text,label How did Jayne Mansfield die ?,2 What city is served by Logan International Airport ?,4 Name the two actress daughters of John Mills .,3 "What was the nickname of Frederick I , Holy Roman Emperor and King of Germany ?",3 What one of the Backstreet Boys are single ?,3 Hitler came to power in Germany in what year ?,5 What does an ashen-faced eidologist search out the existence of ?,1 When was Queen Victoria born ?,5 What songs were popular in 1948 ?,1 Who is the premier of China ?,3 Who is Samuel F. Pickering ?,3 What are the different types of plastic ?,1 How many miles is it from NY to Austria ?,5 What is Bill Gross 's email address ?,4 The Jewish alphabet is called what ?,1 What is the name of David Letterman 's dog ?,1 How long does a pig 's orgasm last ?,5 "How do you say "" Grandma "" in Irish ?",1 How much will the California be in the year 2000 ?,5 How long does it take the typical American to eat 23 quarts of ice cream ?,5 How can I find a phone number of someone if I only know their email address ?,2 What fool is not so wise To lose an oath to win a paradise ?,3 "What was archy , and mehitabel ?",2 What did Thomas Paine write ?,1 How do you tell your parents you are dating an older man ?,2 What is the brand name of the chemical daminozide ?,1 What cocktail inspired John Doxat to write the book Stirred-Not Shaken ?,1 How can I find online spelling ?,2 What qualifications are there for individuals donating blood ?,2 What is the AIM-54C Phoenix ?,2 What are the stars made of ?,1 Why are haunted houses popular ?,2 What 's the difference between carelessness and carefreeness ?,2 What is a fear of being alone ?,1 Which of the following famous people does not paint as a hobby ?,3 How do you exterminate bees that are in the walls of your home ? Will bee eggs remain over winter ?,2 Why did Egyptians shave their eyebrows ?,2 What does VCR stand for ?,0 How long did it take Stanley to find Livingstone ?,5 What were hairy bank notes in the fur trade ?,1 What novel has Big Brother watching ?,1 What joins white wine to put the spritz in a Spritzer ?,1 Who first broke the sound barrier ?,3 What is the C programming language ?,2 What was the name of Aristotle Onassis 's yacht ?,1 Who is Johnny Carson ?,3 What European race sees the winner of its mountain stage awarded a jersey with large red polka dots ?,1 Where can I find lyrics for R&B ?,4 How many people did Randy Craft murder ?,5 What New England state carries the telephone area code 27 ?,4 What type of exercise burns the most calories ?,1 How did the Hohenzollerns build their power around 17 ?,2 What does the double-O indicate in 007 ?,2 What businesses in Alaska were affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill ?,3 Jude Law acted in which film ?,1 What 's the first day of the week ?,5 What dog was dubbed The Mortgage Lifter ?,1 What is Garry Kasparov famous for ?,2 How can I get someone 's phone number if I only have their screen name ?,2 What is a fear of black people ?,1 "What Irwin Allen bomb has Richard Widmark saying he 'll be "" the first officer in history to get his butt kicked by a mess of bugs ! "" ?",1 When is the Tulip Festival in Michigan ?,5 How many votes in Congress dissented from the 1941 declaration of war with Japan ?,5 What caused the division between the Anglicans and the Vatican ?,2 What country has the largest sheep population ?,4 What is the Kashmir issue ?,2 What U.S. state is Mammoth Cave National Park in ?,4 What famous events have happened on March 27 ?,1 What are the major differences in the Catholic and Methodist religions ?,2 "What is the origin of the word "" Teddy bear "" ?",2 Who is the famous sister of actress Olivia De Havilland ?,3 What 's the closest G2 Spectrum Yellow Dwarf to Earth ?,4 What 's the middle name of movie producer Joseph E. Levine ?,3 Where is the Orinoco ?,4 How can I stop or slow down aging ?,2 What 's a short ton ?,2 "In South Korea , how many American Soldiers are there ?",5 What video game hero do some of his fans call Chomper ?,3 How old is the sun ?,5 What were the first frozen foods ?,1 How was the Kennedy money made ?,2 What color are a