diff --git "a/data/SP/rocstory/test.txt" "b/data/SP/rocstory/test.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/SP/rocstory/test.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,4000 @@ +3 Today she came in half an hour early and ordered two cups . Tom works as a barista at a local coffee shop . Everyday the same girl comes in and orders the same thing . Tom looks forward to her coming in regularly . She motioned to table , and asked if he 'd like to have coffee with her . +2 After a few weeks he became brave enough to talk to her . Tim met Lisa at church . He began attending the same service she did on Sundays . The next month , he asked her on a date . After six months , he proposed . +0 Roy laid out a trap for the neighbor 's dog . He 'd had enough of it leaving messes in his yard . When he caught it , he cruelly tortured it , and then killed it . He tossed the corpse in a dumpster downtown . He got away with it , because the universe does n't actually stop evil . +2 She kept an eye on the cart for a few days . Amy was going outside to check her mail . She noticed a grocery store cart in the lot next to her house . When no one moved it , she decided to call the store to let them know . They came and picked the cart up quickly . +1 When he tried to turn it off , however , it just kept beeping . Alex awoke to what he thought was the beeping sound of his alarm . He realized it was actually the smoke detector going off . He smelled smoke and noticed that the room was hot and stifling . He raced outside , thankful that the smoke alarm had alerted him . +0 It was the first day that Jeb was using the forklift on his own . He lifted the pallet of juice cans high up . As he drove to the drop location he put on the brakes too hard . As the forklift bobbled , the pallet fell into a cooler box . The cans breaking open made it a very large juice box now . +0 Eric had a lot of studying to do before his exam . He had books and papers spread out on his desk . He got up to make some coffee to help him stay awake . When he came back , his cat was lounging across his study materials . He sighed and tried to remove a book from beneath his cat . +1 She woke up early and drove to the hospital . Emma had a doctor 's appointment this morning . She was greeted by a nurse when she arrived . After waiting for half an hour her doctor arrived and gave her an exam Her doctor told her that she was very healthy and had no problems . +2 The other album he had to wait for the physical copy to arrive . Greg ordered two albums from Amazon . One of the albums he could download the digital copy right away . It seemed to take forever for it to arrive . Greg thought the long wait made the music sound all the sweeter . +1 I collected old pictures from family reunions . I wanted my relatives to our know our family history . I photocopied old obituaries that contained our family history . I interviewed older relatives to fill in the blanks . Now my family can see our history on the Facebook account I created . +3 Her hair was falling out and teeth were green One Morning the smith family heard a knock on the door The dad looked outside to see it was outside stood a witch who was wrinkled with a mustache She smiled and asked can i use your phone ? +2 However , she yelled at me when I asked her if she 's ok . Jessica was sitting in the cafeteria alone . I decided to give her company . She also smacked me with her purse . A few hours later , I found out that her brother passed away . +0 Jason had dreams of making the high school basketball team . His peers made fun of him for having this dream , since he was short . He decided he was going to prove them wrong . Jason practiced for months before try-outs . He impressed the coaches and made the team . +1 I could n't sleep , so I wandered around my apartment . One night , while I was tired , I felt a burst of energy . I eventually put on my shoes and went out for a walk . I walked around my block for a minute . I eventually went back to my house . +3 The phone fell out and into the pool . John was cleaning his pool one day . He then answered a phone call . He went to put it back in his pocket . He dove in after but it was too late . +2 Sam stayed at a friend 's house during his visit . Sam had always wanted to go to California . He drove from Virginia to California to visit for a month . Sam and his friend went to Disneyland and Seaworld together . Sam enjoyed his stay so much he decided to move to California . +3 But he did n't know which ones they were . Mike was thirsty . And he had several bottles of water on his desk . Some of them were days old . Mike picked up a bottle at random and drank . +0 I waited several minutes in traffic on the way to the game . Several trucks continued to cut across the lane . When I came to the stadium , the game was over . Everyone was walking out to go home . I decided to stay there for an hour before driving home . +4 After the cruise , they decided to cruise around Mexico next year . Pam decided to purchase a cruise for her and her husband . They have never been on a cruise before . The couple would be taking the cruise around European ports . It would be the first time either one of them went to Europe . +2 He sat in his armchair and thought about all the fun things to do . When Rex was 70 years old , he retired . He had been looking forward to retirement all of his life . Instead , he sat there and did nothing . He missed his old job tremendously . +2 Gina decided to leave lunch early . Gina had eaten with her friend Tami . And Tami had been talking to the girls who did n't like Gina . She went outside to the playground alone . She did n't want to spend her recess with Tami and the other girls . +3 Amy purchased one darker and one light color of foundation . Amy wanted makeup , but it did n't come in her shade . She looked at many brands and was disappointed by all of them . No brand carried a color close to hers . Amy was pleased to discover when mixed , they created her skin color . +4 By the end of the cleanse , she felt like a new person . One of Bianca 's friends had recently done a juice cleanse . She said she felt amazing and full of energy . Bianca had been feeling a bit sluggish after all the holiday food . She decided to have a 5-day juice cleanse shipped overnight . +1 He decides to make a batch of pickles himself . Jorge has always been fascinated by how cucumbers become pickles . When the pickles are complete , Jorge tastes one . His pickle is absolutely delicious ! Jorge is very happy that he has learned to make pickles . +1 Ethan never actually got out of bed until it was time to leave home . I woke Samantha and Ethan up for school this morning . Samantha and I waited in the car for him . When he came out we only had 5 minutes to get to school . Samantha was angry at him because he murdered her late for class . +2 Someone decided that they should take one on the balcony . Bob was at a large party . And everyone wanted to take a picture . So everyone crowded themselves on it . But after a few moments , everyone 's weight made the balcony break . +3 I would often find more than one book to read . I loved to read when I was little . As soon as I would finish one I would find another . I would go into the library and start browsing about . I 'd take them up to the librarian and she would check them out for me . +0 Liza was about to turn 4 . She was having a special birthday party . She wanted to look pretty so her mom took her to pick out a dress . They bought sparkly pink dress with a white fur collar . She even got sparkly shoes to match ! +3 Carol told them it would be good to spend time together . Carol was home visiting her family for the holidays . She asked her family if they would want to go caroling . Her family were all busy doing their own things . Her and her family went caroling and had a great time . +4 Jane felt terrible about what she did afterwards . Jane had a really bad temper . One day she got into an argument with her mother . Jane was upset that her mother did n't let her watch TV past 9 PM . Jane got so mad that she punched the wall . +0 Ever since high school started Billy wanted to get a driver 's license He was finally old enough to enroll in Driver 's education . He studied hard . When the driver 's course was completed he went in to take the test . After all of the hard work he 'd put into it he had passed the exam . +4 Ever since I always go to Church . It was easter Sunday and everyone was getting ready to go to church . I never been to church so I did n't know what to expect . When I arrive there it was exciting and joyful experience . Everyone was nice to me and welcome me . +2 The weather was so cold his pipes burst anyway . A large cold front blew into Ted 's neighborhood . He kept the water running in his house to avoid a burst pipe . Ted tried to fix the mess himself but the water was too cold . He called the water company and asked them to shut it off . +2 He stopped and got out to get a better look . Camden was driving his golf cart to the beach . He spotted a nest of ducklings along the way . The mother duck got spooked and took off . She pooped on the golf cart as she left the scene . +1 It costed a dollar per hour but he realized he forgot his wallet . Albert was going to go play tennis at a public tennis court . When he went to check his car , lying on the seat . He checked his pockets but his keys were missing too ! Albert looked in the car and his keys were on the floor mat . +4 Noelle laughed and forgot all about the ice cream . Noelle asked her dad for some ice cream from the truck . Dad denied Noelle 's request not wanting to spoil dinner . Noelle began to cry and stomp her feet . Dad also began to stomp his feet and pretend to cry . +1 There were people selling purses on the street . Jon went to Rome for a vacation . He decided to buy one for his wife . He gave his wife the purse . His wife got angry because she figured out it was a fake purse . +1 They decided to go to a shooting range and see if it was fun . Trevor and Zach wanted to have fun today but did n't know what to do . After an hour at the range , they both fell in love with it . They decided to go back the next day . Now Trevor and Zach are very happy they chose to go yesterday . +4 Now Uma joins her whole family when they play the flute . Uma was the only one in her family who did n't play the flute . Whenever her sisters would talk about the flute , it made her feel bad . One year she decided to start taking flute lessons . She practiced hard every day for a year until she was a flute expert . +1 She had a test first thing tomorrow morning . Laura was busy studying for her math test . She spent the entire night studying in her room . He was so busy that she forgot to eat dinner . Laura pulled off an A- on her test the next day . +0 Tom loved looking at clouds . He saw different shapes in the clouds . They looked like animals . One day the clouds went away . Tom drew pictures of the clouds instead . +3 She called her brother Jake to come over . Beth was home alone . She heard a noise in the kitchen . She was too scared to investigate . She locked her door and waited in her room . +3 Mordecai looked around nervously , seeing all the faces watching . Mordecai was reading in the Torah to prepare for his bar mitzvah . The rabbi spoke , and Mordecai wandered out onto the stage . As he tried to speak , his throat tightened . Mordecai finally started speaking in Hebrew , reciting the Torah . +0 I loved thyme . But , it cost too much . I decided to grow and harvest it myself . I bought a thyme plant . Finally , my thyme needs were self-sufficient ! +3 Sally landed on her sack of cookies . There was a girl named Sally who loved cookies . She always had a sack of them handy . One day she slipped and fell on the icy sidewalk . She cried all the way home . +3 Last month , she came up with only half her rent amount . Lisa did n't trust her landlords . They did n't bother her , but they did n't speak English . Lisa knew if she had a problem getting rent , they would n't understand . An old Asian man pushed her back and locked the front door . +1 He was going to graduate in two days . Cole was a college student . He was glad it was finally over . Alas , he failed his final exam . He had to stay an extra semester . +1 He did not know what to get his friend . Allen went out to buy a gift for his friend 's birthday . Allen walked around the store for an hour to no avail . Finally he decided to just get a gift card instead . Allen bought a gift card and a greeting card to go with it . +1 He made the cut and got to play in the first game . John tried out for the football team . They put him in as a receiver . On the first play the ball was thrown to him . He caught the pass and made a touchdown . +1 They looked outside . The campers awoke to loud noises outside their tent . Bears were going through their things . They thought they had secured the food appropriately . Until a little cub walked off with a pack of Oreos in its mouth . +4 The new flowers made Glen and the butterflies happy . Glen loved having butterflies in his yard . He decided to change his landscaping to attract more of them . Glen went to the garden shop and bought many flowers . He worked hard planting flowers around his home . +2 Barkley sprinted off to chase the runner . One day Justin took his dog Barkley to the park for a walk . While walking , a runner runs right past them going really fast . Justin chased Barkley for ten minutes before he finally caught him . The two sat near a tree and enjoyed the cool shade after a long run . +2 After leaving the shore , George went into the remote ocean . George decided to take his boat to the ocean to fish one day . He unloaded the boat from the dock and began to take off . While sitting in the water , George noticed a small boat with people . George travelled to the boat and saved a man who needed help . +0 My mom and sister found a cat outside of the grocery store . They brought him home so they could find someone to adopt him . My dad called me to see if I was interested in adopting him . I was , so I drove to their home to meet the cat . I fell in love with him and decided to make him my new pet . +1 Shannon knowing this , did not want anything to do with him . Jay had a very pessimistic view on love . This upsets him further . He starts drinking away the feelings for a while . After a month , he gets over it . +4 He feels satisfied when he finally becomes a professional welder . Quentin wants to find a high paying job that he will exceed at . He has always loved making things and working with his hands . A friend recommends that he try welding . Quentin works very hard to learn how to weld . +4 Patrick was forced to miss the racing that day . Patrick loved racing , and looked forward to going to the track . For one particular event , he made sure to get front row seats . He arrived early and paid no attention to the gathering storm clouds . But unfortunately they would n't be ignored , and unleashed a downpour . +0 Betty resolved to finally make her first kill . All the boys had teased her endlessly about her gender . She was now in front of a scope with the deer in her sights . Betty could not pull the trigger as the deer looked too helpless . Betty decided to go home and take out her frustrations on her husband . +3 Then a thunderstorm hit and ruined his stand . Brad wanted candy but had no money . He started a Lemonade stand to help raise funds for candy . His stand was doing great for the day . Brad did n't make enough money for candy and cried in his room alone . +2 When he got back to the table , the bagel was gone . Ed put a bagel on the table . He went to the refrigerator to get some cream cheese . He put another one on the table . He hid around the corner only to find his dog stealing the bagel . +2 She knit the scarf for weeks . Susan was really into knitting . She wanted to make a scarf for her grandson . It was finally done days before Christmas . Her grandson loved the new scarf he received on Christmas day . +4 I do so miss those good old days . Every summer we drove to the beach with all the kids . We had lots of kids and very little money . We stayed in some very run-down places , and ate cheap food . The kids are all grown and the money is more plentiful . +1 He would use it every day after school . Jimmy loved his skateboard . Last week he tried a new trick . The board snapped in half . Now he keeps it on his wall as a reminder . +0 It was February and the Christmas tree was still up . Janice had a daughter . She died on Christmas day . Janice was depressed . On Valentine 's Day she slit her wrists . +1 He fed him the last lettuce he had . Ed 's turtle was hungry . He was at a loss of what to feed him . Ed gave him some chewing gum . The turtle ate it all up but got sick later in the day . +1 This time was different and would change his life forever . Ashton went to the store like he always had done on Mondays . While he was shopping , a thief robbed the store . Ashton confronted the thief , ashton was shot , but he survived . Ashton became a hero , and eventually became a cop . +3 She almost gave up but then she found a pretty new dress and shorts . Jane was looking for new clothes for her spring wardrobe . She did n't have much money , so she decided to go to a thrift store . When she got there it did n't look like they would have anything . Jane ca n't wait to go back and find more clothes soon ! +1 She was thrilled it was done . Kelly was finally done with her music video . To celebrate she had a party . Unfortunately at the party the audio did n't work . Regardless people still had a good time . +2 One day the site went down and did not come back up . Sammy ran an online business . His hosting service was usually dependable . Sammy called the hosting service to learn why . They said that their servers had overheated and caught on fire . +3 Determined to prove him wrong I spent the next year working out . I tried out for the football team at school . I got cut from the team after tryouts . The coach said that I was n't big enough to successfully play . I became stronger and bigger and the next year I made the team ! +1 She had nine people in attendance . Marty hosted an art class at her studio last Saturday . One of the ladies was my neighbor Joanne . Joanne made a beautiful collage frame at the class . Today Joanne gave it to me for my birthday . +2 Before they left the father got sick . The Johnsons planned a family trip . They always had fun on them . Eventually two other family members got sick too . The Johnsons had to cancel their trip . +2 Showly they sprouted . Ivy planted vines along the foundation of her home . She watered them diligently . As Years passed , they climbed up Ivy 's walls . In a few Years the whole house was covered ! +0 Max was the sharpest shooter in his battalion . He was chosen for a special mission to kill a family . After days of careful preparation , Max was in position and ready . When he had them in his sights , he could not pull the trigger . Max decided to go AWOL and is still missing to this day . +0 Whitney was so tired of always feeling tired . She decide to change her diet to see if it would help . After a week Whitney noticed she had way more energy . She was very pleased with the results . Whitney decided to change her diet permanently . +3 He had to hold his hand in front of it to stop this from happening . Sam was trying to light a fire on a camping trip . It was extremely windy , though . Every time he lit a match , it would go out . It took an hour , but he finally managed to get a fire going . +2 I trapped him inside and nailed the door shut . My son had been talking back to me all day . I 'd decided I 'd had enough by the time he set the garage on fire . He burned to death , and no one was the wiser . I used the knowledge I gained to write a book on parenting . +0 Jennifer is a smoker . She decided to try to quit smoking . Jennifer thought she would need help to quit . Jennifer talked to her doctor about the different options available to Jennifer decided on a combination of medication and a nicotine patch . +2 It was super sour and Adam never had that type of candy . Adam liked candy . One of the candies he had was called the Twist . He started to taste it but quickly had a disgusted look on his face . Adam has never bought a sour candy since that day . +2 Then on one shopping trip he accidentally pulled the cart over . Fay had told her son not to hang on the side of the shopping cart . He continued to do so though . It fell on top of him , making him cry . Fay never had to remind him not to hang on the side again . +0 There was a power outage at Mike 's house . He was hungry . But all he had were canned beans . He walked over to his electric can opener . But it did n't start . +1 One day , he was absent from school because he was skipping . Dallas was a horrible boy who always did bad things . When he got back to school , his teacher told him about all he missed . This made Dallas very angry and he told his teacher she was unfair . Dallas got in trouble for being disrespectful . +1 She was bored and began snooping through the house . Leanne was babysitting a girl . In the parents bedroom , she was digging through drawers . Suddenly , the father appeared . He yelled at Leanne and she quickly ran from the house . +3 When she came by , she said she forgot the hermits . My sister in law came by last Monday . I listed some items to sell for her on ebay . She said she also had hermits for me . Luckily , later that week my wife 's co-worker brought in some hermits ! +1 Fred got in his car to go pick up his date . Fred was looking forward to the dance . Fred picked up his date at her house . They arrived at the dance a few minutes early . They returned home after the dance . +0 Rachel 's friends were all planning on skipping school . She wanted to join them but it was hard to get out of class . She decided to pretend she had a dentist 's appointment . With a fake note , the school believed her . She was able to leave with no problems . +3 Tim realized that the repeat button was stuck . Tim took out his CD player and popped in his favorite album . He listened to the first song . Once the song ended it started up again . He did n't bother to fix it until the song played the third time . +1 They both wanted to choose the name for the puppy . Oliver and Graham got a new puppy . For a while , they argued over who should pick . Finally , their mom said that she would flip a coin for them . In the end , Oliver got to name the puppy . +2 The psychiatrist told her to go to counseling sessions . Caroline struggled from depression . She decided to talk to a psychiatrist . Caroline attended counseling sessions for several months . After her sessions ended , Caroline 's depression was much better . +2 Ivanka looked at many houses . Ivanka was ready to purchase her first home . She had saved up plenty of money and knew what she wanted in a home . She was always unsatisfied with the homes she looked out . Ivanka decided to custom design and build her own home . +0 Pam liked to do puzzles during the holidays . She would pull out all the puzzles she had . And then finish them very quickly . But one of the puzzles was missing a piece . It ruined her day and she was very sad . +0 Amy decided she wanted to learn to play the piano . She registered for a class at school . She was shocked to see it was a private class . She was uncomfortable to be in the room alone with the professor . After a month Amy stopped going to class . +4 Sam now works at the local foundry and is home more . Sam drives a truck for a living . He drives all over the country . He often wishes he were home more . Sam decided to change jobs . +2 Ruth realized she did not own a nutcracker . Ruth bought a bag of nuts from the grocery . She brought it him to eat . Ruth remembered that she did own a hammer . Ruth smack her nuts with glee . +2 He put the hat on once he arrived . Ray bought a new hat online . He had it shipped to his house . The hat was so big it fell over his eyes . Ray boxed the hat back up and shipped it back . +3 Steve made up for it by buying tickets to Mary 's favorite band . Steve and Mary have been married for 10 years . On their 10th anniversary , Steve forgot to get a gift . Mary was very angry at Steve for forgetting this important date . Mary forgave Steve , and they enjoyed the concert together . +3 He saw it right after school the day it was released . Dominic was not a movie lover . But he was eager to see the new Star Wars movie . He avoided ads so as not to ruin any surprises . He was completely satisfied by the movie , and planned to see it again ! +0 Harper was tired of the same old music . She decided to search out some new bands . First , she checked out Youtube , but that did n't go well . Then , she discovered a cool music website . She ended up finding so many new bands that she loved . +4 I won the fishing competition . I went to the lake for a fishing competition . I got in my boat and went out to the middle of the lake . I felt a tug on my fishing pole and started reeling the fish in . The fish was at least five feet long . +4 Georgina and Freddy moved to Canada and were happy . Georgina brought home a black man to her big home in Jackson , MS . Her parents were shocked , because they were racists . Georgina said she was going to marry Freddy , her boyfriend . Her father slapped her and banished her from the home . +0 Morgan felt that her manager at work was n't acting fairly . She felt that the manager did n't pull her weight . Morgan raised the issue repeatedly with higher management . The higher management discussed the issues repeatedly . The manager was chastised and Morgan hoped for improvement . +1 She was only seven and she did n't know whose eggs they were . Karen found a nest of small eggs in her backyard . Could they belong to a lizard or a snake ? She was apprehensive , but eager to know . She watched from her window as the eggs hatched into ducklings ! +3 The referee did n't notice and remained quiet . Diana was dribbling the basketball to the hoop . Two men approached her immediately . She carried the ball for a few steps to move away from the boys . She made a layup to tie the game . +2 She sat in class uncomfortable and fidgeting . Amy had class with the guy she had a crush on . Ray even sat next to her . They were n't friends anymore and it hurt . She bit her nails as the clock crept along slowly . +3 Her teacher ran over to help her . Jenna was playing soccer at school . Suddenly she felt out of breath . She fell on the ground and began having an asthma attack . Luckily she was okay . +3 She decided to go to a game during her trip . Tracy was a big fan of soccer . She traveled to Europe for work last year . She really wanted to watch a soccer match . She got fired because she went to the match instead of work . +0 Mike was a competition trainer and Jacob wanted to shed pounds . In order to get Jacob into shape , Mike put him on a strict diet . For half a year , Jacob seldom ate over half a pound of food per meal . Mike finally placed Jacob on a scale to see how much he lost . Jacob lost a whopping 12 pounds and thanked Mike for the diet . +1 She put it on everything . Lea 's favorite spice was black pepper . Her meals often made her sneeze . She made a meal for a date . He thought it was over spiced , but politely thanked her . +1 He had to do a lot of heavy lifting this afternoon . Stan put on his skinny jeans and went to work . He got into a squat to lift a large box . As he raised the box he hear a rip . Stan put the box down and examined his pants for a rip . +1 We were at the lake one night with shrimp for bait . I enjoy cat fishing with my husband . I felt a tug at my line , and knew I had something big . It seemed like hours while I reeled my fish in . I ended up with a twelve pound catfish ! +4 He put the gun down and called the police . John never fired a gun before . He knew the mechanics of it but the idea scared him . This was the first and only time he would shoot . He quickly learned how terrible it really is . +0 Bob needed help developing a website . He looked for people to test his website and provide feedback . He offered to pay the people a small amount of money for each review . A large number of people agreed to help test . Bob greatly improved his website with the help of the people . +1 When the lifeguard checked the sky she saw ominous clouds . There was a weather prediction of lightning . She asked everyone to get out of the water . The swimmers all complained . The lifeguard ignored their complaints and cleared the beach . +0 Jessica wanted to eat cake . She found a box of cake mix to bake . She baked the cake and let it cool . Then Jessica decided to add chocolate icing . Jessica enjoyed eating her cake . +3 Ultimately , we both really enjoyed the city . The other weekend my fiance and I visited Philadelphia . We are considering moving there in a year or so . We went to check out the houses and met with few realtors . We decided we will likely move there this time next year . +0 Leonard was on vacation with his family in Jamaica . Leonard brought his girlfriend with him to the beach . They relaxed on the beach and sunbathed . Leonard fell asleep on the beach . He woke up in excruciating pain to see his whole body was sunburnt . +4 She was so traumatized , she ran out and never returned . Dana needed money really bad . She had lost her job and was broke . She decided to be a stripper for fast cash . Her first night was horrible as she was groped and grabbed . +3 He asks the new buyers to keep everything the same . Lenny is about to sell his childhood home . The new buyers begins to talk about the changes that he wants to make . Lenny becomes filled with emotion . Lenny made the decision not to sell the house . +0 Christian was born in British occupied India . In 1941 , the Japanese army invaded . Christian was sent to a camp for political prisoners . Christian went hungry , and cried every night in his bed . One day , he was freed by American forces . +1 She had been fighting with friends and was nervous . Taylor did n't want to go to school . She decided to pretend she was sick . When her mom came in , she acted ill and said she felt bad . Her mom knew she was n't really sick but let her stay anyways . +2 Bill thought it would be boring . Bill went on a class trip to Africa . They were going to see pyramids . He did n't want to go . He was shocked to see how amazing and beautiful they actually were . +0 Josephine had a family of seven children . Sickness was always particularly bad in their household as a result . When she heard the flu was going around school , she was quite worried . She cleaned and spent her paycheck buying medicine in preparation . After all that work , not one of her children even developed a sniffle . +4 Her mother noticed and did n't allow her to have any more . Georgina loved her mother 's lemon cookies . Georgina asked her mother for a cookie . Her mother told her to wait until after dinner . Georgina snuck a cookie . +3 Upset and crying , she left his office . Elise was sick for several weeks . She went to a doctor to find out why . The doctor told her she only had a few months to live . On the way she got in an accident and died . +2 My daughter was sad because her baby was growing up . Last week my granddaughter got a new bed . She is one year old and was outgrowing her crib . She replaced the bed on Saturday while her daughter was playing . Our granddaughter liked her new bed very much , and slept well in it . +2 When she arrived at the school another teacher greeted her . Rachel was nervous for her first day at her job in a new school . She was used to teaching grade schoolers , not high schoolers . He noticed she was nervous and started to talk her through it . Rachel was able to cool her nerves and thanked her colleague . +3 One of his friends thankfully covered for him . Mike had an upcoming assignment for his newspaper . He had delayed the assignment until today . He was desperate and sought help . Mike did not lose his job and took his friend out to dinner . +2 He asked the owner for pet advice . Jason wanted a pet . He went to the pet store . The owner suggested that he get a dog . Jason bought a dog . +4 While they were debating , the cat came and ate one of the hot dogs . The husband and wife were discussing the best way to eat a hot dog . The husband thought one should start from the ends . The wife thought one could start from the top and bottom . Their pet car was eyeing their lunch , which happened to be hot dogs . +4 She was caught in the crossfire of bullets fired by gang members . A young lady was shot and killed Saturday evening . 19 year old Shelly Smith was struck by gunfire in front of her home . Police and rescue were called to the scene . Shelly was deceased . +4 Now I feel classy and stylish , carrying around my thrifty treasures . I have always wanted a designer Coach Purse . I ca n't afford one though , as they are quite expensive . Last week , I was at the local thrift store looking for some curtains . Imagine my joy when I found two Coach purses for only $ 17 each ! +2 I was getting hungry around 5 o'clock . Mom and Dad got home late from work on Tuesday . Typically , they make dinner after work . My sister and I made sandwiches with everything we could find . Mom and Dad came home with dinner , but we were too full to eat again . +3 There , she bought a bag of rubber bands for $ 4 . It was a hot , sticky summer day . Ana wished she had a rubber band to tie her hair back . She could n't find one , so she ducked into a gas station . Ana was sad she 'd had to spend so much money to tie her hair back ! +0 Louis was on the roof of his home installing a solar panel . As he reached for his wrench he lost his footing and fell off . Louis laid there on the grass and writhed in pain . As he tried to sit up , he could feel his bones creaking in his back . Louis went to the hospital in an ambulance . +3 Kay started in and was shocked by the cold . Kay and Beth were at the lake with friends . They decided to go for a swim . All the girls expect Kay ran into the water . She decided to stay on the warm beach instead . +1 Gina wanted to search Dave 's desk when she was alone . Gina 's teacher was surprised to see her return from recess early . But she did n't want the teacher to know this . Gina made up a story about having a headache . She was happy the teacher believed her story . +1 It was a very busy morning on the roads . Susan was driving to work . Suddenly she got hit by a car . The car bumped right into her , as she was turning . Thankfully nobody was hurt . +2 They were serving burgers . Helen invited Susan to a church cook out . Susie showed up that evening . Susie ate one . She mingled the rest of the party . +4 His girlfriend agreed and Kevin left . Kevin was at his girlfriend 's house . They began to argue over something . Soon the argument got really bad . Kevin admitted that he wanted to break up . +3 She was n't going fast enough , so she screamed and closed her eyes . Sally swam in a pool outside her house . Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a bear ! She paddled toward the ladder as fast as she could . The bear was actually her mom in a face mask saying dinner was ready ! +0 Ron is a young tree trimmer that works for my father . Last weekend he fell off the ladder . He broke his leg and his collar bone . Everyone brought him get well gifts . Ron does n't climb up ladders anymore . +4 She finally was able to grab it after it got stuck in a tree . It was a really windy day outside . Samantha was on her way to work . A gust a wind blew her wig off her head . Samantha chased after her wig . +1 The traffic light in front of him turned red . Robert was n't paying attention while driving . Robert drove straight through it without stopping . A police officer noticed and pulled him over . Robert got a ticket for reckless driving . +0 Ann and Jane were best friends . They were always together and always had fun . One day they had gotten into a fight over a boy . The boy turned out to be mean to both of them . They realized the fight was obsolete and continued being best friends . +3 Sally was getting sick of car shopping . Sally needed a car . Her husband took her car shopping . They were out all day . Suddenly she seen a brand new red car and bought it . +4 Joe was happy that it rained the next few days too . Joe 's city had hot weather for weeks . Joe was excited that it the forecast showed cold weather soon . The next day , it rained . Joe went outside and thought his city was beautiful when in the rain . +4 She spent a week trying to find out the name of the song . Gina had been listening to pop most of her life . But a the boy she liked listened to Hip Hop . Gina decided it was time to check out a new style of music . One day she could hear his music coming from his head phones . +2 She rushed to the store to find some . Vivi loves pasta . One day , she ran out of pasta to cook ! Luckily , there was an aisle full of pasta . She bought some and happily went back home to cook it . +3 He ran out of eggs ! Bobby was making eggs for his mother 's birthday as a surprise . Her favorite were sunny side up . However , Bobby tried three times and broke the eggs every time . So his mom got scrambled eggs for breakfast . +4 Her parents punished her for lying by grounding her for a month . Asa got a new dress from her parents for her birthday . She promised she would take very good care of it . Asa was playing in the garage and spilled some paint on her dress . When her parents saw paint on the dress she denied she did it . +0 Rye was starving at school one day ! She dug through her purse for change . Then she went down to the cafeteria . She bought candy bars and chips from the vending machines . Rye snacked and snacked until she was sated ! +2 I bought him a leash . My indoor cat always wants to go outside . I do n't want to chase him when he runs from me . I thought we could go for walks together . When I put his leash on he sits down and refuses to move . +1 I decided to buy some cheese . I was at the supermarket . I asked a supermarket employee for a recommendation . She recommended the sharp Wisconsin cheddar . I tried it and it was disgusting . +1 He was having a hard time falling asleep so I decided to read to him . Today I was trying to get my son Noah to fall asleep for his nap . He started to yawn and I knew he was getting close . I started to yawn and I realized I was tired too . We both fell asleep before I could finish the book . +4 From then on she always carried her rock with her when she had a test . Elle was very nervous about her math test . On the way to school she found a beautifully shaped rock . She told herself it was her good luck charm as she picked it up . She got an A on her math test . +4 Mary was able to successfully quit smoking cigarettes . k Mary wanted to quit smoking cigarettes . She bought some nicotine gum from the store . She ate the gum whenever she had a craving . After a month of using the gum she no longer felt any cravings . +3 They thought that it would help them have high-pitched voices . Emma was having her birthday party . She had a bunch of balloons in her kitchen . Her and her friends decided to inhale the helium . For some reason though , it did n't work . +1 He was nervous because he had never played guitar before . It was James 's first guitar lesson . The teacher gave him chord progressions to practice . He spent the next week practicing the progressions . Going into his next lesson , James was much less nervous . +1 In reality he wanted to stop and get coffee but could n't find parking . John is telling everybody his car got stolen . He ended up circling the block for thirty minutes . Instead of leaving , he parked in a red zone next to a fire hydrant . His car got towed . +4 Brad quit his job that day and now is an online survey taker . Brad wants to leave his job for something less stressful . His wife makes good money so he does n't need to be this stressed . He found a job where he can take surveys online for cash . He also would get to work from home whenever he wanted . +4 Jane went to the school and found Tony playing basketball . Jane was waiting for her son Tony to come home from school . The school bus came , and he did n't get off . This had happened before , so she called Tony 's phone . He answered , saying he was staying late for extra help . +3 Sally looked over it later . Sally needed her son 's Christmas wish list . She gave him a book of toys from the big toy store . He went through it and circled stuff he liked . It gave her plenty of ideas for what to get him . +0 Hank was driving down the road one day . Suddenly , he felt a big thump from a minor car accident . He looked over the window and saw that he hit a man 's car . The man got out and he was very angry at Hank . Out of fear , Hank drove off and left the scene . +1 He placed a huge bag on the table . A person caught my attention at the library . When he opened it , I noticed a laptop . He was selling it for $ 200 dollars . Since it was $ 1000 dollars in retail , I immediately bought it . +1 He thought he was in trouble . Jude had a meeting with his boss . His boss brought him into his office . He had Jude sit down . He gave Jude a promotion . +0 Ivan was coming down with a cough . The cough quickly got worse and Ivan was fatigued . Ivan was taking his medicine but things were getting worse . He went to get a checkup and was told he had mono . Ivan wa prescribed antibiotics and felt better soon after . +4 The next day , we attended the football game . Diana and I were driving out of state . After a couple of hours , we decided to stop and have lunch together . Afterwards , we arrived at our hotel . She decided to treat me to a dinner night . +2 I am not a very good gardener so I am hoping it is easy to maintain . My brother recently gave me a Tower Garden . It is hydroponic and works great for herbs and vegetables . The plan is to fill it will herbs and salad ingredients . I am hoping it will save me money on my grocery bill . +4 Now I can drive almost anything . I never learned to drive a stick shift as a kid . The other day I had to use my friend 's car . And of course it 's a five speed manual . It took a few minutes but I got the hang of it pretty quick . +2 He planned to shoot and kill his cheating wife . Ike was angry that he had caught his girlfriend cheating . He went to the gun store to buy a gun . But the store owner said he had to wait three days to get his gun . Ike calmed down by then and decided not to kill his wife after all . +4 We proceeded to talk all night . I was recently at a club and saw this attractive guy . I thought , why not go up and talk to him ? So , I proceeded to talk across the floor . When I approached him , I greeted him and asked if he was busy . +3 The pastor replied that Jesus loved everyone . Every day Joe passed a church that had a sign out front . One day he went into the church . He asked the pastor if Jesus really loved him . Joe replied that Jesus sounded like a skank . +2 She decided to put the top down on her convertible . Sarah wanted to drive around . It was a nice day . It started to rain . She was soaked and had to pull over . +1 We clicked right away . I met her in band class . We dated for 2 years . We drifted apart . We broke up after 2 years . +3 Nancy told the teacher that I was cheating for the entire time . The teacher told each group that they would get $ 10 for the best work . Each group worked passionately . Once everyone finished , the teacher announced that my group won . She also decided to walk out of the room . +2 The kids splashed around in the water for hours . I took the kids to the beach this summer . My youngest had never been there before . They built sandcastles and buried each other in sand . They had a blast and were tuckered out by the time we went home . +3 The park ranger arrived on the scene and put it out . A boy scout wanted to teach himself how to make smoke signals . He tried to get the smoke right but instead burnt his blanket . In a panic he threw the blanket away , causing a forest fire . The scout felt like he achieved mixed success in this effort . +4 Boxes tumbled down as he laughed like a loon . A supermarket clerk was busy setting up a display of boxes . He finished by carefully balancing the last boxes on top . He stood back and admired his tower . A customer ran out of nowhere and drove into the display . +1 She wanted her baby to be born soon . Angelica was very pregnant . Her mom gave her pineapple to help with inducing labor . That evening she started having contractions . She could n't believe her baby was finally coming . +0 Aya was Japanese-American , and proud of her heritage . She decided to honor her culture by learning Japanese . First she watched instruction videos and took notes . Then she practiced speaking with a local Japanese lady . Finally , she took a trip to Japan to show off her new skill ! +0 Tim wanted to be a good party host . He had chips and dip and plenty to drink . He was n't annoying about the noise . But now it was late and he wanted everyone to leave . He turned off the lights and yelled at everyone . +2 At the airport he followed the psychiatrist 's advice . Marvin was afraid to fly . He consulted a psychiatrist for tips to overcome his fear . He felt calmer . He actually enjoyed his flight . +2 I looked online and found a replacement screen . I sat on my tablet on accident . I noticed that the screen was cracked . I ordered the screen and waited . When it arrived , I replaced the broken screen . +4 He decided he was too scared to go back into the woods . Fred went on a hike by himself . Halfway through the hike , he saw a moose . The moose started walking towards him . Terrified , Fred sprinted back . +0 Today I went shopping for apartments . I tried to find the best one . However , the one that I found the best was priced very high . I did n't know what to do . Then I realized it is worth paying more for a nicer apartment . +0 I asked Jeanette if she was free Friday night . She eagerly said no and looked forward to seeing me that day . However , she sent an urgent message to me on Friday . It says that she got hit by a car and was hospitalized . I found out that she was lying since she posted partying photos . +4 Next time , I 'll cook them on the same day or freeze them . I bought pork chops from the butcher to make dinner . I did n't cook them for two days , and they became discolored . I saw a few grey areas but convinced myself they 'd be okay . My husband and I ate dinner and winced at the funky , sour chops . +2 Steve ran to the corner store to shop for sweets . Steve found a crumpled dollar on the sidewalk . He thought of all the candy he could buy with it . There , a little girl was crying because she could n't afford candy . Steve looked at his dollar and knew what to do . +2 The kid in her seat with her just stood there . Gina was in her seat on the bus . As the bus stopped kids began to fill the aisle . He made no attempt to enter the aisle till everyone else was off . Gina was upset she had to be one of the last people off the bus . +4 But Tina did n't want to hurt him , so she said the sketch was great ! Tia told her boyfriend Ronnie that he could sketch her . She knew Ronny fancied himself an artist . She posed patiently for two hours , then went to look at the picture . Ronny had done a pretty poor job sketching her ! +2 In a loud voice , the host announced Martin 's name . It was time to announce the first place winner of the debate meet . Martin squirmed anxiously in his seat . Martin beamed and practically ran up to the stage . He had never won first place before ! +0 Janet needed a Halloween costume . She did not have much money . She took an old bed sheet and cut holes in it . She became a scary ghost ! She had so much fun in her ghost costume ! +1 She kept the grill very hot to cook them faster . Helga was cooking hamburgers on her grill for friends . All of the burgers came out well done . None of her friends liked their burger cooked that much . Everyone had a few bites to look polite . +4 Rose knew the stress was worth it when she held her new license . Rose had been studying for her driving exam for weeks . Finally the big day arrived . Her driving instructor looked intimidating , but she tried to be calm . She passed both the written and practical with flying colors ! +1 Unfortunately , he had lost his foot in an accident . David wanted to learn how to surf very badly . Still , he bought a surfboard and went into the ocean . He pushed himself up on the board , and balanced himself . He did it , he was surfing ! +2 He would spit them out . Ted hated onions . His mother tried to get him to eat them . One day she grilled them with peppers . Ted tried it and loved onions from then on . +2 Finally Matt decided to face his fear of heights . Matt grew up very scared of heights . His older brother loved to jump from trees , but Matt always hated it . He decided to try skydiving . After Matt had tried skydiving , his fear of heights was gone ! +0 Eva was sixteen and had never been pierced . She decided to get her ears pierced . She went to the mall with her friends . They held her hand while the piercer pierced her ears . To her surprise , it barely even hurt ! +2 Then , she put her wedding ring in the locker . Desiree was at the pool . She put all of her things in a locker . When she came back from swimming , she saw that her ring was gone . Soon , she realized that someone had stolen it . +3 Someone had her desired green and silver leggings . Flossie won a pair of red and gold leggings . She felt she looked better in green and silver . One day she decided to trade the leggings . Flossie happily traded . +0 Lian walked to his mailbox to get the mail . He came across a $ 100 bill lying on the floor . He picked it up and went inside . His mom got mad and asked him to return it . He told her that it 's impossible since there 's no name on it . +4 Her dad and mom were both clowns for the local circus . Chet was horrified of clowns since age eight . His parents made him to take a picture with one and his fear started . His longterm girlfriend Ariana knew his fear but she had a secret . There was a reason he had n't got to meet her parents after two Year 's . +1 The worker asked me for some information including my order . I called a local Chinese restaurant to order food . I told him that I want to purchase a family deal . He said that everything is $ 100 dollars . I cancelled the call . +0 Allison always told her mom she wanted to be a big sister . She figured she would always be an only child . Allison 's mother and father surprised her with some big news . They were having another baby ! Allison 's sister McKenzie was born in June . +3 Everyone behind them was screaming and covered in puke . The roller coaster began up the hill with Tom and Will in the front . They were so excited as they got to the top . As the roller coaster dropped , Tom got sick and puked all over . Tom was banned from the roller coaster . +0 David wiped the sweat from his brow . He wondered if he were using the right tool He pressed the screwdriving just a little harder into the limestone . He thrust the tool and the rock gave way . It crumbled and fell to the floor . +0 Alex was going to be performing a concert . He was really nervous but tried his best . At first things went pretty well . Suddenly , there was an error and his sound cut out . Luckily , it did n't ruin the concert . +2 She realized she left her car charger behind . Carol was driving home from college . She had three hours left and her phone died . She was worried about missing a call from her boyfriend . But worrying caused her to miss her exit and she got lost with no gps . +0 Jack thought his car looked too boring . He decided that it needed more accessories . Jack went to a car accessories store . He bought new rims and a spoiler . Now jack is more satisfied with how his car works . +0 Matt got lost in the market . He ran isle to isle , in order to find his mother . An hour later , he was starting to panic . His mother eventually saw him on the ground crying . She rushed to pick him up . +4 She keeps a close eye on it . My friend 's sister had a bulldog . The dog wandered out on the street one day . It was killed by a car . She bought the same type of dog a year later . +2 The branches were soon easily broken . The tree suddenly looked a little limp . The leaves started to drop . The grass around the trunk turned brown . Someone had poisoned and killed the tree . +1 His eyes rolled back into his head . I thought my friend was going to die in my arms today . His head fell back . I tried to get him to the floor to do CPR if need be . Then he woke up . +0 Kate was in love with her boyfriend Jim . She kept hoping he would propose . But then she grew tipped of waiting . Kate decided to propose to Jim herself . She was so happy when Jim said yes ! +4 Jim got sentenced to six months in juvenile detention . Jim was sitting alone in his room , bored . He decided to go out and do something . He tagged the stop sign at the end of his street . A cop sat in his cruiser and watched him do it . +3 One person cut her off and hit her . Julie hated driving in traffic . Nobody used their blinkers or went fast enough . She honked her horn at so many people . She got out of the car scratched up and started yelling at the driver . +0 Cory was an average kid . He however had a unique family . His parents were well known celebrities . Cory always had people trying to be his friend . He did n't trust their true intentions because of his parent 's fame . +0 Jon has an exam in one week . He is procrastinating on studying for it . He knows that he needs to study soon . He ends up sleeping through the exam . He finally gets to the exam and bombs it . +0 Linda was at the library looking for a book for a report . She searched the catalog on the computer . She quickly found the location and went to search for it . Somehow , she could n't locate it on the shelves . Finally , she managed to find it in the return bin . +0 Bev needed a new pair of pants for work . She did n't have a lot of money , so she went to a thrift store . She could n't find any pants there in her size . There was a pair that was a size too small , so she bought them . Bev was uncomfortable the first day of her new job . +2 He tripped on the last step and fell . Tim was a very clumsy boy . Today , he was running downstairs while holding scissors . The scissors he was holding jabbed him in his leg . Tim cried as he looked at the blood coming out of the cut . +2 Then she thought of a solution . Linda was bored after school . None of her school 's activities appealed to her . She started her own club after school . Every day she and her friends chatted and read books ! +3 So he was n't reading the novel as fast as he could have . John needed to finish reading a novel for his English class . But he had trouble focusing . He switched between reading and browsing the internet . Eventually , John became too tired to do either task . +4 The principal agreed to revoke Ali 's suspension . Jane was at Ali 's school to speak with the principal . Ali had been unfairly suspended . The principal started off being stern . After Jane laid into him he changed his demeanor . +2 The old man checked Sue 's blood pressure . Sue was nervous about getting a physical for school . Her parents brought her to the old family doctor for the physical . Sue squirmed when she saw him lift his stethoscope . Sue was relieved when he listened right through her shirt . +4 Sandy felt relieved that her initial nervousness went away . Sandy is going on a cruise with her family . Sandy was nervous because she had never been on a cruise before . The next day Sandy and her family boarded the ship . Sandy played games and various activities with her family . +4 I bought bleach and cleaned my bathroom ! I had n't cleaned my bathroom in weeks . I finally decided to clean it . Alas , I had no bleach . I decided to go to the store . +0 Alex was fishing with his dad . He did n't expect to catch anything but he did . His dad told him that he would have to gut the fish himself . He was really grossed out and did n't want to . Finally , he decided to just do it . +0 Because he embezzled Alex was fired from his job . Alex 's spouse encouraged Alex to seek work in a different field . Alex asked many people if they knew of a job opening . Alex got a lead on a job from an acquaintance . Alex was hired on a temporary basis . +0 Roxy spends a lot of time alone . Even though she is married . She barely talks to her husband . She did n't think this was an issue . But she now realizes she is lonely . +0 Jake was ready for the big race . Jake bet on horses for a living . His favorite was Blue Thunder . One day Blue Thunder got hurt . Jake took care of Blue Thunder from then on out of love and respect . +0 Ken wanted to earn extra money . He put up fliers in his neighborhood . A few neighbors hired him to shovel their driveways . After a few hours of working , Ken collected his pay . He had earned over thirty dollars ! +4 They died on the same night . Bill and Jane married each other . They had three kids . They watched their children grow up . They sent their children to college . +3 He tried on several different pair . Dane had ripped his old pair of shoes while playing . He knew it was time to buy new shoes . Dane drove to the nearest shoe store . Dane left with a new pair of shoes that fit perfectly ! +1 I let Baxter out two days a week while my neighbor is working . The neighbor 's dog is named Baxter . I let Baxter out into the fenced-in backyard . Baxter runs and plays in the back yard . When he goes back inside , Baxter is ready for sleep . +1 Suddenly , they noticed a decrepit old cabin . Cameron was walking home from school with his friends . They dared Cameron to go inside and check it out . Cameron went inside and wandered around a bit afraid . Then , he heard a scary noise and ran out of the house . +3 Penguins , however , smell terrible in large numbers . A small child went to the zoo with his parents . He really , really wanted to see the penguin house . When his parents finally took him there , he was elated . His parents spirited him out of there as soon as humanly possible . +0 Jon 's water heater burst one night . The attic was full of water and the ceiling was damaged . His insurance company refused to file a claim . Jon sued his insurance company . Jon won the suit and was able to fix the damages . +0 There was a frog on the sidewalk . It was all alone . It was hopping slowly . When I took a closer look , I saw its leg was injured . I immediately took it inside to fix it up . +4 DJ told Kurt he was going to play the main character . DJ had an idea for a vampire movie . He called Kurt and told him to bring a costume and fake teeth . Kurt went to the store to buy the props . When Kurt arrived at DJ 's house , DJ already had the script written . +3 My break was already half over at this point . I went into work and forgot my lunch in my car . During my morning break I ran to my car to get it . I grabbed my lunch and rand inside . I defied the rules and stayed for another 10 minutes on break . +1 Everything was going great . When Ramona was out playing with friends she was having fun . Until she got stung by a bee . Ramona screamed in pain . Luckily her friend had a first aid kit so she was okay . +0 Brandon and Courtney were friends in middle school . They reconnected on Facebook when they were in their twenties . They decided to go on a date . They then fell in love . Now Brandon and Courtney are married . +3 Today was the day Matt would finally receive his degree . Matt donned his cap and gown . Proud to be graduating from college . He had worked very hard for four Year 's . They called his name up to the podium and he accepted his degree . +0 Jo sat down to make a paper mosaic for art . She meticulously cut small squares of different colors of paper . Then , she started arranging the squares to make an intricate design . Jo opened the glue to start pasting the squares in place . The glue fumes made her sneeze and the papers went flying . +2 She knew it was the only way to get her sister 's unwanted earrings . Getting her ears pierced was a huge step for Kelly . She tried to act tough , but she had dreaded it for days . On piercing day she called us to lie about being sick , so we lied too . Being told that we were being given the earrings instead worked ! +0 Mollie and Andrew were siblings who were very much alike . As a result , they never got along and always fought . One day , Andrew was very mean to Mollie and she ran away from home . Andrew and their parents spent all day frantically searching for her . When she was found safe , Andrew promised never to be mean to her again . +1 Nobody had a ball to play with . Ted wanted to play baseball with his friends . The friends gathered all the change they could find to buy a new ball . Ted hit the ball into the lake . The friends were without a ball again . +0 Joanna was feeling depressed during the day . She thought of going outside to take a walk . Joanna finally got out of the house , after finishing all her work . She saw the bright blue sky and the colorful blooming flowers . Joanna started to feel better . +0 Kya lost her car keys . She looked all over her house . She was afraid she 'd be late for work . Then she finally found them - in her front pocket ! Kya shook her head at her own silliness . +0 Jude was determined to bring his math grade up to an A . He hired a tutor . He studied every day for an extra hour . When the test day came , Jude was ready . He got his test back and made an A . +0 Katie was terrified of spiders . One night she saw one in the bathroom . She made her dad go in and get rid of it . When her dad had carried it outside , Katie sighed with relief . Then she ventured back into the bathroom . +2 Sam really wanted to party with his friends , so sneaked out one night . Sam was in high-school , so he was n't old enough to drink . All his friends loved to throw parties and drink all night . At the party , Sam saw all his drunk friends acting really stupid . It disgusted Sam , so he stayed sober and drove his friends home . +0 My wife is a shopaholic . One day we went to the Galleria Mall in Cambridge . I saw there was a boat that toured Charles River . I took my son on the boat . We had a nice ride while my wife shopped . +4 Sadly they had stopped carrying the bowls . Alex and his mother went to Target . They were looking for a Spiderman bowl to replace a broken one . There were no bowls on the shelf where they found the first one . Alex asked an employee if they had anymore . +1 He was hungry for lunch , but could n't afford it . Corky was making minimum wage in an expensive area . Corky decided to apply for food stamps . Corky was accepted into the program . Corky was then able to eat a bit of food when he was hungry . +0 Alex and Jackson were on a road trip with their parents . Alex was bored and asked his brother if he wanted to play a game . Jackson agreed and they began to play . Suddenly , they began arguing about the game . Their parents told them to stop talking for the rest of the trip . +4 Jim had to buy a brand new bed from the store the next day . Jim was watching the Chicago Bulls basketball game at home . His team had just won a playoff game against the Boston Celtics . Jim jumped on his bed to celebrate . He broke the bed right in half . +1 But her willpower was terrible ! Ella knew she needed to slim down . She could never manage to stick to a diet in her own . Then Ella joined a kind friendly support group . With their help , she dropped ten pounds in a month ! +0 Jeff worked in an office . He liked his job but he had one insufferable co-worker . One day , the co-worker tried to destroy Jeff 's work . Jeff caught him and reported it . Luckily , the co-worker was finally fired . +4 Then , she was able to buy her lighters . Margaret was trying to buy lighters . The clerk asked her for her ID . After rummaging around for a minute , she realized she 'd forgotten it . She had to go all the way home and retrieve it . +0 My daughter fell asleep as soon as the Plane started to move . As soon as the Plane landed she woke up . We had an hour lay hour . As we got on our second plane she fell asleep again . She slept until we landed in Orlando . +2 He decided to get a green truck . Dillon loves trucks . One day Dillon saved up enough money for a new truck . Dillon crashed the truck on the way home . Now Dillon has no truck and no money . +4 Then I changed my mind and ate cheese instead . I opened the fridge to find something to eat . I saw chocolate cake and cheese . I could n't decide if I wanted cake or chocolate . I reached for the cake . +0 Jane had a taste for sweets . But she was watching her figure and did n't want candy . Then she thought of a solution . She fixed herself a big bowl of berries to snack on . The sweet healthy berries were the perfect treat ! +3 Linda made some coffee and offered it to Tom . Tom and Linda were working together at an office . They were both working on the same project . They were both tired from working so hard . Tom graciously and quickly excitedly accepted . +3 She asked Erin what was being said behind her back . Amy 's mother brought her the phone . An ex-friend Erin was calling her . Amy decided to cut to the chase . When Erin froze and could n't answer Amy said goodbye and hung up . +4 The brother and sister stood back to admire their work . On Tuesday it snowed and Dalia had a day off of school . She spent the entire morning making a cubical snowman . Her brother helped her raise the head in place . She used square pieces of coal for the snowman 's buttons . +3 Each guest put in their guest during the party . Kathy was having a baby . She wanted to wait to find out what she was having . She planned a huge party . She announced they were having a girl . +3 Apparently cereal had too much sugar . Amy asked her mother for a box of Cookie Crisp . She was surprised when she was n't allowed . Amy did n't understand why she could n't have cereal anymore . Amy was sad she had to stop eating cereal . +2 She grated cheese and fried tortillas . Jill always helped her mom cook . One night , she helped cook dinner . Jill was happy to help her mom . Jill 's family enjoyed the tacos Jill help make . +1 She was a bit unsteady but she could do alright . Emma was skiing for the first time . Suddenly , she lost control going down the hill . She swerved to the side and crashed into a tree . Someone came to help her and she was okay . +1 Doctor 's appointments made him nervous . Johnny had been very sick all week . He decided to wait out his illness . Eventually , Johnny had to go to the emergency room . The doctor said he had a bad case of the flu . +3 She enjoyed the food very much . We had neighbors from Buffalo in 1992 . The wife was a vegan . We took them to a vegetarian restaurant in Boston 's Chinatown . She tried to go again with her family but they resisted . +3 She loaded the cake in the car thinking that it would stay in place . Susan loved to bake cakes . She had her first order for a three tier wedding cake . She put dowels in the cake to hold the layers together . As soon as she started to drive the cake fell over . +4 After a month , he measured his weight and saw he lost 10 pounds . Billy 's new year 's resolution was to lose some weight . He signed up for a gym membership . Billy went to the gym every day and lifted weights . He got stronger and stronger every day . +0 When Kayla is hungry , she gets very grumpy . This causes arguments between her and her family . One day her mom suggested she keep a box of crackers in her room . Later that day , Karla went to the grocery store and bought crackers . Now she no longer has any arguments with her parents . +3 Sam took his broken headphones to the electronics store . Sam was listening to music on his iPod . His cat suddenly started to play with his headphones . His cat cut his headphones with a single swipe . He was able to get his headphones fixed very cheaply . +0 Micky wanted a bird . His mom thought it was a bad idea . He did extra chores around the house and kept his room clean . His mom still felt that it was a bad idea but gave in . Micky turned out to be very responsible for his new bird . +2 They went to the river and set up their boat . Ken 's friends wanted to go kayaking . His friends picked him up early on a weekend morning . They all got in and Ken prepared for the wild ride . After much excitement , the crew finished their kayaking trip . +0 Ian wanted to learn how to surf . So he took surfing lessons at his local beach . The beach was very crowded . So he felt self-conscious . Ian was too afraid to take surfing lessons again . +0 Paul was driving his cab in the big city . He saw a woman call for him to pull over so he did . The woman climbed in and was immediately very rude to Paul . Paul tried to talk to the woman but she began to cuss him out . Paul pulled the cab over and told her to get out . +2 They choose Hollywood . Lulu and the girls decided to go away on a girls trip . Everyone was excited . When the girls were done with the trip they met many celebrities . They could n't wait to return . +1 When she finally got to the exhibit , they were asleep ! Lilly wanted to see pandas more than any other animal on her zoo trip . She waited and waited . Finally one woke up ! It walked over to a pile of bamboo just on the other side of the fence +4 He rolled off a cliff and broke his leg . Anthony was good at sports , but not so good at snowboarding . His friends talked him into snowboarding from the top of the summit . The four of them went speeding down the summit . But Anthony tumbled . +4 William and his friends swam back to shore and went out for dinner . William took his friends out to the lake for a sailboat ride . They boarded the sailboat and William began to set sail . After they made it into the lake , they felt turbulence . The boat began to collapse and fall apart , as everyone on board fled . +0 Louis wanted a great godmother for his newborn son . But he could n't think of just the right person . Then he decided that his wife 's sister would be perfect . Louis eagerly asked her the important question . And she happily agreed to be godmother to Louis 's son ! +0 Rita wanted to become a comic . She was very funny . She was afraid to get on stage though . She forced herself to go on stage at an open mike night . She realized it was n't as bad as she thought . +0 The cashier charged me $ 1 for a bottle of coke . I searched into my pocket and I had no single dollar bills . However , I gave a $ 5 to the cashier . In return , the cashier gave me $ 10 dollars . Instead of taking the money , I gave her the right amount back . +3 And each day she watched as Evan walked and fed his new doggy . Little Evan wanted a doggy for Christmas . But he was only 6 and his mom was n't sure he was responsible enough . With misgivings , she bought him a Christmas puppy . Evan 's pet taught him all about love and responsibility ! +1 He shot the basketball over the rim . Bob was playing basketball with his neighbor . The basketball landed into the river next to his house . Bob chased after his basketball . The river was too fast and carried his basketball all the way down . +1 She taught herself how to get great shots . Geena loved photography . Her friends loved having mini photo shoots with her . She decided to start a thriving photography business . Geena was happy to be doing what she loved as a job . +0 Noah could n't stand going to school . Every time he went , a boy named Darren would make fun of him . One day , when Noah was getting bullied , a girl named Kim saw it . She ran and told the teacher on recess duty . Darren went the principal 's office , and Noah did n't worry anymore . +1 They had spent almost two Year 's planning for this day . Chet and Reba planned the perfect wedding . Unexpected Spring showers came right before Reba appeared on the isle . She was about to start crying until she saw Chet . The weather was irrelevant , she was happy to finally get to marry him . +0 Life could n't be simpler for Claude . He worked as a fisherman and the catches were always plenty . One day the local oil company blew up and oil leaked into the lake . All the fish died . Claude was ruined , and now is unemployed . +4 Gunther paid ten dollars to the taller Heinrich . Gunther said he was taller than Heinrich . Heinrich said he was taller than Gunther . Each man wagered ten dollars that he was taller . Their mother measured both men barefoot . +4 When our daughter returned she hugged her child a lot . Our daughter works for a college in New York . She has to go to Shanghai every year to help conduct a symposium . She did not want to go because her daughter is only 18 months old . She had to go , though , for a week in October . +2 She went to her bathroom for medicine . Meg was home and she had a headache . She tried to ignore it but the pain persisted . She took two aspirin with a glass of water . Her headache slowly started to go away . +2 When she entered the room she was nervous . Ella decided to sign up for a painting class . It was her first time painting . Luckily when she started painting she started to get the hang of it . When she was done painting she had a masterpiece +3 She eventually found a gift card and purchased it . Mary needed to buy a gift for her mother 's birthday . She drove to the store and began to look around . After looking for a while , Mary could not decide what to buy . Mary gave the gift card to her mother , who liked the present . +1 He did his job well , nobody knew he had never read one himself . Carl worked at a comic shop , but had never read a comic . One frequent customer eventually caught on to Carl 's secret . The customer quizzed Carl every day until Carl confessed . Carl read his first comic , thanking the customer for the motivation . +1 I accepted the challenge . Blake bet me he could make me laugh in under a minute . He made funny faces and sounds for thirty seconds . Switching tactics , he just stared at me . With one second left , I let out a chuckle . +0 Kelly wanted to try the new Asian restaurant that opened up . She took her sister and the two went to try it . They ordered the most expensive dishes on the menu . To their delight the food was wonderful . The girls definitely would go back . +0 Deb hated reading books . She preferred movies and the internet . That was until she found one she really liked . She could n't put it down . Now she reads more often . +2 A friend tells Reginald that he should try the train . Reginald is commuting into the city . Reginald has been frustrated by the heavy traffic recently . Reginald gives the train a try and really likes it . Reginald finds that he is much more relaxed by using the train . +4 Pia had to go home for treatment instead of to school . Pia was riding to school . Suddenly she rode over a rock she did not see . She fell off her bike and landed hard ! Her knees were both scraped badly . +0 Jodie is Hallie 's favorite teacher . Jodie lets Hallie 's class take a break . The kids play during the break . They have a lot of fun . This is why Jodie is Hallie 's favorite teacher . +4 She eventually chose a purple lavender candle to buy . Alice wanted a new candle for her apartment . She wanted one that looked nice and smelled nice . She went to the store to pick one out . The selection was big . +1 She got out her computer and all of her documents . Mary decided she was going to be productive today . She got a cup of coffee and turned on the computer . When the computer booted , she opened several tabs , ready to work . Then she spent two hours on Facebook and got no work done . +0 Bob was a blues singer from Tuscon . He sang about how his wife left him . Alice was moved by his beautiful sad song . The two went on a date and hit it off . And Bob 's career was prematurely ended . +1 One day , my friend introduced me to post rock . I hated rock music . It was actually pretty good ! I asked him for more post rock bands . I was eventually obsessed with post rock music ! +0 Kristen invited the girls to her beach house on the water . When the girls arrived , they we 're not happy . They saw that Kristen put them up in tiny twin beds . Not to mention they all had to share rooms . Truth be told , the girls were not happy . +0 Reba marched into her boss 's office with a speech prepared . She planned to threaten to quit if she did n't get a raise . Then she saw the stack of bills on the man 's desk . She saw the picture of her boss with his wife and kids . Reba walked back to her desk and got back to work . +3 While trying to back up , I lost control and felt a sudden jerk . My dad told me that he wanted to teach me to drive . He took me to the driveway and I climbed into the driver 's seat . After showing me how the vehicle works , he told me to back up . My dad and I ran out of the car and saw that I hit our mailbox . +3 Somehow , he had ruined the pie . My roommate decided to make a lemon pudding pie . He set to work immediately . He thought it was finished , but the pie was still runny . We never figured out what he had done wrong . +1 I am disabled from a stroke and am eligible for paratransit services . Yesterday I visited my transit authority for paratransit eligibility . I had to show a caseworker how i was disabled . I had to give my doctor 's name and have my walking and balance tested . I will know in three weeks if I am eligible . +0 All the girls at school loved going to the beach and so did Thomas . He never really had the courage to talk to them , but he wanted to . At the beach , Thomas finally got the courage to go over and talk . Becky thought he was shy , but cute . Thomas asked her out on a date and she accepted . +4 Her dad killed it quickly . Mia saw a big spider on her wall . She screamed ! Her dad rushed right in . Mia pointed out the spider . +1 It did n't work at all anymore and it took up a lot of space . John inherited an old clock from his father . On his way to throw it in the dumpster he knocked it on a door frame . The clock sprang to life , unstuck now . John kept it to pass down to his kid . +1 When they saw the movie , they absolutely loved it . Stacey and her boyfriend decided to go to a movie premier . To her delight , Stacey saw her favorite celebrities . She immediately ran to get their autograph . When she received it , she was thrilled . +2 I cried and feared for my son 's future . My wife had just given birth to our son . The doctor informed me that our son was mentally handicapped . Indeed , my son had a hard life growing up . But , he grew to have a stable job and lead a happy life . +3 He found one at a pound . Justin had recently become homeless . He was learning that it was very dangerous on the street . He decided to get a dog . From then on he felt a lot less uncomfortable . +1 He decided to make pasta with lemon and capers . Bob decided to cook dinner . He accidentally put too much lemon in the dish . It tasted terrible ! Bob decided to throw away the food and order Chinese takeout . +3 The soup made me feel wonderful . I was sick . I had no energy to get out of bed . My mother came and fed me soup . I realized how thankful I should be for my family . +0 Meghan is a poor tennis player . She always misses the ball . One day , she hired a trainer . She practiced hard every day . Now , Megan is a great tennis player . +4 The organization was thrilled with her donation . Mavis grew her hair very long . She went to the salon for a haircut . Since her hair was so long she decided to donate it to Locks of Love . The stylist carefully cut her hair . +0 Jane 's roommate had a pet guinea pig . One day , Jane watched her roommate give the pig a bath . She carefully blew dried its fur . She then powdered its feet . Jane thought her roommate was incredibly silly . +4 The fishing boat brought him back to land and gave him dinner . John was a fabulous swimmer and went everyday to the beach . While swimming his laps he started getting pulled out to sea . He floated on his back to let it carry him out . When it stopped he was near a fishing boat that pulled him in . +0 Jane was on her first date since her divorce . She was eating dinner with a nice man from work . Jane realized she was really bored . She ate quickly and asked to be taken home . She hugged the man , said goodbye and went into her house quickly . +4 She covered up and returned to her cubicle to fix the problem . My coworker Anna dressed nicely at work . One day I was walking to the copier behind her . The button behind her skirt had broken . I told her discretely . +1 She especially liked finding and buying old books . Nancy loved spending her Saturdays going to garage sales . She wondered if she had too many , however . Her brother helped her put up several shelf units in her house . She decided she had n't had too many books , just not enough shelves . +0 Abe made some Mac N Cheese for supper . It was delicious and he ate it all . Abe let the bowl sit on his desk for too long . The cheese turned into a hard yellow crust . Abe had a difficult time scrubbing it off ! +4 He would wash all the clothes and she would fold . Bill always fought about who would do the laundry . He thought it was his wife 's duty . She felt she did enough . They eventually decided on a compromise . +2 She took out all the ingredients and made enough fried rice for all . Saturdays had traditionally been Fried Rice day . Jess always made the best fried rice and today was no exception . She served the rice and her family ate it all with glee . After dinner , the family helped clean up the kitchen . +1 Suddenly , a cop turned on his lights . Christy was driving on the highway . She pulled over and spoke with him . He told her that her tail light was out and ticketed her . She immediately went somewhere to have the light fixed . +1 They went out everyday and surfed . Benny and Jester were the best surfers on the beach . A storm came up one day and they went out anyway . Jester watched as Benny caught the biggest wave he 'd ever seen . Jester filmed it and put it up on youtube . +0 Tom was bored at a friends house . His friend did not have toys . Tom decided he would play with rocks . They painted faces on rocks from the backyard . They ended up having a really fun time . +3 The kids were not happy at first . The Jones family went to the beach every summer . This year they decided to do something different . They decided to go to the mountains . However , the vacation ended up being fun and memorable . +1 She was upset they did n't have the book she needed . Amy went to the library at her high school to work on a project . The librarian suggested she check the internet . Amy was n't sure what that was . Amy never imagined it would be so easy to access information . +4 Her music relaxed her and improved her mood . Grace was having a stressful day . Everything seemed too loud . Her schoolwork was overwhelming . When she got home , she put on her headphones . +1 Suddenly her brother ran over , jumping on it . Lucy was sitting on the porch swing minding her own business . She heard a crack . Before she knew it they were both on the ground . Her brother had broken the swing . +3 I also offered to pay for some yogurt . My cousins invited me to eat dinner . We had a good time and they were passionate towards talking to me . When the bill came , I offered to cover half of the cost . They were extremely happy and asked me if they can hang out again . +3 She tried to sell her old necklace to a pawn shop . Casey had an old necklace from her grandma . Casey always thought the necklace was a fake piece of junk . One day , Casey was short on cash and struggling . It ended up being a solid gold necklace with a real diamond ! +1 He 'd finally had enough ! Eli was getting distracted by the files in his download directory . Eli stopped what he was doing and backed up the software . He then moved the files to a proper archive directory . Now Eli is n't as distracted by his messy filesystem . +0 Bobby would interview everyone he could . He bought recording equipment with him all over the place . His friends told him he was being annoying and wasting time . One day someone he had interviewed a year before had a hit song . Suddenly everyone , even his friends , wanted him to interview them . +3 She begged Dan to stay . Beth and Dan were married 10 years . Dan announced he would be moving out . Beth did n't want to be alone . Dan left Beth alone on her knees in the doorway . +0 Yesterday I tried to make dinner for my boyfriend . I chose a recipe from this month 's cooking magazine . At the market , I could n't find all of the ingredients . Making substitutions , the dinner tasted disgusting . My dog would n't even eat it after I threw it out . +1 In their search for happiness , they bought an island . The Johnson family had money , but could n't find happiness . When they arrived at the island there was a huge storm ! The Johnson family barely made it due to working together . Now they find solace and peace within each other , not goods . +1 I 've started pairing trilbies with all of my suits . I also liked how older generations wore nice hats . I think it makes me look debonair . I 've been thinking of buying a top hat as well . But first I will need some spats and a cane . +2 Before the show , Kyle put on his favorite dancing outfit . My friend Kyle entered the school talent show . He was a great dancer . He tried a new dance move he 'd never done before as his final move . Kyle ripped his pants in front of the whole school . +4 Her mom wo n't talk to her now . Amber made plans for Easter . Later her mom asked her to come on Easter . Her mom got really mad that she had plans . Amber offered to change her plans but her mom said no . +3 We took it to an antique shop and had it appraised . My grandmother died and we had to clean out her house . We went up to the attic to look around . We found a very old painting up there . The dealer told us it was very rare and very expensive . +1 The mother put her in creative writing classes . There was a creative child who wanted to be an author . She wrote for hours each day . At the end of the schooling she was really good . She was able to land her dream job . +3 They tightened their budget prior to the slowdown . Greg was feeling stress from his finances . His job was going to be slowing down for the season . Greg told his wife that they needed to start saving . The couple had enough money when his hours were cut . +1 He checked his pockets for cash to buy a school lunch , but had none ! Tee forgot his lunch at home and he was very hungry . Ashamed , he asked his friend Lee for part of Lee 's sandwich . Lee said his mother had packed him two big sandwiches that day . Both boys were able to eat a filling lunch that afternoon ! +0 Anna saw a cat wandering around outside . She went out to investigate . She saw that the cat had a tag around its neck . She called the number on the tag . Soon , the cat 's grateful owner came to pick it up . +1 He felt really depressed . Felix had recently gotten fired from his job . He spent his days on his computer playing video games . He eventually got a call for a job interview . Felix stopped being depressed after getting hired for a new job . +2 Charles ' characters were beloved almost immediately . Charles wanted to write comic strips with a nice message . Charles set to work sketching characters and stories . Charles used his characters to promote kindness and goodwill . Charles was very happy with his lot in life . +0 Janice was walking to the grocery store . She needed to cross one busy highway . At the crosswalk , she pressed the button and waited . When the light turned , she began walking . Suddenly a car sped out in front of her and barely missed hitting her . +4 He vowed to never again eat something he ca n't identify . Billy ate a piece of fruit that fell from a tree . He was n't sure what kind of fruit it was , and he started to regret it . Sure enough , his concern was warranted , as he became sick . He ran to a public trash can , and vomited the contents of his stomach . +0 Jared was going to visit his family . He needed to wake up early for his flight . That morning , he slept in a bit . He had to rush to the airport . He just barely made it in time for his flight . +4 June took jasper home and was relieved . June had a cat named Jasper . Jasper suddenly became ill and june worried After a week she knew she needed a vet . She finally took him to the vet and Jasper got a shot . +4 They handed Ana her license on the way out ! Ana had been studying for her driver test . She went to the test with optimism . She aced the written part . Then she did well on the road test ! +3 Tim began squeezing the steering wheel very hard while driving . Tim was an expert martial artist . Tim had a long commute to work . Tim thought about how he could benefit from the commute . Tim saw his grip strength increase and was pleased with his decision . +2 She could n't believe how bad it was outside . Kelly looked outside her window . There was a terrible snowstorm . When she looked outside they had three feet . She ended up losing power . +0 Briana was at the mall with her sister . They noticed a big stage that had been set up . They learned that it was a free-for-all modeling contest . They decided to sign up and participate in the show . In the end , Briana did pretty well and made it to second place . +1 She was very rich but not the beauty . Doris was a hideous middle age women . Her dream was to become a beautiful women . She found a plastic surgeon who would operate on her . The surgeon operation was a success and she became beautiful ! +4 It did n't take too long for me to find my friend . Last weekend a friend invited me over for a party . After spending some time getting ready , I headed over . Once I arrived , the party was well under way ! There were lots of people having fun and dancing ! +4 Jerry graduated with honors and went on to help lots of animals . When Jerry was a little boy , he wanted to be a scientist . Jerry studied very hard all through high school . He got into college , where he realized he loved animals . Jerry switched his major to become a veterinarian . +0 Cara finally took the training wheels off her bike . She was excited to finally ride the bike without them . Thankfully she was able to take them off . To her surprise however , she fell off the bike . She skinned her knee and needed first aid . +2 The waiting list was at least five weeks ! Nero bought a fiddle and was eager to learn to play it . He signed up for a course , but became distraught . Nero was on fire to learn , but managed to make it through the wait . He excelled at the class when he was finally able to get into it . +3 He had auditions with two groups . Tom really loved to play music . He had just moved to a new town . Tom searched for bands to play with . Tom is now playing in two bands . +3 They spend too much time drinking . Kate goes on spring break . She goes with a group of friends . She is having a blast with her friends traveling . Kate regrets not doing more sightseeing . +4 Then , she waited and hoped . Jessica was having a horrible day . Her mom was sick and Jessica was worried . She was an atheist but she decided to try praying . It was awkward , but she tried to be earnest . +4 When she looked in the mirror , she was startled to see a clown ! Little Jane saw a beautiful princess in a movie . She decided she wanted to look as pretty as the princess . So she went into her mother 's vanity and pulled out some lipstick . She put the red lipstick all over her lips . +2 I cut up the turkey and was going to throw away the bones . My brother is a hunter . He decided to give me a turkey that he hunted . My brother suggested that I make bone broth instead . I made some bone broth and it was tasty ! +2 They did n't speak the whole day . Sean and Sara had an argument . They disagreed about who should clean the kitchen . Eventually , the argued again . This time they resolved the disagreement . +4 We went home with our new furry friend . Our family went to the pet store on Saturday . We spent time looking at all of the pets . We spent the most time looking at ferrets . We decided to buy a ferret as a new pet . +2 After a few seconds , something landed on my head . My uncle decided to set up some fireworks outside . He set it on fire with a match and several lights sparks . I found out that it was burnt pieces of the fireworks . I immediately went inside . +3 She hurried to apply pressure and stop the bleeding . Ana was making paper garlands . But then her finger slipped . The scissors cut her hand badly ! Afterwards , she applied a bandage to keep away infection . +3 Now , as she read the book she realized it was n't so bad . Gina sat on her grandma 's couch and began reading a new book . She was n't really interested in the book . But it was the best of the worst available at the store . She took a break and was amazed to see 2 hours had passed . +3 She steeled herself and dumped the bucket over her head . Mara was nominated for the ice bucket challenge . She had her mom record a video of her . Then she went outside and filled a bucket of icewater . Then Mara showed everyone the video of her completing the challenge ! +0 My grandpa fought in the second world war . On his deathbed , he wrote his will . When he died , our lawyer read the will . My grandpa left me his medal of honor . I cried tears of joy because it showed that my grandpa loved me . +3 He taught leadership and valuable technical skills to help his team . Once , there was a coach named Mike who was very old . Mike had never won a championship , but he always worked hard . One year , he got a surprisingly good team of athletes . His team performed well and brought him his first championship . +3 Once boiling , she added the water to a cup with a tea bag . Taylor was thirsty . She decided to make herself a cup of tea . In the kitchen she started to boil water . Once the tea cooled , she drank it and was no longer thirsty . +3 Then she saw a dress that she fell in love with . Edna needed a new dress for the school dance . She went to the mall with a friend to try them on . After trying on at least a hundred dresses , she was discouraged . It fit her perfectly and she bought it on the spot . +1 I had no transportation or money for a cab . I was spending a week in new york . I decided to take a subway to work . I went to the subway station and it was crowded . I rode for an hour very uncomfortably . +4 It was a way to test our responsiveness after a stroke . I had a stroke in 2011 . I spent 8 weeks in a rehab . We had group therapy every week . We had to play a game throwing bean bags into a hole . +2 Today Lucy could find nothing to occupy her time . Lucy 's grandmother watched Bonanza everyday . Lucy hated westerns and usually did n't watch . She sat and watched Bonanza with her grandmother . Lucy realized the show was that bad after all . +1 She went to the pet store to intending to buy a dog . Kay lived alone and wanted a pet . At the store a cat stood up and looked at Kay . Kay knew this was her new friend . Kay named her new friend Vina , and took her home . +4 Her tv watching helped her feel better . June was home sick from work . She laid on the couch and watched TV . She only planned to watch a few shows . Those few shows turned into 5 seasons . +3 She began walking to her teachers desk . Gina 's desk was old and scratched . But the new boy in her class had a brand new shiny desk . Gina decided she would ask for a new one as well . Another student beat her to the desk so she was forced to wait . +1 In order to entertain them , she decides to play the harpsichord . Paula notices that several guests at her party seemed bored . She plays a few inspirational songs . Her guests are very impressed with her musical skills . Paula is glad that her guests are no longer bored . +0 Derek went to the technology store . He ran across a new laptop on sale . He tried out the flip screen on the computer . It was able to turn around however , it ended up breaking apart . Derek ended up running away from the store . +3 His face started swelling up . Jimmy was playing basketball with his friends . He felt a prick on his arm . A bee had stung him . He had to go to the hospital because he had a bee allergy . +2 She met a man she thought was attractive . Lisa really wanted to find a nice place to meet men . She settled for signing up on a dating website . They met at a restaurant . He did n't have any money because he just got out of prison . +3 He tried to find the umbrella , but it was hard with the rain falling . Eric was walking home from work when it started raining . He walked in the rain for three blocks , getting soaking wet . Then Eric remembered he had an umbrella in his backpack . When Erik finally found his umbrella , it had stopped raining . +4 If that does n't make him stop I do n't know what will . My dad smokes and we have all told him to stop . No matter what we say he still smokes . One day he was coughing so he went to the doctor . The doctor told my dad he has lung cancer . +3 Carl arrived in Vietnam . Carl loved to travel . Carl decided to travel to Vietnam . The plane ride was very long . After a week , Carl decided he would live in Vietnam . +3 She lost interest when she saw my bank account . I was at the bank the other day . The girl working the counter was really cute . I started to flirt . I do n't want a gold digger anyway . +3 As I entered the living room I saw a ghost looking at me . I woke up to a strange noise last night . I was very confused when I sat up . I heard another noise so I walked to the hallway to find the noise . I then ran into my room and stayed there the rest of the night . +3 But Bob was caught . Bob was hungry during science class . But there was still another 45 minutes before it was over . He tried to eat some of his lunch without his teacher noticing . The next day , he had to bring candy for everyone as his punishment . +3 It feels good to be outside on her bike . Janice decides she needs to get out of the house . She has heard of a craft festival on the other side of town . Janice takes her bike on the long ride to the craft festival . When she arrives at the craft festival , Janice feels happy . +4 Her friends complimented her new nails . Laura wanted to get her nails painted . She went to the beauty salon . She got her nails painted pink . Afterwards , she went to the mall . +0 The black dog did not appear to have a home . Jimmy saw the dog and felt sorry for it . He walked over to it slowly . The dog came over to Jimmy and wagged his tail . Now the dog has a home with Jimmy . +2 Nobody can understand why he would pre-order tickets . Bob is a huge Star Wars fan . He pre-ordered tickets to see The Force Awakens . To him , though , it makes perfect sense . Now , he 's guaranteed to be able to see it . +2 She ordered an expensive pair of headphones online . Erica wanted new headphones . So she did extensive research to find the best ones . Then eagerly awaited their arrival . But when she finally cut open the box , she cut the cord too . +4 Dave is grateful for the doctor he went to . Dave was always getting sick . He went to the doctor and he was diagnosed with allergies . Dave learned how to control his allergies with medicine . Dave is not as sick anymore . +1 He rarely got pimples . Guy had a pimple . He could not afford to have one on his face . He went to the store to get pimple cream . Guy 's face is now pimple free . +1 Her parents had set it up as a family room . Gina wanted her brother 's room when he left . One day she came home and the family room was moved . It was now near the laundry room . Gina was hopeful she would be getting the empty room . +1 So she decided to go to a furniture shop . Kim wanted a new table . She saw a table that looked attractive . But a salesperson talked her into buying another one . Later , Kim regret giving into his advice . +1 her name was tammy , she lived with her husband and 2 grown kids . my friend , introduced me to a lady who is very sweet , but not bright . well her son is extremely messed up , he lives there uninvited . well several times the police were called to remove him . the only problem is the cops wo n't and the kid keeps destroying things +0 Mr White 's 3rd grade class went to the art museum . They saw many different paintings . The group 's favorite was a VanGogh painting called Starry Night . The group discussed the colors and swirly patterns in the picture . Mr White bought a poster of the painting to hang in class . +0 Bea loved her kind teachers and wanted to show it . She wanted to give each of them a meaningful holiday gift . But she had 8 teachers and she could n't afford 8 gifts ! Then she devised to bake each teacher a homemade pie for a gift . Her teachers were all so pleased with their special presents ! +2 He joined a tour to the site of Auschwitz . Neil loved sightseeing in Germany . But he was a Jew and he wanted to make a somber detour . There , he prayed for the Holocaust victims . When he left , he felt sad , but glad he had gone . +3 When we checked the guidebook , it was n't there . We were traveling through the city with an old guide book . At first we were able to find all the best places to visit . But then we overheard people talking about a Museum of modern art . We then decided we needed a new guidebook . +4 It took a few minutes , but Amy finally realized Kim was upset . Amy ran to her room and called Kim . She told her all about her secret rendezvous with Ben at the park . She was so excited she did n't realize Kim was not pleased . Kim liked Ben and did n't want him to be with Amy . +1 She was bored and did n't know what to do . Briana was riding her bike . She decided to ride to her teacher 's house . When she got there , she knocked on the door . Her teacher was happy to see her and they chatted . +1 I grabbed them and brought them inside . My shoes were on the porch from the night before . I put my socks on . I put my left shoe on and felt a sharp bite on my toe . There was a spider in my shoe . +1 Becky decided to plead with him to attend Thanksgiving dinner . Becky 's dad is a cranky old man who does n't go to family gatherings . He told Becky that he did not feel well enough to go . Becky knew he was lying . Becky does not ask him to attend family gatherings anymore . +0 Erin had a lot of work to do on his computer . So he had several windows open . He hardly had any screen space left . So he bought a second computer monitor . Erin 's second monitor allowed him to be so much more productive . +0 Lauren is usually a nice girl . One day she comes across someone who is hurt , and lashes out on her . She did n't handle the person 's anger correctly , making it worse . The person ultimately stabbed her . Lauren decided to let people lash out and just deal with it . +2 A person caught Ray in the act . Ray stood by a fountain and watched people toss in coins . When everyone left , he jumped into the fountain to steal the coins . Ray told the person that he was cleaning the fountain for the city . The person believed Ray and did n't do anything about it . +3 I regretted what I did . I used to be honest about everyone I knew . One day I told the world about my best friend Tracy 's love life . Tracy stopped speaking to me . Tracy forgave me when George Lucas bought the rights to his story . +4 Everybody is sad but nobody is surprised . Bob adopts two lion cubs . Everybody thinks he 's crazy when he decides to raise them . But Bob is convinced that they wo n't hurt him . Six years later Bob 's wife finds him torn to pieces by the lions . +4 The neighbor told the other tenants and one hit Houston in his face . Houston was a big black guy . He intimidated everyone , but one day he was beat up . Houston 's neighbor complained his mailbox had been broken into . The neighbor caught Houston prying open the neighbor 's mailbox . +0 Sam wanted to be an artist . He drew portraits of his friends all the time . He later on started putting it online . He started getting a lot of exposure and people wanted to pay him . Now he makes a legitimate living off art . +2 Alice saw a big cow . Alice 's class took a field trip to a farm . Their teacher promised they would see many animals . She asked if she could pet the cow . The cow was very soft . +1 She had been homeschooled for ten years and was tired of it ! Ora wanted to go to public school . Her mom refused to let her attend public school . But Ora kept begging , and finally her mom agreed . Ora went to public school and made dozens of friends ! +1 I always told them to consider the future . When my daughters were little they often fought with each other . I asked them if they would like to be friends or enemies as adults . I told them that fighting was bad for their relationship . They must have listened because as adults they are best friends . +1 I had thought I was going on a kiddie train ride . When I went on the big thunder mountain ride it was scary . Then we started going fast . Unexpectedly we dropped . I was so mad I went on that ride . +3 He sat around and looked at us all angrily as if we had done it . The dog snores when he sleeps . Sometimes , he snores quite loudly . One day , he snored so loudly that he woke himself up . The next time he started snoring , the cat slapped him . +4 Sadly , the FXFL went of business this year . I was a fan of the FXFL . This is an acronym for the Fall Experimental Football League . I was a fan of the Boston Brawlers . They played in Harvard Stadium . +2 She stepped closer . Brianna looked down the dark road . There were strange sounds coming from a bush . The sounds got louder . A bear then jumped out , attacked and killed her . +0 Bill smelled his clothes before he put them on . The clothes gave off a nasty odor . Bill collected all his shirts and pants and put them in the washer . He added some extra detergent because they were so bad . The washing machine overflowed a little bit they clothes got clean . +1 He decided to eat a salad . Bobby was very hungry . His stomach continued to feel hungry . Bobby made a big steak and potato . Finally Bobby felt full . +3 Jim went home and set up the pool . Jim sat in the hot sun in his yard . He decided he wanted to go swimming but did n't have a pool . Jim went to the store and bought a pool . Soon Jim was relaxing in his own pool . +2 That night he went to the bar to drink alone . Todd found out his two best friends are getting married . He felt bad since he was the last one to be single . While he was there he started talking to an attractive girl . He thought he found the one , but she was taken so he drank some more . +4 Today , he lifted a 100 pound box at work . Tom felt weak . He could n't lift a 50 pound box at work . He wanted to be stronger . He started working out everyday for 6 months . +2 Carla 's mother did not want to pay for party entertainment . Carla loved to face paint . It was her sister 's birthday . Carla suggested she face paints . Everyone had an amazing time thanks to Carla 's art . +1 As Gabe got older , he decided to learn magic just for fun . Gabe loved magic tricks ever since he was a child . As Gabe performed tricks , he learned that many others loved watching . Gabe got so good , he started doing magic for a living . Now , Gabe is known as one of the best magicians in town . +0 My favorite parts of chemistry class are the laboratory sessions . We do a lot of titration in my analytical chemistry lab . My favorite titration was using EDTA to chelate magnesium . When the titration was complete the solution turned from pink to blue . I thought the colors were beautiful that day in lab . +0 Sam was an adventurer . One day he went to a jungle . He found many interesting things . He stumbled across a wallet . He opened it and took the money he found in it . +0 Ali had been suspended from school . Her mother Jane came straight to her room after leaving work . Jane listened as Ali told her side of the story . Ali had tried repeatedly to avoid the fight . Jane decided to go to the school and speak with the principal . +0 David was looking forward to the big game on Saturday . He collected his foam finger , seat cushion and noisemaker . Then he laid out his favorite game day clothes so they would be ready . On game day a big storm washed out the road leaving from his house . Wearing all of his gear , David watched the game on the television . +0 Jenna was out with friends on the last day of summer . They saw a talent competition in the park . They decided to enter . They put together a dance routine . They did n't win but it was a fun way to spend their last day . +1 He accidentally threw it out the window . Charles was playing with his new toy truck . He went out and could not find it . He asked his mom to find it for him . She found it . +4 The kids grinned and said they knew a game called Get the Babysitter . Marcia was excited about her first babysitting job . Her parents dropped her off to babysit for friends . Her parent 's friends introduced the kids and left for the evening . Marcia asked the kids what games they wanted to play . +4 Darcy won the suit . Darcy was showing a dog . She was at the show and knew the judge . Her dog became disqualified . She contested the ruling due to misunderstanding . +0 Today was Dave 's very first auction . He had traveled from his home town to come to the big event . He was excited and nervous . The car Dave wanted was next on the list and he was ready . After bidding back and forth , he was able to win his dream car . +4 Luckily , they did , and they let her in . Shawn wanted to take Sarah on a date . The theater was for people 18 and up , though . Sarah was only 16 , so she had to lie about her age . She did n't think that anyone would believe her . +4 He had to send in an exterminator . Sam left out food over night . He did n't think much of it . The next morning there were a bunch of ants around it . Sam tried to kill them all but could n't . +2 When he arrived home his mom 's car was in the driveway . Dan was hoping he got home before his parents left work . He wanted to get his report card from the mail and keep it from them . He looked through the mail , but the report card was gone . His mother took his X-box for a month due to bad grades . +2 Ellie waited too long to sign up and there were very few spots left . Ellie was in the eighth grade . All eighth graders got to be aides for the teachers . Luckily , one of her favorite teachers had a spot open . Ellie signed up and got the spot . +2 My daughter told a funny story and we all laughed hysterically . My daughters and I decided to go to the ocean for the weekend . I drove my car and was careful to drive safely on the thruway . I realized I was driving too fast when I saw a police car behind me . The fun ended when the police officer handed me my speeding ticket . +4 He gave me a prescription for to alleviate swelling . I went running today in the woods . I twisted my ankle on a fallen branch . i went to the doctor for an x ray . The doctor said the it was n't broken . +0 Dan really wanted to be a great photographer . He has all the equipment but does n't know how to use half of it . He started taking online courses in his spare time . He studying hard and practiced taking great pictures . Now Dan sells his photographs for money ! +2 He read books on what to do . Rob had a problem . He could not make friends . Eventually , he worked up the courage to socialize . Rob now has lots of friends . +0 Vianna 's grandfather was sick . He needed to have a surgery . Everyone in the family chipped in to help pay for the surgery . The day came and the surgery was successful . Her grandfather still died a few days later . +3 She put a bowl of food on the porch and watched out the window . Alice pet sat to earn extra money . She had a job with a new family , watching their two cats . When she opened the door to the house , one of the cats darted out . Within a few minutes the cat was back . +4 Now , she hated the new boy even more than before . The new boy in the class was getting a new desk . The janitor brought it in and set it up . The desk was brand new . Gina looked at her old desk which was covered with scratches . +1 The wind blew and move the cloud away from him . A man was walking along and saw a cloud he really liked . He decided to follow the cloud as far as he could . The cloud drifted far over mountains . The man waved to the cloud and went home . +2 He never complained while on the job about anything . Joe was a hard working man . He did every job he was assigned with excellence . Joe 's boss noticed his great work ethic and attitude . Joe received a big promotion and pay raise . +0 I found a hole in my panties and decided to get some new ones . I went to the store down the street . After looking over the kinds , I picked one I liked . I went to the register to make my purchase . Afterwards , I went home and put my panties on ! +0 Mary needed money for holiday shopping . Mary ended up taking a second job as a waitress . Mary made enough money for her holiday shopping . Mary went to the mall and bought all the presents she wanted . Mary quit her job after shopping . +2 Eli finally found a perfect place for them to hang out . Eli was part of a misfit group of kids with no place to go . They 'd been kicked out of the library and arcade alike . It was an old swimming pool on the edge of town . Eli and the other kids made it into their own private skatepark . +1 He was making burgers . Sam was cooking at home . He decided to flip it up in the air with the pan . He missed it on the way down . It ruined his meal . +4 Now Melba has her own orange juice business . Melba has many orange trees in her yard . She often gives oranges to friends and family . One day she had an idea to make orange juice . She sold her orange juice to local markets +3 During the next morning , she found some money on the ground . Heidy was late on all of her bills . Her house is also going to be evicted since she ca n't pay the rent . She did a small prayer and went to sleep . It contained an envelope with $ 1500 dollars . +0 During lunch break , Diana rushed into her car and drove off from work . When she arrived at her son 's preschool , she got out of the car . She went into the cafeteria . Since the after-care kids were in the cafeteria , Diana 's son was there . He ran to her to give her a hug without any hesitation . +2 They usually leave early in the morning for work and come home late . Ellie always wanted to get a dog . Her parents always turned her down because they are very busy . When Ellie turned 13 , she promised to take care of the dog herself . Her parents trusted her and got her the dog . +1 Brian went to the store to buy new shoes . Brian needed some new tennis shoes . Brian found Nike shoes for $ 100 . Brian paid the cashier and took the shoes home . Brian put on the shoes and went running . +1 Gina now refused to go the principal 's office . Gina 's teacher was upset she was in a fight . The teacher was upset and insisted she leave . Gina became aware of the stares of her classmates . She decided it would be better to just leave . +0 Ted was all alone in his apartment . All he ever did was play the piano . One day , the piano played all by itself . Ted got very scared . Ted ran out of the apartment and never returned . +3 She waited a few minutes . Julia was suspicious she was pregnant . She went to the store and bought a test . Then , she went home and did the test . Then , she checked the test and saw that it was positive . +4 Jimmy was grounded from using the computer for a month afterwards . Jimmy was playing his favorite computer game League of Legends . Jimmy kept losing due to his terrible internet connection . Jimmy began to become irate . He smashed his computer monitor with his keyboard out of frustration . +0 Lola wanted to give her friends scented lotions for Christmas . But she could n't afford the expensive store prices ! Then her mom helped her find a solution . They used a big bottle of plain lotion and added perfume . The lotions came out smelling great and costing very little ! +2 We bought a lot of random stuff . Yesterday my husband and I went to Target . We bought a lot of snacks and cleaning supplies . We spent a lot more than we should have . On the way home I had to examine the receipt . +1 She took him to the doctor . Meg 's baby woke up with a fever . He was diagnosed with chickenpox . Meg had to stay home with him for a week . Meg was glad when he finally felt better . +2 When she went to eat it , she realized that it was still cold . Naomi was heating up leftover soup . She put the bowl in the microwave for a few minutes . She had to try heating it up several times . Finally , it was warm enough to eat after a lot of cooking . +3 He was anxious but assured himself he 'd be on time . Jim awoke earlier than usual this past Saturday . Almost like a child he dressed and scrambled for his gear . Within minutes he was down the road and at the gates of the park . Before finishing his first turn around the pond , he saw her . +1 He asked the girl to be his girlfriend . Cruz had a crush on a classmate . The girl admitted that she was interested in someone else . Cruz was heartbroken . His mother spent days trying console him . +0 Kelsi and her ex boyfriend Kyle had a terrible break up . Both were very upset about it . Kelsi missed Kyle so much . Kyle reciprocated the feeling . They decided to get back together , +0 Jerry asked if his friend can pay him for climbing the monkey bars . They agreed to hand him $ 10 dollars each . He grabbed the first bar and climbed across . His hand ended up slipping on one of the bars . He landed on the ground , with his stomach falling first . +2 But she did n't want to go there . Emma 's parents assumed she would go to their elite alma mater . With her grades and their largesse in donations , she knew she could . She wanted to follow her boyfriend to the local state school . Though appalled , her parents eventually decided to support her plan . +1 Mary felt uneasy so she hid a camera in the eye of a teddy bear . Mary hired a new babysitter for her one year old . She reviewed the film , absolutely stunned . The babysitter had done something very shocking . She cleaned and put away the dishes without being asked to do it ! +4 But the police arrested him for selling stolen property . Jamal wanted to make money , not go to school . He started hanging with people who considered themselves hustlers . He dropped out of school to hustle in the streets full time . In a year he earned enough money for a small condo . +3 I had to have surgery to pin it in place . I fell out of a 3 foot high tree . Landed in just a way that cause my elbow to break . Mom took me to the hospital . Now I have to wear this cast for 4 weeks . +2 It was a guy who seemed fairly out of shape . Candice was out for her normal morning run . Along the way she noticed a new person jogging her route . He kept staring at her . She got creeped out and ran a different direction . +1 But he could n't finish it . Travis was eating a hamburger . So he decided to throw it away . But later , he felt guilty about wasting the hamburger . So he decided to eat nothing the whole day . +0 Steve was only 5 when he met the Candy Maker . Steve watched in awe as the Candy Maker worked his magic . Steve grew up and decided to train under the Candy Maker . The two worked together for decades . The Candy Maker retired and made Steve the new Candy Maker . +2 When she was cleaning , she saw a mouse . The cleaning person we hired started today . She cleaned the windows , the floors , and the walls . She suggested we set up mouse traps . She finished cleaning and then left . +3 Her mom took her school clothes shopping . A little girl was very excited to go back to school . The girl loved to read . She could n't wait to meet new friends and have her own desk . The little girl picked out many outfits and a new pair of shoes . +0 Anna is working on her taxes . Anna is having difficulty completing them . Anna seeks the advice of a tax expert . She has her taxes prepared for her . Anna finishes her taxes and received a nice refund . +0 The bride had doubts about getting married . She talked to her fiance about their decision . The groom reassured her that he loved her . She remembered how much she loved him too . The wedding went forward