge James Yacos , the bankruptcy judge overseeing the case , because the company 's stockholders , unsecured creditors and regulators each are currently backing different plans some of the proposals are so close , that non-financial issues such as timing may play a more important role 10 The unsecured creditors agreed in principle to support New Haven , Conn.-based United Illuminating 's new bid They had backed an internal reorganization plan proposed by PS of New Hampshire 1 The unsecured creditors agreed in principle to support New Haven , Conn.-based United Illuminating 's new bid They had backed an internal reorganization plan proposed by PS of New Hampshire 1 All of the bidders contemplate full payment including interest to secured creditors United Illuminating 's plan offers more for unsecured creditors 6 that under the United Illuminating plan , unsecured creditors would be paid in full credits and interest of about $ 855 million , accrued before PS of New Hampshire 's Jan. 1988 filing for bankruptcy court protection they would receive some $ 200 million in payments for interest since then 6 It would be 72 % -owned by United Illuminating holders and 28 % -owned by current holders of PS of New Hampshire preferred and common stock PS of New Hampshire preferred holders would get certain debentures and preferred stock 1 New England Electric values its offer at $ 2 billion PS of New Hampshire values its reorganization plan at $ 2.2 billion 1 The bankruptcy judge has ruled that federal bankruptcy laws could be used to circumvent state regulation that the state plays a major role because it could significantly delay final settlement of a plan it did n't like 2 that the state plays a major role it could significantly delay final settlement of a plan it did n't like 1 PS of New Hampshire amended its plan to call for two years of 5.5 % rate increases followed by five years of 4.5 % increases Fuel cost adjustments could change the effective rate increases 1 PS of New Hampshire amended its plan to call for two years of 5.5 % rate increases followed by five years of 4.5 % increases it had proposed seven years of 5.5 % increases 10 PS of New Hampshire amended its plan to call for two years of 5.5 % rate increases followed by five years of 4.5 % increases it had proposed seven years of 5.5 % increases 6 PS of New Hampshire amended its plan to call for two years of 5.5 % rate increases followed by five years of 4.5 % increases United Illuminating amended its rate plan 6 The new offer assumes just five years of 5.5 % rate increases , to be followed by state-approved increases under the usual hearing procedure Previously United Illuminating had called for seven years of 5.5 % increases 3 that would pay one to three years ' salary their jobs were changed or they were dismissed in the wake of a takeover 5 if their jobs were changed they were dismissed in the wake of a takeover 1 Richard Breeden had n't noticed that his new desk had just four telephone lines and one phone the lack of lines became painfully apparent 11 Mr. Breeden found himself scurrying around the sixth floor of the SEC -- from his desk , where the New York Stock Exchange was on an open line , to his assistant 's office , where the Commodity Futures Trading Commission was connected , to a third room , where a computer monitored market moves the stock market lurched into a 190-point free fall on Oct. 13 2 Mr. Breeden found himself scurrying around the sixth floor of the SEC -- from his desk , where the New York Stock Exchange was on an open line , to his assistant 's office , where the Commodity Futures Trading Commission was connected , to a third room , where a computer monitored market moves the stock market lurched into a 190-point free fall on Oct. 13 6 Now there are more lines connected to the chairman 's office the market-monitoring computer has been moved next to his desk 10 Like his predecessor , David Ruder , he was faced with a crisis in the stock markets coming into office 1 Like his predecessor , David Ruder , he was faced with a crisis in the stock markets soon after coming into office unlike Mr. Ruder , who during the 1987 crash damaged himself by saying rather offhandedly that the markets might be closed , Mr. Breeden is turning the market drop to his own advantage , using it to further his agenda for the SEC 6 But unlike Mr. Ruder Mr. Breeden is turning the market drop to his own advantage , using it to further his agenda for the SEC unlike Mr. Ruder , Mr. Breeden appears to be in a position to get somewhere with his agenda 7 But Mr. Breeden , a 39-year-old securities lawyer , has skirted some of the heftier issues facing the financial markets he has n't stated a clear position on high-risk , high-yield junk bonds , an area of growing concern as turmoil in the junk market spills over into stocks 6 For instance , he has n't stated a clear position on high-risk , high-yield junk bonds , an area of growing concern as turmoil in the junk market spills over into stocks He has kept a close wrap on the names of people under consideration for the crucial post of enforcement director at the commission , a job vacant since the summer 6 Members of the Senate Banking Committee know Mr. Breeden from working on the thrift-bailout bill the relationship generally remains warm 9 and the relationship generally remains warm during Mr. Breeden 's confirmation hearing last month , senators asked him to introduce his children three separate times -- more often than they asked about his qualifications for the job 3 it would n't have made much of a difference you had n't had Richard Breeden there 10 that Mr. Breeden also will roll over told to do so by the White House 3 that Mr. Breeden also will roll over told to do so by the White House 1 They worry that Mr. Breeden also will roll over when told to do so by the White House Mr. Breeden already has shown an eagerness to run the SEC his way 11 Stunned , Mr. Breeden turned to his market-monitoring computer which was next to his desk 6 Mr. Breeden instructed SEC staffers to inform the network that it was airing the wrong number Mr. Breeden is trying to use a far more catastrophic event -- the California earthquake -- to move another rule change past Congress 2 the question of whether to list options on more than one exchange has aroused much interest in Congress regional exchanges fear the change could bankrupt them 6 The soft , wafting aromas will `` improve ride comfort , '' the display attests a proud employee says Mazda hopes to move the system out of the lab and into its cars in a year or two 6 But this biennial event , the world 's largest display of cars and trucks , has its serious side , including the first major exhibitions of future engines and vehicle-suspension systems It 's the prime showcase for a country whose world dominance in the industry is increasingly acknowledged 6 It 's also the prime showcase for a country whose world dominance in the industry is increasingly acknowledged therein lies the draw 1 Even the biggest auto shows in the U.S. are largely regional affairs the Tokyo show is international 2 Detroit-to-Tokyo flights were booked solid this week Motor City executives , including Ford Motor Co. Chairman Donald E. Petersen and Chrysler Corp. Vice Chairman Gerald Greenwald , flocked to see the future 11 Detroit-to-Tokyo flights were booked solid this week Motor City executives , including Ford Motor Co. Chairman Donald E. Petersen and Chrysler Corp. Vice Chairman Gerald Greenwald , flocked to see the future 6 at what the Japanese hosts sported what the foreign visitors saw 1 Existing suspension systems try to absorb bounces active suspension provides power to counter the jolts 6 it will introduce its first system next month on the Infiniti Q45 luxury sedan Toyota 's Celica coupe will go on sale with the suspension device next spring 6 The Japanese , for now , are keeping active suspension for domestic use only Detroit 's Big Three auto makers say their systems are still under development 0 that within a decade could provide power equal to today 's engines and take up only half the space 1 In the so-called two-stroke engines each piston goes up and down only once to provide power the pistons in conventional four-stroke engines must move up and down twice in each power cycle 1 It is rumored to be bound for a new model in the luxury Acura line in the U.S Honda officials would n't comment 1 There 's plenty of whimsy here it is n't always clear whether it 's intentional 1 Honda has a tiny motorcycle called the Monkey , and a slightly larger cousin , the Gorilla.Mitsubishi has a futuristic delivery truck called the Guppy.Mazda has the Bongo truck and , under its Autozam nameplate , a `` microvan '' called the Scrum.Its buglike Carol minicar is `` designed with softness , gentleness and warmheartedness the court jester appears to be Japan 's smallest car maker , Daihatsu Motor Co 6 One of its futuristic concepts is the bubblelike Sneaker Daihatsu has the Fellow 90 , the Leeza Spider and the Hijet Dumbo 0 Japanese auto makers are known for coming up with funny names , but this year the practice seems to have reached a new high -- or low The jokes are n't just on the Japanese 1 The name is supposed to connote feminine grandeur in Japanese it means `` eyeglasses 6 General Motors Corp. is sponsoring its first independent display in 10 years it includes a boxy Buick station wagon with wood-grain side panels 8 AB Volvo invites passers-by to play `` the role of the test dummy '' by hopping in a car that simulates a crash to show just how its seat-belt tightener works.Hyundai Motor Co. of South Korea has its first-ever exhibit in Tokyo . General Motors Corp. is sponsoring its first independent display in 10 years Ford and Chrysler have exhibits 1 Ford and Chrysler also have exhibits theirs are tucked in a separate room with the less-popular automotive parts section 7 Even so , traditional American cockiness is n't terribly endangered Ford officials crowed about their first-ever Tokyo Grand Prix racing victory 1 True , Ford was declared the winner Sunday only after the Honda driver who crossed the finish line first was disqualified 2 True , Ford was declared the winner Sunday only after the Honda driver who crossed the finish line first was disqualified 10 True , Ford was declared the winner Sunday but the Honda driver who crossed the finish line first was disqualified 2 True , Ford was declared the winner Sunday but the Honda driver who crossed the finish line first was disqualified 2 but only after the Honda driver who crossed the finish line first was disqualified it hit another car and skid momentarily out of bounds 6 Ford officials , for example , crowed about their first-ever Tokyo Grand Prix racing victory.True , Ford was declared the winner Sunday , but only after the Honda driver who crossed the finish line first was disqualified because it hit another car and skid momentarily out of bounds Mr. Jordan of GM still criticizes Japanese styling 11 The Republicans maintain that a 30 % capital-gains exclusion will raise revenue in the short term and spur economic investment the Democrats maintain that an increase in the top income-tax rate and expanded IRAs will raise revenue and spur savings 1 The Republicans maintain that a 30 % capital-gains exclusion will raise revenue in the short term and spur economic investment the Democrats maintain that an increase in the top income-tax rate and expanded IRAs will raise revenue and spur savings 1 PWA would n't estimate the value of Wardair 's aircraft , which include 12 Airbus A310-300s and three Boeing 747-100s James Ireland , a Miami-based technical analyst with Avmark Inc. , an aircraft evaluation firm , estimated the total `` half-life '' value of the 15 planes at about $ 650 million or more 6 PWA Corp. said it plans to sell by spring 1992 all 15 passenger planes it acquired earlier this year in its 248 million Canadian dollar ( US $ 211.6 million ) purchase of Wardair Inc that PWA said it plans to sell , beginning in 1992 2 current demand for used aircraft is strong surging orders for new aircraft have lengthened waiting lists 6 it plans to sell by spring 1992 all 15 passenger planes it acquired earlier this year in its 248 million Canadian dollar ( US $ 211.6 million ) purchase of Wardair Inc it plans to sell it will increase its existing fleet of eight Boeing 767-300ER aircraft to 18 by 1994 , and add four more Boeing 747-400s by 1994 to the two units that it previously planned to add by next year 1 PWA did n't disclose the expected net cost of the fleet overhaul a Toronto-based analyst estimated it at about $ 450 million ( US ) , excluding replacement costs for the 11 DC10-30 aircraft that PWA plans to sell , and purchase costs for as many as 17 Airbus 320-200 aircraft that PWA previously ordered 6 it plans to sell by spring 1992 all 15 passenger planes it acquired earlier this year in its 248 million Canadian dollar ( US $ 211.6 million ) purchase of Wardair Inc it plans to sell , beginning in 1992 it will also increase its existing fleet of eight Boeing 767-300ER aircraft to 18 by 1994 , and add four more Boeing 747-400s by 1994 to the two units that it previously planned to add by next year it expects to announce by Tuesday whether it will take delivery of all 17 Airbus 320-200 aircraft it previously ordered 1 Transportation Secretary Sam Skinner now says the bill would further disturb the jittery capital markets who fueled the anti-takeover fires with his quasi-xenophobic attacks on foreign investment in U.S. carriers 10 Transportation Secretary Sam Skinner now says the bill would further disturb the jittery capital markets who fueled the anti-takeover fires with his quasi-xenophobic attacks on foreign investment in U.S. carriers 1 that the Fed can wipe out inflation without causing a recession doing so will inflict some short-term pain and will require reducing the federal deficit sharply 1 Such a deadline is attainable it would have costs 6 But the Fed is n't enthusiastic about Treasury efforts to bring down the value of the dollar through intervention in foreign-exchange markets the Treasury is frustrated at the Fed 's reluctance to cut interest rates to pull down the dollar 's value 1 the inflation rate , currently about 4 1/2 % , `` could be brought down to levels which are close to zero without putting the economy into a recession that there might be some modest loss of economic output 9 the inflation rate , currently about 4 1/2 % , `` could be brought down to levels which are close to zero without putting the economy into a recession , but I do suspect that there might be some modest loss of economic output economic growth would be lower and unemployment would be higher for a few years 6 In other words , economic growth would be lower unemployment would be higher for a few years 1 that there might be some modest loss of economic output that `` whatever losses are incurred in the pursuing of price stability would surely be more than made up in increased output thereafter 10 whatever losses are incurred in the pursuing of price stability that `` whatever losses are incurred in the pursuing of price stability would surely be more than made up in increased output 1 whatever losses are incurred in the pursuing of price stability that `` whatever losses are incurred in the pursuing of price stability would surely be more than made up in increased output 5 that Fed efforts to conquer inflation would fail they are accompanied by a significant reduction in the federal deficit 10 to reduce the inflation rate by one percentage point a year for five years and to maintain a zero inflation rate 6 He altered the wording to win Mr. Greenspan 's endorsement Reps.Hamilton and Dorgan have altered their bill , dropping a proposal to add the Treasury secretary to the 12-member Fed committee that makes monetary policy 5 to add the Treasury secretary to the 12-member Fed committee that makes monetary policy the bill simply calls for twice-a-year meetings between the committee and top administration officials 2 Even that met with Mr. Greenspan 's disapproval it might subject the Fed `` to a more intensely political perspective '' and `` could risk bending monetary policy away from long-term strategic goals 0 together they would erode the Fed 's independence each of the Hamilton-Dorgan proposals represents only a small step 6 While each of the Hamilton-Dorgan proposals represents only a small step , together they would erode the Fed 's independence , Mr. Greenspan said Mr. Greenspan said that although he favors cutting capital-gains taxes as sound economic policy , he would oppose such a move if it would undo the political compromise embodied in the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and result in higher marginal income tax rates 0 that he would oppose such a move if it would undo the political compromise embodied in the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and result in higher marginal income tax rates he favors cutting capital-gains taxes as sound economic policy 3 that he would oppose such a move it would undo the political compromise embodied in the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and result in higher marginal income tax rates 6 The do-it-yourself show marks Sears 's entry into the burgeoning market of home repair television programs and could bolster sales of its home improvement products The show signals Mr. Vila 's return as a television celebrity 10 Earlier this year , public television station WGBH in Boston fired Mr. Vila a sponsor protested some of his numerous commercial endorsements 2 Earlier this year , public television station WGBH in Boston fired Mr. Vila a sponsor protested some of his numerous commercial endorsements 1 With Mr. Vila as host , `` This Old House '' became one of the Public Broadcasting Service 's top 10 programs Home Depot Inc. , an Atlanta-based home center chain , objected when Mr. Vila started doing commercial endorsements for Rickel Home Centers , a New Jersey building supply company that competes with Home Depot in some markets 10 But Home Depot Inc. , an Atlanta-based home center chain , objected Mr. Vila started doing commercial endorsements for Rickel Home Centers , a New Jersey building supply company that competes with Home Depot in some markets 2 But Home Depot Inc. , an Atlanta-based home center chain , objected Mr. Vila started doing commercial endorsements for Rickel Home Centers , a New Jersey building supply company that competes with Home Depot in some markets 1 it appears to be building a fence around Mr. Vila 's affections Sears would n't comment on the brouhaha over Mr. Vila 's commercial endorsements 6 The agency has since acted to remove Alar from the nation 's grocery shelves by May 31 , 1991 the apple industry has said that growers already have stopped using the chemical 6 The principles would give the Environmental Protection Agency increased authority and flexibility in regulating pesticides , with the aim of enabling the agency to move more quickly the principles attempt to eliminate the so-called Delaney Paradox 3 Under the Delaney clause a chemical is banned it causes cancer in laboratory animals 1 Under the Delaney clause , which applies to processed food , a chemical is banned if it causes cancer in laboratory animals Under other laws applying to pesticide use that same chemical could be allowed to be used on fresh food if it fell within the EPA 's tolerance level 3 Under other laws applying to pesticide use , however , that same chemical could be allowed to be used on fresh food it fell within the EPA 's tolerance level 10 Bar states from setting more stringent tolerance levels for a pesticide the federal government has set a standard 1 Chemicals that exceed these risk levels would be barred those that fall below these levels would be allowed 3 Allow the EPA to permit the continued use of pesticides that exceed its negligible risk standard the benefits of doing so outweigh the cost 10 Yesterday 's sluggish action was in marked contrast to the rearing and plunging of stock prices Tuesday the proposed buy-out of UAL Corp. once again collapsed 2 Yesterday 's sluggish action was in marked contrast to the rearing and plunging of stock prices Tuesday the proposed buy-out of UAL Corp. once again collapsed 10 to head for the sidelines it regains some semblance of stability 1 Although bond prices were n't as volatile on Tuesday trading as stock prices action also was much slower yesterday in the Treasury market 6 The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 5.94 points to 2653.28 in moderate trading action was much slower yesterday in the Treasury market 1 the report will show economic growth of about 2.5 % in the third quarter , which would have little effect on financial markets an unexpected deviation either way could roil bond and currency markets 1 Stock prices slipped lower in moderate trading advancing issues on the Big Board were ahead of decliners 784 to 700 1 that not only was the bad rep of big-time college sports richly earned also that it could be corrected 6 that not only was the bad rep of big-time college sports richly earned but that it could be corrected 6 Competition could be maintained stadiums probably would remain full 3 Competition could be maintained schedules were reduced and the games returned to the students 6 if schedules were reduced the games returned to the students 11 I was approached by a man who identified himself as the alumni director of a Big Ten university the session broke up 6 I 'd love to see sports cut back so would a lot of my counterparts at other schools 1 I 'd love to see sports cut back , and so would a lot of my counterparts at other schools everybody 's afraid to make the first move 6 but everybody 's afraid to make the first move so our institutions of higher learning lurch from scandal to scandal on gridiron and basketball court , while the casualties mount 2 but everybody 's afraid to make the first move And our institutions of higher learning lurch from scandal to scandal on gridiron and basketball court , while the casualties mount 11 And so our institutions of higher learning lurch from scandal to scandal on gridiron and basketball court the casualties mount 10 that prospects sang `` Here Comes Santa Claus he approached 10 Which was about what Mr. Shields did , and quietly he resigned a few years later 10 until he resigned a few years later the stuff hit the fan 2 until he resigned a few years later the stuff hit the fan 1 one ex-player claims he received $ 4,000 to $ 5,000 for his season football tickets others said theirs brought only a few hundred dollars 6 Discrepancies go unexplained in `` Confidential '' ( one ex-player claims he received $ 4,000 to $ 5,000 for his season football tickets while others said theirs brought only a few hundred dollars ) when Mr. Keteyian ca n't nail down something , like who really owned a car driven by Husker tailback Doug Dubose , he simply reprints his notes 3 and he simply reprints his notes Mr. Keteyian ca n't nail down something , like who really owned a car driven by Husker tailback Doug Dubose 0 A serious charge -- that star flanker Irving Fryar `` threw '' the 1984 Orange Bowl game by intentionally dropping a pass in the end zone -- is included the Nebraska assistant coach quoted denied making it 0 it must bear responsibility for its conduct in the aftermath the university was no more to blame for that than for the similar fate of any other student 10 to be cleaned the police could arrive 6 Bias 's coach , Lefty Driesell , ordered the room in which Bias died to be cleaned before the police could arrive ( the order was n't carried out ) the school 's athletics director issued false information about the academic standing of Bias and other players 0 Officials at the Department of Revenue had dogged the foreign car maker for taxes owed on business transactions and were proceeding to settle the dispute in court the check arrived in the mail 2 it did n't owe taxes to Massachusetts it sells its cars at a dock in Baltimore and not in Massachusetts 6 The amount covers taxes , interest and penalties owed from 1966 to 1985 Mercedes-Benz agreed to pay taxes owed for the years 1986 through 1988 3 Under Massachusetts tax laws , corporations must pay 9.5 % of estimated profits resulting from business transactions in the state the company conducts a variety of non-sales activities , including warranties , customer complaints and relations with independent dealerships 7 As part of the plan , the Houston-based company 's 1,100 Stop ' N Go stores will be refocused to target black , Hispanic , upscale or core middle-class customers Stores in upper-income neighborhoods will carry high-priced wines , publications such as Vanity Fair , gourmet pasta sauces , oat bran cereals and Weight Watchers and Pritikin products.Stores in Hispanic areas will stock an assortment of Spanish-language magazines , Mexican cooking items and candies.Stores in the company 's core middle-class market will get more frozen and quick-to-prepare foods and a greater selection of bottled water 6 that its franchisees have been targeting their merchandise to their customers for years that the company has begun to follow suit 7 that its franchisees have been targeting their merchandise to their customers for years , and that the company has begun to follow suit Southland has expanded its bottled water selection in some stores and added fresh sandwiches in some outlets 6 For instance , Southland has expanded its bottled water selection in some stores and added fresh sandwiches in some outlets Several months ago , it added black health and beauty aids displays to many stores 10 The union called the strike in April Pittston refused to sign the UMW 's national labor pact 2 The union called the strike in April Pittston refused to sign the UMW 's national labor pact 10 its stock did n't trade and the company forecast a `` significant '' drop next year in sales of its core product Delmed Inc. made top management changes and disclosed the end of an important business tie 2 its stock did n't trade and the company forecast a `` significant '' drop next year in sales of its core product Delmed Inc. made top management changes and disclosed the end of an important business tie 6 its stock did n't trade the company forecast a `` significant '' drop next year in sales of its core product 10 That disclosure came the American Stock Exchange alerted the company that trading would n't resume in its stock until additional information about developments was provided 10 that trading would n't resume in its stock additional information about developments was provided 3 that trading would n't resume in its stock additional information about developments was provided 6 and the company forecast a `` significant '' drop next year in sales of its core product In addition to the forecast , the company said it is examining potential cost cuts and reductions in overhead 6 that Fresenius USA would begin distributing the product that the company is investigating other possible distribution channels 6 Fresenius , a West German pharmaceutical concern , has been discussing a transaction in which it would buy Delmed stock for cash to bring its beneficial ownership to between 70 % and 80 % The transaction would combine Fresenius USA and Delmed 6 that the proposal still would infuse cash into Delmed but less than the $ 10 million originally expected Delmed would receive the North American rights to certain Fresenius AG products 0 The $ 75 million in paper money was exchanged through the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia without incident moldy , mildewy and smelly 1 The $ 75 million in paper money , although moldy , mildewy and smelly , was exchanged through the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia without incident Brooks was unable to reach a coin-cleaning agreement with the government 2 The U.S. Mint would n't take the coin it was n't mutilated 6 The U.S. Mint would n't take the coin because it was n't mutilated the Federal Reserve Bank accepts only clean coins 2 that transporting the mucked up money to Washington would cost the company thousands more Brooks gave the dirty work to Coin Wrap Inc 10 After cooling the coins are rewrapped 6 Brooks expects to pay Coin Wrap a total of about $ 20,000 -- a cost that insurance wo n't cover while the job is half done , Brooks is still bitter 0 And Brooks is still bitter the job is half done 1 And Brooks is still bitter there 's only one person involved who 's happy , and that 's Floyd String , president of Coin Wrap and conceiver of the cement-truck solution 9 In fact , there 's only one person involved who 's happy that 's Floyd String , president of Coin Wrap and conceiver of the cement-truck solution 6 Not only did his company find $ 20,000 worth of work when the approach was suggested Brooks officials `` did n't laugh at me or anything 11 but Brooks officials `` did n't laugh at me or anything the approach was suggested 6 It seems that every day a new movie opens featuring a child coping with a mother 's death , or adoption , or aging parents , or pregnancy why not 3 there 's no place like home it comes to compelling drama 11 there 's no place like home it comes to compelling drama 1 All of their friends have children they ca n't 2 All of their friends have children and they ca n't now they want a child more than anything -- perhaps even more than Michael wanted his fancy convertible or his deluxe stereo equipment 2 The idea of a child-as-required-yuppie-possession must be motivating them the wealthy offspring of their friends are shown to be rude brats , in therapy by age five 5 The actors wear pained expressions to indicate their genuine longing for a little one maybe they 're not-so-subtly commenting on the inadequacy of the script , and Jonathan Kaplan 's ( `` The Accused '' ) dull direction 5 or maybe they 're not-so-subtly commenting on the inadequacy of the script , and Jonathan Kaplan 's ( `` The Accused '' ) dull direction maybe they are disgusted by the literal-minded musical score 11 her thoughts are revealed by the sound of `` I Can See Clearly Now a character arrives at a major decision 2 The adoption agency insists on introducing the adopting parents to the birth mother Linda and Michael pay for pregnant Lucy 's ( Ms.Masterson ) bus ticket from Ohio 11 There is some pain Lucy has the baby and `` did n't know she would feel like this '' and wants to keep the baby 2 There is some pain Lucy has the baby and `` did n't know she would feel like this '' and wants to keep the baby 1 There is some pain , when Lucy has the baby and `` did n't know she would feel like this '' and wants to keep the baby in the end , everything turns out for the best , in the film makers ' warped view 2 The glib emotional style Mr. Goldberg has perfected on television 's `` Family Ties '' does n't benefit from magnification.His characters practically scamper through a vast range of human emotions , like travelers doing 10 cities in eight days.They pause only to register little whimpers of distress and sighs of satisfaction , like tourists cataloging the sights they 've seen from the window of a bus.Not even Jack Lemmon 's expert doddering makes this trip worth taking it 's entirely possible that `` Look Who 's Talking '' is n't as entertaining as it seems in comparison to the turgid other films opening now 1 So it 's entirely possible that `` Look Who 's Talking '' is n't as entertaining as it seems in comparison to the turgid other films opening now But this fluffy comedy seems like a gem 10 It starts with conception , taking the sperm 's point of view progresses to the baby 's point of view 6 Bruce Willis 's best attribute as an actor is his coy , lazy voice that 's all you get of him here , speaking for the baby 6 Westinghouse Electric Corp. expects operating margins of more than 10 % and double-digit per-share earnings growth next year the company expects sales from continuing businesses to rise 8.5 % annually through the next three years 11 Since 1983 , Westinghouse has shed 70 businesses that it did n't expect to produce 10 % operating margins acquiring 55 businesses 1 Since 1983 , Westinghouse has shed 70 businesses that it did n't expect to produce 10 % operating margins acquiring 55 businesses 0 we can handle that the gross national product is either flat or in the growth range of 2 % to 2.5 % 6 the company foresees the need for a major boost in new-generation capability throughout the 1990s Westinghouse is well positioned to sell steam turbine and gas turbine plants to independent power producers 6 We expect to supply a significant share of this market Westinghouse expects its international sales to soon grow to 25 % of total corporate sales from 20 % last year 6 The deal , which will involve an initial $ 20 million investment , was struck with a handshake , he added Company officials said that any gain from the sale of Westinghouse 's 55 % stake in its transmission and distribution venture with the Swiss firm of Asea Brown Boveri will be offset by a restructuring charge in the fourth quarter 11 governmental fear of abuse has risen ties between academia and venture capital have blossomed in recent years 2 governmental fear of abuse has risen ties between academia and venture capital have blossomed in recent years 3 The researchers will receive a royalty , or percentage of sales their research yields a commercial product 2 But it may disqualify itself from federal funds under the proposed guidelines the University of California , like many other universities , shares its royalties with researchers 7 The high-tech industry is full of the kind of arrangement that the new guidelines would affect Commonwealth BioVentures Inc. , a venture-capital concern , last month invested $ 600,000 to launch Amira Inc. , a Worcester , Mass. , concern that will produce pharmaceuticals 1 Prof.Schimmel will continue to work at MIT , serve on Amira 's board and own a small equity stake in the company Ms. Kaddurah-Daouk left MIT to head Amira 1 venture capitalists are the ones best positioned to finance its commercialization universities develop the basic research 1 Prof.Schimmel will continue to work at MIT , serve on Amira 's board and own a small equity stake in the company the new guidelines could prevent scientists like Prof.Schimmel from being involved with start-ups such as Amira 6 But the new guidelines could prevent scientists like Prof.Schimmel from being involved with start-ups such as Amira if that happens , the entire process of transferring technology to the marketplace could be harmed 3 And the entire process of transferring technology to the marketplace could be harmed that happens 2 Investors were willing to gamble on new technologies we had exclusive rights to those technologies 1 In many of these deals , `` venture capitalists had the inside track under the proposed guidelines , all federally funded research will have to be reported publicly so that anyone can capitalize on the work 2 But under the proposed guidelines , all federally funded research will have to be reported publicly anyone can capitalize on the work 7 But under the proposed guidelines , all federally funded research will have to be reported publicly so that anyone can capitalize on the work Last year Avalon and others invested $ 14 million in Athena Neurosciences Inc. , South San Francisco , Calif. , to license and develop technology for delivery of drugs to the brain 10 But the Federal Register published most of the details , `` giving all of the company 's potential competitors a chance to exploit it Athena was able to get an exclusive license to the technology 1 Athena eventually acquired exclusive rights to the technology and currently is developing it It was a close call 6 But under the proposed guidelines , all federally funded research will have to be reported publicly so that anyone can capitalize on the work The proposed guidelines could delay commercialization -- and force small companies to waste scarce capital 3 we have to replicate it ourselves or do without the research start-ups ca n't have early access to research being conducted at institutions 6 the guidelines are essential to prevent the escalation of problems that have already begun to surface in scientific ventures Many officials are concerned about companies getting a `` free ride '' on government-sponsored research 0 the business and scientific community is overreacting to what the agency merely meant to be `` ideas for discussion when agencies like the NIH circulate guidelines , they 've often already formulated policy 3 But they 've often already formulated policy agencies like the NIH circulate guidelines 6 But when agencies like the NIH circulate guidelines , they 've often already formulated policy institutions already are taking note 2 But when agencies like the NIH circulate guidelines , they 've often already formulated policy institutions already are taking note 8 On Sept. 14 , Harvard began circulating a conflict-of-interest policy statement that , in effect , would follow the NIH guidelines faithfully The University of California at San Francisco is circulating a memo among its scientific faculty that will restrict contact with the world of business 10 In many other institutions , scientists are shunning contacts with venture investors the NIH policy is settled 2 PBS air dates and times vary check local listings 0 Worth watching the music has lasted better than the plot or the humor 6 I 've seen a great many moviestar film portraits this one is outstanding 11 You 'll remember you see the stunning footage taken from inside a hurricane 's eye , in this edition of `` NOVA 6 L.J . Hooker filed for Chapter 11 protection in August and has announced its intention to sell its B. Altman & Co. department store chain 1 The cash from the sale will go to L.J . Hooker the company itself will belong to Sam Merksamer 6 In a statement , Mr. Merksamer described the filing as a `` legal technicality but said that `` our inability to obtain trade credit , combined with a need to ensure that our stores were properly stocked for the Christmas season , necessitated our filing Chapter 11 11 As reported , PaineWebber bought shares Tuesday as part of a customer strategy shift although the broker 's client was said to have been Japanese 11 Renaissance 's portfolio typically is composed of about 60 large-capitalization issues it owns stocks 5 The broker winning the business does n't charge commissions but profits by buying or selling for less than the overall package price 5 The broker winning the business does n't charge commissions but profits by buying or selling for less than the overall package price 3 That puts the broker at risk it 's trying to buy stock in a rising market 11 The sell signal came Renaissance 's computer found that stocks were overpriced compared with bonds and Treasury bills 1 The Dow average now stands more than 20 % higher Renaissance 's portfolio of Treasurys produced a return of about 6 % through the first three quarters of the year 1 Almost any money manager holding stocks has turned in better results Renaissance has played it safe with Treasury bills 1 So why does Renaissance 's computer like stocks with the Dow at 2653.28 it did n't with the Dow at 2200 1 Three-month T-bill yields have fallen to 7.8 % from about 9 % at the start of the year Stock prices are about 140 points lower than the peak of 2791.41 reached on the Dow industrial average Oct. 9 11 Three-month T-bill yields have fallen to 7.8 % from about 9 % at the start of the year Stock prices are about 140 points lower than the peak of 2791.41 reached on the Dow industrial average Oct. 9 3 that it would take about three days to complete the loose ends of the transaction there was such a move 3 During that time , a buyer with the clout of a Renaissance could end up driving up the price of stocks it was trying to buy it tipped its hand 2 But everything is relative to Mr. Terrizzi stocks in his view can become more attractive in comparison with bonds or T-bills 0 so stocks in his view can become more attractive in comparison with bonds or T-bills shares are more expensive than when they were sold in January 3 Renaissance switches the computer says switch 11 Almost all have involved at least half and often the firm 's entire portfolio the computer searches for the most undervalued investment category 2 Competing asset-allocation firms march to their own computer models some have been partly or fully invested in stocks this year while Renaissance has sat on the sidelines 11 so some have been partly or fully invested in stocks this year Renaissance has sat on the sidelines 1 so some have been partly or fully invested in stocks this year Renaissance has sat on the sidelines 2 Competing asset-allocation firms march to their own computer models , so some have been partly or fully invested in stocks this year while Renaissance has sat on the sidelines Renaissance has been looking for any opportunity to return to the stock market , rather than risk losing business by continuing to remain fully invested in Treasury bills 6 some clients have left Renaissance , but no major ones the firm has added new accounts 11 who last week resigned as president and chief executive of Qintex Entertainment Inc. `` for personal reasons the company filed for bankruptcy-law protection 6 David Evans has been temporarily reappointed to both positions , the company said Qintex Entertainment said Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Jonathan Lloyd , 37 years old , would join the nine-member board 10 Mr. Evans will stay but not later than the end of the year a successor is found 10 Qintex Entertainment found itself facing problems of its own MGM/UA terminated the $ 1.5 billion merger because of a dispute over a $ 50 million letter of credit 6 Qintex Entertainment -- which is 43 % -owned by Qintex Australia -- found itself facing problems of its own the relationship between Qintex Entertainment and the Australian company appears to be quickly deteriorating 1 He recommended that the company file for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code before the MCA deadline , according to a source familiar with the sessions a majority of the board , which includes three members from the Australian company , overrode him 6 Last week the company indicated it would cut back on the working capital it would supply to Qintex Entertainment a Qintex Entertainment shareholder filed suit in federal court in Los Angeles charging Qintex Australia with misleading shareholders about Qintex Entertainment 's financial position 11 Charge With Caution Traveling Abroad 3 Charge With Caution Traveling Abroad 2 The Sept. 25 `` Tracking Travel '' column advises readers to `` Charge With Caution When Traveling Abroad credit-card companies charge 1 % to convert foreign-currency expenditures into dollars 10 who converts his dollars into foreign currency the trip starts 10 Typically , he will be billed only several weeks after the expenditure and has another couple of weeks before he has to pay the bill 10 and then has another couple of weeks he has to pay the bill 11 Typically , he will be billed only several weeks after the expenditure , and then has another couple of weeks before he has to pay the bill the money can continue to earn interest for the card holder -- often more than 1 % during that `` float '' period alone 6 the Desert Inn remodeling will cost about $ 32 million the refurbishment of the three DC-8-62 aircraft will cost around $ 24.5 million 6 The facility will be marketed toward families room rates will be between $ 35 and $ 55 a night 11 Assets of the 400 taxable funds tracked by IBC/Donoghue 's Money Fund Report jumped to $ 351.2 billion in the week ended Tuesday the average yield on taxable funds dropped nearly a tenth of a percentage point , the largest drop since midsummer 1 Assets of the 400 taxable funds tracked by IBC/Donoghue 's Money Fund Report jumped to $ 351.2 billion in the week ended Tuesday the average yield on taxable funds dropped nearly a tenth of a percentage point , the largest drop since midsummer 6 that dividends are reinvested that current rates continue for a year 0 Money funds invest in such things as short-term Treasury securities , commercial paper and certificates of deposit , all of which have been posting lower interest rates since last spring Individual investors can get better yields on money funds than on many other short-term instruments 9 Individual investors can still get better yields on money funds than on many other short-term instruments The yield on six-month Treasury bills sold at Monday 's auction was just 7.77 % 2 by extending the maturities of their investments they can earn the current higher rates for a longer period 6 They 're anticipating further declines in rates they 're going to get them , slowly 1 The average 30-day simple yield slid to 8.22 % from 8.26 % the average 30-day compound yield fell to 8.56 % from 8.60 % 6 They got hurt by investing in the highly risky junk bond market the pain is worse because they did it with borrowed money 2 and the pain is worse they did it with borrowed money 2 junk bond prices have been weak for months the leverage has amplified the funds ' portfolio losses 6 Thus , the leverage has amplified the funds ' portfolio losses shares of leveraged junk funds this year have been clobbered even harder than the junk bonds they hold 2 Share prices performed even worse than the funds ' asset values fear has taken hold '' in the junk market 9 Such problems may not be over Leveraged funds are still extremely vulnerable 2 Leveraged funds in particular `` are still extremely vulnerable we 're still at the beginning of problems in the junk market 3 they might shy away someone actually sat down and thought about what they were being sold 3 holders can make that much more profit the market surges 1 If the market surges , holders can make that much more profit ; the leverage effectively acts as an interest-free margin account for investors when the market moves against the fund , investors lose more than other junk holders because the market decline is magnified by the amount the fund is leveraged 3 But investors lose more than other junk holders the market moves against the fund 2 But when the market moves against the fund , investors lose more than other junk holders the market decline is magnified by the amount the fund is leveraged 3 it enhances the yield I am borrowing at 9.9 % and each { bond } yields over that 6 As long as I am borrowing at 9.9 % each { bond } yields over that 3 what happens in a leveraged product the market does n't cooperate 3 it will give a nice picture '' of how leverage can help performance the market turns around 2 Several leveraged funds do n't want to cut the amount they borrow it would slash the income they pay shareholders 11 High cash positions help buffer a fund the market falls 7 Some have raised their cash positions to record levels Prospect Street High Income Portfolio now holds about 15 % in cash and equivalents , nearly quintuple the amount it held earlier this year 2 That 's a problem cash is n't earning us very much money 1 At the 50 % -leveraged Zenith Income Fund , portfolio manager John Bianchi recently dumped Mesa Petroleum , Wickes and Horsehead Industries , among others Because of the recent junk-market turmoil , the fund is considering investing in other issues including mortgage-backed bonds 3 At some point we 're going to have to make a move we are unable to cover our leveraged cost 6 At some point , if we are unable to cover our leveraged cost we 're going to have to make a move at the moment we 're right on it 11 At some point , if we are unable to cover our leveraged cost we 're going to have to make a move at the moment we 're right on it 6 One of the more bizarre garden stories since Eden has been unfolding for four years now , in the private paper-and-crayon fantasies of artist Jennifer Bartlett if she and the Battery Park City Authority have their way , her horticulturally inept plan will soon go public as a real garden `` artwork '' in the downtown complex 3 And her horticulturally inept plan will soon go public as a real garden `` artwork '' in the downtown complex she and the Battery Park City Authority have their way 6 Last year she boasted to HG magazine : `` I 'd never looked at a garden in my life she proved no shirking violet in her initial statement to the BPCA , a New York State public benefit corporation : `` The only thing I was interested in doing was a very complicated garden , which would cost an enormous amount of money and be very expensive to maintain 1 The BPCA called its team a `` stunning '' collaboration After four years the South Gardens design is 100 % uncollaborated Jennifer Bartlett 6 I have designed a garden , not knowing the difference between a rhododendron and a tulip she proclaimed that `` landscape architects have been going wrong for the last 20 years '' in the design of open space 6 Moreover , she proclaimed that `` landscape architects have been going wrong for the last 20 years '' in the design of open space she further stunned her listeners by revealing her secret garden design method : Commissioning a friend to spend `` five or six thousand dollars . . . on books that I ultimately cut up 2 that she absolutely did not believe in compromise or in giving in to the client I do n't think you can do watered-down versions of things 2 This was never a problem with South Gardens the client had long since given in to Ms. Bartlett 's every whim 2 My loft was 50 by 100 feet 50 feet by 50 feet seemed like a good garden room 6 Ms. Bartlett blithely suggested calling upon `` semi-skilled garden club workers for maintenance she had insisted on paths so narrow ( five to eight feet ) and hedge corners so square that standard maintenance equipment -- trucks or cherry pickers -- could n't maneuver 6 Furthermore , she had insisted on paths so narrow ( five to eight feet ) and hedge corners so square that standard maintenance equipment -- trucks or cherry pickers -- could n't maneuver to make these gardenettes quite literally rooms , Ms. Bartlett had thrown up windowless walls ( brick , lattice , hedge ) eight to 10 feet tall , casting her interiors into day-long Stygian shade 6 Ms. Bartlett 's little rooms left little room for plants or people Then , to make these gardenettes quite literally rooms , Ms. Bartlett had thrown up windowless walls ( brick , lattice , hedge ) eight to 10 feet tall , casting her interiors into day-long Stygian shade flouting the BPCA 's wishes to continue the popular two-mile riverside Esplanade , prized for its expansive views of New York Harbor , the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island , Ms. Bartlett threw up yet another wall , this time concrete , this time 10 1/2 feet tall 11 Manhattan Community Board 1 passed a resolution against South Gardens the model was still on view 2 Bryant Park , as designed in 1933 , failed as a public space it made people feel trapped 10 The three urban horticulture experts with Cornell Cooperative Extension weighed in with a letter to the BPCA that began : `` We feel that the garden is horticulturally doomed They addressed the decidedly `` questionable safety of . . . a complex garden of endless hiding places 6 BPCA President and CEO David Emil hopes to negotiate a seawall that could `` be significantly more visually permeable by substituting yet another landscape architect , Nicholas Quennell , he insists he can achieve that and other accommodations to gardening reality while still preserving the `` artistic vision '' of a `` truly great artist 11 he can achieve that and other accommodations to gardening reality still preserving the `` artistic vision '' of a `` truly great artist 0 After four years of no progress in this direction , it is doubtful any viable collaboration with Ms. Bartlett will suddenly now be possible he plans to go with the grid 11 who seems to have had a Jennifer Bartlett in mind he wrote : `` Unhappily , our gardeners for ages have suffered at the hands of the decorative artist when applying his ` designs ' to the garden . . . . It is this adapting of absurd ` knots ' and patterns from old books to any surface where a flower garden has to be made that leads to bad and frivolous design -- wrong in plan and hopeless for the life of plants 2 Unhappily , our gardeners for ages have suffered at the hands of the decorative artist applying his ` designs ' to the garden 11 Unhappily , our gardeners for ages have suffered at the hands of the decorative artist applying his ` designs ' to the garden 2 I read the exerpts of Wayne Angell 's exchange with a Gosbank representative ( `` Put the Soviet Economy on Golden Rails , '' editorial page , Oct. 5 ) with great interest the gold standard is one of my areas of research 4 Mr. Angell is incorrect he states that the Soviet Union 's large gold reserves would give it `` great power to establish credibility 1 During the latter part of the 19th century , Russia was on a gold standard and had gold reserves representing more than 100 % of its outstanding currency , but no one outside Russia used rubles The Bank of England had gold reserves that averaged about 30 % of its outstanding currency , and Bank of England notes were accepted throughout the world 6 The Bank of England , on the other hand , had gold reserves that averaged about 30 % of its outstanding currency Bank of England notes were accepted throughout the world 6 that the Bank of England was a private bank with substantial earning assets the common-law rights of creditors to collect claims against the bank were well established in Britain 1 that the Bank of England was a private bank with substantial earning assets , and the common-law rights of creditors to collect claims against the bank were well established in Britain in 19th-century Russia an authoritarian government owned the bank and had the power to revoke payment whenever it chose , much as it would in today 's Soviet Union 6 the pound was never devalued payment of gold for pound notes was never suspended 1 that from 1844 to 1914 , when the Bank of England was an independent private bank , the pound was never devalued and payment of gold for pound notes was never suspended with the subsequent nationalization of the Bank of England , the pound was devalued with increasing frequency and its use as an international medium of exchange declined 6 but with the subsequent nationalization of the Bank of England , the pound was devalued with increasing frequency its use as an international medium of exchange declined 11 The Soviet Union should keep these lessons in mind it seeks to establish the ruble as an international currency 5 however , a gold-based ruble would be as unsuccessful for the Soviets as it was for the czars the laws determining the noteholder 's rights to payment are independent of the issuer of those notes 10 I 'm perfectly happy to work with this committee . . . in identifying whether we need other devices , '' such as a program-trading curb the SEC study of the drop is completed 1 Mr. Breeden backed most of the provisions in a market-reform bill that the SEC brought to the subcommittee last year under then-chairman David Ruder the new chairman vehemently opposed a provision in the bill that would give the agency the right to close the markets at times of stress 6 precisely when and where any trading interruptions will occur how long they will last 6 Such loans often are used to finance leveraged buy-outs the agency is worried that a sharp market drop could create capital problems for the firms 6 Mr. Breeden offered strong support for two other provisions in the bill He backed a rule to require large traders to report transactions on a systematic basis 10 In a rare package sale of its real estate , K mart Corp. , Troy , Mich. , has sold 17 of its strip shopping centers to a limited partnership led by New York developer Philip Pilevsky , according to sources familiar with the transaction K mart had announced it would report its third consecutive decline in quarterly earnings for the period ended yesterday , the same day the real estate deal was completed 1 The company is active in office and residential development in New York nationally , Mr. Pilevsky controls through limited partnerships about 85 shopping centers with about 17 million square feet 6 We just do n't have the staff to { deliver } it do we have the space or the time 6 Businesses across the country are getting fed up with junk mail some are saying they just are n't going to take it anymore -- literally 2 Businesses across the country are getting fed up with junk mail some are saying they just are n't going to take it anymore -- literally 1 it would n't deliver bulk mail or free magazines in its Flint , Mich. , office it screens junk mail and often throws out most of a given mass mailing 6 The practice of businesses throwing out junk mail `` is a commonly known problem it 's increasing as companies attempt to put through budget cuts across the board , '' right down to the mail-room level 11 and it 's increasing companies attempt to put through budget cuts across the board , '' right down to the mail-room level 2 and it 's increasing companies attempt to put through budget cuts across the board , '' right down to the mail-room level 2 But it 's like biting the hand that feeds them every one of these companies uses direct marketing 2 It 's almost impossible to track the number of companies trashing junk mail the decision is usually made in the mail room -- not the board room 6 since the decision is usually made in the mail room -- not the board room the practice often varies from location to location even within a company 0 Magazines are n't delivered at all an individual 's name is listed 1 Motorola 's Austin operation was one of the first to lose patience , deciding a few years ago to junk any bulk mail that was n't addressed to an individual At Air Products the mailroom staff opens junk mail and often throws it away -- even if addressed to an individual 0 At Air Products , meanwhile , the mailroom staff opens junk mail and often throws it away addressed to an individual 3 they open one , see what it says , throw 48 away and send two to people or departments they think are appropriate they get 50 packets of something 10 Direct marketers were especially alarmed General Motors -- one of the country 's largest companies and a big direct-mail user itself -- entered the junk-mail battle 2 Direct marketers were especially alarmed General Motors -- one of the country 's largest companies and a big direct-mail user itself -- entered the junk-mail battle 3 that they would have to have them sent home instead they really wanted the publications 5 delivering bulk mail and non-subscription magazines that they would have to have them sent home 5 delivering bulk mail and non-subscription magazines that they would have to have them sent home 0 Direct-mail executives see GM 's stand as an ominous sign the junk-mail kings did bring it on themselves 0 It smacks of big brotherism The practice is legal in most cases 10 a company can do with it what it wishes it gets there 6 So far it has n't had any noticeable effect on response rates before it does , they 're trying to cut back on the clutter that created the situation in the first place 10 And they 're trying to cut back on the clutter that created the situation in the first place it does 3 But then again , mailing less and smarter wo n't be much help the mail ends up in the garbage anyway 6 One spot shows a Sonata next to a rival midsized car an announcer says , `` Listen to what they 're saying about the Hyundai Sonata 11 the other car , which is white , slowly turns green the announcer reads favorable quotes about the model from Motor Trend and Road & Track magazines 3 the wild reactions from the pool man , gardener and others not given Chivas for Christmas 10 when it was considered dead and suddenly revived and was passed by the House 6 with Mr. Packwood saying he intended to offer the proposal again and again on future legislation Sen. Mitchell saying he intended to use procedural means to block it again and again 0 their votes are n't sufficient to pass it the proposal appears to have general backing by Republicans 6 Although the proposal appears to have general backing by Republicans , their votes are n't sufficient to pass it Democrats are finding reasons to say no , at least for now 6 The Packwood-Roth proposal would reduce the tax depending on how long an asset was held It would create a new individual retirement account that would shield from taxation the appreciation on investments made for a wide variety of purposes , including retirement , medical expenses , first-home purchases and tuition 5 A number of us are not going to touch capital gains , IRAs or anything else it contributes to deficit-reduction 6 President Bush has been hearing this kind of opposition first hand during meetings over the past two days with Democratic senators at the White House at a luncheon meeting Tuesday of Democratic senators , there was outspoken opposition to cutting the capital-gains tax this year , according to participants 2 that Democrats still are reluctant to publicly express support for the Packwood-Roth capital gains proposal they are loath to buck Sen. Mitchell 2 that Democrats still are reluctant to publicly express support for the Packwood-Roth capital gains proposal they are open to making a variety of deals with Senate Democrats to win their support for a capital-gains tax cut 6 White House officials acknowledged yesterday that Democrats still are reluctant to publicly express support for the Packwood-Roth capital gains proposal because they are loath to buck Sen. Mitchell White House aides think that there are numerous other important measures Democrats badly wanted passed -- such as the scaling back of a controversial catastrophic health-care plan for the elderly -- that might provide the president leverage in cutting deals with Democrats 3 administration officials also are n't ruling out making a deal with Congress to put off a vote until a firm date in the future , even next year they ca n't secure immediate passage of a capital-gains plan 6 In addition , White House aides think that there are numerous other important measures Democrats badly wanted passed -- such as the scaling back of a controversial catastrophic health-care plan for the elderly -- that might provide the president leverage in cutting deals with Democrats administration officials are n't ruling out making a deal with Congress to put off a vote until a firm date in the future , even next year 10 During the past administration the foodstuffs were first bought by the institute sold at low prices to `` unscrupulous businessmen '' who resold them to the institute at inflated prices 3 vengeance Italy refuses to pay compensation for more than 30 years of colonial rule 3 attacks on Italians Rome does n't pay compensation 6 Canadian Indians are taking five countries to court in a bid to stop low military flights over their homes They wanted to prevent a NATO training base being built in the region 10 Japan suspended imports of French mushrooms finding some contaminated by radiation 2 Japan suspended imports of French mushrooms finding some contaminated by radiation 10 In 1986 , some institute patients were reporting breakthrough seizures they were switched from a specific brand-name medication to a generic one or from one generic manufacturer of a specific product to another 2 In 1986 , some institute patients were reporting breakthrough seizures they were switched from a specific brand-name medication to a generic one or from one generic manufacturer of a specific product to another 6 In 1986 , some institute patients were reporting breakthrough seizures when they were switched from a specific brand-name medication to a generic one or from one generic manufacturer of a specific product to another neurologists were beginning to report these observations as well 4 Call it anecdotal you will 6 The funds received from pharmaceutical firms are used to offset physician symposiums these symposiums do not stress any particular medication or manufacturer 3 the investment in the three properties will total some $ 1.6 billion MGM Grand Inc. proceeds with its plan for an amusement park -- a $ 700 million movieland resort with a working studio , casino and 5,000-room hotel that would become Las Vegas 's biggest 3 you create a wonderment they 'll come 3 you create something so exciting that the public dreams of being part of it they 'll come 1 Hotel-casino operators play down the possibility of a labor shortage.After all , 40,000 newcomers a year are settling in the Las Vegas Valley Nevada state labor economists think a shortage is probable 3 it will catch more mice you build a better mousetrap 3 I 'd love it my daughter had something else to do here 6 Casinos today offer bowling alleys , water parks , golf courses , tennis courts , lush swimming pools and other diversions more such facilities are being designed 0 Casinos today offer bowling alleys , water parks , golf courses , tennis courts , lush swimming pools and other diversions , and more such facilities are being designed Despite the new emphasis on the family trade tourists in search of naughtier fun than gambling seem certain to find it , with Las Vegas call girls remaining on the scene 0 A serious economic downturn , pessimists observe , could hurt the expansionists For now the naysayers ' voices are drowned by the roar of cement mixers and the clanging of construction cranes along the Strip 0 This is no place for pedestrians at 7:30 on a recent morning , when construction choked traffic at the famous Four Corners intersection to one lane , a taxi passenger found it faster to abandon the cab and walk to her destination 0 The ferocious competition probably will drive some poorly managed properties into bankruptcy or new ownership that has n't discouraged investors 10 the Strip 's recent expansion squeezed smaller competitors the huge new projects began 11 a room-rate war the new projects open 0 There 's probably going to be some pressure on occupancy and room rates over the next year after that you should see the market return to 80 % -plus occupancy and regular rates 1 Mr. Wynn seems confident that it will produce a healthy profit some securities analysts doubt it 6 Its parking lot is inconvenient , the MGM lion's-head logo still appears in places customers still call it the Grand , rather than the Bally Grand 0 It has a `` great location they 're going to have some real problems when everyone around them opens 10 but they 're going to have some real problems everyone around them opens 2 but they 're going to have some real problems everyone around them opens 6 but they 're going to have some real problems when everyone around them opens Older properties that still have a 1950s image are vulnerable 3 bigger wo n't make you better you do n't know what you are 1 bigger wo n't make you better it 'll sure make you poorer 6 The Circus Circus lures them with low room rates , inexpensive buffets and entertainment for children at no extra charge The company 's Excalibur will appeal to families , of course 5 to add rooms to reinforce the identity that they believe attracts their customers 5 to add rooms to reinforce the identity that they believe attracts their customers 11 it has decreased the number of its rooms his company 's hotel is building a retail complex in Beverly Hills style and redoing existing rooms 1 it has decreased the number of its rooms his company 's hotel is building a retail complex in Beverly Hills style and redoing existing rooms 6 Caesars has made a specialty of catering to high rollers from abroad who are being aggressively courted by the Mirage , the Las Vegas Hilton and others 6 Caesars has made a specialty of catering to high rollers from abroad , who are also being aggressively courted by the Mirage , the Las Vegas Hilton and others Other , smaller concerns are pursuing market niches -- Hawaiian tourists , for example , or the local trade 0 The days when when the thrust of casinos was all high rollers , with no windows and clocks and lots of red and black decor , are gone 93 % of tourists still come for gambling 10 Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate , shall be presented to the President of the United States it becomes a Law 3 he shall sign it he approve 1 If he approve he shall sign it if not he shall return it , with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated , who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal , and proceed to reconsider it 3 it shall be sent , together with the Objections , to the other House , by which it shall likewise be reconsidered after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill 6 to reconsider it by which it shall be reconsidered 6 If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill , it shall be sent , together with the Objections , to the other House , by which it shall likewise be reconsidered if approved by two thirds of that House , it shall become a Law 3 and it shall become a Law approved by two thirds of that House 10 and shall be approved by him the Same shall take Effect 11 On Tuesday , the subject came up again Marlin Fitzwater explained the constitutional argument based on the provisions above to the White House press corps 2 The 1974 budget `` reform , '' passed over President Nixon 's veto , took away the presidential impoundment power introducing monstrous CRs and eviscerating the presidential veto 1 Finding a test case should n't be hard there is something to be said for picking the best one possible 10 but Congress blinked it could go to court 10 some Congressmen began to worry that their influence peddling at executive-branch and independent agencies might some day get them in trouble the HUD and S & L stories broke 2 some Congressmen began to worry that their influence peddling at executive-branch and independent agencies might some day get them in trouble the HUD and S & L stories broke 10 Congress caved it threatened to use this provision as the test for a line-item veto 2 Congress caved it threatened to use this provision as the test for a line-item veto 4 Rep. John Dingell is trying again to raise the Fairness Doctrine from the dead the White House is looking for another unconstitutional bill 6 the rules squelch lively discussions on broadcasts , deterring feisty challengers There are other provisions requiring Congressmen to join treaty-negotiating teams and new restrictions on OMB 6 The perception out there is that it 's the fault of Congress you can look to the leadership and ask them why that is the perception of the American people 2 Congress is in no position to naysay Mr. Bush we 're into Gramm-Rudman 's sequestration 0 Congress may have lost any sense of discipline that does n't mean the country must learn to live forever with this mess 6 The leveraged buy-out firm of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. indicated in the debt plan that it would reduce its equity stake to 15 % KKR signaled to the company 's creditors that Henry Kravis and other KKR directors of SCI TV would resign from the board once the restructuring is completed and forgo their voting rights 10 that Henry Kravis and other KKR directors of SCI TV would resign from the board the restructuring is completed 2 KKR already has made about $ 1 billion of gains from earlier transactions with SCI TV it is n't significantly affected by the company 's troubles 1 KKR would give up a 31 % equity stake to bondholders Mr. Gillett would surrender an 8 % stake 11 KKR would give up a 31 % equity stake to bondholders Mr. Gillett would surrender an 8 % stake 1 many junkholders had been hoping that KKR and Mr. Gillett would invest new money in SCI TV one big SCI TV investor thinks that 's pretty generous 6 SCI TV 's debt restructuring plan would defer payment of $ 153 million of bank debt It would defer interest and principal on junk bonds that have fallen due 0 club owners know the future lies with the lumpier over-40 set their ads picture curvy young people in skimpy outfits 3 that is often whitish taken from the ground 1 that the stones found in Hong Kong are thought to carry double the U.S. radiation limit that double or even triple the U.S. limit is `` still in the range of safe levels 11 CAPITAL TRAVELS to Europe 1992 unification nears 0 DRACULA 'S BUSY this time of year a visit to his Transylvania castle is part of a Chicago-based Unitours trip in the spring , presumably the count 's off-season 6 The commission believes that improving AM service would broaden listening selections and increase options for advertisers The issues are thought to be important to the FCC 's new chairman , Alfred Sikes , a former AM broadcaster in his native Missouri 2 considered technically superior it can carry stereo broadcasts 2 AM stereo remains largely undeveloped it lacks a uniform delivery system 10 Listeners turned to radios run on batteries for news the San Francisco earthquake and Hurricane Hugo cut power lines 2 Listeners turned to radios run on batteries for news the San Francisco earthquake and Hurricane Hugo cut power lines 1 Several big securities firms backed off from program trading a few months after the 1987 crash most of them , led by Morgan Stanley & Co. , moved back in earlier this year 8 Index arbitrage does n't work it scares natural buyers '' of stock 0 he said that `` on an intraday basis , it has major effects Mr. Timbers explained he 's `` not totally convinced index arbitrage changes the overall level of the stock market 2 and told them to cool it they 're ruining the market 2 They said , ` Too bad we finally said we 're not going to do business with them 6 Kemper Financial Services Inc. , charging that program trading is ruining the stock market , cut off four big Wall Street firms from doing any of its stock-trading business Kemper blasted the Big Board for ignoring the interests of individual and institutional holders 6 It has never been interested in what we think The Big Board has a terrible communication problem with individual investors 1 they 'd love to do away with it { program trading } they { the exchange } ca n't do it 1 the market 's volatility disturbs him that all the exchange can do is `` slow down the process '' by using its circuit breakers and shock absorbers 3 We would stop index arbitrage the market is under stress 6 We would stop index arbitrage when the market is under stress we have recently 0 that `` having just one firm do this is n't going to mean a hill of beans if this prompts others to consider the same thing , then it may become much more important 3 this prompts others to consider the same thing But it may become much more important 6 There are $ 12,915,000 of 7 % term certificates due 2007 , priced to yield 7.15 % There are $ 29 million of 6 3/4 % certificates due 2019 , priced to yield 7.10 % 0 The dress business has always been a gamble it 's never been like this 6 Next week , the country 's top designers and manufacturers will begin showing fashions for spring 1990 , the second most important selling season of the year as the applause dies down in showrooms along Seventh Avenue and Broadway , stylishly clad Campeau buyers will begin writing orders 11 And stylishly clad Campeau buyers will begin writing orders the applause dies down in showrooms along Seventh Avenue and Broadway 1 Many manufacturers are worried about being paid for merchandise already shipped to Campeau stores those dollars at risk pale in comparison to the investment required to make and ship spring goods to Campeau stores 3 What happens to me Campeau collapses between now and then 10 that their clients study each order shipping 0 Payments are good right now we are n't recommending any long-term lines of credit 10 they will ask for letters of credit shipping spring merchandise 1 We 're being paid today we 're worried about tomorrow and will want '' letters of credit 3 I will I need to ask for money up front later 10 I 'm going to ship If I need to ask for money up front 6 They continue to pay their bills and will do so we 'll be paying our bills for spring merchandise 3 manufacturers expect to be paid by Nov. 10 goods are shipped to Bloomingdale 's between Oct. 1 and Oct. 20 1 Typically , manufacturers are paid 10 days after the month in which they ship manufacturers now buying fabric for spring season goods wo n't be paid until March , April or even May 0 We expect they will be current with their debts by the end of the week we are considering asking them for letters of credit before we take more orders 10 asking them for letters of credit we take more orders 6 Not only does your product have to be excellent you also have to be able to collect 6 I 've got limited production I ca n't give it to underperformers 2 I 've got limited production I ca n't give it to underperformers 5 he will maintain his credit lines with the various Campeau stores they miss a payment 3 I 'll stop they slip for 10 cents for 10 minutes 6 Bethlehem Steel Corp. posted a 54 % drop in third-quarter profit two more of the nation 's top steelmakers -- Armco Inc. and National Intergroup Inc. -- reported lower operating earnings in their steel businesses 9 It does n't bode well for coming quarters several steelmakers will report actual losses through the third quarter of 1990 6 It has n't diversified beyond steel has it linked up with a joint venture partner to share costs and risks 0 Of all the major steelmakers , Bethlehem would seem to be the most vulnerable to a slowdown in spite of the difficult industrywide environment of high cost and low volume , Bethlehem `` had pretty good earnings numbers 0 However , in spite of the difficult industrywide environment of high cost and low volume , Bethlehem `` had pretty good earnings numbers Bethlehem 's core basic steel operations experienced a steep drop in operating profit to $ 58.6 million from $ 186.4 million a year ago 11 that steel market conditions will exhibit a further moderate decline in the fourth quarter the automotive sector remains weak and customers continue to adjust inventories 2 that steel market conditions will exhibit a further moderate decline in the fourth quarter the automotive sector remains weak and customers continue to adjust inventories 6 as the automotive sector remains weak customers continue to adjust inventories 0 that steel market conditions will exhibit a further moderate decline in the fourth quarter as the automotive sector remains weak and customers continue to adjust inventories that the company 's order entry has increased from the low levels of the early summer , following the end of labor negotiations 2 Sales dropped to $ 441.1 million from $ 820.4 million the company no longer consolidates its Eastern Steel division 11 by holding higher-cost inventory raw material costs of such key products as nickel dropped 6 Along with reduced volume the nation 's fifth largest steelmaker was hurt by holding higher-cost inventory when raw material costs of such key products as nickel dropped higher sales and shipments to service centers from its Armco Steel Co. joint venture failed to offset weakness in the automotive market , higher production costs and a poorer product mix 1 that its Fox-Meyer Drug Co. , Ben Franklin Stores Inc. and Permian Corp. operations showed improvements as a result of restructuring moves its equity in the net income of National Steel declined to $ 6.3 million from $ 10.9 million as a result of softer demand and lost orders following prolonged labor talks and a threatened strike 6 it agreed to let Motorola Inc. participate in a semiconductor research project as part of its effort to bolster the U.S. semiconductor industry it invited many other companies to participate including some from Europe 6 it invited many other companies to participate as well , including some from Europe IBM is considering letting other companies participate in additional semiconductor work but declined to be more specific 11 IBM has become far more open about its technology it has tried to rally U.S. industry to head off the Japanese 0 it does n't make the equipment needed to produce those chips IBM , Armonk , N.Y. , makes the bulk of the DRAMs it uses 6 While IBM , Armonk , N.Y. , makes the bulk of the DRAMs it uses , it does n't make the equipment needed to produce those chips IBM worries that the Japanese will take over that equipment market , too , unless U.S. semiconductor companies produce enough memory chips here to keep U.S. equipment makers healthy 5 that the Japanese will take over that equipment market , too U.S. semiconductor companies produce enough memory chips here to keep U.S. equipment makers healthy 6 International Business Machines Corp. said it agreed to let Motorola Inc. participate in a semiconductor research project as part of its effort to bolster the U.S. semiconductor industry IBM said it expects to benefit from the expertise that Motorola and other companies can bring to bear on the difficult problems involved in semiconductor manufacturing 2 it expects industrywide efforts to become prevalent semiconductor manufacturing has become so expensive 2 but costs $ 500 million today the technology is so complex 6 it expects industrywide efforts to become prevalent because semiconductor manufacturing has become so expensive it expects the costs to continue climbing 0 some companies had turned down its invitation to join in that was mainly because the project may not bear fruit until the mid-1990s 2 that was the project may not bear fruit until the mid-1990s 11 more companies would become interested the project progresses 1 Currently , chips are produced by shining light through a mask to produce an image on the chip , much as a camera produces an image on film details on chips must now be extraordinarily fine , and the wavelengths of even ultraviolet light are long enough so that the images they draw may be too blurry 6 But details on chips must now be extraordinarily fine the wavelengths of even ultraviolet light are long enough so that the images they draw may be too blurry 2 But details on chips must now be extraordinarily fine the wavelengths of even ultraviolet light are long enough so that the images they draw may be too blurry 2 and the wavelengths of even ultraviolet light are long enough the images they draw may be too blurry -- much as someone using a wide paintbrush could produce a broad line but would have trouble painting a thin one 1 and the wavelengths of even ultraviolet light are long enough so that the images they draw may be too blurry -- much as someone using a wide paintbrush could produce a broad line but would have trouble painting a thin one X-rays travel straighter and can be focused more tightly than light 0 X-rays have problems , too assuming those problems can be overcome , they should allow for memory chips that could approach one billion bits of information -- 250 times as much as is contained in the four-megabit chips that are just reaching the market and a million times what was possible in the mid-1970s 6 The airborne system operates independent of ground-based radar systems , informing pilots of nearby aircraft The system provides course-correction advisories 6 Bertin Nadeau , newly appointed chairman and interim chief executive of Provigo , would n't say if Mr. Lortie was asked to leave Mr. Nadeau is chairman and chief executive of Unigesco Inc. , Provigo 's controlling shareholder 0 Mr. Lortie 's departure was seen as inevitable in light of the shift in strategy sudden 6 The non-food operations were largely Mr. Lortie 's creation his strategy did n't work 10 to remain Provigo 's chief executive the non-food businesses are sold 1 Comments by Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan lent some support to the dollar the U.S. unit ended yesterday lower against most major currencies 1 In perhaps his most telling remark , Mr. Greenspan termed the current U.S. inflation rate of around 4.5 % as `` much too high to be ignored He added that inflation could be brought down `` close to zero '' without throwing the economy into a recession 11 settling lower in later trade dealers squared positions ahead of today 's preliminary report on third-quarter U.S. gross national product 10 the U.S. currency will remain stuck in its relatively narrow ranges in the near term and shift lower 1 Many traders forecast a continuation of the market 's recent bearish trend and predict the U.S. currency will remain stuck in its relatively narrow ranges in the near term and then shift lower according to Doug Madison , a corporate trader with Bank of America in Los Angeles , a large number of short positions must first be corrected , spurring a temporary upswing , before the unit can turn lower 10 But according to Doug Madison , a corporate trader with Bank of America in Los Angeles , a large number of short positions must first be corrected the unit can turn lower 1 today 's GNP report will offer more substantial evidence on U.S. economic growth that the figures may overstate the economy 's vigor 0 that it would take a significantly stronger figure to alter market perceptions that the economy is softening the third-quarter figures may appear relatively bullish 6 it acquired United Republic Reinsurance Co. , a Houston property and casualty reinsurance company , from United Savings Association of Texas for $ 28 million Lawrence Insurance sold 3.2 million of its shares for $ 7.125 each to its parent , Lawrence Group Inc 6 Lawrence Group increased its stake in Lawrence Insurance to 93.2 % from 91.2 % Lawrence Group owns Lawrence Agency Corp. , Schenectady , N.Y. , an insurance agency and brokerage 1 Wall Street would like UAL Corp. 