# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Datasets Authors and Serivce Now Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """This is a loading script for the Stack-Repo dataset""" import csv import json import os from pathlib import Path import datasets _CITATION = """\ @article{shrivastava2023repofusion, title={RepoFusion: Training Code Models to Understand Your Repository}, author={Shrivastava, Disha and Kocetkov, Denis and de Vries, Harm and Bahdanau, Dzmitry and Scholak, Torsten}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.10998}, year={2023} } """ _DESCRIPTION = """\ This is the Stack-Repo dataset """ _HOMEPAGE = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/RepoFusion/Stack-Repo" _LICENSE = "other" _SOURCES = { 'test': [ 'thekoc', 'JellyBrother', 'shuli495', 'xiao-ren-wu', 'UzcDevelopmentTeam', 'Penguinz22', 'andrewvmail', 'richard-trotter', 'SlimPay', 'teknux-org', 'FIXTradingCommunity', 'Juliana-Felipe', 'exasol', 'iBiber', 'sebaslogen', 'billmcchesney1', 'ms-showcase', 'mP1', 'yokotaso', 'ErikHage', 'shadaileng', 'regular-project', 'wiwilin', '1273091433', 'liangxiong3403', 'wangzlei', 'Vitaliy-Yakovchuk', 'anshul-mohil', 'MarceloCavassani', 'cwhelan', 'score-server', 'meyer5', 'SeSac-Cloud-Backend-4', 'Hugo-Gao', 'Olivia0202', 'IceIce1ce', '4pxzhou', 'bboylin', 'acolebourne', '1725762388', 'iViolinSolo', 'diaolingzc', 'trungtuan', 'havenmoney', 'speak2me', 'VincenzoArceri', 'exadel-inc', 'JohnReeson', 'CyiceK', 'Vooy' ], 'train': [ 'ValeriyKnyazhev', 'leshiv', 'MfromAzeroth', 'wugjin', 'MarbleDice', 'hivijayreddy', 'sidpatel-github', 'hellorizon', 'CreativePenguin', 'maulikpandey', 'a630140621', 'luminiusa', 'ot-maksim', 'akash-coded', 'eddiewgj', 'a616707902', 'oasis9', 'DeyanZhelyazkov', 'yweng47', 'JCThePants', 'Gorlem', 'dongjihui666', 'mediatrue', 'david2999999', 'comme-il-faut', 'jannal', 'tfjybj', 'DimkaGorhover', 'ZhangTizo', 'CIDARLAB', 'DwArFeng', 'mbarkley', 'VladRomanchuk', 'vivekmalhotragithub', 'android-little-boy', 'patrik999', 'madanalogy', 'TheTrueColonel', 'TreeZhiyuan', 'sistcoop', 'java-ea', 'DarwinReforged', 'DougEdey', '402d', 'wangdingfeng', 'WeiziPlus', 'fabionery', 'famartinrh', 'rghvgrv', 'QuincySx', 'raphaelcohn', 'hYdos', 'tacticalrce', 'danielkrajnik', 'SeanDecker1', 'bahaahussein', 'Team1772', 'zengfanmao', 'Hopp-Stu', 'My-DIGI-ID', 'slickqa', 'opentok', 'Manolomon', 'denhatmong', 'baishuo', 'zli78122', 'kenichi-ando', 'pengcash', 'Princelo', 'RuthDirnfeld', 'HRI-EU', 'jan438', 'sd2438892', 'rsofista', 'mpsitech', 'AvaN0x', 'JDode', 'dreadwail', 'pcjs156', 'MrWe', 'smallxiongxiong', 'wuxinlingluan', 'FLxmw', 'TransFICC', 'fengpod', 'orient33', 'hamsterxc', 'diegolemospadilha', 'CheRut', 'ToreAad', 'AndrewHYC', 'Azagwen', 'Ndivhuwo', 'gou02rav32', 'CDZR0', 'MFunction96', 'google', 'mariodavid', 'jacksontenorio8', 'DieguinhoHR' ], 'val': [ 'malcolmgreaves', 'atlasapi', 'HeXavi8', 'fank243', 'StealWonders', 'asyakasimova', 'truthiswill', 'swiatecki', 'yanjingfan', 'vamnoize', 'Eugenemdk', 'explodingnuggets', 'MartinItsLinda', 'Web-Programmer-B-P', 'SergeyZhernovoy', 'sunhaidong', 'marcogrella', 'C0DEC0L0NY', 'JustinZuidgeest', 'ShareWiFi', 'ConusDaktis', 'lqhshishen', 'vaginessa', 'Juansero29', 'meghbhalerao', 'YunLemon', 'MeiVinEight', 'Huawei-DTSE-India-Delhi-NCR', 'ym-monkey', 'Selim042', 'ValentinGiboulot', 'jesusbmx', 'FantasybabyChange', 'zegelin', 'MeasureAuthoringTool', 'death-knight', 'abargnesi', 'cmunilla', 'sladyn98', 'jhaprabhatt', 'smartsv-dev', 'Lavaong', 'ShahabGT', 'WXB2010', 'digideskio', 'p1r9t3', 'chathamabate', 'heymysweetheart', 'blockchain-etl', 'Jeniel557' ] } class