without anymore problems . +0 Brad was a good kid , but even good kids do bad things . Brad used to light ants on fire with a magnifying glass One day his mother caught him doing this . She became furious , but mostly worried about Brad 's health . She talked to Brad and explained , so he agreed to stop . +4 Now Jim and Mrs Wang live together in the USA . Jim taught English in a small school in China . He had a crush on the math teacher Mrs Wang . Mrs Wang had an abusive husband who beat her . One day , Jim beat up Mrs Wang 's husband and told him to scram . +1 He knew he was going to be getting money back . Bill was excited to receive his tax return . He was planning on getting new furniture . He had been waiting a long time to get it . Once it arrived he went to the store to buy it and enjoy it . +3 It was n't easy to make up her mind to move on from him . Molly had a boyfriend that never paid any attention to her . She felt like she did n't matter and like she was invisible to him . He made her cry all the time and she knew she had to leave him . She left one day and never went back and he still did n't care . +4 Once it was fixed I tugged on it to check for strength . I put my hands in my pocket when they were cold . My fingers found their way to a hole in the pocket . I flipped out the pocket to observe the hole . I took out my sewing kit to patch it up . +0 Julia was doing a school project . She needed to learn about her family history . She was going through some old books . The history was so new and interesting to her . She had a new appreciation for her ancestors . +3 It took her quite a while to paddle over to the object . Jamie was riding in a canoe . She noticed something white and shiny in the distance . She decided to go and check it out . When he finally reached it , he saw that it was a dead fish . +4 Tim is glad that he went back to school . Tim hates his job at McDonald 's . So he goes back to school . Tim graduates with an engineering degree . Within ten years Tim is making over 250k a year . +1 He began saving money for his trip there . Rex had always wanted to see Arizona . Rex finally visited the luxurious spas in Scottsdale , Arizona . He felt relaxed and happy . Rex was pleased that he had finally seen Arizona . +1 He 'd never done one before , but he was sure he could do it . Greg was riding his bicycle and decided to try to do a wheelie . Greg gave it a shot , and ended up landing on his head . He was okay , but his pride sure was n't . Greg decided to practice a little more before trying that again . +1 They went a few times a year and always had a good time . Bobby was excited to go fishing with his grandpa . Grandpa picked him up early because that 's when the fish were best . He caught six fish that day . His mom cooked them for dinner that night . +3 He 's very satisfied with the nightstand . Henrik is heading to Ikea . He needs a new nightstand . He locates a modern piece . He 's happy with the price . +3 He got the entire crowd to do the wave . Mike basketball team was losing the game . He could tell the players had no more motivation . Mike stood up and ran to one side of the stadium . His team felt very motivated after this . +4 But Joe had been practicing , and he soundly trounced Darryl . Darryl loved poker , and thought he was great at it . He challenged his cousin Joe to a game , and won easily . Darryl bragged to all their family and friends about his win . When they next played , Darryl thought he had it in the bag . +3 Both of my brothers ended up being hit by the large pile . My two brothers were smacking the mountain with shovels . They were trying to make a hole into the snow pile . Eventually , a pile of snow fell from above . I helped them get out by pulling on their arms . +4 They loved that dog and it completed their family . John and Kerry were a happy married couple . They decided to buy a dog together . They decided on a Husky because it was the most beautiful . They bought a Siberian Husky . +4 Timmy was very sad . Timmy made a paper boat with his dad . As Timmy put it into creek , he went to the bridge to watch it pass . just as the boat was about to pass by , a frog jumped on it . The paper boat sank into the water as the frog swam away . +4 She kept them safe and warm until rescue workers arrived . Samantha boarded a small plane in Wyoming . Not long into the flight , the engines gave out . The plane tumbled to the ground , where it crashed . Samantha was able to save several other passengers . +3 He decided to buy all the rest of the Star Wars movies . Charles went to see his first Star Wars movie . He has never been a fan of Science Fiction before . By the time half of the movie was over , he was hooked . And that same weekend , he watched them all . +2 Her parents bought her a guitar for Christmas . Jenny was a ten year old girl . She loved the sound of electric guitar . She practiced for hours every night . After a year , Jenny could play guitar very well . +2 One day there was a huge rain storm . Karen needed a new roof on her house . She was too cheap to spend her money on it though . Karen woke up to find her ceiling leaking in every room . Karen regrets not getting her roof fixed before . +2 I used a GPS phone app to get there . My wife saw a child 's bowling set on sale on craigslist . The location was in Waltham . The set was in good shape . Our granddaughter plays with it when she visits . +4 Darrell felt good that he did the right thing . Darrell went down by the river to get water for the amp site . When he was down there he found a gold watch . When his camping trip was done he went to the local police . Someone claimed the watch and they were so grateful to Darrell . +3 Although he never expected it , he found he liked the flute best ! Michael went to the band fair at his school to pick an instrument . He did not like how the trombone sounded . He felt the tuba was too big for him . He became the best flute player in his school 's band . +3 She pulled the door handle , but nothing happened . Gina 's car was covered in snow . She needed to clean the snow off , but the brush was in the car . She wiped the snow off of the driver side door with her glove . The door was covered in ice , and frozen shut . +1 She wanted to go home . Martha was at the babies doctor 's appointment . She was growing really hungry . Her head also hurt a lot . Martha ended up going home before they attended her . +3 Sammy was able to stay home from school . Sammy was feeling sick . She threw up in bed . Her mom cleaned up the mess . She decided to watch Netflix in bed all day . +4 The pasta was still hard and the dish was ruined . Tiffany set a pot of water on the stove to boil . She then placed pasta inside . She did not check to make sure it was done . She drained the pasta and mixed in the sauce . +1 Jessica agreed and both planned to go bowling that night . Matt went up to Jessica and asked her out on a date . Matt met with Jessica at the bowling alley and began to play . They both went to dinner afterwards . After dinner , Matt drove her home and kissed her on the cheek . +1 Benji met with several different puppies at the shelter . Benji wanted to adopt a new puppy for his birthday . Benjis favorite puppy was a small black puppy with a wiggly tail . Benji decided to adopt the black puppy . Benji named his new puppy banjo . +0 A construction company wanted to build a bridge over a river . The lead engineer wanted to try out a new technique . He built the bridge without using any concrete or steel . The bridge was held for 45 seconds without collapsing . All the debris blocked the river and created a dam . +0 Molly thought she was really cool . She then asked if other people thought this , they said no . She went to her mom and told her this . Her mom told her only her opinion matters . Molly now does n't care if she is cool or not . +1 They asked some other tourists where was the best place to go . The Americans were new in town and looking for something to do . Quite a few people suggested the red light district . The tourists ' faces turned red , but they went out of morbid curiosity . It turns out the district literally sold novelty red lights ! +2 He planted the seeds , and waited . A man thought he 'd try growing tomatoes in his garden . So he bought seeds and equipment . A few months later , he found himself the owner of a small cornfield . His friends were baffled that he could n't tell the seeds apart . +4 Stephanie decided to change her bank to avoid future issues . Stephanie made a deposit into her bank account . The banker told her that her account was suspended . Stephanie was shocked and asked why . The banker told her that they were investigating some fraud . +0 Isaiah was a DJ for the party . He played several tracks that everyone was familiar with . All of a sudden , the electricity went off . The entire room became dark . It took an hour for the electricity to come on again . +4 He is n't sure he will be able to father a child now . Joey was a skater . He could do many tricks on his roller blades . One day he tried to grind on a hand-rail . Instead he landed with his legs on either side of the pole . +2 One Saturday morning she went out to water the plants . Something was eating the strawberries in Bev 's garden . Whatever it was would take big bites out of them . There was a turtle taking a bite of a big red berry . She thought he was so cute that she could n't be angry at him . +1 She went to the farmers market on Saturday . Alice loved peaches . She ran quickly to the peach booth . Alice loaded up all the peaches she could . And went back home with 20 pounds of peaches . +2 Now she was very uncomfortable . After dinner Gina was stuffed . She had eaten way too much food . Feeling full was starting to make her feel ill . She left the living room and went to lie down on her bed . +0 Jake was having trouble making ends meet . His job did not give him enough hours and he was behind on rent . He decided to start working on Mturk for extra money . Jake worked long hours the days he did not have to go to work . He made enough money to pay his rent on time ! +2 There , the doctor removed the bullet . Ben was hit by a stray bullet . A passerby rushed him to the hospital . He bandaged Ben and then discharged him . Ben realized he was lucky to be alive ! +3 David was her pet , while she made me work like a dog at the farm . My stepbrother David and I never got along . My stepmother favored him over me in a large way . Unknown to my father , she always made me sit in the backseat . One day I broke David 's nose while we were in a heated fight . +4 Jane decided to get on birth control . Jane thought she was pregnant . She took a test to make sure . It turned out she was n't pregnant . It was still a scary experience . +1 He decided that he wanted to go for an early promotion in his company . Daniel was a very good worker . He showed up to work early everyday , and always stayed late . He was one of the best workers in the company . At the end of the year , Daniel earned his early promotion . +0 Nancy walked to the front of the stage . The judges told her to start . She started to sing . However , her voice squeaked during the middle of the song . She stopped to catch a breath , but ended up fixing her tone . +3 They both fell and hit their heads . Brittany and Tiffany were twins . Their grandpa put them on top of a horse when they were little . Brittany began to fall , and dragged Tiffany with her . Tiffany had to get stitches , but Brittany was fine . +4 She landed safely and had a great vacation . Amanda had never flown before . She was excited and nervous to board the airplane . There was turbulence on the flight . She was scared that the plane would crash . +0 Terry brought home a cat . The cat was very unhappy . Terry did not know why . The cat did not eat its food . It turns out the cat only eats fish . +3 Felipe was hired the next month ! Felipe had wanted a full time job for Years . However , he was having difficulty getting hired . Finally Felipe 's friend recommended he work as a sanitation worker . He felt very grateful to have a full time job . +3 Jake was sad Dan would n't come over . Dan 's friend Jake had a new power wheels truck . Dan was jealous of his friend . When Jake asked Dan to visit Dan declined . Dan did n't care if they were never friends again . +3 It was finally time to eat . Becky was very hungry . Cindy started cooking supper . The kitchen was filled with the tantalizing smell of cheeseburgers . Becky was relieved that her stomach was no longer making noises . +1 He went to the store to buy a few things . Craig wanted to get rid of change . He wanted to pay with his change . There was a big line behind him . Craig was too shy and just paid with his debit card instead . +4 Hallie realized how lucky she was that her family loved her so much . Hallie 's birthday was coming up . She had many items on her wishlist . Becky and Cindy wanted her to have a great birthday this year . They worked very hard to make enough money to buy her presents . +4 Her guardian was very angry for changing her plans . Jackie and her family were planning a trip . Jackie had an argument with one of her friends . She did n't feel like going to the trip . She told her guardian that she did n't want to go . +3 Then to our surprise he threw it back to us . Marty threw our Frisbee over the fence into our neighbor 's back yard . It hit the house window and made a loud sound . A man walked out the back door . It sailed over our heads into our other neighbor 's yard . +1 I was going to pay him back today . My friend loaned me twenty bucks last week . Right as I was going to , I got a flat tire . So I kept the money to replace it . I 've been avoiding him ever since . +4 He smiled at me , but then fell back asleep . There is a man here in Florida that dresses like Santa but begs . He has been drunk and passed out on the side of the road many times . He always wears a Santa costume , even in the summertime . Last week , I brought him a bag of granola bars and some bottled water . +2 Even though she was tired , she pushed herself to get dressed . Leila was drained after being sick all week . Her birthday party was tonight , but she was tapped out . Her guests started arriving around seven . By the time the cake was cut , Leila felt much better . +1 She noticed that her milk was leaking . Sara was grocery shopping . She notified a cashier . The cashier quickly retrieved a new milk for her . Sara thanked her . +4 Finally , a nice guy came to her table to chat . Sandy was excited to go Speed Dating . She was anticipating meeting a lot of nice people , especially guys . She waited patiently at her table for guys to chat with her . She was starting to feel sad as no one appeared to her table . +4 Then the good news that he finally was cavity free ! Eddy never visited the dentist without having at least one cavity . So between visits this last time , he was diligent about flossing . He hoped his hard work had paid off . He had his fingers crossed as his dentist looked at his x-rays . +2 Leah decided to make some extra money by selling homemade jewelry . Leah learned that Metallica was playing a concert in a few months . She could n't afford tickets . She saved up enough for the ticket . Leah had the time of her life at the concert . +2 Two hours later she checked on the dishes . Erica collected all the dirty dishes in her house . She put them in the dishwasher and ran it . Some of them were not clean enough . Erica put in more soap and ran it again . +2 She struggled to pay her rent . Delia had a clothing store . Due to the economy , business slowed way down . One day , she decided to close her store permanently . She was sad to see her business fail . +4 She hung three towels from the board to dry . Mel 's dryer had broken . She hung her clean clothes all over the house to dry . Then she ran out of space on doors and counters . She decided to unfold her ironing board and use that . +3 Kevin 's living room was full of taxidermy . Kevin loved to hunt . It was his favorite way to pass time . He had killed all types of animals . He was very proud of his hunting skills . +1 I routinely have coffee , juice , and oatmeal . Sunday 's breakfast was bigger than usual . Today , in addition to the above , I had a bagel and eggs . My wife fried up the eggs and toasted bagels . I was pleased to eat such a nice breakfast . +1 We jumped into the cold water . My friends and I decided to go swimming in the ocean . We were swimming for about ten minutes when my friend screamed . He swam to the shore crying . He had been stung by a jellyfish . +1 She wanted to be a nun . Mindy was raised in a Catholic household . Mindy went to the convent to begin her training . Mindy fell in love with a really hot priest . Together they abandoned their vows and moved in together . +1 He was a little intimidated by it . Ed wanted to read a long novel . He marked off sections in the book . Then he read a few chapters at a time . Soon he had finished the whole novel ! +1 She set up her stall in a park . Kay was selling flowers to raise money . At first she had no customers . But then more and more people came to her stand . She had sold all her flowers within just a few hours ! +3 After walking a long time , Steven continued to be followed . Steven left work one day at night . He began to walk down the sidewalk to his house . Suddenly , Steven noticed a figure was walking behind him . He panicked after a while and decided to go into a local cafe . +0 Kevin wanted to gain muscle . So he started lifting weights . After a few months , he became noticeably stronger . And he posted pictures of himself for everyone to see . Kevin wanted to be stronger so he could post more pictures of himself . +4 That sparrow was promptly eaten by a cat . A flock of sparrows flushed out of a tree . The sparrows made a left turn . They found a new tree to settle in . One of the sparrows refused to leave . +4 There was a hole in the ground under the car . The car pulled up to the audience . Twenty five clowns climbed out of the small standard sedan . Jack went to investigate how the clowns fit in the car . He moved the car forward six feet . +2 Craig asked her if she would teach him some cool dance moves . Craig had a crush on a coworker of his named Linda . He learned that Linda loved to dance . Linda thought it was adorable and they arranged a date . They had a great time and are now dating . +4 I hope he stops for good . My friend Tim smoked from 14 on . He is 45 now . He stops for awhile , then takes it up . This year he stopped when he 14 year old took it up . +1 Birds kept flying into the door and injuring themselves ! Ava 's house had a clear glass sliding door . Finally Ava had had enough and decided to try to stop it . She attached colorful static clings to the door , all over . The clings deterred the birds and stopped them hurting themselves ! +2 There is a large woman with long flowing red hair in his way , Bob works as a dishwasher at a restaurant . He goes out front to restock plates on the salad bar . So he asks her to move and calls her miss . When the person turns around it 's a man , not a woman . +3 They were about to give up when the janitor came up to them . Susan lost her teddy bear at the train station . She cried and cried when she realized it was gone . Her family brought her back to the station to look for the bear . The janitor had found Susan 's bear and returned it to her . +1 He wanted to plant some grass and start a garden . Mike had an unfinished backyard . Mike had no idea where to begin his project . He decided to hire a landscaper . In three days time he had his dream backyard and was happy . +0 Kim was at a sushi restaurant . But she wanted to try something new . She ordered salmon egg sushi . She thought it was terrible and felt embarrassed . She tried to finish it but nearly threw up . +2 They talked for several minutes . Brad walked into the diner . He ended up walking towards an attractive lady sitting down . Before he was about to leave , he offered his number . However , her boyfriend stopped by and confronted Brad . +2 Then yesterday Maggie told her she was not invited . Kelly heard about Ella 's New Year 's party . She got all excited to go . Kelly immediately was upset . But she decided to have her own party instead . +3 The kids were apologizing for their misbehavior . Several kids were being obnoxious in class . My teacher finally yelled at them so they can calm down . He took out several referrals . However , the teacher did n't care and gave them referrals . +2 He took a guess and threw it in a random yard . Bill woke up to find a basketball in his backyard . He did n't know which neighbor it belonged to . His neighbor saw and shouted and Bob . Bill got embarrassed and ran back inside his house . +1 He bought his plot and everything . My uncle was adamant about being buried . There was a confusion with the paperwork at the hospital . He was cremated by accident . We buried the ashes but are still suing the hospital . +1 He was so excited to pick out his very own book , all by himself . We took our four year old to the bookstore for the first time . We went to the children 's book area and his eyes got big . He picked out a book with a fluffy teddy bear on the front . When it was time to go , he decided he was never letting it go . +2 Although I was nervous , I said yes . Janice decided to bring her baby to my house . She asked me if I want to hold him . She handed the baby to me . After a few seconds , he began to cry violently . +4 Finally they saw 2 of the boys walking towards the park . Amy , Lynn , and Kim were at the park . They were supposed to meet some boys from Lynn 's block . It was a cool fall night , and they girls were getting cold . After 10 minutes they began to think they were n't coming . +1 It was too hot to hold so he grabbed a towel to use like a pot holder . Andy had just made some soup in the microwave . As he was walking , he tripped . The soup spilled everywhere because he had no grip on it . He had to clean it all up and had no more soup to eat . +3 A few days later , he called her into his office for a meeting . Dee was a great student , and her grades were high . She wanted to speak at graduation , so she asked the principal . The principal said he would review her grades and let her know . He said her grades were so high , he 'd made her valedictorian ! +1 When he turned eighteen , he did n't want to go to college . John was a seaman and a fisherman , even as a teenager . He asked his parents for a loan to buy a house . They said no and forced him to enroll in college . John went to Long Beach State and bought a boat with a student loan . +2 Then Tina puts on her swimsuit . Tina likes to swim . She puts on her sunblock . Her mom drives them to the pool . Tina jumps in the pool and starts to swim . +1 His friends knew about his fear . John was always scared of roaches . They decided to pull a prank on him . He entered his car one day . He found hundreds of roaches in his car as he freaked out . +0 Monty 's mom let him make his own bear . He picked out everything for his new friend . When it came time to stuff him , he wanted him extra snuggly . He put as much stuffing inside as he could fit . Then his new bear 's clothes barely fit him . +2 Sarah blew out the candles at the end of the night . It 's was Sarah 's 25th birthday . She decided to celebrate by having a party . Her hair caught on fire while she was trying to blow out the candles . Her friend threw water on her head to extinguish the fire . +3 Finally he is in terrific physical shape . Lester wants to find a way to meet girls . His friends recommend he try working out to get in better shape . Lester begins lifting weights and jumping rope . However , he still has n't been able to meet any girls . +4 Ali went back to her table no less confused than before . Ali was at lunch when her friend pointed out a girl who hated Ali . Ali decided to find out why . She approached the girl nicely to ask questions . The girl answered with attitude and stormed off . +2 She sent samples into many agencies . Chya loved drawing cartoons and comics . She wanted to be famous for her work . Soon a publishing agency hired Chya as an illustrator . Chya knew she was well on her way to renown ! +0 Marie lost her dog this morning and was going frantic . She loved her puppy so much and it pained her to lose it . Marie started posting fliers all over town to look for her puppy . Finally hours later a friendly neighbor found the puppy . Marie was elated and sighed a sense a relief . +2 Jake decided to call social services . Jake 's dad used to beat him every night . Jake feared going home from school every day because of this . Social services came and took Jake away to a safe place . Jake 's dad was arrested and Jake would never again be abused . +4 Now I know that just because you are in a group you are safe . While driving to work the other day four cars zoomed by . Next thing I know a state trooper pulled them all over . He was yelling for all four cars to move over . I had never seen four pulled over at the same time . +0 Selene was nervous for her exam this morning . She stayed up all night trying to prepare for it but it was daunting . If Selene failed the exam , she would fail the class . As she walked into the classroom , she was incredibly timid . Much to her relief , when she got the exam , it seemed very easy . +3 When he played for his friends , though , they said he was not too good . Lou had always wanted to play the guitar . Instead of buying lessons , he chose to teach himself how to play . After many months of trying , he became somewhat proficient . He has continued practicing since then . +1 We drove to Philadelphia to adopt a retired racer from Ocala Florida . I knew we had to adopt a greyhound after seeing a local news story . Bullet was a six year old gentle giant who had lived a rough life . We loved Bullet and so did everyone else in the neighborhood . Bullet lived like a king until he passed at the age of 12 . +4 Too embarrassed to go back in , she quickly drove off . Ashley went to the store with her toddler to pick up a few things . She was distracted while trying to find what she was looking for . The store was out and she left to go somewhere else . As she got in the car , she noticed her son holding a new teddy bear . +4 After escaping the man , Dean decided to avoid subways from then on . Dean was walking to the subway late at night . Suddenly , a man with a middle eastern accent ran at him . The man pulled a knife and said he would harm Dean . Dean ran for his life , until he could n't see the man anymore . +1 One day she asked Dave if he would have lunch with her in the quad . Amy had a crush on Dave . She waited outside with her lunch for Dave to show . Lunch ended , but Dave never came . Amy was hurt to have been stood up . +1 She was also nervous bringing the toddler to their fancy home . Marie was proud to bring her new boy to meet his grandparents . Marie watched as the little boy eyed his grandma 's curios . She felt more relaxed when they sat down to supper . Then , the toddler reached and grasped the butter in his hand . +0 A street mugger leaned against a wall in a dark alley at night . He looked for potential targets as they walked by . Everyone looked either too poor or stronger than him . He had to compromise on a guy who seemed poor but not strong . The mugger took out his knife and began to follow him . +0 Dan had always wanted to own a restaurant . But owning the building and hiring so many people was too difficult . Dan wanted an easier alternative . Dan bought a food truck and he and his wife cooked everything . Dan deeply enjoyed operating his food truck . +1 He had saved up money to have lemonade and funnel cake . John was excited to go to the fair . As he waited to pay he saw a dirty child in shabby clothing . The boy was clearly hungry . John quietly handed his food to the boy as he walked by . +3 Terry turned around to take out the cash register . Terry hosted a garage sale in front of her house . Someone came by and asked for the price of the DVD set . After she told him that it was $ 10 , he said he 'll take it . When she looked back , the guy ran across the street with the DVD . +0 Tina decided that she wanted to take up hiking . Her friends were going hiking that afternoon . She asked if she could come along . Tina and her friends hiked for several hours . Tina decided that hiking was n't for her . +2 The snoring sounds like a human . Whitney has a dog . Her dog snores . It shakes the bed . It rattles the room . +4 Bundled up and warm , they enjoyed their entire New York City vacation . The Smith family had planned a vacation to New York City for winter . Upon arriving they found it to be much colder than expected . They hit up local stores and stocked up on warm clothing . After suiting up they braved the cold city once more . +0 Jenny was standing at the help desk at a bank one day . Suddenly , a masked man entered the bank and ran at her . She put her hands in the air as the man asked for money . She handed all of the money to the man in the mask . The man fled and then the police arrived as Jenny cried . +1 Each time she planned to do it she ran out of time . Amy wanted to to clean her garage . For a year things piled up in the garage . Finally Amy offered her nephew $ 100 to clean the garage . Amy was happy to finally have her garage clean again . +0 We decided we wanted to go fishing last weekend . After thinking about it , we decided on a river close to our home . Once we arrived at the river we got all of our gear together . After throwing the first line we got a nibble . We ended up catching a bunch of fish that day ! +1 After dim sum we went to a grocery store next door . On Saturday we went to Chinatown for dim sum . We bought items needed for the upcoming Ching Ming festival . We bought incense , candles , and paper money for the April 4th event . We left the items in the car , away from home - a Chinese practice . +1 His wife had called him , hysterically sobbing . Al hurried home from work early . She had lost her wedding ring down the drain ! Al came home and took the pipe off the drain . There , he found the ring caught in the U-bend . +3 The account value of his investments was cut in half . Mike wanted to invest some money to start saving for retirement . He decided to buy 100 shares of the hottest new tech stock . The next day , the market fell over 200 points . To this day , Mike regrets that he ever invested in the stock market . +0 Greta wanted to go to the ballet . Her husband hated the ballet . He wanted to surprise her . He bought ballet tickets to the Nutcracker . For date night , he took Greta to the ballet . +0 I always wanted to learn to surf . Last weekend my friends took me out to teach me . My very first try a big wave hit me and knocked me out . It cut short my first lesson . And it 's made me doubt going back for another . +1 I got good grades in school and was accepted to a nice college . When I was young , I wanted to become a teacher . I studied hard , and earned my degree in education . After graduating , I applied to many teaching jobs . Last year I took my first job as an official teacher , and I love it ! +0 Diane never wins anything . She was feeling lucky today . While paying for gas , she bought a two dollar lottery ticket . She scratched it off and the prize was one dollar . Diane concedes again to never winning anything . +4 I became grossed out and decided to leave . I went to the beach . It was my first time seeing an ocean in real life . I decided to take a dip in the water . Then , I noticed all the pollution in the water . +2 The students rallied around Dan , who pledged to keep fighting . Dan led a group of students in protest of the school dress code . The principal said anyone defying the code would be suspended . Hearing of the protest , Dan 's parents gave their son an ultimatum . Dan showed up to school dressed to code . +0 Rachel was reading a book to her son . She turned the page and saw a big mark . She asked her son and he admitted that he had drawn in the book . Rachel threatened to take away his markers . He apologized and never did it again . +4 She decided on the apple flavor . Darla was shopping for a candle . She went through the shelves , smelling each of them . She gathered up a few of her favorites . Then , she tried to choose her final choice . +3 They agreed to let her live with them for four months . Margaret lived in Oakland . She wanted to move to New York . She called her family in New York to ask if she could stay with them . Margaret moved to New York to live with her family . +1 He took cooking classes in high school . Ed wanted to be a chef . Then he attended culinary school . He studied hard in his classes . Soon Ed had his own restaurant ! +2 His house was forty-six degrees inside . Sal is always cold . One day his furnace broke . He decided to build a fire . Sal 's house was warm again . +0 Madison was starring in a play . She was about to go on stage when she got the hiccups . One of her friends stuck her hand under her mouth . She told her to hiccup into her hand . Madison tried , but couldn't- her hiccups disappeared . +2 They talked about what it was like at his last school . Amy and Ray were riding their bikes home . Amy found out Ray was from out of state . Before long it was time to part ways . Amy stood and watched Ray as he rode away from her . +2 Firemen had come to her street and opened their hydrant . It was a steaming hot day in Kela 's neighborhood . Suddenly she looked outside at the sound of kids ' happy shouts . Sweet , cool water was spraying for the kids to play in ! Kela bounded downstairs and into the water joyously . +0 Amy and Kim were playing in Amy 's backyard . Kim dared Amy to do a backflip . Kim did the flip , but slipped when she landed . She slid in the grass and stained her pink shorts . Kim was sad since they were her favorite shorts . +2 He went to the optometrist to get his eyes checked . John wore his glasses every day . He noticed that he could not see perfectly with them . The eye doctor gave him a weaker prescription than he had before . John bought new glasses that gave him perfect vision . +3 Gina made the mistake of mentioning that she was bored . Gina was at her grandma 's house . Her sister and her cousin had gone home . Now it was just her , and her grandmother . Her grandma gave her a pail of scraps , and sent her to feed the dogs . +2 One day Billy 's neighbor gave Billy his old lawn mower . Billy very much wanted to buy comic books at the store every week . Unfortunately , Billy did not have enough money for comics . Billy used the mower to cut some neighborhood lawns for pay . Now Billy has enough money for comics every week . +3 Unfortunately he had too much to drink . My friend invited us to the lake last weekend . We grilled out and had some beers . He decided to take us out on the boat . He wound up crashing into the peer . +2 She got louder and angried when the worker got it wrong . The lady at the pizzeria spoke with a thick accent . The worker had a hard time understanding what she wanted . In the end she just pointed to things on the menu . The worker told he to do that first next time . +4 John was so happy with the result , he got another cat . John got a new cat and was worried how it would take to the old one . He tried everything but the old cat would always act mean . One day the old cat was stuck in a box and the young cat helped it . Ever since they became best friends . +4 This Sunday I 'm at Joel 's funeral . Joel and I went out for a drive last Sunday . Joel had brought along a case of beer and was wanting to booze cruise . We ended up finishing the case a couple hours later . Joel decided to drive his pickup as fast as possible and we wrecked . +3 My boss asked me if I knew how late I was . I woke up late for work this morning . In my rush to get ready I left my watch on my nightstand . When I arrived at work I was late . Since I did n't have my watch I told him I did not know . +3 I could not believe it . Under my yogurt cup there was a chance to win a free ticket . The ticket was VIP to the Grammy awards . To my surprise I won ! I immediately called up all my friends . +0 6 year old Jon went to the museum with his grandma and sister . He noticed his grandma was doting on his sister . He started to feel very jealous . He did n't even care about the dinosaur exhibit anymore . Instead , he told his grandma that he wanted to go home . +0 Mike moved into his parents house after his house was destroyed . His parents were very inviting while Mike looked for a new home . Mike looked all over his city for an affordable home . Mike could n't find anywhere to live , so he had to look in a new state . Mike packed his bags and then left his parents home to go far away . +0 Nelly walked into the office and tried to make herself appear calm . She knew she was qualified , but despite that she still felt worried . Her interviewer , Ally , approached her with a smile . During the interview , Ally and Nelly really connected . Nelly walked out of the interview feeling confident and proud . +2 I was given the job ! I made a resume that was made up of lies . I did really well on an interview . I was unable to fulfill my job requirements . I was fired within a week . +1 Mary once led me on a scavenger hunt for her birthday . One of my best friends is named Mary . It was extremely difficult . I did n't know what the final prize would be . I found it and it turns out the prize was $ 100 . +1 She 'd just learned how from her grandma . Lucy was doing her laundry . She was washing a load of whites and wanted to use bleach . The bottle was heavy and bleach splashed out . Lucy looked down and saw white patches all over her favorite jeans . +1 It was a cheap charger and that 's why she purchased it . Kelly received her new phone charger in the mail yesterday . She decided it would be better going with a no name brand . However to her dismay the charger was not working . Thankfully she sent it back for a refund . +3 Eventually they started dating . Samantha did not have anybody to go with to the school dance . On the last day , she was happy that her friend Bob asked her to go . The two went to the dance and had a great time . They eventually fell in love and got married . +2 He was listening to music on his phone . Tom was running for exercise . He was holding his phone in his hand . He tripped over a rock . He dropped his phone and it broke . +3 Several of the wikipedia articles were vague . I started doing an mTurk hit on music bands . I had to research band origins , relationships , and credits . Most of the information was on wikipedia . After doing a few hits , I gave up . +0 Tom ate mashed potatoes for dinner . He loved mashed potatoes . One day he saw a homeless man . Tom felt very sad . Tom decided to give the man all of his mashed potatoes for dinner . +3 It turned out to be a lot of work . Ian decided to grow his own vegetables in his backyard . He thought it would save him money . But he got tired of watering of them . Ian felt like a full time farmer . +4 Now he plans ahead and does n't procrastinate anymore . Tyler procrastinated hard on a paper for school . The night before it was due , he had to stay up to finish . He got almost no sleep , but he turned the paper in on time . When grades came back , he found out he had done poorly on the paper . +0 John had to practice for his upcoming wrestling match . He went to the gym extra early so he could prepare . The gym was already overcrowded with other people wanting to practice . John felt rushed and did not have a good session . John went home dejected . +3 The yo-yo broke off its string and flew across the room . Sally liked to yo-yo . She was very good at it . She was doing it one day when it happened . It hit her pet cat which now stays far away from Sally . +3 I got up away from the window . It was time to watch the World Series . I went to the family room to turn on the television . As I sat down on the sofa the ground shook . I saw the earthquake being reported on the news . +0 Deb is painting the nursery for her new baby . She is usually a very careful painter . Today she is trying to paint as fast as she can . She spills paint all over the brand new carpet . Deb 's husband is very mad and helps her clean up . +0 Amy was in music class . The music teacher was discussing classical music . Amy was texting instead of listening . The teacher began to play Mozart . Amy was surprised by how much the music moved her . +1 I was so excited for this concert . After school , I changed and drove to the rap concert . I stood in the front row . The noise at the concert was way too loud . I could not hear anything for an hour afterwards . +2 Finally Jenny tries wearing a pair of high heels to work . Jenny has always wanted to wear a pair of high heels . She is afraid that they will be painful for her feet . She loves the way they make her look . Jenny is very happy to finally wear high heels . +3 He drank water whenever it rained . Jim was lost at sea . He had lost course while sailing . He ate fish from the sea to survive . He was eventually rescued after 40 days at sea . +0 Eric was a neighborhood tagger who got into trouble . A politician contacted him and asked him to make a moral on a wall . Eric painted a picture of President Obama . The mural was vandalized within forty-eight hours . Eric stopped vandalizing property after that experience . +4 Pat made a lot of money for his writing . Pat was a very good writer . He wrote many stories about varied topics . The stories were very good . His readers liked the stories . +2 No soda came out . A man went to a vending machine to get a soda . He put in some money and pressed a button . He shook the machine hard in anger . The machine fell over with a loud thud . +2 The son caught a huge perch . A man took his son out on a lake . They were looking to bring home a fish dinner . He felt bad seeing it flop around . The son let the fish go when his dad was n't looking . +0 The new mall just opened down the street from Natalie and she went . She decided to invite about six friends to come with her . She wanted to go to the new restaurant as well . The girls had a blast at the new mall . She could n't wait to go back . +3 He was n't in the proper spot , but outside of the mall on a bench . Brent was six and had never had a photo with Santa . His parents felt so bad they took him to the mall to meet Mr Claus . When they arrived they instantly saw good Ol ' Saint Nick . He had a brown bag and a cigarette in hand , Brent left disappointed . +4 She immediately began looking for work as an art critic ! Tay loved spending time at galleries and museums . She was n't much of an artist herself , but she loved art . After school , she wondered what kind of job she might get . Then she realized she already knew the perfect career for her . +4 I picked my favorite and bought it . I went to see my favorite band last Friday . They put on a great show . I had such a good time that I decided to buy a shirt . They had a large selection . +4 Matt 's new toy became a messy pile of plastic and metal . Matt excitedly took his new RC car out on the road . He had a great time driving it up and down the block . A real car turned the corner , headed straight for Matt 's RC car . The driver could n't see Matt 's car and ran it over . +3 It shocked him a bit and blew a fuse . Donald was really depressed . He considered taking his own life . One night he took a bath and threw a plugged in radio in . He left stupid and even more depressed . +1 He thought he was pretty smart . Ricky wanted to take the GED test . But then he tried a practice GED and he failed it . Ricky was very surprised . He realized he had a lot of studying to do ! +1 Her mom was waiting for her when the bus arrived at the school . Amy was disappointed she did n't get to play in her first game . Her mother could tell she was on the verge of tears . Her mother reminded her it was only the first game She would have plenty of chances to play later . +2 Jess made it to work on time but felt very hungry . Jess woke up in the morning late for work . Jess skipped her breakfast so she could catch the bus . While working at her desk , Jess felt lightheaded . Jess ate a very large lunch because she was so hungry . +0 I was having a very bad day . When I got out of bed I stepped on my cell phone and it broke . Then when I went to use the bathroom , I slipped and fell . I really could n't believe this is happening to me today . I hope tomorrow my day starts out a lot better . +1 When she did n't come he got in a lot of trouble . Tom alerted the government he expected a guest . They talked about revoking his doctor 's license . And charging him a huge fee ! Tom 's life was destroyed because of his act of kindness . +0 Fred wanted to get in shape . His best friend Jeff was a personal trainer . He asked Jeff for some help and advice . Jeff set him up a meal plan and workout routine . Within two Year 's Fred was in great shape . +3 Their instructor suited them up and prepared them . Anna wanted to skydive . She got her friend to sign up with her . The two girls eagerly showed up at the location . They they jumped together , screaming with joy ! +4 We ended up finishing nothing for the day . My aunt decided to bring her son over . Before tutoring him , I asked what lesson plan he 's on . He gave me a brief response . In addition , he did n't say much when I was helping him out . +3 He bit into a chicken thigh and his tooth felt stuck in grease . Anthony has always been afraid to lose his teeth . It was seeing his grandparents with no teeth that frightened him . Anthony was 47 Year 's old and eating fried chicken . He opened his mouth and his back tooth was stuck in his food . +4 Ed and Bee had a great time on their honeymoon . Ed and Bee flew to Florida for their honeymoon . They spent their days lazing on the shore . They got great tans ! At night they went out to fancy dinners . +3 The two dogs ran and played together for a long time . Mia is a big dog that lived in a family with two cats . She liked the cats , but wished for a dog that she could play with . One day , a neighbor asked if Mia would like to play with her dog . Mia was very happy to have made a new dog friend . +1 He got out the string of lights from the box . Gerhard decided to put lights on the house for Christmas . Gerhard then got on the ladder to put them up . He attached the lights to the small nails at the edge of the roof . He then tested the lights after getting down to the outlet . +1 She went over her list twice . Amy was packing for a vacation . She wanted to be sure she did n't forget anything ! But when she arrived , she saw she 'd forgotten all her makeup ! Amy had to go to a drugstore and buy all new makeup . +3 However , one of his teeth became loose . Ben was being fed by his mother . She was giving him carrots . Ben aggressively decided to chew the carrots . His mother had to push it out . +1 I hired a general contractor . I wanted to get a new backyard fence . I did n't realize how loud the remodeling would be ! My neighbors got mad at me and complained to the HOA . The HOA fined me for noise disturbance . +0 Joe lays bricks for a living . He worked harder than all of his coworkers . Eventually joe got a promotion as a supervisor . Joe enjoyed the greatly increased pay for many years . Eventually he was able to retire comfortably . +3 Roses remind Nick of dead people . Nick used to like flowers until one day she attended a funeral . There were many roses at the funeral . Now Nick do n't like the smell of roses . Nick stopped going to funerals and smelling flowers . +0 From across the country , Joan 's sister sent ornaments for her tree . Joan thought the ornaments were ugly , so she put them aside . Next year , Joan 's sister called to say she was visiting for Christmas . When Joan 's sister arrived , she admired the decorations . As they both gazed at the tree , Joan remembered the ornaments . +0 There once was a town with a very angry bear . The bear kept getting into people 's houses and destroying stuff . The local police knew what they had to do . A trap was set for the bear in a house . The police shot the bear , and the head sheriff skinned it alive . +2 She then found her fitbit and charged it . Joan decided that she needed to increase her exercise routine . She bought a new pair of tennis shoes so her feet would be supported . When she got home from work she was tired and did n't want to go out . She changed her mind and put her shoes on and headed out to walk . +1 He feels bad for them , so he feeds them his lunch . Dale works outdoors in an area with many stray dogs . During a blizzard , Dale gets worried the dogs might freeze . He brings them home . Dale continues to do this for year , and saves hundreds of dogs . +0 Yesterday I sat in my chair . To my surprise it broke right in front of me . I was very disappointed . I could n't believe it broke . But thankfully I was able to get it fixed . +4 He is n't sure if feeling afraid is better than feeling bored . Lars feels a little bit bored after spending the day alone . He decides to watch a movie . He chooses to watch a scary science fiction movie . At the end of it he feels very afraid . +3 Today he caught the biggest fish of his career . Jerome is a fisherman . Everyday he fishes at the local pond for 2 to 3 hours . Usually he catches an average number of average sized fishes . He sold the fish to a local butcher for a hefty sum . +4 Tom hurt his ankle , and found out the hard way it 's not easy to dunk . Tom was watching basketball with his friend Jamal . They decided to go outside and try to dunk like they do on TV . Jamal got his first dunk in easily . Tom now tried and hit the rim hard , and fell harder . +2 One of the birds had dropped their waste on me . During my softball game , there were tons of seagulls overhead . They all flew by and I felt something land on my shirt . I was embarrassed and upset that this happened to me . But I had to continue playing and get over it . +3 Later , she set it on a string to wear as a necklace . Anna found a lovely shell at the beach . She wanted to keep it forever . She took it home with her that day . ANna loved to show off her shell necklace as often as she could . +0 The rainy started on Tuesday . It poured all day . It did not stop until Thursday afternoon . The river began to rise . It flooded over the reservoir making driving impossible . +3 To her dismay , Kelsi burnt Stacy . Kelsi was doing her friend Stacy 's hair for the ball . She wanted to give her curls . She took the curling iron and started curling . Kelsi apologized and felt terrible . +4 Kyle received detention and was sent home for uniform violation . Kyle goes to a private school . He was in a rush this morning . He grabbed his khaki pants . When he got to school , his teacher noticed his pants were not uniform . +3 She told her to stop . Kelly 's favorite time of the summer was campfire stories . Her sister told the best ones . This time when her sister told the story , Kelly became very scared . Kelly then could n't sleep because she was so scared . +4 Unfortunately , it made it a lot less fun to open them later . Oliver was excited about his birthday gifts . He needed to wait , but he was impatient . He snuck into his parents closet . There , he found his gifts and checked them all out . +4 She felt guilty that her disobedience had made him sick ! Rita always loved hearing her father play his harmonica . He had told her to never play it . One day , she was overcome by the temptation to play it . Three days later , her father got sick with the cold Rita had . +3 Now his bike is in terrific condition . Rufus notices that he bike chain is getting rusty . When he begins to fix it , he notices many parts of his bike are worn . Rufus thoroughly cleans and fixes every part of his bike . He is so happy he noticed the rusty chain . +0 It was a hot summer day . I needed a way to cool off . I put on my swimming trunks . I went outside into the backyard . I hopped in the pool and cooled off . +0 Josh decided he was going to go surfing . He got dressed in his wetsuit . Then he packed up his surfboard and drove to the beach . He went out in the water and there were no waves . Josh was angry that he did all that for nothing . +0 Jack was a great climber . He wanted to climb Mount Everest . He exercised very hard in preparation for the grueling hike . The day came when he would attempt the summit . Jack made it to the top and looked out at the top of the world . +2 During the next song he sang along with it . A radio DJ was talking to his listeners between songs . He forgot to turn of his microphone when he was finished . This product came into the room and told him what was going on . The DJ apologized to his listeners for the mishap . +1 He walked past a large factory with many big windows . Todd was heading home from school one afternoon . Picking up a rock , he threw it towards the factory very hard . The rock shattered a window and a person began yelling towards Todd . Todd ran home , hoping that no one saw him and that he got away . +4 He focused and hit the ball straight out of the field ! Sally 's team was in the last inning of the game . The team only had one chance to make the playoffs . Sally told her batter to hit a homerun . The batter stood up to the plate . +3 Jordan would n't let his brother try his new bat . Jordan was a spoiled child . He got a baseball bat for his birthday . His brother wanted to try it out . Jordan 's dad punished him by taking the bat away . +3 Kelly then had to delete many apps . Kelly got a new iPhone . She filled it with all kinds of games and apps . When she was done , she had no space left . At the end she had half the space left . +2 When he arrived , his boss called him into his office . Bob was late to work for the fifth time this month . He was normally never late but he was still worried about being fired . Bob tried to apologize to his boss and explain why he was late . But his boss told him that they needed to fire him anyways . +2 He held his friend at gunpoint and stole his money . Sean was poor . He decided to rob his friend . Sean later felt guilty about the robbery . He confessed at the police station and eventually went to prison . +3 Her boss approached her about the argument . Jane had cursed out a co-worker for letting her down . She felt bad afterwards . She considered apologizing . He sided with Jane and suggested she let it blow over instead . +0 David wrote a book last fall . The book made it to the top of the charts . David became famous for the book . David opened a library with all of the money he made . David wanted children to read more books . +2 It was barely enough to afford the down payment . There were five chefs who wanted to open a restaurant . They saved for a year and pooled all of their money . They opened to rave reviews . But never attracted many customers . +0 Sally had not shaved for 2 weeks . Her legs looked like a boys . When she went to shave , she cut her leg . It bled and bled . Sally vowed to never shave again . +3 I never had the chance to save the document . My science report is due tomorrow . I worked all night , just to finish the report . The worst thing happened when my laptop turned off . My teacher allowed me to turn it in next week for a lower grade . +0 Ben and Bobby wanted to find something really old . They decided to dig in Ben 's yard for buried treasure . If no treasure , they thought they might find dinosaur bones . They dug eagerly all afternoon , looking for artifacts . Finally Ben discovered a buried dime from 1940 ! +3 His boss nudged him on his shoulder , to no avail . Elliot woke up with a bad hangover . He struggled to get ready and make it to work . While at work , Elliot fell asleep at his desk . Elliot woke up in the evening to discover everyone had gone home . +1 My old Android phone was annoying and it is time for me to upgrade . I went to the best buy store looking for cell phones . Looking at their selection of Android phones , I was disappointed . Then , I saw the iPhone and I decided to give it a try . This is absolutely my favorite phone of all time ! +1 Now her grandpa 's car was pulling in the driveway . Gina was alone at her grandparents when she lost her phone . Her mother , and her siblings had been with Grandpa . Gina ran to her mom and asked if she had taken her phone . She cried when she found out her mother did n't have the phone . +1 The teller stood shocked for a moment . The bank robber tapped his gun on the counter . The robber demanded to see the manager . The teller picked up her phone and began to dial . While the phone rang the robber began to chuckle . +2 Looking closely , she realized that it was a spider . Kelly was unpacking after a big trip . She was grabbing a shirt when she saw something move . She yelped and tried to squash it , but it ran off . She could n't find it so she abandoned her unpacking task . +4 As a result , he punished her . Everyone went to bed since it was 10 at night . Jenny was moving around her bed since she could n't go to sleep . She got up and decided to watch television . Her dad eventually found out . +4 He did n't make the older team , he gained confidence by going . Bernie went to hockey tryouts to become a goalie . He did very well , even better than he thought he would . After practice , he was invited to try out for the older team . Bernie was scared , but he gave it a try . +3 It turns out It was n't anywhere near done . My girlfriend dragged me to a play last week . I did n't understand most of it . At the final scene I started to clap . Everyone in the theater was embarrassed for me . +4 Her mom used to be a bus driver . My friend 's youngest daughter just got her driver 's license She was sixteen Year 's old . Her mom posted a photo on Facebook , getting a lot of likes . I commented it was in the genes . +2 She had gotten all of the guests together in one place . Cynthia was throwing her best friend a surprise baby shower . She organized the whole thing . Then , she had them hide . When her friend appeared , they jumped out and surprised her . +4 If we keep eating in diners I will need to go on a diet . My wife and I have been eating at local Boston diners recently . We like the Town Diner in Watertown . We also like The Breakfast Club in Allston . The Allston Diner is good but it is not a true diner . +0 Miss Parker had a successful salon . One day , she was contacted and told the building will be bought out . She was devastated , and had to tell her workers . She was crying and upset , but told her workers about the closing . The next week , she closed the doors and reluctantly moved on . +3 Amy worked on her dress for 2 days . Amy wanted to sew a new dress , but had no experience . She went to the fabric store and purchased fabric and patterns . Amy cut the fabric per her pattern to sew her dress . Amy was so happy with her creation she decided to sew more often . +1 He longed to be king . Prince John was a young man from a very large family . He knew he would have to wait for quite sometime . The king abdicated and John 's sibling did not want the crown . John would become king soon . +4 Nancy realized her son was seeing leaves in trees for the first time . Nancy took her son to the eye doctor . The doctor gave the little boy his first pair of glasses . Nancy drove home with her son wearing his glasses . Suddenly , the boy shouted excitedly and pointed out the window . +3 She went backstage after the show . Ella went to a magic show . The magician did amazing tricks ! Ella was shocked and delighted ! She got the magician to show her how he did his tricks ! +4 The burglar pocketed all he could and escaped into the night . A burglar scoped out a house for his first robbery . He carefully opened the back window of a large house . Once inside , he searched around for cash . Instead of cash he found credit cards and jewels . +0 Rick went to visit his dad in Albion . Halfway home , he realized he could not find his phone . He drove all the way back to Albion . Then he got out and searched the ground . Sure enough , he found the phone he had dropped ! +3 After a while , the couple decided to separate . Sam and Beth were having a horrible argument . Sam was angry that Beth forgot to buy him beer . Beth was angry that Sam did n't clean up after himself . Both were much happier apart . +0 Lucy ruined her favorite jeans with bleach . Her grandma hated to see her crying . She purchased another pair of jeans to replace the one ruined . The jeans were n't the same brand , and did n't fit the same . Lucy was happy even though they did n't replace the ruined ones . +1 She was so nervous ! Amy was auditioning for a spot at dance school . She stumbled in her dance . She thought for sure they would not take her . But then they informed her she had passed the test ! +0 Matt was a viking in the thirteenth century . All he wanted was to raid an Anglo-Saxon village . His mother would n't let him because she was too protective . He decided to sneak out one night against his mother 's orders . He attacked the village by himself and was killed immediately . +3 I put on my rainy boots and started splashing in all of them . All of a sudden the sky grew dark and dreary . Then the rainy started to pour down . It did n't take long at all before we had puddles everywhere . Before I knew it , I was wet head to toe . +3 They proceeded to go up the stairs Four kids went into an old abandoned asylum . The asylum had 30 floors . They went in through a broken window . They stayed for 30 minutes +4 Brad did n't known how good he had it . Brad lived in an apartment for a year and gor internet for free . He would use his neighbor 's wifi so he never had to pay . He just moved into a house on his own . He noticed he now will have to pay for his own internet . +2 Julie liked Erik very much and was very happy on their date . Erik was thirteen and on his very first date . He was out with a girl in his class named Julie . They had a very good time at the movie and a fast food restaurant . When Eric left Julie at her place he gave her a kiss , his first kiss . +3 It tasted absolutely terrible . Linda had friends over for her birthday . They each made a pizza , competing for most creative . The winner had mushrooms , coconut , pineapple and chocolate chips . But it was definitely the most creative . +4 Arra and her family ate fruit every day for a week ! Arra went to the market for strawberries . But there was such a big selection of fresh fruit ! She could not resist buying melons and peaches too . She brought all her finds home in her basket . +3 The referee noticed and flashed Tim a red card on his second offence . Tim 's soccer team was behind by three goals during the second half . Tim was determined to leave the game having scored at least once . For that reason Tim resorted to pushing and shoving the enemy players . Tim sulked as he had to spend the rest of the game on the bench . +4 The bird fell asleep just as dusk arrived . The bird was flying over the park . It was quickly approaching dusk , and the bird was tired . It found a spot in some bushes that it felt was safe . It flew into the bushes and found a comfortable spot . +4 They moved to the bigger place just in time for their new baby . Jenna was expecting her second child . She needed more space but they could n't afford it . Suddenly , days before her due date , an apartment opened up . They applied and got it . +4 After working all night to restock shelves Tom likes cashiering now ! Tom works at the local grocery store . He loves stocking the shelves best . One day while stocking shelves , there was a big earthquake . All the product Tom placed on the shelves were now on the floor . +0 Tiffany was taking photos in the park one day . The park was very boring , and she could not get any good pictures . Tiffany began to feel doubt about her abilities . Suddenly , a bald eagle flew down and perched right near her . Tiffany excitedly took pictures of it and felt reinvigorated . +2 His parents gave him a gift in the car . Dana turned six years old today . After school , he was eager to see what his parents bought him . Dana opened up a small box that had a wood soldier . Dana was sad but his new Play Station was waiting for him at home . +3 All of my things went up in flames . I bought a house recently . Everything seemed perfect at first . The stove caught on fire . I will be moving again . +0 A man desired to be smart . He always thought chess players were smart . He read the books written by top chess players . He learned to think strategically and learned about chess . He improved his chess skills and overall intelligence . +0 Elizabeth wanted to go visit her friend . She got in her car and drove to her friend 's house . Her friend was very happy to see her . The two friends had a wonderful day . At the end of the day , Elizabeth went back home . +1 They played for a long time and then walked back home . Angie took her kids to the park . When she got home she realized she was locked out . She went to her neighbors to call a locksmith . The locksmith unlocked the door and charged her lots of money . +2 She suggested that Cassidy enter it into a contest . Cassidy was working on an art project . Her teacher noticed . Cassidy agreed and submitted her piece . She ended up winning a ribbon . +4 He located it under his car , where someone had kicked it . Ike noticed his license plate was gone when he exited the store . He knew it had been there when he 'd went in . Now there was just a blank space where it had been . Ike looked around before jumping to conclusions . +0 Connie was walking back from school when she tripped and fell . She was wearing her favorite pair of blue jeans . She looked down and realized that she just tore a large hole in them . Connie was very upset and explained what happened to her mother . The next day , Connie 's mother surprised her with a new pair of jeans . +1 She had never competed for a state title . Eve had competed in pageants before . She decided to give it a try . She made all the necessary preparations . She won the crown . +1 Some guy grabbed my girlfriend 's butt . I was at a bar with my girlfriend . I got very mad and punched the guy . The guy fell to the ground . My girlfriend was mad because we both got kicked out of the bar . +3 Hannah chased Maggie through the neighborhood . Hannah took her dog , Maggie , for a walk . Suddenly , Maggie pulled her leash out of Hannah 's hand . Maggie ran as fast as she could down the sidewalk . Eventually , Hannah caught Maggie . +0 Bill need a new car Bill decided to list his car online Bill found a buyer for the car Bill sold the car to the buyer Bill was relieved he had money to buy a new car +2 I was in hog heaven , because there were butterflies everywhere . I 've always loved butterflies . One day , my parents took my niece and I to the butterfly house . It was completely beautiful , and I did n't want to leave . I 've never been back , but still dream about that place . +3 However , I woke up completely confused . I just came home after pulling an all-nighter to finish my project . After I ate , I decided to rest on my bed . Within minutes , I fell asleep . It was 8 o'clock in the morning and I still had my school clothes on . +0 Abe 's eyesight was very poor . He saw a cute furry creature in the subway . When he picked it up , he saw it was a rat ! The rat bit him , and Abe had to get a Rabies shot ! Abe 's much more disciplined about wearing his glasses now . +1 She decided that she wanted to connect with them . Jane had never met her father 's side of her family . Jane went on Facebook and invited the family for a weekend event . Most of her relatives responded positively . The event was successful and Jane met a lot of cousins . +0 Sean wanted to play a video game . He found the game he wanted online and ordered it . He was looking forward to it for days . Then , it arrived . Unfortunately , the game did not work . +2 Then , I met the worst waitress in my life . Went to a restaurant named Chili 's . I was seated at a table by the hostess . She was rude , uncooperative and never got my order right . I usually tip , but this time I just could n't . +3 She went to the help desk . Margo had finished shopping . She needed to call a cab for home . Unfortunately , her phone was dead . There , they were able to call the cab for her . +1 The host asked him the question . In a game show , a man was down to the final trivia question . The man was so stressed that he began to sweat . He sweat through his shirt . The host laughed at how much the man was sweating . +1 She made a good living , and was grateful for her position . Milly worked as a live in maid for a wealthy family . But she was kept so busy she did n't have much time for her family . After a year of seeing them very little , Milly found a new job . Though she missed her salary , Milly knew what was truly important . +0 Gina could n't check out new books at the library . She had to pay her fines first . The $ 5 in fines was a quarter of her allowance . But she paid the fines anyway . She was happy to be able check out books again . +3 The new system helped the plants get the water they needed . Tom 's crop was doing badly . The weather was dry and dusty . Then he installed a new , expensive irrigation system . Soon Tom 's crop was thriving once again ! +4 Sam apologized to his mother when she came home . Sam was babysitting his baby brother . Sam was watching TV when he heard a loud noise . His baby brother broke his mother 's favorite vase . Sam cleaned up the mess . +1 First , we had to decide what town we would want to live in . After living in small apartments for Year 's , we decided to buy a house . Next , we had to figure out what we could afford to spend on a house . We ended up choosing a home near the beach with a huge yard . We are happy with the home we chose and look forward to living there . +0 Daniel collected magnets everywhere he went . He had a huge collection at home . His fridge and doors were covered and he had more still . Daniel began to wonder if anyone had ever collected so many magnets . After counting them , he found that he had set a world record . +4 So , I hired a native speaker to help me fix my pronunciation . I was studying Tamil in college . The language was difficult but I stayed focused . After a few Year 's , I become very fluent in the language . Alas , my pronunciation was very poor . +1 Momma wanted her kids to do well . Momma loves her kids . She wanted them to get ahead . Momma enrolled her children in French classes . Her children are now going to France . +0 Serena was a quiet girl and never got to go to parties . She grew tired of staying at home alone all weekend . She decided to throw a big party at her home to make new friends . She set everything up perfectly and watched as her guests mingled . They all had a great time at her party ! +4 On Christmas day they will show off the tree and hand out the presents Jeff and Connie are getting their home ready for Christmas . This year they have decided to buy a real tree . They are very excited about decorating it together . Once the tree is decorated they will put presents under it . +4 Timmy jumped out and picked up the turtle , carrying him to safety . While driving home from the grocery , we saw something in the road . Just as we passed it , we realized it was a turtle . The turtle was trying to cross the road , but there were a lot of cars . I slammed on the brakes and stopped the car . +4 This woke him up and he crawled into the sea . The man walked across the beach towards the water . The sun was so hot it slowed him down . When he was 5 feet from the surf he collapsed . The water splashed against him on the ground . +2 At the bowling alley all his friends and family surprised him ! Sam thought no one remembered his birthday . His friend Ted came over as usual so they could go bowling . They planned his birthday party months earlier . Sam now knows his friends would never forget his birthday . +1 She began to notice that the movies were all in the wrong cases . Rachel had a big case full of movies . Finally , she decided that she needed to fix them . It took an hour to dig through them all . Finally , all of the discs were in their rightful cases . +0 Nana sings a song to Fiona . Fiona smiles at Nana . Fiona claps her hands . Fiona dances in circles . Fiona sings a song to Nana . +0 Kelly was a mega fan of one direction . Thankfully her friend scored them VIP passes . The girls were able to meet the band after the show . When the show ended they ran up . The band was very sweet to them and signed shoes . +4 Tim 's team won the scramble . Tim likes to play golf . His work decided to have a golf scramble . Tim got a team together . His team was made of 3 mean . +4 The owner helped her and guided her through the purchasing process . Drew wanted to start a garden . She went to the store to buy some equipment . She did n't know what items she would need . She then asked the store owner for help . +1 The dog stood in the tub while he ran water over him . Tim gave his dog a bath today because he got dirty in the yard . He then dribbled shampoo on the dog and began to suds him up . He rinsed him off and let him shake in the tub a few times . Finally , to dry him off , he took him for a walk in the sun . +0 Carla wanted to save money by cutting her own hair . She had never done it before , so she watched video tutorials . After a while , Carla was confident enough to cut her hair . The haircut came out great . Carla took many pictures of her new haircut to share with friends . +1 I wanted a pet but they were n't allowed in the dorms . I was in college and very bored . So , I looked for alternatives . At the store I found a robotic cat , and bought it ! I named it Garfield , and played with it every night . +4 They made the perfect bite-sized treat for her kids ! Em wanted to make her children a cool sweet treat . But the ice cream at the store was so expensive ! Then she thought of a great substitute . She froze some hand picked berries in trays . +0 Susie went to the playground last night . It took her a while to get there . While she was walking she encountered another friend . The friend was also going to the playground . They went together . +0 Jim went hiking one afternoon . But he did n't bring a map because he felt he knew the area well . He got lost for several hours . And he was forced to call for help . Jim always brought a map on his hiking trips from then on . +0 Allie baked a birthday cake for her roommate . She stayed up all night working on it . Finally she brought it to her roommate to eat . Unfortunately , Allie dropped the cake on the floor . They went out for ice cream instead . +2 We could hear it scratching and running around at night . We live on a farm . Not so long ago , a mouse was discovered living in our walls . Mom was scared to death and decided to get a cat . Once the cat came , the mouse was no more . +3 It was all fun until Whitney stepped on a jellyfish . Whitney and her friends went to the beach yesterday . They walked along the edge . They jumped the waves . They then rushed to the ER . +1 He came across a women lying on the ground . Arnold was jogging in the park yesterday . He saw that she had hurt her leg badly ! Arnold reached into his pocket and called 911 . He stayed with the women until help arrived . +1 I put on my swimsuit and some sunblock . I love to swim at the pool . Next , I put towels in my swim bag . My mom drives me to the city pool . Finally , it 's time to swim ! +4 Afterwards , I lost but had a lot of fun . I went to go hang out with my friends . We went to a local paintball place . We put on our gear and chose teams . We ran through the land and played for a few hours . +4 David became very rich and very famous for his find . When he was 19 Year 's old , David became a scuba diver . He visited 3 oceans and dived in many exotic places . One day , David discovered a shipwreck from the 1600 's . The shipwreck contained millions of dollars of gold coins . +0 Tim was playing with his baseball outside . One eager throw broke a neighbor 's window ! Ashamed , Tim ran inside to tell his mom . His mom made him go and apologize to the neighbor . Luckily , the neighbor did n't ask Tim to pay for the window . +3 Now they are facebook official . Michael met a girl on OKCupid . They had gone on three dates . They were both very interested in each other . Micheal deleted his account from OKCupid . +2 He decided to go downstairs and watch TV . Connor was trying to decide what to do for his birthday . He had given up , because his day fell on a Monday . Soon as he got to his couch he heard `` Surprise ! '' He was so happy that his family and friends surprised him . +2 After two months he danced for her in the hall . Ed wanted to impress a girl at school . He practiced hip hop dancing every day for two months . Ed got very hot and sweaty because of the dance . In the end she was very impressed with his hard work . +2 I went to look at a little puppy in another town . I needed to get a new pet for my house ! After doing some searching around , I decided on a lab . I loved him ! It was n't long before I had him home ! +1 Tom played gigs nearly every night . Tom was a DJ . Tom noticed his hearing was not as good as it once was . Tom visited a doctor about his hearing . The doctor recommended ear plugs for Tom . +4 She was very grateful when her owner noticed her and let her back in . Butters was a very pretty cat but she was also very curious . One day she sneaked out of her house through an open door . She spent the entire day outside looking around and exploring . When she wanted to go back into her warm house the door was closed ! +3 I opened the package excited . There was a knock on the door . I looked out the window and the UPS truck drove away . There was a box on the porch that I brought inside . Inside was new socks and underwear . +3 He even saw coral reefs ! Neil flew into the Maldives . There , he suited up and took a scuba class . He saw amazing underwater life . The underwater life in the Maldives was breathtakingly beautiful . +0 My son was seventeen years old . One day , I smelled something in his room . I opened the door and found him smoking . I scolded him and educated him on smoking . My son learned his lesson and never smoked again . +4 The data arrived , but it contradicted his formula . He swiped the dry-erase marker across the whiteboard with a flourish . There it was , the perfect equation to describe reality . His heart swelled at the elegance of his creation . Once the supporting data came in , he was certain to get a Nobel prize . +4 He loved them and used them often . Little Timmy loved drawing . He would draw everything any time he got . After a while he started getting pretty good . For his birthday his parents bought him expensive color pencils . +4 That day a lot of people commented on my button . As I donned my shirt in the morning I noticed a button was gone . I searched all over my room for the missing button . I found three other buttons but none that matched . To fix the shirt I picked one of them and sewed it on . +3 John fell backwards and on to the floor . John was hanging a picture in his living room . He stepped up on to a wooden chair . The chair slipped out from beneath him . The picture he 'd been holding hit his head and made him bleed . +3 He was able to see his reflection well in the dark screen . Jeff had an interview and wanted to look his best . He tried to fix his hair but he had no mirror . Jeff went to the living room to use the TV screen . Jeff fixed his hair and left for the interview . +1 But Mary is working on earning her diploma . Mary dropped out of high school . She attends night school and weekend classes . Mary has turned her life around . Mary graduated with her GED ! +0 Johnny left his workplace after closing time . He got into his car and drove down the road . Johnny began to notice that traffic was moving slowly . He sat in traffic for an hour before it loosened up . Johnny drove to his house and went to bed . +4 We were all worried , but my brother was okay and helped win the game ! The big football game is today . My brother is the quarterback on the home team and he 's very nervous . He tries to relax by jogging around the block . When he comes back , he 's limping from turning his ankle on a curb . +2 Tina acted like a 1920s flapper . I worked with Tina for 20 years . She retired in 2006 . We were often entertained by her jokes . I send Tina birthday and Christmas gifts every year . +2 But his dog Fido had to go potty . Tom entered his dog into a dog show . He made it to the finals with several other dogs . And decided to do so right on the show floor . Tom nor Fido won anything that day . +0 Daisy wanted nothing more than to move out of her parent 's house . She found an apartment but could n't afford it since she did n't work . Her dad said he would n't help her out either . She found a job but it did n't pay very well . She finally came to her senses and stayed at home . +2 One day her tooth started to hurt . Alice love her Baby Ruth candy bars . She would eat them all the time . She had a cavity from all the candy . Alice likes candy a little less now . +1 During the game he begins to feel hungry . Jackson decides to watch a professional baseball game . He eats a hotdog and drinks a beer . After eating he feels too sleepy to watch the game . He goes home to nap before the game is half over . +1 But he was never happy with how it looked . Troy was practicing writing his signature . After hours and hours , he came up with something elegant looking . And he proudly signed his signature on all of his school work . But all of Troy 's teacher did n't know whose signature it was . +2 He threw a ball to his brother . Jason 's mother warned him not to rough house . He ignored the warning . The ball went through a windows and broke it . His mother found out and grounded him . +0 Jo was jealous because her co-workers had many dates . To get attention , she invented a story about a guy stalking her . She showed her co-workers letters and flowers from the fake stalker . Then , there was a report about a dangerous stalker on the news . Jo 's co-workers took her to the police station to make a report . +4 It will always remind us of our favorite characters . We saw this really cool picture of all the muppet characters . It ended up being a photo of the mutual in Jim Henson 's old office . Someone had turned it into a photo at that point . We bought a copy and had it framed . +0 This morning we got ready for work/school in a hurry . Then I drove to the store for coffee and lunch items . There was a lot of traffic on the roads . We finally got to town in the nick of time . We were both exhausted . +3 She also cheered the school chants . Samantha wanted to try out for cheerleading at her school . She went to the open try outs after class . She did the various poses the instructor demonstrated . Afterwards the instructor told her that she made the team . +4 She went back to college , and did well for herself . Jackie was 20 Years old , and wanted to find herself . She traveled to India , and studied in an ashram . She studied , and thought a lot about who she wanted to be . At the end of two months , she flew back to the US . +1 One friend did n't want to put on his seat belt . Sam was driving his friends around . Sam insisted that he should . The friend kept refusing until Sam slammed on the breaks . Sam 's friend was upset but obliged . +3 Jenna wore her beautiful shoes to the dance . Jenna had a formal school dance coming up . Jenna and her mother went to buy a new outfit for her . Jenna picked out a dress and silver shoes . She was crushed when another girl wore the same shoes to the dance . +4 Finally , she came back and paid for her things . Kylie was at the mall . She had filled a whole basket at a store , and was ready to check out . She went to pay but saw that she had forgotten her wallet . She had to go all the way home and get it . +4 They still tasted good but they looked like crap . Dana was making Christmas cookies . She mixed the dough and put it on the table . Then , she rolled it out and started cutting shapes . As she transferred the shapes to the pan , they fell apart . +4 Yolanda now campaigns to raise awareness of safe driving practices . Yolanda was in a bad car accident when driving in the rain one day . Her feet were nearly crushed , and her shins were broken . She was completely unable to walk on her own at first . After 3 surgeries and lots of therapy , she is now back on her feet . +1 Sarah walked through the meadow thinking how existential life was . Alone in a meadow grew a beautiful flower . She then saw this breathtaking flower . With everything she was she wanted to pick it . This showed her the true meaning of life is just to live . +3 Bob was able to write his essay using the typewriter . Bob had to write an essay for school . His computer was broken ! He remembered he had an old typewriter in his attic . His teacher gave him a B on his essay . +4 I took relief in knowing that at least I did n't already clean it . I was washing dishes for a long time last night . My hands got so soapy and wrinkly that I could barely hold anything . When I tried to grab a glass in the soapy water it slipped . The glass fell and shattered on the ground . +4 She yelled at Tati since the mark was a tattoo . Tati stayed in her bed all day . When Mina came over , she took Tati to the mall . They came back during the night time . Tati 's mom noticed a weird mark behind Tati 's back . +3 I thought that this was a wiring issue so I called an electrician . After the repairman left , I thought the issue was fixed . In fact , the lights stayed completely lit for a few days . I turned them on today , but for the second time this week they died . He said he 'd be here first thing tomorrow morning . +1 She had many nubs but few full sized crayons . Gale was frustrated by her lack of crayons . She decided to melt down her small crayons into one big one . The crayon was so big she could hardly lift it . She named it the Ultimate Crayon Creation and used it sparingly . +3 She started wearing them whenever she washed dishes . Irene 's hands were cracked and dry . She found that her dishwater had been hurting her hands . She went to the store and bought rubber gloves . Irene 's hands never hurt anymore . +3 She was really happy and excited . Tiffany loved records . Unfortunately she had nothing to play them on . Her new boyfriend knows she loves them and bought her one . Now they listen to records together all the time . +1 The places had some pool tables . I was at the local bowling alley with friends last weekend . A friend challenged me to a game . Winner buys the loser a beer . I enjoyed my free beer . +4 The river led them right back to their car . Two friends went on a hike in the woods . They decided to take an unmarked trail . After a while on the unmarked trail they were lost . One friend suggested they followed the nearby river back . +4 John got a ticket for speeding . John was going 60 mph . He went over the bridge and the speed dropped to 45 mph . John continued to go 60 mph . John got pulled over by a policeman . +1 On the weekends , she would sit and draw , paint , and color . Megan liked to create art . Every Monday , Megan would bring her artwork into her class . Her friends and teachers all admired her skill . She eventually became a great artist . +2 I decided to use a pan . I wanted to fry some Oreos . I did n't have a frying pot . Alas , the pan was not deep enough . My oreos were half-fried and tasted filthy . +0 It was raining last night . This morning we woke up to rainy . Now , it has turned to snow . The snow is keeping us in our house . We 'll have to find something other than watching television to do . +3 She let them know about the issue . Georgia went to pick up a pizza . The cashier brought her her order . Georgia checked the pizza and saw that something was wrong . They gave her a fixed order and she took it home . +4 Thankfully , there was no fly in Ava 's ear . Ava was sitting working on her computer . Suddenly she heard a loud buzzing right in her ear . She shrieked and jumped up . She made her mom look into her ear with a flashlight . +2 A large moose charged at the two of them , and so they hid in a tree . Hunter and his friend were walking through a forest trail one day . While walking through the path , they heard a weird noise . After the noose left , Hunter and his friend walked away very scared . They quickly ran back to their car and never went back to the trail . +4 Jim decided to hold off on the trip and teach Sam to swim . Jim was going to Waterworld . Waterworld was a theme park in his city . Sam wanted to go too . However , Sam did n't know how to swim . +3 But his foot caught and he fell ! Tim was playing hopscotch . He drew the grid with chalk . Then he tried to hop across it . Tim toppled to the ground and scraped his knee . +3 The bully saw how strong he was and decided not to fight him . Bobby was sick of getting bullied at school . Bobby decided to go to a gym to train . After a few months , Bobby was very strong and fought the bully ! After that day , Bobby was never bullied again . +2 Her dad helped her get it airborne . Anne went to the park with her dad . There , she unfurled her kite . Then he helped her fly it . They flew Anne 's kite all afternoon ! +0 The group of scientists went on a field trip to visit Dolly . It 's not really Dolly , but one of her descendants that they saw . The laboratory opened their facilities to the scientists . After their tour , they went back to their private research . Since the trip , they have had heated discussions on cloning issues . +0 Alicia loved to play at the local arcade . She loves the lively atmosphere at that arcade . In addition , Alicia has to opportunity to meet new friends . Also , Alicia has the opportunity to display her competitive side . Alicia loves visiting the local arcade . +0 When my boyfriend and I went to the DR , we ate very well . I 'm a seafood lover and would n't leave DR without eating some . When we found a seafood restaurant , I was floored . The seafood was at least 50 % bigger and juicier than in the states ! Needless to say , I have n't had anymore seafood here in the US since . +4 I will get a chance to move there next year . When I was thirteen , my mother took me to Colorado for the first time . She always wanted to show me the place she went when she was young . It was beautiful and I loved it . Since then , I have been hoping to move to Colorado . +3 This eventually added up and I got better and better . I wanted to learn to drive one summer . I asked my dad and he said he would teach me . Every day , I would spend 15 minutes in the car . By the end of summer , I could drive very well . +4 My children cried and refused to hunt for any eggs . On Easter I took my children to their grandma 's house . We had an egg hunt in the front yard . Everything was damp from the rain that morning . The wet eggs attracted slugs . +2 She questioned the guys next to her and they promptly got up and left . Amy was sitting at a bar with her friends and put her phone down . All of a sudden , she looked down and her phone was n't there . She called the police but they took their time getting to the bar . Amy never got her phone back . +1 She was nervous , because this was her first time going to the dentist . Mary entered the dentist 's office . The dentist turned out to be very gentle and kind . Mary could n't believe how anxious she had been . She set up her next dentist appointment for as early as possible . +0 Anna was shopping at the flea market in Cowlesville . She found a lot of old books to read . She also found new outfits to wear . Anna was surprised at her finds . She was really happy with her Cowlesville purchases ! +4 In two weeks she was well , but she never forgot how much a card means . Ruth felt like she had been sick forever . She was feeling lonely when her sister walked in carrying something . It was a huge pile of get-well cards ! With each card , Ruth felt renewed courage and hope . +4 Stephanie is so proud of her new couch . Stephanie wanted a new couch . She convinced her husband to go shopping for one with her . They looked at several and could n't agree on one . They found a leather couch that reclines and both loved it . +2 He works very hard to learn how to drive and park . Javier has always wanted to be more independent . He decides to learn to drive to be less dependent on his parents . Finally he is an expert driver . Javier loves his newfound independence . +3 Ali watched in shock as the bully approached her . Ali was frozen where she stood . Her sister had brought her with to a friends house . The friend 's sister was a bully who hated Ali . Before she knew what happened , they were in a full on fight . +3 He knew this would not be good , so he ran to higher ground . Jake went to stay at his family 's coastal cab for a week . He went to rest one day on a rainy afternoon . Jake woke up to a sudden shaking of his whole house . Just as Jake got to the top of the hill , a massive tsunami came in . +3 At the check-out window they got their food and a gun in their faces . Aaron came from a wealthy family , but he was curious about the ghetto . He and his cousin Chuck drove into the city of Compton . They turned into the drive-thru of the famous Tommy 's Burgers . Aaron gave up his Suburban truck and went walking for a pay phone . +0 Nancy and her boyfriend were fighting . She used to write him notes . She mentioned he was n't romantic in the fight . He went to his room and got all the notes he had collected . She was touched he had kept them . +1 The hot chocolate was delicious . Yesterday I made some good hot chocolate . I made it with white chocolate . I also put whipped cream on it . It was the best ever . +1 She finally had enough to comfortably buy her dream car . Sylvie had been saving for four long years . At the dealership , the salesman convinced her to upgrade even more . Once Sylvie left with her new car , she realized she overspent . Luckily Sylvie got a raise the next day and could now afford it . +4 Mikey and his friends swam back to the boat and felt sad . Mikey and his friends went to the lake . They went onto a boat and prepared to ride a tube . When the boat was moving , people began to climb onto the tube . After the boat sped up , the inner tube popped and everyone flew off . +2 He quickly threw the bowl behind a shelf . Leo was eating cereal in his room , even though it was n't allowed . He heard his parents coming to his room . Later when they were gone he went to retrieve the bowl . Milk had spilled everywhere and he had a huge mess to clean . +3 That is , until I accidentally ran into a poor little girl . One time , in high school , I went roller skating with my friends . It was the first time I had ever been roller skating . After an hour or so , I got to the point I could stay on my feet ! Thankfully she was okay and forgave me for my poor skating ability ! +1 He decided to use the air conditioner sparingly . A man wanted to lose fat . He felt this raise his metabolism . He sweat a lot and reduced his bodyfat . He found sweating often to help his reach his weight loss goals . +4 Wanda 's daughter was ecstatic when she opened the gift . Wanda 's daughter wanted a special doll for Christmas . Wanda could n't find the doll in any of the stores . After checking the internet , she was able to find it . Wanda decided to buy it . +4 He cancelled the service . Tom was frugal . He wanted to reduce his expenses . He decided to cancel his cable TV service . He called the company . +0 Allie was having a party at her new salon . She invited all her closest friends except Dawn . When Dawn found out she was n't invited , she was furious . Dawn decided to not be friends with her anymore . Allie was sad and apologized to Dawn but it was no use . +0 Jason had a bad dream . He woke up suddenly was scared . He could n't go back to sleep . Jason decided to get up and watch TV . Eventually he fell asleep again in front of the TV . +0 A man went for a jog on a hot day . He stopped at a deli to evade the heat . The deli owner told the jogger he looked hot . The jogger just grunted and nodded . The deli owner filled a large cup of water for the thirsty man . +0 My brother 's cat likes to leave the apartment . One day my brother went to work . He came home and found the cat in the hall . She had sneaked out when he opened the door . The cat was hungry and went home eagerly . +4 From that day forward , Nick decided not to drive so fast . Nick loved to drive very fast on the roads near his home . One evening he was driving in foggy weather . A deer jumped out in front of his car . Nick hit the deer with his car . +1 He put on some dogs and burgers . Ben wanted to grill some Meat . Then he had a few beers . Suddenly he remembered to check the meat ! It was too late - everything had burned . +2 The driver had had a heart attack and his foot was on the pedal . John rode the bus to work each day . On one of these rides , the bus seemed to picked up a lot of speed . John rushed down and pulled the driver out . He stopped the bus just before it went in the river . +0 Sam was washing the dishes . Suddenly , he noticed a puddle on the floor . He tried to find the source of the water . Then , he realized it was a leaking pipe . Using a tool , he was able to fix it . +2 She was wondering if her husband forgot about the holiday . JoAnne was at the bus stop on Valentine 's Day . She was surprised she did n't get flowers at work . A car pulled up right before the bus came . The driver was her husband with a bouquet of flowers . +2 His friends were taking shots . Jake did n't drink much . He went out to the bar with friends . Jake thought it looked like fun and joined in . He wound up throwing up shortly after . +3 Her grandmother finally showed her how . Connie always loved her grandmother 's biscuits . She had them often growing up . She remembers always wanting to know how to make them . Now she never visits anymore . +4 Finally , he left with a gift from the gift shop . Shawn was on a tour of a cheese factory . He followed the guide through the factory . Then , he tried some cheese samples . After that , he took some funny pictures . +2 One day , he went to an open-mic night . Rob likes comedy . He wants to be a stand up comedian . He ended up getting called on stage . Now Rob is sure he will succeed at stand up comedy . +0 Lilly is scared in the dark . She can not sleep in the dark without her nightlight . At night she noticed that her nightlight was broken . She was scared and quickly crawled into her parents bed . Lilly felt comfortable in her parents bed and was n't scared anymore . +4 Her mom bandaged the bloody toe . Kaya was running around outside . She stubbed her toe on the sidewalk . It hurt badly ! Kaya cried and ran for her mom . +0 We went to a tequila bar while on vacation . They had over 400 kinds there . I got a margarita with dinner . My wife got a tequila sunrise . We both loved it and would go back . +1 She hated taking the yellow bus with all the little kids . Alex needed to go to school . She knew it would take almost an hour to walk to school . She put on her walking shoes and headed out . The walk to school took her 55 minutes . +4 They now remember to brush their own teeth twice a day . Cindy has 5 children . They seem to always forget to brush their teeth . Cindy smelled their breath one day . She brushed their teeth for them . +3 On one channel He saw images of starving and dying children . Frustrated by his life , the man sat on the couch and watched TV . He was mostly chanel surfing because nothing held his interest . He kept thinking about how much he hated his life . He realized his life was n't THAT bad and felt a bit better . +1 She ran a mile every day . Laura wanted to lose some weight . She also dieted by reducing her caloric intake . She lost 20 pounds over the course of 6 months . Laura was proud of her accomplishments . +2 One day after Easter she ate all her candy . Alice liked candy a lot . But it would get her really hyper . But she crashed the same day mid-afternoon . Her parents keep an eye on her candy intake now . +4 He quickly became an adept swimmer . Tom moved into a new apartment . He liked that it had a pool on the top floor . He loved that it was a salt water pool . He swam laps there daily . +1 His mom had given him chicken and vegetables . Toby was having dinner . He tried to eat , but did n't like it much . His mom told him that he would have to eat or go to bed . Toby really did n't want to eat , so he went to his bed . +0 I played tetherball one time with my brother . It was a lot of fun swatting the ball back and forth . But it got a bit too competitive . On one of his hits , the ball struck me in my face . Man did that hurt and it taught me a lesson to be careful . +2 The driver honked his horn . The car approached the intersection to turn right . A pedestrian started walking across the adjacent street . The walker did not hear the sound . The car and the driver met in an unpleasant crash . +4 The judge threw their case out . Several nuns tried to close down a strip club . The nuns filed their case in court . A hearing for both the nuns and club owners was held . Court witnesses shook their heads in disbelief . +0 Tim was playing . He got a cut on his finger . He started crying . There was a lot of blood . However when his mom gave him a band-aid , the bleeding stopped . +3 After a long climb , he made it to the top and took a picture . Barry drove to a national park to climb a mountain . He walked out of his car with his supplies . Barry climbed to the base of the mountain and began to climb . Barry climbed back down from the mountain and went home . +2 The police station sends a detective to the scene . A man 's house is robbed . The victim calls the police when he discovered what happened . While driving , the detective sees an escaped prisoner . He arrests the prisoner who also turned out to be the robber . +1 She tells Jan her boyfriend is married but Jan does n't believe her . Jill finds out that Jan 's boyfriend is married . So she brings Jan to meet her boyfriend 's wife . Jan is devastated by the truth . But she thanks Jan for having the courage to tell her . +0 After a lot of discussion we decided to leave for vacation early . Getting on the plane , we settled in for a long ride . It took three hours . Once we landed , we were in Costa Rica ! The weather was beautiful and we were happy to make it . +0 I took my girlfriend out to a new plaza that recently opened up . We walked around several of the outlet stores . She pointed to a shoe store . We went in to check out the deals . When we left , I treated her to some dinner before we left . +1 He went to a costume shop to rent a costume . Cory wanted to be The Flash for a costume party . The costume was too big , but he rented it anyway . Cory showed up to the party in his ill-fitting costume . No one at the party seemed to notice or care . +3 Terry and Mike decided to go out for Coffee at a diner . It was Terry 's day off from work . Terry did not want to spend all day at home . Terry called his friend Mike to hang out . After paying his bill Terry went back home . +0 Lucy was n't allowed to go into the street , or the alley . Lucy 's friend Lisa wanted to show her something cool in the alley . Lucy knew she should n't go , but wanted to be cool . As they walked down the alley Lucy 's grandpa pulled up . Lucy was forced to go sit in her room for the rest of the day . +0 Rebecca was new in town . She went out to the bar to meet people . The first three people she tried to become friends with shunned her . The fourth invited her to an after party . She went to it and got a bunch of numbers to call . +4 She adopted it and took it home that night . Sasha decided she wanted to adopt a dog . She went to the humane society . She looked at lots of dogs and puppies . She played with a golden retriever puppy for two hours . +0 Michael has beautiful hair . He needs money due to losing his job . Unfortunately , nobody will give Michael a job . Michael decides to cut his hair and sell it . He sells his hair to a wig maker and is able to pay his bills . +2 Things would be so much easier for him . Greg 's eighteenth birthday was coming up . He could n't wait to be considered an adult . His parents told him he had to start paying for his own car insurance . Putting a damper on his birthday , Greg had a good time anyways . +0 My internet browser was terrible . I decided to download a new browser . I did some research on browsers . I found one that I liked . I downloaded it and it was perfect . +0 Grandma loved her gravy . She would make it all the time . During the holidays she would put extra care into it . But this year she ran out of a special ingredient . Nobody liked her gravy this year . +3 He picked up his medication with ease . Lonnie needed to refill his medication . He called the pharmacy and told them he needed a refill . Then , he got into his car and drove there . It was a good thing he remembered . +3 Once Aaron hit the other motorcyclist and broke his jaw . Aaron was a stunt rider at a carnival . He jumped into a metal ball with other motorcyclists . They drove in circles around each other upside down . Now he is more careful but will never quit doing what he loves . +3 Gina knew they had been talking about her . Gina returned to her desk from the bathroom . She saw her friends Mary , and Rita talking to each other . They stopped and looked at Gina . And she knew Rita had told Mary what she promised to keep secret . +3 The line at the drive through window was 6 cars long . Susan had run out of allergy medication . Susan asked her husband to pick up her prescription . He drove by the pharmacy on his way home from work . He decided to go back later . +1 John stared at his sack lunch dismally . Not a peanut butter sandwich again ! Then he had an idea ! He traded his orange for another kid 's banana and honey packet . Now he had a delicious peanut butter , banana , and honey sandwich ! +3 And his amazing dribbling ability . Mark played basketball all the time . He tried out for his school team . He showed the coach his 3 pointer skills . Mark made the team as captain . +1 He 's going there for graduate school . Joe is moving to the United Kingdom . His family has had a tough time saying goodbye . Joe 's mother almost burst into tears yesterday . But his family is very proud of him . +4 The dog never got loose from the yard again . Lily 's dog was constantly escaping from her yard . Lily searched the fenceline to see where the dog was getting out . After a while , Lily found a small hole in the chain link . Lily asked her father to repair the fence . +4 She realized that eating healthy had turned her off of sugars . Marissa had been trying to eat healthy for a few weeks . She decided one day to splurge on a soda . She was taking a sip and it was disgusting to her . The soda was grossly sweet and she spit it out . +1 I wanted the cash to buy Christmas gifts . I needed to make some quick holiday money . I became an online seller of things I no longer wanted . I made a good profit from the items I sold . I bought some good presents for all my family members . +1 I filleted half and scaled the others . The fish I caught the other day were perfect sized . The whole ones are great but have a lot of bones . Half the fun of eating bluegill is picking bones out . My kids disagreed and ate all the fillets . +1 I applied for a loan because my homeowner 's taxes were due . I was a homeowner but now I am a renter . The Credit Union rejected my application for the tax loan . I begged the Payday Loan people to help me but they did not . Now I am a renter because I was evicted from my home . +1 Since he was in his bed for a while , his parents was concerned . John came home exhausted . They constantly took his temperature and begged him to go to the nurse Since he knew that his condition was temporary , he remained quiet . Eventually , he started to feel better . +4 Max grabbed it and then ran really well in his event . Max was about to run at a track meet . Suddenly , he realized that his good luck charm was missing . He frantically searched for it . Luckily , his mom found it on the car floor . +4 Ken knew he could relax now for the rest of his life . Ken won a million dollars in the lottery . He was so happy ! He paid off all his debts . Then he bought a nice home and a new car . +4 He had to seek shelter fast . Joe thought it looked like a great day to play golf . The sun was out and the temperature was perfect . He decided to leave work early and go play . As he was halfway through his game , a thunderstorm came . +1 He found a job near them but still needed to find a house . Preston wanted to buy a house closer to his parents . He talked to his Realtor friend and they started looking . Ater he found the house he move closer to his parents . His parents were so happy he moved closer . +4 Cheerleaders had to wear a tshirt with jeans for game days . The cheerleaders had been wearing their uniforms to school every year . This year they were outlawed . Cheer uniforms were no longer in compliance with the dress code . The only time they could be worn was for pep rallies . +2 She prayed every night before bed that she would get in . Kelly had applied to Harvard a couple months ago . She now was waiting for the admissions decision . Yesterday she got the letter in the mail and opened it . She was accepted and Kelly felt elated . +3 He pushed Ron . Ron was running with the basketball . He performed a cross-over on Gary and made a lay-up . Gary got up from the floor in a furious manner . The referee called a flagrant foul on Gary and he was ejected . +1 The reels came to a stop . A man pulled the handle on the slot machine . The machine lit up and made a lot of noise . Coins began to drop from the machine . The man jumped for joy . +0 A man was on the street telling jokes for money . He told a lady a joke about a lawyer and she laughed . He told a man a joke about an elephant and he laughed . He began to earn a lot of money for these jokes . The joke telling man laughed at his good fortune . +2 One scene really scared him . Chris was at a horror movie theater . And he was glad to be sitting in the first row . And he wished he could sit even closer . Chris had a great time . +4 Although it was dangerous , Jacob was happy with his job . Jacob was a young , eager treasure hunter . His recent expedition was to try and find the Lost Jewel of Egypt . He discovered the pyramid rumoured to contain the treasure . With his secret map he scoured the tombs and found the jewel . +1 She had no transportation . Angel wanted to go to church . She knew it would take an hour to walk to the church if she walked . She put on her walking shoes and started walking . She arrived five minutes before the service began . +4 They were caught and Charles learned jail is torture through boredom . Charles was seventeen years old and living in a new community . He made friends with teenagers in his area . But they were into graffiti and gangs . One evening Charles went out with them and they did a robbery . +1 Tired and wet , he removed his boots . Bob just got out from the rain . His feet were soaking wet and cold . He looked to see what was the matter with his boots . He stepped on a nail on his trek home from school . +2 She decided to go for it . Amy liked watching videos on Youtube . She had learned about a challenge to post videos every day . At first , she was having a really hard time keeping up . Luckily she was able to do it and she really loved it . +1 She delayed writing what she initially wanted . Mary had an essay that was due in 12 hours . She knew her ideas were not good enough and kept thinking . Four hours passed of brainstorming and debating . With little time left , Mary wrote about her initial ideas . +0 Bobby just came home from work . He decided to cook himself some dinner . He made himself a big steak with some potatoes . While he was eating dinner , his dog snatched the steak from his plate . Bobby had to order pizza because his dog stole his dinner . +2 He jammed a bit . Sean had a guitar . He wanted to write a song . Then , some ideas came to him . He wrote them down until he had a song . +0 Last year my tooth started to bother me . My hygienist said the tooth looked ok . The dentist took an x-ray and said it was an abscess . He said a root canal would not help . I had the tooth pulled in March . +0 I really love to eat pork chops . My wife was not a very good cook . The pork chops turned out pink and raw . We were very hungry so we ate them . We got very sick and never ate pork again . +1 He wanted to impress his teacher by tying his shoes . Tyler was starting kindergarten . He studied his mother 's method . Then he practiced a lot on his own . On the first day of school , he could tie his own shoes ! +1 He unwrapped the gift . Ben 's grandma gave him a Christmas gift . The gift was an ugly sweater . Ben was disappointed . He gave it to his dog to use as a blanket . +3 Shelby worked hard and took all of her exams early . Shelby was looking forward to her school 's winter break . First , though , she had to complete all of her final tests . Break would start as soon as every test was completed . Shelby earned herself an extra two days of winter break . +3 He told me that it would be nice if I did his sidewalk too . Snow fell on my sidewalk overnight . I had to wake up early to shovel it all . My neighbor saw me and walked over . I laughed in his face and went back to shoveling . +0 Sarah and Jean were driving home from a far away amusement park . Sarah asked Jean if she wanted to stop and get something to eat . The innocent question swirled around in Jean 's overly careful mind . Jean hesitantly decided that they should stay on the freeway . Later , they rear-ended a slow driver who wrongly cut into their lane . +0 Amy was failing math . Her parents hired a tutor to help her . At first Amy resented the implication . But the tutor studied with her and helped her quite a bit . Soon Amy 's grades had improved drastically ! +1 Her dad would not stop talking . Lisa was getting mad at her dad . He was saying private things in front of everyone . Lisa decided to not speak to him . She was too upset . +3 Jill lost all her money through the lottery tickets . Jill had a gambling problem . She had spent her savings on lottery tickets . She thought she would be able to pay off her credit card if she won . Jill got treatment for her gambling problem the next day . +1 We decided to have a pancake eating competition . My friends and I were drunk at Denny 's one night . Winner would n't have to pay for their food . We all stuffed ourselves and threw up . Nobody won that night . +0 Trevor fell very ill during finals week at college . He emailed all his professors telling them he was sick . All of his professors said that he could take his finals later . A week later , Trevor felt better . He took his finals and aced them all . +0 Molly was a puppy She was so full of energy She loved to play outside and go the dog park One day her owner brought her to the dog park She was so excited to play with all the other dogs +4 It ruined Bob 's suit and his day . Bob bought a new suit . The suit was very expensive . Bob bought a coffee . Bob spilled his coffee on his suit ! +1 One day the fence in his pasture broke . Joe owned a dairy farm . He found the cows all on the other side , eating tall green grass . He called his neighbor and apologize . But the neighbor thanked him , it saved him the trouble of mowing . +1 He likes eat bugs and chase animals in the woods . I took Bowser out in the woods for a walk . Bowser also likes to be ahead of you on the walk . This gets him tired out real quick . On the way back Bowser is exhausted and ready to nap . +2 Jeff took a conflict resolution seminar last year . Jeff became the at a new company and started this week . This company was full of people who fought with each other a lot . He applied what he learned at the seminar to his new employees . Soon everyone was getting along and working together just fine ! +3 Their spouses eventually filed for divorce . Marley and June have been meeting secretly for years . Recently a coworker saw them in a nearby town . Word began to spread across town . Marley and June married the following spring . +3 Mandy was thrown through his windshield from the force . Mandy was driving too fast on an icy road . He skidded off the corner of a curve . Because of how fast he was going , he hit a tree very hard . Mandy 's seat belt still contained some of his body afterwards . +4 Matt decides he has earned his way to retirement . Matt has been at his job for over 30 years . He loves what he does and likes going to work . He has some really great co-workers . He has a long list of accomplishments over the years . +3 The strap struck her skin with force . Gina had a new bra . She wore an off the shoulder shirt to show it off . A boy named Dave snapped her bra strap hard , and ran away . Gina cried out in pain , and ran after the boy . +4 Jimmy decided not to play any more pranks after that . Jimmy decided to play a prank on his teacher . He put a thumbtack on her chair when she was n't looking . Soon he heard a scream , and saw that she was in pain . Jimmy had n't realized his prank might really hurt her ! +3 She removed the noodles from the flame much earlier . Ella was making pasta for her family 's dinner . Her husband told her the pasta noodles were too soft . The next time , Ella remembered his comment . Her husband said they were perfectly al dente this time ! +0 Jill is working on a spreadsheet . Jill is having some problems with the document . Jill reaches out to her new co-worker Bill . Bill is able to help Jill fix the issue . Jill is excited to have made a connection with Bill . +1 He did not tell her where . Jon took Melissa on a special date . He whisked her off into a limo . When she got in her mom was also there . They went to her favorite concert . +0 I lived in Kansas for my entire life . I had never seen an ocean . I decided to take a road trip to Malibu beach . Finally , I saw an ocean in real life ! It was nothing spectacular . +2 Finally a cute boy asks Jenna out on a date . Jenny has been single for Years . She wants a boyfriend but she has very high standards . They eat dinner at a romantic restaurant . Jenny thinks this date might be the end of her single life . +3 I sat on my boat for hours waiting for a bite . I woke up one very early weekend morning . I put on my clothes and left my house . It was dark still when I arrived at the pond . Finally , I went home after catching several fish . +2 For a tie breaker , they each guessed at the 101st digit . Jim and Tim had a bet to see who could memorize more digits of pi . One week later they met up and each could recite exactly 100 digits . Tim guessed wrong and Jim guessed correctly . Jim won the best and Tim had to pay him $ 31 and 45 cents . +0 Today , I made lunch to bring to school with me . I made a sandwich with roast beef , pickles , and cheese . I also put a bag of chips in my lunch . I took it to school and had it at lunch time . I was really glad I had made myself lunch . +0 Lucy called her friend Amy the day after a party she missed . Amy had gone to the mall with other friends . Lucy was far away and feeling left out . It upset her her friends were having fun while she was bored . Amy decided not to call them till she was home again . +2 One of the snowballs hit Bill right in the face . Bob and Bill were snowball fighting . Bob kept throwing snowballs too hard . The snowball had made his nose bleed . The boys ran inside to clean him up . +4 Sue 's mom was so happy , she almost cried ! Sue 's friends called her Silly Sue because she was so funny and cute . Sue 's mom worried that Sue would n't get a job being funny , though . Then Sue got an audition at a comedy club . The patrons loved her , and Sue was hired immediately ! +1 The dad wanted to teach his son to shave . There was a dad and son . He taught him to be careful He taught him to get a close shave . The boy remembers this forever . +4 I ran to the bus and just made it . I woke up and got out of bed . I dragged a comb across my head . I went downstairs and drank a cup . I looked up