's board to change its mind about keeping the company independent what happens next in the continuing takeover drama may depend more on the company 's two most powerful and fractious unions : the pilots and machinists 2 that the collapse of the previous $ 6.79 billion buy-out , if anything , may have strengthened the hands of these two labor groups both may now have virtual veto power over any UAL transaction 10 One reason : banks probably will insist on labor harmony they agree to put up cash for any new bid or even a less-ambitious recapitalization plan 3 you 've got no revenue you have both { labor } groups on strike 6 If you have both { labor } groups on strike , you 've got no revenue that 's a very scary thing for a bank to be looking at 3 where the union would stand another bid or recapitalization became possible 3 to be more aggressive a second buy-out attempt occurs 2 The two unions already had significant leverage their employer has yet to settle with either on new contracts 2 That gives them both the threat of a strike and the ability to resist any wage concessions that may be necessary to make a transaction work even investors who are pushing for the board to do a recapitalization that would pay shareholders a special dividend and possibly grant employees an ownership stake acknowledge that the unions are key 3 the UAL board should be ousted it does n't move soon to increase shareholder value 1 The pilots will be involved in any transaction that takes place around here whether the pilots can team up with their longtime adversaries , the machinists , is another question 1 his union would like majority ownership for employees the machinists have always opposed majority ownership in principle 1 On the other hand , the machinists have always opposed majority ownership in principle in recent days , machinists ' union leaders have shown some new flexibility 3 they can do a transaction without the support of the machinists a compromise ca n't be reached 1 If a compromise ca n't be reached , the pilots maintain they can do a transaction without the support of the machinists at this point , that may just be wishful thinking 6 The machinists lobbied heavily against the original bid from UAL pilots and management for the company.Their opposition helped scare off some Japanese banks The pilots ' insistence on majority ownership may make the idea of a recapitalization difficult to achieve 3 a recapitalization involving employee ownership would succeed the pilots relent on their demand for control 6 Ms. Browning says she believes a recapitalization involving employee ownership would succeed only if the pilots relent on their demand for control She notes that even if the pilots accept a minority stake now , they still could come back at a later time and try to take control 3 that they still could come back at a later time and try to take control the pilots accept a minority stake now 1 The group did n't make a formal offer instead told UAL 's advisers before the most-recent board meeting that it was working on a bid valued at between $ 225 and $ 240 a share 5 The group did n't make a formal offer but told UAL 's advisers before the most-recent board meeting that it was working on a bid valued at between $ 225 and $ 240 a share 0 The group did n't make a formal offer , but instead told UAL 's advisers before the most-recent board meeting that it was working on a bid valued at between $ 225 and $ 240 a share again , they may need the help of the machinists 1 Passenger traffic jumped 14 % in the quarter profit per passenger grew 2 % 0 the Texas Air Corp. subsidiary was only beginning to get back on its feet during the quarter Eastern is back to about 80 % of its pre-strike schedule now 6 Delta Air Lines earnings soared 33 % to a record in the fiscal first quarter , bucking the industry trend toward declining profits America West Airlines , Phoenix , Ariz. , reported third-quarter profit jumped 45 % to $ 5.8 million , or 28 cents a share , from $ 4 million , or 24 cents a share , a year earlier 1 Delta Air Lines earnings soared 33 % to a record in the fiscal first quarter , bucking the industry trend toward declining profits America West Airlines , Phoenix , Ariz. , reported third-quarter profit jumped 45 % to $ 5.8 million , or 28 cents a share , from $ 4 million , or 24 cents a share , a year earlier 6 In the U.S. , the Hartford Courant has a facsimile edition some other newspapers are considering the idea 10 It was the first management change film-makers Daniel Grodnik and Tim Matheson took control of National Lampoon Inc. in March 6 The results include a $ 130.2 million write-down of the securities in the high-yield portfolio to the lower of their cost or market value Columbia added $ 227.3 million to reserves for losses on the portfolio 2 Previously , Columbia did n't have to adjust the book value of its junk-bond holdings to reflect declines in market prices it held the bonds as long-term investments 2 accounting rules require the thrift to value the bonds at the lower of cost or market prices Columbia now must sell the bonds within five years 6 The loss stems from $ 357.5 million of write-downs on Columbia 's $ 4.4 billion high-yield investment securities portfolio The quarterly results reflected $ 21.4 million in non-recurring losses from commercial real-estate activities in California 1 that the thrift was `` disappointed '' by the effects of the accounting changes Columbia remains `` one of the most strongly capitalized thrifts in the industry , '' based on the economic value of its assets and tangible capital 11 The price of Columbia shares has been cut nearly in half since August investors apparently realized that the thrift would be forced to take a big write-down 2 The price of Columbia shares has been cut nearly in half since August investors apparently realized that the thrift would be forced to take a big write-down 2 they do n't know how quickly they will dispose of the thrift 's junk bonds federal regulations , such as those that would allow thrifts to continue holding the bonds in separately capitalized subsidiaries , have n't yet been completed 6 Columbia officials said they do n't know how quickly they will dispose of the thrift 's junk bonds , because federal regulations , such as those that would allow thrifts to continue holding the bonds in separately capitalized subsidiaries , have n't yet been completed Columbia officials said the thrift should n't face problems meeting regulatory capital requirements , despite the large reserves and write-downs and stiffer regulatory requirements that should be in place by year 's end 6 Its ratio of tangible equity to total assets as of Sept. 30 was 3.6 % total equity was $ 457.9 million 1 the ultimate gain on the sale of those assets will range from $ 200 million to $ 300 million many of the transactions related to those securities have n't been completed 6 the ultimate gain on the sale of those assets will range from $ 200 million to $ 300 million Columbia has unrealized gains in its public equity securities portfolio of more than $ 70 million 11 setting the stage for a potentially bruising price war the maturing industry 's growth continues to slow 0 Anheuser , the world 's largest brewer and U.S. market leader , has historically been reluctant to engage in price-cutting as a means of boosting sales volume With the passing of the heady days of swelling industry sales the once-sporadic and brief forays into discounting are becoming standard competitive weapons in the beer industry 11 with sales volume being essentially flat consolidation creates fewer , bigger players 6 Anheuser is the biggest guy in the bar he just decided to join in the barroom brawl 1 Mr. Thompson noted that the disappointing earnings , which fell five cents a share short of his own projections , contributed to the sell-off by an edgy and currently unforgiving investing public Smith Barney 's Mr. Doyle , who yesterday trimmed his 1990 Anheuser earnings projection to $ 2.95 a share from $ 3.10 , called the market 's reaction `` justified 1 the real bad news is the intensity of price competition '' in the premium-beer sector the third-quarter earnings were a `` moderate disappointment 1 On Wednesday , the market opened bullishly with high turnover , ignoring the volatility in New York stocks losers were spread in a broad range by the end of the session 6 individual investors dumped NTT shares amid growing expectation for a division of the company as suggested by a recent government-sponsored panel they took profits to reduce holdings in their own account at the end of the October transaction period 6 Among pharmaceutical shares , Chugai lost 60 yen to 2,290 yen ( $ 16.20 ) Mochida fell 150 to 4,290 6 which fell 40 to 1,520.Toyota Motor fell 40 to 2,680 . Sekisui House lost 70 to 2640 Daiwa House ended easier 1 Daiwa House also ended easier Misawa Home was firmer 6 Pioneer was down 90 at 5,810 Sony lost 40 to 8,550 , down 10 % from its record set Oct. 11 1 London share prices closed modestly higher largely on technical factors the market was underpinned near the end of the session by Wall Street 's firmer trend 10 The late buying was drawn into the London market Wall Street showed signs of stability following its rocky opening 10 Jaguar was boosted 21 to 715 on follow-through buying Ford Motor 's announcement Tuesday that it might be prepared to mount a full bid for the U.K. luxury auto maker 11 Equities tumbled at the opening Tuesday 's gyrations on Wall Street , where the Dow Jones Industrial Average recovered most of an 80-point loss , fueled fears of another stock market crash 2 Equities tumbled at the opening Tuesday 's gyrations on Wall Street , where the Dow Jones Industrial Average recovered most of an 80-point loss , fueled fears of another stock market crash 6 All the positive figures on the economy are out already people are focusing more on the dangers for next year , mostly the wage talks and the { parliamentary } elections 6 All the positive figures on the economy are out already , and people are focusing more on the dangers for next year , mostly the wage talks and the { parliamentary } elections The market shrugged off positive factors , such as higher bond prices and a slowdown in monetary growth in September 11 the bearish mood to persist a while longer trading volume is falling toward the end of the year and the market is becoming more volatile 2 the bearish mood to persist a while longer trading volume is falling toward the end of the year and the market is becoming more volatile 6 as trading volume is falling toward the end of the year the market is becoming more volatile 6 In the auto sector , Bayerische Motoren Werke plunged 14.5 marks to 529 marks ( $ 288 ) , Daimler-Benz dropped 10.5 to 700 Volkswagen slumped 9 to 435.5 11 Continental gave up some of its recent gains , dropping 8 to 338 rumors of an impending takeover attempt for the tiremaker faded 2 Continental gave up some of its recent gains , dropping 8 to 338 rumors of an impending takeover attempt for the tiremaker faded 6 with Dresdner Bank shedding 4.8 to 320 Commerzbank slipping 2.5 to 11 Tokyo stocks closed easier for the second consecutive day , finishing at the intraday low on index-linked investment trust fund selling toward the end of the afternoon session.Stocks rose in London , but fell again in Frankfurt Wall Street 's volatility unnerved investors in other markets 6 Tokyo stocks closed easier for the second consecutive day , finishing at the intraday low on index-linked investment trust fund selling toward the end of the afternoon session.Stocks rose in London , but fell again in Frankfurt Wall Street 's volatility unnerved investors in other markets 1 Democrats voted to override by a 3-1 margin Republicans were equally firm in support of the president , who has threatened to make abortion a decisive issue on at least three separate fiscal 1990 spending bills 1 To gain more leverage , abortion-rights advocates may seek to fold the bill into an omnibus continuing resolution next month the president is in a commanding position for at least this year 5 they lose he changes 11 The action came Congress sent to the president last night a stopgap spending bill to keep the government operating through Nov. 15 and provide $ 2.85 billion in emergency funds to assist in the recovery from Hurricane Hugo and the California earthquake 10 By a lopsided 97-1 margin , the Senate approved the measure attaching further provisions sought by the influential California delegation 6 By a lopsided 97-1 margin , the Senate approved the measure after attaching further provisions sought by the influential California delegation despite reservations , the House adopted the bill on a 303-107 roll call 0 The package is more than $ 1 billion above the recommendations of Budget Director Richard Darman this week given the political importance of California , the administration was content to use its influence to prevent any Senate amendments adding further new appropriations 10 appropriated Hugo struck the Carolinas and Caribbean last month 6 The $ 2.85 billion measure comes on top of $ 1.1 billion appropriated after Hugo struck the Carolinas and Caribbean last month these totals do n't reflect the additional benefit of low-interest disaster loans 6 In direct cash assistance , $ 1 billion is provided in federal highway construction funds $ 1.35 billion is divided between general emergency aid and a reserve to be available to the president to meet unanticipated costs from the two disasters 6 The emergency assistance would n't be counted against a state 's normal allocation of annual highway funds the bill circumvents existing restrictions that otherwise would prevent the use of federal aid to repair a toll road , such as the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge damaged in last week 's earthquake 6 The underlying stopgap bill is the second required by Congress this fall since the current fiscal year began Oct. 1 , only the Energy and Interior departments are operating on permanent appropriations enacted into law 10 only the Energy and Interior departments are operating on permanent appropriations enacted into law the current fiscal year began Oct. 1 6 The standoff over abortion is certain to contribute to further delays apart from the health and education measure vetoed by Mr. Bush , bills funding the District of Columbia and the entire U.S. foreign-aid budget are in jeopardy because of related abortion or family-planning issues 6 The vote yesterday was the most partisan in many years though the Democratic leadership is ambivalent about how to address the abortion issue , the debate is increasingly measured in party terms 0 and the debate is increasingly measured in party terms the Democratic leadership is ambivalent about how to address the abortion issue 1 and though the Democratic leadership is ambivalent about how to address the abortion issue Republicans have held closer to the anti-abortion movement 6 At a recent White House meeting , Rep. Silvio Conte ( R. , Mass . ) , the ranking minority member of the House Appropriations Committee , argued with his friend Mr. Bush against a veto though Mr. Conte and Minority Leader Robert Michel of Illinois stood with the president yesterday , they are plainly uncomfortable with his position 0 and they are plainly uncomfortable with his position Mr. Conte and Minority Leader Robert Michel of Illinois stood with the president yesterday 1 This is n't a political issue , this is a moral issue after years of using the issue for its benefit , the GOP finds its candidates on the defensive 1 This may not make George Bush a one-term president if you support him over rape victims , this may be your last term 3 But this may be your last term you support him over rape victims 6 as Congress sent to the president last night a stopgap spending bill to keep the government operating through Nov. 15 and provide $ 2.85 billion in emergency funds to assist in the recovery from Hurricane Hugo and the California earthquake the House last night approved a nearly $ 67 billion compromise spending bill providing the first construction funds for the administration 's ambitious space station in fiscal 1990 and incorporating far-reaching provisions affecting the federal mortgage market 8 The current ceiling on home loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration would be increased to $ 124,875 the bill gives the Department of Housing and Urban Development new authority to facilitate the refinancing of subsidized loans for low-income homeowners 8 By a 325-92 margin , the Appropriations Committee leadership beat back an early challenge by House Banking Chairman Henry Gonzalez ( D. , Texas ) to the FHA provision on a closer 250-170 roll call , lawmakers upheld controversial agreements made by a House-Senate conference earmarking community development funds for more than 40 projects backed by often influential members 6 The transaction called for Mr. Murdoch 's News International PLC , a unit of Australia-based News Corp. , to subscribe to a rights issue by Zeta valued at 6.65 billion pesetas ( $ 57 million ) participating in the issue was Servifilm Spain Cinematografica S.A 11 The New York Stock Exchange is expected to launch its own program trading vehicle today controversy over this trading strategy heats up 6 ESPs will allow institutional investors to buy or sell all 500 stocks in Standard & Poor 's index in a single trade of a minimum of $ 5 million Customized '' baskets of fewer stocks will be available 8 The Securities and Exchange Commission gave provisional six-month approval to the Big Board basket at a meeting late yesterday.The SEC at the same time approved a similar but smaller basket product on the Chicago Board Options Exchange approved was a plan to trade stock portfolios by computer after regular hours on the Midwest Stock Exchange 2 who would rapidly turn over the product increasing volatility 1 there have been concerns that the Big Board 's basket could attract investors with a `` short-term perspective '' who would rapidly turn over the product , thus increasing volatility he did n't believe `` this will spawn dramatic new program-trading strategies that will be destabilizing 11 The baskets on the Big Board and CBOE will begin trading critics step up their attacks on program trading and its contributions to the stock market 's wild price swings 6 that its new product will help rather than hurt the situation by possibly drawing business from more-volatile forms of program trading ESPs are an attempt by the Big Board to head off the exodus of program trading business to overseas markets such as London 6 ESPs are also an attempt by the Big Board to head off the exodus of program trading business to overseas markets such as London Big Board officials hope Japanese investors will become interested in the exchange 's product 6 The new stock baskets `` are going to make it easier for program trading to be done it 's going to be done more frequently as the result of having more access to it at different places 1 Kidder , Peabody & Co. , a General Electric Co. unit that has become the biggest program trader along with Morgan Stanley , is n't a market maker the Big Board hopes that will change 6 although the Big Board hopes that will change the Big Board hopes to entice Merrill Lynch & Co 2 major securities firms are reluctant to become market makers they fear the baskets may attract only limited trading 1 that if the new basket had been trading during this month 's Friday the 13th market plunge , the Dow Jones Industrial Average might have dropped more than the 190 points it did its product represents a post-crash `` reform 3 that the Dow Jones Industrial Average might have dropped more than the 190 points it did the new basket had been trading during this month 's Friday the 13th market plunge 3 we would be leaving in caskets we had the baskets 0 First Hospital had advised it that both bank debt and senior notes would be repaid after the acquisition it is n't assured the acquisition will be completed 3 it would be `` required to promptly restructure its debt it is n't completed 6 that an agent for the financial institutions providing financing of its acquisition is scheduled to make a final credit determination tomorrow that a favorable determination could result in a reorganization at Comprehensive Care `` by the end of October 1 and that a favorable determination could result in a reorganization at Comprehensive Care `` by the end of October Failure to win such a determination would lead Comprehensive Care directors to `` consider various alternatives 6 In composite trading yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange , Comprehensive Care shares plunged $ 3.625 to close at $ 4.75 on volume of 1,177,000 shares First Hospital reported a 1.6 % rise in net income to $ 6.1 million for its year ended June 30 on a 27 % increase in revenue to $ 110.6 million 1 Separately , First Hospital reported a 1.6 % rise in net income to $ 6.1 million for its year ended June 30 on a 27 % increase in revenue to $ 110.6 million It said that net income for the two-month period ended Aug. 31 plunged to $ 150,000 from $ 851,000 in the prior year on a 33 % rise in revenue to $ 21.4 million 1 it intends to acquire additional H.H . Robertson shares `` with a view towards a possible change in control of the company It has not made a formal proposal 6 it intends to acquire additional H.H . Robertson shares `` with a view towards a possible change in control of the company The group is engaged in talks with third parties regarding obtaining financing to buy more shares 1 The group also is engaged in talks with third parties regarding obtaining financing to buy more shares no agreements have yet been reached 10 shareholders who filed civil suits against Ivan F. Boesky and the partnerships he once controlled again are approaching an accord coming close to a partial settlement a year ago 6 After coming close to a partial settlement a year ago , shareholders who filed civil suits against Ivan F. Boesky and the partnerships he once controlled again are approaching an accord within the next few weeks , the limited partners in Ivan F. Boesky & Co. L.P. are expected to reach a partial settlement with Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. regarding the distribution of the $ 330 million in partnership assets 1 Attorneys involved in the talks said that the parties were closer to accord than they were a year ago less optimistic attorneys warned that because of the tangle of numerous defendants and plaintiffs with overlapping claims , there is always the possibility that the talks will again fall apart 2 they suffered losses they sold while he was buying 11 because they sold he was buying 6 Some claim they suffered losses because they sold while he was buying others because they bought while he was selling 2 and others they bought while he was selling 11 because they bought he was selling 11 the partial settlement being negotiated would remove the Boesky partnership , the British fund and Mr. Boesky as defendants Drexel and other defendants would remain 1 the partial settlement being negotiated would remove the Boesky partnership , the British fund and Mr. Boesky as defendants Drexel and other defendants would remain 10 It has been three years Mr. Boesky , now in prison , agreed to pay a $ 100 million fine to settle the government 's charges that he had traded illegally using insider information 6 After coming close to a partial settlement a year ago , shareholders who filed civil suits against Ivan F. Boesky and the partnerships he once controlled again are approaching an accord attorneys for the 42 or so limited partners have had serious discussions that could lead to the distribution of the partnership 's assets 2 This is a Delaware court earlier this year said that Drexel is entitled to get its money back before or at the same time as the limited partners 10 Mr. Ferguson fled the U.S. in 1970 exhausting his appeals of a 1968 conviction on conspiracy to murder 2 the FBI was n't required to turn over information on its investigations when Mr. Ferguson appealed his conviction in the 1960s the federal Freedom of Information Act was n't law at that time 11 the FBI was n't required to turn over information on its investigations Mr. Ferguson appealed his conviction in the 1960s 1 the FBI was n't required to turn over information on its investigations when Mr. Ferguson appealed his conviction in the 1960s the FBI records could show that Mr. Ferguson 's arrest was the result of questionable legal practices 3 that a delay of over one year will have occurred and plaintiff will have served approximately two-thirds of his 3 1/2-year minimum sentence by the time he receives the files the FBI 's proposed schedule was followed in releasing the documents 6 a delay of over one year will have occurred plaintiff will have served approximately two-thirds of his 3 1/2-year minimum sentence by the time he receives the files 2 a delay of over one year will have occurred plaintiff will have served approximately two-thirds of his 3 1/2-year minimum sentence by the time he receives the files 6 Standard cases would require less judicial attention fast-track cases could be resolved quickly 6 that the courts adopt different `` tracks '' for different types of civil cases in order to separate the handling of highly complex suits from simpler ones each federal court should set strict time limits for the pretrial exchange of documents and evidence 6 each federal court should set strict time limits for the pretrial exchange of documents and evidence , ranging from as much as 100 days for cases in the fast track to as much as 18 months for complex disputes federal courts should set firm trial dates early in the process 0 the makeup of the task force was unusually diverse some of the study 's recommendations resemble those of similar projects 6 In the last hour of the trading day , December contract took a tumble to end the session 10 cents lower at $ 19.62 a barrel now that the price has fallen below $ 19.65 , which many had said showed considerable resistance , some traders and analysts figure there 's little to stop the price from going lower on technical decisions 11 And there 's little to stop the price from going lower on technical decisions the price has fallen below $ 19.65 2 And there 's little to stop the price from going lower on technical decisions the price has fallen below $ 19.65 6 With no petroleum-related news or changes in the fundamentals to dictate price moves , `` technicians are wanting to sell this stuff short-term , the technicians may have their way 11 That level of production is n't of much concern demand continues strong 1 That level of production is n't of much concern as long as demand continues strong the first quarter of the year is generally the weakest and OPEC production does n't seem to be slackening in anticipation of that 6 But the first quarter of the year is generally the weakest OPEC production does n't seem to be slackening in anticipation of that 6 But the first quarter of the year is generally the weakest and OPEC production does n't seem to be slackening in anticipation of that maintaining current demand assumes no significant slowdown in world economies 6 Soybean and corn futures prices moved higher on the strength of buying from commodity pool managers trying to profit from technical price trends , as well as continued export strength A leveling off of farmer selling tied to the harvest removed some of the downward pressure on futures contract prices 1 Soybean and corn futures prices moved higher on the strength of buying from commodity pool managers trying to profit from technical price trends , as well as continued export strength Wheat futures prices fell at least partly in reaction to the rumored selling of futures contracts equal to several million bushels of wheat by commodity speculator Richard Dennis 6 As for corn and soybean futures , `` a lot of commission house buying this morning and computer-driven buying '' supported prices in early trading Announced and anticipated purchases from foreign countries are supporting futures prices 6 Russian ships are arriving in the gulf there is n't enough grain in the pipeline 1 Futures prices rose modestly trading volume was n't very heavy 1 The December contract settled at 73.97 cents a pound , up 0.59 cent it rose as high as 74.20 cents 10 Traders yesterday were buying contracts back at higher prices to limit their losses who had sold contracts in hopes of buying them back at lower prices 6 that the move appeared to be mostly technical that the market could have been helped by rumors , which have been circulating for the past two days , about China purchasing cotton 3 that they should have had a bigger effect on the market there were Chinese purchases 3 that it would be the earliest that country had made purchases since the 1979-80 crop year , and thus would be a bullish sign China was a buyer 2 that it would be the earliest that country had made purchases since the 1979-80 crop year and would be a bullish sign 11 selling it the price climbs more than 74 cents 3 the market would turn aggressively bullish from a technical standpoint the December contract was able to exceed 75.75 cents 6 This trader said that he thought the market would turn aggressively bullish from a technical standpoint if the December contract was able to exceed 75.75 cents He noted that stocks on Aug. 1 , 1990 , are currently projected at 3.3 million bales , the smallest end-of-season supply since 1985 3 that shipping delays could result little cocoa actually has arrived at the ports 6 that if little cocoa actually has arrived at the ports , shipping delays could result that without Ivory Coast cocoa a large French cocoa merchant , Cie.Financiere Sucre et Denrees , might not be able to deliver cocoa against the contracts it had sold earlier for December delivery in London 0 There was also some fear that without Ivory Coast cocoa a large French cocoa merchant , Cie.Financiere Sucre et Denrees , might not be able to deliver cocoa against the contracts it had sold earlier for December delivery in London the French merchant has about 200,000 tons of old crop Ivory Coast cocoa stored in the Netherlands from an agreement it had negotiated with the Ivory Coast last spring 0 that there is some evidence the contract has been modified the merchant has a contract stating that it wo n't bring this cocoa to market until after March 1991 3 This modification , apparently , would permit the French merchant to deliver this cocoa against existing short positions necessary 6 He could n't be reached a company spokesman would n't comment on the dismissal 6 Joseph W. Robertson , 61 , was dismissed from those posts Mr. Robertson was removed from the board of First National Bank of New Jersey-Salem County , another unit , and the Toms River bank 10 Earlier this month IMA , an investment group that includes Chicago 's Pritzker family and First Boston Corp. , submitted a reduced bid for American Medical it could n't finance its initial offer 2 Earlier this month IMA , an investment group that includes Chicago 's Pritzker family and First Boston Corp. , submitted a reduced bid for American Medical it could n't finance its initial offer 6 Under the new offer , IMA will pay $ 26.50 a share for 63 million shares , or about 86 % of the shares outstanding IMA will assume $ 1.4 billion in debt 10 it has n't received any other offers to acquire the owner and operator of hospitals , and took another step toward completion of its $ 3 billion acquisition by IMA Holdings Corp it had been approached again by two other possible suitors 1 whom it would n't identify who had previously submitted bids for the company 6 it has n't received any other offers to acquire the owner and operator of hospitals , and took another step toward completion of its $ 3 billion acquisition by IMA Holdings Corp Moody 's Investors Service Inc. downgraded the ratings of American Medical 's senior and subordinated debt issues and those of its international affiliate 1 the acquisition should result in pretax losses from operations because of increases in interest expense and charges for depreciation and amortization that it expects the losses to be reduced through productivity gains and above average growth of the company 's hospitals 3 it might seek bankruptcy-court protection from creditor lawsuits it ca n't renegotiate its borrowings 6 Keith A. Tucker was named a director of this insurance and financial services concern that Samuel E. Upchurch Jr. , 37 , vice president and general counsel , was selected to serve the remainder of the term vacated by John S.P . Samford 6 Beghin-Say S.A. said that it plans to sell its remaining paper operations by the end of January as part of a drive to refocus on the food sector and lower its debt The French unit of Ferruzzi Agricola Finanziaria disclosed a 40 % rise in its consolidated net profit for the first half of 1989 , excluding nonrecurring items and after payments to minority interests 6 The other part of the transaction will see Beghin-Say sell its 50 % stake in its Kaysersberg paper affiliate to an unspecified unit of the petrochemical group Montedison S.p.A. , which is also controlled by Ferruzzi in a separate transaction , Beghin-Say will sell its remaining 25 % interest in A.T.B. , a holding company for international trading assets , to an unspecified unit of Ferruzzi for 258 million francs 6 Esselte AB , the Stockholm office supplies company , as expected , proposed to acquire the 22 % it does n't own of its U.S. unit , Esselte Business Systems Inc Esselte Business Systems reported third-quarter net income fell 5.9 % to $ 9.5 million , or 46 cents a share , from $ 10.1 million , or 49 cents a share , in the year-ago period 0 the final agreement could be announced as early as tomorrow conferees are still putting the finishing touches on the package 0 the final agreement could be announced as early as tomorrow An announcement is more likely next week 1 The Senate voted to authorize $ 4.5 billion for SDI spending in the current fiscal year the House , reflecting a dramatic erosion of support for the program , earmarked only $ 3.1 billion 1 The package `` provides a temporary , golden parachute for Grumman , '' according to one congressional aide familiar with the closed-door bargaining as part of the overall agreement , Grumman and its outspoken supporters on Capitol Hill effectively will be precluded from reopening the emotional issue in the debate over next year 's budget 1 Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and most senators contend that the Navy 's F-14 is too expensive in an era of shrinking Pentagon budgets the plane boasts a strong core of support in the House , where members are intent on saving Grumman jobs and are worried about potential shortages of carrier-based aircraft by the late 1990s 6 House and Senate conferees agreed to continue production of Grumman Corp. 's F-14 and to provide more than $ 3.8 billion for the Strategic Defense Initiative during the current fiscal year Conferees agreed to Pentagon requests to earmark a total of nearly $ 1 billion for work on both mobile MX and Midgetman nuclear missiles , according to congressional aides 6 Conferees also agreed to Pentagon requests to earmark a total of nearly $ 1 billion for work on both mobile MX and Midgetman nuclear missiles , according to congressional aides lawmakers are putting the finishing touches on a compromise that would give the Air Force nearly all of the $ 2.4 billion it wants for production of Northrop Corp. 's radar-eluding B-2 bombers , which cost $ 530 million apiece 1 The final B-2 agreement is certain to require detailed testing and verification of the bomber 's capabilities the accord wo n't include a House-passed provision that would have withheld production funds until Congress approves a cheaper , scaled-down version of the $ 70 billion fleet of 132 B-2s envisioned by the Pentagon 10 the accord wo n't include a House-passed provision that would have withheld production funds Congress approves a cheaper , scaled-down version of the $ 70 billion fleet of 132 B-2s envisioned by the Pentagon 6 a 77 % drop in third-quarter net income Profit suffered because of `` intense '' discounting in its long-haul trucking business 6 Analysts had expected Consolidated to post a slim profit the company 's stock was down only 25 cents to $ 30.25 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading yesterday 10 which plunged more than 80 points in early trading Tuesday and recovered nearly all of its losses by the close 11 the upper boundary was set at midday scattered bargain-hunting pushed prices higher 6 The Dow Jones Equity Market Index fell 1.16 to 320.94 the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index slid 0.53 to 189.52 1 and the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index slid 0.53 to 189.52 advancing issues topped decliners by 784 to 700 on the Big Board despite the late sell programs 0 The programs occurred against the backdrop of a late pullback in UAL program activity was n't in evidence through most of the session 6 Traders said program activity was n't in evidence through most of the session , however Big Board volume dropped to 155,650,000 shares from about 238 million Tuesday as concerns about the potential for additional sharp swings in the market kept other trading in check 11 and Big Board volume dropped to 155,650,000 shares from about 238 million Tuesday concerns about the potential for additional sharp swings in the market kept other trading in check 2 and Big Board volume dropped to 155,650,000 shares from about 238 million Tuesday concerns about the potential for additional sharp swings in the market kept other trading in check 10 due to be released today 's opening 6 Du Pont , which announced plans for a 3-for-1 stock split and raised its quarterly dividend by 14 % , jumped 2 1/2 to 117 3/8 The company posted third-quarter earnings that were in line with analysts ' forecasts 6 Du Pont jumped 2 1/2 to 117 3/8 Blue-chip consumer stocks provided a lift to the industrial average 8 American Telephone & Telegraph rose 3/8 to 43 1/2 in Big Board composite trading of 1.5 million shares , Chevron advanced 1 3/4 to 66 5/8 on 2.3 million shares , Woolworth rose 1 to 58 5/8 , Coca-Cola Co. gained 5/8 to 72 1/2 Eastman Kodak added 3/8 to 44 1/2 1 American Telephone & Telegraph rose 3/8 to 43 1/2 in Big Board composite trading of 1.5 million shares , Chevron advanced 1 3/4 to 66 5/8 on 2.3 million shares , Woolworth rose 1 to 58 5/8 , Coca-Cola Co. gained 5/8 to 72 1/2 and Eastman Kodak added 3/8 to 44 1/2 General Motors dropped 1 7/8 to 44 7/8 6 Its third-quarter earnings were lower than analysts had forecast the company said it had lowered its projections for earnings growth through the end of 1990 because of planned price cuts 11 The stock fell 3/4 to 12 7/8 3.6 million shares were traded in the wake of its report that fiscal second-quarter net income fell 66 % from a year ago 8 Chubb rallied 3 3/4 to 86 1/2.Aetna Life & Casualty gained 1 3/8 to 61 1/8 , Cigna advanced 7/8 to 64 3/4 , Travelers added 1/2 to 40 3/8 American International Group rose 3 1/8 to 107 3/4 10 UAL stock declined by 9 to 161 nobody surfaced to claim credit for aggressive buying Tuesday by Bear Stearns that sent UAL stock up 35 points in a matter of hours 2 UAL stock declined by 9 to 161 nobody surfaced to claim credit for aggressive buying Tuesday by Bear Stearns that sent UAL stock up 35 points in a matter of hours 6 AMR , which owns American Airlines , rose 3 3/8 to 72 1/4 ; USAir Group fell 1 1/2 to 38 5/8 Delta Air Lines rose 1/2 to 66 1/2 after posting higher earnings for the September quarter 10 and Delta Air Lines rose 1/2 to 66 1/2 posting higher earnings for the September quarter 8 Procter & Gamble went down 3 1/2 to 130 , Dow Jones fell 3 1/2 to 37 1/2 Rockwell International dropped 2 1/8 to 25 1 Procter & Gamble went down 3 1/2 to 130 , Dow Jones fell 3 1/2 to 37 1/2 and Rockwell International dropped 2 1/8 to 25 Atlantic Richfield preserved its twopoint advance in the previous session and added 1/8 to 103 7/8 10 Di Giorgio gained 1 to 30 3/4 the company said it is starting negotiations with unidentified parties interested in acquiring its units 2 Di Giorgio gained 1 to 30 3/4 the company said it is starting negotiations with unidentified parties interested in acquiring its units 6 Newell , which declared a 2-for-1 stock split and boosted its quarterly dividend by 14 % , added 7/8 to 49 3/8 the company posted improved third-quarter earnings 6 Its capital spending is growing at double-digit rates for the second year in a row its superefficient producers of everything from cars to computer chips are rushing to expand capacity , modernize factories and develop new products 6 the more they will be able to export the less their domestic customers will need to import 7 The more factories and robots Japanese manufacturers add , the more they will be able to export , and the less their domestic customers will need to import At Canon Inc. sales are up nearly 20 % this year ; so , the maker of cameras and computer printers is doing what any Japanese company would do under the circumstances : It is increasing capital spending -- by 60 % .It is building , among other things , a new laser-beam-printer factory in western Japan that can produce up to 150,000 printers next year 2 At Canon Inc. , for example , sales are up nearly 20 % this year the maker of cameras and computer printers is doing what any Japanese company would do under the circumstances : It is increasing capital spending -- by 60 % 0 that Japanese companies ' outlays in Japan topped American companies ' domestic outlays by $ 521.4 billion to $ 494.8 billion in the 12 months ended March 31 Japan 's total output of goods and services is less than two-thirds America 's 6 Many Japanese companies expect record profits this fiscal year Japanese interest rates , though up a bit recently , are still low 6 Many Japanese companies expect record profits this fiscal year , and Japanese interest rates , though up a bit recently , are still low in a business system where shareholders have few rights and expect only modest dividends , companies can plow their profits back into plant and equipment 0 From a financial standpoint , the boom could n't come at a better time some economists and government officials here are n't applauding 0 MITI officials hope to avoid yet-another source of trade friction with the U.S export restraints currently limit Japanese car exports to the U.S 1 But some economists and government officials here are n't applauding.They fear that the boom may be too big for Japan 's or anyone else 's good Not everyone is worried 6 The investment boom is mainly sparked by strong domestic demand and is n't likely to increase exports sharply much investment is n't aimed at increasing capacity 6 14.2 % of their spending is designed to improve products or add new ones , 17.5 % is to cut costs , 12.5 % is for research and development the rest is for maintenance and other purposes 1 Some economists -- and many Japanese companies -- are puzzled by the warnings the worriers remain unconvinced 6 With Japan running enormous trade surpluses against much of the world that Japan should meet the increased domestic demand by importing more eventually domestic demand will weaken , forcing companies to emphasize exports again 3 that 'll be a problem there 's a further drive to export 7 Even in the short run , the investment boom could exacerbate a disturbing trend Japanese auto makers are increasing their production capacity in the U.S 1 Japanese auto makers , for example , are increasing their production capacity in the U.S. ; the additional production should , in part , replace imported vehicles with locally manufactured ones although Japanese companies increased their U.S. auto output by 42 % from January to September compared with the year-earlier period , their exports to the U.S. will drop only 9 % this year 0 But their exports to the U.S. will drop only 9 % this year Japanese companies increased their U.S. auto output by 42 % from January to September compared with the year-earlier period 6 Others are replacing older facilities with flexible assembly lines on which different models can be turned out at once that Fanuc Ltd. , a robot maker had to build a new plant 1 The buildup is `` making Japan clearly more efficient , more technologically advanced and more competitive whatever its effects on exports and imports , Japan 's investment boom during the past two years has been stimulated at least partly by soaring domestic demand 6 Japan 's marathon economy , growing at 4.3 % this year , is now in its 35th month of expansion some economists are betting that the boom will outlast the record 57-month expansion in the late 1960s 2 Nissan Motor Co. 's domestic auto sales are up 20 % this year its expensive Cima , Sylvia and Cefiro models are in heavy demand 3 that he 'd sell them right away he had more cars 6 that the company is trying to keep up with demand `` by overworking '' its employees Honda Motor Co. 's sales are so brisk that workers grumble they have n't had a Saturday off in years , despite the government 's encouragement of more leisure activity 10 the whole industry follows one Japanese company steps up its investments 2 to let a competitor 's addition to capacity go unmatched is to concede defeat most businesses put market share above profitability 6 The expansion is aimed not just at meeting demand but at expanding the company 's market share to 30 % from 27 % currently 6 The expansion is aimed not just at meeting demand but also at expanding the company 's market share to 30 % from 27 % currently Daikin 's major competitors , Hitachi Ltd. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. , `` are all adding production lines 1 Until now , we were trying to increase productivity with the facilities we already had we ca n't produce enough anymore 1 Nissan aims to expand its 25 % share of the market to 30 % by spending $ 141 million on a plant in southern Japan that could make as many as 240,000 cars a year Toyota Motor Corp. 's $ 247 million buildup is increasing its annual capacity by 180,000 cars , and Honda is spending $ 317 million on expansion 11 Nissan aims to expand its 25 % share of the market to 30 % by spending $ 141 million on a plant in southern Japan that could make as many as 240,000 cars a year Toyota Motor Corp. 's $ 247 million buildup is increasing its annual capacity by 180,000 cars , and Honda is spending $ 317 million on expansion 8 Meanwhile , Toyota Motor Corp. 's $ 247 million buildup is increasing its annual capacity by 180,000 cars Honda is spending $ 317 million on expansion 1 Mazda Motor Corp. is still considering its options it boldly aims to double its annual domestic sales to 800,000 cars in the next four years 0 Asahi Breweries Ltd. plans to fend off Japanese competitors by pouring $ 1.06 billion into facilities to brew 50 % more beer imports account for less than 1 % of beer sales in Japan 1 that many new products are n't replacements for imports new-product development will make Japanese companies stronger , and big investments in `` domestic '' industries such as beer will make it even tougher for foreign competitors to crack the Japanese market 6 But new-product development will make Japanese companies stronger big investments in `` domestic '' industries such as beer will make it even tougher for foreign competitors to crack the Japanese market 6 and big investments in `` domestic '' industries such as beer will make it even tougher for foreign competitors to crack the Japanese market much of the investment boom is in high-tech fields in which Japanese companies have only limited foreign competition ; so , more investment practically assures more exports 2 Moreover , much of the investment boom is in high-tech fields in which Japanese companies have only limited foreign competition more investment practically assures more exports 7 Moreover , much of the investment boom is in high-tech fields in which Japanese companies have only limited foreign competition ; so , more investment practically assures more exports Toshiba Corp. is spending $ 986 million on two new plants to build four-megabit dynamic random access memories , the next generation of computer chips 0 The product is n't widely used yet that its early investment will heighten its chances of beating its competitors again 6 Toshiba Corp. , for example , is spending $ 986 million on two new plants to build four-megabit dynamic random access memories , the next generation of computer chips Toshiba 's Japanese rivals , Hitachi , Fujitsu Ltd. and NEC Corp. , are n't sitting still 11 Toshiba Corp. , for example , is spending $ 986 million on two new plants to build four-megabit dynamic random access memories , the next generation of computer chips Toshiba 's Japanese rivals , Hitachi , Fujitsu Ltd. and NEC Corp. , are n't sitting still 11 to raise Lexus exports a new plant starts up next year 3 not everyone will suffer excess capacity develops 6 The losers will be those with the least attractive products many of them will be foreign companies 10 Details of the restructuring wo n't be made final regulators approve the regulations mandated by the new federal act 6 ONEIDA Ltd. declared a 10 % stock dividend , payable Dec. 15 to stock of record Nov. 17 The Oneida , N.Y. , maker of consumer , food-service and industrial products declared a quarterly cash dividend of 12 cents a share , with the same payable and record dates 6 a quarterly cash dividend of 12 cents a share , with the same payable and record dates The cash dividend paid on the common stock will apply to the new shares 10 Adults with AIDS have had access to AZT FDA approved the drug 's usage for adults in March 1987 1 Adults with AIDS have had access to AZT since FDA approved the drug 's usage for adults in March 1987 despite more than two years of research showing AZT can relieve dementia and other symptoms in children , the drug still lacks federal approval for use in the youngest patients 2 But despite more than two years of research showing AZT can relieve dementia and other symptoms in children , the drug still lacks federal approval for use in the youngest patients many youngsters have been unable to obtain the drug and , for the few exceptions , insurance carriers wo n't cover its cost of $ 6,400 a year 6 As a result , many youngsters have been unable to obtain the drug for the few exceptions , insurance carriers wo n't cover its cost of $ 6,400 a year 10 One of them , a daughter Ariel , died a year ago at age seven her parents unsuccessfully pleaded for the drug 1 I could get AZT my daughter could n't 11 But my daughter could n't she was too ill to take it 2 Secondly , critics have charged AZT 's maker Burroughs Wellcome Co. with corporate inertia children account for just 1 % of the patient population and hence a small part of the large and lucrative market 1 that it is moving ahead to compile the relevant data to develop a pediatric syrup form easier for youngsters to take all this comes nearly a year and a half after Philip Pizzo of the National Cancer Institute offered evidence that AZT could reverse the ravages of AIDS dementia , sometimes prompting dramatic recovery of IQ levels and reappearance of lost motor skills 10 Still , all this comes Philip Pizzo of the National Cancer Institute offered evidence that AZT could reverse the ravages of AIDS dementia , sometimes prompting dramatic recovery of IQ levels and reappearance of lost motor skills 1 it 's taken much too long to get to this point I 'm pleased the FDA is finally releasing AZT for children 4 giving back a piece of their childhood only temporarily 6 it declared a dividend of one warrant for each three shares of common stock it will issue an additional 243,677 of the Class C warrants to holders of its Class A , Class B and unclassified warrants 6 Bethlehem Steel 's profit plunged 54 % in the third quarter , hurt by higher costs and lower shipments to key clients Armco and National Intergroup had lower operating profit in steel 11 Columbia S & L posted a quarterly loss of $ 226.3 million the Beverly Hills thrift reeled from new industry rules and turmoil in junk bonds 11 setting the stage for a price war the beer industry 's growth slows 1 the central bank can wipe out inflation without causing a recession doing so will inflict short-term pain 1 net fell 3.1 % EDS 's profit rose 16 % 6 Provigo plans to sell all non-food operations to refocus on its retail and wholesale grocery business Chairman Pierre Lortie resigned 6 Michigan 's Senate passed a bill requiring girls to get parental consent for an abortion Pennsylvania 's House cleared a measure banning abortions after the 24th week of pregnancy 10 The action came the Senate approved the House-passed measure 6 In the San Francisco Bay area , more than 13,000 people were homeless landslides threatened more houses 6 East German leader Krenz said he was willing to hold talks with opposition groups pressing for internal changes The Communist Party chief said he would allow East Germans to travel abroad more freely , but made clear that the Berlin Wall would remain 0 Baker offered to review Israel 's `` suggested changes '' to his proposal for direct Israeli-Palestinian talks the secretary of state advised Israel that attempting to overhaul the five-point plan risked delaying the negotiations aimed at Mideast peace 6 Bush said Washington would continue a trade embargo against Nicaragua , declaring that the Central American country poses `` an unusual and extraordinary threat '' to the security of the U.S Secretary of State Baker said the U.S. protested to Moscow over shipments of East bloc arms to Salvadoran rebels from Managua 1 Bush said Washington would continue a trade embargo against Nicaragua , declaring that the Central American country poses `` an unusual and extraordinary threat '' to the security of the U.S Secretary of State Baker said the U.S. protested to Moscow over shipments of East bloc arms to Salvadoran rebels from Managua 6 A landslide engulfed a hillside slum in Sao Paulo , Brazil at least 20 people , most of them children , were missing and feared dead 2 A landslide engulfed a hillside slum in Sao Paulo , Brazil at least 20 people , most of them children , were missing and feared dead 1 Jeffrey Coors , 44 years old , had been president since 1985 , when he succeeded his father Joseph in the job Jeffrey Coors voluntarily gave up the position to focus more of his energy on Coors Technology Co. , a small unit of Coors he has run for several years 1 A spokeswoman said Toronto-based Campeau has received `` expressions of interest '' in Bloomingdale 's she declined to comment on whether any actual bids had been made 1 that Tokyu Department Store is one of several Japanese companies that has been approached by representatives of a management committee headed by Bloomingdale 's Mr. Traub detailed financial figures have n't been passed yet to any prospective buyers 0 Tokyu is one of the potential buyers who might raise its hand it 's in very early stages still 6 to arrange $ 800 million in bridge financing for Campeau O & Y is supervising major restructuring and refinancing of Campeau , a Toronto-based real estate and retailing company 2 No book has been issued regarding Bloomingdale 's , there are no projections I doubt very much whether any bid has been made 6 that a Japanese department store concern is planning to offer about $ 1.3 billion to buy Bloomingdale 's a Campeau shareholder filed suit , charging Campeau , Chairman Robert Campeau and other officers with violating securities law 2 McCaw Cellular Communications Inc. must extend its offer for LIN Broadcasting Corp it has `` not yet announced committed financing sufficient to complete '' the bid 1 McCaw wants to buy 22 million shares of LIN for $ 125 each , or $ 2.75 billion The offer is in limbo 2 The offer is in limbo , however LIN has agreed to merge its cellular-phone businesses with BellSouth Corp 2 calling it `` vague and ill-defined it did n't describe the source of funds or the specific terms of StatesWest securities which were part of the offer 6 saying that in addition to $ 7 a share in cash , StatesWest would offer one share of new 6 % convertible preferred stock of StatesWest it values at $ 3 a share It said the cash portion of the transaction would be financed with StatesWest 's own cash and short-term investments , plus debt and other financing arranged through Hibbard Brown & Co. , the company 's investment banker 2 margins improved its inventory position this year did n't need the costly markdowns required to trim last year 's swollen levels 10 the apparel market troughed in the first half of 1988 began showing improvement in the second half of last year 6 margins improved because its inventory position this year did n't need the costly markdowns required to trim last year 's swollen levels ongoing cost-cutting efforts contributed to the latest period 's earnings upturn 0 Coniston Partners , which with related entities controls 80 % of TW , had been planning to sell $ 1.15 billion of junk bonds , among other things to finance their acquisition of the remaining public shares Coniston , a New York partnership managed by the firm of Gollust , Tierney & Oliver , yesterday announced that `` in view of unsettled conditions in securities markets '' the offering would be postponed and restructured 6 that Coniston and its investment banker , Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette , just completed a two-week `` road show '' for the purpose of marketing the bonds investors , at least for now , took a pass 0 TW 's junk bonds were n't , as junk bonds go , unusually weak.Its fast-food restaurants -- including Denny 's , Hardee 's , Quincy 's and El Pollo Loco ( `` the only significant fast-food chain to specialize in char-broiled chicken '' ) -- are stable , recession-resistant and growing unless they continued to grow , TW , based in Paramus , N.J. , would have run into trouble 5 But TW , based in Paramus , N.J. , would have run into trouble they continued to grow 1 Until recently , such buy-now , pray-for-growth-later deals were routine people do n't buy anything on expectation anymore 10 TW 's stockholder meeting was postponed from tomorrow to Nov. 21 DLJ hopes to be able to sell less-junky junk bonds 2 TW 's stockholder meeting was postponed from tomorrow to Nov. 21 DLJ hopes to be able to sell less-junky junk bonds 6 Gollust , Tierney & Oliver is likely to contribute more than the $ 120 million in equity it had planned on.Banks may contribute more senior debt the total amount of junk financing will be reduced 1 that `` very few people said they did n't like the credit quality.People said they did n't think a billion-dollar deal would trade trading risk stems from credit risk 6 But trading risk stems from credit risk by adding equity , DLJ would seem to be acknowledging that credit risk was a concern 9 And by adding equity , DLJ would seem to be acknowledging that credit risk was a concern the DLJ banker says , in the reborn capital structure cash coverage of interest `` will meaningfully improve 3 that pretax earnings `` would have been insufficient to cover its fixed charges , including interest on debt securities , '' by approximately $ 62.7 million in the first six months of 1989 the acquisition had been completed earlier 1 that `` adjusted to eliminate non-cash charges '' TW would have run a cash surplus -- in this case , of $ 56 million over six months such calculations ignore the noncash charge of depreciation 9 But such calculations ignore the noncash charge of depreciation the company envisions capital expenses of about $ 180 million a year 6 that sales and earnings at its restaurants have risen steadily that people wo n't stop eating during a downturn 0 and that people wo n't stop eating during a downturn they wo n't necessarily eat at Denny 's 2 that TW historically has prospered it has been willing to spend aggressively on remodeling restaurants and redoing menus 6 to generate enough cash for capital spending and to pay down debt 3 that TW could cut capital spending necessary 2 that TW could , if necessary , cut capital spending half of what it plans to spend is for `` growth , '' rather than maintenance 0 that TW could , if necessary , cut capital spending , since half of what it plans to spend is for `` growth , '' rather than maintenance that under the shelved offering , TW would have needed to grow to meet its debt payments 10 who was practicing the read-my-lips school of politics Mr. Bush encountered it 11 to behave in a civilised -- that is unflaky -- fashion abroad 0 her statement urged it to `` encourage change '' rather than inflict further punishment on the country 's black population supporting the Commonwealth `` in utterly condemning apartheid 0 Actually there is a consensus somewhere on sanctions : In May a Gallup Poll found that most South African blacks , 85 % , oppose economic sanctions Mrs. Thatcher had once again gone against the grain 3 you are out of step everybody else puts out their left foot and you put out your right foot 6 If everybody else puts out their left foot you put out your right foot 3 I 'm very sorry for the 48 it 's one against 48 3 it is Britain 's mysteriously intractable inflation problem indeed Mrs. Thatcher has one opponent that could throw her off political course 6 If it 's one against 48 , I 'm very sorry for the 48 If Mrs. Thatcher has one opponent that could throw her off political course it is Britain 's mysteriously intractable inflation problem 1 her political enemies are screaming louder than ever We can not join the political chorus that as one proclaims how offputting it is that Mrs. Thatcher refuses to get along by going along 6 The guest paid his bill at the resort hotel as he departed he noticed a sign saying , `` Have You Left Anything 11 and he noticed a sign saying , `` Have You Left Anything he departed 10 the Nasdaq over-the-counter market dusted itself off and moved on in moderate trading being trampled in Tuesday 's selling stampede 1 After being trampled in Tuesday 's selling stampede , the Nasdaq over-the-counter market dusted itself off and moved on in moderate trading while the Composite gained 1.19 , to 462.89 , many issues did n't participate in the advance 1 But many issues did n't participate in the advance the Composite gained 1.19 , to 462.89 6 Of the 4,348 issues that changed hands , 1,074 advanced 866 declined 6 The Nasdaq Financial Index rose 2.09 , to 454.86 the Nasdaq 100 Index of the big non-financial stocks basically stood still , easing 0.12 , to 452.23 11 The Nasdaq Financial Index rose 2.09 , to 454.86 the Nasdaq 100 Index of the big non-financial stocks basically stood still , easing 0.12 , to 452.23 1 The market acted better it was n't a tremendous comeback 3 maybe the buyers will come back we get a decent rally { today } 3 a seatbelt may come in handy during the next few sessions E.E . `` Buzzy '' Geduld is right 6 There 's a lot of uncertainty out there it will cause a lot of swings 0 Almost one million shares of Sun Microsystems changed hands the issue was unchanged at 17 3/4 8 Amgen advanced 1 1/2 to 56 ; Chiron jumped 2 to 29 3/4 ; Cetus gained 1 to 16 7/8 Biogen rose 5/8 to 14 5/8 3 to make a bid for all of the shares outstanding of Jaguar British government restrictions to such a transaction are removed 6 Another takeover target , LIN Broadcasting , rose 1/2 to 109 1/4 on 495,000 shares Its suitor , McCaw Cellular added 1/2 to 40 1/2 on 395,700 shares 6 Occupational-Urgent Care Health fell 1 3/4 to 15 1/2 on 354,000 shares The company 's third-quarter earnings rose to 10 cents a share from eight cents a share a year ago 5 The percent difference compares actual profit with the 30-day estimate where at least three analysts have issues forecasts in the past 30 days actual profit is compared with the 300-day estimate 11 At that price , CBS was the only player at the table negotiations with the International Olympic Committee started in Toronto Aug. 23 10 Dick Pound , a committee member , began by disclosing that ABC and NBC had refused to even bid he asked Mr. Pilson to raise his offer anyway 3 you can have a dea we can have a number that starts with a three 1 Well , CBS , mired in the ratings cellar and looking to sports as a way out , wanted to close the deal immediately and block its rivals from getting another chance to bid Mr. Pilson has been put in the uncomfortable role of setting off a bidding frenzy for sports rights , a frenzy that the networks had hoped to avoid 3 CBS itself could run up losses of a few hundred million dollars on four years of various sports its big gamble goes wrong 6 CBS itself could run up losses of a few hundred million dollars on four years of various sports if its big gamble goes wrong ABC , a unit of Capital Cities/ABC Inc. , and General Electric Co. 's National Broadcasting Co. risk losses if they outbid CBS for other contracts 3 ABC , a unit of Capital Cities/ABC Inc. , and General Electric Co. 's National Broadcasting Co. also risk losses they outbid CBS for other contracts 11 ad rates wo n't rights fees head skyward 1 ad rates wo n't rights fees head skyward 3 they 're likely to lose all but a few who need sports , above all they ask advertisers to absorb the costs 11 that might stick around to watch other CBS programs the game is over 3 that they wo n't offset the multimillion-dollar deficits that CBS could run up they do 3 those deals can turn sour the numbers do n't work 6 As we 've seen in the '80s , those deals can turn sour if the numbers do n't work three years later , in a sea of red ink , the heroes can find themselves with a lot of explaining to do 2 As we 've seen in the '80s , those deals can turn sour if the numbers do n't work three years later , in a sea of red ink , the heroes can find themselves with a lot of explaining to do 10 who was ousted as chairman of CBS Inc Laurence A. Tisch bought a 24.9 % stake in the company and took over three years ago 6 They lost the entertainment crown they needed one 6 They lost the entertainment crown , and they needed one they 've bought one 2 They lost the entertainment crown , and they needed one they 've bought one 2 NBC may `` come in with a huge bid for college basketball to take it away from CBS and say , 'We can overbid , too the winners will be the colleges , not either network 6 NBC may `` come in with a huge bid for college basketball to take it away from CBS and say , 'We can overbid , too the winners will be the colleges , not either network 10 In the mid-1980s he sniped at rivals for paying reckless prices ABC had just bid a record $ 309 million for the 1988 Winter Games 0 I love Pilson he was the guy who complained most bitterly and loudly 6 but he was the guy who complained most bitterly and loudly yet his company is one reason why rights are so high today 0 but he was the guy who complained most bitterly and loudly And his company is one reason why rights are so high today 10 he 's always expounding that rights are too high he 's going crazy 1 then he 's going crazy the 49-year-old Mr. Pilson is hardly a man to ignore the numbers 10 A Yale law school graduate , he began his career in corporate law and put in years at Metromedia Inc. and the William Morris talent agency 11 that I did n't say forever , and I did n't say every property he spoke out a few years ago 6 I did n't say forever I did n't say every property 6 that I did n't say forever , and I did n't say every property . '' The market changed he is n't the only big spender 6 NBC will pay a record $ 401 million for the 1992 Summer Games ESPN will shell out $ 400 million for four years of baseball 10 Mr. Pilson 's `` Major Events '' strategy jelled Mr. Tisch took over 6 that in April 1986 , after CBS 's annual meeting in Philadelphia , he and Mr. Tisch took the 90-minute train ride back to New York Mr. Pilson used this extended private audience to outline his ambitions 6 Five months later , Mr. Tisch took over as CBS 's chief executive soon he was wielding sole approval each time Mr. Pilson scribbled a frighteningly large figure on a slip of paper , sealed it in an envelope and gave it to sports negotiators 10 Five months later , Mr. Tisch took over as CBS 's chief executive soon he was wielding sole approval each time Mr. Pilson scribbled a frighteningly large figure on a slip of paper , sealed it in an envelope and gave it to sports negotiators 10 Five months later , Mr. Tisch took over as CBS 's chief executive in May 1988 , Mr. Tisch urgently needed to make a bold statement to quell rumors that he might sell the network 6 The `` Major Events '' strategy is designed to notch a place for CBS on the crowded TV dial of the 1990s It 's a fast fix for an ailing image 3 I 'd rather see the games on our air than on NBC and ABC baseball triggers losses at CBS 0 Even if baseball triggers losses at CBS he does n't think it will 6 Regular TV series ratings have slumped in the past five years premiering new shows is `` a crap shoot 1 Regular TV series ratings have slumped in the past five years , and premiering new shows is `` a crap shoot top sports events are still a strong bet to lure audiences 30 % or 40 % larger than those CBS usually gets 6 baseball and the Olympics may help CBS move up to No . 2 in the household ratings race , putting pizazz back into the network 's image the Winter Olympics will air during the February `` sweeps , '' when ratings are used to set ad rates for local stations 0 But top sports events are still a strong bet to lure audiences 30 % or 40 % larger than those CBS usually gets The CBS plan to use big-time sports as a platform for other series carries no guarantee of success 3 No amount of hype will bring viewers back the shows are weak 3 they 're gone the show ai n't a killer 7 If the show ai n't a killer , they 're gone During the 1984 Summer Games ABC touted `` Call to Glory , '' but the military drama was missing in action within weeks 0 During the 1984 Summer Games , for example , ABC touted `` Call to Glory the military drama was missing in action within weeks 6 The CBS plan to use big-time sports as a platform for other series carries no guarantee of success , however sports is hardly the best way to lure adult women 0 most advertisers buy based on ratings for women aged 18 to 49 CBS might move up to No . 2 in household ratings 6 No amount of hype will bring viewers back if the shows are weak Moreover , sports is hardly the best way to lure adult women is CBS a shoo-in to get blockbuster ratings 1 In recent years , the World Series and the Olympics were aired against CBS 's last-place lineup CBS will put the athletes up against Bill Cosby , `` Cheers '' and other shows in NBC 's No . 1 schedule 3 The intangible benefits may prove extremely costly CBS ca n't avoid big losses on the sports coverage itself 6 The intangible benefits may prove extremely costly if CBS ca n't avoid big losses on the sports coverage itself avoiding such losses will take a monumental effort 0 On the $ 1.06 billion baseball agreement alone , CBS is likely to lose $ 250 million in four years the deal `` plain smart '' for its huge promotional value 1 Mr. Pilson calls that loss estimate `` wildly inaccurate , '' conceding only that CBS will lose money on baseball in the first year . `` It 's too early to tell '' what happens after that , he says Mr. Tisch expects losses in all four years of the contract 6 CBS will pay an average of $ 82 million more each year than ABC and NBC had paid together those two networks expect losses on baseball this season 1 CBS will pay an average of $ 82 million more each year than ABC and NBC had paid together CBS will air only 12 regular-season games , 26 fewer than ABC and NBC 6 That has outraged some fans It indicates a $ 50 million drop in ad sales for regular-season games -- a risk CBS took to get an unprecedented lock on all playoff games 3 losses could soar the playoffs end in four-game sweeps 0 CBS signed General Motors and Toyota to be the only auto-maker sponsors in baseball for four years.Price : $ 265 million that works out to only $ 275,000 for a 30-second ad in the World Series through 1993 -- 17 % less than what ABC is charging for the Series this month 6 that works out to only $ 275,000 for a 30-second ad in the World Series through 1993 -- 17 % less than what ABC is charging for the Series this month there 's no question ad rates will come down considerably '' from the GM-Toyota price 1 Moreover , `` there 's no question ad rates will come down considerably '' from the GM-Toyota price , says Arnold Chase of Bozell Inc Other admen say rates could rise later if ad spending surges 10 ad rates will come down considerably '' from the GM-Toyota price rates could rise if ad spending surges 3 rates could rise later ad spending surges 6 On the $ 1.06 billion baseball agreement alone , CBS is likely to lose $ 250 million in four years , contends Mr. Wussler , the former CBS man , now at Comsat Inc . Nevertheless , he deems the deal `` plain smart '' for its huge promotional value . Mr. Pilson calls that loss estimate `` wildly inaccurate , '' conceding only that CBS will lose money on baseball in the first year . `` It 's too early to tell '' what happens after that , he says.But Mr. Tisch expects losses in all four years of the contract , he told U.S. senators last June . CBS will pay an average of $ 82 million more each year than ABC and NBC had paid together -- and those two networks expect losses on baseball this season.Yet CBS will air only 12 regular-season games , 26 fewer than ABC and NBC.That has outraged some fans.It also indicates a $ 50 million drop in ad sales for regular-season games -- a risk CBS took to get an unprecedented lock on all playoff games.If the playoffs end in four-game sweeps , losses could soar . Advertisers are resisting higher prices , which would help close the gap.CBS signed General Motors and Toyota to be the only auto-maker sponsors in baseball for four years.Price : $ 265 million.But ad executives who negotiated the deal say that works out to only $ 275,000 for a 30-second ad in the World Series through 1993 -- 17 % less than what ABC is charging for the Series this month.Moreover , `` there 's no question ad rates will come down considerably '' from the GM-Toyota price , says Arnold Chase of Bozell Inc. Other admen , however , say rates could rise later if ad spending surges The Winter Games outlook is mixed 1 CBS expects to make modest profits rivals contend that it will take a beating 6 CBS will add 25 1/2 hours to that load in 1992 ratings could be hurt by a lack of live events 2 All prime-time fare will be on tape-delay because of time differences with Norway the results can be announced on the 6 o'clock news 3 that it matters little CBS loses , say , $ 10 million 11 Ten million ai n't jack , man you got $ 3 billion sitting in the bank 6 that even if CBS loses , say , $ 10 million , it matters little sports has `` claimed its place '' as a guaranteed ratings-getter 6 CBS Sports earned $ 50 million or so last year CBS takes in the least money in prime time 1 And CBS takes in the least money in prime time ; ABC and NBC charge 30 % to 35 % more for ads , according to a Variety survey CBS 's costs are huge , and the risks go up with each new sports package that CBS locks up 6 But CBS 's costs are huge the risks go up with each new sports package that CBS locks up 0 ad rates may rise only 20 % sports officials predict jumps of 50 % to 100 % in the major contracts coming up for renewal 2 by ordering fewer episodes of regular series sports will fill up a few weeks of prime time 0 CBS hopes to save money by ordering fewer episodes of regular series because sports will fill up a few weeks of prime time the savings will be minuscule 6 an hour-long drama costs only $ 900,000 it is aired twice 1 CBS may cushion losses with about $ 200 million a year in interest earned on the proceeds from selling CBS Records and other businesses Wall Street wo n't take kindly to that 11 he does n't exactly say yes Mr. Pilson is asked directly -- can you make money on all this 10 What you 're really asking is , Are the profit and loss margins anticipated on the events acceptable to management ? '' he says he answers his own question 6 Place a phone order through most any catalog chances are the clerk who answers wo n't be the only one on the line 5 Place a phone order through most any catalog and chances are the clerk who answers wo n't be the only one on the line open up an electronics magazine and peruse the ads for sneaky tape recorders and other snooping gadgets 6 Or open up an electronics magazine peruse the ads for sneaky tape recorders and other snooping gadgets 6 Eavesdropping -- both corporate and private -- is on the rise , thanks to the proliferation of surveillance technologies while sellers of the equipment and companies `` monitoring '' employees have few qualms , right-to-privacy advocates and some lawmakers are alarmed 0 And right-to-privacy advocates and some lawmakers are alarmed sellers of the equipment and companies `` monitoring '' employees have few qualms 6 The practice is common at catalog , insurance and phone companies , banks and telemarketers , according to trade groups and worker organizations It 's widespread for reservations clerks in the airline , car-rental , hotel and railroad industries 6 that employees know they are being recorded that customer conversations are n't taped 0 Eavesdropping by individuals is harder to measure devices are there for the asking , whether in stores or through the mail 7 But devices are there for the asking , whether in stores or through the mail The Counter Spy Shop in Washington , D.C. offers the `` Secret Connection '' attache case , which can surreptitiously record conversations for nine hours at a stretch 1 That and other fancy gizmos may cost thousands simple voice-activated tape recorders sell for as little as $ 70 at electronics stores like Radio Shack 0 they can mean leverage in a settlement tape recordings to uncover , say , infidelity are n't admissible in court 6 Nine states have introduced bills requiring that workers and customers be made aware of monitoring four states -- California , Florida , Michigan and Pennsylvania -- have adopted rules that all parties involved must consent when phone calls are recorded 11 that all parties involved must consent phone calls are recorded 8 In May , Rep. Don Edwards ( D.Calif . ) introduced congressional legislation that would require an audible beeping during any employee monitoring , warning people that they are being heard last spring , Rep. Ron Dellums ( D. , Calif. ) , introduced a bill requiring universal two-party consent to any tapings in cases that do n't involve law enforcement 6 a bill requiring universal two-party consent to any tapings in cases that do n't involve law enforcement products such as voice-activated tape recorders would have to include beep tones and labels explaining federal laws on eavesdropping 1 The ACLU and worker organizations back tighter laws employers and device manufacturers object 0 I 'm sympathetic with workers who feel under the gun the only way you can find out how your people are doing is by listening 6 which is lobbying strenuously against the Edwards beeper bill Spiegel opposes the beeper bill 6 Federal wiretap statutes recognize the right of employers to monitor employees ' for evaluation purposes in the past , Congress has viewed monitoring as an issue best handled in union negotiations 1 And in the past , Congress has viewed monitoring as an issue best handled in union negotiations opponents , led by the CWA , say new laws are needed because monitoring is heavily concentrated in service industries and 81 % of monitored workers are n't represented by unions 2 new laws are needed monitoring is heavily concentrated in service industries and 81 % of monitored workers are n't represented by unions 6 because monitoring is heavily concentrated in service industries 81 % of monitored workers are n't represented by unions 1 Laura Dale , center manager at the catalog company 's customer order center in Reno , Nev. , defends monitoring . `` We like to follow up and make sure operators are achieving our standards of company service , '' says Ms. Dale , who supervises 350 operators . John Bonomo , a Nynex spokesman , says the telephone company needs to monitor operators to evaluate performance during the first six months on the job . `` Sometimes , '' he says , `` we 'll pull someone off the phones for more training . '' Federal wiretap statutes recognize the right of employers to monitor employees ' for evaluation purposes.And in the past , Congress has viewed monitoring as an issue best handled in union negotiations.But opponents , led by the CWA , say new laws are needed because monitoring is heavily concentrated in service industries and 81 % of monitored workers are n't represented by unions.The CWA claims that monitoring not only infringes on employee privacy , but increases stress . `` Nine to Five , '' a Cleveland-based office workers organization that supports the beeper bill , six months ago started a privacy hot line to receive reports of alleged monitoring abuses supporters of the Dellums two-party consent bill say it is needed because of a giant loophole in the one-party consent law 3 Currently it 's all right to record without the knowledge of the other person on the line the person taping is a party to the conversation 1 Some marketers of surveillance gear -- including Communication Control System Ltd. , which owns the Counter Spy Shop and others like it -- already put warning labels in their catalogs informing customers of the one-party law that they ca n't control how their products are used 3 against selling products a salesperson suspects they will be used illegally 0 he has n't yet studied the Dellums bill that requiring a beeping tone on recorders `` would be ludicrous 0 Radio Shack says it has a policy against selling products if a salesperson suspects they will be used illegally Radio Shack is aware that some of its products are controversial 0 With its ability to pick up rustlings and flapping wings , `` it was meant to be a toy for children for bird watching we were getting too many complaints that people were using them to eavesdrop on their neighbors 11 The hottest rivalry in the computer industry intensified sharply yesterday Digital Equipment Corp. announced its first line of mainframe computers 2 The hottest rivalry in the computer industry intensified sharply yesterday Digital Equipment Corp. announced its first line of mainframe computers 1 Up to now , the intense competition between IBM and Digital has been confined largely to the broad midrange of the computer market , where Digital sought to exploit IBM 's weaknesses in networking Digital 's move into mainframes will target IBM 's home turf , where it has a commanding 70 % share of the market 6 IBM fired back with new mainframes of its own , extending the long-dominant 3090 line with a 7 % to 14 % power boost IBM announced upgraded operating system software that , together with the new hardware , lets customers do so-called batch processing as much as 60 % faster 1 the 16 new J and JH models will generally be available immediately three wo n't ship until the third quarter of next year 6 Small models will carry higher prices Upgrades to bigger models will be costlier 2 he may cut his earnings estimate for the current fiscal year he had expected at least some mainframe profit this year 1 he may cut his earnings estimate for the current fiscal year because he had expected at least some mainframe profit this year that he expected to raise his estimate for fiscal 1991 at the same time 11 the new VAX will let them stay with Digital they need the power of a mainframe 3 the new VAX will let them stay with Digital they need the power of a mainframe 6 targeting International Business Machines Corp. 's largest market Digital plans to compete fiercely with IBM when the giant 's customers are computerizing new aspects of their businesses 11 to compete fiercely with IBM the giant 's customers are computerizing new aspects of their businesses 1 Digital also plans to compete fiercely with IBM when the giant 's customers are computerizing new aspects of their businesses Digital does n't expect to displace IBM mainframes that are already installed at big companies 11 In addition to commercial markets , Digital 's new line targets the low end of the engineering and scientific supercomputer market it 's packaged with an optional supercharger , known as a vector processor 3 In addition to commercial markets , Digital 's new line targets the low end of the engineering and scientific supercomputer market it 's packaged with an optional supercharger , known as a vector processor 0 profit margins in that market are much slimmer than for mainframes Digital has staked out a major presence in the booming workstation market 6 Although Digital has staked out a major presence in the booming workstation market , profit margins in that market are much slimmer than for mainframes The slow-growing mainframe market has shown new signs of life lately 0 Demand for these systems has been very , very strong the 3090 line is nearly five years old -- which is getting up there in mainframe years -- and its growth is expected to slow in 1990 2 But the 3090 line is nearly five years old its growth is expected to slow in 1990 6 But the 3090 line is nearly five years old its growth is expected to slow in 1990 11 to bring out the mainframes it could 2 coming in December customers seek to use budgets before year end 11 coming in December customers seek to use budgets before year end 0 it wanted to bring out the mainframes as soon as it could to spark as many sales as possible by the end of the year I do n't see that this will be sufficient to give IBM a significant kick in the fourth quarter 2 it will have problems in the quarter , partly because of a delay in shipping a high-end disk drive and the strong dollar will cut significantly the value of IBM 's overseas earnings when translated into dollars 11 and partly because the strong dollar will cut significantly the value of IBM 's overseas earnings translated into dollars 1 The White House called on Congress to attach the proposed capital-gains tax cut to its final deficit-reduction bill lawmakers seem likely to balk at the idea 2 Earlier this month , the White House endorsed stripping the controversial tax measure from the bill Congress could pass quickly a `` clean '' bill containing only provisions specifically designed to meet federal budget targets under the Gramm-Rudman act 1 Earlier this month , the White House endorsed stripping the controversial tax measure from the bill so that Congress could pass quickly a `` clean '' bill containing only provisions specifically designed to meet federal budget targets under the Gramm-Rudman act now that Congress has missed the legal deadline for meeting the Gramm-Rudman targets , the White House said it has returned to its original view that a capital-gains cut should be part of the deficit-reduction bill , on which Congress continues to work 2 But it has returned to its original view that a capital-gains cut should be part of the deficit-reduction bill , on which Congress continues to work Congress has missed the legal deadline for meeting the Gramm-Rudman targets 3 that does n't happen we press forward on another vehicle and a separate vote 1 it has returned to its original view that a capital-gains cut should be part of the deficit-reduction bill On Capitol Hill there does n't seem to be sufficient sentiment to pair capital gains and the deficit-reduction bill 6 On Capitol Hill , though , there does n't seem to be sufficient sentiment to pair capital gains and the deficit-reduction bill President Bush stepped up his personal lobbying for the capital-gains tax cut 11 On Capitol Hill , though , there does n't seem to be sufficient sentiment to pair capital gains and the deficit-reduction bill President Bush stepped up his personal lobbying for the capital-gains tax cut 6 Two products in what the telecommunications giant called a new generation of such equipment are available now three others will be introduced in 1990 and 1991 10 The products already available are cross-connect systems , used instead of mazes of wiring to interconnect other telecommunications equipment To be introduced are a multiplexer , which will allow several signals to travel along a single optical line ; a light-wave system , which carries voice channels ; and a network controller , which directs data flow through cross-connect systems 6 American Telephone & Telegraph Co. unveiled new optical transmission systems for data , video and voice communications which have announced Sonet-based products 11 Law firms that have feasted and grown on the revenue from mergers and acquisitions work are feeling the squeeze that work declines 2 Law firms that have feasted and grown on the revenue from mergers and acquisitions work are feeling the squeeze that work declines 0 many lawyers say their firms are bracing for lower revenue from merger work it is still too early to tell whether the dearth of takeover activity is only temporary 3 you ca n't bill the same kind of premium as when deals took a few weeks from start to finish deals take longer to complete and there are fewer of them to do 8 If deals take longer to complete there are fewer of them to do 1 We 're planning on a rip-roaring year in 1989 next year we 'll be another story 6 if deals can be done at sensible prices if money is available 0 the slump began earlier this year more obvious in recent weeks 6 What 's more transactions are taking a much longer time to conclude many fall apart for lack of financing '' and more stringent scrutiny by state courts 6 Lawyers at such firms as Sullivan & Cromwell ; Willkie Farr & Gallagher ; Wachtell , Lipton , Rosen & Katz ; and Fried , Frank , Harris , Shriver & Jacobson all say they , too , have experienced a significant slowdown , particularly during the past few weeks Some lawyers say the slump , while more obvious in recent weeks , began earlier this year What 's more , he said , `` transactions are taking a much longer time to conclude and many fall apart for lack of financing '' and more stringent scrutiny by state courts Lawyers say an erratic stock market and uncertain financing conditions have sharply reduced the number of lucrative big deals likely to be proposed 0 Law firms that have feasted and grown on the revenue from mergers and acquisitions work are feeling the squeeze as that work declines the mergers slowdown has n't affected foreign buyers as much as domestic ones 6 We just took another floor for our London offices , '' said Joseph Flom of the New York firm of Skadden , Arps , Slate , Meagher & Flom Davis Polk & Wardwell said its international clients are keeping mergers and acquisitions partners busy 1 European companies are looking to buy American ones the question is whether things people are looking at will actually surface in live transactions in light of the current market conditions 6 that Mr. Lorin was the `` real master criminal '' behind the stock manipulation that Mr. Laff knew nothing about it 6 Mr. Lorin , a stock promoter , pleaded guilty to the stock-manipulation charges in April and agreed to cooperate with the government 's investigation of Mr. Laff Stanley Aslanian , the Haas broker who agreed to carry a hidden microphone during the conversation has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit securities violations in the stock manipulation and agreed to cooperate 10 According to the transcript , Mr. Lorin said Mr. Laff should be killed Mr. Aslanian told him that information given to Mr. Laff by another conspirator could jeopardize the stock scheme 10 According to the transcript , Mr. Lorin said Mr. Laff should be killed after Mr. Aslanian told him that information given to Mr. Laff by another conspirator could jeopardize the stock scheme Mr. Lorin repeated the threat 6 Mr. Lorin then repeated the threat Mr. Aslanian urged him not to say such things 10 Mr. Lang said Judge Thomas P. Griesa had instructed him not to release it or the memorandum asked for a copy of the transcript 10 the witness again said no Mr. Lang asked Mr. Lorin whether he had taken steps to have Mr. Laff killed 10 For the past six years , Mr. Menell , 43 years old , served as vice president for government affairs at American Express He was staff director and counsel for the Senate committee on banking , housing and urban affairs 6 Delmed Inc. 