
Firoj's picture
added datasets
"tweet_id": 1111693464914276352,
"tweet_text": "Air Force pleading for $$billions in addl funding to repair 2 bases damaged by natl disasters. Tyndall AF Base outside of Panama City FL was ravaged Hurricane Michael. Offutt Air Base outside of Omaha, Nebraska was badly flooded earlier this month.",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1112826059714686977,
"tweet_text": "Looking for a way to volunteer? Black and Pink - Nebraska is hosting a community mail processing event and they could use your help! Grab your pals and head on over to this event as a group! They receive so much mail",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110976367989059586,
"tweet_text": "@pottcoema This is #Nebraska only acceptable answer is: Chill beer, lawn chair in the driveway, file hail damage claim.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1111320912278798336,
"tweet_text": "RT @paultaylorkc: Thanks to all the amazing volunteers helping in Fremont and across Nebraska! @femaregion7 @NEMAtweets @fema /",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112919949989855234,
"tweet_text": "Zipline and 25 other breweries in the state have joined forces to brew a special beer, Nebraska Strong Red Ale, to raise funds for flood relief.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110971868654305281,
"tweet_text": "Approaching Bobby Knight Without the Wins over Porter Moser is certainly a decision",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110840701376479233,
"tweet_text": "The Mosaic Company announces $50,000 contribution to support Nebraska and Iowa Disaster Relief. @GovRicketts @nefarmbureau @neagfoundation #NebraskaStrong Learn more:",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112715888472588288,
"tweet_text": "Lots of chitter-chatter about dirt cheap weigh-up cows in Nebraska. Hearing of Huge runs everywhere. Consequences of high feed prices and flooding. We are killing the factory. and the markets do not care. challenging times #cattle #beef",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110356560159621123,
"tweet_text": "Several Nebraska County Health Department and Partners Offer Free Well Water Tests A limited number of free well water testing kits are being offered to private homeowners affected by the recent flooding through",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112085471805521921,
"tweet_text": "Nebraska food Mart. oil on canvas. This is a building in Peoria, Il on the corner of Nebraska and Sheridan St.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110748157955194880,
"tweet_text": "Due to horrible floods, damage to crops and lost livestock has cost Midwestern farmers lots of money. With so much loss, staying in business will be a struggle for the future. #ANS211",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1110921308831969285,
"tweet_text": "The National Weather Service will conduct a test tornado drill across Nebraska and Iowa on Wednesday, March 27. NWS will treat its FCC-approved broadcasts as if it were a real tornado warning. The backup dates",
"class_label": "caution_and_advice"
"tweet_id": 1111327452930940929,
"tweet_text": "Thus BARN In Depth w/Brian Allmer CFB Foundation Activates Disaster Relief Fund to Support Nebraska Flood Relief Efforts btyb CO Beef Councils FREE BQA Training in Sterling -",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110671910117900288,
"tweet_text": "RT @7dayjob: Nebraska flooding: a major Air Force base was damaged #news #viral #president #report",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1111032842685988864,
"tweet_text": "RT @FOX42KPTM: John Deere Dealers donate to agriculture producers in Nebraska",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110574557117714432,
"tweet_text": "Stronger Together! ✨Ὁ9 As part of @ProcterGamble disaster relief efforts in Nebraska, we are providing tampons in the hygiene kits for the families impacted by #NebraskaFlooding",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112184834523316224,
"tweet_text": "Midwest flooding threatens water safety in 1 million wells @CNN",
"class_label": "caution_and_advice"
"tweet_id": 1112425377576689664,
"tweet_text": "Consider a donation to this Nebraska rescue inundated with displaced pets due to the severe flooding in that area.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110343865070833665,
"tweet_text": "Talking with USDA’s Greg Ibach — he made it clear the flooding across Nebraska is catastrophic, but he’s also concerned about blizzards and extreme cold that affected calving and the ability to graze corn stalks. He said all of Nebraska Ag is hurting.",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1111324725597360128,
"tweet_text": "ASK the EPA How many Toxic Radioactive SuperFund Sites in Nebraska were FLOODED? polluted radioactive flood water & WE ALL LIVE DOWNSTREAM",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1110557249586581504,
"tweet_text": "A huge thanks to all the #volunteers who are helping flood victims in #Nebraska get back on their feet. Find volunteer information at: Send support at:",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110463175194017792,
"tweet_text": "Dogs being rescued from floods in #Nebraska. WHO THE FUCK LEAVES THEIR PETS BEHIND??? You not only dont get them back, you get charged with abandonment! #Assholes @",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112764881269415936,
"tweet_text": "RT @AWAKEALERT: Expect Food shortage due to floods in USA 15 Bridges washed away in Nebraska",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1111718758819586048,
"tweet_text": "This week, we dispatched four full-time @waEMD employees and six reservists to help with Recovery efforts in Nebraska. Most will stay there for the next month to assist the state with whatever they need. @NEMAtweets #NebraskaStrong #NebraskaFlood",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110562626268913664,
"tweet_text": "All profits from the sale of this T-shirt will be donated to the Nebraska Farm Bureau Disaster Relief Fund”. Click here: +",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111601494300729349,
"tweet_text": "Orange cones = no phone zone. Protect yourself and the workers around you, keep #Nebraska and our roads safe! Get the stats and the facts: #betterroadsne #nebraska #nebraskalegislature",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1112086951690227712,