and noticed I was late . +3 After the lesson we had a pop quiz . One day in class my teacher taught something interesting . He taught us that the laws of physics were absolute . He was certain what he was saying was true . A question about that statement was on there and I got it right . +4 The entire class was laughing . I wrote a note in class . I tried to catch Jim 's attention in order to pass it to him . However , my teacher noticed me . She took the note away and read it out loud . +2 One day , she met a professional painter and showed her the paintings . Caitlyn loved to paint wildlife scenery . Although her skills were impressive , the paintings went unnoticed . The painter was impressed and decided to display them in a gallery . After receiving this exposure , Caitlyn became a renowned painter . +1 I never bothered washing it . I loved eating fruit . One day I ate a peach and fell sick . There were pesticides on the peach . I realized I should always wash my fruit . +1 It says that the senior prom is within the next week . Several posters were posted on the bulletin board in the hallway . It also reminded everyone to find a partner . I thought of one friend and approached her . After asking her out to the prom , she said yes . +2 Jeff was nervous because he gets stage fright . Jeff had to give a speech at his job next month . It was going to be in front of the entire company . He took a crash course of public speaking which helped him a lot . By the time the day came to give the speech Jeff was confident ! +2 Alissa decided to take them to the zoo for entertainment . Alissa was babysitting some children on a Saturday . They were feeling very bored . They went and the children had a great time . Alissa was glad she was able to give them a fun day . +4 He thought it was delicious ! Jon decided to eat some Korean food . He had never had Korean food . He went to the local Korean cafe . He ordered fried fish with kimchi . +1 After she turned it in , she thanked me for all her help . I was helping Leidy with her science fair project tonight . A week later , I called her to arrange another meet-up . She did n't ' respond until next month . The message says that she had to walk her dog and could n't come . +1 Jenny was not the prettiest woman , though . Jenny wanted to be a model . She worked out everyday . She got plastic surgery . She became a model . +4 And she tried to make it at home out of avocados . Wendy love mexican food . She did n't know the names of the items , but loved the food . Red and green sauces , sour cream , and cheese were on every dish . But one thicker green spread she really liked . +4 Tyler felt a lot better and looked for more things to stamp . Tyler bought a new stamp with his name on it . He stamped his name on everything he owned . When he was done his arm was very sore . He rested his arm and did a few stretches . +1 It spotted a large cracker on the counter . A mouse was running through a kitchen . It found a way to reach the top of the counter . It then grabbed the cracker and struggled to carry it . It persisted until it brought the whole thing to its lair . +2 At the zoo , Greg sees lions , tigers , and penguins . Greg has always loved seeing different animals . He schedules a trip to his local zoo . At the end of the day Greg returns home . Greg is very happy he took a trip to the zoo . +3 It took him a lot of time to save up the required amount . Irving found a toy that he could not live without . He begged his parents to purchase it for him , but they said no . He decided he would work hard and save his money for it . In the end , he deposited his money instead of spending it . +3 A few weeks later , she got a call : she would be a contestant ! Ellen desperately wanted to be on TV . She read that a game show was interviewing contestants at the Mall . She drove over , and interviewed . It was her dream come true ! +1 She tried looking her absolute best for the day . It was Ariana 's first day of school and picture day . As soon as she sat in the chair to get it taken , she tensed up . She hated picture day . However thankfully the pictures came out good . +1 She went dress shopping with her mother . Betty was looking forward to the school prom They picked out a beautiful dress together . She wore it to her prom . Her date told her she looked beautiful and she blushed . +4 One of the girls had fallen inside of the shower . Lindsay was getting up in the morning , today was special . It was her wedding day , she woke up to all of her brides maids . They had laid out her dress , and got her favorite breakfast . Drinking her orange juice , she heard a loud bang and screamed . +1 He decided he wanted to learn how to scuba dive . Eric spent his mornings watching scuba diving videos . Eric signed up for a local scuba diving course . He spent the next few weeks learning different procedures . Eric passed his scuba diving test ! +4 Her daughter frowned in all the photos . Cindy was getting her kids ready for pictures . She thought her daughter would look good in shoulder pads . Her daughter strongly disagrees . She finally got her daughter dressed . +3 Ryan is now poor and homeless . Ryan was rich growing up . He had almost everything . After a series of events Ryan lost all of his money . He reflected back to all the money he wasted . +3 She worried she 'd somehow mess up and make things hard for Nancy . Olive was looking forward to getting to know her college roommate . When she met Nancy , she got a bit of a shock - Nancy was blind . Olive did n't know anything about living with a blind person . When she said so , Nancy assured her she did n't need special treatment . +1 I saw a cardboard box that I look inside . One day I was walking down an alleyway . There was a small black dog inside ! I picked him up to take him home . He is my new best friend . +4 Tiffany put too much rice in the cooker , and rice was everywhere . Tiffany bought a rice cooker to make healthy food . She skipped the directions and just winged it . She went and watched some television . The rice cooker 's alarm went off . +3 She discreetly took pictures with a zoom lens . Tanya parted the ferns , and looked between them . The villagers were unaware of her presence . Tanya watched as they performed their primitive mating rituals . She sold the pictures to a magazine when she returned home . +3 His cat climbed down the tree by herself . Jake 's cat was stuck in the tree . He tried to climb a ladder to get him . Jake fell off the ladder and fell down . Jake 's cat went to lick him afterwards . +1 Ali 's mom made her go with Amy . Ali 's sister Amy was going to her friend May 's house . Amy told Ali her friend Mary had a sister the same age as Ali . Amy could n't remember the name of the little sister . Upon arrival Ali was horrified to see the sister was the bully Val . +2 The girls brought along with them buckets for the fruit . Lisa and her friends decided it would be fun to pick oranges . They arrived at the grove early . They picked for about an hour . When they were done they picked about a hundred oranges . +3 He started selling some . It was finals week . All of the college students were stressed . Tom has a prescription for ritalin . He made a lot of money . +2 He rushed on the floor to break the fall . Davidson was moving toward the hoop . As soon as he went for lay-up , his ankle bent . A group of medics had to escort him to the locker room . He was diagnosed with a broken ankle . +3 The police came and arrested Larry for domestic violence . Larry and his girlfriend go into an argument over money . Larry ended up pushing his girlfriend . The girlfriend called the police . Larry went to jail . +3 He loves getting to work on his brand new bike . Seth is tired of walking to work every day . He wants to buy a car but they are too expensive . Finally Seth decides to buy a bike . Seth is very happy he no longer has to walk to work . +3 When he finally had enough , he did n't want to break his little piggy . Charlie wanted a new bike badly . He saved his money in a small , glass , piggy bank . He saved until his piggy was full of change . Charlie decided that he loved the little piggy more than a new bike . +1 He always studied for test and quizzes . The boy had good grades . One day he forgot to study . He failed the biggest test of the year . The test brought his grades down and made him fail the class . +4 He knew he would love his memories of Hungary ! Neil was visiting Hungary . He was having a great time ! He ate lots of Hungarian cuisine . Neil was stuffed full of food the whole time . +4 Now when I want milk I just add some creamer to it . As a child I hated drinking white milk . As I grew into adulthood I always wanted to drink it . I just could n't get over the taste . One day I poured coffee creamer in a cup of milk and it tasted yummy . +4 The coast guard was nearby to rescue him with their boat . Harry was on a cruise ship for vacation . He was tired from the night before and decided to take a swim . Afterwards he decided to go tanning . All of a sudden a strong wind blew him off the edge of the boat . +3 Yet unfortunately my knees became all rough from falling . Last week my friends and I went to a trampoline park . As soon as we got there , I ran for the nearest trampoline . I started bouncing and having fun . My body ached for another week after . +3 Henry recruited some of his friends in computer science to help . Henry is trying to launch a startup . He wants to start an independent videogame developer . However , he has no programming experience . We still have yet to see how it will pan out . +1 But if his team was losing , he assumed someone else was at fault . Paul was the best basketball player on his high school team . One game , the referee accused Paul of foul play . Paul attacked the referee . Paul was never allowed to play on his school team again/ +2 They tried to have a good time but it was too loud . Kim and Dave went out on a date . They went to a popular restaurant . They could barely talk to each other . They decided to leave early to walk at a park instead . +2 He realized he might want to work with children as a profession . Dakota finished his job at a summer camp . He had really enjoyed working with children . When he returned to college he visited a career counselor . Dakota switched his major to Elementary Education . +4 Joan thought about the rumors as she happily played . Joan heard stories about the new girl at school . When the new girl invited her over , Joan felt nervous and excited . Joan was even more nervous to find the girl 's parents were n't home . Then , the new girl got out a box of paper dolls to play . +4 After fixing my lean , my back stopped hurting ! I was back squatting in the gym . For some reason , it was hurting my back . I asked a trainer to look at my form . He told me I was leaning forward too much . +4 The odor is gone . Our apartment has an odor somewhere . We ca n't seem to find it . Instead of looking more we just gave up . We have air fresheners everywhere now . +0 Allie and Tom were playing in the snow . They were having a snowball fight . Suddenly , Tom got an idea . He got a ball of snow and ran up to Allie . He shoved the snow down her shirt and she screamed . +0 Bob decided to cheat on his exam . He wrote notes on his thigh . During the exam , he lifted his shorts to peek at the notes . His teacher caught him . He was given detention for cheating . +0 Adam tried out for the football team his junior year . He did n't make the team because he could n't catch the ball . Adam was devastated but he was determined to get better . He practiced all winter , catching ball after ball . He tried out the next year and was the star of the team . +0 Jay forgot his insulin shot before he went to work . while he was at work he began to feel funny . Then he remembered that he forgot to take his shot . He had his friend drive him home so he could take his shot . Jay got his shot and everything turned out alright . +1 He was surprised when get tickets to the show . Tim loved The Price is Right . He was even more surprised when he got called on stage . He did n't win anything other than a consolation prize . He loved the experience more than enough to make up for it . +2 Sandy rushed to save him . Sandy was an excellent swimmer . One day Sandy 's brother fell in the pool . Her brother was safe short after . Sandy 's mom was very proud of her . +4 Throughout his trip , he completed activities and earned his badge . Alex was on a camping trip with his family . They were at the visitor 's center when Alex noticed a sign . The sign advertised a junior ranger program . Alex was interested so he had his mom sign him up . +4 For his next five meals he ate scrambled eggs . Kyle bought 2 dozen eggs at the supermarket . He forgot about them for 2 weeks . After two weeks he remembered the eggs . Kyle needed to cook the eggs before they went bad . +2 He immediately spat out what was in his mouth . Jake was eating a burger from his local fast food restaurant . He bit into the thick juicy burger . There was a long human hair in his burger ! Jake complained to the restaurant and got a refund . +3 Thomas got very wet chasing his umbrella . Thomas wanted to take a walk to the store . It was raining , so he brought an umbrella . The wind snatched Thomas ' umbrella way . When he finally caught it , it had stopped raining . +4 We screamed and Sam then announced he had never bowled in his life ! My husband and I took Sam and Kelton bowling . The bowling alley was packed and all the lanes were full . On Sam 's turn , he told us he was a pro and to watch how good he was . Sam threw the ball , it flew over two alleys and hit another ball . +2 Both hid in small spaces for hours while their owners looked for them . Two brother cats were adopted together . They were scared in their new home . Finally the owners heard mewing behind the couch . The owners lured them out with cat treats . +3 Long distance driving was a lot of fun until the accident . Kelly used to enjoy driving . She had a job where she had to drive around the country . Once she even drove from Michigan to Arizona and back for work . Kelly 's car was totaled and now she does n't drive anymore . +1 He got up from his work desk and look out the window . Tim noticed a slightly burning smell . To his surprise , the building across the street was on fire . Just then , an ambulance arrived on the scene . Tim watched from his windows as the ambulance crew put out the fire . +0 Thomas is fairly introverted so Maria invited him to a party . We all thought that it was a bad idea , but she insisted . When Thomas arrived , awkward glances were thrown in all directions . He was wearing a bright green suit and stood out like a swollen thumb . By the end of the evening , he turned out to be a pretty cool guy . +2 Then he threw it at the wastebasket in his corner . Ike was trying to write poems . As he rejected each one , he crumpled it up . Soon he had a whole pile of papers near there . Ike was better at throwing paper than writing poems ! +0 Tami had tried out for volleyball at her local high school . She Was anxious to find out the results . After 3 days she checked to see if they had posted the roster . They had n't . She decided to go home and call the coach . +2 They decided to homeschool Alex . Alex had gotten into a situation at school . He vowed he would run away if his parents made him go back . He was ecstatic ! Alex 's joy dissipated when he realized it meant he could n't slack off . +4 Ayla has n't eaten fish since that day . Ayla started to learn to cook at a young age . Her mother took her to a fish market to get a whole fish . She put it on the cutting board and its dead eyes looked at her . She could n't bring herself to filet it . +2 Jane decided to get his attention by dancing while skating . Jane was at the roller rink with her friends . She spotted her crush across the room . She began to dance and noticed her crush was watching her . Jane got too excited and embarrassingly fell while he was watching . +0 Isabella loves to play with her older sister . Isabella 's favorite game is hide and seek . She is a better hitter than her older sister . Isabella his way back in the closet . Her older sister could n't find her for more than 10 minutes . +1 He did n't get much sleep the night before . Ryan had studied hard for the test . He was really nervous before the test . The teacher passed out the tests . It was the easiest test Ryan ever took . +2 He decided to draw on his desk . Bob got detention . He was bored . The teacher caught him . He was sentenced two more days of detention . +4 I shut the attic door and never saw the bat again . I went into my attic to store a box . I heard a strange sound above me . Suddenly , a bat flew towards me . I dropped my boxes and ran down stairs . +1 She took the puppy to the veterinarian . Danielle 's puppy was very sick . The veterinarian gave it medication . The puppy began to feel better . Danielle was very happy . +2 She then bought some crackers to settle her stomach . Janette started a drive from Dallas to Wichita . On the outskirts of Denton , her stomach started to hurt . After 2 hours , she checked into the local emergency room . The main surgeon of the hospital removed her appendix just in time . +3 I decided to leave the school . I reached the front of my school . When I walked in the front of my class , I saw a warning sign . It said class is cancelled for today . Eventually , my teacher posted an email online regarding the class . +0 My daughter is Isolde . It is an uncommon name . One day another isolde moved into the building . I called her my other daughter . I still keep in contact with the other Isolde . +2 I came home from work one night and could n't find her , I was scared . I have a cat named Madrigal Madrigal expects her dinner at 5pm and did not show up . I checked the under the bed , and even in the garage ! Madrigal kept meowing and I finally found her locked in the bathroom ! +3 As a result , I blocked a few touches . The quarterback tried to reached the goal . Several people were trying to approach him . I ran alongside the quarterback to protect him . The quarterback ran across the goal to give us more points . +2 She went for her bi-annual teeth cleaning . Mandy had not purchased herself a toothbrush in Years . She had simply been using the complementary ones from the dentist . The hygienist forgot to give her a bag of supplies afterward . Mandy was forced to use her existing brush for a further half-year . +4 She told me to stop being a creep . I saw her at the checkout line . She dropped a can and I reached to help her pick it up . Our hands met and we both awkwardly giggled . I told her my name and asked for her number . +0 The snow fell for almost two whole days . When it was over , I sent the boys outside to shovel your driveway . The neighbor offered assistance with his new snowblower . Before long , the driveway was cleared of the snow by my sons . The boys and my neighbor came inside for some hot cocoa that I 'd made +4 I decided to leave her alone and take a nap . My mom tried to call me in school . Since I was occupied at the time , I hung up the phone . When I got home , she threw a fit . My plate of food was thrown in the air and she kicked me . +4 She would look at it longingly and wish she could see them again . Jenny loved visiting her grandparents . Everytime she visited , they gave her a quarter . Over the years she accumulated many quarters from them . When they both passed away , she still had her jar of quarters . +4 Victoria was able to snag a ticket to the next showing . Victoria always took too long to do her hair . She was getting ready to go out to the movies today . She took 2 hours to put on her make-up and do her hair . By the time she got to the movie , it was already over . +0 Julian ran away from home one day . His parents looked really hard for him . Still , they never did find him . After almost a year , he was the legal age and did n't need to hide . His parents were very mad at him , though . +3 Bob would cough whenever Jim smoked . Bob 's roommate Jim was a smoker . Jim like to smoke in the house . Bob was really annoyed because he had a smoke allergy . Bob politely asked Jim to stop smoking in the house . +2 Ben was able to get seats near the field . Ben took his son to his first baseball game . They both brought baseball gloves to the game . In the ninth inning , a foul ball came their way . Ben 's son caught the foul ball . +1 He reached for the soap but there was none . Carl took a shower before he left for work . He tried to scrub all the dirt off as best he could . Carl stayed in the shower for an extra ten minutes . He came out as clean as he could be . +4 This is one of the best birthdays ever . My sister is amazing ! For my birthday she got me tickets to my favorite band . She is going to go with me to the concert . She said she 's going to take me to dinner before the show . +1 She spent lots of time trying new looks on her face . Angie loved makeup . Angie really wanted to find a job that involved makeup . She applied at Mac Cosmetics in her local mall . Angie was hired and became their best makeup artist . +3 She tutored high school kids for a month . Kiley wanted to earn extra money to help pay for her vacation . She began earning money by becoming a tutor for high school English . The work was very rewarding and she enjoyed being around kids . With the money she made she was able to finally afford her vacation . +3 Nicole tried on several different dresses until she found the one . Nicole was excited that Mike asked her to the prom . Nicole said yes but realized that she would need to get a dress . Nicole and her friends went to a dress shop downtown . Nicole purchased the dress to wear to the prom with Mike . +2 Dennis noticed that Tana hardly ever wore the watch . Dennis bought his girlfriend a watch for her birthday . His girlfriend Tana seemed very excited when she opened it . One day Dennis asked Tana why she never wore the watch . Tana admitted she actually did n't like the watch at all . +4 Eventually , Gai 's blood pressure returned to normal . Gai went to the doctor . The doctor said Gai 's blood pressure was too high . He said Gai must cut down on his salt intake . Gai decided to stop eating potato chips . +1 He thought they smelled awful . Joe hated washing dishes . Joe had a plan . He bought a bunch of paper plates . Joe never had to wash dishes again . +0 One day I went on a strange 2 week diet . I had only grapefruit and coffee for breakfast . Lunch and dinner was either beef , chicken or fish . I did not lose any weight , and was very frustrated . I went on a more sensible diet and lost 20 pounds . +0 Gina had been at her grandma 's house for over a week . She had no idea when she would be returning . She wanted to call her friends to tell them when she would return . But her grandma did n't want her making long distance phone calls . Gina would need to buy a phone card to make the phone calls . +0 The class was playing Heads up Seven up . Most of us put our heads down . Those who had to choose people placed their thumbs down . When the teacher told everyone to get up , I moved my head fast . I ended up hitting Sally on the stomach with my head . +2 She only wanted to buy one case , though . Mike 's girlfriend went to buy everyone beer . She knew they liked different things . She decided on getting her favorite . Everyone else did n't care because they were already drunk . +0 My daughter had As in high school . She thought about becoming a pediatrician . She took chemistry in college . After she got a C , she switched majors to philosophy . She got a Masters in philosophy and is married to a philosopher . +2 She cut four straws and held them in her hand . None of Kendra 's kids , nor did she , wanted to do the dishes . Kendra decided to be fair and have them draw straws . Each kid grabbed a straw . After comparing , Kendra sighed and went to wash the dishes . +3 She tried out for a broadway studio after graduation . Sierra has been taking ballet lessons since she was four . She worked hard year after year to get better . She was determined to be a professional dancer . Her hard work paid off and she got the job . +2 I went to the cabinet to grab cleaning supplies . I looked at the windows in my house . They were all very dirty so i decided to clean them . I walked through the house and cleaned the windows . I sat down and felt good about the job . +3 He then worked ten years as a teacher before applying to this job . Vince just got hired as a college dean at a nice school . He 's excited because he has worked very hard to get this job . He has an education degree as well as a management degree . He feels very accomplished of all his hard work . +2 Oliver joined forces with other annoyed neighbors to write a letter . Oliver was very annoyed by the next door neighbor 's barking dog . He tried discussing it with them , but they were unsympathetic . They sent their complaint to the city 's animal control agency . The agency warned the offenders , who finally quieted their dog down . +4 Bill danced randomly , not caring about how he looked . Bill went to a nightclub . It was his first time . Bill did not know how to dance . All of a sudden his favorite song came on . +2 She wanted to work outside of the home . Jane was a stay at home mother . She thought being at home was boring . Jane could n't afford daycare for her child . Jane 's husband became a stay at home father so she could work . +1 They were all from her ex-boyfriend . Samantha had 5 voicemails on her phone when she woke up . Samantha called the number back . Samantha told her ex-boyfriend she did not want to talk to him . Samantha blocked his number . +2 Eventually they stop letting her come to their house . Jen is a neat freak . It drives all of her friends crazy . Jen realizes she needs to scale it back a bit . So she starts seeing a psychologist about her compulsion . +1 She found a style online . Riley wanted to do her hair . Then , she watched the tutorial . While she watched , she tried to copy it . It worked out well and her hair looked cute . +3 He returned home with the supplies . Ted was an art student at college . He was tasked with creating a project for his class . He went to the store to buy paint supplies . He painted a great work of art . +1 She saw the tide go out . Cora was on the beach . She went to examine the tide pools left behind . She was amazed at what she found . There were two starfish in the tide pool ! +0 Emily had bloodwork done two weeks ago . Today , the doctor called her and said she needed more tests . The doctor did n't tell her why , so she is worrying . Emily was very tense and anxious when she had more blood drawn . Emily finally got to talk to the doctor . +4 The whole teams cheered for Connor 's winning goal ! Connor arrived at the park for his very first soccer game . He was nervous that he would not do very well and the team would lose . The game got off to a rough start . In the last minute of the game , Connor got the ball and scored ! +2 The two of them went to stay at a fancy hotel . Lucy and her husband went on a trip to France . They thought it would be a romantic trip . They saw all the landmarks . However to their surprise , Lucy got pregnant . +3 He practiced hard for many weeks . Taylor wanted to be a hockey player . Even though he tried really hard , she was not very good at the sport . One day , he decided to ask a friend to teach him . Now Taylor is the best hockey player on the team . +0 My uncle took me fishing once . It was my first time and I was excited . We caught three fish . At night we cooked them over a campfire . It was fun and my uncle said he 'd take me again soon . +0 Amy was n't getting enough hours at work . When she asked her boss told her there were no more to give . Amy chose this job over a similar one at a different store . Had she known she would n't have hours she would have taken the other . Amy knew she had made the wrong choice . +2 He decided to use an electric saw . Bob was woodworking . He needed to cut up a plank of wood . He cut his finger off by accident ! He had to go to the emergency room . +0 Julia was having a lot of financial trouble . She prayed for some sort of help . One day , she received a letter . Inside was a check for some money . Julia felt like her prayers were answered . +2 She started by loading all of the bags into the back . Gemma was about to leave on a trip . First she had to load up the car . Then , she packed some smaller items like food . Finally , she was ready to go . +3 She felt like she had done well at tryouts . Lilly had practiced all summer hoping to make the cheer team . She barely missed getting on it last year . She focused on her jumps . When the squad list came out she was thrilled to see her name on it ! +4 Kelly and her dog became best friends . Kelly wanted a dog . She asked her mother and her mother said yes ! They went to the shelter and found the perfect pet . He was a very friendly lab mix . +4 Kate was taken aback by the beauty of the Musee d'Orsay ! Kate was visiting Paris and she had already seen the Louvre museum . But she liked Impressionist paintings best . She decided to go to the Musee d'Orsay to see the Impressionist works . When she arrived , she gaped in open mouthed awe and wonder . +1 Mark and Mandy could hear them make love every night . Mark and Mandy did n't like their new neighbors . Mark was tired of it and knocked on their door . Mark said , could you guys keep it down at night ? The couple responded saying they thought Mark would like a show . +1 She decided to enter herself into a drawing contest at her school . Susan was a great artist . Susan great a lifelike portrait of herself . She entered her painting into the contest . Susan found out she placed 1st place and won $ 100 in the mail . +4 Everyone was happy for the time being/ They were experiencing a drought . Water was scarce . Suddenly a man from outside comes in . He started giving out water for free . +3 The boys ran off as the bus driver exited the bus . Amy was on the school bus headed home . Suddenly a brick hit the window near her seat . Outside 2 boys were laughing and pointing . Although they were startled , no kids were hurt . +4 Eunice only wished that she had opened her mind to cheese earlier . Eunice lived her whole life without tasting cheese . She was afraid that it would upset her stomach . One day Eunice decided to give cheese a try . She loved the cheese that she tried ! +3 Greg learned how fun it was to raise animals . Greg moved from the city to a farm . He lived with his uncle . Greg did not like the smell of animals . He had so much fun that he forgot about the smell . +1 Lulu was a very playful lizard and she liked to climb . Gabby had a lizard and her name was Lulu . One day she climbed out of her cage and went up the drapes . Gabby was afraid she would fall and that it would hurt her . She got a chair and was able to get Lulu down safely . +4 To his surprise , he loved the dog he bought . Tim hated dogs . They always barked at him . Sara said it was because he did n't have his own dog . Tim decided to buy a dog . +1 I tried to move under a building in avoid being wet . A thunderstorm started outside . However , a gust of wind occurred . A small post flew out . It knocked me out since it was moving . +0 Julie 's hair was getting very long . Her mother suggested she get a haircut . Julie made an appointment at the beauty shop . The stylist cut Julie 's hair in a pretty style . Julie was happy with her new haircut . +4 On his first turn he rolled a perfect strike . Sam was getting ready for his bowling match that night . He took out his ball and placed his fingers in it . He would n't let go until his first turn . Sam had to have his friend drive him to the alley because of the ball . +3 Some say he racked up a large gambling debt . Nicolas Cage used to be a well respected actor . However , he started taking a lot of poor acting roles . There are many theories as to why . Irregardless , many believe he tarnished his reputation . +4 I opened my eyes and a huge pelican was standing just a few feet away . Today I went for a walk on the beach . The sun was so warm and the ocean waves so calming that I got sleepy . I lay down on the warm sand and fell asleep but only for a moment . Almost immediately I felt someone was watching me . +2 Joanna started to become depressed and lonely . Joanna had to move to a senior living home . She had a hard time making friends with the residents . Her daughter went and bought her a kitten for a companion . Joanna was thrilled to have a kitten and her depression went away . +4 Don decided from then on to save his money and eat cheeseburgers . Don received his first paycheck from his new job . Don decided to spend his paycheck at a fancy restaurant to celebrate . Don ordered the most expensive item on the menu . The food that came out smelled odd and tasted disgusting . +2 They waited in the clubhouse for it stop . Charlie went to the golf course with his dad . It was raining when they arrived . After waiting for an hour , they were able to tee off . Charlie played well . +3 She threw up all over Mark . Sarah brought her boyfriend Mark to a local fair . She went on the ferris wheel with him . While at the top , she got very sick . Mark decided to break up with her right then . +2 Frank grabbed his fishing gear from the garage . Frank loved to go fishing . Frank decided to go to the lake to fish . He then drove down to his favorite fishing spot . Frank was going to enjoy his day of fishing . +0 Jane had just reached the summit of the tall mountain . When she caught her breath , she looked around . The top of the mountain flattened out and was scorched black . Jane suddenly remembered that there had been a huge fire in the area . Jane got up and started to descend the mountain . +2 Jane decided to go . Jane was usually shy . She was invited to the bar by her friends . ONce there they started doing karaoke . Jane was convinced to join and had fun . +2 The girls got together at Stacey 's house and started cooking . Stacey and her friends we 're excited to have a pizza party . Pizza was their absolute favorite food . After they got everything ready they took it out of the oven . The pizza looked and tasted delicious . +2 One day her friend asked her if she could make one for her . Madeline made buttons and pins for fun . She would make them in her spare time and loved it . Madeline refused but told the girl she would show her how to make one . Her friend agreed and they both enjoyed the hobby together . +3 Finally she had to give up and walk sadly home . Nell was searching her whole school frantically looking for her book . She could n't remember which classroom she had left it in ! Her friends and teachers helped her look , but no one found it . And there , waiting on her bed , she discovered her lost book ! +3 The neighbor greeted her at the door . Sue had to make brownies for her party . Halfway through baking she realized that she had no eggs . Sue walked to her neighbor 's to borrow two . He gave her two eggs and told her to not worry about repayment . +3 A woman in there sat and talked with me for a while . I was walking alone down the road . There was no food in my belly or money in my pockets . I went into a church to seek help . Then she helped me get home to my family . +4 They woke up feeling refreshed and had a big breakfast in the lobby . The family went to Hawaii over the summer . They took an 8 hour plane ride to the island of Oahu . Afterwards they checked into their 4 star hotel . They were tired from traveling so they took a quick nap . +4 I left him after an hour . My 98 year old friend Joe called me today . He wanted me to sit on the bench with him . It got cold after awhile so we went in . I sat with him while he drank his soup . +3 The book for storytime was Curious George . Today was Monday , the day Nora went to the library . Nora 's Mom had to work , so Gramma offered to take Nora They got to the library very early for story time . Nora loves Curious George books . +0 The snow storm finished , and I had to dig out my car . To dig out my car , I used my blue metal shovel . I 'd take a shovel full of snow and add it to the pile next to the car . The pile of snow got larger and larger . When I finished , the snow pile was larger than the car ! +2 She tried to have it repaired , but the damage was too great to fix . Carol had a green convertible car . She crashed it one day on the way to work . Carol decided to buy another car . She bought the same model car but in blue . +4 She had a wonderful time windsurfing with her friends ! Nia and her friends were on vacation in Florida . They had signed up for windsurfing . Nia was nervous but excited . She grasped her cord tightly as they surfed . +4 When she left , my family told me to dump her . I introduced Diana to the family . They gave her a warm welcome , although she did n't behave well . While we were eating dinner , she was chewing loud . In addition , she influence my parents that she had no ambition at all . +0 Bob pushed his kayak into the water . The water was icy cold . Bob stepped into the water . Bob screamed at the icy water . Bob dropped his paddle . +3 He saw his ex-girlfriend kissing a guy in the rain . Charles got drunk and was scared to go in the house with his mother . He fell asleep in his car in a parking lot of a park . He woke up and could n't believe what he saw . He started his engine and went home before he had a fight in the park . +4 She stays in touch with them as dear friends . Molly always wanted to join the army . She signed up as soon as she turned 18 . She met lots of people on her first day of bootcamp . Most of which made it all the way through . +2 After joining a news magazine , he enjoyed it for some time . Kale wanted to become a journalist . He wanted the ability to get to the news before anyone else . After a while , he realized that a lot of the job was just propaganda . He quit the job after some irrational stories were requested . +1 Her sister was her best friend and was eager to meet him . Lisa had a relationship of five months with Troy . When her sister met Troy , she gave him the third degree . He was confident , nice and stood his ground . Lisa 's sister was very pleased with him and gave her the green light . +0 Casey went swimming in the ocean . While she was swimming , she saw a shark . Casey quickly swam away from the shark . The shark swam after her . Casey eventually reached shore safely . +2 He drove around in his car trying to find reception . Jake was trying to call his mom . He had no reception on his phone . He was finally able to find a good spot after driving 10 minutes . Jake called up his mom and told her he would be running late . +0 Ann stepped on something sharp on the beach . She was annoyed , thinking it was a bottle cap in the sand . Then she bent down to examine it . Her eyes widened with amazement . It was a diamond ring ! +1 He promised to take care of it . Jimmy wanted a pet dog . His parents got him one as long as he kept his word . Jimmy stopped taking care of the dog . His parents were forced to take it away . +0 Erin was on the internet and saw how many people liked blogs . Erin decided that writing a blog would be fun , so he bought a domain . After buying his domain , he purchased a host tried to start a blog . Erin realized that he did n't know how to make a website . Erin had to go to the store and buy books on web design . +2 John bought one of Paul 's cakes . John wanted to have a cake . He heard that Paul made the best cake in the world . He was very proud of it . He was so proud to own it that he refused eat it . +0 Carlos took a hike in the woods . He grabbed his backpack and a few water bottles . As night approached he felt a sense of dread like something was there . Brushes rustled and out stepped a frothy faced dog . The dog growled before it ripped out Carlos ' throat . +1 His peace was disturbed by a ringing phone . Tom sat at home as if he had n't a care in the world . It was the school . He had forgotten to pick up his son . Tom drove quickly to the school to pick up his son . +3 That was the first time that they ever heard him count . Oliver had just turned two . One day , his parents heard him talking . They realized that he was counting from one to ten . They praised him and gave him high fives . +4 Luckily he was able to make a few circles and be in the right place . Sam was driving to the coast . He took the wrong exit . He phone was dead . Sam did not know where to go . +0 Linda loves clowns . She desperately wanted to go to the circus . On her birthday , her parents took her to the circus . She had a wonderful time . The clowns were wildly hilarious . +3 Instead , he broke the top layer of the aligner . Brad was trying to fix his aligners . He stepped out of class in order to go to the bathroom . Once he saw himself in the mirror , he tried to pull the aligners out . His teeth was numb for several hours . +4 Tom left the store with his new toy . Tom was in the store with his mother . When they passed the toy aisle he ran into it . He asked his mother if he could get one . He spent a few minutes of deciding which one to get . +0 Karla wanted to go out with her friends for dinner . She still had to feed her own kids and do some cleaning . She put a roast and vegetables in the oven and began to clean . She started room by room to clean and within an hour she was done . She took the food out of the oven and fed her family and left . +2 One scene made everyone anticipate a large battle near the end . Randy and Juan were watching an action . But they were disappointed by all of the cheap special effects . So Randy and Juan eagerly awaited it . But the characters resolved their dispute peacefully . +3 Be bought Julia a pendant . Michael had always loved Julia . Julia never really liked Michael . One day Michael was in a small store . Julia ended up breaking Michael 's heart . +1 He decided to write a letter expressing his gratitude . Jon just finished a job interview . He decided to write the letter in traditional pen and paper . He sent the letter . The hiring manager was impressed and decided to hire Jon . +4 She never jumped on the bed again . Sally 's mom told her over and over again not to jump on the bed . But it was so much fun ! Until one day she jumped too high . She hit her head very hard on the ceiling . +0 Tom wanted a pet snake . He begged his reluctant mom . Finally , she agreed . Tim brought the snake home happily . Soon his mom got used to its presence ! +4 Three years later , John is now a professional cyclist . John really enjoys riding his bike . He trained very hard and entered a local race . During the race , John got in a terrible wreck . He swore to make a comeback to the sport . +2 The driver was drunk but she drove anyways . Sara was out with her friends . They had just left a party . The car was going so fast and crazy . Sara was upset and asked to be let out . +4 All of a sudden she grabbed his hand and they danced the night away . Tim was at the school dance . He was nervous . He wanted to dance with Mary . He was afraid of rejection . +4 She can not wait to use it on the green . Cindy needed new golf clubs . She went to the nearest store . They measured her . They fit her for a new putter . +1 He needed to go to bed earlier than usual . Adam had a big meeting at work the next day . He made sure to set an alarm so he would not be late . His alarm did not go off like it was supposed to . He overslept and was late to the meeting . +0 Jim loved to ride his motorcycle . He also liked speed . He rode his motorcycle fast on a rainy day . He dropped his bike and suffered a nasty scratch on his leg . Jim vowed to slow down from now on . +2 Jaycob took some medicine to help him rest . Jaycob woke early but could not bring himself to get out of bed . He had a runny nose and did not feel well at all . Jaycob stayed in bed over the next few days . Jaycob finally felt well enough to go back to school . +4 I not only have a great story , but it 's featured in my own home . In 1959 , my mother purchased a painting by Picasso in a Berkeley shop . She had to get the okay from Dad because it was 25 bucks ! It was featured prominently in our home for over 50 Year 's . Mom and dad are gone , so I have it now . +4 The next day , they were able to get back on the road . Carly and her family were moving across the country . During the drive , the truck broke down . They were forced to make an emergency stop at a rest stop . They stayed at a motel and ate the truck stop diner food . +4 I was able to have my computer fixed and running again in no time . My computer was broken . I called the customer support line . I waited on hold for a long time . When I finally reached a worker , he was very helpful . +1 As he approached an intersection , the light turned red . Jim was driving home after a long day at work . He continued driving anyway . A cop was parked around the corner and saw everything . He pulled Jim over . +0 Whitney and Alan were at the bar . They began playing a game of darts . She kept missing the board . She finally hit the bullseye . Alan still won the whole game . +3 I made sure not to use the sink until he came to my house . I was running my sink one day and heard a dripping . I rushed downstairs to see that one of my pipes was leaking . I called the plumber , who could n't come out until the next day . After he was done , I paid the bill and thanked him for fixing my pipe . +0 Two little girls begged their parents for a kitten . The parents talked it over and decided the girls deserved one . They drove to the local animal shelter . The smaller girl found the kitten she wanted immediately . She sat by the kitten 's cage with a big grin on her face . +1 I was nervous at first . When I was 12 years old , my Dad put us in golf classes . After awhile , I became very good . I started playing golf from that day on . However , I still ca n't beat my Dad . +3 He finally decided to go on ebay and buy another one . When Tim was little he loved playing Nintendo . He would play with his family and friends . As an adult he still reminisces about those days . Now he invites his friends over to play like he used to . +1 They had n't been there since the towers had come down . Judy and her daughter made their way to New York City . They made their way to the newly erected memorial . They each grieved , one for a husband , one for a father . Judy at last made peace with her loss . +4 When Sue 's mom visited , the quilt she worked so hard on was gone . Sue arrived at her new dorm with boxes from home . She watched her roommate unpack expensive matched bedding . Sue pictured the patchwork quilt and unmatched sheets in her own box . She put the box in the corner of her closet . +2 Luckily a seamstress was right down the street . Marissa tried on her dress for her wedding . To her shock , the dress was too small . The emergency modifications were made . Marissa looked beautiful in her dress . +3 Joe gets knocked out in the tenth round at the spelling bee . Joe thinks he is the best student in the class at spelling . Joe does not study for the spelling bee . The other students spend hours studying the words . Molly wins round ten by spelling pneumonia correctly . +1 He always had problems paying attention but did n't get help . Linus wanted to get better in school so he could graduate . He decided he would talk to the behavior specialist at his school . After talking to his specialist he learned how to be a better student . He graduated from school finally and his parents were very proud . +3 The well operator said he would give me a discount on the price . We have been digging a new well for my cabin for two hours . We have not reached the water and are not sure why . I do not know if I have enough money to go all the way to the water . I decided to keep drilling and hit water at two hundred and ten feet . +4 Travis looked back with satisfaction at how far he had come . Travis aspired to be a computer programmer . He was older than many people learning to code , but he was dedicated . He began by learning java and then learned many other languages . Eventually he was a good enough programmer to be hired for a job . +0 Jane could not find her phone . She looked everywhere for it . The worst thing was it was on silent . Jane looked in her car and her room . Jane finally realized she was talking on it the whole time . +1 He decided to stop shaving and grow a beard . James had never grown a beard before . After a week , James had a small beard . James ' face was very , very itchy . James decided he did n't really want a beard that bad . +2 She worked very hard that summer . Ophelia wanted her backyard to feel less empty . One summer she decided to plant a vegetable garden in her yard . She planted eggplant , peppers , and arugula in her garden . Ophelia was so happy that her backyard felt less empty . +1 He started eating smaller meals . Pat wanted to lose 50 lbs . He also started eating more healthy food and less junk food . In addition , he began a daily exercise program . By the end of the year , Pat had lost all 50 lbs . +4 The kid could n't balance and fell off the rock face and died on impact . Jay got fed up with people trashing his favorite park . When he say a kid spray paint a rock face he got really mad . Jay confronted the kid and they started to get heated . In the moment Jay gave the kid a strong shove . +2 He managed to tie a line onto the ice and tow it back to the beach . A man sailed his small boat off the coast of the beach on a hot day . He came upon a large iceberg that drifted in his path . The iceburn ran aground on the sand and did n't move . Everyone at the beach swam towards it and enjoyed the cool ice . +1 She asked me several questions about how dirty the house is . My mom came home from work . Since I was already annoyed , I ignored her . After a few minutes , she approached me . She continued to talk . +0 Ron had wondered if he could ever go back home . He was released early and made his way to where he grew up . When arrived home it seemed cold and different . He drove by the store he robbed and it was still opened . He knew he needed to make a lot of changes . +4 Eventually Ken came back though and never mentioned where he went . Ken worked at the local fruit market/ He sold Oranges and apples at his stand . After many years of working at the market , he disappeared . Many people wondered where he went . +0 Cindy had just received some birthday presents . One was a doll that she already owned . She took it to the store and asked to exchange it . Then , she got to pick out a new doll . She was really excited about the new toy she got . +2 She ran after me to tackle me . We went to visit relatives in Greenfield in 2003 . My seven year old niece tried to play with me . I put my arm up and she lost a baby tooth . Her father said it was her own fault . +0 Jaquon loved cocaine . He was always looking for cocaine related activities to do . He saw a flier for line dancing . So he grabbed a quarter of coke and headed to the dance club . Jaquon clearly made a huge mistake . +2 Near the end of the night , Martha screamed `` Bingo '' . Martha was excited for bingo night at her retirement home . She bought extra tickets for tonight 's game . She had won a trip to the Bahamas ! She planned to take her grand children on her trip . +4 Seth went inside the restaurant to order lunch alone . Seth stood outside a restaurant . He was waiting for a friend who was supposed to meet him for lunch . Seth 's friend was more than fifteen minutes late . Seth was hungry and tired of waiting . +0 Ashley had just bought a wok from the mall . She wanted to make Asian food for her family tonight . She bought vegetables and rice to make stir-fry . When she came she prepared the meal in her new wok . Her family complimented on her great cooking afterwards . +3 His cousin was happy he was such a fast learned . Ed had never played horseshoes before . His cousin was showing him how . On his second throw , Ed got a ringer . He was also a bit annoyed that Ed was beating him . +2 Her mother told her she must not go to the party . Mary was looking forward to going to Ruth 's birthday party . But then Mary became extremely ill ! Mary was very sad to miss the special party . Her spirits were lifted when Ruth later dropped off a bag of treats . +2 Charles waded in after his glider . Charles took his glider out to the field near his house . He launched the glider but it fell into the pond . When he got back to the car , his mother scolded him . She made Charles walk all the way home because he was dirty . +2 Their kids thought it was really scary . The Reichardt 's were staying in a wonderful hotel . Next to the hotel was a old and abandoned house . They thought it was haunted . They had a long talk with their kids to make them feel better . +4 She now competes in many dance competitions ! Marcia loved to dance . She wanted to become a better dancer . To become a better dancer she started to take classes . Now she is an expert at several types of dance . +1 But one day , Mommy had heard too much repetitive button-mashing . Mommy and Ella loved Ella 's educational tablet . She threatened to take it away if Ella pressed the same button again . Ella pressed the same button again . Mommy promptly turned into a softie , only angrily lowering the volume . +4 Niam ended up with no sleep tonight . Niam was asleep for a couple of minutes . The baby began crying instantly . Niam got out of his bed to hold the baby . After she finished crying , she urinated into her diaper . +0 Lucy was watching Funny Girl with her grandparents . Her grandma made the movie sound interesting . It was anything but . Lucy decided not to finish the movie . She crept out without them noticing as they laughed at the movie . +0 Joe had a big imagination . He would imagine all sorts of things and characters . His friends loved when he would tell them his stories . Joe started writing down his stories . He is now a well known children 's author . +2 She also bought a new outfit . Sue signed up for a 5K run . She bought new shoes to train in . However , the race was canceled due to rainy . Sue ended up wasting her money . +4 Now , we always keep the refrigerator stocked with pepper jack cheese . My daughter loves to eat cheese . When she was two , she decided that pepper jack cheese was her favorite One day we ran out of pepper jack cheese . She had a meltdown . +0 Kate was eating vienna sausages . She got one stuck in her throat . A stranger had to help . Eventually it was dislodged . Kate was embarrassed but safe . +4 He found out the next day that he had scored 100 % on the test ! Max had a math test and he was worried . Math was his very worst subject ! But he studied hard and long . He put a lot of effort in , and he felt confident on test day . +1 I started by sauteing some leek and onion together in a pot . I made creamy cauliflower soup for dinner last night . I added some water and the first half of a head of cauliflower . After letting that cook for 15 minutes , I added the other half . Putting the mix in the blender made a creamy , delicious soup . +4 He poured out a ton of candy and was very happy . Jimmy went trick or treating for Halloween . He brought his pumpkin bag to get candy and walked around . Jimmy went to several houses and got tons of candy . After an hour , Jimmy headed home . +0 Eve loved chocolate chip cookies . She baked them from scratch . She added her special ingredient of pure vanilla to make them better . Eve gave extras to her parents . Chocolate chip cookies are good for all occasions . +2 He hated this about getting older . Lee was getting older . He noticed that he was having a lot of aches and pains . He talked to his doctor about what to do . He started taking much better care of himself ! +0 Sue and her friends were excited to have a spa day to relax . The girls took turns getting facials and massages in the afternoon . Sue was having so much fun and relaxed while getting a massage . All of her friends were having the time of their lives . The highlight of the party was getting manicures and pedicures . +1 He could barely contain his excitement as his mother dressed him . Josh woke up excited to go to the fair . At the fair , Josh rode the roller coaster and ferris wheel . The best part was when he won a teddy bear by playing skeeball ! That night Josh could not stop thinking about how much fun he had . +0 Ro was driving home one night . Suddenly her car puttered to a stop . Ro realized she had forgotten to get gas ! She sighed and put on her hazard lights . Soon a passerby stopped to help her . +0 The old woman was walking up the street . She started feeling dizzy . She walked into an alley . She grabs her arm and falls to the ground breathing hard . She dies slowly with nobody to help her . +0 Mary made good grades all through school . She entered high school and school got tougher . She earned her first `` B '' in calculus . Mary tried to talk to her teacher . Mary learned she had to study more . +3 He went into school tired . Tom had a big essay due . He decided to play video games instead of writing the essay . Tom then had to stay up all night writing the essay . Tom decided he was n't going to procrastinate things anymore . +3 We had nice seats . We went to the opera last summer . The opera was Martha , by Flotow . The signature aria is The Last Rose of Summer . We gave the performers a standing ovation . +3 The top was loose and fell open . Jake was eating fast food . He wanted more salt on his fries . He used a salt shaker . Jakes fries were completely covered in salt . +2 But Mel was insistent and she went in for surgery . Mel wanted a nose job to fix her huge nose . Her parents tried to talk her out of it . After the surgery , she saw her new nose in the mirror . Mel was so thrilled with her new look , she cried ! +3 She decided to use the butt of her kitchen mallet . Ivy was hanging a shelf . She looked everywhere for her hammer . She could n't find it anywhere ! Luckily , Ivy 's clever idea worked . +4 Unfortunately , he spent all his money on pots . Oliver did n't know what size pot he needed for the roast . He shopped around and eventually decided to buy three . The first pot was very big and the second was very small . The third pot was just right . +0 Harry was driving on the expressway . One of his tires popped and he lost control . Although a large pickup truck collided into the car , he was safe . He ended up getting out of the car with only a bruised arm . After the cops came , he was immediately sent to a hospital . +2 John called his best friend Patty in hopes she could help . John 's birthday was happening in one week . The party was set to be a failure because there would be no cake . Patty made a cake for the party . The party was went off without a hitch . +4 She had to cancel her plans . Kim was excited about her spring break . She was going to a Mexican beach . She had saved for a while . When the time came she got really sick . +1 He found it very hard since he loved candy . Carl needed to lose weight . He decided he would stop having candy in the house . He found it much easier to lose weight this way . Soon , Carl was down ten pounds and did n't miss eating candy at all . +2 On set , she got in a huge argument with her costume designer . Marigold is a teen pop sensation . Today she shot a video for her latest single . She did not want to wear a bikini on film . The director intervene and she was allowed to wear more clothing . +4 Luckily , she managed to grab a branch and wait for help to arrive . Julie was swimming in a river with her friends . Suddenly she felt a surge in the water . She was swept away in the rushing water . Her friends tried to help her but it was useless . +1 He planned to use his membership discount card as usual . Todd was shopping at his regular grocery store . During checkout , the cashier said the discount card expired . Todd complained that the card has no expiration date on it . He complained and the manager came and gave him a discount . +1 She would sit by the pool and watch people swim . Kim always admired people who could swim . She wish she could swim but she was afraid of drowning . Kim overcame her fears and enrolled in a local swim class . She became the swimmer she always wanted to be . +2 Then he headed to the golf course . Sam wanted to learn to golf . He took his dad 's clubs . He asked for some tips from other golfers . Soon he was playing golf like a pro ! +3 Beth told Dan she wanted to see other people . Beth and Dan were a popular couple at their high school . In public the put on a show of affection to prove the loved each other . But tonight they realized it was all a show . She was relieved when Dan said he felt the same . +4 Alas , my teacher found out and told my parents . I received my report card . I had a failing grade on the report card . Alas , I needed my parents signature on the card . I decided to forge the signature to avoid getting grounded . +4 After saving so much money , I bought the condo in full ! I moved into my parent 's house to save money . I worked all the time and saved everything . After awhile , I looked for a condo that suited me . I found the condo of my dreams . +0 My dad liked making model airplanes . I would always want to help him . He said I would get in the way . Now he 's too old and shaky to make them . I do n't like to enough to try anymore . +4 He had a great time at the game . Will wanted to go to the basketball game . He called all his friends to get a group together . They rented a bus to take them to the game . Will ate food and cheer for his team loudly . +1 He stopped at a gas station and asked the pretty girl for directions . Eli was driving to his new home in a new state and he had become lost . She drew him a map and included her phone number on it ! Eli called her as soon as he reached his new home . He spent his first night there having dinner with a great girl ! +2 They discussed it with the kids . Gina 's parents were renting the home they lived in . They decided they wanted to purchase a home . Gina was tired of moving . But she knew how important this would be to her parents . +4 I waited for the earthquake to be over and then left . I left my house to go shopping . I showed up at the store and began to shop . While looking over items , I heard a loud crash . Suddenly , there was an earthquake while I was in the store . +3 He did n't know what to do . Dean was having money problems . He decided to borrow money from a friend . He was not able to pay his friend back . His friend was very mad at him . +4 It was very exciting when you found someone after searching for a long . When I was younger we liked to play Hide n Seek . Me and my friends hid everywhere in my huge house . We would play for hours on end . We hid in dozens of different rooms . +3 Tyler explained that he just did n't like to talk very much . Tyler was a sweet but very quiet boy . He did n't like to talk very much unless he knew the people very well . One day , Tyler met a new friend who asked him why he was so quiet . The new friend decided he could be his friend anyway . +1 She was so stressed out . Anne fell behind on her rent . She did n't want her husband to know . She started making extra money on the side . He never knew how close they had come to being evicted . +2 The doctor tells her it is too late to take anything . Sam and Jen go to the hospital to have a baby . Jen is in a lot of pain and asks for medication . Jen screams and cries as she delivers her baby . Jen is so glad that it is over and she has her baby . +1 The school he wanted to go to required an 1800 minimum . Frank waited anxiously for his SAT results . The first time he took the test his score was 1650 . Finally the envelope arrived . His new 1825 score proved that he had worked hard . +3 I finally got a chance to shoot the ball . When I was seven I played soccer . I was n't too good , but I somewhat enjoyed the game . We were down by two points against our rival team . I kicked the ball the hardest I could and was able to score . +0 Billy and Jean were swimming in the inflatable pool . Bradley was running towards the pool . When he got close , he jumped into the middle . Although he was fine , there was a hole in the inflatable . The pool ended up sinking . +0 Ty had a crush on Lynn for a long time . They were at the playground when Ty ran off . He came back with two ice cream cones from the truck . Lyn was gone , he looked around . There she was on the swing sharing a cone with another boy . +3 She had to walk all over town selling candy . Lana 's music class was planning a field trip to Ireland . She needed to save up enough money to go . She decided to sell candy to earn the money . Luckily , she was able to earn enough money and go on the trip . +2 They descended on the owners with their cameras and microphones . The owners of a local restaurant were caught stealing servers ' tips . The local TV news crew learned about the story . The story aired on the six o'clock news . The restaurant closed , putting the servers out of their jobs . +0 Nita was headed to a party across town . But halfway there , she realized she had forgotten the directions ! She pulled over to call her friends . They helped Nita find her way . Soon , Nita arrived at the party . +3 He realizes the wireless signals in the hospital are to blame . Willard 's condition catches up to him . He collapses and is hospitalized . As he lays in the hospital bed , he does some deep soul searching . It 's not Willard 's fault that he feels so unwell . +0 After Ike was arrested , the office slapped handcuffs on him . Ike complained that they were a little light . The officer laughed and tightened them more . The pain was so bad Ike fell to his knees . The officers had to carry Ike into the police car . +1 My father 's job was n't paying him enough . I never wanted to move houses . We had to move to a better job location . My father is much happier now . I am very glad we moved houses . +2 Kathryn 's husband gathered the wood . Kathryn and her husband wanted something fun to do with the family . They decided to plan a family bonfire . Kathryn gathered the ingredients to make s'mores . The whole family had a wonderful evening . +1 His fence was deteriorating and broken in many places . Bob lived in his house for thirty years . He decided to get a new fence . He hired a team of workers to make a metal fence . The project went great and Bob finally had a new fence ! +3 Bob tried to say that he was sorry . Bob decided to visit his parents for Christmas . For Christmas dinner , Bob 's parents laid out fine china . During dinner , Bob accidentally broke a fine china plate . His parents were angry and made him pay for the plate . +1 A random stranger asked for his chicken patty . Henry was eating lunch in the cafeteria . When Henry refused to give it to him , the stranger became mad . He punched Henry in the face . However , a security guard saw what happened and suspended Henry . +4 They were able to get everything on the right track . Oscar and his wife had money problems . Oscar got issued a summons to have his wages garnished . This was a huge hardship . They finally talked to an advisor . +4 Sara felt very good about her environmental impact . Sara wanted to make her community more eco-friendly . She started a recycling program . There , she taught people how to recycle various types of items . Soon her neighbors were recycling almost everything they could ! +2 Jim told Tim he did n't feel like it . Tim needed help moving . He called Jim . Tim slammed down the phone . Tim never spoke with Jim again . +4 But he was arrested for selling guns a month after his big payday . Michael Slick was on a mission to be a ghetto superstar . He wanted to sell products in the underground and do legit deals . He started selling guns from his house and shopping music demos . His artist signed a record deal and Michael 's share was a million . +1 He thought it looked cool . Tom had his clothes on backwards . He even wore his shoes backwards . One day he was running and fell really hard . He never wore anything backwards again . +0 Clark had always been impressed by tap dancers . He decided he wanted to learn to tap dance too . He started taking a tap dance class after work . He practiced very hard until he was a great tap dancer . Clark was proud that he was not a tap dancer . +0 Tommy was the class clown . It was silent in class one day . Tommy stood up and every looked at him . Tommy told a joke . Everyone in the class laughed at the funny joke . +4 The front desk gave him a new toothbrush to keep . Rob checked in to his hotel in Houston . After he entered his room , he began unpacking his belongings . It was then that Rob realized he had forgotten his toothbrush . He went to the front desk to ask for assistance . +1 Jerry recommended that she should break up with him . Janet was complaining to Jerry about her cheating boyfriend . The next day , Jerry arrived to school . He saw Janet walking around campus . Her boyfriend 's arms were around her . +4 I picked up my book and finished the chapter . Last night I read my book under a lamp . The light flickered and the bulb went out . In the dark I walked to the closet for a new bulb . I replaced the dead bulb for a new one . +0 A mighty oak tree had a long branch that was above a house . The branch was weakened in a terrible storm . Now the branch was cracked and barely attached . A strong wind blew and the branch wobbled . The branch broke and fell on the house . +3 Thus , I had to buy a new ethernet cable . I was installing my new router . Alas , my ethernet cable was too old . The new router could n't support the old ethernet cable . Finally , the new cable worked perfectly with the new router ! +0 Megan decided to make dinner . She cooked tacos for Taco Tuesday . She invited Blake . He brought beer . They ate and watched tv . +3 However to her delight it was done in five minutes . Louisa had to go to the dentist . She had to get a cavity filled . She was afraid it would take a long time . Louisa was thrilled . +2 Octopus was on the menu . Sally was on a date . She ordered a few things she never had before . She thought she would try it to show her date she was adventurous . She threw up later that evening . +3 But then her boyfriend told her the curls were prettier ! Jan had just gotten a boyfriend . She decided to straighten her curly hair to impress him . She spent hours combing out all her curls . Jan was relieved that she could keep her natural curls after all . +3 The teacher ran over and broke up the fight . Dan went to the back of the classroom to grab his jacket . Another boy walked over and hit him in the face . Dan hit the boy back and the boys began to fight . Dan had a black eye for a week . +4 He did a double take at his ticket , he had won the jackpot ! Kane bought his lottery ticket that week just like always . He always played the same numbers , his lucky numbers he called them . The week of the drawing came and he paid attention with half interest . He vaguely heard a few of his numbers being called . +3 When she finds out that he 's not rich she dumps him . Bill house sits for his rich friend . He lies to girls by telling him the house and fancy cars are his . He starts dating a model . Bill had fun though . +2 While they chatted , they drank orange soda and ate snacks . Nick and Nina met by a duck pond one night . They sat together and talked for hours . As it got late , they laid down and looked at the stars . Eventually , they fell asleep together in the grass . +4 Lucy lay in bed with her back to May the entire time . May awoke and went to the kitchen . There was a chicken bone and crumbs on the table . She knew it had to have been her granddaughter Lucy . May reprimanded the girl for being messy . +1 Growing up she took every opportunity to miss dinner . Jill detested her mother 's cooking . She played on sports teams and joined every club at her school . She even asked her boss for dinner time shifts . Her mother never figured out Jill 's real motives . +0 Jennifer thought Max was very cute . She was too shy to ask him out . Finally Max asked Jennifer out for a date . She was very excited . Jennifer and Max had a romantic night out . +3 Courtney says she will marry Kadie . Courtney and Katie are dating . They have been dating for two Year 's now . Kadie decides to propose to Courtney . They are both filled with joy . +3 He smashed into a tree . Jack and Sam decided to race their new cars . They found a quiet street and took off . As Jack rounded a corner he lost control . His brand new car was totaled . +0 Lina had a boyfriend in jail . She was very faithful to him . One day , she met a handsome fellow at the store . He swept her off her feet , and she fell in love . Lina made the decision to leave her jail man for this new guy . +1 They decided to get together to study for it . Mia and her friends had a big exam coming up . They met up and studied throughout the evening . When the test came , they all did very well . They vowed to study together every time they had an exam after that ! +3 Gina had made a big mess . Gina tripped on her shoe . She was carrying a Tupperware full of her jewelry . And now her jewelry was all over the floor . Gina began to slowly gather her jewelry and put it away . +4 She promoted him to supervisor Pierre was a really tall guy He worked in a place full of short people His manager was having trouble getting a shoe at a top shelf He reached over and got the shoe for her +1 James overheard his grandpa say that it was raining cats and dogs . One day , it was raining very hard . James was surprised ! He had n't seen any cats and dogs . Finally , his grandpa told him that that just meant it was raining hard . +1 My dog Gus passed away about two weeks ago . Last night I had several strange dreams . He appeared in every one of my dreams . I hugged him one last time . This morning I woke up crying because I miss him dearly . +1 He stared open mouthed at the huge cow . Ned had never visited a farm before . He was very intimidated ! But he worked up his nerve and reached out a hand to pet it . When the friendly cow licked his hand , And laughed . +1 Every week he bought candy at the student store at his school . Ian was given a weekly allowance of $ 5 . He would eat the candy but did n't like to brush his teeth . One day his teeth hurt and his parents took him to the dentist . He had 2 teeth taken out because of cavities . +0 Amy had n't answered any of Kim 's calls . So Kim went over Amy 's house . She was shocked Amy was in a good mood . Amy explained she was no longer feeling down . Kim was pleased to see her friend was in a better mood . +4 After about two weeks his cravings started to diminish . Tom decided he needed to quit smoking for good . He went cold turkey . No nicotine patches , no gum , nothing to help him . It was very hard , but he was determined . +3 He would not sit in the chair . Today I took my son for his first haircut . We had to wait for twenty minutes to be seen by the stylist . Once it was our turn my son became very scared . We left the haircut place and went home with long hair . +0 Chad loved going to the beach . Today he decided he would go for a nice walk . However , when Chad got to the beach , it was closed . Chad read the sign , and saw they were closed for cleaning . Chad was disappointed that he could not take his beach walk . +2 The dog looked friendly , so Rod approached and pet it . Rod was out walking one day . He saw a stranger approach , walking his dog . But the dog snarled and bit his hand ! Rod realized he should have asked before petting the dog . +1 One year we had a blizzard followed by an ice storm . The winter season in Kansas was n't usually too bad . We were locked in our house for one whole week . We were very thankful that we had extra food stored for emergencies . Now I always keep essentials stored just in case we need them . +3 She held the baby to slap him on the back . My baby brother was playing with a toy . He ended up throwing it in the air . It landed on my mom 's head . He cried immediately . +1 The weather reported said to expect a storm Beatrice was watching the news for the weather one day . The storm would bring at least ten inches of snow . Beatrice went to the store to stock up on food . It was a good thing she did because it snowed all day . +1 The next day , the teacher noticed graffiti on his classroom door . The teacher failed Patrick for copying work from his worksheet . He was confused and decided to ask a few suspicious people . Someone confessed that they saw Patrick using a spray can yesterday . He ended up suspending Patrick for a few days . +3 An employee informed her that the drinks were for staff members . Missy was at a doctor 's appointment . She noticed a drink table with free hot cocoa . She made herself a mug and then sat down . She was mortified , but they did n't mind that much . +1 She had her drive around a parking lot first . Jennifer 's mother was trying to teach her to drive . Then she had her turn onto back roads . After a while she made her go on the main road . Jennifer was very happy to have started learning to drive . +2 We decided to get him a small cake with blue icing . My son 's third birthday was today He likes the color blue . He loved the look and taste . He was very happy eating it . +1 She carefully set the table with her beautiful tea set . Laura decided to host a tea party for her stuffed animals . She placed each animal in a chair around the play table . She poured water into each animal 's cup . It was fun , but she wished her real friends could come over . +1 To pass her test to make the team , she must climb up 50 feet . Rory is very scared of heights . She practices climbing higher everyday . At her test , she concentrates very hard . She climbs up with no problem and makes the team . +3 We got everything on the tree and it looks a bit cluttered . My family put up our Christmas tree Thanksgiving night . We all helped with the ornaments . The kids had so much fun looking at ornaments from years past . All the memories make it beautiful , though . +2 She watched video tutorials on the internet and made a website . Linda was tired of telemarketing jobs . She heard making websites were n't as hard as she thought . She added web coding skills to her resume . She found a nice job as a digital services representative . +4 Then , her boyfriend explained that it was just a lying virus . Jules was using the computer . Suddenly , it shut off completely . Then she saw a warning that the government had shut down her computer . At first , she was so worried . +3 He gets a job and provides for his family . Juan is seeking entrance into the United States . He tries traditional routes but his denied . Undeterred , Juan enters illegally . Juan loves his new life . +0 Jared was on a camping trip with his friends . They left for a long hike one day . When they got back to camp , they saw their food strewn about . They realized that animals had raided their camp . They had to go out and buy new food . +0 May was waiting on her granddaughter Lucy to get dressed . She offered to dive Lucy to Blockbuster to rent movies . But that was 20 minutes ago . May was getting impatient waiting on Lucy . When she went to check on Lucy she saw her putting on makeup . +3 Trish decided to spend money on better candy . Trish was running for class president . And she gave students candy to gain voters . But her rival was giving out candy too . But in the end , she still lost . +4 I was arrested and had to spend the night in jail . I wanted to go to my friend 's house . Alas , his neighborhood was gated . I decided to hop the fence . The police caught me in the act ! +1 Tom always gave 100 % at his work . Tom worked long hours at his job . Tom could barely keep his eyes open . Tom 's eyelids felt like anvils . Tom fell asleep at work . +3 Once I have all of those things together , I 'll start the steaks . I have friends coming over for dinner tonight , so I need to get ready . I 'll start by getting the drinks together . Once the drinks are together , it 's on to an appetizer . It wo n't be long before they eat ! +2 He took her to a romantic dinner . Mary and Joe have been together for Years . Joe has a big surprise for Mary tonight . He knelt down on his knee and proposed . She said yes ! +3 He got scared and ran away . I was riding my bike home one day . An eight year old made fun of me , making Chinese noises . I stopped the bike and said I was going to beat him up . I did feel regretful at all . +2 Toby was skateboarding one day when a group of kids approached him . Toby was sad when his family moved to a new town . Toby walked around for weeks without any friends . They complimented him and asked to join him . Toby was happy to have new friends . +3 He slept in late . Tim had big plans for his day off . He had a lot of chores to catch up on . In the morning Tim was unable to get out of bed . Tim spent most of the day sleeping instead of doing chores . +0 Sarah married Joseph but they could n't afford a home . They lived with Joseph ' mom and sister . It was going well for the first month . After some time Sarah really wanted her own space . Joseph saved money and bought a house for Sara . +4 When I poured hot water over it , the ice melted . There was a rainstorm last night . When j went downstairs to the car , there was ice all over . The doors were frozen over . I had to go upstairs and get hot water . +1 She did n't want to take pills . Sleep still eluded Marsha . If she did n't sleep soon , it would really do her body ill . Marsha started counting all the strange people she knew . She fell asleep within minutes ! +3 To her surprise , many people did n't even realize it was vegan . Every summer , folks in Sarah 's town compete in a chili contest . Being a vegan , Sarah had never even thought to participate . She decided to enter her vegan chili just for fun . When she won the contest , she finally felt like part of the community . +2 My 12 year old daughter grabbed a fire extinguisher . I was taking a shower one day . I heard my wife and son yelling the frying pan had caught fire . She calmly put the fire out . We were very proud of her calm behavior . +0 A hockey player was skating towards the opponent 's goal . There was only a few seconds left and he was losing . The player gave a mighty slap shot . The puck flew at the goal and went in . The goal was good and the game went to overtime . +1 He went to the store with his brother and dad to buy something . Brian , a young boy , was given a gift card to a sporting goods store . Brian had a very difficult time deciding on what to buy . His brother finally told him to get a soccer ball . Brian purchased the soccer ball , and discovered a love for soccer . +2 Finally the bee stung her ! Ava saw a large bee in her apartment . She swatted at it , but that only angered it . Ava 's arm swelled up terribly . She realized that she was allergic to bees ! +0 I was eating a Popsicle this afternoon . It was cherry flavored . It tasted very good . Unfortunately it dripped and spilled on my clothes . Luckily I was able to wash it out . +0 Larry wanted to give his daughter a special toy . Larry looked through the toy department for several options . After searching , Larry found a cute little lamb . After purchasing the lamb , Larry got it gift wrapped . Larry was glad to have found the perfect gift for his daughter . +1 I was in debt and needed the money . I sold much of my original art collection in 1999 . I sold one piece for $ 1200 . I was able to pay off some debt but missed my art . I got out of debt in 2013 and started collecting again . +4 I sat on top of the rock wall very proud . I went out for rock climbing one day . I showed up , but did n't know what I was doing . I tried really hard , but needed help . I finally figured it out , and then I climbed the wall quickly . +3 Daryl drank too much and had to drive home . Daryl went to a club to see a popular rapper . He saw a friend from high school who took Daryl to VIP . There , all of the drinks were free . He was pulled over by police , went to jail and has to pay a fine . +3 A cop got behind Ken . Ken bought a motorcycle . He drove the motorcycle down the road in his neighborhood . He drove too fast . The cop saw he was speeding and pulled him over . +1 They went on a trip and forgot about him . Bob was left home alone by his parents . Bob liked it at first and partied . He soon noticed he liked his parents around . They returned home as soon as they could . +0 When everyone came to the party , we played musical chairs . As the music was playing , everyone was moving around the chairs . I managed to get through the first round . However , the second round was difficult . I ended up getting eliminated since the music stopped quickly . +3 Though he had poor odds , the horse with the cute name won its race ! Chloe 's boyfriend took her to a horse racing track for fun . He pored over all the data in order to make a prudent bet . Chloe , not understanding the numbers , picked a horse based on name . Irritated , Chloe 's boyfriend sulked for the rest of the date . +0 Sam and Janice were going to a party . They both arrive at the same time . They glanced over and realized they were wearing the same dress . They joked about it . They then started hanging out together . +3 The eggs will be all colors and decorate the baskets of her nieces . Jennifer 's little boy is six months old . This will be his first Easter and Jennifer is excited to dye eggs . She is going to take lots of pictures so she can share with family . Jennifer and son will create memories that last a lifetime together . +3 She ordered a takeout pizza . Kate did not know what to make her kids for dinner . She was almost out of food . Then she had an idea . The kids loved it ! +0 Caleb has spent many Years in Boston but never visited the Aquarium . He works long hours and has trouble finding spare time . One Sunday morning he decides he will visit the Aquarium . He spends the entire day learning about different types of fish . Caleb is very satisfied that he finally visited the Boston Aquarium . +2 We got a cage to trap them . There was a family of groundhogs living in our yard . They kept eating the green beans in our garden . We trapped thirteen groundhogs and released them in the wild . The groundhogs were happy to go to their new home . +4 My work was actually featured in the literary magazine ! I submitted my short story into a school literary magazine . I waited months for the magazine to be printed . The magazine released yesterday . I quickly scanned through the pages when I got it . +0 Josh loves to run and decided to run a marathon . To prepare Josh began running longer distances every day . Josh also ate very healthy foods and drank lots of water every day . The day of the race arrived and Josh was nervous , but felt prepared . Because Josh had practiced and prepared his body well he did great ! +0 Rick had a drug problem . So he decided to check into rehab . He sat there waiting for his turn to say his problem . When they go to him he told them his addiction . They kicked him out because Rick said his addiction was being fly . +0 Tanya had a very misbehaved puppy . She took it to obedience class to learn to behave better . She even practiced with the puppy at home . When the class was over , the puppy received an award for improving . Tanya was so proud of her puppy . +3 Suzy listened to everything the teacher had to say . Suzy is going to painting class today . She has always loved art and wants to learn more . Suzy 's Mom bought her new brushes and an apron for class . Suzy brought home a painting she made for her Mom . +4 He found the best , most rare tea right there close to home . Tom was a Tea enthusiast . He went traveling all over the world to find the best tea . He went to China , Israel and even London to no avail . He finally went to a local farmer 's market , right up the street . +3 They go snooping in her PC and they find out that he 's 30 ! Jill meets Bob online . She lies to her parents and tells them that he is a kid from school . When he picks her up he looks like he 's at least 25 . They ground her and take her phone and PC for six months . +3 Charlie , an eleventh grader , took a hit from a pipe . Brandon thought he found something special when he found fake Pot . They call the drug Hemp Spice . He convinced his friend , Charlie , to take a hit of the fake weed . Charlie turned paranoid and then had a seizure and died . +1 Her mom said maybe , but probably not . Ora wanted a kitty for Hanukkah . Ora was a little dejected . But then on Hanukkah 's last morning , she got a shock . She received a tiny kitten with a soft fluffy coat ! +3 Then he awoke from his dream to find his hand in a bowl of spaghetti . Lars demanded a scalpel from his assistant . The patient was in grave danger , and Lars was their only hope . Wait a minute - Lars could n't do this , he was n't a brain surgeon ! His siblings could be heard snickering as they scampered away . +0 I had a weird dream last night . I recently contacted my old friend Laura , last seen 10 Year 's ago . I nicknamed her Moonbeam because of her New Age beliefs . Moonbeam was in my dream , talking to everyone . I woke up and realized I missed her friendship . +0 Joe likes to go to Minnesota to his grandparent 's cabin on the lake . Every summer Joe takes his family there to go fishing . Joe 's grandparents decide to sell the family cabin . Joe is very upset he will no longer be able to take his family there . They take one last trip to the cabin to say sadly say goodbye ! +0 Kim was on vacation in the Bahamas with friends . She wanted to buy snacks so they went to a store . Kim was shocked to find a bag of Oreos was $ 7 . Kim decided to buy the snacks anyway . She ended up paying $ 12 for the Oreos and half a gallon of milk . +3 He was amazed by the marchers ' skill . Marcus went to his school 's football game . He was bored until the halftime show . The flag twirlers were beautiful . He decided to learn how to play an instrument . +2 Alas , the eggs became watery and split . I decided to eat some poached eggs . I boiled the water and dropped the eggs in . I realized I forgot the vinegar . I tried again and it was a success ! +2 He was very scared . Tom decided to spend the night in a cave . He brought his favorite blanket . Once he heard the birds singing he knew he would be fine . He slept comfortably all night . +3 The ambulance came and rushed him to the hospital . Don was watching TV one night . Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his chest . He called 911 quickly . There , a doctor said Don 's chest pain was harmless angina . +3 Everyone did quite poorly . Sid called his friends and organized a paint party . He set up many a canvas and bought all sorts of paint . During the party they tried to paint a landscape . Sid told them that it was good that they at least tried . +2 They put the two dogs together in a room . Missy wanted puppies to sell . She had a dog and she invited a friend to mate his dog with hers . Then , the dogs did their business . It worked and the puppy became pregnant . +3 Jim told Paul that there was a big fire that needed to be put out . Paul hopped out of his car and locked the door . He jogged into the building because he understood the situation . When inside he was greeted by Jim , the operator . Paul simply nodded and mentally prepared himself . +0 Mary had to work on her thesis . She had been behind all semester . She had been busy with work lately and going to school part time . Mary decided to spend her entire weekend devoted to her thesis . She was able to type out 20 pages throughout the entire weekend . +1 He often walked without paying attention . Billy was always playing video games on his phone . One day when he playing and walking he fell . His phone flew out of his hand and smashed . He had to go without playing games until he could afford a new phone . +4 John enjoyed his time at the movies . John wanted to go to the movies . John did not have too much money for the movies . John asked his grandmother for some extra money . She took the money out of his allowance . +2 Alas , he did not put extra pork . One day , I went to a cafe and ordered a sandwich . I told the waiter to put extra pork in my sandwich . I complained to him . He told me he was sorry and he gave me a discount . +2 She researched computers for almost a week . Juanita decided that she needed a computer to write her letters on . She found that writing letters on a typewriter was too slow . Finally she bought a nice one . Juanita immediately started writing letters on her computer . +0 Jessie called her mother . It was her mother 's birthday . She was calling to say happy birthday . Jessie did n't buy her mother a gift . Jessie 's mother did not answer the phone . +1 Her friends all met up at a store to look for a dress . Tammy recently got engaged and was excited to go dress shopping . Tammy started to try some dresses on , but was quickly disappointed . None of the dresses fit ! Now Tammy has to look online for plus size dresses . +0 Ron loved playing sports . He celebrated a football victory with friends . While driving to the restaurant they were in an accident . Ron had to have both legs amputated . He never played sports again . +0 My friends and I were on a boat in the lake . We stopped the boat to go for a swim . I jumped into the water with my sunglasses on . I saw the glasses float deep into the lake and could n't get them . I swam to the surface and felt very sad the whole day . +0 A man saw a woman by the side of the road and stopped his car . The woman got into the back seat without a word of thanks . He drove miles out of his way to drop her where she 'd requested . She pulled out a gun and shot him in the back of the head . She told the authorities he had kidnapped her . +4 Cam kept her promise loyally . Cam 's mom told her a secret . It was very juicy . Cam was tempted to blab ! But she remembered that she had sworn not to tell . +2 She went to aviation school . Jennifer had always loved flying in planes . She decided she wanted to be a pilot when she grew up . She worked very hard to learn to fly . Jennifer graduated and got a great job with an airline . +4 He played really well and lead the team to victory ! The big football game was coming up soon . John had practiced hard for weeks . His coach said he 'd get to start at quarterback . John was nervous . +0 Sue decided that she wanted to write a play for the local theater . She wanted the play to have a fun local flavor that people would love . After sitting in a city park the perfect play idea came to her . When she was finished she gave it to the local theater to perform . She was thrilled to see performers acting out her words on stage . +1 She knew it would be tough to battle her cravings . Karen decided to quit drinking soda . But she switched to water and tried her best . At first she cheated and often and drank soda . But within a few weeks Karen no longer even missed it ! +3 She enjoyed the thrill she got everytime there was a drop . Erin loved roller coasters . She went to her favorite amusement park for her birthday . Erin rode 12 different roller coasters in one day ! Erin returned many times to ride the roller coasters . +2 I say it 's noticeable by a few centimeters . I keep telling my cousin that she 's getting shorter . Each time I pretend to measure her height . She never admits to believing me . But deep down I know it bugs her . +0 Mary was feeling very lonely since moving away from her family . She decided to get a pet to keep her company . Mary wanted to get cat because her apartment is small . Mary went to the local shelter . There adopted a cute orange kitty named Luna . +2 Polly decided to unearth her nearly forgotten treasure box . Polly buried a margarine tub full of treasures in her backyard . Years later , her family decided to move away . But it was n't nearly as easy to find as she expected ! She had to dig twelve holes , but she finally found her precious items ! +1 The next day Sandy received her class schedule . Sandy recently enrolled into college for her Master 's degree . Sandy was advised to check her professors out on a website . Sandy checked out her math professor on the website . It was then Sandy realized that he was a very strict professor . +1 I folded wrapping paper around each present . Today I bought Christmas presents for my family . Then I taped the paper to each side . After taping , I wrap ribbon around each present . For the end , I attach a beautiful bow to the package . +3 Rob brought a game to school the next day to exchange . Rob 's parents would n't buy Mortal Kombat . Rob asked his friend Jake to borrow his . Jake offered to trade him the game for another . Rob played the game that night after his parents were asleep . +2 They met at the park . Jim thought it was a great day to play soccer . He gathered a bunch of his friends . They split into teams and began to play . They had a great time playing . +2 It was too much to lick off . Rose the cat fell into the trash can . When she climbed out she was covered in slime . Her owners gave her a bath , which she hated . After that she was clean but very unhappy . +4 We located the ring , thanked the jogger and walked away . My girlfriend and I were walking at night . She dropped a ring while she was playing with it . I looked all over the sidewalk but it was too dark . Then , a jogger with a flashlight arrived and helped . +2 He decided to go surfing . Bob decided to take the day off of work . He wanted to go to the ocean . He waded out to the ocean on his own . The waves were high and he drowned . +3 One day he studied hard for five hours . Tim did not know how to add . He failed all of his math tests . His parents were very mad . After that he always passed his math tests . +1 One day he asks his barber for a mohawk . Austin has always wanted to try an unconventional haircut . Austin feels excited for his first day at school with his new haircut . All the other kids think Austin 's hair is really cool . He is happy that he got a new haircut . +0 It was voting day , and Mark did n't know who to vote for . He listened to political talk radio as he drove to the voting booth . When he arrived to the voting center , he felt very nervous . Mark walked up to the voting booth and then changed his mind . He left the building and went home feeling bad about himself . +1 His wife passed away . Frank was married for 60 years . Frank was very sad . His health started to fail . Frank passed away shortly after his wife . +1 He did n't feel confident about the material that would be covered . Jeff was nervous about the math test scheduled for Friday . He asked his parents for help studying . They showed him a website that helped him understand it . After a few nights of studying up , he got an A on the test ! +3 She heard a knock at the door . None of Amy 's friends called her to wish her a happy birthday . She did not get mad but rather felt sad . She wondered whether they cared . Her friends had come over to throw her a surprise birthday party . +3 He made it his life 's goal to buy a sailboat . Bill watched a movie about sailing . He thought that would be fun . He researched sailing extensively . He saved up the money and eventually bought one . +2 He gritted his teeth and stuck with it . Joey hated his job because his manager was a jerk . He considered quitting , but he really needed the money . Soon Joey 's boss was transferred and he got a new supervisor . Joey was so happy that he had n't quit ! +1 She was really scared to go to the doctor . Chelsea hurt her fingers playing basketball . Chelsea 's dad convinced her to go and get checked out . It turns out the bones in the fingers were fractured . The doctor was able to give her the needed care she would have missed . +3 He went and stood by the door , waiting . Luke did n't want to pay 15 dollars for a movie . He made his way to the back of the theater . He noticed a couple of teenagers sneaking in the back exit . It never opened . +3 He used the remote control to change subtitle settings to English . I was watching television with a friend . I decided to watch a movie in German . My friend started laughing . We were able to understand the movie . +0 Gina loves pork chops . She was terrible at making them . One day her dad taught her to grill . She surprised her boyfriend with grilled pork chops . They were delicious ! +0 Jason was a basketball player . He was playing in a game against a huge rival . His shoe was untied and he tripped . He broke his ankle and had to sit out the rest of the game . His team lost . +3 Hours later , her husband spied smoke billowing from the shed . Amy resented the hours her husband spent in his shed . One day , she noticed a badly frayed cord on a fan in the shed . She plugged it in , turned on the fan , and left . Amy moved quickly to call the fire department . +1 He just could n't stomach fish . Samuel would eat almost anything . His parents would always make him try it though . This time they forced salmon down his throat . Before he could swallow he had already started throwing up . +3 She immediately got out of her seat and smacked Billy . Billy could n't stop talking in class . The teacher had to stop teaching us so she can hear Billy . Kane 's headache got worse from the talking . Although Billy did n't mind , Kane got suspended . +4 Stella decided to stop buying lottery tickets . Stella decided to buy lottery tickets every week . She always bought them in the same place . She always used the same number . She lost on 100 consecutive tickets . +4 They both felt that it was the right choice , in retrospect . Sherrill wanted to take her husband to the circus . Her husband considered it low-brow entertainment . They compromised on seeing a cirque du soleil show . Sherrill got her circus and her husband got his high-brow show . +4 Tyra loved the way her windows looked in the new curtains ! Tyra was shopping for curtains for her new house . She wanted to accent the beautiful windows . She settled on a nice gingham pattern for curtains . She hung them as soon as she got home . +3 Everyday she counted her calories . Janine was dangerously fat . All the kids at school made fun of Janine . So Janine decided to go on a diet . Soon Janine was at a normal weight . +3 Jake found it very hard to play as well as he would like . Jake had always wanted to learn to play the guitar . Jake saved up and bought a new guitar with the money . Jake was excited to learn how to play . He quickly got frustrated and gave up , he ended up selling his guitar . +0 Keyan had studied for his road test for weeks . On test day , he was very nervous . He did his best on the test . At the end , the instructor turned to Keyan and smiled . Then he congratulated Keyan and said he 'd passed the test ! +3 Inside , she realized that her phone was missing . Sara and her friends were enjoying a night in a hot tub . They had been texting some boys . Then , Sara 's mom told them to come inside . She went back and searched the hot tub and found it underwater . +1 She decided she really wanted a horse . Mary saw a horse while she was on her walk . She researched what she would need to care for the horse . She prepared her property and bought the food . She went to the local auction and bought a beautiful mare . +0 Paul was feeling sick and made an appointment to see his doctor . The office said they could see him tomorrow . The next day he went to his appointment and he was feeling worse . The doctor gave him medicine and said to stay home and rest . Paul was glad he had a doctor visit so he could get his medicine . +4 The search took her mind off of her grandma . Rachel had misplaced a very important photo . It was the last photo of her grandmother in existence . She began digging through the attic trying to find it . During her search , she saw so many of her grandma 's old belongings . +0 Jerry brought his wife a red rose . She smiled and put it in the center of the dinner table . At dinner , the couple did n't say much to each other . That night they slept silently by each other 's side . In the morning , the rose had wilted . +4 I am glad I went and have a new sense of history . We went to the museum because they were having a special exhibit . It was all local exhibits that talked about products that are unique . They were all things that were made and produced here . It was so interesting finding out about these things . +2 He went to get a flashlight . Bob was cleaning his shed . He heard some strange noises behind some boxes . He shined the light way back into the back of the shed . There was a big ball of snakes in the corner . +3 She asked him to please let her finish the show she was watching . Sharon was watching a show on Home and Gardens TV . Her husband Bob sat down next to her on the couch . Bob did n't like what she was watching and picked up the remote . Bob changed the channel anyway . +0 Sarah was typing an essay on her laptop at the library . All of a sudden , her laptop started to play a YouTube video . Everybody from the library could hear the video from her laptop . Sarah immediately closed her laptop . She ran out of the library after feeling embarrassed . +2 He did n't forget this time , though . Jim 's wife really wanted strawberries . Jim was very forgetful . Unfortunately the store had run out . Jim 's wife thought he was just making an excuse . +3 She was personable and friendly . Anna wanted to go to space camp . She sent in her application . They invited her in for an interview . Then they offered her a spot at space camp ! +2 She cried for an instant since the metal broke her toenail . Monica was walking to her next class . She ended up tripping on a piece of metal on the floor . Several people around her helped her get up . She wiped her tears and went to the clinic . +2 After she placed her meal on the plate she was very disappointed . Julie bought a 5 piece chicken nugget from Burger king . She drove home and smelled the nuggets all the way there . She only had 4 nuggets in the bag . Julie went back to Burger King to get her last nugget . +1 We have known this family since 1992 . We are visiting our good friends in NH this Christmas . When we met them they had only one son . Now they have four kids , one fully grown . We expect to have a nice dinner with them this Christmas . +1 It was very hard at first . Edna decided to cut out sweets . Then she started drinking diet soda . The sweet taste kept her satisfied . Edna was very successful in her mission ! +4 She was even waiting for me in front of the bathroom . A young lady was walking around campus , selling chocolate . She offered me some of her products . Since I had no money that day , I politely refused . After I walked away , she started to follow me . +2 His loose tooth flew out of his mouth and right into the trumpet ! Lee had a loose tooth . One day during band class , he blew too hard into his trumpet . Andrew had to take the trumpet apart to get his tooth out . Everyone in the band laughed and laughed at the loose tooth problem . +0 Sean wanted his own home . He realized that it would be cheapest to build his own . He learned all about it online . Then , he bought the supplies and began building . Within a year , he had a house . +3 She walked by the fireplace and caught on fire . Janelle lit a fire in the fireplace . It was a warm day . Ashley was wearing a long skirt . Ashley burned to death . +3 She burned it to apply to her feet to turn her breech baby . My friend Rosa is a New Age believer . She was pregnant in 1994 . One day Rosa asked me to get some Moxie in Chinatown . Amazingly , the baby turned . +4 He was able to return them and get a new pair in a large size . Brad had to get new shoes . The ones he wore now had holes throughout the bottom sole . He ordered a pair of sneakers that he liked . When they arrived , they were too small on his feet . +1 He knew he could do it , he just was n't sure how fast he could go . John had trained for the last 6 months to run a 5K . When the buzzer went off , he started running . He passed some people while others passed him . He was happy when it was announced he was third in his age group . +0 Lori has never seen a panda in real life . She learns that her local zoo had just gotten two pandas . She visits the zoo so she can finally see pandas . When she visits they are eating bamboo . Lori feels so happy that she finally saw pandas . +0 Yesterday I had to help cook Passover supper . It was a long process but worth it . I loved helping out for it . It took about five hours to prepare . When it was done we all loved the food . +0 Tim was sent to prison after being falsely accused of a crime . He made the best use of his time he could for self-betterment . Tim inspired all those around him , and was paroled early . That night the cop who had falsely accused him came across Tim . The cop shot him when Tim reached for his identification . +2 Ben decided he needed to buy a suit . Ben decided to take his girlfriend out to dinner . The restaurant he chose was quite fancy . He did n't own a suit so he went to a men 's store . Ben is now a proud owner of his first suit . +1 He was starving ! Neil had just arrived in Italy . He knew exactly what he wanted to eat . Since he was in Italy , he wanted Italian . He decided to eat a big plate of pasta ! +3 At eighteen she went away to college and broke up with her boyfriend . My wife 's niece had a boyfriend when she was fifteen . She was wildly in love . Her Facebook posts were very romantic . She is now dating a man she met in college . +1 Worried , she went to see a doctor . Ali had been having bad headaches . She prayed the news would not be too serious . After an examination , the doctor gave her his diagnosis . All Ali needed was a pair of glasses ! +2 Julie was going pretty fast on her bike . It was a beautiful day and Julie wanted to enjoy it . So , she decided to go on a bike ride . Suddenly she fell off . Julie got a pretty badly scraped knee . +1 Bob pointed at the red light to indicate the race was on . Bob pulled up beside Joe and raced his car engine . Joe revved his engine , but did n't move when the light turned green . Bob sped away and passed the police car parked up ahead on the curb . Joe drove past the flashing police light very slowly . +1 One day his boss screamed at him for no good reason . Mike had a job he hated . Mike decided to look for a new job . It took him weeks but he was able to find a much better job . Mike was thrilled to give his boss notice of his departure . +3 The first week of running felt like torture . Marissa hated to run , but she felt out of shape . A friend suggested she try a specialized running program . Marissa reluctantly agreed . By the eighth week , Marissa could easily run a 5k . +3 John sees a neighbor he has n't spoken with in months . John has spent many months at home because of the cold . Finally he notices that the weather is getting nicer . He decides to walk around the neighborhood to feel the warm weather . He is happy that the Spring is finally arriving . +2 She wished for her crush to ask her out . Ana was watching the meteor shower . As a bright star streaked across the sky , she made a wish . The next day , at lunch time - he did ! Ana was amazed by the power of her nighttime wish . +1 He found his apartment 's upkeep to be too much of a chore . Tony was a messy bachelor . Tony 's friend told him about maid services . Tony decided that that was the best idea . He is quite happy to have a clean apartment now . +3 Lindsay 's mother had stain remover . Lindsay was getting ready for her friend 's wedding . She changed into her outfit . She realized there was a stain on the front of her dress . She used the stain remover and Lindsay was all set to go . +1 He felt very thirsty . Chris was walking to work one morning . He stopped at 711 . He bought a Slurpee . The slurpee satiated his palette . +3 He paid his dollar and sat on a stool by the cow . Howard went to the fair with his best friend 's family . In one of the barns , you could pay a dollar to milk a cow . He had been saving his money for ice cream , but he wanted to try . He laughed out loud when milk started pouring into the bucket . +3 She remembered him talking about a saltwater guided fishing trip . Monday is Barry 's 45th birthday , two days away . He is excited but secretly hoping there will not be a surprise party . Barry 's girlfriend decides this year she wo n't throw a party . So on Monday she surprised him with the fishing trip plan and passes . +4 Now Drew owns his own shoe store and is happy with his career . Drew was always fascinated with shoe styles and designs . He wished he could have a career designing shoes . Drew 's art teacher encouraged him to go to design school . Drew agreed , and eventually became a professional shoe designer . +2 The acid in the soda stripped his throat . David was thirsty . So he grabbed a can of cola . That made him even more thirsty . David learned to drink water instead . +2 Then , we heard a loud smack and a child crying . I went to Carlsbad Caverns with my friends . We were standing in the quiet cave with some other tourists . He had fallen down on the path ! I laughed , and then I felt like a bad person for laughing . +1 After going inside the outlet store , there were several discounts . I had to go shopping for school . I observed the deals and found a few choices . However , it took me several minutes to decide . I ended up buying an item that I did n't want . +2 It was a family tradition to do it the day after Thanksgiving . Cheyenne pulled the big box down from the top of the closet . She was going to help her Grandma put up the Christmas tree . Grandma put Christmas carols on the CD player and they sang along . By the end of the day the whole house was decorated . +3 One night she went out and was roofied . I took many courses in college . In one , I met a girl I thought I would like . We talked and talked , and I discovered she was a bit of a party girl . We did n't talk much after that . +1 He was planning a hike . John was an avid hiker . He knew he needed a better canteen . He shopped around . He purchased a new canteen . +2 Karen opened her presents , and they ate and talked . Karen invited friends over for her baby shower . Her friends brought presents and desserts . They played some typical baby shower games . Her friends went home , and she went to bed . +0 Alana was going to start kindergarten . She was very excited but also very nervous . Alana was used to spending all her time around family only . Her first day school went well . Alana loved school and became a very popular student . +3 To Josie 's surprise Joe was also an amazing chess player and won . Josie was a brilliant chess player . She asked Joe to play with her . He agreed and joined her at her table . Josie gained a new appreciate for Joe and played him regularly after . +2 The kids began to play in the sand . John was a fourth grader in California . John and his class took a field trip to a nearby beach . John got to swim in the ocean and eat ice cream . The kids got back on the bus and went home later . +3 When the hairdresser was done with her , Kara looked in the mirror . Kara 's hair was getting long . She decided to get a haircut . When she got to the salon she sat down . The haircut was awful . +1 Jon hated his mother-in-law . Jon 's wife wanted to go visit her mother . He decided to pretend to be sick . His wife let him stay home . Jon successfully evaded his mother-in-law ! +2 Larry has lessons from a professional banjo player for a month . Larry loves watching live banjo players . He decides to learn how to play banjo for himself . Finally he can play a simple tune on his own . Larry feels great that he finally learned to play banjo . +2 I have to clear out the shed . I got up at sunrise . I 've a lot to do . It 's going to rain today . My mower needs to be placed inside . +0 Lindsay was good at running . She challenged Patrick to a quarter mile dash . He agreed . Patrick practiced really hard . Lindsay still won the race . +4 I had never seen a beaver dam before and was very impressed . I went for a walk in the woods today . I came across a beaver dam . It was at least 300 feet long . It had created a small lake from a tiny stream . +3 They danced all night . Chris and Sally went out on a date . They went to a diner . Then they went to a dance hall . They grew closer and had fun together . +3 Her face cleared up , confirming her suspicions . Sally was suspicious that her new shampoo was causing breakouts . Her face had only recently started breaking out . She decided to try a different shampoo . Sally tossed the bad shampoo in the garbage , ruining her purchase of it . +0 Sally wanted popcorn . She went to the kitchen and put some in the microwave . She timed it as normal . While she waited , she put her laundry in . Her popcorn burned and Sally cried . +4 Dan was disappointed that he could not swim in the pool . Dan wanted to get some exercise in today . Dan decided he would go to the local pool and swim several laps . However , when Dan arrived he noticed the facility was closed . Dan decided he would go back home and exercise there . +3 Then she saw that she 'd gotten a terrible rash ! Emily 's razor was a little dull . She did n't feel like buying a new one yet . She decided to just shave with the dull one . Emily wished she had bought a fresh razor ! +0 A man saw a unique sport on the TV called curling . He then did an internet search for curling . He became infatuated with the game . He loved the unique styling of the game . He became a lifetime curling fan . +2 He did n't think he would when . Tom was a poor man . One day he played the lottery . He went home and watched the channel that announces the winners . He was announced . +1 She saw elephants , tigers , and even some squid . Ariana went to the zoo in her town . When she left she discovered a monkey had escaped and was in her bag . She wanted to keep the monkey since it was so cute . Since she did n't know what monkeys ate , she returned the monkey . +1 He wore black all of the time and seemed menacing . The new kid was strange . Nobody wanted to mess with him He ended up transferring soon after . It turns out he was shy and a kind kid . +4 Finally , the hole in my sock was repaired ! I looked down today to see there was a hole in my sock . Quickly , I took the sock off my foot to fix it . I grabbed a needle and thread , and pinned the hole shut . Working carefully , I began to sew the hole . +2 The ride at first was fun . Lily was on a tall roller coaster the other day . It was one of the highest in the country . Then all the sudden it screeched to a halt . Lily was trapped at the very top . +4 The taste was too much for her to handle . Leah and her parents walked into one of the nicest French restaurants . The three of them grabbed a table and looked at the nice menu . To her shock , Leah 's father ordered some snails for the table . When the snails arrived , Leah nearly got sick tasting them . +3 People were thankful to have them . Kelly loved making pillows . She got down to making a dozen of them last month . When she was done she decided to donate them . She decided to make more . +4 Walker is now much more organized . Walker had always been a very disorganized person . He vowed to change that . Walker bought a filing cabinet . He ordered all of his affairs . +3 John , in seat 20B , minded his own business with earplugs in his ears . The baby in seat 21C started crying . The cry turned into a scream . The scream turned into a piercing scream . The baby calmed down only halfway through the long flight . +3 I told my husband he was lost . I let my dog out in the backyard . A few hours later , I went to check on him . I could n't find my dog anywhere . He laughed at me and told me he already let the dog in . +3 He ran to his mom 's room and woke her up . Max was asleep in his bed . Suddenly he woke up . He thought that he saw something scary outside of his window . She checked for him but there was nothing there . +4 He thought it was okay , but not as good as the turkey . Simon ordered a turkey sandwich to go at Jimmy Johns . When he unwrapped the sandwich at home it was roast beef . He thought about returning it , but decided it was not worth the effort He ate the roast beef sandwich . +1 Our local team was the