's top two officers resigned and were succeeded by executives of Fresenius USA Inc. and its parent , Fresenius AG , a major Delmed holder that has been negotiating to acquire a controlling stake negotiations about pricing had collapsed between it and a major distributor , National Medical Care Inc 6 Robert S. Ehrlich resigned as chairman , president and chief executive Leslie I. Shapiro , chief operating officer and chief financial officer resigned 6 under which Fresenius would buy Delmed stock for cash to bring its beneficial ownership to between 70 % and 80 % of Delmed 's fully diluted common stock The transaction would combine Fresenius USA and Delmed 0 Delmed will continue to supply dialysis products through National Medical after their exclusive agreement ends in March 1990 the discussions between Delmed and National Medical Care have been discontinued 10 Delmed will continue to supply dialysis products through National Medical their exclusive agreement ends in March 1990 6 While the discussions between Delmed and National Medical Care have been discontinued , Delmed will continue to supply dialysis products through National Medical after their exclusive agreement ends in March 1990 Delmed is exploring distribution arrangements with Fresenius USA 0 Sales of the heart drug TPA were $ 43.6 million , better than last year 's depressed third period when the company sold just $ 29.1 million of the drug TPA sales fell below levels for this year 's first and second quarter sales of $ 48 million 0 We continue to be on target for . . . increasing ÕTPAå sales 20 % to 25 % this year some analysts remain sour on the company 6 Expenses are flat that 's a good sign 1 There 's contract revenue from { limited research and development } partnerships I still think the fundamentals are poor 6 Genentech faces competition in the cardiac-drug market from SmithKline Beecham PLC 's heart drug Eminase , expected to receive market approval shortly Genentech is n't likely to have any new products ready for market until at least 1992 6 The company 's stock is trading at 40 times next year 's numbers that 's too much 0 that the majority of the $ 57 million was linked to workers ' compensation reserves and anticipated losses on the disposal of trucks Ryder did n't break out the charge 0 We 're constantly trying to find ways to regain the earnings momentum we 're still at the beginning stages of some of these changes 6 that calls for creditors and shareholders to receive at least $ 78.8 million in cash and $ 67 million face amount of 10-year , 13.5 % notes The plan calls for creditors and shareholders to receive common stock and warrants in the new company 6 General unsecured creditors of the parent holding company initially will receive $ 14 million in cash , $ 22 million face amount of senior notes and 49 % of the new company 's stock Maxicare will guarantee that the banks will realize at least $ 7 million on certain notes pledged to them 0 Steelmaking resumed Oct. 18 the company expects production to be hampered in the next few months by traffic disruptions around the plant and outages for repair to gas and electric power systems 1 The average interest rate rose to 8.337 % at Citicorp 's $ 50 million weekly auction of 91-day commercial paper , or corporate IOUs , from 8.292 % at last week 's sale that the average rate fell to 7.962 % at its $ 50 million auction of 182-day commercial paper from 7.986 % at last week 's sale 1 that Saab is looking for a partner for industrial and financial cooperation that partner is n't Fiat 2 that the Swedish company will have to look for a partner among other car manufacturers both Ford Motor Corp. and Fiat have turned down the offer 6 ITT Corp. reported a 4 % decline in third-quarter net income , despite a 4.2 % rise in revenue ITT forecast a fourth-quarter blow to earnings from the California earthquake 0 ITT Corp. , its insurance business hurt by Hurricane Hugo , reported a 4 % decline in third-quarter net income , despite a 4.2 % rise in revenue . ITT also forecast a fourth-quarter blow to earnings from the California earthquake Except for insurance it expects improved operating earnings `` in all of our businesses for the full year 6 Hartford expects to report a further pretax loss of about $ 30 million for the current quarter , as a result of the California earthquake this month The company disclosed its financial operations had increased reserves for bankrupt accounts , resulting in a $ 40 million pretax charge for the third quarter 1 its financial operations had increased reserves for bankrupt accounts , resulting in a $ 40 million pretax charge for the third quarter This charge was partly offset by $ 19 million in pretax capital gains 6 The company also disclosed its financial operations had increased reserves for bankrupt accounts , resulting in a $ 40 million pretax charge for the third quarter ITT said its consumer finance unit agreed in September to settle a civil suit with the California attorney general over alleged improper lending and sales practices 8 Amoco , an energy concern , is the operator of the project with a 43.75 % working interest other partners include Hydro Congo , the Congolese state oil company , with a 50 % interest , and Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co. with a 6.25 % stake 6 Coda owned 60 % of the pipeline private entities owned the rest 0 that because of a strike by Finance Ministry personnel the provisional estimate does n't correspond exactly to the consumer price index usually published the estimate will likely be confirmed 1 The institute did n't estimate annual price growth in September a 0.2 % rise by the consumer price index would put growth at either 178.8 or 178.9 , up 3.3 % or 3.4 % from the year-earlier level of 173.1 10 to join the venture completes a business plan , probably later this week 0 It 's one of the most popular computer programs of all time the Quickview suit does n't appear to bode major difficulties for Apple 0 The technology at issue `` is not an underlying technology of HyperCard to my knowledge the suit seeks unspecified damages that an attorney for Quickview claimed could run into the millions of dollars 6 that it believes the case has no merit that HyperCard does not infringe `` any valid claims '' of the Quickview patents 0 I believe he points the gun in the wrong direction I agree with many of Mr. Kageyama 's comments 1 It is n't the Americans who must be criticized for not understanding the Japanese culture the Japanese who insist on forcing their culture on Americans 1 The Japanese want us to accept their culture they refuse to accept the American culture 5 Japanese managers ca n't expect Americans to behave as if they were Japanese they must manage Americans as Americans 11 to conform to the Japanese culture in Japan 11 the Japanese to conform to American norms they locate here 1 Americans place native or native speakers in charge of subsidiaries overseas.European multinationals do likewise ; even in America , their affiliates are usually run by American managers the Japanese insist upon Japanese managers everywhere they set up shop 0 I question his perspective Mr. Kageyama does an excellent job of explaining the differences , both cultural and philosophic 2 Would he suggest that employees of an American company doing business in Japan conform to their new bosses ' culture and philosophy ? Obviously not the conclusion is that the burden rests with management to understand/adopt the culture and philosophy of the country in which they are operating 6 The workers can be motivated the company reach its full potential 11 The workers can be motivated , and the company reach its full potential management embraces the employees ' perspective 3 The workers can be motivated , and the company reach its full potential management embraces the employees ' perspective 5 A manager should not have to rebut the opinions of his employees about the style of his management he should listen to see how that criticism can be used constructively to advance his objective of carrying out a set of tasks through the efforts of his subordinates 11 that Mr. Kageyama has still failed to attack the root cause of the problem and is simply treating symptoms the response to criticism is only a better explanation of policies without altering the reasons for the criticism 3 that Mr. Kageyama has still failed to attack the root cause of the problem and is simply treating symptoms the response to criticism is only a better explanation of policies without altering the reasons for the criticism 6 Suddenly , George Bush the pro-choice advocate became George Bush the anti-abortionist the vacillation did n't end there 3 to veto a pending welfare bill it provided any abortion funds , except to save a woman 's life 5 to veto a pending welfare bill if it provided any abortion funds to save a woman 's life 10 Just a month ago , Mr. Bush sternly threatened to veto a pending welfare bill if it provided any abortion funds , except to save a woman 's life two weeks ago the president said he would consider a compromise to fund abortions for poor women in cases of rape and incest 0 Then , two weeks ago the president said he would consider a compromise to fund abortions for poor women in cases of rape and incest only four days after that , Mr. Bush resurrected the veto threat 10 Just a month ago , Mr. Bush sternly threatened to veto a pending welfare bill if it provided any abortion funds , except to save a woman 's life.Then , two weeks ago -- declaring that `` I 'm not looking for any conflict over this '' -- the president said he would consider a compromise to fund abortions for poor women in cases of rape and incest . But only four days after that , Mr. Bush resurrected the veto threat . `` I do not support federal funding for abortions except where the mother 's life is threatened , '' he proclaimed and vetoed the measure last weekend 4 In all honesty I do n't know you ask me , ` Is this man a true believer 1 Anti-abortion forces regard him as at best an uncertain ally abortion-rights forces remain bitterly critical 1 For most of the past nine years , he has striven to convince anti-abortion activists of his stalwart support for their position ever since the Supreme Court 's Webster vs.Reproductive Health Services decision this year changed the political landscape of the abortion issue , the president seemingly has tried just as hard to avoid saying anything more unless pressed to the wall 10 But the president seemingly has tried just as hard to avoid saying anything more unless pressed to the wall the Supreme Court 's Webster vs.Reproductive Health Services decision this year changed the political landscape of the abortion issue 5 saying anything more pressed to the wall 3 The political risk would be far less the president drew a firm line and hewed to it 3 you 're better off to stick with it than to move around very much you have a position 1 By his moderate Republican heritage as well as the warnings of political advisers who say the issue is vital to younger voters , the president might seem to have at least some sympathy with abortion-rights arguments he is also firmly bound by his hard-line rhetoric and promises he made to anti-abortion activists during his long pursuit of the White House 6 By his moderate Republican heritage as well as the warnings of political advisers who say the issue is vital to younger voters , the president might seem to have at least some sympathy with abortion-rights arguments Yet he is firmly bound by his hard-line rhetoric and promises he made to anti-abortion activists during his long pursuit of the White House 1 On many issues -- flag-burning , for instance -- his keen political sensitivities overcome such conflicts Mr. Bush and his advisers miscalculated the politics of the abortion issue , failing to grasp how dramatically the abortion-rights movement would be aroused following last summer 's Supreme Court decision to restrict those rights in the Webster case 11 These days the usually loquacious president can be close-mouthed almost to the point of curtness others raise the subject of abortion 3 These days the usually loquacious president can be close-mouthed almost to the point of curtness others raise the subject of abortion 6 In 1974 , as the U.S. representative to the United Nations , he wrote an introduction to a book on world population in which he boasted of his leadership during his term in Congress in expanding family-planning services for the poor Running for president in early 1980 , he was quoted as supporting federal funding for abortions in cases of rape , incest and to save the life of the mother 1 In his Rolling Stone interview in 1980 , Mr. Bush volunteered his abortion-rights remarks to contrast himself with his rival , Ronald Reagan As Mr. Reagan 's running mate Mr. Bush plunged headlong into the anti-abortion position 1 that he would support a constitutional amendment banning abortions except in cases of rape , incest and life endangerment that he opposed federal funding in all but the latter case 11 His rhetoric gathered momentum he rolled into office 1 His rhetoric gathered momentum as he rolled into office , affirming his `` firm support of our cause '' during an anti-abortion rally three days after his inauguration last January.He again urged passage of a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion when the high court ruled in the Webster case in July , the president began to lower the volume 10 But the president began to lower the volume the high court ruled in the Webster case in July 10 the vacationing president dispatched Chief of Staff John Sununu to issue a statement and refused to answer questions himself the ruling was handed down 10 When the ruling was handed down , the vacationing president dispatched Chief of Staff John Sununu to issue a statement and refused to answer questions himself He did threaten vetoes over legislation restoring the District of Columbia 's right to use its own tax money to fund abortions for poor women and over restoring funding to the United Nations Population Fund 1 He did later threaten vetoes over legislation restoring the District of Columbia 's right to use its own tax money to fund abortions for poor women and over restoring funding to the United Nations Population Fund in the months since then , while trying to drum up support for other issues -- such as an anti-flag-burning constitutional amendment -- he has shied away from talking about abortion 11 But in the months since then he has shied away from talking about abortion trying to drum up support for other issues -- such as an anti-flag-burning constitutional amendment 6 But in the months since then he has shied away from talking about abortion The White House has avoided any involvement in Florida 's recent special legislative session on abortion 11 it is clear that our constitutionally mandated civil rights have evolved not through the goodness of people 's hearts but through legislation and constitutional amendments we look closely at our own history 3 it is clear that our constitutionally mandated civil rights have evolved not through the goodness of people 's hearts but through legislation and constitutional amendments we look closely at our own history 6 This is how American women won the right to vote it is how African-Americans and other minority groups were guaranteed their equal rights as citizens in this nation 10 Disabled Americans have had their civil rights guaranteed in all federally funded programs Section 504 was passed as a part of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act 1 Donald DeScenza , an independent analyst in New Canaan , Conn. , said he was `` impressed with the company 's performance Harry Millis , an analyst at McDonald & Co. , Cleveland , said Goodyear 's results `` fell at the bottom '' of his range of estimates 0 Excluding an increase in the tax rate and the effects of foreign currency translations the company 's results `` were a little disappointing 1 Goodyear appeared to have held or gained some market share in the U.S. for the first time since the second quarter of 1988 total U.S. tire unit sales were off about 2 % 6 Total tire segment sales were up only about 1 % to $ 2.2 billion it reduced manufacturing levels at some of its U.S. tire plants because of inventory adjustments and slackened production by auto makers 2 In the latest quarter , Goodyear 's tax rate was 51 % compared with 41 % a year earlier total tax outlays were $ 73.5 million , compared with $ 44.1 million the year earlier 11 steel profits were close to a cyclical peak he handed over the reins to successor Charles A. Corry 0 they were n't running away with the market imports were troublesome 6 Though imports were troublesome , they were n't running away with the market American companies had high hopes that steel import quotas would be extended for another five years 6 Mr. Icahn , the company 's deep-pocketed , tenacious adversary , recently disclosed that he had raised his USX stake to 13.1 % he again threatened a takeover 6 Mr. Icahn , the company 's deep-pocketed , tenacious adversary , recently disclosed that he had raised his USX stake to 13.1 % , and he again threatened a takeover USX 's giant steel segment is facing softening demand and slipping prices as well as increasing competition from foreign steelmakers and low-cost minimills 6 The import quotas got only a 2 1/2-year extension USX is laboring under a staggering $ 5.8 billion debt at a time when it must spend money to upgrade steel mills and drill for oil 5 Mr. Corry might have to dismember the company more than he wants to he might have to incur a huge expense of either buying Mr. Icahn 's stock , possibly at a premium , or paying stockholders a special dividend partly because of Mr. Icahn 's pressure 10 In 1986 , Mr. Roderick adroitly dodged Mr. Icahn 's first bullet the takeover specialist had built up an 11.4 % stake 6 In 1986 , Mr. Roderick adroitly dodged Mr. Icahn 's first bullet after the takeover specialist had built up an 11.4 % stake he managed to fend off further advances and even strike up an unlikely friendship with the interloper 1 He was shocked to learn of Mr. Icahn 's new takeover threat the fiercely competitive Mr. Corry quickly showed he 's no pushover 0 it adopted a poison-pill defense the board believed that Mr. Icahn is more interested in talking the stock price higher than acquiring USX 3 to be swallowed anyone amasses a 15 % stake 5 Mr. Icahn may not want to sell out he can get a special dividend similar to one he received before selling his stake in Texaco Inc. in June -- a coup that gave him enough cash to make his USX move 10 he received selling his stake in Texaco Inc. in June 6 Mr. Icahn may not want to sell out unless he can get a special dividend similar to one he received before selling his stake in Texaco Inc. in June -- a coup that gave him enough cash to make his USX move although the recent turmoil in the stock and junk-bond markets , by making it harder to arrange takeover financing , has eased some of the pressure on Mr. Corry , it does n't end the takeover threat 0 And it does n't end the takeover threat the recent turmoil in the stock and junk-bond markets has eased some of the pressure on Mr. Corry 11 I know it 's not over , '' a sober-faced Mr. Corry acknowledged greeting steel suppliers in New York on Oct. 12 and inviting them to a buffet of salmon and sushi in honor of Kobe Steel Ltd. , USX 's partner in a steel mill in Lorain , Ohio 9 it 's not over it 's barely begun for Mr. Corry 10 who faces tough decisions he has had a chance to get settled into his new job 2 He 's in a vulnerable position he has n't established much credibility on his own 10 who dabbled in zoology he concluded that he could n't stand cutting up frogs 0 An undistinguished college student who dabbled in zoology until he concluded that he could n't stand cutting up frogs , Mr. Corry wanted to work for a big company `` that could do big things after joining the tax department of a USX subsidiary 30 years ago , he set the modest goal of becoming tax manager by the age of 46 10 But he set the modest goal of becoming tax manager by the age of 46 joining the tax department of a USX subsidiary 30 years ago 2 wearing a hat to work everyone else did 0 But after joining the tax department of a USX subsidiary 30 years ago , he set the modest goal of becoming tax manager by the age of 46.For years , he quietly stuck to the back accounting rooms , wearing a hat to work because everyone else did the unassuming Mr. Corry helped chart USX 's transition from Big Steel to Big Oil 1 He served as Mr. Roderick 's front man in tense negotiations for the 1982 purchase of Marathon Oil for $ 5.9 billion Mr. Corry , once named chief executive , did n't waste any time distancing himself from his former boss 10 Mr. Corry rescinded a pay cut imposed on clerical workers , a move that Mr. Roderick had n't made in spite of improved earnings taking over last June 6 Mr. Corry rescinded a pay cut imposed on clerical workers , a move that Mr. Roderick had n't made in spite of improved earnings Mr. Corry ruled that all board meetings would be held in Pittsburgh instead of New York or Findlay , Ohio , Marathon 's home 6 Soon after taking over last June , Mr. Corry rescinded a pay cut imposed on clerical workers , a move that Mr. Roderick had n't made in spite of improved earnings.Mr . Corry also ruled that all board meetings would be held in Pittsburgh instead of New York or Findlay , Ohio , Marathon 's home earlier this month , he announced the sale of the reserves of Texas Oil & Gas , which was acquired three years ago and has n't posted any significant operating profits since 11 What 's more , the takeover occurred natural-gas prices were falling 11 What 's more , the takeover occurred and Texas Oil & Gas reported its first annual loss in 28 years 0 Mr. Corry expected the Texas Oil & Gas sale to delight Mr. Icahn by addressing his concern about boosting shareholder value when the two men met in New York a day after Mr. Icahn disclosed the rise in his USX stake , Mr. Corry learned that Mr. Icahn wanted him to sell all of Texas Oil -- not just its reserves of about 1.2 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 28 million barrels of oil but also its pipeline , gas-gathering and contract-drilling operations 11 But Mr. Corry learned that Mr. Icahn wanted him to sell all of Texas Oil -- not just its reserves of about 1.2 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 28 million barrels of oil but also its pipeline , gas-gathering and contract-drilling operations the two men met in New York a day after Mr. Icahn disclosed the rise in his USX stake 10 when the two men met in New York Mr. Icahn disclosed the rise in his USX stake 3 that Mr. Corry would agree he could find a buyer at the right price 3 that the company is worth $ 70 a share broken up 6 Mr. Icahn advocates the sale of the company 's steel operations Mr. Corry does n't necessarily disagree 1 In the past five years , USX has turned steel into a profit maker by closing several plants and reducing labor costs the short-term outlook is so-so 1 Mr. Corry grew up in Cincinnati , a city nicknamed `` Porkapolis '' and more accustomed to pork chops than pig iron Mr. Roderick was reared in the shadows of Pittsburgh 's smoking mills 6 Dave thought the country needed a strong U.S. Steel while Chuck agreed , he was more apt to say , ` Not at any cost to shareholders 0 and he was more apt to say , ` Not at any cost to shareholders Chuck agreed 7 he was more apt to say , ` Not at any cost to shareholders Mr. Corry , at an August press conference , talked about investing in steel as long as it provides a good return and `` not a day longer 11 investing in steel it provides a good return and `` not a day longer 3 investing in steel it provides a good return and `` not a day longer 1 Indeed , Mr. Corry , at an August press conference , talked about investing in steel as long as it provides a good return and `` not a day longer shedding steel would run directly counter to Mr. Roderick 's original rationale for diversifying into oil and gas 6 We 're a two-product company boy , if you ca n't figure out the value of those two parts , you are so damn dumb that you do n't belong on Wall Street 3 and , boy you are so damn dumb that you do n't belong on Wall Street you ca n't figure out the value of those two parts 6 However , shedding steel would run directly counter to Mr. Roderick 's original rationale for diversifying into oil and gas the opportunity to sell steel at a price acceptable to USX may be gone , for now 0 About the only way that USX now can get out of steel is to dish it out , piece by piece , in separate joint ventures With Mr. Icahn breathing down his neck Mr. Corry may have little choice but to sell at a weak price , even if it means losing some steel-related tax-loss carryforwards 3 but to sell at a weak price it means losing some steel-related tax-loss carryforwards 9 Oil has long been Mr. Corry 's pet when the Bush administration finally decided this summer to renew import restrictions -- arguably the most important decision to affect the steel industry in five years -- Mr. Corry and his directors were aboard helicopters , high above Marathon 's rich oil reserves in the North Sea 11 Indeed Mr. Corry and his directors were aboard helicopters , high above Marathon 's rich oil reserves in the North Sea the Bush administration finally decided this summer to renew import restrictions -- arguably the most important decision to affect the steel industry in five years 1 Should USX be left with only Marathon , Mr. Corry might well feel pushed to scout out other energy companies even USX executives who work closely with him are n't sure about his long-term goals 1 However , even USX executives who work closely with him are n't sure about his long-term goals One thing is certain Mr. Corry , while studying other options , probably wo n't make a major move until he 's clear about Mr. Icahn 's intentions 11 Mr. Corry probably wo n't make a major move until he 's clear about Mr. Icahn 's intentions studying other options 10 Mr. Corry , while studying other options , probably wo n't make a major move he 's clear about Mr. Icahn 's intentions 6 Mr. Corry probably wo n't make a major move until he 's clear about Mr. Icahn 's intentions then , `` he wo n't panic 10 until he 's clear about Mr. Icahn 's intentions And he wo n't panic 11 Mr. Corry learned presence under fire as vice president of corporate planning , he handled what Mr. Johnston calls `` don't-con-me '' negotiations that led to USX 's shedding of a wide array of assets ranging from chemicals to construction 11 Mr. Corry played his cards close to the vest negotiating 0 What he really wanted to know was about a particular company you did n't know that 6 that equity can be bought equity is bought 2 to prove the Palestine Liberation Organization continues to practice terrorism and to persuade the U.S. to break off talks with the group 1 Israel has launched a new effort to prove the Palestine Liberation Organization continues to practice terrorism they are n't buying the Israeli argument 1 Israel wants to end the dialogue our analysts take a different view than theirs 6 to present the report to members of Congress , reporters and others he presented the list last week to William Brown , U.S . Ambassador to Israel 6 Israeli counterterrorism officials provided the State Department with a 20-page list of recent terrorist incidents they attribute directly to forces controlled by PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat that the Israeli government had provided its correspondent in Jerusalem with different documents that Israel said prove the PLO has been conducting terrorism from the occupied Arab territories 3 what would be the logical conclusion the dialogue was based on the assumption that Arafat or the PLO would stop terrorism , and we have evidence of continued terrorism 6 If the dialogue was based on the assumption that Arafat or the PLO would stop terrorism we have evidence of continued terrorism , what would be the logical conclusion 2 Mr. Arafat never meant to renounce terrorism he and his lieutenants reserved the right to press `` armed struggle '' against the Jewish state 1 At the heart of Israel 's report is a list of a dozen incidents Jerusalem attributes to Fatah , including the use of bombs and Molotov cocktails they are n't satisfied these incidents constitute terrorism 2 they are n't satisfied these incidents constitute terrorism they may be offshoots of the intifadah , the Palestinian rebellion in the occupied territories , which the U.S. does n't classify as terrorism 6 they are n't satisfied these incidents constitute terrorism because they may be offshoots of the intifadah , the Palestinian rebellion in the occupied territories , which the U.S. does n't classify as terrorism Israel has n't presented convincing evidence these acts were ordered by Fatah or by any group Mr. Arafat controls 6 In addition , the officials say Israel has n't presented convincing evidence these acts were ordered by Fatah or by any group Mr. Arafat controls U.S. terrorism experts say they are highly uncertain about the veracity of the separate documents leaked to the New York Times 1 Some supporters of Israel say U.S. policy on Palestinian terrorism is colored by an intense desire to maintain the dialogue with the PLO State Department officials accuse Israel of leaking questionable claims to embarrass the U.S 6 Concern about the volatile U.S. stock market had faded in recent sessions traders appeared content to let the dollar languish in a narrow range until tomorrow 1 Concern about the volatile U.S. stock market had faded in recent sessions , and traders appeared content to let the dollar languish in a narrow range until tomorrow seesaw gyrations in the Dow Jones Industrial Average yesterday put Wall Street back in the spotlight and inspired market participants to bid the U.S. unit lower 6 By midmorning , the DJIA had plunged 80 points foreign-exchange dealers quickly drove the dollar down 11 the dollar bounced back in choppy dealings the DJIA modestly rebounded 6 When the DJIA modestly rebounded , the dollar bounced back in choppy dealings but ended the day below the levels of late Monday Stock prices posted significant gains in later trading and closed down by only 3.69 points on the day 11 When the DJIA modestly rebounded , the dollar bounced back in choppy dealings but ended the day below the levels of late Monday Stock prices posted significant gains in later trading and closed down by only 3.69 points on the day 6 Analysts peg the dollar 's recent weakness to an underlying slowdown in the U.S. economy , highlighted by recent economic data , particularly a surprisingly sharp widening in the August U.S. trade gap They point out that narrowing interest-rate differentials between the U.S. and its major trading partners tend to make the U.S. currency less attractive to foreign investors 1 Traders attribute the mark 's surge to a robust West German economy and higher rate differentials they add that the mark 's strength is in part a reflection of a shift away from U.S. assets by Japanese investors into West German investments 6 The dollar finished lower yesterday , after tracking another rollercoaster session on Wall Street sterling slumped on news that the United Kingdom posted a wider-than-expected trade deficit in September 11 The dollar finished lower yesterday , after tracking another rollercoaster session on Wall Street sterling slumped on news that the United Kingdom posted a wider-than-expected trade deficit in September 6 Meanwhile , sterling slumped on news that the United Kingdom posted a wider-than-expected trade deficit in September The news knocked the British unit to below 2.95 marks in London 1 The news also knocked the British unit to below 2.95 marks in London a bout of short-covering helped sterling recoup some of its earlier losses 2 Boston Co. , the upper-crust financial services concern that was rocked by a management scandal late last year , has had a sharp drop in profitability a high-risk bet on interest rates backfired 7 Boston Co. 's fall from grace is bad news for its parent , Shearson Lehman Hutton Holdings Inc. , which has relied heavily on the banking and money management unit 's contributions in recent years In 1988 Boston Co. had an estimated pretax profit of at least $ 110 million , while Shearson managed net income of just $ 96 million 1 In 1988 , for example , Boston Co. had an estimated pretax profit of at least $ 110 million Shearson managed net income of just $ 96 million 1 Shearson does n't break out the earnings of its subsidiaries the unit had profit of around $ 17 million for the third quarter , after barely breaking even for the first six months 10 the unit had profit of around $ 17 million for the third quarter barely breaking even for the first six months 6 the unit had profit of around $ 17 million for the third quarter , after barely breaking even for the first six months Shearson posted net income of $ 106 million for the first nine months of the year , down slightly from $ 110 million for the year-ago period 6 The mismatch exposed the company to a high degree of interest-rate risk when rates moved unfavorably -- beginning late last year and continuing into this year -- `` it cost them 2 The mismatch exposed the company to a high degree of interest-rate risk when rates moved unfavorably -- beginning late last year and continuing into this year -- `` it cost them 11 and it cost them rates moved unfavorably 6 that Boston Safe Deposit `` has taken some actions to better control asset-liability management and improve controls in general we think these will serve to improve credit quality 11 the problems ought to ease some securities mature and the proceeds are reinvested 6 As some securities mature the proceeds are reinvested 1 Mr. Kriz noted that Boston Safe Deposit `` has taken some actions to better control asset-liability management and improve controls in general , and we think these will serve to improve credit quality he also cited concerns over the company 's mortgage exposure in the troubled New England real estate market 6 As some securities mature and the proceeds are reinvested , the problems ought to ease , he said But he cited concerns over the company 's mortgage exposure in the troubled New England real estate market 6 The executives were accused of improperly deferring expenses and booking revenue early , in an effort to dress up results -- and perhaps bolster performance-related bonuses Mr. von Germeten attributed the controversy to judgmental errors by accountants and accused Shearson of conducting a `` witch hunt 1 The executives were accused of improperly deferring expenses and booking revenue early , in an effort to dress up results -- and perhaps bolster performance-related bonuses Mr. von Germeten attributed the controversy to judgmental errors by accountants and accused Shearson of conducting a `` witch hunt 11 Sears , Roebuck & Co. is struggling it enters the critical Christmas season 6 Yesterday , the retailing and financial services giant reported a 16 % drop in third-quarter earnings to $ 257.5 million , or 75 cents a share , from a restated $ 305 million , or 80 cents a share , a year earlier the news was even worse for Sears 's core U.S. retailing operation , the largest in the nation 5 to abandon the everyday pricing approach in the face of the poor results a spokesman blames the dismal third-quarter showing on `` an environment that is being distorted by a very harsh climate for sales of durable goods 10 Sears expected that the pricing program would n't have any effect on revenue an initial surge triggered by an advertising blitz in March 1 Sears has been counting on growth coming from the large displays of brand-name merchandise it is adding to its stores over the next two years in what it calls `` power formats Sears faces an especially daunting challenge on the eve of the Christmas shopping season 3 Sears is likely to be unsuccessful it continues with its pricing policy when everyone else is offering unusual values 11 if it continues with its pricing policy everyone else is offering unusual values 6 The company is highlighting more special deals in its advertising and stores it 's offering to defer finance charges on certain big-ticket items 6 The company is highlighting more special deals in its advertising and stores , and it 's offering to defer finance charges on certain big-ticket items Sears is stepping up its television ads and changing its message 7 Sears is also stepping up its television ads and changing its message In a new TV ad a woman going through the Sunday newspaper brands as hype claims by other stores that they are offering goods for `` 50 % , 60 % and 70 % off . '' By lowering prices throughout its stores , she says , `` Sears has the right idea 0 By lowering prices throughout its stores , she says , `` Sears has the right idea the ad also mentions Sears 's sales -- a topic that the retailer has avoided since switching to everyday pricing 6 In a new TV ad , for instance , a woman going through the Sunday newspaper brands as hype claims by other stores that they are offering goods for `` 50 % , 60 % and 70 % off . '' By lowering prices throughout its stores , she says , `` Sears has the right idea But the ad mentions Sears 's sales -- a topic that the retailer has avoided since switching to everyday pricing 10 that the retailer has avoided switching to everyday pricing 11 it 's something you do n't want to miss Sears has a sale at a special price 3 it 's something you do n't want to miss Sears has a sale at a special price 2 that Sears is having a tough time attracting shoppers it has n't yet done enough to improve service or its selection of merchandise 6 The number of people who said they were more likely to shop at Sears fell in September to 37 % from 66 % in March the number of people who spontaneously cited lower prices as the reason for their interest in Sears declined to 16 % in September from 33 % in March 1 You see some improvement in these other areas it 's a very small and slow process 11 to absorb another big hit in the fourth quarter claims pour in from the San Francisco earthquake 1 to absorb another big hit in the fourth quarter as claims pour in from the San Francisco earthquake the quake wo n't have as big a financial impact on Allstate as Hurricane Hugo did 6 Profit at Sears 's Allstate insurance unit fell 38 % to $ 126.1 million because of Hurricane Hugo , which inflicted the greatest single storm damage loss in the company 's history Net income at Sears 's Dean Witter Financials Services group rose nearly 32 % to $ 35.7 million , reflecting improvements in its basic stock brokerage and Discover credit card businesses 6 Imports of crude from the Middle East grew 17 % from year-earlier levels Southeast Asian crude imports grew 43 % 1 they fell 18 % compared with August imports Mideast crude imports were higher compared with year-earlier levels 1 they fell 18 % compared with August imports Southeast Asian crude imports were 3.6 % higher than August 0 At this stage some people just `` walk away '' from homes where the mortgage exceeds current market value most of them could have afforded to keep up their payments 5 Encourage long-term occupancy by forgiving one month 's payment ( off the tail end of the mortgage ) for every six months paid perhaps have the down payment deferred to the end of the mortgage ( balloon ) , but `` forgiven '' on a monthly pro-rata basis as long as the owner remains the occupant 11 but `` forgiven '' on a monthly pro-rata basis the owner remains the occupant 3 but `` forgiven '' on a monthly pro-rata basis the owner remains the occupant 10 by `` buying in '' to their foreclosed properties at an inflated `` balance due Worse , the properties sit around deteriorating for maybe a year or so , but are resold eventually ( because of the attractiveness of the low down payment , etc . ) to a marginal buyer who ca n't afford both the mortgage and needed repairs 6 Worse , the properties then sit around deteriorating for maybe a year or so , but are resold eventually ( because of the attractiveness of the low down payment , etc . ) to a marginal buyer who ca n't afford both the mortgage and needed repairs having little vested interest that buyer will walk away 2 Worse , the properties then sit around deteriorating for maybe a year or so , but are resold eventually ( because of the attractiveness of the low down payment , etc . ) to a marginal buyer who ca n't afford both the mortgage and needed repairs having little vested interest that buyer will walk away 6 Worse , the properties then sit around deteriorating for maybe a year or so , but are resold eventually ( because of the attractiveness of the low down payment , etc . ) to a marginal buyer who ca n't afford both the mortgage and needed repairs ; and having little vested interest that buyer will walk away the vicious cycle repeats itself all over again 10 Worse , the properties then sit around deteriorating for maybe a year or so , but are resold eventually ( because of the attractiveness of the low down payment , etc . ) to a marginal buyer who ca n't afford both the mortgage and needed repairs ; and having little vested interest that buyer will walk away the vicious cycle repeats itself all over again 0 Sales of Xerox copiers and other office products grew 1.6 % ; `` we expected growth of 6 % to 7 % with competitors such as Eastman Kodak Co. faltering in copier sales , Xerox 's sales increases `` were encouraging 6 They are holding their own in a weak market the restructuring is working 1 Still , with competitors such as Eastman Kodak Co. faltering in copier sales , Xerox 's sales increases `` were encouraging , '' says Eugene Glazer of Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. `` They are holding their own in a weak market , and the restructuring is working , '' he says Mr. Glazer expects Xerox to experience tough sledding in financial services because of rate pressures and uncertainty surrounding tax treatment of capital gains 6 In the quarter , the Crum & Forster insurance unit reported $ 200 million before tax of capital gains from property and casualty operations The subsidiary increased reserves by $ 140 million , however , and set aside an additional $ 25 million for claims connected with Hurricane Hugo 1 In the quarter , the Crum & Forster insurance unit reported $ 200 million before tax of capital gains from property and casualty operations The subsidiary also increased reserves by $ 140 million and set aside an additional $ 25 million for claims connected with Hurricane Hugo 10 New orders for durable goods fell back slightly in September shooting up the month before 10 Orders for military equipment , household appliances , machinery and other goods expected to last at least three years dipped 0.1 % last month , to $ 126.68 billion leaping 3.9 % in August 6 Most analysts had expected a sharper decline after the steep rise in August a recent government report showing widespread layoffs in manufacturing had contributed to perceptions that the manufacturing sector of the economy had slowed to a crawl 1 Most analysts had expected a sharper decline after the steep rise in August.Moreover , a recent government report showing widespread layoffs in manufacturing had contributed to perceptions that the manufacturing sector of the economy had slowed to a crawl many economists pointed to a 1.8 % September rise in orders outside the volatile transportation category 1 That `` suggests the manufacturing sector is not falling apart It is not robust by any means 1 an enormous jump in orders for heavy military equipment propped it up a decline in orders for cars and civilian airplanes pulled down the orders total 6 Orders for capital defense goods skyrocketed 56 % nearly all areas saw increases , including airplanes , missiles , ships , tanks and communications equipment 11 Orders for military goods usually catapult in September the Pentagon scrambles to spend its money before the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1 2 Orders for military goods usually catapult in September the Pentagon scrambles to spend its money before the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1 10 to spend its money the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1 1 that the adjustment probably did n't factor out all of the wide-ranging surge in defense orders all the numbers in the durable goods report were adjusted for seasonal fluctuations 10 Unfilled orders for durable goods rose 0.4 % in September , to $ 476.14 billion declining for the first time in 2 1/2 years in August 1 Unfilled orders for durable goods rose 0.4 % in September , to $ 476.14 billion , after declining for the first time in 2 1/2 years in August.In July unfilled orders grew 1 % that excluding transportation order backlogs have declined for three months in a row 6 It means we 're eating into the bread that keeps us going It means if you have a real drop-off in orders , production will likely fall off very quickly because there is less to keep things going 3 production will likely fall off very quickly because there is less to keep things going you have a real drop-off in orders 2 production will likely fall off very quickly there is less to keep things going 1 Such steep drops in a category seen as a barometer of business investment would customarily be grave news for the economy that in both months orders would have risen had it not been for a drop in civilian aircraft bookings , a category that is showing declines only after a huge surge earlier this year 1 But a Commerce Department analyst said that in both months orders would have risen had it not been for a drop in civilian aircraft bookings , a category that is showing declines only after a huge surge earlier this year Milton Hudson , senior economic adviser at Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. in New York , said : `` If you look back a half-year or so the evidence was pretty good of affirmative strength in the capital-goods sector.Now at least there are question marks about that , and without any question the pace of growth has slowed 4 the evidence was pretty good of affirmative strength in the capital-goods sector you look back a half-year or so 6 Now at least there are question marks about that without any question the pace of growth has slowed 6 Analysts said they expected the action investors applauded the move 1 they expected the action analysts do n't expect the buy-back to significantly affect per-share earnings in the short term 6 The impact wo n't be that great That is in part because of the effect of having to average the number of shares outstanding Norfolk is likely to draw down its cash initially to finance the purchases and thus forfeit some interest income 2 In addition Norfolk is likely to draw down its cash initially to finance the purchases and forfeit some interest income 1 Still , analysts do n't expect the buy-back to significantly affect per-share earnings in the short term Longer term the buy-back is expected to increase earnings , especially after 1990 6 Longer term , however , the buy-back is expected to increase earnings , especially after 1990 the extensive program in effect establishes a floor for the stock price 3 At a certain price they can go in and buy it the management thinks { the stock } is cheap 0 Your Oct. 2 editorial `` Reding , Wrighting & Erithmatic '' on the recent `` education summit '' was like most pieces on the subject of education : It had little to say Oddly on the very same page you printed a comment that addresses one of the most serious shortcomings of the American education system 2 Unfortunately , the comment was buried in another article it could not stand out in an education context 11 After a wonderfully frivolous early childhood , they are exposed to rigid discipline they enter school 5 all the worthy concern , discussions and actions will not solve the problem parents and educators alike start to develop more discipline in children 2 Now this remarkable economic growth seems to be coming to an end the government has not converted itself into a modern , democratic , `` developed nation '' mode of operation 11 it protected them industries were weak 0 The LDP won by a landslide in the last election , in July 1986 less than two years later , the LDP started to crumble , and dissent rose to unprecedented heights 6 But less than two years later , the LDP started to crumble dissent rose to unprecedented heights 2 to give the people as much choice as possible and to keep them well informed they are capable of making a choice 6 to give the people as much choice as possible and to keep them well informed so they are capable of making a choice It allows people to buy the best and the cheapest goods from anywhere in the world 1 The Ministry of Construction spreads concrete throughout the country and boasts in international conferences that Japan 's paved roadway per capita is the longest in the world they seldom think of the poor commuters who spend so much time sitting in traffic 6 The Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery actually is a ministry for farmers and fishermen instead of a ministry of provisions.The Ministry of Health and Welfare is a ministry of doctors and pharmaceutical companies rather than an organization dedicated to protecting the health of the people.The Ministry of Education is nothing but a cartel for licensed teachers , and certainly does not act on behalf of students.The Ministry of Construction spreads concrete throughout the country and boasts in international conferences that Japan 's paved roadway per capita is the longest in the world , but they seldom think of the poor commuters who spend so much time sitting in traffic.The Ministry of Transportation serves the industry , certainly not the passengers who must pay extraordinarily high prices the Ministry of Foreign Affairs works for itself , supporting Japanese diplomats who sprinkle abundant aid money around the world to ensure that their seat at the dinner table is next to the host 's 1 to correct the misunderstandings and misperceptions that are at the root of Japan 's deteriorating image it seems to be using foreign pressure and even the trade conflict to expand its sphere of influence vis a vis other ministries 11 The rest of the world accepted such methods Japan was developing 2 Japanese put up with it the government provided job stability and growing paychecks 2 The Diet does n't normally even debate bills the opposition parties are so often opposed to whatever LDP does that it would be a waste of time 2 The Diet does n't normally even debate bills because the opposition parties are so often opposed to whatever LDP does that it would be a waste of time most bills are passed without full discussion ; particularly difficult bills are passed in the absence of the opposition parties 6 where direct tax accounts for more than 70 % of revenues the capture rate of direct tax is so unfair 3 Amen ! 100 % captured you are a salaried man 3 50 % you are a retailer 1 To correct this inequality , most people would have favored an indirect tax , like the consumption tax the bill was passed without debate in the Diet , in the absence of the opposition 2 But the bill was passed without debate in the Diet , in the absence of the opposition the Japanese people did n't know what to expect when the new law was introduced on April 1 11 As a result , the Japanese people did n't know what to expect the new law was introduced on April 1 11 the LDP politicians were caught in scandals people were jingling their change 1 women were upset about both and surged to the polls most men were a bit ambivalent about the sex scandals 1 Whereas most men were a bit ambivalent about the sex scandals they were furious about Recruit 1 It is difficult to analyze how much of their anger was due to Recruit , the sex scandals , or the one-yen coins in their purses they obviously were voting to punish the LDP 3 the LDP , as currently composed , ca n't make the transformation it should split into two parties 1 In the current mood of the Japanese people , journalists and even some industrialists , giving power to the Socialists might be good for the LDP , cleansing it of past sins that such a humble political experiment could cause a global tidal wave of shocks in real-estate and financial markets 10 At the most there is only nine months the LDP fuse burns out 0 Men are still combing the beach with shovels and hand brushes , searching for that unusual glint only after a fleet of 336 gargantuan earthmoving vehicles belonging to De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. , the world 's diamond kingpins , do their work 10 Men are still combing the beach with shovels and hand brushes , searching for that unusual glint But a fleet of 336 gargantuan earthmoving vehicles belonging to De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. , the world 's diamond kingpins , do their work 6 Last year , 43 million tons of desert were moved from one dune to another to recover 934,242 carats Oh yes , the Atlantic was pushed back 300 yards 3 we 'll get to them there 's diamonds out there 1 a higher percentage of them go to industrial use other mines might yield more carats 2 it has been turned into one this treasure chest is too big to fit in a bank vault 10 the German colonialists who controlled Namibia proclaimed a wide swath of the desert -- about 200 miles north from the Orange River and 60 miles inland from the Atlantic -- a restricted area , a designation normally reserved for military operations railway worker Zacharias Lewala first picked up a diamond from the sand in 1908 11 they lost Namibia to South Africa and the diamonds to Ernest Oppenheimer , patriarch of Anglo American Corp. and De Beers the Germans lost World War I 2 Today , no one gets in or out of the restricted area without De Beers 's stingy approval The mining zone has remained one of the most desolate places in Africa 8 Jackals roam the streets at night gemsbok , hardy antelope with long straight horns , wander in from the desert to drink from water sprinklers 1 The mining zone has thus remained one of the most desolate places in Africa miners from all parts of Namibia as well as professional staff from De Beers 's head offices in South Africa and London keep coming 6 Still , miners from all parts of Namibia as well as professional staff from De Beers 's head offices in South Africa and London keep coming Oranjemund boasts attractions besides diamonds 6 Huge machines that look as though they came from the Star Wars desert-battle scene lumber among the dunes.Mechanized vacuum cleaners probe the sand like giant anteaters ; a whirring ferris wheellike excavator , with buckets instead of seats , chews through layers of compacted sand ; tracks and conveyor belts , shuttling sand to the screening plants , criss-cross the beach there is the artifical sea wall , 600 yards long and 60 yards thick , jutting into the ocean 10 it is moved northward the mining in front of the wall is complete 1 Engineers first used concrete blocks to bolster the barrier the ocean tossed them aside like driftwood 10 Engineers first used concrete blocks to bolster the barrier , but the ocean tossed them aside like driftwood someone decided to try broken-down earthmoving equipment that , inexplicably , held against the waves 11 The Caterpillar people are n't too happy they see their equipment used like that 1 Laboring in blue and gray overalls , they are supposed to concentrate on cleaning out crevices , and not strain their eyes looking for diamonds should they spy one , the company will pay a bonus equal to one-third its value 0 For these workers at the bottom of the mine 's pay scale , this is usually enough to overcome the temptation to steal -- a crime that could earn them up to 15 years in jail employees do occasionally try to smuggle out a gem or two 10 some officials talked of perhaps adding a penny to the state gasoline tax or raising property taxes Hurricane Hugo battered South Carolina 11 They 're mentioning rope there 's been a hanging in the family 1 the governor believes he can avoid increases by relying on federal aid and shifting funds in state programs Hugo 's impact may revive unsuccessful proposals to give local governments authority to levy sales taxes 1 Legislators are talking about temporary rises in sales or gasoline taxes Gov . Deukmejian says they should be a last resort 6 Needs are n't clear the state constitution makes increasing taxes and spending very difficult 1 Needs are n't clear , and the state constitution makes increasing taxes and spending very difficult some legislators think the time may be ripe to revise the constitution 3 THE IRS WILL PAY its error burdens you with bank charges 3 it will reimburse a taxpayer who has n't refused to give timely answers to IRS inquiries or has n't contributed to continuing or compounding the error the IRS admits its error and the charges have been paid 8 If the IRS admits its error the charges have been paid 3 it will reimburse the taxpayer for the stop-payment charge on the original the IRS asks for and gets a replacement for a check that it concedes it lost in processing 10 Reimbursement claims must be filed with the IRS district or service-center director the expense accrues 3 you should request interest abatement the IRS seeks late-payment interest because of the lost check 6 borrowed against a first mortgage on the five acres and collateralized by the 15 acres 1 the Blandings want to deduct home-mortgage interest on the $ 200,000 loan no rule or court case bears directly on the issue of adding land to a principal residence 2 But , IRS private ruling 8940061 notes , no rule or court case bears directly on the issue of adding land to a principal residence the IRS has drawn a rationale from the sale of a home site split in two and sold in different years to the same buyer 2 So the IRS has drawn a rationale from the sale of a home site split in two and sold in different years to the same buyer ; a court let the seller in that old case treat this as the sale of one residence the IRS says , the Blandings ' $ 200,000 loan is home-acquisition debt , and interest on it is fully deductible 6 Thus the Blandings ' $ 200,000 loan is home-acquisition debt interest on it is fully deductible 2 Thus the Blandings ' $ 200,000 loan is home-acquisition debt interest on it is fully deductible 0 REPORTS OF PAYMENTS to independent contractors for services must be filed by businesses do n't bet that contractors ' unreported income will be detected that way 1 A retired electrical engineer we 'll call Ben works part-time as a consultant he does n't want to earn so much that Social Security reduces his benefits 2 A retired electrical engineer we 'll call Ben works part-time as a consultant , but he does n't want to earn so much that Social Security reduces his benefits he has arranged for a university foundation to set up a scholarship fund for undergraduate engineering students 2 he would omit those fees from income reported on his return he asked the IRS if the plan would work 3 you still have controlled its disposition and enjoyed the fruits of your labor , even if indirectly you assign your income to another 0 you still have controlled its disposition and enjoyed the fruits of your labor indirectly 6 Ben earns any fees sent directly to charity and is taxable on them of course , he may take a charitable deduction for them 6 Reuben Mark , chief executive of Colgate-Palmolive , said advertisers lack detailed demographic and geographic breakdowns of magazines ' audiences The critics lambasted the magazine industry for something executives often are very proud of : the growth in magazine titles during the 1980s 1 There 's probably even a magazine for left-handed golfers the general interest magazine is something we all miss , and it should come back 6 but the general interest magazine is something we all miss it should come back 2 but the general interest magazine is something we all miss it should come back 6 Leonard Lauder , president and chief executive officer of Estee Lauder , said consumer magazines are suffering from what he called `` niche-itis , '' the increasing number of magazines that target the idosyncratic interests of readers Mr. Lauder attacked what he sees as the wide imitation of Elle , a fashion magazine published by Diamandis Communications Inc. , and criticized the practice of stacking ads at the front of magazines 8 We spend a fortune on research information , '' said Steve Burzon , publisher of Meredith Corp. 's Metropolitan Home Tina Brown , editor of Conde Nast Publications Inc. 's Vanity Fair , said advertisers are frequently asked to take advertising positions in the back of her magazine to relieve ad clutter . `` But advertisers would n't think of it , '' she said 1 advertisers are frequently asked to take advertising positions in the back of her magazine to relieve ad clutter advertisers would n't think of it 2 we sell more of our heavier issues readers believe they are getting more for what they pay for 1 The earnings were fine and above expectations Salomon 's stock fell $ 1.125 yesterday to close at $ 23.25 a share in New York Stock Exchange composite trading 6 October was n't as good as the third quarter they 'll have difficulty matching the third quarter in the fourth quarter 2 October was n't as good as the third quarter they 'll have difficulty matching the third quarter in the fourth quarter 1 I suspect October was n't as good as the third quarter , and they 'll have difficulty matching the third quarter in the fourth quarter , '' Mr. Blumstein said some analysts say Salomon has turned the corner 2 I upgraded the firm to my buy list I certainly see signs of improvement 1 In the first quarter , Salomon had a record loss of $ 28 million on revenue of $ 1.54 billion in the second quarter , Salomon posted a record $ 253 million net on revenue of $ 2.33 billion 6 Conference attendees are expected to be buzzing about the workings of the recently formed Resolution Trust Corp. , a federal agency charged with disposing of an estimated $ 200 billion of real estate dumped in government hands by insolvent savings and loans Developers are eyeing the real estate portfolios of major corporations 6 Some plan to pursue foreign development ventures , mostly in Europe other developers may shift from commercial to residential development in the U.S 2 There are n't as many economically viable alternatives for real estate developers in this country as 10 years ago developers are saying they will look into distressed properties 3 They 'll go into someone else 's pasture it 's greener than the one they 're in now 6 Developers and money managers are looking for bargains among the thousands of financially troubled properties around the country Developers are also eyeing the real estate portfolios of major corporations.Some plan to pursue foreign development ventures , mostly in Europe.And other developers may shift from commercial to residential development in the U.S Developers are forming more joint ventures with pension funds and insurance companies that can finance big projects 6 The builders are more willing to give up some equity and rely on management and consulting fees to stay afloat in the soft market Real estate firms are using their alliances with financial institutions to amass acquisition funds 10 Why should you beat your brains out fighting the environmentalists , the neighborhood groups , dealing with traffic mitigation , sewers and fighting city hall try to convince a lender to lend you money in an overbuilt market 3 Why should you beat your brains out fighting the environmentalists , the neighborhood groups , dealing with traffic mitigation , sewers and fighting city hall , then try to convince a lender to lend you money in an overbuilt market you can get pension fund money , buy a portfolio , sell off pieces off it and play your own game 1 Why should you beat your brains out fighting the environmentalists , the neighborhood groups , dealing with traffic mitigation , sewers and fighting city hall , then try to convince a lender to lend you money in an overbuilt market when you can get pension fund money , buy a portfolio , sell off pieces off it and play your own game that when it comes to distressed properties , finding diamonds in the rough is n't easy 4 that finding diamonds in the rough is n't easy it comes to distressed properties 6 that when it comes to distressed properties , finding diamonds in the rough is n't easy to succeed in the turnaround business developers may have to put in a lot of money and time 1 the Sheraton-Pan Am venture will be the first joint-venture hotels in the Soviet Union to have as much as 50 % foreign ownership a Finnish group has a minority interest in an already operating Moscow hotel 10 that have been announced the Soviets began encouraging such undertakings in 1987 1 U.S. companies account for less than 8 % of the 1,000 or more Soviet joint ventures that have been announced since the Soviets began encouraging such undertakings in 1987 some U.S. companies are negotiating projects that could be among the biggest ones to be launched 6 The Sheraton Moscow will charge about $ 140 to $ 150 a day for each of its rooms it will accept payment only in currencies that can be traded in foreign exchange markets , according to a Sheraton executive 6 David Shaffer was named to the new post of executive vice president of the Maxwell Macmillan group of this communications giant Sheldon Aboff , formerly a vice president at Maxwell , was named group vice president with responsibility for various electronic and publishing-group companies 6 Soichiro Honda 's picture now hangs with Henry Ford 's in the U.S . Automotive Hall of Fame the game-show `` Jeopardy '' is soon to be Sony-owned 1 Soichiro Honda 's picture now hangs with Henry Ford 's in the U.S . Automotive Hall of Fame , and the game-show `` Jeopardy '' is soon to be Sony-owned no matter how much Japan gets under our skin , we 'll still have mom and apple pie 3 we 'd still be in Paradise the serpent had proffered one to Eve 1 It certainly wo n't get there on looks how sweet it is 11 It does n't look nice on the outside getting mealy inside 11 Now , even more radical changes seem afoot the grand old maverick of American apples plays the role of Hiroshi Appleseed 6 New apple trees grow slowly the Red Delicious is almost as entrenched as mom 1 The Delicious hegemony wo n't end anytime soon the apple industry is ripe for change 6 Red Delicious has been overplanted its prices have dropped below the cost of production 2 Red Delicious has been overplanted its prices have dropped below the cost of production 0 The scare over Alar , a growth regulator that makes apples redder and crunchier but may be carcinogenic , made consumers shy away from the Delicious they were less affected than the McIntosh 0 A lot of growers wo n't be around in a few years they have stopped using Alar 0 This is beautiful stuff I 'm going to lose $ 50,000 to $ 60,000 on it 3 his $ 2,000 rented bees might buzz off to the neighbors ' orchards instead of pollinating his a grower beats them back 0 they can protect themselves against the price vagaries of any one variety by diversifying -- into the recently imported Gala , a sweet New Zealand native ; the Esopus Spitzenburg , reportedly Thomas Jefferson 's favorite apple ; disease-resistant kinds like the Liberty growers ca n't always keep the worm from the apple 1 They still buy apples mainly for big , red good looks freshness counts more than it once did 6 But freshness counts more than it once did stores are expanding shelf space for unconventional , but tastier , and often pricier , apples 2 But freshness counts more than it once did stores are expanding shelf space for unconventional , but tastier , and often pricier , apples 6 The Japanese apple market is very keyed to high quality so apples are more of a delicacy there than a big food commodity 2 The Japanese apple market is very keyed to high quality and apples are more of a delicacy there than a big food commodity 1 The Fuji is still small potatoes in the U.S. , sold mainly in fruit boutiques in California There 's a Fuji apple cult 10 they get hooked somebody eats one 3 that he could sell Fujis to Taiwan buyers at $ 40 a box he had them 1 that he could sell Fujis to Taiwan buyers at $ 40 a box if he had them his first crop wo n't be picked till next year 11 there was no longer a connection between grower and consumer the chain stores took over 10 After all , until the 1950s even the Red Delicious was a firm , delectable morsel as growers bred them more for looks , and to satisfy supermarket chains ' demands of long-term storage , the Red went into decline 11 Then the Red went into decline growers bred them more for looks , and to satisfy supermarket chains ' demands of long-term storage 1 but usually not good eating They do deserve respect 6 It ripens later than most apples growing it in U.S. areas with chilly autumns may be tricky 6 It ripens later than most apples , and growing it in U.S. areas with chilly autumns may be tricky the frumpy Fuji must compete with an increasingly dolledup Delicious 2 the `` big boss '' at a supermarket chain even rejected his Red Delicious recently they were n't waxed and brushed for extra shine 6 the `` big boss '' at a supermarket chain even rejected his Red Delicious recently because they were n't waxed and brushed for extra shine he had n't used hormones , which many growers employ to elongate their Delicious apples for greater eye appeal 1 Moreover , the frumpy Fuji must compete with an increasingly dolledup Delicious Grannies became popular without big , red looks , so why not Fujis 11 From 1980 to 1988 the government issued $ 394 billion of new direct loans and an additional $ 756 billion of new primary loan guarantees federal budget deficits totaled $ 1.41 trillion 1 Federal credit programs date back to the New Deal , and were meant to break even financially recent events indicate that federal credit is out of control 6 Student loan defaults remain high at about 12 % the program has been rocked by allegations of fraud and mismanagement 6 that defaults in Federal Housing Administration guarantees were five times as high as previously estimated that FHA 's equity fell to minus $ 2.9 billion 2 GAO 's findings are particularly troubling the FHA has about $ 300 billion in obligations outstanding and had previously been considered one of the most financially secure credit programs 3 the potential government losses are staggering the programs continue their present path 0 the principal causes of the current crisis are internal and generic to all programs external events have contributed to the morass 11 To reduce the risks still retaining the legitimate benefits these programs can provide 3 collecting the debt defeats the original goal the program is meant to provide a subsidy 2 If the program is meant to provide a subsidy , collecting the debt defeats the original goal subsidized loans tend to turn into giveaway programs , with increasing subsidy and default rates over time 3 government should issue credit it intends to use every legal method to collect 1 Thus , subsidized loans tend to turn into giveaway programs , with increasing subsidy and default rates over time credit programs can be appropriate tools to improve the operation of capital markets 7 In contrast , credit programs can be appropriate tools to improve the operation of capital markets legal restrictions on interstate banking once inhibited the supply of credit to the agricultural sector.Farm lending was enacted to correct this problem by providing a reliable flow of lendable funds 1 In contrast , credit programs can be appropriate tools to improve the operation of capital markets this in no way justifies the huge government subsidies and losses on such loans 9 There is a fundamental conflict between providing a subsidy and maintaining the integrity of a credit program.If the program is meant to provide a subsidy , collecting the debt defeats the original goal student loans currently attempt to subsidize college attendance and mitigate problems created by the fact that students ' future earnings are not accepted as collateral.The program provides highly subsidized loans to any student whose family earns less than a particular amount.High default rates , a low interest rate , and government coverage of all interest costs while the student is in school make program costs extremely high.Families that do not need the loan can make money simply by putting the loan in the bank and paying it back when the student graduates 11 and government coverage of all interest costs the student is in school 11 paying it back the student graduates 1 The program provides highly subsidized loans to any student whose family earns less than a particular amount a student loan program that was meant solely to correct capital-market imperfections would allow loans for any student , regardless of family income , at market or near-market rates 11 interest costs would either be paid by the student or added to the loan balance the student was in school 6 Reducing those rates moderately ( say , to 75 % ) would still provide substantial assistance to borrowers it would also encourage lenders to choose more creditworthy customers , and go a long way toward reducing defaults 6 Reducing those rates moderately ( say , to 75 % ) would still provide substantial assistance to borrowers But it would encourage lenders to choose more creditworthy customers , and go a long way toward reducing defaults 7 But it would also encourage lenders to choose more creditworthy customers , and go a long way toward reducing defaults the Small Business Administration has had reasonable success in reducing both guarantee rates and default rates in its Preferred Lenders ' Program 2 the costs to the borrower of defaulting are usually low the government has a dismal record of collecting bad debts 6 Since the government has a dismal record of collecting bad debts , the costs to the borrower of defaulting are usually low it is often possible to obtain a new government loan even if existing debts are not paid off 3 In addition , it is often possible to obtain a new government loan existing debts are not paid off 0 In addition , it is often possible to obtain a new government loan existing debts are not paid off 2 a new $ 1 direct loan is treated as a $ 1 expenditure the budget measures cash flow 0 a new $ 1 direct loan is treated as a $ 1 expenditure at least part of the loan will be paid back 10 Loan guarantees do n't appear at all the borrower defaults 2 Loan guarantees do n't appear at all until the borrower defaults new guarantees do not raise the deficit 0 so new guarantees do not raise the deficit they create future liabilities for the government 1 Predictably , guarantees outstanding have risen by $ 130 billion since 1985 direct loans outstanding have fallen by $ 30 billion 1 Neither technique is perfect both are better than the current system 1 Mr. Bush has long campaigned for passage of a bill or a constitutional amendment that would explicitly give him a line-item veto , which would enable him to kill individual items in a big spending bill without having to kill the entire bill some analysts , particularly conservative legal scholars , have urged Mr. Bush not to wait for explicit authorization but simply to assert that the Constitution already implicitly gives him the power to exercise a line-item veto 1 Mr. Bush is `` interested '' in finding a suitable test case that exercising a test line-item veto is n't a `` top initiative '' on the president 's agenda because he faces more-pressing budget issues at the moment 6 White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said Mr. Bush is `` interested '' in finding a suitable test case But he said that exercising a test line-item veto is n't a `` top initiative '' on the president 's agenda because he faces more-pressing budget issues at the moment 2 that exercising a test line-item veto is n't a `` top initiative '' on the president 's agenda he faces more-pressing budget issues at the moment 1 The proposal reiterates the U.S. desire to scrap or reduce a host of trade-distorting subsidies on farm products it would allow considerable flexibility in determining how and when these goals would be achieved 6 But it would allow considerable flexibility in determining how and when these goals would be achieved The U.S. plan would ease the transition to freer agriculture trade by allowing some countries to convert non-tariff barriers into tariffs that , together with existing tariffs , then would be phased out over 10 years 10 to convert non-tariff barriers into tariffs that , together with existing tariffs would be phased out over 10 years 10 to reach agreement on new trade rules their current negotiating round concludes in December 1990 7 Unlike the earlier U.S. farm-trade proposal which struck European countries as too extreme , the latest plan would provide some room for maneuver the new U.S. package makes clear there would be a transition period during which GATT members could use a combination of tariffs and quotas to cushion their farmers from foreign competition 6 For instance , the new U.S. package makes clear there would be a transition period during which GATT members could use a combination of tariffs and quotas to cushion their farmers from foreign competition It says countries could temporarily raise tariffs on certain products if they experience an unusually heavy volume of imports 3 countries could temporarily raise tariffs on certain products they experience an unusually heavy volume of imports 6 Less objectionable ones would be subject only to some restraints others with a `` relatively minor trade impact '' would be allowed to continue under certain conditions 6 For instance , the new U.S. package makes clear there would be a transition period during which GATT members could use a combination of tariffs and quotas to cushion their farmers from foreign competition.It also says countries could temporarily raise tariffs on certain products if they experience an unusually heavy volume of imports the new package calls for the elimination of only the most tradedistorting ones.Less objectionable ones would be subject only to some restraints , and others with a `` relatively minor trade impact '' would be allowed to continue under certain conditions The new U.S. plan would establish procedures to prevent countries from using health and sanitation rules to impede trade arbitrarily 2 P & G 's U.S. shipments were up just 1 % the company decided to shift more promotions and sales for health and beauty products to the fiscal second quarter 6 P & G 's U.S. shipments were up just 1 % , partly because the company decided to shift more promotions and sales for health and beauty products to the fiscal second quarter slowing growth in the U.S. were lackluster results for P & G 's cooking oils 1 Lynne Hyman , vice president of equity research for First Boston Corp. , expects P & G to post net of about $ 4.20 a share , on a post-split basis I 'm recognizing there 's a good chance they 'll do a bit better than that 3 this company will earn $ 6 or $ 7 a share in a few years he does to the domestic operations what he did internationally 0 few municipal and state government plans achieve preclearance by the Justice Department or survive the scrutiny of the lower federal courts unless they carve out as many solidly minority districts as possible Section 2 of the act expressly disclaims requiring that minorities win a proportional share of elective offices 5 few municipal and state government plans achieve preclearance by the Justice Department or survive the scrutiny of the lower federal courts they carve out as many solidly minority districts as possible 1 The new goal of the Voting Rights Act -- more minorities in political office -- is laudable racial gerrymandering is not the best way to accomplish that essential goal 6 that only a black politician can speak for a black person that only a white politician can govern on behalf of a white one 11 every other municipality and state in the country will face this issue they reapportion their districts after the 1990 census 11 Sometime in 1991 a redistricting panel will redraw the City Council district lines the 1990 census becomes available 2 that whites were not fully and fairly represented in city-wide elections only black candidates or white candidates who catered to `` black interests '' could win 1 No federal court has ruled that the Voting Rights Act protects a white minority in June the Justice Department approved a districting plan for Birmingham that carves out three white-majority districts and six black-majority districts 2 In the past , people who had to run for office had to moderate their views they could n't afford to offend blacks or whites 1 Two hundred years ago , critics of the new United States Constitution warned that the electoral districts for Congress were too large and encompassed too many different economic interests James Madison refuted that argument in one of the most celebrated political treatises ever written , No . 10 of the Federalist Papers 2 Large , heterogeneous election districts would encourage good government a representative would be compelled to serve the interests of all his constituents and be servile to none 11 our political map should reflect our belief we believe that all Americans , of every race and ethnic background , have common interests and can live together cooperatively 3 our political map should reflect our belief we believe that all Americans , of every race and ethnic background , have common interests and can live together cooperatively 10 in order to preserve all forfeitable assets the trial is completed and judgment entered 6 until the trial is completed judgment entered 11 the prosecutor is required , at the earliest appropriate time , to state publicly that the government 's request for a TRO , and eventual forfeiture , is made in full recognition of the rights of third parties a RICO TRO is being sought 3 the prosecutor is required , at the earliest appropriate time , to state publicly that the government 's request for a TRO , and eventual forfeiture , is made in full recognition of the rights of third parties a RICO TRO is being sought 11 Sales of North American-built cars and trucks plunged 20.5 % in mid-October from a year earlier domestic manufacturers paid the price for heavy incentives earlier this year 6 GM 's car sales dropped 24.8 % in mid-October to 69,980 truck sales fell 26 % to 37,860 6 GM 's car sales dropped 24.8 % in mid-October to 69,980 , while truck sales fell 26 % to 37,860 GM had dismal results in the first 10 days of the month 1 GM also had dismal results in the first 10 days of the month other auto makers reported mixed results 1 while other auto makers reported mixed results All of the Big Three suffered in the just-ended period 6 All of the Big Three suffered in the just-ended period , however , with sales of all domestically made cars , including those built at Japanese-managed plants , falling 19 % to 158,863 from a year earlier Sales of domestically made trucks continued to be sluggish in mid-October , dropping 22.8 % to 94,543 from a year ago 1 The Big Three auto makers already have slashed fourth-quarter production plans 10.4 % below year-ago levels that may not be enough to prevent inventories from ballooning if sales do n't improve 3 but that may not be enough to prevent inventories from ballooning sales do n't improve 3 that domestic auto makers will have a 93-day supply of cars at the end of the year car sales improve to a 6.5 million vehicle rate for the quarter 10 Business had been fairly strong Hurricane Hugo hit the area 6 GM 's car sales dropped 24.8 % in mid-October to 69,980 , while truck sales fell 26 % to 37,860 Ford Motor Co. reported a 21.2 % drop in sales of domestic-made cars to 46,995 and a 24.2 % drop in domestic trucks to 31,143 Chrysler Corp. hit the rocks in mid-October 1 Honda Motor Co. , which continues to have short supplies of domestically made Accords , saw its sales of North American-built cars fall 14.1 % to 8,355 sales of domestic cars and trucks at Nissan Motor Corp. rose 26.1 % to 5,651 8 the Nasdaq composite index slid 3 % the New York Stock Exchange tumbled 7 % 1 the Nasdaq composite did continue to fall for two days after the initial plunge the short interest figures reported by brokerage and securities clearing firms to the National Association of Securities Dealers include only those trades completed , or settled , by Oct. 13 , rather than trades that occurred on that day , according to Gene Finn , chief economist for the NASD 10 by selling borrowed shares that are to be replaced 10 by selling borrowed shares bought 6 Intel 's short interest jumped 42 % Campeau 's increased 62 % 6 Intel makes semiconductors Campeau operates department-store chains 6 Shorted shares must eventually be replaced through buying changes in short interest in some stocks may be caused by arbitrage 7 In addition , changes in short interest in some stocks may be caused by arbitrage an investor may seek to profit during some takeover situations by buying stock in one company involved and shorting the stock of the other 6 What defeated General Aoun was not only the weight of the Syrian army The weight of Lebanon 's history was against him 6 The weight of Lebanon 's history was also against him it is a history Israel is in danger of repeating 1 Like Lebanon , and however unfairly , Israel is regarded by the Arab world as a colonial aberration.Its best hope of acceptance by its neighbours lies in reaching a settlement with the Palestinians.Like Lebanon , Israel is being remade by demography.In Greater Israel more than half the children under six are Muslims.Within 25 years Jews will probably be the minority Israel will neither share power with all these Arabs nor redraw its borders closer to its pre-1967 Jewish heartland 10 Jerusalem will become Belfast it becomes Beirut 1 Unlike the Maronites , Israel 's Jews will not let themselves become the weakest force in a system of private armies ; Jerusalem will become Belfast before it becomes Beirut that is not much of a consolation to draw from the failure of General Aoun 10 who watched the Nasdaq Composite Index tumble in sympathy with the Dow Jones Industrial Average and saw it get left behind in the subsequent rally 1 After plummeting 1.8 % at one point during the day , the composite rebounded a little , but finished down 5.52 , at 461.70 the industrial average recovered almost completely from its skid and closed down 0.1 % 1 Microsoft , battered by profit taking in recent sessions , sank as much as 4 it finished at 80 7/8 , down 2 1/4 on volume of one million shares 8 Apple Computer improved 7/8 to 47 5/8 ; Intel slipped 1/4 to 33 1/4 Valley National Corp. was up 1/8 to 15 1/8 1 The market started with several strikes against it the computer-guided selling in response to those developments dealt a serious blow to the over-the-counter market 1 when the market does recover , the damage is done and it leaves Nasdaq down more than the Big Board the over-the-counter market usually does n't fall by as much as listed stocks during program-selling blitzes 11 the damage is done and it leaves Nasdaq down more than the Big Board the market does recover 6 when the market does recover , the damage is done it leaves Nasdaq down more than the Big Board 6 But the computer-guided selling in response to those developments dealt a serious blow to the over-the-counter market that the sharp swings in stock prices lately is scaring away retail and foreign investors 1 the firm does execute orders for clients involved in the buying and selling of shares tied to movements in certain stock indexes Shearson does n't do computer-guided program trading for its own account 11 they are forced to assume prices swing so drastically 3 they are forced to assume prices swing so drastically 11 to maintain orderly trading imbalances occur 11 that on days when prices are tumbling and sellers abound they must be willing to buy shares from sellers no one else will 1 That means that on days when prices are tumbling and sellers abound they must be willing to buy shares from sellers when no one else will the recent volatility in stock prices caused by the program trading has made some market makers less willing to soak up the stocks that are for sale 2 they are n't comfortable carrying big positions in stocks they realize prices can tumble quickly 11 that `` there 's no sense in sticking your nose out because you 're an instant loser that sell programs kick in 3 that `` there 's no sense in sticking your nose out because you 're an instant loser that sell programs kick in 2 that `` there 's no sense in sticking your nose out you 're an instant loser 3 it will make a $ 6-a-share offer for the remaining Kinder-Care Learning Center common stock it acquires a majority of the company 's shares in a pending rights offering by Kinder-Care Learning Center 's parent , Kinder-Care Inc 6 Kinder-Care Learning Centers added 1/4 to 4 7/8 on 461,200 shares Shares of KinderCare Inc. closed at 3 1/2 , up 1/4 , on volume of 700,000 1 losses from the Oct. 17 earthquake in California have n't yet been determined that it provides earthquake coverage to about 1,400 properties in the stricken area 6 IBM is reviewing its entire business-partners program that it was in talks with the company about possible modifications to its current IBM-remarketer contract 2 Whether the installation is for early warning or space track , it clearly is not deployed we judge it to be not a violation of the ABM treaty at this time 10 We 're happy , we guess , to receive confirmation of the Krasnoyarsk violation from the Soviets we started writing about it 11 the Soviet government has recognized it has a credibility problem it bids for new agreements , new loans and indeed admission to the civilized world 2 the Soviet government has recognized it has a credibility problem after 70 years , it is confessing the obvious , hoping to be believed about other things 3 they need to start telling the truth about more than the totally obvious the Soviets want to be believed 1 The Pentagon 's recently issued `` Soviet Military Power repeated the Sverdlovsk assessment in general adopting a softer line 6 The Pentagon 's recently issued `` Soviet Military Power , '' though in general adopting a softer line , repeated the Sverdlovsk assessment It was detailed in Congressional testimony this past February : An explosion at the Microbiology and Virology Institute in Sverdlovsk released anthrax germs that caused a significant number of deaths 2 the Soviet Union 's official position remains that the anthrax deaths were caused by tainted meat Mr. Shevardnadze did not address this topic before the Supreme Soviet 6 We doubt this claim just as we doubted Mr. Shevardnadze 's assurance last year that Krasnoyarsk did n't violate the ABM treaty just as we did not believe the tendentious claims of the Congressmen and arms-control advocates who visited Krasnoyarsk , we are in no way persuaded by the assent to the tainted-meat theory by a U.S. team of scientists who met with Soviet counterparts in Washington last year 6 We do n't believe it we certainly do not believe that Mr. Gorbachev or any of his emissaries yet deserve to have the West take their word for it 1 Biological weapons violations have figured little in political debate , and indeed have not been pressed vigorously enough by the U.S. government the stated U.S. position is detailed and specific , and the prospect of biological warfare is profoundly chilling 6 But the stated U.S. position is detailed and specific the prospect of biological warfare is profoundly chilling 5 that would allow them to acknowledge that Sverdlovsk violated the 1972 agreement or that would give U.S. specialists reasonable confidence that this was a wholly civilian accident 10 glasnost can not begin to deserve the kind of credibility Mr. Shevardnadze was bidding for with his confessions on Monday that happens 1 that the two are discussing the proposal a decision has n't been made 6 The trust owns 7.2 million of the Series A convertible preferred shares , which are each convertible into 10 Manville common shares The trust owns half of Manville 's 48 million common shares outstanding 1 In addition to the stock and 20 % of Manville 's profits beginning in 1992 , the trust is supposed to receive $ 2.5 billion over its 27-year life it initially was funded with about $ 765 million and may soon face a cash crunch 6 As of June 30 , it had settled about 15,000 of 81,000 claims filed its unpaid claims totaled $ 136 million , a large portion of its $ 268 million in cash and marketable securities 2 the trust might also want to diversify its holdings most of its assets are tied to Manville , a forest and building products concern 1 A Manville spokesman would n't elaborate on the proposed changes he said they are `` to a large degree , housekeeping , '' although some may generate some disagreement 1 they are `` to a large degree , housekeeping some may generate some disagreement 6 the shares issued to the trust were intended to be sold , as needed that Manville has the right of first refusal to buy those shares 1 A hearing is set for Nov. 15 participants do n't expect a resolution until July 1990 1 Secured creditors would recover both principal and interest unsecured creditors would receive only principal and interest accrued before PS of New Hampshire filed for Bankruptcy Code protection in January 10 accrued PS of New Hampshire filed for Bankruptcy Code protection in January 6 Under the new Northeast Utilities plan , it would pay $ 1.65 billion in cash to creditors and assume $ 100 million in pollution control bonds.Secured creditors would recover both principal and interest , while unsecured creditors would receive only principal and interest accrued before PS of New Hampshire filed for Bankruptcy Code protection in January Assuming full operation of the Seabrook nuclear power plant , which is completed but is n't yet operating , equity holders would receive up to $ 500 million in cash , preferred stock and new 10-year Seabrook bonds Northeast promised the State of New Hampshire that rate increases would be limited to 5.5 % annually for seven years 11 Tons of delectably rotting potatoes , barley and wheat will fill damp barns across the land thousands of farmers turn the state 's buyers away 2 Tons of delectably rotting potatoes , barley and wheat will fill damp barns across the land as thousands of farmers turn the state 's buyers away Many a piglet wo n't be born 6 Many a piglet wo n't be born as a result many a ham will never hang in a butcher shop 0 Tons of delectably rotting potatoes , barley and wheat will fill damp barns across the land as thousands of farmers turn the state 's buyers away with inflation raging , grain in the barn will still be a safer bet for the private farmer than money in the bank 10 even Solidarity 's sympathetic new government wo n't win him over his labor can produce a profit in this dying and distorted system 5 waiting for July 's usual state-directed price rises The Communists froze prices 6 The farmers ran a boycott meat disappeared from the shops 2 The farmers ran a boycott meat disappeared from the shops 6 On Aug. 1 , the state tore up its controls food prices leaped 2 On Aug. 1 , the state tore up its controls food prices leaped 1 That was when the tame old Peasants ' Party , desperate to live through the crisis , broke ranks with the Communists and joined with Solidarity in the East Bloc 's first liberated government by the time Solidarity took office in September , the damage was done 11 Of course it 's better to sell private , '' he says the butcher trundles away 2 He wo n't for long his old state sources of rye and potatoes are drying up 10 State monopolies will keep on stifling trade , `` free '' prices or not something else replaces them 1 Building them now will require undergirding from the West , and removal of political deadwood , a job that Solidarity has barely started Polish agriculture does possess one great asset already : the private farmer 6 There are a lot of them they have property 6 As the Chinese have shown the Soviets are learning 6 Try as they might , the Communists could neither replace nor break him they did try 10 Until 1963 , it was good soil the state put in a reservoir to supply the area with drinking water 6 Mr Pyszkiewicz smiles his brow furrows 10 They started and abandoned it 3 I could n't buy what I need I had a lot of money 1 They use 60 % more fertilizer per acre , twice the high-grade feed their best boast is that they produce 32 % of Polish pork 11 I 've heard from friends that state farms are subsidized , '' Mr. Pyszkiewicz says his wife , Wieslawa , sets some chairs out in the sun 1 The state quit shoving peasants onto its subsidized farms over 30 years ago it never did let up on the pressure 6 The pension 's size still depends on how much produce he sells the state His allotment of materials did 10 His allotment of materials also did the state could n't hold up its end of that bargain 1 until the state could n't hold up its end of that bargain the state alone sells seeds and machines 11 it often hands them over only in exchange for milk or grain supplies are short 3 it often hands them over only in exchange for milk or grain supplies are short 1 Some men stay , their best friend a bottle of vodka two million acres have gone fallow 2 Without machines , good farms ca n't get bigger the potato crop , once 47 million tons , is down to 35 million 3 a food revolution will make Solidarity a food crisis undid the Communists 6 Vegetables are abundant and full of flavor in Poland , the pickles and sauerkraut sublime , the state monopolies long broken Grain , milk and meat come 10 Vegetables are abundant and full of flavor in Poland , the pickles and sauerkraut sublime , the state monopolies long broken Grain , milk and meat come 1 A private challenge to the monolithic tractor industry will take more time and money than Poland can spare a smokehouse or a local dairy can spring up fast 6 I hire transportation my customers have fresh cold cuts every day 2 I hire transportation my customers have fresh cold cuts every day 3 I bring my prices down nobody buys 1 He has bought some trendy Western clothes , and a green Mercedes with an American flag in the window the meat-processing machines he picked up are 50 years old 3 I 'll get stuck with them the situation changes 11 Rural Solidarity objected , to no avail Solidarity leader Lech Walesa accepted the Peasants ' support 1 Next Spring , the two will battle in local elections until then , and probably long afterward , the Communists ' apparat of obstruction -- from the head of the dairy co-op to the village bank manager -- will stay planted in the Polish countryside 6 Not even a tractor you want to make wicker baskets , too 6 The farmer leaves the naczelnik shuts his door 1 The 321-99 roll call vote reflected broad support for the disaster assistance the cost to the Treasury is sure to aggravate budget pressures this year and next under the Gramm-Rudman deficit reduction law 6 By a lopsided 401-18 margin , the chamber rejected an effort to waive Gramm-Rudman for purposes of addressing the two disasters budget analysts estimate the increased appropriations will widen the fiscal 1990 deficit by at least $ 1.44 billion unless offsetting spending cuts or new revenues are found by Congress 5 the increased appropriations will widen the fiscal 1990 deficit by at least $ 1.44 billion offsetting spending cuts or new revenues are found by Congress 6 The budget impact will be greater still in fiscal 1991 the issue forced a confrontation between the Appropriations Committee leadership and Budget Committee Chairman Leon Panetta , whose California district was at the center of the earthquake last week 1 Because of the vagaries of Gramm-Rudman , the immediate impact is relatively small the appropriations set in motion spending that adds to an already grim budget picture for fiscal 1991 2 Within the appropriations process , the situation is even more difficult the costs will be counted against the share of funds to be allocated to those subcommittees that recently have had the greatest difficulty in staying within the budget 6 The underlying bill approved yesterday is required to keep the government operating past midnight tonight this urgency has contributed to the speed -- and , critics say , mistakes -- that have accompanied the package of disaster assistance 6 The hastily drafted measure could hurt California by requiring it to put up more matching funds for emergency highway assistance than otherwise would be required the state 's delegation is fearful that the new funding will be counted against a separate $ 185 million in federal highway funds it would expect to receive under its normal allocation this year 6 And the state 's delegation is fearful that the new funding will be counted against a separate $ 185 million in federal highway funds it would expect to receive under its normal allocation this year the high price of San Francisco real estate puts the state at odds with federal regulations more attuned to the national average 7 Also , the high price of San Francisco real estate puts the state at odds with federal regulations more attuned to the national average disaster loans , which will go to small businesses and homeowners , offer credit as low as 4 % in some cases 1 For example , disaster loans , which will go to small businesses and homeowners , offer credit as low as 4 % in some cases the San Francisco delegation finds itself asking that the cap per household be lifted to $ 500,000 from $ 100,000 to assist the hard hit but often wealthy Marina district 1 The Senate is expected to make some modifications today both the White House and Congress appear most anxious to speed final approval before tonight 's deadline 6 Administration pressure discourages any effort to add to total funding the Senate changes are expected to be largely technical 11 Yesterday 's floor action came a House-Senate conference approved a nearly $ 8.5 billion fiscal 1990 military construction bill 1 An estimated $ 25.8 million is allocated to continue work in Oman all funding is cut for the Philippines , and projects in South Korea are cut to $ 13.6 million , or less than a sixth of the administration 's request 6 But all funding is cut for the Philippines projects in South Korea are cut to $ 13.6 million , or less than a sixth of the administration 's request 6 An estimated $ 38.9 million was set aside for military installations in the home state of North Carolina Rep. W.G . Hefner , the House chairman $ 70.2 million would go to projects in Tennessee represented by his Senate counterpart and fellow Democrat , Sen. James Sasser 1 Texas and California are traditionally powerful within the conference equally striking is the dominance of Alaska , Pennsylvania and West Virginia because of their power elsewhere in the appropriations process 1 In the final trading , the House was insistent on setting aside $ 500 million to carry out base closings ordered to begin in fiscal 1990 it gave ground to Mr. Inouye on a number of projects , ranging from a $ 11 million parking garage here , to a land transfer in Hawaii , to a provision to assist the Makwah Indian Tribe in Washington state 6 The House approved a short-term spending bill to keep the government operating through Nov. 15 and provide $ 2.85 billion in emergency funds to assist in the recovery from Hurricane Hugo and the California earthquake as a House-Senate conference approved a nearly $ 8.5 billion fiscal 1990 military construction bill , representing a 5 % reduction from last year and making severe cuts from Pentagon requests for installations abroad House-Senate negotiators have tentatively agreed on a $ 3.18 billion anti-drug and anti-crime intitiative , cutting other federal spending 0.43 % to pay for it 1 The size of the cuts is n't known they 'll be centered in the exploration and production division , which is responsible for locating oil reserves , drilling wells and pumping crude oil and natural gas 1 domestic exploration and production operations had a $ 16 million loss in the third quarter comparable foreign operations earned $ 234 million 10 that a reference to the cutbacks was included in the earnings report workers were notified 1 Some will likely be offered severance packages others will be transferred to overseas operations 3 not to seek forfeitures there are `` less intrusive '' alternatives , such as bonds 11 It was forced into liquidation before trial investors yanked their funds after the government demanded a huge pre-trial asset forfeiture 10 when investors yanked their funds the government demanded a huge pre-trial asset forfeiture 2 The experience of Princeton/Newport and initiation of other RICO-forfeiture cases against legitimate businesses taught Drexel that a RICOed investment bank would be an ex-investment bank Drexel agreed instead to an arrangement allowing it to plea to charges `` which the company is not in a position to dispute '' because of RICO 5 that a RICOed investment bank would be an ex-investment bank Drexel therefore agreed to an arrangement allowing it to plea to charges `` which the company is not in a position to dispute '' because of RICO 2 Drexel therefore agreed instead to an arrangement allowing it to plea to charges `` which the company is not in a position to dispute '' because of RICO after all the prosecutorial hoopla no one has established what , if anything , Drexel did wrong 1 Justice has finally recognized its employees ' abuses , thanks largely to the demands for reform by former U.S. attorney in Washington Joseph diGenova , who wants to salvage RICO for real criminals prosecutorial guidelines are effective only if someone at Justice is willing and able to supervise hyperactive prosecutors 3 But prosecutorial guidelines are effective someone at Justice is willing and able to supervise hyperactive prosecutors 6 ours is supposed to be `` a government of laws not of men yet RICO defenders `` tell us that we should rely on prosecutorial discretion to protect against overbreadth of RICO 1 ours is supposed to be `` a government of laws not of men and RICO defenders `` tell us that we should rely on prosecutorial discretion to protect against overbreadth of RICO 1 it is slated for fine-tuning the half-hour situation comedy seen Mondays at 9:30 p.m. Eastern and Pacific time is n't a candidate for cancellation 6 Although the half-hour situation comedy seen Mondays at 9:30 p.m. Eastern and Pacific time is n't a candidate for cancellation , it is slated for fine-tuning by next week the network may announce `` Teddy Z '' is moving to 8:30 p.m. from its 9:30 time slot , replacing `` The People Next Door , '' which became the first network show to be canceled this season 0 Teddy Z '' was boosted by favorable reviews and a network-wide promotional tie-in contest with K mart Corp.It was promoted on cable services , including MTV , Nick at Night and VH-1 , and premiered as the No . 