cherry tree 's flowers ?,1 How does a parachute work ?,2 What is infomatics ?,2 What is the name of the second space shuttle ?,1 What do you say to a friend who ignores you for other friends ?,2 What British prime minister and U.S. president were seventh cousins once-removed ?,3 What businesses or agencies would do an employment verification ?,3 What does a man suffering from diphallic terata have ?,1 What causes an earthquake ?,2 What century did art 's Romantic Period begin in ?,5 "What oldtime kids ' fare did TV Guide writer Jeff Greenfield call "" one of the most...subversive TV shows in American history "" ?",1 What was the sequel to The Pink Panther ?,1 What U.S. President had brothers-in-law in the Confederate army ?,3 Why can 't you taste anything when you have a cold ?,2 Where were the 196 Summer Olympics held ?,4 What is the recipe for Eggs Benedict ?,1 What chemicals are used in lethal injection ?,1 What is the difference between New York-style and Chicago-style pizza ?,2 What National League baseball team employed 72 third baseemen in its first 2 seasons ?,3 Why are there no white lines on pro footballs ?,2 "What 1950 film won seven Oscars , including best picture ?",1 What is the world 's best selling cookie ?,1 What country owns Corsica ?,4 What Italian leader had a lifelong fear of the evil eye ?,3 How many three-letter permutations can be made from the four letters : c ?,5 What causes asthma ?,2 How effective are condoms in protecting against AIDS ?,2 What river is Pocahontas buried along ?,4 What nationality was Jackson Pollock ?,4 Which two inventors invented Post-its ?,3 Who was the first animal into space ?,1 Why do oceans contain salt water instead of fresh water ?,2 What does a nihilist believe in ?,2 What is considered the costliest disaster the insurance industry has ever faced ?,1 What is the difference between optical and digital video ?,2 What city is near the mouth of the Amazon ?,4 What are the ten safest American cities for pedestrians ?,4 How many referees work a soccer game ?,5 What are all the different types of pizza ?,1 "In the song "" Yankee Doodle , "" why did Yankee Doodle stick a feather in his cap and call it macaroni ?",2 What has been the most common Christian name of U.S. presidents ?,3 Name the largest country in South America .,4 Why was Curious George curious ?,2 What country received all the Nobel Prizes awarded in 1976 ?,4 What ice creams contain seaweed ?,1 What actor first portrayed James Bond ?,3 How can SQL queries be improved ?,2 What is Drew Barrymore 's middle name ?,3 What are the unemployment statistics for the years 1965 and 1990 ?,5 What was the name of Hitler 's unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich in 1923 ?,1 What comic strip sometimes features a mailman named Beasley ?,1 What are some science fair projects for 8th graders ?,1 "What sun-blasted , 14-mile wide valley is just north of the Mojave desert ?",4 How does ultraviolet light damage the DNA of skin cells ?,2 What does Robin Williams do ?,3 "What do you call a date that contains sequencing numbers , like 9-8-98 ?",1 What is a mathematical factor ?,2 When is the site www.questions.com going to open ?,5 "What meter did Shakespeare use in writing : "" To be , or not to be , that is the question.. . "" ?",1 "What was the name of the Crimean meeting of Roosevelt , Churchill , and Stalin ?",1 Who is the president of Bolivia ?,3 Who was the architect of Central Park ?,3 "What two Japanese cities are spelled with the letters K , O , O , T and Y ?",4 What Russian composer 's Prelude in C Sharp Minor brought him fame and fortune ?,3 What percentage of the body is muscle ?,5 "Who played the part of the Godfather in the movie , ` The Godfather ' ?",3 What is the origin of thank you notes ?,2 Which is the best opening move in chess ?,1 "What book opens : "" At a certain village in La Mancha , which I shall not name.. . "" ?",1 The name of the actor who played the detective in the film Kindergarden Cop is what ?,3 Winnie the Pooh is what kind of animal ?,1 How many points make up a perfect fivepin bowling score ?,5 What was the name of the Titanic 's