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83.8 kB
Structure O
and O
function O
of O
human B-species
Naa60 B-protein
( O
NatF B-complex_assembly
), O
a O
Golgi O
- O
localized O
bi O
- O
functional O
acetyltransferase B-protein_type
N B-ptm
- I-ptm
terminal I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
( O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
), O
carried O
out O
by O
N B-protein_type
- I-protein_type
terminal I-protein_type
acetyltransferases I-protein_type
( O
NATs B-protein_type
), O
is O
a O
conserved O
and O
primary O
modification O
of O
nascent O
peptide B-chemical
chains O
. O
Naa60 B-protein
( O
also O
named O
NatF B-complex_assembly
) O
is O
a O
recently O
identified O
NAT B-protein_type
found O
only O
in O
multicellular B-taxonomy_domain
eukaryotes I-taxonomy_domain
. O
This O
protein O
was O
shown O
to O
locate O
on O
the O
Golgi O
apparatus O
and O
mainly O
catalyze O
the O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
of O
transmembrane O
proteins O
, O
and O
it O
also O
harbors O
lysine B-protein_type
Nε I-protein_type
- I-protein_type
acetyltransferase I-protein_type
( O
KAT B-protein_type
) O
activity O
to O
catalyze O
the O
acetylation B-ptm
of O
lysine B-residue_name
ε O
- O
amine O
. O
Here O
, O
we O
report O
the O
crystal B-evidence
structures I-evidence
of O
human B-species
Naa60 B-protein
( O
hNaa60 B-protein
) O
in B-protein_state
complex I-protein_state
with I-protein_state
Acetyl B-chemical
- I-chemical
Coenzyme I-chemical
A I-chemical
( O
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
) O
or O
Coenzyme B-chemical
A I-chemical
( O
CoA B-chemical
). O
The O
hNaa60 B-protein
protein O
contains O
an O
amphipathic B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
following O
its O
GNAT B-structure_element
domain I-structure_element
that O
may O
contribute O
to O
Golgi O
localization O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
, O
and O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
adopted O
different O
conformations O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
and O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
crystal B-evidence
structures I-evidence
. O
Remarkably O
, O
we O
found O
that O
the O
side O
- O
chain O
of O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
can O
influence O
the O
position O
of O
the O
coenzyme B-chemical
, O
indicating O
a O
new O
regulatory O
mechanism O
involving O
enzyme O
, O
co O
- O
factor O
and O
substrates O
interactions O
. O
Moreover O
, O
structural B-experimental_method
comparison I-experimental_method
and I-experimental_method
biochemical I-experimental_method
studies I-experimental_method
indicated O
that O
Tyr B-residue_name_number
97 I-residue_name_number
and O
His B-residue_name_number
138 I-residue_name_number
are O
key O
residues O
for O
catalytic O
reaction O
and O
that O
a O
non B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
conserved I-protein_state
β3 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β4 I-structure_element
long I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
participates O
in O
the O
regulation O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
activity O
. O
Acetylation B-ptm
is O
one O
of O
the O
most O
ubiquitous O
modifications O
that O
plays O
a O
vital O
role O
in O
many O
biological O
processes O
, O
such O
as O
transcriptional O
regulation O
, O
protein O
- O
protein O
interaction O
, O
enzyme O
activity O
, O
protein O
stability O
, O
antibiotic O
resistance O
, O
biological O
rhythm O
and O
so O
on O
. O
Protein O
acetylation B-ptm
can O
be O
grouped O
into O
lysine B-ptm
Nε I-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
and O
peptide B-chemical
N B-ptm
- I-ptm
terminal I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
( O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
). O
Generally O
, O
Nε B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
refers O
to O
the O
transfer O
of O
an O
acetyl B-chemical
group O
from O
an O
acetyl B-chemical
coenzyme I-chemical
A I-chemical
( O
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
) O
to O
the O
ε O
- O
amino O
group O
of O
lysine B-residue_name
. O
This O
kind O
of O
modification O
is O
catalyzed O
by O
lysine B-protein_type
acetyltransferases I-protein_type
( O
KATs B-protein_type
), O
some O
of O
which O
are O
named O
histone B-protein_type
acetyltransferases I-protein_type
( O
HATs B-protein_type
) O
because O
early O
studies O
focused O
mostly O
on O
the O
post O
- O
transcriptional O
acetylation B-ptm
of O
histones B-protein_type
. O
Despite O
the O
prominent O
accomplishments O
in O
the O
field O
regarding O
Nε B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
by O
KATs B-protein_type
for O
over O
50 O
years O
, O
the O
significance O
of O
the O
more O
evolutionarily O
conserved O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
is O
still O
inconclusive O
. O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
is O
an O
abundant O
and O
evolutionarily O
conserved O
modification O
occurring O
in O
bacteria B-taxonomy_domain
, O
archaea B-taxonomy_domain
and O
eukaryotes B-taxonomy_domain
. O
It O
is O
estimated O
that O
about O
80 O
90 O
% O
of O
soluble O
human B-species
proteins O
and O
50 O
70 O
% O
of O
yeast B-taxonomy_domain
proteins O
are O
subjected O
to O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
, O
where O
an O
acetyl B-chemical
moiety O
is O
transferred O
from O
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
to O
the O
α O
- O
amino O
group O
of O
the O
first O
residue O
. O
Recently O
Nt O
- O
acetylome O
expands O
the O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
to O
transmembrane O
proteins O
. O
Unlike O
Nε B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
that O
can O
be O
eliminated O
by O
deacetylases B-protein_type
, O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
is O
considered O
irreversible B-protein_state
since O
no O
corresponding O
deacetylase B-protein_type
is O
found O
to O
date O
. O
Although O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
has O
been O
regarded O
as O
a O
co O
- O
translational O
modification O
traditionally O
, O
there O
is O
evidence O
that O
post O
- O
translational O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
exists O
. O
During O
the O
past O
decades O
, O
a O
large O
number O
of O
Nt O
- O
acetylome O
researches O
have O
shed O
light O
on O
the O
functional O
roles O
of O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
, O
including O
protein O
degradation O
, O
subcellular O
localization O
, O
protein O
- O
protein O
interaction O
, O
protein O
- O
membrane O
interaction O
, O
plant B-taxonomy_domain
development O
, O
stress O
- O
response O
and O
protein O
stability O
. O
The O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
is O
carried O
out O
by O
N B-protein_type
- I-protein_type
terminal I-protein_type
acetyltransferases I-protein_type
( O
NATs B-protein_type
) O
that O
belong O
to O
the O
GNAT B-protein_type
superfamily I-protein_type
. O
To O
date O
, O
six O
NATs B-protein_type
( O
NatA B-complex_assembly
/ O
B B-complex_assembly
/ O
C B-complex_assembly
/ O
D B-complex_assembly
/ O
E B-complex_assembly
/ O
F B-complex_assembly
) O
have O
been O
identified O
in O
eukaryotes B-taxonomy_domain
. O
About O
40 O
percent O
of O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
of O
soluble O
proteins O
in O
cells O
is O
catalyzed O
by O
NatA B-complex_assembly
complex O
which O
is O
composed O
of O
the O
catalytic O
subunit O
Naa10p B-protein
and O
the O
auxiliary O
subunit O
Naa15p B-protein
. O
NatE B-complex_assembly
was O
found O
to O
physically O
interact O
with O
the O
NatA B-complex_assembly
complex O
without O
any O
observation O
of O
impact O
on O
NatA B-complex_assembly
- O
activity O
. O
Two O
other O
multimeric O
complexes O
of O
NATs B-protein_type
are O
NatB B-complex_assembly
and O
NatC B-complex_assembly
which O
contain O
the O
catalytic O
subunits O
Naa20 B-protein
and O
Naa30 B-protein
and O
the O
auxiliary O
subunits O
Naa25 B-protein
and O
Naa35 B-protein
/ O
Naa38 B-protein
, O
respectively O
. O
Furthermore O
, O
only O
the O
catalytic O
subunits O
Naa40 B-protein
and O
Naa60 B-protein
were O
found O
for O
NatD B-complex_assembly
and O
NatF B-complex_assembly
, O
respectively O
. O
Besides O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
, O
accumulating O
reports O
have O
proposed O
Nε B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
carried O
out O
by O
NATs B-protein_type
. O
There O
is O
an O
evolutionary O
increasing O
in O
the O
degree O
of O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
between O
yeast B-taxonomy_domain
and O
human B-species
which O
could O
partly O
be O
explained O
by O
the O
contribution O
of O
NatF B-complex_assembly
. O
As O
the O
first O
N B-protein_type
- I-protein_type
terminal I-protein_type
acetyltransferase I-protein_type
discovered O
on O
an O
organelle O
, O
NatF B-complex_assembly
, O
encoded O
by O
NAA60 B-protein
and O
also O
named O
as O
Histone B-protein
acetyltransferase I-protein
type I-protein
B I-protein
protein I-protein
4 I-protein
( O
HAT4 B-protein
), O
Naa60 B-protein
or O
N B-protein
- I-protein
acetyltransferase I-protein
15 I-protein
( O
NAT15 B-protein
), O
is O
the O
youngest O
member O
of O
the O
NAT B-protein_type
family O
. O
Unlike O
other O
NATs B-protein_type
that O
are O
highly B-protein_state
conserved I-protein_state
among O
lower B-taxonomy_domain
and O
higher B-taxonomy_domain
eukaryotes I-taxonomy_domain
, O
NatF B-complex_assembly
only O
exists O
in O
higher B-taxonomy_domain
eukaryotes I-taxonomy_domain
. O
Subsequent O
researches O
indicated O
that O
NatF B-complex_assembly
displays O
its O
catalytic O
ability O
with O
both O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
and O
lysine B-ptm
Nε I-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
. O
As O
an O
N B-protein_type
- I-protein_type
terminal I-protein_type
acetyltransferase I-protein_type
, O