blizzard . We loved watching indoor soccer . It was so fun and exciting . They could score from anywhere . We were so sad when the team folded . +1 He raised a lot of money to start his campaign . Jeb Bush wanted to become the president of the United States . He gathered a decent following of people who supported him . He did n't do very well in the primaries . Jeb Bush dropped out of the presidential race . +2 It makes the next movie that much more interesting . I thought it was interesting regarding Luke 's lightsaber . Where did she find his saber ? Because the audience will want to know where it came from . So I give credit to the writers for keeping people engaged . +1 He was excited to play in the snow . Andy loved winter weather . He waited and waited for the snow . On the last day of winter , it finally snowed ! Andy happily built a snowman and went sledding all day . +2 He told his friends to go vote . Jeb wanted to be class president . he passed flyers around school . The election was held on a rainy day . Jeb won by a landslide . +1 She wanted to quit drinking it because it was destroying her teeth . Sammy was addicted to coca-cola . Sammy felt terrible when she started to quit . She had terrible migraines that would last several hours long . Eventually , Sammy felt better and was able to give up soda for good . +3 She dried the clothes and folded them . Shelly went to the laundry room to do her laundry . She sorted the dirty laundry into colors . She put the colors in different washers and put coins in to pay . She went home . +4 They formed their alliance and played as heroes all afternoon . Peter loved superheros . His favorite was Captain America . He recruited his friends one day after school . They were all assigned heroes to be for the day . +0 Mary decided to go for a walk . While walking , she tripped and fell . She broke her leg . A passing driver stopped to help Mary . The driver took her to the hospital to receive treatment . +2 She tasted her tea and loved it ! Tina loved to grow tea leaves in her backyard . One day a friend came over to her house . Tina had an idea to open her own tea shop . It opened recently and is already doing well ! +4 Once they were done he was able to pass , but he was still late . Chris was running late to work . He tried to take a shortcut away from the highway . However , when he did , he ended up in a construction zone . He had to wait for the workers to finish . +4 He vowed to make sure he ate breakfast from now on no matter what . Adam was running late so he grabbed a coffee to go . He did n't have time to eat anything , and he had to get to work . He started feeling lightheaded and sleepy an hour later . Adam felt irritable and realized he was weak from hunger . +4 Their mother left her entire estate to charity . Anne asked her adult children to come to her house . She told them to pick the things they wanted for her will . Anne saw her grown kids fighting over who got what . The next year , Anne 's heirs were called to a reading of her will . +2 Tim went over to his son to say hello . Tim dressed up as Santa for his two year old son . He walked into the house dressed in the costume . His son burst into tears . Tim learned that his son is terrified of Santa . +0 Dave went out to play with his friends . He met them at the park . It started raining so they had to stop . They all went to Dave 's house to continue to play . When it stopped raining , they went back out to play . +4 They arrested the murdered . At midnight on Maple Street a man was murdered . His body was found in the middle of the street . The police searched for the murderer . Finally they figured out who it was . +0 John came home to take his dog out . He rushed in and grabbed the leash . As soon as he put the leash on the dog , the bottom fell out . He still had to walk the dog . John was soaked from head to toe . +3 However , he barely moved the next day . Henry was playing outside . When he tried to do a cool basketball trick , he fell on the ground . Although his back was sore , he was able to get home . His mom had to take him to the hospital to seek treatment . +3 Juan had n't even know that that was an option ! Juan was struggling to make ends meet . One day , he went and talked to his friend Emilio about it . Emilio suggested that he look for work online . Later that day , he found a job online and turned his life around . +3 Then , she found some cereal . Annie was making pie . She did n't have any crust . She dug through her cupboards looking for a substitute . She crushed it up and put it on the pie . +0 Crystal went home after school to do her homework . She was not allowed outside to play until it was done . She started around four and finished an hour later . Crystal changed her clothes and went outside to play . She felt good because she had finished her homework . +4 Seeing a bug in the center , she threw the flower down in disgust . Jane and her brother took a paddle boat to the middle of the lake . Jane saw lily pads with pretty yellow flowers . She begged her brother to pick one . Finally , her brother snagged one and handed it to Jane . +4 But as Jean headed to class , she heard a boy Meow . Usually a shy girl , Jean felt like being wild at Halloween . She painted her face like a cat and went , anonymously , on the prowl . In paint and a tight leotard , Jean was the hit of the frat party . She got home , washed off the paint , and was her old self again . +3 One Sunday , they arrived to find the church already full . In Millie 's church , it was an honor to sit in the front pew . Millie always rushed the family so they could get the honored seats . Each week they went a little earlier , trying to be the first . Millie realized the early mass was still in session . +3 Drew moved them to avoid the fire hazard . Drew was visiting his parents ' house . He noticed that they stored cleaning products in the garage . They were directly next to the water heater . His parents complained about the movement . +3 The principle called his parents . Jay did n't like going to school . He had a reputation of skipping school . Jay decided to skip school again yesterday . Jay got into lots of trouble and was grounded . +1 I told what piece to move first . Today I gave a chess lesson to my friend Joe . I also told him which pieces to move second . I covered topics such as castling , development , and doubled pawns . Joe took a lot of notes . +4 When it was finished , it fit Estella 's finger perfectly ! Estella was given her grandmother 's ring to wear as a wedding ring . She tried it on , but it was too large . She sent it to a jeweler . There , the ring was sized a little smaller . +1 She was finally going to have it removed . Jennifer had a tattoo on her hip that she hated . At her first session , she was surprised by the amount of pain . She was more prepared for the next sessions , and she got through it . Finally , the tattoo was gone . +1 She got good grades on her report card . Rue was happy . Her mom was elated . Her parents bought her a car . Rue from then on always kept her grades up . +3 Reluctantly , Jane retraced their steps . Jane was so happy to almost be done with their zoo visit . She had wheeled her toddler around the entire zoo by herself . Suddenly , they realized that her toddler 's stuffed bear was missing ! An exhausted Jane almost cried when they finally found the bear . +1 But he did not want to pay to have it set up . Ian got cable internet . For hours , he struggled putting everything together . But by night time , it did n't work . Ian regret not spending the extra money to have someone set it up . +4 She ran up , grabbed the shoes from the dogs and left . Lacy went to the beach . She took off her shoes and went to go swimming . When she came back to her spot , her shoes were missing . She looked around and saw some dogs had them . +3 He soaked up a lot of wisdom . John read a book that changed his life . He began voraciously reading after this . He learn he can live a thousand lives by reading a thousand books . He grew as a person , and became fulfilled and happy . +4 The restaurant 's agreed and Reggie raised $ 100 for charity . Reggie wanted to raise money for charity . He asked local restaurants for donations . The restaurants were n't interested in donating . Reggie asked if they would donate a portion of their proceeds . +2 While hanging out , he lost track of time . Tanner was out with friends . He needed to be home at ten . When he got home it was midnight . His mom grounded him for being late . +2 He looked around it with a flashlight . We found a hidden chamber in the city hall recently . We sent the security guard in to investigate . Inside were a bunch of old city records . Some of them were over a hundred years old . +4 She was so happy with the painting that she cried . Pablo 's mother 's birthday was approaching quickly . Pablo wanted to give his mother something very special . He did n't have a job or money to get her something nice . Pablo used his talent of painting and painted his mom a portrait . +1 She stocked many varieties and knew all about them . Anna ran a tea shop . Everyone loved her shop and came frequently . One day , there was a small fire that destroyed half her stock . Due to the shop 's beloved status , everyone came together to help . +2 He could n't understand how this was happening . Joe kept getting things delivered that he wanted but never ordered . He would often pay for them because they were things he liked . One day while painting he discovered a bug placed by a retail company . He kept it there because it was easier than searching online ! +4 Millie said her grandma must be rich from her allowance . Millie turned six Year 's old . She was happy to get a raise on her allowance . Millie 's parents explained she 'd get an extra dollar for each year . The next month , Millie 's grandma had a birthday party . +1 Just when the leaves came up , rabbits made a feast of the plants . A beginning gardener , Lee planted a bed of herbs for the first time . Lee tried fencing and an owl statue to repel the rabbits without luck . Not wanting to use poison , she visited a plant nursery for advice . There , she learned that planting marigolds effectively repels rabbits . +1 All of a sudden , the electricity went out . Everyone was relaxing inside of the house . I called our electricity provider to seek help . They reminded me that last month 's bill was unpaid for . Since Terry pays for it , I yelled at her . +1 Bella thought if she put it under the puppy 's pillow she 'd get money . Bella 's puppy lost a tooth . Her mother explained that the tooth fairy only gave money to people . So Bella put the tooth under her own pillow . She was disappointed when the tooth fairy did n't leave anything . +2 Kendrick told Charles bye because Kendrick was moving to Hollywood . Kendrick could barely rap . That 's why Charles did n't believe him when he said he 'd be famous . Ten years later , Charles saw Kendrick on the front of The Source Mag . He was a popular rapper known as Kendrick Lamar . +4 He will use tutoring more frequently in the future . Chris is a mechanical engineering student . He 's been having a rough time , though . Chris has been going to tutoring for physics . His grades have improved since he started . +3 My roommate 's wife gave me a pint of maple syrup . I never used maple syrup much . One day I had a stroke . I was in rehab for eight weeks . I have been buying maple syrup ever since . +4 Gina hated those days , but she loved the class the rest of the time . Gina loved going to music class . They listened to records and sang from a book . Gina liked hearing music she had never heard before . Sometimes they had to do worksheets . +4 She adjusted the total amount that I owed . My school account states that I owed $ 500 dollars . Since this came up all of a sudden , I drove to the admissions office . The front desk worker directed me to the financial aid office . The lady told me that there was a system error . +1 She got construction paper , glue , and glitter . Kim wanted to make Valentines for her class . Kim stayed up all night making cards for everyone . At school , she passed out her Valentines . She smiled as she watched her friends enjoy their cards . +4 He agreed to take the bookcase home for her . Lizzy bought a bookcase for her new apartment . She took it to her car to load it , but it was too big . All of a sudden , someone called her name . Her friend Joe was driving by in his big truck . +2 He was in class when someone made fun of his accent . Jimmy was an immigrant from France . He came to the United States when he was 10 . Jimmy ran out of class and into the bathroom . Jimmy stayed there and cried for hours . +4 I love my goodnight song . Every night Mom sings me to sleep . We sit and rock in the old rocking chair . Her voice is so soft as I drift off to sleep . I feel so safe in Mommy 's arms . +1 Tim was sad because he lost his kite . Tim was at the park with his dad Dan . To cheer Tim up And decided to buy him ice cream . Tim chose chocolate ice cream with three scoops . Dan was happy to see Tim was happy again . +1 Jim had not seen Bo all day , and he was afraid Bo had gotten lost . One day , Jim ' cat , Bo , did not show up at his regular mealtime . The next day , Jim found Bo hiding in a box in the basement . Bo had hidden there during the lightning storm the day before . Now , Jim makes sure he checks the box whenever there is a loud storm . +4 Nowadays automatic focus cameras have taken over . I owned a number of rangefinder cameras in my youth . One focused rangefinders by joining two images together . It was an interesting way to focus a lens . Many professionals used rangefinders . +4 It looked just like a little tree itself . My area had high winds a few days ago . A lot of tree branches were blown down . A large one landed in my muddy yard . It stuck straight up in the mud . +1 One time he happened across a big box of staples . Cal got distracted by little things . He started making a staple chain . He did n't stop until the chain was almost half a mile long . Cal needed to be stopped by his friends . +3 He was named king at a young age . When Henry turned 14 his father died . It was a big deal and meant Henry had to take on more responsibility . He was unsure but knew what had to be done . He ruled over his people terribly and was assassinated . +2 Benny decided to see what happened . Benny was home alone . He heard a loud crash upstairs . There was a mouse knocking things over . Benny was relieved it was just a mouse . +3 Nancy came into the room with a black marker . Drew pushed Nancy on the ground . When she got up , he did n't bother to ask if she was okay . When it was night time , Pedro went to his bed to rest . She drew all over his head with the marker . +4 They had a great time reading together till the lights came back on ! There was a bad storm outside of Peter 's house . It caused the electricity to go out ! Peter was very scared because it was so dark . But then his mother got out an emergency lamp . +1 He flew to Singapore , where he had heard great deals abounded . Neil wanted to shop for his family . He found tons of clothes and jewelry at great prices . He shipped them all home to his family . He could not wait for them to receive his gifts ! +3 The extension added great equity to his home . Blake wanted to sell his home . He wanted to increase the equity before he put it on the market . Blake decided to extend the pantry space . Blake made a nice profit when he sold his home . +3 At the house there was nothing for her to do . Gina 's family was out of town visiting family . They drove to her uncle 's house . Gina did n't want to go but her mother forced her . She sat in the yard texting on her phone . +0 I just moved to a rich part of my town . The school was full of well-to-do children . I tried to make friends with them . But , they made fun of me for being different . I beat one of them up and I was given detention . +3 He pointed a flashlight at his backyard from behind his window . Evan was trying to fall asleep one night . But he heard a loud noise in his backyard . And he was scared that there was a burglar . But it was just a cat . +3 Anna considered the name and decided it was very pretty . Anna had just had a baby . She was n't sure what to name it . Then a nurse suggested `` Kayla '' . She happily christened her new baby `` Kayla '' ! +3 Jim decided to get his girlfriend some headphones . Jim hated rock music . His girlfriend only listened to rock music . His girlfriend always liked playing music at a loud volume . Both Jim and his girlfriend were happy with the outcome . +4 Chris blew big bubbles with his gum . Chris loved to chew gum . One day he woke up and found a bag of gumballs . He was so happy . He opened all of the gum . +2 She found it harder to go to class and study . Jodie was a freshman in college . She loved going out with her friends and partying . She received terrible grades during midterms . Jodie immediately started taking her classes more seriously . +0 Joseph went to his father 's 80th birthday party . He has been preparing for this day for months . He has to give a speech about his dad . Joseph practiced in front of his wife last night . He pulled it off without a problem . +1 But today he wrote his own story of police racism . Jason , who is black , grew up to stories about racist police . Jason began walking across the street with five white guys . A white officer gave Jason a ticket for walking on a red light . But the officer did n't cite any of the white kids . +3 He tried to fine unit owners for any infractions . Our condo buildings were managed by Elite Management in 1998 . The property manager , Norm Gopin , was dictatorial . He tried to ban kids from walking on the grass . The condo association switched firms , thankfully . +0 Hallie loves to play with her barbie dolls . She does n't like playing by herself . She enjoys it when Becky plays with her . Hallie asked Becky to play barbies with her . Becky agreed . +0 Leah 's family moved away to a new town . So , Leah had to go to a new school . She was nervous that she would n't make any friends . However on her first day of school her classmates were very friendly . Leah soon had a lot of friends at her new school . +4 Jill was too lazy to thank him . Jill always complained about her homework . But she never attempted to do it . One day , another student tried to help her with homework . But he ended up finishing it for her . +2 Gina 's parents asked the commissioner to intervene . Gina wanted to play little league baseball . The coach felt that Gina should play softball . The commissioner agreed and assigned Gina to a new coach . Gina became a star player and the team won the championship . +1 They looked in the pantry but saw nothing they wanted . My kids came home hungry after school . They checked the refrigerator with no luck . They examined every cookie jar to no avail . They decided they were n't hungry and went outside to play . +2 He waited to see if they would be taken out . Craig was doing laundry . He noticed someone else 's clothes were left in the dryer . They never were . Craig took them out and set them aside . +0 Rob loved to get into fights with people . He enjoyed seeing people in physical pain . Rob punched and kicked people for years . Rob fought so much , he soon lost his eyesight as he got older . Nowadays , Rob can see nothing but his own mistakes . +4 Finally , my car had excellent suspension ! My car was old . The suspension was terrible . I decided to upgrade it . I went to the mechanic and picked out their newest suspension model . +0 Kim was excited for the snow . She knew that if there was enough she would have the day off school . When she woke up in the morning everything was covered in white . She checked online and all the schools around her were closed . She was excited to have the entire day to play . +2 Unaware of any pain , I stared at my finger and started noticing it . Our family stopped at a roadside attraction , and my cousin got out . He slammed the car door on my finger before I had a chance to get out . When we finally got the door open again , my figure was partially cut . It eventually healed , and I still have the scar to prove it . +3 We looked all over the shelter until we seen a mix breed dog . Our recent dog just passed away . We wanted a new dog to fill the void . We went to the local shelter . The mix breed dog was cute so we brought him home immediately . +2 He did n't have any personal days left at work . Joe wanted to go see his favorite team play baseball . The game was on Monday . Joe called in sick so he could go to the baseball game . Joe lost his job . +1 His podcast would be about restaurants he liked . Joe was planning on starting a podcast . That night was his first episode . He was really nervous and worried . Luckily , he did great live and everyone enjoyed him . +3 The next morning when her mother comes downstairs Jill is gone . Every time Jill 's mother comes to visit she criticizes everything . As soon as she walks in the door she criticized Jill 's housekeeping . Then she criticizes Jill ' cooking , and anything else she can think of . There is a note on the table telling her mother to find a hotel . +2 Trying to shake it off , she decided to walk home . Erin was at her friend 's house watching TV . She started feeling a strange pain in her right side . When she got there , she was pale and almost doubled over in pain . Her mom quickly brought her to the ER to have her appendix out . +1 The children were bored stuck inside the house . It was a rainy day . Their mother remembered that she used to play in blanket forts . So she made one for the kids . It kept them occupied all afternoon . +3 I take him there once a week . My son really likes trains . I decided to take him to the train museum . He liked it a lot and always asks to go back . I hope he becomes a train engineer someday . +4 The rice was so mushy that he could n't discern the individual grains . Dave loved Asian food . So when he saw teriyaki bowls at his cafeteria , he decided to buy one . But the chicken was thin and strange . The sauce was weird and tangy . +0 Clint 's dad was a cowboy who rode horses . Though Clint barely knew his dad , he wanted a horse just like dad 's . One day Clint passed a field and saw an old , sick looking horse . He called the Humane Society to help him rescue the abused horse . Finally , Clint took the horse home to care for as his own . +3 He bought them both before wearing them . John needed new jeans . John went to Old Navy . John picked out two new pairs of jeans . Both of the pants did n't even fit him ! +1 She was n't pleased with the new gift . Chris bought a puppy for his wife , Tami . Chris promised that he 'd help with its care . He proved true to his word by taking the dog outside for a walk . In the end , Tami said they 'd keep the puppy . +1 He stopped to catch his breath . Ted had been hiking for what seemed like hours . He looked upward at the imposing mountain still ahead of him . He took a sip from his water container . Ted started back up the mountain slowly . +1 They were at the beach . Lou thought it would be funny to play a prank on his sister . She asked him to put suntan lotion on her back . He made a smiley face design with the lotion . She ended up with a smiley face tan lines . +0 Sam went to culinary school and learned about exotic flavors . Back home , she made chicken soup for her family . She played with all kinds of seasonings and spices . But the soup just did n't taste right . Then her mom added some salt - and the soup became perfect ! +1 The four of them hopped in the car for the half hour drive . The Reece family wanted to go to the Town Fair . As soon as they got there they got their tickets . The children then started running towards the kiddie rides . By the time the day was over , they had ridden 12 times . +2 Then she bought some over-the-counter medicine . Ana was constipated . She tried prune juice , but it did n't help . She took two capsules as recommended . Within a day she was regular again ! +3 They both left him simultaneously , and he was crushed . Lenny was cheating on his girlfriend with Aricka . He soon found out they were both pregnant . He told both of them the bad news . He still took care of the babies after their birth . +3 But finally she found enough nerve to check on the noise . Amy was sure a ghost was haunting her . Every night she heard strange noises on her window . The tapping terrified her ! Relieved , she saw it was just a tree branch swaying nearby ! +1 I got everything I needed but my car keys . I was late to get to work so I raced to get ready . I remembered the last time I had them was in my car . The car was locked so I had to smash the window . I reached inside and unlocked to door to get in . +4 Anne made her own coat hanger ! Anne needed a coat hanger . But she did not have any . She went to the garage and found thick wire . She twisted it into the shape she needed . +3 I got mad at him and asked him to leave . My girlfriend and I were having dinner together . All of a sudden , a random stranger sat down with us . He could n't stop commenting on how good my girlfriend looks . He threatened me , but the security guard took care of him . +3 They were talking about getting back together . Nathan threw a quarter into a well . He wished for peace and tranquility . When we woke up the next day , he saw his divorced parents . Nathan was excited to hear . +0 Lucy wanted to style her hair like her grandmas . She put rollers into her hair . She rolled each section on the roller and tied her hair in a scarf . After 3 hours she took the rollers down . She hated the outcome and tried to comb her hair straight . +4 She went home and told her parents what happened . Barbara walked home after school . A stranger passed by and stopped his car . He tried to attack Barbara . She ran away . +1 David 's friend said he thought it looked like a Picasso . David bought a nice-looking painting at a garage sale . David became convinced he had found a treasure . He took it to an appraiser , and was told it was not priceless . David decided he still liked it and hung it over his fireplace . +0 Gina wanted to check Dave 's desk for her pencils . But he would n't allow her to . She decided to wait till he went to the bathroom . Finally he left his desk and went to the bathroom . But Gina was scared to search his things in front of the whole class . +1 My oldest son 's roller blades fit me perfectly . My boys have so much fun rollerblading , I decided to give it a try . The cul-d-sac in front of our house was a great place to practice . I fell and broke my wrist going up the driveway . To this day my kids wo n't let me rollerblade again . +1 He and his dad were greeted and shown the adoptable dogs and puppies . Henry drove with his dad to the animal shelter to adopt a dog . They looked around a little bit and played with some of the dogs . In the end , they adopted a little black puppy who bonded with them . They bought some toys and food , checked out , and drove home . +1 Even my aunt and uncle Sherbert came . All my family got together for Thanksgiving last night . We all had a lot of food . We drank plenty of wine . Everyone had fun and we plan to do it again next year . +0 Mike was playing darts at his favorite bar . A younger man approached him and challenged him to a friendly game . Mike laughed and said that the younger man could never beat him . The younger man bet him $ 50 that he would win . Mike lost $ 50 playing darts . +1 Joanne lived in a manor house and had never travelled anywhere . Jose was a migrant worker who traveled wherever the crops were . One day Joanne was sent to the fields with iced tea for all the workers . Jose accepted Joanne 's tea with a smile and happy heart . Joanne accepted Jose 's heart . +4 Bill was very excited to be there live to see his team play . Bill loved basketball . One day he decided to watch his favorite team play . Bill went online and purchased his tickets . In addition , he purchased his favorite player 's jersey . +1 He practiced every day to get better . Blake learned to play the guitar at a very young age . He started playing in front of crowds as a teenager . He grew a large fan base and produced his own album . Blake became a very popular musician . +3 However , the driver did n't see my grandmother . My grandmother went outside at night . She was trying to set up several decorations . A car suddenly appeared and tried to move across the neighborhood . He ended up hitting her back and she fell . +3 Her husband set it up and she climbed in . Lily was in labor with her baby . She had really bad pain but it was n't time to go to the hospital yet . The pain was so bad so she decided to take a bath . Luckily for her , the water really helped with the pain . +2 She got better after an hour or so . We used to eat frozen pizzas regularly . One day my wife felt unwell after eating a frozen pizza . After that she stopped buying frozen pizzas . Now we order out - more expensive but better for our stomachs ! +0 Lucy wanted to quit her job and work online . She did a lot of research at ways to make money from home . Finally , Lucy discovered that she could do freelance writing . Lucy applied for lots of different writing gigs . Her hard work paid off and she began to earn decent money . +4 My professor allowed her to take it tomorrow when he talked to her . When Nancy received her exam , she panicked . Since she studied for a different chapter , she barely knew anything . The professor noticed her and asked if everything was alright . She shriveled up , saying that she does n't know what to do . +4 They were delicious ! Today , I went out to eat with my friends . I was n't sure what to order . Finally , I settled on a burger and fries . I also got a Dr Pepper . +4 She taught him how to properly wire up his new computer . Jay bought a new computer from the store . He had no idea how to set it up . Jay called his friend Carla to help him . Carla came over and began to get to work . +2 Once I had purchased them , I left the store . I needed some new sunglasses . I chose a color that would go with a lot of clothing . I promptly put them on , it was sunny . They were perfect ! +2 Everyone gathered and ate hotdogs and hamburgers . The last week of summer Julie decided to have a cookout . Julie invited her friends and family . People gathered around the campfire when it got dark . Julie and her friends toasted marshmallows before they went home . +0 Julian had brought a gingerbread house to class . It was a treat for the Christmas party . All of the kids had just come in from recess . Julian saw that his house had been crushed . Nobody would claim responsibility and Julian was so upset . +1 He was feeling discouraged after failing so many times . Harry wanted to learn how to ride a bike . Harry kept practicing though . He finally started keeping balance . Now he can ride his bike anywhere he wants to . +4 She is very happy that she has something to do outside of work . Maxine wants to find a fun way to stay active outside of work . She decides to try out classes at a local ballet studio . At first ballet is challenging , but Maxine works hard to improve . After months Maxine loves her new ballet hobby . +4 He eventually gave up and used a different gun , then went home . Hank drove to the shooting range with his guns one day . He walked up the targets with his guns . Just as he prepared to shoot , his gun became jammed . Hank spent over an hour trying to fix the gun . +3 The drum stick hit the instructor in the face ! Sarah was at band practice . She played the drums . She was rehearsing a piece when her drum stick flew from her hand . Sarah apologized profusely to her instructor . +1 Gina was asleep so she thought it would be fine . Gina 's sister Jenn had taken her phone . She thought she would be back home before Gina awoke . She was wrong . She gave the phone back and apologized for upsetting Gina . +0 In September of 2014 I started fostering dogs . I have successfully placed more than 15 unwanted dogs into good homes . I find fostering very rewarding . I currently have a Pekingese named Benni . I will help Benni find his furever home . +3 But it can be a hard road . The business of making money is a hard one . You can be a consultant or you can work by the hour . Sometimes making a new business is a good idea . I 'd you put in the work you can make it . +2 It kept Jill up all night long for weeks . Jill had just recently gotten a parrot . It would not stop chirping at night . Jill could not focus on her work due to the lack of sleep . She had to give her parrot to her parents to take care of . +4 Maybe she will just go grab a burger . Libby is very fat . She decides to lose some weight . On Monday , she goes to the gym to start her workout . Inside , she notices there are only skinny , beautiful people . +2 His friend thought the smell was awful . Tim had smelly socks . He never washed them . His friends held him down and took his socks off . They then washed the socks so they did n't smell so bad . +0 Tom bought new hat for his dad . The hat was a fedora . When Tom gave his dad the hat he laughed . His dad never wore hats . His dad never wore the Fedora . +3 He felt like he really shook up the candy world . The candy cane salesman was tired to selling just canes . This year he rolled our new shapes like rings , pretzels and zigzags . The only shape that sold well were the zigzags . The next year he tried even more designs . +1 They 'd lost a lot of money in court due to her escapades . Alex 's family had moved to a new neighborhood because of her . She winced as another day started with them reminding her . She just knew they hated her . Alex decided to make things better by running away . +3 Despite their rudeness and their expired coupons , I was nice . Today at work we had some rude customers . They were angry that they could not use their coupons . Their coupons had expired a week ago . I honored the coupons for them , and that made them happy . +1 He was leading the pack . Jake was hiking with friends . All of a sudden they ran into a bear . Jake 's friends all ran . Jake was left behind but was still able to escape . +3 The three options were traveling by plane , sea , or land . Tom was looking forward to his upcoming holiday . He was debating which kind of vacation to take . He narrowed it down to three options . He decided to take a cruise to Alaska . +4 The smallest ones did n't fight back . Ken was picked on in class every day . He never tried to fight back . When he got to high school he got bigger . He started picking on other kids . +1 He played against Joe . Tim was playing chess . Tim beat Joe five times . Joe began to cry . Tim explained that Joe is still a winner because he always tries . +0 I took my young daughter to the animal shelter . We got to the shelter and looked at all the dogs there . I told my daughter that we were only here to look around . But soon an adorable dog caught our attention . We adopted the dog and happily took it home . +3 She realized she 'd been dancing with three different men . Eloise went to the shore to meet the sailors on leave . She began dancing with a guy she thought was cute . Eloise had imbibed too many drinks and the uniforms looked the same . She was put at ease when they all laughed about it . +3 Tina tried it herself , and realized it was disgusting . Tina made spaghetti for her boyfriend . It took a lot of work , but she was very proud . Her boyfriend ate the whole plate and said it was good . She was touched that he pretended it was good to spare her feelings . +0 Amy decided to ask Jake to the Sadie Hawkins dance . She worked up her courage and approached him . As she walked up to him his friends all stared . She asked and he said yes . She walked away proud of herself for not chickening out . +0 Sarah loved ice cream . One day she decided to try a new recipe . She added a scoop of ice cream to her waffles . It was delicious ! Sarah immediately published her recipe on her blog . +3 Chad was pleasantly surprised that the bus came within five minutes . Chad 's car recently broke down . Unfortunately , that meant Chad had to catch the bus . Chad looked for the schedule for the bus , and headed to the stop . Chad was pleased that he would arrive to work on time . +0 Ryan 's noticed that his grandmother was sad and lonely . He wanted to find a way to make her feel better . Ryan saw old photos of his grandmother with a pet . He went to the pet shop and bought a puppy . Ryan gave the new puppy to his grandmother . +2 But his owner Tim got sick of him quickly . McgRuff was the name of a dog . He was a baby boxer dog . McgRuff urinated all over the house . Tim exchanged him for a cat several days later . +1 She had never heard the Pledge of Allegiance . Kelly moved from Korea to America . The kids in her class thought she was weird . Kelly decided she needed to learn the Pledge of Allegiance . Now kids do n't think she is weird . +3 Sam asked to be switched to the day shift . Sam worked nights and slept during the day . Sam met a girl but she worked during the day . Sam was too tired often to go to work at night . Sam was no longer tired when he was with his girlfriend . +3 He called his friend who kills house pests for a living . Dale was coming home from work one sunday afternoon . While entering his home , he noticed roaches all over his floor . Dale decided that he would have to do something about it . After his friend arrived , the bug problem was solved . +1 They keep trying to make it work . Jerry and jamie were in a long distance relationship . After some time , Jamie cheated on Jerry . Jerry never found out until Jamie confessed . Jerry dumped her . +3 She added lots of veggies , and half the cheese . Nia loved pizza . But she was trying to lose weight . She decided to order a healthy pizza . Nia 's healthy pizza was delicious ! +3 David used glue and a vice to try to fix it a different way . The front of the drawer was falling off . David nailed it back together . The nails ripped the wood . The drawer was all fixed once the glue dried . +3 She also began working out . Kelly wanted to lose a few pounds . She drew up a diet plan . She followed it every day . In a few weeks she had lost the extra weight ! +0 Sid started to panic as the torrents of rain beat against her . She 'd made it halfway across the rope bridge . The rainy bloated waters of the river could be contained no more . They roared and reared , thrashing against the flimsy bridge . Sid was swept away , to drown alone in the muddy waters . +4 The cat is now her new friend . Ally always wanted a cat . Yesterday a kitten followed her home from school . She begged her mom to let her keep it . Her mom agreed . +4 No longer nostalgic , he was glad that part of his life was over . Frankie was feeling very nostalgic after the reunion . He drove out to his high school football stadium . He sat on a bleacher and reminisced about those Years of his life . After about an hour , he left , smiling . +4 I felt terrible and decided to never hunt again . I decided to go hunting . I had never hunted before . I bought a rifle and headed into the woods . I killed a deer . +0 Harris collects shoes . He has them all throughout his house . One day , his house started to smell bad . It was one of his shoes ! He threw it away . +2 Lou bought outdoor play equipment for his kids . Lou had a new home with a backyard . He wanted his kids to be active and watch less television . His kids loved the new stuff and spent hours outdoors . Lou was very proud of kids for being active . +4 Finally she let them all go inside . Tabitha 's mom was taking pictures for the Christmas card . She made the kids all stand outside in the snow . Tabitha was miserable and cold . Her mom took forever getting the perfect shots . +0 Gerald was reading a book and felt inspired . Gerald decided that he was going to write a book . Gerald started planning out the book in several notebooks . After a few weeks , he started writing it . He published it on his own online and made some money from it . +1 The little girl was excited when they finished . Sue and her daughter made a fairy garden together . Later , Sue saw her daughter looking sadly at the garden . The little girl asked why the fairies never came . Then , they saw a butterfly alight in the fairy garden . +1 She could not find her toy . Lucy was crying . She looked everywhere for it . Her mother came over to comfort her . Lucy immediately felt better . +3 Paul admitted that he often forgets to at night before bed . Paul went to the dentist for a routine cleaning . After looking at his teeth the dentist told Paul he had four cavities . He then asked Paul how often he brushes his teeth . Paul now sets alarms on his phone that remind him when to brush . +4 She ended up learning some information . Diana tried to study for Spanish today . She was frustrated since she was n't understanding anything . She threw her book on the ground and ran to bed . The next day , she tried to study again . +3 She went to the store and bought a mouse trap . Diane was cleaning her cabinet and noticed some little pellets . She realized that the pellets were mouse droppings ! She did not want a mouse in her house . She placed the trap in her cabinet and hoped to catch the mouse . +4 He got into big trouble and now has a record . Sam was hungry but had no money . He decided to steal some food at the grocery store . An employee noticed . Sam tried to run away but was stopped . +3 Finally , he came out of hiding and ran to his dad . Mark was at the park with his dad , and thought a trick would be fun . He decided to hide from his dad . He hid behind a tree , and laughed as his dad looked around for him . His father yelled at him never to do that again . +2 He got a job a bar near his house . Kyle wanted to get a new computer . He was very broke though . With his first paycheck he bought a new computer . He can now use the internet . +1 I slept with the lights on , every night . When I was a child , I was afraid of the dark . One night , the power in our neighborhood short-circuited . The whole neighborhood went dark . That was the first night I slept in the dark . +4 Luke knew he would never find her again . Luke was on a bus . He saw a very pretty girl . Before he could talk to her , she got off the bus . He was very upset . +4 Amir was punched in the face by a supporter as he was walking out . Amir is against banning Muslims from coming into the country . Last week , he attended a political rally in protest . He was booed and yelled at by supporters at the rally . Police were called in to escort Aamir out of the rally . +4 Bill feels sad . Bill loves basketball . He practices every day . His team is playing in a tournament . They lose all their games . +3 He purchased it . A man wanted to learn how to play classical music . He decided on the Cello but it was too expensive to buy . He found a starter Cello like string instrument for cheap . He played every day and grew to love to make music . +0 Mary was driving down the highway . Suddenly , a deer popped out in front of her . She swerved to avoid it . As she swerved , she narrowly missed hitting another car . Luckily , she did n't hit anyone and it was okay . +0 Ashley was failing her math class . Her big sister , Christa , decided to help . Every day they reviewed Ashley 's homework together . Ashley 's grade improved to a B . Christa liked helping so much that she started a tutoring business . +1 He immediately went out for an afternoon cruise . Danny saved up for over a year to buy a used car . One of his favorite songs was playing on the radio . He did n't even know how fast he was going . The police officer filled him in on the ticket . +0 Nate is sick and needs food . Nate decides to make chicken noodle soup . Nate does not cool down the soup before eating it . Nate burns his tongue on the soup . Nate decides not to eat the soup after all . +3 As she wore them , it was getting uncomfortable . Kate was getting dressed for a party . She decided to wear her favorite bracelets . She put them both on her right wrist . Kate took one of the bracelets and put it on her other wrist . +3 James preached his sermon to the congregation . James woke up early on Sunday morning . He put on his best suit and tie for the big event . His minivan sped towards the church building . Many people came up and complimented him after he was finished . +1 We gathered coal , a broom , a scarf , a hat and a carrot . We decided to make a snowman . Rolled 3 big snow balls together and stacked them . Then we put on all the items we collected . We decided to name Derrick . +2 My favorite part to play was the wife taking care of the children . One of my favorite activities as a kid was playing house . I would get a bunch of my friends together and we would be a family . We would all dress up and I would play behind my play kitchen . Memories like that are vibrant in my mind . +1 He went to the fair with his mom and dad . Tony was very excited , he had never been on a ferris wheel before . They were excited as well . They boarded the ferris wheel and began slowly going to the top . Tony was scared but excited , he had a great time . +2 Ricardo 's manager persuaded a club owner to book Ricardo . Ricardo is a popular singer . Local venues do n't book him because they say he does n't sell tickets . They announced Ricardo 's performance on Facebook . Ricardo performed in front of a sold out audience . +3 Finally , the recital came and I nervously performed for the first time . I was taking ballet classes as a child . The recital was coming soon and I was nervous . I practiced hard at home and in class . I made a few mistakes , but ended up doing fine ! +2 He even practiced on weekends . Miles ran track for his school 's team . He practiced more than anyone else on the team . Unfortunately , this did not give his muscles any time to rest . Eventually he hurt himself because he did not take time to rest . +4 Lucy felt like a fool . Kelly invited all her friends to the party . Lucy always loved going to the party . However unfortunately Lucy was late . When she got there , everyone went home . +1 No one had sent a fax to them in over 12 years . One day Jen received a fax in her office . She showed everyone the novel little fox she got . Her boss was impressed asked her who sent it . It was from her boyfriend , who worked at the fax company . +3 He went to the store and grabbed some steaks . Harry was n't sure what he should do for his wife . She has had a tough week . He wanted to make it special for her . He threw them on the grill and made a romantic dinner for her . +3 His friends asked him to stop but he would n't . Carl was always mean and rude . His friends usually put up with it . After a while Carl kept getting worse . Eventually Carl lost all his friends . +0 Mike thought he was stronger than all of his friends . Stan challenged him to a weightlifting contest . Mike was confident he would win . They slowly increased the weight , up to 250 pounds . Once it was that weight , Mike could n't lift it but Stan could . +1 Gina could n't tell her a teacher took it . Gina 's mom wanted to know where he phone was . Instead she told her it was in her locker . Her mother looked skeptical . Gina played it cool , and her mom accepted her answer . +0 Rufus feels that his life has become lonely and sad . He wants to have someone else in his home with him . Since he can not find a girlfriend , he decides to get a pet fish . He buys a beautiful goldfish from the neighborhood pet store . Rufus feels slightly less lonely now that he has a fish . +1 His coach joked his shot was as smooth as silk . Mike earned the nickname silk in basketball . He never realized it was a sarcastic name . He thought it was because he made so many shots . But the nickname stuck for Years to come . +3 We got her house ready to begin restoring it . Some of my friends and I went to New Orleans after Katrina . We helped work on cleaning a woman 's house . We cleared out all the trash and debris from the flood . She was so grateful , she invited us back any time . +3 She spent many nights helping him with his skating . Jake always wanted to play hockey . But Jake was terrible at skating , and he was having a lot of trouble . Jake 's sister was a really great skater . The next winter , Jake made the school hockey team ! +0 Parties are usually lame , but this was a new level of lame . Tim was forced to go to his nephew 's party . All it was is little kids playing baby games . Tim was annoyed , but he was forced to stay because of his parents . Tim was depressed and annoyed for the rest of the day . +0 Angel needed a quick and cheap dinner for her family . She dug through her cupboards . She found a box of pasta noodles and a jar of sauce . She cooked up a big dish of paste for her hungry family . Everyone loved it and ate two dishes ! +2 She gathered two feet of ribbon . Ursula 's friend Betty always had the biggest hair bows on picture day . This year , Ursula wanted her 's to be the biggest . She put it in her ponytail on picture day . People laughed , but her hairbow was the biggest that day . +4 His pals were watching his grandma 's birthday video . Bill fell asleep at a party after one too many drinks . He awoke to the sound of his dead grandmother 's voice . Bill panicked , thinking her spirit was haunting him . Then , Bill heard laughter and looked up . +0 I played soccer goalie for one game as a kid . Unfortunately I allowed a lot of goals . The crowd got the best of me and I started to cry . Eventually I cost my team the game . I never played goalie again . +4 I moved to a rural area and have n't lost anything since . I have had three of my bikes stolen . They were n't expensive bikes , but it still sucks . Two were front right out front of my house . The third was from the back of a pickup bed . +1 She ordered them right away . Anna found a lovely pair of boots online . She was so excited to get them and wear them ! But when they arrived , they were too small . Anna reluctantly returned them for a new pair . +3 She took it home and ate it . Jamie went to the grocery store in search of something good to eat . It was almost dinner time , and she did n't want to cook too much . After searching all over , she finally found the perfect frozen pizza . It was delicious ! +0 Lila wanted to try out for the track team . She decided to try the hurdle . Everyone watched as she ran down the track . She jumped over the hurdle , but her foot caught . She landed on the ground and cut her leg . +1 They pitched a tent in the woods . Logan and his dad went camping for the first time . They also roasted marshmallows on the campfire . The next morning they went hiking in the forest . Logan and his dad could n't wait to go camping again . +4 He is very happy that his feet do not smell as bad as they used to . Caleb notices that his feet smell very bad during the summer . His friends tell him to buy a pair of sandals so his feet can air out . Finally he finds a pair of sandals that he likes . Caleb 's feet gradually begin to smell better . +3 As a result , he kicked Jim out of class . Jim received his exam from last tuesday . Since he was n't satisfied with his score , he looked across the packet . The professor became irritated when he was complaining . Jim dropped the entire class afterwards . +0 Everyday Wanda was greeted by the attractive mailman Henry . Henry seemed like the sweetest person and Wanda had a crush on him . One day when Wanda was getting the mail , their eyes locked . Henry walked over to Wanda and kissed her for the first time . Wanda was both shocked and pleased at the same time . +1 But she struggled to see the band . Steph was excited to be at a wild concert . Someone threw mud at her face . But a man helped wipe it off and put Steph on his shoulders . Steph felt safer and was able to see her favorite band members . +2 My mom said she went to the cops . My dad went missing when I was little . He left for the store and never came back . They looked everywhere but never found him . i never really believed her story . +2 Ken decided to cut his hours and go back to school for teaching . Ken was unhappy with his current job . He made decent money but there was no room for growth . He ended up graduating with his degree 3 years later . He is now in his third year of full time teaching . +0 Tom wanted to speak to Santa . He sent Santa a christmas letter . He mailed it to North Pole . Someone actually sent mail back . Tom was excited , thinking it was Santa +4 Later Ash found out they all were laughing at how bad he was . Ash grabbed the mic and opened his mouth as wide as he could . He wailed into it like he 'd seen the stars on TV do . All his friends clapped their hands together and whistled . They cheered him on so he kept singing . +3 There were many more reservations for the restaurant now . The laundry service now offered colored chef coats . One restaurant ordered one coat in every color . The restaurant became famous for its colorful cook line . They hostess got so many that she had to turn some away . +1 One day , Ivy cut a circle out of a pair of corduroy pants she found . Young Ivy loved sewing costumes and stuffed animals . It was the perfect color for the puppet she was making . Ivy had thought the pants were cast-offs , but they were actually new ! Her mother was furious when she found her new designer pants ruined ! +2 Meaghann called the number on the sign . The sign spoke to Meaghann . Her dream of owning a retail shop could be seen in the nearest window . Meaghann got an affirmative answer . She danced a jig on the spot , confident she was now on her way . +2 After 2-3 hours , we remained on the table . My grandmother ordered food for us at restaurant . The waiter took our order and told us to wait . I asked the waiter if everything was ok . She apologized and told me that she forgot to put in the order . +0 Ed went to the store to buy a lottery ticket . He asked everyone in the store for a good number to pick . He took the ticket home and waited for the announcement . None of the numbers on Ed 's ticket matched . He tore up his ticket and dreamed of another outcome . +2 The Vice President was making an unexpected visit . Bill went into his office . The office was very active . Bill was pleased that his work was in good order . Bill had a nice visit with the Vice President . +4 They never vandalized again . The students spray painted graffiti on the school . The policeman caught them in the act . The judge sentenced them to community service . The students picked up trash in the park . +2 He wanted to try a new type of cuisine so he went out for sushi . Peter got home from a long day of work . He was starving . Peter ordered three different type of sushi rolls . Afterwards , he decided he had found a new favorite cuisine . +2 Unfortunately I had not seen any changes . I had been getting a lot of acne recently . I had been trying different creams to get rid of it . I decided to stop wearing makeup . Finally my acne went away . +2 One morning , she saw her teacher come to work out . A girl had a job as a desk worker at the local gym . She met many people through her job , and saw many people she knew . She discovered that he loved to play basketball . She watched his basketball game that morning . +1 There were a few business with generators and power . There was no power in most of south Florida due to a hurricane . Kim could see a line of people a block away at McDonalds . Kim walked to McDonalds to see they had power . Kim sat inside for an hour eating ice cream to beat the heat . +2 Scott caught a foul ball in the stands . Scott went to a baseball game today . Baseball is his favorite sport . He was so excited to have a piece of the game . Scott loved his day at the baseball game . +2 She decided to call a wedding planner for help . Ava was overwhelmed . She had a big wedding to plan ! The planner handled all the complicated details . Ava found her to be invaluable ! +0 Alan lived on the second to highest floor in some high rise apartment . A big power surge hit the day before . It took down all the elevators for the week . He would have to walk all the way up stairs every night . Instead Alan decided to just crash at a friend 's place . +3 She drove him to the local animal shelter , to look at the animals . Jamie wanted a pet for his birthday . His birthday was in a few days . His mother decided to surprise him on his birthday . Jamie adopted a dog and cat , there , as his birthday presents . +1 Kevin , a popular singer , expected good news from the executive . Kevin and his cousin waited in the lobby for an executive . But the executive came out his office with a frown on his face . He told Kevin he wanted him off his record label . Kevin asked why and the executive said because Kevin had hit his wife . +4 Inside , to her delight , were her old baby pictures ! A rainstorm had caused severe damage to the roof of the house . Jill decided to bring her stuff down from the attic . When she brought everything down , she noticed something was left over . It was an old photo album . +4 Bob and the other driver in the intersection died on impact . Bob had a lot to drink one night . Against all better judgement , he made his way to his car . He drove too fast and struggled just to keep the car straight . He came to a red light , but did n't notice . +4 Henry is no longer nervous about school . Today is Henry 's first day of school . He is very nervous ! He ended up making a lot of new friends . He had a lot of fun . +4 Tam made a lot of new friends and does n't come home very often . Tam was looking forward to going away to college . As time got closer she was getting nervous . She was n't sure she could make new friends . She packed her favorite clothes and treasures . +3 She slept with no covers on to stay cool . It had been a hot day . It had n't cooled much in the night . Gina 's room in the basement was cooler than the rest of the house . Every hour she awoke to find a cool spot on the pillow and the sheet . +1 She would always wear flat sandals . Mindy hated high heels . One day she needed to wear heels for a special occasion . She wore them . Mindy almost broke her ankle . +2 The father is very uncultured . We went to a wedding in 2010 . The daughter of rich friends was getting married . I noticed they misspelled Pachelbel 's Canon as Canon . I smiled inwardly . +2 She wandered door to door , asking for candy . Samantha was excited to go trick or treating ! She spent an hour making sure her costume was perfect . After a while , her feet got tired so she headed home . She sat on the couch and happily ate her candy . +0 I took my family to a theme park last Saturday . They could n't agree on what to ride at any point of the day . Some wanted roller coasters while others wanted slow rides . I had to make all of the ride choices for them . I had a great time , but I think they only enjoyed it half as much . +2 I began to get very tired walking in my heavy coat . I wore a very long coat around town yesterday to stay warm . It was raining so my coat began to get very waterlogged . It was so heavy I threw off my coat and walked home without it . At home , I ordered another long coat but one that was rainproof . +2 His friends were astonished , and encouraged him to keep playing . A man went out golfing for the first time . On his first tee off , he sank a hole-in-one . The man , however , realized he now had a perfect golf record . He put down the club and never picked up another . +2 They ducked and threw broccoli at each other . Dan threw broccoli at his brother Rob . Rob laughed and threw a piece back . Their mother heard them laughing and came in the room . Both boys were grounded for a week for wasting food . +4 Ben came in first place . Jeremy thought he was the fastest runner . He challenged Ben to a race . Ben and Jeremy ran 200 yards . Ben got ahead of Jeremy . +0 There was an old abandoned barn across the street from my house . My parents did n't want me to go in there . All of the other kids and I would sneak into the barn . There was a long rope hanging from the rafters . It was fun to swing on the rope and let go , landing in the hay . +1 He set his alarm for 6 am , and when he awoke he checked mturk . Ethan decided to wake up early on Monday to work on Zoltars . No Zoltar hits appeared on the site after 30 minutes . Ethan gave up and went back to sleep . Within a minute , Zoltars dropped while Ethan slumbered . +2 He then saw his parents putting gifts under the tree . Twas the night before christmas . Chad got out at 12 am to get the cookies . He was shocked . He found out Santa was his parents . +4 When I am done we will have many good vegetables to eat . I have a one acre garden . The garden needs all of the topsoil to be removed . So I work in the garden shoveling dirt into a wheelbarrow . I then take the dirt down the hill and dump it . +4 Things are much better between us now . I had n't spoken to my friends in Years . A mutual acquaintance was having a party . We were both invited . I decided to go and wound up talking to him . +4 Terry was in the kitchen , preparing cereal . Terry 's mom called her to her mom . She asked for a favor . However , Terry refused to help her out . She immediately changed her mind when her mom threatened her . +2 I have been working on potty training my dog . Today I got a new dog . The puppy has been going to the bathroom on my new rug . I decided to move my rug outside for the dog . The dog likes to go potty on my rug and now goes outside . +3 They met in a park . Hilary needed a babysitter for her son . She contacted a girl online . They agreed to meet . Hilary interviewed her and decided to hire her . +4 Sarah was treated with an epipen and sent home early that day . Sarah and Heather are identical twins . Heather loves to eat peanut butter but Sarah is highly allergic to it . One day their mom handed Sarah Heather 's lunch bag by mistake . As soon as Sarah tasted the peanut butter she ran the nurse 's office . +4 Tina felt disrespected . Tina had a birthday party . She invited all her friends . She sat waiting there . No one showed up . +3 Finally one came up to me . A gave a group of kids a task to complete . I told them the first one to find a four leaf clover will get $ 1 . I had about 45 kids in the grass searching and searching . He opened his hand and showed me the four leaf clover he had found . +4 Matt was very grateful to his friend . Matt 's computer was broken . He called repair centers to get it fixed . However , they charged a lot of money . Matt 's friend offered to fix it for free . +3 He chose his winners based on the relative strength of the mascots . Nathan did a NCAA tournament bracket with his family . Everyone else picked their winners based on who was a better team . Nathan decided to attack it completely differently . Nathan won the tournament bracket by a large margin . +4 The wedding day marked the beginning of a beautiful life . Jordan and Stacey met on a starry night . As time passed by they realized they were deeply in love . Not long after , Jordan asked Stacey to marry him . She said yes ! +0 Tika had a short haircut . She was tired of having short hair . Tika was too impatient to wait for her hair to grow back out . She went to a salon that specialized in hair extensions . Tika left with long luxurious hair and was very happy . +2 When he could finally talk , he said it was really spicy . Lisa made a stir fry for her boyfriend . When he took a bite he got a horrible look on his face . Lisa looked back at the recipe . She realized she used hot red peppers instead of sweet red peppers . +4 Nobody at the gym messed with her again . The girl was in the gym . She was very overweight . People in the gym laughed at her . One day she got the strength to fight back . +0 Wade 's wife told him to take the trash out . He played video games instead , and eventually forgot all about it . The trash company came in the morning . Wade 's trash was still sitting in the garage . He is now stuck with a whole week 's worth of trash and an unhappy wife . +2 When it came out he bought it immediately . Sam loved his favorite band . They were going to come up with a new album . When he heard it he was really disappointed . He gave it more chances but still hated it . +1 He had an important performance in front his entire school tonight . Joey was the lead guitarist in his band . When Joey got on stage he was very nervous . He completely messed up the guitar solo that he was suppose to play . The crowd booed Joey off the stage after their performance . +4 Ben was so happy , he shouted with joy ! Ben had chosen the high school he wanted to attend . As he took their entrance exam , he sweated nervously . But then he got a call from them a week later . They said Ben had done extremely well on the entrance exam ! +2 But they ca n't decide who should get to use the car and when . None of the three roommates can afford a car . So they pool their money to buy a car . They fight over the car nonstop . They decide to sell the car . +0 I work as a paraeducator in a high school . A teacher there has the students answer an SAT question every class . One day the answer to the vocabulary question was disconsolate . The teacher and the assistant principal were unsure of the answer . I was appalled , but felt like I had to apologize for knowing . +0 It was near midnight when Lewis and his friend were outside . The boys decided to roast some marshmallows by the campfire . The got the marshmallows on sticks and hung them over the fire . The marshmallows were all sticky and looked good . As soon as the boys tasted the marshmallows they were in heaven . +0 Everyone in Jaron 's family watched a dinosaur movie . Everyone loved it so a few nights later they watched it again . The next night Jaron begged to watch the movie again . He watched the movie every night for a month . Jaron 's family does n't like the movie anymore . +3 They sat Kelly down and said how disappointed they were . Kelly hurried home from school . She checked the mailbox , but it was too late . Her parents had already retrieved her report card and opened it . They they grounded Kelly for three weeks ! +4 I asked for my money back and just ate a bag of chips instead . I was very hungry and wanted to eat dinner . I decided to go eat at a local burger place . I ordered a burger with bacon and cheese . The burger took a long time and never came after a hour . +0 He was training the children to be warriors . They were very young but determined to succeed . The children trained long and hard for many years . Their teacher suffered an unlikely death at the hand of the enemy . This forced the children to become true warriors and get revenge . +0 Joe threw a pencil at Leslie in math class . It hit her in the eye and she cried out . The teacher made her go to the nurse . She sent Joe to the principal . Leslie had to wear an eyepatch for four weeks . +4 When it was his turn , he won ! Josh was the best speller in his class . He could spell any word . His school was having a spelling bee . He was invited to compete . +0 Jeff got into an argument with his basketball coach today . The coach kicked Jeff off the team in front of all the players . Jeff went home and barely slept because he was so upset . The next day at school the coach called Jeff into his office . He apologized to Jeff and offered him his spot back on the team . +2 She thought she 'd hate it ! Amy got an official notice in the mail . She opened it and saw she was summoned for jury duty . But as she spent time listening to the case , she changed her mind . Amy found that jury duty was actually quite interesting . +0 I was really scared when I moved into a new City . I did not know anybody so I decided to go to a yoga class . At the class I sparked a conversation with a cute girl . We exchanged numbers and started hanging out with each other . Eventually she became my girlfriend . +3 Then , she wrote out her comment . Helga read an interesting news story . She wanted to leave a comment . First she had to sign up . Finally , she posted it . +4 He decided that any curry that spicy was not very appetizing . Dan always wanted to see if he could make the most spicy curry ever . He traveled to India to study curry ingredients and techniques . After many Year 's of study he came home to make his spicy curry . Dan took one bite and could n't eat any more . +4 But she found great instructions online , and made an amazing cake . Linda 's 6 year old niece was obsessed with The Little Mermaid . Linda made cakes for all her family 's birthdays . Unsurprisingly , the girl asked for Little Mermaid themed cake . Linda was nervous , as she had never made a character cake before . +1 He saw a huge shark come up and eat the one he was looking at . The sailor on the submarine looked out the porthole at the fish . The sailor banged on the window and yelled at the shark . He asked the captain if he could fire a torpedo at the shark . The captain told him to get back to doing real work . +1 He journeyed away from his home in search of bananas . George was a monkey who was hungry for bananas . He found a bunch of bananas about a mile away . George brought the bananas back to his home . George kept bananas back home to save them for later . +2 In the four hundred meter dash he ran as fast as he could . Charles was tired of losing races . At the starting line he was determined to win this race . He maintained his endurance throughout the race . Charles won first place and then drunk a whole bottle of Gatorade . +3 I decided to buy the dorkiest one I could find . It was my brother 's birthday . I went to the store to look for a card . I could n't find one because they were so tacky . I went to my brother 's house and gave him the card . +0 Me and my wife love zombie shows . We were watching one last Sunday night . My wife bit my arm . She left a bruise ! I never knew she was a biter ! +0 Cindy was a waitress . She worked at a bed and breakfast . She never got paid less than fifty dollars in tips . Today was an exception . Cindy made three hundred dollars . +3 He pulled out the rope , and soon realized his knife could n't cut it ! Steven went camping , wanting to build his own shelter and live simply . He brought the essentials , and a knife that he had put away for years . Once he found a suitable spot , he began preparing his homemade tent . He had to sleep in the open , regretting not being more prepared . +4 He was relieved when told he 'd forgotten to turn his headlights on . John left his workshop in a rush one night after a long day . During his drive home he was stopped by a police officer . John feared he 'd be arrested for speeding . He rolled down his window to speak with the officer . +0 Mike likes to watch TV . There are many TV series that he is watching . One day he was unable to watch TV because the power went out . Mike became very said . He had to find something else he liked . +1 He rushed in and out of traffic . Jim was late to his brother 's basketball game . He made it with 5 minutes to spare . Jim saw his brother take the last shot with seconds left . His brother scored to win the game . +2 If she gained a pound , the scale scolded her to do better . Rhoda bought a talking scale to help her lose weight . When she dropped a pound , the scale congratulated her . One weekend , Rhoda blew her diet with pizza and cake . Rhoda held her hands on her ears as she stepped on the scale . +3 He studied nonstop for his last attempt at the test Robert never knew when to give up He took his SAT exam ten times and failed One day he decided to retake his exam after failing Robert still failed his exam regardless +1 She decided to start a lemonade stand . Judy loves lemonade . Everyone loved Judy 's lemonade . Her lemonade sold out in the first hour . Judy was very happy with her success . +4 Ed was so proud of himself ! Ed joined reading club at the library . He had to read six books to earn a gold star . He got through them quickly . Then he picked up his gold star . +1 They spent a long night gambling and drinking . Three friends went on vacation to Las Vegas . They had planned a full day of activities in the morning . The next day they were all too hungover . They stayed in the hotel room all day instead . +4 Now the hotel 's housekeeping is better than it 's ever been . Rosa was a housekeeper at an upscale hotel in New York City . Rosa worked hard , learning the responsibilities of various positions . When a management position opened up , she put in for the job . After several agonizing weeks , Rosa was finally given the position . +4 Danny is now a professional rodeo clown . Danny always wanted to be a rodeo clown . When he graduated high school , he joined the rodeo circuit . He started training under other clowns . He got picked up by the PRA and was given a job . +1 He wanted to enjoy a relaxing Thanksgiving at home . Ed was annoyed at his mother . But his mother signed the family up to work at a soup kitchen . He spent all day handing out rolls . It was the best Thanksgiving he ever had . +3 Tara 's phone dropped out of her pocket at the same time . Tara was walking her dog . Her dog pulled really hard on the leash . Tara lunged forward with her dog . It shattered into pieces on the ground . +4 She took the kitten to the vet the next day to get vaccinated . Erica was on her morning run . She saw a stray kitten while running through the park . She took it home and fed it . She decided to keep the kitten . +1 We went out back to remove it . My friend had an armadillo in her backyard . There was a snake in the corner of the yard . We both ran in the house . We called an exterminator to do the job . +4 After the fumigation we did n't have any more cockroaches . I once lived in an old farm house . This house was infested with cockroaches . It was a big problem because they were disgusting . We called an exterminator to fumigate the house . +2 He decided to buy a new color of socks . Jason wanted some new socks . He looked in his dresser and saw all his socks were black . Jason walked to the clothing store . Jason bought five packages of red socks . +3 Connor grabs his spackle to fill the holes . Conner decided to renovate his home . So he began removing all of the pictures from the walls . He quickly discovered there were a lot of holes to be filled . The holes are now all patched up . +3 No one else was wearing hats at her school . Gina spent $ 30 on a hat like one in a video . She put together her coolest outfit and wore it to school . She had never worn a hat for style before . Halfway through the day Gina gave up and put the hat away . +2 One of the seller 's introduced him to a new release . After class was dismissed , Gary decided to go to the book sale . He noticed several book shelves with different books . He wanted to look more into it and ended up buying it . We came out of the sale with several novels . +0 Something huge and hairy was running toward her ! It had ten horns and two horrible glowing eyes . Just as it opened its mouth to eat her , Janet screamed . Then she woke up and realized she was in her bedroom at home . It had all been just a bad dream . +2 Unfortunately he was stuck in traffic . Jim has an important work meeting at 7 am . He decided to leave for work at 6 am . He was n't able to get to the meeting in time . The boss yelled at him and he was fired . +0 My dad had a big event he had to host . The night before he was playing with us in the house . He gave himself a rug burn on his face trying to do a flip . The burn was so bad he needed a bandaid . He was self conscious the whole time he was hosting the event . +1 He realized his brush was ten months old . Barry was brushing his teeth . He needed to get a new brush ! Barry went to the store . He bought a new brush . +1 She did n't know what to do , so she called her friend Al for advice . Lina was horrified to discover she had a mouse . Al told her that he could have his cat find it and get it . So , Lina agreed and let Al 's cat have at the mouse ! The cat trapped the mouse within five minutes and killed it quickly . +4 Myra vowed never to garden again . Myra was an excellent gardener . She worked very hard on her flowers . One day , a boy from the neighborhood rode his bike through her garden . It destroyed her flowers . +1 The only class he had to pass was Algebra . Martin was about to graduate high school . After taking it three times he should have already . So after studying all semester and focusing extra hard . He finally passed and was able to graduate high school . +0 Jane went to see an action superhero movie . There was a little boy sitting behind her . The boy kept kicking her chair and snickering . Jane finally turned around and swore at the boy . She was kicked out of the movie theater . +2 Instead , Mike decided to pack her a picnic for dinner . Mike and Anna wanted to do something nice for her birthday . They thought about going out but they were not doing well financially . He took her to her favorite spot and they ate on a blanket . She ended up liking it way more than a restaurant . +3 She decided to move and accept the job offer . Debbie got transferred out of state for a job promotion . She was nervous to leave her family and friends . She hesitated at first but then realized her salary would double . Before long Debbie made new friends and was now rich ! +2 To see how deep it was he threw a rock down the hole . Paul walked deep into the woods on a hike . In the middle of a clearing he found a deep and dark hole . He listened for a long time but heard nothing . Eventually he heard a thud and then a person screaming in pain . +0 Jim was a computer programmer . He had gotten his degree from the University of Illinois . He was developing a new program to graph volcano activity . He spent many months developing this program . When it was completed , he sold the program to Google . +0 I have two artificial Christmas Trees for my front porch . This year , neither one of them lit fully . The bottom of one tree lit up . The top of the other tree lit up . I decided to combine the two working halves into one working tree . +0 Ria downloaded a recipe for bread . She mixed her ingredients together . Then she put the bread in the pan and baked it . When she pulled it out , it was still flat . Puzzled , Ria realized she 'd forgotten the yeast ! +0 It was my first Christmas in a newly constructed house . Sometimes small items on the kitchen counter would move . Flower petals , candy papers , and cracker pieces never stayed put . After dinner , I heard a tapping at the stove and saw a cookie moving . A tiny mouse trying to take a cookie into a tiny opening behind stove . +0 Gary spilled his lunch plate on Rachel 's lap . She verbally abused him and said that he 's always slow . Gary apologized and decided to walk away . He also failed his quiz at the end of class . When he got home , his mother was complaining about his room . +4 Samson thanked her and the sample made him less bored . Samson was at the grocery store with his mom . He was bored while she picked out food . He wandered off and spotted a sample booth . The lady offered him some cheese and crackers . +2 Maggie went to the mall to go to her favorite shoe store . Maggie realized one day that her feet were hurting . She decided that it was probably due to her old shoes . The sales person helped her to pick out a new pair of shoes . Maggie left the mall with her comfortable new shoes . +0 My sons and daughter and I went for a car ride last night . My youngest was in the back with his Nintendo DS . All of a sudden , we heard a gushing and gagging sound . He had thrown up all over himself . We had to end the car ride and take him home to clean up . +3 Robert 's friends let him borrow their fishing equipment . Robert wanted to go fishing with his friends . He 'd never been fishing before . Robert and his friends drove to the lake early on saturday . Robert caught the biggest fish of the day . +3 All winter long Monroe worked on his speed . Monroe tried out for the tennis team at school . He did n't make the team this year . His coach told him he needed to work on becoming faster . The next summer Monroe tried out again and made the team . +3 That day there was only one cat left and she begged for me to take her One day I decided to go and adopt a cat . I went to Petsmart and there were many cats to choose from . I could n't choose , so I left and went back the next day . I adopted her and have had her for eight Years now . +2 He could tell that he was going to fart at any second . Dan was not feeling well at work . He could feel gas build up in his stomach . Dan gave a quick look around the office for people . When he knew he was alone , And let out a mighty fart . +1 She would go out of her way to pet a stray . Amanda loved cats . Her apartment would not allow her to have any pets So she fed cats outside of her door . She wanted to have eight cats one day . +1 He felt his cat falling from his hands . James was carrying his cat . His cat reached out to grab his arm . James got scratched multiple times . James bandaged his bloody wounds after . +0 Bill worked at a bank as a loan officer . He embezzled a large amount of money from the bank . Bank auditors discovered the discrepancy . Bill was convicted and sent to prison . The authorities never found the money . +2 Jan made pancakes while Steve cut fresh fruit . Jan and Steve wanted to surprise their mother . They decided to make her breakfast in bed ! They brought the food on a tray to Mommy in her bed . Mommy was so happy she ate every last bite ! +2 It was getting too boring to handle so she was trying to leave . Kaya was at a boring party . It was supposed to be fun but she did n't like anyone there . She awkwardly said goodbye and tried not to seem rude . As soon as she was out of there , she bolted back home to watch TV . +4 The man ran away and took off with the pictures . Gene was on a vacation in Vietnam . He began to walk down the streets to get food . He suddenly noticed a young man taking pictures of him . Gene called out for him to stop and chased after him . +0 The mother took out the baby food from the pantry . She took a small spoon and placed it in the baby 's mouth . A few seconds later , the baby looked disgusted . He began to walk away . She mother decided to throw the food away . +2 One day he caught a huge fish ! Sam loved to fish . He would go out onto the lake often . He took his eyes off it for one second and it flopped away ! Sam wanted the fish so badly he dived in after it ! +3 Alex told him it was his own fault for having a name with an R . Alex was always in the front of the line in class . He felt special because he was the head of the class . One day Rob complained about being in the back . Rob was so upset he did n't speak to him for a week . +1 She was embarrassed she 'd pulled Lynn into the fight . Amy was fighting with Kim . Lynn was not to blame . She called Lynn and apologized . Lynn accepted , and the decided to meet at the coffee shop to talk . +1 She went outside to ride her bike . For Christmas Susan got a new bike . Suddenly she fell and broke her leg . Susan had to go to the doctor immediately and get it checked . She had to get a cast and was n't able to ride the bike for a while . +4 He fell asleep after that . Tom could n't sleep . He tried to take some sleeping pills but it did him no good . He then stayed up on the computer for two more hours . He figured this would make him tired enough . +2 After a couple of months , a novel started to seem too big for me . I set out to write a novel . I typed away at a few hundred words a day . I looked up what would be slightly smaller . I changed my goal to be writing a novella , and pressed on to the end . +0 Debora always carried nasal spray for her allergies . One day , a thief robbed her purse , and she had no nasal spray . While on her way to report the crime , a cat crossed her path . Debora started sneezing uncontrollably . Debora ran home , sneezing the whole way . +0 I skipped stone out across the lake . I counted ten hops . I skipped another one . This time I counted seventeen hops . I picked up another stone but put it in my pocket . +2 We decided to go to the movies for our date . I liked a woman named Jane . I asked her out and she agreed . On the way there , a truck rammed into our car . Jane died instantly . +0 Rose and her husband went hiking on a nature trail . One day they passed a group of teens harassing a boy . Rose 's husband scared the bullies away . Rose asked the boy if he was okay . He said yes , and thanked the couple for their help . +2 Gil has taken the last few days off to house train him . Gil got a new kitten last week . His name is Blue . It 's been difficult . But Blue is getting used to his new home . +4 She ended up far away at a renowned school . Sharon had to make a big decision . On the one hand , she could go to a college that was close . Or she could got to a college that was prestigious . She decided to do eenie meenie minie moe for it . +4 It was not great , but it was okay . Jake did not know what he wanted to eat . He searched through his cabinets for something delicious . There were many different kinds of food , but none that he wanted . After a little while , he decided to eat macaroni . +3 Who would get to that nut first ? From my perch on the log , I watched the squirrels watching me . Between us sat one fat , rugged brown nut . We were all thinking the same thing . But , when I lunged the squirrels vanished , taking their nut with them . +0 Meg had delicate hands . She needed gloves . Her hands got cold often . Meg decided to buy a good pair of gloves . Meg was happy that she finally had gloves . +3 When they returned home , a tree had fallen on their driveway . One day , Lee and Sue were out running errands when a storm hit . The sky turned green , it became very windy , and started to hail . Instead of driving home , Lee and Sue waited out the storm in safety . Lee and Sue were happy that they were safe ! +2 Caught up in the book , Sue did n't notice the students . Sue could n't wait to share her favorite book with her class . She gathered the students into a circle and began reading . When she finished the story , Sue looked up at the kids . All the students were fidgeting or napping . +0 Michael is a very active seven year old boy . He loves playing outside and jumping on his trampoline . One day Michael and his sister were doing tricks on the trampoline . He flipped too far and hit the ground hard breaking his left arm . After this disaster Michael is now very careful while jumping . +0 Blake was feeling frustrated with his job . It seemed as though he had advanced as far as he possibly could . When he approached his boss about a promotion , he was noncommittal . One day , Steve decided he had enough . He handed in his two-weeks without second thought and stormed out . +1 Amy caught them making fun of her Amy and her friends were on shaky ground . Each girl blamed the other . Amy did n't know who to believe . She decided she would rather be friends with neither of them . +0 Ela had never worn a thong . Her sister swore thongs were more comfortable than anything . Doubtfully , Ela tried one on one day . She was shocked at the smooth seamless fit . Ela had to agree that things were extremely comfortable . +3 Just then he saw a sign that said 85 dollars by bus to anywhere ! Dave lost his wallet but had a trip to see his father that day . Dave knew that he only had $ 100 in his pocket and could n't fly . He looked at renting a car , but his license was in his wallet . Jim hopped on the next bus and even had enough leftover for lunch ! +0 Jake was playing video games . All of a sudden the electricity in his house went out . Jake could not connect back to the game he was playing . After a few hours , the electricity came back on . Jake lost the match because of his disconnect . +4 Lenny thought the fries were good even though they were not chips . Lenny wanted to go to Europe . He went to the United Kingdom . Someone had told him to order fish and chips . When his food arrived , he was surprised to see fries on his plate . +1 We each ordered coffee and something to eat . My fiancee and I drove through Starbucks for coffee last week . We waited while the car ahead of us got their order prepared . When we got to the window , they told us that person had paid for us ! We could hardly believe that a stranger would do something so kind . +3 I cried , we both yelled and stated our cases . Me and Conrad had been together for a month . We had got along well , but soon faced adversity . We had our first fight and it was brutal . We soon got over it and found better ways to discuss issues . +3 When she got there , she looked and looked . Wanda wanted to make her special strawberry cake . However , she lacked strawberries . So , Wanda left to go to the grocery store . It was all in vain , though , for the grocery store was out . +0 John grew up in an orphanage . He became a very wealthy and successful adult . John was very thankful to the orphanage and all they did . He wanted to give back in a great way . John donated one million dollars to the orphanage . +4 A man popped out and whistled with intimidation at the Gunman . The Lone Gunman rode his horse through the worst part of town . The streets were empty because they all feared him . The Gunman raised his weapon and fired two shots into the sky . Behind him a door swung open . +2 Pete walked over to his neighbor 's house and rang the doorbell . Pete was in his backyard playing with his soccer ball . He accidentally kicked the ball over his neighbor 's fence . Pete explained what had happened to his neighbor . His neighbor was happy to give Pete his ball back . +1 His older brother Jack noticed how upset he was and offered to help . Max was disappointed when he did n't make the baseball team . Jack was a star athlete and had a lot of valuable tips for Max . Max was a much better player the next time he tried out . He was chosen for the team and gave his brother a big hug . +2 Judy sat down confidently to take the test . Judy memorized the state capitals by making up a song . She practiced singing the song for the test on the capitals . Suddenly , the teacher tapped Judy on the shoulder . Judy had been singing her song out loud . +0 Ronald was insecure so he always picked on other kids . He relentlessly teased a boy named Ed . Ed was sick of being tormented . As Ronald was walking by , Ed tripped him and Ronald fell . Ronald broke his arm , and Ed did n't feel guilty at all . +4 I eventually found out that a shooting took place 10 minutes ago . I decided to go to the park . On the drive there , my gas tank was almost empty . I stopped at a gas station and decided to buy gas . After reaching the park , I noticed that it was closed . +4 My dad got on my case for not handling his garbage well enough . One of my chores is picking up the family 's garbage . I have to gather it on trash day from all over the house . First I do the upstairs , then the downstairs . This week I missed a can . +2 They went to the humane society and chose a sweet little black dog . Mary and Jason decided they wanted to adopt a pet . After some discussion , they decided to get a puppy . They named their new puppy Olive . They are now a happy family of 3 ! +2 To her surprise more people started joining . Becky decided to start a study group . She got some friends together to meet after school . Becky was thrilled . They were all so prepared they aced the exam . +4 They brought her home . Tabitha ran away from home one night . Her mom searched everywhere for her . Tabitha managed to stay hidden for a week . At the end of the week , police tracked her down . +2 They told Horace he only needed confidence . Horace had never been on a proper date before . He asked his friends for some advice . Horace confidently asked Stacy for a date ! Poor Horace did n't know Stacy was engaged . +4 The guy got caught . Jim looked at his bank account . He saw that all the money was gone . He was n't sure what happened so he called the cops . They traced what happened . +0 The waters were placid and calm when the ferry sank . Hudson was standing on the deck nearest where it hit the log . He saw the gap widen as the wood splintered away . People behind him began to scream and panic . Hudson dived into the river and started swimming for a shore . +2 Smoke was coming from the grass . Tim smelled smoke . He went outside . Someone had thrown a cigarette in there . She stomped the fire out before it could spread . +4 I congratulated Joe and took a selfie with him holding the medal . My 98 year old friend Joe was in WW2 . One day he told me the French government just sent him a medal . He told the apartment building manager . The manager wrote an article about Joe for the building newspaper . +0 Ashley racked up lots of debt in her teenage Year 's . She is now twenty five and is still paying off debt . She took a class on how to budget better . She wrote herself a budget and has stuck to it for two Year 's . She now has almost all of her credit cards paid off ! +0 For as long as Jake could remember , he loved when the mailman came . Every time the mailman came , he would give Jake a few pieces of candy . One day the mailman stopped coming and a new one was in his place . Jake told the new mailman what the old mailman used to do for him . Now every time the new mailman comes around , he has candy for Jake . +3 Sue got very sick . Sue can not eat ice cream . She is lactose intolerant . One day she decided she would try to eat it . She vowed to never eat ice cream again . +4 Bob wrote a nasty review of the research as revenge . Bob worked on Amazon Mechanical Turk . He wrote stories for a researcher . His stories were terrible . The researcher decided to reject them all . +3 There were two identical brown bags in the refrigerator . Carl packed his lunch in the morning before work . He pack the lunch in a brown paper bag . When it was lunch time he went to the break room . Carl picked the first bag he saw without thinking if it was his . +0 Remold needed a new car badly . He decided to go from a sedan to a sports car . When he got his sports car , he was beyond excited . He was so excited that he went 115mph on the way home . He got pulled over and received a speeding ticket ! +3 On the day of the event she performed well . Christa was studying English . She was preparing for her upcoming English speaking competition . She practiced every day to prepare . She was very pleased with her performance . +2 Eventually I got bored . I started playing Final Fantasy 7 when I was young . I played for a very long time . I really tried to make it to the end but I got stuck . I never ended up finishing that game . +0 I use my old wagon to haul firewood . I 've gotten used to stacking it very heavy . Now the wagon is getting old . The wheel fell off after I overloaded it . No new wagons can replace the old metal one . +2 He got the job and we were ecstatic . John and I were so tired of travelling together on business . He applied for a job that required no travel . We started packing and headed for home as soon as possible . We are happy at home and he loves his new job . +2 I learned all about the phases . I was fascinated by the moon for a while . I would read everything I could about it . I learned all about the tidal effects . I never managed to get anything good with this knowledge . +2 A puppy ran alongside her as she walked past it 's fence . Lucy was walking down the street . She had nothing better to do on a boring summer day . She stopped to play with the puppy . An old man came out of the house yelling causing her to run away . +2 Holly hunted , used , and sought attention of many . Holly was known as a dedicated hunter . She walked the streets wearing red . One night , Holly hunted the wrong man . Now , Hunter Holly herself is dead . +1 The teacher claimed the smell did not come from her . There was a bad smell in the classroom at Villanova University . All students disagreed and laughed at her . She left the classroom in embarrassment . The students then left after her and felt bad . +0 I had the flu in 1965 . My doctor gave me a shot of penicillin . I broke out into hives . He said I had developed an allergy . I now have a penicillin alert card . +2 Michael went by his mother-in-law 's house and asked for money . Michael needed money and was n't sure how to get it . His parents were dead . He said he would accept any amount . His mother-in-law was offended and said no . +2 They warned him not to . Jake just turned 18 . He told her parents he was going to get a tattoo . Always the prankster , Jake got a temporary tattoo . His mother almost fainted , thinking it was real . +1 Mary agreed to go out with Bob . Bob asked Mary to go on a date with him . Bob took Mary to her favorite restaurant . Mary really enjoyed eating with Bob . Bob took Mary home after dinner . +0 Matt 's little sister , Jane , wanted to join the chess club at school . Matt claimed she was young , immature , and that she would embarrass him . She went anyway and tried her best . He was indeed embarrassed , but not in the way he had expected . He was shocked that she had beaten him ! +3 He showed his wife the new tile . Chris wanted to surprise his wife by putting new tile in the bathroom . He remembered the tile she said she liked . He was proud of himself for installing the tile . She told him it was the right tile , the wrong color . +2 Roxy and Alan decided that they 've been engaged for too long . Roxy and Allan are engaged to be married . They have been engaged for 7 years . They plan for a small wedding . On Christmas day of that year they have their small wedding . +0 Sam brought several ingredients from the store . She prepared some seasoning for her chicken . Once the food came out of the oven , the family got together . They were disgusted from the food since the chicken was over-seasoned However , they thanked Sam for her hard work . +4 The dog was still scared but did n't mind the boat once she got on it . The boys thought it would be fun to bring their dog on a boat ride . The dog did n't feel the same way . She was very scared when they put a life jacket on her . They coaxed the dog onto the boat and started paddling . +1 He saw his neighbor there with her son . Mr Johnson went to the store for some shopping . The son wanted a toy but they could n't afford it . Mr Johnson bought the toy and put it on the porch of the neighbor . The neighbor saw it and thanked Mr Johnson for his kindness . +4 One day he looked down and was shocked to see a large belly . Ted was a college student . He found a restaurant near campus he really liked . He ate there everyday . He loved the food very much . +0 Sam was staying over at his girlfriend 's apartment . They planned on having dinner together . His girlfriend made him steak and mashed potatoes . It was delicious ! Sam complimented her on her cooking . +3 He carefully carried the crate outside and let the spider go . Tim had a job as a general merchandise stocker in a grocery store . One day he was organizing items when he found a spider inside a crate . Tim did n't believe in harming other living things . Afterward Tim happily continued with his work . +2 She found a nice place to move to . The lease was finished at Amanda 's apartment . She decided to move to a bigger area . She packed her belongings and moved into her new place . She was very pleased with her new place to live . +1 I had never thought a girl was pretty before . My first day of 4th Grade , I noticed a pretty girl in my class . I introduced myself and she said her name was Alicia . I asked her to be my girlfriend right on the spot . She said no and we never talked again . +2 Lisa started her homework as soon as she got home , so now she can go . Lisa has a lot of homework to do tonight . But she would really like to go to the football game . The football game lasted longer than expected and Lisa got home late . It was a good thing she did her homework early . +1 He was always shy around the girls . There was a boy looking for a women . One night he got courage . He took a stand and asked a girl out . She said yes and they went on a great date . +0 Jim wanted to learn how to clap with one hand . He went to his father to learn . His father knew just what to do . His father gave Jim a mirror . Jim slapped the mirror and finally learned how to clap with one hand . +3 When Gary tried to scare one child , the kid kicked him in the shins . It was halloween and Gary and his friends were happy . They decided to scare children to try to take some candy . Gary and his friends spend hours popping out of bushes . Gary feel to the floor in a lot of pain and could barely walk . +4 He later left her for someone younger . Jessie thinks her boyfriend is falling out of love with her . She decides to get cosmetic surgery in order to lure him back . Jessie has a new found confidence . Her boyfriend did n't notice her dramatic change . +4 The potatoes , of course , exploded in the oven a short while later . Two men were preparing dinner for themselves . One grabbed some potatoes to throw in the oven . The other warned him to poke them with a fork , lest they explode . The first man refused , saying that he had baked countless potatoes . +4 The two ended up spending Valentine 's eating soup and watching TV . Eddie and Rita toured a local historic house for Valentine 's day . During the tour , Eddy felt very ill , very quickly . Rita rushed him to the hospital . Eddy got an IV and medications to take home . +4 We piled into the car and headed to the tree lot . My sister and I wanted a real tree for Christmas . We had plastic trees for many years . My parents ignored us and pulled out the old tree box . When the box was opened it had lights and half a tree inside . +1 A homeless man boarded at a busy downtown stop . This morning I decided to take the subway to work . He began asking everyone for money . I was hesitant but others gave money without thinking . This reminded me to be more selfless and compassionate . +4 He discovered it was mostly junk anyways ! Jay had always wanted to clean his garage . However , Jay always procrastinated on this . A hurricane swept over and flooded his house . Now Jay could no longer delay . +2 The next day , he saw a nasty shock . Ben dropped some sugar in his kitchen . He forgot to clean it up right away . The kitchen floor was swarming with black ants ! Quickly , Ben hastened to clean up the spilled sugar . +0 Chester was walking along the beach with his girlfriend . They were having a very nice conversation for a long time . Suddenly , they saw an odd shape lying on the beach . Chester ran over to it and they saw that it was a human body . They quickly called the cops and tried to stay calm . +2 One day , Charles worked an over-time shift . Charles has a full time job . His wife stays at home . He decided to spend all the extra money on himself . This made his wife sad . +4 She was able to overcome her learning disability without medication . Sam had a learning disability . It was difficult for her to focus in class . She tried medication , but she could not handle the side effects . Sam would learn that meditation and yoga helped her focus more . +4 Neil knew Kiribati was going to be a great trip for him ! Neil took a flight to the Pacific islands . Then he took a boat to Kiribati . The locals met him at the harbor . They were friendly and kind to him , and welcoming . +4 They tried valiantly , but Emma miscarried her baby . Emma was six months pregnant . A drunk driver hit her car one day and injured her belly . Emma was rushed to the hospital . There , a team of surgeons operated on her quickly . +2 Cornelia moves to Chicago and buys a used bass guitar . Cornelia 's parents always wanted her to play the oboe . However , she wishes she could play bass guitar . Now she plays bass a few nights a week . Cornelia looks back at her oboe and ca n't help but laugh . +0 All of Jason 's friends told him that his suit was out of style . However , Jason did not want to pay a lot for a new one . He looked for a long time for a suit that was cheap and fashionable . Finally he found the perfect suit . Jason 's friends are very happy that he has a good looking suit . +0 Jeremy had just finished his homework . He left it on the coffee table . Then he went to get a drink . When he came back he saw that his dog had literally eaten it . He told his teacher but she did n't believe him . +3 He ended up not getting a medal . Fred had been doing karate for two Year 's now . Yesterday was his first tournament . Fred could n't believe how hard it was . Fred was disappointed but knew he would try next time . +4 The security guard viewed her as an adult and allowed her to go in . Gina wanted to go to the club . The security guard would n't let her in since she 's only 19 . She tried to figure out how to get inside . She disguised herself at an old woman with hair extensions . +4 She made me leave her door key and then she never let me back in . At 14-years-old , I knew my mother would kick me out her house . That day came when I was 24-years-old . She fussed about things so trivial I ca n't remember them . I was so irritated that I started running out her front door . +3 Every day , she would sit in the garden and watch the hours pass by . Once a little girl planted a seed . She watered it every day . She often wondered when the seed would sprout . One day , she finally saw the sprout , the fruits of her hard work . +2 We went to the grocery store to load up for the storm . My mom and I listened to the weather forecast in the morning . We heard that a big snowstorm was coming the next day . The storm came earlier than expected . Our car got stuck in the snow . +3 The lifeguard told them to line up to go one at a time . The community swimming pool was finally opening for the summer . All the kids gathered at the gate waiting for to go in . They were surprised to find a diving board had been installed . The line formed quickly as all the kids wanted to give it a try . +1 Grandma was making her treasured meatloaf recipe . One day Julie went to visit her grandmother . Julie wanted to learn how to make the meatloaf , so she asked grandma . Grandma showed Julie how to make the meatloaf . Julie made the meatloaf when she went home to her husband . +2 Checking one 's boots for insects was very important . George was in Australia for vacation . He paid a tour guide for a tour of the outback . However , George was tired the second day . A scorpion he did n't check for stung him in the foot . +3 Things started to feel less stuffy . Lindsay needed some fresh air . Her office with in the basement with no sunlight . She decided to take walks outside every few hours . She ended up feeling much better after taking walks . +1 They would go up there to hang out . Some teenagers climbed into my fort late one night . One kid had too much beer , which I did n't know they drank . He leaned out a window and overbalanced . His fall cost him a broken arm . +2 But she did n't want to tell Tami this . Gina and her friend Tami were walking at recess . Gina was trying to be seen by her crush Jamie . Time was running out , and Tami was walking way too slow . Gina began to walk faster hoping Tami would pick up the pace . +3 Isabella was so excited when she got there . Isabella has never been to Disneyland . She loves all the Disney characters . Her mom decided to take her to Disneyland . It was the best day of her young life . +1 She sent a request for more tape to the distributor . Amy 's office supply store ran out of packing tape . They told her no tape would be available for weeks . Amy 's store had to do without this important product . Amy compensated by pushing glue as an alternative . +2 Shasta was dismayed when it sailed straight down a sewer drain . Shasta chased after his toy boat as the rainy waters carried it . It dipped and bobbed in the torrent running along the gutter . He reached his arm in , foolishly hoping he could reach it . His arm got stuck , and he drowned when the waters rose . +2 I pulled my car over and caught both of them . I was driving down the road one rainy night after dark . I saw two small kittens sitting in the middle of the road . I took them to the vet the next day for some shots and care . I decided to keep them and they are my new family members . +2 They told her clothes and fashion would n't pay her bills ! Emily loved clothes and fashion . Her parents urged her to study something serious . But after school , Emily proved them both wrong . She got an excellent job working as a fashion designer ! +1 His big game coincided with his family reunion . Allen was a baseball player . He had to choose what he wanted to do . He decided to go to his game . It was good that he did because his team won . +2 She questions his faithfulness while the band is on tour . Jayson is a singer in a band . He meets a beautiful woman who loves him very much . They break up . Jayson is devastated but continues singing in the band . +0 Han was Asian but born in America . He wanted to get familiar with his background . He traveled to Japan and met his grandparents . He loved it so much , he stayed longer and longer . Eventually , he decided to take up citizenship and never returned . +1 Forecasts predicted rainy in the coming days . We spent an entire weekend putting up a cover over our patio . When it started raining we were excited to have cover outside . It started raining hard . The cover collapsed under the weight of the water . +4 The next day , they were all gone ! One day Mandy saw a squirrel . She had heard once that squirrel 's enjoyed nuts . Mandy got some peanuts from the kitchen . She left them at the base of the squirrel 's tree . +4 He is now in prison because of it . Bradley was working for the government . He came across some very confidential files . The files showed some horrible things the government has done . He then exposes them online anonymously . +0 I met a new boy at the library today . He said it was nice to meet me . I shook his hand , but it was sticky like syrup . I pulled my hand away . I do n't shake hands anymore . +0 Gina kindly reminded her brother to cut the grass . He did n't like being told what to do . But her parents would be home in an hour . It needed to be done before then . If the grass was n't cut by then , he would claim she never told him . +3 To her dismay he added too much . Lisa was making some chicken . She decided to have her little son help her . Her son was adding the spices . The chicken was too slice +3 He never watered it . Jim got a flower for his birthday . He did n't know much about plants . He put it in a corner and left it alone . Jim 's plant died . +2 He put raised his binoculars to get a better look . The man in the fire tower leaned against the side . He saw smoke arise from the east . The more he looked the stronger the fire seemed . THe man gasped in horror . +2 They did everything together . Jill had been dating Don for three Year 's . She was absolutely in love . She went out to lunch one day and saw Don with someone else . She was absolutely heartbroken . +4 There was talk of cancellation , but it was avoided . I attended a phone conference this morning . There were participants from Maine ( contractor ) and Boston ( client ) . I mostly listened in at the yelling . The client was angry at the contractor for late delivery . +3 She became completely engrossed in the game . Shannon 's favorite game just came out . She bought it immediately . Since then , friends have been inviting her to hang out . Now she does n't want to do anything except play it . +1 Suddenly , I lost my footing . I was setting up Christmas lights . I began sliding down the roof ! I tried to catch myself but I fell to the ground . I broke my leg and learned to be more careful . +1 He took some tylenol and went to bed . Tucker had a really bad headache . In the morning when he woke up his head still hurt . He took more tylenol and went right back to bed . Tucker slept all day . +1 It was nighttime . A man was walking down a street . Two dogs approached him aggressively . The dogs lunged near the man . The man responded by running away . +3 She thanked Justin by giving him a kiss . It was Justin and Lisa 's first anniversary and they went on a date . To Lisa 's surprise , Justin gave her a beautiful gold necklace . Lisa tried it on and instantly loved the way it looked . The two walked out of the restaurant elated . +2 When he got home , he discovered that the power was out in his area . The local grocery had a great sale of Jim 's favorite ice cream . He purchased many cartons which would last him for weeks . He began worrying about how to keep all of the ice cream from melting . Then he realized that , being winter , he could keep it outside . +2 He decided to make a leash . Jon bought a dog . Alas , he did not have enough money left over for a leash . He made it out of nylon rope lying around his house . Jon was proud of the leash he made . +3 He gave his car to his friend who is a mechanic . Charles got a parking ticket back in May . Now it 's time to renew his auto registration . But he lost his job and does n't have any money . His friend sold it to a junkyard for two hundred dollars . +1 She worked after school at a restaurant . Mel was planning her summer vacation . She saved all her money for a place ticket . In the summer she flew to Florida . She had a great time on her beach vacation ! +4 The arrow was launched and missed the target by a foot . Tammy was last to go in an archery competition . She picked up her bow and nocked an arrow . The official told her that she may shoot when ready . Tammy quickly drew her bow and took great aim . +2 Her kids were too kind to point out all the mildew on them . Adelaide had saved fifty years of National Geographics in her cellar . She thought they would be worth a lot of money . Adelaide proudly divided up the National Geographics in her will . After she died , her children were sad to throw them in the dumpster . +3 They both stopped and waited for the other person to go . Gina was at a four way stop sign . When no one went Gina decided it must be her turn . So did the driver on her right . Gina decided it must be her turn , so she continued on her way . +0 My friend 's love to throw raging keggers . Last Friday they threw one for the ages . Everyone we knew showed up and got trashed . We all laughed , drank , cried and just had an incredible time . It was easily one of the best funerals I 've ever been to . +2 Zach did n't believe it , until he saw Tai 's library at his house . Zach thinks that he reads a lot . Until he met Tai , who says he reads a book everyday . Zach now believes that Tai reads a book a day . Since Zach met Tai , he wants to read more , and now he does read a lot . +1 He was a friendly one . One day last week , I saw an Opossum in my yard . He liked to walk around my yard with my dogs . He hung around all day . I never saw him again . +1 The dentist said his teeth were not good . Chris went to the dentist for the first time in years . The dentist recommended a root canal . Chris agreed with the dentist . The dentist performed a root canal on Chris . +0 The family got together at the table . They sat down and started to prepare a plate of food . I asked my sister to pass the beans . However , she struggled to pick it up . In addition , it slipped out of her hands and landed on the table . +3 Then we went down to the gym and played basketball . Me and my two daughters drove to the YMCA . The older one wanted to run the younger one wanted to play basketball . We ran 6 laps around the track . We all had a good day . +1 As a result I got mad . Yesterday my friend did not reply to my text . I decided to then end my friendship with her . Ending the friendship felt much better . I knew to choose better friends next time . +4 The vet was so worried she called for an ambulance . I am very nervous and squeamish in medical environments . At my dog 's last vet visit , he had to get a vaccination . Before the vet gave the injection , I held my dog up on the table . When the vet took the syringe out , I became dizzy and fainted ! +4 The interview went well , and Frank was confident he had the position . Frank had an interview with a very prestigious company . He was nervous as he dressed himself and then drove to the interview . As he walked in , he calmed his nerves enough to speak properly . The man interviewing him called him back to his office . +1 There were six puppies , all attractively clean except for one . Michelle 's parents took her to pick out a new puppy . He had been rolling on the dusty ground for fun ! Michelle liked him and picked him despite his dust-covered fur . After his bath , Michelle gave him his first of many hugs from her . +0 Ellie went to bingo with her granny once a month . She felt frustrated because she never won . Just once she wanted to get to shout out bingo . As she sat with her card , the caller called her missing number . She yelled bingo at the top of her lungs ! +2 She quickly finished her breakfast and dressed herself . Lilly woke up Saturday morning very excited . She was going on a long car ride with her father . She wore her favorite dress and best shoes . Her father carried her to the car and the car ride began . +3 He called his mother to see what was going on . Sam was meeting his father for lunch at an Italian restaurant . He got there early and waited for his father . He began to worry when his father did n't show up or respond . His mother told him that their lunch plans were suppose to be tomorrow . +2 She sits at her computer and types the day away . Libby loves her job . She comes to work most days very happy . Her supervisor got mad at her today for something she could n't help . Sometimes , she hates her job . +2 Eli got the eagle in his sights and pulled the trigger . Eli spotted an eagle in flight . He brought his rifle to his shoulder . It was a direct hit and the eagle fell down dead . Eli mounted it on his wall as a trophy . +2 He turned around and saw a wet , frightened bear barking at him . Keith was hiking in a national park on a rainy day . While taking a picture , Keith heard a frightening noise . Keith began to yell at the bear and pulled his bear spray out . Before having to spray the bear , Keith saw the bear flee . +2 Jane tried the fast food restaurants , but none of them were hiring . Jane had just graduated from high school . She wanted money to get a new car , so she went out to get a job . Finally , Jane tried the local Walmart . She got a job at the Walmart and worked there until she got a car . +0 Kim was only 3 years old . But she found a pair of safety scissors in her older brothers room . She had seen people on TV use scissors to cut hair . So she cut off one of her little brothers braids . Her parents were very upset . +1 She remembered hearing about a prowler on the news . Wendy woke to the sound of banging at her front door . Wendy grabbed her phone , ducked in the closet , and dialed the police . When the police showed up , they found the culprit . The door was banging in the wind because Wendy forgot the latch . +4 Ronald was pleased with his new phone . Ronald was looking to get a new cellphone . Ronald decided to check various companies for a decent phone . Ronald compared his top choices of cell phones . Ronald decided on a IPhone , as it fit what he was looking for . +0 Peter wanted to cosplay at a local convention . He researched his favorite characters and chose one of them . He spent hours creating his costume . When he arrived to the convention , everyone wanted to take pictures . Peter felt proud of his hand-made creation . +2 The dog walked up to Charles and started crying . Charles parked his car to go inside a liquor store . There was the cutest brown dog sitting and sad . Charles looked around for the owner . He took the dog home , then to a shelter , but no one ever claimed it . +1 She tried to swim on the deep side and ended up drowning . Janet was swimming in the pool . The lifeguard decided to dive into the water . He pulled her out from the deep side . He performed CPR on her and she woke up . +3 It 's the most annoying thing ever . John always comes over to my house to hangout . Sometimes he comes over when my husband and I are watching TV . He will come in and stand right in front of the television . I 've tried to tell him to stop but he still does it . +3 He went