22-rated show for the week five weeks after the premiere , the series has floundered 6 Worse , every week it suffers audience drop-off from `` Murphy Brown viewership on CBS picks up again once `` Teddy Z '' is over and is followed by `` Designing Women 11 and viewership on CBS picks up again Teddy Z '' is over and is followed by `` Designing Women 1 Last week , `` Murphy Brown '' was viewed by 14.1 % of the available television households the number dropped to 12.6 % for `` Teddy Z '' and rose to 14.2 % for `` Designing Women 6 Teddy Z '' is moving to 8:30 p.m. from its 9:30 time slot the program is slated to undergo some plot changes 7 CBS executives said the program is also slated to undergo some plot changes Creator Hugh Wilson included the lead character 's Greek family in the cast , `` but that is not the right focus anymore Instead , CBS hopes the show will increasingly highlight the talent agency and the business of being an agent t 1 Creator Hugh Wilson , for example , included the lead character 's Greek family in the cast that is not the right focus anymore 5 but that is not the right focus anymore the show will increasingly highlight the talent agency and the business of being an agent 1 We 're making adjustments on the show , yes , but nothing radical we hope to keep a balance between the office and the family 11 Prices of long-term Treasury bonds moved inversely to the stock market investors sought safety amid growing evidence the economy is weakening 1 Prices of long-term Treasury bonds moved inversely to the stock market as investors sought safety amid growing evidence the economy is weakening the shaky economic outlook and the volatile stock market forced the dollar lower against major currencies 11 bond prices retreated the stock market recovered some of its losses later in the day 1 As the stock market recovered some of its losses later in the day , bond prices retreated the combination of a second consecutive decline in monthly durable-goods orders and lackluster mid-October auto sales helped prop up the Treasury market 1 On the surface , the decline in September durable goods -- only 0.1 % -- did n't appear very weak orders for non-defense capital goods , a precursor of future plant and equipment spending , were off 5.6 % after falling 10.3 % in August 10 But orders for non-defense capital goods , a precursor of future plant and equipment spending , were off 5.6 % falling 10.3 % in August 1 reports like those yesterday help build the case for lower rates analysts do n't expect the Federal Reserve to ease credit policy soon 1 The stock market 's precipitous drop frightened foreign investors , who quickly bid the dollar lower as stock prices recovered some of the early losses , so did the U.S. currency 11 But so did the U.S. currency stock prices recovered some of the early losses 0 the dollar ended down only modestly investors are becoming more bearish toward the dollar in the wake of the stock market 's recent troubles and as the U.S. economy weakens 11 investors are becoming more bearish toward the dollar in the wake of the stock market 's recent troubles and the U.S. economy weakens 6 Judge Robert ( `` Maximum Bob '' ) Potter sentenced Jim Bakker to 45 years in the big house yesterday a Beverly Hills judge tucked away Zsa Zsa Gabor for three days , plus 120 hours of work with homeless women 1 Currently , Boeing has a backlog of about $ 80 billion production has been slowed by a strike of 55,000 machinists 11 she sprinkled her with high E flats , sparkling Ds , clean trills , and coloratura ornaments silvery as magic dust the good fairy assigned to Slovakia hovered over the cradle of Edita Gruberova many years ago in Bratislava 1 It is n't every day that we hear a Violetta who can sing the first act 's high-flying music with all the little notes perfectly pitched and neatly stitched together.Never once did she gasp for air or mop her brow.She was as cool as a cucumber things are not going well for Violetta 8 She has TB , after all , and a weak-kneed lover though a successful courtesan , she is just about overdrawn at the bank 11 her salon began sliding around the stage Ms. Gruberova sat down away from her guests to cough in private 6 Worse , her walls move all the time -- at least in this production her country hideaway has a very active set of drapes 11 Hold on to those funny braids ! you wanted to caution her the sets started to roll around once more 1 Normally , Violetta can go about her business without wondering whether she is moving as gracefully as the scenery this is a production designed and directed by Franco Zeffirelli and paid for by Sybil Harrington , who has no need to count her pennies , unlike Violetta , down to 20 louis at the opera 's end 3 the company can still sell tickets to his `` Boheme '' and `` Turandot '' and boom out recordings ( of another era ) a strike ever hits the Met 5 Maybe Mr. Z. was too busy taming his set to work with his naturally ungainly Alfredo that Mr. Z. is getting a little tired of `` Traviata 6 This is the same production already seen in Paris and Florence its scenic ideas echo the movie he made with Placido Domingo and Teresa Stratas 11 rising deliriously then she remembers the great parties she used to throw 10 In an invention that drives Verdi purists bananas , Violetta lies dying in bed during the prelude when she remembers the great parties she used to throw 1 Given the prelude 's thematic connections with the music preceding the last act , the idea is more worn than bad as luck would have it , for a change there actually was a conductor in the pit whom we wanted to hear , Carlos Kleiber , trying to make memorable music while we all waited for the bed lump to stir into song 11 trying to make memorable music we all waited for the bed lump to stir into song 11 the big-souled German maestro with the shaky nerves offered a limpid , flowing performance that in its unswagged and unswaggering approach was totally at odds with the staging she did so 6 Of heart-pounding moments there were nearly none whether this has to do with Mr. Kleiber or the wooden cast is hard to say 10 the Met 's next-door neighbor , the New York City Opera , has canceled its season failing to reach a settlement with its musicians 10 it is nearly impossible to recapture subscribers they have had time to ponder their entertainment choices 7 it is nearly impossible to recapture subscribers once they have had time to ponder their entertainment choices I was perfectly happy at Avery Fisher Hall the other day listening to Helmuth Rilling conduct the Messa per Rossini , a strange piece written by 13 different Italian composers to honor Rossini after his death in 1868 10 For all that , the piece landed unperformed in a dusty archive Bologna refused to supply a chorus and orchestra 2 For all that , the piece landed unperformed in a dusty archive Bologna refused to supply a chorus and orchestra 2 Verdi 's own contribution was mighty impressive the operatic `` Libera me '' was reworked for the Manzoni Requiem 6 His melodious `` Confutatis '' was smoothly sung by bass Brian Matthews Teodulo Mabellini 's `` Lux aeterna '' was intriguingly scored and splendidly put across by Mr. Rilling 1 The Tokyo International Film Festival was no match for the Cannes Film Festival in terms of prestige it made its mark 1 At this year 's event , the third since the festival got under way in 1985 , Idrissa Ouedraogo of Burkina Faso won the Sakura Gold prize of $ 143,000 for `` Yaaba '' ( `` Old Woman Cannes now gives $ 39,000 to the winner of its young director 's award 6 No one makes deals most of the films have been seen before at other festivals 11 who demand the delivery of their securities they buy shares or domestic bonds 1 it is thought that many small investors in Belgium store securities privately no figures exist 3 This is the first time for Japan to extend aid of this kind to Eastern European countries we decide to do so 6 Japan is considering giving aid to Hungary and Poland to support their recent political reforms Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu is studying the possibility of a visit to the two Eastern bloc nations and to Western Europe next January 6 Under an agreement signed last June , the Soviets will help Iran in oil exploration and other areas in return for exports of Iranian natural gas in Paris , Mahmoud Vaezi , Iran 's vice minister of foreign affairs , began a five-day visit to discuss such matters as compensation to French enterprises for contracts broken by the Khomeini regime 6 the toilet not only tests blood pressure , pulse and urine it stores the data for up to 130 days 10 special agents have arrested more than 6,000 federal employees on charges ranging from extortion to tax evasion Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari took office last December 2 The rest will probably not be recoverable either the statute of limitations expired 5 either because the statute of limitations expired because many prefer to spend additional time in jail rather than return the money 2 The rest will probably not be recoverable or many prefer to spend additional time in jail rather than return the money 10 that we have concluded it is prudent to plan for next year on the assumption that revenue again will be flat reviewing its order prospects 10 Cray made its announcement the stock market closed 1 Despite health-care cost controls and programs to hold down inventory , the professional division , which makes products including sutures and surgical stapling equipment , `` achieved solid growth domestic consumer sales slipped 1.2 % for the quarter , to $ 490 million from $ 496 million 2 the company 's sales pace has been picking up the effect of unfavorable exchange rates has been easing -- a pattern continuing this quarter 1 Mr. Lothson of PaineWebber said the company 's sales pace has been picking up largely because the effect of unfavorable exchange rates has been easing -- a pattern continuing this quarter He cautioned that a `` tough tax-rate comparison '' may slow the company 's earnings growth for the current quarter 1 the results show how sensitive the multinationals can be to developments in a single country such as Brazil the third period contained no major surprises 6 While the third period contained no major surprises , Mr. Lothson said , the results show how sensitive the multinationals can be to developments in a single country such as Brazil He questioned whether recent gains in that country can be sustained 6 One of Dun & Bradstreet 's chief businesses is compiling reports that rate the credit-worthiness of millions of American companies It owns Moody 's Investors Service , which assigns credit-ratings to bonds and preferred stock ; A.C. Nielsen , known for its data on television-viewing patterns , and Yellow-pages publisher Donnelley 1 Net income rose to 83 cents a share from 72 cents a share the year-earlier period analysts focused more on the drop in revenue , to $ 1.04 billion from $ 1.07 billion , reflecting in part a continuing drop in sales of the controversial credit-reporting services 2 that investors with short-term horizons should avoid Dun & Bradstreet stock it is unlikely to outperform the market 6 Insider selling is not unusual at Dun & Bradstreet the recent pace of selling is just about average for the company , according to figures compiled by Invest/Net , a North Miami , Fla. , firm that specializes in tracking and analyzing SEC insider filings 1 Insider selling is not unusual at Dun & Bradstreet ; in fact , the recent pace of selling is just about average for the company , according to figures compiled by Invest/Net , a North Miami , Fla. , firm that specializes in tracking and analyzing SEC insider filings previous sales have often been sales of shares purchased through the exercise of stock options and sold six months later , as soon as allowed 11 and sold six months later allowed 2 he bought the shares he felt they were `` a good investment 10 The executive made his purchases being named to his current chief executive officer 's position 6 On Wall Street , Merrill Lynch & Co. analyst Daniel A. Roling rates the stock `` neutral Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. lists it as a `` buy 1 Now , only God exists as a matter of absolute necessity ; it is built into His nature since the time of Darwin , we humans could at least claim a sort of natural necessity for the existence of our species 3 mutation and natural selection slowly but surely give rise to more and more advanced forms of life it was only a matter of eons before splendid beings endowed with reason , self-awareness and taste shimmered onto the scene 10 then it was only a matter of eons splendid beings endowed with reason , self-awareness and taste shimmered onto the scene 1 Star lecturer at Harvard , author of numerous popular books on science , and scourge of the creationist lobby , Mr. Gould is perhaps the world 's most eminent evolutionary theorist he puts quite a twist on the old story handed down from Darwin 2 The received Darwinian wisdom of the day said that animals living so long ago must be simple in design , limited in scope and ancestral to contemporary species the hidebound traditionalist reconstructed hypothetical organisms from the Burgess fossils in such a way that they could be shoehorned into familiar categories 1 A good deal of the book is boring , particularly the endless allusions to high and pop culture and the frequent jokes festooning the text Interest picks up when Mr. Gould gets around to discussing the meaning of the Burgess oddities for the theory of evolution 11 Interest picks up , though Mr. Gould gets around to discussing the meaning of the Burgess oddities for the theory of evolution 1 Not long after the appearance of life , evidently , there was an explosive proliferation in the number of animal designs seen on the earth The vast majority of them were wiped out by a succession of environmental upheavals that were too sudden and catastrophic for the normal rules of natural selection to operate 2 The vast majority of them , however , were wiped out by a succession of environmental upheavals that were too sudden and catastrophic for the normal rules of natural selection to operate the winnowing process was like a lottery `` in which each group { held } a ticket unrelated to its anatomical virtues 2 Our mammalian forerunners lucked out through the extraterrestrial impact that did in the dinosaurs they were small , not smart 4 Mr. Gould sketches several anyone has difficulty imagining a world in which history went merrily on without us 11 it seems , human evolutionary hopes hung on the survival of a little worm with a backbone called Pikaia the Burgess fauna were flourishing 1 Mr. Gould finds this oddly exhilarating ; like an existentialist of old , he views our contingency as `` a source of both freedom and consequent moral responsibility I can not help feeling that if some other curiosity from the Burgess Shale had survived instead , beings at once wiser and less boorish than Homo sapiens might have eventually gained earthly dominion 3 that beings at once wiser and less boorish than Homo sapiens might have eventually gained earthly dominion some other curiosity from the Burgess Shale had survived instead 5 on the survival of a little worm with a backbone called Pikaia that if some other curiosity from the Burgess Shale had survived 1 I , by contrast , can not help feeling that if some other curiosity from the Burgess Shale had survived instead , beings at once wiser and less boorish than Homo sapiens might have eventually gained earthly dominion even if no conscious life had evolved here at all , the universe is a big place , and given the right conditions , sympathetic to creating some form of life 3 But the universe is a big place , and given the right conditions , sympathetic to creating some form of life no conscious life had evolved here at all 1 They discourage prosecutors , under certain circumstances , from seeking court orders seizing the assets of racketeering defendants prior to trial the guidelines `` are a codification and a clarification far more than a new direction 10 that the law unfairly strips defendants of assets a jury determines they have committed a crime 6 that the law unfairly strips defendants of assets before a jury determines they have committed a crime that aggressive use of the forfeiture provisions can ruin corporate defendants or force them into unfavorable plea bargains 6 In the new guidelines , the Justice Department says that in attempting to freeze disputed assets before trial , `` the government will not seek to disrupt the normal , legitimate business activities of the defendant '' and `` will not seek . . .to take from third parties assets legitimately transferred to them The guidelines state , `` The government 's policy is not to seek the fullest forfeiture permissible under the law where that forfeiture would be disproportionate to the defendant 's crime 3 The impact will be impossible to judge ahead of time there is any 2 The impact , if there is any , will be impossible to judge ahead of time the decision whether to use { racketeering charges } is made in individual cases '' by Justice Department officials in Washington 1 that government efforts to freeze defendants ' assets pending racketeering prosecutions `` have been the subject of considerable criticism in the press the government is n't `` backing off on these kinds of matters at all 1 The state had sought as much as $ 4.1 billion in relief yesterday the House approved a more general scaled-back measure calling for $ 2.85 billion in aid 2 California 's so-called Gann limit effectively prevents the state from spending new tax money and drastically limits its options in an emergency 6 Both Mr. Brown , the state 's most influential legislator , and Gov . Deukmejian favor a temporary sales tax increase According to a spokesman , the governor is studying the possibility of raising state gasoline taxes 1 According to a spokesman , the governor is also studying the possibility of raising state gasoline taxes Mr. Brown believes `` only one tax will be feasible , and it will be a one-penny sales tax increase 11 According to a spokesman , the governor is also studying the possibility of raising state gasoline taxes Mr. Brown believes `` only one tax will be feasible , and it will be a one-penny sales tax increase 6 only one tax will be feasible it will be a one-penny sales tax increase 1 The fund has about $ 1 billion and is set up to handle `` precisely the kind of emergency '' the state faces , said Tom Beermann , the Governor 's deputy press secretary the fund 's size is disputed by Mr. Brown 's office , which estimates the fund holds from $ 630 million to $ 800 million 6 But the fund 's size is disputed by Mr. Brown 's office Gov . Deukmejian `` has expressed a desire not to spend all the reserve on this 1 Both Mr. Brown , the state 's most influential legislator , and Gov . Deukmejian favor a temporary sales tax increase -- should more money be needed than the state can raise from existing sources and the federal government To push through a sales tax increase the state will have to suspend the Gann limit , citing an emergency 6 To push through a sales tax increase , however , the state will have to suspend the Gann limit , citing an emergency then it will be required to lower taxes by a corresponding amount during a three-year period after the temporary tax increase ends 10 however , the state will have to suspend the Gann limit , citing an emergency And it will be required to lower taxes by a corresponding amount during a three-year period after the temporary tax increase ends 10 And then it will be required to lower taxes by a corresponding amount during a three-year period the temporary tax increase ends 0 A sales tax increase would require two-thirds approval in both houses of the state 's legislature observers expect broad support 3 the attitude will be supportive there 's an emergency and there are n't sufficient funds from elsewhere 6 If there 's an emergency there are n't sufficient funds from elsewhere 1 But observers expect broad support others think property owners ought to pay a higher portion of the state 's earthquake relief tab 6 To push through a sales tax increase property owners ought to pay a higher portion of the state 's earthquake relief tab The state could increase gasoline taxes 1 The state could also increase gasoline taxes ; every one penny increase in the tax would yield $ 11 million a month Gov . Deukmejian and others are reluctant to do anything to harm the state 's chances of sharply raising gasoline taxes on a permanent basis 1 To raise more highway funds , a measure to double the state 's nine-cent a gallon tax over five years is set to appear on the state 's June election ballot some fear imposing a temporary gasoline tax increase in the meantime could undercut support among voters for the measure 6 a measure to double the state 's nine-cent a gallon tax over five years is set to appear on the state 's June election ballot imposing a temporary gasoline tax increase 10 a measure to double the state 's nine-cent a gallon tax over five years is set to appear on the state 's June election ballot imposing a temporary gasoline tax increase 6 California legislators , searching for ways to pay for the $ 4 billion to $ 6 billion in damages from last week 's earthquake , are laying the groundwork for a temporary increase in the state 's sales tax two men injured in last week 's earthquake-triggered freeway collapse in Oakland began a legal battle against the state over whether officials adequately heeded warnings about the structure 's safety 6 that design of the structure was defective that they failed to make reasonable changes 6 The issue includes $ 100 million of insured senior lien bonds There are $ 40 million of uninsured subordinate lien bonds , due Dec. 1 , 2008 , and Dec. 1 , 2015 6 The $ 82.8 million of Series B bonds , which are n't subject to the alternative minimum tax , were priced at par to yield from 6.85 % in 2000 to 7.20 % in 2009 the $ 50 million of Series C bonds , which are suject to the alternative minimum tax , were priced at par to yield from 6.25 % in 1990 to 7.10 % to 2000 1 People start their own businesses for many reasons a chance to fill out sales-tax records is rarely one of them 1 Ironically , the person who wants to run his or her own business is probably the active , results-oriented sort most likely to hate meeting the rules and record-keeping demands of federal , state and local regulators every business owner has to face the mound of forms and regulations -- and often is the only one available to tackle it 2 There is hope of change optimistic entrepreneurs await a promised land of less red tape -- just as soon as Uncle Sam gets around to arranging it 11 Thus , optimistic entrepreneurs await a promised land of less red tape Uncle Sam gets around to arranging it 6 Thus , optimistic entrepreneurs await a promised land of less red tape -- just as soon as Uncle Sam gets around to arranging it they tackle the mounds of paper -- and fantasize about a dream world where bulk-mail postal regulations and government inspectors are banished 11 Thus , optimistic entrepreneurs await a promised land of less red tape -- just as soon as Uncle Sam gets around to arranging it they tackle the mounds of paper -- and fantasize about a dream world where bulk-mail postal regulations and government inspectors are banished 6 they most love to hate they would hate to lose 1 Some gripes about red tape are predictable : Architects complain about a host of building regulations , auto leasing companies about car insurance rules Taxi , leasing and other companies that maintain fleets of vehicles devote substantial resources to complying with state insurance laws and a host of agencies The most onerous is the record-keeping and filing required by tax authorities.Complying with environmental and workplace regulations runs a close second gripes run the gamut 2 One state environmental regulator returned a report it was n't heavy enough , it could n't have been correct 6 Employers must deposit withholding taxes exceeding $ 3,000 within three days after payroll -- or pay stiff penalties that 's a big problem for small businesses 3 It 's especially nettlesome you 're on the road and you 're the one responsible 6 if you 're on the road you 're the one responsible 3 An employer leaves itself open to a great deal of liability its employee manuals do n't reflect the most recent laws 1 An employer leaves itself open to a great deal of liability if its employee manuals do n't reflect the most recent laws the ever-changing laws are usually so complicated and confusing that `` you need professionals to help you ; you ca n't do it yourself 1 It does n't increase benefits it 's costly and time-consuming 1 Advertising agencies and other service companies are exempt from city and state sales tax in most locales the exemption comes at a price of exhaustive records and rigorous reviews 11 the nation 's theatrical cognoscenti arched a collective eyebrow the Trinity Repertory Theater named Anne Bogart its artistic director last spring 1 Ms. Bogart , an acclaimed creator of deconstructed dramatic collages that tear into such sacred texts as Rodgers and Hammerstein 's `` South Pacific , '' is decidedly downtown Trinity Rep is one of the nation 's oldest and most respected regional theaters 6 For Ms. Bogart , who initially studied and directed in Germany ( and cites such European directors as Peter Stein , Giorgio Strehler and Ariane Mnouchkine as influences ) tends to stage her productions with a Brechtian rigor -- whether the text demands it or not Gorky , considered the father of Soviet socialist realism , did not write plays that easily lend themselves to deliberately antirealistic distancing techniques 6 Gorky was a loyal if occasionally ambivalent proletarian writer committed to enlightening the masses with plain speaking rooted in a slightly sour version of Chekhovian humanism Summerfolk , '' penned in 1904 as a kind of sequel to Chekhov 's `` Cherry Orchard , '' is a lawn party of Russian yuppies engaged in an exhausting ideological fight to the finish between the allrightniks and the reformers 6 And `` Summerfolk is a lawn party of Russian yuppies engaged in an exhausting ideological fight to the finish between the allrightniks and the reformers Along the way there are lots of romantic dalliances 1 Despite the absence of samovars ( and a tendency to turn the furniture upside down ) , the production is rich in Russian ennui voiced by languorous folk sporting beige linen and rumpled cotton , with boaters and fishing poles aplenty beyond this decorative nod to tradition , Ms. Bogart and company head off in a stylistic direction that all but transforms Gorky 's naturalistic drama into something akin to , well , farce 6 Not only do the actors stand outside their characters and make it clear they are at odds with them they often literally stand on their heads 11 even hanging them from precipices having them perform some gymnastic feats of derring-do 1 The clash of ideologies survives this treatment the nuance and richness of Gorky 's individual characters have vanished in the scuffle 11 As for the humor that Gorky 's text provides it looks and sounds forced repainted in such broad strokes ( particularly by the lesser members of the ensemble ) 11 Ms. Bogart does better with music than with words she wants , as she so often does want , to express herself through Gorky 's helpless play 6 whom she appointed Trinity 's first-ever musical director whom she equipped with a spanking new $ 60,000 sound system and recording studio 6 that her intent in such manipulative staging of the classics is simply an attempt to `` make it new that her fondest artistic wish was to find a way to play `` Somewhere Over the Rainbow '' so that the song 's `` original beauty comes through , '' surmounting the cliche 2 to find a way to play `` Somewhere Over the Rainbow the song 's `` original beauty comes through , '' surmounting the cliche 1 Janice Duclos , in addition to possessing one of the evening 's more impressive vocal instruments , brings an unsuspected comedic touch to her role of Olga , everybody 's favorite mom.Marni Rice plays the maid with so much edge as to steal her two scenes it is the Trinity Rep newcomer , Jonathan Fried ( Zamislov , the paralegal ) who is the actor to watch , whether he is hamming it up while conducting the chamber musicians or seducing his neighbor 's wife ( Becca Lish ) by licking her bosom 11 whether he is hamming it up conducting the chamber musicians 2 ESB is aware that a hostile tender offer is being made by a foreign company for all of ESB 's shares , '' said F.J . Port , ESB 's president Hostile entered the merger-acquisition lexicon 6 ESB spurned Inco within five days ESB had a `` white knight '' as United Aircraft -- headed by Harry Gray , a shrewdly friendly acquirer of companies -- offered $ 34 a share 2 ESB spurned Inco and within five days ESB had a `` white knight United Aircraft -- headed by Harry Gray , a shrewdly friendly acquirer of companies -- offered $ 34 a share 11 ESB spurned Inco and within five days ESB had a `` white knight United Aircraft -- headed by Harry Gray , a shrewdly friendly acquirer of companies -- offered $ 34 a share 1 ESB directors warmly accepted a whirlwind bidding match ensued 6 Within a few days in July , Inco raised its bid to $ 36 United matched it 10 Within a few days in July , Inco raised its bid to $ 36 United matched it 10 On a single day Inco lifted its offer to $ 38 and to $ 41 , equal to $ 225.5 million 10 United met the $ 38 but withdrew 6 ESB on July 29 accepted the Inco offer the brief battle -- unlike the intricate and lengthy big takeovers of 1984-1989 -- was over 2 ESB on July 29 accepted the Inco offer the brief battle -- unlike the intricate and lengthy big takeovers of 1984-1989 -- was over 1 HomeFed had been one of the handful of large West Coast thrifts that in recent quarters had counteracted interest-rate problems dogging the industry by keeping a lid on problem assets and lending heavily into the furious California housing market HomeFed 's loan originations and purchases plunged 26 % in the quarter , to $ 1.4 billion from $ 1.9 billion a year earlier 11 However , HomeFed 's loan originations and purchases plunged 26 % in the quarter , to $ 1.4 billion from $ 1.9 billion a year earlier non-performing assets rose to $ 593 million from $ 518.7 million 1 However , HomeFed 's loan originations and purchases plunged 26 % in the quarter , to $ 1.4 billion from $ 1.9 billion a year earlier non-performing assets rose to $ 593 million from $ 518.7 million 1 sales of such properties were slower than anticipated in the third quarter it expects sales to pick up in the rest of the year 1 Any such downturn in California would be grim news for West Coast thrifts , particularly the less healthy ones , which have performed poorly even with a torrid market it purposely curbed loan originations in the quarter because of uncertainty over the new capital requirements and regulations that will emerge from negotiations over implementing the government 's massive thrift bailout bill 6 its real-estate operations earned a record $ 21.7 million , more than double year-earlier real estate profit of $ 9 million they see no signs of an imminent swoon in California real estate , even with last week 's earthquake 6 Meanwhile , non-performing assets rose to $ 593 million from $ 518.7 million earnings were nicked in the quarter by a $ 4 million provision for losses associated with its previously reported plan to liquidate a real-estate franchise network 10 Interest rates generally began declining last spring moving steadily upward for more than a year 8 The average yield on six-month broker-sold CDs rose to 8.29 % from 8.05 % on one-year CDs the average yield rose to 8.30 % from 8.09 % 6 Only CDs sold by major brokerage firms posted significant increases in average yields in the latest week , reflecting increased yields on Treasury bills sold at Monday 's auction So-called jumbo CDs , typically in denominations of $ 90,000 and up usually follow T-bills and interest rate trends in general more than those aimed at small investors 1 The average yield on threemonth jumbos rose to 8.00 % from 7.96 % the two-year average fell by the same amount to 7.89 % 1 The small changes in averages reflect generally unchanged yields at many major banks Some lowered yields significantly 7 Some , however , lowered yields significantly At Chase Manhattan Bank in New York the yield on a small denomination six-month CD fell about a quarter of a percentage point to 8.06 % 6 Wang had reached an agreement with a `` major financial firm '' to sell for $ 150 million its domestic equipment lease portfolio and that of its Wang Credit Corp. subsidiary it agreed to sell a portion of its European real estate unit for $ 37 million 1 The company did n't disclose a purchase price or capitalization figures it will invest about 1.4 billion yen ( $ 9.9 million ) in the new company 1 profit for the three months ended Sept. 9 was $ 7.1 million , compared with $ 23 million a year earlier the year-earlier results included gains of $ 23.5 million from divestitures 1 Benjamin Jacobson & Sons has been the New York Stock Exchange specialist firm in charge of trading stock in UAL Corp. and its predecessors since the early 1930s the firm has never had a day like yesterday 11 it was priced at $ 150 a share , down more than $ 28 from Monday 's close it did a half-hour into the session 1 It sank further to as low as $ 145 a big rally developed in the last half hour , pushing the stock back up to close at $ 170 , down just $ 8.375 from Monday 11 Munching pizza they could 10 and yelling their voices gave out 1 It was chaotic we like to call it 'controlled chaos 10 it would be a while longer UAL resumed trading like a regular airline stock after months of gyrations 11 he announced : `` OK , buckle up Mr. Jacobson walked into the office at 7:30 a.m. EDT 10 which closed on the Big Board Monday at $ 178.375 a share UAL traded in the third market as low as $ 158 a share 6 In the 45 minutes before the 9:30 opening bell , the Jacobson specialists kept getting sell orders , heavier than they imagined at 9:15 , they posted a $ 135 to $ 155 `` first indication , '' or the price range in which the stock would probably open 1 That range was quickly narrowed to $ 145 to $ 155 traders surrounding the post were told that $ 148 to $ 150 would be the likely target 11 some 400,000 shares traded at $ 150 UAL finally opened a half hour late 2 On that earlier day , the stock 's trading was halted at a critical time the specialists could catch their breath 1 Mr. Jacobson , his gray hair flying , did n't wear out his red-white-and-blue sneakers he sweat so much he considered sending out for a new shirt 1 Mr. Bates usually handles day-to-day UAL trading on his own yesterday , the heavy trading action eventually consumed not only Messrs.Jacobson and Bates but four other Jacobson partners , all doing their specialist-firm job of tugging buyers and sellers together and adjusting prices to accommodate the market 6 About 30 floor traders crammed near the UAL post most of the day probably hundreds more came and went -- a `` seething mass , '' as one trader described it 11 The Bear Stearns order that marked the late-day turnaround caused a `` massive buying effort UAL jumped $ 20 a share to $ 170 in the last half hour 1 Britain 's current account deficit dropped to # 1.6 billion ( $ 2.56 billion ) in September from an adjusted # 2 billion ( $ 3.21 billion ) the previous month the improvement comes amid increasing concern that a recession could strike the U.K. economy next year 6 The outlook has deteriorated since the summer , with orders and employment falling and output at a standstill , '' said David Wigglesworth , chairman of the industry group 's economic committee He said investment by businesses is falling off 1 Of 1,224 companies surveyed , 31 % expect to cut spending on plant equipment and machinery only 28 % plan to spend more 1 Of 1,224 companies surveyed , 31 % expect to cut spending on plant equipment and machinery , while only 28 % plan to spend more despite mounting recession fears , government data do n't yet show the economy grinding to a halt 7 But despite mounting recession fears , government data do n't yet show the economy grinding to a halt Unemployment has continued to decline 6 Unemployment , for example , has continued to decline the September trade figures showed increases in both imports and exports 2 But despite mounting recession fears , government data do n't yet show the economy grinding to a halt Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 's government is n't currently expected to ease interest rates before next spring , if then 1 David Owen , U.K. economist with Kleinwort Benson Group , reduced his growth forecast for 1990 to 0.7 % from 1.2 % and termed the risk of recession next year `` quite high he said the downturn probably wo n't become a `` major contraction '' similar to those of 1974 and 1982 1 But despite mounting recession fears , government data do n't yet show the economy grinding to a halt Britain 's current slump is a cause for concern here as the nation joins in the European Community 's plan to create a unified market by 1992 11 Still , Britain 's current slump is a cause for concern here the nation joins in the European Community 's plan to create a unified market by 1992 2 Compared with the major economies on the Continent , the U.K. faces both higher inflation and lower growth in the next several months investment will be more likely to flow toward the other European economies and `` the U.K. will be less prepared for the single market 1 Britain 's latest trade figures contained some positive news for the economy , such as a surge in the volume of exports , which were 8.5 % higher than a year earlier while September exports rose to # 8.43 billion , imports shot up to # 10.37 billion 1 But imports shot up to # 10.37 billion September exports rose to # 8.43 billion 11 we tend to buy high-quality imports the country gets wealthier 6 it expects to receive acceptances for its offer of 253 pence ( $ 4.05 ) per share representing at least 67 % of Ross Catherall 's issued share capital , or 12.7 million ordinary shares its offer includes an option to receive a redeemable loan note in lieu of cash 3 who will bluebloods wo n't pay high prices for racehorses anymore 6 The Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association , a Lexington , Ky.-based trade group , has launched `` seminars '' for `` potential investors '' at race tracks around the country The group is considering promotional videos and perhaps a pitch to Wall Street investment bankers 1 People in this business have been insulated the real future of this game is in a number of people owning a few horses 10 that he sold all his stocks the market plummeted 190 points on Oct. 13 6 that he sold all his stocks a week before the market plummeted 190 points on Oct. 13 he is using the money to help buy a 45-acre horse farm 3 how exciting that would be that 's your horse 1 Breeders are betting on the common folk experts caution that this is n't a game for anyone with a weak stomach or wallet 6 You have to go into it firmly believing that it 's the kind of investment where you can lose everything many have done just that 1 Since then , prices have slumped , to an average of $ 395,374 this summer that 's for the best horses , with most selling for much less -- as little as $ 100 for some pedestrian thoroughbreds 11 racehorse owners still try to capitalize on the elan of the sport they move outside their traditional tony circle 6 These beasts do n't come with warranties for every champion , there are plenty of nags 6 One brown two-year-old filly was wheezing from a cold another had splints on its legs 10 Some badly managed partnerships have burned investors they received advice from industry `` consultants 2 Some badly managed partnerships have burned investors , sometimes after they received advice from industry `` consultants owners have developed a `` code of ethics , '' outlining rules for consultants and agents , and disclosure of fees and any conflicts of interest 1 So owners have developed a `` code of ethics , '' outlining rules for consultants and agents , and disclosure of fees and any conflicts of interest some are skeptical of the code 's effectiveness 1 At a yearling sale , a buyer can go solo and get a horse for a few thousand dollars that means paying the horse 's maintenance 10 Dunkin ' Donuts Inc. , battling a takeover proposal by Canada 's DD Acquisition Corp. , said that its directors will evaluate takeover offers submitted by Nov. 10 Dunkin ' Donuts , based in Randolph , Mass said it would explore `` alternatives , '' including a leveraged buy-out of the company , but had n't set a date for submission of proposals 1 a sale is one alternative being considered the board has n't decided whether to sell the doughnut franchiser 11 Strong profit in the process industries , including chemical and pulp and paper , were offset by higher interest expense and by lower earnings the company closed out certain long-term contracts 6 Combustion reported improved profits in its automation and control products businesses it narrowed its losses in its public sector and environmental segment 3 to retain employees and management of Farmers Group Inc. , including Leo E. Denlea Jr. , chairman and chief executive officer Axa succeeds in acquiring Farmers 6 that the French insurer would keep Farmers ' headquarters in Los Angeles and `` will not send French people to run the company Axa would maintain Farmers ' relationships with the insurance exchanges that it manages 6 Any acquisition of Farmers needs the approval of insurance commissioners in the nine states where Farmers operates Mr. Bebear 's trip will take him to Idaho , Arizona and New York after his stay here 1 Mr. Bebear nonetheless appears to be trying to woo the company 's executives with promises of autonomy and new-found authority under Axa Axa has been rebuffed by Farmers and has n't had any meetings with management 0 Although Axa has been rebuffed by Farmers and has n't had any meetings with management Mr. Bebear appears to be trying to woo the company 's executives with promises of autonomy and new-found authority under Axa 10 the gain on the sale could n't be estimated the `` tax treatment has been determined 1 That division 's revenue rose 2.3 % to $ 472.5 million from $ 461.9 million in the year-ago period Gains in advertising revenue resulted in operating profit of $ 78.4 million -- up 20 % from $ 65.6 million 3 and could cause a loss of future defense contracts Pentagon and Justice Department officials take a tough stance 0 The company has been considered an industry leader in advocating cooperation and voluntary disclosures of improper or inflated billing practices the government now claims that a group of company managers and lawyers engaged in an elaborate strategy over five years to obscure from federal authorities the extent and details of `` widespread '' fraudulent billing practices 2 that all of its units had corrected billing problems and should become eligible again for new contracts 11 that Mr. Orr `` was erroneously informed that the { suspected } practices had only just been discovered '' by GE management GE finally disclosed the problems 10 that allegedly sat on damaging evidence of overcharges from 1983 to 1985 , despite warnings from an internal auditor When GE disclosed the problems 6 that senior GE managers did n't find out about questionable billing practices until 1985 that the information was passed on quickly to Mr. Orr at his first meeting with company representatives 10 initiated the company and two of its units were briefly suspended from federal contracts 1 The company 's conduct `` does not even raise a question of wrongful corporate intent , ratification or cover-up it shows a corporation reacting swiftly and aggressively to very difficult issues in largely uncharted waters 2 it wanted the acquistion Applied Solar is involved in solar cells and solid-state laser components , and this fits with McDonnell 's business of laser applications for military space 6 it wanted the acquistion because Applied Solar is involved in solar cells and solid-state laser components this fits with McDonnell 's business of laser applications for military space 1 it was expected to make an announcement early this morning he was n't aware of the nature of the talks under way between committee members and their advisers 10 Cineplex traded on the New York Stock Exchange at $ 11.25 a share , up $ 1.125 trading was halted 6 Tokyo 's winning streak came to an end stocks fell in Frankfurt and across Europe as well 6 The trade and CBI reports refocused attention on high interest rates and corporate profitability and helped rekindle underlying concerns over prospects for a recession in the U.K. , dealers said Market watchers noted an absence of institutional interest later in the session helped pave the way for broader declines when Wall Street opened weaker 10 an absence of institutional interest later in the session helped pave the way for broader declines Wall Street opened weaker 1 that market-makers were knocking share prices down in midafternoon in a bid to attract some interest the action largely helped open the way for London 's late declines 8 On the life insurance side , Pearl Group finished 5 lower at 640 Sun Life dropped 15 to # 11.53 10 that it will seek 100 % of Jaguar 's shares outstanding U.K. government share regulations are lifted at the end of next year 1 the market again failed to find a trading focus , discouraging much participation by investors The market is expected to remain stable and expectations for future gains are high 6 The market , however , is expected to remain stable expectations for future gains are high 2 The market sentiment is bullish there are few bad factors 1 Buying activity Tuesday centered on a wide range of midcapitalization , domestic demand-related shares whose prices range from 1,000 to 2,000 yen high-priced shares such as Pioneer Electronic and Sony failed to spark investor interest 2 On the other hand , high-priced shares such as Pioneer Electronic and Sony failed to spark investor interest these issues are unlikely to be bought by investment trust funds 8 TDK fell 120 to 5,960 , Fuji Photo Film declined 160 to 4,830 Fanuc dropped 160 to 7,440 11 Share prices on the Frankfurt stock exchange closed sharply lower in thin dealings worried investors remained idle as the result of two potentially destabilizing domestic developments 2 Share prices on the Frankfurt stock exchange closed sharply lower in thin dealings worried investors remained idle as the result of two potentially destabilizing domestic developments 11 the market was exceptionally thin small investors remain on the sidelines 2 the market was exceptionally thin small investors remain on the sidelines 6 investors are not only licking their wounds following the turbulence last week they have also been made nervous by two events in West Germany 6 investors are not only licking their wounds following the turbulence last week but they have been made nervous by two events in West Germany 6 investors are worried that the CDU wo n't be able to hold office in federal elections at the end of 1990 statements by the chairman of the IG Metall labor union , Franz Steinkuehler , also cast a cloud over trading 6 investors are worried that the CDU wo n't be able to hold office in federal elections at the end of 1990 And statements by the chairman of the IG Metall labor union , Franz Steinkuehler , cast a cloud over trading 11 The decline in prices cut broadly through the blue-chip issues Siemens tumbled 7.5 to 544 , Deutsche Bank plunged 7 to 657 , and the auto makers fell sharply as well 6 The decline in prices cut broadly through the blue-chip issues , as Siemens tumbled 7.5 to 544 , Deutsche Bank plunged 7 to 657 the auto makers fell sharply as well 8 Daimler-Benz dropped 12.5 to 710.5 , Bayerische Motoren Werke dropped 10.5 to 543.5 Volkswagen lost 7.1 0 Savings and loans reject blacks for mortgage loans twice as often as they reject whites that does n't necessarily mean thrifts are discriminating against blacks 2 it does n't have data on the financial position of applicants and ca n't determine why blacks are rejected more often 1 it does n't have data on the financial position of applicants and thus ca n't determine why blacks are rejected more often they are worried that financial institutions are routinely discriminating against minorities 1 m not a statistician when blacks are getting their loan applications rejected twice as often as whites I conclude that discrimination is part of the problem 11 But that discrimination is part of the problem blacks are getting their loan applications rejected twice as often as whites 3 But that discrimination is part of the problem blacks are getting their loan applications rejected twice as often as whites 6 when blacks are getting their loan applications rejected twice as often as whites in some cities , it is three and four times as often 1 The data is a red flag lacking the financial data you ca n't make a case that discrimination is widespread 6 that required regulators to report on evidence of discimination in mortgage lending The legislation requires broad new disclosures of the race , sex and income level of borrowers 1 The legislation also requires broad new disclosures of the race , sex and income level of borrowers that information wo n't be gathered in new studies for several months at least 1 The Federal Reserve said its studies in recent years , which adjust for income differences and other variables , showed that blacks received fewer home mortgages from banks and thrifts than whites John LaWare , a Fed governor , told the subcommittee the evidence is mixed and that the Fed 's believes the vast majority of banks are n't discriminating 6 the evidence is mixed the vast majority of banks are n't discriminating 7 the evidence is mixed and that the Fed 's believes the vast majority of banks are n't discriminating the Fed studies have shown that blacks receive more home improvement loans than whites 3 we 've got folks out there who are being turned away in the mortgage market improperly and unfairly that is a matter that needs remedy now , not six months from now , or six years from now , or 26 years from now 6 The comptroller 's office said it found no indications of illegal discrimination in 3,437 examinations of banks since April 1987 The comptroller 's office said that of 37,000 complaints it received since January 1987 , only 16 alleged racial discrimination in real estate lending 1 The agency investigated the complaints no violations were cited 1 Using testers could be controversial with financial institutions the U.S. League of Savings Institutions had n't yet taken any position on the matter 6 Time Warner Inc. is considering a legal challenge to Tele-Communications Inc. 's plan to buy half of Showtime Networks Inc. , a move that could lead to all-out war between the cable industry 's two most powerful players Time is fighting the transaction on other fronts , by attempting to discourage other cable operators from joining Tele-Communications as investors in Showtime 6 Tele-Communications is HBO 's largest customer the two have a number of other business relationships 10 Time may seek to break up the transaction it is consummated 1 he was n't aware of Time 's legal plans that any effort by Time to characterize the Tele-Communications investment in Showtime as anti-competitive would be `` the pot calling the kettle black 11 It 's hard to see how an investment by the largest { cable operator } in the weaker of the two networks is anti-competitive the stronger of the two networks is owned by the second largest '' cable operator 3 It 's hard to see how an investment by the largest { cable operator } in the weaker of the two networks is anti-competitive the stronger of the two networks is owned by the second largest '' cable operator 6 In addition to owning HBO , with 22 million subscribers Time Warner operates cable-TV system serving about 5.6 million cable-TV subscribers 6 Tele-Communications controls close to 12 million cable subscribers Viacom has about one million 2 that Viacom has potentially more power Viacom also owns cable networks MTV , VH-1 and Nick at Nite 6 that in joining up with Tele-Communications particularly since Viacom owns cable networks MTV , VH-1 and Nick at Nite 6 Tele-Communications has a 21.8 % stake Time Warner has a 17.8 % stake 1 Ironically , Tele-Communications and Time have often worked closely in the cable business since Time 's merger with Warner Communications Inc. , relations between the two have become strained 6 In its suit against Time , Viacom says the ownership of both cable systems and cable-programming networks gives the company too much market power.Time argues that in joining up with Tele-Communications , Viacom has potentially more power , particularly since Viacom also owns cable networks MTV , VH-1 and Nick at Nite some legal observers say the Tele-Communications investment and other developments are weakening Viacom 's antitrust suit against Time 1 Viacom accuses Time in its suit of refusing to carry Showtime or a sister service , The Movie Channel , on Time 's Manhattan Cable TV system , one of the nation 's largest urban systems yesterday , Manhattan Cable announced it will launch Showtime on Nov. 1 to over 230,000 subscribers 6 Viacom accuses Time in its suit of refusing to carry Showtime or a sister service , The Movie Channel , on Time 's Manhattan Cable TV system , one of the nation 's largest urban systems Showtime has accused HBO of locking up the lion 's share of Hollywood 's movies by signing exclusive contracts with all the major studios 1 Showtime has also accused HBO of locking up the lion 's share of Hollywood 's movies by signing exclusive contracts with all the major studios Showtime has continued to sign new contracts with Hollywood studios , and yesterday announced it will buy movies from Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc. , which currently has a non-exclusive arrangement with HBO 3 Under federal law the FTC must begin administrative proceedings to determine the legality of the proposed stock purchase within 20 days the court grants a preliminary injunction 6 several major carriers have posted or are expected to post relatively poor third-quarter results So far , the industry 's fourth quarter is n't looking too strong either the outlook for 1990 is nearly as bad 6 when fares were rising at double-digit rates many carriers seemed to be growing fat on near-monopolies in certain markets 6 Now , many airline companies might become a lot less attractive as takeover targets on Wall Street The downturn raises questions about the carriers ' ambitious orders for new airplanes 1 This turn of events has put a big damper on an industry that seemed almost invincible last spring For travelers the industry 's problems have had some positive effects 10 Others have tried to spruce up frequent-flier programs airlines were limiting the programs because they were becoming too expensive 2 Previously , airlines were limiting the programs they were becoming too expensive 7 For travelers , though , the industry 's problems have had some positive effects Just last week Trans World Airlines and Pan Am Corp. 's Pan American World Airways went so far as to offer cash rebates or gift checks of $ 200 to $ 1,000 to certain frequent-flier members making trans-Atlantic flights in business class or first class 10 USAir had said its third-quarter results would be `` significantly lower '' than a year earlier that 2 The results surprised many analysts USAir has almost no competition in its Pittsburgh hub and has expanded operations by completing its acquisition of Piedmont Airlines 10 USAir 's stock tumbled $ 3 a share announcing its quarterly loss 2 this was hefty fare increases earlier in the year scared off many leisure travelers this summer 1 To try to combat the traffic slowdown , airlines started reducing fares so far , the effort has failed , and traffic is still slow 6 But so far , the effort has failed traffic is still slow 2 But so far , the effort has failed traffic is still slow 3 in which children were allowed to fly free they were traveling with an adult 1 Airlines tried to restrict the program substantially by limiting the offer to certain days of the week it still was apparently used far more heavily than the airlines expected 6 Airlines tried to restrict the program substantially by limiting the offer to certain days of the week , but it still was apparently used far more heavily than the airlines expected Airlines say their frequent-flier programs are squeezing profits because awards are being redeemed at a heavier-than-normal rate 2 their frequent-flier programs are squeezing profits awards are being redeemed at a heavier-than-normal rate 2 about three times as many free-travel coupons are being turned in as in previous years -- not surprisingly the airlines last year allowed many travelers to build up mileage at triple the normal rate 8 the industry 's domestic traffic was flat in the third quarter But so far , the effort has failed , and traffic is still slow Some other fare promotions have backfired their frequent-flier programs are squeezing profits Rising operating expenses are another problem some carriers are facing other unexpected headaches 7 And some carriers are facing other unexpected headaches USAir blamed some of its loss on merger expenses and on disruptions caused by Hurricane Hugo last month 1 Those Metropolitan Life ads were bad enough now , Charlie Brown is about to start pitching everything from Chex Party Mix to light bulbs 6 Turns out that next year , Charlie Brown , Snoopy and the gang turn 40 Scripps Howard 's United Media unit , the syndicator and licensing agent for Charles Schulz 's comic strip , sees a bonanza in licensing the cartoon characters to a bevy of advertisers for ads , tie-ins and promotions 6 Ralston Purina will promote its Chex Party Mix 's three new flavor packets named for Charlie Brown , Lucy and Linus The characters will be featured in a new public service effort for the United Way 1 Beyond the advertisements , the syndicator is planning a traveling arena show , new TV specials for CBS and even an exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute All the tie-ins have some marketing experts questioning whether the party may go too far 3 you have to make your message as distinct , sharp and individual as possible you want to cut through the clutter 1 All the tie-ins , though , have some marketing experts questioning whether the party may go too far United Media says it 's very scrupulous with the contracts it hands out 1 Metropolitan Life ad executives could n't be reached about the use of the Peanuts characters by others Mr . Shore says that company 's exclusive advertising rights extend only to the insurance and financial services category 10 Mr. Berry , 58 , had resigned being asked by Ogilvy 's chairman and chief executive officer , Kenneth Roman , to give up his title as creative head of the New York office and to take a fuzzier international role 10 Yesterday WPP said Mr. Berry would return to take an international role at the parent company Mr. Roman announced he would leave to take a top post at American Express 6 the timing was a coincidence that his decision was unrelated to Mr. Roman 's departure 1 New York-based RJR Nabisco would n't say what it spends annually industry executives say it will spend more than $ 140 million this year , down from about $ 200 million last year 10 A majority stake in Paxus currently held by NZI Corp. will be diluted to slightly less than 50 % IBM acquires its interest 1 others are undervalued in the accounts some assets have been written down 6 An investment in Chile 's telephone company is carried at US $ 300 million but really worth US $ 500 million the company 's property portfolio is undervalued by at least A $ 250 million 0 they expect flat sales next year they see the U.S. luxury-car market expanding slightly 6 Most of the growth , he said , will come in the $ 35,000-to- $ 50,000 price range , where Mercedes has a 35 % U.S. market share Mr. Krampe said that Mercedes plans to bring out new models every year through the mid-1990s and it will shorten its product development cycle to eight years from 10 or 12 years to compete more effectively with Toyota Motor Corp. 's Lexus , Nissan Motor Co. 's Infiniti and Honda Motor Co. 's Acura luxury-car divisions 6 that Mercedes plans to bring out new models every year through the mid-1990s it will shorten its product development cycle to eight years from 10 or 12 years 5 it will alter the auctions it has assurance of enactment of legislation to raise the statutory debt limit before the scheduled auctions Monday 6 its core businesses have performed well it expects them to continue to do so in the remainder of the fiscal year 6 Demand has been growing consistently under the encouragement of pro-consumption government policies , an association spokesman said He said the introduction of a 3 % consumption tax in April has helped sales 6 Minitruck production fell 13 % to 94,243 units Bus production slipped , by 49 % from a year earlier to 2,936 units 10 announced the market closed Monday 10 The deepening bloodbath for takeover-stock traders who had seen UAL stock tumble 49 % since Oct. 12 6 The board 's decision initially prompted a severe sell-off in UAL shares The deepening bloodbath for takeover-stock traders triggered a marketwide sell-off that sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average down more than 80 points at 10:40 a.m 1 The deepening bloodbath for takeover-stock traders also triggered a marketwide sell-off that sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average down more than 80 points at 10:40 a.m then steady , concentrated buying by Bear , Stearns & Co. took hold and steadied the fall in UAL , which eventually buoyed the entire market 10 The deepening bloodbath for takeover-stock traders also triggered a marketwide sell-off that sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average down more than 80 points at 10:40 a.m But steady , concentrated buying by Bear , Stearns & Co. took hold and steadied the fall in UAL 1 The two most frequently rumored buyers were Coniston Partners and New York real estate developer Donald Trump one person familiar with UAL said the signs pointed to Coniston because Mr. Trump has n't asked for permission to buy more than $ 15 million of stock under federal antitrust rules 2 the signs pointed to Coniston Mr. Trump has n't asked for permission to buy more than $ 15 million of stock under federal antitrust rules 1 Baker , Nye Investments , a New York takeover-stock trader that owns UAL stock , would n't comment on reports the firm is considering seeking such a shareholder vote partner Richard Nye said , `` This is the most extraordinary failed transaction I 've seen in 25 years in this business 10 In 1986 , Baker , Nye waged a proxy fight for control of Leaseway Transportation Inc that led to Leaseway 's being sold 2 In 1986 , Baker , Nye waged a proxy fight for control of Leaseway Transportation Inc that led to Leaseway 's being sold 1 that recapitalizations could yield $ 245 to $ 280 a share those would require pilots ' cooperation 6 The pilots are working under an expired contract the machinists contract expires next month 1 Any investor who acquires UAL stock in an attempt to force a buy-out or recapitalization must deal with United 's contentious unions a catalyst like Coniston could seek shareholder support for a sale to a labor-management group at the last price discussed by that group before the board meeting Monday 2 the unsettled labor situation and the uncertain world-wide financial markets contributed to the board 's decision to avoid `` rushing around selling the company at a bargain price it accepted a $ 300-a-share offer just last month 6 they could n't quarrel with the board 's logic the board 's decision prompted many to bail out of the stock yesterday 1 They check in they ca n't check out 1 Any investor who acquires UAL stock in an attempt to force a buy-out or recapitalization must deal with United 's contentious unions both the traders and the pilots remain interested in some transaction 1 The pilots might end up teaming up with their longtime adversaries , the machinists union , in a recapitalization It is unclear if the machinists would support a majority stake 6 One person familiar with Texas billionaire Robert Bass said he is n't likely to make any hostile moves a spokesman for Reliance Group Holdings Inc. , which had held 7 % of UAL before the first buy-out bid but later reduced its holdings below 5 % , would n't comment 10 which had held 7 % of UAL before the first buy-out bid but reduced its holdings below 5 % 5 The Los Angeles investor ca n't buy UAL stock , solicit shareholder consents or make a new offer he makes a formal offer of $ 300 a share or UAL accepts an offer below $ 300 1 The Los Angeles investor ca n't buy UAL stock , solicit shareholder consents or make a new offer unless he makes a formal offer of $ 300 a share or UAL accepts an offer below $ 300 Mr. Davis could pressure the board by asking that the agreement be waived , or letting it be known that he has financing for an offer at a lower price 10 tried to rally but failed and triggered stop-loss orders on its way down 3 to execute them the market hits a predetermined price 1 the decline was almost certainly influenced by the early sell-off in the stock market , which partly reflected a weakening economy though a weakening economy implies reduced demand h hat Third World copper-producing countries have n't any choice but to sell copper 0 But that Third World copper-producing countries have n't any choice but to sell copper a weakening economy implies reduced demand 11 that a lot of traders had bought into the market the price was in the $ 1.24 to $ 1.26 range 10 traders started selling out their positions the market fell below that level on Monday and then yesterday could n't climb above that level 10 When the market fell below that level on Monday and yesterday could n't climb above that level 10 that we could see a rally back to the $ 1.20 region the selling abates somewhat 3 the number is a little better copper will respond positively 3 it is worse more selling could ensue 7 that relating economic numbers to specific market activity is tricky Yesterday the durable goods numbers came out for September and the number was down only 0.1 % However , if you exclude defense-related orders then durable goods were down 3.9 % .I believe that number reflects a slowing economy 6 Yesterday , for example , `` the durable goods numbers came out for September the number was down only 0.1 % 1 and the number was down only 0.1 % if you exclude defense-related orders then durable goods were down 3.9 % 3 you exclude defense-related orders However durable goods were down 3.9 % 6 that the preliminary estimate of the third-quarter gross national product is due out tomorrow copper traders will be looking toward the release of the index of leading economic indicators next Tuesday 0 that number reflects a slowing economy that so far this year copper consumption is way ahead of the same period of 1988 , and that projected production is below last year 6 that so far this year copper consumption is way ahead of the same period of 1988 that projected production is below last year 1 the copper market seems to be anticipating a recession in three months we have had that exact same perception six times in the last six years 3 we will be out of copper by the end of March there is n't a recession 3 that will change the statistical situation there is a recession 10 Prices for the U.S. benchmark West Texas Intermediate crude remained locked in a fairly narrow range ending the session four cents lower at $ 19.72 a barrel for December delivery 0 the petroleum market was ready to rally after two days of price declines from profit-taking an early 80-point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average stopped the crude rally cold 1 The industrial average recovered to close only 3.69 points lower petroleum futures never shook off the chill 1 that two weeks ago there were rumors of Soviet sales of precious metals to finance grain purchases the sales do n't seem to have materialized 11 Gold still acts as a haven uncertainty prevails in the financial markets as it did '' yesterday 6 The high ratio reflects the fact that silver is still regarded as about a half-industrial metal its price lagging relative to gold says that traders are expecting a weakening economy 10 GRAINS AND SOYBEANS : Prices closed lower trading in relatively narrow ranges because of strong selling in the cash market and continued favorable harvest weather 1 The sale to the Chinese government of 330,000 metric tons of wheat under the government 's export enhancement program was announced after the close of trading Monday the sale was expected and failed to buoy prices yesterday 10 Futures at first continued the rally begun on Monday but faltered and closed lower 10 triggered some previously placed buy orders just above $ 1,030 a metric ton , pushing the price to $ 1,040 and encountered heavy selling by traders who buy and sell for their own accounts and by commercial interests 0 cocoa fell to relentless pressure from bearish traders there was arbitrage buying in New York because of the weak dollar 1 cocoa fell to relentless pressure from bearish traders there is much more of a decline in store for cocoa 6 its lifetime high was $ 1,735 , set in 1988 its recent high was $ 1,368 , set in early August 6 The last time cocoa traded at prices as low as currently was in 1974 while further modest declines might be ahead , Mr. Hafer said it would be difficult to get through resistance levels just above yesterday 's high 0 it would be difficult to get through resistance levels just above yesterday 's high further modest declines might be ahead 6 its major creditor , General Electric Pension Trust , agreed to convert $ 11.8 million of debt owed into 25 % of Color System 's fully diluted common stock The agreement calls for General Electric Pension , a unit of General Electric Co. , to receive as much as 10 % of Color Systems ' fully diluted common stock , depending on the proceeds from the sale of the AEI Film Library and its receivables 10 General Electric Pension took control of the 85-title library last month Color Systems defaulted on the loan 1 Next to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts 's megabillion RJR Nabisco deal , SCI Television is small fry the troubles of SCI TV are a classic tale of the leveraged buy-out excesses of the 1980s , especially the asset-stripping game 10 that went bad piling on debt 0 SCI TV is n't just another LBO that went bad after piling on debt it did do that 1 SCI TV 's buy-out was an ace in the hole for Mr. Kravis and for investors in KKR partnerships it has left holders of SCI TV 's junk bonds holding the bag , including some heavyweights that KKR might need to finance future deals , such as Kemper Financial Services , First Executive , Columbia Savings & Loan and Prudential Insurance Co. of America 6 Some junk-holders are said to be considering legal action against KKR or moves to force SCI TV into bankruptcy court KKR 's majority partner in SCI TV 's buy-out , Nashville , Tenn. , entrepreneur George Gillett , also is said to be very unhappy 6 Some junk-holders are said to be considering legal action against KKR or moves to force SCI TV into bankruptcy court And KKR 's majority partner in SCI TV 's buy-out , Nashville , Tenn. , entrepreneur George Gillett , is said to be very unhappy 10 KKR loaded up the cable and television company with debt in an 1985 buy-out later sold Storer 's cable operations at a fat profit 10 KKR loaded up the cable and television company with debt in an 1985 buy-out then sold Storer 's cable operations at a fat profit 6 In this second LBO , KKR with one hand took more than $ 1 billion of cash out of the TV company 's assets and moved it into the Storer cable operations , making them more valuable in a 1988 sale Storer took $ 125 million of junior SCI TV bonds as partial payment for the TV assets 2 With the other hand , KKR put back into SCI TV less than 10 % of the cash it had taken out , buying SCI TV common and preferred shares while KKR today has an estimated $ 250 million sunk in now-shaky SCI TV , including equity and debt , the LBO firm still is $ 1 billion ahead on the SCI TV buy-out after taking cash up front 0 So the LBO firm still is $ 1 billion ahead on the SCI TV buy-out after taking cash up front KKR today has an estimated $ 250 million sunk in now-shaky SCI TV , including equity and debt 10 the LBO firm still is $ 1 billion ahead on the SCI TV buy-out taking cash up front 11 So , while KKR today has an estimated $ 250 million sunk in now-shaky SCI TV , including equity and debt , the LBO firm still is $ 1 billion ahead on the SCI TV buy-out after taking cash up front.On Storer as a whole , KKR racked up compound annual returns of 60 % in the three years it owned Storer Mr. Gillett risks losing his entire equity investment of about $ 100 million in SCI TV if the company ca n't be restructured 6 So , while KKR today has an estimated $ 250 million sunk in now-shaky SCI TV , including equity and debt , the LBO firm still is $ 1 billion ahead on the SCI TV buy-out after taking cash up front.On Storer as a whole , KKR racked up compound annual returns of 60 % in the three years it owned Storer Mr. Gillett risks losing his entire equity investment of about $ 100 million in SCI TV if the company ca n't be restructured 3 Meanwhile , Mr. Gillett risks losing his entire equity investment of about $ 100 million in SCI TV the company ca n't be restructured 9 Meanwhile , Mr. Gillett risks losing his entire equity investment of about $ 100 million in SCI TV if the company ca n't be restructured Mr. Gillett 's holding company , Gillett Holdings , is heavily indebted and , except for its Vail Mountain resorts , is n't doing very well 3 that it might fetch 30 % less than in the 1987 buy-out SCI TV had to be liquidated today 11 that if SCI TV had to be liquidated today , it might fetch 30 % less than in the 1987 buy-out , wiping out most of the company 's junk-holders and its stockholders SCI TV can barely pay its cash interest bill , and to stay out of bankruptcy court it must soon reschedule a lot of bank loans and junk bonds that have fallen due 6 that if SCI TV had to be liquidated today , it might fetch 30 % less than in the 1987 buy-out , wiping out most of the company 's junk-holders and its stockholders SCI TV can barely pay its cash interest bill , and to stay out of bankruptcy court it must soon reschedule a lot of bank loans and junk bonds that have fallen due 6 Meanwhile , SCI TV can barely pay its cash interest bill to stay out of bankruptcy court it must soon reschedule a lot of bank loans and junk bonds that have fallen due 0 Negotiations `` have started con- structively that 's not to say we like this particular offer 1 No major player in the SCI TV deal will talk publicly it 's understood that Mr. Kravis is disappointed that Mr. Gillett did n't manage to boost SCI TV 's operating profit after the buy-out 3 SCI TV can survive lenders extend its debt payments until TV stations rise in value again 10 if lenders extend its debt payments TV stations rise in value again 0 They would both give part of their combined $ 50 million in common equity in SCI TV to holders of SCI TV 's $ 488 million of junk bonds , as a carrot to persuade them to accept new bonds that might reduce the value of their claims on the company some militant SCI TV junk-holders say that 's not enough 1 Junk-holders say they have a stick to beat KKR with others say junk-holders have nothing to gain by putting SCI TV into bankruptcy-law proceedings 1 it clearly has much deeper pockets than Mr. Gillett KKR does n't control SCI TVwhich is unusual for a KKR investment 11 Mr. Kravis set a precedent for putting new money in sour LBOs recently KKR restructured foundering Seaman Furniture 1 Mr. Kravis set a precedent for putting new money in sour LBOs recently when KKR restructured foundering Seaman Furniture , doubling KKR 's equity stake with Seaman , KKR was only trying to salvage its original investment 1 But with Seaman , KKR was only trying to salvage its original investment KKR probably has already made all the money it can on SCI TV 6 By contrast , KKR probably has already made all the money it can on SCI TV he is n't in a hurry to pour more money into SCI TV 6 Rubbermaid Inc. boosted its quarterly dividend 18 % , to 13 cents a share from 11 cents the company 's board adopted a proposal to amend its 1986 shareholder rights plan 1 Some changes to the plan were minor adjustments the most significant was an amendment that provides that if any investor holds 25 % or more of Rubbermaid 's voting securities , each right held by others would entitle the holder to buy Rubbermaid shares with a market value of twice the right 's exercise price 3 that each right held by others would entitle the holder to buy Rubbermaid shares with a market value of twice the right 's exercise price any investor holds 25 % or more of Rubbermaid 's voting securities 11 The stock market went on a dizzying ride UAL , parent of United Airlines , once again led shares into a breathtaking decline and then an afternoon comeback 6 Takeover stock speculation and futures-related program trading drove the industrial average through wide ranges there is more volatility to come 11 a trading limit was hit in the S & P 500 stock futures pit stocks and stock-index futures fell 1 That caused a brief period of panic selling of stocks on the Big Board at a critical moment , stock-index arbitrage traders showed their power and control.They scooped up hundreds of S & P futures when the market needed it most 11 They scooped up hundreds of S & P futures the market needed it most 10 a preliminary price was flashed for UAL -- somewhere between 135 and 155 , a loss of as much as $ 43 a share from Monday 's close the Big Board opened 10 A UAL statement after the market closed Monday indicated that the airline 's board wanted to keep the company independent , effectively crushing hopes of an immediate buy-out.Five minutes before the Big Board opened , a preliminary price was flashed for UAL -- somewhere between 135 and 155 , a loss of as much as $ 43 a share from Monday 's close UAL opened for trading at 10:08 a.m. at 150 , down $ 28 10 There was a seething mass of people there was a big liquidation of stock '' across the board 6 At 10:33 S & P futures trading was halted program trades on the Big Board were routed into a special computer that scans for order imbalances 1 Under the rules adopted by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , the futures contract can not drop below the limit buyers can purchase futures 0 The trading halt in the S & P 500 futures exacerbated selling and confusion as the fright began to spread through the S & P pit , the big brokerage firms came in and bought futures aggressively 11 But the big brokerage firms came in and bought futures aggressively the fright began to spread through the S & P pit 10 but held back on their offsetting purchases of futures the S & P futures hit the trading limit 10 These firms sold stock into the big morning decline , but seeing the velocity of the market 's drop , held back on their offsetting purchases of futures until the S & P futures hit the trading limit they completed the other side of the trade by buying futures 2 which abruptly halted the stock market 's decline traders began to buy stocks 11 which abruptly halted the stock market 's decline traders began to buy stocks 10 From then on , the Dow industrials held at a loss of 40 to 50 points in late-afternoon trading , hundred-thousand-share buy orders for UAL hit the market , including a 200,000-share order through Bear Stearns 11 Then , in late-afternoon trading , hundred-thousand-share buy orders for UAL hit the market , including a 200,000-share order through Bear Stearns that seemed to spark UAL 's late price surge PaineWebber began a very visible buy program for dozens of stocks 10 The combined buying rallied the Dow into a small gain closing at a slight loss 1 Some institutional traders loved the wild ride traders who risk money handling big blocks of stock were shaken 0 Credibility sounds intangible I think we are losing credibility 2 we are losing credibility when the market does this , it does n't present itself as a rational investment 3 because it does n't present itself as a rational investment the market does this 0 because when the market does this , it does n't present itself as a rational investment if you overlook all this , it is a beautiful market for investment still 3 But it is a beautiful market for investment still you overlook all this 6 Other airline stocks fell in response to the UAL board 's decision to remain independent for now , including USAir Group which reported a third-quarter loss of $ 1.86 a share compared with a year-ago profit 6 AMR , the parent of American Airlines , fell 1 3/4 to 68 7/8 on 2.3 million shares ; Delta Air Lines lost 1 1/2 to 66 , Southwest Airlines slid 3/4 to 24 1/4 Midway Airlines dropped 1/4 to 14 7/8 6 UAL finished at 170 , off 8 3/8 Other airline stocks fell in response to the UAL board 's decision to remain independent for now , including USAir Group , which separately reported a third-quarter loss of $ 1.86 a share compared with a year-ago profit Metals stocks were especially weak , as concerns about the earnings outlook for cyclical companies weighed on the group 2 Metals stocks also were especially weak concerns about the earnings outlook for cyclical companies weighed on the group 6 Aluminum Co. of America dropped 1 1/2 to 70 1/4 , Phelps Dodge fell 4 to 59 7/8 , Asarco lost 1 3/8 to 31 3/4 , Reynolds Metals slid 1 3/8 to 50 3/8 , Amax dropped 1 1/8 to 21 5/8 Cyprus Minerals skidded 2 to 26 3/4 2 Alcan Aluminium was an exception it gained 1 3/8 to 23 on two million shares 6 BankAmerica dropped 1 1/4 to 29 1/2 on 2.3 million shares amid rumors that the earthquake last week in the San Francisco area had caused structural damage to its headquarters building Stocks of California-based thrifts were hard hit 6 Great Western Financial lost 1 1/8 to 20 1/2 on 1.6 million shares , Golden West Financial dropped 1 1/4 to 28 1/2 H.F. Ahmanson dipped 5/8 to 21 1/4 10 Golden Valley Microwave Foods skidded 3 5/8 to 31 3/4 warning that its fourth-quarter results could be hurt by `` some fairly large international marketing expenses 10 Vista Chemical rose 1 3/8 to 38 5/8 Bear Stearns added the stock to the firm 's buy list , citing recent price weakness 3 Strongly answer an unasked one a question ca n't be answered 10 Treasury bonds closed higher being whipsawed by a volatile stock market 1 After being whipsawed by a volatile stock market , Treasury bonds closed higher junk bonds took more hits 2 trading volume was heavy large institutional investors scrambled to buy long-term Treasury bonds on speculation that the stock market 's volatility would lead to a `` flight-to-quality '' rally 10 That happens nervous stock investors dump equities and buy Treasurys 2 which are higher in quality and considered safe 10 Some retail accounts , such as commercial banks and pension funds , wanted to get on the bandwagon it was too late 1 At one point , the Dow Jones Industrial average fell about 80 points on news that UAL Corp. decided to remain independent.In response , Treasury prices soared 1 1/8 points , or about $ 11.25 for each $ 1,000 face amount the gains in Treasury bonds were pared as stocks staged a partial recovery 2 But the gains in Treasury bonds were pared stocks staged a partial recovery 6 trading volume was heavy as large institutional investors scrambled to buy long-term Treasury bonds on speculation that the stock market 's volatility would lead to a `` flight-to-quality '' rally the bond market 's strength is a sign that investors expect the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates amid growing evidence that the economy is slowing 1 they say the case for lower rates is building they do n't expect the Fed to move right away 7 the case for lower rates is building that new orders for durable goods fell 0.1 % , while the nation 's auto makers reported lackluster mid-October sales 1 Yesterday , for example , the Commerce Department reported that new orders for durable goods fell 0.1 % the nation 's auto makers reported lackluster mid-October sales 1 The Treasury 's 30-year bond ended over 1/4 point higher.Municipal , mortgage-backed and investment-grade corporate bonds rose 1/8 to 1/2 point high-yield , high-risk bonds fell 1/4 to 1/2 point with the stock market early in the session and never recovered 2 Trading activity in the junk market was extremely light dealers could n't find enough buyers to match sellers 11 most { junk bond holders } were just watching it not knowing what to do the stock market was falling 2 investors are nervous about the issue the company 's ability to meet debt payments is dependent on too many variables , including the sale of assets and the need to mortgage property to retire some existing debt 6 the company 's ability to meet debt payments is dependent on too many variables , including the sale of assets and the need to mortgage property to retire some existing debt the TW offering includes interest-deferred and pay-in-kind securities , which are currently unpopular 11 Trading activity in the junk market was extremely light as dealers could n't find enough buyers to match sellers investors turned a cold shoulder to the Treasury 's sale of $ 10 billion of new two-year notes yesterday 6 Trading activity in the junk market was extremely light as dealers could n't find enough buyers to match sellers investors turned a cold shoulder to the Treasury 's sale of $ 10 billion of new two-year notes yesterday 1 People are looking past supply to lower interest rates they 're also worried about being whipsawed by the volatility in the stock market 6 People are looking past supply to lower interest rates but they 're worried about being whipsawed by the volatility in the stock market 6 The new two-year notes were priced with an average yield of 7.74 % .That was higher than the 7.71 % to 7.73 % average yield that traders had expected.In when-issued trading , the notes were quoted at a price to yield 7.78 % Sluggish demand was evidenced by the weak 2.41-to-1 bid-to-cover ratio , which was lower than the average 2.79-to-1 ratio at the last 12 similar auctions 2 players shied away from the note sale they were concerned that prices at the time of the auction might erode if the stock market staged a recovery 3 that prices at the time of the auction might erode the stock market staged a recovery 6 that prices at the time of the auction might erode if the stock market staged a recovery which did happen 0 They are typically not active in two-year note auctions today 's participation could be viewed as lighter-than-normal 0 Interest by Japanese investors was limited that the Japanese generally have a positive view of the U.S. bond market because of expectations that the dollar will remain strong and interest rates will decline 6 that the dollar will remain strong interest rates will decline 1 The discount rate on three-month Treasury bills was quoted at 7.52 % for a bond-equivalent yield of 7.75 % the rate on six-month Treasury bills was quoted at 7.47 % for a yield of 7.85 % 2 Rates are determined by the difference between the purchase price and face value higher bidding narrows the investor 's return while lower bidding widens it 1 Thus , higher bidding narrows the investor 's return lower bidding widens it 6 Citicorp issued $ 200 million of seven-year notes priced to yield 8.82 % Xerox priced $ 150 million of six-year notes to yield 8.85 % 11 Several blue-chip companies tapped the new-issue market yesterday to take advantage of falling interest rates International Business Machines Corp. paved the way for a visit to the credit markets by filing a shelf registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission for $ 800 million in new debt 6 municipals were underpinned by influences including the climb in Treasury issue prices municipal bonds lured buying because the stock market remains wobbly 2 Also , municipal bonds lured buying the stock market remains wobbly 1 municipals were underpinned by influences including the climb in Treasury issue prices.Also , municipal bonds lured buying because the stock market remains wobbly Mainly it was a favorable outlook for yesterday 's new supply that propped up municipals 2 The derivative markets remained active one new issue was priced and talk circulated about more offerings in the next day or two 6 The derivative markets remained active as one new issue was priced talk circulated about more offerings in the next day or two 10 Among major pass-through issues , Ginnie Mae 9 % securities for November delivery ended at 98 15/32 , up 5/32 touching an early high of 98 27/32 2 The Ginnie Mae 9 % issue was yielding 9.34 % to a 12-year average life assumption the spread above the Treasury 10-year note held at 1.46 percentage points 10 The Eurodollar bond market sprang to life late in the European trading session the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled 0 Eurodollar bonds are often issued by foreign corporations interest and principal are paid in dollars 6 The Eurodollar bond market sprang to life late in the European trading session after the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled Prices of European government bonds rose as U.S. stocks declined 2 Prices of European government bonds also rose U.S. stocks declined 1 West Germany 's 7 % issue due October 1999 rose 0.13 point to 99.93 to yield 7.01 % the 6 3/4 % issue due July 1994 rose 0.05 to 97.70 to yield 7.33 % 1 Britain 's 11 3/4 % Treasury bond due 2003/2007 rose 17/32 to 112 6/32 to yield 10.05 % the 12 % notes due 1995 rose 11/32 to 104 2/32 to yield 10.93 % 6 that it has removed Thomas R. Waggoner as president and chief executive officer that John R. Wolf , formerly executive vice president , sales and marketing , has been named president and chief executive officer 10 when he ousted all the directors they fired him , and two directors attempted to place the company under bankruptcy-law protection 6 Later they fired him two directors attempted to place the company under bankruptcy-law protection 6 The company 's latest announcement said Mr. Waggoner will remain a director of Staar , a maker of products for small-incision surgery The Staar board said that John R. Ford resigned as a director , and that Mr. Wolf was named a member of the board 6 that John R. Ford resigned as a director that Mr. Wolf was named a member of the board 10 Krenz said demonstrations to demand democratic freedoms could cause a `` worsening of the situation , or confrontation the legislature confirmed him as the Communist Party leader 6 Krenz said demonstrations to demand democratic freedoms could cause a `` worsening of the situation , or confrontation He reaffirmed East Germany 's allegiance to Communist orthodoxy 1 After the legislature confirmed him as the Communist Party leader , Krenz said demonstrations to demand democratic freedoms could cause a `` worsening of the situation , or confrontation . '' He also reaffirmed East Germany 's allegiance to Communist orthodoxy as many as 12,000 people marched in East Berlin after the speech to protest his election 1 The Iran-Contra judge agreed to allow Poindexter to subpoena the personal papers of ex-President Reagan the judge denied a request by the former national security adviser to seek documents from Bush 11 San Francisco Bay area officials said nine people remain missing in the aftermath of last week 's earthquake.The death toll rose to 63 The House approved $ 2.85 billion to aid in the recovery from the temblor and from Hurricane Hugo as state legislators moved toward a temporary sales-tax increase 2 The House , meanwhile , approved $ 2.85 billion to aid in the recovery from the temblor and from Hurricane Hugo state legislators moved toward a temporary sales-tax increase 0 Israel provided the State Department with a list of recent alleged terrorist incidents attributed to forces controlled by Arafat the U.S. said it was n't satisfied that the incidents constituted terrorism 10 a study on the strategic role of nuclear arms in Western Europe Soviet conventional weapons are reduced in the East bloc 2 STOCK PRICES SWUNG wildly the market reacted to an initial plunge by UAL shares , followed by a sharp rebound in the afternoon 10 Bond prices surged in reaction to the sell-off in stocks eased slightly during the afternoon recovery 10 The stock closed down $ 8.375 , at $ 170 plunging $ 33 , to $ 145 1 Jaguar has been discussing an alliance with GM Ford 's move may derail the talks 2 Car and truck sales slid 20.5 % in mid-October U.S. manufacturers paid the price for heavy incentives earlier in the year 2 Sears posted a 16 % drop in third-quarter profit U.S. retail operations recorded the first loss in over five years 1 Prenatal diagnosis of genetic defects as early as the sixth week of pregnancy is increasingly common today the mouse experiment at a Medical Research Council laboratory in London shows genetic defects can be detected three days after conception using a new American-developed gene-copying technique 10 Three days later it was washed out of the mother mouse the new embryo had become implanted in the uterus 6 One cell was teased out its DNA extracted 7 such embryo diagnosis can be used by couples at high risk of passing a genetic defect to a child infertile couples who have the woman 's eggs fertilized in the test tube usually have several eggs fertilized at a time.When the fertilized cells divide to eight cells , a single cell from each embryo can be tested for genetic defects.A healthy embryo can be picked for implantation and defective ones discarded 3 a single cell from each embryo can be tested for genetic defects the fertilized cells divide to eight cells 6 A healthy embryo can be picked for implantation defective ones discarded 5 A healthy embryo can be picked for implantation and defective ones discarded in other couples , the embryo could be temporarily taken out and tested three days after conception and returned if healthy , or discarded if not 3 and returned healthy 3 or discarded not 6 which made protein from natural gas-derived alcohol It could convert glucose from farm wastes into edible protein 6 Single-cell protein never panned out most companies abandoned such research 2 Single-cell protein never panned out most companies abandoned such research 1 and most companies abandoned such research Phillips persisted 1 Like the bacteria used by genetic engineers , the yeast can take in human genes and churn out human proteins for medical use the yeast genetic apparatus is more like that of animals than the bacterial genetic apparatus 2 Like the bacteria used by genetic engineers , the yeast can take in human genes and churn out human proteins for medical use.But the yeast genetic apparatus is more like that of animals than the bacterial genetic apparatus the proteins from the yeast are molecularly more like human proteins than those from bacteria 6 Thus , the proteins from the yeast are molecularly more like human proteins than those from bacteria its yeast system is better than bacteria at high-volume production of genetically engineered drugs 3 that certain atoms give off detectable signals subjected to an intense magnetic field 11 In the Bell Labs experiments , an MRI-type of machine , synchronized with the heartbeat via an electrocardiogram , rapidly flashes a magnetic field on and off blood passes a certain point in a vessel 11 seen in disco dancers a strobe light is flashing 11 to measure the minuscule movements of the artery wall the beating heart raises and lowers the pressure of the flowing blood , a first for such tiny blood vessels 10 incurred the government terminated its contract with Meredith Relocation and sought other contracts to replace it 6 In the suit , the department seeks to recover $ 7.7 million in costs incurred when the government terminated its contract with Meredith Relocation and sought other contracts to replace it The department said it seeks `` three times the government 's damages , which are presently undetermined , plus penalties 3 the syndicates can extend their accounting deadlines such claims and litigation extend beyond the period 2 The procedure causes `` great uncertainty an investor ca n't be sure of his or her individual liability 2 The open-year accounting practice `` is widely recognized within Lloyd 's as of serious concern '' to the 31,329 member investors , who underwrite insurance at Lloyd 's in return for premium and investment income The procedure causes `` great uncertainty '' because an investor ca n't be sure of his or her individual liability the insurance market plans new measures to restrict the ability of syndicate officials to leave years open 6 Under the new rules , the officials will have to secure additional information and reports from actuaries , including an assessment of whether officials have acted reasonably officials will have to get quotes for certain reinsurance contracts and obtain approvals from other syndicate directors 0 The drop in earnings had been anticipated by most Wall Street analysts the results were reported after the market closed 10 but the results were reported the market closed 6 In August , the company warned investors that the acquisition was being delayed many customers were holding off on purchase decisions until the takeover was completed 10 and many customers were holding off on purchase decisions the takeover was completed 2 Despite such famous tenants as oil magnate John D. Rockefeller , Lake View Cemetery has fallen on hard times the inner-city burial ground is trying to resurrect itself with a television advertising campaign 1 We want people to think of Lake View as an historical park and educational experience . . . . A pleasant place to come and spend a few hours Not all of the cemetery 's better-known tenants lend themselves to the promotional job at hand 7 Not all of the cemetery 's better-known tenants lend themselves to the promotional job at hand , however President James A. Garfield is entombed here , the victim of an assassination in 1881 1 Not all of the cemetery 's better-known tenants lend themselves to the promotional job at hand , however.For example , President James A. Garfield is entombed here , the victim of an assassination in 1881 that the Garfield tomb is one of the nation 's premier examples of Romanesque architecture 1 For example , President James A. Garfield is entombed here , the victim of an assassination in 1881 Mr. Rockefeller did n't seem right for an ad either there are plenty of other promising prospects at Lake View 1 Euro Disneyland shares made a debut like Snow White yesterday most of the London stock market looked like it had eaten the Evil Queen 's poisoned apple 6 Albert Fried Jr. , a 59-year-old director and holder of a 9.5 % stake in the company , was named chairman of this maker of products for the construction equipment , material handling and railroad industries Mr. Fried is the managing partner of Albert Fried & Co 10 to make a bid for all of the British auto maker restrictions on its shareholding are lifted 1 The British government currently forbids any outside investor from holding more than 15 % of the company 's shares without permission until Dec. 31 with its stake in Jaguar , which it raised yesterday to 11.95 % , Ford could convene a special Jaguar shareholders ' meeting and urge holders to vote to drop the restriction sooner 1 Analysts have been expecting a GM-Jaguar pact that would give the U.S. car maker an eventual 30 % stake in the British company and create joint ventures that would produce an executive-model range of cars the specter of Ford eventually launching a full-fledged bid could unravel the GM-Jaguar talks 3 It would n't surprise me { Jaguar executives } want to wait and see what the color of that { Ford bid } is '' first 1 Sir John Egan , Jaguar 's chairman , so far has refused to meet with Ford officials he is believed to be willing to consider a specific bid proposal 6 Both Ford and GM badly need a luxury brand to combat new competition from the Japanese in the European and U.S. markets financially strapped Jaguar has spent over a year looking for a rich uncle to provide cash and technological know-how 2 The company has expressed a preference for GM over Ford GM has promised it would keep Jaguar independent 10 when it abandoned a four-year effort to market its German-built Merkur Scorpio sedan as a European luxury import in the U.S last Friday , Ford 's talks about a possible alliance with Saab-Scania AB of Sweden collapsed 1 Its Opel line has a solid image and a recent string of highly successful new models it lacks Jaguar 's cachet 6 GM 's interest in Jaguar reflects a desire to help diversify the U.S. company 's products in the growing luxury-car segment of the market GM officials see a lot of potential in marrying Jaguar 's cars to the technological know-how of Group Lotus PLC , a British engineering and specialty car maker GM bought in 1986 10 to the company 's massive restructuring it emerged from bankruptcy-law proceedings 18 months ago 6 Texaco Inc. reported an 11 % increase in third-quarter earnings Sun Co. reported higher earnings 11 Texaco Inc. reported an 11 % increase in third-quarter earnings Sun Co. also reported higher earnings like many other oil companies hurt by less-profitable downstream businesses , Mobil Corp. , Shell Oil Co. and Chevron Corp. reported lower quarterly earnings 1 Texaco Inc. reported an 11 % increase in third-quarter earnings Sun Co. also reported higher earnings like many other oil companies hurt by less-profitable downstream businesses , Mobil Corp. , Shell Oil Co. and Chevron Corp. reported lower quarterly earnings 2 Texaco 's exploration and production earnings improved as a result of its streamlining of those operations it sold many of its marginal producing properties over the past 18 months 6 Texaco 's exploration and production earnings improved as a result of its streamlining of those operations as it sold many of its marginal producing properties over the past 18 months An increase in production at some major oil fields in the North Sea aided results 6 Per-share earnings declined to $ 1.10 a share from $ 1.12 a share , largely because of 21 million additional shares issued to retire $ 1 billion of debt Per-share earnings shrank because of dividends on a new series of preferred stock 0 the synthetic crude oil production from the facility rose the price for that oil increased 6 some of the growth reflects higher earnings in the oil sands operation of Suncor , a majority-owned Canadian subsidiary Overseas exploration and production results improved because of additional output from the North Sea Magnus Field , a portion of which was acquired by Sun earlier this year 1 Overseas exploration and production results also improved because of additional output from the North Sea Magnus Field Results declined in Sun 's refining and marketing and coal businesses 1 higher crude oil prices boosted profits from production operations margins in refining and marketing declined 6 and said it would stop mining and selling coal by year end Asarco reported third-quarter net income rose 14 % , to $ 52.7 million , or $ 1.25 a share , from a restated $ 46.2 million , or $ 1.10 a share , a year earlier 1 that it is discussing a management-employee buy-out of the facility that it would stop mining and selling coal at year end when existing sales contracts expire , regardless of the outcome of those talks 5 The percent difference compares actual profit with the 30-day estimate where at least three analysts have issues forecasts in the past 30 days actual profit is compared with the 300-day estimate 10 when he was named co-chairman of the investment-banking firm along with Howard L. Blum Jr who became the sole chief executive 1 he was n't surprised Mr. Koenig resigned his departure was `` nothing that we desired or worked for 6 it received a $ 12 million contract to provide virtual network services to Woolworth Corp. 