diff --git "a/data/SSP/abs/train.txt" "b/data/SSP/abs/train.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/SSP/abs/train.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +0 Both distributions are approximately Gaussian and centered around the maximum of the posterior . +1 We have evaluated DVI on both synthetic and real data sets . +0 In the following sections we introduce each of the components and provide evaluation results . +1 Fast approximate nearest neighbor ( NN ) search in large databases is becoming popular . +0 Helper functions and predicates can be added in this vocabulary . +1 In this situation the frequently praised matrix factorization approaches are not accurate . +0 Figure 10 shows two projections of a section of TMDb graph embedding . +1 Procedural content generation ( PCG ) is of great interest to game design and development as it generates game content automatically . +0 All these applications suffer from the problem of model overpruning and hence have adopted strategies that takes away the clean mathematical formulation of VAE . +1 If an early and reliable prediction is possible then a patient can get a proper treatment at the right time . +0 Shown below is a portion of the strategy guide for Civilization II . +1 The proposed autonomous braking system automatically decides whether to apply the brake at each time step when confronting the risk of collision using the information on the obstacle obtained by the sensors . +0 This allows us to effectively operate on complex games where collecting traditional labeled traces would be prohibitively expensive . +1 We found that both parallel and serial execution of this method to be much faster than the original clustering algorithm and error in running the clustering algorithm on a reduced set to be very less . +0 The last emotion Surprise has strong similarities like the open mouth an wide open eyes . +1 In particular the definition of the mass preference prior for initialization of step two is shown to provide better predictions than a number of alternatives from the literature . +0 A positive answer to Q signalizes that the conjunction of formulas in Q must be entailed by the correct KB wherefore Q is added to the set of positive test cases . +1 The method consists of a simple application of two consecutive SVDs and is inspired by Anandkumar ( 2012 ) . +0 Like most BDD algorithms it relies on marking the visited nodes to ensure each node is visited at most once . +1 It should recursively reduce the size of its representations thereby compressing the data increasingly at every iteration . +0 Networks trained with HT also tend to yield better test performances than the other training methods when we fix the capacity and number of layers . +1 A case study on a lead generation site learnhotobecome.org shows that significant improvements ( i.e . +0 Inference Gibbs sampling is used to perform Bayesian inference over the proposed model3 . +1 We present an approach to accelerating a wide variety of image processing operators . +0 Fluents are initiated ( IT.5 ) and terminated ( IT.6 ) as usual according to the state consequence function . +1 Examining twitter data presents unique challenges in that the samples are short ( under 140 characters ) and often contain misspellings or abbreviations that are trivial for a human to decipher but difficult for a computer to parse . +0 This tool is intended to encourage workers to identify parallel and overlapping activities as two overlapping activities will appear on different rows . +1 But the initial formulation of MKL was only able to select the best of the features and misses out many other informative kernels presented . +0 We define DBPE as an asymmetric loss function based on the sign bias . +1 One important problem is to automatically detect students that are going to do poorly in a course early enough to be able to take remedial actions . +0 The ground truth feature maps are padded in accordance with corresponding images . +1 We make a comparative study of many of them considering the operational constraints of use for collaborative systems . +0 office Which State Department office or bureau was responsible for the document . +1 Previous studies on Chinese semantic role labeling ( SRL ) have concentrated on single semantically annotated corpus . +0 The computed explanation is then returned ( line 27 ) . +1 We develop a methodology for automatically learning a wide family of bijective transformations or warpings of the input space using the Beta cumulative distribution function . +0 The MDP presented in Figure 1 is the first example of such an MDP . +1 We demonstrate that our system is robust to adversarial examples built from currently known attacking approaches . +0 [ 28 ] Compound verbs are very common in Indian languages . +1 Supervised ASAG techniques have been demonstrated to be effective but suffer from a couple of key practical limitations . +0 The classification performance of our FBN is reported in Table 5 . +1 Learning in RSGs is extremely challenging due to their inherently large strategy spaces . +0 We compare recurrent dropout and zoneout to an unregularized LSTM baseline . +1 Automated generalisation has known important improvements these last few years . +0 13 : end if 14 : end if 15 : until convergence 16 : end for 17 : end for usual Euclidean squared distance [ 2 ] . +1 Bioinformatics research is characterized by voluminous and incremental datasets and complex data analytics methods . +0 The example traces a single path through the fabula plan search space generated by IPOCL . +1 A kidney exchange is an organized barter market where patients in need of a kidney swap willing but incompatible donors . +0 It also compares the final algorithm with a standard MIP approach . +1 The resulting abstract descriptions are used for proving basic results in conditional probability theory . +0 The following paragraphs present the computation rules for each attitude . +1 An analogical reasoning process maps features between two models to produce blended models that can then generate new level chunks . +0 ( 2010 ) proposed a theoretical layered approach for protecting power grid automation systems against cyber attacks which may come from either the Internet or internal networked sources . +1 Our understanding of the world depends highly on how we represent it . +0 Here we describe how we make use of the proposed dynamic filter network for video prediction . +1 The best model achieves a very promising F1 score of 0.78 and an accuracy of 0.80 . +0 We find similar problems for the Gaussian input distributions in van den Oord et al . +1 The model consists of multiple agents and the communication between them is learned alongside their policy . +0 Step 2 : Create one heuristic estimation function for each of the objectives . +1 We present a simple baseline that utilizes probabilities from softmax distributions . +0 Clustering : Clustering is best suitable for finding groups of similar data items . +1 A dataset containing claims and associated citation articles is collected from online debate website idebate.org . +0 We can use A1 to learn the following things about subsumption in K. The proofs of these claims are straightforward . +1 This clearly demonstrates the significant benefit of using context appropriately in natural language ( NL ) tasks . +0 The solution of the PMP is a partition of the n points into p clusters . +1 Traditional topic models do not account for semantic regularities in language . +0 All the installations operators eligible for free allocation of the allowances were required to fill in such a template . +1 Our framework employs a Manager module and a Worker module . +0 ( 2 ) The following convolutional layers make compositions and form higher level of matching patterns . +1 The results show that xNPF converges much closer to the true target states than the other state of the art particle filter . +0 The objective is to reach the goal while avoiding the puddles along the way . +1 We propose a benchmark of anomaly detection algorithms using data from Cloud monitoring software . +0 the parameters and the input of the layer making use of the gradients computed earlier . +1 Role discovery in graphs is an emerging area that allows analysis of complex graphs in an intuitive way . +0 We consider a trading agent that can invest in one of three assets ( see Figure 1 for their distributions ) . +1 Trending topic of newspapers is an indicator to understand the situation of a country and also a way to evaluate the particular newspaper . +0 We apply a softmax transformation to the output ; the value at position v is then equal to the probability of attribute v applying to token wi . +1 We use two established news corpora and two scientific document collections . +0 The motion capture system we use in this evaluation is the PhaseSpace optical motion capture system which can provide high precision motion capture data at 120 Hz . +1 We view the scenario as an optimization problem where agents aim to learn the true state while suffering the smallest possible loss . +0 We denote by 0S the null value in S. Definition 2.3 . +1 We present a novel heuristic approach that defines fuzzy geographical descriptors using data gathered from a survey with human subjects . +0 You also notice arrows from states to states that keeps track of weather changes . +1 We show an efficient analog of the universal approximation theorem on the boolean hypercube in this context . +0 of unique values of features involved in a prediction model . +1 The theory behind the SVM and the naive Bayes classifier is explored . +0 The first set of experiments considers the CelebA face dataset . +1 We propose a method for learning latent representations of the factors of variation in data . +0 Related NP features : Often units are not enough to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant quantities . +1 Most current automated reasoning tools focus on reasoning within one representation . +0 125 w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 w9 w10 w11 w12 atmosphere w1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 botany w2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 branch w3 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 climate w4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 forest w5 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 habitat w6 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 leaf w7 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 2 plant w8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 species w9 0 0 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 stem w10 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 2 tree w11 0 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 0 trunk w12 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 1 126 APPENDIX A . +1 We augment procedural models with neural networks : these networks control how the model makes random choices based on what output it has generated thus far . +0 D2 : The above model only ensures that the current context vector is diverse w.r.t the previous context vector . +1 The data from the sensor enables the robot to create the two dimensional topological map of unknown environments and stereo vision systems models the three dimension model of the same environment . +0 We also consider the mean AP ( mAP ) and mean AVP ( mAVP ) over all classes . +1 We present the systems that the LIA has used in DEFT 2013 . +0 This relocation of the active target may be repeated an arbitrary number of times . +1 Proactive adaptation of such systems allows changing the service and the context based on prediction . +0 ( 2010 ) does not allow to explain or support this statement theoretically . +1 Shapelets are discovered by measuring the prediction accuracy of a set of potential ( shapelet ) candidates . +0 Noisy Channel Framework : A generative model was trained to produce noisy ( unnormalized ) tokens from a given normalized word . +1 Such a natural hierarchical structure provides a high degree of approximation accuracy . +0 This inference mechanism is carried out by a set of rules operating upon variables which are fuzzified through various membership functions . +1 Our approach builds on a parallelizable reformulation of Xing et al . +0 We provide a backward recurrence algorithm and show that it is stable under noisy computations . +1 This paper shows how we can use machine learning to reduce misclassification . +0 AIA dataset was captured using a Flir A315 camera at different Airside Corridors and the Departure Level . +1 A translation from disjunctive programs to normal programs is proposed for infinite structures . +0 This hypothesis states that the contexts of a hyponym are expected to be largely included in those of its hypernym . +1 The notion of Pareto optimality is used to evaluate feature sets and to obtain a balance between total correlation and the complexity of the resulted feature set . +0 In this section we deal with interpolation in propositional equilibrium logic . +1 We suggest making your project more manageable by dividing it into phases . +0 All kernel implementations in CLBlast are written highly parameterized to be tunable across devices : they are not written for a specific device or OpenCL implementation . +1 One of the most difficult problems in the development of intelligent systems is the construction of the underlying knowledge base . +0 Here we give an overview of two types of relation sequence representations commonly used in previous work . +1 We present the results of experiments evaluating these algorithms on both synthetic and real datasets . +0 Multiple workers wait in a virtual lobby to be paired with another worker who will be their conversation partner . +1 The obtained results have been compared with those of other prediction methods . +0 The conditioned covariate drift closely follows the unconditioned covariate drift indicating that there was little difference in drift of the covariates between classes . +1 The use of Convolutional Neural Networks ( CNN ) in natural image classification systems has produced very impressive results . +0 A refinement D of a clustering C is a partitioning which preserves the boundaries in C but some of the clusters in C are further split . +1 The vectors are then accumulated in a chronological order through a recurrent neural network ( RNN ) which models the relationships among the utterances . +0 By thresholding at varying probabilities we compute a ROC curve . +1 We find that BrainPlay questions span many aspects of intelligence . +0 Then set the dropout rate as 0.2 and train it with 6 epochs . +1 Here we propose a new learning technique that obviates the need to compute an intractable normalization factor or sample from the equilibrium distribution of the model . +0 Each team members considers an opponent offer acceptable when it has a utility which is greater or equal than its current demands sai ( t ) . +1 Deep feedforward neural networks with many hidden layers also suffer from this effect . +0 ( 14 ) One can see that PLSI has similar form as Eq . +1 Experiments consider variants of the approach and illustrate its strengths and weaknesses . +0 Images ( b ) and ( d ) show the highly active region for the outer circle . +1 We also provide an analytic solution to computing the pair of thresholds by searching for a balance of uncertainty in the framework of shadowed sets . +0 Notice that the automatically generated classifier training and test data are weakly labeled since the EL system may link an entity to a wrong Wikipedia page and thus the entity type assigned to that page could be wrong . +1 We look for a set that fits as much as possible the desired distributions on all attributes . +0 This means many intuitive and naive representations are not likely to work well . +1 The Augmented Lagragian Method ( ALM ) and Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier ( ADMM ) have been powerful optimization methods for general convex programming subject to linear constraint . +0 During training the autoencoder was trained using only normal data packets . +1 This paper is firstline research on combining the use of GANs and graph topological analysis . +0 Comparison : We use a comparison function f to combine each pair of aj and hj into a vector tj . +1 Our approach is thus applicable to robust active perception and autonomous navigation in perceptually aliased environments . +0 Perfect interventions will not generally be realisable in the real world . +1 Many information sources are considered into data fusion in order to improve the decision in terms of uncertainty and imprecision . +0 All experiments were conducted using the traffic microsimulator SUMO v0.22 [ 22 ] . +1 Our algorithms have been implemented and tested extensively in the simulation . +0 ( 9 ) Equations ( 8 ) and ( 9 ) are proved in Section 4 . +1 The machine learning methods used in bioinformatics are iterative and parallel . +0 The ground truth is the ranking of the students in decreasing order of quality . +1 We describe a method for proactive information retrieval targeted at retrieving relevant information during a writing task . +0 Ideally we would like to directly remove all such redundant code during the transformations . +1 The Minimum Weight Dominating Set ( MWDS ) problem is an important generalization of the Minimum Dominating Set ( MDS ) problem with extensive applications . +0 It is closer to zero when the distributions are similar and they differ in another case . +1 We are interested in natural situations in which relationships among the objects may allow for ranking using far fewer pairwise comparisons . +0 the volume of a set of initial conditions remains invariant as the dynamics evolve over time . +1 Experiments show that this combined pragmatic model interprets color descriptions more accurately than the classifiers from which it is built . +0 Other changes in surface phonological features at different time granularities are due to phonotactic constraints . +1 The extracted features are then associated with various types of traffic data : one normal type ( inliers ) and multiple abnormal types ( outliers ) . +0 Vector inner product takes a pair of vectors as input and outputs a scalar . +1 We present an evaluation on a neural machine translation task that shows improvements of up to 5.89 BLEU points for domain adaptation from simulated bandit feedback . +0 We also binarize the input images for the BNN as our experiments show that input binarization works well for MNIST . +1 SVB synchronizes the parameter matrix of MLR by broadcasting the sufficient vectors among machines and migrates gradient matrix computation on the receiver side.SVB can reduce the communication cost from quadratic to linear without incurring any loss of correctness . +0 Defining Answer Diversity : We compute answer diversity for a visual question by counting how many unique and valid answers are observed in the set of answers . +1 Conventional algorithms wait until observing actual outcomes before performing the computations to update their predictions . +0 We will use t to range over positions in the passage and j to range over positions in the question . +1 We derive a striking relationship between irreducibility and the statistical dependency structure of the representation . +0 The learning system should be able to recall the pattern from the associative network on one sensory modality given data on another sensory modality . +1 One of the main challenges in Cloud of Things is the resource discovery of the smart objects and their reuse in different contexts . +0 Our implementation uses an autoencoder as the detector and uses the reconstruction error to approximate the distance between the input and the manifold of normal examples . +1 We introduce separators associated with the Minkowski sum and the Minkowski difference in order to facilitate the resolution . +0 Let us denote the space of probability vectors for the row player by P and the corresponding space for the column player by Q . +1 Recommender systems play an increasingly important role in online applications to help users find what they need or prefer . +0 We revisit the following result about the gradient stability from Balakrishnan et al . +1 Later this paper illustrates a prototype application that shows how this novel approach can increase the productivity of recruiters . +0 There are two approaches to define semantics that assess the acceptability of arguments . +1 Our approach exhibits a high amount of reusability and enables users without specific knowledge of a concrete infrastructure to gain viable insights in the case of an incident . +0 A severe divergence in agreement ( which we did not see in our simulation ) may indicate that the sample size is too small for the model complexity . +1 It has been widely observed that NMT tends to repeatedly translate some source words while mistakenly ignoring other words . +0 03 08 2v 1 [ cs .C L ] 1 0 Fe ( 2016 ) 1 . +1 The algorithm is an evolution of one we used in the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge . +0 This section describes the methodology of the experiments which were performed to evaluate the environmental effectiveness of detecting and extracting the features as well as analysing the performance of the machine learning algorithms on both emulator and real phone . +1 Our model is theoretically significant because it is among the first models to learn sparse temporal dependencies among multivariate extreme value time series . +0 Another example is to learn several terrain properties in mobile robots such as obstacle detection and terrain classification . +1 One important product feature is the complementary entity ( products ) that may potentially work together with the reviewed product . +0 MNIST dataset contains grey scale handwrite images in size of 28x28 . +1 This approach detects those abusive words using supervised learning procedure . +0 Additive composition has been successfully integrated into several NLP systems as well . +1 This contribution explores how the corpus of the Hebrew Bible created and maintained by the Eep Talstra Center for Bible and Computer has potential for redefining the way we learn from our ancient texts as modern knowledge workers . +0 If we make the hypothesis that external factors influence different classes in a similar way we can expect the variation of the class manifolds due to external factors to be similar . +1 To this end we define a process ontology coping with a relevant fragment of the popular BPMN modeling notation . +0 A filtering algorithm f for a constraint C is sound if every solution of C in D also appears in f ( D ) . +1 We have implemented 18 recently proposed algorithms in a common Java framework and compared them against two standard benchmark classifiers ( and each other ) by performing 100 resampling experiments on each of the 85 datasets . +0 3 illustrates the steps to parse the UNL document and to generate XML document . +1 We summarise the efforts and achievements so far towards the development of rumour classification systems and conclude with suggestions for avenues for future research in social media mining for detection and resolution of rumours . +0 Let A be an arbitrary subset of candidates and x be any candidate in A . +1 We create a new online reduction of multiclass classification to binary classification for which training and prediction time scale logarithmically with the number of classes . +0 It is essential for success in modern machine learning and artificial intelligence . +1 Experimental results demonstrate its effectiveness in the domain that motivates our research : automated planning for planetary exploration rovers . +0 The approximate posterior is parameterized by a neural network and the likelihood is given by a multivariate Gaussian whose probabilities are obtained from z . +1 We further propose a new variance reduction technique to speed up the convergence . +0 This constrains the amount of information and computation that can flow through to the generative model . +1 Recommendations detach the solutions used in function calls from the anytime performance assessment of the algorithm . +0 Section 6 Show how to efficiently estimate the shift parameters required by our algorithms . +1 It avoids unnecessary visits to irrelevant nodes when it is used to make predictions with either eagerly or lazily trained decision trees . +0 Here the voting multiplier signifies the ratio of the number of voters to the total number of elements . +1 We validate this new method by a series of experiments that show an improved learning speed and also a better classification error . +0 There lies a manually selected case in each row of the table . +1 This paper describes the solution of Bazinga Team for Tmall Recommendation Prize 2014 . +0 The global pheromone update performed after the ants have completed construction of their solutions is more important . +1 One of the datasets we tested is new for the public domain . +0 An individual protein is characterized by the following four kinds of structures : 1 . +1 Each job is split into a certain number of tasks that are then allocated to workers . +0 Thus we need to modify the ELM layer only by adjusting the column dimension of matrix V with zero block matrix for column adjustment only . +1 These algorithms scale linearly in both sample size and feature dimension . +0 The motivation for this choice is to discard old documents which are not annotated by descriptors recently added to the MeSH thesaurus ( the MeSH thesaurus is regularly updated ) . +1 The induced admissible heuristics are then studied formally and empirically . +0 Examples : description : not AB and anything ; verify : ADFCFHGHADDDB . +1 Further the proposed models obtained improved performance on the classification task of disease names . +0 The movement of the liquid during pouring forms a complex dynamical system and is difficult to calculate analytically . +1 PBNF allows speculative expansions when necessary to keep threads busy . +0 pricen price2 price1 Pre Pgrid ft [ Pgrid ] pricen price2 price1Sunlight int . +1 We present an approach to generate novel computer game levels that blend different game concepts in an unsupervised fashion . +0 Does the BiLSTM work better than a purely feedforward neural network ? +1 We show that every rational GLP revision operator is derived from a propositional revision operator satisfying the original AGM postulates . +0 We choose parameters of the distributions randomly for each model class . +1 We present the DGCCA formulation as well as an efficient stochastic optimization algorithm for solving it . +0 Obligations persist from one state to another if not discharged . +1 These findings thereby demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed idea . +0 We performed experiments on the dialect DR1 ( New England dialect ) for 28 speaker ( 14 female and 14 males ) . +1 The goal of the challenge is to discover linguistic units directly from unlabeled speech data . +0 2 measures how close a set function is to being supermodular . +1 In this paper we consider the problem of online stochastic optimization of a locally smooth function under bandit feedback . +0 Acknowledgments : This work was supported by Samsung and NSERC . +1 In this work we propose pushing further this model by introducing two contributions into the encoding stage . +0 We show that the solution to the noised problem is bounded by the sum of the solution to the original problem and a constant value that depends on the noise . +1 We propose a protocol for intrusion detection in distributed systems based on a relatively recent theory in immunology called danger theory . +0 The other variables are represented with cells ( cells are defined in chapter 2 ) . +1 Central to this endeavour is the problem of determining which of the many possible coalitions to form in order to achieve some goal . +0 To assess this hypothesis we singled out the four speakers in the SWB portion that are not found in the training set ; these are shown as solid black circles in Figure 1 . +1 Computational social science research thus requires sentiment lexicons that are specific to the domains being studied . +0 There is some slack to do so while continuing to ensure that the upper bound of Corollary 10 goes to 0 . +1 A natural model for chromatin data in one cell type is a Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) ; we model the relationship between multiple cell types by connecting their hidden states by a fixed tree of known structure . +0 We perform the attack against each of the 50 images and report aggregated results . +1 The object albedo and surface normals are examples of such representations . +0 Many techniques have been developed for choosing the type of exploration term ( see e.g . +1 It is our hope that this technique will alleviate existing restrictions on the classes of probabilistic models that are practical for use . +0 The other constraints are upper bounded knapsack constraints on the same variables . +1 Many exact and approximate solution methods for Markov Decision Processes ( MDPs ) attempt to exploit structure in the problem and are based on factorization of the value function . +0 There was a comparison for classification between balanced and unbalanced classifying of Form pathway along with consideration of accuracy for form and motion pathways after application of fuzzy product between these two pathways . +1 We present work on annotation projection and treebank translation that gave good results for all three target languages in the test set . +0 The loss will only be minimized if the whole list is perfectly ranked . +1 We trained and tested an SVM classifier with a radial kernel function on the linguistic features . +0 Here we list some of such useful sample importance knowledge which can be generally attained before learning : 1 . +1 The success of an SMT system is contingent on the availability of a large parallel corpus . +0 We study reasons for regularities among senone posteriors and investigate two systematic approaches to obtain more accurate probabilities as soft targets for DNN acoustic modeling . +1 Our experiments demonstrate that our deep learning formulation applied using these descriptors successfully capture sophisticated photographic styles . +0 An accurate classifier is one that has an error rate better than random guessing . +1 The highly expressive features OmniGraph discovers provide insights into the semantics across distinct market sectors . +0 In that callback we can add nogoods to the solver . +1 Reinforcement learning is a general and powerful framework with which to study and implement artificial intelligence . +0 We will show that which of these three schemes we choose to deal with partial votes can have a strong impact on the computational complexity of computing a manipulation . +1 One example of such a task is to grasp an object and precisely stack it on another . +0 The uncertainty is measured using the concept of Shannon entropy H . +1 We further prove that such integer solution can be found with the complexity proportional to the problem scale . +0 The outputs of each layer pair are concatenated and fed as the input for each proceeding layer of the untrained module . +1 Both these results still hold when restricted to the class of acyclic causal graphs . +0 ii ) GRAPHFEAT uses the smoothed posterior from label propagation as additional feature to neural network and only has transductive setting . +1 Experiments on both retrieval and generative dialog systems show that RUBER has high correlation with human annotation . +0 ( 2004 ) ) while Lemma 5.2 is based on a bound on the bracketing integral of the Sobolev space ( see Ravikumar et al . +1 Weather in particular has been an area of keen interest for researchers to develop more accurate and reliable prediction models . +0 The last model we used is a simplified version of the Bayesian seismic monitoring system presented in [ 21 ] . +1 The dynamics of belief and knowledge is one of the major components of any autonomous system that should be able to incorporate new pieces of information . +0 We will generalize these results to multidimensional instance space in the next section . +1 Probabilistic models with discrete latent variables naturally capture datasets composed of discrete classes . +0 This is a clue that the underlying assumptions are not valid . +1 We capitalize on large amounts of unlabeled video in order to learn a model of scene dynamics for both video recognition tasks ( e.g . +0 The semantic parser scores syntactic parses and logical forms for the question ; Figure 2 shows an example parse . +1 We evaluate dispute detection approaches on a newly created corpus of Wikipedia Talk page disputes and find that classifiers that rely on our sentiment tagging features outperform those that do not . +0 These methods can be categorized as a new era in deterministic approaches . +1 We propose a new algorithm for minimizing regularized empirical loss : Stochastic Dual Newton Ascent ( SDNA ) . +0 Let Q be an arbitrary OMQ with ontologies of depth 2 . +1 Their main aspect is the use of relational information given by the matches between words from the two members of the pair . +0 For larger singular values the approximation is much more accurate than for the smallest ones . +1 Ristretto simulates the hardware arithmetic of a custom hardware accelerator . +0 ( 22 ) We prove the claim by analyzing two cases . +1 The algorithm relies on a Variational Bayes solution for the SG objective and a detailed step by step description of the algorithm is provided . +0 We update the associative memory array with the updated state using the conjugate key of the retrieval key ( Equation ( 9 ) ) . +1 Large formal mathematical libraries consist of millions of atomic inference steps that give rise to a corresponding number of proved statements ( lemmas ) . +0 The heuristic is based on the simple premise of iteratively combining routes in order of those pairs that provide the largest saving . +1 The method is applied to the standard USPS data set and gives encouraging results . +0 This is much slower but guarantees that each node is expanded according to the suggested moves given by DCNN . +1 Historical annotations ( HAs ) are important features the human annotators consider when they manually perform the ACD task . +0 Summary : ActiveClean with a priori detection returns results that are more than 6x more accurate than SampleClean and 2x more accurate than Active Learning for cleaning 500 records . +1 Recommender systems often use latent features to explain the behaviors of users and capture the properties of items . +0 We shall explore a simpler caching mechanism by creating a static cache of the most likely translation rules to be used at the start of decoding . +1 We show in a series of experiments that our approach is compatible with diverse network architectures and learning tasks . +0 DBpedia Spotlight recognizes that names of concepts or entities have been mentioned ( e.g . +1 We present a method for performing hierarchical object detection in images guided by a deep reinforcement learning agent . +0 The concept of association rules was popularized particularly due to [ 8 ] . +1 We study the problem of synthesizing a number of likely future frames from a single input image . +0 Loss of information is therefore avoided and ensemble diversity is increased . +1 Conditional Random Field ( CRF ) algorithm is used for NER and Support Vector Machines ( SVM ) for relation extraction . +0 These types then have certain features or properties to characterize them . +1 The exacerbation of the phenomenon is that NPS can be easily sold and bought online . +0 Section 2.3 described how we filter our set of initial terms to come up with the term set T that we disambiguate . +1 Recent work has demonstrated the effectiveness of employing explicit external memory structures in conjunction with deep neural models for algorithmic learning ( Graves et al . +0 that it does not matter whether the positive or negative answer is more probable if the probability values are the same ( in case of ENT ( ) ) and whether the number of diagnoses predicting the positive or negative answer is higher if the numbers are the same ( in case of SPL ( ) ) . +1 The goal of this paper is to identify individuals by analyzing their gait . +0 Propositions 13 and 14 ) is that there exist neighborly families of arbitrary size in R3 [ 32 ] . +1 Symbolic has been long considered as a language of human intelligence while neural networks have advantages of robust computation and dealing with noisy data . +0 Description logics are a family of knowledge representation formalisms ( see e.g . +1 Feature selection can remedy this problem and therefore improve the prediction accuracy and reduce the computational overhead of classification algorithms . +0 A synchronous framework is realized by configuring the cluster topology with only one worker group and one server group . +1 The method provides new features calculated by combination of both : network structure information and class labels assigned to nodes . +0 see the example of the muddy children puzzle in the next section ) . +1 Deep neural network is difficult to train and this predicament becomes worse as the depth increases . +0 Consider first the case in which f ( u ) is strongly convex . +1 The main purpose of this paper is to present the Ontology Web Search Engine realization details as the part of the Semantic Web Expert System and to present the results of the Ontology Web Search Engine functioning . +0 ptr ( Y ) and pts ( Y ) can be immediately defined based on assumption ( a.i ) . +1 This paper investigates the problem of interactively learning behaviors communicated by a human teacher using positive and negative feedback . +0 Keep in mind that Sections 5.4 and 6.4 contain additional discussions on the advantages of our approaches over these directions . +1 Our results disclose the fact that practical implementation training procedure indeed increased the Rademacher complexity of restricted Boltzmann machines . +0 This method uses features such as frequency of occurrences and the popularity among users for extracting core concepts and attempts to build a web of concepts . +1 The notions of disintegration and Bayesian inversion are fundamental in conditional probability theory . +0 The difference between the training and testing accuracies for the networks is due to the specific choice of the network ( e.g . +1 The architecture commonly uses an attentional mechanism which allows the model to learn alignments between source speech sequence and target text sequence . +0 Some researchers extended CTR models by integrating with other side information . +1 This concept is taken further by introducing a novel technique to predict if a particular pair of an incoming worker and the manager being assigned are compatible at a psychological scale . +0 The algorithm must decide whether to evaluate h2 according to what it believes to be the probability of each of the outcomes . +1 A key feature for uplift modeling is that the data is unlabeled . +0 No systems of Category A and Category B seem to care about the query refinement and other counterparts . +1 This thesis describes the design and implementation of a smile detector based on deep convolutional neural networks . +0 Relevant work on QMC methods is discussed in the next subsection . +1 We formulate the problem of estimating the collective judgement of a rumour in social media as a supervised learning using annotated examples . +0 The impact of this constraint in the set of feasible trajectories constructed can be observed in the bottom charts depicted in Figure 6 . +1 We examine a new form of smooth approximation to the zero one loss in which learning is performed using a reformulation of the widely used logistic function . +0 On the binarized MNIST dataset we used a transition operator with Bernoulli outputs . +1 We propose an improved fixedpoint optimization algorithm that estimates the quantization step size dynamically during the retraining . +0 This factorization can be though of as a generalization of the notion of selection preferences . +1 We also propose a novel approach to model the static artefacts in a scene and using these to predict the dynamic trajectories . +0 The experts are also updated according to their own internal representations . +1 This representation employs smooth curves in the multinomial simplex to account for sequential information . +0 This shows that different layers of the CNN are capturing different levels and scales of object parts . +1 The main challenge is how to buck the trend of diminishing returns that is commonly encountered . +0 Linear projections are used in the LSH setting to construct codes for given datapoints which speed up such tasks as approximate nearest neighbor search . +1 Providing a holistic security assessment for networks consisting of several hundreds hosts is hardly feasible though without some sort of mechanization . +0 We see that results using stripped down versions of our model are not consistent and less reliable . +1 In both settings the highest system utility is achieved when overcrowding one resource and keeping the rest at optimum capacity . +0 A set of factors captures dependencies between the random variables in such a model . +1 We also compare different neural network architectures for acoustic modeling . +0 The latter case only occurs if the network currently consists of more than the initial number of nodes . +1 Hierarchical Bayesian models provide a natural approach to capture more complex dependencies . +0 Studies along these lines often try to explain our probabilistic errors in terms of a sound intuition about randomness or probability applied in an inappropriate context . +1 The table is populated with transition probabilities that are learned by reading vision packages and counting the state transitions regardless of the specific robot player . +0 So in this case the father will be able to reach the goal in 4 instead of 6 steps . +1 Exploiting the same information in automatic Bayesian hyperparameter optimization requires a probabilistic model of learning curves across hyperparameter settings . +0 The connected nodes create a network of search space which is traversed by the pathfinding algorithm . +1 We further demonstrate that an architecture with hierarchical support for collective communication semantics provides flexibility in training various networks performing both stochastic and batched gradient descent based techniques . +0 We then visualized Mean Absolute Error ( MAE ) of the completeness estimation with normalized process duration of testing cases ( Figure 6 ) . +1 We design a Sufficient Vector Broadcaster ( SVB ) to support this communication pattern . +0 The definition of POLLUTANT for the domain of AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT will consist of a hyperlink to the definition of AIR POLLUTANT in that same domain : 288 The case of FUEL is different . +1 The output of the convolutional neural network is used to initialize the stereo matching cost . +0 The first step in performing BO is to define the prior model over the function of interest . +1 We propose real logic : a uniform framework for integrating automatic learning and reasoning . +0 Our approach is based on the idea that the selected sentences from the document should be the ones that maximize the Rouge score with respect to gold summaries . +1 We consider planning with uncertainty in the initial state as a case study of incremental quantified Boolean formula ( QBF ) solving . +0 Recall that RL states are determined by the target objective value . +1 Probabilistic scene grammars capture relationships between objects using compositional rules that provide important contextual cues for inference with ambiguous data . +0 In figure 2a we fix the number of variables N and the horizon T and compare the performance of the algorithms as m increases . +1 The derived bounds reflect a relationship akeen to a conservation law of asymptotic convergence rates . +0 For our other notions of generalization we require the following definition of distributional closeness . +1 Most of computer science focuses on automatically solving given computational problems . +0 We report the mean and standard deviation of the test error for 20 independent runs . +1 Earlier technologies were not able to handle storage and processing of huge data thus Big Data concept comes into existence . +0 Empowerment is a common and demonstrably effective approach used in games seeking to influence behaviour [ 17 ] . +1 Experiments on three datasets demonstrate that our model brings significant improvements over the state of the art . +0 Proceeding similarly with B and summing the two inequalities yields the lemma . +1 We show experimentally that our theoretical results match practical outcomes . +0 This is the algorithm we use for our experiments in Tetris . +1 The generalized gradient is parameterized by a value that controls the sensitivity of the training process to harder training examples . +0 At evaluation time the time complexity is linear over the length of the audio input segment due to the convolution . +1 This suggests that our approach can be regarded as a viable alternative to using reinforcement learning or more computationally expensive imitation learning . +0 Feature importance explanations are important for this network as surfacing them to retina specialists helps to encourage clinical adoption . +1 The electronic healthcare databases are starting to become more readily available and are thought to have excellent potential for generating adverse drug reaction signals . +0 Let us start the discussion of local search algorithms for ADCOPs by demonstrating the shortcomings of existing local search methods . +1 Action languages have emerged as an important field of Knowledge Representation for reasoning about change and causality in dynamic domains . +0 The evaluation function includes a parameter T that is analogous to temperature . +1 The modified QAS processes the contents of the text document provided to it and find the answer to even complex questions in the documents . +0 There has been extensive recent effort to find oblivious subspace embeddings ( OSE ) of data sets into Euclidian spaces that preserve relative error . +1 We also demonstrate that fine tuning can further enhance the accuracy of fixed point DCNs beyond that of the original floating point model . +0 One of the main factors that prompt the success of deep learning on these problems is the availability of a large scale data set . +1 ( 1 ) directly making the dictionary discriminative and ( 2 ) forcing the sparse coefficients discriminative to push the discrimination power of the dictionary . +0 The spectrum of interest is assumed to be divided into NB frequency subbands that may have different bandwidths and may be occupied by different primary operators . +1 We tested the performance of the proposed tool in an experiment involving students that took part in three different team activities . +0 We start by giving a lower bound on the regret in terms of the quadratic variation that is close to existing upper bounds except in the dependence on the number of arms . +1 Understanding who exerts influence provides key insights into the structure of social organizations . +0 Finding both worst genes is similar to finding quation ( 2 ) ) . +1 We also introduce a topic similarity heatmap that displays the similarity distribution in a city to a new restaurant . +0 ( 2.4 ) a : I would try F ten . +1 And the systems perform significantly differ under different noise scenarios . +0 This step is of vital importance because the success of the following steps depends on how well the constructed neighborhood graph is . +1 Word embeddings allow natural language processing systems to share statistical information across related words . +0 The Android version in the emulator was 4.1.2 Jelly Bean ( API level 16 ) . +1 The aim of this paper is to investigate the interplay between knowledge shared by a group of agents and its coalition ability . +0 We attribute this to the quality of Czech treebank which has several times more examples than Polish and Russian datasets combined . +1 Metric learning has been shown to be highly effective to improve the performance of nearest neighbor classification . +0 pl is defined as the number of pooling layers above the layer l and L0 is the unit cost for branch creation . +1 The accuracy of using WANs for authorship attribution is then demonstrated by attributing known plays among six popular playwrights . +0 This would require changes in the core android operating system . +1 We study how well one can recover sparse principal components of a data matrix using a sketch formed from a few of its elements . +0 More details on the features we use to represent audio are given in Section 6.2 . +1 We demonstrate the key steps for training the selected models and their results . +0 Recall that pS ( b ) denotes the projection of b onto set S ( ie . +1 These approaches often suffer from the uneven quality of translations between languages . +0 A program model using the foldli combinator is shown on the left . +1 We study the query and computational complexity of clustering in this framework . +0 This is in line with our expectation that the model benefits from adding large amounts of unlabelled data . +1 This paper deals with using word embedding models to trace the temporal dynamics of semantic relations between pairs of words . +0 We refer readers to [ 17 ] for a detailed formulation of the options framework . +1 The proposed methods can help in removing the time consuming and expensive process of manually annotating data to facilitate fully supervised learning . +0 ( 6 ) The learned ISTA ( LISTA ) [ 15 ] parameterized encoder further proposed a natural network implementation of ISTA . +1 Most approaches do not consider that the relationships of prerequisites between the skills are fuzzy relationships . +0 Figure 3 plots prediction accuracy values calculated from different sets of users . +1 ( 2016 ) ; this shows how the simple methods of Lee et al . +0 Both DRON models exploit cautious players while holding their own against aggressive players . +1 It is essential to ascertain the risk of bankruptcy at initial stages to prevent financial losses . +0 Empirical studies [ 1 ] showed that the LSH is significantly more efficient than the methods based on hierarchical tree decomposition . +1 Multiplication operation is not an energy efficient operation and consequently it drains the battery of the mobile device . +0 Section 2 presents a summary of past work done in traditional SA and SA from a psycholinguistic point of view . +1 We use the idea of retrospective cohort studies to detect CRs based on the results of association rule mining . +0 [ 17 ] extended kernelized LSH to kernelized supervised hashing ( KSH ) . +1 Modern Learning Classifier Systems can be characterized by their use of rule accuracy as the utility metric for the search algorithm ( s ) discovering useful rules . +0 Let Z be the set of internal state histories of qm . +1 OMVC learns the latent feature matrices for all the views and pushes them towards a consensus . +0 The goal of this experiment is to evaluate the capacity of generalization of the proposed system to changes in camera viewpoint . +1 It describes the use of CPLEX as a backend for IDP and reports on experiments comparing both backends . +0 MedleyDB is a multitrack dataset of 122 annotated musical recordings . +1 The neural answer selection model employs a stochastic representation layer within an attention mechanism to extract the semantics between a question and answer pair . +0 6 ) are employed to support the systolic chain in Sec . +1 We also show through visualization how the model is able to automatically learn to fix its gaze on salient objects while generating the corresponding words in the output sequence . +0 This result proves the effectiveness of taking inference chains into consideration . +1 We investigate such problems from the perspective of the KB paradigm . +0 Note : Similarly the OR operation of two soft pseudo neutrosophic groups over ( ) N G may not be a soft pseudo neutrosophic group . +1 The idea of dynamic move chains has been described in a preceding paper [ 6 ] . +0 It is a subset of a larger set available from NIST . +1 The second class of models are directed graphs ( Bayesian networks ) with additional latent variables . +0 This procedure follows the distributional hypothesis that words occurring in natural contexts tend to be semantically related . +1 The decay of the citing rate shows similarity to ultradiffusional processes as for other online contents in social networks . +0 The same experiment with multiple steps of projected gradient descent only performed worse . +1 This study proposes a bankruptcy prediction system to categorize the companies based on extent of risk . +0 We measured an average logarithmic Gaussian noise with a standard deviation of 4 dB . +1 Recognizing textual entailment is a fundamental task in a variety of text mining or natural language processing applications . +0 The synchronous application of the local rules to all the cells of array will depict the global evolution . +1 We utilize a novel pooling layer called adaptive pooling to find linear pooling weights within networks . +0 Note that node2vec was the top performer among the baseline methods on the benchmark data so it provides a good reference point . +1 The value of mu from the Online System Identification is then provided as input to the control policy ( along with the system state ) . +0 A somewhat similar decoding technique is used for visualizing trained convolutional networks [ 45 ] for classification . +1 Here we undertake the classification of social media users as supporting or opposing ongoing independence movements in their territories . +0 where logPi denotes a matrix obtained from Pi by taking the logarithm of each entry . +1 We will also consider security games and persuasion games and will discuss the benefits of using equilibrium based agents . +0 The results show that convolution seems to help with recovering from the adversarial examples . +1 Our network achieves significant improvements in accuracy over the traditional Bayer pattern used in most color cameras . +0 The level of cohesion of the political groups is quite stable across different policy areas and similar conclusions apply . +1 The CPU manages to achieve higher throughput because of its fast access to more RAM . +0 Let D be the uniform distribution as described in Theorem 3.5 . +1 Our method achieves near linear speedup in sparse settings common to machine learning . +0 We use the GorgiasB tool for constructing the decision process . +1 The combinatorial explosion that plagues planning and reinforcement learning ( RL ) algorithms can be moderated using state abstraction . +0 We use the backpropagation algorithm to compute gradients of the network . +1 The proposed algorithms are examined on various IEEE test systems . +0 3 : A frame from a graduation video that contains both smiling and weeping . +1 The basic concept in Neural Machine Translation ( NMT ) is to train a large Neural Network that maximizes the translation performance on a given parallel corpus . +0 GloVe captures the probability of a word appearing in a certain context in relation to the remaining text . +1 We aim to enable robot to learn tabletop object manipulation by imitation . +0 Proof We follow the logic used in the proof of Lemma 4 . +1 The results show that the posited methodology has the potential to be applied in real world tactical scenarios . +0 A challenging aspect of this model is that its size is O ( T 4 ) in the document length . +1 Truncated Backpropagation Through Time ( truncated BPTT ) is a widespread method for learning recurrent computational graphs . +0 In this paper we have created training problems using random generators to build useful training sets for the ROLLER system for each domain . +1 We study a theoretical model that connects deep learning to finding the ground state of the Hamiltonian of a spherical spin glass . +0 It is always a good practice to reparameterise the random variables before we go into RNN architecture . +1 An important question is whether we can use these theories to design agents for interacting with people ? +0 The optimal control problem for a particular linearization is a convex MPC problem and solved using YALMIP [ 20 ] . +1 Our previous research on vertical and horizontal sections of the dynamic signature ( created independently ) led us to develop the algorithm presented in this paper . +0 The head may consist of an epistemic disjunction of literals denoted by the symbol ; . +1 This impressive performance demonstrates the effectiveness and usefulness of our CNN message learning method . +0 The main part of the parallel algorithm is handled by the Probe function which receives messages and processes the tasks based on the message type . +1 This paper takes an approach to clustering domestic electricity load profiles that has been successfully used with data from Portugal and applies it to UK data . +0 These states are denoted as H which is also called annotations . +1 In this paper we present an unsupervised method to learn the weights with which the scores of multiple classifiers must be combined in classifier fusion settings . +0 We are concerned with the beliefs of agents about the environment and about the beliefs of other agents . +1 This paper presents a novel approach for fault classification and section identification in a series compensated transmission line based on least square support vector machine . +0 The idea is then to relaxE andD into continuous mappings via soft assignments instead of the hard nearest neighbor assignment of E. Soft assignments . +1 A recent Choice Prediction Competition ( 2015 ) challenged researchers to suggest a model that captures 14 classic choice biases and can predict human decisions under risk and ambiguity . +0 This allows the network to clearly carry information over long durations . +1 The automated system searches for different ways to reach the conclusion for a claim via graph traversal by which the validity of the geometric theorem is examined . +0 An outlier is a single example from a stream which is anomalous in the context of the concept at the time the example occurs . +1 In this paper we complete the complexity landscape of CQ answering for several important cases . +0 This has an effect on the steepest descent gradient directions at the constraint boundaries . +1 This is typically a feature vector where each feature indicates the presence or absence of a molecular fragment . +0 The 24fps video input of 50 weeks might be processed in 10 hours on pretrained AlexNet using four Titan X . +1 Our understanding of intelligence is primarily directed at the level of human beings . +0 Our model of thinking is a temporal apparatus that continually generates data to form a sequence of thoughts using the information from somewheres and some times in the sequence itself . +1 This paper adapts topic models to the psychometric testing of MOOC students based on their online forum postings . +0 We now discuss how this lemma can be applied in our special case . +1 Data Mining first adapts integration of data to generate warehouse . +0 This is meant to facilitate the optimization by keeping the inputs of layers closer to a normal distribution during training . +1 The results show that our new variants of RNNs are always more effective than the others . +0 Given knowledge about the safety feature in S up to accuracy thus allows us to expand the set of safe ergodic states to R ( S ) . +1 Those features were input into classifiers ( support vector machines ) for supervised classification . +0 It may be required to reduce the network output size and feature map count in order to meet memory constraints . +1 The statistical results obtained from the dynamically used technique show an efficient outcome by fitting the data close to perfection for the LR technique using optimized feature selection . +0 This objective function was first studied by Petit et al . +1 In this paper we extend the classical notion of strong and weak backdoor sets by allowing that different instantiations of the backdoor variables result in instances that belong to different base classes ; the union of the base classes forms a heterogeneous base class . +0 Stacking [ 23 ] is one type of ensemble methods which build a chain of models . +1 Tabling has been used for some time to improve efficiency of Prolog programs by memorizing answered queries . +0 Making the network thicker more than 3 times leads to a very limited accuracy gain . +1 One key issue in SPL is to obtain better weighting strategy that is determined by the minimizer functions . +0 Concerns for AI safety are not limited to the emergence of a race of artificially superintelligent agents for AIs . +1 Running the same software across buildings requires significant integration effort . +0 Each learner action x is a permutation of the n items . +1 The training is carried out by simultaneously minimizing the label and action prediction errors using gradient descent . +0 As of this writing a version 5 of ConceptNet has been released but no corresponding version of AnalogySpace has yet been released . +1 Increased adaptability of RNN language models leads to improved predictions that benefit many applications . +0 The proof of this remark is shown in the following example . +1 We present a symbolic algorithm by an efficient encoding to SAT and using a SAT solver for the problem . +0 2 ) The OSINT DGA feed from Bambenek Consulting [ 27 ] is used for DGA domains . +1 The neural nets learn compositional syntactic and semantic representations of contexts surrounding the two events and predict the temporal relation between them . +0 For this reason and also in order to speed up the vectorization process as well as the training of the systems we randomly sampled the data by downsampling the majority classes . +1 Many techniques have been proposed to confront the growth in credit card fraud . +0 This algorithm has two main parts which we will now describe . +1 Deep neural networks are powerful parametric models that can be trained efficiently using the backpropagation algorithm . +0 It is a predictive model that uses a set of binary rules and can be used for classification or regression applications . +1 The new method automatically mines behavioral search and browse patterns from web logs and translates them into spoken dialog models . +0 In the next section we describe how we train our model . +1 The compositional kernels we use are inspired by the structure of convolutional neural networks and kernels . +0 A rough architecture of a modern SAT solver is illustrated in Figure 1 . +1 The parser is implemented as a deep neural network whose only input is orthographic representations of words . +0 In this section we analyze excess risk bounds for our learning model with trace norm regularization . +1 low error means that the module output is similar to clean speech . +0 These probability distributions pst are called belief states of the system . +1 The paper validates the approach on a binary decision task for assessing the quality of secondary schools focusing on how logistic regression transforms the students and teachers attributes into school attributes . +0 We do this in an attempt to find an error as fast as possible and consequently being able to close the state avoiding futile exploration . +1 It aligns both LSTM outputs via Dynamic Time Warping ( DTW ) . +0 This figure displays the saliencies computed with the original Itti model Itti and Koch [ 2000 ] on the left and the saliencies obtained with our model on the right . +1 We propose a supervised algorithm for generating type embeddings in the same semantic vector space as a given set of entity embeddings . +0 The latent document vectors learned by our joint models have a better ability to separate documents by mortality rate . +1 The design principles of LBC are motivated by local binary patterns ( LBP ) . +0 Bottom Section : We also combine the three methods with the original temporal stream . +1 Even then they struggle to predict rare or unseen words even if the context makes the prediction unambiguous . +0 Our first experiment models a terrain exploration problem where the agent has limited sensing capabilities . +1 The other is that the tree model for representing clusters is more informative . +0 Zhou and Berg [ 50 ] proposed a network that creates depictions of objects at future times with LSTMs and DCGAN . +1 privacy to capture the notion of privacy of our algorithm . +0 These results highlight the improvements that Snapshot Ensembles obtain when the budget is low . +1 Our purpose is to propose an efficient layer formulation that extends this property to any domain described by a graph . +0 Later we will provide an algorithm whose query complexity improves with increasing strictness of conditions . +1 This method has been shown to have strong theoretical guarantee and impressive numerical performance . +0 In this section we describe the main components of the system . +1 For the general case we formulate an Integer Linear Program to get the optimal solution and a polynomial time heuristic . +0 Accumulation in linear domain is simpler but requires larger bit widths in order to handle large dynamic range numbers . +1 In this paper we present a technique to train neural network models on small amounts of data . +0 Removing this geographic feature statistically significantly reduced the accuracy by half a percent . +1 We introduce a neural network that represents sentences by composing their words according to induced binary parse trees . +0 Ontology and rules seem to be the appropriate formalisms to handle the static and dynamic behaviours of knowledge according to [ 17 ] [ 18 ] . +1 This paper assesses the similarity in the ratings given by speakers of different languages to London tourist attractions on TripAdvisor . +0 Datasets : We use four real word datasets in the experiments . +1 Parsing accuracy using efficient greedy transition systems has improved dramatically in recent years thanks to neural networks . +0 Classification of Water Saturation 63 The trained parameters which yield acceptable results in the blind testing are saved . +1 The objective function is optimized with regard to classifier parameter and kernel weight alternately in an iterative algorithm by using cutting plane algorithm . +0 Let M be the observed matrix which is corrupted by random noise and unorganized malicious attacks . +1 Reinforcement learning is concerned with learning to interact with environments that are initially unknown . +0 First they applied the standard linear programming solver to compute the optimal dual solution for the data which have been seen in the system . +1 We present a simple yet effective approach for linking entities in queries . +0 This amounts to replacing line 8 in Algorithm 2 by the following line ( an leave line 7 unchanged ) . +1 Then child learns language from a teacher selected within the imitation set of her parent . +0 The remaining 20 training instances are used for selecting the parameters . +1 Our proposed solution was able to classify the action verb into a precise level of the cognitive domain . +0 Chapters 3 to 5 focus on this regulatory aspect of institutions . +1 We also analyze and explain the results based on models and dataset characteristics . +0 Actual consumer purchases are on view in the bottom rows . +1 The Heavy Hitters can be used to extract and represent in a compact way friend groups and activity summaries of users from underlying data exchanges . +0 This can be seen by comparing the dimensions of the function spaces spanned by the arbitrary function and the quadratic function . +1 A substantial research effort is devoted to such modeling when x is high dimensional . +0 We compute a score Sconj which is added to the score of the RIGHT ( conj ) transition that was produced by the parser . +1 Machine learning is the capacity of a computational system to learn structures from datasets in order to make predictions on newly seen data . +0 We experimentally validated the DSE algorithm on two separate image recognition databases ; future work is planned to address a broader range of benchmarks . +1 One of the most important features of the proposed technique is the fact that it can be applied on top of any existing CF based recommendation engine without changing the CF core . +0 In the generation phase we instantiate some of these relationships as edges based on a probabilistic value . +1 The closest work addressing such privacy concerns is the work on Cox regression which linearly projects the original data to a lower dimensional space . +0 Klivans and Sherstov [ 14 ] show that HT is not efficiently learnable under a certain cryptographic assumption . +1 Embedding words in a vector space has gained a lot of research attention in recent years . +0 Experiments were designed to investigate and answer the following research questions : 1 . +1 Our experimental evaluations show that the proposed architecture can provide four to six orders of magnitude more energy efficiency over GPGPUs for big data processing . +0 The low frequency part approximates the signal while the high frequency part denotes residuals between original and approximate signal . +1 We illustrate the method by denoising birdsong audio ( available abundantly in uncontrolled noisy datasets ) using a convolutional autoencoder . +0 The task evaluates how well the notion of word similarity according to humans is emulated in the vector space . +1 Our analysis shows that the amount of unlabeled data required to identify the true structure scales sublinearly in the number of possible dependencies for a broad class of models . +0 Gal ( 2015 ) propose another technique which uses the same mask at each timestep . +1 Recurrent neural networks ( RNNs ) have shown promising performance for language modeling . +0 Current practice is primarily to apply discretization only when the learner requires qualitative data . +1 Initial results generated from Meta search engine outperformed existing search engines in terms of better retrieved search results with high precision . +0 The model is based on the aforementioned networks and is sketched in figure 1 . +1 The challenge we address is that of parametrizing unitary matrices in a way that does not require expensive computations ( such as eigendecomposition ) after each weight update . +0 This indicates that Double DQN does not just produce more accurate value estimates but also better policies . +1 Machine Learning has been a big success story during the AI resurgence . +0 Lines 5 to 7 consist of another three negative sentences . +1 One significant challenge is the time and effort required for the verification and validation of the decision and control algorithms employed in these vehicles to ensure a safe and comfortable driving experience . +0 The input is a projection layer that selects embeddings from a word embedding matrixW ( that is shared across inputs ) for a given input sentence . +1 We name it as deep keyphrase generation since it attempts to capture the deep semantic meaning of the content with a deep learning method . +0 A matching mechanism is envyfree if for all preference profiles it prescribes an envyfree assignment . +1 We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on the challenging semantic image segmentation problem for which a wide variety of annotations can be used . +0 This shows that simply setting the pooling result to be the middle vector is not good enough and an aggregation of vectors near the middle would be a better choice . +1 Extensive experimental results show the superior performance of our approach on various graph learning problems . +0 Then we add framerelated discourse markers into the sequence by placing them in their order of appearance . +1 The framework also supports both CPU and GPU for computation and the switch between them is straightforward . +0 This fact is also verified by the color denoising comparisons reported in Table 2 . +1 Process mining is a research field focused on the analysis of event data with the aim of extracting insights related to dynamic behavior . +0 The previous section completes the essence of the present framework . +1 We propose feature map and kernel level pruning for reducing the computational complexity of a deep convolutional neural network . +0 We then apply the stochastic gradient descent technique to decompose the third order moment . +1 Existing corpora for intrinsic evaluation are not targeted towards tasks in informal domains such as Twitter or news comment forums . +0 The basic component of all neural network is the neuron whose name indicates its inspiration from the human neuron cell . +1 We show the effectiveness of our approach through experiments on synthetic and benchmark datasets . +0 In this section we present the two proposed approaches for learning from positive and unlabelled data . +1 Current LDL methods have either restricted assumptions on the expression form of the label distribution or limitations in representation learning . +0 ( 147f ) We continue to prove Proposition C.1 using Claim C.2 . +1 Neither does it mean that the coalition knows that such a strategy exists . +0 Its tuning is often long and fastidious because it demands to face the problem of knowledge collecting and formalizing [ 18 ] . +1 This kernel operates on the output space and encodes the interactions between the outputs without any reference to the input space . +0 A similar approach is followed in [ 35 ] for movie recommendation by using a generalized Stacked Auto Encoder ( SAE ) model . +1 We also provide a comparison of two fusion methods : feature fusion and decision fusion . +0 This gives further insights into the working of the proposed formulation and motivates an efficient active set algorithm for solving it . +1 Responses to customer inquiries are generated by selecting the best template from the final set of templates . +0 We used an Adam [ 16 ] optimizer with a learning rate of 0.0005 . +1 The classic SSA method finds a matrix that projects the data onto a stationary subspace by optimizing a cost function based on a matrix divergence . +0 Note that neither of these points is a problem for RL agents . +1 The receiver must rely on this message to identify the target . +0 In Section 4 we discuss some previous results related to this work . +1 The underlying assumption of this method is that instances with a high likelihood of being misclassified represent more complex concepts in a data set . +0 We set the hamming loss weight to 0.2 after a preliminary search . +1 Our model explains human reading behavior as a tradeoff between precision of language understanding ( encoding the input accurately ) and economy of attention ( fixating as few words as possible ) . +0 Better performance may be achieved by Jointly learn vector representation and clustering using non parametric clustering methods for making semantic clusters . +1 They also demonstrate that in some cases reduced computational complexity is associated with robustness thereby increasing statistical accuracy . +0 The tradeoff is that now the Fourier terms that are contained in the function space approximated by the network are not anymore guaranteed to be a generic polynomial but just a sparse polynomial and have fewer trainable free parameters . +1 Probabilistic neural programs combine a computation graph for specifying a neural network with an operator for weighted nondeterministic choice . +0 The deep and wide teacher performs much better than the shallow and thin student by pure supervised learning . +1 The result explains the effectiveness of some existing methods such as word embedding . +0 The dialogs have been manually transcribed and annotated following a rich concept ontology . +1 Gibbs sampling is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique commonly used for estimating marginal distributions . +0 Both assumptions formalize the idea that the signal of the local structure is stronger than the noise of the cluster by some moderately large factor . +1 This paper introduces a dynamic type of normalization that forces the system to escape saddle points . +0 TADW integrates content information into network embeddings by factorizing a textassociated matrix . +1 The recent promising achievements of deep learning rely on the large amount of labeled data . +0 One way to achieve this is by adding AI tools to facilitate video navigation and watching . +1 The application of sentiment analysis on software reviews can find a quantitative value that represents software quality . +0 First the agent Ada uses electronic communications provided by the service provider ISP . +1 We consider the problem of learning a causal graph over a set of variables with interventions . +0 We set up an AMT task that asked workers to generate a fake version of the provided news . +1 This approach is unique from previous works on simultaneous translation in that segmentation and translation are done jointly to maximize the translation quality and that translating each segment is strongly conditioned on all the previous segments . +0 The difference is that clusters absorb background points that are within of near them . +1 Guided Deep List uses distributed vector representations ( ala word2vec ) to discover a set of indicators for each line list feature . +0 This last approach is presented and used to extend KTD next . +1 The key object that defines an ExGM is often referred to as a graphon . +0 In Table 4 we present the top 20 universities ranked by each of the three baseline methods and the most successful variant of our Wikiometrics approaches . +1 We review classical learning methods and propose a new optimization algorithm . +0 can be understood as some way to raise the public awareness of suicide . +1 This drives a need for high efficiency Legal Information Retrieval ( IR ) and Question Answering ( QA ) methods . +0 This means the prediction is close to the actual value . +1 The Countdown game is one of the oldest TV show running in the world . +0 [ 18 ] used a deep learning model to map the laser range findings and target position to the moving commands . +1 The BFO is imitated from the behavior of the foraging bacteria group such as Ecoli . +0 The difference in relative positions of an identified feature is called the disparity associated with that feature . +1 Deep Residual Networks present a premium in performance in comparison to conventional networks of the same depth and are trainable at extreme depths . +0 A total of 50 specialized definitions of pollutant were collected from different terminological sources ( see Annex 3 for the complete list of definitions ) . +1 Novelty detection plays an important role in machine learning and signal processing . +0 Dwell time increases linearly with the passengers due to passengers boarding and alighting . +1 These results show promising estimation capabilities in uncertain indoor environment conditions . +0 It is important to mention that in principle this strategy allows decreasing the storage requirement at the expense 6 . +1 Applications and results in the discovery of druggable peptides are presented and discussed . +0 Note that their heuristic does not guarantee the tightness of the resulting segmentation . +1 We investigate MAP inference in SPNs from both theoretical and algorithmic perspectives . +0 Minimization of the number of simultaneously sensing SUs improves the energy efficiency of the battery operated SUs . +1 Transfer of models directly to new domains without adaptation has historically led to poor recognition performance . +0 Krzanowski [ 27 ] describes such a Similarity Factor ( SF ) . +1 A task of clustering data given in the ordinal scale under conditions of overlapping clusters has been considered . +0 Table B.22 provides the population sizes and numbers of generations tested . +1 Our evaluation on four information retrieval collections supports the effectiveness of our approach as the results of the introduced threshold are significantly better than the baseline while being equal to or statistically indistinguishable from the optimal results . +0 Our experimental results will show that the representations learned in such way greatly benefit the performance of classifiers we compared . +1 Learning invariant representations from images is one of the hardest challenges facing computer vision . +0 Table 4 shows that both strategic algorithms greatly benefit from blending with a tactical algorithm . +1 We are using deep convolutional neural networks to represent complex features . +0 Stable sets are also sometimes referred to as flat or closed [ 13 ] . +1 Experimental results on 15 real datasets from the UCI repository prove the superiority of our proposed extension over the traditional RF . +0 This method is one of the best performing collaborative latent factor based model [ 13 ] . +1 We address this challenge by developing an agent architecture and reasoning algorithms based on Answer Set Programming ( ASP ) . +0 2The agent takes no action for a random number ( within 30 ) of frames at the beginning of each episode . +1 We present novel techniques that use unsupervised energy disaggregation to predict both household occupancy and static properties of the household such as size of the home and number of occupants . +0 This is an approach that was used first by [ Zubiaga et al . +1 The process of customizing businessprocesses by composite the web pages by using web service . +0 Conditional variational autoencoder : We implement a CVAE similar to [ 25 ] . +1 The new method uses an approximate Expectation Propagation procedure and a novel and efficient extension of the probabilistic backpropagation algorithm for learning . +0 ( 2013 ) use stochastic neurons as gating units that activate specific parts of a neural network . +1 The feature development process was designed to support both the fusion and automatic selection of relevant features from high dimensional space . +0 These goals are grounded in the physical environment and include tasks such as moving to or gazing at a location . +1 Information hierarchies are organizational structures that often used to organize and present large and complex information as well as provide a mechanism for effective human navigation . +0 Understanding video patterns is certainly useful but it does not directly provide value to learners . +1 Exploiting a priori known structural information lies at the core of many image reconstruction methods that can be stated as inverse problems . +0 The query q is acyclic and the TBox T is in ELHO . +1 Prior to our work the only theoretical work related to such learning dynamics has been either in deterministic special cases or in the asymptotic setting . +0 1We first generate the random Gaussian matrix G in ( 1 ) . +1 This reformulation enabled us to use a single model for solving the problem that is traditionally formulated as learning a language model and an error model . +0 In each case the population size was set to 100 individuals and the number of generations to 1000 . +1 We formulate learning of a binary autoencoder as a biconvex optimization problem which learns from the pairwise correlations between encoded and decoded bits . +0 It is the combination of these elements that unlocks the full capabilities of the proposed approach . +1 different properties and also give a few novel complexity results which underlie some negative results . +0 One of them says that the behavior of a recurring user must be checked . +1 Note our general inference framework can readily be applied to other topic models with embedded PDP nodes . +0 Visual Genome far surpasses other datasets in terms of number of object categories . +1 We set forth and build on the hypothesis that a good representation can take advantage of how humans skim through documents to extract the most representative words . +0 Thus we always get a feasible set of primal variables . +1 We apply the general bounds to bound the performance of some learning algorithms based on empirical risk minimization and stochastic gradient descent . +0 There are some parameters need to be set in advance . +1 Dropped Pronouns ( DP ) in which pronouns are frequently dropped in the source language but should be retained in the target language are challenge in machine translation . +0 The hierarchical distance here means the maximum of two counts of edges that connect two given words to the nearest clause they share . +1 Deep learning has been proven to be very effective in these domains and is pervasively used by many Internet services . +0 Suppose we have a profile P with n voters and m candidates . +1 Stochastic Gradient Descent ( SGD ) is arguably the most popular of the machine learning methods applied to training deep neural networks ( DNN ) today . +0 Baseline : We employ baselines based on weighted k Nearest Neighbors ( kNN ) . +1 Manifold learning is a popular approach to nonlinear dimensionality reduction . +0 Therefore there are actually two passes over the data by reading twice data of each chunk . +1 The probability distribution of the generative ConvNet model is in the form of exponential tilting of a reference distribution . +0 In this section we discuss implementation strategies using the NVIDIA cuFFT libraries and their efficiency . +1 So it becomes necessary to detect Table of Content page for easy navigation of multipage document and also to make information retrieval faster for desirable data from the multipage document . +0 The quality of the overall classification performance can be assessed in two different ways such as micro and macro averaging . +1 We also derive a simple method to construct patient vectors from the related medical concept vectors . +0 Notice that removal may lead to rules with empty consequent which strictly would not be rules according to the definition of the language . +1 These coding methods attempt to preserve either Euclidean distance or angular ( cosine ) distance in the binary embedding space . +0 The support of X will then be the set of edges in the undirected graphical model together with the node precisions . +1 It is also computationally inefficient to both learn and plan in MDPs using a complex monolithic approach . +0 We only use the first 48 hours data after admission from each time series . +1 Experimental results on various datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach . +0 Statistical analyses were carried out on the evolutionary trajectory of each of the three optimization experiments . +1 We propose an efficient method for indexing documents using a pivot tree that leads to efficient retrieval . +0 SVD computations are required both for structure estimation ( for computing distances ) and parameter estimation ( for whitening the tensor ) . +1 An argument showing that Turing Machines ( TM ) are not the correct description of computation is given . +0 If the sequence is too long ( some functions have no parents ) then unused functions are discarded . +1 Both mechanisms require only that agents specify ordinal preferences and have a number of desirable economic and computational properties . +0 We use the learned document vector as the output SLE . +1 To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of image representations using untrained deep neural networks . +0 Analytic Mapper We also train a model where we replace our learned mapper for an analytic mapper that projects points from the depth image into the overhead view and use it with a single scale version of the planner . +1 The derived posterior allows the tuning of generative models and subsequently the feature mappings for better classification . +0 We want to emphasize that the implementation of the second search method for RIO described above would involve only slight changes to the given algorithms . +1 Extensive experiments with various datasets validate the superiority of the proposed algorithm compared to current state of the art spectral algorithms . +0 All of these aspects were informed to the participants before commencing the data collection procedure . +1 We then analyze a different method of sparsification that is a better model for methods such as Locality Sensitive Hashing to accelerate the nearest neighbor computations and extend the use of the problem to a broader family of similarities . +0 ( 2014 ) solve a minimax problem to learn generative models . +1 In this paper we study a setting where the agent may access data from previous control of the system . +0 The team mediator plays a key role since it coordinates the team members and helps them reach unanimously acceptable deals . +1 Important advances have been made in the fuzzy quantification field . +0 The proof of the above proposition can be found in Appendix . +1 Our experimental evaluation shows that our scheme is nearly optimal while finding very sparse vectors . +0 The two domains were designed such that we could test the performance and the quality of the solutions obtained with a wide range of problems . +1 We exemplify the NDK in the framework of text categorization using the Dewey Document Classification ( DDC ) as the target scheme . +0 VanHelsing accepts input problems formulated in a subset of the TPTP language and is optimized to efficiently solve expression equivalence problems formulated in FOL . +1 Experimental results show that our method can generate more informative summaries than the baselines . +0 Thus we can adequately train our Tnet with only a few hundred frames . +1 Training statistical dialog models in spoken dialog systems ( SDS ) requires large amounts of annotated data . +0 Table XXI shows the results of SAOLA under the different significance levels . +1 Managing risk in dynamic decision problems is of cardinal importance in many fields such as finance and process control . +0 Another line of work has shown that writing style is affected by mental state . +1 We also consider the problem of learning discourse segmenters when no labeled data is available for a language . +0 In the third stage they enrich the collocations with syntactical information obtained from Cass [ 6 ] . +1 The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model improves the overall accuracy of the classification compared to traditional single view algorithms . +0 Figure 1 shows the performance achieved by the various methods for different values of N for all six datasets . +1 We present a number of examples to illustrate the subtleties involved in interpreting the effects of our extended action models on temporal Kripke models . +0 Let T be a rooted tree such that the leaves of T are the elements of X . +1 We present a new problem formulation that captures this idea and illustrate it in the important context of time varying models . +0 We conduct experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of our algorithms on real MOOCs on Coursera . +1 We show this analytically for matrix games and experimentally for more complex Markov versions . +0 The session is then represented as the average of these latter feature vectors . +1 We use the axioms to guide the design of a new attribution method called Integrated Gradients . +0 This is enforced by the second stop criterion in Line 11 of Algorithm 4 . +1 This is important because arguments about the correctness of an election outcome usually rely on the size of the electoral margin . +0 Suppose we have a car and one of its properties is speed . +1 We propose details of perceptual computing characterized by interpretation and exploration operations comparable to the interleaving of bottom and top brain processing . +0 We see that modeling the correlations between labeling functions gives gains in performance which appear to be correlated with the total number of sources . +1 Our approach performs separate convolutions for word and lexicon embeddings and provides a global view of the document using attention . +0 This leads the chosen production to perform its actions since its second CHR rule is applicable . +1 We present a novel recurrent neural network model that is capable of extracting information from an image or video by adaptively selecting a sequence of regions or locations and only processing the selected regions at high resolution . +0 The semantics of a PN is defined in terms of its markings and valid firing of transitions which change the marking . +1 Load disaggregation based on aided linear integer programming ( ALIP ) is proposed . +0 Random survival forest ( RSF ) [ Ishwaran et al . +1 We propose a deep neural network for the prediction of future frames in natural video sequences . +0 In some cases the name of the constructors can be derived from a corresponding element of the abstract syntax . +1 We also propose a novel method of encoding partial lexicon matches in neural networks and compare it to existing exact match approaches . +0 We optimize the parameters of our model using a combination of backpropagation and policy gradients . +1 Our construction suggests some insights into how deep networks work . +0 If the preconditioner is not positive definite then multiplying it by the gradient can actually flip the sign of the gradient . +1 Two optimization objectives are considered : ( 1 ) to maximize the number of evacuees reaching safety and ( 2 ) to minimize the overall duration of the evacuation . +0 The hardest challenge in this task is that there is no publicly available dataset where references are annotated with the intensity value . +1 Spectral patches of clean speech are sampled and clustered to train a dictionary . +0 Here SFs are the mechanism used to efficiently apply the protocol suggested by Theorem 2 . +1 The main purpose of the paper is to evaluate the possibility of inductive learning use in rule generation from ontologies and to develop the way how this can be done . +0 Many existing general techniques for inducing diversity are not directly applicable to deep networks . +1 Observations are naturally incorporated by means of integrity constraints over the extensional and intensional relations . +0 We removed all symbols that do not appear in the standard IPA and converted the lexical items to ASJP format . +1 This paper gives an historical overview of the evolution of such systems . +0 It represents the team expansion and dominance over the map . +1 Deep reinforcement learning has achieved many impressive results in recent years . +0 We then define the distance between the set of discovered attributes D and the Meaningful Subspace S on the manifold M w.r.t . +1 Researches have shown accent classification can be improved by integrating semantic information into pure acoustic approach . +0 The simplest algorithm for ( 1 ) is perhaps the alternating least square method ( ALS ) which alternatingly minimizes the objective function over U and V until convergence . +1 Empirical study reveals that our method achieves significantly better performance than classical methods in terms of running time and memory usage . +0 There has been extensive research on how to best represent and match images of places . +1 There is broad consensus that understanding a narrative requires identifying and tracking the goals and desires of the characters and their narrative outcomes . +0 This is due to the assumption used in the rule that the variances of the two classes are equal . +1 The underlying physiological mechanisms of generating conscious states are still unknown . +0 These values along with the current input are used to compute the current output and the new recurrent states . +1 But identifying the coding regions is more complex task compared to the former . +0 This is owed to the property of minimal conflict sets to abstract from what all the reasons for a certain entailment or requirements violation are . +1 The most of algorithm are more focusing on classification of major sample while ignoring or misclassifying minority sample . +0 We have performed four relations to evaluate the performance of the proposed system . +1 Our goal is to develop algorithms that provide substantial gains over passive random sampling of observations . +0 We choose the cluster for a word which has the highest overlap score . +1 This work builds on the intuition that not all classes are equally difficult to distinguish from a true class label . +0 Assume that the sentiment dimension of domain x is defined by eigenvector ex . +1 This can accelerate acquisition of new skills even when the observed agent differs substantially from the learning agent in terms of morphology . +0 Most commonly used scores in the literature have these properties . +1 It has recently been shown that Residual Networks behave like ensembles of relatively shallow networks . +0 Generalmin for the strict total grading ( STG ) property is equal to 0 for the matching pennies environment . +1 We consider the problem of improving the efficiency of randomized Fourier feature maps to accelerate training and testing speed of kernel methods on large datasets . +0 The most important difference and the main contribution of our paper is the error guarantee . +1 These results show the urgent need to rethink the way in which results in the literature are reported and interpreted . +0 The following representation can be traced back to [ 18 ] but is expressed here using convex duality . +1 Audio data comes from 19 distinct programmes from the Aljazeera Arabic TV channel between March 2005 and December 2015 . +0 The performance of the proposed method is compared with the same type of subspace clustering algorithm LRR [ 12 ] . +1 Transfer learning is a vital technique that generalizes models trained for one setting or task to other settings or tasks . +0 We take our experiment on GPU Tesla K80 to speed up our training . +1 We believe deep learning will become an outstanding technique for program analysis in the near future . +0 We track and stabilize figures using background subtraction masks that come with this data set . +1 This article provides a precise definition of the meaning of recursion as used in Resource Shape 2.0 . +0 This heuristic can also be implemented in Algorithm 2 by maintaining an active set for each thread . +1 This work aims to reduce the runtime to be on par with a single system without compromising the translation quality . +0 Interacting with raw materials initially scattered around the environment causes them to be added to an inventory . +1 The results suggest that an efficient information gathering policy can compensate for low penetration of connected and automated vehicles . +0 It is important to emphasize that the propose model is extremely flexible in the sense that each component can be easily disconnected from the combiner and the extension for additional information sources is straightforward . +1 Large labeled training sets are the critical building blocks of supervised learning methods and are key enablers of deep learning techniques . +0 The transitions are independent of actions for all states except state 1 . +1 The use of LR allows the algorithms to create models with relatively small error right from the beginning of the search ; such algorithms are thus claimed to be ( sometimes by orders of magnitude ) faster than SR algorithms based on vanilla genetic programming . +0 This metric does not provide a gradient everywhere for the generator and therefore requires that the discriminator and generator are closely matched . +1 A major inference task in Bayesian networks is explaining why some variables are observed in their particular states using a set of target variables . +0 SL2013 employs structural properties of PDF files to discriminate between malicious and benign PDFs . +1 Experiments on language modeling and classification tasks using three different corpora demonstrate the advantages of the proposed techniques . +0 The pseudocode of the GP algorithm we used is shown in Algorithm 1 . +1 Recurrent neural networks ( RNNs ) have been used extensively and with increasing success to model various types of sequential data . +0 We include the posting time in the corpus so that other researchers may filter as desired . +1 We present a reference game called Face Battle that implements the Samu Entropy requirements . +0 This step takes the application further to show its practical relevance by implementing part of the PARAGon framework in a prototype system described in Chapter 7 . +1 Units associated with the quantities often provide information that is essential to support this reasoning . +0 This optimized value is also used for comparison into the STWKme ( ERP ) kernel . +1 We introduce algorithms based on cumulant extraction that provably learn each of the components without having to model the other components . +0 update rule in ( 15 ) then reduces to MISO using the Lipschitz gradient surrogate ; and ( 20 ) corresponds to the proximal gradient surrogate [ 13 ] . +1 The neural network learns to take the optimal action by observing the robot sensors to estimate the system state . +0 And we construct the election such that the current winner will be d. We introduce the following voters . +1 Then we propose an efficient method to use the fuzzy paraphrases to learn word embeddings . +0 We now conclude this section by providing a solution to the problem . +1 The computational challenges come from two aspects : the number of images can be very large and image features have high dimensionality . +0 Collaborative process modelling and complementary concepts : We developed an editor called Collaborative Process Editor ( CPE ) to support this functionality . +1 Network quantization is one of network compression techniques employed to reduce the redundancy of deep neural networks . +0 Call SiRI : Run SiRI on the samples using these new parameters 4.1 . +1 During induction of decision trees one aims to find predicates that are maximally informative about the prediction target . +0 This model assumes that meaningful image patches can always be obtained where each patch contains a single object . +1 Difangzhi is a huge and the single most important collection that contains information about officers who served in local government in Chinese history . +0 The claim of Ginzburg ( 2012 ) is that the rules that encode the dynamics of the dialogue have to be built into the grammar itself . +1 Learning such embeddings can be reduced to a certain matrix factorization . +0 Each time series corresponds to a single handwritten character that has one of 20 labels . +1 The generator specifies a distribution over text fragments as candidate rationales and these are passed through the encoder for prediction . +0 There are many methods by which it can be done . +1 The advent of Web 2.0 has led to an increase in the amount of sentimental content available in the Web . +0 In the rest of our analysis we will see a similar effect of sectional curvature ; this phenomenon seems innate to manifold optimization ( also see [ 32 ] ) . +1 But the training data of single corpus is often limited . +0 The results can be directly extended to asymmetric tensors since they can first be symmetrized using simple matrix operations ( see [ 1 ] ) . +1 Answer Set Programming ( ASP ) is logic programming under the stable model or answer set semantics . +0 The grounded and preferred labelling can then be defined on the basis of complete labellings . +1 A pivotal study on the brain tissue of rats found that synaptic formation for specific functional connectivity in neocortical neural microcircuits can be surprisingly well modeled and predicted as a random formation . +0 We note that Japanese writing system uses ideograms and thus even five characters is enough to represent a simple sentence . +1 One of the major issues in stochastic gradient descent ( SGD ) methods is how to choose an appropriate step size while running the algorithm . +0 Recall however that Variable nodes refer to tensors that persist across executions of the graph . +1 Determinantal point processes ( DPPs ) are distributions over sets of items that model diversity using kernels . +0 Two windows are disjoint if they do not have any events in common . +1 We propose to deal with sequential processes where only partial observations are available by learning a latent representation space on which policies may be accurately learned . +0 : LEARNING TO DIVERSIFY VIA WEIGHTED KERNELS FOR CLASSIFIER ENSEMBLE 3 fier ensemble . +1 Another advantage of the system is that it can be used to provide uncertainty values for counterfactual statements . +0 Table 4 shows the directed multigraph used for PR in detail . +1 This solution allows user to maintain its rule base under any support threshold . +0 These can help if longer texts tend to contain more expressions of stress or relaxation . +1 Our experimental results illustrate that robust local search is able to provide robust execution strategies efficiently . +0 The data is then tokenized using the same tokenizer used by the CMU POS tagger [ 5 ] . +1 The second proposed algorithm achieves a classical averaging of the aligned samples but also implements an averaging of the time of occurrences of the aligned samples . +0 The reward generation process is as follows : Without loss of generality choose cluster 1 to be the good cluster . +1 Our model is generic enough to effect transfer of either policies or value functions . +0 The results for this experiment are shown in Table III . +1 We develop a recurrent neural network architecture for this task and also characterize resultant uncertainties in the form of evolving variance estimates . +0 This is due to the fact that the union of a total order on source features and the transpose of a total order on target features in So is not necessarily a total order . +1 Deep Neural Networks ( DNNs ) are analyzed via the theoretical framework of the information bottleneck ( IB ) principle . +0 We expect the coverage information would guide the attention model to focus more on untranslated source words ( i.e . +1 Experiments on five classification datasets that have document labels and associated rationales demonstrate that our approach consistently outperforms strong baselines . +0 The aggregate reduct of the program with respect to S1 is the empty program . +1 The importance of a research article is routinely measured by counting how many times it has been cited . +0 [ 2013 ] in the fixed budget setting and Chen et al . +1 Rough MABAC evaluates the alternative sites based on the criteria weights . +0 This conclusion is consistent with our earlier result ( 343 ) that ATC outperforms CTA . +1 We present a feature learning model that learns to encode relationships between images . +0 AI will pose enormous temptations of wealth and power to humans . +1 Hierarchical Bayesian networks and neural networks with stochastic hidden units are commonly perceived as two separate types of models . +0 To simplify the notation we express OWL 2 QL axioms by their description logic counterpart DLLiteR [ 4 ] . +1 A large amount of labeled data is required for supervised learning . +0 The inputs to our system are summarized in Table 1 . +1 In this research we address the problem of capturing recurring concepts in a data stream environment . +0 The model must be periodically retrained with new individuals under a controlled evolutionary approach ( also known as model management ) to prevent convergence on local optima . +1 In this paper we introduce a deep learning framework for learning Koopman operators of nonlinear dynamical systems . +0 Such factors were identified using an ablation study ( section 3.C.1 ) . +1 Network Traffic Matrix ( TM ) prediction is defined as the problem of estimating future network traffic from the previous and achieved network traffic data . +0 Also note that the matrix W has a special structure . +1 We present statistics on the size and the quality of the dataset . +0 The problem of learning to predict steps later on in the sequence is therefore potentially much harder than learning to predict the earlier steps . +1 We believe generative video models can impact many applications in video understanding and simulation . +0 This means that the variables in the same layer are conditionally independent given the other layer . +1 are almost completely unanswered by the existing body of clustering literature . +0 We use LearnSPN as the structure learning algorithm to build structures for the 20 data sets . +1 The integrality gap of the relaxation only enters in the regret bound rather than the benchmark . +0 None of the units were attacking for the last x frames . +1 The most important task in such Bayesian networks models is constructing the most reliable user models by learning and reflecting the training data into the probability distribution of user actions conditional on networks states . +0 This change can be naturally introduced without any troubles by introducing equation ( 11 ) . +1 Our results hold for convex losses and can handle arbitrary convex constraints without requiring knowledge of the number of rounds in advance . +0 Can we use a square loss oracle in other partial information problems like contextual bandits ? +1 This paper introduces a novel model for semantic role labeling that makes use of neural sequence modeling techniques . +0 All benchmarks are summarized in Tables 1 and 7 in the main text . +1 We leverage the issues related to this challenging optimization problem by considering an alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm which is built upon proximal operators of the loss function and the regularizer . +0 The specification system definitional construct contains definitions in each of two sections : the dimension system section and the inner content section . +1 This reduces biased estimation compared with typical methods when only one training sample is used for kernel matrix formation . +0 We claim that X covers all the edges incident on the vertices in Y . +1 This paper explores new evaluation perspectives for image captioning and introduces a noun translation task that achieves comparative image caption generation performance by translating from a set of nouns to captions . +0 This linear projection allows the size of the embeddings to be varied and tuned as a hyperparameter without relearning the embeddings from scratch each time . +1 This formalization exercise has identified a number of quality issues in the draft . +0 Children that appear late in the order will have a larger chance of not being generated since there are more previous children that might cause a BPMX cutoff . +1 In this paper we propose an improved warehouse layout method based on ant colony algorithm and backtracking algorithm . +0 The feature importance scores are thus also referred to as attributions . +1 The properties of the generated hash functions remains that of an universal hash function family . +0 Adaboost mentioned in the result is performed with following setup : 1 . +1 Restricted Boltzmann machines ( RBMs ) are endowed with the universal power of modeling ( binary ) joint distributions . +0 Additionally we require an appropriate warmup strategy to avoid optimization difficulties in early training . +1 We hypothesize that these methods are not as expressive as an outer product of the visual and textual vectors . +0 One can even imagine defining several object models for the same input and target schema . +1 We apply the proposed algorithms to the problem of learning a distance function parameterized by a positive semidefinite matrix . +0 1 ( extensions to general tree structures are discussed in Sec . +1 Our proposed content aggregation algorithm is able to learn online what content to gather and how to match content and users by exploiting similarities between consumer types . +0 ( Wan 2009 ) proposed a cotraining approach to address this problem . +1 Both an online presence to try to convince potential users to download the system and offline availability to develop larger applications are essential . +0 We also propose the AUC ( area under the ROC curve ) metric for both aspect and sentiment detection tasks . +1 The outer layer performs group feature generation ; while the inner layer learns the label configuration for multivariate performance measures . +0 Each gain value is averaged over the four prior works . +1 We propose to include an extra step for the combination with max and mean operations for handling missing elements in the sequences . +0 As we want to be comparable to Coates et al . +1 General graphical models with binary outcomes conditioned on predictive variables are proved to be equivalent to multivariate Bernoulli model . +0 Figure 8 reports that there is no specific power footprint for different architectures . +1 One way to reduce this large memory footprint is to reduce the precision of activations . +0 We show interesting complexity theoretic results on determining the winner of an election under a variety of application scenarios . +1 An ontology defines the primitives with which to model the knowledge resources for a community of discourse ( Gruber 2009 ) . +0 Using a random starting point and random sign of beta helps this problem greatly . +1 In this paper fuzzy VRPTW with an uncertain travel time is considered . +0 The major obstacle here comes from the very nature of interacting in an MDP : the state at the next time step must be the state the agent be transited to at the current time step . +1 This effect is most extreme for learning of smooth target functions as described by e.g . +0 theorem 1 Each instance of the game restricted to SRCs admits at least one pure Nash equilibrium . +1 The number of parameters included in CPTs increases exponentially with the number of parent variables . +0 But how can such a dissimilarity or kernel on graphs be formalized ? +1 Multidimensional recurrent neural network ( MDRNN ) has shown a remarkable performance in speech and handwriting recognition . +0 and hence is exponential in the size of 1 and 2 . +1 Our experiments suggest that our scene representation can help transfer representations across modalities for retrieval . +0 Proposition 2.1.2 : The restricted intersection of two soft neutrosophic groups over ( ) N G is soft neutrosophic group over ( ) N G . +1 Thus research communities require more frequent reviews to keep up to date with the latest trends . +0 Example 8 illustrates Lemma 10 as well as that its converse does not hold . +1 The experimental results on small networks show that the proposed method has comparable results with brute force method which has a significantly higher computation cost . +0 We also use batch normalization and add noise in hidden layers as described in [ 23 ] ( however we do not use any component of their unsupervised cost function ) . +1 We use the later to handle constraints on what is an acceptable classification of the features to be extracted . +0 The residual vector e has normal entries with mean 0 and variance 202 . +1 We also show that pretraining MVCNN is critical for good performance . +0 This enables us to simulate a realistic scenario where an event is completely unknown to the classifier and it has to identify rumours from the knowledge garnered from events in the training set . +1 Experimental results demonstrate that DeepCoNN significantly outperforms all baseline recommender systems on a variety of datasets . +0 We evaluate the performance of the GP algorithms by looking at the accuracy of the best GP programs found . +1 This paper explores and extends a probabilistic model known as Boltzmann Machine for collaborative filtering tasks . +0 We use standard SICK ( Sentences Involving Compositional Knowledge ) dataset 1 for evaluation . +1 The purpose of this paper is to provide a unified classification model that includes the above models through a robust optimization approach . +0 There are a couple of other approaches that aim to approximate the gradient of the expected score . +1 Finally the ADRs can be located based on the significant features . +0 The second plot of the side figure demonstrates the benefit of overspecification for SGD . +1 We characterize how learned behavior in each domain changes as a function of environmental factors including resource abundance . +0 Toth and Vigo introduced the concept of Granular Tabu Search ( GTS ) [ 51 ] . +1 The model employs a Gaussian process ( GP ) to capture the complex nonlinear relationships . +0 Aspects of this proposal are described and discussed in the subsections that follow . +1 Reinforcement learning ( RL ) has proven to be an effective method for using HAs in some natural language processing tasks . +0 We complement the previous evaluation with an assessment of the advantage of including all the features defined in Senti4SD . +1 The problem of makespan optimal solving of cooperative path finding ( CPF ) is addressed in this paper . +0 The conditions state that M must be infinite and include all possible problems . +1 Here we use it for identifying the language of text samples . +0 This provides the screening rule at the maximal reugularization parameter . +1 We shall then show how developments from seemingly disjointed views could be integrated to achieve the same goal of creating cognitive machines . +0 The KRE Formula and its Limitations This section begins with a short derivation of the KRE formula for state spaces in which all state transitions have a cost of 1 . +1 This method improves the performance of all models considered in this work and is of independent interest for a variety of NLP tasks . +0 There is simply a cost associated with setting the variable v to some specific value x . +1 Target data considered here is either qualitative ( a class label ) or quantitative ( an estimation of the posterior probability ) . +0 Experiences are sampled with a probability proportional to the weight . +1 We show that the training examples deemed as the most valuable to the classifier are also the most difficult for humans to annotate . +0 Note 2.9 Theorem 2.8 is tight in the following sense . +1 Using this new model we can define some interested notions related to cooperation ability of Turing machines such as the intelligence quotient or the emotional intelligence quotient for Turing machines . +0 Consider the case of using French and Spanish contexts to disambiguate the financial sense of the english word bank . +1 Experiments on speech recognition and machine translation for neural sequence to sequence models show notable improvements over a maximum likelihood baseline by using edit distance augmented maximum likelihood . +0 This study compares the advantages and disadvantages of each of the approaches by employing either a single or a series of neural networks supported by various decision functions . +1 We provide a method for predicting embeddings of rare words on the fly from small amounts of auxiliary data with a network trained against the end task . +0 We then propose new training procedures based on reinforcement learning that instead directly optimize for coreference evaluation metrics . +1 Further classification is done using the Support Vector Machine by taking gender and native language as target classes . +0 It is built upon the formerly precomputed terminological triple patterns . +1 This paper shows that these challenges can be mitigated by adding a weighting model into the architecture . +0 The total number of tuples is equal to multiplying n by the number of original partitions . +1 The core of solving this inference task involves translating the logic program to a propositional theory and using a model counter . +0 1 ) Drift Detection Method : The drift detection scenario is vital in the pENsemble because it controls the ensemble complexity . +1 Results show superior performance and better generalization ability for 3D object reconstruction when the projection loss is involved . +0 They show that the results with human feedback are competitive with these approaches . +1 The toolkit includes features for building translation pipelines and query engines for arbitrary source code projects . +0 Those features would make applying those techniques in a mobile robotics context challenging . +1 Results for the first two datasets show extremely high classification accuracy that is competitive with other popular methods . +0 There are many links between deontic logics and the following research described and hence the two can not be easily disentangled . +1 Dynamic probabilistic networks are a compact representation of complex stochastic processes . +0 e impact of the method used for identifying the representative is experimentally investigated ( see Section 6.1 ) . +1 This article attempts to summarize a broad spectrum of FNN optimization methodologies including conventional and metaheuristic approaches . +0 Our first step was trying to predict whether a given tweet was sarcastic or not . +1 Case studies with over 2500 online officer resumes demonstrate the effectiveness of our system . +0 On modern server machines such as our benchmarking machine there is enough memory to precompute all levels . +1 Our results emphasize the key role of the rectangularity condition of Epstein and Schneider . +0 In none of the activities did the students feel that they had not contributed to the team . +1 As a result of this study a well structured functional model is presented here . +0 To distinguish the models we refer to our system as BSO ( beam search optimization ) and to the baseline as seq2seq . +1 Ontologies can promote intelligent decision support mechanisms for various Cloud based services . +0 Centralized Chapar method has the lowest robustness than the previous three methods because this method is only have a wide range Chapar station . +1 Generic text embeddings are successfully used in a variety of tasks . +0 For KRE the only difference between the attributes of different rows is the different type distribution for the given group . +1 We show that we can solve for the global optimum efficiently via a properly chosen parametrization of the constraint set . +0 Note that the height of the elimination tree corresponds7 to the number of vertices in the ( undirected ) search space . +1 One of the reasons is that slang sentiment words are not available in existing dictionaries or sentiment lexicons . +0 So it is therefore with all other events which possess this kind of potentiality . +1 We show how to represent the distribution defined by a probabilistic scene grammar using a factor graph . +0 Labelling involves assigning values to variables that may lead to a solution . +1 How can an algorithm learn with only a few data points ? +0 Thereby in the first row of the table 2 there is the percentage of inconsistent answers from utterances treated as having emotion with the name from the header of the column fallen into considered four emotions . +1 A promising way to tackle this problem is to augment RL with learning from human demonstrations . +0 The genes are responsible for regulating the growth of cells and keeping them healthy . +1 Our model is able to generate code targeting three different platforms ( i.e . +0 This method improves the flexibility of RPE when modeling more complicated relation attributes . +1 This paper studies the detection of bird calls in audio segments using stacked convolutional and recurrent neural networks . +0 This means that TCP flows whose duration is greater than this value are finished by the collector process periodically . +1 Our extensive empirical evaluation of the proposed approaches on several image and text datasets shows improved performance over competing approaches . +0 We use stratified sampling to pick entities of type t and its subtypes for the train and test set . +1 We experiment with predicting a wide range of 62 demographic attributes for neighbourhoods of London . +0 We then normalize the scores and add them to a cache of final results . +1 In this paper we make a contribution to the unification of formal models of defeasible reasoning . +0 Table 16 shows that the model learned from standard training ( with WordNet synonym sets ) carries over well to holistic testing . +1 Textual information is considered as significant supplement to knowledge representation learning ( KRL ) . +0 This scheme allows to use any MT system without any prior knowledge of the system itself . +1 These architectures learn to approximate the exact parsimonious representation at a fraction of the complexity of the standard optimization methods . +0 Simple target allocation strategies do not exploit the structure of underlying graph in any way . +1 We show that a number of regularization schemes in deep learning can benefit from this phenomenon . +0 We conclude this section with some perspective on the results in the paper . +1 Yield and quality improvement is of paramount importance to any manufacturing company . +0 ( 2016 ) ; Finn and Levine ( 2016 ) ; Gu et al . +1 Words are identified which appear significantly often in connection with discussions of the concept . +0 [ 2002 ] to bound the regret of the UCB algorithm for stochastic bandits : Lemma 10 . +1 The most fundamental problem is the propagation of error in the product of probabilities . +0 A vertex v is simplicial ifAdj ( v ) is complete . +1 The development of fast and accurate image reconstruction algorithms is a central aspect of computed tomography . +0 The dependency parse of a sentence can capture the relationship among the words ( nodes ) in it . +1 We establish total unimodularity of the constraint set to prove that the corresponding LP relaxation solves the original integer program . +0 Questions 2 ) and 3 ) are concerned with the general applicability of EM for training SPN . +1 All the tools and resources were released on the the Polish CLARIN website . +0 Then the relevant vector and the current LSTM hidden state are used to generate the distributions for the next words . +1 We present a new theoretically tractable variant of random regression forests and prove that our algorithm is consistent . +0 And due to quirks in IDP with types there is one structure that is projected to the different structures needed for the application . +1 We will thus be clarifying and describing some of them so as to take into account advances in knowledge engineering ( ontology ) and formal systems ( logic ) . +0 Here we prove an upper bound on the number of regions induced by a hyperplane arragnement : Theorem 5 . +1 An aggregation rule will then combine the individual rankings into a global one that contains all students . +0 Tests were performed on an Inte Core 2 Duo 2.00 GHZ CPU with 4 GB RAM running Ubuntu 14.04 . +1 The proof net calculus opens up new possibilities for parsing and proof search with the Displacement calculus . +0 Note that we fixed the number of channels per convolutional layer be equal in layers to limit the number of hyperparameters . +1 Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm offers competitive performance compared with other existing algorithms . +0 We used version 0.17.1 of scikitlearn15 machine learning library to implement the classifiers . +1 This mechanism is very efficient and scales to very large memory sizes . +0 Nonnegative Matrix Factorization ( NMF ) has been widely used in unsupervised learning such as clustering and dimension reduction . +1 The second idea is a novel scoring function based on the frequency of being uncovered of vertices . +0 The slash sign not only works with quantifiers but also logical connectives . +1 Our automated tracking system consists of two modules that perform sequentially . +0 Proposition 4 An LP revision operator is a GLP revision operator if and only if it is a propositionalbased GLP revision operator . +1 These signals are analyzed as inputs to an emotion recognition paradigm based on fusion of a series of weak learners . +0 The goal of the task is to separate clean speech from noisy speech . +1 Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy of our new method and all its variations . +0 makes the Jacobian to be ideally dynamical isometry [ 30 ] . +1 CRM uses data mining ( one of the elements of CRM ) techniques to interact with customers . +0 Some of these kernels also support building explicit feature vector representations of graphs . +1 Numerous initialization methods have been proposed to address this drawback . +0 The main difference between the proposed offline approach and the investigated interactive approach is that the offline approach does not discriminate between different search directions . +1 We consider linear classifiers and propose to learn a prior over the space of labels to directly leverage the performance of such methods . +0 In case two or more financial instruments with an identical counter value were found then one of them is picked arbitrarily . +1 Our experiments show that the proposed model outperforms baseline systems on a social media corpus . +0 Let us notice that the common attributes between pairs of types of items are not necessarily the same ( i.e . +1 This difference from existing MABs means that new approaches to maximising the total reward are required . +0 We consider a target subject that exploits prior knowledge of source subjects in order to learn how to perform hand postures . +1 The solution developed can serve as an effective heuristic for different categories of AV optimization problems . +0 4We query PQP collision checker plugin of OpenRave for these distances . +1 The global constraints require the average of these vectors to lie in a certain convex set . +0 Multiple studies have explored interacting with a database ( or knowledge base ) using reinforcement learning . +1 The PeerRank method also provides an incentive for agents to grade correctly . +0 Dilate LSTM agent baseline One of innovations this paper presents is dLSTM design for a Recurrent network . +1 Deep learning and reinforcement learning methods have recently been used to solve a variety of problems in continuous control domains . +0 The optimization problem for ShiftMC is harder to solve because of the bounded constraint . +1 In this paper we study multi robot cooperative task allocation issue in a situation where a swarm of robots is deployed in a confined unknown environment where the number of colored spots which represent tasks and the ratios of them are unknown . +0 This departure from the standard setup for centralised StarCraft control has three effects . +1 Authorship analysis ( AA ) is the study of unveiling the hidden properties of authors from a body of exponentially exploding textual data . +0 We will focus on E and consider the update rule in more detail to argue this . +1 We provide a prototypical implementation and evaluate the efficiency of the proposed optimizations . +0 The task of relation classification can be defined as follows . +1 These methods can decrease the total training time needed by an RL agent compared to training on the target task from scratch . +0 Hence we have the desired polynomial reduction ( the query is quadratic on domain size ; all other elements are linear on domain size ) . +1 This does not result in a larger number of training iterations . +0 A question Q ( partition of S ) is locally closed if all its answers are locally closed . +1 We introduce a batched lazy algorithm for supervised classification using decision trees . +0 It represents the individual words and all student answers as vectors . +1 Experimental evaluation on synthetic and real data reveals that this method massively outperforms conventional LRR in tasks concerning functional data . +0 The robot has to find its way across the obstacles from the start cell to the goal cell . +1 Open forms of global constraints allow the addition of new variables to an argument during the execution of a constraint program . +0 2009 ] describe an event detection and tracking approach based on keyword graphs . +1 The results question the common practice of computing average ratings from reviews in many languages . +0 25 The time windows of all suppliers can be adjusted based on the following straightforward observations . +1 Analyzing such data with probabilisic models can be delicate because the simple exchangeability assumptions underlying many boilerplate models no longer hold . +0 The point q is a vertex if and only if every connected component of GF is full rank . +1 Prior knowledge has been shown very useful to address many natural language processing tasks . +0 The algorithm Exact Dollar Partition is formally described in the algorithm box . +1 CBA and its individual components are compared and evaluated in a complex simulated driving domain . +0 The candidate target vocabulary is the union of the lists for all source words . +1 Both models were trained on the Convote dataset which contains transcripts from US congressional floor debates . +0 The increase in accuracy obtainable by using different weights to construct reduced sets can be seen in Figure 6 . +1 The idea is to embed textual structures into a semantic space of concepts which captures the main topics of these structures . +0 We further extend the approach to account for selection bias caused by AL . +1 We propose an initial classification system for verifiers and provide some rudimentary analysis of solved and open problems in this important domain . +0 They have been axiomatically studied as decision criteria by Rostek [ 2010 ] . +1 Although they can be extracted from range data however extracting them from images and videos would be extremely beneficial . +0 Volunteers from 16 different sites created pyramids and annotated the peer summaries for the DUC main task using the given guidelines15 . +1 Their major advantage over other architectures is human readability of a model . +0 The following analysis provides a robustness guarantee for flow based delivery policy . +1 Five different training algorithms are evaluated to find the training algorithm that gives the best result . +0 Deeply learning deformable facial action parts model for dynamic expression analysis . +1 We propose a new model called Reinforced Decision Tree which simultaneously learns how to organize categories in a tree structure and how to classify any input based on this structure . +0 This setting is potentially more suitable for the situation of limited storage where the training data and their codes do not need to be stored in the test process . +1 Algorithms that approximate the crowd can intelligently stretch a limited budget for a crowdsourcing task . +0 Our discussion would not be complete without explaining our results in relation to the recursive neural network model proposed by Ji and Eisenstein ( 2015 ) . +1 The resulting method can mix faster than simpler Gibbs sampling while being simpler and more efficient than previous instances of RMHMC . +0 ActiveClean leverages the detector for an estimator between these two extremes . +1 The results on Enron dataset have been achieved on quite a large number of authors as compared to the models proposed by Iqbal et al . +0 FiGAR maintains a structured policy wherein the action probability distribution is augmented with a probability distribution for choosing the time scale of repeating the chosen action . +1 We show this algorithm is provably efficient and is empirically efficient in simulation trials . +0 Most popular measure to evaluate quality of tracked skeleton pose is average position error ( APE ) . +1 This context calls for pricing decisions that intelligently trade off between maximizing revenue generated by a current product and probing to gain information for future benefit . +0 It is important to take into account the amount of noise that is present at the nodes as well . +1 Such algorithm helps to automatize the elaboration of maps for commercial navigation systems . +0 The figure shows order of the backward and the forward steps performed by the central node and the task nodes . +1 Multiword expressions are a group of words which refers to some conventional or regional way of saying things . +0 As we will see later in Corollary 1 this class of kernels is equivalent to strong kernels according to Definition 1 . +1 Recent neural network sequence models with softmax classifiers have achieved their best language modeling performance only with very large hidden states and large vocabularies . +0 One way of representing this input is to use a table containing every coalition along with its value . +1 We further introduce a mechanism to control the amount of distortion to suit different datasets and architectures . +0 Other examples of the use of reinforcement learning techniques in sensor networks include locating mobile sensor nodes [ 3 ] and aggregating sensed data [ 4 ] . +1 We present results of computational experiments in which an influence diagram was used to optimize the speed profile of a Formula 1 race car at the Silverstone F1 circuit . +0 SPNs over RVs with ( uncountably ) infinitely many states . +1 Words in natural language follow a Zipfian distribution whereby some words are frequent but most are rare . +0 A network block is a set of simple layers in some specific configuration e.g . +1 Methods : Multiple measures of association are calculated for each drug and medical event pair and these are used as features that are fed into a classiffier to determine the likelihood of the drug and medical event pair corresponding to an adverse drug reaction . +0 There is not a standard evaluation protocol for this database which makes comparison between different works difficult . +1 The advantage in using the UID is the fact that no domain knowledge nor any image analysis need to be done . +0 Now we will show that the class of threshold functions can be properly PAC learned under the constraint of robust generalization even when the domain size is infinite . +1 The simplicity and effectiveness of our proposed schemes mean that they could serve as a litmus test while designing robust networks . +0 We will now apply a genetic algorithm to the TSP [ 3 ] . +1 This factorization and reconstruction approach provides a novel tool for many speech processing tasks . +0 A large portion of the images is stationary ; these parts form the low dimensional subspace of the RPCA analysis . +1 The development of intelligent systems requires synthesis of progress made both in commerce and academia . +0 We therefore use the results they obtained before refinement as baselines in our experiments . +1 We introduce a complimentary convolutional bootstrapping approach that enhances performance of the parallel architecture further . +0 The differential operators of the group action are obtained by computing the derivative of the group action with respect to its parameters at the identity element . +1 We address the problem of automatic generation of features for value function approximation . +0 The number of messages sent between agents is only linear in the number of agents . +1 We propose an augmented training procedure for generative adversarial networks designed to address shortcomings of the original by directing the generator towards probable configurations of abstract discriminator features . +0 Many causal learning algorithms generally learn the global causal structures in the form of CPDAGs to find causal relationships between variables . +1 For fully connected multi layer rectifier networks we demonstrate how to compute the preimages of activities at arbitrary levels from knowledge of the parameters in a deep rectifying network . +0 It is an obvious disadvantage for DSS scientists to not draw on these resources for model creation and prediction . +1 In this paper we introduce a novel approach to rumour detection that learns from the sequential dynamics of reporting during breaking news in social media to detect rumours in new stories . +0 Luke Muehlhauser ( 2013 ) offers some insights about the role of logical proofs in ethical AI . +1 Human parsing has recently attracted a lot of research interests due to its huge application potentials . +0 In fact the ordering relation between two values matters only if these values belong to a domain of the same variable . +1 The measure concentration result is of general interest and may be applicable to other areas involving expected estimations . +0 We also observed that reporting the numerical performance when class average is highest can often correspond to low global accuracy indicating a perceptually noisy segmentation output . +1 OntoSOC modeling approach is based on Engestrom Human Activity Theory ( HAT ) . +0 These features are similar to the position features proposed by Collobert et al . +1 We demonstrate the effectiveness of KeystoneML in achieving high quality statistical accuracy and scalable training using real world datasets in several domains . +0 The crucial part of implementing the ADMM or the TWA is the construction of the proximal operators . +1 Instance models are used in the area of natural language meaning representation to represent situations . +0 We assume that an algorithm can choose to skip a round without doing anything . +1 Word Sense Disambiguation is used to find meaning of words based on live contexts using supervised and unsupervised approaches . +0 The selection of data points is fixed to the application of the regression model . +1 It therefore provides a unified way of using LSTM for both deep and sequential computation . +0 We did not construct separate lexicons for the OntoNotes tagset because correspondences between DBpedia categories and its tags could not be found in many instances . +1 The Lighthill arguments are then shown to apply to current AI . +0 It may seem that the complexity of the simplification method limits the practical applicability of Algorithm 6 . +1 Specifically we present the application of DS methodology to belief revision problem . +0 A diagram of these two systems is shown in Figure 3 ( left ) . +1 In this paper we will consider the question of whether strategies implied by theories of strategic behavior can be used by automated agents that interact proficiently with people . +0 Suitable distribution functions can also be defined for weighted networks . +1 A conversation aiming a benefit at the end shows an emergent cooperation inducing the adaptation . +0 Neon is very competitive on GPU for large convolutional networks . +1 An algorithm capable of solving or finding good approximations to this problem would have many applications in computational biology and other fields . +0 First we need to get data in abundance for training our system . +1 It is a form of digital subcontracting for the general public . +0 The large difference between the baseline invariance ( black line ) and equivariance ( red line ) indicate that Z is structured wrt most transforms ( Color is one exception ) . +1 Our metric learning method has excellent performance both in terms of predictive power and scalability . +0 Numerical constraints are only allowed in the head of rules . +1 The effectiveness of the proposed method with respect to other classical methods is demonstrated based on several experiments using artificial and real data sets . +0 The 2000 hour models presented here were initialized with the output of 300 hour training . +1 Cold start problem in Collaborative Filtering can be solved by asking new users to rate a small seed set of representative items or by asking representative users to rate a new item . +0 The reason that sequential optimal planners did not perform well because they could not solve many problems among those 30 selected . +1 The feasibility of meaningful reasoning requires KBs to meet some minimal quality criteria such as logical consistency . +0 Few systems are found with fixed but more flexible query formats . +1 This paper aims to catalyze the discussions about text feature extraction techniques using neural network architectures . +0 This demonstrates that dimensionality reduction is helpful for improving the cluster performance . +1 It supplements the latter analysis with simulation results and illustrates the behavior of some of the ETD algorithms using three example problems . +0 For instance collecting geological samples for analysis and communicating the results will be easier if the robot has already a map of the environment . +1 The main idea is to model each observation conditioned on a set of other observations . +0 He was able to perform word sense disambiguation by identifying the senses of words in a sentence with the largest number of overlaps between their definitions . +1 We apply the proposed architecture to outdoor scene and aerial image semantic segmentation and show that the accuracy of our architecture is competitive with conventional pixel classification CNNs . +0 The idea is to encode important knowledge and store it into memory for future usage with attention mechanisms . +1 Many research areas have tried