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problems . Hence says Rabbi Simeon ben
Jochai ( Tanis 6a ) " if Israel does not fulfil
the wish of the Lord , failing to serve the
Lord God with all their visionary power ,
the work will have to be done by each
individual " .
They will not work in union . If physical power , spiritual power
and visionary power is not united , man will remain in his heart
selfish and think only of one's personal advantage to
gratify selfish aims , then each man will gather-in
for himself only , instead of all to help to gather your
corn , your wine and your oil .
Freedom from want cannot be fulfilled nor
freedom from fear , fear of starvation in the
midst of plenty . Help will not be easily forth-
coming for the people in need . They will
think of the animals first ( which is of course
our duty ) . Of course the individual will
eat and be full but : " Take heed to yourself ,
that your heart be not deceived , and 1ye turn
aside , and serve other gods , and worship them " ,
the yourself is thy greatest enemy , the self-
seeking self .
And you serve Mammon and God . And you cannot serve
two masters , and you worship self-interest , isolating
yourself , under such conditions the goods are your gods .
" And then the Lord's wrath be kindled against you , and he
shut up the heavens , that there is no rain , and that the land
yield not her fruit and lest 1ye perish quickly from off the
good land which the Lord 1giveth you . "
For without the vision to serve the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with all your might
the problem of life cannot be solved . " Therefore shall 1ye lay
up these my words in your heart and in your soul . " The text
adds and in your soul , searching your soul .
And the sequence in the text is different than
in the first part of the Shmah , we have first " and
to bind them for a sign upon your hand , that
they may be as frontlets between your eyes . " First to
bind them to have the vision and then " And 1ye
shall teach them to your children . " And as we have go-
ne through the mill , we need not teach them
to the children any more diligently and the
children will grasp now what will befall
them without visionary power .
And the tsitsits had a message sealed inside the knots
just as there is a message sealed in the four emblems which
are used on Passover , to depict the " time of our freedom " .
And they are ( 1 ) Matzo ; ( 2 ) Bitter Herbs ; ( 3 ) Salt-water and
Charauses ( a kind of fruit mixture in likeness of the
appearance of mortar ) ; and ( 4 ) an attitude to lean
back .
( 1 ) Matzos is deficient bread , ( LECHEM ANJO in Hebrew ) ,
so are we deficient without spiritual knowledge , and to
cure our mental incapacity we should be willing
to learn . Education is always the most important task .
Education gives : Freedom of Speech . ( 2 ) Bitter Herbs
symbolises the bitterness that is hurled against us .
We eat it . We accept it , to show we have self-control
and that God dwells within us .
Self-control gives us : Freedom to worship God . ( 3 ) Salt Water and Charauses :
the salt-water at the Seder-Table represents the Covenant of the Torah
( MELACH BRITH ELOHECHO in Hebrew , Salt is the covenant of 1thy God ,
Levit. 2 , 13 . ) Salt preserves and we should have this salt in
ourselves and have peace with one-another . And the sweet
Mortar ( the CHARAUSES in Hebrew ) that binds all the " hard-
facts " together and explains them , represents the Oral
Tradition .
We dip into both , at the Seder . And we want to understand
more of the Torah and the Oral Tradition , our inheritance .
Living the life of the Torah ( " dipping-in " ) makes us
meek : " But the meek shall inherit the earth ; and shall
delight themselves in the abundance of Peace " ( Psalm 37 ,
11 ) . That gives us freedom from want .
( 1 ) Matzo represents Peshat ; ( 2 ) Moraur
represents Remez ; ( 3 ) Dipping-in represents
Derush ; ( 4 ) Leaning-back represents Saud .
( This is the PARDUS . ) Matzo represents
the literal meaning of Pesach which
is called : The Feast of Matzos . The
Bitter-Herbs represent the spiritual
principle and this gives us " a wink " ( Remez )
how to live and accept all the bitterness
that is hurled against us . The Salt-water
and the sweet Mortar in which we dip-in represents
the richness of the Law and that we should
And we answer , that the Lord our God gave us " four freedoms "
without which Society cannot make progress . And we drink
" four cups " to thank the Lord our God for the " four
freedoms " which are Divine . There are four ways of
redemption : ( 1 ) I will bring you out from under the
burdens of Egypt . ( 2 ) I will rid you of their bondage .
( 3 ) I will redeem you . ( 4 ) I will take you to me for a
people . ( 1 ) I will bring you out from under the
burdens of Egypt : How was it that Israel was
brought out from under the burdens of Egypt ?
Because , they kept the Passover and they were
eating Matzos in Egypt and the " Feast of Matzos "
was known even to Abraham and Lot .
The new century opened with James 1 ascending