"tweet_text": "Updated story with the official university release, including quotes. Introductory press conference is Tuesday at 3 p.m. in the West Stadium Club lobby of Memorial Stadium. Contract is, as Woj reported, 7 years/$25 million.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1111740678600572930,
"tweet_text": "The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, the Oglala Sioux Tribe, the Ponca Tribe, and the Santee Sioux Tribe are affected by flooding in South Dakota and Nebraska.",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1111707374069432320,
"tweet_text": "@CyrusMMcQueen This is Dr. Ann Kessinger. She discovered that you could take stem cells peripherally using a method similar to dialysis in 1982. These stem cells are the transferred to leukemia patients to grow new bone marrow and cure the leukemia. She still practices medicine in Nebraska",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1112535466769821701,
"tweet_text": "@UlrichFarm @KS_NE_1013 @Afuelberth1 Thats awesome! God bless the Nebraska farmers. I had friends in SW Kansas that got relief from Nebraska farmers when the brush fires took their toll a couple years ago. Country folks help each other. Amen.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110654936877096963,
"tweet_text": "RT @farmcreditIL: Praying for our fellow farmers and their families in South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri.",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1111048263610912769,
"tweet_text": "ND rancher donates hay to those affected by Nebraska flooding",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110363118453080064,
"tweet_text": "@coopstallion Highwayman radio @tbent22 . It’s the reason for the floods in Nebraska.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1111002451145093121,
"tweet_text": "Nebraska Severe Weather Awareness Week continues today with the topic of Tornadoes. Mobile homes are not a safe place to be during a tornado! Before severe weather strikes, ensure you have a sturdy place to seek shelter. #news #swaw",
"class_label": "caution_and_advice"
"tweet_id": 1110638968251580416,
"tweet_text": "Prez @hankbounds, who has led the University of Nebraska through 4 yrs of collaboration & momentum - including record enrollment, research, grad rates, budget efficiencies & more - has told NU students, faculty & staff that he is stepping down this summer:",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1112704332108103682,
"tweet_text": "#CutoutClara and I cleared @TSA without problem!! Thanks for keeping us safe on our to help in Nebraska. @RedCrossMiss @RobertJDevaney @AmericanAir #Volunteer with @RedCross",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1110349754305822726,
"tweet_text": "Historic floods hit Nebraska after bomb cyclone storm -",
"class_label": "caution_and_advice"
"tweet_id": 1112550313158950913,
"tweet_text": "@DBlack_Mountain Yes it’s caused loss of life, livestock and some farms totally destroyed. Also loss of homes and businesses especially along Missouri River between Iowa and Nebraska. Thanks for your concern",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1111438503676538881,
"tweet_text": "A bit dated But I live in Asia so Anyways, I found the cause to be interesting. Main I reason I looked into the article. Why Is There Flooding in Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin?",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110373194899185666,
"tweet_text": "Years from now, high school friends Alex Stepanek and Melissa Dush might be shooting the breeze about youthful adventures. If so, one thing will come up for sure. Remember the time we raised $232,000 to help Nebraska victims of the epic 2019 flood?”",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111298129230331904,
"tweet_text": "@WW2HistoryGal I interviewed the Jewish aviator who funded Nebraskas Holocaust Studies department. He was in my book. Ironically, the publishing department would not even read my manuscript on Jewish aviators.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1113160368040312833,
"tweet_text": "As consumer interest in #localfood grows, it would be wise for #Nebraska to catch up with other states that have eased #cottagefood restrictions, providing opportunities for #rural, women-owned, home-based food businesses to contribute to the economy.",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110645109450780672,
"tweet_text": "US Rep. @jefffortenberry, whose Nebraska district is home to STRATCOM, will propose legislation to create a Nuclear Nonproliferation Council, which would coordinate US agencies’ nonproliferation efforts.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110523102482628608,
"tweet_text": "Thoughts from @dirkchatelain: And @tomshatelOWH on where things stand with Tim Miles, Bill Moos and Hank Bounds.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1112804102373728256,
"tweet_text": "Nebraska GOP refused to invest $250k for a study to limit the flooding impact of Climate Change. Nebraskas recent floods cost $1.4 Billion. Not supporting the Green New Deal will cost 100x more.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112318833358979073,
"tweet_text": "What’s appalling about Trump’s XL permit appeased lobbyists while Nebraska literally sits underwater,devastating floods are impacting the Midwest & no support to prevent more of these kinds of disasters wheres the due diligence?",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1111734598218760200,
"tweet_text": "From Lincoln, Nebraska my @RealMissNEusa joined up on stage #LaughRockSeriouslyTour #Styx & @GitRDoneLarry to present a generous fan this guitar. 25% of proceeds go to both Habitat for humanity and Lincoln habitat 75% going to Nebraska Flood relief",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1113238580116238337,
"tweet_text": "amazed by the lack of news coverage of the fly over states in the Midwest & Great Plains - Nebraska, Iowa, & others devasted by recent floods, big impact for farmers (therefore anyone who eats) continued concern as more floods are sure to follow, so much destruction",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1110667233041108992,
"tweet_text": "CIR to Hit Earths magnetic field & Iowa Nebraska Flood Update GSM News via @YouTube #Flood Update #CIR #Flooding #GrandSolarMinimum #GSM News",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1112676790391185408,