captain ?,3 Who owns the rights on a TV program ?,3 Who invented batteries ?,3 What are the four largest mountain ranges in the continental United States ?,4 "Why do some clothing labels say "" Use a nonchlorine bleach "" ?",2 What condiment do the Dutch dip their French fries in ?,1 What Russian city boasts the Hermitage Museum ?,4 What are the four railways in Monopoly ?,3 Who sells Viagra ?,3 What are the distinct physical characterstics of the Arabian horse ?,2 What is the Immaculate Conception ?,2 What was Dwight Eisenhower 's favorite card game ?,1 "Who is the "" Queen Mother "" ?",3 Where is Sinn Fein 's headquarters ?,4 Who was The Pride of the Yankees ?,3 What is Smartnet ?,2 "What did FCC chairman Newton Minow declare TV to be on May 9 , 1961 ?",2 How did U.S.A become involved in the Barbary Wars,2 What hockey player did Ronald Reagan joke he would swap Texas for ?,3 What is Mikhail Gorbachev 's middle initial ?,0 What kind of flowers does detective Nero Wolfe raise ?,1 What does the abbreviation OAS stand for ?,0 What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother 's pail ?,1 What game is fatal to anybody over 21 ?,1 What country is proud to claim Volcano National Park ?,4 When is the Sun closest to the Earth ?,5 What famed river was Hernando de Soto the first European to see ?,4 What are the seven seas ?,4 What business exports the sparkling wine Spumante ?,3 How do I do this ?,2 What was called the world 's largest department store ?,3 How many holes are there in a tenpin bowling ball ?,5 Name a golf course in Myrtle Beach .,1 Name the men 's cologne that is associated with the sea .,1 How did Super President gain his powers on the animated series ?,2 What did Louis Cartier invent for aviator Santos Dumont in 1940 ?,1 What was Mel Gibson 's first movie ?,1 Where does the weird shape of the dinner fish knife originate from ?,4 What is Larry King 's occupation ?,3 Where did Hillary Clinton graduate college ?,4 What was the price of Varian Associates ' vacuum products division ?,5 What is the Islamic counterpart to the Red Cross ?,1 What is a society ruled by elders ?,3 "What part of their attire were "" pothooks "" to cowboys of the Old West ?",1 Who was the Charlie perfume woman ?,3 "Who does Shakespeare 's Antonio borrow 3 , 0 ducats from ?",3 Why did several San Diego schools stop serving apples to students ?,2 What feminist wrote Sexual Politics and Flying ?,3 Where can I read about Chiang Kai-shek ?,4 What Cherokee Indian gave his name to a tree ?,3 Where do lobsters like to live ?,4 What country will hit the year 2 first ?,4 How long was the longest hiccup attack ?,5 What war was fought by the Spanish as far as the Philippines ?,1 Silly putty was invented by whom ?,3 How much could you rent a Volkswagen bug for in 1966 ?,5 In what year did Ireland elect its first woman president ?,5 When is President Nixon 's birthday ?,5 Who played Sally Rogers on The Dick Van Dyke Show ?,3 Who is the French literary charcter who is chiefly famous for his enormous nose ?,3 What is the abbreviation of General Motors ?,0 What organization has a Security Council ?,3 What are the top 10 colleges in the United States in the field of engineering ?,3 Who invented panties ?,3 What were the five opening words on Ben Casey ?,1 Who is Mia Farrow 's mother ?,3 What is the most famous German word in the English language ?,1 In what year was the Wall built ?,5 What Marx Brothers movie centers on a stolen painting ?,1 "Whose first presidential order was : "" Let 's get this goddamn thing airborne "" ?",3 What 's the International Lawn Tennis Challenge Trophy usually called ?,1 Where can I find the history of the Hungarian language ?,4 What stringed weapon fires a bolt ?,1 What year was the first automobile manufactured ?,5 What percentage of Americans own their homes ?,5 Where is South Bend ?,4 How many engines does a Boeing 737 have ?,5 What comedian was The Perfect Fool ?,3 What country has declared one-fifth of its territory off-limits to Russians ?,4 What is the most common name ?,3 How can you tell if someone is lying ?,2 "What is the name of the largest city in Chile , South America ?",4 Who was Lacan ?,3 Who is Terrence Malick ?,3 What is the population of Japan ?,5 What do camels store in their humps ?,1 What should the oven be set at for baking Peachy Oat Muffins ?,1 What country has the highest arson rate ?,4 What is the most useful site on the Internet ?,4 What is the name of the Jewish alphabet ?,1 How many times a year does the American Gourd Society publish The Gourd ?,5 What 's bottled in jeroboams ?,1 Where can I buy movies on videotape online ?,4 What did the Chinese emperor present to the English soldier Gordon in recognition of his services in quelling rebellions ?,1 What do you get by mixing gin and vermouth ?,1 Who is section manager for guidance and control systems at JPL ?,3 "What actor , who had greatest fame on TV , became the father of triplets ?",3 What do you call the feeling of having experienced something before ?,1 What are values ?,2 "What Boris Pasternak book sold 5 , 0 copies to become the fiction best-seller of 1958 ?",1 What did Jack exchange with the butcher for a handful of beans ?,1 What is recruitment interview technique ?,2 "What is meant by "" capital market "" ?",2 Who invented basketball ?,3 What date is Richard Nixon 's birthday ?,5 When did the Carolingian period begin ?,5 What are the biggest Indian airports ?,4 Where does the opera singer Ileana Cotrubas come from ?,4 "How do you solve "" Rubik 's Cube "" ?",2 What city does McCarren Airport serve ?,4 What TV series changed the names to protect the innocent ?,1 Where can I buy a hat like the kind Jay Kay from Jamiroquai wears ?,4 Who is the Queen of Holland ?,3 What 's the motto of the Boy Scouts ?,2 What 's the staff of life mentioned in the Lord 's Prayer ?,2 How do websites like Yahoo and Excite make money ?,2 Who was Damocles ?,3 How successful is arometherapy ?,2 "Where did Luther display his "" Ninety-Five Theses "" ?",4 What do Japanese school uniforms look like ?,2 Why do airliners crash vs. gliding down ?,2 What Southern California town is named after a character made famous by Edgar Rice Burroughs ?,4 Who was the girl in Peter Sellers 's soup ?,3 How many characters makes up a word for typing test purposes ?,5 Where are the headquarters of Eli Lilly ?,4 What is President Nixon 's birthdate ?,5 "What city boasts Penn 's Landing , on the banks of the Delaware river ?",4 Who is Barbara Jordan ?,3 "What 's a "" coup de poing "" to a French boxer ?",2 What is a fear of strong light ?,1 How do you say 2 in Latin ?,1 When did Gothic art and architecture flourish ?,5 What is a swatch ?,2 Define Sinn Fein .,2 What is the telephone number for the University of Kentucky ?,5 "Where was the Ligurian Republic , 1797-185 , ?",4 How do you reference a website ?,2 "What architect originated the glass house designed the Chicago Federal Center had a philosophy of "" less is more , "" and produced plans that were the forerunner of the California ranch house ?",3 "What was the real name of writer Ross Macdonald , creator of the hero Lew Archer ?",3 How long does a dog sleep ?,5 What is a fear of insanity ?,1 What are the Valdez Principles ?,2 What are the conjugations of wake and woke ?,1 What Apollo 11 astronaut minded the store while Armstrong and Aldrin made history ?,3 "What is the origin of "" barbeque "" ?",2 What country did the ancient Romans refer to as Hibernia ?,4 "Who played the father on "" Charles in Charge "" ?",3 What is the name of the medical condition in which a baby is born without a brain ?,1 What is the origin of the term soda jerk ?,2 Who is William Wordsworth ?,3 "What President lived at 219 North Delaware Street , Independence , Missouri ?",3 Why were people recruited for the Vietnam War ?,2 Where can I find a person 's address from a telephone number ?,4 How many islands does Fiji have ?,5 What are the names of Jacques Cousteau 's two sons ?,3 When is Bastille Day ?,5 Who sang about Desmond and Molly Jones ?,3 "Who portrayed "" the man without a face "" in the movie of the same name ?",3 Where can stocks be traded on-line ?,4 Which is the only Dick Tracy villain to appear three times ?,3 Who 's the twin brother of the Greek goddess