back to check and see if he could find it . Randy was out jogging one morning . Then suddenly , the world began to look different . He realized he had lost a contact lens . Sadly , though , Randy 's lens was gone for good . +3 She even drank from a coconut garnished with umbrellas . Ann went to the island of Tahiti . There , she lay under palm trees on the beach . Her tropical vacation was perfect ! Ann vowed to remember her trip to Tahiti forever ! +0 Eric was excited to leave for spring break . He would be going to California with his classmates . He took a plane to his destination . When he got to California , he went to get fast food . He ate a big meal as he talked with his friends . +4 Brittany felt she was loved with a doubled portion . Brittany was adopted as a newborn . Her adoptive parents kept in contact with her birth parents . Brittany grew up aware of her birth parents . She enjoyed have two sets of parents . +4 Anna decided she was going to wear it more often . Anna did not feel good about herself . So to feel better , she decided she was going to buy some makeup . Anna came home and practiced putting it on . The next day , she wore makeup and got a lot of attention from men . +2 So would my sister , who had just gotten over the chicken pox . I was a five-year-old in New Orleans , and it was Mardi Gras . I would be riding on a parade float , which was a big deal . The day before the parade , I found red spots on my belly . I will never forget my sister waving at me from that huge float . +0 Lucy had been offline for months . She was finally at the library on a computer . She checked her Facebook right away . Her friends had been posting photos of all their fun events . Lucy was upset they seemed not to miss her at all . +4 I 'll have to listen to my friend 's advice more often . My dog has had horrible breath lately . I do n't know what to do except continue to brush it 's teeth . My friends told me they make bones that give dog 's fresh breath . I bought one today and so far it 's working . +3 She did excellent at her interview . Pam was trying hard to get a job as a cashier . She submitted her resume to twenty different stores . Eventually , she got an interview at a pet store . Now she works selling food and toys for cats and dogs . +2 I arranged the wood into a teepee . I wanted to build a fire . I retrieved firewood from the forest . I lit the top of the log pile on fire . I sat by the fire all night . +1 Yet , I always lose one in the wash . I buy my socks in pairs . I end up having to wear mismatched socks . My boss does n't like my socks to mismatch . I need to buy more or stop washing them . +0 Bobby learns about cell splitting in science class . In his textbook it shows the process with pictures . He finds it amusing that it makes him think of a venn diagram . When he tells his teacher this they work on a funny joke together . The next week in class they show off a diagram of cells dividing . +4 To her delight she was offered a job . Kelly was very nervous . She was being interviewed for a job . As soon as she got in the room she was bombarded with questions . Kelly 's nerves subsided . +0 Amy was in Los Angeles for a vacation . Her sister picked her up at the airport when she arrived . The drove around hours so that Amy could take in the sights . Amy snapped photos of the grand homes in Beverly Hills . She knew her friends would be jealous when they saw the photos . +1 They set up the basket and blanket on the sand . Mary and her family decided to have a picnic on the beach . Mary started passing around the food to everyone . Seagulls came and started chasing them away ! Mary was sad the birds ruined her beach picnic . +1 She would practice sewing random items for herself often . Hattie loved to sew clothes . She got so good at it that her mom put her to work . Hattie was responsible for making dresses for her sisters . Hattie loved making her clothing for her sisters . +1 He was supposed to buy a pound cake and strawberries . Bryce went to the store for his mother . He forgot to get the pound cake . Bryce returned to the store for the pound cake . The store was out of pound cake and his mother was furious . +1 I dreamed that my best friend had passed away . Last night I had the worst nightmare . When I woke up was I in tears . Thankfully I realized it was just a dream . I then felt better afterwards . +4 I never even got to play in a game . Soccer was the first sport I ever tried as a child . I was always nervous to play team sports . I never felt I was very good at them . Before our first game I broke my elbow . +1 She knew her family had planned a party for her . Today was Mandy 's birthday . She went to their house and wore her favorite red dress . All her friends and family were there and she was very happy . Mandy had a very happy birthday thanks to her family and friends ! +4 Now part of her rent is paid by selling the fruit . Catherine rented a new house with a large yard and many fruit trees . At first the family was very excited as they always had fresh fruit . There was to much fruit for the family to eat . Catherine started selling the fruit so they would n't rot . +1 They were going to drive from Texas to Kansas . Daniel and Dave decided to go on a road trip . Along the way they stopped at a diner in Oklahoma . Dave got food poisoning at the diner . The two decided to go back home to Texas . +4 I moved into the shelter and now I am homeless . I started to run short on wages and my rent was due . My rent fell behind about 3 months . The landlord eventually grew angry and began an eviction . I appealed the process , but the judge was unsympathetic . +2 A website suggested putting her hair in a braid while wet . Kim wanted her hair in soft waves for a date Friday night . She looked online for ideas to create this look . She did this the morning of her date . Her hair fell into waves when the braid was undone in the evening . +0 Ken 's parents were out of town . He decided to throw a party . The party got out of hand . Parts of Ken 's house were destroyed . Ken got into a lot of trouble with is parents . +4 Ben and his dog are now best friends , and they play every day . Ben loved dogs , and always played with his friends ' dogs . Eventually Ben wanted a dog of his own . Ben went to a pet adoption center and began browsing . He spotted the cutest dalmatian he had ever seen , and adopted it . +3 The shop owner said I had to pay for it . I entered a vase shop with a lot of fancy things . The sign said not to touch anything . I gently reached for a blue vase and it fell and broke . I ran out of the store quickly because I had no money . +0 Delaney was a big believer in horoscopes . She was an Aries , and always chose her activities based on horoscope . One day there was a contest at work to win a fully paid for vacation . But Delaney 's horoscope said she would be unlucky that week . She did n't bother to enter , and therefore missed out on the Bahamas . +3 Billy and his gang were stopped by the Sheriff Billy The Kid was riding into town He was going to rob the local bank The town sheriff had other idea 's Billy started to shoot and the shootout began ! +4 He grabbed a bucket of water and soap and bathed outside . David came back from a jog . He needed to take a shower . The bathroom was occupied . David was too impatient to wait . +3 He demanded that I give him my purse . I was walking around the city . Suddenly , a man jumped in front of me . He held a gun to my face . I gave him my purse and he spared my life . +3 When she passed him , she gave him her ten dollar bill . Lacy was walking to the store . She noticed a homeless boy up ahead . She started to feel guilty and wanted to help him . He thanked her and she felt pretty nice . +0 Terry and John were expecting their first child . Ultrasounds were n't available , but the doctor said she was healthy . Terry was gaining more weight than expected , but not too much extra . The couple had their nursery ready when Terry went into labor . But Terry delivered twins , and they suddenly had a lot more to do . +4 They were able to give him a replacement . Jimmy was browsing the internet one day . His computer froze up . He was unable to click anything . Jimmy took his computer to the store . +2 It made her feel comforted and safe . Elle slept with a security blanket as a baby . Even as she grew older she still kept it near . She took it with her when she left for college . And when she married , she brought it to her husband 's home ! +4 After three dates he was happily engaged to the woman he met online . Joseph was in pursuit of a wife . He was having trouble meeting someone compatible . Joseph made himself an online dating profile . He met a woman who he found very interesting . +2 To her surprise both of the jobs wanted to hire Amy . Amy had interviewed for jobs at 2 stores near her home . She was hoping she would be offered at least one of the jobs . Amy Had not expected to be offered 2 jobs . Amy had no idea how she would choose between the two . +3 He tried on the boots and they happened to fit . Nate walked down the street and stopped at a random driveway . Someone was throwing away a lot of old junk . Nate looked through the junk and found some old boots . Nate wore the boots all the way home . +0 Jan was eager to leave school . When she got home she was eager to eat . She always rushed everyone . Her mother explained that she had to be patient . Jan realized she was rude before and was never eager again . +2 Gina only had $ 3 she had taken from he mom 's coat . Gina and her friend walked to the store during lunch break . They went most days instead of eating a school lunch . At the store when it was time to pay she only had $ 2 Somehow Gina had lost $ 1 from the money she stole . +2 I was disgusted ! I was driving in the car with my husband yesterday . I was watching him pick his nose and then use my steering wheel ! I gave him wipes to clean it up . He 's not driving my car anymore . +4 The food was great . Kelly was bored . She wanted to eat but did n't feel like cooking . So she decided to call Chinese take out . When she called them they came right away . +4 Kim was disappointed , but pretended to like the pajamas . Kim was expecting a ring for Christmas from Tim . She had been waiting 2 years for him to propose . The gift box was too big but she thought maybe a ring box was inside . Kim opened the box to find pajamas . +1 He was driving out of the dealership . Charlie bought a new car . He took a turn too fast and hit a car . His new car was extremely damaged . Charlie felt very badly about what he had done . +4 I was n't injured , though my pride did take a toll . I was once driving to work in the morning . Traffic that day was horrible and rain was everywhere . The person in front of me braked hard and I had no time . I slammed into him and my airbags inflated . +4 Chuck spent a lot of time picking up all those coins . Chuck had a lot of coins saved in a jar . He took the coins to the bank to get counted . He tripped on the way in . The jar fell and shattered . +1 All of a sudden I felt a big crash . I was going to school . Someone had hit me from behind . I called my teacher . I would not be going to class today . +1 She put it in the machine . Chelsea chose a movie from a DVD case . With the remote , she turned on the movie . She cuddled under a blanket and watched it . It ended a couple of hours later . +0 Ben has never been to Japan . He has always wanted to visit Tokyo . Ben saved up enough money for his Tokyo trip . Ben spent a whole week in Tokyo . He enjoyed every minute of it . +4 I submitted five resumes last night and am waiting for a callback . Last week , I decided to start looking for a new job . My best friend at work had gotten a new job already and moved on . Being alone at work forced me to face the realities of my position . I evaluated the pros/cons & found it was time for a change . +1 She rides her bicycle when the weather is warm . Mona is getting ready to go to the market . Mona checks the weather forecast . She puts away her bicycle helmet and picks up her car keys . Mona will be driving to the store today . +3 He was simply diagnosed with a stomach ache . Tyson ate a bacon wrap that he purchased at a restaurant . A few days later , he had a bad case of acid reflux . His mom took him to the hospital . The doctor gave him a laxative to help his bowel movements . +3 They then played ball in the park . Ted wanted to take his father out for Father 's Day . He planned the perfect day . They ate ate a fancy diner . It was the best Father 's Day ever ! +1 She was going to the lady 's room however , she needed help . I was walking with a friend to the restroom . Her belongings was going to drop on the ground . I went into the lady 's bathroom for a minute to help her . The security guard found out and suspended me . +2 Shari did n't remember where she put the phone . Shari placed her cell phone on the seat of her car . She went inside , leaving the phone . She dialed her phone number from another phone . Shari 's phone rang , allowing her to find it . +3 Bob did not like to hear Tom cry . Bob had a new baby boy . Bob named the baby Tom . Tom seemed to cry all the time . Bob tried to soothe the baby any way he could think of . +1 She received a call from her boyfriend . I was driving with my cousin . They were arguing and he broke up with her after the conversation . She was infuriated and started to yell . She also broke her speakers by punching them . +4 Now he is happily fungus free . John noticed that he was developing foot fungus . He decided to see a doctor . The doctor told him to wear flip flops in the gym bathroom . Slowly John 's foot fungus went away . +0 Tim had a really bad anger problem . He had been going to anger management classes . Tim had recently taken up yoga as a way to relieve stress . He practiced various exercises after dinner everyday . Tim was able to control his anger with the help of doing yoga . +2 She microwaved and took her food to the living room . Amy was asleep when her family ate dinner . Her mother left a plate covered for her in the refrigerator . She sat on the couch and turned on the TV . Since she was alone , the TV would be her company . +0 Tabitha was a teenager . One night , she decided to smoke a cigarette in her bedroom . Later , her mom saw some ashes on the floor . Tabitha lied and said that it was charcoal art supplies . Her mom was suspicious but accepted this . +1 I have not gotten one in Years . The school chorus sends `` Singing Valentines '' to people in school . The chorus sung a Valentine song to Sally in math class . No one said they actually sent Sally that singing Valentine . Turns out , Sally sent herself a Valentine . +0 Jon 's mom kept the heater too high in the house . Consequently , Jon was always sweating . He complained to his mom . They agreed to drop the heater temperature by two degrees . Jon was happy with the decision . +0 She had been waking up every morning sick . She knew this was not normal . She went to the doctor to get things checked out . The results were confirmed . She was pregnant . +0 Jason had always wanted to visit Mexico . At first he was afraid to go there . Eventually Jason decided he needed to try new things . He boarded the plane to Mexico . Once in Mexico , Jason was very happy . +1 But then he found his flight was delayed . Tim was switching planes in Atlanta . Tim was unhappy , but the airline offered him an upgrade . Tim got to fly the rest of the way in first class ! He decided the delay had been worth it . +4 After the ride was done , Wanda was happy with her day . Wanda walked down Broadway for the very first time . She took a look inside the Toys R Us store and was in awe . The store was very large and Wanda walked up to the candy upstairs . After purchasing some candy , Wanda took a ride on the indoor ride . +4 Marie decided to listen to her mother this time . For her birthday , Marie 's mother promised her a kitten . At the pet store , Marie fell in love with a tiny orange male kitten . Her mother wanted one of the females instead , but Marie insisted . On the way to the register , the orange kitten scratched her badly . +2 She sat on the couch and watched all the movies . Lucy loved Harry Potter . She decided to have a marathon . When she was done , she was happy . She wanted to have another marathon . +0 Greg loved gold mining . He went to California every Summer to mine for fun . While at the mine , he discovered two gold nuggets . Greg was so happy that he jumped for joy . Unfortunately his gold nuggets fell and he could not find it . +0 Kate took her toddler to story time . A dad came into the room with his son . He had a holstered gun around his hips . Kate was very nervous about the gun . She never took her toddler back to story time . +3 The elderly were quite demanding . There was someone who took care of the elderly . He was always quite good at dealing with them . However one day he was tired . He went to get a coffee and was able to get through the day . +4 They loved his song and John was very proud of himself . John really enjoyed playing his trombone , and was pretty good at it . He decided to enter a music competition . He picked a piece of music to play and practiced hard for weeks . On the big day , he was nervous but played well for the judges . +1 Although Hannah was broke , she offered to pay in a resistant tone . Brad was about to pay for the bill . Although Brad tried to convince her not to pay , they fought . In the end , Brad paid for the bill . She gave him a kiss . +2 As the light changed he went full throttle . The light changed from green to yellow to red . Billy slowed his car down to a full stop . The car sped up to over 110 miles per hour . Billy went 30 miles before he was pulled over for speeding . +3 It crushed her . Ronda was always a fighter . She considered herself the best . One day she got into a fight that she lost easily . She realized perception is n't reality . +1 It was too expensive to repair . Bob 's heater broke . Bob decided to live without a new heater . His friend heard that Bob 's heater broke . His friend decided to purchase Bob a new heater as a gift . +2 He only had a few hours before his dinner date with his wife . One Valentine 's Day , a man had forgotten to buy his wife flowers . He got off of work , rushing to find a florist that was n't sold out . The man knew his search was in vain , so he acted on a new idea . The man cut the roses himself from a neighbor 's rose bush ! +2 He saw three models standing by a car . Charles went to the car show and wanted to meet a girl . He walked through the parking lot and looked at girls . He asked one girl if he could have a word with her in private . A girl , who he was n't talking too , got upset and told him to leave . +2 He went into the kitchen and looked through the drawers . Max wanted to build a fire . He did not have any matches . While searching , he stumbled upon a lighter . He went back outside and started the fire with no problems . +3 Then , he went out of town on a business trip . Marge wanted her husband to cut back on caffeine . She secretly switched him to decaffeinated coffee . Marge 's husband started drinking more and more coffee . Drinking pots of regular coffee , he found himself too wired to sleep . +1 We met a man from Canada on the subway who ended hung out with us . Four years ago my friend and I went to Times Square on New Year 's Eve . We pushed through so many people but barely saw the ball drop . After the ball dropped we stayed out until 5 am . Our Canadian friend missed his flight . +3 It was falling off the fan blades she had n't cleaned lately . Serena noticed something that looked like a caterpillar in her tea . At first she could n't figure out where the fuzzy object came from . Suddenly , another piece fell and landed by her laptop . She grabbed the vacuum and remembered to clean them often . +4 Weeks later , the restaurant closed down . Tom and Judy went to a Korean restaurant . When their food arrived , it was cold . They left the restaurant without paying . And they drove away . +1 She was selling cookies . Jackie was a girl scout . She hoped to sell the most . When cookie selling season was over , she counter her sales . She did sell the most , and she won a prize . +1 I turned towards the noise , seeing a person in the woods . While walking my dog on a deserted trail one day , I heard a noise . This alarmed me , since there were no other cars at the trail that day . I was frightened , wondering if it might be a homeless person . A voice in the woods called out , asking if I had any toilet paper ? +3 The movie screen lit the room with dim light . The lights in the theater began to dim . I exited the emails i was reading and turned off my phone . I snuggled up with my wife on my left . On my right , my wife scowled as i snuggled with a stranger . +4 They all jumped the fence and ran , swearing to never return again ! Ash and his college buddies were bored in the wee morning hours . They drove out to an old cemetery . They climbed a fence to begin strolling the grounds . Suddenly they heard a faint but obvious moaning somewhere in the dark . +3 Jack and his brother had a great chat . Jack was in jail . One day his brother came to see him . This made him very happy . Jack looked forward to the next visit day . +1 But she needed help with the first problem . Lana was doing science homework . So she called her friend . They ended up talking for hours , however . And when she hung up , she forgot to ask for help . +1 It was with great pride that he was now holding his newborn son . Tim had been trying to have a child with his wife for years . At the hospital , Tim could not help but grin . The nurses and doctors noticed this as well . Tim left the hospital , a changed man . +4 Mike did n't get the flu that year . Brandon kept getting the flu every year . It began to really affect him emotionally . He decided to get the flu shot at his doctor 's office . his doctor administered the flu shot . +1 I decided to start a maid service . I wanted to start a business . My friends laughed at me because I was a man . I told them to not discriminate against genders in the workplace . They agreed and expressed their apologies for discriminating . +1 She sets three alarms . Whit has to be at work at 8am every day . She woke up at 6am . However , she fell back asleep . Whit was late for work . +2 She tried sesame seeds , but her mom was allergic . Bo wanted a tasty crunchy topping for her sweet buns . She tried sunflower seeds , but they were too big . Then she thought of another option : poppy seeds ! Everybody in the family loved her tasty poppyseed muffins . +2 On Monday I had an important meeting . I did n't get to sleep all weekend . I was dumb and decided to go out drinking . It was really boring and I fell asleep in the middle of it . Now I 'm getting demoted and still have n't slept . +4 John decided to go back to his room . John walked into the kitchen . The room was very dark . John turned on the light switch . The room stayed very dark . +4 She had to go back and bring the second half home after that . Sam planned to push her groceries home in a stroller . After checking out , she realized she had too many bags . She asked to leave her bags at customer service . Then , she brought half of the bags home . +2 He always hit the ball too hard . Allen went golfing . He was awful at swinging the club . Jeb told him to try hitting the ball softly . This made Allen a great golf player . +1 He went for the try outs Sam wanted to join the basketball team He did very poorly . He was not allowed in the team . Sam gave up on basketball after +1 The show started at eight and we were there until midnight . I saw a band last night . I got lost getting home . I spent a few more hours just basking in the joy of the experience . My math teacher made jokes about me in the morning . +3 Ted had to put out the grill for fear of alarming the neighbors . Ted fired up the grill without cleaning it . He was hoping to burn off the old food left in there . After a few minutes , the grill started smoking terribly . Ted cleaned the grill the old fashioned way after it cooled down . +4 Tom was annoyed at his mother . Tom 's mother encouraged him to eat more for breakfast . But Tom was reluctant . He ate eggs , bagels , and cheese . But he felt too full and bloated afterwards . +3 The front of his car collided with the back side of my car . A car was moving slow in front of me . I drove past it with speed . However , the person was mad and accelerated . We drove off into a bank . +3 His Xbox fell and shattered on the ground . Jake loved to play video games . He was playing his Xbox in his living room . All of a sudden his cat knocked over his Xbox console . Jake bought a brand new Xbox afterwards to replace his broken one . +2 The holidays were coming and she needed to purchase some gifts . Kayla was a not a fan of shopping . She did n't enjoy being in crowded stores at all . Kayla decided to look around online for her gifts . She bought everything she needed without leaving her home . +1 He knew that she had been interested in painting lately . Dylan wanted to get his girlfriend a great Christmas gift . He found a great set of art supplies online . On Christmas , she was opening her gift . When she saw what it was she was so happy . +4 Carly and her friends had a lot of fun at her party . For her birthday , Carly wanted a clown to perform for her friends . She begged her parents for the clown for months . On the day of her birthday , a clown showed up . He wore makeup and funny shoes . +3 Jay had to swerve to avoid the biker . Jay was on his way home from work when it happened . A motorcyclist had zipped between his car and the car next to him . The cyclist lost his balance , falling directly in front of Jay 's car . This ended up in Jay hitting another car . +4 When she got home her husband surprised her with flowers . Last week Beth had a terrible day . She was late to work . Her boss yelled at her . She wanted to go home . +4 King was surprised , then realized the school was not a fancy one . Mister King lectured the students about writing . He gave many tips during the lecture and answered questions . After this , a girl asked to take a photo of them together . The phone 's camera took 3 attempts to take a decent picture . +0 Larry saw a rat one night . He wanted to get rid of it but not kill it . He bought a humane trap at the store . One night he heard it go off . It caught the rat and Larry set it free outside . +4 Greg never let Florida and never missed New York City . Greg lived in New York City . He had lived there his whole life but always felt trapped . He decided to move to Florida . He found a job , met some friends , and settled in . +0 India was teaching her daughter how to color . India had to show her daughter how to stay in the lines . India 's daughter , after a few tries , stayed in the lines . India was proud of how her daughter was coloring the picture . In the end , the picture was pretty , and everything was in the line . +0 A prisoner had escaped from jail . Jim , a policeman , chased after the prisoner as fast as he could . The prisoner leaped over a tall fence . Jim could n't hop over the fence because he was too fat . It was then that the prisoner escaped for good . +0 Thom wanted to become the champion of the local beatbox contest . He decided to spend time improving his skills . Every day after work he practiced beatbox for hours . On the day of the contest he felt confident and prepared . Thom won the contest and was the new champion . +3 And a tall man stood in the doorway . Gina was in the break room with her friends . When leaving , she grabbed the doorknob while looking behind her . But the door opened without any effort from her . When she saw him she jumped , and let out a yelp from shock . +4 Sarah still ca n't understand why no one praises her for trying at all . Sarah found herself easily distracted . She felt that she put so much effort into her job . Sarah never could get the recognition she deserved . She started doing less and less work . +2 I decided to make steak at home . I had always feared cooking at home would make too much smoke . However I am now trying to overcome my fears . I opened the windows to let out some smoke . Finally I can cook steak in my own home . +3 This year they decided to go to the beach . The family always take a vacation . They usually go during spring break . Their spot is Denver . The kids loved the water and ca n't wait to go back . +4 Anna could n't wait to return and see the aardvark again . Anna went to the zoo . She saw an animal called an aardvark . She thought it was the cutest animal ever ! She learned about its feeding and habitat before she left . +3 Something was wrong with the ship . Alice went on a Disney cruise with her family . She thought it would be fun . However during the trip they had to be let off early . Alice was disappointed . +4 I found out it was a prank by my friends . Yesterday I went to the beach with friends . When my friends went into the water , I took a nap . When I woke up I screamed . A large hermit crab was on my towel . +1 He decided to transfer all his credit cards to his new wallet . Thomas got a brand new wallet for his birthday . As he was handling his credit card , he accidentally ripped it . Thomas called his credit card company on the phone . Thomas got a replacement card in the mail in a few days . +0 Alvin looked at the window in the office . He wondered if it could withstand a hit from a thrown paperweight . He walked over to his desk and picked up his paperweight . He threw it at the window as hard as he could . The weight cracked the window and bounced back , +0 I wanted to buy some barstools . But , they were n't worth the price tag . So , I decided to make some . Alas , I could not seem to shape the legs correctly . I gave up and bought the barstools from the store . +1 He knew it was wrong , but he did not care about safety . Little Jack liked to play with guns . One day , Jack decided to try a new trick , tossing his gun in the air . The gun came down and went off towards Jack . Now fingerless , Jack does not like to play with guns anymore . +1 He tried to take the mug out of the microwave . Julian was making some coffee . Unfortunately , the mug was too hot . Instead he grabbed an oven mitt . He used that to retrieve his mug . +4 Ever since that day , Roger swore off sweets and ate healthily . Roger 's doctor told him he had a heart condition . She said that if he did n't eat very healthily , he 'd surely die young ! But Roger loved sweets so much that even his wife could n't change him . Then , a year after his diagnosis , Roger 's first son was born ! +3 Soon the fire was quite strong . Rachel and her friends went camping . They set up their tent in a clearing . After the tent was ready , they started building a fire . Rachel and her friends sat around the fire telling stories . +4 Now , Sam is the swim team captain and the best swimmer on the team . Sam was not very good at swimming . When he was young , he almost drowned . Sam practiced long hours every week . Sam got really good at swimming . +3 Then she did a perfect swan dive . Anne wanted to show off her diving skills . She went to the local pool . She climbed the ladder to the diving board . All the other patrons cheered for her ! +1 Even when she went for Mexican food , she ordered fries . Tammy 's favorite side dish was french fries . For Christmas , Tammy 's father bought her a small deep fat fryer . Tammy burned herself slightly while trying to make fries one day . The fryer was retired , and Tammy resolved to only eat the pros ' fries . +4 Once the dog left , Hugo returned downstairs . A family owned a cat named Hugo . Once day the family had to pet sit a dog for a few hours . Hugo sat on the stairs all day to watch the dog . The dog did not pay attention to the cat . +0 Marvin had a girlfriend named Joan who he loved very much . He decided to dedicate a song to her . He wrote a song and named it `` Love of My Life '' . Marvin sung the song to Joan one evening and proposed to her . Joan refused and said that she wanted to break up with him . +4 John forgot his plane tickets . John was going on vacation . So he decided to pack his bags . He thought he had everything he needed . But he left without double checking . +0 Jan attended a magician show put on at her school . Normally , Jan does not enjoy performance arts . The magician at the show entranced the audience , including Jan . At one point , the magician pulled a fat rabbit out of his hat . Jan left the show , mesmerized beyond her imagination . +2 They believed she had been at the store . Amy 's parents wanted to know where she had been . She pulled a candy bar from her pocket . They never knew she was at the park with a boy they disliked . And she never planned on telling them . +0 Kelsey was about to file her taxes . She was nervous because she was sure she owed a ton of money . She went through the tax process , waiting for the blow to hit . Suddenly , she realized that she did n't owe any money . In fact , she was going to get a nice tax refund . +4 The police officers had to come to investigate the scene . George was trying to overcome traffic on the road . Without looking at his blind spot , he changed into the left lane . He ended up running into a large van . The left wheel popped off and his car spun off of the road . +4 She contemplated never returning . Sam was hungry so she went to McDonalds . As she arrived she ordered fries . The hostess spilled the fries on Sam . Sam was angry and had to go home . +1 I live far away from her , and I miss her cooking . I got a recipe from my mother for one of my favorite dishes . I followed the recipe exactly . Still , the food was not as good as hers . I 'll try harder next time . +3 His mother tried to convince Billy to leave the bunny at home . Billy 's favorite toy was a floppy bunny . He slept with the stuffed bunny and toted it everywhere . One day , Billy was invited to a sleepover . After the sleepover , Billy 's mom found the bunny in the trash . +0 I 've always been self-conscious . But I seem to see something totally different than others see in me . I went to a psychologist , and she told me I 'm body dysmorphic . She put me on medicine to regulate my brain chemicals . I 've felt much better about myself ever since . +2 When the match caught on fire , it touched his shirt . My group gathered a few firewood and placed it onto the ground . Dan tried to create a fire by setting off a match . His shirt caught on fire . Dan 's friends ran for a fire extinguisher and took out the flames . +0 It was finally time to decorate the Christmas tree . Claire had been waiting all day to decorate it ! She and her family hung the ornaments on the tree . Claire wanted to put the star on the top . Her father lifted her up high , and on the star went ! +0 A young poor couple came into a restaurant . They ordered the cheapest thing on the menu . The owner saw that they needed help and gave them some free food . The couple was so touched and they thanked him a ton . All he asked was that they pass it forward . +3 As time went by , I realized nobody knew what they were doing . I moved to California to work for my friend 's business . She told me it would be a great opportunity . When I arrived , I was very enthusiastic . I ended up quitting . +1 His sickness involved secretly killing people every day . Ken had a sickness . Ken killed for many years . One day , Ken 's killing led him to get caught by police . Ken 's sickness ended up with him forever being put away . +2 Jasper finds a shade of blue that he likes for his bedroom . Jasper realizes that he does n't like the white color of his bedroom . He decides to paint it a nice , calming color . He spends an entire Saturday painting his bedroom . When he is finally finished , he is proud of his good work . +1 Her cousins invited her along on their vacation . Allison had never been to Disney world before . When she got there however , she did n't like it . She started regretted even going . Thankfully to her , the trip was only one week . +4 Gina knew if she did n't ask first , she would n't be getting a new desk . Gina wanted a brand new desk like the new boy in her class . She wanted to ask her teacher , but she was helping another student . As she waited , other students were discussing the new desk . Gina had n't realized anyone else felt the same way she did . +1 But , there was one assignment left which was worth extra credit . Brenda surprisingly passed her public relations class . Brenda took a press release to the student newspaper . A student reporter contacted her and then interviewed her . The next day there was a front page article about Brenda 's experience . +1 Today he was on time . Ed was always running late for work . He noticed an old lady trying to cross the road . She walked very slowly . He was late again because he stopped to help her . +2 Her friend reminded her how tough the job market was . Susan was unhappy with the way she was being treated at work . She considered giving her two weeks ' notice . Susan reconsidered and talked to her boss instead . Her boss apologized and things improved right away . +0 Dave 's class was going to a factory for a field trip . The class followed the guide through the factory . Dave saw a machine and stopped to look . Before he knew it Dave was alone , the class was gone . Dave was in tons of trouble when the guide found him 20 minutes later . +4 I finally felt prepared with all that practice and aced the test . I decided to get my license when I turned 18 . Never have driven before , I knew I was going to need practice . I read over the driving manual for my state countless times . I also drove night and day for weeks on end . +4 Her daughter said it was the best story ever ! Anna 's daughter wanted a bedtime story . But she was sick of all her books . So Anna made up a story . She told her daughter the story as she invented it . +1 The roads were very slippery . Jean went downtown on his bicycle . He skidded off the road and into a barrier . The bike was ruined . Thankfully , Jean was unharmed . +1 They fought overseas for months . A man once went to war for his country . He went on a raid on a terrorist camp . They attacked and pushed back the enemies . The Americans won . +3 Nothing had spilled , but I wondered why I 'd reacted so strongly . My cat , in usual fashion , darted up to the sofa 's edge . Though a normal greeting from him , it was met by surprise ! My empty glass , hanging by my pinky , had almost been dropped . He then drank from a glass on that sofa , without anyone 's permission ! +3 She was out for 6 weeks because of it . My friend Kaitlin is a determined figure skater . One day after school she practiced her routine for two hours . She got so weak that she landed wrong and broke her ankle . She was n't able to compete in the semi finals . +2 We had a blast . Last night I went on a date with Kyle . He took me out to that new pizza place . At the end we kissed . When he drove me home it was sweet . +2 Claire felt she needed to open her home to her sister . Claire and her husband Tom valued their privacy . But then her sister Bailey 's husband left her . It was n't the easiest thing adjusting to Bailey 's habits . But Claire was determined to help her sister through this tough time . +2 Kim started helping more around the house . Kim wanted a puppy . Kim 's mom said if she showed she was responsible , she could get it . After a few weeks , Kim 's mom decided it was time to get the puppy . Kim picked a beautiful labrador puppy . +2 Now Lucy had to keep her grandma from seeing the paint . Lucy and Lisa had been playing with house paint . Lisa left and went back home . Lucy crept in the house while her grandma watched TV . She changed her shirt and joined her glad to have gotten away with it . +1 It snowed a number of times . It was the best winter Joe ever had . He and his friends had dozens of snowball fights . But it was almost spring . He saved one snowball in the freezer to remember the good times . +1 She saw a vehicle quickly pass her and swerve to miss another car . One day Brittany was sitting at a red light . While avoiding the first car , the vehicle hit another car . Brittany ran to help the victims of the accident who were hurt badly . She says that seeing that car accident forever changed her life . +3 She slid past him and informed her mom . Gina was in the bathroom . Someone was banging on the door . She opened the door to see her drunk brother covered vomit . Her angry mom cleaned up the mess , and put the boy in bed . +1 Joe was a philosophy grad student with a wife and 2 kids . We befriended a family in our Boston condo complex in 1998 . They moved back to MN in 2000 . We took the train to visit them in 2001 . We are still in contact with them 18 Years later . +1 She told her family and friend this many weeks in advance . For her birthday Mallory wanted to go to a waterpark . Unfortunately her family took her to the movie theatre instead . Mallory was very sad even though she got lots of presents . After that Mallory refused to celebrate her birthday with her family . +4 The teacher noticed us and broke up the fight . Brad kicked sand in my face by accident . I tried to wash my face afterwards . I tried to kick him on the ground . We ended up fighting each other . +3 Finally , she googled his name to find his phone number . Cheryl had just moved back to her hometown . She had lost touch with her best friend over the years . She kept putting off getting in touch with him . Instead of a phone number , she found his obituary . +1 Amy decided to pull Kim on skates behind her bike . Amy wanted to go bike riding , but Kim 's bike had a flat tire . Kim held a rope as Amy began riding the bike . Kim held the rope tight as Amy rode faster , and faster . Kim hit a rock and fell , skinning her knee . +0 Sam was on a field trip . They were at the zoo . The teacher said to stay with the group . Sam did n't listen and got lost . However , by the end of the day he found the class . +1 When class ended , she checked her voicemail and returned the call . Liza was in class and received a call . It was her friend 's lawyer . Her friend had passed away and left the estate to her . Liza was overwhelmed with preparations . +4 From then on , Abe was nicer to everyone . Abe was always insulting people . People would get angry at him . They asked him why he was n't nicer . Abe was sorry for how he was acting . +0 Lynn had gotten bad grades at school . She had n't been taking her studies seriously . She decided to study harder . She received good grades on her next report card . Lynn was proud of herself . +2 She was late for school and ran to the bus . Jill was combing her hair . But she did n't like how it looked . And on the bus she could n't stop looking at herself in the mirror . The whole school day , she worried what others thought of her . +0 Johnny has always taken his books to school in an old paper bag . His friends tease him for not having a backpack . Finally Johnny decides to buy a backpack to be more like his friends . However , he finds that he misses his paper bag . Johnny decides to keep using his paper bag . +2 He got up and saw that his garbage had attracted a lot of bugs . Jerry was very busy for a few weeks and let his garbage build up . One day while working , he noticed gnats flying all over his room . He took out his garbage and went to the store and bought bug spray . He went home sprayed the bugs and cleaned up the mess in his house . +3 It was amazingly fun . Every year my family and I go to Florida . We usually stay for the entire summer . We decided to go this year . I ca n't wait to go next year . +0 The house next door had been empty for months . There was still no sign stating it was for sale . Gina peeked in a window . The house was dusty and old She assumed it needed a lot of work to be sold . +1 To feel better , Phillip decided to go on a hike . One day Philip was feeling lazy . He put on hiking clothes and got into his car . After arriving to the trail , Phillip began his trek . While walking , he discovered a mysterious gold locket in the dirt . +4 He got everything she needed and was home in an hour . Alex ran out of bread and milk . He decided he needed to go to the store . Since he had no vehicle he decided to walk to the store . The walk was pleasant on such a lovely day . +3 He grabbed a bottle of drain cleaner , and poured it down the drain . Dale was washing dishes in his kitchen one night . He scrubbed his plates off and then tried to use the garbage disposal . While flipping the switch , Dale noticed the disposal was n't working . After waiting a while , Dale cleared the pipe and the drain was fixed . +2 He examined many oven models . Jason needed a new oven . Jason walked to the appliance store . He chose a nice white one . He bought the oven and had it delivered to his home . +0 Olive was an orphan . She wanted to find a new family . She decided to set out to find a family . A very lovely family accepted her into their home . Olive happily became part of their family . +1 He spent a lot of time training with his team . Timothy had a hockey game this week . Their coach told them that they will all get pizza if they win . This inspired the team to play harder . Timothy 's team won and got the well deserved pizza . +4 She went to prom looking like a princess . Katie was in need of a prom dress for the upcoming dance . She headed to the nearest dress shop . She spent the day trying on dresses . Katie found the perfect dress ! +3 John bought some fertilizer for the plant . John had recently gotten a house plant . It was not doing very well . The leaves on the plant were starting to turn yellow . It eventually became healthy again after a week . +2 Phillip worked diligently to succeed in all of his classes . Phillip wanted to be a soldier . He woke up early every morning to exercise and stay fit . On his eighteenth birthday Philip went to the recruiter 's station . Phillip was happy he was accepted to be a soldier . +4 The second was a strike and he won ! Ken was about to win the bowling tournament . He just needed five more pins . He had two more chances . The first one went right into the gutter . +1 She just learned to count above ten . Sally was counting the tiles in her bathroom . Hey brother ran into the room and started to yell random numbers . Sally tried to keep concentration . She hated her brother the rest of the day . +4 Kate then decided vegetables are a very important part of her diet . Young five-year-old Kate hated vegetables on her food . She sat at the restaurant and glared at the pizza on her plate . She began picking off the spinach until her mother scolded her . Her mother told her she 'd lose her hair if she did n't eat spinach . +0 Trudy lived in Simpleton . She never had left her home town . One morning , she got lost while going to the dentist . She ended up in the neighboring village . Trudy was amazed that life existed outside simpleton and kept driving . +4 A police officer had found him earlier that day ! Jane could not find Rover anywhere . Rover was her dog , and he had been missing for three days . In desperation , she went to her local police station for help . Imagine her surprise when she walked in and saw Rover ! +3 Ben agreed to meet her in the yard after classes . Adam angered a classmate one day . He accidentally pushed the classmate in the hall . The girl , angry , challenged him to a fight . But to his relief , she never showed up ! +3 Ron knew Roger was n't looking hard enough and kicked him out . Roger lost his job . Ron invited Roger to live with him for free until he found a job . Six months later , Roger still had n't found a job . Roger and Ron stopped being friends because he did this . +1 He bought a used truck off of craigslist . Jim wanted to open up a taco truck . Jim refurbished the truck to fit a kitchen . He started selling tacos on the street . Jim 's business became successful and he became rich . +0 Yesterday I got my ears pierced . I thought the pain would be bad . Thankfully it did n't hurt . The pain was negligible . My ears looked great . +4 What luck , they were a new species of ants ! One day a scientist was trekking through the jungle . He found tripped over a mossy log . He got up and looked at the log . He saw some little ants crawling on the log . +3 She had never walked this far from home . The smell of autumn filled Jessica 's nostrils . She walked down the leaf-strewn path slowly . As she reach the opposite of the park , she realized she was lost . Jessica started to walk back along the path she came from . +0 Glen and his girlfriend met up at her request for lunch . She told Glenn that she did n't love him anymore and wanted to breakup . Glen complied and went home very upset . He began to cry very hard for hours until his friend called . After the call , his friend picked Gwen up to go party . +0 I was talking to my friend about bass fishing . He thought I was talking about bass , as in the sound . Eventually he got confused and thought I was talking about vases . He did n't understand why I would want to fish them . I never bothered to correct him . +3 The cop shot on sight . The cop had to find a murderer . The murderer shot 3 random people in the street . The cop finally found the murderer . The murderer was still alive so the cop brought him in the car . +2 Instead she held her arms and pushed her away . Gina 's sister started a fight . Gina was trying not to hit her . But her sister kept trying to fight her . Gina held her arms behind her back till she finally cooled off . +4 She got money for it . Raven drew some doodles . People in her class all watched her . They really liked it . They started asking her to draw for them . +4 Martha received new glasses to wear . Martha tripped on a rock . Her glasses fell off her face to the ground . The glasses broke . Martha took her broken glasses to the eye doctor . +4 She found out the next day that she had passed ! Laura wanted to be a librarian ever since she was little . Today , she will be taking her certification test to be a librarian . Laura drove to the library , and went to a quiet room . She laid her belongings down on the table , and took her exam . +0 I just go through with swearing in at meps . We were taken to the airport by bus . We then travel to Chicago to Navy bootcamp . We were then introduce to our RDC ( drill instructors ) . The RDC told us `` welcome to bootcamp '' as they laugh . +2 The cards looked old and untouched , so Marge threw them out . Marge started spring cleaning in her son 's boyhood room . She found a dusty box with baseball cards inside . Then , Marge saw a show about the value of old baseball cards . When her son asked about the cards , Marge acted puzzled . +3 Suddenly her mother came through the front door . Sammy was reading on the couch . Her infant sister started crying in her crib . Sammy got up , irritated . Sammy was happy to get back to her book . +4 She confronted her husband when he got out of the shower . Melissa thought her husband was acting strange . She noticed he was always on his phone texting . She checked his phone when he was in the shower . Melissa found out he was texting another woman . +2 She asked her three best friends for help cooking it all . It was almost Thanksgiving . Shelly bought all the ingredients to make a feast from scratch . When they were done , they had more than enough . The four shared the extra food with the local homeless shelter . +1 Stacey had always had fake Chinese food but not authentic . Claire took her friend Stacey to the new restaurant in Chinatown . Stacey ended up ordering a fish with its head still intact . It was risky but she decided to try it . Just as she thought , it did n't taste good . +4 Soon Todd realized that he loved and adored his baby brother ! Little Todd did n't want a new baby brother ! But he was stuck being a big brother now . He decided to try to make the best of it . He began to play with the baby every day . +3 Jim changed the tire for the lady and she was on her way . Jim passed someone with a flat tire on the side of the road . Jim was in a hurry but he stopped anyway . It was an old lady who was crying . Jim felt good about himself . +2 He then practiced shooting every day . Anthony really enjoyed toy guns . One day his dad got him a real gun . Now he is a sniper in the military . Anthony is the best sniper around ! +2 June listened as the person in front of her read the letters . June had to renew her driver 's license at the DMV . She worried about passing the vision test . June confidently repeated them when it was her turn . She flunked because she was asked to read a different line . +2 The cat catches mice for them . Allan has a cat living in his yard . His wife approves of the cat . One day Jenna gave the cat food . The cat decided to stick around . +4 She 's honored for her heroism . Beatrice is fed up with life and joins the marines . She 's excited to be taking a step . She 's a SUV driver in combat situations . Beatrice risks her life for her country . +1 Nobody cared about him anymore . Pluto was extremely lonely . As he floated through space he saw a little flash of light . A shiny spaceship took pictures of him and it went by . Pluto was happy it had n't been forgotten ! +2 He refined his technique . Rick was ranked the second best wrestler in Ohio . He wanted to be the best . He also visualized being the champ , while resting his eyes . He is now first in state . +2 The prices seemed to change so often and by large amounts . Pat and Lindsay needed to decide where to go for their honeymoon . They gathered a list of options online . Pat suggested trying incognito mode on the web browser . They ended up seeing better rates by enabling this feature . +1 In fact , she always did things before they were due . Sue never forgot to do her homework . Her teacher gave an assignment on Monday to write a paper . It was due on Thursday . Thursday came around and Sue completely forgot about the paper . +1 She went to some museums . Jessica had to go to the city . She really enjoyed the artwork at the MET . She took a lot of photographs . She was there for hours . +0 Zach was sick of doing surveys online . But Zach was really broke and needed the money . He was looking online on how to make money all day . He found that he should sell on Amazon instead of taking surveys . He did n't listen , and is working on surveys right now . +3 She stepped up to the scale 29th a smile on her face . Kylie was excited to go to her monthly diet club meeting . She had exercised and eaten healthy all month . At the meeting , she eagerly waited her turn to be weighed . Kylie found out that she had lost eleven pounds that month ! +3 I even made tortillas from scratch . I love burritos . I decided to make them for dinner . I cooked the meat and beans . The burritos were terrible because I 'm a bad cook . +0 Jonathan studies astrology at the local college . His current assignment has him look at star constellations . He managed to locate all but two of his star groupings for the task . Jonathan included in his report that he failed to find the last two . That night he went home to look at the stars for fun . +4 Eventually , Josh found a small locket . Josh went to the beach . On the beach a man was selling metal detectors . Josh purchased one from the man . He walked along the beach with it for hours . +3 Bored and sick , Jill managed to teach it to bring the thermometer . Jill was sick with the flu and called out of work . While she was home her cousin stopped by asking her to watch her dog . She agreed reluctantly and the dog was allowed in . She recovered quickly only to quit her job and become a dog trainer . +2 He did n't want to cut cable . Wayne wanted to save some money . He had cut many things from his bills . His wife talked him into it . Cutting cable saved him lots of money every month ! +4 All her lines were delivered perfectly and she got the part . Taylor had been up all night memorizing lines for the play . She knew that most of the girls in her class would be auditioning too . She watched the other girls stumble over their lines . She took a deep breath before going up on stage with a smile . +2 Boris went to the supply closet . Boris was working in his office . Suddenly , the light bulb went off . He grabbed a light bulb . He changed the lightbulb in his office and continued working . +1 His wife started talking about how she wanted to bake a cake Rob was very hungry all day She wanted the cake to look like a pizza This made rob VERY hungry for real pizza Later that night Rob actually decided to order a pizza for dinner +0 Several alarms rang throughout my school . The principal made a message across the intercom . She told us to head to a safe spot and duck due to a nearby hurricane . The class ended up hiding for several minutes . Once the warning was cleared , class was finished . +3 The glaze on the chicken filled the whole house with smells . I got a great recipe for chicken off the internet . I started cooking and it looked great and smelled delicious . The green peppers over the chicken got melted on by the cheese . Turns out , the chicken was too thick and raw in the middle . +3 The manager suggested a laptop because of the convenience . Nicole needed a new computer . She went to Bestbuy to pick one out . She asked the manager for his opinion . Nicole ultimately went with a desktop because it was cheaper . +3 Although my mom offered to eat outside , she told us that she 's broke . Our mom took the family out to dinner . We ordered several dishes and began eating the , . In addition , the waiter delivered the bill after we are . I ended up paying for the bill . +4 Zack took out the trash ! Zack was ten years old . His dad decided he was old enough to take out the trash . Zack tied the bag . Zack carried the bag to the dumpster . +0 Tony loved to grow tea leaves in his backyard . He would always brew tea for all of his friends with his leaves . One day , a businessman joined him and his friends for tea . He loved the tea so much he offered Tony a contract to sell him tea ! Tony accepted happily and began growing more tea ! +2 She worked for days on it . Maria was invited to a costume party . She decided to make her own costume . At the party , everyone else 's costume was store bought . Although theirs looked more polished , Maria was proud of her work . +4 He immediately put in his two weeks notice and picked up the clay . There was a man who spent his whole life in front of a computer . Day after day , he felt like he was wasting some unknown talent . One day , his wife forced him to go with her to her pottery class . He reluctantly went and to his surprise , really enjoyed it ! +2 To her dismay she realized they were not coming . Tina had plans to go to the dance with her friends . She got ready and waited for them to arrive . Tina was stood up . Tina then decided to not even go to the dance after all . +4 When his mom came back the broccoli was all gone . Bobby hated broccoli . His mom made him sit at the table until he ate what was on his plate . Finally his dog walked up when his mom was n't looking . He slid the broccoli to her , hoping she 'd eat it . +0 Amy was always having trouble seeing clearly . She went to the optometrist and he gave her glasses . But the problem was Amy hated wearing glasses . She thought they made her ugly and did not feel comfortable . Amy went back to her optometrist and got contacts . +2 One day Carter tried to beat Tim . Tim was amazing at Fifa . Tim beat all of his friends at Fifa . The match between them was tough but Tim won . Carter never played Fifa again . +2 He sewed together a big yellow flag for his ship . Ben wanted to make a flag for his new boat . He went to the fabric store and bought some cloth . When he hoisted the flag he gave it a salute . Ben took down the flag once he was back in harbor . +0 Jim wanted to have a LAN party to play his favorite game starcraft . He invited his friends over to play . His friends set up their computers on his network . They gamed for hours on end . His friends finally left his house a few days later . +3 James shrieked and ran out the door ! James had a terrible phobia of spiders . One day he was cleaning out his bathroom . James saw a spider in the cabinet . James had to call his mother to kill the spider for him . +0 Jack loves big machines . His dad takes him to the construction site to watch the machines . Jack goes home and watches videos of big machines . He has his dad look up pictures of big machines . Jack is obsessed with big machines . +0 Kim and Tim went to the fair . Kim really wanted to try riding the Ferris Wheel , but she was afraid . Tim promised he would hold her hand the whole time . Kim worked up the courage and agreed . She ended up loving the Ferris Wheel and rode it four more times ! +0 John decided to train for a marathon in two months . He bought new sneakers and clothing to train in . Every day he went out running . John got stronger and faster each day . John felt really proud of himself after finishing the marathon . +0 Ramona invited the girls on a summer trip . When they got to the island , Ramona decided to charter a yacht . When the girls walked aboard , they were amazed . The yacht was gorgeous . The girls could n't be happier . +1 She went to the dealership . Amy was ready to buy her first motorcycle . She browsed until she found a great bike . Then she filled out all the paperwork . Amy drove her new motorcycle home ! +3 Then he proclaimed that Ed had a coronary thrombosis . Ed had chest pains . He went to the doctor right away . The doctor examined him . Ed had to enter the hospital immediately ! +0 Scottie is seeking help for his anger management . He ca n't locate a counselor that seems helpful to him . This angers Scottie . He relapses and struggles to get help . Scottie never finds the right help . +3 The man gave him $ 20 and asked him to go buy one . A boy rode his bike down the street to his friend 's house . A man in a car stopped the boy and told him to wear a helmet . The boy said that he had no helmet . The boy refused the money and rode away quickly . +3 I really want to pass my exam . I have to go to the dentist today . I 've been taking good care of my teeth . But , I 've been flossing all day . So , I can go out to dinner tonight . +1 We waited until a bit later , hoping the crowd had died down . My husband and I went to Walmart on Black Friday . There really was n't anything we needed too badly . The place was still packed when we got there . It took us about 30 minutes just to check out . +1 Every year , the tree produced lots of apples . Tim had an apple tree . Tim was selfish and did n't share the apples with anyone . His friends began to leave him out of their fun . Tim felt bad and decided to share his apples . +0 Hank regret taking care of his teeth . And he always went to bed without brushing them . Over time , his teeth became yellow . So he decided to brush his teeth more often . But after many Years , they never became whiter . +4 Laura felt more confident in herself with her new look . Laura hated her glasses . The kids at her school made fun of her for wearing them . Laura complained to her mother . Her mother allowed her to get contact lenses . +3 This change was that she was n't getting as much attention . Francine 's mom was having a baby . Francine was very excited for this new baby . However when the baby was born she noticed a change . Francine wished her sibling had never been born . +3 The same situation happened when Dan turned on his computer . Dan turned his computer on . The screen turned on however , a blue screen with errors appeared . A few seconds later , the screen turned off . He had to call the computer company for support . +4 She was happy when she was all done and could relax ! Christmas was around the corner and Mary needed to buy all her gifts . She made plans to go to the mall after work . The crowds were crazy but she battled through them . She had to make sure she got something for everyone . +2 Abby 's car was more reliable than Beth 's , but had balding tires . Abby and Beth decided to take a coast-to-coast road trip . They packed their suitcases and got in Abby 's car . Part Way through Wyoming , they hit black ice and slid across the road . Abby and Beth both died when their car was hit head-on by a semi . +2 She vomited all over our bed . Madyx had never been sick at her stomach . This time she was sick enough to throw up . The smell was horrendous . Now we pay extra attention to her when she says her stomach hurts . +1 I threw a hot dog at them . The neighbors dogs bark all day . They stopped barking for a minute . Then they started barking again . I did n't waste anymore hot dogs after that . +0 Lucy had a problem with drugs . She wanted badly to quit , but she lacked the will . Finally she decided to check herself into treatment . There , she finally cleared her head and got help . The rehab helped Lucy finally get clean for good ! +3 Dan landed on his arm , breaking it . Dan was playing football without his arm guards . When the quarterback passed the ball to him , he ran . The linebacker on the opposing team tackled him . His parents took him to the hospital . +3 Clara went to her workplace and told her boss that she had an illness . Clara missed eighty days of work during 2015 due to a chronic illness . She received a termination of employment letter from her employer . Fearing discrimination , she never told her employer about her illness . Her boss understood and gave Clara her job back . +4 Donna came in and acted professionally which helped her get hired . Adrian recruits aspiring actors and actresses for an agency . When he met Donna , he thought that she was a too energetic . He told her to tone it down a notch and gave her his card . She called and he scheduled an appointment for with his boss Mary . +0 It was a really hot day outside . Samantha decided to cool off by getting some ice cream . Samantha drove to her nearest Baskin-Robbins . She ordered a giant sundae for herself . Unfortunately , the ice cream melted in her car on the ride home . +1 She was nervous while sitting in the waiting room . Today Layla went to the doctor . Once the nurse called her back , her nerves were under control . The doctor checked Layla and said she was healthy . Layla was glad there was n't anything wrong . +0 Carl lost a lot of weight . His cargo shorts became too big for him . He went to a clothing store to get smaller sizes . The smallest size was still a little too baggy for him . He bought a belt and that helped his new clothes fit . +0 James was running before work . His knee started to hurt . He felt a sharp pain go down his leg . James had to walk back to his home . He had to take the rest of the week off from running . +3 I pushed the lawnmower around the yard for an hour . One day , I noticed my grass was getting long . I decided that I would cut it and put on my shoes . I went outside and got the lawn mower ready . After all my hard work , my yard looked trim and neat . +4 Hunter was embarrassed that he did not know the questions answer . Hunter was a math tutor at school . He helped many kids learn math . One day he could not figure out how to do a math problem . He had to ask a teacher for help . +0 Jane goes to an upscale store to find a belt . When she notices people following her she decides to leave . Security stops her and illegally searches her purse . Jane is outraged by the racial profiling and unlawful detainment . Jane successfully sues the store for 5 million dollars . +2 The food fell on the ground and she landed on her back . The waitress record my food order . When she was trying to bring the food to me , she bent one knee . Instead of worrying about the food , I tried to help her get up . She thanked me afterwards . +1 But she could n't afford to buy one ! Lola wanted a fancy ice cream sundae . So she went through her freezer and got a gallon of ice cream out . Then she got out whipped cream and sprinkles . She made her own fancy sundae , for free ! +4 Howie crashed the buick and had no car after he raced his friend . Howie bought his first car at 16 . the car was a buick . Howie fixed the buick up well . Howie then raced the buick against his friend . +3 His mom did n't have money to buy him gifts . John 's tenth birthday had finally come . John was anticipating this day for a month . He was excited to receive gifts . Everyone had a blast besides John . +1 He had heard that she was free still . Sam decided that he wanted to ask Lisa to the prom . He had never had an opportunity though . It was fortunate that he was partnered with her during science . Sam was ecstatic when she told him yes . +1 In the office , her toddler was playing with some toys . Edna had taken her toddler to the doctor . The doctor noticed that the toddler really liked one toy . He told Edna that her son could keep the toy if he wanted . Edna thanked him and the baby took the toy home . +4 I hope I can focus here . I have an exam to study for today . My mind feels so cluttered . I feel as if I can not focus at home . I drive to the library . +0 I served the ball to the other side . Elena managed to serve the ball back to my side . I began to approach it however , Gina ran in front . She performed a special move to hit the ball . Elena could n't hit it and it landed on the floor . +1 But it has to be hot and spicy . Ben likes his salsa . He got salsa for his chips . The salsa was very mild and almost sweet . He was very sad that day . +1 She cried as she dropped the bag of balls she was carrying . Cara tripped over a crack in the sidewalk . They went everywhere ! Some kind passer-bys helped her collect them all back together . Cara started walking a lot more carefully so it would n't happen again . +1 He ate it with his friend . Jay wanted to try out dairy queen . He bought a burger , fries , and a shake . He ate it and he thought it was okay . He decided he would n't get it again though . +1 She called the cable company and made an appointment . Anna was sick of her three TV channels . Then they came to her house and set up her cable . She was excited to check out her new channels . Anna decided she was going to love having cable ! +4 He was glad that everyone enjoyed his barbecue . Francisco decided to have his friends over for a barbecue . He was worried that some vegetarians would not like his party . So he made sure not to invite any vegetarians . He bought food and drinks for the whole barbecue . +3 He quickly remembered that she had just lost her husband . Henry was a great police officer . He always knew everything that was going on in the neighborhood . One day he saw that Mrs Walker was crying . Henry bought Mrs Walker some flowers to cheer her up . +0 Jon was sad . His friend had just died . Jon felt lonely without his friend . Then Jon realized that his friend would want Jon to be happy . So , Jon decided to put on a smile and live life happily . +3 He has applied to the Naval Academy . Vince 's family has always joined the Navy . His father and grandfather were in the Navy . Vince is about to graduate high school . Vince was accepted and is joining the Navy . +3 He took a short camping trip and loved it . Kyle had always been afraid of the outdoors . His friends encouraged him to come camping , but Kyle said no . Finally Kyle decided to face his fears . Now Kyle 's fear of camping is just a memory . +2 She started walking down the aisle as her eyes met her mates . Madi looked as beautiful as ever in her long white wedding dress . She was smiling so big at how the special day was going . He smiled just as big with tears in his eyes as he took her hands . The pastor spoke over them and now they were husband and wife . +4 She immediately purchased it . Kelly really needed new speakers . She immediately went to Bestbuy to look . As she pursued the store , there was nothing she liked . Finally she loved a black one she saw . +4 The girl was able to help her find her way back home . Kacie had just moved to a new city . One day she got off of her bus at the wrong stop . She tried to find her way home but she was lost . Then , she ran into a girl her age . +1 He insisted on teaching our uninterested son to fly one . My husband loves to fly model planes . Our son flew it straight into the top of a tree . My husband had to climb the tree to get it down . He never asked our son again . +1 Her friend and mother died . Valerie was going through a bad time . Valerie started cutting herself . She started getting antidepressants but it did not work . She ended up getting over it . +2 Carly went out and found a beautiful engagement ring . Carly was very much in love with Diane . Carly decided that she wanted to propose to Diane . She took Diane on a lovely date and proposed over dessert . Diane happily said yes ! +2 All of a sudden , hundreds of bats took flight ! Sean went on a cave exploring adventure with his class from school . He had always wanted to explore underground . This terrified Sean and all of his class . Sean never wanted to explore underground again . +2 One day he got a personal trainer at the gym . Danny is a little over weight . He does not want to become obese . The personal trainer helped him get in shape . Now Danny is very fit . +2 We walked , jumped , laughed . My wife was nearly due , we were ready to meet our son . We tried everything to induce labor ourselves . After what felt like forever , it was time and we drove to hospital . William was born at 9 pounds 2 ounces . +4 They have a big party at the reception with cake and dancing ! Joe asked Kristen to marry him . She said yes . They spend months getting ready for the wedding . They get married in a big church in front of their family . +3 They took him to the local sport store . Jim and his friends started skating . Jim had to borrow his friends board and wanted a new one . He asked his parents for a new skateboard . He looked around and found a board he likes . +2 They waited and waited but the truck did not get closer . The ice cream truck could be heard from several blocks away . One hot summer day the music played and all the kids came outside . Finally I got on my bike and rode toward the sound . The ice cream truck had a flat tire three blocks away . +2 He tried to ignore it for hours . Trey 's room was on the second floor and had one window . Out of all the windows , a cat was meowing at his . Until he was so mad he opened his window to shoe it away . Turns out the cat was stabbed by a branch , Trey saved the cat 's life . +2 Diana was modeling a wedding dress out on the catwalk . Diana was a model . She had a fashion show to attend . She tripped over her train and fell . Diana was mortified by her slip . +0 Sally bought a sweater for her dog Max . Every time she 'd put it on him , she 'd find it off a few minutes later . She could n't figure out how he kept getting out of it . Then one day she saw her brother taking it off of Max . He told her the dog looked miserable when he wore it . +0 Gina 's sister and brothers wanted to play spades . Gina did n't want to play because she was n't good at the game . But her friend Lisa , who was visiting her also wanted to play . Gina played for her friends sake . She hated the game , but she knew she needed to be a good host . +2 The extra weight of the bird caused the sheet to shift . A large sheet of ice clung to the side of an iceberg . A bird towards it and landed on the sheet . As it shifted , the ice cracked began to slide . The bird jumped off and the ice sheet dropped into the sea . +4 It turned out to be completely raw on the insides . The fast food restaurant offered a special deal . The deal was chicken with bacon , wrapped around ground beef for $ 5 . I decided to share the sandwich with my friend . We tried to slice through half of it . +1 She went shopping for her dress with her mother . Julie was looking forward to prom . They drove to the store . They tried on many dresses . They found one Julie loved and purchased it . +3 Within two weeks she has had 6 interviews and 2 job offers . Libby does not like her job , so she decides to look for a new one . With all of her experience , she does n't think it will be a problem . She decides to apply for 50 jobs in a week and just see what happens . She picks the job with the best offer , and starts on Monday ! +3 They had wine and crackers and had small talk . Sandy always liked full moons . Last week she invited people over to have a night picnic . It was bright because of the full moon . They eventually went back in when it got too cold . +0 Lakshmi wants a high paying job . She takes a month long class to learn programming . Lakshmi finds she can obtain any code online and aces the course . She quickly gets a programming job using her new skills . Lakshmi has cut and pasted her way to success . +3 He also kept offering me gum . I was riding a bus to a small village in Ukraine . An older man sat next to me . He kept talking to me , but I did n't understand him . I think he was drunk . +4 They had to hike their way out of the gross stuff . Rachel was at the lake with friends . They were exploring along the shoreline . They ended up stuck in some mud . The mud smelled really badly . +0 Tracy acquired a necklace from her mother . She had accidentally dropped the necklace down the kitchen sink drain . To solve her problem she had decided to call the plumber . The plumber retrieved the necklace . Tracy was very grateful and thanked the plumber . +3 Apollo is exhausted . Kristie loves to hike . She takes her black lab , Apollo , with her . Yesterday , they hiked over 10 miles . He wo n't be ready to hike that far again for a while ! +4 We often tell that story at family gatherings . We were swimming in our condo pool in 1995 . My cousin 's three year old kid was standing at the edge . My cousin and I were talking when he fell into the water . My ten year old daughter rescued him . +0 Justin decided he wanted to take dance classes . His father and friends did not take him seriously at first . When they went to his first recital they were all amazed . They were sorry that they did not support his dance classes . They told Justin that they looked forward to his next recital . +2 Finally she discovers a leather jacket in her price range . Ellen has always wanted to own a leather jacket . When she starts looking for a jacket , she finds they are expensive . She tries on the jacket and it fits perfectly . Ellen feels so stylish and cool in her new leather jacket . +4 He looked guilty as he left . Our family went to funeral in November . The host had a reception in a restaurant afterward . I was using the restroom . I saw a young man doing coke in the restroom . +3 Laura reached behind the counter and drew pepper spray . Laura worked at a convenience store . One evening , a man walked in and drew a gun . He demanded all the money that Laura had in the register . She fired at the man and he took off running while his eyes burned . +4 Now I 'm a murderer . I asked the burglar to turn around and leave . I also advised him that I had a gun . The burglar did n't believe me . I shot him three times . +2 He cancelled his obligations . Terry wanted to read a book . He knew he did not have time for it . He read very fast to finish the book . Terry read and finished the book . +3 They tried every restaurant in the area . Tom and Harry were best friends in college . They would often go eat together . They searched the city for the best restaurants . They found a Thai restaurant that was their favorite . +3 One day , his friends were playing baseball . Jeff spent his summer months mowing his neighbor 's ' lawns . It was hard work to mow each lawn for five dollars . Before he knew it , he had earned $ 200 . Jeff broke a neighbor 's window and gave up all his savings . +0 Martha went to the attic to put some boxes in storage . When she walked past a box of old toys , she heard something . She called out , and heard a faint voice calling back . She kept asking who was there and getting a mocking reply . Then Martha saw it was her granddaughter 's doll that repeated voices . +0 The watchmaker had been working all night to finish his watch . He added in the gears and gear oil . Then fine-tuned the mechanisms . It was ready to be sold , he thought to himself . He put it on display hoping someone would buy it . +2 As he reached for the tape , he noticed he was out . Jeff was wrapping his gifts for christmas . He had only one more left to do . Jeff tried to tie the paper to the gift with ribbon . It worked slightly so Jeff used a lot more ribbon to secure it . +4 He asked if they could make more later . Otto 's mom decided to give him a treat . Since it was cold outside she made him hot chocolate . He loved it . He added lot of marshmallows . +2 Sue decided to go to an eye doctor . Sue always wondered why she saw things differently from her peers . She had trouble in school sometimes because of her vision . The doctor told Sue that she was color blind . Sue had to wear special corrective glasses . +3 It was delicious ! Myra loved trying new foods but was afraid of raw fish . Her friends encouraged her to try sushi but she refused . One day she summoned her courage and ate a piece of raw salmon . Myra was so happy she had the courage to try new things . +1 She found out her friend had borrowed the book . Gina had accused her sister of stealing a library book from her . Gina had wrongly accused her sister of stealing . Now she needed to apologize . Her sister was still upset , but she accepted Gina 's apology . +4 She was extremely excited . Diana 's tooth fell out . She placed it under her pillow before going to sleep . In the middle of the night , I placed a dollar under the pillow . She woke up and removed her pillow . +2 He looked through all descriptions worth more than ten cents . Chad opened his computer . He signed on to the best survey site owned by Amazon . He found one about short story writing . He began writing an awesome story about flying frogs . +0 A man was on a hectic commute to work one morning . He noticed many drivers were not good drivers . He learned that driving slightly faster than every other car was best . He felt safer using this driving strategy . He began to enjoy driving more this way . +0 My diet said to weigh myself before I left for work this morning . I read the numbers and I knew I would not be eating much today . I skipped lunch and ate an apple to kill my hunger pains . I ate a beet and lettuce salad for dinner . I had actually lost two pounds when I weigh myself in the evening . +4 When the salesman returned , Sam was snoring . Sam decided he needed to replace his lumpy mattress . He headed to the mattress store after another restless night . The salesman showed Sam the latest mattresses . Sam tried out the mattresses as the salesman left to take a call . +0 Eddie never got a strike when he went bowling . Most his balls ended up in the gutter . They went to a different bowling alley one Saturday . They had bumpers on the lanes so you had to hit some pins . Eddie even finally got a strike ! +0 Jim 's dad and uncles were all military men . When Jim began high school he wished to be like the men in his family . Jim secretly joined the ROTC . Jim trained hard and advanced in the ROTC . Upon graduation , Jim proudly presented his dad with his ROTC medals . +3 After dinner the girls watched a movie and ate popcorn . Allie was excited to have a sleepover party with all of her friends . She could not wait for her friends to come and party with her . When her friends got there they made their own pizzas . By the time it was ready for bed , the girls were exhausted . +4 Ed ended up being an hour late to work ! A snow storm came in the night . Ed woke up to three feet of snow ! He tried to leave for work , but he could n't . He had to shovel out the whole driveway first ! +4 Her boyfriend would make her go and she was n't happy about it . Karen never liked to go shopping alone . She wanted her boyfriend to go with her but he would n't go . He was mean about it and Karen would end up going alone . Karen would put the shopping off as long as possible . +4 I 'm glad I gave him the benefit of the doubt . I know a person who thinks very highly of himself . He constantly brags about his achievements . When I put up with him , I gradually got to know him . We are now friends , even though he is obnoxious . +3 He could never quite get one visibly in his lens . Jim bought a new telescope from a science shop . He mostly used it to look at the moon and planets . He decided to hunt for a glimpse of a satellite . Then one day a satellite was crashing , and resembled a shooting star . +2 Thus , I took him to the backyard to play frisbee . I just bought a puppy ! The puppy had never played with a frisbee . Alas , the puppy did not understand the game . I gave up and we went back inside the house . +2 His dog accidentally ate a bee . Brian took his dog for a walk . Brian 's dog enjoyed sniffing the grass . The bee stung Brian 's dog in the mouth . Brian had to take his dog back home with a swollen mouth . +4 He was able to get his car back good as new the next day . Sam was driving around town . He heard a squeaking sound coming from his car . It was his rear brakes . Sam drove to his mechanic to get his brakes replaced . +3 Jackson car disappeared off the face of the earth . Jackson is very articulate about his car . The car stayed clean inside and out . Jackson bought a car just for him . Jackson had to do a police report on the car . +0 In the evening , Jason gets hungry . He ca n't decide what to have for dinner . Jason decides to make breakfast food for dinner . Jason cooks eggs and makes a cheese omelet . Jason enjoys his unusual dinner . +2 I taught him how and we changed it together . I was driving and noticed a man with a flat tire . I stopped and he told me he does n't know how to change a tire . He was very thankful and gave me five bucks . It felt good to help someone in need . +3 She decided to take a look at them . Kacey woke up early to go to the ball . She ran across several store outlets that she liked . Several outlet stores had a display behind the front window . She was attracted to one store due to the items on the window display . +2 He was not sure if he should go out . Joe wanted to go outside . There were rain clouds outside . He decided to go outside . It ended up not raining at all that day . +0 Cody was standing outside one day eating a snow cone . All of the sudden , a wasp landed on her . She did n't know what to do ! Luckily Cody had a friend with her who swatted the wasp off . She was so thankful for her friend that day ! +1 It contained four ten-dollar bills ! Kelly and her sister found a wallet on the street one day . They decided they had to contact the wallet 's owner and return it . When the owner arrived to get it , he gave each girl a $ 10 bill ! The girls agreed that it really did pay to do the right thing ! +0 Kate decided to write a novel . She told the story of her time in college , changing all the names . When the book came out , her friends were furious . They called Kate , telling her she should n't have betrayed them . Kate gave them each a thousand dollars , making them very happy . +2 Finally he was able to buy a house . Henry always dreamed of buying a house . He saved up money for more than 20 years . It was a cheap house because it was very small . Henry lived happily alone in his house for the rest of his life . +1 It was a random Norwegian singer with a beautiful voice . Eli 's ears perked up at a song in his playlist . She sounded like a cross between Joan Baez and Joni Mitchell . Eli looked up the other albums she had . He made a point of buying them to see if he 'd like them as well . +3 Frank was about to give up . Frank needed a good job . He walked to every business he could find and asked for a job . Everywhere he went , they said no . The last business he went to gave him a job as a cashier ! +3 Doug went about his yard chores and forgot about his hair . Doug wore a comb-over to hide his bald head . Working outside on a hot windy day , Doug needed a solution . He found a clear plastic bag kept his hair in place . The he heard loud guffaws from a car of teens driving by . +1 They traveled all over the world . There was a family that loved vacationing . Their favorite country to visit was Italy . They decided to stay there for a month . However , they eventually needed to move back home . +4 They started to run . I took the kids out on the night of Halloween . We ran across several houses to ask for candy . However , there was a person in a black suit close to us . The kids were scared since he standing still . +2 I have time to make coffee and read my bible . I used to like to stay up really late at night and sleep late . Now I prefer to get up before the sun comes up . The house is quiet and the kids are safe in bed . I sit by the window and begin work while watching the sunrise . +0 Sara was a new mommy . She wanted to breastfeed her baby but it was painful . Sara kept trying to feed her baby . After a few weeks it was no longer painful . Sara was able to breastfeed her baby for a whole year . +0 Tyson 's cat had gone missing . Him and his friends were putting posters up everywhere . Tyson was working on one street when he heard a familiar meow . He looked down an alley and saw his precious cat . Carefully , he retrieved his cat from the wild . +0 I do volunteer work for the Minnesota Bach Ensemble . I do research online for potential donors . In July I listed music teachers for high schools in Minneapolis . I did another list for St Paul in August . The MBE director thanked me for doing this . +4 He started loving photography . Jay 's sister had a camera . She just left it around and did not use it . Jay decided to take it for himself . He started taking photos everywhere he goes . +1 The oil guy came to her house Jamie had to pay for the oil She scrambled to get the money but could n't find it . The oil guy waited for 2 hours . She found it in the end +2 Spooked out , he slowed to a stop . Fred drove down the darkened road . Just then Fred saw a pair of glowing eyes at the roadside ahead . He noticed it was simply a deer . Fred continued his drive home . +2 He started to wave but then missed a step . Ted was leaving the student union with a crowd of other students . He started down the stone steps when he saw a friend coming up . Ted wobbled but disguised his near fall as an attempt to sit . Sitting on the step , he grinned and patted the spot next to him . +4 The game ended in a perfect tie ! Rio challenged her brother to a tennis match . He accepted happily . At first , Rio was beating him easily . But before long , her brother was serving fast and sure ! +4 He put on the biggest pair of sweatpants he could find . Harold had eaten way too much Thanksgiving dinner ! He was miserably full . He unbuttoned his pants but it was n't enough ! We went to his closet . +1 He requested sandwiched be served everyday at lunch . Billy loves sandwiches . The school saw no problems with this request . A sandwich bar was installed in the cafeteria . Now , Billy eats sandwiches everyday for lunch . +4 I requested a refund for the item . I purchased a hole puncher from the bookstore . I decided to punch several holes in a stack of paper . The handle of the hole puncher ended up breaking . In addition , it scratched my finger . +1 Zach was not happy and left for a vacation . Molly and Zach have been fighting for 2 months and finally broke up . Molly said Zach was running away from his problems like always . When Zach got at the airport he saw Molly standing there . She said she missed him , then they went on the vacation together . +0 Ashlee had an exciting opportunity . She was going to get to record a radio show . She needed to come up with an idea . She ate some pie while she brainstormed . Suddenly , she was inspired and decided on a food show . +4 She saw that a tree had fallen into her wall . Tabitha was watching a movie when she heard a storm . The storm was extremely windy and loud . At one point , Tabitha heard a huge smash . When the storm ended , she went outside . +2 He kept the empty glass instead of leaving it behind . Ike went to his favorite bar one night . He ordered a drink and drank it fast . He took it home and washed it . He only drinks beer from that glass at home . +0 I was freezing from the cold weather outside . As a result , I decided to set up a heater in my room . I became more cozy as I moved my arms around the heater . Without paying attention , the tip of my jacket was on the heater . Eventually , that part got burned . +3 When she got to the zoo , she found the lion and waited in line . Maria was so excited to finally get to go to the zoo . She had heard there was a lion there that you were allowed to pet . The lion was old , and it had been de-clawed . When her turn came , she hugged the lion . +1 As he left he noticed rain begin to pour . Sean was supposed to go to his girlfriend 's house after work . He decided to run through the rain . He became soaking wet as he ran . Finally , he made it to the house and took cover inside . +0 Damen saw a lot of political news on his social media . He noticed an article . After he read it , he decided to comment . His comment started an argument . Damen ended up fighting online for almost an hour . +4 He won by a long shot and moved on to the next one . Shane wanted to win his first race . He practiced every day for weeks . After and before school . Eventually the race came about . +0 Nancy wanted a boyfriend . She was really interested in her friend bob . She talked to bob for a few days to get more familiar with him . Bob eventually asked her on a date . Nancy and Bob eventually got together as a couple . +2 When she bent down , she saw it was a tick . June was hiking in the woods one day . Suddenly she felt a pricking sensation on her ankle . She very carefully removed the tick . She decided to wear better socks for hiking next time . +4 Amy worked till she was exhausted , but she was able to finish on time . Amy lost an assignment when her laptop dies . She begged her professor for an extension to finish . The professor granted her an 8 hour extension . Amy hated to skip her other classes but she had to finish on time . +2 Darcy tried to get it off , but it hissed at her . Darcy brought home a cat . It jumped on the couch and started scratching the upholstery . Darcy fled the house in panic . The house claimed the home , and Darcy slept in the car . +2 Her mom gave her a quick pep talk . Abby had her first soccer game . She was nervous about playing . During the game , Abbey scored a goal . From then on , she was n't nervous about playing . +0 Oli was worried about father son day this weekend . He loved his dad and could n't wait to spend the day with him . His only worry was the three legged race . He was worried because he knew he only had two legs . His dad found out and explained everything , so I stopped worrying . +0 Carly 's husband had gone out on a snowmobile trip . While he was gone , a huge snow storm hit . It started to get late and her husband had n't come home . She was very worried about him , and called state troopers . Luckily , they found him and his friends in the woods safe . +1 At the three year mark they decided they wanted to have a child . Michael and his wife were happily married for 3 years . Michael began to pray that God would bless them with a child . After only a month his wife was expecting a baby girl ! Their daughter is now three years old and going to be a big sister . +2 When she got there , the park was empty . Anna went to the park last week . She had n't been in a long time and was excited to see everyone . While wandering around alone , Anna found a beautiful new statue ! She was so excited for the new art , she did n't mind being alone at all . +0 Jason 's mother enrolled him in a language camp last summer . One day , however , the kids laughed at him and ran from him . He was actually sad because he did n't know why the laughed and ran . They said they ran and laughed because he was Jason from Crystal Lake . Jason laughed and said , that 's Crystal Lake Illinois ! +4 I skinned the coyote with no problem while following the video . I was trapping coyotes on the Platte River . I finally got a pelt on my second week . I realized I did not know how to skin the coyote . I watched a quick informational video about the subject . +0 Luke and Robert had a fight at school during recess . They were sent to the principal 's office for their discipline . The two sat in the office and awaited their fate . The principal walked in and just stared at them , scaring them . Finally the principal gave them a week of suspension . +1 He loved the intricacies that computer programming offered . Dan was a computer nerd . He started with a clean document and started to code his next project . He was excited to have completed the home page of his new website . He sat back and thought of all the other pages he had yet to add . +0 Jake 's car was running poorly . He took it to the mechanic to get it checked up . His mechanic told him he needed a new muffler . His mechanic installed the new part afterwards . Jake was able to pick up his car the day after . +1 The prize was a pizza party with friends . Tabitha signed up for a spelling bee . She did really well and made it to the finals . Then , she messed up on the last round . It was okay , she enjoyed the experience anyway . +4 Now she can only see things for kids . There are some apps not for children . I learned the hard way . My daughter downloaded something for adults . I had to change the settings on her phone . +0 Jimmy decided to go check the time . He realized his clock is broken . He decided to get a new clock . He went to the store and bought a grandfather clock . It worked perfectly ! +2 His chef replace his computer with a drop in laptop with a monitor . Jesse was a cook at a restaurant . He sat in the chef computer room using the computer a lot . Jesse plugged the old box into the new monitor . He could now use the computer again . +0 Denise thought her children would be okay without an Easter egg hunt . She had provided them with an Easter basket full of candy after all . Then she heard them whining to their grandma about no egg hunt . Denise had to drive to the store to buy eggs for a hunt . She was glad to put an end to the complaining . +0 Richard always wanted to get promoted . One day he showed up extra early to work . He started doing that every single day . His manager approached him 2 months later . He finally got a promotion . +3 I bought the car with all my money . It had been three years since I owned a car . On this day I had three thousand dollars . I contacted a guy about a used Mitsubishi Eclipse in perfect condition . My mechanic said it had a blown head gasket and slipping transmission . +4 Jenny will always remember her wonderful trip to Arizona . Jenny has always been enchanted with the idea of visiting Arizona . She does n't like long flights , but decides she would like to go there . Jenny and her sister board the flight for Arizona . On their trip they visit the Grand Canyon . +4 It was the best haircut ever . Today I went to get a haircut . I was really nervous the hairdresser would mess up . I got there and she assured me everything was okay . She gave me a haircut . +3 As I cried , something rubbed against my leg . I could not find my cat . I looked all over my house for him . When I could n't find him , I started crying . It was my cat ! +4 They loved the pajamas and wore them all day long ! Ellen took her kids to Target for grocery shopping . They were really well behaved the whole trip . She saw some pajamas near the front of the store on sale . She let each child pick out a new pair of pajamas as a reward . +1 He asked his parents if he could learn to drive . Andy loved long car rides . When he was of age , his parents agreed . Andy put the car in gear and took off on his first trip . He learned to drive very quickly ! +0 Amy 's skin was rough and dry from winter . She was so unhappy ! She decided to do something about it . She took a long hot bath with oiled water . Soon her skin was silky smooth again ! +2 She continued to drive without paying the toll debt . My aunt was approaching the toll . Since she was on the phone , she payed no attention to it . A week later , she received a bill in the mail . The bill was the amount of money she owed for the toll . +1 They were waiting for their parents to pick them up . Some kids were outside of the school . Suddenly , a hail storm began . All of the kids ran for cover . Finally , the parents showed up and the kids were out of the hail . +3 Pedro lets out a deep sigh and heads to his boss 's office . Today Pedro got to work late . As he was running into the building , his boss stopped him . He asked Pedro if he can meet him in his office . In the office , Pedro 's boss fired him for being late . +2 There were too many suggestions for Jay to consider . Jay had to go to a potluck dinner but he did n't know what to bring . He went online and searched for ideas . He just picked the first one he found . The first suggestion was for pulled pork so he made it . +0 Benedict had an extra two dollars in his pocket . He decided to buy a scratch off lottery ticket . His lottery ticket turned out to be a five thousand dollar winner . Benedict donated half the money to charity . He felt very good about his decision . +1 She found a recipe for a chocolate cake with buttercream icing . Annie wanted to make a cake for her boyfriend 's birthday . She worked on it all day . It turned out even better than she expected . She decorated it with chocolate hearts and colorful sprinkles . +4 Enrique feels sad to have stopped eating red meat . Enrique has always loved eating red meat . His favorite Sunday evening dinner was always hamburgers . However , one day Enrique learns that red meat is very unhealthy . He decides to stop eating any read meat . +0 Miranda was at the beach for the first time . She was swimming in the water with her friends . Suddenly , she felt an extreme pain in her leg . She began rushing to the shore . There , she discovered that she had been stung by a jellyfish . +0 Meagan was a personal trainer . She needed to find a new trainee by the end of the week . She went to a local gym and noticed a guy training poorly . She introduced herself to him and offered her services . He agreed and she became his personal trainer . +4 Alas , my whistle sounded terrible . I could n't whistle . I wanted to learn . I kept trying . Eventually , I learned how to whistle . +2 Neither liked each other . Kate worked hard to get a championship match . her opponent was tough and experienced . Both trash talked up to the fight . Eventually Kate won in a hard fought battle . +0 I had to stay in the hospital for several hours . Unfortunately , my phone had 5 % left . Since I had no charger , I had to keep my phone off . In order to call people , I had to use the hospital 's telephone . I also had to postpone my assignments since the internet was inactive . +1 She woke up everyday at 5am to run 5 miles . Kelly decided to run in a marathon for cancer . She even trained with a personal trainer to complete the entire race . On the day of the race , there was a snowstorm . The race was cancelled and Kelly felt disappointed . +2 It was decorated with a motorcycle , as she had just gotten one . A coworker celebrated her fortieth birthday in 2006 . We chipped in and bought a cake . Everyone sang and wished her a happy birthday . She was not happy about turning 40 but was grateful . +0 A cook was carrying an armful of oranged in the kitchen . He dropped one on the floor by accident . As a joke he pretended that it was a soccer ball . He kicked the orange across the kitchen . It landed in a pot and he cheered ! +4 Jane 's meditation room became a haven of natural beauty . Jane wanted to create a lovely meditation room in her home . She looked to nature for inspiration with decorating . Jane chose a paint color to match the blooms in her lavender patch . She covered the windows with shades woven from sea grasses . +1 John finally decided to do something about this issue . John knew he had a significant weight problem . He started skipping rope . John started off at 30 minutes a day , with gradual increases . Within six months , John lost fifty pounds ! +4 He arrived in Canberra full of awe and joy ! Neil was leaving Sydney , Australia . He rented a bicycle on his way out of town . Then he biked along the coastal highway south . He saw amazing ocean vistas . +3 Chad realized his son had partially eaten a scoop of ice cream . Chad stripped the bed and placed the sheets in the dryer . When the sheets were dry , Chad then went to make the bed . He found a stain on one of the matching sheets . He found the rest in the freezer and embraced his reward . +3 He put on his headphones and heard a loud noise ! Larry bought a new album from the store . He went home to listen to it . He put the album in and turned it on . The volume was way too high . +3 After months of game play he beat the game . Rob had a new Nintendo system . He played for hours a day . He was determined to save the Princess in Super Mario brothers . The next day he bragged to all his jealous friends . +3 Her mom took her to a dermatologist . Brooke had terrible acne . It was bad for her self esteem . She hated how she looked . Her skin cleared up in no time . +2 She gathered every shell she could find . Nya went to the beach . She decided to collect sea shells . Soon she had dozens and dozens of shells ! Nya was happy with her large collection . +1 Her friends invited her to the lake . Jane was afraid of murky waters . She went in for a bit . Something touched her leg . She screamed and ran out of the lake . +3 She found another job and quit without notice . I met my wife in an office in South Boston . I was fired there one Friday . My wife was not happy . Later we found out the company had gone out of business . +4 When we got home , he pleaded with me to try again next time . I took my son deep-sea fishing when he was 11 years old . He loved to fish and was so excited . When the boat hit the swells of the open ocean , he got sea sick . He spent the whole time in the bathroom and did n't get to fish . +0 Anne found a lost little girl . They looked all over for her mother . Anne called the police to help . Finally , the little girl 's mother was called . Anne was happy the little girl was safe . +2 It got accepted into Science , the journal . Sarah is a physics researcher . She had just published her first paper last month . Her groundbreaking work has gotten her so much funding . She 's been busier than ever because of it . +2 She took the heirloom to have it valued . Jessica owned an old family heirloom . She needed some extra cash . It was worth a lot so she sold it . With the money she paid her bills . +2 The dog ran up to her . Liz went for a walk . She saw a dog that was n't on a leash . The dog bit her ! She is afraid of dogs now . +1 She visited friends the night before a college exam . Jane was a college student . Because of this , she was late to the exam the next morning . Her grade suffered . Jane received a C grade on her exam . +0 June sat down in her family 's cabin . She noticed something move in the corner of her eye . When she went to inspect , a snake slithered out ! June ran screaming from the cabin . From that day on , June never went alone to the cabin . +4 Jorie had to go to the hairdresser to get her hair fixed . Jorie decided to dye her dark hair light red . She put on gloves and lathered her hair in dye . When she rinsed the dye out of her hair , her hair looked green ! It was n't even a pleasant shade of green . +1 He noticed a weird red stain on his backpack . Alexander was in class . He opened the pockets to investigate . Then he saw that his drink mix had spilled . The red liquid was every where . +1 Her mom took her to the supermarket to buy orange seeds . The rainstorm destroyed Sandy 's orange tree . She immediately planted the seeds in the backyard . Within 2-3 months , a small tree grew . It sprouted several fresh oranges . +4 Triumphant , the children were certain the raccoon would n't return . The children held as still as they could under the porch . They heard the faint rustle of paws on the leaves . The children sensed the creature was close . With a shriek , they jumped out of the darkness at it . +2 He cleaned bathrooms for minimum wage . Joe was a sad employee . He had a bad job . Joe decided to open his own cleaning business . After that he was very happy . +4 Jim is very surprised and grateful . Jim is retiring from his job . His wife wants to take him out for dinner . When they show up at the restaurant all his friends are there . They have a big party for Jim 's retirement . +0 Ted wanted to see the world . However , he did not know how he would go . He had no transportation . One day Ted found a large boat that was abandoned . Ted ended up seeing the world on the large boat . +2 His game console was gone ! Bobby 's mother was tired of all the time he spent playing video games . One day after school he sat down in front of the tv . His mother said he had to go outside and play . She told him she would give it back next week . +1 He decided to do something useful with his drawings . Lonnie could always draw very well . He created a comic strip and submitted it to companies . Every company rejected him , and he became frustrated . Finally , he submitted to a newspaper and they accepted him . +4 The Father abducted his children away from his mother . A new family moved in next door . They were very secretive and reserved . They had children that did not go to school or play outside . The cops showed up at their house yesterday . +3 She finished earlier than she thought she would . Naomi got up early in the morning She had a lot of things to do . She ran her errands quickly . Naomi went home to relax . +4 Terry is going to have to retake math next year . Terry is terrible at math ! He has to take a math exam . Terry failed the exam . His class grade went down significantly . +1 Once she arrived , she saw people eating guinea pigs . Tina was moving to Peru for her company . Tina decided to try some herself , and liked the taste . The next morning , Tina awoke feeling awful . It turns out that Tina had contracted a virus and had to return to US . +4 Sally took some medicine for her headache and it went away . Sally 's brother played in a band . They practiced in the garage every day . The music was really loud . Sally got a headache from the loud music . +0 Tara found a stray underweight kitten near her home . She took it inside her home . She washed the kitten to get rid of fleas . Eventually she nursed the kitten back to good health . Tara found a good home for the kitten by giving it to her mother . +4 Kelly was horrified and disgusted . When Kelly was getting ready for school she was pumped . She had a brand new outfit to show her friends . When she got to school everyone loved the outfit . Yet to her dismay , Katie was wearing the same thing . +0 Etta wanted to be a nurse . After high school , she enrolled in a nursing program . She studied very hard . Soon she graduated from nursing school ! Etta was so proud of herself . +0 Jim was a domino champion who wanted to master chess . He thought that being great at one game made him great at any game . He hired teachers and read books on chess . He entered a chess tournament and lost . Jim happily went back to playing dominoes . +0 Nan left Oklahoma City on a cold Saturday morning . She was driving to New Mexico to see her daughter and family . On the way she saw many cloud formations and took a few pictures . When she got to her daughter 's house she shared the pictures . The family made a game out of finding pictures in the clouds . +1 I was all excited to open it and have it ready for Mother 's day . I had bought a house with an inground pool . The company came out to open it and it was green like a swamp . I could n't believe how bad it looked . After a week or two of shocking and cleaning it , it was now clear . +2 She was n't able to afford any gifts that year . Lily had been hoping to have a nice Christmas . Unfortunately , she was having a lot of money issues . On Christmas , she was very bummed out about no presents . Luckily , she found lots of things to do that were just as fun . +4 In the end , he never did respond back . Kacie wanted to approach her crush . She was nervous but decided to message him online . She spent forever deciding on the perfect message and then sent it . For hours after , she waited for a response . +3 No one even bothered to ask what I was doing there . My phone battery got fried so I decided to buy a new one . I went to the store without making an appointment . I stood in line forever . I decided to leave and purchase a phone online . +3 The sweater was on sale , and Katie got very excited . Katie was shopping in a store one day . She needed to buy a gift but then she saw a sweater that she loved . She wanted the sweater for herself . She realized they did n't have her size so she left with no sweater . +2 She even bought yeast to make homemade dough . Tiffany was craving a homemade pizza . She went to the stuff and bought the stuff she needed . After making the dough she grabbed the rest of the stuff . It was then that she realized she had forgotten the cheese . +2 The car accidentally fell into the aquarium . Today bought my daughter a toy car . She was playing with it by the aquarium . The car sunk to the bottom and scared the fish . We left it in the aquarium because it looked neat . +2 Next thing she knew , they convinced her to try out for basketball . The orange sailed across the living room to land in the garbage can . Jackie 's brothers stared . On a whim , she went . When the coaches started too , she knew she had made the team . +3 When she learned the truth , she was embarrassed . Betty did not know there was a band called The Police . She thought people were talking about actual police officers . She thought the police put on benefit concerts occasionally . She liked the music of The Police , though , so it was n't all bad . +0 I lived by Shelly for six Year 's . She was the most beautiful girl in the world to me . All the boys on my block had a crush on her . One day , I get the courage to ask her out . I go to her door to ask her , and I 'm told she left to college +0 Amy took a picture of herself breastfeeding her baby . She posted it on Facebook . A lot of people reported her for posting an indecent picture . Amy was angry , but took the picture down . She then deactivated her Facebook account . +3 He could see the finish line of his first marathon ahead . Howard panted , lungs gasping . Sweat dripped from his grey hair . People said eighty-year-olds could n't run races , but it was n't true . Then there were cheers and hugs and he knew he had really done it . +1 As he saw city limits sign and yelled in triumph . Matthew was happy to leave town . He was on his way to his new home and would n't stop until arriving . He continued down the road until he approached an intersection . Matthew waved one final goodbye as he got onto the toll road . +2 She looked all over the playground for him . Gina had been waiting to see her crush Jamie all day long . Finally it was time for recess . He was no where to be seen . Gina realized he was not at school that day . +0 Jimmy thought it 'd be funny to dress up like a zombie . He spent days watching tutorials on the internet . He went to the store and bought all sorts of make up . He lurched up to a group of rednecks making groaning sounds . The rednecks pulled their guns and shot Jimmy dead . +0 Kelly had made a big pot of soup . After dinner they had a lot leftover . She planned on eating everything to put it all to use . Unfortunately , they forgot all about the soup . By the time she remembered , it had all gone bad . +2 She has researched the company and prepared . Sarah has a job interview . She is nervous and really wants this job . Sarah arrived on site . She interviewed and was offered the job on the spot . +3 Dave had to hire someone to put his computer back together . Dave 's computer was n't working very well . He decided to take it apart to see if he could fix it . He took it apart , but then he could n't put it back together again . He decided not to try that again . +3 With the handle open the door would n't close . It was 20 below outside in Minnesota in February . When Kay tried to get into her car the door handle was stuck . She kept working until it worked , but it was stuck open . Kay had to wait inside the car with the heat blazing till it thawed . +4 I was not sure what he meant so I sped off a moment later . I drove my car through a bad area of town . At a stoplight a man on the street corner began to cross . He walked up to my window and gestured for me to roll it down . He told me to remain on the smooth tip . +2 She tried to cook rice . Alex was learning how to cook . She could n't even boil water . It stuck to the pot . Alex has a lot of learning . +4 Harold got the ball and made a 3 pointer to win the game ! Harold was on his high school basketball team . Last week they played a big game vs the rival school . Harold and his team played well and the game was close . In the final seconds they were trailing by 2 . +0 Mia cried after I broke up with her . She did n't leave her room the entire weekend . Finally she got over him . Moa eventually met a new guy . They are married now +1 She likes to eat crickets . Green is my pet lizard . One time , she ate too many crickets at one time . This made her sick . Now , she only eats a few crickets at a time . +3 James proposed to Taylor . James and Taylor bought a new home . When they finally finished all the paperwork they drove to the house . At the house they were greeted by family members . Taylor said yes to the proposal . +1 He noticed that his sandwich was too dry . Chris was eating lunch . He complained to the staff . The staff brought him extra dip . He used the dip to make the sandwich less dry . +4 But Emma could n't stay in there forever . It was a cold day . So Emma was reluctant to take a shower . But the hot water made her forget the cold weather . She stayed in the shower longer than usual . +1 One day he sees a street performer dancing a jig . Davis has wanted to learn how to dance for months . Davis asks the man for a lesson . The performer charges davis one dollar for a jig lesson . Davis is very pleased to learn how to dance a jig . +2 He explained all the ins and outs of the sport . Frank loves the sport of Soccer , thanks to his brother . When he was little his brother took him to a game . Frank now coaches soccer for his son 's team . The sport has been a big part of his life and Frank loves it . +1 I really should work out at night . Since I sit at a desk all day , I get little exercise . But I would rather lay on the couch . I like to eat while I am on the couch . Maybe I will work out tomorrow . +3 The car behind me was too close and hit me . Last week I was driving home from work . A kid ran into the street . I had to break hard . We exchanged insurance information in a calmly fashion . +2 As I threw the water on the flames , the bumper blew off . When I arrived , one of the vehicles was still burning . I grabbed the inch and a half hose and raced to the blaze . I 'd approached from the side like I 'd been taught . It flew by me and harmlessly hit a tree to my right . +2 He and his mother went to a plant nursery . It was the first day of Spring . Thomas wanted to plant a tree . They picked out a cherry tree . Thomas and his mother planted the tree , and had a lot of fun ! +2 If he got an A she told him she would buy him a new video game . Sean 's mom was worried he was not studying enough . She knew he had a big math test coming up . He studied harder than he had for any math test before . She bought the game when he brought home his A graded test . +4 Kari took her phone to an Apple store and they fixed it for her . Pete was trying to help Kari set up an email account on her phone . Kari could n't figure out the directions Pete was giving her . Kari got angry and blamed Pete for the problem . Kari decided she would fix the problem herself . +4 Kelly went to the kitchen and saw she used salt instead of sugar . Kelly made cookies for her