"tweet_text": "The left keeps talking about Nebraska farmland and crops destroyed in floods. Do they not also realize they havent planted crops in the winter?",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110306277488553984,
"tweet_text": "Staff donation drive for an elementary school in Nebraska. Students are in need of clothing and blankets since theyve almost all been displaced from their homes. So bring any gently used hats, gloves, socks, sweatshirts, coats, and blankets. We will take anything! @OutleyE",
"class_label": "requests_or_urgent_needs"
"tweet_id": 1110635539579981825,
"tweet_text": "Volunteers from the @RedCross like Tony, Joyce and Bill are busy feeding communities impacted by flooding across Nebraska and SW Iowa. As flood waters recede, Red Cross disaster workers are serving meals and distributing relief items, emergency supplies and cleanup materials.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1113031417557069824,
"tweet_text": "Nebraska needs your help! Historic flooding has displaced tens of thousands of people and destroyed over 1500 miles of roads and bridges. If you can, please call 844-278-8555 to donate to @redcross or use the #NebraskaStrong to help spread the message. @GovRicketts",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111648443775225859,
"tweet_text": "[Act Out! 202] Indefinite Detention For All + Nebraska Aid & Is Your Bank Financing Climate Chaos? | What better way to make immigrants feel at home than to bring them into the fold of indefinite detention? Next up, the Rainforest Action Network has gra",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1112105789240561664,
"tweet_text": "Were grateful to all who have donated their time and money to help with the flooding across #Nebraska and #Iowa. This disaster has been bad news for blood donations, too. Can you help this weekend? Find a drive near you and make an appt to #givenow:",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111689728364027904,
"tweet_text": "Fris BARN In Depth w/Brian Allmer Dairy Together Roadshow - Nebraska Farmers Union Seeks Donations - RMFU Scholarship Reminder btyb CO Beef Council -",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110386905894531072,
"tweet_text": "@movinmeat But the US is sending like 6 billion in aid to Africa to aid the flooding victims there. Nothing about PR or the recent floods in Nebraska..",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111002202259292160,
"tweet_text": "@realDonaldTrump @sundarpichai @Google Hey that’s great! Now, about the floods in Iowa and Nebraska",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110335155879710721,
"tweet_text": "USDA ready to help Nebraska farmers and ranchers recover from recent blizzards, floods",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110651101852909569,
"tweet_text": "Nebraska basketball fires their head coach, Tim Miles, and is now in the hunt for a new head coach. Fred Hoiberg, former Iowa State and Chicago Bulls head coach, is the front running candidate. Wait and see modeactivated. #GBR #Huskers",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1111312910305947649,
"tweet_text": "@vvdouger @SenJohnThune I mentioned Pine Ridge because they are in South Dakota. Nebraska is suffering the same devastating floods, possibly even worse.",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110662859099377664,
"tweet_text": "The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) are offering free water testing to private well owners affected by floods.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110515458334253057,
"tweet_text": "The Coors Co. donated almost 50,000 cans of water to Nebraska and Iowa for flood relief. Basically, 2100 cases of Coors. Major kudos, tho.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110264977590374400,
"tweet_text": "Flood relief center established by UNMC/Nebraska Medicine, UNO",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111308442956910599,
"tweet_text": "Another gut wrenching video of grain bin damage by floods in Nebraska. Economic losses to farmers will be unbelievable.",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1110943651998257152,
"tweet_text": "NDOT announced Wednesday its working to start repairs to roadways and bridges on various emergency projects in northeast Nebraska.",
"class_label": "caution_and_advice"
"tweet_id": 1111268335788933122,
"tweet_text": "LISTEN above for an interview with JC Schemper, President of the US Custom Harvesters, Inc. as they asses flood damage in central Nebraska. @tweets_USCHI #nebraskaflooding @HarvestReport @krvn @NEwheatie",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1112311360577290247,
"tweet_text": "Central Iowa farmers send aid to Nebraska flood victims. The very tops of houses peek through the murky water, people’s belongings floating inside the once-livable homes. #thisisfortdodge #thisisiowa",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110368937324142592,
"tweet_text": "If you missed our 30-minute special on the historic flooding across Nebraska tonight, click below to watch the full show. ὄ7ἿB",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1111313135120642054,
"tweet_text": "Crews with @fema are arriving in Nebraska by the hundreds. Some went door to door today in King Lake letting homeowners know what federal help is available. A disaster recovery center open tomorrow in Valley. It will be a federal resource for flood victims. @KETV",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110857716975702016,
"tweet_text": "@SenMikeLee very cute show yesterday, now explain climate change to @BenSasse and the residents of Nebraska you tiny little dolt. This is why the rest of America should tell them to fuck off when they request aid, luckily for them were better than you!",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1112047248786055168,
"tweet_text": "God bless and comfort and aid in water residing and healing. Am praying for you all affected!!!",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1111359225983307776,
"tweet_text": "Damage from climate change does not hit just 1 political party or the other. Its harming everyone at certain times in some regions. Not in your region yet??? Not to worry. It will be soon enough.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110434143551279105,