to gain valuable insights from these large volumes of freely available user generated content . +0 Theorem 3 ( from ( Freund and Schapire 1997 ) ) . +1 We conclude by discussing the broader relevance of this model to other aspects of AI . +0 We employ a pheromone update process that is used by almost every ACO algorithm . +1 We demonstrate that this set of functions can be combined with sparsity based approaches such as compressive sensing to reveal information on the dynamic processes occurring on a graph . +0 Messages are considered as indivisible abstract values instead of sequences of bits . +1 The BT Hypercat Data Hub provides a focal point for the sharing and consumption of available datasets from a wide range of sources . +0 7 showing the histograms for the same training data but using type 2 Universum . +1 In this work we propose a novel way of representation learning to obtain features of drugs and diseases by combining complementary information available in unstructured texts and structured datasets . +0 1 ) using constrained sparse representation ( CSR ) developed here . +1 The system is based on both probability theory and proof theory . +0 The core of our model is a NNLM based on that of Bengio et al . +1 A series of evaluations shows the positive effect of prior disambiguation for such deep models . +0 The nature of the textual content in these advertisements raises the question of how we can make inferences in a linguistic environment with a constantly evolving lexicon . +1 All solutions SAT ( AllSAT for short ) is a variant of propositional satisfiability problem . +0 Our final ingredient is a method of removing irrelevant features that we will term culling . +1 The first enhancement is an improved feature selection using sequential backward search and information gain . +0 Let H0p and Hq denote the vector representations computed by f for tokens in documents and queries respectively . +1 We present in this paper an efficient approach for acoustic scene classification by exploring the structure of class labels . +0 We also report on the number of benchmarks solved uniquely by a solver ( meaning the number of benchmark that solver was the single solver that managed to solve them ) . +1 We tested flattened model on different datasets and found that the flattened layer can effectively substitute for the 3D filters without loss of accuracy . +0 Our work makes use of the same formalism but has a different focus . +1 We study the properties of common loss surfaces through their Hessian matrix . +0 The performance of the UFCNN is tested in three different experiments . +1 These models learn in a supervised fashion where a set of feature vectors with expected output is provided . +0 Bidirectional LSTM network with hidden layer size of 75 was used as the encoder . +1 This manifold models how policy parameters change as task parameters vary . +0 The vector is placed at the bottom of each of the trees in the forest . +1 These methods are not only helpful in creating an acoustic knowledge base but also directly help in acoustic event and scene detection research in a variety of ways . +0 We did classification based on mean fundamental frequency of speakers for the first and last 2 seconds . +1 An important first step in computational SAR modeling is to transform the compounds into a representation that can be processed by predictive modeling techniques . +0 [ 14 ] and Kober et al [ ? ] . +1 We verified our approach within a comprehensive study encompassing 27 athletes undertaking different body weight exercises . +0 We review a few observations from [ 27 ] on Random and LFU that will also be confirmed in this study . +1 Conclusion : We proposed an effective method for patient and medical concept representation learning . +0 We have found that learning a residual to the input image instead of the reconstructed image as suggested in previous work [ 25 ] did not improve the performance of the proposed ConvNet and thus do not include it in our network . +1 The methods in this paper are components in the process of reducing the proliferation of the Schistosomiasis disease and its effects . +0 ( 1 ) is equivalent to solving the heat equation on vector fields . +1 We make use of two diverse datasets in the analysis . +0 Any of these that I have just mentioned is treated as a logical symbol . +1 A fuzzy clustering algorithm for multidimensional data is proposed in this article . +0 ese modules o en themselves have complicated structure with branching and merging of various layers . +1 We show that the equations of reinforcement learning and light transport simulation are related integral equations . +0 More details about Figure 1 are discussed later in a case study ( Section 4.1 ) . +1 This paper presents a set of experiments which involve the use of prevalent machine learning techniques to build models to predict the day of the week given the weather data for that particular day i.e . +0 The method is based on the assumption that a relation between entities is expressed in the shortest path between them in the semantic tree [ 14 ] . +1 Our architecture achieves this with the help of expert networks : A network is trained on a disjoint subset of a given dataset and then run in parallel to other experts during deployment . +0 ( 2015 ) proposed deep compression to prune away trivial connections and reduce precision of weights . +1 We illustrate some serious inherent limitations of dropout and demonstrate that dither provides a far more effective regulariser which does not suffer from the same limitations . +0 Our main results of this section explicitly characterize the optimal solutions for the objectives considered . +1 Building recommendation algorithms is one of the most challenging tasks in Machine Learning . +0 Proof : We first describe the learning action as each data feed in . +1 Finally we test our system on several public datasets as well as our own internal test dataset . +0 Figure 3 shows the flowchart of the proposed system for text and document mining using machine learning techniques . +1 The various views contributes to the construction of an enriched sentence embedding . +0 The probability of each programming language is calculated by using Equation 3 . +1 Both the evaluation method and the algorithm apply to arbitrary number of treatments and general response types . +0 The dynamic parameter prediction models can also be used in combination with user defined virtual target sequences ( Fig . +1 Analysis of regional development imbalances quadrant has a very important meaning in order to see the extent of achievement of the development of certain areas as well as the difference . +0 Models that match text pairs by interaction representations like Arc2 and MatchPyramid are not better than models that perform matching with sentence embeddings like Arc1 . +1 More specifically CI with static penalty function approach ( SCI ) and CI with dynamic penalty function approach ( DCI ) are proposed . +0 The organization of the search routine in KS makes it possible to search for hitting sets of bounded cardinality to save time . +1 A new approach to the problem was raised which intends to match the different modal features directly . +0 Now we present some key details of the sketches used in BAYOU . +1 The spatial features can further reduce the EER to 0.10 . +0 These flow constraints can be expressed in terms of cumulative constraints . +1 Unifying seemingly disparate algorithmic ideas to produce better performing algorithms has been a longstanding goal in reinforcement learning . +0 In all cases the performance of the model without any pooling and the model with pooling on top of the additional convolution perform about on par . +1 Experiments on synthetic and real world data sets show effectiveness of the proposed method . +0 In this evaluation section we focus on the domainspecific vocabulary stored in the ICD and IFRS ontology as well as the Wikipedia titles . +1 An ontological modeling of holy Quran can be useful in such a scenario . +0 The estimation of the dual optimal solution in DPP rules is in fact a direct consequence of the nonexpansiveness of the projection operators . +1 In this paper we build on recent investigations by Delgrande on contraction for Horn logic . +0 ( 12 ) and ( 11 ) are not necessarily the same . +1 Extensive experiments conducted on four real data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed OMVC method . +0 An expanded version of Figure 3 is presented as Table 7 for comparison with Table 6 . +1 This is referred to as the big red button problem . +0 Note already that this condition is not always feasible or suitable in the case of neural networks : 1 . +1 Many tourist applications provide a personalized tourist agenda with the list of recommended activities to the user . +0 The ARIMA ( Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average ) model is a commonly used TS prediction model . +1 An important challenge is to develop models that can effectively incorporate dialogue context and generate meaningful and diverse responses . +0 chosen as a root of the LTM ( line 1 ; note that this point will be discussed in detail in Section 3.2.5 ) . +1 The Manager operates at a lower temporal resolution and sets abstract goals which are conveyed to and enacted by the Worker . +0 We apply Bayesian rule to decide for device of being faulty given some its dependent is sending alarm or failed . +1 Are we harking back to the era of rule based expert systems ? +0 In the following we show how to integrate learners for the five types of learning tasks mentioned above . +1 The efficiency of this classifier is then evaluated with the other signals acquired from the setup test . +0 We varied the number N of surrogate classes between 50 and 32000 . +1 The results hold regardless of whether or not the difference in means between the two arms is known . +0 This reliance on the simultaneous training of the controller and recognizer is quite contrary to what is observed in infant development . +1 We focus on factors that are measured in different stages of production and testing in the manufacturing cycle of a product . +0 This is because we lose much more information in the color image though we reduce the same bits per channel . +1 We show how deep learning methods can be applied in the context of crowdsourcing and unsupervised ensemble learning . +0 Now we directly feed the node embeddings and allow GVIN to automatically learn implicit hidden factors for general planning . +1 We present a method to realize simultaneously size economy and speed improvement while pruning CNNs . +0 For all values of p the same set of learning rates was explored for each method . +1 Both Boost Picking and TawT are successfully tested in varied little data sets . +0 We create the language model based on Fisher transcripts and the transcripts of the acoustic training data using SRILM [ 23 ] . +1 Standard belief change assumes an underlying logic containing full classical propositional logic . +0 We will start with the following simple helper claim : Lemma 23 . +1 The idea is to reproduce the performance of a human expert in earthquake prediction . +0 Let Uk and Vk be U and V with all but their first k columns zeroed out . +1 It is even unknown that what objective a general SPL regime converges to . +0 This suggests that sometimes the model must be allowed to carry extra degrees of freedom between steps of a thought sequence in the form of contexts . +1 Experiments on several datasets verify the effectiveness of ORF and SORF over the existing methods . +0 Lemma 2 then gives us a way to estimate the joint and conditional probability densities . +1 We show that this helps our model generate more natural sentences with better grammar . +0 Hence it must converge ( to a local optimum ) after a finite number of steps . +1 We first observe a potential weakness of continuous vector representations of symbols in neural machine translation . +0 The first step is to generate the list of words ( randomly ) and then calculate the price associated with every word . +1 The copying decoder finds the position to be copied based on a typical attention model . +0 We provide more details on this view here for clarity . +1 AIXI is a universal solution to the RL problem ; it can learn any computable environment . +0 The computation time depends on many factors among which the implementation of algorithms ( including the memory storage ) and the chosen stopping rules . +1 Our empirical evaluation shows that this language allows to learn far more programs than existing baselines . +0 It should fully utilize evolution and inheritance methods if needed . +1 Frequent itemset mining is an essential part of data analysis and data mining . +0 Some operating points had differing hyperparameters when their classifiers were built . +1 The dynamics of belief and knowledge is one of the major components of any autonomous system that should be able to incorporate new pieces of information . +0 [ 41 ] investigated the advantages of CNNs performing speech recognition tasks and compared the results with previous DNN approaches . +1 Comprehensive experiments on two benchmark datasets clearly demonstrate that HFA outperforms the existing HDA methods . +0 This allowed the participants to disambiguate query entities that could potentially have the same name but refer to different entities . +1 We report on experiments with a workflow to incrementally encode a planning instance into a sequence of QBFs . +0 These are updated in the same way as the leaf nodes . +1 The classification accuracy of the R.R.E algorithm is evaluated using simulations conducted in MATLAB . +0 Therefore we added the margin parameter that determines the largest number of points lower than the desired utility value to which the agent will agree . +1 We evaluate our approach through experiments on hydraulic actuated scaled model of an excavator and evaluate and compare different teaching strategies utilized by the robot . +0 The function can be expanded with infinite series [ 35 ] or approximated by saddle point estimation [ 36 ] . +1 We propose a method for automatically answering questions about images by bringing together recent advances from natural language processing and computer vision . +0 One possible choice is to weight each pixel of the raw frame xt such that a region surrounding the predicted location of an object in the previous frame is given higher weights . +1 We show theoretically that minimax MTL tends to avoid worst case outcomes on newly drawn test tasks in the learning to learn ( LTL ) test setting . +0 Original image is a raw EM image ; Original P map is the MDPM output from the base CNN network . +1 Existing imitation learning algorithms typically involve solving a sequence of planning or reinforcement learning problems . +0 Below we give a very short introduction and present a useful lemma that we will rely on later . +1 The approach is showcased on two Operation Research technologies : Constraint Programming and Mixed Integer Linear Programming . +0 Then we obtain the final embedding resultsY after repeating out iterative LLE algorithm for 4 times . +1 We present a new framework for compositional distributional semantics in which the distributional contexts of lexemes are expressed in terms of anchored packed dependency trees . +0 Let E ( v ( M ( I ) ) ) stand for the expected social welfare gained by a randomized mechanism M . +1 We consider the problem of function estimation in the case where an underlying causal model can be inferred . +0 The current work investigates the limitations and strengths of using traditional machine learning algorithms for predictive services in big data stream problems . +1 A practical implementation used for the empirical analysis is also provided . +0 It can be a solution to remove inherent biologiacal implausibility of back propagation . +1 Agents are placed in vertices of the graph ; at most one agent can occupy a vertex ; and they can move into adjacent vertices in a conflict free way . +0 The results of the ANOVA analysis on ODPCount are interesting . +1 One is a recommendation system based on the MovieLens data set . +0 It is thus beneficial to separated out the workloads for OLTP and OLAP . +1 Clearly these groups are relatively small compared to the entire population . +0 This is the first attempt to introduce curiosity in an ELM framework . +1 Semantic segmentation tasks can be well modeled by Markov Random Field ( MRF ) . +0 We denote the class of all CNF formulas by cnf . +1 We introduce highly efficient online nonlinear regression algorithms that are suitable for real life applications . +0 ( 2 ) From the following step onward nearest neighbours are used as reference sets . +1 In this paper we describe a dynamic normalization process applied to social network multilingual documents ( Facebook and Twitter ) to improve the performance of the Author profiling task for short texts . +0 Figure 2 illustrates how the correlation between semantic similarity and human assessment scores changes through iterations of our method . +1 Here we propose a model that simplifies these inferential components . +0 They analyze the impact of quantizing a varying percentage of the network parameters . +1 Many efficient specialized methods have been developed but they are all suffering from a lack of genericity . +0 This ensures that the new graphs differ from the original in only the wellconnected pairs . +1 We show that an independent critic trained to approximate Wasserstein distance between the validation set and the generator distribution helps detect overfitting . +0 A slightly different question that has occasionally been posed in evaluation studies asks whether the linguistic artefact produced by a system is a recognisable instance of a particular genre or style . +1 Therefore it is feasible to learn style compatibility from these descriptions . +0 If we need to define a constraint then we define a disjunction of MDD constraints . +1 This induces in the input data space a new family of distance metric with unique properties . +0 To determine what emotions are is to determine what desires are . +1 This study explores the design and control of the behaviour of agents and robots using simple circuits of spiking neurons and Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity ( STDP ) as a mechanism of associative and unsupervised learning . +0 the code of system libraries or Spring framework is not available ) . +1 We define the concept of sample importance as the change in parameters induced by a sample . +0 We can now increase recall by adding similar but less frequent patterns . +1 We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate our models on both synthetic and real world datasets . +0 These scores were computed every 500 rounds for the first 20.000 rounds and every 5000 rounds after that . +1 Tensor decomposition is positioned to be a pervasive tool in the era of big data . +0 The data and code are available online [ 1 ] . +1 Numerical results show that SVM is the best algorithm among all the supervised and unsupervised classifiers . +0 Finally for every cycle the function fact executes the next action for each plan . +1 Shaping the structure of the evolving brain will be progressively achieved by controlling spatial organization of various types of cells . +0 The performance measure here was the accuracy achieved after this fixed training time . +1 Accurate prediction of NTLs for customers using machine learning is therefore crucial . +0 This is due to the fact that it takes advantage of the spatial structure and use marginal regression updates . +1 Pretraining is widely used in deep neutral network and one of the most famous pretraining models is Deep Belief Network ( DBN ) . +0 The LSTM ( being a recurrent ANN model ) is however much slower to train and the marginal improvement in WER may not be worth it for most people . +1 The focus of our project is sentiment focussed web crawling framework to facilitate the quick discovery of sentimental contents of movie reviews and hotel reviews and analysis of the same . +0 This is due to the way WPL scales the learning rate using the current policy . +1 The guarantee matches a lower bound for convex nonsmooth functions . +0 Derivations of G are represented as binary trees whose nodes are labeled with either lexicon entries ( leaves ) or categories ( inner nodes ) . +1 A set of rules defines the joining of the glyphs . +0 Each entry of the vector has a value between 0 and 1 and describes how likely it is that the input data belongs to the class it stands for in relation to the other classes . +1 This paper presents an approach to identify efficient techniques used in Web Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) . +0 IRFs are created either by setting parameters manually or automatically through machine learning procedures . +1 The resulting emoji embeddings can be readily used in downstream social natural language processing applications alongside word2vec . +0 Element and attribute coverage analysis for all approaches is provided in Section S2.5.1 ( Online Resource 1 ) . +1 These existing methods can not model the correlation among different key elements during the spreading of microblogs . +0 PBD analytically and efficiently computes the resulting distribution of posterior belief states possible after a sequence of actions . +1 that can carry on multimodal conversations with humans employing both text and images within a dialog seamlessly . +0 The information integration of a set of interacting agents is a relative measure of how strongly their states have become mutually correlated in comparison to their correlation with the rest of the environment . +1 The goal is to design an online learning algorithm with sublinear regret to the best sparse linear predictor in hindsight . +0 We achieve this by exploiting the eigenvalue structure of the general LDA eigenvalue problem and use it as a deep learning objective . +1 This innovation implements experimental design and unites it with data analysis in such a way that it completes the cycle of learning . +0 [ 60 ] used similar methods to identify aspect sentiments . +1 Experimental results are first obtained from synthetic data by combining two features of one dimension and by considering a vector of two features . +0 [ 125 ] focuses on group profiles in crowd scene based on the notion that groups are the primary entities that constitute a crowd . +1 We derive a confidence estimate for the prediction accuracy and demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on a dataset obtained based on the performance of approximately 700 UCLA undergraduate students who have taken an introductory digital signal processing over the past 7 years . +0 We now proceed to describe the design of the network that yields the Fashion DNA . +1 All previous algorithms for this setting were designed for minimizing the cumulative regret of the learner . +0 Resulting root mean square errors ( not shown in Figure 1.1c ) are 14.996m for elevation and 1.046s for time . +1 The performance of such a stacked network was experimentally evaluated and compared to a standard Support Vector Machine classifier using conventional computer vision features ( Eigenlips and Histograms of Oriented Gradients ) . +0 Other useful information : not covered by any of the above categories . +1 Comparison of three kind of the clustering and find cost function and loss function and calculate them . +0 In this work we have proposed a novel network architecture for grayscale and color image denoising . +1 We introduce a new attention mechanism which uses multiplicative interactions between the query embedding and intermediate states of a recurrent neural network reader . +0 We have investigated an important feature of the classification problem : the decision boundary which permits to determine the relevant label ( s ) for a target document . +1 The presented results allow a deeper understanding of the information contained in these indices and help in choosing a proper one in a given situation . +0 We run 10 times for each experiment then report the average results and their standard deviation as Table 1 shows . +1 The complexity of a computational problem is traditionally quantified based on the hardness of its worst case . +0 less than P. Thus using the class of logarithmic space computable functions is appropriate for our purposes . +1 Idea Density ( ID ) measures the rate at which ideas or elementary predications are expressed in an utterance or in a text . +0 [ 25 ] extracted keywords from full text of biomedical articles and claim that there exist a heterogeneity in the keywords from different sections . +1 The motivations for employing QSTR techniques range from exploiting computational properties that allow efficient reasoning to capture human cognitive concepts in a computational framework . +0 Section 2.2 reviews the recent technical developments of quantified epistemic logic . +1 Reading comprehension is a question answering task where the answer is to be found in a given passage about entities and events not mentioned in general knowledge sources . +0 For predictions we can even provide a single sample of a single user and the network will make a prediction based on the previous samples of that user . +1 We futher demonstrate with experiments that this simple change stabilizes GAN training . +0 The choice is whether to use early exaggeration for new gradient descent or not . +1 This reduces the influence of the talker but results in a distorted vowel space . +0 We then only need to process the sum node children with upper bounds greater than the current best solution ( Line 13 in Algorithm 5 ) . +1 We explore the precise mechanisms that could lead to such behavior by extending a computational model of word learning and word generalization to integrate cognitive processes of memory and attention . +0 One in has to be preceded by one out in sequence . +1 Neural machine translation ( NMT ) models are able to partially learn syntactic information from sequential lexical information . +0 Most of the literature gives a vague idea of SEO techniques and fails to relate its importance to search engines . +1 We consider this work to be a first step in the important and challenging direction of exploring the space of different neural network architectures . +0 These are the network environments and relationships of machines and submachines . +1 Semantic parsers map language onto executable statements in a fixed schema . +0 An adaptive system that tends to minimize average surprise ( entropy ) will tend to survive longer . +1 A crucial problem for the advertising platform is how to fully utilize the valuable user traffic to generate as much as possible revenue . +0 We ran two experiments with different scenarios that will be explained next . +1 Our results provide more comprehensive evidence that depth is more effective than width for the expressiveness of ReLU networks . +0 We try to reduce the probability of collision by generating multiple interpretations of the scene in front of the UAV to hedge against the risk of committing to a single interpretation of the scene which could be potentially fatal as illustrated above in Figure 9 . +1 The tumor detection method follows the scheme of ( a ) mammogram enhancement . +0 This can also be seen in Figure 5 ( a ) which visualizes samples from both generative models . +1 Distributed synchronous SGD offers a potential solution to this problem by dividing SGD minibatches over a pool of parallel workers . +0 There is a set of vehicles in a grid street plan area consisting of a certain number of intersections . +1 We develop differentially private hypothesis testing methods for the small sample regime . +0 We implemented GMNTM according the descriptions in their papers by our own . +1 We can improve the efficiency of learning and inference by exploiting their inherent statistical nature . +0 Figure 6b shows similar differences about the relative frequency of basis vectors taking part in the reconstruction of word embeddings . +1 This work is an attempt to explore the resulting search space using Genetic Algorithms to arrive at acceptable solutions . +0 These dictionaries are generated from a set of seed opinion terms that grows through the search of related words by means of the use of either statistical or semantic techniques . +1 This paper proposes some extensions to the work on kernels dedicated to string alignment ( biological sequence alignment ) based on the summing up of scores obtained by local alignments with gaps . +0 This is done for the simple reason that this paradigm provides ample motivation and justification for the use of a range of transformations of probability functions . +1 This paper is a proposal of a method where the lifetime of every object getting into the heap will be predicted and will be placed in heap accordingly for the garbage collector to deal more with reclaiming space from dead objects and less in promoting the live ones to the higher level . +0 ( 2 ) compute layer 2 features of all video frames . +1 Hence there is a need for scalable and automated methods for causal relationship exploration in data . +0 It is not difficult to verify the following two claims . +1 This design deals with scale variation without blowing up the model size . +0 These ten answers were provided by human annotators and the most frequent ones were selected . +1 Our results demonstrate that it outperforms the existing approaches in the metaphor identification task . +0 The primal graph of a belief network ( viewed as an undirected model ) is called a moral graph . +1 Our model jointly learns elementary unit type classification and argumentative relation prediction . +0 In the implemented version of the system this was accomplished by using the tactile sensors of the robot . +1 Identifying good sequences of decisions is particularly challenging when good control performance requires planning multiple steps into the future in domains with many states . +0 The GD and MEG algorithms are both examples of the Mirror Descent algorithm [ 14 ] . +1 This work targets people identification in video based on the way they walk ( i.e . +0 For our proposed rewiring approach we also compute the similarity between different classes in parallel . +1 This paper explores the use of Bregman divergences to establish reductions between such algorithms and their analyses . +0 2.4 has mainly physical origins and is discussed in Sec . +1 Extensive experiments demonstrate the impressive performances of the proposed model . +0 We use the standard benchmark dataset from the Penn Treebank . +1 We investigate the usage of convolutional neural networks ( CNNs ) for the slot filling task in spoken language understanding . +0 FE calls lasted no more than 10 minutes from which 8 minutes were deemed useful . +1 We demonstrate that the most popular distributed deep learning systems fall within our tradeoff space but do not optimize within the space . +0 [ 12 ] in that all features that would introduce a zero into the denominator ( for a particular case ) are excluded from the calculation of the adaptation . +1 An invention should be at an adequate distance beyond its prior art in order to be patented . +0 These methods often suffer from the limited amounts of training data . +1 These experiments exhibit high pruning rates while maintaining the accuracy of the original network . +0 A relaxed plan can use the timber to construct a cart and then load the same timber onto the cart to transport it . +1 Products reviews are one of the major resources to determine the public sentiment . +0 The event ran for 14 days during the Easter holidays . +1 The paper concludes with experiments on a simple but representative example of knowledge completion . +0 FastBDT uses a complementary approach and gains an order of magnitude in execution time by optimizing mainly the implementation of the algorithm . +1 There are also some updates on an earlier wave shape paper . +0 If we were working with numerical data this would be similar to comparing the covariance matrices versus comparing a specific regression model . +1 We propose a novel Riemannian manifold preconditioning approach for the tensor completion problem with rank constraint . +0 The following may also play a role in the development of CFS : CFS most commonly occurs in women ages 30 to 50 . +1 A major obstacle for the application of Planning in this area lies in the modeling . +0 The new offers are added to a special population called Pevo which contains offers that have been generated by genetic operators . +1 The goal of this research is to extract a large list or table from named entities and relations in a specific domain . +0 The Viterbi algorithm is used to estimate the probability of a model [ 22 ] . +1 It is experimentally shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms a heuristic from the literature . +0 These are the same games presented by the authors of Progressive Neural Networks . +1 Our analysis raises several interesting questions and can be directly mapped to the classical unweighted setting . +0 Figure 2 illustrates the process of multiplying and summing factors . +1 In this paper we contribute to this understanding in two ways . +0 Detailed computations and explicit procedures for all settings are given in the appendix . +1 This transformation can be obtained using the singular value decomposition . +0 We chose to use AMIE instead of the discovered meta paths from Meng et al . +1 In this report you find an overview of relevant research fields and industrially applicable technologies for building large scale cyber physical systems . +0 11 is able to learn the given pattern in an unsupervised manner . +1 The source code and a tutorial are available at eblearn.sf.net . +0 5.1 will serve as our starting point for all ensuing experiments . +1 We evaluate our system on a popular dataset and report improved accuracy compared to a single model of same configuration . +0 For simplicity we hide the term including them in the final bound without changing the dominant order . +1 Large unweighted directed graphs are commonly used to capture relations between entities . +0 The experiments were conducted in the following way : 1 . +1 In this paper we investigate the problem of localizing a mobile device based on readings from its embedded sensors utilizing machine learning methodologies . +0 We can see the obvious daily periodicity in all these three regions . +1 Unsupervised dependency parsing aims to learn a dependency parser from unannotated sentences . +0 The CE representations capture the contextualized semantics and polysemantic aspects of a label . +1 There is overwhelming evidence that human intelligence is a product of Darwinian evolution . +0 A general tensor may be represented as ( T ) i1 ... iKj1 ... jL . +1 Results indicate that the best SAT approaches have top performances also in the CSP field and are slightly more competitive than simple models built on top of classification algorithms . +0 The table shows two interesting results : ( 1 ) The score for the homographs is lower than the score obtained from all the words in the vocabulary . +1 We verify both empirically and theoretically the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for high dimensional DML . +0 The local concept drift is handled in both input and output space where the forgetting level is inserted in the FWGRLS formulate to deal with the local concept change in the output space while a reduction of cluster population ( 28 ) is performed to overcome the concept drift in the input space . +1 Expert knowledge modeled for computer aided processing may help for the purpose of providing a wide range of scenarios . +0 All required data is stored in the query history QH as well as in the sets P and N . +1 Content marketing is todays one of the most remarkable approaches in the context of marketing processes of companies . +0 Axiom types can be classified according to their semantic meaning [ 7 ] . +1 We present a novel framework for question answering that can efficiently scale to longer documents while maintaining or even improving performance . +0 We will now describe these three types of statistical survival methods in this section . +1 Our discussion of these questions is constrained to Turing machines . +0 e maximum reward that each episode can reach is 21 . +1 We found that the generated scenarios were rated as reliable and consistent by the crowd when compared to the scenarios that were originally captured . +0 We also sought to understand an approximate user quiting behavior at a subgroup level . +1 The only underlying LSTM structure that has been explored so far is a linear chain . +0 Forward propagation through the input layer The sparse representation of x as the positions of K elements together with their value makes it cheap to compute W ( 1 ) Tx . +1 This data often reveals hidden inconsistencies of the annotation process or guidelines . +0 Figure 4 describes our approach from a more abstract perspective . +1 We demonstrate that the proposed method can shed light on characteristics of CNN models and training methods that go beyond measurements of their discriminative power . +0 The following is a slight variant of a definition in [ CIKK16 ] . +1 We proposed several approaches and evaluated their performance based on Concept Analogy and Concept Similarity tasks . +0 We denote by Wi the sum of weights of all the skeleton points representing the ith cluster and by W ( A ) the sum of weights for all the points belonging to set A . +1 We conclude by proposing strategies to handle both of these issues . +0 Its aim is learning a pdf p ( Z ) which maximizes the sparsity of the learned representations z ( i ) . +1 In the paper we offer a novel theoretical approach to understanding general intelligence . +0 The fact that responders usually share the same characteristics entails there will be variables that correlate with the response . +1 Our analyses discover two types of spammers and their relationships with the dynamics of content posts . +0 1 while pointing the interested reader to the supplementary material for details . +1 Data source used for failure rate analysis has traditionally been past failure data of components . +0 The quantum interference marginalization formula proposed in this work consists in merging the equation that presents the interference term ( Equation 21 ) with the formula of quantum marginalization ( Equation 49 ) . +1 This hybrid approach integrates the hierarchical representations of deep activity recognition models with the stochastic modeling of temporal sequences in the hidden Markov models . +0 The immediate conclusion is that considering separately such preferentially equivalent subsets of available items S is redundant . +1 We bridge this gap by presenting a unifying framework for many variance reduction techniques . +0 The proof of Theorem 1 will make use of two lemmas . +1 This improves over the lower bound from Chen et al . +0 These a priori relevances have to be stored in a variable called interpret_merk . +1 It is argued that AI should use the Popperian scientific method in which it is the duty of every scientist to attempt to falsify theories and if theories are falsified to replace or modify them . +0 The score of di becomes at most two ( because only voters v4 and v6 prefer di to xi ) . +1 Conventional methods of estimating latent behaviour generally use attitudinal questions which are subjective and these survey questions may not always be available . +0 We use the presence of word tokens containing hyphens to estimate the percentage of those exhibiting reduplication . +1 The superiority of MalGAN over traditional gradient based adversarial example generation algorithms is that MalGAN is able to decrease the detection rate to nearly zero and make the retraining based defensive method against adversarial examples hard to work . +0 The speech signal can be inaudible for tens of thousands of iterations before it dominates the white noise . +1 We also show how to efficiently perform message passing in this factor graph . +0 One way to get Uu is to take its columns to be the top m singular vectors of Ou . +1 The dataset consists only of game data from the last six NFL seasons . +0 Generating the population information : Most of the houses in HES did not monitor the mains readings . +1 The case study shows that our method allows to give relevant evaluations of measure sets . +0 Such covering and shadows are great obstacles to robust visual analysis algorithms . +1 Class ambiguity is typical in image classification problems with a large number of classes . +0 The objective of maximizing information gain subject to the budget constraints on the path cost makes eMIP a suitable candidate for performing path planning for such problems . +1 The proposed method is particularly effective for relatively small student networks . +0 kLog models ) that have the ability to provide a solution to a given job . +1 In this we build a binary tree of SVM models based on the similarity of the class labels by finding their distance from the corresponding centroids at the root level . +0 The dataset is labeled with both modulation type and SNR ground truth . +1 The feature used in our study were only 24 handcrafted feature with simple feature extraction process . +0 These axioms and assertions are also imported to DL contexts for evaluating the HAVING clause : we assume as many such contexts as there can be ABoxes in the sequence of ABoxes created by the SEQUENCE statement . +1 Experiments shows that our belief recognizer is insensitive to the lack of the data and it can be trained using only one exemplary of each acoustic unit and it gives a good recognition rates . +0 This includes the case of both pure topic models ( where only one active topic is present in each document ) and discrete hidden Markov models . +1 We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach on a number of common real over the air radio communications bands of interest and quantify detection performance in terms of probability of detection an false alarm rates across a range of interference to band power ratios and compare to baseline methods . +0 We also assumed semantic nearness to pleasantness as the correlate for an invitation to interview . +1 We show that these methods can produce significantly better results as compared to an informed baseline . +0 All experiments were conducted using the Torch7 framework by Collobert et al . +1 We particularly focus on the different comparison functions we can use to match two vectors . +0 Digit samples were presented to the system in their original sequence in the dataset . +1 We used the MNIST data to demonstrate the design and use of these indicators in a convolutional neural network . +0 The above two intuitions of ( 1 ) ignoring shared elements of the sets being compared and ( 2 ) the order extends the superset relation have been considered in a different context and for a different order by [ 4 ] . +1 So far they have been successfully employed for signal processing using the Reservoir Computing paradigm . +0 Each operation Ok has a positive duration denoted as dk and must be executed on a dedicated machine denoted as Mk . +1 We propose a simple yet effective technique for neural network learning . +0 One is that G translates the meaning of the source material more accurately than VNMT . +1 Our model is designed to be generic with the ability to address various NLP tasks with ease . +0 From the above comparison one can see that it is the replacement of Assumption 2.3 with R2 and R3 that allows a drastic pruning of the assumptions used in obtaining the main results of their paper . +1 Many algorithms exist in literature to achieve a statistically robust version of PCA called RPCA . +0 ( 3 ) ) ( 1 jA m j i xw i ( 3 ) where ) ( jA xi is the grade of the membership function ( MF ) of jx in fuzzy set iA and is characterized by a Gaussian function as Eq . +1 We study how the budget constraints of individual traders affect their ability to impact the market price . +0 Two of the more widely used neural network architectures have been Convolutional Neural Networks ( CNN ) [ 21 ] and Recurrent Neural Networks ( RNN ) [ 11 ] . +1 This method is used to select features from the data set and compared with existing rough set based unsupervised feature selection methods . +0 Pairwise ranking compares the score or the rank of pairs of a positive and a negative item and the loss enforces that the rank of the positive item should be lower than that of the negative one . +1 Moreover usage of various lexical resources helps to improve the coverage and quality of machine translation where limited parallel corpus is available . +0 Note that the responses h1 and h2 are the interfaces of subsystems . +1 We employ a deep reinforcement learning framework to jointly learn state representations and action policies using game rewards as feedback . +0 e experimental se ings of the tasks and datasets are introduced in this subsection . +1 By optimizing execution KeystoneML achieves up to 15x training throughput over unoptimized execution on a real image classification application . +0 ( 2013 ) that both fused multimodal sensory information and learned sensorimotor behaviors simultaneously . +1 The goal is to have a language based on simple syntax and clear intuitive and mathematical semantics . +0 9 We were able to get access to the Vetted API for two of our applications . +1 We introduce the Binary Matrix Guessing Problem and provide two algorithms to solve this problem . +0 Proof [ Proof of Lemma 5 ] We start by the sphere . +1 Entity images provide significant visual information that helps the construction of knowledge representations . +0 The test time classier was implemented and optimized in C. For ferns we implemented algorithm 1 with SSE operations . +1 We propose two regression models that take into account various properties of sorting algorithms and some of the known theoretical results in smoothed analysis to improve prediction quality . +0 This is evidenced by that during training one layer usually gets a weight close to 0 thus is ignored . +1 Continuous space word embeddings have received a great deal of attention in the natural language processing and machine learning communities for their ability to model term similarity and other relationships . +0 Considering all predicates defined in a semantic graph potentially leads to a cyclic graph . +1 Our main contribution is the development of specially tailored techniques for OMQ containment under the classes of tgds stated above . +0 S ( specified by ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) ) satisfies item 3 in Proposition 3 . +1 We find that our method consistently outperforms BS and previously proposed techniques for diverse decoding from neural sequence models . +0 Since only a very well pretrained CNN was able to train on the task . +1 The final set of attribute contains the most relevant feature model that increases the accuracy . +0 Doubling failed to work on the more noisy data sets ( B2 and L2 ) . +1 The ability to generalize from past experience to solve previously unseen tasks is a key research challenge in reinforcement learning ( RL ) . +0 We give some examples of compression functions and reconstruction algorithms in the following subsections . +1 These text analysis and feature reduction techniques can be used for other textual data applications such as sentiment analysis . +0 A visual inspection of ImageNet samples from our model ( Fig . +1 Minimizing the rank of a matrix subject to affine constraints is a fundamental problem with many important applications in machine learning and statistics . +0 This complexity can be a problem for applications along two dimensions . +1 The problem of learning a minimal consistent model from a set of labeled sequences of symbols is addressed from a satisfiability modulo theories perspective . +0 Figure 16 shows the percentage of solved problems while increasing the CPU time . +1 Our proposed method learns from consecutive batches by updating an ensemble in each time . +0 The answer is no as it is explained in stage two below . +1 Deep Belief Networks ( DBNs ) are deep architectures that use stack of Restricted Boltzmann Machines ( RBM ) to create a powerful generative model using training data . +0 ing sentences that are longer than 50 tokens or that are identified as a different language . +1 Recent models for knowledge base completion impute missing facts by embedding knowledge graphs in vector spaces . +0 A sketch of how offset inference for a lexeme w works is shown in Algorithm 1 . +1 One vital factor that impacts clustering performance is how to learn or design the data representation ( or features ) . +0 So we will rst review recent progress in this direction . +1 Machine learning has been used to POS tag the mixed language text . +0 One of our main technical contributions is to argue about the effect of inexact solvers in this method . +1 We use this metric preference model to explore a fundamental and timely question : does the social welfare of a population improve when candidates are representative of the population ? +0 We believe this is reasonable because questions are just another input source for the model so we should not add images as the supervision for them . +1 We introduce a neural semantic parser which is interpretable and scalable . +0 line 15 which is the only position in the algorithm where nodes are added to Q ) . +1 It partitions the search space into cubes using a lookahead solver . +0 Further probing what it means for an emotion to be stronger than another leads to the following definition . +1 The expressive power of a Gaussian process ( GP ) model comes at a cost of poor scalability in the data size . +0 Aharoni and Goldberg ( 2016 ) introduce a simple model for monolingual morphological reinflection with hard monotonic attention . +1 Experimental results show the efficacy of the proposed algorithms over the existing approach . +0 Here we consider the bipartite setting in which items are either relevant ( positive ) or irrelevant ( negative ) . +1 A key challenge in deriving DPC is to solve a nonconvex problem . +0 Sentences at the position are aligned to each other and both cursors are thus moved . +1 We train LTLS with stochastic gradient descent on a number of multiclass and multilabel datasets and show that despite its small memory footprint it is often competitive with existing approaches . +0 The ones that we are primarily interested in this research are the hierarchical and constraint based models . +1 These scorers offer complementary performance in face of a database consisting of heterogeneous distortion types . +0 Additionally we apply their ground truth illumination to our result to also compare reflectance . +1 Deep neural networks require a large amount of labeled training data during supervised learning . +0 We present one example of such a strategy in Sec . +1 We show how solution concepts for hedonic games with dichotomous preferences are characterised by propositional formulas . +0 We propose a modified SVT algorithm in Algorithm 1 to exploit the Hankel structure . +1 We present CloudScan ; an invoice analysis system that requires zero configuration or upfront annotation . +0 How we choose the distribution of the noise will impact the notion of distance we are choosing . +1 Neural networks take one event as input and compute a conditional probability of the other event to model how likely these two events are associated . +0 Theorem 2.2.11 : If NB G is a commutative neutrosophic bigroup . +1 The use of DSmT for information fusion yields not only more realistic beliefs but also reliable pignistic probabilities for the underlying propositions . +0 ( 2016 ) apply the technique of Eskander et al . +1 Our proof combines a method for identifying unique sign patterns induced by the underlying monomials of f with recent work in compressed sensing . +0 This process is done by the only share global variable : GlobalAnswer . +1 We derive two theorems that set our approach in firm theoretical ground and present experiments that show that it successfully promotes transfer in practice . +0 is normally implemented in a single machine with a multicore processor . +1 The problem of learning automata from example traces ( but no equivalence or membership queries ) is fundamental in automata learning theory and practice . +0 We can represent every gene expression data with the decision table like Table 1 . +1 The simulated tests illustrate the performance of the proposed scheme . +0 This step creates a list of possible corruptions ( noisy versions ) for every canonical word wc . +1 Text mining tools can offer tools to help them and one of the tools that can aid information retrieval and information extraction is semantic text annotation . +0 Notice that any graph separating system corresponds to some proper coloring due to 1 . +1 It is therefore quite natural to examine the degree to which a learned network model might act as a viable surrogate for traditional sparse estimation in domains where ample training data is available . +0 In this section we consider a BDD representing a monotonic function F and we want to encode it into SAT . +1 We conclude by extending the estimator to policies with memory and compare its performance in a greedy search algorithm to REINFORCE algorithms showing an order of magnitude reduction in the number of trials required . +0 We use batch size 64 and we also use 64 extra generator samples . +1 An approach is proposed for enriching the set of semantic labels with error specific labels and by using a recently proposed neural approach based on word embeddings to compute well calibrated ASR confidence measures . +0 This suggests that the sequence of actions already contains most of the information and those extra features are in a way or another already implicit in these sequences . +1 It shows many interesting research paths that are important not only for CAT but also for other areas of artificial intelligence . +0 We describe the techniques that can be used to ameliorate this effect in section 3.3 below . +1 Such architectures with the proposed objective can be trained efficiently using stochastic gradient descent and scaled to large graphs . +0 Each of the works provides critical outlook of existing literature pertaining to the different aspects of crowd analysis and serves as a reference point to all computer vision practitioners in the domain . +1 Clinical trial adaptation refers to any adjustment of the trial protocol after the onset of the trial . +0 Note that robust formulations are closely related to the notion of consistency . +1 We connect the problem of maximizing the information derived from experiments to submodular function maximization and demonstrate that a greedy algorithm is near optimal ( up to logarithmic factors ) . +0 We call this algorithm Sketched Online Newton ( SON ) and summarize it in Algorithm 1 . +1 We also show that our method outperforms direct supervised learning of the reward . +0 These enhancements and labels are described in the text that follows . +1 The proposed IDS is unsupervised so no training is needed thus can be easily deployed . +0 We outline here a simple procedure by which we can associate the substances mentioned in the drugs forums to the effects they produce . +1 Our robotic setup can be easily deployed on any assistive robot . +0 We use two real datasets : 1 ) Chemical ( Guo et al . +1 There has also been progress in the form of Progressive Networks which seek to overcome the catastrophic forgetting problem using gating mechanisms . +0 Dropout is a new regularization technique that has been more recently employed in deep learning . +1 Dynamic Continuous Indexing ( DCI ) offers a promising way of circumventing the curse by avoiding space partitioning and achieves a query time that grows sublinearly in the intrinsic dimensionality . +0 They improve on the Term FrequencyInverse Document Frequency algorithm by also considering the properties of the query terms : words are assigned a weight based on their importance within the query . +1 The general method and the embedded method utilize features of the ROSS representational scheme ; in particular the methods use ROSS ontology classes and the ROSS situation model . +0 We compare our ARC model with several baselines and report performance on two challenging datasets . +1 To overcome this following technique automatic customization detection is an automated process of detecting possible elements or variables of a business process that needto be especially treated in order to suit the requirement of the other process . +0 Modeling letter repetitions ( which is also an important quality of the blank label in CTC ) can be easily replaced by repetition character labels ( we used two extra labels for two and three repetitions ) . +1 Feature selection which influences the effectiveness of machine learning ( ML ) IDS is discussed to explain the role of feature selection in the classification and training phase of ML IDS . +0 Corollary 2.1 provides weak bounds for s and j for the strong only pull problem . +1 Accurate classification techniques are required for automatic identification of disease samples . +0 We want to keep the structure of the scoring function defined in Equation ( 8 ) . +1 We also discuss the possibility of applying the analysis results to applications such as artist similarity computation and song recommendation . +0 We initialize the weights in DVF using Gaussian distribution with standard deviation of 0.01 . +1 Discovering causal relationships from observational data is a crucial problem and has applications in many research areas . +0 Some researchers have applied semantic relation classification to lexical entailment ( Akhmatova and Dras 2009 ; Baroni et al . +1 We present two novel and contrasting Recurrent Neural Network ( RNN ) based architectures for extractive summarization of documents . +0 The control of kMemory is designed to follow the dataflow . +1 We present models for embedding words in the context of surrounding words . +0 Upper bound for K can be assessed in the following way . +1 In this paper we describe the main components of the toolkit as well as experimental results stemming from both automatic and manual evaluation . +0 Liu and Liu [ 23 ] used sentence compression to generate summaries of meetings . +1 The result from the model simulation consists of sets of edges sorted by the label dominance . +0 The operators of Tatec may then operate on specific regions of the embedding space . +1 We developed a training procedure that allows us to use a simple custom simulator to learn policies robust to the mismatch of simulation vs robot . +0 Below we give a justification to this hypothesis that we can use a few sentences to generate the summary for news articles . +1 Our model is defined as an optimization problem on the Stiefel manifold . +0 The various ML techniques discussed in the above section are different in their capabilities to classify attacks . +1 An important aspect of these models of other agents is that they are often partial and incomplete . +0 This ignores the empirical distribution given by the input data XN ( p ) in the partition . +1 This model can also be used to detect the other possible emotions at the time of recognition . +0 The proposed refinements eliminate spurious movements of Agent 1 from the original abstract world PG . +1 We present an early demonstration of this approach with a number of experiments in the domain of robot manipulation that focus on bridging the reality gap . +0 Submodular functions are particularly interesting because they can be minimized in polynomial time . +1 This paper tests the performance of a current CNN ( GoogLeNet ) on the task of differentiating between abstract classes which are trivially differentiable for humans . +0 ( 12 ) Corollary 2 is a more general result than Corollary 1 and captures the intuition that conditionally independent variables add no additional information to an explanation in explaining the evidence . +1 The study of representations invariant to common transformations of the data is important to learning . +0 The decoder is a GRU network with 300 hidden units . +1 Our experimental results demonstrate that RCM learns two orders of magnitude faster than the best baseline . +0 We shall describe the use of statistical techniques to learn a predictive model P from training data for frequent queries . +1 The RWA achieves this by applying attention to each input and computing a weighted average over the full history of its computations . +0 Therefore along the gradient direction it will take fewer steps to move out of the ground truth region than a random direction . +1 Current language models have significant limitations in their ability to encode and decode knowledge . +0 Classical methods include translation model ( TM ) ( Jeon et al . +1 Multiple Kernel Learning ( MKL ) on Support Vector Machines ( SVMs ) has been a popular front of research in recent times due to its success in application problems like Object Categorization . +0 We call a set of voters along with their preferences over a set of candidates and a voting rule an election . +1 Using the proposed loss factor instead of standard accuracy can avoid biasing performance in any Boosting ensemble . +0 ( 2013 ) except that the output layer is softmax for the attention network . +1 I also briefly discuss recent applications of causality to legal reasoning . +0 This result can also be applied to the case where we want to divide the honest users into m subgroups . +1 Our experiments show that the GAN based approach performs best on real image data . +0 Che cosa giustifica il procedere con le operazioni di derivazione descritte e con quelle che ho indicato come operazioni di esplicitazione ? +1 Many problems can not be solved with a set of binary solutions and we need a new way of development . +0 We visualize the decompositions into sums of components using the formulae given in the appendix . +1 In this thesis we present a framework for an integrated temporal and causal relation extraction system . +0 fitness ( i ) ( x ) refers to the ith call to the noisy fitness function for the given x . +1 It implies that any sufficiently sparse neural network is learnable in polynomial time . +0 We obtain the results of all four baselines from [ 16 ] . +1 Results show that radio modulation recognition is not limited by network depth and further work should focus on improving learned synchronization and equalization . +0 We begin by replicating these inoffensive results for the same purposes . +1 It is important to study applicability of these models to other languages . +0 This can be important in the presence of possible oracles errors . +1 We employ several linguistic features along with some other external sources of information to detect the sentiment of a tweet . +0 This section contains the information regarding the reward algorithms and its parameters which we use for the two game BattleCity and S3 . +1 The paper systematically studies the impact of a range of recent advances in CNN architectures and learning methods on the object categorization ( ILSVRC ) problem . +0 However it relies on low rank matrix multiplications and does not focus on text representation or text categorization in online environments . +1 The learning of appropriate distance metrics is a critical problem in image classification and retrieval . +0 Dynamically adjusting the granularity of discretization according to tenant number and accuracy is an ongoing work . +1 The SPSA algorithm tunes the parameters by directly observing the performance of the Hadoop MapReduce system . +0 LexRank can be used with both weighted and unweighted edges . +1 We also show qualitatively that solutions produced from our approach often provide interpretable representations of task ambiguity . +0 We analyze below the denoising power of this dynamics under both synchronous and asynchronous update models . +1 This setting is in some sense intermediate between the realizable setting where the probability measure comes from some known set of probability measures ( which can be addressed using e.g . +0 Models that are too large or too small perform worse . +1 Due to sparsity regularization concise interpretable expressions can be obtained . +0 GRUs in those rows are set to share weights so that all phrase representations are comparable in the same space . +1 The K Means clustering is used to automatically identify the ON ( operational ) cycles of the chiller . +0 If n is violated then the event viol ( n ) occurs . +1 It is observed that the models trained by SGD are sensitive to learning rates and good learning rates are problem specific . +0 The average number of successful robots before the energy threshold for the fist and second methods is shown in figure 3 ( right ) . +1 We also provide theoretical results showing learning guarantees for some of the new norms . +0 We developed agents that can interact with people in such settings . +1 The task of organizing a given set of sentences into a coherent order has been commonly used to build and evaluate models that understand such structure . +0 5 ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) Figure 4 . +1 We can not simply propagate errors through SNNs in conventional way because of the property of SNNs that process discrete data in the form of a series . +0 The concept of entropy is deeply rooted at the heart of physical reality . +1 Our FastMap algorithm also produces admissible and consistent heuristics and therefore guarantees the generation of optimal paths . +0 It then develops the DDBP algorithm by combining TRC and dynamic discretization . +1 Terminology is one of the sectors in which the Arabic language requires a deep modernization of its classical productivity models . +0 Figure 2 summarizes all superiority relationships between measures we discovered . +1 It overcomes several shortcoming of previous methods and provides great additional insight into the decision making process of classifiers . +0 Hence a rule which generalised over all the states to the left and one which generalised over all the states to the right was the optimal solution . +1 We develop two distinct models that capture semantic frame chains and discourse information while abstracting over the specific mentions of predicates and entities . +0 There are two strategies to prune the filters across multiple layers : 1 . +1 We study the use of term relatedness in the context of query expansion for information retrieval . +0 Directly comparing the vector representations of both words treats each of the embeddings as an independent unit . +1 Our framework considers querying as a collaboration between the user and the database system to establish a mutual language for representing information needs . +0 Detailed description of the tagger is beyond the scope of this paper . +1 Both of these methods have shown a great possibility for improving classification model performance . +0 e performance gain starts to decrease with the number of training items available for each user . +1 People typically learn through exposure to visual concepts associated with linguistic descriptions . +0 We use the DCGAN [ 28 ] architecture for both the generator and the discriminator at all stages of the training . +1 The result is a complete unsupervised tokenization of the input speech in terms of discovered word types . +0 For example one could build a 3d colorized point cloud of the object and compare it to a library . +1 We propose an approach that quantifies semantic differences in interpretations among different groups of people . +0 A problem ( or language ) L is a set of strings . +1 Experimental results on the real image datasets demonstrate efficacy of our approach . +0 ( 2015 ) proposed Bayesian program learning ( BPL ) approach for building a generative model of handwritten characters . +1 Application of our model to two language modeling tasks shows that it outperforms or performs on par with related models . +0 We justify this choice in Section 4.2 by analyzing the impact of the branching factor on the accuracy of the results and the running time of the algorithm . +1 Such E2E systems are attractive due to the lack of dependence on alignments between input acoustic and output grapheme or HMM state sequence during training . +0 The combination of statistical ( probabilistic ) reasoning and information fusion can afford powerful modeling and simulation tools that might be relied upon in various applications . +1 The goal of sequence mining is to find sequences of symbols that are included in ( i.e . +0 Lines 1 through 5 take O ( n ) time to execute . +1 Temporal drift of sensory data is a severe problem impacting the data quality of wireless sensor networks ( WSNs ) . +0 Creating a full text index is a main mechanism for text search . +1 We also demonstrate that it discovers interpretable latent structure that agrees with our knowledge of international relations . +0 We refer the reader to the work of Xiong et al . +1 Major advances in Question Answering technology were needed for IBM Watson to play Jeopardy ! +0 On average annotators were able to label around 250 SDPs per relation this way . +1 We introduce a new model of interactive learning in which an expert examines the predictions of a learner and partially fixes them if they are wrong . +0 The Voted Kernel Regularization algorithm has some connections with other algorithms previously described in the literature . +1 We define a logic of propositional formula schemata adding to the syntax of propositional logic indexed propositions and iterated connectives ranging over intervals parameterized by arithmetic variables . +0 This generalizes the familiar factorization of a 3D rotation matrix into 2D rotations parametrized by the three Euler angles . +1 Classification and clustering have been studied separately in machine learning and computer vision . +0 Joint acyclicity significantly relaxes weak acyclicity and was developed mainly for rule based knowledge representation applications . +1 It is found that venations of different order have been chosen to uniquely represent each of the plant species . +0 The autoencoder serves as a generator which is followed by a conditional discriminator [ 33 ] for adversarial learning . +1 We propose an extension to neural network language models to adapt their prediction to the recent history . +0 We denote wlsep the minimal weight outing cluster Ci and wmax the maximal weight in subtree Si of Ci i.e . +1 We consider the problem of learning the canonical parameters specifying an undirected graphical model ( Markov random field ) from the mean parameters . +0 2015 ] and expression recognition [ Abidin and Harjoko 2012 ; Gargesha and Kuchi 2002 ; He et al . +1 A few included citations present outlying characteristics and can only be found after a very large number of screening steps . +0 But read operations and scan operations often coexist in the same system . +1 We present a simple and intuitive technique called cognitive discriminative mappings ( CDM ) to explore the cognitive problem . +0 We repeat the same procedure as above with a sweeping task . +1 This neural network is trained once on the parallel corpus and the fixed network is used to translate all the test sentences . +0 They are assigned to pages in order to group together those discussing similar subjects . +1 Such methods worked well with continuous state and policy space of robots but failed to come up with generalized policies . +0 This architecture exchanges depth for a greater number of paths . +1 The recently introduced Recurrent Weighted Average ( RWA ) unit captures long term dependencies far better than an LSTM on several challenging tasks . +0 a DPI where c is a constant ( which is the same for all diagnoses D ) . +1 Opinion mining or sentiment analysis is concerned with analyzing textual user judgments . +0 We are going to take the special meaning of the err symbol into account in the IOFPTA construction . +1 Our method outperforms a strong baseline on a variety of metrics . +0 Neurons can be stimulated either by an external current or by spikes from other connected neurons . +1 The flexible open design of claspfolio 2 is a distinguishing factor even beyond ASP . +0 The decrease in accuracy with 5 subsequences is drastic in some games . +1 We propose a technique to detect and generate patterns in a network of locally interacting dynamical systems . +0 The former is an undirected bipartite graph that reserves one node type for clauses and another for nodes . +1 The key idea is to represent an exponentially large tensor of parameters in a factorized format called Tensor Train ( TT ) . +0 We observe that the exhaustive summation in equation 6 in intractable for large models . +1 In this paper we will propose a new approach to control the temperature using the Internet of Things together its platforms and fuzzy logic regarding not only the indoor temperature but also the outdoor temperature and humidity in order to save energy and to set a more comfortable environment for their users . +0 ( 2013 ) with the difference being in how the gradients are aggregated along the color channel . +1 Most of the previous methods rely on learning a common embedding space allowing to compare visual features of unknown categories with semantic descriptions . +0 The CHV provides different types of familiarity scores [ 30 ] . +1 They can also provide effective interoperability among the Cloud based systems and resources . +0 In Figure 3 we can see a graphic representation of the number of instances for the sake of a better depiction . +1 This research presents an innovative and unique way of solving the advertisement prediction problem which is considered as a learning problem over the past several years . +0 An example of this is given for AlexNet in Section 4 . +1 This automatic training data extraction removes the requirement for users to annotate the data precisely . +0 Writing target algorithm outputs to the local file system fixed these issues . +1 We show that a recently proposed neural dependency parser can be improved by joint training on multiple languages from the same family . +0 This command is especially useful for the comparison of figures with small differences by switching between figures with the same size and position . +1 We investigate the generalizability of learned binary relations : functions that map pairs of instances to a logical indicator . +0 Following discussions with clinical experts we selected four different health outcomes that had an association with quinolones within the THIN database and applied the refinement methodology to refine each instance . +1 A full implementation of the proposed model is available in our github repository . +0 ( 1 ) The first is the convergence rate of these algorithms . +1 We show that the geodesic distance learned using the proposed approach performs better than various existing distance measures when evaluated on face matching and clustering tasks . +0 We rescale large gradients by their norm Pascanu et al . +1 We provide a comprehensive set of results regarding learnability under this challenging setting . +0 The learned joint representation pt for QA pair is formalized as Eq . +1 Our ability to synthesize sensory data that preserves specific statistical properties of the real data has had tremendous implications on data privacy and big data analytics . +0 Only situations of incompatibility bring forth intensities that drive processes of individuation . +1 This expression contains both causal explanations ( in the form of proof graphs built with rule labels ) and terms under the scope of negation that stand for conditions that enable or disable the application of causal rules . +0 This indicates a good extent of subnetwork organization according to different classes . +1 It reduces the number of distinct network parameter values by quantization in order to save the storage for them . +0 An example is the method proposed by de Campos et al . +1 A first step towards making use of such data would be to automatically align spoken words with their translations . +0 However the test performance of only virtual adversarial training was worse than the baseline . +1 We consider a setting where a system learns to rank a fixed set of m items . +0 This can be extended to more than 2 base patterns . +1 Lexical sets contain the words filling the argument positions of a verb in one of its senses . +0 The warrant as a logical explanation why one should accept the claim given the evidence is almost never stated . +1 A knowledge base ( OpenStreatMap ) is then used to find a list of possible locations for each block . +0 For instances with diverse labels in combination with a restrictive vertex kernel ( e.g . +1 Symmetry breaking has been proven to be an efficient preprocessing technique for satisfiability solving ( SAT ) . +0 This parallels similar observations made by Pichotta and Mooney ( Pichotta and Mooney 2016b ) . +1 Here we explore the robustness of convolutional neural networks to perturbations to the internal weights and architecture of the network itself . +0 The signals that come from the word prediction for labeled sentences ( defined in Eq . +1 This paper discusses causal independence models and a generalization of these models called causal interaction models . +0 Section 8 lists the tools that we heavily used for proving concentration inequalities in the analysis . +1 It is though surprisingly difficult and costly to construct reliable classifiers on top of telemetry data due to the variety and complexity of signals that no human can manage to interpret in full . +0 Section 3 describes the available datasets we have taken for our analysis . +1 We then propose a more general framework for Supervised and Weakly Supervised Learning ( SWSL ) . +0 Suppose Alain has brown hair and John has grey hair . +1 The corresponding theoretical contribution relating the asymptotic geometry of nearest neighbors to order statistics is of independent mathematical interest . +0 the algorithm backtracks ) in line 20 and the execution continues one level higher in the recursion . +1 Efficient and robust algorithms for decentralized estimation in networks are essential to many distributed systems . +0 The data consist of 4170 variables describing different SNPs ( single nucleotide polymorphisms ) .6 We use CorEx to learn a hierarchical representation which is depicted in Fig . +1 Our analysis bounds the number of additional examples sufficient to compensate for the lack of full information on each training example . +0 2 ( a ) illustrates the YouTube automatic download mode with Safari . +1 This allows for a small amount of control over what appears to be a chaotic structure inside of the brain . +0 This choice was made because musical items offer many advantages . +1 Learning the parameters of graphical models using the maximum likelihood estimation is generally hard which requires an approximation . +0 This experiment demonstrates that one can teach a neural network to extract object information from real images by writing down only the equations of physics that the object obeys . +1 We will be testing different methods for optimal query generation . +0 Remove all hyperlinks and special characters and convert all alphabetic characters to lower case ; 3 . +1 We use this relationship to prove exponential lower bounds on the SDD size for representing a large class of problems that occur naturally as queries over probabilistic databases . +0 Speed at an intersection is a known constant ( denoted by c2 ) . +1 Social media platforms provide an environment where people can freely engage in discussions . +0 A summary of the understanding of collective motion from the perspectives of biology and physics is described in Table 5 . +1 The algorithm uses Bellman error minimization with optimistic exploration and provides new insights into efficient exploration for reinforcement learning with function approximation . +0 Global descriptors that are capable to emphasize pixels with high uniqueness compared to the rest of the image . +1 We test our methods on both artificial and realistic data sets extracted from movie reviews and 20NewsGroup . +0 We picked elementaryOS because it does not consume too many resources to run and thus giving enough room for the solvers to run . +1 The user should assess the worth of the auxiliary information before considering this technique for text mining . +0 For the window network we used a window size of 3 and a hidden layer size of 2000 . +1 The potential risk of privacy leakage prevents users from sharing their honest opinions on social platforms . +0 The results proven so far in this section facilitate the proof of correctness of STATICHS : Proposition 11.1 ( Correctness of STATICHS ) . +1 We first show that any DNN can be quantified by the mutual information between the layers and the input and output variables . +0 It is aimed at encoding input x into a representation c ( x ) so that the input can be reconstructed from the representation with minimum amount of deformation . +1 We present the first guarantees for online tensor power method which has a linear memory requirement . +0 Similarity of words between a hypothesis sentence and a reference sentence is calculated . +1 It is impossible to know whether the chosen treatment is optimal for an individual subject because response under alternative treatments is unobserved . +0 An equivalent efficient version of the sliding window model is shown in Fig 3 . +1 We present a method for extracting depth information from a rectified image pair . +0 BattRAE significantly improves translation quality on all test sets in terms of BLEU . +1 The World Wide Web continues to evolve and serve as the infrastructure for carrying massive amounts of multimodal and multisensory observations . +0 Energy minimisation is therefore equal to finding an embedding in which the angle between related entities is minimised in an appropriately transformed relational space . +1 Our analysis provides clear insights into the increase in invariance with depth in these networks . +0 It is possible for convex hulls of K groups to overlap and thus we might not be able to define disjoint regions of kP that contain all points of group k . +1 Most previous works on local metric learning learn a number of local unrelated metrics . +0 Shafer [ 4 ] defined also a strong independence called evidential independence as follows : Definition 2 . +1 We focus in this paper on biometric based solutions that do not necessitate any additional sensor . +0 Some of the key facts ( Equations ( 9 ) and ( 10 ) ) that we use in the following proof appear in [ 18 ] . +1 This is of especial value in applications where many different features and combinations of features all carry small amounts of information about the class . +0 We then plotted the distribution of prepositions in these sentences . +1 We task the agents with interactive image search in the form of the game Guess Who ? . +0 Multilinear interpolation was used unless it is noted that simplex interpolation was used . +1 BNOR is capable of dealing with both aleatory and epistemic uncertainty of the network . +0 We believe this is a reasonable mix of different levels of experience with emojis . +1 Neighboring terms are easily arranged into semantically significant clusters which are well suited to the generation of realistic lists of synonyms and to such applications as word selection for automatic text generation . +0 Parent Nodes Child Nodes P1 P2 P3 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 a b c d e f g h i Fig . +1 We show via experiments that learning with an RPVF based representation is better than learning with just reward shaping or PVFs . +0 It provides a variety of dashboards to indicate the results according to user input hashtag as the search key . +1 [ Aim ] : This paper proposes an approach to leverage on empirically evolved ontology to support automating key SLR activities . +0 In the second projection we compute a distribution ( on all variables ) in the family considered that is the closest to the distribution obtained in the first projection . +1 This task has not received enough attention in computer vision . +0 The reconstruction cost should be selected to be interpretable as ( regularized ) log likelihood of uncorrupted labels given the reconstructon distribution . +1 Subspace clustering aims to group data points into multiple clusters of which each corresponds to one subspace . +0 One of the pioneering studies in this task is reported by [ Mendoza et al . +1 A major reason lies in that the discrete outputs from the generative model make it difficult to pass the gradient update from the discriminative model to the generative model . +0 The goal is to be able to produce the full set of facial expressions for a face we have not seen before . +1 NLP tasks are often limited by scarcity of manually annotated data . +0 The second inequality follows from the property ( c ) of a coin betting potential . +1 This paper proposes a stochastic ListNet approach which computes the gradient within a bounded permutation subset . +0 The final class is the rounded result of the overall error score . +1 We prove that a simple modification of Amin et al . +0 In order to find dependencies between the potential intermediate lemmas we follow the approach by Kaliszyk and Krauss ( 2013 ) which needs a second dependency recording pass over the whole Flyspeck . +1 Parseval networks are empirically and theoretically motivated by an analysis of the robustness of the predictions made by deep neural networks when their input is subject to an adversarial perturbation . +0 We summarize a number of proposed approaches in this section . +1 We show that the learnt models generalize beyond the maximum lengths they were trained on . +0 From the results it is evident that deeper LSTMs always improve upon shallow ones . +1 We prove our hypothesis with respect to our measure of semantic richness and we validate our model empirically . +0 The memory of the immune system stores all the information relating to all the pathogens we have encountered in our lives [ 26 ] . +1 Many tasks in AI require the collaboration of multiple agents . +0 Construct modified utility function gW by applying the standard OR construction to g and utility function hW . +1 In this paper we investigate if it is possible to use data augmentation as the main component of an unsupervised feature learning architecture . +0 3.4.3 Revision in FOL A trivial way to define a relaxation in FOL is to map any formula to a tautology . +1 Presence of hidden payloads is typically detected by a binary classifier . +0 We describe next the process through which we acquire such data . +1 In this paper we present applications of different machine learning algorithms in aquaculture . +0 The results on AVG and the LSTM models are shown in Table 1 . +1 This work aims to answer two questions : 1 ) Does explicitly modeling source or target language syntax help NMT ? +0 In the propositional case the ordering constraint yields a normal form ( a unique minimal representation for each function ) which is in turn the main source of efficient reasoning . +1 It extends similar hypothesis spaces that have previously considered in the literature . +0 One practical consequence of this result is that we can apply a standard automatic differentiation procedure to L to obtain an unbiased gradient estimator . +1 People speak at different levels of specificity in different situations . +0 The initial algorithm setting is considered as part of the algorithm and must therefore follow the same procedure for all problems of the suite . +1 SRBMs are typically able to ensure a very high compression rate at the expense of loosing some desirable metric properties of the original DCNN descriptor space . +0 It finds the longest occurring token sequence in a type specific gazetteer . +1 We empirically showed that they outperform their generative counterparts as expected . +0 Algorithm 2 Method for obtaining the descendants of an interpretation using different reasoning modes based on the content of the focus of attention . +1 Measuring research impact and ranking academic achievement are important and challenging problems . +0 We replace Definition 6 with the following definition : Definition 10 ( Prioritized conflict attack ) . +1 Training a deep convolutional neural network ( CNN ) from scratch is difficult because it requires a large amount of labeled training data and a great deal of expertise to ensure proper convergence . +0 Lastly since the system was evaluated using crowdsourcing we were unable to use the entire set of summarized queryvideo pairs . +1 The article is devoted to the problem of inconsistency in the pairwise comparisons based prioritization methodology . +0 This suggests that separating dataset has greater impact on the structure of that datasets and may lead to worse performance as in our case . +1 CF algorithms are trained using a dataset of user explicit or implicit preferences while CB algorithms are typically based on item profiles . +0 This derivation gives an alternative explanation for discriminant tracking v.s . +1 Such details and the ability to process the dynamic and unsettling nature of these interactions are absent in the current learning algorithm such as the decision tree learning algorithm . +0 We have seen that various mathematical properties can be used to characterise technical aspects of semantic measures . +1 The resulting classifier operates on individual laser readings from a road surface described by a 3D point cloud . +0 3 shows that variation exists in the per layer and per network needs for the fractional portion as well but to a lesser extent for each network . +1 This requires hardly any more parameters than a classical simple recurrent network . +0 The KAB generates a transition system of this form during its execution . +1 Our empirical studies show that Neural Reasoner can outperform existing neural reasoning systems with remarkable margins on two difficult artificial tasks ( Positional Reasoning and Path Finding ) proposed in [ 8 ] . +0 We present a fast algorithm for making predictions with the subpath kernel whose time complexity does not depend on the number of support vectors ( Section 5 ) . +1 A large number of parameters is needed to specify a conditional probability table ( CPT ) that has a larger parent set . +0 Speech models are usually HMMs trained for triphones or whole word depending on the task . +1 We introduce a local forget factor capable of preserving the continuity of the simplex splines . +0 Our second contribution is a simple copy mechanism that allows us to significantly reduce the decoder vocabulary size resulting in much faster inference times . +1 Also there may be social research in the context of health characteristics . +0 [ KTN08 ] use only two chains in their work . +1 We illustrate its practical feasibility by applying it on a challenging protein data set . +0 Here we choose the length of window size to be 10 . +1 An RDF data shape is a description of the expected contents of an RDF document ( aka graph ) or dataset . +0 Academics and platform administrators are constantly struggling to keep pace with evolving spambots . +1 The document is mapped into a uniformly coded text of numerical values . +0 The challenge is thus to learn what are the various relevant parameters . +1 The paper also investigates lower and upper bounds of how much individual word categories in the captions contribute to the final BLEU score . +0 We also report our performance using Overfeat concepts only to retrieve videos for the same events . +1 We apply our features to object classification on the ESB data set and demonstrate accurate results with a small number of shallow decision trees . +0 Restrict Ji to a subset of acceptable computational outcomes ( Section 3.1.2 ) . +1 Multi Expression Programming ( MEP ) is an evolutionary technique that may be used for solving computationally difficult problems . +0 This gives a natural notion of the total weight of errors at a given vertex . +1 This paper examines the efficacy of different optimization techniques in a primal formulation of a support vector machine ( SVM ) . +0 The idea is to maintain the current dynamics of the notes generated by the computer similar the current dynamics of the notes generated by the user . +1 Hadoop MapReduce is a framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets that is quite popular in big data analytics . +0 The first intuition behind this model is that having learned a skill makes it more likely that the student will get the next item correct ; not having learned the skill makes an incorrect response more likely than a correct . +1 Experimental comparison reveals that no single method demonstrates best average precision for all datasets and that other available tools for ATR do not contain the best methods . +0 These are the average change in the features given that class and the average change in labels given that class . +1 Governments should avoid punishment by respecting constraints from international treaties and human rights charters . +0 They can often consider many unnecessary outcomes along with important ones . +1 We propose a model to automatically describe changes introduced in the source code of a program using natural language . +0 This problem can be efficiently solved via the singular value decomposition ( SVD ) and enjoys a number of optimality properties when the noise S0 is small and i.i.d . +1 We propose a simple and generic strategy to choose the least adversarial pruning masks for both granularities . +0 LSID3 was shown to exhibit good anytime behavior with diminishing returns . +1 Correct individual decisions hence require global information about the sentence context and mistakes cause error propagation . +0 The role played by the obstacles in blocking two nodes is an abstract notion which is quantified in our research as . +1 The success of our algorithm arises from derived bounds that suggest a new regularization penalty in terms of the Rademacher complexities of the corresponding families of kernel maps . +0 We utilize a siamese network consisting of two RNNs with tied weights to produce the embeddings for the context and response . +1 We show that unfolding can already improve the runtime in practice since more work can be done on the GPU . +0 In order to stabilize the oscillations a target network with fixed weights over constant update periods were introduced . +1 Transferring knowledge across a sequence of related tasks is an important challenge in reinforcement learning . +0 We focus specifically on neural network based machine learning methods and the corresponding frameworks such as Torch and TensorFlow . +1 Our dataset consists of paragraphs taken from open access PubMed papers labeled with rhetorical information as a result of our pilot annotation . +0 This construction can suffer from the fact that many reasonably nice graphs have meaningful eigenvectors only for the very top of the spectrum . +1 Neutrosophic theory and applications have been expanding in all directions at an astonishing rate especially after the introduction the journal entitled Neutrosophic Sets and Systems . +0 Those environments are partial observable with multiple distributed and fully cooperative agents . +1 ConvNets are hierarchical feature learning neural networks whose structure is biologically inspired . +0 Research on blur removal for videos was also reported [ 437 ] . +1 Deconvolutional networks fully exploit the advantage the powerful expressiveness of deep neural networks in the manner of unsupervised learning . +0 The development of these presented invariant dispersion coefficients opened the door to the development of uncountably many new invariant coefficients . +1 In this work we study variance in the results of neural network training on a wide variety of configurations in automatic speech recognition . +0 Word representations were the same size as the hidden layer . +1 The approach taken is to complement the existing topic distributions over words with a known distribution based on a predefined set of topics . +0 Rule 85A defines the order in which adpositions occur relative to their governing noun phrase . +1 We compare the predictive accuracy of the various methods in a set of representative problem domains . +0 Many relations from existing qualitative calculi may be represented in ASPMT ( QS ) according to Definition 8 ; our system can express the polynomial encodings presented in e.g . +1 A version of the dueling bandit problem is addressed in which a Condorcet winner may not exist . +0 The issue of lexical ambiguity is covered in Section 4 ; Section 3 below deals with generic training and syntactic awareness . +1 This article reviews a set of word and sentence similarity measures and compares them on benchmark datasets . +0 Table VI can be used to perform this comparison as well . +1 Monaural source separation is important for many real world applications . +0 These operations do not have direct mapping to the algebraic lattice shown in figure 1 . +1 Several statistical techniques have been recently developed for the inference of cancer progression models from the increasingly available NGS cross sectional mutational profiles . +0 The observations in one image are definitely being conditioned on the observations in the other image . +1 Here we evaluate algorithms for ensuring that AWE models are consistently trained using the most informative essays . +0 column j of VT ) a penalized least square regression using the known values of the ith row of R ( resp . +1 We outperform the accuracy of the deep LSTM setup of Wu et al . +0 The relative reliability of the sources is represented by an ordered partition over the set of sources . +1 We present a method that exploits ensemble decisions based on multiple stochastically sampled network models to increase performance figures of bitwise neural networks in terms of classification accuracy at inference . +0 For the audio channel we extract 24 MFCC coefficients at 100 frames per second . +1 The social media network phenomenon leads to a massive amount of valuable data that is available online and easy to access . +0 From the analysis steps described in the previous section it was possible to extract a set of fourteen key components of creativity . +1 The common property of these approaches is that they use a fixed factorization model class that can be extended to handle arbitrary number of context dimensions ; the model is then learnt using different optimization techniques . +0 Common for buildings is to have a constraint on the operative temperature . +1 It is hierarchical with each successive step refining the estimate to classify the test word as being either mispronounced or correct . +0 In the case of the example scenario the features color and basic shape have been extracted from images using neural networks . +1 A speaker model encodes personas in distributed embeddings that capture individual characteristics such as background information and speaking style . +0 In Section VII compare performance and running time of MQTC heuristic in CompLearn versions 0.9.7 and 1.1.3 ( before and after the speedup in Section V ) with those of other modern methods . +1 Semisupervised learning has emerged as a popular framework for improving modeling accuracy while controlling labeling cost . +0 This will complete the proof about the correctness of the algorithm . +1 The probabilistic HMMs have been one of the most used techniques based on the Bayesian model . +0 Figure 4 presents an example of a trie storing three proofs . +1 It converts an input grapheme into prosedeme ( sequence of phonemes with the specification of syllable boundaries and prosodic labels ) . +0 Combining DCNN with MCTS requires nontrivial engineering efforts because each rollout of MCTS is way much faster than DCNN evaluation . +1 We consider this as a first step towards understanding the complexity of these models and argue that better constructions in this framework might provide more accurate comparisons ( especially for the interesting case of when the number of hidden layers goes to infinity ) . +0 The size of every choice ck is preserved during the updates . +1 The field is divided into a grid and a robot state per player is created with information about its position and its velocity . +0 We add synaptic plasticity to all networks in the form of STDP as proposed in [ 19 ] . +1 The most successful of these approaches requires face images expertly annotated with key facial landmarks . +0 ( 18 ) Subsequently the test core tensor can be extracted from this concatenated tensor by projecting common factors . +1 Our work is one step towards teaching DNN to generate computer programs . +0 Here we give a general notion of goodness that can be tailored to any arbitrary Lipschitz loss function . +1 Robotic systems must be able to quickly and robustly make decisions when operating in uncertain and dynamic environments . +0 Degree ( ki ) : this metric corresponds to the number of links attached to a node . +1 Predicting the outcomes of future events is a challenging problem for which a variety of solution methods have been explored and attempted . +0 As described in [ 15 ] ( where more infomration may be found ) we considered the task of predicting the local sentiment flow within these documents using regularized conditional random fields ( CRFs ) ( see Figure 4 for a graphical diagram of the model in the case of four sentences ) . +1 We compare via simulations the performance of our policies to the classic frontier based exploration algorithm . +0 We also test the sensitivity of BPG to the learning rate parameter . +1 The main stated contribution of the Deformable Parts Model ( DPM ) detector of Felzenszwalb et al . +0 An empirical comparison with the conventional hidden Markov model ( HMM ) and fuzzy HMM using both the KTH and the Weizmannn datasets has shown the effectiveness of the proposed solution [ 96 ] . +1 This marks the first time that human parity has been reported for conversational speech . +0 The goal situation in fabula planning is thus reinterpreted as the outcome of the story . +1 Our experimental results on benchmark datasets show that the proposed SFG and feature redundancy remove algorithm can improve the performance of unsupervised feature selection algorithms consistently . +0 LeNet and Convnet are simpler networks and are less tolerant to fractional error so we also vary the fractional bits in our exploration for these networks . +1 Bounding the treewidth of a Bayesian greatly reduces the complexity of inferences . +0 The consumers are typically assumed to be utility maximizers having no strategic interactions with in the market . +1 The preferences we learn are more intricate than simple geometric constraints on trajectories ; they are rather governed by the surrounding context of various objects and human interactions in the environment . +0 Sanctions are mandatory under U.S. law when an undeclared nuclear state explodes a nuclear device . +1 The bidding strategies are evaluated by a computational study that simulates an auction . +0 The big difference between best and average results confirms the fact that the choice of kernel has a huge influence on the performance of single kernel methods . +1 The support for belief update is severely limited in current planning tools . +0 15In Section 7 below some additional comments on these different mechanisms for obtaining refined models of credal states from the standard model will be given . +1 We verify our theoretical result with both synthetic and real data ( from the stock market ) . +0 This is likely due to the handling of complications that arose during the initial calibration period where it is believe that the calibrant crucible intended to deliver a known concentration of ions to the leaching solution did not fully dissolve [ 2 ] . +1 This article proposes diffusion LMS techniques for distributed estimation over adaptive networks that are able to exploit sparsity in the underlying system model . +0 Theorem 4.2 Suppose that Tmax is unbounded and 0 is the target gap between the upper and lower bound at the root of the partial DESPOT constructed by the anytime DESPOT algorithm . +1 samples and derive the dual program for this estimator that performs well empirically . +0 We consider a more difficult question answering task where tables have up to five columns containing numbers . +1 Previous studies exploit discriminative models that are built on either powerful manual features or deep discourse representations . +0 The goal of the algorithm is to find a clustering in the solution space that minimizes this objective for the given input instance . +1 This paper studies how to incorporate the external word correlation knowledge into short texts to improve the coherence of topic modeling . +0 Individual detection of patients with Parkinson disease using SVM analysis was proposed by Haller et . +1 We first train a conditional PixelCNN to generate a low resolution color for a given grayscale image . +0 20 Let us begin with the following direct corollary of Proposition 4 : Corollary 18 . +1 Empirical evaluations on simulated domains show that ADAAPT can be effectively used for policy transfer from multiple source MDPs sharing the same state and action space . +0 If c is a clique tree node at depth d ( i.e . +1 The learned model is then tightly linked with the core prover and used as a basis of a new parameterized evaluation heuristic that provides fast ranking of all generated clauses . +0 Their model jointly leverages observed interactions with individual objects in the domain and the relationships between objects . +1 The computational complexity is always an issue and significant amount of works have to be done in order to better understand the problem . +0 A real time trajectory analysis tool built upon the knowledge gathered from the clustering analysis is now proposed . +1 We empirically evaluate the proposed algorithm on a variety of data sets and demonstrate that it achieves performance competitive with the centralized greedy solution . +0 Folds are constructed in such a way that all videos by the same subject are in the same fold ( the subjects appearing in test videos were not present in the training set ) . +1 Word embeddings resulting from neural language models have been shown to be successful for a large variety of NLP tasks . +0 The enhancement is based on the geometric feature for which crossing edges can be exchanged to result in a shorter tour . +1 In this paper we conduct an analysis of Moodle activity data focused on identifying early predictors of good student performance . +0 This can be explained to some extent by the fact that the same reasons that cause Fc to have low coverage also prevent it from improving much over time . +1 One difficulty of this problem is that submodular optimization algorithms require the calculation of pairwise benefits for all items in the dataset . +0 And the performance of the classifier in terms of prediction error is estimated using all the points in Xq . +1 Intelligent systems have been used in software prediction models to improve performance over traditional techniques . +0 We tested all three systems on the IC domain as described above where shops and trucks have binary inventory levels ( empty or full ) . +1 We also used the review bidding of a CS conference for evaluation . +0 The main cause of annotation disagreement is ambiguity of some Chinese words including entities . +1 We used the Transalg system to make SAT encodings for a number of cryptographic functions . +0 The AUROC for SVM and LDA classifier is 0.8326 and 0.7526 respectively . +1 State of the art approaches have been either geometric ( nearest neighbor ( NN ) based ) or kernel based ( with a globally chosen bandwidth ) . +0 A tiny server application is implemented and used for supplying the dataset and saving the trained model to and from the web browser . +1 We tackle this weakness of ADMM by proposing a method to adaptively tune the penalty parameters to achieve fast convergence . +0 This would be a constant feedback to healthcare officials working to take care of the patient . +1 There has been lot of work in the field of sentiment analysis of twitter data . +0 The following result follows from ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) Lemma 5 . +1 Catastrophic forgetting is a problem which refers to losing the information of the first task after training from the second task in continual learning of neural networks . +0 Information from text and metadata is integrated into the larger model using multiple logistic regression based components . +1 Specifically we learn the source subspace that best matches the target subspace while at the same time minimizing a regularized misclassification loss . +0 It has three phases : The mining phase will be described in Section 3 . +1 We design a strategy involving generative models and the distillation of dark knowledge as a means of hallucinating data along with appropriate targets from past distributions . +0 All other negations in the state are to be understood as classical negations . +1 Electric water heaters have the ability to store energy in their water buffer without impacting the comfort of the end user . +0 Now we are ready to introduce the notion of weak acyclicity in our context . +1 A softmax operator applied to a set of values acts somewhat like the maximization function and somewhat like an average . +0 We imposed a maximum limit on the depth of the search to 10 to reduce its time complexity . +1 A generative model of object similarities based on the Dirichlet distribution is proposed and embedded in the network for encoding the state of the system . +0 Our proposed solution for pivoting exploits the friction at the contact point between the gripper and the tool to control the rotational motion . +1 The model is based on the unsupervised morphological segmentation system called MorphoChains . +0 Our proposal for the software image also defines a protocol for observing the snapshots . +1 Is this methodology still applicable when it comes to the domain of game concepts and actions ? +0 A trend observed in other evolved programs was that they contained building blocks from the algebraic rule . +1 The remaining textual part of the image is segmented using standard image processing techniques to isolate individual graphemes . +0 Figure 6 presents the translation results and the corresponding image which G translates more accurately than VNMT in METEOR . +1 We evaluate our approach on a measure of playability and stylistic similarity to the original levels as represented in the gameplay videos . +0 The problem is that an answer in the knowledge base is probably expressed differently than the question . +1 Recent years have seen the development of a number of methods for multiagent planning under uncertainty that scale to tens or even hundreds of agents . +0 We report the negative log likelihood ( NLL ) and perplexity ( PPL ) of the test set . +1 Recurrent neural networks ( RNNs ) are powerful in learning the longer term temporal context in the audio signals . +0 We next show that ans1 and ans2 satisfy the two properties in Proposition 4.5 . +1 This paper fills this gap by postulating a number of axioms for quantifying precision consistently for any log and any model . +0 The first output is the prediction probability of the targeted word to be chosen by the author . +1 Most of these introduce novel architectures for relation learning that are evaluated on standard datasets such as FB15k and WN18 . +0 Examples of Suggestion ( in italics ) can be found in Tables 1 and 2 . +1 Its simplicity comes at the cost of biased stochastic gradients . +0 A disadvantage is that it requires an upper bound L on the length of arrays appearing in the input and output . +1 The success of deep learning based method inspires us to generalize a common methodology for the broader science discovery problems . +0 The most relevant sentences can be extracted by selecting the ones corresponding to the indices of the highest values for each ( most relevant ) right singular vector . +1 The proposed MT scheme completely avoids the problem of unknown source words and provides improved results even when the source language is not morphologically rich . +0 12 forms the basis of our pairwise time elastic time series averaging algorithm given below . +1 The scheme learns instantaneous firing rates that are conditional on the activity in other parts of the network . +0 [ 45 ] performed feature adaptation using a shared convolutional neural network by transferring the class relationship in the source domain to the target domain . +1 Such a strategy is then transformed into one which makes control decisions based on the observed sequence of states ( of the interacting system and its environment ) . +0 Example use cases for scenario ( 1 ) are situations where a user knows that a subset of formulas B in K is definitely sound or wants to restrict the scope of debugging to a particular part of the KB . +1 Our method is based on a novel usage of Bayesian matrix factorization in an active learning setting . +0 The parameters used by the word2vec program to generate the embedding are described in Table 1 . +1 Simulation results indicate that the behavior learned through our approach clearly outperforms the best results obtained earlier with tilecoding by Stone et al . +0 A message sequence chart in Figure 5 demonstrate the found bad scenario . +1 This paper proposes a novel auditory model which incorporates psychoacoustics and otoacoustic emissions ( OAEs ) into ASR . +0 These domains are simple enough that we can still solve them using richer representations . +1 The augmented dataset was 130 times bigger than the original . +0 We can easily ensure that this property holds by restricting the formulas considered : Definition 2.2 . +1 Signature verification is one of the most common biometric methods with techniques that employ various specifications of a signature . +0 This is especially the case for irregular sizes and for certain devices : Skylake ULT GT2 and the Radeon M370X . +1 The tool that we have developed for the task is based on Trigram Hidden Markov Model that utilizes information from dictionary as well as some other word level features to enhance the observation probabilities of the known tokens as well as unknown tokens . +0 The Physics and Covertype datasets were rescaled by a multiplicative factor 0.001 . +1 Here we investigate how we could implement feedback in creative systems using a social model . +0 For a historical background on Atari games we refer to [ 14 ] . +1 Crowdsourcing markets have emerged as a popular platform for matching available workers with tasks to complete . +0 We used these labels as seeds to train simple classifiers to identify binary questions with positive and negative answers . +1 The result indicated that the accuracy of the proposed method was higher than that of the baseline . +0 Discussions and consolidation of the gold data took another 6 hours . +1 This paper presents a simple and computationally efficient approach to incorporate task reward into a maximum likelihood framework . +0 It is worth noting that there is no computation budget given to the agents . +1 The system identifies the most salient keywords in a news article and ranks them based on both their overall popularity and their direct relevance to the article . +0 Here we will cast this problem into empirical risk minimization ( ERM ) learning framework . +1 Most approaches to topic model inference have been based on a maximum likelihood objective . +0 We argue there can be at most O ( 1 ) of them . +1 Patient time series classification faces challenges in high degrees of dimensionality and missingness . +0 The characteristics of the most relevant anomaly detection algorithms is summarized in Table 1 . +1 We show that any model trained by a stochastic gradient method with few iterations has vanishing generalization error . +0 The complete input training vocabulary consists of 119 million word tokens and 110K unique word types with an average sentence size of 31.3 words . +1 The class boundary will be severely skewed by the majority classes in an imbalanced classification . +0 For generators trained using a Gaussian distribution we compare inversion with and with out regularisation as described by Eqn . +1 This paper addresses deep transfer learning under a more general scenario that the joint distributions of features and labels may change substantially across domains . +0 Opinions towards these candidates are usually more challenging to understand as tweeters have very disparate and unclear attitudes towards them . +1 In this paper attribute oriented induction ( AOI ) and relevance analysis are incorporated with concept hierarchys knowledge and HeightBalancePriority algorithm for construction of decision tree along with Multi level mining . +0 i. Fd and Fb are generalized choosing the most similar label in the adjacent partition with lower granularity . +1 How many words do you need to know ( and which ones ) in order to be able to learn all the rest from definitions ? +0 Where a compound is seen with multiple dependency relationships we selected the dependency relationship which occurred most frequently . +1 We also compare them to image embeddings and see how word embedding and image embedding can be combined to perform different tasks . +0 The plots without frames indicate those selected as prototypes and those with dotted frames are the remainders of respective classes in the training set . +1 Text content can have different visual presentation ways with roughly similar characters . +0 ( 2013 ) explore the pros and cons of learning embeddings for entity pairs vs. separate embeddings for each entity . +1 In this paper we revisit the computational complexity of training neural networks from a modern perspective . +0 Only by introducing bridging axioms is it possible to regain assertions in the public vocabulary . +1 Then the contrast stretching is used to increase the contrast of the image . +0 13The cybernetic nature of individuation was already discussed in 4.3 but here it is introduced in the more specific context of our model . +1 The proposed method will allow a relation computation which is previously subjective and incomputable . +0 The lower bound follows from the definition of eligible function and Theorem 3.3 . +1 Gradients have been used to quantify feature importance in machine learning models . +0 Table 4 summarizes the percentage of extracted leaves p for varying amounts of known training data and cover queries . +1 Selecting the best beta then becomes a machine learning problem solved by maximum likelihood . +0 Q4 : How does our approach compares to existing methods ? +1 The redundant features existing in high dimensional datasets always affect the performance of learning and mining algorithms . +0 Table 2 reports the configurations that offer the minimum bandwidth for mixed networks given a limit on the error relative to the baseline accuracy of the network . +1 Our method is competitive with other baselines on synthetic and real problems and is also very computationally efficient . +0 The difference in the accuracies is used as the estimate of importance of the feature . +1 Mobile app distribution platforms such as Google Play Store allow users to share their feedback about downloaded apps in the form of a review comment and a corresponding star rating . +0 Here we provide a more formal argument which shows a significant advantage of hierarchical functions relative to shallow ones . +1 integrity constrain violations ) have been established in the literature . +0 We run 300 iterations of the algorithm described in Section 3.3 ; each iteration is one scan through all the sequences . +1 With the availability of such large collections of digitized artworks comes the need to develop multimedia systems to archive and retrieve this pool of data . +0 Each prescription within the THIN database contains details about the specific drug prescribed and contains a code corresponding to the drug known as the British National Formulary ( BNF ) code [ 11 ] . +1 Neural machine translation ( NMT ) offers a novel alternative formulation of translation that is potentially simpler than statistical approaches . +0 This method would increase the memory storage by a factor of m compared to the case of a simple RNN . +1 It works in a streaming fashion and avoids backtracking through past activations and inputs . +0 Precision and recall here refer to covering the vocabulary X of one tweet by the vocabulary Y of another tweet ( or vice versa ) . +1 Humans have successfully developed laws of physics to abstract and model such mechanical phenomena . +0 It seems there is always an interval of vocabulary number in which significant performance degradation can be observed with the increasing usage of unlabeled data . +1 We first present a simple probabilistic model for the system under investigation . +0 M is the number of dimensions in an instance vector . +1 Our experiments show that both of our two models substantially outperform the best results obtained by Rajpurkar et al . +0 The first one or two letters of the remainder word is most likely to be containing the resultant sandhi letters . +1 We establish an equivalence between two seemingly different theories : one is the traditional axiomatisation of incomplete preferences on horse lotteries based on the mixture independence axiom ; the other is the theory of desirable gambles developed in the context of imprecise probability . +0 As stated in section 4.2 our WFST implementation is composed by three individual components . +1 The results obtained seem to corroborate my initial hypothesis that symbolic machine learning algorithms can be useful for acquiring new rules for grammar checking . +0 Uniqueness : The analysis for uniqueness in Anselmi et al . +1 We show that traces of the source language remain in the translation product to the extent that it is possible to uncover the history of the source language by looking only at the translation . +0 By using this setting the conditional generation model has to distinguish between the different labels . +1 We find that networks can compensate for low acuity input by learning global feature functions that allow the network to fill in some of the missing details . +0 This allows the network to more easily identify patterns at different timescales . +1 An empirical evaluation shows the efficacy of our revised MSC method and the significant efficiency achieved when using it for answering object queries . +0 Hence they have to learn a decoder which is not going to be perfect in practice . +1 We introduce new methods for estimating and evaluating embeddings of words in more than fifty languages in a single shared embedding space . +0 Figure 4 shows our empirical speedups on CPU and GPU and the corresponding network performance for various approximation configurations . +1 We describe the overall design and architecture of the salary modeling system underlying this product . +0 The starting value of epsilon was 1 and it was linearly decayed over 64 million steps to its final value . +1 This work presents a systematic review of the literature that analyzes the use of machine learning algorithms in recommender systems and identifies research opportunities for the software engineering research field . +0 The GA was programmed by the authors in Python and is single threaded . +1 The generation of the sequence of causal entities requires a commonsense causative knowledge base with efficient reasoning . +0 These methods are reviewed in a survey of early work [ 2 ] and in a systematic review of recently published research [ 1 ] . +1 Causal inference from observational data is a subject of active research and development in statistics and computer science . +0 Notice that axiom 2.2 states that the domain of writes is Res . +1 A pattern can be found on their news trend too . +0 CRF [ 11 ] is widely used in sequence labeling tasks . +1 Stochastic Gradient Descent ( SGD ) is an important algorithm in machine learning . +0 It is important to note that the model is sensitive to the semantics of the assertions which is demonstrated by the changing scores and predictions when changing the assertions slightly . +1 Each data set is generated using a sampling technique applied on the original imbalanced data set . +0 Explanation as to why such a deviation is present in all models requires further investigation beyond the scope of this work . +1 Our approach combines a discriminative submodular cover problem for automatically discovering a set of positive object windows with a smoothed latent SVM formulation . +0 The full additive kernel is a sum of the additive kernels of all orders . +1 Hidden Markov Models ( HMMs ) are learning methods for pattern recognition . +0 In this section we describe different approaches on how to generate a transcription given the static sequence of probabilities generated by the acoustic model . +1 We also observe empirically that the proposed model estimation scheme converges to the true model . +0 Sequence embedding and classification We also attempt to use an LSTM for our feature engineering . +1 Experiments show that a small intensity of selection pressure is sufficient to rapidly obtain good performances on the tasks at hand . +0 The grammarG connects utterances to possible derivations of logical forms . +1 The sparsity of natural signals in a transform domain or dictionary has been extensively exploited in several applications . +0 Mocassin ontology represents a mathematical document as a set of interconnecting segments . +1 Apart from our empirical results we present a comprehensive analysis of the computed representations which gives insights into the kind of information added during the refinement process . +0 labels ) to a new observation ( i.e document ) . +1 The resulting ANP prediction model is more interpretable as it allows us to study contributions of the adjective and noun components . +0 Each domain contains three clusters with different Gaussian distributions as shown in Fig 4 and the parameters used to generate the data are listed in Table I . +1 The nature of that optimization challenge changes over the course of learning . +0 Figure 2 shows samples from a generator trained by maximum likelihood and from another generator trained by WGAN . +1 We train the network on a dataset providing a broad categorization of health information . +0 Our previous multilayer perceptron ( MLP ) based spoofing speech detection system [ 29 ] is used in this work . +1 The iterative classification algorithm ( ICA ) is a canonical method for incorporating relational information into classification . +0 We selected the network that performed best on the validation dataset for evaluation on the test dataset . +1 An LSTM is trained on a large corpus of songs to predict the next note in a musical sequence . +0 It uses a very restricted form of input language that is basically a simple regular expression . +1 We propose a new method projects the text into dense and low dimensional feature vectors according to the sentiment strength of the words . +0 Thus we use logarithmic leverage of the bound on the weight that a vertex can receive from the incoming arcs . +1 We propose a stochastic variational inference algorithm for learning the DTM that allows the model to scale to large modern medical datasets . +0 ESA is particularly useful when the contextual information is insufficient ( which is quite common in shorter documents ) . +1 We also draw a link between the use of external memory in neural network and cache models used with count based language models . +0 Modern examples of this approach include ( Collobert and Weston 2008 ) and the wining entry in the Merck Molecular Activity Challenge in 2012 . +1 We show that the combination of these techniques yields excellent generative models compared to baseline approaches as measured on MNIST and the Toronto Face Database . +0 Section 3.3 discusses a scheme for finding an initial feasible point . +1 Which has multi layers that project the vector representation of input data into a lower vector space . +0 Algorithm 2 Learning embeddings via SPPMI factorization ( EXMLDS1 ) . +1 Training a classifier with only a few examples remains a significant barrier when using neural networks with large number of parameters . +0 Each particle represents a full hypothesis of the measurement associations and object states in the local environment . +1 We implemented the method of Latent Semantic Analysis ( LSA ) and its subspace to predict QU indicators . +0 The bagging [ 23 ] is a method that combines an ensemble of N models ( trained on differently sampled data ) to improve their performance and robustness . +1 We experiment with training classifiers for predicting PoS tags for words based on their embeddings . +0 ( 19 ) We combine these bounds with Lemma 3 to conclude the proof . +1 Proof of statistically relevant language vectors are shown through the extremely high success of various language recognition tasks . +0 ( 2 ) The decoder uses the following modules to generate response vector r ( k ) n . +1 Our experiments show that NDF bootstraps SGD training for different neural network models including Multi Layer Perceptron Network and Recurrent Neural Network trained on various types of tasks including image classification and text understanding . +0 Note that we assume that inserting an element into a set can be done in O ( 1 ) by using hashing . +1 The model is trained on a visual search task requiring the classification of an object embedded in a visual scene amidst background distractors using the smallest number of fixations . +0 In this section we evaluate the time performance of our exact algorithms for games g1 to g4 and our approximation algorithm for game g5 . +1 when an association between two variables is identified due to them both being associated to a third variable ) . +0 We write the stack with its top to the right and the buffer with its head to the left . +1 Mobile and wearable devices can collect an enormous amount of contextual personal data such as sleep and physical activities . +0 These are simply filtered out of the reported entities and events . +1 Experiments on simulated data are used to illustrate the effectiveness of our method and its application in practice . +0 Transductive approaches use more information during training that our inductive model . +1 This noise injection framework reaps practical benefits by providing a unified strategy to develop new internal representations by designing the nature of the injected noise . +0 They are based on the distributional hypothesis [ 35 ] which states that similar words appear in similar contexts . +1 We describe an incremental parser for mapping input text into Abstract Meaning Representation ( AMR ) graphs . +0 For the slot prediction k is either 0 for absent or 1 for present . +1 We also show undecidability when including a data type equipped with the successor relation . +0 The third regime makes no assumptions as to whether a measured quantity will be desirable or not . +1 We show that a significant level of personalization can be achieved using a relatively small amount of information about users . +0 These algorithms try to minimize the error between the predicted values and actual rating values by minimizing Mean Squared Error ( MAE ) or Root Mean Square Error ( RMSE ) or etc . +1 We also introduce a new metric which served as basis for the technique . +0 They used a modified distance of DTW for improving performance of verification phase . +1 The proposed pseudo parallel data are distinct from previous approaches in that real and synthetic sentences are mixed on both sides of sentence pairs . +0 Active learning is a machine learning paradigm that endeavors to do learning with asking labels of a few number of samples which are more important in the final result of learning . +1 Event trigger identification is an important first step in all event extraction methods . +0 In this case there is no gradient and hence no indication of which action to select in order to arrive at the correct solution . +1 NSM is able to learn a semantic parser from weak supervision over a large knowledge base . +0 This final feature map is flattened and passed into a multilayer perceptron classifier that outputs a distribution over possible answers . +1 The coordinates of the centers of clusters have been put in correspondence with summarizing time series data the centroids of the clusters . +0 Due to space limitation we only show one experience record in Fig . +1 Appearance changes due to weather and seasonal conditions represent a strong impediment to the robust implementation of machine learning systems in outdoor robotics . +0 They are asked to formulate a question from this incomplete information . +1 Ubiquitous information access becomes more and more important nowadays and research is aimed at making it adapted to users . +0 Highly disentangled representation is learned from a few labeled examples or even only word annotations . +1 We define a generic model where transitions are labeled by elements of a finite partition of the alphabet . +0 Another important area for improvement is to consider the learning competency and prior knowledge of the student while assessing his or her ability level . +1 Choosing a good location when opening a new store is crucial for the future success of a business . +0 This group of principles can redirect learning to focus on the unknown samples . +1 We represent the sequence of fMRI ( Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) brain volumes recorded during a cognitive stimulus by a graph which consists of a set of local meshes . +0 When a single probability function is used the model involves precise beliefs . +1 This closes an exponential gap between the known upper and lower bounds . +0 We use data from two websites : Amazon1 and TripAdvisor2 are used . +1 We propose a novel captioning model named Context Sequence Memory Network ( CSMN ) . +0 Each attack searches for a nearby a ( x ) which changes the class of the example and does not create visual artifacts . +1 The guidance reward signal in the reinforcement learning algorithm relies on the previously learned reward model . +0 [ 70 ] and Hennig and Schuler [ 36 ] propose their algorithms as heuristics without guarantees . +1 Our tagger uses both word and character representations and includes a novel residual bypass architecture . +0 For problems with high S ( T ) value the algorithm consistently returned the same tree . +1 We develop a new method for visualizing and refining the invariances of learned representations . +0 Here V is a finite set called the ground set . +1 The method involved cleaning up the text and stemming of words . +0 weights ) of aggregation operators ( both WA and OWA ) are optimised using an EA is clearly not the only viable approach . +1 Intrusion detection has attracted a considerable interest from researchers and industries . +0 An overview of such approaches can be seen in Table 4 and is presented in more detail in the following sections . +1 Our results imply that these efficient algorithms are statistically stable and also generalize well . +0 The number of parameters remained unchanged when reducing or increasing the context length . +1 The aggregation yields a holistic yet compact representation of input images . +0 The feature with the least effect on the measure is then removed from the feature set . +1 The NMR community would like to build a repository of benchmarks to push forward the design of systems implementing NMR as it has been the case for many other areas in AI . +0 Substantial gains were obtained by training the activation quantized networks from scratch . +1 This paper presents novel Bayesian optimisation algorithms for minimum error rate training of statistical machine translation systems . +0 Such data is useful to a lexicographer wanting to write precise dictionary entries that bring out the difference between strong and powerful . +1 Inverse problems are typically solved by first defining a model and then choosing an inference procedure . +0 2.2.1 Linear Value Function Approximation Early work in the ALE focused on developing new generic feature representations to be used with linear RL methods . +1 The support vector machines generate the forecasts and the random forest acts as an ensemble learning method to combine the forecasts . +0 This prevents the unnecessary ringing of mobiles in important meetings and lectures making it immensely user friendly . +1 The latter refers to a known technique called ensemble pruning . +0 The derivative of the expected utility is straightforward while the derivative of the mutual information is explained in Section A.3 . +1 Methods based on Gaussian processes are particularly effective as they enable good models to be estimated from limited training data . +0 Note that the crucial difference is the use of T instead of A in the claim of the result . +1 We illustrate the introduced concepts by means of an example scenario dealing with rescue services . +0 Like Chen and Manning ( 2014 ) and Dyer et al . +1 We also perform experiments using both synthetic data as well as real data of flight delays to demonstrate the modeling capacity with FVSs of various sizes . +0 We say that a multiwinner election rule R satisfies ( lower ) quota if the corresponding apportionment method MR satisfies the respective property . +1 We also define several quality metrics and perform extensive experiments in order to evaluate the results obtained with both solvers . +0 The convergence rate of this algorithm is shown in the following theorem . +1 Evolution has resulted in highly developed abilities in many natural intelligences to quickly and accurately predict mechanical phenomena . +0 Consider the three types of models shown in Figure 2 . +1 These models are discussed and compared to frame out their use and necessity . +0 We concatenate the output from the two chains to form a combined representation of the word and its context . +1 We are proposing a rich set of rules for better reordering . +0 It has been obtained by applying Property 13 or Property 14 to rules of rank strictly smaller than n. Let us first consider that Property 13 has been applied . +1 The spread of fake news and mitigation events within the network is modeled by a multivariate Hawkes process with additional exogenous control terms . +0 The random convnet feature is extracted using the identical convnet structure of the source task and after random weights initialisation with a normal distribution [ 21 ] but without a training . +1 We disambiguate the input word vectors before they are fed into a compositional deep net . +0 It also means that processing large amounts of historical text takes a significant amount of time.11 Processing realtime data also means that the relevant actors are often changing . +1 Observable operator models ( OOMs ) and related models are one of the most important and powerful tools for modeling and analyzing stochastic systems . +0 Acknowledgments Special thanks to Omid Kardan for helpful discussions and comments . +1 The technique we propose is to break the analysis of auctions into two natural pieces . +0 An adequate logical theory for solving many of the reasoning problems that may arise from recurrence and multiple recurrence is needed . +1 Almost all NER systems for Hindi use Language Specific features and handcrafted rules with gazetteers . +0 This last update can be numerically unstable when the elements of O are close to 0 . +1 It also results in faster convergence of the entity representations . +0 Spilling of image spam onto social networks like Twitter or Facebook has become widespread . +1 We explore an application to predicting equipment failure on an urban power network and demonstrate that the Bethe approximation can perform well even when BP fails to converge . +0 186 12.2 ( Example 12.1 continued ) Solving the Problem of Interactive Dynamic KB Debugging . +1 Our system is made of two components : a Universal Policy ( UP ) and a function for Online System Identification ( OSI ) . +0 An implication of Theorem 1 is an upper bound on the individual regret of locally observable games : Corollary 1 . +1 When can accurate reconstruction be accomplished in the sparse data regime ? +0 Therefore FSDH can use a large number of anchor points in a realistic computation time compared with SDH . +1 Our preliminary evaluation suggests that the algorithm can be suitable for practical use . +0 This is simulated by only revealing the correct reward with probability 0.5 and outputting a random coin toss with probability the other 0.5 . +1 The proposed approach is based on the optimal batch bucketing by input sequence length and data parallelization on multiple graphical processing units . +0 So far this research showed that with data collection ( user profiling ) and using predictive modeling techniques it is feasible to provide higher accuracy estimation of travel time for pedestrians . +1 The essence of this problem exists in the magnitude of backpropagated errors that will result in gradient vanishing or exploding phenomenon . +0 The following is a matching lower bound on the error by aggregation . +1 We demonstrate on several language model datasets that our approach performs significantly better than recent memory augmented networks . +0 The WordNet and Freebase subsets exhibit substantial differences that can influence model performance . +1 We formulate the problem as a constrained submodular optimization problem and demonstrate the benefits of the discovered configurations in remedying mislocalizations and finding informative positive and negative training examples . +0 ( 18 ) ignores the temporal correlation of drift values . +1 Rough AHP analyzes the relative importance of criteria based on their preferences given by experts . +0 By Theorem 3.2 ( i ) in ( Dung et al . +1 that focuses more on internal states of the artificial agent rather than on external actions of the agent . +0 Meeting the deadline : on the formal specication of temporal deontic constraints . +1 Deploying such bulky model results in high power consumption and leads to high total cost of ownership ( TCO ) of a data center . +0 As we know the forward algorithm resolves the evaluation problem in the probabilistic case . +1 This is done by integrating existing labeled knowledge sources representing known potential topics into the probabilistic topic model . +0 This method assumes that the states that are close in the embedding space have to stay sufficiently close during forward iteration . +1 There also exists a large number of users who post only on female or male streams . +0 Word embeddings are obtained by running word2vec tool on a combination of our Yahoo ! +1 It can move a head by either providing a new address in the key space ( aka random access ) or moving from its previous position via a Lie group action ( aka Lie access ) . +0 Key to our derivation is the fact that DFT projects the signal to a set of orthogonal basis . +1 We consider the problem of finding optimal energy sharing policies that maximize the network performance of a system comprising of multiple sensor nodes and a single energy harvesting ( EH ) source . +0 These ANPs are used as queries to crawl images from Flickr . +1 For small search problems with a larger number of vertices we demonstrate the computation of instance dependent constraints which are complete . +0 Lemma 10 ( Lower Variance ) The variance of the dependent test statistic is smaller than the variance of the independent test statistic . +1 The algorithm is based on assigning class probabilities to unlabeled data . +0 Therefore they have become the de facto standard image feature in recent years . +1 Therefore we propose to factor the ratings matrix into a dense user matrix and a sparse item matrix which leads us to the Blind Compressed Sensing ( BCS ) framework . +0 It reveals that the feature subset selected by TCbGA produces the highest average classification accuracy on six datasets and the second highest average classification accuracy on the other dataset . +1 Our idea is intuitive and very different from existing approaches . +0 We are currently working on the adaptation of our results to the case of operator norms and spectrum estimation . +1 One of the key decisions that a developer of a hybrid solver makes is settling on a particular integration schema within its implementation . +0 Knowing this variance allows us to adjust for the influence of an arbitrary nonlinearity and a desired dropout rate . +1 This work provides a partial answer to the question : which kind of group knowledge is required for a group to achieve their goals in the context of imperfect information . +0 The argument for removing a node of the correlation device is almost identical to the one given above . +1 This paper imports ideas from physics and functional programming into RNN design to provide guiding principles . +0 The precise definition of how sets of rules are to be compared again is a matter of choice in each specific framework of LPP . +1 Acoustic models using probabilistic linear discriminant analysis ( PLDA ) capture the correlations within feature vectors using subspaces which do not vastly expand the model . +0 ( i ) First we consider the observed value budget model . +1 Experiments show that our approach outperforms the compared approach in terms of both efficiency and accuracy . +0 The learning algorithm proposed in [ 19 ] is used to calculate w. We then compare Algorithm 4 with the greedy algorithm in [ 7 ] . +1 The algorithm aims to minimize the expected time until all doors open . +0 The efficiency of the workload scheduling scheme has a profound impact to the convergence speed . +1 Ontology Recommender 2.0 combines the strengths of its predecessor with a range of adjustments and new features that improve its reliability and usefulness . +0 Theorem 1 AnyRD formula is valid if and only if it is provable in RD . +1 Understanding the evolution of language and culture requires disentangling these underlying causes . +0 m n and the foveation function might downsample the original image according to the eccentricity from the image center while also removing most of the vector components corresponding to color . +1 Empirical results show that the method yields models with significantly improved model fit and interpretability as compared with RBMs where each hidden unit is connected to all visible units . +0 One of our results is that if there is a strategy for a start state then the algorithm will preserve the strategy . +1 Intrusion detection is so much popular since the last two decades where intrusion is attempted to break into or misuse the system . +0 This procedure is illustrated in 12 Algorithm 3.1 Count Sketch in the Streaming Fashion . +1 Deep neural networks have recently demonstrated excellent performance on various tasks . +0 The expressiveness and flexibility of encoder and discriminator directly influence the performance of our domain adaptation task . +1 This document provides an overview of CNNs and how they are implemented in MatConvNet and gives the technical details of each computational block in the toolbox . +0 The SR and SF agents were implemented in the following way . +1 Experiments also indicate that improved inference translates into improved parameter learning when NASMC is used as a subroutine of Particle Marginal Metropolis Hastings . +0 This can be achieved using the Intent class of the Android Framework for Inter Application Communication . +1 We use the learned features to conduct experiments on both data classification and clustering tasks . +0 ( Notice that we do not care about the value of Pm if Pl is improved . ) +1 We build a drone whose sole purpose is to crash into objects : it samples naive trajectories and crashes into random objects . +0 2In this setting each patch pk may be called a template . +1 We evaluate our system using a new dataset of real user queries as well as through a usability study . +0 A different scenario where a mobile robot can be combined with a network of static sensors is to improve the lifetime of the sensor network by performing the tours for collecting the data sampled by the static network . +1 We illustrate the application of complete symmetry breaking constraints to extend two known sequences from the OEIS related to graph numeration . +0 The reason that A3C and LRA3C critics manage to estimate the value function well in Kangaroo is because the policy is no better than random and in fact their agents often scores score of 0 ( which is easy to estimate ) . +1 The proposed new approach ( similarity differences ) performs significantly better than the other two approaches on some datasets and there is no dataset for which it is significantly worse . +0 The goal of codebook construction is to collect all the structures associated to a particular linguistic event . +1 We present a position paper advocating the notion that Stoic philosophy and ethics can inform the development of ethical A.I . +0 The convolution layer inputs are padded with 1 pixel to preserve the spatial resolution after convolution . +1 Authorship attribution refers to the task of automatically determining the author based on a given sample of text . +0 The total dataset is roughly 500 MBytes stored as a python pickle file with complex 32 bit floating point samples . +1 Sensitivity methods for the analysis of the outputs of discrete Bayesian networks have been extensively studied and implemented in different software packages . +0 Let us observe that an AF is a simple structure which captures the conflicts of a given set of arguments . +1 We consider two kinds of treebanks as source : the multilingual universal treebanks and the monolingual heterogeneous treebanks . +0 The dimensions which are considered to represent the semantic space are defined by the contexts used to build the distributional model . +1 The optimization of our model is difficult and very different from the general supervised learning due to the indirect observation of values . +0 The downside is that they can not be adapted by the end user . +1 The developpment of the Internet of Things ( IoT ) concept revives Responsive Environments ( RE ) technologies . +0 aware of any work that uses a VAE or GAN with a generative model like HCN and such an option is unlikely to be straightforward . +1 In this paper we present a new way of predicting the performance of a reinforcement learning policy given historical data that may have been generated by a different policy . +0 There is no combination step because we are calculating a single mass function . +1 Our goal is to learn decision rules that adaptively select sensors for each example as necessary to make a confident prediction . +0 This might lead to a failure if the cup is not at the position where it was expected . +1 We argue that the superior performance of quantum decisions with access to entanglement can not be fairly compared to a classical algorithm . +0 We do not consider energy cooperation between nodes in the sensor network . +1 We call this domain the weakly single crossing domain on trees . +0 augmenting the data set by randomly applying affine transformations to the input videos ) were also not helpful . +1 An unknown bag is labeled with the bag that presents more similar sequences . +0 We can explain this by the fact that it is possible for this many points to be placed in an hyperoctahedron . +1 Group level insight can often support a call to action that can not be informed through previous clustering techniques . +0 ( of Theorem 5 ) The three last lemmas imply that the inequalities derived during the proof of Lemma 1 remain intact up to a multiplicative constant . +1 We also analyze the effect of genre differences on performance . +0 Some of these settings are designed for problems specifically arising in Malicious URL Detection . +1 Brain mapping is then seen as a support recovery problem . +0 In fact the algorithm tries to approximate a probability difference in Eq . +1 In bioacoustic problems we often do not know the number of song units ( unlike in human speech recognition ) . +0 This annotation is the concatenation of the matching forward hidden layer state and the backward hidden layer state obtained respectively by the forward RNN and the backward RNN comprising the bidirectional RNN . +1 We show experiments on two different applications to demonstrate the generality of the framework . +0 Such a modification can be interpreted as performing a slightly regularized projection onto the finitedimensional subspace F1 . +1 We instead exploit raw text from Wikipedia as a knowledge source . +0 The dataset used in this study is the MATBN broadcast news corpus collected by the Academia Sinica and the Public Television Service Foundation of Taiwan between November 2001 and April 2003 [ 39 ] . +1 We present a novel unsupervised framework for focused meeting summarization that views the problem as an instance of relation extraction . +0 The statistics of various data sets is listed in Table 1 . +1 We introduce a model that learns active learning algorithms via metalearning . +0 Section 2.7 concludes by discussing methods for evaluating the quality of translation systems . +1 We propose a new pairwise ranking loss function that makes it easy to reduce the impact of artificial classes . +0 Appliances which miss a network interface or are not subject to flexible control are subsumed as inflexible devices and will be charged under the grid price . +1 There is a great need for technologies that can predict the mortality of patients in intensive care units with both high accuracy and accountability . +0 The effect of applying this contraction hedge is seen in figure 12 . +1 We propose a solution to the target correlation problem using a tensor factorization model . +0 it learns a mapping between the phonemes of text and the values of this encoding . +1 Predicting properties of molecules requires functions that take graphs as inputs . +0 2 ) Performance Evaluation : We repeated each evolutionary 10 times . +1 It was found that the visual features account for performance similar to that achieved by using topological measurements . +0 A classifier then takes in these relative representations and computes the closest match . +1 Our method also has advantage in scalability and memory efficiency . +0 We conclude that performance on the Kodak dataset may not be a strong indicator for compression performance on images in the wild . +1 We introduce a multiple input deep regression model to predict the CF latent embedding vectors of items based on their textual description and metadata . +0 The original unpruned model ( a MATLAB file ) has size 782MB . +1 The current mainstream approach to train natural language systems is to expose them to large amounts of text . +0 QCSP and its semantics were introduced in [ 25 ] . +1 This dataset was gathered by working in close coordination with large number of domain experts in the retail domain and consists of over 150K conversation sessions between shoppers and sales agents . +0 Selection of career progress features We take the time span on each rank value as the feature to describe the career progress pattern . +1 Addressing these issues is a major challenge for theoretical computer science which may make theory more relevant to the practice of computer science . +0 The slightly mismatch between result and our anticipation is because of the overhead of system architecture . +1 Natural language understanding and dialogue policy learning are both essential in conversational systems that predict the next system actions in response to a current user utterance . +0 All of these applications bear witness to the usefulness of sparse filtering and to the simplicity of integrating it and using it in very different machine learning tasks . +1 A hybrid architecture called GGeo is proposed to apply the MOSES mining rules considering fuzzy topological relations from spatial data . +0 Various regularized forms of autoencoders have been proposed to learn overcomplete representations . +1 We define a likelihood for a set distribution and learn its parameters using a deep neural network . +0 The aforementioned gap is margined by the instances that are named support vectors . +1 And which data properties affect the difficulty of nearest neighbor search and how ? +0 It is a hierarchical clustering algorithm that assigns a single cluster to each word and proceeds by merging the two clusters that result in the smallest reduction of global mutual information . +1 The proposed hybrid approach uses SVM and Label Propagation to label the unlabeled data . +0 In this paper we investigate the problem of constructing a latent vector model of words and entities by directly modeling the discriminative relation between entities and word context . +1 The simplest possible models subdivide nodes of the network into clusters ; the probability of a link between any two nodes then depends only on their cluster assignment . +0 In timed applications however often one can not wait indefinitely for an event . +1 This leads to provably faster convergence and lower space requirements . +0 Message headers are very reliable and powerful sources containing discriminative features for spam filtering besides the Subject and email content . +1 different topics be generated if the training data was shuffled into a different order . +0 Assume that testing this for each point takes take Tinfer . +1 In many combinatorial problems one may need to model the diversity or similarity of assignments in a solution . +0 It is highly probable that two points at random taken will be neighbors . +1 The goal of our project was to develop a model of the mechanics in Minecraft that could be used to determine the ideal placement of objectives in an open world setting . +0 Upper ontologies should be designed to describe general concepts that can be used across all domains . +1 This allows to encode the entire source sentence simultaneously compared to recurrent networks for which computation is constrained by temporal dependencies . +0 The complete inference process is described in Algorithm 1 : 1 . +1 A quantity of these classes can be precisely calculated before the generation . +0 The reason for this upper bound becomes clear in the upcoming section . +1 The visibility graph models possibility of communication between pairs of vertices . +0 The test results do not show exact effect of training data and the model accuracy . +1 The performance of variable screening depends on both computational efficiency and the ability to dramatically reduce the number of variables without discarding the important ones . +0 This enables the UAV to explore the whole area to find potential animal information which the system did not know about before . +1 There are two major challenges to be resolved to attain a successful automated fabric defect inspection system . +0 We start this section with an ablation study on the validation set . +1 All these qualities make the presented solution stand out as one of the most prominent candidates for motif discovery in long time series streams . +0 This condensed representation is small enough that the neural network can not simply memorize each sentence and instead is forced to encode only the aspects of the sentence it believes to be most important . +1 An extensive evaluation is performed on a collection of scientific articles in biomedical domain . +0 SP1 can be considered as one contextual triple instance of T1 . +1 We propose a method for hand pose estimation based on a deep regressor trained on two different kinds of input . +0 This is a natural hypothesis for CTRA ( T ) because the CTR is an average of bounded variables ( probabilities of click ) . +1 Dynamic time warping ( DTW ) aligns two sequences by nonlinear local warping and returns a distance value . +0 The identification criterion in ( 3 ) imposes an interesting yet challenging optimization problem . +1 This structure is exploited by a new integrator which we call the alternating blockwise leapfrog algorithm . +0 See other results in the above references and the references therein . +1 The article deals with the issue of modification of metric classification algorithms . +0 Words with a frequency below 0.01 are considered as identifiers . +1 Our results provide a complete characterization placing these problems within the polynomial hierarchy . +0 The ordering chosen by Pellet for Query 9 does also not perform well . +1 The monitoring of environmental conditions of cities can help to adapt the indoor locations of the cities in order to be more comfortable for people who stay there . +0 We could determine its size objectively by reference to the worst possible policy . +1 Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death among women worldwide . +0 The minus sign converts the similarity score to a matching cost . +1 Our model outperforms models previously proposed for these tasks by a large margin . +0 It is clear from Figure 2 that the cooling operation is recorded mostly during summer season . +1 Learning your first language is an incredible feat and not easily duplicated . +0 Since the parametric mappingA is assumed to be decided by some parameter . +1 The presence of outliers is prevalent in machine learning applications and may produce misleading results . +0 The first ILP maximizes this scalar and the second one minimizes it . +1 An algorithm is proposed and tested to illustrate the approach . +0 The functions f and g learned using the approach described above establish an invariant space across the two domains . +1 We illustrate our methodology on a financial instrument choice dataset and perform statistical analysis on parameter sensitivity and stability . +0 The notion of soft neutrosophic strong semigroup over a neutrosophic semigroup is introduced here . +1 It turns out that the results of these methods are highly dependent on quality of user designed features and also suffer from curse of dimensionality . +0 The inconsistent literals become a conflict clause that can be used by the SAT solver . +1 In this work we introduce a Pairwise Choice Markov Chain ( PCMC ) model of discrete choice that is free of all those assumptions while still satisfying the attractive foundational axiom of uniform expansion . +0 The power of a test depends on the distribution of the statistic under H0 and H1 . +1 Microarrays are made it possible to simultaneously monitor the expression profiles of thousands of genes under various experimental conditions . +0 Note that using L is only possible when the y values are known to us . +1 The key idea is to focus on those parts of the image that contain richer information and zoom on them . +0 Combining different auxiliary tasks leads to further improvements over the individual auxiliary tasks . +1 The MMSE estimate is embedded within the optimization objective to form a novel regularized NMF cost function . +0 One might think that we can fix the overlapped approach by allowing individual regularization constant for each mode . +1 Automatic video keyword generation is one of the key ingredients in reducing the burden of security officers in analyzing surveillance videos . +0 In order to get an intuition of the algorithm we can consider the one dimensional case . +1 Our experiments show improved performance relative to widely used logistic and hinge loss methods on a wide variety of problems ranging from standard UC Irvine and libSVM evaluation datasets to product review predictions and a visual information extraction task . +0 This is because every path in the hierarchy includes the root node and there are more paths through nodes at higher levels than through nodes at lower levels . +1 Such an assumption though is utopian as the stream is infinite and the labeling cost is prohibitive . +0 Another indication of domain adaptation was shown in Figure 1c . +1 We then propose two constraint programming formulation : the first formulation introduces a new global constraint called exists embedding that hides the complexity of the inclusion relation . +0 Leaf agents a3 and a4 receive the VALUE messages sent by their parent agent a2 in Cycle 1 . +1 We chose two widely studied neural models and tasks as our testbed . +0 The regions into which such a plane drawing partitions R2 are the faces of the drawing ; the unbounded region is the external face . +1 The problem of automatically clustering data is an age old problem . +0 ( The gap g and the indexes s and k are also used in the Progressive Gap method of Appendix 1 . ) +1 We first show that constraining the transition matrix to be unitary is a special case of an orthogonal constraint . +0 This is beneficial to integrating grounding mechanism into our prototype system . +1 Its use allows for a generalization of the convolution type found in current ( spatial ) convolutional network architectures . +0 It is easy to see that g is a majorant surrogate since f2 is concave and below its tangents . +1 The approach is tested using 12 datasets of different sizes ranging from the order of 1000s to the order of 10000s . +0 Note that there is also a risk of negative transfer when using difficult samples ( as they might be wrongly labeled ) . +1 We propose an alternative method for training a classification model . +0 Our Bayesian DD seeking method is significantly better than simple DD seeking based solely on the row frequencies of DDs . +1 There are two common scan orders for the variables : random scan and systematic scan . +0 In this section we discuss two areas of related work . +1 We investigate this problem with approaches inspired by automatic speech recognition . +0 We ensured good coverage of the acoustic training data by constraining each acoustic utterance to be picked in only a maximum of 5 positive and negative examples . +1 We use a local search technique to learn the weights of the features . +0 It runs over all the bit functions several times and attempts to replace each function with several randomly drawn candidates . +1 An open source implementation of our methodology is freely available at +0 NoSQL data store usually has multiple resources involved to serve requests . +1 Formal proofs for the soundness and completeness of CompAPO are given . +0 The premise of explicitly modeling the outliers for robust regression in a general statistical setting has been previously analyzed in [ 151 ] and [ 152 ] . +1 This paper presents an idea of inductive learning use for rule generation from ontologies . +0 A strongly positive loglikelihood thus indicates a motion that has been strongly recognized by the model whereas a strongly negative loglikelihood indicates that the motion has not been recognized by the model at at . +1 Our annotation scheme involves a series of crowdsourcing tasks that can be easily followed by any researcher . +0 The interpolation algorithms performed poorly when they reconstructed an image that was downsampled beyond a factor of 2 . +1 Recently there has been much interest in understanding why deep neural networks are preferred to shallow networks . +0 The probabilistic distribution of each node represents the conditional probability of seeing a symbol right after the string label . +1 Deep Learning is increasingly used in several machine learning tasks as Deep Neural Networks ( DNNs ) frequently outperform other techniques . +0 The characterization also suggests a constructive procedure to generate all symmetric kernels . +1 This intermediate representation contains important topological information and provides useful cues for reasoning about joint locations . +0 For superior SoC the battery enters the constant voltage stage where the charger acts as a voltage limited power supply and the charging current gradually decreases as the SoC approximates full capacity . +1 We propose a computational model of the Writers Workshop as a roadmap for incorporation of feedback in artificial creativity systems . +0 We use an initial causal convolution operating on 10 past values . +1 The solution provided can be used for both decision and posterior probability estimation . +0 Here we empirically demonstrate both the easy and hard cases . +1 This paper investigates a novel task of generating texture images from perceptual descriptions . +0 The challenge with this kind of data sets is that training data is more scarce than with data sets that can be generated from everyday pictures such as handwritten letters or online collections of images . +1 Experimental results show the proposed method is able to provide comparative performance for audio emotion recognition . +0 The word embedding table is initialized with zero mean and a standard deviation of 1 . +1 Many recent works present improvements on the basic LBP algorithm in an attempt to overcome convergence and local optima problems . +0 17 Memory usage is another important factor for segmentation methods . +1 The connection between rejection thresholds and ROC curve is explored . +0 This contradicts our assumption that features become free after their initial construction . +1 We show how to expand the variational approximating class by incorporating additional covariance structure and by introducing new components to form a mixture . +0 Appropriate gate biasing was investigated but did not resolve the discrepancies between the models . +1 In this work we formulate the navigation question as a reinforcement learning problem and show that data efficiency and task performance can be dramatically improved by relying on additional auxiliary tasks to bootstrap learning . +0 The outputs of feature extraction modules are eventually flattened and concatenated to form the multimodal state . +1 Each item is described by a vector of attributes and for each attribute there is a desired distribution that the selected set should have . +0 This architecture allows for retaining temporal information through LSTM as well as external memory . +1 Automation and computer intelligence to support complex human decisions becomes essential to manage large and distributed systems in the Cloud and IoT era . +0 Application : visualising a structure A structure over an extension of the output vocabulary can be visualised just by transforming it to JSON . +1 All the accompanying transliterated datasets are released for public access . +0 contains SciXMiner version and license information as well as SciXMiner handbooks . +1 This eventually provides an efficient and flexible sequential data retrieval . +0 Our second evaluation metric is the joint utility of the final agreement5 . +1 It employs the dual relation and the bilateral information between the samples and features . +0 ( 5 ) Please refer to Appendix A for the detailed derivation of the dual problem . +1 Our algorithms exploit the covariance structure over multiple time series to partition input volume into groups . +0 The documents are represented by a corpus of Newspapers that have been digitised using OCR technology . +1 Strongly labeled data can be simply understood as fully supervised data where all labeled instances are available . +0 dayahead prices ( top plot ) and imbalance prices ( bottom plot ) . +1 We proposed a method that allows a trust computation which is previously subjective and incomputable . +0 Techniques were proposed by Wah and Xin ( 2004 ) to optimize the bounds on durations of contingent edges such that the resulting STNU is dynamic controllable . +1 This paper provides a classification model of Cypriot Greek questions and statements . +0 We will define our algorithm in terms of an approximate oracle for solving a linear minization problem . +1 Big data consists of large multidimensional datasets that would often be difficult to analyze if working with the original tensor . +0 In Table 1 the best performing algorithms are highlighted for each part while the bottom row presents average reconstruction time requirements for the recovery of 16 video frames using 1 captured coded frame . +1 The increasing amount of available Linked Data resources is laying the foundations for more advanced Semantic Web applications . +0 Note that this way of selecting queries is not equivalent to just using ( 2 ) and omitting ( 1 ) . +1 In this framework long range sensor data ( radar ) and data from a map database are fused with short range sensor data ( camera ) to produce a precise longitudinal and lateral localization and road course estimation . +0 Empirical results in section 3.3 suggest that the improved performance of RMSProp over SGD can be explained in part by a carefully tuned exploration bias . +1 We study the problem of multiple kernel learning from noisy labels . +0 Note that property types ( numerical vs. categorical ) are automatically inferred by kLog by inspecting the given training data . +1 Recent frameworks address this bottleneck with generative models to synthesize labels at scale from weak supervision sources . +0 The second and third effects deal with the cell values . +1 We specifically address the problem of automatically discovering options in decision processes . +0 First we review the HDP with an alternative construction using the normalized gamma process construction for the second level DP . +1 We demonstrate that a better approach is to utilize POS tags as a regularizer of learned representations . +0 The actions of the DQN are associated with distinct categories . +1 We find that this approach is able to perform well on a range of algorithmic tasks . +0 Now we will discuss the formal syntax and semantics of process calculus to formulate the architectures of DNA models . +1 Recent success in training deep neural networks have prompted active investigation into the features learned on their intermediate layers . +0 As an example of Submodular function minimization we present the minimum norm point algorithm . +1 Our methodology powered by PSO search has identified physical inactivity as one of the risk factor for the onset of atherosclerosis in addition to other already known factors . +0 NID rules are an elegant way to specify such a model T and are described in the following . +1 The network yielding satisfactory performance in the validation stage is used to predict lithological properties from seismic attributes throughout a given volume . +0 Learning rates in the range of 0.03 and 0.01 give relatively similar results . +1 We present a framework for online inference in the presence of a nonexhaustively defined set of classes that incorporates supervised classification with class discovery and modeling . +0 Table 6 shows the macro F1 scores of the LP classifiers . +1 We use these results to test several hypotheses relating to whether the algorithms are significantly more accurate than the benchmarks and each other . +0 The first data set is a face detection data set used in [ 35 ] . +1 The common ensemble technique in wind and solar power forecasting is the blending of meteorological data from several sources . +0 Classes composing these interfaces are those directly accessed by the clients of the API . +1 Measuring the naturalness of images is important to generate realistic images or to detect unnatural regions in images . +0 See also Figure 1 for an illustration how hardness results for the considered width measures propagate . +1 showed the following : If d achieves the equilibrium among independent distributions ( ID ) then d is an independent identical distribution ( IID ) . +0 Words with a frequency less than 100 were ignored during training . +1 Adjacency of the examples is inferred using the predictions of a neural network model which is first initialized by a supervised pretraining . +0 The chronological order of a sample is indicated by color ranging from blue to red . +1 But due to the omnifariousness of the subjects mentioned in each data item ; it is inefficient to run a data mining algorithm on the raw data . +0 The following example shows that the inclusion is in fact strict . +1 For efficient product classification we require a suitable representation for a document ( the textual description of a product ) feature vector and efficient and fast algorithms for prediction . +0 The solution we found was to implicitly use the projections z ( l ) pre as the target for denoising and scale the cost function in such a way that the term appearing in the error term is the batch normalized z ( l ) instead . +1 Our approach also considers practical aspects of the task and introduces several modifications to classic RNNs such as a ranking loss function that make it more viable for this specific problem . +0 This possibility for evaluation approximates our approach to the paradigm of learning by teaching which goes beyond the scope of this paper and therefore will be presented in future work . +1 This research study multiclass performance classification support vector machine to diagnose the type or level of coronary heart disease . +0 We use a Ridge Regression model for predicting utterance length using each set of features . +1 Identity verification based on authenticity assessment of a handwritten signature is an important issue in biometrics . +0 The ability to learn a stochastic policy is particularly important when the world is not fully observable or has a competitive nature . +1 Deep Reinforcement Learning methods have achieved state of the art performance in learning control policies for the games in the Atari 2600 domain . +0 More specifically each FFT and inverse FFT transform is done in parallel as explained in the previous section . +1 The two contributions clearly improve the performance over respective baselines . +0 8 : end for where the gradient of the loss function remains a constant and no longer propagates with the input . +1 We use word sense definitions and relations between word senses defined in a lexical ontology in a different way from existing systems . +0 All these parameters were tuned independently for the two stages using their respective validation sets . +1 Two machine translation paradigms were studied : shallow transfer Rule Based Machine Translation and Statistical Machine Translation . +0 9 Chapter 2 Learning probabilistic programs The aim of many machine learning algorithms is to process existing data and provide predictions . +1 SVMs based on various kernels are tested for classifying data from various domains . +0 This static method is advantageous than EWD and EFD methods as the data are grouped together as per their characteristics . +1 The overall model is trained with a structured loss function which can be designed to the given segmentation task . +0 This makes the training procedure memoryefficient and mimics full gradient descent optimization on the entire loss . +1 We also build the first diachronic test set for German as a standard for metaphoric change annotation . +0 The update tasks will have the lowest priority of all tasks . +1 Our dataset contains contexts drawn from the ten most prevalent topics in the English Wikipedia . +0 tail ) of any existing arc pointing to ( resp . +1 SoftTarget regularization proved to be an effective tool in various neural network architectures . +0 for Toeplitz one can use FFT to reduce computations to O ( n log k ) ) . +1 Speech based solutions have taken center stage with growth in the services industry where there is a need to cater to a very large number of people from all strata of the society . +0 We also see that the NN outperforms the competing method for the two small blur kernels . +1 Building author profiles using language models is one of the most successful methods to automate this task . +0 The proposed models outperform the baseline in terms of recall in all the metrics with statistical significance . +1 This mechanism is inspired by the strategic attentive reader and writer ( STRAW ) model . +0 A parallel corpus is a set of pairs of sentences that are translations of each other . +1 We obtain half a million training samples by using a baseline sentiment algorithm to label Flickr images . +0 Such decisions can be based on facts known to the user that are not incorporated in the automated planning system . +1 The second half of the paper applies the Taylor approximation to isolate the main difficulty in training rectifier nets : that gradients are shattered . +0 The loss functions in Table 1 are well defined and have proven to be effective in many areas [ 9 ] . +1 The proposed construction and the extended LSH framework could be of independent theoretical interest . +0 Another popular approach to classification are ensembles of decision trees . +1 We show the effectiveness of this novel model through extensive experiments with multiple univariate and multivariate datasets . +0 was the focus of the message : candidates should have been ranked taking into account you ? +1 Heuristic approaches such as tfidf have been used so far to estimate the salience of words . +0 Since predictions are made on the stream directly there are no special actions which have to be taken in case of concept drift . +1 The results illustrate potential for significant impact of Fuzzy Integer Optimization methods on Computational Statistics and Data Mining . +0 Special attention must be paid to the treatment of border pixels by the convolution operation . +1 The discrete component captures the distribution over the disconnected smooth manifolds induced by the continuous component . +0 We prove this lemma by borrowing the idea in [ 13 ] . +1 We applied both approaches to the problem of bacterial Ionizing Radiation Resistance ( IRR ) prediction . +0 2.2 Exploiting rationales In long documents the importance of sentences varies ; some are more central than others . +1 Our theoretical analyses and empirical tests reveal a number of interesting findings . +0 SVM implementation was also used from the Weka repository [ 35 ] . +1 The empirical evaluation was done using fully implemented translation systems embedded into the MapReduce programming model . +0 But this domain is not appropriate for speech recognition applications . +1 We apply the CSPCA algorithm to feature selection and conduct extensive experiments on six different benchmark datasets . +0 After termination of your favorite MEDA : construct an evenly spaced reference front from a given approximation of the Pareto front ( e.g . +1 Ten questions from Computer Graphics with sixty answers for each question are used for testing . +0 Let E3 be the event that all the variables are resampled at least once between time 2n logn and 4n logn . +1 We motivate question generation as a means to improve the performance of question answering systems . +0 Data : We use NOAD example sentences as labeled training data . +1 This paper is a reflexion on the computability of natural language semantics . +0 The next n columns of matrix B are then brought it and processed . +1 We cast this approach as minimum Bayes risk decoding ( under the Hamming cost ) and argue that weaker consensus within the ensemble is a useful signal of difficulty or ambiguity . +0 ( 3 ) Persuasion Reasoning : The agent goes through the reasoning for persuasion . +1 Recent years have seen an increasing interest in the design of AQM ( Active Queue Management ) controllers . +0 Their approach is designed to use comparable corpus between the source and target language pair to induce crosslingual vectors . +1 We are often interested in finding patterns that are unique to one or to a subset of the views . +0 This convex quadratic program is small and straightforward to solve . +1 We introduce a new neural architecture to learn the conditional probability of an output sequence with elements that are discrete tokens corresponding to positions in an input sequence . +0 It is good that they are both able to cope with the qualitative difference between the training data and the testing data . +1 We are motivated by applications such as clinical diagnosis where a patient is subjected to a sequence of ( possibly expensive ) tests before a decision is made . +0 In what follows we are interested in classes of CSPs . +1 The major objective of this paper is to devise a criteria in order to select a set of sentences encompassing all phonetic aspects of a corpus with size as minimum as possible . +0 The following theorem shows that the aggressive strategy employed by ALuMA indeed achieves an exponential improvement when there are more unlabeled samples . +1 Online media offers opportunities to marketers to deliver brand messages to a large audience . +0 In order to evaluate the refactoring rules on real theories we have implemented the development graphs and the rules in Scala2 and added support to read formulas in TSTP format [ 9 ] using the Java parser from [ 8 ] . +1 We propose a framework that facilitates better understanding of the encoded representations . +0 1 ) Original Setting : The purpose of the original and optimized settings is to investigate the isolated impact of hyperparameter optimization on the performance of the target classifiers . +1 LTLS embeds large classification problems into simple structured prediction problems and relies on efficient dynamic programming algorithms for inference . +0 Walkback number is set to 12 to ensure flow of information across the whole network . +1 This paper studies convolutional networks that require limited computational resources at test time . +0 Most of the errors shown in the table are owing to different annotations of the same token in the two corpora . +1 Knowledge bases are important resources for a variety of natural language processing tasks but suffer from incompleteness . +0 That is the weakness of PCA and where LDA shines . +1 That the most frequent colors are different in the Tang and Song poetry provides a trace of the changing social circumstances in the dynasties . +0 The most basic type of recurrent layer is formalized as follows . +1 Emojis are ideograms which are naturally combined with plain text to visually complement or condense the meaning of a message . +0 We make use of the softmax function to relate class membership probabilities with binary probability estimates . +1 These commands are blended into a joint input to the robot . +0 We first start with few useful lemmas and then proceed towards the main results . +1 Thus learning and inference in TBM reduce to making sense of a set of inequalities . +0 Both the training and test sets consist of 25K reviews . +1 We solve a TSP to generate route for truck and propose a mixed integer programming ( MIP ) formulation with different profit functions to build route for drone . +0 They also showed that local queries do not always help . +1 Few theoretical results give actionable advice on how to design a reliable leaderboard . +0 The imprecise communities consider both ignorance ( node 35 ) and uncertainty ( other nodes ) . +1 We believe the correlations among latent variables are crucial for faithful data representation . +0 parallel texts from ARL MURI project.5 The parallel data of Kinyarwanda has 11k sentences and 52k tokens . +1 These facts are treated as mutually independent random variables that indicate whether these facts belong to a randomly sampled program . +0 We thank Elad Hazan for suggesting us the problem and for several insightful discussions . +1 Hence it is important to formulate the problem in the best manner for the CAD algorithm . +0 The feature intervals connected to an object category are needed to determine whether a perceived object fits into an object category . +1 Minhashing is a technique used to estimate the Jaccard Index between two sets by exploiting the probability of collision in a random permutation . +0 As a straightforward implication of the previous lemma we obtain : Lemma 3 . +1 Normalized random measures ( NRMs ) provide a broad class of discrete random measures that are often used as priors for Bayesian nonparametric models . +0 Here we propose an alternative strategy that could be a crude approximation of this ideal scenario . +1 A fundamental challenge in developing semantic parsers is the paucity of strong supervision in the form of language utterances annotated with logical form . +0 We have collected the real gene sequence data from the NCBI GenBank1 . +1 We test our approach on two different benchmark data sets for object recognition ( Office ) and sentiment analysis of product reviews ( Amazon reviews ) . +0 Although Pearson correlation coefficients have been used to quantify such correspondence in previous studies ( Beggrow et al . +1 Such marketing promotions are difficult to identify unlike the traditional medias like TV and newspaper . +0 ( b ) Graph EZbP is the subgraph of EZP . +1 Expected PHEV demand is modeled by the PHEV charging time and the starting time of charge according to real world data . +0 Allowing the model to use more distant data than this did not improve the results . +1 Intrusion detection for computer network systems becomes one of the most critical tasks for network administrators today . +0 We found that the convergence of the M2 model was highly unstable ; the one shown is the best obtained . +1 The proposed algorithms use a best first search technique and report the solutions using an implicit representation ordered by cost . +0 The only places that need to be adjusted are : ( 1 ) The core subgraph Vc . +1 We study the robustness of active learning ( AL ) algorithms against prior misspecification : whether an algorithm achieves similar performance using a perturbed prior as compared to using the true prior . +0 The memory hierarchy on the device is laid out to maximize the data throughput . +1 This article addresses these issues by describes a completely automatic approach for sentiment analysis based on unsupervised ensemble learning . +0 Clause blocks have one entry and one exit and they are chained together . +1 We study statistical risk minimization problems under a privacy model in which the data is kept confidential even from the learner . +0 We defer the proof of this lemma to Section A.3 . +1 Training an AWE model has historically required a single batch of several hundred writing examples and human scores for each of them . +0 For example in the benchmark experiment above we applied lda and rpart to the sonar.task . +1 This provides an elementary principle for dealing with coherent data . +0 It is a general rule stating that many forms of stimulation are pleasant at medium intensities and become unpleasant when their intensities are too high . +1 We also tested our approach on Twitter messages that are tagged with the location from which the message was sent . +0 Multiple choices for the blanks are also provided as an additional evaluation benchmark . +1 The aim of this paper is to propose a least mean square ( LMS ) strategy for adaptive estimation of signals defined over graphs . +0 Recall that b is the minimum number of elements necessary to uniquely characterize a given parametric model . +1 We present weight normalization : a reparameterization of the weight vectors in a neural network that decouples the length of those weight vectors from their direction . +0 The distribution of properties described above has implications for the answer distribution . +1 Experiments are conducted on the standard CAL500 and CAL500exp dataset . +0 The proof takes advantage of agnostic learning VC dimension bounds to prove that the size of S2 is sufficiently large to ensure that the true error of the learned linear separators is close to the empirical error . +1 The CNN method shows its advantages on both higher recognition accuracies and being able to learn essential features automatically . +0 We use the Adam optimizer [ 32 ] to minimize the loss function . +1 Furthermore we run extensive simulations in a more realistic scenario and show that our theoretical results hold in practice . +0 Openness for researchers is also a critical issue if we want to improve MOOCs . +1 How should a firm allocate its limited interviewing resources to select the optimal cohort of new employees from a large set of job applicants ? +0 Different functions from different groups are uncorrelated to each other and we do not need to consider their correlation . +1 In this paper we propose a novel framework for optimizing dialog policies specified in domain language using genetic algorithm . +0 The existing labeled nodes to be unlabeled are selected by sampling the node set N randomly . +1 The future scope of this work is to generalize this information framework for all types of systematic reviews . +0 Extensions of the proposed method for online learning [ 8 ] are also of potential interest . +1 We present a pixel recursive super resolution model that synthesizes realistic details into images while enhancing their resolution . +0 This trajectory is general enough to include the outcome of every minimal repair . +1 We study the problem of ranking a set of items from nonactively chosen pairwise preferences where each item has feature information with it . +0 We consider intact and amputated subjects from which we gather electromyographic data . +1 Artificial intelligence ( AI ) and data mining ( DM ) are two such fields that have played a significant role in making MOOCs what they are today . +0 Stochastic ( St ) : Every context window is extended with k negative samples w1 ... k. Iterative gradient descent of eq . +1 Conventional deep neural networks ( DNN ) for speech acoustic modeling rely on Gaussian mixture models ( GMM ) and hidden Markov model ( HMM ) to obtain binary class labels as the targets for DNN training . +0 The C3D and XML files are used to extract and compute all features described in chapter 4 . +1 The study is based on a distance measurement between the reference and n facts profile extracted from the Warehouses . +0 We retain the subset with the highest similarity with regard to the target domain at each iteration and repeat the process until we have gathered n training examples . +1 The groupings are constructed such that the degree of relationship is strong among members of the same cluster and weak among members of different clusters . +0 The need for random lookup during querying inevitably results in slower decoding speed . +1 The paper focuses on the problem of learning saccades enabling visual object search . +0 ( 2015b ) ) uses pairwise distances between states to align the manifolds of the two domains . +1 The stable nature of belief optimization makes it ideally suited for learning graphical models from data . +0 We also prove that a weak Condorcet winner and the Condorcet winner ( if it exists ) of a single crossing preference profile can be found out with much less number of queries in Section 4.4 . +1 We try to find the best labels for unlabeled data and then use SVM to enhance the classification rate . +0 Proof of ( II ) : The proof constitutes four steps . +1 The main shortcoming of this approach is that it may result in a suboptimal solution due to the subspace removed by the dimensionality reduction method . +0 A detailed proof is provided in the Appendix B and we only sketch the main ideas here . +1 Our approach performs robust KPCA in the presence of missing data and noise . +0 In this document we will deal only with discrete BN and will simply call them BN . +1 The quality of the generated answers of our mQA model on this dataset are evaluated by human judges through a Turing Test . +0 The agents cooperate to solve the same instance of a nonstochastic bandit problem while limiting the communication among them . +1 It requires solving a binary linear program that may be relaxed to a linear program . +0 It should be clear that this IG will be true whenever either 1 or 2 are true . +1 The Chinese word segmentation model trained on currently available everyday language data sets performs poorly because it can not effectively recognize these scientific and technical terms . +0 We can see that the degrees of freedom ( i.e . +1 The performance of automatic speech recognition systems under noisy environments still leaves room for improvement . +0 Lemma 1 shows that iterations with a worse incumbent use more pulls . +1 The modules are built as concurrent processes with well defined data interfaces between them so that any module can be improved and updated independently . +0 Let LH be the set of all Horn formulae with respect to LP . +1 CDM then maps each sensory data instance to be as close as possible to the median point of the data group with the same class . +0 We report the recovery errors and compare our method with 8 different image inpainting methods as well as the DCGAN of Radford et al . +1 Several attempts at learning unsupervised representations of sentences have not reached satisfactory enough performance to be widely adopted . +0 We conduct time complexity analysis with respective to the batch size B . +1 Several big data applications are particularly focused on classification and clustering tasks . +0 We further need to define the notion of result correctness . +1 We reinterpret multiplicative noise in neural networks as auxiliary random variables that augment the approximate posterior in a variational setting for Bayesian neural networks . +0 We examine how accuracy changes as dimension of MAD is decreased using PCA in Fig . +1 The evaluation was performed on data from 19 speakers of the publicly available GRID corpus . +0 The first approach is simpler but less efficient because the increasing number of samples makes learning slower . +1 The success of CNNs in various applications is accompanied by a significant increase in the computation and parameter storage costs . +0 We can address this problem by scheduling the sparsity level over epochs as follows . +1 Extensive supports for flexibility in these systems limit their energy efficiencies . +0 The fact that the MSI error surface is noisier corroborates our idea that the worse performance of the MSI scheme is because of rounding error in the integration scheme . +1 We also show how the affinity matrix can be learned from observed data with a simple convex optimization framework that is inspired by locally linear embedding . +0 Encoder One shortcoming of conventional RNNs is that they are only able to make use of previous context . +1 This is done by computing convolutions as pointwise products in the Fourier domain while reusing the same transformed feature map many times . +0 We can note that in general singular values of the layers of ResNet50 are much smaller in magnitude than those of the VGG nets . +1 The Concept Tree nodes have a mathematical basis allowing for a consistent build process . +0 The selection of the ANN structure and the initialization of parameters are crucial job to attain acceptable prediction performance . +1 ( 2 ) How to dynamically select those informative sentences of the corresponding entities for KRL . +0 The statistics of these datasets are demonstrate in table 1 . +1 We utilize DAISY features associated with key points within images as our local feature descriptor and histogram of oriented gradients ( HOG ) corresponding to an entire image as a global descriptor . +0 In addition we compute the percent of images for which a certain configuration achieves the lowest loss when compared to the other configurations . +1 A normal distribution for starting time of charge is assumed . +0 Our smoothness condition for nearest neighbor problems can thus be seen as a generalization of the usual Holder conditions . +1 This framework was used to study the scalability of machine learning algorithms in Apache Spark . +0 We later show that the acute angles property is sufficient for budget additivity ( Theorem 5.2 ) . +1 The goal is to maximize the rate of transportation while the objects are replenished over time . +0 Consequently a subregular acyclic grammar is sufficient to model inflection . +1 The model is a special case of DEL model checking . +0 The performance for four images is show using median values . +1 This technique converts any compression or density model into a corresponding estimate of value . +0 We evaluate our proposed approach on the parallel corpus from Wikipedia and Simple Wikipedia in English3 . +1 In this paper we firstly provide a theoretical justification of the assumptions made by this optimization procedure . +0 ITS is an iterative algorithm that uses the credal forward algorithm to improve the estimation results of the credal transition matrix . +1 The number of scientific papers grows exponentially in many disciplines . +0 So we can formally define the class of enthymemes ( with partial claims and partial supports ) as follows : Definition 11 ( Black and Hunter 2012 ) . +1 This paper opens doors for new applications of influence diagrams . +0 Our experiments are conducted on two real datasets with rich contextual information . +1 We evaluate our models on knowledge graph completion and triple classification . +0 In this section we experimentally evaluate our differentially private algorithms for feature selection ( Section 5.1 ) ) and generating ROC curves ( Section 5.2 ) . +1 We derive an upper bound on the number of exploration steps which depends on the target accuracy and true qualities . +0 These scores are generated by human raters who are fluent in both languages and hence often capture translation quality better than BLEU scores . +1 Notable relational concepts can be discovered by interpreting shared hidden layer weights corresponding to the rules . +0 We now prove the strong consistency of our estimators stated in Theorem 1 . +1 The descriptive statistical features were extracted from the acquired sound signals and the predominant features were selected using J48 decision tree technique . +0 Other restrictions impose that terms replaced by inferences may contain a partial function symbol only at the top ; substitutions can not introduce partial function symbols ; and every ground term made only of total symbols is smaller than any ground term containing a partial function symbol in the ordering used by the inference system . +1 Accurately predicting the time of occurrence of an event of interest is a critical problem in longitudinal data analysis . +0 All measures agree to consider diagonal confusion matrices such as the one presented in Table 4 as the result of a perfect classification . +1 We discuss the benefits of various choices of divergence functions on training complexity and the quality of the obtained generative models . +0 Similar constraints have been adopted in prior unsupervised hashing or binary coding methods such as Iterative Quantization ( ITQ ) [ 111 ] . +1 This study introduces a method to improve the accuracy of backfiring . +0 Our work provides the necessary theoretical justifications for making practical choices of the coding schemes . +1 Understanding how users navigate in a network is of high interest in many applications . +0 e rst dataset is a set of WiFi detections very rich in terms of the number of detections collected per space but contains data from a limited number of spaces . +1 In this paper we distinguish numerical random variables for which a probability distribution is defined by the model from numerical input variables that are only used for conditioning the distribution of discrete response variables . +0 The DRAM model with a context network significantly outperforms the other models . +1 This method is proved to be an attractive alternative solution for warehouse layout system . +0 Uniform density algorithm will output the best possible path amongst all possible simple uniform sample spacing algorithms due to greedy observation selection within each cell . +1 The generator network is then used to search for images that can be recognized as multiple individuals . +0 The latter procedure is useful for infinite streams to avoid correlated random sequences for far away points in the space . +1 We propose a LSTM parametrization that preserves the means and variances of the hidden states and memory cells across time . +0 Although this method achieves very good results it is only suitable for categorical data and not for transaction data in general . +1 Results show that PBoost can outperform state of the art techniques in terms of both accuracy and complexity over different levels of imbalance and overlap between classes . +0 The implementation supports the Gini impurity and the information gain . +1 We claim that in some cases the euclidean norm on the initial vectorial space might not be the more appropriate to solve the task efficiently . +0 The data contains 3697 midi files from 160 different composers of classical music . +1 We empirically demonstrate that such a framework outperforms competitive baselines . +0 The meeting ( collective action ) has to change the semantic space of the theme and change the persons states ( they may obtain additional information about a discussed object while simultaneously feel tired ) . +1 We introduce a new framework for unsupervised learning of deep representations based on a novel hierarchical decomposition of information . +0 The semantics of LSs are then as shown in Table 1 . +1 JFLEG fulfills the need for a new gold standard to properly assess the current state of GEC . +0 The updates of all the transforms Rikjk monotonically decrease our objective function since we solve exactly the optimization problems in these variables . +1 We show that this mechanism is able to detect the possible problems in time by describing some incident cases . +0 The selection algorithm is specially designed to be computable in reasonable time . +1 Our approach extracts characteristics from the user names and uses those in order to assign the names to a gender . +0 Connection : Each Ai set is a spherical cap and therefore connected . +1 To circumvent this obstacle we propose an alternative known as the matrix product state ( MPS ) decomposition for the data representation of big data tensors . +0 These positive results contrast with the difficulty encountered by many approaches to learning of dynamic models and reinforcement learning in partially observable domains . +1 Features and quality scores of all samples in a set are then aggregated to generate the final feature embedding . +0 Next we show the full proof for the second order optimality condition : Lemma A.2 ( Lemma 3.8 restated ) . +1 We also show how these combat models can be learned from replay data . +0 Objects are modelled as circles independently moving with constant velocity in a random direction but never colliding with each other or with the robot . +1 The time extension is based on the hypothesis of bounded asynchrony : the computation takes a bounded period of time and is measured by a discrete global clock . +0 We can inject the two sequence representations into bidirectional LSTM to learn sentence representation . +1 The trained predictor is then used to provide prediction intervals for a new input . +0 In this section we present some of the experiments with RATM and comment on qualitative results . +1 With the resulting vectors we answer questions such as : how does Obama and the 113th House differ in addressing climate change and how does this vary from environmental or economic perspectives ? +0 Another way of using the alignment information is train a single model simultaneously using a weighted combination of the CTC loss and the CE loss . +1 Our results show that the use of this heuristic enhances scalability on problems where numeric resource interaction is key in finding a solution . +0 Summing these terms up over all T rounds and applying martingale concentration gives the final regret bound in Theorem 2 . +1 We also show the effectiveness of our approach for enforcing background knowledge on other application domains . +0 We propose a greedy approximation algorithm for this problem that empirically performs very well . +1 In this work we develop a full fledged pipeline to generate summaries of news articles using the Abstract Meaning Representation ( AMR ) . +0 When a warning level is detected the Mahalanobis matrix is updated again ( eq . +1 Many practical perception systems exist within larger processes which often include interactions with users or additional components that are capable of evaluating the quality of predicted solutions . +0 This will require adapting our cyclation technique and the bound computation . +1 We assess the feasibility and the scalability of the approach by an experimental evaluation . +0 Exploiting monolingual corpora for conventional SMT has attracted intensive attention in recent years . +1 The mass assignments are calculated finally as memberships of nodes . +0 [ 6 ] uses color models from predefined rectangles on cat and dog faces to do GrabCut [ 44 ] and improve the predicted bounding box . +1 We are interested in exploring the possibility and benefits of structure learning for deep models . +0 weak acyclicity dashed edges can be simply replaced by normal edges . +1 It turns out that the classifier rankings resulting from our experiments are somehow different from those in the literature and hence they offer new insights on method selection . +0 The main perturbation techniques can be summarized into two basic classes . +1 We construct a general theory of local descriptors for visual matching . +0 Interior gradients use counterfactual inputs to artifactually induce a procedure on how the networks attention moves across the image as it compute the final prediction score . +1 A significant performance reduction is often observed in speech recognition when the rate of speech ( ROS ) is too low or too high . +0 Then we will land exactly in the middle of the base . +1 We focus on a specific aspect of neural language generation : its ability to reproduce authorial writing styles . +0 MovieQA : All the baselines we consider come from Tapaswi et al . +1 Generative state estimators based on probabilistic filters and smoothers are one of the most popular classes of state estimators for robots and autonomous vehicles . +0 A random forest is trained on the transformed data and its leafs are considered to be the symbols . +1 Our experimental results show that the adversarial retraining framework can defend most of the adversarial examples notably and consistently without adding additional vulnerabilities or performance penalty to the original model . +0 The approach we propose builds on the ideas and methods developed for KG completion . +1 Recently researchers have also started to show interest in the generative aspects of CNNs in order to gain a deeper understanding of what they have learned and how to further improve them . +0 It is hence suited to problems where the actual state of affairs is known only to belong to some subset of possible states . +1 Several deep learning models have been proposed for question answering . +0 The design matrix X is generated from one of three different classes of distributions introduced below . +1 Qualifying considerations as well as possible next steps are further discussed in light of these exploratory findings . +0 SVI is sensitive to the choice of total data size D. The evaluations above are for a single posterior over D data points . +1 We look at the particular case of finite size datasets . +0 Figure 12 also showed that the network that starting with 32 convolutional filters rendered the best performance . +1 Learning neural network architectures is a way to discover new highly predictive models . +0 We can explain this by the fact that the purpose of the first scan is to group secrets together ; the purpose of the second scan is then to broadcast this grouped information to all agents . +1 We present an algorithm that runs nearly linearly in the number of measurements and which achieves the information theoretic limit for exact recovery . +0 Intermediate results are the result of all plugins except the last one . +1 Generative Adversarial Networks ( GANs ) have shown great promise recently in image generation . +0 Computing one iteration thus requires resampling of the moving image and one forward and one backward pass in the network . +1 Our model generalizes the previous works in that it allows to induce different weights of different senses of a word . +0 This can be done by connecting the vertex to the bitgrounding gadget . +1 Current methods for training convolutional neural networks depend on large amounts of labeled samples for supervised training . +0 [ 17 ] used stacked denoising autoencoders to learn the deep features in an unsupervised fashion and use them to represent both appearance and motion of the scene . +1 We study the generalization properties of stochastic gradient methods for learning with convex loss functions and linearly parameterized functions . +0 Simple algebra shows that H ( 2 ) is indeed correct . +1 The promising performance of Deep Learning ( DL ) in speech recognition has motivated the use of DL in other speech technology applications such as speaker recognition . +0 and the directed dependency graph corresponding to S6 is shown in Figure 4 . +1 A less researched type of techniques concerns generation of only a single type of input . +0 Note that phrases P can have variable length and we do not ask if A1 and A2 are direct neighbours in P . +1 The weight update procedure is just an expansion of the idea underlying hypernetworks . +0 We use two large scale datasets consisting of patient safety and incidents reports sampled from various healthcare systems . +1 It is very common practice to engineer new features from the provided feature set . +0 A typical visual attention model is complex and has high variance in its performance due to the need to learn the policy network and the classifier at the same time . +1 Gating mechanisms that use softly saturating activation functions to emulate the discrete switching of digital logic circuits are good examples of this . +0 2The nanotechnology community has also looked at data readiness levels in this discussion document from the nanotechnology community in 2013 . +1 This generalizes and improves over previous work of Bateni et al . +0 One initial assumption is that these individuals are often new or marginalized employees . +1 This paper presents research in progress investigating the viability and adaptation of reinforcement learning using deep neural network based function approximation for the task of radio control and signal detection in the wireless domain . +0 Prior probabilities pj ( cj ) are estimated as the number of instances which belong to class cj over the total number of instances . +1 Determination of K is a difficult job and it is not known that which value of K can partition the objects as per our intuition . +0 The proof is deferred to Appendix C. In the proof first we decompose the regret into various terms which can be upper bounded based on Lemma 1 and Corollary 1 . +1 The diversity of painting styles represents a rich visual vocabulary for the construction of an image . +0 The tables present seed items and their 5 nearest neighbors . +1 Yet the natural language generation ( NLG ) component for many of these systems remains largely handcrafted . +0 So the decision about which approach to take is usually dependent on the particular application in question . +1 Recent development of Gradient TD ( GTD ) algorithms has addressed this problem successfully . +0 Information from neighboring pixels can be combined by averaging the matching cost over a fixed window . +1 We compare our proposed model with alternative models and report analysis results that may provide insights for future research . +0 This section describes how to utilize the grammar and manipulate semantic trees to discover ontology components in the textual data . +1 We study the worst case error of kernel density estimates via subset approximation . +0 The number 1p is selected such that it is less than that of the decomposed IMFs of the original signal to be regularized . +1 Our approach involves analyzing the bandwidth of class indicator signals generated from statistical data models with separable and nonseparable classes . +0 1 plots the curve of duality gap versus the number of iterations on the PenDigits dataset by PCML . +1 Our algorithms also maintain anytime error bounds and average loss bounds . +0 We show two of the learned latent factors in Figure 5 . +1 These models provide probabilistic interpretations of common combinatorial optimization tasks such as image segmentation . +0 The exemplars are chosen based on a herding mechanism that creates a representative set of samples based on a distribution [ 31 ] . +1 Experimental studies show that the Entrance gain criterion improves the accuracy of TSF . +0 AEd achieves the second best average performance evaluated by both metrics . +1 A synonym of a polysemous word is usually only the paraphrase of one sense among many . +0 cosine distance between the sentence vectors at each incremental number of workers ( Fig . +1 In this paper we address the problem of selecting models and minimising joint cost ( integrating both misclassification cost and test costs ) without any of the above assumptions . +0 It is easy to see that the restriction FT and the contraction FT are both submodular . +1 We argue that maximin safety is valuable both descriptively and normatively . +0 Note that the following procedure ensures that we never test any prediction model on the data that we used to learn this model . +1 Automatic affect recognition is a challenging task due to the various modalities emotions can be expressed with . +0 The next section will show data obtained with a version of MAPP that attempts to solve all units . +1 These results suggest that the concentration rate of the Hankel matrix around its mean does not constitute an argument for limiting its size . +0 A typical system consists of mHealth wearable device that senses vital signs . +1 Our results demonstrate that the proposed deep learning approach reconstructs images with a quality komparable to state of the art iterative approaches from sparse data . +0 One of the goals we are trying to realize is finding similar objects in a picture in order to give better related images and tags . +1 Deep neural networks ( DNNs ) have set state of the art results in many machine learning and NLP tasks . +0 GENMOTIF is an instance of a canonical genetic algorithm [ 16 ] . +1 This information is then applied to simplify the CNF encoding of the constraints . +0 The policies based on pixel intensities and VGG conv5 3 features perform worse on the novel cars . +1 The approach we propose in this paper addresses this challenge . +0 Our formulation of convolution on graph neighborhoods retains the key properties of the standard convolution on regular grids that are useful in the context of CNNs : weight sharing and locality . +1 A systematic review identifies and collates various clinical studies and compares data elements and results in order to provide an evidence based answer for a particular clinical question . +0 A first consequence for Decision Problem 1 is that its membership in NP is straightforward since it is solvable by Integer Programming . +1 We first establish theoretical bounds on the average cost of the existing coactive Perceptron algorithm . +0 The process is meant to aid the discovery of new drug molecules . +1 One representative work is support vector machine ( SVM ) . +0 ( 7 ) We now move to the main part of the analysis . +1 In Section 3 we derive the convex formulation of the problem by using the double Hinge loss function . +0 Variable kjx represents the patient number of kth group having jth medical event . +1 The input to the classifier will be linguistic features and degree of relationships ( among individuals ) . +0 We can automatically detect words that undergo significant semantic changes over time . +1 Knowing the second derivative allows a vehicle to slow down in advance of rough terrain . +0 Insights into the differing representations learned can be gained from both assignment methods . +1 The receiver operating characteristic is widely used in the machine learning community to analyze the performance of parametric classifiers or sets of Pareto optimal classifiers . +0 The notion of slicing in kLog allows us to overcome this difficulty . +1 We carry out extensive empirical evaluations on six benchmark datasets to show the effectiveness of this approach . +0 Operations in a bold black box are processing on one FPGA hardware system . +1 A TerpreT model is composed of a specification of a program representation and an interpreter that describes how programs map inputs to outputs . +0 The observation suggests that incorrectly identified input topics may undermine the exploring capability of a crawler . +1 In this paper we propose an algorithm that builds sparse decision DAGs ( directed acyclic graphs ) from a list of base classifiers provided by an external learning method such as AdaBoost . +0 In some cases however this term can be much smaller . +1 We introduce an attribute grammar framework for representing symbolic expressions . +0 ( b ) and ( c ) show that the residual values are relatively low . +1 In this work we evaluate different approaches to parallelize computation of convolutional neural networks across several GPUs within the same server . +0 The proposed adaption method can be applied to any parametric proposal distribution . +1 A number of performed experiments proved effectiveness of the proposed method . +0 Recall that every subject in the study reports its degree ; thus the adjacency matrix should also comply with the degree constraints . +1 Planning for ad hoc teamwork is challenging because it involves agents collaborating without any prior coordination or communication . +0 We also thank NVIDIA for donating K40c and TITAN X GPUs . +1 The words of the document will be formed by the joining of the correct positional glyphs representing corresponding presentational forms of the characters . +0 It follows from the invariance of the noise distribution in Eq . +1 The system predicts the success of a movie based on its profitability by leveraging historical data from various sources . +0 Potentially the model can also learn to combine words ; although it is inherently limited in representing contiguous phrases . +1 Data is often collected on different sites and clustering needs to be performed in a distributed manner with low communication . +0 Note that R1 creates redundancy and R3 could be applied indefinitely if it were the only rule . +1 Our work provides a new perspective to the deep representation and sheds light on possible novel applications of deep representation to other areas like Bioinformatics . +0 The initial learning rate is 1 and we decrease it by a factor of 10 for every epoch of the data . +1 We evaluate the quality and performance of our techniques by experiments of real datasets . +0 kNN classifiers search for k nearest neighbors in T of query sequence x on the embedded space and measure the minimum radius to cover them all . +1 ( 3 ) We propose a generative visualization method for the CNNs by sampling from an explicit parametric image distribution . +0 An example is depicted in Figure 3.2 based on the running case study . +1 Multilayer networks have seen a resurgence under the umbrella of deep learning . +0 Thus the emerging semantics hypothesis is that the semantic description is an emergent property of the sensory inputs ! +1 Sound and vision are the primary modalities that influence how we perceive the world around us . +0 The bound 4.6 thus does not hold and the result is statistically insignificant ( see Appendix . ) +1 Speech separation is the task of separating target speech from background interference . +0 We also attempt Batch Normalization ( BN ) ( Ioffe and Szegedy 2015 ) which are added before ReLU . +1 The performance of the feature selection algorithms is evaluated based on performance of clustering techniques . +0 Table 3 also confirms the general philosophy that more training data is good . +1 In two different experiments the performance of the methods is analyzed . +0 from a distribution F over Rd with density function f . +1 The experimental results show that both ABClass and ABSim approaches are efficient . +0 Other ideas such as using additive similarity metric in IR process and using inverted translation in filtering phase are added to classic approach indeed . +1 A prediction market is a useful means of aggregating information about a future event . +0 Predictions are made by taking average of all prediction made on various Coulomb matrices of the same molecule . +1 In this work we propose the first WII approach based upon deep convolutional neural networks ( CNNs ) . +0 A detailed discussion of this last point is available in [ 27 ] ; and these observations will be confirmed empirically in Section 5 . +1 An adversarial feature adaptation technique is also applied during the model training to reduce distribution mismatch . +0 Support Vector Machines ( SVM ) is a machine learning algorithm that learns to classify data using points labelled training examples falling into one or two classes . +1 It learns latent contextual representations by maximizing the predictability of visual events based on local and global context information . +0 This is denoted identically to the individual ARGS of VoxML PROGRAMs . +1 We use a novel unsupervised covariance penalty ( XCov ) to disentangle factors like handwriting style for digits and subject identity in faces . +0 The Olympic swimming dataset was collected from YouTube videos recorded using different types cameras ( including cellphone cameras and professional cameras ) . +1 We solve the sparse graph learning problem given some training data in both the noiseless and noisy settings . +0 The Market must satisfy the market constraint ( 2 ) . +1 Our models beat the comparative baselines on both tasks to a great extent . +0 Table 1 summarizes the results of these experiments on deep networks . +1 Our simulation results demonstrate that our model significantly improves visual fidelity with a large amount of realistic droplet formation and yields splash detail much more efficiently than finer discretizations . +0 The notation is matched with the multiagent MLP in later sections . +1 The latter is a highly desirable property in order to minimize the risks entailed by putting online a RS for the first time . +0 This means that the increased difficulty of the detection task on the two considered test sets highlighted differences that were not visible in the previous experiments . +1 The results show that our approach provides significant improvement over existing models . +0 All the networks trained using I required comparatively less time to reach the same accuracy as normal SGD training . +1 We study the ( computational ) questions of what welfare is possible or necessary depending on the choice of policy . +0 Each word wi occurs in its document exactly ai times . +1 Our joint Bayesian model consists of individual models for each language plus additional latent variables that capture alignments between roles across languages . +0 The fixed structure in fsLDA is determined by a breadth first iteration over the document graph because URL heuristics used in the original paper do not exist in most of our data sets . +1 Markov random fields provide a compact representation of joint probability distributions by representing its independence properties in an undirected graph . +0 The additional unlabeled samples might be acting as regularizers in this case . +1 Experimental results show that our model significantly outperforms other baselines on knowledge graph completion task . +0 The exact feature function is parser dependent and will be discussed when discussing the corresponding parsers . +1 PPMF consists of three main components verifying three related research hypotheses . +0 Both i must succeed and a successful path must exist through at least one of its neighbors . +1 In this paper the topological building blocks are presented as well as the neural parameters required to reproduce the experiments . +0 These measures can be constructed by computing the following : 1 . +1 Distributions over rankings are used to model data in a multitude of real world settings such as preference analysis and political elections . +0 The work in [ 12 ] takes a different perspective on empathy manifestations by focusing on the role of motivations for explaining a particular feature of the empathic experience . +1 This impacts both training efficiency and their use within a lattice rescoring framework . +0 We now prove correctness of our algorithm : Lemma 3 . +1 Models are represented by tuples of logical formulas and inputs and outputs are logical structures . +0 The first experiment studies TOS in a context that is independent of f constancy . +1 Our experiments introduce new environments for studying the learning of communication protocols and present a set of engineering innovations that are essential for success in these domains . +0 Each row represents a different source game and each column a different target game . +1 This demonstrates the appropriateness of breaking the electricity usage patterns down to more detail than the two load profiles currently published by the electricity industry . +0 We converted all words to lower case and replaced those occurring five times or less with UNK . +1 Our approaches outperform unstructured baselines in both web comments and argumentative essay datasets . +0 The tokenization process follows the method described in [ 20 ] . +1 A dictionary based speech enhancement method that emphasizes preserving the underlying speech is proposed . +0 The public dataset used in this paper contains 1.2 million capture events which are 3.2 million images of 48 species . +1 The success of deep learning in numerous application domains created the desire to run and train them on mobile devices . +0 ( 2016 ) explored relation type attention with automatically learned type vectors from training data . +1 Fingerspelling comprises a significant but relatively understudied part of ASL . +0 The first part contains decisions to take when the arm is holding a block . +1 An actual challenge in this field concerns the reduction of the time necessary for an amputee to learn how to use the prosthesis . +0 The order of elimination does not affect correctness ( although it may affect efficiency ) . +1 We demonstrate that our methods can significantly improve the performance over existing methods in identifying harm in clinical care . +0 The procedure is terminated when all pairs of valid vessels have been evaluated . +1 PinView contains several novel methods to infer the intent of the user . +0 Another important contribution is the recent work by Hu et al . +1 Our relational classification task captures the preferred action to select in the different planning contexts of a specific planning domain . +0 This is the best that can be done in contexts where the acquired knowledge is incomplete . +1 We show that our algorithm improves over a baseline based on CART on every problem instance . +0 These letters are looked up in the sandhi rules to identify the sandhi . +1 We find that this expression clearly fits the experimental curve for the variance of the proposed estimator . +0 This will result in a false repulsion between the points missing the connecting spring . +1 Probabilistic generative modeling of data distributions can potentially exploit hidden information which is useful for discriminative classification . +0 The curve shows the predicted percentage of correct words as a function of confidence intervals . +1 Recent work introduced a first order variant of decision diagrams ( FODD ) and developed a value iteration algorithm for this representation . +0 The causal graph of this task is depicted in Figure 18a . +1 Experimental results demonstrate that our approach consistently outperforms the existing methods on standard evaluation datasets . +0 v6 is introduced to balance the contributions of the two tasks . +1 We describe a novel optimization method for finite sums ( such as empirical risk minimization problems ) building on the recently introduced SAGA method . +0 It will remain open whether the algorithm can be amended to remove this blemish . +1 This insight reveals that depth is still an open research question and invites the exploration of the related notion of multiplicity . +0 We can view eachDiU as a model forDi andRU is a model forR . +1 This problem has been traditionally addressed through the textual query . +0 This experiment suggests the promising future of deep leaning approaches in the field of program analysis . +1 It then simultaneously learns the optimum combination of those sentences as well as the closeness between the question and those sentences . +0 The larger the temperature difference the larger will be the amplitude of the PIR sensor output and vice versa . +1 Extensive experiments show that EVMs outperform state of the art classifiers such as SVMs and probabilistic models which are solely based on independence assumptions . +0 It is very likely that with a more systematic selection of s one can obtain better results than those reported here . +1 The approach first selects a named entity from the knowledge graph as an answer . +0 This bounds the KL divergence of the approximate posterior computed via ABC and the complete posterior distribution . +1 We propose an importance weighting framework for actively labeling samples . +0 We now review the overall complexity of our visual event learning component and discuss some scalability issues . +1 The resulting features are merged in an SVM which then classifies the movement . +0 A GMU is intended to be used as an internal unit in a neural network architecture whose purpose is to find an intermediate representation based on a combination of data from different modalities . +1 Both of these are necessary steps towards developing machines that are able to communicate with humans productively . +0 The Nations data set consists of international relations among different countries in the world [ 57 ] . +1 The current paper extends the previous statistical estimation results to the more canonical spectral clustering algorithm in a way that removes any assumption on the minimum degree and provides guidance on the choice of the tuning parameter . +0 Both results follow from the geometric series and easy calculus . +1 We investigate reasoning with such rules in grounded relational domains . +0 We consider five fundamental image transformations for the relation learning tasks . +1 We propose a general class of language models that treat reference as an explicit stochastic latent variable . +0 This process is reiterated 10 times with shifting folds recursively to achieve an average classification accuracy . +1 Recent advances in machine learning have brought the field closer to computational creativity research . +0 The generalized definition of native swap options for a solution is presented below . +1 In this paper we examine how to learn the structure of a DPN from data . +0 We now study the convergence of ADMM with nodespecific adaptive penalty parameters . +1 The genetic program learns how to combine a set of basic units to give rise to discriminative TWSs . +0 This representation still has exponentially many features ( one for each T ) . +1 Then we propose a simple algorithm called entropy agglomeration ( EA ) to summarize and visualize this information . +0 There are known methods to generate approximately random points from a convex body given by a membership oracle . +1 Marginal data likelihood as well as inference are intractable under this model . +0 Porteous and Cresswell ( 2002 ) propose the alternative approximation for first achievers of a fact F that we use . +1 The required communication links and archiving of the video data are still expensive and this setup excludes preemptive actions to respond to imminent threats . +0 Its Smatch score can be then used as a proxy to the score of the target parser . +1 Dataset bias remains a significant barrier towards solving real world computer vision tasks . +0 One might have expected that the only lexeme appearing at an internal node is the lexeme that appears at the corresponding node in the dependency tree . +1 In this paper we introduce a novel approach which employs deep learning to tackle this problem in any CF based recommendation engine . +0 The statistics of our dataset is summarized in Table 2 . +1 This MIP is then combined with a metric Relaxed Planning Graph ( RPG ) heuristic to produce an integrated hybrid heuristic . +0 The reason such fills are in general avoided is that random strings are assigned very high cost by the soft constraints in our formulation . +1 Experiments on two groups of text classification tasks show that our proposed architectures can improve the performance of a task with the help of other related tasks . +0 Definition 5.1 ( Hierarchical Stochastic Block Model ( HSBM ) ) . +1 The novelty of our work lies in the formulation of the problem into a dual decomposition based algorithm that enforces agreement between the parse trees from two languages as a constraint . +0 The preservation of spatial structure is quantified via the contiguity histograms which counts long runs of consistent activation . +1 Quality control at each stage of production in textile industry has become a key factor to retaining the existence in the highly competitive global market . +0 The underlying graphical model is in the form of directed acyclic graph . +1 We have also proposed a new way of measuring GAN quality which is based on image completion tasks . +0 The second term in the minimization objective is included to promote some desired structure of the activations . +1 We propose a new optimization approach to jointly determine the beacon placement and inference algorithm . +0 From this initial investigation we formulate several method combinations for a more extensive evaluation . +1 The observer learns to model the DL algorithm using a series of random experiments . +0 The difference in length of source and target sentences makes the word alignment difficult . +1 The Rand index measures segmentation performance by quantifying the classification of the connectivity of image pixel pairs after segmentation . +0 Please see the appendix for more details on the task setup . +1 Another important aspect is the development of more accurate algorithms for modeling of spontaneous child speech . +0 So DAE was more loyal to the original input and RBM can be varied . +1 Different layers are trained by parallel threads running on different cores with regular synchronization . +0 Second EpiReader runs an entailment estimation between the document and the new query pairs to predict the correct answer . +1 Longitudinal observational databases have become a recent interest in the post marketing drug surveillance community due to their ability of presenting a new perspective for detecting negative side effects . +0 The X axis shows which countries have a higher proportion of cables classified as secret . +1 This is unsatisfactory in many applications where the reference policy is suboptimal and the goal of learning is to improve upon it . +0 ( 33 ) We can use our running example to show that dimensional rules and categorical keys of the form ( 33 ) may not be separable ( cf . +1 We describe how this work relates to other quantile regression methods and apply the method on both synthetic and real data sets . +0 The code and experiments are available upon request and will be made available online in a future version of this work . +1 The pairwise constraints are encoded in hidden layer features of pcGRBM . +0 We use the difference of the length of the strings in the dataset as the upper bound of the edit distance . +1 Informatics around public health are increasingly shifting from the professional to the public spheres . +0 We then trained the network over the entire training set . +1 This decomposition has been used extensively in quantum physics within the last decade and its benefit has surprisingly not been seen in other areas of research . +0 This is correctly represented in the chain abstraction as well . +1 This is achieved by inverting the projection process : a new English parser is learned from the target language parser and evaluated on the existing English gold standard . +0 We compare the likelihood between sequences to decide which sequence is a better labeling . +1 Most extractive summarization methods focus on the main body of the document from which sentences need to be extracted . +0 In many interesting cases linear optimization over the marginal polytope can be implemented efficiently via dynamic programming . +1 The main idea of this approach is to recover all global motions for map merging from a set of relative motions . +0 This section shows the result of combining 12 production language pairs into a single multilingual model using the same number of parameters as the single language pair models . +1 The ability to accurately model distributions over functions is critical to the effectiveness of Bayesian optimization . +0 This is not possible if we consider the query to be expressed via a rule . +1 We improve on this through an exact characterization of the requirements for a sound sliding window approach . +0 The second offspring is : A B F H E D C A . +1 Some arguments are meant to provide explanations of facts whereas some challenge these explanations and so on . +0 It was considerably more expensive to train many configurations on ILSVRC12 because of larger image and dataset size . +1 In this paper we propose the concept of causal rules ( CRs ) and develop an algorithm for mining CRs in large data sets . +0 Experience replay helps prevent divergence by breaking correlations among the samples . +1 Deep neural networks ( DNN ) have shown unprecedented success in various computer vision applications such as image classification and object detection . +0 We here present strategies for choosing the step size in both the batch and online cases . +1 We propose a novel approach applicable to a wide range of structured prediction problems in computer vision and natural language processing . +0 We use the same preprocessing as in Radford et al . +1 The heart of the system is an application developed in a popular Constraint Logic Programming system on the Reals sort . +0 We used the code of SDAE from a public deep learning toolbox4 . +1 We aim to automate the process of identifying potential cardiac amyloidosis patients with the help of machine learning algorithms and also learn most predictive factors . +0 There is a wide variety of industrial applications ( e.g . +1 Algebraic structures using soft set theory are very rapidly developed . +0 The associated social network consists of 1.8K users ( nodes ) and 12.7K friendship relations ( edges ) . +1 We present a neural network architecture for identifying the type of safety events which is the first step in understanding these narratives . +0 A third advantage is that we can provide convergence results in the infinite sample case . +1 ESQNs consist in ESNs where the reservoir has a new dynamics inspired by recurrent RandNNs . +0 Moore described foot as a domain in which pitch rises from beginning to end . +1 We propose and analyze a regularization approach for structured prediction problems . +0 The implications to the computational aspects of the network dynamics with this global reset scheme can be investigated in further theoretical studies . +1 We give protocols in both models which we show are nearly optimal by proving almost matching communication lower bounds . +0 There is no standard for evaluating generative models and their inference algorithms [ 26 ] . +1 Several studies have shown that the network traffic that is generated by a visit to a website over Tor reveals information specific to the website through the timing and sizes of network packets . +0 A set of measurements regarding the length of paired sentences has been performed on the train set . +1 The model automatically attenuates the unimportant words and detects the salient keywords in the sentence . +0 Every frame in the training and validation set has a label . +1 A mesoscopic approach to modeling pedestrian simulation with multiple exits is proposed in this paper . +0 Thus the loss calculated at a single sequence step is the average of log loss calculated separately on each label . +1 This set of new architectures solve this issue by either removing redundant computations or using fully convolutional architectures that inherently predict many pixels at once . +0 We now show that we can find a weak Condorcet winner of profiles that are single peaked on trees using fewer queries than the number of queries needed to find the profile itself . +1 We use L1 regularization to encourage the use of few structured primitive objects . +0 Then we compare these reference vectors to the output distributions produced at each slot . +1 Most of its implementation has been tested in Mac OS . +0 the current DPI ) might originate from the incorporation of the information given by a query answer . +1 We study the Bipartite Boolean Quadratic Programming Problem ( BBQP ) which is an extension of the well known Boolean Quadratic Programming Problem ( BQP ) . +0 Information of patients and the prescription date for the drug can be obtained . +1 Simultaneously we prove that recovering the global minimum becomes harder as the network size increases and that it is in practice irrelevant as global minimum often leads to overfitting . +0 A common problem of such tools is that there are too many SE artifacts to look at everything at once . +1 We also show that the assumptions can be significantly relaxed while improving computational efficiency if a factored representation of the weights is known . +0 Maximizing the representational diversity between two NNLMs first requires an objective score to capture this diversity . +1 It will be done only by artificial intelligence and internet of things . +0 There has been much work in the last decade in designing algorithms for bipartite ranking problems . +1 The proposed framework is then employed to attain the performance of a human expert used to predict earthquakes in the Zagros area based on the idea of coupled earthquakes . +0 Additional experiments are reported in Appendix C.1 in the supplementary material . +1 Additional knowledge is needed to find and understand older texts . +0 This new factorized formulation reduces the number of optimization variables and reveals much structure hidden in the problem . +1 We present three results on the complexity of Minimax Approval Voting . +0 This is not model checking in the sense used in the Formal Verification literature . +1 The key technology behind our approach is our proposed Business Process Change Management Ontology ( BPCMont ) which is the main contribution of this paper . +0 This classification is often called a mode [ 1 ] . +1 It was shown that SP estimates marginals over covers that represent clusters of solutions . +0 Many parameters such as kernel sizes and how SK networks are combined with U type networks can be evaluated . +1 There is plenty of theoretical and empirical evidence that depth of neural networks is a crucial ingredient for their success . +0 The single agent tiger problem resembles a game show in which the agent has to choose to open one of two doors behind which lies either a valuable prize or a dangerous tiger . +1 We then experiment and measure the impact of compression and device reliability on the accuracy of learned models . +0 The dominant features are then identified from the fuzzy qualitative states and represented as a fuzzy descriptor [ 160 ] . +1 We present a deep learning approach for speeding up constrained procedural modeling . +0 Then use OR decomposition to specify which invariants to satisfy in each situation . +1 We learn an adaptive object appearance model from the coreset tree in constant time and logarithmic space and use it for object tracking by detection . +0 The forward hidden sequence is calculated as specified in Eq . +1 We introduce and develop a class of techniques for analyzing random walks on graphs using stochastic calculus . +0 With a few new components this can be developed further and incorporated into a complete system . +1 In addition to this a chronological progress with respect to research and development in this upcoming field is compiled in this paper . +0 Then S is distributive if and only if it is Helly . +1 Our proposed attacks also naturally extend to a stronger notion of misclassification . +0 Our two principal objectives are rejecting false alarms arising from moving vegetation and distinguishing between human and animal intruder motion . +1 for pop music performs subpar on pieces of electronic music . +0 Again we have left open the complexity of consistency checking for plps without a bound on predicate arity . +1 We prove that the mutual information collected using paths obtained by using eSIP is close to the information obtained by an optimal solution . +0 The reasons for this are yet to be ascertained ( see also Section 5 ) . +1 Transition systems give a unifying perspective and bring clarity in the description and comparison of solvers . +0 2011 ) allows to associate probabilities with abducibles and to learn both rules and probabilistic weights from given data ( in form of literals ) . +1 These would also be of natural interest for relative consistency of one collection of knowledge relative other . +0 Data is stored to the local file system on each node . +1 Growing digital archives and improving algorithms for automatic analysis of text and speech create new research opportunities for fundamental research in phonetics . +0 It is clear that ablating the top pixels identified by integrated gradients leads to a larger score drop that those identified by gradients at the image . +1 I pose three problems that can help unlock this knowledge vault in semantically annotated text corpora : i. identifying important events ; ii . +0 The bound on k given below is optimal up to constant factors . +1 We propose three ranking models and the ensemble methods for combining such models . +0 The aim is to evaluate the understanding of the system at the word level . +1 Recurrent Neural Networks architectures excel at processing sequences by modelling dependencies over different timescales . +0 However we hypothesized that the system is still not achieving its full potential so we decided to examine the room for improvement in our own small human study . +1 Our main contribution is a highly efficient approximate inference algorithm for fully connected CRF models in which the pairwise edge potentials are defined by a linear combination of Gaussian kernels . +0 An example application that uses this capability might be a smart wallet equipped with a camera and a tip calculator . +1 Superoptimization requires the estimation of the best program for a given computational task . +0 The common feature of the latter three scenarios is that they each focus on some form of uncertainty about the final outcome ; the impact of a selected item is the probability that this item will be actually used by the agent . +1 Binary classification using attribute vectors is presented as a technique supporting quantitative analysis of the latent space . +0 Table 5.1 and Table 5.2 show the datasets from CBC and Loebner Prize respectively which are used in the evaluation . +1 The results are shown that the designed system average accuracy is 78.88 . +0 See Figure 1 for an example of WFA with 3 states given in terms of its algebraic representation and the equivalent representation as a weighted transition diagram between states . +1 Our simple proof creates realistic prospects of widening the results to higher dimensions . +0 Unifying these various outputs to find a consensus among detectors is an essential step toward building an ensemble . +1 Those pairs will be mapped from the original space of symbolic words into some embedded style space . +0 11 The literature offers a variety of techniques for overcoming this limitation . +1 Our model builds on top of a recently proposed neutral attention model for NLI but is based on a significantly different idea . +0 Our focus in this paper is on a metric induced over the actions by a complete binary tree T with k leaves . +1 The need for improving the mining techniques has us searching for techniques using the available algorithms . +0 A converging network with all parents having hard evidence leads to the selection of exactly one column from the CPT . +1 We argue that to tackle concept drift it is important to develop the capacity to describe and analyze it . +0 The game environment should have the right amount of informational complexity : novel but not incomprehensible . +1 These factors lead to a subsequent increase in entropy as the agent learned . +0 The reason for this is that these transitivity clauses are always entailed due to the enforcement of the catalogue precedence constraints . +1 We have conducted experiments on a regularized logistic regression task . +0 This section describes the performance ( accuracy and richness of representation ) of our eigenword dictionary learned via CCA . +1 The key to effectively train BCDEs is the hybrid blending of the conditional generative model with a joint generative model that leverages unlabeled data to regularize the conditional model . +0 We distinguish between two types of neural IR models according to the learning and leveraging approaches of distributed representations of text . +1 We discuss one specific case which is commonly assumed to be believable but which is actually not logically valid . +0 We then show in Theorem 10 how to combine this analysis of the rich class of dynamic programming algorithms with our previous analysis of the possible merge functions to obtain a comprehensive analysis of agglomerative algorithms with dynamic programming . +1 We tackle the problem of inferring node labels in a partially labeled graph where each node in the graph has multiple label types and each label type has a large number of possible labels . +0 Therefore we need to normalize the derived features to represent similarity . +1 SVRG and related methods have recently surged into prominence for convex optimization given their edge over stochastic gradient descent ( SGD ) ; but their theoretical analysis almost exclusively assumes convexity . +0 The theorem follows by summing up the RVU property ( 1 ) for each player i and observing that the summation of the second terms is smaller than that of the third terms and thereby can be dropped . +1 We explore in this paper the lower bounds of the Nystrom method to show how bad the Nystrom method can perform . +0 This section describes our approach to encouraging CNNs to learn compositional representations . +1 We also successfully illustrate the method on the question retrieval task . +0 Follows from the possible equilibrium values of all nodes in Theorem 2.9 . +1 Lossy image compression algorithms are pervasively used to reduce the size of images transmitted over the web and recorded on data storage media . +0 This memory cost is typically small because T is not too large in practice . +1 The three value elimination rules can all be seen as strict generalisations of neighbourhood substitution . +0 The assessment of the required user actions illustrated that LAREX enables the user to influence the result heavily with minimal effort and without changing the setup in itself . +1 RR and restricted RR classes do not allow the generation of blank nodes during the chase computation process . +0 FiGAR provides a DRL algorithm with the ability to model temporal abstractions by augmenting it with the ability to predict the number of time steps for which an action chosen for execution is to be repeated . +1 It is based on the idea that a good representation is one in which the data has a distribution that is easy to model . +0 ( 2014b ) illustrated how averaging debiased composite quantile regression estimators can be used for efficient inference in a highdimensional setting . +1 We then propose two new feature mapping functions to augment the transformed data with their original features and zeros . +0 The mean and standard deviation are 99.5 and 1.59 respectively . +1 We introduce an online neural sequence to sequence model that learns to alternate between encoding and decoding segments of the input as it is read . +0 [ 25 ] estimated the bounding box of tumor using a binary classifier trained by negative ( normal tissues ) and positive ( tumor ) patches . +1 The results show that this can still lead to very variable structures being formed and can also accommodate some level of randomness . +0 27 We tested our methodology in real data sets [ 35 ] and on artificially generated data structures . +1 It also outperforms the single objective approach on the most problem instances . +0 This is similar to hinge loss used by Collobert and Weston [ 2 ] who trained the models by ranking the data above noise . +1 We address precisely this setting through a unified treatment using regularization . +0 4 ( a ) ) and a clinically stable female ( Fig . +1 The Lego Mindstorms robot kit was used for the embodiment of the simulated agents . +0 The debate motivated leading scholars to establish rules of usul . +1 We can identify two main groups of techniques for huge data bases mining . +0 173 Often for constrained optimization problems we want the constraints to satisfy some regularity conditions . +1 We show that even in simple coordination games reactive reinforcement learning agents will often coordinate on equilibria with suboptimal payoffs for both agents . +0 For all the metrics a value of 1 is the optimal outcome . +1 Previous simplification studies on the sentence level and word level have achieved promising results but also meet great challenges . +0 Deep neural networks require a lot of training data in order to converge to a good local minimum . +1 Their complexities are often demanding because it involves a large collection of offline classifiers due to the absence of structural complexities reduction mechanisms and lack of an online feature selection mechanism . +0 Table 3.6 and Table 3.7 show the results of the experiments respectively over the development set and the test set . +1 The partitions are dynamically adapted based on which experts are active . +0 Pooling layers require more preparations and are detailed in Sect . +1 This supports the development of the first comprehensive set of formal definitions of types of concept drift . +0 This theorem gives us a good ability for recognizing if the two systems of action differ . +1 Our novel model is a promising method for future cancer data analysis . +0 We investigated the errors and found that all errors were caused due to incorrectly identifying the first name . +1 We demonstrate the empirical performance of our method through a concrete realization of asynchronous SVRG . +0 Typical data for two representative sensors are shown in Fig . +1 Actions are then selected by optimizing a myopic objective that balances earning high immediate reward and acquiring information . +0 Every interval has a unique network activation pattern on FW . +1 Differential privacy is established using a proof technique from algorithmic stability . +0 The schematic illustration of the system workflow of the PDS monitoring algorithm is shown in Figure 2 . +1 In this paper we propose an extension of matrix factorization that uses the clustering paradigm to cluster similar users and items in several communities . +0 The proposed technique in these papers named ELR has a number of similar traits with DBLn . +1 We propose an online spatiotemporal articulation model estimation framework that estimates both articulated structure as well as a temporal prediction model solely using passive observations . +0 It can be clearly seen that FCT was successful in reusing the models learned before on data segments from 20k to 25k and from 30k to 35k . +1 This circular dependence makes rational coordination difficult in uncertain environments if communication between actors is unreliable and no prior agreements have been made . +0 This pooling strategy also naturally deals with sentence length variations . +1 This resolves an open problem proposed by Chaudhuri et al . +0 One common strategy for selecting a data instance to label is uncertainty sampling [ 8 ] where the instance with the highest label uncertainty is selected to be labeled . +1 We present a framework for the extraction of features that can be used for abstraction with supervised learning methods that is based on the XES IEEE standard for event logs . +0 Conditional Transition The tasks needed to be completed to trigger a conditional transition is selected dynamically during runtime . +1 The approximation algorithms rely on LP relaxation and rounding procedures . +0 4 ) Analysis : By using the a clustering algorithm or thresholding the topic document frequency the collapsed Gibbs algorithm is guaranteed to produce K topics . +1 We propose to use a machine learning approach to analyze usage patterns and learn computational models of such features from logs of system usage . +0 The focus is thus not on extracting an abstract representation of the input . +1 We study a framework where agents have to avoid aversive signals . +0 We have also presented a strict partial order preference relation for comparing two compositions with respect to their aggregated valuations of each attribute ; b ) We have introduced a dominance relation for comparing compositions based on user specified preferences and established some of its key properties . +1 The key idea is to use the top eigenfunctions of integral operator derived from both labeled and unlabeled examples as the basis functions and learn the prediction function by a simple linear regression . +0 The distribution of weights ( 0.09 to 0.81 ) in PAIRS data is given in Fig 4 . +1 Learning provides an alternative approach for constructing models of dynamic systems . +0 end for Could it be that POWERPLAY keeps inventing trivial tasks forever ? +1 The model was combined with the deterministic model to analyze the students results of a private Institution in Nigeria which is a good benchmark to monitor the progression of academic performance of students in higher Institution for the purpose of making an effective decision by the academic planners . +0 The combined results for all tracks for each benchmark is shown in Figure 4 . +1 Their inherent deep feedforward structure allows learning complex sequential patterns . +0 NEG is a variant of NCE in which conditional probabilities are computed by Equation 9 . +1 Historical milestones have been frequently associated with computers matching or outperforming humans in difficult cognitive tasks ( e.g . +0 We provide a quantitative evaluation of the grammar model the baseline model in Table 1 . +1 Technological advances have made it possible for transportation systems to collect large volumes of varied data on an unprecedented scale . +0 Let htagger1 ( j ) be the hidden layer activation of the tagger network evaluated at token j . +1 The results of the experiments are shown and discussed to present advantages and disadvantages . +0 The comparison results are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 . +1 Such data are usually available as large amount of user logs stored over massively distributed storage systems such as Hadoop . +0 The efficiency of the sample vectors based weighting adopted by SELM can be evaluated as follows . +1 The online Markov decision process ( MDP ) is a generalization of the classical Markov decision process that incorporates changing reward functions . +0 This demonstrates that jointly decoding label sequences can significantly benefit the final performance of neural network models . +1 or if it requires information from external resources to answer correctly . +0 The correction term ( second term in equation ( 7 ) ) ensures that our estimate is unbiased . +1 Our approach is the first that leads to an estimation of this matrix without any parametric modeling and estimation of the kernels themselves . +0 We implemented the maximal GLA learning algorithm described by Boersma ( 1997 ) . +1 Obtaining syntactic parses is a crucial part of many NLP pipelines . +0 Two outputs are then fed as inputs to the next node in the tree . +1 In this paper we consider the nature of the machine intelligences we have created in the context of our human intelligence . +0 The sharp improvement of the latter around 1000 backtracks suggests that singleton consistency is very powerful for this problem and not too time consuming since domains are binary . +1 One of the services that these platforms provide is the recommendation service . +0 ( The the is called a global choice operator . ) +1 We focus on the new type of anomalous phenomena in the social media and review the recent developed techniques to detect those special types of anomalies . +0 Example 8 ( Vicious Circles through Aggregates and Inconsistency ) Consider a program P4 : p ( a ) . +1 In this paper we generalize this approach and represent incomplete data as pointed affine subspaces . +0 These measures respect ( for the most part ) the mathematical properties of distances which will be introduced later . +1 This work presents an unsupervised approach for improving WordNet that builds upon recent advances in document and sense representation via distributional semantics . +0 The process starts in each of the states with equal probability . +1 This incremental method was tested for accuracy and running time against both full retraining using the original OPF and an adaptation of the Differential Image Foresting Transform . +0 The group orthogonal constraints successfully regularize the learned feature to be within the foreground and background . +1 Neural machine translation aims at building a single large neural network that can be trained to maximize translation performance . +0 M ( Ci ) denotes the set of all supports of Ci . +1 They are often used in everyday communication and are an important part of cultural heritage . +0 In the original formulation of GAN in Goodfellow et al . +1 Compositional embedding models build a representation ( or embedding ) for a linguistic structure based on its component word embeddings . +0 We then combine some of these features to achieve a good classification score . +1 In this work we propose a new algorithm for constructing universal adversarial perturbations . +0 The result opens up the possibility of a more systematic approach to the design of multiclass losses which previously has been approached in a rather ad hoc manner . +1 Our world can be succinctly and compactly described as structured scenes of objects and relations . +0 The proposed network of deep neural networks is depicted in Fig . +1 The same type construction is applied jointly to the columns . +0 ical system leads to a BLEU score of 3.9 ( NMT ) vs. 10.2 ( SMT ) on the Law test set . +1 the buyer prefers showing advertisements to users sooner rather than later . +0 Several of these constructions appeared originally in the literature on graph theory . +1 Learning from synthetic data has many important and practical applications . +0 Also note that the dimensions of Y have no inherent meaning . +1 We also evaluate them on English restaurant reviews in order to measure their robustness across the domains and languages . +0 Theorem 1 describes a discriminating set S with a minimum discriminating probability of 0.5 . +1 We describe and analyze a simple and effective algorithm for sequence segmentation applied to speech processing tasks . +0 A direct consequence of information preserving is the reconstruction power of the convolution layers equipped with CRelu . +1 Most models in machine learning contain at least one hyperparameter to control for model complexity . +0 The second problem is that not possible to know beforehand the possible occurrences that can break a script . +1 We showed that it is intractable to retrieve the full backbone under the assumption that . +0 ( 2016b ) : AVG outperforms the LSTM bymore than 13 points . +1 Our second approach converts these rules into a structured dynamic Bayesian network representation and predicts the effects of action sequences using approximate inference and beliefs over world states . +0 2015 ) and also followed by Gringo ( Gebser et al . +1 Spectral clustering is a fundamental technique in the field of data mining and information processing . +0 Our framework shares the motivation with that of Winikoff et al . +1 The UAV receives a certain amount of reward from an area if some animals are detected at that location . +0 The rest of this section is organized according to the problems being addressed . +1 Manual correction of speech transcription can involve a selection from plausible transcriptions . +0 We introduce this class of EVMs in the next section and leave more complex structures to future work . +1 Even then they struggle to predict rare or unseen words even if the context makes the prediction unambiguous . +0 The algorithm is initialized with a single cluster whose mean is simply the global centroid . +1 The approach of this paper aims to reproduce this simplification process using a neural network to produce a simple low dimensional state representation of the world from images acquired by a robot . +0 these could shed light on the stylistic differences imposed by each of the writing tasks . +1 The base station acts as the command centre to manage the activities of the drones . +0 We categorized these distance measures following a similar categorization done by Cha ( 2007 ) . +1 For real time systems with sparse and slow data sampling the EGAN could be used to speed up the early phases of the training process . +0 Note that this results in a very large training set even for a relatively small number of music samples . +1 An application of this is the following : by plugging in various play options one could determine the best play for a given situation in real time . +0 For the Market Split Problem the differences in performance are not as striking : maxSD is doing slightly better in terms of backtracks but not enough to outperform domWDeg in terms of runtime . +1 A document level similarity score is then computed by again using the sequence alignment algorithm over all sentence pairs . +0 Our result is the first that explains the geometry of the matrix completion objective . +1 We use all this negative flying data in conjunction with positive data sampled from the same trajectories to learn a simple yet powerful policy for UAV navigation . +0 Below it will be proven that both revision processes commute . +1 And contractive autoencoder ( CAE ) is another kind of improved autoender to learn robust feature by introducing the Frobenius norm of the Jacobbian matrix of the learned feature with respect to the original input . +0 Table 1 gives a list of such performance measures along with some of their relevant properties and references to works that utilize these performance measures . +1 Lifted probabilistic inference algorithms have been successfully applied to a large number of symmetric graphical models . +0 The nodes that have been merged are deleted from the memory ( shown in red ) . +1 The key challenge in this problem is learning the correlations between the classes . +0 We also continued training of our neural systems for another four epochs or 1.2M iterations ( 2.4M in total ) which increased training time to 16 days in total per neural system . +1 The state of the art supervised machine learning models in this domain are based on Conditional Random Fields ( CRFs ) with features calculated from fixed context windows . +0 The rules also identified many significant implied relationships between pairs of variables resulting in many simple logical inequalities . +1 Deep neural networks ( DNNs ) play a key role in many applications . +0 Rather than simply reweighing individual values to equalize the overall contribution of the benign and malware in eq . +1 The test and the evaluation of our method concern a corpus written in French by means of the semantic network BabelNet . +0 ( 18 ) and ( 19 ) are learned from the distributions given in Fig . +1 Spectral clustering is a key research topic in the field of machine learning and data mining . +0 We describe our technique that significantly reduces the time required to search for the correct configuration in order to facilitate the use of customized precision . +1 In this paper one presents a new fuzzy clustering algorithm based on a dissimilarity function determined by three parameters . +0 A summary of the analysis is presented in Table 3 . +1 Our results confirm that the proposed method increases the quality of synthetic speech in both experiments . +0 [ 6 ] ) is one approach to optimizing our objective that has a number of advantages over the basic proximal method . +1 This limitation has not only restricted the relevance of theoretical results but has also influenced the design of algorithms . +0 Our ClusterACDM method is designed to precisely match this suggested performance above . +1 The lower bound is the first of its kind for this setting . +0 Each of these tasks has its own challenges and limitations . +1 We explore two methods of developing linguistic indicators to be used in a first level classifier aimed at maximizing precision at the expense of recall . +0 Figure 4 shows the implementation details on each worker in SFBcaster . +1 In this paper we study the graph mining problem as an example of a higher order problem . +0 On the other hand p2 is the probability of retrieving points that are further than desired to our query point ; p2 is the probability ar X iv :1 70 4 . +1 This perspective offers a way to unify previous theories of curiosity into a single framework . +0 The borehole data are available at specific well locations ; whereas seismic attributes are acquired over the area of interest . +1 Machine translation ( MT ) was developed as one of the hottest research topics in the natural language processing ( NLP ) literature . +0 It is easy to see that Monotone functions are closed under disjunction and conjunction . +1 Natural language provides a flexible and efficient medium through which robots can exchange information with their human partners . +0 There are many software tools that facilitate the analysis of networked data . +1 This paper is part of a project aimed at investigating how such techniques can be extended to coordinate teams of unmanned aerial vehicles ( UAVs ) in dynamic environments . +0 Learning was based on stochastic gradient descent with minibatches of 64 samples for 500 epochs . +1 Human activity recognition has wide applications in medical research and human survey system . +0 1. pv ( t ) can be computed from local information v possesses and global information the server has . +1 Many photographic styles rely on subtle adjustments that depend on the image content and even its semantics . +0 Now we formulate a problem that generalizes the biased regularization approach for transfer learning . +1 One of the main characteristics is the vehicle speed profile across the route . +0 These experiments so far may raise the concern of whether COOL networks are too restrictive to generalize well . +1 Experimental results on three human action recognition datasets consistently demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model . +0 [ 1 ] propose a document expansion technique based on the use of a random walk algorithm identifying from WordNet the most related concepts . +1 Coordinate descent is one of the most popular approaches for solving Lasso and its extensions due to its simplicity and efficiency . +0 The goal of our project is to explore and understand the significance of deep learning techniques in this task . +1 The proposed SED system is compared against the state of the art mono channel method on the development subset of TUT sound events detection 2016 database . +0 We will assume that the strategies are applied as described in the pseudocode . +1 We represent DNA sequences as four binary indicator sequences and apply RFT on the indicator sequences to convert them into frequency domain . +0 Note that the number of hidden units is kept the same in both the encoding phase and the decoding phase . +1 IHOMP iteratively refines a set of specialized policies based on a limited representation . +0 We now discuss the finding in terms of dialog act counts . +1 Our simple autoencoder creates combinations it has not previously encountered and produces a degree of overlap matching adults . +0 Numerous methods have been developed to explain evidence in Bayesian networks . +1 The literature on judgment aggregation has now been moving from studying impossibility results regarding aggregation rules towards studying specific judgment aggregation rules . +0 Our experiments confirm this intuition for both squeezing methods and datasets . +1 Anomalous items in a testing sequence are detected when the sequence is not accepted by the learned model . +0 Table 1 shows the results for the two Movielens datasets . +1 The compression space is homological because all layers fetch hashed values from it . +0 It is easy to see that our earlier expressions for the case where Y is boolean ( equation ( 2.9 ) and ( 2.10 ) ) are a special case of the above expressions . +1 This taxonomy and survey reviews machine learning techniques and their performance in detecting anomalies . +0 A language is a set of strings ; a complexity class is a set of languages . +1 Our approach proposes a novel combination of reinforcement learning and classification methods to efficiently tackle the problems inherent to this type of systems . +0 Definition of motion pathway classes in different action all possible action of human object optical flow captured and store in a database considered as references . +1 We draw a detailed complexity landscape for the problem of detecting strong and weak backdoor sets into heterogeneous base classes for SAT and CSP . +0 One way of measuring robustness to such effects is by measuring the performance of our learned control polices in the presence of an adversarial disturbance . +1 Results : We show that CRTS not only covers the recommendations but also is flexible to be extended to represent information from primary literature . +0 The two distance metric we employ are normalized euclidean distance in the representation space and classification error . +1 Concept Trees are a type of database that can organise arbitrary textual information using a very simple rule . +0 Rebecca is knowledgeable with GUI interfaces so she will be responsible for that . +1 Our extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework is both effective and efficient . +0 The same analysis can be done considering different algorithms with the same number of training vectors . +1 On each round an algorithm receives an input and makes a prediction . +0 We proceed by testing the two approaches on a highdimensional synthetic dataset . +1 To do this we create an algorithm based on a newly defined optimization problem and analyze it . +0 A problem that arises if one simply considers a circle in the 2D space is that an error function defined to push symmetrically the negatives away from the circle will have a local minimum inside the circle for the negatives . +1 The system also employs an intuitive and informative visualization to show the uncovered insight . +0 All of our experiments were conducted in Torch7 [ 16 ] . +1 The system which combined frame retaining with frame stacking could reduces the time consumption of both training and decoding . +0 This can be achieved by making all threads in a warp access contiguous spaces in memory . +1 We accompany the algorithmic presentation with theoretical foundations and numerous and diverse examples . +0 We used three planted partition parameters as listed in Table 2 . +1 Here we propose a classifier which can differentiate patients having benign and malignant cancer cells . +0 This procedure is performed for every class in the original dataset and yields a new dataset of artificial documents . +1 Both text analysis and control strategies are learned jointly using only a feedback signal inherent to the application . +0 A prerequisite for the goals of the hackathon was data to work with : texts to compare and classify . +1 We then demonstrate that the rescoring results are at least partly due to implicit model combination rather than reranking effects . +0 We then pass the image through a CNN to get the embedding for the image . +1 Long text brings a big challenge to semantic matching due to their complicated semantic and syntactic structures . +0 We also add noise with the same mean and standard deviation than images . +1 Diagnosis of liver infection at preliminary stage is important for better treatment . +0 The presented demonstration learning approach relies on a limited form of interaction between the agent and teacher . +1 The developed quality metric can serve as an objective function to optimize the performance of a 3D content delivery system . +0 An alternative approach is the global reward ( G ) which reflects the global system utility and should stimulate agents to perform actions beneficial for the system . +1 In this paper we present new discriminative embedding models based on recurrent neural networks ( RNNs ) . +0 The resolution algorithm [ 1 ] can decide whether or not a goal is satisfiable : Definition 5 ( Goal ) . +1 The trend is leaning towards knowledge that is attained easily and quickly from massive pools of Big Data . +0 Note that different results reported here are obtained using a single core to render the time cost comparisons meaningful . +1 This work explores the effects of relevant and irrelevant boolean variables on the accuracy of classifiers . +0 Missing info elements are replaces by standard entries if it is possible . +1 In many applications data is naturally presented in terms of orderings of some basic elements or symbols . +0 While the results look better than for the previous two models they are still far from optimal . +1 Here an effort has been made to improve current chess engines by letting themselves evolve over a period of time . +0 Proof : See proof in the work of Nair et al . +1 We analyse the performance of each of these sixteen models to come up with the best model for predicting the ratings from reviews . +0 We address this issue by computing uncertainty of an object model in a frame based on its response maps . +1 A natural question that arises in these settings is how regularized learning algorithms behave when faced against each other . +0 See for example the spanning tree construction of Magnanti and Wolsey ( 1994 ) . +1 We also inspect these selected features and discuss their roles in program execution . +0 Formula relaxation for unreachable states is accomplished by recursively removing all positive occurrences of unreachable propositions . +1 Bipartite ranking is a fundamental ranking problem that learns to order relevant instances ahead of irrelevant ones . +0 Our solution to the paradox is that the agent simply has different strengths of beliefs in the proposition and its negation . +1 Understanding why a model made a certain prediction is crucial in many data science fields . +0 The text phrases of semantic regions that express such local semantics are leveraged by a language attention module to help with the recurrent word generation . +1 It derives the necessary domain knowledge by observing human drivers . +0 Cellphones Cookies Beach Shoes ( a ) all three categories of users ( b ) users of cookies or beach We first discuss some offline experiments . +1 Local consistencies stronger than arc consistency have received a lot of attention since the early days of CSP research . +0 The probabilistic graphical model of Bayesian robust CP factorization of an incomplete tensor . +1 This feature causes computationally prohibitive complexity and is not flexible enough to cope with rapidly changing environments . +0 This section focuses on the Semantic Web and some of its most important properties . +1 Our results demonstrate their understanding of the topological map structure and spatial relations between places . +0 Note that the sum on the righthand side is what makes the function strictly monotonically increasing . +1 Conditions for asymptotic convergence and boundness of the networkwise regret are also provided . +0 In this way the learner can gain information about actions it does not take with varying levels of accuracy . +1 Then we develop a novel joint hierarchical clustering and linking algorithm to type all mentions using these representations . +0 For the same reasons tanh was previously found to speed up learning compared to the logistic function LeCun et al . +1 Unsupervised learning is suitable whenever labelled data is scarce for the specific leaf level models . +0 The Factor graph for coreference with two entities and three mentions . +1 To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming ( TPLP ) . +0 One can argue that the procedure is not sound with respect to admissibility . +1 We also demonstrate its advantages on a dataset of EEG recordings and on a downsampled version of the ImageNet dataset . +0 ( 2011a ) proposed the notion of acyclic graph rule dependencies ( aGRD ) . +1 Finally the results and algorithms are extended to contextual bandits with similarities . +0 Robust Rank Aggregation ( RRA ) [ 15 ] utilizes order statistics to compute the probability that a given ordering of ranks for a point across detectors is generated by the null model where the ranks are sampled from a uniform distribution . +1 The evaluation results show that our model can achieve a high prediction ability and produce reasonable search results . +0 The performance inconsistency between smaller and larger degrees of pose change is in fact determined by the algorithm nature of the two methods . +1 This survey can promote a comprehensive understanding on the roles and significance of ontologies within the overall domain of Cloud Computing . +0 The authors examined the Nave Bayesian method in relation to this authorship identification technique . +1 Opinion mining from customer reviews has become pervasive in recent years . +0 Figure 3 illustrates a convolution shaped by a rectangular window . +1 We investigate the pertinence of methods from algebraic topology for text data analysis . +0 Gorniak and Roy ( 2005 ) develop a machine controlled game character which responds to spoken natural language commands . +1 Word Prosody describes stress pattern by comparing the prosodic features of its constituent syllables . +0 Classical approaches for Semantic Parsing can be broadly divided into two categories . +1 We present an associated open source software package that enables the simple and flexible creation of DAWMR networks . +0 This vector is then used as the input to a classifier and used in a supervised learning task . +1 Here we study the problem of predicting labels for large text corpora where each text can be assigned multiple labels . +0 Punctuation is separated from the words and treated as a word . +1 HuTO also proposes an approach which associates a temporal dimension to the knowledge base content . +0 Anomaly detection methods usually rely on the change in a property of the data or system being monitored to effectively function . +1 We believe that applying deep machine learning for psychological profiling may have an enormous impact on the society ( for good or worse ) and providing full source code of our research we hope to intensify further research by the wider circle of scholars . +0 We will define each one in the rest of this Section . +1 Feature decorrelation is an alternative for using the full capacity of the models but the overfitting reduction margins are too narrow given the overhead it introduces . +0 As pointed out by [ 19 ] it could be the case however that a lacking piece of information might be available elsewhere within discourse borders . +1 Lung cancer is the deadliest type of cancer for both men and women . +0 We then measure how well we can train a model to perform the task . +1 We detail a compositional distributional framework based on a rich form of word embeddings that aims at facilitating the interactions between words in the context of a sentence . +0 It can be viewed as some kind of information credibility evaluation . +1 We evaluate our approach on the Microsoft Research Sentence Completion Challenge and show that the dependency RNN proposed improves over the RNN by about 10 points in accuracy . +0 How is the diagonal structure ( 12 ) of S ( 11 ) and ( 14 ) of T ( 13 ) going to be helpful for the estimation of the model parameters ? +1 Experimental results show that the proposed method can significantly outperform baseline methods on accuracy of classification . +0 The experiments were approved by U.S. Army Research Laboratory ( ARL ) Institutional Review Board . +1 Our novel architecture takes as input both an imputed version of the data and a binary observation matrix . +0 The conventional approach to dealing with this problem is to learn a feature map that ( i ) enables accurate classification in the source domain and ( ii ) captures meaningful invariant relationships between the source and target domains . +1 We propose and analyze a synthetic ordinal ranking model and show its relation to the recently much studied stochastic block model . +0 In practice this step runs much faster because the worst case situation only occurs when every node is reachable from