Artemis ?,3 What do insects do through their spiracles ?,2 What is a cullion ?,2 What 's the hardest substance in the human body ?,1 What two states is Washington D.C. between ?,4 Which two states enclose Chesapeake Bay ?,4 "What color is "" ash "" ?",1 How much is a Canadian 1967 twenty dollar gold coin worth ?,5 What 's the main vegetable in vichyssoise ?,1 What animal do buffalo wings come from ?,1 What two countries share the Khyber Pass ?,4 When was Ozzy Osbourne born ?,5 What is a fear of children ?,1 "Who wrote NN DT NNP NNP "" ?",3 What artist 's studio was the Bateau-Lavoir in Montmartre ?,3 "Whose special bear 's creator was born on January 18 , 1779 ?",3 What jockey won 17 Triple Crown races ?,3 "What was Mao , the Chinese leader 's , full name ?",3 What African country was founded by freed American slaves in 1847 ?,4 How can I register my website in Yahoo for free ?,2 What does ribavirin consist of ?,1 "What is the current population for these countries : France , Spain , Italy , Greece , Austria , Germany , Switzerland , the Netherlands ?",5 What is the amount of money owed for illegally having a dog on a beach ?,5 What is the distinction of Erle Stanley Gardner 's The Case of the Terrified Typist ?,2 What new games are available for Nintendo 64 ?,1 Who 's the only U.S. president to have won a Pulitzer Prize ?,3 Who is Robin Williams ?,3 What 's the fifth-largest country in the world ?,4 "Who portrayed Fatman in the television show , "" Jake and the Fatman "" ?",3 What is the abbreviation of the International Olympic Committee ?,0 What caused Harry Houdini 's death ?,2 Who was Darius ?,3 How did ` stat ' come to be used as an expression for quickly ?,2 What major league baseball team compiled the best won-lost record between 1957 and 1983 ?,3 Why are so many umbrellas black ?,2 How did former WWF wrestler Rick Rude die ?,2 What two South American countries do n't border Brazil ?,4 What currents affect the area of the Shetland Islands and Orkney Islands in the North Sea ?,2 "What does the term "" spaghetti western "" mean ?",2 How much was the minimum wage in 1991 ?,5 What bowl game began as an East-West contest between Michigan and Stanford in 192 ?,1 What state full of milk and honey was the destination in The Grapes of Wrath ?,4 How old was Sir Edmund Hillary when he climbed Mt. Everest ?,5 What United States President had dreamed that he was assassinated ?,3 What country boasts the southernmost point in continental Europe ?,4 "How much is Clara Peller being paid by Wendy 's to say "" Where 's the beef "" ?",5 "How do you say "" fresh "" in Spanish ?",1 CNN began broadcasting in what year ?,5 What is the purpose of the SysRq key on my computer keyboard ?,2 What are the 10 plagues of Egypt ?,1 What does an irate car owner call iron oxide ?,1 What country did the Allies invade in World War II 's Operation Avalanche ?,4 What color of Monopoly properties are landed on most often ?,1 Who were the four famous founders of United Artists ?,3 What is the quickest and easiest way to get nail polish out of clothes ?,1 What is Nitrox diving ?,2 What George Harrison tune sounded too much like He 's So Fine by The Chiffons ?,1 Where can I get U.S. economic statistics ?,4 "What is "" the soft drink for adults "" ?",1 How many propellers helped power the plane the Wright brothers flew into history ?,5 "What is the only substance that gives food its "" taste "" when eaten ?",1 What are some mythology websites ?,4 Where can I look at a perpetual calendar ?,4 Colin Powell is most famous for what ?,2 "What was the monster in Spielberg 's film "" Jaws "" ?",1 How many minutes were there on the original GE College Bowl clock ?,5 What causes someone to be ticklish ?,2 How do they raise the cranes when building high-rise buildings ?,2 What do I have to do to get good grades in school ?,2 Who was the lyricist and who was the composer between Gilbert and Sullivan ?,3 What sport does Chris Jogis play ?,1 Where is Logan Airport ?,4 How many American soldiers remain unaccounted from the Vietnam war ?,5 Where can I get a map of Prussia on the Internet ?,4 What does each of the utilities