"tweet_text": "#mudfloods2019 told you so” more to come @realdonaldtrump summer will be Worst flooding in history, look @Nebraska, damage surpasses 1.3 billion",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1111712083840811008,
"tweet_text": "National Doctors Day is Saturday, March 30. We are honoring our family physicians and PAs in honor of Doctors Day by making a donation in honor of Nebraska Flood Relief in their names! Courtesy of Fairbury Journal-News",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111011191214784512,
"tweet_text": "Charity and compassion will provide more than any government agency can. Not only can you meet each others needs but we become more accepting and welcoming to people that are different when we act in charity instead of handing it over to a bureaucrat.",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1110311865794605057,
"tweet_text": "@TheAthletic @HuskerInSota Saw it. Loved it. Very excited. And appreciate The Athletic helping Nebraska flood victims.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112753409877135361,
"tweet_text": "FRHS has been caring for the #Norfolk community for over 85 years. Join our team as a Benefits Administrator to help us keep the residents of Nebraska healthy! #Benefits",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110602048976891904,
"tweet_text": "#Nebraska Learning Frontiers researchers are partnering with schools statewide to contribute to this national @IESResearch-funded initiative focused on supporting and maintaining childrens early learning. #UNL #RuralEd",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1111481612766769152,
"tweet_text": "Thought this tweet from @NWSWichita was neat, and pulled the data for Nebraska as well. What year was the last tornado warning issued for your location across Nebraska (and Kansas thanks to @NWSWichita). Its been a while for some! #newx #kswx",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110664250203095040,
"tweet_text": "We stand with our colleagues and communities in Nebraska and are adding our financial support for flood relief. #TheStrengthofGiving",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1110636781555326977,
"tweet_text": "The University of Nebraska Medical College makes it possible for more to have a career in Dental Hygiene. #dentalhygienist #dentalcare #makingadifference",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110557472186462208,
"tweet_text": "RT @queenofthenerds: Im raising money for Help Jake the Snake with Nebraska Flood Loss. Click to Donate: via @gof",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111025855147507713,
"tweet_text": "Communities near Glenwood in Iowa can look for colored porch lights to find assistance after recent flooding. They say a green light means you can stop by for fresh water, and a blue light means you can also do laundry there.",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110881759841931265,
"tweet_text": "Recently @PrietoRenae, Manager of your Nebraska State Training team was invited to present on the topic of customer service to a employee group from UNL. This team brings the service. How can we help you? #nestatetraining #behindthescenes #netdishereforyou",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110251453900357638,
"tweet_text": "Call to action: @komonews sister stations in Nebraska and Iowa partnering with @SalvationArmyUS to help with devastating floods in the Midwest ⬇️",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110896438521856000,
"tweet_text": "Intrepid @NTVsSteveWhite navigates thru Howard Co #Nebraska. Many of miles of county roads in this condition around the state. Access points for spring planting could take months to repair. Limited state/fed aid. #NebraksaFlood2019",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1113043303942033408,
"tweet_text": "Our Todd Richardson (fourth from right) was honored at the Barristers’ Ball for his efforts in making equal justice for all a reality in #Nebraska. Proceeds for the evening benefited @nebrbar Nebraska Lawyers Foundation. #HBProBono #HBGivesBack #HBOmaha",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110365308659949568,
"tweet_text": "- Local Farmers Send Convoy To Nebraska Flood Victims",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112768128373702658,
"tweet_text": "Heres daily update on #nebraskaflood2019 from Nebraska Emer Mgmt Agency @NEMAtweets. Federal Emer Mgmt Agency @femaregion7 staff members have traveled throughout the state taking applications for aid. #NebraskaStrong Tip o the hat to Maj Gen Daryl Bohac @NETAGBohac for posting",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112731376334372865,
"tweet_text": "Shoutout to @OrientalTrading for using our 3930R HD Cotton T-Shirts for the 2019 Flood Relief efforts in Nebraska and Iowa. JT sure seems to like them!",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110556067967262722,
"tweet_text": "Click into the photo for Nebraska Launch Party details! In wake of the recent floods, we will be donating $1 from each pint sold to NE Disaster Relief. Come on out as we celebrate our return to the good life” and support a great cause! @QualityBrandsNE",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111726629380739072,
"tweet_text": "@MuellerJayH @AtonB117 @MTRegularGuy @hjwcarroll @SenJohnBarrasso That farm wont be sustainable soon enough if we dont get a grasp on climate change. See those parts of Nebraska and Iowa under water? Those are farms that just got eliminated due to that phenomenon. I dont think you realize how keeping with O&G affects the whole world",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1111373388700778497,
"tweet_text": "An estimated $440 million in crop losses is expected in Nebraska due to recent #flooding, plus another $400 million in livestock losses",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1111356459730849793,
"tweet_text": "@realDonaldTrump Fake news no national emergency at southern border but Nebraska and Iowa are having problems ..",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110327187067060230,
"tweet_text": ".@hankbounds: Every gift helps when members of our community are facing the unexpected. New emergency assistance fund to support NU students, employees facing sudden hardship: #Huskers #NebraskaFloods #NebraskaStrong",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112375310568218625,