's 5,600 corporate and retail sites in the The contract provides for advanced billing and network management services 2 to expand usage of the MCI services it adds about 6,000 business locations over the next few years 1 Exports reached $ 5.12 billion , up from $ 4.52 billion a year earlier imports rose to $ 6.81 billion from $ 5.33 billion 2 the trade gap for the year to surpass $ 2 billion demand for capital equipment and raw materials continues to push imports higher 0 Mr. Baker will relinquish his previous positions a successor for him has n't been named yet 6 John F. McNair III will retire as president and chief executive officer of this regional banking company 's Wachovia Corp. and Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. subsidiaries on Dec. 31 . Mr. McNair , 62 years old , will be succeeded by L.M . `` Bud '' Baker Jr. , 47 , the parent 's chief credit officer and head of its administration division on Jan. 1 , Thomas A. Bennett , 52 , will become vice chairman and chief operating officer of Wachovia and Wachovia Bank & Trust , filling a vacancy left by the retired Hans W. Wanders in April 1 South Korean exports to the U.S. during the period fell 1.6 % from a year ago to $ 15.06 billion imports from the U.S. soared 26 % to $ 11.56 billion 1 South Korean exports to Europe dropped 5.3 % to $ 3.02 billion imports from there went up 17 % to $ 2.61 billion 0 These gains were partly offset by output of cars and other consumer durables , which eased 3.9 % from June 's high level The sector was 8.8 % above its output levels from a year earlier , however 1 These gains were partly offset by output of cars and other consumer durables , which eased 3.9 % from June 's high level The sector was still 8.8 % above its output levels from a year earlier 1 that , in laboratory test-tube experiments , kills AIDS-infected cells preserving healthy cells 11 that , in laboratory test-tube experiments , kills AIDS-infected cells preserving healthy cells 3 the work would represent a major advance in research on acquired immune deficiency syndrome further experiments are successful 0 Two Japanese scientists said they discovered an antibody that , in laboratory test-tube experiments , kills AIDS-infected cells while preserving healthy cells several analysts and Japanese scientists familiar with the study , which was announced at a conference in Nagoya yesterday , expressed skepticism over the significance of the results 6 But several analysts and Japanese scientists familiar with the study expressed skepticism over the significance of the results the researchers themselves acknowledged they still must do much more work before they can say whether the treatment would actually cure humans 0 If further experiments are successful , the work would represent a major advance in research on acquired immune deficiency syndrome they must do much more work before they can say whether the treatment would actually cure humans 10 they still must do much more work they can say whether the treatment would actually cure humans 10 by recognizing an antigen called a Fas-antigen The antibody kills the cell 1 their experiments showed that the antibody wiped out an average of 60 % of AIDS-infected cells within three days.In some of the experiments , it killed almost all the infected cells fewer than 10 % of the healthy cells were killed 11 their experiments showed that the antibody wiped out an average of 60 % of AIDS-infected cells within three days.In some of the experiments , it killed almost all the infected cells fewer than 10 % of the healthy cells were killed 0 their experiments showed that the antibody wiped out an average of 60 % of AIDS-infected cells within three days.In some of the experiments , it killed almost all the infected cells Meanwhile , fewer than 10 % of the healthy cells were killed they must do more laboratory tests , then experiment on animals 10 they must still do more laboratory tests experiment on animals 1 The announcement got wide exposure in the Japanese media , and even moved some pharmaceutical stocks yesterday I 'm not so optimistic of its future use in therapeutic methods 2 some infected cells may not have the relevant antigen and would n't be killed even after exposure to the antibody 1 the antibody could potentially kill all infected cells there were still several uncertainties , particularly regarding possible side effects 1 the antibody could potentially kill all infected cells there were several uncertainties , particularly regarding possible side effects 1 Our antibody specifically killed infected cells at a very low dose it can also kill other cells 6 Our antibody specifically killed infected cells at a very low dose but it can kill other cells 0 AIDS is n't considered a widespread problem in Japan many companies have poured substantial resources into research in recent years , hoping to cash in on a possible cure 6 about 35 projects are currently under way in Japan that Japanese researchers in the past year have made available three possible cures to American researchers for clinical tests 11 that the Japanese will present at least three more drugs for human testing scientists from the two countries meet again in January in New Orleans 1 A Wellcome spokesman declined to comment on the discovery of the antibody in Japan Andrew Porter , a drug-industry analyst at Nikko Securities Co. in London , said if the product were to be successfully developed it would represent `` a potential threat to the long-term viability of Retrovir 3 it would represent `` a potential threat to the long-term viability of Retrovir the product were to be successfully developed 6 of which seven million of the shares will be offered in the U.S 1,500,000 shares will be offered overseas , via Merrill Lynch Capital Markets ( domestic ) and Kidder , Peabody & Co. ( international ) 6 of which 1,657,736 shares will be sold by the company 1,342,264 will be sold by holders , via Montgomery Securities and Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp 0 The United Kingdom carrier had planned the issue to help finance its $ 750 million purchase of a 15 % stake in UAL British Airways withdrew from the UAL labor-management buy-out plan last Friday , after the group failed to get bank financing for its $ 6.79 billion buy-out 10 But British Airways withdrew from the UAL labor-management buy-out plan last Friday the group failed to get bank financing for its $ 6.79 billion buy-out 1 its shareholders accepted only 6.3 % of the convertible capital bonds that the rest of the issue will be taken up by underwriters 0 the company was `` obviously disappointed that the issue was not taken up it would have been unreasonable to expect a better result given the volatility of the stock market since the launch of the issue 0 A # 320 million ( $ 508 million ) British Airways PLC rights issue flopped badly -- the victim of recent market turbulence and the collapse of the buy-out bid for United Airlines ' parent , UAL Corp except for the embarrassment , British Air will emerge relatively unscathed from the flopped issue 6 In any case , he added , `` most institutions probably wo n't sell '' the bonds instead of buying the UAL stake , the U.K. carrier will be able to reduce its high debt level and build an acquisition war chest 7 It gives them some cash in the back pocket for when they want to do something British Air is continuing to negotiate with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines about each acquiring a 20 % stake in Sabena World Airlines , the air transport subsidiary of the Belgian national airline 6 But except for the embarrassment , British Air will emerge relatively unscathed from the flopped issue The failed rights issue should have a modest impact on British Air shares 10 seen the company announced the rights issue in late September 6 In late trading on London 's Stock Exchange yesterday , the shares were off three pence at 194 pence because British Air is issuing convertible bonds rather than ordinary shares , the share price wo n't be directly hurt by any surplus left with underwriters after they try to sell the issue in the open market 2 And the share price wo n't be directly hurt by any surplus left with underwriters after they try to sell the issue in the open market British Air is issuing convertible bonds rather than ordinary shares 10 And the share price wo n't be directly hurt by any surplus left with underwriters they try to sell the issue in the open market 1 But except for the embarrassment , British Air will emerge relatively unscathed from the flopped issue British Air 's withdrawal from the UAL buy-out could have further repercussions 10 Six months ago , as some personnel specialists saw it , a perception that President Bush really cared about fair employment was prodding top management to raise hiring goals for females , blacks and other minorities what they said was eight years of Reagan-era neglect 0 The perception lingers so far there 's little evidence the `` new urgency '' is trickling down to the managers who actually do hiring 6 The recruiting `` has n't materialized , '' asserts Jeffrey Christian , who runs a search agency Samuel Hall , Howard University 's placement director , does n't see it 6 Samuel Hall , Howard University 's placement director , also does n't see it he questions the White House dedication 1 an increase in searches for minority candidates some of the activity may reflect a rush to get `` numbers in order '' for end-of-year reports 1 Many companies have set up machinery to assure workers a fair shake At most firms it 's the immediate supervisor who decides the merit increases subordinates will be paid 1 Unocal Corp. 's top management sets guidelines line supervisors slice up the merit pie 10 At Chemfix Technology Inc. , each supervisor 's recommendation must be approved by the next boss up the line and sanctioned by a salary review committee 11 JAPANESE COMPANIES fare best in U.S they give Americans more say 3 the companies earn more and win a bigger market share their American employees get a voice in planning , product development and design , including decision-making back in Japan 1 by adopting the American practice of hiring managers on the `` open market In Japan companies tend to develop their own talent and promote from within 6 many Japanese companies err in the U.S. by adopting the American practice of hiring managers on the `` open market of keeping their cards too close to their vests 1 Americans stay longer with Japanese firms than American companies they think promotions are limited 2 I 've been recruiting every single day it 's been identified that many AIDS patients come from the inner city 6 She was the only staff physician available to treat AIDS patients last summer now she has the help of only two doctors part time 1 FEAR OF AIDS hinders hiring at few hospitals Part of the problem may reflect a general unwillingness to work with the urban poor 0 it has n't had any problem recruiting a nurse contracted the virus while injecting an AIDS patient 11 even after a nurse contracted the virus injecting an AIDS patient 6 the industry 's volume has soared tenfold since 1980 , to $ 350 million a year somebody loses on the expected repeal of Section 89 , the benefits test fought by most employers 3 that a `` Red-Green '' coalition of Social Democrats and Greens could edge out Chancellor Kohl 's coalition in the December 1990 national election support for the Republicans continues to spread 11 for acts committed not British citizens 3 we could become known as a haven for war criminals we 're not careful 0 this marked the first time the unit and product were named Italy 's investigation of whether Olivetti had violated Western export-control rules had previously been made known 10 Italy 's Foreign Ministry said it is investigating exports to the Soviet Union by an Ing.C . Olivetti & Co. subsidiary called OCN-PPL that makes numerically controlled machine tools Although Italy 's investigation of whether Olivetti had violated Western export-control rules had been made known 1 The U.S. is worried about the convertibility of Olivetti 's machine tools to military use OCN-PPL , of which Olivetti sold the majority interest last year , `` does n't make equipment that has the type of precision necessary for sophisticated productions 1 Conservationists say that drift-net fishing threatens to wipe out much of the world 's tuna stocks in a few years the Japanese Fisheries Association criticized moves to ban the practice in international waters 10 About 8,000 National Union of Mineworkers members resumed their strike against De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd further negotiations to settle a wage dispute broke down 1 the company had offered to increase the minimum wage by 18 % the union was demanding 26.6 % 10 De Beers offered 17 % and the union wanted 37.6 % the two parties resumed talks last week 6 Before the two parties resumed talks last week , De Beers offered 17 % the union wanted 37.6 % 10 15 major cases have been found the first fraud was discovered in July 1986 at an office of the People 's Bank of China in Shenzhen 1 The number of computers has mushroomed in recent years , with 10,000 in use , as well as 30,000 miniature models security systems , effective management controls and regulations to govern their use have not kept pace , the People 's Daily said 11 to take care photographing earthquake damage in San Francisco 1 About one-third of the fatality increase is attributed to greater travel about two-thirds is attributed to other factors { primarily to greater speed } , '' according to NHTSA 1 that deaths on urban interstate highways rose 7 % between 1986 and last year fatalities on non-interstate roads were about the same in 1988 as in 1986 1 In states that raised the speed limit on rural interstates , the fatality rate rose about 18 % to 1.7 deaths per 100 million miles traveled between 1986 and 1988 the fatality rate in the states that retained the 55 mph limit was 0.9 last year , the same as in 1986 2 Public preference is important product names should match up , And firms that find they 're lagging behind Should now take steps to ketchup 6 Public preference is important , So product names should match up firms that find they 're lagging behind Should now take steps to ketchup 6 As of June 30 , 1989 -- the day our past fiscal year came to a close -- only 4.1 % of the Bank 's portfolio was affected by arrears of over six months the Bank follows a prudent provisioning policy and has set aside $ 800 million against possible loan losses 7 The reality is that Bank loans have been linked to policy improvements for 40 years Our traditional project loans have supported sensible energy pricing in the power sector , sound interest-rate policies in the credit area and the operation of public utilities as efficient , autonomous agencies 6 Another of Mr. Roberts 's criticisms is that Bank lending has done more harm than good `` by implanting the wrong incentives and deflecting energy away from economic development Mr. Roberts takes a swipe at the Bank 's adjustment lending 9 These are not the actions of a development agency wed to central planning and to the concentration of investment decisions in the hands of government they reflect the Bank 's time-tested , pragmatic approach , which aims at ensuring that developing countries put their scarce resources to the best possible use 6 the agency will sell 589 midsized supermarkets and several food-production plants and warehouses beginning early next year.The agency will withdraw from the production of nine food products , maintaining production of the two most important ones , corn and milk Conasupo will cut back subsidies to producers of nonessential farm products and close retail outlets in wealthy neighborhoods 0 Private-sector leaders praised the Conasupo restructuring most economists doubt the streamlining would cut deeply into Conasupo government subsidy , which largely goes to reduce consumer prices for corn and milk 3 The agency wo n't allow mushrooms that were canned or packed in brine at any Chinese plant to enter the U.S satisfactory sanitation-control measures are implemented in China to prevent '' bacterial contamination 10 On May 19 , the FDA began detaining Chinese mushrooms in 68-ounce cans more than 100 people in Mississippi , New York and Pennsylvania became ill from eating tainted mushrooms 6 that the Beijing government has taken `` many effective measures '' to stop the mushroom contamination and is investigating the underlying causes 1 Through these investigations we do not focus on the street drug user rather we target and attack major drug-trafficking organizations that control a large segment of the drug market 9 Through these investigations we do not focus on the street drug user but we target and attack major drug-trafficking organizations that control a large segment of the drug market 6 through not only these major trafficking investigations but by providing a full range of services through various task forces and our contacts with local police squads handling drug-related crimes 9 The FBI 's role is to complement the D.C. initiative through not only these major trafficking investigations , but also by providing a full range of services through various task forces and our contacts with local police squads handling drug-related crimes we have agents assigned full time to assist the MPD in drug-related crimes such as homicide and other crimes of violence 1 Under the new terms , New World will still pay $ 540 million for Ramada 's hotel business , subject to adjustment at closing Ramada will now reimburse New World for $ 10 million in expenses 11 Prime will still manage Ramada 's domestic franchise system the sale closes 6 Revised terms call for each Ramada common share to be exchanged for $ 1 in cash , subject to possible reduction , and one share of Aztar common stock Shareholders will receive one cent per share for the redemption of preferred stock purchase rights 6 Bond prices took the high road stock prices took the low road as worries mounted about the economy and the junk bond market 2 Bond prices took the high road and stock prices took the low road worries mounted about the economy and the junk bond market 1 The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 26.23 points to 2662.91 in sluggish trading long-term Treasury bonds staged a modest rally , with prices on most issues rising about half a point , or $ 5 for each $ 1,000 face amount 2 A sinking economy depresses corporate earnings and stock prices 1 A sinking economy depresses corporate earnings and thus stock prices it buoys bond prices as interest rates fall 2 but it buoys bond prices interest rates fall 6 they think durable goods orders fell about 1 % , compared with a 3.9 % gain in August that growth in the third quarter slowed to about 2.3 % from the second quarter 's 2.5 % 1 The stock market 's decline , coming after a record weekly gain of 119.88 points , surprised some investors A.C. Moore , director of research at Argus Research , said last week 's rally was a reflex reaction to the Oct. 13 stock market rout 2 Overall the trend in stock prices will be down the economy weakens 6 Corporate profits are going to decrease faster than interest rates will fall the probability is that we 'll see negative economic growth in the fourth quarter 1 that a deteriorating economy is worrisome the real concern among stock investors is that some new problem will crop up in the junk bond market 3 that the findings would differ from these poll results by no more than 2 1/2 percentage points in either direction pollsters had sought to survey every household in the U.S. using the same questionnaire 6 For each poll , the odds are 19 out of 20 that if pollsters had sought to survey every household in the U.S. using the same questionnaire , the findings would differ from these poll results by no more than 2 1/2 percentage points in either direction.The margin of error for subgroups -- for example , married women with children at home -- would be larger in any survey , there is always the chance that other factors such as question wording could introduce errors into the findings 2 that discount deals for big customers would be `` dumb you will go to Detroit because you have to go to Detroit whether the fare is $ 175 , $ 275 or $ 375 2 because `` you will go to Detroit you have to go to Detroit 3 he of all people must realize our society relies on competition to keep prices at a competitive level Mr. Crandall is correct 10 it did not respond I asked American Airlines for its side of the story for use in my MBA class 6 it created a new Custom Marketing Group that will offer advertisers special rates for combination packages in its magazines , such as Ladies Home Journal and Better Homes and Gardens the group will create custom-designed media such as cookbooks , newspaper inserts and videos for ad campaigns 1 Bill Murphy , director of the new marketing unit , said Meredith is negotiating other large-scale packages with leading companies in several product categories he would n't disclose their names 10 but for now they are the quickest offering the most extensive plan They may get passed up when other publishers get their acts together 1 They may get passed up later when other publishers get their acts together for now they are the quickest offering the most extensive plan 1 Five years ago , magazine publishers would simply bid on an advertiser 's big ad schedule for their magazine the marketplace changed 11 It 's So Easy to Get Burned Buying a Small Firm 6 The economic loss , jobs lost , anguish , frustration and humiliation are beyond measure most of these are absolutely unnecessary 1 Your article points out the traps people fall into when reviewing those traps one sees just about all of them could have been avoided 11 but one sees just about all of them could have been avoided reviewing those traps 10 An accountant did not review the seller 's books buying a business 6 Their `` secret '' is that they gather a small group of advisers around them , listen to what they have to say , prepare a business plan they are on their way 10 Their `` secret '' is that they gather a small group of advisers around them , listen to what they have to say , prepare a business plan they are on their way 2 The changes come Reebok is seeking to regain momentum in the athletic-shoe business against rivals Nike Inc. and L.A. Gear Inc 3 it is going to have people coming and going you see any company that grows as fast as Reebok did 10 who had been president of Faberge Inc. 's Faberge U.S.A. division joining Reebok in September 1988 0 Magazine publishers are facing spiraling costs and a glut of new titles even a raft of recent failures is n't stopping them from launching new publications 1 At the American Magazine Conference here , publishers are plenty worried about the industry 's woes they are also talking about new magazines 6 At the American Magazine Conference here , publishers are plenty worried about the industry 's woes But they are talking about new magazines 6 New York-based Hearst Corp. this fall plans to publish its first issue of 9 Months , a magazine for expectant mothers , and has already launched American Home Time Warner Inc. is developing a spinoff of Time magazine aimed at kids , on the heels of its successful Sports Illustrated for Kids 6 Over the past four years , the number of consumer magazines has increased by an average of 80 magazines annually , according to Donald Kummerfeld , president of the Magazine Publishers of America despite the recent tough advertising climate , industry figures released at the meeting here indicate things may be turning around 0 the industry in general is doing well compared with the newspaper industry for some magazines categories a tough advertising climate persists 0 the magazine publishing industry remains a risky business some magazines are thriving 6 Within the same nine months , News Corp. closed down In Fashion , a once-promising young woman 's fashion magazine , Drake Publications Inc. has folded the long-troubled Venture magazine Lang Communications has announced Ms. magazine , after 17 years , will no longer carry advertising as of January 11 Within the same nine months , News Corp. closed down In Fashion , a once-promising young woman 's fashion magazine , Drake Publications Inc. has folded the long-troubled Venture magazine , and Lang Communications has announced Ms. magazine , after 17 years , will no longer carry advertising as of January.Lang is cutting costs and will attempt to operate the magazine with only subscription revenue American Health Partners , publisher of American Health magazine , is deep in debt , and Owen Lipstein , founder and managing partner , is being forced to sell the magazine to Reader 's Digest Association Inc 6 Within the same nine months , News Corp. closed down In Fashion , a once-promising young woman 's fashion magazine , Drake Publications Inc. has folded the long-troubled Venture magazine , and Lang Communications has announced Ms. magazine , after 17 years , will no longer carry advertising as of January.Lang is cutting costs and will attempt to operate the magazine with only subscription revenue American Health Partners , publisher of American Health magazine , is deep in debt , and Owen Lipstein , founder and managing partner , is being forced to sell the magazine to Reader 's Digest Association Inc 6 Meanwhile , American Health Partners , publisher of American Health magazine , is deep in debt Owen Lipstein , founder and managing partner , is being forced to sell the magazine to Reader 's Digest Association Inc 6 Magazines can no longer be considered institutions Publishers will find that some magazines have served their purpose and should die There are indications that the number of magazine entrepreneurs are dwindling 0 that the number of magazine entrepreneurs , traditionally depended upon to break new ground with potentially risky start-ups , are dwindling Some entrepreneurs are still active 1 They could be old or new they are magazines whose editorial quality needs to be improved 1 The price was n't disclosed an executive of LJN Toys Ltd. , the MCA unit , said the closely held Buddy L had annual sales in excess of $ 20 million 6 Federal officials arranged a merger with European-American Bank & Trust to avert the closedown federal insurance protected the bank 's 631,163 depositors 6 Massive withdrawals followed there was a brief rescue attempt , with political undertones , including $ 1.77 billion in Federal Reserve loans 10 In June 1980 , Michele Sindona -- an Italian financier who in July 1972 had bought a 22 % block of Franklin 's stock from Loews Corp. , headed by Laurence A. Tisch -- was sentenced to 25 years in prison being convicted of fraud and perjury 10 Sindona , the onetime Vatican financial adviser with reported links to the Mafia , died on March 22 , 1986 , at age 65 drinking cyanide-laced coffee in an Italian prison 2 Sindona , the onetime Vatican financial adviser with reported links to the Mafia , died on March 22 , 1986 , at age 65 drinking cyanide-laced coffee in an Italian prison 10 It happened he was sentenced to life in prison for ordering a 1979 murder 10 In a nondescript office building south of Los Angeles , human behavior is being monitored , dissected and , manipulated 11 A squiggly line snakes across a video screen , gyrating erratically subjects with hand-held computers register their second-by-second reactions to a speaker 's remarks 6 how people 's opinions were shaped how they can be reshaped 6 It advised the National Football League in its largely successful defense of antitrust charges by the United States Football League it helped win defense verdicts in product-liability suits involving scores of products , ranging from Firestone 500 tires to the anti-nausea drug Bendectin 2 Recently , Litigation Sciences helped Pennzoil Co. win a $ 10.5 billion jury verdict against Texaco Inc.It advised the National Football League in its largely successful defense of antitrust charges by the United States Football League.And it helped win defense verdicts in product-liability suits involving scores of products , ranging from Firestone 500 tires to the anti-nausea drug Bendectin Litigation Sciences has more than doubled in size in the past two years 11 Largely as a result , Litigation Sciences has more than doubled in size in the past two years competitors are being spawned almost daily 0 In real life , jurors may not always work that way some court observers question why they should n't be encouraged to do so rather than be programmed not to 1 The notion they try to sell is that juries do n't make decisions rationally the effort is also being made to try and cause jurors not to decide things rationally 6 The notion they try to sell is that juries do n't make decisions rationally But the effort is being made to try and cause jurors not to decide things rationally 0 I find it troubling that consultants can be very effective 6 Litigation consulting is , as New York trial attorney Donald Zoeller puts it , `` highly manipulative But Mr. Zoeller acknowledges that consultants can be very effective 3 where it 's almost malpractice not to use them the case is large enough 6 The affluent people and the corporations can buy it , the poor radicals { in political cases } get it free everybody in between is at a disadvantage and that 's not the kind of system we want 6 The affluent people and the corporations can buy it , the poor radicals { in political cases } get it free , and everybody in between is at a disadvantage that 's not the kind of system we want 10 Sophisticated trial consulting grew , ironically , from the radical political movements of the 1960s and 1970s finding its more lucrative calling in big commercial cases 6 The researchers discovered that Episcopalians , Presbyterians , Methodists and fundamantalist Protestants were nearly always against the defendants The defense learned that college-educated people were uncharacteristically conservative about the Vietnam War 10 In that case , a group of left-leaning sociologists interviewed 252 registered voters around Harrisburg.The researchers discovered that Episcopalians , Presbyterians , Methodists and fundamantalist Protestants were nearly always against the defendants ; the lawyers resolved to try to keep them off the jury . The defense also learned that college-educated people were uncharacteristically conservative about the Vietnam War.A more blue-collar panel became a second aim that carefully picked jury deadlocked with a 10-2 vote to acquit , and the prosecution decided not to retry the case 6 Ultimately , that carefully picked jury deadlocked with a 10-2 vote to acquit the prosecution decided not to retry the case 11 they were eager to know if the jury was keeping up with them the trial progressed 10 to hire six people who would mirror the actual jury demographically , sit in on the trial and report their reactions to him He briefed Messrs.Boies and Barr 2 to hire six people who would mirror the actual jury demographically , sit in on the trial and report their reactions to him who had the chance to tilt their next day 's presentation 2 The solution devised by the professor was to hire six people who would mirror the actual jury demographically , sit in on the trial and report their reactions to him the `` shadow '' jury was born 11 what you do you give an opening argument to your wife or a friend and get some response to it 1 It 's often wrong it 's better than consulting an Indian rain dancer 6 Changing the outcome of the trial is what really matters to the uninitiated , some of the firm 's approaches may seem chillingly manipulative 5 Theoretically , jurors are supposed to weigh the evidence in a case logically and objectively that they start with firmly entrenched attitudes and try to shoe-horn the facts of the case to fit their views 3 depressed , underemployed people are far more likely to grant them it is a case in which the client seeks punitive damages , for example 2 its job is usually to help the lawyers identify and remove such people from the jury Litigation Sciences generally represents the defense 6 who believe that most people , including victims , get what they deserve Such people typically hold negative attitudes toward the physically handicapped , the poor , blacks and women 3 the firm will help find them a client needs prejudiced jurors 1 We do n't control the facts any lawyer will select the facts and the strategy to employ 10 the consultants often continue to determine what the jurors ' attitudes are likely to be a jury is selected 10 she had been injured she slipped in a pool 2 she had been injured she slipped in a pool 1 In one personal-injury case , a woman claimed she had been injured when she slipped in a pool the fall did n't explain why one of her arms was discolored bluish 6 Pre-trial polling helps the consultants develop a profile of the right type of juror Once a jury is selected , the consultants often continue to determine what the jurors ' attitudes are likely to be and help shape the lawyers ' presentation accordingly Slick graphics , pre-tested for effectiveness , play a major role in Litigation Sciences ' operation 3 that people absorb information better and remember it longer they receive it visually 1 Supporters acknowledge that the process aims to manipulate they insist that the best trial lawyers have always employed similar tactics 0 They may not have been able to articulate it all they did it 3 that all 's fair in the adversary system no one tampers with the evidence 10 as when one lawyer paid a consultant ( not at Litigation Sciences ) $ 70,000 to interview a jury after a big trial and read more informative interviews with the same jurors in The American Lawyer magazine 0 Some litigators scoff at the notion that a sociologist knows more than they do about what makes a jury tick most lawyers accept that the marketplace has spoken 6 But most lawyers accept that the marketplace has spoken the question remains whether the jury system can maintain its integrity while undergoing such a skillful massage 11 whether the jury system can maintain its integrity undergoing such a skillful massage 1 There 's no reason to believe that juries rule inappropriately the last thing you want to do is manipulate the subconscious to make them think better.What you then do is you make them think inappropriately 10 manipulate the subconscious to make them think better What you do is you make them think inappropriately 2 manipulate the subconscious to make them think better What you do is you make them think inappropriately 6 he suggests that courts sharply limit the number of jurors that lawyers can remove from the jury panel through so-called peremptory challenges -- exclusions that do n't require explanations Mr. Etzioni suggests forbidding anyone from gathering background information about the jurors 6 Some courts release names and addresses researchers can drive by houses , look up credit ratings , and even question neighbors 6 forbidding anyone from gathering background information about the jurors psychologists should not be allowed to analyze jurors ' personalities 6 The more extensive the voir dire , the easier you make it for that kind of research to be effective courts should lend themselves to that 1 which make computers mainly aimed at a wide range of engineering and scientific needs Silicon Graphics has targeted a specific niche since its inception in 1982 , which has been dubbed by some as `` motion-picture computing 0 it has emerged in recent years as a feared adversary in this graphics portion of the workstation market Silicon Graphics is much smaller than Digital , Hewlett and Sun 6 Though Silicon Graphics is much smaller than Digital , Hewlett and Sun , it has emerged in recent years as a feared adversary in this graphics portion of the workstation market the company has made it tough on competitors by offering a stream of desktop computers at sharply lower prices 6 A year ago , Silicon Graphics introduced a model priced at $ 15,000 -- almost as cheap as mainstream workstations that do n't offer special graphics features Silicon Graphics plans to unveil even less expensive machines in the near future 1 Not to be outdone , George Bush wants CFCs banished altogether by the year 2000 , a goal endorsed at an 80-nation U.N. environmental meeting in Helsinki in the spring even though by some estimates it might cost the world as much as $ 100 billion between now and the year 2000 to convert to other coolants , foaming agents and solvents and to redesign equipment for these less efficient substitutes , the Montreal Protocol 's legions of supporters say it is worth it 0 But the Montreal Protocol 's legions of supporters say it is worth it by some estimates it might cost the world as much as $ 100 billion between now and the year 2000 to convert to other coolants , foaming agents and solvents and to redesign equipment for these less efficient substitutes 2 that CFCs are damaging the earth 's stratospheric ozone layer , which screens out some of the sun 's ultraviolet rays if something is n't done earthlings will become ever more subject to sunburn and skin cancer 3 Hence earthlings will become ever more subject to sunburn and skin cancer something is n't done 1 In the kind of literature I read I come across countervailing opinions quite frequently the nature of the problem is such that many others feel it has to be addressed soon , before all the evidence is in 10 it has to be addressed soon all the evidence is in 1 We ca n't afford to wait does it have to be so soon 3 that the amount of ozone depletion would be only 10 % by the middle of the next century CFCs were released into the atmosphere at an accelerating rate 6 that even if CFCs were released into the atmosphere at an accelerating rate , the amount of ozone depletion would be only 10 % by the middle of the next century there are questions , particularly among atmospheric scientists who know this subject best , about the ability of anyone to know what in fact is happening to the ozone layer 11 that the chlorine in them is capable of interfering with the process through which ultraviolet rays split oxygen molecules and form ozone CFCs rise from earth to stratosphere 1 It is generally agreed that when CFCs rise from earth to stratosphere , the chlorine in them is capable of interfering with the process through which ultraviolet rays split oxygen molecules and form ozone ozone creation is a very large-scale natural process and the importance of human-generated CFCs in reducing it is largely a matter of conjecture 6 But ozone creation is a very large-scale natural process the importance of human-generated CFCs in reducing it is largely a matter of conjecture 2 The ozone layer is constantly in motion and very hard to measure 0 that there is a hole in the layer over Antarctica that expands or contracts from year to year that there are very few refrigerators in Antarctica 6 But it is at least worthy of some note that there are very few refrigerators in Antarctica surely someone has noticed that household refrigerators are closed systems , running for many years without either the CFC gas or the insulation ever escaping 3 that why not use them substitutes are available 0 Mr. Teagan cites a list of substitutes none , so far , match the nonflammable , nontoxic CFCs 7 but none , so far , match the nonflammable , nontoxic CFCs Butane and propane can be used as coolants but are flammable 6 but none , so far , match the nonflammable , nontoxic CFCs new lubricants will be needed to protect compressors from the new formulations , which , as with CFCs , are solvents 3 that energy consumption will rise the equipment designed to get along without CFCs is less efficient than current devices 6 that if the equipment designed to get along without CFCs is less efficient than current devices , energy consumption will rise that will worsen the greenhouse effect 11 where the greenhouse was they needed it 1 Folks in the Midwest who just suffered a mid-October snowstorm may wonder where the greenhouse was when they needed it let 's not be flippant about grave risks 5 of fighting environmental movements and are trying to cash in on them 0 that big companies are growing weary of fighting environmental movements and are trying instead to cash in on them they never care to put it quite that way 6 Du Pont , as it happens , has a potential substitute for CFCs Imperial Chemical Industries of the U.K. has one , and is building a plant in Louisiana to produce it 10 University professors and consultants with scientific credentials saw a huge market for their services evaporate price decontrol destroyed the energy crisis and thus the demand for `` alternative energy 2 when price decontrol destroyed the energy crisis and the demand for `` alternative energy 9 Environmental groups would soon go out of business were they not able to send out mailings describing the latest threat and asking for money to fight it.University professors and consultants with scientific credentials saw a huge market for their services evaporate when price decontrol destroyed the energy crisis and thus the demand for `` alternative energy . '' They needed new crises to generate new grants and contracts environmentalism has created a whole set of vested interests that fare better when there are many problems than when there are few 11 that fare better there are many problems 11 that fare better than there are few 0 That tends to tilt the public debate toward `` solutions some of the most knowledgeable scientists are skeptical about the seriousness of the threats and the insistence of urgency 3 the price would be cheap they were really getting insurance against environmental disaster 1 If they were really getting insurance against environmental disaster , the price would be cheap if there is no impending threat , it can get to be very expensive 3 But it can get to be very expensive there is no impending threat 1 small business got by fairly well results were mixed in many states 1 Five states -- Oregon , Rhode Island , New Hampshire , Iowa and Wisconsin -- passed bills to boost the minimum wage measures in 19 other states were defeated 1 Iowa 's will be the second highest -- at $ 4.65 an hour in January 1992 small-business lobbyists won an exclusion for tiny concerns and a lower training rate 6 The Illinois Legislature narrowly passed a parental-leave bill , which Gov . James Thompson vetoed Iowa and Tennessee amended laws to require that employers pay for breast-cancer exams 0 Similar proposals were defeated in at least 15 other states small business has taken note of the growing number of close votes 10 It 's just a matter of time the tide turns 2 But small business has taken note of the growing number of close votes small business is taking more `` pro-active '' steps to counter mandated leaves 6 they favor a commission that would develop sample leave policies that employers could adopt They support a tax credit for employers to offset the cost of hiring and training workers who temporarily replace employees on parental leave 1 In San Francisco , small businesses are urging passage of a local initiative to build a new $ 95 million downtown baseball stadium in Washington state , small business generally opposes an initiative to boost spending on children 's programs by $ 360 million 2 that an area-code switch Nov. 11 -- to 708 from the familiar 312 -- wo n't be without some costs they alter stationery , among other things , and notify customers 0 Small businesses in suburban Chicago are discovering that an area-code switch Nov. 11 -- to 708 from the familiar 312 -- wo n't be without some costs as they alter stationery , among other things , and notify customers many owners plan to practice frugality -- crossing out the old code and writing in the new one until their stock runs out 10 crossing out the old code and writing in the new one their stock runs out 7 Now some negotiated sales that meet a series of tests do n't have to be pre-registered franchisers no longer must pre-register sales to aspiring franchisees who qualify as `` sophisticated purchasers 0 With some new rules , state officials say they made it easier -- and faster -- to sell new franchises whose terms stray from those in state-registered contracts critics consider the changes regressive 6 California regulators historically have misinterpreted their law negotiated sales that are n't pre-registered have been legal all along 3 A new Maryland law frees store owners of liability a customer trips or otherwise gets hurt on the way to the restroom 9 About 400,000 commuters trying to find their way through the Bay area 's quake-torn transportation system wedged cheek-to-jowl into subways , sat in traffic jams on major freeways or waited forlornly for buses yesterday it was a better-than-average Manhattan commute 0 City officials feared widespread gridlock on the first day that normal business operations were resumed following last Tuesday 's earthquake in spite of a wind-driven rainstorm , gridlock never materialized 2 But in spite of a wind-driven rainstorm , gridlock never materialized the Bay Area Rapid Transit subway system carried 50 % more passengers than normal 6 mainly because the Bay Area Rapid Transit subway system carried 50 % more passengers than normal the two main bridges still connecting San Francisco with the East Bay did n't charge tolls , allowing traffic to zip through without stopping 6 Moreover , the two main bridges still connecting San Francisco with the East Bay did n't charge tolls , allowing traffic to zip through without stopping that traffic benefited from steps by major employers to get workers to come in at odd hours , or that many workers are still staying at home 5 that traffic benefited from steps by major employers to get workers to come in at odd hours that many workers are still staying at home 6 Storm flooding caused back-ups on the freeway many commuters had to find rides to BART 's stations , because parking lots were full before dawn 2 and many commuters had to find rides to BART 's stations parking lots were full before dawn 1 But by 8 a.m. it already had thinned out traffic was heavy early in the commute over the Golden Gate 0 a lot of people got scared and stayed home yesterday 's absenteeism at the bank holding company was no greater than on an average day 2 At Pacific Telesis Group , flextime is left up to individual working groups some of the telephone company 's employees must be on-site during normal business hours 0 Some individuals went to some lengths on their own to avoid the anticipated gridlock.One senior vice president at Bechtel said he got up at 3 a.m. to drive into San Francisco from the East Bay transportation officials worry that such extraordinary measures and cooperation may not last 0 about two-thirds of the motorists crossing the Golden Gate were alone , compared with the normal 70 % rate.And some commuters , relieved by the absence of gridlock , were planning to return to their old ways drivers who did n't use car pools were committing `` an anti-social act 6 about two-thirds of the motorists crossing the Golden Gate were alone , compared with the normal 70 % rate some commuters , relieved by the absence of gridlock , were planning to return to their old ways 10 the human champion maneuvered Deep Thought , known for its attacking prowess , into a totally passive position he unleashed his own , unstoppable , attack 6 Playing black in the first game , the human champion maneuvered Deep Thought , known for its attacking prowess , into a totally passive position.Then he unleashed his own , unstoppable , attack in the second game , with Mr. Kasparov advancing ferociously as white , D.T . offered feeble resistance and lost even faster 0 he gave the machine a far worse drubbing than many expected almost everybody at the playing site had been looking for the 26-year-old Soviet to beat the Pennsylvania-based computer 6 he gave the machine a far worse drubbing than many expected he called the outcome 10 And he called the outcome Mr. Kasparov strode into the playing hall 6 Its chief builder , Taiwan-born Feng-hsiung Hsu , nicknamed his brainchild `` the Weasel '' for its tactical flair at wriggling out of horrible positions D.T . has a prodigious and flawless memory , is utterly fearless , and could n't be distracted by the sexy nude sculptures spread around the playing hall , in the New York Academy of Art 9 D.T . also has a prodigious and flawless memory , is utterly fearless , and could n't be distracted by the sexy nude sculptures spread around the playing hall , in the New York Academy of Art D.T . never left home , Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh , but communicated with its human handlers by telephone link 0 They conceded that the odds favored Mr. Kasparov they put their hope in D.T . 's recently enhanced capacity for examining positions -- up to a million per second , from 720,000 0 but they put their hope in D.T . 's recently enhanced capacity for examining positions -- up to a million per second , from 720,000 the handlers mistakenly stuck with silicon chips ; they needed kryptonite 11 This became apparent game one , a Sicilian Defense by Mr. Kasparov , proceeded 0 No human can examine millions of moves Mr. Kasparov , using his ineffably powerful brain , consistently found very good ones 0 After eight moves by each side , the board was the same as in a game in which Nigel Short of Great Britain fought the champion to a draw in 1980 the computer did n't play Mr. Short 's ninth move , a key pawn thrust , and its position deteriorated rapidly 2 But the computer did n't play Mr. Short 's ninth move , a key pawn thrust its position deteriorated rapidly 10 D.T . made a second-rate rook maneuver at move 13 it put a knight offside on move 16 0 Bishops usually are worth slightly more than knights in this case Mr. Kasparov was left with a very dangerous knight and D.T . 's surviving bishop was reduced to passivity 6 but in this case Mr. Kasparov was left with a very dangerous knight D.T . 's surviving bishop was reduced to passivity 9 and D.T . 's surviving bishop was reduced to passivity it looked more like a pawn , a `` tall pawn 11 the computer thought it was only , in effect , one-half of a pawn down most spectators thought its position hopeless 11 from resigning humans would have 11 Mr. Kasparov maneuvered the knight to a dominant outpost D.T . shuffled its king back and forth in a defensive crouch 6 Mr. Kasparov maneuvered the knight to a dominant outpost He launched a kingside storm , sacrificing a pawn to denude D.T . 's king 6 This left the computer with a broader range of plausible replies it immediately blundered by moving a queenside pawn , to the neglect of kingside development 10 As early as move six , Mr. Kasparov deviated from a well-known sequence of moves , developing a knight instead of making a standard bishop attack against the computer 's advanced knight.This left the computer with a broader range of plausible replies -- and it immediately blundered by moving a queenside pawn , to the neglect of kingside development In a new position just after the opening , a computer will have serious problems , '' Mr. Kasparov said 6 In such positions you have to create something new the computer is n't able to do that right now 6 Greedily , it grabbed a pawn , at the cost of facing a brutal attack when a defensive move was called for , D.T . passed up an obvious pawn move and instead exposed its queen to immediate tactical threats 10 And D.T . passed up an obvious pawn move and instead exposed its queen to immediate tactical threats a defensive move was called for 5 And D.T . passed up an obvious pawn move and exposed its queen to immediate tactical threats 10 And when a defensive move was called for , D.T . passed up an obvious pawn move and instead exposed its queen to immediate tactical threats Mr. Kasparov remarked that `` even a weak club player '' would have avoided the queen move 0 Mr. Kasparov 's continuation was slower but just as deadly 6 In a hopeless position , the computer resigned rather than make its 37th move Mr. Kasparov , to cheers and applause , marched back into the analysis room 9 Undeterred , D.T . 's handlers vowed to press on three of them will be building a successor machine for International Business Machines Corp 3 Reaching for that extra bit of yield can be a big mistake you do n't understand what you 're investing in 6 Yields on five-year CDs at major banks were averaging about 7.45 % 10-year Treasury notes were paying less than 8 % 0 The CD seemed like a great deal nearly 3 1/2 years later , Merrill says the investment is worth about $ 43,000 -- an amount that represents an annual return of just over 2 % on Dr. Blumenfeld 's $ 40,000 5 that the CD he bought for a retirement plan was n't a plain vanilla CD his Merrill broker put him in a zero-coupon CD 2 part of the price Dr. Blumenfeld paid was a premium -- an additional amount on top of the CD 's base value plus accrued interest that represented the CD 's increased market value the CD had an effective yield of 13.4 % when it was issued in 1984 , and interest rates in general had declined sharply since then 11 Because the CD had an effective yield of 13.4 % it was issued in 1984 6 Because the CD had an effective yield of 13.4 % when it was issued in 1984 interest rates in general had declined sharply since then 6 Now the thrift that issued the CD is insolvent Dr. Blumenfeld has learned to his surprise that the premium is n't insured under federal deposit insurance 11 The tip-off came he opened a recent Merrill Lynch statement and found that the CD 's `` estimated current market value '' had plummeted by $ 9,000 in a month 11 he paid he bought the CD 6 that the $ 9,000 drop represented the current value of the premium he paid when he bought the CD that the amount was n't insured 6 that he knew he was getting a zero-coupon CD that he had previously invested in TIGRs ( Treasury Income Growth Receipts ) , a type of zero-coupon Treasury security sold by Merrill Lynch 1 that he knew he was getting a zero-coupon CD and that he had previously invested in TIGRs ( Treasury Income Growth Receipts ) , a type of zero-coupon Treasury security sold by Merrill Lynch he did n't understand he was buying the CD on the secondary market , and he contends his broker never fully explained the risks 6 he did n't understand he was buying the CD on the secondary market his broker never fully explained the risks 3 the difference . . . is not insured the price paid for a CD purchased in the secondary market . . . is higher than the accreted value in the case of zero-coupon CDs 6 Computations involving zero-coupon CDs are more complicated you should discuss any questions you may have with your financial consultant 0 Those officials say there was full disclosure of the risks in a `` fact sheet '' sent to all CD investors with their confirmation of sale Merrill Lynch has agreed that if the thrift that issued Dr. Blumenfeld 's CD , Peoples Heritage Federal Savings & Loan Association in Salina , Kan. , is liquidated and the CD terminated , the brokerage firm would cover the premium Dr. Blumenfeld paid 3 that the brokerage firm would cover the premium Dr. Blumenfeld paid the thrift that issued Dr. Blumenfeld 's CD , Peoples Heritage Federal Savings & Loan Association in Salina , Kan. , is liquidated and the CD terminated 6 if the thrift that issued Dr. Blumenfeld 's CD , Peoples Heritage Federal Savings & Loan Association in Salina , Kan. , is liquidated the CD terminated 0 it 's impossible to estimate how many investors are in Dr. Blumenfeld 's situation the firm has received only one other complaint about premiums on the secondary market in three years 6 Zero-coupon CDs are only a small portion of the $ 1 trillion-plus in CDs outstanding those purchased on the secondary market are an even smaller part of the total 0 Zero-coupon CDs are only a small portion of the $ 1 trillion-plus in CDs outstanding , and those purchased on the secondary market are an even smaller part of the total there are several billion dollars of zero-coupon CDs with various maturities outstanding 1 income tax is payable in the year interest is accrued interest is n't actually paid until maturity 6 Most zero-coupon CDs are in maturities of six to nine years they usually double in value by maturity 1 and Dr. Blumenfeld has learned to his surprise that the premium is n't insured under federal deposit insurance investors who bought zero-coupon CDs in the secondary market are n't the only ones who may be surprised to learn the full amount of their investments is n't insured 6 But investors who bought zero-coupon CDs in the secondary market are n't the only ones who may be surprised to learn the full amount of their investments is n't insured People who paid a premium for standard CDs purchased on the secondary market could find that those premiums are n't insured if the institutions that issued the CDs failed 3 that those premiums are n't insured the institutions that issued the CDs failed 1 that those premiums are n't insured if the institutions that issued the CDs failed those premiums are usually far smaller than on zero-coupon CDs , and the simpler pricing structure of a standard CD makes it more apparent when a premium is paid 6 However , those premiums are usually far smaller than on zero-coupon CDs the simpler pricing structure of a standard CD makes it more apparent when a premium is paid 11 and the simpler pricing structure of a standard CD makes it more apparent a premium is paid 5 Whatever the case investors should n't have to worry about the uninsured premium issue the bank or thrift that issued the CD is closed and its deposits paid off before maturity or transferred to another institution at a lower rate 6 unless the bank or thrift that issued the CD is closed its deposits paid off before maturity or transferred to another institution at a lower rate 6 he 's satisfied that his problem has been resolved he 's learned a lesson 0 Americans are drinking less young professionals from Australia to West Germany are rushing to buy premium-brand American vodka , brandy and other spirits 7 but young professionals from Australia to West Germany are rushing to buy premium-brand American vodka , brandy and other spirits many are snubbing the scotch preferred by their parents and opting for bourbon , the sweet firewater from the Kentucky countryside 6 With U.S. liquor consumption declining steadily , many American producers are stepping up their marketing efforts abroad those efforts are paying off 4 you have to be in America , Europe and the Far East you want to be a player 7 The internationalization of the industry has been hastened by foreign companies ' acquisitions of many U.S. producers In recent years Grand Metropolitan PLC of Britain acquired Heublein Inc. , while another British company , Guinness PLC , took over United Distillers Group and Schenley Industries Inc 11 In recent years , for example , Grand Metropolitan PLC of Britain acquired Heublein Inc another British company , Guinness PLC , took over United Distillers Group and Schenley Industries Inc 1 The internationalization of the industry has been hastened by foreign companies ' acquisitions of many U.S. producers the shift has also been fueled by necessity 6 The internationalization of the industry has been hastened by foreign companies ' acquisitions of many U.S. producers But the shift has been fueled by necessity 1 domestic spirits consumption fell 15 % to 141.1 million cases in 1988 from 166 million cases in 1979 premium-brand spirits like Smirnoff vodka and Jack Daniel 's whiskey are riding high in the U.S 1 U.S. brandy exports more than doubled last year to 360,000 proof gallons , a standard industry measure , according to Jobson Beverage Alcohol Group , an industry association.Exports of rum surged 54 % to 814,000 proof gallons.Mexico is the biggest importer of both rum and brandy from the U.S. Japan , the world 's third-largest liquor market after the U.S. and Britain , helped American companies in April when it lowered its tax on imported spirits and levied a tax on many domestic products.California wineries , benefiting from lowered trade barriers and federal marketing subsidies , are expanding aggressively into Japan , as well as Canada and Great Britain.In Japan , the wineries are promoting their products ' Pacific roots and courting restaurant and hotel chefs , whose recommendations carry weight . In Australia , Britain , Canada and Greece , Brown-Forman Corp. has increased its marketing of Southern Comfort Liqueur.Using cinema , television and print ads , the company pitches Southern Comfort as a grand old drink of the antebellum American South The biggest foreign inroads have been made by bourbon 1 trade agreements prohibit any other country from making bourbon U.S. makers of vodka , rum and other spirits compete against powerhouses abroad 1 All bourbon comes from Kentucky Jack Daniel 's Tennessee whiskey often is counted as bourbon because of similarity of taste 6 While U.S. makers of vodka , rum and other spirits compete against powerhouses abroad , trade agreements prohibit any other country from making bourbon just as vodka has acquired an upscale image in the U.S. , bourbon has become fashionable in many foreign countries , a uniquely American product tied to frontier folklore 6 Moreover bourbon has become fashionable in many foreign countries , a uniquely American product tied to frontier folklore vodka has acquired an upscale image in the U.S 1 Bourbon makes up just 1 % of world-wide spirits consumption it represented 57 % of U.S. liquor exports last year , according to Jobson 1 Some bourbon makers advertise abroad as they do at home Jim Beam print ads strike different chords in different countries 6 Capital Cities/ABC Inc. 's net income rose 29 % on a modest 9 % increase in revenue in the third quarter , mainly on strong advertising demand at its ABC television network operation Demand for ads rose at the eight TV stations Capital Cities owns and at its 80 % -owned ESPN sports cable channel 6 Chairman Thomas S. Murphy cited Capital Cities ' nine daily newspapers in explaining most of the gain The parent publishes weeklies , shopping guides and specialty magazines 6 that a monetary policy for this country that would return interest rates to the historical level of 4 % or 5 % would have not only an immediate impact on housing starts , the housing stock , our industry in America , the refurbishing of our industrial system , it would help the Third World economies considerably it would particularly have a favorable impact upon our budget deficit 1 Bush administration officials say inflation is under control.With economic growth slowing , they say they believe the Fed should ease credit even further for the most part , officials have avoided expressing those views in public , fearing they would unnecessarily antagonize the Fed 0 third-quarter earnings rose 14 % on a hefty sales gain domestic franchisees apparently did n't partake of the improvement 1 Systemwide sales , which include sales at franchisee as well as company-owned stores , totaled $ 4.59 billion compared with $ 4.2 billion sales for U.S. franchisees were flat at best on a per-store basis despite weak 1988 figures 2 the actual decline may have been more McDonald 's menu prices rose this year 1 McDonald 's company-operated stores posted hefty gains for the nine months , with sales per company-operated unit rising $ 20,000 franchisees were having a tough time holding sales 2 that the company often has better store locations than do its franchisees aiding promotional efforts 1 reduced labor costs helped boost margins that kind of performance is sustainable 0 Third-quarter sales in Europe were exceptionally strong weaker foreign currencies reduced the company 's earnings 1 that as of Sept. 30 more stores were under construction overseas than a year ago the opposite was true for domestic expansion 1 The others will probably be delivered as well Carnival will likely have to pay a higher price for them 3 however , it will likely have an effect on the company 's earnings as soon as the 1990 fiscal year the ships are n't delivered 1 There 's a 99 % chance that the Fantasy will be delivered close to schedule If the ships are n't delivered it will likely have an effect on the company 's earnings as soon as the 1990 fiscal year 3 those per-share earnings estimates could be trimmed 15 cents or more the ship fails to arrive 11 Normally , a company pays a portion of the total cost of a ship it reaches various stages of construction 7 Normally , a company pays a portion of the total cost of a ship as it reaches various stages of construction Carnival has already paid about $ 160 million of the total cost for Fantasy 3 to seize the ship the situation warrants it 10 According to reports from Finland , Waertsilae Marine , 19 % -owned by conglomerate Oy Waertsilae , filed for bankruptcy yesterday the shipyard 's contractors had started to demand bank guarantees 2 that Ms. Garratt was forced to start bankruptcy-law proceedings Jerell began withholding her royalty payments last month 2 The quarter net was below analyst expectations truck-parts sales did n't rebound in September from the summer doldrums as they usually do 1 Eaton does n't provide profit figures separately for each category operating profit for vehicle parts as a group fell 26 % to $ 51 million on an about 1 % drop in sales to $ 488 million 10 truck-fleet operators appear to be cautious about buying new trucks they see how the economy behaves 6 The truck sales slowdown reflects the general slowing in sales of consumer goods the latest reports show a slight improvement rather than any indication of a downward spiral 1 Between 1965 and 1985 , Polish waters fit for human consumption dropped from 33 % to 6 % of all surface waters those unfit even for industry use nearly doubled 6 where enterprises are state-owned penalties are paid by the government 8 ( a ) Marxist devaluation of environmental resources , which are not produced by labor ; ( b ) planned economies ' inability to control pollution where enterprises are state-owned and penalties are paid by the government ( c ) the continuing Stalinist emphasis on heavy industry for economic development , producing a far heavier and more wasteful use of energy and natural resources than in the West 3 and the risk of bankruptcy a business makes the wrong decisions 1 The solutions they formally proposed included lead/sulfur taxes , conservation and recycling incentives , reforestation offsets , transferable pollution permits , an ecological bank to finance pollution-reduction credits , and debt-for-environment swaps their most fundamental recommendation was to separate industry from the state , making it fully accountable for pollution control 6 A revolution takes more than conference manifestos skepticism was amply captured by a joke told by Poles at the conference 6 The Russians are talking peace.The Palestinians are talking elections the Poles are engaged in commerce 1 The world must be coming to an end.The Russians are talking peace.The Palestinians are talking elections.And the Poles are engaged in commerce the implications of such a shift to market approaches go well beyond the fact that Poland is already working on nationwide emissions trades to reduce smelter pollution , or that the Soviets plan to introduce marketable pollution permits in some republics next year 5 that Poland is already working on nationwide emissions trades to reduce smelter pollution that the Soviets plan to introduce marketable pollution permits in some republics next year 5 Market-based pollution control may consume some capital that would purchase state industries 1 Market-based pollution control may consume some capital that would otherwise purchase state industries it could also accelerate `` marketization '' by reinforcing industrial accountability , breaking up state monopolies , giving managers a stake in solutions , and ensuring that modernization is not reversible for failure to address environmental effects 6 Market-based pollution control may consume some capital that would otherwise purchase state industries But it could accelerate `` marketization '' by reinforcing industrial accountability , breaking up state monopolies , giving managers a stake in solutions , and ensuring that modernization is not reversible for failure to address environmental effects 6 That means simple , clear rules that secure the first large blocks of reduction , deferring more complex issues such as risk It means use of quantity-based pollution limits such as transferable permits , rather than price-based limits such as effluent fees 2 That 's quota-trained managers will likely respond better to quantity than to price signals 1 it was no accident that participants urged the free flow of information Polish data have been freely available since 1980 2 While Polish data have been freely available since 1980 , it was no accident that participants urged the free flow of information once information flows , public participation follows and repression becomes difficult to reimpose 10 For public participation follows and repression becomes difficult to reimpose information flows 6 For once information flows , public participation follows repression becomes difficult to reimpose 1 that America has had a free market in goods but a planned economy for environmental protection Poland represents the opposite 3 It will be increasingly difficult for the U.S. to cling to command-and-control measures even the East Bloc steps to a different drummer 1 At the moment , Poland resembles 19th-century Pittsburgh more than a modern industrial society -- with antiquated production , inadequate environmental management , and little ecological awareness the continuing pressures for free-market economics suggest the conference 's vision was not all fantasy 6 The drop in those and other technology stocks contributed to an 0.7 % slide by the Nasdaq composite index The nervousness about the technology stock outlook hurt the Dow Jones Industrial Average , which slipped about 1 % 1 the sell-off of technology stocks on low volume reflected a lack of conviction by investors the selling was orderly 1 Some of it was due to lower-than-expected earnings from leading companies some of it also represented profit-taking by investors who have made big gains in some issues 6 Some of it was due to lower-than-expected earnings from leading companies But some of it represented profit-taking by investors who have made big gains in some issues 2 Microsoft fell victim to profit-taking it declined 2 1/8 to 83 1/8 10 Among takeover stocks , Jefferson Smurfit jumped 1 1/4 to 42 1/2 SIBV-MS Holdings said the price to be paid to Jefferson Smurfit 's minority holders has been raised to $ 43 a share 2 That would be good news for the OTC market many small growth stocks are traded there 1 Nellcor , a maker of electronic patient monitoring systems , was up 3/4 to 16 7/8 on 258,000 shares yesterday retailing issue Office Club was unchanged at 10 3/4 on 65,200 shares 6 Nellcor , a maker of electronic patient monitoring systems , was up 3/4 to 16 7/8 on 258,000 shares yesterday , while retailing issue Office Club was unchanged at 10 3/4 on 65,200 shares.BizMart , another retailing stock , was off 3/8 to 8 1/4 on nearly 80,000 shares Other favorites of growth-stock analysts and money managers had a mixed session 6 Payco American , a credit collection concern , jumped 1 3/8 to 20 5/8 on volume of 93,000 Mail Boxes Etc. , a private postal services company , advanced 1/2 to 23 1/2 on volume of 64,000 1 Payco American , a credit collection concern , jumped 1 3/8 to 20 5/8 on volume of 93,000 , and Mail Boxes Etc. , a private postal services company , advanced 1/2 to 23 1/2 on volume of 64,000 Legent , a systems software stock , was down 1/2 to 29 3/4 on 39,300 shares 6 Amgen rose 2 1/4 to 54 3/4 on almost 800,000 shares CVB Financial jumped 4 to 41 on only 1,000 shares 2 It 's not that we do n't know how to we do 6 It 's that we do n't want to the reason we do n't want to is that effective education would require us to relinquish some cherished metaphysical beliefs about human nature in general and the human nature of young people in particular , as well as to violate some cherished vested interests 3 the near-unanimous answer would be , `` Yes , of course I were to ask a sample of American parents , `` Do you wish the elementary schools to encourage creativity in your children 1 If I were to ask a sample of American parents , `` Do you wish the elementary schools to encourage creativity in your children ? '' the near-unanimous answer would be , `` Yes , of course what do we mean , specifically , by `` creativity 6 Fortunately , these same parents do want their children to get a decent education as traditionally understood they have enough common sense to know what that demands 1 The reasons are complex one simple reason ought not to be underestimated 6 It is nice for teachers to think they are engaged in `` personality development '' and even nicer to minimize those irksome tests with often disappointing results It provides teachers with a superior self-definition as a `` profession 2 It also provides teachers with a superior self-definition as a `` profession they will have passed courses in educational psychology and educational philosophy 0 It is nice for teachers to think they are engaged in `` personality development '' and even nicer to minimize those irksome tests with often disappointing results.It also provides teachers with a superior self-definition as a `` profession , '' since they will have passed courses in educational psychology and educational philosophy.I myself took such courses in college , thinking I might end up a schoolteacher.They could all fairly be described as `` pap '' courses it is unfair to dump on teachers , as distinct from the educational establishment 6 I know many schoolteachers on the whole , they are seriously committed to conscientious teaching 1 They may not be among the `` best and brightest '' of their generation -- there are very few such people , by definition they need not be to do their jobs well 1 Yes , we all can remember one or two truly inspiring teachers from our school days our education proceeded at the hands of those others , who were merely competent and conscientious 3 he probably would not be a family doctor in the first place he were brilliant 3 he serves us well he is competent and conscientious 3 they would educate our children better they got a few thousand dollars a year more 6 It is the kind of libel the teachers ' unions do n't mind spreading , for their own narrow purposes It is the kind of libel politicians find useful 2 politicians find useful it helps them strike a friendly posture on behalf of an important constituency 1 It is the kind of libel the teachers ' unions do n't mind spreading , for their own narrow purposes.It is also the kind of libel politicians find useful , since it helps them strike a friendly posture on behalf of an important constituency there is not one shred of evidence that , other things being equal , salary differentials result in educational differentials 3 you would have heard of it there were such evidence 3 we know exactly what to do -- and , just as important , what not to do we wish to be serious about American education 6 There are many successful schools scattered throughout this nation , some of them in the poorest of ghettos they are all sending us the same message 1 There are many successful schools scattered throughout this nation , some of them in the poorest of ghettos , and they are all sending us the same message there are the majority of unsuccessful schools , and we know which efforts at educational reform are doomed beforehand 6 Conversely , there are the majority of unsuccessful schools we know which efforts at educational reform are doomed beforehand 3 We really do know all we need to know we could assimilate this knowledge into our thinking 3 In this respect , it would be helpful our political leaders were mute , rather than eloquently `` concerned 2 They are inevitably inclined to echo the conventional pap this is the least controversial option that is open to them 2 They are inevitably inclined to echo the conventional pap at the recent governors ' conference on education , Gov . Bill Clinton of Arkansas announced that `` this country needs a comprehensive child-development policy for children under five 0 that very early exposure to schooling improves performance in the first grade afterward the difference is quickly washed away 10 that very early exposure to schooling improves performance in the first grade but the difference is quickly washed away 3 they should have the option of switching to another parents are dissatisfied with a school 1 New York is in the process of trying to disengage itself from a 20-year-old commitment to this system of school governance Chicago and other cities are moving to institute it 1 that even smaller classes have zero effect on the academic performance of the pupils they may sometimes be desirable for other reasons 2 that educational performance has declined educational expenditures ( in real terms ) have increased sharply in the past quarter-of-a-century 2 Students should move up the educational ladder their academic potential allows 0 less to permit the gifted youngsters to flourish that is clearly desirable 1 This is a fact in view of all the feathers that are ruffled by this fact , it is not surprising that one hears so little about it 11 that manufacturers face computerizing their operations 10 The company unveiled more than 50 products , mostly software , that are designed to integrate the three areas of a manufacturing operation -- the plant floor , design operations and production planning The aim is to increase the flow of information into a manufacturer 's main computer network for use in business planning , marketing and other operations 1 that they are one of the computer industry 's leading revenue sources many manufacturers find that communication between different computers has been rendered nearly impossible by the babel of computer languages used by different machines , including robots and machine tools 6 International Business Machines Corp. unveiled a broad strategy to tackle the biggest problem that manufacturers face when computerizing their operations : Most machines ca n't talk to each other IBM 's announcement , which was expected and will formally be made to customers today marks an attempt to gain credibility on the plant floor , where Digital Equipment Corp. has long dominated and where Hewlett-Packard Co. has recently gained market share 6 where Digital Equipment Corp. has long dominated where Hewlett-Packard Co. has recently gained market share 0 that it will take a while for all the pieces of the IBM strategy to fall into place the specific products IBM unveiled will generally be available by the end of the first quarter 6 IBM 's decision to invest this sort of effort into a single industry showed that it was getting serious about understanding customers ' problems and was n't just selling technology IBM 's push is unusual in its approach to marketing 6 Rather than just send out marketing people to knock on customers ' doors , IBM is making several hundred of its own manufacturing people available to discuss specific needs IBM 's manufacturing staff will be able to provide software that IBM has developed internally and will be able to form teams with a customer to jointly solve manufacturing problems 1 IBM can obviously bring its expertise to bear on problems related to computer manufacturing it could also help customers on software to deal with such things as changes in engineering documents 6 IBM can obviously bring its expertise to bear on problems related to computer manufacturing but it could help customers on software to deal with such things as changes in engineering documents 0 We may not have every manufacturing problem we have most 6 that mirrored softer performance as a result of slower turnover on the Tokyo Stock Exchange during July and August Figures for the period ended Sept. 30 for the four largest brokerage firms -- Nomura Securities Co. , Daiwa Securities Co. , Yamaichi Securities Co. and Nikko Securities reflected a changeover to a fiscal year ending March 31 2 Figures for the period ended Sept. 30 for the four largest brokerage firms -- Nomura Securities Co. , Daiwa Securities Co. , Yamaichi Securities Co. and Nikko Securities -- also reflected a changeover to a fiscal year ending March 31 , replacing the 12-month term formerly finishing Sept. 30 appropriate comparisons from the same period a year earlier were unavailable 0 As a result appropriate comparisons from the same period a year earlier were unavailable Operating profit , pretax profit and net income results were provided for the immediately preceding six-month period 1 Total operating profit fell 3.1 % to 486.1 billion yen from 501.61 billion yen Net income rose 3.7 % to 107.87 billion yen from 103.98 billion yen 3 it will drop its $ 11.75-a-share , or $ 190 million , offer for Tesoro Petroleum Corp the two companies do n't have an agreement to merge by Dec. 15 6 Harken said it still is awaiting a response to its offer from Tesoro 's board Harken said that its financing from Bankers Trust Co. has been extended until Dec. 15 to give Tesoro 's board time to consider the offer at a Tesoro board meeting scheduled for mid-November 2 it is particularly interested in Tesoro 's refinery it would fill a gap in its business 0 it is particularly interested in Tesoro 's refinery Tesoro already has rejected a suitor in the past year 6 Francis D. John , 35-year-old president , will assume the additional job of chief executive officer.He succeeds Paul J. Montle , 42 , who will remain chairman it will move its headquarters from Hingham to Folcroft , Pa. , the site of its sludge dewatering facility 6 Eagle Clothes Inc. said it reached an agreement with its creditors Eagle said it received a commitment for as much as $ 8 million in financing from Norfolk Capital Group Inc 6 it received a commitment for as much as $ 8 million in financing from Norfolk Capital Group Inc a Norfolk affiliate , York Capital Inc. , will purchase all of the interests of Eagle 's secured lenders , which total $ 11.5 million , and guarantee as much as $ 8.2 million in payments to Eagle 's unsecured creditors 6 Eagle 's management retired Biny 's management took control of the company 0 At the time , Eagle reached a new credit agreement with Bankers Trust and with Bank Leumi Trust Co. of New York for $ 8 million , and a new subordinated debt accord with First Century Partners and Biny management for $ 2 million Eagle said the financing was insufficient and sales during the past fiscal year sagged 6 the financing was insufficient sales during the past fiscal year sagged 11 Under Chapter 11 , a company operates under protection from creditors ' lawsuits it works out a plan to pay debts 11 they must also reduce liabilities , such as deposits thrifts sell assets 6 As thrifts sell assets to improve their capital-to-asset ratio , as required under the new law passed in August they must reduce liabilities , such as deposits 2 thrift withdrawals exceeded deposits by $ 5.1 billion , not including interest credited to accounts interest rates paid depositors were lowered 6 The downsizing of the thrift industry is well under way , '' said Bert Ely , an industry consultant in Alexandria , Va. `` This suggests the bailout law is having a more dramatic effect than anyone would have imagined so soon James Barth , an economist with the Office of Thrift Supervision , attributed some of the outflow to seasonal factors 6 Not including thrifts under government conservatorship , S & Ls reduced their assets by $ 10.1 billion from the previous month deposit outflows totaled $ 3.9 billion 6 For the 264 insolvent thrifts under government management at the end of August , assets declined by $ 3.3 billion withdrawals exceeded deposits by $ 1.2 billion 2 to exceed withdrawals in the foreseeable future the industry continues to shrink 5 we are going to see deposit shrinkage continue we see big changes in rates 2 underestimated growth rates artificially depress official productivity statistics the bureau 's estimates for the business sector provide the numerator for the productivity ratios calculated by the Department of Labor 3 it has important implications for macroeconomic policies this thesis is correct 6 It may lower the sense of urgency behind efforts to enact tax incentives and other measures to increase the rate of growth in productivity and real GNP It would affect the perceptions of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System , and the informed public generally , as to what constitutes a reasonable degree of price stability 6 In the early 1980s , I predicted a significant acceleration in productivity growth over the rest of the decade There has been more than a one percentage point improvement in productivity growth since 1981 0 There has indeed been more than a one percentage point improvement in productivity growth since 1981 I had expected more 1 The evidence does not clearly support the view that the downward bias in output growth has become greater during the 1948-89 period all I am claiming is that the growth trend is understated 1 The evidence does not clearly support the view that the downward bias in output growth has become greater during the 1948-89 period , but all I am claiming is that the growth trend is understated It is possible , that further study will reveal increasing bias 3 this Labor Department estimate indicates a downward bias in the real GNP estimates of 0.2 percentage point a year , on average it is assumed that productivity rose no more than half as quickly in the rest of the nonbusiness sector 2 missing these productivity improvements depresses the overall growth rate by 0.15 % a year finance and services contribute 10 % to final business product 6 The first of three major sources of error is the use of labor input estimates ( mainly employment or hours ) instead of output estimates for those sectors , such as governments , paid household services and private non-profit institutions , where there are difficulties in assembling output data The second source of error in growth statistics is the use of inappropriate deflators to adjust for price changes the official estimates understate growth because they make inadequate allowance for improvements in quality of goods and services 2 Finally , the official estimates understate growth they make inadequate allowance for improvements in quality of goods and services 2 In 1985 , a new price index for computers adjusted for changes in performance characteristics was introduced that resulted in a significantly larger increase in real outlays for durable goods than the earlier estimates had showed 9 The first of three major sources of error is the use of labor input estimates ( mainly employment or hours ) instead of output estimates for those sectors , such as governments , paid household services and private non-profit institutions , where there are difficulties in assembling output data The second source of error in growth statistics is the use of inappropriate deflators to adjust for price changes Finally , the official estimates understate growth because they make inadequate allowance for improvements in quality of goods and services the biases ennumerated above indicate a 0.7 percentage point understatement in growth of total real GNP 9 In sum , the biases ennumerated above indicate a 0.7 percentage point understatement in growth of total real GNP.For the private domestic business economy , the bias was a bit over 0.5 percentage point the growth rates of both total GNP and real private business product per labor hour have been underestimated by about 20 % 0 Carbide , like other companies with a heavy reliance on the so-called commodity end of the chemicals industry , was expected to post earnings sharply lower than in an exceptionally strong 1988 third quarter the company 's latest quarter was a few pennies a share lower than the more pessimistic projections on Wall Street 1 It certainly was n't a disaster it does show weakness '' in some of the company 's chief markets 2 the slide accelerated in the third quarter buyers continued to trim inventories 6 Prices for polyethylene , a common plastic and an important Carbide product , started to fall early this year Prices fell for ethylene oxide and glycols , products used in making antifreeze 10 For the third quarter , operating profit from Carbide 's chemicals and plastics business fell to $ 238 million from $ 352 million a year ago accounting for taxes and interest expense 6 For the third quarter , operating profit from Carbide 's chemicals and plastics business fell to $ 238 million from $ 352 million a year ago , before accounting for taxes and interest expense Operating profit from carbon products , such as graphite electrodes declined , to $ 6 million from $ 20 million 6 Propylene glycols are used in making personal-care products such as shampoo urethane polyols are used in making the polyurethane foam found in furniture cushioning and other products 6 At least 10 states are resisting Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. 