[ |
{ |
"instruction": "Classify the following message as Scam, Junk, or Non-junk.", |
"input": "入境處最後一次通知,您的香港身分證須更新", |
"output": "Scam" |
}, |
{ |
"instruction": "Classify the following message as Scam, Junk, or Non-junk.", |
"input": "你銀行戶口有問題喎!將錢轉到XX銀行戶口,證明是你本人操作,否則會凍結你銀行戶口", |
"output": "Scam" |
}, |
{ |
"instruction": "Classify the following message as Scam, Junk, or Non-junk.", |
"input": "感谢您对汇丰香港的支持!随时随地掌握您的银行户口服务及功能,欢迎随时联络我们,您亦可关注汇丰香港微信公众号或登录汇丰香港的官方网站,了解更多。查询 (852) 2233 3000。", |
"output": "Non-junk" |
}, |
{ |
"instruction": "Classify the following message as Scam, Junk, or Non-junk.", |
"input": "[Access granted] Your request to access model meta-llama/Llama-3.3-70B-Instruct has been accepted", |
"output": "Non-junk" |
}, |
{ |
"instruction": "Classify the following message as Scam, Junk, or Non-junk.", |
"input": "小心騙徒偷你錢!\n最近有騙徒冒充警務人員,套取市民銀行戶口資料及密碼,以及透過屏幕共享控制其手機盗取金錢!\n警方絕不會要求市民轉賬、提供戶口密碼或者進行屏幕共享。\n如懷疑受騙,請即致電「防騙易」熱線18222查詢。", |
"output": "Non-junk" |
}, |
{ |
"instruction": "Classify the following message as Scam, Junk, or Non-junk.", |
"input": "【Mannings】:閣下賬戶 積分(6156分)將於今日到期!請立即進行禮品兌換:hkwanIngasd.vip/i", |
"output": "Scam" |
}, |
{ |
"instruction": "Classify the following message as Scam, Junk, or Non-junk.", |
"input": "SmarTone特選客戶專享|Ingrid Millet英格蜜兒【聖誕美療4選1】", |
"output": "Junk" |
}, |
{ |
"instruction": "Classify the following message as Scam, Junk, or Non-junk.", |
"input": "英格蜜兒預祝您聖誕快樂🎄🥳,現特意為您送上專享禮遇!即日起至12月31日,SmarTone 特選客戶可經https://www.smartone.com/hk/ingridmillet24_dec 領取【美療4選1】+ 網上預付額外贈皇牌魚子活肌套裝 (共6件|總值$985),令您佳節以最佳形象示人!\n\n1.【$380/次】PicoPro淡斑嫩膚療程 – 榮獲FDA及CE認證,最強淡斑技術,擊退各樣色素色斑 或\n2.【$380/次】黃金索眼部療程 – 激活眼肌膠原重組及更生,緊緻提升 或\n3.【$588/次】金箔美白HIFU療程 – 強效收緊皮膚及迅速提拉,配合金箔排出肌膚毒素,活化細胞 或\n4.【$380/次】增肌減脂 – 輕鬆強化肌肉,溶解深層頑固脂肪及收緊肌膚\n]n立即WhatsApp預約:6188 6216\n\n*優惠只適用於英格蜜兒新客戶。禮品名額有限,先到先得,送完即止。\n受條款及細則約束。查詢 2581 2666 / 取消 2159 3960\n數碼通電訊有限公司 – 香港九龍觀塘觀塘道378 號創紀之城第二期 31 樓", |
"output": "Junk" |
}, |
{ |
"instruction": "Classify the following message as Scam, Junk, or Non-junk.", |
"input": "Click link to unsubscribe", |
"output": "Junk" |
}, |
{ |
"instruction": "Classify the following message as Scam, Junk, or Non-junk.", |
"input": "Click link to manage notification", |
"output": "Junk" |
} |
] |