"tweet_text": "I have received word and will be deploying on Tuesday morning to Omaha Nebraska, serving in response to the recent devastating flooding across the mid-west. I will be serving on my 14 day deployment as the",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112392560893280257,
"tweet_text": "[DUE TO FLOODING WHICH IS DUE TO CLIMATE ENGINEERING] As Many As A Million Calves Lost In Nebraska” – Beef Prices In The U.S. To Escalate Dramatically In The Coming Months @realDonaldTrump",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1111684410699440128,
"tweet_text": "@USDA Approved #DisasterSNAP and #SchoolMealWaiver for #Nebraska communities effected by #Flooding This aint no time for being prideful. Get them babies fed. ;)",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110606287392395270,
"tweet_text": "Thank you to the Nebraska Instructional Materials Collaborative for helping to introduce our free K–5 Language Arts curriculum. ❤️ These webinars are a great example of states leading on high-quality instruction. #OER",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1111331478267400192,
"tweet_text": "Our relief efforts continue to help those impacted by the flooding in Nebraska! A Werner truck and trailer transported flood relief supplies for the Crossing All Borders Ministry from Lillington, North Carolina to Omaha, Nebraska! #NebraskaStrongὉ9",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110541632062017539,
"tweet_text": "Offering thoughts and prayers for #Holdrege #Nebraska - #PrayForHoldrege",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1113035039397249024,
"tweet_text": "@funkwerks @manhattanbeer Hope launch events mean distributing in Nebraska again! :)",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1112728075144437762,
"tweet_text": "Today, were dispatching part of our Emergency Disaster Services team to Nebraska to serve those affected by the floods. If youre able, please donate - it ensures we can avoid logistical obstacles and give direct aid to those who need it most:",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1113174523430428672,
"tweet_text": "Hay! Donations coming to Nebraska from all around the country #thefencepostnews #agnews",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1113065011323125761,
"tweet_text": "Nebraska baseball (13-9) travels to Manhattan to take on Kansas St. (12-16) tonight at 6pm. Kyle Perry vs. Joey Martin Ill be on the road to Manhattan this afternoon for the ball game. Follow me for updates and let me know of any food suggestions in the Little Apple. #Huskers",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110355408009547777,
"tweet_text": "Lots of good stuff @OWHbigred for some evening reading: A no-update update on Tim Miles: Four-way battle continues at center: #Huskers notes including QB updates, emerging WRs and a rising walk-on RB:",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1111040322572877825,
"tweet_text": "The Department of Agriculture has provided a list of disaster relief resources for farmers and ranchers in Nebraska:",
"class_label": "caution_and_advice"
"tweet_id": 1112439423956934656,
"tweet_text": "Reminder: Today is the last day that we are accepting donations for Nebraska Flood Relief.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112327619142475777,
"tweet_text": "Meet me in #GrandIsland #nebraska this afternoon. In need of #volunteers to help out at #TheCajunNavy Donation Wharehouse. I’ll be getting in around 3ish. Come help out today & Tomorrow",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110324919332687877,
"tweet_text": "NEBRASKA Flood Damaged House/ Eroded Roads via @YouTube",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1110738831861411840,
"tweet_text": "Sandy the Bartender seems to think we need to #DoSomething instead of all this silly #Legislation and #Laws and #Ickystuff. We need to act to raise the level of peoples houses so they wont flood or something. How exactly do we do that? And I need another round of Buds",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1112780380371861509,
"tweet_text": "Add this one to your disaster response toolkits-open CDBG planning grant cycle for disaster recovery. Let’s use all this water to #GrowNe.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112307187613949954,
"tweet_text": "@ginniedj1 @APCentralRegion @AP It drew patients from all of Iowa as well as Missouri and Nebraska. It was a Federal facility, remember, not a state one.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110650421130022914,
"tweet_text": "RT @KentSterling: Nebraska fires @CoachMiles – setting in motion another six or seven year era of mediocrity :",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110679496817029125,
"tweet_text": "BNSF employees and contractors continue to work around the clock to repair track and restore service in parts of Nebraska that have experienced heavy flooding. #Nebraska #NebraskaFlood2019",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110287061007978497,
"tweet_text": "Climate change??? Heres some historical photos for you. Nebraska has my prayers & the flooding is bad but its nothing that hasnt happened over & over.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1112567823665188864,
"tweet_text": "Good news, God answers the sins committed by #Americans, now #US citizens shall feel the pain how they do it to other Poor countries by blocking them food & medication.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1113140179223453696,
"tweet_text": "After the disastrous Heartland Flood, many volunteers and donators are stepping up to the plate. #omaha #nebraska #omahanebraska #midwest #floodsupplies #volunteers #volunteer #donations #heartlandflood #trucking #truckerlife",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111810302474096640,
"tweet_text": "One of our clients, Alan Case, owner of the Nine Quarter Circle farming operation near Delmont, SD, and the operator on the farm Shannon Klumb of Klumb Bros. Farming donated a load of alfalfa hay to farmers and ranchers in Nebraska suffering from flood damage. #NebraskaStrong",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110934146732433408,
"tweet_text": "@NoahCRothman @benshapiro The flooding in Nebraska and Iowa had nothing to do with climate change. It was due to negligence by the Army Corps of Engineers.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110968963436040193,
"tweet_text": "RT @NYFarmer: There is a call out for prairie hay for buffalo herds stranded in Nebraska floods",