every other node within dcutoff . +1 Errors in data are usually unwelcome and so some means to correct them is useful . +0 The entire content of the discussion board was collected in January 2015 . +1 We study the behavior of the different variants through numerical simulations . +0 An analyst marks a data set comprised of connections as either normal or abnormal . +1 High precision assembly of mechanical parts requires accuracy exceeding the robot precision . +0 The main criticisms of human judgment studies is they are expensive to perform and difficult to replicate without access to the same subject pool and control samples ( e.g . +1 The primary feature of the framework are possibilities for incorporation of normative and prescriptive approaches to decision making . +0 ( 3 ) or the weighted geometric average values by Eq . +1 Detailed analysis reveals important aspects of a good hash function : 1 ) having appropriate granularity and 2 ) encoding information relevant to solving the MDP . +0 opens an existing SciXMiner batch file in an editor window for a manual modification . +1 Also it is shown that the proposed method achieves enough accuracy by itself without backpropagation in some cases . +0 This close mapping between related terms allows us to find more frequently occurring terms for a given rare term . +1 We present a polynomial time algorithm for recognizing weakly single crossing profiles on trees . +0 Note that the empty corner model can describe all perfect packing solutions . +1 We propose a procedure that takes advantage of these symmetries by interacting with a continuous constraint solver without interfering with it . +0 The needle was laid just above the aqueous phase and the droplets were released to the surface of the liquid . +1 Latent Dirichlet Allocation ( LDA ) mining thematic structure of documents plays an important role in nature language processing and machine learning areas . +0 We analyze the effects of camera motion on our best network and the corresponding baselines . +1 This problem is challenging because the requester not only has to learn the qualities of the workers but also elicit their true costs . +0 We believe regularization techniques and prudent noise injection during training to improve generalization ( Srivastava et al . +1 The purpose of this study is to explore the feasibility and potential benefits of using a physiological plausible model of handwriting as a feature representation for sequence generation with recurrent mixture density networks . +0 We do not require such a segment as input and are able to find the largest and smallest value automatically . +1 In this study we present a method for measuring changes in clusters with the same items over discrete time points using external clustering validation indices and area under the curve . +0 This approach enables adaptive SMC methods to make use of the rich literature and optimization tools available from supervised learning . +1 Recent work has shown that Dropout can also be viewed as performing Approximate Bayesian Inference over the network parameters . +0 We can examine Figure 6 to see the effects of the voting multiplier and the mixing parameter on the accuracy of the model . +1 We demonstrate that SGD with properly chosen constant rates gives a new way to optimize hyperparameters in probabilistic models . +0 PETRARCH requires a deep parse generated by software such as CoreNLP . +1 Measuring the salience of a word is an essential step in numerous NLP tasks . +0 The following theorem is a kind of completeness result for reactive interpretations . +1 Deploying a number of ( video ) cameras is a common surveillance approach . +0 Section 2 illustrates the diverse range of methods by which the impact of digital games for learning has been assessed . +1 A crucial problem for many results and tools about bigraphs and bigraphical reactive systems is bigraph embedding . +0 Experimental results show that our method achieves better performance comparing to baseline methods in adversarial settings . +1 ( 2 ) Smaller DNNs require less bandwidth to export a new model from the cloud to an autonomous car . +0 The diagonal line indicates an equal private and public score . +1 and uses this additional information to obtain an improved approximation from the sketches . +0 These cells are specialized into a surprising diversity of cell types . +1 We adopt prior information from different sources in the model . +0 Suppose that Laura is a student in a school where it is possible to get an arbitrarily bad grade . +1 A fundamental advantage of neural models for NLP is their ability to learn representations from scratch . +0 The training process itself gives no answer to the question when to stop the training . +1 We introduce the task of automated lyric annotation ( ALA ) . +0 Further analysis of the results proved that simple techniques can provide faster insights about people sentiment regarding any type of domain . +1 We demonstrate the method by detecting intrusions in the DARPA 1998 BSM dataset . +0 DTA based algorithms require an efficient method to estimate the joint probability and iterate over exponentially many combinations of h and y ; and the problem of estimating exact probabilities is as hard as the original problem . +1 Experiment results on the Chinese to English translation show that the proposed model achieves significant improvements over the baseline on various test sets . +0 The whole set of abstraction patterns that can be generated by G will be denoted by P . +1 Recent works shows that deep Tanh networks are able to converge with careful model initialization while deep Sigmoid networks still fail . +0 A mild assumption on f is needed to avoid degenerate cases ( For counterexamples see the appendix ) . +1 An empirical evaluation is also performed to study the impact of the different parameters of the model . +0 Figure 2 illustrate the architecture of Word2Vec models with context windows of size five . +1 It is also seen the proposed method enjoys much faster convergence compared to ADMM in features space . +0 e third column represents the number of parameters used in each layer and in total . +1 The algorithm is based on linear regression and the analysis develops techniques from the linear bandit literature . +0 In the following section we evaluate our approach to knowledge question generation from knowledge graphs . +1 Experimental results reveal that the algebraic reasoning examples can be accurately learnt only if the feedforward neural network has enough hidden layers . +0 This would result in running 300 ( 15x20 ) distinct LSTM for evaluation . +1 This document briefly describes the systems submitted by the Center for Robust Speech Systems ( CRSS ) from The University of Texas at Dallas ( UTD ) to the 2016 National Institute of Standards and Technology ( NIST ) Speaker Recognition Evaluation ( SRE ) . +0 These approaches have a different goal : Providing a flexible framework for specifying graphical models and performing inference in those models . +1 In previous works we have described various modules of the cognitive architecture that allows a robot to execute creative paintings . +0 Therefore these two distributions must be far apart in terms of total variation distance for correct assignment . +1 We call this approach Linear Heterophily Estimation ( LHE ) . +0 The intends predicate only occurs in action effects ; it is not used in action preconditions because that creates a strong commitment to how actions can be used . +1 We hope that this paper will provide a more thorough understanding of the recent advances in survival analysis and offer some guidelines on applying these approaches to solve new problems that arise in applications with censored data . +0 The cache language models are based on the assumption that the word in recent history are more likely to appear again . +1 Each individual discussion is illustrated with a related use case . +0 Siegelmann and Sontag ( 1995 ) ) and as such it is sometimes useful to analyze them using dynamical systems tools which allow for better abstractions that we can use for reasoning about the behaviour of the model . +1 Among them unsupervised approaches has attracted more attention since no label data is required . +0 This correction only requires quantities which have already been computed but greatly improves practical performance . +1 A case study was conducted to demonstrate the usefulness of our method in helping users understand the flow of ideas between different user groups on social media +0 The most holistic way to evaluate the trajectory rollouts is via visual analysis . +1 The empirical results in the grid world and the blocker task suggest that our approximation architecture would be effective for the RL problems with large discrete action sets . +0 Different personality theorists present their own definitions of personality and different ways to measure it based on their theoretical positions . +1 We use R5RS Scheme and its standard library with a few omissions as the reference machine . +0 An empirical analysis of each of these features is provided in Section 9 . +1 This article does not describe a new semantics for integration but the problem of obtaining the reliability of the sources given the result of a previous merging . +0 The models have comparable number of parameters : 10.5M for the LSTM VAE model and 10.8M for our hybrid model . +1 Softmax GAN is a novel variant of Generative Adversarial Network ( GAN ) . +0 The figure also suggests that the median distance ( 921 miles ) may not be a suitable threshold for this dataset . +1 These pairs are further filtered based on a fuzzy matching score based on edit distance . +0 KAR returns a revised scenario with a replaced activity which will later be associated with a natural language description and details . +1 In this paper we propose a novel model for unconditional audio generation based on generating one audio sample at a time . +0 The heart of the problem lies in not knowing the transition probabilities . +1 We propose time complexity models for gradient descent and graphical model inference . +0 Selecting the path that minimizes the distance between the two classes and using that as a measure of error seems reasonable . +1 Working with Web archives raises a number of issues caused by their temporal characteristics . +0 The result is saved in a file called [ project_name ] _ind_terms.txt . +1 The proposed solution was tested and compared to other solutions using a group of experiments in real life problems . +0 Most of the variations of trained model architectures under the proposed embedding approach have largely the same runtime performance . +1 All of our code has been made available as open source project . +0 WolframTones searches for rules that produce chaotic or complex patterns . +1 Electronic health records ( EHRs ) contain important clinical information about patients . +0 Note that the dimension of the gradientG is identical to that of the input x . +1 The latter is the proposed scheme in which femtocells share partial information during the learning process in order to strike a balance between practical relevance and performance . +0 We want to get each competence assigned to at least one agent and each agent assigned to at least one competence in such a way that the total cost ( that is both undercompetence and overcompetence ) of the assignment is minimal with respect to all such assignments . +1 We provide a theoretical analysis of the security of this procedure and experimental results for the problem of large scale spam detection . +0 In this Section we perform a number of empirical studies on the WePS corpora in order to find out how UIR behaves in practice . +1 We derive practical advice from our extensive empirical results for those interested in getting the most out of CNNs for sentence classification . +0 So Equation ( 4 ) implies Equations ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) . +1 We develop a local motion planner using potential fields to maintain a desired distance from the structure . +0 All three hidden layers were followed by a rectifier nonlinearity . +1 We prove that CMD is a metric on the set of probability distributions on a compact interval . +0 This may happen if the test set is approximately just a subset of the data used for training the model . +1 We explore this opportunity in terms of achievable accuracy and required computational effort . +0 We provide next a connection between the organization of the body of the text and of the appendix . +1 This metric uses an estimate of the probability that a user will see a recommendation in an ordered list . +0 The discussion of existing tests for spatial dependence has helped to identify some desiderata . +1 The remarkable successes of deep learning models across various applications have resulted in the design of deeper networks that can solve complex problems . +0 We also give computation times for Gurobi and Yices after adding additional linear approximation constraints obtained with the approach in Section 3.1 . +1 To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming ( TPLP ) . +0 This spatial feature map is a parameter matrix that needs to be learned by the agent . +1 We focus on two fundamental aspects : linguistic complexity and the dependence of the extracted sentences on their original context . +0 The Google News embeddings for English2 and the FrWac embeddings for French3 are publicly available . +1 We argue that the Writers Workshop setting describes the anatomy of the creative process . +0 The metrics of control error and success rate were used in the evaluation . +1 Recurrent neural network ( RNN ) has been broadly applied to natural language processing ( NLP ) problems . +0 La Figura 22 representa visualmente todos los tipos de proposiciones que hemos expuesto en este apartado . +1 This paper presents a dataset collected from natural dialogs which enables to test the ability of dialog systems to learn new facts from user utterances throughout the dialog . +0 We illustrate the basic algorithms by means of a Hamiltonian cycle example9 using the graph in Figure 1 . +1 This is a common and pervasive problem which deserves more attention . +0 A better kernel for us would have been the linear kernel . +1 Feature squeezing reduces the search space available to an adversary by coalescing samples that correspond to many different feature vectors in the original space into a single sample . +0 ( 21 ) The weights wij in the definition of T and S define a random process that generates random walks on G. We have a Markov chain with state space V . +1 This model is made possible by an exhaustive candidate generation strategy specifically enabled by the features of the portmanteau task . +0 We are not aware of any publicly available dataset suited for this problem . +1 miRNA and gene expression profiles have been proved useful for classifying cancer samples . +0 [ 11 ] used hierarchical LDA ( hLDA ) [ 12 ] for automatic generation of meaningful object hierarchies . +1 The National Library of Finland has digitized the historical newspapers published in Finland between 1771 and 1910 . +0 Figure 5 shows the AUC scores obtained using melspectrogram vs. STFT while varying the size of the utilised training data with logarithmic scaling . +1 The quantitative and comprehensive assessments are performed on the basis of prediction accuracy and computational cost . +0 Table 1 summarizes the key aspects of the languages involved in the experiments . +1 normative or medical texts that are rather controlled by nature but still infringe the boundaries of CNL . +0 A number of probabilistic frameworks for reinforcement learning have been proposed in recent years . +1 This paper proposes to improve visual question answering ( VQA ) with structured representations of both scene contents and questions . +0 This was the case with our pointers : they are probability distributions over memory cells and they should sum up to 1 . +1 Our method surpasses various baselines in terms of performance and functionality . +0 The Communicator dataset contains transcripts of conversations for booking flight tickets . +1 All three models utilize word and position embedding as latent features and thus do not rely on feature engineering . +0 Let us first recall the standard definition of bisimulation in modal logic : Definition 1 ( Bisimulation ) . +1 Our approach simultaneously and adaptively learns both the structure of the network as well as its weights . +0 A complex pattern of states and events ( complex for short ) is a possibly empty conjunction of FOL conditions and temporal constraints . +1 We have integrated our system into a freely available online learning platform . +0 This baseline and the next allow us to determine summary quality when summaries are restricted to a single utterance . +1 Croatian is the most difficult language in the test set and the improvements over the baseline are rather modest . +0 This semantics focuses on formalizing proof skeletons for generation proof checker templates . +1 Most research has focused on learning from fixed training sets of labeled data rather than interacting with a dialogue partner in an online fashion . +0 One logical choice would be to use a gradient update . +1 We develop a general methodology for variational inference which preserves dependency among the latent variables . +0 The first quantity in the RHS is straightforward to compute from the following equations . +1 This paper further proposes an automated approach to compiler parameter assignment for assessing the performance of FEAST . +0 This also makes sure that strongly overlapping Gaussians which are not easily distinguishable for a human are assigned a low distinguishability value . +1 The paper attempts to describe the space of possible mind designs by first equating all minds to software . +0 only in the documents written during time t. Definition 3.2 . +1 We first identify four categories of constraints that are applicable to sequence mining . +0 The above inequality implies that the algorithm enjoys a globally geometric convergence rate and the loss decreases multiplicatively . +1 We begin with a case study exploring the recently popular task of image captioning and its limitations as a task for measuring machine intelligence . +0 After that come the constituents resulting from a combination of other constituents . +1 We train the network in a supervised manner on a dataset of rendered 3D chair models . +0 The criterion of structural coupling ensures that the context itself changes in response to such selection this is how a cognitive agent learns from experience . +1 Existing question answering methods infer answers either from a knowledge base or from raw text . +0 One application of our algorithm is a regret bound for Lipschitz functions : Theorem 2 . +1 Anomalies are strange data points ; they usually represent an unusual occurrence . +0 We guess that there may exist a much looser measurement than it within our purpose . +1 It compresses the size of the storage for a large number of network parameters in a neural network by quantizing them and encoding the quantized values into binary codewords of smaller sizes . +0 The work in [ 1 ] presents several empirical studies discovering the sparse and distributed nature of codes in the middle layers of a deep backpropagation trained network . +1 Recent years have seen the proposal of a number of neural architectures for the problem of Program Induction . +0 The degree of similarity of x and G ( z ) depends on to which extent the query image follows the data distribution pg that was used for training of the generator . +1 We have shown theoretically that the proposed GoGAN can reduce the gap between the true data distribution and the generated data distribution by at least half in an optimally trained WGAN . +0 These positive and negative test pairs generated by PRA make up the test set for all methods evaluated in this paper . +1 A cluster of patients is a set of patients with similar features ( e.g . +0 In the STIMONT these values are represented as float datatype properties with domain Dimension and range Stimulus : . +1 Recognizing arbitrary objects in the wild has been a challenging problem due to the limitations of existing classification models and datasets . +0 Proofs of theorems appear in Appendix C. Consistency and correctness . +1 HyTNs are meant as a light generalization of STNs offering an interesting compromise . +0 Simpler models from the Performance Factors Analysis ( PFA ) framework [ 24 ] and Learning Factors Analysis ( LFA ) framework [ 3 ] have shown predictive power comparable to BKT [ 14 ] . +1 Most efforts in Machine Learning communities are devoted to methods that use probabilistic algorithms which are heavy on Calculus and Linear Algebra . +0 The next dialog allows us to select a replay algorithm . +1 Typically in a menu based speech solution the user is required to respond by speaking from a closed set of words when prompted by the system . +0 Example Figure 1 illustrates an examplary NTP computation graph constructed for a toy KB . +1 We find that predictors endowed with token embeddings consistently outperform baseline predictors across a range of context window and training set sizes . +0 Fill words may not be repeated elsewhere in the puzzle . +1 Political footprints are vector space models ( VSMs ) applied to political discourse . +0 15d display the collected reward and RMS error when a different starting location is chosen for each robot . +1 This paper presents an information theoretic approach to the concept of intelligence in the computational sense . +0 Transitions of representations from those reflecting types of human gesture to those reflecting specific target objects organized in the PFC layer . +1 Humans and animals are constantly exposed to a continuous stream of sensory information from different modalities . +0 We base our network off that of Krizhevsky et al . +1 Our solution requires no change in the model architecture from our base system but instead introduces an artificial token at the beginning of the input sentence to specify the required target language . +0 VREP is a robotics simulator with an embedded application for a robot in an integrated development environment ( IDE ) with potential field tasks without depending physically on the actual robot . +1 The algorithm builds a forest of trees whose nodes store previously seen examples . +0 This is mainly due to that RNNSEARCH seriously suffers from inadequate translations on long sentences ( Tu et al . +1 Then tags such as speaker and discourse boundary from the script data are projected to its subtitle data via an information retrieval approach in order to map monolingual discourse to bilingual texts . +0 So these strategies yield universum data having distribution different from the training data . +1 One common approach to address this issue is to prune these big networks by removing extra neurons and parameters while maintaining the accuracy . +0 Depending on the user profile he sees the system from different perspectives corresponding each one to an operational view of the system . +1 The evaluation of the participants work quality is a major issue in crowdsourcing . +0 Aspects of the trajectory and the new state will also determine possible output events . +1 We also consider the displacement of a solution in both spaces using Levy flights . +0 ( 4.7 ) a : Can I have some toast please ? +1 This suggests that the latter tend to be the hardest loss functions to learn against . +0 The airports are represented as nodes and two nodes are connected if the corresponding airline offers a flight between the corresponding cities . +1 Our bounds compare favorably to results on the unstructured version of the problem [ Agrawal et al . +0 An other solution to turn the game into a more interesting one would be to add a simple operation : the possibility to replace any available number by its square . +1 Such scenarios can be improved if quality predictions are accompanied by a measure of uncertainty . +0 The result of these evaluations can be easily translated into rewards and penalties that support the learning process . +1 Attempts are made to cluster this dataset and important subsets of it in an effort to characterize the data and validate existing standards for tumour classification . +0 The learned model can predict the stock prices in the future by using the stock prices in the past as inputs . +1 The experimental results show that DBN get a better initial model . +0 RomeraParedes and Torr [ 18 ] use convolutional LSTM ( ConvLSTM ) [ 20 ] to produce instance segmentation directly . +1 The question is : will they want to use it ? +0 Let us consider the set of technologies an attacker type t has expertise in is Tt . +1 Recent progress in deep latent variable models has largely been driven by the development of flexible and scalable variational inference methods . +0 The training methods that use the first differential information have often stability problems and high numerical complexity . +1 The objective is a concave function of this average vector . +0 Applying the polynomial assumption ( 12 ) to the above general model of manifold learning gives a general manifold learning algorithm with an explicit nonlinear mapping . +1 The proposed model was extensively evaluated on four different NLG datasets . +0 All combinations of system and query for which the tests in Section 5.2 identified the system as incomplete are shown in Table 9 . +1 Proposed method achieves state of the art performance over existing input prediction methods in terms of Key Stroke Saving and has been commercialized . +0 ENT ( ) is a queryQwhose positive and negative answers are equally likely and for which D0 ( Q ) is the empty set . +1 We relate problem theory with set theory and with computing theory . +0 A reservoir property ( here sand fraction ) can be represented by X and seismic attribute e.g . +1 We then apply inverse volatility weightings to these new composite assets . +0 Figure 4 depicts the graphical model of the proposed model . +1 The synthesis of behavioral study and computer vision yields several interesting discoveries . +0 The connection of our method to sparse coding is experimentally demonstrated in Section 4.4 and illustrated in Figure 6 . +1 In this paper we improved accuracy of web spam detection by using two nonlinear kernels into Twin SVM ( TSVM ) as an improved extension of SVM . +0 Reconstruction ICA is a good candidate for training [ 16 ] . +1 We first present a general risk bound for ensembles that depends on the Lp norm of the weighted combination of voters which can be selected from a continuous set . +0 Section 2 ) is taken as part of the input . +1 We also provide a comparative study of our approach and several recent promising methods . +0 The parameter settings used for these algorithms are provided in Table 5 in Appendix A . +1 The operators described here are able to be used in both cases . +0 The aforementioned paper also contains an analysis of the results and the feature contribution which proved useful in the replication of the experiments . +1 We propose an exact algorithm for parsing as well as a tractable learning algorithm . +0 On graphs of treewidth bounded by a constant many otherwise intractable problems become tractable . +1 In the a posteriori approach of multiobjective optimization the Pareto front is approximated by a finite set of solutions in the objective space . +0 The application of the conditional mean to approximate the conditional probability table was used in Cooper and Dietterich ( 1992 ) in relation to Bayesian Networks . +1 Interior point methods and random walk approaches have been long considered disparate approaches for convex optimization . +0 These results can be improved by increasing M and N as discussed in Sec . +1 We propose here an efficient algorithm which is convergent under linear function approximation while planning using temporally abstract actions . +0 One can see that interpolating at deeper levels gives visually more plausible samples . +1 We also discuss the differences to conventional algorithms and give the robotics perspective on this class of algorithms . +0 We refer again to Figure 1 which illustrates the total system . +1 Recent advances in neural variational inference have spawned a renaissance in deep latent variable models . +0 3.5 we see that it will probably lead to an unwanted chattering behavior . +1 We then propose a new group sparse convolutional neural network which could naturally learn the question representation with respect to their corresponding answers by implanting the group sparse autoencoders into the traditional convolutional neural network . +0 The architecture of our model forces information to pass through an intermediate sentence based representation . +1 The present work thereby overcomes one of the major limitations for the future development of hardware reservoir computers . +0 Bayesian networks are directed graphical models that compactly represent sets of probability distributions . +1 A polynomial time algorithm is designed for the first case that outputs the optimal solution . +0 The learning in this stage is done via distance learning working on further constraints required by a proper distance metric in contextualized semantic embedding . +1 An efficient algorithm for recurrent neural network training is presented . +0 Definition 1.1.19 : If NB G has atleast one Lagrange neutrosophic subbigroup then we call NB G to be a weak Lagrange neutrosophic bigroup . +1 Electronic healthcare databases present the opportunity to identify new side effects efficiently but currently the methods are limited due to confounding ( i.e . +0 A sentence y is first encoded by CNN [ 18 ] with highway connection [ 19 ] into a sentence representation . +1 Biometrics systems have been used in a wide range of applications and have improved people authentication . +0 Table 1 shows the same results for 127 classes obtained from top down clustering . +1 A fast proximal scheme is developed to optimize this model . +0 Then we perform the same experiments using the same seeds and setups with sgd using the probabilistic line search and compare the results . +1 Stochastic Gradient Descent ( SGD ) and its variants are the most important optimization algorithms used in large scale machine learning . +0 We are now going to utilize the above definitions of streams and windows to formalize a semantics for stream reasoning . +1 This raises the question of how to find and run a maximally private empirical risk minimizer subject to a given accuracy requirement . +0 We now explain our experimental setup for the NED task . +1 Latent state space models are one of the most fundamental and widely used tools for modeling dynamical systems . +0 This fact has special relevance for improving the performance in big data environments . +1 The purpose is go forward to automation distribution applying conservation voltage reduction ( CVR ) in isolated power systems where control capabilities are limited . +0 Iterators in the Python programming language ( Version 2.7 ) are classes that expose a next ( ) 1 method . +1 We present and contrast three relaxations to the integer program formulation : ( i ) a linear programming formulation ( LP ) ( ii ) an extension of affinity propagation to outlier detection ( APOC ) and ( iii ) a Lagrangian duality based formulation ( LD ) . +0 The exact format of s0 can be customized if needed . +1 Convolution can be efficiently performed as a Hadamard product in the frequency domain . +0 The experimental results are reported in Table XIX based upon which the following observations can be made . +1 This paper describes a new method for classifying a dataset that partitions elements into different categories . +0 ( 7 ) The probability that the RBM assigns to a vector vn belonging to the training data can be raised by adjusting the weights and biases to lower the energy associated with that vector and to raise the energy associated with others not in the training data . +1 We show overall title structure and the use of proper nouns in titles are very significant in differentiating fake from real . +0 The number of pairs in the tables must equal the number of levels . +1 We demonstrate that these embeddings can disambiguate both contrastive senses such as nominal and verbal senses as well as nuanced senses such as sarcasm . +0 There are marginal MCD improvements in the 1st iteration for the SLT voice but these are not significant . +1 This algorithmic contribution allows to tackle other multiple identifications settings that were previously out of reach . +0 Section 5.3 showed that this controller is robust and operates safely while performing the task . +1 A natural approach to learn such a model is to solve a convex relaxation of nuclear norm minimization . +0 The parameters defining the penalty set Snorm affect the rate of convergence . +1 We propose a new clustering method that can be regarded as a numerical method to compute the proximity gestalt . +0 Motif B corresponded to the participants with the scores above the average and motif D was associated to the participants who scored below the average . +1 This paper proposes CLOSED PATTERN global constraint which does not require any reified constraints nor any extra variables to encode efficiently the Closed Frequent Pattern Mining ( CFPM ) constraint . +0 Recursive deep models for semantic compositionality over a s ntiment tr ebank . +1 We propose a method to automatically adjust multiple learning rates so as to minimize the expected error at any one time . +0 We formulate this using the minimax objective in ( 5 ) . +1 We also develop proximal descent strategies to solve the optimization problem efficiently and evaluate performance on synthetic and real data sets . +0 We present here two simple extensions of the attention mechanism that allow one to model periods and better handle missing values in RNNs . +1 We also demonstrate that our setting requires new learning algorithms . +0 Sentiment analysis is a typical task that requires batch modeling in order to generate the golden standards for each of the classes . +1 Global variational approximation methods in graphical models allow efficient approximate inference of complex posterior distributions by using a simpler model . +0 Dependencies between ELUs are easier to model than between LReLUs or PReLUs because the causes for deactivations are not distinguished . +1 We evaluate our method on several publicly available latent fingerprint datasets captured using different sensors . +0 We can also make sure that out of these collisions number of type I and type II collisions is roughly the same . +1 Or would the large property hierarchy affect the reasoners in some way ? +0 We present the subsequent results for the full set and the UUR metric . +1 This model is updated directly based on the performance observed in experiments on the physical system in an iterative manner until a desired performance is achieved . +0 We evaluate cuMF SGD on heterogeneous platforms with both CPU and GPUs . +1 We prove the error bounds of CRAFTMaps demonstrating their superior kernel reconstruction performance compared to the previous approximation schemes . +0 Decision Table classifiers [ 18 ] are built by concatenating a series of rules derived from the feature set to corresponding class outcomes . +1 Experiments using five different real datasets are employed to showcase the effectiveness of the proposed approach . +0 A typical ANN consists of an input layer with a number of input neurons equal to the length of the feature vector . +1 Materials and methods : An iterative annotation method was proposed to train annotators and to develop annotation guidelines . +0 Figure 2 shows the filters learned by our methods and other methods . +1 The Vortex Search ( VS ) algorithm is one of the recently proposed metaheuristic algorithms which was inspired from the vortical flow of the stirred fluids . +0 [ 6 ] design communication protocols for situations where the set of candidates might change over time . +1 Both the user features ( mixture distribution over classes ) and the item features ( mean reward vector per class ) are unknown a priori . +0 We recall that the Translated Poisson distribution is defined as follows . +1 The attributes of the ( known ) relationships are also relevant for predicting attributes of entities and for predicting attributes of new relations . +0 It is clear that the constraint set in ( 3 ) is a relaxed version of that of ( 2 ) . +1 separability ) may be exploited by the use of another distribution . +0 Applying the inductive hypothesis on both subgraphs yields the result . +1 We first give a strikingly simple proof that arbitrarily deep linear residual networks have no spurious local optima . +0 A crucial result will be that the two dual functions M ( u ) and L ( u ) are identical . +1 Thus we hope that the tool will be useful for automatic data extraction from biomedical research publications . +0 Learning new concepts is a fundamental part in data streams of adapting to concept drift . +1 Our results show that we outperform other methods on all benchmarks by significant margins . +0 Some sample frames ( with and without outliers ) are shown in Fig . +1 are making the understanding of the content structure in a web site increasingly difficult . +0 This makes it straightforward to account for the noise outcome and the uniqueness requirement of NID rules . +1 We aim to understand how to share information among similar users to better convert the limited user information into sharper learned RL policies . +0 This will cause the UAV to dodge a ghost obstacle . +1 Results on a set of 40 new large instances with 3000 and 5000 elements are also presented . +0 It is due to the absolute count of transitions which is less in a cluster than the main model producing greater mean value for the clusters . +1 Our second model is based on the much weaker assumption that there is a linear relationship between the vector representations of related words . +0 States that are labeled as solved no longer get backed up in any future search . +1 Our experiments yielded high performing and well interpretable fuzzy policies . +0 The learning rate for the oRNN was set to 0.01 . +1 We achieve a 99 percent accuracy rate while classifying 29 of the most popular programming languages with a Maximum Entropy classifier . +0 14 bounds the SOC within a particular limit while Eq . +1 This paper investigates how far a very deep neural network is from attaining close to saturating performance on existing 2D and 3D face alignment datasets . +0 Figure 5 ( right ) shows that the controller improves the performance of our approach even in a scenario without kinematic noise . +1 This paper is the first one that uses Neural Machine Translation and Neural Turing Machines for solving QA tasks . +0 The DNN being visualized is the same as in [ 9 ] ( the CaffeNet architecture with weights from [ 7 ] ) . +1 We introduce an automatic segmentation criterion for training from sequence annotation without alignment that is on par with CTC while being simpler . +0 4 would be a distribution on graphs with 4 vertices . +1 An illustrative numerical example on robot path control in a complex environment is presented to verify the proposed method . +0 A multimodal representation is a representation of data using information from multiple such entities . +1 We also show how each component of the model contributes to the exhibited performance . +0 Different models will be created to experiment with these and test the hypothesis . +1 This paper presents results from an investigation into using a fuzzy DGP representation within the XCSF Learning Classifier System . +0 Previous works have established that recurrent networks and particularly LSTMs and Neural Turing Machines can in fact sort arrays of numbers . +1 The data is transformed after each pass so that the remaining unexplained information trickles down to the next layer . +0 One can verify that they can both achieve arbitrarily small risk by letting the covariance of the mixture components go to 0 . +1 Detailed theoretical analysis is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm . +0 We trained the word embeddings of different methods using the English news dataset released under the ACL workshop on statistical machine translation . +1 Natural language correction has the potential to help language learners improve their writing skills . +0 This is to enforce that the items from D2 are selected in the optimal solution . +1 We give initial quantitative and qualitative results on a dozen established algorithms . +0 Although there is a unified scheme on sampling truncated distributions by cumulative distribution function ( c.d.f . ) +1 We find that combining sequence labeling algorithms such as Conditional Random Fields and Structured Perceptron with a curated normalization scheme produces an effective system for the task of extracting product attribute values from titles . +0 Similar search strategies can be used to find all substructures with a score above a user defined threshold . +1 We compare CRNN with two CNN structures that have been used for music tagging while controlling the number of parameters with respect to their performance and training time per sample . +0 A proof tailored to SPNs can be found in [ 19 ] . +1 Adverse drug reaction ( ADR ) is widely concerned for public health issue . +0 We maximize the predictability of the next input by the controller during training . +1 Our method integrates information from the letter sequence and from the acoustic evidence . +0 Variability due to operational or environmental changes can adversely affect underlying measurements used to detect damage [ 32 ] . +1 Reason and inference require process as well as memory skills by humans . +0 Hence ( 2 ) quantifies the gain one may expect by designing algorithms optimally exploiting the structure of the problem . +1 In many naturally occurring optimization problems one needs to ensure that the definition of the optimization problem lends itself to solutions that are tractable to compute . +0 Language model learning is complicated because the most popular modeling approaches currently used have inherent limitations when it comes to being able to be used reliably for language understanding accuracy across the board . +1 Language understanding is a key component in a spoken dialogue system . +0 Let Code ( Q ( v ) ) denote a binary representation of such a tuple representation of Q ( v ) . +1 to the function which returns maximal consistent subsets of an inconsistent knowledge base . +0 Face images are projected onto a feature space ( face space ) that best encodes the variation among known face images . +1 We present the model of human communications as a random walk on the semantic tree +0 One reason for this may be because the minimum expansions parameter adds speculation . +1 Most previous work focuses on developing probabilistic models or parameterized strategies for specific applications . +0 They corrupt the image contents and jeopardize its diagnostic value . +1 One particular challenge in AI is the computational modelling and simulation of creativity . +0 This could be improved by using a very flexible hash function ( e.g . +1 Our structure search method outperforms many widely used kernels and kernel combination methods on a variety of prediction tasks . +0 It is consistent with that of the prototype variable a0 . +1 This high classification power is then used to investigate the authorship of anonymous plays . +0 The formal research task of this work is as below . +1 Filters in a convolutional network are typically parametrized in a pixel basis . +0 Figure 3 contrasts MEMDEC with the decoder in RNNsearch ( Figure 1 ) on a high level . +1 This property would make them well suited for video games where Artificial Intelligence controlled agents must react quickly to user commands and to other agents actions . +0 The underlying intuition is that the representation of the primary view can be linearly predicted from the representation of the other view . +1 We have developed a new suite of tools for running multiagent experiments : the MultiAgent Learning Testbed ( MALT ) . +0 There have been several algorithms in literature ( for both batch and online settings ) which address this issue . +1 But they are often silent on the contrary of extraction methods that do not depend on manually built resources . +0 The result is very clear : the number of solved cases hardly changes at all . +1 We investigate and analyze the layers of various CNN models and extensively compare between them with the goal of discovering how the layers of distributed representations of CNNs represent object pose information and how this contradicts with object category representations . +0 We then show the effectiveness of the proposed attack on a more realistic and practical scenario : the detection of malware in PDF files . +1 We validate our approach on real data collected from influential technology news feeds . +0 One second in the simulation represents one minute in real world to notify this change . +1 The quality of reconstruction methods based on an analysis model severely depends on the right choice of the suitable operator . +0 Each controller replica samples m different child architectures that are trained in parallel . +1 We propose two complementary techniques for improving the efficiency of such algorithms . +0 Variational methods are techniques for conducting inference and learning based on tractable bounds [ 9 ] . +1 Measuring inconsistency is viewed as an important issue related to handling inconsistencies . +0 Let us briefly give an overview of the proof before presenting it in detail . +1 We propose a new soft set based unsupervised feature selection algorithm . +0 6We again point out that this is implied if the halfspaces defining the polytope are described with finite precision [ 11 ] . +1 We resolve this open question in this paper and consider some of its theoretical and practical implications . +0 The thesis behind word embeddings is that words that are closer together in the vector space are semantically closer in some sense . +1 Solutions on this path are tracked such that the minimizer of the previous objective is guaranteed to be within the quadratic convergence region of the next objective to be optimized . +0 ( 1994 ) ; see the appendix for the formal definition ) . +1 A key problem in structured output prediction is direct optimization of the task reward function that matters for test evaluation . +0 It must use the same rank of factorization as the desired number of representative users or items for the seed set . +1 Alan Turing had given an algorithm ( aka the Turing Machine ) to describe algorithms . +0 We compare the performance of the proposed NRM and the baselines in both of the OntoNotes 4.0 and Baidu Zhidao datasets . +1 We focus on named entity recognition ( NER ) for Chinese social media . +0 We state a simplified version of the bound from Kundu et al . +1 This brings two general discriminative learning frameworks for Gaussian Bayesian networks ( GBN ) . +0 Then Proposition 2.2 leads to the following : Proposition 2.3 . +1 Here we show that it is plausible to learn rich representations from naturalistic data for which a very simple search algorithm ( a random walk ) can replicate the human patterns . +0 Our approach is based on the idea that the selected sentences from the document should be the ones that maximize the Rouge score with respect to gold abstractive summaries . +1 Machine comprehension of text is an important problem in natural language processing . +0 Thus the designers and resource managers for AI represent the interests of all of humanity . +1 It briefly describes the theoretical background of the problem and the motivation for taking part in the competition . +0 ( 2015 ) that activations are Bernoulli random variables independent of the inputs . +1 We introduce sequential social dilemmas that share the mixed incentive structure of matrix game social dilemmas but also require agents to learn policies that implement their strategic intentions . +0 Bold entries in each column of this table ( and also other tables in the following ) indicate that the results are significant as the top performing algorithm ( s ) in terms of the corresponding evaluation index . +1 But there was some problem to make robot for multi tasks . +0 We note that our model performs worse on combinations that should express a match with a frame whose slot values use very different spellings ( such as rich abbreviations and synonyms ) whereas the baseline model is the weakest when slot values can be easily confused for values of other slots ( e.g . +1 These changes create a gap between the language known by users and the language stored in digital archives . +0 We trained a neural language model to learn word embeddings . +1 This basic technique gives a significant improvement over the unsmoothed version . +0 Both are based on merge being defined from the set of models of minimal weighted distance . +1 We analyze two transfer strategies and develop generalization bounds for each of them . +0 Even datasets covering the same visual classes have notable differences providing different generalization performances when used to train a classifier [ 16 ] . +1 In this short note we address the issue of expressing norms ( such as obligations and prohibitions ) in temporal logic . +0 The global convergence means that the generated sequence converges to the optimal solution based on any initial point . +1 We introduce and develop solutions for the problem of Lifelong Perceptual Programming By Example ( LPPBE ) . +0 Hamming loss performance metric provides the percentage of wrong labels to the total number of labels . +1 The generated BN has a simple directed bipartite graphical structure . +0 In this subsection we derive all ingredients to implement the geometric conjugate gradient method as described in the previous subsection for the task of learning the analysis operator . +1 We consider a neural net with one hidden layer and a convolutional structure with no overlap and a ReLU activation function . +0 The text file is just for reference purposes users can just use the binary embedding file without the text file . +1 A possible solution is to first estimate an illumination invariant representation before using it for recognition . +0 We used WordNet 3.1 to derive the synonymy pairs from synsets . +1 Knowledge graphs ( KGs ) can provide significant relational information and have been widely utilized in various tasks . +0 The system is prepared to use any platform with minor changes . +1 We show that our approach signi cantly outperforms the baseline methods on a challenging dataset consisting of real clinical 3D MRI volumes of skeletal muscles . +0 We now have the necessary ingredients to prove the lower bound ( 50 ) . +1 We allow for inconclusive determination where appropriate in order to boost screening accuracy when conclusive . +0 will have a tie in the bang per buck for all these goods ) . +1 Biometrics differ from passwords in that compromised passwords may be reset . +0 The relative position of laser scans at the same location was estimated from targets . +1 Motivated by the application problem of sensor fusion the author introduced the concept of graded set . +0 They were shown random images from COCO and Visual Genome and could also upload images . +1 The use of stochastic gradient descent for optimization enables effective training with large datasets . +0 This allows to rank bounding box proposals for a given phrase or referential expression . +1 This allows us to address this problem in the perspective of bias and variance in a broader view . +0 This is the date at which the process of introducing a national electricity market ( NEM ) commenced . +1 This work shows how using reduced precision data in Convolutional Neural Networks ( CNNs ) affects network accuracy during classification . +0 It has also been translated into German by Gurevych ( 2005 ) . +1 We also report the results of empirical evaluations comparing our algorithm with the previous state of the art and show a consistent exponential improvement in several different scenarios . +0 The other term is a negative function of the local predictor . +1 Our Bayesian method requires no parameter tuning and can infer the number of latent factors automatically . +0 This strengthens our argument for size normalisation and also poses the question of low NERC performance for diverse genres being mostly due to the lack of large training corpora . +1 These results also yield a form of interpolation for ground logic programs under the answer sets semantics . +0 The training and testing error between BoostResNet and e2eBP is in Figure 3 . +1 Multiagent planning and coordination problems are common and known to be computationally hard . +0 We leave it as an open problem to resolve this gap . +1 Our method relies on a singular value decomposition of the underlying Hankel matrix defined by the WTA . +0 The following version ( Lemma 1 in [ 25 ] ) is crucial to us . +1 Discussion : The annotated corpus makes a considerable contribution to natural language processing ( NLP ) research into Chinese texts in the clinical domain . +0 Here is a roadmap to the rest of the chapter . +1 This survey discusses requirements and challenges of developing such systems and reports 26 graphical systems that exploit natural language interfaces and addresses both artificial intelligence and visualization aspects . +0 Each path in the tree corresponds to a transformation that is common across images . +1 Our model uses the item selection heuristic to gather labeled training sets from which to construct prediction functions . +0 The other parameter we varied is the amount of gaming allowed . +1 We provide generalization bounds for dictionary learning using smooth sparse coding and show how the sample complexity depends on the L1 norm of kernel function used . +0 The clustering threshold is tuned for performance on the first day . +1 In a similar way the MT of Isaiah is presented synoptically with 1QIsaa . +0 Randomness A much simpler approach that is completely oblivious to the input preferences involves selecting a solution uniformly at random . +1 We further demonstrate that training the network on additional data with synthesized errors can improve performance . +0 Hence we define a nested version of the algorithm in which soft constraints can be made hard during search rather than only at the top level . +1 The accuracy of Optical Character Recognition ( OCR ) is crucial to the success of subsequent applications used in text analyzing pipeline . +0 A relational diagram of the proposed database is presented in Fig . +1 Some of these features further depends on domain specific tools . +0 This can be seen as a simple method to combine two different approaches . +1 This feedback is then used by the operative agents to bias their searches towards the fittest regions of the landscape . +0 Let us consider the following elastic inner product dedicated to text matching . +1 The key element is a family of regularization functionals based on the total variation on hypergraphs . +0 Our aim is to obtain upper bounds on the cumulative regret RT with high probability . +1 Such problems are often highly challenging because of the large number of isomorphic representations of their solutions . +0 5 ) described by the following membership function ( see e.g . +1 We also benchmark a set of simple baseline machine learning models suited for the tasks ( including logistic regression convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks ) . +0 The first assumption has already appeared in previous works [ 9 ] [ 4 ] . +1 It is usually hard for malicious attackers to know the exact structures and weights of the victim RNN . +0 This is often referred to as the covers relation in inductive logic programming . +1 This theoretical framework also connects SGD to modern scalable inference algorithms ; we analyze the recently proposed stochastic gradient Fisher scoring under this perspective . +0 Set of string tags connected with a single W page consists of : lemmatized page name and all names of disambiguation pages that link to that page . +1 We compare our approach with related methods and illustrate its use in logistic regression for binary classification . +0 The second edge containing a is added only when the tour is completed to form a cycle . +1 Social media and data mining are increasingly being used to analyse political and societal issues . +0 A region of interest can either be specified for a single page or be applied for the entire book . +1 Deep learning methods have resulted in significant performance improvements in several application domains and as such several software frameworks have been developed to facilitate their implementation . +0 The visual input is modeled via deep convolutional neural network . +1 DQN is trained for the scenario where a vehicle is encountered with a pedestrian crossing the urban road . +0 There are two popular methods for feature reduction : Feature Selection and Feature Extraction . +1 The effectiveness of the proposed method is assessed in image classification tasks on standard benchmarks . +0 Results : We computed the accuracy according to equation 8 . +1 As a result this area has attracted a lot of research interest with the aim being to yield accurate and time efficient and sensitive missing data imputation techniques especially when time sensitive applications are concerned like power plants and winding processes . +0 Note that linear restrictions can be included in the alphabet Xi without altering the nature of this problem . +1 Learning Granger causality for general point processes is a very challenging task . +0 We say in this case that a is inconsistent.9 The overall semantics ofWSC tasks is now easily defined via a standard notion of beliefs . +1 We employ integer linear optimization for conducting phrase selection and merging simultaneously in order to achieve the global optimal solution for a summary . +0 Experimental results on two real world datasets are presented in section IV . +1 This limitation of information is main flaw of the supervised approach . +0 Several generalizations involving just an ordering of worlds are explored in Osherson and Weinstein ( 2012 ) . +1 Also it can be used as an evaluation measure of the quality of word embedding . +0 Training cost vs. testing cost : The theoretical contribution of this work is limited to the convergence rate of the training cost . +1 The study of eye gaze fixations on photographic images is an active research area . +0 DE Easy ( 1 c ) means instances that are easy for DE and with 1 constraint . +1 Our model defines a probability distribution over triplets consisting of word pairs with relations . +0 The first proposed solution is built upon an intuitive interpretation of the entropy gradient . +1 Many of the current traffic flow prediction systems are designed by utilizing a central processing component where the prediction is carried out through aggregation of the information gathered from all measuring stations . +0 This can be verified using the singular value decomposition of S and the unitary invariance of the spectral norm . +1 We propose a method to aggregate noisy labels collected from a crowd of workers or annotators . +0 Filter Methods Filter methods are independent of any learning algorithms . +1 Our method follows the original way to generate classical basic probability assignment ( BPA ) determined by the distance among the evidences . +0 Ness ( AP ) collects all the necessary hypothesis for AP . +1 This paper describes the TensorFlow interface and an implementation of that interface that we have built at Google . +0 Note that the complexity of deciding whether a goal is achievable depends only on the fragment of the logic that we use to model the formulas in the sequent . +1 A thorough analysis confirms that NewsQA demands abilities beyond simple word matching and recognizing entailment . +0 This goes beyond restricting the set of allowed sparsity patterns to stable sets . +1 The other instantiations of curriculum learning do not result in any noticeable improvement . +0 Note that by including hw alone we create a dependence on all LSTM parameters on which the hidden states depend ( i.e . +1 We believe that robot simulations can decrease the dependency on physical robots and ultimately improve productivity of training robot control tasks . +0 Both architectures follow a pipeline that consists of a CNN feature extractor ( VGG Net ) followed by spatial RNNs at the final prediction stage . +1 We test our models on two widely used answer sentence selection benchmarks . +0 The language context embedding vector dimensionality was set to 8 . +1 It exploits properties of Bregman divergences in conjunction with Legendre duality to yield a principled and scalable approach . +0 Various types of statistical approaches can be used to extract features from this text corpus . +1 One of the most challenging problems in computational advertising is the prediction of ad click and conversion rates for bidding in online advertising auctions . +0 We can obtain a similar result for the continuous case ( eq . +1 These formulations end in Second Order Cone Programs ( SOCP ) . +0 We generalize Theorem 3 to the class of scoring rules next . +1 They use the final iteration of the learned representation to predict probable classes . +0 All of the above parameters are set to achieve a reasonably good reconstruction loss and are held constant across all datasets . +1 This paper presents a framework aimed at monitoring the behavior of aircraft in a given airspace . +0 Figure 17 shows a similar histogram but for but for subset of facts verified by the Turkers with Q3 as ( about right ) . +1 We claim that the proposed approach could be useful in scenarios where the objectives are initially unknown or in real world scenarios where exploration is typically a time and energy intensive process . +0 The rectangular windows are then unrolled into supervectors for the autoencoder training . +1 The memory requirement grows linearly with the size of the problem . +0 The goal was to see how well our approach learns the attribute relationships using the correct semantic types . +1 It then retrieves images with a specialized online learning algorithm that balances the tradeoff between exploring new images and exploiting the already inferred interests of the user . +0 This raises the question : how does she know and how could a computer algorithm recognise this ? +1 We train a local system voting model by a neural network which is based on the words themselves and the combinatorial occurrences of the different system outputs . +0 It is remarkable that geometric objects and their relations retrieved from a single image of diagram allow certain nontrivial properties implied in the diagram to be expressed explicitly . +1 It is widely recognized in industry that good software solutions for these problems are very difficult to develop . +0 The full architecture of the NRAM model is presented on Fig . +1 Approximate Bayesian computation ( ABC ) is an inference framework that constructs an approximation to the true likelihood based on the similarity between the observed and simulated data as measured by a predefined set of summary statistics . +0 2 and their variables subscripted and renamed in such a way as to ensure a proper disambiguation 2 . +1 Numerical experimentation is performed to highlight the benefits of the proposed approach and the applicability of the heuristic . +0 This can be interpreted as the curvature boosting the guarantees . +1 A hybrid system can be designed to include an evolving brain equipped with digital computers that maintain homeostasis and provide the right amount of nutrients and oxygen for the brain growth . +0 Batch normalization [ 12 ] is adopted for faster convergence . +1 Ontology Web Search Engine is software to look for and index ontologies in the Web . +0 The agent is handed an adorable little kitten and is faced with the decision of whether or not to pet it . +1 The major accomplishment is that the findings correlate with the conceptual frame work of GRI . +0 The full list of analogies and crowd ratings are in Appendix G. Indirect gender bias . +1 Individual standardized tests also have specific features that are not necessarily appropriate for an AI benchmark . +0 Denoising is an interesting application for LBNs because it is an inverse problem . +1 We then extend these results to certain classes of important multivariate functions . +0 It assigns low weights to frequent strings and high weights to rare strings . +1 Finally we extrapolate future directions in the area of automatic image description generation . +0 The first LSTM is used for encoding an input phrase from the source language and one for decoding the output phrase in the target language . +1 Bottleneck features extracted from the MDNN are then used as the feedback input to the MAT and the MDNN itself in the next iteration . +0 We first report the scaled importance of the four linguistic feature sets by averaging the importance of individual linguistic features . +1 Such learning to hash methods exploit information such as data distributions or class labels when optimizing the hash codes or functions . +0 Abrupt drift seems to have been intended to mean a change in distributions that occurs instantaneously or near instantaneously . +1 We demonstrate that this viewpoint directly leads to the construction of highway and residual networks . +0 The LSTM model that is described in Section 3.2 is denoted as LSTM in Table 1 . +1 This behaviour is remarkably similar for problems of a number of different sizes . +0 It especially remains fast enough to allow for frequent updates as typically found in Semantic Web data . +1 The GK words turned out to have psycholinguistic correlates : they were learned at an earlier age and more concrete than the rest of the dictionary . +0 We plan to incorporate such improvements into the total variation framework in future work . +1 We investigate two decision criteria for performing anomaly detection : the energy score and the reconstruction error . +0 Could an algorithm figure out what it needs to do by observing these visual inputs ? +1 A basis for the complement of each subspace is then recovered by applying standard PCA to the collection of derivatives ( normal vectors ) . +0 The total number of utterances in the pronunciation training set was 12800 . +1 Further improvements and extension for polyphonic signals are also discussed . +0 We define a network flow as a directed edge between a transmitting and receiving hosts . +1 Fuzzy C Means clustering extends this by allowing each household to be a member of many groups and hence provides the opportunity to make personalised offers to the household dependent on their degree of membership of each group . +0 Figure 4 shows the improvement of evasion robustness as a function of the number of iterations . +1 The goal of such research is to identify broad and natural classes of strategy sets and payoff functions which enable the design of efficient solutions . +0 The Enhanced Bees Algorithm was built for use in a commercial setting . +1 Many companies have identified these resources as a rich mine of marketing knowledge . +0 Each model in the stacking uses the outputs of previous models as the inputs . +1 The parallel solver is implemented with X10 that provides an implementation of GLB as a library . +0 The essence of the APT approach is that distributional features should encode complete dependency paths from the target word to each context word and that these representations should be properly aligned before composition . +1 This paper addresses the problem of ad hoc microphone array calibration where only partial information about the distances between microphones is available . +0 The second advantage is that each dimension of the code space can end up representing complex variations in the original data space . +1 Our results show that fuzzy feature evaluation and dimensionality reduction results in better performance and validity indices for the discovered clusters . +0 The notion of rationales was first introduced by Zaidan et al . +1 We measure the scalability by means of the speedup an algorithm achieves with more nodes . +0 The section also explains how the behaviour of mirror neurons is mimicked by the approach and why this is useful for learning . +1 Identifying important components or factors in large amounts of noisy data is a key problem in machine learning and data mining . +0 Irrelevant side effect deletes capture the case where no side effect delete occurs in the goal or in the precondition of any operator . +1 We showcase the effectiveness of the proposed model by predicting the CF vectors of movies and apps based on their textual descriptions . +0 The aim of a classification problem is to find an hyperplane which separates positive from negative vectors . +1 The result is a simple but highly competitive system which obtains state of the art results across five languages and twelve datasets . +0 The results show that the performance of the proposed method in both metrics for both temporal and content parameters improves as the amount of train data increases . +1 Up to our knowledge this is the first practically feasible method which achieves such a guarantee . +0 It has not even been investigated yet if and how integrity constraints could be handled in the latter tools . +1 The quadratic unconstrained binary optimization ( QUBO ) problem arises in diverse optimization applications ranging from Ising spin problems to classical problems in graph theory and binary discrete optimization . +0 The data exchange in either way utilizes an independent link and DMA engine to achieve the maximal unidirectional rate . +1 Together these results suggest a new frontier for highly scalable planning in nonlinear hybrid domains by leveraging GPUs and the power of recent advances in gradient descent with highly optmized toolkits like Tensorflow . +0 Less conservative estimates on sensitivity can lead to superior utility while also enjoying easier implementation . +1 We aggregated the resulting labels in various ways to train a series of supervised models . +0 The most important one is that it allows online updating of the model as new samples become available . +1 Then we identify navigation objects from those blocks using the SVM classifier with novel features such as anchor text lengths etc . +0 He suggested the classification of existing work without discussing much on the underlying motives and attributes between these categories . +1 The recently proposed Ladder Network is one such approach that has proven to be very successful . +0 We refer to this novel framework as Assured Accuracy Bandits ( AAB ) . +1 Mental illness is one of the most pressing public health issues of our time . +0 Regularizing N enables us to devise a framework that is natural to the operation of neural networks and compatible with stochastic gradient descent . +1 Generative adversarial networks ( GANs ) are successful deep generative models . +0 There are two additional major works that deal with performance estimation when tuning ( model selection ) is included . +1 Our approach outperforms many traditional models of polyphonic music on a variety of realistic datasets . +0 In this phase candidate sentences from both translated parts are extracted and consequently are sent to the filtering phase for final checking . +1 The FA optimizes the problem specific parameters of ACS while the parameters of the FA are tuned by the selected framework itself . +0 These predicates can always be added as singleton formula with zero weights . +1 The number of languages is related to relative size of imitation set by a power law . +0 In this case it is desirable to be able to collect experience from multiple robots simultaneously ( e.g . +1 We provide some examples of story variations generated by personage . +0 Every time this restriction is imposed the score increases by 1000 . +1 Authentication is a challenging issue in order to guarantee the security of use of collaborative systems during the access control step . +0 Fuzzy sets are known for their capability of modeling notions of continuity into deductive thinking [ 33 ] . +1 We report experiments comparing our combat models predicting a combat output and their impact when used for tactical decisions during a real game . +0 A summary of our evaluation results is presented in Figures 2 and 3 . +1 These distributions are used to compute a myopic approximation to the value of information for each action and hence to select the action that best balances exploration and exploitation . +0 These methods mainly focus on shilling attacks where the attack organizer fakes a large number of user profiles by the same strategy to promote or demote a particular item . +1 ProbLog is a recent probabilistic extension of Prolog motivated by the mining of large biological networks . +0 From this and from the figure we can see that the greatest improvement is thanks to the hierarchical parameter invention . +1 Bayesian inference ) and the unrealizable setting where the probability measure is completely arbitrary . +0 CURE [ 69 ] is another popular hierarchical clustering method that starts with some scattered objects to form clusters . +1 Coupled tasks involving time and task order constraints are addressed . +0 The computed neural codes of all the regions are then aggregated with a pooling operation to construct a holistic representation of the input image I . +1 For each instantiation of u we run an optimization procedure to minimize the distance between summary statistics of the simulator and the data . +0 The parameters of each algorithm are chosen via comparative studies similar to [ 112 ] . +1 Our model defines the probability of a sentence by estimating the generation probability of its dependency tree . +0 These graphs are used by security services to represent terrorist networks . +1 It enables us to provide the user with a modern IDE with relatively little effort . +0 To the best of our knowledge the advantage of adding noise in terms of accuracy of the fully trained autoencoder is not discussed . +1 The optimal control problem reduces to a series of linear optimization programs that can be easily solved to recover a relaxed optimal trajectory . +0 The limitations of the Volterra series can be seen as beneficial or detrimental depending on the desired output of the model . +1 The above limitations can be overcome by using deep cases and neural network . +0 The momentum term helps to avoid oscillations during the iterative update procedure and to speed up the learning process . +1 This paper provides the first convergence guarantee applicable to modern convnets . +0 Consider functions f1 and f2 from an input language L to rational numbers Q . +1 Optimal transport ( OT ) defines a powerful framework to compare probability distributions in a geometrically faithful way . +0 The second one is then used to ensure that the majority of particles have equivalent weights at the observation time . +1 The rules are incorporated into the unsupervised dependency parser in forms of external prior probabilities . +0 See Appendix C.1 for another way we attempted to correct for di erences in class distribution . +1 Clustering can be applied to this sessionized data in order to capture similar interests and trends among users navigational patterns . +0 We start our description from the first type of communication model . +1 The convergence of Stochastic Gradient Descent ( SGD ) using convex loss functions has been widely studied . +0 Below we show how to use sketching to speed up this computation . +1 In this paper we study the application of convolutional neural networks for jointly detecting objects depicted in still images and estimating their 3D pose . +0 The question remains of course how this set of probability assignments should be interpreted . +1 We also introduce new sentiment analysis problems of Australian airlines and home builders which offer potential benchmark problems in the sentiment analysis field . +0 An algorithm is better when these measures reach zero faster . +1 This paper presents Senti17 system which uses ten convolutional neural networks ( ConvNet ) to assign a sentiment label to a tweet . +0 k ) Closed sequence mining : This was first introduced by Pasquier et al . +1 The increase in the use of microblogging came along with the rapid growth on short linguistic data . +0 Figure 2a shows a partial video sequence of a pick up event that is overlaid with the corresponding polygon movie . +1 There is currently a growing interest in techniques for hiding parts of the signature of an ontology Kh that is being reused by another ontology Kv . +0 Evaluation metrics Two standard metrics are used to evaluate the experiment results explained as follows . +1 Therefore it becomes increasingly expensive both to manually annotate datasets and to keep running times at levels acceptable for practical applications . +0 Shilling attacks are one of the most discussed method by which the prediction of a recommender can be bias . +1 We propose a new prediction interval estimation method tailored for datasets with nominal input variables . +0 Table I summarizes the list of rules created to select the initial candidates . +1 It requires no training data of past outcomes and outperforms sentiment and tweet volume baselines on a broad range of contest prediction tasks . +0 We then assigned weights to word vectors for each document to create document vectors . +1 Hospital readmissions are expensive and reflect the inadequacies in healthcare system . +0 We aim to learn polynomial kernels of up to degree 3 with all algorithms . +1 The idea is to first learn to recognize short sequences before training on all available training sequences . +0 The truth value gadget for the simulation of PT is shown in Figure 29 and the truth value gadget for the simulation of Pxi is shown in Figure 30 . +1 Pathway fitness is the performance of that pathway measured according to a cost function . +0 ( 2 ) With an additive noise Vn independent Qn . +1 We also design two efficient proximal alternating linearized minimization algorithms for solving representative matrix completion problems . +0 An enterprise derives business value and makes a decision based on the information driven from data . +1 We also discuss the advantages of the fusion approach based on coupled sparse representation and present an efficient algorithm for learning the coupled dictionary . +0 It mainly captures the precision and recall tradeoff of a model . +1 We show that modeling the temporal dependency across face and voice can significantly improve the robustness to content quality degradations and variations . +0 The clauses added in Step ( 2 ) cause functional terms that occur negatively in the clauses to be inserted into the domain . +1 The success of classification is heavily dependent on the labeled training data . +0 The raw waveforms are worse than the spectrograms and the MFBs . +1 This makes it an effective simulation of the cognitive process of human brain . +0 The specific property of PX allows an appropriately constructed feature map f to preserve the useful information in PX while moving to an input space that is simpler for a particular subsequent hypothesis learner to learn from ( condition C ) . +1 Experiments indicate better results for the overlapping candidate proposal strategy and a loss of performance for the cropped image features due to the loss of spatial resolution . +0 This proof will be similar to the argument in Section 4 . +1 Our focus is on understanding which properties shared by the individual input graphs will transfer to the output graph returned by a given aggregation rule . +0 The equivalent problem in similarity prediction requires us to compute marginals given a set of pairwise constraints . +1 We also analyze a subclass of nonconvex problems on which SVRG attains linear convergence to the global optimum . +0 Typography errors : These are also known as typographical errors and are not same as spelling errors . +1 Theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm . +0 These event codes however also range over the hierarchal levels . +1 We concatenate this layer with a convolutional neural network ( CNN ) model . +0 Stimuli : We use the same stimuli found in Nosek et al . +1 Previous studies in Open Information Extraction ( Open IE ) are mainly based on extraction patterns . +0 We next test the LOWEMS approach in the context of a recommendation system using the ( truncated ) Netflix dataset . +1 Our work therefore highlights the usefulness of the global aspect of balance theory for the analysis of signed networks . +0 An imperative question to be asked is how big should the training set be . +1 The semantics defines truth relative to the current state of reception of messages for all agents . +0 This empirical studies suggest that it is much easier to tune and find the ideal learning rate for SARAH . +1 The information obtained with NMF is used to initialize the strategy space of the players and a weighted graph is used to model the interactions among the players . +0 We can extend this analysis to the mcAE by using the above theorem and the results from [ 7 ] . +1 The attention mechanism is helpful for sequence classification task because it is capable of highlighting important part among the entire sequence for the classification task . +0 In particular we can state that some object property is different in t than in tprev . +1 One might hope to compensate for the approximation by adjusting model parameters . +0 ( 28 ) is a separable submodular optimization problem [ 1 ] . +1 Algorithms mining longitudinal observation databases are not restricted by many of the limitations associated with the more conventional methods that have been developed for spontaneous reporting system databases . +0 Adaptive composition of algorithms is a sequential execution of algorithms on the same dataset in which an algorithm at step i can depend on the outputs of previous algorithms . +1 We show that formulas in this logic can be efficiently learned from positive and negative examples of several types of patterns . +0 We will describe a sequence labeling based machine learning system for extracting values of certain product attributes from product titles . +1 We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by comparing its performance to traditional plan recognition approaches in three planning domains . +0 We train predicting the goal slot values for each turn . +1 We present a new framework of applying deep neural networks ( DNN ) to devise a universal discrete denoiser . +0 This method consists in computing and propagating relevance backwards in the network ( i.e . +1 Coordination is an important and common syntactic construction which is not handled well by state of the art parsers . +0 The depth h of a network is defined as its number of layers ( including output layer but excluding input layer ) ; while the width dm of a network is defined to be the maximal number of nodes in a layer . +1 Human evaluation results show that our proposed methods are able to restrict style and topic without degrading output quality in conversational tasks . +0 Each of these models has own specifics and is useful in the particular domain . +1 This is true even when the pretrained model is highly accurate in a known situation . +0 We perform our experiments in different regimes that get progressively easier . +1 Scene understanding and object recognition is a difficult to achieve yet crucial skill for robots . +0 The mining goal is to assess the polarity label of incoming documents while considering concept change and new words in the stream . +1 Asymmetric gains of constrained agents can not be naturally represented by the standard DCOP model . +0 They are a tool to transform data into a form to be fed to a boring linear classifier . +1 We demonstrate that the proposed approach compares favorably to alternatives . +0 ( 78 ) The Denoising Autoencoder reconstructs the input from its corrupted version . +1 The effectiveness of our approach is validated theoretically and empirically . +0 Observe again that the mean stability condition ( 250 ) does not depend on the specific combination matrices A1 and A2 that are being used . +1 The semantics of this Kf operator uses a function domain which imposes a constraint on what counts as a functional dependency relation . +0 Table 1 shows the figures for the different architectures and datasets . +1 The algorithm is built in a modular way and thus easily extensible to new formalisms and semantics . +0 The results are summarized in Table 5 for the discrete distributions and in Table 6 for the continuous distribution . +1 We proposed two novel approaches which encode the contexts into a continuous semantic representation and then decode the semantic representation into text sequences with recurrent neural networks . +0 The completion task on this dataset reveals periodicity of the latent genres . +1 Psychological research results have confirmed that people can have different emotional reactions to different visual stimuli . +0 The first observation is that the network successfully models the variation in the data . +1 This leads us to conclude that fake news is targeted for audiences who are not likely to read beyond titles and is aimed at creating mental associations between entities and claims . +0 The model order p determines how smooth the spectral envelop will be . +1 This paper proposes an alternative RNN model to reduce the number of parameters significantly by representing the weight parameters based on Tensor Train ( TT ) format . +0 Such methods may easily result in undesirable outputs due to the duplicate inputs in every time point of the new sequence [ 24 ] . +1 The query is also shown to the searcher to make the system transparent and to allow the searcher to interact with it . +0 The way we compute attitudes follow this principle : an agent can adopt an attitude according to its personality [ 33 ] or according to its actual mood [ 39 ] . +1 The model keeps a separate vector representation of the current unit of text being processed and adaptively adjusts it after each prediction . +0 The bounds for total travel distance and global solution follow directly . +1 Previous neural network models often suffer from irrelevant information introduced when subjects and objects are in a long distance . +0 We measure the similarity of POS tags in a news article against the section text . +1 They are thus more expressive and scale well in HRI applications . +0 4.3 ) in the BlogNEER process helps to focus on the documents that are relevant for a query . +1 The model operates on both datasets and the respective event outputs are compared for consistency . +0 Table 25 shows the performance of Decomp and Super on the holistic decomposition dataset . +1 The main challenge is to maintain accurate predictions while scaling efficiently on data sets with extremely large label sets and many training data points . +0 We establish a tight connection between network architectures and their dual kernel spaces . +1 The key to the success of such methods is the feature representation . +0 This was done because we needed to extract cluster of customers . +1 The method dynamically adapts over time using only first order information and has minimal computational overhead beyond vanilla stochastic gradient descent . +0 They are internal states of a machine according to operational semantics or applications of mathematical functions according to denotational semantics . +1 We introduce a way to quantify the dependency structure of the problem and design an algorithm that adapts to it . +0 Our experiments on object detection have used images and annotations from the PASCAL VOC dataset [ 5 ] . +1 Computational complexity of the problem is analyzed for each of these cases . +0 The second source of data is a set of sentence pairs automatically extracted from Simple English Wikipedia and English Wikipedia articles by Coster and Kauchak ( 2011 ) . +1 A new rule of combination of independent evidence is shown and its preservation of interpretation is demonstrated . +0 The sender or the receiver has to reinterpret an ambiguous symbol . +1 This paper addresses the lack of a standard dataset and evaluative methodology for the problem . +0 3There are infrequent cases where one stroke can go across multiple characters or the strokes which form the character can be not contiguous . +1 The Markov Failure module predicts the severity of a failure along with survival probability of a device at any given instances . +0 Section 4.2 discusses how the focussing procedure must change to accommodate the changes . +1 We develop a two level taxonomy to describe devices onto which we map individual devices using a number of heuristics . +0 among all trajectories there are those in which O occurs and their probability contributes to this joint probability . +1 Empirical results show that our method outperforms baseline AL approaches . +0 We train the models on the full feature set in Table 2 . +1 The goal of cybersecurity is to reduce the number of successful attacks on the system ; the goal of AI Safety is to make sure zero attacks succeed in bypassing the safety mechanisms . +0 Exchangeable variable models ( EVMs ) provide a framework for probabilistic models combining the notions of conditional independence and partial exchangeability . +1 We suggest analyzing neural networks through the prism of space constraints . +0 In fact we reflexively and automatically assign value to all of our observations and to our interpretations of observations in our mental models of the world . +1 We show empirically that constraining the two problems at different scales enables the transfer of semantic localization cues to improve cosegmentation output whereas local appearance based segmentation cues help colocalization . +0 Contrary to the absolute values the relation between DNA expression is rather robust . +1 Our model is generative and flexible ; it can model an arbitrary number of entities in context while generating each entity mention at an arbitrary length . +0 We use logistic regression on top of the last ZAE layer for classification . +1 Such models are the key ingredients to automatically publish the data into knowledge graphs . +0 The common feature of these simulations is the use of questions by the agent . +1 Both of these are challenging in the context of combinatorial bandits . +0 The contributions of the layers towards network performance can be quantified through a lesioning experiment similar to that introduced by Srivastava et al . +1 The toolbox is designed with an emphasis on simplicity and flexibility . +0 Our third application is a word alignment problem between sentences in different languages in the setting of Taskar et al . +1 We formulate the task of discourse connective prediction and release a dataset of 2.9M sentence pairs separated by discourse connectives for this task . +0 Note that a fixed action n is also a modification rule that suggests to use n instead of any other action . +1 This approach turns out to be more robust to the training noise introduced by distant supervision . +0 We reduce X3C to OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATION for the maximin rule . +1 Financial fraud detection is an important problem with a number of design aspects to consider . +0 The results of the experiments are summarized in Table 1 . +1 We examine the performance profile of Convolutional Neural Network training on the current generation of NVIDIA Graphics Processing Units . +0 We note that the outlined strategies provide only a skeleton of the algorithms implemented in these systems . +1 Critical Infrastructures like power and communication networks are highly interdependent on each other for their full functionality . +0 BLEU score only measures the literal similarity between the generated question and the ground truth . +1 The improvements in spectral and spatial resolution of the satellite images have facilitated the automatic extraction and identification of the features from satellite images and aerial photographs . +0 Each system output ( see Table 1 ) was scored by 3 different crowdworkers . +1 Our network can detect links between events in the ( temporal ) sequence at the range approx . +0 The threshold s that is used to make this decision is decreased in such a way that at most k mistakes are made ; this is done by keeping track of the number of mistakes m made so far . +1 From which we obtain the first generalization error bounds for localized multiple kernel learning and derive an efficient optimization algorithm based on the Fenchel dual representation . +0 We compute click propensity for each click sequence with the same length as the actual click sequence . +1 Traditional language models treat language as a finite state automaton on a probability space over words . +0 The batch size has implications for the robustness of the error that is propagated in the learning phase [ 6 ] . +1 Drawing a sample from a discrete distribution is one of the building components for Monte Carlo methods . +0 This only requires from the devices to have enough memory to hold the networks . +1 High dimensional nonparametric regression is an inherently difficult problem with known lower bounds depending exponentially in dimension . +0 Case 2 : Each row of the matrix A has standard normal entries . +1 That is the case because both of them have relatively same mechanism but the Random forest can build ensemble of decision tree . +0 Since LP construction and solution is central to the architecture of COLIN it is important that this can be relied upon to scale appropriately with the range and complexity of problems that COLIN is expected to solve . +1 As a result of the proposed model a prototype system for speech recognition is presented . +0 Fewer yet can keep up with the barrage of publications in the field . +1 Estimating intrinsic dimensionality of data is a classic problem in pattern recognition and statistics . +0 The training and test data are almost evenly divided into 10 different classes . +1 We propose a new approach to the problem of optimizing autoencoders for lossy image compression . +0 The seven images on the right in Figure 5 are only missed by DCGAN . +1 The current version of the framework already incorporates several domains and existing dialogue strategies from the recent literature . +0 The same data was used for training and testing both decision tree and Decision Stream algorithms . +1 We demonstrate a rich application from natural language processing in which Gibbs sampling provably mixes rapidly and achieves accuracy that exceeds human volunteers . +0 The mechanism responsible for selection for relevance will referred from here on as the attention mechanism . +1 Latent variable models have accumulated a considerable amount of interest from the industry and academia for their versatility in a wide range of applications . +0 German 0.68 0.72 0.72 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.74 Glass 0.71 0.69 0.68 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.69 0.69 Haberman 0.67 0.70 0.73 0.73 0.76 0.76 0.75 0.72 Heart 0.64 0.70 0.70 0.69 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.69 Ionosphere 0.90 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.87 0.85 0.85 0.89 Iris 0.95 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.95 0.96 0.96 Letter rec . +1 Linguistic relations in oral conversations present how opinions are constructed and developed in a restricted time . +0 Most telling is how much better bootstrapped DQN does than the state of the art optimistic algorithm UCRL2 . +1 We also discuss a general competitive approach for auditing and possible modifications to the framework . +0 The main difficulty for the smooth sparse coding setting is obtaining a covering number bound for an appropriately defined class of functions ( see Theorem 1 for more details ) . +1 We also analyze the deficiencies of available benchmarking datasets and introduce our own dataset that was created on the basis of compositionality . +0 The two sets of inequalities show the choices of subsets of N for each of the two possible choices of S1 ( i.e . +1 So does our Deep Attention Selective Network ( dasNet ) architecture . +0 when the 784 pixels are presented sequentially to the RNN . +1 The effect of these representation schemes on the tagging performance is also investigated . +0 Experimental results on Dataset 3 show the similar trends ( Table 3 ) as compared to Dataset 1 and Dataset 2 . +1 Due to the high complexity of such problems it remains open whether a preference profile of Condorcet dimension 4 exists . +0 The experiments highlight the correspondence between the estimates and indicate how dramatic the time and measurement overhead savings can be . +1 We believe that our approach and results presented in this paper could help other researchers to build efficient deep neural network architectures in the future . +0 Running scenario The system was tested against seven stories ( Table V ) . +1 At each step the agent must select both which action to use and which parameters to use with this action . +0 We also refer to q as the state of the market . +1 We will define a syntactic revision function and subsequently provide representation theorem for characterising it . +0 The simple modification is that each individual input unit produces over time a number of events that corresponds to the encoded integer value . +1 We analyze both the estimation error and the approximation error of these methods . +0 To generate the class assignments we proceed as in A1 . +1 We investigate the complexity of various reasoning problems related to rMCSs . +0 There are two extreme cases : one is that each clause only contains three literals and each literal appears in exactly one clause in T . +1 Human understanding of narrative is mainly driven by reasoning about causal relations between events and thus recognizing them is a key capability for computational models of language understanding . +0 our system selects only a pair of visual objects belonging to different categories . +1 The interest in the combination of probability with logics for modeling the world has rapidly increased in the last few years . +0 This layer works as an input for a series of fully connected layers that will execute the classification task . +1 Experimental results are provided to demonstrate the practical usefulness of the proposed approach . +0 We can then define a supervised loss function directly on these beliefs . +1 Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming ( TPLP ) +0 The estimates of the causal effect are calculated by either using a different target population ( Target Substitution ) or using a different etiological time period in ( Etiological Substitution ) . +1 How these correlations may be mapped to the decision tree is considered . +0 Especially the architecture simplification which is directly related to the generalization of an FNN can easily be achieved through the evolving FNN together with its other components . +1 The proliferation of social media in communication and information dissemination has made it an ideal platform for spreading rumors . +0 Ultimately we wish to prove properties about a particular concrete program C by reasoning about some simpler abstract programA . +1 We evaluate these recurrent units on the tasks of polyphonic music modeling and speech signal modeling . +0 The number of all possible preference profiles is super exponential ( m ! ) n . +1 Home energy management systems ( HEMS ) will play a crucial role on the flexibility provision to both system operators and market players like aggregators . +0 This confirms our dWCRF classifier performance being not significantly different than SVM based methods after reducing Room1 population levels to those of Room2 and Room3 . +1 Convex potential minimisation is the de facto approach to binary classification . +0 We now discuss our algorithms for the STRONG MANIPULATION problem . +1 Through extensive experimentation we also demonstrate that this framework is practically alluring . +0 The model uses content information of citing papers and names of the cited authors as word tokens . +1 SGNMT implements a number of search strategies for traversing the space spanned by the predictors which are appropriate for different predictor constellations . +0 Similar features and annotations as development set were provided for the evaluation set . +1 Combining deep neural networks with structured logic rules is desirable to harness flexibility and reduce unpredictability of the neural models . +0 Its parameters are estimated ( by definition ) from all available data . +1 The question of how to parallelize the stochastic gradient descent ( SGD ) method has received much attention in the literature . +0 A common way to implement a fitness function is as a weighted sum of features of the composition ( although tuning the weights to optimize the EA can prove difficult except for toy problems ) . +1 Deep convolutional neural networks have recently proven extremely competitive in challenging image recognition tasks . +0 We then compute what percentage of responses do not change when more and more words are fed . +1 In this paper we demonstrate how Machine Learning ( ML ) techniques can be used to identify such events . +0 This geometric framework is also applicable to other formal semantic models than that presented here . +1 Our main focus is on the methodology followed to build an original annotated dataset expressing opinion from two French politicians over time . +0 Note thatM ( x ) is domain dependant and may significantly change for different networks . +1 Efficient exploration in complex environments remains a major challenge for reinforcement learning . +0 The time sensitivity of recommender systems poses a challenge in learning latent factors in an online fashion . +1 Unnatural language can be an important factor of confusing existing NLP tools . +0 Completeness is guaranteed since all the possible refinement plans over a given base plan are generated by the agents involved in TMAP . +1 The robot gathered over 400 hours of experience by executing more than 50K pokes on different objects . +0 Reservoir states encoded as light intensities in the optical reservoir computer and represented in Figure 2a are fed to the input of a second MZ modulator with two outputs . +1 In this paper we illustrate how knowledge of the 2AFC score c of a set of guesses constrains the set of possible labelings that the dataset can have . +0 For the purpose of this study we will focus on the classification version of this problem . +1 Parameter estimation is arranged to maximize accuracy and early confidence in this sequence . +0 This can be just the original image or the image along with additional features obtained from segmentation . +1 Weshow that the experimental results outperform previous methods based on Rich Models inthe majority of the tested cases . +0 be detected by a bounded unrolling of the loop ) . +1 Our approach does not require any special treatment on the network architecture and it allows us to learn minimal number of free parameters in a standard way of training . +0 It is easy to see that precisely one of the three possible quartet topologies of a quartet of four leaves is consistent for a given tree from T . +1 Comprehension is the subtest most strongly associated with common sense . +0 MIL is described in terms of bags ; a bag is simply a collection of instances . +1 Automatic headline generation is an important research area within text summarization and sentence compression . +0 A preposition handling module is also incorporated to deal with systematic grammatical differences between English and Bangla . +1 Our analysis shows that prior information about the ground truth plays a critical role in improving the system performance in scenarios where active learning is necessary . +0 This algorithm is also reminiscent of proximal gradient methods and mirror descent . +1 Generating textures from perceptual attributes have not been well studied yet . +0 Conditioning on z allows us to generate an infinite number of reward functions each of them tailored to imitating a different trajectory . +1 We conduct software simulations to determine how harmful each of these restrictions is . +0 This confirms our intuition that similar sentiments are clustered together when we first cluster ANPs with similar adjectives . +1 The language is interpreted stochastically via Monte Carlo Tree Search . +0 A lifted region graph is valid if and only if its corresponding ground region graph is valid . +1 We study the total least squares ( TLS ) problem that generalizes least squares regression by allowing measurement errors in both dependent and independent variables . +0 ( 2010 ) have validated the utility of syntactic simplicity in curriculum learning for unsupervised grammar induction by showing that training on sentences in order of increasing lengths outperformed other orderings . +1 Many sequential processing tasks require complex nonlinear transition functions from one step to the next . +0 Similar results hold for the procedure defined for the squared penalized loss where the bound is given by the inequality of Theorem 3.7 . +1 The host signal can represent a patch of pixels from an image or a video frame . +0 The stack ( S ) is more complicated for two reasons . +1 Path planning for multiple robots is well studied in the AI and robotics communities . +0 Using the facial keypoints output by that model we built bounding boxes and assembled them into facetubes with the previously described procedure . +1 We prove that adding additional output neurons with entirely random targets results into a higher correlation between neurons which makes pruning by NoiseOut even more efficient . +0 The proofs of Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.2 will be given in the Appendix . +1 Experimental results on several benchmark and large scale datasets have shown that the performance of our SGTSVM is comparable to the current classifiers with a very fast learning speed . +0 How to exploit the source prior knowledge and how to adapt it to the new target model depends on the algorithm used . +1 Gradients have been used to quantify feature importance in machine learning models . +0 We keep adding the leaf nodes to their governing nodes until it reaches the ROOT node . +1 Experimental results shows that it works very well in filtering out the poisoned data . +0 The state transition probabilities define the chance to change from a given topic to another . +1 We study the convergence of the shortest path distance in such graphs as the sample size tends to infinity . +0 it is tied to the number of the basis vectors employed for sparse coding . +1 In this work we consider the problem of learning the structure of Markov networks from data . +0 This yielded about 13K distinct DAs in the laptop domain and 7K distinct DAs in the TV domain . +1 We find that the synthetic models outperform simple redaction on both comparative risk and utility . +0 Attempts toward building an optimizer for hadoop performance started with Starfish [ 15 ] . +1 This paper presents Business Process Change Management approach for the efficient and effective implementation of change in the business process . +0 At the center of our approach is a hierarchical data structure . +1 We propose and evaluate an annotation scheme for empathy inspired by the modal model of emotions . +0 The algorithm is essentially PPA with a relaxed requirement of inner minimization by only a fixed multiplicative constant in each iteration . +1 To analyze the precision of DNNs for scene labeling in an urban surveillance scenario we have created a dataset with 8 classes obtained in a field experiment . +0 Thel were also provided with an option to indicate that the two system summaries cover the information expressed in the goldstandard equally well . +1 Extensive experimental results on the benchmark showed that BGLS outperforms the existing heuristics in both solution quality and runtime . +0 We exclude the more general case to avoid having to implement complex scope conventions . +1 We illustrate our technique in a simple grid world environment . +0 A comprehension is used to create a matrix of variables and the matrix is used as the parameter of an allDiff constraint . +1 Selecting such a set from a big corpus with maintaining phonetic characteristic based similarity is still a challenging problem . +0 In reality of course there is a finite number of drones model . +1 Many different methods such as uncertainty sampling and minimum risk sampling have been utilized to select the most informative sample in active learning . +0 This economical representation of data and variables as integer types simplifies computations considerably . +1 This leads to the notion of an epistemic extension which is the subset of the arguments in the graph that are believed to some degree ( which we defined as the arguments that have a probability assignment greater than 0.5 ) . +0 Initialising all three mappings is done in linear time since each addition requires only constant time . +1 Distance measure plays a very important rule on the performance of this algorithm . +0 The fact that the restricted case is consistently within error of the arjovsky model supports our hypothesis that the difference in learnable parameters accounts for the difference in performance . +1 Training the parameters of statistical models to describe a given data set is a central task in the field of data mining and machine learning . +0 Rational decision making involves using information which is almost always imperfect and incomplete together with some intelligent machine which if it is a human being is inconsistent to make decisions . +1 The task of directly training or adapting a learner in the target domain is challenged by lack of abundant labeled samples . +0 The margin of improvement is more when h0 is more stochastic . +1 We discuss 2 kinds of patterns : objective and subjective pattern . +0 The adaptation of PI2 to guided policy search is described in detail in a companion paper [ 19 ] . +1 We propose a multigrid extension of convolutional neural networks ( CNNs ) . +0 The algorithm is divided into two parts which are ranking list maintenance part and anomaly score computation part . +1 Each part of our model can be mapped to a clear functionality humans do for carrying out the overall task of natural language inference . +0 Each of these regions was a class for their classification problem . +1 Scalable and effective exploration remains a key challenge in reinforcement learning ( RL ) . +0 This is because we not only drop empty intersecting objects but also relabel the remaining ones so that any probability calculated afterwards does not refer to the original population . +1 We illustrate these properties on a set of experiments over different datasets . +0 For more details please see Appendix C To optimise the criterion Eqn . +1 Many machine learning approaches are characterized by information constraints on how they interact with the training data . +0 An ensemble system constructed based on a set of random projections can therefore have a lot of diversity . +1 We consider the problem of learning the underlying graph of an unknown Ising model on p spins from a collection of i.i.d . +0 The shared representation is motivated by the fact that both the actions and the overall plan length are integral parts of a plan . +1 Recent empirical and modeling research has focused on the semantic fluency task because it is informative about semantic memory . +0 Figure 1 ( a ) also shows the maximal intervals for the CE fluents CEs and CEstd that were computed and stored at Q137 . +1 We will generate word clusters and analyze the clusters by testing some different threshold values . +0 The study can be viewed as comparing classifiers rather than finding an optimal operating point . +1 One of the key challenges in natural language processing ( NLP ) is to yield good performance across application domains and languages . +0 The proof relies on Theorem 4.3 presented in Section 4 . +1 We also derive simple examples for which SDDs must be exponentially less concise than FBDDs . +0 We will use the following notation : Definition 2.1 ( Average diameter of a set of points ) . +1 The proposed model was designed to process and to integrate direct perception of dynamic visuomotor patterns in a hierarchical model characterized by different spatial and temporal constraints imposed on each level . +0 136 6.4.4 A Brief Analysis of Recovered Cell Types in Somatosensory Cortex . +1 The approach increases the training speed for tasks where a length of the input sequence may vary significantly . +0 Doing so provides insight into not only how much data to label but also in what way . +1 A new approach to the study of Generalized Graphs as semantic data structures using machine learning techniques is presented . +0 The first layer processing an instance is referred to as representation . +1 We present the convex relaxation approach in two contexts of interest : collaborative ranking and bundled choice modeling . +0 The definition here puts equal weight on each distribution and is sufficient for our purposes . +1 Prior work on S3C has not prioritized the ability to exploit parallel architectures and scale S3C to the enormous problem sizes needed for object recognition . +0 ( 2016 ) showed that encoding image regions with spatial information is crucial for natural language object retrieval as the task explicitly asks for locations of target objects . +1 We argue that there is a clear relationship between the running time of PLS and the difficulty of a problem instance . +0 Figure 2 illustrates the tasks and shows results for each method after different numbers of samples from the test condition . +1 Recent studies have shown that embedding textual relations using deep neural networks greatly helps relation extraction . +0 We use the Eigen toolkit1 where BLAS operations are incorporated . +1 Our experiments validate these results and also demonstrate that our models have better inference accuracy under simple algorithms such as loopy belief propagation . +0 In VSM a document is considered as a topical unit . +1 We verify experimentally that PRU performs comparably to LSTM and GRU . +0 [ 15 ] The five scenarios were obtained from several exercises conducted by the US Army in recent years . +1 Our goal is to drive uncertainty into a single decision region as quickly as possible . +0 We start from a simple BN with 2 binary random variables . +1 The goal is to find a strategy that minimizes the expected travel cost . +0 formalize for use in the development of check ) any other condition they commonly saw in their everyday practice or deemed clinically important . +1 The results show that the approach outperformed individual approaches in all cases . +0 The encoder diagram with subspace pooling is shown in Fig . +1 Term weighting metrics assign weights to terms in order to discriminate the important terms from the less crucial ones . +0 ( k is set to 0.6 in our setting . ) +1 The main problem with kernel methods is that the kernel matrix grows quadratically with the number of data points . +0 These variation sources are often represented by samples that are less common and have little probability of being selected . +1 Neural network architectures with memory and attention mechanisms exhibit certain reasoning capabilities required for question answering . +0 Another alternative is to use a plain layer ( without highways ) to change dimensionality and then continue with stacking highway layers . +1 We propose a structured prediction architecture for images centered around deep recurrent neural networks . +0 ( 4 ) We make the following assumption : A1 . +1 The goal is to develop algorithms with the property that their total average search cost ( loss ) in all trials is close to the total loss of the best tree chosen in hind sight for all trials . +0 Figure 5 shows the prediction error ( 0.48681 ) on the private leaderboard of OneBM compared to the participants . +1 In Deep Learning the ubiquitous architecture used for this task is the Siamese Neural Network which maps each entity to a representation through a learnable function and expresses similarity through the distances among the entities in the representation space . +0 The first experiment considers Bayesian neural network regression with approximate posterior induced by dropout . +1 Experiments on synthetic and real data show that HOLRR outperforms multivariate and multilinear regression methods and is considerably faster than existing tensor methods . +0 We notice that the numbers of documents in different categories are extremely imbalanced . +1 Programming languages themselves have a limited number of reserved keywords and character based tokens that define the language specification . +0 Unlabeled data contains a lot of abstract syntax and semantic information that can be very useful to NLP tasks . +1 We first summarize the milestones achieved for computer Go from 1998 to 2016 . +0 We counted the number of times the correct word was not the most similar one . +1 The outcome of the proposed method reveals that applying Neuro Fuzzy inference systems could be a better approach for fusion of forgery detection tools . +0 Much has been shown for classes of independent identically distributed ( i.i.d . ) +1 We carried out a case study in the domain of geomatic in order to evaluate the sets of measures used to characterise geographic objects . +0 Note this adds the constant M to the expression for xo . ) +1 This paper represents a model describing few techniques to select trending topics from Bangla Newspaper . +0 Our implementation optimizations based on computation reordering are general and can be applied to other BNN structures . +1 In this paper we present a tool that is able to extract an extensive set of features from a Constraint Satisfaction Problem ( CSP ) defined either in the MiniZinc format or in the XCSP format . +0 ii ) Greedy algorithms without elimination perform better than greedy algorithms with elimination . +1 We conclude that AlphaGo beating Lee Sedol is a huge achievement in artificial intelligence ( AI ) based largely on CI methods . +0 2 compares the predicted ( theoretical ) relative contrast with the empirical one . +1 For perception test system carried by intelligibility and naturalness test . +0 improve [ 36 ] by using an implicit recommendation system to discover similar victims as well as groups of correlated victims and attackers . +1 We provide insight into the extent of this performance boost and the phenomenon that drives it . +0 Normal users generally do not rate items uniformly at random . +1 Use of unlabeled data for learning is not always beneficial and there is no algorithm which deterministically guarantee the improvement of the performance by using unlabeled data . +0 It is the way to go if the community wants to evaluate existing systems on a common basis . +1 Domain adaptation is an important open problem in deep reinforcement learning ( RL ) . +0 Let us now return to the class of parametric models CPAR ( F ) introduced earlier in Section 2.3 . +1 This paper introduces a deterministic method to learn the graphical structure of a BBN from a possibly incomplete database . +0 The WEAK MANIPULATION problem is in P for the plurality and veto voting rules for any number of manipulators . +1 if an attack relation contains canonical undercut then it is not a member of this class ) . +0 The net effect is the formation of a policy graph similar to ours thereby providing an alternative to our approach of solving the individual models to first obtain the complete policy trees and then merge post hoc . +1 Various combinations of DCTIF parameters can be chosen to tradeoff the accuracy and complexity of the hyperbolic tangent function . +0 Most of the recent work either develops CSS algorithms that directly optimize this criterion or uses this criterion to assess the quality of the proposed CSS algorithms . +1 Some notable examples include training agents to play Atari games based on raw pixel data and to acquire advanced manipulation skills using raw sensory inputs . +0 A more refined implementation would estimate the highest possible speed of a vessel during a communication gap even when it is impossible ( due to e.g . +1 In this paper we propose an approach to preference elicitation suited for this scenario . +0 In a next step we combine these four channels into a single channel d via tupling . +1 Agents make use of performance indicators to assess when should change their social network to maximize the participation in teams +0 A program differs from a UI script only in that some of the parameter values can be variables . +1 We demonstrate the proposed approach by executing perceptions and actions involved in DR tasks in two army applications . +0 Figure 3 shows the average learning curves over the 12 algorithm instances for the three games . +1 Our preliminary results showed an initial list of 66 sources . +0 Blaz and Becker ( 2016 ) developed a polarity classifier for IT tickets . +1 This procedure can be applied with the COCO benchmarking platform . +0 The learning environment we consider consists of a set ofN individuals repeatedly choosing amongm options during a sequence of T discrete time steps . +1 We apply our contextual sequence prediction algorithm to optimize control libraries and demonstrate results on two robotics problems : manipulator trajectory prediction and mobile robot path planning . +0 It keeps a working feature matrix and operates in iterations . +1 The deployment of deep convolutional neural networks ( CNNs ) in many real world applications is largely hindered by their high computational cost . +0 The edge probability is an estimate of the probability that one of the two assignee cites the other assignee . +1 This perspective gains significance under the so called separability condition . +0 It enforces the cache reservation by splitting the cache space among tenants . +1 An important class of problems involves training deep neural networks with sparse prediction targets of very high dimension D. These occur naturally in e.g . +0 Extending the CBA algorithm to include similar capability remains a promising direction for future work . +1 They identified the rational behavior of LP revision and introduced some specific operators . +0 [ 1 ] derived a method for testing clusterability of data based on the large gap assumption . +1 The advantages and shortcomings of the proposed algorithms are also discussed along with future directions . +0 One minibatch consists of nchunks number of chunks from one or more corpus segments . +1 This corpus presents a greater challenge due to a greater range of confounders . +0 correct samples might be considered as outliers and vice versa . +1 This leads to suggestions for ways to address its tendency to be too small . +0 6 The tensor Y is referred to as the Toeplitz tensor of the generating vector y. Toeplitz tensor . +1 Applying the general result to MAP perturbations can yield a more efficient algorithm to approximate sampling from the Gibbs distribution . +0 The words and concepts used in tweets corresponding to the three stance categories are not expected to generalize across the targets . +1 This observation has motivated the development of approaches that couple generative and discriminative models for classification . +0 Note that the empirical study only concerns the benign images that are easily available from many sources . +1 The temporal phenomena have many facets that are studied by different communities . +0 ( 2015 ) assumes datapoints activate half the neurons per layer . +1 Error bounds are derived for SOSlasso and its consistency is established for squared error loss . +0 Most applications of pattern recognition have a cost factor attached to their decisions . +1 This is a contribution to the growing body of work contrasting the representational power of deep and shallow network architectures . +0 Categorical Data To generate categorical data we take a similar approach . +1 The hierarchical architecture consisting of multiple GANs preserves both local and global topological features and automatically partitions the input graph into representative stages for feature learning . +0 Somewhat separate are the efforts to model the particular learning algorithm that allows humans to acquire the grammar of a language . +1 We show how our method can be applied to effectively identify depressed users from their use of language alone . +0 We then calculated the standard deviation over all such communities per role and report the results in Table 4 . +1 Our first attack is based on a simple idea of adding perturbation to a randomly selected single pixel or a small set of them . +0 The main argument underlying Theorem 30 was given in the body of the paper . +1 This suggests we should use a Lipschitz utility for AL if robustness is required . +0 This requires that one knows a priori which parameters would lead to the desired solution for each node queried in the network ( which we never know ) . +1 This paper addresses the problem of privacy preservation if the query returns the histogram of rankings . +0 To preserve dependencies during prediction the authors suggest a greedy approach . +1 This paper develops a theory of clustering and coding which combines a geometric model with a probabilistic model in a principled way . +0 Figure 4 shows the comparison of the expected accuracy of the three approaches . +1 ( 2 ) we suggest this framework as objective methods to evaluate the emotion ; the real sentiment analysis of a person . +0 The results with and without position encodings are almost identical on the toy data . +1 We present distributed algorithms that allow computing solutions to constraint satisfaction problems while maintaining these four types of privacy . +0 The essential new feature is the irreducible unity of the controller and the controlled as formulated by the pair of Eqs . +1 An efficient solver based on the multiplicative weights update method is proposed . +0 Each document includes a single argument and does not exceed five argument components . +1 The framework we outline provides intriguing connections between human choice behavior and a range of questions in the theory of sorting . +0 Let us remember again that in this case D is locally constant equal to 0 on the support of Pg . +1 Most of the existing methods assume the extent to which the given tasks are related or share a common feature space to be known apriori . +0 We also include an additional sibling feature that counts how many words are siblings of word w in its tree . +1 Artificial Neural Networks ( ANNs ) are trained to map damage fingerprints to damage characteristic parameters . +0 This suggests that GPU implementations of asynchronous learning methods may benefit from both a higher TPS and from collecting experiences from a wider number of agents . +1 Here we use Poisson regression to statistically compare some prominent accounts of this variation . +0 It also requires conversion of low level features to high level features using multimedia analysis . +1 This paper describes a computational method that is capable of efficiently define and learn the feasible flexibility set from controllable resources connected to a HEMS . +0 This newmetric relies on two following aspects : ( 1 ) We could change the effect of each seed dictionary in order to suppose higher weights for more accurate dictionary . +1 The key insight is that task completion through web search and browse sessions is ( a ) predictable and ( b ) generalizes to spoken dialog task completion . +0 Figure 14 : Effect of the number of boosting rounds on performance . +1 Combination of the measurements from different sensors is then conducted in Kalman filter framework or optimization problem is formulated for sensor fusion . +0 It follows from Items 3 and 4 of Example 3.6 that the present notion of belief is not closed under conjunction . +1 Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real data gathered from Stack Overflow show that our inference algorithm learns the parameters efficiently and the proposed method can better predict the user behavior compared to the alternatives . +0 We used keras [ 47 ] deep learning framework to train our models . +1 In this work we present an alternative method for SSA based on a symmetrized version of this matrix divergence . +0 This preliminary test reveals further potential of AdaBN if combined with other advanced domain adaptation methods . +1 Our result demonstrates successful improvement in balancedness in use of body segments on 4 out of 5 subjects . +0 We give a simple example for which we can compute all ranks by hand to help the reader better grasp how the principle works . +1 Naive methods based on term frequency weighing perform on par with specialized session models . +0 The input representation ej for each source input xj with factors F thus becomes Eq . +1 We show that different bandwidth choices could result in the MMD decaying polynomially or even exponentially in dimension . +0 The authors use SWRL statements to infer which relations between the objects exist and which risks are classified for these relations . +1 This article presents the prediction difference analysis method for visualizing the response of a deep neural network to a specific input . +0 In this way we can find best slices to obtain best features to classify dataset . +1 This knowledge provides valuable feedback which allows them to further develop the next generation of their product . +0 Deep Learning methods learn representations of data with multiple levels of abstraction . +1 One way to help patients is to reduce information overload and help them focus on medical terms that matter most to them . +0 ( 2015 ) one can simply set the key and value to be the same for all memories . +1 Images are an important data source for diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases . +0 Add these samples to the set of calibration samples and go back to Step 1 . +1 Our analysis is used to justify the simple yet effective solution of norm clipping the exploded gradient . +0 In order to have it : ( a ) Add vertices init and end . +1 They are usually interpretable and they can be learned effectively from the action experiences in complex worlds . +0 Our analysis deviates slightly from the one in [ 4 ] since we are adding Laplace noise ( see the appendix ) . +1 Further to verify the entertainment value of the evolved games with the entertainment value of the human user a human user survey is conducted . +0 All capital letters : Tweeters sometimes highlight sarcasm by writing words or whole sentences with allcapital letters . +1 Most existing methods focus on improve the performance for each single criterion . +0 In the testing phase the variable is again hidden ( unobservable ) . +1 We conclude that simple lexical features and reduced feature sets can produce comparable results to larger feature sets . +0 But the same argument as above proves the incomplete tEM updates work as well . +1 Predicting Mild Cognitive Impairment ( MCI ) is currently a challenge as existing diagnostic criteria rely on neuropsychological examinations . +0 The experiments below suggest that this approach is promising and can allow neural networks to enter the problem domain of estimating the support of probability distributions . +1 The learning machine leverages big data to find examples that maximize the training value of its interaction with the teacher . +0 Another reason for the high FAR is that some drivers will control the vehicle back to the center of the lane without the help of a warning with DCB . +1 We then present a novel neural synthesis algorithm to search for programs in the DSL that are consistent with a given set of examples . +0 It infers the class label directly from the 3D point cloud using multiscale features and discriminative learning . +1 We also present preliminary results from experiments with the system and show how our approach increases the recommendation quality . +0 The most critical part of our design is updating the stochastic CFG so that the discovered solutions in a training sequence will be more probable when searching for subsequent problems . +1 There is a great demand for argumentation corpora for customer reviews . +0 We will refer to this alternative representation as the dual and the former as the primal . +1 The weight for each training algorithm is determined from the performance of the corresponding ANN model on the validation dataset . +0 and that the error in Equation ( 3 ) locally follows an uniform distribution ; this type of simple approximations has proven successful for outlier rejection [ 12 ] . +1 Importance sampling is often used in machine learning when training and testing data come from different distributions . +0 We hypothesized that the overlap between formalisms would enable multitask learning to be effective ; in this section we investigate in more detail how structural overlap affected performance . +1 We study the optimal rates of convergence for estimating a prior distribution over a VC class from a sequence of independent data sets respectively labeled by independent target functions sampled from the prior . +0 A query Q with a query predicate Q is a union of conjunctive queries ( UCQ ) if it is a datalog program in which each rule contains Q in the head but not in the body . +1 Language students are most engaged while reading texts at an appropriate difficulty level . +0 Our feedforward approximation allows the inference procedure to be fast and implemented in an online fashion . +1 Experiments on two machine translation tasks show these models to be superior in quality while being more parallelizable and requiring significantly less time to train . +0 The standard API scheme is much more variable than the other algorithms and tends to provide the worst performance on average . +1 The generation network maps samples from stochastic latent variables to the data space while the inference network maps training examples in data space to the space of latent variables . +0 The CLI receives input right at the beginning from the user indicating the cargo stack population ranging from 3 to n stacks . +1 We carefully conduct experiments on MIR FLICKR dataset and demonstrate the effectiveness of manifold regularized kernel logistic regression for image annotation . +0 A link between two nodes exists if and only if one node is a data object and the other node is the cluster that contains it ( see Fig . +1 We show that our neural network generates near optimal controls which are guaranteed to successfully drive the system to a target state . +0 Definition 46 ( Normal Logic Program ( NLP ) [ 22 ] ) . +1 This paper develops the ontology of the SSA domain and takes steps in the creation of a Space Situational Awareness Ontology . +0 A proof of this lemma is given in appendix A.5 . +1 The results show that the proposed generator achieved better performance on all the NLG domains compared to previous generators . +0 Any irreducible pattern on three variables that does not contain an incompatible pair of assignments must contain Triangle . +1 We find that it outperforms all previous approaches on six of the games and surpasses a human expert on three of them . +0 We further improve our primitive automatic weight generation technique with our proposed metric of automatic weight generation [ 32 ] . +1 The OWL ontology is made public and open to future extension . +0 We were provided by DARPA with a large dataset totaling over a million malware binaries . +1 Connecting different text attributes associated with the same entity ( conflation ) is important in business data analytics since it could help merge two different tables in a database to provide a more comprehensive profile of an entity . +0 We use similar architectures for the feedforward and recurrent policies . +1 Planning plays an important role in the broad class of decision theory . +0 This descent method can be applied to any choice of kernel function and according to our experience it works very well ( usually converges within 30 steps ) . +1 Many recent works have demonstrated the benefits of knowledge graph embeddings in completing monolingual knowledge graphs . +0 Diversity count indicates that a game is different from how many other games based on all the four metrics of entertainment . +1 WDC enables complex applications that a single device can not support individually . +0 The proof of the generalization is omitted because it is trivial ( cf . +1 In this paper we present Human Time Ontology ( HuTO ) an RDFS ontology to annotate and represent temporal data . +0 This is evident in the median values similar to the values for the instances with respect to conventional approach and with significantly larger range in feature value . +1 We present a case study of artificial intelligence techniques applied to the control of production printing equipment . +0 Note how the goal of achieving invariance in hidden and original representation respectively in CAE and mDAE show up as a mere factor of weight length in their regularization in the case of linear decoding . +1 Dimensionality reduction techniques such as random projection are incorporated for a highly parallel and scalable tensor decomposition algorithm . +0 Color moments offer a very dence representation of image content as compared to other color features . +1 Experimental results show that this new approach further enhances a state of the art MaxSAT solver to optimally solve a larger set of industrial problem instances . +0 The MBDP algorithm solves this problem by using what may be termed as a recursive representation . +1 The approach extends and integrates standard techniques for efficient query answering and integrity checking . +0 For each of these feature vectors their distance from the desired feature vectors is calculated and the weights of the hidden layers are adjusted or the network is said to be learned . +1 We propose memory network based models to incorporate these two ideas to do the truth discovery . +0 We randomly select three problem instances from each benchmark set and present the results in Figure 8 . +1 We give a natural condition under which we can provably perform MAP inference in polynomial time . +0 M is required to be positive semidefinite to ensure that Mahalanobis distance is a valid metric . +1 The output of this challenge resulted in five papers that address different facets of deep learning . +0 Such models provide a less abstract picture of credal states from which the standard model may be obtained by further abstraction . +1 Unlike previous work our approach focuses on trial adaptation by sample size adjustment . +0 However the relation After holding between the same pair of intervals implies the existence of an interval spanning the end of i and the beginning of j . +1 Early identification of patients facing a high risk of readmission can enable healthcare providers to to conduct additional investigations and possibly prevent future readmissions . +0 Its relative value is therefore implicitly set by the choice of reward range . +1 Bankruptcy is a legal procedure that claims a person or organization as a debtor . +0 Some instances of these categories are extremely small so that joint training discards them for smoother results . +1 This work focuses on reliable detection of bird sound emissions as recorded in the open field . +0 This basic definition is formulated as follows : baBA iff . +1 This algorithm has been implemented and evaluated on real datasets . +0 Clustering is a very useful paradigm that is being applied in a wide range of data exploration tasks . +1 Our empirical evidence based on the MNIST dataset shows that these updates improve the test performance without sacrificing the computational efficiency of the weight updates . +0 This means that object instances at test time have been seen before from other heights during training . +1 These sets of acoustic tokens carry different characteristics of the given corpus and the language behind thus can be mutually reinforced . +0 The proofs of Theorems 4 and 5 follow from Theorem 2 . +1 Results show that using hedged assertions positively affects the emergence of shared categories in two distinct ways . +0 What we have obtained is that the notion of state independence is implicitly implemented in [ 12 ] by the strong product . +1 They also showed empirically that simple extensions of their algorithms work on sparse networks . +0 It only extracts relevant terms from information that is stored in information database on system . +1 The model can also be used in a more standard ( warm ) context . +0 ( 16 ) to minimize the value of objective function . +1 Words in some natural languages can have a composite structure . +0 One expects that a child can learn language from her neighbors in the society . +1 Experimental validation is performed on the common task of image classification on both the CIFAR and Imagenet datasets . +0 Our approach builds upon the work of Beckel et al . +1 We show that increasing the width of our network permits being competitive with very deep networks . +0 It is standardized using equation 11 in [ 31 ] before we extract any patches from it . +1 This largely limits the design and implementation of variational inference methods . +0 This essentially builds a UBM and speaker GMMs where the Gaussian components correspond to phones or states . +1 This paper focuses on causal structure estimation from time series data in which measurements are obtained at a coarser timescale than the causal timescale of the underlying system . +0 It also include highlighting important SEO factors and implementation methods for better optimizing websites . +1 We also perturb our models with unknown inertial disturbances analogous with differences between simulation and hardware . +0 There is strong evidence that syntactic shape of programs and their functionality carry sufficient mutual information about each other for that to be useful in machine learning inference ( e.g . +1 We give an algorithm for learning a mixture of unstructured distributions . +0 The solution to this problem is given by the lowest k eigenvectors of Lr . +1 Inferring the relations between two images is an important class of tasks in computer vision . +0 The outliers in F1 ( x ) are in the range of the uncontaminated data but appearing at wrong positions . +1 Clustering is an effective technique in data mining to generate groups that are the matter of interest . +0 Navigation is one of the most fundamental problems in mobile robotics . +1 We present and empirically evaluate an efficient algorithm that learns to predict using an ensemble of binary classifiers . +0 The key idea of the paper is that events are predicted using both latent representations of the KG and latent representations describing recently observed events . +1 We looked at two applications : malware detection and intensive care delivery . +0 Table 9 clearly illustrates the fact that coverage by email traffic and coverage by search query are very different in nature . +1 One area of application is medical image processing during an intervention for a single patient . +0 Our main point of comparison is the mean squared error ( MSE ) of both estimates at iteration i over 100 trials . +1 Learning rich and diverse feature representation are always desired for deep convolutional neural networks ( CNNs ) . +0 This yielded an average bit rate vector for each quality . +1 Bounding such sensitivity is often a prohibitively complex analytic calculation . +0 Analysis of Different Design Schemes for the Majority Voting MOPE Approach . +1 Clustering allows usage profiles collected at the household level to be clustered into groups and assigned a stereotypical profile which can be used to target marketing campaigns . +0 Voronoi LSH is indeed a direct application of a JohnsonLindenstrauss projection using a Gaussian Matrix [ 1 ] . +1 We then adopt a group regularization strategy that differentially penalizes weights associated with the subcomponents generated from the respective embedding sets . +0 We used J48 tree to decide the target value based on various attribute of dataset to predict algorithms accuracy . +1 An invention is a solution to a specific technological problem . +0 LabCoat is a GUI tool for creation and