NatF B-complex_assembly
can O
specifically O
catalyze O
acetylation B-ptm
of O
the O
- O
terminal O
α O
- O
amine O
of O
most O
transmembrane O
proteins O
and O
has O
substrate O
preference O
towards O
proteins O
with O
Met B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
Lys I-structure_element
-, I-structure_element
Met B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
Val I-structure_element
-, I-structure_element
Met B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
Ala I-structure_element
- I-structure_element
and O
Met B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
Met I-structure_element
- I-structure_element
- O
termini O
, O
thus O
partially O
overlapping O
substrate O
selectivity O
with O
NatC B-complex_assembly
and O
NatE B-complex_assembly
. O
On O
the O
other O
hand O
, O
NatF B-complex_assembly
, O
with O
its O
lysine B-protein_type
acetyltransferase I-protein_type
activity O
, O
mediates O
the O
lysine B-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
of O
free O
histone B-protein_type
H4 B-protein_type
, O
including O
H4K20 B-protein_type
, O
H4K79 B-protein_type
and O
H4K91 B-protein_type
. O
Another O
important O
feature O
of O
NatF B-complex_assembly
is O
that O
this O
protein O
is O
anchored O
on O
the O
Golgi O
apparatus O
through O
its O
- O
terminal O
membrane B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
integrating I-structure_element
region I-structure_element
and O
takes O
part O
in O
the O
maintaining O
of O
Golgi O
integrity O
. O
With O
its O
unique O
intracellular O
organellar O
localization O
and O
substrate O
selectivity O
, O
NatF B-complex_assembly
appears O
to O
provide O
more O
evolutionary O
information O
among O
the O
NAT B-protein_type
family O
members O
. O
It O
was O
recently O
found O
that O
NatF B-complex_assembly
facilitates O
nucleosomes B-complex_assembly
assembly O
and O
that O
NAA60 B-protein
knockdown O
in O
- O
cell O
inhibits O
cell O
proliferation O
, O
sensitizes O
cells O
to O
damage O
and O
induces O
cell O
apoptosis O
. O
In O
Drosophila B-taxonomy_domain
cells O
, O
NAA60 B-protein
knockdown O
induces O
chromosomal O
segregation O
defects O
during O
anaphase O
including O
lagging O
chromosomes O
and O
chromosomal O
bridges O
. O
Much O
recent O
attention O
has O
also O
been O
focused O
on O
the O
requirement O
of O
NatF B-complex_assembly
for O
regulation O
of O
organellar O
structure O
. O
In O
HeLa O
cells O
, O
NAA60 B-protein
knockdown O
causes O
Golgi O
apparatus O
fragmentation O
which O
can O
be O
rescued O
by O
overexpression B-experimental_method
Naa60 B-protein
. O
The O
systematic O
investigation O
of O
publicly O
available O
microarray O
data O
showed O
that O
NATs B-protein_type
share O
distinct O
tissue O
- O
specific O
expression O
patterns O
in O
Drosophila B-taxonomy_domain
and O
NatF B-complex_assembly
shows O
a O
higher O
expression O
level O
in O
central O
nervous O
system O
of O
Drosophila B-taxonomy_domain
. O
In O
this O
study O
, O
we O
solved B-experimental_method
the O
structures B-evidence
of O
human B-species
Naa60 B-protein
( O
NatF B-complex_assembly
) O
in B-protein_state
complex I-protein_state
with I-protein_state
coenzyme B-chemical
. O
The O
hNaa60 B-protein
protein O
contains O
a O
unique O
amphipathic B-structure_element
α I-structure_element
- I-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
( O
α5 B-structure_element
) O
following O
its O
GNAT B-structure_element
domain I-structure_element
that O
might O
account O
for O
the O
Golgi O
localization O
of O
this O
protein O
. O
Crystal B-evidence
structures I-evidence
showed O
that O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
rotated O
about O
50 O
degrees O
upon O
removing O
the O
C B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
terminal I-structure_element
region I-structure_element
of O
the O
protein O
and O
this O
movement O
substantially O
changed O
the O
geometry O
of O
the O
substrate B-site
- I-site
binding I-site
pocket I-site
. O
Remarkably O
, O
we O
find O
that O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
may O
participate O
in O
the O
proper O
positioning O
of O
the O
coenzyme B-chemical
for O
the O
transfer O
reaction O
to O
occur O
. O
Further O
structure B-experimental_method
comparison I-experimental_method
and O
biochemical B-experimental_method
studies I-experimental_method
also O
identified O
other O
key O
structural O
elements O
essential O
for O
the O
enzyme O
activity O
of O
Naa60 B-protein
. O
Overall O
structure B-evidence
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
In O
the O
effort O
to O
prepare O
the O
protein O
for O
structural O
studies O
, O
we O
tried O
a O
large O
number O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
constructs O
but O
all O
failed O
due O
to O
heavy O
precipitation O
or O
aggregation O
. O
Sequence B-experimental_method
alignment I-experimental_method
of O
Naa60 B-protein
from O
different O
species O
revealed O
a O
Glu B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
Glu I-structure_element
- I-structure_element
Arg I-structure_element
( O
EER B-structure_element
) O
versus O
Val B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
Val I-structure_element
- I-structure_element
Pro I-structure_element
( O
VVP B-structure_element
) O
sequence O
difference O
near O
the O
- O
terminus O
of O
the O
protein O
in O
Xenopus B-species
Laevis I-species
versus O
Homo B-species
sapiens I-species
( O
Fig O
. O
1A O
). O
Considering O
that O
terminal O
residues O
may O
lack O
higher O
- O
order O
structure O
and O
hydrophobic O
residues O
in O
this O
region O
may O
expose O
to O
solvent O
and O
hence O
cause O
protein O
aggregation O
, O
we O
mutated B-experimental_method
residues O
4 B-residue_range
6 I-residue_range
from O
VVP B-mutant
to I-mutant
EER I-mutant
for O
the O
purpose O
of O
improving O
solubility O
of O
this O
protein O
. O
According O
to O
previous O
studies O
, O
this O
- O
terminal O
region O
should O
not O
interfere O
with O
hNaa60 B-protein
s O
Golgi O
localization O
. O
We O
tried O
many O
hNaa60 B-protein
constructs O
with O
the O
three O
- O
residues O
mutation B-experimental_method
but O
only O
the O
truncated B-protein_state
variant O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
199 I-residue_range
and O
the O
full B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
length I-protein_state
protein O
behaved O
well O
. O
We O
obtained O
the O
crystal B-evidence
of O
the O
truncated B-protein_state
variant O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
199 I-residue_range
in B-protein_state
complex I-protein_state
with I-protein_state
CoA B-chemical
first O
, O
and O
after O
extensive O
trials O
we O
got O
the O
crystal B-evidence
of O
the O
full B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
length I-protein_state
protein O
( O
spanning O
residues O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
in B-protein_state
complex I-protein_state
with I-protein_state
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
( O
Fig O
. O
1B O
, O
). O
Hereafter O
, O
all O
deletions O
or O
point O
mutants B-protein_state
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
we O
describe O
here O
are O
with O
the O
EER B-structure_element
mutation B-experimental_method
. O
The O
crystal B-evidence
structures I-evidence
of O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
and O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
were O
determined O
by O
molecular B-experimental_method
replacement I-experimental_method
and O
refined O
to O
1 O
. O
38 O
and O
1 O
. O
60 O
resolution O
, O
respectively O
( O
Table O
1 O
). O
The O
electron B-evidence
density I-evidence
maps I-evidence
were O
of O
sufficient O
quality O
to O
trace O
residues O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
211 I-residue_range
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
and O
residues O
5 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
199 I-residue_range
of O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
). I-mutant
The O
structure B-evidence
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
protein O
contains O
a O
central B-structure_element
domain I-structure_element
exhibiting O
a O
classic O
GCN5 B-protein_type
- I-protein_type
related I-protein_type
N I-protein_type
- I-protein_type
acetyltransferase I-protein_type
( O
GNAT B-protein_type
) O
folding O
, O
along O
with O
the O
extended B-protein_state
N B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
and I-structure_element
C I-structure_element
- I-structure_element
terminal I-structure_element
regions I-structure_element
( O
Fig O
. O
1B O
, O
). O
The O
central B-structure_element
domain I-structure_element
includes O
nine O
β B-structure_element
strands I-structure_element
( O
β1 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β9 I-structure_element
) O
and O
four O
α B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
helixes I-structure_element
( O
α1 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
α4 I-structure_element
) O
and O
is O
highly B-protein_state
similar I-protein_state
to O
the O
known O
hNaa50p B-protein
and O
other O
reported O
NATs B-protein_type
( O
Fig O
. O
1D O
). O
However O
, O
in O
hNaa60 B-protein
, O
there O
is O
an O
extra B-structure_element
20 I-structure_element
- I-structure_element
residue I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
between O
β3 B-structure_element
and O
β4 B-structure_element
that O
forms O
a O
small B-structure_element
subdomain I-structure_element
with O
well O
- O
defined O
3D O
structure O
( O
Fig O
. O
1B O
). O
Furthermore O
, O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
strands I-structure_element
form O
an O
approximately B-structure_element
antiparallel I-structure_element
β I-structure_element
- I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
structure I-structure_element
remarkably O
different O
from O
that O
in O
hNaa50p B-protein
( O
Fig O
. O
1D O
). O
The O
N B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