"class_label": "requests_or_urgent_needs"
"tweet_id": 1113055635317383168,
"tweet_text": "Affected states are Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Texas, Virginia, Washington and Wyoming.",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110558431415554048,
"tweet_text": ".@jtimberlakes recent concert broke @CHICenterOmahas record for ticket sales, and some of those funds as well as his own money would be assisting the #NebraskaStrong effort to recover from the states record-breaking floods.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110930771806687236,
"tweet_text": "Photos shared by Nebraska Sen. Sasse and Gov. Ricketts show the devastation being left by severe flooding, which includes massive ice chunks.",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1110922150393712643,
"tweet_text": "The drill has started for Saunders County. Tornado sirens will likely sound shortly.",
"class_label": "caution_and_advice"
"tweet_id": 1111722505159561217,
"tweet_text": "@realDonaldTrump I thought it was already built. Did you see all the flooded homes in Nebraska? They don’t have clean water but you are still hung up on your vanity wall. Why haven’t you gone to the Midwest? Don’t you care about your supporters.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1111303942884020224,
"tweet_text": "#takingflight This morning Im flying with the #Nebraska #civilairpatrol. Historic #flooding has us making Levee checks✔️ Ill show you what we find #staytuned @WOWT6News",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1111347864397967360,
"tweet_text": "USDA Approves Disaster SNAP, School Meals Waiver for Nebraska Disaster Areas",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1111043077190418434,
"tweet_text": "Thank you to Michigan farmers for supporting and providing Nebraska farmers with supplies after recent flooding damage. @MichFarmBureau",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1111351408983302144,
"tweet_text": "As Senate reject #GreenNewDeal and any attempt to fight #ClimateChange the cost of this rejection is already huge Devastating floods - Iowa is estimating $1.6 billion in losses, Nebraska $1.3 billion",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110372396551286784,
"tweet_text": "@nancysquinn @LarryWest42 @meg_Y12 @AryaResists @odetteroulette @rhonda_harbison @elynnhardi1 @Augustus709 @LMAO_in_Fla @myserenity69 @qbanqt @DemocracyStorm @DonnaNoble10th @Dolphin_Resist @DrSCubed @DragonStone1963 so what do you make of CNN and MSNBC not covering the flooding thats happening in Iowa and Nebraska??? CNN shut down its Chicago bureau years ago and it shows in the way they cover national news, MSNBC has NBC affiliates and they dont use them, thats telling",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1110895927412359173,
"tweet_text": "@Rambobiggs Not being funny americans, but as a brit i can see her point of view, in that speech she just gave. Im not titty sucking btw, my aunt who lives in nebraska, shared a video or the woman, basically saying it was the banks fault for the flooding for funding it, i thought what a dick",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1113133240825524224,
"tweet_text": "Jeremiah Hayes one of the guys who helped us at Triton Relief Group and busted his butt is now helping families in Nebraska that have suffered from the flooding there! Please take a moment and consider supporting him to help this family in a time of",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111839067191369728,
"tweet_text": "If Nebraska wasnt fly over country, our catastrophic flooding would be on all news channels 24-7. Many of these farmers have lost multi-generational farms and wont be able to even plant this year. And last years crops in storage are ruined as well.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1111713617802493952,
"tweet_text": "USA – NOAA Warns Historic, Widespread Flooding to Continue Into May Nebraska facing one of its worst floods in history, and wide areas of Iowa, Wisconsin and Missouri also flooded. Read More: Article courtesy of FloodList News",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1112827013440602113,
"tweet_text": "RT @tbweig: .@ChuckGrassley today talking about disaster relief for Iowa and Nebraska.",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110360553451589633,
"tweet_text": "@EmilyRittman @KCTV5 Iowa & Nebraska had to deal with this last week. It’s truly unfortunate and I hope everyone is safe and damage is minimal",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1113167409354027015,
"tweet_text": "Watch : Nebraska Flood Relief #NebraskaFlood Not getting MSM attention.",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110376015145115648,
"tweet_text": "I need your help! We’re one vote away from getting LB163 out of committee, which would allow every county in Nebraska the choice to do vote by mail! This increases turnout, saves costs, and is 100% up to the counties to decide. More info: #NELeg",
"class_label": "requests_or_urgent_needs"
"tweet_id": 1113223033131548674,
"tweet_text": "Appreciated the opportunity to visit w/ @JeffFortenberry today about the Universitys flood relief efforts, workforce development/talent retention in Nebraska, & outstanding ag programs at @UNLincoln @UNL_IANR. Thx Congressman for meeting w/ @hankbounds, @TimClareNU & NU regents.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111660735044743168,
"tweet_text": "Hy-Vee is donating to the American Red Cross of Nebraska and Southwest Iowa. Join us in supporting our neighbors devastated by flooding and donate directly to the Nebraska and Southwest Iowa American Red Cross chapter at .",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1113196288798015489,
"tweet_text": "WW is collecting supplies to be delievered to flood victims in Nebraska. Details in the attached flyer. #WWeGrow COMMUNITY",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112899231579336704,
"tweet_text": "Senate Republicans wanted a package worth roughly $13.5 billion that would have included aid for those suffering in the aftermath of historic floods that inundated millions of acres of farmland in Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Iowa.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1113058078612688896,
"tweet_text": "Midwest flooding: Farmers hit hard by deadly floodwaters react to devastating loss - CBS News",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1112692167531773953,