friend , Jane . When Jane came over , Kelly offered her a cookie . Jane took a bite and frowned . She told Kelly that the cookies tasted funny . +1 The teacher walked closer to the sound . During the test , a phone went off in the class . He asked my friend Brenda to take her phone out . He found out that her phone was ringing . He ended up giving her an F on the exam . +1 He spends all day playing video games inside . Joey wanted to make a friend . His mother suggested he go outside to meet people . Joey went outside to find a friend . Now Joey has a new friend . +2 Her practiced driving with her parents . Lisa wanted to get her driver 's license , so she could drive . She studied hard and got her permit . She took the driver 's test . Lisa can now drive her parents car because she got her license . +4 Penny went to bed feeling hopeful for Santa to come . It was Christmas Eve and Penny could not wait to see Santa . Before she went to Bed , Penny got out some milk and cookies . She placed the milk and cookies on the table just for Santa . She could not wait for Santa to eat the dessert . +2 Her embarrassing question was posted publicly . Emma was looking up a private question . She accidentally sent the text to Facebook instead . She rushed to delete the status as quickly as possible . Luckily , no one seemed to see it . +0 A thin cross was Abel 's good luck charm . He wore it around his neck no matter where he went . One day his friends asked where he had gotten it from . He explained that his grandfather had worn it in the war . They were surprised to hear that his family believed it protected him . +1 I threw a ball to my dog and another dog grabbed it . Yesterday I took my dog to the park . The dogs started fighting over the ball . The other dog 's owner and I ran over to break up the fight . After we separated our dogs , we started talking and we became friends . +0 Bill wanted to be an actor so he auditioned for a local play . He was very nervous that he had done a bad job . When the cast list finally came out , he rushed over to see the results He had been cast as the lead ! Bill knew it was going to be hard , but he was ready for his big break . +0 My buddies and I went to our local bar . These two big guys were arguing about a girl . The bartender tried to break it up , but he made it worse . Soon the two big guys started fighting and breaking chairs . We just left and did n't want to be a part of it . +4 Timmy grew up to be a world famous artist . Little Timmy showed a lot of potential in art . His mother wanted him to become a doctor . His teacher suggested otherwise . Timmy 's mom heeded the teacher 's advice . +0 Last night I just could n't fall asleep . I tossed and turned until about two in the morning . So I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen . I filled a glass with milk and put it in the microwave . After I drank it I went back to bed and promptly nodded off . +2 The first time she had morning sickness it was terrible . Beth was pregnant . She had always heard how uncomfortable pregnancy was . Beth was so sick she could hardly stand . She was relieved when a coworker gave her ginger tea for nausea . +0 Jim really liked basketball . He challenged Frank to a duel . Half way into the game Jim fell to the ground . Jim broke his foot from the fall . Frank then took advantage and beat Jim . +1 He felt timid and weak . Naro wanted to be Brave . Naro decided to become brave by becoming a firefighter . Naro vanquished many fires and saved countless people . Naro was now brave . +4 He fame is now growing . Stan loved to rap . He would write raps daily . He was recently invited to a rap battle . Stan won the rap battle . +0 Angelina wants to look pretty . Unfortunately she ca n't achieve that with her natural look . So she wears a lot of makeup everyday . Now she feels pretty . Other people have also commented that makeup makes her look pretty . +0 Lucas took out a cigarette and lit it . He flicked it into the trash . As he walked away , the trash caught on fire . Lucas tried to put it out but the flames rose and burned an awning . As the building started going up in flames , Lucas fled the scene . +2 He performed better than his coworkers . Bill worked in a warehouse . Bill was a great worker . Bill 's manager noticed his excellent performance . Bill received a promotion and a pay raise . +0 I just gave my cat her midday meal . She likes canned cat food . She did not like it today . I gave her leftover chicken . She devoured it . +1 He was halfway through when he realized he 'd forgotten something . Dan was detailing his car . He had n't bought any wax ! Dan asked his wife to pick up some on her way home . He was able to finish detailing his car then . +4 Shay had a great time visiting Dunkirk ! Shay rode the bus to Dunkirk . She got off in downtown Dunkirk . There , she shopped for souvenirs . She also gazed at the lake , right across the street . +0 It was a very cold winter day . I was walking home for miles . I was very cold and trying to hurry home . I saw my house and rushed to the door . I went inside and my mom made hot chocolate for me . +1 She saw a cute tee shirt on a rack . Molly was at the store . When she looked , she noticed that it was on sale . She decided to buy a bunch . She ended up with six different colors . +0 Sara wanted to get her trees trimmed . She made an appointment with the tree company . Before they came there was a large storm . Part of an old tree fell on Sara 's house ! Sara wished she made an appointment sooner . +3 When they were done , they had a blast . Mike wanted to compete in a golf competition with his friend . His friend Tom agreed to . The two boys went to the golf course to compete . Mike ended up winning . +0 Tom loved Sarah . Tom had been dating Sarah for three Year 's . He proposed one night during dinner . Sara was overwhelmed and said yes ! Tom and Sara kissed happily . +4 She decided that mint was not so bad after all . Koree did not like minty toothpaste . She searched every store for a toothpaste that was n't minty . She finally found a cinnamon flavored toothpaste . She tried it , but she hated it even more than the mint . +1 She went to the hospital and said her goodbyes . Janice never expected there to be any warning but it still numbed her . On her long train ride home she got a call from her friend Tom . Tom gave her words of encouragement and support . Janice cried and invited him over to her house . +2 We decided to go to the local park we enjoy . It was a beautiful summer day and I decided to go for a picnic . I have always loved going on romantic picnics with my boyfriend . We brought a blanket , flowers and a basket of food . It was wonderful . +2 He went to the hardware store . Jimmy needed to get a new lamp . He had broken his old one by accident . He found one on sale for $ 5 . He was happy about his purchase . +1 John 's throat became very sore . John was a college student . John was worried because he had little money . He was happy to learn he could see the University doctor for free . John saw the doctor and was soon healed . +3 When the candy cooled , the girls put them in bags . Becky invited her friends over to make some candy . The girls melted some chocolate and tasted it . The candy tasted amazing and the girls were pleased . Becky then took some bags to her neighbors . +4 Rafferty realized bugs are preferable to pesticides . Rafferty grew squash and cucumbers in his garden . This spring , beetles were destroying his crops . He sprayed the garden with pesticides . Unfortunately , everything in his garden died because of it . +4 Mr F found the note was a retirement letter that his students signed . Mr F was retiring . But he still enforced all of his classroom rules . He found students passing a note . And he asked them to bring the note to him . +2 When the uncle came to visit , he made every day a circus . Jan was excited to visit her bachelor uncle in the city . As the family drove , Jan thought of all the fun they had . Jan imagined her uncle 's house would be full of color and life . When they got to his address , Jan saw it was a dark tenement . +0 Jill did not know how to shoot . She had just gotten a gun . She went to the gun range and took lessons . She went every week and practiced . Jill can now shoot like a pro . +2 Dan just had to get the whole tape of her concert . Dan saw a vintage performance by Susanna Hoffs . She was doing a cover of a Bad Company song . He found someone selling a bootleg copy of it on VHS tape . Dan bought it anyway and was immensely happy . +4 Unfortunately , they never found it . Sean and Sara traveled via Greyhound bus . They arrived at their final destination . Soon , they learned that their luggage had been lost . They spent an hour looking for the lost bag . +4 A teacher found Joe 's sharpies and took him to the principal 's office . Joe noticed graffiti in his school 's bathroom . It was written with a black sharpie . Joe always kept sharpies in his backpack . But he only used them for art projects . +1 She was stopped at a light when it happened . A few years ago a deer ran into my friend 's car . The deer ran into the driver 's side door . Its head came through the window and hit my friend 's face ! My friend was okay but had deer brains in her hair . +0 Tim 's family was going on a trip . They were going to Canada . Tim was worried that it would n't be fun like the US . When they got there , Tim had lots of fun . Tim was happy that he enjoyed another country . +4 Then she breaks up with Dan . Dan finds out that his girlfriend has been seen with another guy . So he follows her to the man 's house . Dan accuses her of cheating . She explains that the guy is her boss and she introduces his husband . +1 She got all the ingredients together to make everything . Abby was excited to brew her first cup of coffee . She got the liquid out of the pot . She poured the coffee into a cup . By accident she screamed because she spilled some on her . +1 He finds them to be boring . Ryan hates to do chores . His mother wants him to do chores . She gives a choice , chores or the street . He decided chores were better . +3 I reached down to see what it was . I went outside on my deck this summer . I leaning against the deck . I felt a pain in my arm . It was a praying mantis biting me . +1 Oakley ran out the door when Zaiden opened it to go to school . Zaiden has a dog named Oakley . Zaiden chased Oakley around the neighborhood , before he caught him . Frustrated and tired , Zaiden put Oakey in the house . Zayden was late for school . +0 Andrew tried to push me on the floor . Although I held him down , he kept on fighting . Therefore , I held him horizontally and threw him . He horribly landed on the concrete . He remained on the floor for several seconds . +4 She knew this but continued to hang out with these girls . Tammy was knew at her high school . A group of popular girls saw this and invited her to sit with them . Soon she was a part of their clique . Tammy slowly changed from a nice girl into a snobby girl . +3 The ball ended up coming right back at Bob . Bob was pitching a baseball . He threw the ball as hard as he could . The batter hit the ball in a strange way . Bob got hit straight in the stomach and fell down . +3 Her friends tasted her cake and told her it was salty , not sweet . Flora had a reputation for being a terrible cook . She decided to prove everyone wrong by throwing a dinner party . She invited all her friends , and even baked a cake from scratch . Flora had mixed up the salt with the sugar ! +3 After acting like a civilized man he decided to try a new way . Miles was trying to break open a coconut . He realized he did n't have the supplies to do it properly . He tried everything he in the kitchen he thought would work . He went outside and slammed it on the cement , it cracked perfectly . +2 He saw a boy shining shoes . Chris was a traveling businessman . He was passing through an airport . He asked the boy to shine his shoes . The boy shined his shoes . +1 He woke up early every day to practice . Joe always wanted to play on his high school basketball team . He went to the gym every day to make sure he was in top shape . When tryouts were held , Joe was suitably prepared . Joe may the team due to his hard work and preparation . +1 But another person 's pit bull approached . Ian was walking his poodle at the park . The pit bull began barking . And Ian tried to protect his poodle . But the pit bull attacked the poodle before its owner could stop it . +4 In the end , And was glad she had decided to come along . Ana 's parents went to the 9/11 war memorial . At first Ana was grumpy and did n't want to go . She did n't feel personally affected by the war . But the memorial made her realize how personal war truly was . +4 I won the last three games . My friend Tim and I played speed chess tonight . The games were short , as each player had five minutes . Whoever runs out of time loses . I lost several games , until I switched to three minutes . +2 Maurice ignores the warning from his boss . Maurice has begun arriving at work late and shirking his duties . His boss tells him to improve or there will be consequences . The next day Maurice arrives at work very late . His boss tells him that he is fired . +4 Gerald has been happy ever since . Gerald played the drums but he did n't play in time . His music instructor tried working with him but to no avail . Finally his instructor had a solution . He convinced Gerald to give up music and take up chess . +0 Pat wanted a piece of southwestern art as a souvenir of his trip . He decided to visit some art galleries in Santa Fe . There were many to choose from . He spent one whole day walking around the plaza looking at art . In the end he chose a turquoise buckle that he could actually use . +3 Paul quit his job . Paul was newly out of law school . He started to work as a lawyer for a well known firm . After a few months , he realized he was n't passionate about law . Then Paul went back to school for something else . +4 My white cat had turned a dirty brown from being out in the wild ! One day as I was coming home from work , my cat ran out the front door . I looked for her for hours that day . After a week of looking , I gave up hope that she would return . To my surprise , she came back to the front door after two whole weeks ! +4 Becca could not wait to have the substitute again . In Becca 's classroom her math teacher was absent with a cold . To the class ' delight , they got a substitute teacher . When the substitute came into the class , everyone was happy . The teacher made everything very fun for the kids . +4 Sam said that I 'm always saying I would never let him fall . My son , Sam , was upstairs making all types of racket . I was downstairs when I saw Sam jump off the balcony . I ran towards him and caught my beloved child in mid-air . I asked him why on earth would he jump off the balcony . +3 She was lightheaded , so she had to put the cleaning off for the day . Alice decided to clean her whole kitchen . She got to work cleaning her oven first . Unfortunately , the fumes made her cough a lot . Now she only cleans her oven with the ventilation hood on . +0 The doorbell rang . I opened the door . It was the police . They asked if they could come inside . I agreed and then they told me my son had just been killed . +1 Stephanie 's mom said she had to finish her homework first . Stephanie had homework . Stephanie went to the library to finish her homework . Stephanie showed her mom her finished homework . Stephanie was allowed to go play . +4 My neighbor and I enjoyed watching them have fun together . My son and our neighbor got together for a play date . They are very close in age , so they got along well . First they swam in the pool together . Then they played cops and robbers outside in the grass . +4 When finished , she was then sent to her room . Gina 's dad was upset . He gave her a task which she failed to finish . Instead she was in the house watching TV . He watched as she finished the task . +1 Pastor Evan wanted her to play the organ instead of piano . Juice played piano for her church choir . Juice practiced the organ but did n't enjoy it as much as piano . Juice had Custodian Tom move the organ to the church basement . Pastor Evan insisted Juice play the organ anyway . +3 When the candy was done , they divided it up and sent some to friends . Leah 's whole family made candy for Christmas every year . They would all come over and make a party of it . They made many different types of candy . They took the rest of the candy home and enjoyed it . +2 The day of the ultrasound Jake had to stay at work . Beth and Hake were expecting their first child . Jake decided to come to the appointment for the ultrasound . Beth was said he could n't come with . Jake was happy to see the print out of the image at home that night . +3 He simply had to go on a submarine ride . Phil had seen an ad in the paper about the submarine . They were offering rides for 50 dollars . It was too good to pass up for Phil . Once onboard it was everything he thought it would be and more . +2 After training , he had to be part of the Christmas village . Mirkle was a Christmas elf at a local department store . He had to go through training in early November . The day after Thanksgiving Mirkle start in the village . He was the best elf at the village that year . +3 He woke up with a horrible sunburn . Jack went to the beach to work on his tan . He only planned to stay for an hour so he skipped the lotion . He fell asleep out in the sun . Jack vowed to never go to the beach without lotion again . +3 She made herself some scrambled eggs . Wendy woke up one day feeling very hungry . She got up from her bed . Into the kitchen she walked . Wendy 's hunger is now gone . +4 Robert decided to work harder on essays from then on . Robert had to write an essay for his history class . He decided to write an essay about the Civil War . He did no research and made up the whole essay . The teacher gave him a bad grade on his essay . +2 I had forgotten how hard it was to fold the paper . Our internet was down on Monday . I picked up a local newspaper to read . I managed to read one article before giving up . Thankfully , the internet came back on today . +0 Jim was eating donuts on the couch . His wife told him not to or else they 'd get ants . Jim did n't listen and ate them anyway . A short while later they got ants . Jim admitted his mistake and got rid of them . +4 I was grounded and had to stay after school and clean the convent . I went to Catholic grade school . In 6th grade , everyone participates in the sacrament of Confirmation . I said I did not want to be confirmed , which I thought was a choice . I thought my mother would agree with me . +0 I was in the cafeteria for lunch one afternoon . I started a food fight . After ducking under the desk , I threw a plate of food across the room . I got lifted by the back of my shirt and carried out of the cafeteria . Then I got suspended from school for two weeks . +4 The principal allowed her to switch to the junior year , she 's happy . My wife hates her job . She is a teacher to sixth graders and she always gets headaches . She complains that they are way to loud and do n't listen . She asked the principal if she could teach at the high school level . +4 There , she called an ambulance . Anna was hiking in the woods . She fell into a ravine . Her toe was crushed beneath a rock ! She had to limp back home . +4 He never gambled again . Richard had a gambling problem . He would spend his whole paycheck in the casino . One day he got a letter . It told him he was able to lose his home . +0 I was 6 years old . I was playing baseball . I stood too close behind the batter . He swung and knocked my head with the bat . I had to get 4 stitches . +0 Bob accidentally dropped some peanut butter on the kitchen floor . His mom walked in a moment later . Bob was embarrassed . His mom asked Bob if he was responsible for the mess . Bob burst out crying . +0 Whitney left her dog out while she was at work . When she got home the dog had torn up her throw pillows . There were feathers everywhere . She could not find the dog . Her dog had hidden because she was in trouble . +4 Marcus followed the doctor 's advice and that solved the problem . Marcus noticed that he got dizzy when he got up in the morning . He was n't old enough for that to be normal , so he called his doctor . The doctor hemmed and hawed for a few minutes . Then he suggested Marcus drink more water every day . +3 When he opened the can of tuna , Loki lost his mind . Loki is a cat who loves tuna and lettuce . His owner decided to make make a salad with tuna . When he brought out the lettuce , Loki was intrigued . He had to lock Loki in the bathroom so that he could eat in peace . +2 The day before the concert there is a fire at the venue . Ben is a saxophone player in a popular local band . The band has a show scheduled at a local venue on Saturday night . Ben 's band decides to play at a local park instead Saturday night . The money from the park concert is donated to the local venue . +4 Howard decided to stop lending him money . Howard gave his friend some money as a loan . His friend was supposed to pay him back days ago . Howard confronted his friend about it . His friend made excuses . +2 My kids complained about the chores and threw tantrums . I sat down with my kids and explained that mom was going back to work . I told them that we 'd all have to pitch in and share the housework . We had a long talk about responsibilities and growing up . Now we all work together to help mom and keep the house clean . +0 Martha wanted to go on a hike . She drove her car to the top of the mountain . She started climbing through the forests . On the path she saw a bald eagle perched on a tree . She took a picture of the eagle . +3 She waited while he finished his important phone call . Gina wanted to sit in her dad 's car to be alone . It was the only place at her grandparents she could be alone . She found her dad in the den . Her dad was hesitant , but he allowed her to sit in his car . +3 Now he 'd have to get out of bed and find the clock . Ben had a habit of not getting up when his alarm went off . He would turn it off and go back to sleep . So his aunt gave him a clock that moved around the room . This worked and he finally was able to get up on time . +0 Matt was bored . He decided to go explore a new part of town . He rode his bike for half an hour in a random direction . He discovered many new areas and places to go . It was a rewarding experience that he decided he would do again . +0 Judd did n't know how to tie a tie . He needed to learn for his first day of work at a large company . He looked on the internet for help . He did the very best he could tying it . It ended up looking like a knot on his neck . +2 So in his yard every day , he and his sister practiced volleyball . Mack wanted to be the volleyball team captain . He knew his first step was to make the team . The team held tryouts and Mack tried out . To his shock , he was the best player on the whole team ! +4 After her cart was full , she checked out . Madeline went to the grocery store . First she bought bread and cookies in the bakery . Then , she bought some canned goods . Finally , she picked up some meat and produce . +0 Dave was a skeptic about the Apollo moon landings . He began searching for information on the internet . He eventually contacted someone at NASA to ask some tough questions . Dave realized during this talk that the landings definitely happened . He felt embarrassed to have bought into conspiracy theories . +1 He had to pay rent that same night . Tim needed to deposit a check . He just made it to the bank in time . He deposited the check but it would n't process for a day . Tim wound up being late on his rent payment . +1 He knows all about the process of generating electricity . Jim works for a nearby power plant . He took us on a tour last week . My friend , who is an electrical engineer , was enthralled . He 's considering applying for a job there soon . +0 Phil wanted to have a fun evening out in town . He invited his friend Rich to join him for some karaoke . They went to a karaoke bar and had a few drinks . Phil got up on stage and started singing . His singing was atrocious , but everyone joined in anyway . +2 He put in a dollar and played his favorite song . Ben was bowling with friends at the local alley . Before his first turn he went to the jukebox . Ben felt very amped up and strut back to his lane . He sang along to the song as he rolled his first frame . +3 In the bath she shampoos and conditions her hair . Janice realizes that she has n't showered or bathed in weeks . Since she began working at home she stopped caring about her looks . She decides to take a long bath to clean up . Janice is very happy that she has finally bathed . +3 Jim took an hour to meditate and drink a glass of milk . Jim tossed the instructions down in disgust . He cursed that assembling a toy horse should n't be this hard ! He kicked the pieces on the floor in anger . When he was calm , he finished putting the horse together . +3 He was so tempted to keep it , but he felt too guilty . Vincent was walking when he found a wallet on the ground . He looked around and did n't see anyone nearby . He opened up the wallet , which was filled with cash . He walked to the police station and turned it in . +1 They were at the mall with a friend . Briana and Savannah were sisters . Suddenly , the friend 's mom had a panic attack and left the mall . Briana and her sister were left behind . They stayed there all day until a security guard noticed them . +2 However , he noticed an Asian girl walking . Tommy was searching for help in learning Mandarin . He asked his friends however , they did n't offer anything . She winked at him . When Jerry asked for help , she said that she only speaks English . +2 As I approached the door , I slipped , was airborne and fell ! One day , I went to the gas station . It was a very snowy and icy day . Everyone was looking and I was so embarrassed ! After that , whenever there was snow and ice I wore tennis shoes ! +4 He left the cafe without a sandwich . Will stood in line at the cafe counter . He stepped forward and ordered his favorite sandwich . He patted his back pocket and frowned . Will had forgotten his wallet . +1 She knows how much her mother loves flowers . On mother 's day Lily had a special surprise for her mother . So she decided to pick some wildflowers from the field . She also made a mother 's day card , which she would give to her too . Her mother loved the flowers and the card Lilly got for her . +2 A few hours later , it was low again . James ' tire on his car was getting low . He took it to the gas station to put air in it . James had to take it to the tire service center . He 's glad to have the tire fixed now . +2 Some things had sprouted hair ; others were strange colors . As punishment for breaking a window , Jake had to clean the fridge . Steeling himself , he began tossing leftovers and groaning loudly . Before he knew it , he began to laugh so hard that he was quickly done . Cleaning the fridge was n't so bad after all , he decided . +0 Ronald was chosen as a keynote speaker at a conference . Ronald was honored but also very nervous . Ronald spent hours and hours preparing his speech . The day of the speech Ronald realized that he lost his notes ! Since he had practiced so much he did n't need them after all . +0 Janice and Marsha had lived in their small apartment for two years . They noticed that their next door neighbors had just moved out . They contacted their landlord to see the larger place next doors . Janice and Marsha decided to move into the larger unit . Janice and Marsha now enjoy living with more personal space . +4 She rushed to the oven to find it was burned to a crisp . Joy was making baked chicken for dinner . While it was in the oven her best friend called . They talked and talked . After she hung up , she remembered her chicken . +4 Pat dropped his nails and they went everywhere . Pat was installing a new rug in his home . He was not able to nail it down perfectly flat . He got up to go get more nails for the rug . When he came back he tripped over the bumpy rug . +0 Cara really wanted to move to her favorite city . Her husband was not enthusiastic , though . One day , she got him to promise they would go . Cara was really excited . Her husband was n't be he tried to remain positive . +3 To her surprise , Ema thought they were good . Ema had never tried seafood . She was at the buffet one day and saw crab legs . She decided to try them . She decided to eat seafood often from now on ! +2 She went downstairs to watch TV . Gina 's dad was standing in the yard looking down . She saw him , and thought nothing of it . Before long he was yelling for her to come outside . There were ants all over something sticky on the sidewalk . +3 Her friend told her that horses were shy too . Sally went to her friend 's farm . On the farm , there were horses . Sally was afraid of horses so she shied away from them . Sally learned that she had something in common with horses . +0 Frank had always been a bit of a hoarder . He valued his possessions and never wanted to get rid of them . But his wife thought the house was too cluttered . She insisted on holding a yard sale . It was hard for Frank to let go , but he tried to enjoy the new start . +1 He saw them put his truck on the lift . Bill was getting new tires on his truck . But he noticed something was n't right . His truck leaned a bit and then fell off the lifts ! They did n't place the lift properly on his truck ! +1 He thought the cat was trying to get into his toys . Barney did n't like the cat . Barney often beat up the cat . The cat was a source of stress for Barney . Barney thought it was better before the cat was here . +2 Without realizing it I slammed my toe into a table leg . I was walking around at night to get some water . I left all the lights off . The pain made me think I broke my toe . Luckily it was fine after a few days +0 Tony wanted to learn to speak English . He took classes at a local college . He eventually learned to speak the language . He can now talk to his neighbors . He loves the new friends . +2 He did not realize how fast time was passing . Rick was engrossed in his novel . He stayed up late to read it . Before he knew it , the sun was rising ! Rick had stayed up all night reading his book ! +1 He tried wearing long sleeves but the mosquitoes got to him anyway . Gabe kept getting itchy mosquito bites . He lit citronella candles but he was still getting bitten . His friend Jay told him about a mosquito spray Jay used for camping . Gabe tried the spray and got relief from the mosquitoes . +4 But to her surprise , it was a lovely photo ! Amy hated having her picture taken . She had to pose , though , for her high school yearbook . When she got the yearbook , she flipped right to her photo . She was expecting it to be ugly . +1 I needed to build something for my cousin . I went to build a bear yesterday . I choose a pear bear to stuff . When i was done it looked fabulous . My cousin loved it . +2 The class had n't collected enough and time was running out . Margaret 's class was collecting box tops for their school . If they could get enough box tops , they would win a pizza party . Margaret went through her neighborhood asking for box tops . Thanks to her work , the class was able to collect enough . +2 However , the movement of her mouth was n't in sync with the song . Tina did a live singing performance at school . The music turned on and she started to sing . Everyone noticed that she was lip-syncing . When the song was over , they criticized her for the lip syncing . +4 He did n't answer and just took a nap with the lights on . Sal hated his walk from from school in the winter . The sun was so low that the shadows made the whole street dark . He ran from streetlamp to streetlamp to stay in the light . When he got home his mother asked him why he was so tired looking . +0 She got ready for the picnic . She had packed everything she needed . She got to the park . She opened up the picnic basket . She ate her lunch . +1 Yesterday he got into a car accident . Adam just bought a brand new truck last week . He was texting and driving at the same time . He hit a stopped car and now his insurance went way up . Adam learned quickly never to text and drive again . +1 As Bill was watching the news , Bill saw a disturbing headline . Bill is an avid Metro train user . The headlines stated that the train would be out of service for a day . Bill decided to call the Metro for confirmation of the story . Unfortunately , the Metro confirmed the news , and Bill was horrified . +1 Jenny peeked in the window , admiring each fuzzy little creature . A new litter of Welsh Corgi puppies played together . All summer she had carefully saved to buy her very own Corgi . When the owner gave her a puppy she could hardly believe it was real . Bursting with happiness , she ran all the way home . +2 Then she had a clever idea . Even on cold winter nights , Tom hated eating his hot steaming veggies . But his mom knew little Tom needed to veggies to get big and strong ! She began cooking all the family 's veggies into a thick tasty soup . Tom loved the soup and never refused to eat his veggies again ! +3 Courtney convinced Kadie to go on a date . Courtney has a new crush . Her crush is another girl . The girl 's name is Kadie . Courtney is ecstatic at the prospect of a new relationship . +3 His gaze made me feel uneasy the entire time . I went to a video rental store after work . I browsed the racks to find the best movie . I could tell that the clerk was watching me the entire time . As a result I just left the store without renting anything . +1 He was preparing to do an emergency extraction . Amy was in the dentist chair . He walked towards her with a needle . She was afraid of needles , so she closed her eyes . She heard a popping sound as the needle broke the skin on her palate . +1 The ball arrived over the plate . Timothy lined up to bat . Timothy hits the ball , getting his first hit . Timothy runs to third instead of first . Timothy gets out , but is more excited than disappointed . +0 Ren turned on the lamp , but there was no power . He went to the panel to check the breakers . All the breakers were on . Ren was very perplexed . Then he noticed the cord was n't plugged to the wall . +4 Jake said yes and he showed Mary how to dance . Jake was a good dancer but he was shy . He wanted to ask Mary to the school dance . Every time he saw her he got shy and did n't ask . The day before the dance Mary asked Jake . +3 Once the eggs were cooled , the kids began to color a dozen eggs . Mom decided to let Bobby and Jean color Easter eggs . She boiled the eggs for 10 minutes . The eggs needed to cool off before they could color them . The eggs dried and then they hid the colored eggs for the hunt . +3 I learned how to read sheet music . I wanted to learn how to sing better . I auditioned to sing for my church choir . The director said my voice was first tenor . I am better singer now than I was before I joined the choir . +2 A huge spider ended up falling in her hair . Melissa was walking around the halls . She eventually stopped under a tree . She did n't notice until it started crawling on her forehead . She ended up screaming and ran . +2 She out the flowers up . For Lisa 's wedding she needed flowers . When she found out the flowers were so expensive , she decided on silk . She thought no one would notice . Unfortunately a lot of people did . +4 Bob was so glad his new boots worked . Bob was going camping this weekend . He knew it was going to rainy heavily . He bought a brand new pair of waterproof boots . When it was the weekend , his boots kept his feet very dry . +2 The kids in that car were doing gross things . Gina was in the backseat of her dad 's car . The car next to them kept pace with them . Gina looked to see 2 kids making pig faces . Gina laughed when her sister gave the kids the finger . +3 Dan immediately kneeled down to grab his keys . Dan was walking home one night . As he pulled his hand out of his pocket , he dropped his keys . The keys fell into a storm drain . Luckily , they were still in arm 's reach and he was able to grab them . +1 She discovered something that she thought was very valuable . Wendy went to a garage sale over the weekend . She bought the item for ten dollars . Wendy took the item to a pawnshop to be appraised . The item was worth 100 dollars and Wendy was very excited . +0 Deb was visiting family for the holidays . They were at dinner when Deb 's job came up . Everyone asked Deb about work , and Deb got nervous . The truth was that she had been unemployed for some time . Finally , she decided to just admit it to her family . +4 Ryan can not believe that his team lost . Ryan 's team is in a big basketball tournament . His team is a head the whole game . There is one minute left and his team is up by ten points . His team continues to turn over the ball and ends up losing . +2 One day , James was approached by a stranger . James was a local drug dealer . He sold pills and marijuana to his neighbors . The stranger pulled a gun and robbed James . After the robbery , the stranger shot James . +0 Sarah loves the winter . One of her favorite things about this time is the trees . She loves watching the snow pile on the branches . She stared out the window all winter . She is a peaceful person because of it . +3 For weeks she would slowly add to the painting . Amy was an aspiring painter . She had made a lot of small paintings but wanted something great . She decided to spend a lot of time on one big painting . Finally , it was done , and it came out great . +1 They were searching for water during the dry season . The great herds of animals moved across the savannah . Finally , the elephants reached the shores of an ancient lake . They began upturning the mud with their tusks and feet . The elephants discovered enough water for all of the animals . +3 Richard deliberates a bit and then names an expensive brand . Mike enjoys making wagers . He bets his friend Richard he ca n't guess the brand of water . Richard accepts the bet . Mike points to a garden hose on the ground and collects his money . +1 He dreamed of killing a tiger for his next trophy . Henry was an avid big game hunter . Henry arranged a trip to India where he could fulfill his dream . On the trip into the jungle , Henry 's guides robbed and stabbed him . Henry was never heard from again . +3 Her mother does not have a great job , my grandniece was happy . My 16 year old grandniece She got her first job ever this year . She got a job in a local supermarket . She began bagging , but is now handling the cash register . We told Sia we were very proud of her . +0 I was at the gym on Tuesday . I was playing basketball . All of a sudden the lights shut off . A worker came in and told me I had to leave . I guess a storm knocked the power out ! +4 Rex 's company got the actual pen deal the next time . Rex worked for a company that molded plastic . A company ordered half a million pen caps from them . Rex lamented not getting the deal for the pens themselves . He did good work organizing and manufacturing the caps . +4 He thanked her and said his mom prayed for his downfall . Andrew wondered who really prayed for him when he asked for prayer . He is struggling and does n't have money for rent . He made a request on Facebook for everyone to pray for him . His friend Monica texted him the prayer she said for him +4 They were able to fix things easily . Paul was at the laundromat . He got what he thought were his clothes and went home . At home he realized he got someone else 's by mistake . He rushed back and explained the situation . +3 Since it had water in it , he ended up falling . My baby was walking in the kitchen . He saw a jar on the table and grabbed it . It ended up falling on the ground . I immediately got a mop and started to clean up . +1 Hailey went down first very early to see what Santa had left . It was christmas morning in West Virginia . There were all size presents under the tree for her and her family . Hailey hears a small chirping , and looks to see what it is . It was a nest , with a baby bird in the tree , the smallest present . +3 Tons of friends came for cake and socializing . Ana invited her friends to her fifteenth birthday party . She was hispanic , and fifteen was a big deal . She had a big party , called a quinceanera . Ana had a great time at her party ! +1 She rarely went out at night so she rarely wore fancy clothes . Kay had a party to go to with friends . She tried on her favorite skirt but it was too tight . She tried 3 dresses and nothing fit . Kay decided it was time to lose some weight . +4 Soon Ada realized that being a mom was her favorite job in the world ! Ada had just had a baby . At first she felt overwhelmed . She did not feel qualified to be a mother ! But as she learned about her baby , she changed her mind . +0 Ingrid 's class was having a drawing contest . Ingrid was very proud of her drawing . She thought it had a chance of winning . Then Ingrid 's teacher pinned up all of the drawings on the walls . Devastated to see that hers was one of the worst , Ingrid cried . +4 She discovered that the gummy bears had melted in her pocket . Wendy kept a bag of gummy bears in her pocket . She ate a few in the morning and wanted to save the rest for later . Her work was hard and physically demanding . She was sweating and exhausted by the afternoon . +0 Valerie and her mother decided to make blueberry pie . They went to a local farm . They picked a lot of blueberries . They worked hard to make the pie . It was delicious . +2 One day , his friend gave him a really thoughtful Christmas gift . Lucas was feeling very cynical around Christmas . Things had been really disappointing in his life . The care put into the gift really meant a lot to Lucas . He decided he should go get his friend a good gift , too . +2 The shop owner was in so Edward asked for help picking a bike . Edward had finally saved up enough for a bike . He stopped at the nearest shop on his way home from work . After testing out a handful of models , he settled on a racing bike . Now , he 'll be able to ride in a triathlon like he always wanted . +3 Gary fixed the truck over and over until he got fed up . Gary had an old grey truck . Gary used the truck often for hauling jobs . The truck started breaking down as it wore out . Gary traded the truck for a newer one and got more work done . +2 All of Eli 's classmates started twitching like they were possessed . Eli was late to his acting class because of the raging storm . When he finally got to class , dripping wet , everyone stared at him . When Eli picked up a baseball bat , they stopped and laughed . The class had just been acting to tease Eli for being late . +1 His mom told him he better not get dirty . Andy went out to play . Andy found a mud puddle . He jumped in the puddle . His mom was very angry . +1 He was slow in the beginning , but improved quickly . Just a few years ago , Tony was a brand new runner . After six months , he started running city road races . After one year , he ran a half marathon . No one was surprised the next year when he ran a full marathon . +4 Everyone boycotted the charity and they had to declare bankruptcy . I decided to get rid of my old clothes . I donated them to the local charity . Little did I know that the charity was selling the clothes for profit . I found out and decided to let the whole community know . +2 She blurted out , Trump how will you help black people ? Keisha wanted to go to a Trump rally . Once inside , she felt overwhelmed because of so many white people . Security made her leave the rally . Keisha told a reporter Trump does n't see blacks in America +4 Then I was sad . I once tried to force feed a fly to a lizard . The lizard would not eat the fly . It did n't seem to care at all . I accidentally cut it 's lip . +2 I went up real quick and rolled the ball off my ankle . The one time we went bowling with my sister . We were paying by the hour , so we were trying to bowl fast . I could n't believe how dumb I was . My sister will never let me forget that . +2 He did n't play his best during try-outs . Dan liked to play football . He decided to try out for the team . The coach decided to give Dan another chance . Dan made the team ! +4 Then she decided - she would become an Army nurse ! Ellen 's dad was a military officer and her mom was a doctor . Both parents wanted Ellen to do what they did . Ellen wanted to please them both but did n't know how . She thought both careers sounded equally interesting . +0 I was in gymnastics . The coach decided to teach me an iron cross . I felt I was too weak to perform one . But , my coach insisted that with hard work I could do it . Indeed , after a few months I mastered the iron cross . +2 Then head to our cousins in the afternoon . Thanksgiving was always special with our family . We would go to Mass in the morning . We would play football , and eat lots of good food . We would then have to spend the whole next day resting . +0 The fraternity decided to invest in a pooled money on the big lottery . The local game had increased their jackpot to hundred of millions . The fraternity pooled together one hundred dollars to invest . On the drawing day of the lottery , they had a party . It was not surprising that they did not win . +0 The stop sign near Clay 's home had been vandalized many times . Clay decided to find out who was doing the vandalizing . He set up a camera to capture the culprits . After several weeks , Clay retrieved his camera . Shocked , Clay learned he had started sleepwalking again . +0 Lucy had a crush on a guy who worked at Blockbuster . She wanted to talk to him , but she was too shy . She worked up her courage to approach him . She asked for a movie suggestion . She rented Predator even though she did n't like action movies . +0 Sandra went strawberry picking with her mother . They spent several hours in the sun gathering berries . At the end of the day Sandra dropped her bushel of strawberries ! Luckily she was able to scoop them all up again . Sandra was glad that her hard work had n't been wasted ! +3 That night , he spread the leaves back in the neighbor 's yard . Stan kept his yard free of any stray leaf or twig . He got angry when leaves from the neighbor 's tree blew in his yard . Stan raked the leaves into bags . As he finished , a big wind sent the leaves back to his lawn . +3 He had been up all night studying for an exam . Mike was one of the most motivated students in his school . He always paid attention , and he usually sat in the front row . Today however , he was having trouble staying awake . He finally gave up and put his head down , and sleep came . +1 He 'd make a mission statement and stick to it . Johnny figured out how to help himself . His mission statement was , live on the edge and help people . He applied for impressive jobs , types he considered on the edge . He landed a job as a technology writer , and he helped himself . +2 One day Bob snuck a cockroach in his competitions meat . Bob had a hamburger store . His store was in direct competition with the store across the street . The competition 's store closed down . Bob is now the most successful burger store in town . +2 She decided to cut everything cold turkey . Katie really wanted to be a vegan . She hated how animals were treated . Ultimately it was too much for Katie . Katie then ended up stopping veganism . +2 She realized just how bad the pollution problem was there . There once was an environmentalist named Josie . She was attending an environment conference in california . She then went to the governor 's office to petition against it . She was finally able to make a difference +1 She was now trying to choose a new color for her nails . Amy had removed her chipped nail polish from her nails . This was hard because she had over twenty different colors . She finally settled on a dark blue color because she was feeling sad . Amy painted her nails . +4 She stayed at her best friend Jane 's house for the night . Mary had a temper issue . She would always get into fights with her parents . One day she was arguing with her mother about taking out the garbage . Mary was so mad that she ran away from home . +0 Sam 's neighbor had a blue ball . Sam was jealous of his neighbor . One night Sam waited for his neighbor to go to sleep . Then he stole the blue ball . The next day Sam happily took his stolen blue ball to school . +4 She loved it . For mother 's day Jane cooked her mother 's favorite meal . It is Italian spaghetti with garlic bread . She spent several hours cooking it . Her mom eat it . +0 Andy could n't shoot a three point basketball shot to save his life . He desperately wanted to be able to hit one . He practiced the shot day in and day out . Andy finally started making shots . When it came game time , Andy was able to hit the game winning three . +2 He planted a seed right away . Frank lived in Oregon . It had just become legal to grow marijuana . He waited for the seed to begin growing . Unfortunately , nothing ever happened and the plant would n't grow . +1 I knew he had everything he needed . Last Christmas I did n't know what to buy my boyfriend . I decided that I was going to buy him tickets to a sports game . On Christmas day he opened up the gift . He was very grateful and happy . +1 She thought reading books was dumb and boring . Molly took a trip to the library , she has never been there . She found a book on cooking , who knew they made these books ! Later , a woman came by and said she had to leave . The library was closing , Molly was there for 4 hours ! +4 I did n't get to the city for another six hours . I went to the airport to go to NYC . I thought my flight would be on time . However it was very late . It was quite frustrating . +1 But he could n't find a second job or start a business . Charles wanted to make more money . He went to see a financial adviser . The financial adviser listened to Charles . The adviser said he had a solution but it cost a thousand dollars . +0 I sold books on amazon to supplement my income . I was running out of books . One day I saw a listing for free books on Craigslist . I drove down and filled up my car . I made $ 50 on the books I found . +1 There were still a close group of friends hanging out . The party was dying down . Someone decided to get more beer . Everyone pitched in . The rest of the night and drinking continued . +3 She wanted an extra $ 300 on a car payment . Laurie was unemployed and Jessie decided to help her out . He gave her $ 1000 so she can catch up on her bills . The next day , Laurie came to Jessie 's house again . Since the payment was late , he declined giving her anything . +0 Emma was about to move out of her apartment . Her landlord said that she owed some extra fees . Emma disputed that , because it was baseless . Luckily , her landlord backed off . She did n't end up paying anything . +1 For Christmas , Gwen decided one of her gifts would be a tattoo . Gwen 's cousin Erica loved to get tattoos . She promised to pay for it , and started trying to make an appointment . But they had trouble finding a date that worked for them both . Then Erica found out she was pregnant , and the present had to wait . +0 Will 's friend Joe just got an ant farm . Will visited him to see it . The ants were working so hard ! They had dug tunnels and chambers for themselves . They even had food stored in one of the chambers . +3 Any was surprised by how good they were . Gary was making dinner . But his oven was n't working . He decided to eat microwaveable dishes . So every week , Gary decided to have microwave Monday . +4 Kyle made a massive omelette using all four eggs , and it was great ! Kyle wanted to make an omelette for breakfast . He had four eggs left . He knew he could make a small omelette with two eggs . He could also make a big omelette with four eggs . +1 She had large stacks of books at home . Sally liked to read all the time . One day she decided to donate the books to a library . She loaded them all up into a wagon . And gave them to her local library for donation . +4 Cat 's daughter smiled at her , thanking her for her help . Cat was washing her daughter 's hair when soap got in the child 's eyes . The child started whining , flailing her arms . Cat knew from past experience that adding water would n't help . She grabbed a towel from the rack to dab her daughter ' eyes . +1 One night we went up against a really tough team . I loved playing football on my high school team . I took a hard tackle and hurt my knee ! It took a month of physical therapy to make me feel better . After that month , I finally got to play in another game . +4 He finally realized how easy he had it as a kid . Zack was nine Years old . He wanted to be an adult so bad . Adults got to drive and stay up late . Later on Zack became an adult . +2 It was dusk and it was getting dark quickly . Lucy was lost and could n't find her way to her grandparents . She was retracing her steps trying to calm herself . She knew her grandparents would be worried . She was scared but still had hope she could get home before dark . +3 She used her imagination instead of her money to come up with ideas . Cindy was tired of her drab apartment and wanted to redecorate . She considered hiring an interior designer , but they were expensive . Instead , she took a bunch of design books out of the library . Her budget forced her to be more creative , and she loved the results . +3 Alas , only three people bought some of the items . I felt that my house was too cluttered . I decided to sell some of my items . That weekend , I hosted a garage sale . I had no choice but to sell the remaining items to a pawn shop . +0 Joe moved to a new apartment , but did n't have anywhere to sit . He decided to go to the furniture store . At the store , he saw a nice looking recliner . Joe paid for the recliner at the front . The next day , the furniture store had the couch delivered to Joe . +1 He patted his wad of cash in his pocket . After a long day of selling his wares at a flea market , Bob left . The size of the wad made Bob feel satisfied . He got into his car and relaxed in the seat before he put the key in . He was so tired from the day that he fell asleep . +1 She had seen them in movies but never tried it out . Rene was excited to go on a private jet for the first time . As she walked in it was gorgeous . The flight was amazing . After the flight she never wanted to fly commercial again +4 She gave him a receipt and he left . Jack went to the bank to deposit a check . He waited in line for 10 minutes . When it was his turn , the teller called him up . He handed her the check and she deposited it into his account . +4 She has been happy ever since ! Lilly got married four times . She was never happy for long . She was always getting divorced . Finally she decided to stay single . +2 John went to the best car electronics place in town . John 's car had been broken into and robbed . The vandal ripped the stereo out of his dashboard . The salesman there helped him get a much newer and better stereo . John went home happy with his purchase . +0 Bob and Laura took their dog for a hike one beautiful , warm day . They hiked up a rugged trail , carrying plenty of water with them . They noticed that the trail was uprooted all around the campground . Suddenly , they saw a wild black hog in the distance . The hog snorted at them as they backed away . +1 On the bus , everyone kept staring at her . Rachel got herself ready and went to work . When she walked into work , there were snickers . Rachel went to the bathroom to find out what was so funny . Rachel realized she had a large green gob of something in her hair . +2 She watched the plate of delicious riblets in front of her . Bertha was a food taste tester . She loved her job especially riblet tasting day . She grabbed one of the riblets . Bertha was happy that day . +4 All she could do was ask Tami about it the next day . After dinner Gina called her friend Tami Her mother answered . Tami was n't at home . Gina wondered where she could be . +1 His favorite car type were Subarus . When he was younger , Frank loved watching cars race . When he got a job , he saved $ 100 each month for a new car . After years of waiting and saving , Frank went to the car dealership . Frank bought the blue Subaru of his dreams . +2 She tried to quit cold turkey but it was hard . Last week Shirley decided to quit smoking . She realized it was a bad habit . She still struggles with it . She is happy with the struggle more than the habit , though . +4 It was blasphemy to color the characters with blue skin . Lucy and her friend Molly were coloring . Mary 's mother had given them coloring books to use . All of the coloring books were from church . Mary was getting upset with the way Lucy was coloring . +2 The cops came and Karen discovered it was only her brother . Returning home from work , Karen saw her front door was partially open . She thought someone had broken in and called the police . She had said he could come over while his place was being painted . She was a little embarrassed but more relieved than anything else . +2 She often forgets to close the whistle top on the kettle . My daughter got a tea kettle for her birthday . It is one that whistles so that she remembers to make the tea . If she does n't close it , the kettle does not make any sound . I have to remind her to make the tea after all . +4 He decided he would make an attempt to enjoy the movie with his son . The new Disney movie was opening on Friday . Charles took his son to see the movie . Charles sat in the theater bored as the movie played . He looked over and saw the joy on his son 's face . +1 I 've mixed feelings about them . The holidays are here . They can be kind of fake . I 'm working at a soup kitchen on Christmas . I want to put some sincere feelings back into Christmas . +0 My friends invited me to go bowling with them . I put on my bowling shoes and drove to the alley . I met up with my friends and we began to play . While walking up the the lane , I dropped a ball on my toe . I sat down and could n't walk for the whole night . +0 Gail dressed her toddler in a bikini and took her to the pool . Other moms started whispering behind Gail 's back . One of them told Gail that she was sexualizing her daughter . She encouraged Gail to buy a one piece swimsuit for the toddler . Gail laughed and continued to dress her in a bikini . +0 Rob had been making a lot of money at his job He had also been working a lot , and needed to have some fun time So he decided he was going to buy a new gaming system After comparing several different game systems , he settled on an Xbox He spent a lot of money , but had a lot of fun playing it +1 She took some time to think of a good topic . Jane had a 1000 word essay she needed to prepare for class . She did some research online for material to put in her essay . She wrote and rewrote the essay for hours . Jane ended up with a great 1000 word essay on plant reproduction . +2 After class , she pulled Benji aside . Benji was picking on the new kid in class . His teacher spotted him . She told him he had to stay for detention ! Benji was very angry with himself for his behavior . +1 She was very confident in her own abilities . Francisca always thought that she would become a doctor . However , she never studied for anything . When the time came to take her final , she did poorly . Francisca was very disappointed with her failure . +1 The pony looked sad . A woman found a pony . The woman thought of something to help . She gave the pony some fresh hay . The pony cheered up and was happy . +4 It turned out that it was just her aunt with a new car . Molly was at her house . She saw a strange car pull into her driveway . She had never seen the car before . The mystery was making her really nervous . +1 He walked towards his friends and sat down with them . The lunch lady at the salad bar gave Dan his salad . When he was eating the salad , it tasted weird . The lettuce was extremely hard and the fruits had a ripe taste . He realized that the salad was a few weeks old . +2 When she arrived the manager was busy doing something else . Gina had an interview at a bank . She went early to be sure she was on time . Gina graciously offered to wait . Gina waited in the cool lobby for the manager to come and get her . +3 She then led her children to the concession stand . Milly took her children to a baseball game . The children begged and begged for a hot dog . Milly rummaged through her purse for some money . Milly was able to afford hot dogs for her children . +2 Her husband was not able to go with her . Rachel was getting an ultrasound for her pregnancy . Today she would learn the gender of her baby . Instead , she brought the gender home on a secret paper . Together , they read the paper and saw that it was a boy . +1 The stylist did as he asked , but something else bothered him . The man walked into a barber shop wanting only a trim . The man was told his hair was thinning and may need to take measures . After some suggestions , he paid without incident , but was enraged . His words were polite , but he stormed out the door afterwards . +4 Which made more milk come out . Last week Lance told a hilarious joke . None of us expected it . Jimbo laughed so hard milk came out of his nose . That made everyone laugh even more . +3 He sells the car for more than he thought it would be able to . Peter realizes that he is using his car much less than he used to . He decides to sell it altogether to save money on insurance . Peter is surprised when several buyers express interest quickly . Peter feels great that he was able to sell his car . +3 He sat on his fake thrown wondering what he was missing . Bill was voted king of the playground . He was n't happy . He felt that he was missing something . He then made a crown out of paper and was happy . +0 Jeff is a truck driver . He works in the western region of the United States . After 15 years , he still requests to drive in the east . One day , Jeff snapped from the boredom of his usual route . Jeff quit and drove the truck across the country towards the east . +1 Karen serves a fast ball and Mary misses the return . Mary is having a tennis match with Karen . In frustration , Mary slams her racket to the ground . The racket is bent and is unusable . Mary does not have a spare and had to forfeit the match . +3 Gina informed her the door to the library was locked . Gina and her friends were on their way back to class . Gina decided to stop at the bathroom . When she entered , she saw the librarian at the sink . It turned out she locked the door whenever she left the library . +4 Anna made a daisy chain ten feet long ! Anna had many weeds on her lawn . She decided to make use of them . She picked all the daisies . Then she began tying them together . +4 They Chuck got hit by the ball Eric threw , making Eric the winner ! Eric was not especially athletic . When the class gathered for dodge ball , he did n't expect to do well . One by one people were knocked out . Eric and a huge boy named Chuck were the only ones left . +1 She was sick of serving coffee to rude customers . Rachel was a barista at a coffee shop . She decided to go back to school and get a degree . Rachel enrolled in her state school for a finance degree . Now she likes her job and makes more money . +3 She collected a rock of each color and put the rocks in a circle . Taylor decided to find rocks of as many different colors as she could . She went to her yard and found rocks that looked red , brown , and blue . She also came across a small pile of green rocks . She played with the rocks , got bored , and went inside . +0 Jessica joined the new sorority . When it was time for the hazing , she had to strip naked . EVeryone else judged her body and criticized her . She could n't take it . She left the sorority crying . +2 The guy would constantly make noises . Greg was at the gym . There was a guy working out there . Greg asked him to stop . He would n't listen . +1 A few months in he noticed a slow leak in his bedroom . When Chuck bought the house they said it had a new roof . He had roofers come over to look at it . Apparently the previous roof was installed wrong . He had to have the whole thing ripped off and put a new roof on . +1 Everybody makes pumpkin pie so she wanted to do something different . Alice want to make a special dessert for Thanksgiving . She would a recipe for oatmeal pie that sounded delicious . It was n't too hard to make , so she gave it a try . Her guests loved it , asking for the recipe . +4 After school , they go outside and play in the snow ! Hallee and her friends are excited there is a big snowstorm coming . While they are in school , it starts to snow . Their teacher tells them there will be no school the next day . Hallee and her friends are so excited for a snow day the next day ! +4 He noticed that it was just a floating piece of cardboard afterwards . Ted was swimming at the beach . It was a warm summer day outside . All of a sudden , he saw what appeared to be a shark fin . He immediately ran out of the water . +4 Thomas went to his first AA meeting to deal with his alcoholism . Rex knew his friend Thomas was too drunk to drive home . Thomas was insistent , so Rex tried to wrestle the keys from him . A fistfight ensued , resulting in a black eye for Rex . When Thomas sobered up , he was ashamed of his behavior . +3 It was a struggle for Bill to climb the tree . Bill saw his neighbor 's cat in his tree . He brought it to the attention of his neighbor . Bill used his ladder to climb the tree . Bill eventually rescued the cat . +0 Ed wanted to give his mom a nice birthday present . But he had no money to buy her anything . Then he had a great idea for a birthday surprise . He woke early on her birthday and brought her breakfast in bed . His mom said it was the nicest gift she 'd ever gotten ! +1 She was so sad to leave home . Haley and her family moved across the country . She was very unhappy in their new town . Her mom made her go out and meet kids . She quickly made some new friends . +3 He made a move and they started kissing right up against the freezers . Silan had to go to Buffalo for a marketing conference . On his way to the hotel he decided he would stop at the market . He saw this lady in the freezer section and thought what the hell . Silan could n't believe he hooked up in a market on a marketing trip . +3 She got the ingredients and proceeded to try it . Since Janet was lactose intolerant it made it hard to have dairy . Thankfully she found a recipe for almond milk . She was curious to try it . To her delight it was delicious +1 The valet started the car washing process . Chad gave his keys to the car wash valet . Chad read a book for 20 minutes . The valet gave Chad back his keys . Chad found his cell phone in the car , dunked in his flat soda . +0 May was babysitting for 5 hours a new couple . They came highly recommended from other she worked for . The toddler was extremely active , and ran all over the house . When the parents returned they paid May $ 30 . May was highly upset since she expected $ 50 . +1 They were 50 miles offshore when her daughter got sick . My friend Jean took her daughter on a cruise . She had appendicitis . She had to be airlifted to a hospital . The event was covered by the tv news . +1 Kim went to Target specifically to get a pair of jeans . Target was having a sale and with a coupon jeans were $ 10 . She got the things she needed for the house and checked out . At home she realized she did n't get any jeans . She was sad when she realized the coupon expired that day . +0 Brian recently took a trip to the island of Virgin Gorda . While there , Brian had the opportunity to visit a magical place . The magical place is known as The Baths . The Baths is a series of rock structures that have hidden beaches . Brian would never forget his trip to The Baths in Virgin Gorda . +1 He entered a dance competition to win a grand prize . Adam loves to dance . He went on stage and did his best dance routine . Adam was nervous waiting to hear his results for his routine . The results were in , and Adam has won the grand prize ! +3 He did n't find any boat models he liked . Albert worked hard to save money for a boat . He learned very much about boats until he saved enough . When Albert went to buy a boat . Albert left the store without buying a boat . +0 Travis was trying to write a computer program . But he had trouble concentrating . He played games and browsed various websites . And by the end of the day , he only had a few lines of code written . Travis knew he would n't become a good computer programmer . +1 They had to stop when the traffic light was red . Kerry was driving on the street with her mom . Several men in the car next to them wore golden teeth . When they smiled , Kerry 's mom freaked out . She decided to duck and stay under the seat . +1 She dressed prettily and carefully . Anna was making her first Communion . Then she went to the church . She was given her first Communion . Anna was so proud and happy ! +3 Amy felt uneasy about hiding merchandise at work . The Store Amy worked at was having a big sale . Amy told a co-worker she wanted to buy a new coat . The co-worker told Amy to hide on in her department , lest the sell out She decided she would simply take her chances . +3 Ana peeked in the box curiously . Ana found a loose floorboard under her bed . She pried it up . Under it was a hidden shoebox ! Inside she found an old collection of baseball cards . +3 However , she eventually sent a text last Friday . My friend called me while I was eating . Since my hands were dirty , I decided to ignore her call . For the past few weeks , she never responded to any of my calls . I was furious after reading it since she told me to stop bothering her +0 Elisa was walking on the boardwalk . Elena , who was behind Elisa , called her . She looked back to say hi however , she stubbed her toe . In addition , it got stuck beneath the wooden plank . Elena immediately ran to the boardwalk to help Elisa . +1 Daniel is determined to make high school an enjoyable experience . Daniel 's first day of high school is tomorrow and he is nervous . The next morning Daniel finally enters his new high school . He recognizes some of his old friends and does n't feel as nervous . Daniel decides that high school will not be as scary as he thought ! +4 Lisa did n't think it was very proper . Last night Lisa went to a dinner at a friends house . While eating , her friend took a phone call . Lisa was very upset about that . Her friend was on the phone right in front of her . +4 He wound up failing his test and the class . Sam considered himself a smart kid . He had a test last Friday . He figured he did n't need to study . Instead he played videogames with his friends . +2 Lisa took pictures of all of the junk food and posted it on Facebook . Lisa was trying to lose weight . But her class was having a giant party . And she complained about how silly the party was . Despite her complaints , she ended up avoiding the junk food . +3 She had very few sales . Lilly dreamed of owning her own store . In her late 20s , she opened shop selling antiques . The business was n't very profitable . Lilly had to close her shop . +0 I went to see my new PCP this morning . My old one left town . When I arrived I was told I had the wrong date . I left and had coffee with my brother who lives nearby . My brother bought coffee and drove me home . +3 The show was spectacular . Maggie just got tickets to see her very first Broadway show . She could not be more excited . As soon as she got her seat , the show started . Maggie left the theatre feeling great about the show . +2 She decided to eat the mushroom . Tara was taking a hike in the woods . She found a red colored mushroom on the ground . Tara immediately fell ill . She had to go to the emergency for eating a poisonous mushroom . +1 They bought all the stuff needed . Jane wanted to grill with friends . They went to the park . All of a sudden it started raining . They kept grilling under umbrellas . +0 Jim and James were twins . They went to the beach together one day . And there they met Jane and Jill . The four of them hit it off . A year later they had a double wedding . +4 He was very friendly and soft ! Molly met a new dog . Her mother said she was not allowed to play with strange dogs . Molly decided to ask the owner if his dog was nice . The dog 's owner said she could pet the dog . +0 Jim bought a sub from the local supermarket . When he approached his car , he ended up slipping on the floor . His sandwich landed on the ground and got soaked on the ground water . He got furious and broke his car window . The alarm went off . +1 He liked to do bad things . I had a friend named Chris . He got me in trouble a couple times . I could n't hang out with him without getting into trouble too . I had to end my friendship with Chris . +0 Jackson always thought eggs were slimy and weird . He tells his mother that he will never eat an egg . Finally his mother tells him that many foods , like cake , have eggs . Jackson decides that he actually likes eggs . He no longer thinks that eggs are slimy or weird . +4 Benny and his mom went out for trick-or-treating . Benny was so excited for Halloween . He already decided to dress as a ghost . His mom helped to get his costume ready . Benny put his ghost costume on for the night . +0 Sam was soaring across the sky . He visited his old school and his parents house . He flew with the birds and a plane . Everything was magical . Then he woke up . +3 Matt told the person that he was being unfair . Matt walked on to the bus looked for a seat . He could not find any open seat so he stood . A person offered his seat to Matt if he gave him $ 20 . The person shrugged and ignored Matt for the rest of his ride . +1 People wore blue and pink . Kayla had a gender reveal party . They made guesses what the baby would be . Eight people guessed a boy and five guessed a girl . The girls won . +1 So , I had to take the GRE . I wanted to get my masters degree . Alas , I was bad at taking standardized tests . Nevertheless , I studied for many months . Luckily , I did very well on the GRE ! +4 Now he 's not sure if he 'll be able to competitively run again . Carl was set to win the big race over the weekend . He was an elite track star with a bright future . At the big race he tripped within the first few meters . It tore his tendons apart and took him out of the raise . +2 After an hour she turned over to get an even tan . Mia went outside to get a good tan . She put on some sun lotion and laid down . When the sun went down she got up to inspect her tan . She had a slight burn but was tan nonetheless . +1 She is very nervous because she really likes this guy . Megan has a date tonight with someone she met online . They have been talking for weeks now online . They went to a nice restaurant and Megan had a great time ! They have been on five dates now and things are going great . +3 She waited nervously those two days . Sara practiced for months for the audition to a play . She entered the audition with confidence that she would get the role . It would be two days till they announced who got the roles . Sara did not get the role . +2 Sarah raised her hand to call over the instructor . Sarah was taking her math exam . Her calculator all of a sudden ran out of batteries . Sarah was able to borrow a calculator from her instructor . Sarah was able to ace her exam with her instructor 's calculator . +3 The boss called her the next day to offer her the position . Tia had a job interview . She dressed smartly and rehearsed her lines . Then she went to her interview and gave a great performance ! Tia joyfully accepted the offer ! +1 He walked out there in the cold rainy . There once was a man who went to throw garbage out . Right as he was throwing it away , a person jumped out . They grabbed him and tried to pull him in the dumpster . He resisted and was able to run away . +0 It was 6 am and Kay was waiting to take her driving exam . The instructor was stoic in the seat next to her . This made her very nervous . She made all the maneuvers and waited for the results . Kay was overjoyed when the instructor told he she just barely passed . +4 Aria left behind her baby blanket and her seizures stopped . Aria started having seizures . Her mother did not know why . She took Aria to a doctor and he said she was allergic to something . For about a week Aria 's mom tried to find what Aria was allergic to . +1 He had forgotten to do his science project . Timmy was scared of going to school today . He faked being sick so he could stay home . His mother called him out of school in order to rest up . Timmy did n't feel bad for faking his illness that day . +1 I looked up the book online . An author that I liked released a new book . I found a website selling it and ordered it . I waited for a week and it arrived . I sat down and read the whole thing over a few days . +3 So her mom happily ate Lana 's waffles . Lana wanted to eat pancakes for breakfast . But instead her mom made waffles . Lana complained and said she did n't want them . Lana 's mom made pancakes the next day . +0 I was moving to my new house and needed to move my bed . Two of my cats decided to jump on the top of the bed while it was up . The first one up tried to make the second one fall down over the side . While the second cat was hanging I was able to give him a boost up . They both ended up sleeping on it until it was moved . +3 Roy got very distracted by the book . Roy heated up some water to make tea . He pouted the hot water into a mug and added a bag . He read a book while the tea steeped . When he remembered about the tea , the water was quite cold . +4 When his brother came Josh showed him the injury and was able to stay home . Josh did n't feel like going to his niece 's soccer game . When his brother called him he made up an excuse to not go . Josh said he shot himself , his brother said he 's coming to see him . Frantic , Josh grabbed his bb gun and shot himself in the foot . +0 When I was younger I taught myself the guitar . I spent hours and hours practicing . I started to love it . I loved it so much that I started to write songs . I would perform them for my family . +1 He had to keep it hidden from their mom . Gina liked to sneak and listen to her brothers rap music . But Gina knew where he hid it and would sneak and listen . Now she discovered he had moved it to a new location . Gina was disappointed when she could n't find the tape . +4 Now Fred can sleep soundly knowing the mouse is gone . Fred hears a creature gnawing on his furniture late one night . He buys mousetraps at the store the next day . Fred sets out mousetraps all over his home . One of the traps catches a mouse . +0 I got a new haircut yesterday . At first I was nervous , but then I was okay . The haircut did not take a long time . Luckily it was over quickly . When it was done I loved it . +0 Ben was a little nervous as he looked across the room . He had n't seen his high school girlfriend since they graduated . She was his first love , so she had a special place in his heart . They were both still single so who knew what would happen ? They both smiled as they saw each other across the room . +4 Now Charles ' online camera store makes ten thousand a month . Charles learned how to design websites . A video tutorial taught him how to make an online store . He programmed an online camera store . Next , he visited his local camera dealer and asked for wholesale . +2 I called the closest mechanic , and they said to wait where I was . I was at the gas station , ready to leave and my car would not start . I searched for a mechanic from an app on my phone . The mechanic pulled up to my car , five minutes later . He fixed my car , and I have gone to him ever since . +3 Jan stayed over last night so she could take Tina see the doctor . My sister in law Jan went to Greenfield , MA yesterday . Her sister Tina is bipolar and has been tense lately . Tina is seeing a doctor today . The family is hoping Tina will improve . +4 Kurt hoped the meeting would end soon so that he could go home to bed . Kurt had to attend a late evening meeting at work . After dinner , he put on his suit and tie again . He drove to work in the dark . Kurt sat quietly in the meeting . +0 Fourteen children stood on a white line in the school yard . They were playing a new game during recess . One girl ran at full speed into the line of children . The children stopped her and added her to the line . There were now fifteen children in the line . +2 When Ashley got there a guy was sitting at the table . Ashley decided to go out to dinner one night . Her friends had invited her and she thought it seemed normal . She did n't know this guy and seemed confused . Ashley quickly realized that her friends set her up on a date . +0 Peter and his friends wanted to make candied apples for the fall . The got all the ingredients and started dipping the apples . When they were done the apples looked so delicious . They each took a bite . The taste was impeccable . +1 The cheese pizza made him sick . Danny ate cheese pizza . He spent the rest of the day in the bathroom . Danny was now afraid to eat cheese . He decided to become vegan to avoid getting sick . +0 Jill struggled to learn her first piano piece . But she was determined to master it . After several weeks , she learned it . She recorded the piece . And it reminded her of how hard she worked . +2 She was confident she could ! Libby was at the park playing on the swings . Her big brother bet her she could n't swing as high as he could . She kicked as hard as she could . Her brother was impressed at how well she did . +1 She set her alarm and went to sleep . Jane had to be at work very early the next day . She woke up and saw the sun shining through the window . The alarm was set for 6:00 am and it should still be dark out . Jane looked at the time and it was 8:00 am and knew she overslept . +1 I selected an old Eagles song . I put a quarter in the jukebox . After a minute everyone in the bar was up dancing . When the song ended everyone looked at me . I started humming to myself as I left . +1 She could n't find it anywhere . Sasha wanted to use her cell phone . She searched her entire house up and down looking for it . Still , she could n't find it . It was n't until later that she randomly found it in her sheets . +2 When the friend next rode on it , the bike wobbled . Stan was mad his friend so he kicked the friend 's bike . The kick caused the bike wheel to come loose . The friend ignored this problem . The bike wobbled so hard that he fell right off ! +0 Michael was scared of being alone . One day he went on a trip . It was inside a cave with his friends . He took a wrong turn so he was left alone . Michael nearly had a panic attack . +1 She practiced her music with the choir and alone at home . Beth was really looking forward to performing in the choir concert . On the day of the concert , the choir performed with the orchestra . The sound filled the room and it was beautiful . Beth was thrilled to be a part of something so wonderful ! +0 Emma was shopping at the mall . She wanted to buy a dress from a commercial that she saw . She went to the store and searched the dress out . At first , she could n't find her size . Luckily , she found one in her perfect size . +4 She laughed in the mirror as it was a crazy color . Kelsi was excited to try out bright red hair for the first time . She opened up the box of dye and followed the instructions . To her surprise , the dye stung her head while she was waiting . As she rinsed it out , she was in a bit of shock to see the color . +3 My mom took him to the hospital . My brother was playing on the swings . A bee flew by and attacked him . After a few seconds , his face started to get swollen . He was treated with medication . +1 My girlfriend says she does , but I disagree . I sometimes feel like I 'm the only one who cleans . I clean up after her often . She 'll then enter a room and think it was always that clean . At which point the cycle starts over again . +3 When I arrived in Kenya my father was happy to see me . My dad moved to Kenya . I was very lonely in America without him . So , I decided to move to Kenya with him . Alas , Kenyan weather was too hot for me so I went back to America . +1 She said that she had treasure . Tim asked his mother for treasure . Tim ran and searched around the house . After an hour he found nothing . His mother revealed that he was her treasure . +1 She is out of the hospital but still shaky . My sister in law had a nervous breakdown in September . Her sister comes over to help out . Last week she got her a perm . That made my sister in law feel better . +0 Jenny loved to skateboard with her friends after school . One day she decided not to wear her knee pads . Jenny fell and scraped her knees very badly . When she came home her mother scolder her for not wearing knee pads . Jenny decided never to skate without knee pads again . +4 Jacob did not make new friends quickly . Jacob 's dad got a job transfer . Jacob had to go to a new school . Jacob was not happy about moving . When Jacob started his new school he was scared . +1 While there they waited for their waitress . Olivia and Liam went to their favorite restaurant . The waitress brought their food and they ate . They also ordered takeout for their kids . They left and gave their waitress a fifty percent tip . +1 Tammy and her friend are hanging out at her pool Tammy is very jealous of her friends new necklace . Her friend goes inside , so Tammy throws the necklace into the pool . Tammy 's friend thinks the necklace is inside . Tammy is happy her friend does n't have the necklace anymore . +1 It was a Christmas present for my friends . I bought a membership to the Gardner Museum in 2015 . Membership included free admission for two for a year . My friend 's wife loved the arts . They were too busy to go . +4 Eventually I had to sleep on the couch . I was falling asleep last night when I heard hooting . There was an owl right outside my window . It was being really loud . I tried to scare it off but it did n't work . +3 Sue accepted this and went home . Sue 's neighbor 's dog would not stop barking . Sue went to complain to her neighbor . Her neighbor said she was just dog sitting and the dog would go home . The dog 's owner picked up the dog three days later . +1 He was driving the ship near Africa when a smaller boat came by . Bob was a captain of a trade ship . Suddenly , the people on the smaller boat tried to get onto the ship . Bob realized that they were pirates ! He called for emergency help . +4 She grabbed it from me and reprimanded me from going back there . We were staying at my Pop 's house on vacation . I was messing around under his bed , when I found a gun . I picked it up and looked at it , in shock . Suddenly , my aunt came in and yelled to put it down ! +3 I decided to make a life not a living . I found a job so that one day I could retire . I realized thinking like that was crazy . It was like living in order to die . Now I 'm happy and will never retire . +1 Tried some frog legs and some escargot tttt . Went to a restaurant that serves different things . The escargot tt tasted like calamari . The frog legs tasted like chicken . I still do n't think I will be eating anymore of those things . +3 After a long visit , he went home with his mom and dad . Nathan went to visit his grandmother . While there , she gave him a bear claw . Then she said that he had to wait until he got home to eat it . He ate his bear claw later , while he played with his Legos . +3 He thought it was difficult . There once was a requester that wanted a story . He asked for a complete , coherent idea . One day , someone had to write one . As a result , he never did the hit again . +0 Lily studied the migratory path of butterflies . She especially liked to study Monarch butterflies . She discovered that their migration was being interrupted by smog . She emailed a conservation group about that , asked them how to help ? They gave her a petition to sign , and invited her to join their group . +4 She decides to take a walk in the park instead . Jessica came home after a long day of work to relax and watch some TV . When she turns the TV on , the cable is n't working ! She calls the cable company and they tell her they 'll fix it tomorrow . Jessica thinks about what she can do without TV to keep her company . +1 She did n't know what to make so she called her mom . Stacy was having her boyfriend over for dinner for the first time . Her mom suggested something easy like spaghetti . The dinner turned out wonderful and Stacy was happy . Her boyfriend kissed her for the first time that night . +2 I climbed up on a ladder and could n't reach . I had to fix my gutters . They were full of leaves and fell out of the roof . When I attempted to get higher , the ladder fell down . I hung from the roof until I let go and dropped to the ground . +0 The man ran into the emergency room bleeding everywhere . He demanded to be seen by a doctor . The receptionist asked him if he had insurance . The man frowned and said he did not . The receptionist gave him a band-aid and told him to get lost . +3 She promptly installed an ad blocker . Wanda used to be vehemently against ad blockers . She argued that they robbed websites of their revenue . Yesterday , she found out her computer was slowed down by adware . Now , she wo n't go back to not using one . +0 Sandy was feeling hot . Her air conditioning was broken at her home . Sandy went to the store and bought a fan . She used her fan to circulate air in her home . Sandy felt refreshed with a cooler home . +2 The people there were very angry but they left when he told them to . Matt worked as a foreclosure agent for the bank . He visited a house out on Berridge Rd that was soon to be foreclosed . Matt put the listing up on Zillow to facilitate it selling . Matt is dismayed it 's been 2686 days and it has n't sold yet . +0 Mary was bored of her long brown hair . Her parents told her not to cut it , but she went to a salon anyways . She decided to get it cropped very short . She also got it dyed blue . Her parents grounded her , but secretly like the new look . +3 After purchasing them and returning home , I made the salad . I wanted to buy some fruits for a salad . I decided to quickly run to the store to buy these fruits . Once there , I realized the fruits I needed were all in season ! The salad was cheap and delicious ! +0 Steven is going to the Kentucky Derby . He carefully packs his bag . He arrives at the airport on time . He gets the Derby 2 hours early . Steven enjoys the race . +0 A group of high school friends played football after school . They decided to ask their favorite teacher to join them . The teacher hit the hardest out everyone . Everyone had fun getting muddy and playing the game . Everyone grew closer thanks to the game of football . +2 They decided to just mingle with guests and dance ! Jane and Rob had a very lovely wedding ceremony . But after their vows , they just wanted to unwind . Eventually , they loosened up and enjoyed themselves . At the end of the night , they reflected on their magical evening . +0 Kelly banged herself yesterday . It left a massive bruise . She wanted the pain to go away . Yet the pain would n't . She would be in pain another week . +4 Sara stayed at the office and ate lunch by herself . Sara was invited to lunch with her co-workers . Sara was a new employee and did n't know any of her co-workers well . Sara was a very shy person . Sara decided that she did n't want to go to lunch with her co-workers . +3 My friends swam in and saved me . We went to a lagoon in nicaragua . It was deep . I almost drowned as a result . This led to me having a fear of the water . +4 She was a bit scared but luckily her bus arrived soon . Miranda had just gotten off from work . She was waiting at the bus stop . Suddenly she noticed a loud person walking around . It looked like a homeless man had gotten drunk . +3 The family went and had a great time . The Carson family wanted to take a road trip . They decided for hours over where they would go . They chose Niagara Falls . The kids loved watching the water . +3 Later , however , I finally worked up the courage to play them . I was 17 Year 's old when I fell in love with vinyl records . It first began when my uncle left me his vinyl records after he died . At first I hesitated about playing the records , fearing phantasms . I immediately fell in love with them . +0 Diane 's step mom moved out and left her with her dad . Diane loved having her dad all to herself . Then her dad met a new woman and moved her in the house too . This new woman had 2 little girls who were not very nice . Diane called her step mom and asked if she could live at her house . +3 But she inadvertently got drunk ! Tina had never tried wine before . She went into her mom 's liquor cabinet and took a bottle . Then she sampled a few drinks . Tina 's mom caught her and grounded her for a month ! +1 It was delivered the next day . Mona bought a new sofa from a local furniture store . On that same day she went out with her husband on a date . Joanne babysat Mona 's two children while she and her husband were out . Joanne spilled chocolate ice cream on Mona 's new sofa and ruined it . +4 Now she helps girls gain confidence every summer . When Miranda was a child , she went to summer camp . She made lots of friends and gained self confidence there . When she became a teenager she was too old to go to camp . She became a camp counselor instead . +0 Anna went to a protest . She began yelling about her cause . But nobody could hear her ! Then a friend handed her a megaphone . Anna began yelling much , much louder ! +3 Some menus had special prices . Restaurant week was a success in Starkville . Each restaurant had its special entity and gift for it 's patrons . Different restaurants showcased speciality buildings for its clients . It was a great time . +2 But one year later she tried again . Lilly had been struggling with anxiety ever since we was 3 Year 's old . When her mom signed her up for ballet it did n't work out so well . Now it is time for her first performance . The applause at the end of the dance made Lily feel so happy . +4 Alas , they did not like each other . I had a dog . He would get lonely when I went to work . Thus , I decided to buy a second dog . Now , both dogs could play with each other while I was at work . +2 She told her all about her trip . Gina was in Illinois for a family emergency . She called her friend Lisa back home . Lisa did n't have much to say about what was happening there . Gina hung up feeling a connection to her life back home . +3 He fell and felt a snap in his knee . Aiden has played soccer since he was four Year 's old . He thought he would played soccer in college . When Aiden was in high school he was kicked in a soccer game . Aiden tore a tendon and was never able to play again . +1 She had talked her grandma into driving her there . Lucy was going to Blockbuster to rent movies . There was an older boy working there she had a crush on . She wanted to impress him but looking older . The only problem was lip gloss was the only makeup she could wear . +1 He started using his notebook to draw comics . Jimmy loved to draw . His friends started seeing it and asked to join . Now he has a whole team behind him . They start selling the comics around . +1 The leaders were announcing who had sold the most cookies . Tabitha was at a girl scout sleepover . They were also giving out prizes for cookies sales . Suddenly Tabitha heard her name . She ended up winning a cute little cup . +0 Today contractors are repairing the apartment building exterior . It is very noisy outside . Our cat hates noise . When they started working she hid under the bed . She has come out only to eat . +2 Gina had no idea what she was talking about . Gina walked in the front door . Her mother inquired about the bread she was to pick up . She had n't seen the text her mother sent . She had no way to , her phone had been confiscated in class . +4 The roasted seeds were delicious ! Maria carved a pumpkin for Halloween . When she was done , she took all the seeds and washed them . Then , she roasted the seeds . When they were done roasting , she tasted them . +2 Her husband took the baby to clean it up . Emily was getting her toddler out of the car . She realized that he had had a diaper explosion all over . Emily had to take the entire cover off of the seat . Unfortunately , even after washing it , it was still stained . +2 Hank was then arrested . Hank bought a new car and someone hit his car on the way home . Hank got really angry and punched the offending driver . Hank was devastated by his poor decision making . Hank ended up taking anger management classes voluntarily . +2 She could n't believe how the years flew by . Eliza was sending her daughter Avery to college . It was a tough moment for Eliza . Eliza started shedding tears . She could n't wait for Avery to return . +3 One day Trey 's lies about cheating were exposed . Trey was a good looking guy . However he was a big liar . He lied to his girlfriend about everything she believed him . His girlfriend burned all of his personal belongings . +1 He was kicked out of his house . Johnny hit rock bottom last week . He lost his job . His girlfriend dumped him . He does n't know what he 's going to do . +3 The Million Dollar Man got excited and ordered a beer . The Million Dollar Man walked into a bar and took a seat . He asked about the specials that night . THe bartender told him they were selling dollar beers . He drank five and left without tipping the bartender . +3 She was upfront about her beliefs on every date . Ella was a beautiful girl . She had a great personality . Ella strongly believed in saving herself for marriage . Men would not stick around long because of her beliefs . +2 We decided to surprise him with a trip to the science museum . Ripley loved dinosaurs . He constantly mentioned facts about them to everyone he encountered . They had a sand pit for children to pretend to be archeologists . He found more bones than anyone else . +4 I did n't want to go back on it . At magic kingdom I went on splash mountain . The ride was very scary . At first the ride was slow . But when we had the drops I was screaming . +4 Lucy had to wear a hat to hide her ugly hair . Lucy had rolled her hair in rollers . When she took them out she did n't like the style . The style was too old fashioned . She tried to comb her hair straight but it would n't work . +2 Each student had to pick a volcano rock to write an essay about . Sam went on a field trip with his school . The school decided to take the students to a dormant volcano site . Sam picked up a piece of Basalt he found interesting . Sam wrote a good essay about his rock when he went home that day . +0 My sister took me to the doctor 's office . She was complaining about not having enough money for gas . Since she 's always kind to me , I gave her $ 20 for gas . She was able to fill up her gas tank . I felt good after doing her a favor . +2 Inside he discovered that he won a vacation for 2 to Mexico ! James loved to eat cereal . He opened up a brand new box this morning . He was so excited ! James went on the free vacation with his girlfriend . +0 Jenny and her boyfriend watched a movie about a boy and his dog . Jenny wiped back tears when the dog in the movie went missing . Her boyfriend teased her about being so soft-hearted . When the movie dog was found , Jenny heard a strange sound . She turned and saw her boyfriend was softly sobbing . +3 A raccoon had eaten them in the night . While camping Linda was enjoying molasses cookies she brought . In the middle of the night she heard a sound . In the morning she looked and noticed all the cookies were gone . Every time since she made them , Linda called them raccoon cookies +1 She thought graduation meant freedom . Candice was a high school senior . After graduation Candice moved out of her parents house . She realized bills are expensive . Candice dreams of going back to high school . +2 I went to the animal shelter in my car . I really wanted a pet . I looked around , but there were no new puppies in my area . I looked at all the animals until deciding . I decided to adopt a small yellow lab . +0 Stassi was excited to have a beach party with friends . She gathered her best friends together in her car for the drive . As soon as she was on the road , she forgot her sunglasses . Frantic , stassi raced home to go get the glasses . As soon as she got the glasses , she raced to the beach to go party . +1 But she had n't seen the principal yet . Gina was ready to go back to her classroom . In her boredom she began to daydream . She imagined she had already seen the principal and was n't in trouble . Just then the door opened to the principal 's office . +1 She found a kitten by the school entrance . Marie loved cats . She took the kitten home and hid it in her bedroom . Marie 's parents heard the kitten crying . Marie 's parents made her take the kitten back to the school . +0 Shay was playing hide and seek with his brother . He hid behind the kitchen stove . His brother looked for him everywhere . But eventually he had to give up . Shay had won the game ! +1 I went to Petsmart and looked for cats . I decided one day that I wanted a furry companion . I held a new baby kitten , and eventually left the store without her . The next day I returned to see her alone , clawing the cage to get out . I was so touched , I adopted her and she 's almost nine Years old now . +4 Glory fell in love with him and became his wife . Glory began a pen pal relationship with an inmate . They would write to each other on a weekly basis . She enjoyed the friendship they developed . When the inmate was released they met in person . +0 Lisa missed her grandparent very much . She thought often of calling them . Lisa one day dialed the number to call her grandparents . However , the line would n't go through . Lisa felt very disappointed not being able to reach her grandparents . +3 I choose a beautiful one . I have always wanted a fish for my small bedroom . I decide to drive to the local superstore for the fish . They have many fish . Finally I am home with my new fish , Mickey . +2 Gordo loses self confidence . Gordo hates the idea of having to give a presentation . Gordo begins drinking due to stress . Gordo calls in sick to avoid giving a presentation . Gordo loses his job . +3 One morning , he left a trout on the front step . Rugby was a yellow labrador retriever . He was always bringing stuff to the house . Usually he brought live turtles . We do n't know where he got it . +3 She saved for a long time . Lola loved to have people over . Having a small apartment made that hard . She wanted a house . Finally , she bought a beautiful home ! +0 There was a raffle at Amy 's job . She won several entries , but expected nothing . When the names were called Amy was shocked to hear she won a laptop . When her boss saw her laughing he asked what was funny . She explained she never expected to win and bought a laptop a week ago . +1 They threw a noisy party . We had student neighbors one year . I called the police to intervene . The next day one neighbor made fun of my being Chinese . I went after him with a bat . +4 Steve improved his swing over a year and make the team the next year . Steve tried out for the school 's tennis squad . He unfortunately did n't make the team . He approached his coach and asked why he was cut . His coach told him to work on his swing and come back next year . +4 Amy sulked all the way to the stop , upset she did n't have her watch . Amy was going getting dressed for school one morning . When she was to put on her watch she could n't find it . She looked all over , but the watch was nowhere to be seen . Finally her mother called her to go to the bus stop . +4 His parents decided to ground him for a month because of his grade ! David was a freshman in high school . He studied all night for a test the night before school . When he took the test , he knew none of the answers ! He received an F on the test . +4 And threw red punch at Sally during the reception . Sally wanted to get married . So she found a man willing to marry her . And wore her prettiest dress on the big day . But one of bridesmaids was jealous . +2 However , in the act of cutting a carrot , Bill injured himself . Bill is training to be a chef . Today in class , Bill learned how to properly cut with a knife . Bill 's teacher immediately called for the nurse to access him . Bill learned the importance of utilizing a knife properly . +1 He had to be quick or the heat burned his hands . Raj was making naan bread in the clay oven . Raj was distracted by a pretty girl entering his restaurant . Raj burned his hand badly . The girl came up to him and kissed his hand to make it better . +4 It sure felt good to get there in such a short time ! We decided one day to go to Kings Island . It took a while to get all of our belongings together . Once we had our thoughts and items prepared , we set off . The interstate was really busy that day , but we made it . +0 A bird flew in through an open window . It flew all around inside and scared many people . A man tried to catch the bird with a net . The little bird was too quick for the man . The bird flew back out the window and escaped . +0 Kelly and her friend Lucy were having an argument . It was over ice cream places that were best tasting . Kelly thought she was winning . Yet Lucy thought that she herself was winning . Finally their friend Tina intervened and won . +2 Her daughter did not speak to Martha on the car ride home . Martha was suppose to pick up her daughter from school . She had overslept and was late by 20 minutes . Martha apologized to her daughter at dinner . Her daughter forgave Martha for being late . +0 Chris was a very kind and respectful boy . He always did the right thing and he loved to draw . His drawings were some of the best anyone had ever seen . One day he drew a huge picture to enter into a contest . The picture was so good , it won the whole competition ! +3 Everyone was dragged to the bottom of the ship . Everyone was eating dinner on the ship . After a few seconds , the ship ran into a large boulder . The right side of the ship tilted to the right . Some ended up falling into the water . +2 The customer said it was very similar to cheddar . Bonnie was service a customer at the cafe she worked at . A customer insisted on a cheese Bonnie had never heard of . So Bonnie put cheddar on the sandwich . The customer did n't seem to notice . +2 He applied for a job at an SEO firm . David was n't confident he would land the job . First , he was black and second he 'd been out of work for a six months . They called him back after one month . They decided to hire David because he was Google certified . +4 During the tour he finally saw his entire university 's campus . Tom attended an enormous state university . He had never explored the entire campus . He decided he wanted to . He hired a tour guide . +3 He grounds her and prevents her from using the car . Kennedy got into trouble at school . Her dad is very disappointed in her grades . She has been lying to him about her chemistry class . Kennedy is saddened by this . +3 Joe launched the canoe in a lake . With the last $ 500 that Joe had he went to the hardware store . He bought wood and some tools to make a boat . In two weeks he had a fine canoe . He paddled around a caught fish to pay back some debts . +2 The couple signed up for a writing program in Sydney , Australia . Tina was set on studying abroad for the fall semester . Her boyfriend did not want to be without her and decided to go too . Tina very much enjoyed the program but her boyfriend was miserable . Tina learned not to bring boyfriends on any more trips abroad . +4 Her mom caught her and grounded her for sneaking off to the show . Denise told her mom she was sick so she could stay home from school . Once her mom left Denise took off with her friends to see a concert . Denise had a great time with her friends . When she came home , Denise forgot to take off her concert wristband . +2 On graduation day he was excited about going to college . Levi aspired to become a astronaut . He studied very hard in school . He went to college and graduated with honors . Levi was accepted into NASA 's space training program . +2 I was very excited when I climbed into my new pink saddle ! My father bought me a shetland pony for my fifth birthday . She was cream colored with a long flowing tail . As soon as I settled in , she began to kick her back legs wildly ! I landed on the hard ground , my left arm cracking loudly . +2 Afterwards , he went to the store . Joe was sweeping the floors of his home . He found some quarters on the ground . He bought a lottery ticket with the quarters . Joe won $ 10 from winning the lottery . +0 I felt hungry when I walked to my evening class at community college . I took a detour to the student center for food . At the snack machine I realized I left my wallet at home . Luckily I remembered I kept a spare dollar in my backpack for food . I selected Poptarts and felt satisfied . +4 Dallas woke up very hung over . Dallas was excited for his birthday . He was going to turn 21 . His friends decided to take him out to a bar . He drank too much . +3 One day he asks a girl out on a date and she says yes . Javier had always wondered how he would look if he grew a beard . Finally he decides to let his beard grow out . Now that he has a beard , Javier notices that many girls talk to him . Javier is very satisfied that he has grown a beard . +0 Mike was running in the gym . He started wiping his sweat with a towel . During the run he saw odd blue stains on the towel . He realized the blue stains were from the dye of his headband . He took off the headband and finished the run . +1 She signed up at the front desk and met up with an instructor . Hannah came into the gym . He told her to make several basketball shots and do running exercises . Afterwards , he told her that she 's qualified . The instructor gave her a uniform . +0 Justin 's favorite class in school was science . It had always been his dream to become an astronaut . When he entered college , he chose astronomy as his major . He soon found the classes were way too difficult for him . Justin realized his dream would never come true . +1 Suddenly , a large kid with a black hoodie walked by . A group of people were sitting outside in front of a restaurant . His hands were in his pocket . The group got out of their seats and ran . They were terrified and shouted out loud . +3 However , when I woke up , I found the pack on my pants . I looked everywhere in the house for my Listerine slips . After searching for several minutes , I still could n't find it . Therefore , I decided to go to sleep . My brother told me that he borrowed it . +4 Baby learned to fly three days later . I saw the baby sparrow fall out of the nest . I watched as it stumbled around and seemed to be unharmed . I wondered if I should put him back in his nest . I did not have to because the momma bird still fed him on the ground . +4 He displayed it proudly on his new sash . Joey 's brother had a sash full of merit badges . But Joey was new to the Scouts and did n't have any yet . He asked his brother Sean to help him get his first badge . Sean worked with him to help him get his wood carving badge . +4 The next time she opened them the sun was shining . Gina lay in bed hoping to fall asleep late at night . Gina did n't have insomnia . But she imagined this was what it felt like . She was sure sleep would never find her as she closed her eyes . +3 My son in law hung it up on the wall . My son gave me a nice Christmas gift . I collect original comic art . My son bought a piece and framed it . I was very pleased with the artwork . +3 The next school year started and Tommy was the top kickball player . Tommy loved playing kickball but was never as good as the other kids . One summer he decided to practice kickball every day . Each day Tommy got a little bit better at kickball . He was so happy with all the kickball progress he had made . +2 One morning , he woke up ill . Jon loved dairy . Jon had a special infatuation with ice cream . The dairy was actually making him ill . Jon had to cut dairy from his diet . +1 I was fishing with some leftover turkey liver . Last week I caught a huge blue clawed crab in a canal in our back yard I reeled in the crab , thinking that perhaps it was a turtle . My dog was curious about the crab . It grabbed her lip with it 's claw and she screamed ! +4 The man was promptly fired but felt much better . Once a construction worker was angry at his boss for a pay cut . The worker felt he was the best man at the job and sought revenge . He decided that he would go and throw a pie at his boss 's face . He found his boss and hit him square in the face . +2 The garden grew really well . I planted a garden in the spring . It rained a lot that spring . In the summer there was a drought so nearly the entire garden died . I planted another garden the next spring . +4 Unfortunately , they both left the store empty handed . Lisa and Cheryl went to the mall in search for a toy . Lisa 's youngest daughter talked about the toy all the time . Lisa was on a mission-to find that toy ! The shelves had many items except the special one . +1 It was huge and as big as his head . Ed has just got a milkshake from the server . An earthquake was occurring at that very moment . It shook his shake and it toppled over . Ed will never forget the day the quake shook his shake . +3 The corrupt judge ruled against Ben . Ben had graduated from college with his ideals intact . He got a job with the local district attorney 's office . His first case was against a local crime boss . The crime boss later had Been decapitated in front of his family . +4 When she was done she was too tired to do the laundry . Gina was cleaning her room . There were clothes all over the place . She could n't tell what was clean or dirty . She spent an hour and a half just cleaning the room . +4 Soon , he was making a bit of extra money every day . Larry needed some extra money . He started reading online about job opportunities . He began hearing about a website called Mturk . He signed up and gave it a try . +2 We decided to watch a long movie to keep us occupied . My friends and I decided to go to the cape . It was a long car ride . When we got there it started to rain . Thankfully we had umbrellas . +4 Instead , she was stuck here listening to this awful , sad music . The blues were playing so loud you could hear it outside . Gina could hear it over her earbuds . Her parents were having a great time at her uncle 's house . All she wanted was to go to her grandma 's house . +0 Jacob left the store with an unpaid item accidentally . He started questioning if he should bring it back . Jacob does not have a lot of money . He decided to be honest . He went back and paid . +4 An hour later Amy vomited all over her desk in class . Amy always brought her lunch with her to school . One day she decided to buy her lunch at school . Amy sat with her friends and began to eat the soup she bought . No one else thought the soup tasted weird . +1 He has been planning to ask her out for the past 2 months . Eddie has a crush on a female coworker of his . The day has come for him to ask her out . He walks over to her at her office and asks her for a date . She respectfully declines and Eddie strikes out . +3 His friends and family were all very impressed . Christopher had always loved the way that the fiddle sounded . He decided to become a fiddle player . Christopher practiced very hard until he became terrific at fiddle . Christopher was happy that he had become a fiddle player . +4 He had a lot of fun and ate candy for weeks . Larry loved going trick or treating . Last year he worked on his costume himself . Every house he went to was really impressed . A few gave him extra candy over it . +0 Josh was excited to get a new car . He drove all over the city , to places he 'd never driven before . A carjacker noticed Josh 's new car . He hijacked the vehicle using a gun and threats . Josh was so frightened , he crashed the brand new car . +0 Last week Tim decided to try this new Chinese restaurant in town . Tim loves chinese food and was looking forward to it . At the restaurant he had some sushi which is his favorite . The next morning he was diagnosed with food poisoning by his doctor . Tim will not eat at this new restaurant ever again . +3 One day , Sam got very sick , and fell with a huge headache . Sam loved to eat all kinds of salty foods . Since he was a youth , he consumed heavy amounts of salt . As Sam grew older , he continued pouring salt on everything . The coroner found that it was too much salt , but it was too late . +4 After an hour , they arrived to the party . Janice called Dana . She asked Dana to come to her house . When she arrived , the girls got ready for the party . They were finished with their makeup and wore their dresses . +4 When she opened the door , Dj could was stunned at her radiance . Dj took out his tux , wondering what his date was doing . Slowly he got dressed as he listened to classic rock on the radio . The corsage was retrieved from the refrigerator . Excitedly , he drove over to his date 's house . +3 He offered her a job as a professional shoe designer ! Sally loved to craft leather . One day she tried to craft a pair of shoes . A man came into her workshop and was amazed with them . She accepted and has been making the latest shoe designs ! +2 He proposed to and married his new girlfriend . Drake lived in a happy home with his dad and brothers . Drake 's dad began dating . All of his time went towards his new wife . Drake became very depressed about this change in his family . +4 It took another 30 minute bus ride and an hour back home . Amy needed to go to a store that she rarely visited . She did n't drive , but it was only 30 minutes by bus . When she arrived the store had no lights on . Amy walked over to discover they had moved to a new location . +3 To his surprise , the car skidded on the pavement into the car in front Nick was on the way to work in his car . It was raining that day and he was trying to drive carefully . When coming up to a light , he put on his brakes . Luckily , there was no damage to either car . +1 She found four boxes and labeled them with each season . Jane got tired of tripping over toys in her house . Then , she got her kids to fill the boxes with their toys . Next , she put three of the boxes in the attic . Now , the kids get 'new ' toys each season without cluttering the house . +4 Daniel thought about quitting drama . Daniel was preparing for his new role when he heard a noise . Part of the set collapsed . No one was hurt , but he had to help fix the stage . He was disappointed he did n't get to rehearse his lines . +0 Bill wanted to make a giant pancake for breakfast . He got out all the ingredients he would need to make his pancake . Bill mixed up all the ingredients and made the batter for the pancake . He poured it into the pan for his giant pancake . It was the biggest pancake he had ever seen ! +1 He was getting ready to welcome his fifth child . Joe 's family was growing . Joe needed a bigger car but did n't want a minivan . Joe had to buy a minivan because of its price and number of seats . Joe was surprised at how much he liked his new van . +2 I decided to feed one a banana . I was staying in Indonesia . There were a lot of stray dogs in the city . Alas , the dog bit me . I had to go to the hospital to check for rabies . +1 She was the first to arrive to class . Nickole was so excited to be in beauty school . She sat as close as she could to the instructor . When the instructor needed an assistant , she called on Nickole . Nickole was the best student at beauty school . +3 He felt haunted by him . Charlie lost his brother Sam . One day they had a terrible accident . Charlie felt guilty every single day . He finally got counseling to cope with the loss . +2 Jim decided to get bigger biceps . Jim felt that he had small biceps . His coworkers even made fun of his