and I-structure_element
C I-structure_element
- I-structure_element
terminal I-structure_element
regions I-structure_element
form O
helical B-structure_element
structures I-structure_element
( O
α0 B-structure_element
and O
α5 B-structure_element
) O
stretching O
out O
from O
the O
central O
GCN5 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
domain I-structure_element
( O
Fig O
. O
1C O
). O
Interestingly O
, O
we O
found O
that O
the O
catalytic O
activity O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
is O
much O
lower O
than O
that O
of O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
( O
Figure O
S1 O
), O
indicating O
that O
residues O
200 B-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
may O
have O
some O
auto O
- O
inhibitory O
effect O
on O
the O
activity O
of O
the O
enzyme O
. O
However O
, O
since O
this O
region O
was O
not O
visible O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
crystal B-evidence
structure I-evidence
, O
we O
do O
not O
yet O
understand O
how O
this O
happens O
. O
Another O
possibility O
is O
that O
since O
hNaa60 B-protein
is O
localized O
on O
Golgi O
apparatus O
, O
the O
observed O
low O
activity O
of O
the O
full B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
length I-protein_state
hNaa60 B-protein
might O
be O
related O
to O
lack O
of O
Golgi O
localization O
of O
the O
enzyme O
in O
our O
in O
vitro O
studies O
. O
For O
the O
convenience O
of O
studying O
the O
kinetics O
of O
mutants B-protein_state
, O
the O
mutagenesis B-experimental_method
studies I-experimental_method
described O
hereafter O
were O
all O
based O
on O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
). I-mutant
An O
amphipathic B-structure_element
α I-structure_element
- I-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
in O
the O
C B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
terminal I-structure_element
region I-structure_element
may O
contribute O
to O
Golgi O
localization O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
There O
is O
one O
hNaa60 B-protein
molecule O
in O
the O
asymmetric O
unit O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
structure B-evidence
. O
The O
C B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
terminal I-structure_element
region I-structure_element
extended O
from O
the O
GCN5 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
domain I-structure_element
forms O
an O
amphipathic B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
( O
α5 B-structure_element
) O
and O
interacts O
with O
a O
molecule O
in O
a O
neighbor O
asymmetric O
unit O
through O
hydrophobic B-bond_interaction
interactions I-bond_interaction
between O
α5 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
and O
a O
hydrophobic B-site
groove I-site
between O
the O
- O
terminal O
β1 B-structure_element
and O
β3 B-structure_element
strands I-structure_element
of O
the O
neighbor O
molecule O
( O
Fig O
. O
2A O
). O
The O
C B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
terminal I-structure_element
extension I-structure_element
following O
α5 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
forms O
a O
β B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
turn I-structure_element
that O
wraps O
around O
and O
interacts O
with O
the O
neighbor O
protein O
molecule O
through O
hydrophobic B-bond_interaction
interactions I-bond_interaction
, O
too O
. O
In O
the O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
structure B-evidence
, O
a O
part O
of O
the O
α5 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
is O
deleted O
due O
to O
truncation O
of O
the O
C B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
terminal I-structure_element
region I-structure_element
( O
Fig O
. O
1B O
). O
Interestingly O
, O
the O
remaining O
residues O
in O
α5 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
still O
form O
an O
amphipathic B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
although O
the O
hydrophobic B-bond_interaction
interaction I-bond_interaction
with O
the O
- O
terminal O
hydrophobic B-site
groove I-site
of O
a O
neighbor O
molecule O
is O
abolished O
and O
the O
helix B-structure_element
is O
largely O
exposed O
in O
solvent O
due O
to O
different O
crystal B-evidence
packing I-evidence
( O
Fig O
. O
2B O
). O
recent O
research O
showed O
that O
residues O
182 B-residue_range
216 I-residue_range
are O
important O
for O
the O
localization O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
on O
Golgi O
. O
According O
to O
our O
structure B-evidence
, O
the O
solvent B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
exposed I-protein_state
amphipathic B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
( O
α5 B-structure_element
) O
formed O
by O
residues O
190 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
202 I-residue_range
with O
an O
array O
of O
hydrophobic O
residues O
located O
on O
one O
side O
( O
Ile B-residue_name_number
190 I-residue_name_number
, O
Leu B-residue_name_number
191 I-residue_name_number
, O
Ile B-residue_name_number
194 I-residue_name_number
, O
Leu B-residue_name_number
197 I-residue_name_number
and O
Leu B-residue_name_number
201 I-residue_name_number
) O
and O
hydrophilic O
residues O
on O
the O
other O
side O
( O
Fig O
. O
S2 O
) O
might O
account O
for O
interaction O
between O
hNaa60 B-protein
and O
Golgi O
membrane O
, O
as O
it O
is O
a O
typical O
structure O
accounting O
for O
membrane O
association O
through O
immersing O
into O
the O
lipid O
bi O
- O
layer O
with O
its O
hydrophobic O
side O
as O
was O
observed O
with O
KalSec14 B-protein
, O
Atg3 B-protein
, O
PB1 B-protein
- I-protein
F2 I-protein
etc O
. O
The O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
showed O
alternative O
conformations O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-protein
crystal B-evidence
structures I-evidence
Superposition B-experimental_method
of O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
, O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
and O
hNaa50 B-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
peptide I-complex_assembly
( O
) O
revealed O
considerable O
difference O
in O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
region O
despite O
the O
overall O
stability O
and O
similarity O
of O
the O
GNAT B-structure_element
domain I-structure_element
( O
Fig O
. O
1D O
). O
In O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
), O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
is O
located O
in O
close O
proximity O
to O
the O
α1 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
α2 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
, O
creating O
a O
more O
compact O
substrate B-site
binding I-site
site I-site
than O
that O
in O
hNaa50 B-protein
, O
where O
this O
region O
adopts O
a O
more O
flexible B-protein_state
loop B-structure_element
conformation O
( O
β6 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β7 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
). O
Upon O
removing B-experimental_method
the O
C B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
terminal I-structure_element
region I-structure_element
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
, O
we O
observed O
that O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
molecules O
pack O
in O
a O
different O
way O
involving O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
in O
the O
crystal B-evidence
, O
leading O
to O
about O
50 O
degree O
rotation O
of O
the O
hairpin B-structure_element
which O
moves O
away O
from O
the O
α1 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
α2 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
( O
Figs O
1D O
and O
2C O
). O
This O
conformational O
change O
substantially O
altered O
the O
geometry O
of O
the O
substrate B-site
binding I-site
site I-site
, O
which O
could O
potentially O
change O
the O
way O
in O
which O
the O
substrate O
accesses O
the O
active B-site
site I-site
of O
the O
enzyme O
. O
In O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
), O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
covers O
the O
active B-site
site I-site
in O
a O
way O
similar O
to O
that O
observed O
in O
hNaa50 B-protein
, O
presumably O
leaving O
only O
one O
way O
for O
the O
substrate O
to O
access O
the O
active B-site
site I-site
, O
i O
. O
e O
. O
to O
enter O
from O
the O
opposite O
end O
into O
the O
same O
tunnel B-site
where O
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
/ O
CoA B-chemical
binds O
( O
Fig O
. O
2D O
), O
which O
may O
accommodate O
access O
of O
a O
NAT B-protein_type
substrate O
only O
. O
KAT B-protein_type
activity O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
toward O
histone B-protein_type
H4 B-protein_type
has O
been O
noted O
in O
previous O
study O
, O
and O
our O
enzyme B-evidence
kinetic I-evidence
data I-evidence
also O
indicated O
that O
hNaa60 B-protein
can O
acetylate O
H3 B-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
H4 I-complex_assembly
tetramer B-oligomeric_state
in O
vitro O
( O
Figure O
S3 O
). O
Furthermore O
, O
we O
analyzed O
the O
acetylation B-ptm
status O
of O
histone B-protein_type
H3 B-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
H4 I-complex_assembly
tetramer B-oligomeric_state
using O
mass B-experimental_method
spectrometry I-experimental_method
and O
observed O
that O
multiple O
lysine B-residue_name
residues O
in O
the O
protein O
showed O
significantly O
increased O
acetylation B-ptm
level O
and O
changed O
acetylation B-ptm
profile O
upon O
treatment O
with O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
( O
Figure O
S4 O
). O
We O
also O
conducted O
liquid B-experimental_method
chromatography I-experimental_method
- I-experimental_method
tandem I-experimental_method
mass I-experimental_method
spectrometry I-experimental_method
( O
LC B-experimental_method
/ I-experimental_method
MS I-experimental_method
/ I-experimental_method
MS I-experimental_method
) O
analysis O
on O
a O