"tweet_text": "@realDonaldTrump I have some Red Carpet for all your accomplishments while in office, thank you we need to meet again in north Platte Nebraska, we need to talk here about something that has to do with my life, please dont delay..",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1112115680051105795,
"tweet_text": "@bowtiesareco We were asked to send our national guard to Nebraska so they are having trouble finding volunteers here. If I were physically able, Id be there in a heartbeat.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1113093464802103296,
"tweet_text": "Winter is finally over. And I am ready for the Nebraska spring game. On the field, trust the Huskers. For storm damage to your roof, siding or windows, trust @HuskerHammer. #TrustTheHammer. #ad",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1111717801054662658,
"tweet_text": "Lets all focus on Jussie smollett mueller and all of the other msm garbage. The real news is the catastrophic flooding in Nebraska over a mil calves lost . This will be news when your grocery bill goes up 100% #Anonymous #qanon #Climate #FridayThoughts",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110593000797814784,
"tweet_text": "The SHSU Sigma Alpha-Beta Pi chapter is raising money through selling these t-shirts for our philanthropy for the semester. All proceeds will be sent to those that were affected by the Nebraska flooding. Shipping will be $5 dollars. We have a Venmo set up that you can pay with!",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110314000947077123,
"tweet_text": "Its Severe Weather Awareness Week in Nebraska! Check this out, these are all tornadoes reported in the state since 1950. While any tornado can be deadly, weve had 94 EF-3s, 31 EF-4s, and only 1 EF-5. May and June are typically the most active months, but they form any month.",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110504953129431040,
"tweet_text": "My heart goes out to all those affected by the historic flooding in Nebraska, Iowa, and Wisconsin. I will do everything I can to make sure that these communities get the resources they need to fully recover.",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1111290643542872064,
"tweet_text": "JOB: Lincoln NE USA - Medical Technologist - Performs blood chemistry analysis entailing the determinatio: Performs blood chemistry analysis entailing the determination of the presence and amount of various substances in the bl JOBS #LINCOLN #NEBRASKA",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110965153334464514,
"tweet_text": "So when you are sitting in a flood recovery donations center in Nebraska and conversation turns to how we all got connected.. the answer. @CherylBle #Catalyst",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1112483429902401538,
"tweet_text": "Thanks to the large number of farmers in #FultonCounty and surrounding area who left for Nebraska today to give hay, straw, and supplies to farmers suffering from the recent storms. #HelpingOthers #Generosity #Nebraskastrong",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110873806464270336,
"tweet_text": "We drove to Nebraska today to document the devastation of the floods and assist with rescue efforts. I will never be the same after what I saw today. Ὁ4",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110302239049072641,
"tweet_text": "1/2 Congrats to everyone who supported last Friday’s #NebraskaStrong Drive for Flood Relief. Led by Nebraska’s radio & tv stations, $441,919 was raised for the @RedCross!! Our company was proud to donate $5,000 on behalf of all @Channel8ABC employees. @BroadlyServing",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110389650886193153,
"tweet_text": "My heart goes out to the people of #Nebraska and anyone with family or friends out there suffering. If there is anything we can do to help, please speak up. Were here. ὉB #NebraskaStrong For those interested, here are more than 20 ways you can help:",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1111109198446628864,
"tweet_text": "@Franklin_Graham @lindamac12steps @SamaritansPurse Nebraska is going to need a lot of help when that flooding goes away need to have a little bit of prayer going on to help me between now and then",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1111294078245847043,
"tweet_text": "My home state of Nebraska has suffered the worst flooding in it’s history! Please help support flood victims by donating to the American Red Cross #NebraskaStrong Drive for Flood Relief. Call 844-278-8555 today. Please RT to spread the word! Thank you!",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111624715821441024,
"tweet_text": "Canton Township couple to donate hay to Nebraska flood victims via @oronline This is how Americans really are! It warms my heart.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110567565095522305,
"tweet_text": "In 2011, the federal government took a month to approve Nebraska’s request for federal assistance. This time, it only took two days for our request to get approved by President Donald Trump. Why such a",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1111297341066235911,
"tweet_text": "> #MidwestFlooding: Water safety is threatened for 1 million wells, reports @cnnhealth. Were there helping our neighbors in numerous Nebraska counties; see how:",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111313476226420736,
"tweet_text": "Nebraska Schools ‘Stuff the Bus’ for Flood Victims",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110631623416922112,
"tweet_text": "RT @kdefreezy: @TIME ALSO - catastrophic flooding taking out most of the state of Nebraska. #Flooding2019 #nebraskastrong #helpnebraska",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110300348672102401,
"tweet_text": "Former Chambers residents were killed in a double homicide case in Douglas, Nebraska. We extend our sympathies to their family members.",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1113081211801436160,
"tweet_text": "Were proud to serve amazing food, but even prouder to serve the community. Thats why were donating 10% of todays sales to support @MentorTeamMates. Enjoy a meal at any Nebraska #Runza today and support TeamMates!",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111272349809156097,