cost in Monopoly ?,5 "What car was driven in the 199 release of "" Smokey and the Bandit "" ?",1 Who famously rode to warn the people of Massachusetts that the British were coming ?,3 What is the name of the woman who was with John Belushi when he died ?,3 What disease does Katharine Hepburn have that makes her voice shake ?,1 What are the side effects of mevacor ?,2 What happened to Pepsi Clear ?,2 What turns blue litmus paper red ?,1 How do I find out about jobs ?,2 What is a drought ?,2 What is the acreage of the Chappellet vineyard ?,5 What is the Home Rule Act ?,2 What William Makepeace Thackeray novel was made into a film by Stanley Kubrick ?,1 What is Nero Wolfe 's favorite drink during office hours ?,1 What can I use to remove the stubborn gummed labels from some diskettes ?,1 What is the best online games site ?,4 "What are the "" Star Wars "" satellites ?",2 "What feud ended with a marriage in Kentucky on March 21 , 1891 ?",1 What is Head Start ?,2 What comedian was banned from the Ed Sullivan Show for allegedly making an obscene gesture at the show 's host ?,3 What is the principal river of Ireland ?,4 How many people in America snore ?,5 "What dictator has the nickname "" El Maximo "" ?",3 What was Einstein 's birthplace ?,4 What British TV series inspired All in the Family ?,1 "What deck of cards includes the Wheel of Fortune , the Lovers , and Death ?",1 "What does the number "" 5 "" stand for on FUBU clothing ?",0 How tall is the replica of the Matterhorn at Disneyland ?,5 Who is the Prophet of Medina ?,3 Name Dick Tracy 's two children .,3 How large is the Arctic refuge to preserve unique wildlife and wilderness value on Alaska 's north coast ?,5 When was child labor abolished ?,5 When did the vesuvius last erupt ?,5 What is an aurora ?,2 What does G.M.T. stand for ?,0 What does a red flag mean in auto racing ?,2 "Name a movie that the actress , Sandra Bullock , had a role in .",1 "What U.S. state boasts Stone Mountain , the world 's largest mass of exposed granite ?",4 What is the weight of air ?,5 Who tramped through Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth ?,3 What is a fear of being dirty ?,1 What is literary criticism ?,2 "What do you call a "" twirl "" in ballet ?",1 How does crosstalk relate to InSb thickness in infrared detectors ?,2 What is the first book of the Old Testament ?,1 What is the price for AAA 's liability auto insurance ?,5 How many years do fossils take to form ?,5 How does psorisis disappear ?,2 Why were red M&Ms discontinued then brought back ?,2 What are Christopher Marlowe 's and Shakespeare 's literary contributions to English literature ?,2 Where did the Battle of the Bulge take place ?,4 What 's the most popular contact lens color ?,1 How many small businesses are there in the U.S .,5 How did names come about ?,2 What two body parts grow all your life ?,1 "On average , how many miles are there to the moon ?",5 What are the cookies in Internet ?,2 What is an auto-commentary ?,2 What are the top five oil-producing countries in the world ?,4 "What was Nine Tailors , the television show from 1974 , about ?",2 When did the Chernobyl nuclear accident occur ?,5 Why do girls have to wear training bras ?,2 Where do I find information for foreclosure properties on the Internet ?,4 What is the oldest building in the United States ?,4 How many Fig Newtons are there to the pound ?,5 How old was Stevie Wonder when he signed with Motown Records ?,5 How many events make up the decathlon ?,5 What kind of substance is dextropropoxyphen napsylate ?,1 What country is bounded in part by the Indian Ocean and Coral and Tasman seas ?,4 What does a woman want ?,1 What country saw the origin of the Asian Flu ?,4 What was the backup singing group for Roy Rogers ?,3 What is a Cartesian Diver ?,2 What is Java ?,2 Who was William Henry Harrison ?,3 Where did the 6th annual meeting of Indonesia-Malaysia forest experts take place ?,4 What was the infamous pseudonym of Peter Sutcliffe ?,3 Rotary engines used to be made by whom ?,3 What is the origin of Boxing Day ?,2 Who is behind the name of the Harvey Wallbanger drink ?,3 What is the text