synthetic O
peptide B-chemical
( O
NH2 B-chemical
- I-chemical
- I-chemical
COOH I-chemical
) O
after O
treatment O
with O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
), I-mutant
and O
the O
data O
confirmed O
that O
both O
the O
- O
terminal O
α O
- O
amine O
and O
lysine B-residue_name
side O
- O
chain O
ε O
- O
amine O
were O
robustly O
acetylated B-protein_state
after O
the O
treatment O
( O
Table O
S1 O
). O
Recent O
structural B-experimental_method
investigation I-experimental_method
of O
other O
NATs B-protein_type
proposed O
that O
the O
β6 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β7 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
, O
corresponding O
to O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
in O
hNaa60 B-protein
, O
and O
the O
α1 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
α2 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
flanking O
the O
substrate B-site
- I-site
binding I-site
site I-site
of O
NATs B-protein_type
, O
prevent O
the O
lysine B-residue_name
side O
- O
chain O
of O
the O
KAT B-protein_type
substrates O
from O
inserting O
into O
the O
active B-site
site I-site
. O
Indeed O
, O
superposition B-experimental_method
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
structure B-evidence
on O
that O
of O
Hat1p B-protein
, O
a O
typical O
KAT B-protein_type
, O
in B-protein_state
complex I-protein_state
with I-protein_state
a O
histone B-protein_type
H4 B-protein_type
peptide B-chemical
revealed O
obvious O
overlapping O
/ O
clashing O
of O
the O
H4 B-protein_type
peptide B-chemical
( O
a O
KAT B-protein_type
substrate O
) O
with O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
( O
Fig O
. O
2D O
). O
Interestingly O
, O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
crystal B-evidence
structure I-evidence
, O
the O
displaced O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
opened O
a O
second O
way O
for O
the O
substrate O
to O
access O
the O
active B-site
center I-site
that O
would O
readily O
accommodate O
the O
binding O
of O
the O
H4 B-protein_type
peptide B-chemical
( O
Fig O
. O
2E O
), O
thus O
implied O
a O
potential O
explanation O
for O
KAT B-protein_type
activity O
of O
this O
enzyme O
from O
a O
structural O
biological O
view O
. O
However O
, O
since O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
and O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 O
- O
199 O
) O
were O
crystallized B-experimental_method
in O
different O
crystal B-evidence
forms I-evidence
, O
the O
observed O
conformational O
change O
of O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
may O
simply O
be O
an O
artifact O
related O
to O
the O
different O
crystal B-evidence
packing I-evidence
. O
Whether O
the O
KAT B-protein_type
substrates O
bind O
to O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
displaced O
conformation O
of O
the O
enzyme O
needs O
to O
be O
verified O
by O
further O
structural B-experimental_method
and I-experimental_method
functional I-experimental_method
studies I-experimental_method
. O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
facilitates O
proper O
positioning O
of O
the O
cofactor O
for O
acetyl B-chemical
- O
transfer O
The O
electron B-evidence
density I-evidence
of O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
side O
- O
chain O
is O
well O
defined O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
structure B-evidence
, O
but O
becomes O
invisible O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
structure B-evidence
, O
indicating O
displacement O
of O
the O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
side O
- O
chain O
in O
the O
latter O
( O
Fig O
. O
3A O
, O
). O
solvent O
- O
derived O
malonate B-chemical
molecule O
is O
found O
beside O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
and O
the O
ethanethioate B-chemical
moiety O
of O
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
in O
the O
high O
- O
resolution O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
structure B-evidence
( O
Fig O
. O
3A O
). O
Superposition B-experimental_method
of O
this O
structure B-evidence
on O
that O
of O
hNaa50p B-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
peptide I-complex_assembly
shows O
that O
the O
malonate B-chemical
molecule O
overlaps O
well O
on O
the O
- O
terminal O
methionine B-residue_name
of O
the O
substrate O
peptide B-chemical
and O
residue O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
in O
hNaa60 B-protein
overlaps O
well O
on O
Phe B-residue_name_number
27 I-residue_name_number
in O
hNaa50 B-protein
( O
Fig O
. O
4A O
). O
Interestingly O
, O
in O
the O
structure B-evidence
of O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
, O
the O
terminal O
thiol O
of O
CoA B-chemical
adopts O
alternative O
conformations O
. O
One O
is O
to O
approach O
the O
substrate O
amine B-chemical
( O
as O
indicated O
by O
the O
superimposed B-experimental_method
hNaa50 B-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
peptide I-complex_assembly
structure B-evidence
), O
similar O
to O
the O
terminal O
ethanethioate B-chemical
of O
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
in O
the O
structure B-evidence
of O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
; O
the O
other O
is O
to O
approach O
the O
α1 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
α2 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
and O
away O
from O
the O
substrate O
amine O
( O
Fig O
. O
3B O
). O
To O
rule O
out O
the O
possibility O
that O
the O
electron B-evidence
density I-evidence
we O
define O
as O
the O
alternative O
conformation O
of O
the O
thiol O
terminus O
is O
residual O
electron B-evidence
density I-evidence
of O
the O
displaced O
side O
- O
chain O
of O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
, O
we O
solved B-experimental_method
the O
crystal B-evidence
structure I-evidence
of O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
) I-complex_assembly
F34A I-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
. O
The O
structure B-evidence
of O
this O
mutant B-protein_state
is O
highly O
similar O
to O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
and O
there O
is O
essentially O
the O
same O
electron B-evidence
density I-evidence
corresponding O
to O
the O
alternative O
conformation O
of O
the O
thiol O
( O
Fig O
. O
3C O
). O
Phe B-residue_name_number
27 I-residue_name_number
in O
hNaa50p B-protein
( O
equivalent O
to O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
in O
hNaa60 B-protein
) O
has O
been O
implicated O
to O
facilitate O
the O
binding O
of O
- O
terminal O
methionine B-residue_name
of O
the O
substrate O
peptide B-chemical
through O
hydrophobic B-bond_interaction
interaction I-bond_interaction
. O
However O
, O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
structure B-evidence
, O
a O
hydrophilic O
malonate B-chemical
molecule O
is O
found O
at O
the O
same O
location O
where O
the O
- O
terminal O
methionine B-residue_name
should O
bind O
as O
is O
indicated O
by O
the O
superposition B-experimental_method
( O
Fig O
. O
3A O
), O
suggesting O
that O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
may O
accommodate O
binding O
of O
hydrophilic O
substrate O
, O
too O
. O
Moreover O
, O
orientation O
of O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
side O
- O
chain O
seems O
to O
be O
co O
- O
related O
to O
positioning O
of O
the O
terminus O
of O
the O
co O
- O
enzyme O
and O
important O
for O
placing O
it O
at O
a O
location O
in O
close O
proximity O
to O
the O
substrate O
amine O
. O
We O
hypothesize O
that O
if O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
only O
works O
to O
facilitate O
the O
binding O
of O
the O
hydrophobic O
- O
terminal O
Met B-residue_name
residue O
, O
to O
mutate B-experimental_method
it O
from O
Phe B-residue_name
to O
Ala B-residue_name
would O
not O
abolish O
the O
catalytic O
activity O
of O
this O
enzyme O
, O
while O
if O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
also O
plays O
an O
essential O
role O
to O
position O
the O
ethanethioate B-chemical
moiety O
of O
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
, O
the O
mutation B-experimental_method
would O
be O
expected O
to O
abrogate O
the O
activity O
of O
the O
enzyme O
. O
Indeed O
, O
our O
enzyme B-evidence
kinetic I-evidence
data I-evidence
showed O
that O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
F34A B-mutant
mutant B-protein_state
showed O
no O
detectable O
activity O
( O
Fig O
. O
5A O
). O
In O
order O
to O
rule O
out O
the O
possibility O
that O
the O
observed O
loss O
of O
activity O
may O
be O
related O
to O
bad O
folding O
of O
the O
mutant B-protein_state
protein O
, O
we O
studied O
the O
circular B-experimental_method
dichroism I-experimental_method
( O
CD B-experimental_method
) O
spectrum B-evidence
of O
the O
protein O
( O
Fig O
. O
5B O
) O
and O
determined O
its O
crystal B-evidence
structure I-evidence
( O
Fig O
. O
3C O
). O
Both O
studies O
proved O
that O
the O
F34A B-mutant
mutant B-protein_state
protein O
is O
well B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
folded I-protein_state
. O
Many O
studies O
have O
addressed O
the O
crucial O
effect O
of O
α1 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
α2 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
on O
catalysis O
, O
showing O
that O
some O
residues O
located O
in O
this O
area O
are O
involved O
in O
the O
binding O
of O
substrates O
. O
We O
propose O
that O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
may O
play O
a O
dual O
role O
both O
in O
interacting O
with O
the O
peptide B-chemical
substrate O
( O
recognition O
) O
and O
in O
positioning O
of O
the O
ethanethioate B-chemical
moiety O
of O
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
to O
the O
right O
location O
to O
facilitate O
acetyl B-chemical
- O
transfer O
. O
Structural O
basis O
for O
hNaa60 B-protein
substrate O
binding O
Several O
studies O
have O
demonstrated O
that O
the O
substrate O
