{"text": "The default rate limit for the DALL\u00b7E API depends which model you are using (DALL\u00b7E 2 vs DALL\u00b7E 3) along with your usage tier. For example, with DALL\u00b7E 3 and usage tier 3, you can generate 7 images per minute. \n\n\n\nLearn more in our [rate limits guide](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/rate-limits/usage-tiers). You can also check the specific limits for your account in your [limits page](https://platform.openai.com/account/limits).\n\n\n\n\n", "title": "What's the rate limit for the DALL\u00b7E API?", "article_id": "6696591", "url": "https://help.openai.com/en/articles/6696591-what-s-the-rate-limit-for-the-dall-e-api"}