management of Quirrel queries . +1 We demonstrate new classifiers based on this topic modeling representation of the reports . +0 Hyperparameters for each system were optimised on the development set . +1 Using an approximation error bound of the metric matrix function we learn local metrics as linear combinations of basis metrics defined on anchor points over different regions of the instance space . +0 Suppose the nodes are about to make a single step synchronously . +1 The payload of communications satellites must go through a series of tests to assert their ability to survive in space . +0 Two of those definitions belonged to the domain of AIR QUALITY 5 . +1 This paper presents the systems developed by LIUM and CVC for the WMT16 Multimodal Machine Translation challenge . +0 Yannakakis ( 2008 ) developed a study about the most popular approaches for player modeling during interaction with entertainment systems . +1 In this paper we propose a novel view of this pipeline based on kernel methods and Nystrom sampling . +0 A typical hypothesized scenario assumes that the adversary has perfect knowledge of the targeted classifier ( k.iv ) . +1 Least Squares Twin Support Vector Machine ( LSTSVM ) is an extremely efficient and fast version of SVM algorithm for binary classification . +0 It is interesting to note that curve 5 improves the AIC more than curve 4 . +1 This allows to encode the entire source sentence simultaneously compared to recurrent networks for which computation is constrained by temporal dependencies . +0 After tSNE run we have a set of training samples xi and corresponding yi . +1 Parameter settings profoundly impact the performance of machine learning algorithms and laboratory experiments . +0 The hidden dimensions for the encoder and decoder were set to 200 in all of the models . +1 Experiments show that InfoGAN learns interpretable representations that are competitive with representations learned by existing fully supervised methods . +0 This is because it may add infinity edges to the tour . +1 The main idea is to keep a small representative sample in memory across multiple machines and formulate the forecasting problem as queries against the sample . +0 The direction of a dependency relation is from the gov word to the dep word . +1 The problem of fake news has gained a lot of attention as it is claimed to have had a significant impact on 2016 US Presidential Elections . +0 It is notable that removing any layer hurts the performance substantially due to the recurrent nature of the network . +1 Stochastic variants of BFGS that include curvature have shown good empirical performance but suffer from the same noise effects as SGD . +0 The second row shows cases with abusive expressions towards generalized groups such as racial categories and sexual orientations . +1 MACA provides tools to host dialogue agents on Amazon Mechanical Turk ( mTurk ) for data collection and allows processing of other sources of training data . +0 Users and items with few ratings should benefit more from some side information but the estimation biais hides them . +1 We develop an efficient alternating framework for learning Factorization Machine ( FM ) on steaming data with provable guarantees . +0 Targeted capture and massively parallel sequencing of 12 human exomes . +1 This approach is shown to capture the latent subgoals that a human teacher would have utilized to train a novice . +0 We conclude that the algorithm obtains a good approximation of the total error . +1 Extensive experiments show the superiority of the proposed MDCR compared with other methods . +0 The rest of the proof is along exactly the lines as in Theorem 1 . +1 Attempts to secure deep learning systems either target specific attacks or have been shown to be ineffective . +0 This approach can be used with any of the training objectives described before . +1 The proposed algorithms are successfully tested on a large dataset with and without stationarity of rewards . +0 Neuroimaging modalities and analysis techniques can provide more sensitive and consistent measurements than traditional cognitive assessment for the early diagnosis of disease . +1 Experimental evaluations show that our proposed technique is more efficient and has higher accuracy compared to previously proposed methods . +0 Minimizing LG with respect to the parameters of G is similar to maximizing the second term of LD . +1 We develop a theoretical framework to analyze each criterion and show that both estimate the spread ( across all values of a given feature ) of the probability that an example belongs to the positive class . +0 We also initiated the strong part of neutrosophy in this section . +1 The simulation is performed on a cluster of 1000 machines with fast network hardware for one week . +0 Here we regard users with less than 5 predefined categories in their preference vectors as cold start users . +1 Our method consistently outperforms BS and previously proposed techniques for diverse decoding from neural sequence models . +0 Ability to solve generative problem settings ( C8 ) means that the language supports talking about component types instead of specific objects . +1 In this work we study unsupervised feature learning in the context of temporally coherent video data . +0 A partition has a disjoint key range and is associated with a list of BDBs . +1 Estimators of information theoretic measures such as entropy and mutual information are a basic workhorse for many downstream applications in modern data science . +0 The program should be run when the machine is not being used for anything else . +1 The given answers help to gradually restrict the search space for KB repairs . +0 A large portion of the first few steps is likely to be spent on similarity exploration . +1 We give a theoretical analysis for explaining our experimental results . +0 ( 2016 ) ) or empirically ( Goodfellow et al . +1 The motivation for this work comes from the fact that some ambiguities in language simply can not be resolved without simultaneously reasoning about an associated image . +0 This effect may be amplified by the fact that the words have variable lengths . +1 Distributed backjumping is based on accumulated information on bounds of all values and on processing concurrently a queue of candidate goals for the next move back . +0 These two classifiers are tightly coupled by the underlying SGBN models . +1 Here we show how two different distributional measures can be used to detect two different types of semantic change . +0 We leave details of the optimization algorithms and the projection procedure to the appendix . +1 Several methods have been designed to infer the authorship of disputed documents in multiple contexts . +0 Note that we have only created an approximation to the ICA model . +1 Illustrative results highlight the merits of the proposed content aggregation system in a variety of settings . +0 With all experiments we used a separate validation set of size 500 and used all remaining labeled nodes as a test set . +1 Most previous work has tackled the problem via joint sequence models that require explicit alignments for training . +0 A fixed proposal distribution is kept through the optimization of a given program . +1 This paper develops upper and lower bounds for the probability of Boolean functions by treating multiple occurrences of variables as independent and assigning them new individual probabilities . +0 An alternative approach is to treat the aggregated residual interference as random and approximate its distribution . +1 A key part of any evolutionary algorithm is fitness evaluation . +0 The main structure of their algorithm ( especially the way they obtain square root rather than cubic root ) is modified from that in this paper . +1 This allows us to pinpoint traffic anomalies early and precisely in space . +0 k0 is called the signature of kernel k. Bochner theorem is the theoretical result that leads to the Random Fourier Features . +1 This method using a lexical database updated from the online Khmer dictionaries and some supported dictionaries serving role of training data and complementary linguistic characteristics . +0 The vascular factors can affect the heart and lead to chest oppression and palpitation . +1 Social media is a rich source of rumours and corresponding community reactions . +0 Since most existing algorithms in this family are supervised algorithm for binary classification and regression task . +1 It learns a policy using reinforcement learning to incrementally register new information about concepts and their relations . +0 The correct interpretation of the constraints is based on the observation that they specify two essentially different kinds of information . +1 It is today accepted that matrix factorization models allow a high quality of rating prediction in recommender systems . +0 [ 13 ] generates a natural language explanation ( sentence ) for image categories . +1 We introduce a neural network architecture and a learning algorithm to produce factorized symbolic representations . +0 The note HMM has been extended to handle polyphonic performances [ 10 ] . +1 Many methods are based on visual features in order to calculate similarities between image samples . +0 The architecture has context window of size 5 and both word level and phrase level embeddings of 300 dimensions . +1 Empirical demonstrations show that the proposed method is superior to the state of the art . +0 We do this by showing that the dense model analyzed in Theorem 5 and that given in Definition 7 are interpretable in each other for an appropriate selection of parameters . +1 In this paper we investigate the question of whether these smoothness and convexity properties make the logistic loss preferable to other widely considered options such as the hinge loss . +0 The influence factor is used for controlling the influence range of each node and d jx m is the quality of node d jx . +1 During this stage the agent monitors both itself and the instructor feedback and learns a reward model using supervised learning . +0 Deep Entity Recognition procedure is an alternative to applying Named Entity Recognition in QA to find entities matching question constraints . +1 We propose a software architecture designed to ease the implementation of dialogue systems . +0 It should be noted that the idea of the proposed SAAS is general and can easily be extended to model other hierarchical activity structures . +1 Prior work on revision identification typically uses a pipeline method : revision extraction is first conducted to identify the locations of revisions and revision classification is then conducted on the identified revisions . +0 Principal components of the senone space are obtained via eigenvector decomposition [ 21 ] of covariance matrix of M . +1 Our model solves the problem of variable size output dictionaries using a recently proposed mechanism of neural attention . +0 The architecture of such a model is presented in Figure 2 . +1 By reparameterizing the weights in this way we improve the conditioning of the optimization problem and we speed up convergence of stochastic gradient descent . +0 Such a slope can accelerate convergence speed in learning parameters using gradient descent . +1 Our classifier achieves a promising F1 score with a low false positive rate . +0 No results are reported about the effectiveness of this system . +1 In this paper we propose a method to construct a selective classifier given a trained neural network . +0 Table 3 shows that the total number of training and validation samples in PRUS ensemble is the smallest one . +1 Concerning inference on embedded systems we evaluate these bitwise networks using a hardware efficient stochastic rounding procedure . +0 The utility adapts gradually to the average reward a rule receives . +1 The median variant relaxes the restriction of a metric space embedding for the objects but constrains the prototypes to be in the original data set . +0 It was adopted by 7We use version 3.6.0 of both NER and POS taggers . +1 An established approximation that operationalizes this approach is to bound the infinite nesting from below by introducing level 0 models . +0 69 ) times of that required by a typical run of LIBLINEAR ( resp . +1 An experiment was designed to investigate the semantic relationship between the action verbs used in both questions and LOS to obtain more accurate classification of the levels of BT . +0 We use the entity pairs provided in Zeichner et al . +1 Our approach also leads to new ways to derive lower bounds on partition functions . +0 The labels of the clusters are assigned as the initial latent states . +1 Sensor nodes receive energy for data transmission from the EH source . +0 ( 6 ) A sampling approach for decoding with a Tucker model is shown in Figure 7 . +1 We evaluate our method on an underactuated simulated robotic arm tasked with learning to accurately throw darts at a parameterized target location . +0 Figure S1 shows that this modification is highly effective in practice . +1 Modeling the purposeful behavior of imperfect agents from a small number of observations is a challenging task . +0 G1 is an immediate ascendant of G2 if G2 is an immediate descendant of G1 . +1 It relies on a hybrid ToM that combines the two major paradigms of the domain . +0 Varma and Babu proposed a projected gradient method with l1 regularization for multiple kernel learning ( with weighted kernels ) and reported encouraged results in a variety of benchmark vision and UCI databases [ 46 ] . +1 Decision making is an important component in a speaker verification system . +0 Q3 : What is the impact of adding constraints on runtime and on number of results ? +1 First we define the central planning notions and sketch the implementation of a planning system built on those notions . +0 They reintroduce these moves back into the process if the algorithm is stuck in a local minimum . +1 The second and third spaces are two different strategies of combining word embeddings to represent sentences and use a Linear SVM and a Logistic Regressor as base classifiers . +0 These detected values and true values are actually sequences of characters ( i.e . +1 We also define new attack relations which are members of this class . +0 This result includes the utterances at the start of the interaction which are used for adaptation purposes ( e.g . +1 We consider prediction with expert advice when the loss vectors are assumed to lie in a set described by the sum of atomic norm balls . +0 In [ 37 ] we demonstrate its utility in the information extraction scenario . +1 We propose a number of variants of the MOPE approach that we analyze theoretically and empirically . +0 ( 8 ) We now analyze the structure of the optimal solution and point to connections and differences in comparison to results from ridge regression . +1 This enables the use of techniques from computer vision for feature learning and classification . +0 Our annotation results provide support that the evidence of desire fulfillment can be expressed before the desire statement . +1 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems ( ADAS ) have made driving safer over the last decade . +0 The number of filters in each layer ranged from 64 to 192 . +1 Risk stratification of lung nodules is a task of primary importance in lung cancer diagnosis . +0 They aim at concept drift with classification boundary changes by default . +1 Counterfactuals are statements that an agent knows for sure are false . +0 Discourse interpretation involves constructing a preferred or intended model9 of the context . +1 We present a simple and efficient method for finding trends dominating a pool of web sources and identifying those web sources that publish the information relevant to a trend before others . +0 There are in total four sets of parameters to be learned . +1 Traditional methods mainly use rigid heuristic rules to transform a sentence into related questions . +0 In the current version of TRONCO are implemented the algorithms CAPRESE [ 117 ] and CAPRI [ 158 ] . +1 The experimental results also demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm . +0 Finally we examine the importance of the curricula itself in Section 3.4.2 . +1 We find that that some semantic relationships are better captured than others . +0 Bayesian networks were invented to model the conditional independence relations between the random variables of a domain so that we not only obtain a concise representation of the domain but also have efficient algorithms for reasoning about the relations between the variables . +1 This paper addresses the general problem of reinforcement learning ( RL ) in partially observable environments . +0 A predetermined number of workers will then execute the tasks from the global queue . +1 Our model is parameterized by only a mean and variance per pixel which simplifies computations and makes our method scalable to a deep architecture . +0 Here we evaluate the accuracy of our system in correctly solving arithmetic word problems . +1 A Cranfield style information retrieval test collection has also been produced out of a small part of the Digi newspaper material at the University of Tampere . +0 We use two metrics to evaluate the estimation result of our algorithm for distributed power iteration . +1 We unify these disparate approaches by maintaining an independent Hessian approximation for each contributing function in the sum . +0 The classification is performed directly on the document vectors themselves . +1 We show that scoring explicit span representations significantly improves performance over other approaches that factor the prediction into separate predictions about words or start and end markers . +0 A different curve is shown for different numbers of feature maps . +1 This syntactic restructuring helps statistical machine translation to tackle the structural divergence and hence better translation quality . +0 The claim is proved by showing how to map values of the original node to values of its copies in the disconnected version of the graph . +1 This paper proposed an expert system that suggests new addition to an aquarium tank based on current environmental condition of aquarium and currently existing fishes in aquarium . +0 We note that the step size chosen by the gradient iteration function is in many ways very good . +1 This implies the first PTAS for instances satisfying the spectral separability condition . +0 Table 2 shows the translation performances in terms of BLEU score . +1 Furthermore we perform experiments on the injection of external knowledge into the translation systems . +0 2015 [ 3 ] ) from Chinese text message for empirical comparison . +1 We also demonstrate that VRL is able to predict unseen types embedded in our action graph by learning correlations on shared graph nodes . +0 All parvariables that share a domain are said to belong to a plate . +1 We consider classification and regression tasks where we have missing data and assume that the ( clean ) data resides in a low rank subspace . +0 The virtual recruiter utterances are predefined for each possible speech act and situation in the model . +1 It is believed that these techniques exploit the underlying structure of industrial instances . +0 The latter case is a blind search for better solutions which is prohibitively slow . +1 Numerical experiments show an improvement in reconstruction quality relatively to existing direct and iterative reconstruction methods . +0 We are using our proposed solution were as before the last index indicates the the video was not classified . +1 We experiment with the Wall Street Journal speech recognition task . +0 We can then gradually increase the sharpness parameter until the model truly does a partial update . +1 Reinforcement Learning algorithms can learn complex behavioral patterns for sequential decision making tasks wherein an agent interacts with an environment and acquires feedback in the form of rewards sampled from it . +0 The decision whether to ask is 6This only makes sense in tasks like Question or Knowledge Verification . +1 A weighted ensemble of different individual models performed better than data selection . +0 Use of derivable rules yields shorter tableau proofs but raises a problem of performing the same rule application several times . +1 We present some arguments why existing methods for representing agents fall short in applications crucial to artificial life . +0 [ 16 ] applied classifiers such as a decision tree and a SVM on the temporal features extracted from the boosted binary stumps . +1 This biases the search towards pairs that can be described compactly and validated quickly . +0 It provides a simple yet powerful baseline for solving MDPs that require informed exploration . +1 We study the problem of estimating a manifold from random samples . +0 The GRU model can be compressed from 460 MB to 50 MB . +1 The final matching score is calculated with the hidden states of the RNN . +0 Our results resolve this issue by combining stability with optimization error . +1 We apply the model to algorithmic tasks such as integer addition and determining the parity of random binary vectors . +0 Passages in SQuAD come from 536 articles from Wikipedia covering a wide range of topics . +1 We study a novel machine learning ( ML ) problem setting of sequentially allocating small subsets of training data amongst a large set of classifiers . +0 Each of them decreases to its own minimum at first and then increases . +1 Our key insight is to treat semantic parses as probabilistic programs that execute nondeterministically and whose possible executions represent environmental uncertainty . +0 It is not a surprise that all circumscriptive action theories mentioned in this paper satisfy the canonicality assumption . +1 There have been multiple attempts to resolve the various formation matching problem in information retrieval . +0 [ 23 ] showed better results by using presence instead of frequencies . +1 Classical tree representations and approximations to quantum states are provided . +0 We used MOA [ 3 ] as the tool to generate these datasets . +1 Most of researches on image forensics have been mainly focused on detection of artifacts introduced by a single processing tool . +0 It can not only judge whether the oil is pure or adulterant but also recognize the composite ingredients of the adulterant oil effectively . +1 Indexing on neuron selectivity can statistically draw how features and classes are represented through layers at a moment when the size of trained nets is growing and automatic tools to index can be helpful . +0 People often manually enter collected data in a spreadsheet application ( like MS Excel or LibreOffice Calc ) . +1 The first contribution in this paper is of theoretical nature . +0 Corollary 1 and Corollary 2 show that the CPbD of a CBN given Tr is different from that given Tf . +1 Word embeddings provide point representations of words containing useful semantic information . +0 4.2.2 Generative Performance Table 2 : Effects of C on MNIST datasetwith a CNN recognition model . +1 We illustrate our upper and lower bounds by introducing smoothness classes that are customized for nearest neighbor classification . +0 The above experiments show that regularization generally helps prevent overfitting . +1 We also investigate a correlation between the singular values of the Jacobian matrices and the fooling rate of a corresponding singular vector . +0 Feature models offer enough flexibility such that the SAT solvers rarely run into dead ends . +1 These operations will allow the first transitions from concrete to abstract representations . +0 These are implemented using the CULA standard interface BLAS II and BLAS III routines . +1 Each agent in the network first constructs a query about the target based on its local information and obtains a noisy response . +0 This sum can be a maximum of 12 if we take the first nine questions . +1 The analysis performed using the proposed method reveals the strengths and weaknesses of tournament structures . +0 We performed image annotation and search tasks on the COCO benchmark Lin et al . +1 Clustering is one of the most fundamental and important tasks in data mining . +0 The parameters p and q control how the random walk biases toward visited nodes in previous step and nodes that are further away . +1 Can it suggest new algorithms with reduced computational complexity or new descriptors with better accuracy for matching ? +0 We emphasize how we are not interested in obtaining the most compact SPN representations . +1 We also present a simple phonetically aware string averaging technique that produces transcriptions of higher quality . +0 Downsample late in the network so that convolution layers have large activation maps . +1 Therefore learning ontology automatically can contribute to the semantic web society significantly . +0 Section 6 is devoted to experimental comparisons and shows that CVAPs consistently outperform the two existing methods . +1 Recently deep neural networks ( DNNs ) have been used to learn speaker features . +0 We investigate the use of different machine learning algorithms to produce a classifier . +1 Deep convolutional neural networks ( CNN ) have shown their good performances in many computer vision tasks . +0 The application of our current results to this problem is left for future work . +1 Detection rules have traditionally been designed for rational agents that minimize the Bayes risk ( average decision cost ) . +0 CSP is trained on the training set and applied to the test set without any development set involved . +1 Experimental results on the SemEval Challenge 2014 dataset show the superiority of our proposed model over several baseline methods as well as the winning systems . +0 Very big and very deep neural networks possess a large number of adaptable weights . +1 Bandit structured prediction describes a stochastic optimization framework where learning is performed from partial feedback . +0 This is the method that we used in experiments of Figure 2a . +1 The main goal in the future must be more open global access for the new tools . +0 The modified algorithms are summarized in Algorithms 4 and 5 . +1 The first step in creating a specialized dictionary involves detecting the characteristic vocabulary of the domain in question . +0 We first created a subset by randomly sampling 79K documents ( reviews ) from the 7.9 million reviews . +1 This predictor can be guided by the actual writing mode in the training data . +0 that may increase the number of links pointing to it . +1 This paper describes the realization of the Ontology Web Search Engine . +0 Little remains to be done at the client since the leaf provided is already a good predictor . +1 This paper presents some techniques using fuzzy logic and neural networks to improve the accuracy of the use case points method . +0 Either the game is too simple or there are some inherent aspects which frustrate intelligent game play ( e.g . +1 The ensemble of base classifiers in our approach is obtained by learning Naive Bayes classifiers on different training sets which are generated by projecting the original training set to lower dimensional space . +0 The value of K affects both execution time and memory usage but primarily memory usage as all K successors for each expanded cell are permanently stored in memory . +1 Conditional Random Field ( CRF ) and recurrent neural models have achieved success in structured prediction . +0 We therefore incorporate global image features in our feature representation . +1 Applying popular machine learning algorithms to large amounts of data raised new challenges for the ML practitioners . +0 The termination condition is of two types and which type is used determines the number of objects we can handle . +1 We argue that instilling artificial intelligences with computational narrative intelligence affords a number of applications beneficial to humans . +0 We use the open source release of the SPICE code2 to evaluate the metric . +1 Deep Residual Networks have reached the state of the art in many image processing tasks such image classification . +0 We first start by defining and analysing our general two players game setting . +1 The recent proliferation of big data has presented some substantial challenges and opportunities of feature selection algorithms . +0 Each token preserves a history of states using a pointer to its previous token and it has a score which is the acoustic score of the whole state sequence ; the states of different hypotheses of phoneme sequences . +1 By applying deep recurrent neural networks we learn to discriminate between several application layer traffic types on top of a constant envelope modulation without using an expert demodulation algorithm . +0 The total number of plays in the delay free mode can be at most T . +1 We explore multiple methods for the combination of cues from these modalities into one common classifier . +0 Interpreted Anglican engine is written in Clojure and interprets Anglican code . +1 The supplementary video can be accessed at the following link : +0 The number of skipped frames is controlled by the skipcount parameter . +1 We address the problem of estimating the difference between two probability densities . +0 The leaf square nodes show the value of the function for each assignment along a path . +1 We propose a simple modification of stochastic gradient descent that stabilizes adversarial networks . +0 The question is : what do we take to be the set of feasible labellings in our setting ? +1 The paper presents an application of Conformal Predictors to a chemoinformatics problem of identifying activities of chemical compounds . +0 Example results for the first 10 training tasks are displayed in Figure 2 . +1 Deep neural networks coupled with fast simulation and improved computation have led to recent successes in the field of reinforcement learning ( RL ) . +0 MOSES usually outperforms standard genetic programming due to its more efficient optimization and normalization . +1 Simulative and experimental results are provided to demonstrate the efficacy and superiority of our method . +0 We presented the attributions for 100 molecules active against a specific task to a few chemists . +1 Recognizing the activities of daily living plays an important role in healthcare . +0 An application of a union bound over all nodes completes the proof . +1 We show that the discovered units are correlated with phonemes and therefore are linguistically meaningful . +0 Another important result is that using all feature would also perform better than ABE0 . +1 This article provides a formalization of the W3C Draft Core SHACL Semantics specification using Z notation . +0 We assume an ordering of the spans based on START ( i ) ; spans with the same start index are ordered by END ( i ) . +1 The key question is then under what conditions can one prove that optimization will succeed . +0 The majority of the saliency models are developed using standard 2D pictures . +1 This framework enables us to map text descriptions into vector representations that capture the semantics of the game states . +0 The reader may refer to [ 7 ] for an exhaustive state of the art of ontology matching techniques . +1 We study the use of kernelization for designing propagators through the example of the Vertex Cover constraint . +0 For a tree taxonomy there is one unique path from the terminal node c to the root . +1 This chapter studies the impact of artificial intelligence on the theory of asymmetric information . +0 ( 10 ) The update mechanism helps the GRU to capture longterm dependencies . +1 This paper is a survey of some of the techniques in distant supervision which primarily rely on Probabilistic Graphical Models ( PGMs ) . +0 This can be directly inferred from Proposition 12.4 which manifests that minimal diagnoses can not shrink by the addition of a new test case i.e . +1 This paper presents a comparison of these approaches in a unified setting as well as a detailed analysis of the key factors that impact performance . +0 We can use this procedure to compute the LGG of pairs of AMA formulas . +1 Our coupled approach is based on minimizing regularized risk under the double ramp loss which is done using difference of convex ( DC ) programming . +0 [ 20 ] Proposes an anomaly detection scheme for localisation in wireless sensor networks in an indoor environment with a confidence indicator . +1 The task loss function defines the cost for all possible answers and it is arguably the most important element of the problem setup . +0 3 shows the quality of our predictions vs the ground truth landmarks for the 8 fittings with the highest error for this dataset . +1 One difference with the single arm variant is that the dependency structure of the arms is crucial . +0 We can find a global minimum in the ERM problem ( 2 ) by simply solving this linear system . +1 Denoising autoencoder ( DAE ) is an improved autoencoder which is robust to the input by corrupting the original data first and then reconstructing the original input . +0 the contexts in the test set are unseen during training ) . +1 We consider an adversarial online learning setting where a decision maker can choose an action in every stage of the game . +0 This effect is largely due to the constraint assumption not holding absolutely in the data . +1 We propose a scheme for training a computerized agent to perform complex human tasks such as highway steering . +0 The discrete framework does not consider the natural continuous structure of the object space . +1 We propose two methods based on compression for clustering the observed positive examples . +0 Alice homomorphically multiplies qi with the encrypted reciprocals to cancel out her multiplicative share . +1 The main contribution consists of a framework in which dynamic epistemic logic satisfies the requirements for being a topological dynamical system thus interfacing discrete dynamic logics with continuous mappings of dynamical systems . +0 ( 2015 ) ) and URANK ( Wan ( 2010 ) ) which achieve very high performance on this corpus . +1 Optimization of product performance repetitively introduces the need to make products adaptive in a more general sense . +0 Recall that we changed two parts of the SMO algorithm . +1 Sequence modeling with neural networks has lead to powerful models of symbolic music data . +0 Ergodicity guarantees the existence of an asymptotic distribution for the Markov chain . +1 We develop an algorithmic framework that is based on mapping the ( unlabeled ) data followed by adjusting the mapping using the scarcer labeled data . +0 The reason might be due to the explosion of stL under addition . +1 The ability to accurately perceive whether a speaker is asking a question or is making a statement is crucial for any successful interaction . +0 simulations except that the crowd size W is set equal to 15 . +1 Generative adversarial networks ( GANs ) are a recently proposed class of generative models in which a generator is trained to optimize a cost function that is being simultaneously learned by a discriminator . +0 Application of union exploiter to classes of objects has some important features besides generation of new classes of objects . +1 This research introduces a new constraint domain for reasoning about data with uncertainty . +0 We then apply the algorithm in the previous paragraph with A replaced by B . +1 Our experiments show that our proposed framework can address several concerns of audio content analysis using weakly labeled data . +0 One possible reason is that this tends to characterize more detailed information of the objects to be represented . +1 We demonstrate our method over a range of discriminative models including logistic regression and LSTMs . +0 We set the hyperparameters of the algorithm according to Tab . +1 Anomalies are investigated by a Security Officer ( SO ) in order to choose the proper response . +0 Figure 5 shows the performance of SubSeq compared to TAXI and the SemEval baseline across different domains and languages . +1 These approaches of transferring knowledge further improve the performance of respective models . +0 These changes did not have a negative effect on the tracking performance of SiamFC . +1 We consider partially observable Markov decision processes ( POMDPs ) with a set of target states and positive integer costs associated with every transition . +0 One can see that only own received gift has a significant influence on own decision in sequential as well as in simultaneous cases . +1 This enhancement in accuracy comes with an efficient execution of less than 23ms per location update on a typical laptop . +0 The number of occluding objectsK depends on the total number N of unmodeled objects and their positionsXN with respect to the measurement beam . +1 We use common factors to reduce the variations in the data without changing the base mean level of the data to avoid altering the physical meaning . +0 ( 2015 ) also learn distributed matrix representations of student code submissions . +1 This paper aims to make up for the lack of documented baselines for Hungarian language modeling . +0 The experimental results showed that it is possible to improve the estimation accuracy of spatial concepts and vocabulary by performing word clustering that considered location information . +1 Almost all previous methods use fixed context window sizes as input features . +0 Both positive and negative samples are used to update the Bayes classifier . +1 We propose such a definition of subjective satisfaction based on recently introduced satisfaction functions . +0 16 ) is almost always better than AlexNet ( show in Fig . +1 Belief revision is an operation that aims at modifying old beliefs so that they become consistent with new ones . +0 Redundant features are ignored because they have low correlation with class and will turn to highly correlated with one or more of the remaining features . +1 We hope our insights will motivate the development of new models that understand language more precisely . +0 The hypergraphs used in our experiment are from a set of hypergraph benchmarks for clustering and partitioning in VLSI domain from the ISPD98 Circuit Benchmark Suite 1 . +1 Digital Elevation models ( DEM ) are images having terrain information embedded into them . +0 We use standard ConveNets architectures while replacing the mean and max pooling layers with adaptive pooling . +1 MRA ( Multilingual Report Annotator ) is a web application that translates Radiology text and annotates it with RadLex terms . +0 Our objective is to find out switching on which of the generators will meet the demand at the least cost . +1 We present a new theoretical framework for analyzing and learning artificial neural networks . +0 The basic idea to incorporate this into trust prediction is by adding the regularization term Eq . +1 Increasing rates of regular HIV testing is critical to HIV prevention and linking homeless youth to treatment . +0 Instead we analyze SDDs for formulas derived from a natural class of database queries . +1 Known upper bounds imply that the Winnow algorithm can learn Disjunctive Normal Form ( DNF ) formulae with a polynomial mistake bound in this setting . +0 To this end the proposed computational pathology framework is validated against the right censored clinical survival data of the 133 ccRCC patients . +1 Partitions are then iteratively joined by using a proximity measure extracted from the graph representation of the formula . +0 A summary of the key hyperparameters for each class of experiments if given in Table 2 . +1 Experiments show that the new approach yields state of the art results on standard domain adaptation datasets . +0 The current implementation of iral supports following search engines : Google and Bing . +1 A number of deep learning models have been proposed for this task . +0 [ 10 ] and Hochreiter and Schmidhuber [ 11 ] . +1 The paper then detail how we employ the systematic mapping method in answering these questions . +0 In each simulated data stream we evaluate both the anomaly detection and anomaly classification . +1 We show that exponential and mixed models achieve better fits when trained but are only to be preferred in some cases . +0 Hidden bias can also prove to be a substantial ethical issue when hiring . +1 The combination of these two terms promotes the discriminative power of the learned sparse representations and leads to improved classification accuracy . +0 ( 2010 ) use rules to remove pleonastic mentions of it detected by 12 lexicalized regular expressions over English parse trees . +1 Binary Neural Networks ( BDNNs ) have been shown to be an effective way of achieving this objective . +0 We start with a few notational conventions used throughout the paper . +1 We envision the treebank to support a wide range of linguistic and computational research on second language acquisition as well as automatic processing of ungrammatical language . +0 Test your creative system against the standards stated in Step 2 and report the results . +1 Here are a few thoughts about the requirements and choices to make before building such a repository . +0 We will examine LR and SVM by classifying uniform spherical data . +1 We point out similarities and differences with this latter context . +0 In the next two sections we describe these two steps . +1 The error probability of the aggregated ranking is analyzed as a result of noise added in order to achieve differential privacy . +0 The format for writing the rules is as follows : Type of phrase ( tag1 tag2 tag 3 : tag2 tag1 tag3 ) . +1 Experiments with synthetic and real image signals demonstrate that the attack model is able to correctly infer a large part of the message bitstream and obtain a very accurate estimate of the watermark signal . +0 How the parameter settings affect the results is discussed in the next section . +1 Then we demonstrate a straightforward and effective deep supervision strategy in which we replicate targets at each sequence step . +0 No significant change in win rate can be appreciated in larger population sizes . +1 Experiments show that it effectively removes the need to define a learning rate for stochastic gradient descent . +0 Excellent reconstruction results with SGD in the representation space to find an image in the generator range have been reported by [ 28 ] with stochastic clipping and [ 11 ] with logistic measurement loss . +1 The maximum value of waiting time and vehicle queue length has to be selected by using proximity sensors as inputs to controller for the ameliorate control traffic flow at the intersection . +0 This results in a complex dependence between DA and RT actions and system reliability . +1 The architecture of PCN is composed of several feature extraction stages and a nonlinear output stage . +0 We show how an RBM trained via OCDGR can have the same functionality as training via ER . +1 Clause Learning is one of the most important components of a conflict driven clause learning ( CDCL ) SAT solver that is effective on industrial instances . +0 We use a downward looking camera in conjunction with a sonar for determining relative pose . +1 We develop a variational Bayes algorithm for the approximate posterior inference of the HDSP . +0 Subsumption is the mechanism by which macroclassifiers are formed ; XCSF uses two forms of subsumption . +1 Precision ranges from 0.61 to 0.75 while recall ranges from 0.71 to 0.83 . +0 Such a bound can always be found in terms of . +1 Abduction aims to find an explanation for a given observation in the light of some background knowledge . +0 We refer the readers to the appendix for the full derivation of the objective function . +1 We demonstrate this work on both hard and soft constraints . +0 We use a laptop with a 2.3 GHz Intel I7 CPU with 16GB RAM running Mac OS 10.8.5 . +1 Recent work on improving the efficiency of neural translation models adopted a similar strategy by restricting the output vocabulary to a subset of likely candidates given the source . +0 Active learning for classifier ensembles has been studied on classification problems [ 22 ] and [ 23 ] . +1 The results of the tests show that RKCS is superior to some other metaheuristic algorithms . +0 The axiom template is a simple one and contains unbound variables . +1 We propose methods for using global constraints by performing rescoring of the score matrices produced by state of the art cognates detection systems . +0 The application of classification techniques and discriminant selection based on genetic algorithms together can dramatically reduce the learning and modelling time with little variation in the classification process accuracy . +1 Existing MKL methods use linear combination of base kernels which may not be optimal for object categorization . +0 Hierarchical models have been used predominantly for representation learning and generation of paragraphs and documents : Li et al . +1 The last part of the paper is devoted to the discussion ongoing among experts in the field and the public at large about on the advantages and disadvantages of AI and in particular on the possible dangers . +0 Note that the training loss was raised by lowering the regularization parameter in order to allow for more training epochs . +1 IPS join is well understood when vectors are normalized and some approximation of inner products is allowed . +0 The results with 16GB and 32GB of memory gave similar results because using 16GB of memory was enough to load and allocate most of the resource required by the process . +1 Time series interpretation aims to provide an explanation of what is observed in terms of its underlying processes . +0 We next introduce a family of solution techniques for the FIS problem . +1 ( ii ) We bridge the gap between normative argumentation theories and argumentation phenomena encountered in actual data by adapting an argumentation model tested in an extensive annotation study . +0 ROLLER builds a classifier to choose the best operator in the different helpful contexts . +1 How can a robot learn these local abstractions without a teacher ? +0 Therefore we have no faulty updates and guarantee consistency of computation . +1 It is capable to work at large scale with no supervision through exploiting the available sources . +0 The CDF method is a general way of factorizing a compound density . +1 The result is a parsimonious and interpretable indication of how and where two distributions differ locally . +0 Now that we have an understanding of how boundary trees work we ask the question : is there a way to learn a good representation for boundary trees ? +1 High accuracies obtained for all the tasks show the effectiveness of the proposed framework . +0 The entire data set is presented to the user through few representative samples . +1 We also propose an outlier data removal algorithm based on the data distribution . +0 Differences in the partitioning of the datasets for cross validation may give rise to the larger deviations . +1 The computation and storage requirements for Deep Neural Networks ( DNNs ) are usually high . +0 We further let ySVM ( x ) and yS3VM ( x ) be the predicted label of x by SVM and S3VM respectively . +1 We find that different DNN models exhibit different strengths in learning and are robust to noise in training data . +0 This problem is challenging due to both the small amount of available training data and the significant variation between signers . +1 Text from social media provides a set of challenges that can cause traditional NLP approaches to fail . +0 Vanuit het oogpunt van conceptualisatie is het grootste voordeel dat we in staat zijn de institutionele beperkingen te begrijpen en eventuele conceptuele tekortkomingen te identificeren . +1 This seems to contradict the possibility of acting entities within such a system . +0 We compared the performance of our approach both with and without adding these additional chokepoint regions . +1 In this talk we will outline our development of an evaluation framework to rigorously test and measure the impact of changes to the SigOpt optimization service . +0 where the instantaneous velocity of the articulators is zero or at its minimum ) . +1 Significant efforts have been made to understand and document knowledge related to scientific measurements . +0 It is conceivable that the reason for the inferiority of the iterated strategy is that the accumulation of errors in the iterated case drastically deteriorates the accuracy of forecasts . +1 Terms which are found significantly more often in the specialized corpus than in the background corpus are candidates for the characteristic vocabulary of the domain . +0 This criterion uses an upper bound on the asymptotic performance of the current best run . +1 The nuclear norm is widely used as a convex surrogate of the rank function in compressive sensing for low rank matrix recovery with its applications in image recovery and signal processing . +0 There has been a recent surge in interest in compression in the deep neural network community . +1 It also outperforms common baselines on many moderately large popular collaborative filtering datasets in both NDCG and in other measures of ranking performance . +0 The notion of functional constraint can be extended to cost functions as follows : Definition 5.3 A cost function wij is functional w.r.t . +1 The results clearly show that the proposed learning technique can significantly improve the performance for anomaly detection . +0 Figure 2 shows the classification error graphs for standard supervised training and temporal ensembling . +1 The novelty of the paper is the application of semantic web to automatic speech recognition . +0 An important previous work on learning more general function approximations at each node is that of Lin et al . +1 We propose a timed and soft extension of Concurrent Constraint Programming . +0 It is observed that the results obtained outperform some of the well known missing data methods with accuracies in the 90 percentile . +1 One possibility is to precondition the input polynomials using Groebner Basis ( GB ) theory . +0 If time runs out before the queue is emptied the remaining arcs are processed in the next round . +1 An example is given in detailed steps to illustrate the supervisor synthesis algorithm . +0 The first is a standard problem of parametric statistics : there are no guarantees on the convergence of their estimation procedure when the density function f is not part of the parametric family considered . +1 We consider the problem of learning from revealed preferences in an online setting . +0 It then starts with an empty set and expand the set by the feature with the highest utility until it satisfies a stopping criteria . +1 For disjunctive logic programs we also study the property of uniform interpolation that is closely related to the concept of variable forgetting . +0 [ 53 ] propose a weighted SVM based on mutual information and modified cuckoo search for automatic detection of diabetics diagnosis . +1 The expressive power of a machine learning model is closely related to the number of sequential computational steps it can learn . +0 Column ( f ) of Table I presents the estimated occurrence counts using Equation 2 . +1 This paper describes a process for clustering concepts into chains from data presented randomly to an evaluating system . +0 Proposition 1 ( When the first cut is not the heaviest ) Let T be a MST of the dissimilarity data graph with N nodes . +1 We employ a PixelCNN architecture to define a strong prior over natural images and jointly optimize this prior with a deep conditioning convolutional network . +0 It then chooses the author who exhibited the maximum cosine similarity most frequently . +1 We consider stochastic bandit problems with a continuum set of arms and where the expected reward is a continuous and unimodal function of the arm . +0 LDA Kmeans outperforms PCA Kmeans while LDA SC outperforms PCA SC . +1 The first two are novel ways of mapping conditional expectations to the probability space . +0 ICDM Abstracts Next we ran our algorithm on the ICDM Abstracts dataset . +1 The results show a correlation between performance on this dataset and performance on sentiment analysis . +0 The aim is thus to find other documents about the same topic t as the input document . +1 We show that our model can quickly learn patterns in these very different poker games while it improves from zero knowledge to a competitive player against human experts . +0 Nisan ( 2000 ) and Day and Raghavan ( 2009 ) discuss several bidding languages for combinatorial auctions . +1 We provide algorithms for both the original minimax formulation as well as its semidefinite relaxation . +0 The following sections describe these improvements on the software image in greater detail . +1 defined private learning as a combination of PAC learning and differential privacy . +0 Note that the choice of mixture component h and the observation noise are independent . +1 Frequency response function data after being reduced in size using PCA is fed to individual neural networks to localize and predict the severity of damage on the structure . +0 We also need situations where common general intelligence is not enough . +1 Classical techniques such as Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) and Canonical Correlation Analysis ( CCA ) are ubiquitous in statistics . +0 Notice how the penalty increases as we enter mode collapse and drops as we recover . +1 We show that our GDVM performs favorably against the baselines or recent generative DNN models . +0 Here we contrast the contributions of three communities by overviewing their interests and approaches . +1 Our results quantitatively and qualitatively advance the state of the art . +0 The Extended Boolean OR function finds similar documents with query that add ( OR ) the query terms together . +1 Most of these applications need to be able to compare these structured data . +0 To solve bioacoustic problems and finding the number of call units we propose to use the HDPHMM model to model the complex bioacoustic data . +1 a small sportsware website ) instead of long user histories ( as in the case of Netflix ) . +0 This is especially apt in cases like the present one where we know that the optimal tree Topt has S ( Topt ) close to 1 . +1 The accuracy and speed of GCGM inference is compared to the MCMC and MAP methods on a simulated bird migration problem . +0 We now move on to the voting rules that are based on the weighted majority graph . +1 We study the use of greedy feature selection methods for morphosyntactic tagging under a number of different conditions . +0 Figure 4 shows the architecture of the neural network model used in this experiment . +1 We thus present a technique to declaratively model set constraint problems and to encode them automatically into SAT instances . +0 ( 5 ) Now our problem are put into a form that is suitable for Alg . +1 Combining efficiency with reliability within CP systems is one of the main concerns of CP developers . +0 Assume now that we have computed the intervals for the two children of the root ( rightmost BDD in Figure 2 ) . +1 There are several supervised learning techniques able to learn the correct answer for a problem through examples . +0 The leaf structure stores the point sets that stem from the splitting process in a consecutive manner . +1 We develop an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler for updating the model parameters from their conjugate full conditional posteriors . +0 We summarize this simple yet effective imitation teacher model in Alg . +1 Spectral methods are popular in detecting global structures in the given data that can be represented as a matrix . +0 The conditions for the rule defining initiates can be seen as preconditions for the effects of the operator tell to take place . +1 The unsupervised component is based on a generative model in which latent sentences generate the unpaired logical forms . +0 GDE3 obtains the second best result with these test functions . +1 Temporal abstraction is key to scaling up learning and planning in reinforcement learning . +0 For the second part we look at the relation between the slots in different teams . +1 The first is to show how a type of logical inference can be performed by evaluating conditional probabilities . +0 All three models are described in further detail in Appendix A.4 . +1 We then introduce a new method to directly estimate the sign of the density difference without density estimation . +0 In the following we will omitted the filtration F in the expectation for simplicity . +1 We present a factorized compositional distributional semantics model for the representation of transitive verb constructions . +0 This helps to identify molecules in medicines which hit the intended target and do not cause side effects . +1 Boolean factor analysis is the task of decomposing a Binary matrix to the Boolean product of two binary factors . +0 Answering this question has been a major research direction in computational learning theory since the seminal work of Valiant [ Val84 ] formalizing efficient learnability . +1 The optimized results obtained here pave the way for a better characterization of textual networks . +0 Neural networks developed for those applications frequently use convolutions to take advantage of spatial locality . +1 couple of letters that are not necessarily next to each other . +0 However it only involves numerical ratios and it is not a common structure as [ 13 ] . +1 Efficient modeling of uncertain information in real world is still an open issue . +0 Then a situation satisfying p ought to satisfy q as well ( according to progressives ) . +1 We shape the behavior of these agents by combining extrinsic and intrinsic rewards . +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ) of the first row of variable out . +1 We have started our research with quite a large corpus of approximate 1 lakh Bangla words . +0 Table 2 ( Contagio ) and Table 3 ( Drebin ) show two sample inputs generated by DeepXplore that caused erroneous behaviors in at least one of the tested DNNs . +1 The proof exploits an old result of Kemperman on the solution to the generalized moment problem . +0 R3.in SPT R1.core3.out R1.core0.outSPT 0 0 3 3 MG3 MG0 SPT : Split Tree MGT : Merge Tree CHK : Check Interface.in R3 R2 router R1.core2 R1.core1 R1.core3 R1.core0 Fig . +1 We also identify algorithms that are optimal up to a universal constant factor . +0 We start the formation by specifying the variables used within it . +1 By the use of concentration inequalities we provide a sampling scheme that gives sufficiently accurate gradient and Hessian approximations to retain the strong global and local convergence guarantees of cubically regularized methods . +0 This work demonstrates that morphosyntactic typological similarities between languages are largely preserved in second language structural usage . +1 We hope this new dataset can serve as a valuable resource for research and evaluation in machine comprehension . +0 Future work ( in progress ) will show how our method scales to a richer VR scenario . +1 Experimental results show that both algorithms could detect nonTor traffic in the dataset . +0 The kernel was based on the hypothesis that the words between the candidate entities or connecting them in a syntactic representation are particularly likely to carry information regarding the relationship . +1 Our results suggest that relation networks are a powerful architecture for solving a variety of problems that require object relation reasoning . +0 e de ned problem statement requires the understanding of both the domains : video analysis and natural langauge processing . +1 Smile is an irrefutable expression that shows the physical state of the mind in both true and deceptive ways . +0 In this section we prove how we obtained the values for the properties for the matching pennies environment ( section 5.2 ) . +1 This algorithm expressesthe averaging process in terms of a stochastic alignment automata . +0 One can ask whether such accelerated smoothed versions exist for the Winnow . +1 We test our model on a visual object recognition and emotional memory retrieval experiments using Support Vector Machines that are trained using the mesh edge weights as features . +0 If the network had access to the full set of speech that a child encounters such a measure likely would not be necessary . +1 We combine these two approaches in a Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network ( CRNN ) and apply it on a polyphonic sound event detection task . +0 US then applies ordinary importance sampling to this new data set . +1 We use this extension to describe the EZCSP algorithm and prove formal claims about it . +0 We begin with the following space efficient algorithm for picking an item uniformly at random from a universe of size n below . +1 The same framework is used for both identifying the model of an object online and searching for a policy that would minimize a given cost function according to the identified model . +0 See the proof of Lemma 3 in Balakrishnan et al . +1 DPN is a deep neural network that consists of two important layers : Template Projection layer and Dense Aggregate layer . +0 An AI that was never turned on is assumed to have very low impact ; the behaviour of the active AI is compared with this baseline . +1 We propose a new method to learn a policy that minimizes the maximal impulse during the fall . +0 The deviations and some additional settings are reported in supplementary material . +1 Experiments on passively labeled data show that this approach effectively reduces the label complexity required to achieve good prediction performance on many learning problems . +0 [ 9 ] uses Genetic Programming for evolving the kernel for SVM classifier . +1 Our results and techniques may pave the way for statistical analyses of additional strict saddle problems . +0 Each of the N objects in the graph has a description that comes from the typical set . +1 Algorithm design is a laborious process and often requires many iterations of ideation and validation . +0 Including the bagging procedure the F0.5 score increases to 0.876 . +1 ARTBP works by using variable truncation lengths together with carefully chosen compensation factors in the backpropagation equation . +0 The latter representation will be the more useful one for us . +1 We present our case with a comparison of existing algorithms in known environments and cases and present the results of the experiments using dry run of the simulated runs of the existing machine learning algorithms versus IBSEAD . +0 The decoder thus learns to model the relationship between objects present in the input GUI image and the associated tokens present in the DSL code . +1 We observe that whether or not an algorithm uses a particular feature set ( sentence IDs ) accounts for a significant performance gap among these algorithms . +0 And the ithe diagonal element of the matrix XTDX corresponds to the volume of the ith cluster . +1 Classification methods are fast and they could be practical substitutes for finding causal signals in data . +0 It uses an LSTM to encode the question and CNN features to encode the image . +1 Our algorithms require polynomially many samples in the number of items and bidders . +0 These files represent domain knowledge and tend to be static unless an analyst wishes to introduce new domain knowledge . +1 It turns out that the new algorithm can achieve similar level of generalization accuracy of SGD in much fewer number of epochs . +0 Some of these tags are grouped together and considered to be equivalent by our algorithm . +1 Convolutional neural networks ( CNNs ) have demonstrated superior capability for extracting information from raw signals in computer vision . +0 [ 2009 ] propose mechanisms for the detection and resolution of normative conflicts . +1 Upper bounds are provided by showing that the proposed algorithm is optimal for all of them . +0 These findings indicate that different linguistic properties underlying different kinds of deception are more likely to explain crossdomain performance decreases than poorly performing feature sets . +1 The algorithm was extensively evaluated using both artificial and real datasets . +0 Bold results indicate a significant improvement of the online system with respect to the offline . +1 Predictors can be combined with other predictors to form complex decoding tasks . +0 The model predictive controller then samples trajectories using cost C. These sample trajectories are aggregated into a dataset containing all previous sampled trajectories . +1 We propose an algorithm similar to contrastive divergence for training restricted Boltzmann stochastic ensembles . +0 To construct a data mining model for generating frequencies and scorecard for the annual reports 2 . +1 A key goal of research in conversational systems is to train an interactive agent to help a user with a task . +0 The models presented above optimize a loss function defined on the training data . +1 This allows each generated word to be associated with the most relevant words in its corresponding conversation history . +0 Most of the computation time of Super is spent calculating the extra features . +1 We study all these formulations by experimentally comparing them on a variety of randomly generated instances of the feature subscription problem . +0 When the tool starts moving numerical singularities can occur due to switching between the two models in Equations 2 and 3 . +1 Research in natural language inference is currently exclusive to English . +0 ( 47 ) is the same update as the CVB inference in Eq . ( 5 ) . +1 This provocation paper provides an overview of the underlying optimisation problem in the emerging field of Digital Manufacturing . +0 We remark that red arrows will always be present to indicate potential genuine causes corresponding to actual selective advantage relations . +1 A main innovative element of our approach is that it jointly extracts and stores all attributes of the event as a single representation ( quintuple ) . +0 Following is an example of the narrative of a report : TAXIING FROM THE RAMP AT LAF AT NIGHT . +1 Our approach automatically harvests a large number of videos and descriptions freely available online . +0 Table 6 shows how the win rate increases over time . +1 Segmental errors are further propagated to optional suprasegmental ( such as syllable ) information coding . +0 finite and allows using SGD and thus working with large scale problems . +1 Understanding the effects of degeneracy control mechanisms when learning overcomplete representations is crucial for applying Independent Components Analysis ( ICA ) in machine learning and theoretical neuroscience . +0 it does not penalize one mailman in relation to the other . +1 Generic generation and manipulation of text is challenging and has limited success compared to recent deep generative modeling in visual domain . +0 A simple way to address this issue is kernel regression . +1 Recently published methods enable training of bitwise neural networks which allow reduced representation of down to a single bit per weight . +0 The parameter learning scenario actualises the problematizing of the Scaffolding theory as it contributes in handling the concept drift . +1 In the case of multiple input streams it is also necessary to coordinate which data from which incoming stream should form the input of the next process instantiation . +0 We explain methods that were necessary to train the algorithms ( Chapter 4 ) in a stable manner . +1 In this paper reinforcement learning with binary vector actions was investigated . +0 Consistency is shown ( only ) in probability and the predictive implications of the result are unclear . +1 The predictive power and enhanced reliability of decision making based on the novel CPT generation methods presented in this paper have been confirmed and validated within the context of the case studies . +0 The cumulative average score for each score group has been presented in Fig . +1 We show similar result patterns on data extracted from an online concierge service . +0 Hence the Lagrange multiplier terms are easily incorporated into the objective function . +1 An information retrieval system that is aware of name changes can actively support users in finding former occurrences of evolved entities . +0 The data usage of each during training is outlined in Table 1 . +1 Experimental results on four important time series depicts that our proposed technique reduces the mentioned shortcomings of individual ANN training algorithms to a great extent . +0 This would ensure that there can not be any embeddings with an oddly large norm due to individuals being involved in a large number of relations . +1 Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model in learning from diverse data sources and generalize to unseen domain . +0 A total of 390 million tweets are used in this model . +1 We provide sample complexity bounds for our algorithm and evaluate it experimentally on biological data from nine human cell types . +0 Our rather straightforward analyses both to strengthen the bounds we previously obtained and provides an explanation of empirical success of the methods we overview . +1 It allows us to build prognostic models with the limited amount of health status information for the precise prediction of future asset reliability . +0 However : Prompt : Which is easier out of EECS 378 and EECS 280 ? +1 We show that some of the existing formulations of this problem are special cases of our framework . +0 With just ten variables there are roughly 1018 possible DAGs . +1 We find that evidential decision theory has two natural extensions while causal decision theory only has one . +0 We can not apply the standard LRR model ( 2 ) directly on the quotient manifold So . +1 Convolutional Neural Networks have proved to be very efficient in image and audio processing . +0 The visual information of each raw image is encoded using the techniques described in sec . +1 An coefficient is defined to measure the exclusive degree among the hypotheses in the framework of discernment . +0 A realworld system should use an expanded dataset to make it more difficult for an adversary to reverse engineer and defeat the classifier . +1 One of the main reasons behind errors at the higher levels is the presence of inconsistent nodes and links that are introduced due to the arbitrary process of creating these hierarchies by domain experts . +0 The profanity and advertisement can be largely removed using keyword lists . +1 In the context of learning we propose to test for the probability that a stochastically estimated gradient points more than 180 degrees in the wrong direction . +0 The graders used a rubric consisting of nine assignment objectives and marked whether each state successfully or unsuccessfully completed each objective . +1 Here we alleviate this problem by empowering a relation extraction method with additional evidence from Wikipedia . +0 This is illustrated by the G loop in Figure 1 . +1 We show a large gap between the adversarial and the stochastic cases . +0 They measure the emotion polarity in issue comments using SentiStrength . +1 We describe and analyze a simple random feature scheme ( RFS ) from prescribed compositional kernels . +0 The experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm efficiently follows the path and it has similar patterns of active sets and classification performances compared to the exact path . +1 We present an algorithm that learns representations which explicitly compensate for domain mismatch and which can be efficiently realized as linear classifiers . +0 The number of features determines the granularity by which states can be perceived by agents . +1 Existing studies of redundancy among these partial implications have characterized so far only entailment from one premise and entailment from two premises . +0 Let Qs be the quantization function defined in Section 3.2 . +1 An appealing feature of Slores is that the data set needs to be scanned only once to run the screening and its computational cost is negligible compared to that of solving the sparse logistic regression problem . +0 This is not very feasible in our problem because there is very little data for the topological maps and it is difficult to acquire a massive amount of such data . +1 It is important to apply such models to different domains because collecting many labeled samples in various domains is expensive . +0 The last inequality follows by splitting the supremum into two equal parts . +1 Previous work has shown that feature maps of deep convolutional neural networks ( CNNs ) can be interpreted as feature representation of a particular image region . +0 was included in the bit stream ( see appendix ) . +1 Conversation modeling will notably benefit from domain knowledge since the relationships between sentences can be clarified due to semantic hints introduced by knowledge . +0 The agent fitness evaluation is returned to the algorithm by the end of the loop run . +1 To compute model parameters we minimize a cross entropy cost function . +0 other words : the existence of a bound consistent state suffices to guarantee the existence of a solution ) . +1 This represents an exponential improvement on the sample complexity of all existing alternative approaches and provides theoretical justification for reinforcement learning with function approximation . +0 Please refer to the supplementary material for the detailed computation of gradients . +1 The experimental results show the capabilities of the proposed method . +0 [ 17 ] define flow models as those that compute trust by transitive iteration through looped or arbitrarily long chains . +1 Our approach is based on the Structural Expectation Maximization ( SEM ) algorithm . +0 We firstly consider strategy profiles in which all targets have the same probability q of being protected . +1 The proposed model can be viewed as incorporating a more powerful compositional function for embedding acquisition in recursive neural networks . +0 p deviates more from its initialisation in the lower layers of the model ; there is also a difference across corpora . +1 The what to learn and the when to learn provide self regulating mechanisms to select the training samples and to determine time instants to train a model . +0 The supervision signal here is hence somewhere in between Task 2 and 3 . +1 We construct a labeled corpus for training and evaluating our methods in French book reviews . +0 We recursively bisect the graph until the parts are too small for KaHIP to handle and assign the order arbitrarily in these small parts . +1 ( 2 ) Uses biLSTM to compute the embeddings of questions as well as those of the sentences often used to form answers ( e.g . +0 The output for each term input to the system is calculated by scaling the membership functions by product and combining them by summation . +1 The interpretation of events and entities is highly contextually dependent . +0 These checks are usually done employing an external satisfiability solver . +1 There are already quite a few tools for solving the Satisfiability Modulo Theories ( SMT ) problems . +0 The usage of pivot language in our work is slightly different from previous strategies because we used it as a part of our main implementation . +1 We also compare the algorithms to a published traditional method . +0 The social network analysis metrics provides mathematical mechanisms to analyze a given society or group . +1 It has important applications in health informatics including pharmacovigilance and drug surveillance . +0 ( 2003 ) ) or more usually the classes obtained by running a clustering algorithm which is language independent as in Och ( 1999 ) . +1 In this paper we present an algorithm for topic model inference that is both provable and practical . +0 A contains parameters of a linear transformation implemented by the discriminative code layer and W contains the softmax layer parameters . +1 There is a practically unlimited amount of natural language data available . +0 the overlap with the ground truth becomes zero ) the tracker is terminated and an overlap of zero is reported for all remaining frames . +1 The ability to evaluate a policy from historical data is important for applications where the deployment of a bad policy can be dangerous or costly . +0 These literals specify the truth value of propositional variables exactly as in the usual case of propositional logic ( the value of the propositional variables that do not appear in the branch may be chosen arbitrarily ) . +1 This finding is of central importance to the relation between extreme free word order and classes of grammars used to describe the syntax of natural language . +0 Two features were proposed in [ 38 ] at this end : phase congruency ( PC ) and gradient magnitude ( GM ) . +1 They can additionally store approximately one real number from their input history per hidden unit . +0 This model was extended by these authors and by others in many different ways . +1 Experimental results show that such ensemble outperforms each single part of it by a large margin . +0 An immune system produces antibodies to resist pathogens and the intrusion intensity can be estimated by variation of the antibody concentration . +1 The algorithms we describe are guaranteed to converge on graphs with arbitrary topology . +0 J48 employs two pruning methods to reduce the size of the generated decision trees . +1 Using neural networks results in substantial improvements in prediction performance on a range of knowledge tracing datasets . +0 Can we weaken the distributional assumptions required for learning halfspaces using current techniques ? +1 Its most important feature is the possibility of selecting and processing of hybrid partitions in order to increase a precision of the test signature analysis . +0 We would thus expect a factor of 2 difference in the customization running times . +1 We prove that the projection can be reduced to finding the root of an auxiliary function which is piecewise smooth and monotonic . +0 PILP shares a similar hypothesis search space as an ILP problem where all examples are expected to be true . +1 We define a novel problem of generating explanations of a time series event by ( 1 ) searching cause and effect relationships of the time series with textual data and ( 2 ) constructing a connecting chain between them to generate an explanation . +0 More recently there are also works that consider classes that admit more efficient optimization procedures like RSC ( restricted strong convexity ) [ 3 ] . +1 The real time traffic classification is an issue for corporations and ISPs ( Internet Service Providers ) . +0 As each element operates on its own the emergence of collectively integrated informational states is impossible . +1 Our analysis suggests that using generalized representations and surface features have different strength that should be both taken into account for improving coreference resolution . +0 The pilot experiments suggest that we should take into consideration unfavorable noise when performing data augmentation . +1 It also presents various opportunities for intersection of other technological trends which can allow it to become even more intelligent and efficient . +0 We now present the main result about the interactions of group knowledge and coalition ability for ATL with imperfect information and perfect recall . +1 We systematically tested human subjects in their ability to solve combinatorial puzzles under different time limitations . +0 There are several trends which we believe point towards an increasing need to address these ( and other ) safety problems . +1 DEFE can be viewed as a deep ensemble learning scheme that trains a strongly diverse set of neural feature learners without explicitly encouraging diversity and penalizing correlations . +0 R3 states that whenever the description of the target problem is consistent w.r.t . +1 The Wasserstein distance provides a natural notion of dissimilarity for probability measures . +0 We compare different models in terms of the RMS error and percentage convergence for Setting 1 ( UNBCMcMaster as target ) in Figure 2 . +1 We investigate active learning with access to two distinct oracles : Label ( which is standard ) and Search ( which is not ) . +0 The SBP theoretical guarantee ( Lemma 3.2 ) is correspondingly better by a logarithmic factor ( compare to Hazan et al . +1 The agent is based on an asynchronous stochastic variant of DQN ( Deep Q Network ) named DASQN . +0 This result clearly confirms our analysis on ReLU and supports the proposed advantage of ReS . +1 We compare the performance on each of datasets when the labels are corrupted by different levels of independent label noise . +0 But this network is applied to only a sparse set of pixels . +1 We then present a simplification of the general analysis that suffices for the bAbI task ( Section 2 ) . +0 Usual capital letters X and Y mean random variables while bold capital letters X and Y mean data matrices . +1 We present efficient algorithms for the problem of contextual bandits with i.i.d . +0 Figure 3 shows the training and validation curves for this task . +1 This paper proposes a design of hierarchical fuzzy inference tree ( HFIT ) . +0 By deletion of at least one formula from each minimal conflict set w.r.t . +1 Posters provide a coherent and efficient way to convey core ideas from scientific papers . +0 This suggests that longer compositional questions are harder for current methods . +1 Deep learning has led to remarkable advances when applied to problems where the data distribution does not change over the course of learning . +0 Note that we now work with an estimated average number of successors ( predecessors ) for one individual . +1 The neural enquirer typically necessitates multiple steps of execution because of the compositionality of queries . +0 The results across all games are given in table 3 in the appendix . +1 Automatic diagnosis of coronary heart disease helps the doctor to support in decision making a diagnosis . +0 Deep learning algorithms are becoming more prevalent in Software Engineering research . +1 This paper presents a multilayered architecture that enhances the capabilities of current QA systems and allows different types of complex questions or queries to be processed . +0 It should be noted that features are extracted from within a similarity cluster . +1 We first map each learning instance to a probability distribution by computing its similarities to a set of fixed anchor points . +0 We try to cover a wide range without trying all the possible values . +1 We also validate our theoretical findings with extensive experiments on different data distribution and real image datasets . +0 There is sometimes a variation in the number of iterations reached across constrained agents when a final solution was obtained because of the asynchronous nature of the JADE . +1 We supplement the analysis with experiments validating the performance of our algorithm in practice . +0 2 We will now show how we can use our framework to realize an image compression system . +1 This prior takes the form of a quadratic function of the labels and permits to encode both attractive and repulsive relations between labels . +0 This results in a subset vocabulary VS of 2400 entities . +1 Deep generative models such as deep latent Gaussian models ( DLGMs ) are powerful and popular density estimators . +0 It can thus serve to generate sentences like : ( 8 ) Ivan Rakitic scored for Barcelona in the 4th minute . +1 Applications which use human speech as an input require a speech interface with high recognition accuracy . +0 We focus on small models where exact maximum likelihood is tractable in order to allow performance to be measured . +1 We characterize a large class of loss functions that allows to naturally embed structured outputs in a linear space . +0 Black wins if they form a group with at least one stone in the first and in the last column . +1 2 ) Updating the weights from that of previous intermediate layer offers a richer representation than the use of shared weights across all intermediate recurrence layers . +0 ( 1 ) is now defined as the L1 distance between two grids . +1 The classification results demonstrate a promising perspective of the strategy in machine learning . +0 We propose a new learning algorithm based on so max regression ( also called multinomial logistic regression ) . +1 This paper presents experiments illustrating how formal language theory can shed light on deep learning . +0 The domain consists of 2 rooms of unequal sizes where the agent has to start from the first room and reach a particular goal state in the second room ( Figure 2 ) . +1 Much attention has been given to the task of gender inference of Twitter users . +0 We remove the dropout layers since we use relatively heavy data augmentation . +1 Most prior work on active learning of classifiers has focused on sequentially selecting one unlabeled example at a time to be labeled in order to reduce the overall labeling effort . +0 This complexity is determined by the operations on the priority queue . +1 Sequencing these tests in a way that ensures the thermal stability of the payload and minimizes the overall duration of the test campaign is a very important objective for satellite manufacturers . +0 The change in state of the strand graph is indicated by the change in colours of the edges among vertices . +1 These inferences and analytics might come with undesired privacy risks to the individuals . +0 We use the information from the infoboxes in order to obtain for each academic institution the notable persons that are associated with it . +1 We specify our bounds to Principal Component Analysis and Independent Component Analysis . +0 This information can either be from an automated algorithm or from our research collaborators . +1 We show that the increased accuracy of PES leads to significant gains in optimization performance . +0 This is due to the fact that agents concurrently alter their assignments . +1 Existing grade prediction systems focus on maximizing the accuracy of the prediction while overseeing the importance of issuing timely and personalized predictions . +0 These variables correspond with first task assignment each vehicle receives starting from its unique source node . +1 The experimental results on the PDTB implicit discourse relation classification task demonstrate that our model achieves significant gains over baseline systems . +0 The architecture of the reward function fitted with supervised learning is the same as that used in S3G . +1 The programmer defined names that can be found in source code are a rich source of information to build a high level understanding of the project . +0 Also note that a similar performance is observed in all datasets we considered ( archived in [ 64 ] for brevity ) . +1 We present a simple baseline that utilizes probabilities from softmax distributions . +0 The 28 data features as an input of DBN will be pretrained using DBN . +1 We further tackle the task of deciding the number of weak learners using established theoretical results for online convex programming and predicting with expert advice . +0 It is also based on precision and recall criteria but with the designed position difference penalty coefficient attached . +1 A total of 17 out of the 129 data sets were found to be hard in that sense . +0 Then begins the preflop betting round where the first player can either check or bet . +1 SVPG is robust to initialization and can easily be implemented in a parallel manner . +0 Following figure shows the prediction accuracy using R2 ( coefficient of determination ) for each model . +1 This paper addresses the task of set prediction using deep learning . +0 denotes the transpose of ith row of the corresponding matrix . +1 The proposed modification prevents from losing the best found solution . +0 Scanning the input in order to compute the bounds ( i.e . +1 In this paper we address the problem of decision making within a Markov decision process ( MDP ) framework where risk and modeling errors are taken into account . +0 The last inequality follows from the typical stability of A . +1 For years security machine learning research has promised to obviate the need for signature based detection by automatically learning to detect indicators of attack . +0 This comparison method is called a rule or positioning algorithm . +1 We provide an interpretation of this language on a class of Kripke resource models extended with a neighbourhood function : modal Kripke resource models . +0 We model this inspection process through constrained BNs that are abstracted from a sole BN with DAG shown in Figure 11 and based on a design developed by the Arms Control Verification Research group at AWE . +1 We have implemented a prototype system on top of Spark to exhibit the power of CI queries . +0 We validated the syntax of the output datasets by writing an analyzer to parse the output files and also generate the statistics reported in Section 6.3 . +1 The required internal models are acquired in a hierarchical training process . +0 The program codes of the DNA strands of the above described mechanism in the initial state are formed by process calculus . +1 This is a very strong assumption when modeling something inherently complex such as language . +0 We find that on 82 images the integrated gradients technique leads to a higher fraction of the pixel attribution inside the box than gradients at the actual image . +1 The former typically requires datasets small enough to fit in memory . +0 8b ) how the model predictions depend on the expert confidence degree . +1 The neural network model keeps updating the intent estimation as word in the transcribed utterance arrives and uses it as contextual features in the joint model . +0 ( 4 ) has strong convexity and smoothness parameters within a constant of each other . +1 We include a section on resources and best practices that we believe will help readers who are new to the area . +0 The generative process of the LTAI can be divided into two parts : content generation and citation network generation . +1 Naive implementations of classifier neural networks involve a huge number of free parameters in their first layer ( number of input features times number of hidden units ) : each input feature is associated with as many parameters as there are hidden units . +0 Each country has an associated population and total dollar value of imports . +1 To reduce this gap we propose to describe the activity of individual neurons by quantifiyng their inherent selectivity to specific properties . +0 A particularly relevant work is the adaptive monitoring algorithm proposed by Jose et al . +1 Presented herein is a novel model for similar question ranking within collaborative question answer platforms . +0 Our scheme should be viewed as a compilation alternative which ( 1 ) extends decision diagrams and ( 2 ) mimics traces of search properties that may make this representation accessible . +1 The high probability of hardware failures prevents many advanced robots ( e.g . +0 We summarize the space and time complexities for all interested algorithms in Table 1 . +1 Automated negotiation is pointed as one of the mechanisms that may provide a solution to this kind of problems . +0 The most commonly used regression approach to survival analysis is the Cox proportional hazards ar X iv :1 60 9 . +1 AI is gradually receiving more attention as a fundamental feature to increase the immersion in digital games . +0 It is possible for an Eulerian tour to visit some nodes more than once . +1 We use multilayer Long Short Term Memory ( LSTM ) networks to learn representations of video sequences . +0 The events which are being predicted are effect events while the events which are used for prediction are cause events . +1 The overall learning procedure has the nice properties that a ) the learned conical combination is automatically designed to perform the regression task at hand and b ) the updates implicated by the optimization procedure are quite inexpensive . +0 The action is sent only once per player when the gap between the empirical mean rewards of the action k and the estimated best action is high enough . +1 This strategy elegantly solves the label permutation problem and speaker tracing problem in one shot . +0 We use a lower variance estimator introduced recently by Raiko et al . +1 MDPM can be generated from other machine learning based algorithms recognizing whether a pixel in an image corresponds to the cell membrane . +0 This view is not very different to many evolutionary processes that have tried many policies in a world that is basically stochastic . +1 Ensemble methods enable to build a reliable decision rules for feature space classification in the presence of many possible states of the system . +0 Six actions were discarded due to inaccurate tracking caused by occlusions . +1 Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is significantly better than the existing name entity disambiguation methods working in a similar setting . +0 For instance we may consider the node with the lowest index is selected . +1 Twitter has a huge number of Arabic users who mostly post and write their tweets using the Arabic language . +0 Can a small set of examples that have been selected for a particular purpose be used to improve overall performance in a model that has already been trained with a large training set ? +1 This is because for trade to happen the asymmetry of information on goods and services to be traded should exist . +0 In future work we will apply this model to many more languages and domains besides newswire text . +1 Multiclass logistic regression ( MLR ) is a fundamental machine learning model to do multiclass classification . +0 Our analysis in this paper draws on this work extensively and our results should be viewed as the principled application of them to the generalized eigenvector problem . +1 This is based on the fact that the dot product between an N dimensional vector of real numbers and an N dimensional PVQ vector can be calculated with only additions and subtractions and one multiplication . +0 A more specific part of this subsystem is shown in appendix 7.2.8 . +1 We show that Markov Brains can indeed evolve to incorporate these feedback gates to improve their adaptability to variable environments . +0 ( 2015b ) analyze stochastic gradient MCMC and studied their convergence properties using stochastic differential equations . +1 It does this by conducting a search through the space of equivalence classes of Bayesian networks using Ant Colony Optimization ( ACO ) . +0 The two different variants of flow size difference ( in byte and in packet ) did not seem to perform significantly differently . +1 Computation of semantic similarity between concepts is an important foundation for many research works . +0 This Mul function is identical to ( Milch et al . +1 The speedup gained by DVI rules can be up to two orders of magnitude . +0 The clips were extracted from 110 Chinese karaoke songs performed by both male and female amateurs . +1 We demonstrate that ProxProp leads to a significant speed up in training performance . +0 Right : a transformation of q used in the optimization of the acquisition function . +1 We focus experiments on one previous classifier which was shown to only learn to detect prototypicality of a word pair . +0 The response variable in our case study is application execution time that involves a continuous quantitative output value . +1 The Obtained results have shown very promising outcomes for the diagnosis of CAD . +0 Another important observation is that a hyperlink block usually includes few text except the text in hyperlinks . +1 Our approach is empirically validated and shown to converge faster and to better test accuracies . +0 The action that leads to the highest empowerment is taken and is indicated by the black panels1 . +1 The developed system was tested on a match of the Tunisian national competition . +0 Hence a straightforward approach consists in constructing a motion descriptor that discards all joints information but the 3D positions of the mid and end effectors extremities . +1 Many of the existing methods for learning joint embedding of images and text use only supervised information from paired images and its textual attributes . +0 This is why we seek to find polynomial approximation of the magnitude of gradients . +1 This work investigates style and topic aspects of language in online communities : looking at both utility as an identifier of the community and correlation with community reception of content . +0 The tuple encodes t is then the symbol sequence obtained by a depthfirst traversal . +1 We present a supervised learning to rank algorithm that effectively orders images by exploiting the structure in image sequences . +0 This is done to ensure that each individual at least has minimum of one compatible choice . +1 Some deficiencies of CWT are problem of overlapping and distortion ofsignals . +0 Results : The performance of the prediction of strength is given in Table I . +1 Preliminary results are presented to illustrate the performance of the proposed algorithms . +0 This is a strictly more powerful adversary than static adversary . +1 Major advances have recently been made in merging language and vision representations . +0 SAOLA and its rivals under comparison were repeatedly applied to four out of the five folds . +1 We show empirically that such a setting improves the performance on relatively harder games like Seaquest . +0 We recently proposed an inference procedure that automatically discovers the cognitive skills needed to accurately model a given data set [ 16 ] . +1 ( 2 ) Smaller DNNs require less bandwidth to export a new model from the cloud to an autonomous car . +0 Consider that each node i has a state si ( t ) . +1 This new bound is very general and is consistent with the empirical behaviors of DNN models observed in our experiments . +0 It essentially involves in providing a higher ranking in search results when a user submit related query to search engines . +1 We apply process map discovery techniques to mine event trace data generated from ITS of open source Firefox browser project to generate and study process models . +0 Instead we use an approximation that considers only the diagonal of the covariance matrix . +1 We show how distributional similarity measures obtained from unlabeled data can be incorporated into the learning task as semantic knowledge . +0 We have a large number of parallel sentences between English and Portuguese news articles . +1 To address this problem we propose a mathematical framework with two key ingredients . +0 We first tested steerable CNNs that consist entirely of a single kind of capsule . +1 Gated Negative Correlation Learning ( GNCL ) and Mixture of Negatively Correlated Experts ( MNCE ) are two ensemble methods based on complementary feature of classical classifiers ; Mixture of Expert ( ME ) and Negative Correlation Learning ( NCL ) . +0 In order to construct queries we exploit the property that different ontologies resulting from trivial applications of different diagnoses entail unequal sets of axioms . +1 It is generally known that fitness functions play a key role in developing heuristic attribute reduction algorithms . +0 We now proceed to describe our extensions to SDP to handle exogenous events . +1 Our statistical analysis shows that the algorithms are guaranteed exact ( perfect ) clustering performance under certain conditions on the number of points and the affinity between subspaces . +0 For OMTL and GOMTL we use the results from ( Ruvolo and Eaton 2013 ) which optimize the hyperparameters for each method on a validation set . +1 We present experimental results on large scale datasets that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and show it provides a similarity measure that is competitive with SVD . +0 The idea behind our method is to decouple the weights from the nonlinear link functions using a splitting technique . +1 The application of BNOR model on the reliability evaluation problem of networked systems demonstrates its effectiveness . +0 This will in general compromise the quality of the adversarial learning procedure . +1 Standard active learning methods ask the oracle to annotate data samples . +0 Rule 92A defines the position that a polar question particle appears in a sentence . +1 The motive is to improve the accuracy in unstable classification and regression methods . +0 We will address the challenges faced at the document level . +1 The amount of data generated in the modern society is increasing rapidly . +0 High speed robots with simple structure are considered as Chapars . +1 We provide a natural learning process in which a financial trader without a risk receives a gain in case when Stock Market is inefficient . +0 Figure 2 shows initial data and generated samples after running 100 Gibbs steps for each RBM . +1 We compare their performance to the benchmarks on DSTC2 and discuss their properties . +0 Mi ( 2013 ) developed a method that combines SMOTE and active learning with SVMs . +1 A very popular and powerful way of parameter estimation is the method of maximum likelihood estimation ( MLE ) . +0 We tune the weights on the development set towards lower TER scores ; two iterations seem to be enough . +1 For extracting summary AMRs from the story AMRs we use a two step process . +0 Policies from the Online Learner are identified by unique IDs and published to the Data store in Fig . +1 Abstractive summarization aims to generate a shorter version of the document covering all the salient points in a compact and coherent fashion . +0 The key observation here is that 1 ) HyperLSTM outperforms standard LSTM and 2 ) HyperLSTM also achieves similar improvements compared to Layer Normalization . +1 Information derived from local image patches is necessary to describe the detailed shape of individual objects . +0 Machine learning Machine learning ( ML ) can be thought of as a process of automated hypothesis generation and testing . +1 They adeptly model varying length sequences and capture long range dependencies . +0 I fe lt th at I co n tr ib u te d to th is te am L ik er t sc al e Q 14 . +1 Route choice in multimodal networks shows a considerable variation between different individuals as well as the current situational context . +0 Schemas are then learned to predict y from X using the method described in Section 4.2 . +1 This suggests the correctness of a sequential hyperplane learning algorithm based on DPCP . +0 multivariate data in a vector space ) but can also be of relational type ( i.e . +1 Such a test enables one to answer whether one source variable is significantly more dependent on the first target variable or the second . +0 The best results were then chosen based on validation set performance . +1 This work has the particularity to propose a method for calculating the degree of expertise in the presence of gold data in crowdsourcing . +0 53 C.7.1 Properties of leverage score sampling and BSS sampling . +1 We created a game in a blocks world and collected interactions from 100 people playing it . +0 As we already have a prediction we use the setThreshold function . +1 This makes it easier to work with SciXMiner for inexperienced users . +0 We have derived our model and its learning procedure in the above sections . +1 This paper provides the first convergence guarantee applicable to modern convnets . +0 Here T has one index for every one of N samples . +1 Unification in Description Logics has been introduced as a means to detect redundancies in ontologies . +0 We provide in the appendix B.4 the ranking of the full set of images . +1 We describe a neural attention model with a learnable retinal sampling lattice . +0 We restrict this list to the 99th percentile formed by the most frequent users in each dataset . +1 Many different view update algorithms have been proposed in the literature to address this problem . +0 This primitive combines a model for the improvement of an artifact with a function that outputs an improvement of the artifact . +1 We propose a novel extension of this work using target context information . +0 ( For reasons of presentation we will maintain this assumption while presenting the basic encodings and eliminate the assumption in Section 4.1 . ) +1 ( 2016 ) using logistic regression and manually crafted features . +0 A label is counted as correct if and only if it occurs in the correct position index . +1 Understanding the temporal intent of the user and retrieving the most relevant historical content has become a significant challenge . +0 Updated variable domains are computed from this set each time the algorithm is invoked . +1 It should also be of use for people with reading disabilities because it allows the conversion of longer sentences into shorter ones . +0 We first calculated average accuracies of the wrapper algorithms coupled with BN classifier . +1 Deep learning usually involves a large number of parameters that can not be learned from only a small dataset . +0 Bm n can be large in general to make such equilibrium meaningless due to bad approximation . +1 This has resulted is substantial duplication of effort and incompatible infrastructure across many research groups . +0 The simulator and testbench were implemented in ROS Indigo and Gazebo 2.2.5 . +1 The audio signal is the sum of speech signal and noise signal . +0 The ground truthing is done with reference to the Google earth and Differential Global Positioning System ( DGPS ) survey over the study area using Trimble R3 DGPS equipment . +1 Recurrent neural networks have been very successful at predicting sequences of words in tasks such as language modeling . +0 The problem on imbalanced data in medical images occurs due to different sizes of anatomical organs of interest . +1 A recent goal in the Reinforcement Learning ( RL ) framework is to choose a sequence of actions or a policy to maximize the reward collected or minimize the regret incurred in a finite time horizon . +0 The details of this derivation can be found in the supplement . +1 In this work we formalize dependency parsing as the problem of selecting the head ( a.k.a . +0 We interpret this result to mean that subordinates are more comfortable in female environments to use a style of communication which includes more conventional dialog acts than outside the female environments . +1 Mobile robots are increasingly being employed for performing complex tasks in dynamic environments . +0 We are not claiming that this idea is the final or best solution to this issue . +1 Opinion mining holder recognition is a task that has not been considered yet in Arabic Language . +0 Hence this method can be used to learn a large number of multiple new classes in a progressive manner without affecting the testing accuracy of previously learnt classes . +1 Our proposal tackles those challenges by identifying metadata that has been regarded to be relevant for measurement data and providing a schema for this metadata . +0 3 and knowledge concerning overlap between classes can be used to relax the constraint in eq . +1 We introduce Stacked Thompson Bandits ( STB ) for efficiently generating plans that are likely to satisfy a given bounded temporal logic requirement . +0 Then we exclude the contents of O from the low impact considerations . +1 The relationship between reading and writing ( RRW ) is one of the major themes in learning science . +0 2014 ) and has the advantage of being an architecture that can fit a wide range of board sizes . +1 We consider the problem of learning distributed representations for tags from their associated content for the task of tag recommendation . +0 Two types of work are related to this paper : work on collective memory and work on the growth and development of Wikipedia . +1 Our experimental study shows that the static ordering usually outperforms the dynamic one when accurate statistics are available . +0 M3 An M1 model trained on the privileged information ( future sequences ) available in each data fraction . +1 Word embeddings have recently seen a strong increase in interest as a result of strong performance gains on a variety of tasks . +0 Identify the eigenvector v that has the largest inverse participation ratio among the q eigenvectors in U . +1 This problem has found many applications including online advertisement and online recommendation . +0 To this sum we can safely add the cost added by A2 if we know that A2 picked its lowest cost assignment . +1 An example of case study for the trust computation is the United States of America Great Britain relations . +0 We consider the downlink of a cellular network in which a number of base stations ( transmitters ) send the data to mobile users . +1 A typical IR system that delivers and stores information is affected by problem of matching between user query and available content on web . +0 Suppose a profile P is single crossing with respect to a known permutation of the voters . +1 The new score gives an intuitive interpretation of similarity ; it optimally perturbs the distributions so that they best fit each other . +0 The mean values of si were extracted from a spectral library provided with the ENVI software used in hyperspectral imagery [ 43 ] . +1 This paper presents an integer programming model for a variation of BKP where the value of each element may depend on selecting or ignoring other elements . +0 The formula used to determine similarity of patterns in our work is given in equation ( 2 ) . +1 Reasoning based on multiple knowledge sources that need to be integrated faces the problem of potential inconsistencies . +0 Learned parameters : As shown in the left column of Fig . +1 Specific analytical results are presented for quadratic games and approximations . +0 This probability adaptation can also affect syntactical elements in that one and the same predicate ( term ) or logical connective can get a different probability depending on in which formula it occurs and who authored that formula . +1 In BA a strict convergence criterion prevents it from reaching above 0.89 F1 . +0 We therefore allow the attention module to take the input word into account when making its decision . +1 We hope that this work provides a useful step towards building rich models of paintings and offers a window on to the structure of the learned representation of artistic style . +0 D : a dependency arc set that stores the result of dependency parsing . +1 We train a variational autoencoder using Certigrad and find the performance comparable to training the same model in TensorFlow . +0 We will later specialize it to various situations of interest . +1 Analysis reveals that coherent internal representations emerged at each level of the hierarchy . +0 A total of eleven male users participated on the experiments . +1 We expect training networks of a much better performance through increase network depth would be straight forward by following our current strategies . +0 We did some initial experiments also in that direction but we were not successful so far . +1 Audio Description ( AD ) provides linguistic descriptions of movies and allows visually impaired people to follow a movie along with their peers . +0 05 77 9v 1 [ cs .S D ] 2 0 Ja n 20 17 The most challenging difficulty for this work is the absence of public drone sound data for training . +1 The problem of development of the SVM classifier based on the modified particle swarm optimization has been considered . +0 In Figure 1 we present clustering results obtained by the different methods . +1 In this paper we introduce an extension to Bayesian Networks to handle massive sets of hierarchical data in a reasonable amount of time and space . +0 A test accuracy of 0.77 and a test recall of 0.64 are reported . +1 We find that the embeddings do not benefit text analysis . +0 This observation provides an interesting insight into the problem of computational lower bound of differential private machine learning . +1 Latent variable models are versatile in unsupervised learning and have applications in almost every domain . +0 It may be the case that the threshold of a given concept is greater than or less than a function of the original threshold . +1 The solution assigns all tasks to vehicles and performs scheduling in an optimal manner including scheduled staged departure times . +0 The regression model can intuitively estimate completeness but can not predict phase because the regression only produces continuous results . +1 A novel path supervision paradigm lets the annotator loosely track the object with a cursor while watching the video . +0 The dependency path for the sentence in Figure 3 is given in ( 25 ) . +1 We show that instead of concatenating the features of each channel into a single feature vector the network learns sound events in multichannel audio better when they are presented as separate layers of a volume . +0 Boulware is an implementation of the timebased concession tactics proposed by Faratin et al . +1 We propose a cognitive architecture for the detection of affordances in the visual modality . +0 We conjecture and assume that the following technical condition holds on all spatial graphs . +1 The experimental results demonstrated that the robot was able to more accurately learn the relationships between words and the place in the environmental map incrementally by using the proposed method . +0 This is because many configurations approach their final performance quite quickly . +1 Our sampling procedure scales linearly with the number of required events and does not require stationarity of the point process . +0 We have conducted a survey on existing work that uses Kinect for health promotion . +1 Graph Signal Processing generalizes classical signal processing to signal or data indexed by the vertices of a weighted graph . +0 They allow for the low level representations of each modality to influence each other after the joint training due to the undirected nature of the model . +1 One group refers to streaming data and applies mining techniques whereas second group attempts to solve this problem directly with efficient algorithms . +0 A similar approach can be developed for the lower quantile . +1 The progressive networks approach represents a step forward in this direction : they are immune to forgetting and can leverage prior knowledge via lateral connections to previously learned features . +0 In 1972 Lighthill falsified AI by showing its individual claims were false and by arguing there was no unified subject but rather just normal problems in the are of computation involving computer applications and study of data . +1 Human trafficking is one of the most atrocious crimes and among the challenging problems facing law enforcement which demands attention of global magnitude . +0 2 PROOF Consider the semantics of SLAF when filtering on a STRIPS action with a known precondition . +1 A major challenge in paraphrase research is the lack of parallel corpora . +0 For each statement and the type specific classifiers SC we predict the category and pick the category that has the majority of votes . +1 This study aims to develop a tool for automatic detection of Fado music based on the audio signal . +0 Mana is game specific information and can be specified for each unit or the faction as a whole . +1 Human listeners have been successfully recognizing the mixture of overlapping sound events using pitch cues and exploiting the stereo ( multichannel ) audio signal available at their ears to spatially localize these events . +0 Please refer to Appendix B of the supplementary material for details . +1 The model with best accuracy had as input vector 10 variables of five averaged time intervals of relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration . +0 Confidence estimates for both were computed off of 10 runs . +1 Unlabeled data is often used to learn representations which can be used to supplement baseline features in a supervised learner . +0 The proof of Corollary 7 is similar to that of Corollary 6 . +1 We present a new method and show for the first time that video quality representation classification for ( YouTube ) encrypted HTTP adaptive streaming is possible . +0 We focus on the heterogeneous domain adaptation problem where there exist only one source domain and one target domain in which only a limited number of labeled target training samples are available . +1 We use data analysis and machine learning techniques on static metrics derived from program source code . +0 Each node in the module chromosome represents a convolutional layer . +1 We explain how various characteristics of CI techniques can be used to build efficient IDS . +0 Every evaluation sample is searched for the longest contained prefix or suffix and the rule belonging to the affix and given target tag is applied to obtain the output . +1 Then a dynamic pointer decoder iterates over potential answer spans . +0 These are desirable behaviors for developing interpersonal relationships and building intimacy . +1 Our experiments demonstrate that : ( 1 ) emotion recognition can benefit from using representations originally learned for different paralinguistic tasks and ( 2 ) transfer learning can effectively leverage additional datasets to improve the performance of emotion recognition systems . +0 All such phrases were collected to make a set of paraphrases and sampling without replacement was used to obtain the source and reference phrases . +1 This position paper proposes the use of data readiness levels : it gives a rough outline of three stages of data preparedness and speculates on how formalisation of these levels into a common language for data readiness could facilitate project management . +0 The architecture of LSTM unit is shown in Figure 5 . +1 Neuroscientists have long criticised deep learning algorithms as incompatible with current knowledge of neurobiology . +0 The order of the variables within a group is then decided dynamically during the backtracking search using a dynamic heuristic . +1 We find strong empirical validation that our automatically designed experiments were indeed optimal . +0 Proof : See Appendix D. Corollary 1.1 and 1.2 also hold for Theorem 2 . +1 Our network uses only 11.5 million parameters and 21.2 GFLOPs for processing an image of resolution 3x640x360 . +0 A basic implementation of stochastic gradient descent is therefore straightforward . +1 We apply this framework in a way which allows us to reason counterfactually without having our similarity order skewed by unlikely events . +0 An analogous process yields a fitting separation between failed and successful freeings . +1 We empirically evaluate face valuing on a grip selection task . +0 Similarly for a negative instance the desired value RCL is to be positive and high . +1 The reparameterization of the potential functions in graphical model by conditional log odds ratios in multivariate Bernoulli model offers advantage in the representation of the conditional independence structure in the model . +0 The base of the scene is a 3D model and corresponding texture map of the ground ( e.g . +1 The implications of this study for other software analytics tasks is now an open and pressing issue . +0 This helps a developer write consistent constraints and verifying correctness while writing the knowledge base . +1 Imputation of missing attribute values in medical datasets for extracting hidden knowledge from medical datasets is an interesting research topic of interest which is very challenging . +0 It is a binary classification dataset with 1.025.010 datapoints and 14 features per datapoint . +1 In fact there is no optimal method that is applicable to various implementations at the same time . +0 ( 2012 ) proposed another connectionist approach : compositional pattern producing networks ( CPPNs ) . +1 Experiments on a humanoid platform validate the effectiveness of our approach . +0 Table 1 also shows the SBMT system scores along with the NMT baselines that do not use transfer . +1 The inference procedures of these diverse topic models remain as simple and efficient as the classical models . +0 P and Q are respectively the prior and the posterior distributions over F . +1 Characterizing relationships between people is fundamental for the understanding of narratives . +0 Let R ( M ) be the range ( or the column space ) of a matrix M . +1 We propose a novel deep neural network architecture for speech recognition that explicitly employs knowledge of the background environmental noise within a deep neural network acoustic model . +0 Here we still omit index k since dropping it brings no ambiguity . +1 The AD vehicle displayed safe behavior and performed consistently in repeated demonstrations with slight variations in conditions . +0 For all other tests ( without NGD in their primary phase ) time window is set to five . +1 Then we hire temporal ( 1D ) convolutional neural network to learn hidden feature representations . +0 A workload with a hotspot access pattern may require more cache than a workload with a random access pattern . +1 Our model outperforms previous work on a conditional language modeling task over a large corpus of naturalistic color descriptions . +0 2 presents the symbolic graph of the tensor contraction layer . +1 This work serves as a frame of reference to researchers and to enable further advances in the field . +0 This assumption is partially justified by the fact that advertisers can infer the underlying distribution F using as observations the outcomes of the past repeated auctions and can thereby implement an efficient equilibrium . +1 We then discuss their properties from a more theoretical perspective . +0 In this section we demonstrate that Wikipedia can be used to great effect for ranking academic journals . +1 Our results improve upon recent work of Syrgkanis et al . +0 Testing has thus far not identified a position where the algorithm returns a false positive or false negative . +1 This paper investigates the effects of data size and frequency range on distributional semantic models . +0 But the terms themselves will be inversely related to the degree of neighboring nodes . +1 We extend mMCSs with ( abstract ) sensors and define the notion of a run of the extended systems . +0 Our main result gives a perfectly generalizing generic learner in the settings where the domain X or the hypothesis class H has bounded size . +1 This study aims to critically analyse the different configurations regarding population size and individual length in a set of 20 games from the General Video Game AI corpus . +0 They went to the station to pick me up when I reached Germany and sent me to the station when I left Germany . +1 The main properties of the concept embedding space are demonstrated via visualization . +0 ( 2011 ) ) or Sleeping Bandits ( Kleinberg et al . +1 And the output of the system is the predicted O3 of the next day and the alarm massages . +0 We introduce the EPOpt algorithm for finding a robust policy using the source distribution . +1 The Convolutional Neural Network ( CNN ) has achieved great success in image classification . +0 There is a wide range of papers on the application of data mining and machine learning to KGs . +1 We also show that our analysis can extend to adversarial online learning setting under a stronger assumption that the online weak learning edge will hold in adversarial setting . +0 Next we see the slot reward dependency ( SRD ) property . +1 These works were analysed and then broken down into categories . +0 Neural networks are first used in this task in Socher et al . +1 Warehouse is one of the important aspects of a company . +0 It can be hard to guarantee that completeness or optimality will be maintained under all possible job mixes or failure combinations . +1 This paper argues that focussing on final solution quality is more realistic and demonstrates cases where the results produced by each algorithm evaluation method lead to very different conclusions regarding the quality of each noisy optimisation algorithm . +0 A PoS tagset specifies the set of PoS categories being distinguished and provides a list of tags used to denote each of those categories . +1 Two notions of consistent closure of a fuzzy relation are introduced . +0 An interactive version of this method was proposed in [ 72 ] . +1 Our model extraction algorithm avoids overfitting by leveraging blackbox model access to actively sample new training points . +0 A typical example is a transportation domain where vehicle positions are leaf variables in SG whose transitions have no side effects . +1 Language learning is thought to be a highly complex process . +0 The cost function cf has to be optimized to satisfy Definition 1 . +1 We applied the proposed method to human driving behavior and extracted three potential driving patterns . +0 Source code and generated data will be released after the review period . +1 We identify the degree of asynchronous parallelization as a key feature affecting both hardware and statistical efficiency . +0 The primary purpose of our experiments is to understand in simulation the effect of adding noise to the feedback of the leaderboard algorithm . +1 A reproducing kernel can define an embedding of a data point into an infinite dimensional reproducing kernel Hilbert space ( RKHS ) . +0 The local weights of convolutional layers are shared with the nodes in the same layer . +1 A central problem in the context of web data mining is to detect those web sources that are first to publish information which will give rise to a trend . +0 ( 2008 ) proposed dataless classification as a learning protocol to perform text categorization without the need for labeled data to train a classifier . +1 Visual Question Answering ( VQA ) has received a lot of attention over the past couple of years . +0 In Section 3.5 we compare our movie description data to other video description datasets . +1 There has been relatively little attention to incorporating linguistic prior to neural machine translation . +0 This may explain why the deep Koopman operator is able to achieve a higher fidelity than the extended DMD Koopman operator . +1 Sensing method of the SLAM robot should be determined by considering the kind of environment to be modeled . +0 This extension is particularly useful when the unconstrained algorithm recovers a solution that is nearly correct except for relatively small violations of phase limits . +1 We show that this learns better models than competing approaches on both synthetic data and on real human mobility data used as a case study . +0 Weighted Average Genre Expertise ( WAGE ) is an extension of AGE . +1 Our proposed model is based on a soft neural attention model to improve the effectiveness of encoding long sequences . +0 Note that the TRW counting numbers satisfy this constraint and thus the TRW approximation is also an upper bound on the Bethe free energy . +1 We also present some geometric studies to help understanding the transferable adversarial examples . +0 The motivation for this is that new evidence can be combined into the query to focus on and retrieve more pertinent information in subsequent accesses . +1 We study motion planning problems where agents move inside environments that are not fully observable and subject to uncertainties . +0 Table II lists the assignments of speeds for the five output moving commands both in training and testing procedures . +1 Recent work in Information Retrieval ( IR ) using Deep Learning models has yielded state of the art results on a variety of IR tasks . +0 Our strategy in approaching this goal is prioritized as follows : 1 . +1 We derive sublinear regret bounds for undiscounted reinforcement learning in continuous state space . +0 We suppose that these differences are due to distinct underlying reasons . +1 Our framework is implemented and evaluated on Algerian Arabic dialects corpus . +0 We now describe the process of initializing the certain sets . +1 The descriptions are classified by means of models that we trained based on a recent analysis of named entity evolutions on Wikipedia . +0 This reflects the workflow of manual document classification as it is done by domain experts in scientific digital libraries as well as journalists . +1 Text coming from QA platforms is far less constrained compared to text from review specific platforms which current datasets are based on . +0 A plan P is a solution plan if init [ P ] is a goal state . +1 Search engines today present results that are often oblivious to abrupt shifts in intent . +0 Its finite sample counterpart will be presented in the next section . +1 Such labels are useful for topic identification in summarization systems . +0 It seems to have been applied mainly to members of the Zoroastrian faith [ 21 ] . +1 Reordering also helps the decoding process and hence improving the machine translation quality . +0 Shifted PPMI ( SPPMI ) subtracts a constant from any PMI score before applying the PPMI threshold . +1 Web Usage Mining is the application of data mining techniques to web usage log repositories in order to discover the usage patterns that can be used to analyze the users navigational behavior . +0 The circles represent fixations and lines connecting the circles represent saccades . +1 This means that probabilistic graphical models based on classical probability theory are too limited to fully simulate and explain various aspects of human decision making . +0 That also explains why Cassandra and Voldemort are worse in local file system because both systems append data to log files which are sequential writes . +1 The results of this nontechnical research can be utilized in many fields where the notion of an event is typically used in interdisciplinary application . +0 We run these four images forward through the CNN part of the model and calculate the L2 distance between the masked image embeddings with the full image embedding . +1 We introduce this novel problem of extracting cardinalities and discusses the specific challenges that set it apart from standard IE . +0 The speeds for training procedure are a little larger than the speeds for testing . +1 This may be primarily due to the unavailability of confidently labeled and relatively large image data sets for visual emotion analysis . +0 The simulated scanner has an angular resolution of 1 degree and a maximum range of 4 meters . +1 The agent maintains a memory buffer filled with past experiences . +0 Table 5 shows validation BLEU performance as a function of the number of GCN layers . +1 I also propose a definition for the concept of problem . +0 The purpose of the reinforcement learning is to learn a policy that yields the highest sum of the future rewards . +1 Crowdsourcing platforms offer a practical solution to the problem of affordably annotating large datasets for training supervised classifiers . +0 The MAP architecture basically consists of a set of agents endowed with planning capabilities and an underlying communication infrastructure that allows them to interact with each other . +1 Then we propose to improve the model by sharing parameters between different ratings . +0 The basic belief assignment ( ) JAm represents the strength of all the incomplete information set for the outcome JA . +1 That Theory allowed us to identify fundamental concepts and relationships between them . +0 This section provides some necessary technical details and some background to motivate the computational problems investigated in the paper . +1 We cast this problem as a multiarmed bandit problem where the payoff function is sampled from a Gaussian Process . +0 Objectives An objective is a mathematical formalization of a desired behaviour of a system modeled by a POMDP . +1 We present an initial version of Regular Boardgames general game description language . +0 The Newton method solves the slowness problem by properly rescaling the gradients in each direction with the inverse of the corresponding eigenvalue . +1 We also show how we can compute an optimal subset given such a specification in a relatively efficient manner . +0 4 to bridge the gap between the natural language and the traditional database schemas or OWL ontologies used in information systems . +1 Function word adjacency networks ( WANs ) are used to study the authorship of plays from the Early Modern English period . +0 The advantage of this form is that both the X and Y updates are a proximal operation . +1 Determinantal Point Processes ( DPPs ) provide probabilistic models over discrete sets of items that help model repulsion and diversity . +0 The data also shows that relaxing the component uniqueness property can improve the results in real malware . +1 RTEC can update already recognised events and recognise new events when data arrive with a delay or following data revision . +0 Our goal is to create a 3D Convolutional Weight MatrixW ( 3D ) with temporal dimension T using those weights . +1 We perform the experiments on the sample videos provided by the API demonstration website and show that our attack is successful with different videos and images . +0 It is easy to see that the disjunction of all such monomials is equivalent to the target function . +1 Semantic composition is the task of understanding the meaning of text by composing the meanings of the individual words in the text . +0 Given a system represented by a set of random variables at each point in time ( i.e . +1 These tools detect errors with gradual degrees of certainty and their results do not always converge . +0 They detect anomalies by revealing abnormal characteristics in a system over a period of time [ 44 ] . +1 Transforms can be grouped by the way they affect the learned representation . +0 It is clear that CPM behaves the worst for pose estimation as we argued in the paper for several reasons . +1 Very little research contributions were available in for phishing detection in Instant messengers . +0 In what follows we will not always distinguish between the two presentations . +1 These systems are classified into four categories based on the objectives and domains of the applications . +0 Our mixture model has two base distributions : the softmax vocabulary of the RNN output and the positional vocabulary of the pointer model . +1 But the conventional supervised learning algorithms cost lots of efforts on the labeling work of datasets inevitably . +0 We have already shown that the base case is correct and the algorithm recovers the first factor . +1 Experiments show that both extensions give better representations of tree structures . +0 The first volume was used for training and the second for both validation and testing . +1 Building models that take advantage of the hierarchical structure of language without a priori annotation is a longstanding goal in natural language processing . +0 We speculate that it might not be the best option to use the transcription of the greedy decoding as the input to the attention based system . +1 The proposed approaches span a solution space ranging from equivalence to running on a single compute device to delaying gradient updates a fixed number of times . +0 Output : Aligned parameters for the entire latent tree T . +1 We used HSV color feature with ignoring the V value . +0 The search space for this task is a binary search tree . +1 Clustering is an essential problem in machine learning and data mining . +0 The botnet model draws a picture of the current size and activity of botnets . +1 The equivalence allows us to revisit incomplete preferences from the viewpoint of desirability and through the derived notion of coherent lower previsions . +0 The basis backprojection is computed with summation and product operations only ( Equation 5 ) . +1 Deeper networks are able to model much richer classes of transformations . +0 A distance metric is learned by minimizing the distances between the instances in the similar pairs while keeping the distances between dissimilar pairs large . +1 Several speaker identification systems are giving good performance with clean speech but are affected by the degradations introduced by noisy audio conditions . +0 ( 2009 ) allowing us to compare the performance of the QGP method to the methods examined therein . +1 Adaptation is a basic task in the CBR inference that can be modeled as the knowledge base revision problem and solved in propositional logic . +0 This section describes how these calculations have been parallelized towards a set of distributed operations ( explained in Section 2.3 ) . +1 We introduce a new agnostic clustering method : minimax correlation clustering . +0 We note that the algorithm trivially extends to other priors and families . +1 These methods are especially useful for a mobile device environment while the data is prevented from transferring out of the device for privacy purposes . +0 We demonstrate how reasoning with ARPlaces leads to more robust and efficient behavior on a simulated mobile manipulation platform . +1 We empirically verify our theoretical findings and show the dependence of learning via structured hashed projections on the network performance . +0 Most of our notation is common with [ 8 ] . +1 Our contributions include new decompositions of ( reified ) constraints and constraints on numerical variables . +0 With complete knowledge of the environment this is indeed possible but practically almost never feasible because of the high computational costs and because complete knowledge is unobtainable in real scenarios . +1 In the presence of a large number of classes this can become problematic . +0 One is for querying variables and the other is for answering the challenge questions . +1 These recent advances are only a piece to the puzzle . +0 A hierarchy is built by defining five subregions over each observed bounding box : four quarters distributed as 2x2 over the box and a central overlapping region . +1 Recurrent neural network grammars ( RNNG ) are a recently proposed probabilistic generative modeling family for natural language . +0 It can sometimes be helpful to replace the information ratio with alternative information measures that adequately address these issues for more specialized classes of problems . +1 The solution path algorithm is an effective tool for solving a sequence of a parametrized optimization problems in machine learning . +0 We will ultimately propose several different ways of doing this . +1 Increasing the scalability of machine learning to handle big volume of data is a challenging task . +0 Examples of generated trees from the PTB and the MSR models are shown in Figure 4 . +1 The update order of nodes is discussed to improve the robustness of the method . +0 This indicates that relation classification for slot filling is not a uniform problem : each slot has special properties and the three approaches are good at modeling a different subset of these properties . +1 Transfer in reinforcement learning refers to the notion that generalization should occur not only within a task but also across tasks . +0 Research efforts in this area have focused largely on HTC . +1 Coreference resolution systems are typically trained with heuristic loss functions that require careful tuning . +0 The dark colored are the centroids while the light colors are the related keywords . +1 We present several translations between formal argumentation frameworks and nonmonotonic logics for reasoning with plausible assumptions . +0 Uniform stability of an algorithm A measures how sensitive the algorithm is to the replacement of a single example . +1 The new belief Markov chain model overcomes the shortcomings of classical Markov chain and has an efficient ability in dealing with uncertain information . +0 It may be simpler to simulate paranoid behavior but there is still clever logic that made PARRY simulates effectively . +1 We improve the computational complexity of online learning algorithms that require to often recompute least squares regression estimates of parameters . +0 Which of these probability distribution get sampled depends on the type of move that was first sampled . +1 The question answering used a version of ConceptNet based on spectral methods . +0 Characteristics of concept class : The concept class for synthesis may have different characteristics depending on the application domain . +1 Existing machine translation decoding algorithms generate translations in a strictly monotonic fashion and never revisit previous decisions . +0 We address topics related to both of these in the SkyNet and Machine Learning case studies . +1 We present an approach to automatically classify clinical text at a sentence level . +0 The determined features are done by this experiment node and based on the results of movement downward . +1 Deep generative models ( DGMs ) are effective on learning multilayered representations of complex data and performing inference of input data by exploring the generative ability . +0 3.1.2 Traffic Seasonality Now Sstable contains only campaigns that have passed all the stability checks for campaign setup mentioned above . +1 We introduce the first global recursive neural parsing model with optimality guarantees during decoding . +0 In order to minimize the number of edges in the final graph we will investigate what is the impact of adding a node n to the cut . +1 The results of the simulation experiments indicate that the approach is feasible . +0 In this section we provide some background information on graphical games introduced by Kearns et . +1 The size of each skeleton set is adapted according to the cluster geometry . +0 The execution engine synchronizes the actions using its universal clock and passes the received PAR structures to the corresponding agent processes . +1 The obtained algorithm was tested against some problems in TSPLIB . +0 We optimize these parameters to maximize the average velocity of the spine over the course of 10 s of time in simulation . +1 This study is undertaken to overcome the physical verification problems by implementing data mining technique . +0 We are predicting the tags ( or keywords ) for a particular Stack Exchange post given only the question text and the title of the post . +1 Face Recognition ( FR ) has been the interest to several researchers over the past few decades due to its passive nature of biometric authentication . +0 Let r be a rule that meets the conditions of the lemma . +1 This paper introduces a topic modeling toolbox ( TMBP ) based on the belief propagation ( BP ) algorithms . +0 1We inspected samples of the obtained programs as well and verified that they were indeed correct solutions . +1 The results on common benchmarks show that our model is able to improve the performances of many NMF formulations . +0 Motivated by such online auction optimization settings we consider the following optimal auction model . +1 We show that modifications to recently introduced sequential complexity measures can be used to answer this question by providing sufficient conditions under which adaptive rates can be achieved . +0 This mapping was used to select images whose predicted entities matched entities in the captions . +1 Our theory serves as a foundation for understanding not only BNNs but a variety of methods that seek to compress traditional neural networks . +0 Different initialization methods for projection matrix are described in Section 5 . +1 This paper presents a Directed Controller Synthesis ( DCS ) technique for discrete event systems . +0 Gusfield [ Gus1990 ] proposed an algorithm that does not use graph contraction ; all 1n minimum ts cut computations are performed on the input graph . +1 Recent works on neural architectures have demonstrated the utility of attention mechanisms for a wide variety of tasks . +0 Proposition 2 above only gives a loose upper bound on the complexity of query evaluation . +1 Detail comparative studies were conducted on all the algorithms employed and developed in this work . +0 The fact that it is a tight characterisation allows us to prove that a barrier to the technique is in fact an impossibility result . +1 The primary objective of this paper is to gain a better understanding of how entity type information can be utilized in entity retrieval . +0 An alternative approach is to use an RNN to read the preceding text . +1 Multiplayer Online Battle Arena ( MOBA ) is one of the most played game genres nowadays . +0 There is a clearly defined local maximum in number of questions around 170 characters ( Figure 5A ) . +1 This structured consolidation allows for efficient and robust inference and provides a compact and efficient representation . +0 We make the same approximations as in Section 2 to find an analogous approximation to ( 6 ) for ( 7 ) . +1 Arguments used by Lighthill in his original 1972 report that falsifed AI are discussed . +0 This notion of long