specificities O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
and O
hNaa50 B-protein
are O
highly O
overlapped O
. O
The O
structure B-evidence
of O
hNaa50p B-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
peptide I-complex_assembly
provides O
detailed O
information O
about O
the O
position O
of O
substrate O
- O
terminal O
residues O
in O
the O
active B-site
site I-site
of O
hNaa50 B-protein
. O
Comparing O
the O
active B-site
site I-site
of O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
with O
hNaa50p B-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
peptide I-complex_assembly
revealed O
that O
key O
catalytic B-site
and I-site
substrate I-site
binding I-site
residues I-site
are O
highly B-protein_state
conserved I-protein_state
in O
both O
proteins O
( O
Fig O
. O
4A O
). O
With O
respect O
to O
catalysis O
, O
hNaa50p B-protein
has O
been O
shown O
to O
employ O
residues O
Tyr B-residue_name_number
73 I-residue_name_number
and O
His B-residue_name_number
112 I-residue_name_number
to O
abstract O
proton O
from O
the O
α O
- O
amino O
group O
from O
the O
substrate O
s O
first O
residue O
through O
a O
well B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
ordered I-protein_state
water B-chemical
. O
well B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
ordered I-protein_state
water B-chemical
was O
also O
found O
between O
Tyr B-residue_name_number
97 I-residue_name_number
and O
His B-residue_name_number
138 I-residue_name_number
in O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
and O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
( O
Fig O
. O
4B O
). O
To O
determine O
the O
function O
of O
Tyr B-residue_name_number
97 I-residue_name_number
and O
His B-residue_name_number
138 I-residue_name_number
in O
hNaa60 B-protein
catalysis O
, O
we O
mutated B-experimental_method
these O
residues O
to O
alanine B-residue_name
and O
phenylalanine B-residue_name
, O
respectively O
, O
and O
confirmed O
that O
all O
these O
mutants B-protein_state
used O
in O
our O
kinetic B-experimental_method
assays I-experimental_method
are O
well B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
folded I-protein_state
by O
CD B-experimental_method
spectra B-evidence
( O
Fig O
. O
5B O
). O
Purity O
of O
all O
proteins O
were O
also O
analyzed O
by O
SDS B-experimental_method
- I-experimental_method
PAGE I-experimental_method
( O
Figure O
S5 O
). O
As O
show O
in O
Fig O
. O
5A O
, O
the O
mutants B-protein_state
Y97A B-mutant
, O
Y97F B-mutant
, O
H138A B-mutant
and O
H138F B-mutant
abolished B-protein_state
the I-protein_state
activity I-protein_state
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
. O
In O
contrast O
, O
to O
mutate B-experimental_method
the O
nearby O
solvent B-protein_state
exposed I-protein_state
residue O
Glu B-residue_name_number
37 I-residue_name_number
to O
Ala B-residue_name
( O
E37A B-mutant
) O
has O
little O
impact O
on O
the O
activity O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
Figs O
4B O
and O
5A O
). O
In O
conclusion O
, O
the O
structural B-experimental_method
and I-experimental_method
functional I-experimental_method
studies I-experimental_method
indicate O
that O
hNaa60 B-protein
applies O
the O
same O
two O
base O
mechanism O
through O
Tyr B-residue_name_number
97 I-residue_name_number
, O
His B-residue_name_number
138 I-residue_name_number
and O
a O
well B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
ordered I-protein_state
water B-chemical
as O
was O
described O
for O
hNaa50 B-protein
. O
The O
malonate B-chemical
molecule O
observed O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
crystal B-evidence
structure I-evidence
may O
be O
indicative O
of O
the O
substrate O
binding O
position O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
since O
it O
is O
located O
in O
the O
active B-site
site I-site
and O
overlaps O
the O
- O
terminal O
Met B-residue_name
of O
the O
substrate O
peptide B-chemical
in O
the O
superposition B-experimental_method
with O
the O
hNaa50p B-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
peptide I-complex_assembly
structure B-evidence
( O
Fig O
. O
4A O
). O
Residues O
Tyr B-residue_name_number
38 I-residue_name_number
, O
Asn B-residue_name_number
143 I-residue_name_number
and O
Tyr B-residue_name_number
165 I-residue_name_number
are O
located O
around O
the O
malonate B-chemical
and O
interact O
with O
it O
through O
direct O
hydrogen B-bond_interaction
bonds I-bond_interaction
or O
water B-bond_interaction
bridge I-bond_interaction
( O
Fig O
. O
4C O
). O
Although O
malonate B-chemical
is O
negatively O
charged O
, O
which O
is O
different O
from O
that O
of O
lysine B-residue_name
ε O
- O
amine O
or O
peptide B-chemical
- O
terminal O
amine O
, O
similar O
hydrophilic B-bond_interaction
interactions I-bond_interaction
may O
take O
place O
when O
substrate O
amine O
presents O
in O
the O
same O
position O
, O
since O
Tyr B-residue_name_number
38 I-residue_name_number
, O
Asn B-residue_name_number
143 I-residue_name_number
and O
Tyr B-residue_name_number
165 I-residue_name_number
are O
not O
positively O
or O
negatively O
charged O
. O
In O
agreement O
with O
this O
hypothesis O
, O
it O
was O
found O
that O
the O
Y38A B-mutant
, O
N143A B-mutant
and O
Y165A B-mutant
mutants B-protein_state
all O
showed O
remarkably O
reduced O
activities O
as O
compared O
to O
WT B-protein_state
, O
implying O
that O
these O
residues O
may O
be O
critical O
for O
substrate O
binding O
( O
Figs O
4C O
and O
5A O
). O
The O
β3 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β4 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
participates O
in O
the O
regulation O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
- O
activity O
Residues O
between O
β3 B-structure_element
and O
β4 B-structure_element
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
form O
a O
unique O
20 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
residue I-structure_element
long I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
( O
residues O
73 B-residue_range
92 I-residue_range
) O
that O
is O
a O
short B-structure_element
turn I-structure_element
in O
many O
other O
NAT B-protein_type
members O
( O
Fig O
. O
1D O
). O
Previous O
study O
indicated O
that O
auto B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
of O
hNaa60K79 B-protein
could O
influence O
the O
activity O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
; O
however O
, O
we O
were O
not O
able O
to O
determine O
if O
Lys B-residue_name_number
79 I-residue_name_number
is O
acetylated B-protein_state
in O
our O
crystal B-evidence
structures I-evidence
due O
to O
poor O
quality O
of O
the O
electron B-evidence
density I-evidence
of O
Lys B-residue_name_number
79 I-residue_name_number
side O
- O
chain O
. O
We O
therefore O
used O
mass B-experimental_method
spectrometry I-experimental_method
to O
analyze O
if O
Lys B-residue_name_number
79 I-residue_name_number
was O
acetylated B-protein_state
in O
our O
bacterially O
purified O
proteins O
, O
and O
observed O
no O
modification O
on O
this O
residue O
( O
Figure O
S6 O
). O
To O
assess O
the O
impact O
of O
hNaa60K79 B-protein
auto B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
, O
we O
studied O
the O
kinetics O
of O
K79R B-mutant
and O
K79Q B-mutant
mutants B-protein_state
which O
mimic O
the O
un B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
acetylated I-protein_state
and O
acetylated B-protein_state
form O
of O
Lys B-residue_name_number
79 I-residue_name_number
, O
respectively O
. O
Interestingly O
, O
both O
K79R B-mutant
and O
K79Q B-mutant
mutants B-protein_state
led O
to O
an O
increase O
in O
the O
catalytic O
activity O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
, O
while O
K79A B-mutant
mutant B-protein_state
led O
to O
modest O
decrease O
of O
the O
activity O
( O
Fig O
. O
5A O
). O
These O
data O
indicate O
that O
the O
acetylation B-ptm
of O
Lys B-residue_name_number
79 I-residue_name_number
is O
not O
required O
for O
optimal O
catalytic O
activity O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
in O
vitro O
. O
It O
is O
noted O
that O
the O
β3 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β4 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
acts O
like O
a O
door O
leaf O
to O
partly O
cover O
the O
substrate B-site
- I-site
binding I-site
pathway I-site
. O
We O
hence O
hypothesize O
that O
the O
β3 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β4 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
may O
interfere O
with O
the O
access O
of O
the O
peptide B-chemical
substrates O
and O
that O
the O
solvent B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
exposing I-protein_state
Lys B-residue_name_number
79 I-residue_name_number
may O
play O
a O
potential O
role O
to O
remove O
the O
door O
leaf O
when O
it O
hovers O
in O
solvent O
( O
Fig O
. O
4D O
). O
Acidic O
residues O
Glu B-residue_name_number
80 I-residue_name_number
, O
Asp B-residue_name_number
81 I-residue_name_number
and O
Asp B-residue_name_number
83 I-residue_name_number
interact O
with O
His B-residue_name_number
138 I-residue_name_number
, O
His B-residue_name_number
159 I-residue_name_number
and O
His B-residue_name_number
158 I-residue_name_number
to O
maintain O
the O
conformation O
of O
the O
β3 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β4 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
, O
thus O
contribute O
to O
control O
the O
substrate O
binding O
( O
Fig O
. O
4D O
). O
To O
verify O
this O
hypothesis O
, O
we O
mutated B-experimental_method
Glu B-residue_name_number
80 I-residue_name_number
, O
Asp B-residue_name_number
81 I-residue_name_number
and O
Asp B-residue_name_number
83 I-residue_name_number
to O
Ala B-residue_name
respectively O
. O
In O
line O
with O
our O
hypothesis O
, O
E80A B-mutant
, O
D81A B-mutant
and O
D83A B-mutant
mutants B-protein_state
exhibit O
at O
least O
2 O
- O
fold O
increase O
in O
hNaa60 B-protein
- O
activity O
( O
Fig O
. O
5A O
). O
Interestingly O