biceps . He went to the gym for a few months and did bicep curls . Eventually , Jim had the biggest biceps out of all his coworkers . +2 After months of hard work , she is finally a good juggler . Viola had always been interested in learning how to juggle . She decides to buy three juggling balls and practice at home . Now on weekends she juggles in the park . Viola is so happy that she finally learned to juggle . +1 They got a bit too rambunctious and it broke when they fell on it . Eli and his wife waltzed around their kitchen table . After they laughed away their shock , they went table shopping . They found a brand new one in their price range they liked . They bought it and are more careful now when they dance . +0 Jason went for a walk . It was very old out . He zipped up his jacket . He saw a cold woman walking nearby . Jason offered her his jacket . +1 There was no food in the house . Bob was so terribly hungry . He decided to order pizza . He called 10 different restaurants in the area . All of them were closed . +2 Rodriguez tried to retrace his steps , to no avail . Rodriguez decided to go hiking in the mountains . After climbing some time , he realized no landmarks looked familiar . He screamed for help , and waited for a response . All he heard was his own echo . +1 A few women gave me dirty looks . At the show I noticed I was the only guy in the crowd . I just smiled and kept dancing and singing along . At one point I screamed out a song suggestion . A lot of people looked at me then . +3 Finally Jenny yelled at the horse to calm down . Jenny finally got the saddle on her horse . When she mounted you could tell she was scared . The horse started to amble nervously . Then the two of them rode off quietly together . +1 I love how easy they are to make . I asked my wife to make fish tacos for me for dinner . She usually will make those and some avocado salsa to go with . I love all the flavors in the tacos . It is one of my favorite foods , and she made my day . +2 The steering wheel strongly kept pulling to the right . Jane 's arms started to feel tired . She had been driving for a few hours now in the rental car . Jane pulled over to the side of the road . She called the rental agency to look for a car replacement . +4 Ginger realized she made a good decision starting her own business . Ginger just opened her new massage studio . She is giving her first client a massage . She finishes and walks into the waiting room to find 4 guests . Ginger is very excited for the success . +0 Laney hated her job . Her boss was rude and mistreated her . The work was hard and the pay was low . Finally , one day she just quit . She was glad she stood up for herself . +2 Green fluid was coming from a hose that had popped off . While Lynn was driving home today her car started smoking . She pulled over into a parking lot and lifted up the hood . As the fluid hit the hot engine it created steam . Lynn 's husband is in the parking lot trying to fix the hose now . +4 No one claimed the cat so Ray kept it as a pet . Ray found a cat while walking through his neighborhood . No one was around so he examined the cat for a collar . There was not collar so he picked up the cat and took it home . That night Ray made posters saying that he found a cat . +2 However , she tried to sneak out of her bedroom window . Mariah was grounded by her dad for failing one of her classes . She became intense since he could n't go to a party tonight . Her dad noticed her since he was outside . Mariah froze for a couple of seconds . +4 The conference became successful when we developed an agenda . Jonathan dressed up in a formal attire before leaving the house . When he came into the building , the leader showed him where to go . He came into the conference room . The organization was discussing new ideas for an upcoming project . +1 I hate them and do n't get them . My wife loves musical . She got us tickets for our anniversary to Wicked . I was unsure about it at first . Within halfway through I started singing along , though . +4 She stomped to her room , and slammed the door . It was summer and Amy had just finished 6th grade . She felt like she was an adult so she made cup of coffee . Her mother took the coffee from her because she was too young . Amy was upset her mother was treating her like a kid . +3 She tried to turn it on but the washer would n't come back on . Kay was washing clothes when she heard the washer stop . She assumed the load finished and went to change it to the dryer . She was confused to see water in the washer . Kay had to wring her clothes out by hand to finish her laundry . +0 Greg bought a pool . He put it outside . Using a pump , he blew it up . Then , he filled it with water . Finally he went swimming . +0 Mandy was required to go to her workplace Christmas party . She did n't want to go , but she tried to be positive . She showed up on time and tried to mingle with her coworkers . All of them were annoying her , so she decided to hang out alone . Luckily , time passed quickly and she was able to go home . +3 There was a pitcher catching every drop . I went into the restaurant to buy a sandwich . The restaurant owner was very frugal , almost miserly . The sink was dripping , one very slow drip at a time . He uses the pitcher to fill up water glasses . +1 I decided to ask out the girl I liked . The school dance was coming up . She said yes ! On the day of the dance she decided to not go . I had to go alone and my friends laughed at me . +2 Going home , he called his friends to find out what it meant . While at the gym , Tom heard someone talking about beef cake . Hearing this , he was curious as to what a beef cake was . His friend informed him , it was a special food for weight gain . Arriving home , Tom searched for the recipe and found out it 's a joke . +3 Glen could n't find a single worm . Glen gathered worms for fishing . He wanted to get a good batch of worms together . He was hoping to bring his daughter fishing for the first time . Glen bought some worms from the store instead . +0 Michael loved to get good grades . One day he failed a test . He got so upset he destroyed his computer . His computer was all he had to study for tests . Michael failed many more exams shortly afterwards . +3 The bouncer would n't let her in , A new club opened up down the street . Maggie really wanted to check it out . When she got there however , she was turned away . Maggie then had to go home . +0 I was bored one weekend day . I went to my garage and saw a scooter . I grabbed the scooter and rode down the street . I went to the end of my street then went back home . I went inside and sat back down . +0 This morning when we woke up we did n't have any dog food . We went to the pet store to buy more dog food . The employee at the pet store helped us get the dog food . We bought the dog food . Once we got home we fed the dog . +4 Soon Sam learned that making his friends laugh in class was a bad idea Sam was a funny boy who always made his friends laugh . This was sometimes a problem though because it got them in trouble . Sam did n't know the right time or place to make his friends laugh . Sam 's teacher got his friends and Sam in trouble for playing . +1 So , I got a job and saved up lots of money . Ever since I was young I dreamed of owning my own place . Finally I started looking for an apartment . I called around and visited a few places . Eventually I found one that I liked and I got approved to live there . +1 I devised a plan to shed the excess weight . One day I noticed I had picked up several unwanted pounds . The plan included eating Green Smoothies for breakfast and dinner . I also ate a big lunch then walked for thirty minutes daily . I lost a total of nine pounds over a ten day period . +4 I forgot to bring my homework from the table . I barely had any sleep last night because of the thunderstorm . The school bus also came to my school late . There was too much traffic on the road . My day became worse when I came to class . +1 He told me about some paid surveys . I went to my friend Josh 's house . I went to the website to investigate . Some of the surveys were easy . Some of the surveys were hard . +3 The ball landed in the hole on the first shot . It was the last hole of the tournament . Gary was two strokes behind the leader . He went up to swing the ball . This made Gary win the tournament . +0 Steve could n't wait to get a vacation from work . He had been saving his vacation days for a big trip . Steve booked airline tickets to Hawaii . He went on his trip . Steve had the time of his life . +2 He flipped and had to go to the ER . Tom was going too fast on his motorcycle . He went around a curb at an excessive speed . He was airlifted and had to stay overnight . Luckily , Tom is okay . +3 She flinched when she found an alcohol bottle under her bed . My mom was cleaning the house . She washed the dishes , scrubbed the couch and vacuumed the floor . She searched my sister 's bed for any mess . My sister came home and was scarred at her since she looked mad . +2 The doctor said he needed iron supplements . Bob went to the doctor . The doctor said bob was lacking in iron . Bob bought iron supplements . Bob 's iron levels were soon up to normal levels . +0 My wife bought two DD artisan doughnuts . They were supposed to have filling in them . Mine did not have filling . I was going to complain but gave up . The doughnut still tasted ok . +0 Little Danny was having a toothache . He did n't tell his parents because he was terrified of the dentist . Finally Danny could no longer bear the pain . He went to the dentist to get the tooth fixed . When it was done , Danny felt so much better ! +4 Gina perked up when she saw her friends waving to her . Gina was waiting in an office with lots of windows at her school . She had been there for hours . Class was letting out , and the halls were full of kids . There was a knock on the glass . +1 Because of that he was nervous about an upcoming trip . Sampson had never gambled a day in his life . He was traveling to Vegas . After a while of being there he began to gamble . Fortunately Sampson won a large amount of money then stopped forever . +1 He took it home and wanted to hang it on his wall . Sam bought a piece of art at a fair . He found a nail but no hammer . Same used a rock to drive the nail in . The picture was hung on the wall . +2 As George climbed higher , the air got colder . George started the hike at the bottom with much enthusiasm . His bottle was full of water . George reached the summit with much enthusiasm . However , his bottle was now full of ice . +0 Janice was talking with Toby on their date . Toby said a few things about her . However , Janice was only talking about herself . Since Toby can relate to what she was talking about , he became bored . He ended up leaving early . +3 He wanted to be left alone . There is dog name Peanut . Peanut is a pit bull who lives in a house with 5 kids . The kids love to pick on him . Peanut found himself a good hiding spot . +2 The first few times it worked . Alicia wanted a new paper shredder . She finally picked one up . Yet afterwards it broke . Alicia had to buy a new one . +4 Ann was horrified , but at dusk Sunny fluttered down to safety . Ann took her parrot Sunny outside . Sunny 's wings were clipped , so she could n't fly . But suddenly a gust of wind swept Sunny into the air ! Sunny flapped nervously and ended up high in a tree . +3 She started to cook the taffy carefully . Anna wanted to make saltwater taffy . She got a recipe online . Then she went to buy the ingredients . Soon she was sampling her delicious creations ! +0 Martha wanted to grow tomatoes to feed to her nephew . She purchased seeds and took great care in planting them . She tended the young plants very carefully . Martha was overjoyed when the plants finally bore fruit . The tomatoes were delicious , and her nephew loved them . +0 Everyone got in front of the table . My mom thanked the ground and spoke about me . A few seconds later , the entire table collapsed . The cake was scattered throughout the ground . At first , it seemed terrible but everyone laughed . +4 Mike grabbed the movie and rushed it back to the store . Mike was bored after work . He drove down the video store and rented a movie . After watching it , mike forgot to return it . A week passed before Mike finally noticed the movie . +3 She came empty handed . Henry decided to carry his famous lasagna to the party . Eventually , Terrence brought his casserole . Jenna was the last person to the party . Everyone was yelling at her for bringing nothing . +0 Avery loved to dance . She decided the enter the talent show at her middle school . She had stage fright and was nervous the night of the show . She made the judges cry with her beautiful ballet performance . She won first place in the talent show . +4 The man pulled out a gun and laid it on the counter . A man walked into a bank and stood in line . When it was his turn he spoke to the teller . The man asked to see the manager of the bank . The teller told him he would have to wait . +4 The only items on the menu were tuna , from right out of the can ! On a trip through the desert , Karen spotted a sushi restaurant . She was skeptical of the place , there was not any water for miles ! Her curiosity got to her , and Karen stopped at the place for dinner . Once inside , she knew how the place managed to stay in business . +1 Every time he came close the ball landed in the field and was caught . Throughout all of baseball season , Billy wanted to hit a homerun . On the last game of the season Billy was more determined than ever . He stepped up to the plate and felt very confident . Finally he managed to hit the ball out of the park . +2 She tried using her windshield wipers . Emma was driving at night . It began to rainy . They were too old and barely worked . She had to go to the store to buy new ones on the spot . +3 The candle burned to the end of the wick . A man lit a candle in a dark house on a summer night . The candle burned as the man read a book . He closed the book and left the house . The light dimmed slowly and then the candle burned out . +3 Sara screamed very loudly and everyone was looking at us . Sara pointed to a red ball in the bottom of the bin at the store . I decided to buy a ball for her . I picked a pretty purple one that was easy to reach . I dug the red ball out from the bottom and Sara was happy again . +4 Now she has her own kids volunteer ! Becky was in Girl Scouts . She had to do a lot of volunteering . She had a lot of good experiences doing it . It really helped her in life . +4 Then , Emmy 's mom announced that they were going to the park . Emmy was in the car with her mom . Her mom was driving far away , and Emmy had no clue where . Soon , she began noticing some interesting road signs . The signs were for an amusement park . +0 James wanted to be a football player . He worked very hard to get good enough to join the team . He went to tryouts and did his very best . After some deliberation , the coach told him he was on the team . Hard work and determination paid off for James . +0 I was practicing my olympic lifts in the gym . At the top of a snatch , the bar slipped out of my hands . It fell to the ground and crushed my toes . I had to go to the hospital ! I realized I should always use safety bars when lifting weights . +1 Before saving the document , she highlighted the entire text . Elena finished her research paper . By accident , she deleted everything . In addition , the computer automatically turned off . Overall , the teacher allowed her to submit it late for a lower grade . +2 Finally he convinces himself to brush his teeth in the bathroom . Marco wakes up after falling asleep on the couch . He knows he should brush his teeth before bed , but he feels lazy . When he gets to bed , he feels much better . Marco is very happy that he brushed his teeth before going to bed . +2 We ordered some nice double cheese pizza and ate while chatting . Me and my friend went to the beach last Friday . We wanted to get some pizza before we went swimming . We then put on our bathing suits and went for a swim . After swimming all day , we finally headed back home . +2 The got into the voting booth and thought very hard . Tanya decided that she would vote today . The got in her car and drove to the polls . She could not figure out who to vote for . She decided that she should just leave and go home . +3 It 's no wonder he 's turned out to be such a rebel . Tom 's parents fought a lot . Their yelling used to scare him . Now it only makes him angry . He is punishing his parents for their neglect . +2 He yelped in pain . John was extremely bored . In frustration , he began kicking the ground until he stubbed his toe . He had hit his foot on an old box filled with old toy soldiers . Instantly , he forgot his boredom and began playing with his new toys . +0 John 's friends all smoked cigarettes . John felt left out whenever they would all go out to smoke . One day , he went out with them and asked for one . His friend Larry gave him one , and John lit up . He started coughing and choking , and he decided never to smoke again . +1 He had forgotten his flashlight at home . Bob was camping in the wilderness . Bob captured a bunch of fireflies in a jar . He used them as light inside his tent . Bob was able to read from the light of the fireflies . +4 He raced home to paint a portrait of his special lady . Mike was wandering throughout the museum . As an aspiring artist , he loved all kinds of art , especially painting . His attention was grabbed by a beautiful portrait of a lady . He felt inspired ! +1 He drew a few crude images and Matt was here . Matt thought it would be funny to draw on his teacher 's white board . His friend told him she was on her way back to the classroom . Matt tried to quickly erase everything . He quickly realized those were permanent markers he used . +4 Jesse now regrets his awful tattoo . Jesse decided to get a tattoo on his finger . When he went to the artist , he would not do a tattoo there . Jesse decided to get black birds tattooed on his chest instead . This was way too much . +2 He went on a walk and lost track of time . It was a nice spring day out . Sam figured he would go to the park . Without knowing he got sunburned . It made Sam stay inside for days after that . +1 He now is the owner of two different trucks . Ben just bought a new truck from the dealership . He still has his old truck and does n't know what to do with it . His dad told him that the dealership will give him money for his truck Ben went back to the dealership and got cash for his old truck . +4 They both decide to not try camping ever again . Scott and Terry are going camping in the woods . Neither of them have ever been to this campsite before . For two hours they try to find the campsite . They spend the next two hours trying to get back out of the woods . +1 She took it outside on a very windy day . Lori had a beautiful new kite . Right away , the kite took to the air ! But it got tangled high up on electrical wires ! For months , Lori had to see her pretty kite tethered to the wires . +2 Steve fell in love with Sarah and forgot all about his phone . While at the movie theater Steve misplaced his phone . He went to the help desk and spoke with Sarah , the manager . She gave him her number and told him to call . Hours later Steve tried to call but forgot he still lost his phone . +2 The room was actually an old and run down apartment full of bugs . It was late at night when we finally checked into the creepy motel . We were already nervous after climbing the dark staircase to our room . Then we saw a block of sharp knives in the otherwise empty kitchen . We quickly decided to find another hotel at 1:00am . +2 When he went to the gym , he realized how weak he was . Ben needed to lose weight . He bought a gym membership last week . He could not even bench press eighty pounds . However , Ben seems willing to keep up with his workout schedule . +2 They laughed and shouted , and dribbled ice cream everywhere . Liz had four kids , and they were all driving her crazy ! She decided to take them all to the ice cream shoppe . Liz bundled them into the car and counted heads . She realized she had almost left her youngest behind ! +0 WDAS is my favorite radio station . They operate out of Philadelphia Pennsylvania . On Sunday nights , they have what 's called their Sunday Night Throwback . That 's when they play old school rhythm and blues music . I am listening right now , online , and they are jamming . +1 His office recommended a new pcp . My old pcp left his practice suddenly . Her first name was Dana . I became her patient because she had Scully 's name . The X Files had just been on television . +0 Gina liked that her friends did n't know the cool kids . She had introduced Tami . But Gina would still sneak off to talk to them alone . Tami knew them and could talk to them now . But Gina would never go to speak with them when Tami was around . +1 There were bloody footprints all over the sidewalk . Gina 's sister had cut her foot badly . They continued to the back door of her house . Her sister had lost a lot of blood . Gina was scared she would need to go to the hospital . +4 A few months late Nick is a very decent singer ! Nick has always wanted to learn how to sing . He sings by himself in the car but he is out of pitch . He looked online and found that there were lessons close by . He signed up for ten total singing lessons and worked hard at them . +3 One of the cats kept meowing at him as he walked by . Since he relocated for work , Mike was feeling lonely . He decided to adopt a cat . He visited the pound . Mike brought home a new friend ! +0 I graduated college . I could not find a job . I had to move back home with my parents . They were glad to have me home . However , I felt disappointed in myself . +0 Shane was not feeling too well . Shane visited a doctor for an exam . The doctor said that Shane was depressed . The doctor sent Shane to a therapist 's office . When Shane arrived , he was warmly greeted by the therapist . +4 They told him there had been a bad accident and they understood . Rob was driving to an important job interview . But he encountered unanticipated bad traffic ! He was so nervous he felt like banging on the horn . He called the company to let them know he would be late . +3 He struggled to pull it in . George went fishing with his dad . They stayed out all day . George finally had a bite . The fish got loose and they were disappointed . +2 She looked in her closet for hours . Cindy had a date tonight . She did not know what to wear . She tried on clothes for a long time . Cindy 's date arrived but had to wait for her to be ready . +4 Nowadays , I stop drinking about an hour before bedtime . I used to perform a nightly ritual before bedtime . I would have a cup of tea and read a book in bed . But , I would always have to get up again to use the bathroom . Eventually I realized that I could not drink so much right before bed . +2 The store was out of cookies . Patrick wanted some cookies . He went to the store to buy some . He then decided to bake some cookies himself . The cookies turned out to be extremely delicious . +1 It made my house stink for days . I decided to cook some salmon . I realized I should not cook salmon in my house . The next time I cooked salmon , I cooked it in my backyard . Alas , someone the smell managed to enter my house ! +2 Out of anger , he threw the basketball across the bleachers . Kyle went to the auditorium to check out his results . The volunteer told him that he 's not eligible to make the team . The security guard approached him . He also took Kyle to the principal 's office . +1 But one day , her stomach was growling in class . Kate never liked eating lunch . She tried to eat food in class . But her teacher caught her . Kate decided to each lunch from then on . +2 One day Tiffany had to go up there alone to get something . Tiffany worked in an old nursing home with an unused upstairs . People told ghost stories about the upstairs , which was used for stock . While up there all the old call lights turned on . She ran downstairs and told her coworkers . +0 Ricky loved the new bike he received for his birthday . He climbed on the bike , afraid to ride without training wheels . His dad held the back of the bike as he began riding . When he turned around he saw his father far behind . Ricky smiled as he realized he was riding all by himself . +1 He set up his puppets and began performing a skit . James walked on stage to perform a puppet show . While performing , the lighting suddenly went wrong . His technician began to work on the lighting to fix it . The technician fixed the problem and James finished his show in peace . +3 The razor shaves really nicely . I hate shaving my face . I used to use a small single blade razor . One day my mom bought me a four blade razor . Now I love shaving my chin ! +4 Kate became a designer and worked with clothes every day ! Kate loved clothes and fashion . She thought about modeling . But she did n't want to spend her life eating nothing ! Then she had another idea . +4 All of their friends got jelly for Christmas that year ! Jenny 's family picked way too many strawberries . Her mother learned how to can so she could make jelly . They spent days canning the jelly . They ended up with 36 jars ! +0 Kelly and her class went in a field trip to the museum . Kelly had never been before . When she got to the museum she had a blast . Unfortunately though her hair got caught . Luckily though her teacher was able to help . +0 Moses was in his front yard mowing the lawn . A stranger on the street approached Moses . The stranger asked Moses for $ 5 . Moses , not having any money , denied the stranger money . After staring for a few minutes , the stranger finally went away . +1 He was determined to impress his girlfriend , though . David had never baked on his own before . David spent all morning searching for recipes until he found one . He gathered his ingredients and tried all afternoon to get it right . The souffles may have been burnt , but his girlfriend did n't mind . +1 She stalked him after school waiting for him to slip up . Sarah did n't like Lui . Lui walked home alone one day . Sarah attacked him in a dark alley . Sarah left Lui to die from bleeding to death . +4 Against all odds , Tyler passes his Chemistry exam . Tyler has scored poorly on Chemistry tests all semester . His teacher and his parents expect he will fail his final exam . However , Tyler stays up all night to study as hard as he can . He enters the exam room feeling sleepy but confident . +2 One day he decides he will buy a kitten to keep him company . James lives alone and sometimes feels very lonely . He has never had a wife or any children . He finds that the days are nicer with a cat around . James is happy that the kitten makes him a little less lonely . +1 The fish were not biting , but he knew to be patient and wait for them . One cold morning , A fisherman was alone out on his boat . After hours of waiting , a fish bit and the fisherman reeled it in . The fisherman sighed , the fish was small enough to fit in his hand . He let the fish go , hoping his kindness would bring him luck . +0 Jeff wanted to start investing in some way . He read that the best investment is a company 's retirement plan . He asked his employer if they provide a retirement plan . Turns out they did and the company matches five percent . Jeff signed up and is now saving for his future . +1 He did n't have a job but had a great personality . I had a boyfriend in college who was broke . We stayed together a long time , because he won me over . At the end , money did n't matter . His personality took precedence over his broke factor . +1 The girl 's name was Lisa . Abby had a new classmate at school . Abby thought she would be mean . As it turns out however , the girl was very nice . Abby then became friends with her +4 The principal decided I could keep the ring and I was very happy . One day , I found a ring sitting on a bench at school . I brought it to the principal 's office . I was hoping the owner would return to collect the ring . After 90 days , the owner never returned for the ring . +0 An archeologist left home for a journey to south america . When he arrived , he checked into a hotel and got rest . When he woke up in the morning , he travelled to a remote rainforest . Shortly after arriving , the archeologist discovered a buried pyramid . He quickly returned to his hotel and called his colleagues . +1 Her favorite outfit was a pink , frilly dress . Marci had realized her dream of becoming a professional dancer . She wore the dress every time she took the stage . One night , she tripped on one of the tassels and broke her ankle . Marci still hobbles slightly as she brings customers their food . +3 Then they carried crumbs into it . Adam had ants in his backyard . He watched them . They build a large ant hill . Adam thought it was fascinating . +0 Eric was always told that he was too slow to play ping pong . However , he loved to play ping pong . Eric trained very hard to become the best ping pong player at school . Eric was chosen to represent his school at the local tournament . Now no one thinks Eric is too slow for ping pong . +4 She transferred the money from their savings to cover the balance . When Melisa checked her account she noticed her balance was overdrawn . Immediately , she called her husband for an explanation . He explained that he had bought gas and forgot to check the account . Fuming , Melissa hung up with her husband after accepting his apology . +2 Bob bought Martha flowers and wrote her a letter . Bob like Martha . Bob planned to ask Martha out for prom . Martha was delighted to go to prom with Bob . The two went to prom and had a great time . +0 Larry decided that he wanted to bike to work yesterday . It was so nice out he could n't resist the temptation to ride his bike . As he was riding he realized that he was n't going to make it on time ! He had to stop and call his boss that he was going to be late . Larry arrived late to work but it was okay because he called ahead . +0 My son and daughter played an April Fools joke on me . I had sold my son 's video game on eBay . My daughter 's friend called me to complain the game did not work . I called my son , who said he had broken the game . I was angry until I found out it was a joke . +3 Reginald returned to India . Reginald was a colonel in the British Indian army . Once India declared its freedom , Reginald returned to England . He had no family there , and was very lonely . He married a woman named Priyanka and became a farmer . +3 Kelly did n't know what to do . Kelly sat down to take her math test . She had her blue pen . In the middle of the test however , her pen ran out of ink . Luckily her teacher gave her a new one . +2 I wiggled it with my tongue a lot . My tooth was very loose . Mommy and daddy told me it would be coming out soon . I bet into an apple for lunch and my tooth came out . The tooth fairy brought me 1 dollar and a toothbrush . +4 That was able to calm the baby and put him to sleep . Graham was a new dad . His baby would not stop crying one night . He tried everything to soothe him , but he would n't calm down . Finally he put the baby in the car and started to drive around . +1 And it was the hottest day of the year . Gina 's family did n't have an air conditioner . She walked to the store and bought an ice cream treat . She walked home eating the treat . Half of the ice cream melted before she could eat it . +4 Earl rubbed his eyes and rested before going back to cleaning . Earl cleaned out his car to get rid of all the junk . He found an old camera in the back seat that he forgot about . Earl turned the camera on and took a few photos . The flash of the camera hurt his eyes . +1 Then Dana realized that she forgot to pack their lunches . Dana got her kids ready for school and put them on the bus . Dana called the secretary and told her she was bringing their lunches . Next , Dana got in her car and drove to the school . Dana got to the school and delivered the lunches to the front desk . +3 He got scared when his boss switched him to night shift . Jim was a performer . He juggled colorful sticks . He did it during the day . However when the time came he did fine . +1 He decided to become an attorney . Tom was a blind man . He read in braille and became a top attorney . He was respected in his field . He went on to live a fulfilling and successful life . +4 Gina knew they were finally going back to Minnesota . Gina 's parents were gone most of the day . She was sure they were out partying . At 8 PM they arrived at her grandma 's house . With a moving truck . +2 She accepted and they went to see a movie . Jenny was attracted to Charles but she did n't need him . Charles noticed Jenny talked to him often so he asked her out . Jenny asked Charles could they make love after the movie . Then she said that was because wanted him but did n't need him . +1 There was a booming thunderstorm going on ! Matt was woken up from sleep late one night . Matt was afraid and crept to his parents ' room . They let Matt come into bed with them . Matt slept soundly the rest of the night . +4 All she could do was wait and see . Gina 's crush Jamie had n't been at school the day before . But his 3 brothers were back at school today . They were popular . She was too shy to ask where he was +2 Robert 's team had his first game last night and he was so excited . My son , Robert loves little league baseball . He has played on a team for more than 3 years now , and is 8 years old . Unfortunately he struck out at bat each time it was his turn . He was so upset that he began practicing as soon as we got home . +4 Topher was upset , and left the class . Topher made a film for his film class . He was very proud of the editing . He aired the film in class , hoping that the people liked it . They all thought that the editing was not very good . +2 She decided to stick them in the shed outside . Jenna had just bought her son 's Christmas gifts . He knew all of her hiding spots so she needed to be creative . In the shed , they were hidden under some tools . Luckily , her son never found the hiding spot . +2 The cops came into the picture There was a riot in the street People were breaking stuff and stealing They started tazing people the riot stopped +1 He toured the city with a local company . Neil took a train into Tokyo . He even saw the original Nintendo factory ! Then he lunched on fresh seafood . Neil thought the food in Tokyo was just delicious ! +1 A man he drove before had been very rude to him . Rameel was an Uber driver . The next time he saw him , he refused to drive him . The man cursed Rameel , and Rameel filmed it . The video went viral , and the man was mocked on social media . +1 He forgot to bring water with him . Mike went for a long run . Half way through the run , he saw a water fountain . The water fountain was broken . Mike was unable to finish his run . +3 She missed her mother 's catfish . Sue loved her mother 's catfish . She ate it everyday . One day sue went off to college . One day her mother surprised her and showed up with a lot of catfish ! +3 He hated liver and onions but it would be impolite not to eat it . Ralph was looking forward to visiting his grandparents . The first night of his visit , his grandmother fixed dinner . It was liver and onions ! His grandpa laughed as he took the plate and handed Ralph a hot dog . +0 Ben wanted a pet . Ben went to the pet store . He looked at ferrets , but the ferrets smelled strange . He looked at puppies , but the puppies were very loud . Ben chose a cat , as cats are quiet and do n't smell very bad . +3 It was rusted shut and he could not brandish it . Dave the mugger grabbed a person off the street to mug . Dave took out his folding knife to intimidate the person . Dave struggled to open the knife blade . The victim laughed at Dave and ran away . +0 Eli spotted what he thought was a pine cone on the ground . The fading light was making it hard to see . He thought it was the neatest pine cone he 'd ever seen . As Eli reached for it , the rattlesnake it belonged to bit him ! Eli died because of his poor judgement and bad eyesight . +4 Ken ate it and found it was delicious ! Ken bought a waffle maker . He filled it with batter . Then he pressed the sides together and waited . Soon he had a great-looking waffle . +2 It works so well that Jill becomes more popular than Jan . Jill does not fit in at school . So she pays Jan , one of the cool kids , to make her popular . In a fit of jealousy Jan exposes her secret . Afterwards they are both unpopular +4 She forgot an ingredient , so she decided to just go to bed . Sasha wanted to make some biscuits , so she bought the ingredients . She went home and started to follow the recipe instructions . She got the biscuits all ready to go in the oven . They cooked , but they did not come out right . +1 One day he took his dog for a walk Timmy loved his dog But his dog got off his leash and ran His family spent all night searching for the dog Eventually the dog came home . +4 I felt like a kid again swimming in my old pond and was happy . It was a very hot afternoon and I was bored . I walked along my property for a while . I stumbled on an old pond I forgot about . It was very large and clean , so I decided to swim . +2 Gina walked past the bully as if she were n't there . Gina and her friend were walking to their class . The bully who had been giving Gina trouble was in the hall as well . But the bully and her friends began giggling . Gina decided to ignore them and keep walking . +3 His wife said sorry and that she was great , but his ex had a plan . Jason tells his wife that his ex is coming to visit . His wife was mad , and lets him know his ex just wants sex . Later his ex arrived and everything seemed normal . Once alone , his ex made a pass , Jason kicked her out and apologized . +2 He made the appointment and followed through despite his fear . Matt hated wearing glasses . He decided to try laser vision surgery even though he was nervous . The surgeon assured him it would n't hurt . The surgery was painless , and it made Matt 's vision excellent ! +0 Bianca likes to teach art to children . She set up an art studio to give classes to them . The first day she had all of her seats filled for the class . She taught them new techniques and terms they would be using . At the end of the day she felt that it had been a success . +0 Steve is addicted to coffee and drinks pots of it every day . Rita told him that he just likes the caffeine , not the coffee . She suggested cutting back on the coffee and taking caffeine pills . She told him it 's healthier and he wo n't feel so jittery . Steve switched to pills and feels much better . +0 Iva 's street flooded from a severe storm . News trucks came to interview residents about the problem . Iva was interviewed . That night , she turned on the news to watch herself . She squealed with delight when she saw herself on TV ! +1 He graduated high school at the top of his class . LaMar always wanted to be a movie star . Then , he moved to Los Angeles to audition for movies . One casting director thought he was amazing ! LaMar 's dream of becoming a star is finally coming true . +4 Soon however she had made new friends . Lynn 's parents told her that they were moving . She was bereft at having to leave her friends . She said a tearful goodbye to her best pals . At her new school , it took awhile to become comfortable . +2 The puppy looked injured . I turned left down the street to my house . In the middle of the road was a puppy . I picked him up and saw that his leg was broken . I took the puppy to the vet so they could help him . +3 The surgeon put her under and then went to work on her . Hillary saw her nose in the mirror one day and decided she hated it . She looked up a local plastic surgeon and made an appointment . She drove to the place for her appointment and got ready . When Hillary woke up , she had a brand new nose and a bandaged face . +3 His nephew helped him out , and Howard gave him a little cash for it . Howard had so much accounting work to do and was really overwhelmed . His boss wanted everything first thing in the morning . Howard called his nephew , who was very interested in the business . He managed to get it all done , and his nephew learned a bit , too . +3 She washed the car and finished in 30 minutes . Gina wanted money to go to the mall . Her dad offered to pay her to wash his car . Gina needed the money so she agreed . Her dad pointed all the spots she missed , and made her start again . +0 Tim 's dad had been stressed from work . Tim wanted to do something special for his father . He bought his dad a brand new radio . His father listened to the news every morning . The radio allowed Tim 's father to relax from his stressful job . +2 The tire became flat . Yevgeny rode his bike to the library . He accidentally ran over some broken glass . Yevgeny sprayed aerosol flat fixer in his inner tube . After inflating the tire he continued to the library . +4 Jillian is thankful to the doctors for curing her cancer . Jillian has cancer . Jillian went to the best doctors to help fight her cancer . The doctors told Jillian to have hope . After two years , Jillian is now cancer free . +3 My new job started last week . I am a qualified educational interpreter in ASL . I moved to a new area and have been looking for interpreting work . Not having found any , and needing money , I started a different job . Today my coworker told me about an interpreting job opening up . +0 Steve was very excited about the baseball game . He was going with his mom and dad to see a major league game . They showed up at the ballpark and steve had his mitt with him . The game started and it was very exciting . A fly ball was hit into the air and caught by Steve . +1 He recruited his family to act in it . Adam wrote a play . Everyone rehearsed their lines diligently . When they were ready , they presented the play . Adam felt that they 'd all done a great job ! +0 My family told me to cook dinner Friday night . The recipes in the cookbook all confused me . I made chicken , rice , and carrots . Everyone loved the food . I guess I 'm a great chef ! +2 Her dog had an accident on the floor . Julie usually takes her dog outside to potty before she goes to bed . She was preoccupied one night and forgot to take him out . Julie slipped and fell into the mess . Julie vowed to never forget to take her dog out again . +2 The stories got progressively weirder . There once was a requester on mturk . They put up hits asking people to write stories . One person in particular caught the eye of the requester . This led to the requester giving that person a high paying qual . +3 His doctor recommended swimming and said it 's a better workout . Ted loves running on the treadmill at his gym . He has done it for Years but now it 's taking a toll on his knees . He asked his doctor what to do if he ca n't run without pain . Ted now swims laps every day at his gym and loves it . +3 Now Fred goes sailing as often as he can . Fred has always wanted to try a new hobby . His friends encourage him to try sailing . Fred tries sailing lessons and finds that he loves it . He is very happy that he found a new hobby . +4 The thief went to jail and my bike was returned . I used to ride bicycles . I rode bicycles of many colors . One day my red bicycle was stolen . I called the police and they captured the thief . +2 Once joe was in trouble and was told his dad needed to come in . Joe attended middle school at Yorktown . The principal was Robert culp . Joe got off the bus and Culp was angry he came to school . Culp threw him into the lockers and isolated him till his dad came . +0 Aaron put a lock on the department dumpster . Because Aaron was a small man , his ego was often hurt . He eagerly waited for people to react to what he 'd done . People were not at all pleased with what Aaron had done . They put Aaron in a dumpster and set it on fire . +0 My summer goal was to get a new job . I spent a few weeks applying to everyplace in town . The grocery store called me for an interview . The manager was kind and the interview went well . I start two days from now and ca n't hardly wait . +3 She picked up a few . Jane loved flowers . She saw pretty ones while driving home . She pulled over . Jane decorated her house with them . +3 Chad ordered a poached Mahi Mahi , with a side of rice . Chad loved to eat fish . Chad saw an advertisement for a new fish restaurant in town . Chad decided that he would give the restaurant a try . Chad loved the food , and knew that he would return . +2 They got in the car and drove to the park as the sun shone on them . Amy and Jack wanted to go on a picnic on a sunny day . Amy packed a lunch . When they arrived at the park it began to rain . Amy and Jack decided to have the picnic in the car instead . +0 Henry had been taking classical guitar lessons for years . His fingernails on his right hand were longer than usual . They helped him pluck the guitar strings . But Henry was starting to get teased at school about his long nails . Henry solved the issue by switching to playing rock music with a pick . +0 Little Kelly loved Swiss cheese so much . She ate it every afternoon as her snack . She ate it , and it alone , for hundreds of days in a row as her snack . One day , she was shocked to suddenly find it foul and nauseating . It was twenty years before she could eat Swiss cheese again . +2 She found the game interesting . Kim was watching television . On the show there were people playing poker . She wanted to learn to play the game herself . She decided she would ask her mother for a poker set . +3 He came running with a shovel . I was cleaning out my garage . Behind a pot , a snake was waiting . I found it and screamed for my husband . He killed the snake ! +0 Joshua was nervous to go to preschool today . He was used to staying at home with his grandma . When mom dropped him off she told him to have a good day . Joshua looked around and saw many other boys and girls . He made new friends as was excited to come back again . +1 They went to the kitchen to find their mother making pies . Rick and Mary wondered what smelled so good when they awoke . Their mother was making apple pies which was their favorite . Rick and Mary waited anxiously for the pies to finish . They both enjoyed a large piece of apple pie for dessert . +1 He wanted to play Fallout 4 when it came out . Sam had just recently upgraded his computer . He downloaded the game on release date . When he launched the game he got an error message ! Sam was sad and cried because his graphics card was unsupported . +2 As he was leaving , he saw a woman standing in the sunlight . Jim set out searching a diamond mine for treasure . He searched all day and did n't find a single gem . They fell in love immediately ; she was perfect for him . Until this day , he says that the best treasure is love . +0 Joe loved to play football . He was the star player of his high school team . He led his team to many victories . Joe got a sports scholarship to a major university . He now plays for the NFL . +1 She was putting together a photo album for her family . Joy 's mind sheared away from images she did n't want to dwell on . Joy found many pleasant pictures to put in it . She had the photo book printed , one for every family member . Joy sent them all in time for Valentine 's Day . +1 She was worried she would not get the best position assigned to her . Linda signed up to be a part of her country 's army . Fortunately , her commanders recognized her potential and her skills . Linda was assigned to a good position for a person with her talents . She serves her country proudly . +2 Llewellyn writes a lot of sad but incredible music about it . Llewyn is a folk musician . His friend passes away . Llewyn 's career is one of fame and fortune . Llewyn releases a ton of records and is very successful . +0 A corporate chain restaurant bought out a local restaurant . The townspeople were upset . Most said they 'd never eat there . They did , though , and the chain location did very well . For all their talk , you can see the townspeople there every night . +1 The adults were playing music and dancing . Kim 's parents were having a party . But they were n't very good dancers . They were jerking , and sliding all around the room . She laughed at the adults horrible dancing skills . +2 Her niece loves to sing . Jean has a niece . Her niece is 2 Years old . She calls her Aunt Jay . Her niece is a joy . +4 Ariel is not nervous anymore . Ariel is a new student . It is the first day of school . Ariel is nervous because she wants to make friends . Ariel meets a girl named April and they become fast friends . +2 Even the grocery store cakes cost too much money . Pam wanted to have a special cake for her son 's birthday . She shopped at bakeries , but they were all too expensive . Finally Pam decided to try her hand at baking . Her cake came out twice as tasty as a store-bought cake ! +4 Jane had to dry herself when she got to the bathroom . Jane was walking in the rainy . All of her belongings were getting soaked . There was a man walking past her . However , he looked away instead of sharing his umbrella . +2 Alla swerved to avoid hitting it . Alla was driving home one night . Suddenly , a deer jumped in the road . Her car crashed into a thick tree trunk ! Alla had to be pulled from the wreck by emergency medics . +3 To Lea 's delight , her team was winning the game . Lea was excited to go to her first football party today at Joe 's . Joe laid out many snacks and had his nice TV out for everyone . Lea sat on the couch and ate lots of potato chips while watching . At the end of the game , everyone cheered . +2 Ryan looked out the window and lost hope . The playground was Ryan 's favorite place to be . Unfortunately , the rain was keeping him from it . Just then the sun started to show . Ryan tore through the doors and raced to the playground . +3 He was excited , but very nervous . Stanley was excited about his first trip in an airplane . He had never been before and was very excited . He boarded with his mom and dad and sat in his seat . When the plane took off , he was smiling a big grin . +1 The goat approached him . Sal went to the petting zoo . At first Saul was intimidated . But then he dared to pet the goat , and it was friendly . Sal saw that goats were cute playful creatures after all ! +3 I decided to study computer science during the downtime . I decided to look for a job . I got hired as a windshield repairman . The job was boring with lots of time to myself . I eventually learned enough programming to get a software job . +0 Bill was a college student . Bill desired to get straight A 's . Bill enlisted the help of his smart friends . Bill organized a study group . Everyone in the study group got straight A 's . +3 Eventually he saw a stray dog taking it away . Sam 's newspaper kept going missing . He asked his neighbors about it . Nobody knew why . He scared it off and it never returned . +3 The Easter Bunny had given her chocolate with 8 inch ears ! Tilly went right for the ears of her chocolate bunny every Easter . She wished they were longer . Easter morning she went to her basket . She could n't even finish them all at once . +1 She passed out invitations the week before . Ness wanted to throw a surprise party for her sister . Then she decorated the house while her sister was out . When her sister came home , she was so thrilled ! Ness was so happy her party was a success . +2 But they were so good . Lexi and two friends decided to eat cinnamon rolls . They went to a small restaurant that serves them and began to eat . So Lexi and her friends kept ordering more and more . Soon after leaving , Lexi felt pain in her chest and head . +2 To their dismay however , it started to rainy . Kevin and his friends decided to shoot some hoops outside . The boys had much fun outside in the sun . The boys quickly ran back inside to play some games . Thankfully the rainy was over in an hour so they could go back out . +1 Gary 's wife , Sally , went out to the garage to get a tool . Gary had a large tool box in his garage . She opened the top drawer and found a large bull snake coiled up . She ran out of the garage screaming and yelling . Sally refuses to ever go near the tool box again . +0 A woman bought a house . After moving in , she found she was awoken every few hours . Low-flying planes kept passing overhead . It had never occurred to her to check airport approach paths . The realtor , however , had known all along . +2 She cried out in pain . Lorraine was running down the hallway . Suddenly she felt something sharp in the bottom of her foot . She looked at the bottom of her foot to see she had stepped on a tack . Her mother comforted her and cleaned the wound . +1 It was made of glass . Kelly ordered a screen protector for her iPad . Kelly absolutely loved it . It has a clear finish and protected well . She was going to recommend it to all her friends . +2 Sam and Sue began driving and finally made it to Sally 's house . Sam and Sue decided to travel to Sally 's house . The trip to Sally 's house would take 2 days driving in a car . When they knocked on the door , an unknown man answered the door . Sally had moved to another town and never told Sam and Sue ! +3 Finally they could take it no more . The third grade class walked into school on the first day . They quickly learned there was a new student in their midst . As the school year went on the new student became a bully . All of the third graders banded together to stand up to the big bully . +2 In response to the furor , he cried racism . A boy decided to play a harmless prank on his school . He brought a ticking clock and pretended it was a bomb . He pursued a multi-million dollar lawsuit against everyone he could . Now he can afford to move to Qatar . +1 I decided to take the dog on a nice long walk . It was a beautiful morning . Out of nowhere it started to pour rain . The dog and I ran all the way back home soaking wet . Now I always check the weather before taking the dog for a walk . +2 The dog followed her home . Marie was walking home from school when she saw a dog . He did n't have any tags or a collar . Marie 's mom said they could keep him until they found the owner . Marie and the dog played together for the rest of the day . +2 A stranger came over and asked if I was choking . I was eating an apple when I began to choke . I got really scared and stood up to alert someone . I nodded my head frantically . She turned me around and popped the apple out of my throat . +1 They both wanted something different . Amber made breakfast for her kids . She decided to make what she wanted . Neither of them liked it . They went to school hungry . +1 She gave her husband a list . Jane decided to ask her husband to go grocery shopping . Her husband returned a few hours later with the groceries . He forgot the spinach . Jane decided to never again let her husband go grocery shopping . +0 John went to the horse races last weekend . He decided to bet on them . He started winning and bet even more . Eventually he lost everything he had won . He considered it breaking even and went home . +2 I dampened the towel with soap and water . I washed my face to make myself feel better . I was stressed out earlier today but I got fresh new towel . I scrubbed my face by making very small circles . I rinsed , dried and smiled at myself in the mirror . +1 He was playing a video game . Tim was creating a video on the computer . The stream was live and he did n't know it . He farted super loud . His fart was broadcast to everyone . +3 Luckily her boss was n't suspicious because of her excellent record . Tara was an excellent employee , and almost never called in . But one particular week was very stressful , and she really wanted to . By Friday she just could n't resist anymore , and faked an illness . Tara was able to recharge during her day off , and return on Monday . +0 Tim was making soup for a friend . He used chicken broth . He found out that his friend was vegetarian . Tim lied and said he used vegetable broth . Tim then felt awful and told the truth . +2 He took an all nighter . Ronnie had to study for a test tomorrow . He was scared he was going to fail . The next day , he was very tired . He still failed the test . +1 Mommy always told her not to climb on the box . As Ella laid on the floor whining one morning , she spied a box . Ella thought the light switch needed to be flipped , though . Ella climbed up onto the box . Then she promptly busted her butt on the carpet , like usual . +1 She had so little food that she did n't eat much . Susie was poor and out of food . At first she liked it because she lost weight . But then , she began to feel sick . She finally went to the food bank and got some food . +2 He threw the ball so far one day it went past his friend 's grip . Tyler loved to play sports . Football was his favorite with friends . And it broke through a window of his neighbors house . Tyler never saw his football again . +3 I got hired to serve food . I was fifteen years old . I needed some money . I applied at a Nursing home . I worked there for 18 months . +4 Ford was already going with Delanie and had to decline . Milena wanted to ask Ford to the prom . She decided to learn a song on guitar . She brought her acoustic guitar to school . She put Ford 's name into a song by The Cars . +4 Cay could n't wait to wear her great new outfit ! Cay needed a new outfit . She went to the mall to shop . There she found the perfect outfit . She tried it on and loved it ! +4 As embarrassed as I was , I did n't say anything . I came out of the bathroom and searched for my drink . I noticed that it was on the counter top in the kitchen . After tasting it , I threw it away since it had a lot of alcohol . My friend eventually asked if anyone saw his drink . +3 The store associate helped Sandy greatly in choosing the sweater . Sandy went to the mall to shop for a birthday gift . Sandy decided to purchase a sweater for the gift . Sandy asked an associate for some help picking a sweater . Sandy was pleased with the gift she picked out . +2 One day in chemistry class , the teacher instructed them on safety . Bryce and his friends never listened in class . They were always too busy goofing off . As per usual , Bryce was n't listening . He regretted that when he sustained a bad chemical burn . +0 Bob 's favorite band was putting out a new album in a month . Bob preordered it on Amazon to get it as soon as possible . He shook with anticipation as he put it in his CD player . The album , sadly , was a disappointment . Bob 's favorite band was no longer his favorite band . +4 Time kept working until he felt tired . Tim worked at his desk until the sun began to set . The light from the sun bothered his eyes . Tim got up to adjust the window blinds . When he sat back down the sun did n't bother him anymore . +4 She died at the age of 98 . There once was a girl named Allison . She loved dogs and moves . She often watched TV with her dogs . She lived a long and happy life . +1 He was laying in bed but he was too scared to sleep . Alex was on a camping trip . The darkness was too frightening . His mom gave him a glow stick . With the little light , he was able to get to sleep . +2 She grew very frustrated and unhappy . Shelley was looking for a fancy prom hairstyle . But she could n't manage any fancy updos . Then she decided to wear her hair in a French braid . Everybody loved and complimented Shelley 's pretty braid ! +3 One day , I did n't see her outside so I went to check on her . My next door neighbor was a frail little old lady . Her husband had died many Years before I moved next to her . I always saw her working in her garden . I saved her life by checking on her because she had fallen . +2 He got fouled by one of the opponents but ended up throwing the ball . Henry had several seconds to shoot the ball . He could n't get through the double team so he ran through them . The ball landed into the hoop . His team ran towards him to congratulate him . +0 Jennifer was getting married . She chose red dresses for her bridesmaids . The shop measured all of the bridesmaids incorrectly . On the day of the wedding , all of the dresses were too big . Jennifer was just happy she looked good in her dress . +4 She was able to make tamales after all . Karen was going to make tamales . She tried to find the corn husks but they had none at the store . She thought her plan was ruined and almost gave up . Then her husband let her know that she could just use parchment paper . +0 We celebrated Saint Patrick 's Day today . I wore green beads and a green shirt . My wife wore a green blouse . We took her sister out to eat and got free pancakes for wearing green . it was a fun day . +2 What was even more surprising , was the cost of the tickets . Chad had to renew his driver 's license . However , to Chad 's surprise , he had to pay some tickets . Chad had to pay over $ 2000 in speeding tickets ! Chad was furious at the price he had to pay for the tickets . +2 The customers demanded to know how to make the secret sauce . Bob applied his secret sauce to his chicken wings with care . When the waiter brought them to the customer they love it . Bob refused unless they paid him 23 dollars per ingredient . The customers quickly wrote out Bob a check for whatever he wanted . +1 The farm offered two types of trees . My family went to a local farm for a Christmas tree . We decided to cut our own Blue Spruce tree . Once it was cut down we used a cart to bring it to the car . Then we took the tree home in our trunk . +3 I ate both scoops on my way home . Today I went and got some ice cream . I decided to try a new flavor . The flavor was so good I ordered a second scoop . I now have a new favorite flavor of ice cream . +3 He searched long and hard for a great pair for running . A man was running while listening to his headphones . He got so sweaty he ruined the headphones by getting them wet . He then went shopping to get new headphones . He eventually found a wonderful pair of headphones for running . +0 Tina had bought two bunches of bananas on sale . But her family was unable to finish them fast enough . The bananas were rapidly browning ! Rather than waste them , Tina baked them into a cake . The overripe bananas made a perfectly moist , yummy cake ! +1 He just hated the night time . Gene loved to have his grandchildren over . It was hard to put them to bed . He made grandma put them to bed . Now they are always well behaved . +0 Our family always looks up at the stars when camping . We children noticed that some shooting stars just moved steady . The brightest one went by very fast . At home , we asked the science teacher what it was . It turns out we had seen Skylab . +1 She was wearing a nice dress to impress people . Meredith was at a pool party . She was walking beside the pool when she slipped . She fell into the water and her dress was soaked . Everyone was looking at her . +2 Jen was jealous that he won and was shouting in an angry manner . The principal announced the valedictorian for the senior class . The person was asked to walk across the stage . A security guard noticed her nose and told her to calm down . She remained quiet throughout the rest of the ceremony . +2 I listened to all of his music . I listened to some music today . The singer was very good . I liked it all very much . Then I bought tickets for his concert next month . +1 She had no clue how to remove it 's neck and things like that . Amanda was making her first Thanksgiving turkey . She called her grandma up for advice . With her grandma 's instructions , she was able to figure it out . She was proud of herself for trying something new . +4 He went to the mall , bought a black suit , but was homeless . Charles made his money selling music on the street . His mother decided to kick him out . She gave him until evening to pack up and move . He did n't have a job or a suit to wear on an interview . +1 Halfway there , he realized he had forgotten his cell phone . It was a nice day , so Paul decided to take a hike in a nearby canyon . He decided not to go back for it , figuring nothing bad would happen . While hiking , he twisted his ankle and regretted not having his phone . Another hiker helped him and Paul vowed not to forget his phone again . +3 She pilot eventually took off . I entered the airport for the first time . The flight attendant greeted us and directed us to our seats . I got seated and placed my seatbelt on . Although I felt nauseous , I tried to stay focused . +2 It was easy to make but she hoped he would like it . Kelly was going to cook her first meal for her boyfriend . She was making pasta Alfredo for the first time . When her boyfriend tasted it , he loved it . She was elated . +4 He 's very happy in my house now ! I wanted to get a pet for my house . I considered several options . I settled on a dog , since they 're a lot kinder . Once I had picked a dog out , I took him home . +1 His mother was very angry . Cam had failed science class . She grounded Cam until his grades improved . Cam studied hard every night . Soon his grade had risen to a B . +1 However , the lever inside the machine froze . Alan tried to get some candy from the vending machine . In an attempt to get it out , he kept hanging the front window . A security guard told him to stop . Since he understood the situation , he only gave Alan a warning . +1 He loved observing life and finding adventure . Cage looked for beauty in the world around him . His classmates decided to become lawyers and doctors . But Cage knew he had a deeper , earthier , more artsy calling . Cage finished school and became a documentary filmmaker ! +3 He pushed her on the ground . Sandy was riding her bicycle . Since she could n't find a trash can , she threw it on the ground . A police officer came close and stopped her . In addition , he took out his battering stick and knocked her out . +3 He could n't get it to start . They rented a truck to head to Ikea . They arrived at the store and did their shopping . When they were done Brian went to get the truck . He finally figured it out and they were able to go home . +3 I gave the dealer an offer he could n't refuse . I wanted to buy a yacht . I went on Craigslist . I found a good deal . He accepted and I finally had a yacht ! +2 This makes it easy for Annie to keep track of any contact changes . Annie made an online sign in sheet for her cosmetology clients . Each time a client has an appointment their information is checked . Her customers appreciate the fact she cares to keep in contact . Happy customers are good for business ! +4 Finally , her knee healed and she was able to join the game once again . Candace is a softball player . During one of her softball games , she injured her knee . She was unable to play the game for 3 months . She missed the cheers of her team and the adrenaline of the game . +2 The club met for two hours once per week on an online forum . Michael wanted to join a club . After searching the Internet , he decided to join an online book club . Michael made a good impression among the other members . He then chose the next book that the club would read and discuss . +0 Brian was looking for a new car and could n't make up his mind . He decided he would either buy a Ford or a Chevy . Brian decided to ask a mechanic for advice on what to buy . The mechanic warned Brian not to buy the Ford . Brian took the mechanics advice and bought a Chevy . +3 Sasha loves it most when Kristian throws her ball for hours . Sasha is a 3 year old Staffordshire Terrier . Kristian is her 10 year old human . They love to go on long walks . Sasha and Kristian are wonderful together . +4 Emily put moved slowly and soon was walking beside her siblings . Emily watched as her brother and sister walked past her . Emily crawled after them but was not able to keep up . Emily crawled towards the couch and pulled herself up onto her feet . Slowly Emily let go of the couch and turned towards her siblings . +3 We felt so lucky and special . Every December 6th we hang our stockings . We wake the next morning to find them . They were filled with candy and treats . We always looked forward to Saint Nick . +0 Gina went to the library on a hot summer day . The cold air conditioned air greeted her at the door . She found a book she liked and found a seat . She put her feet up and read her book while relaxing in the cool air . She stayed there until they closed the library . +2 She agreed and started to play , focusing intently . Andrea was at her friend 's house . Her friend asked her to play a maze game on the computer . Suddenly , a scary face popped up and screamed . Andrea was freaked out and jumped . +1 He saw a dog by itself in the distance . Tommy was walking through the park . When he approached the dog he saw that it had a collar . He called the number on the collar . The owner of the dog was happy to have their dog found . +0 Jill read an affirming book on penetration testing . She sent a polite message to a popular website . She asked if they 'd done all they could to secure their data . The website 's security team discovered a vulnerability in the code . Jill received a hefty reward . +1 He would bring his rolls to picnics around the neighborhood . Roy rolled the best dough out of everyone he knew . One day , a businessman joined his group during a picnic . He had one taste of Roy 's rolls and offered him a deal ! Roy accepted and now runs his own bakery rolling dough all day ! +3 She had to repeat that process a few times . Eliza was trying to heat up soup . She put the bowl in the microwave for a very long time . Even after all that time , the soup was still cold . Finally , after many minutes , her soup was warm . +2 His coworkers try to get Mickey some help so he wo n't get fired . Mickey is a heavy drinker . He drinks at work and at home . One day his boss catches him drinking in the breakroom . Mickey loses his job and is admitted into AA . +4 She was happy to have helped someone less fortunate than her . Sam decided to go out for lunch . She went to a sandwich shop and got her favorite sandwich . When she walked out the door she was a homeless guy sitting outside . Sam went over to him and gave him the sandwich . +2 I did a variety of cardio workouts while at the gym . I woke up yesterday morning and saw that I was getting chubby . Immediately , I ran to the gym as fast as I could . After the workout , I had a healthy fruit snack . I went to bed last night feeling thinner . +1 He is 17 Year 's old now . Albert never learned to ride a bike . Last week he tried to learn for the first time . He fell over and over again . He feels foolish and has given up trying . +3 She twisted her ankle and immediately fell down in pain . Sophia was a soccer player . She was in the middle of a big game . Suddenly , her foot slid in the grass . Her parents had to take her to the doctor 's . +2 The car almost hit me . I like to wear headphones when I walk . Today I did n't hear a car that was coming my direction . I had to jump out of the way just before I got hit . I decided never to wear my headphones again when I was walking . +2 With some investigation , I decided the record player was broken . I had a record player that I had bought secondhand . Unfortunately , any record I tried to play would skip . I took it to a store , and traded it for another used record player . The new one works great , and I can now enjoy my record collection . +3 The fame only lasted a few months . Kyle made a video that went viral online . He became popular . He was even interviewed on local television . Kyle has yet to be able to make another viral video . +4 Now I put my tea on the table next to the computer . When I got home from work tonight I made a mug of tea . I then sat down at my computer to do some research . One thing led to another and I had forgotten all about my tea . I only remembered when I knocked the mug over and ruined my keyboard . +1 James ' basketball team always wins their games . James loves to play basketball every day . One day , his basketball team lost . James was really mad . James then decided to quit playing basketball . +4 He shot his first deer of the season ! Drew was excited about the upcoming hunting season . He got all his hunting equipment out of storage . He cleaned his guns and bows . Drew went off hiking in the woods . +1 On her wedding , she was unsure about her `` I do . '' Patty was nervous about marrying her fianc�� . She went through with the wedding , but it was awkward . So awkward , that her wedding pictures looked miserable . The pictures ended up on Buzzfeed Awkward Weddings . +3 His second cat was more tender and loving . Mike loved his cat . His cat would constantly ignore him . One day Mike got so angry he finally decided to buy a second cat . Mike ended up getting rid of his first cat . +2 Jon decided to buy a bone for the puppy 's birthday present . Jon bought a puppy . The puppy was about to turn one year old . The puppy loved the bone . Alas , a bone shard cut the puppy 's cheek ! +0 I wanted to buy a new water bottle , because mine was broken . I went to the store and looked through their selection . There were so many , but I was n't sure I could find one I liked . Then , I found one in my favorite color , and it had a spout . I decided it was perfect and bought it . +1 People have begun to pick on him . Will is in prison . The guards do n't care . Will started to workout heavily every hour . People stopped picking on him . +3 I put my bottle into the dishwasher and destroyed it . I like Nalgene bottles . They are very durable . The lids stay on tight . I bought another one and am careful cleaning it . +2 By the time he arrived at the farm it was pouring rain . Gary was looking forward to a day at his cousin 's farm . On the way to the farm , he noticed dark clouds in the sky . Gary 's cousin invited him to talk inside instead of touring the farm . Gary had a good time with his cousin despite the rain . +2 John 's family was still asleep , so he decided to make breakfast . John woke up at 6 in the morning . 6 am is early for John to wake up . John mad Bacon and eggs for his family . John 's family loved the bacon and eggs he made . +4 Matt scored and was very happy . Matt got dressed for soccer . He took the bus to the field . He met up with his team and warmed up for the game . The game started and the coach put Matt in the game . +3 Neil eagerly went to learn about the wars . Neil was learning the history of Lebanon . He took a bus into Beirut and checked into a hotel there . The desk clerk directed him to a local war museum . He was saddened , but glad he had chosen to learn more . +0 Cathy was n't feeling well after she left softball practice . At practice she began feeling dizzy and started seeing things . Later that evening , she told her parents what happened . Cathy 's parents rushed her to the hospital . The Doctor assured them she was n't delirious , that she needs glasses . +2 All his life , she taught him dance moves . Eva loved to dance . When she had a son , she hoped he would share her love . As an adult , he told Eva he wanted to be a ballet dancer . Eva was so happy to have shared her passion with her son ! +3 He quickly realized he was going to have to fly to attend . Ed was terrified of airplanes . He had never ridden on one and never intended to . Ed 's sister announced that she was getting married in Hawaii . Ed got over his fears and got on the airplane . +4 He was able to purchase a new car battery . Ricky 's car would n't start . It was a cold winter day outside . It was the car battery . Ricky 's wife drove him to the store . +3 Days later his best friend showed up with it . Phil really wanted a poster from the movie theater . His best friend worked there . He asked him if he could buy it but the answer was no . He was able to sneak it out after they used it . +4 Rufus hopes his new smell will help him find a girlfriend . Rufus has been single for a few months and he wants a girlfriend . One of his friends tells him that he needs to try using cologne . Rufus has never wanted to use cologne , so he tries a new deodorant . He loves the way the new deodorant make him smell . +2 His bones grew too fast due to an overactive gland . Tim had been born with a genetic defect affecting his feet . He needed surgery to correct them when he was a few months old . He needed surgery once again when he was six years old . Tim ended having endured ten surgeries during the course of his life . +1 One night he decides he needs something to make his spaghetti special . Reginald eats spaghetti at home every night . He cooks a small batch of homemade meatballs . Reginald loves the taste of his meatballs ! He decides to meatballs more often with spaghetti . +3 His roommate mentioned buying new scented candles . Sam was excited when he got home He smelled baked cookies . He ran into the kitchen but found no cookies . Sam was disappointed to find out they were cookie scented . +0 Harrison is getting sick of his house . He decides he needs to move to a new area . He learns that his job is transferring to another city . Harrison excitedly looks for a home in the new city . He bought his dream house in a great area and is happier than ever . +2 It stayed as warm as he would like it to . Benny loved the warm weather . He grew up in Minnesota where it was often cold . Benny wanted to relocate to warmer state . He chose Texas as his next state of residence and was pleased . +1 Already late , she grabbed her bag and ran out the door . Mina looked around hurriedly . Once in her car , she grabbed her cell phone to make a call . She started dialing the numbers and then saw the time . She realized it was Saturday and she did n't have to go to work . +3 He wound up having to call a friend . Tom was going to work . He noticed he had a flat tire . He tried to change it but his spare was flat too . The friend gave him a ride to work . +3 I started to learn the guitar well after a few months . I bought my first guitar when I was thirteen . I could n't play it , but wanted to learn . I spent every day practicing what I could . After six months , I wrote my first song . +2 suddenly the car stopped accelerating . Sal 's car was making a weird noise on his way to work . On his way home he heard it again . It would cost a thousand dollars to fix it . It was time for Sal to get a new car . +0 Amy was doing great in her classroom spelling bee . She did so well she went on to compete against the whole school . Amy was only in the 5th grade and intimidated by the older kids . When there was only Amy and one other girl Amy misspelled her word . Her class was sad , but Amy was relieved to be out of the competition . +2 One day , Sandy told the class she got a huge aquarium full of fish . Sandy 's parents did n't allow any pets . When the other kids talked about their pets , Sandy felt left out . She made it sound so exotic , the other kids begged to see it . As the kids followed Sandy home , she felt strangely numb . +4 I parked my car and hummed the new song to myself . I clicked on the radio in my car as I drove home . The radio DJ said the next song would be great . I took the long way home so I could hear it all . I listened to the whole song before I hit my driveway . +4 Loyd was lucky but learned a valuable lesson . Loyd was out on a hike . He decided to check out new desert areas . Before he knew it he was lost . Eventually he was able to find his way back after hours . +4 After a year of practice Eileen is now a professional painter . Eileen always wanted to be to paint like a professional . She paints as a hobby but it 's jet amateur work . She took a class at her local community college on painting . She learned lots of new techniques to use . +2 I decided to take lessons to improve my voice . I loved to sing . Alas , I was not a good singer . Alas , the lessons did not help . I decided that singing was not the hobby for me . +0 Lucian liked playing games with his brothers . He usually lost to his older siblings despite how hard he tried . He practiced volleyball for many hours . Eventually he came to be the best player out of his brothers . Volley ball became Lucian 's favorite game after that . +0 Will loved painting . He worked hard at it and enjoyed it . He submitted a painting to an art contest . He received first place ! His art was displayed in an art show for people to view . +0 Kevin loved listening to the Guitar . Kevin really like Jimmy Hendrix . He decided that he would learn the guitar . He listened to Hendrix and played guitar everyday . Kevin became a famous musician . +3 She was broken and let us ride here . The horse showed up to our house . It was brown and white . No one knew where it came from . We adopted her and named her Claire . +4 I was surprised and happy to see his car in the driveway . Last Valentine 's day my boyfriend was out of town . I was sad that I could n't celebrate it . That night my boyfriend called me . He told me to look outside . +3 He was mad the next day . Timothy and I were walking across the main hall . We ran into a guy with a fancy hairstyle . Timothy was inspired his hairstyle and wanted to copy it . He told me that his parents wo n't let him grow his hair out . +4 As a reward her mother bought her the wand , and the tiara . Amy wanted to be Cinderella for Halloween . Her mother told her the costume was too expensive . She decided to make her own costume . It took her 5 hours to sew a dress . +1 We have a show we all enjoy watching . Yesterday I asked my friends to come over to watch television with me . After accepting , they all came over and brought snacks . Before long , we were all eating and watching our favorite show ! When the show was off they all went home with great memories . +2 As she walked on campus she saw some friendly faces . It was Kelly 's first day of college . She was very nervous and thought she would make no friends . She went up and talked to them . Kelly became good friends with them . +3 But one strange thing did happen . Ella had an easy pregnancy . She gained very little weight . She got no stretch marks . Ella 's feet grew two sizes ! +3 He packed up all his stuff and moved his whole life . Blake was ready to move from his home state . He was dating a girl who moving back to her home state soon . Blake loved the girl and was willing to move with her . Unfortunately after three months the girl broke up with him . +4 She ended the visit feeling good because she avoided those questions . Dani was going home to see her parents for the holidays . She was a little nervous because of the questions to come . Her mom would likely ask about a man and her dad about her finances . She avoided those questions by asking questions about them first . +1 They were expecting their first child . Ben was at the hospital with his wife . Ben was extremely nervous and excited about being a new father . Their daughter was born healthy and alert . Ben 's fears were quickly erased by the sight of his daughter 's smile . +2 He was nervous on his first day . Larry got a new job . He was unsure about how he would do . He felt he made some mistakes but made it through . His new boss encouraged him to continue trying . +2 He decided to call in . Tim was listening to the radio . Suddenly , he heard an ad for a contest . Somehow , he managed to be the right caller . He won tickets to a big party . +4 Finally , Mike started to always get his chores done . Mike 's mom was annoyed with him . This was because he never did his chores . Mike 's mom decided to do something about it . She told him that if he did n't do his chores , he could n't watch TV . +4 Bob made a fence around his garden to protect it from rabbits . Bob was watering his garden . He noticed he had pests eating his lettuce leaves . Bob set up a camera to find out who the intruders were . He checked the footage the next day to find rabbits . +3 She marched in front of the band , and performed for the audience . It was Angela 's first time as a part of her town 's annual parade . She was a baton twirler . She 'd been practicing for weeks . Everyone 's eyes were on her marvelous performance ! +3 Everyone could n't do their job without her there . Nobody ever showed Pam any kindness at her job . She was the receptionist and everyone took her for granted . One day she decided not to come to work because she was so frustrated . When she returned , everyone treated her better and with kindness . +0 Jack wanted to go on a date with Jessica . They decided to go to a local Italian restaurant . Jessica orders the most expensive things on the menu . Jack ca n't afford all of this . Jack and Jessica decided to split the bill . +3 My dad had to put Mary away in the bedroom . Yesterday we brought our dog Oreo over to meet my parents ' cat , May . My dad carried May out into the living room and Oreo started to bark . Oreo barked so much that May started to growl . So we learned that my parents can never babysit Oreo at their house . +4 He ended up precisely tying with another runner . Leo trained for months for a 100 meter dash event . He ate a big grain-filled dinner the night before . He got plenty of rest . He had a hearty , healthy breakfast . +3 One day , he rode his bike to the convenience store for a snack . Mike got a new bike for Christmas . Mike loved all his presents , but the bike was his favorite . He rode his bike everywhere . When he was n't looking , someone stole his bike . +4 We have a full day ahead of us cleaning the yard . Now that spring has arrived it is time for spring cleaning . The yard is looking a little sparse in many areas . There are areas where the grass needs to be seeded . There are lots of old leaves and sticks that need to be picked up . +2 Molly shrewdly estimated the quantity of jelly beans . Molly 's teacher put out a jar of jelly beans . She asked the students to guess how many were in the jar . The teacher revealed the true amount in the jar . Molly 's guess was the closest and she won all the candy ! +0 I was out my house alone at night . I felt lonely , so I called my friend . He said that he was currently on the phone with another friend . We thought it would be fun to get together . We all met up at my house and watched a movie . +4 Rod proudly handed the watch back to the customer the next day . Rod worked in a watch shop . His current project had him repairing an old mechanical watch . He sat there for hours , working on the timing gear for the watch . After days of patient work , he had fixed the old watch . +2 She told Adam 's mom that she preferred his hair long . 5 year old Adam had lunch with his mom and grandma . His grandma ruffled his hair . Adam 's mom smiled tightly . The very next day , Adam got a haircut . +4 Gina realized she wanted to learn how to play herself . Gina 's parents played spades . But she and her siblings were n't allowed to watch . Gina would make excuses to go into the dining room and watch . She would stay until her parents made her leave . +2 One morning she left a can opener on the counter . Jason said he did n't think he was a neat freak . But his girlfriend warned him that he was obsessed with cleaning . Jason felt disrespected when he saw the can opener out of place . He fussed at his girlfriend until she said the relationship was over . +2 The teacher was very nice . Sally loves to dance . Her first dance class was today . She learned how to twirl with a ribbon . Sally ca n't wait for next week 's class . +1 He went downstairs and found his mom cooking breakfast . Nathan woke up at 7 AM to the sound of his stomach growling . He went to his reading corner and picked out a book . He looked at the pictures until his mom called him to the table . He put the book away and went to eat breakfast . +2 At first the other kids were making fun of me . I like to dress up for school each morning . I like to wear a suit and tie to look very professional . Now the other kids are starting to dress up too . I like that others think I had a good idea about dressing up . +2 It was because of his love for Agnes 's macaroni and cheese . Every Sunday Earl 's church had a potluck . There was only one reason Earl went to church . Earl was devastated Sunday when he found out Agnes passed away . He left immediately and decided he will never go back to church again . +3 My brother this year thought he had the best team . We have a draft every year to pick our players . We often times meet up and are in the same room . It provides an opportunity for good bantering . But he did n't and now he is in last place . +3 He watched his garden grow . The man decided to plant a small garden . He bought seeds of many types . He planted okra , corn , and tomatoes . A few weeks later , he had a garden full of crops . +4 By hugging the bear , Lily would finally relax and fall asleep ! Once there was a girl named Lily who had trouble falling asleep . Whenever she tried to sleep , she would worry about things . She tried several tricks for sleeping but none of them worked . Finally , her best friend gave her a special stuffed bear . +2 I told him that I was going for the elf look . I wore an elf hat to work one day . My co-worker laughed and said I looked like and elf . The co-worker asked where I got the hat from . I refused to tell him because I wanted to be the only elf . +0 Gina was to pick up bread on her way from school . The text was on her phone . The phone was locked in a teacher 's desk at school . Gina lied and said she had n't seen the text . She pretended to be happy and offered to walk to buy the bread . +3 I lost my homework assignment on the same day . Before I left my class , I found my friends wallet on his seat . During the next day , I returned it to him . He was extremely happy and thanked me . Luckily , someone I knew found it and returned it . +0 Ryan was walking home from the grocery store . He had a big bottle of orange juice in one hand . Suddenly , the juice fell onto the ground . The plastic busted open and juice began to pour everywhere . He did n't know what to do about it , so he just walked away from it . +1 She had been sick nearly everyday and missing work . Sammy was not performing well at work . Sammy was determined to focus extra hard . She completed all her work on time the month after . Her boss was delighted and awarded her employee of the month . +1 He slipped and fell due to some water on the floor . John was shopping at a store . There was no sign around and John tried to sue . He did not win because he sustained no injuries . John lost time and money on the lawsuit . +2 She did not know how to handle food properly . Candy got hired to work as a cook . The restaurant was newly opened . Many customers complained . Candy was fired from her job . +2 One day Rebecca ate a whole bucket of KFC . Rebecca loved white meat food items . She hated beef with a passion . She did not feel good the next day . Rebecca is giving beef another try for future meals . +0 A fbi agent infiltrated the mob . He became close with members of it . He ended up becoming a made man . He gives up being a fbi . He ends up dying by other made men . +3 He said yes . Megan had a crush on a boy . She was very nervous around him . She asked him to the dance . She was very excited . +2 The rail was loose and fell off . A man was walking on a bridge over a river . He looked over the bridge . He held on the the rail as it was falling . Both the man and the rail ended up falling in the water . +2 When she was eleven her dad took her there . Sara 's dad was Lebanese . Sara had always wanted to visit . She got to meet all her extended family . She had a wonderful trip ! +1 He had yet to have any luck . Tristan searched for jobs everywhere . Finally , he tried Craigslist . He found an ad for Kirby Vacuums salespeople . He did n't keep the job because they lied about everything . +1 Jake threw a baseball for his dad to catch . Jake was playing catch with his dad . His dad missed , and the baseball hit him right in the face . Jake got his father some ice to put on his face after . His dad had to miss work the very next day . +0 A man was walking down the street . The cop thought he looked suspicious . The cop started questioning the man . The man was frightened . The cop then attacked him for no reason . +4 He slid further into his chair to not be noticed . The final curtain of the show came down and the audience went wild . Some people slowly began to stand up to give an standing ovation . Jeff refused to raise from his chair . Everyone but him stood up and Jeff felt self-conscious . +0 Karla did n't like her job . But Charles could n't tell she did n't like it . Then she started showing up to work drunk . Next , Charles heard she turned in a two week notice to quit . She told Charles he 'll hate the supervisor like she did . +3 She helped her get motivated . Olivia was having a lot of problems . She was unhappy in all aspects of her life . She decided to get a life coach . It helped her have some direction in her life . +0 The mother found a drawing of a tombstone that said RIP SAM . She asked her 6 year-old Sam , what the drawing was supposed to be . Sam said he was told to draw a picture of the world in 100 Years . Sam said that he would be dead in 100 Years . Sam 's teacher moved Sam into the gifted program at school . +3 I bought the CD back home , but the files on it were broken . My favorite band released a new album and I was excited . I drove to the local record store with some money . When I walked in , I found the record and purchased it . I went back to the record shop , returned the CD and got a new one . +4 Finally she found the perfect computer at the Apple store . Amanda loved the computer she had for many years . Unfortunately yesterday it died on her . She decided to go out and get a new one today . She looked everywhere . +3 When they were hiring Amy applied again and waited to hear back . Amy needed more hours at work . She called a job that she was offered before . They told her the job was no longer available . To her dismay she was never called for an interview . +3 Gina was worried when the first book was mostly pictures . Gina 's librarian handed her the books they ordered for her . Gina decided to look them over to be sure they were what she needed . She found a table and began to inspect the books . She needed books that contained facts , not photo 's . +2 It was dark now and she was crying and afraid . Lucy was lost in a neighborhood she did n't know . She had been walking for hours trying to get back there . She had no idea how she was going to find her way back . Lucy sat down on the curb , and began to cry . +3 Now people always assume we are baseball fans . I have two cats . My son named the male cat Pete . My daughter named the female cat Rose . We are n't but I guess people think we named them after Pete Rose . +2 Retrieving the frisbee , Marta noticed an old family grave plot . Marta and her boyfriend were playing frisbee at a park . The frisbee flew over the fence into the adjacent cemetery . All seven of their children had died within a two-week span . Staggered , Marta said a prayer of thanks for modern medicine . +2 Once everyone was in their seats she came over to me . The first time I got on an airplane I was so scared . The flight attendant saw that I was nervous . She asked if I needed anything to make me more comfortable . I immediately felt better knowing she was there to help . +4 Because I studied hard I got an A+ . I once had a professor who was very tough . He taught science . He was a very good teacher even though he was tough . I studied very hard in his class . +2 Since he was too excited , he ignored the fact that it was hot . Greg ordered a pizza pocket from a nearby food truck . They heated it up and served it to him . He dropped it after grabbing on it . Unfortunately , he was n't offered a refund and had to buy a new one . +0 Tom noticed his dog was sleeping a lot . He tried to feed him but he would n't eat . Worried , he took his dog to the vet . The vet took an X-ray of Tom 's dog . They were shocked to find several objects in the dog 's stomach . +3 Quentin worked very hard to learn all of the topics . Quentin finished college Years ago but he never learned calculus . He decided to learn the topic independently . He borrowed a calculus textbook from the library and studied it . Quentin was proud that he finally knew calculus . +3 Trip grinned and leaned forward , really getting into it . Trip shot the woman in the face , spreading it on the ceiling . He decorated the walls with her children 's blood . He nearly decapitated her husband with a blast to his throat . His mom shouted to stop playing video games and do his homework . +2 A noise outside startled him just as he was diving into his blankets . Jimmy jumped out of the shower and into a warm bathrobe . He banked the fire and turned off the electronics . Jimmy walked out on the porch to find it was only a bird on the roof . As he went to go back inside , he realized he 'd locked himself out . +3 He spent all day getting rid of the animals . Ted wanted to go fishing . He went to get his boat ready . He was startled by a family of opossum living inside his boat . That night he reminded himself that he could still go fishing tomorrow . +4 When Brad saw her walk away , he was confused . Brad was on a date with Diana . She was annoying Brad since she spoke about her ex-boyfriend . In addition , she asked Brad if he was working , had a car and a house . When he said that he still lives with his mom , she got up . +2 They did n't understand about bills and responsibility . Nate and Haley got married in high school . They both thought life would be easy . Nate asked his dad for help . His dad refused to help them . +4 Jerry was too quick for them and escaped with his suit . Jerry went to the dry cleaners to pick up his suit . He realized that he lost his claim ticket when the clerk asked for it . Jerry lept over the counter and ran towards his suit . The workers at the dry cleaners tried to tackle Jerry . +3 She told her mother they should get a convertible . Kay was watching a movie on TV on summer break . The pretty lady in the movie was driving a shiny new red convertible . Kay liked the car very much . Her mother laughed because they could n't afford to buy one . +4 Ben now has his own plane to fly and work on ! Ben wanted to become a plane mechanic . He had been interested with planes as a young boy . One day he fixed a rich customer 's plane . The rich man decided to give Ben his plane ! +2 They ordered him to wash the dishes . Jim always made excuses . And his parents were tired of it . But he pretended to be busy . Jim 's parents did n't give him a clean plate for dinner . +0 Sally had extremely long hair that gave her headaches . Sally decided to cut her hair and donate it . She went to the stylist and got her hair cut . They donated her hair to a wing shop for sick children . Sally loved her haircut and did n't miss the headaches . +1 But she ended up overspending . Amy used her mom 's card to buy new volleyball shorts . Her mother was furious when she told her . Amy reminded her it was only money . Amy was furious when the difference came out of her allowance . +3 I hear a phone ring . I was 14 years old . I had just finished the 8th grade . I was eating dinner with my dad . He pulls my new cell phone out of his pocket ! +2 He went to the store and discovered they were sold out of fans . The weather was very hot . Johnny 's fan broke last year and had not been replaced . Johnny called his sister to see if she had a spare fan . She did and Johnny was able to cool down on the hot day . +2 When he was n't looking , she threw the ball . Emmett was playing dodgeball in PE . He had been taunting a girl on the other team . It nailed him right in the face , startling him . She immediately apologized but she could n't help but laugh a bit . +4 He ran away afterwards . Jimmy walked past the girls sitting on the table . He was trying to make fun of them . Since they yelled at him , he flipped the table over . All of their lunches fell on the ground . +4 He cleaned up the mess and vowed to measure stuff correctly . Fred loaded up the washer with his dirty clothes . He opened the lid and lazily poured detergent into the washer . He then went into the kitchen to make a snack . When he walked by the washer , he saw bubbles pouring out of it ! +1 Now Rico is graduating from college and he needs to find a job . Rico never learned how to tie a knot in a necktie . Rico asks his father for a lesson in how to tie a necktie . At first Rico finds it confusing , but with practice he learns . Rico is happy he asked his father for help tying a knot in a necktie . +4 Neil thought Helsinki was the best European capital ! Neil was enjoying his trip through Finland . His favorite stop was Helsinki . The food was amazing there . And the people were kind and funny . +4 Her angry grandmother sent her to her room with no dessert . Lucy was forced to stay in her room for a day . She begged her grandma to let her go back outside . Her friend Lisa only came for the weekend . Lucy did n't want to miss a whole day of play . +4 Kevin 's dad supported him in his decision . Kevin was scared of guns but his dad used them for hunting . One day Kevin was asked if he wanted to go hunting . Kevin decided he would go try it with his dad . He did not like it at all and let his dad know . +1 She wanted to relax at home . Karen had a long day at work . She decided to take a hot shower . It felt so good she lost track of time . She only got out when the water got cold . +2 Somehow I can not find the money now . I was just given a money by my mom . She told me not to lose it . I looked everywhere for it . Lo and behold , I put it in my wallet . +3 Of course , she had to taste test each one and kept leftovers to eat . Haley loved the holidays and loved to bake . She spent many hours making homemade baked goods for her friends . She made several types of cookies and peppermint fudge . By the end of December , Haley had gained 10 extra pounds . +3 Her friend suggested she start her own child cheerleading team . Emily had been a cheerleader her whole life . Now that she was an adult , she did n't know what to do for work . She was so passionate about cheerleading , she called her old friend . She formed her own cheer group from her fellow friends and family . +2 They kept climbing the stairs and knocking on doors . Sam and Jess did not know what to do . They decided to run around in a hotel . They ended up getting in trouble . They got kicked out +3 She stood grimacing as she began to get a headache . In the mall Amy stopped in front of Bath and Body works . She had n't been in one since she worked there 10 years ago . The scents wafted heavily outside of the store and assaulted Amy 's nose . Amy walked away disgusted she was still unable to enter the store . +0 Kim lives in Germany but is an American . She is on a work visa and is employed by a manufacturing firm . She met a German man and plans to be married . Her parents are very upset at her for it . She hopes one day her parents will accept her choice . +0 Fred and his wife Carol have been arguing almost every day . Fred decides to get away from home one weekend to think . He visits his brother to discuss his marriage problems . When he returns home , Fred tells Carol he wants a divorce . While they are both sad , they know it is the best thing . +3 I can skip the rock eight times before it sinks . I have been skipping rocks at the lake . At first I was not very good . I have been practicing and I am becoming very good at it . My goal is to skip a rock ten times before the end of the summer . +1 The reason was that we both wanted to see Brett Favre one more time . My girlfriend got tickets to the Packers-Bears game on Thanksgiving . We drove to Green Bay and ate at Brett Favre 's Steakhouse . The weather was terrible but the crowd at the game was electric . It was great when he gave his speech at halftime . +2 Her heart was pounding in her chest as she watched the others dance . Cheyenne had never been to a dance before . She put on the corset and hoop skirt followed by the bright pink gown . When the tall , handsome soldier walked up to her she could n't breathe . In the next second the world was a blur as he spun her in his arms . +1 He was in the marching band and people considered him a nerd . Jeff grew up the weak kid . When he turned eighteen he entered the marines . His arm 's are the size a tree trunk and he has photo pulling a heli . Jeff has now fought in war and is a hero . +1 Ivy threw her a bridal shower . Ivy 's best friend was getting married . At first , she was overwhelmed by all the planning . But gradually , everything came together . Ivy 's party turned out to be wonderful and well-planned ! +0 I locked my car keys in the car . I had to call Nikki to help me out . Luckily she had a jimmy . Unfortunately she got her arm stuck in my window . The tow truck finally came to bail us out . +4 Brett went home to grab his wallet shortly afterwards . Brett was shopping for groceries . He packed his shopping cart full of food . He waited in line patiently at the checkout . All of a sudden he remembered he left his wallet at home . +3 Gina continued on to her classroom . Gina was annoyed at the new boy on her school bus . She walked behind him as he entered the school . He went to the main office to find his classroom . She was just happy to be rid of the annoying boy . +3 After a few minutes she righted the boat . Lucy has been taking sailing lessons . For her final exam she had to capsize and right a boat . Lucy capsized and fell in the water . Lucy passed the exam . +0 Richard was an avid book reader . He had over one thousands books . One day he noticed one of them was missing . It was his favorite book too . He found out later that day his sister borrowed it . +0 Some friends decided to have a picnic . They would each bring something . Sadly , they did not discuss who would bring what . When the day came around , they all brought potato salad . The picnic was not a success . +4 He said goodnight and she fell asleep . Sara was getting ready to go to bed . Then , her boyfriend called . They began talking and stayed that way all night . As the sun rose , she was having trouble staying awake . +1 The two women chose the size they wanted then asked for help . Carlie and Destani went to the store buy a television . The associate covered the various features of several brands . After determining what they wanted in a new TV the women made a choice . The television was delivered yesterday and the women are loving it ! +2 The kids would n't accept that the process was precise and dangerous . Dee was stirring the bubbling fudge mixture . She was getting frustrated . She was distracted when she had to explain for a fourth time . When she yelled from getting burnt the kids stopped asking . +3 It was much more expensive that he had expected ! Red needed a new computer . He went to the electronics store . There , he found the perfect computer . Still , Red was glad to get it . +1 He became addicted to it . Jon loved Facebook . He realized he needed to stop using it . He decided to download a program to block Facebook . After a few months he no longer had an addiction to Facebook . +4 The dealer handed Ray a five and he won the round . At the casino , Ray was having a really great night . He decided to bet it all on the next hand of blackjack . The dealer gave him a ten and a seven . Ray was feeling lucky so he asked for another card . +0 Michigan was an underdog in the basketball game against Notre Dame . Notre Dame was over confident they would win . When the game started , Michigan looked ready , Notre Dame did not . At halftime Michigan was down by 5 points . They did not give up , and Michigan came back to win by 20 points ! +4 After they get tired , they will nap together . My dog likes to chase my cat . She 'll hide behind some furniture until she sees the cat . When she sees it , she 'll jump out and chase it . Then the cat will start chasing the dog . +3 Tom searched and searched but could n't find it anywhere ! Tom had a favorite walnut . Tom carried his walnut everywhere . One day Tom 's mother threw out his favorite walnut ! Then something amazing occurred , Tom 's mom found the walnut ! +4 They all finished in under four hours and were so proud . One night while drinking margaritas a group of women began planning . They thought it would be a good idea to walk a half marathon . They began to train and walked a little further each week . The morning of the marathon they were so anxious and nervous . +3 Several of the eggs broke . I wanted to bake a cake . I drove to the store for some eggs . On the way home , I had to slam on the brakes . It made a huge mess . +2 Charles met a Hollywood man who was looking for props for a movie . There was a swordsmith named Charles with no work . Charles was desperate so he began to look for help . The man wanted swords for his new fantasy movie and hired Charles . Charles felt happy and finally was able to make money making swords . +0 I am very picky about my pets . I had a dog as a child , but I was afraid of it . I got a lizard but was very bored with it . I recently returned a rabbit to the pet store because it smelled . Next I am going to try to get a bird . +3 I was elated . This past month I was not feeling well . I decided to take a pregnancy test . To my delight the test came back positive . I could n't wait to tell everyone . +0 I went to my front door to observe the weather . As I opened the door , a blast of cold air came in . I decided to deal with the cold and step outside . My neighbor was standing on his front step across the street too . I waved at him and he waved back before going back inside . +4 And after she was his sister , Lindsay became his girlfriend ! Steve 's parents were going out of town and found him a babysitter . He was mad because at 15 , he did n't think he needed a sitter ! Then the sitter arrived - a gorgeous girl named Lindsay . Steve quickly decided he wanted a babysitter after all . +0 A soldier was walking along a road when he saw a goat . The goat was all alone which he thought was odd . As he approached he noticed it was n't alive . He called in backup and it was discovered to be a bomb . The soldier received a promotion for his attention to detail . +3 He ask them to call him if the man had even the slightest trouble . A man came to the hospital for open heart surgery . The surgeon performed surgery on the man . Afterwards the surgeon gave unusual instructions to his staff . Then they found out the patient was a famous malpractice attorney . +4 He had to get a job . Tyler got suspended from college . He was getting in trouble for drinking . He went back to his house . He did not know what to do . +2 We went home and watched tv . Monday night my wife and I had dinner . She ordered dessert and coffee . She could not sleep well that night . She said she was not going to drink coffee that late again . +4 Rex enjoys the fish dinner alone at home . Rex needs a big fish for the dinner he is planning to cook . He goes to the fish market . Rex buys a terrific Haddock fish at the market . He comes home to cook it . +4 He decided to get another flip phone . Chris was preparing to buy a new cell phone . His old phone was a flip phone . He really liked the flip phone . He browsed many smart phones . +1 She brought a picture of the celebrity to the hair salon . Judy wanted an edgy hairdo like her favorite celebrity . The stylist tried to talk Judy out of it , to no avail . Judy left the salon feeling confident and chic . Then she caught sight of herself in a store window . +4 She had to remember where they all went and put them back . It was around Christmas time . Kelly was busy making dinner . She went to the living room and saw ornaments on the ground . Her toddler had taken them and was playing with them . +2 One day he found lots of worms and spiders . Alex loved bugs . He liked to turn over rocks to try to find bugs . The rock he was looking under fell on his finger . He needed to go to the doctor and have his finger checked out . +1 He started approaching girls . Pat wanted to work on his game in the club . He kept getting denied . He decided to quit . He went back home sad . +4 Unfortunately , Joe saw her and yelled mean things as she walked away . Gina was at the store buying snacks . Her brother and his friend Joe were outside the doors . Gina normally avoided Joe , but there was no where to go now . Gina exited the store and tried to walk past them . +1 One night he woke up because he heard thunder . Julian was afraid of storms . Julian got very scared and could not sleep . His mom came into his room to check on him . He told her he was scared and she slept with him to keep him safe . +2 My wife 's order was under-cooked . My wife and I went to Applebee 's for our anniversary . The waitress was both nice and attentive . The waitress was quick to have it corrected . We left a big tip . +3 Finally I had everything together and ready . Yesterday I was hungry . I decided to make potato salad . It 's one of those things that always takes longer than you think . I took my first bite , and was sad that it was too spicy for me . +4 Ava 's teacher said she was his star pupil ! Ava signed up for karate lessons . At first she was very weak . But she practiced often and got stronger . Soon she was doing very well in the class . +4 I never found out how the movie ended . I was watching a movie alone last night . I decided to drink some wine while I did . Before I knew it I was three glasses in . I passed out and fell asleep on the couch . +4 Nita was so relieved that her mom had let her go ! Nita had poor grades . She wanted to go to a party that weekend , but her mom hesitated . She said Nita should not go anywhere until her grades improved . But finally , she relented and let Nita go to the party . +2 The pizza party was for kids with good grades . Henry does not like to go to school . One day his principal said they would have a pizza party . Henry studied very hard everyday . Henry got good enough grades to go to the pizza party ! +2 Fortunately , there were many great sales during Black Friday . Vera 's husband loved to watch TV and enjoyed all types of electronics . Vera knew he loved electronics and decided to buy him a big screen TV . She perused all the sales ads and stepped out to shop for his present . She was able to get a really low priced TV within her budget . +2 Half of the class was allowed to visit the computer lab at a time . It was Media Day and Amy 's class went to the library . The library had a small computer lab . Amy crossed her fingers and hoped to go in the first group . Amy was sad she was n't picked to go first . +2 He had to go to court . Jason liked to drive fast . He had lots of tickets for speeding . At court the judge was not happy . Jason had to pay lots of fines . +3 She put the old keyboard in Beacon 's sleeping box . Mavis had a cat named Beacon . Beacon liked to jump on the keyboard while Mavis was on the computer . Mavis went to the attic and found her old keyboard . Now you can hear Beacon typing on his keyboard every day . +1 His mom and dad told him that soon he would be a big brother . Richard was so excited to get a new baby sister . Richard learned everything he could about having a baby sister . When his sister finally came he could n't believe it ! He was the best big brother to his new baby sister . +3 But Chuck did n't like how Randy acted conceited over the purchase . Randy was n't a generous guy , and he liked showing off . He purchased a million dollar duplex and threw a family bar-b-que . His cousin Chuck was impressed with the real estate purchase . Randy would n't share any financial expertise so Chuck left . +0 Janis had a hard job . She was overworked and had no paid time off . She decided to quit her job . Now , she was free to do as she pleased . Alas , her savings quickly ran out and she had to get a job . +4 Jimmy 's neighbor bought him a new ball . Little Jimmy loved to play soccer . One day , he kicked his ball over the fence . A neighbor 's dog tore the ball apart . Jimmy was devastated ! +1 He hated bread . Tanner loved toast . He could n't wait until he could use the toaster . His mom came down and plugged it in . Tanner watched in amazement as his bread crisped . +1 he sees an old lady trying to cross the street . Adam is walking in the city . He tries to take her across the street . She was n't having it . She yelled at him . +2 I walked in the store and looked around . I was wanting to read some good books . I drove to a local book shop . I found a few cool looking books . I bought them and brought them home . +1 To save money , they hid the husband in a suitcase . A husband and wife went on vacation to Hawaii . The flight in the unpressurized cargo hold was grueling . Worse , the airline lost the luggage . He spent his vacation in the Vladivostok baggage claim . +2 Jim tossed the egg and Frank caught it . Frank and Jim were among the last two teams left in egg toss . They were standing over 15 feet away from one another . The other team did as well . On the next toss , Jim ended covered in raw egg ! +3 I went to the doctor and she gave me some medicine . Last week I had the worst cold . I kept coughing and having a sore throat . It was terrible . I 'm feeling better but it will take awhile . +1 I want to buy a big screen with high definition . I was at Best Buy last week looking at new televisions . They had a lot of choices . I decided to do more research . I 'm going back to buy one tomorrow . +4 Ava was extremely pleased with her success . Ava is a skilled artist . Ava was feeling inspired one morning . Ava worked for a year on a single masterpiece . Upon completion , the masterpiece was displayed in a museum . +1 Her manager told Amy they would be setting up Christmas displays . Amy wondered why she was to work at Bath and Body Works until 1 AM . Amy was tired when the store closed and did n't want to stay . They worked hard putting up the decorations . Amy was so tired she overslept the next day . +2 An elderly woman came in , and Trina accidentally dyed her hair pink ! Trina decided to enroll into beauty school . After her first week , she was allowed to cut and dye people 's hair . Trina apologized to the elderly woman , but she just laughed . She slipped Trina a tip , and told her she made her feel younger . +3 I did the dishes and put away the shoes . I am retired . I had a stroke and have little use of my left limbs . Today I tried to clean up the place . The place looked reasonably clean afterward . +1 He was 22 years old and ready for anything . Mike left the Army and did n't know what to do next . He tried many different jobs but could never quite fit in . After some time he was hired at a body shop and fell in love with it . Today Mike owns his own body shop and is very happy . +3 Finally , he decided to test his skills in a real match . Josh wanted to become a sumo wrestler . He moved to Japan to train in a dojo . He trained for two years . He lost the match within one minute ! +1 He had to go see their concert . Frank 's favorite band was in town . He left the house that night with his friend Jim . His tire popped on the way out of the neighborhood . Frank never made it to the concert . +3 He told his friends they should do this again sometime . Billy went to a mini golf park with friends . He had a good time with his friends . He accidentally dropped his iced drink while he was there . Billy went home and went to bed . +3 Christina got to hold him on the couch . Christina 's aunt had a baby . Christina was really excited to meet him . Her aunt arrived at her home with the baby . She cuddled the baby and promised to be a good cousin . +2 They ended up catching a dozen fish . Rae went fishing with her dad . They fished all day ! Rae brought them home and her mom cooked them . The family had a big , fresh dinner . +3 One day , his American friend told him that his English was great ! Dan was not very good at English . He had just moved to the United States from Korea . He worked hard every day to improve his language skills . Dan felt good about this , and he vowed to work even harder ! +1 But she was vegan . He much preferred meat . He hated vegetables since childhood . Should he deceiver her or risk alienating her ? He settled on ordering water for dinner . +4 