StackRepo(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): """This is a builder class for the Stack-Repo dataset""" VERSION = datasets.Version("1.0.0") BUILDER_CONFIGS = [ datasets.BuilderConfig( name="bm25_contexts", version=VERSION, description="This part of the dataset covers bm25 contexts" ), datasets.BuilderConfig( name="PP_contexts", version=VERSION, description="This part of the dataset covers PP contexts" ), datasets.BuilderConfig( name="randomNN_contexts", version=VERSION, description="This part of the dataset covers randomNN contexts" ), datasets.BuilderConfig( name="sources", version=VERSION, description="This part of the dataset covers java file sources used in building other configurations" ), ] def _info(self): if self.config.name == 'sources': features = datasets.Features({ 'file': datasets.Value('string'), 'content': datasets.Value('string') }) else: features = datasets.Features({ 'id': datasets.Value('string'), 'hole_file': datasets.Value('string'), 'hole_line': datasets.Value('int32'), 'hole_pos': datasets.Value('int32'), 'question': datasets.Value('string'), 'target': datasets.Value('string'), 'answers': datasets.Sequence( datasets.Value('string') ), 'ctxs': [{ 'title': datasets.Value('string'), 'text': datasets.Value('string'), 'score': datasets.Value('float64') }] }) return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=features, homepage=_HOMEPAGE, license=_LICENSE, citation=_CITATION, ) @property def manual_download_instructions(self): # We are ok if user specifies local path instead of dataset name and data_dir # for sources configuration and other configurations can be downloaded from the hub # automatically. So, we manipulate return value here to get around manual_dir is None # check in _check_manual_download # NOTE: this hack can broke if implementaion of the _check_manual_download will change # TODO: override _check_manual_download instead if self.config.name == 'sources': if not self.dl_manager.manual_dir is None: base_path = Path(self.dl_manager.manual_dir) else: base_path = Path(self.base_path) if base_path.expanduser().absolute().is_dir(): return None return ( "first download the dataset to a local folder with " "git clone https://huggingface.co/datasets/RepoFusion/Stack-Repo " "" ) else: return None def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): splits = [ (datasets.Split.TRAIN, 'train'), (datasets.Split.TEST, 'test'), (datasets.Split.VALIDATION, 'val') ] if not dl_manager.manual_dir is None: base_path = Path(dl_manager.manual_dir) else: base_path = Path(self.base_path) if self.config.name == 'sources': src = { split[0]: [ el.relative_to(base_path) for el in (base_path / f'data/{split[1]}/').rglob('*.java') ] for split in splits } else: src = { split[0]: [ f'data/{split[1]}/{el}/hole_and_{self.config.name}.json' for el in _SOURCES[split[1]] ] for split in splits } data_dir = dl_manager.download_and_extract(src) return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=split[0], gen_kwargs={ "filepaths": data_dir[split[0]], "base_path": base_path }, ) for split in splits ] def _generate_examples(self, filepaths, base_path): for filepath in filepaths: if self.config.name == 'sources': filepath = Path(filepath) file = str(filepath.relative_to(base_path)) yield file, { 'file': file, 'content': filepath.read_text() } else: with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f: for row in f: data = json.loads(row) parts = data['id'].rsplit('_', 2) data['hole_file'] = str(base_path / parts[0]) data['hole_line'] = int(parts[1]) data['hole_pos'] = int(parts[2]) yield data['id'], data