, O
the O
structure B-evidence
of O
an O
ancestral O
NAT B-protein_type
from O
S B-species
. I-species
solfataricus I-species
also O
exhibits O
a O
10 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
residue I-structure_element
long I-structure_element
extension I-structure_element
between O
β3 B-structure_element
and O
β4 B-structure_element
, O
and O
the O
structure B-experimental_method
and I-experimental_method
biochemical I-experimental_method
studies I-experimental_method
showed O
that O
the O
extension B-structure_element
of O
SsNat B-protein
has O
the O
ability O
to O
stabilize O
structure O
of O
the O
active B-site
site I-site
and O
potentiate O
SsNat B-protein
- O
activity O
. O
Nt B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
, O
which O
is O
carried O
out O
by O
the O
NAT B-protein_type
family I-protein_type
acetyltransferases I-protein_type
, O
is O
an O
ancient O
and O
essential O
modification O
of O
proteins O
. O
Although O
many O
NATs B-protein_type
are O
highly B-protein_state
conserved I-protein_state
from O
lower B-taxonomy_domain
to O
higher B-taxonomy_domain
eukaryotes I-taxonomy_domain
and O
the O
substrate O
bias O
of O
them O
appears O
to O
be O
partially O
overlapped O
, O
there O
is O
a O
significant O
increase O
in O
the O
overall O
level O
of O
N B-ptm
- I-ptm
terminal I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
from O
lower B-taxonomy_domain
to O
higher B-taxonomy_domain
eukaryotes I-taxonomy_domain
. O
In O
this O
study O
we O
provide O
structural O
insights O
into O
Naa60 B-protein
found O
only O
in O
multicellular B-taxonomy_domain
eukaryotes I-taxonomy_domain
. O
The O
- O
terminus O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
harbors O
three O
hydrophobic O
residues O
( O
VVP B-structure_element
) O
that O
makes O
it O
very O
difficult O
to O
express O
and O
purify O
the O
protein O
. O
This O
problem O
was O
solved O
by O
replacing B-experimental_method
residues O
4 B-residue_range
6 I-residue_range
from O
VVP B-structure_element
to O
EER B-structure_element
that O
are O
found O
in O
Naa60 B-protein
from O
Xenopus B-species
Laevis I-species
. O
Since O
Naa60 B-protein
from O
human B-species
and O
from O
Xenopus B-species
Laevis I-species
are O
highly B-protein_state
homologous I-protein_state
( O
Fig O
. O
1A O
), O
we O
speculate O
that O
these O
two O
proteins O
should O
have O
the O
same O
biological O
function O
. O
Therefore O
it O
is O
deduced O
that O
the O
VVP B-mutant
to I-mutant
EER I-mutant
replacement B-experimental_method
on O
the O
- O
terminus O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
may O
not O
interfere O
with O
its O
function O
. O
However O
, O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
structure B-evidence
the O
- O
terminus O
adopts O
an O
α B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
helical I-structure_element
structure I-structure_element
which O
will O
probably O
be O
kinked O
if O
residue O
6 B-residue_number
is O
proline B-residue_name
( O
Fig O
. O
1C O
), O
and O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
structure B-evidence
the O
- O
terminus O
adopts O
a O
different O
semi B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
helical I-structure_element
structure I-structure_element
( O
Fig O
. O
1B O
) O
likely O
due O
to O
different O
crystal B-evidence
packing I-evidence
. O
Hence O
it O
is O
not O
clear O
if O
the O
- O
terminal O
end O
of O
wild B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
type I-protein_state
hNaa60 B-protein
is O
an O
α B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
, O
and O
what O
roles O
the O
hydrophobic O
residues O
4 B-residue_range
6 I-residue_range
play O
in O
structure O
and O
function O
of O
wild B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
type I-protein_state
hNaa60 B-protein
. O
In O
addition O
to O
the O
three O
- O
residue O
mutation B-experimental_method
( O
VVP B-structure_element
to O
EER B-structure_element
), O
we O
also O
tried O
many O
other O
hNaa60 B-protein
constructs O
, O
but O
only O
the O
full B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
length I-protein_state
protein O
and O
the O
truncated B-protein_state
variant O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
199 I-residue_range
behaved O
well O
. O
The O
finding O
that O
the O
catalytic O
activity O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
is O
much O
lower O
than O
that O
of O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
is O
intriguing O
. O
We O
speculate O
that O
low O
activity O
of O
the O
full B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
length I-protein_state
hNaa60 B-protein
might O
be O
related O
to O
lack O
of O
Golgi O
localization O
of O
the O
enzyme O
in O
our O
in O
vitro O
studies O
or O
there O
remains O
some O
undiscovered O
auto O
- O
inhibitory O
regulation O
in O
the O
full B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
length I-protein_state
protein O
. O
The O
hNaa60 B-protein
protein O
was O
proven O
to O
be O
localized O
on O
Golgi O
apparatus O
. O
Aksnes O
and O
colleagues O
predicted O
putative O
transmembrane B-structure_element
domains I-structure_element
and O
two O
putative O
sites O
of O
S B-ptm
- I-ptm
palmitoylation I-ptm
, O
by O
bioinformatics O
means O
, O
to O
account O
for O
Golgi O
localization O
of O
the O
protein O
. O
They O
then O
mutated B-experimental_method
all O
five O
cysteine B-residue_name
residues O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
s O
to O
serine B-residue_name
, O
including O
the O
two O
putative O
S B-site
- I-site
palmitoylation I-site
sites I-site
. O
However O
, O
these O
mutations B-experimental_method
did O
not O
abolish O
Naa60 B-protein
membrane O
localization O
, O
indicating O
that O
S B-ptm
- I-ptm
palmitoylation I-ptm
is O
unlikely O
to O
( O
solely O
) O
account O
for O
targeting O
hNaa60 B-protein
on O
Golgi O
. O
Furthermore O
, O
adding B-experimental_method
residues O
217 B-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
containing O
residues O
217 B-residue_range
236 I-residue_range
, O
one O
of O
the O
putative O
transmembrane B-structure_element
domains I-structure_element
) O
to O
the O
terminus O
of O
eGFP B-experimental_method
were O
not O
sufficient O
to O
localize O
the O
protein O
on O
Golgi O
apparatus O
, O
while O
eGFP B-experimental_method
- O
hNaa60182 B-mutant
- I-mutant
242 I-mutant
was O
sufficient O
to O
, O
suggesting O
that O
residues O
182 B-residue_range
216 I-residue_range
are O
important O
for O
Golgi O
localization O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
. O
We O
found O
that O
residues O
190 B-residue_range
202 I-residue_range
formed O
an O
amphipathic B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
with O
an O
array O
of O
hydrophobic O
residues O
located O
on O
one O
side O
. O
This O
observation O
is O
reminiscent O
of O
the O
protein O
/ O
membrane O
interaction O
through O
amphipathic B-structure_element
helices I-structure_element
in O
the O
cases O
of O
KalSec14 B-protein
, O
Atg3 B-protein
, O
PB1 B-protein
- I-protein
F2 I-protein
etc O
. O
In O
this O
model O
an O
amphipathic B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
can O
immerse O
its O
hydrophobic O
side O
into O
the O
lipid O
bilayer O
through O
hydrophobic B-bond_interaction
interactions I-bond_interaction
. O
Therefore O
we O
propose O
that O
the O
amphipathic B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
α5 B-structure_element
may O
contribute O
to O
Golgi O
localization O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
. O
Previous O
studies O
indicated O
that O
members O
of O
NAT B-protein_type
family O
are O
bi O
- O
functional O
NAT B-protein_type
and O
KAT B-protein_type
enzymes O
. O
However O
, O
known O
structures B-evidence
of O
NATs B-protein_type
do O
not O
well O
support O
this O
hypothesis O
, O
since O
the O
β6 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β7 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
/ O
loop B-structure_element
of O
most O
of O
NATs B-protein_type
is O
involved O
in O
the O
formation O
of O
a O
tunnel B-site
- I-site
like I-site
substrate I-site
- I-site
binding I-site
site I-site
with O
the O
α1 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
α2 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
, O
which O
would O
be O
good O
for O
the O
NAT B-protein_type
but O
not O
KAT B-protein_type
activity O
of O
the O
enzyme O
. O
Kinetic B-experimental_method
studies I-experimental_method
have O
been O
conducted O
to O
compare O
the O
NAT B-protein_type
and O
KAT B-protein_type
activity O
of O
hNaa50 B-protein
in O
vitro O
, O
and O
indicate O
that O
the O
NAT B-protein_type
activity O
of O
Naa50 B-protein
is O
much O
higher O
than O
KAT B-protein_type
activity O
. O
However O
, O
the O
substrate O
used O
in O
this O
study O
for O
assessing O
KAT B-protein_type
activity O
was O
a O
small O
peptide B-chemical
which O
could O
not O
really O
mimic O
the O
3D B-evidence
structure I-evidence
of O
a O
folded B-protein_state
protein O
substrate O
in O
vivo O
. O
Our O
mass B-experimental_method
spectrometry I-experimental_method
data B-evidence
indicated O
that O
there O
were O
robust O
acetylation B-ptm
of O
histone B-protein_type
H3 B-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
H4 I-complex_assembly
tetramer B-oligomeric_state
lysines B-residue_name
and O
both O
N B-ptm
- I-ptm
terminal I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
and O
lysine B-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
of O
the O
peptide B-chemical
used O
in O
the O
activity B-experimental_method
assay I-experimental_method
, O
thus O
confirmed O
the O
KAT B-protein_type
activity O
of O
this O
enzyme O
in O
vitro O
. O
Conformational O
change O
of O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
( O
corresponding O
to O
the O
β6 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β7 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
of O
other O
NATs B-protein_type
) O