's nationwide effort to settle its legal troubles some might instead try to revoke the firm 's license to sell securities within their borders 5 to settle its legal troubles and some might try to revoke the firm 's license to sell securities within their borders 0 Up to now , Drexel has made a rapid-fire series of settlements with 25 states and the commonwealth of Puerto Rico the firm is meeting resistance from some big states , including New Jersey , New York , California , Pennsylvania , Connecticut and Missouri 0 Ohio , the District of Columbia , Tennessee and Illinois have been less resistant to Drexel than the other six states but have refused to settle so far 6 it does n't expect any of its state brokerage licenses will be revoked even if some are , its securities business would n't be directly hurt 0 and its securities business would n't be directly hurt some are 0 Drexel says it does n't expect any of its state brokerage licenses will be revoked , and even if some are , its securities business would n't be directly hurt.It already has sold its retail , or individual-investor , brokerage network ; securities firms do n't need brokerage licenses for non-retail activities such as investment banking if nothing else , a revoked brokerage license could be a burden because it must be disclosed in many of the transactions in which Drexel could be involved 3 Still a revoked brokerage license could be a burden nothing else 2 Still , if nothing else , a revoked brokerage license could be a burden it must be disclosed in many of the transactions in which Drexel could be involved 1 Securities regulators praise Drexel for its energetic effort , led by government-approved general counsel Saul S. Cohen , to settle its legal problems with the states they disagree about the message these settlements give to the public 5 whether Drexel should be allowed to pay and move on whether you should ( simply ) revoke the license when someone is convicted of a felony 10 or `` whether you should ( simply ) revoke the license someone is convicted of a felony 1 she said : `` I do n't have any argument with those who came to different conclusions Ms. Bryant 's state went ahead and accepted Drexel 's settlement offer of $ 25,000 6 While Ms. Bryant 's state went ahead and accepted Drexel 's settlement offer of $ 25,000 , she said : `` I do n't have any argument with those who came to different conclusions.I can see both sides Alfred Rubega , New Hampshire 's director of securities regulation , said his state had n't received any complaints about Drexel , so it really could n't press the issue.Still , `` I understand the reasons '' that other states are holding out , he said 2 his state had n't received any complaints about Drexel it really could n't press the issue 0 his state had n't received any complaints about Drexel , so it really could n't press the issue I understand the reasons '' that other states are holding out 6 more than $ 2.8 million has been paid to 26 states that Drexel still expects to pay out a total of $ 11.5 million 5 that are either close to settlements with Drexel who do n't appear opposed to settling 7 Drexel 's proposed state fines have been based on a state 's population and on the size of Drexel 's business in the state New Jersey was asked to accept $ 300,000 6 The state is n't ruling out revoking Drexel 's brokerage license The state can bar Drexel as an investment adviser 1 State officials wo n't describe their position in detail James McLelland Smith , state securities chief , said : `` We really are still looking at it and have informed ( Drexel ) that the proposal is really not sufficient for settlement 6 Neither state has settled officials in the two states wo n't discuss their reasons for not doing so 1 and officials in the two states wo n't discuss their reasons for not doing so Drexel has made it clear it could mount a significant legal battle in each state if its license is revoked , according to state officials 3 it could mount a significant legal battle in each state its license is revoked 1 Drexel has done a better job of settling with the states than E.F. Hutton did after its guilty plea to a massive check-kiting scheme several years ago Drexel 's trouble with some states is n't a bad thing 2 to have somebody worried they do n't do this again 6 Time Warner Inc. reported a third-quarter net loss of $ 176 million , or $ 2.88 cents a share , reflecting acquisition costs for a 59.3 % stake in Warner Communications Inc. and the purchase method of accounting for the transaction Warner reported a net loss of $ 106 million , or 56 cents a share , including merger expenses of $ 100 million and $ 120 million in charges associated with stock-appreciation-based compensation plans 6 I look at these numbers I say , these businesses are doing well 7 these businesses are doing well Warner made more than $ 100 million from filmed entertainment in three months 6 For example , Warner made more than $ 100 million from filmed entertainment in three months Warner had a gain of more than 13 % from records and music publishing 0 Warner also had a gain of more than 13 % from records and music publishing the domestic record business was sluggish this summer 6 Batman '' alone has racked up more than $ 247 million in box-office receipts to date Lethal Weapon II '' was a big hit 6 Time Warner 's operating earnings got a boost from Warner 's record box-office results Warner contributed record results from its music business 6 Time Warner said its cable division turned in a 77 % increase in operating cash flow , to $ 166 million from $ 94 million , reflecting higher per-subscriber revenue the 1988 results included a $ 20 million charge reflecting a reserve for relocation related expenses at American Television & Communications Corp 1 its cable division turned in a 77 % increase in operating cash flow , to $ 166 million from $ 94 million its operating cash flow declined in the quarter for its magazine division , its books division and the Home Box Office programming division 2 The programming division saw a decline in operating cash flow the year-ago quarter included a $ 12 million dividend from Turner Broadcasting System 6 because the year-ago quarter included a $ 12 million dividend from Turner Broadcasting System because the quarter includes expenses associated with the Nov. 15 launch of HBO 's Comedy Channel 2 The programming division saw a decline in operating cash flow the quarter includes expenses associated with the Nov. 15 launch of HBO 's Comedy Channel 1 In New York Stock Exchange composite trading , Time Warner closed at $ 138.625 a share , up $ 1.875 Warner closed at $ 63.875 a share , up 12.5 cents 6 that Mr. Simmons , the chairman of Valley National Bank in Phoenix , is the Republican appointee that a security clearance was under way 6 Mr. Simmons declined to comment the White House said the congressmen 's letter is under review 7 Both banks have been battered , as have other Arizona banks , by falling real estate prices Valley National had $ 470 million in problem assets as of June 6 We believe that there are numerous other candidates more qualified for this important position we encourage you to give them your thorough consideration before making this key RTC appointment 10 to give them your thorough consideration making this key RTC appointment 0 Some House Democrats are trying to head off an appointment by President Bush to the board that oversees the savings-and-loan bailout Mr. Simmons has long ties to both Republicans and banking 6 He was co-chairman of Mr. Bush 's Arizona campaign committee in last year 's election and worked for Mr. Bush in the 1980 election 6 when Mr. Simmons worked for Commercial Bank & Trust Co. of Midland , Texas , where Mr. Bush was an organizing director In 1986 , Mr. Simmons served on a committee of businessmen headed by William Seidman , chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and the Resolution Trust Corp 6 Randolph W. McElroy , a vice chairman of this bank-holding company , was named to the additional position of chairman of its principal unit , Sovran Bank Sovran named John B. Werner a vice chairman of the parent company and the unit and elected him to the newly created position of chief credit officer of Sovran Financial 6 Moody 's Investors Service Inc. said it lowered the debt ratings of certain long-term debt held by this company Moody 's said it raised its rating on the Deposit Insurance Bridge Bank , now known as Bank One , Texas N.A 11 Investors may reap huge profits premiums exceed claims 3 Investors may reap huge profits premiums exceed claims 1 Investors may reap huge profits when premiums exceed claims they are liable to their last pound or dollar in the event of a catastrophe 6 Investors may reap huge profits when premiums exceed claims , but they are liable to their last pound or dollar in the event of a catastrophe catastrophes are getting ever more costly 7 And catastrophes are getting ever more costly Lloyd 's claims for the 1988 Piper Alpha oil-rig disaster in the North Sea may reach $ 1 billion 3 they will have to take everything I 've got Lloyd 's wants # 70,000 out of me 6 If Lloyd 's wants # 70,000 out of me they will have to take everything I 've got even then I do n't know if it will be enough 0 they will have to take everything I 've got and I do n't know if it will be enough 6 The downside is very considerable at the moment the upside is very marginal 3 he may quit the exchange profits do n't improve 6 Lloyd 's , once a pillar of the world insurance market , is being shaken to its very foundation competition from rivals unencumbered by history is intensifying 11 Lloyd 's , once a pillar of the world insurance market , is being shaken to its very foundation competition from rivals unencumbered by history is intensifying 6 It virtually dictated how ships were to be built it monitored commerce through a unrivaled intelligence network in ports around the globe 3 Its stake is even smaller life insurance is included 1 competitors now underwrite most of that business Lloyd 's pioneered such now-standard policies as worker 's compensation insurance , burglary insurance for homeowners and businesses , and bankers ' liability insurance 7 Even Lloyd 's specialty -- unusually risky ventures -- is being challenged Only 10 years ago Lloyd 's was the pre-eminent insurer of thoroughbred horses.But since 1981 , Kirk Horse Insurance Inc. of Lexington , Ky. has grabbed a 20 % stake of the market 1 Only 10 years ago , for instance , Lloyd 's was the pre-eminent insurer of thoroughbred horses since 1981 , Kirk Horse Insurance Inc. of Lexington , Ky. has grabbed a 20 % stake of the market 2 Lloyd 's has suffered its structure does n't allow underwriters to deal directly with clients 2 because its structure does n't allow underwriters to deal directly with clients ; brokers are required intermediaries Lloyd 's ca n't react quickly to competition 6 This is a watershed time we are trying to plot our way ahead 10 for inventing risks which other people take , copy and cut rates 1 Three years ago , the exchange took up residence in a space-age tower of steel and glass along with such treasured artifacts as Lord Nelson 's spyglass , Lloyd 's also brought its outmoded ways of doing business 6 The system is so ludicrously unprofessional it drives you mad underwriters have been inept 1 the San Francisco earthquake will cause the industry to boost rates even further it will be years before it is clear whether higher rates will offset the payouts for such disasters 10 But it will be years it is clear whether higher rates will offset the payouts for such disasters 1 That year , it posted record pretax profit of # 650 million , a gain it attributes to higher rates and fewer claims reported profit will be down in 1987 , 1988 and 1989 1 But Mr. Lawrence says reported profit will be down in 1987 , 1988 and 1989 he declines to specify how steep the decline will be 6 the departures of names is n't likely to hurt its underwriting capacity , currently about # 11 billion the drain of funds has been offset by an increase in investments by the remaining names the exchange has been trying to lower costs 11 the departures of names is n't likely to hurt its underwriting capacity , currently about # 11 billion the drain of funds has been offset by an increase in investments by the remaining names the exchange has been trying to lower costs 1 Meanwhile , the exchange has been trying to lower costs Lloyd 's is hampered in its efforts to overhaul operations by its reluctance to embrace modern technology 0 the effort has n't gotten very far Lloyd 's has talked for years about computerizing underwriting transactions 6 But Lloyd 's is hampered in its efforts to overhaul operations by its reluctance to embrace modern technology Lloyd 's overblown bureaucracy hampers efforts to update marketing strategies 6 Lloyd 's presently sells only auto insurance directly to the public such policies are sold only in limited markets such as the U.K. and Canada 1 Some underwriters have been pressing for years to tap the low-margin business by selling some policies directly to consumers such changes must be cleared by four internal committees and dozens of underwriters , brokers and administrators before being implemented 10 But such changes must be cleared by four internal committees and dozens of underwriters , brokers and administrators being implemented 1 The proposal to sell directly to the public remains mired in bureaucratic quicksand Lloyd 's is moving forward on some fronts 1 In Japanese firms , the president usually is in charge of day-to-day operations the chairman 's role is more a ceremonial one 0 the speed of his promotion surprised many people within Daiwa , particularly internationalists , expected that Mr . Dozen , 52 , would eventually become Daiwa 's president 1 that does very well in its domestic market that is still seeking to realize its potential in global investment banking and securities dealing 11 to make its international operations more profitable preparing the firm for the effects of the continuing deregulation of Japan 's domestic markets 1 they have been only marginally profitable , if at all , in the U.S they have moved to the fore in underwriting fixed-income securities in the Eurobond market -- mostly for Japanese firms 6 American institutional investors have never had a large appetite for Japanese equities while the Japanese have stepped up their purchases of U.S. shares in the past several months , they have shown themselves in the past to be fickle investors 0 And they have shown themselves in the past to be fickle investors the Japanese have stepped up their purchases of U.S. shares in the past several months 11 he tried selling Japanese yen-denominated bonds to U.S. investors he arrived in the U.S. in 1969 -- the start of an eight-year tour 1 He made desperate efforts , using the yellow pages from beginning to end not a single piece of paper was sold 10 how he successfully bid for the opportunity to sell portions of 20 U.S. corporate bond issues some training at Salomon Brothers Inc 1 how he successfully bid for the opportunity to sell portions of 20 U.S. corporate bond issues he could n't sell any 10 the indignity suffered he and two colleagues went on an overnight fishing expedition off the New Jersey shore and caught nothing 6 Exhausted , I got into a taxicab the woman driver said : ` Americans make better fishermen 10 Exhausted , I got into a taxicab the woman driver said : ` Americans make better fishermen 6 Like many young recruits in Japanese securities firms , he began his career peddling stock to individual investors In his climb to the top , Mr . Dozen headed the company 's stock-exchange division , its fixed-income units and its international operations 1 He was constantly picking up new things to fill out his experience ; he is very well-balanced it Mr . Dozen 's experience as a salesman that enabled him to gain the political support -- particularly from the retail sales force -- to accede to the presidency 6 Commission income from domestic stock and bond sales accounts form a large portion of Japanese securities companies ' earnings anybody who lacked the backing of the retail sales force `` would be fragile 4 it may be his golf game Mr . Dozen has a weakness 6 Inco Ltd. posted a 35 % decline in third-quarter net income , a performance that was in line with analysts ' expectations The nickel producer raised its quarterly dividend to 25 cents a share from 20 cents and said it may buy back as much as 4.8 % of its common outstanding 1 Inco , which had cash reserves of $ 272 million as of Sept. 30 , could still announce a special dividend in the next few months it would be smaller than the $ 10-a-share special dividend it paid last year 3 to buy back as many as five million common shares over the next 12 months nickel market conditions are favorable 2 UAL Corp. 's board quashed any prospects for an immediate revival of a labor-management buy-out UAL 's chairman , Stephen M. Wolf , pulled out of the buy-out effort 11 Just last week it suffered another major setback British Airways PLC , the largest equity investor in the labor-management bid , withdrew its support 10 which makes a market in UAL the exchange is closed 10 The rebound in UAL stock during regular trading hours Monday was its first daily gain six consecutive losses left the price 41 % below its level before Oct. 13 , the day the group announced the bank financing could n't be obtained for the original deal 1 to consider an informal proposal from the buy-out group for a revised bid it was n't interested for now 6 That proposal would have transferred majority ownership to employees leaving some stock in public hands 11 That proposal would have transferred majority ownership to employees leaving some stock in public hands 6 The buy-out group had no firm financing for the plan with no other offers on the table , the board apparently felt no pressure to act on it 1 And , with no other offers on the table , the board apparently felt no pressure to act on it The directors signaled that they would be willing to consider future offers or take some other action to maximize shareholder value , saying they would continue to explore `` all strategic and financial alternatives 1 The directors signaled , however , that they would be willing to consider future offers or take some other action to maximize shareholder value , saying they would continue to explore `` all strategic and financial alternatives it was clear that for the time being , the board wants the company to return to normalcy 6 Mr. Wolf urged all employees to `` now turn their full attention '' to operating the airline He vowed to `` make every effort to nurture . . . a constructive new relationship that has been forged with participating employee groups 1 He also vowed to `` make every effort to nurture . . . a constructive new relationship that has been forged with participating employee groups Mr. Wolf faces a monumental task in pulling the company back together again 6 that it is still committed to majority employee ownership that the labor disputes that faced the company prior to the buy-out effort `` still need to be addressed 6 that the labor disputes that faced the company prior to the buy-out effort `` still need to be addressed The buy-out effort worsened already-strained relations between United 's pilot and machinist unions 1 The machinists previously had shown themselves to be an ally to Mr. Wolf he lost much of his credibility with that group when he teamed up with the pilot union 10 but he lost much of his credibility with that group he teamed up with the pilot union 6 but he lost much of his credibility with that group when he teamed up with the pilot union His credibility is on the line in the investment community 10 Mr. Wolf was regarded as one of the nation 's savviest airline executives after engineering turnarounds of Tiger International Inc. and Republic Airlines the collapse of this bid 10 Until the collapse of this bid , Mr. Wolf was regarded as one of the nation 's savviest airline executives engineering turnarounds of Tiger International Inc. and Republic Airlines 1 Until the collapse of this bid , Mr. Wolf was regarded as one of the nation 's savviest airline executives after engineering turnarounds of Tiger International Inc. and Republic Airlines he and his chief financial officer , John Pope , sowed some of the seeds for the deal 's failure by insisting banks accept low financing fees and interest rates , while they invested in the transaction only a small fraction of the $ 114.3 million they stood to gain from sale of their UAL stock and options 11 by insisting banks accept low financing fees and interest rates they invested in the transaction only a small fraction of the $ 114.3 million they stood to gain from sale of their UAL stock and options 1 by insisting banks accept low financing fees and interest rates they invested in the transaction only a small fraction of the $ 114.3 million they stood to gain from sale of their UAL stock and options 6 The board 's actions leave takeover stock traders nursing some $ 700 million in losses and eager to respond to anyone who might make a new offer It inevitably leaves a residue of shareholder lawsuits 1 he remains interested in the airline he is restricted from making certain hostile moves by an agreement he signed to obtain confidential UAL data 5 Essentially , he ca n't make any hostile moves he makes a tender offer at least $ 300 a share 2 At this time , we elected not to get involved we have been able to satisfy our need { for DRAMs } from the market as a rule 1 I would like to have had them they were n't on my list of companies who were critical to be a part of it 10 two or three major corporations to announce their participation in U.S. Memories the group finishes a business plan , probably late this week 1 he expects two or three major corporations to announce their participation in U.S. Memories soon after the group finishes a business plan , probably late this week so far , most potential participants have n't decided 1 that the company has n't made a decision yet it is n't under active consideration 3 that the U.S. would undertake to warn Panamanian thug Manuel Noriega it got wind of an impending coup that might result in his assassination 3 the American people ought to know the CIA has become a protection service for Mr. Noriega 11 to blame the executive branch stamping `` top secret '' on their own complicity 1 Naturally , Senator Boren and his committee would like free rein to blame the executive branch while stamping `` top secret '' on their own complicity there 's no danger of exposing sources and methods in disclosing the debate running up and down Pennsylvania Avenue 6 But there 's no danger of exposing sources and methods in disclosing the debate running up and down Pennsylvania Avenue if Congress is going to assume authority to micromanage foreign policy , it 's going to have to take some of the responsibility too 3 And it 's going to have to take some of the responsibility too Congress is going to assume authority to micromanage foreign policy 11 his commanders did n't have the initiative to do more than block a couple of roads they did 1 The executive branch bears the first responsibility for timidity what kind of initiative can you expect given the climate set by Congress 7 But what kind of initiative can you expect given the climate set by Congress what exactly did the CIA tell Major Giroldi and his fellow coup plotters about U.S. laws and executive orders on assassinations ? What part did U.S. warnings play in the major 's unwillingness to pull the trigger when he had General Noriega in custody , but was under attack by pro-Noriega troops 11 What part did U.S. warnings play in the major 's unwillingness to pull the trigger he had General Noriega in custody , but was under attack by pro-Noriega troops 10 Mr. Noriega did n't suffer from any hesitation he had the pistol 2 You have the right to conceal your coup intentions we may rat on you 5 to smooth things over a few days later but simply underlined Mr. Webster 's point 9 The interpretation '' of the executive order and the way in which the various committees have over time interpreted it , has led in my view to a proper caution on the part of operators , including me Congress wo n't let the CIA do much of anything anymore , and that 's fine with the CIA 6 In other words , Congress wo n't let the CIA do much of anything anymore that 's fine with the CIA 6 The pay 's the same the duty 's lighter 6 The pay 's the same , and the duty 's lighter of course , doing anything that might be second-guessed by Congress carries heavy penalties 3 what can happen they fail 1 There are of course good reasons the U.S. should n't get into the assassination business rescinding the executive order is not the same thing as saying the U.S. should start passing out exploding cigars 0 We 've heard California 's property-tax-cutting Proposition 13 blamed for a lot over the years ABC 's Ted Koppel came up with a new wrinkle in his earthquake coverage last week when he asked Democratic Assemblyman Richard Katz if Prop . 13 had withheld money needed for road maintenance 11 Both have been raised at least 30 % in recent years the price of gasoline has fallen 1 There were no immediate reports of deaths a number of workers were still unaccounted for last night 2 The U.S. Coast Guard closed six miles of the Houston Ship Channel the thick , black smoke obscured the area 1 Broken water lines and gas leaks hindered firefighters ' efforts by late yesterday authorities said they had the fire under control 1 Nearby Pasadena , Texas , police reported that 104 people had been taken to area hospitals a spokeswoman said that toll could rise 6 In late August , four contract workers were injured after an explosion at a fuel supply line near the facility 's boiler house one Phillips employee died 6 A federal judge in Manhattan has entered a judgment requiring a Chicago organized crime figure to pay the government $ 250,000 U.S. District Judge David Edelstein permanently enjoined Mr. Lombardo from any future dealings with the Teamsters or any other labor union 11 its third-quarter earnings slipped 9 % profits from two of its three major businesses sagged 6 Exxon Corp. said its third-quarter earnings slipped 9 % as profits from two of its three major businesses sagged Phillips Petroleum Co. and Atlantic Richfield Co reported declines in quarterly profit 6 Phillips Petroleum Co. and Atlantic Richfield Co. also reported declines in quarterly profit Ashland Oil Inc. posted a loss for the latest quarter 1 those expenses as well as the cost of a continuing spill-related program are covered by $ 880 million in charges taken during the first half Exxon spent heavily during the latest quarter to clean up the Alaskan shoreline blackened by its huge oil spill 10 spilled one of its tankers rammed into an underwater reef 2 spilled one of its tankers rammed into an underwater reef 1 An Exxon official said that at this time the oil company does n't anticipate any additional charges to future earnings relating to the cleanup of oil spilled when one of its tankers rammed into an underwater reef She added , that charges already taken do n't take into account the potential effect of litigation involving the oil spill 6 Exxon 's earnings from chemicals operations fell $ 90 million , to $ 254 million refining and marketing profits declined $ 180 million , to $ 357 million 0 they were n't strong enough to offset the declining profits in those business sectors at most oil companies crude oil prices were significantly higher this year 6 The Ashland , Ky. , oil company reported a $ 38 million charge resulting from settlement of a 10-year dispute with the National Iranian Oil Co. over claims that Ashland did n't pay for Iranian crude it had received Ashland took a $ 25 million after-tax charge to cover anticipated costs to correct problems with boilers built by one of its subsidiaries 6 Ashland also took a $ 25 million after-tax charge to cover anticipated costs to correct problems with boilers built by one of its subsidiaries The oil refiner booked a $ 15 million charge for selling Ashland Technology Corp. , one of its subsidiaries , at a loss 6 Refining and marketing earnings climbed to $ 33.3 million from $ 12.9 million exploration and production earnings rose to $ 37.1 million from $ 17.9 million 10 to cover the cost of maintaining operations Hurricane Hugo heavily damaged the company 's refinery at St. Croix 6 There are about $ 100 million of 7 % term bonds due 2009 , priced to yield 7.30 % There are about $ 124 million of 6 1/2 % bonds priced to yield 7.25 % in 2012 ; about $ 97 million of 6 % bonds priced to yield 7.20 % in 2014 ; and about $ 26.5 million of 5 % bonds priced to yield 7.15 % in 2016 8 Federal National Mortgage Association -- $ 500 million of Remic mortgage securities being offered in 10 classes by Merrill Lynch Capital Markets.The offering , Series 1989-85 , is backed by Fannie Mae 9 % securities a $ 400 million issue of Fannie Mae Remic mortgage securities is being offered in 15 classes by Bear , Stearns & Co.The offering , Series 1989-86 , is backed by Fannie Mae 9 % securities 8 Federal National Mortgage Association -- $ 500 million of Remic mortgage securities being offered in 10 classes by Merrill Lynch Capital Markets Separately , a $ 400 million issue of Fannie Mae Remic mortgage securities is being offered in 15 classes by Bear , Stearns & Co a $ 300 million issue of Fannie Mae Remic mortgage securities is being offered in 12 classes by Smith Barney , Harris Upham & Co 1 he is not going to change his style I 'm going to proceed in a more logical way.I 'm not going to do anything that is not acceptable in anyone 's home 1 But I 'm going to proceed in a more logical way.I 'm not going to do anything that is not acceptable in anyone 's home that does n't mean I 'm not going to get angry 0 that viewers will no longer have to endure the shouting of `` Mort ! Mort ! Mort there will be a studio audience 0 he is not going to change his style , which some critics said was flamboyant and others deemed offensive just how does Mr. Downey 's unorthodox style mesh with the sedate tone of CNBC 's business programming 10 Mr. Downey 's previous show , a one-hour shout fest , syndciated by MCA Inc. and produced by Quantum Media Inc. , was canceled in July advertisers and stations abandoned it 2 In an economic slowdown , heavy debt loads reduce the flexibility of companies cash that would normally be used to keep the company buoyant must be diverted to interest payments 6 that the selling of cyclical stocks yesterday will be followed by a sell-off in shares of companies with big debt loads on their balance sheets investors beat a clear path yesterday to blue-chip issues with proven earnings growth records 6 Under this scrutiny , the first thing you do is sell your cyclical stocks the second thing you do is sell your over-leveraged companies 10 Under this scrutiny , the first thing you do is sell your cyclical stocks the second thing you do is sell your over-leveraged companies 6 Many money managers are bracing for a decline in stocks of companies with big debt loads on their balance sheets much of the buying in blue chips yesterday was a pursuit of companies with lower debt levels 1 McDonald 's has long-term debt equaling 91 % of shareholder equity currently the company is carrying real estate assets at about $ 2.6 billion below their real value 8 Coca-Cola climbed 1 3/8 to 72 1/8 ; McDonald 's added 1 to 31 3/8 Procter & Gamble gained 3/4 to 130 5/8 8 A & P fell 1 1/4 to 57 5/8 J. Baker gained 3/8 to 21 1/4 6 Philip Morris slipped 1/2 to 43 7/8 Sara Lee closed unchanged at 60 1/8 1 From January to early September , the index of stub stocks -- the tiny portion of equity that 's publicly traded following a recapitalization -- outperformed Standard & Poor 's 500-stock index by about 20 % starting in early September , the index started to slide and now stands about even with the S & P 500 6 Union Carbide declined 1/2 to 24 1/2 Exxon went down 3/8 to 45 3/4 and Allied-Signal lost 7/8 to 35 1/8 8 Also , Exxon went down 3/8 to 45 3/4 Allied-Signal lost 7/8 to 35 1/8 even though the companies ' results for the quarter were in line with forecasts 0 Also , Exxon went down 3/8 to 45 3/4 and Allied-Signal lost 7/8 to 35 1/8 the companies ' results for the quarter were in line with forecasts 3 it may consider filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection it ca n't reach an agreement with federal regulators to provide additional capital to MeraBank 10 Merrill Lynch and Prudential-Bache Securities both lowered the stock 's investment rating according to PIR the results were issued Friday 8 Elsewhere in the chemicals sector , Dow Chemical fell 1 1/4 to 97 1/2 , Monsanto lost 1 7/8 to 118 , B.F. Goodrich slipped 2 1/4 to 44 3/4 Olin slid 1 to 57 3/4 10 UAL advanced 9 7/8 to 178 3/8 on 1.1 million shares on anticipation of a revised takeover offer from a labor-management group for the parent company of United Airlines declining about 41 % last week 1 UAL advanced 9 7/8 to 178 3/8 on 1.1 million shares on anticipation of a revised takeover offer from a labor-management group for the parent company of United Airlines Delta Air Lines fell 1 1/2 to 67 1/2 and USAir Group dropped 3/4 to 42 1/2 8 However , Delta Air Lines fell 1 1/2 to 67 1/2 USAir Group dropped 3/4 to 42 1/2 10 Ramada gained 7/8 to 11 1/4 revamping the terms of its restructuring plan , which calls for the company to sell its hotel operations for $ 540 million and spin off its casino business to shareholders 8 Paramount Communications rose 5/8 to 58 3/4 , Time Warner climbed 1 7/8 to 138 5/8 , Walt Disney advanced 3 1/8 to 127 1/2 , MCA rose 1 1/8 to 65 5/8 McGraw-Hill added 1/2 to 67 1/8 1 He may have gone overboard in his pursuit of good discipline is n't it interesting that some of the country 's biggest , most troubled school districts are choosing new chiefs from the same gravel-chewing mold 1 Mr. Fernandez does n't take control in New York until January already he 's roiling the waters 10 they stay they are in the building 10 He was finally given leave he was arrested for allegedly buying crack 6 Naturally , the principals ' union loves building tenure tenure has withstood previous challenge 1 We suggest that Mr. Fernandez find an incompetent principal , toss him out of the building and let the forces of the status quo explain to the parents whatever it is they 're defending the no-more-nonsense superintendents are going to have to be judicious as well ; incompetent principals and administrators should go , but the good ones ought to be left alone 1 incompetent principals and administrators should go the good ones ought to be left alone 1 Getting a community of parents to care again about its schools is essential in Chicago the new boards will make mistakes and Mr. Kimbrough will have to identify them 6 but in Chicago the new boards will make mistakes Mr. Kimbrough will have to identify them 2 but in Chicago the new boards will make mistakes Mr. Kimbrough will have to identify them 6 The classroom itself operated on the periphery of this awful system , discipline collapsed kids stopped learning 2 The classroom itself operated on the periphery of this awful system , discipline collapsed kids stopped learning 6 Mr. Chips was a nice fellow maybe some day he 'll return 6 Ingersoll Publications Co. agreed to buy the New Haven Register in a transaction valued at $ 275 million from Goodson Newspaper Group Inc As part of the agreement , Goodson terminated the contract under which Ingersoll manages Goodson 's 66 newspapers 6 Under the terms of the accord , Ingersoll will pay about $ 255 million for the Register , a daily that Goodson bought for about $ 170 million in 1986.Goodson will pay the additional $ 20 million in settlement of the management contract that it hired the former president and senior vice president of Ingersoll to run the Goodson papers 1 The latter 's son , Ralph Ingersoll Jr. , took over the company and has been managing the Goodson properties and acting as an agent in the purchase of newspapers for Goodson in recent years , Mr. Ingersoll began focusing more on expanding his own newspaper empire in partnership with investment banking firm Warburg , Pincus & Co 6 that Ralph and I have different agendas that he feels `` more comfortable with a management team whose sole interest and responsibility is in the Goodson papers 10 Kenneth Roman , Ogilvy 's chairman and chief executive officer , said he is leaving to take a top post at American Express Co Ogilvy Group was swallowed up in an unsolicited takeover 10 American Express representatives apparently influenced the publication of unfavorable articles about Mr. Safra The company apologized and agreed to make $ 8 million in contributions to charities chosen by him 1 he will continue to work as a consultant for American Express on a project basis Mr. Freeman is retiring 10 The agency , under his direction , bitterly fought a takeover attempt by WPP Group PLC of London succumbing in May 8 The agency , under his direction , bitterly fought a takeover attempt by WPP Group PLC of London before succumbing in May although Mr. Roman and WPP 's chief executive , Martin Sorrell , have gone out of their way to be publicly supportive of each other , people close to Mr. Roman say he was unhappy giving up control of the company 0 he was unhappy giving up control of the company Mr. Roman and WPP 's chief executive , Martin Sorrell , have gone out of their way to be publicly supportive of each other 6 And people close to Mr. Roman say he was unhappy giving up control of the company Some executives cite tension because of efforts by Mr. Sorrell , a financial man , to cut costs at the agency 6 who had been president of North American operations who , like Mr. Sorrell , is British 6 Mr. Roman will be succeeded as the head of Ogilvy 's flagship ad agency , Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide , by Graham Phillips , 50 Mr. Roman had overseen Ogilvy Group 's two other units , the Scali McCabe Sloves advertising agency and its research division 1 Mr. Roman also had overseen Ogilvy Group 's two other units , the Scali McCabe Sloves advertising agency and its research division those units will now report directly to WPP 8 Known as a traditional executive , he is very much in the conservative American Express mold after 26 years at Ogilvy he had honed a reputation for being squeaky-clean and a straight arrow 8 Moreover , after 26 years at Ogilvy he had honed a reputation for being squeaky-clean and a straight arrow He is close to American Express 's chairman and chief executive officer , James D. Robinson III 1 The abrupt management change sparked widespread speculation that Mr. Roman had been pushed out of Ogilvy 's top spot by Mr. Sorrell Mr. Roman flatly denied the speculation 6 American Express 's Mr. Robinson first approached him about the job in late September According to industry executives , Peter Sutherland , a former European Community commissioner from Ireland , was a serious contender for the American Express job 1 he will be on retainer to American Express as an adviser on international matters it ultimately was n't offered to him 10 he agreed to take the job talking on and off for the past four weeks 2 he agreed to take the job it 's the right time , it 's a terrific opportunity , and I think I leave the company in very strong hands 6 because `` it 's the right time , it 's a terrific opportunity I think I leave the company in very strong hands 6 After talking on and off for the past four weeks he agreed to take the job because `` it 's the right time , it 's a terrific opportunity , and I think I leave the company in very strong hands Mr. Roman brushed aside reports about infighting between him and Mr. Phillips , his successor at Ogilvy 1 that the WPP takeover brought them closer together the two executives used to clash more frequently 3 Would I have done all those things successively I did n't think he was the right guy 1 Mr. Roman will oversee American Express 's public relations and government affairs , among other things he wo n't be involved in its advertising , which is handled by the operating units 6 Mr. Roman will oversee American Express 's public relations and government affairs , among other things He will sit on the company 's corporate planning and policy committee , made up of the top corporate and operating executives 1 Mr. Roman 's departure is n't expected to have any enormous repercussions at Ogilvy some clients and analysts expressed concern that Mr. Phillips is n't as well-known to many clients 8 But some clients and analysts expressed concern that Mr. Phillips is n't as well-known to many clients some analysts questioned whether Mr. Phillips would have the skills Ogilvy needs to turn the agency around 1 its flagship New York office has had a dismal track record recently the agency has done well in many parts of the world 11 it has won few new accounts losing big ones , including Maxwell House 6 I think they need creative leadership I do n't think they have it 6 Norm Berry was a creative inspiration at the company nobody has filled that void 1 And some analysts questioned whether Mr. Phillips would have the skills Ogilvy needs to turn the agency around other analysts said that having Mr. Phillips succeed Mr. Roman would make for a smooth transition 1 Computer Sciences would n't disclose the proposed purchase price for Cleveland Consulting , which counsels companies on logistics and supply an industry standard would suggest a purchase price of between one and two times Cleveland Consulting 's approximately $ 15 million annual revenue 10 that will premiere on Turner Broadcasting 's Turner Network Television channel , or TNT and will be released internationally in movie theaters 6 produced by Charlton Heston who stars in the movie 6 Ted Turner , Turner Broadcasting 's chairman , was named chairman of Turner Pictures Gerry Hogan , president of Turner Entertainment Networks , was named president of the unit 1 the subsidiary 's primary mission will be to make movies for TNT and to distribute them internationally Turner Broadcasting already has found some ideas that might work well as films for theatrical release in the U.S 11 we 'll release the films in the U.S that occurs 6 When that occurs when the time is right 11 we 'll release the films in the U.S and the time is right 1 Turner has made several movies , docudramas and documentaries for its networks in recent years the company has never acted as a full-fledged movie studio and released its own pictures to theaters 10 that will premiere on Showtime network and be distributed in various markets , including foreign theaters 10 that it will offer to boost its Navigation Mixte stake to 66.7 % from the current 18.7 % it receives the go-ahead from French stock market authorities 6 The move would greatly boost Paribas 's stake in the insurance , transport and food businesses , where Navigation Mixte is strong It would make Paribas a major French ally of West Germany 's Allianz AG insurance group 6 Paribas is Allianz 's main French bank the Munich-based group said it intends to stay neutral 10 it would n't have any comment its board meets Wednesday 1 Long considered a potential takeover target , Navigation Mixte had hoped Allianz would help protect it from raiders Navigation Mixte is loosely held and hard to defend 3 it will be the second time in two months a big French investment banking group has snapped up an insurance group the Paribas bid succeeds 6 That complex bid was billed as France 's largest takeover ever Suez had just finished winning an even larger battle last year for control of Societe Generale de Belgique 1 the new bid in part simply reflects the continuing rivalry between France 's two largest investment banking groups Paribas denies it 6 the new bid in part simply reflects the continuing rivalry between France 's two largest investment banking groups It reflects the broader pressure on companies in Europe to keep up as the European Community prepares to reduce internal trade barriers by 1992 11 to keep up the European Community prepares to reduce internal trade barriers by 1992 1 he stressed the potential for the two groups instead to cooperate Paribas Chairman Michel Francois-Poncet would n't rule out eventually selling all of Navigation Mixte 's insurance operations to Allianz 5 eventually selling all of Navigation Mixte 's insurance operations to Allianz to cooperate 6 he stressed the potential for the two groups instead to cooperate He told reporters the acquisition would give Paribas fresh diversity , bringing it properties in food and transport where it has been weak 6 Navigation Mixte has investments in a sugar company , a food and canning concern , a bakery and bus and trucking firms , among others Navigation Mixte has a huge hidden attraction.Payment by Allianz for the insurance interests it has just bought will help swell the French concern 's treasury to an estimated 11 billion francs 5 it will bid 1,850 francs a share for Navigation Mixte shares that qualify for a full yearly dividend , and 1,800 francs for those created July 1 it would offer three Paribas shares , themselves eligible for dividends as of next Jan. 1 , for one Navigation Mixte share 6 Paribas shares closed down 30 francs at 610 francs Navigation Mixte shares were suspended at 1,800 francs pending the outcome of the bid 10 it would publish details of its bid authorities clear it 10 bidding speculation had pushed up the price 11 he felt obliged to bid for control notoriously independent-minded Navigation Mixte Chairman Marc Fournier rejected Paribas 's offer and began buying Paribas shares in retaliation 2 he felt obliged to bid for control notoriously independent-minded Navigation Mixte Chairman Marc Fournier rejected Paribas 's offer and began buying Paribas shares in retaliation 1 France 's second-largest government-owned insurance company , Assurances Generales de France , has been building its own Navigation Mixte stake they do n't think it is contemplating a takeover 6 they do n't think it is contemplating a takeover , however its officials could n't be reached 11 Crude oil futures prices fell further OPEC oil producers are n't putting the brakes on output ahead of the traditionally weak first quarter 2 Crude oil futures prices fell further OPEC oil producers are n't putting the brakes on output ahead of the traditionally weak first quarter 6 In trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange , the U.S. benchmark West Texas Intermediate crude fell 39 cents a barrel to $ 19.76 for December delivery Petroleum products prices declined 1 That level of production did n't take its toll on futures prices for the fourth quarter , when demand is traditionally strong because first-quarter demand is normally the weakest of the year OPEC production will have to decline to keep prices from eroding further 2 But OPEC production will have to decline to keep prices from eroding further first-quarter demand is normally the weakest of the year 6 Crude oil futures prices fell further as analysts and traders said OPEC oil producers are n't putting the brakes on output ahead of the traditionally weak first quarter news of a series of explosions at a major Phillips Petroleum Co. chemical facility on the Houston Ship Channel was bearish for prices 1 now the facility wo n't need any , at a time of already high availability such facilities use a relatively small amount of crude 10 the explosions began a seal blew out 2 the explosions began a seal blew out 7 Some petroleum futures traders say technical considerations now will help to put downward pressure on futures prices one trader said that prices inevitably will go lower now that they 've fallen below $ 20 a barrel 2 that prices inevitably will go lower they 've fallen below $ 20 a barrel 10 that prices inevitably will go lower they 've fallen below $ 20 a barrel 2 Our technician is a little bearish we 've taken out $ 20 6 The New York market made its high for the day on the opening when it dropped below the $ 1.23-a-pound level , selling picked up as previous buyers bailed out of their positions and aggressive short sellers -- anticipating further declines -- moved in 10 and selling picked up it dropped below the $ 1.23-a-pound level 11 and when it dropped below the $ 1.23-a-pound level , selling picked up previous buyers bailed out of their positions and aggressive short sellers -- anticipating further declines -- moved in 6 and when it dropped below the $ 1.23-a-pound level , selling picked up as previous buyers bailed out of their positions and aggressive short sellers moved in Fund selling picked up at that point 11 According to Bernard Savaiko , senior commodity analyst at PaineWebber , the only stability to the market came short sellers periodically moved in to cover their positions by buying contracts 2 According to Bernard Savaiko , senior commodity analyst at PaineWebber , the only stability to the market came short sellers periodically moved in to cover their positions by buying contracts 10 This activity produced small rallies which attracted new short selling 3 The sell-off would probably have been worse the dollar had been strong 3 that the next significant support level will be about $ 1.04 copper falls below the bottom of this range 2 Such sales are watched closely by platinum and palladium traders both metals are used in automobile catalytic converters 2 that the news on cold fusion did n't affect the market yesterday many traders have already been badly burnt by such stories 10 the traders are demanding a higher level of proof they will buy palladium again 6 Some traders were thought to be waiting for the auto sales report weighing on both metals ' prices is the role of the chief supplier , the Soviet Union 2 Prices closed mixed contracts reacted to largely offsetting bullish and bearish news 1 On the Chicago Board of Trade , soybeans for November delivery closed at $ 5.63 a bushel , down half a cent the December wheat contract rose three-quarters of a cent to $ 4.0775 a bushel 1 Supporting prices was the announcement late Friday of additional grain sales to the Soviet Union acting as a drag on prices was the improved harvest weather over the weekend and the prospect for continued fair weather this week over much of the Farm Belt 6 But acting as a drag on prices was the improved harvest weather over the weekend and the prospect for continued fair weather this week over much of the Farm Belt Strong farmer selling over the weekend weighed on prices 6 For the past week or so , traders have been expecting India to buy between 150,000 and 200,000 tons of refined sugar there have been expectations of a major purchase by Japan 1 For the past week or so , traders have been expecting India to buy between 150,000 and 200,000 tons of refined sugar , and there have been expectations of a major purchase by Japan with no reports of either country actually entering the market , analysts said , futures prices became vulnerable 1 Developing countries such as India , some analysts said , seem to have made it a point to stay away whenever sugar reached the top of its trading range , around 14.75 cents , and wait for prices to return to the bottom of the range , around 13.50 cents Erik Dunlaevy , a sugar analyst with Balfour Maclaine International Ltd. , said the explanation for the latest drop in sugar prices is much simpler : Speculators , he said , `` got too long too soon and ran into resistance around the old contract highs 1 At such prices , according to Mr. Savaiko , bargain hunting and short-covering -- buying back of contracts previously sold -- by speculators is n't uncommon Mr. Savaiko expects stepped-up producer selling at around the $ 1,040 to $ 1,050 level 6 But Mr. Savaiko expects stepped-up producer selling at around the $ 1,040 to $ 1,050 level He noted that a strong sterling market yesterday might have helped cocoa in New York as arbitragers took advantage of the currency move 11 that a strong sterling market yesterday might have helped cocoa in New York arbitragers took advantage of the currency move 11 which reduces time and materials waste preparing a press for printing 2 Such news is good for bonds economic weakness sometimes causes the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates in an effort to stimulate the economy and stave off a recession 7 Such news is good for bonds today the Department of Commerce is scheduled to release the September durable goods report.The consensus forecast of 14 economists surveyed by Dow Jones Capital Markets Report is for a 1.2 % drop in September orders.That would follow a 3.9 % advance in August . Bonds received a bigger boost later in the day when stock prices moved broadly lower.The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 26.23 points to 2662.91 11 money starts to shift into bonds you get a big sell-off in equities 3 money starts to shift into bonds you get a big sell-off in equities 6 The Treasury 's benchmark 30-year bond ended about 1/2 point higher , or up about $ 5 for each $ 1,000 face amount the yield slid to 7.93 % from 7.98 % Friday 6 Municipals ended mixed mortgage-backed and investment-grade corporate bonds rose 6 In more evidence of the growing division between `` good '' and `` bad '' junk bonds , a $ 150 million issue by Imo Industries Inc. was snapped up by investors underwriters for Beatrice Co. 's $ 350 million issue are considering restructuring the deal to attract buyers 11 bond prices to trade in narrow ranges this week the market takes in positive and negative news 1 On the negative side , the market will be affected by constant supply in all sectors of the market we have economic news that is { expected to be } relatively positive for the bond market 1 others contend that yesterday 's sale of $ 2.58 billion of asset-backed securities by Ford Motor Credit Corp. may have siphoned some potential institutional buyers from the government 's note sale some say the auction should proceed smoothly 2 Rates are determined by the difference between the purchase price and face value higher bidding narrows the investor 's return while lower bidding widens it 1 Thus , higher bidding narrows the investor 's return lower bidding widens it 1 The percentage rates are calculated on a 360-day year the coupon-equivalent yield is based on a 365-day year 6 The 13-week bills mature Jan. 25 , 1990 the 26-week bills mature April 26 , 1990 6 It 's a segmented market if you have a good , strong credit , people have an appetite for it 3 and people have an appetite for it you have a good , strong credit 10 other high-yield deals to be sweetened or restructured they are offered to investors 6 The Federal National Mortgage Association offered $ 1.2 billion of Remic securities in three issues the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. offered a $ 250 million Remic backed by 9 % 15-year securities 11 thrifts have stepped up their mortgage securities sales the bond market has risen in the past two weeks 6 Government National Mortgage Association 9 % securities for November delivery were quoted late yesterday at 98 10/32 , up 10/32 Freddie Mac 9 % securities were at 97 1/2 , up 1/4 11 The Ginnie Mae 9 % issue was yielding 8.36 % to a 12-year average life assumption the spread above the Treasury 10-year note widened slightly to 1.46 percentage points 1 The refunding issue , which had been in the wings for two months , was one of the chief offerings overhanging the market and limiting price appreciation alleviating that overhang failed to stimulate much activity in the secondary market , where prices were off 1/8 to up 3/8 point 6 orders for the San Antonio bonds were `` on the slow side the issue would normally be the type purchased by property and casualty insurers , but recent disasters , such as Hurricane Hugo and the Northern California earthquake , have stretched insurers ' resources and damped their demand for bonds 1 In addition the issue would normally be the type purchased by property and casualty insurers recent disasters , such as Hurricane Hugo and the Northern California earthquake , have stretched insurers ' resources and damped their demand for bonds 10 Japanese government bonds ended lower the dollar rose modestly against the yen 6 The benchmark 7 % bond due October 1999 fell 0.20 point to 99.80 to yield 7.03 % the 6 3/4 % notes due July 1994 fell 0.10 to 97.65 to yield 7.34 % 11 British government bonds ended slightly higher in quiet trading investors looked ahead to today 's British trade report 6 The benchmark 11 3/4 % Treasury bond due 2003/2007 rose 1/8 to 111 21/32 to yield 10.11 % the 12 % issue of 1995 rose 3/32 to 103 23/32 to yield 11.01 % 6 There have been three days of hot , wind-swept rain now with the first sun we are after speckled seatrout , which with redfish provides most of the game fishing hereabouts 11 The little radio fizzes other boats want to see if we have found any fish 0 The sun is hot now it 's only 8 in the morning 10 The guide scoops into a pail and puts a frantically wiggling croaker on the hook he casts out . `` Just wait for that tap-tap , that thump-thump.It comes real gentle before it pulls.Do n't forget , trout have very soft mouths 10 It comes real gentle it pulls 6 Soon we have our limit of the shimmering fish stippled in rose-gold and black we are the first back at the dock , where the great blue herons stand waiting by the cleaning benches 6 The guide is young he knows this business 1 The guide is young and he knows this business he wants a different life after college , such as working for IBM and wearing a necktie 6 Texas is big and beautiful they live here 8 Deer , wild hog , armadillos and alligators are the glamour quadrupeds the birds are innumerable , especially the herons and the spoonbills 11 Tivoli Motel , '' I read a sign in the usual pronunciation of the name we whoosh through 6 The company said about half the earnings drop came from the `` virtual collapse '' of the Venezuelan auto industry Dana said it was hurt by slumping U.S. truck sales and by a strike at a parts supplier 6 Only the bravest spirits survive such roller coasters for Ms. Baker , the ride was far from over 1 Her bare breasts , her dancing , her voice , her beauty and , perhaps most famously , her derriere , were prominent attractions courage of a rare sort made her remarkable life possible 1 Baker had lots of them she did n't trust them and did n't reward trust 6 Baker had lots of them Her appetite for children was large 10 driving her husband first to despair to Argentina 10 She made money , but spent more.Friends pitched in Prince Rainier and Princess Grace saved her with the offer of a house in Monaco 8 African art was in vogue some intellectuals were writing breathlessly of a dawning age to be inspired by blacks 1 To be exotic was to be patronized as well as prized for the most part Paris was a friendly island in a racist world 6 She just wiggled her fanny all the French fell in love with her 2 She just wiggled her fanny all the French fell in love with her 2 that Baker 's dancing `` had uncovered a new region for desire and ignoring centuries of tributes to the callipygous 1 It is easy to see why Baker , a free spirit who broke many of the restraints convention places on women , attracts Ms. Rose , the author of `` Parallel Lives , '' a wonderful study of Victorian marriage even the title raises questions about the author 's vision of her subject 11 Baker was 68 years old she died in Paris , two days after the sold-out opening of her newest show : a movie-like ending to what was a cinematic life 10 when she died in Paris the sold-out opening of her newest show : a movie-like ending to what was a cinematic life 6 when she died in Paris , two days after the sold-out opening of her newest show : a movie-like ending to what was a cinematic life Ms. Baker played scenes in Casablanca that could have made it into `` Casablanca 10 to become first a spy and a one-woman USO tour for the forces of Free France 6 The Free French wore black arm bands when she sang `` J'ai deux amours '' they wept 11 and they wept she sang `` J'ai deux amours 1 In her introduction , Ms. Rose writes that she feels she has much in common with Baker as `` Jazz Cleopatra '' goes on , it seems more rushed , as though the author were growing less interested 11 but it seems more rushed Jazz Cleopatra '' goes on 1 The text by Patrick O'Connor is a tough read the pictures make her magnetism clear and help explain why Ernest Hemingway called Baker `` The most sensational woman anybody ever saw.Or ever will 1 Manville , having rid itself of asbestos , now sells fiberglass , forest products , minerals and industrial goods.Heady stuff it 's not Manville 's ownership is unusual , and it has caught the eye of some canny -- and patient -- investors 6 But Manville 's ownership is unusual it has caught the eye of some canny -- and patient -- investors 10 it will need to convert its Manville stock to cash the trust runs out of cash 3 it will need to convert its Manville stock to cash the trust runs out of cash 1 When and if the trust runs out of cash -- which seems increasingly likely -- it will need to convert its Manville stock to cash as an 80 % owner , if it tried to sell much of its stock in the market , it would likely depress the price of its shares 3 But as an 80 % owner it would likely depress the price of its shares it tried to sell much of its stock in the market 5 to sell much of its stock in the market that the trust will seek to convert the company 's shares to cash , in some sort of friendly restructuring that would n't involve just dumping stock on the market 3 they 'd be chasing their own tail they tried to sell 1 The trust is n't commenting on when it might need to liquefy its Manville stock the trust 's cash flow from investments is far short of its payments to asbestos victims 6 that the trust will , instead , seek to convert the company 's shares to cash , in some sort of friendly restructuring that would n't involve just dumping stock on the market The trust will receive $ 75 million a year starting in 1991 on a bond it holds from Manville 6 The trust also will receive $ 75 million a year starting in 1991 on a bond it holds from Manville beginning in 1992 , it will have a claim on as much as 20 % of Manville 's annual net income 2 The average should drop over time the most expensive claims are being settled first 6 As of June 30 , it had settled only about 15,000 of the 81,000 received claims from asbestos victims , for an average of $ 40,424 each as of midyear , settled but unpaid claims amounted to $ 136 million -- more than half the trust 's total of $ 268 million in cash and marketable securities 6 It does n't pay a dividend this trust needs income 6 It does n't pay a dividend , and this trust needs income with 88 % of its assets tied up in Manville , the trust is badly in need of diversification 1 the company is continually pondering `` whether there is a better way to be structured the ink is barely dry on its new , post-bankruptcy law structure 1 Of course , one option would be for Manville to buy out the trust 's shares the trust , in most cases , is forbidden from seeking a buyer for only its shares before November 1993 6 Of course , one option would be for Manville to buy out the trust 's shares -- which would do little to benefit public stockholders.But the trust , in most cases , is forbidden from seeking a buyer for only its shares before November 1993 both the trust and Manville are seeking to avoid the bad publicity that , in the asbestos era , tarred the Manville name 2 And both the trust and Manville are seeking to avoid the bad publicity that , in the asbestos era , tarred the Manville name the trust is unlikely to do anything that would hurt Manville 's other shareholders 3 Manville seems to be attractive long-term there is no restructuring 0 Analysts predict little or no near-term growth They are high on Manville 's management 6 It 's one of the best in the business Manville has the financial flexibility to buy other companies at the best possible momentwhen other construction-related firms are hurting and selling cheap 6 Manville has the financial flexibility to buy other companies at the best possible momentwhen other construction-related firms are hurting and selling cheap With a conservative debt-to-equity ratio of 1-to-1 -- and $ 329 million in cash -- Manville is actively on the prowl 1 they have been disciplined about acquisitions they have borrowing power 6 Even though they have borrowing power , they have been disciplined about acquisitions that with 80 % of its stock in friendly hands , Manville is the rare publicly traded company that can ignore short-term stock fluctuations and plan for the long haul 6 The FTC 's request was `` not unusual according to a spokesman Emerson will make a `` full and prompt '' response 2 The FTC 's request was `` not unusual according to a spokesman Emerson will make a `` full and prompt '' response 3 the sale is expected to close by year 's end approved 6 As a result of the partial sale and spinoff , the $ 56 billion California Public Employees Retirement System would obtain two seats on the board of the real estate operation , according to officials of the fund , who described the plan holding two seats each on the board would be Olympia & York Developments Ltd. , controlled by the Reichmann family of Canada , and Itel Corp. , controlled by Chicago businessman Sam Zell 6 Itel bought a 17 % stake in Sante Fe Pacific last year Olympia & York later purchased about a 20 % stake 10 Itel bought a 17 % stake in Sante Fe Pacific last year and Olympia & York purchased about a 20 % stake 6 Pension funds rarely own as much as a 20 % stake in what is expected to be a publicly traded company pension funds are rarely given seats on company boards and most often try to avoid them because of legal concerns 1 Pension funds rarely own as much as a 20 % stake in what is expected to be a publicly traded company.In addition , pension funds are rarely given seats on company boards and most often try to avoid them because of legal concerns the Santa Fe Pacific Realty investment provides an opportunity to buy a stake in a large real estate portfolio heavily weighted with California properties.It also marks a `` major commitment to { real estate } development , which we have n't been involved with before 6 the Santa Fe Pacific Realty investment provides an opportunity to buy a stake in a large real estate portfolio heavily weighted with California properties It marks a `` major commitment to { real estate } development 6 As a result of the partial sale and spinoff , the $ 56 billion California Public Employees Retirement System would obtain two seats on the board of the real estate operation , according to officials of the fund , who described the plan Under the proposed plan , the fund would lend Santa Fe Pacific Realty $ 75 million in the form of a note that would be convertible into additional shares of the realty company after the second year at the then-prevailing market price 10 that Santa Fe Pacific Realty would repay more than $ 500 million in debt owed to the parent the planned spinoff 6 Santa Fe Pacific Realty owns 2.8 million acres of property , including 219 buildings with more than 11 million square feet of space It holds nearly 40,000 acres of raw land with development potential 0 It also holds nearly 40,000 acres of raw land with development potential under a previously announced strategy , the company has targeted building on 5,400 acres in California , Arizona and the Chicago area 1 The California pension fund , which has $ 16 billion already invested in real estate and mortgages , could be a valuable funding source for that development it is n't obliged to make further investments 6 The fund is the nation 's largest public employee fund it has a growing cash flow now topping $ 3 billion a year 1 Fund officials negotiated the final structure of the proposed deal with Santa Fe Pacific they were approached with the idea by real estate brokers JMB Realty Corp. of Chicago 2 The first two GAF trials were watched closely on Wall Street they were considered to be important tests of the government 's ability to convince a jury of allegations stemming from its insider-trading investigations 10 who was implicated by former arbitrager Ivan Boesky and pointed the finger at Mr. Sherwin , takeover speculator Salim B. Lewis and corporate raider Paul Bilzerian 1 The first two GAF trials were watched closely on Wall Street because they were considered to be important tests of the government 's ability to convince a jury of allegations stemming from its insider-trading investigations GAF 's bellwether role was short-lived 11 The first GAF trial ended in a mistrial after four weeks U.S. District Judge Mary Johnson Lowe found that a prosecutor improperly , but unintentionally , withheld a document 2 The first GAF trial ended in a mistrial after four weeks U.S. District Judge Mary Johnson Lowe found that a prosecutor improperly , but unintentionally , withheld a document 6 After 93 hours of deliberation , the jurors in the second trial said they were hopelessly deadlocked another mistrial was declared on March 22 2 After 93 hours of deliberation , the jurors in the second trial said they were hopelessly deadlocked another mistrial was declared on March 22 6 The first GAF trial ended in a mistrial after four weeks when U.S. District Judge Mary Johnson Lowe found that a prosecutor improperly , but unintentionally , withheld a document.After 93 hours of deliberation , the jurors in the second trial said they were hopelessly deadlocked , and another mistrial was declared on March 22 a federal jury found Mr. Bilzerian guilty on securities fraud and other charges in June 0 But GAF 's bellwether role was short-lived the stakes are still high for the players directly involved in the GAF case 1 that throughout September , defense attorneys were talking with the government in an effort to prevent a trial by the end of the month the talks had ended 11 Yogi Berra 's famous line is apt : ` It 's deja vu all over again we go in for the third time 2 The bankruptcy-court reorganization is being challenged before the Supreme Court by a dissident group of claimants it places a cap on the total amount of money available to settle claims 6 because it places a cap on the total amount of money available to settle claims It bars future suits against Robins company officials , members of the Robins family and Robins 's former insurer , Aetna Life & Casualty Co 11 such proceedings give it protection from creditor lawsuits it works out a plan for paying its debts 1 American Home Products Corp. wants to acquire Robins only if all legal challenges to the plan are exhausted 3 American Home Products Corp. wants to acquire Robins but all legal challenges to the plan are exhausted 11 for raising `` abstract '' and `` theoretical '' legal issues jeopardizing the proposed reorganization and the settlement payments to claimants 6 Criminal convictions under the federal Superfund law are rare the decision is the first jury verdict in such a case 1 virtually all of the Superfund cases to date have involved civil penalties designed to insure cleanup of past polluting activities Superfund also contains a criminal provision concerning the release of toxic substances into the environment 6 virtually all of the Superfund cases to date have involved civil penalties designed to insure cleanup of past polluting activities But Superfund contains a criminal provision concerning the release of toxic substances into the environment 6 Mr. Donohoo was convicted in Louisville late last month of violating Superfund by failing to report the release of asbestos into the environment from a building he was demolishing He was convicted of failing to properly remove asbestos from the building , a violation of the Clean Air Act 2 The government sought a criminal penalty no cleanup is possible here 10 it can lodge anywhere { asbestos } is released into the environment 6 that there is no mandatory appellate review of capital sentences that the inmate who filed the appeal lacks proper standing 6 whether the new case posed a conflict that no objections were raised 6 the trial team that represented Mr. Bundy was asked by the firm 's pro bono committee whether the new case posed a conflict and that no objections were raised The coupling of the law firm and the Washington Legal Foundation is odd because Wilmer Cutler was one of the firms singled out for criticism two years ago by the conservative legal group for displaying a liberal bias in its pro bono work 2 The coupling of the law firm and the Washington Legal Foundation is odd also Wilmer Cutler was one of the firms singled out for criticism two years ago by the conservative legal group for displaying a liberal bias in its pro bono work 1 The posters were sold for $ 1,300 to $ 6,000 they had a value of only $ 53 to $ 200 apiece 6 about 1,000 customers were defrauded that Barclay 's total proceeds from the sales were $ 3.4 million 1 that they had believed that the works were authorized by Mr. Dali their clients admitted to making some misrepresentations in the sales 11 Mr. Payne lauded Mr. Decker 's `` extraordinary . . . skills '' and his `` outstanding reputation as one of the West 's brightest bankers he was hired 1 its condition has improved since Mr. Decker took over the bank is n't performing as well as some of its competitors in the lucrative California market 10 its condition has improved Mr. Decker took over 6 For the six months ended June 30 , it earned $ 3.1 million , or 61 cents a share , compared with net income of $ 2.4 million , or 41 cents a share , a year earlier Its stock has risen lately 2 Its stock also has risen lately it is considered a possible takeover candidate 6 Interstate banking is scheduled to begin in California in 1991 larger California banks , such as Wells Fargo & Co. , have been paying fat premiums to buy smaller banks to control markets before any out-of-state banks enter the fray 2 Interstate banking is scheduled to begin in California in 1991 larger California banks , such as Wells Fargo & Co. , have been paying fat premiums to buy smaller banks to control markets before any out-of-state banks enter the fray 10 to buy smaller banks to control markets any out-of-state banks enter the fray 6 For the full fiscal year , Varian posted a 13 % profit rise to $ 31.5 million , or $ 1.53 a share , up from $ 27.8 million , or $ 1.27 a share , last year.Sales for the year rose almost 15 % to $ 1.34 billion from $ 1.17 billion last year . A profit last year in both the quarter and year included a net gain of $ 9.6 million , or 44 cents a share , from the sale of a division the full-year profit last year reflected an after-tax restructuring charge of $ 22.8 million , or $ 1.04 a share 10 struggling since summer to avoid a bankruptcy-law filing missing interest payments on about $ 1 billion of debt 3 it will exercise that right it sells substantially all of its other core businesses 6 The financial-services firm will retain the right to regain the subsidiary It can sell the right to regain the subsidiary to another party 6 it agreed in principle to transfer ownership of its broker-dealer subsidiary to two of its top executives the broker-dealer subsidiary , Integrated Resources Equity Corp. , was renamed Royal Alliance Associates Inc 3 the representatives will retain their 49 % ownership Integrated regains Royal Alliance 6 that completion of the transaction could take several weeks it was n't immediately clear what would happen to the broker-dealer subsidiary if Integrated files for bankruptcy-law protection in the meantime 3 what would happen to the broker-dealer subsidiary Integrated files for bankruptcy-law protection in the meantime 3 it would receive any profit the unit reports Integrated regains the unit 11 it would receive any profit the unit reports the unit is independent 3 the two officers will draw salaries from the independent operation , not from Integrated the deal closes 10 Integrated made its announcement the market closed 11 The dollar weakened in indecisive trading foreign-exchange dealers awaited fresh economic news that they hope will jolt the U.S. unit out of its narrow ranges 1 that after a week of nervously tracking every development on Wall Street , the foreign-exchange market has settled back to catch its breath ahead of new U.S. economic data that a 26-point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average gave the dollar a sharp nudge downward late in the day 3 the U.S. unit to rally sharply on the news it turns out as expected 0 Everyone is waiting for GNP even a relatively strong number -- 2.8 % to 2.9 % -- wo n't alter the market 's view that the economy is softening 10 Analysts predict a 3.5 % rise in the deflator climbing 4.6 % in the second quarter 11 that hopes for a sustained narrowing of the trade deficit were dashed and sentiment gripped the market that the U.S. economy was losing its momentum an unexpectedly sharp widening in the U.S. trade gap in August was reported earlier this month 2 that hopes for a sustained narrowing of the trade deficit were dashed and sentiment gripped the market that the U.S. economy was losing its momentum an unexpectedly sharp widening in the U.S. trade gap in August was reported earlier this month 6 that hopes for a sustained narrowing of the trade deficit were dashed sentiment gripped the market that the U.S. economy was losing its momentum 4 we 're certainly headed for a major slowdown we 're not headed for a recession 0 that the figures will probably serve to reinforce this bearish sentiment the market expects little reaction from news of U.S. durable goods orders 1 U.S. durable goods orders are expected to show a decline of 1.2 % in September , according to economists that while there is little enthusiasm for buying dollars , the U.S. unit has found a `` natural bottom '' at about 1.85 marks and 140 yen 0 that the U.S. unit has found a `` natural bottom '' at about 1.85 marks and 140 yen there is little enthusiasm for buying dollars 6 Liz Claiborne Inc. , New York , said its third-quarter net income jumped 62 % , citing continued strength in apparel sales and the start of shipments of its new product lines : a men 's fragrance , large-size women 's apparel and casual knitwear Claiborne 's directors declared its regular cash dividend payment of five cents a share payable on Dec. 5 to shareholders of record at the close of business on Nov. 13 6 Tokyo stocks closed firmer Monday , with the Nikkei index making its fifth consecutive daily gain Stocks rose in London 1 Stocks also rose in London the Frankfurt market was mixed 1 The index moved above 35670 at midmorning , nearly reaching the record of 35689.98 set Sept. 28 the market lost part of the early gains on index-linked investment trust fund selling 1 that some investors took profits against the backdrop of the Nikkei 's fast-paced recovery following its plunge last Monday in reaction to the Oct. 13 drop in New York stock prices overall buying interest remained strong through Monday 1 Relatively stable foreign currency dealings Monday were viewed favorably by market players institutional investors may wait a little longer to appraise the direction of the U.S. monetary policy and the dollar 8 Teijin was up 15 at 936 Kyowa Hakko gained 30 to 1,770 1 Limited volume ahead of the September trade data showed the market is nervous that the day 's modest gains also signaled some support for London equities 6 Limited volume ahead of the September trade data showed the market is nervous that the day 's modest gains signaled some support for London equities 1 Analysts ' expectations suggest a September current account deficit of # 1.6 billion ( $ 2.54 billion ) , compared with August 's # 2.0 billion deficit Dealers said forecasts are broadly divergent with estimates ranging between # 1 billion and # 2 billion 10 Lucas Industries , a British automotive and aerospace concern , rose 13 pence to 614 pence it said its pretax profit for the year rose 28 % 10 Share prices on the Frankfurt stock exchange closed narrowly mixed in quiet dealings recovering most of their early losses 10 The DAX index eased 0.99 point to end at 1523.22 falling 5.5 points early in the session 1 the declines early in the day were partly caused by losses of the ruling Christian-Democratic Union in communal elections in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg there was little selling pressure , and even small orders at the lower levels sufficed to bring the market back to Friday 's opening levels 6 But there was little selling pressure even small orders at the lower levels sufficed to bring the market back to Friday 's opening levels 6 The market is still 4 % short of its level before the plunge analysts are n't sure how long it will take until the DAX has closed that gap 10 how long it will take the DAX has closed that gap 1 The market is still 4 % short of its level before the plunge , and analysts are n't sure how long it will take until the DAX has closed that gap he expects share prices to move upward in the coming weeks 11 Banking stocks were the major gainers Monday amid hope that interest rates have peaked Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Bank added 4 marks each to 664 marks ( $ 357 ) and 326 marks , respectively 11 Auto shares were mixed Daimler-Benz firmed 2 to 723 , Bayerische Motoren Werke lost the same amount to 554 , and Volkswagen inched down 1.4 to 451.6 8 as Daimler-Benz firmed 2 to 723 , Bayerische Motoren Werke lost the same amount to 554 Volkswagen inched down 1.4 to 451.6 6 it entered into an agreement in principle to sell its pump and tank division and drilling division to GSX Chemical Services for $ 4 million GSX Chemical will assume about $ 1.6 million in debt related to those divisions 6 GSX Chemical also will assume about $ 1.6 million in debt related to those divisions GSX will buy $ 1 million of Enviropact common stock , at $ 2.625 a share , plus an option to acquire an additional $ 1.5 million of common at the same price 10 A number of major banks have posted big losses sharply increasing loan-loss reserves 1 Mr. Brooks declined to give his age his leaving is a normal retirement 10 Clairol was a division of Bristol-Myers Co that company 's merger with Squibb Corp 11 the Guadalajara factory will employ about 1,500 workers and have annual operating expenses of $ 5 million to $ 6 million fully operational 6 AT & T already has a factory in Matamoros , Mexico , to make electrical devices It purchases data systems products from a manufacturer based in Monterrey 0 the stock also fell $ 1.125 in composite New York Stock Exchange trading yesterday , to $ 51.75 Cummins 's stock stumbled last month 10 Although Cummins 's stock stumbled last month the company projected a `` substantial '' third-period loss 6 Although Cummins 's stock stumbled last month after the company projected a `` substantial '' third-period loss the stock fell $ 1.125 in composite New York Stock Exchange trading yesterday , to $ 51.75 2 Neither suit lists specific dollar claims damage assessment has n't yet been completed 3 Litigation could drag on for years not settled out of court 11 dumped one of its tankers ran into an underwater reef 6 that use of dispersants , which break an oil slick into microscopic droplets , was a crucial part of its immediate-response plan that state officials banned their use during the two days of fair weather following the spill 2 Exxon 's charges are n't relevant tests conducted during the first two days following the spill showed that the dispersant was n't working anyway 10 Use of dispersants was approved a test on the third day showed some positive results 2 Use of dispersants was approved a test on the third day showed some positive results 1 The package was termed excessive by the Bush administration it also provoked a struggle with influential California lawmakers who sought unsuccessfully to add nearly $ 1 billion more and waive current restrictions to expedite the distribution of funds 6 The package was termed excessive by the Bush administration but it provoked a struggle with influential California lawmakers who sought unsuccessfully to add nearly $ 1 billion more and waive current restrictions to expedite the distribution of funds 6 By a 26-7 margin , the committee scuttled the more expensive alternative the debate forced a strained confrontation between Appropriations Committee Chairman Jamie Whitten ( D. , Miss . ) and his party 's largest state delegation in the House 10 and the debate forced a strained confrontation between Appropriations Committee Chairman Jamie Whitten ( D. , Miss . ) and his party 's largest state delegation in the House who sought to play down the sometimes hostile tone of the long evening meeting 6 We are the Golden State there is a certain amount of jealousy 2 We are the Golden State there is a certain amount of jealousy 6 The measure is expected to come before the House today Congress is under pressure to complete action before midnight EDT tomorrow , when the current continuing resolution expires 1 Given California 's size and political importance , the White House is eager to appear generous in private meetings yesterday , Budget Director Richard Darman argued that only $ 1.5 billion in new federal appropriations are needed to supplement existing resources 6 A White House budget office analysis estimates that $ 500 million -- or half the level in the committee bill -- is needed for highway assistance to meet California 's needs the administration rejects the notion that new appropriations are needed to finance disaster loans by the Small Business Administration 6 that it is a national disaster that we 've got to address it 2 that it is a national disaster that we 've got to address it 10 where you have a bidding war and a veto threat 1 no single influence was greater than Mr. Whitten this White House pressure was clearly a factor among committee Republicans 11 Mr. Whitten insisted that the full 14 pages be read aloud by the panel 's clerk Mr. Fazio offered the California-backed $ 3.84 billion plan 6 On the chairman 's motion , the California package was subsequently reduced to less-binding report language even when this was accepted as such on a voice vote , Mr. Whitten pointedly opposed it 11 and Mr. Whitten pointedly opposed it this was accepted as such on a voice vote 0 and Mr. Whitten pointedly opposed it this was accepted as such on a voice vote 1 Mr. Whitten 's package appears to accomplish this purpose the state faces more resistance in its bid for an extended waiver on having to put up any matching funds on repairs completed in the next six months 6 The California Democrat appeared embarrassed by provisions inserted on behalf of owners of private beaches in the Virgin Islands lumber interests sought to add another $ 100 million in federal aid to plant timber on private land in North and South Carolina 1 It recently introduced a line for the home market The company continues to require additional funding to realize the potential of its technology 6 which makes an automated process system that improves the yields of semiconductor manufacturers which provides technical temporary employment services to aerospace , defense , computer and high-tech companies in the Southwest and Baltimore-Washington areas 6 In a foreign-policy address before the Soviet legislature , the foreign minister conceded that the radar station in Krasnoyarsk breached the superpower Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty and said it would be dismantled He denounced Moscow 's nine-year involvement in the war in Afghanistan , saying it involved `` gross violations of . . . civil norms and ethics 0 Travelers crowded into subways , sat in traffic jams on major freeways or waited for buses in the rain the massive gridlock anticipated by officials in the San Francisco Bay area never materialized 11 the condition of freeway survivor Buck Helm , who spent four days trapped under rubble , improved the death toll from last week 's temblor climbed to 61 1 the condition of freeway survivor Buck Helm , who spent four days trapped under rubble , improved Rescue crews gave up hope that others would be found alive under the collapsed roadway 11 A crowd estimated at 100,000 held a torch-lit march through Budapest Acting President Szuros delivered a nationally televised address rejecting communist dominance 6 About 200,000 East Germans marched in Leipzig thousands more staged protests in three other cities in a fresh challenge to the Communist leadership to introduce democratic freedoms 6 About 200,000 East Germans marched in Leipzig and thousands more staged protests in three other cities in a fresh challenge to the Communist leadership to introduce democratic freedoms In an East Berlin suburb employees at an electronics plant formed an independent trade union called Reform 11 About 200,000 East Germans marched in Leipzig and thousands more staged protests in three other cities in a fresh challenge to the Communist leadership to introduce democratic freedoms In an East Berlin suburb employees at an electronics plant formed an independent trade union called Reform 2 The five astronauts returned to Earth about three hours early high winds had been predicted at the landing site 6 More than 100 people were injured a number of workers were missing 10 The statement came officials said Bush complained at a private meeting last week that a strict interpretation of a policy requires the U.S. to notify foreign dictators of certain coup plots 10 Lebanon 's Gen. Aoun placed Christian military forces on alert in case of renewed fighting with Syrian-backed Moslems Lebanon 's two main Shiite militias rejected an Arab-sponsored peace accord 11 to call for a reduction in nuclear forces in Europe the alliance 's nuclear planning group convenes a two-day session today in Portugal 10 Commonwealth leaders turned to issues ranging from drugs to the world economy Zimbabwe 's President Mugabe called Thatcher 's views on South Africa `` despicable 6 after Zimbabwe 's President Mugabe called Thatcher 's views on South Africa `` despicable At a meeting in Malaysia , Australia and Canada assailed the British prime minister for criticizing the 49-nation group 's call for Pretoria to ease apartheid 2 it dropped its plan to liquidate it was n't able to realize the value it had expected 8 after a government audit cited National Technical Schools for having courses too short to be eligible for the educational loan program and having a student drop-out rate far in excess of federal standards it alleged other serious violations of law and regulations 6 Chairman Edward L. Hennessy Jr. said that a drop in sales of auto and truck parts contributed to lower earnings in the automotive unit He cited unfavorable foreign-exchange rates and a lower tax rate 10 Congress tightened auto safety standards for gray-market imports U.S. auto dealers , including franchised foreign-car dealers , complained that they often were blamed when the second and third buyers of such vehicles found that the cars could n't meet U.S. auto safety standards 10 that they often were blamed the second and third buyers of such vehicles found that the cars could n't meet U.S. auto safety standards 6 it expects to report net income for its fiscal year ended Sept. 29 of a record $ 15 million , or $ 1.15 a share , up 43 % from $ 10.5 million , or 80 cents a share , for the prior year The Costa Mesa , Calif. , maker of computer tape drives projected record revenue for the year of $ 181 million , up from $ 122.7 million for the previous year 6 a reserve it is establishing to cover expected pollution cleanup costs at an Ohio plant reduced its third-quarter net income by $ 1.9 million it signed a consent decree with Ohio to build a $ 1.4 million pollution-control facility at the Ashtabula chemical manufacturing plant by Aug. 1 , 1990 6 Remaining units will be sold to the underwriters , Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. and Kidder , Peabody & Co which will purchase an over-allotment of 2.3 million additional units 6 the offering will raise about $ 299 million -- minus underwriting fees and other expenses -- that the company plans to use to write new life insurance and annuity business analysts have viewed the rights offering as a takeover defense that prospectively balloons the number of shares outstanding 6 UNITED AIR 'S PARENT quashed any prospects for an immediate revival of the labor-management buy-out , saying UAL should remain independent for now UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf pulled out of the buy-out effort to focus on running the company 6 Stock prices fell bonds rose 11 Stock prices fell and bonds rose worries mounted about the economy and the junk bond market 6 Stock prices fell The dollar declined 6 Thrifts continued to shed assets in August withdrawals exceeded deposits by $ 5.1 billion in the month 3 that you do n't attempt to seize the whole business the offense deals with one part of the business 3 to limit pretrial asset seizures there are less intrusive means of protecting assets the government may subsequently be able to seize after a conviction 0 Sen. Alan Cranston trekked over to the House side of Capitol Hill a few days ago and volunteered his testimony to fellow Democrat Rep. Henry Gonzalez instead of thanks , Sen. Cranston was treated with cool formality 11 then that 's a no-no in my book you reach a point where a policy-making body is trying to shape administrative decisions 6 he considers intervening with regulators to be improper he has attached himself to the Lincoln story tenaciously . `` Unless the questions are answered , I will keep on going 5 I will keep on going the questions are answered 7 Lawmakers often are reluctant to embarrass colleagues , even those of opposing political parties In the recent Housing and Urban Development Department scandal Rep. Thomas Lantos , the California Democrat who led the hearings , tiptoed through embarrassing disclosures about HUD grants secured by Sen. Alfonse D'Amato , a New York Republican 1 Lawmakers often are reluctant to embarrass colleagues , even those of opposing political parties Chairman Gonzalez is a genuine maverick 6 But Chairman Gonzalez is a genuine maverick Mr. Gonzalez is a stickler for ethical standards who refuses to accept honorariums and who believes in conducting official business in the open 8 who refuses to accept honorariums who believes in conducting official business in the open 10 Early in his political career , as a city councilman in San Antonio , he walked out of a meeting political supporters asked that the police chief be replaced 10 As the principal regulator of the thrift industry , Mr. Wall delayed seizing Lincoln S & L for more than two years his staff told him that the California thrift was insolvent and that potential losses to taxpayers were growing rapidly 6 that the California thrift was insolvent that potential losses to taxpayers were growing rapidly 2 that the California thrift was insolvent that potential losses to taxpayers were growing rapidly 11 to lash out at Mr. Wall hearings resume Thursday with testimony by two federal regulators from San Francisco , William Black and Mike Patriarca 6 I think he is trying to improperly influence a witness by God I 'm not going to tolerate it 1 I think he is trying to improperly influence a witness , and by God I 'm not going to tolerate it Mr. Wall is a self-proclaimed `` child of the Senate '' and former staff director of its Banking Committee 11 I could n't believe that they were going to go ahead and do this I first got a glimpse at the witness list 6 When I first got a glimpse at the witness list , I could n't believe that they were going to go ahead and do this , '' says Michael Waldman , director of Congress Watch , a consumer group . `` There are some witnesses who will be forced to testify about their meetings with senators a Democratic aide to a Banking Committee member remarks , `` I too am astounded by it , because Gonzalez has certainly placed a lot of Democratic senators in a very bad position 2 I too am astounded by it Gonzalez has certainly placed a lot of Democratic senators in a very bad position 6 Mr. Keating lives in Phoenix the California thrift 's parent is an Ohio-chartered corporation with holdings in Michigan 8 He 's wise , he 's good he 's an honest man 1 Chairman Gonzalez expresses sympathy for Sen. Riegle , his counterpart as chairman of the Senate Banking Committee at the same time , Mr. Gonzalez has n't forgotten a confrontation over Mr. Wall during House-Senate negotiations over S & L bailout legislation during the summer 10 Most importantly , the Senate traded away the Bush administration 's controversial plan to finance the bailout which was partly reinstated 3 that they `` could get some roadblocks out of the way there could be some understanding on Garn 's insistence on Wall 11 Mr. Keating raised $ 20,000 for Rep. Doug Barnard 's 1986 re-election campaign the Georgia Democrat was taking his side against regulators who wanted to curb risky investments and wholesale deposit brokering 11 He recently voted `` present the committee authorized a subpoena to compel Mr. Keating to testify 10 He recently voted `` present changed his vote to yes 1 Even some House Banking Committee members could suffer from the fallout the chairman 's supporters have the upper hand as federal regulators press a $ 1.1 billion fraud suit against Mr. Keating and others 11 But the chairman 's supporters have the upper hand federal regulators press a $ 1.1 billion fraud suit against Mr. Keating and others 1 A witness set to testify on Thursday was quoted in a news report over the weekend as saying Lincoln `` laundered '' campaign contributions illegally the witness , William Crawford , California 's chief state thrift regulator , denies saying that 2 I do n't know whether it was done properly or not I 'm not a lawyer 1 I do n't know whether it was done properly or not , because I 'm not a lawyer he is prepared to testify that executives of Lincoln and its parent corporation got unusually high salaries and frequent calls directing them to make specific contributions 6 An inquiry into his handling of Lincoln S & L inevitably will drag in Sen. Cranston and the four others , Sens.Dennis DeConcini ( D. , Ariz. ) , John McCain ( R. , Ariz. ) , John Glenn ( D. , Ohio ) and Donald Riegle ( D. , Mich . ) The committee has summoned Mr. Wall 's predecessor , Edwin Gray 6 He has characterized the five senators ' roles as `` tantamount to an attempt to subvert the . . . regulatory process he is n't expected to back down even though the five senators have disputed his account of a 1987 meeting 0 and he is n't expected to back down the five senators have disputed his account of a 1987 meeting 2 He has characterized the five senators ' roles as `` tantamount to an attempt to subvert the . . . regulatory process , '' and he is n't expected to back down even though the five senators have disputed his account of a 1987 meeting the senators must brace themselves 11 Sen. Cranston sighed to an aide : `` Well , back to Keatingland he returned to the capital last week from a one-day trip to inspect earthquake damage in San Francisco 11 they started life in Los Angeles with only $ 400 Anne Volokh and her family immigrated to the U.S. 14 years ago 1 They 'd actually left the Soviet Union with $ 480 during a stop in Italy Ms. Volokh dropped $ 80 on a black velvet suit 10 she spent $ 120 she did n't have for a hat she arrived in L.A 1 though it was n't the time for that 14 years ago I loved turbans 1 she has an outsized personality and dramatic flair that seem perfectly suited to capitalism as it is practiced in Hollywood Ms. Volokh is a small woman 7 Certainly life for her has changed considerably since the days in Kiev , when she lived with her parents , her husband and her two sons in a 2 1/2-room apartment in what she calls `` silent internal immigration , '' dreaming of escape Now she owns 48 hats 1 Certainly life for her has changed considerably since the days in Kiev she remembers the lean years 0 I used to wear hats in Russia I had to make them and my dresses 3 you give parties you are born to give parties 2 I like rather tea it is at the end of the day 1 It 's supposed to be later I just moved it 6 She serves high Russian tea , at 5 p.m She frequently invites directors , producers , actors , writers and other show business people for `` coffee and clips in the pleasure dome 3 She was interested she could guide it editorially as well 6 She wants things to be exciting she has this inexhaustible energy 10 She 'll think of an idea the editorial people think is impossible she 'll have us make it work 6 She was interested only if she could guide it editorially as well . `` Anne does n't believe in blandness , '' said Ms. Smith . `` She wants things to be exciting.And she has this inexhaustible energy.She 'll think of an idea the editorial people think is impossible , then she 'll have us make it work Ms. Volokh was n't just a rich lady who needed a hobby 1 I do n't trust people who do n't eat , '' said Ms. Volokh she herself stopped eating lunch a few years ago to drop 25 pounds 2 with the blini recipe revised it works 1 I emigrated to wear better hats , do better parties we should n't leave out political reasons , number one 11 how you live you live those double and triple lives 10 the government required her mother to obtain permission from her first husband granting Ms. Volokh 's parents a visa 6 Their visa came in relatively short order they moved to Los Angeles 2 Their visa came in relatively short order they moved to Los Angeles 1 Mr. Volokh soon found work in his field Ms. Volokh refused the obvious and available occupation-as translatorfor a Russian who spoke fluent English 10 attended secretarial school went to work for a fund-raising organization 11 she worked as business manager , bookkeeper and publicist her husband and son founded their computer company , Vesoft 6 It 's an extremely complex market you have to be prepared to make a big commitment 1 corporate America is flocking to Moscow , lured by a huge untapped market and Mikhail Gorbachev 's attempt to overhaul the Soviet economy while U.S. interest may be big and growing , the difficulties that have stymied deals in the past show no sign of abating 0 But the difficulties that have stymied deals in the past show no sign of abating U.S. interest may be big and growing 6 Changing legislation has opened the field to thousands of inexperienced Soviet players , many who promise more than they can deliver some foreign firms are finding that even when they manage to overcome such hurdles , their ventures now have to be endorsed by such unpredictable bodies as the Soviet parliament and the governments of the nation 's republics 3 that their ventures now have to be endorsed by such unpredictable bodies as the Soviet parliament and the governments of the nation 's republics they manage to overcome such hurdles 10 that their ventures now have to be endorsed by such unpredictable bodies as the Soviet parliament and the governments of the nation 's republics they manage to overcome such hurdles 6 The plans have come under fire from Soviet environmentalists many are likely to be scaled back or dropped 2 The plans have come under fire from Soviet environmentalists many are likely to be scaled back or dropped 10 by spending two hours walking around the U.S. trade show last week Talking to a small group of U.S. executives 6 Mr. Gorbachev appeared impatient for a big expansion in U.S.