term dependencies has proven highly effect in NMT before . +1 Generalizations for Mercer kernels and for the multiclass case are presented as well . +0 The evaluation score is computed as the Spearman correlation between the human scores and the model semantic similarities . +1 In this paper we refer to these constructs collectively as generalized atoms . +0 LetM be a qualitative calculus that satisfies ( 6 ) and ( 7 ) . +1 Scientific document summarization addresses this challenge by providing summaries of the important contributions of scientific papers . +0 General Pointer Annotation : In the CNN dataset there are roughly 500 entity identifier and a onehot representation is not desirable . +1 Batch normalization ( BN ) is very effective in accelerating the convergence of a neural network training phase that it has become a common practice . +0 Assume also that those credits are traded on an open market and therefore the price constantly fluctuates . +1 A new instance is classified by discovering which tree it would conquer . +0 The difficulty comes from the distributed nature of this knowledge . +1 The complexity is attributed to the combinatorial structure of the action set and the dearth of efficient exploration strategies of the set . +0 Note that we intentionally split the activity presentation into these three parts . +1 The latter can vary drastically when the feature set is diverse . +0 The BFG makes our discrete inference feasible to perform DCCD models but under the BF decomposable assumption . +1 The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the effects of contextual variation on specialized environmental concepts with a view to their representation in terminological definitions . +0 This helps with disambiguation and also generates new causal patterns that are previously unseen . +1 This restriction has a significant impact on the quality of inferences made using variational methods . +0 I also experimented with increasing the size of the model in two other ways : I ran all of the experiments below with an additional one or two standard neural network layers positioned between the comparison layer and the softmax classifier at the top of the network . +1 The sharing of these documents may be a convenient way for the data provider to convey and publish data but it is not the ideal way for data consumers to reuse the data . +0 Recognizing emotions by computer with high recognition accuracy still remains a challenge due to the lack of a full understanding of emotion in human minds . +1 We also show the viability of this system towards live behavior annotations . +0 Each activities list was associated with a user profile and a day and the workers were asked to rate it with reference to the profile attached . +1 Our method has a low memory footprint and is computationally efficient . +0 Our second reduction is more involved but is much more robust and it works even when we allow for errors and gives us the theorem on approximate completions from the introduction . +1 Multiple Kernel Learning ( MKL ) framework has been developed for learning an optimal combination of features for object categorization . +0 We thank Pierre Marquis for pointing these results to us . +1 We evaluate the paraphrase pairs by their ability to serve as training data for learning paraphrastic sentence embeddings . +0 The user selects the best trajectory among these 5 candidates . +1 Tests show that the method can successfully classify some known datasets . +0 The negative symbol is always used in combination with either the absolute symbol or the prototypical symbol . +1 This new taxonomy will enable researchers to better understand the state of the field and identify directions for future research . +0 Suddenly she starts to tweet and her tweets has been retweeted many times by others as illustrated via red spikes in the figure . +1 The constrained grammar facilitates modeling specific directions and road names in a roadmap . +0 The human DNA consists of only 3 billion base pairs . +1 It has been quite a long time since AI researchers in the field of computer science stop talking about simulating human intelligence or trying to explain how brain works . +0 We now propose to use the QR decomposition to get the orthonormal matrix Am . +1 Information divergence that measures the difference between two nonnegative matrices or tensors has found its use in a variety of machine learning problems . +0 This coverage is collected offline after the test runs by traversing simulation log files . +1 This editor is fully integrated with the OpenIoT platform for generating virtual sensor descriptions and automating their semantic annotation and registration process . +0 The test set consists of 200 distributions with the same class proportion . +1 We also study different variants which allow us to impose negative goals such as that certain agents must not know certain secrets . +0 This is caused by twofold limitations : ( 1 ) the entries of input vectors are permuted in a random fashion before the comparison is applied to find the largest entry out of the first K ones ; ( 2 ) the comparison and the ranking are restricted to be made between the original features . +1 This paper explores a novel way for analyzing the tournament structures to find a best suitable one for the tournament under consideration . +0 Thus the distance between the private model and the true model is the difference between the values taken by the target functions corresponding to each of the two models . +1 We show that the proposed method achieves better clustering performance than the traditional low rank kernel approximation based clustering schemes . +0 We evaluate the errors for both algorithms by comparing the reconstruction of error and filter recovery error3 . +1 Pattern classification problems can be effectively solved by Support vector machines . +0 Figure 4 shows the test accuracy of using different algorithms with varying privacy levels . +1 We construct the tree incrementally by generating the left and right dependents of a node whose probability is computed using recurrent neural networks with shared hidden layers . +0 In this section we consider extending the compositional approach to belief revision . +1 One of the constraints that limits full exploration of deep learning technologies for semantic parsing is the lack of sufficient annotation training data . +0 9b ) for relabelling speech corpus to see how well humans can solve this task . +1 ( 2016 ) using logistic regression and manually crafted features . +0 Two stateful LSTMs were used as hidden layers with 500 units . +1 Imbalance problem occur where one of the two classes having more sample than other classes . +0 A lifted factorization is valid for model M if the application of each inference rule over the subtree rooted at each node is valid ( i.e . +1 The proposed method is related to holographic models of associative memory in that it employs circular correlation to create compositional representations . +0 This selection is done using a combination of deterministic and probabilistic steps . +1 Recent years have witnessed attempts to exploit multimodality fusing information from musical contents and physiological signals captured from listeners to improve the performance of emotion recognition . +0 It is the squared root of half of the divergence distance . +1 We also show how programs in this representation can be optimised to make them efficient on a target distribution of inputs . +0 A central question that we need to address is : why does empowerment actually carry out intuitively desirable behaviour ? +1 These results have implications for the improvements achievable via transfer learning . +0 We call such assignment a minterm of the function f . +1 We consider the problem of object recognition with a large number of classes . +0 Apparatus : An EyeLink 1000 system ( SR Research ) was used to collect Eye Tracking data at a frequency of 1000Hz . +1 Deep neural nets have caused a revolution in many classification tasks . +0 Ablative analysis for some of these choices is provided in section 5.5 . +1 Though imaging methods are able to provide some information on plaque metabolism they lack the required resolution and sensitivity for detection . +0 constrained translationbased ) revision operator which gives priority to the minimal change of the attack relation . +1 We demonstrate the usefulness of RBN models with numeric input relations by several examples . +0 Another difference is that mvSmart processes have shorter iterations on average as the range of the random amount of time to wait is smaller . +1 This technique enables neural networks to learn from old and successful resolution processes and to use learnt experiences to guide new resolution processes . +0 The nature of a language has a great impact on the development of related stemming algorithms . +1 We perform an extensive evaluation to compare popular KB inference models across popular datasets in the literature . +0 The function classes of decision trees and rules are generally regarded as relatively interpretable . +1 It approximates a full posterior distribution with a factorized set of distributions by maximizing a lower bound on the marginal likelihood . +0 PHA inference is performed by searching for explanations of the query . +1 We define a broad class of simple aggregation rules and present a theoretical framework for assessing their effectiveness . +0 A second way to see the feature to prototype transition is to look at the number of memories which make large contributions to the classification decision ( right histogram in Fig . +1 We then use this methodology to reveal statistical laws of semantic evolution . +0 Then a Gaussian Mixture Model ( GMM ) Tj with 10 components and a diagonal covariance matrix is fitted to the jth block Sj . +1 Matching one set of objects to another is a ubiquitous task in machine learning and computer vision that often reduces to some form of the quadratic assignment problem ( QAP ) . +0 Analysis of properties of these operators is covered in the next section . +1 Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach leads to substantial improvements in speech recognition accuracy over the conventional DNN baseline systems under diverse reverberant conditions . +0 The summation over relevant examples in ( 61 ) allow independent inference calculation for each relevant example . +1 NEG was found to be highly effective in learning continuous word representations . +0 The intent here is to highlight that KWIK is a nontrivial model despite its extreme generality . +1 It relies on two key notions : modifiers and inference strategies . +0 The state space of an argument argi is defined by the domain state space Di of the primitives that use argi 3 . +1 Several experiments have been performed on a widely used benchmark dataset . +0 A constrained language model is then used to generate from this representation . +1 Such a taxonomy should provide users some guidance concerning the choice of the appropriate clustering paradigm for a given task . +0 We draw some inspiration from the idea of a parent scolding a child for running around with a knife . +1 We develop new representations for the Levy measures of the beta and gamma processes . +0 Each abstract bag can be seen as a canonical representative of a class of the structural equivalence relation . +1 We suggest best options for these settings that significantly improve decoding time with little impact on the translation accuracy . +0 Each of these properties has an associated measurement capability ( accuracy and frequency ) that can be defined by the user depending on the datasheet provided by the sensor manufacturer . +1 Monitoring traffic situations becomes an important challenge for the Traffic Control and Surveillance Systems ( TCSS ) . +0 There are two methods to add knowledge to the knowledge base . +1 Each thread repeatedly selects a random dual variable and conducts coordinate updates using the primal variables that are stored in the shared memory . +0 Our model was trained on a subsample ( one in every ten frames ) of frames from the videos that formed our training dataset . +1 Questions trigger an iterative attention process which allows the model to condition its attention on the result of previous iterations . +0 The entries on the diagonal are iid normal with mean zero and variance two . +1 This approach has been used to learn a one dimension representation of a Baxter head position from raw images . +0 This is because failure of any A type entity can not trigger failure of any other entity . +1 Community detection has attracted considerable attention crossing many areas as it can be used for discovering the structure and features of complex networks . +0 Table 6 displays results for the Bernoulli experiment described in Subsection 7.1 . +1 We demonstrate our methodology on three online user activity datasets and show that network model selection for the appropriate network task vs. an alternate task increases performance by an order of magnitude in our experiments . +0 The derivation and proof of Lemma 3.1 is split into 3 parts . +1 Sentence Prosody involves the study on phrasing pattern and intonatonal pattern of a language . +0 We are also working on an anomaly detection framework that employs predictive analytics to enable proactive issue resolution . +1 Simulations and PlanetLab experiments indicate that this process can dramatically reduce the number of probes required to generate accurate estimates . +0 We repeat the above procedure starting from both random initialization and SVD initialization . +1 Building large models with parameter sharing accounts for most of the success of deep convolutional neural networks ( CNNs ) . +0 2 The feature space ( including both input and output variables ) characterises a data mining problem [ 34 ] . +1 Our empirical evidence based on the MNIST dataset shows that the proposed updates improve the test performance beyond what is achieved with batch normalization and without sacrificing the computational efficiency of the weight updates . +0 Some investigations were also conducted to determine which features seem to be the most relevant . +1 Our second and third experiments extend this evaluation to complex recursive structures and sentences involving quantification . +0 Assign a weight factor for each level of complexity for actors : This is similar to the weight factors given to use cases . +1 The research tries to establish that using more SEO parameters in ranking algorithms helps in retrieving better search results thus increasing user satisfaction . +0 All the sample complexities mentioned in the above lemmata are linear in dimension and polynomial in other factors to achieve a constant error . +1 We also empirically show that the learned neurons in the middle layer of our network are tuned to localized body parts . +0 ( 2011 ) with exactly the same experimental setup ( except for exponential loss ) . +1 Our proposed method translates the geometric entities into nodes of a graph and the relations between them as edges of that graph . +0 This fact should be taken into account when we design our belief acoustic model . +1 Our implementation in a parallel computer demonstrates the effectiveness of the algorithm . +0 The quality of the approximation is the same as the one given by our structure theorem . +1 It has been used in business and health sectors to predict the effect of a specific action on a given individual . +0 The typical strategy in VQA methods is to focus on a limited vocabulary and a limited set of possible answers . +1 The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework is able to significantly reduce data annotation costs and mitigate noisy user feedback in dialogue policy learning . +0 ( 2 ) The first term in ( 2 ) comes from deterministic oracle complexity and the second term is due to noisy gradient information provided by SO . +1 Maximum mean discrepancy ( MMD ) has been successfully applied to learn deep generative models for characterizing a joint distribution of variables via kernel mean embedding . +0 F I model fulfills the dualisation property in the finite case . +1 Our objective function defines a metric that maximizes the value of the software component quality by minimizing the financial cost and maintenance time . +0 The learning module is categorized based on i ) How the model is updated when new data points are available ( learning mode ) : retraining or incremental ( online ) modes . +1 The result shows that the portfolio approach is computationally fast and qualitatively superior than its constituent algorithms for all benchmark instances . +0 the sum of the unnormalized probabilities of all possible assignments to the leaf variables ) . +1 Most previous research has focused on inducing and evaluating models from the English RST Discourse Treebank . +0 The level is also the same as the corresponding string in the binary grammar problem . +1 LP also demonstrate up to 2x faster bandwidth than Bidirectional Exchange ( BE ) techniques that are widely adopted by current MPI implementations . +0 Note that features in Section 4.1 can be also used for this task . +1 It suggests itself to automate this process using surrogate models for the prediction of gameplay and outcome . +0 This leads to a cost that is quadratic in the number of parameters . +1 The result is a framework for seamlessly combining solving technology from different domains to produce a solver for a combined system . +0 The causal planning portion of the IPOCL algorithm implements the conventional POCL algorithm with the addition of a frame of commitment discovery phase . +1 The system objective is to maximize the probability of successfully executing persistent tasks that are formulated as linear temporal logic specifications and minimize the average cost between consecutive visits of a particular proposition . +0 Figure 1 shows the hierarchy for inclusion formed by the acyclicity notions and classes defined by bounding the width measures from the literature . +1 We complement our theoretical findings with an empirical study that verifies our theoretical results on financial data . +0 Section 4.1 shows the results of an experiment that evaluates this trade off . +1 The goal of this paper is to delineate the boundary of decidability of satisfiability in terms of the constraints allowed in filter conditions . +0 We will apply Gaussian damping to it to get the r.v . +1 This paper summarizes the recent progress we have made for the computer vision technologies in physical therapy with the accessible and affordable devices . +0 These primitives can be used to construct and navigate arbitrary propositional logic expressions . +1 We show that complex protocol sequences can be learned and used for both classification and generation tasks using this approach . +0 The intelligent function was to create traffic signal strategies in real time to solve challenges caused by exceptional or unexpected conditions . +1 Very small sessions are also removed in order to filter out the noise from the data . +0 A neural network is recurrent if it has at least one directed ring in its structure . +1 In the second stage the agent learns to mimic the human instructor using supervised learning so as to reach a basic performance level ; the third stage is devoted to learning an instantaneous reward model . +0 The data mining was implemented through Java programs on over a 1000 corporate reports . +1 Recently recurrent neural networks ( RNN ) obtained strong results on NLU due to their superior ability of preserving sequential information over time . +0 The data has 138 consumers gave 3 type of scores for restaurant service . +1 I then describe a concept for a formal category theoretic basis to a generalised player model . +0 Qualitative spatial calculi can be classified into two groups : topological and positional calculi . +1 Both are exceptionally difficult when these inputs are complex and high dimensional . +0 The uses of this technology are multiples and it could be useful in a wide range of fields . +1 AgileFD can incorporate constraints to capture the physics of the materials as well as human feedback . +0 This fact demonstrates where the difficulty of conceptualization stems from ; the formal definition looks so different that it is hard for people to link them together . +1 Semantic composition remains an open problem for vector space models of semantics . +0 Since we are concerned with evolving games we assume an opponent of abilities equal to the player . +1 We consider four models of neural networks which differ in size and architecture : two networks which use only information contained in the RAM and two mixed networks which use both information in the RAM and information from the screen . +0 Further an edge may or may not be available multiple times ( recurrence ) . +1 Our method thus automatically produces a curriculum of tasks for the agent to learn . +0 We have already stressed its importance for the selection of semantic measures in specific contexts of use . +1 The main contribution of this paper is the proposed method that learns the graph structure and functions on the graph at the same time . +0 ) ; incorporating a cHMM over several frames as a second phase is shown to improve classification results of these approaches [ 94 ] . +1 They may fail to explore the potential representation space in different abstraction levels . +0 The integrated process of building the new belief Markov model is as following : Step 1 . +1 A prominent limitation of current systems lies in the lack of matching and communication between the various technologies involved in the distant speech recognition process . +0 The 22th FSS algorithm is still failing to perform well over about a quarter of the 115 data sets . +1 Experimental results on the INbreast dataset demonstrate the robustness of proposed networks compared to previous work using segmentation and detection annotations . +0 Scoring the move was achieved by scoring the changed nodes in the consistent extension given . +1 Collaborative filtering is an effective recommendation technique wherein the preference of an individual can potentially be predicted based on preferences of other members . +0 The frequent dependencies are exhibited as regularities among the correlated dimensions in senone posteriors . +1 We describe a reinforcement learning algorithm that improves neural machine translation systems from simulated human feedback . +0 Here we adopt the operational understanding of utility and do not distinguish it from preference . +1 We propose an algorithm to learn the SOM with the proximity matrix obtained from the RF . +0 In our experiments we observed it to behave similarly to Variant I and have a comparable bias ( albeit slightly larger than that of Variant I for the two test problems ) . +1 We demonstrate this ability by outperforming a variety of algorithms on the TLD dataset with 2685 frames on average . +0 The threshold is therefore calculated as a function of these confidence scores . +1 The aim of this study is to summarize the existing works on Hindi prosody carried out in different domain of language and speech processing . +0 Systems targeted for the multimodal translation task have a single English caption ( and eventually its SMT and the image representation ) on its input and produce a single sentence which is a translation of the original caption . +1 The result of such tracking is a database of pedestrian trajectories over time and space . +0 e statistics studied here only work with the accordant pair of the contingency table . +1 Thousands of names and addresses were identified from the texts . +0 [ 17 ] where word vector representations are simultaneously learned along with a statistical language model . +1 The algebraic formulation allows the search of equation candidates in an explicit mathematical manner . +0 This is shown to give superior performance to previous information retrieval ( e.g . +1 We demonstrate the potential contribution of the approach by analyzing different sentence representation mechanisms . +0 Any other approaches can be applied for extracted the NE and TP . +1 We argue that generalizing from limited data and learning causal relationships are essential abilities on the path toward generally intelligent systems . +0 This is due to the fact that the most significant difference between a random word x and the word her is that her is likely much more feminine than x . +1 Constrained counting is important in domains ranging from artificial intelligence to software analysis . +0 In a small number of cases the mismatch was because of an ambiguity . +1 We consider the task of identifying attitudes towards a given set of entities from text . +0 We evaluate our algorithm on a variety of benchmarks that show that the algorithm indeed outperforms MARCO . +1 A major drawback is the number of coefficients required model such systems . +0 Both mismatches should be fixed by the adaptation of features and classifiers to enable effective domain adaptation . +1 This algorithm is based on the concept of distinguishing sequences introduced in ( Angluin81 ) . +0 Matrix Completion : Low rank matrix completion has an extensive literature ; a few examples include [ 21 ; 6 ; 20 ; 27 ] among several others . +1 We then derive two new algorithms based on a probabilistic interpretation of kernel alignment matrices that expresses in terms of probabilistic distributions over sets of alignment paths . +0 Here we briefly summarize their main findings and their attempts at explaining them . +1 Our work departs from traditional assumptions about partial observations and action models . +0 In such case different level of privileged information access could be managed at different levels . +1 The temporal dynamics in each stream are modelled by an LSTM and the fusion of the two streams takes place via a Bidirectional LSTM ( BLSTM ) . +0 Tell about a time when you felt proud of someone . +1 Further studies are needed to validate the accuracy of the system across an entire health system and its generalizability for other diseases . +0 ( 7 ) With this approach it is possible to model multivariate categorical data sets arbitrarily well despite any independence assumption concerning the categorical variables . +1 This article presents an agent architecture for controlling an autonomous agent in stochastic environments . +0 Evolution of the average performance of our methods with training progress has been shown in Figure 3 . +1 This paper deals with a new approach to cluster uncertain data by using a hierarchical clustering defined within the belief function framework . +0 The other GRUs in our model have 512 hidden units . +1 Our experimental results on real knowledge base and crowdsourcing platform verify the effectiveness of CoSKA system . +0 The reliance of PSPMmethods on the output of sequential pattern mining techniques can also be considered to be a drawback of the approach . +1 Traditional fact checking by experts and analysts can not keep pace with the volume of newly created information . +0 We then searched for samples in the training set that are closest to the test inputs generated by DeepXplore in terms of structural similarity [ 57 ] and identified them as polluted data . +1 Knowing who are the reliable workers could improve the quality of knowledge one can extract from responses . +0 Each line in Eq ( 6 ) calculates the number of units that can be reached by certain input unit . +1 In this paper two significant enhancements are presented to solve these drawbacks . +0 Forward propagation : The forward signal is propagated from input layer to output layer through one or multiple hidden layers . +1 We demonstrate the validity and genericity of our model by using parallel corpora ( obtained by manual or automatic translation ) . +0 It is possible for a change in a lower bound to result in the loss of support for an upper bound . +1 It also describes the results of the first experiments on the automatic induction of probabilistic programs . +0 In many ways the problem of fingerspelling recognition is analogous to that of word sequence or phone sequence recognition . +1 There are various interpretations that can be ascribed to this assignment . +0 There is more than one way to generalize optimal transport to unnormalized measures . +1 Recent studies reveal that a deep neural network can learn transferable features which generalize well to novel tasks for domain adaptation . +0 Figure 11 additionally shows this effect for selected experiments ( i.e . +1 We demonstrate the performance of this model with image retrieval and text querying data sets . +0 These indices determine which parts of the input are also present in the output . +1 Underpinning our analysis is a general framework that casts the problem of learning with a fairness requirement as one of minimising the difference of two statistical risks . +0 Database updates require rediscovering the rules afresh by scanning the entire old and new data . +1 Text analysis includes lexical analysis of the text and has been widely studied and used in diverse applications . +0 B.2 ) our results on a wider range of values for the dictionary and code sparsity ( Fig . +1 Applications of these principles for inference are discussed and suggestions are made for deriving a diagnostic process using SNOMED CT . +0 ADJP ( vpw pp : pp vpw ) ( 14 ) English : The temple is decorated with paintings depicting incidents . +1 We analyze a large set of DNNs across multiple domains and derive insights regarding their effectiveness . +0 This class of antimonotonicity contains previously known classes [ 22 ] and allows one to generate k most stable concepts with delay polynomial in k and the input size . +1 Clustering is a fundamental data mining tool that aims to divide data into groups of similar items . +0 The paradigm used for our problem is the Multiple Input Single Output ( MISO ) . +1 The model offers competitive performance as compared to the state of the art methods but does not require any feature engineering nor hand tuning between models . +0 Most of retrieved sentences look semantically related and can be viewed as the sentential contextual extension to the query sentences . +1 The IR task in particular has a set of unique challenges that invite the use of semantic motivated NLP techniques . +0 We thus obtained a corpus of 777 ontologies on which we tested all reasoners . +1 These neural networks are constructed recursively by taking inspiration from the backward chaining algorithm as used in Prolog . +0 We can use these building blocks to construct a number of different algorithms . +1 Deep Neural Networks are generally trained using iterative gradient updates . +0 We evaluate our approach on the UCF101 dataset Soomro et al . +1 Our aim in this work is to define strategies for adapting SAT solvers to such encodings in order to improve models enumeration . +0 The former rely on the availability of a probabilistic model of execution and knowledge . +1 The offered particle swarm optimization algorithm allows reducing the time expenditures for development of the SVM classifier . +0 One can show a very similar corollary when u0 is initialized as a random sample from the mixture . +1 The proposed framework can learn the translation function without any corresponding images in two domains . +0 Results in each row are averages over a set of 1000 random states . +1 We describe various techniques for extracting token sequences from a database . +0 The results obtained were better than the baseline ( Table III ) on the development set . +1 We further propose a straightforward negative sampling strategy to improve the assignment of subjects and objects . +0 Several other methods have been explored for learning the weights in a neural network . +1 The algorithm can be used with popular pathfinding algorithms in 3D game engines . +0 XHAIL and ILED approaches are based on finding a hypothesis that is covering all examples in a single answer set . +1 Variational inference is an umbrella term for algorithms which cast Bayesian inference as optimization . +0 The value of a single input to a layer will generally have a relatively small impact on the norm of the gradient to the entire layer . +1 Bugs are detected during stepping by revealing differences between the actual semantics of the program and the expectations of the user . +0 The process of the boundary formation between self and other does not depend solely on any of separated parts . +1 In this paper we present methods for exemplar based clustering with outlier selection based on the facility location formulation . +0 The tag is treated just like any other word in the vocabulary and has a corresponding word embedding that is trained . +1 The completion of low rank matrices from few entries is a task with many practical applications . +0 We use the same approach as that of [ BGM10 ] ( which was itself inspired by [ APY09 ] ) . +1 The null linear discriminant analysis method is a competitive approach for dimensionality reduction . +0 The test errors as training progresses are shown in Fig.2 . +1 The algorithm consistently gives a better result in lowering the bias by reducing the standard deviations in the means of each feature in a scaled data +0 We initialize the recurrent weight matrices as random orthogonal matrices . +1 Nonmotor symptoms considered are Rapid Eye Movement ( REM ) sleep Behaviour Disorder ( RBD ) and olfactory loss . +0 They are more split on whether AI can describe an image in a sentence . +1 We propose a hierarchical recurrent attention network ( HRAN ) to model both aspects in a unified framework . +0 A system which is capable doing more useful work is said to have good quality of energy compared to other . +1 A deep neural network is used to predict the acoustic environment in which the system in being used . +0 that a proper subset of D is a hitting set of Fsub . +1 The design of SegNet was primarily motivated by road scene understanding applications . +0 A more straightforward visualisation of the network performance can be found in Figs . +1 But the wide use of reified constraints in current CP approaches raises many difficulties to cope with high dimensional datasets . +0 Highway layers allow some dimensions of wt to be carried or transformed . +1 This is a challenge for recommender systems ( RS ) to face this setting . +0 We use Sli to represent the pooling result of the lth feature map of the ith input image . +1 We introduce subgame solving techniques that outperform prior methods both in theory and practice . +0 Theorem 4.5 immediately gives us the following corollary in the random access to voters model when no single crossing ordering is known . +1 Our experiments demonstrate that the methods bring significant improvements over the state of the art methods in terms of informativity and coherence . +0 And we will expend the above formula such that we can take advantages of Lemma 5 and 6 . +1 This motivates us to study how to select and query the most useful relative comparisons to achieve effective metric learning with minimum user effort . +0 Best articles use no more than several dozens of GPU usually . +1 The experiment using 2007 DUC summarization corpus clearly shows promising results . +0 We note that we attempted to train a single model using all project training sets and tested on each project separately but this yielded significantly worse results for all algorithms . +1 Discovering the latent structure from many observed variables is an important yet challenging learning task . +0 We optimize using the alternating direction method of multipliers ( ADMM ; Boyd et al . +1 Our results show that eVAE makes efficient use of model capacity and generalizes better than VAE . +0 ( 2003 ) and Giordani and Moschitti ( 2012 ) also directly produce SQL queries but on a subset of 700 examples from GEO880 . +1 The current round ends when a terminal state is reached . +0 Under skeptical reasoning A does not follow from all minimal explanations and thus B and C stay unknown . +1 Dengue is a life threatening disease prevalent in several developed as well as developing countries like India.In this paper we discuss various algorithm approaches of data mining that have been utilized for dengue disease prediction . +0 The lower bound formula d1 represents all proofs with a probability above the current threshold . +1 They also assign higher probability values for larger values of Beliefs or BBAs than the Smets pignistic transform . +0 DeViSE uses a similar inner product and ranking loss function to WSABIE but uses more complex image and word embeddings . +1 Recent work has shown that language models can improve code suggestion systems by learning from software repositories . +0 In future work we hope to use the TPTP benchmark library to remedy these issues . +1 Applications of such assessments range from stopping spammers from automatically filling online forms to preventing hackers from performing dictionary attack . +0 Denote the latent tree recovered from nbd [ vi ; MST ] as N i and similarly for nbd [ vj ; MST ] . +1 The experimental results validate its feasibility ; they also show a promising future of this new research area . +0 In our second step we use a more accurate cell transition model [ 13 ] scheme entailed in the state of the art BeATs simulator in order to show that the procedure we present is still valid in a more realistic setting . +1 Experimental results show that the system is surprisingly effective at generating accurate markup for both datasets . +0 One particular interesting problem of learning classifiers from synthetic data is to analyze satellite images of the Earth . +1 Word embeddings play a significant role in many modern NLP systems . +0 The essential idea is identification of the most frequent character sequences to add to the initial vocabulary . +1 The optimization of functions to find the best solution according to one or several objectives has a central role in many engineering and research fields . +0 We show how to extend the results of Theorems 8 and 9 to internal regret and time selection settings . +1 It learns a linear transform with the criterion that target trials and imposter trials are discriminated from each other by a large margin . +0 We have the following main theoretical results : Theorem 6.1 . +1 To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming ( TPLP ) +0 The constant Start represents the first vertex of the path . +1 Automated Theorem Proving ( ATP ) is an established branch of Artificial Intelligence . +0 Lemma 8 The priority ordering that gives maximal priority to exactly the formulae of a maxset makes it the only minimal one . +1 This paper studies the problem of evaluation in hierarchical classification by analyzing and abstracting the key components of the existing performance measures . +0 Outputs that represent the complete graph can also be obtained by applying some pooling operation [ 9 ] . +1 It is noticed that an algorithm usually performs differently on different measures . +0 The probability of generating a grossly suboptimal solution is minimized because the rules that generate a reaction do implicitly account for probable counteractions . +1 The proposed model has been developed in the context of job interview simulation . +0 Different human assessors could assign more relevance to Purity than to Inverse Purity or viceversa . +1 As part of the paper VorEAl is experimentally validated and contrasted with similar approaches . +0 Let the set Ev denote the edges connecting its descendants . +1 We explore the effectiveness of using Long Short Term Memory Networks ( LSTM ) for predicting stock prices . +0 We propose two novel methods to model the context using the proposed embedding . +1 CONCLUSIONS : Word2vec is a very efficient implementation for computing vector representations and for its ability to identify relationships in textual data without any prior domain knowledge . +0 We evaluate quantitatively on the Entailment dataset of Baroni et al . +1 A detailed statistical analysis further verifies the goodness of the new ACS over the existing ACS and also of the other techniques used to tune the parameters of ACS . +0 Abstract Zobrist hashing is then applied using these abstract features ( random table R in Equation 2 is defined on S1 and S2 ) . +1 Another discussed basic application is fitting distortion to some standard distribution like Gaussian . +0 Momentum [ 16 ] is a method that helps accelerate SGD in the relevant direction and dampens oscillations as can be seen in Figure 2b . +1 Learning distributed representations for relation instances is a central technique in downstream NLP applications . +0 A multiclass classifier trained to predict LCA operations ( Section 4.4 ) can provide these scores . +1 The skills are independent of the learning task and can be efficiently reused across a variety of tasks defined over a common state space . +0 The only structures considered are the bases ( like Command Centers or Nexus ) . +1 We present a new computational technique to detect and analyze statistically significant geographic variation in language . +0 Figure 17 shows the learning results for two popular effects . +1 We formulate the relation between vector space models and semantic spaces based on semic axes in terms of projectability of subvarieties in Grassmannians and projective spaces . +0 In the 100 episode long evaluation phase we also keep track of the best episodic score . +1 A statistical predictor that is deployed in a live production system may perturb the features it uses to make predictions . +0 Main properties derived from the DFS framework We will only make a brief exposition of the main properties derived from the DFS framework . +1 We prove that the label complexity of MARMANN is significantly lower than that of any passive learner with similar error guarantees . +0 Follows from Observation 4 and Theorem 7 The problem of Horn knowledge base revision is concerned with determining how a request to change can be appropriately translated into one or more atoms or literals . +1 A query interface is more effective if it establishes a less ambiguous mutual language faster . +0 We say that all the trees considered at the beginning of an iteration of the while loop are the trees that are candidate for the merge or simply the candidate trees . +1 We then employ the best discovery approach to generate keywords for videos recorded from a surveillance system . +0 10 : end for 11 : end for Lemma 4 . +1 The task of a feature selection algorithm ( FSA ) is to provide with a computational solution motivated by a certain definition of relevance or by a reliable evaluation measure . +0 Consider a strictly generating tree T and the corresponding weight function W . +1 Hyperspectral image ( HSI ) classification is a hot topic in the remote sensing community . +0 All the tests were performed on 2.66 GHz Intel Xeon machines with 16 GB of RAM running Linux . +1 We applied a number of local search algorithms on a standard benchmark instances for pattern set mining and the results show the potentials for further exploration . +0 Theorem 2 also emphasizes the superiority of standard GD in cases where the true strong convexity parameter is poorly estimated . +1 Deep neural networks ( DNN ) have revolutionized the field of natural language processing ( NLP ) . +0 This is not a big drawback if As is a weak predictor of the class label . +1 We address the problem of generating query suggestions to support users in completing their underlying tasks ( which motivated them to search in the first place ) . +0 This is run through a softmax layer to induce a probability distribution over the output space . +1 Deep learning has shown promising results on hard perceptual problems in recent years . +0 Note that this is a special case of the contextual bandit problem in which the contexts are the same every day . +1 The experimental results show that Topic2Vec achieves interesting and meaningful results . +0 A Gaussian graphical model is a family of jointly Gaussian distributions which factor in accordance to a given graph . +1 The competition is approaching the end but still in running during writing this paper . +0 We do this by looking at the minimisers of these losses on the 2D example of Long and Servedio [ 2010 ] . +1 However reaching this neighborhood is often slow and dominates the computational costs . +0 We first consider the case when the algorithm exits in Line 10 . +1 In this paper we introduce a logical approach to machine learning . +0 We now discuss two learning models related to our setting ( see the appendix for formal definitions ) . +1 This paper proposes a path planning strategy for an Autonomous Ground Vehicle ( AGV ) navigating in a partially known environment . +0 The following proposition formalizes the form of the KL divergence for multilinear parametric models when one parameter is varied . +1 We demonstrate our method on the semantic image segmentation task and show encouraging results on the challenging PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset . +0 The scatter matrix in Figure 4 shows the separation between normal and crackle classes . +1 Error analysis reveals many examples of both overclassification and underclassification . +0 The performance of the examined models with selected strategies at each prediction horizon is judged in terms of the accuracy measures for the holdout samples . +1 Our intuition is that we shall use only the unlabeled examples which are very likely to help improve the performance while keeping the unlabeled data which are with high risk to be unexploited . +0 The maximum index of a child depends on the type of rule . +1 In this work we propose an algorithm for the optimization of continuous hyperparameters using inexact gradient information . +0 Note that the day can also start with going to bed . +1 Then feature extraction can be performed on the common and individual space separately by incorporating the techniques such as dimensionality reduction and blind source separation . +0 It is also possible to use a different BN model where unobserved skill variables are replaced by observed variables . +1 We propose a novel pruning strategy that exploits both the upper and lower bounds to prune off a very large fraction of the expensive distance calculations . +0 One can see that the evolution of class 3 cellular automata such as Rule 30 ( top right in Fig . +1 We then qualitatively analyze the network by visualizing the spatial patterns that maximally excite different neurons in the convolutional layers and show how they resemble Facial Action Units ( FAUs ) . +0 Our benchmark set consists of a mix of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research problems . +1 Our logical learning process can effectively cope with the unknown unknowns using a full exploitation of all existing knowledge available for learning . +0 The significance of CRF is in the global training for structured prediction as a convex optimization problem . +1 We provide the dataset and the crawler for future research . +0 What is shared is as important as how much is shared . +1 Dialogue generation models trained with different degrees of data distillation manifest different levels of specificity . +0 Object Recognition with Shallow Features The OfficeCaltech10 dataset is the standard benchmark ( Gong et al . +1 Our network can then generate convincing images that satisfy both the color and the sketch constraints of user . +0 We presented the results of our analysis of ConventionalCount feature in Section 7.4 . +1 It allows developing bots that play the game using the screen buffer . +0 This section investigates the hybrid and hybridvoting models ( Section 2.3 ) to see if they can further improve the performance of the neural network models . +1 Ascend makes it possible to discover and utilize interactions between the design elements that are difficult to identify otherwise . +0 This index is used to compute recruiter affects and decision . +1 We treat each network sample as a potential outlier and identify subnetworks that mostly discriminate it from nearby regular samples . +0 We now apply our theories to various benchmark TTP sets . +1 We study this learning in the context of referential games . +0 Note the implication that slaying can not be performed accidentally . +1 We propose a novel embedding model that represents relationships among several elements in bibliographic information with high representation ability and flexibility . +0 RNNs allow cyclical connections of the units in the network [ 18 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] . +1 We will analyse several of the popular metrics and compare their effectiveness at measuring the ability of detection mechanisms . +0 The small number of texts is a known limitation of most historical corpora . +1 These knowledge sources are translated into a distribution and used to set the hyperparameters of the Dirichlet generated distribution over words . +0 This approach already comes very close to the work of Lowd and Meek [ 35 ] from adversarial machine learning . +1 One example of such a system is based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ( UAVs ) . +0 What we call the pathwise derivative estimator ( from the mathematical finance literature [ 4 ] and reinforcement learning [ 16 ] ) is alternatively called infinitesimal perturbation analysis and stochastic backpropagation [ 21 ] . +1 Learning a classifier from private data collected by multiple parties is an important problem that has many potential applications . +0 The lower part shows the results of the EvalStride approach applied to two different subsignals . +1 The primary problem domain focus of this paper is acoustic event and scene detection in audio recordings . +0 Basic statistics of our two datasets are shown in Table 1 . +1 Such external help can be further combined with internal advice . +0 Previous works such as [ 20 ] where EWMA is applied to admission control and buffer management [ 21 ] have illustrated the performance and efficiency of the algorithm . +1 We also explore how MTransE preserves the key properties of its monolingual counterpart TransE . +0 The authors think the reason is the vast difference between the structures of Persian and Italian languages . +1 d ) What are the principles of ontology design and development ? +0 Let E denote the expectation of the data including the prior distribution of the factors and the noise distribution . +1 We applied the predictron to procedurally generated random mazes and a simulator for the game of pool . +0 Stakeholders need a way to represent institutions and their governance relationships . +1 Embeddings are generic representations that are useful for many NLP tasks . +0 We undertake a comprehensive treatment of the CONCORD optimization problem by also investigating the dual of the CONCORD problem . +1 A conventional instrumentation system focuses on gathering as much information about the scene as possible . +0 This can be obtained by drawing the agent tree for a DisCSP and counting the number of agents from the top to the bottom of agent tree as illustrated in Figure 4 . +1 We present a proof net calculus for the Displacement calculus and show its correctness . +0 An entity library for DeepER contains knowledge about entities that is necessary for deep entity recognition . +1 Classical Dropout emerges as a special case of this method . +0 In this section we prove some general results regarding bad initialization phenomenon . +1 Experimental results on a variety of toy and real world datasets show that our approach is significantly more accurate than parameter averaging for high number of partitions . +0 a cat can be located anywhere in a picture and can be flipped in either axis without losing its identity ) . +1 Recent neural models have shown significant progress on the problem of generating short descriptive texts conditioned on a small number of database records . +0 We utilize all the patients with at least 2 visits . +1 This paper presents the University of Cambridge submission to WMT16 . +0 CTC defines a distribution over the output sequence that is not longer than the input sequence . +1 Predictive models deployed in the world may assign incorrect labels to instances with high confidence . +0 Each snapshot contains information on the executed action and on the conditions holding at the moment the agent decided to select it . +1 Areas that may be of benefit to the Artificial Immune Systems community are suggested . +0 MeshSQL is thus a real extension of SQL1999 and specialized on mesh data only . +1 Traditional methods for drift compensation are laborious and costly due to the frequent acquisition and labeling process for gases samples recalibration . +0 Visual Saliency Prediction is another important problem considered by researchers . +1 The joint optimization of the deep recurrent neural networks with an extra masking layer enforces a reconstruction constraint . +0 The last set of affirmatives addresses the agent opponent level . +1 This is partly due to the fact that there are no monotonic fitness functions that are used to design heuristic attribute reduction algorithms in probabilistic rough set model . +0 if one household is much larger than the other ) will have the same normalised load profile once scaling is done against the largest hourly reading . +1 We also provide discussions on using the same type of discrete orthogonal structure for a broader range of applications . +0 The literature review will comprise of three parts : 1 . +1 This work is innovative due to the consideration of both spatial and temporal attributes during the scheduling process . +0 It proves that embeddings can influence the performance of neural models . +1 We study the problem of agreement and disagreement detection in online discussions . +0 The formula F is satisfiable if and only if P has a stable model [ 49 ] . +1 This allows to avoid known computational hardness results and improper algorithms based on convex relaxations . +0 The other important consideration for feature engineering is the length of instantaneous input data to the model . +1 Recent approaches use the limited datasets of psycholinguistic properties to extend them automatically to large lexicons . +0 An active safety system is supposed to actively avoid accidents or mitigate the consequences thereof . +1 We show that optimal regularized expected reward is achieved when the conditional distribution of the outputs given the inputs is proportional to their exponentiated ( temperature adjusted ) rewards . +0 The vanilla model is correct in two out of three abstracts for all labels . +1 We tackle this problem and present a decidability result for entailment of unions of conjunctive queries in the DL ALCHOIQb that contains all three problematic constructors simultaneously . +0 An important property is that the metric matrix M does not have to be PSD . +1 We present an algorithm for active query selection that allows us to leverage the union of subspace structure assumed in subspace clustering . +0 ( 2009 ) Empty the mind : the art of Park Seo . +1 Encog uses efficient multithreaded code to reduce training time by exploiting modern multicore processors . +0 The word matrix for a given science term is generated from the corresponding pseudodocument for the term . +1 But many of the most popular algorithms are not guaranteed to converge . +0 Both approaches presume that web resources ( or the frequency by which a fact is mentioned ) can be used as an indication of its truth . +1 We propose a navigational guide model that enables robots to generate natural language instructions that allow humans to navigate a priori unknown environments . +0 [ 2015 ] for recent advances on this construction ) . +1 In this paper we focus on a measure of quality which is negatively affected by the increase of the available resources . +0 These two problems both aim to determine a set of routes that maximizes the total reward of the vertices visited during a single period with a distance or duration limit . +1 Each tweet is typically analyzed by a fixed number of workers and majority voting . +0 This is a linear optimization problem under inequality constraints so there exist algorithmic methods such as the celebrated Simplex algorithm Dantzig ( 2016 ) to compute a numeric solution of it . +1 Epistemic logic has become a major field of philosophical logic ever since the groundbreaking work by Hintikka ( 1962 ) . +0 One way to obtain this variable of interest y is via human annotation . +1 The decoder network is a recurrent network produces responses to the input from the source side . +0 The architecture is the same as shown in Figure 3 . +1 We then propose a feature selection framework in which labeled and unlabeled training samples are both considered . +0 All c in TLC ( v ) with only one true literal will contribute 1 to break ( v ) . +1 Recent advances in combining deep learning and Reinforcement Learning have shown a promising path for designing new control agents that can learn optimal policies for challenging control tasks . +0 The agent believes the winning horse is among the three . +1 Retention of residual skills for persons who partially lose their cognitive or physical ability is of utmost importance . +0 ( 2008 ) A previously unsurveyed forest in the rubeho mountains of tanzania reveals new species and range records . +1 We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed work on data from Framingham Heart study . +0 In this section we describe the algorithm for selecting image prototypes from each of the feature categories . +1 These assumptions enable us to explain the complexity of the fully decoupled neural network through the prism of the results from the random matrix theory . +0 All experiments in this paper are performed using a simulated Nao platform . +1 For larger POMDP instances the policies computed by existing solvers are too large to be understandable . +0 The number of rows of the weight matrix is linear in the number of lines of code in the original program . +1 The evaluation of Datalog rules over large Knowledge Graphs ( KGs ) is essential for many applications . +0 A similar method in a bioinformatics analysis was used in 2005 [ 27 ] . +1 We think that our results are a smooth entry for users aiming to receive the first impression about what is discussed within a debate topic containing waste number of argumentations . +0 Let z be the parent of x and y in the tree T . +1 Existing algorithms even though are accurate but they do not focus on utilizing the parameters of neural network efficiently . +0 All the approaches were trained for five random seeds and 100 epochs each . +1 We introduce two kernels for natural language processing based on our formulation . +0 This section describes some properties of HMMs in depth and discusses properties and problems that are especially relevant when dealing with motions . +1 We explain how we use the Spark framework for data analytics to collect and process our test data . +0 We observe that the running time of Slores and strong rule is negligible compared to that of the solver . +1 The framework naturally leads to new results for asymmetric matrix completion and robust PCA . +0 We utilize the singleton property graph pattern to bridge the gap between the primary triple T1 and its identifier as explained in Section 2.1 . +1 The conceptual dimension once more prevails after taking back seat to specialised lexicography . +0 We return to this assumption later when we discuss our model assumptions . +1 Classification is a fundamental task in machine learning and artificial intelligence . +0 Note that a naive implementation using the ESA results in cubic time complexity . +1 This paper presents a novel model that serves as a bridge from items content into their CF representations . +0 ( 105 ) introduces dependencies between the measurements zb of the measurement vector z . +1 The interval does not require the knowledge of any parameters of the chain . +0 Stoicism and Virtue Ethics are more concerned with internal states of the agent . +1 We further explore the trained joint embedding space to show its interpretability . +0 We train the models using Nesterov SGD for 20 epochs . +1 The challenge is to formalise the Guttman scale educational constraint and incorporate it into topic models . +0 We further observe that the singularity holds true even when M is comparable to N . +1 We evaluate our model through a series of ablation studies that elucidate the contributions of the primary components of our model . +0 Controlling drones has been a widely studied area motivated by applications in surveillance and transportation . +1 Numerical results obtained on many instances with different sizes and characteristics are presented . +0 We use a priority queueQ to store potential windows sorted by length . +1 Labeled vertices generate new particles that compete against rival particles for edge domination . +0 We construct an example to show that f1B does not satisfy consistency . +1 In both cases we obtain new generalizations of the perceptron with margin able to provably attain in a finite number of steps any desirable approximation of the maximal margin hyperplane . +0 4 : Construct a symmetric similarity matrix via ( 16 ) . +1 The approach is based on clustering concept and aims at dimensionality reduction of the records . +0 GBF assigns much more weight to probabilities in ranges close to 0 and 1 . +1 The user can make sophisticated queries for selecting instances from very precise criteria . +0 We refer to Rakhlin and Sridharan [ 2015 ] for more information of martingale inequalities of this kind . +1 We then use this scheme in the inner loop of policy optimization procedures for a Markov decision process ( MDP ) . +0 The use of a distribution over samples instead of a distribution over exercises gives more flexibility about the conditions that we could establish on the sampling procedure . +1 We show that one can get significant lifts in offline and online performance by using a simple modification of the logistic loss function . +0 The records in the dataset are not diseasespecific so they include multiple cancer types and disease profiles . +1 A rich coreset is a subset of the data which contains nearly all the essential information . +0 The relationship between variational inference and stochastic variational inference [ 3 ] mirrors the relationship between EP and SEP. Can these relationships be made more formal ? +1 This work presents an approach for computing feature contributions for random forest classification models . +0 Nevertheless traditional RGB space can not be the most discriminating representation space . +1 We introduce a convolutional recurrent neural network ( CRNN ) for music tagging . +0 There was still data that fell out of our control due to confidentiality reasons . +1 Many of the obstacles and open questions are conceptual : What does it mean to be intelligent ? +0 We used multiple references to compute the BLEU scores when available ( i.e . +1 Sparse PCA provides a linear combination of small number of features that maximizes variance across data . +0 The Chatbots associated to the Intention are the only ones that know how to answer to it by executing Actions . +1 The past several years have seen remarkable progress in generative models which produce convincing samples of images and other modalities . +0 This result provides more evidence for the hybrid nature of contraction for Horn belief sets . +1 The two techniques can be easily combined to further improve performance . +0 The action denotes a candidate planar pose offset relative to the depth sensor to which the robotic hand could be moved . +1 Examples illustrate the introduced concepts and point at issues and topics for future research . +0 To train we used the initialization of [ 11 ] modified for compound layers [ 16 ] and batch normalization without the scale and bias [ 17 ] . +1 Gaussian transform matrices the asymptotic componentwise behavior of the adaptive GAMP algorithm is predicted by a simple set of scalar state evolution equations . +0 ( 50 ) or ( 51 ) defining the shifted regression hyperplane . +1 We call this scheme Application Specific Instrumentation ( ASIN ) . +0 This configuration is shown in the respective result tables as Ubu . +1 The resulting optimisation problem can then be tackled using a whole range of continuous optimisation algorithms which have been developed and used in the literature mainly for training . +0 The performance of these classifiers is reported in Table 1 . +1 Sensor and algorithm performance in adverse weather and lighting conditions is tested . +0 Education experts subjectively evaluated their approach and found it to be valuable [ 46 ] . +1 Experiments on three tasks shows our model variants based on deterministic attention . +0 This is however not the case for other tasks which may not be affected by a subset of training images . +1 The proposed networks are tailored to glioblastomas ( both low and high grade ) pictured in MR images . +0 This would also to identify and quantify the errors of our framework . +1 The goal of our project is to develop an accurate tagger for questions posted on Stack Exchange . +0 As in unsupervised domain adaptation this quantity can not be estimated based on the data . +1 Each acoustic token set is specified by a set of hyperparameters that describe the model configuration . +0 We demonstrate SSHMC by sampling the Gaussian Funnel ( GF ) defined in Section 2 . +1 All aspects of the classification process are evaluated on a data set that consists of 454 motions . +0 Thus the TM activation encodes an entire sequence of patterns at every step . +1 In ADCOPs different agents may have different valuations for constraints that they are involved in . +0 This amounts to iteratively repeating the following procedure [ 3 ] : 1 . +1 Understanding the communication between different animals by analysing their acoustic signals is an important topic in bioacoustics . +0 The usually large number of applicable rules and code locations where they can be applied causes a combinatorial explosion of the number of states . +1 With noisy measurements we show all local minima are very close to a global optimum . +0 The complexity range of Ontologies varies from simple taxonomies to highly complexed including constraints associated with concepts and relations . +1 Experiments show significant speed gains for various deep neural networks . +0 We are interested in two quantities : the decision latency and learning latency . +1 Answer set solvers are the programs that perform this task . +0 Coffman identified four conditions that must hold simultaneously in order to have a deadlock [ 5 ] . +1 Enhancing the robustness and accuracy of time series forecasting models is an active area of research . +0 The proposed distribution consists of the scores assigned to the items by the algorithm . +1 This in turn effects the scanning route and the parking space occupancy estimations . +0 Any such family O will be ( at most ) countable . +1 POAPS includes an expressive adaptive programming language based on Lisp that has constructs for choice points that can be dynamically optimized . +0 ( 17 ) Our use of control variates does not bias the gradient estimates ( beyond the bias which is present due to importance sampling ) . +1 Our evaluations are performed on Amazon EC2 and IBM iDataPlex platforms using up to 244 cores . +0 The pseudo code of our DFS heuristic is presented in Table 1 . +1 We show that these extended solvers succeed in significantly reducing privacy loss without significant degradation of the solution quality . +0 The idea is to learn an encoding that is consistent across source and target languages and therefore help alignment . +1 In this paper we present a new algorithm that learns a Mahalanobis metric using similarity and dissimilarity constraints in an online manner . +0 The process continues until the agent reaches a terminal state after which the process restarts . +1 We incorporate these representations in a novel machine translation model which jointly learns word alignments and translations via a hard attention mechanism . +0 We use CBDT [ 6 ] as the base algorithm which maintains a forest of trees . +1 We present an autoencoder that leverages the power of learned representations to better measure similarities in data space . +0 This objective provides a partial clustering over the unobserved roles left unlabeled during the retrieval process . +1 NIDs are equivalent in representation to Bayesian games but they are more compact and structured than this formalism . +0 The performance values in individual outer resampling runs can be obtained by getBMRPerformances . +1 The case study discussed shows that missing values can be fixed and imputed efficiently by achieving dimensionality reduction . +0 The variance of this noise decays exponentially during the training . +1 Experimental results carried on real robot data sets demonstrate that proposed approach can achieve simultaneous merging of multiple grid maps with good performances . +0 It is common knowledge that colorectal cancer ( CRC ) is a heterogeneous disease comprising different molecular entities . +1 Semantic parsing aims at mapping natural language to machine interpretable meaning representations . +0 Such preference relations can be enforced dynamically during search for any CP formulation [ 11 ] . +1 The challenge stated in the title can be divided into two main problems . +0 The corresponding period ( in seconds ) was calculated as the dominant periodicity and its normalized autocorrelation value was also extracted . +1 We represent the words with high dimensional continuous vectors learned by a variant of Word2Vec called Continous Bag Of Words ( CBOW ) . +0 This motivates the use of neural networks to model dialogues from end to end as a conditional generation problem . +1 The proposed method employs completely random trees which have been shown to work well in unsupervised learning and supervised learning independently in the literature . +0 This difference in personalities can manifest itself in the sentiment of tweets . +1 The use of preprocessing to transform the graph representing the QUBO problem into a smaller equivalent graph is important for improving solution quality and time for both exact and metaheuristic algorithms and is a step towards mapping large scale QUBO to hardware graphs used in quantum annealing computers . +0 The condition eg must be established in the world by some plan step that has eg as an effect . +1 We introduce a probabilistic framework from which computational intelligence is shown to be an entropy minimizing process at the local level . +0 This indicates the use of a complex bound with relatively small reward . +1 Within this paper we will propose and present two forms of inclusion : The strict and the partial one . +0 Messages for DTD are called control messages and others are called basic messages . +1 Automatically determining the optimal size of a neural network for a given task without prior information currently requires an expensive global search and training many networks from scratch . +0 Drawing comparisons or qualifying something as relative to something else conveys a nuance that is absent from traditionally dogmatic language . +1 Retraining of quantized networks has been developed to relieve this problem . +0 The last peak size varies ( because it corresponds to the stream leftovers ) and thus it decreases the identification rate . +1 We use a sparse representation to deal with data in very high dimensions . +0 ( 2008 ) and more recently by Shamir ( 2015 ) hold in the general linear optimization setting ( with Euclidean geometry ) and do not apply to any natural problem in the combinatorial setting . +1 We provide a general comparison of all these semantics with respect to the proposed properties . +0 Users set the price for their answers and can change the price anytime . +1 The problem reformulation over a graph is realized by explicitly representing ReLU or DCutLU using a set of slack variables . +0 The value is the frequency count of the feature in the trace . +1 We share our lessons learned in order to provide foundations for the optimization of ML programs . +0 There were also many examples of applications of CNN even for 3D object recognition . +1 An empirical performance comparison among the new algorithms on benchmarks from ASP competitions is given as well . +0 All of the malware detection and malware classification systems rely on the extraction of either static or dynamic features . +1 The algorithm is empirically analyzed and evaluated by learning system models of slot machines . +0 We compare annotations and domains of these sets with manually created ground truths . +1 We present a unified framework for learning continuous control policies using backpropagation . +0 The traditional approach by which the garbage collector in JVM will differentiate the dead objects from the lives one is based on their reachability form the root . +1 We also show that a simple ensemble technique further improves the results for both tasks . +0 The full block coordinate descent algorithm of the GroupSpAM procedure is described in Algorithm 2 . +1 We also present a heuristic reinforcement learning algorithm which combines direct exploration in the policy space and backpropagation . +0 This assumption is useful for stationary objects but does not address the representation of objects in motion . +1 This article addresses this disconnect between the statistical principles behind EM and its algorithmic properties . +0 We would like to thank Li Yao and Julian Serban for the discussions and help . +1 The novel Unbiased Online Recurrent Optimization ( UORO ) algorithm allows for online learning of general recurrent computational graphs such as recurrent network models . +0 They have two common nodes ( the internal nodes ) which are neighbors on MST . +1 Experiments show the superior performances of DelugeNets in terms of both classification accuracies and parameter efficiencies . +0 ( The input representation for both problems includes an initial belief state formula in CNF . +1 We propose a novel progressive learning model which augments the Progressive Neural Network with Gated Recurrent Adapters . +0 We perform a number of experiments on IIMB data sets of 2009 and 2010 versions and evaluated with evaluation metrics . +1 Therefore it is valuable to study the collective behavior of individuals and detect group anomalies . +0 We conclude with directions for further work ( Section 10 ) . +1 This essentially solves the COLT open problem of Chapelle and Li [ COLT 2012 ] regarding regret bounds for Thompson Sampling for contextual bandits problem . +0 The second inequality in Claim 5.1 follows from [ Lemma 3.1 in 11 ] . +1 We collect an extensive dataset to train the learning models and develop reference benchmarks for the future studies in the field . +0 An immediate implication of Theorem 2 is the following minimax bound for locally observable games : Corollary 3 . +1 A number of problems were studies based on this model . +0 We get our best DCN result when we add the hint term in Eq . +1 The new method encourages the relationships between the learned decisions to resemble a graph representing the manifold structure . +0 We evaluate our proposed method on seven benchmark datasets from the UCI Machine Learning repository [ 6 ] and one additional larger datatset . +1 The increase is so high that professionals from the various fields are no more able to cope with this amount of publications . +0 Li and Fung ( 2012 ; 2014 ) propose another research direction which assembles syntactic inversion constraints into the language model . +1 We develop an analytical framework based on a generating function formalism and illustrate it on an exactly solvable model of HMM with one unambiguous symbol . +0 One conclusion to be drawn from this is that the restriction to the Horn case produces a curious hybrid between belief sets and belief bases for full propositional logic . +1 Several deep learning models have been proposed for question answering . +0 These two notions are introduced in detail in the following subsections . +1 The WTA competition increases the information capacity of the model without adding hidden neurons . +0 A definite Horn clause is a finite set of literals ( atoms ) that contains exactly one positive literal which is called the head of the clause . +1 We report on a case study in which we evaluate the model by its ability to predict the spam campaign that a given IP address is going to participate in . +0 The tool can also be integrated with other components using our Cython and Python API . +1 In our estimation we interpret missing items as randomly censored observations and obtain efficient computation schemes using combinatorial properties of generating functions . +0 Improved measures of research organization impact : Citations counts are also used to evaluate research organizations . +1 I finally illustrate how to handle and finalize the cognitive activities . +0 In previous work it has been shown that Brown clusters yield better performance than directly using the BOW features [ Lukasik et al . +1 The optimum solution for this kind of problem is analyzing the information available on social network platforms and performing sentiment analysis . +0 We emphasize the overall goal of this work is to enable the learning of a recursive program . +1 We demonstrate empirically that the proposed parametric approach can often outperform the baseline Thompson Sampling on a variety of datasets . +0 Derived features are the number of clusters and the mean distances to the cluster centroids for each clusterization . +1 This analysis enables us to evaluate the Gaussian mixture acoustic model ( GMM ) and the importance of many hidden layers in DNNs without any need of explicit speech recognition . +0 The power method is a simple and iterative algorithm that can be used to sequentially find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix in descending order . +1 Empirical studies on several benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed dropouts achieve not only much faster convergence and but also a smaller testing error than the standard dropout . +0 Fuzzy logic implemented in the matching and the alignment of segments during the translation [ 19 ] . +1 We provide two distributed confidence ball algorithms for solving linear bandit problems in peer to peer networks with limited communication capabilities . +0 ( 2 ) Domain adaptation algorithms construct a classification model for a new target using past experience from the sources . +1 A Gibbs sampler is derived to simulate samples of the common eigenvectors and the eigenvalues for these matrices . +0 The bounds of node E that leaf agent a4 maintains are not shown in the figure . +1 Social norms are shared rules that govern and facilitate social interaction . +0 For each instance of TF as t do begin 2 . +1 Connectionist Temporal Classification has recently attracted a lot of interest as it offers an elegant approach to building acoustic models ( AMs ) for speech recognition . +0 This procedure is continued until each path from the root node reaches a node where a trivial case is met . +1 Approaches based on reinforcement learning have been proved to be effective . +0 We observed that the SAT part was invoked only on 14 out of all 4266 instances tested . +1 This observation implies that strongly adaptive algorithms can be directly leveraged to minimize the dynamic regret . +0 We start with some simple facts and a few technical lemmas that are used in our proofs . +1 This calibration process remains an open challenge as it requires large sets of high quality galaxy images . +0 To extract the chain we use the union of all rule sets in the chromosome . +1 We train and test several generative and retrieval models to tackle the task of VQG . +0 We denote by GLPpart the set of all GLP parted assignments and GLPfaith the set of all GLP compliant faithful assignments . +1 We also performed a human evaluation in order to estimate the usefulness of multimodal data for human machine translation and image description generation . +0 ( 2013 ) provide the intuition that word vectors can be summed together to form a semantically meaningful combination of both words . +1 In this paper we describe and analyze an algorithm that can convert any online algorithm to a minimizer of the maximal loss . +0 The adversarial testing samples are generated based on this testing set . +1 We look at the eigenvalues of the Hessian of a loss function before and after training . +0 It was important to use two different learning rates since the large gradients in the newly added layers would lead to unreasonable changes in the pretrained part of the network . +1 Automatic description generation from natural images is a challenging problem that has recently received a large amount of interest from the computer vision and natural language processing communities . +0 Note also that ( C ) corresponds exactly to the bottom rows of Figures 1 and 3 . +1 Experimental results in synthetic and real data sets clearly demonstrate the superiority of sECMdd and wECMdd . +0 The features in Table 1 are divided into three sets . +1 Both models are parametrized by convolutional neural networks ( ConvNets ) . +0 The rest of the proof is very technical and is given in Lemma 2 in the supplementary material . +1 Manifold learning is a hot research topic in the field of computer science and has many applications in the real world . +0 These cluster features are not directly related to the concept of SID but they could be viewed as an automatic approximation of features derived from the human annotated ICUs . +1 We test its generalization performance and speed on a range of benchmark datasets and detail in which settings it outperforms the state of the art . +0 A part type is defined by its width and height . +1 The model takes advantage of the great flexibility offered by the copulas framework to extend mixtures of Canonical Correlation Analysis to multivariate data with arbitrary continuous marginal densities . +0 A bicluster is a pattern of particular features which is found in particular samples like a pathway activated in some samples . +1 We require that the predictor will be differentiable with respect to the representation of the present . +0 Checking the performance of the models in the stepwise fashion in Fig . +1 We also show the results of training with one of the proposed weight updates on an image segmentation problem . +0 The boxplot shows the variation of performance across the 10 different splits for each scenario . +1 Statistical machine translation ( SMT ) is the dominant paradigm in this field . +0 We adapted SingleRank [ 35 ] ( an extension of TextRank ) to clinical domain and used it as a baseline as well as an input for the ensemble ranking approaches . +1 Our work consists in applying machine learning techniques in order to bring a solution to some of the problems concerning the acceptance of the system by users . +0 Precise and inner boxes are appended to S and undecided boxes are passed to Branch . +1 We performed experiments with three types of alignment methods using word embeddings . +0 We then instantiate the probabilistic model generated in the previous step with the generation skeleton to obtain a ground Bayesian network . +1 The scale and diversity of our experiments reinforces the generalisability of our classifier . +0 Each event will trigger new events to happen at a later time . +1 found in simulation data for which labeled data is not available at large scale for all simulations of interest . +0 Table 4 details the results for the systems under study . +1 The proposed model is a deep recurrent neural network trained with reinforcement learning to attend to the most relevant regions of the input image . +0 Breast Cancer dataset : This dataset is one of the popular medical benchmarks in ML research . +1 We use letter successor variety counts obtained from tries that are built by neural word embeddings . +0 It is insightful to consider the following example where amount of radiation per cm2 solar cell ( cause ) causes power generation in the cell ( e ect ) . +1 There are two common approaches for optimizing the performance of a machine : genetic algorithms and machine learning . +0 It shows that the neural network was able to learn the desired classifiers . +1 We give empirical results showing state of the art performance . +0 The task consists of 10 states laid out in a row plus a terminal state on the left . +1 Our research addresses two specific challenges : providing insight into how spatial relations are learned by the network and which parts of the image are used to predict these relations . +0 Amazon dataset contains product reviews from Amazon.com from many product types . +1 Safe interaction with human drivers is one of the primary challenges for autonomous vehicles . +0 Such approximation holds uniformly for the class T .3 Lemma 7 . +1 Endowing a chatbot with personality or an identity is quite challenging but critical to deliver more realistic and natural conversations . +0 atoms or definite clauses in case of a Propositional Logic KB . +1 Our data suggest that subjects may also modify when and how they provide feedback . +0 Agent A1 controls variable x1 and may assign either a or b to it and Agent A2 controls variable x2 and may assign the values x or y . +1 Our experiments show that enabling backpropagation through transitions enforces state space assumptions and significantly improves information content of the latent embedding . +0 It assigns low weights to frequent strings and high weights to rare strings . +1 The challenges in this task are the lexical gaps between questions for the word ambiguity and word mismatch problem . +0 5 ( b ) shows how we can benefit from it . +1 Several evaluation measures have been proposed for hierarchical classification using the hierarchy in different ways . +0 More details on the developed architecture is given in section 3.1 below . +1 Reinforcement learning ( RL ) problems are often phrased in terms of Markov decision processes ( MDPs ) . +0 The learning rate was chosen at 0.002 and linearly decayed to zero . +1 The development of robust computer vision algorithms makes the analysis of visual content possible . +0 We provide the proof in our notation for completeness though . +1 Our method is based on posing the optimization of objective function as a spectral decomposition problem . +0 The candidate answers are those appearing at least 5 times in the training set ( see supplementary material for details ) . +1 The discovery of motifs is crucial for practitioners in order to understand and interpret the phenomena occurring in sequential data . +0 We test the abnormality module by revisiting the TIMIT task with a different architecture and show how these auxiliary components can greatly improve detection . +1 We present the overall architecture of an AD system and describe in detail the perception and planning modules . +0 Corollary 1 ( Dynamic Regret : Metric Learning COMID ) . +1 A concept architecture is used to illustrate how existing pieces fit together and the maturity of the subsystems is estimated . +0 The AffDG and AffLL models both produced blurry results which we where unable to improve upon using various optimization methods . +1 Support Vector Machine is one of the most classical approaches for classification and regression . +0 Where once sees a difference is when the true model does not match the learned model ( HMM2 ) . +1 We also extend our algorithms and results to the framework of sleeping experts . +0 We use dropout after the LSTM layers and in fully connected layers . +1 Common statistical approaches heavily relies on string similarity in terms of prefix and suffix matching . +0 Object pose estimation is a classical problem in computer vision . +1 The detected words with divergent interpretations reveal the unique features of specific groups of people . +0 A projection mechanism for predicting the outcome of a plan . +1 The final results of a manual evaluation on a separate question set show that the strength of DeepER approach lies in its ability to answer questions that demand answers beyond the traditional categories of named entities . +0 Structured light was used to measure the true disparities with higher density and precision than in the KITTI data set . +1 Collecting MBD is unprofitable unless suitable analytics and learning methods are utilized for extracting meaningful information and hidden patterns from data . +0 Larger values mostly result in lower errors and faster convergence . +1 We study the theoretical properties of this framework when different regularization conditions are applied to the two decomposed components . +0 T1 and T2 were retrieved from the database as having the potential to be T3 based on their partial identity information . +1 We can no longer assume that textual content is written in one language or even the same language family . +0 The DFT F ( x ) is conjugate symmetric if and only if x is a real vector . +1 Our experiments demonstrate that our model yields consistent gains in all three tasks compared with the best published results . +0 The main goal of this experiment is to provide an insight on the working principles of the proposed algorithms . +1 This paper presents a new method for alleviating the catastrophic forgetting problem . +0 This is greatly used to mount an attack on the enemy king during closed5 middle games . +1 Formal approaches to understanding this problem focus on statistical inference and generalization of individual analysis procedures . +0 Theorem 2 can be further simplified by using concentration bounds on random projections as defined in Eqn 6 . +1 We address the problem of learning novel words by a robot that has no prior knowledge of these words except for a primitive acoustic model . +0 Several authors have previously explored the idea of using domain randomization to bridge the reality gap . +1 We view training as sampling from a distribution and show that these distributions can have a substantial variance . +0 The combination of information from all previous tasks can be used to jumpstart learning a new task . +1 We present the fundamental concepts and requirements for this ontology . +0 One immediate consequence of our fairness definition is that the optimal policy which deterministically plays the highest quality individual at each round satisfies our fairness constraint . +1 Recent work has shown the feasibility of employing a mismatched crowd for speech transcription . +0 In order to get an early indication of its real world applicability ( e.g . +1 We prove that kernel contraction for belief bases produces precisely the same results as the belief base version of infra contraction . +0 They were advised to refrain from body and head movements and enjoy the music experience . +1 We also discuss gaps between our model assumptions and the CNN trained for classification in practical scenarios . +0 Then the problem is to decide whether a movies should be considered a success or not based on ROI . +1 We then apply the results to convex programming and exhibit a simple algorithm for the approximate Max Flow problem . +0 We used this test to determine the best model for both datasets . +1 The Maximum Satisfiability ( MaxSAT ) problem is the problem of finding a truth assignment that maximizes the number of satisfied clauses of a given Boolean formula in Conjunctive Normal Form ( CNF ) . +0 The output function foutput will depend on the specific type of answer desired . +1 We show how binary classification methods developed to work on i.i.d . +0 It underlines the need for informed and experienced judgment in many situations for decision support applications in SCs . +1 We interpret Latent Semantics as a geometric flow on Grassmannians . +0 The requirement that the agent keeps su cient statistics and exact beliefs is unrealistic . +1 We also present some sample complexity results for this robustness . +0 In order to test our implemented methods we performed an experimental evaluation . +1 The best performance was achieved by combining an LSTM language model with graph label propagation . +0 The figure shows depth predictions and next frame predictions from four frames of a sequence . +1 These regularities are captured by machine learning along with the rest of semantics . +0 The screening algorithm checks whether the population information from MEDLINE citation and the query are matching . +1 This work aims to distinguish spontaneous ( felt ) smile expressions from posed ( deliberate ) smiles by extracting and analyzing both global ( macro ) motion of the face and subtle ( micro ) changes in the facial expression features through both tracking a series of facial fiducial markers as well as using dense optical flow . +0 Our goal was to identify person names and location names . +1 We propose how such a metric might be computed and how a spelling variant dataset can be collected using UrbanDictionary . +0 Table II shows the number of chunks in the training and test set used for each fold . +1 We establish theoretical performance guarantees of weighted majority voting under the latent source model and then use the voting to predict which news topics on Twitter will go viral to become trends . +0 In this version the entire solution construction process and the local pheromone update are performed in a single kernel execution . +1 We describe simple principles which we used to create this model in Caffe . +0 The POS tag predictor consists of a single affine transformation followed by a SoftMax predictor for each POS category . +1 Flagging information that is unverified can be helpful to avoid the spread of information that may turn out to be false . +0 Our system performance is promising in terms of retrieving relevant citations that are not available in UpToDate . +1 The specific problem we study is learning the parameters of a Mallows Mixture Model . +0 A better representation is one that achieves a small distance for pairs of paragraphs of the same query and a larg distance for pairs of paragraphs of different queries . +1 But the matrix is not easy to construct for a new dataset . +0 For ED models we use a beam search with width ranging from 1 to 15 over a token prefix trie constructed from the sequences inW . +1 We also recommend the conditions under which one architecture is superior to the other based on experimental evidence . +0 They showed that the combined approach outperforms the base PI controller . +1 It seems that the answer to building a computer system that could automatically improve with experience is right on the next corner . +0 Previous algorithms had in large multiplicative factors to the optimal . +1 The classification of high dimensional data with kernel methods is considered in this article . +0 This is due to the fact that the number of actors is much larger than the number of languages . +1 We study the performance of faulty implementations of certain deep neural networks based on pessimistic and optimistic models of the effect of hardware faults . +0 It is not difficult to show that any edit sequence has a corresponding sequence in normal form that achieves the same result at lower or equal cost . +1 To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming ( TPLP ) . +0 In our presentation we do not impose any restriction on the type of features used . +1 We then show that the parametric maxflow algorithm proposed by Gallo et al . +0 Table 2 reports results of architectural variants of the VPNs . +1 We demonstrate that our model produces higher quality samples than other approaches and generates images with novel scene compositions corresponding to previously unseen captions in the dataset . +0 In this paper we propose to define and detect change points based on changes in the health status according to categories of values in the time series rather than measures like mean or variance . +1 We demonstrate the effectiveness of RIMs in experiments on various image reconstruction tasks . +0 We train and evaluate our model on the SQuAD dataset . +1 To negate this the Wizard of Oz approach is adopted during evaluation of a speech system . +0 The globalization of the Big Data paradigm is generating a large response in terms of technologies that must deal with the rapidly growing rates of generated data [ 45 ] . +1 Better availability of patient data and improvement in machine learning algorithms empower us to tackle this problem computationally . +0 An immediate consequence of applying Lemma 6 to pi and qi with the union bound . +1 Numerous attempts have been done to improve the quality of the games including more realistic artistic production and computer science . +0 A comparison of Figures 9 and 7 show that the Bayesian network learned during the discretization process has more edges than the network learned on the initially discretized data . +1 The main objective of this paper is to develop heuristic attribute reduction algorithms for finding distribution reducts in probabilistic rough set model . +0 Thus the actual mean value of Y is merely dominated by b in which case the p.d.f . +1 Variational Autoencoders ( VAEs ) learn a useful latent representation and model global structure well but have difficulty capturing small details . +0 S.Mandal et al [ 1 ] proposes a method of TOC detection based on morphology based algorithm . +1 An example is shown that the multiscale probability transformation is more reasonable in the decision making . +0 The presence of a negation usually changes the polarity of the opinion.. +1 Experimental results show that our method can generate more informative summaries than the baselines . +0 The framework has been implemented as an extension of the ASP solver WASP . +1 Experimental results show that a StochasticNet can be formed that provides comparable accuracy and reduced overfitting when compared to conventional deep neural networks with more than two times the number of neural connections . +0 For other tasks the role of the regularization term R may also change . +1 Our reparameterization is inspired by batch normalization but does not introduce any dependencies between the examples in a minibatch . +0 Only when formalizing the logic the presence or absence of names acquires relevance . +1 We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by evaluating it on actual system call traces . +0 We conducted simulations in which with probability 0.5 each obstacle position is perturbed in a random direction to one of the neighboring grid cells . +1 Unsupervised learning is the most challenging problem in machine learning and especially in deep learning . +0 But the ( human ) user must always keep the ultimate control over the system although she or he is not involved in lowlevel detail decisions . +1 A theoretical analysis demonstrates that this approach has the same type of guarantees as the recent NMF algorithm of Arora et al . +0 ( 2017 ) apply the idea to domain adaptation tasks . +1 We conclude by demonstrating the potential of deep learning for deriving optimal auctions with high revenue for poorly understood problems . +0 Indirect input is frequently indicative of a reputation based model of trust . +1 We show a significant gap between the complexity of deterministic vs randomized optimization . +0 The marksmen do not know which of them has the live bullets . +1 We also introduce a novel metric for ranking instances based on an index which depends upon the rank of weighted scores of test points among the weighted scores of training points . +0 We consider the task of answering food web diagram questions . +1 It also enables the visualization of the most dominant classes associated with these attentive regions of interest . +0 Heterogeneous Ensemble is inspired by Ensemble Filter ( EF ) [ 5 ] . +1 We use recent approximation methods for spatial task problems to reduce the model complexity . +0 This gives us a relationship between the statistical error of the algorithm and a more traditional notion of computational error . +1 A common approach in this context is to ask these incoming users for a few initialization ratings . +0 This probability can be estimated using a training data set in supervised learning for the HMM . +1 This paper conducts an investigation on how the public perceives the progress of AI by utilizing the data shared on Twitter . +0 The corpus covers English and the four target languages with 11M sentences each . +1 inflow and outflow ) in each and every region of a city . +0 Chapter 3 Learning The problem of induction is essentially solved . +1 Here we report the results of exploring selectivity indexes for : ( a ) an image feature ( color ) ; and ( b ) an image label ( class membership ) . +0 The only other theory learning method that is explicitly designed for working on embeddings is the one of Yang et al . +1 The algorithm produces results comparable to the best MCMC implementations while running orders of magnitude faster . +0 Classical RR appeals only in unstructured problems with few outputs Y . +1 Recurrent Neural Networks ( RNNs ) applied to long sequences suffer from the well known vanishing and exploding gradients problem . +0 The latter norm should be applied in a subset of situations w.r.t . +1 We provide empirical evidence that the algorithm works on large data sets . +0 Understanding the geometry of RNNs with ReLUs could helps us deal with the above issues more effectively . +1 Can popular beliefs on social media predict who will win ? +0 The second and third values at and bt will identify which registers to use as the first and second argument for the selected instruction . +1 Our technique predicts a compact set of K attention contexts during encoding and lets the decoder compute an efficient lookup that does not need to consult the memory . +0 The same proof for Theorem 6 of [ CSL07 ] would work here . +1 This document describes an inventory of 50 semantic labels designed to characterize the use of adpositions and case markers at a somewhat coarse level of granularity . +0 The Markov chain for the XDIVK problem is shown in the Fig . +1 We demonstrate that our approach is able to leverage temporal information and unlabelled data to improve localization of extreme weather events . +0 The resulting statistics are shown on the left table of Figure 11 . +1 One of the biggest flaws in the medical system is perhaps an unexpected one : the patient alarm system . +0 Indeed running and dwelling constraints violations do not need to be evaluated since the individuals structure do not allow invalid values for both running and dwelling times . +1 Simple extensions of the algorithms previously proposed in the literature are not applicable in these situations for scores of practical length due to the problem of large computational complexity . +0 Table B.10 provides a summary of the results with the evade question set . +1 The exhaustive experimental evaluation confirms the accuracy and efficiency of structured spinners for a variety of different applications . +0 Theorem 4.7 suggests that we need to make additional assumptions on the abstract reasoners that we wish to compare using a finite set of ABoxes . +1 We conjecture that swapout achieves strong regularization by implicitly tying the parameters across layers . +0 These points are then tallied to select the winner with the highest score . +1 Data noising is an effective technique for regularizing neural network models . +0 Efficiency Considerations Recently much work have been done in finding good strategies of enumerating ( closed ) patterns . +1 foundational ) concept of reasonablenes in probability and proof theory . +0 We exhaustively evaluate all possible parallel parameters on the Maxwell platform and select the optimal one . +1 Then we describe two innovative semantic services to manage ETS data and information on ETS scenarios . +0 The LDNN classifier is also related to the idea of space partitioning [ 32 ] which combines partitioning of the space and learning a local classifier for each partition into a global objective function for supervised learning . +1 It is urgent for us to take effective automated algorithms to reuse historical questions with corresponding answers . +0 Each player has a value v for getting at least one item and no extra value for more items . +1 We propose a family of trust region policy optimization ( TRPO ) algorithms for learning control policies . +0 We implement this by recording the order in which literals become fixed in a propagator . +1 This not only improves the quality of care but also reduces the medical expenses on readmission . +0 The first dataset we experiment on is the MNIST dataset of handwritten digits . +1 Healthy meal recommendations have the potential to help individuals prevent or manage conditions such as diabetes and obesity . +0 That computation can be reused in the computation of the gradient in Step 5 once we exit the backtracking loop . +1 They prepare vehicles for unsafe road conditions and alert drivers if they perform a dangerous maneuver . +0 Section 5 discusses the related work and Section 6 gives the conclusion . +1 Extensive simulations on several video sequences document the superiority of our approach both quantitatively and qualitatively . +0 We leave the issue of broadcast strategies as future study . +1 We detect and categorize candidates for anomaly findings untypical for the observed data . +0 We then kept only those textual examples when at least thirty tokens long . +1 In this paper we propose an effective DNN architecture for SF with the following new strategies : ( 1 ) . +0 Our experiments are on a slightly restricted type of games : 1 ) Edge relations are automatic . +1 ( 3 ) Smaller DNNs are more feasible to deploy on FPGAs and other hardware with limited memory . +0 This class contains all computable policies as well as Bayes optimal policies for every lower semicomputable prior over the class . +1 Identifying such structures present in the task provides ways to simplify and speed up reinforcement learning learning algorithms . +0 We combine transition probability into our model to gain sentence level label information . +1 I started this work with the hope of generating a text synthesizer ( like a musical synthesizer ) that can imitate certain linguistic styles . +0 These are complex issues to address in a formal model of agents and environments . +1 Our proposed framework can not only successfully detect events in a recording but can also provide temporal locations of events in the recording . +0 Is it possible to obtain faster rates for balls induced by norms that do not give rise to strongly convex functions ( but rather to smooth functions ) ? +1 We demonstrate that this regularization can be easily combined with standard stochastic maximum likelihood to yield an effective training strategy for the simultaneous training of all layers of the deep Boltzmann machine . +0 The collection of points consists of 500 simulations of two different Gaussians and the value of d is 4 . +1 Reordering is a preprocessing stage for Statistical Machine Translation ( SMT ) system where the words of the source sentence are reordered as per the syntax of the target language . +0 One million data point are generated from this mixture distribution . +1 We specially choose this regularization because it is known that Tikhonov regularized least square ( LS ) is the more preferable form in solving linear inverse problems than the conventional LS . +0 Experiments performed on several known datasets showed up to 84x speed up on the Intel Xeon Phi compared to the sequential execution of LIBSVM [ 6 ] . +1 We compare and evaluate our proposed RNN model with uncompressed RNN model on sequence classification and sequence prediction tasks . +0 We then train a convolutional neural network whose input is the HDR image and its corresponding truth is the best Tone map corresponding to the TMQI metric . +1 We show that this problem is solvable in polynomial time . +0 In many practical cases we do not have complete knowledge of the system at hand . +1 The key difference to regular hierarchical mixture models is the ability to store objects in both terminal and nonterminal nodes . +0 It has the advantage of modeling their joint effects simultaneously and at best of minimizing the interference between the learned representations . +1 We show how this representation and bag of features helps on classification . +0 We encountered 35 different language identifiers and 39 UTC timezone settings . +1 We show that we can eliminate large parts of the bias while obtaining the same variance reduction as in simple gradient averaging schemes . +0 We present workers with the concept we want to canonicalize along with our proposed corresponding synset with 4 additional options . +1 tSNE can create meaningful intermediate results but suffers from a slow initialization that constrains its application in Progressive Visual Analytics . +0 Hence convergence for the online algorithm can not be strictly guaranteed . +1 The method is tested on several data sets consisting of large number of text documents . +0 Our first test using basic regression methods in a supervised fashion had very exciting results . +1 We show that knowledge base dynamics has interesting connection with kernel change via hitting set and abduction . +0 Confusingly the term evidence is not used at all and its use is suggested to be a matter of lawyers only . +1 Keystroke dynamics have been extensively used in psycholinguistic and writing research to gain insights into cognitive processing . +0 We propose an efficient solution to overcome the learning difficulty described above . +1 This iterative procedure enables the model to recover from initial local maxima corresponding to incorrect answers . +0 Using a similar approach as for Proposition 3 we can establish the following result . +1 But it suffers from the drawback of generation of repeated phrases . +0 We envision that the presented approach paves the way for researchers in both fields to form meaningful hypotheses that are explicitly testable using the concepts developed and exemplified in this paper . +1 We demonstrate that the proposed architecture is able to generalize well over unseen instructions as well as longer lists of instructions . +0 The second experiment examined categorization performance for pantomime actions for examining structural links acquired between action and object through learning . +1 It is based on the Discrete Cosine Transform Interpolation Filter ( DCTIF ) . +0 We present a graph of AI engagement in Figure 1 . +1 One of the reasons for its dominance is also an ongoing challenge : the need for immense amounts of computational power . +0 end for Compute the mean and variance of the h2 values inferred in the training set . +1 Optimal transport is a powerful framework for computing distances between probability distributions . +0 This is similar to the treatment of word embeddings by Dyer et al . +1 We introduce a neural network method to encode programs as a linear mapping from an embedded precondition space to an embedded postcondition space and propose an algorithm for feedback at scale using these linear maps as features . +0 This data set can be download from the UCI Machine Learning repository2 . +1 The key insight in each case is to find a way to emulate the set difference operation . +0 Shaded small circles indicate the softmax probabilities needed to compute the probabilities of all four segments . +1 Our findings may also explain abstract learning in the human brain . +0 Each answer makes a clarification that one choice is dominating the other four . +1 This method allows for dynamic selection and deselection of input features on the fly . +0 [ 5 ] also argue that applications such as device scheduling need to be emphasised above plain energy disaggregation accuracy . +1 This paper addresses the issue of model selection for hidden Markov models ( HMMs ) . +0 Each element could get its values based on the corresponding node . +1 Fundamental discrepancy between first order logic and statistical inference ( global versus local properties of universe ) is shown to be the obstacle for integration of logic and probability in L.p. logic of Bacchus . +0 Our pilot study found that asymmetrical pairs of VAWTs can be more efficient than similar symmetrical designs . +1 Generative Adversarial Net has shown its great ability in generating samples . +0 The selected transition rules ( and their machines ) 23 : return N . +1 This can accelerate acquisition of new skills even when the observed agent differs substantially from the learning agent in terms of morphology . +0 The probability that a cluster is hit during the seeding step after the first one is proportional to the sum of squared distances of cluster elements to the closest seed assigned earlier . +1 The proposed method forms an optimization problem with exponential size of both feature groups and label configurations for a given dataset . +0 Our default declarations without closed predicates lead to the same semantics as WFS and SMS for all natural examples we have found . +1 Towards that end we have made available a corpora of video game levels in an easy to parse format ideal for different machine learning and other game AI research purposes . +0 ( 2014 ) proposed a contextbased SVMHMM model which models a sequence of tweets in a conversation or in a same topic . +1 The ignoring delete lists relaxation is of paramount importance for both satisficing and optimal planning . +0 It can be viewed as the smallest Hamming distance with respect to a satisfying assignment . +1 Empirical Rademacher complexity is used to connect the generalization error of the neural network to spectral properties of the graph learned from the input data . +0 Relevant properties of the oracle include the types of queries it supports and of the responses it generates . +1 We apply our algorithms on benchmark datasets demonstrating efficient online learning of a ranking function from highly restricted feedback . +0 A first way to perform query answering is then to consider the query as a rule with a head reduced to a nullary prediate . +1 Such SVM classifier provides the high quality of data classification . +0 Note that our measure of quality is relative to the average seed label . +1 We show that DDO is effective in adding options that accelerate learning in 4 out of 5 Atari RAM environments chosen in our experiments . +0 All the apps in Clone260 are manually analyzed and 100 clone sets ( i.e . +1 The objective of the work presented in this paper is to propose an automatic knowledge revision approach for systems based on an informed tree search strategy . +0 Our attention mechanism differs from the standard practice of attending intermediate states of input ( encoder ) . +1 A negotiation team is a set of agents with common and possibly also conflicting preferences that forms one of the parties of a negotiation . +0 It is also seen in Figure 2 ( c ) that introducing new random pa erns will not degrade the accuracy of Spaceprint as the xed underlying pa erns are being re ected in various elements of the feature vector . +1 We use IRL to learn reward functions and then use these reward functions as the basis for clustering or classification models . +0 In such a case the duration of the geminate consonants can be roughly predicted by rule for the given contexts . +1 This overview provides a historical perspective on how advances are made . +0 Note that neither the dynamics of the system nor the cost function are given in an analytical form . +1 Most severe in terms of information retrieval are name changes . +0 [ 18 ] also require the correlation decay property and perform a similar pruning step by retaining only nodes with high pairwise correlation ; they then use a different method to select the true neighborhood . +1 the lexical bundles from this corpus are categorized based on structures and functions . +0 The global workspace theory is a theory that aims to explain functional consciousness ( in distinction from phenomenal consciousness ) . +1 The aim here is to examine whether the combination of text segmentation and information extraction can be beneficial for the identification of the various topics that appear in a document . +0 We used one of the importance weighted techniques as described in Theocharous et al . +1 We believe this to be largely due to the lack of objective ways to measure progress towards broad machine intelligence . +0 Each one of these topics is considered a knowledge domain for the purposes of our experiment . +1 Bounded agents are limited by intrinsic constraints on their ability to process information that is available in their sensors and memory and choose actions and memory updates . +0 We shall describe a different approach that has performed better on test problems . +1 We tested our system on several public benchmarks and report outstanding results . +0 Let us notice than we are not requesting here the labels of the samples ( Zhou et al . +1 The feature space ( including both input and output variables ) characterises a data mining problem . +0 A majority agreed on a label different from the human annotations ; 3 . +1 The key idea behind LAL is to train a regressor that predicts the expected error reduction for a potential sample in a particular learning state . +0 We updated the instructions as follows : Read through the tweet and answer the following questions . +1 We then propose to learn QMC sequences adapted to our setting based on explicit box discrepancy minimization . +0 Then the base models in the last level produces the final predictions . +1 In this paper we address the issue of knowledge graphs where triple states depend on time . +0 We can not use [ 25 ] since their architecture is specific to prediction of coarse motion trajectories . +1 These applications must undoubtedly deal with the constraints and preferences that define the user interests . +0 This shows that the randomness inherent to node2vec makes the attacks succeed at random in the remaining portion of Figure 9 . +1 Finally we give the specification of an artificial life game based on the concept of orchestrated machines . +0 In order to process each document has to be segmented into words . +1 The goal is to teach students within time frame d such that their potential for learning is maximized and find the best schedule for each group . +0 To compute the necessary gradients we use automatic differentiation implemented in TensorFlow [ 9 ] . +1 Distributional semantic models learn vector representations of words through the contexts they occur in . +0 Machine learning algorithms typically use features to define the similarity of objects . +1 We quantitatively show the performance of our networks and illustrate the cases where our networks performs good as well as bad . +0 You may either ignore this case or return something like predicted survival curves ( cf . +1 We learn the feature representations using the random walks biased on the spam dynamics . +0 The underlined word was selected as a potential representative for the topic . +1 Our experiments on artificially mixed AMI data showed that the proposed approach is very promising . +0 We will do this with the help of Lemma 5.9 . +1 In a series of experiments we demonstrate the improved performance of our algorithm as compared to baselines . +0 Fusion of subsystems in the past have shown good performance in speaker recognition challenges . +1 We construct the combined models using an iterative method based on either ordinary least squares regression or the solution to the orthogonal Procrustes problem . +0 See Table 5 for the complete results on all four datasets . +1 We investigate the problem of sequentially predicting the binary labels on the nodes of an arbitrary weighted graph . +0 The proposed approach is based on the online variant of ELM called online sequential extreme learning machine . +1 Our work is a step towards finding provably correct algorithms that solve large classes of NMF problems . +0 An exception is the number of channels in the decoder ( the very last layer ) since it has to match the number of channels in the input ( i.e . +1 This paper contributes a preliminary report on the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating simultaneous human control and feedback signals in the training of a reinforcement learning robotic agent . +0 The Coefficient of Performance ( COP ) and the Rate of Refrigeration ( ROR ) was successfully maximized in that work . +1 We demonstrate our approach by synthesizing safe controllers under the PrSTL specifications for multiple case studies including control of quadrotors and autonomous vehicles in dynamic environments . +0 Chinese word segmentation is important and it is usually the first step for text processing in Chinese . +1 Machine learning based Clinical Decision Support systems can be a solution to the data challenges . +0 FAR represents X ( Xi corresponds to the action ai ) using a factored representation . +1 The results of several MTL formulations on synthetic and real problems in the MTL and LTL test settings are encouraging . +0 Missing values of the quantitative attribute were replaced with the mean of the attribute values whereas missing values of the qualitative attribute were treated as a distinct attribute value . +1 The amount of data available in the world is growing faster and bigger than our ability to deal with it . +0 The basic idea is to generate adversarial images for the ensemble of the models . +1 With recent advances in representation learning this task becomes a tangible aim . +0 We start by discussing the partially commutative version of MILL . +1 We report an empirical evaluation and comparison of portfolio approaches applied to Constraint Satisfaction Problems ( CSPs ) . +0 The data from the year 2011 was put into the pool of unlabeled data . +1 Corpora and web texts can become a rich language learning resource if we have a means of assessing whether they are linguistically appropriate for learners at a given proficiency level . +0 It updates the lower bound of node E to 3 . +1 For this purpose we implement clustering feature ( CF ) tree on a real data set and a Gaussian density distribution constraint on the resultant CF tree . +0 This occurs again when title is low and frequency medium . +1 Experiments show that the control agent exhibits desirable control behavior and avoids collision without any mistake in various uncertain environments . +0 Suppose the measurement vectors in ( 1 ) are independent standard complex normal vectors . +1 We report results for learning the CDPRs with a deep neural network and using them to solve two tasks with deep reinforcement learning . +0 Weight decay was 0.0002 and the learning strategy was similar to ResNet [ 13 ] . +1 Our ablation study shows that pretraining helps seq2seq models in different ways depending on the nature of the task : translation benefits from the improved generalization whereas summarization benefits from the improved optimization . +0 The complete list of the treebanks included in our experiments is presented in Table 2 . +1 For training we use a dataset containing mentions of influenza and Listeria and use the learned models to classify datasets containing mentions of an arbitrary selection of other diseases . +0 This is expected because the learned representations are more compact and thus less prone to overfitting . +1 Emotional arousal increases activation and performance but may also lead to burnout in software development . +0 Many MAS consist of a complex network of autonomous and interdependent agents . +1 This problem of computing maximal perturbation bounds for ANNs is then reduced to solving mixed integer optimization problems ( MIP ) . +0 Table 3 shows the feature template used in English NER task . +1 This problem can be considered as a concept drift problem by asking the amount of change that happens to the clusters of players over a sequence of game rounds . +0 Thus the first part of ( 114b ) is proved . +1 Abstract data types equipped with axiomatic specifications specify classes of concrete data structures with equivalent logical behavior . +0 Below is the definition for the earth learner from the earth package . +1 Shaping an AI friendly environment for people and a people friendly environment for AI can be a possible answer for finding a shared context of values for both humans and robots . +0 The Word Error Rate ( WER ) reported on the test sets for the baseline models is different from Amodei et al . +1 This paper learns pairs of causal events from a corpus of film scene descriptions which are action rich and tend to be told in chronological order . +0 The networks configuration details can be found in Table 2 . +1 Precise geocoding and time normalization for text requires that location and time phrases be identified . +0 We chose to report the median and interdecile mean values instead of the mean so as to avoid the strong impact of a few extremely large or extremely small regions . +1 This gate is controlled by a parametrized oscillation with a frequency range that produces updates of the memory cell only during a small percentage of the cycle . +0 4.1 ) and compare it with : 1. the original SALE POMDP . +1 We consider a target decision component that figures out what to do next and an ( online ) planning capability to compute the plans needed to reach these targets . +0 the tuning process will have to be repeated for each new data set . +1 One of the crucial problems with the backpropagation ( BP ) algorithm is that it can sometimes yield the networks with suboptimal weights because of the presence of many local optima in the solution space . +0 Figure 5 shows reconstruction results based on sketches found by Google search . +1 This paper investigates the use of deep reinforcement learning for runtime parameters of cloud databases under latency constraints . +0 The optimal model parameters from one of ten runs are listed in Tab . +1 Joint matching over a collection of objects aims at aggregating information from a large collection of similar instances ( e.g . +0 We do this on a case by case basis depending on which assertion is being made . +1 A considerable amount of machine learning algorithms take matrices as their inputs . +0 Attributes are good semantic representations of classes yet it is difficult to define attributes for an arbitrary class and further measure the confidence of each one . +1 We present a new algorithm for this general class of problems and show that under certain circumstances it is possible to achieve finite expected cumulative regret . +0 The P300 wave appears between 250 and 450 ms after the target stimulus and is mainly located in the parietal and the occipital lobes . +1 This robopsychological approach raises some fundamental theoretical questions of machine learning . +0 This is reflected by the test in line 8 in DYNAMICHS . +1 Knowledge base is the way to store structured and unstructured data throughout the web . +0 In Example 4.3 inference is trying to determine the coefficients and mixing bias of two lines . +1 when we only care about the most likely label or class for each node and not the exact probabilities ) . +0 Details on adaptive control of negative learning are out of the scope of this paper . +1 In this work we propose a technique based on distributed representation of words ( or word embeddings ) . +0 11 is an equality must be a minimiser of Eqn . +1 This strategy allows us to set out our understanding of the design of the program by describing the roles of small parts of the program in a mathematically precise way . +0 We consider two cases in the first one the listening action has no resource consumption and in the second case it has a resource consumption associated with the action . +1 Detailed analysis reveals important aspects of a good hash function : 1 ) having appropriate granularity and 2 ) encoding information relevant to solving the MDP . +0 We next give a brief overview of the obstacles that appear and the techniques involved in our proof . +1 Name disambiguation has become one of the main themes in the Semantic Web agenda . +0 then propose a SoReg method by exactly modeling the influence and propagation mechanism between users [ 6 ] . +1 We present a converged algorithm for Tikhonov regularized nonnegative matrix factorization ( NMF ) . +0 Human semantic knowledge relies heavily on perceptual information [ 126 ] and many concepts are grounded in the perceptual system and are not purely symbolic [ 16 ] . +1 The resulting framework adaptively provides users with novelty tailored to their preferences for change per se . +0 For SGLD we also used a range of fixed stepsizes . +1 Recognizing body affect in sequences requires efficient algorithms to capture both the micro movements that differentiate between happy and sad and the macro variations between different actions . +0 We then computed the average rating using the predicted ratings of our DCNN model for each app . +1 Asynchronous Partial Overlay ( APO ) is a search algorithm that uses cooperative mediation to solve Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems ( DisCSPs ) . +0 The workers were presented with the WordNet description of a scene and were asked to draw it with their mouse . +1 Based on results from different behavioural experiments we argue that the implicit learnability of semantic regularities depends on the degree to which the relevant concept is reflected in language use . +0 This gives a very concise rule for gradient descent update in ReLU networks . +1 The performance of DL methods as well as more traditional classifiers drops significantly in such settings . +0 The significant amount of labelled data for the training process originates from the previously generated roughly segmented data sets . +1 A variant of conformal predictors called Inductive Mondrian Conformal Predictor is applied to deal with these challenges . +0 In the following we present the first ILP model for solving the MCSP . +1 Many systems of structured argumentation explicitly require that the facts and rules that make up the argument for a conclusion be the minimal set required to derive the conclusion . +0 Results showed good performance for all models regarding the selected evaluation metrics . +1 This paper attempts to bridge that gap by examining popular embeddings for the task of monolingual English WSD . +0 The queue is shuffled once all the moves are saved in it . +1 The empirical validation is done on the task of stereo correspondence and demonstrates that we achieve competitive results among the methods which do not use labeled target domain data . +0 The USPS dataset was collected from scans of random letters in a US post office . +1 Healthcare datasets generally have many attributes and each attribute generally has many distinct values . +0 Testing corpus Dtest will only contain sentences and entity mentions . +1 Many Machine Learning techniques have been proposed to deal with this problem ; some results appear to be quite promising but there is no obvious superior method . +0 We associate with M an ELIQ to be included in C ( and these are the only ELIQs in C ) . +1 This also provides partial theoretical explanation for Amin et al . +0 96 all marginal contributions for each node by the the number of iterations performed . +1 FTVI restricts its attention to connected components that are relevant for solving the MDP . +0 1 ( a ) finishing the budget 6 hours early . +1 The problem is known to be NP hard and greedy methods based on specialized impurity functions have been proposed . +0 For the first second we initialize hidden units with zeros and for the subsequent 3 chunks we use the previous hidden states as initialization . +1 The intuition is enabling our model to memorize how much information from images should be fed at each stage of the RNN . +0 The advantages of this method are a ) It is reducing dimensionality depending upon alphabet size . +1 Recent experimental data show that the multiscale nature of the evolving human brain can be implemented by reprogramming human cells . +0 The search space to evolve new games consists of the six movement logics found in chess . +1 We study the problem of modeling spatiotemporal trajectories over long time horizons using expert demonstrations . +0 We have consider this approach and obtained some results for it . +1 Decreasing this data requirement would significantly speed up the training process and possibly improve generalization . +0 Knowledge bases such as Wordnet [ ] or Freebase [ ] are a key source for providing structured information about general human knowledge . +1 It reduces the costs of experiments and provides detail that is lost when using formal methods . +0 Improving word representations via global context and multiple word prototypes . +1 The new method uses free energy as a criterion to obtain elite samples from generative model . +0 This paper suggests the way to filter the described fuzzy duplicates based on the bag of words model built on the names in the source code . +1 This work analyzes how unanimous decisions are taken within the team and the robustness of the model against different types of manipulations . +0 This results in a population consisting of a mix of individuals evaluated with the real fitness function and those whose fitnesses are approximated . +1 A process centric view of robust PCA ( RPCA ) allows its fast approximate implementation based on a special form o a deep neural network with weights shared across all layers . +0 The proposed algorithm can be extended for better measurements of the distortion in the observed signal by embedding more parameters in equation ( 14 ) that can be learned online from the observed signal . +1 We demonstrate the strength of our online approach compared to the conventional ones whose graph is constructed on static but not robust enough feature representations beforehand . +0 In Table 2 we compare the accuracy of the model using the four considered types of weights ( Sec . +1 Word completion and word prediction are two important phenomena in typing that benefit users who type using keyboard or other similar devices . +0 An assumption made by the algorithm is that the presence or absence of an anomaly can be detected by observing these features . +1 A conversational agent should have this ability and know when to be specific and when to be general . +0 ( 2015 ) to compare between different semantic dependency schemes . +1 Then we show how these three logics can be unified by allowing the function domain to vary relative to different agents and possible worlds . +0 At this moment we are not focusing on this matter . +1 Enforcing this condition at learning time thus ensures that the learned models are tractable . +0 For further details we refer to Srinivas and Babu ( 2015 ) . +1 An important skill in critical thinking and argumentation is the ability to spot and recognize fallacies . +0 The update ( 18 ) represents a classical block coordinate descent step involving particular blocks . +1 It has also been incorporated into an autonomous driving system for realtime vehicle control . +0 Through this layer RoboBrain gets access to new information which the upper layers process ( see Figure 4 ) . +1 This derived model along with the scaling result can then be used to provision the total CPU usage in clock cycles of the same jobs with different input data size . +0 All networks use dynamic fixed point parameters as well as dynamic fixed point layer outputs for convolutional and fully connected layers . +1 This is useful whenever there exists a polynomial time generalized counting oracle ( even if approximate ) over these objects . +0 This handles cases such as entities only differing by years ( e.g . +1 We further relax this problem and propose a highly scalable alternating minimization approach with which we can solve problems with millions of users and items . +0 Kernel canonical correlation analysis ( KCCA ) [ 116 ] uses reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for projection . +1 This framework provides theoretical justification for several existing heuristic approaches found in literature . +0 similar in terms of dimensions representation ) as the manually annotated social attitude of the recruiter in the video ? +1 Thus DSW is able to yield alignment that is semantically more interpretable than that of DTW . +0 It is a folklore result and we provide a proof for completeness . +1 The algorithm partitions the search into different subproblems of the DisCSP . +0 We tracked the last two time steps for a total of 16 feature planes . +1 The PA is defined as the performance advantage relative to the Bayesian risk restricted to knowing only the distribution of the labels . +0 Exploratory and confirmatory analyses were performed on the said data . +1 The vast majority of recommender systems model preferences as static or slowly changing due to observable user experience . +0 2016 ] report experiments run on 100 million tweets associated with 72 different rumours . +1 Community based question answering platforms have attracted substantial users to share knowledge and learn from each other . +0 In this subsection we derive explicit form of the prediction strategies for Learner used in Theorems 4 and 5 . +1 We use a version of Lewis Imaging as the revision operation . +0 And the performances of the two matrices is evenly matched when k grows . +1 The proposed method is validated from a real bucket test and we show strong results comparing to old algorithms +0 Degree sequences are a natural way to break a graph search problem into independent cases ( one for each possible degree sequence ) . +1 Both graphs can be constructed from the training data or learned and adapted along the dictionary learning process . +0 We also implemented an IFFT kernel based on our FFT kernel . +1 We envision that the presented approach paves the way for researchers in both fields to form meaningful hypotheses that are explicitly testable using the concepts developed and exemplified in this paper . +0 We compared the full UNREAL agent to a basic A3C LSTM agent along with several ablated versions of UNREAL with different components turned off . +1 The experimental results also show that classical range restriction with unrestricted blocking provides a useful complementary method . +0 Our detailed methodology to augment METEOR metric is presented in the next section . +1 We extensively evaluate MCB on the visual question answering and grounding tasks . +0 The feature extraction process is performed as follows : An FNA is taken from the breast mass . +1 We propose strategies to monitor the quality of this evaluation process . +0 Scan statistics approaches are based on Kulldorff original work [ 8 ] and its variant extensions and are developed for detection of anomalous patterns from spatiotemporal data sets . +1 Special attention is paid to the Deep Learning techniques and architectures implemented from scratch using Python and NumPy for this competition . +0 A clear distinction is remarked between consonants on the upper left corner and vowels on the lower right . +1 A Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) has become a very popular machine learning method for text classification . +0 We refer to this model as Dialog Act Context Language Model ( DACLM ) . +1 We use the scattering network as a generic and fixed initialization of the first layers of a supervised hybrid deep network . +0 In this section we review basic definitions and results on stability . +1 These accuracies are also higher than taking only the topology of networks into account . +0 For experiments with Bayesian Optimization we explored using two libraries : MOE developed by Yelp [ 11 ] and Matlab implementation from [ 8 ] . +1 The main advantage is that we only require a prior distribution on a class of simulators ( generative models ) . +0 A criticism of formal verification has always been whether it can scale up to handle industrial designs . +1 Deep neural networks are highly expressive models that have recently achieved state of the art performance on speech and visual recognition tasks . +0 We ran the SSNMF and NMFSC on the ORL face dataset . +1 The extracted propositions are then fed into a probabilistic reasoner ( we investigate both Markov Logic and Probabilistic Soft Logic ) . +0 If this were then subjected to an appropriate course of education one would obtain the adult brain . +1 In this paper we compare features from various layers of convolutional neural nets to standard SIFT descriptors . +0 Directory based search engines organize resources in tree structured directories sorted according to subject area . +1 We also unveil that the existence of the uncertainties in the daily production quantity heavily affects the order scheduling . +0 For each rule we ran experiments using a variety of classifiers and feature vector combinations . +1 This paper introduces an algorithm aimed at reducing the complexity of applying linear operators in high dimension by approximately factorizing the corresponding matrix into few sparse factors . +0 The stream reasoning [ 21 ] where the temporal dimension is not represented directly in RDF may benefit from our work as it allows the temporal dimension to be incorporated within the RDF syntax . +1 We introduce a new method that finds dependent subspaces of views directly optimized for the data analysis task of neighbor retrieval between multiple views . +0 We briefly make this connection before deriving a simple expression that explicitly makes use of the uncertainty near cluster boundaries due to limited data . +1 We establish rigorous additive and multiplicative approximation error bounds depending on the condition number of the input matrix . +0 The outputs of each layer pair are concatenated and fed as the input for each proceeding layer of the untrained module . +1 During the learning phase we adopt a smoothed version of this model that uses separate mixtures for each data dimension . +0 In this article we assume that an epistemic transition system never halts . +1 The WS kernel enables to use WS test data as training data for vector space representations of words . +0 We then computed the likelihood of the true unknown class proportion under this beta distribution . +1 We propose a novel evaluation framework based on the formal notion of MacGyver Test which provides a practical way for assessing the resilience and resourcefulness of artificial agents . +0 Its crowdsourced evaluation is added to Qt and we let it conduct its categorization ( evaluation ) label to adjacent HITs in ECG . +1 We demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our approach by means of computing maximal resilience bounds for a number of ANN benchmark sets ranging from typical image recognition scenarios to the autonomous maneuvering of robots . +0 In this particular book each chapter starts with a heading which looks like standard text but is slightly indented . +1 In this paper we present a new method for the diagnosis of Coronary Artery Diseases ( CAD ) founded on Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) wrapped Bayes Naive ( BN ) based FS . +0 The difficulty of estimating a Gaussian mixture distribution depends on the amount of separation between the mean vectors . +1 We report an implementation of a clinical information extraction tool that leverages deep neural network to annotate event spans and their attributes from raw clinical notes and pathology reports . +0 With the additional assumption that infinitely many SMO steps end up free we can use Theorem 1 to show the convergence of Algorithm 1 to an optimal solution . +1 Training with stochastic gradient descent and variants requires careful parameter tuning and provides no guarantee to achieve the global optimum . +0 This raises a question of how different the mixing times of different scans can be . +1 A successful matching algorithm needs to adequately model the internal structures of language objects and the interaction between them . +0 A smaller version of the dataset consists of 165 images of 15 individuals and the generating result can be found in Appendix A.4.2 . +1 We explore the connection between dimensionality and communication cost in distributed learning problems . +0 Other language pairs have also shown significant improvement when reordering is employed . +1 Our derivations show that some popular volatility models are a special case of our proposed neural stochastic volatility model . +0 A user may have a tendency to rate above ( or beyond ) the average . +1 We present a distant supervision method using conditional random fields . +0 [ 9 ] shows exactly this sort of behavior