is O
noted O
in O
our O
structures B-evidence
( O
Figs O
1D O
and O
2C O
), O
which O
might O
provide O
an O
explanation O
to O
the O
NAT B-protein_type
/ O
KAT B-protein_type
dual O
- O
activity O
in O
a O
structural O
biological O
view O
, O
but O
we O
were O
unable O
to O
rule O
out O
the O
possibility O
that O
the O
observed O
conformational O
change O
of O
this O
hairpin B-structure_element
might O
be O
an O
artifact O
related O
to O
crystal B-evidence
packing I-evidence
or O
truncation O
of O
the O
- O
terminal O
end O
of O
the O
protein O
. O
Further O
studies O
are O
therefore O
needed O
to O
reveal O
the O
mechanism O
for O
the O
KAT B-protein_type
activity O
of O
this O
enzyme O
. O
In O
early O
years O
, O
researchers O
found O
adjustment O
of O
GCN5 B-protein_type
histone I-protein_type
acetyltransferase I-protein_type
structure B-evidence
when O
it O
binds O
CoA B-chemical
molecule O
. O
The O
complexed B-protein_state
form O
of O
NatA B-complex_assembly
is O
more O
suitable O
for O
catalytic O
activation O
, O
since O
the O
α1 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
α2 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
undergoes O
a O
conformation O
change O
to O
participate O
in O
the O
formation O
of O
substrate B-site
- I-site
binding I-site
site I-site
when O
the O
auxiliary O
subunit O
Naa15 B-protein
interacts O
with O
Naa10 B-protein
( O
the O
catalytic B-protein_state
subunit B-structure_element
of O
NatA B-complex_assembly
). O
In O
the O
structure B-evidence
of O
hNaa50 B-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
peptide I-complex_assembly
, O
Phe B-residue_name_number
27 I-residue_name_number
in O
the O
α1 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
α2 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
appears O
to O
make O
hydrophobic B-bond_interaction
interaction I-bond_interaction
with O
the O
- O
terminal O
Met B-residue_name
of O
substrate O
peptide B-chemical
. O
However O
, O
the O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
crystal B-evidence
structure I-evidence
indicated O
that O
its O
counterpart O
in O
hNaa60 B-protein
, O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
, O
could O
also O
accommodate O
the O
binding O
of O
a O
hydrophilic O
malonate B-chemical
that O
occupied O
the O
substrate B-site
binding I-site
site I-site
although O
it O
maintained O
the O
same O
conformation O
as O
that O
observed O
in O
hNaa50 B-protein
. O
Interestingly O
, O
the O
terminal O
thiol B-chemical
of O
CoA B-chemical
adopted O
alternative O
conformations O
in O
the O
structure B-evidence
of O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
. O
One O
was O
to O
approach O
the O
substrate O
amine O
; O
the O
other O
was O
to O
approach O
the O
α1 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
α2 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
and O
away O
from O
the O
substrate O
amine O
. O
Same O
alternative O
conformations O
of O
CoA B-chemical
were O
observed O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
)( I-mutant
F34A I-mutant
) I-mutant
crystal B-evidence
structure I-evidence
, O
and O
our O
kinetic B-evidence
data I-evidence
showed O
that O
the O
F34A B-mutant
mutation B-experimental_method
abolished O
the O
activity O
of O
the O
enzyme O
. O
Taken O
together O
, O
our O
data O
indicated O
that O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
in O
hNaa60 B-protein
may O
play O
a O
role O
in O
placing O
co O
- O
enzyme O
at O
the O
right O
location O
to O
facilitate O
the O
acetyl B-chemical
- O
transfer O
. O
However O
, O
these O
data O
did O
not O
rule O
out O
that O
possibility O
that O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
may O
coordinate O
the O
binding O
of O
the O
- O
terminal O
Met B-residue_name
through O
hydrophobic B-bond_interaction
interaction I-bond_interaction
as O
was O
proposed O
by O
previous O
studies O
. O
Furthermore O
, O
we O
showed O
that O
hNaa60 B-protein
adopts O
the O
classical O
two O
base O
mechanism O
to O
catalyze O
acetyl B-chemical
- O
transfer O
. O
Although O
sequence O
identity O
between O
hNaa60 B-protein
and O
hNaa50 B-protein
is O
low O
, O
key O
residues O
in O
the O
active B-site
site I-site
of O
both O
enzymes O
are O
highly B-protein_state
conserved I-protein_state
. O
This O
can O
reasonably O
explain O
the O
high O
overlapping O
substrates O
specificities O
between O
hNaa60 B-protein
and O
hNaa50 B-protein
. O
Another O
structural O
feature O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
that O
distinguishes O
it O
from O
other O
NATs B-protein_type
is O
the O
β3 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β4 I-structure_element
long I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
which O
appears O
to O
inhibit O
the O
catalytic O
activity O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
. O
However O
, O
this O
loop B-structure_element
also O
seems O
to O
stabilize O
the O
whole O
hNaa60 B-protein
structure B-evidence
, O
because O
deletion B-experimental_method
mutations I-experimental_method
of O
this O
region O
led O
to O
protein O
precipitation O
and O
aggregation O
( O
Figure O
S7 O
). O
previous O
study O
suggested O
that O
the O
auto B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
of O
Lys B-residue_name_number
79 I-residue_name_number
was O
important O
for O
hNaa60 B-protein
- O
activity O
, O
whereas O
the O
point B-experimental_method
mutation I-experimental_method
K79R B-mutant
did O
not O
decrease O
the O
activity O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
in O
our O
study O
. O
Meanwhile O
, O
no O
electron B-evidence
density I-evidence
of O
acetyl B-chemical
group O
was O
found O
on O
Lys B-residue_name_number
79 I-residue_name_number
in O
our O
structures B-evidence
and O
mass B-experimental_method
spectrometry I-experimental_method
analysis O
. O
Hence O
, O
it O
appears O
that O
the O
auto B-ptm
- I-ptm
acetylation I-ptm
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
is O
not O
an O
essential O
modification O
for O
its O
activity O
for O
the O
protein O
we O
used O
here O
. O
As O
for O
the O
reason O
why O
K79R B-mutant
in O
Yang O
s O
previous O
studies O
reduced O
the O
activity O
of O
the O
enzyme O
, O
but O
in O
our O
studies O
it O
didn O
t O
, O
we O
suspect O
that O
the O
stability O
of O
this O
mutant B-protein_state
may O
play O
some O
role O
. O
K79R B-mutant
is O
less O
stable B-protein_state
than O
the O
wild B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
type I-protein_state
enzyme O
as O
was O
judged O
by O
its O
poorer O
gel B-experimental_method
- I-experimental_method
filtration I-experimental_method
behavior O
and O
tendency O
to O
precipitate O
. O
In O
our O
studies O
we O
have O
paid O
special O
attention O
and O
carefully O
handled O
this O
protein O
to O
ensure O
that O
we O
did O
get O
enough O
of O
the O
protein O
in O
good O
condition O
for O
kinetic B-experimental_method
assays I-experimental_method
. O
The O
intracellular O
environment O
is O
more O
complicated O
than O
our O
in O
vitro O
assay O
and O
the O
substrate O
specificity O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
most O
focuses O
on O
transmembrane O
proteins O
. O
The O
interaction O
between O
hNaa60 B-protein
and O
its O
substrates O
may O
involve O
the O
protein O
- O
membrane O
interaction O
which O
would O
further O
increase O
the O
complexity O
. O
It O
is O
not O
clear O
if O
the O
structure B-evidence
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
is O
different O
in O
vivo O
or O
if O
other O
potential O
partner O
proteins O
may O
help O
to O
regulate O
its O
activity O
. O
Nevertheless O
, O
our O
study O
may O
be O
an O
inspiration O
for O
further O
studies O
on O
the O
functions O
and O
regulation O
of O
this O
youngest O
member O
of O
the O
NAT B-protein_type
family O
. O
Overall O
structure B-evidence
of O
Naa60 B-protein
. O
( O
) O
Sequence B-experimental_method
alignment I-experimental_method
of O
Naa60 B-protein
( O
NatF B-complex_assembly
, O
HAT4 B-protein
) O
from O
different O
species O
including O
Homo B-species
sapiens I-species
( O
Homo B-species
), O
Bos B-species
mutus I-species
( O
Bos B-species
), O
Salmo B-species
salar I-species
( O
Salmo B-species
) O
and O
Xenopus B-species
( O
Silurana B-species
) O
tropicalis B-species
( O
Xenopus B-species
). O
Alignment B-experimental_method
was O
generated O
using O
@ O
and O
ESPript O
. O
3 O
. O
0 O
( O
http O
:// O
espript O
. O
ibcp O
. O
fr O
/ O
ESPript O
/ O
ESPript O
/). O
Residues O
4 B-residue_range
6 I-residue_range
are O
highlighted O
in O
red O
box O
. O
( O
) O
The O
structure B-evidence
of O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
complex O
is O
shown O
as O
a O
yellow O
cartoon O
model O
. O
The O
CoA B-chemical
molecule O
is O
shown O
as O
sticks O
. O
( O
) O
The O
structure B-evidence
of O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
complex O
is O
presented O
as O
a O
cartoon O
model O
in O
cyan O
. O
The O
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
and O
malonate B-chemical
molecules O
are O
shown O
as O
cyan O
and O
purple O
sticks O
, O
respectively O
. O
The O
secondary O
structures O
are O
labeled O
starting O
with O
α0 B-structure_element
. O
( O
) O
Superposition B-experimental_method
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
( O
cyan O
), O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
( O
yellow O
) O
and O
hNaa50 B-protein
( O
pink O
, O
). O
The O
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
of O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
complex O
is O
represented O
as O
cyan O
sticks O
. O
Amphipathicity B-protein_state
of O
the O
α5 B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
and O
alternative O
conformations O
of O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
. O
( O
) O
The O
α5 B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
in O
one O
asymmetric O
unit O
( O
slate O
) O
interacts O
with O
another O
hNaa60 B-protein
molecule O