-Soviet trade According to several people present at the meeting , Mr. Gorbachev supported the idea of concluding several commercial accords with the U.S. , possibly at his next summit meeting with President Bush 8 Hundreds of people lined up every day at the Colgate-Palmolive Co. stand to receive a free tube of toothpaste , a commodity in chronically short supply here unruly crowds at RJR Nabisco Inc. 's booth almost knocked over a glass showcase in the rush to get a free Camel cigarette sticker 1 Some U.S. products are filtering into the Soviet market under an emergency import program the current Soviet purchasing spree may be a one-time affair 2 companies that hope to set up production facilities here must either export some of the goods to earn hard currency or find Soviet goods they can take in a counter-trade transaction the Soviet ruble is n't convertible into dollars , marks and other Western currencies 1 companies that hope to set up production facilities here must either export some of the goods to earn hard currency or find Soviet goods they can take in a counter-trade transaction International competition for the few Soviet goods that can be sold on world markets is heating up 6 General Electric Co. was given an $ 89.6 million Navy contract for nuclear propulsion parts Westinghouse Electric Corp. won a $ 75.5 million Navy contract for nuclear propulsion parts 6 The move will give Nuovo Banco a badly needed foreign presence , and make Credit Agricole the bank 's largest shareholder It opens a rift in the bank 's shareholders ' syndicate that could lead to a battle for control of the concern 10 Nuovo Banco will become Italy 's biggest private-sector bank it completes its scheduled merger with Banca Cattolica del Venetoen by year end 1 Gemina , which owns 13.26 % of Nuovo Banco , abstained in the final vote on Credit Agricole which was approved by a majority of shareholders 1 Qintex Australia has n't disclosed its borrowings analysts estimate the company 's debt at A $ 1.2 billion 6 The sales are expected to raise more than 600 million Australian dollars ( US $ 462.2 million ) , Mr. Skase said Mr. Skase said the restructuring plan calls for the merger of Qintex Australia with Qintex Ltd 1 He said the move will `` significantly reduce administrative and operating costs he did n't provide details of the merger 10 The company 's latest moves were disclosed the Australian Stock Exchange suspended trading in shares of Qintex Australia and Qintex Ltd 2 The company 's latest moves were disclosed after the Australian Stock Exchange suspended trading in shares of Qintex Australia and Qintex Ltd the companies had n't answered an exchange inquiry about the extent of their loans , investments and deposits at Qintex Entertainment 6 It said Qintex Entertainment owes Qintex Australia US $ 38.1 million in loans not secured by specific assets Qintex Australia said it has an investment of A $ 83.3 million in Qintex Entertainment shares 10 Qintex Australia plunged to 16 Australian cents ( 12 U.S. cents ) a share yesterday from 33 Australian cents Friday its shares were suspended from trading 6 MGM/UA has sued Qintex Australia for breach of contract and fraud over the collapsed acquisition agreement Qintex Australia has threatened a countersuit 6 Shareholders ' funds as of July 31 were estimated at more than A $ 1 billion , Mr. Skase said , compared with A $ 725 million a year earlier Mr. Skase disclosed a disagreement among directors of Qintex Australia over certain fees claimed by Qintex Group Management Services Pty. , a management-services concern in which Qintex Australia executives have an interest 0 most of the money went to other parties for expenses such as rent and travel a smaller portion is owed to senior executives and others for management services 2 Non-executive directors of Qintex Australia , who must approve payments to the senior executives , balked at the amount.Two of the directors resigned the payments have n't yet been approved 11 that store data the power is off 3 their data disappear they are n't fed a steady diet of electricity 2 Today 's most widely used data-storing chips have `` volatile '' memories they need external power supplies 2 that broad applications are several years away the technology is n't fully refined 1 Developers caution that broad applications are several years away because the technology is n't fully refined Ramtron of Colorado Springs , Colo. , plans to start shipping commercial quantities of simple ferroelectric chips in December 10 the chips could take over a significant part of the market production hurdles are overcome 2 they are potentially cheaper to make they require fewer manufacturing steps than conventional chips 2 Military buyers have shown interest ferroelectric chips resist atomic radiation 6 Military buyers have shown interest because ferroelectric chips resist atomic radiation while today 's non-volatile chips -- such as electronically erasable programmable read-only memory chips -- ca n't be used in a computer 's central memory because they `` learn '' data slowly , ferroelectric chips accept data at very high speeds 1 And ferroelectric chips accept data at very high speeds today 's non-volatile chips -- such as electronically erasable programmable read-only memory chips -- ca n't be used in a computer 's central memory 2 while today 's non-volatile chips -- such as electronically erasable programmable read-only memory chips -- ca n't be used in a computer 's central memory they `` learn '' data slowly 6 That means huge travel bills telephone or videotape depositions just do n't match physical encounters 6 The company installed a prototype system that connects Dallas with Miami over digital phone lines it is preparing to set up shop in Chicago , New York and 10 other cities where court-reporting agencies can tie conference rooms into the network 1 the formal network of court reporters should make things easier and cheaper lawyers arranged individual tie-ups before 1 Until now , most Japanese charges have been responses to suits against them last year Hitachi Ltd. surprised Japan 's electronics industry when it accused Korea 's Samsung Electronics Co. of using Hitachi technology to make dynamic random-access memory chips 11 But last year Hitachi Ltd. surprised Japan 's electronics industry it accused Korea 's Samsung Electronics Co. of using Hitachi technology to make dynamic random-access memory chips 6 when it accused Korea 's Samsung Electronics Co. of using Hitachi technology to make dynamic random-access memory chips Hitachi went on the offensive against the U.S. 's Motorola Inc. earlier this month with a suit charging that Motorola 's new MC88200 chip infringes on a Hitachi patent 10 Hitachi made the reverse-engineering charges in an amendment to a counterclaim filed in a federal district court in Texas Motorola sued Hitachi for patent violation 3 earnings would have increased it had n't been actively repurchasing its shares 2 if it had n't been actively repurchasing its shares increasing its interest expense and reducing its interest income 1 Tandy `` has done a decent job '' increasing sales by manufacturing computers for others and expanding sales of its Grid Systems Corp. subsidiary , which sells computers to bigger businesses it 's not enough to offset the problems at Radio Shack 2 Radio Shack continues to be lackluster he cut his fiscal 1990 per-share earnings estimate for Tandy to $ 4.05 from $ 4.20 6 consumer electronics sales at its Radio Shack stores have been slow , partly because of a lack of hot , new products Tandy has suffered from lethargic sales of its computers aimed at the home and small-office market 3 that should be the quarter the earnings acceleration is to take place 3 Drexel -- the leading underwriter of high-risk junk bonds -- could no longer afford to sell any junk offerings they might later become troubled 10 to sell any junk offerings if they might become troubled because Drexel risked losing its highly lucrative junk franchise 2 Drexel -- the leading underwriter of high-risk junk bonds -- could no longer afford to sell any junk offerings if they might later become troubled Drexel risked losing its highly lucrative junk franchise 6 The dinner was a stark confirmation that 1989 is the worst year ever for the $ 200 billion junk market investors and traders alike say the current turmoil could take years to resolve 0 Drexel has been unable to stem the fallout from growing junk bond defaults , withdrawn new offerings , redemptions by shareholders in junk bond mutual funds and an exodus of once-devoted investors the big investment bank still dominates the junk market 6 This is the worst shakeout ever in the junk market it could take years before it 's over 10 and it could take years it 's over 7 For many money managers , the past four months have been humiliating In the third quarter junk bonds -- those with less than an investment-grade rating -- showed negative returns , the only major sector of the bond market to do so 11 The junk market , which mushroomed to $ 200 billion from less than $ 2 billion at the start of the decade , has been declining for months issuers have stumbled under the weight of hefty interest payments 11 At that point , the junk market went into a tailspin buyers disappeared and investors tried to sell 6 as buyers disappeared investors tried to sell 6 Nobody 's been perfect in their credit judgments the past couple years we 're going to make sure our default rates are going to be in the acceptable parameters of the market 6 In recent months there has been heavy selling of junk bonds by some of the market 's traditional investors new buyers have n't materialized to replace them 6 Wall Street securities firms , `` the primary source of liquidity for the high yield market , '' have been net sellers of junk bonds because of trading losses Mutual funds have been net sellers of junk bonds 11 Mutual funds have also been net sellers of junk bonds junk 's relatively poor performance and negative press coverage have produced `` above-normal '' redemptions by shareholders 2 Mutual funds have also been net sellers of junk bonds junk 's relatively poor performance and negative press coverage have produced `` above-normal '' redemptions by shareholders 6 Investors , trying to raise cash , have sold `` large liquid issues '' such as RJR Holdings Corp. and Kroger Co. ; declines in these benchmark issues have contributed to the market 's distress buying has been severely reduced because savings and loans have been restricted in their junk purchases by recently passed congressional legislation 2 And buying has been severely reduced savings and loans have been restricted in their junk purchases by recently passed congressional legislation 6 And buying has been severely reduced because savings and loans have been restricted in their junk purchases by recently passed congressional legislation savings and loans were sellers of high yield holdings throughout the quarter 6 In recent months there has been heavy selling of junk bonds by some of the market 's traditional investors , while new buyers have n't materialized to replace them Prudential , the nation 's largest insurer and the biggest investor in junk bonds , has seen the value of its junk bond portfolio drop to $ 6.5 billion from $ 7 billion since August because of falling junk prices 11 In recent months there has been heavy selling of junk bonds by some of the market 's traditional investors , while new buyers have n't materialized to replace them Prudential , the nation 's largest insurer and the biggest investor in junk bonds , has seen the value of its junk bond portfolio drop to $ 6.5 billion from $ 7 billion since August because of falling junk prices 6 We certainly do have a lack of liquidity here it 's something to be concerned about 1 I have no reason to think things will get worse this market has a knack for surprising us 0 the market has downgraded many junk issues as if they were in trouble the majority of junk bonds outstanding show no signs of default 0 the market has downgraded many junk issues they were in trouble 1 Although the majority of junk bonds outstanding show no signs of default , the market has downgraded many junk issues as if they were in trouble we think the risks are there for things getting a lot worse.And the risks are n't appropriate for us 6 the risks are there for things getting a lot worse the risks are n't appropriate for us 2 If anything , we 're going to see defaults increase credit ratings have declined 10 whose study on junk bond defaults caused a furor on Wall Street it was disclosed last April 1 The junk market is no bonanza as Drexel claimed it also is n't a disaster as the doomsayers say 6 The junk market is no bonanza as Drexel claimed but it is n't a disaster as the doomsayers say 7 Despite the junk market 's problems , Drexel continues to enjoy a loyalty among junk bond investors that its Wall Street rivals have n't found During the past three weeks Drexel has sold $ 1.3 billion of new junk bonds for Turner Broadcasting Co. , Uniroyal Chemical , Continental Air and Duff & Phelps 1 Despite the junk market 's problems , Drexel continues to enjoy a loyalty among junk bond investors that its Wall Street rivals have n't found the list of troubled Drexel bond offerings dwarfs that of any firm on Wall Street , as does its successful offerings 1 Quality junk bonds will continue to trade well the deals that never should have been brought have now become nuclear waste 11 she reeled off the names of a few pals -- Prince Charles , Princess Diana , Sarah Ferguson , John Kluge , Milton Petrie Helen Boehm sipped her luncheon cocktail 10 she reeled off the names of a few pals -- Prince Charles , Princess Diana , Sarah Ferguson , John Kluge , Milton Petrie she told her two companions that she is on the `` board '' of the Vatican Museum in Rome 0 As it turns out , the board has a lot of important members , including Winton Blount ( former postmaster general of the U.S. ) , Mrs. Henry Gaisman ( widow of the inventor of auto-strop razor ) and Vincent Murphy ( an investment banker at Merrill Lynch & Co Mrs. Boehm did n't mention any of them 6 Like which are droppable which are not 6 With the fall social season well under way , name-droppers are out in force , trying to impress their betters and sometimes put down their lessers the truth is that almost everyone , from real-estate agents to city fathers , name-drops ; and a surprising number of people have an ancient uncle who claims he lived next door to the cartoonist who did the Katzenjammer Kids 6 But the truth is that almost everyone , from real-estate agents to city fathers , name-drops a surprising number of people have an ancient uncle who claims he lived next door to the cartoonist who did the Katzenjammer Kids 11 and getting more so society becomes more complex and alienating 11 I was having a drink in Sardi 's all of a sudden I saw a woman 's backside coming up the steps on the second floor and she was wearing sequined slacks 6 when all of a sudden I saw a woman 's backside coming up the steps on the second floor she was wearing sequined slacks 2 I knew it was someone important I followed her into the ladies room 6 so I followed her into the ladies room sure enough , it was Liza 2 and sure enough , it was Liza I said , ` Hello 6 So I said , ` Hello she said , ` Hello 2 So I said , ` Hello she said , ` Hello 0 They ca n't help talking about the big important people they know they do n't really know them 6 I do it innately and pathologically while it may occasionally get me into trouble , it 's also gotten me access to parties and society 0 and it 's also gotten me access to parties and society it may occasionally get me into trouble 6 and while it may occasionally get me into trouble it 's gotten me access to parties and society 1 I guess I might have asked Beauregard to leave he drops so many good names , we decided to let him stay 6 After all , Warhol was the ultimate namedropper , dropping five a day in his diaries Beauregard was mentioned twice -- although very briefly and in passing 1 And Beauregard was mentioned twice very briefly and in passing 1 I think she knows me I 'm not sure 1 She knows me we 're not really the best of friends 10 who actually plan whose names they are going to drop attending a party 1 whom everybody these days apparently has heard of no one really knows 1 It 's the one-upsmanship of name-dropping that counts name-dropping has other benefits , often civic 2 It has gotten a bad rep its once heavily polluted Cuyahoga River caught fire 2 It has gotten a bad rep former Mayor Ralph Perk set his hair on fire with an acetylene torch 6 because its once heavily polluted Cuyahoga River caught fire , because former Mayor Ralph Perk set his hair on fire with an acetylene torch because its proposed Rock ' n ' Roll Hall of Fame was recently refused an urban-development grant 2 It has gotten a bad rep its proposed Rock ' n ' Roll Hall of Fame was recently refused an urban-development grant 8 that actor Paul Newman 's family owned a sporting-goods store in Cleveland , that the late actress Margaret Hamilton , who played the bad witch in `` The Wizard Of Oz , '' once ran a nursery school in Cleveland that comedian Bob Hope 's father , a stonemason , once worked on a church next to Severence Hall , Cleveland 's main concert hall 2 that a 3.2-acre property overlooking the San Fernando Valley is priced at $ 4 million the late actor Erroll Flynn once lived there 3 the property might have been priced $ 1 million lower Flynn had n't lived there 6 that Flynn 's house has been bulldozed only the swimming pool remains 6 Press agents and public-relations practitioners are notorious name-droppers some even do it with malice aforethought 11 that he leaves messages with Mr. Dorfman 's office saying that he has an important story on Donald Trump , Meshulam Riklis or Marvin Davis Dan Dorfman , a financial columnist with USA Today , has n't returned his phone calls 1 he has no story on any of them on these occasions it does get him to return my calls , and it makes me feel better for the times he 's given me the brushoff 6 But it does get him to return my calls it makes me feel better for the times he 's given me the brushoff 6 Get caught you 're dead in the water 2 Get caught you 're dead in the water 3 I know they 've never met her directors or producers phone me and say they know ` Liz 8 In New York society , Pat Buckley , the very social wife of author William Buckley , has the nicknames `` Mrs.Buckles '' and `` Patsy her husband sometimes calls her `` Ducky 1 In New York society , Pat Buckley , the very social wife of author William Buckley , has the nicknames `` Mrs.Buckles '' and `` Patsy . '' And her husband sometimes calls her `` Ducky call her ` Patty , ' and it 's a sure giveaway you 're not in her circle , because she does n't use that name 6 But call her ` Patty it 's a sure giveaway you 're not in her circle , because she does n't use that name 2 But call her ` Patty , ' and it 's a sure giveaway you 're not in her circle she does n't use that name 2 That 's they only drop `` mere names 6 because they only drop `` mere names how tycoons such as the late Jean Paul Getty , the oil billionnaire , were known only by one initial , their last 11 you ask whether they 've spoken to ` G you 're at the club 6 Now they know who you mean you know who you mean 1 Now they know who you mean and you know who you mean no one else does 4 Now that 's name-dropping you know what I mean 6 the number of automobile choices is causing stress among consumers today that people will simply ignore new models that lack a well-defined image 2 the number of automobile choices is causing stress among consumers today that people will simply ignore new models that lack a well-defined image 11 to be as distinctive as possible still retaining links to the parent company 's quality image 6 There 's more noise out there the consumer may have to work harder to cut through it 2 There 's more noise out there the consumer may have to work harder to cut through it 1 There 's more noise out there , and the consumer may have to work harder to cut through it the reward is that there 's less need to make tradeoffs '' in choosing one 's wheels 1 Market segmentation in cars is n't new it 's far more extensive than when Alfred P. Sloan Jr. conceived the idea 50 years ago 2 The number of makes has mushroomed the U.S. is the world 's biggest and richest market for automobiles 6 GM launched the Geo marque this year to sell cars made in partnership with foreign auto makers next year GM 's long-awaited Saturn cars will make their debut 1 Ford Motor Co. created the Merkur nameplate in 1985 to sell its German-made touring sedans in the U.S slow sales forced Ford to kill the brand just last week 3 brand loyalty is much harder to maintain consumers have so many choices 1 It 's hard to generalize age seems to be the best predictor 0 Young consumers prefer luxury cars by a 37 % to 28 % margin older buyers , because of their incomes , are more likely to actually purchase a luxury car 0 Such preferences persist many Americans believe differences between imported and domestic cars are diminishing 1 Only 58 % of Americans now believe that foreign cars get better gas mileage than domestic models down from 68 % in 1987.Some 46 % give foreign cars higher quality ratings , down from 50 % two years ago only 42 % say foreign cars are less comfortable than U.S. models , down from 55 % in 1987 10 they 're very hard to break buying habits are formed 1 Once buying habits are formed , they 're very hard to break , '' declares Thomas Mignanelli , executive vice president for Nissan 's U.S. sales operations out on Cobb Parkway , Ted Negas sees it differently 2 that an owner 's loyalty to a dealership or a car is virtually nonexistent the very fickleness of baby boomers may make it possible to win them back 2 Ed Voyles Olds recently established a special section in the service department for owners whose cars are less than a year old they get quicker service 3 they would buy anti-lock brakes they carry a medium or high price tag 0 they would buy anti-lock brakes they carry a medium or high price tag 1 Some 60 % of the survey respondents said they would buy anti-lock brakes even if they carry a medium or high price tag.More than 50 % felt the same way about air bags dashboard computers , power seats and turbo-charged engines had little appeal 1 In contrast , dashboard computers , power seats and turbo-charged engines had little appeal even a little appeal has a lot of attraction these days 1 GM 's Pontiac division is offering a turbo-charged V-6 engine on its Grand Prix model it expects to sell only about 4,000 cars equipped with that option 6 Americans spent more than $ 190 billion on new cars and trucks last year just 1 % of that market exceeded Polaroid Co. 's sales of $ 1.86 billion 3 would you throw away sales the size of Polaroid it 's only 1 % 2 it 's a pricey lawn decoration the Sago is relatively rare and grows only a couple of inches a year 6 A two-foot tall Sago can retail for $ 1,000 taller ones often fetch $ 3,000 or more 10 Just last week , would-be thieves damaged three Sagos at Mr. Whitelock 's home in the Eagle Rock section something frightened them off 3 to plant Sagos in the back yard they must 1 The department is advising residents to plant Sagos , if they must , in the back yard and telling nurseries to be on the lookout for anyone trying to palm one off for those Californians who want exotic gardens out front where neighbors can appreciate them , there 's always Harold Smith 's approach 10 I put a big iron stake in the ground and tied the tree to the stake with a chain three Sagos were stolen from his home in Garden Grove 6 I put a big iron stake in the ground and tied the tree to the stake with a chain you ca n't cut this chain with bolt cutters 2 It 's the most controversial form of program trading it can create abrupt price swings in the stock market 1 Salomon Brothers Inc. was the top program trader in September most of the firm 's activity involved portfolio trading strategies other than stock-index arbitrage 9 Salomon Brothers Inc. was the top program trader in September , but most of the firm 's activity involved portfolio trading strategies other than stock-index arbitrage Salomon reported program trading volume of 75.2 million shares 6 The complaint accuses Imperial and other defendants of issuing false and misleading financial data It charges that Imperial , the holding company for Imperial Savings & Loan , experienced major losses and writedowns because of improper assessment of the risks of junk-bond investments and wholesale consumer loan packages 1 that it would vigorously defend itself against the class-action suit the company had n't yet been served with the derivative suit 6 filed in federal district court In a separate complaint filed in federal court here 5 The percent difference compares actual profit with the 30-day estimate where at least three analysts have issues forecasts in the past 30 days actual profit is compared with the 300-day estimate 6 Eastman Kodak Co. , seeking to position itself in the potentially huge high-definition television market , unveiled a converter that can transform conventional motion-picture film into high-definition video The move helps the Rochester , N.Y. , photographic giant ensure that its motion-picture film business is n't made obsolete by the upstart HDTV business 0 it 's being lauded by the infant HDTV industry as a way of increasing the number of high-quality shows that can be seen on the new medium the prototype converter is costly 10 that they would face a severe shortage of programs consumers begin replacing their TV sets with HDTVs 6 Japanese electronic giants , such as Sony Corp. and Hitachi Ltd. , have focused almost entirely on HDTV hardware , and virtually ignored software or programs shot in high-definition only a handful of small U.S. companies are engaged in high-definition software development 5 Consumers will be able to switch on their HDTV sets and get all the viewing benefits the high-tech medium offers they 'd be watching programs that are no different in quality from what they currently view on color TVs 1 Kodak wo n't disclose the cost or when its converter will be on the market it 's estimated the machine may be available within two years 6 A similar machine already on the market , made by Rank Sintel Ltd. , a unit of Rank Organisation , costs about $ 500,000 the potential market is tremendous 3 there will be demand for some 4,000 to 5,000 HDTV converters HDTV takes off in the U.S 6 The converter is head and shoulders above anything else I 've seen , '' says Richard J. Stumpf , vice president-engineering and development at MCA Inc. 's Universal City Studios Mr. Niles , the program producer , contends that Kodak 's move is `` a sound marketing decision.They ca n't afford to stay out of HDTV 9 They ca n't afford to stay out of HDTV the stakes are high 6 HDTVs break down images into more than 1,100 lines , compared with 525 for today 's televisions , providing considerably sharper detail the sets are wider , resembling the dimensions of a movie screen 1 The U.S. electronics industry estimates that the HDTV market will total about $ 150 billion over the next two decades , with an additional $ 400 billion expected to go for related products the financial rewards are n't expected soon , nor are they guaranteed 6 But the financial rewards are n't expected soon are they guaranteed 0 But the financial rewards are n't expected soon , nor are they guaranteed Kodak could n't risk letting HDTV turn its motion-picture film business into a dinosaur 0 Yet another political scandal is racking Japan this time it 's hurting opposition as well as ruling-party members 6 But this time it 's hurting opposition as well as ruling-party members as it unfolds , it 's revealing some of the more tangled and seamier aspects of Japanese society 11 And it 's revealing some of the more tangled and seamier aspects of Japanese society it unfolds 1 Already , ruling Liberal Democratic Party demands that opposition members testify under oath in parliament have stalled one budget committee session and forced the committee to plan a special two-day investigation at the end of the month the scandal itself is so convoluted that ruling-party members are divided between those who want to pursue the matter in hope of undermining the opposition and those who favor leaving well enough alone 2 The opposition can be the most hurt everyone already figures the LDP is that kind of beast 1 The opposition can be the most hurt because everyone already figures the LDP is that kind of beast We ca n't tell where it will go at all because we 're still in the middle of it 2 But We ca n't tell where it will go at all we 're still in the middle of it 1 The donations so far appear to be small , especially compared with the huge sums that changed hands in the Recruit Co. influence-peddling scandal that plagued the ruling party last year the implications could be great 6 Recently the industry has faced the threat of new restrictions political donations may have been made with the intent to bribe 2 Recently the industry has faced the threat of new restrictions political donations may have been made with the intent to bribe 6 and political donations may have been made with the intent to bribe about 60 % of pachinko parlor owners are Korean and donations by such foreign groups are illegal in Japan 6 Also , about 60 % of pachinko parlor owners are Korean , many of whom maintain close ties with North or South Korean residents ' organizations donations by such foreign groups are illegal in Japan 10 and has been it took root as cheap entertainment in the years after World War II 6 At 500 yen ( $ 3.60 ) for a handful of balls , pachinko is a common pastime , and has been since it took root as cheap entertainment in the years after World War II the total of all those pinging balls has created an industry with a reported annual income of 13 trillion yen ( almost $ 92 billion ) , or nearly the size of Japan 's vaunted automobile industry 6 But the total of all those pinging balls has created an industry with a reported annual income of 13 trillion yen ( almost $ 92 billion ) , or nearly the size of Japan 's vaunted automobile industry because the pachinko industry is regularly at the top of annual lists for tax evasion , some observers estimate the real income could be as much as 20 trillion yen 2 And some observers estimate the real income could be as much as 20 trillion yen the pachinko industry is regularly at the top of annual lists for tax evasion 3 it could bring the government a badly needed several trillion yen that money were being taxed 10 In 1984 , an attempt was made to crack down on the industry with tougher restrictions in 1988 , a proposal to keep better track of income by selling prepaid cards for pachinko was fielded in parliament 1 North Koreans oppose the plan South Koreans , Japanese and Taiwanese accept it or are neutral 5 the pachinko industry may have been offering bribes to win support in the battle against prepaid cards it may have been laundering money back and forth between the JSP and the North Korean residents ' organization , the Chosen Soren 6 The Chosen Soren and the JSP immediately denied the report at first , neither the opposition nor the LDP wanted to pursue the issue 1 The Chosen Soren and the JSP immediately denied the report.And at first , neither the opposition nor the LDP wanted to pursue the issue the press kept it alive ; as with the Recruit scandal , lists began circulating with names of people who had received money 1 that members of the ruling LDP had received much larger donations from pachinko organizations So far there have been no allegations that the contributions the LDP members received amounted to bribes 10 Within a matter of weeks , less-conservative magazines reported that members of the ruling LDP had received much larger donations from pachinko organizations the two camps upped the ante 2 Direct donations from either of the residents ' organizations would be illegal the groups are defined as foreign 1 Direct donations from either of the residents ' organizations would be illegal because the groups are defined as foreign both groups deny making direct donations 2 The issue is further complicated although the organizations represent Korean residents , those residents were largely born and raised in Japan and many speak only Japanese 1 because those residents were largely born and raised in Japan and many speak only Japanese the organizations represent Korean residents 1 Both residents ' organizations admit to receiving some funding from abroad LDP members and supporters of the prepaid card idea tend to speak in innuendo about the JSP 's alleged donations , implying that North Korean money would be more suspect than South Korean because North Korea is communist and South Korea is an ally 2 that North Korean money would be more suspect than South Korean North Korea is communist and South Korea is an ally 11 he got a chance to play in the starting lineup for his high school basketball team in Macon , Ga Robert McDuffie was 14 6 Unfortunately , his mother had tickets for a recital by Itzhak Perlman the same night she was adamant about his attending 1 I threw such a fit once Perlman started playing , I did n't give a damn about basketball 10 But I did n't give a damn about basketball Perlman started playing 10 But once Perlman started playing , I did n't give a damn about basketball I went home and practiced for three hours 0 At 31 , Mr. McDuffie has a rich , full-bodied tone , an admirable rhythmic precision and an increasingly busy schedule Mr. McDuffie 's career has developed at a slower pace than those of some of his better known contemporaries 11 who performed with major orchestras still a student 1 I thought I was over the hill at 22 I was n't ready for a career at that time 10 I did n't learn to count I got to Juilliard 10 he switched at the college level to Miss DeLay , Mr. Galamian 's longtime assistant and , ultimately , his rival studies at that conservatory 's Pre-College Division with an assistant to the legendary instructor Ivan Galamian 1 I had to prove myself to her she was always encouraging 10 The second incident took place Mr. McDuffie gave an ambitious student recital and was feeling rather pleased with himself 6 We listened to the Chausson ` Poeme she said , ` You hear the first note , that B-flat ? That 's the only note that 's truly in tune 2 That 's the most important experience I 've had with any teacher she taught me how to listen 11 Now the musicians often compliment me on my intonation I play with orchestras 6 because she taught me how to listen It was at Juilliard that Mr. McDuffie discovered his predilection for conservative , 20th-century American composers such as David Diamond and Samuel Barber 10 Mr. McDuffie was invited to play the work for the composer , who was dying of cancer winning a school competition with a performance of the latter 's `` Violin Concerto 1 He did n't say much what he said was important because it 's not in the score 2 but what he said was important it 's not in the score 3 he 'd kill me he heard me say that 6 It 's written ` marcato ' in the score I played it that way , kind of gigue-like 2 It 's written ` marcato ' in the score I played it that way , kind of gigue-like 6 It 's written ` marcato ' in the score , and I played it that way , kind of gigue-like he yelled out ` dolce ! dolce ! ' { ` sweet ! sweet ! ' } 10 It 's written ` marcato ' in the score , and I played it that way , kind of gigue-like he yelled out ` dolce ! dolce ! ' { ` sweet ! sweet ! ' } 2 And he yelled out ` dolce ! dolce ! ' { ` sweet ! sweet we did it over 3 it makes the piece magical a conductor is sensitive enough to bring down the orchestra { volume } at that point 10 Mr. McDuffie has made some smart moves and some controversial ones leaving Juilliard 1 His guest appearance on the NBC soap opera `` Another World , '' scandalized musical elitists he 's won kudos for his espousal of William Schuman 's `` Violin Concerto 1 Mr. Schuman 's `` Violin Concerto , '' which sounds more like a mildly atonal rhapsody for solo violin with orchestral accompaniment , meanders until the propulsive `` Agitato , fervente there are ample rewards in its plaintive slow sections and virtuoso fireworks for soloist , brass and timpani 11 I 'm still humbled by the piece I hear it played badly 3 I could ever feel I 've contributed to it in some way all the hard work has been worth it 6 A lot of observers think so if they 're right , the whole economy as well as the spendthrifts among us could be hurt 3 and the whole economy as well as the spendthrifts among us could be hurt they 're right 6 at a time when plant-and-equipment spending is slowing deficit-racked governments ca n't readily take up the slack 6 A sudden , forced cutback by consumers , who normally account for about two-thirds of economic activity , would damp the economy at a time when plant-and-equipment spending is slowing and deficit-racked governments ca n't readily take up the slack another wave of bad loans would further batter many already-shaky lending institutions 1 During the almost seven-year-old economic expansion , inflation-adjusted gross national product , disposable personal income and personal consumption expenditures have risen 30 % inflation-adjusted consumer installment credit has surged 66 % 8 During the almost seven-year-old economic expansion , inflation-adjusted gross national product , disposable personal income and personal consumption expenditures have risen 30 % , but inflation-adjusted consumer installment credit has surged 66 % the ratio of installment debt to disposable personal income -- personal income after taxes -- has hit a high of about 18 1/2 % 1 During the almost seven-year-old economic expansion , inflation-adjusted gross national product , disposable personal income and personal consumption expenditures have risen 30 % , but inflation-adjusted consumer installment credit has surged 66 % .And the ratio of installment debt to disposable personal income -- personal income after taxes -- has hit a high of about 18 1/2 % these figures do n't seem to worry Thomas A. Durkin , an economist at the Federal Reserve Board 6 that `` installment credit always grows rapidly in cyclical advances growth in this cycle is very typical of earlier experiences 4 which could persist for a while history is a guide 1 that `` installment credit always grows rapidly in cyclical advances , and growth in this cycle is very typical of earlier experiences We are now witnessing a slowdown which , if history is a guide , could persist for a while what about the debt burden 6 that `` there is some magic level '' at which the ratio of installment debt to disposable income `` indicates economic problems more importantly the debt burden measured other ways is not really in uncharted waters 6 The ratio of consumer installment credit to disposable income , though up a bit , has n't climbed steeply such debt as a percent of household assets is little changed 6 The ratio of consumer installment credit to disposable income , though up a bit , has n't climbed steeply , and such debt as a percent of household assets is little changed the burden of consumer credit payments relative to disposable income may be `` lower in this cycle than earlier 6 that some `` revolving credit-card credit is actually convenience credit '' being used simply as a handy way of paying bills rather than a handy way of borrowing longer maturities on automobile and other forms of installment credit boost the stock of debt faster than the flow of repayments and the accompanying payment burden 6 In addition longer maturities on automobile and other forms of installment credit boost the stock of debt faster than the flow of repayments and the accompanying payment burden if you `` consider the changing distribution of credit much of the increase in debt in recent years is due to increasing credit use by higher-income families , '' that is , `` those probably best able to handle it 4 And much of the increase in debt in recent years is due to increasing credit use by higher-income families , '' that is , `` those probably best able to handle it you `` consider the changing distribution of credit 1 that `` 11 % of homeowners had home-equity credit accounts the proportion rises to 16 % of homeowners in the $ 45,000- $ 60,000 income range and 23 % of homeowners with income above $ 60,000 6 Citing figures on home-equity loans , he notes that `` 11 % of homeowners had home-equity credit accounts , but the proportion rises to 16 % of homeowners in the $ 45,000- $ 60,000 income range and 23 % of homeowners with income above $ 60,000 much home-equity credit is used conservatively 2 that `` 11 % of homeowners had home-equity credit accounts , but the proportion rises to 16 % of homeowners in the $ 45,000- $ 60,000 income range and 23 % of homeowners with income above $ 60,000 . '' And much home-equity credit is used conservatively it is n't surprising that consumer-credit delinquencies at banks remain , as the chart shows , reassuringly below some earlier highs ( see accompanying illustration -- WSJ Oct. 23 , 1989 ) 1 A severe recession could , of course , raise delinquency rates so far the current levels of consumer debt do n't seem to loom as a major threat 6 but so far the current levels of consumer debt do n't seem to loom as a major threat the current weakness in auto buying and department-store sales and the gradual upturn in the household saving rate suggest that consumers , conservative as ever , are already clutching their purses a bit more tightly 2 Consumers appear unwilling to add to their leverage to support their spending household debt appears to be stabilizing at around 63 % of GNP 1 The 67-year-old maker of brassieres , panties , and lingerie enjoys one of the best-known brand images its financial profile is closely guarded by members of the founding family 5 Its current ad campaign , on which Maidenform has spent more than $ 15 million since fall 1987 , does n't even show its underwear products but men like Christopher Reeve , star of the `` Superman '' movies , talking about their lingerie turn-ons 6 The intimate apparel industry is perceived to be a growth industry clearly { Maidenform } is a force to be reckoned with 1 they are buying better quality , more upscale intimate apparel working women are `` forced to wear the uniform of the day 1 the move on Sept. 25 precipitated the resignation of Alan Lesk as senior vice president of sales and merchandising Mr. Brawer 's appointment as president was long expected 6 Three days later , Mr. Lesk was named president and chief executive officer of Olga Co. , a competing intimate apparel division of Warnaco Inc Warnaco owns Warners , another major intimate apparel maker 1 Mr. Lesk could n't be reached to comment Maidenform officials say that after spending 24 years at Maidenform , Mr. Lesk , 48 , made it clear he wanted the top job 10 that Mr. Lesk , 48 , made it clear he wanted the top job spending 24 years at Maidenform 3 this is n't the firm to work for you want the presidency of the company 8 Warnaco was taken private by Spectrum Group in 1986 for about $ 487 million last year , Playtex Holdings Inc. went private for about $ 680 million 10 And last year , Playtex Holdings Inc. went private for about $ 680 million It was split into Playtex Apparel Inc. , the intimate apparel division , and Playtex Family Products Corp 6 Warnaco was taken private by Spectrum Group in 1986 for about $ 487 million.And last year , Playtex Holdings Inc. went private for about $ 680 million Publicly traded VF Corp. , which owns Vanity Fair , and Sara Lee Corp. , which owns Bali Co. , are strong forces in intimate apparel 1 Buy-out offers for Maidenform are n't infrequent they are n't taken very seriously 11 I do n't even have to consult '' with Mrs. Coleman he gets calls 1 his wife , Ida , concentrated on sales and other financial matters Mr. Rosenthal introduced new undergarment designs 11 his wife , Ida , concentrated on sales and other financial matters Mr. Rosenthal introduced new undergarment designs 1 Maidenform products are mainly sold at department stores the company has quietly opened a retail store of its own in Omaha , Neb. , and has 24 factory outlets , with plans to add more 10 Mr. Brawer taught at the University of Wisconsin joining Maidenform in 1972 1 Mr. Brawer is n't the first person to marry into the family and subsequently head Maidenform the company has always been family-run 5 China could exhaust its foreign-exchange reserves as early as next year imports are cut drastically to help narrow the balance-of-payments deficit 3 According to the report the reserves would be wiped out either in 1990 or 1991 China 's trade gap continues to widen at the pace seen in the first seven months of this year 3 A country is considered financially healthy its reserves cover three months of its imports 3 that `` a near-term foreign-exchange payment problem can be avoided import growth drops to below 5 % per annum 1 According to Chinese customs figures , import growth has slowed in recent months , dropping to 16 % in July and 7.1 % in August from the year-earlier periods , compared with an average growth rate of 26 % in the first half before import growth slowed , China 's buying spree in the first half already had taken its toll on foreign-exchange reserves 10 But China 's buying spree in the first half already had taken its toll on foreign-exchange reserves import growth slowed 3 China might stave off a crisis it acts as forcefully as it did to arrest the 1985 decline 1 China might stave off a crisis if it acts as forcefully as it did to arrest the 1985 decline , when Beijing slammed the brakes on foreign-exchange spending and devalued the currency this time , China faces a more difficult battle because of economic forces that have come into play since the Tiananmen Square killings June 4 7 But this time , China faces a more difficult battle because of economic forces that have come into play since the Tiananmen Square killings June 4 China 's hard-currency income is expected to suffer from the big drop in tourist arrivals since June 4 6 In one , imports and exports continue to grow at the respective average rates of 25 % and 5 % recorded during the first seven months the current-account deficit widens to $ 13.1 billion 3 it might be able to stem the drain on its foreign-exchange reserves by using some loan funds to offset the current-account deficit China were still on good terms with foreign lenders 1 If China were still on good terms with foreign lenders , it might be able to stem the drain on its foreign-exchange reserves by using some loan funds to offset the current-account deficit since June , foreign bankers led by international financial institutions have virtually suspended their new loans to China 3 commercial bankers are n't expected to lend as much as before borrowing resumes 6 But since June , foreign bankers led by international financial institutions have virtually suspended their new loans to China economists are forecasting a slowdown in foreign direct investments as businessmen become increasingly wary of China 's deteriorating political and economic environment 11 In addition , economists are forecasting a slowdown in foreign direct investments businessmen become increasingly wary of China 's deteriorating political and economic environment 6 The Western government report 's first scenario assumes a 30 % reduction in foreign borrowing and a 5 % contraction in foreign direct investment.In the second , foreign borrowing is projected to grow 10 % and investment to drop 10 % in either case , the report says , China 's balance of payments would rapidly dry up foreign reserves , which are used to finance the imbalance 6 In the first scenario , the reserves would be exhausted next year in the second they would be wiped out in 1991 6 Roche Holding AG , parent of the Swiss chemical and pharmaceutical group , said its group sales rose 22 % in the first nine months of the year to 7.32 billion francs ( $ 4.51 billion ) Roche said it expects a `` considerable rise '' in 1989 group profit from the 641.5 million-franc ( $ 396 million ) net in 1988 11 Ralph Brown was 31,000 feet over Minnesota both jets on his Falcon 20 flamed out 1 At 13,000 feet , the engines restarted knowing that mechanics would probably ground him for repairs , Mr. Brown skipped his stop in nearby Chicago and set course to get his load -- a few hundred parcels -- to the Memphis package-sorting hub on time 1 Had he been a little less gung-ho , `` I 'd have gotten the thing on the ground and headed for the nearest bar he flies for Federal Express Corp. , perhaps the closest thing in corporate America to the Green Berets 6 The election has pitted new hires against devoted veterans such as Mr. Brown It has rattled Federal 's strongly anti-union management 6 A union , sooner or later , has to have an adversary it has to have a victory 10 the charismatic Vietnam vet has fostered an ethos of combat founding the company 6 To reinforce employees ' dedication , Mr. Smith pays well He lets workers vent steam through an elaborate grievance procedure and , as a perk , fly free in empty cockpit seats 6 To reinforce employees ' dedication , Mr. Smith pays well.He also lets workers vent steam through an elaborate grievance procedure and , as a perk , fly free in empty cockpit seats.He gives pep talks in periodic `` family briefings '' beamed internationally on `` FXTV , '' the company 's own television network with many of his 70,000 workers , Mr. Smith 's damn-the-torpedoes attitude has caught on 1 The company deliberately understaffs , stretching employees ' schedules to the limit though couriers work as many as 60 hours a week during the autumn rush , they leave early during slack times while still being assured of a minimum paycheck 1 But they leave early during slack times couriers work as many as 60 hours a week during the autumn rush 11 But they leave early during slack times still being assured of a minimum paycheck 6 Such attitudes have given Federal flexibility , not only to rapidly implement new technology but to keep its work force extraordinarily lean The operational freedom has given Federal a leg up on archrival United Parcel Service Inc. , the nation 's largest employer of United Brotherhood of Teamsters members 1 UPS wo n't discuss its labor practices according to Mr. Cleveland , a former UPS employee , and others , union work rules prohibit UPS drivers from doing more than carrying packages between customers and their vans 2 packages often get buried in the load and are delivered late UPS drivers are n't permitted to load their own vehicles at the depot 1 it also has brought problems the Tiger acquisition has brought Federal a long way toward becoming the global player it wants to be 6 Although the Tiger acquisition has brought Federal a long way toward becoming the global player it wants to be it has brought problems 11 On routes to South America , the company had no backup jets to ensure delivery planes were grounded 11 In Europe , business suffered Federal bought several local companies , only to have the managers quit 1 These and other problems squeezed Federal 's profit margins last year to 8 % , down from more than 13 % annually in the first half of the decade.Earnings have plummeted , too , in each of the past three quarters Federal 's stock price has held up well 10 Federal 's shares have rallied as high as $ 57.87 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading trading as low as $ 42.25 a share in May 1 In the early 1970s , Mr. Smith modeled his fledgling company on Tiger 's innovation of hub-and-spoke and containerized-cargo operations from early on , Tiger 's workers unionized , while Federal 's never have 1 But from early on , Tiger 's workers unionized Federal 's never have 1 Mr. Smith does n't countenance what he considers insubordination encouraging dialogue between managers and workers 10 he called a meeting in a company hangar and dressed them down for challenging his authority a large group of pilots once signed petitions opposing work-rule and compensation changes 10 he called a meeting in a company hangar and dressed them down for challenging his authority He made most of the changes 1 When a large group of pilots once signed petitions opposing work-rule and compensation changes , he called a meeting in a company hangar and dressed them down for challenging his authority.He then made most of the changes That sort of approach has n't worked since the addition of Tiger 6 Its 6,500 workers , who had battled Tiger 's management for years over givebacks , were union members until the day of the merger Soon after the merger Federal 's management asked Tiger 's pilots to sign an agreement stating that they could be fired any time , without cause or notice 10 the company retracted it the pilots refused 6 Mr. Smith is trying hard to allay the anger even some pro-union pilots say his charisma and popularity among the many former military fliers could be tough to beat 3 Regulators , as well , might have quashed the deal Tiger 's pilots had n't been protected 6 Regulators , as well , might have quashed the deal if Tiger 's pilots had n't been protected our contract with our pilots says that we will manage our fleet operations with their advice 6 The seniority-list controversy , along with the job-classification dispute , has been turned over to the mediator the company is operating with two separate pilot groups and seniority lists , and that is costing Federal `` a big number 11 The seniority-list controversy , along with the job-classification dispute , has been turned over to the mediator the company is operating with two separate pilot groups and seniority lists , and that is costing Federal `` a big number 6 Meanwhile , the company is operating with two separate pilot groups and seniority lists that is costing Federal `` a big number , '' says James Barksdale , executive vice president and chief operating officer 2 Meanwhile , the company is operating with two separate pilot groups and seniority lists that is costing Federal `` a big number , '' says James Barksdale , executive vice president and chief operating officer 6 and that is costing Federal `` a big number The issue has cost Federal management a lot of good will among its old pilots 2 They were willing to mistreat us we had n't shown any moxie , any resistance 6 A large majority of the 961 former Tiger fliers support the union , according to a union study though most of the 1,087 Federal pilots are believed opposed , it is unclear just how much their loyalty to Mr. Smith has been eroded 1 But it is unclear just how much their loyalty to Mr. Smith has been eroded most of the 1,087 Federal pilots are believed opposed 11 they have had to endure anti-union harangues by senior pilots flying across the country 6 The fight has turned ugly and , among pilots at least , has shattered the esprit de corps that Mr. Smith worked so hard to build for now , at least , the competition is n't the only enemy 11 which retrieve tanks and other heavy-tracked vehicles they break down or are damaged 2 Mr. Hastings 's case was particularly nettlesome it marked the first time a federal official was impeached and removed from office on charges of which a jury had acquitted him 1 lawmakers handling the prosecution in Congress had argued that the purpose of impeachment is n't to punish an individual Mr. Hastings had been acquitted by a jury 5 that the purpose of impeachment is n't to punish an individual that impeachment aims to protect public institutions from people who have abused their positions of trust , irrespective of the outcome of prior criminal or civil cases 10 Mr. Hastings faced the senators and sat impassively during the first two roll-call votes quickly left the chamber 1 most civil rights groups kept their distance from his case he packed the Senate gallery with his supporters during some of the impeachment trial 11 FBI Agent Nick Mancuso had solved a murder mystery , unraveled a Washington political scandal , and racked up some pretty good ratings numbers in the miniseries `` Favorite Son last we left him 10 When last we left him , FBI Agent Nick Mancuso had solved a murder mystery , unraveled a Washington political scandal , and racked up some pretty good ratings numbers in the miniseries `` Favorite Son What for the crusty FBI agent with the heart of gold 6 There are plenty of worse inspirations for shows most of them had already made the fall lineup : a nun raising some lovable orphans.A den mother raising some lovable teen models.A bunch of tans and bathing suits posing as lovable lifeguards 10 Mancuso is called in to investigate his secretary is found floating dead in the pol 's pool 0 it 's redeemed in part by some tricky plot twists all of this seems a little stale 3 it 's redeemed in part by some tricky plot twists all of this seems a little stale 7 If all of this seems a little stale , it 's redeemed in part by some tricky plot twists : The usual suspects are found to be guilty , then not guilty , then guilty -- but of a different crime In last week 's rape case the girl turns out to have been a victim of incest , and the biggest villains are the politicians who exploit the case 6 In last week 's rape case , for example the girl turns out to have been a victim of incest the biggest villains are the politicians who exploit the case 1 it 's redeemed in part by some tricky plot twists Most of all the show is redeemed by the character of Mancuso 11 earned he was assigned to the civil rights movement back in the 1960s 6 Three were chauffeurs for J. Edgar Hoover two cleaned his house 8 He describes a reporter as `` Miss First Amendment . '' He describes a drowned corpse as `` Esther Williams when he 's told `` Try a little tenderness , '' he shoots back `` I 'm going home to try a little linguine 10 And he shoots back `` I 'm going home to try a little linguine he 's told `` Try a little tenderness 0 At the core of Mr. Loggia 's Mancuso is his world-weary truculence for all his cynicism , he 's at heart a closet idealist , a softy with a secret crush on truth , justice and the American Way 3 it also has a major flaw Mancuso FBI '' has an intriguing central character 6 If `` Mancuso FBI '' has an intriguing central character it has a major flaw : It 's wildly overwritten 6 To start , there 's always a crisis someone always worries , `` What if the press gets a hold of this 6 One more word you are out on a park bench , mister 10 One more word you are out on a park bench , mister 10 To start , there 's always a crisis -- and someone always worries , `` What if the press gets a hold of this ? '' At least once an episode we see protestors marching around screaming slogans.At least once Mancuso 's boss yells `` In here -- now , '' and proceeds to dress his investigator down : `` You are a dinosaur . . . a hangover in a $ 10 suit . . . One more word and you are out on a park bench , mister of course , the boss gives in , but he 's still yelling : `` I find myself explaining anything to Teddy Kennedy , you 'll be chasing stolen cars in Anchorage 1 Finally , of course , the boss gives in he 's still yelling : `` I find myself explaining anything to Teddy Kennedy , you 'll be chasing stolen cars in Anchorage 6 At least once Mancuso 's boss yells `` In here -- now , '' and proceeds to dress his investigator down : `` You are a dinosaur . . . a hangover in a $ 10 suit . . . One more word and you are out on a park bench , mister . '' Finally , of course , the boss gives in , but he 's still yelling : `` I find myself explaining anything to Teddy Kennedy , you 'll be chasing stolen cars in Anchorage throughout `` Mancuso FBI , '' we do n't get words or lines -- we get speeches 6 Witnesses shout , scream , pontificate : `` . . . a dream that the planet could be saved from itself and from the sadistic dumb creatures who try to tear down every decent man who raises his voice Mancuso himself is investigating at the top of his lungs : `` How the hell can you live with yourself ? '' he erupts at a politician . `` You twist people 's trust.You built your career on prejudice and hate.The scars will be here years after the polls close 10 The scars will be here the polls close 11 Where the hell are they gon na live people like you turn the world into a big toxic waste dump 6 You 're the real criminal here what you did was n't just a murder -- it was a crime against humanity 6 In fact , throughout `` Mancuso FBI , '' we do n't get words or lines -- we get speeches at least once a show , someone delivers the line `` Get off that soapbox 6 They have a series with a good character , some interesting , even occasionally surprising plot lines they 're ruining it 10 Why does Mancuso trash her apartment a key witness disappears 1 Asked to say a few words , he pulls out his crumpled piece of paper and tries to talk he 's too choked up to get the words out 10 He bangs on the piece of paper in frustration turns and walks away 6 It was a profoundly moving moment for series television Robert Loggia 's acting resonated in the silence 3 they might just hear it the show 's creators could just let themselves be quiet for a little 3 I 've no time left to heed them I peruse enough 6 Texaco Inc. has purchased an oil-producing company in Texas for $ 476.5 million , its first major acquisition since its legal brawl with Pennzoil Co. began more than four years ago Texaco has been attempting to sell oil properties 10 Texaco acquired Tana it completed those sales 2 Texaco acquired Tana before it completed those sales Tana 's properties are high quality and near other fields Texaco already owns 2 Texaco 's situation had become particularly complex much of its effort had for years been focused on its brawl with Pennzoil and then on New York investor Carl C. Icahn 's attempt to take over the company 3 to give up some of its independence to a white knight necessary to repel a raider 6 Groupe AG 's chairman said the Belgian insurer is prepared to give up some of its independence to a white knight if necessary to repel a raider Amid heavy buying of shares in Belgium 's largest insurer , Maurice Lippens warned in an interview that a white knight , in buying out a raider , could leave speculators with big losses on their AG stock 6 which already owns 18 % of AG which itself is controlled by Cie 0 The most likely white knight would be Societe Generale de Belgique S.A. , which already owns 18 % of AG and which itself is controlled by Cie.Financiere de Suez , the acquisitive French financial conglomerate a rescue also could involve Asahi Mutual Life Insurance Co. , which owns 5 % of AG 6 The most likely white knight would be Societe Generale de Belgique S.A a rescue could involve Asahi Mutual Life Insurance Co 0 the volume of shares changing hands has grown significantly since mid-September that a raider would have been able to amass no more than 4 % of the shares in recent months 6 A `` syndicate '' of shareholders holds just under 50 % of AG members have agreed to give one another the right of first refusal should they sell any AG shares 6 Is the National Security Council staff big enough does it have enough clout , to do its job of coordinating foreign policy 2 He was all too aware of how a large , inadequately supervised NSC staff had spun out of control and nearly wrecked President Reagan 's second term Gen. Scowcroft has pruned the NSC staff and tried to ensure that it sticks to its assigned tasks -- namely , gathering the views of the State Department , Pentagon and intelligence community ; serving as an honest broker in distilling that information for the president and then making sure presidential decisions are carried out 10 serving as an honest broker in distilling that information for the president and making sure presidential decisions are carried out 2 The National Security Council itself was established in 1947 policy makers sensed a need , in an increasingly complex world , for a formal system within the White House to make sure that communications flowed smoothly between the president and the State Department , Pentagon and intelligence agencies 6 By law , the council includes the president , vice president and secretaries of state and defense In practice , the director of central intelligence and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff serve as unofficial members 1 By law , the council includes the president , vice president and secretaries of state and defense.In practice , the director of central intelligence and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff also serve as unofficial members the size , shape and role of the NSC staff have been left for each president and his national security adviser to decide 6 Gen. Scowcroft is particularly well-versed in arms control Mr. Gates has spent years studying Soviet politics and society 2 But neither has an extensive background in Latin America , the Middle East or Asia In those areas , the role of NSC staffers under them have become more important 10 Mr. Tomlin , among other things , illegally provided Mr. Lavelle with inside information and documents intended to give Sperry an unfair advantage in the competition Sperry was eliminated from the competition without receiving the work 6 Court documents filed by prosecutors indicate Mr. Tomlin tried to steer to Sperry a multimillion dollar contract to computerize maintenance of certain Navy electronics equiment Documents filed by prosecutors indicate that Mr. Lavelle and his fellow conspirators requested and obtained `` approval of the scheme '' from more-senior Sperry officials 2 that Mr. Lavelle and his fellow conspirators requested and obtained `` approval of the scheme '' from more-senior Sperry officials the payment which { Mr. } Tomlin requested was so large 11 He talked about it in every speech he made he roamed the country promoting his books 6 After all we 've got like 15 million bureaucrats in addition to the $ 5,000 , he has promised the winner a `` My Favorite Bureaucrat '' plaque and offered each of two runners-up $ 500 0 Mr. Lesko figured he would be flooded with entries by now So far Mr. Lesko has received only one entry 11 who is making the rules he goes 3 I 'd get 5,000 entries he sponsored a contest on how a bureaucrat mishandled something 10 Ford Motor Co. and Saab-Scania AB of Sweden broke off talks about a possible alliance Ford officials concluded that the cost to modernize Saab 's car operations would outweigh the likely return 11 With the collapse of the talks Friday , European analysts expect Ford to intensify its pursuit of British luxury car maker Jaguar PLC Saab is left to continue its search for an ally to shore up its sagging car business 6 With the collapse of the talks Friday , European analysts expect Ford to intensify its pursuit of British luxury car maker Jaguar PLC Saab is left to continue its search for an ally to shore up its sagging car business 11 that the No . 2 U.S. auto maker lost interest it became clear that the Swedish auto maker 's automotive operations had little to offer in the way of image or technology 6 Ford originally had seen a Saab alliance as a way to expand its presence in the European and U.S. luxury car markets Ford and Saab had discussed a possible link between their heavy truck operations 0 In addition , Ford and Saab had discussed a possible link between their heavy truck operations the talks on a heavy truck alliance apparently did n't go far 11 Some European analysts speculated that officials of Saab 's highly profitable Scania truck operation balked at surrendering any of their autonomy Ford officials became convinced they could n't expect to recover the investment it would require to make Saab 's cars competitive in the increasingly crowded luxury market 6 that its car division had a 1.2 billion kronor ( $ 186.1 million ) loss during the first eight months of this year , slightly worse than Saab-Scania had forecast in its first-half report last month Saab-Scania 's pretax profit during the first eight months of the year plunged 48.9 % to 1 billion Swedish kronor ( $ 155.1 million ) from 1.96 billion kronor ( $ 303.9 million ) a year earlier 0 his company has had talks with Fiat about a broader alliance the talks yielded `` nothing so advanced that we needed to make a public announcement about it 11 they expect to have a friendly alliance with GM wrapped up by the end of the month GM is hosting a delegation of members of the British Parliament who are touring the auto maker 's headquarter operations in Detroit 6 they expect to have a friendly alliance with GM wrapped up by the end of the month GM is hosting a delegation of members of the British Parliament who are touring the auto maker 's headquarter operations in Detroit 0 Ford faces an uphill fight for Jaguar , however Ford clearly views Jaguar as a prize worth fighting for , since the company 's gilded brand image would give Ford a badly needed leg up in the high end of the luxury markets in both Europe and the U.S 2 But Ford clearly views Jaguar as a prize worth fighting for the company 's gilded brand image would give Ford a badly needed leg up in the high end of the luxury markets in both Europe and the U.S 11 Last week , Ford encountered a setback in its effort to broaden its U.S. luxury offerings it was forced to abandon a four-year-old effort to market its German-built Scorpio sedan in the U.S. as a luxury import under the Merkur brand name 2 But Ford clearly views Jaguar as a prize worth fighting for , since the company 's gilded brand image would give Ford a badly needed leg up in the high end of the luxury markets in both Europe and the U.S despite the GM-Jaguar romance Ford by last Friday had boosted its Jaguar holding to about 11 % of the luxury auto maker 's shares outstanding from 10.4 % early last week 6 About 5.4 million Jaguar shares changed hands in active trading on London 's stock exchange Friday Jaguar shares moved up 19 pence to 696 pence ( $ 11 ) 11 Up in his stadium box , their new and controversial owner , Jerral `` Jerry '' Jones , watches anxiously the team bounds up to the scrimmage line 6 One team pays so much the other pays more 10 the 47-year-old Mr. Jones set about his own round of team cuts buying 66 % of the team from H.R . `` Bum '' Bright for $ 145 million , and mindful of the Cowboys ' ragged bottom line 10 the Cowboys will move to a more practical -- read affordable -- grass practice field near Texas Stadium he sells it 6 With a new day dawning on the sport , Mr. Jones does n't see a place for this sort of luxury as for Tom Landry , well , in Mr. Jones 's mind , he had played out his winning years 10 the Cowboys needed a change posting losing seasons in each of the last three years 2 the Cowboys needed a change posting losing seasons in each of the last three years 2 An Arkansas native , he started at guard on the undefeated 1964 University of Arkansas team that won a national championship.After college , he worked at his father 's insurance company in Little Rock , and in 1966 led an aborted attempt to buy the San Diego Chargers.Years later , with cash from the sale of the insurance company , he founded Arkoma Production Corp. , an oil and gas exploration company based in Little Rock it was n't surprising that Mr. Jones returned to his Arkansas roots when he went looking for a replacement for Mr. Landry 11 that Mr. Jones returned to his Arkansas roots he went looking for a replacement for Mr. Landry 9 Seven games ( and , after a loss to the Kansas City Chiefs yesterday , seven losses ) into the season , the `` new '' Cowboys are n't doing any better than the old the last time they played this badly was in 1960 , their opening season 6 But the general trend , given rising costs in the league , has been to raise prices Mr. Jones is expected to eventually follow suit 3 we 'd be in the red we did n't increase prices 6 To try to draw more fans , he has dropped end-zone ticket prices from $ 25 to $ 19 Mr. Jones has beefed up his marketing staff to sell the 118 luxury suites topping Texas Stadium 11 only six of the suites had been sold he bought the team 6 Last year , the Cowboys ' share of that pie came to $ 17.6 million The team earns between $ 2 million and $ 4 million for local radio and television broadcast rights 6 Mr. Jones is currently trying to jack up the price for those local rights He is trying to get more stations in Mexico , where the Cowboys have a following , to pick up the games 6 Mr. Jones has agreed to pay rookie quarterback Steve Walsh $ 4.1 million over the next four years signing Mr. Aikman to a sizable contract 0 Details of the plan , which would go into effect in 1993 , are sketchy each player would apparently be paid a base salary keyed to his position and ability 11 To tackle the problem , NFL owners have proposed setting a rookie wage scale to try to rein in salaries The NFL Players Association contends that athletes are paid a wage commensurate with their ability to draw fans , and that some owners are in financial trouble because of poor business management , not players ' salaries 1 To tackle the problem , NFL owners have proposed setting a rookie wage scale to try to rein in salaries The NFL Players Association contends that athletes are paid a wage commensurate with their ability to draw fans , and that some owners are in financial trouble because of poor business management , not players ' salaries 6 that athletes are paid a wage commensurate with their ability to draw fans that some owners are in financial trouble because of poor business management , not players ' salaries 7 are either too small or too old In Chicago size is the issue 6 We 're in a metro area with millions of Bear fans only a small number can be accommodated 1 We 're in a metro area with millions of Bear fans only a small number can be accommodated 11 It 's got to be changed the lease expires in 1999 6 Many have launched promotions to attract new fans and are renegotiating dated stadium contracts This year , the NFL imposed an 80-player limit on teams going into training camp , down from 120 , in a move meant to trim payroll costs 6 This year , the NFL also imposed an 80-player limit on teams going into training camp , down from 120 , in a move meant to trim payroll costs the league is trying to get more for its three-year national network contract , which expires after this season 6 Owners say they expect the league to demand a 50 % increase , despite the fact that televised football games have had lackluster ratings An NFL spokesman says the league will probably expand its offerings to cable TV companies like ESPN 6 The new breed of team owner , Mr. Jones included , has been fighting the NFL bureaucracy for a greater say in league affairs the battle has produced a form of organizational gridlock 2 The new breed of team owner , Mr. Jones included , has been fighting the NFL bureaucracy for a greater say in league affairs the battle has produced a form of organizational gridlock 6 For his part , Jerry Jones says he 's in the business for the long haul his work style seems to support that 11 I made it on a lifetime basis I made this investment 0 I do n't accept they ca n't be in the future the Cowboys may not be the best investment now 6 While the Cowboys may not be the best investment now , I do n't accept they ca n't be in the future to a large extent , Mr. Jones may already be getting what he wants out of the team 0 Besides , to a large extent , Mr. Jones may already be getting what he wants out of the team it keeps losing 2 that even as `` propaganda '' the film fails it presents only one view 3 Mr. Cheney would need only permission from the White House Office of Management and Budget to move the money , according to Senate budget analysts the request is approved by both the House and Senate 10 to try to restore the funds a pending deficit-cutting measure has been signed into law 1 Rochester Telephone said the acquisition was made in an exchange of its common shares for all the shares of Urban Telephone a price was n't disclosed 6 that would permit the Securities and Exchange Commission to monitor the financial condition of securities firms ' holding companies which would require investors to disclose large trades and give the SEC additional authority during market emergencies 0 Richard Breeden , the new chairman of the SEC , has n't taken a formal position on the bill that he believes the agency should have explicit authority to monitor debt levels at holding companies and affiliates of broker-dealers 2 the recent woes of the junk-bond market have renewed concerns among regulators about the risks associated with Wall Street firms issuing bridge loans such loans are often refinanced through the sale of high-risk , high-yield junk bonds 1 Since such loans are often refinanced through the sale of high-risk , high-yield junk bonds , the recent woes of the junk-bond market have renewed concerns among regulators about the risks associated with Wall Street firms issuing bridge loans some Wall Street executives argue that such fears are unwarranted 6 that the fact that no retail brokerage firm failed during the 1987 market crash demonstrates that current rules are adequate it is concerned that once the SEC has the power to monitor holding companies , it will try to regulate their activities 10 that it will try to regulate their activities the SEC has the power to monitor holding companies 0 The proposal can be dangerously misleading well-intended 2 The proposal , while well-intended can be dangerously misleading the likely consequence would be to weaken , rather than strengthen the control the SEC has exercised for 50 years over the financial adequacy and viability of broker-dealers 11 that would placate the industry addressing the SEC 's concerns 6 that would placate the industry addressing the SEC 's concerns 2 In any matters between us and the Cubans there can be no simplicity I 've become familiar not only with Cuban art and artists , but also with Cuban bureaucrats and their counterparts in our own government 6 all of whom share a deep belief in the original principles of the Cuban Revolution , spelled out in terms such as equality among all members of the society , reverence for education and creative expression , universal rights to health and livelihood , housing , etc the generation of painters growing into maturity right now works with such profoundly held humanist assumptions and such passionate commitment to moral and ethical principles that it makes Che Guevara 's famous linkages of art , idealism and revolution seem modest 2 They are not interchangeable they are motivated to act based on their own circumstances 6 It is naivete to equate a government 's policies with the will of the people it is even worse folly to merge the clearly divergent agendas of Fidel and the military and the state bureaucracy 6 Mr. Asman should make distinctions among Fidel , the army and the Cuban people Mr. Asman is annoyed that Mr. Castro has resisted collaboration with U.S. officials 2 Zacks Investment Research did n't adjust one analyst 's estimate for a stock split which was artificially high 0 Friday 's selling followed a weeklong effort to unload the bonds by a broad spectrum of institutional and individual investors that represents a small percentage of the city 's public debt outstanding 0 many expected a much smaller amount of bonds to be sold many investors were aware that a bond offering was being scheduled 11 that the city 's economy is weakening the October 1987 stock market crash continues to make itself felt 2 that the city 's economy is weakening the October 1987 stock market crash continues to make itself felt 11 that the city 's economy is weakening , as the October 1987 stock market crash continues to make itself felt tax revenues are falling while the city 's spending needs are expanding 6 that the city 's economy is weakening , as the October 1987 stock market crash continues to make itself felt tax revenues are falling while the city 's spending needs are expanding 11 Meanwhile , tax revenues are falling the city 's spending needs are expanding 1 Meanwhile , tax revenues are falling the city 's spending needs are expanding 6 that investors ' concerns about the city 's financial health There are questions about whether a new and inexperienced mayor can manage the city through what could become a financial crisis 6 The leading contender for the mayoral office , Democrat David Dinkins , has been criticized recently for the way he handled his personal financial affairs the controversy has led to uncertainty about the outcome of the election 7 Last week , yields on long-term New York City general obligation bonds jumped half a percentage point New York City 's 6 % bonds due 2018 were quoted late Friday at a price to yield 7.80 % , compared with 7.60 % Thursday 11 the Bond Buyer 20-bond general obligation index , the mostly widely followed gauge of the tax-exempt market , held steady at 7.19 % in the week ended Oct. 19 the yield on New York general obligation bonds rose 6 when its Los Angeles-based affiliate , Qintex Entertainment Inc. , filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code Qintex Entertainment said David Evans , its president and chief executive , and Roger Kimmel , a director , both resigned 10 it filed for Chapter 11 protection Qintex Australia failed to provide it with $ 5.9 million owed to MCA Inc. in connection with the distribution of `` The New Leave It to Beaver Show 6 Qintex Entertainment is 43 % owned by Qintex Australia it relies on the Australian company for funding its working capital requirements 6 The $ 5.9 million payment was due Oct. 1 the deadline for default was Oct. 19 3 it could have been required to repay $ 92 million in debt under its loan agreements Qintex had defaulted 0 both Qintex Entertainment and Qintex Australia had attempted to secure a loan that would allow the company to make the $ 5.9 million payment the request was turned down by an unidentified lender on Oct. 14 6 However a Qintex Australia spokesman said his firm had never `` promised or guaranteed '' to make the payment In a prepared statement from Australia , the company said that , following the breakdown of the MGM talks , it `` had been re-evaluating its position as a significant shareholder and a substantial creditor of Qintex Entertainment '' and had `` resolved to minimize the degree of further loans to Qintex Entertainment in excess of that previously made 6 Qintex Australia was `` going to pay more than $ 1 billion for MGM/UA then they could n't come up with the far smaller sum of $ 5.9 million 10 Qintex Australia was `` going to pay more than $ 1 billion for MGM/UA and they could n't come up with the far smaller sum of $ 5.9 million 6 Mr. Evans , the former president , resigned for `` personal reasons that Mr. Kimmel , an attorney , resigned because his participation in evaluating the company 's role in buying MGM/UA was no longer necessary 2 and that Mr. Kimmel , an attorney , resigned his participation in evaluating the company 's role in buying MGM/UA was no longer necessary 2 The ministry inquired about that deal the large presence of Japanese banks in the deal was `` being strongly criticized in the U.S. Congress '' and it was `` necessary for us to grasp the situation 6 because the large presence of Japanese banks in the deal was `` being strongly criticized in the U.S. Congress it was `` necessary for us to grasp the situation 6 the inquiry was n't made in a way that the banks could have interpreted as either encouraging or discouraging participation that none of the Japanese banks changed their posture on the deal as a result of the inquiry 6 Mr. Utsumi said the most the ministry had ever done was ask Japanese banks about `` the status of their participation '' in one previous U.S. leveraged buy-out Mr. Utsumi said some Japanese banks were willing to participate in the UAL financing up to the very end 0 A Sanwa Bank spokesman denied that the finance ministry played any part in the bank 's decision Mr. Utsumi may have a hard time convincing market analysts who have rightly or wrongly believed that the ministry played a role in orchestrating recent moves by Japanese banks 0 they have a hard time believing that commercial considerations were the only reason some of the Japanese banks involved in the first proposed bid for UAL bowed out because they found the terms unattractive 2 Although some of the Japanese banks involved in the first proposed bid for UAL bowed out they found the terms unattractive 6 Japanese banks are under `` political pressure '' as well that Japanese banks have a reputation for doing deals that are n't extremely profitable if they offer the chance to build market share , cement an important business relationship or curry favor with powerful bureaucrats 3 for doing deals that are n't extremely profitable they offer the chance to build market share , cement an important business relationship or curry favor with powerful bureaucrats 0 Japanese banks are n't likely to walk away from the game recent events may cool some of the leveraged buy-out fever 2 that he does n't have the cash to diversify as heavily into food and drink as the U.S. concern has done Seita 's profits are limited by government-controlled cigarette prices 7 that he does n't have the cash to diversify as heavily into food and drink as the U.S. concern has done Last year Seita 's net profit soared 150 % to 461.6 million French francs ( $ 73.5 million ) on sales of FFr27.68 billion-a 1.7 % profit margin 5 to diversify as heavily into food and drink as the U.S. concern has done he is looking for ways to exploit France 's network of 39,000 tobacco agents , most of them cafes 10 the card would sit in the car 's window , showing traffic wardens how much time the motorist could remain activated 11 he could turn the card off the motorist returned to his car 3 and save it for later it showed time remaining 6 One proposal is to introduce a new payment system for parking in Paris Seita is considering further diversification 8 It wanted to buy RJR Nabisco Inc. 