in VSMs learned for language modeling . +1 Experiments with both synthetic and real world data sets have demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of CR mining . +0 There are several tools that facilitate one or more of the reasoning tasks . +1 We propose a neural network based approach for learning topics from text and image datasets . +0 The location of the user and the outliers of APs are jointly estimated through a single optimization problem . +1 We train several different architectures by learning only a small number of weights and predicting the rest . +0 2012 ] presented a unifying framework for information theoretic feature selection using an optimized loss function of the conditional likelihood of the training labels . +1 Automated Driving ( AD ) has potential to drastically reduce such accidents . +0 ( 15 ) We begin with an outline of the proof of Theorem ( 3.1 ) . +1 Many deep neural networks trained on natural images exhibit a curious phenomenon in common : on the first layer they learn features similar to Gabor filters and color blobs . +0 The majority of the instances are clustered in a small region in the feature space while some other points are dispersed across the whole space . +1 The richly structured architecture of the Schema Network can learn the dynamics of an environment directly from data . +0 ( More specific details are given in Section 4 . ) +1 We present a new distributed representation in deep neural nets wherein the information is represented in native form as a matrix . +0 ( 2016 ) ) method upon which the main derivation in this paper is based . +1 The vanishing or exploding gradient problem is a well known issue associated with these challenges . +0 The extended version of the dataset with the annotation for MTL is made available for download for comparison purposes 1 . +1 Our architecture is also modularized to allow different models to be independently trained for different phases of the game . +0 Roy and Earnest ( 2006 ) proposed an approach to effectively compute the trajectories for target tracking based on maximizing mutual information ( evaluated using the change in variance of the probability distribution ) . +1 A naive way is to filter the signal in order to reduce the noise and to apply a classification algorithm on the filtered samples . +0 It contains the single features in the columns and the data points in the rows . +1 We define two algorithms for propagating information in classification problems with pairwise relationships . +0 Special Challenges Domain independent conflict resolution is a topic that needs further research . +1 We further propose to iterate the two steps in LLE repeatedly to improve the results . +0 We explored embeddings with dimensionalities between 1We thank Herman Kamper for assistance with the data and evaluation . +1 The results also show that trained models successfully generalize across environments and goals . +0 This effect results in diminished improvements when the language model is applied . +1 We propose a new approach for metric learning by framing it as learning a sparse combination of locally discriminative metrics that are inexpensive to generate from the training data . +0 We consider mean and standard deviation of each run ( 9000 values ) for the 6 sensors to obtain 2 derived sensors per sensor ( similar to [ 9 ] ) . +1 We begin with the observation that a shallow RNN is exactly equivalent to a very deep ResNet with weight sharing among the layers . +0 We will now determine the CPT and use it to check its goodness . +1 We present a technique which prevents a reinforcement learning agent from learning to disable the big red button . +0 An important class of tie breaking rules is the class of lexicographic tie breaking rules where the ties are broken in a fixed complete order of candidates . +1 Classic LDA extracts features which preserve class separability and is used for dimensionality reduction for many classification problems . +0 The current state B will be encoded as vector [ 0 1 0 ] . +1 Deep conditional generative models are developed to simultaneously learn the temporal dependencies of multiple sequences . +0 Figure 3 : Modification of spatial reference in query for integrating egocentrism to media retrieval consistent reference frame . +1 We establish a general correspondence between hitting times of the Brownian motion and analogous hitting times on the graph . +0 The experimental results demonstrated that it is more efficient when compared to similar approaches [ 87 ] . +1 We subject these new traits to a comprehensive set of evaluations and compare them with a popular five factor model of personality . +0 The performance is good enough to solve the XOR problem . +1 We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach through simulations and real experiments on a quadrotor testbed . +0 The gain we report in AUC compared to the marginal baseline ( 0.24 ) is more than triple the gain achieved on the dataset to date ( 0.07 ) . +1 Sparse coding is a common approach to learning local features for object recognition . +0 The first QLM is shown to be more effective in query expansion experiments . +1 A genetic algorithm is applied over many generations whereas machine learning works by applying feedback until the system meets a performance threshold . +0 The results of our experiments are described in Section 6.2 . +1 We demonstrate on several language model datasets that our approach performs significantly better than recent memory augmented networks . +0 Data points are collected from 29 geographical regions and we treat each region as a binary classification task . +1 We achieve progress in this direction by incorporating search based strategy . +0 Figure 1 shows a plot of the variance ratios of the resulting components . +1 Many AI applications rely on knowledge encoded in a locigal knowledge base ( KB ) . +0 The results in this section are summarized in Table 5.1 . +1 Deep structured output learning shows great promise in tasks like semantic image segmentation . +0 People who score low on conscientiousness are more likely to engage in antisocial behavior [ 38 ] . +1 We also show that our method outperforms direct supervised learning of the reward . +0 We used 45 different datasets for a thorough evaluation of the algorithms . +1 We also show that the Bethe free energy is equal to the TAP free energy up to second order in the weights . +0 Strong DP regimes are tricky to handle for learning algorithms . +1 The authorship attribution is a problem of considerable practical and technical interest . +0 For the above mentioned reasons we only report results in the rest of the report for SVMs . +1 These rules are then fed into an inference engine to produce a fuzzy inference system ( FIS ) and to infer the results . +0 Results from a shallow convolutional ACE are on Figure 4 . +1 We propose an adaptive method that automatically tunes the key algorithm parameters to achieve optimal performance without user oversight . +0 Extending the derivations above to sampling K sentences is straightforward and we omit it for brevity . +1 Opinions about the 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidates have been expressed in millions of tweets that are challenging to analyze automatically . +0 We tested on a subset of 100 sentences from the French corpus with lengths of up to 80 words . +1 Reference is the crucial property of language that allows us to connect linguistic expressions to the world . +0 Both files are normalized before being combined so that contributions are strictly proportional to the noise level chosen . +1 Do word embeddings converge to learn similar things over different initializations ? +0 An important advantage of the reverse mode is that it is significantly less costly to evaluate than the forward mode for functions with a large number of input variables . +1 The process of abstracting the LISA system to two different types of discrete probabilistic models ( DTMC and MDP ) is investigated and illustrated . +0 The POMCP algorithm only requires a simulator of the problem so it also applies to our special POMDPs . +1 This approach may be useful for correction of errors in communications devices . +0 This training set contains data from all 10 digits with an approximately uniform proportion . +1 Unsupervised acoustic model adaptation is cast as the problem of updating the decision boundaries implemented by each pooling operator . +0 The first modification to the siamese baseline is to use a learnet to predict some of the intermediate shared stream parameters ( fig . +1 We propose using the rotation plane parameterization to represent the orthogonal matrices . +0 Country dataset is significantly smaller thus we set this threshold to 5 elements . +1 We conclude with a discussion on future research directions for our new task . +0 We will continue in this way so that alternate layers represent nodes present in S and new nodes . +1 Our first experiment evaluates whether these models can learn the basic algebra of logical relations involved . +0 The first possibility is tackled by programming the semantic parser to follow the geomagnetic reference frame . +1 We show that by exploiting descriptive feedback our model learns to perform better than when given independently written human captions . +0 Now assume that square k is revealed not to contain a DD . +1 This precision may be unavailable due to latency or error in the pose estimation . +0 We refer to this issue as the vanishing latent variable problem . +1 The obtained language modeling is closely related to NCE language models but is based on a simplified objective function . +0 It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure all information is provided to enable the organisers to recreate the solution . +1 Recurrent neural networks ( RNNs ) are notoriously difficult to train . +0 The upper bound for the number of relevant attributes will depend on the number of instances that are to be generated . +1 Machine comprehension of text is an important problem in natural language processing . +0 Random dictator is a simple randomized mechanism which achieves an approximation ratio of 2 in the continuous model . +1 KnowNER is a multilingual Named Entity Recognition ( NER ) system that leverages different degrees of external knowledge . +0 Several heuristics were developed and applied to collect these fact annotations ; see our supplementary materials for details . +1 Materials and Methods : Lung cancer database consist of 32 patient records with 57 features . +0 This layer efficiently anonymizes the domain information hidden in the CNN features . +1 This problem is characterized by a huge solution space with a highly multimodal landscape . +0 The first part of the table shows results from Paperno et al . +1 This automaton can be compiled to executable code ; thus we expect a speedup in runtime of query evaluation . +0 u is used as the input for the inference model on z . +1 The most essential benefit of such logical KBs is the opportunity to perform automatic reasoning which however requires a KB to meet some minimal quality criteria such as consistency . +0 Chapter describes how the word vectors used in our experiments were trained . +1 We show that blind temporal learning on large and densely encoded time series using deep convolutional neural networks is viable and a strong candidate approach for this task . +0 All variants utilise a convolutional core with 2 intermediate hidden layers ( see Appendix A ) ; parameters were updated by supervised learning ( see Appendix B for more details ) . +1 Speech is one of the most effective ways of communication among humans . +0 Multivariate distributions constructed using Theorem 1 do not necessarily possess a density function . +1 We evaluate our method on digit recognition and sentiment analysis datasets . +0 In Sections 3 and 5 we argue for the former ( stronger ) view . +1 The aim of this brief is to design a robust projection matrix for the Compressive Sensing ( CS ) system when the signal is not exactly sparse . +0 The core of the network is the GRU layer ( s ) and additional feedforward layers can be added between the last layer and the output . +1 In order to achieve this we introduce the conditional distribution of heuristic values which is a generalization of their unconditional heuristic distribution . +0 This follows directly from the fact that maximization over a set of objects is a submodular function . +1 Monte Carlo Tree Search has been so far the best technique to tackle this problem and we will show that by using tabling we can achieve much better runtime efficiency and better plan quality . +0 Obtaining a model from data can be seen as a search problem guided by an evaluation criterion that establishes a preference ordering among different alternatives . +1 Each cell in the band can then store a cell weight value and also a set of weights that represent its own importance to each of the output categories . +0 ( a ) Tags components consist of an input layer in size of available tags and a single hidden layer . +1 The key idea is that good features should maximise such dependence . +0 ( iii ) How can we optimize the exploration process ? +1 This is because conventional RPCA ignores the clustering structures of the data which are ubiquitous in modern applications . +0 Examples 3 and 4 use the error function Erf ( a ) in order to construct smooth approximations of the hinge loss and the absolute loss ( see Fig . +1 Neural network based approaches for sentence relation modeling automatically generate hidden matching features from raw sentence pairs . +0 The following theorem ( stating only the leading terms w.r.t . +1 It ensures a representation generated as such captures the semantic meanings of the document during learning . +0 Table 3 shows what information is included in the training data for each of the four settings for one of the three target datasets . +1 Our primary contribution is an analogical reasoning process to construct blends between level design models learned from gameplay videos . +0 ( Default perturbation parameters are considered for the retained edges . ) +1 We introduce a biased sigmoid activation function and use it to show that DNN learn and perform better when optimized for demodulation . +0 The details of this equivalence can be found in the supplementary material . +1 All experiments were run on a Tesla K40c GPU benefiting from a speedup of up to factor 10 over the computations on a CPU . +0 The input module computes the hidden states of a recurrent sequence model [ 7 ] . +1 How can a client be sure that the cloud has performed inference correctly ? +0 5 provides a high level view of the architecture of EST . +1 The purpose of this paper is to start the search for possible relationships between these different topics . +0 These cluster generation algorithms require a lot of computations8 that grow linearly with the numbers of users and can not be precomputed because users and items are changing over time in the database . +1 This paper presents the ability of Functional Link Neural Network ( FLNN ) to overcome the complexity structure of MLP by using single layer architecture and propose an Artificial Bee Colony ( ABC ) optimization for training the FLNN . +0 Table 6.2 summarizes our results on the computability of these agents . +1 This yields dual stable positive definite problems which improves regression performance . +0 In this algorithm we use some standard notation for indexing vector elements . +1 Deep learning consists in training neural networks to perform computations that sequentially unfold in many steps over a time dimension or an intrinsic depth dimension . +0 All the TEMP methods have significantly lower error compared with the AVG method . +1 Our Chinese Restaurant Process system is fast and does not require any threshold and can be applied to any language family of the world . +0 The segmentation accuracy can be a good indicator to show the degree of the correlation between GAS and phoneme boundaries . +1 Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are quite efficient in practice . +0 The classification it makes is then provided to a human expert called the oracle for her judgment . +1 The general idea is to find groups of assets which share similar return characteristics over time and treat each group as a single composite asset . +0 It remains to translate this result into a statement about the generalization error of dropout . +1 Nominal trajectories are determined and learned using data driven methods . +0 This structure is significantly sparser and more efficient to compute than the full matrix calculus in Equation ( 4 ) . +1 One of the problem in this context is the Canadian Traveler Problem ( CTP ) . +0 Another way is the hybridization of Markov chains with other methods . +1 In this paper we investigate ways of representing and reasoning about this uncertainty in algorithms where the system attempts to learn a model of its environment . +0 knowledge of the data distribution can be kept stored in the critic weights . +1 This facilitates software maintenance : change requests can be performed substantially faster . +0 All these combinations make our final submissions to SRE 2016 . +1 In this paper we describe a suite of techniques for expressing causal inference tasks from observational data in SQL . +0 The details of the proposed algorithm is presented in Algorithm 2 . +1 All symptoms ( features ) of lung cancer do not appear until the cancer spreads to other areas . +0 Two clean signals are sufficiently overlapped in the mixed speech and hard to separate them from each other . +1 In this paper we propose evaluating methods for learning word representations by their consistency across initializations . +0 ( 2011 ) ; these three models are used in LiNGPY ( List and Forkel ( 2016 ) ) . +1 Scenes not included in the training set are mostly unrecognized either . +0 Reference games Results for the two reference games are shown in Table 1 . +1 Several papers have been published on the problem of visual emotion analysis . +0 This confirms that our proposed CPA helps face recognition by effectively aligning individual facial parts . +1 Our approach is computationally efficient and has proven guarantees of convergence to the optimal system for a fixed architecture . +0 Training uses up these samples and the cache is recomputed once it is empty . +1 To overcome this problem we extract rules from Bayesian network using genetic algorithm . +0 Another notable work related to the issue of semantic models is the work presented by Mika and Tommerallo ( 2008 ) on Web semantics in the Clouds [ 20 ] . +1 Our approach is generic and applicable to other open problems in statistical estimation where heuristic statistical physics predictions are available . +0 The model with 0 items also expresses the base performance obtained on users unable to provide ratings during the interview . +1 This is achieved by continuously monitoring the discrepancy between most recent predictions and the actual observations . +0 The two models share the same neural network for feature extraction . +1 There is a large variation in the activities that humans perform in their everyday lives . +0 Figure 3 shows how this can lead to incorrect marginal probability estimates . +1 The results show that the computation of the inferred triples can be highly scalable . +0 We renormalize the gradient if its norm is greater than 5 . +1 In such cases the type of failure is not known in advance and the unsupervised setting is more appropriate for diagnosis . +0 Several classifier hyperparameters are kept to the default values given in Weka . +1 This problem can be cast into a linear supervised learning task where the neuroimaging data are used as predictors for the stimulus . +0 These categories and their description are shown in Table 4.2 . +1 We study a natural variant of the implicational fragment of propositional logic . +0 This property is enforced by the linear constraint in Line 9 . +1 The model was also validated in presence of different level of random noise for the small artificial network and that proved its ability to infer the correct inferences in presence of noise like real world dataset . +0 The solver outputs the intermediate solutions ( with decreasing values of I ) encountered during the search for the minimum value of I . +1 The algorithm works on the principle of iteratively building clusters by finding the points with the maximal distance from the cluster center . +0 We report the results as listed in [ 40 ] . +1 The experimental results confirm the expectation of the theory that QuadBoost is a very efficient method for learning ensembles . +0 This deep architecture outperforms existing methods for human activity recognition using accelerometers as shown by the experimental analysis on real world datasets in Section VI . +1 It is a challenging task to select correlated variables in a high dimensional space . +0 He describes it as a possibility that no interesting properties we would like to amplify will correspond to ability to design better software . +1 Transfer Learning is concerned with the application of knowledge gained from solving a problem to a different but related problem domain . +0 design communication efficient distributed algorithms to cluster such stable graphs [ 18 ] . +1 The decomposition depends both on the input sequence and on the output sequence . +0 We end this section with a lower bound on the KL divergence between two Bernoulli distributions . +1 We analyze the performance of this classification method with Safari over HTTPS . +0 Let the number of samples processed till now be b and number of samples in the current chunk be s. b is initially equal to N0 . +1 It has been shown that these networks still work well when they are applied to datasets or recognition tasks different from those they were trained on . +0 An ensemble is thus specified via a condition determining when components are part of the particular ensemble and via knowledge that has to be interchanged . +1 This paper presents an approach for transforming data granularity in hierarchical databases for binary decision problems by applying regression to categorical attributes at the lower grain levels . +0 We will show that in this way we achieve both good accuracy and scalability . +1 The attention model has become a standard component in neural machine translation ( NMT ) and it guides translation process by selectively focusing on parts of the source sentence when predicting each target word . +0 When specialized to this setting our result is thus unimprovable . +1 Reducing communication makes the efficient aggregation of partial work from different machines more challenging . +0 They used and compared the result of two different classifiers including continuous hidden markov model ( HMM ) and support vector machine . +1 The Google DeepMind challenge match in March 2016 was a historic achievement for computer Go development . +0 All existing works have been implemented as ASICs using TSMC 180 nm2 technology . +1 We employ probability distribution from the detection of each pedestrian and use Bayesian update to track the next position . +0 The training documents contain on average 454 words and a maximum of 4009 words . +1 This paper is on active learning where the goal is to reduce the data annotation burden by interacting with a ( human ) oracle during training . +0 The following proposition shows the complexity results in relation to prime implicant when the background theory is empty . +1 In this paper we propose Conformative Filtering ( CoF ) as a novel method for addressing the lack of negative examples in implicit feedback . +0 ( 2016 ) showed that relation paths between entities in KBs provide richer information and improve the relationship prediction . +1 The main contribution of this work is an effective algorithm for the DHCP . +0 We only prune the weights of the recurrent and linear layers but not the biases or batch norm parameters since they are much fewer in number compared to the weights . +1 A small set of a handful of instance relations is required as input from the user . +0 The choice of loss function in the optimization has a significant impact on how Deep Shading will be perceived by a human observer . +1 This paper promotes the usage of performance profiles as a standard practice to visualize and analyze experimental results . +0 This subsampling procedure has been found beneficial in other applications [ 27 ] . +1 We further observe that the studied hyperparameters are virtually independent and derive guidelines for their efficient adjustment . +0 Figure 2 illustrates a strong positive correlation between outlier class and both OPP scores and accuracy . +1 With our approach we can learn policies for walking in less than 100 trials for a range of challenging settings . +0 These parameters can form a large receptive field for each type of basic features considering that only one convolutional layer was designed . +1 We provide several theoretical analysis on the superiority of our model . +0 We rst introduce our approach for learning the neural network . +1 This paper presents a named entity extraction system for detecting attributes in product titles of eCommerce retailers like Walmart . +0 A.4 in Supplementary Materials for a fuller description of the agent ) . +1 In a discriminative classification task the newly learned representations outperform these from the original approximate RPCA formulation significantly . +0 Eliezer Yudkowsky has been at the forefront of warning about this kind of danger from AI ( Yudkowsky 2001 ) . +1 Our findings constitute the first unambiguous evidence that DNN perform abstract learning in practical use . +0 An efficient MIPS routine can make structural SVM faster and more scalable . +1 The model is based on the principle of mutual predictability . +0 Its AUC performance dominated those of the CART and C4.5 algorithms . +1 Determining an optimal set of exchanges is theoretically and empirically hard . +0 We leave the search for a reasonable topology on the space of classical interpretations for future work . +1 The experimental results demonstrate that FSL and FQL have acceptable performance in terms of adjusted number of virtual machine targeted to optimize SLA compliance and response time . +0 We make this decision randomly and update all pairwise relations that this decision and the existing ones imply due to transitivity . +1 We prove COAL can be efficiently implemented for any regression family that admits squared loss optimization ; it also enjoys strong guarantees with respect to predictive performance and labeling effort . +0 The following lemma shows that the first m left singular vectors of P21 are a natural choice for U . +1 We classify based on cosine similarity of vectors derived from the contexts in unlabeled query and labeled example sentences . +0 ( 2016 ) use domain adaptation methods to improve POS tagging on AAE corpora . +1 We study optimization algorithms based on variance reduction for stochastic gradient descent ( SGD ) . +0 Another encoding uses just one extra bit per brick container at the expense of not being able to encode all possible combinations of ineffectual values . +1 This paper extends recent work in interactive machine learning ( IML ) focused on effectively incorporating human feedback . +0 ( 4 ) ( 5 ) Where the output of the previous neuron and is the learning rate . +1 We propose a model that is generic enough to handle any supervised learning task and also subsumes the model previously proposed for classification . +0 ( 17 ) Note that this definition extends the usual definition of weighted vector in the realvalued case . +1 Deep generative models have recently shown great promise in imitation learning for motor control . +0 Branching occurs on an unassigned variable at some node and the children of this node correspond to assigning the variable 1 or 0 . +1 The experiments on a representative image emotion dataset have shown interesting correlation between saliency and sentiment in different scene types and in turn shed light on the mechanism of visual sentiment evocation . +0 These models provide tractable likelihood evaluations and compelling results but it is unclear how to select the factorization order in many applications . +1 However in practice they exhibit a bias towards short sequences even when using a beam search to find the optimal sequence . +0 A pair of pixels is connected in the thresholded affinity graph if and only if their maximin affinity exceeds the threshold value . +1 The reduction in complexity is at least a constant and in the best case quadratic . +0 Each bidder has a valuation that is subadditive over independent items ( see Definition 1 ) . +1 The existence principle and productive functions imply the existence of physical systems whose reasoning processes can not be modeled by Turing machines . +0 Let us consider what above equation requires if we take R and S to be the Codd Tables 5.3 . +1 A filtering model is then applied to select candidates with high grammaticality and domain relevance . +0 The scores of relatedness were assessed based on an online survey . +1 The operative agents explore blindly the fitness landscape and the monitor provides them with feedback on the quality ( fitness ) of the proposed solutions . +0 We only give an intuitive explanation for the construction of the desired 2WAPA . +1 We used a novel deep regression structure for overall completeness estimation . +0 At this point the matrix of scores would be used to predict cognates . +1 The human and robot share the same global goal and collaborate to achieve it . +0 [ Silva and Willett 2008b ] and [ Silva and Willett 2008a ] address the problem of detecting anomalous meetings in very large social networks based on hypergraphs . +1 My thesis spans both theoretical analysis of tensor decomposition framework and practical implementation of various applications . +0 The MUSHRA scores combined across all three languages for each system are presented in Fig . +1 It is imperative to detect and act on such threats in a timely manner . +0 The graphical representations of the shallow and deep models under the Classifier architecture are displayed in Figure 1 with their full set of dependencies . +1 We also explore a number of secondary issues within this model and present detailed experiments on MNIST digits . +0 Let M be the set of manipulators and C the set of candidates . +1 One way to resolve the conflict is to extract general characteristics of whole populations without disclosing the private information of individuals . +0 The model parameters are learned to maximize the likelihood of the correct candidates given the queries across the training set . +1 We further show that applying deep residual learning can boost both convergence speed and recognition accuracy of our novel recurret convolutional networks . +0 From a theoretical viewpoint it is of interest to determine how far this kind of technique might take us by extending lower bounds for exact IPS join to the approximate case . +1 Probabilistic inference is a key computational challenge in statistical machine learning and artificial intelligence . +0 One being that in studies regarding learning these graphs by Hart ( 2009b ) ; Wong and Grupen ( 2016 ) ; Ruiken et al . +1 The algorithms operate on directed graphs with real ( possibly negative ) weights . +0 This way costs are amortized resulting in a constant workload per turn . +1 Data mining techniques are primarily oriented to handle discrete features . +0 This implies that all grid tensors realizable by the shallow ConvNet are also realizable by the deep ConvNet . +1 In this paper we compare the convergence of synchronous and asynchronous SGD for training a modern ResNet network architecture on the ImageNet classification problem . +0 The fixed path feature of TSP results in a very stable experimental performance and can also be used as a good reference for comparing with adaptive approaches . +1 Open world games present players with more freedom than games with linear progression structures . +0 These approaches were already discussed in some depth in Section 2.3 . +1 We propose a simple neural architecture for natural language inference . +0 We calculate the BLEU score between the sentence generated by our predictive model with each sentence that can be generated by the grammar and record the sentence that achieves the highest score . +1 Together they ensure each branching component deals with a subset of categories confusing to each other . +0 This means that we can trust NLL as a measure of uncertainty for these datasets . +1 Microbial fuel cells ( MFCs ) perform wastewater treatment and electricity production through the conversion of organic matter using microorganisms . +0 Each model was trained five times with different initial conditions . +1 These results reveal a surprising observation that the computational complexity of the MDP depends on the data structure of input . +0 We denote as O the set of all overlap functions . +1 We propose a coactive online learning framework for teaching preferences in contextually rich environments . +0 This interaction is also why we tune the global interval parameter C only after including the other techniques that affect the branching factor . +1 Our evaluations using synthetic and real brain imaging data in unsupervised and supervised classification tasks demonstrate encouraging performance . +0 This method represents a fast and simple way to determine majorities in votes were only a simple majority is necessary . +1 Crowdsourcing has been successfully employed in the past as an effective and cheap way to execute classification tasks and has therefore attracted the attention of the research community . +0 Our weight function Ted takes the same arguments as Lev above and term weight is defined similarly . +1 The most commonly used method for analysing MCDM problem is Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution ( TOPSIS ) . +0 This is ensured by projecting on K if we ever step outside of K. The projection onto K is defined as follows : Definition 1 ( Projection Operator for K ) . +1 Uplift modeling is a machine learning technique that aims to model treatment effects heterogeneity . +0 They concluded that combining the different techniques seemed a very promising prospect . +1 Background : Electronic health record ( EHR ) notes contain abundant medical jargon that can be difficult for patients to comprehend . +0 Below we briefly describe various methods of exploiting parallelism and locality in the different training methods . +1 We build a range of models leading up to a simple differentiable functional programming language . +0 These studies consider a fair distribution of the utilities of all players usually expressed in monetary units or delay time . +1 Structured prediction applications often involve complex inference problems that require the use of approximate methods . +0 The reason is that many records are withheld because they contain personally identifiable information and not national security information . +1 It is well known that it is challenging to train deep neural networks and recurrent neural networks for tasks that exhibit long term dependencies . +0 Each combination of network and sample size was run 100 times . +1 This is the largest dataset on Bangla handwritten characters yet . +0 These sets are computed from the sets of known and possible instances of concepts . +1 Designing an auction that maximizes expected revenue is an intricate task . +0 We also establish optimality ( in terms of the number of preferences our algorithms sample ) of most of our algorithms by proving tight lower bounds on the sample complexity of this problem . +1 We have observed that stricter control over the number of kernels selected gives us an edge over these techniques in terms of accuracy of classification and also helps us to fine tune the algorithms to the time requirements at hand . +0 This is induced due to the definition of p and the solution of PMP . +1 The experiment results on EmotiW2015 dataset and the qualitative analysis show the efficiency of the proposed two techniques . +0 We hypothesize that this is because LP is sensitive to the quality of the graph distance metric . +1 We start by observing that restrictions on both the scope and the range of the among constraints are necessary to obtain meaningful results . +0 Both these experiments have been performed with 15 arms each representing different distributions at pkc . +1 The vast growth of information on the Internet as well as number of visitors to websites add some key challenges to recommender systems . +0 2 ) Our algorithm can learn feedback policies from demonstrations that perform nearly as well as an oracle with the correct demonstrations ( depending on the context ) manually assigned to controllers . +1 This publication presents a relation computation or calculus for international relations using a mathematical modeling . +0 2015 ) and a module for monitoring health risks based on an ergonomic tool REBA ( Paliyawan and Thawonmas 2016 ) . +1 We show that BiCNet can handle different types of combats under diverse terrains with arbitrary numbers of AI agents for both sides . +0 As previously discussed rt provides a context based on past data so that the SRU may produce noni.i.d . +1 Experiments on various infinite mixture posteriors as well as a feature allocation dataset demonstrate that the proposed statistics are useful in practice . +0 Remark 1 It is crucial to notice that the designated state in a pointed uncertainty map must be one of the states in the uncertainty set . +1 Quantifying the degree of spatial dependence for linguistic variables is a key task for analyzing dialectal variation . +0 The essence of the test is to compare the observed frequencies with the frequencies expected for independence . +1 This sheds light on the distribution of redundancy in the NMT architecture . +0 The visualization sequence of a sample is shown in Fig . +1 The results indicate a general trend in the weight evolution during training of neural networks . +0 The nodes are then visited and assigned with the label which is more frequent among its neighbors . +1 Making an accurate prediction with a minimal cost requires a joint design of the incentive mechanism and the prediction algorithm . +0 The linear interpolation of the obtained points leads to an approximation function . +1 We thus believe that it may be the next standard dataset for evaluating audio scene classification algorithms . +0 Investigating the computational complexity for concept classes for which synthesis is guaranteed to terminate is left as a topic for future research . +1 Innovative algorithms that apply to the special properties of the proposed ADCOP model are presented in detail . +0 This is the fundamental reason that RSC works for networks containing some nodes with extremely small degrees . +1 We also investigate the complexity of some important related decision problems and discuss different design choices which are given to the knowledge engineer . +0 This proves that knowing the appearance of all the anomalies is not important . +1 Discovering the key structure of a database is one of the main goals of data mining . +0 Table 1 shows the number of threads that are used in our model . +1 A quantity estimation model is derived to calculate the required number of sensing units to cover urban streets . +0 We then ran the test on the 5 semantic types . +1 MAXSAT ) force all soft constraints to be hard initially . +0 These classifiers apply the Bayes rule over a collection of labelled training examples to estimate the probability of a given text belonging to a particular class . +1 We also provide general results for an algorithm capable of adapting to a variable rate of drift of the target concept . +0 Code Switched : There is a trail of Hindi words followed by a trail of English words or vice versa . +1 Generative Adversarial Networks ( GANs ) have recently demonstrated to successfully approximate complex data distributions . +0 We can reorder the equations to write the right hand side of Eq . +1 The loss avoids the Long and Servedio [ 2010 ] result by virtue of being negatively unbounded . +0 This step is to ensure that each core of the computer will not hold off a big amount of memory while waiting for the synchronisation step . +1 This paper describes an approach to the methodology of answer set programming ( ASP ) that can facilitate the design of encodings that are easy to understand and provably correct . +0 We artificially construct a favorable source task by learning a DQN to achieve expertise on the target task ( Pong ) and use the learned network . +1 In experiments we show that with this new approximation we can significantly improve upon classical mean field for Bayesian neural networks on both predictive accuracy as well as predictive uncertainty . +0 Our model works through an iterative procedure similar to Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) . +1 In this work the semantic decoder is trained using unaligned semantic annotations and it uses distributed semantic representation learning to overcome the limitations of explicit delexicalisation . +0 The if direction is proved in Theorem 3 ( Soundness ) and the only if direction is proved in Theorem 9 ( Completeness ) . +1 One of the hurdles in learning a language is to learn the rules of syntax of the language . +0 Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page . +1 A standard approach to mitigate this problem is to use one class methods relying only on data from normal behaviour . +0 ( 2017 ) argue it is impossible to make a statistically significant claim as to child productivity . +1 We present a supervised sequence to sequence transduction model with a hard attention mechanism which combines the more traditional statistical alignment methods with the power of recurrent neural networks . +0 Comparing the performance of riffle independent models to other approaches was not possible in previous work since we had not been able to handle partial rankings . +1 Fuzzy optimization deals with finding the values of input parameters of a complex simulated system which result in desired output . +0 Only obtaining locally optimal solution is the main shortcoming of these approaches . +1 The hidden node completely reflects the real data distribution and is not constrained by a specific shape of the cluster . +0 Note that the extractive summaries in Pasokh do not always obey strict extraction rules . +1 These methods can be scaled to handle big data using the distributed and parallel computing technologies . +0 The black line shows the separation performance in the case of no prior is used . +1 This set is used by our redescription set construction procedure to create multiple redescription sets of user defined size . +0 This result suggests that it is important to determine which pooling units are active and then to estimate these values accurately . +1 Previous accent classification research focused mainly on detecting accents with pure acoustic information without recognizing accented speech . +0 Extension to error allowed margin will be briefly discussed at the end of this section . +1 A LDFM models the dependencies between random variables with a forest structure that can change dynamically based on the variable values . +0 In our experiments all audio recordings are sampled at 44.1KHz sampling frequency . +1 Results show that the proposed model is capable of outperforming similarity heuristics which only sample before the negotiation process and of obtaining similar results to similarity heuristics which have access to all of the possible offers . +0 The Greedy algorithm and DFBnB were previously compared in [ 69 ] in the context of monitoring optimization in computer communication networks . +1 This approach confines the recovered matrix to the EDM cone at each iteration of the matrix completion algorithm . +0 ILP delivers hence the structure of an initial BLP where each Horn clause becomes a Bayesian clause with yet unknown statistical parameters . +1 This has given ImageNet a central role in the development of deep architectures for visual object classification . +0 TER and MP4IBM1 get the worst scores by the mean correlation . +1 Again we can show that EG is optimal and strictly better than GD in this setting . +0 Our sparse edit operations are again based on the Levenshtein distance matrix and count specific edits that are annotated with the source and target tokens that took part in the edit . +1 Previous systems achieved this by issuing a symbolic query to the database and adding retrieved results to the dialogue state . +0 Its inferences about the environment based on observations require arbitrary assumptions of prior probabilities of environments . +1 We further find out that the attention mechanism following the top recurrent layer significantly attenuates encoding of phonology and makes the utterance embeddings much more invariant to synonymy . +0 ( 2016b ) to perform very strongly for semantic similarity tasks . +1 We extend adversarial and virtual adversarial training to the text domain by applying perturbations to the word embeddings in a recurrent neural network rather than to the original input itself . +0 ( 2010 ) show that when comparing the performance of different techniques some methodological choices can have a significant impact on the conclusions of any study . +1 The EvoGrader web portal allows biology instructors to upload a response file ( .csv ) containing unlimited numbers of evolutionary explanations written in response to 86 different ACORNS ( Assessing COntextual Reasoning about Natural Selection ) instrument items . +0 Table 1 summarises the details of different structures including the layer width ( the number of feature maps or hidden units ) . +1 The first problem is to reliably mimic the way that users interact with user interfaces . +0 The loopy belief propagation ( LBP ) and the junction tree ( JT ) algorithms are two algorithms that extend the capabilities of the basic BP algorithm to handle graphs with loops . +1 Identifying such profiles can help us bring out offers and discounts . +0 3 describes a sample directed dependency network for different devices in the Data Center . +1 The concept of overfitting in model selection is explained and demonstrated with an example . +0 We report the results of different methods as shown in Table 1 . +1 We further give novel algorithms for solving this problem and report the results of several experiments demonstrating their effectiveness . +0 In the mismatch kernel the contiguity is preserved while the match criterion is changed . +1 The essential properties of an approximate distributed PCA algorithm are its communication cost and computational efficiency for a given desired accuracy in downstream applications . +0 Domain knowledge contains static background information about the conversation topic . +1 Progressive Visual Analytics aims at improving the interactivity in existing analytics techniques by means of visualization as well as interaction with intermediate results . +0 The goal of the search process is to minimize the cost function . +1 We report on our system for the shared task on discriminating between similar languages ( DSL 2016 ) . +0 Both weak and strong alignment options can be chosen in LangPro . +1 Gaussian state space models have been used for decades as generative models of sequential data . +0 SamIam is composed of a graphical interface and a reasoning engine . +1 The ability to describe images with natural language sentences is the hallmark for image and language understanding . +0 Le evoluzioni temporali di questi sistemi sono governate da regole emergenti . +1 Therefore it is essential to have a highly scalable algorithm to build a recommender system for such applications . +0 Both approaches use an argument graph to determine possible ways for propagating ground terms between positions during chase . +1 We present an automatic segmentation strategy using a wide range of stochastic watershed hierarchies . +0 This allows us can explore the impact of these two parameters on the recommendation results . +1 We employed a recurrent neural network initialized with features learned via distant supervision on two large unlabeled datasets . +0 A Volterra kernel given by a bivariate normal probability function was chosen as the family of test plants . +1 We also show the potential for the use of larger DNN models on a GPU . +0 The disk access to HDFS is controlled by the request scheduler in the RegionServer . +1 We further show that the proposed architecture is useful in transfer learning . +0 We initialize the bias to zeros and use normalized initialization [ 6 ] for weight vectors . +1 Texts are complex structures emerging from an intricate system consisting of syntactical constraints and semantical relationships . +0 We split the task of semantic decoding into two steps : ( i ) training a joint model for predicting the dialogue act and presence or absence of slots and ( ii ) predicting the values for the most probable slots detected in ( i ) . +1 The solver with BCD solved an instance from the SAT Race 2015 that was not solved by any solver so far . +0 For the computation of the subsequent query only a leading diagnoses set Dnew w.r.t . +1 In this paper we propose a framework for learning acoustic event detectors using only weakly labeled data based on a Multiple Instance Learning ( MIL ) framework . +0 These pivot language based methods rely on the idea that the lookup of a word in an uncommon language through a third intermediated language could be done with machines . +1 We conduct experiments on a public dataset produced by distant supervision method and the experimental results show that the tagging based methods are better than most of the existing pipelined and joint learning methods . +0 We provide all the resources and the results of crowdsoucing to research community . +1 In addition association rule mining was performed to find whether the time of the day that the advert is served and the number of apps a user has installed makes certain profiles more likely to interact with the advert genres . +0 We will discuss how to refine this control variable set in Section 4.2 . +1 This leads to an interesting question : is it possible to leverage the advantage of deep networks to construct a tree of life ? +0 We note a lower Dice score for the amygdala in comparison to other brain structures across all methods . +1 We present an extension of sparse coding to the problems of multitask and transfer learning . +0 Most of input data and configurations in simulation are based on this project . +1 HUME covers a wider range of semantic phenomena than previous methods and does not rely on semantic annotation of the potentially garbled MT output . +0 ( 2 ) Why do we want to predict a ributes ? +1 The present paper provides a comparative study of view update algorithms in rational approach . +0 Each network had five hidden neurons and was trained using resilient propagation ( Riedmiller and Braun 1993 ) . +1 The main purpose of Feature Subset Selection is to find a reduced subset of attributes from a data set described by a feature set . +0 Error bars represent the standard error of measure of the metric across five folds . +1 The data set provided by Tmall contains more than half billion action records from over ten million distinct users . +0 Such models evaluate the total effect of traffic signals on delay for all or a group of vehicles in a given road section . +1 We illustrate the effectiveness of the method developed by applying it on a typical distribution system of the electric grid . +0 Let Ek denote the kth exploitation period which is the kth contiguous segment in the exploitation sequence . +1 Adaptive stochastic gradient methods such as AdaGrad have gained popularity in particular for training deep neural networks . +0 The data is split into winter and summer seasons and into weekdays and weekends . +1 This paper uses anthropic reasoning to argue for a reduced likelihood that superintelligent AI will come into existence in the future . +0 The tokenization process follows the method described in [ 14 ] . +1 We propose regularizing neural networks by penalizing low entropy output distributions . +0 can only provide adaptation in the number of generated rules in their hidden layer by keeping the input ( first ) and output ( last ) layer fixed . +1 It also learns a sparse yet effective decision rule for multivariate performance measures . +0 Table 9 and 10 show the average AUCs for handwritten digits data and birdsong data respectively . +1 Data mining practitioners are facing challenges from data with network structure . +0 Figure 8 ( a ) shows that the structure of EMODB data with respect to emotional labels is better explained by the Euclidean distance . +1 Artificial intelligence is commonly defined as the ability to achieve goals in the world . +0 The data processing step performs data cleaning ( implemented by Java ) to remove the outliers and conversion to RDF ( implemented in Java ) . +1 We also provide a Caffe implementation of SegNet and a webdemo at +0 Definition 13 : Attacks and counterattacks for social intention machine as much as possible . +1 Regions of the spectrum containing important speaker information for children are identified by conducting SR experiments over 21 frequency bands . +0 The first is to test if occupation word vectors embed knowledge of the gender composition of the occupation in the real world . +1 Identifying musical instruments in polyphonic music recordings is a challenging but important problem in the field of music information retrieval . +0 Pole pursuit consists in moving around the representation cones so that at the end they are centered on the samples x ( i ) . +1 The neural network characteristic of these systems provides appropriate tool for automatically adjusting the membership functions . +0 The assumption is hence known as the local independence assumption . +1 We show that it is possible to use design mining to identify new conductive inserts that increase both the cascade power output and power density . +0 New generation is selected in proportion to fitness among previous population and newly created offspring . +1 Accuracy and interpretation are two goals of any successful predictive models . +0 In Proceedings of the 18th annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics . +1 Our results show that none of the existing algorithms was able to consistently identify known adverse drug reactions above events related to the cause of the drug and no algorithm was superior . +0 We then utilize a neural network to generate the explicit dropped pronoun for the dropped position . +1 The thermal energy field is able to capture both motion correlation among particles and the motion trends of individual particles which are helpful to discover coherency among them . +0 There are two main missing data patterns defined by Little and Rubin ( 2014 ) . +1 We present a visually grounded model of speech perception which projects spoken utterances and images to a joint semantic space . +0 For this purpose you have to change the predict type of the bagging learner as follows . +1 The inference can be done by efficient Gibbs sampling which leverages sparsity of both networks and node attributes . +0 grid metric have coefficients with quick decay in the basis of eigenvectors . +1 These representations either fail to highlight local and global properties of the graph or suffer from a severe loss of structural information . +0 TBox must define all concepts that exist in the stimulus content . +1 We show how to train the model using a combination of supervised and reinforcement learning . +0 The coefficients of these polynomials can be linearly estimated from sample data points on the subspaces and the set of normal vectors to each subspace can be obtained by evaluating the derivatives of these polynomials at any point lying on the subspace . +1 Identifying tractable fragments and developing efficient algorithms for such fragments are thus important objectives in order to complement the sophisticated ASP systems available to date . +0 We normalize each of the feature values corresponding to a sentence with respect to the entire context of a particular document . +1 The experimental results show that our model outperforms previous models on standard evaluation tasks . +0 An important consequence of Lemma 1 is that a calibrated algorithm has vanishing regret relative to any fixed prediction ( since minimizing internal regret also minimizes external regret ) . +1 The paper presents a scheme for computing lower and upper bounds on the posterior marginals in Bayesian networks with discrete variables . +0 The central idea to our construction is based on reflective oracles introduced by Fallenstein et al . +1 Results on intrinsic evaluation show promising performance for a vocabulary size of 32768 words . +0 K is the upper bound on the number of patterns that we allow the solution to have . +1 In the last five years there have been a large number of new time series classification algorithms proposed in the literature . +0 This leads us to investigate the distribution of frequencies of bigrams and trigrams in human and robot utterances during dialogues . +1 Chief among these is the Artificial Bee Colony ( ABC ) algorithm . +0 This includes evaluating the feedback control law ( which needs to be interpolated because the trajectory optimizer uses 50 ms time steps ) and advancing the physics simulation . +1 We propose a simple stance detection system that outperforms submissions from all 19 teams that participated in the shared task . +0 We will address these issues in the next two sections . +1 The impact of time is discussed for the two main data mining settings . +0 We show that the generative ConvNet is capable of learning and generating realistic natural image patterns . +1 This often results in a detection lag or prevents the detection of some adverse drug events . +0 We used these terms as keywords to discover Twitter profiles irrespective of geographical location . +1 Maximum likelihood estimators are often of limited practical use due to the intensive computation they require . +0 Figure 7 shows a run of the subgradient algorithm for the decoding approach for machine translation described in the work of Rush and Collins ( 2011 ) . +1 Our results suggest that apparently without defining clearly what kind of clusters we expect we will not be able to construct a valid axiomatic system . +0 The obtained labels are translated into scores ( 5..1 ) and the average of all scores for a proposition is used as an estimate for its importance . +1 An important variant is the sparse NMF problem which arises when we explicitly require the learnt features to be sparse . +0 ( 2016 ) introduce noise into gradients whereas Gulcehre et al . +1 We study loss functions that measure the accuracy of a prediction based on multiple data points simultaneously . +0 4The word similarities information they use are either trained in Wikipedia ( 4.4 million articles in contrast to the 4076 sentences of paraphrase dataset we use ) or from WordNet with expert knowledge . +1 Metric learning seeks a transformation of the feature space that enhances prediction quality for the given task at hand . +0 One can see the recurring spikes in these graphs and the exceptionally large values of some of these spikes . +1 Many machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial examples : inputs that are specially crafted to cause a machine learning model to produce an incorrect output . +0 Therefore the algorithm successfully finds the best value of s in polynomial time . +1 We address the problem of anytime prediction in neural networks . +0 The input xp comprises the embeddings of the set of all possible feature indicator names . +1 We propose an ant colony optimization algorithm for the problem . +0 A BT version of the example in Figure 5.5 can be found in Figure 5.6 . +1 The process is formalized as a constrained objective function and a tailored stochastic coordinate descent optimization is applied . +0 To understand the shortcomings of first order gradient descent algorithms around saddle points we will analyze the neighborhood a saddle point . +1 Geometric smoothing techniques are developed to deal with degenerate clusters . +0 The authors combined the synthetic and real imagery to train their semantic segmentation model . +1 Providing an efficient strategy to navigate safely through unsignaled intersections is a difficult task that requires determining the intent of other drivers . +0 Proof : The proof is given Appendix E. From the result of this theorem we see that the average regret decays as the stability parameter Ts increases . +1 Dialog act identification plays an important role in understanding conversations . +0 These are created either due to the execution of actions with unknown preconditions or by the sets of interrelated state constraints involving fluents whose truth value is unknown . +1 This domain agnostic approach avoids the standard unsupervised learning issues of trivial solutions and collapsing of features . +0 An explicit regularization term R in Equation ( 1 ) was used neither for MI nor for CNN . +1 The present paper provides a comparative study of view update algorithms in rational approach . +0 This is motivated by a number of low rank approximation applications in which k is typically small . +1 We formalize synthesis of shared control protocols with correctness guarantees for temporal logic specifications . +0 These features allow the model to promote different properties and to distinguish different functions of the words . +1 We experimentally demonstrate that STRAW delivers strong improvements on several ATARI games by employing temporally extended planning strategies ( e.g . +0 This dataset was obtained from the Robotics Data Set Repository ( Radish ) [ 22 ] . +1 added as an additional component into another existing IDS to enhance its performance . +0 Figure 1 ( d ) shows the encoderlabeler LSTM ( W ) . +1 Word2Vec and its variants have successfully mapped words with similar syntactic or semantic meanings to nearby vectors . +0 We think the reasons for smaller degradation compared with interference scenarios are two folds . +1 We report on the accuracy of the joint localization and bone length estimation of Kinect skeletons in comparison to the motion capture . +0 The data are considered fully observed if on each of the training instances there is a full instantiation to all the random variables of our sample space ( Murphy 2012 ) . +1 We consider the problem of learning the structure of Ising models ( pairwise binary Markov random fields ) from i.i.d . +0 Random Bayesian networks generation comes to provide a graph structure and parameters . +1 The rationality and the feasibility of our method are discussed in terms of arguments based on likelihood . +0 With these features and settings we train two models on different training sets . +1 Experimental results on two summarization datasets demonstrate that our models obtain results comparable to the state of the art without any access to linguistic annotation . +0 Reasonable values for the regularization parameters are chosen manually and kept fixed in this work . +1 These bounds characterize how well a learned embedding predicts new comparative judgments . +0 Esse corpus possui resumos elaborados por profissionais em cada cluster . +1 Experimental results of applying the proposed method on several datasets from different domains show a significant decrease in error rate as well as improved sensitivity of the algorithm . +0 If there is not enough fuel then a refueling station is visited in the route . +1 The encoder and decoder of the proposed model are jointly trained to maximize the conditional probability of a target sequence given a source sequence . +0 The information on the store can increase but it can not decrease . +1 The database is processed using a biomimetic swarm algorithm that is inspired by the nest building strategies followed by termites . +0 KL term annealing can be viewed as a gradual transition from conventional deterministic Autoencoder to a full VAE . +1 The Search oracle models the situation where a human searches a database to seed or counterexample an existing solution . +0 The entire content of each Twitter user is regarded as one document . +1 Results suggest that no single lexicon is best for every task and dataset and that the intrinsic evaluation of polarity lexicons is not a good performance indicator on a Sentiment Analysis task . +0 negative ) definite kernel defined on a finite set U is also called a positive ( resp . +1 We consider a class of probabilistic grammars for generating scenes with multiple objects . +0 Translation evaluation metric that reflects meaning similarity needs to be based on similarity of semantic structure not merely flat lexical similarity . +1 This motivates a systematic study of the effectiveness of discretizing quantitative attributes for other linear classifiers . +0 The field of redescription mining was introduced by Ramakrishnan et al . +1 The main problem following the discussion is the problem to find and describe a language structure for external and internal flow of information of companies . +0 We compare our results to analytical results and MCMC approximations only for the purpose of illustration and validation of our algorithm . +1 What are the most investigated fishery and aquaculture decision support systems topics and how have these changed over time ? +0 We use the Comprehensive Questions and Answers dataset2 to train and validate the performances of different decoding setups with ranking experiments described in section 7.3 . +1 It is simple to implement and can be used with a variety of policy gradient methods and value function approximators . +0 We now discuss how to predict a word yt at time step t based on the memory state ( see Figure 2 ( b ) ) . +1 I also identify and address a problem around the modern convention on existential import . +0 The SGD step size is tuned automatically in each iteration by examining the first 1 000 datapoints . +1 These methods use reachability analysis and heuristic search to avoid some unnecessary backups . +0 The structural model expresses these relationships among independent and dependent variables . +1 This work presents a fast and scalable algorithm for incremental learning of Gaussian mixture models . +0 the global distribution ) in the news and social media streams . +1 We describe our control policy as universal because it is trained over a wide array of dynamic models . +0 Ten popular Atari games were selected and fixed before starting this research . +1 TRT requires no network retraining while it enables trading off accuracy for additional improvements in execution performance and energy efficiency . +0 Table 2 compares our slot filling models to previous approaches . +1 Extensive experimental results are conducted to compare the performance of the proposed PBSIQA system with those of existing stereo image quality assessment ( SIQA ) metrics . +0 For the manual evaluation we have defined a list of evaluation criteria . +1 We have carried out several experiments showing that the greedy deterministic and the bandit approaches we propose can achieve an acceleration of an order of magnitude while being as efficient as the exact gradient when used in algorithms such as +0 They now represent approximations of the parameters of FA and ACS . +1 However the model converges to a relatively worse model after the finetuning process . +0 We first run SRSC on the training set of USPS data to obtain the dictionary Dsr and the support regularized sparse codes Zsr of the training data . +1 However there are still many areas in which humans excel in comparison with the machines . +0 They have also reformulated RAKEL to a ECC view as the RAKEL repetition Code ( RREP ) . +1 The goal of this exploration is to reduce execution time while meeting our quality of result objectives . +0 This contradicts the implications of a bounding box of the given height . +1 However binary embedding typically requires long codes in order to preserve the discriminative power of the input space . +0 6We empirically found that feeding the previous sentencelevel attention vector as an additional input to the LSTM could lead to a small improvement of the system . +1 We analyse the impact of the number of machines ( or cores ) on not only solution time but also on energy consumption . +0 It seems natural to call this a kind of death for the agent . +1 We present two novel and contrasting Recurrent Neural Network ( RNN ) based architectures for extractive summarization of documents . +0 It is therefore convenient to approach this problem as a search over the canonical representations of all subsets in each of the regions . +1 These two classes of logical models are logic programming counterparts of the notion of range which is an established concept in argumentation semantics . +0 We provide a complete description of this category of problems in Section 8 . +1 Our second contribution is to derive a practical algorithm based on this reduction . +0 Note that this is a convex quadratic program that can be solved exactly in polytime [ 17 ] . +1 We describe the efficient weakly supervised learning of such inferences by our Dynamic Adaptive Network Intelligence ( DANI ) model . +0 The value of the CRV is determined by the values of the randvars it covers . +1 Intelligence Quotient ( IQ ) Test is a set of standardized questions designed to evaluate human intelligence . +0 We also observe from real summaries that table fields by themselves provide illuminating clues and constraints of text generation . +1 We demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally that our local binary convolution layer is a good approximation of a standard convolutional layer . +0 The same graphical language can also represent trees and DAGs ( Fig . +1 Our strategy is based on a sequential process that learns to explore the different regions of any image in order to infer its category . +0 This splitting accounts for many of the errors in both models . +1 We evaluate our parallelization approach empirically using measurement techniques and performance modeling for various numbers of threads and CNN architectures . +0 We see that qualitatively the distribution of losses for the neural network experiments ( right plot ) exhibits similar behavior . +1 We also provide an almost tight achievability result for perfect deanonymization . +0 We simply extend this usual definition to allow for multiple observations in the expected loss . +1 We then extend these results to certain classes of important multivariate functions . +0 We thus define a linear chain CRF relying on features from the Brown cluster identifier of words as one of our baseline approach . +1 We suggest that deep learning as a tool alone is insufficient in building a unified framework to acquire general intelligence . +0 We can strengthen Lemma 1 by stating : Lemma 2 . +1 Data from the HBO television show The Wire is used to analyze the efficacy and usefulness of fuzzy logic based methods as alternative methods to classical statistical methods usually used for these problems . +0 A specific set of verification rules are run by the data acquisition service in order to identify violations . +1 We also experiment with combining the representations learned from visual data with embeddings learned from textual data . +0 One can also extend our BIDAF model to incorporate multiple hops . +1 We investigate the potential of using ordinal peer grading for the evaluation of students in massive online open courses ( MOOCs ) . +0 ( i ) ( Membership ) See Lemma 4 for the membership in PTIME . +1 General human action recognition requires understanding of various visual cues . +0 The value k is set accordingly to the number of expected clusters . +1 We demonstrate the excellent performance of the machine reader in language modeling as well as the downstream sentiment analysis and natural language inference . +0 ( 2015 ) to enable reward prediction is highlighted in red . +1 Our network can be trained from scratch even from a few aligned image pairs . +0 A fully differentiable approach using the decoder hidden states has recently been successfully applied to neural machine translation by Tu et al . +1 This unifies and extends many previous results in the literature . +0 Now that we have two kinds of word sequence representations . +1 We also show how this method can be used to perform direct policy learning in a reinforcement learning setting . +0 We have already mentioned that FRESH has been developed in the course of IoT and Industry 4.0 projects Christ et al . +1 Results show that these methods lead to an order of magnitude reduction in inference time . +0 Note that this is a strong baseline since all the other systems are unaware of which answer is the best . +1 Sasvi makes use of the variational inequalities which provide the sufficient and necessary optimality conditions for the dual problem . +0 The data is collected as part of an experiment where young drivers start out with a substantial rebate on their car insurance and then are warned if they exceed the speed limit and are penalized financially if they continue to speed . +1 The benefit of this book is that it evaluates existing theories of economics and update them based on the developments in artificial intelligence field . +0 Our proposal to address this problem is to develop a genetic algorithm inspired by the models of Kwan and Mistry ( 2003 ) and Semet and Schoenauer ( 2005 ) . +1 We evaluate theoretically the resulting noise and show the experimental distribution of the similarities of terms in a neighborhood according to the choice of parameters . +0 Green shaded nodes denote nodes that get supervision from the corresponding object from the main network ( gradient or loss value ) . +1 Collaborative filtering or recommender systems use a database about user preferences to predict additional topics or products a new user might like . +0 Every pair containing at least one infrequent word was excluded . +1 Our proposed approach focuses to overcome the limitation using learning set which is enriched in dynamic way maintaining new data . +0 Such an unsupervised learning method is as fast as training a discriminative ConvNet in supervised learning . +1 This allows our model to jointly represent both entities and relations with shared parameters . +0 We follow the settings of [ 42 ] in our experiments . +1 We apply hypernetworks to generate adaptive weights for recurrent networks . +0 Notice that saturation is present even for images whose final score is significantly below 1.0 . +1 When appropriate it also generates termination and guard proofs for the new function . +0 It is thus decomposed into two simpler optimization problems which can be solved iteratively . +1 The results show that SIMPL is able to solve the benchmark problems in 6.6 seconds on average . +0 In this section we explain all parameter settings used to perform evaluations and comparisons with various redescription mining algorithms . +1 Question Answering System ( QAS ) is used for information retrieval and natural language processing ( NLP ) to reduce human effort . +0 Information considerations Our controller is bounded and operates under limitations on its capacity to process the observation and produce the control . +1 This operation conveys additional knowledge represented by the obtained probabilistic bounds . +0 APOC requires storage for messages and similarities and operations which can not be supported by standard sparse matrix implementations . +1 Can learning to search work even when the reference is poor ? +0 The MDL criterion allows an unsupervised determination of the number of states . +1 We present an approach to training a binary logistic regression classifier in the setting where the training data needs to be kept private . +0 In these datasets the number of dimensions of the input space is 20 and above . +1 We also propose to combine both methods by considering an ensemble that contains the union of the two forests . +0 There are many different approaches to MAP as described in section 2 . +1 We prove that the MPS decomposition for feature extraction and classification in supervised learning can be implemented efficiently with high classification rates in pattern and image recognition . +0 We will define the idealised versions of the other six criteria listed in Table 1 in Section 5 . +1 The use of belief bases to obtain this result provides evidence for the conjecture that Horn belief change is best viewed as a hybrid version of belief set change and belief base change . +0 This results in two distinct datasets which are each about the same size as PTB ( 1044K vs 929K ) . +1 The obtained possibility for flexible router configuration at runtime allows for faster experimentation and may thus help to advance the further development of CCN . +0 A unit with a limited number of UAVs must factor in travel and recovery time for the cycling UAVs to determine if continuous coverage is feasible . +1 Then we go on to combine ANN with MatrixNet ( proprietary implementation of boosted trees ) and evaluate the performance of the system as a whole . +0 are satisfied ( individually ) by FV ( i ) ( as before ) ; 3 . +1 We also investigate the fundamental problem of discovering the existence of hidden variables without exhaustive and expensive search . +0 analyzed a new method based on particle swarm algorithm for solving multiobjective optimization problems [ 9 ] . +1 In order operate under these criterion most optimization problems are cast under the umbrella of convexity or submodularity . +0 It is easy to evaluate the coverage ( iii ) by counting the number of words covered by an embedding function in a closed vocabulary . +1 Distinguishing between antonyms and synonyms is a key task to achieve high performance in NLP systems . +0 MADEGD vs GADEGD with population sizes 16 y 64 respectively . +1 KFC captures important curvature information while still yielding comparably efficient updates to stochastic gradient descent ( SGD ) . +0 This technique is a new application of maximum margin theory to estimate the generalization ability of neural networks . +1 The effectiveness of previous approaches is analyzed according to the form of supervision provided . +0 There are many aspects that determine whether a story is accepted by the audience as good . +1 We show how rich game design information can be automatically parsed from gameplay videos and represented as a set of generative probabilistic models . +0 1 : Optional : Check whether some necessary conditions in Proposition 2.13 hold ; e.g . +1 This reformulation allows PES to obtain approximations that are both more accurate and efficient than other alternatives such as Entropy Search ( ES ) . +0 Table 3 shows the discrimination accuracy in this task using various representations . +1 It tries to strike a balance between performance of the system and amount of data which needs to be labelled . +0 Several exact approaches for solving the SOP have since been proposed . +1 It is suggested that the simplest of linking between a tree and ensemble can explain neural binding and variable signal strengths . +0 We partition time into cycles as in Figures 7 and 8 and continue to use the conventions made in the context of those figures . +1 We observe that the content features are the most discriminative ones followed by lexical and context features . +0 The DMN is trained via backpropagation and Adagrad [ 34 ] . +1 BranchyNet exploits the observation that features learned at an early layer of a network may often be sufficient for the classification of many data points . +0 Let us assume that we have both Z1i and Z0i of an individual i . +1 Policies accept images of the environment as input and output motor actions . +0 We propose to use the accuracy of vowel classification as an objective measure for a comparison of different normalization procedures . +1 He showed that this cost function has certain desirable properties . +0 This motivates our particular choice of nonlinear expansion in Algorithm 1 . +1 Learning representations of words is a pioneering study in this school of research . +0 We employ the solution as the initial ROUGEn score of the candidate oracle summary . +1 Previous work mainly focused on painstakingly exploring the empirical features for DPs recovery . +0 ACOAP : Ant Colony Optimization of Anghinolfi and Paolucci ( 2008 ) . +1 We applied these two methods to a Deep Belief Network trained for a face recognition task . +0 This impact is captured through the third part of the user intensity for answering questions in eq . +1 SNES games pose a significant challenge to current algorithms due to their higher level of complexity and versatility . +0 Feature matrix A ( Figure 2 ) describes the medical events for each patient during 60 days before they take drugs . +1 These sentences have been treated as labeled data.A Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) classifier is trained on this labeled data to extract data elements of interests from a new article . +0 Agile methodologies seem to provide the advantage of having testing in focus and allow for an increased quality with permanent testing activities . +1 I relate this argument to the performance of state of art general game playing agents . +0 We include this feature to amplify the di erences ( in the individual product terms ) across the device classes . +1 We address the empirical problem with a new online decision tree construction procedure . +0 There are many parallels between plans and narrative at the level of fabula . +1 Our test domain is the history and philosophy of scientific work on animal mind and cognition . +0 An atom is undefined in P if it is not the head of some clause in P and the corresponding set of these atoms is undef ( P ) . +1 The first half of this thesis is devoted to the NSU classification task . +0 We handle this case by using the proposed mixture model . +1 A novel primitive in which the GPU accesses host RAM can significantly increase GPU throughput . +0 It contains the time series in the columns and the sample points in the rows . +1 This vector is used both for predicting the next token as well as for the key and value of a differentiable memory of a token history . +0 Alluxio then asynchronously persists the raw data in the backend storage servers . +1 The best performance is obtained by combining SEA ( 428 words ) with a previously created general purpose lexicon by Warriner et al . +0 We set the batch size to 20 for WN18 and 1000 for FB15k . +1 This issue limit their deployability on ubiquitous computing devices such as smart phones or wearables . +0 This constrains the masked CNNs to only use activations within the object mask region when classifying the input image . +1 We hope that our work will impact on the baseline for automated Bangla typing . +0 Input nodes are connected to a number of nodes in a hidden layer . +1 Such lists are often evaluated using submodular reward functions that measure both quality and diversity . +0 ( 7 ) along Gf and a backward pass1 along Gb . +1 The minimization of the logistic loss is a popular approach to batch supervised learning . +0 It was observed that the evolution followed a general trend independent of the task the model was performing or the layer to which the parameters belonged to . +1 Traditional binary coding methods often suffer from very high computation and storage costs in such a scenario . +0 The second hidden layer represents the RNN part of the model . +1 A comparison of the predictive regions produced by our measures with those of the typical regression measure suggests that a major improvement in terms of predictive region tightness is achieved by the new measures . +0 The FECs are relevant constituents in the elements of QUD that may be used to resolve NSUs . +1 We apply MatNet to MNIST handwritten digits classification and image super resolution tasks to show its effectiveness . +0 We train a model to predict the correct answer a from the candidate set A for given a pair of query and document . +1 Marginal MAP inference involves making MAP predictions in systems defined with latent variables or missing information . +0 X1 : T are latent states and Y1 : T are observations . +1 This is a generic regression framework that fits many applications . +0 Constraint ( 23 ) means that an error occurs for a positive example if it does not satisfy any patterns that are selected . +1 Sensor fusion is indispensable to improve accuracy and robustness in an autonomous navigation setting . +0 using reflection or random cropping to artificially increase the dataset size ) . +1 We call this new family of hybrid models conditional networks . +0 If all strategic lies are benevolent when agents have Hamming distance based preferences then all strategic lies are benevolent when agents have IUO Hamming distance based preferences . +1 The basic assumption of our approach is that most of the important attributes for a product in an online store are included in its title description . +0 We notice that the results are in agreement with those of the simulation studies . +1 In this manner we obtain a knowledge base with over 150 rules and 19 linguistic variables . +0 Our driving behavior model is a dynamic system that includes both a driver and a vehicle system . +1 Prior work on convergence rates for nearest neighbor classification has not fully reflected these subtle properties . +0 Thereafter the output weights of all subnetworks can be used to construct the output weight of the whole network . +1 These demonstrate the overall effectiveness of the explainable embeddings generated by EVE . +0 The accuracy is a popular measure used widely in the classification algorithm to evaluate the performance . +1 The dependency parse tree of a source sentence can help to determine the correct word order of the translated words . +0 The main innovation of LSTM is that its hidden layer consists of one or more memory blocks . +1 DR exploits two major aspects associated with drugs and diseases : existence of similarity among drugs and among diseases due to their shared involved genes or pathways or common biological effects . +0 We evaluated the line list extracted by the automated line listing models against a human annotated line list for MERS outbreaks in Saudi Arabia . +1 This enables the solution of known positions so far ( up to the 10 x 10 board ) much quicker ( measured in number of investigated nodes ) . +0 Here we only consider the former purpose and minimize the average distance of target neighbors as in [ 41 ] . +1 The multiplication is also efficiently computed using the sparsity of signals . +0 Each gait sample is a single row vector in the Gait Identi cation Model . +1 We perform a qualitative analysis across six different datasets and show that these appear to conceptualize claims quite differently . +0 Afterwards we briefly discuss the switch and the initialization gadget . +1 We created a taxonomy of six speech acts for Twitter and proposed a set of semantic and syntactic features . +0 This increase in train loglikelihood is also correlated with an increase in computational complexity as higher order likelihood components require more computation . +1 We also motivate why an attacker might be interested in deploying such techniques against a target generative network . +0 The rock properties of subsurface formations can be interpreted from these variables . +1 This research uses a simple model for human behavior with unknown parameters that make up the internal states of the traffic participants and presents a method for quantifying the value of estimating these states and planning with their uncertainty explicitly modeled . +0 model computes the representation of a state zt by randomly choosing between FDyn and FLat . +1 Applying deep reinforcement learning ( RL ) on real systems suffers from slow data sampling . +0 In section 5.2.5 we provide a more intuitive justification of TRC given its connections with join graph approaches . +1 We show that it is sufficient and necessary for a carrier to bid on each elementary request combination in order to guarantee the same result as bidding on each element of the powerset of the set of tendered requests . +0 The network was equally confident about validation samples even when they were misclassified . +1 Adaptive networks consist of a collection of agents with processing and learning abilities . +0 The words with an adjective tag within the noun phrases are extracted to identify the attributes of the objects . +1 We consider the problem of repeatedly solving a variant of the same dynamic programming problem in successive trials . +0 Our third experiment tests whether annotators can distinguish narrative causality types . +1 Difficult pronouns are those pronouns for which a level of world or domain knowledge is needed in order to perform anaphoral or other types of resolution . +0 Number of common words is measured in between a pair of sentences . +1 Compositionality detection therefore provides a good testbed for compositional methods . +0 The AVS and SDR combination helps fight the early reduction of the mixture densities variances and therefore the premature convergence and diversity loss . +1 Developing Intelligent Systems involves artificial intelligence approaches including artificial neural networks . +0 We first generate a set of randomly sorted coulomb matrices for each molecule . +1 Intrusion detection has attracted a considerable interest from researchers and industries . +0 Distance Correlation R as a function of the segment length for the synthesized biomarker . +1 A weighted constraint satisfaction problem ( WCSP ) is a constraint satisfaction problem in which preferences among solutions can be expressed . +0 In this case the A3C algorithm was used with 64 workers running in parallel . +1 A fast unsupervised learning algorithm generates an initial list of candidates and then a slower supervised learning algorithm refines the list . +0 Note : The labels for the vectors are determined by the mentioned log stock and log market prices . +1 We are using a machine learning technique in this research . +0 We first summarize the essential components for fast MIPS approaches in Section 3.1 and give the problem definition of budgeted MIPS in Section 3.2 . +1 It works on the back of a Conditional Random Fields based sequential labeling algorithm and a bootstrapping approach . +0 At the start of the simulations the Pi are uniformly distributed around the space . +1 Wagers are redistributed among bettors in a way that more highly rewards those with accurate predictions . +0 The algorithms we study are efficient in the following sense . +1 We show how reasoning in the original language and dynamic Bayesian inferences can be exploited for effective reasoning in our framework . +0 Our approach can be easily extended to handle these big data scenarios . +1 Inference using deep neural networks is often outsourced to the cloud since it is a computationally demanding task . +0 One can clearly observe how the stages of the search are less pronounced due to the asynchronous runs that break the periodicity of the cyclic search strategy . +1 This is made possible by having a single attention mechanism that is shared across all language pairs . +0 Note that the RSA can also be constructed in linear time . +1 We provide empirical results showing that the algorithm is able to learn the dynamics of complex systems in a computationally tractable way . +0 ( 2008 ) using a different and much more extensive preprocessing . +1 We present a novel reinforcement learning ( RL ) method for continuous state and action spaces that learns with partial knowledge of the system and without active exploration . +0 Figure 3 shows an example of one such document cluster discovered from NIPS data with authors as context . +1 Numerical convergence results and timing comparisons for the proposed method are presented . +0 We give full lists of discriminative terms learned in all the problems in Sec . +1 Their comparative analysis was performed and conclusions were made as to the advantages and disadvantages of these platforms . +0 The running time analysis for BucketGreedyMerge is almost identical to that of GreedyMerge ; hence we omit its proof . +1 We also compare with classical fast and learned general and orthonormal transforms . +0 The power consumption is measured based on the power level or the transmission range each node uses to broadcast its message . +1 This paper introduces a new computing model based on the cooperation among Turing machines called orchestrated machines . +0 We task these workers with choosing the best answer from the candidate set or rejecting all answers . +1 We bypass these issues via ( 1 ) bicriteria and ( 2 ) parameterized complexity solutions : +0 From this plot it is clear just how localized the distribution of cross entropy values is when keeping the data order fixed and changing only the initial network parameters . +1 This relationship between aggregation readers and explicit reference readers presents a case study in emergent logical structure . +0 ( 28 ) Figure 1 explains the process of computing fuzzy matrix SA . +1 Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of our model against state of the art deep models on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in data representation and reconstruction . +0 We can see they correspond well to different extreme illumination conditions . +1 We show that such a degradation is not intrinsic to the problem . +0 The relation between the two can be seen in Fig . +1 This paper describes an efficient approach to improve the accuracy of a named entity recognition system for Vietnamese . +0 The results show that during the early stages of evolution there is little difference between the algorithms . +1 The best algorithm to use typically depends on the specific application or distribution over instances . +0 This scheme results in a fairly accurate estimation of AR . +1 We also discuss the adaptivity gap for the problem and present encouraging early experimental results . +0 Let us use a simple example to illustrate how to use FOFE to decode a sequence . +1 It is based on the pipeline pattern and allows flexible management of the control flow of the operations in parallel MCTS . +0 Details of this dataset can be found in Doench et al . +1 The reconstruction network is plugged into the whole network and trained jointly . +0 The first step is to train a set of local filters from the unlabeled training data . +1 The paper also presents a detailed convergence analysis of the GIST algorithm . +0 This precisely remedies the limitation of the separable KL divergence presented in Section 2 . +1 We demonstrate our approach on text segmentation and speech recognition tasks . +0 The results of this kernel are very interesting and even today it is still pointed out as a kernel with a very good performance in RE tasks . +1 We first study the similarity of writing styles between Early English playwrights by comparing the profile WANs . +0 In both cases we run the encoder over these representations and use its output ENCi ( s ) as features for the classifier . +1 Scheduling is a process which decides order of task from a set of multiple tasks that are ready to execute . +0 The propagation terminates after three steps with minimal solution cost 12 . +1 Our methodology involves identifying nature related concepts mentioned in holy Quran and identifying relations among those concepts . +0 The second group is the set of instances employed in the literature . +1 We experimentally show that our approaches achieve the construction of informative feature sets for multiple datasets . +0 we reward points which are close to the correct match.10 Figure 8 also examines the effect of choosing different values of p ( the number of points considered during the second stage of learning ) . +1 This kind of evaluation could lead to dissatisfied test users especially if the performance of the system were to result in a poor transaction completion rate . +0 lt chasm takes place in a square room with four opponents that must be tagged for points . +1 The transition matrix can be effectively trained using a novel curriculum learning based method without any direct supervision about the noise . +0 ( 1 ) The detector is trained by using a limited set of completely labeled positive samples and a complete set of negative samples . +1 We propose a metric to compute the directional similarity between the source eigenvectors and the target subspace . +0 The approach mentioned above is not very effective when a large fraction of the edges are noisy . +1 Here we present a simple yet effective alternative for scaling up kernel methods that takes into account the entire data set via doubly stochastic optimization of the emprical kernel map . +0 These centers are preferred to be as far as possible from each other . +1 Addressing this issue by learning distinct representations for individual meanings of words has been the subject of several research studies in the past few years . +0 An artificial neural network ( ANN ) with numerous hidden layers of nodes between the input layer and the output layer is known as a DNN . +1 Experimental results on benchmark datasets show the efficiency of our approach in classifying novel instances from known as well as unknown classes . +0 Next we experiment with varying the ( noisy ) training data size . +1 Conclusion : This research shows that it is possible to exploit the mechanism of causality and presents a framework for signalling adverse drug reactions effectively . +0 All of the introduced lexical entries have size bounded by some constant independent of the input size . +1 Evaluation results indicate that our truly distributed constraint solver works well within the observed limitations when tested with various distributed CSPs . +0 Our paper further incorporates SVRG for the proximal gradient with momentum in the nonconvex case . +1 We solve principle component regression ( PCR ) by providing an efficient algorithm to project any vector onto the subspace formed by the top principle components of a matrix . +0 We use the following general terminology for propositional logical languages ( all the terminological conventions apply with or without subscripts and superscripts ) . +1 A variety of query and document expansion techniques are implemented in an effort to improve information retrieval to modest success . +0 The model processes each image one pixel at a time and finally predicts the label . +1 Predictive coding ( PDC ) has recently attracted attention in the neuroscience and computing community as a candidate unifying paradigm for neuronal studies and artificial neural network implementations particularly targeted at unsupervised learning systems . +0 The newest version of the ALE allows one to select among all different game modes and difficulties that are single player games . +1 Computer systems need to be able to react to stress in order to perform optimally on some tasks . +0 In Section 2.3 we go over existing methods for the ranking of scientific journals . +1 This paper analyzes the problem of Gaussian process ( GP ) bandits with deterministic observations . +0 Tenant workloads operate on disjoint data sets and a tenant should not see the impact of the workloads of other users . +1 Feature selection is one of the most fundamental problems in machine learning . +0 Hermenegildo points to the continuing scalability problems for logic programming applications . +1 Each task is analyzed and related with current advances in different research areas . +0 i by applying PCA to the normal vectors obtained in Step 2 . +1 In this paper the task of emotion recognition from speech is considered . +0 The KS test works by examining the maximum vertical distance between two CDFs . +1 Experimental studies with synthetic and real datasets support the conclusions of our theoretical analysis . +0 This is done to test the robustness of our vectors . +1 The CNN is trained to encode high level information about the class of images being imaged ; this information is utilized to mitigate artifacts in intermediate images produced by use of an iterative method . +0 The optimization of this problem is solved using an alternate optimization strategy in an iterative algorithm . +1 Identifying the genes from the DNA sequences is a very difficult task . +0 The structure of MLP consists of one or more nodes as the inner layer between the input and output nodes as shown in Figure 4.1 . +1 We describe the generalities of the algorithm and the different functions we propose . +0 The answer to this question depends on individual cognition because not everyone would respond the same . +1 ( 2015 ) in 46 out of 57 Atari games . +0 In this section we describe the notation used in the rest of the paper . +1 We also show that this network projects nearby points onto the manifold and then embeds them with little error . +0 One can view the feature maps as the global state of the network . +1 Advances in natural language processing tasks have gained momentum in recent years due to the increasingly popular neural network methods . +0 A similar phenomenon is reported by Turney ( 1995 ) . +1 ( 3 ) A customized dropout strategy regularizes the neural network to alleviate overfitting . +0 It contains 17 million users having 467 million Twitter posts covering a seven month period from June 1 2009 to December 31 2009 . +1 Conformant planning is the problem of finding a sequence of actions for achieving a goal in the presence of uncertainty in the initial state or action effects . +0 The vocabularies are the most frequent 30K words from the questions and answers in the training data . +1 The proposed algorithm can obtain smooth kinematic parameter with reduced noise compared to the kinematic parameter generated from the raw motion data from Kinect . +0 Statistics : Figure 2 shows the distribution of number of tokens of different sentence positions . +1 We conclude with a discussion of future work that would further automate the harmonisation process . +0 ( 24 ) Inference on the transformed marginal query was carried out using SMC with 500 particles . +1 This paper investigates two different neural architectures for the task of relation classification : convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks . +0 We take half of bc as the only development data and use the remaining data and domains for evaluation . +1 We conclude with the implications of such a theory for the problem of speech perception . +0 It has opened several ways such that a generalized FNN can be obtained . +1 We make this dataset publicly available under the BSD license . +0 We choose to use WordNet in this paper but the method we propose can be applied to other lexical ontologies . +1 Feature Selection ( FS ) has become the focus of much research on decision support systems areas for which data sets with tremendous number of variables are analyzed . +0 [ 21 ] proposed to learn a distance metric for measuring the similarity between two points . +1 5G networks are expected to be more dynamic and chaotic in their structure than current networks . +0 This section introduces the sequence labeling framework we use for both POS tagging and NER . +1 We refer to this problem as Relation Schema Induction ( RSI ) . +0 2 ) Do geographic features improve the quality of predicted colorectal cancer survival curves for patients in the state of Iowa ? +1 Visualizing the sentence representations learned by the model shows that the model has captured high level logical structure in these paragraphs . +0 The final objective is to generate executable workflows that fit the cartography . +1 One of the biggest challenges in Multimedia information retrieval and understanding is to bridge the semantic gap by properly modeling concept semantics in context . +0 Using these shared interchangeable components OAQA is able to search the most efficient combination of modules for a task at hand . +1 An approach to incorporate deep learning within an iterative image reconstruction framework to reconstruct images from severely incomplete measurement data is presented . +0 A number of syntactical restrictions to the constraint satisfaction problem are known which make it tractable . +1 This study characterizes a specific inconsistency ranking by providing six independent axioms such that they determine a unique weak order on the set of all pairwise comparison matrices . +0 This extends its application to continuous domains with relatively fewer hyper parameters to be set . +1 The heuristic is derived from an efficient abstraction of the environment based on the componentized way in which complex environments are described . +0 The following lemma is our main contribution for the base method Natasha . +1 This convergence rate does not improve even if the function is also strongly convex . +0 A histogram indicating our results can be found in Figure 6 . +1 Different models have been proposed during the last decade that usually rely on a predefined set of options . +0 Such updates can be done in O ( Nei ( i ) ) steps . +1 Our method uses the skills that were learned by both agents to train invariant feature spaces that can then be used to transfer other skills from one agent to another . +0 we are using the current model to estimate the importance weights . +1 We advance a novel model of choice in online interfaces in which agents with diverse yet correlated preferences search the alternatives in order of popularity and choose the first alternative with utility higher than a certain satisficing threshold . +0 A detailed description of the rules mentioned above is given in the following subsections . +1 Search is stronger than Label while being natural to implement in many situations . +0 We describe our LSTM model in more detail in the next section . +1 The paper proposes a novel cognitive architecture ( CA ) for computational creativity based on the Psi model and on the mechanisms inspired by dual process theories of reasoning and rationality . +0 bh is hidden bias vector ) andH is the hidden layer function . +1 This specific choice on modelling tools brings us mathematical convenience . +0 The benefits of rejecting by classification confidence is also demonstrated in the Type II attacks section . +1 Recognizing various semantic relations between terms is crucial for many NLP tasks . +0 WASTE MANAGEMENT contextonyms of pollutant Air and water rank high on the list of contextonyms . +1 Process mining analyzes business processes based on events stored in event logs . +0 The user is mostly hindered by the fact that she could not use the commutativity of multiplication as the tactic would not terminate . +1 Our approach focuses on the first stage of many stereo algorithms : the matching cost computation . +0 This mechanism will be more detailed in Section 4.2 of this work . +1 A vector of all phonological class probabilities is referred to as phonological posterior . +0 This model is used to tag a collection of Facebook posts in a bootstrapping setting with two cycles ( see below : Bootstrapping via Facebook ) . +1 We propose a novel neural network parametrization which considerably reduces the number of free parameters . +0 To understand the upper bound of performance we can achieve through this specific modeling of NER . +1 Selective classification techniques ( also known as reject option ) have not yet been considered in the context of deep neural networks ( DNNs ) . +0 Figure 7 shows the MS profile level and Figure 8 shows the annotation of MS2 peaks using fragments of a selected candidate glycan for annotation of the MS1 data . +1 Topics that are discussed more frequently than other in Bangla newspaper will be marked and how a very famous topic loses its importance with the change of time and another topic takes its place will be demonstrated . +0 The length of the input sequence is variable and is allowed to change . +1 Presence of these structural properties makes the graph class hard to learn . +0 In such cases we arbitrarily chose one of the possibilities8 . +1 Doing so is nontrivial in that the objective being maximized ( entropy ) is a function of the density itself . +0 They must therefore be gradable either automatically or by not very expert human graders . +1 It also shows very competitive and robust results with respect to manually annotated ones . +0 The scaffolding forward step is repeated until the end of document and experiences are saved to learn the policy offline . +1 Abnormalities of thyroid function are usually related to production of too little thyroid hormone ( hypothyroidism ) or production of too much thyroid hormone ( hyperthyroidism ) . +0 We make use of these vertices in the CORRECTION subroutine ( Alg . +1 The problem has a long history and attracted significant attention for the last decade . +0 Bast and Buchhold [ 9 ] outline a joint index structure over ontologies and text . +1 We evaluate these approaches on two datasets for the Russian language and discuss their impact on the performance of synset induction methods . +0 Maxpooling and local response normalization are performed after some layers . +1 The approaches have been tested by solving several constrained test problems . +0 For more details on all these benchmarks see the results of Mateescu et al . +1 We first describe several kernel functions which capture either limited forms of conjunctions or all conjunctions . +0 It is well known that L2 based regularization does not typically yield sparse solutions when used with traditional kernel logistic regression . +1 We introduce a mechanism for sampling efficiently variations of musical sequences . +0 Tabling itself converts tree search to graph search so it can only remove repeated exploration of already visited states . +1 Our models exploit the spectral structure in the feature space and add computational depth without overfitting issues . +0 The FP1 measure can be interpreted as an elementwise comparison of the signs of the input representations . +1 Based on a collection of such cases any supervised or unsupervised learning algorithm can be used to train and produce an image classifier or image cluster analysis . +0 Most of them focus on designing or learning good action features . +1 This broad coverage facilitates detailed analyses of how syntactic and semantic phenomena together influence human understanding of verb meaning . +0 ( 2005 ) and the JKM approach of Weston et al . +1 To this end we make a thorough mathematical analysis of the problem and derive a new bound on the performance of the system . +0 The k values associated with each entity are then used as predictive input features . +1 A BN can therefore be evaluated by the accuracy of the answers it returns . +0 Neural Networks and Multinomial Logistic Regression exhibit a drop in the performance when Demographic variables are added in Step 2 . +1 The granules were then sieved into samples of various size classes . +0 Vast majority of streaming feature selection methods are supervised which utilize label information to guide feature selection process . +1 Learning probabilistic models over strings is an important issue for many applications . +0 The main goal of CLEAR maps is to convey the following information : 1 ) the attentive regions of interest in the image responsible for the decision made by the DCNN ; 2 ) the attentive levels at these regions of interest so that we understand their level of influence over the decision made by the DCNN ; and 3 ) the dominant class associated with these attentive regions of interest so that we can better understand why a decision was made . +1 subgraph2vec leverages on local information obtained from neighbourhoods of nodes to learn their latent representations in an unsupervised fashion . +0 Setting : We adopt the popular benchmark setup presented by van Kasteren et al . +1 Neural network models are capable of generating extremely natural sounding conversational interactions . +0 Those regions that their corresponding distances are greater than this threshold are reported as hotpots centers ( e.g . +1 We show how this approach can be generalized to conceptual space models of cognition . +0 This means that these approaches could potentially be applicable to imbalanced data distributions . +1 The robot is based upon the REPRAP3D printer system and makes the droplets by mixing chemicals and then placing them in a petri dish after which they are recorded using a camera and the behaviour of the droplets analysed using image recognition software . +0 The proposed ARADMM performs best in all the test cases . +1 A compelling aspect of our approach is that our models are trained with the same simple negative sampling objective function that is commonly used in word2vec to learn word embeddings . +0 During the coding task the annotators would discuss any discrepancies in their tagging . +1 Part of the difficulty in this problem is a lack of solid evaluation measures . +0 At least some of the design principles described in Chapter 3 needs to be learned and applied . +1 This paper aims to improve the feature learning in Convolutional Networks ( Convnet ) by capturing the structure of objects . +0 The definition below fixes the protocol between the teacher and the learner and defines counterexamples . +1 Phonemic segmentation of speech is a critical step of speech recognition systems . +0 rank 0 means that the target score is higher than all sample scores . +1 We propose the existence of an ineluctable tradeoff between this normality and computational time complexity . +0 Sentence space is intended to model the typical sentences that contain the given science term . +1 The behavior of our method is illustrated via some experimental results . +0 The number of input ( fin ) and output ( fout ) feature maps remains exactly the same for SW and SK networks in all layers . +1 We then succesfully applied the sampler to the source separation problem as well as the common principal component analysis and the common spatial pattern analysis problems . +0 The value of each latent feature is the sum of the values of the features that belong to its cluster . +1 LAMA is a classical planning system based on heuristic forward search . +0 Theorem 2 LMLRTA converges to a local optimal solution of Problem ( 4 ) . +1 In addition we raise the question whether the intelligence may show fractal properties . +0 The algorithm stops either when hitting the rank upper bound R or when the loss function value decreases below a threshold . +1 Spectral clustering is a fast and popular algorithm for finding clusters in networks . +0 They demonstrated the effectiveness of both recurrent and recursive neural network ( RNN ) model for English situation . +1 Automatically generated political event data is an important part of the social science data ecosystem . +0 And where neural networks are trate as circuital counterparts of ( functions represented by ) formulas . +1 We discuss implementation issues and experimentally validate the practical applicability of our method . +0 The dimensionality of this region is commonly referred to as the receptive field size of the neuron . +1 We propose a hybrid combining the scalability of RL with the modelling and constraint filtering methods of CP . +0 We view this salient sentence selection as a regression task . +1 It allows for the determination of the influence of each variable on the model prediction for an individual instance . +0 The only design choice necessary in specifying an additive kernel is the selection of a onedimensional base kernel for each input dimension . +1 Our learning algorithm takes an existing lexical vector space and compresses it such that the resulting word embeddings are good predictors for a target bilexical relation . +0 We select 49 users who have reviewed at least 20 of these 100 restaurants . +1 This difficulty function depends on the complexity of the ( acceptable ) solution for the task ( instead of a universal distribution over tasks or an adaptive test ) . +0 [ 2011 ] by rescaling with the arm size ( the Am and bm variables in Algorithm 1 ) . +1 We build hybrid systems that translate mostly at the word level and consult the character components for rare words . +0 The communication complexity of voting rules was also highlighted by Caragiannis and Procaccia in [ 7 ] . +1 Performance of fingerprint recognition depends heavily on the extraction of minutiae points . +0 It takes the concatenation of a malware feature vector m and a noise vector z as input . +1 In this paper we present architecture of a fuzzy expert system used for therapy of dyslalic children . +0 In addition to the generated datasets in table 3 we have generated another dataset based on the assumption in [ 3 ] to compare it to our results . +1 Reinforcement learning explores erroneous states during training and can therefore be more robust when mistakes are made early in a process . +0 There is also the case where the authors just follow the standard active learning setting ( e.g . +1 We show some evidence that our proposed multiscale architecture can discover underlying hierarchical structure in the sequences without using explicit boundary information . +0 The user can use this model to decide whether to go ahead and build the predictive model . +1 These relations also hold when comparing sentences in different languages . +0 The bank which creates maximum trust in the hearts of people is considered to be most successful bank . +1 We also demonstrate how the analysis results can be used in automated personalized content selection for persuasive message generation . +0 For each weight wi the algorithm achieves the local maximum ( i.e . +1 Solving this basic problem is essential to carry out any graph signal processing or machine learning task . +0 Now we can prove the Theorem 1 in Section 5 . +1 Results for survival prediction using 3 different approaches are shown for a subset of the data which is most difficult to model . +0 These concepts only manifest perspectives and are superordinate hyperversatiles in their respective domains . +1 The paper then presents a MapReduce algorithm which selects a few representative columns from a matrix whose columns are massively distributed across several commodity machines . +0 This approach represents a document as a numeric vector under the 302 static features in Table II as well as k dynamic features constructed based on the training dataset . +1 The framework comprises a module to automatically estimate the fluency of the sentences and another module to utilize the estimated fluency scores to effectively train an image captioning model for the target language . +0 It can be easily shown that sign function is a bounded sigmoidal function . +1 We benchmark the running performance of these tools with three popular types of neural networks on two CPU platforms and three GPU platforms . +0 Two nodes are connected whenever they are neighbors either in the amino acid sequence or in the 3D space of the protein tertiary structure [ 1 ] . +1 We use tweet subjectivity to select the right training samples . +0 The complete list of mappings will be published in an appendix . +1 Data mining researchers have been proposing various approaches to find and impute missing values to increase classification accuracies so that disease may be predicted accurately . +0 Query Inseparability Positive existential queries constitute a much richer query language than facts as they allow for existentially quantified variables . +1 The resulting multiplicative gradient step is very simple and does not require gradient clipping or learning rate adaptation . +0 The low rank approximation of proposed method achieves the smallest error . +1 We propose a simple framework for estimating the scalability of distributed machine learning algorithms . +0 Any point of the space enclosed in that region is said to satisfy the constraint cl . +1 The role of size in several visual reasoning tasks has been thoroughly explored in human perception and cognition . +0 Suppose f satisfies ( A.1 ) and ( A.2 ) . +1 Classic paragraph embedding methods infer the representation of a given paragraph by considering all of the words occurring in the paragraph . +0 First we need to find the Lipschitz constant : Lemma 9 . +1 We propose learning these through interacting with a visual and dynamic environment . +0 One can instead segment object boundaries and average features inside each object . +1 This paper presents a leading research for the opinion holder extraction in Arabic news independent from any lexical parsers . +0 Note that a cycle of length one is always simple . +1 The problem is online because the frequencies can change between trials . +0 Computational costs for each previously described strategy and the results are shown in Figure 6 . +1 Such an algorithm with strong performance and efficiency could potentially be translated for use in the ICU to promote overall patient care and recovery . +0 8a we have used a cluster of eight NVIDIA Quadro M4000 GPUs that are connected via a 10Gbit ethernet network link . +1 This method is particular relevant in scenarios where taxonomy alignment techniques exploiting textual information from taxonomy nodes can not operate successfully . +0 A similarity matrix can then be used to define the transition probability as follows . +1 The representation of many common semantic phenomena requires structural properties beyond those commonly used for syntactic parsing . +0 We also noticed that regular SDFs can lead to overly large error values far away from the surface . +1 Testing the real code in simulation is a viable option . +0 This is comparable to the approximately optimal average reward attained by executing Approximate Value Iteration ( AVI ) for a huge number of iterations . +1 Of course there will still always be some individuals that defy this stereotype ; these beautiful brainy people are exactly the class of anomaly we focus on in this paper . +0 Number of tokens is 2215047 in the source side and 2378950 in the target side . +1 The cutsize is induced by the unknown adversarial labeling of the graph nodes . +0 It can be used as a test to see whether the pan angle conditions are met . +1 Experimental results on synthetic as well as benchmark UCI data demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach . +0 This model of amplitude spectrum for unvoiced pronunciation is described mathematically as follows . +1 An interesting research problem in our age of Big Data is that of determining provenance . +0 Neuron outputs are discretized using a three bit ADC converter for each neuron and are stored in the output buffer for routing . +1 Environmental audio tagging is a newly proposed task to predict the presence or absence of a specific audio event in a chunk . +0 We observed a large performance increase compared to not normalizing the gradient . +1 The algorithm scales well with function approximation and we demonstrate the applicability of the algorithm on a range of tasks . +0 Line 4 finds the most violated constraint and add a new weak learner to the master problem . +1 The random Fourier features ( of Rahimi and Recht ) describe an oblivious approximate mapping into finite dimensional Euclidean space that behaves similar to the RKHS . +0 The central idea is same as the one behind miFV which is to map bags to single vector representation . +1 probabilities that match empirical outcome frequencies in the long run ) and which are guaranteed to be reliable ( i.e . +0 4 Personalization is achieved by FAVOUR through the learning mechanism presented in the following . +1 The utility of the dense memories is illustrated for two test cases : the logical gate XOR and the recognition of handwritten digits from the MNIST data set . +0 It is important that agents explore sufficiently to avoid getting stuck with the wrong world model . +1 Matching two texts is a fundamental problem in many natural language processing tasks . +0 The regularization process decreases the information content in the sand fraction as seen in Table I . +1 An effective training procedure using a gradient ascent in a metric inspired by Riemannian geometry is developed : this produces an algorithm independent from design choices such as the encoding of parameters and unit activities . +0 Our neural architecture to score a segmented sequence ( word sequence ) can be described in the following three steps ( illustrated in Figure 1 ) . +1 Our method has a low memory footprint and is computationally efficient . +0 We call this step relation detection on entity set since it does not work on a single topic entity as the usual settings . +1 These properties are used to recognise an image or an object . +0 Lines 16 to 25 iterates over all members of this list . +1 We derive some interesting conclusions : FBS requires only a logarithmically increasing number of random samples in order to converge ( although at a very low rate ) ; the required number of random samples is the same for the deterministic and the biased stochastic setting for FBS and basic PG ; accelerated PG is not guaranteed to converge in the biased stochastic setting . +0 [ 22 ] presents the ViSIoT middleware to perform the smart objects resource discovery . +1 We conclude with some numerical examples that demonstrate improved data efficiency and stability of PGQL . +0 We show in Section 4.1 that the A3C is subsumed to the proposed CDRL as a special case . +1 It is necessary to use an adapted model to simulate the human behavior in a domestic space to monitor the patient harmonically and to intervene in the necessary time . +0 This domain is different from the robot manipulation environment of our first evaluation in Sec . +1 These false alarm rates lead to a number of deleterious effects that manifest in a significantly lower standard of care across clinics . +0 We obtain the following result as a direct consequence to Lemma 11 . +1 Despite its success it does not have a principled regularization mechanism relying in empirical approaches to control model complexity leaving it thus prone to overfitting . +0 The bottom figures in Figure 5 demonstrates this aspect of our model . +1 We show that more sophisticated measures do not appear to yield better results for our data than simple measures such as assuming that the correct label is the one that a majority of Turkers apply . +0 CorrAE is similar to the model of Chandar et al . +1 Hence the resulting approach has much better complexity characteristics than other operators in some situations . +0 We may assume the sum of two functions is strongly convex . +1 The language of procedures is found for an external base flow of information for an insurance company . +0 This is in accordance to what was stated by Halpern and Moses ( 1992 ) . +1 We provide the first oracle efficient sublinear regret algorithms for adversarial versions of the contextual bandit problem . +0 The external memory and corresponding operations will be discussed in detail below . +1 Our results imply that many commonly used AL algorithms are robust against perturbed priors . +0 Consider any atomic congestion game of n players with parameters given in Section 2 . +1 We propose a fuzzy solution to deal with this problem by assigning weights to URLs and user sessions based on a fuzzy membership function . +0 This method uses the notion of similarity based on a probabilistic model ( e.g . +1 Random projections have been applied in many machine learning algorithms . +0 So the balance between fitting accuracy and overfitting problem should be considered when choosing the fitting function . +1 The acquired knowledge can be used to enrich existing KBs in the subjective dimension which bridges the gap between existing objective knowledge and subjective queries.The main challenge of CoSKA is the conflict between large scale knowledge facts and limited crowdsourcing resource . +0 The potential use of text segmentation in the information extraction process was examined in Fragkou ( [ Fra09 ] ) . +1 We propose an approximate strategy to efficiently train neural network based language models over very large vocabularies . +0 Training the annotators and updating the guidelines : An iterative method was proposed to train the annotators and update the guidelines . +1 This allows transmission of information ( such as phonemes ) segment by segment that decreases the bit rate . +0 Closely related to our work is the model proposed by Ji et al . +1 We derive sample complexity bounds via concentration results for nonparametric density estimation and novel perturbation theory results for continuous matrices . +0 Let L be the set of leaves of T1 that are in T2 . +1 Gang affiliates have joined the masses who use social media to share thoughts and actions publicly . +0 10The constant 1 4 in Equation ( 18 ) is there to enable a consistent choice of n0 in the remainder of the proof . +1 We conclude with a lower bound on the optimal differential privacy of the SVM . +0 Hence these elements can be streamed out for the next new elements . +1 In this extension module we focus on extraction of numerical attributes and values from discharge summary records and associating correct relation between attributes and values . +0 The main idea behind QVEC is to quantify the linguistic content of word embeddings by maximizing the correlation with a manuallyannotated linguistic resource . +1 The results show that our model can induce string manipulation programs effectively . +0 These can be detected simply by identifying a highly negative sentiment and correspondingly taking action against it . +1 Finally we show that our proposal outperforms these methods when additional information is available . +0 Somewhat surprisingly we can solve completely this question ( see Theorem 2 ) . +1 Classification is done on fused as well as independent features using Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) and neural networks . +0 We observed that the empirical expected reward is close to the optimal expected reward when only a few distinct observations were sampled while building the reachability tree . +1 We also provide a test suite for benchmarking our results with 200 test cases . +0 This suggests that the words and phrases in the semantic lexicon learned via Modified Basilisk are relevant and effective for cause identification . +1 In this paper we describe the mechanism that we invented for recovering the representative metrics and detecting the change in their behavior . +0 There are several points on the dent areas for the results of ZED2 and ZED3 problems for the most of the algorithms . +1 At the heart of all these guarantees lies a careful perturbation analysis derived in this paper which improves up on the existing results significantly . +0 Bag Embedding and Prediction One of the key challenges for bag level model is how to aggregate the embeddings of individual sentences into the bag level . +1 We test this approach on a simple toy problem and discuss its shortcomings . +0 Note that the option model is a deterministic model where the option is computed based on the current observation ( see Appendix ) . +1 Experiments demonstrate that the presented approach is significantly more accurate than prior approximation schemes . +0 We define a POAPS program to be a function definition written in the POAPS language . +1 We describe four families of problems for which some of the commonly used existing algorithms fail or suffer significant difficulty . +0 This means that a new set of goals Gs is generated that is currently ( sceptically ) preferred under the goal preference policy represented in KBGD and the current information in KB0 . +1 A complex nature of big data resources demands new methods for structuring especially for textual content . +0 We will now show how to learn a more general capturing a full distribution for each output Yk . +1 We propose a search technique that sequentially processes image regions such that the regions that are more likely to correspond to the query class object are explored earlier . +0 Label information is incorporated into the model by enhancing every mixture component ( i. e. every prototype ) with a class label . +1 We present a general approach for lifting formalisms for specifying preferences over objects with multiple attributes into ones that specify preferences over subsets of such objects . +0 They showed that TDS was 1.6 to 12.9 times faster than work stealing in puzzle solving domains [ 61 ] . +1 This formulation allows us to optimize placement and inference by jointly training the inference network and beacon layer . +0 Using the square loss is motivated by the realizability assumption and computing the minimizer requires one oracle call . +1 A novel technique for personalization in itinerary search based on city logistics ontology and rules is proposed to overcome this problem . +0 In the following it will be convenient to work with a special case of the network polynomial where all the indicator functions are set to one . +1 A data mining technique to reduce the amount of false alerts within an IDS system is proposed . +0 antee in an unconstrained setting as discussed in Section 4 . +1 The empirical performance ( accuracy and runtime ) is positively confirmed by numerical experiments . +0 Each column of B is a seperate target ( or response ) that we wish to predict . +1 We believe that this might be a first step to address the recently raised open challenge in automated planning : the need of a hierarchical structure and a continuous online planning and acting framework . +0 The clustering process took around half an hour on a dual core i7 2Ghz Macbook Air with 8GB of RAM resulting in 1800 job title clusters ranging from Nurse Assistant to Hadoop Engineer . +1 People can recognize scenes across many different modalities beyond natural images . +0 ( 11 ) We call this equation the stochastic modified equation ( SME ) . +1 We develop an autoregressive convolutional neural network that learns to iteratively generate multiple frames . +0 Fix a number K ( polynomial in m ) to be chosen later . +1 This constructs a grade for an agent based on the grades proposed by the agents evaluating the agent . +0 The absence of restrictions imposed by value constraints makes matching weaker than it could be . +1 Our method takes finding adversarial examples as its mediate step . +0 The decay corresponds to the positional index of the news paragraph . +1 We show that two networks with simple configurations are able to learn to coordinate in the referential game . +0 Here we focus on : ( i ) the most naive one which is conceptually simple but very computationally expensive and ( ii ) the most advanced one which reduces the search space and implements fast parameter learning through local EM . +1 We show that the rational closure of a TBox can be computed in EXPTIME using entailment in SHIQ . +0 We summarize all of our upper bounds in Table 2 . +1 Our detector is fully integrated in the popular Caffe framework and processes a 320x420 image in less than a second . +0 The same conclusion can be drawn when combining an RNN with an LSTM . +1 Recent developments in diagrammatic modeling have made it possible to examine conceptual representation of events . +0 Our experimental results show that the hidden layers are an important contributor to the performance for all of our models . +1 We also present formulations using partial weighted maximum Boolean satisfiability and mixed integer linear programming . +0 It is important to keep the agent focused on one goal long enough to give it a reasonable chance of achieving it . +1 For every analyzed play a WAN is constructed and these are aggregated to generate author profile networks . +0 It is obtained by ranking items in decreasing order of their Likert score . +1 Proposed approach uses deep recurrent neural network trained on a sequence of acoustic features calculated over small speech intervals . +0 ( 2016 ) we also remove senses from all concepts for AMR generation only . +1 Using the weights given by such metrics could lead to more accurate document representation which may improve the performance of the classification . +0 Here we suggest a three step approach only based on the techniques described above and using distinct corpora . +1 Many hardware accelerators for deep neural networks have been proposed recently . +0 Additions with long carries We observe similar generalization issues with multiplication . +1 We provide an error analysis for the estimated transition probabilities and show they are robust to small perturbations in the estimates of the mixture parameters . +0 4These priors are conjugate to the multinomial and normal distribution . +1 We compare our approach against meaningful baseline approaches via human studies . +0 The semantic proxies used to extract the semantics required by the measure . +1 Gene selection is a process to select genes which are more informative . +0 We used the same task interface but with the default answer set to Yes . +1 This paper focuses on the design of bus network and proposes an efficient solving method to this multimodal network design problem based on the Benders decomposition method . +0 We expect the objective function to take longer to start decreasing on random labels because initially the label assignments for every training sample is uncorrelated . +1 We conducted experiments on Cochrane Database systematic reviews related to congestive heart failure using inclusion criteria as an example data element . +0 All training parameters for the models are provided in Table 1 . +1 The proposed particle scheme provides consistent estimation of the LBP marginals as the number of particles increases . +0 Another one is ignoring the sensitive attribute in ST table . +1 We use distributional information to weigh the influence that each word has on the decisions of the others and semantic similarity information to measure the strength of compatibility among the choices . +0 Both methods also clearly helped to cut the hyperparameter search needed for all methods to a minimum . +1 We believe that those challenges have not sufficiently been addressed in past contributions and that covering those is necessary in order to advance NTL detection . +0 The PSO algorithm begins by assigning randomized positions and velocities to each particle . +1 A detailed comparison of the results is made by comparing the proposed method with the results from nine state of the arts techniques for five different evaluation metrics . +0 Only with multiple draws does the learned kernel capture the longerrange dependencies . +1 Our bounds are in general tighter than those obtained by Wang et al ( COLT 2012 ) for the same problem . +0 A binary feature indicates the appearance or lack thereof of any of these emoticons . +1 We also learn controllers for the biped getting up off the ground . +0 Proposition 4 Computing a coalition manipulation of the modified Borda count with weighted and partial votes and 3 candidates is NPhard . +1 We consider the unsupervised learning problem of assigning labels to unlabeled data . +0 SRL is a difficult prediction task with more than one structural formulation ( type of label ) . +1 Our discovery in regards to these foundational arguments opens the door to solving the P vs NP problem . +0 Latent semantic analysis ( LSA ) is a technique for analyzing the relationship between words and documents . +1 Failure rate analysis of components plays a key role in this problem . +0 The intention of PSDD is to avoid the need to lock on every node generation and to avoid explicitly passing individual nodes between threads . +1 texts or numbers ) can be used as suitable distinctive landmarks for localization . +0 We described random variables as a representation for building rich probabilistic programs over computational graphs . +1 In the SAT and CSP domains algorithm portfolios have consistently dominated the main competitions in these fields for the past five years . +0 We also observe that Mov outperforms CNN in some cases ( e.g . +1 Experimental results on real datasets show that our approaches significantly improve time efficiency while maintaining comparable results with the batch counterparts . +0 Of particular interest is the possibility for inst of dynamically creating and removing other agents . +1 We argue that this problem may be further understood by adding an additional dimension in the experiment . +0 ( 174 ) has only negative terms on the left hand side . +1 Our model benefits from exploring the commonalities and relationships among different tasks to address the data sparsity issue . +0 Assume each node in the network measures data that satisfy the conditions described in Sec . +1 On two question answering benchmarks this model exceeds all previous published benchmarks . +0 We implemented a number of standard simplifications that are particularly suited for eliminating variables . +1 An adversarial loss could be a way to directly evaluate the extent to which generated dialogue responses sound like they came from a human . +0 Note that this heuristic approach to compute the summary state and action spaces is a requirement to make GPSARSA tractable ; it is a serious limitation in general and should be avoided . +1 This emerging field promises to develop extensively over the next years . +0 As a consequence the language can not express formally the truth of a secret p. This level of abstraction suffices for the purposes of the current paper . +1 When human agents come together to make decisions it is often the case that one human agent has more information than the other and this phenomenon is called information asymmetry and this distorts the market . +0 The majority of semantic measures framed in the relational setting have been proposed to assess the semantic similarity or taxonomic distance of a pair of concepts defined in a taxonomy . +1 We introduce a utilitarian approach where the utility of each state is estimated as the difference between the reward for reaching an agreement on assignments of shared variables and the cost of privacy loss . +0 After putting together the conceptual ground we can now proceed to describe the future of the Web in terms of the cognitive development . +1 We introduce and make available a novel sequence learning task and data set : predicting and classifying MNIST pen stroke sequences . +0 4 illustrates the developed training procedure for individual LSTM learners and Alg . +1 Communication Service Providers ( CSPs ) are in a unique position to utilize their vast transactional data assets generated from interactions of subscribers with network elements as well as with other subscribers . +0 It also maintains a memory vector that stores internal information about the dialog context . +1 This paper presents a precursory yet novel approach to the question answering task using structural decomposition . +0 The global gradient is equivalent to the average of partial gradients . +1 We propose a new algorithm that exploits the causal feedback and prove a bound on its simple regret that is strictly better ( in all quantities ) than algorithms that do not use the additional causal information . +0 The said wordlists usually contain words that are deemed to be homogeneous in the level of abstraction involved in the application . +1 Researchers often summarize their work in the form of posters . +0 [ 12 ] ) and geometric constraint solvers ( e.g . +1 It has several advantages over supervised classification in natural language processing domain . +0 The approach we take is to put together all the previous operations according to the following description . +1 Multilayer Perceptron ( MLP ) trained with the standard back propagation algorithm normally utilises computationally intensive training algorithms . +0 The posterior inference for Bayesian nonparametric models is important because it is intractable to compute the posterior over an infinite dimensional space . +1 We exploit properties of the tree structure of the hidden states to provide spectral algorithms that are more computationally efficient for current biological datasets . +0 3.2 ) for the GRU layers performs best.6 The shrunk model yields about the same BLEU score as the ensemble on the test set ( 25.2 in ( b ) and 25.3 in ( f ) ) . +1 In todays scenario devices like sensors are used for detection of infections . +0 We created visualization of the retrieved books overlaid on a map of science [ 33 ] to help understand the distribution of the retrieved books with respect to scientific disciplines . +1 This paper presents generalizations of