Swedish-Public Domain or Swedish-PD is a large collection aiming to aggregate all Swedish monographies and periodicals in the public domain. As of March 2024, it is the biggest Swedish open corpus.
The collection contains 3113 individual titles making up 322,141,347 words recovered from multiple sources, including Internet Archive and various European national libraries and cultural heritage institutions. Each parquet file has the full text of 2,000 books selected at random.
The composition of the dataset adheres to the criteria for public domain works in the EU and, consequently, all Berne-countries for EU authors: any publication whose author is dead for more than 70 years. Additionally, the initial consolidation of public domain status for cultural heritage operates in the EU under the 2019 Copyright Directive (art. 14).
As of March 2024, to limit rights verification, we have retained exclusively titles published prior to 1884.
The corpus will be expanded at a later stage to encompass late 19th century and early 20th century publications, after checking for public domain validity.
The collection aims to expand the availability of open works for the training of Large Language Models. The text can be used for model training and republished without restriction for reproducibility purposes.
The rationales for creation of this collection are multifold:
The entire collection is in the public domain in all regions. This means that the patrimonial rights of each individual or collective right holders have expired.
There has been a debate for years in Europe over the definition of public domain and the possibility to restrict its use. Since 2019, the EU Copyright Directive states that "Member States shall provide that, when the term of protection of a work of visual art has expired, any material resulting from an act of reproduction of that work is not subject to copyright or related rights, unless the material resulting from that act of reproduction is original in the sense that it is the author's own intellectual creation." (art. 14)
This dataset is not a one-time work but will continue to evolve significantly in three directions:
The corpus was stored and processed with the generous support of Scaleway. It was built up with the support and concerted efforts of the state start-up LANGU:IA (start-up d’Etat), supported by the French Ministry of Culture and DINUM, as part of the prefiguration of the service offering of the Alliance for Language technologies EDIC (ALT-EDIC).