's French cracker subsidiary , Belin , in hopes of selling its products in tobacco stores , but lost the bidding to food group BSN SA.It currently is considering bidding for Swedish Match Co it retains an interest in acquiring candies and other articles that might be sold in tobacco shops 6 And Seita is considering further diversification It is trying to shore up its tobacco business 2 it is being hurt by rising imports and from waning cigarette demand Seita has introduced blonde cigarettes under the Gauloises label , and intends to relaunch the unsuccessful Gitanes Blondes in new packaging , similar to the slide-packs used by brown-tobacco Gitanes 11 the justices almost certainly did n't have drunk driving , trespassing and false imprisonment on their minds the Supreme Court upheld Missouri 's abortion restrictions last July 0 When the Supreme Court upheld Missouri 's abortion restrictions last July , the justices almost certainly did n't have drunk driving , trespassing and false imprisonment on their minds the 5-4 ruling may have had as much immediate impact on those activities -- especially trespassing -- as on abortion rights 6 that were n't part of the actual cases decided that never were contemplated by the justices 2 In the Missouri case , unforeseen consequences may have arisen the high court reinstated the preamble of the state 's 1986 abortion law 6 that human life begins at conception that unborn children have rights protected by the Constitution 1 Last year , a federal appeals court in St. Louis said the preamble was unconstitutional , citing an earlier Supreme Court ruling that states ca n't justify stricter abortion curbs by changing the definition of when life begins the Supreme Court concluded that it was premature to rule on the constitutionality of the preamble because the definition of human life had n't yet been used to restrict abortion services 2 that it was premature to rule on the constitutionality of the preamble the definition of human life had n't yet been used to restrict abortion services 10 In another case , a protester , Ann O'Brien , was convicted of trespass the Supreme Court 's Webster ruling 11 Last week her lawyer also relied on the preamble her appeal was argued before the Missouri Court of Appeals 6 Relying on the preamble 's statement that a fetus is an unborn child Last week her lawyer relied on the preamble 6 that it left room for grass to grow in the cracks of Roe vs.Wade this is one of the cracks 3 that This will shut down abortion in Missouri abortion foes succeed in using the preamble to escape prosecution for trespass 6 There 's no risk to the protesters you ca n't keep an abortion clinic open if there are 3,000 people standing outside every day 3 and you ca n't keep an abortion clinic open there are 3,000 people standing outside every day 2 that his client should be treated as a 21-year-old adult his actual age should be calculated from conception , not from birth 6 In one , the lawyer for a 20-year-old resident of Columbia , Mo. , who was charged with drunk driving , argued that his client should be treated as a 21-year-old adult because his actual age should be calculated from conception , not from birth in a case filed in federal court in August , a lawyer is arguing that Missouri authorities are wrongfully imprisoning the fetus of a pregnant woman who is in jail for theft and forgery 7 because of the behavior of President Barre 's troops In the port of Berbera , hundreds of men of the rival Issak clan were rounded up in May 1988 , imprisoned , and then taken out at night in groups of five to 50 men to be executed without any judicial process whatsoever 10 In the port of Berbera , for example , hundreds of men of the rival Issak clan were rounded up in May 1988 , imprisoned and taken out at night in groups of five to 50 men to be executed without any judicial process whatsoever 11 the U.S. was forced to accept that lonely Berbera runway as a distant No . 2 to the Soviets ' array of airfields next door the rival Soviet-backed regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam held a total gridlock over neighboring Ethiopia 2 Tigrean armies are now 200 miles north of Addis Ababa , threatening the town of Dese Mr. Mengistu has been forced to transfer thousands of troops from Eritrea just to hold the town 2 to transfer thousands of troops from Eritrea just to hold the town risking the loss of even more territory in Eritrea only to keep the Tigreans at bay 0 like the Eritreans they are among the most anti-Soviet guerrillas in the world the Tigreans are communists 2 that Soviet dominance in Ethiopia is collapsing as fast as President Barre 's regime in Somalia is The U.S. has a historic opportunity both to strike a blow for human rights in Somalia and to undo the superpower flip-flop of the late 1970s on the Horn of Africa 2 when he goes the runway could go too the U.S. is still perceived to be tied to Mr. Barre 11 the runway could go too he goes 5 what will come next in Somalia whom the successor might be 11 it should continue to back former President Carter 's well-intentioned role as a mediator between Mr. Mengistu and the Eritrean guerrillas in Ethiopia , while concomitantly opening up channels of communications with the Tigrean rebels through neighboring Sudan the State Department positions itself for the post-Barre period in Somalia 6 it should continue to back former President Carter 's well-intentioned role as a mediator between Mr. Mengistu and the Eritrean guerrillas in Ethiopia concomitantly opening up channels of communications with the Tigrean rebels through neighboring Sudan 11 it should continue to back former President Carter 's well-intentioned role as a mediator between Mr. Mengistu and the Eritrean guerrillas in Ethiopia concomitantly opening up channels of communications with the Tigrean rebels through neighboring Sudan 6 The only U.S. liability in the region is what remains of the link to Mr. Barre that should be cut fast 6 Output from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is already at a high for the year most member nations are running flat out 3 to glut the market and cause an oil-price collapse a few months from now OPEC does n't soon adopt a new quota system to corral its chronic cheaters 2 that a handful of members still have enough unused capacity to glut the market and cause an oil-price collapse a few months from now if OPEC does n't soon adopt a new quota system to corral its chronic cheaters the effort by some oil ministers to get OPEC to approve a new permanent production-sharing agreement next month is taking on increasing urgency 3 But that could change demand for OPEC 's oil softens seasonally early next year 3 what 's the good to be told you can produce at 105 % of capacity you are already producing at 95 % or 100 % of your capacity 0 At an inconclusive Geneva meeting late last month , OPEC 's oil ministers halfheartedly approved another increase of one million barrels a day in their production ceiling They doled it out using the existing formula 0 At an inconclusive Geneva meeting late last month , OPEC 's oil ministers halfheartedly approved another increase of one million barrels a day in their production ceiling there was a breakthrough at Geneva 10 Still , there was a breakthrough at Geneva no OPEC member had been willing to accept a reduction in its percentage share of the group 's total output target , or ceiling 1 Previously , no OPEC member had been willing to accept a reduction in its percentage share of the group 's total output target , or ceiling the concept of disproportionate quotas for those with unused capacity was generally endorsed by the ministers 6 Libya accepted Iran 's proposal only so long as it was promised production parity with Kuwait the United Arab Emirates , a chronic quota cheater , refused to give any guarantee it would change its ways 6 But the oil ministers continue to study the plan it will probably be the basis for discussion at next month 's meeting 11 to provide Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates much higher official quotas reducing percentage shares of some others 6 although the United Arab Emirates is still an issue Saudi Arabia , OPEC 's kingpin has surfaced as a possible obstacle 2 In Geneva , however , they supported Iran 's proposal it would have left the Saudi percentage of the OPEC total intact , and increased actual Saudi volume to nearly 5.3 million barrels daily from five million 10 that the navy is prepared to take Rafales to replace them the F-18s wear out 1 Officially , the statement is n't an attack on the Rafale unofficially , senior navy officials sharply criticize the Rafale as an air force plane ill-suited to carrier use 0 they have made no secret of their preference for the F-18 on operational grounds they never said so publicly 0 Dassault still is run by the founder 's son , Chairman Serge Dassault , who has fiercely protected his company 's independence government-controlled 6 The Rafale project is the result of France 's inability jointly to develop a plane with other countries French officials question whether the state can continue paying for expensive independent programs 10 many of whom scrapped their buy recommendations seeing Cathay 's interim figures 6 Fuel and personnel costs are rising tourism in and through Hong Kong remains clouded by China 's turmoil since the June 4 killings in Beijing 6 Fuel and personnel costs are rising , and tourism in and through Hong Kong remains clouded by China 's turmoil since the June 4 killings in Beijing delivery delays for the first two of as many as 28 Boeing 747-400s that the carrier has ordered have raised costs because personnel had been hired to man the planes 2 In addition , delivery delays for the first two of as many as 28 Boeing 747-400s that the carrier has ordered have raised costs personnel had been hired to man the planes 6 In addition , delivery delays for the first two of as many as 28 Boeing 747-400s that the carrier has ordered have raised costs because personnel had been hired to man the planes tough competition in the air-freight market is cutting into an important sideline 6 And tough competition in the air-freight market is cutting into an important sideline There is concern that once Hong Kong reverts to China 's sovereignty in 1997 , Cathay will be forced to play second fiddle to China 's often-disparaged flag carrier , Civil Aviation Administration of China , or CAAC 10 that Cathay will be forced to play second fiddle to China 's often-disparaged flag carrier , Civil Aviation Administration of China , or CAAC Hong Kong reverts to China 's sovereignty in 1997 11 The fuel-efficient Airbus planes will be used largely to replace Cathay 's aging fleet of Lockheed Tristars for regional flights the Boeing aircraft will be used on long-haul routes to Europe and North America 1 The fuel-efficient Airbus planes will be used largely to replace Cathay 's aging fleet of Lockheed Tristars for regional flights the Boeing aircraft will be used on long-haul routes to Europe and North America 6 One step is to beef up its fleet Cathay is moving some of its labor-intensive data-processing operations outside Hong Kong 11 Fierce bidding for young employees in Hong Kong is pushing up Cathay 's labor costs by 20 % a year for low-level staff experienced , skilled employees are leaving the colony as part of the brain drain 6 Some jobs already have been moved to Australia there are plans to place others in Canada 1 Cathay 's other routes have retained high load factors the June 4 killings in Beijing have hurt its China flights 6 Cathay is working to promote Hong Kong as a destination worth visiting on its own merits , rather than just a stopover There has been speculation that Cathay will be among the major private-sector participants in the Hong Kong government 's plans to build a new airport , with the carrier possibly investing in its own terminal 2 Cathay is approached for such swaps by other carriers on a regular basis the popularity of share exchanges has grown among European carriers 0 We think alliances are very important we 'd rather put funds into our own business rather than someone else 's 6 We 'll never have a big operation in the U.S they 'll never have one as big as us in the Pacific 1 We 'll never have a big operation in the U.S they 'll never have one as big as us in the Pacific 6 Cathay has long stated its desire to double its weekly flights into China to 14 it is applying to restart long-canceled flights into Vietnam 6 and it is applying to restart long-canceled flights into Vietnam Further expansion into southern Europe is possible 0 such a move is n't an option for Cathay a large number of Hong Kong companies have reincorporated offshore ahead of 1997 2 such a move is n't an option for Cathay it would jeopardize its landing rights in Hong Kong 6 While a large number of Hong Kong companies have reincorporated offshore ahead of 1997 , such a move is n't an option for Cathay because it would jeopardize its landing rights in Hong Kong Mr. Eddington emphatically rules out a move to London 1 the airline is putting its faith in the Sino-British agreement on Hong Kong 's return to China.A special section dealing with aviation rights states that landing rights for Hong Kong 's airlines , which include the smaller Hong Kong Dragon Airlines , will continue to be negotiated by Hong Kong 's government critics fret that post-1997 officials ultimately will be responsible to Beijing 0 that the carrier will have to evolve and adapt to local changes that the Sino-British agreement is firm ground to build on for the foreseeable future 11 A policeman shakes his head in amazement he steers them away 5 she ca n't enter she is accompanied by an inspector 10 buildings with substantial damage were color-coded being inspected 11 One building was upgraded to red status people were taking things out 6 One building was upgraded to red status while people were taking things out a resident who was n't allowed to go back inside called up the stairs to his girlfriend , telling her to keep sending things down to the lobby 11 a different policeman offered to help him get the car out he sneaked back later to try again 10 One man trying to remove his car was told by officials to get out of his garage When he sneaked back to try again 6 The Marina rescue center offered a very San Franciscan response to the disaster The Marina has become the focal point of city efforts to reunite residents with any pets that may have fled or become lost during the earthquake 6 The Marina also has become the focal point of city efforts to reunite residents with any pets that may have fled or become lost during the earthquake The San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has been providing medical care , food , water and foster homes for quake-displaced animals 0 it has received more than 100 requests for foster homes on behalf of dogs and cats some people have sought temporary homes for birds and fish 7 though some people have sought temporary homes for birds and fish one parakeet owner returning home found that her apartment , like many others in the Marina , did n't have heat A warm foster home has been found 1 She can stay there with no heat for a parakeet , that can be deadly 6 But turn into the shopping center 's parking lot one could be in the safe , busy mall of a prosperous suburb 2 A successful low-crime mall in a high-crime area violates the more typical inner-city pattern , in which commercial areas are taken over by unruly youth , gangs , and the criminal element , with an erosion of the customer base , development capital , and insurability.Major regional and national chain stores are replaced by mom-and-pop operations offering poorer-quality merchandise at higher prices.Along with the exodus of shopping opportunities is an exodus of the jobs that the major chains used to provide to community residents there is even more to the Vermont-Slauson Center than a good place to shop 6 that community decay is not inevitable that the gangs are not invincible 2 the $ 2,500-per-job public investment should repay itself in a few years many of these jobs are filled by local residents , who move from the welfare rolls to the tax rolls 6 As many of these jobs are filled by local residents , who move from the welfare rolls to the tax rolls , the $ 2,500-per-job public investment should repay itself in a few years that is before consideration of increased state and local revenues from taxes and fees on sales , real estate , licenses and the like 10 And that is consideration of increased state and local revenues from taxes and fees on sales , real estate , licenses and the like 6 An additional benefit is the creation of jobs Profits are plowed back into the community 6 In the Grand Boulevard Plaza developed by Matanky Realty Group in Chicago 's Third Ward , opposite the Robert Taylor Homes , 29 % of the stores to date have been leased to blacks 14 % to members of other minority groups 6 Primarily that putting one of these inner-city deals together takes time , patience , breadth of vision and negotiating skills that not all developers possess Security costs are quite high 6 The entire site is enclosed by a 6-to-8-foot-high ornamental iron fence with a small number of remote-controlled gates.Shrubs and flowers give it a pleasing and non-fortress-like appearance.Infrared motion detectors and closed-circuit TV cameras monitor the entire center ; lighting levels are three to five times the industry standard.The security command post , camouflaged as second-story retail space , has its own `` crow 's nest '' above the roofs of the other buildings , with a panoramic view of the entire center.Local law enforcement is present in a sub-station occupying space donated by the center These features are used in Matanky Realty Group 's Grand Boulevard Plaza 2 These security costs are kept off-budget the centers ' site acquisition , construction , and financing costs were reduced by such programs as Urban Development Action Grants , Economic Development Administration Grants , Community Development Block Grants , tax-free Industrial Development Bonds , Enterprise Zone tax write-offs , city infrastructure grants , and tax increment financing 0 Many of these programs no longer exist , or have been severely cut back since these centers appear to pay for themselves , there is nothing to prevent state and local governments from enacting legislation with similar provisions 2 However there is nothing to prevent state and local governments from enacting legislation with similar provisions these centers appear to pay for themselves 3 developers will respond the risks and rewards are reasonable 6 One company recently was listed on the New York Stock Exchange another will join the Big Board from the over-the-counter market this week 6 Sierra Tucson Cos. , Tucson , Ariz. , started trading under STSN on the Pacific Stock Exchange , put and call options on the common stock of Aldus Corp. started trading 3 a sluggish segment of the Nasdaq over-the-counter market could show some flash growth regains its glamour among investors 6 The market will have to look for a new theme now that theme will be a return to growth 0 These are sometimes dubbed `` emerging '' growth companies they also have expanding-profit track records 6 These are sometimes dubbed `` emerging '' growth companies though they have expanding-profit track records 2 That 's an important distinction some analysts and brokers , who perennially predict that small stocks are about to outperform bigger issues , may use any spurt in growth issues to help them sell all small stocks 3 we should get better valuations of growth stocks the market refocuses on earnings 1 The average issue on Standard & Poor 's 500-stock Index gained 35 % last year Smaller-stock earnings rose between 15 % and 20 % 6 Understandably , smaller growth stocks have n't been in favor recently earnings growth took a back seat to cash flow , restructuring and takeover potential , and breakup value as the preferred stock-picking standards for much of the year 6 In addition , earnings growth took a back seat to cash flow , restructuring and takeover potential , and breakup value as the preferred stock-picking standards for much of the year the smaller growth stocks are n't widely traded , and so are harder to buy and sell quickly than blue chips 2 Also , the smaller growth stocks are n't widely traded and are harder to buy and sell quickly than blue chips 2 Understandably , smaller growth stocks have n't been in favor recently Morgan Stanley 's Index of 40 Emerging Growth Stocks is up only 13 % for the year , while the Dow Jones Industrial Average has leaped 24 % and the S & P 500 has grown 25 % 1 As a result , Morgan Stanley 's Index of 40 Emerging Growth Stocks is up only 13 % for the year the Dow Jones Industrial Average has leaped 24 % and the S & P 500 has grown 25 % 6 while the Dow Jones Industrial Average has leaped 24 % the S & P 500 has grown 25 % 1 while the Dow Jones Industrial Average has leaped 24 % the S & P 500 has grown 25 % 0 The Nasdaq Composite has gained 23 % this year that 's largely due to the 100 largest nonfinancial stocks , which have soared 30 % 2 Some investors are skeptical of growth stocks investing in them means ignoring that maxim found in the fine print of some investment advertisements -- that past performance is n't indicative of future results 6 Mark Schoeppner , portfolio manager at Pittsburgh-based Quaker Capital Management , says that in reaction to nervousness about debt-laden buy-out transactions , analysts and investors now appear to be `` valuing stock based on future earnings as opposed to the amount of debt the company can support Barney Hallingby , managing director of research at Hambrecht & Quist believes earnings growth is beginning to play a greater part in investors ' buying decisions 2 St. Jude 's market value on Nasdaq exceeds $ 1 billion it is n't a small stock 10 Merchants Bank of New York lost 1 to 106 reporting that its third-quarter net income fell to $ 1.62 a share from last year 's $ 1.67 a share 10 Eliot Savings Bank lost 7/8 to 1 5/8 reporting that it had a $ 4.8 million loss in the latest third quarter mostly because of loan-loss provisions 10 BanPonce jumped 4 1/2 to 47 3/4 agreeing to be acquired by Banco Popular de Puerto Rico for $ 56.25 a share 11 BanPonce jumped 4 1/2 to 47 3/4 after agreeing to be acquired by Banco Popular de Puerto Rico for $ 56.25 a share Banco Popular dropped 1 1/4 to 21 1/2 1 BanPonce jumped 4 1/2 to 47 3/4 after agreeing to be acquired by Banco Popular de Puerto Rico for $ 56.25 a share Banco Popular dropped 1 1/4 to 21 1/2 10 Qintex Entertainment dropped 2 5/8 to 1 1/2 seeking protection from creditor lawsuits under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code for itself and its two operating subsidiaries , Hal Roach Studios and Qintex Productions 2 Qintex Entertainment dropped 2 5/8 to 1 1/2 seeking protection from creditor lawsuits under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code for itself and its two operating subsidiaries , Hal Roach Studios and Qintex Productions 10 Raymond Corp. lost 1 to 10 it said late Thursday that it will take a $ 4.4 million charge in its third quarter for reserves to cover potential charges in connection with the closing and sale of a manufacturing plant 2 Raymond Corp. lost 1 to 10 it said late Thursday that it will take a $ 4.4 million charge in its third quarter for reserves to cover potential charges in connection with the closing and sale of a manufacturing plant 2 Raymond Corp. lost 1 to 10 after it said late Thursday that it will take a $ 4.4 million charge in its third quarter for reserves to cover potential charges in connection with the closing and sale of a manufacturing plant the company has suspended its quarterly dividend 6 LIN added 5/8 to 110 5/8 McCaw lost 1/4 to 41 10 McCaw has called for a `` fair auction '' of LIN which entered a stock-swap merger pact with BellSouth 0 The coupon will be reset in one year at a rate that will give the issue a market value of 101 the maximum coupon rate on the issue when it is reset can only be 15.5 % 11 However , the maximum coupon rate on the issue can only be 15.5 % it is reset 6 However , the maximum coupon rate on the issue when it is reset can only be 15.5 % Debenture holders will receive the equivalent of 10 % of the common stock of CNW Holdings 10 it will be offered a filing for 68,548 common shares of CNW Holdings is declared effective by the Securities & Exchange Commission 6 First Interstate made the move under pressure from regulators regulators have concluded that lenders ' reserves are far too low to absorb their future Arizona losses and are forcing bankers to do something about it 10 regulators responded by raising their recommendation to $ 350 million First Interstate balked , arguing that the figure was too high 7 At least six of Arizona 's 12 savings and loan institutions have either been taken over by the government 's conservatorship program or are essentially insolvent ; they are sitting on enormous unrecognized losses Western Savings & Loan Association , which is now in conservatorship , had tangible capital-assets minus liabilities -- of a negative $ 357.4 million at June 30.It had a $ 258.9 million loss in the second quarter.Yet it still held $ 916.3 million of repossessed real estate , for which it maintains no reserves whatsoever.It also had $ 479.7 million of past-due loans 0 It had a $ 258.9 million loss in the second quarter it still held $ 916.3 million of repossessed real estate , for which it maintains no reserves whatsoever 6 It had a $ 258.9 million loss in the second quarter it still held $ 916.3 million of repossessed real estate , for which it maintains no reserves whatsoever 6 It had a $ 258.9 million loss in the second quarter It had $ 479.7 million of past-due loans 0 its level of reserves against those was n't immediately available it is believed to be small 6 They have no reserves against the real estate their reserves against the loans are miniscule compared with the levels of reserves banks are moving to set up 3 Other lenders have been recovering only 50 cents to 60 cents on the dollar on foreclosed Arizona property they can sell it at all 6 Now , annual population growth is running at about 2 % a year , some desert tracts bought three years ago for $ 90,000 an acre are being sold at $ 25,000 an acre Phoenix has a seven-year supply of unoccupied office space 6 That 's up from about 687 a month in 1985 it 's accelerating 6 foreclosures have climbed to about 1,482 a month just in Maricopa County , where Phoenix is located.That 's up from about 687 a month in 1985 , and it 's accelerating residential real estate , which had remained fairly strong through most of the downturn , is beginning to comprise more and more of the foreclosures 6 Moreover , Mr. Shattuck and others said residential real estate , which had remained fairly strong through most of the downturn , is beginning to comprise more and more of the foreclosures the generally frail condition of Arizona 's lenders means there is little capital available in the state to shore up the economy and slow down the slide 6 there is not a solvent S & L in the state the amount of viable bank capital is very low 10 to fall another 20 % stabilizing 0 Since its unsuccessful bid for BankAmerica Corp. in 1986 , the bank has undertaken a major restructuring in an effort to cut costs and boost performance many industry officials believe it may be ripe for a takeover bid , especially with interstate banking set to begin in California in 1991 6 First Interstate stock closed at $ 57.625 , down 25 cents , in composite trading Friday on the New York Stock Exchange Standard & Poor 's Corp. lowered its ratings on Valley National Corp. 's senior debt to double-B from double-B-plus , affecting about $ 300 million of long-term debt.S & P also lowered ratings on unsecured deposits and issues backed by a letter of credit from the bank holding company 's principal unit , Valley National Bank of Arizona 6 Separately , Standard & Poor 's Corp. lowered its ratings on Valley National Corp. 's senior debt to double-B from double-B-plus S & P lowered ratings on unsecured deposits and issues backed by a letter of credit from the bank holding company 's principal unit , Valley National Bank of Arizona 6 Commercial paper holders have reinvested their funds consumer deposits have been up in the last few days 2 to damp the immune response such cells do n't touch off harmful inflammatory reactions or cell destruction 6 They 've had this field to themselves for over a year now they 've been greatly rewarded 6 Next month , Seagate Technology , which is the dominant supplier of hard-disk drives for personal computers , plans to introduce its first family of low-power drives for battery-operated computers the Japanese are likely to keep close on Conner 's heels 6 Both Toshiba and NEC already produce hard-disk drives Sony also is studying the field 6 Both Toshiba and NEC already produce hard-disk drives and Sony is studying the field 6 Each of the three drives uses a mere 1.5 watts of power one weighs just 5.5 ounces 7 Conner already is shipping its new drives Last week Compaq introduced its first notebook computer to rave reviews.Conner is supplying hard-disk drives for the machine , which weighs only six pounds and fits in a briefcase 10 building hard-disk drives that are smaller and use far less power than those offered by competitors such as Seagate The availability of these drives boosted demand for laptop computers 2 building hard-disk drives that are smaller and use far less power than those offered by competitors such as Seagate The availability of these drives boosted demand for laptop computers 6 From its inception , Conner has targeted the market for battery-operated machines , building hard-disk drives that are smaller and use far less power than those offered by competitors such as Seagate Conner makes hard-disk drives for desktop computers and is a major supplier to Compaq 6 Local bar associations in some states have numbers that provide free tape-recorded messages explaining certain areas of the law There are `` 800 '' hotlines which refer people to lawyers , usually personal-injury specialists , for in-office consultation 10 a receptionist refers the call to one of six attorneys a caller reaches Telelawyer by dialing 900-TELELAW 3 and perform research necessary 3 his lawyers may refer the client to a law firm the matter requires further legal work or litigation 0 If the matter requires further legal work or litigation his lawyers may refer the client to a law firm Cane & Associates does n't receive referral fees 6 The firm is getting about 50 calls a day the average call lasts about 15 minutes 6 A federal court jury in New York found U.S. Rep. Robert Garcia ( D. , N.Y. ) and his wife , Jane Lee Garcia , guilty of extorting $ 76,000 from Wedtech in return for official acts by the congressman The jury convicted them of extortion in obtaining a $ 20,000 , interest-free loan from a Wedtech officer 2 they 're leaving they wanted a different environment -- a smaller firm they would be principals of 10 the public will be notified a formal complaint is filed against an attorney 6 While investigations into lawyer misconduct will remain secret , the public will be notified once a formal complaint is filed against an attorney Illinois attorneys will lose the right to sue clients who file malicious complaints against them 2 non-lawyers should n't be on the inquiry panels they are unlikely to appreciate the nuances of attorney-client relationships 6 non-lawyers should n't be on the inquiry panels because they are unlikely to appreciate the nuances of attorney-client relationships publishing the names of lawyers who are facing charges unnecessarily subjects them to public derogation 0 non-lawyers should n't be on the inquiry panels because they are unlikely to appreciate the nuances of attorney-client relationships In addition publishing the names of lawyers who are facing charges unnecessarily subjects them to public derogation to reverse the Illinois Supreme Court 's decision to institute the changes 0 Drexel does n't have a Delaware office the New York firm has been negotiating settlements that would allow it to operate freely nationwide despite its record as an admitted felon 6 Drexel pleaded guilty in September to six felony counts of securities and mail fraud it made a $ 650 million civil settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission 6 Executives close to Philip Morris said that the tobacco and food giant has asked Backer Spielvogel Bates Worldwide Inc. , a unit of Saatchi & Saatchi Co. , and possibly others to work on creative ideas for the account.Several executives said another potential contender is WPP Group 's Ogilvy & Mather agency , which works on some other Philip Morris products mentioned as a contender was TBWA Advertising 1 Also mentioned as a contender was TBWA Advertising the company denied it was participating 1 The account billed almost $ 60 million last year Philip Morris has scaled back ad spending on the brand over the past year and it now bills about $ 30 million to $ 40 million 6 But Philip Morris has scaled back ad spending on the brand over the past year it now bills about $ 30 million to $ 40 million 6 who the guy was what he was doing 0 Philip Morris put the account up for review in 1986 Wells Rich Greene in an effort directed by Mary Wells Lawrence , emerged the victor of the review and retained the business 11 This city is girding for gridlock today hundreds of thousands of commuters avoid travel routes ravaged by last week 's earthquake 2 This city is girding for gridlock today hundreds of thousands of commuters avoid travel routes ravaged by last week 's earthquake 6 The Bay Bridge , the main artery into San Francisco from the east , will be closed for at least several weeks most of the ramps connecting the city to its main link to the south , the 101 freeway , have been closed for repairs 6 Meetings canceled by Apple Computer Inc. 's European sales force and by other groups raised the specter of empty hotel rooms and restaurants It raised hackles of the city 's tourism boosters 10 it had provided the quickest series of exits for commuters from the Bay Bridge heading into the Financial District it was closed Tuesday 0 little of that involved major structural damage many of these buildings sustained heavy damage 6 Some of that money will be available for highway repair and special emergency aid but members of the legislature are mulling over a temporary state gasoline tax to raise money for earthquake relief 0 but members of the legislature are also mulling over a temporary state gasoline tax to raise money for earthquake relief state initiatives restrict the ability of the legislature to raise such taxes unless the voters approve in a statewide referendum 5 However , state initiatives restrict the ability of the legislature to raise such taxes the voters approve in a statewide referendum 6 Bond Corp. Holdings Ltd. posted a loss for fiscal 1989 of 980.2 million Australian dollars ( US $ 762.4 million ) , the largest in Australian corporate history In preliminary , unaudited results reported Friday , Bond Corp. posted an operating loss of A $ 814.1 million for the year ended June 30 1 Operating revenue rose 69 % to A $ 8.48 billion from A $ 5.01 billion the net interest bill jumped 85 % to A $ 686.7 million from A $ 371.1 million 6 the general financial performance of its U.S. brewing operations , G. Heileman Brewing Co. , was `` disappointing this has been reflected in the results 0 Now Bond Corp. has agreed to sell at least half its Australian brewing assets.It has sold billions of dollars of other assets and has more on the block in a TV interview Sunday Mr . Bond said , `` We 've taken a big loss.We 've taken it on the chin.But we 're out there and we 're going to stay in business 0 We 've taken a big loss.We 've taken it on the chin we 're out there and we 're going to stay in business 6 But we 're out there we 're going to stay in business 10 it will look at opportunities in brewing , property and energy resources to the extent consistent with the dominant objective of manageable debt-to-assets ratios The result `` will be a very different group in size and structure 6 Some analysts contend the total writeoffs should have been much greater Bond Corp. 's auditors cited a list of several assets and deals about which there is `` uncertainty '' regarding the current value and potential impact on the firm 0 the acknowledged losses mean net asset backing is in the red to the tune of 53 Australian cents a share , vs. positive asset backing of A $ 1.92 a share a year ago Having fully considered all aspects of the company 's state of affairs and future cash flows , the directors confirm absolutely that the company is solvent 9 Having fully considered all aspects of the company 's state of affairs and future cash flows , the directors confirm absolutely that the company is solvent in a note to the results , directors said if the `` true worth '' of some of the group 's assets were taken into account instead of using book values , the negative net asset backing a share would turn into `` a substantial positive '' one 3 the negative net asset backing a share would turn into `` a substantial positive '' one the `` true worth '' of some of the group 's assets were taken into account instead of using book values 5 The reason was not high interest rates or labor costs was there a shortage of customers in the area , the residential Inwood section of northern Manhattan 10 The business closed the owner was murdered by robbers 2 The business closed the owner was murdered by robbers 11 The first time he was shot in the hand he chased the robbers outside 6 that almost 2 % of all retail-sales workers suffer injuries from crime each year , almost twice the national average and about four times the rate for teachers , truck drivers , medical workers and door-to-door salespeople these figures show only the most visible part of the problem 0 that almost 2 % of all retail-sales workers suffer injuries from crime each year , almost twice the national average and about four times the rate for teachers , truck drivers , medical workers and door-to-door salespeople these figures show only the most visible part of the problem 6 that 26 % reported difficulty recruiting personnel that 19 % said they were considering moving 6 their annual crime losses averaged about $ 15,000 , with an additional $ 8,385 annual cost in security -- enough money to hire at least one more worker The costs of crime may be enough to destroy a struggling business 3 Small neighborhood businesses could provide more jobs crime were not so harmful to creating and maintaining those businesses 9 The shift of retailing to large shopping centers has created even greater economies of scale for providing low-crime business environments Since 1984 revenues of the 10 largest guard companies , primarily serving such big businesses , have increased by almost 62 % 1 Bigger business can often better afford to minimize the cost of crime Few small neighborhood businesses can afford such protection , even in collaboration with other local merchants 2 Increased patrolling of business zones makes sense urban crime is heavily concentrated in such `` hot spots '' of pedestrian density 0 an increased police presence might even deter further attacks no guarantee 6 They will have to revisit this issue they 'll have to revisit it before long 0 That 's a fundamental lesson for investors its truth was demonstrated once again in the performance of mutual funds during and after the stock market 's Friday-the-13th plunge 1 Stock funds , like the market as a whole , generally dropped more than 2 % in the week through last Thursday , according to figures compiled by Lipper Analytical Services Inc several other types of funds shielded investors from the worst of the market 's slide 0 One week 's performance should n't be the basis for any investment decision the latest mutual fund performance figures do show what can happen when the going gets rough 11 what can happen the going gets rough 3 what can happen the going gets rough 11 how a fund did the market got hammered 3 how 's this car going to perform the road 's rough 3 how 's this car going to perform there 's snow and ice 0 General equity funds fell an average of 2.35 % in the week ended Thursday , compared with a 2.32 % slide for the Standard & Poor 's 500-stock index that there were a number of ways investors could have cushioned themselves from the stock market 's gyrations 7 that there were a number of ways investors could have cushioned themselves from the stock market 's gyrations Gold-oriented funds which invest in companies that mine and process the precious metal , posted an average decline of 1.15 % .Flexible portfolio funds , which allocate investments among stocks , bonds and money-market instruments and other investments , declined at about half the rate of stock funds -- an average drop of 1.27 % , according to Lipper . Global allocation funds take the asset-allocation concept one step further by investing at least 25 % of their portfolios outside the U.S.This gives them the added benefits of international diversification -- including a foreign-exchange boost during periods , like the past week , when the dollar declines against other major currencies.With all that going for them , global flexible portfolio funds declined only 1.07 % in the week through last Thursday 0 But there 's also a price to pay the merits of diversification shine through when times are tough 11 while the merits of diversification shine through times are tough 6 while the merits of diversification shine through when times are tough But there 's a price to pay 6 But while the merits of diversification shine through when times are tough , there 's also a price to pay : A diversified portfolio always underperforms an undiversified portfolio during those times when the investment in the undiversified portfolio is truly hot Friday the 13th notwithstanding , stocks have been this year 's hot investment 2 And Friday the 13th notwithstanding , stocks have been this year 's hot investment even including the latest week , the average general stock fund has soared more than 24 % so far this year 1 Thus , even including the latest week , the average general stock fund has soared more than 24 % so far this year global asset allocation funds have turned in an average total return of about 19 % , while domestic flexible portfolios are up about 17 % 1 By comparison , global asset allocation funds have turned in an average total return of about 19 % domestic flexible portfolios are up about 17 % 8 By comparison , global asset allocation funds have turned in an average total return of about 19 % domestic flexible portfolios are up about 17 % 1 Fixed-income funds have returned 8.2 % gold funds have risen just 4.55 % , on average 8 Fixed-income funds have returned 8.2 % gold funds have risen just 4.55 % , on average 7 That 's the problem with trying to hedge too much You do n't make any real money Over the last 20 years an investor putting $ 5,000 a year in the S & P 500 would have made nearly twice as much than if it were invested in Treasury bills 7 Some equity funds did better than others in the week that began on Friday the 13th The $ 4 million Monetta Fund was the seventh top performing fund for the week , with a 2.65 % return 10 to sell a stock appreciates 30 % over its cost 6 interest rates will continue to trend lower the economy will slow around the world 11 giving them the benefit of foreign currency translations the dollar is weak 2 their value expressed in dollars goes up when those currencies rise against the dollar the funds ' investments are denominated in foreign currencies 11 their value expressed in dollars goes up those currencies rise against the dollar 11 But the dollar value of these funds declines the dollar rises against major foreign currencies , as it did for much of this year 1 he said that what happened last week `` may not be enough of an adjustment.There 's either more to come or an extremely long period of dullness investors do n't seem to think so 6 People showed some staying power and interest in buying equities 3 as much of the Polish center as possible will be made from aluminum , steel and glass recycled from Warsaw 's abundant rubble Mr. McDonough 's plans get executed 8 as much of the Polish center as possible will be made from aluminum , steel and glass recycled from Warsaw 's abundant rubble.A 20-story mesh spire will stand atop 50 stories of commercial space.Solar-powered batteries will make the spire glow.The windows will open.The carpets wo n't be glued down walls will be coated with nontoxic finishes 3 the Poles will compensate for the trade center 's emissions of carbon dioxide , a prime suspect in the global atmospheric warming many scientists fear Mr. McDonough has his way 10 and attended 19 schools in places ranging from Hong Kong to Shaker Heights , Ohio entering Dartmouth College 6 Jute , rather than a synthetic material , lies under the tacked-down carpets the desks are of wood and granite instead of plastic 4 it is Poland any nation can use environmentally benign architecture 6 that perhaps a quarter of Poland 's soil is too contaminated for safe farming because of air pollution The pollution is killing forests and destroying buildings that date back to the Middle Ages 0 Mr. Muniak 's company , Balag Ltd. , has agreed to set aside the money to plant and maintain it discussions are still going on over where to place it and how to ensure that it will be maintained 6 Pittston Co. 's third-quarter net income plunged 79 % , reflecting the impact of a prolonged and bitter labor strike at its coal operations Pittston owns Brink 's Inc. , the security service , and Burlington Air Express , the air-freight concern 2 In addition to expected losses tied to the labor strike , the coal group has spent almost $ 20 million since the strike began for security the group 's third-quarter loss widened to $ 9.8 million from the second quarter 's $ 3.6 million 0 seasonal factors are likely to hinder Burlington Air from matching third-quarter results in the fourth quarter the tone '' of domestic and international air-freight markets remains sound 11 both Democrat David Dinkins and Republican Rudolph Giuliani are in trouble they stumble and bumble toward election day two weeks from tomorrow 2 Mr. Dinkins , the Manhattan borough president , can afford more bumbling and stumbling he holds a comfortable 20-point lead in most of the public-opinion polls 0 Ordinarily , a clever opponent would find a way to capitalize on the other side 's misfortunes Mr. Giuliani , a celebrated prosecutor , has had difficulty switching from his crime-busting , finger-pointing mode to a political stance that suggests he might know something about running this big , troubled city 6 But Mr. Giuliani , a celebrated prosecutor , has had difficulty switching from his crime-busting , finger-pointing mode to a political stance that suggests he might know something about running this big , troubled city now , at the crucial moment , he 's running out of money 6 This is the nation 's biggest city traditionally , its mayor is the nation 's best-known urban politician 6 that in Mr. Giuliani , the nation 's best-known prosecutor , they had a chance for a huge upset in the heart of Democratic territory that they would pick up a new political star 0 Republicans figured that in Mr. Giuliani , the nation 's best-known prosecutor , they had a chance for a huge upset in the heart of Democratic territory and that they would pick up a new political star it has n't worked out that way 0 We 're picking up steam It just has n't gotten down to the engine room yet the steam may never reach the engine room 11 For his campaign desperately needs cash to keep Mr. Ailes 's commercials on the air beyond Wednesday or Thursday Mr. Giuliani latches on to an issue that has Mr. Dinkins reeling 6 This year , the city faces a budget deficit that could become even bigger next year hardly surprising , many residents trying to cope with the city 's other problems are constantly on edge , one ethnic group scrapping with another 2 He defeated the contentious Mr. Koch in the Democratic primary he seemed to offer hope he could heal the city 's racial and ethnic wounds 0 Both candidates are negotiating about holding debates Mr. Dinkins is widely seen as the major obstacle for scheduling them 1 He 's got to get Dinkins 's negatives up our polls show voters do n't like the attack stuff 6 that he 's waffled on abortion and gay rights , sought the support of both the Liberal and Conservative parties that he turned to comedian Jackie Mason for help with Jewish voters 10 Mr. Mason left the campaign telling reporters Mr. Dinkins is `` a fancy 'shvartzer ' with a moustache 6 when he was being considered for deputy mayor a routine check unearthed the extraordinary fact that he had n't paid his income tax for the previous four years 6 It began in 1973 , when he was being considered for deputy mayor , and a routine check unearthed the extraordinary fact that he had n't paid his income tax for the previous four years now he 's busily trying to explain an arrangement in which he sold stock in Inner City Broadcasting Co. , headed by his old friend and patron , Percy Sutton , to his son , David Dinkins Jr. , for $ 58,000 10 He waits to talk about it after he gets caught 10 to talk about it he gets caught 0 It looks like serious tax evasion So far no one -- not even former U.S. attorney Giuliani -- has been able to pinpoint just what law Mr. Dinkins has broken or just what tax he has evaded 6 He 's had a history of deception this is the latest chapter 10 found hanged under London 's Blackfriar 's Bridge the bank 's collapse 5 papers exonerating the Vatican bank from blame in the scandal showing that the bank , known as the Istituto per le Opere di Religione , channeled funds to East bloc groups such as Solidarity in Poland 6 its board elected Kieran E. Burke , a consultant to Drexel Burnham Lambert Group Inc. , as chief executive officer , a new post , and as president The company named Michael E. Gellert , a director and a major shareholder , to fill the vacant seat of chairman 6 that it welcomes the investigation that it will `` cooperate fully 0 Messrs.Lee and Bynoe last July announced a deal that would have made them the first black principal owners of a major professional sports franchise the deal fell apart last week for lack of financing 10 Royal withdrew its offer to buy Realist , a maker of optical and electronic products based in Menomonee Falls , Wis. , for $ 14.06 a share in July Realist disclosed the Ammann purchase 10 and would n't have a response it had an opportunity to review it 9 With the exception of van conversions , the industry has seen a decline from 1988 's robust sales the rate of the decline snowballed in August , with unit sales to dealers for the month down 10.5 % from a year earlier , according to the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association 2 It 's a large-ticket discretionary purchase when there 's talk and concern about the economy , it 's not unreasonable for a portion of the buying public to defer purchases 11 So it 's not unreasonable for a portion of the buying public to defer purchases there 's talk and concern about the economy 6 Mr. Curran expects industry RV sales for all of 1989 to fall about 5 % from 1988 the weakness could continue in the first half of next year 1 the weakness could continue in the first half of next year the industry has `` a good decade ahead 3 the industry has `` a good decade ahead aging baby boomers fulfill the industry 's dreams by buying RVs 2 Winnebago was hit especially hard in the latest downturn unit sales in its bread-and-butter motor home business tumbled 25 % industrywide in August , and 10.4 % in the first eight months of the year 6 Winnebago was hit especially hard in the latest downturn because unit sales in its bread-and-butter motor home business tumbled 25 % industrywide in August , and 10.4 % in the first eight months of the year it suffered in the quarter from incentive programs , losses from discontinuing a motor home line and costs of developing a new commercial vehicle , among other things 11 the consensus among economists and money managers is that the news will be negative the government prepares to release the next batch of economic reports 6 As the government prepares to release the next batch of economic reports , the consensus among economists and money managers is that the news will be negative that , they say , will be good for bonds 11 Investors rushed to buy bonds during the summer prices soared on speculation that interest rates would continue to fall 1 Investors rushed to buy bonds during the summer as prices soared on speculation that interest rates would continue to fall when it became clear that rates had stabilized and that the Fed 's credit-easing policy was on hold , bond yields jumped and prices tumbled 10 But bond yields jumped and prices tumbled it became clear that rates had stabilized and that the Fed 's credit-easing policy was on hold 6 that rates had stabilized that the Fed 's credit-easing policy was on hold 6 bond yields jumped prices tumbled 7 Long-term bonds have performed erratically this year a group of long-term Treasury bonds tracked by Merrill Lynch & Co. produced a total return of 1 % in the first quarter , 12.45 % in the second quarter and -0.06 % in the third quarter 6 Now some investment analysts insist that the economic climate has turned cold and gloomy they are urging clients to buy bonds before the rally begins 2 Now some investment analysts insist that the economic climate has turned cold and gloomy they are urging clients to buy bonds before the rally begins 10 to buy bonds the rally begins 6 that consumer spending is slowing , corporate profit margins are being squeezed , business confidence is slipping construction and manufacturing industries are depressed 9 Add it all up it means `` that the Fed has a little leeway to ease its credit policy stance without the risk of rekindling inflation 0 it ended Friday at about 8 11/16 % the rate briefly drifted even lower following the stock market sell-off that occurred Oct. 13 11 which should benefit more quickly than longer-term bonds interest rates fall 6 James Kochan , chief fixed-income strategist at Merrill Lynch , is touting shorter-term securities Mr. Kochan likes long-term , investment-grade corporate bonds and long-term Treasurys 11 these bonds should appreciate in value some investors seek safer securities 3 there appears to be good demand for top-quality , long-term paper from both domestic and overseas accounts the { Tennessee Valley Authority } sale is any guide 11 the bailout bonds were yielding about 1/20 percentage point more than the Treasury 's benchmark 30-year bond the size of the Refcorp offering was announced last week and when-issued trading activity began 6 When the size of the Refcorp offering was announced last week when-issued trading activity began 11 that yields on all Treasury securities may rise this week the market struggles to absorb the new supply 2 that yields on all Treasury securities may rise this week the market struggles to absorb the new supply 1 Some economists believe that yields on all Treasury securities may rise this week as the market struggles to absorb the new supply once the new securities are digested , they expect investors to focus on the weak economic data 10 But they expect investors to focus on the weak economic data the new securities are digested 3 you do n't care how much supply is coming one thinks that rates are going down 1 Most bond prices fell on concerns about this week 's new supply and disappointment that stock prices did n't stage a sharp decline Junk bond prices moved higher 6 In early trading , Treasury bonds were higher on expectations that a surge in buying among Japanese investors would continue providing support to Treasurys was hope that the stock market might see declines because of the expiration of some stock-index futures and options on indexes and individual stocks 11 Those hopes were dashed the stock market put in a relatively quiet performance 2 Those hopes were dashed the stock market put in a relatively quiet performance 7 the new-issue market for junk bonds is likely to pick up following Chicago & North Western Acquisition Corp. 's $ 475 million junk bond offering Friday they expect to price a $ 150 million , 12-year senior subordinated debenture offering by Imo Industries Inc. Traders expect the issue to be priced to yield 12 % 3 they are going to have an awful time with the rest they had this much trouble with Chicago & North Western 6 Last week , underwriters were forced to postpone three junk bond deals because of recent weakness in the market pressure by big investors forced Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp. to sweeten Chicago & North Western 's $ 475 million junk bond offering 11 However , the maximum coupon rate on the issue is 15.50 % it is reset 6 After hours of negotiating that stretched late into Thursday night , underwriters priced the 12-year issue of resettable senior subordinated debentures at par to yield 14.75 % , higher than the 14.5 % that had been expected Debenture holders will receive the equivalent of 10 % of the common stock in Chicago & North Western 's parent company 1 In the secondary , or resale , market , junk bonds closed 1/2 point higher investment-grade corporate bonds fell 1/8 to 1/4 point 2 Sotheby 's provided the Dorrance family a guarantee of at least $ 100 million , and as much as $ 120 million , to obtain the collection taking a greater than usual financial interest in the property to be sold 6 The Dorrance estate , auctioned off in a series of sales held over four days , included porcelains , furniture and paintings a handful of paintings from the Dorrance collection remain to be sold at Sotheby 's annual old masters paintings auction in January 3 to make refunds to directory advertisers any misrepresentations are involved in the sale 6 it obtained `` firm '' financing commitments from three major banks in regard to its offer for 50.3 % of LIN Broadcasting Corp the banks expressed confidence that the balance of the $ 4.5 billion bank facility will be committed within the next several weeks by a syndicate of foreign and domestic banks 0 McCaw is offering to buy 22 million shares of LIN for $ 125 each in cash The offer is in limbo 2 The offer is in limbo , however LIN has agreed to merge its cellular-phone businesses with BellSouth Corp 6 Foreigners involved in prostitution will be punished according to the law those with sexually transmitted diseases will be expelled from the country , according to the regulations 10 The Communists nearly succeeded in eliminating prostitution taking over in 1949 1 The Communists nearly succeeded in eliminating prostitution after taking over in 1949 the practice has returned in recent years with the country 's increased exposure to the outside world 10 Japan agreed to enforce a decision by an international wildlife conference to ban all trade in ivory Japan had said it might file a reservation against the ivory ban decided by ballot at the 103-nation United Nations Conference on International Trade in Endangered Species in Switzerland last week 2 Italy should close the Leaning Tower of Pisa it 's a danger to tourists 0 that the rise in alcohol consumption in East Germany had been halted to reduce it further production and supply of other beverages , including fruit juices , should be stepped up 2 Hong Kong has built a detention center for illegal immigrants from China China has refused for the past two weeks to accept them back 11 The dispute started China , angry that Hong Kong had allowed dissident swimmer Yang Yang to flee to the U.S. , halted the usual daily transfer of illegal immigrants caught in this British colony 5 that the experiment be stopped the intensity of the lights is reduced 2 to be wary of making new loans to Mexico under the Brady plan they 're uncertain the Mexican economy will remain stable 5 of making new loans to Mexico under the Brady plan many small and medium-sized banks , and some larger ones , are likely to take one of the other two options open to them under the plan 2 that further write-offs could be viewed as intolerable some larger banks have already taken loss provisions for loans to other Third World nations 2 that since some larger banks have already taken loss provisions for loans to other Third World nations , further write-offs could be viewed as intolerable they may be forced into a no-win situation in which they make risky loans that they could have to write off later 10 in which they make risky loans that they could have to write off 6 Robert Stein , president and chief executive officer , attributed the expected decline partly to the effects of a two-week strike last month at the company 's Masillon , Ohio , bakeware facility Softer-than-expected orders in early September played a role 1 Ekco Group Inc. , Nashua , N.H. , expects to report that net income in the third quarter , ended Oct. 1 , fell 50 % to 60 % from $ 2.1 million , or 11 cents a share , a year earlier he is `` reasonably confident '' that earnings for the full year will exceed the $ 3.1 million , or 17 cents a share , in 1988 2 August through October traditionally is the busiest season for the bakeware business many retailers use the goods as autumn promotional items 6 Woodstream 's Victor-brand mousetraps and other pest-control products are `` doing very well its plastic storage-case products `` are poised for growth 1 Woodstream 's Victor-brand mousetraps and other pest-control products are `` doing very well , '' and its plastic storage-case products `` are poised for growth the unit 's third segment , wildlife traps , is suffering from a `` depressed market , '' and Ekco is seeking to sell that segment 6 But the unit 's third segment , wildlife traps , is suffering from a `` depressed market Ekco is seeking to sell that segment 2 But the unit 's third segment , wildlife traps , is suffering from a `` depressed market Ekco is seeking to sell that segment 10 but Mr. Stein and other officers decided to sell that business Japanese competitors grabbed a dominant share of the market 6 tighter operating controls have enabled Ekco to reduce inventory levels 25 % to 30 % ; improve on-time delivery of orders to about 95 % from around 70 % ; and to lower the number of labor hours required to produce a unit By moving the design of new products in-house -- instead of contracting out the work -- the company has been able to come up with designs that can be manufactured more efficiently 2 that Ekco may be interested in acquiring another company with revenue in the range of $ 75 million to $ 100 million mass merchandisers increasingly want to rely on larger , and fewer , suppliers 11 The imposition of austerity measures already had begun to pinch the massacre in Tiananmen Square on June 4 and subsequent events tugged the belt far tighter 6 Foreign lending has been virtually suspended since then , choking liquidity and hobbling many projects Beijing has pulled back on domestic loans and subsidies , leaving many domestic buyers and export-oriented plants strapped for cash 11 but manager Donald Lai became convinced that business would be bad for many months no orders were logged in August and September 2 but manager Donald Lai became convinced that business would be bad for many months no orders were logged in August and September 6 The consumer-products and light-industrial sectors are bearing the brunt of China 's austerity measures foreign companies such as Givaudan that deal with those industries are being hit the hardest 2 The consumer-products and light-industrial sectors are bearing the brunt of China 's austerity measures foreign companies such as Givaudan that deal with those industries are being hit the hardest 2 The current trough is expected to be much deeper Beijing has cut off domestic funds from factories for the first time 6 The current trough is expected to be much deeper , because Beijing has cut off domestic funds from factories for the first time to slow inflation the suspension of loans and export credits from foreign governments and institutions following the June killings have been a big setback 7 Beijing 's periodic clampdowns on imports have taught many trading companies that the best way to get through the drought is by helping China export Nissho Iwai Corp. , one of the biggest Japanese trading houses , now buys almost twice as many goods from China as it sells to that country 0 Beijing 's periodic clampdowns on imports have taught many trading companies that the best way to get through the drought is by helping China export the strategy is n't helping much this time 11 But they discovered that the eagerness of Chinese trade officials was just a smokescreen foreign traders tried to do business 6 Business is n't any better on the provincial or municipal level , foreign traders say Foreign traders say many of China 's big infrastructural projects have been canceled or postponed because of the squeeze on domestic and foreign credit 6 There are virtually no new projects that means no new business for us 2 There are virtually no new projects that means no new business for us 11 foreign exchange would still be tight new lending resumes 2 foreign exchange would still be tight Beijing will likely try to rein in foreign borrowing 6 Even when new lending resumes , foreign exchange would still be tight because Beijing will likely try to rein in foreign borrowing , which has grown between 30 % and 40 % in the past few years foreign creditors are likely to be more cautious about extending new loans because China is nearing a peak repayment period as many loans start falling due in the next two to five years 2 And foreign creditors are likely to be more cautious about extending new loans China is nearing a peak repayment period 11 because China is nearing a peak repayment period many loans start falling due in the next two to five years 2 because China is nearing a peak repayment period many loans start falling due in the next two to five years 6 that led many traders to buy heavily and pay dearly But the shortages spawned rampant speculation and spiraling prices 0 The fund 's purpose is to provide quick and adequate relief the Glacier Bay case , the fund 's first test , shows how easily the fund can be undermined 4 that the liability fund would compensate them and seek reimbursement from the owner or operator of the vessel claimants are n't paid within 90 days of a spill 1 In the past , associates learned the basics from senior lawyers who acted as mentors these days , large firms hire as many as 30 new associates a year , and it 's impossible to personally train everyone 6 But these days , large firms hire as many as 30 new associates a year it 's impossible to personally train everyone 6 The Hildebrandt course enables students to brush up on negotiation skills by role playing in simulated deals Students are taught to return clients ' phone calls immediately and to treat the support staff with respect 10 that new associates have had some practical training working on their cases 8 Designs call for an L-shaped structure with a playground in the center.There will be recreation and movie rooms.Teens will be able to listen to music with headsets.Study halls , complete with reference materials , will be available there will be a nurse 's station and rooms for children to meet with social workers 2 The bench will be lower the judge seems less intimidating 8 The bench will be lower so the judge seems less intimidating walls will be painted in bright colors and covered with murals 6 About 45,000 children in Los Angeles County are under court supervision an average of 1,500 new children are added each month 6 The panel is expected to add provisions waiving restrictions on the use of federal highway funds and may shift money within the package to bolster the share for the Small Business Administration 6 We will support it , we will thank him we will augment it where appropriate 6 Such other amounts will be made available subsequently as required the new obligations `` shall not be a charge against the Budget Act , Gramm-Rudman-Hollings , or other ceilings 6 We are n't selling bonds right now I do n't think it will affect the value of our existing bonds 6 it lowered the ratings on $ 75 million of the holding company 's convertible subordinated Eurodebentures to B-3 from B-1 it lowered the ratings of $ 70 million of Pinnacle 's MeraBank thrift unit long-term deposits to B-3 from B-2 , and on its subordinated debt to Ca from Caa 6 Where '60s dropouts professed to scorn middle-class life ambitious yuppies hoped to leave it far behind as they scaled the upper reaches of success 11 to leave it far behind they scaled the upper reaches of success 0 After all there were housewives with Nikons and degrees from cooking schools in France who would kill for her job Nora and Malcolm feel trapped 1 Malcolm faces bankruptcy and an IRS audit Nora finds an extra $ 30,000 in her bank account , suddenly increasing her available funds some fifteenfold 11 her life is further complicated by the reappearance of an old flame , David , a film critic and actor who always seems to be just on the brink of stardom she is wondering whether to live it up , and do something even more dramatic , say get married 5 In any case , the foundering middle classes are n't the only ones in trouble whose troubles provide material for fiction 6 Mr. Garber manages to invest this tale of financial wars with the colorful characters and fast-paced action of a suspense novel like a spy or mystery story , this novel has strong elements of allegory , as the good and evil forces battle it out 11 And like a spy or mystery story , this novel has strong elements of allegory the good and evil forces battle it out 6 Standard-issue portraits of flaky Californians , snobbish homosexuals and Neanderthal union leaders undermine the force of the author 's perceptions Yet the heavy-handedness of the satire can be effective in a book like this 3 we would not much care whether his schemes were defeated , and would not be so diverted in the process the head of AIW were not portrayed as an utterly contemptible , malicious dolt 2 High-definition television promises to be the TV of tomorrow it is a natural multibillion-dollar market 0 not everyone here is ready to give up major U.S. manufacturers have all but ceded the main segment of that future business to Japan 6 because of their strong positions in patents because the prize is still there to be seized 2 The small U.S. firms are persisting and the prize is still there to be seized 5 the U.S. industry wo n't have a chance it gets more help 6 We do n't see a domestic source for some of our { HDTV } requirements that 's a source of concern 2 We do n't see a domestic source for some of our { HDTV } requirements , and that 's a source of concern DARPA is trying to keep the industry interested in developing large display panels by doling out research funds 6 The Navy is ordering displays for its Aegis cruisers the Army wants smaller versions for its Abrams battle tanks 6 the Pentagon justifies its help on national-security grounds The Commerce Department is trying to encourage HDTV because of the benefits that could spin off to the semiconductor and computer industries 10 The industry will create industrial products such as displays for work stations and medical diagnostic equipment it acquires a mass consumer market 1 the small firms simply would prefer more DARPA funds some HDTV advocates are calling for other forms of aid , such as antitrust relief for research consortia 6 Each claims to possess the right technology and wants just a bit more money to make it commercial They want U.S. trade policy to reflect the Pentagon and Commerce department 's concern over their future 6 the small firms simply would prefer more DARPA funds They also want U.S. trade policy to reflect the Pentagon and Commerce department 's concern over their future they want the U.S. to help them sell overseas 1 he has to pay tariffs as high as 15 % to sell his display panels in Japan and South Korea panels from those countries enter the U.S. duty-free 6 which last year merged its North Sea oil and gas operations with those of Calor Group PLC which owns 40 % of Calor 6 it had n't held any discussions with SHV that `` no deal of any nature is in contemplation 10 The official , John DeVillars , asked Clean Harbors for more information ruling on a permit for the site 10 that it banned another `` key Vision Banc insider '' from insured financial institutions the law took effect Aug. 9 6 Vision Banc was placed in government conservatorship in March it operates under the control of the Resolution Trust Corp. , the agency created to sell or liquidate insolvent thrifts 6 The period when growth stocks should be performing well is when their earnings are growing at a superior rate to the general level of corporate profits Growth stocks are attractive in periods of market volatility 2 which many investors and analysts expect in the weeks ahead everybody tries to discern where the economy is heading 6 when the industrial average rolled through huge ranges investors flocked to the shares of companies with proven earnings records , which became known as the `` nifty 50 6 and investors flocked to the shares of companies with proven earnings records , which became known as the `` nifty 50 they will again 11 that investment companies using computers to identify companies with earnings `` momentum '' will climb on the growth-stock bandwagon the overall corporate earnings outlook deteriorates further 6 Cabanne Smith , president of a money management company bearing his name , predicts that investment companies using computers to identify companies with earnings `` momentum '' will climb on the growth-stock bandwagon as the overall corporate earnings outlook deteriorates further He thinks foreign investors , who are showing signs of more discriminate investing , will join the pursuit and pump up prices 0 who still says , `` We expect the Dow average { to be at } 3000 by mid-1990 Carmine Grigoli , chief market strategist for First Boston foresees a sluggish economy in the meantime 10 the Dow average { to be at } 3000 by mid-1990 a sluggish economy 6 which reported a 30 % earnings decline in the third quarter which last week announced a $ 1 billion buy-back of its shares 11 they are suggesting that the rate of return on competing internal projects is below '' returns on the stock they are buying back stock at 10 times earnings 3 Growth stocks may underperform cyclical stocks next year the Federal Reserve begins to let interest rates drift sufficiently lower to boost the economy 0 Traders anticipated a volatile session due to the October expiration of stock-index futures and options , and options on individual stocks there were fewer price swings than expected 2 But block trading desks and money managers made a concerted effort to meet the imbalances with stock to sell the Dow Jones Industrial Average drifted in narrow ranges in the final hour of trading , and closed 5.94 higher to 2689.14 6 Standard & Poor 's 500-Stock Index gained 0.03 to 347.16 , the Dow Jones Equity Market Index fell 0.02 to 325.50 the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index fell 0.05 to 192.12 11 when the average rose 88.12 points market players snapped up blue-chip issues and shunned the broad market 8 The S & P 500 rose 4 % , the Dow Jones Equity Market index gained 3.7 % the New York Stock Exchange composite index added 3.5 % 1 USAir Group rose 1 3/4 to 43 1/4 on 1.5 million shares amid speculation about a possible takeover proposal from investor Marvin Davis most other airline issues took their cue from UAL 11 USAir Group rose 1 3/4 to 43 1/4 on 1.5 million shares amid speculation about a possible takeover proposal from investor Marvin Davis most other airline issues took their cue from UAL 10 who had pursued UAL dropping his bid Wednesday 6 Unocal fell 1 1/2 to 52 1/4 Burlington Resources declined 7/8 to 45 5/8 10 Paper and forest-products stocks declined Smith Barney , Harris Upham & Co. lowered investment ratings on a number of issues in the two sectors , based on a forecast that pulp prices will fall sharply 2 Paper and forest-products stocks declined Smith Barney , Harris Upham & Co. lowered investment ratings on a number of issues in the two sectors , based on a forecast that pulp prices will fall sharply 1 International Paper dropped 5/8 to 51 , Georgia-Pacific fell 1 3/4 to 56 1/4 , Stone Container tumbled 1 1/2 to 26 5/8 , Great Northern Nekoosa went down 5/8 to 38 3/8 Weyerhaeuser lost 7/8 to 28 1/8 6 International Paper dropped 5/8 to 51 , Georgia-Pacific fell 1 3/4 to 56 1/4 , Stone Container tumbled 1 1/2 to 26 5/8 , Great Northern Nekoosa went down 5/8 to 38 3/8 Weyerhaeuser lost 7/8 to 28 1/8 10 MassMutual Corporate Investors fell 3 to 29 declaring a quarterly dividend of 70 cents a share , down from 95 cents a share 11 In March , the group disclosed it held a 7.2 % stake in Anacomp for investment purposes It said it had had and would continue to have discussions with Anacomp 's management concerning its investment 6 Home Beneficial Corp. , Richmond , Va. , said it contracted to sell its 50 % interest in a Richmond-area shopping mall to a buyer that was n't identified The company said it will adopt new accounting standards in the first quarter 6 Following is a weekly listing of unadited net asset values of publicly traded investment fund shares shown is the closing listed market price or a dealer-to-dealer asked price of each fund 's shares , with the percentage of difference 6 that the price is `` unfair and grossly inadequate that the defendants are seeking to ensure a `` lockup '' of the purchase of Unitel , thereby discouraging other bids 2 to ensure a `` lockup '' of the purchase of Unitel discouraging other bids 3 The arbs may recoup some of their paper losses the UAL deal gets patched up again 11 The arbs may recoup some of their paper losses if the UAL deal gets patched up again the question faced by investors is : What is UAL stock worth 2 That 's airline earnings , like those of auto makers , have been subject to the cyclical ups-and-downs of the economy 2 that , despite the huge drop in the stock , UAL has n't returned to the level at which it could attract buying by institutions solely on the basis of earnings anyone buying the stock now is betting on some special transaction such as a recapitalization or takeover , and must do so using some guesswork about the likelihood of such an event 0 that the UAL pilots and management can put together a bid `` in the $ 225 area that it could take three to four months to close 0 that UAL 's board might hold out for a new bid much closer to the original level it means that the management goes back to running the company for a while and lets things return to normal 0 By that logic , the closing of a deal could be much further away than three to four months the eventual price might be higher 6 The pilots have a strong financing tool in their willingness to cut their annual compensation by $ 200 million , and to commit $ 200 million from their retirement funds On Friday , they persuaded the UAL flight attendants to join them 2 That way someone else has an even stronger motivation to make sure the deal is going to work they would be losing their money before the banks lost theirs 10 because they would be losing their money the banks lost theirs 6 Banks want to see someone putting up real cash at risk , that is , subordinate to the bank debt in any deal Banks want to be able to call someone on the telephone to fix a problem with a deal that goes bad -- preferably someone other than a union leader 0 One way out of that dilemma could be a partial recapitalization in which the pilots would wind up sharing the value of their concessions with public shareholders.The pilots could borrow against the value of their concessions , using the proceeds to buy back stock from the public and give themselves the majority control they have been seeking it is n't clear that banks would lend sufficient money to deliver a big enough price to shareholders 10 First Boston 's estimates had been higher management supplied a 1989 projection 6 Using estimates of the company 's future earnings under a variety of scenarios , First Boston estimated UAL 's value at $ 248 to $ 287 a share if its future labor costs conform to Wall Street projections ; $ 237 to $ 275 if the company reaches a settlement with pilots similar to one at NWA ; $ 98 to $ 121 under an adverse labor settlement , and $ 229 to $ 270 under a pilot contract imposed by the company following a strike using liquidation value assuming the sale of all UAL assets , First Boston estimated the airline is worth $ 253 to $ 303 a share 10 Unfortunately , all those estimates came airline industry fundamentals deteriorated during the past month 10 anybody who 's sophisticated getting his name associated with this mess the moving parts stop moving 11 Some analysts do n't expect a quick revival of any takeover by the pilots the arbs are bleeding 6 Eastern Enterprises , bolstered by improved tonnages in its marine-shipping unit , had a narrower third-quarter net loss of $ 1.1 million , or five cents a share results for the third quarter , usually a money-losing one because of the seasonality of the gas business , were aided by higher gas sales and the May 1989 acquisition of Water Products Company 11 continuing its rapid growth other computer companies falter 1 continuing its rapid growth other computer companies falter 6 by adopting an open set of standards and introducing new hardware and software to link different systems Convex recently agreed to use Posix , a standard for the computer language called UNIX 11 but it is increasingly required by the federal government it tries to standardize its computer systems 2 but it is increasingly required by the federal government it tries to standardize its computer systems 10 you ca n't get out you get in 1 They want a lobster trap -- once you get in , you ca n't get out the customer does n't want that 11 The offers come Saatchi is struggling through the most troubled period in its 19-year history 6 Takeover speculation has been rife , its consulting business is on the block its largest shareholder , Southeastern Asset Management , has said it 's been approached by third parties regarding a possible restructuring 6 Analysts have continually lowered their earnings estimates for the company their outlook , at least for the short term , is bleak 8 In the midst of the current turmoil , Saatchi is attempting to shore up its ad businesses.It named a new chief executive officer , former IMS International head Robert Louis-Dreyfus.It rebuffed an offer by Carl Spielvogel , head of Saatchi 's Backer Spielvogel Bates unit , to lead a management buy-out of all or part of Saatchi last week , people close to Saatchi said Maurice Saatchi and his brother , Charles , would lead a buy-out if a hostile bid emerged 3 Maurice Saatchi and his brother , Charles , would lead a buy-out a hostile bid emerged 1 its smaller businesses are quite attractive Saatchi 's major agency networks -- Backer Spielvogel and Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising -- would be difficult for any ad firm to buy because of potential client conflicts 7 While Saatchi 's major agency networks -- Backer Spielvogel and Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising -- would be difficult for any ad firm to buy because of potential client conflicts , its smaller businesses are quite attractive Campbell-Mithun-Esty has had big problems at its New York office , but offers strong offices in other areas of the country , including Minneapolis and Chicago 0 they would n't be nearly as onerous as with Saatchi 's other agencies there would be some client conflicts 6 That would would make it appealing to a network such as Interpublic that already has a healthy New York presence Campbell-Mithun would be a sizable addition to an agency network 11 Campbell-Mithun-Esty , for example , has had big problems at its New York office , but offers strong offices in other areas of the country , including Minneapolis and Chicago Rowland has expanded aggressively , and now ranks as the fifth-largest U.S. public relations firm , according to O'Dwyer 's Directory of Public Relations Firms 1 Campbell-Mithun-Esty , for example , has had big problems at its New York office , but offers strong offices in other areas of the country , including Minneapolis and Chicago Rowland has expanded aggressively , and now ranks as the fifth-largest U.S. public relations firm , according to O'Dwyer 's Directory of Public Relations Firms 6 which has the Mercedes account which has been attempting to buy itself back 6 Among other things , the memo contends that Young & Rubicam gave false assurances that the investigation would n't uncover any information that would `` embarrass the government of Jamaica or the Jamaica Tourist Board It contends that Young & Rubicam never told the tourist board about its relationship with Ad Ventures , a Jamaican firm hired by the agency 6 The memo attempts to remove the tourist board as far as possible from the agency , which pleaded innocent to the charges The memo chastises the agency for the timing of its announcement Thursday that it would no longer handle the $ 5 million to $ 6 million account 10 it will continue work a new agency is chosen 6 American Suzuki Motor Corp. , Brea , Calif. , awarded its estimated $ 10 million to $ 30 million account to Asher/Gould , Los Angeles participating in the finals was Los Angeles agency Hakuhodo Advertising America 6 to create the new position The company reassigned several executive responsibilities 6 with `` Nobel laureate '' appended to one 's name to have the phrase , `` under investigation for scientific fraud attached to his name 11 Both of Dr. Baltimore 's public faces have been on view the past few weeks he was under consideration to succeed Joshua Lederberg as head of the prestigious Rockefeller research institution 2 the Rockefeller scientists were no doubt discomfited by Dr. Baltimore 's unflattering public opinion of this congressional patron Mr. Dingell has a special interest in NIH and the institutions that receive its funding 6 John Dingell demagogues a David Baltimore , animal-rights activists do $ 3.5 million of damage to labs at the U.Cal-Davis , Meryl Streep decries the horrors of chemistry on talk shows , Jeremy Rifkin files lawsuits in federal court to thwart biotech experiments Dutch-elm-disease researcher Gary Strobel 's own colleagues at Montana State denounce him for `` violating '' EPA rules 5 that the anti-science movement in this country is n't their concern that a David Baltimore could have somehow placated a John Dingell 1 that today it is also about power their work is primarly about establishing new knowledge or doing good 6 their work is primarly about establishing new knowledge or doing good that today it is about power 6 In a media-linked world , scientists may earn wide praise and even Nobels for their work but they attract the attention of people who wish to gain control over the content , funding and goals of that work 11 his fellow scientists would do well to recognize what is fundamentally at stake , and offer their public support a David Baltimore -- or the next target -- decides it is better to stand up to these forces 0 I am surprised that he neglected other errors that , for some of us , strike close to home welcoming Nicholas McInnes 's Sept. 18 letter offering corrections to your `` World-Wide Tax Revolution '' table ( editorial page , Aug. 29 ) 3 it intends to fire a veto at it the White House spots one 3 that it 's a duck it looks like a duck , walks like a duck and quacks like a duck 6 The bill gets signed into law then the administration watches helplessly , wondering where all the `` unexpected '' costs came from 10 The bill gets signed into law and the administration watches helplessly 7 The Bush White House is breeding non-duck ducks the same way the Nixon White House did Consider the very fat fowl known as federalized child care 6 They 'd determine where parents could store their kids during the day they 'd regulate the storage facilities 0 The initial costs are said to be in the $ 2 billion a year range that 's only the beginning 1 The administration claims that its Clean Air bill will cost businesses between $ 14 billion and $ 19 billion annually economist Michael Evans estimates that the costs for firms will actually be in the $ 60 billion a year range 6 that its Clean Air bill will cost businesses between $ 14 billion and $ 19 billion annually , but economist Michael Evans estimates that the costs for firms will actually be in the $ 60 billion a year range The House bill distorts economic efficiency in all sorts of perverse ways 7 The House bill also distorts economic efficiency in all sorts of perverse ways the administration proposal imposes extremely tough emissions standards on new power plants 2 For example , the administration proposal imposes extremely tough emissions standards on new power plants instead of building more efficient modern plants , utilities stick scrubbers on the old plants 6 For example , the administration proposal imposes extremely tough emissions standards on new power plants The bill imposes the California auto-emissions standards on all cars nationwide 0 The bill also imposes the California auto-emissions standards on all cars nationwide a car registered in Big Sky , Montana , needed to be as clean as one driven in Los Angeles 2 Nobody knows how many billions of dollars the Americans With Disabilities Act will cost nobody knows what the bill entails 11 Judges will write the real bill suits roll through the courts 6 All this was recognized and documented in the succeeding years by economists Running for President in 1980 and 1988 , George Bush persuasively diagnosed the economic stagnation of the 1970s 11 Government continues to inhibit the productivity of our citizenry and the international competitiveness of American business , '' the vice president declared he was head of the task force 10 By 1986 , the number of federal regulators was down to about 103,000 it turned up 6 Then it turned up by one estimate the number will be up to about 109,000 regulators by next year 1 But the United States is close to creating three more big ones they are unloading these burdens 11 But the United States is close to creating three more big ones they are unloading these burdens