I switched to coffee and feel better because of it . I used to be addicted to energy drinks . I would have three of them every single day . My buddy told me that I actually crave the caffeine inside the drink . He said that drinking black coffee is much better for me . +3 He brought the kitten to his home . Nick was driving to his home when he saw a kitten on the road . He stopped the car so he would n't hit the kitten . Nick decided to pick the kitten up . The kitten is now Nick 's new pet . +4 Later , he was able to throw the food away . Henry was eating dinner with his parents . He really did n't like the taste of the chicken . When his mom was n't looking , he hid some in a napkin . Then , he shoved it in his pocket . +2 He sought out a tennis pro to help him . Tripp wanted to learn how to put a topspin on his serve . He was a more advanced tennis player . He finally perfected his topspin . His game improved even more . +3 Sure enough , there was a video giving tips and tricks . I was obsessed with getting a perfect score in Wii bowling . I played so much I began seeing the game in my dreams . Finally , I thought of looking up a how-to video on Youtube . The next day I bowled a 300 game ! +2 He did n't catch anything and got sunburned . Jared had never been fishing before . Last spring he got the chance to go for the first time . All his friends had a good time . He decided fishing was n't for him . +2 One day , her sister-in-law brought over a stack of mementos . Jane 's husband hated when she corrected his grammar . Jane thought he was too touchy , and said so . Jane found a pile of her husband 's grade school report cards . Inside each one , she saw bad marks for grammar . +4 The bigger man won and walked away . My friend Ben and I went to the local park to throw a football . We began to throw the football back and forth . Out of nowhere we heard yelling . We looked over and there was a fight going on between two men . +4 when they got home they recalled all the fun they had in dinosaur park peppa and her brother george went to a dinosaur park with their friend they celebrated fred 's birthday in dinosaur park they all had fun rides in dinosaur park finally fred blew the candles in his birthday cake and they ate cake +4 The ended up having a great time outside . The kids were inside grounded . They wanted to play outside . The cleaned the whole house from top to bottom . Their parents were impressed and let the kids play . +0 Nathan studied acting . He got a part in a Broadway play . A movie producer saw the play . He offered Nathan a role in the movie adaptation of the play . Nathan feels incredibly blessed . +0 There once was a drag racer on the highway . A guy pulled up to him for a challenge . They raced off down the empty stretch . They were nearing the finish line . It was then that the first guy won . +2 She told him she would study hard to make sure she does great . Jason 's daughter Molly was not doing well in college . Jason spoke to her a few days ago before her big test . The night before , Molly went out with her boyfriend and got drunk . She did not wake up in time to take her test . +2 You can smell its breath when it opens its mouth . Joe 's dog loves to lick . However , it has the worst breath . It smells like rotten eggs . Joe 's dog needs a toothbrush . +1 She put the lid on and put the jar away . Lois did n't want any more peanut butter . She vowed to battle her cravings more vigilantly . At dinner that night the jello reminded her of jelly . She wished she was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich . +4 After that the horse let him ride for a long time . Tom went to go ride horses . The first time he tried , he fell off . The horse did n't like him . Tom fed the horse grains . +2 I went swimming and enjoyed myself . I once went on a hike in the Adirondacks . When I got to the end there was a pond . When I got out I realized it was teeming with leeches . I checked myself over and over and somehow did n't have any . +4 Kelsey and her family moved the next day . Kelsey just moved into a new house with her family . She notices the kids in the neighborhood laughing and staring . One day she asks why is she is being laughed at . The kids told her that her house is haunted . +0 Belle lost her keys . She arrived home from work but she could n't get in . She checked her windows , but they were all locked . She had to call a locksmith for help . The locksmith let Bella into her house . +3 She took Sara up on the challenge . Lizzy 's friend Sara loved to brag . She told Lizzy she could jump rope better than her . Lizzy happened to be an excellent jump roper . She beat her easily , jumping over 150 times before missing . +3 Jeff will let Jennifer get away with anything . Jeff is a strict manager . He does n't let anyone break the rules . But a cute girl named Jennifer flirts with Jeff at work . A coworker was upset and reported Jeff to the owner . +1 In the canal in front of her car Beth spotted an alligator . Beth was on lunch and decided to eat in her car . Beth decided to move her car before she went back inside . The alligator moved to the new spot Beth was parked and watched . Beth quickly made her way back inside watching over her shoulder . +4 They were going on a fun trip ! Nina was at school . Suddenly , her mom arrived to pick her up . Nina was confused . She asked her mom where they were going . +3 I hit the railing and broke my leg . I was skateboarding . I decided to skate down a ramp . My board slipped from under my leg . I realized that I should be more careful when skateboarding . +4 When he sliced into frozen meat , I ran out of the room mortified . I decided to make Thanksgiving dinner from scratch . I was nervous but followed all of the recipes exactly . When my family arrived for dinner , they said it smelled delicious . When we sat down to eat , my father began carving the turkey . +1 She decided to shop for local fresh vegetables . Suzy wanted to lose some weight . She at the vegetables everyday for every meal . She lost 20 pounds . She is very happy with her weight . +4 The next week he begged his mom to let him stay at Rob 's again . Alex was n't allowed to watch TV . One Friday night he spent the night at his friend Rob 's house . The next morning they watched cartoons . Alex had no idea they played cartoons 4 hours on Saturdays . +4 Nothing caught on fire , luckily . Benji was in chemistry class one day . The class was doing a science experiment . Benji tried to do it correctly , but he messed up . His chemicals reacted badly and created billowing white smoke ! +0 My brother saved up all month to buy a new video game . When he finally got it , it did n't work . He had to call the company to complain . Luckily , they sent him a brand new copy . It worked out just fine . +2 On tryout day , he felt confident about his chances . LEo wanted to join the marching band . He practiced twirling his baton often . He made his best effort for the band . And to his joy , they let him join the band ! +1 She felt uncomfortable because she did n't know many people . Lana went to a party at her friend 's house . A boy came up and asked her to dance . They danced until the party was over . After the party , the boy asked Lana on a date . +2 The night of the race came Ted wanted to take a risk He decided to bet all of his money on a horse race Ted was sweating bullets Ted lost the bet and all of his money +3 Every day after school Johnny practiced . Johnny had always wanted to play football . One day he met his idol John Elway . John Elway told him to keep practicing . Johnny is now the quarterback at his school . +3 Later she realized her breath must smell of garlic . Beth had garlic fries on her break in between classes . As she was going to class her crush Rob stopped her to talk . He offered her gum which she declined . Beth was beyond embarrassed the next time she saw Rob . +0 Bo wanted to add bulk to his slight frame . He went to the gym every day to lift weights . But still his legs were thin and weak ! Bo decided to dedicate one weekday JUST for leg exercises . In a few months his 'leg day ' had made his legs muscular and strong ! +1 He decided that he would make a movie of his own . John loved watching and talking about movies . John filmed his friends reciting lines and acting out scenes . They all got together to watch the final product . They all laughed , agreeing that it was truly a terrible movie . +0 Jon had type 2 diabetes . He was trying really hard to get rid of it . He decided to go full vegan and only use herbal remedies . He felt better and better and kept up his herbal plan . Eventually , he got rid of his diabetes . +2 Her teacher suggested Number Munchers . Amy was in her school 's media center . When it was her turn she decided to try a new game . Amy was n't good at math so the game was very hard . She gave the game back to the teacher and went to read a book . +1 He was tasting the Chinese food of real Chinese restaurants . Neil was on a culinary tour . He tried food in Hunan to compare it to Beijing . Hunan food was milder and richer than Beijing food . Neil liked it a lot ! +3 As I ran toward the store my pants fell down . As a chubby kid I always wore sweatpants . One day my grandma took me to the mall to buy some replacements . The string had come out of the waist of the pair I was wearing . I was mortified when everyone started laughing . +0 A killer was on the loose in Simonstown . Jenny and Jessica were out past curfew one night . While walking down a dark street , the killer attacked ! Jenny and Jessica ran , but Jenny tripped and fell . Jessica got away , Jenny got added to the body count . +2 The dentist told Cheyenne she had a cavity ! Cheyenne had a toothache . Her mom took her to the dentist . The dentist repaired the cavity . Cheyenne is more diligent with brushing her teeth . +3 Caleb was upset that he lost his chance to ask her out . Caleb had a crush on a girl in his class . Caleb wanted to ask her out , but could n't work up the nerve . One day , he saw her holding hands with another boy . Caleb was single the rest of the school year . +2 She hired a part time math tutor to help her at night . Deb was failing her math class at school . She needed to get a passing grade in order to graduate . She worked hard for a few weeks and began passing the tests . She ended up passing the entire class and was able to graduate . +0 Jon stood outside the courtroom nervously . The men inside were deciding his culpability . They beckoned Jon in . His worst fears were then realized . The inquiry blamed him , the engineer , for the accident . +3 He brought Lucy home , but was worried Lucy might not like his dogs . One day , a boy had some free time and decided to go to the pet store . The boy loved dogs , but had his attention caught by the cats . He found a cat he loved and named it Lucy . Luckily , his dogs and Lucy got along very well and were happy . +3 Michael spent a week in England . Michael loves England . One day , Michael decided to take a trip to England . When Michael arrived , it was as beautiful as he had imagined . When Michael returned home , he promised to take another trip soon . +3 Alas , I burned the peanuts . I loved peanuts . But , many companies put too much salt in their peanuts . Thus , I decided to roast my own peanuts . Nevertheless , they tasted great without the excess salt ! +3 He even retraced his steps that day . Jesse lost his phone . He checked everywhere for it . He looked in his closet , under his sheets , everywhere . Finally he put his hand in his pocket to find his phone . +2 When her friends came they made the pizzas . Lisa decided to have a pizza party . She really wanted to invite all her friends . Lisa 's brother was hungry . She then gave her pizza to him . +2 The restaurant served chicken and waffles . Bob decided to vacation in New Orleans . He visited a restaurant there . Bob decided to try some . He loved the chicken and waffles . +2 The store was all out of the ones I wanted . Last week was my girlfriend 's birthday . I decided to buy her some balloons . I got stuck buying congratulations balloons instead . She did n't like them as much . +0 I bought a townhouse that was a foreclosure . My wife and I moved in and realized it needed some work . Together we fixed up the house and gave it a total makeover . We stayed one year then put it on the market . Someone bought it for a higher price than we originally did ! +3 He put it on and went to scare his mom . Adam was designing the mask for his Halloween costume . He made it very scary . Then he added paint . His mom was so scared , she screamed aloud ! +0 Devan wanted to watch a romantic movie with her boyfriend Clint . Clint did not want to watch a girly movie . Devan convinced Clint to watch the movie with her . They sat down with popcorn to watch the movie . When the movie was over , Clint was crying . +3 But all of Gina 's friends walked home from school . Gina rode the bus home from school . Her mother did n't like for her to walk alone . She was worried someone might abduct her . Gina felt like a nerd everyday when she boarded the bus at 3 PM . +4 When I was done cooking , everyone loved it . It was the end of the soccer season and we decided to have a party . Every season our soccer team has a pasta party . We got everyone together at my house for the event . I made the pasta . +3 But on her first order she overbalanced , and the tray crashed down . Katie was sixteen when she started her first job as a waitress . She was excited to start , but also slightly nervous . She had trained , and thought she 'd be able to carry the tray . Katie realized she had a lot more to learn about being a waitress . +1 She went to the electronics store and picked out a nice looking one . One day , Maria decided to go out and buy a new phone ! She talked to the cashier and he gave her a little discount . Then , she took the phone home and opened up its box . Maria then booted up the device and was very happy . +2 She decided to give someone else a chance . Jane needed a haircut . Her normal stylist was out of town . The new stylist chopped off too much of Jane 's hair . Jane left in tears and will never go back . +0 Brittany needs money for bills . She checked her bank account but it was empty . Brittany decided she needed another job . Brittany decided to use Amazon Mechanical Turk ! Now , Brittany has a great job , and can pay all of her bills ! +3 Her kids were very sad . Roberta is married with four kids . She thinks she might rather be with someone else . One day she left her husband . Roberta felt good for the first time in a while . +1 He wanted to use his guitar . Sam had just moved to a new house . He took it out of the box that it had been moved in . Then , he realized that the bridge was broken . He had to buy new parts before he could play . +1 They really wanted to go on the ferris wheel . Sam took his friend Mary to the carnival in town . They waited in line for close to half an hour for the ride . They got inside and could see the entire town from high up . They took a picture of themselves when they reached the top . +4 Rhonda forgave her new puppy because he is adorable . Rhonda had a beautiful flower garden and a rambunctious puppy . Rhonda was walking her puppy one day . The puppy broke free from his leash . The puppy ran through Rhonda 's garden and ruined it . +0 Chloe 's son always ate the ears of the chocolate bunny . He would leave the rest . For Easter , Chloe made a mold of a bunny . Its ears were three times the length of its body . She made a special almost-all-ears chocolate bunny for her son . +3 Someone inside of the store decided to pick it up . Tom 's family forced him to purchase a lotto ticket . He finally decided to make the purchase . Due to the fact that he 's not concerned , he threw the ticket away . A few days later , his lotto numbers were announced . +3 Martha did n't breathe a word . A bee landed on Martha 's nose . Martha was scared , but held still . The bee sat there for awhile as if Martha was a flower . Finally the bee flew away and Martha sighed with relief . +4 He got in trouble for not telling anyone about it . My little cousin was missing yesterday . He never got home from school . His parents were really worried . It turns out he went to a friend 's house . +4 Molly comes home to find her possessions on the street . Molly is at a casino pouring her hard earned money into poker . She 's way behind and convinced she 's going to win her money back . Molly continues to fall behind . Molly finally leaves having blown her paycheck on poker . +1 She was trying to make a nice tomato slice . Amanda was making veggies for some burgers . For some reason she could n't get a clean slice . The knife kept slipping and making awkward shaped tomatoes . She tried a new method and that worked better . +3 He found great 80 's music . Elliot was planning on hosting a houseparty . He was considering making it a theme party . He was selecting music for the party . He decided to make his party an 80 's dance party . +3 They took his wallet and money . Sam was a tough kid . He was walking down the street one night when three men attacked him . He fought back as best he could but lost . But he was never once was afraid to walk down that street again . +3 While in the crypt , Marissa asked constantly to leave . Marissa and Brad visited an old castle . Brad tried to convince Marissa to go see the castle crypt . The two entered the very cold basement while holding hands . Brad lead her out of the crypt and hugged her until she was calm . +1 They tried talking him into taking them to the park . Kayla and Zaiden spent the night with their uncle . He did n't think it was a good idea . It was cold outside Kayla and Zaiden decided to go home . +1 They ended up crashing the car . Amber and Lori stole a car one night . They caused a lot of damage . They lied about what happened . Their parents knew their story was fabricated ! +1 As I turned on the car I realized we had no Gas . We were heading home after a long day out . We thought we needed gas but it was really a dead battery . We had to call someone to help us out . They jump started the car and we were all fixed and ready to go . +0 Gary was an accountant . He had worked his job for 20 Years . Gary had always wanted to travel . Gary decided to retire and visit China . Gary began training for his dream job while in China . +2 He stood to pick them up and kicked them by accident . Dan was on a ferry to Staten Island . He sat on a bench when he heard his keys fall out of his pocket . Dan 's keys slipped off the boat . Dan had to call his wife to come open the door to the house . +4 To her dismay , Tina was grossed out . Tina went to a fancy French restaurant with her family . Everyone ordered snails . Scared , Tina decided to try some . The waiter put some on her plate . +1 She decided to get a tan . Mary always felt bad about being pale . She went to a salon . While in the bed she slept through her alarm . She was really badly burned . +3 Mark decided that she was not cut out for this job so he fired her . Part of Mark 's job was to train all the new people at the restaurant . Today Mark had to train Gina to be the hostess . She was shy on the phones and was n't polite greeting guests . Gina was sad and vowed to find a job she is good at . +0 My aunt loves books . She goes to the library every week . Last week she got three books . She read two within a couple of days . Now she 's going back to the library . +4 He wished he could stay forever ! Neil had just entered the country of Oman . He found the desert land to be enchanting . The women dressed beautifully and the men were friendly . Neil felt very comfortable in Oman . +0 Terry was a veteran professional basketball player He played for losing teams his entire career . For his last season he switched teams . His new team won the NBA championship . Terry was very happy to have finally won a championship . +1 When the grandpa took a nap , Sam went back to the garden . Sam 's grandpa was proud to show off his garden . A bit later , Sam woke his grandfather . Sam proudly handed the old man a basket of vegetables . The grandpa smiled although every vegetable was unripe . +0 Josh took his son to a toy store . He wanted to buy him a birthday present . Josh told his son he could have anything he wanted . So , his son looked around everywhere . Finally , his son choose a red ball as his gift . +4 The event happened in the city and no one was there to see it . The highway was backed up for miles and no car moved . Everyone was in a hurry to get out of the city before the event . People began to leave their cars and run down the roads . The next day all of the cars were empty and the people were gone . +0 Chad 's daughter was starting kindergarten . Chad was excited yet nervous dropping off his daughter . Chad 's daughter waved to him and gave him a kiss . As she took her seat , Chad began to cry . Chad was happy to see his daughter adjusting to her school . +1 She rushed to the gas station to fill her car up . Lauren 's car was running out of gas . Lauren accidently left her keys inside the car while she pumped gas . She had to call the police to unlock her car . From now on , Lauren always keeps a set of spare keys in her purse . +2 Her friend suggested that she go volunteer to help her grief . Minnie was distraught after she lost her parents in an accident . She spent days and weeks crying over the loss . Minnie ended up volunteering for a hospice organization . This helped Minnie move forward in her life . +3 They went to dinner . Evan had not dated in years . He decided to ask out his friend Ashley . Ashley excitedly accepted . Evan remembered how fun dates could be . +3 She walked over and introduced herself to him . Amy was single . She had been watching an attractive man at the gym for weeks . One day she decided to talk to the man . They spoke for 10 minutes before he asked her on a date . +4 One of the corners popped free of the wood and split my lip . I was playing with my cousin . We were exploring around his backyard . The basement door had panels of old screen . I was trying to rip the screen loose from the old door . +3 Isabel 's highlight of the trip was the hotel restaurant that was good . For Isabel 's 21st birthday , she and her friends decided to go to Vegas The four girls could not wait to arrive at the city 's destination . The girls arrived at the Palms Hotel and Casino to settle down . To her delight , Isabel and her friends had a fantastic time . +2 Kim seemed incredibly nice to her and Cindy asked for an autograph . Cindy was walking in the mall one day when she saw Kim . The Kim she saw was Kim Kardashian and she could n't believe it . Kim signed Cindy 's cell phone and Cindy would never forget it . Cindy left the mall feeling a sense of shock that she met Kim . +3 Suddenly he had a very sensible idea . Cal went to put on his deodorant and discovered it was empty ! He had n't thought to purchase a back up either . Cal wondered what he was going to do to avoid stinking all day . Cal used some baking powder under his arms and went to work . +4 He decided he was going to work harder in school for a better job . Kevin was a teenager who did n't care about school . His father noticed he was failing all of classes and acting lazy . So he made Kevin get a part time job at a fast food restaurant . Kevin learned that he did n't want to work there his whole life . +2 He started taking melatonin . Chad was having insomnia trouble . He decided to try natural remedies . Every night he took a capsule . Soon he was sleeping well once again ! +4 When the rainy came , the salesman made a lot of money . The salesman bought a copy of the newspaper and began to read . The weather section called for a great amount of rainy this week . The salesman pulled out his phone and began to dial . He made an order for a few hundred umbrellas . +4 Lily purchased the red dress to wear to prom . Lily had nothing to wear to prom . She called her best friend Kalynn to go shopping with her . They went to five different stores . Kalynn liked the red dress the best . +0 It was Taco Tuesday at the Smith household . Papa Smith realizes he forgot the taco shells ! Mama Smith looks in the pantry and finds a box of tortellini pasta . The Smith family decided to have spaghetti that night instead . From then on , the Smiths renamed Taco Tuesday to Tortellini Tuesday . +1 She climbed the rope unsteadily . Eliza had to do a trust fall in gym class . Then , shaking , she closed her eyes and fell backwards . A net of friends caught her and lowered her to safety . Eliza smiled , realizing she truly could trust her friends . +4 Dave bought his friend a present to show he was grateful . Dave was running late . He needed to get to work quickly . So he borrowed a friends car . He made it to work just in time . +0 Sally and her bear Teddy had a tea party outdoors . Her mother called her in . She ran inside , planning to come right back out . In the morning , she realized Teddy was n't inside . She had accidentally left him out all night ! +1 But he was disappointed in how they turned out . Lenny was baking cookies . They were paper thin and crumbly . He decided to mix them with vanilla ice cream . And he felt better that his cookies had some use . +3 Sammy yelled for him to go inside . Sammy was going outside to check the mail . While he was checking , he noticed his toddler outside . He had come outside through the open door . The toddler was upset , but he went in . +4 Finally , she was the lucky one and won the tickets ! Anne 's favorite band was coming to town ! But she could not afford the tickets . She decided to enter the radio contest to try to win some . She tried over and over to be the lucky caller . +1 He looked at the prices for tool sets . Jeff needed some new tools . Jeff found that he could not afford the good tools . However , he could afford low quality tools . After thinking about it , Jeff decided to save his money . +0 We went to a seafood restaurant for my wife 's birthday . I kept an oyster shell as a souvenir . I put it in my coat pocket and forgot about it . Later i was afraid it would smell up my coat . Luckily it did not . +4 She was really proud of herself . Katherine was nervous . This was her first audition . She said the lines just like she had practiced them . She got the part ! +2 He started a low-fat diet and exercise program . Byron 's doctor said he needed to lose weight for his health . Byron was not happy but knew his doctor was right . The program was tough but he persisted . Byron was much healthier after he lost the weight . +4 Pauline is extremely happy to be able to go to sleep . Pauline always feels sleepy at client dinners . She needs to entertain clients , but she hates staying up late . One night she takes clients to a steakhouse and barely stays awake . Finally everyone goes home after eating . +4 We were glad to see her . Today we went to Queens to see our granddaughter . We live in Boston and do not see her much . She is almost two Year 's old . We got in just as she woke up from her nap . +2 He decided to ask his friend for a loan . Jim had many bills due . He only had a limited amount of money . His friend graciously gave him the loan . Jim sighed in relief and swore to be more frugal . +4 Her grandma gave her a squinting look , but allowed her to rent it . Lucy rented The Predator from Blockbuster . Her grandma asked her what it was about . Lucy pretended not to know . She knew her grandma would n't approve of the violence . +1 He grabbed the cereal box and poured some in a bowl . Tim woke up early and wanted to have breakfast . He went to the fridge and poured milk on his cereal . He took a bite of his cereal and spit it out . The milk was spoiled so he ate a granola bar instead . +0 The last float in the Christmas parade had a band on it . As the float moved down the street you could hear an old man singing . When the float reached us my brother ran out and jumped on the it . I could hear him singing Feliz Navidad all the way down the street . I could tell it was him because he always sings that song flat ! +2 The doctors do not think she will get better . Grandma Dovie is n't feeling well . She gets admitted into the hospital . She passes away later that night . Her family mourns their loss . +0 Brad needed to make some extra money so he began working online . He did various jobs until he found one that he really loved . This job allowed him to work from home and care for his family . He appreciated the flexibility and the extra time with his children . Brad hopes to make enough money to take a family vacation soon . +3 Finally , I baked the dough into bread . I decided to bake some bread . First , I put all the ingredients together . After that , I let the dough rise . The bread came out delicious ! +2 My husband decided to walk toward the bear to get a picture . When we were camping we saw a bear . He was climbing an apple tree . I thought he was crazy . I turned around and walked away and my husband followed . +0 Fred rode his bike to school everyday . But one day , he saw people doing tricks on their bikes . Fred wanted to learn how to do these tricks too . He spent his time practicing . And he was able to earn lots of attention from other kids at school . +1 However , his friends were all over the world . Ray wanted to play mini golf with his friends . So he found an online golf game they could play together . They all set up a time when they would play . Ray and his friends had a blast playing virtual mini golf . +3 Harrah informed the woman they did not carry that brand . Harrah was folding merchandise in the back of the store . She investigated a commotion that was coming from the cash registers . A woman confronted her about a purchase that she wanted to return . The woman left in embarrassment . +2 He likes to cook many different foods . Phil really likes to eat . Because of this , Phil decided to become a chef . Phil opens up a restaurant near his home . Phil 's restaurant does very well . +4 Afterwards , I went home and relaxed . My friends invited me to the lake . They wanted to make burgers and swim . I brought beer and we all hung out and had fun . We grilled the burgers and talked . +2 One evening while driving home , Betsy decided to stop . My Betsy had been my friend for some time . I got her in high school and ten years later she was still driving . I was stuck in the rain with no car . Betsy will always be my favorite car . +3 The chef accidentally put mustard on Sally 's hamburger . Sally thought she hated mustard . She went to McDonalds and got a hamburger . She requested for the hamburger to not have mustard . Sally was surprised to find out that she actually liked mustard . +3 In addition , Paul had food and drinks catered . Paul decided to throw a costume party . Paul sent out several invitations to his friends and family . In preparation for the party , Paul bought several decorations . Paul could not wait for the costume party to begin . +0 Gina was second guessing her route to the store . There was too much traffic on the back streets . Gina was second guessing her decision to take this route . She began to think maybe she would take another way home . After 3 minutes at a stop sign she decided she would do just that . +0 Chocolate was an addiction for Mindy . She begged her father for chocolate every time they went to the store . One day he refused , and Mindy stole two bars of chocolate . Though she tried to hide them , the cashier noticed the contraband . Her father grounded her for 2 months and hoped she learned her lesson . +4 Each one of her friends received a beautiful box of cookies . It was Christmastime . Kora loved to make cookies . She made a huge batch of Christmas cookies for all her friends . When she was done , she boxed the cookies up nicely . +0 In 1997 Apple Inc was failing . They were on the verge of bankruptcy . They secured a 150 million dollar loan from Microsoft . Today they are the most valuable tech company in the world . Their net worth is around 700 billion dollars . +4 I thought it was a good idea and ordered it . I asked my wife what she wanted for Valentines . She said she wanted a monthly subscription to birchbox . They send a monthly box with various samples . She said she likes the new products to try . +3 Benji got to enjoy adding scraps for them to eat daily . Sally 's son Benji had an obsession about worms . She had also been thinking about getting into composting . She decided to order a worm composting kit . Sally got to use the compost in her garden . +2 Her grandmother began talking about the movie from the night before . Lucy went to the kitchen to have breakfast . Her grandparents had already begun eating . Lucy had missed the end and asked them to refrain from discussing it . They taunted her by hinting at the ending the whole morning . +1 He heard the ice-cream truck in his neighborhood . Timmy was playing basketball in his driveway . Timmy ran inside his house to look for money . It took him a few minutes to find his wallet . By the time he left his house , the ice-cream truck had driven away . +4 My son freaked out thinking it was the actual super hero visiting him . My son loves Captain America . He dresses up in his Captain America costume every day . One day the doorbell rang . It was my father in law dressed as Captain America . +2 One day Fred was invited to a party at a friend 's house . Fred had always wanted to play a game of Bocce . Since he did n't have a yard , he feared he would n't have the chance . Fred played a glorious game of Bocce at the party . He was happy he had the chance to play Bocce . +0 Tammie was very proud of her science fair project . Who 'd have thought baking soda and vinegar could react like that ? She was certain her incredible breakthrough would earn her prestige . However , the other competitors in the fair were n't so impressed . Nor were the janitors who now had to mop the floor , wall , and ceiling . +0 Selena has always done well in school . She had dreams of getting into the National Honors Society . Selena worked extra hard and did all of the extra credit . She was voted into the NHS by her teachers . Selena felt a sense of accomplishment . +1 She needed to get groceries . Alice was out of food . Alice gathered her baby to go to the store . She realized her husband had taken the car seat with him to work . With annoyance , she waited for her husband to come home . +4 She figured time would go by faster if she focused on work instead . Jenny squirmed in her seat . She eyed the clock . She still had two more hours before she could go home . Jenny took a deep breath and tried to concentrate . +2 His mom worried he would break valuables in the house . Tony liked tinkering with everything . He unfortunately broke a lot of items . She decided to buy him a lego set . Tony loved the set and left everything else alone . +0 Laura bought a house . The master bedroom was painted bright green . Laura did not like the color . She painted over it with navy blue . Laura loved the new color of her bedroom . +0 Erica was playing with her friend Emily . They were playing hide and seek . Emily hid in a tree . Erica looked for her for hours . Erica finally gave up looking up for her . +1 He plowed the fields and planted his crops , to no avail . Life was a constant struggle for Xiaofeng Xin . When the floods came , it washed away everything . One day , Xiaofeng discovered gold on his property . Now he lives in a big mansion with his horde of concubines . +1 Then her husband brought home three extra for dinner ! Maya was making a Mexican meal for her family . Maya was in a panic . Then she decided to make lots of extra rice . That helped stretch the food so everyone had plenty to eat ! +1 He looked everywhere , but nothing caught his eye . Feliks went to find a new pair of pants at the store . Suddenly , he spied the perfect pair of pants in his size . He realized they were on sale ! Feliks was happy with his purchase . +1 They all enjoyed their meal but soon started to feel ill . Tom went out to lunch with some of his friends . By the next day all of them were very sick . They all had to miss work ! Tom and his friends will never go to that restaurant again . +0 Last Sunday I went to my boyfriends house for the patriots game . It was very crowded at his house for the game . My boyfriend had his neighborhoods and friends there . The patriots ended up winning the game . We were super happy . +4 The next day , David 's boss was out sick . David called his work and said he was sick . His boss told him he needed to come into work anyway . David drove to work . He coughed a lot during his shift . +4 Now Hugh wears a thick beard , and no one can see his scar . Hugh had a bad accident when he was young . This accident caused Huge to have a long scar on his face . As a youth , Hugh was made fun of , and was embarrased . As Hugh grew older , he decided to hide his shame on his face . +3 They all were freaking out . The test was so hard . Everyone started crying . The teacher laughed at them . But everyone ended up passing . +3 Finally she finds the perfect bike . Julie is tired of her long walk to work . One of her friends recommends she buy a bike . She researches different bikes before making a decision . Julie loves riding her new bike to work . +0 I was lighting a vanilla candle today . When I held the lighter on the wick it did n't light . It still would n't light . I held the lighter down very hard . My hand slipped and I broke my fingernail . +0 My dad and I are going to hike a mountain today . We have packed a huge lunch . We are going to drive all the way out to the trailhead . Using our map , we followed the trail five miles . My dad and I finally made it to a mountain lake to go fishing ! +2 I had to spend hours every night learning Excel . I got a new job . It required me to learn Excel . Eventually , I learned it ! My boss was proud of my work ethic and gave me a raise . +4 When he grew up , he was the best magician ever . Tim was at a magic show . He loved it so much . He decided to become a magician . He practiced very hard . +2 I photographed many oddly-shaped mushrooms and trees . My uncle Jim took us on nature walks in the Upper Peninsula . This area of Michigan had a lot to offer related to this activity . Some industrial areas provided contrast to this in a good way . My portfolio was n't complete , but this was a great start . +2 Jenny practiced every day until the auditions . Jenny wanted to be in a play . She practiced a monologue for play auditions . Jenny 's audition went very well . Jenny got the lead role in the play . +3 May panicked and dropped the iron on her leg . May was playing with her new doll . She decided to curl the doll 's hair with a curling iron . The dolls plastic hair stuck to the iron . She had a long burn mark where the iron landed . +3 Abby gifted each of her friends with a bag of candy . Abby loves to eat candy . She thought it would be nice to share her candy with friends . Abby 's friends came over to her house . They ate the candy together . +0 Jordan saw a political comment from her friend . She did n't agree with her friend , so she challenged her . The friend responded back with a new point . They ended up arguing a lot . In the end , they agreed to disagree . +4 The scalding hot eggs landed on his bare foot . Dan woke up early to cook breakfast for his mom . He was frying up some eggs and wanted to be fancy . He tried to make the eggs do a flip in the pan . He flung the eggs in the air , but he missed the catch . +4 Sue does not explore the cave anymore . Sue was always curious about the cave near her house . One day she decided to explore it on her own . As she approached the entrance she heard a loud , horrible noise . Right inside the cave was a very large bear ! +4 But she ended up liking orange flavored chocolate even more . Sue loved oranges . She would eat them all the time . One day during the holidays she was given an orange made of chocolate . It was confusing at first to her . +3 Mike did n't hear anything but the bell and his hours flew hard . Mike bounced on his toes while he warmed up in the back . He was ready for this fight and he knew it . Hearing his name Mike ran out to the ring arms up ready to win . In less that thirty seconds the man was dropped , Mike had won . +1 Her daughter Fran told her that she did n't want spaghetti . Liz was making spaghetti for supper . Liz asked if there was anything that she could do to make her want it . Fran suggested not using sauce on her noodles . Fran was happy eating her plain noodles . +4 Everyone , including myself , got soaked . Everyone became seated when the presentation started . Several sea mammals were swimming around the water . A huge dolphin bounced high . It splashed into the water afterwards . +2 But as he matured , Tom saw that his dad was trying to help him . Tom had always hated his dad . As a child , his dad was always scolding him . Soon the two men began to really communicate . And as an adult , Tom counted his dad among his best friends . +1 He thought he would not make any friends . It was the first day of school and Ian was getting nervous . He went into the building and some people approached him . They invited him to lunch . Ian ended up making friends . +1 He thought a frat would ensure he always had friends to hang out with . Kevin was new in college and tried to join a frat . But the frat brothers made him get drunk and sick when pledging ! Angry , he joined an anti-drinking group on campus . That group became his best friends , and they hung out often ! +2 On a trip to our corner store I slipped cookies in my pocket . In Hawthorne California in 1990 , teenagers liked to steal . To fit in with my friends , I decided to try stealing . The store owner called me from down the street and I came back . He asked if I stole his cookies and then said to give them back . +2 She sat on the bed intending to get up . Amy went to her room to change after volleyball practice . She had n't realized how sleepy she was . Before she knew it she was laying down . Two minutes later Amy was snoring . +0 Today our mother took my brothers and me to the beach . We all had a great time playing in the sand . My brother especially enjoyed chasing after and running from waves . After several hours we were all very tired . We fell asleep in the car as our mother drove us back home . +1 His friend calls him up to go to a Chinese restaurant . Allen has been craving a good steak all week . Allen replies that he really wants a steak . His friend wanted Chinese more than anything . Allen ate his steak alone . +3 Daniel worried that his schedule was being ruined forever . Daniel stayed up late to finish writing a review . As a result , Daniel had to sleep in late the next day . This cycle fed into itself , making him go to sleep later that night . Eventually his schedule looped all the way around and back to normal . +0 Chris was a nurse . She was very experienced . One day she made a medication error . It did n't have any negative effect on her patient . Chris chose to report the incident to her supervisor . +4 I won by an inch . I was in fifth grade . We were running the half mile in gym class . I paced myself most of the race . In the final block I sprinted as fast as I could . +0 Katie enjoyed knitting . She would knit in private by herself for days on end . One day she decided to knit a scarf for her best friend . Her friend 's birthday arrived and she gave her the scarf . She was so excited when her friend asked to learn how to knit . +4 When he went to bed , he felt it under his pillow . Tod lost the remote control for his TV . So he had to change the channel using the buttons on the TV . But Tod became tired of walking from his sofa to his TV . And decided to look for his remote . +2 He never turned in his homework on time . Ricky was a habitually bad student . He was always late for class . He never told his parents that he was in trouble at school . One day they found out and he was sent away to boarding school . +1 She saw a cup on top of the TV that looked like hers . Nancy was looking for her drink . She instantly grabbed it . However , she ingested a few nails when trying to drink it . Her sister told her that the cup was in the kitchen . +3 Instead of putting gas he wasted all his money on chocolate . Robert loves chocolate so much . One day he went to a gas station . He found hundreds of chocolates in there . He ended up having no money for gas and was stranded . +0 Steve and Al wanted to play a card game . Steve took out his deck of cards and began to shuffle . Al suggested that he counted how many cards there were first . Al counted that he had only 48 playing cards . The decided to look for the missing cards instead of play . +4 Jacob had broken his arm from his wreck . Jacob had just bought a motorcycle . He passed his test for his license . As soon as he left his driveway , he had a wreck . He had to go to the ER . +2 He handed John a small piece of paper . John did n't know he was being followed . When he got on the train , a man approached him . It said RAVINCORP in bold letters . John had been offered a job by the CIA , he just did n't know it yet . +1 The teacher asked her to hush , but she ignored him . Amy was joking with her friends in class one day . After a while , he told Amy he was giving her detention ! Amy had to stay in class for a whole hour after school ! She wished she had listened to her teacher in the first place . +0 Steve was making spaghetti . He boiled some pasta on the stove . While he waited , he chopped some onions and peppers . Then , he cooked some meat . When he was done , he mixed the ingredients with sauce . +3 Amy ended up having a wonderful time . Amy was afraid to spend the night away from home . She had been invited to a sleepover but almost refused to go ! Then her mom talked her into going . She could n't wait for her next sleepover ! +1 I felt very betrayed by a friend . The one fight I 've gotten into , I started it . I ended up punching her in her face on campus . Later , I regretted hurting her . But at the same time , I felt she deserved my punch . +0 Sue was very tired . She decided to go home and take a nap . When she woke up , it was time to eat dinner . However , Sue decided to go back to sleep . Sue wasted her day away . +0 I was checking out historic hotels for my upcoming wedding . As I toured the rooms of an old castle , I got quite a fright . I went into a room and saw a man sitting on a bed . I apologized and turned to leave but then realized I was alone . It was either a ghost or my mind playing tricks on me and I ran out ! +2 She disrobed and slipped into the hot tub . Ava was sore after a long workout . She went into the spa part of her gym . There , she soaked for an hour . When she climbed out , she was relaxed and no longer sore . +1 The members all hate each other . There 's a new band called Gavelin . The critics and fans love their music though . They try staying together for the fans . It does n't work out and they disband . +1 The little girl Carrie was beaming when Isabel came over . Isabel was excited to baby sit her neighbors for the very first time . Isabel and the kids had fun with arts and crafts for an hour . She then fed them some mini pizzas and put them off to bed . When she put them to bed it was about 8 clock . +4 Jake was happy to find that hard work really did pay off . Jake trained hard to make his little league baseball team . One day he stayed late on the field to continue practicing . A man in the stands saw his dedication . The man asked him to be a bat boy for the local minor league team . +0 James tried marijuana for the first time . At first , it made him feel really good and calm . Then he started getting paranoid . He was anxious of social situations . He got sober again after an hour . +3 Luckily the security saw them first . There was a concert in California . EVeryone was enjoying the music . Gunmen terrorists came into the venue . They got arrested . +2 Her sisters came along with her . Kourtney wanted to go on a trip to Santa Barbara . It as a trip to celebrate her pregnancy . The girls had a lot of fun . They had memories to last a lifetime . +1 Jim grumbled and started the lawnmower . Jim 's father wanted him to mow the lawn , then water it . Because Jim was n't paying attention , the lawn mower ran over a hose . The hose burst and sprayed water all over the lawn . Jim was pleased to get his second job done early . +0 Ana had just bought a holiday-themed coffee from the coffee shop . As she walked out of the shop , she noticed a homeless man . He was huddled next to the shop looking very cold . Ana offered him the coffee and he graciously accepted . Ana was glad to have done something honoring the true holiday spirit . +3 He warned Drew to stop or else he 'll be arrested . Several of my friends were walking across the mall . Drew decided to act reckless and flip over a garbage can . One of the police officers noticed him . Drew did n't cause any mischief for the rest of the day . +2 He saw someone with a knife and realized he had been stabbed . One day my friend was walking down the street in Baltimore . He felt a sharp pain in his back and turned around . The man fled and my friend went to the hospital . He was in the hospital for several weeks . +2 She deleted all of his phone number and text messages . Trisha just recently broke up with her boyfriend . She threw all of his belongings in the trash . Trisha went out dancing with a friend to forget about her boyfriend . She felt free and alive . +3 He worked overtime nearly everyday of the week . Jimmy had been late on his rent payments . His landlord decided to cut him a break and not evict him . Jimmy decided to pick up more hours at work . He was able to make the amount to pay off his rent with his hard work . +0 I met my wife in high-school . We had three classes together but never really talked . It was n't until we were seniors that we spoke to each other . We decided to go on a date before graduation . We fell in love that night . +2 The kids were hesitant to walk inside , but they tip-toed in . The kids were violently knocking on a door . The door opened however , no one was inside . The door immediately closed when they were inside . A man in a ghost costume scared them . +3 The player slid into him , breaking his leg . My nephew played in the Little League when he was 8 . He started as a pitcher . During one game he was covering home base on a play . After he recovered , he quit playing Little League . +2 When the store opened a hundred people showed up . Liza 's parents were going to open a new grocery store . She was excited for the event . To appease customers , everything was on sale . Liza 's family was proud . +2 In the fall he had amassed quite a small fortune . Jeb mowed lawns all summer long . He saved up all the cash from his work and his allowance . He took all the money to the local pawn shop . There , he bought back the ring his mom had sold to buy food . +3 So , I went out and raked yesterday . It 's fall , and that means more leaves in my yard . I do n't like raking leaves ! But , I realized it 's good exercise . I do feel more healthy today . +4 She was so mad , she canceled the trip and unpacked . Kelsey was planning on moving cross country in a few days . She was all packed up and ready to go , despite needing more boxes . Suddenly , UHaul was out of trucks , and she had no options . Her car also was broke down , and she was highly worried . +3 We would fill up a paper bag with bubble gum and other choices . I have a favorite memory of when I was a young teen . My mom would drive us to the local news room every weekend . You could smell printed magazines and see buckets of penny candy . Sometimes I could buy a teen magazine and those were the best days . +4 He fetched an axe . A man was doing laundry one fine day . He went into the basement to retrieve it from the dryer . Most of his socks were missing . For safety reasons , he unplugged the dryer and disconnected the gas . +3 Now , Mallory spends lots of time planning trips to visit her dad . Mallory felt sad that her Dad was moving far away . He told her suddenly and was leaving in less than two weeks . She spent as much time with him as she could before he left . She is excited about traveling across the country to see him . +4 She almost spilled it , but she finally made it back to the bathroom . Kim had retrieved her toothbrush after dropping it in the toilet . She stood staring at it in the sink wondering how to clean it . She decided bleach would be best . She crept to the laundry room and grabbed a cap full of bleach . +0 I was hanging out with my friends at the park . My mom called me to remind me about dinner being ready . However , I stayed at the park for a few more minutes . I eventually left to go home . My mom told me that the food was completely gone . +4 He was just attacked by a wolf , and the girls patched him up . Mary and Kay went for a hike on a big trail . They were hiking for 2 hours when they realized they were lost . They saw a man sitting down on the trail and asked for directions . He turned to them and was bleeding ! +0 Tre caught eyes with Vanity at a bar . He moved closer to her and eye gazed her . They ended up talking all night and exchanged numbers . They professed that it was love at first sight . Tre proposed a week later and Vanity said yes . +3 Michael went to commercial and ran out of the studio . Michael was a late night DJ . One day while on air he lost his voice . He tried to introduce the next song but nothing came out . The listeners were confused when the commercials never ended . +2 It was only a few hours later that I met a special girl . Today I got a fortune cookie . The fortune in the cookie read that I going to meet someone special . We are going to go out on a date tonight . I guess the fortune in the cookie was very accurate . +2 The two started dancing together . Maya was at a dance party . She was dancing in the dark when a boy came up to her . After an hour of dancing , the lights came on . Maya discovered that her partner was very ugly , and left . +2 After passing his class , he decided to take his license test . Ben always wanted to ride motorcycles . He decided he would take a motorcycle class . Ben easily passed his test and got his license . He is now saving up for his first motorcycle . +1 I decided to drive to the gym to exercise . After waking up today , I called my job to cancel my day at work . My friend wanted to meet up and I saw him after a few minutes . We went to each dinner . He asked me how everything is going since we last saw each other . +3 I was afraid to say anything so I ignored the bad food . Last week I went on my first date with my love interest . We went to an Asian restaurant . I love Asian food , but this food was not good . Even though the food was bad I still had a great time . +4 I immediately fell asleep when I got home . Every Sunday I get pizza . This Sunday I decided to try a new place . I ate a whole pizza to myself . I felt very full but satisfied . +4 She decided to give them away . Kelly 's cat was expecting kittens . She was very excited . She immediately jumped for joy . When her cat delivered , Kelly got all these kittens . +2 She practiced all summer . All of Lisa 's friends were on the soccer team . Lisa wanted to play on the team too . She went to tryouts in the fall . Mary is now on the team with her friends ! +0 Last night I had a dream . I dreamed I was back at work . I saw a locomotive driving by and took photos . Then I helped load up a truck . I woke up to find myself back to reality , stroke ridden . +4 Tommy smiled , his project won a ribbon for being the most creative . Tommy entered his science project into the science fair . The night before the fair Tommy spilled a glass of milk on his papers . Tommy stayed up all night rewriting his work . By the next day he had recreated his project and got it in on time . +1 He got a bunch of flowers for her . Kyle wanted to ask Mira to prom . He met up with her after school to ask . Unfortunately , Mira turned him down . Kyle was sad , but respected her decision . +2 All the jockeys and horses were going on to the track . Sandy had never been to a horse race before . She was excited . They lined up in the gate and were off with a bang . She had a great time and thought it was so exciting . +1 They decide to meet in Central Park . Flora calls her friend Melissa to play basketball . Flora is sure she will win . But Melissa has been practicing . Melissa beats Flora at basketball . +1 He knew he wanted something very meaningful . Jake had been thinking a lot about getting his first tattoo . Jake finally decided on getting his favorite quote on his side . He really underestimated how painful it would be near his rib cage . When it was done , he could n't wait to show it off to his friends . +3 I played them for my wife . I love the Tony Kornheiser radio show . The jingles they play make me laugh out loud all the time . I downloaded a few of my favorites . She thought they were dumb and that I was an idiot for listening . +1 The national basketball tourney was here . Stan was a big fan of State basketball . Stan bet a hundred dollars his team would win the tourney . When the first round was played , an unranked team beat State . Stan was very sad that his team had lost . +0 Sue needed extra money . She decided to have a yard sale . She cleaned out her garage and closets . She found a lot of old stuff to sell . She made over $ 500 at her yard sale . +3 Just then a bee stung me on the arm . I went on a hike on Saturday . I saw a large butterfly coming down the trail . I stopped to look as it floated past me . I swatted the bee and accidentally killed the butterfly . +3 One of his interviews was with a suit retailer , and he got the job . Jason lost his apartment and moved into a homeless shelter . He needed a job to afford a new apartment so he went to interviews . To look good for the interviews , he made sure to wear a suit . Now Jason dresses better than any other homeless man . +3 He argued with me a few days later since he received a complaint . The manager gave me a package to deliver to a house . When I looked inside of it , there was $ 1000 dollars . Since I needed the money , I lied to the boss and kept the money . I ended up getting fired . +3 She kept getting out of the yard because she wanted more room . Spot is a beagle and she loves to run . Spot 's owners recently moved from the country to the city . Spot now has a yard instead of open fields to play in . When her owners installed an electric fence , Spot was finally content . +2 Ed wanted to be a superhero and Emma wanted to be a mermaid . Ed and Emma were twins and wanted to have matching Halloween costumes . But they could n't agree on a costume ! Then their mom said she could make costumes that 'd please them both . Oh Halloween she have them matching costumes - Aquaman costumes ! +4 But the friend only laughed and said the stones were fake . Jan admired her friend 's collection of jewelry . When she was invited to a gala event , Jan asked to borrow a necklace . The friend handed Jan a gorgeous necklace strung with red stones . After the gala , Jan was horrified to find the necklace missing . +1 There was a huge fight among their friends . Gina 's parents were in the yard . Gina 's mom tried to stop the fight . One of the other women grabbed her from behind and held her . Gina decided it was time to call the cops . +1 She took a tour bus around the city . Anna went to Paris . They stopped at the Eiffel Tower . Anna snapped a photo of it . She thought it was very beautiful . +3 It was delicious and everyone complimented her . Andra is a chef . She loves to cook for her friends . One day she made chicken and dumplings for her friends . Andra was very happy . +4 Jeff got mad and raised his head to remove the pencil . Jeff walked into his class with a new haircut . Everyone could n't get their eyes off of the small puff behind his head When Jeff sat down , he felt something behind his head . Jamal tried to stick his pencil into Jeff 's curls . +1 She was excited at first . Lisa went on a date with Ron . Yet when they went on the date it was terrible . Ron kept talking about himself . Lisa did n't like that and did n't want to see him again . +1 He went last weekend with his friend . Jake loved going to see the drag races . His friend had a fast car . Jake convinced his friend to race . His friend agreed and had fun . +2 Grant works hard to train the students . Grant wants to become more involved with local town affairs . He decides to become a football coach at the local high school . He is very proud when they win the local football championship . Grant is glad that he became a football coach . +2 Pam is feeling a lot of pressure to get the job and is very nervous . Pam has been out of work for 2 months . She finally got an interview with a good company . The interview is given by a group of 5 men . Pam has an impressive interview and accepts their offer . +4 And I got covered with his spray . We went to the local zoo . There was a sign on the one location saying tiger sprays . Next thing I know , the tiger lifts his leg . Everyone went running for cover . +4 He decided Calais was his favorite stop so far ! Neil had just arrived in Calais , France . He had taken the Chunnel from England . He had a great time seeing the sights in Calais . He thought it was exotic and fun . +0 Sam stopped at a four way intersection . The driver on the right stopped after him . Sam tried to move forward but the driver was impatient . He accelerated and ended up crashing into sam . Her airbag went off . +1 And he noticed that there was nothing to watch but children 's shows . Rick was watching TV . One of the shows he remembered . And he used to watch it when he was a child . Rick enjoyed being reminded of his childhood . +1 She asked her mom for lessons . Ora wanted to learn to play tennis . The two ladies played together every day . At first Ora was terrible . But soon she was playing tennis like a pro ! +0 Candace had a doctor 's appointment at 2:00 PM . She got to the doctor 's office 15 minutes early . She signed in at the front desk and took a seat to wait . She waited over two hours for the doctor to come out . Just as she was about to leave , the doctor finally called her name . +3 The police arrived and detained John . John was drunk and walking home one night . He stumbled into someone 's front yard and passed out . The homeowner called the police when he saw John . They decided to take him home rather than to jail for trespassing . +3 The bear ignored him . Frank was terrified of bears . One day , while walking in the woods , he saw a bear . He stood perfectly still from fear . Frank learned to be less afraid of bears . +0 This weekend I met a cute girl . She gave me her number . I asked her out to coffee . I got dressed up nicely . We walked to the coffee shop for our date . +2 Dan started to make fun of Dennis for his bad shooting . Dan and Dennis were playing basketball at the park . To start the game , Dennis missed 3 shots in a row . Dennis angrily punches Dan in the chest . Dan ran to his car crying . +1 I drove to a diner near my house . I was hungry , but had no food . I walked inside and ordered some food . The waitress brought my food to me , and I thanked her . I ate the food and left a tip on the table . +1 She was told to clean the bathroom . Abby hated to do chores with her parents . Instead , Abby slept in the bathtub all day rather than cleaning . Abby was grounded when her parents found out she had n't worked . Abby decided to never skip out on doing chores again . +2 And endless dirge of Comic Book stories and vampire movies resulted . The creative industry of the United States was in big trouble . They did n't have the courage to foster new ideas or finance projects . The industry attempted to recruit creative talent , but did n't invest . No artists considered entering the field , charity does n't pay rent . +1 He resolved to eat more vegetables . Sam decided to get healthier . He thought of a clever way to do it . Every day he made a big salad for lunch . Sam got his veggies in a tasty way ! +4 Jay got out of the label . Jay wanted to get out of his record label . He ca n't because of his contract . He decided to bring in a lawyer . The lawyer did things behind the scenes . +0 Maria was passing notes to her friend in class . The teacher saw her . Maria got sent to the principal 's office . The principal called Maria 's parents and told them what had happened . Maria 's parents grounded her when she came home . +2 He kept barking , but suddenly ran back inside . One night , my dog would not stop barking . Annoyed , I finally let him outside . He smelled awful . He 'd been sprayed by a skunk ! +0 I decided to go inside the forest . Several animals saw me and decided to follow me . Although they were harmless , I tried to run . Afterwards , I ended up near a lake . A group of alligators came out and started move towards me . +2 Soon James was asleep in class . James did not sleep well the night before . As his teacher was lecturing , he began to drift off . At the end of class , James woke up to a pop quiz . James did not know any answers and failed . +4 John soon found reddit and preferred this site to any other . John decided he wanted to stay up to date on current events . He deliberated about which news source was the best . He carefully examined many sources . He found many he liked and disliked . +3 I try to keep a good pace . I have been training for a marathon . I am ready for the big race . I tie my shoes and start the run . I am so proud when I cross that finish line . +4 Grace could not stop laughing at the face Frank was making . Frank had to go to the dentist to have a tooth pulled . Frank had his friend Grace accompany him , so that she could drive . Frank was given anesthesia so that the procedure could begin . After the procedure , Frank had a very funny face . +4 But it poured rain and we got so soaked . At the campground on vacation there was an arcade . My sister and I were playing games there when the weather got bad . We heard a crack of thunder and realized we should go . So we started running back to the campsite . +3 She made the area much better then walked back to her balcony . Brenda walked outside to her cottage balcony . She looked below and saw that her courtyard was very messy . She walked downstairs and began to pick up the area . She relaxed over her very neat courtyard all day long . +0 Min loved bowling with her friends . But she was n't a very good bowler ! So she secretly took lessons from a family friend . When she next had a bowling night with her pals , she scored highest . Her friends were just bowled away by her score ! +0 In 2000 we attended a jazz concert . The featured singer had gone to daycare with our daughter . She sang Cole Porter and Richard Rodgers ' songs . Our 8 year old son actually fell asleep listening . We joke about that on occasion . +2 When the kids crossed the line , he did n't see who won . Jeff was the track official at a high school track meet . He did not pay close attention to the 100 meter race . Jeff just picked one and called him the winner . Everyone saw through Jeff 's pathetic lie . +1 She shopped for a dress for hours with her mom . Rachel is getting married . They found nothing Rachel liked . Her mom decided to make a dress for Rachel instead . Rachel was so happy for her custom made gown . +2 After a few seconds , she caught a foot cramp . Haley was taking a walk to the ice cream shop . After buying the ice cream , she decided to sit down . A stranger helped her get up . He also drove her home . +4 The bleeding stopped and he went on with his day . The cut was bleeding steadily . Nick had nicked it against the edge of a brick . Now it was spurting blood and turning the snow red . He wrapped some medical cloth around it . +3 I sat in the car with her while everyone else toured the big house . I convinced my family to tour a huge mansion estate while vacationing . We drove there and got out of the car to go inside . My 8-month old decided it was a good time to cry uncontrollably . I only got to see the exterior that day . +0 Madelyn woke up one morning in a haze . She tried to remember what happened the night before . Madelyn realized she was naked in a house that was n't hers . As she was about to leave , she noticed the man next to her . He was the hottest man she 'd ever seen so she got back in bed . +0 John and his sister were hunting for shells on the beach . She kept picking small shells with little holes in the center . He was going for the big , perfect shells . That night she got a piece of string . She strung her little shells into a necklace . +0 James got a new kitten from the pet store . One day his kitten escaped from his house . He looked all over the neighbourhood for the kitten . He left food out on the porch to lure it back . That night he found the kitten eating the food on the porch . +4 Neil wished he had months to explore Tehran ! Neil was visiting Iran . He took a train to the capital city of Tehran . There , he marveled at the architecture and mosques . Everything was so intense and lovely . +3 Herb was worried that he would not make it . Herb was walking with a purpose . He had to deliver a message to his grandmother . It started to rain . Herb decided to call his grandmother to deliver the message instead . +2 Julia was disgusted . Julia ordered a steak at the restaurant . When she got it back it was rare . She took the order back . Thankfully they gave her a refund . +0 Don needed to quit drinking . He tried to stop on his own but he could n't . Then he decided to attend meetings for help . He found them to be useful and friendly . With their help , Don has been clean for seven years ! +0 Tammy was much more comfortable on her second date with tim . Tim was also more relaxed . They had a great time on their first date . This one went just as well . They made plans for a third one and are excited for it . +0 Pete was on vacation in the mountains . He brought his snowboard up the mountain one day . Pete climbed on his snowboard and sped down the hill . He got ready to do a difficult trick he always wanted to do . After the attempt , Pete successfully landed the trick . +2 We also did n't get the chance to sit down since the place was crowded . I took my girlfriend to a new arcade that opened up around the town . When he got inside the place , a bunch of kids were wandering around . The waiter told us to be patient . However , we decided to leave and look for an empty restaurant . +1 He is travelling on an airplane with his sisters . Brody is allergic to peanuts . The flight attendant brings everyone a bag of peanuts . Brody gives his bag to his sister Faith . Faith eats all his peanuts . +1 One day his teacher , Mr Stevens , announced there was a pop quiz . Jason was always prepared for school every day . The quiz was on long division that they had learned yesterday . Jason was confident he would do a good job . When the grade came back , Jason was proud of his top score . +4 She learned that someone thought they were old and threw them out . Missy worked at a diner . One night , she shopped up some tomatoes and put them in storage . The next day , she went to get them and could n't find any . She searched around the diner . +3 Jacob was nervous because his knee hurt . Jacob was the best tennis player on his team . He never lost a single match . Today he was facing his rival school . Jacob ended up losing the game because of his injury . +1 A girl would be called Kelly . Since she was a little girl , Erin knew what she would name her kids . For nine months , Erin waited to see Kelly for the first time Finally the day had come and she gave birth to her daughter . She took one look at her and said she needed to pick a new name . +0 All of Mildred 's best friends played on the soccer team . She wanted to join them but was afraid she was n't good enough . One day Mildred summoned the courage to join the team . She tried out and just barely made the cut for the varsity team . Mildred felt so happy to play soccer alongside her friends . +4 I cheat all the time . My little brother loves to play Pokemon . He loves the card game as much as the videogame . He always wants to play against me . He has never been able to beat me . +0 It had been raining all day . Even though there was no school , the boys could not go outside . Normally , they would be outside playing in the yard . The boys sat indoors and watched television . As it got dark , the rain ceased , to the dismay of the boys . +4 The police investigated but never caught the purse snatcher . Mary was walking home from work . A man ran past her and snatched her purse . Mary tried to chase him , but he was too fast . She called the police and explained what happened . +4 I jumped up and screamed . Yesterday I decided to relax by the shore . The weather was beautiful . While I sat down something happened . A bug bit my leg . +4 Now Jimmy can easily contact his friends Jimmy could n't ever get in contact with his friends easily . He decided to buy a cell phone . Jimmy went to the phone store to pick a phone . Jimmy picked an iphone . +2 She bought the juice along with the regular groceries . Susie was at the grocery store . Her husband asked her to pick up some juice . When she got home , he checked the juice out . Unfortunately , she had gotten the wrong flavor . +0 My first kitten made my house smell bad . When I got my next kitten , I took precautions . I used expensive , quality litter which I scooped daily . I also had him neutered . Now my house smells like home , not a cage . +3 Then he saw that the formula had been opened and spilled everywhere . Justin was watching his two sons . He realized that they were being awfully quiet . He went to investigate . He was really upset and he cleaned it up . +4 He caught more fish with my pole than I did . My son and I went ice fishing . We rented a hut on a frozen lake . My son ended up dropping his pole in the ice hole . Rather than leave we took turns using my pole . +2 She tried a few designs but they were already invented . Kate was trying to invent a new style of hat . She read through books about the history of hats . Kate decided to combine two designs to make something new . When she finished , she took a picture and texted it to her friend . +4 Tom became entertained . Tom was eating dinner . Tom was alone . Tom wanted to be entertained . Tom began browsing his smartphone . +4 So I went to bed grumpy . I wanted chocolate ice cream . I went to the kitchen to get some . Upon arriving in the kitchen , I found my boyfriend eating the last bit I tried not to look sad but I wanted chocolate ! +0 I 've always wanted to curl over seventy pounds at the gym . I currently curl about fifty pounds which is too low . I worked real hard at it for months . I also ate healthy foods and got plenty of rest . A few months later I was curling well over my goal . +4 Erin passed his test with an A thanks to his study habits . Erin was a student in high school . Erin wanted to pass his computer science test . To study , Erin bought a computer science book at the store . He studied all night long before his test with his new book . +1 We watched three of the , back to back . My girlfriend had never seen a Star Wars movie . Afterwards , she said she was n't interested in seeing any more . She was n't impressed by Jedis . We broke up a week later . +2 While shopping she spotted a dollhouse . Kay was shopping for a Christmas gift for her niece Kim . She intended to purchase a doll for the girl . She wanted one just like it as a girl , but never got it . Kay knew her niece would love her new dollhouse . +3 It turned out to be my friend in a costume . I used to believe in the legend of Bigfoot . I saw strange things in the woods . I was attacked by a furry creature . I no longer believe in Bigfoot . +2 This year he slit the vine of three of his pumpkins . Joe entered his biggest pumpkin in the fair every year . He always came in second or third place . He fed them milk as well as water . The biggest of the three won the blue ribbon that year . +2 She wore heels to look taller . Ria was always short . Everyone in her family were tall . But she just felt smaller . Ria needed confidence . +0 Brandy liked to walk in the park . One day in the park , Brandy found some money . She was perplexed as to what to do with the money . She eventually turned it into the Police . She never regretted her decision . +2 One day , his cousin came over . David was a sad boy . He had nobody to play with . The two played for hours . David was no longer sad . +2 Though he told it to use a text field it wanted to make it a date . Eli was trying to import data into a database . Every time he did Access tried to convert behind his back . Eli got really really angry at this . It was enough to get him to use LibreOffice . +0 Corey used an online ordering app to order a pizza . He was n't quite used to the site and making all the selections . Finally he completed the order and waited for his food . The delivery guy brought him the pizza and Corey started eating . Corey spat his food out , they had used barbecue sauce for the pizza . +2 He climbed to the top of the board and looked down . Eddie wanted to try the diving board at the public pool . He had seen divers use it gracefully , and he envied them . Then he did his best attempt at a graceful dive . Poor Eddie ended up doing a large cannonball instead ! +3 Jake woke up the next day in the hospital with alcohol poisoning . Jake was turning 21 Year 's old . He went out with his friends to drink . Jake drunk everything he was offered . Jake never drunk another alcoholic beverage again . +0 One spring day my husband and I were sitting by a campfire outside . We foolishly got in the car to go visit a friend for a few minutes . When we got back home we found our backyard on fire . We quickly tried to put out the fire with shovels and water hoses . We had to call the fire department to finally put the fire out . +0 Stan was home one night . All the power went out . He called the power company . They had n't received Stan 's payment . He paid again over the phone and cancelled the check . +2 My son was in the kitchen pointing at the floor . I was working upstairs when I heard my son scream . I ran down the stairs to see what was going on . A swarm of tiny black ants had invaded our kitchen . I smushed them all and sprayed the entire downstairs with pesticide . +2 The x ray showed a compound fracture . Sam had to have an xray . He was told to be extremely still . Sam then had to have his bone set and get a cast . He was out for the rest of the season . +4 Bob made a B , which he better than he expected . Jill was a very helpful person . When Bob asked Jill for help , she jumped at the chance . Jill tutored Bob in math and science . Bob did n't understand it all , but Jill was helpful . +4 We chatted happily over pizza and soda when the truck was empty . It was moving day and the family was all packed . We were all exhausted from packing and living in the midst of boxes . The moving truck was in the drive and we filled it to the brim . Unloading the truck seemed like much lighter work than loading it . +2 Jack started off strong but started to cool off quickly . Jack was a checkers legendary master . He decided to challenge the second place legendary master to a game . He made a stupid move and then realized his mistake . Then , his opponent beat him with ease . +2 Eventually she decided to stop shaving . Mary always had long legs . She would always get compliments on them . She did n't get as many compliments . So she decided to start shaving them again . +1 The children were told at meal time to eat the crust on their bread . Jen grew up in a family with 3 brothers . This would mean that the boy 's would have hairy chests . Jen was afraid to eat bread crusts for this reason . Jen did not want a hairy chest when she grew up like the brothers did . +1 He was going to get a soda for fifty cents . Jim was going to the store . Tim wanted something also . However Tim had no money . So Jim split the money and they got something cheaper . +1 Any time he did n't get his way , he would become disrespectful . Cameron was a good kid , but he had a horrible attitude . He would call names and mouth other kids and his teacher . One day this behavior caught up with him . He got suspended from school for being so rude and disrespectful . +3 Then , I realized it was a hoax . My daughter was acting weird . I assumed she was possessed by an evil spirit . I had the local priest perform an exorcism . I threw the priest out of my house and gave up religion . +1 Her children needed a bath but there was no hot water . Diana was on a family trip . Diana was trying to figure out what to do . Finally , she decided to heat some water on the stove . Then , when it was n't too hot , she bathed the kids in it . +3 Many people came to get their cars washed . Beverly and her cheer squad needed to raise money . They needed new uniforms . Beverly decided to have a car wash . The cheer squad was able to get new uniforms . +1 He ran off to the toy store . Billy went to the mall with his family . He got lost along the way . A cop found him and spoke over the PA system . Eventually Billy 's parents found him . +4 After that , Rick never stood on his Batman car again . Rick was playing in his living room on a Batman car . Rick stood up on the Batman car and tried to ride it out the door . When he tried to move the car , he slipped off and fell on his head . Rick 's mom ran over to him to see if he had hurt himself . +4 They worked out happily . Ben and rick love working out . They decided to go to a new gym . The gym stated that they ca n't work out unless they pay a one time fee . They paid it together . +0 While John was taking a walk , he witnessed an unusual sight . He saw something fall from a tree . It was a newborn squirrel , now writhing helplessly on the ground . Then another one dropped to the ground ! Feeling helpless , he wished he could do something . +3 He put them into practice in his own life every day . A young man began his quest for knowledge after being inspired . He was inspired after studying the works of the greatest leaders . He learned many valuable ideas . He benefited tremendously from his new lifestyle . +4 I kept looking for my class . I opened the large door with my shoulder . Behind the door was a teacher and students . I said sorry for interrupting . I closed the door quietly . +4 This was his worst valentines ever . It was valentine 's day . Jerry wanted to give something good to his girlfriend . He took her out on a date . She told him she 's breaking up with him . +3 She got inside his car and Charles kissed her . Mark considered Charles a real friend . But he was wrong . Charles pulled up on Mark 's girlfriend in a new car . Mark saw the ordeal walked up to Charles and said they 're not friends . +3 He sat in the audience expecting to be bored . Chris was not looking forward to going to the symphony . His whole class was going . He had to get dressed up for school that day . But he loved it and talked about it all the next day . +0 Jessica was tired of being stuck in the house all alone . She decided to go for a walk . She saw a stray dog while she was out walking . She decided to take the dog home with her . Jessica now has a new friend to spend time with . +2 One beaver was swimming with a stick in his mouth . Crossing the bridge we realized beavers had made a dam there . We walked down to the river to inspect further . One was on the opposite shore sniffing around . We waited for them both to get in the water and we took a picture . +1 The best time was 4 AM . One night we were supposed to get a meteor shower . My 7 year old son and 10 year old daughter woke me up . We went outside and waited with some other people . We saw a lot of meteors . +2 She gave a stirring campaign speech . Tammy wanted to run for student council . She gathered her friends to help her make posters . The day of the election came , and they waited to see the results . Tammy won ! +4 Unfortunately , his girlfriend had found a new boyfriend . Kydon 's girlfriend dumped him because he had a dirty house . Kydon decided to clean his house to get his girlfriend back . He spent weeks cleaning the filth . Eventually , the house was spotless ! +4 Emmy 's ear was hot when she got off the phone . Emmy called her parents to wish them a happy Easter . Emmy spoke to her mother first . Emmy spoke to her father next . She talked to her parents for 3 hours total . +2 Tori did n't have enough time to wait in line at the restaurant . Tori went to a small Chinese restaurant on her lunch break . When she arrived , she noticed that the line was out the front door ! Instead , she reluctantly chose to pick up a sandwich at a nearby deli . She was surprised at how much she enjoyed her sandwich . +1 She was startled as he read her name . Jane sat patiently in the room while the executor started reading . To Jane was bequeathed the prized furniture . Jane sat there in amazement , as she was only a distant niece . She got up and left the room to go to the bathroom to compose herself . +0 Tasha needed extra cash . She had a bin full of cans . She took them to the store . There , she fed them to the machine . She was able to get a few dollars . +0 Eric went to town in his car like normal . Not paying attention he ran a red light . He ended up hitting another car . It was not a fatal accident . Eric is a better driver now days +1 He bought a weight set and began to lift . Ricky wanted to get more muscles . After a year he gained considerable mass . Ricky stuck with his weightlifting . Ricky now is a body builder . +4 Mary was no longer hungry , and did n't eat her packed lunch . Mary left her packed lunch on the counter . There was a meeting at 1 PM . The manager ordered pizza for the entire group . Mary had a slice of supreme pizza as she prepared for her meeting . +4 She signed up for classes the very next day . Nina wanted to go to college , but she had a problem . She had no one to babysit her two toddlers . Then her chosen school opened a free daycare for students ! Nina was ecstatic - her problem was solved ! +4 He went to Taco Bell and soaked up the language there . George took a spanish class to learn something new . The teacher called him by his spanish name . George did not know who she was talking to . He was very confused by the class and left early . +0 Harry complained about the expense of car ownership . So the first time he drove into town he sold his Rover . Then Harry went to a bicycle shop and bought a nice Schwinn . But Harry forgot he no longer had his Rover to get home with . So Harry had to peddle over sixty miles to get to his front door . +1 The waves pushed her to the deep end of the water . Mary tried to swim in the pool . She began to drown . However , her body was approaching the end of the pool . She grabbed a block and immediately rose . +2 He waited for an hour but the bus did not show . Timmy was walking down to the bus stop . He planned on taking the bus to school . He had to walk to school . It took him an hour to get to school . +4 I really enjoyed the movie . I wanted to watch a movie . I went to the movie theater without checking any of the show times . When I got there , I missed the matinee by 30 minutes . I decided to go to the next showing . +0 My friends were ordering Chinese food last Friday . They all wanted different things . The order wound up being really long . The restaurant almost did n't want to do it . We gave them a big tip as a thanks . +4 I bought the house and threw a party there to celebrate . I found a house for sale that was on the market for Years . I offered half of what they were asking and the owner scoffed . I walked away but the owner stopped me . He agreed to my terms reluctantly . +2 The next day he saw that many fish died . Bill bought an aquarium . He filled it with lots of fish . He was sad . He decided to only use a few fish next time so they all had air . +4 Lastly , he projected it onto the movie screen for all to see ! Bob , a projectionist , was eager to display the newest movie . The received a copy of the movie in the mail and got ready to load it . He opened it up and transferred it onto his computer . Then he plugged it into the projector . +3 Ryan surrounded Jeremy 's trophy with all of his to show off . Jeremy was awarded his first trophy . His mom was proud of him and put the trophy in the living room . Ryan , his brother , was happy to bring out all of his trophies . Later that night Jeremy broke Ryan 's Trophies and got in trouble . +1 It caught on fire since the stove was hot . Henry accidently placed his mitts on the stove . Eventually , all of the pots and pans were in flames . Henry ran to get the fire extinguisher . He extinguished all of the flames before they got bigger . +4 Luckily for Ann , she was able to sell her candy in time . Ann had to sell candy bars for a school fundraiser . She had been too busy with school to get around to it . Then she realized she had n't sold any the final week of the sale . Ann rushed to her neighbors ' to sell . +3 Most likely it would take a miracle for snow in Hawaii . Every year when December comes I wish for snow . I 'm not so sure what makes me think I 'd enjoy a white Christmas . I guess it just looks good in the movies . Then again , Christmas is a celebration of miracles . +4 Somehow he did n't drop it once . Bob was a fellow I met at a festival . Me and him talked for several hours . After we were done he got up and started throwing stuff in the air . I saw him later and he was tossing an axe in the air . +1 He asked for a specific style . Jake was getting a new haircut . When done jake was n't happy with his cut . He did n't think the stylist listened to him . Jake wound up not leaving a tip . +1 Since she was already grounded , she forced her baby sister to lie . Lacey spilled a jar of flowers on the floor . The sister told her mom that her dad broke the jar . However , their mom realized that the dad was at work . She eventually found out that Lacey broke the Jar and punished her . +0 I tried playing basketball with a friend the other day . He used to play in high school . I figured it would be fun . I was wrong I should never try to play basketball again . +4 The coach finally put Gary into a game . Gary sat on the bench like he had for the last 30 games . He knew he was n't very good . A loud crack was followed by the hush of the crowds collected breath . He looked up to see the shortstop had been beaned by a line drive . +3 He took a lot of photos of it . A photographer was in the city . He wanted to find good photos to take of street photography . He then saw a cop hitting a civilian . The cop ended up stopping when he started taking the photos . +2 Late in October , Charles went to the Queen Mary alone . Charles always wanted to experience Halloween on the Queen Mary . He heard the ship was actually scary on Halloween . He bought a ticket for a tour of the ship . He split from the group and find out the whole ship was haunted . +1 He has a lot of viewers and subscribers . Daniel makes a lot of money from streaming video games . His friends asked him if he could help them out . Daniel decided to give them all some advice . Their channels got a lot more views after that . +0 Greta was an old Russian woman . One day , she made borscht for her grandchildren . The grandchildren had never had borscht , and spit it out . Greta rapped their knuckles and made them finish . She smiled remembering her face time eating borscht . +0 I went to a restaurant with my friend . We each ordered something we liked . The food took forever to arrive . When it did arrive , the waiter apologized for the wait . The manager gave us our dinner for half-price because it took so long . +4 She was happy with the outcome of her work . Lindsay needed to clean her office . She decided to start with the bigger items to throw away . She then gathered smaller trash items . Lindsay was finally at the organizing stage after that . +1 She wanted a popular doll for her birthday . My daughter only plays with blue toys . I knew she would be disappointed if it was n't blue . I called several stores in search of the blue model . I eventually found one on EBay . +4 Right as I 'm going for a spray she walks in , she thought it was me . I sat to eat an egg salad sandwich when I got a text . MY girlfriend told me she was coming over . So I scarf down my sandwich and just in the shower . I get out and notice a foul smell , egg salad . +1 His pet cat had been hospitalized over a possible stomach issue . John sat at the animal hospital eagerly awaiting news of his cat . He wondered what caused the condition of his cat . The veterinarian approached John to give him the news . To John 's surprise , his cat had been pregnant with five kittens . +2 She needed to get them before a deadline . Marie was trying to fill out an application . She needed to mail it in but she had no stamps . That day , she went to the post office right away . She was able to mail the application for free , to her surprise . +4 The handle fell off and to the floor on the other side of the door . Gina was in the room in her house . The door knob had been loose for a long time . Today the knob fell off when she tried to open it . She tried to put it back on the handle . +4 Tammy told herself that she 'll never text and drive again . Tammy got in a bad car accident . Thankfully nobody was injured but both cars involved are ruined . The accident was Tammy 's fault because she was texting while driving . She also got a ticket because of that as well . +3 We played by the water and bought hot dogs from the concession stand . My parents took us to City Point in 1959 . It was a section of South Boston by the ocean . Some people called it Castle Island . We took the bus home at night . +0 Cassie 's dog Rufus had a favorite squeaky toy , which was bright red . He could play with it all day , and very often did ! One day they were picnicking , and Cassie threw the toy for Rufus . It flew into the creek , and Rufus immediately leapt after it . Cassie was frantic until he was out , but Rufus cared only for his toy . +3 His mom could not find him anywhere . Dan found out his dad was moving . He became sad . He decided to run away . Dan finally came home and was ground for 6 weeks . +2 She started assembling the sandwich . Sue wanted to make a sandwich . She walked over to her refrigerator . She noticed she was out of cheese ! Sue used organic cauliflower as a replacement . +0 Neil was in Pittsburgh . He decided to go see a baseball game . He headed over to the Pittsburgh Stadium and bought a ticket . Then he watched the game and ate peanuts and hot dogs . Neil loved his Pittsburgh game experience ! +0 The Christmas tree was all set up and decorated . Livvy passed by it and noticed it was moving . She was startled and could n't figure out what was going on . Then she was a cat tail poking out . Her cat had climbed into the Christmas tree ! +4 Now , the robot could create very excellent poetry ! I wanted to create a robot that could write poetry . First , I tried to use markov chains but the poetry did n't sound human . Then , my friend told me about machine learning algorithms . I used a machine learning algorithm in conjunction with markov chains . +2 It was after his mother mopped and polished the floor . Tim had a dog that liked to jump around . He was playing with him in his kitchen one day . Tim 's dog jumped around as usual . But he quickly slipped and fell to the ground . +4 She invited Mia to pick any rose from her garden . Mia 's neighbor was an old lady with a big rose garden . The kids in the neighborhood made fun of the old lady . She shooed them away so her roses would n't get trampled . One day , the old lady saw Mia admiring the roses . +3 She heard a kitten meowing and picked it up . Sharon saw rainy clouds one day on a walk . She thought she better walk fast to get home before it rained . As she was walking , it started to pour . She was surprised it was out in the rainy alone , so she took it home . +1 The taste would drive him crazy . Arnold hated chocolate ice cream . One day his friends dared him to try some . He took one bite of chocolate ice cream . Arnold threw up . +1 In the corner of my eye I saw a familiar face . I sat in a bar and zoned out as I drank . The face was a girl I knew years ago . It seemed as though she smiled at me . I lowered my beer and went off to talk to her . +0 I was lounging in the bath after a long day . The kids were knocking on the door repeatedly . I could n't hear them because of the headphones I had on . When I was done I sought out my children . They were in their rooms , wearing headphones . +0 Bob bought Chinese food from a restaurant near his house . He realized that he got too much change when he got home . He drove back to the restaurant . He handed the extra amount to the cashier . As a compliment , he received a coupon for a free meal next time . +4 It tasted amazing . Tina and her sister made gingerbread houses . The girls made sure to get lots of candy . When they were done with the candy it was great . They went to taste it . +0 My lights went out in my hallway . I went to my laundry room and grabbed lightbulbs . I went to the hallway and unscrewed the glass cover . I unscrewed the light bulbs and replaced them . I replaced the glass cover and turned on the lights . +0 Dad loves cooked beans . Dad puts bacon in his beans . The beans cook all day . They smell really good . But they are Dad 's . +1 She found a teacher sponsor . Lina wanted to start a comic club at her school . She made fliers to advertise the club . At the first meeting , there were loads of people who were interested . Now they have a great club . +0 Jane was doing poorly at work . He was often late . Jane 's boss told her she 'd be fired if she did it again . Jane woke up late to work the next day . Jane 's boss had to fire her . +0 Bob wanted to become a vegetarian . His doctor said his blood pressure was too high . Bob went to the grocery store and bought lots of vegetables . He took his dieting very seriously . His doctor reported that he was healthier a few weeks later . +4 I contracted salmonella from the orange chicken . My coworkers wanted to get lunch . They invited me . I decided to go with them . We got Chinese Food . +2 Tom loved baseball and they were baseball tickets . Ted worked for a large company . His boss offered the top employee free sports tickets . Tom worked very hard all month to earn the tickets . Tom won the tickets and enjoyed himself at the game . +1 The seizures caused her pain . My cat had multiple seizures the other day . She also lost her sight . I took her to the vet to be put down . I tearfully drove home with an empty cat carrier . +2 At first , he found wearing them a little big awkward . Oliver wanted to find a comfortable pair of shoes to wear at home . He decided to invest in a high quality pair of clogs . However , the more he wore them , the more he like them . Oliver was happy that he had a pair of clogs to wear . +2 A man almost backed his car into Professor Steinberg and his son . Professor Steinberg laughs when people think he 's too smart to fight . Because he kicked a guy 's butt in a parking-lot a year ago . The Driver was upset with Steinberg and shouted obscenities . When the drive got out his car , Professor Steinberg choked him . +2 She was shocked to hear he threw up on the couch . Jane was out of town . She called her husband to check on her sick son . Her husband felt overwhelmed . Jane caller her mother to go help her husband . +0 James just moved into his new apartment . He noticed he had a roach problem . He called the exterminator . They sprayed insecticide inside his home . James did not find any roaches the next day . +2 I kept making noise because of all the twigs on the ground . I was walking through the woods last night . It was dark and brisk . They kept breaking with every step . It drove me slightly insane . +4 It is a good thing that he did not have school the next day . My brother had been feeling sick all day . My mom called the school and told them he would n't be able to come in . The teacher gave him all the work he needed . My brother began to do the homework but fell asleep . +4 He eventually invented a new stretch-resistant fabric . Josh wanted to become an inventor . He did n't have the required skills . He decided to get a degree in textiles engineering . Josh graduated and worked hard to create an invention . +4 She ended up competing in the Olympics and took home the silver medal . Lydia began swim lessons as a toddler . She kept on progressing all through high school . She was the captain of her school 's swim team . Lydia competed and won every swim race she entered . +3 It settled on her feet , and she immediately kicked with all her might . Mary was fairly used to seeing large rats around her trash cans . Even so , she sometimes had nightmares featuring the large rodents . One night she had a particularly graphic dream featuring a huge rat . She was frantic when she saw she just kicked her sister off the bed . +3 One of her friends mom called Amy 's mom and told on her . Amy secretly got her ears pierced . She had been hiding it from her mom for 3 days . She went to a party and showed all her friends . Amy was only mad at the mom who told . +1 Her SATs were early Saturday morning . Jessica spent Friday night out partying with friends . Jessica slept through her alarm clock . She woke up and hurried to get to the testing center on time . The doors were closing as she arrived to the testing center . +2 She liked her food very much . Molly 's mother and father took her to a fancy restaurant . She ordered spaghetti . She felt very fancy . Molly had a wonderful time ! +3 Usually we stopped at the bottom of the hill . Sean and I liked to ride our skateboards down a steep hill . We were ten years old . At the bottom of the hill was a river . One day Sean jumped off his skateboard at the bottom into the river . +4 And to her shock , she saw it was just a bird nesting on her ledge ! Anna was scared to sleep alone in her room . At night she would hear a strange scary tapping on her window . She feared it was a ghost or a monster ! But finally she summoned enough courage to investigate . +1 He worked hard all through high school to obtain his goal . Joe wanted to go to Stanford very badly . He checked the mailbox everyday hoping for the big envelope . The big envelope meant he got in , the small envelope meant rejection . Finally a big envelope came in the mail ! +3 It did n't cost too much . I had to get a new phone because I had dropped mine . When I dropped it , the screen shattered . I took it to the store and they replaced it for me . When I got home , I dropped the new phone and it broke , too . +1 She wanted to do something exciting . Jennifer was very bored sitting at her house alone . She called a friend and offered to pay to go skydiving . Her friend was reluctant but agreed . The friend backed out at the last minute . +4 She fought through the sleep to finish her breakfast . Lynn 's friends were sleeping over . They had n't been to sleep and it was now time for breakfast . Lynn 's mom commented that they looked tired . Lynn realized she was starting to feel sleepy . +3 They both confronted their friend Kim , who confessed she made it up . Susan could always rely on her best friend Renee . Susan was upset when she heard Renee had been talking behind her back . She confronted Renee about it and Renee claimed she was innocent . Susan and Renee stopped being friends with Kim , who was untrustworthy . +1 Alex had no batteries and little food in the house . A blizzard was forecasted in Alex 's area . Alex wanted to shop for supplies , but there was a driving ban . Alex stayed in the house to wait out the storm . The storm quickly passed with almost no snow . +0 Sarah was in her math class . She suddenly felt very ill . She started to vomit uncontrollably in class . She embarrassingly ran out of her classroom . Sarah took the rest of the day off for being sick . +4 It made her feel better until the storm ended . It was a stormy night . Emily 's little sister was terrified of storms . Emily did everything she could to comfort her but nothing worked . Finally she gave her sister her favorite teddy bear to hold . +1 We seen Old Faithful and took pictures . Our family took a trip to Yellowstone Park . We went to the canyon and hiked . We followed up at the Yellowstone Lake and went swimming . At home we reminisced and looked at pictures . +0 Making crafts for Christmas gifts was a mistake , Jane decided . She tried not to panic when her hand became stuck to the table . Then the doorbell rang . Jane had forgotten all about her date . Years later , Jane and husband still laughed at the memory . +3 He decided to change his circumstances . Bob had lost his job . He felt terrible . His health began to deteriorate . He took care of his health and he started to feel good ! +2 The next day , she got her exam back , and scored a 11 % . When Diana was taking a test , she got some answers . However , she wrote them on the test paper before on the scantron . When she looked over the scantron , she realized her mistakes . Every answer she had was placed in the front number spot . +4 We got back on good terms as soon as I apologized to her . When my teacher asked who wrote on the table , I told him who sat there My friend became mad at me and said that I was n't a good friend . For several days , I tried to get her attention . However , she continued to ignore me . +1 I did n't have much money so I made spaghetti and Ragu sauce . I invited Jane over to my apartment for dinner . When Jane arrived , she informed me she is allergic to tomatoes ! I apologized profusely . We ordered Chinese delivery instead , and had a fun night together . +4 The water under the well carried it away . Diana was walking across the sidewalk . She slipped on a crack that was on one of the concrete tiles . She fell on the ground and her belongings got scattered . They well inside a sewer cage . +4 Slowly , Lynn realized she did n't even need the popular clique ! Lynn got in a fight with the popular clique . They kicked her out of their group . At first Lynn was terrified of being exiled . But then she began sitting with the artsy kids in school . +0 Sam was collecting shells on the beach . He picked them up . Then he put them in his bucket . He collected as many as he could . At the end of the day , his whole bucket was full ! +0 Tracy had been waiting for her college acceptance for weeks . She had gotten accepted to all of her choices except for one . She really wanted the one she was waiting for . One day , she finally decided to accept another school . She got her acceptance right before hitting submit ! +1 She really liked him . Kim 's dad hated her boyfriend . Eventually things got too frustrating at home . Kim decided to move out . She moved into an apartment with her boyfriend . +2 The next morning , Joy went to get the hats . Joy and Lizzy attached all kinds of candy to their hats . They were going to wear them in the Easter parade . Half the candy was gone . Her little brother had found them ! +4 Uma then finally noticed his wedding ring , and was embarrased . Uma brought a big bouquet of flowers to work . She handed them to Marcus , who was very surprised . Uma confessed she had a crush on Marcus since her first day at work . Marcus half smiled and thanked her , but told her he was married . +1 He could n't believe how many rides there were . Rick finally went to visit the local waterpark . Rick decided to go on every single one . Afterwards , it was so late that it was time to go home . Rick decided he wanted to visit the waterpark again soon . +2 He went to a local homeless shelter to sleep at night . Tim had recently lost his job . He had become homeless due to his poor financial situation . He went around town applying for jobs in the day time . He was finally able to find a job after a few months of searching . +2 Once I arrived , she was excited to see me . After thinking about my mother I decided to go visit her . Driving down the highway I realized it had been a while . We had lunch , discussed recent happenings and laughed . Once the visit was over I hugged her goodbye . +4 Their teacher asked to read the story when it is finished . David and Carrie both loved to write . When the teacher allowed them free time they made up a story . The story was about a girl who loved elephants . They were so intent on their writing they almost missed recess . +4 After school , Tim found the cake in a trash can . Tim 's father baked a cake for Tim 's birthday . Tim brought the cake to school . And he told his teacher that it was his birthday . At lunch , students were allowed to line up to eat the cake . +1 He had spent all his money on a Christmas robe for his wife . Rob needed new boots , but he could n't afford them . On Christmas morning , she was so happy to open her new robe ! Then she pulled out a package for him to open . Inside was a brand new pair of work boots ! +1 He tried every medicine there is . Stephen had a cold . He could n't get rid of it . He had to suffer for a month . He finally recovered in that time . +2 When Preston left for college , he majored in music . Preston was the best sax player in the band . He worked very hard and and always practiced . He applied his same study habits as his practice habits . He succeeded in his goals . +1 I found him passed out in a kitchen . A friend of mine almost overdosed on drugs . I wanted my friend to live so I called 911 . The ambulance rushed my friend to hospital . The hospital doctors saved my friend . +3 I finally went to the window and opened it to look . My cat had been fussy one night . She kept loudly meowing at me . She would n't leave the window and kept meowing . There was a sweet litter of kittens right there under my window ! +0 Charles was in love with Marlene . But he would not admit it to her . He thought he was too poor to take care of her . But Marlene liked him and was jealous of girls he talked to . Marlene posted a video of her kissing a guy to make Charles jealous . +0 Jack entered an obstacle course race . He was not prepared for what he was about to face . He went through fire . He went through ice . He was glad to finally finish . +2 We decided to celebrate by going to the cinema . My wife and I wanted a baby . After a month , she finally got pregnant . On the way to the cinema we got into a car accident . My wife and our unborn child died . +4 It made him late and angry at his girlfriend . Glen let his girlfriend borrow his car . The next morning he had to go to work . The car had no gas in it . He had to stop and get more . +0 One day school was cancelled due to snow . A bunch of kids was so happy . They went outside to play in the snow . They got so cold their bodies felt like ice . They went inside to drink hot chocolate . +2 He noticed that driving the golf cart was fun . Harry was invited to play golf with a few friends . But he quickly became bored . So he ended up driving it instead of playing . Harry was glad he went to the golf course . +1 Normally she is the kind of person who likes everything to look new . My Mom has an old coffee table that is scratched beyond repair . When I asked her why she did n't want to replace the table she smiled . Then she told me about every scratch and how it got there . I never knew my Mom was so sentimental . +4 His friends still enjoyed the show regardless . Tom was doing karaoke at a bar with his friends . He chose a song that he was familiar with . When it came on , her realized that it was a different song . He did his best , but it did n't sound as good as he 'd hoped . +4 The accounting group went back to work , happy and satisfied . The accounting group decided to go out to the new Chinese restaurant . The set lunch menu was only $ 15 so they all ordered it . After their filling meal , they each opened their fortune cookie . The supervisor of the group decided to pay for the lunch . +3 She was unable to hold them back . Jessica was upset . She was in a public place . She tried to hold back her tears . She began crying in a public place . +4 Anne was still not happy about the mess when she opened the door . It was an unplanned visit from Ann 's in-laws that made her clean . First , she threw all of the kids ' toys into their room . Then , she ran around barking orders at everyone to clean this or that . She was frantically scrubbing the toilet when she heard the knock . +4 Laura ended placing 1st place in the competition . Laura was practicing for her dance competition . She did her routine multiple times everyday . She felt ready on the day of the competition . She performed very well . +0 Scott challenged his friend to a contest . The goal was to see who could drink more juice boxes in one minute . Scott 's friend agreed to participate in the strange competition . They met at Scott 's house to begin the contest . Scott won by drinking six juice boxes in one minute ! +4 Tom was hurt badly . Tom was driving on the highway . A car passed him really quickly . It got in front of him and stopped suddenly . Tom crashed into the back of the car . +4 Kelli was relieved to get the last bag . Kelli loved to eat twizzlers . They were her favorite kind of candy . Last night she went to the movies with a friend . She ordered twizzlers but they were the last bag . +4 She did have her mother 's number , and that thought brought relief . Lucy was at a police station because she was lost . She cried as she she informed the officer did n't know her address . He smiled and asked for a phone number at her grandparents . She did n't have that either . +0 John liked to play the slots in Las Vegas . Today he hoped to hit the jackpot . He played his favorite machine all day , but did n't win . He eventually had to get something to eat , he walked away . With his back turned , he heard bells and cheers , he never turned back . +2 The concert was to Bon jovi . I was 8 years old . My brother got me tickets for my birthday . My brother and I had a great time . We all sang Livin on a prayer afterwards . +1 He had just arrived in northern Spain . Neil was on a trip through Europe . He was going to hike across the top of Spain . He prepared his supplies and set out . Neil was walking the Camino de Compostela ! +0 Death used to scare me . A friend said I should read about death . I read about Death in the bible . Psalm 23 in the bible deals with death . I am no longer afraid of death . +3 He was on page 145 of a 940 page novel . Brad had been in the home for invalids for ten years . He patiently awaited as his assistant returned from taking a break . She resumed by turning the page of the novel he was reading . The assistant stayed with Brad for a few more hours that day . +0 Marianna enjoyed decorating for Christmas . She was in charge of decorating the 6th grade hall . She arrived earlier and stayed later than anyone each day . The halls were finished and she was pleased . The teachers and students were happy with their decorated hall . +2 I ran to every record store to take a look . Last week the new Kanye album came out . I was so excited to get my hands on a copy . Finally I was able to get it . I was lucky though because it was the last copy . +0 Dan was driving down the road when he noticed his oil was low . So he drove to the nearest store and bought some oil . A week later he noticed that oil was low again . He decided that now was the time to sell the car . He put an ad in Craigslist and sold the car two days later . +0 Fred decides he wants to have something to drink . At first he considers drinking a glass of water . Eventually he decides he wants something warm to drink . He brews a nice pot of tea to drink . Fred is happy to have something to drink . +3 He would have to rush everyday to try to make it to the next class . Steven was a senior in High School . He had an issue with where two of his classes were located . One was on the second story and the one after was on the other side . Finally he asked the principal to change which period each class was . +4 In the end we usually bring home around 20lbs of cherries . Every year we go cherry picking . We wake up very early to beat the crowd . When we arrive we get our buckets . We head out to the cherry trees and pick for hours . +4 Leah gained confidence from the compliment given by the interviewer . Leah had a job interview tomorrow morning . She stayed up late updating her resume . She arrived at the interview 20 minutes early . The interviewer noted her prompt arrival time on a clipboard . +4 Sam was able to successfully fix his sleeping schedule . Sam kept waking up late for work this past week . He wanted to change his sleeping schedule . He started to exercise an hour before bed everyday . He would get tired immediately after exercising . +4 Ann saw that emotion is as important to great artistry as mechanics . Ann strove to be a great dancer and focused on perfection . She practiced rigorously to master every movement . At her first big ballet audition , Ann danced with technical precision . However , she was outshone by a dancer filled with expressive passion . +2 I called him and left a message . I had n't seen my father in more than thirty years . I obtained his phone number from a 411 operator . He called me back and arranged a meeting . We ate at Denny 's and laughed at the good-old-days . +3 After a while , Thomas was n't being honest with his hits . Thomas was a homeless student who heard about mturk on campus . He could n't believe there was a website that let people make money . He signed up for an mturk account and started making money . Amazon suspended his mturk account for three months . +2 When Ray arrived at school , he saw the thief . Ray was riding his bike to school . But someone pushed him off his bike and stole it . Ray beat up the thief and tried to get his bike back . But he was suspended and never saw his bike again . +0 Reggie was lonely living alone in his apartment . Reggie 's sister came over and took him to look at cats . Reggie fell in love with a lovely cat named Sara . Sara was also lonely and could n't be around other cats . Reggie adopted Sarah and they live happily together . +0 I had a final exam . I decided to not go . My grade was high enough that I could skip the exam . Alas , I did n't read the syllabus correct . I failed the class because the final was worth more than I thought . +0 Gary got a spot on his face . He did n't worry , until five more appeared . He got to school and the spots had spread . Gary 's spots itched . Gary was sent home with chickenpox . +4 Fran ultimately decided not to pierce her baby 's ears . Fran 's mother wanted to pierce the baby 's ears . It was a tradition to pierce all girl babies ' ears after birth . Fran was uneasy with the idea , she wanted to wait . She tried to talk to her mother , who did n't understand Fran . +4 Tren got a call his dog was found . Trent had a dog name Handle . Handle ran away one day . Trent was so sad . He put up missing posters all over town . +2 As they walked into the restaurant , they got seated at a table . Jill was nervous because it was her first date with Lewis . Lewis picked her up and the two went to a nice restaurant . The two had a lot to talk about during dinner . At the end of the evening , Lewis leaned in and kissed Jill . +3 The bus broke down too . George had to get to work . His car broke down . He took the bus there . He ended up calling his work place that he ca n't come . +0 Since my husband retired last year , we do n't have a lot of extra cash . Last week , I found an interesting way to make some extra money . I signed up to be a mock juror in Tampa , Florida . It was quite interesting , it only lasted 4 hours , and I was paid $ 100 ! I wish that I could do this every week ! +0 Suzy was thrilled to be getting her first ipad today . She opened the box and immediately plugged it in . As it turned on , she felt elated . For the next three hours Suzy could not stop playing with it . She immediately thanked her boyfriend for buying it for her . +4 John drove Ted to the hospital . John and Ted worked together . Ted and John had an argument . Just as Ted was about to sit down John pulled his chair away . Ted hit his head on a table and had a concussion .