such estimation error analysis on all four aspects compared to the existing literature . +0 To capture exactly those assignments that are actual place graph embeddings some conditions have to be imposed . +1 This paper presents a solution to Autonomous Underwater Vehicles ( AUVs ) large scale route planning and task assignment joint problem . +0 Data is then labeled according to its detected sensitivity level . +1 These random views are then used to train a deep Convolutional Neural Network ( CNN ) classifier . +0 We notice that the literature defines different ways to define a pause . +1 It is one of the important steps in knowledge discovery . +0 We use them to assess how close our models are to achieving optimal performance . +1 We propose a novel evolutionary deep radiomic sequencer discovery approach based on evolutionary deep intelligence . +0 All the results are available on an Excel spreadsheet from [ 14 ] . +1 We find that DTM learns meaningful representations of disease trajectories and that the representations are significantly associated with important clinical outcomes . +0 Partitions in four or more classes can not be based on a similarly uncontroversial division . +1 We tested the proposed IDS on one closed and two public datasets and proved its efficiency in terms of AUC ( area under the ROC curve ) . +0 This improves the consistency of color transforms applied to image regions with similar content and context . +1 Though the word cognitive has a wide range of meanings we define cognitive engineering as learning from brain to bolster engineering solutions . +0 It has been suggested that correlation based measures are well suited for functional connectivity analysis [ 28 ] . +1 A comparison between memory in human cognition and cognitive radar is given as well . +0 The starting point of this strategy is a list of bilingual expressions that are used to build the context vectors of all words in both languages . +1 Methods for training ANNs thus carry directly to the training of such spiking networks as we show when training on the permutation invariant MNIST task . +0 We adopt the same coherence score interpretation considered by the authors in the above work . +1 We show an equivalence between this metric and the variance of target data when projected onto source eigenvectors . +0 See Chapter 19.9 in [ Hig02 ] and the references therein for background . +1 The paper studies the problem of recovering a spectrally sparse object from a small number of time domain samples . +0 Table 4 and 5 show the results of MRT with various evaluation metrics on English validation and test set respectively . +1 Our another conclusion is that other competitive online algorithms do not perform consistently over data sets of varying size . +0 Note that in most our results we will assume Y to be compact . +1 Several mechanisms to focus attention of a neural network on selected parts of its input or memory have been used successfully in deep learning models in recent years . +0 The criterion can be computed from the weights and posteriors obtained from the previous iteration . +1 We use the word embeddings to obtain context vectors that are assigned one or more labels based on manual annotations . +0 We detail below the five distinct atoms featured by clingcon and refer the interested reader for a general introduction to theory terms and atoms to ( Gebser et al . +1 The composition of polyphonic chorale music in the style of J.S Bach has represented a major challenge in automatic music composition over the last decades . +0 Section 3.6 shows the empirical results we got from our experiments . +1 We prove rates of convergence for our estimator and provide an empirical evaluation illustrating its strengths relative to local optimization ( EM ) . +0 These define a random walk that assigns probabilities to words . +1 These techniques aim to find adverse drug events accurately and efficiently . +0 Higher the value of UUR higher should be the likeliness of the word w being borrowed . +1 One of the key challenges of artificial intelligence is to learn models that are effective in the context of planning . +0 The interactive particle filtering proceeds by propagating each particle forward in time . +1 An instance of the type of problems we consider is to find the optimal binary search tree . +0 A user who is expected to use a Line CAPTCHA will not even have to take his hand off the mouse . +1 Item Response Theory ( IRT ) allows for measuring ability of Machine Learning models as compared to a human population . +0 An instance of S is a finite set of facts with predicates from S. The set of all constants appearing in an instance I is called the active domain of I and denoted by adom ( I ) . +1 Our proposed method runs worker solvers on the available cores and simultaneously the workers cooperate for the search space distribution and balancing . +0 Proof ( sketch ) : Each irrelevant variable has expected contribution less than the contributions of all the influential features . +1 Hierarchical classification addresses the problem of classifying items into a hierarchy of classes . +0 The loss function is a max margin based loss that takes into account the VQA evaluation metric . +1 Espresso is released under the Apache 2.0 license and is available at +0 Another key feature of the proposed method is that the newer classes are learnt in addition to the existing knowledge as if they were present from the beginning . +1 We give a novel formal theoretical framework for unsupervised learning with two distinctive characteristics . +0 This is due to the fact that containment of Datalog queries is undecidable [ 45 ] . +1 We finally propose a method for summarizing scientific papers by leveraging the faceted citations and their corresponding contexts . +0 LSTMs accomplish this by keeping an internal state that represents the memory cell of the LSTM neuron . +1 It is particularly important to neural networks because neural models are very likely to be overfitting . +0 Dengue Disease Prediction Using Weka Data Mining Tool 11 SMO is one of the methods used for classification . +1 The advantages of the developed algorithm of classification in comparison with the existing one are also discussed in the article . +0 It is clear that Proposition 47 is an easy consequence of Lemma 49 . +1 The main benefit of this factoring is to generalize learning across actions without imposing any change to the underlying reinforcement learning algorithm . +0 You would have a very different purpose in life if converted into a fish . +1 A transformation matrix of each layer is obtained by solving an optimization aimed at a better representation where a subsequent layer builds its representation on the top of the features produced by a previous layer . +0 This ensured that all the benefits from well established mechanisms would be maintained even when applied to a different context . +1 We give a necessary and sufficient condition to guarantee full column rank of the orientation matrix . +0 Assume that B and C are two pseudoinverses of A . +1 This paper describes a system relying on an ontological representation of the building information to label automatically the building elements . +0 The hybrid model was developed with an aid to further increase the accuracy of liver disease prediction . +1 We employ a standard policy gradient method to train the model to make discrete jumping decisions . +0 These sections are all based on the explanation of mapping relations from a new viewpoint . +1 We show both theoretically and empirically that structure regularization can effectively control overfitting risk and lead to better accuracy . +0 Websites with a high amount of invalid page visits were removed from our dataset . +1 We derive a commmittee of partial CNNs resulting from batchwise dropout runs on the initial CNN . +0 The benchmarks we describe later in this section were recorded on a Ubuntu Desktop with 4.2 GHz Intel Core i7 and 32GB RAM . +1 Noisy neighbor is a term commonly used to describe situations in NFV infrastructure where an application experiences degradation in performance due to the fact that some of the resources it needs are occupied by other applications in the same cloud node . +0 PCDN can be generalized to be a generic parallel framework to solve the problem of minimizing the sum of a convex loss term and a seperable term . +1 We show that natural classes of regularized learning algorithms with a form of recency bias achieve faster convergence rates to approximate efficiency and to correlated equilibria in multiplayer normal form games . +0 We propose a simple linear method : we sort the Table and we build the trie from the sorted Table . +1 Designing adaptive classifiers for an evolving data stream is a challenging task due to the data size and its dynamically changing nature . +0 Pure LfD can lead to suboptimal behavior when demonstrator and imitator do not share the same embodiment . +1 We describe a method to calculate the lexicon probability of the next word in the translation candidate by using the attention vector of the NMT model to select which source word lexical probabilities the model should focus on . +0 The problem is then to determine at which input values the experiments should be made in order to extract as much information as possible about the relationship between y and x . +1 Several multiagent reinforcement learning ( MARL ) algorithms have been proposed to optimize agents decisions . +0 The vertical relations are across adjacent strata and describe hierarchies of individual objects differing in complexity and their upward and downward effects . +1 Our empirical results demonstrate significant performance gains over previous approaches . +0 Here we use real example from the Facebook data to show the effect of the user characteristic features on RNNLM . +1 We evaluate our approach on tracking task with raw image inputs . +0 We also note that the GTX480 and HD7970 perform relatively better compared to the K40m due to their better balanced architecture . +1 CE combines several simple classifiers to obtain a strong one . +0 This holds even if there is only one minimized role name and no fixed prediates Proof . +1 Deep neural networks are widely used in machine learning applications . +0 The choice of CEs and their patterns were specified in collaboration with the domain experts of the AMINESS project . +1 We show that this approach can be successfully applied to the case where the training dataset is composed of both labeled and unlabeled acoustic data . +0 The two main cases which are catered for are the existence of subsets within the lookahead categories for one sentence position and the allowed juxtaposition of punctuation directly after a word without an intervening space . +1 We also extend IRNN to solve the nonconvex problem with two or more blocks of variables . +0 Special attention is paid to identifying to what extent existing approaches can be built on by this dissertation and where there are knowledge gaps . +1 The latter allows to scale linear programming to factored MDPs that were previously unsolvable . +0 The algorithm uses a fuzzfactor of 100 : the length of the file divided by 100 is the average number of bytes that are fuzzed in that file . +1 We also show how to adaptively select the regularization parameter . +0 These empirical results agree with our theoretical analysis in Section 4 . +1 This is the right time to revitalize the area of interpreting how symbols are represented inside neural networks . +0 We would like to mention that the reformulation of EXPoSE as an optimization problem also introduces the opportunity to add constraints or similar properties to the objective function . +1 We analyze the correlation between interactive language features and the structural context of interrelationships . +0 We use these vectors for finding weights of features given disease . +1 This feature makes them a prime candidate for residential demand response . +0 We also tried larger scale models but did not obtain further improvements . +1 For one of the two algorithms we also give a regret analysis within a standard linear stochastic noise setting . +0 Figure 3 shows the effect of the dropout on the network accuracy . +1 The intention network is a recurrent network that models the dynamics of the intention process . +0 n. The crucial aspect is not to allow the size of these circuits to grow too large . +1 This approach ensures that the topic inference process is consistent with existing knowledge . +0 The size of the factors generated for region graph is then reduced . +1 We study the problem of imitation learning from demonstrations of multiple coordinating agents . +0 We prove a global convergence rate for the iterates with respect to the true solution over the full polytope . +1 These structures also help to generalize such algorithms over multiple tasks without relearning policies from scratch . +0 12 Nowadays there is a wide range of classifiers techniques . +1 The proposed approach is evaluated on the task of predicting insurgent armed groups based on geographical locations . +0 extend the basic mixture model for use in Monte Carlo localization . +1 We explore how to improve machine translation systems by adding more translation data in situations where we already have substantial resources . +0 The following heavy hitters are the initial read of X as well as the computation costs of solve . +1 In this work we extend traditional algebraic specification methods in this direction . +0 We are now in a position to begin our study of COA and its complexity . +1 We present a new type of probabilistic model which we call DISsimilarity COefficient Networks ( DISCO Nets ) . +0 ( C ) Membrane with close proximity to a mitochondrion . +1 Our analysis may point the way to logical and computational analysis of more realistic game models . +0 A second set of fMLLR transforms is estimated from new word lattices and combined with the first set of transforms . +1 Automatic speech recognition ( ASR ) allows a natural and intuitive interface for robotic educational applications for children . +0 The fitness functions play a crucial role in designing heuristic attribute reduction algorithms . +1 Statistically sound decision criterion can be derived for anomaly detection purpose from the perspective of the energy landscape of the data distribution . +0 The motivation of that work is to integrate human expert knowledge into the decision making process in order to identify fraudulent behavior . +1 gene expression datasets where the causal relationships between thousands of nodes ( genes ) are explored . +0 Inference in a belief network creates a Markov chain with its stationary distribution conforms to P ( v ) . +1 The task of the emotion recognition in the wild ( EmotiW ) Challenge is to assign one of seven emotions to short video clips extracted from Hollywood style movies . +0 The first reason is that our model predicts only single word answers . +1 The stability performance of feature selection on medical data is better than RBM and competitive with NMF . +0 We construct the worst case B to maximize the size of Sinverse . +1 The linear layer is one of the most pervasive modules in deep learning representations . +0 2 presents the function between the number of clusters and the clustering cost J . +1 In this paper we present a convex optimization method for an optimal aggregation of binary classifiers to estimate class membership probabilities in multiclass problems . +0 they can be changed to their singular or plural form . +1 Academic researchers often need to face with a large collection of research papers in the literature . +0 The authors motivate their choice by the need to compare dependency paths of different length . +1 We show experimentally that sampled sequences are indeed closely correlated to the standard musical similarity measure defined by Mongeau and Sankoff . +0 The joints and segments picked in the evaluation are demonstrated in Fig . +1 Two versions of the proposed algorithm are proffered : one with less memory usage and the other with faster convergence rate . +0 Note that in Section 2 we conjectured this separation of examples of Tables 3 and 4 into two clusters as a desirable feature . +1 Our experiments show the value of using this similarity measure for the aforementioned prediction tasks . +0 We have the following simple lower bound ( all proofs are omitted from this extended abstract ) . +1 It presents a model of the speech data stream and how it works . +0 We thus define the memory consumed by this forest as active . +1 Recommendation systems are emerging as an important business application with significant economic impact . +0 The Gc graph for a level k is defined as follows . +1 The proof uses an approximate minimax phenomenon for boolean matrices of low VC dimension . +0 Now we get back to the proof of ( 224 ) . +1 Existing big data methods try to outdo each other in terms of complexity and algorithmic sophistication . +0 Theorem 2 shows that the MPN maximizes the probability in its corresponding selective SPN . +1 The API then detects the video labels ( objects within the video ) as well as shot labels ( description of the video events over time ) . +0 This technique is required to extend QBDC on CNN architecture which may be one of the reasons for the difference in the accuracy with Gammelsaeter ( 2015 ) that solely applied the dropout committee on MLP architectures . +1 The existing approach requires huge computation resource for analysing large number of tweets . +0 Predictions for both previously seen and unseen data can be made in this manner . +1 Such problems feature tightly coupled continuous resource constraints and continuous temporal constraints . +0 The paper then extends the discussion to the HiL HMA that recognizes the human behavior in the image sequences in Section 4 . +1 The proposed system has been tested on different scenarios and experimental results shows that the proposed solution is effective both in terms of efficiency and time . +0 Our model thus allows the factor analysis to take into account the regression task as well . +1 Combinatory Category Grammar ( CCG ) supertagging is a task to assign lexical categories to each word in a sentence . +0 A tree hypergraph program ( THGP ) is an HGP based on a tree hypergraph . +1 The results show that provenly optimal solutions can be obtained for problem instances of small and medium size from the literature by solving the proposed integer linear programming model with CPLEX . +0 tk and tl respectively ) that are not occurring together . +1 A number of theoretical and practical problems of recent interest can be interpreted as recovering a hidden basis from potentially noisy observations . +0 We also present the time needed for the graph construction . +1 The good results reflect the fact that Fado is a very distinctive musical style . +0 One natural way is to count the number of points close to the subspace spanned by the neighbors . +1 An alternative that we focus on in this work is to train a classifier using a small set of labeled postings that are becoming available as a disaster is emerging . +0 We prove the following theorem in this section : Theorem D.1 . +1 We complement these positive results with a number of hardness results . +0 Thus what we require is for the landmarked space to admit a classifier that has low error with respect to a loss function that can also be efficiently minimized on any training set . +1 Our goal is to maintain the high accuracy of these learning algorithms while reducing the degree to which they discriminate against individuals because of their membership in a protected group . +0 We fix our temperature values using a simple grid search . +1 The most direct method computes a rough score for every pair of word senses and chooses the lexical chain that has the best score ( we can imagine the exponential complexity that returns this comprehensive approach ) . +0 This can be done since the rules are linearly ordered . +1 The experimental results demonstrate that the CDM approach is effective for learning the discriminative features of supervised classifications with few training sensory input instances . +0 The method is used for query recommendation and shows good results in terms of precision . +1 A second essential problem is related to the appropriateness of the Markov assumption . +0 Autonomous Evasion ( a ) Automated update to mission plan based on sensor detection of probable manned aerial intercept ( b ) Automated update to mission plan based on detection of unexpected sensor presence ( c ) Autonomous evasion in the event of a RWR ( Radar Warning Receiver ) activation or MAW ( Missile Approach Warning ) system activation 4 . +1 The drugs were selectively chosen to enable a comparison with previous work and for variety . +0 We now discuss the use cases for the different architectures . +1 It uses this DPP to select a subset of diverse neurons and subsequently fuses the redundant neurons into the selected ones . +0 Figure 3 ( c ) shows an ordered binary tree for our function . +1 Generative model approaches to deep learning are of interest in the quest for both better understanding as well as training methods requiring fewer labeled samples . +0 We continue from the earlier observation that we can replace the buffer of RNNG to a recurrent language model that simultaneously summarizes the shifted words as well as generates future words . +1 In this paper we focus on evaluating and improving the correctness of attention in neural image captioning models . +0 Note that A is a matrix with infinitely many rows . +1 This paper deal with the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution ( TOPSIS ) approach and extend the TOPSIS method to MCDM problem with single valued neutrosophic information . +0 Subclassification is the dominant technique in use today : we will discuss optimizations for subclassification in the next section . +1 biomedical knowledge representation and semantic policy formulation ) call for extensions of these languages with nonmonotonic constructs such as inheritance with overriding . +0 Above explained reasons motivate us to select and explore the triphone as a fundamental unit of analysis for the proposed algorithm in order to build a phonetically rich corpus . +1 Our approach enables us to learn robust policies by incorporating adversarial elements to the environment . +0 We then sample n training examples only from the most similar source domain . +1 We then collect their posts over time to create longitudinal health timelines and attempt to divide the timelines into different pregnancy trimesters . +0 The minimum of ER ( x ) and the maximum of p ? +1 We highlight some pathological examples where high levels of activity correlates with bad results . +0 Zooming dimension is our way to quantify the benignness of a problem instance . +1 Our results discover novel dynamics of spamming which are intuitive and arguable . +0 The array Tst uniquely determines the polynomial Wst with terms Tstrisxi . +1 We define a probability measure over possible outcomes by applying the known concept of cylinder sets to a probabilistic chase procedure . +0 This is undesirable since the state of the system changes with repeated observations of an image where no new information is added to the system . +1 Machine learning relies on the assumption that unseen test instances of a classification problem follow the same distribution as observed training data . +0 We represent each aspect as word sequence in this part . +1 Numerical experiments on both simulated and real data are presented to illustrate the versatility of the proposed solution . +0 Firstly the agents acting in the system ( ada and charles ) . +1 Modeling textual or visual information with vector representations trained from large language or visual datasets has been successfully explored in recent years . +0 The exponential decay rates for the first and the second moment estimates are set to 0.1 and 0.001 respectively . +1 The SVM use due to strong performance of SVM in binary classification . +0 The main idea of cross diffusion is to perform random walk using the transition probability from different views in an alternating manner . +1 Our experimental results show that LDFMs are competitive with existing probabilistic models . +0 Thus the accuracy of the method depends heavily on the special parameter determining how much data distribution evolves over time . +1 We propose a generative model which allows for modeling and transfering semantic information in vector spaces by combining diverse data sources . +0 During training we continuously load parameters of the DAE trained at increasingly low noise levels to get gradients pointing in the approximate correct direction in beginning of training while covering a large data space and precise gradients close to the data manifold in the end of the training . +1 The contest is dedicated to the assessment of tools and techniques that discover business process models from event logs . +0 Each bus can have loads and generators attached to it . +1 The minority samples are those that rarely occur but very important . +0 In hLDA each document sits at a leaf in a tree of fixed depth L as illustrated in Figure 3 ( a ) . +1 We focus on the problem of sequential decision making in partially observable environments shared with other agents of uncertain types having similar or conflicting objectives . +0 The first task is about the factors that may influence the ConvNets when the dataset is pinyin format . +1 We apply this method to a number of semantic parsing tasks focusing on domains with limited access to labelled training data and extend those datasets with synthetically generated logical forms . +0 SIO is a characteristic sample for a Moore machine M iff : 1 . +1 Experiments on diverse real data sets demonstrate that our approach is both effective and efficient . +0 It is worth mentioning that the use of more negative than positive examples often leads to a degenerate solution that the uniform negative output in prediction is always reached regardless of any actual input . +1 We report up to 128 fold compression of popular architectures without a large loss of accuracy providing additional evidence to the fact that modern deep architectures are very redundant . +0 The weights for the doubled nodes are tied to the original weights . +1 Our proposed framework is motivated by the fact that a small amount of strongly labeled data can give considerable improvement over only weakly supervised learning . +0 The neural methods ( CAMB16 and NUS ) are substantially better than the other two according to both metrics . +1 We investigate attention as the active pursuit of useful information . +0 2 ) Evaluation Evaluate LPMs in current candidate set CMi based on a set of quality criteria . +1 ( 2011 ) and Domke ( 2010 ) did for loopy CRFs . +0 Stentiford Stentiford [ 2006 ] has proposed to detect vanishing points based on the visual attention . +1 We address these drawbacks in our method which takes advantage of a high coverage dictionary in an EM style training algorithm over monolingual corpora in two languages . +0 The results presented in Table 6.7 are calculated at once when the evaluation dataset is shown to the classifier . +1 Policy Gradient methods that explore directly in parameter space are among the most effective and robust direct policy search methods and have drawn a lot of attention lately . +0 Station r is a test station represented by a blue rhombus . +1 In effect our modifications yield improved predictive performance and are simple to implement in any decision tree code . +0 Inferring Words from Keyboard Gestures We first considered the task of inferring words from keyboard gestures . +1 This notion determines the set of undecided literals that can still influence the satisfiability of a PC ( ID ) formula in a given partial assignment . +0 ( 2015 ) fix the number of steps in the random walks to produce approximately the same number of words as human participants . +1 We suggest improvements to the existing C4.5 decision tree algorithm . +0 We also provide the asymptotic convergence speed in the following theorem . +1 We propose two ways of using Pointer Net for our tasks . +0 It consists of 1000 classes and there are 1.28 million training images and 50k validation images . +1 Learning a single multilingual model with fewer parameters is therefore a challenging but potentially beneficial objective . +0 The total runtime of the last four layers of DPN is 75ms . +1 The proliferation of heterogeneous data sources of semantic knowledge base intensifies the need of an automatic instance matching technique . +0 An example of an hidden relational model is shown in Figure 2 . +1 We propose a joint approach that simultaneously learns a latent coordination model along with the individual policies . +0 The PVI metrics focus on the temporal succession between the consonantal and vocalic intervals of the global utterance [ 49 ] . +1 This paper proposes a neural network based approach that models the attention and intention processes . +0 This brings us to a more general discussion of parametrization invariance in feedforward networks ( Section 8.2 ) . +1 We describe an extensive experimental evaluation of our algorithm on the Dark Pool Problem using real trading data . +0 In this case we have a case where the local situation can be transformed into a relatively global situation . +1 This key observation makes efficient sublinear hashing scheme for MIPS possible . +0 It also allows reducing very strict constraints imposed by the pessimistic Jaccard index that might lead to the elimination of some useful redescriptions . +1 Computational Grids are a new trend in distributed computing systems . +0 In this section we briefly describe what the Atari Grand Challenge dataset consists of and we show some of its properties that we deem particularly relevant to research on learning from human demonstrations . +1 The mistakes that models make in early stages of training carry information about the learning problem . +0 Saved time for the fitting of the feature selection algorithm compensated for the five classifiers having to be trained on more features . +1 In addition to the user survey we check the learnability of the evolved games using an artificial neural network based controller . +0 This may be the case where aspects of the model may vary qualitatively ( e.g . +1 We develop a class of sequential generative models that are built on the principles of feedback and attention . +0 Each of the softmax neurons in the vector represents one of 27 movement concatenation categories in the dataset . +1 The first step of processing a question in Question Answering ( QA ) Systems is to carry out a detailed analysis of the question for the purpose of determining what it is asking for and how to perfectly approach answering it . +0 It shows which strategies must not be used in any application . +1 We find that source contexts have a direct impact on the adequacy of a translation while target contexts on the fluency . +0 We discuss our choice of regret measure at length in Section 2.2 . +1 The agent explores a large but finite space of possible architectures and iteratively discovers designs with improved performance on the learning task . +0 Kernel estimation uses the extracted features to estimate the convolution kernel . +1 Then we transport it to the whole manifold via heat flows on vector fields . +0 We need to find a matrix M that minimizes the distance measure as defined in equation ( 6 ) . +1 This paper proposes an efficient algorithm ( HOLRR ) to handle regression tasks where the outputs have a tensor structure . +0 Preiner defines two criteria for a tool to be easy ( p. 121 ) : 1 . +1 Our model assimilates ideas from attention models and gated recurrent networks . +0 The weak fully supported values of other variables may be destroyed . +1 Agents in FMAP apply an advanced privacy model that allows them to adequately keep private information while communicating only the data of the refinement plans that is relevant to each of the participating agents . +0 Our experiments suggest that deeper BiLSTM does not always result in lower training accuracy . +1 visual attributes ) while the others are defined by exemplar images as well . +0 Then we take the quotient of the lowest distance to the largest distance and state that this quotient mapped to that line segment identifies the optimal clustering of the points . +1 The search algorithm presented in this paper is designed for optimal MOO path planning . +0 The IOFPTA T is kept as a data representation from which relevant statistics are retrieved during the execution of the algorithm . +1 Our work is based on supervised learning and intelligent statistical features . +0 Our work here builds upon that of Sordoni et al . +1 Then new sentences are generated by selecting and merging informative phrases to maximize the salience of phrases and meanwhile satisfy the sentence construction constraints . +0 The idea here is to sample enough number of votes such that we are able to estimate the weights of the edges in the weighted majority graph with certain level of accuracy which in turn leads us to predict winner . +1 We describe a simple scheme that allows an agent to explore its environment in an unsupervised manner . +0 We compare o ( B ) with o ( E ) based on the lexicographical order of the actor indices . +1 Sleep stages pattern provides important clues in diagnosing the presence of sleep disorder . +0 We leave the derivation of the gradients of multimodal MatNet autoencoder to the appendix . +1 We propose a unified framework to learn a broad family of structured parameter matrices that are characterized by the notion of low displacement rank . +0 The markers can be added at the end after the translation is complete . +1 The system dynamics are described with Bayesian neural networks ( BNNs ) that include stochastic input variables . +0 We create this set of queries by appending the singleton property triple pattern and temporal properties to the set of data triple pattern queries . +1 It is also helpful in reducing the target side vocabulary and improving the decoding efficiency . +0 The headline vocabulary consists of 31 million tokens and 69K word types with the average title of length 8.3 words ( note that this is significantly shorter than the DUC summaries ) . +1 The focus of past machine learning research for Reading Comprehension tasks has been primarily on the design of novel deep learning architectures . +0 In other words propagation takes place along the edges of the tree and fusion takes place within the nodes . +1 This resolves the COLT open problem of McMahan and Streeter ( 2012 ) . +0 A representative using agent K also performs reasonably well due to the same reason . +1 In this paper we present a new technique for implementing RNN based large vocabulary language models that substantially speeds up computation while optimally using the limited memory resources . +0 2 where there would be more than three possible distinct weights in T . +1 Modified DMQL queries are used to understand and explore the shortcomings of the decision trees generated by C4.5 classifier for education dataset and the results are compared with the proposed approach . +0 The latter is accomplished with a particular probabilistic inference algorithm . +1 Much work has focused on building or extending them by finding patterns in large unannotated text corpora . +0 Figure 2 : We depict four subarchitectures used in the models we develop in this work . +1 On one version of the dataset our ensemble even exceeds the human baseline provided by Facebook . +0 Our system needs to quickly retrieve from a large collection those segments nearest to a given spoken query . +1 Concept hierarchies are one such technique which gained significant attention due to its usefulness in creating domain ontologies that are considered as an integral part of semantic web . +0 The translation produced by this final system in this case is almost flawless . +1 This paper presents an artificial neural network approach for forecasting electric energy consumption . +0 New techniques must be devised to formally model components based on machine learning . +1 We employ a model free deep reinforcement learning framework to learn the motoric skills of striking the puck accurately in order to score . +0 The two embedding methods with standard attention mechanism [ 17 ] are described in Appendix A . +1 The approach exploits the facts that ( i ) the patches in given training set can be sparsely represented by a couple of overcomplete dictionaries related to the focused and blurred categories of images ; and ( ii ) merging such representations leads to a more flexible and therefore better fusion strategy than the one based on just selecting the sparsest representation in the original image estimate . +0 Changing the prototype to working on multiple computers amounts to sharing the parent directory over the network and launching remote processes rather than local . +1 We observe that feature sets extracted using pattern mining techniques only slightly outperform simpler feature sets based on counts of individual activity occurrences in a trace . +0 All this highlights how important the prefix coding is for the understanding of these distributions . +1 Sequential allocation is a simple and attractive mechanism for the allocation of indivisible goods . +0 We then compute the output probability st over vocabularies V by a softmax layer in Eq . ( 12 ) . +1 The objective is to uncover a small set of discriminative subnetworks that can optimally classify global network values . +0 We only require the transition probabilities to be in the convex hull of the confidence sets instead of the confidence sets . +1 This paper studied generating natural languages at particular contexts or situations . +0 The methods which we propose require one or more example sentences for each sense in the inventory to which we wish to classify . +1 This makes it possible to use unnormalized model scores as approximate probabilities . +0 The resulting distribution of RCC8 base relations in the full constraint network for these 10 region subsets along with their complete dataset is shown in Table 3 . +1 Learning graphical models in two stages will have problems because graph structure may change after considering the features . +0 A row vector h from H is processed at each iteration ( line 3 ) . +1 Some preliminary results showing the effects of Partial Observability and the benefits of simple communication are also presented . +0 We enforce 1 ) by avoiding operations that exhaustively search the state space . +1 It further incorporates the graph regularization to preserve the local structure information and help select discriminative features . +0 This combined with Eq.14 and the result of Thm 5 and Lem . +1 Our results provide a theoretical foundation for considering early stopping in online learning algorithms and shed light on the effect of allowing for multiple passes over the data . +0 This chapter covers Bayesian risk aggregation algorithms for hybrid models . +1 We then derive two more scalable variants of this strategy based on different ways of clustering the graph nodes . +0 This classification is subsequently used in the baseline algorithm to try to boost performance of classification of ventricular tachycardia alarms . +1 Impressive progress has been made in the fields of computer vision and natural language processing . +0 [ 8 ] modeled hierarchical and exclusive relations among semantic categories . +1 Our formalization reveals new questions about possible extensions in abductive reasoning . +0 This result holds even when restricted to operators with at most 2 preconditions and 1 postcondition and all graphs in C are acyclic . +1 This paper presents the performance of a classifier built using the stackingC algorithm in nine different data sets . +0 In the next section we will present an effective approach to benefit from proposed concept of feasibility check in order to enhance the optimization algorithm . +1 one that can be taught to execute tasks expressed as previously unseen natural language commands . +0 The constant MDp is a characterization of the best guarantee the Mirror Descent algorithm can provide . +1 Privacy has traditionally been a major motivation for distributed problem solving . +0 The first scenario is collection of both contexts and responses . +1 Machines of all kinds from vehicles to industrial equipment are increasingly instrumented with hundreds of sensors . +0 On the other hand the elements of Y are more balanced around the elements of X thereby requiring less work and hence a smaller resulting distance . +1 We present an interpretable neural network approach to predicting and understanding politeness in natural language requests . +0 Condition D2 holds trivially because it is satisfied by Dn . +1 This is achieved by continuously monitoring the discrepancy between most recent predictions and the actual observations . +0 The parameterisation for the BN models used is listed in Appendix B . +1 Our analysis builds on recent results to further unify the world of sparse linear coding models . +0 Panoramic images were captured at 7 meter intervals using a Ladybug 2 camera . +1 This is experimentally validated using a stacked autoencoder for dimensionality reduction of MNIST handwritten digit database . +0 We hypothesize that structural information captures the semantics of programs to a large extent . +1 An Intrusion Detection System ( IDS ) is a software that monitors a single or a network of computers for malicious activities ( attacks ) that are aimed at stealing or censoring information or corrupting network protocols . +0 The Autoencoder model seems to perform consistently better than the Future Predictor . +1 Social Media users tend to mention entities when reacting to news events . +0 presented a payload base anomaly detection by demonstrating the effectiveness on 1999 DARPA dataset and a live dataset collected form the US Columbia CS department network . +1 Generated rules are necessary to supplement or even to develop the Semantic Web Expert System ( SWES ) knowledge base . +0 We assume linearity of the Bellman error to simplify the derivations . +1 We introduce two particular problems : cyber attack attribution and regulatory data sharing . +0 The runtime necessary to solve given instances has been measured too . +1 We then study discriminative image captioning to generate language that uniquely refers to one out of two semantically similar images in the COCO dataset . +0 The case of B is symmetric to that of A . +1 The algorithm for the second system is based on the same idea but we incorporate the physics model into the constraints . +0 We require that R satisfies the following distributional monotonicity ( DM ) property . +1 Implicit feedback is the simplest form of user feedback that can be used for item recommendation . +0 The function PRUNEQDUP walks through all nodes ndi in the set Dup . +1 This paper explores two instances of feature squeezing : reducing the color bit depth of each pixel and smoothing using a spatial filter . +0 Each interaction t follows the same broadly applicable protocol : 1 . +1 Tests have been performed on a dataset acquired from five intact subjects who performed ten types of grasps on various objects as well as in a functional setting . +0 The last model has been successfully used by Li et al . +1 This paper analyzes k nearest neighbor classification with training data anonymized using anatomy . +0 A central focus in ontology development is the intended meaning of the specified vocabulary . +1 Driven by concerns about the consequence of such a system we suggest prophylactic courses of action that could be considered . +0 As starting point we used list pages dealing with name changes . +1 A technique that would spot only bird vocalization while ignoring other audio sources is of prime importance . +0 Our model also has much smaller variance ( Figure 4 ) . +1 We also demonstrate nearly an order of magnitude speedup on a complex inverse procedural modeling application . +0 To understand the impact that these additional sources of noise have on autoencoder training we analyze a simplified NAE . +1 This paper presents a new deterministic approximation technique in Bayesian networks . +0 In this case the same reading and writing filters are used for all three channels . +1 Future projection of climate is typically obtained by combining outputs from multiple Earth System Models ( ESMs ) for several climate variables such as temperature and precipitation . +0 In this setting correct positive triples can be ranked higher than the target one and hence be counted as errors . +1 These SDEs are guaranteed to leave invariant the required posterior distribution . +0 We present a qualitative description of how computation time varies as a function of parameters in Table 1 . +1 Most of existing studies took advantage of machine learning approaches to predict ad click for each event of ad view independently . +0 The set of RVs defined by Q is denoted RVQ . +1 The number of occupants and occupation periods were obtained from class attendance reports . +0 [ 41 ] provide a methodology for incorporating multiple different trust models BDI agents . +1 The intuition behind is that the combination acts as a condition selector for choosing the best representation from both LSTMs . +0 It uses the same definition of group anomaly from [ Xiong et al . +1 Subspace clustering ( SC ) is a promising clustering technology to identify clusters based on their associations with subspaces in high dimensional spaces . +0 Another interesting question is what is the performance if we vary the size top n most common target words in V Tx . +1 Teaching machines to process text with psycholinguistics insights is a challenging task . +0 Open Problem 2 ( Au naturel is just as good ) . +1 We also perform preliminary measurements on how the Twitter suspension mechanism deals with such abusive behaviors . +0 An alternative is the use of proximal methods [ 2 ] . +1 Analysis results on eleven datasets with various disaster types show that our technique provides relevant tweets of higher quality and more interpretable results of sentiment analysis tasks when compared to learning approach . +0 We chose all the parameters referring to Hinton ( 2012 ) . +1 A new natural language understanding method for disambiguation of difficult pronouns is described . +0 This is because there is no information in the model as yet . +1 Inferring implicit discourse relations in natural language text is the most difficult subtask in discourse parsing . +0 It is worth mentioning that this same basic method can be used even when we are interested in transformations of a particular class . +1 Neural network models have a reputation for being black boxes . +0 The key idea is to learn a compact representation of a word or paragraph by predicting nearby words in a fixed context window . +1 Experiments on seven publicly available benchmark datasets from a variety of domains show that our approach results in orders of magnitude faster solutions even while retaining the same level of accuracy compared to the state of the art feature selection techniques . +0 The results of this comparison are shown in Table 13 . +1 Generative autoencoders are those which are trained to softly enforce a prior on the latent distribution learned by the inference model . +0 This section deals with concepts that pertain to ROSS fact repositories and with the processes such as instantiation that generate the information that exists in fact repositories . +1 We present quantitative drift analysis techniques along with methods for communicating their results . +0 .d1 1 t 237 t 213 64 75 t 218 expression . +1 they only differ from the best possible regret by a constant factor ) . +0 The joint sparsity of S is an important assumption in the proposed method . +1 The paraphrases are randomly eliminated according to the degrees when our model learns word representations . +0 The agent may or may not receive a question at every time step . +1 The LISA system provides a tool for complete modelling of the agent and the environment for probabilistic verification . +0 X in C does not necessarily imply that the same holds in Ccom and Cexcl . +1 We demonstrate that our method improves the state of the art by orders of magnitude compared to a direct solution of the POMDP . +0 We then give another empirical result using several region sizes on TREC dataset in Table 10 . +1 Accessing Web archives raises a number of issues caused by their temporal characteristics . +0 The objective of the aqueous phase wash was to remove the remains of acetone from the petri dish so that it would not interfere with subsequent experiments . +1 Natural language generation plays a critical role in any spoken dialogue system . +0 The Te ( i ) are as defined above for optimal decision tree . +1 A trainable gating network determines a sparse combination of these experts to use for each example . +0 Grouping a finite set of ground rules can be achieved by rule attaching as well . +1 These methods are practical tools for everyone who trains convolutional neural networks . +0 In the ASR field it has been first proposed in [ 34 ] . +1 We then show how this mechanism can used to implement composition strategies that enforce arbitrary structure on a musical lead sheet generation problem . +0 The solution that the solvers produce are being checked for both syntactic and semantic correctness . +1 Crowdsourcing platforms enable to propose simple human intelligence tasks to a large number of participants who realise these tasks . +0 Full derivations of these gradients are presented in Appendix B . +1 Such a diverse set is obtained by using an evolutionary algorithm for constructing hard or easy instances that are diverse with respect to different features of the underlying problem . +0 Where and how should one inject noise to best balance fast mixing with making the implied conditional easy to model ? +1 The EH source harnesses energy from ambient energy sources and the generated energy is stored in an energy buffer . +0 This resulted in the determination of three clusters for class 0 and three clusters for class 1 . +1 Our approach to sociotechnological dynamics will maintain a balance between perspectives : the individual and the collective . +0 2 ) whereas the latter lay in the nonconvex areas ( the square point ) . +1 We define a set of features in order to consider the context surrounding a target of interest with the final aim of training a model for predicting the stance towards the mentioned targets . +0 METEOR improvements similarly align with BLEU improvements both for MT and IR lists . +1 The explosive growth in big data has attracted much attention in designing efficient indexing and search methods recently . +0 Note that SMTL is a special case of our approach in which all tasks use the same set of parameters . +1 Most of traditional NGC methods are based on pairwise relationships ( similarities ) . +0 We now state corollaries of this theorem that explicitly show the dependence on n in the convergence rates . +1 We encode input sequence into vectors and use dynamic programming to infer candidate logical forms . +0 Now consider the reward vectors rts generated over T rounds . +1 The manual is updated with every release of a new stable version . +0 This experiment also shows that the benefits of abstraction were greater than the benefits of asynchronous communication in the grid pathfinding problems . +1 We demonstrate our approach on regression and recommender system tasks . +0 Our bilingual training data Db includes 630K2 sentence pairs ( each sentence length is limited up to 50 words ) extracted from LDC corpora3 . +1 We use the recently proposed amortized Stein variational gradient descent to learn a stochastic sampling network that approximates samples from this distribution . +0 It splits each sentence based on the space character ( in most languages ) and then forms a set of unrelated words ( a bag of words as it is commonly called ) . +1 However the performance degradation is observed if enrollment data size differs from one speaker to another . +0 The shared variables for updating on 2 GPUs start the same . +1 We show that this approach vastly improves the quality of generated sequences compared to the convolutional baseline . +0 The means and standard deviations of L are calculated using the 30 trials . +1 We argue that a better representation can be obtained if the encoder is forced to carry out most of the denoising effort . +0 We first validate the effect of LCN followed by conventional PCA in our network . +1 We first present an algorithm for direct search in these generative models . +0 Constructing the rank net in a greedy fashion requires determining which objects violate ( 4 ) w.r.t . +1 We introduce a method for constructing skills capable of solving tasks drawn from a distribution of parameterized reinforcement learning problems . +0 ( 31 ) is lower bounded by a quadratic form we show a few properties of the relevant random variables in ( 32 ) . +1 The provided matrix can be regarded as the optimal representation of pairwise relationship on the manifold . +0 ( 2015 ) for incorporating language models trained on monolingual corpora for machine translation . +1 This paper investigates the use of ABC algorithm that simulates the intelligent foraging behaviour of a honey bee swarm . +0 An influence of the context generation techniques on final results is shown in section 5.1 . +1 This applies to training the parameters of the model on a training corpus as well as to applying it when computing the representation of a new text . +0 We also compare MEVMs with several state of the art classification algorithms . +1 Convolutional networks ( ConvNets ) have become a popular approach to computer vision . +0 ( 6 ) does not guarantee convergence of the function values . +1 who used the ZNN framework initially designed for electron microscope image segmentation . +0 The fact that the absolute value of the Hessian is positive definite and the Hessian may be indefinite directly affects optimization . +1 The high efficiency of vessel segmentation with DASA strongly substantiates our claim . +0 The details of our approach are given in algorithm 1 . +1 An efficient way to learn deep density models that have many layers of latent variables is to learn one layer at a time using a model that has only one layer of latent variables . +0 We may then update its belief given the sampled observation . +1 We propose a new RNN transition architecture where the hidden state is updated multiplicatively by a time invariant orthogonal transformation followed by an input modulated orthogonal transformation . +0 The tabled approach to solve the Nomystery domain demonstrated that using tabling is a promising direction to solve logistic problems . +1 Power flow is a global phenomenon and is therefore naturally represented and analysed by a network comprised of the relevant structural elements from the components of a system . +0 We tuned these parameters based on development set performance on the isolated word discrimination task of [ 19 ] . +1 In this exploratory note we ask the question of what a measure of performance for all tasks is like if we use a weighting of tasks based on a difficulty function . +0 Figure 1 shows an example before and after blank traveling . +1 Convolutional neural networks ( CNNs ) with convolutional and pooling operations along the frequency axis have been proposed to attain invariance to frequency shifts of features . +0 Figures 3 ( a ) and 3 ( b ) are two successful examples of the FULL model . +1 We provide the overall time complexity of our algorithm which significantly improves upon that of previous work . +0 The results match our expectation when we design the objective function . +1 We believe that there are many scenarios where the natural presentation of the available information about knowledge is under the form of a knowledge structure . +0 Proposition 3 Consider any n in N. Then IPn is a coherent set of indifferent gambles . +1 We consider a network that was trained on ImageNet and another one that was trained without supervision . +0 The target vector is then generated on the basis of the final state reached by the recurrent unit after processing all the words in the input sequence . +1 Mapping such syntactic variants into semantic concepts that can be understood by robots is challenging due to the high flexibility of natural language expressions . +0 This property can be also employed to learn speakerdiscriminative features . +1 Word embeddings have been found to capture a surprisingly rich amount of syntactic and semantic knowledge . +0 It does not contain any redundant LVs or any redundant latent classes . +1 But choosing a proper technique for distance calculation is totally dependent on the type of the data that we are going to cluster . +0 The vocabulary size is 9085 including words from both side . +1 These results show great potential for deep learning approaches for prediction tasks using standard mobile phone metadata . +0 There has been studies on how to tackle this problem [ 9 ] . +1 Convolutional networks are one of the most widely employed architectures in computer vision and machine learning . +0 Our speech synthesis pipeline consists of two steps : 1 ) Converting the input ASCII transliterated text to a phonetic script ; 2 ) learning a DNN based speech synthesizer from the parallel phonetic text and audio signal . +1 Singleton arc consistency is an important type of local consistency which has been recently shown to solve all constraint satisfaction problems ( CSPs ) over constraint languages of bounded width . +0 We also need the following well known fact about the KL divergence between two Gaussian distributions . +1 In this paper we introduce a new unsupervised reinforcement learning method for discovering the set of intrinsic options available to an agent . +0 The environment can be modeled by approximating the transition function for observable states . +1 The superiority of the attention based RNN model is shown by the experimental results . +0 One then looks for explanations with the smallest possible size . +1 Our results suggest that the true online methods indeed dominate the regular methods . +0 100 game evaluations are allocated to each of the algorithms during the evolution . +1 Their tweets may thus be useful to law enforcement agencies to discover clues about recent crimes or to anticipate ones that may occur . +0 However we only utilize the IIM model to analyze the Robustness problem and refrain from addressing the mentioned challenge . +1 Most existing subspace clustering methods assume that the data could be linearly represented with each other in the input space . +0 It is then compared to Linear Support Vector Machines in section 4 on two types of data sets as well . +1 One of the key challenges is to learn latent features automatically from dynamically changing multivariate input . +0 Thresholded distance of instances to the weight vectors are considered as indicator of being outlier . +1 In Section 2 we review the formulation of the PU learning problem and we enunciate for the first time the Representer theorem . +0 Note that the scoring function is shared by all the factors . +1 We perform a systematic comparison of alternative compositional architectures and propose a framework for error detection based on bidirectional LSTMs . +0 no variable occurring in an argument of an uninterpreted function is related to the value variable of another uninterpreted function via equality ( Bartholomew and Lee 2014 ) . +1 The results on the official challenge test set show that our approach produces higher accuracy and faster convergence rates than the individual neural networks . +0 [ 4 ] explored the properties of CPUs to speed up execution . +1 We model any performance metric as a temporal function of the executed instructions with the intuition that the flow of instructions can be identified as distinct activities of the code . +0 We define the combination of forward and backward layers as a single BLSTM layer . +1 This is a novel application area for social choice concepts and methods where the important problem to be solved is as follows : how should the assignments be distributed so that the collected individual rankings can be easily merged into a global one that is as close as possible to the ranking that represents the relative performance of the students in the assignment ? +0 And these kernels are combined using the Multiple Kernel Learning ( MKL ) in Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) framework . +1 Learning a good representation of text is key to many recommendation applications . +0 The introduction of monetary incentives makes user interactions even more complex . +1 Recent approaches towards reducing these overheads involve pruning and compressing the weights of various layers without hurting the overall CNN performance . +0 We evaluated the performance of the symbolic interpretation of the JTA as implemented in [ 5 ] on randomly generated constrained BNs . +1 Our feature fusion utilizes RGB and depth information to construct fused feature from Kinect . +0 ( 2007 ) reported worse performance when the character sequence was directly used by a phrasebased machine translation system . +1 Then a dynamic pointing decoder iterates over potential answer spans . +0 The expansion method is evaluated on CLEF medical collections and compared to expansion with PRF and expansion with Mutual Information . +1 The difficulties are often due to the essential role of spatial and topological structures in the determination of protein functions in living cells . +0 We approximated the ground truth satisfaction probability of a plan by taking the maximum likelihood estimate of satisfaction probability based on 1000 simulation runs . +1 We study how such algorithms can be improved using accelerated gradient methods . +0 The first one provides a sample ( random subset ) of the full Tweet stream . +1 Learning object detectors requires massive amounts of labeled training samples from the specific data source of interest . +0 Problem ( 13 ) can be solved by GPG by using GSVT ( 9 ) in each iteration . +1 A feature analysis is performed to investigate the most informative features for this task and how they are linked to language change . +0 ( The Qualtrics file will be shared to enable replication . ) +1 We use dependency parsing and LSTM recurrent neural network to predict a set of sound concepts for a given acoustic scene . +0 Learning the ( long ) temporal correlations that are often embedded in time series remains a major challenge in time series analysis and modeling . +1 If they are literally translated from one language to another the expression will lose its inherent meaning . +0 Each element of the input is normalized to zero mean and unit variance . +1 Distant supervision paradigm is extensively used to generate training data for this task . +0 For FFT the settings used were range 0:95M and span 0.1h . +1 Some areas in the input space are easier to classify than others . +0 We now consider a nonlinear case where the metafeatures will be products and combined via products . +1 An evolutionary model for emergence of diversity in language is developed . +0 We call the algorithm upper confidence bound value iteration ( UCBVI ) . +1 The effectiveness of the proposal is contrasted in a series of experiments that involve different MEDAs and filtering techniques . +0 We also observed two phenomena which could not be measured using existing techniques . +1 Some of them assign smaller values of probabilities for smaller values of Beliefs or BBAs than the Smets pignistic transform . +0 We estimate this interval as the standard deviation of a binomial distribution with p approximated by the observed accuracy of the model . +1 We then use this network to servo the gripper in real time to achieve successful grasps . +0 3.4 Learnable Similarity and Analogy tasks Our first question was validating that adding learnable Similarity and Analogy tasks introduce any 8Results will be posted online upon publication . +1 This is usually done through the penalization of predictor functions by Euclidean or Hilbertian norms . +0 Our entity repository is constructed in such way that the mapping from surface forms of the recognized entities to unique identifiers is unambiguous ( see Sect . +1 This paper proposes one technique which uses the auxiliary information that is present inside the text documents to improve the mining . +0 CTA alternatively optimizes the CCA and DTW alignment to minimize the accumulative distance . +1 We introduce several techniques for sampling and visualizing the latent spaces of generative models . +0 We conducted the experiments with our proposed method using BlackOut and softmax . +1 We compare well known methods for negative sampling and additionally propose embedding based sampling methods . +0 Hybrid machine translation is a method of machine translation that combines characteristics of multiple machine translation approaches within a single machine translation system [ 10 ] . +1 Whether teaching in a classroom or a Massive Online Open Course it is crucial to present the material in a way that benefits the audience as a whole . +0 This sparsity constraint enables variable sparsity levels for individual patches [ 36 ] . +1 The usual mechanism to evaluate the performance of a speech solution is to do an extensive test of the system by putting it to actual people use and then evaluating the performance by analyzing the logs for successful transactions . +0 [ 21 ] introduced a fixed set of weights for each class for a binary SVM algorithm . +1 Experiments on the Hopkins 155 dataset demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method with respect to sparse and low rank subspace clustering methods . +0 Formulas which are not the premiss of any link are the conclusions of the proof structure . +1 We address this challenge by developing an agent architecture and reasoning algorithms based on Answer Set Programming ( ASP ) . +0 But somehow none of this quite justifies its presence in a weather model . +1 A click model is a model of how users click on a list of documents . +0 In this section we provide theoretical analysis on approximation error of both tensor sketch and the fast sketched robust tensor power method . +1 The architecture allows prediction results for a large portion of test samples to exit the network early via these branches when samples can already be inferred with high confidence . +0 This shows that learning a single space is not capable of capturing multiple similarity notions . +1 MAC introduces an auxiliary coordinate for each data point in order to decouple the nested model into independent submodels . +0 We clearly see that the two devices follow completely different profiles . +1 We propose that operator induction serves as an adequate model of perception . +0 The entropy of the data set is thus to be estimated . +1 The proposed additive neural network successfully solves the XOR problem . +0 The causal interpretation is based on the causal information flow criterion used for building a causal explanation tree . +1 This has vital implication that methods recovering belief networks from data have no better alternative for finding the simplest hypergraph structure for belief propagation . +0 Our algorithm is implemented in MATLAB and takes from 1 to 5 minutes for 500 points . +1 Weka has an extensive collection of different machine learning and data mining algorithms . +0 This method is wasting features that can be used for the classification . +1 We introduce a new algorithm to learn the potentials of a large class of Markov Random Fields ( MRFs ) with exact and efficient inference . +0 In what follows we give some illustrative results ( see Appendix B for proofs ) . +1 This is in contrast to most of the previous studies on multiple kernel learning that mainly focus on developing efficient algorithms and assume perfectly labeled training examples . +0 We analyze the resulting embedding spaces and demonstrate that they exhibit rich and sensible structure that an be exploited for control . +1 This work explores conditional image generation with a new image density model based on the PixelCNN architecture . +0 This makes GLC especially useful when regional Markov blankets are not too large . +1 The latter one can be avoided by increasing the beam size until no performance improvement can be observed . +0 ( 10 ) We can get the following convergence theorem . +1 The best method on title data is a modern variant of neural networks . +0 This behaviour is consistent with the results of Graves et al . +1 Not worrying about these stations during ordinary days can allow the balancing efforts to focus on a fewer stations and therefore potentially improve the efficiency of the balancing optimization models . +0 Hence it is necessary to replace the spaces within each word with underscores to create full word tokens . +1 This paper presents a number of experiments to model changes in a historical Portuguese corpus composed of literary texts for the purpose of temporal text classification . +0 Highlights magazine was started in 1946 by Garry Cleveland Myers and Caroline Clark Myers . +1 Question and answer matching has been attached much importance to for its ability to reuse knowledge stored in these systems : it can be useful in enhancing user experience with recurrent questions . +0 The increase in the batch size has an impact on the parallelization of subsequent layers . +1 We propose a novel approximation scheme that allows these sufficient statistics to be computed efficiently . +0 A contour meter is an instrument to track blood glucose . +1 Existing works in RVFLN are hardly scalable for data stream analytics because they are inherent to the issue of complexity as a result of the absence of structural learning scenarios . +0 The assumption that the input probability distribution over all the attacker types can be accurately specified is a strong one . +1 Similar to extractive gold standard summary generation our data contains sentences worthy to include into a summary . +0 The MR is the median position ( low is better ) of the target in a similarityordered list of available candidates . +1 Training methods for such systems focus on the generality of the network given limited amount of training data . +0 This is where the importance of developing a system for the diagnosis of CAD to assist the physicians to prevent from such Pathology . +1 This paper first provides an overview about how NTLs are defined and their impact on economies . +0 We can see that the pattern networks have dramatically less number of parameters that that of the full models . +1 The problem is that all genes are not important in gene expression data . +0 We show a full derivation here for the case with latent variables . +1 We propose an alternative approach by using unsupervised learning as the basis to solve this problem . +0 We will also show that the same algorithm gives a weaker transition belief formula when such distribution is not possible . +1 This platform can be used for different purposes ranging from traffic classification to network performance analysis . +0 In this first experiment we assessed the winner prediction accuracy of each combat model . +1 Such regions are bounded areas of the search space in which the heuristic function is inaccurate compared to the actual cost to reach a solution . +0 We begin by showing that each of these four patterns allows variable elimination . +1 A set of qualitative and quantitative evaluation sessions demonstrated the technical feasibility of the system whilst uncovering a number of deficits in its capacity to engage users in a way that would be perceived as natural and emotionally engaging . +0 Theorem 4 The sampling space of Algorithm 1 [ Version 1 ] is less than en log ( nk ) . +1 Even simple probabilistic programs can produce models with infinitely many variables . +0 We are currently extending our algorithm configuration procedures to natively support other parameter types . +1 This work is based upon learning of the noise behavior . +0 The principle is to keep the lexicon simple and lean more heavily on features ( whose weights are learned from data ) to derive drive the selection of logical forms . +1 Many methods are proposed based on the relationship among collected data . +0 This change in design appears to be the primary cause of instabilities in learning since the gates can no longer function effectively . +1 One way to appraise how the system will cope with future demand is by simulation . +0 Pixels with brownish colors indicate a summation of several colors ( features ) together . +1 Experimental results showed promising accuracy performance on different datasets ( KTH and Weizmann ) . +0 We subsequently learn a set of role definitions from the KDD graph using standard RolX [ 21 ] as well as the sparse and diverse versions of GLRD . +1 This paper deals with tracking pedestrian crowd under heavy occlusions from an angular scene . +0 In the first part of Definition 10 we restrict the domain of an interpretation in ALCM to be a subset of Sn . +1 Point clouds are sets of points in two or three dimensions . +0 We note that there is a linear ambiguity when we estimate the normals and lighting direction . +1 We use the dataset provided by Yelp for training and testing the models . +0 We first illustrate the operation of our method and characterize the failures of other methods on various toy examples . +1 This report seeks to inform policy makers on the nature and the merit of the arguments for and against the concerns associated with a potential technological singularity . +0 13 ues on purpose There has been an extensive work in the past decades on how the performance of a predictive technique evolves with different feature subsets . +1 Optunity is written in Python and contains interfaces to environments such as R and MATLAB . +0 there are many parameter settings p that represent the same function fp . +1 No systematic overview of literature describing decision support systems and their application in fisheries and aquaculture has been conducted . +0 Perhaps closer to our result are certain conditional derandomization theorems in complexity theory . +1 It has been tackled numerous times in different areas of science . +0 We present and discuss the results produced by the experimental framework . +1 The results of our preliminary performance evaluation suggest the feasibility of our approach in practice . +0 This method potentially alleviates the biases caused by other frequently visited places during daytime . +1 This metric better reflects perceptually similarity of images and thus leads to better results . +0 The implemented configuration system has an implementation of definition 4.14 . +1 Here we show that for a large class of optimisation methods this is actually the case . +0 [ 103 ] focuses on seven key crowd behaviors generated using Lagrangian forces as shown in Figure 11 . +1 TPTS requires limited communication among agents and balances well between TP and the centralized MAPD algorithm . +0 The accuracy of the action prediction using the MAP and MMSE estimators are depicted in Fig . +1 We evaluate this approach on the task of reading comprehension ( Who did What and CNN datasets ) and show that it dramatically improves a strong baseline like the Stanford Reader . +0 The training sequence is again of length 400 that it is either padded from a short sequence or sampled from a long one . +1 It overcomes several shortcoming of previous methods and provides great additional insight into the decision making process of classifiers . +0 We also executed a local realignment around indels defined in SnpDB [ 169 ] and 1000G [ 29 ] . +1 Statistical language models are central to many applications that use semantics . +0 This motivates the need for intervals that have the correct coverage proportion after model selection . +1 We also demonstrate the model by prediction of human pose in an ambiguous setting . +0 We also illustrate a hidden Markov model ( HMM ) Viterbi tracker for comparison and their performance are shown in Fig . +1 Solving this problem in the face of uncertainty requires a new methodology with tractable algorithms . +0 5 ( bottom ) shows an estimate of the density of the posterior means for the correctly and incorrectly completed matrix entries . +1 The objective of this dissertation is to shed light on some fundamental impediments in learning control laws in continuous state spaces . +0 We treat the ejection pool as a dummy route that includes all unserved suppliers . +1 Recently word embedding and even document embedding are proposed to represent text . +0 It is now clear that this f witnesses the truth of sotgd ( Q ) . +1 We consider the general problem of utilizing both labeled and unlabeled data to improve data representation performance . +0 We illustrate how we measure the divergence with the example in Figure 3 . +1 The SBTS centers on innovative reward and punishment schemes in a task and skill matrix based on the student behaviour . +0 The interest in multimodal fusion arises from three main benefits it can provide . +1 We directly model the distribution of clusterings given the input graph ; this avoids potential errors caused by distributional assumptions of a generative model . +0 This is particularly convenient as it allows for a simple analytical formulation of the KL divergence . +1 We consider online learning when the time horizon is unknown . +0 ( B ) Interactive theorem proving in HOL is already well supported in practice . +1 We give an approximation guarantee for a greedy algorithm and give a hardness of approximation result which matches up to constant factors . +0 We then trained for 10 epochs on all the phrase pairs in PPDB XL . +1 We apply our two models to corpora across three different languages . +0 This is further evidence in support of unrolling decreasing the mode collapse behavior of GANs . +1 Experimental results show that indirect supervision of program learning via answer rationales is a promising strategy for inducing arithmetic programs . +0 ( 13 ) Note that in this definition we include the end vertices ( s and t ) in the computation of Betweenness since we assume that vehicles can be inspected also at their origin and at the point of their destination . +1 The profile will translate directly into energy requirements for a given vehicle . +0 The first trajectory is performed from left to right and the second one from right to left . +1 Clustering analysis is a method to organize raw data into categories based on a measure of similarity . +0 [ 7 ] found that the class of functions in an universal RKHS F is rich enough to distinguish any two distributions and MMD can be expressed as the difference of their mean embeddings . +1 The ways of the contingency table construction and various apposite statistics from the McNemar test are elaborated in minute detail . +0 Another question we can ask is what happens if we allow a larger rank than the rank of the optimal solution . +1 Temporal pattern mining becomes a strategic choice to gain valuable insights about drug uses . +0 The running time of the refinement algorithm is included ( it never took more than 0.02 seconds ) . +1 Previous work addressing stance classification task in Twitter has treated each tweet as a separate unit . +0 DCC ( red lines ) provides results for 10 randomized initial conditions . +1 This introduction assumes you are familiar with the workings of neural networks and have some background in Artificial Intelligence . +0 Our solution to this is to allow the noise to linearly increase over the epochs . +1 Teaching is one of the most important factors affecting any education system . +0 The goal of this paper is to provide intuition and examples of how to use the RL task formalism . +1 The paper [ 1 ] shows that simple linear classifier can compete with complex deep learning algorithms in text classification applications . +0 In this section we describe the most relevant models that can be used . +1 The locations of these kernels and their bandwidth are treated as variational parameters and optimized to improve an approximate lower bound on the marginal likelihood of the data . +0 We begin by specifying a space of neural network architectures and by precisely defining a notion of perceives that we can measure . +1 Online fashion sales present a challenging use case for personalized recommendation : Stores offer a huge variety of items in multiple sizes . +0 Figure 2 ( d ) contains example inputs and outputs with all of our preprocessing techniques . +1 The model can therefore interpolate missing events or predict future events in image sequences . +0 TABLE IV shows the total time and score across all the categories . +1 The discussion centers on adaptations of the classical iteration postulates according to Darwiche and Pearl . +0 The gadgets are assembled so that the ending point of a gadget coincides with the starting point of the next one . +1 We first describe the methodology and then show experimentally that this can be used to identify the performance bottlenecks of the speech solution even before the system is actually used thus saving evaluation time and expenses . +0 The results demonstrate that the data accuracy can be significantly improved by fitting the data into the mixture model . +1 Distantly supervised relation extraction has been widely used to find novel relational facts from plain text . +0 The uncertainty of variable states can be expressed by the power set of discernment frame . +1 A simple yet effective algorithm is designed for optimizing the proposed objective function . +0 Any virtual classifier can be constructed by combining two or more classifiers on the ROC surface . +1 Existing approaches are unable to capture subtle forms of context incongruity which lies at the heart of sarcasm . +0 random projections of samples S1 and S2 to one dimension . +1 We also measure the distance between CNN representations and show that similar input transformations lead to more similar internal representations . +0 Adaptive capping also reduced the gap between BasicILS and FocusedILS . +1 Process mining is a technique that performs an automatic analysis of business processes from a log of events with the promise of understanding how processes are executed in an organisation . +0 The linearization gives comparable labeling accuracy as LBP for graphs with weak potentials . +1 The second tool enables visualizing features at each layer of a DNN via regularized optimization in image space . +0 Many results exist for iterative equations of the type ( 20 ) . +1 In this paper we present an algorithm for location tagging of textual documents . +0 Note also that the second term has to be strictly greater to zero since x is not optimal . +1 Our application can also incorporate any constraint solving algorithm with little modifications . +0 The results are filtered to show only nodes of type NOUN . +1 Most existing works consider this problem from the view of the depth of a network . +0 The BiLSTM structure receives input of the embeddings from a window of size 5 as shown in Fig . +1 We apply the proposed approach to language comprehension task by using Neural Semantic Encoders ( NSE ) . +0 e likelihood that these variables are set to 1 by an ILP solver depends on the subsequently described model constraints . +1 Applying the test to variety of devices that constitute Internet of Things poses a number of challenges which could be addressed through a number of adaptations . +0 It is also worth noting that our MRF formulation is different from that of conditional random field ( CRF ) [ 30 ] . +1 Training is carried out in a supervised manner by constructing a binary classification data set with examples of similar and dissimilar pairs of patches . +0 NASARI uses Wikipedia ingoing links and the BabelNet taxonomy in the process of obtaining contextual information for a given concept . +1 Our comprehensive design considers 10 feature selection methods and 4 classifiers to develop MACA ( Multiple Attractor Cellular Automata ) based classifiers that are build for each of the ten classes . +0 This will help us developing more efficient prediction model for automated algorithm selection . +1 We will focus on automated agents that we built that need to interact with people in two negotiation settings : bargaining and deliberation . +0 One of the questions posed by this paper is : how much to we gain by considering eye pose on top of head pose ? +1 The present paper generalizes our prior work on Linearized Belief Propagation ( LinBP ) with an approach that approximates Loopy Belief Propagation on any pairwise Markov network with the problem of solving a linear equation system . +0 They suggest to use two monolingual language models with context windows depending on the neighbouring words using language identification information . +1 We prove the convergence of the proposed algorithm and analytically show that the learned policy has a simple monotone structure amenable to practical implementation . +0 The first classifier ( WD ) is used for calculating a similarity between two event mentions within a document and recognizing coreferent event mention pairs . +1 Conventional part mating methods used in the current manufacturing requires tedious tuning of numerous parameters before deployment . +0 Van Assche and Grainger ( 2006 ) demonstrate that a priming effect remains when inserting a character into a word ( e.g . +1 Experimental results on multiple public datasets clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach . +0 Tying the weights also reduces by half the number of parameters that the model needs to tune . +1 Such an operation preserves the scalar product of the embedding defined for flag vectors and allows to input transformed incomplete data to typical classification methods . +0 The focus of this paper is on exploiting the hierarchical structure inherent to many applications to obtain sublinear sample complexity with the size of the search space . +1 The experiments are performed on text and music data and show off the combined effects of these techniques in generally improving both training and test error . +0 The results from the different models were compared to gain insight into our research questions ( in Section I ) . +1 Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) is an effective model for many classification problems . +0 We hypothesize that larger radii smooth out the information in the central vertex . +1 We show theoretical conditions under which incorporating a new model to the ensemble will improve the fit and empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of boosting on density estimation and sample generation on real and synthetic datasets . +0 Entity classes that are defined primarily by their behavior are handled by the representational mechanism of the ROSS behavior class . +1 The data points are separated into different polyhedral regions and each region has its own distinct regression coefficients . +0 We define an unpopular item in case it has less than 15 users that played its corresponding artist . +1 Requiring that the perceptron updates its internal state whenever the normalized margin of a pattern is found not to exceed a certain fraction of this dynamic upper bound we construct a new approximate maximum margin classifier called the perceptron with dynamic margin ( PDM ) . +0 The deep CCA learns representations of the two views by using multiple stacked layers of nonlinear mappings . +1 Learning a distance function or metric on a given data manifold is of great importance in machine learning and pattern recognition . +0 The CNNs can then be combined using a Shape Boltzmann Machine [ 9 ] . +1 An efficient dynamic programming algorithm is developed for forward and backward computations without resorting to any approximation . +0 It is an empirical range of the community number of the network . +1 Predicting the Credit Defaulter is a perilous task of Financial Industries like Banks . +0 It prevents the search revisiting the same set of decisions . +1 This variety in playing behavior makes it hard to detect game bots based on play behaviors . +0 From a practical point of view they can be considered as representative model states of the world and the data in the model is used to predict the class variable of a new vector before it is actually recorded . +1 The basic objective of this paper is to reach the same results using reinforcement learning with general function approximators that can be achieved by using the classical Q lookup table on small input samples . +0 If that generator was chosen then the vector corresponding to that index will contain the predicted power for that generator . +1 We propose two new learning formulations by varying the parameters in the proposed framework . +0 Subsequent cluster detections can then be made following the same procedure . +1 In this document we propose a new approach to this problem based on the initial hypothesis that abductive reasoning properly accounts for the human ability to identify and characterize patterns appearing in a time series . +0 The kernels and their parameters are tuned to achieve optimal performance . +1 An alternative method is to allocate a vector per sense instead a vector per word . +0 His position is defined as the rank of his post among his followers . +1 We study the prevalent problem when a test distribution differs from the training distribution . +0 The number of skipped time steps can be computed ahead of time . +1 The signal of the source language is so powerful that it is retained even after two phases of translation . +0 The use of coded projection data for near neighbor search is closely related to locality sensitive hashing ( LSH ) [ 14 ] . +1 We also propose the addition of an intermap pooling ( IMP ) layer to deep CNNs . +0 We also inspect how the value of recategorization frequency threshold n affects the AMR parsing result . +1 We describe an automatic framework for this algorithm configuration problem . +0 We have this step because we have observed that entity linking sometimes becomes a bottleneck in KBQA systems . +1 This collection contains approximately 1.95 million pages in Finnish and Swedish . +0 The distance from this position to the located boundary leaks the respective feature weight in that direction . +1 Memory ( or storage ) complexity is most meaningful when understood in the context of computational and sample complexity . +0 The algorithm is able to discover the two planted motifs ( motifs A and B ) and also two clear patterns that are trivially present in the random walk time series ( motifs C and D ) . +1 This success is due to the fact that MKL has the ability to choose from a variety of feature kernels to identify the optimal kernel combination . +0 This may also be improved by methods that explicitly deal with variance in gradients such as adagrad [ 9 ] and adadelta [ 17 ] . +1 In this paper we study various types of atypicalities in images in a more comprehensive way than has been done before . +0 Each gene in the individual represents a script that will be executed by a given unit in the next turn . +1 We show that the number of local minima outside the narrow band diminishes exponentially with the size of the network . +0 It resumes the same dependencies as well as CPDs of the PRM at the level of objects . +1 Experts are doing well to identify scenarios that are difficult to handle or unlikely to happen . +0 Consider a cycle and the active unit u in the cycle that has the highest priority . +1 Our simulations demonstrate that very simple neural networks are capable of exploiting monaural and binaural information available in a cocktail party listening scenario . +0 The difference in performance is largely mitigated through semantic specialisation . +1 Various supported machine learning models can be used interchangeably with minimal recoding . +0 Segments obtained from top 2000 binding sites of all 14 TFs from the human genome . +1 Emotion estimation in music listening is confronting challenges to capture the emotion variation of listeners . +0 The main purpose of our proposed warm restart scheme for SGD is to improve its anytime performance . +1 It then reconstructs the distance metric in the original space using the estimated dual variables . +0 There are several ways to define the regions in a graph to support message exchange . +1 The automatic classification system was evaluated on call center conversations where it showed significantly better performance than the baseline . +0 These trained models were tested both on the original 10K example SNLI test set and on the IRT test sets in order to compare performance . +1 We address these questions in this paper and present our study about the reasoning aspects of the singleton properties . +0 The next section shows the syntax and semantics of process calculus and strand graph . +1 The results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach . +0 Design : Meta crawler can include a dynamic search selector for processing search query . +1 Recurrent neural nets are widely used for predicting temporal data . +0 Its output layer can be built with a variable number of neurons depending on the task at hand ( e.g . +1 Traditional approaches to Semantic Role Labeling ( SRL ) depend heavily on manual feature engineering . +0 After we learn this new representation we supply these weighted kernels to the kernelized LINREL algorithm of Section 3.4 . +1 Existing knowledge bases that link medical jargon to lay terms or definitions play an important role in alleviating this problem but have low coverage of medical jargon in EHRs . +0 They also minimized the negated mutual information between the target samples and their cluster labels to reduce the expected classification error . +1 We propose ways to improve the performance of fully connected networks . +0 The decision region Ar is thus a union of n polytopes . +1 We have developed a program called MUDoS ( Maastricht University Domineering Solver ) that solves Domineering positions in a very efficient way . +0 We observed that performance improvements primarily occur around the existent generalisation phase transition . +1 Dropout and other feature noising schemes control overfitting by artificially corrupting the training data . +0 This observation underlines the importance of the existence of an intuitive initialization for the LDNN architecture . +1 In constructing the RPVFs we are making use of the immediate rewards which are available during the sampling phase but are not used in the PVF construction . +0 The behavioural properties of ID that are needed to complete this correctness proof can be stated as follows . +1 We suggest using the concept of risk management to better control parameters and improve performance in cognitive radar . +0 In this section we provide a definition of the syntax of ASP and of its informal semantics . +1 We use statistical methods to capture elements of subjective style and the sentence polarity . +0 Content planning is handled by a model that predicts which attributes should be included in an utterance on the basis of recent dialogue history . +1 Current methods mainly focus on feature engineering and achieve some success . +0 We use different colors to show samples from different classes . +1 when the data distribution differs from the one seen at training time . +0 The posting time of the first microblog about an event is set as the beginning of the event . +1 The evaluation provides control over the decision to obtain new knowledge or apply the acquired knowledge to new problems . +0 We now show that a trader gets exactly the same profit for any realized outcome in the two markets if the market prices are positive . +1 Researchers have recently started investigating deep neural networks for dialogue applications . +0 f0 is the result function produced by our designed network . +1 Our proposed algorithm allows us to solve the mixed norm sparsity constraints while not sacrificing computation time . +0 The model shows that how these documents are trained step by step and classified by the Support Vector Machine Classifier ( SVMC ) . +1 These are ways of expressing instance enumerations of a class in natural language . +0 Hybrid process discovery [ 34 ] aims at discovering a process model that consists partially of procedural process model constructs and partially of declarative process model constructs . +1 We also consider a new interesting task of ordering abstracts from conference papers and research proposals and demonstrate strong performance against recent methods . +0 The same is true for a switch frame with a duration or for an inform with a seat ( economy or business flight seat ) or even a request with an end date . +1 Deep learning methods have achieved wide success in this task . +0 This work gives the results from a large scale empirical study into the invariance and equivariance properties of CNNs trained under different input transformations . +1 Yet after pretrained by SDA for the second time the model converges to a better model if finetuned . +0 The idea of homogeneity is that the class distribution within each cluster should be skewed to a single class . +1 Our solution is based on nonlinear programming and we address the inherent scalability issue by presenting alternative methods . +0 We calculate Eobs and Q every 36 seconds for every battery . +1 We prototyped deep learning models to establish initial baselines of the introduced tasks . +0 We prevent short alliances of circumstance from distorting the features close to betrayal by keeping only friendships lasting at least four seasons . +1 Our proposed approach is able to achieve significantly higher accuracy and shorter run times as compared to existing approaches . +0 A CNN is representable when can be codified using an equivalent LNN . +1 Further analysis demonstrates that this improvement is consistent for all grasps and concentrated during the movement onset and offset . +0 We evaluate our model on the MSCOCO benchmark dataset [ 2 ] for image captioning . +1 This method was tested by measuring the time needed to build the tree and to fill up the space using two scenarios . +0 As an additional step we obtained the facial pose information by using active appearance models and generating facial landmarks [ Asthana et al . +1 The upsampled maps are sparse and are then convolved with trainable filters to produce dense feature maps . +0 The overall leniency score is the sum of the three values . +1 Our qualitative analysis indicates that there is semantic relatedness between the highest correlated terms extracted from both datasets and their relative demographic attributes . +0 All the programming and extension tools used are same as in LSA . +1 In this step a mass preference prior is used to encode the prior knowledge on preferences from the class identified in step one . +0 ( 1 ) and starting from the empty set we can consider parent sets of growing size . +1 The algorithm generalizes a recent method for sampling nodes in unweighted graphs . +0 The learning rate is set to 0.0001 to avoid huge modification on the convolution layers . +1 The main objective of this paper is to classify data and assist the users in extracting useful information from data and easily identify a suitable algorithm for accurate predictive model from it . +0 [ 2008 ] and the spanning connectivity games proposed by Aziz et al . +1 In this report we document the event and result in some detail . +0 The time complexity of the proposed algorithm is 2 3 3max maxmax max ( 1 ) ( ) ( ) 2 r r O c r k k O ck r . +1 Conditioning is the primary method for belief revision in data fusion systems employing probabilistic inferencing . +0 On ElasticFusion on the NVIDIA platform 999 active learning points are collected . +1 Extensive empirical studies on synthetic and real world data sets are conducted on clustering and graph matching . +0 We also say that an ABox A is consistent w.r.t . +1 One key component to these improved methods is an orthogonal matrix transformation that preserves the separability of the NMF problem . +0 It outputs a stop flag that allows the model to decide when to stop the execution . +1 The development and analysis of algorithms to find and make use of these properties is thus useful to improve the performance of modern solvers and our general understanding of SAT . +0 The online methods are not involved in this comparison because they require extra segmentation algorithms . +1 Our empirical study on both synthetic data sets and real world data sets demonstrates the efficacy of CopyNet . +0 An agent is anything that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through sensor and acting that environment through effectors . +1 We approach this problem from a reinforcement learning perspective and represent any particular optimization algorithm as a policy . +0 ( 2013 ) prove the convergence of the BCFW algorithm at a rate O ( 1k ) . +1 The problem is to learn a effective classifier for the target domain . +0 States and actions viewed as random variables are abbreviated as S and A . +1 We first introduce a novel neural network architecture that performs a projection to the affine subspace of valid SR solutions ensuring that the high resolution output of the network is always consistent with the low resolution input . +0 We train on the first set and only evaluate performance on the second so as to evaluate the generalization of our learned proposal distribution . +1 Ischemic stroke occurs because of obstruction that can make the cerebral blood flow ( CBF ) on a person with stroke has become lower than CBF on a normal person ( control ) so that the EEG signal have a deceleration . +0 We want to know if such a sequence of rule applications is possible . +1 Human intelligence offers an untapped approach for breaking through these bottlenecks . +0 Complexity The runtime of Algorithm 1 depends on the number of cliques in the product graph . +1 Here we take a first step towards provable inference in topic models . +0 Context is proposed by [ 22 ] which extracts translation pairs based on context similarity of words . +1 Our formal understanding of the inductive bias that drives the success of convolutional networks on computer vision tasks is limited . +0 applied decision trees to SDSS DR3 ( Ball et al . +1 The goal of this task is to predict number of keywords automatically for images captured in real data . +0 We use the parameter setting in [ 32 ] as a reference . +1 We study fast learning rates when the losses are not necessarily bounded and may have a distribution with heavy tails . +0 01 78 3v 1 [ cs .C L ] 6 N ov 2 01 6 squares sense . +1 Conclusion : We showed that our proposed type system is precise and comprehensive in representing a large sample of recommendations available for various disorders . +0 VN is organised into verb classes extending the classes from Levin ( 1993 ) through further refinement to achieve syntactic and semantic coherence among class members . +1 Our method is built upon a recursive approach to cluster objects and to choose some points actively from each bunch of data and acquire the distances between these prominent points from oracle . +0 We assume that every type of motion event can be described by an individual set of local extrema and we use these sets to identify distinct events . +1 It also partially improves the rate related to the smooth part of the objective function . +0 We conjecture that best performance is achieved with zoneout LSTMs because of the stability of having both state and cell . +1 The approach uses recurrent neural networks as its building blocks . +0 This section presents a particularly natural application to Bayesian posterior updates . +1 The total number of trainable parameters is also greatly reduced by using shared filters in higher layers . +0 All the tests shown in the table are planning problems where max . +1 Experimental results with a prototypical implementation using PRISM show promising results . +0 Here we simply modified their MSPL model with different SPL regularizers for comparison . +1 We also introduce questions that are meaningless for a given image to force a VQA system to reason about image content . +0 the form Kmo for which the property ( 55 ) holds . +1 In this paper we present a novel iterative multiphase clustering technique for efficiently clustering high dimensional data points . +0 We now turn our attention to the intervals in J and distinguish two further cases . +1 Multimodal registration is a challenging problem in medical imaging due the high variability of tissue appearance under different imaging modalities . +0 There are two implementation details not specified in Figure 5 . +1 Key findings are : ( 1 ) power consumption is independent of batch size and architecture ; ( 2 ) accuracy and inference time are in a hyperbolic relationship ; ( 3 ) energy constraint are an upper bound on the maximum achievable accuracy and model complexity ; ( 4 ) the number of operations is a reliable estimate of the inference time . +0 The example on the last row is perhaps most striking . +1 Clustering is first employed to partition data and a certain proportion of clustered data are selected by our proposed labeling approach for training classifiers . +0 The execution of each HOL Light tactic produces a new goal state together with a justification function that produces an intermediate lemma . +1 We present efficient move evaluation approaches for some parallel machine problems that generalize the existing ones for single machine problems . +0 Figure 9b further shows the time taken to reach test NLL . +1 This is in contrast to the superior generalization ability of the visual system in the human brain . +0 3.4.2 Revision in HCL Many works have focused on belief revision involving propositional Horn formulas ( cf . +1 A novel way to look into this issue is to take advantage of a more flexible metric due to the increased requirements imposed by the data stream scenario . +0 Now we are in the position to complete the proof . +1 In this paper we focused on to study of different supervised classification techniques . +0 Reranking experiments Following the same reranking setting of Dyer et al . +1 We consider moment matching techniques for estimation in these models . +0 The focus group study has also highlighted several limitations and areas for improvement . +1 Linguistic typology studies the range of structures present in human language . +0 It is important to note that the fraction of data accessed by the algorithm is only gradually expanded as optimization proceeds . +1 The model is trained on a publicly available and clinically relevant benchmark dataset consisting of 1220 strides from 101 geriatric patients . +0 This means that no smoothing will be applied to the KDE . +1 The resulting representation can map relevant concepts together and also improves predictive modeling performance . +0 DSFs should be useful for many applications in machine learning . +1 We explore a number of design perspectives with the discriminator role ranging from formidable adversary to forgiving teacher . +0 The choice of acquiring the lyrics in an unprocessed format over the musiXmatch dataset was necessary for comparing different feature extraction and preprocessing steps . +1 It is based on our ability to discriminate the third party objects that other people are looking at . +0 It is a local classifier that predicts the tag for a token independently of all other predictions for the tweet . +1 Online social media services can be one such source for gathering vital information about an individual . +0 Our Algorithm 1 can also be easily extended by binarizing the activations with the simple sign function . +1 We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm on synthetic and real world datasets . +0 Hermann and Blunsom ( 2014 ) proposed a compositional vector model to learn document level representations . +1 We exemplify our approach in the domain of patent law . +0 Autoregressive methods obtained statistical performances superior to mixture models on all datasets . +1 Clustering categorical distributions in the probability simplex is a fundamental primitive often met in applications dealing with histograms or mixtures of multinomials . +0 This allows to reasonably generalize the within cluster sum of squares to general non Euclidean data set . +1 The proposed localization methods have been tested with Received Signal Strength ( RSS ) measurements in a typical office environment and the results show that they can localize the user with significantly high accuracy and resolution which is superior to the results from competing WLAN fingerprinting localization methods . +0 Our model generates sensible density estimates that smooth out the true empirical distribution . +1 We propose three data representation techniques based on the characteristics of word distribution and word similarities as a result of word embedding training . +0 We then train the R3NN with all APIs to evaluate the effectiveness of learning programs in the DSL consisting of different APIs and their composition with constant strings ; we call this DSL the full DSL . +1 Classical logic has a serious limitation in that it can not cope with the issues of vagueness and uncertainty into which fall most modes of human reasoning . +0 The set of truthful in expectation randomized ranking mechanisms strictly contains the set of truthful in expectation randomized voting mechanisms . +1 The approach is also related to message passing and mean field methods . +0 We use Batch Normalization with a minibatch of size 50 to speed up the training . +1 We present a survey of the various datasets and models that have been used to tackle this task . +0 ( 30 ) This is the likelihood of a certain state being wrong . +1 We study the problem of recognizing video sequences of fingerspelled letters in American Sign Language ( ASL ) . +0 Our proof shall proceed by demonstrating a uniform convergence style bound for the empirical losses . +1 Recent works have been shown effective in using neural networks for Chinese word segmentation . +0 These networks have been shown to achieve similar performance on several standard community datasets when compared to traditional deep networks that use float precision . +1 This is an analogous effect to the phase transition that has been observed when local consistency maintenance is applied to MaxCSPs . +0 On top of a collection of residual connections is a bottleneck where the next layers stop being residual and where a batch normalization is generally applied to normalize and restrict the usage of the feature space represented by the layer [ 22 ] . +1 Also we propose a method to identify all automata of the desired size . +0 Each subsection describes a different architecture that builds on the previous model and improves the compression results . +1 Existing collaborative ranking based recommender systems tend to perform best when there is enough observed ratings for each user and the observation is made completely at random . +0 chat 6 41 Is it possible to prove a negative ? +1 We also apply our techniques to pinpoint the complexity of problems associated with two emerging applications of OMQ containment : distribution over components and UCQ rewritability of OMQs . +0 It is also possible that the speed of improvement in intelligence will be below the speed with which some such constants will change . +1 The loss variable is further characterized by either a Mean Field approximation or a normal distribution based on the Lyapunov central limit theorem . +0 The training dataset previously derived for the BCW Dataset was partitioned according to the true class labels . +1 The objective of this study was to quantitatively measure the extent at which speech recognition methods can distinguish between similar sounding vowels . +0 An ensemble of different deep architectures trained on different subsets of the training data also misclassify the same adversarial example . +1 We describe variants of SDCA that do not require explicit regularization and do not rely on duality . +0 Both of these would imply that convex combinations of neighboring examples in representationspace correspond to more likely input configurations . +1 We do this by demonstrating that generalization ability is not controlled by network size but rather by some other implicit control . +0 Note that P was not making any plays and waiting for the end of the block . +1 We can also efficiently differentiate the error estimate to perform unsupervised discriminative learning . +0 Outliers are placed in special free cells ( see section 4.1 ) . +1 Recent work has proposed sparse variants of CCA to address the high dimensionality of such data . +0 In the literature also different forms of preprocessing have been considered . +1 Judgements about personality based on facial appearance are strong effectors in social decision making and are known to impact on areas from presidential elections to jury decisions . +0 Our parametric definition of a statistical model enables us to explicitly express these as functions of the covariation scheme for any multilinear model . +1 We derive polynomial time dynamic programming recursions and present applications to recognition of handwritten digits and Chinese characters from few training examples . +0 If I has 2 objects but it violates the condition on PT or Pxi then again the map is 0 for any valuation and the aggregation is 0 . +1 In this position paper we describe a general framework for applying machine learning and pattern recognition techniques in healthcare . +0 Variable values are words or phrases that are likely to vary among commands from the same class . +1 Our results indicate that around 100 more instances can be found in our data . +0 The numbers of causal rules from different runs and the rules supported by two causal rule sets are listed in Table IX . +1 The results thrilled us to think about the larger scale of the project with precise parameter tuning and other possible improvements . +0 We will prove the result for each of the three patterns one by one . +1 We found that at test time numbers have more influence on the document level than on individual word probabilities . +0 The columns called Optimal Solution give the dimensions of the optimal bounding boxes for a given instance . +1 Sparse high dimensional graphical model selection is a popular topic in contemporary machine learning . +0 We need to show that we can solve the optimization problems in line 4 and 5 of Algorithm 2 efficiently . +1 Systems of this kind may interact with the outside world via input and output streams and may therefore react to a continuous flow of external information . +0 The accumulated updates are then applied in a single gradient step . +1 Traditional modeling methods have employed simple parametric models and behavioral cloning . +0 This may suggest that users are more likely to interact or engage in discussions with each other about AI on Twitter . +1 Extensive simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach can generate controllable yet quality game levels online and adaptable content for DDA in real time . +0 We are now ready to present the main results of this section . +1 Two popular classes of methods for approximate inference are Markov chain Monte Carlo ( MCMC ) and variational inference . +0 The QCLP formulation also allows us to define slack variables that lead to a regularized version ( 3 ) that effectively handles outliers . +1 The goal of the learner is to sequentially select its actions from a combinatorial decision set so as to minimize its cumulative loss . +0 [ 18 ] presented a neural deep model for English discourse coherence modeling . +1 The optimization formulas are different during the pretraining process for different pretraining models . +0 The difference is the point at which the gradient of fj is evaluated at . +1 It is mounted on the passenger side of a car to measure the distance from the vehicle to the nearest roadside obstacle . +0 The works that follow this pattern treat a TTU as Bag of Embedded Words ( BoEW ) or a set of points in the word embedding space . +1 This leads to an important class of criteria of efficiency that we call probabilistic ; it turns out that the most standard criteria of efficiency used in literature on conformal prediction are not probabilistic . +0 instruments is the best reported until now in the literature . +1 Generated responses show characteristic differences between the two participant roles . +0 The pivots used to construct Lz are called information pivots ; their selection is discussed in Sec . +1 We employ a local and distributed algorithm called belief propagation ( BP ) . +0 The input enters into the equation by modulating the rotation applied to the hidden state . +1 The proposed approach is implemented to an itinerary search problem for freight transportation in urban areas to demonstrate its ability in facilitating intelligent decision support by retrieving the best itinerary that satisfies the most users preferences ( stakeholders ) . +0 We illustrate MINE RULE for the same Data Mining operations performed in the previous languages sections . +1 These approaches all assume that both predictors and labels for each pair of data within the training set are accurate . +0 We put Q1 into Q and mark all the nodes in Q1 . +1 The success of our technique on two different and challenging problems demonstrates the power and generality of our combined approach to ensembling . +0 Figure 13 shows 30 pedestrians at time step 35 with delta time of 0.5 seconds per simulation step . +1 This paper proposes a novel system ( ConfidentMatch ) that is trained using data from electronic health records . +0 The idea of FSASL is to repeat MCFS iteratively with updating selected feature sets . +1 We then train a model to identify the discourse facets for each citation . +0 It should be frequently enough to avoid redundant computation but at the same time it should not disturb the main computation too much . +1 This knowledge base is then used to monitor the conformance of current operations against operations previously identified as standard . +0 The decoder used a single LSTM layer with 256 units . +1 This discovery of indicators is followed by the use of dependency parsing based techniques for final extraction in tabular form . +0 Figure 6 shows the effect of varying k on the Enron dataset . +1 The transforms are constructed in three successive stages of convolutional linear filters and nonlinear activation functions . +0 Our goal is to understand how stock prices Xi are related to each other . +1 Redescription mining is a field of knowledge discovery that aims at finding different descriptions of similar subsets of instances in the data . +0 Existing unsupervised lexical approaches are limited to consider a snippet to guess the scope of negation . +1 Network models play an important role in studying complex systems in many scientific disciplines . +0 The proposed imputation can be performed independent of the distance function of choice . +1 It directly models the probability distribution of generating a word given previous words and the image . +0 We use a tilde above a distribution or Markov transition to denote that it belongs to a trajectory that has been modified in this way . +1 We present the ideas behind a new algorithm for detecting the coincidence of eventualities xp and yq within a cycle of the double recurrence of x and y . +0 Celecoxib itself as well as many other similar structures appear in the ChEMBL training set used to build the Prior . +1 Then a new immune inspired algorithm for unsupervised classification is proposed . +0 Features are the important information extracted form from raw data and are important in classification and detection which influence the effectiveness of ML IDS . +1 We describe how these constraints can be maintained efficiently during SGD . +0 In the experiments we used SMO across different classification systems and evaluated different sets of features such as lexical vs acoustic . +1 We show that solution instances can be specified as the models of logic programs with a stable model semantics . +0 Demange significantly generalizes the single crossing domain to the single crossing domain on median graphs in [ Dem12 ] . +1 We introduce a deep memory network for aspect level sentiment classification . +0 A well regularized classifier can then be used to identify useful subsequences and their interactions . +1 In this article we present how Simulated Annealing ( SA ) can be used to improve the efficiency of the Ant Colony System ( ACS ) and Enhanced ACS when solving the Sequential Ordering Problem ( SOP ) . +0 apply to our feedback model as noted there in the discussion . +1 Its similarity to standard convolutional models allows us to tease apart the important architectural factors that influence performance . +0 Our results show that given enough data the AS Reader was able to exceed the human performance on CBT CN reported by Facebook . +1 We present the first polynomial time algorithm which provably learns the parameters of a mixture of two Mallows models . +0 ( 9 ) Thus we have established the inductive claim . +1 Reservoir computing ( RC ) is a novel approach to time series prediction using recurrent neural networks . +0 The most important information derived from this temperature distribution is the thermal energy content of the boiler . +1 Exchangeability is a structural assessment on a sequence of uncertain variables . +0 They found that size heterogeneity has positive effects on turbulent loading as a result of the larger turbines facing a more uniform turbulence distribution and the smaller turbines operating under lower turbulence levels . +1 An answer set is a plain set of literals which has no further structure that would explain why certain literals are part of it and why others are not . +0 A declarative net of places is a bipartite directed graph connecting two finite sets of nodes : places labeled with literals and logic operator nodes . +1 We propose a general framework called Network Dissection for quantifying the interpretability of latent representations of CNNs by evaluating the alignment between individual hidden units and a set of semantic concepts . +0 PROTEUS [ 28 ] was a similar work that used syntactic and semantic analysis to produce a network of temporal and causal relations from a given text . +1 The linear convergence rate of SARAH is proven under strong convexity assumption . +0 Appendix C Correctness and Completeness of DEFEASIBLEEXTENSION In this appendix we give proofs of the lemmas used by Theorem 6 for the soundness and completeness of the algorithms proposed . +1 Various malwares incorporate code obfuscation methods that alters their code signatures effectively countering antimalware detection techniques utilizing static methods and signature database . +0 We argue that these assumptions are invalid and point to a deficit in current evaluation practices . +1 Natural language inference ( NLI ) is a fundamentally important task in natural language processing that has many applications . +0 There is no way that we could sensibly reuse x to refer just to the farmer here . +1 We show how transfer from recognition can be used to avoid such training . +0 Extensive experimental result proves the efficacy and efficiency of our proposed method . +1 We derive general conditions under which the given family of inference methods consistently infers the causal direction in a nonparametric setting . +0 These systems are compared against a simple surface form memorisation tagger . +1 Hand tagged data are populated which might not be effective and sufficient for learning procedure . +0 Both works present a case study of a feeder service company operating around the Pearl River Delta region . +1 We demonstrate that our system can reliably estimate the 6D pose of objects under a variety of scenarios . +0 Information regarding any medication prescribed as well as the date of the prescription and the dosage are also included in the database . +1 We also report some results from our group and highlight the potential of this very interesting research field . +0 The first one will show the similarities and differences between the usage of STATICHS ( within Algorithm 5 ) and HS ( within Algorithm 3 ) since it will depict the application of STATICHS on the same example DPI ( see Table 15.3 ) that was used to show the functionality of HS in examples 4.8 and 4.9 . +1 This paper introduces a new method to detect Table of content using machine learning technique with different features . +0 It is also not adapted to use proximal operators for the regulariser in the composite objective case . +1 In Section 4 we propose an algorithm to solve the optimization problem and we finally conclude with the last section by describing the experimental evaluation . +0 This observation justifies the effectiveness of one of the most common initialization schemes of deep neural networks : Use resulting weights of a trained shallow network to initialize a deep neural network [ 10 ] . +1 We generate ranked lists of potential solutions in two passes . +0 1 ( b ) ) evaluates the robustness of UMA to the use of a confusion matrix that is not exactly the confusion matrix that describes the noise process corrupting the data ; this will allow us to measure the extent to which a confusion matrix ( inaccurately ) estimated from the training data can be dealt with by UMA . +1 It therefore remains an open problem what is the benefit of using them over previous oblivious random projection based approaches . +0 Our main focus in this work is to evaluate the robustness of the MD systems across domains and languages . +1 There is a comparison of the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm with the algorithm of CRF in the task of chunking in the open data set CoNLL2000 . +0 The total number of distinct topics ( Z ) is experimentally determined as 50 . +1 The network complexity is controlled to know their effects on the resiliency of quantized networks by retraining . +0 The network architectures and the training details are in Section D of supplementary material . +1 We propose a Gaussian mixture model for background subtraction in infrared imagery . +0 In the end we will investigate the effect of the amount of jobs and companies on the solutions . +1 Offline handwriting recognition systems require cropped text line images for both training and recognition . +0 The corpus is generated using Part of Speech ( POS ) tag sequence templates . +1 A similar phenomenon holds for the geometric setting as well . +0 This gives us some latitude to implement one that is efficient to compute . +1 Attempts to relax this assumption involve the use of expensive iterative methods to discriminate among different structures . +0 We can better understand the Equation ( 6 ) in terms of confidences i.e . +1 In this paper several fundamental algorithms are studied to assess their performance in a controlled experimental scenario . +0 The blue feature maps have width two and the red feature maps have width three . +1 We study the influence of anchoring on a standard approach to creation of syntactic resources where syntactic annotations are obtained via human editing of tagger and parser output . +0 ( 2013 ) describe a technique for automatic extraction of morphological lexicons from morphologically annotated corpora and demonstrate it on EGY . +1 We also provide the global convergence analysis of the proposed ASSL algorithm . +0 One may define more than triple conditions to implement granularity and fuzziness in the international relations . +1 Specifically the eyes and lips features are captured and used for analysis . +0 Introduced by [ 16 ] and here abbreviated as GPA ( graph Perceptron algorithm ) . +1 One such essential and challenging application is that of node localization . +0 It is the harmonic mean of the two and corresponds to the Normalized Mutual Information ( NMI ) score . +1 We study the problem of learning a tensor from a set of linear measurements . +0 The IQFRL algorithm was used to learn a different controller for each of the three situations . +1 Modeling inference in human language is notoriously challenging but is fundamental to natural language understanding and many applications . +0 We hypothesize that using only informative concepts in the summary prevents query drift and leads to retrieval of more relevant documents . +1 This is done using multilayer perceptron neural network which can be adaptively trained to showcase the true nature of the compatibility index . +0 The other three examples also demonstrate that our approach improves grammatical continuity around generated slots . +1 We find that explicit modeling of composition is crucial for achieving the best performance . +0 So which edit would be recommended by the different hint policies discussed above ? +1 We also try to solve this problem using the proposed method . +0 The metrics are variations on pixel accuracy and region intersection over union ( IU ) . +1 We introduce a method for learning the dynamics of complex nonlinear systems based on deep generative models over temporal segments of states and actions . +0 Note the first step could be replaced by another linear reconstruction methods such as time reversal and the second step by a different CNN ; see Fig . +1 Thus binary coding methods traditionally suffer from high computation and storage costs in such a scenario . +0 ( 2006a ) made one of the first contributions with a new evolutionary method proposed for balancing the data set . +1 For value estimation we also compare to the NPDP method . +0 The specific laser generates range data for 181 angular positions at 75Hz with .5 degree angular resolution . +1 We used this method for reverse engineering truth table and in extraction of formulas from real data sets . +0 Initial Pools of Candidate Context Bags To reduce the number of possible configurations for each word class ( again for efficiency reasons ) it is possible to automatically pool only individual context bags that are potentially useful . +1 The method and the theoretical results can apply to general graphical models with arbitrary structures . +0 The paper proposes to detect unusual meetings by investigating the presence of meeting participants . +1 We study embedded Binarized Neural Networks ( eBNNs ) with the aim of allowing current binarized neural networks ( BNNs ) in the literature to perform feedforward inference efficiently on small embedded devices . +0 KRR forms the basis for AI at the human level . +1 These studies generally reported impressive reductions in the required number of training samples to achieve a certain level of accuracy for intact subjects . +0 [ 18 ] who developed a variant of the MWU method in the design of a fast algorithm for a flow problem . +1 We also employ probabilistic topic analysis and uplift modeling to identify question features with the highest impact on popularity . +0 A word in square brackets in the text is represented as a target word of simplification . +1 Our extensive experiments on randomly generated matrices verify our claims . +0 TheWeb Search [ 6 ] dataset is about web search relevance judgment . +1 The late medieval Voynich Manuscript ( VM ) has resisted decryption and was considered a meaningless hoax or an unsolvable cipher . +0 A similar framework for expressing and combining user preferences is presented by Kiessling ( 2002 ) and Kiessling and Kostler ( 2002 ) . +1 The objective of a good embedding is to preserve the proximity between vertices in the original graph . +0 The proof of Claim 10 is straightforward and can be found in the appendix . +1 Our experimental results show near optimal results across a wide range of tasks in the challenging THOR environment . +0 Selectivity indexes can be defined either for image features or for image labels . +1 We introduce a method for transliteration generation that can produce transliterations in every language . +0 The latter case came as a surprise to us initially . +1 Twitter has become one of the main sources of news for many people . +0 These functional blocks are taken care of by the following : 1 ) Bayesian Filtering : this block approximates Bayesian filter for the environmental perception in the receiver . +1 The components have been employed in two case studies to evaluate the creativity of computational systems and have proven useful in articulating achievements of this work and directions for further research . +0 The additional sequential connections allow the context information to propagate from the past to the future within the network . +1 We propose a framework for generating realistic text via adversarial training . +0 That is because by default the max occurrence value of the page number region is 1 and the priority position is top . +1 In this tutorial we first study the basic notion of SVD and then show the central role of SVD in matrices . +0 The Transposition Tables that are implemented as part of the Chessmaps program can be considered as a standard variation of the mechanism . +1 Program transformation systems require the definition of efficient transformation strategies to tackle the combinatorial problem that emerges due to the large set of transformations applicable at each step of the process . +0 The key idea of USFS is to utilize source information such as link information to enable unsupervised streaming feature selection . +1 This motivated us to explore the use of deep learning in the context of photo editing . +0 These conditions are well reflected in the group analysis of the model in SST . +1 The queries are very expressive since variables can occur within complex concepts and can also bind to concept or role names . +0 These predictions are then used by the subsequent predictor in the next level ( in addition to features derived from the image statistics ) to make refined predictions on the finer regions ; and the process iterates . +1 First method uses an n dimensional hashed grid based approach which is based on mapping the points in space to a set of cubes which hashes the points . +0 6.1 Theorems Proved Only with Advice The list of 885 theorems proved only with advice is available online37 sorted by the number of necessary premises . +1 Convolutional Neural Networks ( CNN ) is one kind of deep neural network . +0 In this paper we develop a deep reinforcement relevance network in situation of an unbounded action space . +1 Robots assisting disabled or elderly people in the performance of activities of daily living need to perform complex manipulation tasks which are highly dependent on the environment and preferences of the user . +0 proposed one of the first formal approaches for distance metric learning with side information [ 18 ] . +1 Not much information available in the literature reporting suitability of sound signals for fault diagnosis applications . +0 In the following we shall assume that our data streams are composed of points chosen i.i.d . +1 A slight improvement over the baseline is reported using these techniques . +0 A naive approach is to use gradient descent and project the updated transition matrix onto the orthogonal group using the QR decomposition for example . +1 We then present two mathematically robust scoring functions based on transfer entropy and statistical independence tests . +0 ( THE ASTERISKS INDICATE A STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE SECOND BEST PERFORMER AND THE PROPOSED METHOD AT A SIGNIFICANCE LEVEL OF 0.05 . ) +1 We already know from neuroelectrodynamics that meaningful information in the brain is electrically ( wirelessly ) read out and written fast in neurons and synapses at the molecular ( protein ) level during the generation of action potentials and synaptic activities . +0 The details of the proof can be found in the supplementary material . +1 Breast cancer screening policies attempt to achieve timely diagnosis by the regular screening of apparently healthy women . +0 [ 14 ] constructed similar corpus to achieve better word embedding features . +1 Contexts in aMCSs process data streams from external sources and other contexts . +0 A sequence of multiple speech features forms the input of our model . +1 In this paper we study an extension to the online learning where the learner aims to maximize the total reward given that some additional constraints need to be satisfied . +0 Binary weight based deep neural network design is also studied ( Courbariaux et al . +1 Thus improvement in each part of classification should lead to better results and higher precision . +0 TerpreT is designed to be compiled to a variety of intermediate representations for handing to different inference algorithms . +1 We empirically evaluated the performance of the algorithm on a set of databases from real world events . +0 Precision is a measure of the percentage of selected instances which belong to the desired category while recall is a measure of the percentage of instances belonging to the desired category which were selected . +1 We also propose a better design of cost function with improved performance . +0 This may be useful in the domain of quantum chemistry . +1 Further analyses of the learned network dynamics and representations also demonstrate how the generalisation is possible via the exploitation of this functional hierarchical recurrent network . +0 A generalized exact counting oracle is available for spanning trees ( this 1 . +1 Our model which we call DeNSe ( as shorthand for Dependency Neural Selection ) employs bidirectional recurrent neural networks for the head selection task . +0 A high score indicates that the sentence pair is highly related . +1 We demonstrate the effectiveness on learning deep sigmoid belief networks ( DSBNs ) . +0 We use the exact same VHRED models as Serban et al . +1 We show on the popular Flickr30k and COCO datasets that introducing supervision of attention maps during training solidly improves both attention correctness and caption quality . +0 The size of the cache table for X is therefore the product of the domains of variables in its context . +1 We learn rich natural sound representations by capitalizing on large amounts of unlabeled sound data collected in the wild . +0 This is the more important task for the overall approach . +1 We introduce an architecture based entirely on convolutional neural networks . +0 Q is a Lucene query automatically constructed in each iteration to retrieve new papers to read . +1 Tensor decomposition is a powerful tool for multiway data analysis . +0 The highest accuracy for each classifier is shown in bold typeface . +1 Template matching is a classic and fundamental method used to score similarities between objects using certain mathematical algorithms . +0 In the next section we introduce an efficient method for learning the Granger causality of the Hawkes process . +1 The experiment results show that our model can significantly and consistently improve the performance on the three tasks as compared with other baselines . +0 More relevant to our work is the randomized feature mapping approach . +1 Not only can graphs represent details about individual objects in a scene but they can capture the interactions between pairs of objects . +0 We include the fitted parameters a and c as features that describe the steepness of the learning curve . +1 Word embedding has been shown to be remarkably effective in a lot of Natural Language Processing tasks . +0 Note that the TIMIT corpus that is used for training has only 3 hours of data . +1 Major side effects for the drug are detected and better performance is achieved compared to other computerized methods . +0 This can be naturally accomplished inside the block by using for that dimension in Eq . +1 We first train a deep learning network on a small read speech dataset . +0 This optimization problem is readily reduced into the generalized EM algorithm . +1 We exploit the linear structure present within the convolutional filters to derive approximations that significantly reduce the required computation . +0 Figure 1 shows an example visualisation of the the resulting distributions for the two variables of our model . +1 This new setting has been implemented in the deductive system DES . +0 These measurements assume that there is enough buffering on chip to capture any data reuse by a layer no matter the reuse distance . +1 CPT works by distorting probabilities and is more general than the classic expected utility and coherent risk measures . +0 Table 1 gives statistics for datasets with gold and predicted tags ; see supplementary material for details on taggers and gold data . +1 We expect this work can foster future research considering the usage of different temperatures during learning in DBMs . +0 We analyze a broad class of distributions : Definition 3.1 . +1 The article contains a preliminary glance at balanced clustering problems . +0 The proposed system combines features from different sources in order to make accurate entity type predictions for a given search entity . +1 Keywords or attributes are generally chosen manually based on expert knowledge of surveillance . +0 The differences in the results between the NoReasoning and Reasoning versions are the extra cost estimated for the computation of the inferred triples . +1 Performance evaluation is extensively conducted over six benchmark data sets . +0 An implementation of this idea can be found in the model by Rezende et al . +1 Our models under both architectures jointly capture the notions of salience and redundancy of sentences . +0 However it mainly replies on nominal labels ; [ 21 ] uses decision tree and genetic algorithm based hybrid model . +1 We also explore some theoretical aspects of the underlying graphical model . +0 Let us formalize this toy example in the language of LMT . +1 Experimental results show that our model outperforms related classification methods with only a linear classifier . +0 We construct the two databases on the line as follows . +1 We enumerate its novel features and provide a few implementation notes . +0 The goal is to learn a scorer from these corrupted samples such that LD01 ( s ) is small . +1 An important class of problems involves training deep neural networks with sparse prediction targets of very high dimension D. These occur naturally in e.g . +0 We incorporate this procedure for finding an appropriate decomposition as part of the kernel hyper parameter learning procedure every Ncyc iterations . +1 In this paper a score function and an accuracy function for single valued neutrosophic sets is firstly proposed to make the distinction between them . +0 These mesoscopic networks also characterize the unfolding of the stories . +1 This allows us to employ the latent support vector machine formulation for parameter estimation . +0 The benefit brought by the accuracy improvement would be higher than the additional payment to agents . +1 The information from the correction network is also used by the prediction network in a recurrent loop . +0 Here again we obtained a small improvement in the performance by using stochastic binarization scheeme . +1 We aim to learn these distances ( costs ) by asking the users whether they are willing to switch from one item to another for a given incentive offer . +0 A final reward can be given instead of or jointly with the result . +1 Our model consists of two components : ( 1 ) an encoding component : a semantic role labeling model which predicts roles given a rich set of syntactic and lexical features ; ( 2 ) a reconstruction component : a tensor factorization model which relies on roles to predict argument fillers . +0 We now present an interpretation of additive smoothing in term of Maximum a Posteriori estimation with the Dirichlet distribution as the prior distribution . +1 The Tensor Train format regularizes the model and lets you control the number of underlying parameters . +0 Each image sampled from COCO is annotated with one or more of 91 object categories . +1 They are especially useful for representing the context of mentions . +0 Precise means that the explanation should decrease the surprise value of the explanandum as much as possible . +1 The Massive Open Online Course ( MOOC ) has expanded significantly in recent years . +0 They are loosely tied in how the institutions they enact should be designed and strongly tied in how and when they can enact institutional changes . +1 The correlations between the properties inferred are close to those obtained by related works .