in O
a O
neighboring O
asymmetric O
unit O
( O
cyan O
). O
Side O
- O
chains O
of O
hydrophobic O
residues O
on O
α5 B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
and O
the O
neighboring O
molecule O
participating O
in O
the O
interaction O
are O
shown O
as O
yellow O
and O
green O
sticks O
, O
respectively O
. O
( O
) O
The O
α5 B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
of O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
in O
one O
asymmetric O
unit O
( O
yellow O
) O
interacts O
with O
another O
hNaa60 B-protein
molecule O
in O
the O
neighboring O
asymmetric O
units O
( O
green O
). O
Side O
- O
chains O
of O
hydrophobic O
residues O
on O
α5 B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
and O
the O
neighboring O
molecule O
( O
green O
) O
participating O
in O
the O
interaction O
are O
shown O
as O
yellow O
and O
green O
sticks O
, O
respectively O
. O
The O
third O
molecule O
( O
pink O
) O
does O
not O
directly O
interact O
with O
the O
α5 B-structure_element
helix I-structure_element
. O
( O
) O
Superposition B-experimental_method
of O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
( O
yellow O
) O
and O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
( O
cyan O
) O
showing O
conformational O
change O
of O
the O
β7 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β8 I-structure_element
hairpin I-structure_element
in O
these O
two O
structures B-evidence
. O
( O
, O
) O
Superposition B-experimental_method
of O
Hat1p B-protein
/ O
H4 B-protein_type
( O
gray O
, O
drawn O
from O
) O
with O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
1 B-residue_range
- I-residue_range
242 I-residue_range
) O
( O
cyan O
, O
) O
or O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
( O
yellow O
, O
). O
The O
histone B-protein_type
H4 B-protein_type
peptide B-chemical
( O
a O
KAT B-protein_type
substrate O
) O
bound B-protein_state
to I-protein_state
Hat1p B-protein
is O
shown O
in O
purple O
( O
, O
), O
while O
the O
peptide B-chemical
bound B-protein_state
to I-protein_state
hNaa50 B-protein
( O
a O
NAT B-protein_type
substrate O
, O
drawn O
from O
) O
is O
shown O
in O
orange O
( O
Nt B-chemical
- I-chemical
peptide I-chemical
) O
after O
superimposing B-experimental_method
hNaa50 B-protein
( O
not O
shown O
in O
figure O
) O
on O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
). O
The O
α O
- O
amine O
of O
the O
NAT B-protein_type
substrate O
and O
ε O
- O
amine O
of O
the O
KAT B-protein_type
substrate O
( O
along O
with O
the O
lysine B-residue_name
side O
- O
chain O
) O
subject O
to O
acetylation B-ptm
are O
shown O
as O
sticks O
. O
Electron B-evidence
density I-evidence
map I-evidence
of O
the O
active B-site
site I-site
. O
The O
2Fo B-evidence
- I-evidence
Fc I-evidence
maps I-evidence
contoured O
at O
1 O
. O
0σ O
are O
shown O
for O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
( O
), O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
( O
) O
and O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
) I-complex_assembly
F34A I-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
( O
). O
The O
putative O
substrate B-site
peptide I-site
binding I-site
site I-site
is O
indicated O
by O
the O
peptide B-chemical
( O
shown O
as O
pink O
sticks O
) O
from O
the O
hNaa50 B-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
peptide I-complex_assembly
complex O
structure B-evidence
after O
superimposing B-experimental_method
hNaa50 B-protein
on O
the O
hNaa60 B-protein
structures B-evidence
determined O
in O
this O
study O
. O
The O
black O
arrow O
indicates O
the O
α O
- O
amine O
of O
the O
first B-residue_name_number
Met I-residue_name_number
( O
M1 B-residue_name_number
) O
( O
all O
panels O
). O
The O
purple O
arrow O
indicates O
the O
acetyl B-chemical
moiety O
of O
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
( O
). O
The O
red O
arrow O
indicates O
the O
alternative O
conformation O
of O
the O
thiol O
moiety O
of O
the O
co O
- O
enzyme O
when O
Phe B-residue_name_number
34 I-residue_name_number
side O
- O
chain O
is O
displaced O
( O
) O
or O
mutated B-experimental_method
to O
Ala B-residue_name
( O
). O
Structural O
basis O
for O
hNaa60 B-protein
catalytic O
activity O
. O
( O
) O
Superposition B-experimental_method
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
active B-site
site I-site
( O
cyan O
) O
on O
that O
of O
hNaa50 B-protein
( O
pink O
, O
). O
Side O
- O
chains O
of O
key O
catalytic B-site
and I-site
substrate I-site
- I-site
binding I-site
residues I-site
are O
highlighted O
as O
sticks O
. O
The O
malonate B-chemical
molecule O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
structure B-evidence
and O
the O
peptide B-chemical
in O
the O
hNaa50 B-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
peptide I-complex_assembly
structure B-evidence
are O
shown O
as O
purple O
and O
yellow O
sticks O
respectively O
. O
( O
) O
close O
view O
of O
the O
active B-site
site I-site
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
. O
Residues O
Glu B-residue_name_number
37 I-residue_name_number
, O
Tyr B-residue_name_number
97 I-residue_name_number
and O
His B-residue_name_number
138 I-residue_name_number
in O
hNaa60 B-protein
( O
cyan O
) O
and O
corresponding O
residues O
( O
Tyr B-residue_name_number
73 I-residue_name_number
and O
His B-residue_name_number
112 I-residue_name_number
) O
in O
hNaa50 B-protein
( O
pink O
) O
as O
well O
as O
the O
side O
- O
chain O
of O
corresponding O
residues O
( O
Glu B-residue_name_number
24 I-residue_name_number
, O
His B-residue_name_number
72 I-residue_name_number
and O
His B-residue_name_number
111 I-residue_name_number
) O
in O
complexed B-protein_state
formed O
hNaa10p B-protein
( O
warmpink O
) O
are O
highlighted O
as O
sticks O
. O
The O
water B-chemical
molecules O
participating O
in O
catalysis O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-protein
and O
hNaa50 B-protein
structures B-evidence
are O
showed O
as O
green O
and O
red O
spheres O
, O
separately O
. O
( O
) O
The O
interaction O
between O
the O
malonate B-chemical
molecule O
and O
surrounding O
residues O
observed O
in O
the O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
structure B-evidence
. O
The O
yellow O
dotted O
lines O
indicate O
the O
hydrogen B-bond_interaction
bonds I-bond_interaction
. O
( O
) O
zoomed O
view O
of O
β3 B-structure_element
- I-structure_element
β4 I-structure_element
loop I-structure_element
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
. O
Key O
residues O
discussed O
in O
the O
text O
( O
cyan O
), O
the O
malonate B-chemical
( O
purple O
) O
and O
Ac B-chemical
- I-chemical
CoA I-chemical
( O
gray O
) O
are O
shown O
as O
sticks O
. O
The O
yellow O
dotted O
lines O
indicate O
the O
salt B-bond_interaction
bridges I-bond_interaction
. O
Catalytic O
activity O
of O
hNaa60 B-protein
and O
mutant B-protein_state
proteins O
. O
( O
) O
Catalytic B-evidence
efficiency I-evidence
( O
shown O
as O
kcat B-evidence
/ O
Km B-evidence
values O
) O
of O
hNaa60 B-mutant
( I-mutant
1 I-mutant
- I-mutant
199 I-mutant
) I-mutant
WT B-protein_state
and O
mutants B-protein_state
. O
( O
) O
CD B-experimental_method
spectra B-evidence
of O
wild B-protein_state
- I-protein_state
type I-protein_state
and O
mutant B-protein_state
proteins O
from O
250 O
nm O
to O
190 O
nm O
. O
The O
sample O
concentration O
was O
4 O
. O
5 O
μM O
in O
20 O
mM O
Tris O
, O
pH O
8 O
. O
0 O
, O
150 O
mM O
NaCl O
, O
1 O
% O
glycerol O
and O
1 O
mM O
TCEP B-chemical
at O
room O
temperature O
. O
Data B-evidence
collection I-evidence
and I-evidence
refinement I-evidence
statistics I-evidence
. O
Structure O
and O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
242 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
Ac I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
)/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
5HH0 O
hNaa60 B-complex_assembly
( I-complex_assembly
1 I-complex_assembly
- I-complex_assembly
199 I-complex_assembly
) I-complex_assembly
F34A I-complex_assembly
/ I-complex_assembly
CoA I-complex_assembly
5HH1 O
Data O
collection O
* O
Space O
group O
P212121 O
P21212 O
P21212 O
Cell O
dimensions O
a O
, O
b O
, O
c O
( O
) O
53 O
. O
3 O
, O
57 O
. O
4 O
, O
68 O
. O
8 O
67 O
. O
8 O
, O
73 O
. O
8 O
, O
43 O
. O
2 O
66 O
. O
7 O
, O
74 O
. O
0 O
, O
43 O
. O
5 O
α O
, O
β O
, O
γ O
(°) O
90 O
. O
0 O
, O
90 O
. O
0 O
, O
90 O
. O
0 O
90 O
. O
0 O
, O
90 O
. O
0 O
, O
90 O
. O
0 O
90 O
. O
0 O
, O
90 O
. O
0 O
, O
90 O
. O
0 O
Resolution O
( O
) O
50 O
1 O
. O
38 O
( O
1 O
. O
42 O
1 O
. O
38 O
) O
50 O
1 O
. O
60 O
( O
1 O
. O
66 O
1 O
. O
60 O
) O
50 O
1 O
. O
80 O
( O
1 O
. O
86 O
1 O
. O
80 O
) O
Rp O
. O
i O
. O
m O
.(%)** O
3 O
. O
0 O
( O
34 O
. O
4 O
) O
2 O
. O
1 O
( O
32 O
. O
5 O
) O
2 O
. O
6 O
( O
47 O
. O
8 O
) O
/ O
σ O
21 O
. O
5 O
( O
2 O
. O
0 O
) O
31 O
. O
8 O
( O
2 O
. O
0 O
) O
28 O
. O
0 O
( O
2 O
. O
4 O
) O
Completeness O
(%) O
99 O
. O
8 O
( O
99 O
. O
1 O
) O
99 O
. O
6 O
( O
98 O
. O
5 O
) O
99 O
. O
9 O
( O
99 O
. O
7 O
) O
Redundancy O
6 O
. O
9 O
( O
5 O
. O
0 O
) O
6 O
. O
9 O
( O
6 O
. O
2 O
) O
6 O
. O
3 O
( O
5 O
. O
9 O
) O
Refinement O
Resolution O
( O
) O
25 O
. O
81 O
1 O
. O
38 O
33 O
. O
55 O
1 O
. O
60 O
43 O
. O
52 O
1 O
. O
80 O
No O
. O
reflections O
43660 O
28588 O
20490 O
Rwork O
/ O
Rfree O
0 O
. O
182 O
/ O
0 O
. O
192 O
0 O
. O
181 O
/ O
0 O
. O
184 O
0 O
. O
189 O
/ O
0 O
. O
209 O
No O
. O
atoms O
Protein O
1717 O
1576 O
1566 O
Ligand O
/ O
ion O
116 O
96 O
96 O
Water B-chemical
289 O
258 O
168 O
- O
factors O
Protein O
23 O
. O
8 O
32 O
. O
0 O
37 O
. O
4 O
Ligand O
/ O
ion O
22 O
. O
2 O
34 O
. O
6 O
43 O
. O
7 O
Water B-chemical
35 O
. O
1 O
46 O
. O
4 O
49 O
. O
1 O
. O
m O
. O
s O
. O
One O
crystal B-evidence
was O
used O
for O
each O
data O
set O
. O
** O
Rp O
. O
i O
. O
m O
., O
a O
redundancy O
- O
independent O
R B-evidence
factor I-evidence
was O
used O
to O
evaluate O
the O
diffraction B-evidence
data I-evidence
quality O
as O
was O
proposed O
by O
Evans O
. O