of the Fifth Amendment ?,2 Where is Basque country located ?,4 What is the legal blood alcohol limit for the state of California ?,1 Why is the grass green ?,2 What is LMDS ?,0 Where can I find a case on Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1991 ?,4 "What Dickens novel has David carrying the message "" Barkis is willin "" to Peggy ?",1 "What element , from the Periodic Table , is a gas or a solid , but never a liquid ?",1 How often are quadruplets born ?,5 Who was the inventor of silly putty ?,3 "What baseball team was routinely called "" dem bums "" by its frustrated fans ?",3 What is the name of the planet that the Ewoks live on ?,4 How can you tell when figs are ripe ?,2 Where is the Loop ?,4 What star-faring race brought about the Inhumans on Marvel 's Earth ?,1 How much pizza do Americans eat in a day ?,5 What task does the Bouvier breed of dog perform ?,3 Who portrayed the title character in the film The Day of the Jackal ?,3 "What part of Britain comprises the Highlands , Central Lowlands , and Southern Uplands ?",4 "What whisky is "" known by the company it keeps "" ?",1 How many people does Honda employ in the U.S. ?,5 "Where does Barney Rubble go to work after he drops Fred off in the "" Flintstones "" cartoon series ?",4 How many months does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth ?,5 Who is the president of the Spanish government ?,3 Whose cover is that of an employee of Universal Import and Export ?,3 Name the story by Chris Van Allsburg in the which a boy tries to become a great sailor ?,1 "What English playwright penned : "" Where the bee sucks , so shall I "" ?",3 What materials did the three little pigs use to build their houses ?,1 What ever happened to the once popular Yale Lock Company ?,2 What suburban housewife and mother of three wrote The Feminine Mystique ?,3 When was the Triangle Shirtwaist fire ?,5 What are the historical trials following World War II called ?,1 What is a tonne ?,2 What season is the setting for Shakespeare 's Midsummer Night 's Dream ?,5 How do fuel injectors work ?,2 What was the filling in the first golf balls ?,2 The Kentucky Horse Park is located near what city ?,4 What is an urban legend ?,2 What weapon did the crossed slits in English castles accommodate ?,1 What is the state nickname of Mississippi ?,4 "In AD 999 , what sort of celebrations , fears , were there ?",1 "Who sang the song "" Hooked on a Feeling "" in the dancing baby episode of "" Ally Mcbeal "" ?",3 How do you write a correct critical analysis of a poem ?,2 What 's the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle ?,2 What desert has been called The Garden of Allah ?,4 How do I make fuel bricks from recycled newspaper ?,2 What is Occam 's Razor ?,2 Name the various costumed personas of Dr. Henry Pym .,3 How long does the average domesticated ferret live ?,5 How do you clean badly tarnished brass ?,2 What does JESSICA mean ?,0 What was the largest city in the world to declare martial law in 1989 ?,4 "What was the 24-disc John Gabel Entertainer the first example of , in 1960 ?",1 Who taught Matt Murdock to use his extraordinary abilities in Marvel comics ?,3 "Who played for the Chicago Bears , Houston Oilers and Oakland Raiders in a 26-year pro football career ?",3 What two animals are specifically mentioned as being in Noah 's Ark ?,1 Who is Stein Eriksen ?,3 What is hyperopia ?,2 How many yards are in 1 mile ?,5 How did the bikini bathing suite get its name ?,2 How many years old is Benny Carter ?,5 What do you call a book of quotes ?,1 In what ways did Ivan IV support Russian expansion ?,1 How long did the Charles Manson murder trial last ?,5 Who produces Spumante ?,3 What enigmatic U.S. vice president was once tried and acquitted for treason in a plot to set up his own independent empire in the West ?,3 What people make up half the Soviet Union 's population ?,3 "When not adventuring on Rann , what does Adam Strange call his profession ?",3 How many feet high is the hurdle in front of a runner 's steeplechase water jump ?,5 What is commonly considered the fifth sense ?,2 What video format was an alternative to VHS ?,1