We want to standardizer on the 2023 headers except remove the line with units and put that in the metadata file. We need to 1. Make 1980 - 1998 4 yr digits 3. Add tide with a value of 99.00 for all years pre 2000 2. Add 0 in for mm pre 2005 (header and values) We will do all this in Python 1980 -1998 YY,MM,DD,hh,WD,WSPD,GST,WVHT,DPD,APD,MWD,BAR,ATMP,WTMP,DEWP,VIS 1999 - this year only but it is the same ones we care about until 2004 - 4 digit yr YYYY,MM,DD,hh,WD,WSPD,GST,WVHT,DPD,APD,MWD,BAR,ATMP,WTMP,DEWP,VIS 2000-2004 - we can ignore TIDE it is never filled in YYYY,MM,DD,hh,WD,WSPD,GST,WVHT,DPD,APD,MWD,BAR,ATMP,WTMP,DEWP,VIS,TIDE 2005 - 2006 - we add minutes YYYY,MM,DD,hh,mm,WD,WSPD,GST,WVHT,DPD,APD,MWD,BAR,ATMP,WTMP,DEWP,VIS,TIDE 2007 - 2022 - we rename the headers but the variables stay the same, we also add the units on the line below #YY,MM,DD,hh,mm,WDIR,WSPD,GST,WVHT,DPD,APD,MWD,PRES,ATMP,WTMP,DEWP,VIS,TIDE #yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,degT,m/s,m/s,m,sec,sec,degT,hPa,degC,degC,degC,mi,ft 2023 #YY,MM,DD,hh,mm,WDIR,WSPD,GST,WVHT,DPD,APD,MWD,PRES,ATMP,WTMP,DEWP,VIS,TIDE #yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,degT,m/s,m/s,m,sec,sec,deg,hPa,degC,degC,degC,nmi,ft