"tweet_text": "Nebraska Weather forecast for Thursday, March 28 (1 of 2): Flood Warnings continue for areas surrounding the Missouri River on the Nebraska side from Tekamah south to Falls City. A Flood Warning is also in effect for Dawes County which runs through tonight at 9:30pm MST.",
"class_label": "caution_and_advice"
"tweet_id": 1111548990301110272,
"tweet_text": "@Sarge3012 @forcedexit Excellent article about punishing legit pain patients. Would love to speak w you about possible interview elaborating on the damage being done to millions of Americans. Side note, CORRECTION needed: ur article cites Nebraska settling lawsuit w Perdue, it should reflect Oklahoma.",
"class_label": "not_humanitarian"
"tweet_id": 1113019187813810177,
"tweet_text": "Risk: Flood waters have reached eight Superfund sites in Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska, including some with toxic and radioactive materials. @fortunemagazine",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110987364728557568,
"tweet_text": "Winslow, Nebraska faces an uphill fight in the flood recovery. We had anywhere between five to seven foot of water that went through town.",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1111857411919212544,
"tweet_text": "American Farmers and Ranchers impacted by the floods in Nebraska Click to Donate: via @gofundme",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1113215812913876992,
"tweet_text": "A Kansas woman bought the remaining shoes - including 162 pairs of baby shoes - at a closing Payless store so she could give them to Nebraska flood victims.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111298925632331776,
"tweet_text": "Edina Grange Hall collecting donations for Nebraska flood victims this Saturday",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110640735462805506,
"tweet_text": "In response to the damages and livestock carnage resulting from the recent Nebraska storms and flooding, the @usdafsa of Nebraska is providing special relief for livestock producers. Should you have questions contact our FSA program lead, Matthew Farrell",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110269535297384448,
"tweet_text": "News: (NE) Assistance is Available to Help Those Impacted by Nebraska Natural Disaster” Read here:",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1113075627907862533,
"tweet_text": "Please can I ask all of @OfficialLivePD @LivePDNation to pray for Nebraska ὤFἿBWe have cousins living in these affected areas and they and Nebraska need all the prayers they can get ❣️ ὢ2 Thank you all",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1110695142112051201,
"tweet_text": "The vulnerable parts of these regions in particular will need to adjust expectations for how often a once-in-a-lifetime flood occurs, because they very well may end up being once-in-a-mortgage-cycle floods.” @SarahFRobinson @ClimateCentral",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110928799045169154,
"tweet_text": "The @usairforce says it needs $4.9 billion additional funding to rebuild @TeamTyndall in Florida severely damaged by Hurricane Michael in October and @Offutt_AFB in Nebraska devastated by recent flooding.",
"class_label": "infrastructure_and_utility_damage"
"tweet_id": 1112110087542398977,
"tweet_text": "@WISH_TV Volunteers from Boone/Montgomery county deliver supplies for Nebraska relief",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111703019220025345,
"tweet_text": "The University of Nebraska Foundation has established a new fund to support students at UNO and the other NU campuses who are facing sudden financial hardship from the recent flood or other emergency situations. Make a donation or find other ways to help:",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1110360724113481730,
"tweet_text": "#NEBRASKA STATE OF EMERGENCY Last weeks blizzard & heavy rain fall caused devastating floods in rural Nebraska. Help is needed. Monetary #donations use the links below: Thank you for considering donating to help #rural #America!",
"class_label": "requests_or_urgent_needs"
"tweet_id": 1110302212008394752,
"tweet_text": "2/2 and thank you to @jtimberlake who also showed his support for the #NebraskaStrong effort to aid the victims of the state’s historic flooding in Nebraska & SW Iowa.",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1111718209579823104,
"tweet_text": "United We Stand !! God Bless Our Farmers~ !! Sending Suppliesnot illegal immigrants!!!!",
"class_label": "sympathy_and_support"
"tweet_id": 1112897452108120064,
"tweet_text": "The American Spirit ἟A἟8 Neighbors Helping Neighbors More Than 50 Farmers & Businesses Sent Hay & Supplies to Farmers in Nebraska ὄ7 God Bless Our Farmers ὤ7‍♀️",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1113254745236398080,
"tweet_text": "We spent 8+ hours today with @Raytheon and @TeamRubicon assisting in the #Flood #CleanUp efforts in southeast #Nebraska. What a GREAT experience! #nebraskaflood2019 #nebraskafloods #volunteers #newx #helpingothers #helpinghand #NebraskaStrong",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110916855915532288,
"tweet_text": "Were partnering with @smithsonian and @MorrillHallUNL to present a workshop at the Nebraska History Museum this Friday at 10am on preserving treasured possessions after recent devastating flooding. More information ὄ7",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1112024103345631237,
"tweet_text": "Request help, offer help. Flood relief mobile app. #flood #nebraska #nestrong Free! Apple: Android:",
"class_label": "requests_or_urgent_needs"
"tweet_id": 1110910001126756352,
"tweet_text": "A caravan filled with supplies for farmers in Nebraska left early this morning. Thanks to Trisha for the video. STORY:",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"
"tweet_id": 1110319263011745799,
"tweet_text": "Weve seen historic flooding across eastern Nebraska over the last few weeks and weve seen several of these - Flash Floods. They usually occur due to heavy rain, but dam and levee failures as well as ice jams can cause flash flooding! #newx #SWAW",
"class_label": "other_relevant_information"
"tweet_id": 1110278358921809925,
"tweet_text": "A bit more info: Those areas affected by the floods the worst in Nebraska will see social workers from the nearest region coming by to provide assistance! If you see a social worker out there, please thank them for their hard work. They have traveled far to provide support!",
"class_label": "rescue_volunteering_or_donation_effort"