stringlengths 14
What is an abutment? |
What is Acid Rock Drainage? |
What is an anticline? |
What is an arch? |
What is Arching? |
What is an assay? |
What is an auger? |
What is backfill? |
What is a balk/baulk? |
What does it mean to bar down? |
What is a beam? |
What is beam building? |
What is a bearing plate? |
What is a bed? |
What is bedding plane slip? |
What are bedding planes? |
What is a bit? |
What is block caving? |
What is bolt torque? |
What is a bord? |
What is Brownfield exploration? |
What is bulk commodity? |
What are cable bolts? |
What is a cap? |
What is a centre leg? |
What is a chemical cartridge? |
What is a chock? |
What is a collar? |
What is compressive stress? |
What is Comminution? |
What is a core? |
What is a country rock? |
What is a cover? |
What is creep? |
What is a cross-measure drift? |
What is a crush? |
What is a cutter? |
What is a cycle? |
What is a de-stressed zone? |
What is a diamond drill? |
What is a cut-off grade? |
What is displacement? |
What is a dolly? |
What is a dowel? |
What is downcast? |
What is a drift? |
What is a drifter? |
What are drill bits? |
What is drill steel? |
What is a dyke? |
What is electrowinning? |
What is the face? |
What is a falcon? |
What is a fault? |
What is a fissure? |
What is a floater? |
What is foliation? |
What is a footwall? |
What are friction bolts? |
What is froth-floation? |
What is gangue? |
What is a geological structure? |
What is geology? |
What is geotechnical engineering? |
What is a goaf? |
What is ground control? |
What is a hanging wall? |
What is Induced stress? |
What is In-situ stress? |
What is a Jack-leg? |
What is a Joint? |
What is lagging? |
What is leaching? |
What is lithology? |
What is longwall mining? |
What is metallurgical coal? |
What is a mine roof? |
What is open end pillaring? |
What is an ore? |
What does out-bye mean? |
What is over-break? |
What is an overcast? |
What is a pillar? |
What is a prop? |
What is pyrite? |
What is ravelling? |
What is reclamation? |
What is reinforcement? |
What is the release of load? |
What is resin bolting? |
What is retreat mining? |
What is a rib? |
What is rib support? |
What is a rock bolt? |
What is rock bolting? |
What is rock mass? |
What is room and pillar mining? |
What is a rotary drill? |
What is run of mine? |
What is sampling? |
Subsets and Splits